07/15/2021Speaker 1
00:00:00 I wanna be your honey.00:00:29 But I'm feeling like.
00:00:39 You know.
00:01:19 Tell me crazy.
00:01:22 I wanna tell you why you should be mine.
00:01:26 But I'm gonna love you, love you know.
00:02:00 My little cutie.
00:02:03 I'm totally in love with you.
00:02:07 I'm so sorry to say your word.
00:02:11 You love.
00:02:34 Oh my love.
00:02:39 Alright, well, so apparently last time I used this laptop to.00:02:43 Do a stream, it was Easter.
00:02:44 I think I'm trying to think like why I had all that **** set up.
00:02:50 In there, but I think.
00:02:51 It was an Easter string.
00:02:54 Hopefully you guys can hear me.
00:02:56 UMI think so. Someone should just said happy Easter.
00:03:00 I know how long it's gonna last.
00:03:01 I'm on battery power.
00:03:04 And I don't have access to any of the ****.
00:03:06 I was going to play tonight.
00:03:10 For those of you who.
00:03:10 Don't know what's going on.
00:03:13 I don't know.
00:03:13 What's going on?
00:03:14 I don't have power, so we had a lightning storm and uh just seems like whenever.
00:03:20 There's a lightning storm.
Speaker 3
00:03:22 I gotta fix the.00:03:22 I think the the.
00:03:24 Mic levels are kind.
00:03:25 Of going off the chart, let me.
00:03:26 Try to turn.
00:03:27 Dial that back.
00:03:29 It's a little better.
00:03:31 So the uh uh.00:03:32 There was lightning.
00:03:33 This is this exact thing has.
00:03:35 Happened a few.
00:03:35 Times uh and I kind of knew it would.
00:03:38 Although I got to be.
Speaker 3
00:03:39 I was outside when it.00:03:40 Happened this time, which was kind of.
00:03:41 Cool, because the.00:03:42 Lightning was was.
00:03:43 Pretty epic and I wanted to go out and see it.
00:03:46 So I walked.
00:03:46 Outside and I was like, oh, that's pretty nice.
00:03:49 Pretty nice.
00:03:51 Pretty cool, I wish it.
00:03:52 Wish it would rain.
00:03:53 That'd be nice.
00:03:54 Having some rain with with the lightning.
00:03:56 No rain.
Speaker 3
00:03:57 It never rains here.Devon
00:03:59 And because that would be a lot cooler, right?Speaker 3
00:04:01 Now I'm boiling my ***** off cause.Devon
00:04:02 The there's been no coolant happening.00:04:06 Since, well, it's been like 3 or 4 hours.
00:04:09 I'm pretty sweaty.
Speaker 3
00:04:10 Right about now and.Devon
00:04:12 One of the reasons why the battery is not going to last super long is the.00:04:16 Laptop better or laptop fans are on full blast.
00:04:19 So uh, because it's probably close to.
00:04:23 Honestly, it's probably close to about 100 degrees in here right now.
00:04:26 Maybe not quite 100 degrees, but it's.
Speaker 3
00:04:29 Probably in the 90s.00:04:30 I have no way of knowing right now.
00:04:32 But the so yeah, I'm sitting there watching the waiting.00:04:35 And then I saw this bright blue flash.
00:04:39 Which wasn't the same as.
00:04:40 Like the the Lightning flashes I was.
00:04:42 Like ohh.
00:04:44 What the hell all?
Speaker 3
00:04:46 The lights everywhere just went out OK.Devon
00:04:49 So we'll see when that.00:04:51 Comes back up.
00:04:52 I do have some solar stuff.
00:04:55 But it's not set.
00:04:57 Up right now.
00:04:58 The inverter is not set up and I was moving things around because the the room I was keeping the batteries in was getting.
00:05:06 I thought too hot.
00:05:08 But I wanted to figure something out with that and but now it's.
00:05:14 Now I kind of wish it.
00:05:14 Was set up but.
00:05:16 Uh, yeah, we'll see how long we can get.
00:05:18 To keep this going, I guess The thing is.
00:05:22 I didn't want to be owned by lightning in the same way George Floyd's mural was owned by Lightning.
00:05:30 I wanted to show the world that that little lightning doesn't stop me in the same way.
Speaker 3
00:05:35 It stops a.Devon
00:05:38 Pathetic demon Monster that's worshipped by our enemies.00:05:44 For those of you who don't know what.
00:05:45 I'm talking about I.
00:05:46 Don't know if I'm going to be able to show you I don't have a.
00:05:49 A lot of options in terms of.
00:05:51 Loading stuff up.
00:05:52 Let me see if I can.
Speaker 3
00:05:56 Let me see if I can bring it up here somehow.00:05:59 Sure, lots of people have seen this by now.
00:06:04 Where we go there.
00:06:06 Oh oh.
00:06:09 Well, well, well.
00:06:10 Thought it was somewhere.
00:06:11 Yeah, I was.00:06:12 Going to play a bunch of South African stuff, South Africa.
Speaker 3
00:06:15 Is a ******* mess right now.00:06:17 The George Floyd things a ******* mess.
00:06:21 Yeah, it's probably my Twitter feed, but I don't know if I want to tempt ohh.
00:06:24 Here it is.
00:06:24 It's on my telegram feed.
00:06:27 And see if I can.
00:06:29 Bring this picture up.
Speaker 1
00:06:38 Here we are.Devon
00:06:42 It's pretty funny cause the Lightning didn't it.00:06:45 The George Floyd mural, first of all.
00:06:47 Since when does Lightning strike a brick wall?
00:06:51 OK, like calling and stuff like that that.
Speaker 3
00:06:53 Makes sense to me, right?Devon
00:06:55 But since when does lightning strike a brick wall?Speaker 3
00:07:00 Apparently it does.00:07:02 Apparently it does.
00:07:03 And it didn't.
00:07:03 Just strike the brick wall.00:07:06 It struck it like right?
00:07:07 In George Floyd's Dome, like right in the ******* center of his face.
00:07:12 I'll bring this photo up again.
00:07:14 Back the battery indicator.
00:07:16 Is already going down.
00:07:17 So no promises in terms of like.
Speaker 3
00:07:20 How long this is going to stay up?Devon
00:07:23 We probably don't have a whole lot of.00:07:25 Time together, let's cherish.
00:07:27 Let's cherish these moments as.
00:07:28 If they're little, will last.
Speaker 3
00:07:31 Alright, here it is.00:07:32 Yeah, especially as the fans are really starting to speed up.
00:07:35 Now it's like uh.Devon
00:07:36 It's hot here, Devin.00:07:40 There we go.
00:07:42 That's something fun to look at.
00:07:45 It's too bad I kind of.
00:07:46 Wish I kind of wish.
00:07:49 That what the, you know, conservatives say.
00:07:51 About black people was true like.
00:07:53 Oh, they're they're very religious.
00:07:55 They're very they're.
Speaker 3
00:07:56 Natural conservatives, right?Devon
00:07:59 Like remember when they were trying to blame?00:08:05 Uh, the uh, the prop. 108 that passed in California that would have banned gay marriage in California had a conservative.
00:08:15 And a conservative not sued.
00:08:19 And uh got it removed or got it approved I guess or I don't know how you how you put that?
00:08:27 And they blamed the the passage.
00:08:30 Of prop. 108 in 2008 to Oh well, this is good news because the only reason why that passed in California was Obama was running until you had all these black people showing up voting for Obama.
00:08:45 And they voted against gay people.
00:08:47 No, the jokes on them because Obama was.
Speaker 3
00:08:49 Gay, of course.Devon
00:08:51 But you know, that's just ridiculous reasoning anyway.00:08:55 Simply because.
Speaker 3
00:08:57 Look, neighborhood.Devon
00:08:59 No, no, it's, uh, brown, Bunny.Speaker
00:09:01 The that's the.Speaker 3
00:09:02 Image that was in there before.Devon
00:09:04 I had the wrong button unless you want to.00:09:05 Watch. Look at.
00:09:06 The Brown Bunny, like what's his name?
00:09:09 Getting head.
Speaker 3
00:09:11 Why did that happen?00:09:12 That's cause I hit cancel.
00:09:16 That's that was that was also from the.00:09:19 The Bunny stream that I'm assuming was for Easter.
Speaker 3
00:09:22 There we go.00:09:25 Ah God anyway.
00:09:28 I can do.00:09:30 A little back and forth for you guys, I think just because the.
00:09:35 Nothing that I I you know, had planned.
00:09:37 I can't.
Speaker 3
00:09:37 Play any of it.Devon
00:09:39 But my chat is working.00:09:41 At least for now, the battery on this thing is dying too.
00:09:45 I do have auxiliary power hooked up to the Internet.
00:09:49 The Internet should should survive the longest out of everything.
00:09:52 It's the laptop that's probably going to die first.
00:09:55 But let's just get right to it because like.
00:09:57 I said I have no.
00:10:00 Uh, no, I don't know how long.
Speaker 3
00:10:02 This is going to last.Devon
00:10:04 But I I the show must go on.00:10:07 Insomnia stream must go on.
00:10:10 And uh.
Speaker 3
00:10:12 So here we are.Devon
00:10:14 Hopefully the power comes.Speaker 3
00:10:15 Back on because.00:10:17 I'm. I'm sweating.
00:10:20 There you go.00:10:20 Tell your phone to your PC.
00:10:23 No, no, it I have a a.
00:10:25 Hot spot, that's.
00:10:26 Got the hot spots?
00:10:28 I could do.
00:10:28 I could do the the top of the phone.
00:10:30 But The thing is, if I plug that into the the laptop, it'll just eat the battery even faster, so the battery or laptop has nothing connected to it.
00:10:38 No, no fancy microphones, right?
00:10:41 That's probably sound like.
00:10:43 I'm just on the internal microphone.
00:10:47 UM.
00:10:49 And southwest during Easter, two of the Resurrection edition exactly.
00:10:55 Uh, pull your laptop in.
00:10:57 To what?
00:10:59 Are you not?00:10:59 Are you not listening to what I'm?
00:11:00 Saying there's no, there's nothing to.00:11:02 Plug it into the battery that I've got.
00:11:05 It does it just.
00:11:06 Has USB inputs.
00:11:08 I the inverter I've got, I've got an inverter.
00:11:11 I could probably dig up out of like.
00:11:13 It just.
00:11:13 I'm not going to do.
00:11:14 There isn't better.
00:11:15 I could probably dig it better somewhere.
00:11:17 Pull out a car battery.
00:11:18 Know it's just not going to happen.
00:11:20 We're we're going to just burn this battery down.
Speaker 3
00:11:23 As long as it'll go.Devon
00:11:27 Let's see here am I.00:11:28 Am I at a Core 2 duo laptop?
00:11:30 I don't know.
00:11:31 I don't know what this is.
00:11:32 An old laptop.
00:11:33 This is like a.
00:11:35 Like a 10 year old laptop.
00:11:36 That's why the battery is probably not going to last super long.
00:11:40 Have you kept up with the staff about the President of Haiti being assassinated and they traced it back to immigrant Florida?
00:11:47 Yeah, that's got that's got there's a lot of ****** **** when it comes to that.
00:11:52 There is.
00:11:53 I mean, there's people that were talking about how Haiti was, one of those countries that said they didn't wanted the vaccine now.
00:12:00 Look, I'm not gonna get on that road cause I don't.
00:12:02 I I try.
00:12:03 I I I looked up some of this stuff.
00:12:05 It just didn't seem like it was as.
00:12:08 Calling Creed in the Evidence department because they were still going to do vaccines.
00:12:12 It was just one vaccine they didn't want.
00:12:15 For some reason.
00:12:16 Maybe that's what it is.
00:12:17 Maybe that's the conspiracy.
00:12:18 Don't know, but they were they didn't want.
00:12:21 I I forget.
00:12:22 Which one it was, but there is look, there's a correlation right.
00:12:26 There is a correlation between world leaders.
00:12:29 Who are not pro vaccine either getting killed.
00:12:33 Dying suddenly of a heart attack.
00:12:36 Or in Belarus's case, you know all of a sudden.
00:12:40 You know well you you've seen what's been going on there.
00:12:42 Oh, now there's a revolution going around and just there's, you know.
00:12:46 It's a weird thing.
00:12:47 It's a weird thing that every single country.
00:12:51 That seems to be suspicious.
00:12:53 Of the vaccine their leaders.
00:12:57 Have instant.
00:12:59 Bad luck.
00:13:02 And look, it could be.
00:13:02 A coincidence? I don't know.
00:13:04 But it is.
00:13:05 It's certain there is certainly a correlation there doesn't.
00:13:07 There is a causation, but there is certainly a correlation.
00:13:11 But I'm keeping my.
00:13:12 Eye on it.
00:13:13 I don't know where it's going.
00:13:17 Let's see here.
00:13:18 Hook up to our station.
00:13:19 Stationary bicycle and pedal well, yeah.
00:13:22 It's funny, I actually want to get.
00:13:24 I want to make my own wind generator out of like a.
00:13:29 Like old ceiling fans, because you can do that pretty easily.
00:13:31 It's just that's all they are.
00:13:33 You know, you have to get a controller, but that's all these turbines are.
Speaker 3
00:13:38 They're not that expensive, though.00:13:40 We'll just get some turbines.
00:13:41 I don't I I haven't.Speaker 3
00:13:42 Looked a lot. Maybe they're expensive now, right? Everything's expensive now.Devon
00:13:46 And Noble Australia, we are about to be thrown into lockdown.Speaker 3
00:13:49 For the fifth time.Devon
00:13:51 Rumor is Interstate.00:13:52 Drug dealer did the rounds and spread the.
Speaker 1
00:13:55 Run around.Devon
00:13:56 Yeah, yeah, it must be it, right?00:13:59 There was a there was a a variant factory coke dealer going around and just giving everyone super aides.
00:14:07 I'm sure that's what what would happen.
00:14:10 You should do a video about.
00:14:11 It's always funny you mean or sunny in Philadelphia.
00:14:16 Yeah, you know, it's.
00:14:18 That show was super degenerate, as I'm sure you know, and the thing that drives me crazy about that show and that really it made it difficult for me to watch even when I was watching more.
00:14:28 Degenerate stuff was I couldn't handle, just like.
00:14:33 It's it kinda it.
00:14:34 Got it. Gave me.
00:14:36 It just bothered me because it was like in the same way you have people that like shows.
00:14:41 Like oh, it's.
00:14:41 So bad it's good.
00:14:43 It's so bad, it's good.
00:14:44 And I'm just like, no, it's just, it's bad.
00:14:46 I don't like watching bad movies, you know, like to me, there's no such thing is it's so bad.
00:14:51 It's good.
00:14:51 It's just.
00:14:52 It's just a bad movie and I don't mean like this was bad.
00:14:55 It was, you know, the acting was good and you know, it was well produced or.
00:14:58 Love it.
00:14:59 But it was just when every character is doing the opposite of what you would do, it just it just frustrates you.
00:15:05 Like you just said, like.
00:15:06 Some people think it's funny, right?
00:15:08 Some people?
00:15:09 Oh, it's.
00:15:09 Oh, it's.
00:15:10 Oh, it's doing the exact opposite of what you should do.
00:15:14 Look at the mess they found.
00:15:15 Themselves in.
00:15:17 And that's not funny.
00:15:19 It's just like I wanna.
00:15:21 I I wanna run over everyone on that that show with my car.
00:15:25 And and it just it I.
00:15:27 Don't understand it and.
00:15:30 And I don't.
00:15:30 Want to sound like like the old guy in the 90s that was selling?
00:15:34 You know, Beavis and Butthead, they're they're terrible role models.
00:15:36 And they were.
00:15:36 Thinking as a kid, but they're not role models.
00:15:39 But in a way, but in a ****** ** way to stupid people, they are where they were, and so are these guys.
00:15:45 Yeah, I met this girl that was really anti always sunny and she like, you know, bought all the DVD's and was like, super ******* into it. And I would quote it all the time. It was really obnoxious and.
00:15:57 But yeah, she loved the characters.
00:16:01 In a way that, like in a weird.
00:16:03 Like I I'm also she admired.
00:16:04 Them but kind of.
00:16:06 And so yeah, it's it's.
Speaker 3
00:16:09 It's just mind poison.Devon
00:16:12 Do you know do I know that YouTuber Serbian mapping his first videos were cool and his last video he seems only to criticize capitalism and nationalism I.Speaker 3
00:16:22 Don't know, never heard of.Devon
00:16:25 But I would criticize capitalism, too.00:16:29 Uh, Mike Seinfeld got the rest at the end of the series of being social.
00:16:35 Is that how all the sunny ones?
00:16:36 I I watched it.
00:16:37 I watched a lot of it.
00:16:38 Watched like I think the 1st.
00:16:40 Because it got worse, like the first few seasons weren't as bad once they added Danny to veto into it, and it just like it just spiraled into pure garbage after a while.
00:16:52 I just.
00:16:52 I just.
Speaker 3
00:16:53 Couldn't I just couldn't?Devon
00:16:57 Every watch my name is Earl, the main character.00:16:59 Is literally club.
00:17:01 Uh, I've seen episodes about a long time ago, but.
Speaker 3
00:17:04 It's been a long it's been a long time.Devon
00:17:08 I've been trying to listen for any ham radio operators in South Africa.00:17:12 Have you heard anything?
00:17:13 Also, protect those bed anchors.
00:17:15 From the lightning.
00:17:16 Yeah, everything's been disconnected. As soon as I I don't know. I know there's a storm headed in here.
00:17:20 And so first thing I do is I disconnect my entire by the way, if you're into ham radio, that's something you.
00:17:27 Do you can buy lightning arresters and stick them in line, but a you you get some line loss when you do that, but B it's just it's to me it's just easier to just unplug the cable and then you're just good.
00:17:42 So I just unplug all the cables on my antennas and I shut off all the power strips in case there's a power surge.
00:17:47 Which there probably was when you know whatever happened happened so that.
Speaker 3
00:17:52 Was all good.Devon
00:17:54 And so yeah, I'll have, like, surge protectors from hell.00:17:57 Because ever since my.
00:17:59 My major, you know, my big computer got fried when I first moved here.
00:18:04 I I made sure that that would never happen again.
00:18:08 So that that was all.
00:18:09 Protected from, you know.
00:18:10 Hopefully we'll find out.
00:18:13 Pretty sure it was.
00:18:14 It'll be good.
00:18:16 Cause I got like a.
Speaker 3
00:18:18 Pretty beefy surge protector, but anyway.Devon
00:18:22 Yeah, South Africa is is tough.00:18:26 Because you have to.
00:18:29 I mean, you either have to have a good directional antenna and and know like how to get to South Africa.
00:18:35 You also have to geographically live somewhere that where you get better reception S that, I mean anyone can.
00:18:41 Get to South Africa if the guy.
00:18:44 In South Africa has.
00:18:45 The right intent on these points.
Speaker 3
00:18:46 You know all that.Devon
00:18:46 Stuff, but if you're.00:18:48 Relying on just what you've got to try to hear what's out there, you know the the Gray line helps.
00:18:54 I talked about the Gray line the other day.
00:18:57 And so you know.
00:18:58 There's gonna be a certain time of day where you're going to have.
00:19:01 Your best bet for South Africa, you know, different bands are going to matter, but.
00:19:07 I've never, I don't think.
00:19:09 I've made a contact.
00:19:12 Maybe I've made a contact in South Africa.
00:19:14 Yeah, maybe I have, actually.
Speaker 3
00:19:17 UM.Devon
00:19:19 Not recently though.00:19:21 We more recently I've been getting South Pacific and stuff like that, so it also changed, you know, you know, propagation changes and stuff like that.
00:19:29 But here's the other thing if.
00:19:31 You're in South Africa, right?
00:19:32 Now, are you think you're?
00:19:33 Gonna be hanging out on your radio.
00:19:35 Like just talking to people casually in the United States or you going to be, you know, with your.
00:19:40 AK47.
00:19:42 Gunning down people, leaders and ****, you know what I mean?
00:19:45 So that's all I got to think about too.
00:19:46 I don't think.
00:19:47 There's a lot.
00:19:47 Of hams, just like on the radio right now.
00:19:51 Going hey, what's going on?
00:19:52 So our.
00:19:53 Country is burning to the ground.
00:19:57 Anyway, may that may that stream we did.
00:20:00 Months and months ago, called I think it was called South African Boomer edition.
00:20:07 That was and I wanted to play some of.
00:20:08 The clips that we played on that one on tonight's show, maybe we'll do that on the next stream.
00:20:14 But the uh.
Speaker 3
00:20:17 Man, it's.Devon
00:20:20 Now more than ever that.00:20:21 **** is so relevant.
00:20:23 It's so ******* relevant and it's so annoying because, like, there was that.
00:20:27 There was the 1st.
00:20:29 South African and she was more British, right?
00:20:31 I was mentioning like oh, like, her accent doesn't sound South African.
00:20:35 And people message me later and said Ohh that was she was she was British living in South Africa.
00:20:43 And she was really, really smart.
00:20:45 Like, really ******* smart.
00:20:47 Really knew her **** and was and was trying to be.
00:20:51 You know, gracious, but you could tell she was based as ****, right?
00:20:55 Like she wasn't going to try to beat around the Bush and she wasn't afraid of being called racist.
00:21:01 And all this other stuff and she described exactly the problem with the proximity of the African population and was very eloquent about it.
00:21:11 You can watch that full version.
00:21:12 I was gonna watch.
00:21:13 I I tried that.
00:21:14 Like I said, maybe we'll do this next string.
00:21:16 So, but she talked about in depth, you know, basically predicting the future.
00:21:22 And then there was that other S South African high school girl that was, I think, from another year that they did that exchange program.
00:21:30 And she was like.
00:21:35 She was she was quoting.
Speaker 3
00:21:38 Or was it?Devon
00:21:39 Spangler she was quoting Spangler and how, like the IT was the decline of the last thing. The question was, yeah, that's a South. And this is like 1956.00:21:48 If I remember correctly it was 1956 and they said something like Oh well, as a South African that's been hanging out in America.
00:21:56 You know, what do you think of it? They expecting because they always, always so smug like you had all these ******* smug Americans in 1956 and they're all expecting to hear, like oh.
00:22:08 America is the best.
00:22:09 That's ever been in my ******* life.
00:22:10 It's awesome.
00:22:11 ****, yeah.
00:22:12 Global hobo.
00:22:14 Yes, around on top of your ****.
00:22:16 And she just called it.
00:22:17 She was.
00:22:18 Like you know.
00:22:18 I forget the exact quote she used, but she said, you know, this is.
00:22:23 I think we're at the peak.
00:22:24 We're at the peak right now and now it's just it's just it's.
00:22:27 Just all downhill from here.
00:22:29 And that and.
00:22:30 She called it like that's she was almost exactly right.
00:22:34 Almost exactly right. That was 1956.
00:22:39 Yeah, I mean economically and everything like that, that's pretty much the deck in its peak.
00:22:44 Now that was pretty much all downhill from there and so.
00:22:49 Yeah, just the fact that she was.
00:22:51 Including Spangler just made me think, like, man, the education system out.
Speaker 3
00:22:54 In South Africa.Devon
00:22:57 Must have been pretty cool, but the other thing that was obnoxious was in those same interviews you watched those W Africans like there was the.00:23:05 Guy from the the gold.
00:23:06 Coast and and some other West Africans.
00:23:09 Acting like you know these, these ******* white, these ******* racist white and nothing changed.
00:23:14 Nothing but *******, you know, nothing's changed.
00:23:17 And it was the same stupid low IQ arguments and the same like you.
00:23:21 Know you owe.
00:23:22 Us and this it was, it was.
00:23:25 And and in fact, with the the British South African woman like she even had to try to explain like, look, you guys weren't here.
00:23:32 Yeah, there wasn't, like a civilization already here.
00:23:36 You know, we the only reason South Africa, a lot of people don't get that, and especially Americans, Americans like to think.
00:23:44 That the rest of the world has the same anti white narrative Hollywood narrative because they don't even really understand their culture.
00:23:53 They understand the Hollywood version of their culture.
00:23:56 And they apply it to every.
00:23:57 Other place on.
00:23:58 The planet and the Hollywood version of of our history is that there is a bunch of peaceful Indians.
00:24:05 Living in America and they were all very spiritual and they were all, you know, very above it all.
00:24:12 And and they they they had these grand traditions and and these very wise outlooks on the world and and then these evil *****.
00:24:22 These evil Christians came these evil white Christians came, and the first thing they did was they they rubbed a bunch of like ******* small parts people over some blankets and then like, hand them hand handing them out to the Indians to genocide everyone that they could possibly could and that just wiped out.
00:24:43 You know, millions and millions of these, these great civilized, you know, civilized, high IQ, peaceful Indians and that just devastated their populations.
00:24:56 And and it was all on purpose.
00:24:59 Of course.
00:24:59 Yeah, it was.
00:25:00 It was a biological weapon developed by the the Smart, you know, evil white people before germ theory was even really a thing.
00:25:09 And and by the way, those those numbers are all even, even though the the a lot of the yeah, there was there was some.
00:25:18 Contagions, if you will, that were brought to this continent from Europe.
00:25:23 The the Native Americans didn't have any immunity too, but it would just wipe.
00:25:28 Out, you know like.
00:25:29 Millions untold billions of them, everywhere.
00:25:32 They're all dropped.
00:25:33 Yeah, just as they probably just as many of them died then as people.
00:25:37 Are dying of COVID right?
00:25:41 Anyway, the and and then the next phase of the story is of course, that the Americans and slaved the Indians and the Indians, they couldn't slave, you know, they just murdered outright and murdered them off their land and tricked them out of their land with boxes of, you know, ******* plastic beads and and whatever the **** and.
00:26:02 And then just drove them across the plains to these, these reservations that were essentially concentration camps.
00:26:11 That were, you know, death camps and, you know, the Trail of Tears and all these.
00:26:17 They all died on the way there of of just, you know, the the whole, like, it's just this never ending, right.
00:26:23 This never ending story.
00:26:26 And this is what I was taught.
Speaker 1
00:26:28 This is what?Devon
00:26:28 I was taught in the government schools.00:26:31 And you know, it's reinforced in every single ******* movie that Indians.
00:26:35 You know whether you're talking about, like, dances with wolves or you know, any of these ******* movies, right?
00:26:41 It's the same ******* story.
00:26:43 Or or even like.
00:26:44 You know the.
00:26:45 TV shows you have like Westerns, are really popular during when.
00:26:49 The boomers were kids.
00:26:51 There was tons of Westerns.
00:26:52 Now the westerns.
00:26:53 Were a little.
00:26:53 More pro American, you know, they weren't like as evil, but they were still the evil guys, right?
00:26:59 They were still the evil white guys.
00:27:00 And and there was still a lot of that, that same sentiment being being shown and.
00:27:07 And so Americans.
00:27:10 When they hear about South Africa.
00:27:14 They kind of imagine.
00:27:16 This some stupid fake Jewish narrative that they were taught.
00:27:20 About their own country.
00:27:22 Because they think that that's critical race theory, right?
00:27:24 They think this is just how white people are.
00:27:27 You know, so they think that S Africans, they just showed up one day and there were all these peaceful made of blacks.
00:27:33 And they had this wonderful society.
00:27:36 And they were all just, you know, like high IQ above it all, you know, spiritual beings that were one with nature and all this other ****.
00:27:47 And then the white people came and and wiped them all out and enslaved them.
00:27:51 And yeah, this this is ridiculous ******* **** when in reality.
00:27:56 No one was there.
00:27:58 Like literally like Mel was there when they.
00:27:59 When they were.
00:28:00 Creating their uh.
00:28:02 That was that was like a a pit stop.
00:28:06 When they were going around Africa.
00:28:09 To do trading with India, right?
00:28:13 Like that's why.
00:28:14 South Africa existed.
00:28:16 Was you had to have like the.
00:28:17 You know like.
00:28:18 A pit stop on there was a long trucking truck.
00:28:20 You're you're going off of wind power from England to India.
00:28:26 You know that's that's a long ******* trip.
00:28:29 So that it was like this halfway point where you could stop and like, you know, not refuel, but you kind of, you know, and and take a break, take a load off and then you go again for like however many ******* months it takes to keep.
00:28:43 That's how it started and the the black population that that exists there today, they're not native to that area.
00:28:51 You know, they came later.
00:28:53 Well, they came because.
00:28:54 The white people like white people, often do.
00:28:58 Created a civilization that people wanted to live in.
00:29:02 And yeah, like at first they were gonna like, just like, oh, yeah.
00:29:05 Oh, you want to come live in our society?
00:29:07 But but of course, we're going to give you equal rights and.
00:29:11 And you're gonna have an equal say in how the society is run, even though you're just like some random guy with a spear.
00:29:16 Who just walked out of the *******, you know?
00:29:19 Planes over the jungle or whatever, you're just going to show up and and you don't have a written language or an IQ above 60, but we're we're just going to let you do whatever the **** you want, right?
00:29:29 And and be an equal.
00:29:31 Be an equal no, of course not.
00:29:33 That's ********.
00:29:34 And and it was ******** then it's ******** now.
00:29:37 And no.
00:29:38 So what happened was a lot of these blacks that that exist there today, there were people that came there because the society that was created by.
Speaker 3
00:29:46 The whites.Devon
00:29:48 And the whites in that area always wanted there to be a separation.Speaker 3
00:29:53 It was called apartheid apartness.Devon
00:29:56 They wanted to live apart from each other.00:30:01 And of course, you know that what percent?
00:30:03 What do Americans believe when they hear?
Speaker 3
00:30:05 About apartheid, right. Same thing.Devon
00:30:08 Ohh it's it's it's it's like segregate all.00:30:11 It's the same thing, they just reapply all the stupid garbage narrative they were taught by Hollywood Jews about their history and they just project it on to another people.
00:30:21 Well, the situation is totally.
00:30:22 Different and and in in.
00:30:24 South Africa's case.
00:30:26 Way more dangerous, because at least in the South.
00:30:29 Right, you you weren't outnumbered.
00:30:31 You weren't as outnumbered.
00:30:32 I mean, you weren't like this.
00:30:34 Oh, we're this little tiny white society on a ******* continent.
00:30:38 For black people right now, it wasn't the case.
00:30:41 So there was a lot of black people in the South because of the slavery and whatever.
00:30:45 But it wasn't like here's an entire continent full of black people.
00:30:50 And you're this little tiny, you know, group of cities or towns.
00:30:54 Of white people surrounded by this continent of.
00:30:57 Black people.
00:30:58 This never ending stream of.
Speaker 3
00:31:00 Black people.Devon
00:31:03 No, no.00:31:04 And so again, the white people believed the same Jewish lies they were told about their history.
00:31:10 Like all the South, you know, like we, we've gone over this with all these TV shows with Quantum Leap, you know, especially the couple strings back.
00:31:20 Where the the narrative is, you know.
00:31:22 The the South.
00:31:24 They, they, they, the north had to make him through the slaves because they.
00:31:27 You know, they're just evil or whatever.
00:31:29 And then once they did, they, because they're still evil whites and they hated they.
00:31:33 Hated black people so much.
00:31:35 You know they would dress up in sheets and go and just burn crosses and they were just.
00:31:41 You have basically and it wasn't just Americans, because as I talked about like that same.
00:31:47 Uh, friction.
00:31:49 Was being exported to Europe.
00:31:51 You know, places that didn't have black people, right?
00:31:54 So you had all the all the rest that didn't.
Speaker 3
00:31:58 Have black people.Devon
00:31:59 Or if they did, it was like in really small numbers, you know, really tiny ******* numbers.00:32:03 You know like.
00:32:05 I don't know at what point England started having like Jamaicans and **** like that, but it wasn't like at all anywhere close to the amount of.
00:32:12 Blacks in the South, and certainly not the blacks in South Africa, right?
00:32:16 So they're watching this media and they're just they're.
00:32:20 You know, why would they not believe it?
00:32:22 Why would they?
00:32:22 Why would they think that Americans would make 6 or what made?
00:32:26 Americans look bad.
00:32:28 Well, I think they've only answered that.
00:32:31 And so you have the entire Western world under the spell already.
00:32:35 Of this, this awful racial inequality that white people are just always doing to black people, they're always victimizing black people with every chance they get.
00:32:46 And they projected that on to.
00:32:48 South Africa, you know.
00:32:50 Ohh you're just you.
00:32:52 Guys are just being *****.
00:32:54 You're just being *****.
00:32:55 You're you're white supremacists.
00:32:57 And you're just trying to oppress the blacks because you guys are ***** and there's no practical reason for what?
00:33:04 What it is you're doing.
00:33:06 And the difference too, with the Americans.
00:33:08 You know, with uh.
00:33:10 The the self resisted giving black people the vote.
00:33:15 Because then it.
00:33:15 Would suck up elections.
00:33:17 It would suck up elections.
00:33:18 It did.
00:33:19 And we did things and we, you know, we went over like, the the literacy tests and stuff like that.
00:33:24 They did things that they did to kind of.
00:33:25 Resist it for the.
00:33:26 Same reasons.
00:33:27 Again, you don't want a whole bunch of people that have never had a civilization of their own who've never developed the wheel.
00:33:36 Lot of.
00:33:36 People don't know this.
00:33:38 Next time they're talking to a.
00:33:39 Boomer about race and IQ, that's I have found.
00:33:42 That's like a.
00:33:44 It shuts them up because.
00:33:46 They they don't know.
00:33:48 Just say you you realize.
00:33:50 They never invented the wheel, right?
00:33:54 Like it's not.
00:33:55 Just like there was a little bit of difference.
00:33:58 In in our in our.
00:34:01 They never invented the wheel.
00:34:05 There's like 50,000 years of evolution.
00:34:08 That separates us.
00:34:12 So anyway, so you have this this.
00:34:13 Group of people that never one pointed the wheel.
00:34:16 Had no written language. Again had average IQ's that would have been considered ******** for for the white population.
00:34:23 On average.
00:34:25 And you're just going to let them have an equal say in in how your societies run.
00:34:31 That's insanity.
00:34:34 Well, it's insanity, then, and it's insanity now, and we're basically living.
00:34:37 We're living the result of a bunch of.
00:34:41 Well, really a bunch of Jewish groups, because this is this is true of apartheid too.
00:34:46 You look at all the the people that were behind apartheid being dismantled.
00:34:52 Not just around the world because it was around the world, but just locally in South Africa.
00:34:57 Go ahead and take a look.
00:34:58 There's a weird amount of Jews involved with that with that group.
00:35:03 And same thing with all the media like I I was talking with South African recently and said yeah like I was.
00:35:08 Watching them when I was a kid.
00:35:11 Watching one of the lethal weapon movies, don't forget which one and the bad guys and and the lethal weapon movies are South African like.
00:35:20 It's always like some white terrorists because that happens all the time.
00:35:24 There was some South African terrorist.
00:35:27 And he was super evil and racist.
00:35:30 When they had like this 5 minute uh uh monologue from the uh, the black cop, I forget his name.
00:35:37 The guy you know Mel Gibson.
00:35:38 'S partner going off about apartheid and how?
00:35:42 ******* you know.
00:35:43 Apartheid is so evil and bad and just a bunch of racist and blah blah blah blah and that's not the only movie where they do that.
00:35:51 There's a bunch of movies in that era, like in the 80s and 90s when they were trying really hard to tear down apartheid.
00:35:58 Where there's like a weird, totally unrelated to the story monologues about apartheid, or how awesome Nelson Mandela is, and all, you know, all this ******* terrible ****.
00:36:13 So well, congratulations.
00:36:16 Congratulations, Jews and boomers.
00:36:20 Jews and and their boomer mine slaves finally got what they wanted.
00:36:26 And now we're seeing it, not just in South Africa, although it's pretty intense right there right now.
00:36:33 But we're seeing that in Europe.
00:36:35 We're seeing that in America certainly with the BLM rights.
00:36:42 Multiculturalism has literally never.
00:36:44 Worked of it.
00:36:46 And they know.
00:36:47 This why do you think?
00:36:48 Why do you think that the Jews keep out the?
00:36:52 Israel is supposed to be his Jewish state.
00:36:56 Excuse me.
00:36:58 If Israel was supposed to be a Jewish state.
00:37:01 For Jews?
00:37:03 And if also Jews are not, they're not an ethnicity, it's a religion.
00:37:08 Why do they keep the Ethiopian Jews?
00:37:11 Out of Israel.
00:37:12 Why were they sterilizing African?
00:37:15 Jews that they did let in.
00:37:18 Unbeknownst to them.
00:37:21 Because they know.
Speaker 3
00:37:23 They ******* know.00:37:25 Of course they know.
00:37:28 If they didn't know, they wouldn't have been engineering.00:37:31 All this chaos around the world like they had been.
00:37:34 In all all.
00:37:35 All of the white countries.
00:37:37 I'm sorry, it's just at this point you can't conclude anything other than they find it.
00:37:42 It's a it's a moral impaired.
00:37:45 To destroy.
00:37:47 White solidarity anywhere they find it.
00:37:51 You cannot conclude anything else.
00:37:56 And just the the behavior speaks for itself.
00:38:03 And uh, it's.
00:38:05 It doesn't matter if it's in South Africa.
00:38:08 Doesn't matter if it's in the southern states.
00:38:10 In America, it doesn't matter if.
00:38:11 It's in England.
00:38:13 And their their boomer mine slaves.
00:38:16 You're like bliss.
00:38:19 Right, what?
00:38:19 Wasn't Boris freaked out because some people said mean things about black soccer players on Twitter.
00:38:30 And now anyone with you said anything mean on Twitter.
00:38:34 About black, you know, millionaire soccer players.
00:38:38 Diversity. Hire soccer players.
00:38:41 Then you're banned from all sports ball games, which I you know, who ******* who?
00:38:46 You guys.
00:38:47 Here's what drives me nuts.
00:38:49 Everyone's been, you know, well, mostly blowers.
00:38:53 But like a lot of.
00:38:54 People, even some.
00:38:55 Generally speaking, on the right have been like, oh, look at.
00:38:58 All these these.
00:38:59 Black ******* athletes at the Olympics and they're kneeling and they're turning their head when they play the national anthem and blah, blah, blah, you know what?
00:39:10 **** it.
00:39:11 Why are? Why are we?
00:39:12 Putting our hands on our hearts.
00:39:15 How does that represent us anymore either?
00:39:19 Honestly, at this point, that ship represents us just as much as represents them.
00:39:25 Which is to.
00:39:25 Say pretty much not at all.
00:39:32 I mean, it represents a fantasy.
00:39:34 And it doesn't represent a past.
00:39:36 That I think.
00:39:36 Even ever really existed.
00:39:38 Because if it did exist, there would have been.
00:39:40 Some kind of?
00:39:42 Resistance to this, that would have been successful.
00:39:45 But there wasn't ever.
00:39:52 They're they're like I've I've I've said over and over again.
00:39:55 It's not a culture war.
00:39:56 When you have zero wins.
00:40:01 There have been zero wins.
00:40:05 And you have no one.
00:40:06 On the right, no one.
00:40:07 On the right that would support.
00:40:09 Ending immigration or being honest about race and IQ, or any of this stuff.
00:40:16 You know, the people on the right that actually have power.
00:40:20 They're against critical race theory because it's bad.
00:40:22 For black people.
00:40:24 They can't even say white people.
00:40:26 Trump, they'll tell you all day long about your black unemployment.
00:40:31 We'll never even say what, you know, white unemployment.
00:40:38 Because they're not.Devon
00:40:38 On your side and they never have been.00:40:41 So why the **** do you care?
00:40:43 First of all, I'm a sports bar.
00:40:44 Obviously that's ******** on its face.
00:40:47 If you can't figure out that professional sports 1000% is to get you to channel your your trialism into something completely useless and distracting and get you to want to consume more products.
00:41:02 Then you look.
00:41:04 You're an MPC. You're literally you're literally an MPC at this point. If you can't see that, that's 100% what sports ball is all about. You're it's me telling you it's not going to change anything.
00:41:16 You're just an emotional thinker.
00:41:18 You're just reacting.
00:41:20 You're reacting to flashing lights on a ******* screen.
00:41:23 Or to a mob in an arena.
00:41:26 But you're just reacting.
00:41:29 Let me tell you about it just you know all.
00:41:31 All it's that deal is make you.
00:41:33 No, Devin, you don't you.
00:41:34 Won't let me enjoy anything.
00:41:37 Yeah, you know, you know, you sound like when you say that ****.
00:41:40 There's literally no difference between you saying that like.
Speaker 3
00:41:42 A heroin addict saying that.Devon
00:41:44 You just don't want me to have.00:41:46 Any fun with my heroin?
Speaker 1
00:41:47 You're right.Devon
00:41:49 I don't.00:41:52 Tell a point it's bad for you.
00:41:56 Things that feel good are sometimes bad for you.
00:42:06 So anyway, that the uh.
00:42:10 I I just think that at this point, why?
00:42:12 Why would we even give a **** about the national anthem or any of this ****?
00:42:15 Certainly not until we, you know, we claim this stuff.
00:42:18 It's in a way, it just.
00:42:19 It just.
00:42:21 It's just believing a lie.
00:42:22 It's just trusting the plan.
00:42:24 I don't see the difference.
00:42:26 So I mean, Speaking of which, so there's been some news came out.
00:42:31 I guess even.
00:42:32 Tucker brought it up uh about the UM.
00:42:36 Was it Georgia?
00:42:38 There is the look I've I've.
00:42:39 I've been saying that was fraud since day.
00:42:41 One it was.
00:42:42 Easy to see.
00:42:43 Just statistically speaking, you can't get.
00:42:45 See, that's the thing with this.
00:42:47 This you you if you know if you're.
00:42:49 If you understand statistics at all.
00:42:52 At all, that's all you need to know.
00:42:55 You don't have to go there always.
00:42:56 Like, you know, stupid rabbit.
00:42:57 It's like with the vaccine thing.
00:42:58 I was talking the same thing.
00:43:00 The statistics.
00:43:01 Statistically speaking, it doesn't seem that dangerous.
00:43:04 So why do I put the shot in my arm?
00:43:06 That these people who want me dead are really some really, really, really interested in putting, you know, they want to get their shot?
00:43:12 This, by the way, the shot that's free, and nothing's ever free, but this is free and they really, you know, the same thing, right? Thing is like you have to worry about nanobots or or whatever like you just have to do this.
00:43:24 Simple math of like while statistically speaking, this just doesn't look like it's that dangerous to.
00:43:29 Not do this and I'm so why would I do it?
00:43:33 Send the the, the the voter fraud.
00:43:35 You don't have to know about like you know, Dominion machines.
00:43:39 And it helps if you're technical enough to at least understand what possible, which I think a lot of people just they're not.
00:43:46 They don't realize how vulnerable.
00:43:47 Literally everything is, but especially when government gets involved and especially have contractors that are that are friends of the government that's hiring them and stuff like that.
00:43:56 Especially when when these exact machines have been getting hacked at hacking conventions by 9 year old girls, year after year, with nothing ever.
00:44:06 Changing nothing ever happening as a result.
00:44:08 Right.
00:44:09 So it hopes that you at least understand like exactly how ******* easy it is and how not ridiculous it is that that would happen, right?
00:44:16 But moreover, it's important that you just look at the statistics and understand that like it's, it's impossible that that someone like Joe Biden would have got like this record number of ******* votes like this in the same number of votes.
00:44:29 But if you but the bellwether, you know, counties and all that stuff that like, that's the one year like they all go for trial, but like magically that doesn't matter.
00:44:37 And like all these other statistical anomalies that we're just obviously like, OK, well, this doesn't add up in any.
00:44:43 Way shape or.
00:44:43 Form and I believe in some coincidences, but at a certain point, there's things that are just statistically impose.
00:44:50 Right.
00:44:51 So I've said since the very beginning, like look obviously.
00:44:54 There was fraud.
00:44:55 And yeah, I wasn't sure if they'd actually be able to, because I just would have figured like if I committed that kind of fraud, if I had the balls to do that, I'd hopefully have the brains to cover my tracks.
00:45:06 Doesn't look like they've necessarily had the brains to cover their tracks.
00:45:10 Very well.
00:45:11 So they are finding a lot of these anomalies, but.
00:45:17 So what?
00:45:20 You know Trump already, Trump already, you know, accepted the result.
00:45:26 Trump already handed this is the kind of ****.
00:45:30 But this is this is, you know, this is the kind of **** that he.
00:45:34 Should have.
00:45:34 He should have just looked.
00:45:36 He sure just said I'm not ******* leaving.
00:45:39 I'm going to order, you know, the.
00:45:42 The institutions that I.
00:45:43 Should have been clumsy for the last four ******* years.
00:45:50 But instead left all these Obama appointees in there.
00:45:56 I'm gonna use these guys that I I didn't hire that I should.
00:45:59 Have ******* hired.
00:46:02 To now, now, probably the public that it was fake.
00:46:06 Now it's a claustrophobia.
00:46:09 With no legal way of you know, so it's like.
00:46:12 Well, he was.
00:46:13 Trying to avoid violence.
00:46:14 Well, I mean.
00:46:15 No, he wasn't.
00:46:16 He was just trying to not be the guy that had to be, you know, in charge of it, something that we saw time and time again.
00:46:22 You know, we we as we watch South Africa and we see these Indians go full like **** mode on these the black looters.
00:46:30 Like like I said on on Twitter or telegram or both are forget, you know like that's exactly.
00:46:36 How Trump should have been treating the BLM rioters?
00:46:41 There should been ******* bleeding.
00:46:44 Bloody dead ******* right at riders everywhere.
00:46:49 I mean leaders, it's not like that's unprecedented.
00:46:52 To shoot leaders.
00:46:58 I don't want blasting litters left and right.
00:47:02 And here's the thing, if.
00:47:03 You're in a position now.
00:47:05 Yeah, they could be that.
00:47:06 Cause then they wouldn't obey the orders.
00:47:08 OK then now this is.
00:47:10 See, this is the thing.
00:47:13 You're you're right, but that's good.
00:47:17 Because now you know all the people that are trailers.
00:47:21 And yes, what the what?
00:47:22 The things have.
00:47:22 Escalated to a civil war.
00:47:24 Yeah, but guess what?
00:47:26 We're kind of in that, that place where maybe that's what needs.
00:47:29 To happen right?
00:47:32 And that's that would have been easier.
00:47:33 To have happen.
00:47:36 We were in the Oval Office.
00:47:38 I'm not playing golf in Mara Lago.
00:47:43 Not playing the golf in the same place where you and Jeffrey Epstein used to play golf, you and Bill Clinton used to play golf.
00:47:50 You and Bill Gates used to play golf.
00:47:54 You and Mark Zuckerberg had breakfast one day, yeah.
00:47:58 Look, I get it.
00:48:00 You're a *****.
00:48:03 You're a sellout, ******* *****.
00:48:04 So you're not the kind of guy we.
00:48:05 Needed, but anyway.
00:48:07 It's just it just it's disappointing cause now it's just.
00:48:11 I think we're just going to see once again, yeah, a lot of this proof will come out, but then what?
00:48:18 When they going to unprecedent, they're going.
00:48:19 To just do a do over no.
00:48:23 They they will come if unless they.
00:48:26 You know, I don't know what.
00:48:26 Will happen. Uh.
00:48:29 For certain, but like.
00:48:31 I'll tell you one thing for sure for certain.
00:48:34 All the swing states that magically went dark all at midnight and then all of a sudden there was like this huge.
00:48:39 Jump in votes for Biden.
00:48:41 Everyone of those states had enough fraud, absolutely.
00:48:45 Had enough fraud to change the election?
00:48:50 And everyone ******* knows that everyone that you know that's honest with themselves or understand statistics or technology or and isn't doesn't have like this hard on for like ohh actually Trump lost because the disaffected white people stayed home and we showed him so I put 5% of my name on Twitter grow the **** ** dude.
00:49:10 I get it like I'm look I.
00:49:11 Wish that was the.
00:49:12 Case but don't act like you actually.
00:49:14 Have that much political power.
00:49:16 You don't.
00:49:17 It's lying to yourself, and worse yet, it's lying to the people that, that, that are like minded and actually think there's something you're basically telling people.
00:49:24 Look see we can we can change the outcome of.
00:49:26 The elections, you know you can't.
00:49:28 No, you can't, dude.
00:49:31 You really can't.
00:49:35 So getting getting high on your own supply.
00:49:37 A bad idea in this case.
00:49:42 As even yeah, even if you're ******* mad at Trump and you want to be spiteful and whatever, look, I get it, I.
00:49:47 So do I.
00:49:48 Much better tactic, just if even if it was just from a just from like a persuasion or manipulation or persuasion.
00:49:56 I'm in the manipulation now.
00:49:57 I think is the name of the game.
00:49:59 Even if you're just going manipulating people and they're not liking Trump because.
Speaker 3
00:50:02 You think he's bad and he is?Devon
00:50:05 He totally is.00:50:09 You don't need to like make up some weird narrative.
00:50:11 About how else?
00:50:12 You enough, he he.
00:50:13 You know, he kept talking about black unemployment and and more all his white people.
00:50:16 And so the white people stayed home.
00:50:18 And that's why?
00:50:19 Well, **** that.
00:50:19 Just say look.
00:50:22 He had a chance to be a leader.
00:50:24 He knew the election was stolen.
00:50:26 And he gave the keys of the White House to the to a literal and sharper directional duty it to a degree that no president has ever done.
00:50:37 And that you're not lying.
00:50:40 That's all true.
00:50:42 Any man that does that should never been in.
00:50:44 The White House to begin with.
00:50:46 That's all ******* true.
00:50:50 That's all ******* true.
00:50:53 Now what that said.
00:50:56 That said, we are seeing like weird **** go on with the administration and the media seeing that like they're very, very nervous.
00:51:05 They're very upset about these investigations, you know, and and and when you see these ******* fence writing fagots on Twitter like Tim Poole like.
00:51:16 I used to think that the you know the the the claims of fraud were, well, ********.
00:51:20 But now it's starting to.
00:51:21 Look good.
00:51:22 Well, it's, you know.
00:51:23 He's he's he's seeing the wind shift.
00:51:27 Like every fence sitting fagot right.
00:51:30 So that's why he's the one that the good thing, I guess, is once you see the fencing fagots like Tim Poole start to be like, well, actually, maybe they won't look it it kind of.
00:51:39 Indicates that maybe.
00:51:40 That will become like a mainstream view.
00:51:44 And if that becomes a mainstream view?
00:51:47 And Trump, by some ******* miracle.
00:51:51 By some, such a miracle decides to cross the Rubicon in some way or another.
00:51:58 Then we'll have to decide like, you know, like I said, he really shouldn't be a leader.
00:52:03 He's just he's.
00:52:04 He's just been like a spectacular failure from day one.
00:52:08 But if it means getting rid of, like, these literal ******* satanist petals, I mean, I don't know.
00:52:14 I don't know.
00:52:15 It's like it's just like it's kind of like, you know, who would you rather be at the wheel?
00:52:20 The Satanist, Peto Jews are like the ******* Zionist, like.
00:52:24 White, I mean, they're both white hating Jews, right?
00:52:27 So it's like.
00:52:28 Yeah, I mean.
00:52:30 They're either gonna like.
00:52:33 Process with censorship laws well, at the same time I see I don't know.
00:52:38 Maybe there because there's not.
00:52:39 Any difference?
00:52:40 That here's the thing.
00:52:41 Like it used to.
00:52:42 Be where there was a difference, right where you'd be like, well, at.
00:52:45 Least at least they're.
00:52:46 Like you know.
00:52:47 Socially, they're going to they're going to like some.
00:52:49 No, the ******* Caitlyn Jenner.
00:52:51 Bruce Jenner.
00:52:53 Dressed as a woman ******* practice at CPAC.
00:53:00 The Democrats are the real transphobes.
00:53:03 I mean, look, it's it's there's not even a difference there.
00:53:06 There's really.
00:53:06 I don't.
00:53:07 There's no difference.
00:53:10 There's really no difference.
00:53:12 There was a tweet put out by Black Lives Matter.
00:53:15 I think today ******** about how since Biden has become president, that the the the black neighborhoods have have become even more militarized.
00:53:24 And it's like, well, I believe it, I mean, Trump was such a ******* failure when it came to addressing that.
Speaker 3
00:53:30 Problem then look I mean.Devon
00:53:32 Makes sense?00:53:36 Makes ******* sense.
00:53:42 Anyway, that's that's.
00:53:44 Yeah, she's ******* messy.
00:53:45 She's ******* messy.
00:53:48 Well, I'll look at chat now that I've ranted for ******* ever.
00:53:56 Yeah, that's a sticks is just.
00:53:57 As bad.
00:53:58 Yeah, sticks was like, oh, yeah, yeah.
00:54:00 South Africa.
00:54:01 South Africa is falling apart because of socialism.
00:54:08 Socialism strikes again.
00:54:11 And look with sticks.
00:54:13 Part of it is he's just like a a low IQ ******.
00:54:17 And and part of it is it's money.
00:54:19 It's money.
00:54:21 Sticks. Nose.
00:54:23 Six knows that if he starts getting all race realist on people.
00:54:28 You know, he's all.
00:54:29 That sweet, sweet Boomer Cash is going to.
00:54:31 Just dry up.
00:54:34 And like he doesn't.
00:54:35 He's not smart.
00:54:36 He doesn't have like he.
00:54:38 He's basically like edgy Tim pool, you know, he he he doesn't have.
00:54:45 Right, I.
00:54:48 I actually don't know.
00:54:48 Who would be watching at this point?
00:54:50 Because it's just all he does is he?
00:54:52 Looks for whatever conservatives are ********.
00:54:55 About on, on, on Twitter.
00:54:57 And then he makes like, some ****** 10 minute video about it.
00:55:01 Where he, he.
00:55:01 He, he.
00:55:02 He tows the ******* line, right.
00:55:04 He just uses the whatever the ******* official libertarian boomer take is on that he he just we go agitates.
00:55:12 And then, you know, just reinforce.
00:55:14 Yeah, he's basically just, he's preaching the choir.
00:55:17 He's just reinforcing to people that already believe it.
00:55:19 They just want to see some anorexic ****** say it to him for some reason, some anorexic satanic training.
00:55:26 With his shirt off, I don't.
00:55:28 Know. Like I said, I.
00:55:29 Don't. Who's watching this ****?
00:55:31 I don't know.
00:55:33 People are, though.
00:55:34 People are.
00:55:36 And it's a job for him and he.
00:55:38 Makes good money.
Speaker 3
00:55:39 Doing that.Devon
00:55:40 And then every once in a while he can sell one of his.00:55:42 Like Satan Magic books to.
Speaker 3
00:55:45 You know to bring in some more.00:55:47 Cash and whatever.
00:55:50 No, he still lives at home, but he was for like.00:55:52 The longest time too, so I didn't have like a lot of bills.
00:55:55 She's got plenty of money.
00:55:58 No, like, like most libertarians, he's very I'm sure he's very money centric.
00:56:07 Do I think Sargon is the same?
00:56:10 I don't.
00:56:10 Yeah, I don't have as much exposure as Sargon, I I.
00:56:13 Think that he's.
00:56:15 I think it's less the exposure I do have with him because it's I.
00:56:19 Feel like he he at least.
00:56:21 Maintains friendships with with people that I know and.
00:56:25 That I like.
00:56:27 I think for him it's more of.
00:56:28 A self delusion.
00:56:31 I think it's for him it he thinks he's being more big brained, like he's seen beyond race and it might even be a status thing.
00:56:39 Right.
00:56:39 Because he knows what happens to you in terms of social status, right?
00:56:44 Is, uh, like I I I don't think he cares about money as much as.
00:56:51 And again, this is just me, I.
00:56:52 Don't know the.
00:56:53 Guy, this is just me guessing well just based.
00:56:56 On what I do know of the guy.
00:57:00 Which is very little.
00:57:02 My sense is which could be totally wrong, but my my feeling and my gut feeling is.
00:57:08 He prefers.
00:57:11 The being.
00:57:13 Perceived as legitimate in the mainstream right.
00:57:16 Like that's why he ran for public office.
00:57:19 That's why he he seems to really enjoy it when he's interviewed by mainstream people and stuff like that.
00:57:24 Right.
00:57:25 Because I think he enjoys that aspect of it.
00:57:29 And you would, I mean, look, he would get, he would jeopardize all that if he started talking.
00:57:34 But I also don't think I don't think he actually believes it.
00:57:36 I think that.
00:57:37 He's he's managed to, you know, lebatard his brain with it, you know and.
00:57:45 And he's just locked in, you know, he's just locked into.
00:57:48 That worldview and.
00:57:49 And I don't know what would.
00:57:50 Change that.
00:57:52 And then the the you know that you when you when you hear people say weird things.
00:57:56 I've noticed this with a lot of people that will not go down the race and IQ route you usually find out later that there is.
00:58:05 A racial component to their family that is, well, it's multiracial. And of course, everyone's. At least I think most people have heard what Sargon set, like, tried to say once that his dad was black or something like, I don't know what, like, I doubt his dad's like black, but it. And it sounds like his dad's.
00:58:23 Not white, right? Which was weird because looking at him, it looks like he's white, but if his dad's not white, there's and every time there's like that, you know, component to someone it it makes them.
00:58:38 I don't necessarily makes them believe in like the the the Boogeyman stories.
00:58:44 In critical race theory about white people, like whether it like you know where all of a sudden, if white people do start to collectivize the next day, it's going to be like the one drop rule and we're just going door to door, you know, shooting anyone who's not 100% white in the forehead, but it kind of feels like that there there is like that lingering.
00:59:03 You know, maybe placed there by by Jewish fiction.
00:59:06 You know, there's that lingering perception that I'm not white enough.
00:59:10 Like if I if I let white people collectivize this is going to be it's going to come back to me, you know like like I'm going to unleash this demon this I'm going to unleash this demon of whiteness on the world and.
00:59:24 Eventually that, like I'm not going to be wide enough and they're going to come after me one.
00:59:27 Day, right?
00:59:29 I think there's an armor that I don't know if that's true or not, but I I firmly believe that that's.
00:59:36 That there's an element of that to.
00:59:37 A lot of.
00:59:38 Of people I've noticed over the years, like when you talk to.
00:59:41 Them and you realize? Ohh.
00:59:44 Ohh OK, so you got.
00:59:46 You got black wife? Yeah.
00:59:48 Whatever, right.
00:59:50 Like, OK, that all makes sense.
00:59:53 You think we're gonna like murder your family at some?
00:59:55 Point if we collect the ones.
01:00:01 UM.
01:00:05 Sticks his brows 4 Chan for over a decade.
01:00:08 He knows the deal with race realism.
01:00:10 He intentionally suppresses the knowledge for money.
01:00:13 Yeah, he's he's a sellout.
01:00:16 This this is small enough to.
01:00:17 Get it?
01:00:18 I don't think that he's.
01:00:21 And because he doesn't he?
01:00:22 He doesn't seem to oppose it on moral grounds.
01:00:24 Some, I mean, cause like the way that he still will interact.
01:00:29 With people that he'll do it to, like, argue with them and and do these intellectually dishonest, you know, bad faith, debates with people and stuff like that, but.
01:00:38 Right?
01:00:39 Like he at least will still interact and he doesn't.
01:00:42 And he doesn't seem to like.
01:00:45 I don't know.
01:00:45 I think it's a money.
01:00:46 Thing for him.
Speaker 3
01:00:51 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:00:56 Cactus Gang Chicago chapter representing.01:01:00 What's up, bear trap?
01:01:03 I gotta start showing guys names I forgot to do that.
01:01:07 Veruca salt.
01:01:08 I wonder what happened between sticks and Ramsey.
01:01:10 Paul, they used to stream together on Saturday.
01:01:12 Is probably money related.
01:01:14 Uh, yeah, I don't know what happened, but there's, you know, that's another difference between sticks and Ramsey, Pauls, Ramsey.
01:01:20 Paul gets the race thing, you know, he doesn't really talk about it much because he wants to stay on YouTube.
01:01:26 I think he's slowly trying to move his audience over to alternative platforms.
01:01:31 But I think that's his job.
01:01:33 I think I.
01:01:34 Don't think he?
01:01:34 Has income coming from a lot of other places.
01:01:36 You know, I don't think he's rolling in the dough so.
01:01:40 I don't think he wants to just he still monetized.
01:01:42 He doesn't want to just abandon.
01:01:44 You too, if that's where his money's coming from.
01:01:47 Which I look I get.
01:01:48 It we all gotta eat, right?
01:01:53 I don't know.
01:01:54 I think I'm just more of I'm more reckless.
01:01:57 And that way you know, I'm like.
01:02:02 I've I've worked with people that have been frustrated with.
01:02:04 How little I care about.
01:02:06 Let me just put that one.
01:02:09 It's and honestly I care.
01:02:12 I need to care more.
01:02:13 I really do.
01:02:16 Uh, so I I get it, but it's.
Speaker 3
01:02:17 Just I don't know.Devon
01:02:20 But he also split up the the weird thing is.01:02:23 Well, well, well, I think with because he was with.
01:02:25 That girl, Tina.
01:02:26 And I think that split was over COVID like she was wanting to to believe in the the like the states.
01:02:35 Narrative of COVID and and he didn't.
01:02:37 And I think she like spurred that.
01:02:39 I don't.
01:02:39 I don't know.
01:02:40 I that just.
01:02:41 But I've heard of the Grapevine.
01:02:47 Window Stone 6.
01:02:48 Do you think they'll ever stop lockdowns?
01:02:52 I don't know.
01:02:53 It kind of seems like there's.
01:02:56 Every time that.
01:02:58 They're going to be stopped like they are instantly started up again, you know, so it.
01:03:05 For the, at least for.
01:03:06 Now it doesn't seem like they're going to stop.
01:03:08 There doesn't seem to be any end insight.
01:03:12 Uh, I don't see how.
01:03:17 I mean, everyone's still complying.
01:03:21 Everyone is still complying so.
01:03:22 Even if like.
01:03:23 Look, even if once again we don't have to talk about like the the nanobot or the what's the vaccine or any of this stuff, there's just all the stuff we've talked about before that we do know, you know, in terms of like things tied to the great reset just to think that the amount of data that they want to be able to collect on.
01:03:40 There's so many things.
01:03:42 There's so many things the way. What? Whether no matter what the real like, no matter what the real version of, you know, the real story of COVID-19 is, which we'll never really know.
01:03:54 But regardless of what it is, it doesn't matter because it gives them too much access to too many things that they want that will.
01:04:02 That gives them too much.
01:04:04 Power over the over the cattle and it's not something to be willing to just give up one day.
01:04:09 It's not something there to.
01:04:11 Just be like oh ohhh yeah.
01:04:13 Like we, we've expanded our power and our we've gotten so much closer to our plans of just completely dominating the cattle and more over just making it impossible.
01:04:26 See, here's what you gotta understand.
01:04:27 It used to be about continuity of government, right?
01:04:30 Like they wanted to make sure that, well, if the president dies, you know that we have the Vice President steps in and the Vice President dies.
01:04:36 And like you know, the speaker of the House steps in like they, you know, they have to have like, this whole, you know, goes all.
01:04:41 Way down the line.
01:04:43 So if there's a huge disaster, you know there's always, like these contingency plans.
01:04:47 Or, you know, someone's all always there, like pick up and and and where the other person left off it, it's no longer.
01:04:56 Maintaining a system.
01:04:59 It's no longer about.
01:05:01 Maintaining a system so the system never dies and the the system can.
01:05:06 Live on in.
01:05:08 It's about maintaining a class of people and bloodlines.
01:05:15 If you're going.
01:05:16 To do that.
01:05:18 And you have in the information age that's going to be increasingly more obvious the more you do it right, people are going to start.
Speaker 3
01:05:25 To notice and.Devon
01:05:26 They're going to want to oppose.01:05:28 And So what you do is you start doing things that will guarantee that you can keep a continuity of power.
01:05:35 So it's not about the community governments, the continuity of power.
01:05:40 And the, uh, the Patriot Act went well long way in, in, in doing that because the patriot.
01:05:45 Act gave them the.
01:05:47 You know legal framework for.
01:05:50 Collecting all this data and spying on Americans and you know, not only does that make it so that if you're going to be trying to.
01:05:58 I don't know. Like.
01:06:01 Trying to communicate with other people, things that would endanger their power, right.
01:06:08 I don't reckon they spy on you and use that to prosecute you and call you a terrorist.
01:06:13 And all this other stuff.
01:06:14 But giving, giving, giving.
01:06:17 Like, here's something that you gotta I keep talking about how the more data that you give an AI the the smarter and better and the more useful it becomes, right?
01:06:28 I've talked about that a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot.
01:06:31 It's very important.
01:06:31 There was some bunch of clips.
01:06:32 I was going.
01:06:33 To play, I'll play the next stream in terms of.
01:06:37 And the.
01:06:40 The thing that I understand about that is.
01:06:43 The NSA.
01:06:45 Well, they collect a lot of data.
01:06:48 And that.
01:06:49 If the average person either or collecting, they'd be very upset and they'd say, well, wait, hold on.
01:06:55 I thought you had to have, like, this FISA core and all this other stuff like you had.
01:06:59 To have and and you know how come you're collecting data just on.
01:07:03 On me talking to my.
01:07:04 Plumber or whatever.
01:07:06 And the NSA will say, Oh well.
01:07:07 It doesn't count.
01:07:09 Because we don't actually look at it.
01:07:13 We just store it in this database and then if we ever need to look.
01:07:17 At it.
01:07:18 We'll go through legal channels and we'll get it all approved and then we'll look at it.
01:07:21 It's fine.
01:07:22 We can retroactively look at your communications and that way we can stop terrorism, right?
01:07:28 Like that's.
01:07:29 That's the rationale.
01:07:30 That's ********.
01:07:30 And that's the rationale they use.
01:07:33 Well, if you're going to rationalize.
01:07:36 Storing all this data.
01:07:38 Because humans aren't looking at it right, like so.
01:07:42 Your privacy is protected.
01:07:44 Don't you know, David, that?
01:07:45 Your privacy is protected because we're not actually looking at it.
01:07:48 We're just storing it on this on this in this massive.
01:07:51 Data center in in Utah.
01:07:54 You know, we're just storing everything you've ever said ever on the Internet on in this massive file on you.
01:08:00 But we're looking at it, so it's OK.
01:08:02 So your privacy is protected.
01:08:05 Well, I mean, if you're going to be the kind of evil flock that is using that kind of a legal justification.
01:08:12 And and get away with it, moreover.
01:08:16 Then really, is it that much different to say, Oh well, you know, the AI.
01:08:23 It's not like like like what the unmasking, right like it it's it doesn't know.
01:08:29 But this data is Devin Stack unless we unmask it, right?
01:08:34 So we can.
01:08:34 Feed all this data that we're collecting on.
01:08:36 Everybody's into this massive AI, but we masked the identity of the people that we're collecting on.
01:08:43 So yeah, sure.
01:08:44 Certainly to say I is able to come up with all these profiles on you and and you know, come up with, you know, because it's got this massive database of not just you everybody.
01:08:57 That said, anything like it has everything that's ever been said by anyone on the Internet for the last, you know, 30 ******* years.
01:09:05 That's a lot of ******* data to feed.
Speaker 3
01:09:06 Into an AI.Devon
01:09:08 You know, like there's a.01:09:10 Imagine that the power that would give you so.
01:09:13 First of all.
01:09:14 You would have to unmask uh, anybody to to.
01:09:18 Get some results.
01:09:19 Out of that you could just look at.
01:09:20 Well, look, we can we can look at this like how do populations react to different news stories, like what was popular in the news on this week, what was what were communications like?
01:09:30 Now, again, we're not gonna ask them.
01:09:31 We don't know who's actually communicating this stuff.
01:09:33 We don't know what they're, you know, who they're.
01:09:35 Saying it to, but we know what they're saying.
Speaker 3
01:09:37 How they're saying?Devon
01:09:38 It so we already we can already create these models like how the public will react.01:09:43 Digitally to things that happen in the news, but it's OK, right?
01:09:48 Because we're not unmasking anybody.
01:09:51 Right.
01:09:52 And so and then but like that, that right there is nightmare mode already that's already like.
01:09:59 Should no one should have access to that ****.
01:10:02 But they do.
01:10:03 They already do.
01:10:04 Probably already doing that.
01:10:05 UM, but on top of that?
01:10:09 They can now say well, so and so there's a domestic terrorist.
01:10:16 And so we can now mask him.
01:10:20 And we already have all these models.
01:10:21 We've created by all this data.
01:10:23 Mining we've been doing for 30 ******* years.
01:10:26 And now we can apply.
01:10:29 All this stuff.
01:10:30 That we've learned.
01:10:31 With specificity.
01:10:34 Yeah, to Devon's data.
01:10:38 You know and and get more personalized profiling, psychological and otherwise.
01:10:46 All the we can get more specific numbers on this guy.
01:10:52 And uh.
01:10:54 Once you have.
01:10:56 That's that's, that's just what they have now.
01:10:58 But that's the patriot that ****, right?
01:11:02 Now, once they have that mixed with the uh, the ability not just like clock, just the tracking stuff alone is big deal.
01:11:09 That's big deal.
01:11:11 So not only are they going to get the the ability to track your location and stuff like that, but with the vaccine passport ****.
01:11:17 They can deny you entry.
01:11:21 Make him make him deny you entry.
01:11:25 And one of the ways they can do that. So there's a Speaking of eyes. There's a new sensor they're pushing that they say can now, oh, it can detect code with like 97% accuracy or something. It's.
01:11:35 Like a breathalyzer?
01:11:37 So it's like this sensor that you breathe in to and it it runs.
01:11:41 It against this AI.
01:11:43 And the way like a simplified version of explaining this AI is you would have like a you know.
01:11:50 1000 people that you that you saw were COVID positive breathe into the sensor and it finds you know what's what's the common denominator here between all these samples? Ohh, looks like.
01:12:03 You know, if they have this level of this.
01:12:07 Chemical or this pH or whatever, right?
01:12:09 Like it measures something?
01:12:11 That that is shared between all the different samples and now the AI can say OK well now if you breathe into this sensor.
01:12:20 Uh, if you've got that.
01:12:22 That marker then I can say you've got COVID and that's what they're saying that that it does, right?
01:12:27 But they're also saying ohh this this breathalyzer thing, it doesn't just end it COVID it can detect all kinds of **** if we have enough data.
01:12:37 See, once again the the AI is only.
01:12:38 As good as the data, right?
01:12:40 Well, if you're going to start having everyone have to take the breathalyzer test to go into the ******* supermarket or whatever, you're going to have like an endless amount of data coming into that AI because everyone's going to be breathing into it all.
01:12:51 The *** **** ******* time.
01:12:53 And they're they're breathing into it, is going to be is going to be mashed up with their own identity of some sort, right?
01:13:00 Cause you're gonna have to like, presumably you know.
01:13:03 Prove who you are.
01:13:05 When you go in there.
01:13:07 So you'll you'll.
01:13:07 Swipe your ID or your whatever and then they'll bring them to this thing and.
01:13:11 Now they've got your breath all the time.
01:13:15 And there's all kinds of things that once it starts creating, you know, right now it's just they always figure out COVID cause of, you know, these markers or whatever.
01:13:22 They'll find other markers.
01:13:24 You'll find lots of other markers, and there's all kinds of nefarious **** you could do with that.
Speaker 3
01:13:30 You know.Devon
01:13:31 And so like, it's just nightmare mode.01:13:33 Like we're just getting to a point where.
01:13:39 The technocrats.
01:13:41 The micromanaging technocrats.
01:13:44 The technology is is finally catching up.
01:13:50 The level of *******.
01:13:54 Micromanaging evil that they want to inflict on.
Speaker 3
01:13:58 On on people.Devon
01:13:59 You think they're just just to give you?01:14:01 An idea of the personality types behind this ****.
01:14:04 Think about any job.
01:14:05 You whether you whether it was a fast food restaurant, you know delivering pizza or you know it was a you were a programmer.
01:14:14 Or it doesn't matter just any *******.
01:14:16 Blue collar, white collar.
01:14:17 Or any job that you've ever had.
01:14:21 What's the?
01:14:21 What's the one thing that all your micromanaging?
01:14:25 Tracking managers had in common.
01:14:30 There were ********.
01:14:32 Not worry, have you ever thought to yourself, yo, I really like Carl.
01:14:36 But Mary's a micromanager.
01:14:37 No, they're all ******* ship bags.
01:14:39 They're all damaged trucks that don't trust anyone.
01:14:42 That's why they do it.
01:14:43 That's why they're micromanagers.
01:14:46 It's about control.
01:14:48 It's little ******* control.
01:14:49 Freaks that don't that don't trust anybody to do anything, ever.
01:14:54 They have to.
01:14:55 Control all of it.
01:14:57 Well, I mean, basically what we're talking about is the the people with those characteristics, but they're the alpha of that group.
01:15:06 Because they've managed to to they micromanage their wave at the top.
01:15:11 Of that food chain.
01:15:13 And we don't want to just control like how you make your pizza.
01:15:17 Before you stick in the pizza oven and.
01:15:19 Then control like.
01:15:19 How long? It's the oven.
01:15:20 You know all that stuff they want to control everything they want to control populations, they want to control the the planet.
01:15:31 And the technology is finally catching up.
01:15:35 To where there's a lot of this stuff that would have just been.
01:15:39 Impossible to do.
01:15:41 Because humans are so complicated, they're not unpredictable.
01:15:45 But they're they're unpredictable in large numbers.
01:15:50 If you don't have the technology.
01:15:54 To make some of the predictions for you.
Speaker 3
01:15:59 Right.Devon
01:16:00 There's one way I really is doing.01:16:03 It's it's like you have a wish sometimes, like like that movie multiplicity or I wish there was another me, right.
01:16:11 I wish like this would be so much easier if I could have a, you know, another me helping me work on this car.
01:16:17 You know, another me helping me make this movie or or work on this animation like that.
01:16:23 It's, I know I could get it done and I I'm capable of doing all these other all these little components of it.
01:16:29 I I'm totally capable of doing it, but I'm limited because it's just there's only.
01:16:34 Really what you do with AI is you're.
01:16:36 Making trillions of you.
01:16:39 No, it's not just.
01:16:40 A another you it's like an infinite number of you's.
01:16:46 And So what you're doing is these little micromanaging control freaks.
01:16:50 They're not just making, they're not just thinking.
01:16:53 If only there's another me.
01:16:54 They're they're thing.
01:16:55 If only there's like a planet of meats.
01:16:58 They can work it.
01:16:59 Controlling these ******* cattle and.
Speaker 3
01:17:00 That's what's happening.Devon
01:17:03 That's what's happening.01:17:04 Then bad the batteries first layer the Crick in here and have a.
Speaker 3
01:17:09 Hard time finding out.Devon
01:17:10 On the lights.01:17:12 Come on, classified.
01:17:13 Cat, why are you not telling that?
01:17:14 Cricket. Where'd you even go?
Speaker 3
01:17:17 He was in here a minute ago.01:17:18 Hopefully he's looking for the cricket.
01:17:25 This this worked surprisingly OK, but the battery.01:17:28 Definitely almost dead, so let's just do a little bit of uh.
01:17:33 As I said that it went down, it's not doing the red yet it it's about to turn red though, so I'll try to do, yeah.
Speaker 3
01:17:45 There we go.Devon
01:17:46 Handheld theorizing.01:17:49 And I also love this.
01:17:50 Yeah, we've actually, we argued a little bit like he's a nice guy.
01:17:54 I think he likes me and I like him.
01:17:56 We've argued about stuff like he.
01:17:59 He was never like a cute card, but I think he he was trusting the plan a little bit.
01:18:02 Too much and we got into it about that like back.
01:18:06 Well, look, reasonable people thought that Trump was going to do something, but he does good stuff.
01:18:11 He does good.
01:18:12 Videos and I think he's.
01:18:14 Taking a break right now.
01:18:16 He's uh.
01:18:18 Like take a technology break.
01:18:23 Yeah, you guys. Good stuff.
01:18:26 A high priest, King Terry.
01:18:28 Pretty crazy to think a lot of the justification that the NSA feds have to spy on us is based on a court case for a small town police station wiretapping the phone line on behalf of a widow being generally stocked by a harasser.
01:18:44 Is that the initial case?
01:18:46 I'm not familiar with.
01:18:47 I have to go back and look at it.
01:18:50 Uh COVID patient zero here in Germany, people are literally NPCS, and every time I interact with new people after two to three sentences, they asked me when I got my first vaccine.
01:19:02 When I tell them I didn't, they get radio silent, or so I should consider getting one.
01:19:08 People are freaked out.
01:19:09 It's becoming like a A class thing.
01:19:12 It's becoming a A.
01:19:15 Awesome damn thing.
01:19:17 Look, I pointed this out in my video viral video.
01:19:23 It kind of makes you wonder about all these zombie movies we have for.
Speaker 3
01:19:26 So long, right?Devon
01:19:29 Like, isn't that a weird genre to have exist in the mainstream for as?01:19:33 Long as it has.
01:19:36 Like zombie movies, where the whole movies and TV shows and everything, what's it about?
01:19:45 It's about the the real people.
01:19:48 Who always work right?
01:19:49 They're always these work people running away from the infected.
01:19:53 And it's totally OK to mass murder the infected, because they're not really people.
01:20:02 Isn't that interesting that there has just been this entire genre?
01:20:06 Going on for years and years, and the lefties, the whole lefties, they love zombie movies.
01:20:15 And they're they were buying like that.
01:20:17 Are they still sell them?
01:20:19 But there was like a.
01:20:21 When it was like peak Walking Dead I.
01:20:23 Mean now it's kind.
01:20:24 Of like not as popular, but when it was peak Walking Dead was like the the cruel hit show.
01:20:30 They were selling like zombie apocalypse, you know?
01:20:33 Go bags to.
Speaker 3
01:20:34 Lefties, you know.Devon
01:20:36 That would kind of like a hatchet, like it was all **** that it would never actually help you out in a real situation, but.01:20:45 Uh, I'm impelled.
01:20:46 Watched doctor.
01:20:50 Watched Doctor Sheep today if ever I've seen a scene depicting the described extraction of Adrenochrome.
01:20:58 It's in that movie.
01:21:01 Or doctor sleep.
01:21:05 Why do I feel like I've seen that?
01:21:07 I don't know if I should dare open up a browser window well.
01:21:13 Well, I'll hopefully I'll remember doctor sleep.
01:21:22 Gas matic.
01:21:25 To men who have passion, money means very little.
01:21:28 This is true.
01:21:30 This is true.
01:21:31 But also I wish I did have like a.
01:21:34 My God.
01:21:36 They have business.
01:21:38 Partner or something that would.
01:21:40 It's it's not just more with this stuff.
01:21:42 That's how I've been my whole life.
01:21:43 Like yeah, I've worked from, I've worked on my own as a contractor forever and I've I've never paid myself.
01:21:50 For so long, just because I'd like to, I always, I always try to do what I like doing right and so.
Speaker 3
01:21:56 It's. I don't know.Devon
01:21:59 Money has never really been like the draw.01:22:01 For me.
01:22:02 It's never worse status.
01:22:04 I I guess it's just.
01:22:06 Liking what you do is more.
01:22:07 Important to me, but not.
01:22:09 To everyone, there's a lot of people they'll they'll do like the the worst ******* ****** job ever because it pays really well.
01:22:15 Yeah, you know, maybe that's the smarter thing.
Speaker 3
01:22:17 To do, I don't know.Devon
01:22:20 High Priest King Terry.01:22:22 I have no idea to grow alternative tech video platforms like Odyssey.
01:22:27 These platforms need more politically neutral content.
01:22:30 We say nothing is on YouTube, but where do you go to look up the video to see a DIY project?
01:22:38 Uh replacing belt tension on your car?
01:22:41 Let's have that content.
01:22:42 Yeah, there should be stuff like that.
01:22:44 You gotta remember, though, it's not just.
01:22:47 You know, youtubes.
01:22:48 Got what, like 20 years of content?
01:22:52 Something crazy like that, and that's not Odyssey's fault. And yeah, go #2. I mean, Google bought YouTube because they failed at making a competitor. They tried making.
01:23:03 Google Video first.
Speaker 3
01:23:05 And it sucked, and no one liked.Devon
01:23:07 It so they just bought YouTube.01:23:10 So it's like.
01:23:12 You know, I hope obviously that I hope you know, obviously does well.
01:23:17 But uh.
01:23:20 It's not like they're up against it's, you know, it's not amateur hour over YouTube, they know they.
01:23:26 It just the the the content is king, right?
01:23:29 And you're right, you have them have more.
01:23:32 More means is what you're saying.
01:23:34 If you want more memes on Odyssey, you have to have more normal ship.
01:23:37 You have to have stupid makeup tutorials and all that stuff.
01:23:40 But the problem is, is most content creators that do that kind of **** they they're all.
01:23:46 Motivated by.
01:23:47 So until Odyssey can find a way to monetize that ****, it doesn't make any sense to someone who like.
01:23:52 Why are they?
01:23:53 Do it.
01:23:54 You know, and if you're like, you know, make a tutorial person or like a cat videos, why would you?
01:24:02 Who cares what odyssey?
01:24:04 Because you'll never get the platform making that **** right on YouTube like you can make videos on fixing cars or painting houses or all those.
01:24:14 Do it yourself videos.
01:24:15 You can get all day long.
Speaker 3
01:24:16 And never get the platform.Devon
01:24:18 On YouTube.01:24:19 So where's the motivation to go to Odyssey?
01:24:24 In fact, in a way it's something like you wouldn't want your stuff on Odyssey because.
01:24:27 It would just take away from your YouTube views.
01:24:34 UM.
01:24:41 And try to get to anyone else that said something.
01:24:46 OK.Devon
01:24:50 Alright, so I think I'm all the way caught up.01:24:57 Well, hammer, frozen heavy, slimy rabbits lately?
01:25:01 No, it's been too hot, man.
01:25:03 It's just been.
01:25:05 I gotta figure out something to do cause it just uh it.
01:25:08 When it's hot and.
01:25:12 Even the least bit humid outside, which it's been never ending humid for like weeks.
01:25:18 You just sweat all day.
01:25:20 And then if you go outside, it's like it's almost nicer outside than it is inside, but you can't.
01:25:25 You can't just be outside either, because it's just.
01:25:30 This is just.
01:25:31 The three months out of the year, that's just awful.
01:25:33 It's like it.
01:25:35 People will complain about it in the desert, but it's like, you know when you're complaining about how the snow is up to like, you're shoving or drive where every day, that's what I'm going to be.
01:25:46 Doing great now like.
01:25:48 Everything's great, the weather is great here, where you feel chilly. But uh, yeah, that's what those all two gradients are for, right? Just pour one of.
01:25:55 Those up and I'm good.
01:25:57 But yeah, it's there the, the the drawback of.
01:26:00 The desert.
01:26:00 There's three months out.
01:26:01 Of the year, that just sucks.
01:26:03 And it's it's.
01:26:05 I haven't done a whole lot and.
01:26:06 Plus, like I've I've.
01:26:08 I've had some health things that I've had to deal with and that doesn't make.
01:26:12 That's not making it easier.
01:26:14 But I'm just trying to stay out of the sun and stay cool and and all that stuff.
01:26:20 And I didn't get the discord stuff.
01:26:23 I hadn't had a chance to get on there.
01:26:24 I almost had a chance that.
Speaker 3
01:26:27 Yeah, well.Devon
01:26:30 He goes today.01:26:31 I was going to get on there today but haven't had a chance.
01:26:34 Part of the thing you got to remember too, when I'm doing my contract work.
01:26:39 Which I am still doing.
01:26:41 I can't uh.
01:26:43 If it's like 95 degrees.
01:26:46 Inside where my render machine is.
01:26:50 UM.
01:26:52 I mean, I guess technically you can or.
01:26:54 If I start rendering stuff.
01:26:57 And and it's not going to melt down.
01:26:58 Because it is.
01:26:59 Water cooled, but it's like.
01:27:02 It's gonna make it just makes that room, like, 100. You know what? It's just it's it just sucks, right?
01:27:06 Now just everything sucks right now.
01:27:11 I didn't.
01:27:12 I didn't realize conditioner and I need.
01:27:13 I need installation in this ******* place.
01:27:16 This is way worse than last year, like last year wasn't like this.
01:27:19 This is the left the heat wave, right, the whole W the whole West of part of the of the country.
01:27:23 What was like 105 in *******?
01:27:27 Washington State the other day, you know, like it's it's hot and nasty.
01:27:33 Not in the desert on the West this year.
01:27:36 This is just a ****** ******* year.
01:27:38 And on top of that, the like, it's not raining like it just keeps not raining.
01:27:43 But like the rain, clouds are always they're always passing by, like making it humid, but it never drops rain.
Speaker 3
01:27:50 It's just been ******* nasty.Devon
01:27:53 But anyway, you know, powers down.01:27:57 The car explodes. Ohh.
01:28:02 It was very.
01:28:04 It's been a.
01:28:07 Yeah, I mean, look, I I can I I totally understand now why the Middle East has just been like.
01:28:12 At each other's throats.
01:28:13 Now, for like 4000 years.
01:28:16 Because if that's where you live.
01:28:19 Like it makes you agitated like it just makes you.
01:28:21 ******* all riled up and.
01:28:25 I don't know.
01:28:25 I get it.
01:28:26 It cuts your brain, it cooks your ******* brain.
01:28:30 Now I know why they've been like suicide bombing each other.
01:28:32 For you know.
01:28:34 Since the dawn of time.
01:28:36 The one that doesn't make sense is like, why they they fight over the land.
01:28:39 Like it's like.
01:28:41 Once you get it the land it the land.
01:28:43 Is why you're fighting.
01:28:45 It's like go find somewhere laser.
01:28:47 Maybe that's what our ancestors did, right?
01:28:50 That's why we're Europeans, because our, our, our answers, right?
01:28:55 **** this ****.
01:28:57 We're gonna go somewhere like.
Speaker 3
01:28:59 Not like this all the time.Devon
01:29:02 And maybe someday I want to.01:29:04 Uh, this is what I could do, though, you know, like I said, big part of why I came here was I've lived in deserts, along left, where I knew I'd be getting myself into.
01:29:12 But I've been part of this financial, you know, it's like I could afford it.
01:29:16 And uh.
01:29:18 You know, I don't regret I.
01:29:19 I've never regretted it.
01:29:22 Even even like our nights like this one, getting blown in the face with hot air coming from my laptop and.
01:29:29 There's a cricket that I'm going to try to go kill here in a second, cricketing away and.
01:29:36 There's no power and I'm just sweating like I I just have, like, beads of sweat dripping down me, my shirts, like soaking wet right now.
01:29:45 Uh, because it's.
01:29:46 It probably is like close to 100.
01:29:48 Degrees in here, especially with the computer going.
01:29:51 Still don't regret it.
01:29:53 I don't regret it at all.
01:29:55 Uh, it's it's been fun.
01:29:58 Thanks a lot.
01:30:00 Weirdly enough, despite what people say, it takes a a whole lot to demoralize me.
01:30:08 I'm I'm still not demoralized, so anyway guys.
01:30:11 I'm going to shut it down.
01:30:13 Because I do have the the the battery indicator is now red.
01:30:17 Well, yeah, we live stream for.
01:30:19 An hour and.
01:30:20 1/2 That's what I thought this laptop.
01:30:23 Had in it.
01:30:24 I didn't think it was gonna hang for that long.
01:30:27 So sorry, the graphics were kind of lame, but at least we did get to look at the appropriate lightning strike about this.
01:30:40 Animation anime.
Speaker 3
01:30:48 I don't know.Devon
01:30:50 So, uh yeah.01:30:51 All right.
01:30:54 Well, I don't have, uh.
01:30:55 I wonder if I have, like, a fancy video I can play at the end.
01:30:58 I that's part of my stick, right.
01:31:01 Oh, that's a Jewish word, I shouldn't say.
01:31:03 That it's part of my thing.
01:31:04 The thing that I do.
01:31:06 As I play like a.
01:31:08 The video at.
01:31:09 The end.
01:31:09 Is there something I can play?
Speaker 3
01:31:13 I don't know if there is.Devon
01:31:17 I mean this laptop.01:31:18 I've had a really long time, so maybe there's something just.
Speaker 3
01:31:20 Weird, I've got on here.01:31:23 That I can play.
01:31:26 What's this?
01:31:31 Uh, you don't want to see that.
01:31:36 Do. Uh.Speaker 3
01:31:39 There might be nothing.01:31:40 Yeah, there's probably nothing.
01:31:41 I can play.
01:31:43 What's this? This is from.
01:31:46 I'm going to sort.01:31:47 I'm going to try to find something really old on this laptop.
01:31:53 2015.
Speaker 3
01:31:57 What is this?Devon
01:32:00 Problem is it it's like if it's from 2015 is it?01:32:04 Going to be Doxie.
01:32:06 Where's the cows right there?Speaker 3
01:32:08 Oh yeah.01:32:09 And this in 2015.
01:32:13 Let me mute this real quick in case I say something.01:32:20 Ah yeah, might be too doxxy let me look.
01:32:27 Well, that's a shame.
01:32:27 One of these days I will show you this stuff.
01:32:32 I'm looking at.
01:32:34 Well, one of these days I'll show you that stuff.
01:32:39 Definitely not showing that.
01:32:42 Well, well, now I now I have to show you something, right?
Speaker 3
01:32:53 I hear some.Devon
01:33:00 OK, let's do that.01:33:12 I better hurry up because the battery is right about the die.
Speaker 3
01:33:21 Oh, is it not gonna?Devon
01:33:26 Uh, it's not working.01:33:30 It was really special.
01:33:31 It was just some weird.
01:33:32 I don't even know what it is.
01:33:33 It's some weird historic footage.
01:33:36 That I've got in here.
01:33:39 Well, I guess I only have one choice then.
01:33:45 For blackfield.
01:33:47 And of course.
Speaker 3
01:33:49 Dennis stack.Speaker 1
01:34:21 I wanna be your honey.01:34:36 I don't know how to do that, you know.
01:34:46 Baby bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
01:35:18 Tell me crazy.
01:35:21 I want to tell you why it should be mine, but I'm gonna let you know.
01:36:02 I'm totally in love with you.
01:36:06 I'm just trying to say a word.
01:36:32 You know.
01:36:45 Like a.
01:36:56 You know, without you, my life is incomplete.
01:37:02 Now I want to show the world.
01:37:06 My love for you.
01:37:24 Beep beep beep.