

Speaker 2
00:02:46 Right.
00:01:36 OK, I think internet's working. I don't see any dropped frames, which is a little amazing because.
Speaker 4
00:01:45 Uh, the the.
00:01:46 The download speeds here are are not good like at all.
00:01:50 I can't even I can barely load a web page up.
Speaker 5
00:01:54 But uh, it's it's streaming, so Oh no, I'm dropping frames.
00:01:58 I'm dropping frames.
00:02:01 I spoke way too soon.
00:02:04 I spoke way too soon.
00:02:07 Yeah, it's it's dropping lots of frames.
Speaker 4
00:02:11 Son of a biotch.
00:02:13 It was working so.
Speaker 5
00:02:14 Well, during the intro.
00:02:17 Well, I am recording this.
00:02:19 So uh, you know.
00:02:23 Hopefully hopefully this will this will smooth itself out.
00:02:28 Hopefully it'll smooth out.
00:02:29 Hopefully you guys can hear me.
00:02:30 I don't even know if you guys can hear me.
00:02:31 Probably can't hear me right now.
00:02:34 Let me change the background that seems to really affect whether or not.
00:02:42 There, huh?
00:02:43 OK, well, it stopped dropping frames when I killed the background.
00:02:48 So that that could be good.
00:02:53 That could be good.
00:02:53 We might not have a background today, guys.
00:02:57 We might not have a background.
00:02:59 That's odd.
00:03:02 OK.
00:03:04 Well, let me see if you can handle my.
Speaker 6
00:03:07 Little voice Deeley.
00:03:09 Let me see here.
Speaker 6
00:03:12 UM.
00:03:15 Yeah, it's been Internet has not been my friend today.
00:03:19 Internet has been very.
00:03:27 Unspectacular, I guess.
00:03:29 Alright, well, it's.
00:03:31 It's not dropping frames yet.
00:03:33 Oh, no, there it goes.
00:03:36 Yeah, I don't, I don't think.
00:03:36 I can handle this.
Speaker 7
00:03:41 Let me see.
00:03:44 All right, now we're back to no frames getting dropped.
00:03:46 All right, well.
00:03:48 Ohh, just a black screen.
00:03:50 I don't know.
00:03:50 I feel like we need at least a picture of there.
Speaker 4
00:03:53 This is like I can't just have.
00:03:55 A black screen.
00:03:57 Uh. Let's see here.
00:04:01 I have an idea.
00:04:04 I don't know.
00:04:04 Let me see here.
00:04:06 Let's find me a picture.
00:04:08 Let's find a picture.
00:04:11 That might represent.
00:04:13 What's going on?
00:04:14 Well, see, I can't.
Speaker 4
00:04:15 Have to use the Internet to find a picture.
00:04:18 Ohh God.
00:04:20 Alright, let's see if what if I've got any wonderful pictures loaded up here already?
00:04:26 Well, that'd be that'd be a little too edgy.
00:04:28 I can't do that.
00:04:30 That would be.
00:04:30 That would be a little much.
00:04:33 Ah, let's see.
00:04:40 Well, I mean, there's a lot of stuff here.
00:04:46 How about this?
00:04:46 Since I still don't know.
Speaker 4
00:04:48 The joke by.
00:04:48 The way just so you know, I'm not.
00:04:51 I don't know the joke behind this.
Speaker 4
00:04:54 But I'm going to.
00:04:55 Put it up.
00:04:56 Because people keep telling me to look it up, but I keep not.
00:04:59 Looking at maybe I will do that tonight.
Speaker 5
00:05:02 Alright, no, no frames are dropping.
00:05:05 So that's good. That's good.
00:05:09 **** me. Yeah. Internet's been a ***** ** **** today, like all day. And I kept thinking like, well, it'll clear up.
Speaker 5
00:05:16 Right.
00:05:16 It's this, it's going to.
Speaker 4
00:05:17 Clear up.
00:05:18 And then it wouldn't clear up.
00:05:20 And then it kept not clearing up.
00:05:22 And so eventually I just said, OK, I'm I'm going to close anything and everything down and just ******* go for it.
00:05:30 And maybe maybe.
Speaker 8
00:05:32 Upload will work better.
00:05:34 And it started to the the bars and stuff were doing well, but anyway.
Speaker 9
00:05:42 So, good, good morning.
Speaker 8
00:05:44 Good afternoon.
00:05:45 Good evening, all that fun stuff.
00:05:46 I'm drinking my.
00:05:49 My my folders.
00:05:51 Like Folgers Instant, actually, it's actual, actual coffee.
00:05:55 It's not instant coffee.
00:05:56 It's not the Folgers crystals.
00:05:58 Which I I don't know.
00:06:00 Maybe I would like that too.
00:06:03 The regular coffee's not bad. I'm sure it's some evil corporation that's.
00:06:07 That's seeking to destroy me.
00:06:12 But it is what it is.
00:06:13 I guess these days, huh?
00:06:14 Who isn't?
00:06:14 Who isn't trying to destroy us.
00:06:19 No, I just, I just dropped a bunch more.
00:06:20 Frames. That's just.
00:06:21 Going to be the way it is, I guess tonight.
00:06:23 So for those of you listening live.
00:06:27 Sorry, not much I can do about it.
00:06:33 It still hasn't dropped the connection entirely.
00:06:40 Let's see.
00:06:41 Well, anyway, I'm just going to keep talking.
00:06:43 I'm just.
00:06:43 I'm just going to keep going.
00:06:45 And you know it, if it is what it is I'm recording so.
00:06:51 Maybe it'll come back here.
00:06:53 See it now?
00:06:54 It's zero now.
00:06:55 It's not even uploading.
00:06:57 See what do you do at times like this? This is where it's really awkward, because as a streamer, this is where it's awkward for me because I'm talking still no one's.
00:07:07 Hearing me.
00:07:08 Like nobody.
00:07:10 And I'm recording.
00:07:10 It and it's like, well, do I want to even put this?
Speaker 4
00:07:14 On on bit shoot and odyssey.
00:07:16 When it's like this.
00:07:21 This is no good.
00:07:23 Oh, I'm back. I'm back.
00:07:26 Alright, it's back.
00:07:27 It's it's shockingly back.
00:07:29 Alright, guys, so if you can, if you can hear.
00:07:31 Me out there.
00:07:33 Just so you know, I look apparently internet's just going to suck *** today.
00:07:39 And it's going to come in and out.
00:07:41 And I'm recording it.
00:07:43 So if it you can't handle it live, then you can watch the recording later.
00:07:51 But if I stop the stream every time my computer, or rather my ISP decides to stop the stream.
00:08:01 It's just going to be, that's all we're going to talk about like that might end up being.
00:08:06 A big thing.
00:08:07 So I'm gonna.
00:08:08 I'll try to keep the bandwidth down by, you know, not having any animated background and stuff like that and.
00:08:15 Which kind of puts a little bit of a I was going to watch some videos with you guys.
00:08:19 I don't know if we can even do that now, so that's going to kind.
Speaker 5
00:08:23 Of you know.
00:08:24 Maybe cause some problems but.
00:08:26 It is what it is.
00:08:28 It is what it is.
Speaker 8
00:08:31 Going to work with what we got.
00:08:34 All right.
00:08:38 That's so annoying because the intro stuff like worked fine it.
00:08:40 Was just like, Oh yeah, it's fixed.
00:08:43 So anyway, let's just go with it.
Speaker 4
00:08:46 Let's just go with it.
00:08:48 So how how are you guys?
Speaker 10
00:08:49 Doing chat who's let's see.
00:08:51 What you guys are even talking about, let's see if you can.
00:08:53 Even see me at this point.
Speaker 9
00:08:59 The show must.
00:09:00 Go on. Yep.
00:09:03 Devin is on Odyssey.
00:09:04 Yep, and bit shoot.
00:09:06 Eventually we'll be using Dixie.
00:09:07 Cups. This is true.
00:09:11 Some long string of numbers. I'm not sure what the relevance of that is. HP Lovecraft's wife's wife was Jewish, not a it was not aware of.
00:09:20 That I'm not one of these guys like.
00:09:22 A huge fan of.
00:09:23 But people kept talking about his cat.
00:09:26 They kept telling me to check out.
00:09:28 His cat.
00:09:32 Start your own ISP.
00:09:33 Yeah, well, it's starting to get.
00:09:34 To that point, right, it's.
00:09:37 I you know, I don't know why it's.
00:09:39 So ****, but.
00:09:43 Yeah, it just seems to be really and this is this is not a new thing, OK, when I lived out into in the middle of nowhere trying to build my my ohh there goes.
00:09:56 Oh, now it's disconnected.
00:10:02 Alright, sorry guys.
00:10:03 Listening to the recording.
00:10:05 The stream has 100% dropped.
00:10:10 And so I might have to actually restart now.
Speaker 5
00:10:14 **** me.
00:10:17 Alright, well it says reconnected now.
00:10:21 I have to tell chat to refresh.
00:10:37 OK.
00:10:46 OK. And we're back.
00:10:49 Yeah, I like.
00:10:50 I was saying before I was.
00:10:51 So rudely interrupted by the the the evil.
00:10:55 When I was out in the desert.
00:10:57 Trying to build my earthship, I was because this is the great thing with the desert.
00:11:02 When you're middle of nowhere, there's no interference.
00:11:06 You know there's nothing right?
00:11:08 And there's no nothing in the way.
00:11:10 Of you in the line of sight. So as long as you can see the tower, which is usually on the top of a mountain and your phone's not completely garbage or your hot spot or whatever you're trying.
00:11:20 You'll get just a.
00:11:22 You'll have a totally nice connection, even though you're much further away than usually you would be in those under those circumstances.
00:11:32 So I had Internet when I was building the the Earthship out in the desert, that was.
00:11:40 They had the let me put this way.
00:11:41 They had the capability of being full speed, right?
00:11:45 No problem.
00:11:46 And I know this because it was sometimes.
00:11:48 And then they would do the same stupid gay **** where they would throttle you and then and you could tell cause like it was very similar stuff, right?
00:11:59 It was always on the ISP's end and it's just ******* annoying. It's like the like, how like Europe doesn't even know what this is, what we're talking about. Europe can't even imagine.
00:12:09 That there'd be like 2.
Speaker 6
00:12:11 GB bandwidth limits on anything?
00:12:15 You know that that you would get throttled.
00:12:20 But America, you know.
Speaker 6
00:12:23 You know.
00:12:23 The the High Tech America, the country that invented much of this technology.
00:12:30 You know, it's capitalism.
00:12:31 It's capitalism.
00:12:34 And so we get ghetto *** ******* Internet because we have ghetto *** ******* the private companies.
00:12:43 And like I said, I.
00:12:44 Know I'm not.
00:12:45 I'm not competing.
00:12:46 With trust me where I am.
00:12:48 The tower that I'm hitting where I am.
00:12:51 Not a lot of people hitting that tower right now.
00:12:54 I can promise you that.
00:12:56 Unless there's, like, some weird old retired boomers that left their uh **** torrent going.
00:13:04 Not a whole lot of people competing with bandwidth from the tower.
00:13:09 All right, so this this whole anyway.
Speaker 6
00:13:14 I don't want.
Speaker 4
00:13:15 This to show to be about how.
Speaker 6
00:13:16 My Internet is, which is what it's turned into.
Speaker 5
00:13:19 At this point.
00:13:23 Alright guys so.
Speaker 8
00:13:27 I was going to do we were going to watch there.
00:13:29 Was a I have a.
00:13:30 Couple videos we were going to watch, but I I just don't think we can.
00:13:34 I doubt we'll.
00:13:35 Be able to do that now we can try maybe a little bit later if it if it's been going without dropping frames.
Speaker 4
00:13:43 Maybe we do that.
00:13:45 But usually what I'll do is I'll do my.
00:13:48 My spiel I'll get in the zone and do my spiel, and then we'll I'll do work the crowd a little bit, if you will, but maybe we'll just.
00:13:56 Do that in.
00:13:56 Reverse and see if the internet's going to hang right now.
00:14:01 It's, you know, because it's a new frame or a new stream that started it says 0 frames drop so you know.
00:14:07 Uh, let's talk about just a couple of things.
00:14:09 Just some of the things that I.
00:14:10 Posted to uhm.
00:14:14 Telegram. Well, first of all.
00:14:16 If you.
Speaker 4
00:14:17 Came here from YouTube.
00:14:17 Gave me.
Speaker 10
00:14:21 This is this is your introduction.
00:14:24 To the to the insomnia stream.
00:14:27 Great, huh?
Speaker 5
00:14:28 Awesome, huh?
00:14:29 Yeah, no.
00:14:30 So I.
Speaker 9
00:14:30 Went to, I went to YouTube.
00:14:33 Because I kept getting those stupid notifications totally randomly, but often enough to where I just remind me, like you know what, I got to go on YouTube and.
Speaker 8
00:14:42 Tell people like look like.
00:14:44 All these people commenting, saying like, oh, you haven't posted in a long time.
00:14:48 There's more than just YouTube out there.
00:14:52 YouTube is straight up for **** and so get the **** out of YouTube and and and subscribe on other platforms like like this one.
00:15:03 It's so great. No, this is this isn't the platforms fault. This is my internet's fault. And this isn't typical.
00:15:08 Like sometimes we'll have like a little hiccup.
00:15:09 Every once in a while.
00:15:10 But this is pretty bad tonight.
00:15:13 Appears to be working now.
00:15:14 That's good, but so I posted a video on YouTube, just kind of telling people, hey, look.
00:15:21 I've been doing stuff.
00:15:22 In fact, I streamed.
00:15:25 Almost every day in January.
00:15:30 And then, you know, three times a week, every day since.
00:15:35 I think I could, you know, I took a couple days off after the 20th after the after Q was spectacularly wrong about everything on January 20th.
00:15:44 And man, you know, what queue?
00:15:47 Speaking of which queue still has his hooks.
00:15:51 In boomers, my boomer neighbor.
00:15:54 Who I've talked about before, where like he keeps he keeps realizing that queues ********.
00:16:00 But then like.
00:16:01 If it's just like a few weeks later.
Speaker 6
00:16:03 He's back in the queue game.
00:16:05 Like I don't know.
00:16:06 I don't know how they keep doing this, but I went to.
00:16:08 I went to being a Bishop.
00:16:09 I went to bit shoot.
00:16:10 Just last night I think.
00:16:14 And the X-22 report guy.
Speaker 11
00:16:18 Still posting videos.
00:16:21 And not videos talking.
00:16:22 About like oh boy, I I sure ****** that one up.
Speaker 11
00:16:25 No, you still trusting the plan.
00:16:29 He's still trusting the ******* plan and uh.
Speaker 5
00:16:35 Posting like these hour long *******.
00:16:38 Videos of like it's.
Speaker 7
00:16:40 It's insane and I I.
00:16:42 It's kind of funny cause I saw I saw the video last night or it might have been last night.
00:16:46 My days are all weird.
00:16:47 It might have been two days.
00:16:49 It was very recently.
00:16:51 And uh, usually I would watch them just to be like, OK, you know what?
00:16:54 What crazy ******** do they believe now?
00:16:58 And I just, I couldn't even take it and I couldn't even take it because it's so obviously.
00:17:04 Just some lying.
00:17:06 You know that I couldn't even take it.
00:17:10 And so I I I look at the views and **** like the guy.
00:17:14 Is still getting. He's pulling like ******* 50,000.
Speaker 7
00:17:17 Views or something like that?
00:17:18 I don't.
00:17:19 Maybe more.
00:17:19 I mean that was like.
Speaker 8
00:17:20 Release date 50.
00:17:21 1000 and something ohh ****** maybe. Maybe it's 50,000. There's a bunch of people like me.
Speaker 7
00:17:28 Going I can't believe this guy still streaming.
Speaker 4
00:17:30 Like this?
00:17:30 Still telling people Q is real.
Speaker 7
00:17:33 And what the ****?
00:17:34 And and selling them.
00:17:36 I don't ever forget what the guy sells he sells like.
00:17:38 ****, you know, like uh.
00:17:39 Penis pill type ****, right?
00:17:42 And and so I'm like, **** me.
00:17:44 What the hell?
00:17:45 Maybe you know what?
00:17:46 I'm going to look at like the, you know, the thumbs up and the thumbs down right in the comments.
00:17:52 That's gonna that's.
Speaker 9
00:17:53 Gonna be revealing.
Speaker 11
00:17:55 No, no, no, I mean like the thumbs up the thumbs down ratio was.
00:18:00 Was good.
00:18:01 I mean, you know, like if I had that ratio, I'd be like, OK, did this this did this did well, you know, like it, I mean it was.
00:18:09 I mean, he did have some thumbs down, but I.
00:18:11 Mean you know everyone does.
00:18:13 Ah, it wasn't like a crazy ratio.
00:18:16 The comments section, which on bit shoot is always pretty much just kind of.
00:18:21 Cancer to be honest.
00:18:23 So like.
00:18:25 You know, like it's not a really good read, but at least in the comments section, there was a there was.
00:18:31 There was, I'd.
00:18:31 Say the first several comments were just calling this guy.
00:18:36 A complete ******* *******.
00:18:38 And there were a lot of thumbs up on these comments.
00:18:41 I don't.
00:18:42 I kind of wonder, it may, it does make me wonder, maybe the the up and down votes on bit shoot are not super accurate.
00:18:48 I don't know.
00:18:49 Anyway, so I saw this.
00:18:52 And just like **** me.
00:18:53 Like, I can't believe they're still people out there that are buying this ****.
00:18:57 Literally after like like I I I.
00:19:00 Stayed up.
00:19:01 See again, my days are screwed.
00:19:02 Up so I don't know.
00:19:04 I've been up for like, so long I've been up for, like, almost 24 hours now because I've I've, in fact, I'm all sunburned. I was up planting cactuses.
00:19:13 But so then this morning.
00:19:17 Sort of.
00:19:19 I let me put this way.
00:19:20 So then approximately 18 hours ago, because the the sun, it was a little after dawn.
00:19:28 And I'm dropping cactuses into the ground and I see my neighbor.
00:19:34 He comes out.
00:19:37 And uh, he starts talking about about queuing on **** again again.
00:19:44 And I'm thinking myself, wait, hold on while you while you're back in the queue train.
Speaker 11
00:19:48 How is this still?
00:19:50 And I said something like trying again, you know, you want to be.
00:19:54 You want to be nice to your neighbors.
00:19:56 It's so I just said something along very lightly, you know, like, oh, I don't know.
00:20:03 It just seems like.
Speaker 4
00:20:05 Just seems like a.
00:20:07 Cues wrong about everything you know, like there's there's no arrests.
00:20:14 Biden's president and.
00:20:19 You know, like it just kind of seems like there's these bits, you guys that you watch and they they they.
00:20:28 They just can't say they were wrong and so they're just they keep going with it.
00:20:32 Or maybe maybe they're, you know, intelligence.
00:20:39 Community people, I mean you.
00:20:40 Know what I mean?
Speaker 8
00:20:40 Like I don't know.
Speaker 11
00:20:42 Maybe, maybe, maybe.
00:20:43 I I think it's.
Speaker 10
00:20:46 I mean, I I don't know.
Speaker 11
00:20:47 I don't know if it's a good idea.
Speaker 7
00:20:48 To still be trusting the plan.
00:20:51 And he got he got ****** like he got ******.
Speaker 11
00:20:54 It was like, oh, no, they're not wrong.
Speaker 9
00:20:57 They get proven right every.
Speaker 11
00:20:59 Day and I.
Speaker 4
00:20:59 Was like about what?
Speaker 11
00:21:02 Literally about what?
00:21:05 And he's like Biden is not.
00:21:06 Even really president?
Speaker 10
00:21:08 I'm like.
Speaker 11
00:21:10 To the White House.
00:21:12 Making executive orders they are they really believe he's not president.
00:21:18 They really believe this is like I I don't even know how.
00:21:21 This would work.
00:21:23 They think this is like.
00:21:24 All some kind of weird.
Speaker 8
00:21:27 Theatrical thing.
00:21:29 But yet somehow, Trump's I don't get it.
00:21:34 But there's.
00:21:35 I don't get it.
00:21:37 This is how **** this country.
Speaker 6
00:21:38 Is right now.
00:21:41 Good job, by the way. Whoever's running queue. Jesus Christ.
00:21:50 Like what the ****?
00:21:51 I mean, they're going to write.
00:21:52 About you for.
Speaker 6
00:21:56 At least a century.
00:21:57 I mean, for real, like you're going to be.
Speaker 4
00:21:58 In textbooks and ****.
00:22:00 You got your own HBO documentary coming out.
00:22:05 If it is who they they say it is.
00:22:07 I mean, I don't know if the the the promos for the documentary are saying that.
00:22:10 It's the son of.
00:22:12 Was it Ron Watkins, the guy who ran 8 Chan?
00:22:17 Uh. He's like some.
00:22:19 Half a looking guy wearing a cowboy hat.
00:22:24 I think he's he's like half Filipino or something.
00:22:26 I don't.
00:22:26 I don't know.
00:22:29 But yeah, good job, dude, if that's you.
Speaker 4
00:22:34 Good job, good job.
00:22:36 With the queue thing it's it's fascinating to me anyway.
00:22:42 I'm just going to go through a couple of things that were that I posted to the telegram.
00:22:45 There's a lot more going on right now, but.
00:22:48 We can talk about that in a moment.
00:22:51 China proposes teaching masculinity to boys as state is alarmed by changing gender roles.
00:23:04 And as I put on Telegram alternate headline, China shows the world once again.
00:23:09 What is possible.
Speaker 4
00:23:11 Without Jews.
00:23:13 Meaning that.
00:23:14 Oh ****.
00:23:16 We have this problem with masculinity.
00:23:20 Because we have a solid homogeneous.
Speaker 8
00:23:25 In Group preference.
00:23:28 We are going to attack this problem using the power of the state.
00:23:34 And this problem, which by the way has been introduced into our society by Western quote UN quote.
Speaker 8
00:23:43 Values liberal values.
00:23:47 Bring up the article, but what they what they initially were saying?
00:23:52 Was that because of the the the women in the workplace?
00:23:58 Which is how this starts.
00:24:00 I don't know.
00:24:00 Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll take out China too.
00:24:02 I guess but.
00:24:05 Because you get you start within the workplace like we did.
00:24:15 That's when it begins.
00:24:16 That's when you start having women saying, oh, well, I don't need a man anymore.
00:24:19 So therefore the patriarchy is has become adversarial in some ways.
00:24:26 You know now, now when I don't get a promotion in Johnny or I guess out there.
00:24:31 Ping pong, you know gets the promotion.
00:24:34 Now that's the Patriarchy's fault.
00:24:39 Alright, so far we have oh, we dropped some frames when.
00:24:42 I load that website.
00:24:42 Page it's it's holding up, it's holding up, I think.
00:24:46 All right, we're still good.
00:24:48 Sort of.
00:24:49 This is a little scary loading up a web page.
00:24:53 Hong Kong no one invited Boo Yoon Ho.
00:24:57 To be in their group for the annual class trip, the other fifth graders at Shanghai, or whatever experimental school made fun of the 11 year old, calling him too girly.
Speaker 4
00:25:09 2 Girling.
00:25:12 I wanted to run away right out of the classroom, said Yoho, now 13 and a first year middle schooler at in Shanghai, China's largest city.
00:25:24 Some of Yoho's classmates made fun of his.
Speaker 8
00:25:27 High pitched voice.
Speaker 4
00:25:29 And the way he screamed.
00:25:31 When he tried to maintain discipline among his fellow students as a class mom.
00:25:37 Hunter others teased him for spending so much time with girls and said he acted like he was trying to date the other boys in class.
00:25:49 So look, this is this is a healthy societal immune system.
00:25:55 This is what it's like when you don't have societal aids.
Speaker 8
00:26:02 You're allowed to bully the feminine.
00:26:06 Guy in the class to save him a life of pain, by the way.
Speaker 8
00:26:13 It's not just for the society.
Speaker 11
00:26:16 It's for him.
Speaker 8
00:26:17 But look I.
Speaker 9
00:26:18 Mean, let's just.
00:26:19 Be, you know, be brutally.
Speaker 4
00:26:21 Let's just be cold for.
00:26:23 A moment and look at the big picture.
00:26:27 If if you're bullying.
00:26:30 Causes the demise of this person instead of the strengthening of the person.
00:26:36 That's not so bad either.
Speaker 11
00:26:38 They're the weak link.
Speaker 10
00:26:40 It's a stress test.
Speaker 8
00:26:43 You put it through.
00:26:44 Quality control.
00:26:45 You're putting people through quality control.
00:26:47 When you bully them.
00:26:50 And they either come out of it improved.
00:26:54 And able to withstand the pressures.
00:26:58 Of the quality control test.
Speaker 8
00:27:01 Or they break.
00:27:02 And you throw them in the ******* trash.
00:27:05 Because they were weak.
Speaker 9
00:27:08 That's the way it used to be.
00:27:10 And that's the way it still is.
00:27:13 In China.
00:27:15 The bullying eventually stopped, but a recent announcement by the government that singles out boys who don't fit traditional Chinese ideas of masculinity has revived the painful memories you remember.
00:27:28 This is from NBC.
00:27:30 The plan to encourage masculinity in male students has inflamed the debate over modern gender roles as Chinas government increasingly emphasizes what many consider to be.
00:27:44 Damage, in other words.
00:27:46 What Jews consider to be outdated and damaging stereotypes for men and boys.
00:27:53 Boys don't need masculinity education, said Lupin, who's working for the Jews, the founder of China's largest feminist. Yep, she's literally working for the Jews, then probably.
00:28:07 Largest feminist advocacy media channel Feminist Voices, which was banned by Chinese censors.
Speaker 9
00:28:13 See the immune.
Speaker 4
00:28:15 System kicked in.
00:28:16 They were like feminist voices.
00:28:19 Who's this Lupin?
00:28:21 I'm surprised they didn't put her.
00:28:22 They didn't give her the.
Speaker 10
00:28:24 So they they they the.
00:28:25 Chinese went in there and.
Speaker 8
00:28:27 You know, took that **** out quick.
00:28:29 Like like ninjas.
00:28:31 But again, not not a thorough enough job.
00:28:34 China, not a thorough enough job if she's still out and about, getting giving quotes to NBC unless she's living a life of exile.
00:28:47 And that's she's giving her quote to NBC from, like, some undisclosed location in a neighboring country or something like that.
00:28:57 You have failed.
00:28:58 You have failed.
00:28:59 You can't just you can't just ban.
00:29:02 You can't just ban.
00:29:04 The feminist voices and then still let her talk to NBC?
00:29:07 That's not.
00:29:08 That's not going to work.
00:29:10 Anyway, the concept of masculinity forces every man to be tough, which excludes and harms men with other characteristics.
00:29:19 Yeah, we don't want the other men with other characteristics, she said.
00:29:24 It also reinforces men's hegemony.
00:29:27 I see here it is.
00:29:28 Here it is.
00:29:29 Here it is.
00:29:30 Here's the we need a piece of this power.
Speaker 7
00:29:34 For thousands of years.
00:29:38 You have had this power.
Speaker 9
00:29:41 But I went to work and made.
Speaker 8
00:29:42 A PowerPoint.
00:29:43 And now I want to be in control.
00:29:46 Because I made a ******* PowerPoint.
Speaker 7
00:29:49 So I'm just as capable.
Speaker 5
00:29:51 Despite what you know, eons.
00:29:55 Eons of evolution.
00:29:58 Despite all that, you know, like I I, I want to, I want to devour this society.
00:30:05 Because Jewish propaganda told me that I made a PowerPoint and.
00:30:08 That makes me just as good as a man.
00:30:13 It also reinforces men's hegemony, control and position over women.
00:30:18 Which goes against gender equality.
00:30:22 Oh, China.
Speaker 4
00:30:24 Oh, China.
00:30:26 Strap in, strap in.
00:30:28 You're in.
00:30:29 You're in for some fun.
00:30:30 Unless you guys nip this in the ****.
00:30:32 And January Chinas Education Minister published plans to cultivate masculinity and boys from kindergarten through high.
00:30:40 School the initiative involves hiring and training more gym teachers, testing students and more comprehensively in physical education, making health education.
00:30:52 Compulsory and supporting research into issues like the influence of the phenomenon of Internet celebrities on adolescent values.
00:31:05 Look, I mean China, I.
00:31:06 Think they've got a good measuring stick?
Speaker 11
00:31:10 All they got all.
00:31:11 They got to do is look at us and be like Foley.
00:31:14 We don't want that to happen.
00:31:15 Holy **** is probably the name of.
00:31:16 The guy that's.
00:31:16 Doing the study right?
00:31:18 Holy ****, we don't want.
Speaker 11
00:31:20 That to happen.
00:31:22 The plan follows a warning from one of Chinas's top political advisers. The nation is experiencing a national masculinity crisis.
Speaker 7
00:31:32 Chinese boys have.
00:31:34 Been spoiled by housewives and female teachers.
00:31:39 Look, they're he's got his finger on it.
00:31:42 You know that's that's a lot of.
00:31:43 What happened?
00:31:44 I think in the United States.
00:31:46 Where we stopped.
00:31:47 Having male teachers.
00:31:49 Think back.
00:31:50 I mean, for I I would say most people, certainly in America, I can't speak to the other Western countries that are out there listening.
00:31:58 But in America, when I think back, I I think I had like especially you know pre high school I think I had like 11 male teacher.
00:32:09 I'm thinking about it here, I think it.
00:32:10 Was only one male teacher.
Speaker 5
00:32:14 Yeah, I had.
Speaker 8
00:32:15 I had one male teacher.
00:32:18 Prior to high school.
00:32:22 Every other teacher was female.
00:32:26 And look, that's part of the whole women in the workplace thing that is.
00:32:30 That's part of the women in the workplace thing.
00:32:34 There used to be lots of male teachers.
00:32:39 But once we had the let women in the workplace, they were all we had.
00:32:42 First we had to figure out.
00:32:43 All right.
00:32:43 What can women actually do?
00:32:45 Cause they, you know, sorry, women, you can't do everything men can do.
00:32:50 So what can we do?
00:32:52 Well, I guess they could be teachers.
00:32:56 It's kind of.
00:32:57 Like babysitting, I.
00:32:58 See, that's what it turned into.
00:33:00 That's when education turned into babysitting.
00:33:04 That's when education stopped focusing.
Speaker 5
00:33:07 On preparing.
Speaker 6
00:33:09 Little boys.
00:33:11 And turning them into young men.
00:33:15 It turned into daycare.
00:33:21 It turned and and often.
Speaker 8
00:33:23 By women with no children of their own.
00:33:32 By these old cat ladies.
00:33:35 Who occasionally ****** their students.
00:33:42 That's what happened.
Speaker 8
00:33:44 That's what happened.
00:33:47 I mean, yeah, there's always been female school teachers, but the ratio.
00:33:54 The ratio has changed.
00:33:57 In fact, I mean, look, it's probably not only is it all, it's.
00:34:01 I mean, I'd like I'd love to see especially pre high school, right?
00:34:05 I mean, there's.
00:34:05 There's more male high school teachers, I guess.
00:34:07 Because it requires.
Speaker 5
00:34:09 Well, maybe not now.
00:34:11 I was going to say it requires more education, but now women are graduating at a much higher rate than men.
00:34:18 So maybe that's been taken over too.
Speaker 6
00:34:25 I don't know.
00:34:27 I couldn't tell you.
00:34:32 Chinese boys have been spoiled by housewives and female teachers, adviser Z Safu said in a policy proposal in May.
00:34:41 Boys would soon become delicate, timid and effeminate.
00:34:46 Unless action was taken.
00:34:53 Describes a lot of zoomers out there.
00:34:55 Not just zoomers, I would say millennials and some genex.
00:35:02 That I mean like again this is.
Speaker 11
00:35:05 This is why.
00:35:06 You home school your kids too?
00:35:11 Instead of sending them off to be educated and.
Speaker 6
00:35:15 And moulded.
00:35:18 By blue haired feminists, I mean, who do you?
00:35:19 Think is teaching these classes.
00:35:21 And they look and it's.
00:35:22 One of those jobs, they require a a degree.
00:35:27 From the same education system that's telling, that's that's blazing the trail for all this ****** ****.
00:35:35 Like basically the temple of ******** is what is in charge of who is allowed to teach your children.
00:35:44 And just like at colleges, once you have that, that because, look, the teachers unions have made it pretty much impossible to get fired.
Speaker 6
00:35:51 No matter what you do.
00:35:52 And they've created in many ways the same kinds of nepotism that you see at the college level, right?
00:36:03 Now, once that subversion weasels its way.
00:36:07 Into your school system.
00:36:11 It's there, it's there to stay.
Speaker 10
00:36:13 I mean last.
Speaker 8
00:36:14 Stream, we talked about the the.
00:36:18 The school system in Loudon County, Virginia.
Speaker 8
00:36:24 They were creating.
00:36:27 Groups to try to DOX the parents.
Speaker 8
00:36:33 That didn't agree with uh critical race theory.
00:36:39 Trying to, they were trying to wage war with them on the Internet, trying to destroy their careers and ****.
00:36:50 That's who's teaching your kids.
00:36:55 Of course they're going to come out as a bunch of limp, wristed *******.
00:36:58 What were you expecting?
00:37:00 Why do you think there's so many ******* trans kids?
00:37:02 How many times have we have we heard these stories?
00:37:06 Where a ******* kid that's essentially neglected.
00:37:12 You know, it happens to mention to his teacher.
Speaker 7
00:37:14 Maybe he likes playing with dollies.
00:37:18 Which is an increasing thing for men.
00:37:23 And the the female teacher says, well, holy ****, Johnny.
00:37:28 We need to chop your *******.
00:37:29 Balls off then, because you're clearly a woman.
00:37:39 And China knows that's where this leads.
Speaker 7
00:37:42 China's like ****.
00:37:46 Don't want to go there.
00:37:49 And China is probably going.
00:37:50 To be able to pull out of that nosedive because they a lot of this, it is caused by, you know, the liberalism and capitalism that's kind of made its way into their society, but they don't have to worry about their education system being completely subverted by fellow fellow whites or I.
Speaker 6
00:38:07 Guess fellow Chinese.
00:38:08 Maybe maybe to some extent.
00:38:10 Right.
00:38:10 They got that feminist *****.
Speaker 6
00:38:13 You guys gotta lock her up, I'm telling.
Speaker 4
00:38:14 You guys got to lock her up.
00:38:15 Or disappear her or something.
00:38:18 That's a cancer that will spread. Addressing the issue is a matter of national security, he wrote, warning that feminization of Chinese boys threatens China's survival and development. And yes, it does.
00:38:33 I can tell you.
00:38:36 As an American, that's that's along for the decline.
00:38:39 I'm along for the ride, right.
00:38:40 Like all of us, I'm.
Speaker 6
00:38:42 I'm riding the ******* snake, you know?
Speaker 10
00:38:45 Riding this ******* **** on on on, you know.
00:38:47 It's we're going down, you know.
00:38:51 The the, the, the.
Speaker 11
00:38:52 Oxygen mass.
00:38:54 Have already started like in some seats have already.
00:38:57 You know, been deployed.
00:39:01 But we're going down.
00:39:02 We're going down.
00:39:04 People are grabbing their flotation devices.
00:39:09 That's, that's where that leads.
00:39:11 China girls, meanwhile, traditionally are viewed as less intellectual.
00:39:16 Well, I mean, look, sorry, NBC News.
00:39:21 That's just a statistical reality.
00:39:27 It's a statistical reality.
00:39:31 Does that mean there's no smart women out there?
00:39:33 Obviously not.
00:39:38 But not a whole lot of female geniuses.
00:39:40 Are there not a whole lot.
00:39:43 Not now, not ever.
00:39:48 There are some.
00:39:50 But not nearly the same number as male genius as that's just.
00:39:53 The way it is.
00:40:02 And they are expected to be less competitive.
00:40:04 The gender norms are rooted in traditional philosophy in which two elements govern the world.
00:40:11 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I.
Speaker 7
00:40:14 Doesn't sound crazy to me.
00:40:18 See, this is the ****** ** thing.
00:40:20 As women have power, they've always had power.
00:40:24 It's always.
Speaker 4
00:40:24 Been written about.
00:40:27 Back when the patriarchy.
00:40:28 Was alive and well.
00:40:31 Women were always in fiction and nonfiction and historical accounts.
00:40:37 Women have had power through their man.
00:40:43 Women influenced their men, of course they do.
00:40:46 Girlfriends influence their boyfriends, wives influence their husbands.
00:40:57 See, that's another reason why I mean, just honestly, you don't want women to have their own power.
00:41:05 Is it kind of destroys that whole dynamic, right?
00:41:08 It's 1 less reason he.
Speaker 11
00:41:10 Didn't need a man.
Speaker 10
00:41:17 Because you don't need a man to interface with.
00:41:19 The patriarchy like you used to.
00:41:23 And So what happens?
00:41:25 You feel no need to find a man and help him succeed and support him and help him grow his power and influence.
00:41:32 Therefore, grow in your power and influence.
00:41:34 No, no, you.
Speaker 6
00:41:35 Become a competitor.
00:41:38 You want to compete with him.
00:41:42 You want to undermine him?
Speaker 7
00:41:52 Women are associated with.
00:41:54 Softer, more passive element of the yin and men are represented by the tougher, more active element of the Yang.
00:42:05 Something that no one's had a problem.
00:42:06 With for thousands of years.
00:42:10 The ideas about gender roles have begun to change in recent years. Watch out China, however, since 2010, more girls than boys have entered universities. That's how. That's not a good sign. China and girls regularly outperform boys at standardized testing, of course.
00:42:30 Women are very good at rules.
00:42:34 Women are very good at memorization, regurgitating the ideas of others.
00:42:43 Going to question the traditional view that boys are naturally more academic.
00:42:47 No, because.
00:42:51 Well, maybe academic.
00:42:53 I guess that maybe.
00:42:53 That word works.
00:42:57 But certainly not an innovation at at uh.
00:43:01 That the kind of characteristics that a genius has.
00:43:08 Women are better at school, of course they are.
00:43:14 School is just spitting back out.
00:43:16 You were just told.
00:43:20 In the West, they saw that as a bonus.
00:43:22 They said, well, **** that more compliant cattle.
00:43:25 That sounds good.
00:43:29 That sounds good, but it comes with a.
00:43:31 Lot more baggage than just that.
00:43:36 The change has led to a common sane yin in prosperity, Yang and decline.
00:43:44 Oh, China, watch out.
00:43:46 We know how this we know where this goes.
00:43:50 We know where this goes.
00:43:51 I don't know.
00:43:52 I'm kind of on the fence.
00:43:53 In a weird way, it's like I.
Speaker 8
00:43:54 Don't know who to root for.
00:43:56 You know, it's like, uh, you know.
00:44:00 I'd hate to see another civilization.
00:44:03 Great civilization, thousands of years old, civilization.
00:44:09 Be completely destroyed by the feminine in the same way that my civilization is being destroyed.
00:44:15 But I think.
00:44:17 I don't know, maybe there's no avoiding it, right?
Speaker 6
00:44:24 Maybe that's just what liberalism and capitalism does.
00:44:28 The growing popularity of male Chinese pop stars who wear makeup and androgynous, sparkly, sparkly clothing.
00:44:37 Has also influenced youth culture.
00:44:41 Taking inspiration from Confucianism and South Korean pop culture, China's ohh thank South Korea, you would your K pop your your Western influenced.
00:44:53 Degenerate Kpop taking in the pop culture, China's young style connoisseurs have embraced the gentle style.
00:45:04 A softer form of masculinity, softer form guys.
00:45:09 It's just a softer form of masculinity.
00:45:13 That stands in sharp contrast to traditional tough guy tropes tropes.
00:45:19 Oh, these tropes are everywhere.
00:45:22 They sure, as they sure as **** hate trips.
00:45:24 You know, it's fine.
00:45:25 I like whip my whole life without ever hearing the word tropes.
00:45:29 And I don't.
00:45:30 Know why they they why they resuscitated.
00:45:32 That ******* word, but.
00:45:35 Man, it just it just.
00:45:37 Maybe it's because then they have no arguments at this point, so they have to just start inventing.
00:45:41 Well, not inventing, but reviving dusty old terms that that.
00:45:47 That they can use in place of an argument.
00:45:55 Tropes allowing more diverse forms of self-expression. That idea, China, their rising economic status of women. See, as I said, and increasing feminism have also upended traditional ideas of masculinity.
00:46:12 China has a stark gender imbalance in a country of 1.4 billion people, there are nearly 37,000,000 more men than women.
00:46:23 A consequence of the preference for sons under Chinas one child policy, which was in place from 1979 to 2015.
00:46:35 Today, however, women are more able to show competitiveness and leadership in the workplace and they are able to take more initiative when it comes to dating and marriage.
00:46:48 Oh well, great, that's so you're deregulating your sexual marketplace, you say.
Speaker 11
00:46:56 Strap in China this I know where this this is.
00:46:59 Going to be a wild ride.
00:47:04 Yeah, maybe when the.
00:47:05 West declines.
00:47:06 It takes everyone out with it, huh?
00:47:11 Yes, we'll see.
00:47:12 Still, the Chinese Government maintains a more conservative view of how men and women should behave.
00:47:19 Depictions of gay relationships are banned from Chinese television under a 2016 law barring vulgar and moral and unhealthy content. Good job.
Speaker 5
00:47:29 You know what?
Speaker 10
00:47:33 Let's all, let's.
00:47:34 All clap for China.
00:47:35 Good job, good job.
00:47:38 That's the kind of thing, by the way, China, you won't be able.
00:47:40 To do, if you start letting women have power.
00:47:43 All right, if you fix this whole gender imbalance.
00:47:48 You lose the ability to undo it when it reeks, reeks havoc on your entire site.
00:47:54 Just as an example, I can't believe.
Speaker 11
00:47:56 When we did.
00:47:59 We've been suffrage here in the West.
00:48:00 I was.
00:48:00 I remember talking about this.
00:48:03 I can't imagine.
00:48:05 I mean, just imagine the hubris.
00:48:07 Imagine the ******* hubris and the carelessness and just the *******.
00:48:13 I don't know lack of foresight to make a societal change that dramatic without a the ability.
00:48:24 Like without it like.
00:48:25 An undo button.
00:48:27 You know, like jumping out of an airplane without a backup parachute.
00:48:33 You know, just in case, like maybe it'll work out, right?
00:48:35 Maybe it'll work out, but if it doesn't.
00:48:38 We need this.
00:48:39 We need.
00:48:40 We need the ability.
Speaker 8
00:48:43 To return power.
Speaker 4
00:48:46 To the patriarchy.
00:48:48 You know, like, let's let's just say, let's say we, oh, we've decided that as humans, we've evolved right for thousands of years.
00:48:55 The patriarchy has run the show, and for whatever reason, you know, selection pressure is whatever.
00:49:03 We've reached a point now where women need an equal say and women need to have a.
00:49:09 Completely different.
00:49:11 Completely, radically different role in society.
00:49:16 And so we're just going to.
00:49:18 Give it to them.
00:49:22 With no ability to roll it back if.
00:49:24 It becomes a disaster.
00:49:27 That no one knew button.
00:49:33 No back button, nothing.
00:49:36 You have essentially ****** yourself.
Speaker 10
00:49:38 You, you you have.
00:49:40 Because you know what are they gonna do?
00:49:42 Are women are going to vote themselves to not have the vote after you give it to them?
00:49:45 Of course not.
00:49:48 It's just stunning that that they were so confident, so confident.
00:49:55 That it was going to workout.
00:49:58 That they decided not to have some kind of mechanism in there that would you know.
00:50:02 And honestly you could say the same thing applies to the civil rights stuff, right?
00:50:08 Tizi be yanking on that emergency parachute cord right about now.
00:50:11 If they if they'd if they'd included that.
00:50:14 But now **** it.
00:50:15 Let's just fundamentally change the power dynamic in our society.
00:50:22 With no possible way to change it back if it was, if it was a bad idea.
Speaker 11
00:50:29 No possible way.
00:50:33 We're just, you know, we're just going to roll the dice on the future of all of our children and grandchildren, cause we're smart.
00:50:40 We're smarter than every other generation that's live live before us every generation.
Speaker 9
00:50:46 More evolved.
00:50:50 So we've decided that we're going to fundamentally change.
00:50:53 We're going, we're going.
00:50:54 To depart from the ways of our ancestors.
Speaker 6
00:50:58 Because we.
00:51:00 We are the we are the new generation of.
00:51:17 Oh, and I've disconnected again.
00:51:21 That's alright.
00:51:22 Meanwhile, I'm going to keep talking.
00:51:24 I'm recording and.
00:51:27 And it's back up.
00:51:29 All right, we're back.
00:51:31 Like I said, I'm.
00:51:32 Going to just keep going when this happens because I don't know how often this is going.
Speaker 6
00:51:37 To happen.
00:51:39 And I don't want to ******* deal with it.
00:51:48 So where was I in the article here?
00:51:52 Blah blah blah.
00:51:54 In a country of 1.4 billion, there are nearly 37 more.
Speaker 4
00:51:58 Oh blah blah.
00:51:59 Today blah blah.
00:52:00 OK, still, the Chinese government maintains a more conservative view of how men and women should behave. Depictions of gay relationships are banned from Chinese television under a 2016.
00:52:13 Law barring vulgar or we recover them. And while homosexuality was decriminalized in 1997, big mistake.
00:52:23 Big mistake.
00:52:25 No law prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation well.
00:52:34 Don't do it.
00:52:36 Don't do it, China.
Speaker 11
00:52:37 Don't do it.
00:52:40 In September, here's the here's.
00:52:42 You know, here's the other thing.
00:52:45 I I I mentioned how look, one of the reasons perhaps that they've been able to withstand the pressures, the pressures of the often Jewish LED.
00:52:56 Degenerate Western forces is that they are not as easily infiltrated, especially not by the demographic who seems to be leading these charges 90 percent, 99% of the time, you know Jewish.
Speaker 8
00:53:11 People and groups.
00:53:13 Because in America that's that's a much easier thing to do to blend in in China, not so much.
00:53:20 Right.
00:53:21 And so they might have the ability to withstand some of these pressures.
00:53:25 But then I realize, you know, there's still.
00:53:29 I cannot, you could even say like a form of of sanctions in a way, even if it's not like an actual.
00:53:37 Government imposing sanctions sanctions on them?
00:53:40 I mean, there's China as globalism is solidified.
00:53:47 China is just as reliant on on Western money as we are on Chinese money buying our debt.
00:53:57 And so it's.
00:53:58 Not like there's no influence.
00:54:00 You know, it's not like there's zero influence.
00:54:03 And look in the same way that we used our this financial influence to get the bot sex in Botswana.
00:54:13 Maybe that that same influence will be used to get China to.
00:54:18 Destroy their themselves because look, obviously, I mean ****.
00:54:23 In a way, I guess you could say if I worked for the CIA, I'd probably want them to to do that, too.
00:54:28 What faster way to accelerate or, you know, to to make them less competitive?
00:54:38 I would much rather be up against a feminine society, especially if I'm.
00:54:43 And this ****** estrogen soaked **** hole that that is America.
00:54:52 In September 2018, when a television special known to students on the first day of school featured male Chinese pop stars, furious editorials and major newspapers called The Stars a bad influence.
00:55:06 The government run news agency ZINHO described the performance as like putting chili in your eyes.
00:55:15 Well, if it's anything like Kpop, I can.
00:55:17 I can imagine that being an accurate assessment.
00:55:25 In 2019, Chinese sensors started blurring earrings and coloured hair on male celebrities appearing on shows as part of a ban on feminine representations, and they deleted scenes depicting homosexuality from the movie Bohemian Rhapsody.
00:55:47 The prospect of same sex marriage is making headway, however.
00:55:51 Oh, don't do it, China.
00:55:52 Don't do it.
00:55:54 And the first same sex kiss.
00:55:57 Of the Star Wars franchise.
00:56:00 Made it into Chinese theaters.
00:56:02 No, don't, don't.
00:56:04 Don't do it.
00:56:05 Don't do it.
Speaker 6
00:56:10 Oh boy.
00:56:12 Chenyang, 50, of Shanghai, said that he wasn't a fan of the feminization of pop culture, but what he believed people should have the freedom or that he believed that people should have the freedom that choose.
Speaker 8
00:56:25 How they live?
Speaker 9
00:56:27 He was more conservative.
00:56:29 When it when it came to his 13 year old son, however, see.
00:56:33 Why are conservatives like this?
00:56:37 Why are conservatives?
00:56:39 Why do they play this?
00:56:41 It's actually, it's cowardice, is why it's cowardice.
00:56:45 It's cowardice to say, uh, well, I don't care if if there's gays walk, you know, running amok and.
Speaker 5
00:56:52 You know, to each their own you.
00:56:54 Know whatever one does, the privacy of their own home.
00:56:57 But then if?
00:56:58 If you ask him up there well.
00:56:59 What if your son?
00:56:59 'S gay?
00:57:00 Well, he better not be.
00:57:06 Then then have the same.
Speaker 7
00:57:08 Have the same care.
00:57:12 Or at least you know a version of that that you have for your son.
00:57:16 For your society.
00:57:25 Don't be such a little ******* ****** about it.
00:57:29 See, that's that's.
00:57:29 What happens with the feminization of society?
00:57:32 The men themselves not only do they lose power.
00:57:35 As they become feminized.
00:57:38 They started doing the.
Speaker 11
00:57:39 Same thing.
00:57:39 Look, my mom, my Mormon.
00:57:41 Mom, when I was a kid, super conservative Mormon mom was tolerant of gays when I was.
00:57:50 A kid.
00:57:52 It bothered me as a kid.
00:57:53 It bothered me.
00:57:56 But why? Why?
00:57:56 His mom seemed to be OK with faggs.
00:57:59 I'm not OK with it, and she'd be mad.
00:58:01 If I was gay.
00:58:03 But for some reason, she was she.
00:58:07 You know women.
00:58:07 Women don't find that I.
00:58:09 Guess what it is.
00:58:09 Is women don't find gay men threatening.
Speaker 6
00:58:15 You know quite.
00:58:16 The opposite that.
00:58:19 They, you know, they find them harmless.
00:58:22 And when you're in an environment where you're competing with men, you kind of you probably again in the same way I'm talking about China.
00:58:28 Like if I work for the CIA, I'd want them to become.
00:58:30 Feminized, right?
00:58:32 It would make them easier to compete with.
Speaker 11
00:58:35 Well, I think think.
00:58:36 About this way, as if as women have have ceased to become those who support.
00:58:43 Their men and those who help guide their men to do the right thing and that sort.
00:58:48 Of thing.
00:58:49 And they've become competitors.
00:58:57 OK.
00:58:58 Well, if they're competitors, why wouldn't they want to undermine masculinity?
00:59:04 In the patriarchy, why wouldn't they want to see?
00:59:07 More of that.
00:59:09 More of that which would get make it make it easier for them to compete.
00:59:16 Why not?
00:59:29 Chen said he would accept his son if he stayed soft despite playing more sports, but there will be certain lines he wouldn't let him cross, like raising his pinky finger in the gesture known in China as orchid finger, which is stereotypically associated with gay men and transgender women.
00:59:51 Yeah, see.
00:59:54 Well, I don't care if I don't care if the patriarchy in my country gets watered down and neutered.
00:59:59 I used to.
01:00:00 Want my kid?
01:00:00 To be a fad?
01:00:01 Well, guess what?
01:00:07 That's what happens.
01:00:09 When you get rid of masculinity in your.
Speaker 8
01:00:11 Society. You get more ****.
01:00:14 Just ask the zoomers.
01:00:17 The group with the most **** of any group, possibly since like.
01:00:22 Sodom and Gomorrah.
01:00:29 It's almost as if.
01:00:32 God is punishing us.
01:00:38 It's almost as if.
01:00:40 Fact there's something I want to talk about.
01:00:42 After this, that's related to that.
01:00:47 Experts take issue here we go experts.
01:00:50 Oh, here come the Jews.
01:00:53 And I guess like the Chinese version of that.
01:00:59 I don't know.
01:00:59 Maybe they're funded.
01:01:00 Who knows?
01:01:03 Men are not necessarily aggressive, competitive and athletic.
01:01:07 While women are not necessarily passive, emotional and soft.
01:01:12 Sociologist Fang Fang gang.
01:01:16 Her name is really Fang gang, another Fang gang, Fang gang, sociologist Fang Gang wrote.
01:01:26 That's a good name for a spy.
01:01:27 Good characteristic characteristics are unisex, which both girls and boys should learn.
01:01:34 Yeah, let's.
01:01:35 Let's erase gender.
01:01:37 Let's erase gender.
01:01:41 That's a good idea.
01:01:48 Geopolitics may be behind the government.
01:01:50 'S fears that Yang is on the decline.
Speaker 6
01:01:54 As in Yang from Yin and Yang.
01:01:57 Said Joshua eiseman.
01:01:59 I heard another Jew, an associate professor at the University of Notre Dames School of Global Affairs.
01:02:09 Well, all you have to do is say university and there should be no surprises about a.
01:02:16 Iceman there, who is a senior fellow in China Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council. China's preoccupation with its peoples physical prowess began during the century of humiliation, he said by e-mail, referring to the period from 1839 to 1949, when the country was repeatedly.
01:02:37 Colonized or beaten in war by Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan.
01:02:43 The narrative taught to all Chinese children remains under the Communist Party's leadership. China strengthened itself to resist and overcome the.
01:02:51 West, Heisman said.
01:02:53 Well, I mean.
Speaker 6
01:02:55 We mean that that's not incorrect.
01:02:58 What concerns me most about this new policy is its distinctive appeal to a concept of masculinity that is defined by service of the state.
01:03:08 Oh, you mean nationalism?
Speaker 11
01:03:13 Is that what it is?
01:03:16 Ohh no.
01:03:17 Oh God.
01:03:17 Here's this gonna happen again.
01:03:19 Oh, God, no.
01:03:21 Jesus, it's.
Speaker 12
01:03:21 Happening in China.
01:03:27 We're going to have a masculine.
01:03:30 Socialists who are nationalists, hmm.
01:03:36 In China, some teachers say the plan is key proposal, an overhaul of the physical education curriculum is unrealistic.
01:03:47 Given the pressures of the education system.
01:03:57 Gal Bayan, a gym teacher at a primary school in China's southeastern whatever province, said he is leading just two physical education classes a.
01:04:08 Week even though.
01:04:10 The government requires 4 weekly sessions, and even then other teachers sometimes pressure him to limit the extent to which students.
01:04:17 Actually, exercise in these classes so they can reserve energy for their academic studies, he said.
01:04:26 Toughen up Chinese kids.
01:04:28 You can do both.
01:04:29 You can ******* climb the rope and take the test.
01:04:33 Main subject teachers and lots of parents think it's fine if students don't get enough exercise because PE is only a small part of school exams, Gao said.
01:04:45 Yun Howe, who was shunned by his classmates for being too feminine, said he's comfortable with who he is now.
01:04:52 Well, that's what's important, right?
01:04:55 That he's comfortable with who he is now and doesn't need to try to be more masculine.
01:05:02 I'm a kind guy.
01:05:03 I'm outgoing, modest, gentle and considerate.
01:05:08 I've made lots of friends now, he said.
01:05:10 Saying I'm Gurley is superficial.
01:05:16 And that's how the article ends.
Speaker 6
01:05:17 It's kind of a disappointing end.
01:05:23 So there you go.
01:05:31 A cancer not just on the West.
Speaker 4
01:05:34 On the world.
01:05:35 A scourge.
01:05:40 A forest fire consuming all in its path.
01:05:45 It's like I said before, one of one of the biggest reasons for this is both genders have a Trump card.
01:05:54 Both genders have the ability to.
Speaker 11
01:05:59 When when? All.
01:05:59 Else fails.
01:06:02 They they still have the power of their gender, their, the, the, the, the, the superpower.
01:06:10 Of their respective genders.
Speaker 5
01:06:13 And for women?
01:06:16 That superpower is sex, right?
01:06:19 I guess you could.
01:06:20 Say, childbearing too.
01:06:22 But sex.
01:06:25 They can use their sexuality.
01:06:28 To get things that men could not get.
01:06:32 They can use it in ways that men have, they just they don't have that.
01:06:39 They can use their sexuality to influence people to do things they would not otherwise do to get them to grief to things.
01:06:47 That's their superpower, right?
01:06:49 And for eons, they've used it.
01:06:50 The the Bible is full of stories like that, not just the Bible.
01:06:54 Shakespeare, everything.
01:06:57 Fact and fiction.
01:07:00 All full of accounts.
01:07:03 Of women using their sexuality.
01:07:07 To influence men, we all know this.
01:07:14 Men's superpower over women.
Speaker 9
01:07:18 Is physical dominance.
01:07:22 You're not going to do what I say.
01:07:24 Alright, I'm going to ******* beat you till you do or force you.
01:07:28 You know, I'm.
01:07:28 I'm physically stronger than you I can.
01:07:30 Make you do it.
01:07:34 I can discipline you like a child if you start acting like a child.
01:07:39 Well, you can't do that in modern times.
01:07:42 Men no longer have.
01:07:44 Their superpower.
01:07:48 Look, I'm not saying beating your wife is good or anything like that.
01:07:50 I'm just saying.
01:07:56 That's how men kept women in line.
Speaker 4
01:07:58 Right.
01:08:00 No matter what you think of it, that's that's just the truth.
01:08:05 And now men don't have that superpower.
01:08:09 Men don't have that physical dominance.
01:08:14 Or, you know, the the ability to use it without the state, the feminized state coming down on them like a ton.
01:08:19 Of ******* bricks.
01:08:22 Without without the female bureaucrats locking them up for for doing that.
Speaker 5
01:08:28 And look, you might agree.
01:08:28 With the female bureaucrats, I'm not saying.
01:08:30 Like I said.
01:08:32 I'm in no way advocating.
01:08:34 Domestic violence, but that term is relatively new.
01:08:39 Domestic violence. You never heard of that before the 1970s?
01:08:46 And in fact, it was not uncommon.
01:08:49 Prior to, well, I'd say the 70s to 80s.
01:08:55 Four men to physically and not in.
01:08:58 Like a A.
01:09:00 You know terribly violent way, but physically discipline their wives like a a swat on the ****, like in the same way you'd swat a an unruly child.
01:09:11 Like this was this was common in.
01:09:12 In in America.
01:09:14 Not not like some.
01:09:17 Backward country.
01:09:20 There were men that.
01:09:22 Physically disciplined.
Speaker 6
01:09:25 Unruly wives.
01:09:27 And look, I'm not.
01:09:28 Saying that, I'm not saying that's ideal.
01:09:30 I'm not even saying I'm not even saying that's acceptable necessarily.
01:09:34 I don't know.
01:09:35 But you got to replace it with something or you have an imbalance of power.
01:09:46 That's part of what's going on right now.
01:09:53 The patriarchy largely was lost because it lost its ability to.
01:10:02 Used its only Trump card whereas the the competition.
01:10:08 Was free, not just free to use their their Trump card freer than they'd ever been in all of history.
01:10:14 Thanks to the Jewish invention of.
01:10:18 Birth control?
01:10:21 It's actually a Jewish invention.
01:10:22 I'm not just being, like ****** that it's a Jewish invention.
01:10:28 So the kinds of things that used to in a way self regulate the sexual marketplace, you know the like, women might might not want to use their sexuality if they thought, well, **** if I do I'm I'll get pregnant and that's gonna just create this huge mess for me.
01:10:45 So I'm I, you know, I'll be flirty or whatever, but I I'm not going to **** every guy to get what I want because that could lead to some real bad things, you know, which it still can, but.
Speaker 6
01:10:55 Not as a parent, right?
01:11:02 But now, now, now I've got this birth control.
01:11:06 I can I can exercise my my right as a woman to participate in the institution of infidelity.
01:11:18 And nothing happens.
01:11:20 I don't have to worry about some ******* child.
01:11:24 And if I you know if.
01:11:26 I **** ** and get pregnant.
01:11:27 Can always get an abortion.
01:11:33 See all these?
01:11:34 All these little mechanisms.
Speaker 11
01:11:37 That's what I talked.
01:11:37 About earlier in the stream where I said, you know, we, we gave women the right to vote without an undo button.
01:11:43 All this stuff, none of it has undo buttons.
01:11:45 You think we're going to stop having?
Speaker 8
01:11:47 Birth control now.
01:11:50 Good luck.
01:11:54 That's not, that's not going away.
01:11:57 There's only one way that goes away.
01:11:59 See, that's increasingly, we're discovering many of the problems many of the root problems with our society.
01:12:07 There's only one way to fix it.
01:12:10 There's not.
01:12:11 There's not.
01:12:12 We don't.
01:12:12 You don't have, like, a whole lot of options.
01:12:22 Access to birth control and abortion.
01:12:27 Is something that looked the the the feminists have.
01:12:32 Worked very hard at implementing not just here in the West, but around the world.
Speaker 9
01:12:39 In the third world ******* countries.
01:12:43 Countries that even that haven't even had the chance.
01:12:48 To succeed and become great and then decline.
01:12:52 Now they want it.
01:12:53 They want to kneecap them, they want.
Speaker 10
01:12:54 To they want to.
01:12:55 Undermine Botswana that just as an example before it even gets going.
01:13:18 There's lots of ways to clip everything.
01:13:20 I was just saying and make it sound like I'd support beating your wife, but.
01:13:24 Not the point.
01:13:26 The points not whether or not you.
01:13:28 Agree with it.
01:13:28 Are like it the point?
01:13:29 Is that it's.
01:13:31 It's a real thing, you know, women were physically dominated.
01:13:37 Is a way to keep them in line for all of human history up until.
01:13:43 You know, like 60-70 years ago, really.
01:13:50 And now the world's falling apart.
01:13:53 All right, next story.
01:13:59 An elected Milwaukee judge who is the CEO of a group that organizes drag queen story hour.
01:14:07 Has been arrested and charged with seven counts of child ***********.
Speaker 11
01:14:14 Who would have thought?
01:14:17 Who would have thought?
01:14:22 A Milwaukee judge and President of Drag Queen story hour.
01:14:30 Could be into child ****.
01:14:32 Who would have thought?
01:14:36 Shocking, I know.
01:14:40 Very shocking.
01:14:44 But it's true it happened.
01:14:50 These two things are tied together honestly.
01:14:55 It's honestly this is tied to the loss of your patriarchy.
01:15:00 The loss of the violence, the casual violence of men.
01:15:04 That I mean.
01:15:05 Look, this guy would not have.
01:15:06 I mean, he would not be arrested, OK?
01:15:13 People like this exist in our society precisely because we have removed the mechanisms that would normally remove them.
01:15:22 This is the kind of thing women by the.
Speaker 11
01:15:25 Way they're listening.
01:15:26 The patriarchy used to protect your society from.
01:15:36 But because of this feminine attitude of.
Speaker 11
01:15:39 Well, I might not want my.
01:15:41 Kid to be a a ****** peto.
01:15:45 I don't care if what he does in the privacy of his own home.
01:15:49 That's OK.
Speaker 5
01:15:52 That doesn't affect me.
Speaker 6
01:16:03 That doesn't affect me.
01:16:10 A little, a little annoyed.
Speaker 6
01:16:11 That I can't load up these.
01:16:14 These images.
01:16:18 Uh, I mean I.
01:16:19 Guess I could but.
01:16:24 Let me there's there's an article I want to read.
01:16:37 Rather, just keep looking at Lovecraft, but.
01:16:41 Just because I don't want to risk it.
01:16:44 We didn't drop any frames when I.
01:16:52 Let's see here.
Speaker 10
01:17:02 And so here we.
01:17:03 Go this is from the root.
01:17:08 Demon young.
01:17:14 The headline is this whiteness.
01:17:20 Is a pandemic whiteness.
01:17:25 Is a pandemic, which implies, of course, that.
Speaker 4
01:17:29 It needs to be cured.
01:17:33 We need to have a vaccine for whiteness.
01:17:37 When you have a cure for whiteness.
Speaker 4
01:17:40 We can to eradicate whiteness.
01:17:44 Now what the headline is referring to.
01:17:48 Is of course, the not racially motivated.
01:17:52 Shootings at the ***********.
01:17:58 Just because some of the ****** were Asians.
01:18:03 And because.
01:18:05 Whites are so not racist, unfortunately.
01:18:12 They need to try to frame anything that you could possibly frame as white racism as white racism.
01:18:19 Here is the story by Damon Young.
01:18:22 I don't have much to add here that hasn't already been said.
01:18:27 Whiteness is a public health crisis.
01:18:31 It shortens life expectancies.
01:18:35 It pollutes air.
01:18:38 It constricts equilibrium.
Speaker 6
01:18:41 Yeah. OK.
01:18:43 It devastates forests.
01:18:47 It melts ice caps.
01:18:50 It sparks and funds wars.
01:18:55 It flattens dialects. What?
01:18:59 It infests consciousness.
01:19:03 And it kills people.
01:19:07 White people and people who are not white.
01:19:11 My mom included.
01:19:15 There will be people who die in 2050.
01:19:19 Because of white supremacy.
01:19:23 Induced decisions from 1850 well.
01:19:30 Alright, ******.
01:19:31 A line can and should be drawn from the actions of the white supremacist.
01:19:39 Who stalked into 3 Atlanta area massage parlors yesterday and allegedly killed eight people.
01:19:47 See listen here, you ******* ******.
01:19:50 You ******* ***** ** ****.
01:19:53 Lying, ******.
01:19:54 You know you're lying.
01:19:55 You know you're lying, you pathetic.
01:19:59 Subhuman ***** ** ****.
01:20:04 We all know the reason he and I said this without even hearing his his confession.
01:20:10 It was obvious on its face.
01:20:12 Ohh he's going to *********** and shooting ****** and he's super Christian.
01:20:20 Doesn't take a genius.
01:20:23 Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
01:20:33 You ******* lying sack of ****.
Speaker 7
01:20:39 Six of whom were Asian.
01:20:42 Yeah, because that's that's the group that the whites are always butting heads with, right?
01:20:47 The Asians to the relentless anti Asian rhetoric.
01:20:52 Yeah, pollinating national discourse over the past year.
01:20:56 Yeah, here we go.
01:20:56 Here, here's the the Trump said China virus.
01:20:59 Therefore, this guy shot up shot, shot a bunch of Asian ******.
01:21:03 The former president and the Party of the former president.
Speaker 11
01:21:07 Can and should be blamed for this?
01:21:09 Oh, Trump should be black because he said China virus, this guy shot some ******.
01:21:18 And the sudden increase of racist violence against Asian Americans.
Speaker 12
01:21:21 By your people.
01:21:23 You ******* Jesus Christ.
01:21:26 Ohh God well, I'm assuming.
Speaker 6
01:21:28 He's black. I don't know.
01:21:30 Name is Damon.
01:21:37 Maybe it's Damon, but it looks like Damon, even if it's Damon, that's kind of Blacky.
01:21:43 Not no, I'm not gonna bother looking him up.
01:21:46 **** him.
01:21:46 He's black.
01:21:47 Either way, the way I.
01:21:48 See it. The line doesn't stop there though. It extends back 400 years. Oh, my God. It has tentacles clawing everywhere. Tentacles clawing everywhere.
01:21:59 White supremacy exists here in America.
01:22:07 There's a line connecting this act of terror to the 11 people killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018. Actually not really totally unrelated.
01:22:18 And the nine people killed at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015.
Speaker 11
01:22:25 I I'm glad you had.
01:22:26 Like your two little examples, right?
01:22:29 When blacks are killing white in racially motivated murders.
Speaker 4
01:22:35 Oh, I don't know.
01:22:36 Every day.
Speaker 8
01:22:38 Every day.
01:22:40 You got your little ******* ***** example from 2018 and 2015.
01:22:49 And and unlike.
01:22:50 When your people are killing my people.
01:22:54 It's not because they're ******.
01:22:56 I'm maybe, I don't know.
01:22:57 Maybe there's some.
Speaker 6
01:22:58 Don't know, maybe.
01:22:59 Maybe some brothers.
01:23:00 Some fellas are killing white ******.
01:23:02 I guess that does happen from time to time, right?
01:23:08 It doesn't, but it doesn't matter, right?
01:23:10 It doesn't matter.
01:23:11 It doesn't matter.
01:23:14 They have control, they have the power, they can lie like this. This guy's. Why would he be worried about his job?
01:23:20 For lying like having this this little integrity, why?
01:23:26 Why would why would he be worried?
01:23:27 This is what they want.
01:23:28 This is.
Speaker 11
01:23:29 What they want?
01:23:31 This is part.
01:23:32 Of the demonization of white people so that genocide becomes more palatable.
01:23:44 Plain and simple, this entire article which is infuriating me to a degree I.
01:23:48 Don't know if I can keep reading it.
01:23:53 Its entire purpose.
01:23:56 Is to inflamed non whites against whites.
01:24:00 So that white genocide becomes not just more palatable desirable.
01:24:06 Because didn't you know, whiteness is a pandemic?
01:24:10 It's a pandemic.
Speaker 7
01:24:14 And social distancing isn't working.
01:24:16 We need a vaccine.
01:24:22 We need a vaccine against this scourge of whiteness.
01:24:34 Again, this is what happens.
01:24:37 When you don't have an undo button.
01:24:50 Let's allow these groups that have never been able to maintain a civilization, ever.
01:24:57 Ever in the history of the world.
01:25:02 Let's allow them into the most advanced civilization that the world has ever seen.
01:25:09 And then give them power.
01:25:11 What could go wrong?
Speaker 11
01:25:14 What could possibly go wrong?
01:25:18 You see what?
01:25:19 Whiteness really is.
01:25:22 Is the optimism that.
01:25:24 That, that, that would be OK.
01:25:27 That's that's the real problem of whiteness.
01:25:30 The real problem of whiteness.
01:25:33 Was the compassion.
01:25:37 Involved in that ******* ******** decision.
01:25:41 The empathy that's the real disease of whiteness.
01:25:53 This overconfident.
01:25:56 Condescension that we've seen so often.
Speaker 9
01:25:59 The hubris.
01:26:01 That's the real.
Speaker 6
01:26:07 Of whiteness.
01:26:19 It was whiteness that allowed this ******* mongrel into our society.
01:26:34 So that he could undermine and destroy it.
01:26:40 As as people have for.
Speaker 6
01:26:43 Well, since the dawn of time.
01:26:47 To their own societies.
01:27:06 Yeah, I'm not going to.
Speaker 6
01:27:07 Read the rest of the article.
01:27:09 And I can read the rest of the article.
01:27:13 I'll read the I'll.
01:27:13 I'll read his closing his closing paragraph.
01:27:18 Is like I said this.
01:27:20 What is this?
01:27:20 What is this sound like?
01:27:21 He's setting the stage.
01:27:23 For what?
01:27:23 Does this sound like?
01:27:26 White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die.
01:27:33 Until there are no bodies left for it to infect.
01:27:41 This is his words why supremacy is a virus.
01:27:46 That, like other viruses, will not die.
01:27:51 Until there are no bodies left for it to infect.
01:27:59 Which means the.
01:28:00 Only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it.
01:28:07 And kill it.
01:28:12 You think I'm using hyperbole when I say that articles like this are preparing a public?
01:28:20 To sign on for.
01:28:21 A literal genocide.
01:28:23 I am not being hyperbolic.
Speaker 7
01:28:25 Listen to what he's.
Speaker 9
01:28:26 Saying this is his words.
01:28:28 White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die.
01:28:33 Until there are no bodies left for it to infect, which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it and kill it.
01:28:50 What does that sound like to you?
Speaker 9
01:28:54 Wake the **** **, you ******* *******.
01:29:04 You happy now, women?
01:29:06 You feminize your society.
01:29:09 And now there's no man left to protect you against this ****.
01:29:16 If you think you're going to save your *** by ******* them and and and to.
Speaker 4
01:29:21 To to not.
01:29:22 Face the wall.
01:29:26 Yeah, maybe a couple of you will be able to weasel your way out that way, right?
01:29:40 But they will not accept whiteness.
01:29:42 Don't you know white supremacy?
Speaker 9
01:29:44 After all, it's.
Speaker 7
01:29:44 A virus.
01:29:46 Like other viruses that won't die until there are no bodies left for it to infect.
01:30:03 Doesn't matter if your hair is blue.
01:30:04 If your skin is white.
01:30:13 They will locate it, isolate it, extract it.
01:30:18 And kill it.
01:30:30 I'm not using hyperbole.
01:30:32 I'm not peddling fear ****.
01:30:35 This is happening.
01:30:37 And you can face that.
01:30:41 Or you can do what every other white generation has done.
01:30:45 Put your head in the ******* sand, or worse yet, in the clouds.
01:30:51 Pat the problem on the head.
01:30:53 Oh, those those silly minorities, they don't pose an actual threat to me.
01:30:58 I'm in my little gated community.
01:31:01 Bob at the office, you know he's black and he's very civilized.
01:31:06 It'll be fine.
01:31:11 Hispanics are natural conservatives.
01:31:20 Asians are natural conservatives.
01:31:27 Blacks have family values, we just need to be able to reach them.
Speaker 7
01:31:35 Lincoln was a Republican.
01:31:37 He freed the slaves.
01:31:40 All these ******* ********.
01:31:44 Tropes, I guess.
01:31:45 Let's use that word right tropes.
01:31:52 Bouncing around that ******* empty head of yours.
Speaker 6
01:31:55 It's going to doom your people.
01:31:58 But why do you care, right?
01:32:00 You don't have pride in.
01:32:01 Your people, why do you care if?
01:32:02 If, if if whites go extinct, you don't.
01:32:04 Give a ****.
01:32:05 You don't give a ****.
01:32:07 Clearly you don't give a ****.
01:32:10 You're afraid to even just.
01:32:12 Say that you like white people.
01:32:20 I really I'm going to try to download a.
01:32:29 And this may **** ** the connection yet again.
01:32:33 Who knows?
01:32:33 It might not.
01:32:34 Maybe it won't.
01:32:37 But I want you to have just like a little.
01:32:40 Little peak.
01:32:42 Into the future.
01:32:46 That you're setting us up for?
01:32:50 Just a tiny little peek.
Speaker 4
01:33:00 OK.
01:33:05 Now hopefully this works.
01:33:08 Well, it's not killing my connection, but it's also not telling me how much longer it has.
01:33:19 I'm just trying to download this before the stream button.
Speaker 13
01:33:26 There's no arguing it. How?
01:33:30 Well, it's going to be a little bit.
01:33:33 It is downloading though.
01:33:38 So we'll watch that in a moment.
01:33:40 It's just very relevant to what I'm talking about right now, so it's.
01:33:48 It's uh.
Speaker 6
01:33:51 You know.
Speaker 7
01:33:51 It is.
01:33:54 It's not the same.
01:33:55 Kind. I mean, look.
01:33:56 Just like this video.
01:33:57 I mean, there's countless of videos of we'll, we'll we'll watch in a second.
Speaker 10
01:34:02 We don't.
01:34:02 You don't even need to watch this video, though.
01:34:04 You just have to watch.
01:34:07 Watch the world around you.
01:34:09 Listen to your instincts.
01:34:12 You know, someone was sending me.
01:34:14 We were having an unrelated conversation and they sent me some biblical verses that we're talking about the the Nazarenes.
01:34:27 Being fair skinned and in the Bible that describes the Nazarenes as having fair skin like milk.
01:34:35 Until they had displeased God, and when they had displeased God, the people the Nazarenes had became a people of dark skin.
01:34:47 And that they lost.
01:34:48 They lost the ability.
01:34:51 To farm.
01:34:52 And produce their own food.
01:34:55 And that they.
01:34:57 Would beg when they were conquered, to be killed.
01:35:03 Because it would end their starvation.
01:35:07 And that God allowed all this to happen.
01:35:11 Essentially, because they became sodomites.
01:35:16 It's like I've said a million times before.
01:35:17 The Bible is extremely racial and usually when dark skin is mentioned, it's God punishing of people.
01:35:25 That's just look, it's just, it's in the Bible.
01:35:28 It just is.
01:35:29 You don't have to believe it.
01:35:30 Not everyone believes the Bible.
01:35:31 That's fine.
Speaker 8
01:35:33 But if you're.
01:35:34 A Christian?
01:35:34 You can't pretend like this ship.
01:35:36 'S not in there.
01:35:39 It's in there a lot.
01:35:44 And in this particular case, what happened was there was a people and their their skin was as fair as milk.
01:35:51 White as snow.
01:35:54 You know, they were in God's favor.
Speaker 6
01:35:58 And then.
01:36:00 Their skin became dark.
01:36:03 And they became sodomites.
01:36:07 And God left them.
01:36:10 And they lost the ability to.
01:36:12 Grow their own food.
01:36:15 And their civilization began to collapse.
01:36:19 And they got conquered.
01:36:25 And they paid the price for their iniquities.
01:36:30 If you want to know the particular.
01:36:34 Chapter I'm talking about.
01:36:36 I wonder if I still have it up.
01:36:38 Yeah, I mean, lamentations 4.
01:36:45 Just read Chapter 4.
01:36:49 Talks about the the fall of the Nazarenes.
01:36:57 But this kind of thing is all over the place in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon.
Speaker 6
01:37:01 For the Mormons.
01:37:03 Out there and it's in fact, it's more explicit.
01:37:07 In the Book of Mormon.
01:37:09 The Mormons used to teach.
01:37:12 Well, I guess they still do.
01:37:13 I I don't.
Speaker 6
01:37:13 I I wonder.
01:37:14 How it I?
Speaker 8
01:37:15 Wonder if they've gotten.
01:37:16 PC about it.
01:37:18 Since since I was a young in in Sunday school.
Speaker 10
01:37:24 But for those.
01:37:25 Of you who don't know the Mormons.
01:37:27 And I'm really kind of paraphrasing here and and it's going to sound even more ridiculous than it really is, but the Mormons essentially believe that America was colonized like thousands of years ago by.
01:37:44 People fleeing Jerusalem.
01:37:47 And that the modern day Indians are remnants of these people, right, and their remnants of the because, again, I'm oversimplifying here, right?
01:38:00 The the people who settled the American continent ended up becoming like these two factions of kind of like the goodies and the baddies.
01:38:08 And sometimes it flips as.
01:38:09 To who's the goodies and who's?
01:38:10 The baddies, but God cursed the baddies with darker skin.
01:38:18 So that the ones.
01:38:19 With lighter skin would be warned.
01:38:22 Of the Lamanites, as they were called.
01:38:26 With the darker skin.
01:38:34 I mean this is.
01:38:35 This kind and look that kind of a thing.
01:38:39 Is in the Bible as well.
01:38:40 It just is.
01:38:43 And you almost have to wonder if you're a.
01:38:45 If you're a God fearing Christian, if you believe the Bible.
01:38:51 You almost have to wonder if these types of warnings.
01:38:56 In the Bible and in the Book of Mormon.
Speaker 8
01:39:00 Or perhaps.
01:39:03 Maybe we're seeing a modern day version.
01:39:06 Of what happened?
01:39:07 To the Nazarenes.
01:39:15 Where your society becomes decadent, your society becomes because the people allow the sodomites.
Speaker 8
01:39:25 To rule to rule the country.
01:39:29 They are punished by losing their civilization.
01:39:34 God withdraws from the society.
01:39:46 Let's see if that clip has finished downloading here.
Speaker 13
01:39:52 There's no arguing it. How?
Speaker 6
01:39:55 Well, it seems like it should have.
01:39:58 Where did it go?
01:40:21 Well, I think it's, uh, I think it did.
01:40:24 All right, I'm looking the wrong folder.
01:40:32 Or this is the this is the future you have in store boys and girls.
Speaker 11
01:40:42 This is the.
01:40:46 Fate of the Nazarenes.
01:40:49 I guess you could say.
Speaker 13
01:40:55 There's no arguing it. Towson University's debate team wins, claiming in historic win they are the 1st All Black Women's team to win the cross Examination Debate Association.
01:41:05 Missions national championship this morning we have two of the team members here.
01:41:09 We have Amina Ruffin and Corey Johnson, both here to talk about the the major victory ladies.
01:41:14 Way to go.
01:41:15 Congratulations, you've you've made so many people proud in this area.
Speaker 14
01:41:16 Thank you.
01:41:17 Thank you so much.
Speaker 13
01:41:19 Now we want.
01:41:20 To pick your.
01:41:21 Brain a little bit as we admire your huge trophy, by the way, that's ridiculous, but I'm going to ask.
01:41:25 You first we'll start with you, Amina.
01:41:26 What was the topic first?
01:41:28 Of all.
Speaker 14
01:41:28 The topic was restricting presidential war powers authority.
Speaker 12
01:41:31 They say the nick is.
Speaker 14
01:41:32 Always already queer.
01:41:33 That's exactly the point.
01:41:34 It means that the impact is that that is an impact turn to the afraid that that it.
01:41:38 Is the case.
01:41:39 Turn to the affirmative because we we are saying that queer bodies are not able to survive the necessarily means of the body, but the nick is not able to survive.
01:41:46 And we got the topic in about July when we started doing our research then.
Speaker 1
01:41:56 Be another Niger that he can feel sympathy for, or embrace that that that otherness gets obliterated.
Speaker 14
01:42:02 We've been supplementing our.
01:42:03 Research throughout the season.
Speaker 1
01:42:09 Like house devouring.
Speaker 14
01:42:14 Like the white man, the white man.
Speaker 12
01:42:15 So where do you?
Speaker 13
01:42:16 Go from there.
01:42:17 You know when you start preparing for a national competition.
01:42:20 Once you know the topic, what's next?
01:42:22 Well you do.
Speaker 14
01:42:22 A lot of research.
Speaker 1
01:42:26 Works is through whiteness allowing forcing other bodies to tell of whiteness in the balances of whiteness.
01:42:36 In order to prepare for it, because there are several visits permanent.
01:42:39 And they're being able to transition through these terminal.
Speaker 14
01:42:43 It's not told you to close representation of the white world cultural.
01:42:48 Able to respond to opponents arguments.
Speaker 1
01:42:51 And as a way of running this race, cultural fantasy, the country traffic.
01:42:55 So just.
Speaker 2
01:42:56 A lot of performing shape.
01:42:57 Just because.
Speaker 2
01:43:01 Right.
Speaker 14
01:43:03 Reading of articles and books and.
Speaker 1
01:43:06 The date.
Speaker 2
01:43:09 Authentic because we we are not allowed to read.
01:43:12 We are not allowed to read some things, to speak in a certain way because we it's not.
01:43:16 It's not truly speaking, truly speaking.
Speaker 14
01:43:18 But there's a question.
Speaker 13
01:43:23 Was there anything that?
01:43:24 Screw you off during the competition.
01:43:26 You know something that someone else said, another team that made you go.
01:43:36 So there you go.
01:43:40 That's the.
01:43:43 That's the future.
01:43:46 That's the future of this country.
Speaker 8
01:43:51 We didn't drop.
01:43:51 Any frames?
01:43:52 I'm almost.
01:43:52 I'm tempted to put a background in there and justice to see what happens.
01:43:58 Let's see.
01:43:58 Let's see if it holds up now.
01:44:00 Maybe it's maybe it's late enough for them to allow me to have Internet.
01:44:05 There it is. It's on.
01:44:08 The Background's on nothing bad's happening. All right, we're going to.
01:44:11 Let it go.
01:44:13 Should I do I dare.
01:44:15 Do I dare add my?
01:44:17 Little voice ideally.
Speaker 6
01:44:20 Maybe I should. Let's see.
01:44:24 Oh, fancy fancy.
01:44:27 No drop frames.
01:44:28 Hey, look.
Speaker 8
01:44:29 Look at that.
01:44:31 Look at that.
01:44:31 It might be OK.
01:44:34 It might be OK, we might make it fam.
01:44:37 As they say.
01:44:39 We're not going to.
01:44:40 Make it.
01:44:42 Oh boy.
Speaker 4
01:44:45 Oh boy.
01:44:50 So yeah, that's, that's where.
01:44:52 That's where this, that's.
01:44:53 What happens when you when?
01:44:54 You cure the Society of whiteness.
Speaker 8
01:44:58 That's what you get.
Speaker 7
01:45:02 And look, some of the someone else will.
01:45:04 Fill that vacuum.
01:45:08 So in a weird way I I would be.
01:45:10 I'd be shocked if the CIA or or some.
01:45:12 You know you.
01:45:14 Know other agency or certainly there's got to be someone that's trying really hard to subvert China in the same ways that we've been subverted simply out of self preservation.
01:45:26 Because if they don't, if they don't manage to to subvert China in the same way that we've.
01:45:31 Been subverted. We're ******.
Speaker 11
01:45:35 We're ******.
01:45:37 You think you?
01:45:38 Can compete with China with what we just watched.
01:45:43 With those future leaders.
01:45:53 You think that you think that's going to be?
01:45:57 Well, not, not even just like in terms of like competitive, I don't mean like in a.
01:46:01 War, I mean.
01:46:01 Just look.
01:46:02 Strike putting striking deals with the.
01:46:05 With the Chinese.
01:46:07 If you send one of those women to go.
01:46:09 Negotiate a deal with the Chinese.
01:46:11 You think we're gonna get?
Speaker 8
01:46:12 A good deal.
01:46:24 We are not headed somewhere good.
01:46:28 And there's no undo button.
01:46:30 You can't just be like, OK, this.
01:46:32 Guy out of hand.
01:46:34 It's like in Photoshop, right?
01:46:36 Your best friend when you're in.
01:46:38 Photoshop is the.
01:46:39 History window because sometimes you just you just want to see.
Speaker 11
01:46:43 Something's going to look like?
01:46:46 And for those?
01:46:47 Of you, who don't, you never use Photoshop and Photoshop.
01:46:50 You have a little window.
01:46:52 It's called the history window and it shows every little thing.
01:46:56 Well, I mean you can, you can dial how many times, how many steps.
01:46:58 Back right that it can do.
01:47:02 But you know, most people, you give it, you give it plenty of room, you know, so you can go, you can hit undo 100 times.
01:47:09 And it knows exactly because when you're experimenting.
01:47:14 Sometimes you go down visual rabbit holes.
01:47:17 You want to see like, how is this going to turn out?
01:47:19 How is this going to look?
01:47:20 I'm going to add this effect and I'm going.
01:47:22 To cut this.
01:47:22 Out and I'm.
01:47:22 Going to do that and I'm going to add this layer and.
01:47:25 It ends up being a disaster and you end up realizing ****.
01:47:30 I just I.
01:47:31 Made it worse.
01:47:32 I made it way worse like I thought this was a good idea.
01:47:35 It was it.
Speaker 4
01:47:35 Was not a good idea.
01:47:37 I need to go back to how this looked.
01:47:40 Like 1/2 hour ago or whatever.
01:47:43 And so you open up your history window.
01:47:46 And you look.
01:47:47 And see where where you pinpoint exactly where it went wrong.
01:47:54 And you go to that point in the history of the document.
01:48:00 And you're back to.
01:48:00 Where you were.
01:48:04 No problem, no big deal.
01:48:09 They didn't implement anything like that.
01:48:13 When they went down their.
01:48:14 Little ******* rabbit holes to see how things would look.
Speaker 7
01:48:19 Oh, sure.
01:48:20 Let's give women the vote.
01:48:21 Let's see how that looks.
01:48:24 Let's see how that turns out.
01:48:29 Silver rights movement?
01:48:30 Sure, that sounds good.
01:48:31 Let's see how that looks in America.
01:48:36 It'll be fine.
Speaker 6
01:48:42 I bet it'll be fine.
01:48:50 Just in judge rules that some giggling.
01:48:56 I hate her name, I can't say.
01:48:57 Is it supposed to?
01:48:58 Be drizzling.
01:48:59 Or guzzling, or what?
Speaker 6
01:49:00 I don't know.
01:49:01 I mean Jiz lane that that kind of sounds like.
01:49:05 It's appropriate.
01:49:05 I don't know if it's.
01:49:06 Real we'll say Jazz lane.
01:49:08 She's a lane for jazz.
01:49:10 The fast lane for Jiz Jiz lane. Maxwell's details are too sensational and impure to be disclosed.
01:49:20 To the public.
01:49:21 Thus, most of the governments redactions remain redacted and more redactions.
01:49:28 Will be added.
01:49:34 That's right.
01:49:37 The details of her.
01:49:40 Child trafficking ring.
01:49:44 Are too sensational and and and impure impure cause.
01:49:49 Don't you know we live in a society that cares about purity on any level.
01:49:57 As as as it applies to anything, purity seems to be like a real, real problem.
Speaker 4
01:50:06 In our country.
01:50:10 Ohh boy.
01:50:13 But like like look, I'm not shocked.
01:50:15 I'm, I'm.
01:50:16 Shocked she's still in jail.
01:50:20 No one thought that or unless you know only the most delusional qutar thought this was going to go anywhere.
01:50:29 Of course, it's not going to go anywhere.
01:50:38 I think this necessarily look, I'm just, I'm just, I know there's a lot of people that get upset with me when I say this kind of stuff because they oh, you're.
01:50:45 Demoralizing. Blah.
01:50:47 I'm just being real with you guys.
01:50:49 I think that this just there's necessarily.
01:50:53 The civilization has to fall.
01:50:55 I think, I think, necessarily.
01:50:58 In the same way that the Nazarenes.
01:51:01 Had to fall, I think, I think.
01:51:06 You know whether it, whether it's whether you want to look at it as as metaphorical.
01:51:11 Or or, you know, like a, you know, a bearded guy in the sky kind of way.
01:51:15 Of looking at it.
01:51:16 I think God has left us.
Speaker 10
01:51:22 We've we've let the sodomites.
01:51:24 You know, like **** Lane Maxwell.
01:51:29 I mean, they're still getting away with it.
01:51:35 They're still getting away with it.
01:51:44 I think that, uh, that's just the.
01:51:49 I think that's just what happens to civilizations that turn out like that.
01:51:52 Like I said, whether, you know, maybe doesn't necessarily have to be bearded guy in the sky.
01:51:57 But it could be.
01:52:00 Either way, it's kind of irrelevant, right?
01:52:02 Like, I don't know if it's.
01:52:03 Irrelevant, but it's.
01:52:04 In terms of whether or not that's a real thing, it's irrelevant.
Speaker 6
01:52:15 When you become decadent.
01:52:22 And you become sodomites.
01:52:26 And you turn your back on God.
01:52:30 Again, whether that's bearded guy in the sky or just some kind of moral fortitude, masculinity.
01:52:40 God has a gender for a reason.
01:52:47 God, it does God.
01:52:49 Represents the masculine.
01:52:50 We don't say goddess.
01:52:59 We can turn your back on God as a people, you turn your back on masculinity.
01:53:07 And what happens next?
01:53:10 Well, I think we're.
01:53:13 I think we're living it, I think we.
Speaker 8
01:53:14 I think we all have front.
01:53:15 Row seats to what happens next?
01:53:27 Oh, the internet's working. I hope they didn't change the time.
01:53:31 That my Internet starts working even later.
Speaker 10
01:53:37 Oh, that would.
01:53:38 That would really suck.
Speaker 11
01:53:40 I'll do what I gotta do if that's the.
Speaker 10
01:53:43 I'll just.
01:53:44 I'll have to do it.
01:53:44 Later but.
Speaker 4
01:53:46 That would suck.
Speaker 10
01:53:48 I think that's possible.
01:53:49 Too, because it started working, it seems like like an hour later than it usually does.
01:53:57 Well, I.
01:53:58 Don't know it wasn't.
01:53:58 It was a little more than an hour later.
01:54:03 I don't know.
01:54:04 Maybe I had something with daylight saving.
01:54:06 I don't know.
01:54:06 Something, something.
01:54:08 Something is amiss.
01:54:10 It's working now though seems to be.
01:54:11 Working totally fine now.
01:54:15 One of the things that we're not going to have time to really dig into this now, one of the.
01:54:20 Videos I wanted to show you.
01:54:22 Well, I don't know.
01:54:23 Maybe maybe I.
01:54:23 Should just save it.
01:54:25 We'll save it.
Speaker 6
01:54:28 For next time but.
01:54:31 Yeah, we'll save.
Speaker 6
01:54:31 It for next time.
01:54:33 Let's let's take a look at chat now that things are working now, things are back to normal and I don't feel like it's going to just take a giant shift soon as I start talking to you guys, let's take a look at chat now.
Speaker 4
01:54:50 Do do, do do do.
01:54:57 Yeah, daylight savings.
01:54:58 Yeah, it could have been like daylight savings thing.
01:55:01 I don't know.
01:55:07 9:00 AM here.
01:55:09 Well, you guys are lucky.
01:55:12 Are you familiar with the way of the?
Speaker 8
01:55:13 World it is.
01:55:14 Based YouTube.
01:55:15 Nuked him.
01:55:16 Well, that's why they nuked him.
Speaker 10
01:55:19 Because he's based.
01:55:21 Yeah, YouTube is pointless guys.
Speaker 11
01:55:23 Here, here's the for those.
01:55:25 Of you.
01:55:25 I'm sure you've seen it.
01:55:27 I don't know.
01:55:27 Maybe you haven't seen it.
Speaker 8
01:55:29 Here's the.
01:55:32 Where did I render that to?
01:55:37 For those of you who haven't seen it, this is the message I sent.
01:55:41 This is what?
01:55:41 The last video I posted the YouTube.
01:55:44 To get people to understand, like I said, I kept getting all of these ******* updates from people commenting like, whoa.
Speaker 11
01:55:54 Where have you been, bro?
01:55:56 Been a long time, bro.
01:55:58 How come you're not?
01:55:58 Posting anything anymore bro, so I I posted this the other day.
Speaker 7
01:56:06 Hello, YouTube.
01:56:08 Long time no see.
Speaker 9
01:56:11 Well, that is if you're 1.
01:56:12 Of the few people, or actually a shocking.
01:56:17 I just haven't been.
01:56:18 Making who think that because I haven't been uploading to YouTube I.
Speaker 7
01:56:23 I just haven't.
01:56:24 Been making content when in actuality for the last several weeks I've been putting out at least nine hours a week of content on the insomnia stream that is live on trovo.
01:56:38 And then it gets posted to bit shoot and odyssey.
Speaker 9
01:56:43 But not YouTube, not YouTube.
01:56:47 Because YouTube is for fact.
01:56:51 That's right, it's for massive.
01:56:53 That like to have in their.
Speaker 9
01:56:55 Mouths and in their.
01:56:58 While they everything insight because they're giant, massive, that just all they think about is tree and getting ****** in the constantly.
Speaker 9
01:57:12 Well after.
01:57:21 There are other platforms out there, believe it or not, and they're not that difficult to.
01:57:25 Find I would follow me on telegram.
Speaker 9
01:57:29 A good start.
01:57:31 And you can follow me on gab as well.
01:57:35 It's another alternative platform and soon I'll be having my own discord like Community server set up for people that want to.
01:57:46 Help each other.
01:57:47 Out in terms of homesteading, maybe even stuff like ham.
01:57:51 Radio talk about.
Speaker 5
01:57:53 Propaganda. Whatever.
01:57:55 All kinds of cool stuff.
01:57:57 We're also going to be working on a day.
01:57:59 Of the.
01:58:00 Movie, A crowdsourced movie where your participation is not just encouraged, it's required.
01:58:07 So why don't you head over to trovo?
Speaker 11
01:58:09 The link is.
01:58:10 Going to be in the description, make sure you.
Speaker 9
01:58:12 Sub over at trovo.
01:58:13 Make sure you sub over at bit shoot and make sure you sub over at Odyssey.
01:58:18 All these links will be in the description, I'm just it's just not worth it to me to upload to a giant machine.
01:58:27 Like uh, YouTube.
Speaker 9
01:58:29 That's built like specifically for.
01:58:32 That's built specifically for massive that.
01:58:40 And I so I just it's just.
01:58:42 Not worth it for.
01:58:43 It's not worth it for me to use this platform.
01:58:45 They've been digging up old videos and giving me strikes.
01:58:49 I mean, one of the reasons why I haven't been uploading here is I can't.
01:58:53 Half the time I can't.
01:58:54 This is a lucky little window when I actually.
Speaker 12
01:58:56 Get to upload.
Speaker 9
01:58:58 And uh look.
01:58:59 They look who.
01:59:00 Who are you still subscribed to?
01:59:01 That is still able to post videos on this platform?
01:59:05 Like what?
01:59:06 What milk?
Speaker 5
01:59:08 What tree are you watching?
01:59:10 That's still on YouTube.
01:59:11 For's sake.
01:59:13 I I I don't even know like me.
01:59:15 Everyone that I subscribe to on this platform is gone.
01:59:19 If I go to my subscription feed, it's just.
Speaker 11
01:59:21 A bunch of.
01:59:27 So head on over to Trovo head on over to Odyssey, Head on over to bit shoot.
01:59:32 Head on over to.
Speaker 9
01:59:33 Telegram head on over to Gab and YouTube.
01:59:37 Right. And it's.
Speaker 9
01:59:39 For Black pilled I.
Speaker 5
01:59:41 Am Devon stag.
02:00:09 So that was my message to YouTube.
02:00:14 So that they would migrate over here to trovo.
02:00:18 So that's why that's why I was so ****** *** and my Internet connection was all ****** **.
02:00:23 Because here I am expecting.
Speaker 11
02:00:25 Like oh, maybe.
02:00:25 We'll have new people.
02:00:26 Maybe we'll have new.
Speaker 8
02:00:27 People tonight. Tonight.
Speaker 7
02:00:29 And this is this is, is this?
02:00:31 What is this what we get?
02:00:33 We get this?
02:00:34 Half asked no working Internet ********.
02:00:37 What's going on with this stream insomnia stream?
02:00:41 More like not working a stream.
02:00:44 I got nothing.
02:00:45 I got nothing.
02:00:48 I got nothing but anyway.
02:00:49 So yeah, like, yeah, everyone's, everyone's banned off.
02:00:52 Don't know miraculously, my account's still there.
02:00:56 I don't I.
02:00:56 Mean I I don't know how they.
02:00:58 Have given me a bunch of.
Speaker 10
02:00:59 Strikes lately.
02:01:00 But they space them out just long enough to where it doesn't take.
02:01:03 Up my account on it.
Speaker 10
02:01:04 So like it just whatever, it's just there.
02:01:09 But, but they've been doing lately is they've been digging up videos from like 2016.
02:01:16 And striking me for.
02:01:17 Those videos that.
02:01:18 Were 100% factual, 100% factual.
02:01:23 And then they always use.
02:01:24 It's kind of weird.
02:01:25 They always say bullying.
02:01:28 In none of my videos.
02:01:30 Or bullying or, you know, or even could be construed like I'm surprised they didn't say, like hate speech or something.
02:01:36 I guess they can't cause that there wasn't, right?
02:01:38 Like, I guess bullying.
02:01:40 Maybe that's like just the the last thing in their little list and they nothing else works.
02:01:45 They're just like, **** it.
02:01:46 We'll just say bullying because that's so.
02:01:50 You know, like it's so indefinite, like it's subjective, right?
02:01:56 Oh well, I felt bullied by this information, so I it's bullying.
02:02:03 Maybe I don't know. Maybe.
02:02:07 Maybe that's what that's where we're at.
02:02:09 Maybe that's where.
02:02:09 We're at these days.
02:02:11 But they'll so they'll take the video down and then I can't upload anyway, if even.
02:02:16 If I wanted to for like a week.
02:02:18 Or something like that.
02:02:20 And you get enough of those and your account goes bye.
Speaker 6
02:02:22 OK.
02:02:23 So I suspect there's probably either.
02:02:26 Well, either there's just some AI that's off the chain trying to shut down anything, or it's just, uh, you know, Discord server full of ******* ****** ******** that hate my hate, my channel, and they're they're just mass reporting.
02:02:42 Everything for bullying.
Speaker 6
02:02:43 I don't know.
02:02:45 I don't know.
02:02:46 But it doesn't matter.
02:02:47 **** you 2.
02:02:49 **** YouTube.
02:02:50 Like it's what's what?
02:02:52 What's the, you know, YouTube is is it's finally gonna be what it always wanted to be.
02:03:00 And that's that's a mixture of Netflix and cat videos.
02:03:03 That's it.
02:03:04 Look, YouTube just wants to.
02:03:06 They want to be cable TV.
02:03:09 That's all they want.
02:03:11 They want to be the new cable TV.
02:03:14 And they want to have the same kind of control over the content that cable TV has.
02:03:20 That's that's the most important thing.
02:03:23 It was never supposed to be YouTube.
02:03:28 Maybe originally I don't know the the founders.
02:03:31 That sold out to Google.
02:03:33 Maybe they.
02:03:35 Maybe that was their vision.
02:03:38 That was never Google's vision.
02:03:40 Never in a million years was that going.
02:03:42 To be Google's vision.
02:03:49 No, no, no, no, never in a million years.
02:03:54 So yeah, YouTube.
02:03:58 I mean, look, there's there's still uses for it.
02:04:01 To find the.
02:04:03 The sorts of things they don't censor, right?
02:04:07 It just really kind of it it is.
02:04:08 A shame, it's.
02:04:09 A shame.
02:04:09 Because I I've been watching YouTube since before.
Speaker 4
02:04:13 Google bought it.
02:04:15 And I've I've learned a lot of.
02:04:17 Look, I I I I.
02:04:18 Was able to avoid having to to go to school for 3D animation because of YouTube.
02:04:25 I was able to learn how to use all the software that I use.
02:04:29 For my career.
02:04:31 Almost exclusively from videos on YouTube.
02:04:40 And look if YouTube.
02:04:41 Wasn't a bunch of ******* *******.
02:04:46 I I would make.
02:04:48 A good living on YouTube, I'd make a great living on YouTube.
02:04:54 No, not like Tim Poole.
02:04:57 Because what I say does not appeal to the lowest common denominator, but still.
02:05:09 So it's just sad to see.
02:05:10 A platform like that with.
02:05:14 But I mean, look again that's that's what happens, right?
02:05:17 That's what happens when when you allow diversity to because look, it's not white people doing.
Speaker 6
02:05:23 It's not white people making.
02:05:24 Those decisions, it's really not.
02:05:27 I guess you could say in the.
02:05:29 Instance of Jack at Twitter.
02:05:32 But it's not like that.
02:05:33 Guys fully autonomous, either he was, remember they were gonna ask, oust him as CEO.
02:05:38 Just a couple of years ago because he wasn't stopping fake news.
02:05:42 Good enough.
02:05:46 So he knows he's not even in control.
02:05:52 It's not CEOs when you when you're owned by.
02:05:56 By investor money.
02:06:05 That's just the way that it goes.
02:06:12 All right.
02:06:13 Let me take a.
02:06:13 Look at chat, but yeah, no, you should go.
02:06:16 To first and foremost, don't don't just go to.
Speaker 9
02:06:20 Because you're never.
02:06:21 Going to use bit shoot if all you.
02:06:22 Do is you go to bit shoot and subscribe to me and like that's it, right?
02:06:26 Like you're.
02:06:26 You're going to keep.
02:06:27 Going back to and, there's so many people.
02:06:29 Well, and look, maybe that's what I'll do and people have done this before, so you can find lists of people that subscribe to on, you know, if you look around, I I don't have one personally posted, but maybe that's something I should do and put it up on telegram.
02:06:46 But there are lots of people.
02:06:50 Now, lots of people now on bit shoot and odyssey cause out of necessity if nothing else and look bit shoot's getting a little better.
02:06:59 I know there's people that are mad at bit shoot because they've I guess, done they they have, they've baby stepped.
02:07:05 A little bit into censorship.
02:07:09 And they haven't, you know, their interface is the same as it's been always and you.
Speaker 6
02:07:14 Know there there's.
02:07:15 There's problems.
02:07:16 But I mean you.
02:07:16 Know they've treated me well.
02:07:19 And I know that that doesn't mean anything to some people, but you know, for me it means something because it's me, you know.
02:07:27 They don't folk in my videos and there's a lot of people that they don't **** with and.
Speaker 6
02:07:32 You know this?
Speaker 8
02:07:33 Look, there was a.
02:07:35 Time when YouTube was censoring Infowars and other people and I stayed on because it was still the best way to reach people.
02:07:43 And right now that just doesn't seem to be the.
02:07:45 Case I mean it.
02:07:47 Well, I'll tell you.
02:07:47 It was a little frustrating cause I uploaded that video.
02:07:50 To YouTube.
02:07:51 And it was it got thousands of views within because that's what that's what happens.
02:07:56 When I upload to.
02:07:56 YouTube because I've got over 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, so it gets like thousands of views within seconds.
02:08:04 And that doesn't happen on bit shoot or on Odyssey.
02:08:07 And so it's a little frustrating to see that, you know, you spent so much time building up that subscriber base.
02:08:15 And then you lose it.
02:08:16 But it's still not worth it.
02:08:18 It's not worth it getting those views or whatever.
02:08:20 And look, if people aren't willing to take the extra step to use these alternative platforms, you know, am I reaching them really?
02:08:29 Anyway, you know, like, is that really?
02:08:33 You know it, it's.
02:08:36 I I I I don't know it it.
02:08:37 It doesn't seem like.
02:08:40 I I just.
02:08:41 I just, it's not it's not effective.
02:08:44 Especially with the censorship on YouTube, it's I have to fund it used to just be OK.
02:08:51 There's certain words I can't say.
02:08:53 And you know, I have to phrase things carefully and **** like that.
02:08:58 But now it's like on YouTube.
02:09:01 I can't even.
02:09:01 I'd have to fundamentally change what I was saying.
02:09:07 And I'm just not.
02:09:08 Well, I'm not willing to play these little.
02:09:09 ******* games.
02:09:10 And there's some people that are and and that's fine.
02:09:14 I wish them well.
02:09:17 But I just can't.
02:09:18 That's not me.
02:09:18 I can't do that.
02:09:20 I want to be able to just say people are ******* and like, not have to worry about it.
02:09:27 I want to I want to be able to talk about race in an honest way and not have to worry about it because on YouTube you can't even like speak in code now, right?
02:09:37 You can't ****.
02:09:39 You got to speak in code.
02:09:41 Just about normal ****.
02:09:44 Like **** that like is still.
02:09:47 Allowed in polite society.
02:09:49 Is not allowed in on YouTube.
02:09:54 And it's you have this constant fear of, like, every day you're like, is my channel going to be deleted?
02:10:01 And so it's not worth the investment.
02:10:02 It's like it's like building a house.
02:10:05 If you're, it's like if you're Palestinian and you're building a house and you're like, every day are the are the are the Jews going to come?
02:10:10 Bulldoze my house tomorrow.
02:10:14 You know that?
02:10:14 I don't know.
02:10:15 I won't know.
02:10:16 I won't know until the the sun comes up.
02:10:18 If there's a bulldozer outside my house, are they going to shoot my kid?
02:10:24 And I just don't want to.
02:10:25 I don't.
02:10:26 Want to live like that?
02:10:29 I don't want to live like that, so I decided to embrace other platforms.
02:10:34 Speaking of which, I have been kind of looking around at the platforms that people recommended.
02:10:40 When I asked people to e-mail me and stuff, you know, the the thing.
02:10:46 The hang up I have with the matrix thing matrix is like a.
02:10:54 Kind of like it, I guess you could say like.
02:10:57 A discord style.
02:10:59 Chat thing, here's the thing.
02:11:01 I want to have the ability for voice chat.
02:11:06 And matrix has that.
02:11:08 The problem is you have to run your own.
02:11:11 Server and that which means either I have to spend the time to administer a new server and learn all that and put it all up and and.
02:11:20 All that ********.
02:11:21 Or I need to trust one of you guys.
02:11:25 To do it, and then you you're holding the keys, which I mean, no offense if I don't know you guys yet, uh.
02:11:32 Is that's a that you know, that's an iffy thing, right?
02:11:35 Like, what happens if there's some weird drama, and then all of a sudden?
02:11:38 Our whole server.
02:11:39 Is gone because you know Jimmy got mad about some stupid E drama.
02:11:44 You know what I mean?
02:11:44 Like you never know.
02:11:46 But what I think maybe might.
02:11:48 Be the way.
02:11:48 To do it is a bunch of you guys did volunteer to run.
02:11:52 Something like that.
02:11:54 So maybe what I do is have you guys, you know, we'll try it out, have one of you guys run something like that and then get to know people because, well.
Speaker 10
02:12:04 Voice chat, right?
02:12:06 Which would be nice.
02:12:08 And then.
Speaker 10
02:12:11 If it seems like the guy running the server is a psycho, we'll just.
02:12:16 We'll just change the difference or I don't.
02:12:17 I don't know.
02:12:19 I don't know this is it's all very, uh, this is what sucks.
02:12:24 See, this is these are the problems that things like Telegram were supposed to solve.
Speaker 10
02:12:29 Or ****, you know, just things like Twitter and.
02:12:31 Discord, for that matter, I mean.
02:12:33 They're they're supposed to provide this service, that this is the kind of service that we need.
02:12:37 The fact that we have to start our own.
02:12:38 This and start our own that constantly.
02:12:41 In in in many ways, it's not.
Speaker 10
02:12:44 It is a.
02:12:46 Form of warfare, right?
02:12:48 Because it sucks your energy.
02:12:50 It sucks your energy the the enemy is able to delegate.
02:12:56 Ah huge portion of their workload to these major corporations.
02:13:01 You know just I mean just.
02:13:02 In terms of.
Speaker 8
02:13:04 Like the.
02:13:04 YouTube stuff, right?
02:13:06 A lot of their promotion.
02:13:07 I mean, if you're one of the approved voices on YouTube, then you can lean on the YouTube algorithm to promote your message.
02:13:15 You get money, you get, you get monetization, so you get money.
02:13:19 Coming in right?
02:13:21 If you want to have a private chat or whatever, you can have a discord server and they're not.
02:13:27 Going to shut it down.
02:13:29 You can have a telegram chat, they're not going.
Speaker 6
02:13:31 To shut it down.
02:13:33 You can have Twitter accounts that aren't going to get Shadow banned.
02:13:38 Not going to get shut down.
02:13:39 You can have subreddits.
02:13:43 The list goes on and on, and you're not having to try to run your own ******* servers and do all this gay ****.
02:13:51 That you shouldn't have to do.
02:13:53 Look, I'm glad that that that's out there.
02:13:55 And if I had more time, I'd actually be really into it.
02:13:59 You know, it'd be kind of interesting.
02:14:00 I just don't have the time to be like, right now, I'm sunburned as **** because I've been out.
02:14:04 All day I planted like another.
Speaker 6
02:14:08 Like about 20 more cactuses.
02:14:12 Some of this dirt out here speaking a witch.
02:14:15 Man, I need like a pickaxe.
02:14:17 Like for real I need like a ******* pickaxe, like part of my lot of my dirt is like basically like rock.
02:14:24 It's mostly in fact, it's mostly rocks.
02:14:26 It's rocks in clay that's dry.
02:14:30 It's like it's hard.
02:14:31 As a rock.
02:14:33 It's like the worst ******* dirt.
02:14:35 In the world.
02:14:36 But cactuses don't mind, and we're not.
02:14:41 They don't mind as much.
02:14:42 I guess they still grow way better and better dirt.
02:14:45 And I try to add stuff to it anyway.
02:14:47 So I was *******.
02:14:48 Splitting rocks all day.
02:14:50 Trying to dig these ******* holes and try to alter the.
02:14:57 The soil in such a way that like Contour, I guess the soil.
02:15:02 So that when I water or when it rains that it flows in certain directions and pools in certain places and things like that.
02:15:11 And you know, I was doing that all day long and helping.
Speaker 4
02:15:15 My neighbor move.
02:15:18 This ******* shed thing that he's got and, yeah, well, sunburned the ****.
02:15:24 And uh.
02:15:27 Yeah, but I got other stuff I gotta do.
02:15:28 I still haven't put my *******.
02:15:29 I put out some of my beach traps, but then the weather got.
02:15:32 ****** again so.
Speaker 8
02:15:34 But I'm trying to capture some bees.
02:15:37 It's a little late.
02:15:37 It's going to.
02:15:38 Be a little late, but the weather's been so bad I'm hoping that.
02:15:40 Bees haven't swarmed yet.
02:15:44 But I got.
02:15:44 To get some bee traps out so I can get some beehives going.
02:15:50 I mean, I've got the bear traps ready.
Speaker 6
02:15:52 To go, I just need to.
02:15:54 Put them out places and then I've got.
02:16:00 You know Carla's house still.
02:16:03 No, snakes haven't seen any snakes yet.
02:16:06 I did shoot a squirrel yesterday.
02:16:08 I killed my first squirrel of the season.
02:16:12 That's the first squirrel I've seen in in several months and and I put an end to that squirrel.
Speaker 10
02:16:13 Our score all.
02:16:20 So they're awake now, which means the snakes are not far, far behind.
02:16:24 The snakes will be out and about soon.
02:16:28 So anyway, I'm going to take a look back at chat.
02:16:38 White people in the desert, of course.
02:16:40 White people in the desert.
02:16:43 Haven't you seen Lawrence of Arabia?
02:16:49 See the thing about white people is.
02:16:51 There is no, there is no environment.
02:16:55 That is suited for us.
02:16:58 They're all suited for us.
02:17:01 Because we alter them to suit us.
02:17:08 Don't put limitations on where you can live based on your race.
02:17:12 What kind of ***** are you?
02:17:15 Of course, white people can live in the desert.
02:17:17 White people can live in the ******* want to.
02:17:22 They can live on the ******* moon if.
Speaker 6
02:17:24 They want to.
02:17:29 Hey, Devin, thanks for all the truths and insights. I'm from Bulgaria and have been watching your contents in 2016.
02:17:36 There's a vote for new government here on the 4th of April and Jesus ****.
02:17:41 Normies are so ********.
02:17:43 I wonder how they don't just choke on their saliva and die.
02:17:47 Wish they would.
02:17:49 OK.
Speaker 10
02:17:52 Yeah, well.
02:17:54 You know, it's it's not just this, this stupidity problem is not just limited to America or the West even.
02:18:03 It's just it's or, you know, look, China is having some of the same problems.
02:18:08 It's it's.
02:18:11 Yeah, it's all of civilized.
02:18:13 It's it's the entire civilized world.
02:18:17 It's the entire civilized world, and you could say, I guess, a lot of it's the fault of.
02:18:21 The West, I mean a lot of this, this.
02:18:24 Gender ******** that China is doing right now.
02:18:27 I don't think they'd be doing that if we hadn't already done it.
02:18:32 You know, they they were trying to emulate the, the, the.
02:18:36 The successful the you know the.
02:18:39 Their their biggest competitor.
02:18:43 And I think they're they're realizing hopefully and for their sake, I guess.
02:18:49 They're realizing what a mistake that was.
02:18:55 CIA mind controls on every continent.
02:18:57 This is true.
02:18:59 The gender equality part of Japans Post World War 2 constitution was written by a Jewish woman.
02:19:05 Betty seroto Gordon.
02:19:07 Yeah, not.
02:19:08 Look, look, just so you guys know, if you're new here or if you think that like, oh, he's just saying things about Jews because he hates Jews for no reason or whatever.
02:19:18 Like. No, no.
02:19:18 No, like we're.
02:19:19 We're being just factual about Jewish influence on the web and the well in the.
Speaker 4
02:19:25 World at large.
02:19:26 It's just that, I mean, it doesn't matter you think of.
02:19:28 It that's just real.
02:19:31 The 1965 Immigration Act was partially written in a synagogue.
02:19:38 I mean, that's.
02:19:40 That's just real.
02:19:45 I mean, ****, just in that article that I was talking about the the professor ******** about China wanting to be more masculine.
02:19:51 He was a Jew.
Speaker 7
02:19:53 And then just.
02:19:54 Play a little game next time you see something that appears to be subverting the West.
02:19:59 And it won't be 100% obviously, but just look, just look at look at the background of that person, whether you're talking about Jeffrey Epstein.
02:20:08 Jiz Lane, Maxwell.
Speaker 8
02:20:24 Well, just just look, just look.
02:20:29 Nine times out of 10.
02:20:33 Or at least somewhere in that.
02:20:34 Ballpark, you are going to find.
Speaker 9
02:20:37 Jewish people.
02:20:39 You can come up with your own reasons as to why, but.
02:20:42 That's just a fact.
02:20:44 It's a fact.
02:20:48 UM, there was a post on 4 Chan about how blacks are the biggest consumer block now in America and that is the main reason everyone is pandering to them, trying to dime and nickel them. Do you think that is a lie because of what I seen blacks by the most ******** ****?
02:21:07 Well, I mean, I don't see how they be the biggest consumer block. They're they're only 13% of the population.
02:21:15 And they don't make a lot of money, so I.
02:21:18 They I'm, I'm sure in certain.
02:21:20 Areas they buy a lot of stupid ****, right?
02:21:23 So I guess in the stupid **** market, maybe they make up the the larger portion of the stupid **** market.
02:21:31 But I I.
02:21:32 I don't see how that would be true.
02:21:36 I mean, I don't know how 3rd.
02:21:38 It's not like I mean, look, if they were somehow.
02:21:44 They were somehow like very wealthy and only 13% of the population.
02:21:48 That would make sense.
Speaker 10
02:21:50 But they're not wealthy unless they're black farmers then.
02:21:54 They're churching.
02:21:56 Oh, that's another thing.
Speaker 6
02:22:02 All right, got new.
02:22:03 Water here.
02:22:05 Those are like my, my, my boomer neighbor.
02:22:10 The the IT I.
02:22:11 Thought I had an opportunity to bring up race because he's a, you know, he's like.
02:22:16 You know, everyone's pink onions.
02:22:18 You know, there's this stupid boomer race take.
Speaker 8
02:22:22 They're trying to divide us, guys.
02:22:24 It's like, no, they're trying to ram us together.
02:22:27 He said something along the line.
02:22:30 Oh no.
02:22:30 He mentioned the the black farmers.
02:22:32 Right.
02:22:33 And how ****** *** he was cause you know, he's a farmer that all these black farmers were getting money and the white farmers weren't getting any.
02:22:41 And I I started trying to.
02:22:44 To to, you know, poke at that a little bit just to let them realize that, like, yeah, dude, white genocide is real, you know, like, lead them down that path.
02:22:52 And it's so for just like with the queuing on shift, it's like you know it's he was so predictable and he just said this is just this is just how they they're trying to divide us that's why they're doing this.
02:23:02 They want you to get mad at.
02:23:03 Black people.
02:23:05 And it's like.
02:23:05 God, this ******* ******** who came up with that, that take that's been just regurgitated.
02:23:13 Like over and over and over my entire ******* life.
02:23:20 It's it's, it's the the basic ***** boomer take.
Speaker 7
02:23:25 They're trying to divide us, guys.
02:23:31 You mean by desegregating us and ramming us together?
02:23:35 And and accepting all these people and smashing.
02:23:38 Them all into.
Speaker 11
02:23:38 The melting pot.
02:23:40 They're trying to divide us.
Speaker 9
02:23:44 Nah, *****.
02:23:46 We are divided.
02:23:51 They're trying to smash us all together.
02:23:53 You utter ******, you ******* ******.
02:23:59 Every time I hear that, I just it.
02:24:02 I see red.
02:24:05 I see red.
02:24:10 All right, take a look at Chad here.
02:24:15 Comfortable, norm.
02:24:16 It takes.
02:24:16 Yeah, it's the kind.
02:24:17 It's it's.
02:24:17 It's literally the kind of stupid ****.
02:24:19 Tim Poole would say.
02:24:23 And it's it's something Tim Poole would say because Tim Poole can say something like that and it's not going to offend anybody.
02:24:37 Yet we all bleed red, white and blue.
02:24:41 If you want to see what a black farmer can do, just look at Zimbabwe and their 200 IQ decisions. They hyper inflate, inflated their ******** currency after concocting their own holiday. More peak intelligence. Yep, Yep.
Speaker 11
02:24:59 Well, like I said.
02:25:00 We're talking about people who have never, ever, ever, ever.
02:25:05 Ever in the history of the planet.
02:25:09 Been able to establish and maintain a civilization.
02:25:17 They wasn't kings.
02:25:22 They've never been able to establish and maintain a civilization, ever.
02:25:29 And that's not going to change.
02:25:32 Because they they they walk amongst you.
02:25:37 Well, that's all.
02:25:38 See, that's the hubris I was talking.
Speaker 11
02:25:39 About oh all all.
02:25:40 They needed was white people to show them the way.
02:25:44 It's like those those ******* movies like that one with Michelle Pfeiffer in the 90s where she's like the tough white chick that goes to the ghetto to teach the brown kids how to.
Speaker 6
02:25:54 ******* be humans.
02:25:57 That, that's that's the stupid *** white liberal *******.
Speaker 9
02:26:02 View of the world.
Speaker 7
02:26:05 They'll be fine.
02:26:07 Reasoning to send them some white lady to show them how to be humans.
02:26:13 And then they'll pick it right up.
Speaker 8
02:26:17 What was that ******* movie called?
02:26:22 Ah, I forget.
02:26:25 Remember the parody that was called the.
02:26:26 High school high.
Speaker 6
02:26:30 I forget.
02:26:34 But yeah, that, that's that's.
02:26:36 That's the liberal view of the world, and by liberal I don't mean like leftist.
02:26:40 I mean that leftist is included in that.
02:26:43 Dangerous minds?
02:26:44 Someone said.
02:26:45 Yeah, that's what it is.
02:26:46 Dangerous mind had didn't have, like, ******* Busta Rhymes or something in it.
02:26:50 I wonder if.
02:26:51 I have that.
02:26:58 Yeah, yeah.
02:27:02 This ******* garbage.
02:27:07 I'm the white lady that's going to come to the ghetto.
02:27:11 And teach you how to how to behave.
02:27:14 And I don't take no **** from none of y'all.
02:27:17 See, I'm cool because I said none y'all.
Speaker 14
02:27:20 Or we can kill a man with his bare hands.
02:27:25 That true?
Speaker 12
02:27:29 Ohh, the tough white lady ship the tough my little Shih.
02:27:34 Ohh ship.
02:27:36 Ohh ship.
Speaker 10
02:27:42 And that's that's what they think that's real.
02:27:44 That's how they see the world.
Speaker 11
02:27:47 All you gotta do is is show them how tough.
02:27:50 You can be.
02:27:50 And they'll be.
Speaker 11
02:27:51 Like, oh ****, this white girl, she's she know what she's talking about.
02:27:55 Let's listen to how to be humans.
Speaker 10
02:28:00 Let's listen to let's.
02:28:01 Listen to how civilizations are are constructed and preserved.
02:28:05 Because she showed us that she's not a ******* *****.
02:28:10 She's speaking, she's speaking.
02:28:12 To us, in a language we understand physical violence.
Speaker 7
02:28:23 I mean it's that's.
Speaker 11
02:28:24 That that's the stupid.
02:28:25 That's their view of the world.
02:28:29 That's what they think.
02:28:30 They think that they you can get through this boy right here.
02:28:33 You can get into his head and teach him about complex societies and and.
02:28:39 And if all you do is just meet him where he's at.
Speaker 7
02:28:43 Just meet Amory Zant.
02:28:46 Speak his language.
02:28:50 He can learn.
02:28:58 OK.
Speaker 11
02:28:59 Ah yeah.
02:29:02 Big Stass white lady.
02:29:11 I mean, it's it's ******* ********, but this it's not just this movie.
02:29:15 This is, it's just, it's this whole genre of movie.
02:29:18 There's this movie has been made like 1000 ******* times. It's not always a school, but this is always like this movie.
02:29:26 Has been made so many ******* times.
02:29:29 You know what?
02:29:30 There's that Sandra Bullock, one where she adopts like.
02:29:32 Some ******* ******** black kid and teaches him how to be like not a ******** black kid, you know, like.
02:29:40 This this movie.
02:29:41 It's the same ******* thing over and over again, you know, usually it's some old, you know, some white lady like this, right?
02:29:48 Some late 30s.
02:29:51 Well, and I guess in Senator Bullock.
02:29:53 Place like.
02:29:55 Well, maybe even like early 50s, depending when that movie came out.
02:29:59 Uh, yeah.
02:30:00 But, you know, some single white lady comes in and and shows them, shows them who's boss, that she's tough enough to to hang and be cool with, with with the the gang.
02:30:13 And you know, it's so ******* gay.
Speaker 7
02:30:15 And so and sometimes they'll.
02:30:17 Do other movies too.
02:30:18 They've done movies with the guys, but it's the same ******* movie.
02:30:21 You know, some guy goes to the ghetto.
02:30:23 And you know, they they teach each other something like the ghetto kids.
02:30:28 Teach him about how not to be a a a stuck up stiff white boy, you know.
02:30:34 And he teaches them how to be human.
Speaker 4
02:30:36 You know, like that's.
Speaker 9
02:30:39 And and of course.
02:30:41 That's the kind of thing that never happens like this.
02:30:43 This in reality, this teacher gets raped to death somewhere in an alley after a week of.
Speaker 9
02:30:48 Of just being.
02:30:50 Verbally and physically abused every single day in the classroom.
Speaker 11
02:30:56 That, that's just the way it is.
02:31:01 But they make this ******* propaganda to make you think that you.
02:31:04 Can change people.
02:31:06 See. Look, look.
02:31:06 She's going to here's her sage advice.
02:31:13 Because at this point everyone has an A.
02:31:23 She's just just using alternative grading methods.
02:31:26 She's gonna social engineer them into humans.
02:31:29 You know, it's they're so used to failing, that's all it is.
02:31:33 They're so used to fail.
Speaker 8
02:31:35 Then if you just let them, you know.
02:31:37 If you just give them a.
02:31:38 Gimme right from right at the start.
Speaker 8
02:31:40 Let them start with an A.
02:31:43 We're going to start you off with an A.
02:31:46 And then you know, so you have that that feeling, that encouragement, that pride, that.
Speaker 7
02:31:50 Oh, you've got an A.
02:31:51 In this class right now.
02:31:53 Without doing anything, you don't have to earn it, you just you already have it.
02:31:58 And then you know, but if you if you're not human, if you act like a non human, I will deduct some points, you know.
02:32:05 So see, it's it's it's.
02:32:07 More carrot, more carrot, less stick.
Speaker 11
02:32:10 All these, all these kids got their.
Speaker 8
02:32:11 Whole life is.
02:32:13 So we just need to give them a taste of the carrot and that's.
02:32:16 Going to make it all better.
02:32:22 But it's up to you.
02:32:24 It's up to you to keep it y'all.
02:32:33 You thinner you thinner.
02:32:34 Keep it.
02:32:39 ******* ********.
02:32:45 One of the worst movies ever made, and like I said, they've made it 1000 times. There's there's so many ******* versions of this movie. It's disgusting.
02:32:55 And the, you know, it's disgusting that they had.
02:32:57 To keep making the movie.
02:33:01 Because if it would have worked right, like if if the propaganda, if if, as Abby Hoffman said, you know, the a good propagandist creates a reality the way that he wants it to be, and that it that so that way it manifests, right.
02:33:18 So when they make these movies, it's with.
02:33:20 The hope that.
02:33:21 This is this is what happens, right?
02:33:23 Like it's not reality, but it's what they want reality to be.
02:33:27 They want, like, the the white liberal ***** to go to the ghetto and and fix all the problems, right?
02:33:34 Well, if that was happening, they want to keep *******.
02:33:36 Making the movie.
02:33:38 Like this would look dated, right?
02:33:39 Like this would look like.
02:33:40 Oh, remember back when blacks were were poor performers in schools and lived in the ghetto.
Speaker 10
02:33:50 You remember back then?
02:33:53 When this this classroom is representative of of what you might expect to see in a black school.
02:34:02 You know a bunch of of pregnant teenagers, drug users and gangsters.
02:34:06 Man, that's that's so 90s, that's so 90s.
02:34:12 No, they, they, they, they had to keep making that ******* movie.
02:34:15 And now, now it's just depressing, right?
02:34:17 Like, see now, now, The funny thing is now this movie is white supremacy.
02:34:25 It is absolutely it is.
02:34:29 Seek is the whole dynamic.
02:34:30 What you're trying to say?
02:34:31 That your way of life?
02:34:33 Michelle Pfeiffer, your way of life.
02:34:34 That's the way to do it.
02:34:36 How do you know that?
02:34:36 The way that they're their school, they're behaving in this school isn't the way.
02:34:41 That's not the right way how?
02:34:42 Do you know you know?
02:34:43 By by imposing your view of normality on them.
02:34:47 That's why, supremacy.
02:34:50 By saying that that what the way that you're trying to teach these kids to behave, that's demeaning.
02:34:55 That's that's white supremacy.
02:34:58 By telling them that they shouldn't be pregnant teenagers.
Speaker 7
02:35:01 That's that's white supremacy.
02:35:03 By telling them not to use drugs, that's white supremacy.
02:35:06 You see in their.
02:35:08 That's totally normal.
02:35:09 That's acceptable and.
Speaker 8
02:35:11 Who are you?
Speaker 4
02:35:12 Who are who? The?
Speaker 12
02:35:13 **** are you?
Speaker 8
02:35:16 To tell them.
Speaker 4
02:35:18 How to live their lives?
02:35:20 And by the way, in a weird way.
02:35:21 I kind of agree with that.
02:35:28 They shouldn't be in our society and we shouldn't be telling them how to live their lives.
02:35:31 We should get.
02:35:32 We should.
02:35:32 Let them have their own.
02:35:35 Carve out their own little piece of earth.
02:35:38 Let him have it.
02:35:40 Let them.
02:35:41 Let them.
02:35:42 Let them.
02:35:42 Show us how black supremacy.
02:35:44 Does it?
02:35:47 We'll leave you.
02:35:47 We'll leave you totally alone.
02:35:55 But yeah, this movie is just it's pure ******* cancer.
02:35:59 And just one of one of hundreds like it.
Speaker 10
02:36:07 OK, let's take a look here.
02:36:15 They're not even wrong.
02:36:16 It is white supremacy.
02:36:17 The difference is I just don't want them here, where liberals do.
Speaker 11
02:36:24 Well, look, I I, I would say it's not, it's not even it's it's.
02:36:30 Not white supremacy.
02:36:31 It's white primacy.
02:36:32 Because look, they to them.
02:36:33 That might be a superior way of life.
02:36:36 You don't know because you're not black, right?
02:36:38 But maybe blacks that if you listen to what they say.
02:36:43 I mean, they're they're saying that that's their culture and how dare we and all this other stuff.
02:36:47 Maybe that's what they're more comfortable with to them.
02:36:50 That's that's a supreme way of life.
02:36:53 Now to you.
02:36:54 It doesn't look as good.
02:36:57 For a variety of reasons, some of which.
02:37:00 Are safety issues.
Speaker 8
02:37:02 But uh, you know.
02:37:05 Who are you to tell them that?
02:37:07 So it's just white primacy.
02:37:08 White primacy is what said that, oh, this is that what they're doing is the wrong way.
02:37:13 And this is how.
02:37:15 You do it.
02:37:16 Well, white premise is gone, so now you could never make that movie.
02:37:20 I mean, there have to be a.
02:37:21 Different version of it now.
02:37:22 I mean, well, at this point really, it's just every movie is the white people are just evil ******* psychopaths.
02:37:28 And you know, because they're just they're they're literally.
02:37:34 Preparing the genocide white people.
02:37:37 That's what they're doing so.
02:37:40 You know, they're and.
02:37:41 It's not the they're just trying to.
Speaker 11
02:37:43 Divide us I in.
02:37:44 A way, I mean they're trying to divide us in terms of white people versus everybody else.
02:37:50 And that's what this Asian, you know, the white supremacy killed Asians.
02:37:54 Thing is going.
02:37:54 That's what that's about.
02:37:56 They know that Asians.
02:37:58 In often side with whites in in these matters because they face many of the same issues and problems.
02:38:07 Right.
02:38:08 And like I said before, a lot of this attack is really an attack on IQ.
02:38:13 I mean, that's not all.
02:38:14 But that's part.
02:38:14 Of it.
02:38:14 Right.
02:38:15 And so it's an attack on Asians in that respect at times.
02:38:20 And so they can.
02:38:21 That's more relatable to them, right, our position.
02:38:25 And so there is a.
02:38:30 They need in terms of the whole, they're just trying to divide us.
02:38:33 The thing they're.
02:38:35 Not they're just trying to divide it into.
02:38:38 Whites and non whites.
02:38:41 Because they want to remove the whites because the non whites are easier to manage.
02:38:47 Simple as that.
02:38:49 Simple as that.
02:38:56 They're pinning everyone against whites.
02:38:58 Didn't a Jew create Wakanda?
02:39:02 You know, the comic book Black Panther, where Wakanda comes from is was written by a Jew.
02:39:08 They want to turn Asians against whites, but it won't work, in my opinion.
02:39:14 You know, I don't know.
02:39:15 That remains to.
02:39:16 Seeing I wonder what it will look.
02:39:18 Like when they come for us on the day.
Speaker 8
02:39:22 Look, it's it's a slow.
02:39:24 It's a slow process and like one day there it's not going to be like the Purge movie, where one day the an alarm starts you.
02:39:30 Know going off and then.
02:39:32 White people just start getting slaughtered in the.
Speaker 10
02:39:34 Streets like that's it's not.
02:39:36 Well, how this works?
02:39:38 I've seen several posts and blogs from teachers who tried to teach in black majority high schools and the **** they've.
02:39:44 Written made me question reality.
02:39:47 No one is allowed to ever tell you how bad it is, and the worst of it is the normies are too ********.
02:39:55 To do simple arithmetic.
02:40:00 Well, and it's not even just.
02:40:01 The black schools.
02:40:05 A lot of this diversity affects this well, so-called white schools, right? All this stuff filtered up into the the suburbs.
Speaker 7
02:40:12 Even when I was.
02:40:13 A kid.
02:40:13 I've I've told you guys before.
02:40:14 When I was a kid, we spent.
02:40:17 A lot of our time just twiddling our thumbs with, you know, or doing busy work, waiting for the teacher to finish up with, you know, Jose or.
02:40:24 Them all, or whatever, you know, non white kid was not able to follow along.
02:40:31 And there were several kids that didn't even speak English that that sucked up a lot of the time, too.
02:40:37 So this this ****** education.
02:40:44 Isn't just limited to where diversity is concentrated.
02:40:49 It's wherever diversity is, which is pretty much everywhere.
02:40:52 There's just there's varying degrees, of course, but.
Speaker 6
02:40:56 You know.
02:41:03 The white guilt movies always inflamed the egos of white women in order to make them harder to reason with.
02:41:11 Well, women are emotional thinkers by and large.
02:41:14 And so you don't have to have a rational argument in your movie if it's if it's geared towards women.
02:41:22 In fact, it probably makes it worse.
02:41:24 It's probably easier to not have, or more not, not easier, more effective.
02:41:29 To have to not have a rational.
02:41:35 Storyline or, you know, argument in your film.
02:41:39 When targeting it towards women, in fact, I it's rarely the case and I don't even mean just like the, you know, this kind of a movie about race and stuff like that.
02:41:50 Just like if you look look at watch, romantic comedies and stuff like that there there, there's not a lot of like if you objectively.
02:41:59 Take all the emotion out of it and just try to look at it at like in the same way that if you were to watch a sitcom without the laugh track like it totally changes that.
02:42:10 That's that's kind of.
02:42:14 That's that's girl movies.
02:42:16 That's why a lot of men don't like chick flicks.
02:42:18 You know as they're.
02:42:20 Because it's not that like men can't handle emotion. Lots of look. I mean, you know, one example of a movie that that lots of men liked was, you know, gladiator or 300. Right. And both those movies, there's emotion in those films. There's love.
02:42:40 You know there's there's, uh, you know, all the kind of soap opera **** that girls like, but it's not like this irrational.
02:42:52 Emotional ice cream.
02:42:56 That a lot of this stuff.
02:42:57 Is when it's made for women.
02:43:00 And when and that's why men can't.
02:43:02 You know, men start watching it.
02:43:04 Chicks like.
02:43:05 And it's just so the perspective is so ******* foreign.
02:43:10 And there's nothing to they can gleam on to that.
02:43:14 It just, you know.
02:43:17 At least that's how it was, I guess now that now that we're feminized men probably like chick.
02:43:21 Flicks now too.
02:43:25 At the end of the day, Koreans know whites aren't the same as blacks and know who steals and attacks them.
Speaker 12
02:43:32 Yeah, you know.
02:43:33 I don't look.
02:43:33 I don't know.
02:43:34 How many Asians that that this propaganda blitz is going to realistically sway into thinking that whites are out to get them?
02:43:46 I think more it's it's probably less about convincing Asians that the white people have to get them, although I do think that successfully will happen to some I, but I think it's more about convincing everyone else that the whites are out to get the.
Speaker 6
02:44:03 Asians, you know what I mean?
02:44:05 Because it doesn't matter.
02:44:07 It's it's.
02:44:07 It's just about demonizing whites to everybody.
02:44:10 It doesn't matter.
02:44:11 They're not.
02:44:12 They don't specifically just need the Asians.
02:44:14 They need everyone.
02:44:15 Everyone hate the whites, so if they just say that the whites are, look, they're targeting Asians now, that's going to make everyone hate them, not just the Asians.
02:44:23 And look, the Asians are they vote left overwhelmingly, just like Hispanics, overwhelmingly.
02:44:30 That's just the way it is.
02:44:31 You know, first generation maybe not as much.
02:44:33 Second generation, they're ******* liberal *******, and they're more collectivists, and we just look at Asia.
02:44:40 What do you what do you have communism all over the place?
02:44:43 Right, that's that's.
02:44:47 They they are not as individualistic, just naturally.
02:44:53 That just that tends to be.
02:44:56 They tend to be more collective than that way, you know.
02:45:01 So it it it just is it.
02:45:02 Is what it is.
02:45:05 Someone says **** Asians.
02:45:07 They vote mostly Democrat.
02:45:08 Yeah, most most Asians.
02:45:10 Low Democrat, overwhelmingly like it's it's, I don't know what the exact number is, but it's it's like close to like 80% it's.
02:45:19 So it's not.
02:45:21 I mean, I know there's a lot of memes about honorary and all.
02:45:24 This other stuff but.
Speaker 6
02:45:25 If you're just going by the numbers.
02:45:28 They're not.
02:45:28 They're not exactly the right wing as.
02:45:30 A group.
02:45:33 Earlier said your mom cried when you addressed your kid.
02:45:37 The kid is read.
02:45:38 Oh, yeah.
02:45:38 OK.
02:45:39 So, yeah, what he's talking about.
02:45:42 When I was a little kid.
02:45:44 My mom came and picked me up from.
02:45:47 The bus stop.
02:45:50 And ask me.
02:45:53 What I was doing, I said Ohh I was talking to someone so and I was like I'm talking about when I was like I was like 6 or something like that.
02:46:01 And she said, well, which ones, so and so, that's why I don't remember. I don't remember this kid's name anymore.
02:46:06 And I said Ohh he's he's the one in the red jacket.
02:46:10 My mom looked over at the kids and the only kid wearing a red.
02:46:14 Jacket was a black kid.
02:46:17 And my mom started sobbing uncontrollably.
Speaker 4
02:46:20 Freaked me out.
02:46:22 So she can't.
02:46:25 And it's because I didn't say the black kid I'd said the kid with the red jacket racism had finally been beaten, the boomers, the boomers had finally achieved what they'd always wanted to achieve in the in the next generation.
02:46:42 And that that's how ****** ** they were, I mean.
02:46:46 Yeah, that's, you know.
02:46:54 Let's see here.
02:46:57 They spent a lot of time with Asians. I can tell you that all the Asians under 25 are completely subverted and blaming white people for everything bad happening to Asians. They are framing a slave slave narrative that America was founded hostile to Asians.
02:47:14 Yeah, I do.
02:47:15 I know, I know Asians that kind.
02:47:17 Of feel the same way.
02:47:19 I it it's like I said, usually you don't see this like with the first generation of Asians that come.
02:47:26 From wherever they come from.
02:47:28 But the next generation, it's like Cubans are the same way, right?
02:47:31 The Cubans.
02:47:34 Usually when they come from Cuba, that's because they fled communism.
02:47:37 And you know, so like the the ones.
02:47:41 Who risk life and limb to get here?
02:47:45 Hate communism, but their kids for some reason.
02:47:48 Seem to love it.
02:47:50 So it's it is what it is.
02:47:54 Now the Chinese Government may sound based because of that stuff, but they don't really give a ****.
02:47:59 They have no values and will only do what will maximize their income.
02:48:03 Well, they'll they'll suffer the same fate as we.
Speaker 6
02:48:06 Are you know?
02:48:08 That's what happened to us is our ruling class.
02:48:10 Was focused on money.
02:48:13 So yeah, I mean maybe maybe this is just that you know them putting up a fight, but a little bit, but eventually it'll they'll go down the same drain.
02:48:24 They gave women the right to vote in Canada so that they would have enough votes to pass a war draft for World War One.
02:48:31 After the initial enthusiasm faded, when the war grounded on.
02:48:36 That's interesting.
02:48:38 Why do women want to go to war, though?
Speaker 8
02:48:41 I'll have to look at that.
02:48:43 Then the Chinese government may or.
02:48:45 You already said that.
02:48:46 One last time I was in San Francisco and Asian, ****** told me all the criminals in the area were black.
02:48:53 Yeah, San Francisco.
02:48:57 The good thing about Asians is they have lower fertility than whites.
Speaker 6
02:49:02 I didn't know that.
02:49:06 The Japanese still like us unbelievably somehow.
02:49:12 Well, I mean, not just the Japanese, Koreans, Japanese.
02:49:18 You know, even like, you know, like the.
02:49:20 The, Taiwan's and the you know the parts of China that are more Western.
Speaker 8
02:49:27 Well look, lots of.
02:49:28 Asians like America, but they they get swept up into the the popular culture.
02:49:36 That's telling them that white people are the devil.
02:49:40 You know that's.
Speaker 10
02:49:42 That's the way it is.
02:49:44 Everyone like, it's not just Asians.
02:49:45 Everyone, every non white cause look, it's.
Speaker 8
02:49:50 It's not hard to believe that.
Speaker 5
02:49:51 Right.
02:49:53 It's not hard to believe that that your group is because in a way it's it's kind of telling you that.
Speaker 9
02:49:59 Your group is better.
02:50:00 That that, the group that has dominated the planet for the last well, for all of modern in in you know, for the entire existence of the modern world.
02:50:11 As they created the modern world, the the, the White Group.
02:50:14 That in introduced the modern world to the east or to any of these other groups doesn't matter.
02:50:22 There's got to be something satisfying.
02:50:26 About being told that they are really evil and.
02:50:29 Bad and we need to get rid of them.
02:50:32 Right.
02:50:36 I mean, it's got to be, it's got to be.
02:50:38 On some because look.
Speaker 9
02:50:40 When you live in.
02:50:41 A world where there's white primacy, as they did for for centuries, you know, or any time you, you know, let's think of it this way just because, you know this would happen.
02:50:52 You know, the whole rest of the world like, again, this isn't limited to Asians and some of the whole rest of the world, the whole rest of the world was watching our movies before they had.
02:51:01 Even the ability to make movies, and it was this fantastic, you know, crazy technology, this entertainment that that came from the.
02:51:09 And the way it depicted America and and everything, and there was white primacy and, you know, just knowing that, you know, all the companies selling the good, cool **** in your country, they were American kind.
02:51:21 You know, the Americans that came to your country were were rich, you know, they were wealthy people.
02:51:27 There was, you know, there was like a.
02:51:31 Really feeling amongst I think a lot of these people for this to be this and then because it wasn't just a brief time, this went on for for, you know, centuries in a way, not just Americans.
02:51:41 I guess the West, right, just more most recently, it's been Americans, but before that, you know, you had the British Empire and all.
02:51:47 This other.
02:51:49 So while colonialism was going on and just.
02:51:52 There's the dominance of the the white Westerns over the world.
02:51:57 It's look, it's not without its its psychological impact on the rest.
Speaker 8
02:52:05 Of the the all the other groups.
02:52:07 And so now after.
02:52:10 Suffering under or, you know, I was not suffering under, but experiencing the world.
02:52:16 Under white primacy not supremacy, but primacy.
02:52:19 Certainly, at least the modern world, for as long as these people did, seeing it end is a positive.
02:52:30 You know, because that means your group might be.
02:52:33 Might have a chance.
02:52:36 Everyone wants to knock down #1. Why? Yeah. Everyone likes an underdog, right?
02:52:42 It's only natural that they would.
02:52:44 Root for our demise.
02:52:46 Why wouldn't they?
02:52:50 Look, it's human nature in a way, I mean.
02:52:52 I think about it.
02:52:54 If it was.
02:52:54 The other way around.
02:52:57 Like let's say it was China, right?
02:52:59 Especially think about it this way too. Let's say that for the last 200 years or so, China had been dominating all of the modern world. All the inventions were coming out of China. They kind of used us as like a manufacturing base.
02:53:16 And you know that, but nothing was getting invented in the West, you know, like we we would build the cars that the Chinese would invent.
02:53:26 We would we would get paid, you know a fraction.
02:53:30 Of of what?
02:53:31 They paid their own people, we wouldn't even we wouldn't get access to a lot of the cool **** that we were even making.
02:53:38 You know, we would make this really cool **** that we couldn't even afford and then send it over to China for the rich Chinese.
02:53:46 Their language started invading, you know, like signs in our country would have to be in English and in Chinese.
02:53:55 You know, you'd have to learn at least a little bit of Chinese just to get around.
02:54:01 You know, so imagine.
02:54:03 Imagine that's that goes on for a few 100 years.
02:54:07 And imagine the Chinese, you know, maybe they even conquer your country and occupy it.
02:54:12 Put a base in your country.
02:54:16 And then launch use use the base they put in your country to launch more attacks on more countries.
02:54:27 OK. And then imagine.
02:54:32 Their society starts to implode.
02:54:37 And that, for some ****** ** reason in China.
02:54:40 There starts to be this this popular belief that the real problems in the world are because of the Chinese.
02:54:51 I don't see how that would.
02:54:52 Be hard to believe.
02:54:54 You'd be rooting for it.
02:54:55 You'd want to.
02:54:56 Help speed it up.
02:54:59 **** the Chinese in that situation, right?
02:55:03 That's that's what it is.
02:55:05 Just on we're on the.
02:55:06 Other end of that right now.
02:55:12 Of course they're going to they're going to relish.
02:55:16 Our demise, of course, they're going to want to participate.
02:55:20 In our fall.
02:55:28 Now it's your time to shine.
02:55:34 So that's.
Speaker 10
02:55:37 That's just the way it is.
02:55:38 And like I said, it's not.
02:55:39 That's not just Asian.
Speaker 8
02:55:40 That's every every group on Earth.
02:55:42 I think especially the Chinese.
02:55:44 Cause you know, out of everyone that.
Speaker 11
02:55:46 Has the ability to you know.
02:55:50 Take over that role.
02:55:52 I mean, that's I I feel like China is the only thing that's even remotely poised to do that.
02:56:00 But uh.
02:56:02 Yeah, it's, it's it's totally understandable. 100% understandable, sadly.
Speaker 11
02:56:14 All right, boys and.
02:56:15 Girls, I'm going to wrap things.
02:56:17 Up here because I'm going to have to edit.
02:56:19 A bunch of that I.
02:56:20 Think the first part, I'll.
02:56:22 I'll have to watch your.
02:56:23 Back see how bad it is on the recording.
02:56:26 If I'm just sitting there talking about the connection dropping every five seconds, people are going to hate that on the playback, so I might have to do a little bit of that in there, or I might just leave it in there.
02:56:36 **** it.
02:56:36 Make make them make the play.
02:56:38 Replay people suffer through the same pain that you and I had to suffer through.
02:56:42 I don't think.
Speaker 6
02:56:42 It's going to be that bad, but we'll take a look.
02:56:45 In the meantime, I'm going to go through and.
02:56:48 And and like I went through a lot of the the suggestions for all the different alt tech stuff.
02:56:56 And I've been sort of using it the the Russian guy, by the way.
02:57:02 And I'm sorry, I can't remember your name at the moment.
02:57:04 There's a Russian guy that wanted to run an IRC server.
02:57:07 I kind of feel like.
02:57:08 It might be fun just to have that too like that.
02:57:11 It's not going to be.
02:57:12 Like the main.
02:57:12 Gathering place, but it'd be kind of fun.
02:57:14 To have an IRC server.
02:57:17 And maybe that could be like the.
02:57:19 The secret one of the secret Hangouts, right?
02:57:24 Especially because that doesn't really take much to keep that.
02:57:26 Going and there's ways of.
02:57:29 Of making it if.
02:57:30 You're if you're paranoid about IP addresses and stuff like that.
02:57:33 There's ways of masking that.
02:57:35 And I don't mean by that.
02:57:36 I don't mean that you have to run a proxy server.
02:57:38 I mean, there's ways of at least masking on the server side in some way, or at least I've been told.
02:57:44 So, but that might be kind.
02:57:47 Of fun.
02:57:48 And again just.
02:57:49 Yeah, it's it's not super secure, but just don't.
02:57:52 Don't ******* say something that you.
02:57:56 You know, honestly, it's like it's like anything, even like on 4 Chan right?
02:58:02 It seems like you maybe be anonymous.
02:58:04 You're not right.
02:58:05 Don't standing on 4 Chan.
02:58:06 That would get you arrested because it'll get you arrested.
02:58:09 And Czechoslovakia.
02:58:10 It'll get you six years.
02:58:11 If you say anything like, oh, the the Christchurch shooter was based.
02:58:15 He got six years for saying.
Speaker 7
02:58:16 That six years.
Speaker 9
02:58:19 In jail.
02:58:21 For essentially like I don't remember his exact phrasing, but it was literally just a post agreeing that, you know, like ohh.
Speaker 4
02:58:29 We need we.
02:58:29 Need more of this or something like that.
02:58:32 Six years.
02:58:34 And Czechoslovakia and I thought Eastern Europe was more base.
Speaker 6
02:58:37 Than that.
02:58:38 I don't know.
02:58:38 More and more, I'm just disappointed by every every civilization seems to be crumbling at the same time.
02:58:46 But yeah, so we'll get, but we'll get the up.
02:58:50 I might be sending some emails to some of you guys soon.
02:58:54 Asking about matrix servers getting one of those up, or I guess a riot server or whatever that I don't know.
02:59:03 I just barely watched some stuff on that today and it looked like the most.
02:59:07 The best one, just because it has voice chat and all this other stuff, but I still like I've I've been out of the loop on tech on that kind of technology for so long that I'm a little bit ******** when it.
02:59:18 Comes to this stuff.
02:59:20 And I was never much of A network guy anyway.
02:59:22 But anyway.
02:59:24 So hope you guys have a good evening.
02:59:26 Sorry about the technical difficulties.
02:59:28 I'm going to see like if it might be that we have to start doing it even later than than than usual.
02:59:34 Because like I said, it's working good now, so it might just be that I have to start off a little bit later, which would kind of suck, but that might be what has to happen.
02:59:46 But we'll get it squared away.
02:59:48 And in the meantime, for our black pilled, I am of course.
02:59:56 Devil's day.