

00:00:00 It's working.
Speaker 1
00:01:36 1600 Rd. One day I was walking down the street I was cruising. Something was.
00:01:50 There was a mess and chicks.
00:01:55 That's not bad.
00:01:56 There's money for you.
Speaker 2
00:02:06 Chicken you love to know.
00:02:08 Your chicken?
00:02:10 Know my chicken?
00:02:12 You got to know your chicken.
00:02:14 I know my chicken.
Speaker 1
00:02:20 And went away.
00:02:24 She was noisy every night I had.
00:02:26 To always chicken.
00:02:39 I like that one.
Speaker 3
00:02:57 Come on down to as the fuel Kincaids International House of Chicken, where you pick out your own live chicken, you water your chicken and you cook your personal chicken over a BBQ pit that's keep you engaged international.
00:03:12 Don't tell chicken.
00:03:13 I know my chickens, so.
Speaker 1
00:04:42 College studied anatomy and for the purpose of structuring.
Speaker 4
00:04:50 The balloon.
Speaker 2
00:04:58 You know your chicken.
Speaker 5
00:05:21 Sandman, make him the cutest that I've ever seen.
00:05:30 Give him two lips like.
00:05:33 Clover and tell them that is loads and nights are over.
Speaker 6
00:05:34 Bum, bum, bum.
Speaker 7
00:05:42 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:05:47 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
Speaker 5
00:05:48 Turn on your magic bean.
Speaker 7
00:05:56 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:06:00 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
Speaker 5
00:06:10 Make him the cutest that I've ever seen, that I'm not.
Speaker 7
00:06:14 Giving the word.
Speaker 5
00:06:18 And that is not tonight's harvest.
Speaker 6
00:06:24 I don't have.
Speaker 5
00:06:27 Nobody to call my own.
00:06:30 Listen on your magic.
Speaker 7
00:06:38 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Speaker 5
00:06:47 Mr. Simon? Yes.
Speaker 6
00:06:56 Give them a lonely.
Speaker 5
00:07:01 And lots of WAVY hair.
00:07:15 Your magic, Mr.
00:07:20 please, please, please, Mr.
00:07:33 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:07:39 Good Lord, I'm tired.
00:07:41 I'm so tired.
00:07:43 I'm so tired.
00:07:46 I am so tired.
00:07:47 I have been up.
00:07:47 For over.
00:07:50 Definitely over for over 24 hours and I just I just could not I I have not been able to sleep.
Speaker 9
00:07:58 So I guess the.
Speaker 10
00:07:59 The insomnia stream is is accurately.
00:08:02 Named accurately named, and they want to leave the guys hanging.
00:08:06 And even though the.
00:08:08 The Internet is so ******, I knew I could easily get out of it, but this is probably going to be a shorter stream because you know, just as like it was starting to get.
00:08:18 Close to string time is when.
00:08:20 I was like, oh, I'm so tired I can.
Speaker 11
00:08:22 Actually, sleep now. Oh, no.
00:08:24 Oh no, don't.
00:08:24 Don't try to sleep.
00:08:25 You you won't get up.
00:08:27 You won't get.
00:08:28 And so yes.
00:08:30 But anyway, we'll go through some stuff 1st and then.
00:08:33 But like I said, probably not doing, probably not doing the three hours the night.
00:08:37 Probably doing closer to like an hour and and then I'm going to going to have to sleep.
00:08:44 It's been exhausting.
00:08:45 Out here a little bit little bit.
00:08:49 You know it.
00:08:50 It's, it's.
00:08:51 It's weird, I know.
00:08:52 There's, I know.
00:08:55 There has been there's some science behind this, but wind.
00:09:01 Even though it's not like.
Speaker 10
00:09:03 Wind is exhausting.
00:09:06 Even if you're not even.
00:09:07 Really, in it a whole lot.
00:09:10 When it's really.
00:09:11 Windy, like all day long.
00:09:13 Like I never say.
00:09:14 Even if you're inside.
00:09:17 But you go out in a little bit here and there.
00:09:20 And I know I I I know that there's been studies done about this.
00:09:25 In fact there's even like I guess there's see, I don't remember the specifics of this.
00:09:30 So I don't quote me on it but I know for a fact there is some Nordic country.
00:09:35 That has, like a windy season.
00:09:38 Or maybe there's like, it's a region that has a windy season.
00:09:42 And there it is been known to cause.
Speaker 11
00:09:46 Bad moods.
00:09:48 To such an extreme.
00:09:50 That it can.
00:09:51 It can be used as.
00:09:52 A legal defense.
00:09:54 Like if you do something ******.
00:09:56 Up during the windy season.
Speaker 11
00:09:59 You can be like, yeah, but it was the windy seat.
00:10:01 I I lost control.
00:10:05 I was so aggravated by the wind.
00:10:09 I'll have to look up and see where that's at.
00:10:11 But that is that is a.
Speaker 10
00:10:12 Thing that is a thing.
00:10:13 It was so long ago.
00:10:15 Last time I researched.
00:10:15 That I don't remember any of the details other than it was some kind of Nordic country.
00:10:22 Which basically just.
00:10:23 Means it's overrun by Muslims wherever this place is.
00:10:27 Uh, Speaking of overrun by Muslims, well, we'll get to that in a second.
00:10:33 So on my telegram, a story I posted.
00:10:39 Is this story the that scientists can implant false memories and reverse them?
00:10:49 False memories and reverse them so they can.
00:10:52 They're basically getting to a point where they can access your mind like a hard drive.
00:11:01 Well, that would be that would be.
00:11:03 Quite the powerful tool.
00:11:05 But let's take a look.
00:11:06 Sometimes these headlines are a little sensational.
00:11:09 And then?
00:11:10 You read the story and.
00:11:12 It's not quite as epic as.
00:11:13 They initially describe it.
00:11:16 Memories are tricky and can compromise or comprise rather much more than our actual recollections.
00:11:24 Our minds can make memories out of stories.
00:11:26 We've heard or photographs we've seen.
00:11:30 Even when the actual recollections are long forgotten and new research suggests this can even happen when stories aren't true.
00:11:40 Well, we've talked about this a lot with movies.
00:11:43 Right when people watch movies.
00:11:49 A lot of times.
00:11:50 They begin to feel as if.
00:11:52 That's something they experienced.
00:11:55 The lessons they learn.
00:11:58 By watching the movie.
00:12:01 That's if you know, provided the movie.
00:12:03 Was was effective.
00:12:06 That's just as powerful as having learned it in real life.
00:12:10 The difference, of course, is the movie is fiction, so the movie can teach a lesson that you would never learn in real life because it couldn't happen in real life.
00:12:23 You know, just as an example, all these TV shows and movies.
00:12:27 That where white people are evil and trying to kill you.
00:12:33 Every there's a white supremacist hiding behind every rock.
00:12:38 Well, of course that's going to have an effect on the people watching those shows.
00:12:41 They are going to create memories.
00:12:45 It is going to traumatize them.
00:12:46 It's going to give them trauma.
00:12:51 Moving right along, I find it so interesting, but also scary that we base our entire identity and what we think about our past on something that's so malleable and fallible.
00:13:05 Eileen Oberst?
00:13:06 Yeah, I bet you can guess.
00:13:09 At the University of Hagen in Germany.
00:13:13 Oberst is the first author of a study released Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that examines false memories.
00:13:24 And what can be done to reverse them?
00:13:28 False memories, the study suggests, are more than unsettling.
00:13:33 When they take root, they can disrupt a courtroom.
00:13:38 And the fate of the individuals there.
00:13:42 Necessary background.
00:13:44 One of the biggest sources of false memory, says Oberst, is clinical psychiatrists who believe in repressed memories.
00:13:52 This is the idea.
00:13:53 That a person who has experienced A traumatic event could selectively forget memories of the trauma.
00:14:00 It's really well documented that what those people usually suffer from is to not be able to forget they have flashbacks, they have PTSD, they can't push it away, says Oberst.
00:14:12 There's not much evidence for this repression, but of a therapist says to a patient that their current symptoms suggest they may have, for example, been.
00:14:22 And that if the patient doesn't remember.
00:14:25 It it should have.
00:14:26 Or and that it could have happened.
00:14:28 This can trigger false memories if people try and search for memory, they usually find something, Ober says these false memories become a major problem.
00:14:42 When they end up as evidence in a courtroom, which is why researchers are studying not just how they are created, but how they can be identified and reversed.
00:14:53 In the new study, Oberst and colleagues were able to successfully implant false memories in study subjects and then reverse them.
00:15:03 So I would imagine it's probably much.
00:15:04 Easier to do that to people that do not have a inner monologue.
00:15:10 People who don't have an inner voice probably are, are much easier to.
00:15:16 To write to like a flash drive.
00:15:20 Because there there, there's doesn't seem to.
00:15:22 Be any kind of.
00:15:24 Software on there in the first place.
00:15:27 So you'd have plenty.
00:15:28 Of room to to fit your stuff there.
00:15:35 But yeah, so this goes on so like.
00:15:37 There's no there's.
00:15:38 No memory machine, right memory machine.
00:15:41 It's more of like a if you go through the article, they're basically it's kind of like what I.
00:15:49 Mean people have this.
00:15:50 Isn't that particularly new, right.
00:15:53 We we've heard about the hypnotists, right?
00:15:56 Where the psychologists will.
00:15:58 Oh well, you know, you just don't remember being abducted by the aliens.
00:16:02 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to hypnotize you, and we're going to.
00:16:05 Try to bring you back to that that weird night that you don't remember things and get you to remember being abducted by the aliens.
00:16:15 And when I was younger and I was kind of like.
00:16:18 Into like X Filey kind of alien ****.
00:16:21 I watched a lot of this stuff and every time, even as a as a little kid, I would be able to easily see.
00:16:30 They would. They would be leading, leading them through this false memory like it was like I said, as a child, I could see this stuff and be like, oh, well, you're basically you're, you're programming this dude to think he got abducted by aliens and the ****** ** thing is that guy's gonna wake up from his hypnosis and legit.
00:16:50 I think he was abducted by aliens.
00:16:52 And how's that?
00:16:52 How is that gonna **** with you?
00:16:53 If you really believe that.
00:16:56 So they're kind of going into that and I guess they are talking about, you know, different kinds of UM.
00:17:05 Strategies that they can use and stuff like that, and even to the extent where they can get people to stop liking a certain kind of food cause they can implant a memory about a particular kind of food being like, like really gross.
00:17:20 Like they went to eat it once.
00:17:21 And it was all moldy.
00:17:23 And covered in maggots or something, and just like it ***** with their head and they no longer want pizza anymore, right?
00:17:30 And uh, so this is.
00:17:33 This isn't terribly new.
00:17:37 But uh, I guess an interesting reminder.
00:17:44 All right.
00:17:46 Moving right along.
00:17:55 Another story.
00:17:59 Was that a study has found that millennials.
00:18:04 And Gen.
00:18:04 axes are in poorer health.
00:18:09 They're they're not as healthy as boomers.
00:18:14 While it's a common belief that most things get better with each passing generation.
00:18:21 Well, it was.
00:18:22 It was a common belief.
Speaker 9
00:18:27 It appears health is not one.
00:18:29 Of them, I'll add it to the.
00:18:31 List researchers from the Ohio State University finds the overall health of young or younger generations in America is getting worse over time.
00:18:43 Specifically, millennials and members of Generation X are facing higher risk of disease and death than their baby boomer parents.
00:18:52 The study reveals Gen. X, born between 1965 and 1980 and Generation Y, or millennials born from 1981 to 1999 are displaying poorer physical health and engaging in more unhealthy behaviors. This includes alcohol use, smoking.
00:19:12 And suffering from higher rates of depression and anxiety, the worsening health profiles we found in Gen. X&Y is alarming, says lead author and professor of sociology Hugh Zang in a university release.
00:19:30 If we don't.
00:19:30 Find a way to slow this trend. We are potentially going to see an expansion of morbidity and mortality rates in the United States as these generations get older, along with graduate student Paula's. I don't know some Chinese name.
00:19:50 Hamid's health data on nearly 700,000 people during the study. The information comes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
00:20:02 1988 through 2016 and the National Health Interview Survey from 1997 to 2018.
00:20:11 Both conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics.
00:20:17 And they go.
00:20:18 Into a little more detail, but I mean, is anyone surprised?
00:20:21 Is anyone surprised?
00:20:24 You mean the generations who were raised by?
00:20:28 Uh. Processed foods.
00:20:32 And television and video games.
00:20:36 And lived in a in.
00:20:38 Neighborhoods where it's too dangerous to go outside.
00:20:42 Because you might get kidnapped and.
00:20:44 Raped to death.
00:20:45 Or have a run in with diversity.
00:20:49 You, you mean those generations, aren't they are?
Speaker 10
00:20:51 They're not very healthy.
00:20:54 That's impossible.
Speaker 10
00:20:57 That's impossible.
00:21:00 They they eat macaroni and cheese all the time.
00:21:03 They should be totally healthy.
00:21:08 You mean you mean after decades of promoting?
00:21:14 Just getting ****** ** at parties all the time in pop culture.
00:21:20 Doing every drug under the sun and and now **** it. Just mutilate your sex organs and decide what gender you are and everything's OK. I mean, those people aren't very healthy.
Speaker 9
00:21:37 Weird, weird. Weird.
00:21:41 So just another brick in the wall, I guess when it comes to that.
00:21:48 Another headline today was that Biden is considering executive action on gun control.
00:21:55 Executive action on gun control because of the mass shooting, which we'll talk about in a second.
00:22:00 The mass shooting.
00:22:05 The the mass shooting that everyone said was it was a white supremacist.
00:22:12 The white supremacist, just like the other white supremacists.
00:22:19 And these people are freaking out.
00:22:20 I've seen people on Twitter and other social media freaking out like, oh Biden, he's doing an executive order.
00:22:27 I can't do that.
00:22:28 Trump did that.
00:22:35 Only it was worse, I guess.
00:22:37 Arguably you could say it was worse because.
00:22:43 Signed an executive order.
00:22:49 You know from from the from the Oval Office.
00:22:53 A ban on bump stocks.
00:22:57 After the Vegas shooting.
00:23:00 Which it has now been in.
00:23:01 My opinion reliably revealed.
Speaker 11
00:23:04 Trump knew 1000%.
00:23:08 Was total ********.
00:23:14 So Trump used an executive order to to uh.
00:23:19 Increase gun control.
Speaker 11
00:23:22 Over ********.
00:23:24 Like complete ********.
00:23:28 So if you're if you're not mad about that, I don't see.
00:23:32 Why you'd be mad at Biden doing it.
00:23:39 You didn't freak out when Trump was doing it.
00:23:44 Oh yeah, that's.
00:23:44 Right.
00:23:44 Because when when Trump was doing it, it was part of some plan, right?
00:23:48 It was part of some plan you were trusting.
00:23:54 Part of some kind of 40 chess maneuver he was doing right, he was going to ban bump stocks so that he could somehow.
00:24:02 I don't know it was, but I'm sure.
00:24:04 There was a plan involved, right?
00:24:06 It was clearly someone on 8.
00:24:08 Chan needs to explain it.
00:24:09 To me.
00:24:14 Oh, a.
00:24:14 Chance a chance been to platformed.
00:24:17 Oh, so has.
00:24:17 Trump, I don't know.
00:24:18 Then I don't know.
00:24:24 And The funny thing is, you know like.
Speaker 9
00:24:25 I said Trump. Trump did.
00:24:27 His executive order over complete.
00:24:33 1000% complete ********.
00:24:40 And he knew it.
00:24:42 And he knew it.
00:24:46 Whereas at least with Biden here.
00:24:50 And this is going to **** some people off.
Speaker 11
00:24:54 At least it was a real shooting.
Speaker 9
00:24:57 No, but it's a false flag. Everything is a false flag. Nothing's ever real. Everything is.
Speaker 4
00:25:01 A false like crisis actors.
00:25:05 Stop being those *******.
00:25:07 I can't ******* take it anymore.
00:25:08 I can't.
00:25:09 You're literally just custards.
00:25:11 You're custards.
00:25:12 That can't ******* face the reality we live in.
00:25:15 And so everything that happens is fake. Everything's fake. It's all part of.
Speaker 11
00:25:21 Enjoy the show.
00:25:22 Get your popcorn.
00:25:24 You utter ******* *******.
00:25:29 Especially it's annoying when because.
Speaker 10
00:25:32 You you go all in on this, this narrative that.
Speaker 11
00:25:35 Oh, it's all fake.
00:25:36 It's all.
00:25:37 And then it comes out the day.
00:25:38 It was literally an Islamist guy from Syria, hunting white people.
00:25:42 Well, you already just said it.
00:25:44 Was all fake.
Speaker 11
00:25:45 Right. So kind of hard.
00:25:47 To backpedal out of that one.
00:25:49 And and and and.
00:25:50 Explain to people what's actually going on because you are so, so sure.
00:25:55 So sure it was going to be a white.
00:25:57 Guy, I mean, you were no different than those ******* journalists, right?
00:26:02 You were so convinced it was going to be.
00:26:03 A ******* white.
00:26:04 Guy you went.
00:26:05 All in on this big idea of it like.
Speaker 11
00:26:08 No, it's a false flag.
00:26:09 And you know, they they, they can't possibly have happened because of what someone streamed it on YouTube.
00:26:15 So it has to be fake because there's no way people would be streaming something to YouTube.
00:26:21 That's not something that always happens all the time, everywhere.
Speaker 10
00:26:28 It has to have been fake.
00:26:31 It has to.
00:26:33 Good Lord.
00:26:36 Good Lord.
Speaker 9
00:26:42 So yeah.
00:26:44 Came out early this morning that the name of the shooter.
00:26:50 Was Hamad al-Assad.
Speaker 11
00:26:56 A Syrian refugee.
00:26:59 Who came here during an Obama era program?
00:27:04 At the age of 6.
00:27:08 And he was literally hunting white supremacists.
00:27:14 Weirdly, in Boulder, Co, but all the same.
00:27:23 And now all these.
00:27:27 Journalists look stupid.
00:27:29 Who were saying it was going to be a white supremacist, but honestly, a lot of people on the right looked ******* ******** too, for saying.
00:27:35 That it was all.
00:27:37 It's all a false flag. I learned about false flags, and now everything's a false flag. Nothing's ever real. Everything's crisis act. There's everything's always fake. Always.
00:27:50 It's a cope alright, it's a cope.
00:27:54 When everything is always fake all the time, like, let me ask this is that I mean, is there any for those of you who who in there look there, there are people listening now where everything's always it's always fake.
00:28:07 Everything's always so are are you saying that mass shootings literally don't happen like they don't?
00:28:14 Happen at all.
00:28:15 Like, they don't happen.
00:28:17 Is that is that the reality you want to?
00:28:19 Believe in.
00:28:21 Does that make you feel safer thinking that?
00:28:25 It's always. It's always.
Speaker 11
00:28:28 Part of the deep state.
Speaker 10
00:28:30 People never go go.
00:28:31 ******* postal.
00:28:32 It's always the deep state.
00:28:37 Does that make you feel safer?
00:28:45 Doesn't make you safer.
00:28:50 And you know what?
00:28:51 Here's The funny thing even.
Speaker 10
00:28:53 If it was, let's just say let's just.
00:28:55 Say, OK, yeah, it's the deep state.
00:29:01 You still look like.
00:29:01 A crazy person to anyone that would.
00:29:04 Disagree with you?
00:29:08 And the official story is never going to change to.
00:29:13 Oh, and it's the deep, deep state.
00:29:18 You know, case in point, you know JFK 911.
00:29:25 The only way?
Speaker 10
00:29:27 The only way?
00:29:30 You're gonna. You're gonna.
00:29:31 Even sort of convince your opposition.
00:29:37 Is if you had.
00:29:39 Access to the like the as a.
00:29:43 Alice Jones that says I've.
Speaker 10
00:29:44 Got the files.
00:29:45 I've got the files.
00:29:49 You know, in a way, think about it.
00:29:50 It's it's why people.
00:29:52 So many people were were very excited about Trump getting elected, myself included, because we thought ohh.
00:29:57 You know what?
00:29:58 If I mean there's a chance there's a chance.
00:30:03 I mean, cause he's saying he's going to do it.
00:30:04 Obviously he was full of ****, but there's a chance he's going to release finally, like, cause he'll have.
00:30:11 I mean, he's the president.
00:30:12 He can say, look.
00:30:14 You know, give give me the 9/11 files and I can declassify them because I'm the President and no one like literally that's all it takes. He can just say they're declassified and then they're declassified.
00:30:25 He could just.
00:30:26 Read them out loud on live television.
00:30:30 If he wanted.
00:30:31 And they're just magically it's OK because he's the president.
00:30:35 And that's literally that's the only way.
00:30:37 That's the only way.
00:30:40 You're going to get anywhere with this stuff.
00:30:43 I mean, just think of how many times you're arguing with a leftist, and they ask you for a.
00:30:47 Source when you just say something just that's common sense.
00:30:52 That has nothing to do with crisis actors.
00:30:54 Or or, you know.
00:30:57 The deep state, just like a normal thing.
00:30:59 Like there's two genders.
Speaker 9
00:31:02 Right.
Speaker 10
00:31:03 So even if even if.
00:31:06 Even if you're right, even if, like there's no such thing as mass shootings and every single one of them is staged and every single one of them is crisis actors, and it's all part of some, like, psychological, whatever.
Speaker 9
00:31:21 You're never going to.
00:31:22 Convince anyone of that.
Speaker 10
00:31:24 You're not even convincing.
00:31:25 Me and I'm on your side.
00:31:29 So it's pretty ******* stupid.
00:31:32 To go down that Ave.
00:31:33 unless you have some hard evidence, do you have hard, hard evidence?
Speaker 10
00:31:37 Go for it.
00:31:38 But you're you're never going to have access to that hard evidence, and hard evidence is will this guy bust standing behind the the shield is holding his gun funny.
00:31:48 That guy doesn't look like.
00:31:49 A SWAT guy to me.
00:31:50 People are not acting like a shootings going on.
00:31:53 This is clearly fake.
00:31:56 That doesn't convince anybody.
00:31:57 It doesn't convince me.
00:31:59 It doesn't convince your enemy.
00:32:05 And it's funny.
00:32:06 Like the other thing that that I find amusing is how many people will say stuff like, oh, you know, the same people that will say, oh, you, you got that fluoride stare.
00:32:19 Everyone's just walking around like ******* zombies and like they don't know what's.
00:32:23 Going on around them and then.
00:32:25 When exactly that behavior?
Speaker 9
00:32:29 Is what you see during one of these events, then.
Speaker 4
00:32:31 All of a.
00:32:32 Sudden it's proof.
00:32:33 Of that, it's all fake.
00:32:34 It's like.
00:32:36 You just no like this lines up with the other things you say.
Speaker 11
00:32:40 Like people are real.
Speaker 10
00:32:42 Haven't you ever seen those videos?
00:32:44 They come out of China just as an example, right where and look, these videos have been coming out for years.
00:32:50 People know what I'm talking about.
00:32:52 Almost anyone that's on the Internet.
00:32:53 For any amount of time has.
00:32:54 Seen a version of this.
00:32:56 Video or like a kid like a.
00:32:57 Little kid just gets run.
00:32:59 The **** over by like a truck.
00:33:01 Or something and.
00:33:04 Just gets tossed like.
00:33:05 A rag doll and and just like falls in a gutter.
00:33:09 And there's people.
00:33:10 It's like a busy street, right?
00:33:12 There's people walking up and down the sidewalk on both sides.
00:33:15 And no one like bats an eye like no one even blinks.
00:33:19 They just they don't even, like, break their stride.
00:33:24 They just keep walking.
00:33:25 They don't even look at the at the the obviously dying kid in the gutter.
00:33:30 They just keep doing their thing.
Speaker 10
00:33:34 That's what we're turning into.
00:33:38 That's what we're turning into here.
00:33:42 Like the the stream if if you guys.
00:33:44 Watch the stream.
00:33:46 It's well, it's playing the background here.
00:33:48 That's the background video here.
00:33:49 I watched the whole thing just well, you know, just to see.
00:33:53 All right, let me, let me see if there's people saying there's weird stuff.
00:33:56 Nothing, literally nothing.
00:33:58 Looked I I.
00:33:59 Used to shoot nude.
00:34:01 And I would show up not on.
00:34:03 I didn't do any mass shootings, but there'd be, like, traumatic things I'd show up with a camera.
00:34:08 And, you know, there'd be cops running around that crazy **** happening.
00:34:13 Excuse me, people don't react to ship like.
00:34:16 They do in the movies.
00:34:19 You'd be surprised at how like.
00:34:23 Odd how surreal.
00:34:25 Real things happening, like how people behave, OK?
00:34:30 And nothing looked outside.
00:34:31 Of what I've seen in my lifetime.
00:34:34 With people reacting to traumatic situations, nothing like literally nothing.
00:34:43 And especially now because like no one feels like there's people lying down lying.
00:34:50 Dead in the street.
00:34:52 Ohh, just the guy recording himself like he's more concerned about getting the video.
00:34:57 Than he is with helping these people, the the old man at the front.
00:35:02 That's that's checking people in to the OR.
00:35:04 Not not the greeter.
00:35:05 I don't know.
00:35:06 You know, whatever that guy is.
00:35:08 He's just like casually like, yeah, there's a guy right there that's.
00:35:11 Dead. No one's helping anybody.
00:35:16 That's just that's the world we live in, guys.
00:35:23 No one wants to get involved.
00:35:27 Especially right now, I mean.
00:35:29 How are you going?
00:35:29 To help someone that's been shot.
00:35:31 At and you got a social distance.
00:35:35 Are you gonna give him mouth to mouth?
00:35:36 If they?
00:35:37 I mean, they gotta be wearing a mask.
00:35:41 You're going to risk your life saving that gunshot victim only to get.
00:35:44 COVID from them.
Speaker 10
00:35:48 This is the ******* world we live in.
00:35:52 I don't know why anyone would be surprised.
00:35:56 By the behavior that is in that video.
00:36:01 Nothing surprising.
00:36:03 At all and then.
00:36:04 Like you said, it doesn't matter.
00:36:05 It doesn't really matter.
00:36:07 It doesn't matter.
00:36:09 Even if it was all 100% fake.
00:36:15 It's it.
00:36:16 It's it's a bad strategy.
00:36:19 To try to convince people of something that.
00:36:22 Is outside that far outside of their experience.
00:36:27 And you have no evidence of other than he's holding a gun.
00:36:33 I should know I'm an expert in SWAT team response gun holding positions.
00:36:44 You're not going to convince anyone with, with with Lucy Goosey.
00:36:50 I'm I'm an expert because I've seen movies and and you know.
Speaker 9
00:36:53 What I mean?
00:36:55 That's the wrong way to go, like.
Speaker 10
00:36:57 I said even if even if you're right.
00:37:01 That's the wrong way to go.
00:37:07 Because what?
00:37:08 What they're going to use this for this what I believe is a a real shooting.
00:37:13 Now look, was the guy maybe influenced by.
00:37:17 By something.
00:37:18 Who knows? Who knows?
00:37:22 Did they maybe implant a memory in this guy?
00:37:24 I don't know.
00:37:25 Who knows?
00:37:28 But because it's one of those unknowable things.
00:37:30 That's why it's pointless to talk about what's more useful to say.
00:37:36 When the leftist says.
Speaker 12
00:37:37 Oh, we need.
Speaker 11
00:37:39 This is a tragedy.
00:37:41 This is a, you know, in Boulder, Co 10 people were shot.
00:37:50 The correct response is.
00:37:53 So ******* what?
00:37:57 At least 10 people died in every state today.
00:38:03 Why are what makes these?
00:38:04 People special.
00:38:05 I don't give a ****.
00:38:07 Literally don't give a ****.
00:38:09 No, no, no.
00:38:12 Thoughts and prayers.
00:38:13 Just zero thoughts.
00:38:15 Don't give a ****.
00:38:26 Would you would you have a strong opinion?
00:38:31 About really anything.
00:38:35 If you found out that there was a huge pile up.
00:38:40 On the freeway.
00:38:43 And 10 people died.
00:38:50 That wouldn't change your thinking on anything, right?
00:38:57 You wouldn't virtue signal.
00:39:06 When you get defensive about these shootings.
00:39:09 And so defensive that you start saying that it's a deep state plot before.
00:39:14 You find out.
00:39:15 That it's a Syrian that's hunting white people.
00:39:23 When you get defensive like that, you you're giving them power.
00:39:33 You're giving them power.
00:39:37 You're validating.
00:39:40 Their argument?
00:39:48 And So what you need to do is invalidate it by saying yes.
00:39:52 So what?
Speaker 11
00:39:56 Ohh 1010 people got shot. Ohh.
Speaker 3
00:39:58 My God.
00:40:00 Who gives a ****?
00:40:01 **** him.
00:40:04 Right.
00:40:05 We're not supposed to have ingroup preference, right?
00:40:07 What if they're white?
00:40:08 **** them.
00:40:19 And the only time you.
00:40:21 Give a **** about these people.
00:40:25 Is when you can use it as an emotional weapon against the left.
00:40:30 As we can now, because they are white people now, look, these are probably white.
00:40:35 People that would have hated.
00:40:37 You and called you a Nazi.
00:40:46 That doesn't matter.
00:40:50 It doesn't change the fact that it it's look we it here's another funny thing.
00:40:54 When I when I did my stream talking about white genocide and like the different stages right before it's all out actual genocide like.
00:41:03 Cause this is.
00:41:04 And this is like a A A.
00:41:06 A well, well documented.
00:41:10 Process of genocide well studied.
00:41:13 Process of genocide right?
00:41:14 There's different steps.
00:41:19 That the UN agrees or official steps.
00:41:24 Through the process of genocide, right.
00:41:27 And I did that whole stream where we talked about it and how we were increasingly seeing a lot of these these check marks, you know, these boxes getting checked on this list.
00:41:39 Of the prerequisites being met.
00:41:42 And I remember people thinking like, oh, a good stream.
00:41:46 Yeah, this is.
00:41:46 I see what you're saying.
00:41:50 But then when something like this happens.
Speaker 10
00:41:54 Which is, which is it's it's just.
00:41:57 An escalation.
00:41:58 It's just it's not even that big of an escalation though.
00:42:03 How many white people were hunted down and and murdered by just random blacks around the country?
00:42:09 Last week.
00:42:10 I don't know.
00:42:17 Now, just because they didn't use a AR15 and and didn't do it in a very white, a very wealthy.
00:42:35 Does it make it any less real?
00:42:43 This is just this is an escalation.
00:42:46 What you're seeing here is most likely.
00:42:49 And like I said, who knows? Maybe this guy who knows, maybe this guy's been manipulated by the deep state or whatever. It doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter. You'll never prove that. And so it doesn't matter.
00:43:01 So you can sit there and and and jerk each other off about, you know, which which people in the footage are crisis actors and whatever and and what are what like, who are you impressing?
00:43:15 Literally nobody.
00:43:17 But I guess you feel better, right?
00:43:18 You feel like you've.
00:43:19 Cracked the case.
00:43:21 Right.
00:43:22 Did you, did you decode the the queue drop?
00:43:33 No, probably what happened was regardless, regardless of of this guys's mental state, or whether he was MK Ultra or whatever, doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
00:43:45 It doesn't matter because either he independently was like because of the because of the the brainwashing that's going on in every form of media in your society to hate white people.
00:43:59 Either he took it upon himself to tackle the problem.
00:44:05 Or he was.
00:44:07 Nudged by MK Ultra or?
00:44:10 Whatever is there really a difference?
00:44:19 They're accomplishing the same thing.
00:44:21 You know, whether whether they're getting psychos, that they've MK ultra to to go and and shoot up white people.
00:44:32 Through some, like deep state, whatever ********.
00:44:37 Or whether they're getting psychos.
00:44:42 Who just watched the Stephen Colbert show?
00:44:48 And the and the thousands of other outlets that are constantly bombarding them with kill ****** hate ******.
00:44:57 I mean, it doesn't matter the.
Speaker 10
00:44:59 Result is the same.
00:45:07 In the end.
00:45:10 There's going to be violence against whites.
Speaker 10
00:45:26 And it's going to it's.
00:45:27 Just going to escalate, it's just going.
00:45:28 To get worse and and so and every time like look.
Speaker 11
00:45:34 How is is it going to?
00:45:35 Make you more or less prepared.
00:45:40 If every, every time one of these events happen.
00:45:46 If you if you say that, oh, it's a false flag, it's the.
00:45:49 It's not.
00:45:50 Don't worry, guys.
00:45:51 People don't ever die.
00:45:56 People don't actually get shot.
00:46:00 People don't actually get guns and shoot up places.
Speaker 10
00:46:03 That's all that's.
00:46:05 You're just, you're just falling for it, huh?
Speaker 11
00:46:11 Patriots in charge?
00:46:15 Fight. Fight. Fight.
00:46:34 See this right here.
00:46:38 I'm going to.
00:46:41 Bring up a.
00:46:44 A tweet.
00:46:51 See this.
00:46:51 This is mainstream thinking about.
00:46:57 About you.
00:47:02 This is what normies.
00:47:07 Well, I'm pretty sure she's Jewish.
00:47:10 This is what what? Well.
00:47:13 This is what Jews are getting the normies on.
00:47:15 Board with.
00:47:16 I guess you could say.
00:47:18 Yeah, poor white men.
00:47:20 Their life is tough at the top of.
00:47:22 The food chain.
00:47:27 I'm ready for women and people of color to be in charge and treat them like they've been treated.
00:47:35 They ain't seen nothing yet.
Speaker 10
00:47:47 And she she even said that from Colorado.
00:48:00 This is just.
00:48:01 This is how things start happening guys.
00:48:04 This is just what starts happening.
Speaker 10
00:48:10 And by the way like.
00:48:13 There, there are going to be there.
00:48:15 Just are.
00:48:16 There are going to be crazy white.
00:48:18 People that respond in kind.
Speaker 9
00:48:21 And that doesn't.
00:48:22 Have to be because they got MK Ultra.
Speaker 11
00:48:34 People snap.
00:48:52 So anyway, that's it's just, it's like I said, it's like every ******* time, every ******* time.
00:48:57 Now, look, there's there's somewhere.
Speaker 11
00:49:00 It it it's useful.
Speaker 10
00:49:01 To to to at least examine this stuff, it's.
00:49:04 Useful to look at it.
00:49:06 But to to be these overconfident.
00:49:10 Internet sleuths with no evidence.
Speaker 9
00:49:13 Claiming absolutely this is Frank.
00:49:14 I know cause oh, that that guy.
00:49:17 He I recognized him from.
00:49:20 He was, you know.
00:49:22 Come on.
00:49:28 It doesn't make you safer.
00:49:36 It doesn't make you safer, and it doesn't.
00:49:38 Doesn't help your argument at all.
00:49:39 It just.
00:49:41 It hurts it in fact.
00:49:46 You know, it makes you're on it.
00:49:48 You're not going to be able to convince anyone with that.
00:49:51 Like I said, even if you're right, you're probably not in this case.
00:49:59 You're not going to get anywhere with that.
00:50:06 And like I said it it creates.
Speaker 10
00:50:09 It it you go.
00:50:10 All in with this whole it's a.
00:50:11 False flag thing.
00:50:14 Now you got a back pedal.
00:50:18 Like actually it's.
00:50:18 A Muslim.
00:50:19 Oh, OK.
00:50:20 So it was a false flag when?
00:50:21 You thought it was a white guy.
00:50:26 And like I said.
00:50:26 When it is a white guy.
00:50:29 You just own it and say who cares?
00:50:33 So white guy shot 10 people, So what?
00:50:38 So what?
00:50:51 Really. So what?
00:50:53 I a white guy, could shoot 1000 people.
00:50:59 Doesn't change my view on the 2nd Amendment.
00:51:10 There's literally not a body count.
00:51:14 That would change.
00:51:16 My view of the 2nd 2nd amendment.
00:51:24 Literally don't care how many people have to die.
00:51:27 Doesn't matter to me.
00:51:36 And in fact, the only people that it matters to you are people that are emotional thinkers, that should, whose opinion shouldn't matter in the first place.
00:52:02 Yeah, this this is going to happen, this is.
00:52:04 Going to happen, there's going to be more and more shootings and look, you know what some of them might be, have some kind of deep state involvement.
00:52:12 This one could have some deep state involvement.
00:52:14 It doesn't change though.
00:52:16 It doesn't change what they're doing.
Speaker 10
00:52:19 You know.
00:52:20 What they're doing, like I said, whether it's because of some deep state MK ultra program or if it's just from the the propaganda that they're pumping out to every ******* brainless MPC leftist.
00:52:34 The result is the same.
00:52:37 The result is.
00:52:39 Someone's going to be killing.
00:52:41 White people.
00:52:43 Targeting white people and killing white people.
00:52:49 More frequently and more frequently and more frequently.
Speaker 9
00:52:58 It will get to the point.
00:53:01 Where you will start seeing wealthier white people.
00:53:09 Flea like like people.
00:53:10 That you might not expect, right?
00:53:14 Fleeing the country.
00:53:18 And looking for maybe looking for citizenship elsewhere and a little bit.
00:53:24 Of that's even started.
00:53:35 It's just it, this is really just that.
00:53:37 Like I said, it doesn't matter.
00:53:40 At the end of the day.
00:53:43 Let me bring this up here.
00:53:55 At the end of the day.
00:53:59 It doesn't matter.
00:54:01 Why these people?
00:54:05 Or rather, we all know why they were killed.
00:54:11 They all seem to have something in common.
00:54:19 But it doesn't matter if they were killed.
00:54:21 Because of some deep state plot.
00:54:24 Or I'm sure there's people.
00:54:25 Like, oh, those people don't.
Speaker 9
00:54:26 Even exist?
00:54:27 Those are crisis actors 2.
Speaker 10
00:54:28 No one died.
00:54:32 Those are the people that really have a hard time with tragedy.
00:54:38 Those are the people that I think are just they have a lot of.
00:54:41 Anxiety a lot of fear.
00:54:47 They don't want to believe.
00:54:51 In some cases, government their own government.
00:54:55 And in other cases, random Syrian refugees.
00:55:06 Would treat life.
00:55:11 So casually.
00:55:16 And find find people.
00:55:19 To be disposable in this way, but moreover.
00:55:26 They don't want to think.
00:55:30 That life is this fragile in the first place.
00:55:45 I mean just from.
00:55:46 From a logistical point of view, it's so much easier to really kill people than to do some big fake.
00:55:54 Thing with crisis actors, you think those guys jumping from the towers?
00:56:02 The burning World Trade Center.
00:56:04 You think those guys leaping to their death and and literally splattering on the ******* ground?
00:56:09 Those were crisis actors.
00:56:21 Well, maybe.
00:56:22 Maybe you think these people here that the that the, the older ones, maybe that's some of them.
00:56:29 They were. They were the.
00:56:30 Same people jumping out of the ******* towers.
00:56:32 I recognize that chick with the black hair.
00:56:37 Obvious crisis actor I saw.
00:56:39 Her falling from the the tower.
00:56:43 They don't give a ****.
00:56:52 They would nuke a town if.
00:56:54 They thought that that's what it.
00:56:56 What? What, what?
00:56:57 They needed to do to get what they wanted.
00:56:58 They don't give a ****.
00:57:09 And in terms of it just being some Syrian guy.
00:57:19 I mean, do I have to remind you?
Speaker 10
00:57:21 Like this?
00:57:24 I'm gonna.
00:57:24 I'm gonna play something.
00:57:25 I was.
00:57:26 I I had it.
00:57:27 I was just.
00:57:27 Going to have it, uh.
00:57:30 Has something and maybe I'll.
00:57:32 It's still loaded up in OBS that well, whatever.
00:57:34 Here I'm going to.
00:57:35 Just show you.
Speaker 11
00:57:37 This, this, this.
00:57:38 Was not that long ago.
00:57:41 And not only do you have to realize that this happened.
00:57:45 You have to realize that.
00:57:47 The people doing what you're about to watch, which many of you have seen before.
Speaker 9
00:57:54 They didn't get in trouble.
00:58:00 It's a little problem.
00:58:03 You guys remember this ****?
Speaker 13
00:58:07 1st that's love both.
00:58:10 That's your blood.
Speaker 4
00:58:11 You guys remember this ship?
00:58:17 Was this the deep state?
Speaker 9
00:58:23 Was it was this part of some?
00:58:26 Deep state plan.
Speaker 15
00:58:32 Ohh look why you trying to cut my?
Speaker 16
00:58:38 What's along there? Ohh laugh.
00:58:39 Oh, is this just?
00:58:43 Non whites.
Speaker 6
00:58:45 Get drunk.
Speaker 17
00:58:46 Bitchass right here, yeah.
Speaker 9
00:58:48 With whites.
Speaker 6
00:58:53 Donald Trump, goofy.
00:58:54 The way that they've been programmed to feel is an appropriate way to interact with white.
Speaker 15
00:59:02 Go ohh program.
Speaker 9
00:59:12 Violence against your people does not require some crazy ******* plan.
Speaker 16
00:59:18 I'm ******* dead.
Speaker 12
00:59:21 Boys don't think.
00:59:22 Don't get me on their own.
Speaker 13
00:59:24 To be seen by nobody you know and see.
Speaker 16
00:59:27 Take it easy.
00:59:28 Yeah, which I do.
00:59:29 And this happened one in like 2016.
Speaker 13
00:59:35 Yeah, this Slayer grabbing.
Speaker 17
00:59:42 You tell me.
Speaker 14
00:59:47 The ******. ******* hell.
00:59:50 Damn you. Cut it.
Speaker 10
00:59:51 Not only did they think this was OK to do.
Speaker 17
00:59:53 Out of the.
Speaker 15
00:59:54 Ship boy, why you do it?
Speaker 10
00:59:55 They thought it was OK.
Speaker 14
00:59:57 To stream.
Speaker 9
00:59:57 It live.
Speaker 14
01:00:01 Donald Trump.
01:00:06 And it didn't take some kind of MK ultra program.
Speaker 12
01:00:10 Right now they stand up.
01:00:12 For them to think that.
Speaker 12
01:00:13 Stand up boy.
Speaker 13
01:00:14 Gotta figure out.
Speaker 15
01:00:15 How long ship, not a?
01:00:17 It just took.
Speaker 10
01:00:19 Normal levels of exposure.
01:00:23 To our current culture.
01:00:27 Or rather, 2016 culture.
01:00:32 It's work.
01:00:33 This is before the the George Floyd ****.
Speaker 12
01:00:37 You got 3 seconds.
Speaker 14
01:00:47 I thought you couldn't.
Speaker 13
01:00:48 Stand up.
01:00:48 Well, why you lied to me.
Speaker 17
01:00:52 Why is we owning we own?
01:01:00 So you understand why?
01:01:03 Like it's it's silly.
01:01:06 To think that it would require some big conspiracy.
01:01:13 For a person of color.
01:01:23 Who was known?
01:01:24 To the FBI, by the way.
Speaker 10
01:01:28 The FBI had him.
01:01:29 On watchlists.
01:01:39 But the FBI is so preoccupied with the insurrectionists, the white supremacists.
01:01:54 You know, they didn't, they, didn't they?
01:01:55 Clearly didn't see.
01:01:57 Any kind of problem with someone on a watch list like that?
01:02:01 A Syrian refugee?
01:02:05 Getting a gun.
01:02:07 They didn't.
01:02:08 They didn't think that was.
01:02:09 Worth following up?
01:02:11 Because they're too busy pouring over all everyone's.
01:02:13 Cell phone data.
01:02:16 To see if they want too close to the capital.
01:02:32 See, they don't have to have.
Speaker 11
01:02:35 Big plans?
01:02:38 For white people to die.
01:02:43 Their big plan?
01:02:46 Has been.
Speaker 9
01:02:48 Changing the culture.
01:02:52 So that people just hate white people.
01:02:55 Including white people.
Speaker 10
01:03:03 Look, there doesn't.
01:03:04 Even have to be like a big secret.
Speaker 11
01:03:06 Club or a?
Speaker 10
01:03:06 Plan at the FBI.
01:03:11 Right.
01:03:11 The big plan is you get everyone, especially college graduates, to hate white people.
01:03:17 And then inevitably.
Speaker 10
01:03:20 The people at the FBI.
01:03:22 Are going to hate white people.
Speaker 12
01:03:26 You know you don't.
01:03:28 You don't.
01:03:28 Have to do anything extra than that.
01:03:32 You just import non whites and then tell them to hate white people and eventually they're going to.
01:03:36 That's who's going to.
01:03:37 Be at the institutions.
Speaker 10
01:03:46 So what are they going to?
01:03:46 What are they going to be investigating?
01:03:51 White people.
01:03:57 Doesn't have to be some secret plan that they're all in on.
01:04:24 I am.
01:04:27 I am ******* tired.
01:04:32 Let me take a look at.
01:04:33 Chat here.
01:04:35 I just.
01:04:36 I feel like I'm taking ******* crazy crazy pills sometimes.
01:04:39 It's just like these.
01:04:41 It's like people find out.
01:04:42 About false flags. And then suddenly everything's a ******* false flag. And just.
01:04:47 And look, I I get it.
01:04:49 I don't.
01:04:50 I think there are mass shootings that are false flags.
Speaker 9
01:04:54 I think they exist.
01:04:59 But not everything's ******* fake.
01:05:05 The average American is on edge.
01:05:07 I really doubt these shootings are false flags.
01:05:09 Remember the guy who snapped and shot people shoveling snow?
01:05:13 Americans today are highly stressed, divided and angry.
01:05:16 Amazed Moore haven't snapped.
01:05:18 That's why I'm careful with public conflicts.
01:05:20 You never know exactly.
01:05:29 They don't have to have.
01:05:30 They don't have to have help for people because the entire country has been MK Ultra.
01:05:36 OK, if you want to look at it that way, if that's going to make you feel more conspiracy minded or whatever, you know it it's they don't have to do much.
01:05:48 The fire has already been started.
01:05:50 You know, like the the they've been pouring gasoline all over the place.
01:05:55 Doesn't take much.
Speaker 10
01:06:00 And and that that includes the, the, the.
01:06:02 White guy that was shooting up the the prostitutes and stuff.
01:06:10 Didn't take much.
01:06:17 That includes all this stuff.
01:06:23 And like I said that that video of the torture.
01:06:26 Of those black people torturing the autistic boy, the autistic white boy.
01:06:34 That was before COVID.
01:06:38 That was before George Floyd, that was before the summer of love.
01:06:46 That was when things were just getting started.
01:06:50 And they thought that that was OK and they.
Speaker 10
01:06:52 Were right.
01:06:55 You think they're doing jail time?
01:07:02 Even the judge in the case was saying, well, sometimes kids make mistakes.
Speaker 10
01:07:12 The judge probably hates white people too.
01:07:28 All right.
01:07:34 Best prospect for CIA MK Ultra mind control shooter the Gabby Giffords shooter and the movie theater shooter.
01:07:43 Yeah, I don't know.
01:07:45 I have.
01:07:45 It's been a.
01:07:46 Long time.
01:07:46 So I looked at those.
01:07:50 I know the the.
01:07:52 The movie theater guy was I think he was working on some kind of government project or something, right?
01:07:57 Wasn't he?
01:07:58 And the gaffe Giffords 1 is.
01:08:00 A little weird but.
01:08:03 Who knows? Who knows?
Speaker 10
01:08:05 Some people, sometimes people, are just ******* psychos.
01:08:11 I I wonder about people that don't understand about psychos, it's like, have you not been?
Speaker 10
01:08:15 Out there? Maybe I've just.
01:08:18 Known a lot of psychos or something, but uh, have you not seen evil, only eye.
01:08:24 Do you not know that it's out there?
01:08:28 You know, and it's just, it's lurking in a lot of people.
01:08:32 I worked as a bouncer just to, you know, to get extra money for years, and I, you know.
01:08:40 I I encountered a lot of psychos, and maybe that's it.
01:08:44 Maybe I just because I happen to happen to be in a position to meet a lot of psychos over the years and just and and just the way that I live my life put me in close proximity to psychos.
01:08:57 You know, maybe.
01:09:01 Maybe that that's why I get it.
01:09:03 And a lot of.
01:09:04 People who.
01:09:06 Maybe haven't had that kind of exposure, think it has to be some crazy plan.
Speaker 10
01:09:11 But there's there's.
01:09:12 There's psychos out there and there's more and more these days.
01:09:19 And look, maybe they maybe.
01:09:21 What's happening with this COVID stuff and everything else?
01:09:24 Look, maybe.
01:09:25 That is part of.
01:09:26 Some kind of intentional plan to to drive people even more psycho.
01:09:32 OK, OK, that's possible.
01:09:41 But people are genuinely just going to start targeting and shooting white people.
01:09:44 That, and that's just going to happen.
01:09:45 That's going.
01:09:46 And look, sorry, it doesn't need a big plan.
01:09:49 Stuff like that can organically happen.
01:09:51 Why wouldn't it?
01:09:54 Why wouldn't it happen?
01:10:05 FBI says 8% of the public are either sociopaths or psychopaths. Then you have the people who were severely damaged in childhood.
01:10:13 Well, you're going to have even more people severely damaged in childhood. For ***** sake. I mean, look who. No one's no one's willing to call out trans kids for what it is.
01:10:23 Is there there's I mean and like I in terms like at an agency level, they're not even doing that.
01:10:30 So it's it's no longer.
01:10:34 Not only.
01:10:35 Well, it's like I said, it's like the Chinese video.
01:10:38 With the the toddler that just got ran over by a truck and he was just twitching and dying in a gutter and people are walking right, right on by.
01:10:50 That's what's happening.
Speaker 4
01:11:01 It's like I said, do you think?
01:11:02 It's bad.
01:11:04 You think it's bad with the boomers in charge?
Speaker 10
01:11:12 What do you think is going to happen?
01:11:13 When when the.
01:11:16 The kids that that have been so ******* thoroughly.
01:11:22 Are in charge.
01:11:26 And the boomers, a lot of them had pretty good childhoods, right?
01:11:28 Isn't that kind of where some of the angst comes from?
01:11:31 Like the the, the bitterness towards them.
Speaker 9
01:11:41 But what happens when all?
01:11:42 The people with the ****** childhoods.
01:11:45 Start being in charge.
01:11:53 Those people are ****** **.
01:11:59 And the people with the most ****** ** childhoods are usually the ones that.
01:12:02 That want power.
01:12:04 Because that's what they didn't have.
01:12:07 The people that felt out of control as children are the ones that want control the most.
01:12:17 You know these?
01:12:17 Are the people who live or let live?
01:12:19 Live and let.
01:12:19 Live is not in their vocabulary.
01:12:22 It can't be.
01:12:33 These are people that grew up in dangerous situations where control was necessary for survival.
01:12:53 We're going to have some ****** ** leaders.
01:12:59 I mean, look, we got him now.
Speaker 10
01:13:04 Like I said, this party's just.
01:13:05 Getting started guys.
01:13:10 OK, let me take a look here.
01:13:14 Me and my illegitimate son Joseph are big fans of yours and watch you regularly.
01:13:18 We both Hope Austria will one day be as awesome as I made.
01:13:26 California as its governor. What?
01:13:30 Oh, wait, hold on.
01:13:32 This just seems like a really weird thing.
01:13:35 Me and my illegitimate son Joseph are big fans of yours and watch regularly.
01:13:40 We both Hope Austria will one day be as awesome as I made California as its governor.
01:13:49 I'm not sure what you're saying, but.
01:13:56 It's good.
01:14:01 Like Yuri said, it takes 15 years or a single generation to dramatically shift everything in 180 degree direction.
01:14:10 Also, there was an an experiment where students enacted a prison situation.
01:14:15 It's called the Lucifer effect.
01:14:16 You might.
01:14:16 Yeah, I've.
01:14:17 I've seen that.
01:14:22 And some people acting like, oh, you talking about Arnold?
01:14:25 Is that the illegitimate son thing?
01:14:29 OK. Yeah.
01:14:36 UM.
01:14:38 I know exactly what you mean by the psychos and how people can go from zero to 100 quickly.
01:14:44 I commented to you about crazy Mexicans with dead astac eyes.
01:14:48 I remember that I'm constantly surprised how whites and fly over areas have no clue how some places really are in America.
01:14:58 Yeah, that's it's it's self deception.
01:15:02 It's self deception.
01:15:03 It's it's the same **** that look.
01:15:09 Why do you think people still believe in ******* Q?
Speaker 10
01:15:14 Like even now.
01:15:15 Even now, if you go to the bit shoot trending page, look how many views this that what is it the the X-22 report guy gets right.
01:15:28 And there's lots of look I used.
01:15:31 I I thought that oh, that's gotta be bots.
01:15:32 There's no, no, no, there's there's boomers, mostly boomers, but not just boomers.
01:15:37 There's that new I have.
01:15:39 I I'm going to.
01:15:40 To find a way to watch it for free, there's the HBO documentary about Q I'm curious to see what they come up with, but no, it's it's still going.
01:15:49 And the reason why it's still going, it's the same thing.
01:15:52 It's the same stupid ****.
01:15:53 And this isn't like a new thing either.
01:15:55 By the way, the right has suffered from a an indulgence.
01:16:02 In conspiracy ****.
01:16:04 And there's there's a few reasons for that.
01:16:08 Right off the top of my head, though, there's a couple easy ones.
01:16:10 One, because conspiracies do happen.
01:16:13 Alright, that's the first one.
01:16:14 That's the first reason.
01:16:16 Reasonable reason, right?
01:16:19 Conspiracies do happen.
01:16:20 The media does lie.
01:16:24 But where it starts getting crazy.
01:16:27 Is it's kind of like when I was talking about how the first people.
01:16:34 Who get affected by like Mexicans coming across the border and taking their drugs?
01:16:40 It's the low class whites because the people doing the jobs that the Mexicans are going to start doing when they first come across the border, they're not doing, you know, computer programming jobs or or even like truck driving jobs.
01:16:53 At first, they're just doing like the.
01:16:55 Lowest of the low manual labor kind of stuff, right.
01:16:59 And then little by little as they get more established.
01:17:01 They, you know, they start doing the trade stuff and you know, they gets up and up and up.
01:17:07 And now with the, you know, it's not Mexicans, but with the the visa situation we have the now it's going after the middle class.
01:17:15 It's getting the middle class right.
01:17:17 But in the same way that that happens, right?
01:17:22 As a result.
01:17:25 A lot of these lower class whites become very right wing and I'm not saying low class as like a insult.
01:17:35 I'm just.
01:17:36 I'm being descriptive and if you can't, if you take that personally and you can't understand that look, there are just there are.
01:17:43 There are whites that they don't have as high of an aptitude.
01:17:47 As other whites like it's a gradient, there is, there's just a gradient and there's.
01:17:51 A bell curve, right?
01:17:52 And with every bell curve, there's the lower end of the curve.
01:17:56 And that's what I'm talking about is.
01:17:57 The people who.
01:17:58 Are economically challenged as a result of not, not you.
Speaker 10
01:18:03 Know not being bad people.
01:18:04 I'm not saying they're.
01:18:05 Bad, but because they're on the.
01:18:08 The the left side.
01:18:10 Of the the bell curve there.
01:18:13 And So what happens is you get these people who were the lower class whites who get.
01:18:22 Pushed into right wing movements because.
01:18:24 They see the problem.
01:18:25 They're like, well, my job was taken.
01:18:28 My community has totally changed. My neighborhood's been overrun and the people on the right seem to be the ones at least talking about fixing it. And right, like I don't see any results, but maybe the people on the right are the ones that have identified that the immigration is the problem. And so let's go after it. But these are people.
01:18:47 That normally haven't been involved in politics for generations.
01:18:52 Probably some of these people, right?
01:18:55 They they don't they they've probably never taken a civics class.
01:18:59 They don't have a good understanding.
01:19:01 Many of them never even like, especially with Trump, right.
01:19:03 A lot of these guys have never even voted.
01:19:05 Before Trump.
01:19:09 And so Trump.
01:19:09 Brought in a lot of these people to.
01:19:12 For this, well, for the reasons I just described because he was saying all.
01:19:15 The right things.
01:19:19 But these people have never been in close proximity to power.
01:19:25 So their only understanding of how this **** works is like maybe from movies and TV shows they've seen.
01:19:36 But they've never even been friends with someone.
01:19:40 Just as an example.
01:19:41 And again like this isn't like I'm not making a judgment about their their value as humans or their character or anything like that.
01:19:47 I'm just.
01:19:47 Look, let's just be real.
01:19:49 A lot of.
01:19:49 These people don't.
01:19:50 Even know someone that makes like 80,000?
01:19:52 Dollars a year or more.
01:19:54 And again, I'm not saying that makes that person better.
01:19:56 I'm just giving an idea of of there's a separation between them and power.
01:20:07 And because they've never been up close and personal with how power works and how power operates, they've never witnessed it.
01:20:14 You know, their their only representation of it is from movies and fiction and stuff.
01:20:22 And because they don't have even, like I said, a basic understanding many times of of how things work, they've never even taken like a government class.
01:20:31 Maybe they had one.
01:20:32 In high school.
01:20:37 They're going to believe crazy **** because they don't.
01:20:40 They don't know.
01:20:50 As long as it somewhat lines up with movies they've seen, you know.
01:20:59 Because where?
01:20:59 Well, you know where where else they're going to get where, where.
01:21:02 Is their reference point.
01:21:05 They don't have one.
Speaker 10
01:21:09 Look, and even this this applies.
01:21:10 A lot of middle class people too, a lot of middle class people that just they just stay in their lane, they go their, their job, they at the at whatever globalist corporation and they push the buttons they're told to and pull the levers they're told to.
01:21:26 And a lot of these people themselves.
01:21:29 Didn't pay attention to politics.
01:21:31 They don't really understand how it works.
01:21:32 They they never were, were they never really cared.
01:21:39 They don't even have inner voices.
01:21:41 You know, there's no inner monologue going on.
01:21:45 But then Trump comes along.
01:21:49 And he makes it like TV.
01:21:52 He makes it entertaining.
01:21:54 You know, all of a sudden, politics just got entertaining.
01:21:58 And then couple that with the existential threat that whites are facing that increasingly you can't just hide in the ghettos anymore.
01:22:07 It's something that is happening, you know, whether you dig ditches or spend all day in a cubicle.
01:22:13 You're starting to notice something.
01:22:19 You're starting to notice a change that is undeniable now.
01:22:31 But it doesn't change the fact that they largely are ignorant when it comes to how the government operates or or even how power operates.
01:22:41 Because these people.
01:22:43 You know, maybe they make 80 grand, but they probably don't know anyone that.
01:22:48 That makes a million a year.
01:22:50 And this is look a.
01:22:51 Million a year is not that much, you know, we're.
01:22:53 We're not even close to.
01:22:54 Like what? What?
01:22:55 Some of these ******* are making, I think Charlie Kirk probably makes over a.
01:22:58 Million a year, you know like.
01:23:02 It's so it's they're going to fill in the blanks with whatever.
01:23:17 And that's the same thing with the shooting stuff.
01:23:19 It's like they.
01:23:21 They've never been in a in a in a situation like a mass shooting, or maybe even anything somewhat analogous.
01:23:29 Like not they've never been in like.
01:23:33 Situation where bullets are flying, you know.
01:23:38 So again, they what do they they.
01:23:40 Have what they have to go on movies or.
01:23:43 Their imagination.
Speaker 9
01:23:57 There we go.
01:24:00 Like I pointed out today, what Americans want are living wage jobs, not universal prec.
01:24:08 They want to have a parent stay at home, raise their kids one income.
01:24:14 Families existed that owned homes, had multiple cars, and took vacations not that long ago.
Speaker 10
01:24:20 And not only that, you could be.
01:24:22 You didn't have to have.
01:24:25 I mean certainly wouldn't be the rich guy if this was your job, you'd
01:24:29 Be the ******* milk.
01:24:30 Man, though, and your wife wouldn't have to work.
01:24:35 You know that we there's in every population.
Speaker 10
01:24:40 You're going to.
01:24:40 Have the the left side of the bell curve.
01:24:44 That's just a fact.
01:24:46 Even if the the IQ of the entire public, the average goes up, you're still going to have the the outliers on the other side of that.
01:24:53 And that doesn't mean they're bad people or or whatever.
01:24:56 But you gotta have stuff for them to do.
01:25:02 And we we had stuff for them to do.
01:25:04 Now there's extremes, right?
01:25:06 But by by not subsidizing them, that kept their numbers down.
01:25:12 As soon as you started subsidizing their their own personal breeding programs.
01:25:27 Yeah, and automation is going to make it worse.
01:25:32 But yeah, it it's a lot of this stuff is just.
01:25:36 It's it's just unnatural.
01:25:41 And it's it's all this, these huge.
01:25:45 Huge, like revolutionary.
01:25:49 And not all.
01:25:50 Not that doesn't always mean good.
01:25:55 But massive changes to the society.
01:25:59 Without any ability to roll them back if they didn't workout, and then they're compounded, right, because a lot of these massive changes.
01:26:08 All they did was allow for even more massive changes.
01:26:15 I got to turn off that stupid talking.
01:26:18 Cat feeder.
01:26:21 Always like.
01:26:24 The cats are, I don't know.
01:26:26 It's like the I.
01:26:27 Think I think it got unplugged.
01:26:30 And the timer reset because there's no reason why it should be operating this late anyway.
01:26:36 You could work at Maytag putting belts on washing machines and own two cars.
01:26:42 Pay for your kids school, own a home and a wife and Yep, yeah you could be you could be a Maytag maintenance man.
01:26:51 Doing a job that you could train most people to do.
01:26:59 And have a good life.
01:27:07 But that's going to get harder to do anyway.
01:27:09 Not only are you going to have.
01:27:10 Just you have the.
01:27:14 The automation, obviously eliminating a lot of these lower end jobs, but you're also going to just have because of the automation, the jobs that are available are going to be increasingly more tech related, right?
01:27:33 Like someone, someone's got to be the one programming the robots and and designing the robot stuff.
01:27:42 But as more manual labor is performed by robots.
01:27:50 And this is a little ways.
01:27:51 Down the road, I think.
01:27:52 I don't think it's as close as as some people think.
01:27:56 But it's already.
01:27:57 It's already it's begun.
01:28:00 It started.
01:28:03 And as you see them import more and more that that's The thing is it would be one thing if if they had at least stopped.
01:28:11 The bleeding right.
01:28:13 If they'd if they'd got the tourniquet.
01:28:15 On and stopped the bleeding.
01:28:20 But no, they're they're they're.
01:28:22 It's like they're making more and more wounds.
01:28:24 They're like, they want as many, no skill, low IQ people in here as possible, all competing for like, a limited amount of low skill, low IQ jobs.
01:28:41 And then when those low skill, low IQ people can't find jobs.
01:28:48 Whose fault is it you think?
01:28:52 It's Whitey's fault, of course.
01:29:00 Remember how I was saying in order for for whites to wake up or Americans to to stand up to tyranny, they'd have to run out of Cheetos and and entertainment, right?
01:29:16 Like you'd have to basically starve them in the same way.
01:29:20 That that Netanyahu prior to 911 said that sometimes Americans need to be bombed into action, right?
01:29:31 You know, he wasn't wrong about that.
01:29:35 Americans need, well, any, any comfortable society.
01:29:41 Needs to be made very.
01:29:44 Very uncomfortable before they'll act.
01:29:50 Well, I mean.
01:29:54 Are you how comfortable you think these these?
01:30:00 These people at.
01:30:00 The border are right, like the people in the detention.
01:30:03 The detention centers that are at at 12 times Max capacity right now because everyone bum rushed the border once Biden got in.
01:30:14 How comfortable you think those people?
01:30:15 Are going to be.
01:30:31 You see what I'm getting at like?
01:30:35 You know, whites in America.
01:30:37 Yeah, they might not be motivated to stand up for themselves or do anything, you know, step outside their little comfort zone.
01:30:47 But little by little there's a there's a.
Speaker 10
01:30:50 Population of people.
01:30:54 Who have yet to even acquire a comfort zone.
01:31:00 Who are increasingly dissatisfied.
01:31:07 Who are impoverished?
01:31:14 And you hate white people.
01:31:19 And we're just letting.
01:31:19 More and more of them in.
01:31:25 Where do you think that leads?
01:31:40 You know who will be really shocked when the **** comes down on white people?
01:31:44 White women?
01:31:45 Yeah, I mean.
01:31:50 You know.
01:31:52 It's uh.
01:31:58 Yeah, it is what it is.
01:32:01 It's it's not all white women, obviously, but there is like a there is a substantial number of white women and white men.
01:32:09 That have have taken the poison pill too.
01:32:15 But I think specifically women that but that's that's look that's something that's been true through throughout the ages.
01:32:22 That's just.
01:32:23 How women have evolved, right?
01:32:25 You know when the Nazis took over France, the French girl.
01:32:28 Started ******* the Nazis.
01:32:29 You know, like that's.
01:32:30 That's they're designed to do that.
01:32:33 They go with who they perceive to be the the dominant force.
01:32:39 I mean that just out of just out of survival.
01:32:43 Right. I mean.
01:32:44 Human history is just a long string of this tribe taking over or slaughtering this tribe and.
01:32:52 And the women, if they want to stay alive.
01:32:57 You know they're going to side with whoever's whoever's doing the killing and not being killed.
01:33:04 And sorry folks.
01:33:06 I mean, if that's if that if that is what is informing your behavior, can you really get that mad at women for for thinking that?
01:33:16 Maybe whites aren't the best bet.
01:33:22 I mean, prove them wrong, I guess.
01:33:27 If white women, I mean, look, and I don't think this is on a conscious level, but if if.
01:33:34 White men.
01:33:36 Were the group you didn't **** with.
01:33:41 Because of what would happen.
01:33:43 Because they had the keys to power they they they held the fear.
01:33:53 And they distributed it.
01:33:57 If the society.
01:33:59 Had a healthy respect, a healthy fear of white men.
01:34:06 You would not see that behavior from white women.
01:34:12 You wouldn't.
01:34:16 White women aren't aren't just, uh, abandoning ship.
01:34:22 For no reason or because they're ***** or you know whatever, it's they're responding to something.
01:34:34 They're responding to weakness.
01:34:41 They don't think you're going to protect them.
01:34:52 So they're just and again, look, we're using.
01:34:57 I know a lot of people freak out of generalizations.
01:34:59 We're using a lot of general generalizations because you have to when you're talking about the macro, OK?
01:35:17 But yeah, I mean, they're just, they're just responding to their their environment.
01:35:28 Alright, let me take a look here.
01:35:38 Agreed, women follow strength.
01:35:41 If everyone, if everybody's afraid of white men, then this kind of works out.
01:35:47 If White Men act like men.
01:35:51 I'm not sure you mean by that.
01:35:52 What do you think about Thomas Soul or oh, sell from Australia?
01:35:58 I don't really know, I I think.
01:36:00 I follow him on telegram.
01:36:02 So I I couldn't.
01:36:03 I've only seen like I I think I played a video he did.
01:36:06 Once on my stream because it was pretty based, but I don't know.
01:36:11 I think I you know, I don't know enough to.
01:36:13 Have an opinion?
01:36:16 But that video that video was based.
01:36:18 Enough for me to play it.
01:36:20 In fact, I might have it.
01:36:22 Do I have it handy here?
01:36:24 Maybe I do.
01:36:29 I don't.
01:36:30 I don't know where it's at now.
01:36:33 Yeah, it was pretty based.
01:36:37 I think he basically I.
01:36:39 In fact, I think he talked about.
01:36:41 Kind of what we're talking about.
01:36:50 And I figured how to.
01:36:51 My donations from trovo.
01:36:52 Not yet.
01:36:53 I'll do that.
01:36:53 I'll do that soon.
01:36:58 Ah yeah, I've just.
01:36:59 I've been.
01:37:01 Burn the candle at both ends the last.
01:37:05 Little bit here.
01:37:07 And so I just I need to.
01:37:11 There's a lot of stuff that had to get done before it gets, like, really hot.
01:37:17 And that it's still not done, but UM, and then the weather's just been ******* weird and annoying like.
01:37:26 There it's let me just put this way, it's not fun climbing around on roof.
01:37:30 Yes, there's still some of the do not just like I got more than one roof, but even just my main roof, it's not fun climbing around on the roof when it's you got 40 mile an hour gusts.
01:37:43 That's a little unnerving.
01:37:50 Yeah, and the wind does just wear you out.
01:37:52 It kind of makes you kind of gives you a ****** mood.
Speaker 10
01:37:55 I gotta find I all.
01:37:56 I gotta look.
01:37:56 That up, but there, like I said, there was an Arctic country.
01:37:59 Where you could use that as a as a.
01:38:02 The fence.
01:38:03 There's something that happens like I forget what?
01:38:05 It's what.
01:38:06 But it's like the way that the the.
01:38:10 UM.
01:38:12 Like the molecules are polarized or something like it, positively or negative.
01:38:17 Now I think what it positively charges.
01:38:20 The air which?
01:38:23 Even though the word positive is in it.
01:38:26 It negatively affects your mood.
01:38:29 And so when you when you have like those, I think another example that like.
01:38:33 You know the.
01:38:33 The the Ionic breeze or you know the the those filter machines that they used to have or I'm sure they still do.
01:38:42 Same sort of thing where it's I think they negatively or they they create a negative charge or anyway it it it it there's I don't I don't remember all the INS and outs of the science behind it but there is something that's actually happening to the the air that affects your mood like is it's it's affecting the.
01:39:01 Oxygen in a way that is apparently then being taken in by your body or something.
01:39:09 I don't know, I'd.
01:39:10 I'd have to look at.
01:39:11 I have to look it up.
01:39:12 But yeah, Wendy, I don't think there's a lot of people that are like, oh, I love it when it's.
01:39:17 Windy like this?
01:39:21 You know I.
01:39:21 Guess maybe if you're into like professional kite flying or something weird like that, but most people don't love wind.
01:39:29 So yeah, it's just.
01:39:30 Been ******* went. It's.
01:39:31 The the.
01:39:32 Whole the whole West side of the the country has been like crazy windy.
01:39:37 Not just, you know, like I said, the desert.
Speaker 10
01:39:40 It's the deserts get.
01:39:42 Gets windy no matter what, right?
01:39:43 Because there's nothing to stop the air.
01:39:45 So it just gets windy.
01:39:46 But it's not even just limited to the desert.
01:39:48 The last few days.
01:39:50 You know, I got friends in Northern California that have had, like, trees coming, coming down and **** like that, so.
01:39:58 It's just been a lot of a lot.
01:40:00 Of air movement.
01:40:03 In this country, let a violent air movement.
01:40:10 What about the eugenics plan we've had for decades that we are seeing playing out now, talking about just having?
01:40:19 Low IQ people.
01:40:22 Well, that's yeah, I mean that, that's part of why it doesn't require some kind of fancy MK ultra program.
01:40:32 It doesn't.
Speaker 10
01:40:33 Why go through all that trouble?
01:40:38 Just get a population that's already stupid and violent, and then tell them where to direct that energy.
01:40:45 You see what I'm saying?
01:40:46 It's not that it doesn't require some big fancy plan to get low IQ angry non whites to to be violent against whites.
01:40:58 It's not.
01:40:59 That's not tough.
01:41:02 You don't need a whole lot of people running that program.
01:41:13 Soy face is a real.
01:41:14 Thing. Well, yeah. And that's the thing too, is and I don't know what the, I don't think anyone really knows 100% what the causes are.
01:41:21 But that's another thing you're seeing some of it's some of it's a cultural thing, but there's an actual physical thing going on where the testosterone levels of whites have plummeted in the last 50 years.
01:41:32 The sperm counts as well.
01:41:34 It's, you know, whether it's a result of the diets, the foods.
01:41:39 The the sedentary lifestyles, I don't know the combination, something deliberate.
01:41:47 You know, but it doesn't matter, right?
01:41:48 Like you.
01:41:49 Can this is?
01:41:49 Another one of those things where, yeah, you can try to cook up all these like crazy things, like, oh, well, you know, it's the fluoride or it's this or.
01:41:57 It's that or whatever.
01:41:59 It doesn't really matter.
01:42:03 You know, like it doesn't matter.
01:42:06 It it doesn't change, you know you you finding out that ohh it's the fluoride or it's the soy isn't going to change that.
01:42:16 Currently, whites today the the current crop of whites.
01:42:22 Have substantially less.
01:42:26 Ohh, and by the way, I think Edward Dutton did a video recently where he talked about there's an increase in testosterone and whites but among women.
01:42:38 So as male testosterone levels are dropping, female testosterone levels are going up.
01:42:46 So yay.
01:42:54 Weed pouring sugar and soy.
01:42:56 It's a combo, yeah.
01:42:58 Yeah, if you can cut those things out.
01:43:00 They'll be doing a lot better.
01:43:07 3 centuries of warfare have killed all the high tea men.
01:43:13 The soy boys of the day that.
01:43:14 Has something to do with it too?
01:43:16 And we've been pretty.
01:43:20 Heavy-handed with the Our Warrior class over the last few centuries.
01:43:30 I think soy faces also due to insecurity of the guys who do this, have a need to look like they're excited about whatever they're doing.
01:43:36 For some reason, they think that's important.
01:43:41 Yeah, I don't know if this is real or if it was just a Dwight Schrute quote from the office, but.
01:43:50 He was saying it.
01:43:51 I forget the quote, but he said something about chimpanzees.
01:43:56 There to smile is or to show your teeth is actually a submission sign.
01:44:05 And so it honestly, it could be some weird thing like that, you know?
01:44:09 But because they do have the it's the exact same ******* open mouth weirdo look, right?
01:44:15 They're they're absolutely could be some some kind of tie to a submissive, some some kind of primitive submissive behavior or I'm sorry.
01:44:29 Signaling right, you're signaling.
01:44:34 You know, my ******* is wide open for.
01:44:36 You or whatever, right?
01:44:39 But you're well.
01:44:40 You're signaling the the opposite.
01:44:43 Of dominance.
01:44:44 When you do that.
01:44:47 So it's saying chimp showing teeth is aggression.
01:44:49 Well, I mean obviously like bearing your teeth like a dog.
01:44:52 I, but I think there might be something that's.
01:44:56 I don't know.
01:44:56 I don't know.
01:44:58 I don't know.
01:44:59 I'm not like Jane Goodall.
01:45:04 Open mouth or of whole mouth versus showing things exactly.
01:45:08 So I but or or it could just be nothing, I don't know.
01:45:14 I think you're right about women becoming more high T I've noticed in political events left and right, women are far more outspoken and willing to take charge than.
Speaker 10
01:45:23 That well, the.
01:45:24 The other thing is too is there's no.
01:45:27 I mean if you it's like you said, if you watch the videos of the when they're tearing down the statues and **** like that, it's women calling all the shots and ordering the, the, the men around, right?
01:45:39 We've all seen it.
01:45:41 Or when like they they start going a little overboard.
01:45:44 It's the women that step in and start ordering the Antifa people around.
01:45:49 Right.
01:45:50 I think you know that maybe the the testosterone is something to do with that.
01:45:54 But I also think it's because these men were all raised by women.
01:46:00 I don't think a whole lot of those.
01:46:01 Men that you see at these events come from households with strong fathers, right?
01:46:09 I think most of them probably come from.
01:46:11 Single mother households.
01:46:14 And so they've and on top of that.
01:46:18 There's there's not.
01:46:19 A whole lot.
01:46:24 It's very low cost for a woman.
01:46:28 To become aggressive in that situation.
01:46:35 Because the chances of her having to face a physical challenge are next to nothing, right?
01:46:45 And just because of all the other.
01:46:49 All the rest of the the feminization of the culture, but just also, like the women are.
01:46:55 I mean, you if.
01:46:56 You **** with like.
01:46:58 I mean, **** there.
01:46:58 There's men are afraid to just be in the same office.
01:47:02 As women right now.
01:47:03 Because of the the power imbalance, right?
01:47:06 So I think because it's so low cost when you see those women shouting at the men and stuff, if it's if a guy was doing that, like if a guy was saying literally the exact same thing that, you know, the Antifa girl with dreadlocks is screaming at the guys, there's a chance someone would turn around and punch him in the face or something.
01:47:25 Right.
01:47:26 There's that's not going to happen very.
01:47:29 Often, at least to.
01:47:30 The girl, right.
01:47:31 So that's why I think you're seeing on the left how much of that's driven by an actual increase in testosterone.
01:47:38 And I don't know, I don't know.
01:47:41 Maybe some?
01:47:43 On the right, you're seeing maybe a little bit of the same ****.
01:47:47 I mean, the Ashley Babbitt, right?
01:47:50 Ashley Babbitt was the one that was.
01:47:53 Was smashing the window and trying to crawl in to the capital.
01:47:59 You know, wasn't a guy doing that?
01:48:02 And a lot of I don't, I don't think you see it as much on the right.
01:48:08 Because I think a lot of people on the right.
01:48:13 Or at least more often than on the left did have a father in the household, right?
01:48:20 And so they had something to model their behavior.
01:48:22 You know, they they had a source of.
01:48:26 A model for masculinity.
01:48:32 So it's uh, I think that has a lot.
01:48:35 To do with it.
01:48:38 But yeah, maybe the maybe the testosterone levels.
01:48:43 Or I don't know what the exact numbers.
01:48:52 Ashley Babbitt was a siop.
01:48:54 It was fake.
01:48:54 It's like.
01:48:55 Nope, Nope, she was.
01:48:58 She got shot in the neck.
01:49:02 That's what happens.
01:49:16 Jesus and his disciples wouldn't recognize.
01:49:21 Constant and you guys are talking about?
01:49:23 Religious stuff with specificity I don't give.
01:49:27 A **** about.
01:49:28 Uh, check out Black Pill group on gab.
01:49:33 OK, I didn't.
01:49:33 I don't know anything about.
01:49:34 Gab groups. I'll have to.
01:49:37 Figure out how that even works.
01:49:40 Alright guys, I'm pretty ******* tired.
01:49:43 I actually did long and.
01:49:44 I thought I was going to do.
01:49:47 But I think I would turn in.
01:49:49 Because I am.
01:49:52 I'm exhausted.
01:49:54 I am exhausted.
01:49:56 Let me see if there's.
01:49:57 I feel like there was.
01:49:58 Something else I wanted to.
01:49:59 Talk about before I go.
Speaker 17
01:50:02 UM.
01:50:06 Oh, OK, just this.
01:50:09 Just this, just real.
01:50:10 Quick and then I'm going to.
01:50:14 Take off.
01:50:20 Tim Poole.
01:50:24 Tweeted this out.
01:50:31 And it's funny because.
01:50:35 I immediately said, look, you know, he wants, he wants to keep that YouTube money, right?
01:50:42 Tim Poole wants to keep his YouTube money and all these Tim Poole apologists.
01:50:48 OK, man like Oh no.
01:50:50 You didn't watch his last?
01:50:52 He's doing this thing.
01:50:53 It's called the anti tweet and it's like he's trolling.
01:50:59 Oh really?
01:51:02 Oh really?
Speaker 10
01:51:07 Funny how.
01:51:09 He chose to say this, though, isn't it?
01:51:13 Funny how his anti tweet was something that was 1000% acceptable. I would never get him in trouble.
01:51:24 Everything I've told you about Tim Poole.
01:51:28 It's not like it's not like he tweeted out.
01:51:32 I love Hitler.
01:51:35 And then said Ohh no it's I'm doing this social experiment, it's the anti tweet.
Speaker 10
01:51:41 No, he would.
01:51:42 He would literally never.
01:51:43 This is my point.
01:51:45 He'll literally never, ever, ever, ever.
01:51:49 Say anything that's going to negatively affect his income.
01:51:56 And sane trans rights are human rights.
01:52:00 It's not going to negatively.
01:52:01 Affect his income.
01:52:02 If anything, it's going to.
01:52:03 Get him more followers.
01:52:09 It's all a clever social experiment, Devin.
01:52:12 You just don't understand.
01:52:16 Well, then, why?
01:52:17 Why did he tweet that specifically?
01:52:20 Why not?
01:52:21 Why not tweet something else?
01:52:22 That might be weird, that wouldn't get his account banned?
01:52:25 Like, I don't know.
01:52:27 I like having five ***** in my *******.
01:52:33 Why not tweet that?
Speaker 11
01:52:34 Just try to freak people.
Speaker 10
01:52:36 Out and see.
01:52:37 What will happen?
01:52:37 I mean, Twitter won't ban him.
01:52:40 No one's going to.
01:52:42 Nothing's going to happen to him, he says. He likes having five *****.
01:52:45 In his *******.
01:52:49 No, but instead.
01:52:53 Funny what he he specifically chose for his little social experiment or whatever it is that he.
01:53:00 Yeah, sorry.
01:53:04 Not buying it.
01:53:11 YouTube is for ****.
01:53:18 Besides, think of it this way just from another.
01:53:20 Point of view.
01:53:29 Find that statement.
Speaker 14
01:53:32 To be.
01:53:37 As as damaging to your society as just part of the problem, just like an abomination to say.
Speaker 11
01:53:50 Would you say it?
Speaker 4
01:53:55 He probably wouldn't.
01:53:57 Say I like having 5 ***** in my *******.
01:54:02 Because he wouldn't like the way that made him look.
01:54:07 He would feel like that was.
01:54:10 That was bad for optics.
01:54:18 But but how is that different really than saying trans rights?
01:54:22 Are human rights.
01:54:24 To me, that's more offensive than saying I like 5 ***** in my *******.
01:54:39 So there he is.
Speaker 9
01:54:42 Tacitly promoting.
01:54:45 Satanic trans ****.
01:54:50 And hiding behind some.
01:54:53 See, he's playing.
01:54:53 He's trying to play both sides.
Speaker 10
01:54:56 Playing both sides of the fence.
01:54:59 That's what fence sitters do.
01:55:02 He's telling the trans people look trans rights are human rights.
01:55:07 And then anyone on the right, that's like dude.
01:55:09 What the ****?
Speaker 10
01:55:10 He's like, oh, no, this is like it's.
01:55:11 Called the anti tweet.
01:55:20 And if you fall for that stupid ****, you.
01:55:22 Belong on YouTube.
01:55:28 Alright guys.
01:55:30 Well, I'm gonna try to get some sleep.
01:55:32 I am so.
01:55:35 ******* exhausted.
Speaker 10
01:55:37 It's like I said, I started to get.
01:55:39 I've been.
01:55:39 Trying to sleep all day like all.
01:55:40 Day I was like trying to sleep, but like starting like around noonish or something.
Speaker 11
01:55:44 I was like, well, I need to sleep.
01:55:46 Sleep for a.
01:55:47 Bit and then.
01:55:48 I'll get up and do the stream and my sleep schedule will be kind of fixed, right?
01:55:51 I'll be back on like my stream sleep schedule.
01:55:55 And I couldn't sleep and I couldn't sleep.
01:55:56 And by the time I was like.
01:55:57 Oh, I can finally sleep.
01:55:59 It was like almost time.
01:56:00 For the stream I was like ohh ****.
01:56:04 Yeah, I've been up for.
01:56:05 Over 24 hours at this point.
01:56:08 I don't know how long actually.
01:56:12 Ah, all right guys.
01:56:15 Well, tomorrow I'll go a little longer and I'll have more energy.
01:56:24 I've got a couple I was looking at.
01:56:29 There's, there's I I don't want.
01:56:31 I don't want to dissect another movie tomorrow, but there's.
01:56:36 Either I'll do this tomorrow or maybe we'll save it for Saturday. But there is a couple of movies from the late 90s, early 2000s that really kind of illustrate.
01:56:52 A lot of this party culture that I feel like.
01:56:59 A lot of of millennials were were baptized in.
01:57:06 You know, a lot of this eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die kind of **** this and and you.
01:57:13 I guess you could say Gen.
01:57:15 X too to some extent, but this.
01:57:19 Permissive society really? Because you know it was being administered by, I guess, middle-aged boomers at the time, right, who still wanted to be cool and you know, so you saw and like a lot of the, you know, the 60s like the, you know what?
01:57:37 What was the Woodstock 94? I forget what year it was, but they even tried to bring Woodstock back.
01:57:41 Again, you know, drug use was cool, you know, like just think of how many wraps, not just songs, rap, rap albums, the entire schtick was smoking pot. You know, whether you were talking about Cypress Hill or Doctor Dre's the chronic album, so many.
01:58:01 Pop cult or just all the movies you know, you got another like.
01:58:04 Just like the Boomers had their Cheech and Chong.
01:58:08 Right.
01:58:09 And then in the late 90s, you just you kind of had a recycling of that you had the.
01:58:13 Yeah, you know, the Friday and half baked and all those other movies like that.
01:58:20 And then you also had a lot of these the, the, the raunchy teen movies, you know the American Pie and all these other films.
01:58:28 And so I want to play some clips from some of these movies from around that era because I I feel like.
01:58:40 That is probably fairly unrelatable to a lot of people today, for a variety of reasons.
01:58:49 I mean.
01:58:50 Well, I mean.
01:58:51 Not least of which, if you're like 21, that, I mean those movies came out before you were born.
01:58:58 Right.
01:58:59 So I I think it would be interesting to take.
01:59:03 A look at some of.
01:59:03 Those and and like I said, like we we berate the boomers quite a lot, but the other generations are are.
01:59:17 Well, they're certainly not.
01:59:18 They're they're.
01:59:18 Apparently, they're not as healthy.
01:59:20 According to the the article we read earlier in the.
01:59:22 Stream, but they're not as healthy mentally either, right?
01:59:27 And there's a variety of reasons for that.
01:59:29 So anyway, I don't.
01:59:31 Know we're.
01:59:31 Going to do that next stream or I'll save it for Saturday because I do have.
01:59:34 I'll probably have to cut out.
01:59:35 And edit some clips out.
01:59:37 But uh, I watched like some big chunks of some films that I was like, oh, this would be great.
01:59:42 So anyway, look, look forward to that and.
01:59:47 Yeah, there's a bunch of other **** I gotta do too, but.
01:59:49 We'll talk about that next stream because.
01:59:51 I'm ready to fall asleep.
01:59:54 You guys have a good evening, afternoon or whatever part of your day for Black pilled.
02:00:00 I am of course.
Speaker 6
02:00:03 Devin Stack, little couple.
Speaker 14
02:00:07 We're doing some right now.
Speaker 17
02:00:08 But we have that we're.
Speaker 14
02:00:08 Why does this you know?
Speaker 13
02:00:09 Handling that later, you should have did that, but the police find that blood.
02:00:13 No, you're weird, bro.
02:00:15 That's your blue.
Speaker 6
02:00:15 His ashes. So great.
Speaker 12
02:00:16 Bros now take.
Speaker 14
02:00:20 Put off put off, but this is cutting off.
Speaker 4
02:00:35 The vote.
Speaker 6
02:00:38 Like, why are you trying to cut Mom?
02:00:44 That's all.
02:00:46 Ohh, laugh.
Speaker 12
02:00:50 Man, I need to get drunk.
Speaker 17
02:00:52 *******, right?
Speaker 13
02:00:55 Yeah, ***** *** boy.
Speaker 6
02:00:56 So worked up Donald Trump.
02:01:00 White people.
02:01:08 Go, go go.
Speaker 14
02:01:19 Here for my signal.
Speaker 6
02:01:27 While we won't forget them.
Speaker 12
02:01:27 No, I don't think.
02:01:28 Don't don't give me one.
Speaker 13
02:01:29 Only be seen by nobody.
Speaker 16
02:01:32 Take it easy.
02:01:37 Is this the which I'll do?
Speaker 14
02:01:53 ******* hell.
Speaker 12
02:01:55 Damn you crazy.
Speaker 14
02:01:58 The whole patch out of ****.
Speaker 6
02:01:59 Boy, why you doing?
Speaker 12
02:02:01 And no blood on the blade.
Speaker 13
02:02:04 Talk about that ****.
Speaker 6
02:02:04 See Ohh my brother grave.
Speaker 13
02:02:05 That was he did.
Speaker 6
02:02:06 Donald Trump, yeah.
02:02:13 I know.
02:02:16 Stand up.
02:02:17 Stand up.
02:02:18 Stand up.
02:02:20 What's your love, bro?
02:02:22 Get the **** no.
02:02:31 Don't laugh.
02:02:33 You gotta figure it out.
Speaker 14
02:02:35 It out and knock this right back down.
02:02:38 Stand up.
Speaker 12
02:02:42 You got 3 seconds.
Speaker 6
02:02:43 What? What?
Speaker 16
02:02:45 My sister.
Speaker 6
02:02:50 I thought you.
02:02:52 I thought you could stand up.
Speaker 17
02:02:58 Why is we only?
02:03:06 We won't focus.
02:03:10 He gang.
02:03:13 I'm not that much.
02:03:18 That's not funny.
Speaker 6
02:03:19 You know.
Speaker 17
02:03:21 My little sister says nothing.
Speaker 14
02:03:23 Hey, tell Donald Trump that's not fun.
Speaker 17
02:03:27 That's my baby sister, y'all love.
02:03:29 Two week, OK.
Speaker 12
02:03:31 You have you have baby session.
02:03:33 That's my food.
Speaker 16
02:03:37 Oh my God, I'm saying that this **** is hilarious.
Speaker 14
02:03:43 We're watching movie.
Speaker 17
02:03:43 Why no by the old model?
Speaker 14
02:03:44 Damn Pope.
02:03:46 No white ocean Lincoln Lincoln.
Speaker 6
02:03:51 Let me go go.
02:03:54 Let me see. Oh.
Speaker 14
02:04:05 You're not linking.
Speaker 6
02:04:06 Is OK. OK, OK. OK.
Speaker 12
02:04:13 You know, with your boy.
02:04:15 Ohh Ashley, we're back in that truck, right when we carry away.
02:04:17 It's out there, boy.
Speaker 5
02:04:18 Is there?
Speaker 12
02:04:19 So this hot here, man, you know coming, boy.
Speaker 14
02:04:24 What the ****?
Speaker 12
02:04:26 Hey, mess up.
02:04:27 What's up?
02:04:28 Masco waters hot here, boy.
Speaker 6
02:04:28 What's that mean?
02:04:29 What the ****?
Speaker 16
02:04:31 What you talking?
Speaker 17
02:04:32 About what the ****?
Speaker 14
02:04:34 Headphone for Donald Trump.
Speaker 17
02:04:36 That is.