08/06/2022Speaker 1
00:11:41 That you guys started visualize that.00:01:31 Sits back on you.
00:01:35 This too.
00:01:37 It's 2:00 AM. The sun's still warm.
00:01:51 Get up. Sirens. My hair.
00:02:28 Hence the phones.
00:02:36 Hits the ball.
00:02:40 I'm falling down a spiral destination.
00:02:43 Unknown plus messenger all alone and get no connection.
00:02:51 Can't get through the where are you?
00:03:40 When the phone.
Speaker 3
00:05:52 You're traveling to another dimension, A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind, a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.00:06:01 Your next stop, the twilight zone, makes Ovation thanks.
00:07:45 You're traveling to another dimension.
00:07:47 A dimension not only of sight and.
00:07:49 Sound but of a mind.
00:07:51 A journey into a wondrous land with parties or that imagination.
00:07:54 Your next stop, the twilight stop, makes all fix.
00:09:46 Through another dimension, A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of light, a journey.
00:09:56 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.00:09:58 This is the insomnia stream, dusk sector edition.
00:10:04 I am your host, Evan Stack.
00:10:05 We're going to do a little bit of a detour away from the pacon stuff just for tonight, only because it started getting.
00:10:14 The next episode is going to be a little.
00:10:17 It started getting areas where I'm I'm having to do like a lot of.
00:10:20 Research and stuff.
00:10:21 And just to figure out like how to even like go about addressing some of it, it's just, yeah, they just they.
00:10:30 They because they start talking about quinoa like like Ashley actually bring up Ashley Babbitt.
00:10:36 Believe it.
00:10:36 Or not anyway.
00:10:37 So that that'll have to be next time.
00:10:40 I just you know, I needed, uh, need more time to uh to to deliver something good on that.
00:10:46 And so I thought we.
00:10:47 Would and plus it's been a little high stress going through all this horrific.
00:10:51 **** 3 streams in a.
00:10:53 Row and so we're going to, we're going, it's funnily.
00:10:57 Well, it's it's related. The funny thing is it's it's this is related 100% related and it kind of it shows you how far back that shows like well like the healing hate show have been going on like it it's it's it also kind of explains.
00:11:17 Well, all the boomers out there that say, like anything bad is a Nazi, right?
00:11:21 Like everything bad is a Nazi.
00:11:24 Oh, authoritarian Nazi.
00:11:26 So we're going to just dive right into here.
00:11:30 Because we do have a little.
00:11:31 We do have quite a bit to go through.
00:11:34 I've been wanting to go over some Twilight zone episodes.
00:11:38 If you were able to figure out by the the songs and the title by.
00:11:41 Now that.
00:11:43 It's a twilight zone thing, and I found the perfect one.
00:11:47 So we're.
00:11:48 Going to go over the.
00:11:49 The the Twilight Zone episode by the name of he's alive.
00:11:56 Original broadcast date January 14.
00:12:02 1963, OK.
00:12:06 So this will be fun and we're going to cover some Rod Serling stuff.
00:12:12 I kind of want to say it wrong because I I've been saying sterling a lot and people have been, like, freaking out every time I say sterling and I for some reason, it's maybe it's like a Mandela effect kind of thing, but it's like sterling.
00:12:23 In my head, I guess it's Sterling.
00:12:25 I kind of keep saying sterling.
00:12:27 In the same way I kind of want to believe it's barenstein bears.
00:12:32 But I guess in a way it's better that they're not Jewish bears, because then you won't be.
00:12:36 Able to trust no.
00:12:38 Anyway, so the let's get.
00:12:40 Let's get.
00:12:41 Right into this episode.
00:12:43 So this episode opens up on a thermometer showing it's almost 100 degrees. It's almost 100 degrees. I can relate to that, but it really it's kind of funny because it it's even though it's just a real quick shot and it's kind of a weird way to open up a show if you think about it just, you know, a shot on a thermometer. It's not even there very long.
00:13:04 It's there just long enough to make a psychological impression.
00:13:10 On the audience.
00:13:12 Because, you know an audience that looks at it at a thermometer in real life that says 100 you you're going to feel uncomfortable, you're going to feel hot, you're going to feel kind of sweaty.
00:13:23 And so when you're looking at your TV screen in 1963 and you see a thermometer that says 100 degrees, look, it might be.
00:13:33 It will affect some people more than others, but it's going to have an effect and so.
00:13:38 After showing this thermometer, we go to.
00:13:42 Of course, some Nazis spreading hate.
00:13:46 So let's have a little look see at the.
00:13:47 Opening scene.
Speaker 7
00:13:51 These are the.00:13:56 The religion is monetary gain.
00:14:00 They're swing gold.
00:14:03 Their loyalties first.
00:14:06 Foremost and primarily deal with money.
00:14:10 What's wrong with that?
00:14:12 Examine the phenomenon of foreign control.
00:14:16 I I like how they had boomer cons back then too.00:14:19 He's like these people are focused on nothing but money and the boomer cons like what's wrong with that?
00:14:26 Yeah, capitalism good.
Speaker 7
00:14:28 With that, examine the phenomenon of foreign control.00:14:33 You examine it.
00:14:35 And you will note with absolute clarity.
00:14:39 That the lines lead directly to Palestine, they lead directly to Africa.
00:14:49 They lead directly to the Vatican.
00:14:58 So, so there we are.
00:15:00 There it is.
00:15:00 There is a conspiracy.
00:15:02 There is a insidious enveloping conspiracy.
00:15:07 A conspiracy personified by the yellow man by the black man and by foreigners who come in and infiltrate into our economic structure.
00:15:20 Oh, there come a morning.
00:15:21 Yes, there will.
00:15:22 There will come a morning when these men have taken over your home.
00:15:26 They've taken over your daughters.
00:15:30 They'll be sitting right there on your doorstep.
Speaker 5
00:15:33 If anybody sitting on your doorstep, buddy, he's a man in the.00:15:35 White coat.
00:15:36 You better just go with him quietly.
Speaker 7
00:15:38 You think that's pretty funny, don't you?00:15:41 You think it's pretty funny that your country?
00:15:42 Can be sold out.
00:15:46 And and that's the boomer con.00:15:47 So yeah, the Boomer con does think it's pretty funny, actually.
00:15:50 Long as you get some profit.
Speaker 7
00:15:53 That they can sell out your flag and your birthrights.00:15:56 You think that's funny, huh?
Speaker 5
00:15:58 Or maybe you.00:15:58 Ought to do something about it, punk.
00:16:00 Hey, you're such a big tiger.
00:16:02 Why don't you come down here and?
Speaker 8
00:16:03 Do something about it.Speaker 7
00:16:04 Let me tell you something right now.00:16:07 Someday this country's going to wake up.
00:16:09 They're going to wake up and when they find out how is he sold them out and how Rast has sold them out and how Poncho sold them out, they're going to make up a list of all the people that get paid back.
00:16:18 And you know where you're going to.
00:16:19 Be you're going.
00:16:20 To be right on top of that list right on the top.
Speaker 9
00:16:49 It's matter, punk.Speaker 5
00:16:51 No more big speeches, no more big talk, huh?00:16:55 You know you can see when you get.
00:16:56 Look in the mirror tonight.
00:16:58 That's corny little.
00:16:59 Coop with a big.
00:17:00 Mouth a big head.
00:17:01 As long as you got a couple of punks standing in front of you.
00:17:13 And like this is like Antifa's view of history. Like this is what they think the the guys who fought World War Two were out in the streets, Antifa in the the Nazis and then and then the cops show up. This is real interesting when.00:17:26 The cops show up.
00:17:28 Just remember again to think about it, this is supposed to be relatable in 1963, right?
00:17:34 Look at how the cops treat these literal Nazis.
00:17:39 As compared to how cops treat just people on the right wing protesting.
Speaker 2
00:17:56 Problems fellas, huh?Speaker 5
00:17:57 The communists, the communists did this.Speaker 2
00:18:02 Which ones?Speaker 7
00:18:06 All of them, all of them were communists.Speaker 2
00:18:12 What about some names?00:18:13 Jack Press charges will need names.
Speaker 9
00:18:16 What you do?Devon
00:18:18 Like they're actually going to press charges and they're asking for names.00:18:27 Yeah, that doesn't happen anymore.
Speaker 10
00:18:29 Just forget about it though.Speaker 3
00:18:31 Can handle this ourselves.Speaker 2
00:18:33 Need medical attention.Speaker
00:18:35 We don't need any.00:18:37 OK, Jack.
Speaker 2
00:18:41 Hey, Jack.Speaker 11
00:18:43 You forgot to.Speaker 2
00:18:46 The flag.Speaker 9
00:18:53 You'll come a day when, guys.Speaker 5
00:18:54 Like you will crawl on.Devon
00:18:54 That part's realistic.Speaker 5
00:18:54 Your belly just to salute this.Speaker 9
00:18:57 No, come today.Speaker 10
00:18:59 Let me know the date check that morning.Speaker 3
00:19:01 I'll cut my wrist.Devon
00:19:12 All right, so basically the Nazis.00:19:15 Or, you know, obviously they're supposed to be Nazis, but or fascist or something.
00:19:21 They after they they got beat up by the the boomer cons.
00:19:27 And they've they've been defeated because his inability to speak eloquently and to command a crowd.
00:19:36 They find their friend, who was kind of a ***** and ran away, and they they just.
00:19:42 They're not sure what to do next and their leader is kind of depressed, who, by the way, this is a young Dennis Hopper.
00:19:48 This is a young Dennis Hopper.
00:19:52 Wait, wait. Wait till.
00:19:53 You see who directed this episode too?
00:19:55 We'll get into that in a second.
Speaker 12
00:19:59 I try.Speaker 10
00:19:59 It's so hard.00:20:02 I tried so hard out there tonight.
00:20:08 I couldn't.
00:20:10 Get through.
00:20:11 I couldn't get through to any of them.
00:20:17 I knew what I had to say to them.
00:20:18 I knew what.
00:20:19 I had to.
00:20:19 Tell them and I just I couldn't.
00:20:22 I couldn't get it out.
00:20:25 I couldn't find the words.
00:20:28 Someday they're going to.
Speaker 12
00:20:30 Have to listen.Speaker 7
00:20:32 Someday they're going to cheer.Speaker 11
00:20:34 Someday they will, Pete.Speaker 12
00:20:36 They will.Devon
00:20:44 So they they they focus on this idea that the only reason why these people are worried is it's out of some kind of self aggrandizing, you know, like plan.00:20:56 Like they have like they they want.
00:20:58 They want to be special, they want to be respected, they want to be.
00:21:02 Worshipped, you know?
00:21:04 Like there's no altruistic motive whatsoever, right?
00:21:07 It's just all about them that you know and and which doesn't make any sense for the other guys involved.
00:21:13 Now, obviously the cringe larpy costume stuff is, you know, ******** but.
00:21:20 Anyway, so they walk off.
00:21:24 They leave him.
00:21:26 He's depressed.
00:21:28 He's going to go home now.
00:21:29 You're going to.
00:21:30 Like this part?
Speaker 3
00:21:31 Portrait of a Bush leaf fur named Peter Vollmer.Devon
00:21:36 So that's that's Rod Sterling.00:21:37 He's going to do.
00:21:38 His little.
00:21:40 This little intro that he does to every episode of Twilight Zone, and again, we're going, we're going to go into.
00:21:47 Him a little bit after that we cover the episode because in interviews he mentioned specifically that he tries to insert these things into his his TV show.
00:22:01 He tries to insert racial and social commentary into all of his episodes, and he admits that at times he tries to do it in such a subtle way that it most people aren't going to get it, but maybe they'll get it by us mosis.
00:22:20 But we'll cover that here in a little bit.
00:22:21 So here's his little intro.
Speaker 3
00:22:23 Portrait of a Bush League Feuer named Peter Vollmer.00:22:27 A sparse little man who feeds off his self delusions and finds himself perpetually hungry for want of greatness in his diet.
00:22:34 And like some goose stepping predecessors, he searches for something to explain his hunger and to rationalize why a world passes him by without saluting.
00:22:43 The something he looks for and finds is in a sewer.
00:22:47 In his own twisted and distorted lexicon, he calls it faith, strength, truth.
00:22:52 But in just a moment, Peter Valmer will ply his trade on another kind of corner, a strange intersection in a shadow land called the Twilight Zone.
00:23:02 All right.
00:23:03 So it was written by Rod Serling.00:23:08 Directed by Stuart Rosenberg.
00:23:13 And for those of you don't know, Rod Serling is also Jewish, so it's written by a Jew, directed by a Jew.
00:23:21 Stuart Rosenberg also directed cool Cool hand Luke and a handful of other movies you may have heard of.
00:23:30 Nothing too crazy cool.
00:23:32 And Luke, I think is the big one.
00:23:34 So Dennis Hopper here.
00:23:37 The the young wannabe, the young wannabe fewer.
00:23:42 Well, he goes home and wouldn't you know.
00:23:45 It he lives on the couch of an old Jew.
00:23:51 That's right, an old Jew.
00:23:54 And he's like, oh, that troubled boy.
00:23:57 I wish I could help him.
Speaker 8
00:24:00 I can't believe he's.Devon
00:24:01 Getting mixed up in this stuff.00:24:04 That's that's not good.
00:24:07 I wonder, maybe I wonder if he'll listen to reason, says the wise old Jew.
00:24:13 And so they start to talk about what he's been up to.
Speaker 4
00:24:19 Now you pedal height on straight corners.00:24:22 As if it were popcorn.
Speaker 7
00:24:24 It's not hate, it's it's a point of view.00:24:27 It's a philosophy.
Speaker 4
00:24:29 I know the philosophy.00:24:31 I know it quite well.
00:24:34 Nine years in a place called Dachau.
00:24:38 Ohh, when you he's a Holocaust.00:24:40 Survivor on top of it.
00:24:43 It's kind of funny because, like, look how old this guy is, right? He's a Holocaust survivor in 1963. How are they?
Speaker 8
00:24:49 Still alive anyway.Devon
00:24:52 They're everywhere, it seems like anyway, so yeah.Speaker 4
00:24:58 Nine years in a place called Dachau.00:25:02 You know, put me there.
00:25:05 Peter barma.
00:25:07 A lot of peed of armors.
00:25:10 Frustrated men, sick men, angry men.
00:25:15 That's literally the like the opening of the healing hate videos that.00:25:19 We've been going over.
00:25:22 They have it like the everything.
00:25:25 That they say in this episode about this is where all the the white man's anger comes from.
00:25:31 It hasn't changed.
00:25:33 Their diagnosis is exactly the same.
00:25:38 And so is the remedy.
Speaker 4
00:25:43 But the result?Speaker 2
00:25:45 The effect?Speaker 4
00:25:47 Never mind the calls.Speaker 8
00:25:52 Never mind the cause.Devon
00:25:54 Oh, it's just like the healing hate stuff.00:25:57 They literally never.
00:25:58 They never ask what the cause is.
00:26:01 They're always like, it's just these bitter, angry, frustrated white men.
00:26:07 But then they never say like why they're bitter or angry or frustrated.
00:26:10 They're just.
00:26:12 Spontaneously bitter, angry and frustrated.
Speaker 4
00:26:16 12 million bodies in shallow graves.Devon
00:26:20 Wait, hold on 12 million.00:26:24 See the boomers. We. You're lucky. We only have to hear about the six million. Apparently, the boomers in 63 had to hear about.
00:26:30 The 12 million.
00:26:33 Holy ****, they got a double dose of Holocaust guilt.
Speaker 4
00:26:41 And it all started with young men in uniform talking on street corners.Speaker 10
00:26:47 You'll let me come here.Speaker 7
00:26:50 You let me come here.00:26:51 You never sent me away.
Speaker 4
00:26:55 I never did.00:26:58 I never do.
00:27:02 That's the weakness you scream about on your street corners.
00:27:07 Ah yes, that's the that's the real weakness of Jews.00:27:11 Is there just forever tolerant of angry white men?
00:27:16 They're always that they're always so understanding and always just say come sleep on my couch, Nazi.
00:27:24 Ah, it's it's it's going to spell disaster for me someday, but I just that's that's the weakness in me.
00:27:32 Is I.
00:27:32 I just can't stand to see this troubled young man out on the streets.
Speaker 4
00:27:39 Then the mentality softness.00:27:43 The weakness that makes a man his brother's keeper.
00:27:48 Ohh I must be one of the worst of your criminals, Peter.
00:27:53 Sentimental soft.
00:27:58 Very preoccupied with my brother.
00:28:05 I should close the door on you.
00:28:09 Perhaps this is my sickness.
00:28:14 I only see the boy.
00:28:16 Yes, the the real sickness is his generosity.Speaker 4
00:28:21 Not the man.00:28:24 Leave on the couch.
00:28:28 So he he decides to, well, sleep on the couch, obviously.00:28:35 But he's very ashamed.
00:28:38 He's torn between his his strongly held political beliefs that are, of course, just a product of his hatred that comes from nowhere.
00:28:47 And this loving Jew, that's like a father to him.
00:28:51 You're like a father.Speaker 5
00:28:53 You're the only thing in.Speaker 10
00:28:54 The world that I've ever loved.00:28:57 What have I ever had to look?
Speaker 7
00:29:00 And drunken father used to slam me.Speaker
00:29:02 Against the wall.Speaker 7
00:29:04 An old lady.00:29:07 Who had no marbles in their head.
00:29:10 She didn't even recognize me half the time.
00:29:15 Yeah, the goyim families, they're just, they're just a mess, absolute mess.00:29:20 All that hatred inside of him, it's just it's because he comes from this.
00:29:24 This terrible home where?
00:29:25 His father is this raging alcoholic and his moms insane.
Speaker 10
00:29:32 That's why I used to come here because.00:29:35 Because you were dealing with me and you talked to me and you fed me and you took care of me.
00:29:45 Since you're my father.
Speaker 4
00:29:49 That's the boy again speaking.00:29:54 The little boy with so much fear in him.
00:29:59 And it's all fear.00:30:00 It's all about fear.
00:30:03 A little bit.
00:30:03 Of a projection thing going on, I believe.
00:30:07 So yeah, so he he leaves.
00:30:10 Let him sleep on the couch.
00:30:13 And then he wakes up because he hears someone outside.
00:30:18 And he looks out the window.
00:30:19 There's a strange man outside.
00:30:23 When the strange man says come down here, I'd like to talk to you.
00:30:28 So he comes down and and he says, yeah, yeah.
00:30:33 I saw your speech.
00:30:35 You weren't doing all that great, though.
00:30:36 I got some advice.
00:30:39 If you really want to do a.
00:30:40 Good job.
Speaker 2
00:30:43 Let us start by your learning what are the dynamics of a crop?00:30:50 How do you move a mob, Mr.
00:30:52 How do you excite them?
00:30:54 How do you make them feel?
00:30:55 Is one with you.
Speaker 10
00:30:57 I don't know how.Speaker 2
00:31:00 Join them first, Mr.00:31:02 Join them.
00:31:03 Yes, when you speak to them, speak to them as if you were a member of the mob.
00:31:08 Speak to them in their language and their level.
00:31:13 Make their hate your hate.
00:31:17 Ah yes, make their hate your hate.00:31:22 They've been using this terminology, you know, like anything that's.
00:31:29 Right of.
00:31:31 Well, anything that's right of communism these days is is ******* hate.
Speaker 2
00:31:36 If they are poor.00:31:38 Talk to them about.
Speaker 11
00:31:40 If they are afraid.Speaker 2
00:31:42 Talk to them of their fears and if they?00:31:44 Are angry, Mr.
00:31:45 Verma, if they are angry.
00:31:48 Give them objects for their anger.
00:31:51 But most of all, the thing that is most of the essence, Mr.
00:31:55 Bowman, is that you make this mob an extension of yourself.
00:32:01 Eight of them. Things like.
00:32:03 Things like.
00:32:06 They call us hate mongers.
00:32:09 They say we're prejudice.
00:32:11 They say they're biased.
00:32:13 They say we hate minorities, minorities.
00:32:18 Understand the term labours minor.
Speaker 4
00:32:21 That piece.Speaker 2
00:32:23 Should I tell you who are the minorities?00:32:26 Shall I tell you?
00:32:30 We are the minorities.
00:32:35 Now remember this is this is trying to make fun of whites that were maybe afraid of becoming a minority, like it was some kind of crazy thing.00:32:45 But he's in the twilight zone.
00:32:50 That it it's a it's an insane thing for him to insinuate that that he's the minority.
00:32:55 Well, it might have sounded insane in 1963.
Speaker 2
00:33:02 That way, Mr. former.00:33:04 Started that way.
Speaker 10
00:33:11 Understand. I think I understand.Devon
00:33:16 So he's like.00:33:17 Alright, cool.
00:33:18 I'm going to use these.
00:33:20 All these tricks he just taught me, and I'm going to try it out next time I do my crazy on the corner street corner speech.
Speaker 7
00:33:28 They say that we hate the minorities.00:33:33 The minorities.
00:33:36 Understand the term neighbors.
00:33:39 The minorities.
00:33:42 Shall I tell you who the minorities are?
00:33:47 We, we, we, we are the minorities.
00:33:56 Is a minority.
00:33:59 Because love of country.
00:34:02 Is the minority.
00:34:04 Because to live in a free white America seems to be of a minority opinion.
00:34:13 Let me tell you something, neighbors.
00:34:17 I want you.
00:34:17 To dwell on this, just dwell on it.
00:34:21 We had.
00:34:23 The atom bomb.
00:34:26 And suddenly?
00:34:30 The Russians had it.
00:34:34 Ohh, they're now.00:34:37 They don't.
00:34:37 They don't actually explain what that means.
00:34:41 But I just think it's funny because that's the first time.
00:34:45 That's the first time he brings up any kind of, like, direct accusation.
00:34:50 Well, it's not.
00:34:50 Even really direct cause, he just says we had the the atomic bomb and then all of a sudden the Russians had it not saying that like, Oh yeah, the Russians have it because they ******* Rosenbergs.
00:35:01 Gave it to him.
00:35:03 Well, remember that who directed this episode?
00:35:05 Stuart Rosenberg.
00:35:10 So they don't mention that they don't mention that, like uh, you know, actually, uh, you know, that's that's that's an accurate you know kind of thing to maybe be upset about but OK.
Speaker 7
00:35:25 We wanted to send men into space.00:35:30 But it was the Russians who got there first.
00:35:35 We had the hydrogen bomb.
00:35:41 It was the Russians who exploded theirs.
00:35:47 Who gave them the bombs?
00:35:50 Who sold us out?
00:35:51 Who stabbed us?
00:35:52 In the back.
00:35:54 Ohh, since you're asking the Rosenbergs.00:35:59 The Rosenbergs, like, literally.
00:36:03 They were executed for it.
00:36:05 This is not a.
00:36:07 Topic of debate.
Speaker 7
00:36:14 If it's a minority opinion.00:36:17 That we have to survive.
00:36:21 Then we are the minority.
00:36:25 And this minority?
00:36:27 Will not stop until it is the majority.
00:36:33 This minority will not give up.
00:36:37 Now I've noticed that this is actually it's kind of interesting that.00:36:43 Twilight Zone episodes do this often.
00:36:45 It's because.
00:36:45 It's they, they, they.
00:36:47 Go after these same themes over and over and over again, not just Twilight zone, but other shows from this era.
00:36:53 What you'll have is you'll have this guy who's sounding unhinged and authoritarian, you know, whatever.
00:37:00 And they'll do the, you know, the crowd reactions.
00:37:03 Right.
00:37:04 And in the I noticed in the 50s and the 60s, they always do this reaction shot.
00:37:11 It's a reaction shot of an old couple looking concerned like ohh, I don't know about this, this is this is worrying right here because at the time.
00:37:23 People actually, you know, actually cared about what old people thought.
00:37:27 You know, there were.
00:37:28 There was actually, you know, some elder respect that was kind of, you know, well, it's it's kind of dead now but.
00:37:37 So this this was a way of communicating to the audience real subtle, real, subtle thing like look, the wise old people think this sounds crazy.
00:37:46 Only the young people are are taken in by this.
00:37:49 See, look how the OR they go, where they go.
00:37:53 Where did they go?
00:37:54 There we.
00:37:54 Go see look.
Speaker 8
00:37:56 He's like, yeah, this sounds good.00:37:58 I like this.
00:38:00 **** these guys.
00:38:01 And the old people.
00:38:01 Like, I don't know, this sounds kind of dangerous.
00:38:04 I don't like where?
00:38:05 This is headed.00:38:07 So anyway.
Speaker 8
00:38:14 That I go too far.Devon
00:38:15 Ahead, where do I go?Speaker 7
00:38:21 And this minority?00:38:23 Will not stop until it is the majority.
00:38:29 This minority will not give up the fight this.
00:38:35 Is the promise.
00:38:37 And this this is the legacy.
00:38:48 So everybody claps.00:38:50 His advice?
00:38:52 From the mysterious stranger worked.
00:38:56 He everyone celebrates and he's excited.
Speaker 1
00:39:06 All right.Speaker 11
00:39:18 Thank you.Speaker 1
00:39:20 Thank you.Speaker 9
00:39:24 Look, I'm not going to wait much longer, understand?00:39:27 If I don't get paid, you don't have the hole tomorrow night.
00:39:31 So this is the other hilarious thing.00:39:33 Just like with the cops, right, this is.
00:39:35 See, this is what a lot of people like like libertarians think, right?
00:39:40 This is.
00:39:41 This is the the worldview that they have is that it's it's really.
00:39:47 Well, OK to give you an idea what I'm talking about here.
00:39:49 The cops actually are not biased right when they're enforcing the law.
00:39:53 They they're.
00:39:54 Oh, well, who attacked you?
00:39:55 Well, you know, give us the names.
00:39:56 We'll take care of it in this particular case, it's a Jewish landlord.
00:40:00 A Jewish landlord doesn't care that he has a a literal Nazi meeting.
00:40:06 In his in his hall.
00:40:08 As long as he gets paid.
00:40:10 Right.
00:40:10 Because it it's just that's that's how capitalism works, right?
00:40:14 It it's as long as you know, you're you're willing to pay.
00:40:17 You know that there won't be any censorship that that's ideologically driven and and of course look at just the last handful of years, people trying to have conferences in hotel rooms, people having to like.
00:40:30 Have secret locations and release the the location the day of just so that the the venue doesn't cancel on them.
00:40:38 Sometimes the venue still cancels on them or the venue shuts the power off or you know.
00:40:45 Obviously the just the online version of all that you know, people getting the platform kicked off of stuff that was inconceivable to most people in 1963. Why?
00:41:00 What do you think the demographics were like in 1963?
00:41:07 In 1963, you didn't have an Indian CEO of of Twitter with an Indian speech lawyer or whatever the **** that ******* name is that banned the the phrase day of the rope from Twitter.
00:41:23 You don't have people like that controlling what speech was allowed.
00:41:26 People like that that had zero connection to the First Amendment.
00:41:31 You know, being written.
00:41:35 People who don't give a **** about what?
00:41:36 Some old white slave owners wrote a few.
00:41:39 100 years ago.
00:41:45 So again, it's not crazy to depict the guy who rents them the hall where they have their Nazi meetings.
00:41:55 As a Jew.
Speaker 11
00:41:58 Gibbons, will you cool it?00:42:00 Can't you see we're busy?
Speaker 9
00:42:01 I'm not going to wait.00:42:02 I'm not going to wait another 5 minutes.
00:42:05 I want to settle now.
00:42:06 I told you, no tow no rental, no tow, no use of the hall.
00:42:10 Tomorrow night.
00:42:11 I'm not running this place.
00:42:12 It's just because it gives me.
Speaker 7
00:42:14 What seems to be the?Speaker 11
00:42:15 This is a very hungry man here, Pete.00:42:18 He got a heavy shekels.
00:42:19 Gotta have his little money.
Speaker 9
00:42:22 You guys, you were three weeks back in the rent.00:42:25 You said you'd give it to me a week ago, and all I did get was cigarette.
00:42:28 Butts on the floor.
Speaker 7
00:42:30 Am I to understand that you're going to lock us out of this hall because of a couple of weeks?Speaker 9
00:42:34 That you understand, right $200.00 due $200.00 ain't received.Speaker 10
00:42:40 We happen to be a young movement.Speaker 7
00:42:44 We're still struggling.00:42:46 We need time to grow.
Speaker 9
00:42:48 But I don't rent time.00:42:50 I just rent the hall.
00:42:52 It's the money.
00:42:54 Or you build a platform in the street.
00:43:10 So now they're, oh, we need funding.00:43:13 We need funding.
00:43:14 We need some money.
00:43:16 By the way, next Pat come episode and talk about some of that.
Speaker 11
00:43:22 What are we going to do, Pete?00:43:23 We gotta do something.
00:43:24 I don't see why we walk tiptoe.
Speaker 3
00:43:26 With this guy, why don't I?Speaker 10
00:43:27 Educate him.00:43:28 I can do it, I guarantee.
Speaker 3
00:43:30 Yeah, somebody left this for you too.00:43:33 Nobody saw him.
00:43:34 They just lifted.
Speaker 13
00:43:34 The back door you named his son.Speaker 11
00:43:38 2C's. Hey, how about that, huh? We needed 200.Speaker 7
00:43:43 Bucks for rent.Speaker 11
00:43:43 And there it is.Devon
00:43:46 Someone has donated to the cause the exact amount they need to rent the.00:43:50 Hall, I wonder if it's their mysterious friend.
00:43:57 Do you see who left?Speaker 10
00:43:57 This why didn't the message would just for you.Speaker
00:44:00 To get it, that's all.Speaker 11
00:44:04 Givens come and get it.Devon
00:44:29 So now they're all excited.00:44:31 They're thinking about.
00:44:33 Their big plans for the future?
00:44:38 And he goes back inside after having a cigarette with his friends.
00:44:44 And while he's hanging out on the stage, staring at a giant photo of Hitler.
00:44:50 The mysterious man appears once again.
Speaker 2
00:44:56 An excellent performance Mr.00:44:59 Very effective.
00:45:00 You learn quickly.
Speaker 7
00:45:04 Thank you.Speaker 10
00:45:07 I'd like to know who I'm thinking.Speaker 2
00:45:08 It does not make very much difference.00:45:10 I am just pleased I could.
00:45:12 Be of help?
00:45:13 You learn the style very well.
00:45:16 You delivered the speech exactly as I told you.
Speaker 10
00:45:19 I'm very obliged.Speaker 2
00:45:23 The money.00:45:24 But it was the least I could do.
00:45:26 We could not very well have you thrown out into the streets.
00:45:30 I happen to feel your work is very important.
Speaker 13
00:45:33 Are you one of us?Speaker 2
00:45:34 One of you, Mr.00:45:36 Foreman, you might say I am you.
00:45:40 I have some suggestions.
00:45:42 I will continue to give you advice.
00:45:45 But there is a matter of great importance that must be taken care of.
00:45:50 What is it?
00:45:51 An expedient, Mr.
00:45:54 Oh, you might call it a a car seller.
00:45:58 Something to cement the organization together.
Speaker 10
00:46:03 I don't understand.Speaker 2
00:46:04 Hey, Martha.Devon
00:46:07 Again, this is this is funny too.00:46:09 Just cause the the projection.
00:46:12 So you're saying what you really need to get your cars going?
00:46:17 Is a martyr George Floyd.
00:46:24 And healing Hate does the exact same thing.
00:46:28 They fixate on this idea that the right has all these martyrs.
00:46:35 Look, we've tried to have Mars.
00:46:37 The right doesn't ever like gather behind a martyr.
Speaker 7
00:46:44 They don't.Devon
00:46:45 Whether it's Ashley Babbitt, whether no matter.Speaker 8
00:46:49 Who it is.Devon
00:46:51 Who are who are the martyrs on the right?Speaker 8
00:46:56 And I and I'll look.00:46:57 Look, let's go back.
00:46:57 Let's go like 50.
00:46:59 ******* 50 years.00:47:03 Who are the martyrs on the?
00:47:04 Right.
00:47:06 I can name a bunch of.
00:47:07 Martyrs on the left.
00:47:11 But who were the?Speaker 8
00:47:11 Martyrs on the right.Devon
00:47:19 The monitors got the monitors on the left, I mean they're endless.00:47:22 That's like a new one every year.
00:47:24 He just a good boy.
00:47:26 He didn't do nothing.
00:47:28 Now let's burn down the ******* city.
00:47:34 The right doesn't seem to care when when right wingers get raped to death and killed and murdered in mass.
00:47:41 Kind of sad, but it's true.
00:47:48 So again, it's more projection.
00:47:51 What you need is a martyr.
Speaker 2
00:47:54 The organization needs a mock.Speaker 10
00:47:58 Martyr how do you find?Speaker 2
00:47:59 A martyr.00:48:00 You do not find one, Mr.
00:48:03 You choose one.
00:48:05 You take one of no value and you make him into a symbol.
00:48:10 Just like George Floyd, you take someone of no value and you turn them into a symbol.00:48:16 You think George Floyd?
00:48:19 If had he stayed alive, would have served any purpose whatsoever to the left or the black people or anything.
Speaker 8
00:48:29 There's a whole.Devon
00:48:29 Lot of people out there that got free sneakers now.00:48:32 That he's dead.
00:48:36 He was worth nothing to anyone alive.
00:48:42 But they're getting a whole lot of mileage out of him now that he's dead.
00:48:46 You know?
00:48:46 In fact, I, one of the most hilarious things of the last couple of days with, you know, obviously China is not going to start World War three over Nancy Pelosi going to Taiwan and stuff like that.
00:48:59 But when all that **** was going on, one of the funnier things that they said.
00:49:03 Was America cannot treat other countries like George Floyd.
00:49:15 Just no, no, in 100% that aren't they have to know they're not stupid.
00:49:20 Knowing 100%.
00:49:22 That it's ********.
00:49:25 And there's nothing.
00:49:26 There's nothing the people in the ruling class can say in.
00:49:29 Response to that.
00:49:33 There's nothing.
00:49:34 There's nothing that they can say.
00:49:40 So anyway, Hitler or, you know, obviously everyone knows it's gonna be Hitler at this point says, hey, you know what you what you should do.
00:49:47 Is kill your friend.
00:49:52 Blame it on the.
00:49:56 The people, the the Antifa people, right?
00:50:01 And so he's like, he gets one of his, I don't know, gang members.
00:50:06 I don't know who to call these guys fellow Larpers and says, yeah, we got to get rid of.
00:50:12 I forget his name, like Jimmy or something.
Speaker 9
00:50:14 What do we do, Pete?Speaker 10
00:50:16 Get rid of him.00:50:17 Get rid of.
00:50:18 Look, make it look like.
00:50:19 Somebody else did it.
00:50:22 Make it look like somebody who hates this to.
00:50:25 I understand.
00:50:27 I understand, Pete.
00:50:31 See and that's the thing with George Floyd.00:50:34 Make it look like someone who hates us.
00:50:36 Did it.
00:50:41 It's the same thing with.
00:50:43 With literally all these, all these martyrs.
00:50:46 Going all the way back to Emmett.
00:50:47 Till which we're going to talk about that in a second to.
00:50:50 It's actually some believe it or not related.
00:50:59 Make it look like it was done by people who hate us.
00:51:07 Look, and it's a clever thing to do.
00:51:09 It does work most of the time.
00:51:12 I just don't think it works with the right wingers.
00:51:14 I there was a time I did.
00:51:17 You know the CIA.
00:51:18 In fact, when they were doing.
00:51:21 Oh, I forget it.
00:51:22 They were working with some South American rebels in one of the many CIA controlled coups that were going on in the 19.
00:51:31 And declassified, there was a I'm a little bit light on the specifics, but I can find it if anyone doubts what I'm saying, which I don't think.
00:51:43 Anyone's got doubt this?
00:51:44 But there was declassified documents where they were telling the rebels.
00:51:48 Look what you need to do.
00:51:49 They literally said what basically what?
00:51:51 Shadowy Hitler, guy said.
00:51:53 They said you need to find someone that's not really useful, but people don't hate him, you know, but he's he's kind of useless, right?
00:52:02 And and kill him.
00:52:05 And then blame it on the enemies and that will get people really riled up.
00:52:09 And then all of a sudden, you'll have your martyr.
00:52:14 And look, if you've read my book, you know, there's, like maybe something similar in there too.
Speaker 12
00:52:21 But I I.Devon
00:52:21 Like I said, I don't think that works on the right.00:52:24 I think the rights just.
00:52:26 It's like I don't.
00:52:27 It's like I don't know it like, people call the left a death cult, but I think the right is, you know, because they just, they just seem like.
00:52:34 They're really mad on Twitter when when someone gets killed, but it happens so often, they're just so desensitized to it.
00:52:41 It's just like, you know, or or they find things wrong with it, you know, like, like with Ashley Babbitt.
00:52:46 Well, look her.
00:52:47 She was just like a cute tart.
00:52:48 Like So what?
00:52:50 You really think you really think George Floyd stood for all the things that that the left has has been using him for?
00:52:59 Doesn't ******* matter.
00:53:02 Doesn't matter what the reality is.
00:53:06 It matters what the legend is.
00:53:11 But anyway, so they decide to do that and they kill Jimmy or I don't know.
00:53:18 His real name is.
00:53:19 We'll just say it, Jimmy.
00:53:22 And put a note on him saying a good Nazi, you know, so that you know, only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, obviously.
00:53:33 They have like a.
00:53:36 Memorial service, which is another excuse for them to use his death to promote their cause.
00:53:45 And then to show that how cold hearted these guys are, one of the one of the Nazis is like I'm kind of sad because I miss him.
00:53:54 And Dennis Hopper's like, oh, yeah? Well, **** him. He was a *******, and he was a coward. And and and and he's I I don't miss him at all.
00:54:04 You shouldn't be sad.
00:54:04 Either because he's just he was just.
00:54:06 Stupid, you know he.
00:54:07 Was an *******, but then immediately launches into this, you know, eulogy making him sound like he was the most courageous.
00:54:15 Person ever to live and just just to really try to share like oh look how look how duplicitous these these guys are.
Speaker 8
00:54:23 You know they.Devon
00:54:23 Everything they say is just.00:54:25 It's just all for power.
00:54:26 They're just hungry for power.
00:54:28 That's all that motivates these people.
00:54:30 And look, they've they've somehow enchanted this.
00:54:35 Growing crowd of people.
00:54:40 And then across the street at the deli.
00:54:44 The the Jew that apparently he this whole time he's still sleeping on this old Jewish guy's couch.
00:54:55 So he he he hears the the Nazi.
00:54:58 Propaganda coming out of the hall.
00:55:01 And decides he has to do something.
Speaker 11
00:55:04 It's got a voice of him.Speaker 4
00:55:08 I know it when it was just a whimper.Speaker 2
00:55:12 That's a bad kid, that one.Speaker 11
00:55:14 Used to be used to be people.Speaker 14
00:55:16 Would laugh at him.00:55:18 But lately he gets the crowd and not many people laugh either.
00:55:23 You have known him in a long time.
00:55:25 Haven't you?
Speaker 4
00:55:26 Since he was a child, a silent little boy with very little to say.Speaker 13
00:55:34 Girl pursuit cut away scores.Speaker 4
00:55:39 I've seen it before, I've seen it all before.Speaker 14
00:55:45 That was another time, Mr.00:55:46 Gantz, another place, another kind of people.
Speaker 13
00:55:49 The way.Speaker 14
00:55:51 That doesn't go here.Speaker 4
00:55:53 That's what we said too.Devon
00:55:56 See, this is the other thing that drives me nuts I've seen.00:55:59 There's so many movies and television shows that play out exactly like this.
00:56:05 Where everyone in the and look, I think the environment was like in 1963, this might have been more realistic, right?
00:56:12 And I.
00:56:15 But in today's context, you, you, you still see these kinds of people having these conversations, not just in movies either.
00:56:23 There was, you know, there there was a.
00:56:27 There was some logo that some teacher put out.
00:56:31 Well, it doesn't matter basically what it was is some logo that looked kind of like a swastika, but not really that was put.
00:56:42 Out by a.
00:56:42 Leftist and didn't notice that the wild.
00:56:46 Imaginations of Jewish people with C swastika because they see it ******* everywhere, right, that they didn't.
00:56:53 She didn't imagine when you put that logo out that it would almost end her career because everyone be like I ******* knew it.
00:57:01 Doesn't surprise me at all.
00:57:03 Because there's Nazis ************* everywhere, right?
00:57:08 In this in this scene here and in many scenes in many movies, you have the Jew that's like, ohh, I've seen this before.
00:57:17 This is how it starts. It's gonna happen again. I knew it. But then what's the response? The response is always like like this guy's like. Oh, you're you're just worried about nothing.
Speaker 14
00:57:28 That was another time, Mr.00:57:30 Gantz, another place.
00:57:33 That's never the response. The response is never. Ohh don't worry about those guys, that was, you know, it's we're not in the 1930s and this isn't Germany.00:57:44 No one ever says that no one ever ******* says that.
00:57:49 Everyone says the exact opposite of that.
00:57:52 Everyone says, oh, you're right.
00:57:53 This is where.
Speaker 8
00:57:54 It starts Oh my God we better.00:57:55 Stop it now.
00:58:00 Now, maybe in 1963 people were less sensitive.00:58:04 To that stuff, but you know.
00:58:07 Everyone's hypersensitive to anything even remotely.
00:58:11 Right wing and people gathering in groups.
Speaker 14
00:58:15 They're the kind of people.00:58:17 That doesn't go here.
Speaker 4
00:58:18 And that's what we said too.00:58:21 They were Browns come.
Speaker 8
00:58:25 That's what we said too.Devon
00:58:27 We thought it would all just that's that's the other part of the narrative, too.00:58:31 That's part of their legend.
00:58:32 The Jewish legend, which isn't true.
00:58:37 If if Jews thought that like, oh, oh, this will just all blow over, which in every movie that's that's that's how they that's how they portray the attitude.
00:58:46 Oh, this is all just go away.
00:58:48 It's not a big deal, right?
00:58:50 And then and then one day, I'm getting gassed, right?
00:58:55 If that had been the case, you wouldn't have had.
00:58:59 So many Jews fleeing Europe.
00:59:03 And coming to America and coming to Western countries.
00:59:09 Which they did in droves.
00:59:13 That's right, classified cat.
Speaker 4
00:59:19 Temporary insanity.00:59:22 Part of the passing scene, too monstrous to be real.
00:59:27 So we ignored them.
00:59:30 Or laughed at them.
00:59:33 Because we couldn't believe that there were enough insane people to walk alongside of them.
00:59:40 See how you look at it and that's.00:59:41 The look on the face.
00:59:43 That have the normal like.
00:59:44 Ohh wait, hold on.
00:59:45 I mean they're they're they're dangerous.
Speaker 8
00:59:48 Ohh boy, that's the narrative.Devon
00:59:51 We didn't believe it either.00:59:53 And the next thing.
00:59:54 You know, we were *******.
00:59:55 We were.
00:59:55 Getting rolled into ovens.
Speaker 4
01:00:01 And then one morning.Speaker 13
01:00:02 Half an hour wondering if.Speaker 4
01:00:04 The country woke up from an uneasy sleep.01:00:09 And there was number more laughter.
01:00:13 And then one morning, for no reason at all.Speaker 7
01:00:17 The old man.Speaker 1
01:00:18 In the seat.Speaker 4
01:00:20 The feet of armors had taken over.01:00:23 The wild animals had changed places with us in the cage.
01:00:31 See and that's.Devon
01:00:32 The other thing too, he's literally calling.01:00:34 Him a wild animal.
01:00:38 How dare you dehumanize people, you wild animal?
01:00:45 Like, not even no sense of irony.
Speaker 13
01:00:55 And you.01:00:57 There's no time and then round.
01:00:59 Brass our hands and pull our bears and twiddle with our.
Speaker 14
01:01:03 But not again.Speaker 4
01:01:06 It mustn't happen again.Devon
01:01:09 And that's that's another narrative that we've seen repeated.01:01:13 Over and over and over again.
01:01:15 Never again.
01:01:16 Never again.
01:01:19 We must do whatever we can to stop this from ever happening again.
01:01:23 At the first sign we must put all of our resources into it.
01:01:30 Look, it's a powerful narrative.
01:01:31 If you have that kind of a narrative, it makes sense.
01:01:35 It's a very motivating merit, like just imagine.
01:01:38 Unfortunately, I think white people are going to earn.
01:01:39 A narrative.
01:01:40 Like that, if you have a narrative where if the first sign of X.
01:01:48 The next thing that will happen will be genocide, and that's what he's saying at the first the second white people.
01:01:57 Start gathering together.
01:02:01 In groups and trying to form political power.
01:02:05 The next thing that will happen is genocide.
01:02:08 There's a lot of people that believe that a lot of people that believe that.
01:02:17 And the reason they believe that is they have this narrative that that's what happened last time.
01:02:30 And I think one of the reasons why.
01:02:33 White people don't have.
01:02:41 No, there's no fire lit under their roast.
01:02:44 There's no sense of urgency.
01:02:46 You know, there's people that you know that complain about CRT and you know the the, the, the great replacement is actually somewhat more acceptable to talk about.
01:02:58 You know it's in in a little bit more mainstream, it's still whites are still still.
01:03:06 Look at. Even if they look at the data they realized they went from a country that was like 95% white to like almost below 50% in just a few decades.
01:03:17 Like they still are uncomfortable.
01:03:23 Being tribal.
01:03:25 And and recognizing that they have their own interests and working together for their own interests, because they believe this narrative too.
01:03:38 A lot of the people that believe that if white people get together, that there's going to be genocides that, you know the next day are white people.
01:03:47 And I don't just mean the fellow whites I.
01:03:49 Mean like actual, you know, like Boomer cons?
01:03:56 I mean that used to be like a hack joke in the in the file automatic 90s, right?
01:04:01 Like how many, how many versions of that joke did you hear from stand up comedians, or even just television shows like edgy, edgy cartoons on, you know, Adult Swim or on Comedy Central about like, oh, get nervous cause, you know, white people are starting to gather together in groups and talk about, you know.
01:04:22 Their interests.
01:04:27 It was just accepted that that's that's what happens.
01:04:37 Because they believe this narrative too.
01:04:38 And the only way that they'll stop believing this narrative, honestly.
01:04:42 I think is if they have their own persecution.
01:04:44 Narrative of their own.
01:04:45 You know, they they've.
01:04:46 White people have been on top for so long.
01:04:50 They don't know what it's like to be.
01:04:57 Like and I mean.
01:04:57 Like as a as an entire group.
01:05:02 As a as a completely disenfranchised group.
Speaker 8
01:05:07 And look a.Devon
01:05:08 Lot of people listening, obviously you're a member of that group now.01:05:13 But I mean like.
01:05:15 Entirely racially to be subjugated.
01:05:18 I mean, like, no, no.
01:05:21 What would be the the white version of Uncle Tom?
01:05:24 You know, like like, like, no white sellouts in positions of power.
01:05:39 Whites have dominated the modern world for so long they they literally they don't they.
01:05:44 Don't see the danger?
01:05:46 Because they haven't faced the danger, the closest thing to that is South Africa.
01:05:49 I mean, they're facing the danger.
Speaker 3
01:06:04 Can't let it.Speaker 4
01:06:06 We simply can't let it happen again.01:06:11 That night.
01:06:17 I don't know.
Speaker 3
01:06:19 No, not this time.Speaker 13
01:06:21 4/4.Devon
01:06:26 Not this time.01:06:27 I'm going to step in and stop it and look, that's the because of that narrative.
01:06:32 Remember who wrote this?
01:06:33 Who wrote this episode?
01:06:37 Those aren't the words of a fictional old man.
01:06:40 That's the words of Rod Serling.
01:06:48 That's him speaking through a fictional old Holocaust survivor.
01:06:55 Never again, not this time.
01:07:18 So he goes in.
01:07:23 To bust up to confront the.
01:07:27 The man that's that's still literally still sleeping on his couch.
Speaker 7
01:07:31 Do you want?01:07:32 The United States of America to remain free.
01:07:39 You want your homes.
01:07:43 With the vermin from foreign shores?
01:07:50 I'll listen to this one.
01:07:54 You want a bunch of mongrels come over here.
Speaker 4
01:08:04 Go on, Mr. Vollmer.01:08:07 You were saying?
01:08:10 I can tell them what you are saying.
01:08:13 I've heard it before.
01:08:16 I've heard it 1000 times before.
01:08:19 In Munich.
01:08:20 In Berlin.
01:08:22 And 100 different St. corners.
01:08:25 It was dreadful then.
01:08:28 And it is driven now.
Speaker 10
01:08:30 You've got to stop her.Speaker 4
01:08:33 And what is this one here?01:08:35 The new model.
01:08:37 A 1963 funeral right off the assembly line for this one is not so new. It's not so fresh.
Speaker 7
01:08:43 This one is nothing but a cheap copy.Speaker 11
01:08:47 You don't gotta do something about it.Speaker
01:08:48 We're losing the.Speaker 10
01:08:49 Let me get rid of him.Speaker
01:08:51 Let me.Speaker 11
01:08:51 Get rid of that.01:08:51 Just leave me alone.
Speaker 4
01:08:53 Let me tell you about this one.01:08:56 About the breed, the species.
01:09:00 They're all alike. They are.
01:09:03 See again.01:09:04 Listen to his language.
01:09:05 Let me tell you about this one.
01:09:07 The breed, the, the species.
01:09:22 How is?
01:09:22 How is that not dehumanizing?
Speaker 2
01:09:34 Are all alike problem children?Devon
01:09:36 They're all alike.01:09:39 You people.
Speaker 8
01:09:42 You're all alike.Devon
01:09:44 Your problem children.Speaker 4
01:09:49 Six sad neurotics.Speaker 7
01:09:52 Who take applause like.Speaker 3
01:09:53 A needle.Speaker 10
01:09:56 That's enough friends.Devon
01:09:59 They just want applause.01:10:00 They just want attention.
01:10:03 None of their concerns are valid.
Speaker 4
01:10:12 Listen to me, Peter, and let them listen.01:10:17 Or else I'll tell him about a quaking, whimpering boy who cried on my couch, who still cries on my couch.
Speaker 10
01:10:25 Please don't.01:10:26 Please don't.
01:10:27 Please don't.
Speaker 9
01:10:27 Please don't let him do this.01:10:28 Put him down.
01:10:29 Put him down.
01:10:30 Put me down.
01:10:31 Put me down.
Speaker 2
01:10:33 Shut me up.01:10:34 Stay for me.
01:10:35 Why don't you?
Speaker 4
01:10:37 Why can't you?01:10:41 Because this is your courage right here.
01:10:44 This is your strength.
01:10:48 And the torchlights.
Speaker 7
01:10:50 And the crowd.Speaker 9
01:10:52 And the sea.Speaker 4
01:11:02 Very battle.01:11:06 The only sort of answer your kind knows how to give.
01:11:11 Ah yes.01:11:14 Violence is is the.
01:11:16 Only answer that that that leftists get when they get into arguments with people on the.
Speaker 8
01:11:20 Right.Devon
01:11:22 Right.01:11:24 That's that's the only response.
Speaker 4
01:11:27 This is your furrier.01:11:32 Is yours.
01:11:35 I give them to you.
01:11:39 Gift from the sewers.
01:11:48 OK, so now he's all he's all distraught because.01:11:52 The man, the Jewish man who's like a father to him whose couch he sleeps on, I guess.
01:12:00 Still, like, at least that's what they make it sound like.
01:12:04 Doesn't like his his evil ways.
01:12:09 And embarrassed him in front of his crowd.
01:12:12 And then, while he's thinking about it, the secret, you know, ghost of Hitler or whatever shows up again.
01:12:21 And he's like.
Speaker 8
01:12:23 You gotta do something.Speaker 2
01:12:25 I was taking over the world when your universe was a crypt.01:12:31 And that's for being intact.
01:12:32 Yes, Mr.
Speaker 11
01:12:34 I invaded darkness.Speaker 8
01:12:48 I invented darkness.Devon
01:12:51 So now he is.01:12:54 Just full on Hitler mode.
01:12:57 And then there's this.
01:12:58 This scene doesn't make any sense.
01:12:59 So he runs out like he literally runs off and just starts running down the street.
01:13:06 They go to commercial.
01:13:08 And he's running back in so.
01:13:14 I don't know what what?
01:13:15 You know what that was all about, but he ran away and then he ran back.
01:13:20 And so he goes up to Hitler.
01:13:23 And now all of a sudden, he's like, he's not scared.
01:13:25 Of Hitler anymore.
Speaker 2
01:13:27 The old man.01:13:29 The Jew.
01:13:31 You'll be back again tomorrow night.
01:13:32 The next night.
01:13:33 I know him.
01:13:34 I know the tide.
01:13:35 We sent them into the ovens, but always there was a handful left the pointer finger.
01:13:40 He's kind, Mr.
01:13:42 He's kind and dangerous.
01:13:44 They talk.
Speaker 11
01:13:46 They think.01:13:47 They can't succeed.
Speaker 10
01:13:49 They hold us back.Speaker 11
01:13:54 Kill him.01:13:55 Kill the old man.
Speaker 10
01:14:00 Kill him. Kill Ernest.Speaker 2
01:14:03 Yes, tonight.01:14:04 Now he'll be in his room.
01:14:07 Alright, I'll.01:14:08 Do it.
01:14:10 Alright, I'll do it.01:14:12 I like how quickly.
01:14:13 He's just like see, but that.
01:14:14 See, that's the poisonous hate though.
01:14:16 That's how quickly it acts.
01:14:18 I like how you went from being ohh.
01:14:20 I feel really bad about slapping him and I'm really distraught.
01:14:24 Ohh scary Hitler.
01:14:25 I ran out of.
01:14:26 The building to Hitler just says kill him tonight.
01:14:28 He's like, OK, I'll do it.
01:14:31 Like without even thinking about it, it's.
01:14:32 Like all right.
01:14:36 Alright, I'll do it.Devon
01:14:46 So he does Zig Heil.01:14:49 And then goes to the Jewish guys's apartment.
01:14:55 And he's like, oh, what's up now, huh, Grant?
01:14:59 You like to?
01:14:59 You came to my my little Nazi party and you made you embarrassed me in front of all my friends.
Speaker 8
01:15:08 Who's embarrassed, huh?Speaker 4
01:15:11 A torn man.01:15:14 Craving, respect, identity, pride.
Speaker 8
01:15:19 And by the.Devon
01:15:20 What's so wrong with that?01:15:24 What's wrong with a man wanting respect, identity and pride?
01:15:30 Like, really?
01:15:32 What's wrong with that?
01:15:33 It's weird, it's.
01:15:34 Weird that they pick those things up.
01:15:38 Those are the things that white men should not want.
01:15:42 Respect identity and pride.
01:15:51 When every other group.
01:15:54 Doesn't just.
01:15:55 Get that?
01:15:58 They campaign on it.
Speaker 8
01:16:00 **** have a whole month.01:16:04 Called Pride month.
01:16:11 Everyone else is allowed to have an identity.01:16:16 Everyone else is deserving of respect.
01:16:19 But he's a horrible person.
01:16:22 Because he wants.
Speaker 4
01:16:24 Craving, respect, identity, pride.Devon
01:16:32 They haven't changed the the playbook has been exactly the same since you know. Well, well before 1963.Speaker 4
01:16:44 I don't feel you.01:16:46 So you may do what you have in mind at anytime you wish.
01:16:51 For this last one reminder to you.
01:16:57 You can never kill an idea with a bullet teaser.
01:17:07 All right.01:17:09 So Peter, he's he's at that decision moment.
01:17:13 I want to ask chat, what do you guys think?
01:17:15 What do?
01:17:15 You think he does?
01:17:19 He goes, he goes crazy.
01:17:24 And kills the the old man who's like a father to him because he embarrassed him in front of his Nazi friends.
01:17:33 He he realizes what he's done.
01:17:38 And he breaks down and cries.
01:17:41 And and ask for forgiveness.
01:17:46 SO11.
01:17:50 If he starts firing two, he doesn't start firing.
01:17:57 And I sure said three kills himself, yeah.
01:18:00 So lots of twos.
01:18:01 Most people are two.
01:18:03 Alright, let's see what happens.
01:18:04 Let's see what happens.
Speaker 3
01:18:06 I'm all steel now.01:18:10 Einstein made of steel.
Speaker 1
01:18:10 You know.Speaker 3
01:18:12 No cinnamon, no socks.Speaker 7
01:18:16 Just purpose and will.Speaker 4
01:18:19 And should.Devon
01:18:56 Sorry, so he went full Hitler.01:19:01 So he goes full Hitler, shoots the guy.
01:19:07 And then.
01:19:15 He goes back to uh, his uh, his Nazi clubhouse or whatever it is.
01:19:22 And and while he's staring at A at a picture of of Hitler all excited.
01:19:28 I think Hitler shows up.
01:19:29 Let me.
01:19:30 See what happens.
01:19:30 It felt.Speaker 10
01:19:34 It felt like I was immortal.Speaker 4
01:19:38 We are immortal.Devon
01:20:00 OK so.01:20:06 Oh, I went too far.
01:20:07 There we go.
01:20:14 So he says.
Speaker 8
01:20:15 We are immortal.Devon
01:20:17 But of course. Let's see.01:20:20 That's not it.
01:20:20 Can't end like that, obviously.
Speaker 1
01:20:26 You, Peter vollmer.Speaker 8
01:20:28 We have a warrant for your arrest.Speaker 3
01:20:31 Charge his complicity and murder.Speaker 2
01:20:34 Victim's name was Nicholas Bloss. That should be familiar to you.Speaker 4
01:20:39 Throw that gun away.Devon
01:20:42 Oh, it's.01:20:44 Jimmy'z name was Nicholas, I guess.
01:20:46 The guy that killed in the beginning and blamed it on Antifa.
01:20:51 They they're they've got a warrant for his arrest because he's connected to that murder.
Speaker 2
01:20:56 Throw that gun away.Speaker
01:20:57 Walk tight us with your hands.Speaker 5
01:21:36 Sleep very wrong here.Speaker 3
01:21:39 You made a terrible mistake.Speaker 10
01:21:44 I made out of steel.Speaker 5
01:21:47 You understand what I mean?Speaker 3
01:21:59 Where will he go next?Devon
01:22:01 So in the end, he was deceived by the seductive voice of Hitler's hate.01:22:08 Let's hear.
01:22:09 Let's hear Rod Serling always.
01:22:11 You know, just like he intros all of the episodes.
01:22:15 With a little snippet of wisdom, he ends all the episodes as well.
01:22:20 So this is the nice little bookend at the other side.
Speaker 3
01:22:23 Where will he go next? This phantom from another time, this resurrected ghost of a previous nightmare. Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, FL. Vincennes IN Syracuse, NY. Any place, every place where there's hate, where there's prejudice, where there's bigotry.01:22:40 He's a.
01:22:42 He's alive.
01:22:42 So long as these evils exist.
01:22:44 Remember that when he comes to you at town.
01:22:46 Remember it when you hear his voice speaking out through others.
01:22:49 Remember it when you hear a name called a minority attacked and he blind, unreasoning assault on a people or any human being.
01:22:58 He's alive because through these things we keep him alive.
01:23:08 So there you go.01:23:08 Hitler is always lurking in the shadows, ready to throw a gun at someone, and a young white man who's angry and disaffected, who will be instantly seduced into going into a murder rage and killed even even the Jews that are most dear to him who.
01:23:28 Or like a father.
01:23:29 To him, because he'll just be so consumed and so seduced by the dark side that, you know he won't be able to help himself.
01:23:37 He'll just, you know.
Speaker 4
01:23:39 Then shoot.Devon
01:24:01 Yeah, that's that's just that's that's what that's.01:24:03 That's the reality.
01:24:05 That we have to deal with, we have to understand.
01:24:13 All right.
01:24:13 So anyway, I found some interviews with Rod Serling and Rod Serling talks a lot about in his interviews talks about a lot, is very open about the idea that he injects his diversity politics.
01:24:30 Into the television shows that he was.
01:24:35 And that he feels that it's his duties that, you know, the ticum, Olin, Olin kind of thing, right.
01:24:41 And it's kind of interesting because I found these interviews, I believe, are from the.
01:24:48 Possibly the late 50s.
01:24:52 I don't think it's. Yeah, I think it's the 1950s.
01:24:56 So these interviews are from the 1950s, but then we have another interview from the 1970s and it's it's amazing to me.
01:25:07 The disconnect.
01:25:09 So listen to what he says in the 1950s.
Speaker 12
01:25:14 NBC will have a movie on Monday in prime time, therefore thereby giving us a movie every night of the week that will be three nights for NBC.Devon
01:25:24 By the way, what this guy's talking about is they're playing like they're discussing, you know, racial well basically just pro diversity propaganda, right?01:25:36 I mean, they don't call it that, but that's what they're talking about.
01:25:38 And the host here is saying, you know, there's going to be like a bunch of movies.
01:25:41 All like in the same week all about.
01:25:43 You know, pro diversity.
Speaker 12
01:25:46 Two for CBS and two for ABC and and I predicted that very shortly the three networks petitioned Congress to change the week to 9 days so that it could.01:25:55 Have three nights.
01:25:56 But the to go along with that point, I believe some some national group predicted that we were heading for a national nervous breakdown, the anxieties and so forth.
01:26:09 Now when you put on an old movie, it's possible it will be a movie made about some social problem, but a problem that was.
01:26:17 Contemporary 671015 years, 20 years ago and that's that makes it safe.
Speaker 3
01:26:22 Oh no.Devon
01:26:25 So he's saying, you know, when they put movies on television and they have social commentary, the social commentary is from 15 years ago.01:26:37 So they can play these these movies on television without getting any kind of uproar because they're not addressing.
01:26:45 Any like any hot button issues? Because they're 15, you know, 10-15 years old. But you know, that's just how television worked back then.
01:26:52 You know, you didn't have movies going straight to TV by any means.
01:26:56 And so then Rod Serling comes in and says.
Speaker 3
01:27:00 The question of cost.Speaker 12
01:27:01 And again, this this is the kind of programming the television national television seems to be this escapist type.Speaker 3
01:27:08 It's reminiscent of television in its early days, when indeed there was certainly a race problem in those days.01:27:14 It wasn't out in the street.
01:27:16 It wasn't loud in our ears.
01:27:18 It wasn't infesting our gut, our conscious.
01:27:20 That as it is today, but by God, there was anguish amongst minorities then as there is now, and what?
Speaker 12
01:27:25 I remember the playing where the town turned.Speaker 3
01:27:27 Oh yeah, which?Speaker 12
01:27:27 The best person.Speaker 3
01:27:28 Well, you see, then you assaulted the strong men who were acceptable as minority groups, Mexicans, American Indians.01:27:37 Eskimos beaten down downtrodden peasants under the tsar, usually minorities, but not the ***** now consequently, I think.
Speaker 1
01:27:41 But not negative.Speaker 10
01:27:47 The the the the purpose.Speaker 3
01:27:49 The point of a dramatic show, which is used as a vehicle of social criticism, is to involve an audience to show them wherein their guilt.01:27:57 Eyes, or at least indeed their association.
01:28:01 Did you hear that?01:28:04 He thinks the purpose.
01:28:07 Of a television show.
01:28:11 Is to show wherein their guilt lies.
01:28:17 Or at least their association.
01:28:25 He basically, he literally just said the purpose.
01:28:31 Of this television show.
01:28:38 Was to.
01:28:41 Infect Americans with white guilt.
01:28:48 I'm going to play it again because he.
01:28:51 He just says it.
Speaker 3
01:28:53 By God, there was anguish amongst minorities then as there is.Speaker 12
01:28:55 Now remember the player the town turned.Speaker 3
01:28:56 And what?01:28:58 Ohh yeah, which?
01:28:59 Well you see, then you assaulted the strong men who were acceptable as minority groups.
01:29:05 Mexicans, American Indians, Eskimos beaten down, downtrodden peasants under the Tsar.
Speaker 10
01:29:12 But not neglected.Speaker 3
01:29:12 These were the minorities, but not the *****.01:29:15 Now consequently.
01:29:17 I think the the.
01:29:18 The the purpose the point of a dramatic show which is used as a vehicle of social criticism, is to involve an audience to show them wherein their guilt lies, or at least indeed their association.
01:29:33 The purpose of television.01:29:41 Is to infect you with white guilt like that.
01:29:43 He's saying it and he says it a bunch.
01:29:45 He he keeps saying it and.
01:29:47 In different interviews.
01:29:51 So this is later in the same interview.
Speaker 10
01:29:54 I I have a feeling you're dealing with.Speaker 3
01:29:56 A faceless enemy.01:29:58 In terms of the Vietnamese, at least when Jack Warner ran Warner Brothers, I knew what a Japanese soldier looked like, albeit a cartoon version.
01:30:05 He had gigantic teeth and myopic vision, and he ran it on a sawing nuns and torturing Clark Gable.
01:30:16 So he's saying it's a good thing Jack Warner, the Jewish head of the Warner Brothers Studio.01:30:24 It was a good thing when Jack Warner was doing racial stereotypes and caricatures of the enemy because it.
01:30:33 Was putting a.
01:30:34 Face on the enemy and it was a good thing to make them look grotesque, right?
01:30:40 And so he uses the idea or the example of the Japanese.
01:30:44 And then he mentions the the Germans.
Speaker 3
01:30:47 And indeed, the Nazi was the unregenerate animal.Devon
01:30:51 You know the Germans were animals.01:30:56 But he's upset.
01:30:57 That the current programming.
01:30:59 Again, this is late 50s.
01:31:03 It's no longer doing that.
01:31:05 He's mad that the World War 2 propaganda.
01:31:11 Is no longer painting.
01:31:14 The enemy, as he sees it.
01:31:18 Seemingly as white Americans right, they should feel guilty about.
01:31:22 Any kind of bigotry or or or inequality or whatever he's saying that there's no face for those people.
01:31:29 They're not.
01:31:30 They're not being painted as caricatures.
01:31:33 And in fact, he complains.
Speaker 3
01:31:35 With a whip, and he pointed with the whip for these thousand to go on that gas chamber.01:31:39 And so and so now television gives us hogans heroes, and next year I suppose it'll be the merry men of our schwitz.
01:31:47 He's mad that they're they've got hogans heroes.01:31:52 Because the Germans are being depicted not as these, these ******* maniacal, maniacal monsters.
01:32:13 Now this is a little bit later in the same interview.
Speaker 3
01:32:18 Have to tell them the story of prejudice and terrible form in which they may step aside as third persons and clock and say how awful we treat our minority groups, but at least they know that it's an evil and will recognize it as such and by osmosis or some incredible process with somewhere along the line be faced with a situation in which they too may have to exercise their prejudice.Speaker 9
01:32:18 That's the.Speaker 12
01:32:18 Movie. And that's it, yeah.Speaker 3
01:32:40 And be conscious of it as an evil.Devon
01:32:45 He's saying that when they watch his television shows.01:32:50 That, even if they're not immersed into it, even if they're not projecting themselves onto the protagonist, which most people do, even if they're watching it as an observer in the third person as he says.
01:33:04 And even if it doesn't sink in that on some.
01:33:06 Level it will.
01:33:08 Even if it's like osmosis, he says.
01:33:12 It'll get in their head.
01:33:19 And it will alter their behavior.
01:33:26 He's telling you.
Speaker 3
01:33:28 Now in Twilight zone, for example done during just as timorous a time as any other time, we made a comment on prejudice on conformity, on intolerance, on censorship.01:33:38 But it's easy to do it when you're talking about Buck Rogers isn't allowed to write his memoirs, and the way he wants to write them.
01:33:44 So he puts on his backpack his rocket pack, and he zooms over to the publisher and they applaud and laugh and think.
01:33:49 How exciting and interesting.
01:33:51 Now it may well be that the unit message may never get through, but I think peripherally.
01:33:55 It does get through.
01:33:59 Did you catch that?01:34:03 He said in twilight zone.
01:34:08 They were able to get away with it more because people looked at it as as some fanciful, you know, science fiction story.
01:34:16 Like you use the example of Buck Rogers, it's like, oh, like they might.
01:34:19 It might be a show about censorship.
01:34:22 But the average person might be watching it and think of it, oh, it's funny because he's.
01:34:26 Got a jet pack.
01:34:31 And he said a lot of people, you know, you might think that they don't that that, that message isn't getting.
01:34:39 Getting soaked in.
01:34:41 But peripherally it is.
01:34:49 This is everything I've been saying saying about TV shows and movies.
01:34:53 He's just telling you.
01:34:58 So this I believe is another interview.
01:35:03 And he's talking about specifically about.
01:35:11 But from a completely different angle than what?
01:35:13 You would expect.
01:35:14 Well, well, especially these days, right?
Speaker 3
01:35:17 Well, we hear a lot about censorship of the writer on TV, but it's good deal about it in your own case, especially well depending of course, on the thematic treatment you're using.01:35:27 If you have the timer.
01:35:28 Need to.
01:35:30 Try to dramatize a theme that involves any particular social controversy currently extant.
01:35:35 Then you're in deep trouble.
01:35:36 For instance, a racial.
01:35:38 Thing for example.
01:35:41 So first of all, it's hilarious that he's saying that if he wants to make a television show that addresses a racial issue, then he's going to get censored.01:35:59 Now it's funny because he does acknowledge that censorship does not come from the FCC.
01:36:06 It doesn't even come from the network.
01:36:10 It doesn't even really come from.
01:36:13 The sponsor.
Speaker 3
01:36:17 My case in point, I think a show I did for the steel hour some years ago, three years ago called Lunan Doomsday, which was a story which purported to tell what was the aftermath, the alleged kidnapping in Mississippi of the tool boy.Devon
01:36:34 So he's literally saying he wrote a story that was supposed to be based on Emmett Till.01:36:51 That was a very important story.
01:36:53 That had to be told, right?
Speaker 3
01:36:57 Yeah, the young Chicago, New York, and I worked the script using black and white.01:37:03 Initially, then it was changed.
01:37:06 To suggest an unnamed foreigner and the locale was moved from the South to the to New England, and I'm convinced that had gone up to Alaska or the North Pole.
01:37:15 And using Eskimos as a possible minority.
01:37:18 Except I suppose the costume problem was a sufficient severity not to attempt it.
01:37:23 But it became a Luke warm initiated, emasculated kind of show.
Speaker 12
01:37:27 You went along with it all the.Speaker 3
01:37:29 Way I protested, I went down fighting as most television writers do, thinking in a strange.01:37:35 Oblique philosophical way that better say something than nothing.
01:37:41 Better say something than nothing.01:37:47 Better say something than nothing.
01:37:51 Well, here's a story that.
01:37:53 You know, I was.
01:37:54 Thinking there today.
01:37:56 We always hear about Emmett Till Emmett Till Emmett Till Emmett Till.
01:38:01 Emmett Till.
01:38:02 Like it's some kind of ******* gross injustice that that all white people have perpetrated on all black people, right?
01:38:12 Because Emma till attempted to rape a white woman and got lynched somehow.
01:38:20 We're all evil now forever.
01:38:24 And you would think that well, you.
01:38:26 Know if that's the case.
01:38:29 You know if.
01:38:31 If it sounds like there's no real examples of it going the other way, right?
01:38:35 I mean the way that they make it sound like this is like a one way St.
01:38:45 And we all know that's that's ********.
01:38:48 But as I said, the Wright doesn't care too much about.
01:38:55 I decided you know what?
01:38:58 If they're going to drag out old stories from the past?
01:39:03 And try to indict everyone of my race.
01:39:07 For something that probably wasn't even that bad that.
01:39:11 Happened to someone else.
01:39:13 Of their race.
01:39:16 Million ******* years ago.
01:39:20 I'm going to bring up a story too.
01:39:26 The story that for some reason this is a story that Rod Sterling or Sterling see.
01:39:32 I'm still doing it, Rod Serling.
01:39:35 Never felt the need to tell a story like this.
01:39:40 Never felt motivated to tell a story about this.
01:39:53 This story is the story.
01:39:57 Of Hifi home audio.
01:40:02 In Ogden, UT.
01:40:08 April 22nd.
01:40:12 1974.
01:40:18 Let's talk about.
01:40:23 Crimes, racial crimes.
01:40:28 Let me tell you this story since you guys.
01:40:30 Have probably never heard of it.
01:40:38 So, Sherry ansley.
01:40:41 The girl in the middle, she was 18.
01:40:45 Stanley Walker.
01:40:47 He was 20.
01:40:48 He's the guy on the left.
01:40:51 They were the only two employees.
01:40:54 Working at Hifi Home audio in Ogden, UT.
01:41:03 Before the shop closed, three men.
01:41:07 Enter the store.
01:41:10 And grabbed Sherry and Stanley.
01:41:17 The men forced the store employees.
01:41:20 Into the basement of the shop.
01:41:24 And tied them up.
01:41:28 They then began to steal all of the.
01:41:32 Stereo equipment that was in the store.
01:41:35 And loading it into two different vans they had brought.
01:41:44 Now I don't have a photo of her, but while the robbery was taking place a 16.
01:41:48 Year old girl.
01:41:51 Courtney naisbitt.
01:41:56 Walked into the shop because she wanted to thank the employees.
01:42:02 For Lanier Park, the car or car.
01:42:05 In the shop's parking lot.
01:42:08 While she ran errands nearby.
01:42:15 The men grabbed Courtney.
01:42:18 Tighter up to Sherry and Stanley.
01:42:25 After a few hours, Stanley's father.
01:42:29 Orren Walker became worried about his son since he hadn't come home from work.
01:42:35 And decide to go to the shop to find out what was going on.
01:42:41 At the same time, Courtney's mother.
01:42:44 That's the woman on the right here.
01:42:50 Went to go look and see what was going on.
01:42:55 When they showed up, they discovered the robbers.
01:42:59 And the robbers tied them up in the basement.
01:43:04 So now there's six people, 6 white people.
01:43:09 Tied up in the basement.
01:43:15 Here's the robbers.
01:43:18 Or two of them.
01:43:19 I can't find a photo of the third.
01:43:22 But yes, he's black too, obviously.
01:43:26 Dale Selby Pierre William Andrews and Keith Leon Roberts.
01:43:35 After they had loaded the stereo equipment into their vans.
01:43:41 They went down to the basement where they had the six people tied up.
01:43:44 They poured.
01:43:47 Into a paper cup.
01:43:51 And told them it was vodka laced with sleeping pills.
01:43:55 And told them they had to drink it.
01:43:58 So they would they would pass out and the robbers could escape.
01:44:05 One by one, they forced them to drink Drano.
01:44:14 It caused their mouths and tongues and throats to blister and bleed immediately.
01:44:20 And sent them into convulsions.
01:44:27 They then shot Carol.
01:44:31 And Courtney?
01:44:34 And Stanley?
01:44:37 And oren.
01:44:43 Killing Carol Stanley, but not Courtney stayed alive.
01:44:50 And Orrin survived the shot, too.
01:44:57 The 18 year old girl in the previous photo was then taken.
01:45:01 To the corner of the basement and raped.
01:45:05 While her mouth and throat was bleeding and she was convulsing from having consumed the draino.
01:45:20 After they raped her, they shot her in the back.
01:45:23 Of the head.
01:45:29 They then realized that Orrin Walker was still alive.
01:45:36 So they put.
01:45:36 A pen? A ballpoint pen.
01:45:39 Into Orion's ear and stomped on it.
01:45:44 Until it exited through the side of his throat.
01:46:04 Kind of sounds worse than Emmett Till, huh?
01:46:15 And this type of **** happens every day.
01:46:45 The ****** ** thing is, after all of that.
01:46:52 Remember this happened in 1970.
01:47:01 Even though they were given three death sentences.
01:47:08 Andrews wasn't, or Pierre was executed in 1987, so he got to live like another 10 ******* years, 13 ******* years. Andrews got to live till 1992.
01:47:24 And Roberts?
01:47:26 Only served 13 years in prison and was paroled in 1987.
01:47:41 But good old Ron Serling didn't want to tell stories like that.
Speaker 3
01:47:49 In this particular show, though, by the time they had finished taking Coca-Cola bottles off the set, because these monster claimed that this had southern connotations suggesting to what depth they went to make this a clean antiseptically rigidly acceptable show.01:48:06 Right.
01:48:06 We're in a relationship at all to what we had purported to say initially.
01:48:12 He's upset because they he couldn't blame white Southerners for being violent animals.01:48:22 Now this is what's interesting.
01:48:26 You Fast forward 20 years.
01:48:31 Or about that this is an interview from 1970.
01:48:40 And listen to Mr. Serling's view of television.
Speaker 3
01:48:48 Most television fiction that I watch has very little relevance.01:48:52 I think it it's one thing to say we will now have a program called Mod squad say and we will have one black man and 1 Oriental and one Hawaiian to show this marvelous melting pot concept.
01:49:05 But I think, Jim, that's altogether phony.
01:49:07 I don't think that's.
01:49:08 I think at best, condescension and at worst exploit.
01:49:12 The fact is that we have so distorted the pure ethnic minority over the years by making every black man a banjo player and the legitimate and the coward that suddenly we're going to reverse switch.
01:49:23 He is now a brain scientist or an atomic scientist or or any one of an equal distortion at the other end.
01:49:28 Needless to say, I'd much prefer the distortion on the good scale.
01:49:32 On the good side of the scale, but all television fiction I find quite irrelevant and quite unrelated.
01:49:40 Now he's annoyed.01:49:43 After all that you just heard from him all everything he was saying.
01:49:47 He's annoyed because he's saying, well now in television.
01:49:52 They're putting them all, you know, black people on all these unrealistic roles like brain scientist and brain surgeon.
01:50:03 They've gone completely.
01:50:04 They've they've gone from from these humiliating roles of the village idiot, and now it's the other direction.
01:50:12 Now they're crazy.
01:50:13 Super genius is.
01:50:21 It's like you did this.
01:50:24 You did this.
01:50:27 Do you not understand that you?
01:50:28 You were a part of that.
01:50:36 So that's.
01:50:41 That's the twilight zone.
Speaker 8
01:50:46 I guess I guess I'm living.01:50:47 In a twilight zone now.
01:50:49 Imagine, if you will, a television writer.01:50:52 Who does everything?
01:50:53 He can to make white people look evil and non whites look awesome.
01:50:59 20 years later, baffled that when he watches television.
01:51:03 They make black people look like geniuses and white people look stupid.
01:51:16 All right.
01:51:21 Let's take a look at super chats.
01:51:33 If it ever loads, why is it doing this to me?
01:51:35 Why are you doing this to me?
01:51:37 Super chat thing or hyper chats or whatever.
01:51:44 Reload it, reload.Devon
01:51:50 There we go.01:51:51 Finally it worked.
Speaker 8
01:51:55 Capital capital blocker.Devon
01:51:59 Saw you mentioned Tyler Dinsmore.01:52:01 A couple shows back.
01:52:03 Thanks for that.
01:52:04 He's home with his family after getting bond.
01:52:08 Still not over most of the details are in this stream.
01:52:16 Which one was that?
01:52:17 The I'm blanking on.
01:52:19 Who that is?
01:52:21 Is that the UM?
01:52:23 Skinhead going.
Speaker 8
01:52:29 No, no, no.Devon
01:52:30 OK.01:52:30 No, I thought you were about the pacon stuff.
01:52:33 OK?
01:52:36 Well, that's good that he's back home.
01:52:38 That's the guy that they arrested for hate crimes.
01:52:42 That's the homestead guy.
01:52:47 So I'll tell you look at that stream.
01:52:53 Mr. Johnny Annan 1488, AO Devin, what do you think about getting some decals made for car windows?
01:53:01 Just the logo you have for black pill all white would look ******.
01:53:06 Maybe do one with just the pill and another with black pill image.
01:53:13 Maybe I don't know.
01:53:16 I've never looked.
01:53:17 I've never looked into doing stickers and stuff.
01:53:19 Maybe it's not.
01:53:20 Maybe not the worst.
01:53:21 Idea, I don't know.
01:53:25 All to see.
01:53:27 Maybe maybe the same company I'm doing for the shirts, which by the way, reminder new shirt finally out as of.
01:53:39 And link should be in the description of this video.
01:53:42 I think I updated.
01:53:44 Yeah, I'll look into.
01:53:44 I'll look into stickers.
01:53:47 That could be kind.
01:53:47 Of cool.
01:53:49 White Tiger Kingdom, $25. Appreciate that this is for classified cat.
01:53:55 Well, he's where did he go?
01:53:59 He was being extra loud earlier.
01:54:01 I don't know where he went.
01:54:03 He hasn't brought me any snakes this year.
01:54:08 Or any geckos usually drags at least some kind of reptile or amphibian into the house.
01:54:14 By this time he hasn't done it.
01:54:17 Colonel Edward $1.00 appreciate that probably a good idea to take a break from Pat, Pat, Con for something much lighter. On a positive note, I've officially lost 100 pounds since becoming black pill. That's pretty crazy.
01:54:30 But that's awesome.
01:54:31 Good job, 100 pounds.
01:54:34 That's intense.
01:54:35 That is intense.
01:54:36 I need to lose some pounds.
01:54:37 Right now I have.
01:54:40 I've I've packed down a little bit.
01:54:42 I've packed down a little bit.
01:54:43 It's the summer man.
01:54:45 Like it's it's the opposite here.
01:54:47 Like I I was talking to someone their day.
01:54:49 I was like, you know, you got to think of.
01:54:51 When you're in the desert, it's kind of like winter everywhere else, like usually people in normal environments.
01:54:58 When it gets cold and snowy outside, that's when you know they stop moving around and maybe eat too much food or whatever out here.
01:55:06 It's the ******* summer cause just like, oh, you just feel like exhausted all the time.
01:55:11 Almost had a bee.
01:55:12 Still ready for you guys?
01:55:13 I ended up doing some splits on my hives.
01:55:17 We'll see if that was a good idea or not.
01:55:19 It might.
01:55:20 Be kind of.
01:55:21 It's kind of it's kind of.
01:55:23 On the teetering on the edge of whether and it's too late in the season to do it.
01:55:27 It really depends on how much rain we get and if anything if we get like a second bloom.
01:55:34 But I'm I I didn't have time to edit all the video.
01:55:36 I took video of myself doing it so I'll cut that together for next time.
01:55:41 But yeah, congratulations on that £100 there.
01:55:46 Atticus, at least $25 appreciate that the PAT Con series has been fantastic. I knew about Waco and Ruby Ridge, but I only knew the official story about Timothy McVeigh. Thank you for enlightening me.
01:55:58 Yeah, I mean.
01:55:59 There's there's just look there and they haven't changed.
01:56:04 That's The funny thing is, all this **** that you see going on.
01:56:09 Really, since I think most of us or maybe I don't know if.
01:56:13 It's most of us, I think a lot of.
01:56:14 This kind of took the official story for granted on a lot of stuff for at least to some extent, right?
01:56:25 For a long time.
01:56:26 And it wasn't until you saw the press.
01:56:31 And always lying about Trump and Trump supporters and like.
01:56:37 If there was a big.
01:56:38 Benefit to Trump's election? It was that it was the fact that.
01:56:42 It destroyed America's trust in not just the media. I mean the term deep state was never used before Trump, the term deep state was getting thrown away, thrown around, people started to actually get a a more realistic view on how their country was was run.
01:57:03 And who was running it?
01:57:08 Since then?
01:57:12 That's why I'm kind of why I'm doing the series.
01:57:15 It's I think really important now that you've you've kind of.
01:57:23 You freed. I don't want to say you freed the minds of the normies or you know something gay like that. But you know, I mean, like, you've lifted the veil to some extent that that's been covering a lot of people's eyes.
01:57:33 You know you've taken off the Rose colored glasses and people are going to be a lot more receptive now.
01:57:41 To some of the stuff that might have sounded too uncomfortable to, you know, oh, that's just what crazy people think, right?
01:57:49 And just dismissed out of hand without doing any kind of research.
01:57:54 And you know, because hindsight is 2020, it's I think it's really important to look back at some of this stuff and reevaluate what we've been told and realize that this isn't like a new thing.
01:58:05 It's not as if all of the sudden one day, for no reason at all, you know, like this deep state started being ******.
Speaker 10
01:58:09 Right.Devon
01:58:11 You know, it's like, no, it's been bad for a long.Speaker 8
01:58:13 ******* time.Devon
01:58:14 A long ******* time.01:58:17 And I don't think that it's that well.
01:58:20 I still don't think a lot of people understand that.
01:58:23 I think that a lot of people are still stuck in this.
01:58:27 False sense of security that they can somehow vote their way out of this, as if people haven't been trying to do that for the last, you know, you know century.
01:58:39 And so it's it's not that important to look at it to make people feel helpless.
01:58:44 It's quite the opposite.
01:58:45 It's to make people feel more pragmatic, like OK, well, clearly.
01:58:51 There's there's no political solution to.
01:58:53 This kind of a problem.
01:58:55 And the more you think that there is, the longer this problem.
01:58:57 Is going to persist.
01:59:02 Let's see here.
01:59:04 Mark ESB, your PAT Con series was fantastic.
01:59:07 Here's a white pill.
01:59:08 The FBI hasn't changed tactic tactics in 40 years.
01:59:12 People trust them less than you're saying.
01:59:14 What I was just saying, basically, trust them.
01:59:15 Less than ever, they do not realize that January 6th narrative has the country completely split on what happened. It's not 911.
01:59:24 Making a narrative takes work and they are now more sloppy.
01:59:28 Yeah, well, most people.
01:59:30 On the right, even like the boomer cons realized that the January 6 narrative is ******** and most of the blue haired feminists and their beta **** husbands and boyfriends and cats.
01:59:43 That believe this ****.
01:59:46 It's good that they do.
01:59:48 It's it.
01:59:49 It is actually good to have that kind of a polarization when it comes to understanding of historic event.
01:59:58 Because that that that has always been the problem is left or right.
02:00:03 There was always at least some sort of consensus about most of these historic events.
02:00:10 Now you could argue aspects of these historic events, but the basic, you know, the basic view of what history was.
02:00:18 Was pretty much the same.
02:00:22 And now it's not.
02:00:28 And that's a good thing.
02:00:33 Damn, Bigfoot nine years AKA before the official narrative and nine years surviving a death camp.
02:00:42 Nine years.
02:00:46 Before the official narrative.
02:00:50 And nine years survival.
02:00:53 Oh, you're talking about.
02:00:57 The character in the show, he said something about.
02:01:01 Nine years in the death camp.
02:01:03 He survived the death camp.
02:01:05 For nine years.
02:01:07 Not a very good death camp if if you can.
02:01:10 Live there for 9 years.
02:01:13 Jay Ray 19815 dollars preciate that so going back to last stream and it was very informative. Thanks. My question is that John Kaczynski.
02:01:25 Do you mean Ted?
02:01:26 I think you mean Ted.
02:01:28 Ever blow the whistle on his glowy partners before his death?
02:01:31 Oh, wait.
02:01:33 John Kaczynski.
02:01:36 Which one is that?
02:01:37 Let me look.
02:01:43 I think you mean Ted.
02:01:46 He's not dead.
02:01:48 Or unless he just died.
02:01:54 Right.
02:02:00 I don't know who John Kaczynski is.
02:02:03 I know Ted Kaczynski is.
02:02:07 Like 80 years old now.
02:02:09 Yeah, he's not dead.
02:02:14 But now he's kind of like, look, he's.
02:02:15 Kind of crazy.
02:02:17 He realized he I think he even like was like went kind of ****** for a while or something there.
02:02:23 I know there's something about in his manifesto about.
02:02:27 But they yeah, he was part of obviously part of some CIA program that went awry.
02:02:37 I mean, I don't know how many of the details he would actually know or like what he could, you know what?
02:02:41 What beans he could spill.
02:02:44 Other than his manifesto, right?
02:02:49 Atticus Atlas, any predictions on what the second US Civil War will kick off?
02:02:55 Or when?
02:02:57 What year?
02:02:58 No, I I you know, I I like I always say it's impossible now I don't have a crystal ball.
02:03:04 But I will say I act as if it's it could happen.
02:03:09 Any day I'll tell you one thing and I've said this a bunch of times.
02:03:12 I used to think that it was going to happen some time.
02:03:15 Not probably not my lifetime, but like not that long after my lifetime, I'm fairly convinced if it happens at all.
02:03:26 And we don't just end up like Brazil.
02:03:28 It'll happen in my.
02:03:29 Lifetime and look, that's not just me.
02:03:31 There was a poll that came out this week.
02:03:35 That said, something along the lines of over 50% of Americans think it's going to happen.
02:03:41 In their lifetimes.
02:03:43 So I mean that's.
02:03:46 That's pretty crazy.
02:03:47 In fact, let me find that actual.
02:03:55 See if I can find this here somewhere.
02:03:59 Yeah, this is four days ago.
02:04:02 Half of Americans anticipate a civil war. More than 50% of Americans believe that in the next few years there will be civil war in the United States, according to a new study published July 20.
02:04:17 Researchers at the University of California, Davis conducted a survey survey of 8620 adults about deepening divisions in the country.
02:04:27 Their stance and questions primarily lean to the left. However, the findings highlight some very real problems. Over 60% of the respondents saw a quote.
02:04:38 Serious threat to our democracy.
02:04:41 End Quote.
02:04:41 As a result, they believe that a civil war is eminent.
02:04:45 Both sides of the political divide believe there is some kind of threat to democracy, but both believe it is the other side.
02:04:54 So yeah, that's.
02:04:56 So even leftists think that there's a good chance there will be a civil war in their lifetimes.
02:05:12 ******** ******.
02:05:13 How do you manage to find all this content to go over?
02:05:20 It's it's not easy.
02:05:23 Takes a lot of time.
02:05:25 I don't just.
02:05:26 I don't just hit go live and I just magically have it all.
02:05:29 I I spend days on this stuff usually, so it it.
02:05:33 It does take a lot.
02:05:34 Of time.
02:05:36 Yeah, I don't know.
02:05:37 Just searching stuff a lot of times, like searching for one thing, you'll come across something else.
02:05:44 And so you'll just file it away for later.
02:05:46 Bookmark it.
02:05:47 You know, like there was something that a story that came up in the news.
02:05:52 Just a couple days ago that it ties.
02:05:56 In perfectly with the next pacon episode.
02:06:00 So sometimes something in the news just pops up and it just ties.
02:06:05 Into something you're already going to be doing.
02:06:09 Yeah, I found that episode of the Twilight Zone looking for something completely different, and I and I for a long time wanted to track down those Rod Sterling interviews that I've mentioned on the stream, like a bunch of times, but I never I always forget to go get it.
02:06:25 So I.
02:06:26 Was like, well, this is the perfect time.
02:06:27 Because I've seen those interviews, or at least not all of them, but like a couple of those clips.
02:06:32 Years ago.
02:06:34 And I kept thinking to myself, oh, this is amazing, that he's admitting this stuff.
02:06:38 I'd love to to get this out there.
02:06:41 And so that was a perfect opportunity.
02:06:44 So I I just went from there.
02:06:46 So it's not like I always plan it just.
02:06:50 Kind of just.
02:06:53 You know, and look, I just sometimes it's not even like, oh, I'm planning for the show a lot of times.
02:06:58 That most time it is, but sometimes it's just that I happen to.
02:07:02 I'm a curious person that I'm on the I research stuff on the Internet for my own benefit.
02:07:06 And sometimes I just come across stuff that I think it would be perfect.
02:07:10 So this is.
02:07:10 Just one of those examples.
02:07:13 Jay Ray 19815 dollars. Appreciate that. What do you think about Laura? Loomer, all the Zio right wing ship bags are pushing for her with money and media coverage to win the election in her district in Boomer, Florida, to help help steal.
02:07:31 Their retirement money, of course.
02:07:33 She just proclaimed she converted as a Christian.
02:07:36 Actually, I I think that was a I don't think that's.
02:07:40 I heard that that story that she had claimed that she got baptized or something.
02:07:45 But I I think that was.
02:07:48 A rumor.
02:07:49 I don't think that actually happened.
02:07:53 And if it if it did like I would never ******* believe it, right?
02:07:57 I mean that it was done in good faith.
02:08:05 Yeah, my I.
02:08:06 Don't want.
02:08:07 I don't want there to be women.
02:08:11 Or Jewish women especially.
02:08:18 Anything in in?
02:08:20 I don't think she should be.
02:08:21 Allowed to run.
02:08:24 For two reasons.
02:08:29 That's what I think.
02:08:31 In a perfect world.
02:08:35 My fat little ******** toe $5. Appreciate that roses are red, anime is gay. One day the kites will pay well. I don't know if that'll happen, but.
02:08:46 You know.
02:08:48 I think The thing is too many people focus on like and then.
Speaker 8
02:08:53 You know, and then we'll.Devon
02:08:54 We'll get our revenge.02:08:55 It's like, well.
02:08:58 That can't be what drives you.
02:09:00 If what drives you is is the negative.
02:09:04 Is or is a negative and I I I know I'm just saying like look perception wise, right?
02:09:10 It's just even if that's really what your goal is, right.
02:09:12 Even if you're if that's what drives you.
02:09:15 If the perception from the average person is that you're driven by a need to punish your enemies and not by a desire to uplift your own people.
02:09:27 You're not going to get a lot of people that want to stand.
02:09:30 Behind you, you know, even like the fascists.
02:09:33 You know that like from.
02:09:35 You know what you're talking about, Mussolini or or.
02:09:40 You know the National Socialists.
02:09:42 Their message wasn't.
02:09:47 Let's you know, we must crush our enemies.
02:09:50 It was.
02:09:50 Let's make our countries awesome.
02:09:56 You know, there's a.
02:09:58 There was a positive message there.
02:10:01 That doesn't mean you let your enemies off.
Speaker 8
02:10:02 The hook.Devon
02:10:03 But I don't.02:10:05 I don't think that should.
02:10:06 Be the the focus.
02:10:08 Because and and plus the other thing is, I just don't think.
02:10:11 It's a realistic goal.
02:10:13 For our lifetimes, you know.
02:10:16 Like if.
02:10:19 Given the resources we have right now, you know we're we're just right now I'm kind of just happy if we make it through this.
02:10:27 I'm not trying to aim low, I'm just saying, you know, let's let's.
02:10:33 One thing at a time here.
02:10:35 And again, let's be positive.
02:10:37 I want to have a good life.
02:10:38 I want.
02:10:38 My kids.
02:10:38 To have a good life, I also want my enemies to pay.
02:10:42 Absolutely, but that's not what is motivating me.
02:10:49 Infinite consciousness, $20 per shade that my wife and I have been up on your content for a long time and apologize for not doing this sooner.
02:10:59 You are the first content creator we have agreed really deserves to be paid. Your work is greatly appreciated and we wish the whole country would TuneIn. Then we could start working towards.
02:11:10 Well, I appreciate that.
02:11:11 That's very generous of you and.
02:11:15 If you like something, support it and.
02:11:19 That helps.
02:11:20 Look, I don't have the budget of a of a Rod Serling, you know.
02:11:24 I don't have the ability and I can't.
02:11:27 I can't shield gold or.
02:11:31 Sheets or whatever on you know, honestly part of.
02:11:35 It is.
02:11:36 I just wouldn't want to.
02:11:37 Even if there was companies.
02:11:39 I mean, if it was, if it was like kind of like how YouTube used to be where you didn't, you didn't have any kind of connection to the companies, they just rolled random ads on your videos.
02:11:48 I'm OK with that because I.
02:11:49 You know.
02:11:49 I don't care like what random ad goes on there.
02:11:53 I really don't give a **** in.
02:11:54 Fact I'd want most people to have ad blockers, right?
02:11:57 But to actually try to shill a product in the yeah, I, even if they came to me, I.
02:12:03 You wouldn't feel comfortable with that.
02:12:06 I might show my own thing, like I might show my own honey down the.
02:12:09 Road right, or cactus?
02:12:11 Pads or something, I don't know.
02:12:14 But maybe maybe water filters right now that Alex Jones is going bankrupt.
02:12:21 Maybe I'll start selling penis pills and water filters.
02:12:25 ******** ****** thoughts on the situation involving Alex Jones, lawyer dude.
02:12:30 Maybe a Zionist shill, but damn.
02:12:33 His situation involving his lawyer.
02:12:38 I don't know about the his lawyer.
02:12:40 I know that he was ordered to pay something.
02:12:42 Like, what was it?
02:12:43 40 something $1,000,000.
02:12:45 Look, it's it's, it's exactly the pet con stuff.
02:12:49 This is literally the pet con stuff.
02:12:52 This is what they do.
02:12:54 If they can't.
02:12:55 If they think that you're inconvenient.
02:12:59 And yeah, like you say, you know, he's he's kind of a Zionist or not kind of.
02:13:03 I think he outright says he's a Zionist, right?
02:13:06 So he's a Zionist.
02:13:08 But for whatever reason.
02:13:12 There's powerful people that don't like that he's there.
02:13:15 I don't think it's just like a.
02:13:18 It's all just a show, right?
02:13:20 I mean, if you want to get all Machiavellian and say, well, it's all he's, he's the first, like, in the same way he was the 1st to get banned, right?
02:13:29 They're doing this.
02:13:31 They're doing this public trial where they're going to get him for.
02:13:37 Defamation so that they've set a precedent so that they can go after other.
02:13:43 People and do the same exact tactic and it will work because they were able to get it to work with Alex Jones.
02:13:50 Look, that's possible.
02:13:52 It's possible.
02:13:53 It's possible that they do that lawsuit and you know, sacrifice him in front of everybody the same way they did.
02:14:03 And they, you know, he like again.
02:14:04 He was one of the first to get banned from major platforms, right when all the different major platforms one day colluded.
02:14:11 I mean, obviously it was, it was the coordinated thing.
02:14:15 They they banned it from, like, YouTube, Twitter and everything all at the same time.
02:14:21 And then that opened the floodgates.
02:14:23 You know, when nothing happened to them, right when there was really no pushback and no, you know, legally or otherwise.
02:14:32 They felt comfortable kicking everyone, anyone and everyone off of these platforms.
02:14:37 And they did.
02:14:40 So maybe this is the next version of that, maybe it's like.
02:14:42 OK.
02:14:43 Well, now that we've got your platforms and we see that you're on alternative platforms, you know like he was on.
02:14:51 What was this thing like band dot video or whatever, and I think he was on.
02:14:57 Cozy, but also on bit.
02:14:58 Shoot and.
02:14:59 I don't know.
02:14:59 Maybe, probably ought to say 2 or whatever.
02:15:01 So once they saw that these alternative platforms had kind of sprung up and yeah, we don't get the same audience as here that we used to get or I certainly don't as I did on.
02:15:11 YouTube it's still not small, you know it's we're still reaching a lot of people.
02:15:19 And so they maybe their next step is OK and look the.
02:15:29 The opposing team's lawyer.
02:15:32 Said as much.
02:15:35 He argued.
02:15:36 To the jury went before they were.
02:15:40 They decided what the punitive damages would be.
02:15:45 He argued in so many words that the only the only punishment, the only fitting punishment for what Alex Jones did by daring to question the official story of Sandy Hook.
02:16:05 Which has a lot of questionable things about it.
02:16:09 The only the only punishment that would be fitting.
02:16:14 Would be for him to be without a platform.
02:16:17 He he used them.
02:16:19 That, that term, he said that if we remove his ability to have.
02:16:24 His own platform.
02:16:30 They want us broke.
02:16:32 They want us dead and our children starving.
02:16:45 And look, maybe I'll be next, I'll be next, but maybe I'll be on the chopping block at some point.
02:16:53 Maybe again this is like a trial balloon.
02:16:55 Maybe they're going to see how this works out.
02:16:57 **** you can even say.
02:16:59 If you want to get really tinfoil hat, why not?
02:17:01 We're talking about Alex Jones.
02:17:03 You could even say that maybe the that was the whole point of.
02:17:06 The Amber Heard trial.
02:17:08 Let's do a really public.
02:17:11 Defamation trial.
02:17:18 Because it used to be.
02:17:20 That damages and well, just defamation in general was was ridiculously hard to prove in court, and so were the damages.
02:17:28 And just it wasn't.
02:17:30 So that's why most people weren't almost never sue for for defamation.
02:17:39 So if you want to get real tinfoil hat, you could say look, they did that so that all the normies would think, oh, this is normal.
02:17:45 I remember that when when, when Captain Jack Sparrow got in that lawsuit.
02:17:53 And then the next step was to do Alex Jones and be like, oh, look, yeah, numbers like $40 million, which you know, no one can ever pay. But that's the same thing, you know, with the.
02:18:05 The Christian identity guys in quarter lane.
02:18:10 ****. What's?
02:18:12 You guys remember the the.
02:18:17 The compound.
02:18:19 Where the SPLC sued them.
02:18:22 Out of existence.
02:18:27 So maybe that's just the new tactic.
02:18:28 Maybe the new tactic now is is well, it's not new.
02:18:33 But maybe this is just the new.
02:18:35 Version the new incarnation of this tactic.
02:18:42 So yeah, I mean, I think it's possible.
02:18:45 I think it's possible because how else they going to get rid of us?
02:18:50 They have two they have two swords.
02:18:56 They have the legal sword.
02:18:58 Which comes with this limitations.
02:19:02 But not as we've seen.
02:19:03 It's not completely limited.
02:19:06 They're not above entrapment and stuff like that.
02:19:12 But that usually doesn't work on everybody.
02:19:16 So if you're up against an intelligent opponent, it's harder to entrap them.
02:19:22 And get them legally.
02:19:26 And the other side of it is.
02:19:27 You know, through the civil courts.
02:19:30 But both swords are legal.
02:19:33 Swords, because one thing we don't have.
02:19:38 On the right is an abundance of lawyers.
02:19:44 Nor do we have the the money to pay for lawyers.
02:19:53 And what group is vastly overrepresented in the profession of law?
02:19:59 They got lots of lawyers.
02:20:03 Anyway, my cute little friend $5 appreciate that it would be funny if Hollywood casts a black guy to play Tarzan.
02:20:12 Yeah, I wouldn't be.
02:20:14 I wouldn't be surprised they unironically did that.
02:20:17 And you know.
02:20:22 Is are they making a new Tarzan movie?
02:20:24 I don't even know.
02:20:26 I've never been a fan of Tarzan, never thought it was that compelling of a story.
02:20:30 Maybe the book was good.
02:20:30 I don't know.
02:20:31 I never read it.
02:20:32 Jay Ray 19815 dollars appreciate that. So the old Jew fed fed him, took him in, taught him about the six. Sorry, 12 gorilla in and he still came out as a Nazi. I know.
02:20:46 He took them in because his goy family was just a bunch of psychos.
02:20:51 And even as he was raising a Nazi army, he was he was living at an old Jew guys house on the couch while renting his his meeting hall from another Jew.
02:21:08 Well, I don't know. Whatever.
02:21:13 Huh. For $20. Appreciate that. That's the name, huh? Why don't we call the liberal Satanic Zionists spiteful mutants? Also, have you seen the website wiki? Jew wiki wiki? Jew? Wait, wiki. Jew neocities.
02:21:32 Dot org.
02:21:34 It's a database of over 40,000 Jews. I did not know that existed. I'll tell you what there it's only a matter of time before Wikipedia takes out all the the early life information. I I guarantee you that's on the way out soon.
02:21:53 Arminius, revenge, $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, I love what you've done with the Pat Con episodes, but honestly, I'm not sold on 9/11. There's some weird stuff about it, but I don't see the reason for haggis to get railed, but.
02:22:09 Had jeez, to get railed, but us for 20 years.
02:22:15 Hold on.
02:22:16 But I don't see the reason for haggis to get railed, but us for 20 years and shut the **** ** about it.
02:22:24 Can you point me in the right direction of the older VED or cover 911 again?
02:22:31 I think you mean.Devon
02:22:33 Why would Muslims not say that there was?02:22:37 That Jews were up.
02:22:38 To it?
02:22:39 Well, first, what Muslims have.
02:22:42 Persians certainly have.
02:22:45 Syrians certainly have.
02:22:48 The Saudis keep their mouths shut because they're basically Jews and.
02:22:54 You know in white.
02:22:55 UM.
02:22:58 I don't know tablecloths, whatever their little you.
02:23:01 Know the Saudis are just basically.
02:23:04 Arab Jews.
02:23:06 And we're involved with it.
02:23:11 I I don't know what Saddam Hussein's.
02:23:15 Take was before they took him out.
02:23:18 UM.Devon
02:23:21 Yeah, no 9/11 if you're not. If you don't think anything's weird about 911.02:23:28 You need to watch Ryan Dawson's.
02:23:31 Many, many hours of videos.
02:23:34 On the topic.
02:23:36 And you'll know right away that.
02:23:39 Yeah, there was something wrong with 911.
02:23:42 It's the kind of thing that it would it would take so long to cover and to research because there's so many stupid things about like, there's so.
02:23:52 Many bad.
02:23:54 Sources of information about 911.
02:23:58 That I don't want to add to the noise.
02:24:02 If I was going to cover 9/11, I would probably just have someone like Ryan Dawson on and have him do it on my stream, you know.
02:24:11 Because it's just. It's the kind of thing that I haven't covered for a reason. It's just that there's just so much information that even when it's edited down, you know, like Ryan Dawson's movies, he's got two different movies and they're both, like, 4 hours long.
02:24:29 And you can find them.
02:24:30 They're out there.
02:24:33 They're, if you I'll tell you what.
02:24:36 If you watch those and you still think that there's nothing fishy.
02:24:41 What about the dance?
02:24:42 And you guys ask yourself, what about the dancing is?
02:24:44 Rallies. That's real.
02:24:46 We that's 100% real, that's documented. That's Freedom of Information Act request released information we know and and George Bush's brother was in charge of security at the Twin Towers. I mean, there's just so many ******* just things that.
02:25:04 There's no way.
02:25:04 It's the official story, or even close.
02:25:07 So I'm I'm.
02:25:08 I'm sorry, man, if you if.
02:25:09 You can't buy it.
02:25:11 If you haven't, if that's, you know, if you haven't gone down.
02:25:14 That rabbit hole yet then?
02:25:15 You're in for some more black pills.
02:25:19 Zipper one $1.00. Hi, Devin. Your PAT Con series has been amazing. It's unbelievable how corrupt and rotten the deep state is. It reminds me of other corrupt governments in Third World countries which behave in a similar way I.
02:25:37 Thing means starting to believe that maybe this kind of crap is a feature of democratic governments.
02:25:43 Well, it's a feature of of capitalist governments.
02:25:46 It's a feature of debt based governments.
02:25:48 It's a feature of banking interest controlled governments.
02:25:55 You know, that's the thing.
02:25:57 The only reason why these people are in charge and their nepotism works is they control the money supply.
02:26:06 And it's backed on nothing.
02:26:08 And they can't ever lose it.
02:26:10 Look what happened in 2008.
02:26:14 None of those bankers are in the ******* poor house.
02:26:16 They were all too.
02:26:17 Big to fail.
02:26:28 Until you get rid of those people.
02:26:33 This is what you need to expect to have happen, because money is power.
02:26:37 Look, money is power.
02:26:41 And they can print it.
02:26:50 Lots of people look at, well definitionally, everyone that goes to work every day.
02:26:55 Is doing something they don't want to do because they're getting paid money.
02:27:03 And if they stopped paying you money, you'd stop going.
02:27:07 That means they can get.
02:27:09 Unlimited amounts of people to do things they don't want.
02:27:14 By giving them this thing called money that they can.
02:27:17 Print out of thin air.
02:27:20 Until you can stop that.
02:27:26 You know, good luck.
02:27:30 Good luck getting rid of any of this corruption.
02:27:35 Grace State of mine, $30. Appreciate that very generous. Better to be angry than SAD, but not let hate be the driving force.
02:27:43 We need to be productive and create value both in mental or both.
02:27:50 I think we think mentally and materially.
02:27:54 Thanks for your work, Devin, right now, I'm not saying that you don't.
02:27:59 You don't have a healthy, righteous anger.
02:28:02 In you.
02:28:03 I'm just saying that if you just sit there and you're just raging all day long, you know.
02:28:10 It'll just eat away.
02:28:11 At you and you're not going to be very.
02:28:14 Not going to be very productive.
02:28:16 There are fewer.
02:28:18 $5. I miss uncle Addy. Every day I'll sigh. I'll till my last breath. Our fallen leaders deserve the utmost respect.
02:28:28 Yeah, I mean, like a mixed feelings about about.
02:28:33 Captain adoff.
02:28:35 I wish she had just.
02:28:37 Not kept going after Paul, you know.
Speaker 8
02:28:42 I don't know.Devon
02:28:43 Who knows how things what might have?02:28:44 Turned out I don't know.
02:28:46 It's hard to go back and.
02:28:49 And try to computer model that out in your.
02:28:52 Head the Ministry of Truth.
02:28:54 Have you read the real case against the Jews by Marcus?
02:28:58 Eli ravage.
02:29:00 I've been studying a lot of Jewish literature lately, and that is a pretty blatant piece.
02:29:05 I've never heard about it.
02:29:07 Maybe I will.
02:29:10 Maybe I'll get a copy.
02:29:11 Let me see.
02:29:16 I'll put that in my notes.
02:29:18 Splitter trace $1.00. When did they start pushing the hollow hooks mean in the 1970s?
02:29:25 No, that was from 1963.
02:29:28 I think it was the 1950s.
02:29:33 There was not.
02:29:35 That's when they started using it as a fundraiser because they were using it as a fundraiser for Israel.
02:29:43 And so I think it was the 1950s.
02:29:50 Let's see here.
02:29:51 Dear Fiore, $5 Devon Zog American.
02:29:56 Take on Hitler and Germans of the time.
02:30:00 Oh wait.
02:30:02 Devin Zog Americans take on Hitler and Germans of the time continues to be.
02:30:09 Goys he just did it for no reason at all.
02:30:12 OK, don't question anything.
02:30:15 World War Two started when the Treaty of Versailles began.
02:30:19 Adoff was the only one who would do anything about it.
02:30:25 All right, now everyone.
02:30:27 Yeah, I think pretty much most people agree that the.
02:30:31 Financial crippling of Germany Post World War One that allowed for a lot of these debt merchants, if you.
02:30:39 Will to weasel their way into positions of power quite easily.
02:30:46 And accelerate the.
02:30:49 Cultural and.
02:30:52 Well, just general decline of Germany open up the door for.
02:30:58 For a strongman type solution, and I think there's a lot of people that think similar conditions are taking place now in various places in the West.
02:31:12 Race car now $25. Appreciate that. Still want to see a collaboration with you and Morgoth looking forward to my movers and shakers?
02:31:20 Shirt coming in.
02:31:21 Well, thanks for grabbing that.
02:31:22 Yeah, I think he's a cool guy.
02:31:24 I've never talked to him.
02:31:25 Or maybe I've messaged him or something.
02:31:30 But I've never talked to him at length.
Speaker 8
02:31:34 Might be open to that.Devon
02:31:36 Inversion of gender radio greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria.02:31:40 I am the one who wrote you a while ago and then I did while I was in Serbia.
02:31:46 No state mandated self castration, nobody gives a **** about coronavirus and the least vaccinated people in the EU and the women are feminine.
02:31:56 Can you give advice on how not to how not to?
02:32:01 Now, not to be angry and autistic with women.
02:32:06 Ah, how not to be angry and autistic with women.
02:32:11 Stop thinking that they are your equal.
02:32:20 That's that's the bottom line.
02:32:21 I think men get get frustrated with women because they've internalized, to some extent, some of this feminism, where you, you, you expect them to behave and to respond in the same way that a guy would.
02:32:39 So if you talk to them like you would your guy friend, right, you expect them to.
02:32:46 To act like men.
02:32:49 And they don't at all.
02:32:53 They're completely different.
02:32:56 And they're kind of like children in some ways.
02:32:59 You know, just just being honest, they're it's.
02:33:03 You can't talk to them like you would like your buddy.
02:33:08 In the same way.
02:33:12 Like if she think if she was.
02:33:13 Like your little niece.
02:33:15 You know, like you wouldn't talk to like your 10 year old niece.
02:33:20 Like you would your drinking buddy.
02:33:24 So why would you talk to an 18 year?
02:33:27 Old young lady.
02:33:31 The way you would like your drinking buddy.
02:33:34 Do you think those eight years we're going to?
02:33:36 Make a huge difference.
02:33:39 But not.Devon
02:33:40 Because The funny thing is, you could probably talk to your 10 year old nephew.02:33:46 The way you know, to some extent the way you would talk to your drinking buddy.
02:33:51 You know, with a filter, right?
02:33:54 I don't know why that that's the.
02:33:56 That's the case, but.
02:33:57 Most men understand talking to little boys and little girls differently.
02:34:05 Right.
02:34:05 Like you know that if you're talking to, like your kid brother.
02:34:08 That you're going to use a different.
02:34:13 Strategy and and just everything the the way that you talk, the tone that you're using, everything is going to be.
02:34:19 Different than if you talk to your little sister.
02:34:23 And so just think of it.
02:34:24 Like when they're adults, they're really not.
02:34:28 Now the the difference is they think they are and you can't get around that.
02:34:34 They're always going to think they are right.
02:34:37 So you're going to have to.
02:34:39 Navigate that a little bit.
02:34:46 Yeah, I guess that's the way to do it, because autism quite literally is just a.
02:34:54 It's a.
02:34:58 What is it?
02:34:58 It's hyper masculine mental traits, right?
02:35:04 And so that's why you're having problems is you're trying to communicate with something.
02:35:11 That's not masculine at all, hopefully.
02:35:14 In a hypermasculine way.
02:35:17 And that it's not going to work in the same way.
02:35:19 It wouldn't work if you talked to like a 7 year old girl in a.
02:35:22 Hyper masculine way.
02:35:24 It's gonna just she's.
02:35:26 Going to blow her mind?
02:35:27 You know you're not going to get through it all.
02:35:29 Maybe scare her or, you know, make her cry or something, you know?
02:35:33 And so you just gotta you just gotta realize that even when women are grown.
02:35:36 Up. They're still little girls.
02:35:43 Alright, RJ Mac ready.
02:35:47 $15 appreciate that. Please play crypto or cryptocracy.
02:35:54 Please play cryptocracy by blood of tyrants.
02:35:58 Thank you.
02:36:01 Well, I can't play a whole song right here, but.
02:36:03 Maybe I'll play in the next.
02:36:06 The next intro or outro.
02:36:16 Let me copied the link there.
02:36:21 I'll play it.
02:36:21 I'll play it.
02:36:23 I'll tell you what.
02:36:23 I'll play it after the.
02:36:24 Let me get it downloaded.
02:36:27 Right, this is not a video this.
02:36:28 Is a topic I think.
02:36:35 Let me see if it downloads.
02:36:38 Because I can play it at the end here.
02:36:45 While that's going.
02:36:47 January 1981 Emmett ******* Tille's dad was hung for rape and murder. Well, not only that, he he raped someone. I'm pretty sure this is the the story, right? He raped someone.
02:37:02 And then he, the judge, or he did.
02:37:05 It was some violent crime, the judge said.
02:37:07 You can either go to jail or join the army.
02:37:10 And so he joined the army.
02:37:12 And then he raped someone while he was in the army.
02:37:18 More than one person too.
02:37:20 I think he raped multiple someones while he was in the army.
02:37:24 This is not copying the link.
02:37:27 Hang on, let me see here.
02:37:38 Was that not the link to the video?
02:37:41 It's acting like that's not a.
02:37:43 Link to a video.
02:37:45 Only reason I can load the load it up right this second.
02:37:47 Yeah, it is.
02:37:48 You just.
02:37:50 Hang on.
02:37:53 It just it.
02:37:53 Was a structured or a weirdly structured link alright?
02:37:57 I got the real one.
02:38:00 OK, we'll play at the end.
02:38:06 Jay Ray 1981 every day.
02:38:13 Colonel N word $1.00. I recommend reading Rise of the Black serial killer. If you can get through the 1st chapter where the author is White.
02:38:22 Guilt makes him deny being racist over and over and over again.
02:38:25 It points out that blacks make up a disproportionately high amount of serial killers.
02:38:31 Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised by that.
02:38:37 Colonel N word $1.00. In fact, the serial killer with the highest body count in the US is a named Samuel Little. He died of an old an old age a few years ago, a long time after being caught.
02:38:52 That sounds vaguely familiar.
02:38:56 No chance $10. Appreciate that wondering if you came across Ashoka's work. He's a creator historian, specializes in subvert history.
02:39:05 I'm grateful for all I've learned from you both.
02:39:09 Yeah, I've actually back when I was on Twitter still.
02:39:14 I talked to him a few times on DM.
02:39:19 Jay Ray 1980 one $5 per preciate that. Oh oh, what do you think about Andrew Torba going full Christ as King and calling out the Jewish oligarchs or Jew oligarchs?
02:39:34 Hasn't he been doing that for?
02:39:35 A while.
02:39:38 I mean, I thought that was.
02:39:39 I didn't think that was like a new development I.
02:39:41 Thought that.
02:39:41 Was, at least for like a year.
02:39:44 Right Torb has been.
02:39:45 Doing that.
02:39:47 No, I think it's pretty cool.
02:39:49 Has he?Devon
02:39:50 Has he moved to Idaho like all this?02:39:52 Like it seems like everyone's going to like, maybe we're going to have like another.
02:39:57 Christian identity thing going on up there.
02:40:00 But no, that's.
02:40:01 Pretty cool.
02:40:01 I I know he keeps posting.
02:40:05 I've seen him post like a bunch of sermons from some guy I haven't watched.
02:40:09 I don't know.
02:40:09 I've never watched any of the sermons he's posted, but I've seen that he's doing that a lot.
02:40:16 Champ $2.00 everyone in British TV commercials is black or some other flavor of diverse. I haven't watched TV in like 10 years and seeing that creep me up.
02:40:28 I was at the Normie friend's house.
02:40:30 When I pointed out that the diversity I just got blank stares and completely ignored.
02:40:35 Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 8
02:40:40 And the.Devon
02:40:42 The British.02:40:44 The British Normy is a special kind of normy.
02:40:52 Oh man, you guys are ahead of the.
02:40:55 You're ahead of us in that, that department.
02:40:57 Like, in, in the brainwashing department.
02:41:00 I mean.
02:41:01 It's just that's the.
02:41:02 Way it is.
02:41:04 Damn Bigfoot, $3. Did you see Ted Cruz was talking about the G men? I don't know when he says when he stays in his lane, he's not that bad.
02:41:15 Hounding the king.
02:41:18 Ah, I think he was just doing what he.
02:41:20 Always does and getting.
02:41:21 His little sound bite for the week.
02:41:24 If you're talking about the boots, the.
02:41:26 I mean, because nothing will come of it.
02:41:29 Nothing will happen.
02:41:31 You know Christopher Wray is a ******* nightmare, and he's there because.
02:41:35 Trump put him there.
02:41:37 And if I had to guess.
Speaker 8
02:41:40 Because I don't.Devon
02:41:40 Know off the top of my head, but my guess?02:41:42 Is Ted Cruz voted to confirm him?
02:41:49 Uh postmaster, $100. Here's $100.00 of funny money that came out of thin air, because why not? And I knew Sterling was a Spanish Jew. Plant *******, maybe.
02:42:06 No, he was he was.
02:42:08 Of course, you can't work in Hollywood like that and not be Jewish, especially during that time period.
02:42:15 But yeah, very generous, very generous and.
02:42:20 Let me see if I can where's my stupid thing.
02:42:24 Sorry, I got a little tired.
02:42:25 You can probably tell.
02:42:28 I'm I'm a little tired.
02:42:29 I I was.
02:42:31 I was out in.
02:42:32 The sun with a.
02:42:35 I don't wear a bee suit, I.
02:42:36 Wear a bee.
02:42:37 Veil only because I don't like getting stung in the head.
02:42:41 It hasn't happened yet mostly.
02:42:42 Because I wear a bee veil.
02:42:45 But it came close.
02:42:48 The bees are a little ***** right now.
02:42:50 They're not super *****, but they were getting in my face.
02:42:52 And they didn't stay me anyway.
02:42:57 You'd be surprised, even though it's like mesh.
02:42:59 Like it, it still manages the whole lot of that moisture into that.
02:43:03 It's like wearing like a bag.
02:43:04 Well, it is wearing a bag on your.
02:43:06 Head with holes in it.
02:43:07 But it doesn't breathe as much as you.
02:43:09 Think it would.
02:43:10 And with all, we've got a we've had a ton of rain lately. And so it's just evaporating out of the ground. So it's just everything's just humid, humid and hot.
02:43:20 I was out for hours doing.
02:43:23 B work.
02:43:24 And I'm just.
02:43:26 I worn out a little bit.
02:43:27 What was I doing?
02:43:29 Ohh yeah, I was doing the.
02:43:32 I think I was doing this right.
Speaker 9
02:43:37 My ***** better have my money.Devon
02:43:40 There we go.02:43:45 So in fact.
Speaker 1
02:43:47 You better help me solve my problem.02:43:49 I'm gonna get this one in.
02:43:52 There we go.02:43:55 Postmaster $1.00 money is fake. Yes, it is.
02:44:00 Tennis nuts $1.00 appreciate that.
02:44:05 Postmaster again, $1.00. Maybe. More specifically, Serling was a Sephardic Jew. Yeah, I I think he was. I don't.
02:44:13 Well, I don't know if he was or not, actually, because he looks kind of weird in Sephardic, but his nose looks kind of Ashkenazy.
02:44:22 I have not looked up his background.
02:44:25 Let's do an early life on it.
02:44:26 Why not?
02:44:27 Let's do it.
02:44:32 Let's see where my guess is there's at least a good possibility.
02:44:40 That his family came here around the same time as all these other ************* and they did?
02:44:46 Check it out.
02:44:48 So early was born on December 25th, 1924 in Syracuse, NY, to a Jewish family. He was the second of two sons born to Esther, Esther and Lawrence Serling.
02:45:01 Uh, let's see here, blah blah blah.
02:45:04 Blah alright, maybe not.
02:45:12 They don't say they don't say.
02:45:19 They just say.
02:45:26 Yeah, they don't say when his family came to America.
02:45:35 They usually they usually do if it's like if he's like first generation.
02:45:41 They'll usually say to immigrant parents.
02:45:48 So maybe they've been here a little bit longer.
02:45:57 Fergus Moore, $5 the libertarian satanists are just stupid. They're called normies.
02:46:06 I don't know.
02:46:06 Well, yeah, I guess more and more normies are becoming libertarian.
02:46:12 Jay Ray 19815 dollars preciate that can you talk about Captain Adolph going hard in the paint?
02:46:21 Hard in the paint.
02:46:23 After Poland.
02:46:25 And only.
02:46:27 And only the way you can harden the paint.
02:46:31 I don't know what you mean by hard in the paint.
02:46:37 You have to explain that part.
02:46:39 My point was, if you're talking what I was what I mentioned earlier is just that.
02:46:47 There were peace agreements that were made.
02:46:52 That had.
02:46:53 I think.
02:46:55 And and you'll never know, right? You'll never really know. I think had Adolf's ambitions.
02:47:04 Had been had they been less grandiose?
02:47:08 Had he not?
02:47:11 What appeared.
02:47:12 Had he not had a hard on for payback?
02:47:17 And had he not wanted to recapture?
02:47:21 You know or or not recapture, but capture France, basically get revenge for all the the the enemies, the World War.
02:47:30 One enemies basically.
02:47:32 Had he just?
02:47:34 Chilled out.
02:47:36 After acquiring that piece of Poland that was German speaking and you know, **** it, he could have taken all of Poland, probably.
02:47:47 And people would have left him alone.
02:47:50 I you.
02:47:51 Know who?
02:47:51 Knows what?
02:47:52 What, what, what, what?
02:47:53 The world would look like today.
02:47:54 I I don't know.
02:48:00 Excuse me, lunatic. Fringe $5. Appreciate that. Just want to give some support. Thanks again for all you do. Well, I appreciate that lunatic fringe.
02:48:08 Jesse Pete cook.
02:48:11 Devin, are you familiar with the research of Jason Brashers our something?
02:48:16 If so, what are your thoughts?
02:48:18 If not, we just take a peek and give your thoughts.
02:48:19 Sorry if this has already come up.
02:48:20 I have never heard of that.
02:48:24 I will Google it briefly.
Speaker 3
02:48:33 Excuse me, sorry.Devon
02:48:39 Yeah, I have no idea what this is.02:48:40 I have to take a look at it later.
02:48:43 Virgin salt Japanese girls names mostly all end in Co like me, mikiko, tamiko, Hiriko, et cetera.
02:48:57 And Co means child.
02:49:01 Well, there you go.
02:49:03 They sound like children in anime.
02:49:07 Which is why pedos like anime so much.
02:49:10 Jack Russell, what do you think of?
02:49:15 Elwin in Lord of the Rings, specifically speaking on her role in killing the Lord of the Nazgul, isn't that some form of feminism?
02:49:28 That that's that's nerdier than me.
02:49:30 It's been a long time.
02:49:31 I read those books when I.
02:49:32 Was like 12.
02:49:35 And the movies annoyed me, so I'm have to look this up real quick, OK?
02:49:41 Yeah, I remember her.
02:49:42 Wasn't she like an elf?
02:49:46 No, she's not an elf.
02:49:47 Oh, she.
02:49:47 Oh, that's right.
02:49:48 She's the OK.
02:49:51 Yeah, I mean, she's.
02:49:52 Like the Warrior Princess, right?
02:49:55 Yeah, it's a little feminizing or feminine or feminine?
02:49:59 No, what?
02:50:00 Feminism E feminism.
02:50:09 Jake's channel 10 bucks appreciate that. Thank you for the stream on Waco. Well, thank you for watching it.
02:50:15 Postmaster, another $5 found that Isaac Sterling was born in June of 1846 in Jawa.
02:50:27 Jala waka, something Poland.
02:50:31 Well, there you go.
02:50:33 Look at that ******* a man.
02:50:37 ******* A.
02:50:40 So yeah.
02:50:44 Eastern European Jews that that came here at the turn of the century.
02:50:49 They came to America in 1889. Every ******* one of them men.
Speaker 8
02:50:53 Every ******* one of them.Devon
02:50:55 Like you want to, you want to have a perfect example of how immigration can irreversibly change a country.02:51:02 That's all it.
02:51:03 That's all it took.
02:51:05 It took.
02:51:09 All of these Eastern European Jews that all came here around the turn of the century, that redefined American culture in a matter of decades, like that's all it took first generation.
02:51:23 1st generation, they redefined American culture.
02:51:27 Couple generations later.
02:51:30 They were running like all of.
02:51:32 The all the media.
02:51:36 And the banks?
02:51:39 ********* real man.
02:51:43 On ******* rail.
02:51:47 Russian born parents Isador.
02:51:52 So his mom.
02:51:55 Yeah, both sides.
02:51:56 So Polish and Russian, yeah.
02:52:01 Postmaster again.
02:52:04 Rod certainly was born on December.
02:52:06 25th, 19 already talked about that.
02:52:09 Yeah, yeah, I'm ******* real.
02:52:11 Literally every single time the the, the specificity of it really is what's so amazing to me.
02:52:18 Like, it's one thing if it's like, oh, yeah, they're always ******* Jews.
02:52:22 That's one thing, right?
02:52:25 For a group to have characteristics like that.
02:52:29 But it's it's so specific, it's so.
02:52:34 It's so it's not just.
02:52:35 That they're all Jewish, it's that they're all Jewish.
02:52:38 They're all from Eastern Europe, and they all came to America right at the turn of the century.
02:52:46 All of them.
02:52:51 And that means, like the politicians.
02:52:54 Movie directors, movie producers, actors.
02:53:02 Media moguls banker like all of them.
02:53:05 It's insane.
02:53:05 It's like they all moved here and took over the country.
02:53:10 Well, it's not like that's what they did.
02:53:12 They all moved here and took over the country.
02:53:17 Dan Bigfoot, is it true David Koresh went to Israel and had many of his followers from Israel and Australia?
02:53:26 I don't know about Israel, but I know at least some of his followers were from Australia because some Australian.
02:53:35 And news team came up and interviewed him.
02:53:39 Because of a sizable amount of his followers were Australian.
02:53:46 Teha Hitler's entire point was economic autarchy for a greater Germany. He was bound to go for the Caucasus oil.
02:53:58 Too much ambition.
02:53:59 Sometimes baby steps.
02:54:01 See, that's the thing.
02:54:02 It's OK if you want to go big.
02:54:04 You can go big as long as you you pace yourself and he didn't pace himself.
02:54:10 You'll play the long game.
02:54:13 Like these Eastern European Jews have taught us you gotta play the long game.
02:54:17 Apparently that works.
02:54:20 You got to go multi generational.
02:54:24 Alright guys, well, I'm going to get out of here cause like I said, I'm.
02:54:27 Pretty. I'm pretty tired.
02:54:28 I'm pretty beat. I'm uh.
02:54:31 And we're getting up to three hours here.
02:54:35 But thanks for hanging out.
02:54:36 We will have.
02:54:39 Pepcon Edition, part 4.
02:54:44 On Wednesday.
02:54:46 And in probably part 5, the maybe maybe the following Saturday, I might have to space these out.
02:54:54 I might have to space out the pack on ones because it's getting into.
02:54:58 More into the weeds and they're adding like more and more **** to each episode.
02:55:03 So like, even though it's just like a throw away they they mentioned like 5 different things I have to deep dive on in just this this current episode and it's stuff that I've never even researched before, you know, like white.
02:55:18 The premises people I've never heard of before that, of course are are are the right wing martyrs of, you know, the the January 6 people. Of course they were all that's who they have in their heart with these these guys who no one's heard.
02:55:31 Of before.
02:55:32 But anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.
02:55:38 For Black pilled, I am of course.
02:55:46 And now, Mr. Serling.Speaker 3
02:55:48 You see this?02:55:49 It holds a promise for anyone who smokes.
02:55:52 It's Oasis.
02:55:53 And as its name implies, it promises you the most refreshing the softest taste of all.
02:55:58 Try Oasis.
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02:56:00 This cigarette Chesterfield King gives all the advantages of extra length and much more. The great taste of 21 vintage tobaccos grown mild, aged, mild and blended mild. The wonder they satisfy so completely.
02:56:14 Here's something that doesn't require any imagination.
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02:56:20 If you just took this puff, you'd agree it's the softest taste of all.
02:56:25 Very often, when you're right for a living, you run across blocks, moments when you can't think of the right thing to say.
02:56:30 Now, happily, there are no blocks to get.
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02:56:33 Of Chesterfield's great tobaccos.
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02:56:36 Try them.
02:56:37 They satisfy, and this isn't just a word from the sponsor.
02:56:40 It's simply a very good suggestion.
02:56:43 It stands for real refreshment before we meet again.
02:56:47 Try Oasis for the softest taste of all.
Speaker 7
02:58:38 Here come.02:58:39 Please shut it down.
Speaker 13
02:58:52 Losing our toys.Speaker 7
02:59:09 Seeds for seed cryptocracy.02:59:13 No one can see.
02:59:19 Makes sense?Speaker 7
02:59:25 No one can see.02:59:43 Edward Dr.
Speaker 1
02:59:50 Historical significance.Speaker 13
02:59:54 High rise these days.Speaker 1
03:00:02 For the future of our folk.03:00:29 Democracy and secrecy cryptocracy.
03:00:41 Attack is what we've got.
Speaker 7
03:00:43 The great reside one can see.