

Speaker 1
00:15:28 I can't stop.
00:01:00 Feeling deep in everything.
00:01:11 Rahul, Rahul.
00:01:20 All right.
00:01:24 Hooked on a feeling.
00:01:40 It's so sweet. That's candy.
00:01:43 Your taste for my mind.
00:01:47 Here you got miss birthday or another.
00:01:55 Got a fun from you?
00:01:59 I don't.
00:02:03 I'll just.
00:02:05 If I can't reach sure.
00:02:10 Good luck when we're all alone.
00:02:13 Keep it up.
00:02:14 Girl, yeah, yeah.
00:02:28 In love with me.
00:03:07 I can't stop this feeling deep inside.
00:03:14 Here you go.
00:03:21 All the good women.
00:03:27 Yeah, you turned me on.
Speaker 2
00:04:30 Hello am I here?
00:04:32 Hello. Hello is.
Speaker 3
00:04:33 That Mister Yemi, we are having the group over here in India and we'd like to be playing you to music.
00:04:34 Alright, yeah.
Speaker 3
00:04:39 Now you know well what kind of music do you play?
00:04:43 Well, we are thinking about finding mostly.
Speaker 2
00:04:45 Well, why not send me a track?
Speaker 3
00:04:48 Oh, yes, we are completely black.
00:04:50 So we are very ethnic.
00:04:51 Gusty mine.
00:04:52 Not a teen E.
00:04:53 Now I would like to.
00:04:54 Tell you about our music?
00:04:55 Sir, I hope you're interested because we are phoning a lot of money to cost you to phone you up.
Speaker 4
00:05:01 I can anything like.
00:05:06 I can do disco.
Speaker 3
00:05:08 All night.
Speaker 4
00:05:11 I can classic cards.
00:05:13 I can do Punk, I can do that.
Speaker 3
00:05:18 Or I can do the punk.
00:05:24 Do you have the other kind of music you can play them in?
00:05:30 What if, even if there is most evident Indian music type content of the music now most complicated I sing.
00:05:36 It again for you.
Speaker 2
00:05:37 OK.
Speaker 4
00:05:38 Here we go.
00:05:40 Do anything you like.
00:05:45 I can go disco all night.
00:05:49 I can taxi card, I can do punk, I can do Reggie.
Speaker 3
00:05:56 Or I can do the fun.
00:05:59 I hope you are giving.
00:06:00 A great listening to us now.
00:06:02 We're loving to come over there and we signing you know.
00:06:07 Something else over the phone, you know?
Speaker 4
00:06:19 Sound like the rolling?
00:06:20 Of the stones.
Speaker 3
00:06:23 We can stone like complete unknown.
Speaker 5
00:06:36 Thing that we're really interested in, you know.
Speaker 6
00:06:38 Dum dum dum.
Speaker 4
00:06:57 I can I can do, punk.
00:07:02 I can do it.
Speaker 3
00:07:03 At it or I can simply do well.
Speaker 4
00:07:06 I can.
00:07:07 Do anything.
00:07:11 I can do disco all night, I promise.
Speaker 6
00:07:16 Papadum papadum papadum papadum papita.
Speaker 3
00:07:30 Good dear.
00:07:33 To expect to be seeing more lockdowns again, new lockdowns, more mandates.
Speaker 9
00:07:39 You know I.
Speaker 10
00:07:40 Don't know, George.
00:07:41 It's really too early to say.
Speaker 13
00:07:42 The minimum dose interval for booster jabs should be halved from six months to three months.
00:07:48 The programme should be expanded to include all remaining adults aged 18 and above.
Speaker 7
00:07:55 The dangerous new strain of COVID Niners Omicron.
00:07:58 In Sydney, Omicron Omicron Omicron Omicron.
Speaker 11
00:07:59 Yeah, macron.
Speaker 10
00:08:03 We just really need to, as I've said so often, prepare.
Speaker 12
00:08:07 For the worst.
Speaker 14
00:08:11 And best.
Speaker 7
00:08:15 Growing up over control, welcome to the city to prevent.
Speaker 15
00:08:21 The virus from spreading and we stay.
00:08:25 On around meters.
00:08:26 From each other.
Speaker 10
00:08:42 All I want to do is save people's lives and I mean anybody who's looking at this carefully realizes that there's a distinct anti science flavor to this.
00:09:09 I represent science that's dangerous to me.
00:09:14 That's more dangerous than the slings and the arrows that get thrown at me.
00:09:18 And if you damage science, you are doing something very detrimental to society.
00:09:24 Long after I leave.
Speaker 16
00:09:34 The greatest concern is that the virus has mutated to such an extent that our immune systems trained by the vaccine no longer recognise the virus and no longer trigger an immune response.
00:09:47 This sort of variant is known as vaccine escape variant.
00:09:53 Early evidence suggests there may be a higher reinfection risk with Omicron.
Speaker 17
00:09:59 You're gonna be able to get your vaccine as soon as you turn 5, and I know you're excited.
00:10:04 And I know you're eager in some places.
00:10:07 Across the country, you can even.
00:10:08 Start making your appointment now for shortly after your birthday.
Speaker 7
00:10:13 There has to be lines everywhere drawn.
00:10:16 And all the.
00:10:17 Lines is you cannot leave your balcony and you.
00:10:18 Cannot go to.
00:10:19 Someone else where it makes no sense.
00:10:20 Or it doesn't seem.
00:10:21 Right.
00:10:21 That is the line and that's what.
00:10:23 It was, yeah.
00:10:23 And that's what the.
Speaker 18
00:10:24 The law.
Speaker 7
00:10:25 Show directed third direction.
Speaker 18
00:10:25 There's a law that says that.
Speaker 7
00:10:27 Yeah direction and how the behaviour, especially in this area because it's much more highly infectious.
00:10:35 Yeah. The next time it's a $5000.
00:10:37 Want to do this?
Speaker 18
00:10:37 It's a $5000 fine if I walk out onto that path with. If I cross that yellow line.
00:10:50 That I've broken the rule I would be issued with a 5000.
Speaker 19
00:10:53 Dollar bond.
00:10:54 Three people have escaped from the Howard Springs COVID quarantine facility.
00:10:58 Talia, save is there for us.
00:11:00 Good morning.
00:11:00 There's a search underway right now.
Speaker 11
00:11:05 Yes, that's right, Davina.
00:11:06 Good morning to you.
00:11:07 We've been told the trio scaled the fence in the early hours.
00:11:11 This morning, police receiving reports around 4:40 AM now major police checkpoints have been set up around Howard Springs for the past several hours.
00:11:20 As you can see in these pictures, they've been conducting thorough searches in car boots, checking vehicle registrations, cars and buses alike.
Speaker 2
00:11:28 We have immunocompromised people who are incubators for every variant to come walking around lawfully unvaccinated.
00:11:36 That psychotic, we.
00:11:38 Have companies that have tried hard to get people vaccinated.
00:11:40 Now backing down, we have governors who want to be President by grandstanding on a foolish states rights issue, the right to get sick and get out.
00:11:47 We're sick, so it's time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID require vaccination universally, have the military run it if you don't want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious object.
00:11:59 Your status in court.
00:12:01 And even then, you need to help in the war effort by staying home until we finally.
00:12:04 Beat this thing.
Speaker 13
00:12:17 People of Earth, I am layer of the planet Omicron.
00:12:21 *****. I ate.
00:12:24 And I am Devin stacking this is the insomnia stream.
00:12:31 Tonight we're going to talk about, as the name suggests, involuntary reactions.
00:12:37 Involuntary reactions.
00:12:44 You know, one of the things that got me thinking about involuntary reactions.
00:12:49 Is I think I've.
00:12:50 I've sort of talked about this when I've gone out on my rock marches out at night.
00:12:56 Not so much right now because of the it's cold, but when it's warmer.
00:13:01 You there, there's.
00:13:02 Snakes out there?
00:13:04 And so when you're walking around on the trails.
00:13:08 You keep an eye.
00:13:09 Out for snakes?
00:13:11 And there's other things too.
00:13:12 Not as big of a deal like scorpions and stuff like that.
00:13:15 But usually if you step out of the house, they're.
00:13:17 Just dead, it's.
00:13:19 Not like a big deal.
00:13:21 So, but you know rattlesnakes.
00:13:23 Uh, you step on one.
00:13:24 Of those, you're dead.
00:13:27 And one of the things I.
00:13:28 Noticed cause I have seen them.
00:13:29 From time to time.
00:13:31 Is when I'm walking out there, I'm.
00:13:34 I'm looking.
00:13:35 I'm looking for snakes.
00:13:37 Got the headlamp pointed down South.
00:13:40 I can see the trail.
00:13:41 My eyes are.
00:13:43 It's not like I'm living in constant fear of snakes.
00:13:45 But like, you know, there's like a process in my mind that's always running called look for snake.
00:13:51 And it's just it's just always going.
00:13:55 And I've noticed.
00:13:58 That when I.
00:13:59 See a snake?
00:14:02 It's my lizard brain reacting.
00:14:05 Before that process that's looking for the snakes, even registers a snake.
00:14:12 My body freezes.
00:14:16 Before I even know why, in fact I have time.
00:14:19 It happened so fast.
00:14:20 I have time to wonder why I froze before I realize.
00:14:24 Oh, snake.
00:14:28 There's this involuntary reaction.
00:14:33 To the snake.
00:14:36 So when I'm walking down the path.
00:14:39 The order of things is, uh.
00:14:42 Walking down the path.
00:14:44 Body freezes.
00:14:46 Why am I freezing?
00:14:47 This is obviously I'm slowing down, but this is the chain of events.
00:14:52 Why have I stopped walking?
00:14:54 This is weird.
00:14:57 Ah, there's a snake right there.
00:14:58 I guess that's why I stopped moving.
00:15:04 But there's something in me.
00:15:07 Something in my DNA.
00:15:09 That without my input.
00:15:14 Freezes my body.
00:15:17 And stops me from walking.
00:15:20 And it's not just in my rock marches.
00:15:21 The couple of times.
00:15:24 That I've seen a a rattlesnake on the property.
00:15:28 It's been the same thing.
00:15:30 In fact, the first time I wasn't even looking for snakes, I wasn't even really aware that there were so many snakes.
00:15:37 And I was just walking around the property one night.
00:15:40 I think I was.
00:15:41 I was it.
00:15:41 Was when I was moving, still moving stuff.
00:15:43 Into the the pill box.
00:15:46 And before I went inside, I always, you know, would go around the property, make sure nothing was weird.
00:15:51 You know, nothing had been messed with or like that.
00:15:55 And went around a corner and froze.
00:15:58 And that actually took me a little while to figure out why.
00:16:00 It froze.
00:16:00 I didn't see the.
00:16:01 Snake rose and there it is.
00:16:05 So it's a powerful thing.
00:16:08 It's a powerful thing.
00:16:11 Now a lot of people, if you haven't seen a snake.
00:16:15 A lot of people have seen, you know.
00:16:17 Like these videos?
00:16:19 Where people have cats because cats apparently have this exact same.
00:16:24 Built in.
00:16:25 Mechanism, right?
00:16:28 And so while their cats are distracted, eating from their food dish, or whatever, they'll sneak up behind their cats and they'll stick a cucumber.
00:16:39 On the floor behind the cat.
00:16:41 And when the cat turns around the cat in a much more cat like fashion reacts to.
00:16:50 The cucumber.
00:16:53 Almost as if they they have, they have some kind of.
00:16:57 Again, it's it's they're laser brain reacting to.
00:17:03 The cucumber.
00:17:04 They think it's a snake.
00:17:10 They're they're not consciously.
00:17:13 Aware of why they're freaked out.
00:17:14 In fact, a lot of times you'll notice.
00:17:16 They freak out.
00:17:18 And then they go back and.
00:17:18 Inspect it because they're.
00:17:20 Like, whoa, what the ****?
00:17:24 And this doesn't happen with just anything.
00:17:25 You stick behind a cat.
00:17:28 It's just that for whatever reason, cats think cucumbers look a lot like snakes.
00:17:38 Now imagine you have.
00:17:42 The research capabilities.
00:17:47 And the.
00:17:50 Lack of ethics that the ruling class has.
00:17:55 And you're.
Speaker 17
00:17:56 Able to do.
00:17:57 Experiments, experiments.
00:17:58 Look, we've all seen right the the black and white film reels of all the horrific experiments that we were doing just here in America.
00:18:08 During and just the ones.
00:18:09 We know about.
00:18:11 During like the 40s and 50s.
00:18:16 Experiments that involve cruelty to animals, you know, monkeys and all kinds of things.
00:18:22 But to humans too.
00:18:27 Just to see how the mind worked.
00:18:33 And that was science.
00:18:37 That was science, you see, once science became our religion, and once humans ceased to be divine.
00:18:50 Once humans were viewed as simply machines.
00:18:56 Biological machines.
00:19:02 Without actually having any kind of free will.
00:19:08 It was simply a machine that could be programmed, a machine that could be hacked.
00:19:17 It was only a matter of time before the people whose.
00:19:21 Very existence.
00:19:23 Depends on controlling people.
00:19:28 Before they put resources into figuring out.
00:19:33 These hacks figuring out these exploits figuring out.
00:19:43 Involuntary reactions.
00:19:46 Humans have.
00:19:52 And I think that explains a lot of what we're seeing.
00:19:58 When it comes to the reaction to COVID.
00:20:03 Where so many people are trying to figure out why.
00:20:08 Why? No matter how ridiculous.
00:20:11 How? How contradictory?
00:20:17 The information coming from people like Doctor Fauci, where he's saying one day.
00:20:22 Ohh you don't need to wear a mask.
00:20:25 Masks are bad, and then later, oh, you need to wear a mask, and then even later I was lying the first time about masks being bad because.
00:20:36 I didn't want you to get a mask.
00:20:38 I wanted the mask to go to the health workers.
00:20:42 I don't want to wear a mask.
00:20:43 So I lied to.
00:20:43 You, I mean, he said.
00:20:46 That he lied.
00:20:50 And then later, he says.
00:20:52 Well, you can't.
00:20:53 You can't criticize me.
00:20:56 Criticizing me is criticizing science.
00:21:03 Sure, I've admitted to lying to you before, but.
00:21:07 That was science somehow.
00:21:16 But he's right there is.
00:21:17 A science to it.
00:21:20 With religion gone and the ruling.
00:21:23 Class viewing us as machines, machines that could be hacked.
00:21:28 Pouring millions of.
00:21:29 Dollars into research and as to how exactly.
00:21:34 You performed those hacks.
00:21:40 But then.
00:21:43 It wasn't just the ruling class that lost religion.
00:21:48 Then the general public lost religion.
00:21:57 And the ruling class, where they lost religion.
00:22:02 They replaced it with science.
00:22:08 Real science.
00:22:11 Not thee the lies from top scientist science.
00:22:16 Not the the published science, but the behind closed door science.
00:22:24 The cucumber behind the cat science.
00:22:31 And when the general public lost religion.
00:22:35 Wanting to be like the ruling class, they too wanted to embrace science.
00:22:45 But the ruling class, they know full well that, you know, knowledge is power.
00:22:52 So they gave people that they have a, especially the people that have a yearning to.
00:22:56 Feel smart.
00:22:59 To feel like they've got it all figured out.
00:23:03 The mid widths of of society, which unfortunately has the name.
00:23:07 Kind of indicates is a lot of people.
00:23:12 For those of you who have asked in the mid widths, mid widths are people that are above the average.
00:23:21 But not by a lot.
00:23:25 They're just smart enough to get good grades in school.
00:23:29 They're just smart enough to regurgitate.
00:23:31 All the answers.
00:23:33 And not smart enough to realize.
00:23:37 How stupid they are.
00:23:40 So in many ways they're more dangerous than the actual stupid people.
00:23:46 Because a lot of these midwives are also very insecure about their intelligence.
00:23:53 And so any opportunity they get to feel smart to.
00:23:58 Feel smarter than everybody.
00:24:02 They'll take it.
00:24:09 You know, many of these intolerable you.
00:24:11 Know the like the.
00:24:12 New Atheist movement was full of midwives that are like.
00:24:14 Uh-huh. You believe in God?
00:24:18 Ha ha ha, I'm smart cuz I know that we evolved.
00:24:29 These are the same, the same people that you.
00:24:31 See that that the the.
00:24:32 I ******* love science crowd.
00:24:37 The same people that watch.
00:24:40 Horrific sitcoms tailored.
00:24:45 For these people specifically.
00:24:48 That that have buzzwords sciency sounding buzzwords.
00:24:56 You know, TV.
00:24:57 That's just smart enough, just barely too smart for the average person.
00:25:07 But it's still stupid TV.
00:25:12 But the Midwood doesn't know this.
00:25:18 Maybe one of these cats, they have seen enough cat cucumber fun.
00:25:25 Zero. Look at that.
00:25:29 I'll pause it.
00:25:30 Maybe I'll play more later if you guys are good.
00:25:38 But that's what's going on is it's a mixture.
00:25:40 Of this religion of science.
00:25:45 And people involuntarily reacting to stimuli.
00:25:51 By a group of people who have.
00:25:52 Who have the the true knowledge?
00:25:57 On how to manipulate.
00:26:03 There's a reason why last spring we were talking about the Epstein trial and and and saying like, oh, it's weird how?
00:26:11 You know, we see, we keep seeing some of.
00:26:12 The same names.
00:26:14 With all of these scandals like it's just over and over and over again, it's these.
00:26:18 Same ******* people.
00:26:21 You know that the the.
00:26:22 The main example is Comeys daughter is the prosecutor and the Epstein trial.
00:26:31 But that's not where it ends.
00:26:33 Like all these people know each other, all these people are connected, and some of that might be nepotism.
00:26:38 But a lot of it is.
00:26:42 These people.
00:26:44 Or in just in the same way that there's generational wealth.
00:26:50 There is generational power.
00:26:56 Their children don't have to go through the process of unlearning all of the programming.
00:27:05 That's tailor made.
00:27:08 To keep normies.
00:27:09 In slavery, happily in slavery.
00:27:16 These people aren't raised with these same ideals.
00:27:23 You know, you know a lot of times.
00:27:24 People will say.
00:27:26 What's wrong with the ruling class?
00:27:28 How do they not understand that all this woke stuff is crazy because they don't believe it?
00:27:36 They don't believe it.
00:27:41 That's simply the product of the the technology they're using against the public for control.
00:27:55 So anyway I.
00:27:56 Was thinking about that the other day.
00:27:58 As I was walking around looking for snakes.
00:28:03 Not that there were any snakes.
00:28:04 All the snakes are pretty much gone although.
00:28:06 I've been surprised.
00:28:09 There was one time I it's a good thing I froze because I almost ******* stepped on him.
00:28:14 But I thought, oh, it's way too cold for snakes.
00:28:18 It was like in the 50s.
00:28:20 Dead of night.
00:28:23 And no wrong.
00:28:24 He wasn't very.
00:28:25 He wasn't a fast mover.
00:28:28 But he was on.
00:28:28 The trail.
00:28:30 I would have stepped on him if I hadn't froze.
00:28:36 Anyhow, I was going to go over a film tonight.
00:28:43 And premier is being a piece of crap.
00:28:49 And corrupting my files.
00:28:52 I think one of my SSD drives is going bad or something.
00:28:58 And so all my audio is out of sync and it's doing weird stuff.
00:29:01 So I decided to skip that tonight.
00:29:03 There's another movie that someone sent me that was actually quite interesting.
00:29:10 I didn't get to finish watching.
00:29:11 It from the 1980s, had Lee Majors in it.
00:29:16 Which I think was he was like the million $1,000,000 man or or I forget what he was one or the bionic man, one of those or they're basically the same thing, right.
00:29:25 But it was about a post pandemic.
00:29:28 United States.
00:29:32 And everyone had to wear a mask.
00:29:36 It was the great reset kind of had what had taken place.
00:29:40 It was a little, it was a little some of those things were were kind of eerie.
00:29:44 So we might go over that.
00:29:49 Another time.
00:29:50 Because I only got about halfway through it.
00:29:52 It's pretty cheesy.
00:29:53 It's got the it's got the, you know, rocky movies, the the coach.
00:30:01 You know the the guy with the really weird accent.
00:30:05 That guy is in it.
00:30:06 He plays a fighter pilot.
00:30:08 Just weird.
00:30:12 But anyway.
00:30:14 So we're going to be a little cozier.
00:30:17 Tonight than I had, I had planned on.
00:30:23 Let me take a look.
00:30:23 Looks like we got some super chats coming in.
00:30:27 How do I get to the here?
00:30:28 We go.
00:30:30 Based race mixer. Thank you Mr. Stack. You deserve more super chats each stream. Let's get above 100 bucks.
00:30:36 Faggs well, part of it is.
00:30:38 You got to remember we're this is like really late at night for a lot of people.
00:30:43 I don't know if Odyssey works internationally and we have a lot of international people.
00:30:48 Uh, so you know, I'm.
00:30:52 As much as yes, I'm not going to complain if I get more super jets.
00:30:56 You got to figure that stuff in.
00:30:59 What most people watch this later, you know, they watch it on bit shoot or or they're recording later.
00:31:08 So but yeah, if if if you if.
00:31:10 You are listening to the recording and you'd love to give me a.
00:31:13 Super chat you can always.
00:31:14 Do it on subscribe star or.
00:31:17 And bitcoins on sale right now.
00:31:20 Bitcoins in the ******* toilet. I think it dropped down. It dropped down to almost 40,000.
00:31:26 And I think it's hovering like somewhere around, I don't know, 45,000 or something like that.
00:31:33 So it's on sale if you want to.
00:31:34 Get some Bitcoin.
00:31:37 I don't know.
00:31:37 I could keep going down.
00:31:39 I'm terrible at predicting this kind of stuff.
00:31:42 And it's it's hard to know what the long term future.
00:31:45 Is of Bitcoin.
00:31:47 I I think in a lot of ways the that they want it to be a a way to ease people into digital currencies.
00:31:55 There seem to be a lot of banking interest.
00:31:57 One of the reasons why I think Bitcoin is very least probably won't just go away.
00:32:03 Is the Dev team is no **** funded by MasterCard and entities like that.
00:32:12 That's why they want to implement the.
00:32:15 I don't want to get.
00:32:16 I'm not going to get too nerdy on this, but the the Lightning network, you know, it's basically a way to make because if you've ever tried to send Bitcoin.
00:32:25 You'll notice it doesn't.
00:32:26 It's not instantaneous.
00:32:28 It's not practical as a cash, right?
00:32:32 Like that's one of the reasons why I was.
00:32:34 I'm kind of skeptical of how it's going to work out, and was that El Salvador?
00:32:39 Is it El Salvador or?
00:32:40 You know, whatever **** country decided to start using Bitcoin.
00:32:45 Because it's not something that you could go to the.
00:32:47 Store and then just be.
00:32:49 Like, alright, here's your Bitcoin.
00:32:51 Like, OK, here's your stuff.
00:32:54 Like it?
00:32:54 It's it the transactions I mean, depending on how busy the network is it, I mean it could take a.
00:33:00 Really long time.
00:33:01 So it's and it's being kept like that artificially.
00:33:06 And again, I'm not going to.
00:33:07 Get all geeky and technical on.
00:33:09 You but that is.
00:33:14 In my opinion, a big red flag that you've got companies like MasterCard and I think PayPal and some of these other people funding the official dev team and influencing them in ways that would make it very like right now people are like, oh, it's decentralized, you can't get banned from it.
00:33:36 I mean that's that's the case now.
00:33:39 But they could.
00:33:40 Ban you from, say, the Lightning network.
00:33:43 Which would make it because the Lightning network is centralized and that's their proposed.
00:33:49 I don't know if it's it's been a long time since I looked into this, so maybe it might have.
00:33:53 Moved on to something else, but it was a proposed plan that would make Bitcoin travel fast, you know, so you could use it.
00:34:00 Like cash?
00:34:03 Which is why you actually Bitcoin cash.
00:34:06 Exists because Bitcoin cash address the problem in a way that would keep it decentralized.
00:34:13 And you know, it is what it is, but the long term just because there are those institutional powers now that are involved, who knows.
00:34:27 Who knows if they'll keep it going?
00:34:29 I don't think it's going to replace the dollar.
00:34:32 In fact, if anything, I think that if a digital dollar.
00:34:35 Were to appear.
00:34:37 We would completely, I mean Bitcoin and all these these other currencies would probably.
00:34:42 Go into the toilet.
00:34:45 But well, I don't know.
00:34:46 I guess we'll find out.
00:34:49 We could also.
00:34:50 I mean, look, it's also very easy to to censor, but in the meantime, it's useful for us in the short.
00:34:55 Term, it is a way that we can circumvent the banks, at least for now, for now.
00:35:02 And there are other cryptocurrencies.
00:35:04 But like Monero and Bitcoin Cash, as I mentioned already, and stuff like that, that that do a better job.
00:35:15 But yeah, the whole market, the whole market is.
00:35:19 Is in the crapper. That's what happens when Bitcoin goes down it like it's it's never. Very rarely do you does Bitcoin go down and and other cryptocurrencies stay the same or go up. Like if if Bitcoin's going down, everything's going down.
00:35:35 So anyway, let me take a look at.
00:35:39 The next super chat there.
00:35:42 Solar Eclipse today passed over Coronation Island in Antarctica, while the Sun was in the constellation Omicron Ofie Sofia.
00:35:54 Just Ophelia.
00:35:56 I don't know.
00:35:56 I'm not going to say that right?
00:35:59 That's interesting.
00:36:01 Retired fad?
00:36:02 Get your thoughts on Seth Rogen doubling down after?
00:36:04 Oh yeah, so here's.
00:36:06 I forgot I had that video.
00:36:09 So oh, and here's the other thing.
00:36:12 I did not.
00:36:14 I got all the episodes.
00:36:18 Of the Santa Inc because there was a lot.
00:36:22 Of people saying.
00:36:24 You know, we might be jumping the gun.
00:36:28 You know that that they this might be a big troll or something like that, just to get people mad and get them to watch it and maybe, maybe they just took all the worst.
00:36:38 **** in it and put it in.
00:36:39 The trailer? No.
00:36:40 It's first of all I thought initially that.
00:36:42 It was a movie.
00:36:44 It's it's like a series.
00:36:47 So it's it's long.
00:36:48 You put it all together.
00:36:49 It's way longer than a movie.
00:36:52 And I didn't sit there and just watch it because no way, no ******* way it was.
00:36:58 It was.
00:36:59 Imagine that watching that trailer.
00:37:03 But in like.
00:37:05 I don't know what all the episodes put.
00:37:06 Together would be what is.
00:37:08 It like uh.
00:37:09 I mean, it's like 4, at least it's it'd be like a four hour version of that trailer.
00:37:13 And worse.
00:37:15 Like cause their stuff that was too edgy for the trailer that they put in the show.
00:37:20 It's terrible.
00:37:21 It's ******* terrible.
00:37:22 And then I I don't care.
00:37:24 I'm gonna.
00:37:24 I'm gonna spoil it so.
00:37:25 At the.
00:37:26 End the the Jewess doesn't become Santa Claus.
00:37:31 Look, let's now funked up.
00:37:32 This is she doesn't become Santa Claus.
00:37:35 Instead, they have some some white ****** become Santa Claus.
00:37:42 But then Santa Claus takes, pulls her aside and says you'll really be running the show.
00:37:49 He's just going to be the face.
00:37:52 But you'll be in the background running the entire show.
00:37:58 I **** you not.
00:38:00 That that was that was the end.
00:38:02 Of that series.
00:38:07 She doesn't.
00:38:08 You know, it's it's it's some white fat guy.
00:38:11 It's it's Santa Claus.
00:38:14 But it's this Jewish elf.
00:38:17 Running things from behind in the shadows like I'm not even ******* kidding you.
00:38:20 That's that's the show.
00:38:22 That's how it ends.
00:38:23 Like I'm telling you, it's like they stopped.
00:38:24 Giving a ****.
00:38:26 But yeah, so here's here's that video you're talking.
00:38:29 About we bring this up.
00:38:38 Yeah, so this is.
00:38:40 This was a new promo.
00:38:43 That they put out, I think, possibly in response to the comments they were getting.
Speaker 22
00:39:01 It's perfect.
00:39:03 Oh, I love Christmas.
Speaker 21
00:39:04 You'd have to hit America not to.
Speaker 22
00:39:07 Well, I guess it's time.
00:39:09 Let's light this puppy, Tyler.
Speaker 21
00:39:11 Who's Tyler?
Speaker 22
00:39:13 Seth, it's Saturday. Tyler's my Shabbos goy.
Speaker 21
00:39:18 It's beautiful. Can we?
00:39:20 Have Tyler Preheat the oven before.
00:39:21 He leaves. Already done.
00:39:26 I'll Preheat the ******* oven for you, Seth.
Speaker 21
00:39:35 Wow, that's some going.
00:39:42 And that is the look.
00:39:45 Of hatred.
Speaker 6
00:39:49 But again they.
00:39:50 Know nothing's going to happen.
00:39:52 Nothing's going to happen.
00:39:56 They're not going to lose their jobs.
00:40:00 In fact, a lot of people listening.
00:40:02 To me right now.
00:40:03 Or when it's, you know, later on when they want to listen to the recording.
00:40:08 They're going to keep going to Seth Rogen movies.
00:40:12 They're going to.
00:40:13 Keep paying.
00:40:13 You know, 15 bucks or whatever the.
00:40:15 **** theater tickets are these days.
00:40:20 To watch Seth Rogen Smoke Pot and go.
00:40:29 Why do they give?
00:40:30 A ****.
00:40:33 And he knows it.
00:40:33 That's what that look is.
00:40:36 That's me.
00:40:37 I just called you guys ******* goyam.
00:40:42 I just called you golem.
Speaker 16
00:40:45 And you don't do ****.
00:40:49 You'll keep seeing my movies.
00:40:55 My price tag on movies is going to go up and.
00:40:58 Up and up.
Speaker 22
00:41:05 You're the best, Tyler.
00:41:06 Thank you so much.
00:41:07 Have a great lacrosse practice so.
00:41:12 I don't even want to sit on.
Speaker 22
00:41:13 The couch and watch the fire roar.
Speaker 21
00:41:15 No, I would rather watch an R rated animated Christmas comedy with a touch of a feminist agenda.
Speaker 23
00:41:22 I have just the thing.
Speaker 22
00:41:24 When I was a kid, I had big.
00:41:26 Dreams, you know, I.
00:41:28 Yeah, just the.
00:41:29 Touch just a touch and not just a feminist agenda.
00:41:35 Not just a feminist agenda.
00:41:37 So yeah, I put that out.
00:41:39 Yeah, obviously, comments disabled.
00:41:41 I don't know what the the like to dislike ratio is at this point, but you can, you know, I'm sure.
00:41:46 It's similar to what the other one was.
00:41:49 Uh, it's uh.
00:41:50 Yeah, they don't.
00:41:51 They don't give a ****.
00:41:54 They don't give a ****.
00:42:01 Now here's the thing.
00:42:03 Here's what you got to understand that that song I played in the intro.
00:42:07 Of the guy doing the Indian accent.
00:42:11 That, you know now he'd get cancelled, right?
00:42:13 If he did that song.
00:42:17 That's you now.
00:42:25 The tables have turned.
00:42:30 In your own countries.
00:42:34 You're the punchline.
Speaker 1
00:42:38 What a good.
00:42:38 Boy, he said.
Speaker 21
00:42:49 It's beautiful. Can we have?
00:42:52 Tyler Preheat the oven before.
00:42:53 He leaves. Already done.
Speaker 21
00:42:55 Wow, that's something going.
00:43:00 That's some going.
00:43:13 So yeah, they.
00:43:15 They they don't give a ****.
00:43:16 They don't give a ****.
00:43:19 Uh, let's see.
00:43:20 There, hemithorax azine $5 lizard brain. I have seen the same thing with cats and dogs and firearms. I grew up in a white Portland suburbs, so it's not like my family pets were exposed to shooting, but if one just placed or one was just placed out, held or not.
00:43:41 The dog and cat would react scared or react in a scared way must be the same. Genetic imprinting. Yeah. You know, that one's weirder.
00:43:51 But I have.
00:43:51 The same thing happened with my with my cat.
00:43:56 But you know.
00:43:57 He'd never seen.
00:43:58 He had never seen a gun before, and the first time he saw it.
00:44:03 And it wasn't like I wasn't holding it any differently than I'd say.
00:44:06 Hold anything else?
00:44:08 You know, it wasn't like I was waving it around and and, you know, and dry.
00:44:12 Firing on him.
00:44:13 Or something like that.
00:44:14 It was.
00:44:14 Just like I you know.
00:44:16 And like I was holding a lamp, you know, moving a lamp around just.
00:44:19 And he did not like that thing at all.
00:44:22 He did not like it.
00:44:23 At all.
00:44:25 So it's yeah, I don't know.
00:44:26 I don't.
00:44:27 Know how to explain that one?
00:44:30 Wade Watts, $15. Appreciate it. Have some shekels, toym.
00:44:37 Hey, Devin.
00:44:37 What's the e-mail address to contact you?
00:44:39 I've been able to find it list anywhere.
00:44:41 I haven't checked e-mail in months.
00:44:45 Like, literally months.
00:44:46 That's just I've been.
00:44:49 I have been on full blast with other things.
00:44:52 Be honest.
00:44:52 It's been tough just to keep getting these to keeping these, you know, these streams going, especially how how it it ***** with.
00:44:57 My sleep schedule.
00:44:59 But yeah, the, the the e-mail thing is just I've, you know, I.
00:45:04 I don't really talk about my personal life that much, but I've had a lot going on with it and it's just.
00:45:08 It's complicated my the amount of time I have, but I mean if you don't mind, I might not get back for.
00:45:16 A long time.
00:45:20 There's the. The other one was was still there, I guess. I mean, I'm assuming evil hillary@protonmail.com, but again, no, no promises. I'll. I'll get back in a timely fashion.
00:45:35 $10 from Farmer Gray, God bless Dev and I was on Patreon, but since that's gone, it's where I'm.
00:45:41 Up this late?
00:45:42 Well, thank you, farmer Gray and yes for.
00:45:44 Those of you.
00:45:44 Who don't still don't know.
00:45:45 If for some reason I was kicked off Patreon for medical misinformation, which they wouldn't specify.
00:45:53 And just like Twitter.
00:45:55 They wanted me to compromise my principles.
00:45:58 They sent me a message and said all you have to do is just delete this one stream.
00:46:03 You know it's.
00:46:04 A stream from like a month ago.
00:46:05 No one would notice if it just got deleted.
00:46:09 It would just disappear.
00:46:10 People you know, maybe they'd wonder.
00:46:12 Ohh, it wasn't there a stream here.
00:46:17 And I'd still have Patreon.
00:46:20 But I would know so **** them.
00:46:23 And so I didn't delete it.
00:46:25 The the weird thing is though is I.
00:46:29 I took a look at the string briefly.
00:46:31 I didn't sit there and watch the whole thing just to see like, what?
00:46:34 Was it like, was it, you know, was it?
00:46:36 One of these things where.
00:46:39 I was just showing the because there's one where I showed when those magnet videos were going around, I just showed them.
00:46:44 I was just like, I don't know how.
00:46:46 I don't know how that would work, but here's here's.
00:46:48 Videos with people with magnets.
00:46:49 So I want to know was it something like that?
00:46:51 No, it wasn't even that.
00:46:52 Like I don't, I don't even.
00:46:53 I don't even.
00:46:54 Think I.
00:46:54 Talked about the the vaccine at all, but.
00:46:57 You know, aside from what I.
00:46:59 What I, you know, just like normal mentioning what was going on that week.
00:47:04 So yeah, I don't know.
00:47:06 It was just an excuse.
00:47:08 It was an excuse because I feel like Patreon got a little gun shy after the Owen Benjamin incident where they kind of got, you know, they they they ****** themselves over with the way they wanted the, you know, the the arbitration and everything and had to settle with a lot.
00:47:23 You know, I don't know what the dollar amount was, but.
00:47:25 I'm sure it wasn't.
00:47:26 A small amount.
00:47:28 And wanting to avoid that, I thought that we would be probably safer a little bit, but I knew eventually they would.
00:47:35 You know.
00:47:36 They would update their terms of service and you know, find some way of getting.
Speaker 20
00:47:39 Around it.
00:47:41 And medical misinformation was the perfect opportunity for them to get rid of more people.
00:47:47 So I don't think I.
00:47:48 Was the only.
00:47:50 Victim of that purge.
00:47:51 But you know, I expected that to happen.
00:47:54 It is what it is.
00:47:55 Subscribe stars where it's at for now.
00:47:57 Who knows, maybe at some point subscribe star will start banning people.
00:48:01 But at least.
00:48:02 As of right now, they've been pretty cool, so subscribe star is where it's at.
00:48:09 Uh. Let's see here.
00:48:17 ******** ******?
00:48:18 What type of right winger do you consider?
00:48:19 Yourself, as I mean, I don't know.
00:48:23 I don't.
00:48:23 I I I don't write like a.
00:48:24 Label for it.
00:48:25 I'm not like I'm a a.
00:48:27 Neo reactionary national social.
00:48:30 You know.
00:48:31 Yeah, I don't I.
00:48:31 Don't know.
00:48:32 Like I said, right now my main concern is making sure we don't get genocide.
00:48:38 That's the kind of right winger I am.
00:48:40 Is stop whites from being genocide.
00:48:44 Right winger.
00:48:45 And you know, I've I've told people in the past I've come from a libertarian background.
00:48:51 I I see the major flaws in that philosophy.
00:48:55 But at the same time, you know I'm I'm my family goes all way back to the founding.
00:49:02 Whether it's because I was programmed from since.
00:49:05 I was a child to like that rugged individualism that you know America stood for, or at least pretended to.
00:49:13 I you know, I do have a soft spot for that.
00:49:16 I think one of the the big issues with people that want National Socialism as an example and again, I'm not an expert on National socialism.
00:49:27 So I don't know if if this is even exactly perfectly right.
00:49:34 Especially right now, you would never be able to do it because it would only work if.
00:49:38 You had a homogeneous.
00:49:40 You wouldn't be able to implement that first.
00:49:43 And then, you know, take care of the demographic problem.
00:49:47 That's it's a non starter until you take care of the demographic problem and so that's why my focus is.
00:49:55 On the demographic problem and surviving what I feel is going to be a.
00:50:02 A dangerous time for us in the next in the coming decades, and not just because the demographic problem, you know, like Klaus Schwab and and all these *****, you know, like Biden, there's lots of white people that are trying to to kill white people, you know, or at least make us miserable.
00:50:20 And live in a way that we that we where we can be so easily managed, that it's for them.
00:50:25 It's like they're playing StarCraft with us.
00:50:28 You know, they just.
00:50:29 Drag a box over us and and right click somewhere and tell us to go there and and do our job.
00:50:36 And send us to wars and everything else they want to control us like the the cattle that we are.
00:50:43 And eventually replace.
00:50:45 Us with machines.
00:50:46 So that's, that's the kind of right winger I am is the the the kind of right winger that's that's trying to avoid that?
00:50:54 That kind of a future?
00:50:57 And at the same time, deal with the problems with demographics and not just again this the IQ drop is also not just a it is a demographic problem.
00:51:09 But it's not just a demographic problem, and there's going to be all.
00:51:13 Kinds of problems.
00:51:14 That that pop.
00:51:15 Up because of that too.
00:51:17 So really I'm I'm just a I'm trying to survive.
00:51:22 The death of an empire.
00:51:24 Which is what?
00:51:25 We're right, we're right.
00:51:26 At the beginnings of.
00:51:31 Blanco supremo, $5, we are lucky to have you on our side. Well, I appreciate it.
00:51:37 And I am lucky to have you in.
00:51:38 The audience.
00:51:40 Henry Ford, 1488. I don't think you have to be live for people to still donate on Odyssey.
00:51:51 I don't know. Maybe.
00:51:53 Maybe someone watching the recording can try if they'd like.
00:51:59 Did he Doo watch the anime Rick and Morty?
00:52:03 Now Rick and Morty.
00:52:07 So that, that, that's that.
00:52:08 That's exactly what I'm talking about.
00:52:11 The mid widths that want to feel clever, they want to feel like, oh, they understand things.
00:52:16 Ah, har, har, har.
00:52:17 He said quantum physics.
00:52:19 Rick and Morty is specifically designed exactly for that.
00:52:23 Route the the ******* the I ******* love science crowd that wants to feel smarter than everyone else.
00:52:30 Because, look, Rick and Morty is just clever enough, right?
00:52:33 It's just clever enough to where if the average.
00:52:37 You know like.
00:52:39 Lower IQ normally watches it.
00:52:42 It's going to be confusing, right?
00:52:44 It's going to be a little confusing.
00:52:46 They're not going to even necessarily get all the jokes.
00:52:50 I mean, I haven't seen it in a.
00:52:51 Really long time, so I I would imagine it it it'll probably devolve in some ways too, but that's that's the exact kind of show.
00:53:01 That that demographic loves.
00:53:04 Purge all pedophiles at all costs, siop, Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan Fed.
00:53:11 Special wait, what?
00:53:13 Syop, Oxford, Oakland County.
00:53:17 I think that the county, Michigan fed.
00:53:20 Wait, I don't know what?
00:53:23 That's like a lot of.
00:53:24 Just random sounding things to me, but I don't know.
00:53:27 Is that something that I?
00:53:30 Should I look?
00:53:30 I'll look.
00:53:31 Look, I'll, I'll look.
00:53:32 Up Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan fed.
00:53:36 I don't know what's what I'm going.
00:53:38 To come up with here.
00:53:44 This is.
00:53:46 OK. Oh, oh, oh, OK.
00:53:50 You're talking about the.
00:53:51 OK, this was the the Michigan governor that they were going to kidnap the FBI setup.
00:53:57 Isn't that what it?
00:53:57 Is right.
00:53:59 OK.
00:54:01 I mean, that's kind of older news.
00:54:03 I guess we could talk about that at some point.
00:54:05 I've never done a deep dive into that.
00:54:06 What? What he's.
00:54:07 Talking about, I think is the you know the the the case where the.
00:54:12 The there was a big kidnapping plot.
00:54:14 There was a big kidnapping plot.
00:54:15 There were a kidnapped, the Governor of Michigan and they, you know, rest of these white supremacists, they were going to to kidnap the governor.
00:54:25 Turns out out of, I think like the nine people involved, six of them were FBI agents or FBI informants.
00:54:32 So it was.
00:54:32 I totally, totally, ******* fed up.
00:54:38 But yeah, I don't.
Speaker 1
00:54:39 I mean.
00:54:40 I think a lot.
00:54:40 I mean I.
00:54:41 Don't know there's a lot of articles that are.
00:54:43 Actually fairly well done on that.
00:54:45 It's pretty well documented at this point.
00:54:48 Kays Rage Devin is that mom taking the selfie of her son getting a jab, the same one that posted her kid that died?
00:55:00 I don't.
00:55:02 I don't know.
00:55:03 I know what you're talking about, what he's talking.
00:55:05 About is let.
00:55:06 See if I've got it here.
00:55:11 It could be.
00:55:12 I mean they look similar, but I don't.
00:55:13 I don't want to say.
00:55:14 Yes, for sure.
00:55:22 So what he's talking about?
00:55:25 Is this woman Helen Blythe?
00:55:31 Save all these things so I can bring them.
00:55:33 All up here.
00:55:43 So this woman here.
00:55:49 Helen Blythe.
00:55:53 Basically tweeted in support of vaccinating children.
00:55:59 Back in March.
00:56:01 Of 2021.
00:56:04 And then.
00:56:08 This same woman.
00:56:11 Tweet it out and it might be.
00:56:12 Hard to read, so I'll read it here.
00:56:14 I got to make it bigger for me too.
00:56:17 This is my son Benedict.
00:56:18 He died yesterday, suddenly aged 5.
00:56:21 I just want everyone to know that he existed and to see this beautiful smile and know how wonderful he was.
00:56:28 He was such a bright spark, the kindest boy, his time with us was the greatest gift.
00:56:37 There's a lot of people dying suddenly.
00:56:40 And I'm not positive, so I don't want to say for sure that this is her, but that could very well be her.
00:56:51 I'll tell you what if.
00:56:51 It's not her I mean.
00:56:53 If that, that's specifically not her.
00:56:56 I mean, it's metaphorically, it's her.
00:57:00 You know what I mean?
00:57:02 Look at those ******* eyes.
00:57:05 Look at those ******* eyes.
00:57:08 You know, in some ways people have.
00:57:09 Said like, oh, I.
00:57:10 Don't like the mask mandates because it's so hard to see people's expressions.
00:57:16 I get what?
00:57:16 You're saying, but in a lot of ways it makes.
00:57:19 You focus on the eyes.
00:57:22 It makes you focus on the eyes.
00:57:25 And especially with a lot of these crazy ******* communists, they have crazy eyes.
00:57:31 A shocking number of them have crazy eyes.
00:57:36 In fact, let's talk about crazy eyes for a second here.
00:57:40 There's the Japanese came up with.
00:57:43 Let's see here.
00:57:52 It's called sanpaku.
00:57:56 Let me get.
00:57:59 Let me.
00:57:59 Get a diagram of this stuff.
00:58:07 Yeah, here it is.
00:58:18 So San paku.
00:58:22 It's kind of like physiognomy anyway.
00:58:25 Let me see if I can put this side by side with this woman's picture.
00:58:34 There we go.
Speaker 10
00:58:51 There's a whole.
00:58:51 Lot of clicking involved in doing this.
00:58:53 Here we.
00:58:53 Go. Sorry about that.
00:58:57 So this is San Paku.
00:59:00 I know I'm saying it wrong, but that's OK. I'm not Japanese. I'm not going to learn your made-up language.
00:59:06 So in Sam paku.
00:59:09 Is it paku?
00:59:10 Let me see.
00:59:14 They have a couple of different ways of reading peoples's.
00:59:18 Psychiatric disorders just simply by their pupils and the.
00:59:24 Whites of their eyes.
00:59:26 So like I said, it's a form.
00:59:27 Of physiognomy.
00:59:29 But it kind of checks out and you know it kind of checks out because cartoonists since the beginning of cartoons.
Speaker 12
00:59:38 Have all used.
00:59:40 Different eye the pupil positioning and and the size of the whites of the eyes.
00:59:46 It's always exaggerated because it's a cartoon, but to convey different emotions and that wouldn't convey any emotion to you at all if there wasn't some truth to this.
00:59:55 And in fact this is probably goes to one of these same things about involuntary reactions.
01:00:00 Your brain probably knows when eye is do certain things that those people are thinking certain things or have different or have certain motives so that top one that where it says whites below 1 iris only.
01:00:17 That's a sign of stress in life.
01:00:20 And there it's someone.
01:00:23 It's probably accident prone and well, it's honestly, it's a sign of asymmetry, right?
01:00:28 And then the next one down is whites showing Iris on or I'm sorry, white whites showing below the iris?
01:00:36 So on both eyes, if the whites of their eyes are below each iris are normal when they're just looking normally right, that is a sign.
01:00:48 Have a lot of pressure.
01:00:52 Be aware of the situation that says these eyes want to unload, so this is someone that's.
01:00:59 That's under a lot of pressure and might.
01:01:01 Might ******* snap.
01:01:03 The next one down is the, so the third one down lights below eyes half of the iris visible.
01:01:11 So this is the eyelids are covering about half of the the iris and the whites of the eyes are seen below.
01:01:21 The iris, like in the previous example and this says be very cautious, extreme pressure.
01:01:28 These eyes are hiding something.
01:01:31 The next one below it says whites below half of the iris showing and glassy eyed.
01:01:40 So basically the same thing.
01:01:43 Only you know kind of.
01:01:46 Glassy eyed and it says don't walk, run away.
01:01:50 These eyes have psychotic tendencies.
01:01:54 And then the very bottom one, the.
01:01:55 One that she's got.
01:02:01 It says 3 whites visible the eyes of a psychopathic killer.
01:02:08 These eyes want to gain power from you.
01:02:13 And that's that's exactly the eyes that she has.
01:02:18 You can't, right?
01:02:19 That's exactly the she has the eyes of a ******* psychopath.
01:02:26 It's easy to see.
01:02:28 Easy to ******* see.
01:02:29 Physiognomy and maybe this stuff, the sambuco.
01:02:32 Or whatever, but definitely.
01:02:35 And so I could see how this would be.
01:02:37 The same.
01:02:38 It is science talking about like, oh, we trust the science.
01:02:45 Well, then you would trust this ****.
01:02:49 I'll get down to the next one here.
01:03:02 $1.00 Diddy Boo Sex Swing addition when goyem.
01:03:09 I don't.
01:03:10 I'm not going to do a a a stream about sex swings.
01:03:15 I don't.
01:03:16 Think Farmer Gray $5 if you made a teenage preteen educational video on how to spot subversion, anti white Christian propaganda, I would gladly pay 30 to 50 for two hours, something we could put into a based Sunday school class. And yes, I do know people that would buy it too.
01:03:37 Doesn't even need to be high production quality, you know, like a just like a A2 hour education class that you could play in.
01:03:46 Sunday school.
01:03:47 That might be interesting.
01:03:48 You know, I think honestly, this is the kind of thing that I have been thinking about because, you know, there needs to be home school curriculum that that points this stuff stuff out because it is going to get crazier.
01:04:02 It's going to get.
01:04:02 Way ******* crazier.
01:04:04 I mean, in fact, you know, you guys might have seen.
01:04:06 This on red ice.
01:04:07 And it's an old video, but they they played the last couple streams.
01:04:10 And that's, that's where I saw it and I'd seen stuff from this channel, but I've never seen this specific video.
01:04:17 There's a channel on YouTube called.
01:04:20 I mean, it's basically the opposite of what you're.
01:04:22 Talking about.
01:04:23 It's it's communist propaganda for children and it's called.
01:04:29 What is it?
01:04:30 Called radical cram, something or other I don't remember.
01:04:34 It's radical something.
01:04:36 And here I'll pop up one of these I.
01:04:38 Mean it's it's radical cram school is what?
Speaker 24
01:04:40 It's called.
01:04:42 And it's ******* it's ******* terrifying.
01:04:45 It's ******* terrifying that they're this is the kind of.
01:04:48 Stuff that they're that they're teaching kids.
01:04:51 And so I'm going to.
01:04:53 Bring this up.
01:04:53 Real quick.
01:04:55 I'm going to play.
01:04:55 A part of.
01:04:56 It just cause I need to.
01:04:58 Use the the little the little pill box.
01:05:01 Or that's not right.
01:05:02 Now, these little boys room.
01:05:05 Here we go. This is.
01:05:08 Well, I got to get rid of.
01:05:09 The eyeballs the crazy.
01:05:10 Eyes, which this woman probably also has.
01:05:17 So check out our ****** ** this stuff is.
Speaker 9
01:05:22 Rebels, we cannot understand structural racism by just hearing about it.
01:05:28 We have to experience it so.
01:05:31 In front of.
01:05:32 You are four boxes and this is the game.
01:05:36 When I say go, all of you will stand up.
01:05:39 You will.
Speaker 12
01:05:39 Pick up a.
01:05:40 Box and if you can open it within 15 seconds.
Speaker 9
01:05:43 You get to keep what's inside.
Speaker 1
01:05:45 1/2.
Speaker 23
01:05:49 It's not.
01:05:50 We go yet, she didn't say.
Speaker 9
01:05:53 3 low running low running this is.
Speaker 12
01:05:55 Not a Black Friday Stampede.
01:05:57 Open it.
01:05:58 Open it.
01:05:59 It open in 15 seconds.
Speaker 23
01:06:02 It's the colors it's based on what the colors are. It's the 75% of a cookie.
Speaker 12
01:06:07 Alyssa, will you read yours?
Speaker 23
01:06:08 1st it's 50 event earn 55% of what what men earn.
01:06:21 Earn 60% of what white women men earn.
01:06:27 That's definitely not fair.
Speaker 1
01:06:28 I know.
Speaker 23
01:06:29 White women earn 75% of what white men earn.
01:06:36 Isn't women earn 84% of?
01:06:39 What white men earn?
01:06:44 So yeah, they're basically train.
01:06:46 Getting kids to hate white people from the earliest ******* age possible.
01:06:51 So we need to have an answer to that.
01:06:53 I mean, there's lots of stuff.
01:06:54 This channel is ******* terrible.
01:06:55 Like it's got all kinds of videos.
01:06:57 It's not just this.
01:06:58 This is one of the worst, but.
01:07:00 There's there's another one.
01:07:01 This really ******* ****** me off.
01:07:03 They had one that was about.
01:07:05 Media media studies.
01:07:08 And I was like, oh, what they're going to.
01:07:11 What are they gonna talk about?
01:07:12 They can't talk about Jews, right?
01:07:14 Yeah, they do.
01:07:15 But they.
01:07:15 Call them white people.
01:07:21 Alright, so check.
01:07:22 This out and and.
01:07:25 What's most shocking is just the instant response from one of her students.
01:07:29 Listen to this.
Speaker 12
01:07:30 Ohh my young comrades.
01:07:34 I'm going to.
01:07:35 Show a picture.
01:07:36 This is my way of figuring out if you've been tainted by the patriarchy.
Speaker 23
01:07:40 What do you think it is?
01:07:46 Like there's just like this thing about white people that just makes me feel.
01:07:53 Did you hear that?
01:07:56 There's just this thing about white people that makes me freaked out, a little.
01:08:00 Creeped out.
01:08:05 They're training children.
01:08:08 From early.
01:08:09 Early on.
01:08:12 To hate white people.
01:08:14 This is why you don't want your kids anywhere.
01:08:16 Near a public school.
01:08:21 Because some version of this is happening in your public school.
01:08:27 But but this is this is what's infuriating.
01:08:29 She calls.
01:08:30 She calls.
01:08:31 If you're just listening, she's holding up a picture of Harvey Weinstein.
01:08:36 Harvey Weinstein.
01:08:39 And he.
Speaker 23
01:08:41 Like is there like right there in a pool and I'm just like walking into the pool and they're just give me the desk.
01:08:46 And then I'm just like, so this guy.
Speaker 12
01:08:48 Was in the pool.
01:08:50 You would moonwalk out.
01:08:52 Does he look like a?
01:08:53 Good guy or?
Speaker 9
01:08:53 A bad guy?
01:08:54 Hi, guys.
Speaker 12
01:08:55 Who do you think this is?
01:08:57 Make a guess.
01:09:01 And if you're just listening, it's a another Jew.
01:09:05 It's uh.
01:09:06 Oh, what's his nuts?
01:09:09 Oh, man.
01:09:11 The guy who married the his his his Asian daughter.
01:09:17 I can't believe I'm *******.
01:09:19 Blank on this guy's name.
01:09:22 I gotta catch up on chat.
01:09:23 Chat. What's his name?
01:09:26 No, no, that's not Larry David.
01:09:28 This is the guy that uh, he made ants.
01:09:31 He made a bunch of other like terrible.
01:09:34 He's very jewy.
01:09:36 What are you, what are you doing?
01:09:37 What are you yelling?
01:09:38 Oh my God.
01:09:38 I can't believe.
01:09:39 I forgot that.
01:09:39 So she she just.
01:09:41 Showed a room for these kids.
01:09:46 A photo of a ****** Jew and said yeah, white man.
01:09:51 Gross ewe.
01:09:53 And then she hold held is.
01:09:55 Now holding up another picture of a ****** Jew.
01:09:58 And saying, oh gross white people ewe.
Speaker 9
01:10:02 Who's he married to?
01:10:04 Who's your guest?
Speaker 23
01:10:05 Katy Perry.
01:10:11 Alright, of course, Donald Trump all what?
01:10:14 Look at that.
01:10:15 Look at that programmed reaction.
01:10:20 Yeah, they didn't need help with that one.
01:10:25 So yeah, this is it's absolutely important that we come up with with content for kids because.
01:10:32 The left has been doing it.
01:10:34 For a really really, really.
01:10:35 Long ******* time and in the same way that their adult content.
01:10:39 Is getting a lot more on the nose.
01:10:42 Their children's content is getting a lot more on the ******* nose.
01:10:47 So this is the horrifying shift that we're up against.
01:10:50 And look, this isn't this is not happening.
01:10:54 I don't think in a public school this is probably a bunch of communists and maybe it's a private school or something, something like.
01:11:02 But she's got a whole channel with lots of these videos and it's look it's well.
01:11:06 Produced they.
01:11:08 I mean they you can tell that they have money.
01:11:10 They've got money for motion graphics and for editing and they've got good sound.
01:11:14 They've got good.
01:11:16 Camera equipment.
01:11:17 They've got good coverage, so they've got multiple cameras going on.
01:11:23 They've got the ability to have these kids meet up, they have the the costumes made.
01:11:28 I mean, this isn't wasn't a cheap thing.
01:11:30 This wasn't a cheap thing that someone just threw together.
01:11:36 So yeah, I, you know, I was thinking about honestly.
01:11:41 I was thinking about doing like a children's book that talked about.
01:11:48 That talked about the diversity problem in a way that didn't talk about people like metaphorically explained.
01:11:59 That, you know, maybe like 1 metaphor.
01:12:02 I was kind of thinking of is you could have, oh, well, here you you have these kinds of plants on your farm.
01:12:10 And they require this much water and this much sun.
01:12:13 And and this much, you know, whatever.
01:12:16 And, you know, these plants over here and they they produce a different kind of fruit and they, you know, they take longer or whatever or you know, but they require different amounts of water and food and whatever.
01:12:28 And if you stick them all together.
01:12:30 And you try to water them and feed them to the way that you know just one or the other wants, the other will die off.
01:12:38 And if you try to find some little medium crappy, you know, compromise so that you know.
01:12:45 That you'll keep.
01:12:45 Some of them alive, but they won't produce as well, and they'll be all ****** looking.
01:12:51 And you know, do some kind of maybe that's not the best metaphor, but maybe a metaphor like that where a kid can start to understand just the concept that, ohh, different things.
01:13:01 Different life forms are are different.
01:13:04 And they need different requirements.
01:13:06 And another thing I was thinking just doing, I mean, I remember when I was a kid, I stayed at my grandparents house and they had in this in the room that I stayed in, they had like a whole bookshelf full of these readers, digest versions of of, you know, great.
01:13:23 Literature and and a lot of these weird novels like, but they were written for like young young boys, right, young boy novels from.
01:13:33 Like the 30s or something like that.
01:13:35 So like these weird adventure novels and stuff like that.
01:13:38 But I think maybe I don't know.
01:13:40 My grandpa had had had when he was.
01:13:42 A kid or something.
01:13:43 And I read a couple of them because I was at there.
01:13:47 I mean, they had like, a a ranch out in.
01:13:50 California and I stayed there for, you know, like basically the summer.
01:13:55 And there wasn't like a whole lot to do all the time.
01:13:58 So I read a.
01:13:58 Lot of those books and.
01:14:01 There was a lot of those books that involved, like it was a white guy who went into, like #1 specifically. He was a white guy, that that was in the the, the Seminole part of of Florida.
01:14:15 And having to deal with the Seminole Indians and the Seminole Indians, you know, wanted to kill him because he was white and like they didn't, you know.
01:14:24 And it was very much.
01:14:25 Pro white like you.
01:14:26 Know the whole book was about the white guy.
01:14:28 And it was from the point of view.
01:14:29 That he was.
01:14:31 You know, he was the good guy and they were.
01:14:32 The bad guys.
01:14:34 And there was lots of books like that.
01:14:35 Or the like.
01:14:36 You know, the savages and and stuff like that.
01:14:39 And I just think that finding older literature.
01:14:43 To expose your kids to because a lot of the stuff's already been written is a good thing. If you want to talk about how to .1 thing that has shocked me is I've had a lot of people contact me and tell me that.
Speaker 1
01:14:58 They didn't see.
01:15:00 The subversion in movies until they'd watched a lot of my videos and now they see it all the time and I was surprised because like, I honestly I didn't think.
01:15:10 I mean I, but I I I just.
01:15:12 I didn't think it was that hard to see and I didn't realize that that I had a unique perspective having well, seeing way too many movies, but also studying to to make movies.
01:15:23 And that most people don't think about that stuff because it's just, you know, it's it's a passive thing watching a movie, you sit down and your brain.
01:15:31 Kind of shuts off on by design.
01:15:33 That's how it's supposed to work.
01:15:35 And you just kind of take in the story and there's just lots of little details like, not most people weren't doing what I was doing because I wanted to make a career out of it.
01:15:43 So I was sitting there analyzing every little thing and you know, just and and you know whether it was, you know, camera angles or or, you know edits or dialogue or just every, every little thing.
01:15:55 I'm just, you know, trying to analyze, like, oh, why did they do that or what?
01:15:58 What was what?
01:15:59 What kind of emotionally trying to, you know, produce with this?
01:16:02 And I didn't realize that most people like that was the weirdo, is what I'm saying.
01:16:07 And so I think you're right.
01:16:09 I think that would be a useful tool for kids to have, especially if they're going to be out.
01:16:14 There because look we.
01:16:15 Can we can keep this stuff from them for so long for as?
01:16:19 Much as we.
01:16:19 Can right and.
01:16:22 Look if if we are able to build communities like a parallel economy and all this stuff, it's it sounds a little pie in the sky to be.
01:16:29 But like I think that should be our ideal and that's the sort of thing we should.
01:16:33 Be working towards.
01:16:35 There's still.
01:16:36 You still don't want to have kids that can't be exposed.
01:16:40 You know, one of the things that happen I noticed growing up as a Mormon kid, there was a lot.
01:16:45 I I I I went bad.
01:16:47 I guess you could say pretty early on.
01:16:50 But there was a lot of Mormon girls and guys that were completely by the book.
01:16:57 Molly Mormon followed all the rules, gave you dirty looks.
01:17:01 If you drank, you know, Coke or anything with caffeine in it.
01:17:06 Certainly like if you smoked like that was like, whoo, that was like smoking crack.
01:17:11 And then the second they got out of their parents house, like the second they turned 18 and they went to college or whatever, like, just went ******* off the rails.
01:17:21 Off the ******* rails like they had no.
01:17:26 Way to control themselves because they had no tolerance built up to the degeneracy out there because they had been kept.
Speaker 20
01:17:35 From it.
01:17:36 You know, they they went to school and I guess they encountered some of it at.
01:17:40 But that was that was the extent of it.
01:17:42 They only hung out with other Mormons.
01:17:43 Everything they did socially was with other Mormons.
01:17:47 And then they go to State College.
01:17:49 End up going and literally there.
01:17:51 There would be women that I wouldn't.
01:17:53 I would see them in church.
01:17:55 You know, when they were like 17 or something.
01:17:57 Like that and.
01:17:58 Then years would go by and I'd bump into one of them at a party and they'd be like ******* like.
01:18:03 Super high on ecstasy.
01:18:05 And with the thousand **** stare and just, you know, just a ******* mess and you're just like, wow, holy **** like.
Speaker 12
01:18:14 What happened to you?
01:18:16 And it's because they didn't have the tools to counteract that, that degeneracy once.
01:18:22 They were out of.
Speaker 20
01:18:23 The house.
01:18:24 So I think it's a mistake to completely keep your children sheltered from that sort of thing.
01:18:29 I mean, maybe when they're really young.
01:18:32 But I think you need to ease them into this stuff and just let make get them get them to understand.
01:18:39 And honestly, I'd be really.
01:18:40 Specific about it.
01:18:41 Let them know not just that.
01:18:43 Oh, well, sometimes there's movers with because.
01:18:45 Here's the mistake.
01:18:47 Anytime you try to tell your kid about the world but protect them about part of the evil or or the real reason behind it, kids aren't ******* stupid.
01:18:58 So if you leave something out, they're going to know you love something out or you're going to sound stupid.
01:19:03 So you're going to sound unbelievable.
01:19:05 Like when my parents tried to tell me.
01:19:08 Why I shouldn't, you know, smoke pot.
01:19:10 And they had never done it and they had no concept of what that it was even like or.
01:19:15 And I knew this.
01:19:16 So I.
01:19:16 Didn't ******* listen to him.
01:19:19 So you can't just, you have to just be honest and say look.
01:19:21 There is a group.
01:19:23 That has subverted our country and one of the ways they did it was they took over the the film industry and they also happened to have a large stake in in just media in general, whether you're talking about the news.
01:19:39 Whether you're talking about publishing, whether you're talking about record labels, there's an outside group that can do the Christian America.
01:19:47 They hated Christians and they slowly needle away at.
01:19:52 It at the.
01:19:52 The moral fiber of.
01:19:53 It I mean, look, there was an article about this.
01:19:57 Actually, The funny thing it's it's about.
01:19:59 This was way before.
01:20:01 Santa Ink came out.
01:20:02 Let me see here.
01:20:09 Hopefully they didn't take it down.
01:20:10 This was from a news.
01:20:16 Yeah, you know what?
01:20:17 They took it.
01:20:17 They might have taken it down just because.
01:20:19 It was so on the nose.
01:20:21 I think it was from harriets or from.
01:20:25 The Jerusalem times.
01:20:31 Oh, here we go.
01:20:32 It's from haritz.
01:20:35 So I **** you not the headline.
01:20:40 Is dirty Jews and the Christian right?
01:20:46 Oh, it's going to make.
01:20:46 It's trying to make me log in.
01:20:48 I wonder if this has been archived.
01:20:57 I'm going to try to load this up so we can read the article.
01:21:00 I'm not giving here.
01:21:00 It's money.
01:21:08 OK, it was cashed and it came out in 2018.
01:21:15 So I'm bringing up a cached version of this.
01:21:20 If it ever loads up.
01:21:24 Come on, slow Internet.
01:21:27 Here we are.
01:21:30 Ohh no, it's trying to do it here too.
01:21:33 Oh, that's not good.
01:21:36 Archive dot IAS see if they've got it.
01:21:47 But anyway, the the article basically is saying it's it's it's a great thing that we have Jews in Western society who are essentially destroying the moral fiber of America.
01:22:02 Like that's.
01:22:03 It's a good thing.
01:22:04 Like, that's the article.
01:22:09 Here, look all look while that's loading.
01:22:14 I've noticed archive dot IIS has become a complete ***** ** ****, probably because that we we were using it too much.
01:22:31 Alright, so this is.
01:22:36 Just so you guys can see, I'm not making.
01:22:37 This up.
01:22:44 This is from haritz.
01:22:47 And they're bragging about people like Sarah Silverman and Larry David challenging America as powerful religious, family friendly culture and and asserting their Jewishness by glorifying obscenity.
01:23:06 They're bragging.
01:23:06 They're saying that this is inherits a Jewish newspaper, not one.
01:23:12 They're most of them are Jewish, but like an openly Jewish newspaper.
01:23:18 In in in the section of the newspaper that's called Jewish world.
01:23:24 And the headline is dirty Jews.
01:23:27 And the Christian right.
01:23:29 Brilliant actors like Larry David and Sarah and Sarah Silverman are challenging America's powerful religious, family-friendly like like cause that's bad, right? Apparently, having a powerful religious family friendly culture is bad.
01:23:46 Challenging America's powerful religious, family, friendly culture, and asserting their Jewishness.
01:23:54 By glorifying obscenity.
01:24:01 And again, this is from.
01:24:04 This looks like it was from 2014.
01:24:10 2014.
01:24:13 They were bragging about this.
01:24:16 This is great.
01:24:21 They're talking, and this isn't.
01:24:23 By the time I hear it said I can't read the.
01:24:24 Whole thing.
01:24:25 Yet it's still stupid like archive.
01:24:27 I asked just sitting there.
01:24:29 But the part that I can read without giving them a dollar in a tidy coincidence, 2 separate videos went viral last week, demonstrating that American Jews love affair with obscenity is still going strong.
01:24:41 Sarah Silverman talks about being visited by Jesus, who asks her to spread a message.
01:24:46 About women's.
01:24:46 Reproductive rights.
01:24:48 We've got to legislate that ****, the comedian said, mocking.
01:24:52 Conservatives who want to use the law to limit women's healthcare options no who want to limit women's ability to murder babies.
01:25:03 So there you go.
01:25:06 You need when you teach your kids.
01:25:09 About how to spot subversion, you have to tell them the full story.
01:25:15 Yeah, just with any, like anything, you don't have to give them every many goody detail.
01:25:19 They're not going to be able, just like if, let's say you want your kid to be a physicist.
01:25:25 You're not going to just launch into the most complex mathematical equations possible.
01:25:32 I mean you.
01:25:33 Know. Learn how.
01:25:33 To to walk before you can run.
01:25:37 So you don't just launch into like you know, every little thing that you know and every little detail about everything.
01:25:43 But you just tell.
01:25:44 Them like look.
01:25:45 There is a group of people that came to our country when it was once great.
01:25:51 And this might.
01:25:52 Be this.
01:25:53 In fact, this in and of itself could be a good children's book.
01:25:57 You know that there.
01:25:58 Was once we once had a great country.
01:26:00 It didn't used to look like this.
01:26:04 Look, there's zoomers.
01:26:06 That have no experience of what a non multicultural America was.
01:26:13 And look I.
01:26:14 Honestly, I almost never lived anywhere white.
01:26:17 I lived in very multicultural areas growing up, so I don't even know what that's like.
01:26:23 Like there were limited environments in which there was a lot more white people, but by and large there was a lot of non whites.
01:26:32 And so you should.
01:26:32 Make I mean.
01:26:33 Look, it might.
01:26:34 Not be a bad idea to have a book that says America was once a great place and they had a great people and these people made something good and and had these values.
01:26:44 And then another group of people.
01:26:47 Wanted to undermine that.
01:26:50 And so they showed up.
01:26:53 And they took over the the newspapers.
01:26:57 And they took over the publishing houses.
01:27:00 And they took over the theatres.
01:27:03 And they took over the radio.
01:27:05 They took over the television networks and they took over the the Academia.
01:27:12 And slowly but surely, they were able to undermine and unravel.
01:27:17 That good thing that our people had and look, you can just keep it as vague as possible and it's just easy to understand.
01:27:25 I don't.
01:27:26 I don't see anything wrong with teaching kids that, and if you do, it's.
01:27:31 Because you don't believe it.
01:27:34 It's because you don't believe it.
01:27:35 If you think that's the truth.
01:27:36 Then I do.
01:27:40 Why would you hide that from your kids?
01:27:43 Oh, he's not old enough to know about that yet.
01:27:45 Is he old enough to know that if he walks out on the street?
01:27:47 He might get hit by a ******* car.
01:27:50 Because that's just as scary.
01:27:52 Why are you telling about that?
01:27:56 This this whole idea.
01:27:57 Oh, he's not old enough.
01:27:58 You have to know that.
01:28:00 Like you said.
01:28:01 Yeah, you can't.
01:28:02 You don't have to.
01:28:02 Sit there and slap the a copy of the.
01:28:06 What is the the writings?
01:28:08 The elder Zion, or whatever the **** like you have to give?
01:28:10 Him mine comp and be like you're.
01:28:12 Do a book.
01:28:12 Report on this when he's ******* 6.
Speaker 1
01:28:17 Right. But they got to.
01:28:19 Know they have to know that there.
01:28:21 Is this is?
01:28:23 Look, they're admitting it.
01:28:29 They're smugly admitting it.
01:28:35 And look I.
01:28:36 I think sometimes, you know, look, sometimes we we do get hyper focused on just the Jewish aspect of it.
01:28:42 That's not I don't think that's that's.
01:28:44 The way to go either.
01:28:46 Because there's a lot more to this problem than just Jewish influence.
01:28:51 But you can't talk about the problem without talking about the Jewish influence.
01:28:56 And it's a major piece to this puzzle.
01:28:58 In fact, it's probably about half.
01:28:59 The puzzle right?
01:29:02 But that's why you need to teach your kids about it and just say, like, look in our society, there's.
01:29:07 These people, they.
01:29:07 They in the same way that you would tell people you know your kids about not talking to strangers, don't get into some weird guys van because he's got candy.
01:29:17 This is the same ******* ****.
01:29:23 It's the same exact ******* ****.
01:29:27 And this article never loaded up.
01:29:35 Maybe it did.
01:29:38 Alright, cool.
01:29:39 Well, let me brace through real.
01:29:40 Quick, see what?
01:29:43 What they're talking about specifically.
01:29:50 Yeah, so this.
01:29:51 Is they're talking about a video.
01:29:53 Maybe we should.
01:29:53 Watch that video.
01:29:55 So Sarah Silverman did a video with with Jesus.
01:30:02 So this is not her.
01:30:03 First rodeo.
01:30:15 So I'm going to start downloading that and I'll read over this article and we'll take a look at this video.
01:30:23 OK.
01:30:25 As far as I know, only Silverman has publicly called herself a dirty Jew, purring the words alluringly in her 2005 performance film Jesus is magic, but David's gleeful, exuberant, and immutable spewing of obscenity suggest he might not exactly mind being thought.
01:30:44 Of as a dirty Jew.
01:30:46 Tell me about Larry David in my recently published book Unclean Lips, Obscenity, Jews and American culture.
01:30:53 I explained why beginning in the late 19th century, American Jews have found the explicit representation of sex four letter words.
01:31:03 So very useful.
01:31:06 The answers vary some.
01:31:08 Some Jews use obscenity to fight anti-Semitism.
01:31:11 Oh, really?
01:31:11 How's that working out for you while others use it to rewrite traditional Jewish stories and contemporary idiom?
01:31:19 Silverman and David suggest another reason, one that's specific to our own historical moment, which can be understood if we look at who's fighting for tighter controls on obscenity in America today.
01:31:31 If you watch cable television and listen to podcasts, you might think that there's no longer any regulation of obscenity in the United States at all.
01:31:39 But the Protect Act of 2003 introduced several new prohibitions on sexual representation, particularly of minors. Ohh, that's.
01:31:47 Such a bad thing.
Speaker 12
01:31:49 We shouldn't.
01:31:50 This is in their ******* newspaper.
01:31:56 The Jewish writer, who is super excited about the Jews undermining the family friendly culture of America, is lamenting legislation.
01:32:12 That was trying to protect children from sexualization.
01:32:32 Yeah. Then it goes.
01:32:32 On and goes on about how awesome it is.
01:32:39 That they are undermining our society and then mentioned specifically this video.
01:32:45 Ohh, you know, that's why it's downloading so.
01:32:46 Slow. I should have.
01:32:47 Made it downloaded a lower quality.
01:32:49 I keep forgetting my.
01:32:50 Internet so horrible.
01:32:52 All right, so the video in question.
01:32:56 Which should be done in 8 seconds.
01:33:00 Is called.
01:33:01 Sarah Silverman is visited by Jesus Christ.
01:33:07 And again, this is this was out in 2012.
01:33:14 So they're ******** on you on the Christian religion is nothing new.
Speaker 22
01:33:34 OK, last night I was visited by Jesus Christ.
01:33:36 Like the Jesus Christ.
01:33:41 And he told me how he was really bummed.
01:33:43 By all these things.
Speaker 20
01:33:44 People who use my name for intolerance and oppression to spread my message to the people.
Speaker 22
01:33:48 And I was like, wow.
01:33:49 Then he said, I want you.
01:33:54 And I was like.
01:33:55 Me. No.
01:33:56 One's going to listen.
Speaker 22
01:33:57 To me, and he.
01:33:58 Was like, yeah, that's the test.
Speaker 20
01:34:00 Even if they think you're kidding.
01:34:02 They'll hear it.
01:34:04 And they'll make their own choice.
Speaker 22
01:34:06 And I was like, you know, maybe there are other ways to go about it that might kind of make more sense.
01:34:10 We could get a couple legal.
01:34:11 Pads and we could.
01:34:12 Just kind of riff, sit around the kitchen table.
01:34:14 Work on this and he was.
01:34:15 Just staring at.
01:34:16 Me like.
Speaker 20
01:34:17 I'm Jesus ******* Christ.
Speaker 22
01:34:21 And then I figured he'd leave, but he stayed and we ended up watching, like, a whole NCIS marathon.
01:34:27 It is a drama, but there's a lot of.
01:34:29 Like witty.
01:34:30 Banter and silly moments and it's a fun show.
Speaker 15
01:34:33 Hey, we just got back from the crime scene.
01:34:34 It looks like the XY coordinates that we read off the Skylab couldn't possibly match up with the striations that we found on the other rocket fodder.
01:34:41 We also found some lipstick on the door knob.
01:34:43 It doesn't match.
01:34:44 The Petty Officer.
01:34:44 But it's pretty clear the staff Sergeant.
01:34:46 Has some idea and you know what?
Speaker 22
01:34:47 Is crazy. Is now.
01:34:48 That I know.
01:34:49 Jesus more.
01:34:50 He is such a Dinozzo.
01:34:52 So anyway, I'm sitting there and I get a little heavy and.
01:34:56 I'm like.
Speaker 25
01:34:57 Jesus, when does life begin?
Speaker 20
01:35:01 At 40.
Speaker 22
01:35:05 What? And he was like.
Speaker 15
01:35:07 The fertilized eggs aren't people.
01:35:08 People are people.
01:35:12 Fertilized eggs aren't people.
01:35:14 People are people.
Speaker 12
01:35:17 See this is This is why they're maybe.
01:35:21 If they're surprised.
01:35:24 This is why there may be surprised about the backlash to Santa Inc, because they've been doing this for ******* years.
01:35:36 See before and This is why it's so important to point out to your kids that they're it's a specific.
01:35:42 Group doing it.
01:35:46 Because before when, just like all these boomers and even a lot of Gen.
01:35:51 Xers that I don't see race.
01:35:54 Well, they don't see race.
01:35:56 They don't they they they can't notice a ******* black guy.
01:35:58 They're not going.
01:35:59 To notice a Jew.
01:36:01 So when they see stuff like this.
01:36:04 They're not connecting the dots.
01:36:05 They're really not like they're really not.
01:36:08 Look, I wasn't.
01:36:12 I told the story about the the the friend of mine that told me, hey, you know, just start every time.
01:36:16 You see something like this?
01:36:18 Like this on the screen, just check, just look at their early life and look I think.
01:36:22 A lot of us were like that, right?
01:36:25 Because if I had just watched that before, I would have been.
01:36:27 Like, wow, that's really blasphemous.
01:36:30 Our society is really going down the tubes.
01:36:34 But I would think it was just like this organic thing.
01:36:38 I would think it was just like this.
01:36:40 Ohh well, I guess you know that.
01:36:41 That's just what happens.
01:36:43 Yeah, that's just our society is just kind of, you know, in a death spiral because just reasons.
01:36:56 Well, it's important to know what those.
01:36:57 Reasons are.
01:36:59 If a you want to fix the problem and B you want to.
01:37:02 Prevent it from.
01:37:02 Happening again.
01:37:07 So it's really important you tell your.
01:37:08 Kids about this stuff.
01:37:11 I don't want to watch anymore of this crap.
01:37:13 I think we all know.
01:37:15 I think we all know how.
01:37:16 It's going to go.
01:37:24 Bring it back to.
01:37:31 It looks I like the the amount that you guys have tipped.
01:37:39 I I have noticed I have noticed the the.
01:37:44 The attempt at the 1488.
01:37:46 14488 well done. Well done. Well done people to chat.
01:37:52 All right, let's see what we got here.
Speaker 1
01:37:57 Bomb bomb. Selfie.
01:38:03 OK.
01:38:04 And so that was all a very long answer to farmer Gray.
01:38:07 Yeah, I'll.
01:38:08 I'll think about maybe doing something like that and more than just that.
01:38:12 Like, like I said, I.
01:38:13 Want to?
01:38:13 I want to make children's books.
01:38:16 Based race mixer Sarah literally has the same eyes as Spectre.
01:38:22 Just saying.
01:38:24 Yeah, I know.
01:38:24 She's got the same physiognomy.
01:38:26 Look, look, genetically speaking, if you picked a random Jew in Israel, Ashkenazi Jew and a random Ashkenazi Jew in America, they're going to be very generically similar, very generically similar.
01:38:43 There's, there's there's, I mean, there's a reason why they have a.
01:38:45 There's a Jewish physiognomy in the first place.
01:38:49 They are very genetically close the pill dispenser.
01:38:54 This is a message for Dev and it's I want to make videos to promote the stream on my old YouTube channel.
01:39:00 Starting January 1st, 2022, but I can't do it myself. Need people to do abstract to voice over, et cetera. If you want to help, just send an e-mail.
01:39:10 To the pill dispenser@protonmail.com.
01:39:16 Thank you, the pill dispenser.
01:39:19 Hammer authorizing $5 as a fellow enthusiast of Russian music, I suggest you look up and maybe play the following.
01:39:29 I'm gonna have to read this.
01:39:30 My my sounding out is.
01:39:32 Is rough.
01:39:34 Is that the Strack?
01:39:38 Strache Naya struck naya.
01:39:44 The remote car.
01:39:46 I don't think I said that right at all.
01:39:50 I'll look that up, point out.
01:39:56 Alright, I'm not going to play it right now, but I'll play.
01:39:58 It later.
01:39:59 Maybe that'll be maybe.
01:40:00 It'll be a good intro song.
01:40:04 ******** fagot.
01:40:05 It's possible for whites to fix demographics problems after **** hits the fan, but they'll need to be ultra right wing nationalist tankies Stalinists about tackling it and may need to commit war crime or two.
01:40:18 Well, yeah.
01:40:18 I honestly though, if you, realistically speaking, I don't think there's just going.
01:40:22 To be like some uprising and and.
01:40:24 Nothing like that.
01:40:25 You're going to have, at least in America, you're going to have.
01:40:28 It's going to be states wanting to leave the Union.
01:40:31 Because you're going to have power structures that are intact that want to stay intact, that see.
01:40:38 A a opportunity to have their own country.
01:40:43 So you're going to have governors that.
01:40:47 You know they're governors because they like power.
01:40:50 That's why they're governors.
01:40:52 And if America is on the decline in a big way, and you know the economy is trash and you've got a lot of stuff, like enough stuff in your state, the way you feel like you.
Speaker 17
01:41:04 Could be self.
01:41:05 Sufficient or maybe a couple of states together?
01:41:09 I mean, look, it's it's being openly discussed by state government officials right now, like, you know, right now it's just tweets, right?
01:41:18 It's just tweets.
01:41:19 You know some.
01:41:21 AG or, you know, state AG or some governor will say like well, you know maybe we.
01:41:26 Should leave the.
01:41:27 Union and it's just like this throwaway.
01:41:29 Line and yeah, maybe it's to.
01:41:31 Get the boomers excited or whatever.
01:41:33 But that that kind of talk has never been ever been uttered in my lifetime.
01:41:38 So I think that if anything is gonna happen, you're gonna have.
01:41:41 A breakup, or maybe a white or a black?
01:41:44 Swan event where you can.
01:41:46 Or a white or called a white swan event.
01:41:50 Even though that would basically mean it was very common.
01:41:56 Uh $1.00 from Denny Boo. Will you ever talk about the Chinese factory city, the Chinese factory setting? I didn't really look too much into that.
01:42:07 And I remember back when there were Chinese people throwing themselves off of Foxconn buildings every other day, it seemed like.
01:42:14 And that was kind.
01:42:15 A big deal.
01:42:16 I think honestly a lot of that was just.
01:42:18 Because you remember.
01:42:19 The the media's control that and.
01:42:20 They've they've, they have their own agenda.
01:42:24 So I would imagine there was an agenda there too, like what they maybe they wanted more advertising dollars out of Apple.
01:42:30 They knew if they kept making stories about Foxconn employees suiciding themselves rather than make *******.
01:42:35 IPhones till their hands bleed, you know, then maybe Apple would throw them some more advertising money.
01:42:41 I don't know.
01:42:42 But there used to be those stories all the time.
01:42:44 I doubt it's any better.
01:42:45 I don't know if that's what you're talking about specifically.
01:42:48 I don't, to be honest.
01:42:49 Don't know much about China.
01:42:50 Never been there, don't know Chinese.
01:42:56 $5.10 authors and I spent years working on psych units as a nurse, and if you pulled those of us in the field, I bet almost all of us would agree that the Japanese eye expression chart is valid. Yeah, like I said, I mean, I I. That's good to know. But also like cartoon characters.
01:43:16 That's how you know it's real in the same way.
01:43:18 That's how you.
01:43:18 Know physiognomy is real.
01:43:22 Like when you have cartoon characters that that look evil just as soon as you see them, you're like, oh, that's an evil guy.
01:43:28 Why would you?
01:43:29 Know that.
01:43:31 Just because of there are certain facial features that are.
01:43:34 Exaggerated. Why do you?
01:43:36 Think like, let's do a little test here.
01:43:40 If all I do.
01:43:43 Look up evil cartoon guy.
01:43:46 That's all I'm doing.
01:43:47 Evil cartoon guy.
01:43:51 This is a good one.
01:43:54 This is just one of the very this.
01:43:55 Is one of the top results.
01:44:02 So it's not.
01:44:03 I'm not not cherry picking here.
01:44:07 And now I'm going to.
01:44:08 Look up.
01:44:10 A good cartoon guy.
01:44:20 Alright, I'm just going to pick one of the.
01:44:24 One that's kind of similar in style, or at least the best I can do.
01:44:30 Well, you know, there's not really there in the same style, so I'll just pick the first one.
01:44:36 OK.
01:44:39 Well, it needs to have more features that that style doesn't have enough features.
01:44:48 Alright, so I'll find.
01:44:53 Bear with me.
01:44:54 I promise it'll be worth it.
01:45:01 Yeah, OK, this works.
01:45:08 So why is it?
01:45:11 If physiognomy is not a thing.
01:45:14 If it's totally just made-up.
Speaker 7
01:45:17 Right.
01:45:20 Why is it that universally?
01:45:28 That I put up these two cartoons.
01:45:32 You have heard their voice.
01:45:36 You don't know anything about them.
01:45:40 You're just seeing two cartoons that someone drew.
01:45:51 How do you know that?
01:45:51 One's the bad guy.
01:45:54 And one's the good guy.
01:45:59 I mean, they don't look like real people.
01:46:01 I mean, neither one of those people look like any human that's ever existed, right?
01:46:06 So how do you know?
01:46:08 That one is the good guy.
01:46:11 And what?
01:46:11 Is the bad guy.
01:46:15 And what are those traits?
01:46:17 That tell you that?
01:46:22 And also spoiler alert.
Speaker 3
01:46:25 Why do all the?
01:46:26 Bad guys always have big noses.
01:46:28 Just I'm just.
Speaker 3
01:46:29 I'm just doing it.
01:46:34 Check it out for yourself.
01:46:41 And look, a lot of these cartoonists were Jewish, and when they would draw bad guys, they would draw the same way.
01:46:48 Because they had to do.
01:46:51 Because that's what people understand.
01:46:58 And look same thing with this guy's eyes, right?
01:47:00 His eyes both these characters in.
01:47:02 Fact the bad guys got the.
01:47:04 Crazy eyes.
01:47:07 Good guys, got the normal.
01:47:09 Laid back eyes.
01:47:14 So yeah, all that stuff's real. And this group that happens to have a particular kind of physiognomy that might have contributed to why.
01:47:27 They have worked so hard to erase this technology.
01:47:33 This science.
01:47:35 That our people had.
01:47:41 Let me take a.
01:47:41 Look at the next one here.
01:47:44 Spiderman 1248 whatever. Hey, Devin. Thanks for everything you do in case any right. Toids and chats still do not.
01:47:53 That William Luther Pierce had a very simple explanation where he says that lemmings will never understand, nor do they want to understand.
01:48:02 And that propaganda is made to pull the 10% of the population that.
01:48:06 Think well.
01:48:08 I would say propaganda is more than that.
01:48:11 Propaganda, a lot of.
01:48:12 It depends on.
01:48:13 You know how saturated you can make the market?
01:48:17 It's your ability to normalize social norms.
01:48:20 Normies care about social norms and propaganda in large enough quantities can define, or at least shift social norms.
01:48:29 And that's exactly what Sarah Silverman has done, right?
01:48:32 That's this is you think this is anything?
01:48:35 Let me bring this back up again.
01:48:37 I got too many windows.
01:48:37 Open now.
01:48:39 I mean.
01:48:43 Do you think this is anything but propaganda?
01:48:49 This is propaganda.
01:48:53 Of course it's propaganda.
01:48:57 And it's funny because it's explicitly propaganda, her shirt says feminist on it.
01:49:04 She's talking specifically about abortion, how she wants abortion, while at the same time specifically ******** on the Christian religion.
01:49:16 And the golem.
01:49:23 But if you were to ask a lot of the people that gave this a thumbs up.
01:49:27 If they thought it was propaganda, they would say no.
01:49:30 That's not propaganda.
01:49:32 It's just a funny little YouTube video.
01:49:41 If you have the ability to saturate.
01:49:46 Everything that surrounds normies.
01:49:50 With your propaganda, things would change weirdly quick.
01:49:54 You'd be surprised if Sarah Silverman.
01:49:58 And it couldn't just be Sarah.
01:50:00 So it had to be Sarah Silverman and everyone like her, if you know what I.
01:50:03 Mean, and if you don't, Jews.
01:50:05 If all of a sudden all Jews.
01:50:09 In the propaganda.
01:50:12 And it would take you'd have.
01:50:13 To ease into.
01:50:14 It a little bit but maybe not.
01:50:16 I mean it seems like they can get these people to flip flop all over the place even when it comes to like you know.
01:50:20 When it comes to things like mask mandates, right.
01:50:23 Ohh masks.
01:50:24 Are bad masks are good, you know?
01:50:27 And it doesn't seem like it seems like the the amount of time it takes to get normies to swallow the new narrative is getting, like, shorter and shorter and shorter, so maybe it wouldn't take that long.
01:50:38 But if all the Jews in media suddenly wanted.
01:50:43 Normans to start going to church and baptize their kids. Like what? Who knows why? Let's just say we want it to be weird and dirty. If your kid's not baptized.
01:51:02 Baptisms would go through the roof.
01:51:05 Through the roof.
01:51:09 Like if every like if she were a video like this.
01:51:13 Only instead of talking about how awesome it is to kill babies and how Jesus wants you to kill babies.
01:51:21 It was Jesus wants you to, to baptize someone or or.
01:51:26 And she made it kind of funny.
01:51:28 Kind of edgy, but you should get your kid baptized.
01:51:33 And then you had, like some rapper doing this song about how, you know, he baptized his kid.
01:51:40 And then in the horrible sitcoms.
01:51:42 They had someone who didn't baptize their kid and and they're kind of a pariah.
01:51:46 Like you didn't baptize your kid.
01:51:48 It wouldn't take long.
01:51:49 It literally wouldn't take long.
01:51:54 When you're talking just base level NPCS, they do whatever the majority is doing.
01:52:00 It's like if.
01:52:01 You've ever watched a flock of birds.
01:52:04 Like those starlings?
01:52:07 And Oregon School of fish.
01:52:10 And the fish at the front.
01:52:12 They turn and like magic, all the other fish.
01:52:17 Turn at the same time and start following.
01:52:21 That's normies the normies.
01:52:23 Are the fish in the back?
01:52:28 They received signals.
01:52:31 And look, this could go back to the involuntary reaction it might.
01:52:34 Not even be voluntary.
01:52:38 This this need to fit in to the the social norm might be involuntary.
01:52:44 And it might be as ingrained into their heads as when I'm.
01:52:49 Walking on the.
01:52:49 On the desert path and I see a snake and I react to that as much as that's involuntary and ingrained in my head.
01:52:59 They might just be machines that have been hacked.
01:53:02 They might not have free will.
01:53:05 If, how can you have free will if you don't have?
01:53:09 An inner voice.
01:53:18 Seriously, how can you?
01:53:20 Possibly have free will.
01:53:23 If you don't even have an inner voice.
01:53:34 A lot of people are.
01:53:35 Just people in name only.
01:53:38 OK, let's see here.
01:53:44 $5 farmer Gray. I have 5 kids home school. I try to do what you do. We spot the agenda and Christian magazines.
01:53:52 Tons of interracial white guys are are stupid.
01:53:57 Black guys are charming, et cetera.
01:53:59 We go through the magazines and.
01:54:01 Medical instances and add them up and at the end talk about why people.
01:54:05 Would do that.
01:54:06 Well, that's awesome.
01:54:08 That's awesome.
01:54:09 That's exactly what you should do.
01:54:11 And it's so much more powerful.
01:54:13 Not just with kids, but with everybody.
01:54:15 If they come to the conclusion on their own.
01:54:17 If you just present the evidence.
01:54:20 And say, oh, what do you what do you think of this?
01:54:23 Look at this.
01:54:23 Look at this data set.
01:54:25 What do you make of this data?
01:54:28 That way they don't think that you're you're trying.
01:54:30 To program them.
01:54:32 You're just providing information to them and then look, because our beliefs are data-driven.
01:54:40 There's a really good chance if they're a rational person. In fact, there's 100% chance if they're a rational person.
01:54:47 They will come to the same conclusion.
01:54:51 And that's going to stick.
01:54:52 With them because they figured it out.
01:54:54 They learned it, they weren't told it, they learned it.
01:55:00 So that's a really good thing.
01:55:01 Yeah, stuff like that's.
01:55:02 That's awesome.
01:55:04 First, last $10 since I can't buy it physically anymore, I downloaded a PDF copy from the Internet of your book. Is it $10 or 20?
01:55:17 Oh, you, you, you pirated my book.
01:55:21 Well, I appreciate the Super chat.
01:55:23 Pile on my.
01:55:23 Book though.
01:55:25 Yeah, I know.
01:55:26 I mean whatever it is, what it is, I I will make it available again and and and it's just like I said, my personal life has has had some twists and turns.
01:55:38 The last few months.
01:55:42 1948 from Desert Fox, Trump another Jew, lol.
01:55:48 Trump another Jew.
01:55:51 Well, I mean, Trump's family is Jewish. I don't know about him specifically, but I bet I bet he wishes he was right.
01:55:58 We all saw that clip of him laying menting that Jews don't have control of of the the Senate anymore.
01:56:05 My God, you know, for the longest time and.
01:56:08 This I mean this is.
01:56:09 Not an exact quote, but pretty much the longest time Jews really controlled for like, you know, a good 1020 years.
01:56:16 They really controlled the scent.
01:56:17 It's not like that anymore, you know, like all these people like you.
01:56:20 And Omar and stuff.
01:56:21 And the worst part of?
01:56:23 That he this is an exact quote.
01:56:25 He said Jews controlled the Senate, and rightfully so.
01:56:36 Yeah, Trump's a big ******* disappointment. Denny Boo. Mr. Devon, what are your thoughts on the Mexicans? Take over California and Zion, Israel. And what do you think, Devin? This is a question.
01:56:57 Devin, what are your thoughts on the Mexicans take over California and Zion, Israel and what do you think, Devin, this is a question.
01:57:10 You have to figure out maybe you're drunk or something.
01:57:13 Going to work things a little better.
01:57:15 My take on Mexicans taking over California.
01:57:19 Well, here's the thing.
01:57:21 It it, it's it.
01:57:22 Look, it is a complicated issue because quite frankly, they were in California before America conquered or at least won a big chunk of a big chunk.
01:57:34 A lot of people don't know this.
01:57:35 A lot of America geographically, how it exists today.
01:57:39 As a result of of our our defeating Mexico, Mexico used to own a lot of what is America today.
01:57:48 That's why you have so many like the Spanish missions.
01:57:52 And in California, and like all the stuff in New Mexico and and all that stuff, like they're the reason, it's like that and it's not that wasn't all from illegal immigrants from, you know, 1800s or or immigrants for that matter. I mean, it was. It was part of Mexico.
01:58:09 And then we won a war with.
01:58:11 Mexico and took a bunch.
01:58:12 Of land.
01:58:14 Well, now they're taking it back.
01:58:21 You know I.
01:58:21 Mean I don't want to give it to her, but I get LifeLock California.
01:58:24 They pretty much already have it.
01:58:27 Not just Mexicans.
01:58:28 I mean, I'll tell you what California is.
01:58:31 Is not white Man territory anymore.
01:58:38 Which is a shame, because it's.
01:58:39 Beautiful. And it's ******* beautiful.
01:58:42 I mean in other parts of California, we're.
01:58:44 Just the weather is just lovely.
01:58:47 Year round.
01:58:49 And there's amazing campaign and like, you know, the obviously the shoreline driving up Hwy.
01:58:56 Yeah, but it's **** it.
01:58:58 It's gone.
01:59:02 And then your.
01:59:03 Other in Zion, Israel, I I think your name like Zionist.
01:59:10 In Israel, I mean, look, that's conquered land too.
01:59:14 The the Jews have been conquering very slowly and steadily.
01:59:20 They kind of.
01:59:21 In a different way.
01:59:22 But you know in in I guess in this using the same method of of slow and steady wins the race.
01:59:29 They've been taking land from the Palestinians.
01:59:32 But you know, every all land has been taken from someone at some point.
01:59:38 Honestly, as much as I feel for the Palestinians.
01:59:44 UM, it's kind of one of those not my problem kind of things. I got my own problems to deal with.
01:59:52 At the same.
01:59:52 But you know I have sympathy.
01:59:54 For him, the.
01:59:54 Enemy of my enemy is my friend in certain circumstances, sure.
01:59:59 And what?
02:00:01 What disgusts me the most?
02:00:03 Are the Christians?
02:00:05 That care more about Israel than they do their own country.
02:00:09 The Jews that feel that way, I, you know, I I don't want them here if they, especially if they feel that way and then go to ******* Israel.
02:00:17 If you're gonna prioritize another country over the one that you're living and get the **** out.
02:00:23 But that goes with all these white evangelicals.
02:00:25 They might as well ******* move to Israel too, and get spit on all.
02:00:27 Day by rabbis.
02:00:30 Pagan bear.
02:00:33 Has a dancing Jew GIF.
02:00:36 It looks like I didn't even know.
02:00:37 You could do that.
02:00:38 That's cool.
02:00:40 They are dancing their way to the bank every time we pay for this ****.
02:00:44 It's our fault they are rich.
02:00:46 We have to live in a way that doesn't profit the Jew.
02:00:50 This is how you win.
02:00:51 Well in some.
02:00:52 I mean, look, they own the ******* banks.
02:00:55 And the story of the the the Federal Reserve being created and really hinging on just a couple of votes that were bought off.
02:01:06 I I recommend reading the book the The what is it the monster?
02:01:11 I think it's the monster on Jekyll Jekyll Island.
02:01:14 That's a really good book.
02:01:18 When you control the monetary system.
02:01:22 It's kind of hard.
02:01:22 To escape that.
02:01:25 You know, like there's you can have this idealistic view of the the parallel economy and all this.
02:01:30 Other stuff but.
02:01:31 At the end of the day, if your government and the country that you live in, it's not like you can pay your taxes.
02:01:37 And like, you know, sheepskins or some ****, like like you need you still need to use dollars for certain things.
02:01:43 And they that's that's their currency.
02:01:47 So it's, you know.
Speaker 12
02:01:49 And yeah, you can blame you can blame.
02:01:55 The people that that fell for it to a certain extent.
02:02:00 But only in the same way that if you had a friend that went to Mexico and he.
02:02:06 Came back with like.
02:02:07 A parasite.
02:02:08 Right.
02:02:09 Like you would have, you might say, like, oh, you should have known, you know, the water there.
02:02:13 Is not very.
02:02:13 Or, you know whatever, right?
02:02:17 But you wouldn't be like, well, it's your fault.
02:02:21 Your fault that there is a parasite eating you from the inside.
02:02:24 You know you you shouldn't should have drinked that parasite.
02:02:28 It's like they didn't know what they were doing a lot.
02:02:31 Of these people.
02:02:34 And and a lot of the times that the your ancestors made decisions that have.
02:02:40 Really not worked out for us.
02:02:42 You know, like the Immigration Act of 1965, as an example, first of all that.
02:02:46 Was never voted on.
02:02:48 One of the stuff wasn't passed by popular vote.
02:02:55 You know, in the same way that you can't blame white people for slavery because most white people didn't like a whole lot of white people.
02:03:03 In fact, the percentage of Jews that owned slaves is like through the roof, compared to the percentage of white people that owned slaves.
02:03:11 Right.
02:03:13 And you can't blame white people for slavery because it wasn't like very many of them.
02:03:19 It wasn't very many of them that was doing it.
02:03:25 So you also can't blame white people for getting subverted.
02:03:31 Because a lot of these decisions were.
02:03:33 Made from on high.
02:03:35 Lottie's decisions.
02:03:37 Were made without the average person being involved at all.
02:03:49 That is what it.
02:03:50 Is $5 from based race mixer above 800 Nice.
02:03:56 Good work, bro. You are a diamond in the rough. Thanks for your work. I appreciate that. Yeah, we're above 200 now.
02:04:03 Semen and before High Priest King Terry.
02:04:07 I have no idea what.
02:04:07 That means high priest King Terry's.
02:04:11 Cool, by the way too.
02:04:13 So don't be * ****.
02:04:15 Don't be a.
02:04:15 ****, we've disagreed a couple of times. Henry 4/10/16.
02:04:22 Slowly, I began to hate.
02:04:24 Yeah, the the key is to.
02:04:28 Channel that energy though into something productive.
02:04:31 I mean, look, it's OK.
02:04:32 We all do it.
02:04:33 We all go through.
02:04:34 Like a period of just *******.
02:04:35 Rage, especially when you when you realize.
02:04:40 Like when you at 1st, it's like you don't want to believe it and then once you start to really believe it and then you realize how big the problem is and then you realize how much of it can't be solved.
02:04:50 And now it's too late for a lot of.
02:04:51 This stuff you get ******* ****** ***.
02:04:53 Why wouldn't you?
02:04:56 But eventually you need to.
02:04:59 To channel that energy into into something productive.
02:05:06 Our varti Guyon $5 hey Devin a comment and a question everyone knows if Sarah and Seth made fun of Islam like this, they would pay quite a price, part of which would be an apology. And what do you think of the Patriot front March in Washington, DC today? Thanks.
02:05:26 Yeah, well, I've.
02:05:26 I've talked about that.
02:05:27 They're not afraid of Christians.
02:05:29 If Sarah Silverman was was as afraid of white Christian males as they all like, like the FBI, right?
02:05:36 Another Jew the If the if the the head of the not the head of the FBI but the the Attorney General.
02:05:45 Who claimed that the number one?
02:05:49 Threat to America was white supremacist and you know white Christian males.
02:05:54 If he if, if anyone really believed that ****, they'd be afraid to make stuff like this.
02:06:00 They'd be afraid to make all of this stuff.
02:06:03 But they're not.
02:06:03 They're not afraid of this stuff.
02:06:04 They were afraid of Islam.
02:06:08 Well, here's the thing.
02:06:09 There's two things.
02:06:09 There was two things at play there.
02:06:12 They were afraid of the violent reaction that they might get.
02:06:16 But the other part of it was they didn't want to promote that kind of bias in white people.
02:06:26 In other words, they wanted the white people to accept Muslim immigrants, right?
02:06:32 So they had to.
02:06:34 They had to be careful with how much anti Muslim anti Islamic stuff they did in their programming.
02:06:44 Because they they have to go through the whole process of deprogramming once they started letting all.
02:06:49 The refugees in.
02:06:51 So it was.
02:06:52 It was you.
02:06:53 Know six of one and half a dozen of another.
02:06:57 UM.
02:07:01 Oh, and the the the March.
02:07:03 I I have I I don't.
02:07:05 First of all, I don't know who those guys are.
02:07:07 I wish I knew.
02:07:07 Who they were.
02:07:10 I know you're talking about and I've seen.
02:07:12 I've seen other videos like there was that one video that we went over on the stream actually.
02:07:17 UM and I didn't. I saw, like, clips. I saw clips of the March aesthetically.
02:07:26 Because, look, because I don't know who these people are.
02:07:31 Is that I mean, I know what the message is, right?
02:07:35 Aesthetically I thought it was good.
02:07:38 I don't think I I think it was like.
02:07:41 Because when you're doing that stuff right, like they're marching around the the mall in the middle of the night, you're not doing that because of the people at the mall are going to see you, right?
02:07:51 And for those of.
02:07:51 Well, I'm not talking like a.
02:07:52 Shopping mall. I'm talking.
02:07:53 About like the the area around the White House and the Capitol building that's called the mall and.
02:07:59 They weren't marching on a mall because they were expecting to, you know, impress the people at the mall they were doing.
02:08:09 That as a photo.
02:08:10 Op, which is what all these things are a lot.
02:08:12 Of times, right?
02:08:14 And then they use the footage and the photos and whatever as propaganda.
02:08:21 I don't think it was bad.
02:08:23 I, you know, I don't think it was bad optics, as some would say, right?
02:08:26 I I but I didn't pay close attention to it.
02:08:31 And I'm not even.
02:08:33 It's funny because a lot of people will get upset with me because I say it.
02:08:37 Has to get a lot worse.
02:08:39 And it has to and, and we might not even live to see, you know.
02:08:44 And there's not gonna be like some big uprising where all of a sudden.
02:08:46 You know we.
02:08:47 Throw them all out and yeah, we're back to.
02:08:49 1950 like, that's not going to happen.
02:08:52 But at the same time, it's good to have people that from time to time at least demonstrate strength.
02:09:02 You know that that project strength in one way or another, and I feel like optically at least what I saw, maybe there's something I haven't seen, but from what I saw optically it gave the sense of of strength and it probably made the right people nervous.
02:09:22 By that I don't mean I don't think the government my I really don't, I think.
02:09:26 More like, you know like.
02:09:27 That the kinds of of leftist and commies on Twitter and stuff like that, that are really obnoxious.
02:09:32 This is the kind of thing that that would drive them.
02:09:35 Nuts. I'm OK with that.
02:09:37 And there's people that will freak out and say like, oh, it's all feds.
02:09:41 And who knows, you know that.
02:09:43 That's something you have to worry about is the Feds will infiltrate.
02:09:47 Organizations like that, I mean it as well.
02:09:50 So you have to worry about that.
02:09:51 I'm not saying that's a Fed operation.
02:09:53 I'm just saying.
02:09:54 You know, that's something they they probably have to worry about if they're, you know, legitimate and you know.
02:10:00 But at the same time, you just not.
02:10:02 Do anything ever.
02:10:04 Or do you want to project strength?
02:10:07 So I I.
02:10:09 I think it was.
02:10:10 I don't think it was a bad thing and.
02:10:12 And again, I feel way more comfortable if I knew.
02:10:15 These guys.
02:10:20 I mean, there's a reason why getting to know these guys would be difficult, that I would assume that would be part of the deal, right?
02:10:27 You don't want to be sitting there.
02:10:28 Advertising who you want?
02:10:36 OK, $5 dark hopper, what are your thoughts on Matt Walsh's new children's book? Johnny the walrus?
02:10:44 Uh, you know, I haven't seen it, but he's pretty, uh, or, you know, for a boomer, he's.
02:10:51 Been pretty or not.
02:10:53 Wait is Matt Walsh?
02:10:54 I'm trying.
02:10:54 I might have the wrong guy.
02:10:57 Matt Walsh is, is that the guy that works for?
02:11:02 Never mind.
02:11:03 Yeah, Matt Walsh is.
02:11:04 The guy that works for.
02:11:06 The daily wire.
02:11:07 I don't know.
02:11:08 I'd have to see it.
02:11:09 I have a hard time.
02:11:10 Believing it's super based.
02:11:13 He was he was more based than some on Twitter, but he works for Ben Shapiro.
02:11:19 So you know, I mean like what?
02:11:22 How base could it be?
02:11:25 Alright, let's see here.
02:11:28 I open it up in another.
02:11:29 Tab and I'll look at it some more time.
02:11:33 It's an actual city, Shenzhen in China, where people live their lives in the city that's owned by a company called UPA that is a huge manufacturing base.
02:11:46 Yeah, well, that makes sense.
02:11:48 There's a lot of stuff that comes.
02:11:49 Out of.
02:11:49 Shenzhen, $5 TK 1352 Dev and how can a person physically? How can a person physically unable to reproduce have a positive impact?
02:12:03 For the white race.
02:12:07 Oh, there's lots of things.
02:12:10 You can do.
02:12:12 You don't have to.
02:12:13 Be able to, I mean.
02:12:15 Not making white kids is just one part of.
02:12:18 What people need to be?
02:12:19 Doing and that's.
02:12:20 That's by the way, that's a big ask.
02:12:22 That's hard to do.
02:12:23 It's hard to initiate like to get that ball rolling just cause we know.
02:12:27 Like women in the West are, there's a lot of broken, lot of broken women in the West, so it's hard.
02:12:32 To find women that.
02:12:33 You would even want to do that.
02:12:35 With it's hard, once you find a woman to just make it happen, you know?
02:12:41 Obviously not physically, but you know, get financially and everything else.
02:12:46 It's it's risky business, right?
02:12:48 If you're not able to do it for one reason or another, I mean, there's lots of ways you can do it.
02:12:53 You can still.
02:12:54 I'm sure you've got family.
02:12:55 You've got nieces, you've got nephews.
02:12:57 You can do, you can volunteer.
02:13:02 You can, I mean.
02:13:04 There's lots of.
02:13:04 Stuff you could do.
02:13:06 Having having kids is not the end all.
02:13:08 Be all I would say, just if you can't have a family yourself.
02:13:15 Maybe maybe try to help your your nieces and nephews.
02:13:20 If you have nieces and nephews and if you don't have nieces and nephews, then you've got cousins.
02:13:23 You've got extended family.
02:13:27 And look sometimes.
02:13:30 If you're like, you know, the cool uncle with no kids, you can have a lot of influence.
02:13:35 On those nieces and nephews.
02:13:38 I know this from experience.
02:13:42 White male.
02:13:44 I work with a lot of white women.
02:13:45 They are very dumb, but try to black pill them on the Jews regardless.
02:13:50 They just stare at their phones, watching TikTok and.
02:13:53 Then walk away. We're lost.
02:13:55 Well, you got to.
02:13:57 I mean, there's some people that just it's not worth the the effort, but it sounds like if you work in a place where you're surrounded by dumb people, it might not might be fun.
02:14:07 It might be entertainment for you.
02:14:09 Or maybe you could practice.
02:14:10 You'd be a good.
02:14:11 Way to practice different tactics on how to get to dumb people.
02:14:14 I just don't waste my time.
Speaker 20
02:14:15 Dumb people.
02:14:19 Unless I have like a vested interest in the person, you know what I mean?
02:14:24 Adam, do you think there is an inner voice or do you think inner voice, a genetic or bestowed in some way beyond our understanding?
02:14:33 I don't know.
02:14:35 I can't figure out.
02:14:37 I can't figure out exactly how.
02:14:41 You don't.
02:14:42 Have an inner voice.
02:14:44 I just.
02:14:44 I don't.
02:14:45 I can't even.
02:14:46 I don't.
02:14:46 I can't imagine what that's even.
02:14:47 Like you know what I mean?
02:14:51 So it's hard for me to.
02:14:52 Know I can't fathom what that would be like.
02:14:57 I don't I.
02:14:58 Maybe that's probably a question.
02:15:00 For Edward done, maybe you have some theories.
02:15:02 I just.
02:15:03 I can't imagine what that's.
02:15:06 Yeah, I mean.
02:15:07 I I can understand how maybe that there is a.
02:15:10 There might be an evolutionary advantage to having a a lot of people that.
02:15:14 Don't think for themselves, you know, like, but it's.
02:15:17 I yeah, it's crazy, you know, kind.
02:15:19 Of like bees?
02:15:20 In a beehive, you know the the.
02:15:22 The worker bees, they're all just basically part.
02:15:24 Of the hive mind, I don't.
02:15:27 I did 12 I 2.
02:15:28 Piloted bad.
02:15:30 But you gave me 15 bucks, all right.
02:15:34 Dubbed the Dude did nothing wrong $25 every year of Tommy knockers. There are creatures from Cornish folklore or folklore that goblins are based on what sorts of features and characteristics do we think of when we think of goblins? Ever wonder why? It's because the Tommy knockers.
02:15:54 Were believed to be the souls of the Jews who crucified Christ.
02:15:58 Ah, very interesting.
02:16:00 Let's I wonder if we can find a picture.
02:16:01 Of a Tommy knocker.
02:16:03 Let's look up Tommy knockers.
02:16:08 Well, Stephen King wrote a book about Tommy knockers.
02:16:15 There are some like ridiculous.
02:16:17 I'm trying to find like historic Tommy knockers.
02:16:26 Yeah, a lot of this is.
02:16:27 Just like.
02:16:29 Bad costumes.
02:16:32 I wonder if there's a way they could.
02:16:33 Find like.
02:16:37 Now it's. Here's Wikipedia, no.
02:16:41 And it looks like the Stephen King fiction has ruined the the folklore.
02:16:48 UM.
02:16:49 Artifact $5 Devon, small correction, physiognomy, physiognomy, me.
02:16:59 As yeah, I'm probably saying it wrong.
02:17:01 I say words wrong.
02:17:02 Sometimes it is what it is.
02:17:05 So so it's physiognomy.
02:17:07 Me as an N after the G.
02:17:10 Now I know that the ends usually not don't contribute much in.
02:17:15 The grand scheme of things.
02:17:17 But just thought you'd want to pronounce it.
02:17:20 Really appreciate your work.
02:17:21 All right, well, well done.
02:17:26 If you're from Persona, I read somewhere that at the peak of slavery, 78% of slave owners were Jewish.
02:17:35 No, it really was.
02:17:36 It was.
02:17:36 It was to the extent where on the slave auctions would be.
02:17:40 Closed on Jewish holidays.
02:17:42 They look a lot of people like Farrakhan.
02:17:44 They get that.
02:17:45 That's why they don't like Farrakhan.
02:17:48 If they took everything from us without putting it up to a vote.
02:17:54 Then we probably have to take it back without voting right now, look.
02:18:00 There is no political solution.
02:18:04 For a reason.
02:18:05 If you had political power, there would be political solutions.
02:18:09 You have no political power.
02:18:18 Diddy boom, Mr.
02:18:21 Devin, will you join my Minecraft server?
02:18:23 We were based in that base Minecraft realm.
02:18:26 I've never played Minecraft in my entire life.
02:18:29 I've talked about this before I when it when it came out and everyone was playing it, I just didn't.
02:18:34 I was already a 3D animator and it just.
02:18:36 Looked like work.
02:18:38 Like oh, you.
02:18:39 Have to build stuff.
02:18:41 And make stuff like I do that all day for 8 hours or sometimes longer.
02:18:45 And so I just just.
02:18:45 Like uh.
02:18:50 Adrienne, I dated a dude chick.
02:18:52 She was a soulless programmed automaton.
02:18:57 Alright, well, now you know no one is half the.
02:19:00 Battle first last because I can.
02:19:03 Yeah, with a with the tiniest super chat you can possibly give.
02:19:08 Alright, which is what I that's shockingly because it says.
02:19:14 It has like a greater than symbol, so it's.
02:19:15 Like less than 0.01.
02:19:20 So less than .1 and .0 are just one is $0.05.
02:19:25 So you've managed to super chat.
02:19:28 And and a tiny, tiny fraction of a penny.
02:19:33 But I appreciate it all.
Speaker 20
02:19:34 The same.
02:19:36 OK. All right. Well.
02:19:46 There was another video I wanted to play for you guys.
02:19:51 Before we wrap things up here.
02:20:01 I don't see it here now.
02:20:07 Let's see here Saturday.
02:20:16 Oh well, this is just a real quickie.
02:20:18 Here's another reason why you should.
02:20:20 Homeschool your kids.
Speaker 9
02:20:27 One of my students asked me why every conversation in class devolves into me ranting about capitalism.
02:20:34 It's because I'm the teacher.
02:20:35 That your parents warned you about.
Speaker 12
02:20:37 I'm the professor that's going to turn your kids leftist welcome.
02:20:40 OK.
02:20:44 And again, she will not lose her job.
02:20:46 She will not lose her job.
02:20:51 I got a couple.
02:20:52 I have random videos in here that we didn't play.
02:20:56 But I don't remember what they were for.
02:20:58 What's this one?
02:21:00 Let's just burn through these real quick.
02:21:01 What's this?
02:21:04 That's an old from before last week.
02:21:08 And I got this from.
02:21:10 I think this is from Western chauvinist. Oh, this one's dirty.
02:21:14 I have this from Western chauvinist telegram.
02:21:16 Enjoy this.
02:21:19 So the back story is this diversity, this black lading got caught shoplifting.
02:21:49 Oh, and that's that's her her kid crying.
02:21:52 So she's with her kid.
02:21:55 Tearing the place up because she got shot caught shoplifting.
Speaker 4
02:22:50 And I said no.
02:22:54 And she decides to just start.
02:23:02 On the floor.
02:23:05 So yeah, diversity is our strength.
02:23:10 Diversity is our strength.
02:23:13 I got a few more super chats on the ground before we before I bail out.
02:23:17 Of here and then I'm going to.
02:23:19 Bail out of here.
02:23:22 All right, so we had some last second ones come in here.
02:23:28 Where'd that go?
02:23:32 All right. First last. Oh, first last gave $10.
02:23:35 Well, I appreciate that after your your your tiny fraction of a penny one but but not necessary.
02:23:42 Alright, so and then also Maria.
02:23:47 Gave five of these the weird odyssey coins so 1/4.
02:23:57 Got another often the Charlottesville defendants had to pay less than $100 in compensation damages, and there was a ruling that established that punitive damages can't be 9 times the compensatory damages.
02:24:08 And I read that you were are currently and I read that they are currently filing motions to have the damages.
02:24:16 Produced. Well, that'd be pretty awesome if the if that's. If that's true, and they only end up having to pay $900, that would be ******* hilarious. That would be ******* hilarious.
02:24:29 And let's all hope that that happens in the mean time.
02:24:34 For black pilled.
02:24:39 Oh, look, look at that.
02:24:41 Yay, I'm devastated.
Speaker 5
02:24:55 Just a little ***.
02:24:56 Don't worry, mate.
02:24:58 It's not that bad.
02:24:59 Small price to pay full proof of protection.
02:25:01 That could save you from a COVID infection.
Speaker 25
02:25:07 A new solution to the.
Speaker 14
02:25:08 Myth that we're in creating a new way to save the planet so we can get back to a regular habit.
Speaker 24
02:25:14 But here's the issue, and it's quite severe.
02:25:16 We need everyone in the result.
Speaker 1
02:25:19 The pipe.
Speaker 5
02:25:20 Outside your home, try to steal your breath.
02:25:23 In fact, you dope.
Speaker 14
02:25:24 But if everyone is.
Speaker 4
02:25:25 Keen to go.
Speaker 24
02:25:26 And get the VAC is on the safe in the face of Vipers and sacks by the sensation as a constant.
Speaker 5
02:25:29 And ourselves from no mutation police sensations across the nation.
Speaker 25
02:25:34 Face the Nation face vaccination, vaccination, vaccinate the nation, the nation, the nation.
02:25:43 Vaccinate the nation like the idea of.
Speaker 14
02:25:45 How we get them so soon?
02:25:46 Doesn't the vaccine take 10 years to produce?
Speaker 5
02:25:49 Funding, yeah, could take awhile.
Speaker 14
02:25:52 That cats lined.
02:25:53 Up for ******* miles.
Speaker 5
02:25:54 Raising it with clicker because the money will get thicker, meaning trials could be bigger more.
02:25:58 Results to deliver.
Speaker 14
02:25:59 I know you're thinking I'm young.
02:26:01 I'm healthy.
02:26:01 The virus won't affect.
02:26:03 Me. How could fizer help?
02:26:04 Me long term effects not on this, but I.
02:26:07 Got about the will keep your.
02:26:08 **** and ability to orgasm damage to your wants, that's.
02:26:12 Free price to pay?
02:26:13 Don't be *******.
02:26:14 Shell be on the lodge for misinformation and trust the notes deep in this situation.
Speaker 5
02:26:20 Nation VAX the Nation VAX the Nation VAX the nation backs the nation backs the nation.
Speaker 14
02:26:35 This all sounds great.
Speaker 25
02:26:37 I can't wait to keep my community.
Speaker 24
02:26:39 How do I go and Get the facts?
02:26:41 Like what's the protocol do I pay?
Speaker 1
02:26:44 Stop it.
Speaker 5
02:26:45 Totally free, just register yourself with book by back.
02:26:48 Seat wait for an e-mail or text and then you'll and you'll be.
02:26:52 More attractive to doctor.
Speaker 13
02:26:54 Makes sense.
02:26:54 Will be transmission lower hospital admissions case operation.
02:26:58 It will reduce the symptoms.
Speaker 14
02:27:00 You're making more.
02:27:01 Hot over a billion worldwide has taken this.
02:27:04 But let's.
02:27:04 To get my feet doing a lot saving.
02:27:07 The world without even.
02:27:08 Really trying.
Speaker 5
02:27:10 Give me that shot, bro.
02:27:12 Go ahead and stick it in.
02:27:17 The back to the nation.