
Phase 6.mp3

00:00:07 A swine flu epidemic may be coming.
Speaker 1
00:00:02 The flu season is upon us.
00:00:04 It could make you very sick.
Speaker 1
00:00:06 Which type will we worry about this year?
00:00:09 You'll want to be protected.
00:00:11 And what kind of shots will we be told to take?
00:00:13 The swine flu virus still spreading around the world this morning?
Speaker 2
00:00:16 Kill it by.
00:00:17 Washing your hands as soon as you can.
Speaker 1
00:00:19 The World Health Organization has raised its alert level to five.
Speaker 3
00:00:23 I have.
00:00:24 To raise the current level of influenza pandemic alert.
00:00:30 From phase four to phase five.
Speaker 1
00:00:33 That means that all of humanity could be threatened, and they're worried about the potential for many deaths around the world.
Speaker 3
00:00:36 The virus is spreading.
Speaker 4
00:00:42 Stop it.
00:00:43 Stop it.
00:00:45 Do you think?
00:00:46 The swine flu.
00:00:47 It could knock you.
00:00:48 So local hospitals are bracing for a swine flu flood.
00:00:51 You gotta hit it before his shoot.
Speaker 2
00:00:53 Here at Emanuel Hospital legacy Emanuel Hospital in North Portland.
00:00:56 They are erecting these overflow swine flu tents out in the parking lot, just adjacent to the emergency room here.
Speaker 4
00:01:02 Experts say you might not even.
00:01:04 Hear the sneeze that could.
Speaker 4
00:01:05 Make you sick.
00:01:07 We are a significant step closer to a pandemic.
00:01:12 The Centers for Disease Control says H1N1 has spread to 46 states.
00:01:17 More than 1000 Americans have died.
Speaker 5
00:01:19 An experts say they are concerned that as the virus passes through populations, it could become more severe.
Speaker 3
00:01:26 The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met.
Speaker 4
00:01:31 30% of the deaths are in healthy people with no underlying problems.
Speaker 3
00:01:36 Have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza.
00:01:40 Pandemic alert.
00:01:42 From phase five to face 6.
Speaker 5
00:01:45 WHO reported that more than 10,000 people had died from H1N1?
Speaker 1
00:01:51 The Centers for Disease Control this past week quadrupled its estimated H1N1 flu virus death toll.
Speaker 2
00:01:57 Today's numbers are about four times higher than what the CDC reported.
Speaker 4
00:02:01 Swine flu seems to.
00:02:02 Be spreading at a great rate.
Speaker 3
00:02:04 The president today.
Speaker 4
00:02:05 Declared the swine through a national emergency.
Speaker 3
00:02:08 This one flu pandemic.
00:02:10 It was expected to.
Speaker 4
00:02:10 Kill millions when the CDC even predicted 40% of the population will be infected. But we don't hear about it anymore today.
Speaker 1
00:02:17 You've asked what happened to the swine flu, and kxy was Melissa Lutz says.
00:02:22 Good question, Asian.
00:02:23 Flu is expected this winter, according to the US Public Health Service.
00:02:28 See your physician about a flu vaccine.
00:02:31 She was training to be a Pro Football cheerleader and she got a flu shot.
Speaker 1
00:02:36 The swine flu shot.
00:02:39 So the earlier we get the vaccines, the better absolutely.
Speaker 3
00:02:44 Many more people.
00:02:45 Want to get the vaccine and we want more people to get the vaccine.