

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Hello, Germany, we're back.
00:01:08 Our official Joy club and Sal.
00:01:10 And Next up is.
00:01:31 Am I on Jacqueline?
00:01:33 My name is Sal and Cabra.
00:01:37 Corn is my side.
00:01:40 I like Star Trek and Brad Pitt.
00:01:43 I watch Kung Fu movies shade my.
Speaker 2
00:01:51 And then.
Speaker 1
00:02:02 Tell me who?
00:02:16 Make it.
00:02:30 I can watch lesbian horno trailer.
00:02:38 I'm gonna die a smoker.
00:02:40 Well, I marry a redneck.
00:02:44 Will you publish?
00:02:45 Clearing house.
00:02:49 My big shack.
00:03:02 Psychic man. Tell me who?
00:03:17 Make it up to the well.
00:03:26 Are you broken?
00:03:35 We are.
Speaker 3
00:03:51 Well, I caught up.
Speaker 1
00:03:55 When reading the tabloids, doctors pulled my gerbil well.
00:04:04 My friend, or will I be watching much Martians?
00:04:09 I wanna jam.
00:04:24 Tell me who I.
00:04:28 Just put it on.
00:04:35 You make it up so easy.
00:04:43 Psychic can tell me.
00:04:59 Making it up so easy.
Speaker 4
00:06:15 OK.
00:06:18 What is real and what is?
00:06:20 What is the feeling of being trapped and what?
Speaker 5
00:06:38 Got some what?
Speaker 4
00:06:40 Send me more.
00:07:05 You won't let them back.
00:07:09 With the words.
00:07:25 Right or wrong?
00:08:29 Is real and life is 1.
00:09:15 2 = 5.
00:09:19 Is the right or wrong?
00:09:33 I am in control.
00:09:35 For I am Devon stack.
00:09:39 Host of the insomnia stream.
00:09:43 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:47 Miss Cleo edition, don't you know?
00:09:51 So yeah, here's a little clip of you guys probably saw this, but this is kind of funny.
00:09:57 What's happening with the ghost cat like I think the night after last stream?
00:10:04 When I had.
00:10:05 To pause the stream to go feed ghost cat.
00:10:10 It was the next night and I was doing stuff around and inside the house and I.
00:10:15 Heard that the meow.
00:10:17 Of ghost cat.
00:10:18 Or so I thought, but it sounded different.
00:10:22 So I walked to the back porch to.
00:10:24 To feed him.
00:10:26 And then as soon as I got to.
00:10:27 The back screen door.
00:10:30 I heard a rattle.
00:10:32 Like a really loud, like big rattlesnake rattle.
00:10:37 And I was like, oh ****.
00:10:45 And so.
00:10:48 I felt bad instantly.
00:10:49 Immediately I was like.
00:10:50 Oh my God.
00:10:51 There's a snake back there.
00:10:54 Ghost Cat is about to be a real ghost because cats do not survive.
00:10:58 Usually they it's it's happened before, but they usually do not survive rattlesnake bites.
00:11:04 And I all I could think was like, oh man, like, I trained to come back.
00:11:07 Here, by feeding him and now.
00:11:08 He's going now.
00:11:09 He's gonna ******* die.
00:11:13 So I took.
00:11:14 Care of business.
00:11:15 I took care of ******* business.
Speaker 7
00:11:19 So I literally just saved the ghost cat from a rattlesnake.
00:11:24 I heard some crazy meowing on the back porch, thought it was ghost cat.
00:11:28 Coming to get food.
00:11:29 And then I as soon as I.
00:11:30 Walked to the door, I heard rattling.
00:11:32 And apparently it was a ghost cat cornered by a rattlesnake.
00:11:39 That is freshly killed.
00:11:40 You can see the muscles still contracting.
00:11:42 I got them right in the head.
00:11:44 Not on the first shot.
Speaker 7
00:11:47 Took about three shots with a pellet gun to get him in the head.
00:11:52 Look at him. Look.
00:11:52 At him, he's still twitching.
00:11:55 Look at that.
00:11:58 Death twitches.
Speaker 7
00:12:01 So yeah.
00:12:03 Crazy. Crazy.
00:12:08 So now it's ghost snake.
00:12:12 Yeah, I took care of business.
00:12:14 I actually had.
00:12:15 To clarify, just so you understand that I am quite the marksman with that pellet gun having bagged many small animals with that ******* thing.
00:12:24 I hit them all three.
00:12:25 I just didn't hit him in the head.
Speaker 7
00:12:28 Tell the third shot.
00:12:30 But yeah, after killing the snake.
00:12:34 Ghost Cat just kind of shrugged it off like no big deal, just jumped down and because he was, he was on top of a hive box that I had out there and he just jumped down.
00:12:46 Well, sauntered off into the desert like whatever didn't run off like I thought he would.
00:12:50 Freak out.
00:12:52 You know from.
00:12:52 Me shooting the gun or whatever, but no, no big deal.
00:12:56 So I heave the.
00:12:58 The dead snake over the fence.
00:13:02 And it was gone the next day.
00:13:04 Hopefully a coyote ate that snake instead of ghost cat.
00:13:08 Well, actually I know Ghost Scott's still alive because he came back tonight already. So.
00:13:14 As I've created a monster, a dependent dependent feral cat, but it's good because.
00:13:20 It's now we've.
00:13:21 Got the out.
00:13:22 The outdoor is patrolled.
00:13:25 So Ghost Cat can patrol the outdoors and take care of the.
00:13:31 The rodent problem that that snake used.
00:13:33 To take care of.
Speaker 8
00:13:36 It's the circle.
00:13:37 Of life.
00:13:38 The circle of life.
00:13:43 Yeah, I I.
00:13:43 End up having to kill about one of.
00:13:44 These a year.
00:13:47 You know, there's a lot of rattlesnakes out here and they're territorial, so usually, look, I don't go around killing snakes.
00:13:54 Obviously I like rattlesnakes.
00:13:56 It's just that if they're on the property, and especially if they're on the back porch.
00:14:01 You know that?
00:14:02 OK, let's say you don't kill it this.
00:14:03 Time next time you walk out and you don't see it and you step on it or whatever, you know you're you're going to the hospital.
00:14:10 You might even die.
00:14:12 In fact, an uncle of mine this year.
00:14:16 Was trying to move a rattlesnake.
00:14:19 And he got bit and and then he ended up shooting it anyway.
00:14:26 So it's like.
00:14:27 After it bit him, he shoots it and he ended up in the hospital and almost dying.
00:14:33 So it's just, you know.
00:14:35 And it's just not worth it.
00:14:37 It's not worth it.
00:14:38 They're not endangered or anything like that.
00:14:39 There's, I mean there.
00:14:40 There's so many of these ******* things.
00:14:43 I'll tell you what, if if Ghost.
00:14:45 Cat had not been in immediate danger.
00:14:48 I would have.
00:14:48 Thought about I have like this 15 foot pole.
00:14:52 That I could easily have made like a little snake noose out of.
00:14:55 And it's really it is like 15.
00:14:57 It's a really long, you know, telescoping pole that would.
00:15:00 Have been perfect for.
00:15:01 It and I even thought about it.
00:15:02 I was just by the time I would have got the pole and rigged up something.
00:15:05 You know who?
Speaker 7
00:15:06 Knows what would have happened, so I just ******* killed it.
00:15:09 But had ghost cat not been there, I probably would have.
00:15:11 Tried to to noose it.
00:15:14 Because it was kind of like in a area where it wouldn't easily have gotten away and put in a box and maybe drive it out a few miles out and then Kick It Out.
00:15:24 But it's, you know, like I said, they're not endangered or anything like that.
00:15:27 And it's not even the first one I've seen this year.
00:15:29 There was another one.
00:15:31 When I was marching out.
00:15:34 Doing the feed for the bees.
00:15:37 You know, I I told you.
00:15:38 Guys, I get the five gallon buckets.
00:15:41 And filled up with sugar water.
00:15:42 I've since stopped doing that because I think that is doing more harm than good in terms of.
00:15:48 The the the robbing frenzies.
00:15:50 And I'm feeding like killer bees that live in the area.
00:15:53 I'm pretty sure by doing.
00:15:55 But when I was doing that, filling up the five gallon buckets full of sugar water and.
00:16:01 Putting them in my ruck sack and marching them out to the feeding station when I was coming back one night, I almost stepped on one, so they're they're out and about.
00:16:10 I didn't kill that one.
00:16:11 I let it go because it was far enough away and on the other side of the fence.
00:16:15 So I figured, Nah, **** it.
00:16:17 Let him let him roam.
00:16:19 Let him.
00:16:20 Let him be.
00:16:21 So anyway, tonight is the insomnia stream, Miss Cleo edition.
00:16:27 Not everyone's going to know who Miss Cleo was if you were alive in the 90s and alive enough to watch TV.
00:16:36 You know who Miss Cleo is?
00:16:37 Most likely, late 90s.
00:16:40 Miss Cleo was a television psychic who pretended to be Jamaican.
00:16:47 And we'll get more into that here in a minute.
00:16:51 But what I wanted to do, and this kind of came across, I was looking, I was this is usually how a lot of these dreams at the start.
00:16:57 I'm usually researching something completely different.
00:17:00 And then I come across some weird footage from something.
00:17:04 And I'm like, oh, yeah.
00:17:09 And that's kind of what happened is I came across all these old commercials these late night commercials.
00:17:15 For these psychic hotlines.
00:17:18 And I remember thinking to myself that way it was crazy because there were a.
00:17:22 Lot of these psychic.
00:17:24 Hotlines back in the late night, like a lot.
00:17:28 And I remember even as a kid, I'm like a little kid watching this stuff and thinking this is.
00:17:33 This is stupid.
00:17:35 Who's falling for this stuff?
00:17:37 Or a shocking amount of people were falling for that stuff.
00:17:40 That that's why there were so many of.
00:17:42 The companies doing it.
00:17:44 In fact, later in life.
00:17:46 I remember I was out of work.
00:17:49 And I was looking through the classifieds and there was an ad for telephone psychic.
00:17:54 And I thought, I don't know that it.
00:17:57 Would be funny to at least.
00:17:58 Do it for like a little bit to see.
00:18:00 Like you know, see the you know.
00:18:02 Behind the curtain.
00:18:04 And I still remember because I called up.
00:18:06 I'm thinking to myself, these guys obviously know it's a scam, right?
00:18:11 Like they know it's a scam.
00:18:14 And so when I'm calling.
00:18:16 Up they're hiring another like I'm thinking of it.
Speaker 9
00:18:19 Like they're they're.
00:18:20 Hiring someone that's in on the on.
00:18:22 The scam, right?
00:18:24 So when I call up.
00:18:27 One of the.
00:18:27 First questions the the person on the other end of the phone asked was.
00:18:32 Like, well, are you a psychic?
00:18:34 And I and I remember clearly how I answer it.
00:18:37 I was just like, and I said this and in this exact way I said yes, I started laughing.
Speaker 9
00:18:47 And they got really upset.
00:18:48 They got really.
00:18:48 ****** *** at me.
00:18:50 And like what?
00:18:51 What was that supposed to mean?
00:18:53 I'm like, I mean, of course I'm a psychic.
00:18:56 Why else would I be calling?
00:18:58 And they get really ****** ***.
00:19:00 And you know.
00:19:02 The the phone call kind of just.
00:19:04 Devolved from there and and and.
00:19:05 They hung up on me.
00:19:07 Because I was, I was.
00:19:10 Making fun of their their psychic hotline or something.
00:19:15 So I did not get.
00:19:15 I did not even get interviewed.
00:19:17 I didn't even get interviewed.
00:19:18 I I didn't make it past the the gatekeeper because I I made it too obvious that I knew it was a scam.
00:19:25 And apparently they thought, well, we can't hire this.
00:19:28 Guy, he can't even.
00:19:30 He can't even go along with the scam while he's on the phone with us.
00:19:33 He's gonna.
00:19:33 He's gonna up the whole scam out.
00:19:36 So, but I just remember thinking like back then when these commercials were playing like, how is anyone falling for this?
00:19:42 And one thing I noticed again, even back then, wow, it seems to be mostly women.
00:19:49 It seems to be a lot of white.
00:19:51 Women calling up these numbers asking stupid white women questions.
00:19:58 And I had also noticed this in my personal life later on that women were usually the ones that got involved into this, like the tarot card stuff, the fortune teller stuff.
00:20:09 They were the one they were the marks.
00:20:12 They were the ones that were falling for this ****.
00:20:16 And there is a very specific kind of woman.
00:20:20 It was the kind of woman who had lost religion.
00:20:24 It was the kind of woman that had stopped going to church and still had that God shaped hole.
00:20:32 In her soul.
00:20:34 She lacked direction.
00:20:36 She lacked patriarchy, and she was looking for anyone.
00:20:41 To tell her.
00:20:43 It was going to be OK.
00:20:45 And tell her what she wanted to hear and try.
00:20:48 To soothe this.
00:20:49 Ache that was in her soul and she was willing to pay 499 a minute to hear that.
00:20:57 I had a roommate.
00:21:00 And uh, she was one of these girls.
00:21:05 Also, a complete ******* mess.
00:21:07 That was the nightmare.
00:21:09 It was the.
00:21:09 First and last time I decided to have a female roommate that was a that was a complete ******* night.
Speaker 9
00:21:15 But she had this this.
00:21:17 Fat friend that had convinced her.
00:21:21 That she was a psychic.
00:21:23 Or medium or I don't know, something I don't.
Speaker 7
00:21:25 Know whatever term.
00:21:27 She would use.
00:21:29 And she would pay this woman to come over.
00:21:33 And do tarot card readings and all this spooky ****.
00:21:39 I knew she didn't have money because eventually one of the reasons why we stopped being roommates is she got arrested for writing hot checks like around town.
00:21:49 She was she was writing checks for like camera equipment and this is again, this is back in the day when there.
00:21:54 Wasn't even the.
00:21:55 Digital camera. So she was writing checks for like 3004 thousand dollar.
00:22:00 Camera stuff and.
Speaker 7
00:22:01 And with no money in the account to cover that.
00:22:06 But she's paying this, this psychic.
00:22:10 To tell her it's going to be OK.
00:22:13 To give her some direction in life.
00:22:16 And the psychic friend of hers knew that I thought.
00:22:19 It was ********.
00:22:21 I ******* hated that ***** she would cause she would use her psychic influence over my roommate to, like, turn, turn my roommate against me like as I because I I was.
00:22:31 I was going to be.
00:22:32 The one that revealed.
00:22:34 Her scam.
00:22:37 So she would always do these little digs.
00:22:40 Like I remember.
00:22:40 I remember like one time.
00:22:42 I I came home from work and I walked in and I saw it.
Speaker 7
00:22:46 Was her I was like, oh, *** **** it.
00:22:48 And she looked at me and goes.
Speaker 10
00:22:49 Oh, you have a really bad aura.
00:22:53 And I'm just like, yeah, **** you.
00:22:54 ******* ******* aura.
00:23:00 And then there was another time where she's my roommate was like, oh, my God, I forget this ******* her friend's name.
00:23:07 She's like, oh, yeah, like so.
00:23:08 And so she said that I'm a very old soul.
00:23:11 I'm a very old soul.
00:23:13 I've been around a long time.
00:23:14 I'm very wise.
00:23:15 I'm a.
Speaker 7
00:23:15 Wise soul?
00:23:16 I'm thinking like, yeah.
00:23:18 Well, I mean.
00:23:18 That's see this is.
00:23:21 I've always been like this.
00:23:22 I didn't go after the Q cards because I just.
00:23:25 Hated Q enough.
00:23:26 I've always been.
00:23:27 I've always detected ******** and have been very upset by it.
00:23:30 It's always annoyed me when I've encountered this kind of ********.
00:23:31 What I think.
00:23:33 In the world.
00:23:34 And they've all they all they.
00:23:35 All use the same techniques.
00:23:38 They all use the same techniques.
00:23:41 You know, in this case, it was my roommates, psychic friend, telling her that that she was an old soul.
00:23:48 She was an old wise soul.
00:23:50 So to make her feel smart, right?
00:23:54 With the Q ***** it's the same sort of thing.
00:23:56 Oh, you know something that no one else knows?
00:23:59 Sure, the secret.
00:24:00 Message is being posted on a public forum.
00:24:03 Anyone in the world could read, but you're the one.
00:24:06 That knows the secret codes.
00:24:07 You can decode it.
00:24:08 You're you're the only one smart enough to figure it out.
00:24:11 The deep state can't figure out these codes.
00:24:13 Even though you post even.
00:24:15 Even if it wasn't just the codes you post, your interpretation of these codes and these.
00:24:19 YouTube videos.
00:24:21 But apparently the deep state is so stupid.
00:24:25 They can't figure out your codes or anything like this.
00:24:28 You're in on some secret.
00:24:30 You're special.
00:24:33 And that's exactly what this woman would.
00:24:35 Do and it.
00:24:36 Was funny because like I, I just I.
00:24:39 I must have some part of.
00:24:41 My body language must have betrayed what I was thinking when she was telling me this because her, her fat friend, quickly looked at me and said you're a very young soul.
00:24:50 You have a lot to learn.
Speaker 9
00:24:53 And I was.
00:24:54 Like ohh you ******* *****.
00:24:55 I'll show you a ******* anyway.
00:24:59 I just remember thinking back then, like, how are women falling for this ****?
00:25:05 How are they falling for this ****?
00:25:07 And it's funny because it was obvious.
00:25:10 Then it's insanely obvious now going back, we'll play some of these ads just so you can see them and some of them you have real women calling out.
00:25:17 You can tell it's real women calling up and just being amazed at the psychic abilities of these other, you know, these psychics, right?
00:25:24 And sometimes it's actors, because they couldn't apparently get someone that was convincing enough to they just hired some actor to do it.
00:25:32 There's a lot of money in this, a lot of money.
00:25:35 Church attendants in the late 90s had ******* cratered.
00:25:42 You know, it's been said when people stop believing in God, they don't just believe in nothing, they'll believe anything.
00:25:51 And in the case of these women, they were believing in psychic powers.
00:25:57 So here's here's a here's a little taste of what I'm talking about.
00:26:02 This is what the kind of thing.
00:26:03 You would see if you flipped on the TV late at night.
00:26:08 In the 90s.
Speaker 11
00:26:10 Confused, afraid and unsure of yourself.
00:26:12 Do you have problems with relationships?
00:26:13 Are you searching for romance?
00:26:15 Call the psychic.
00:26:17 I just want to point out notice how and all these ads do this.
00:26:21 They know that.
00:26:22 Their audience is women.
00:26:25 So you know, of course, not only do they feature women in the ad, but they say they act as if, like these are things they have these general things like.
00:26:34 It's like if you had a a commercial for a memory drug, do you sometimes lose your keys?
00:26:41 Do you sometimes forget what you were doing?
00:26:44 Oh, you definitely they they say these things that.
00:26:46 Would literally apply to anyone.
00:26:49 And say Oh well.
00:26:50 That means you definitely need our memory drug.
00:26:54 Take our memory drug.
00:26:55 It'll stop that.
00:26:58 And the way these commercials are worded, it's the kind of thing that all women and.
00:27:03 This is.
00:27:04 A little sad too.
00:27:05 Because it's it's the kind of thing that all women in the late 90s.
00:27:09 Were worried about.
00:27:11 Getting married, having children, having a family, finding the right one.
00:27:17 That's not the kind of sales pitch that would be used today.
00:27:23 But that was what in the late 90s.
00:27:25 Women were looking for.
00:27:27 The patriarchy had fully collapsed.
00:27:31 Their religious connection had been severed.
00:27:34 But there was still that that.
00:27:36 Continuity, or at least that sense of continuity.
00:27:41 That hadn't quite dissipated.
Speaker 7
00:27:44 Right.
00:27:46 The reason why it's so different today is these women, even though all of these institutions had collapsed, they still had the reference point.
00:27:54 That was their parents.
00:27:57 Now a lot of that was collapsing too, but there was still enough of the Boomers got married and had kids and did, like somewhat of a normal thing, right.
00:28:04 A lot of them got divorced, but there were still at least an attempt to do that, right.
00:28:11 You know, by the time these women that we're calling these psychic hotlines started having kids, their kids didn't have that sense of continuity.
00:28:21 When they thought back to their childhood, it had it had no tradition attached to it whatsoever, so they didn't feel this need to follow in anybody's footsteps.
00:28:32 Is following into their parent in their parents footsteps would be.
Speaker 3
00:28:36 What a.
00:28:36 Woman that's calling up.
00:28:37 A psychic hotline, you know?
Speaker 11
00:28:42 Line at one 905, three Five Live and talk one-on-one with an authentic psychic astrologer. The psychic hotline is not a computer, not a tape. You'll get good advice about love and relationships, romance, even money in your career.
00:28:56 I think it was funny how it it also said not a computer or a tape.
00:29:01 Because some of these hotlines that even there was such a demand for, these hotlines they were making so much money, you could make money just by setting up like a like a call system, like press one for this press 2 for that. And because it's a 900 number, it's charging them per minute you could.
00:29:19 Just set it up.
00:29:22 Put a ad in in different newspapers and on on television. People would call up and just by navigating your stupid ******* menu system, they already owe you 25 bucks.
00:29:35 So that was one of the.
00:29:36 Selling points.
00:29:36 Oh, no, you'll actually you'll.
00:29:38 Actually get someone.
Speaker 11
00:29:40 The answers you need are.
00:29:41 Just a phone call away at 1:00.
00:29:42 905 three five.
00:29:43 Live call now and receive your personal astrological forecast for the coming year on audio cassette. The charge is 295 commit and you must be 18.
00:29:53 Ah yes, you must be 18.
Speaker 11
00:29:58 Have love questions?
00:29:59 Call psychic talk for.
Speaker 12
00:30:00 A free reading and get the answers you need.
Speaker 13
00:30:03 You've got some jealousy problems, and it has to do with your husband and the women, he.
Speaker 14
00:30:09 Works with.
00:30:09 Oh my God yes.
00:30:13 Now we'll get.
00:30:13 We'll get into more detail about this, but notice how everything that these psychics do, it's in the form of a question.
00:30:22 They never make.
00:30:24 Statements they never make confident.
00:30:30 It's always this.
00:30:33 The tone of her voice.
00:30:34 Like what?
00:30:35 She just.
00:30:35 Said. And it's your husband.
Speaker 9
00:30:39 Come on.
00:30:39 Please be married please.
00:30:42 Oh, oh, it is. Oh.
00:30:43 Yeah, of course.
00:30:43 It's your husband.
00:30:44 Yes, that, that, that that was exactly, obviously with your husband.
00:30:50 But you'll notice and we'll get again.
00:30:51 We'll get more into cold reading, and the techniques that they use to try to do this scam.
Speaker 14
00:30:58 There's too many women at a sales job, and I'm afraid he's going to be in baseball.
Speaker 13
00:31:02 He's very faithful to you.
00:31:03 You don't have to worry.
00:31:05 He is being faithful to you, I promise you.
Speaker 14
00:31:08 I just needed to know that.
Speaker 15
00:31:09 For sure.
00:31:11 You know, you feel a.
Speaker 14
00:31:12 Lot better, thank you.
00:31:13 Still not convinced that we have the best psychics anywhere.
Speaker 13
00:31:16 Well, just listen.
Speaker 15
00:31:17 You're engaged to a much older man, aren't you, guys?
00:31:21 My fiance is 13 years older than me, but I see that your mother thinks he's only like, 5 years older.
00:31:26 Than you 2.
Speaker 14
00:31:27 Wow, you know that exactly when when we were in the first, when your first dating, I told her that he was only five years older than me.
00:31:35 And I discovered you knew that.
Speaker 16
00:31:37 Neither did I.
00:31:38 Your free reading will amaze you.
00:31:41 Calm down.
00:31:41 1/8.
00:31:44 Call now.
00:31:46 And then she was using another technique.
00:31:50 She probably said because these are heavily edited obviously.
00:31:54 And they listen for cues.
00:31:56 They're good.
00:31:57 They're just people that are good at reading people.
00:31:59 And so we don't know why she called up, what the relationship issue was.
00:32:04 We didn't hear all the information that she probably divulged without maybe saying outright that her fiance was much older.
00:32:12 And then when she says, Oh well, he's much older, she's just, you know, just talking about something that the caller had already given away earlier in the call.
00:32:24 And then she double s down now that she knows. OK, most women again, this late 90s is, I guess, is well, I don't know.
00:32:31 Maybe it's the same issue?
00:32:33 Oh, you probably lied to your mom about.
00:32:34 His age because he's so much older.
00:32:38 She had a 5050 chance of getting it right.
Speaker 16
00:32:45 So psychic is the perfect one to talk to.
Speaker 17
00:32:48 Love is slipping away.
Speaker 15
00:32:49 You told your boyfriend a big secret yesterday.
00:32:52 Oh my God, I told him I'm pregnant.
Speaker 18
00:32:55 But you also told him something else.
Speaker 14
00:32:58 That it's not his.
00:32:58 Baby, no.
Speaker 19
00:33:00 It's not his.
00:33:01 You see, we've only been together for a month and and I wasn't sure at.
Speaker 4
00:33:04 The time the good news is that he's OK.
00:33:06 With it, he's.
00:33:11 Now this this is this is wish fulfillment.
00:33:15 This is wish fulfillment.
00:33:17 Ohh you're a *****.
00:33:19 You're pregnant with that?
00:33:20 With another man's baby.
00:33:22 And you're and.
00:33:23 You're nervous about it, so you're up late at night watching psychic commercials.
00:33:28 And you're.
00:33:28 And you're you're.
00:33:29 Ringing your hands, you're not sure how to tell your boyfriend that he's going to be a ****.
00:33:34 Hey, just call us up. Call this number and for 199 a minute.
00:33:40 We'll make all of your worries go away.
00:33:43 We'll tell you that.
00:33:44 Ohh no, he's fine with it.
00:33:46 He's fine.
00:33:46 Being a ****.
00:33:47 It'll be perfectly he'll he'll be totally OK with it.
00:33:54 And it's it's sad, though really now that one, actually, that woman kind of sounded like an actress.
00:33:58 So I don't know if that was a.
00:33:59 Real call, but that's the kind of call.
00:34:02 That's sad because.
00:34:04 Well, obviously it's, it's ****** ** that she's.
00:34:07 Pregnant with some other guys, baby.
00:34:08 This other.
00:34:09 But the fact that they're that there's no, there's no longer a a spiritual support system for for people in, in situations.
00:34:20 So they're they're.
00:34:21 Paying someone 2 bucks a minute to tell them on the phone something like that's how empty these ******* people are.
Speaker 20
00:34:29 Still loves you.
Speaker 5
00:34:30 Oh my God, I hope that you're right.
Speaker 18
00:34:33 Something happened to upset you while you were at your boyfriend's place last.
00:34:38 Night he got a.
00:34:39 Call from another woman while you were still there.
Speaker 20
00:34:41 Yeah, I'm sure it was.
Speaker 14
00:34:43 Girl, you know how.
Speaker 4
00:34:44 People start talking.
00:34:45 Funny when they're trying to hide something.
Speaker 18
00:34:47 Ohh, what's another girl?
00:34:49 All right, next time you go over to his place, check his phone.
00:34:53 He'll have his ringers turned.
00:34:54 Off and that'll be approved.
Speaker 16
00:34:56 They're things even your best friend won't tell you, but your psychic will always tell you the honest truth.
00:35:02 Call now for a free.
Speaker 21
00:35:03 Call one 807 nine 953.
00:35:07 Actually know what the equivalent of this.
00:35:11 Sadly enough.
00:35:14 Is that company that you hear lots of YouTube channels promoting? I think it's called. What is it like better help or something like betterhelp.com one of those anyway, it's basically the 2022 version of the telephone psychic.
00:35:32 It's a a Skype call psychiatrist.
00:35:37 And it exists for the same reason.
00:35:40 It's just that now even the hocus pocus spirituality has been stripped.
00:35:46 Away from it.
00:35:50 These were the people that still felt as if they still had to that, you know they wanted.
00:35:55 To get rid.
00:35:56 Of Christianity that didn't make any sense to them anymore.
00:36:01 So they they they leeched on there they.
00:36:03 Latched on to something else.
00:36:06 I'll latch on to this hocus pocus ******** because I still have a need for spirituality.
00:36:16 You know that that continuity I was talking about, these are women that probably went to churches when they were a kid.
00:36:23 And so they wanted to to feel.
00:36:27 That kind of a, you know, connection to the supernatural.
00:36:32 Well, now with the better help stuff, it's the same thing.
00:36:35 It's the same thing.
00:36:38 The difference is.
00:36:39 The people calling up the better help crap.
00:36:43 They didn't go to church when they were kids.
00:36:46 They don't have a connection to the spiritual at all.
00:36:52 But they ******* love science.
00:36:56 And now you know it's it's not this like, oh, spooky psychic stuff.
00:37:01 I mean, it's fulfilling the same need.
00:37:06 But now it's based on science.
00:37:09 Now you can tell your therapist that.
00:37:12 You're pregnant with another man's baby.
00:37:16 And that your and he'll tell you that your boyfriend's going to going to be totally fine with it. It's all it's OK or to have an abortion. Who knows, right?
Speaker 16
00:37:25 Your future is about to be revealed.
Speaker 13
00:37:27 Call for your free to our reading now.
Speaker 16
00:37:30 There's something else you've been holding back from him.
Speaker 13
00:37:33 The ace.
Speaker 16
00:37:34 Of cups.
Speaker 15
00:37:35 Now it all.
Speaker 16
00:37:35 Makes sense.
00:37:37 Lydia, you're pregnant, aren't you?
00:37:38 And he doesn't know.
Speaker 14
00:37:40 No way. How did.
Speaker 11
00:37:42 You know that.
Speaker 23
00:37:43 We were so happy at first, but for the past three years it hasn't been very good.
Speaker 22
00:37:47 Tracy, I hate to be blunt.
Speaker 13
00:37:49 But he's seeing someone else.
Speaker 15
00:37:51 What you can actually see that.
Speaker 4
00:37:54 I'm still hurt that he thinks his job is.
Speaker 24
00:37:56 More important than me?
Speaker 16
00:37:58 Barbara, you didn't feel that way when your husband was away a few months ago, did you?
Speaker 24
00:38:03 What do you?
Speaker 16
00:38:03 Mean the six of.
00:38:05 Swords shows a journey across country.
00:38:08 All, all the pagans out there are going like, yeah, yeah.
00:38:11 ******* tarot.
00:38:12 Now this is science.
Speaker 16
00:38:15 And when he was away.
00:38:17 You were the one having an affair.
Speaker 15
00:38:20 I hope you're still there.
Speaker 24
00:38:22 Yeah, I'm here.
Speaker 16
00:38:23 How close am I?
Speaker 11
00:38:24 Too close.
Speaker 18
00:38:26 Find out what secrets.
Speaker 16
00:38:27 Our tarot masters have to tell you.
00:38:29 Call now.
Speaker 25
00:38:30 Call 1-800-799-6687.
Speaker 11
00:38:34 Call now for a free psychic reading and get answers to any question.
Speaker 16
00:38:38 I have a feeling you're in a very serious relationship.
Speaker 14
00:38:42 Yes, I'm engaged.
Speaker 15
00:38:43 You're engaged to a much older man, aren't you?
00:38:46 My fiance is 13.
Speaker 7
00:38:50 All right, we already watched that one.
00:38:53 But there were so many of these.
00:38:55 They started making commercials, but the one psychic company would make commercials making fun of the other psychic company for no, they're the fake ones.
00:39:04 We're the real ones.
Speaker 26
00:39:07 It's coming to me just a.
Speaker 25
00:39:10 Happy psychic helpers.
00:39:12 Ohh yeah, I see a lot in.
Speaker 27
00:39:13 Your future lady.
00:39:15 You first start watching this.
00:39:17 You're like, oh, this is a commercial for, I don't know, something that's not psychic stuff.
00:39:20 It's just making fun of psychics, but then.
Speaker 27
00:39:24 Have you called those other psychic lines only to be left with an empty feeling?
Speaker 5
00:39:26 Ohh wait a minute.
Speaker 27
00:39:27 Well, you deserve better.
00:39:29 Call the Psychic Readers Network and speak to a psychic who really cares.
00:39:32 We believe our psychics are the best and approve it.
00:39:35 We want you to try.
00:39:36 For free?
00:39:36 That's right.
00:39:37 Call now and you'll get a free sample reading with one of our gifted psychics.
00:39:41 Call now. This call is free one 805, three 220.
00:39:49 I like how they they.
00:39:50 Knew their audience on that one too.
00:39:53 Does your other psychic leave you with an empty feeling?
00:39:57 Well, of course anyone that's calling up psychic hotlines is going to be left with an empty feeling.
00:40:03 We'll be like this smiling lady that's calling ours. Look at this. Look how happy she looks. Where'd she go look? All these fancy animations. Look at that. She's like, oh, yeah, this psychic's totally real.
00:40:18 And look, if you don't believe that you'll you'll believe this totally real double-blind study. Look how totally real this is.
Speaker 3
00:40:27 With all those attendees out there, the.
Speaker 27
00:40:29 Only way to tell Luke Psychic is real.
00:40:30 Is to take.
Speaker 11
00:40:31 The three Psychic Solution challenge one of these phones to measure the psychic solution.
00:40:35 The other phone connects to 1.
Speaker 3
00:40:37 Other side, the callers don't know which is which.
00:40:40 Let it go well.
00:40:41 The Beep phone was.
00:40:42 Well, anyone could tell me what?
00:40:43 She did had the A.
Speaker 3
00:40:44 Song go. I was amazed.
Speaker 24
00:40:46 It was like she knew.
Speaker 11
00:40:47 All about me the a site it was.
Speaker 3
00:40:49 I was disappointed with the B lady, but she a psychic, was so real.
00:40:53 Well, I needed to learn something and that B guy with no help at all.
00:40:56 But this one, she helped me so much.
00:40:59 I definitely have my friends.
00:41:02 Now you might be thinking who the ****?
Speaker 7
00:41:04 Would be falling.
00:41:04 For this **** like.
00:41:07 It's obviously that they're just.
00:41:08 They're like, bad.
00:41:09 They're not even actors.
00:41:10 They're **** actors without the ****.
00:41:12 So it's like the worst kind of acting.
00:41:16 But no, I mean again, they know their audience.
Speaker 9
00:41:20 If if you're.
00:41:21 Going to fall for a psychic hotline in the first place.
00:41:25 Little things like bad acting aren't.
00:41:26 Going to get in the way.
00:41:29 So you're you're you're one of these idiots at.
00:41:31 Home like oh.
00:41:33 Oh, that's crazy.
00:41:34 I guess they've got the real ones.
00:41:36 They did this test, this totally real test on on video.
00:41:41 That they had the fake psychics and the real psychics.
00:41:48 But then they upped the ante, you know?
00:41:50 They're going after white ladies.
00:41:51 Right.
00:41:52 And so, because they're going after white ladies.
Speaker 24
00:41:55 The magic *****.
00:41:57 They need the magic *****.
Speaker 24
00:42:00 The magic *****.
00:42:03 Now the Magic ***** is exactly why we had this in the news today, Lizzo.
00:42:14 One of the fat magic ***** of today that white ladies love.
00:42:20 Including this white lady here.
00:42:22 That's from, I guess, the Smithsonian or, I don't know, some.
00:42:27 Some museum that's allowing her to play.
00:42:32 A flute? A crystal flute.
00:42:36 From the 1800s.
00:42:39 That belonged to, I think it was Madison.
Speaker 17
00:42:56 It's crystal.
00:42:57 It's like playing out of a wine glass.
00:43:06 Let's go.
00:43:25 Listen to all those white ladies cheering.
Speaker 29
00:43:35 Change that.
00:43:42 *****, I just twerked and played James Madison's crystal flute.
Speaker 24
00:43:52 The magic *****.
00:43:57 So because they knew about this power, even back in the 90s, in fact, I would even argue that it was more effective.
00:44:03 Back in the 90s.
00:44:06 They they up their they up their game with their psychic presentation.
00:44:11 And they introduced characters like this.
Speaker 3
00:44:14 Sir, I can't go on this way.
00:44:16 I'm so confused, like my heart is breaking.
00:44:19 Do you think that Mark really loves me?
00:44:22 Honey, don't worry.
00:44:24 If you really need to know, then you've got to call my scaring family.
00:44:33 Like she's literally the magic *****.
00:44:36 And if you haven't heard that term before.
Speaker 24
00:44:38 The magic *****.
00:44:41 It's funny because even black people recognize this.
00:44:45 For a long time, especially in the 90s.
00:44:49 Or in Stephen King books.
00:44:52 There's always some magical *****.
Speaker 9
00:44:55 It's a book.
Speaker 2
00:44:55 OK.
00:44:56 Or a movie that's 99% white.
00:45:00 But then there's like this one black character that has magical properties that somehow solves all the problems.
00:45:05 Of the white.
00:45:05 People, because he's so wise and magical.
00:45:09 You know, as an example, the shining right has the the the black guy that has the the psychic powers.
00:45:19 Or the again another Stephen King book.
00:45:22 The stand had the old black woman in the rocking chair on the front porch.
00:45:30 Bagger Vance, the Will Smith movie where it's.
00:45:34 The whole movie might as well just be called the Magic ***** Bagger Vance.
00:45:39 About the the gold, the magic black golf caddy.
00:45:45 Lots of movies with Morgan Freeman in them.
Speaker 9
00:45:52 And look the.
00:45:53 The Magic ***** in these movies doesn't even.
00:45:55 Have to always be like a golf caddy.
00:45:59 Yeah, sometimes the the magic ***** is God.
00:46:03 There's that Steve Carell movie.
00:46:05 I think it's.
00:46:06 Oh, no, wait, is it Jim Carrey or?
00:46:07 No, I think it's Jim Carrey.
00:46:11 Where God is Morgan Freeman because Morgan Freeman is often the magic *****.
00:46:17 Shows up and oh look, God's black.
00:46:21 Another Morgan Freeman movie where he's the president.
00:46:27 It was the 90s version.
00:46:30 Of the crying Indian in the 70s.
00:46:36 The wise native right.
00:46:40 Because in the 70s, that's that's who was revered for whatever reason and into the 80s, you you heard less about Native Americans in the 90s.
00:46:49 Then they you.
00:46:50 You kept hearing about it but like.
00:46:51 It was relegated.
00:46:53 To movies like code talkers that nobody watched, or the last of the Mohicans would start a white guy.
00:46:57 Or or dances with wolves that start a white guy.
00:47:01 You know, they they were usually just.
00:47:02 The like they.
00:47:03 Were wise and noble, but they were background noise.
00:47:10 But in the late 90s, the Magic ***** took center stage, and in fact.
00:47:18 Obama was a real life.
Speaker 24
00:47:21 The magic *****.
00:47:25 In fact, that clip that I keep playing is from.
00:47:29 An article they're discussing an article written in the LA Times.
00:47:35 By a black writer.
00:47:37 Titled The Magic *****.
00:47:42 Described in this exact phenomenon.
00:47:46 That Americans white Americans.
00:47:50 In an effort to alleviate their white guilt.
00:47:54 We're going to vote for Obama.
00:47:58 Because he was the the real life magic *****.
00:48:04 That was in all these movies they've been watching.
00:48:10 Because those characters in those movies that that's exactly why they had those characters.
00:48:18 It was to make you absolved of your white guilt.
00:48:22 Look, you learned something from the black people.
00:48:30 And never went the.
00:48:31 Other way around, by the way, if you remember.
00:48:37 There is that Michelle Pfeiffer movie.
00:48:41 Dangerous minds.
00:48:44 Where she is the white savior.
00:48:47 That goes to an inner city school.
00:48:49 And there's all these black kids that don't know how.
00:48:51 To be humans.
00:48:53 And so she she's tough and she's like some like ex marine or some stupid **** like that.
00:49:02 But in the end.
00:49:03 She's the one that does the most learning.
00:49:11 We're always we're.
00:49:12 Always the ones that have something to learn from diversity.
00:49:16 There's nothing they can learn from us.
00:49:22 And the most successful.
00:49:26 Psychic outline that utilize this tool.
00:49:32 Was Miss Cleo.
00:49:34 A black woman.
00:49:36 With a Jamaican accent.
Speaker 16
00:49:40 What will you ask me?
Speaker 3
00:49:43 I've been waiting to talk to.
Speaker 15
00:49:44 You bless you.
Speaker 31
00:49:47 I know you got something to tell me.
Speaker 32
00:49:49 I see a card of police documentation and then someone watching you very closely.
Speaker 3
00:49:54 Alright, yeah.
Speaker 24
00:49:54 You know exactly what you're talking about.
00:49:56 I I can't believe that you can.
00:49:57 See that?
Speaker 32
00:49:58 For all these other, older men around, you do have a lot of.
00:50:00 Men in your family.
Speaker 18
00:50:02 Oh yes, my grandmother has six sons.
00:50:06 Do you have a lot of men in your family?
00:50:08 Only women.
00:50:11 There's there's no man in my family.
00:50:16 We'll get more into cold reading in.
00:50:18 A minute.
00:50:18 But it's just, it's so obvious.
Speaker 32
00:50:20 Really afraid at night, honey?
Speaker 2
00:50:22 I am.
Speaker 32
00:50:23 Four nights.
Speaker 2
00:50:23 Ohh my gosh yeah.
Speaker 32
00:50:24 The last four nights.
00:50:25 You've been scared to death, alright.
Speaker 4
00:50:28 I can't sleep at night.
Speaker 32
00:50:28 Let me.
Speaker 18
00:50:29 Well, I can't believe you.
00:50:30 You knew that.
Speaker 32
00:50:31 You don't trust him, so that's a problem, yeah.
00:50:33 Honey, I'm on my way.
00:50:35 Ohh my goodness.
00:50:37 You hear me on my way probably means about 2 1/2 hours.
Speaker 14
00:50:42 Ohh you got it.
Speaker 32
00:50:43 Yeah. Are you afraid?
Speaker 13
00:50:43 You got it.
Speaker 32
00:50:45 That someone is keeping a secret from you, Carl.
00:50:48 Now for a free tarot reading and.
00:50:50 Discover the truth today.
Speaker 18
00:50:52 Miss Cleo.
Speaker 15
00:50:52 You are the best.
Speaker 33
00:50:54 One 807 nine 940.
Speaker 25
00:50:55 603 Toronto Radio's drew show tonight.
00:50:58 You train the talents of Miss.
Speaker 32
00:50:59 Cleo. Ohh my goodness.
00:51:01 Lord, have mercy to turn up cards like this once you get that letter in the mail that is referenced in the business and the money.
Speaker 14
00:51:02 Is that good?
Speaker 32
00:51:09 Next you have the 10 of swords in the reverse position.
00:51:11 Which means success.
00:51:12 Next is a tree of cups.
00:51:14 Everything coming to a good end, my father.
00:51:19 All the pagans, right?
Speaker 10
00:51:20 Now stop it. I can.
00:51:22 Only get so erect.
00:51:25 I'm just ******* with you guys mostly.
Speaker 32
00:51:28 You're starting something big.
00:51:29 I knew the Empress card.
00:51:31 Beginning amazing.
00:51:33 I don't know, man.
00:51:37 But you know that's going to put that damper in whatever relocation plans you.
00:51:40 Had and I was gonna be moving.
00:51:42 I know.
Speaker 14
00:51:42 Because I didn't think I.
Speaker 18
00:51:43 Had anything here?
Speaker 32
00:51:44 I that's what I know.
00:51:45 That woman.
00:51:46 You didn't ask me that and I.
Speaker 5
00:51:47 Told you, that's phenomenal.
Speaker 32
00:51:50 Are you a skeptic?
00:51:51 Well, why not convince yourself to free it's time to try your free reading right now.
00:51:59 I like how in the background the name of the radio station is real radio like actual radio for real.
00:52:06 The totally not a fake radio station, which it is, right? But it's just hilarious. So they they they're filming this, this fake radio and they're like real radio 104.1. Yeah, I'm sure that's like an actual radio station.
00:52:19 No, really, it's real.
00:52:21 Just like her Jamaican.
Speaker 32
00:52:23 Right now.
Speaker 27
00:52:24 Call 1-800-788-5276.
Speaker 32
00:52:27 Log on to my website and you.
00:52:29 Could win a.
00:52:30 Free trip to Florida to meet me, Miss Cleo.
00:52:34 I'll show you that that Carol can.
00:52:36 Make a believer out of anyone.
00:52:39 There is.
00:52:39 Secret baby.
00:52:40 You understand me in this relationship, the situation that we're looking at that is one of another relationship.
00:52:46 Let me stop trying to be polite.
00:52:48 You understand me and the secret is yours.
00:52:50 Is it?
00:52:50 Not. And you are too.
Speaker 4
00:52:51 He was with someone else.
Speaker 32
00:52:54 Together, let's uncover the secrets in your life.
00:52:57 Call me for your.
00:52:58 Free reading now.
Speaker 27
00:53:00 1-800-997-7069.
00:53:05 That's right.
00:53:06 Just call her up.
00:53:07 She'll fix all your problems.
Speaker 32
00:53:09 I gotta let you in on a little secret.
00:53:11 Some of our best clients are already saving big and we want you to start saving too.
00:53:17 Are so spoiled, you very seldom listen to your daddy about your ex.
Speaker 5
00:53:23 You're right.
Speaker 32
00:53:24 OK.
Speaker 5
00:53:24 You're very good at this.
00:53:26 Very good.
00:53:29 Again, this is one of those sad things that's an obvious thing to say. You have this bad ex-boyfriend that you've called up about. Oh, and you should have listened to your dad about him.
00:53:41 Well, because it's pretty easy to figure that her dad would have had a problem with this bad person that she was with.
00:53:50 Now it would.
00:53:51 It would probably that would not be an easy assumption to make.
Speaker 18
00:53:56 You are truly gifted.
Speaker 32
00:53:58 Why pay for 99 a minute psychic advice, then we'll give it to you for less than $1.00 a minute.
00:54:05 That's right, less than $1.00 a minute and you'll never call another 900 number again. You'll get your reading on a free 800 number.
00:54:15 Baby, she dropped by it and has told you about it.
00:54:18 Right.
00:54:21 And it's the place with the little trees and it's.
00:54:23 On a cul-de-sac.
Speaker 14
00:54:25 Right, this is.
00:54:29 So it's kind of funny because they they one of the ways they switched the scam around.
00:54:34 Notice how she was like, oh, it's a free call.
00:54:36 No, it's an.
00:54:37 800 number.
00:54:39 And for those of you don't know, because I don't think they really apply, I don't. I don't know if they have 900 numbers anymore.
00:54:44 But a 900 number.
00:54:46 Was charged to your phone bill.
00:54:49 So you know.
00:54:51 If you just dialed the number you got charged.
00:54:54 Whether you wanted to talk to.
00:54:56 Someone or not, right?
00:54:58 And so it would just be charged per.
00:55:00 Minute to your phone, bill.
00:55:02 An 800 number that was free.
Speaker 9
00:55:05 This is also back in.
00:55:06 The days of long distance was really expensive, you know, was like $0.25 a minute just to call, you know, a few states over in some instances, right?
00:55:17 And they switched the 800 number it was.
00:55:21 A free call, but.
00:55:23 They would get your credit card number.
00:55:26 And get your credit card number and then they could charge you whatever they wanted to.
00:55:31 They could sign you up for.
00:55:32 All kinds of stuff.
00:55:33 And they did.
00:55:35 Ah yes they did.
00:55:37 You might ask yourself, whatever happened to Miss Cleo?
00:55:41 How much money exactly were they making?
00:55:47 Well, let's find out.
00:55:50 You might or might not be surprised to know that Miss Cleo is no longer with us.
00:55:55 Miss Cleo died, I believe in 2016, and no, she was obviously not Jamaican. She was born in LA.
00:56:06 So let's see here her real name.
00:56:10 Was Yuri Delhierro his?
00:56:15 Yuri Delhierro his.
00:56:19 And she was a lesbian.
00:56:24 And she was an actress.
00:56:27 In the late 1990s, Harris began to work for Psychic readers network under the name Cleo. She appeared on a television infomercial psychic as an A television, television, infomercial psychic in which she claimed to be a shaman from Jamaica.
00:56:43 Her employer's website also stated that.
00:56:45 She had been born.
00:56:46 In Trelawny, Jamaica and grown up there.
00:56:50 So everything about this was a lie.
00:56:53 Everything about this was a line.
00:56:54 People were still calling.
00:56:58 They sent unsolicited emails.
00:57:02 This is back before there were spam filters.
00:57:06 And saying that.
00:57:08 You must call now immediately because Miss Cleo.
00:57:10 Did a reading.
00:57:12 And again, this is before people were that savvy.
00:57:14 The high trust, the Internet, believe it or not, the Internet killed high trust faster than probably probably.
00:57:22 Even faster than diversity did.
00:57:25 You know these Nigerian scams or, you know, these scams?
00:57:28 You hear about now.
00:57:30 They were way less complicated back then.
00:57:34 When they first appeared.
00:57:37 It was literally just people.
00:57:38 Spamming out thousands of emails.
00:57:42 To whatever e-mail list that they were.
00:57:44 Able to get their hands on.
00:57:46 And you know, it's it's a cliche now.
00:57:48 But it's a cliche because it was real.
00:57:51 They would just say I'm an I'm a Nigerian Prince.
00:57:56 And I have billions of dollars in gold.
00:58:00 But I'm trying to smuggle it out of.
00:58:02 My war-torn country.
00:58:05 And I I found your name.
00:58:09 I don't know somehow.
00:58:11 And if you wire.
00:58:13 $5000 that's all I need, or maybe more, who knows.
00:58:18 To this account.
00:58:21 You'll be helping me.
00:58:23 Get this gold.
00:58:25 Out of Nigeria?
00:58:28 And then I can after I get the gold out of the country. Because you gave me $5000, I'll give you 5 million.
00:58:38 Out of the gold money.
00:58:41 And it worked.
Speaker 9
00:58:43 It worked.
00:58:46 People fell for it left and right.
00:58:48 That's why they kept doing it.
00:58:52 Because it was crazy.
00:58:54 For people back then to think.
00:58:57 That just some random person would write this e-mail to them unless it was real.
00:59:05 And because they could easily have an e-mail address that was like King Nuba Juba, you know, at nigeria.com or something.
00:59:16 They'd be like, wow, that was uh.
00:59:18 And this must be authentic.
00:59:24 The Internet scams they that was the that was like the Golden Age of Internet scams.
00:59:29 You had all these boomers that never had an e-mail address.
00:59:34 Finally, get an e-mail.
00:59:37 And treat it like it was like some official kind of communication that people.
00:59:40 Wouldn't lie on.
00:59:44 You know the same kinds of people, obviously that we're calling these hotlines.
00:59:49 We're just wiring money to Prince Hubba Juba.
00:59:53 So they can get there.
00:59:55 Their gold money.
01:00:03 But anyway.
01:00:05 Miss Cleo died back in 2016. This is from NPR right after her death on July 26, 2016.
01:00:15 You want to know how much money these people were making, Miss Cleo, the television psychic.
01:00:22 Fixed in the memories of 90s TVD Watcher Watchers died Tuesday in Palm Beach, FL of cancer. She was 53.
01:00:30 Well, I guess maybe Karma's real, huh?
01:00:33 In late night commercials in the 90s and early 2000s, she promised to answer all of life's most pressing questions.
01:00:41 What should I be doing?
01:00:43 Which person should I be with?
01:00:45 Is my life on the right?
01:00:47 Path. Who's the father?
01:00:50 The cards never lie, she said.
01:00:53 Questioning souls.
01:00:56 She called darling, or baby or honey.
01:01:00 Call me today.
01:01:02 She didn't tone with a broad smile and a.
01:01:06 A dubious Jamaican accent.
01:01:09 Miss Cleo, AKA Yuri del Harris.
01:01:13 AKA Ray del Harris or Cleo, Millie Paris Yuri or Ree Paris.
01:01:21 She had all these different names.
01:01:23 She was a scam artist.
01:01:26 Was a cult icon.
01:01:29 She was also the face of a fraud empire.
01:01:34 Before she was Miss Cleo Harris was a Los Angeles born playwright and actress.
01:01:41 Let's get her on the screen again.
01:01:44 As re Paris, she was working in.
01:01:46 Seattle in the mid 90s.
01:01:49 The Seattle Post Intelligencer revealed in 2002. In fact, I believe she's in an advertisement for Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
01:02:00 I wonder if I can find that.
01:02:03 I read that somewhere.
Speaker 7
01:02:05 Let me see if I can.
01:02:07 Miss Cleo.
01:02:10 Cinnamon toast crunch.
01:02:14 Let's see what she really sounds like.
01:02:17 Oh no, she was.
01:02:18 She was her.
01:02:19 She was Miss Cleo.
01:02:20 I I had no idea.
01:02:22 That's insane.
01:02:23 This is how accepting.
01:02:27 The climate of the late 90s and early 2000s was of this kind of behavior.
01:02:33 That a major corporation like General Mills.
01:02:37 Would would pay her to do an ad.
01:02:40 Let me get this downloaded here.
Speaker 7
01:02:46 And I'll play it.
01:02:49 That's insane though.
01:02:55 They had no problem at all using Miss Cleo, the fraudster, as a spokesperson.
01:03:00 And see this ad.
Speaker 32
01:03:08 Ago and babies Miss Cleo is back now.
Speaker 7
01:03:11 I'm going to turn it up here.
Speaker 32
01:03:15 Do you have silverware suite, pea?
Speaker 2
01:03:17 Oh my God, I do.
Speaker 32
01:03:19 I sent you up something.
01:03:20 Other than a knife and a farm.
01:03:23 I have a spoon.
01:03:24 How did?
Speaker 24
01:03:25 You know.
Speaker 32
01:03:26 Now I have a vision that you are going to take that spoon and scoop up a bite of French toast crunch.
01:03:32 Ohh, cinnamon and Maple syrup.
Speaker 14
01:03:35 I can't believe you see all that.
Speaker 32
01:03:37 French sauce scrunches back and I predict you'll love it.
01:03:47 She made so much ******* money.
01:03:49 So much ******* money.
01:03:50 Anyway, back to the.
Speaker 7
01:03:53 The article here.
01:03:58 She left town with a trail of debts and broken promises, the paper wrote.
01:04:02 After failing to pay the cast and crew who worked on the play, she put on.
01:04:07 Then she appeared on TV screens as the Tarot, reading Miss Cleo, promising a no cost first reading.
01:04:14 In a free session with a psychic who can answer all of your questions.
01:04:18 If it sounds too good to be true, it was because it wasn't free.
01:04:23 The FTC filed the complaint against the Psychic Readers Network, the company behind the Miss Cleo hotline, for telling viewers they would get a free reading and then charging them.
01:04:34 The company also bullied people into paying charges they weren't legally obligated to pay.
01:04:40 Howard Howard Beales the third, then the director of Bureau of Consumer Protection at the FTC.
01:04:50 Enjoyed the press releases?
01:04:52 You don't quote, you don't need a crystal ball to know the FTC will continue to stop unfair and deceptive trade practices, he said when the complaint was announced.
01:05:01 Quote I'm no psychic, but I can foresee this if you make deceptive claims.
01:05:05 There is an FTC action in your future.
01:05:08 But the lawsuit was number joke. PRN agreed to forgive 500 million.
01:05:17 500 million.
01:05:21 In outstanding outstanding charges.
01:05:25 So that means.
01:05:27 That's the that's just the money.
01:05:28 Hadn't collected from people.
01:05:31 They had 500 million.
01:05:35 And uncollected charges.
01:05:39 That they had sent people to collections for and were harassing people on the phone and trying to get them to pay for it.
01:05:48 And then they paid A5.
01:05:50 $1,000,000 fine. That was it.
01:05:53 To the FTC.
01:05:59 I will never go to jail, she told VICE in 2014.
01:06:03 I didn't own the company.
01:06:06 And the hundreds of millions of dollars PRN ranked in Harris said she had a bad contract and only made a fraction of that money.
01:06:16 She also told lies that her patios were indeed put on, but it did have family roots.
01:06:24 Or not patios, her Patella or her her.
01:06:27 Basically her identity, right?
01:06:29 When you grow up in America and you're a Caribbean, your parents beat it into you.
01:06:33 Yeah, right.
01:06:34 So she tries to act like she's actually Jamaican when she's from Los Angeles.
01:06:40 OK.
01:06:42 And then she goes on and on and on about how she's she's not really a fraud and it's real and.
01:06:50 And so forth.
01:06:53 And look, like I said, there was there there.
01:06:55 People weren't shy about associating with these kinds of groups because it was accomplishing something that the ruling class wanted.
01:07:02 It was annihilating Christianity.
01:07:07 You had women like this.
01:07:10 This is another.
Speaker 24
01:07:14 The magic *****.
01:07:17 Who was a minor?
01:07:21 Her name was Dionne Warwick.
01:07:25 She had Top 40 hits.
01:07:29 Starting the 1950s through about the 90s.
01:07:35 And she began to get in on the grip she was making $3,000,000 a year.
01:07:40 $3,000,000 a year at a competing psychic firm.
Speaker 34
01:07:46 The following is a paid commercial presentation of Information Communications Corporation since the dawn of time.
01:07:53 The high and the mighty have turned to psychics for the secret of love and money.
01:07:57 Now the wisdom of the ages is as near as your phone thanks to the Psychic Friends network.
01:08:05 Now let's give a warm welcome to the five time Grammy award-winning host of the Psychic Friends Network, Miss Diane Woolley.
01:08:25 Look at those clapping seals.
01:08:31 Again, when people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing.
01:08:34 They'll believe anything.
Speaker 4
01:08:39 Thank you.
Speaker 35
01:08:40 I want to thank you so very, very much for that exceptionally warm reception and to welcome all of you to our 12th edition of the Psychic Friends Network.
01:08:51 The 12th edition this went on for years.
01:08:57 They they they raked in hundreds of millions of dollars billion.
01:09:00 The industry raked in billions of dollars.
Speaker 3
01:09:11 Yes, our viewers have a.
Speaker 36
01:09:13 Few more questions about the Psychic Friends network.
01:09:16 OK, well, there's another side of branches.
01:09:18 Far away now.
01:09:19 So many people have called psychic friend.
01:09:22 Why is it so popular?
01:09:24 Well, I suppose because we do.
01:09:25 Have the best practice in the entire world and that you can call them and handle one of ideas.
01:09:29 Picking up the phone and dial your number.
Speaker 11
01:09:31 You mean anyone can call at anytime and?
Speaker 36
01:09:37 Anything you want to buy?
Speaker 11
01:09:39 Well, what kind of questions do people?
Speaker 36
01:09:42 Ask about.
01:09:44 Just making them move all kinds of things, no matter what they ask us.
01:09:48 I just think having.
Speaker 3
01:09:50 What do you talk about with your psychic?
Speaker 36
01:09:53 Ohh well, that's what you mean by psychic, you know.
Speaker 14
01:09:57 Well, if I called, would my reading be confidential?
01:10:04 Just like better help.
01:10:07 Your psychic reading will be confidential.
01:10:15 So they went on with like, so they did this.
Speaker 7
01:10:18 **** for years.
01:10:19 I made lots and lots of ******* money.
01:10:23 And because there was so much money.
01:10:26 You had new challengers enter the ring.
01:10:31 Like this ******* *********.
Speaker 5
01:10:34 We have a call, so let's take the next call.
01:10:40 And what?
Speaker 2
01:10:41 Hello, I'm John.
Speaker 23
01:10:43 My name is Johanna.
01:10:46 I have a very simple direct question for you, my deceased mother and I had agreed on a password when she was on this side.
01:10:57 Can you bring that password?
01:11:02 Thank you.
01:11:05 And I love this.
01:11:05 So this is John Edward.
01:11:07 Not to be confused.
01:11:08 With John Edwards, John Edward, singular.
01:11:14 Is still around.
01:11:16 And is still promoted by mainstream media as.
01:11:19 We'll see here in a moment.
01:11:21 John Edward.
01:11:24 Is a master at cold reading.
01:11:27 And took it to the next level by saying he not only was kind of psychic, but his psychic powers were actually messages from your dead friends and relatives.
01:11:37 He was talking to spirits again.
01:11:40 People needed this spirituality.
01:11:42 Of course they do.
01:11:47 There's a lot of people.
01:11:48 It's funny because.
01:11:48 Atheists will always say.
01:11:51 Well, religions and invention, because people are afraid of dying.
01:11:56 So people believe all this stuff because they're afraid of death.
01:12:03 OK, fair enough.
01:12:06 But what you're not addressing is if you stop believing in the religion.
01:12:11 That doesn't instantly mean you're not afraid of death anymore.
01:12:14 Again, if you stop believing in God, you don't believe nothing.
01:12:17 You'll believe anything.
01:12:20 If if that's if.
01:12:21 If this fear of death is such a motivating factor.
01:12:26 Why wouldn't you then think that it would logically make sense?
01:12:32 That you would still have a need to to suppress this fear.
01:12:38 And then OK, now you're not.
01:12:39 You're not listening to the preacher.
01:12:43 You're listening to this ******* ****** ***.
01:12:45 To alleviate this fear of mortality.
01:12:50 And atheists will try to pretend that.
01:12:51 They don't. Oh well.
Speaker 10
01:12:52 I don't have a fear of mortality.
01:12:54 Well, you just said that everyone did, and it was so strong they.
01:12:57 Invented all these religions.
01:13:08 So this guy, he comes in and he addresses that fear.
01:13:14 He goes and tries to soothe this fear.
01:13:17 He's a comforter.
01:13:20 And look again, this is just like it's the same thing with Q Anon.
01:13:24 It's the same ****.
01:13:26 All of these fraudsters, all of these hoaxers.
01:13:32 All of these.
01:13:34 White pillars.
01:13:38 They all have one thing in common.
01:13:43 Oh, you're afraid about this.
01:13:44 Don't be.
01:13:45 Here's some ********.
01:13:51 Makes you feel better, doesn't it?
01:13:52 Hearing this ********.
01:14:00 See people accuse me of a lot of things, but that's one thing.
01:14:03 They can't accuse me of.
01:14:14 I'm not going.
01:14:15 To sag, you ******** to make you feel better.
01:14:19 Even though that's where the apparently, that's where.
01:14:21 The money is.
01:14:23 That is where the money is.
01:14:28 Oh, you're worried about the current stair, though?
01:14:30 Don't worry, stick your head.
01:14:31 In the sand.
01:14:33 For only 499 a minute.
01:14:36 You'll feel like everything's just fine.
01:14:40 Everything is going to be OK.
01:14:45 I talk to dead people.
01:14:50 And it's funny because like on this.
01:14:54 Very early recording, when he was first, it looks like he was.
01:14:57 Just on public access at the time.
01:15:01 That didn't last long.
01:15:02 He quickly moved up.
01:15:06 This woman says to him.
01:15:07 For her.
01:15:08 OK, if you're real.
01:15:11 I came up with a password.
01:15:14 With my mother before she died.
01:15:18 So that I would know.
01:15:20 That I was really talking to her.
01:15:23 If the psychic, medium or whatever knew this password.
01:15:28 So what is the password?
01:15:32 And look, this video isn't some video that someone dug up. This is if you see the bottom right hand corner, it says johnedward.net.
01:15:38 It's from him.
01:15:41 Because he addressed it so smoothly.
01:15:47 As white pillars often do.
01:15:50 They don't actually address the problem that you're presenting.
01:15:55 They don't actually prove.
01:15:57 That their solution is actually a solution.
01:16:02 They just say a bunch of gobbledygook.
01:16:08 They misdirect.
01:16:11 Half of magic shows.
01:16:14 If not more.
01:16:16 Involve misdirection.
01:16:18 Look over here.
01:16:19 Look over here.
01:16:21 Don't look at this.
01:16:22 Look over here.
Speaker 26
01:16:28 OK.
01:16:28 Johanna, to answer that question, yes and no at this particular moment in time, I would have to be making a connection with your mom to be able to do that.
01:16:38 And another great question.
01:16:41 A lot of people or a lot of clients when they're doing something along those lines when they have the opportunity to make a connection with someone who's passed on.
01:16:49 All of a sudden we want to put words in.
01:16:51 Mouth and we want them to tell us what we want to hear, and this is a prime example. And the reason I can say that is my mother's vest on and I had the same exact thing, that if she was to come through, she had to come through and say one specific thing, and it's going to be five years.
01:17:06 And I haven't heard that specific thing yet.
01:17:08 Now the point of the story is, do I not believe that my mother is OK?
01:17:12 Absolutely not.
01:17:13 Of course I know she's fine, and I know that this work can be done.
01:17:16 So why would?
01:17:16 They choose not.
01:17:17 To come through with that.
01:17:18 Well, the reason they would not come through that is because if they do come through, they're gonna come through with information that they feel is appropriate for you to hear.
01:17:26 And that might not be it. They might want to talk about something's going on in your life. They might want to talk about.
01:17:30 Something happened after after they've passed, so you can kind of say, well, wait a minute.
01:17:35 You know she wasn't around for that.
01:17:37 And she's talking about it, so obviously she must have been there.
01:17:41 But that's not to say that she would not come through and give you that password.
01:17:46 I would love to have the opportunity to try, but unfortunately without the interaction I wouldn't be able to.
01:17:50 You know, I can say it was trigger and you know nobody would know if it was.
01:17:53 Wrong or right?
01:17:54 So I would love for you to be able to give the opportunity to try.
01:18:00 Oh, how convenient. How convenient.
01:18:03 He has.
01:18:04 He has this nice little explanation.
01:18:06 Ohh I can't.
01:18:07 You know, like sometimes it's just, you know, you just don't get.
01:18:10 What you want?
01:18:12 I know the whole point of, you know, doing this was to prove whether or not this was real, but like sometimes you know the the the ghost people don't want to prove that it was real.
Speaker 9
01:18:21 They want to just say whatever ******** that.
01:18:22 I have in my head.
01:18:27 But people fell for it.
01:18:28 Lots of people fell for this guy.
01:18:31 This guy got his own TV show.
01:18:37 So here's some clips from his TV show, and this is heavily edited.
01:18:41 When they shoot these shows.
01:18:45 They shoot him.
01:18:46 For 8 hours.
01:18:48 8 hours.
01:18:51 And they whittle it down to 30 minutes.
01:18:56 So he's cold, reading an audience for 8 hours straight.
01:19:01 And he's getting 30 minutes of.
01:19:04 Clips to edit out.
01:19:07 Where his cold reading actually works.
01:19:11 Because even though he's one of the best, he's still.
01:19:13 I mean, it's still ********.
01:19:16 So it takes 8 hours to get, you know, 28 minutes or whatever.
Speaker 26
01:19:28 Welcome to crossing over.
01:19:29 My name is John Edward.
01:19:30 What I'd like to do is just kind of go over some of my symbols so that when we start connecting you and your family or friends that are coming through, it will better help you understand what I'm talking about.
01:19:39 You're gonna hear me talk about people being above you.
01:19:41 That's older to your side around the same age and below.
01:19:44 You would be younger when I get their names.
01:19:46 It could be off by the way it sounds, but not the first part.
01:19:49 The initial or what it kind of sounds like your job is just to.
01:19:55 He's basically saying he can be wrong about like most ****.
01:19:59 He's like, don't worry if.
01:20:00 I'm wrong about most ****.
01:20:02 That's just normal.
01:20:04 He's going through and prepping the audience for him being wrong.
01:20:08 Another thing that he does that you know people with cult followings and cults usually do is is introducing a lot of his own personal terminology.
01:20:19 Because that way you feel just like the cute people, right when they're able, when they see the coded language, it makes them feel.
01:20:27 Like they're part of a.
01:20:28 Club because they're able to interpret this secret language like when he's saying, you know, obviously for him it serves a purpose because it makes it more vague because if he says.
01:20:39 Well, this person's above you.
01:20:42 Well, you're supposed.
01:20:43 To be able to interpret that oh I.
01:20:44 Guess that means they're older.
01:20:48 Well, why wouldn't he just say over?
01:20:51 Because if he says.
01:20:53 This person's older.
01:20:55 And that person's not older.
01:20:58 Then it's obvious that he's wrong.
01:21:01 But if he says this person.
01:21:02 'S above you.
01:21:04 And you're like, well, that means older, but no, this person's actually younger than me. It's way easier for him to weasel out of that.
01:21:11 He like, Oh well, it looks like they're moving now.
01:21:13 It looks like they're.
01:21:14 Yeah, they are below you.
01:21:17 Well, you couldn't do that if you, if you.
01:21:19 Oh, he's older.
01:21:19 Oh, now he's younger than.
01:21:20 You you couldn't do that, right?
01:21:24 So at the beginning of every episode he preps them with all this stuff.
01:21:28 It's the same thing like you know queue like this info is necessary sometimes.
01:21:32 You know, I might not get it exactly right, you know, like, but I'll have, like, a letter of their name.
01:21:37 Right.
01:21:38 Well, I mean, come on.
01:21:41 Like my name.
01:21:42 Like you could say V.
01:21:45 And it's like, well, my name is not because he's thinking like Victor or something, right?
01:21:50 Or EE is like in most people's names.
01:21:59 So it's the same ****.
01:22:01 It's the exact same scammy ****.
01:22:05 I'm not.
01:22:05 I might not get get it exactly right, but you know it's all part of this process and you know it's just it's it's it's as hocus pocus **** that you, you know, it's like trying to to nail jello.
01:22:15 To the wall.
01:22:18 We'll always be able to weasel out.
01:22:20 Of it somehow.
Speaker 26
01:22:22 Confirm and verify what's coming through.
01:22:24 Not to do your own reading, not to do your own session.
01:22:27 Don't reach for something to be what you want it to be.
01:22:29 Just let it.
01:22:30 Be what it is.
01:22:31 Keep an open mind.
01:22:32 I'm going to go to where I'm being pulled.
01:22:33 Why is Niagara fall significant?
01:22:36 We just there you were just in Niagara.
Speaker 3
01:22:37 Falls. OK, me, my daughter.
Speaker 26
01:22:40 Did you find a feather there?
Speaker 3
01:22:41 Guests and people, my daughter.
Speaker 26
01:22:44 And did you tell your daughter that?
01:22:45 Was from daddy.
01:22:46 Did your mom pass in?
01:22:47 Last three years, yes.
01:22:51 What's the connection to France?
01:22:52 She tried to acknowledge that you might have been there when she was sick.
01:22:55 What's the France connection?
Speaker 16
01:22:57 I would.
Speaker 11
01:22:57 Went to France when?
01:22:58 When she was sick.
Speaker 26
01:22:59 Did they have an argument in?
01:23:00 Public or a joke about?
01:23:03 Passing gas.
Speaker 2
01:23:06 Yeah, he was a gassy kind of guy.
Speaker 26
01:23:10 I have somebody coming through who's acknowledged they was shot by a family member.
01:23:13 This is very strange to me.
01:23:14 I don't know if they trying to tell me that they were together and goofing.
01:23:17 Off and this gun went off.
01:23:20 I don't think that he realized that he was shot.
01:23:23 You know, I'm saying and that, he said.
01:23:25 He was kidding.
Speaker 37
01:23:26 They were hunting together and there was a shooting accident.
01:23:31 My brother was passing the gun to him and it went off.
01:23:35 My brother told him.
01:23:36 Stop fooling around.
01:23:37 This is not funny.
01:23:39 And he really had been.
Speaker 26
01:23:41 She's acknowledging that the dog being there and I was extremely old when it passed.
01:23:48 And blind in one eye.
01:23:51 And it was named after a food.
Speaker 19
01:23:52 Did you guys have a dog?
01:23:54 A small dog?
Speaker 23
01:23:56 Or ground or.
Speaker 1
01:23:58 That popsicle dog blind in one eye.
Speaker 23
01:24:01 You know what I think so.
Speaker 19
01:24:02 OK, I'm about to hang up the phone.
Speaker 26
01:24:05 Would you ever joke like if?
01:24:06 He came and, like, stuck his tongue out.
01:24:07 You would do something like that.
01:24:08 Would you go like I'm gonna slap your face if you do that again, OK.
Speaker 27
01:24:10 All the time.
Speaker 32
01:24:12 That's all.
Speaker 26
01:24:15 Was your son the one that was in the coma prior to the passing?
01:24:17 OK, because the reason why the person passed that date was because it was significant.
01:24:20 Either they waited for somebody else to get there.
Speaker 38
01:24:22 When John mentioned selecting a certain date to pass his grandmother, his her name is Nanny.
01:24:30 He loved her so much and they were so, so close, and he called her on the phone and I think he waited for her to come.
01:24:39 And then passed.
Speaker 26
01:24:41 Do you have your, your sister's thing on?
Speaker 19
01:24:43 No, but she's inside.
Speaker 26
01:24:44 OK, that's the reason I'm asking you because she's telling me you have something of hers that you're wearing because she shows me you clutching.
Speaker 19
01:24:49 When John said that you're always clutching something, it's just made me think of my Locket because I'm always wearing a Locket of my sister and.
01:24:57 Always carry.
01:24:58 Her picture outside and I am, you know, this kind of makes me feel closer to her.
01:24:59 He's like he's so in touch with.
01:25:01 The dead people.
01:25:04 We'll watch. We'll watch more.
Speaker 3
01:25:04 I believe this is.
01:25:05 Of how he's doing this in a second.
Speaker 26
01:25:05 The pill related or some type of toxin that's imbibed in the body, and this is how the person passes from what they show me.
01:25:12 Who's Kathleen?
01:25:12 Could you?
01:25:13 Tell me, say Kathleen, OK.
Speaker 8
01:25:13 My mother.
01:25:15 For years.
01:25:17 Everyone told me well, it was a cerebral brain hemorrhage, but I've always felt that she had taken her life.
Speaker 26
01:25:23 Did someone in your family pass at the hands of?
01:25:25 Somebody else? Oh God.
Speaker 23
01:25:28 She did? Yeah.
Speaker 26
01:25:29 Was she shot?
01:25:33 So there's probably lots of edits there, but notice how that's another way he'll phrase it.
01:25:38 Did somebody in your family pass at the hands of someone else?
01:25:42 Notice how he doesn't say was someone murdered?
01:25:50 Because that could mean anything.
01:25:52 Like if you get hit by a drunk driver you passed.
01:25:55 At the hands of someone else.
01:25:58 And in fact, if someone's.
01:25:59 Coming to your show.
01:26:01 It's probably a safe bet that they're they're there to talk to some dead relative that died untimely.
01:26:10 So you've got a pretty good chance already.
01:26:13 And if she had said no, he could have easily have switched gears and and clarified.
01:26:18 Oh, actually, let me let.
01:26:18 Me clarify, not maybe.
01:26:19 Not pass to the hands of someone else, but maybe maybe they wanted to die.
01:26:22 Maybe they wanted to die.
01:26:25 Maybe, you know, maybe it was medical malpractice, which is another that would qualify, right?
01:26:30 And that they died.
01:26:31 The hands of someone else.
01:26:32 The doctor ***** up and they dine.
01:26:35 And then you get like this edit, where now he's talking to someone totally different.
01:26:40 But it makes it look like he launched right in from there to like, Oh yeah, yeah, he was murdered.
01:26:44 Right.
01:26:46 When we don't know, like the 20 minutes of prodding that they did with this family that he's abusing for money.
01:26:55 To get to the the next little bit.
01:26:57 Of information because.
01:26:58 Why wouldn't you just say it all right?
01:26:59 Like if you're talking.
01:27:00 To a spirit.
Speaker 10
01:27:02 Imagine, imagine this, this, this.
01:27:03 Is it's sad because these people have no spiritual connection to anything.
01:27:12 They are so lost.
01:27:14 They are so disconnected from God or anything else.
01:27:19 They're willing to believe this ******* guy.
01:27:22 They want to believe this ******* guy.
01:27:24 That's why they're there.
01:27:35 They need to believe this ******* guy.
01:27:40 And they want to believe so badly.
01:27:44 They're willing to think to themselves that there's some dead relative.
01:27:49 Talking to him and like they imagine the way that the dead the ghost would have to be talking to.
01:27:53 Him for it to come out this way.
Speaker 10
01:27:55 I died at the hands of someone else.
01:28:01 I died of a murder.
01:28:02 It's like, why won't you just say I got murdered?
01:28:06 All right.
01:28:09 Because just like Q Anon, apparently ghosts speak in riddles.
Speaker 26
01:28:13 But I'm having a vehicle feeling also.
Speaker 18
01:28:15 My sister Clara came through too.
01:28:16 I'm having a vehicle feeling also that can mean anything that could mean an ambulance.
01:28:23 That could mean a hearse.
Speaker 37
01:28:26 She was shot twice from behind and they took her car.
Speaker 26
01:28:31 This might sound.
01:28:32 Weird, I don't know if they found.
01:28:35 Like condoms in the car or what this is.
01:28:37 I feel like something's found there.
01:28:39 That's completely out of character for what should have been found there.
01:28:41 It's prostitutes that were involved in this.
Speaker 26
01:28:44 Did he have severe athletes foot?
01:28:46 Ohh stinky feet.
Speaker 26
01:28:49 With their three children for you.
01:28:51 OK, two living there were four pregnancies, though.
01:28:54 There's an Eileen Ellen.
01:28:55 Helen name here.
01:28:56 Who is this?
01:28:57 Is that mom?
01:28:59 Eileen. Helen. Ellen. Name here.
01:29:05 Now a lot of that is easy to research.
01:29:08 You can find out what were the top names.
01:29:13 For babies every year.
01:29:16 You can look at this woman, estimate her age.
01:29:20 Estimate her mother's age.
01:29:24 You can also.
01:29:25 Color that with.
01:29:28 You know what, what kind of nationality she looks like?
01:29:31 What kind of names?
01:29:32 Different ethnic groups give their their children.
01:29:37 Throw out three.
01:29:38 Names not even know that it's the mom, just there's probably someone in her family.
01:29:44 That is either named Eileen, Helen or Ellen.
01:29:50 She confirms.
01:29:51 Look at that.
01:29:51 Look at.
01:29:52 The husband.
01:29:54 Look at that ******* guy.
01:29:55 He's dead inside.
Speaker 9
01:30:03 Just look at that.
01:30:04 Look at that.
01:30:06 She's like.
01:30:06 Oh yeah, you're totally talking to my.
01:30:09 Dead mom and.
01:30:10 And that's just like kill me.
01:30:13 ******* kill me.
01:30:20 Oh God.
01:30:23 So anyway, this guy.
01:30:26 This guy was big time.
01:30:28 This guy was on Oprah.
Speaker 39
01:30:32 Who absolutely don't believe there's some who do believe there's some who want to believe.
01:30:36 And so how does this work for you?
Speaker 26
01:30:39 I act as a conduit between the physical world here.
01:30:42 Yeah, and what we what what I call?
01:30:44 The other side.
Speaker 35
01:30:44 The other side.
Speaker 26
01:30:45 And I act as that conduit, like a bridge, and I bring through their information.
01:30:49 So it's like they beam me their energy.
01:30:50 I interpret it in my frame of reference and I pass.
01:30:52 It on to the person that I'm sitting with.
Speaker 39
01:30:53 OK.
01:30:54 I think it's interesting that you use the term energy because recently we did a show called the.
01:30:59 Yeah, that's the other funny thing.
01:31:02 A lot of these fraudsters, they like to talk about these vague terms like energy, energy.
01:31:10 And notice notice.
01:31:11 All the the vagueness that applied to that like he he, he said.
01:31:14 They beam this energy to me and I interpret it in my in my frame of reference.
01:31:21 So that that, that's that's so vague.
01:31:22 It could mean literally anything.
01:31:26 There's nothing specific about anything he just said.
01:31:29 He's been doing this for for decades and he still can't specifically describe the process.
01:31:36 He can't say.
01:31:37 Oh no, it's basically it's.
01:31:39 It's like I get a phone call in my head.
01:31:41 I hear their voice or.
01:31:43 No, it's they beam this energy to me that I interpret from my frame of reference.
01:31:52 Everything this guy says is vague.
01:31:57 Like a horoscope or a fortune cookie.
01:32:01 Oh, that's totally applies to.
01:32:03 Because it applies to literally everybody.
Speaker 39
01:32:08 You know all about that?
Speaker 26
01:32:09 Well, bear with us.
Speaker 39
01:32:10 And that in that show we were.
01:32:13 And notice how she's like, oh, yeah, I, you know, I just did a show about the ******* secret.
01:32:18 Now that's a whole other thing.
01:32:19 See all these spiritual movements?
01:32:22 All sprung up around the same time, and it was because people weren't going to church anymore and they had to find something else.
01:32:30 No matter how ludicrous it sounded, whether it was this ******* ******.
01:32:35 Or it was the secret.
01:32:38 I dated a girl that was into the ******* secret and I actually knew lots of girls that because it was really cool for a while.
01:32:45 It was really hip.
01:32:47 I don't think it's.
01:32:48 It's as in vogue now.
01:32:50 There are people that because they, they've, they've watered it down now, now it's just it's the law of attraction and they're still ******* that believe in that.
01:32:59 But the bottom.
01:33:00 Line what the secret is.
01:33:02 It's funny because.
01:33:02 She bought this book.
01:33:05 It was supposed to be this book that explained this magic.
01:33:08 It was the secret that the ruling class had been hiding.
01:33:12 From the plebs?
01:33:13 Why did they have so much wealth and you had nothing?
01:33:16 Well, that's because since ancient times.
01:33:20 They've kept a secret from you.
01:33:22 That's why it's called the secret.
Speaker 10
01:33:26 It's very ancient this secret.
01:33:31 You see, the secret is.
01:33:34 If you want something.
01:33:38 You'll just magically get it you.
01:33:40 Just have to want it in the right way.
01:33:45 And it will be attracted to you, your desire for it will make it happen.
01:33:52 Just make a vision board.
01:33:54 You know, like if you want a mansion.
01:33:58 Like this dumb broad that I dated.
01:34:02 She wanted a she wanted a private jet.
01:34:04 She wanted everything.
01:34:08 So she'd make a vision board.
01:34:13 And she would cut out photos of the things that she wanted.
01:34:18 And paste them to this vision board.
01:34:22 And she'd put it in her apartment somewhere where she'd see it all the time.
01:34:26 And she'd focus on how on these things that she wanted and how much she wanted them.
01:34:33 And justice, by doing that magically.
01:34:36 Her will was going to make it happen.
01:34:43 And a shocking amount of women went out and, like, bought this book, which is, which is like, and it was like the thinnest book that ever sing.
01:34:52 I don't remember what it was, but.
01:34:53 It costs way too much.
01:34:56 And she gave it to me like, oh, yeah, you should.
01:34:58 You should read this.
01:34:59 It's like and.
01:34:59 And when she first was describing this book, I was expecting, like, oh, great.
01:35:03 And it's going to be like Dianetics or something, right?
01:35:06 It's going to be like a like an actual book.
01:35:08 It's it's it.
01:35:09 Was like a ******* pamphlet.
01:35:11 Because there's really not a whole lot to that, is there?
01:35:14 If you want something enough, you get it.
01:35:16 There it is.
01:35:17 The the secret.
01:35:18 There's the secret guys.
Speaker 15
01:35:21 And The funny thing is.
01:35:23 Psychologically, this was very appealing to a lot.
01:35:27 Of famous people.
01:35:31 For the same reason that Q Anon and all these ******* white Pilling scams are appealing to people, it made them feel special.
01:35:44 It made them feel as if the reason they had this wealth.
01:35:48 So like Oprah, for example, she was really into the secret.
01:35:56 And the reason why is it told her the reason why you have all this wealth?
01:36:00 The reason why you have this empire?
01:36:02 The reason why you are Oprah.
01:36:05 As you tapped into this ancient power.
01:36:09 You are one of the few the special ones.
01:36:13 That was aware of the secret ancient power that you had access to and you willed.
01:36:20 All of these things to yourself.
01:36:26 Rich and famous people who kind of just lucked out.
01:36:30 Which is the case for? Well, either they lucked out or sucked Weinstein's ****.
01:36:35 One of the two, or both?
01:36:40 They want to feel as if they were actually.
01:36:44 Doing something that to deserve all this stuff.
01:36:48 One the secret gave them that.
01:36:51 That opportunity to believe that they had done something mystical.
01:36:56 To achieve all this worldly wealth.
01:37:00 But it also worked on poor people because it.
01:37:03 Basically said, Oh no, this stuff.
01:37:04 This is just as accessible to you.
01:37:10 You just have to trust the plan.
01:37:15 That's right.
01:37:16 That's all you have to do.
01:37:17 You just have to trust the plan and all of these things will just come to you magically.
01:37:31 So Oprah was pushing this ******* guy.
Speaker 39
01:37:35 Talking about the fact that we all are just energies vibrating frequencies, and you're saying that people or whatever life form it is in in on the other side is also an energy and that their energies come through you.
Speaker 26
01:37:48 You think why?
01:37:50 I mean, one reason is that.
01:37:53 Again, all this inner we're just, we're just these frequency oscillators and this energy it's.
01:37:59 It's so asinine if you actually understand what energy is and and frequencies and vibration and stuff it's like.
01:38:06 This doesn't mean anything.
01:38:08 This doesn't mean anything.
01:38:10 But it's big words.
Speaker 26
01:38:12 I'm a teacher by nature, so I think that's one of the main reasons that I've been given this opportunity because I treat it as what it is for me.
01:38:18 I'm educating people about the.
01:38:20 Of where they're at in their life, and maybe how this can actually help them.
01:38:23 It's about the empowerment that somebody can get from it as they move forward as a result of that.
Speaker 39
01:38:27 Pivotal moment, that pivotal moment because you think people are stuck in the moment where the people pass?
Speaker 26
01:38:33 Right now we're all physical beings.
01:38:35 Yeah, and our soul.
01:38:36 The energy of that soul is inside this vehicle.
01:38:39 Well, when that vehicle ceases for whatever reason, the driver, the soul gets out.
01:38:44 And still, as far as I'm concerned, in my belief system is able to exist.
01:38:47 So what happens to the vehicle?
01:38:48 The car?
01:38:49 The body doesn't affect the soul or the consciousness.
01:38:52 We're talking about the survival of consciousness and that energy, that love that we're connecting with.
Speaker 39
01:38:56 OK.
01:38:59 And once again addressing the fear of mortality.
01:39:07 Don't worry.
01:39:10 All that, all that heaven and and afterlife.
01:39:13 That's all ********.
01:39:14 But the energy it's it's it's it's OK.
01:39:18 Because energy.
01:39:26 And like I said, he's on Oprah saying this ****.
01:39:30 He's on Regis.
01:39:33 Kelly Ripa used to be so hot.
01:39:35 I don't.
01:39:36 I don't know if she's even still alive anymore, but she used to be so hot when I was a little kid I used to.
01:39:41 Used to really lust after this Kelly Ripa.
Speaker 21
01:39:45 Jesus had acclaimed psychic medium, best known for communicating with the dead, which he will do here today.
01:39:51 He's also the author of a best selling book called Final Beginnings.
01:39:55 It's in the stores right now, and here's John Edward.
01:40:10 God ever really is a psychic because one night joy and I were standing out in the corner waiting for a car to come, which took its time coming, and John drove up and said, Regis, you need a ride.
01:40:19 I said you're.
01:40:20 Right. Nice to see you.
Speaker 3
01:40:23 Good to see you guys, Sid.
Speaker 21
01:40:24 I suppose everywhere you go, people wanna be red sometimes.
Speaker 26
01:40:26 Sometimes, sometimes they like go the opposite direction, like don't tell me anything.
Speaker 14
01:40:31 Well, there's more.
01:40:35 But all the mainstream media over and over and over again was just basically singing his praises.
01:40:43 Presenting him as real.
01:40:46 And he was on Oprah a bunch of times.
01:40:50 Here's an episode of Oprah where he actually does his little trick to people with Dead family members.
01:40:54 It's ******* horrific.
01:40:57 He's on the view, he's still around.
01:41:02 This is way more recent.
Speaker 17
01:41:06 Hey, psychic Medium John Edward has helped millions to touch the great beyond and in his new book, Infinite Quest, he says we all may have the power to contact the other side.
01:41:16 So please welcome back John Edward.
01:41:22 So now I love the idea that you think that maybe everybody has.
01:41:26 Some psychic potential.
01:41:28 What exactly does that mean?
01:41:30 Does it mean they're going to be like the kid in that movie that saw dead people?
01:41:33 What does it mean?
Speaker 26
01:41:34 Ohh, it means that we all have the ability to connect with energy and if we know what to call it and we say if we raise awareness we can take action.
Speaker 3
01:41:39 Energy, right?
Speaker 26
01:41:41 So this book is about raising awareness to take action.
01:41:44 It's about raising awareness to take action and energy.
01:41:48 It's it's like he, he, he has, he said nothing.
Speaker 26
01:41:52 And that action is to recognize the energy that's around us and not just to connect with the other side, but.
01:41:57 The the action is to recognize the energy that is around like it's east.
01:42:02 He's a master at saying nothing.
01:42:06 But then again.
01:42:07 The view like that's.
01:42:08 That's like they specialize it saying nothing.
Speaker 26
01:42:11 How to make empowered decisions and choices?
Speaker 37
01:42:13 What is it different from intuition?
Speaker 26
01:42:15 It's exactly intuition, but taking it, yeah, we just gonna take it one step further and say, what do we do with it?
Speaker 22
01:42:17 As we just call it.
Speaker 26
01:42:20 A lot of people get it hit on something and they're like, Oh my God, and they stopped there.
01:42:24 I want you to take it one step further and say, well, what do I do with this information in a logical way, not like a oh, my God.
01:42:30 There's something wrong.
01:42:30 And I have to stop it.
01:42:34 Yes, God forbid that you're actually able to identify any concrete problems that you can then have action to solve again, it's it's literally white pillars.
01:42:50 It's literally white pillars.
01:42:56 I know you're afraid about all these bad things.
01:43:01 But let's just raise awareness.
01:43:03 So we can recognize the energy around us.
01:43:07 And then you'll feel OK.
01:43:10 For 499 a minute.
01:43:20 Anderson Cooper.
01:43:22 And it's funny because.
01:43:23 If you're going to do Anderson Cooper, this is just a clip that I found when.
01:43:27 I was looking for other stuff.
01:43:29 It's pretty easy to find out stuff about Anderson Cooper.
01:43:33 You're going to do your research.
01:43:36 You know you.
01:43:36 Know well in advance that you're going to do a reading of Anderson Cooper.
01:43:39 His life is pretty ******* public and you can dig up all kinds of of stuff about his, you know, all going all the way back.
01:43:46 To his childhood.
01:43:47 His mom was a famous Vanderbilt.
01:43:49 You know, it's none of this stuff is hard.
01:43:51 It is kind of, in fact, the the only shocking thing about this.
01:43:55 For you is Anderson Cooper tries to say that his dad was a poor farmer.
01:44:02 He does.
01:44:03 It's it's kind of hilarious in a sickening way.
Speaker 26
01:44:08 Not every day.
01:44:08 I'm sure you do this, yeah.
Speaker 30
01:44:10 No, it's so awesome.
01:44:12 Why don't people come through?
Speaker 26
01:44:13 They come through because they can.
01:44:15 And one of the things that I always say is that as a medium, I get in.
01:44:19 The middle of what's already so you're seeing all these people?
Speaker 30
01:44:21 Mean you're saying my brother and my father are still around?
Speaker 26
01:44:23 I am absolutely saying that.
01:44:27 See and godless ******* like this would also want to believe it for the same reasons.
01:44:34 I would say it's hard to know.
01:44:38 If they are promoting this cope and soothe.
01:44:42 For nefarious reasons, or if it's because they personally need it.
01:44:46 And I would say the.
01:44:47 Same thing about white pillars.
01:44:50 It's hard to know how much of it is a grift.
01:44:54 And how much of it is they just personally themselves needed?
01:45:03 And it's more effective on themselves if other people believe their delusion.
01:45:17 Because Anderson Cooper.
01:45:22 Comes from a.
01:45:23 Let's just say an interesting family that that that isn't exactly God fearing.
Speaker 26
01:45:33 OK, you have an aunt who's living or another.
01:45:34 Mother figure who's still here some.
Speaker 30
01:45:35 I have somebody who sort of was a mother figure growing up who's lives in Scotland.
01:45:42 But I don't want to just say that we got.
01:45:43 Have you guys ever seen Anderson?
01:45:45 Cooper's mom?
01:45:47 Let me find this for you.
01:46:00 Just so you know who we're dealing with here.
01:46:06 Oh, let's see.
01:46:10 In terms of like creepy family photos, I don't think it gets any creepier than this.
01:46:16 Let's see.
Speaker 4
01:46:23 I'm going to bring.
01:46:24 This up here.
01:46:28 You guys are going to love this.
01:46:36 This is Anderson Cooper.
01:46:40 On a bed with his mom.
01:46:45 Not nothing spooky about that.
01:46:48 Now look, look at.
01:46:53 Look it over their head.
01:47:00 Totally normal.
01:47:03 Totally ******* normal human sacrifice.
01:47:08 Artwork on the wall behind him as his mom reads him a book.
01:47:14 If you can't see, that's literally human sacrifice artwork.
01:47:20 I'd love to know what book that is.
01:47:26 So yeah, totally, totally not evil.
01:47:33 ******* vanderbilts.
Speaker 30
01:47:37 Who I would go visit.
Speaker 26
01:47:38 I have to tell you, I feel like there might be some health stuff coming up around here, so again.
Speaker 30
01:47:44 She's very sick.
01:47:46 Again, super Easy, Anderson Cooper's old whoever this mother figure is going to be is going to be old.
01:47:55 Pretty safe bet that.
01:47:57 If you say there's going to be some health issues surrounding her, a that could doesn't have to mean her, that could mean like her maid is sick.
01:48:06 You know it's that big.
01:48:08 But Anderson Cooper, this ******* ******.
01:48:11 You can tell is getting like more and more convinced as this this wizard goes on.
Speaker 26
01:48:17 She might not be of clear mind or she.
01:48:18 Might be in.
01:48:19 And out it's.
Speaker 30
01:48:19 Right, it is Alzheimer's.
Speaker 26
01:48:19 OK, keep talking to her.
01:48:21 Yeah, she's not.
01:48:22 I I see her not being in Clermont.
01:48:26 Say, and he starts out like she might, she might, and as soon as he confirms, oh, she is.
Speaker 26
01:48:36 And they tell me to say Sam or Samuel.
01:48:38 Sam, I have Sam.
01:48:40 They'll literally tell me to say Sammy Sam.
Speaker 30
01:48:42 I had a stink named Sam.
Speaker 26
01:48:44 I was a kid.
01:48:44 Has Sam.
Speaker 30
01:48:45 Your snake passed.
01:48:46 Yeah, that was my first time.
Speaker 26
01:48:47 Did you have that with your brother?
Speaker 30
01:48:50 Oh yeah.
01:48:51 This is also a creepy story, just as like his first of all his first pet is a snake.
01:48:56 Now look, I've I had a pet snake.
01:48:59 Not on purpose.
01:48:59 I rented a snake for a shoot that got loose in my house.
01:49:03 And then I had to pay for it.
01:49:05 And then I.
01:49:05 Found it.
01:49:06 And so then I had a pet.
01:49:07 Snake that I I.
01:49:09 Got rid of the second I could.
01:49:11 But so that in and of itself, whatever, but just the rest of his story, just that that being like his first pet is a is a snake and then just the rest of it is kind of.
01:49:21 Just like.
01:49:22 Kind of weirdo family.
01:49:23 Are you in, man?
Speaker 26
01:49:25 You take something out today while you're home and like, look at it and make a private conversation with him and say like.
01:49:33 Dude, if you showing up, just say this or just acknowledge this because he's making me feel like here's here's our packed moment.
Speaker 30
01:49:40 Like I had Sam like the other day, actually on the show didn't air it yet, but I brought him.
01:49:44 Into the studio.
Speaker 26
01:49:45 So Sam is still living.
Speaker 30
01:49:46 You know Sam was encased in plexiglass.
01:49:49 I was very upset when he died.
01:49:50 So my dad had him put into like lucite.
01:49:52 And so I.
01:49:52 Have I've always had a.
01:49:55 So his pet snakes, his pet snake died as a, you know, as a boy.
01:50:04 His his, his pet snake Sammy died.
01:50:07 So his dad had him encased in Lucite.
Speaker 9
01:50:15 And he still has it at his desk or something.
01:50:20 Anyway, your creepy family moment, but just again the vagueness, it looks really specific, but all he did was say I hear Sam super common name.
01:50:30 I know like 100 Sam's that were in.
01:50:32 My life right.
01:50:34 There's something about Sam.
01:50:35 Is there a Sam is there?
01:50:36 A Sam.
01:50:37 Soon as he hit hits.
01:50:38 That it's a pet he's like, OK.
01:50:40 Pet snake alright and then notice how like the second part of that wasn't even having to do with the pet snake, he wasn't saying ohh did you take out the pet snake and then think about your dead brother or whatever?
01:50:50 No, he said.
01:50:52 Did you take something out?
01:50:56 And think about your brother.
01:50:57 You're going to he knows that Anderson Cooper is going to go see a guy.
01:51:03 Who says that he talks to the dead?
01:51:06 He's got a dead brother.
01:51:09 He knows that affects him emotionally because clearly his brother died before he should have, right?
01:51:16 Or I don't know.
01:51:17 Anyway, that's another subject he died untimely.
01:51:23 And so.
01:51:28 When he goes to talk to the dead people talker guy, that's going to be something that any normal person's going to do, right?
01:51:36 Any normal person or?
01:51:38 Abnormal and Anderson Cooper's case is going to have this moment where they're like, OK, if you're, you know, I'm going to go to the talk to the dead guy talker. And so brother that I miss if you're there.
01:51:50 You know, maybe maybe say this thing.
01:51:53 So he he just makes this vague like like.
01:51:56 This floats this vague.
01:51:57 Thing out like did you?
01:51:58 Maybe you know, you know, have this and and and and ends up being the the weird old plastic snake.
Speaker 30
01:52:05 So you, I and I went and found it and I brought it to the studio.
Speaker 26
01:52:08 OK, did that area.
01:52:10 OK, good.
01:52:10 All right.
01:52:11 Because then there's a way I could see this.
01:52:13 Now, did you have?
01:52:14 A large farm.
01:52:15 Where do you live on a large farm?
01:52:18 OK, now that this parts, this part's the funny.
01:52:21 Part not only because that's easy to look up, it's obviously easy to look up, but how Anderson Cooper tries to make his 200 acre Vanderbilt farm sound like, oh, my dad was just a poor farmer.
01:52:35 It wasn't even a farm.
01:52:36 It was.
01:52:36 In a state.
Speaker 26
01:52:37 Have a large farm.
01:52:39 Where do you live on?
01:52:40 A large farm.
Speaker 30
01:52:41 My dad had a large yeah, they were very poor, but they had like a 2.
01:52:44 100 Acre farm in Mississippi.
Speaker 23
01:52:45 OK.
01:52:46 They were very.
01:52:47 Poor Vanderbilts, with 200 acre estate.
01:52:53 Very poor.
Speaker 9
01:52:55 Look, look how look.
01:52:57 How poor they were.
01:52:57 That's how most people.
01:53:00 Decorate their poor homes while being featured in vanity.
01:53:04 Fair or wherever this ******* got published.
Speaker 9
01:53:08 Oh, so poor.
01:53:11 That looks out like.
01:53:12 That's like how I would decorate my farm.
01:53:16 You want to see more photos of how they decorated their farm.
01:53:21 Let's see. Let's see this.
01:53:22 Is his poor farmer dad.
01:53:28 All it it's funny because like even the photos that like.
01:53:33 Should be not that weird.
01:53:35 Just have a weird vibe about him, like everything about it.
01:53:37 Just like uh.
01:53:40 Here's here's another this that's his poor farmer dad.
01:53:47 Look at that. His poor farmer dad with the 200 acre estate.
01:53:54 Let's see if I can find another photo of his poor farmer family.
01:54:03 No, they're not.
01:54:04 I was looking.
01:54:04 I don't know why I was looking at these, but I was looking at these and.
01:54:07 There was like a lot of ******* her.
01:54:09 His mom does this ******* weirdo art that talks about she has done shadow boxes.
01:54:18 Or I guess that's what you'd.
01:54:19 Call them right and it's not just snakes that they encase in plastic in that family.
Speaker 9
01:54:24 She does these.
01:54:26 I don't know that they call it art.
01:54:27 They're these plastic boxes that have weird, like voodoo looking **** inside them.
01:54:33 And one of them.
01:54:34 Is about Jean Benet Ramsey.
01:54:38 I wish I could find that I had that.
01:54:40 The other night she did.
01:54:41 This weird Jean Benet Ramsey thing.
01:54:46 Ah, ****.
01:54:47 And it had like a like a skeleton doll in it.
01:54:50 And like, it was ******* weird.
01:54:52 Anyway, I can't find.
01:54:53 I don't want to stay here forever, but no, all of their, all of their family photos of their poor farm look like this.
01:55:00 As poor farmer, you know, family photos often do.
Speaker 26
01:55:06 Your your dad's told me to bring up the large farm, but it was sectioned off into two sections. It's not one big section, it's sectioned off into two different sections.
Speaker 30
01:55:14 Yeah, yeah, the form is actually divided into two plots.
01:55:18 By the way.
01:55:19 Easiest thing in the world to look up.
01:55:22 And I guarantee you he did.
01:55:24 Easiest thing to do property records are online.
01:55:28 You can just look up.
01:55:30 The county records it will show its two plot.
01:55:34 And now all he has to do is after doing that, which I guarantee you he did is say this. And now Anderson Cooper's.
Speaker 10
01:55:40 Like, whoa. ******* amazing.
Speaker 30
01:55:43 Once separate above 40 acres and the.
01:55:45 Rest is 9:00.
Speaker 26
01:55:46 OK.
01:55:47 And he's telling me that you would have fond memories of going to the one section where there's a dip where there either was water or there's there could have been water at one point.
01:55:56 Now you know, he looked at the county records and looked at Google Maps.
01:56:01 Because you can see that **** too.
01:56:19 He's done world tours.
01:56:22 It's more obvious when.
01:56:23 It's live and they can't edit out all the misses in this cold reading.
01:56:29 This is from a I think South African TV show.
Speaker 18
01:56:35 It's a really cool house here at.
Speaker 40
01:56:36 Studio 10 today and there certainly is a strange energy in the room.
01:56:41 How we feel are.
Speaker 2
01:56:41 We nervous? Yeah, I'm nervous.
Speaker 40
01:56:44 Of course, everyone is here not just for us, but for psychic medium.
01:56:48 John Edward, who's going to do his only live reading while he's in Australia.
01:56:56 A live television audience.
01:56:58 John, I'll, I'll let you.
Speaker 26
01:56:59 So basically when I come to you, you can hear me giving you information and you can hear stuff like people are above you.
01:57:04 They're to the side.
01:57:04 They're below you.
01:57:05 It's it's frames of references.
01:57:07 So above you would be old.
01:57:08 Your to your side would be around same age and then below you would be younger names do come through.
01:57:11 I could be off by the name.
01:57:12 I won't be off by the initial or what the name sounds like, and everybody has a person or one person that they would like to hear from.
01:57:19 I might not get that person, so I need you to listen to what's coming through during the show.
01:57:23 I was getting information and I was jotting some stuff down.
01:57:26 So here's my scorekeeper to see if if I got it right or not.
01:57:29 But I was being pulled to that section.
01:57:31 I'm gonna stand up.
01:57:31 So I can come closer to go over there.
01:57:32 That's OK.
01:57:33 I was getting pulled to this section and I feel like there's a father figure reference that they want me to bring through, so I know there's a father figure for you guys who have had.
01:57:41 I mean, that's like the most general statement possible.
01:57:44 I'm going to point at an entire crowd of people and say I think there's maybe a father figure out of all of you people.
01:57:52 That one of you guys has to have a dead thought, like, not even dead.
01:57:57 A A father figure.
01:57:58 It could be any one.
01:57:59 So one of you guys has to.
01:58:00 Know an old dead guy?
Speaker 26
01:58:02 Asked but that to me would be like Father, Uncle, Grandfather.
01:58:04 There's a J or G name that they want.
01:58:06 Me to highlight.
01:58:06 So that's either somebody who.
01:58:08 There's a J or AG name.
01:58:11 All right, that that narrows it down.
Speaker 26
01:58:16 Who's living or past?
01:58:17 But it's in that section over there that makes sense.
01:58:19 Can you take gonna get a mic to you so that we can hear you?
Speaker 29
01:58:22 Get my father in.
Speaker 26
01:58:23 Law passed, OK, and there's gotta be a JRPG name that's connected to that.
Speaker 29
01:58:24 Yeah, it passed.
01:58:26 Yes, Giovanni.
01:58:28 But we called him.
Speaker 26
01:58:29 Johnny, OK, there's a 5 connection that they want me to talk about.
01:58:32 So the five connection to me would either be the month of May cause that's the 5th month or the.
01:58:36 5th of a month birthday or anniversary with the.
01:58:39 It was just a 5A5. There's got to be a 5 somehow in your life. Is there a 5? Do you have anything that you could associate with the number 5?
Speaker 26
01:58:51 The something 5 related that they want me to talk about and he has to have a child that's with him or there's a younger energy that's passed.
01:58:56 So there's a younger person.
01:58:57 That's that's connected to him, correct.
Speaker 29
01:58:59 Yeah, they had.
01:59:00 We had five kids.
Speaker 26
01:59:01 OK.
01:59:01 And is one of the kids.
01:59:02 Passed or is.
01:59:02 There two of them.
01:59:03 OK.
01:59:03 Somebody passed from either something head related or there was something that does seem OK.
01:59:08 There's something head related that comes up with that and Catherine or Karen, there's a C or K name.
01:59:13 Something head related that could be brain cancer, head injury.
01:59:18 Dementia, like Alzheimer's, something head related?
01:59:22 Well, he died of old age, so that's pretty easy.
01:59:25 He he probably didn't die from jumping out of a ******* airplane.
01:59:29 You know.
01:59:30 And the the five, notice how it was so vague.
01:59:34 She's just like oh.
Speaker 9
01:59:35 We had five.
01:59:36 Well, obviously that's what I was talking about, obviously.
Speaker 26
01:59:40 But it's a nickname, not a real name, so it's like somebody was known as a seer.
01:59:45 I hear the sound.
Speaker 29
01:59:47 OK, he's the younger daughter, Selena.
Speaker 26
01:59:49 That would be an S this is OK.
Speaker 29
01:59:50 That's to say.
Speaker 26
01:59:51 No, no, no.
01:59:51 But it's.
01:59:52 It phonetically, would sound like an S to me, so I can't accept that.
01:59:54 It's gotta be like a name.
01:59:56 Think like, like Coco or Kiki or Kira or something's got like a sounding name, and then they're telling me to tell you that is his wife also passed.
02:00:06 And notice how, if she's not, if she doesn't give him anything.
02:00:10 He just keeps going.
02:00:11 He's like, alright, well, forget the car.
02:00:13 Thing, forget it doesn't matter.
Speaker 26
02:00:17 Yes, because I I see him with his contemporary, which would be the the life energy.
02:00:21 And somebody had congestive heart failure.
02:00:22 And that means like where they fill up with fluids, there's like a heaviness in the chest in some way.
02:00:26 And that was either his sister or somebody would be like a sister figure.
02:00:30 Notice how he said sister, because her look is not one of confirmation.
02:00:36 This is.
02:00:36 What cold reading's all about?
02:00:38 You read the person.
02:00:39 He's staring intently at this woman, looking for like, you know, he would probably be a really good poker player.
02:00:45 He's looking for towels.
02:00:48 He's reading the audience really well.
02:00:50 He'd probably be.
02:00:51 A really good poker player.
02:00:54 And he's just waiting.
02:00:54 For just some some kind of sign.
02:00:58 That that she.
02:00:59 That something's ringing true, and then he'll jump on that.
02:01:04 So he just finished saying, like, oh, I think I think, you know, is there there's a wife energy because he's still, well, it's an old guy.
02:01:09 So his wife might be dead too.
02:01:11 She says yes it was.
02:01:12 OK.
02:01:12 Well then then there was something about like the the heart or or just something with fluids because he's just again, it's an old old woman died.
02:01:19 So it it, it might be that he doesn't see her have any kind of recognition.
02:01:24 So he immediately flips to like, maybe a sister, maybe a sister.
02:01:29 Still no recognition.
Speaker 26
02:01:32 You're to somebody that's here because they're talking about the sister figure now.
02:01:35 Is there some reference to him losing a sister as well as his wife?
Speaker 29
02:01:41 I think because there was a lot of family overseas in Italy, but there was one that went.
Speaker 26
02:01:46 And do you know?
Speaker 29
02:01:47 That's my sister.
Speaker 26
02:01:47 Are you guys OK?
02:01:49 Because I feel like I need to bring you into this.
02:01:51 And I'm supposed to talk to you about.
02:01:52 Is it your mom that's passed?
Speaker 28
02:01:54 No, no.
Speaker 26
02:01:54 Then who would be the aunt you're named for?
02:01:57 Or the older female that the names passed down, or who passed the?
02:02:02 See again, he's he's he's striking out, but he's doing.
02:02:05 You can see the technique.
02:02:08 Obviously, that's his sister or her sister.
02:02:10 They, they, they look alike and they're sitting together.
02:02:13 So it's it's an easy leap to be like, oh, is that your sister?
02:02:17 Oh, I need to bring you into.
02:02:18 This because he's getting nothing from the other girl.
02:02:20 So he needs to try to find.
02:02:22 Someone else that's going to confirm his ********.
02:02:25 And then he says, oh, who's the person you're named after?
02:02:28 Well, most most or maybe not most, but a lot of people are named after people in their family.
02:02:35 And so again, he's he's got like, a 5050 chance. Oh, who's this?
02:02:41 And it's because it's going to be someone older and she's, you know, at least in her 40s, right. So if there's a good chance that person's going to be dead.
Speaker 26
02:02:51 Beam down.
02:02:53 They show me parallel lines, so when I see parallel lines it usually means that a name.
02:02:57 Is passed down but this.
Speaker 28
02:02:59 My crystal, my aunties daughter, is crystal. My auntie's daughter is Crystal and my daughter is.
Speaker 26
02:03:02 Right, say a.
02:03:04 Little louder.
02:03:07 Crystal, OK.
02:03:08 And is your aunt passed?
02:03:10 OK, so that aunt see your key name.
02:03:14 Oh, the fishing expedition he finally got.
02:03:16 He got finally caught a fish, took a while, took a lot of.
02:03:21 You know, swimming around, but.
02:03:22 He finally got it.
Speaker 26
02:03:23 Connected to you as well.
02:03:25 OK, so you're all connected.
02:03:30 It's just how I have to get it in my head.
02:03:32 So the Cedar K name is telling me to come to you to acknowledge how the name has been passed down.
02:03:36 So I so you both have the same children with the same name now.
02:03:40 I don't know if there's some reference to.
02:03:42 You going to school for healthcare or somebody dealing with doing?
02:03:46 Something healthcare related, crystal.
02:03:48 Is OK, that's just my way of backing.
02:03:49 Up the information.
02:03:52 Another another another.
02:03:53 General thing to think like, OK, white women, if they have jobs.
02:04:00 I can tell you just from from dating white women over the years, a lot of them are nurses or have some kind of.
02:04:05 Medical medical job.
02:04:07 And that's another thing that you you can look at if you're going to go to, I guess this is Australia, you can do look at do just basic demographic research.
02:04:15 Where do women work sort of a thing?
Speaker 26
02:04:18 Why do I do it like this?
02:04:20 And the reason why I do it like this is that for all the people who are going to tweet me that I am not actually doing this, we've never met, correct?
02:04:25 Not I've not spoken to you.
Speaker 29
02:04:26 That's right, yeah.
Speaker 26
02:04:27 OK, I.
02:04:27 Just want to be very, very clear.
02:04:29 One of the most important things is.
02:04:32 See and now.
02:04:32 After just getting one little one little bite.
02:04:37 After that cloud of ********, what does he do?
02:04:40 He immediately goes to the affirming I'm right, affirm that I'm right, affirm that I'm that, oh, we don't know each other.
02:04:46 This is obviously real.
02:04:47 This, this, nothing that just happened.
02:04:50 It's obviously real.
02:04:52 And again, white.
02:04:52 Peelers do the same thing.
02:04:54 Queue does the same thing.
02:04:56 Oh, look, remember when Q said that something would happen in November?
02:05:01 Something happened in November.
02:05:05 Take that shell look, we told you something was going to happen in November and something happened in November.
02:05:15 Now, something could be Thanksgiving.
02:05:17 That happens every November.
02:05:18 It doesn't matter.
02:05:18 Something happened.
02:05:19 We said that something happened in November.
02:05:21 Trust the plan.
Speaker 26
02:05:22 Validation and what this does is shows that your father-in-law, your mother-in-law with their children and connected to your aunt who's past.
02:05:29 It's their way of saying that they're around you guys and they see what's going on.
02:05:32 Did you know that somebody is expanding their family?
02:05:34 Like, did you know that there's either, like, any.
02:05:38 Expanding their family, think of how many things.
02:05:40 That could mean.
02:05:42 Like spending their family could mean some member of your family is getting married.
02:05:48 Or having a kid.
02:05:50 That's all it means.
02:05:52 Someone in the in your family tree is either getting married or having a kid.
Speaker 26
02:05:59 Engagement and somebody's kind of getting together or there's a marriage and people are expanding. Do you know this?
02:06:04 OK.
02:06:04 So it's been announced already, yes, OK.
02:06:06 Why am I feeling like we had to put it off?
02:06:08 Like what did we have to put off?
02:06:10 Like, did somebody put off their date?
02:06:11 Or did they put off doing this?
02:06:15 They had to put something off like I feel like, oh, it can't happen now it.
02:06:18 Has to happen then.
02:06:21 See and notice how they want to believe this. So they're trying to make it work. They can't think of what he's talking about, and she the the younger woman's like. Ohh is it. Maybe because of like they want to believe it.
02:06:32 They're trying to.
02:06:33 Make it fit.
02:06:34 They're not doing the opposite.
02:06:38 They're not being skeptical of this guy at all.
02:06:40 They're already kind of buying this.
02:06:43 Because it's telling them ****.
02:06:44 They want to hear.
02:06:45 It's making them feel special.
Speaker 3
02:06:57 I'm waiting because she's pregnant, because I'm pregnant.
Speaker 26
02:06:58 They had to put something off like I feel like, oh, it can't happen now.
02:07:02 It has to happen.
02:07:03 Then there's like a putting.
02:07:04 Off of something?
Speaker 28
02:07:05 Well, she can't have the baby when she was supposed to, because it falls on.
Speaker 26
02:07:08 Your birthday, so they decided to put it off.
Speaker 28
02:07:12 No, the wedding, the wedding?
Speaker 4
02:07:14 What about your?
Speaker 28
02:07:14 Well, no, the weddings.
02:07:15 In April, the babies due.
02:07:17 But she found out yesterday she might have to have a Caesar.
02:07:19 And I said that'll be good because then.
02:07:21 It won't be on her birthday.
Speaker 26
02:07:22 Alright, so this here's this is what I talk about.
02:07:26 I talk about this being a current.
02:07:28 It's a current event.
Speaker 28
02:07:28 Yes, yes.
Speaker 26
02:07:28 It's their way of saying.
02:07:29 To you, we see what's going on.
02:07:31 Around you.
02:07:32 And if I could be so bold.
02:07:35 And they all buy it.
02:07:40 They had to.
02:07:41 They had to rack their brains and really try to come up with something.
02:07:44 That would even.
02:07:45 Even with his vague thing that would somehow fit, and the second they get something that can fit.
02:07:52 That's all the proof we needed.
02:07:54 Ohh he's totally legit now.
Speaker 26
02:07:55 And this is live television.
02:07:57 And if you don't want to go there, it's absolutely OK.
02:07:58 You give like John, I understand that you were saying like it's you wanted to keep things separate.
02:08:02 You like things to be kept separate.
02:08:04 In other words, you you wouldn't want to have two people.
02:08:06 It's like having your birthday on Christmas.
02:08:08 It's not like it's.
Speaker 28
02:08:08 Ohh yeah, exactly, I told her I don't.
02:08:10 Want she can't have the baby?
Speaker 26
02:08:11 Ohh OK.
02:08:14 It's all good now, I don't.
02:08:15 I know we saw a.
Speaker 26
02:08:16 Very cute video early in the show of the little little dog, you know, mess around with the cat.
Speaker 2
02:08:19 Yes, yes.
Speaker 26
02:08:19 They're telling me that you have one.
02:08:20 Of those past.
02:08:21 So somebody's got a dog that's there. Yes. Yeah. So that's.
02:08:26 Ohh, now she's crying.
02:08:27 She believes it so much she's she thinks that he's talking to.
02:08:32 Her dead dog.
02:08:36 And again, his entire thing was like, I think there's maybe an animal of some sort that is related to your family that's now dead.
02:08:46 He gets lucky.
02:08:49 And this little white lady, this young white woman is now sobbing.
02:08:55 She's now having a spiritual experience.
02:08:59 Thinking that he's talking to her dead dog.
02:09:08 When I say White ladies are easy to trick, this is the kind.
02:09:11 Of **** we're talking about here.
02:09:13 I don't think it would have got.
02:09:14 It would have been the same response and if it had been two boomer brothers and their son.
02:09:19 And one of their sons.
02:09:26 Especially after doing this **** for decades, the reason why he's like I think it's this part of the room over here.
02:09:32 Not only is it, obviously, it's it's making it general.
02:09:35 It's inviting people who might be already susceptible and want this to happen enough to where they want to participate and they'll pipe up.
02:09:44 And that filters.
02:09:44 Out all the the naysayers, the people that will call him on his ********.
02:09:48 They're not going to be like, Oh yeah, you're talking about my black because they.
02:09:52 Already think it's ********?
02:09:55 So he's already filtering out anyone that's going to be causing a problem.
02:10:01 But it's also allowing him to evaluate the the crowd and look for the easy mark, and he found them.
Speaker 26
02:10:07 Tell me that that dog is there and I'm supposed to always talk about that when?
02:10:10 And it's so funny because I just named, like, you know, the different people in your family and the reaction the dog got was bigger than the people.
02:10:15 So it's no matter where I go, it's the same.
02:10:18 I'm supposed to talk about either some.
02:10:20 Somebody had an A mishap on the big boat or there was a mishap in the family on the boat, or if there's a is there a joke about the mishap?
02:10:29 On the boat, she was just.
Speaker 4
02:10:30 On a cruise?
Speaker 28
02:10:31 I just got off a boat.
02:10:34 OK, you're in Australia.
02:10:37 There's going to be boats also.
02:10:40 These are the kind of women that go on cruise.
02:10:42 But like the mishap on the big boat, really, that's that's the energy.
02:10:47 Is that what the energy is telling you?
02:10:48 That there's something about the mishap?
02:10:50 On the big boat.
Speaker 26
02:10:51 Was there a mishap?
Speaker 28
02:10:52 There's there's 20.
Speaker 26
02:10:53 Was a lot so hypothetically, could we say that there was a reference of?
02:11:03 I don't wanna say man overboard, but could we say that there was an issue where maybe somebody did had under?
02:11:11 Yes, yes, it happened.
02:11:11 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:11:14 See and notice he just kept like being as vague as humanly possible.
02:11:18 Until she offered up.
02:11:21 The solution?
02:11:29 She interpreted the Riddle that the dead people were giving him.
Speaker 26
02:11:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:11:34 Was it something?
Speaker 28
02:11:34 You were with no indirectly, yes, yeah.
Speaker 26
02:11:40 Because I I have a feeling of good riddance like.
Speaker 28
02:11:43 Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 26
02:11:44 Like good riddance.
02:11:48 And again, easy to tell from the way she answered that that this wasn't someone that she liked anymore.
Speaker 26
02:11:54 Yes, you know, I don't know who, if you were, if you had to ask for someone today, if you had a place like, you know, ohh.
02:11:59 I'd like to.
02:11:59 Hear from someone. Would it have been your father-in-law to come through 1st?
Speaker 29
02:12:02 I feel like he's in your house all.
02:12:03 The time, yeah.
Speaker 26
02:12:04 Cause I feel like he's making me feel like.
02:12:06 You know, it's no big deal.
Speaker 29
02:12:06 And I just feel so glad that you've said that that I'm not going nuts.
02:12:09 And I can go home and tell my.
02:12:10 Husband, I'm yeah.
Speaker 26
02:12:10 You're you're not nuts.
02:12:12 But why?
02:12:13 Why is your I I'm just passing on what I'm seeing.
02:12:15 And I say this.
02:12:15 I'm not a doctor, I can't diagnose. I just wanna know why your husband's not taking care of his stomach.
02:12:20 Like, is there no, no.
Speaker 29
02:12:20 Ohh well I don't know about some stuff.
Speaker 26
02:12:23 Isn't he the person that maybe I got the wrong guy?
02:12:25 Is there another son that he has that has, like really bad acid?
Speaker 29
02:12:28 Like it's one of my.
02:12:29 Sons, yes.
Speaker 26
02:12:30 Like really bad acid and?
02:12:32 Why is that not checked?
Speaker 29
02:12:34 Ohh it he's been he's been to a specialist and that about that and he's.
02:12:36 On treatment now for it.
Speaker 26
02:12:37 It's happening, yeah, yeah.
02:12:39 OK.
02:12:39 So maybe it's just them showing to me, it's like, OK, we see it happening.
02:12:43 Yeah, I always err on the side of.
02:12:44 Let's be cautious.
02:12:45 Let's look at it.
02:12:46 Maybe ask him if he's taking his meds, maybe see if it has been any change.
02:12:50 In that I don't know if he lives in a different like I know I'm standing in Sydney, but if he's in a different part of the.
02:12:55 Country or if there's a different place.
Speaker 29
02:12:56 No, no.
02:12:57 He lives with me, but he's going soon.
Speaker 26
02:12:59 I see.
Speaker 29
02:12:59 He's moving soon from home.
02:13:02 Yes, I don't want to go.
Speaker 26
02:13:02 OK.
02:13:03 So that's just grandma's way of looking after him.
02:13:05 Thank you very, very much.
02:13:06 I hope this helps.
Speaker 29
02:13:06 Well, thank you so much.
Speaker 26
02:13:06 Thank you.
02:13:09 Amazing, right?
02:13:10 He's totally talking to dead people.
02:13:14 So this kind of ****.
02:13:16 Like I said, it was so popular South Park actually made fun of this guy famously, but it's been a long time.
02:13:22 There's probably a lot of people haven't seen this.
02:13:24 This is South Park trying to explain to audiences.
02:13:29 Probably in the early 2000s, I I don't know what year this came out, but.
02:13:33 It's been a long time.
Speaker 33
02:13:36 Ladies and gentlemen, John Edward.
02:13:42 Thank you.
02:13:43 Thank you.
02:13:43 All right, let's get started.
02:13:46 It's coming from over here.
02:13:49 Does the name Mike mean anything to anybody?
02:13:52 I'm getting.
02:13:52 I'm getting Mike definitely and maybe Matt.
02:13:58 Mary Mary was my.
02:14:01 OK.
02:14:01 OK.
02:14:01 And and she, she's she.
02:14:04 Yes, she did.
02:14:05 OK.
02:14:05 And she's telling me that something about the money that the the money is safe, is that making sense?
02:14:10 Hmm, not really.
Speaker 33
02:14:11 Must be from somewhere else in the audience.
02:14:13 Then the money.
Speaker 20
02:14:14 Over here, please.
02:14:15 We have a good.
Speaker 33
02:14:15 Friend quite quiet down, boys.
02:14:17 It doesn't work that way.
02:14:19 OK I I'm getting someone now.
02:14:21 Whose name?
02:14:21 Is a.
02:14:23 It's a.
02:14:24 It's a.
02:14:25 It's a Kenny.
02:14:27 Kenny says hi.
02:14:28 Wow, OK, I'm getting that Kenny died, we told.
02:14:33 You that and and this wasn't.
02:14:34 This wasn't a good death.
02:14:34 It was like it was.
02:14:35 A sad death.
02:14:36 It was like a it.
02:14:36 Was like a death that made people sad.
02:14:38 Does that make sense?
02:14:44 Look, Mr.
02:14:45 Edward, can you just ask him how we can?
Speaker 13
02:14:47 Get him out.
Speaker 33
02:14:47 Please doesn't work that way now, Kenny.
02:14:49 I just.
02:14:50 I just want to.
02:14:50 Chime in that.
02:14:52 Even South Park.
Speaker 24
02:14:55 The magic *****.
02:14:58 That's right, even S part.
Speaker 33
02:15:01 He's telling me that you are his best friends and he's in a safe place.
Speaker 20
02:15:04 No, no. He's trapped in Carmen's.
Speaker 33
02:15:06 Body ohh.
02:15:06 There's somebody with him.
02:15:07 Who's Kyle?
Speaker 20
02:15:08 I'm Kyle.
Speaker 33
02:15:09 Ohh right, and did an older woman pass.
02:15:11 She's asking for Kyle.
02:15:12 Maybe a grandma?
Speaker 20
02:15:14 Yeah, my grandma, she's.
Speaker 33
02:15:15 Here, she says there was something she asked you to do and you're not doing it.
02:15:18 She wants you.
02:15:19 To look for.
02:15:19 4 white doves.
02:15:20 Oh my God ohh now.
02:15:21 She's sending me a P word.
02:15:22 Maybe it's a or.
02:15:24 My hairy died last.
Speaker 28
02:15:25 Year that was.
Speaker 33
02:15:26 Coming from over here, I'm getting all kinds.
02:15:28 Of voices today.
Speaker 20
02:15:31 Hey, wait a.
Speaker 33
02:15:31 Minute dude.
02:15:32 OK, now, Harry, he's telling me.
02:15:33 Ohh well, he's saying that you 2 used to do things.
02:15:37 And that those things involved stuff.
Speaker 27
02:15:39 This things didn't bomb stuff.
02:15:46 Yeah, this is back when when South Park was still tolerable and and actually pretty good on some stuff.
02:15:53 But they broke it all down because this guy was everywhere.
02:15:56 This guy was ******* everywhere and so many people were buying it.
Speaker 20
02:16:01 Alright, look, I'll show you.
02:16:02 I just need a volunteer.
02:16:03 About you ohh me.
02:16:08 OK, I'm gonna pretend that a dead person's.
02:16:09 Talking to me about.
02:16:10 You OK?
02:16:10 OK.
02:16:11 OK.
02:16:11 Watch Kyle.
02:16:12 It's an older man.
02:16:13 Someone very close to you.
02:16:14 My father does this month.
02:16:16 Hold a special significance.
02:16:18 My birthday is in November, right?
02:16:20 Because he's saying, tell her happy birthday.
02:16:22 Ohh my.
02:16:22 God see Kyle. I just started with something really vague. I chose older man because I'm betting that based on this woman's age, her father is most likely dead.
02:16:28 But if her father wasn't dead, I could still say it.
02:16:30 Was some other older man.
Speaker 33
02:16:31 But how did you know her birthday was?
Speaker 20
02:16:32 In November, I didn't.
02:16:34 I just asked if November meant anything her father could have died in November.
02:16:37 Or Thanksgiving could have been really special for them, but I go with the birthday and validate it now, as if I knew by.
02:16:41 Saying he wishes.
02:16:42 You a happy birthday.
02:16:43 What else does he?
02:16:44 Hey, OK, I'll just use an old standard.
02:16:46 He's saying the money stop worrying about.
02:16:48 The money. Oh my God.
02:16:50 My sister and I have been fighting.
02:16:52 Over his amazing, that's.
02:16:54 No, it isn't.
02:16:54 When a father dies, inheritance is usually an issue and money is something everyone worries about.
Speaker 23
02:16:59 That sounds a.
Speaker 33
02:16:59 Little too coincidental.
02:17:01 There's only one explanation this kid could communicate with the dead.
Speaker 20
02:17:06 OK, listen, listen very carefully.
02:17:09 This is a trick that I am doing.
02:17:11 OK.
02:17:12 All I'm gonna do is say a name.
02:17:13 Then I'm gonna pick it random, OK?
02:17:15 They want me to acknowledge Pete or Peter.
Speaker 3
02:17:18 Yes. Yes, my Peter. Ohh.
Speaker 20
02:17:22 No, stop clapping.
02:17:23 All I did was take a random name and wait for somebody in the audience to give a response.
02:17:27 Now that I see that there is a lone woman crying, my instinct tells me Peter was her husband.
02:17:31 So I.
02:17:32 Say Peter was your husband.
02:17:33 Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 16
02:17:35 My husband Peter.
Speaker 20
02:17:39 Stop it.
02:17:39 I didn't do anything.
02:17:40 You know Peter.
02:17:41 Was dead.
02:17:42 I didn't start by saying Peter is dead.
02:17:43 I started by saying they want me to acknowledge Peter.
02:17:46 That could mean Peter was in the audience, that Peter was somebody's friend, or Peter had died. I couldn't be wrong.
02:17:50 See, now I can look at this woman and see that she's fairly young, so odds are her husband was fairly young when he died.
02:17:55 So I can say something like I'm getting the Peters death was very untimely.
Speaker 3
02:17:59 Yes, it was amazing.
Speaker 20
02:18:03 Ask Peter if he knows my little Billy.
02:18:07 So yeah, this kind of grift has been going on really ******* long time.
02:18:14 A really ******* long time.
02:18:17 And like, it's not just queuing on, it's literally, it's literally every white pillar that's out there that's trying to distract you from the actual problems and giving you make believe solutions.
02:18:29 And it works for the exact same reason this cold reading **** works.
02:18:34 And in fact, they do the like.
02:18:35 The queue people do the cold reading, reading, they'll throw stuff out, throw stuff out, throw stuff out until something finally ******* sticks.
02:18:45 There's different methods to cold.
02:18:48 Rating the the one that you saw a lot of from this guy, it's called shotgunning.
02:18:54 Now this is from Wikipedia, shotgunning is a commonly used cold reading technique.
02:19:01 This technique is named after the manner in which a shotgun fires a cluster of small projectiles, and the hope that one or more of them will strike the target.
02:19:10 The cold reader slowly offers a huge quantity of very general information, often to an entire audience, some of which is very likely to be correct, near correct, or at least.
02:19:21 Provocative or evocative to someone in the audience.
02:19:26 They observe their subjects reactions, especially their body language, and then narrow the scope, acknowledging particular people or concepts and refining the original statements according to those reactions to promote an emotional response.
02:19:41 A majority of the people in the room will at some point, for example, have lost an older relative.
02:19:46 Or known at least one person with a common name like Mike or John.
02:19:51 Shotgunning might include a series of vague statements such as quote.
02:19:56 I see a heart problem with a father figure in your family.
02:19:59 You know, that's almost exactly what that guy said.
02:20:03 Another one I see a woman with blackness in the chest.
02:20:06 Lung cancer, heart disease or breast cancer.
02:20:09 See again.
02:20:09 It could be that so many things or quote.
02:20:13 I sense an older male figure in your life who wants you to know.
02:20:16 While you may have had disagreements in your life, he still loved.
02:20:19 You, which is again applies to like pretty much every.
02:20:23 Every ******* one.
02:20:25 Another another.
02:20:28 Methodist called the Forer Effect or Barnum statements.
02:20:35 As in Barnum and Bailey, the four effect relies in part on the eagerness of people to fill in the details.
02:20:42 Now we saw that with that, with those two white ladies and their.
02:20:45 And the daughter.
02:20:47 Like he was, he was swinging at the fences like he was not making any hits.
02:20:52 But they got emotionally invested at some point and then started really trying hard to ******* make it work for him.
02:21:00 To fill in details and make connections between what is said and some aspect of their own lives, often searching their entire life's history to find some connection, or reinterpreting the statements in a number of different possible ways so as to make it apply to themselves.
02:21:18 Again, this is, you know, Q.
02:21:20 Words all over the place. Barnum statements named after PT Barnum the American showman are statements that seem personally, I'm sorry that seem personal, yet applied to many people, and while seemingly specific, such statements are often open-ended or give a reader a maximum amount of wiggle room in a reading.
02:21:40 They are designed to elicit, identify, and identify responses from people.
02:21:47 The statements can be developed into longer and more sophisticated paragraphs and seem to reveal great amounts of detail about a person and a talented, charismatic reader can sometimes even bully a subject into admitting a connection, demanding over and over that they acknowledge a particular statement as having some relevance.
02:22:08 And maintaining that they are just not thinking hard enough or are repressing some important memory.
02:22:13 And look, I've seen this guy I watched a few episodes of this crap when I was a kid because I.
02:22:18 Was just like I.
02:22:19 I was baffled that people were buying it.
02:22:21 And he would do exactly that when he would get to the cold fish, when he would get to the skeptical person and start just rattling off all this random ****.
02:22:29 And they were just like, yeah, I got nothing.
02:22:31 He would start getting mad and be like, well, it's your fault that you don't get it.
02:22:34 And and then he would shift over to someone else that was more willing.
02:22:39 You know, like here's some examples of the.
02:22:42 Statements quote I sense that you are sometimes insecure, especially with the people you don't know very well or you have look and that that that psychic friend of my roommates, you know, oh, you've got a young soul, you have a lot to learn.
02:22:56 She was doing the same kind of ********, trying to get me to, you know, to feel bad and be like.
Speaker 10
02:23:00 Oh yeah, you're a psychic, alright?
02:23:03 Stop saying I'm, you know, whatever.
02:23:05 You have a box of old unsorted photographs in your house, like pretty much everyone does.
02:23:10 Well, not so much nowadays, right?
02:23:13 And then.
02:23:13 There's warm reading.
02:23:16 Now warm reading is more what we saw when he was with Anderson Cooper.
02:23:23 Because that takes.
02:23:24 That's basically having more research behind what you're doing.
02:23:29 The cold reading is you're just saying nonsense trying to get people to to make it work.
02:23:34 Warm reading is a performance tool used by professional mentalists and psychic scam artists.
02:23:40 While hot reading is the use of foreknowledge.
02:23:43 And cold reading works on reacting to the subject's responses. Warm reading refers to the judicious amount of the barn effect statements.
02:23:52 When these psychological tricks are used properly, the statements give the impression that the Mentalist, or psychic scam artist, is intuitive and perceptive and physically gifted or psychically.
02:24:02 Gifted in reality, the statements spent nearly all of humanity, regardless of gender, personal opinions, age, culture, nationality.
02:24:12 Michael Shermer gives an example.
02:24:14 Couple of jewelry worn by those in mourning.
02:24:17 Most people in this situation will be wearing or carrying an item of jewelry with some connection to the person they have lost.
02:24:24 But if asked directly in the context of a psychic reading whether they have such an item, the client might be shocked and assume that the reader learned information directly.
02:24:34 From the deceased loved one.
02:24:37 You know, and that's we saw that with the example where he was telling that woman like, oh, I see you clutching.
02:24:42 It's like, come on because that's, you know, when people when you have someone dying in your life, you're clutching something at some point.
02:24:50 Then there's the rainbow ruse.
02:24:52 The Rainbow roots is a crafted statement which simultaneously awards the subject of specific personality traits as well as the opposite.
02:25:02 Of that trait.
02:25:03 With such a phrase, a cold reader can cover all possibilities and appear to have made an accurate deduction in the mind of the subject.
02:25:11 Despite the fact that a Rainbow Ruse statement is a vague is vague and contradictory, this technique is often used since personality traits are not quantifiable and also because nearly everybody has experienced both sides of a particular emotion at some point in their lives.
02:25:29 So some examples would be like saying.
02:25:32 Most of the time, you're positive and cheerful, but there have been times in the past when you.
02:25:36 Have been very upset.
02:25:39 You know an idiot like.
02:25:40 You're right.
02:25:42 I am I.
02:25:43 Am happy, but sometimes I'm sad or another.
02:25:46 I'll be like you're very kind and considerate.
02:25:49 But when somebody does something to break your trust, you feel deep seated.
02:25:53 Anger or another one to be like.
02:25:56 I would say that you're mostly shy and quiet, but when the mood strikes you, you can easily be the center of attention.
02:26:04 And then based on how they respond to that, because they'll usually fill in, they'll tell you, they'll tell you about themselves, like in the the shy thing, let's say you said that to someone who's not shy, even people that are type A that are extroverts think to themselves that they have shy moments.
02:26:22 So they might respond by saying, oh, yeah, you know.
02:26:24 Most of the time, like I like the attention, but sometimes you're right, I can get really into myself and be shy.
02:26:30 All right.
02:26:31 Well, now the cold reader or warm reader or hot reader depends who the you know what they're doing.
02:26:35 They now know you're an extrovert and they can use that for the.
02:26:38 Rest of their ****.
02:26:40 Now what makes this so easy?
02:26:43 For you know, the queue people and the the white pillars, they know about their audience.
02:26:53 They know their personality traits.
02:26:56 They know their fears, they know their hopes.
02:26:59 They already know all this stuff.
02:27:01 They're not just, it's so much easier than just what that guy was doing, where he's walking up to a *******.
02:27:07 Random crowd of people and justice with his predator eye looking for an easy mark.
02:27:14 They already know that everything about their audience.
02:27:17 They know exactly what buttons to push.
02:27:20 They know exactly what to say and.
02:27:21 How it's going to make them feel?
02:27:25 So it's the easiest *******.
02:27:30 In the world.
02:27:33 So anyway, I just wanted to get a step away from the the Holocaust stuff and the the, you know, all the FBI stuff and just do something.
02:27:43 A little bit different, a little bit funny, mostly because as I said, I was, I was looking for, I was doing research on something else and the Miss Cleo.
02:27:51 Footage came up.
02:27:51 And I.
02:27:52 Was like Oh yeah.
02:27:55 And it just got me thinking cause like my whole life I've been.
02:27:58 It's not.
02:27:58 This isn't like a new personality trait of mine.
02:28:01 My whole life I've been frustrated by people that are liars and that scam, you know, ******* for money.
02:28:11 And I, and I've even heard all the justifications.
02:28:15 Right, like a lot of these people, it's funny because the same justifications that you'll hear for people like John Edward, like, well, he's giving people hope.
02:28:24 Like when he was being interviewed by Whoopi Goldberg on the view or when he was being interviewed by Oprah.
02:28:31 He said the exact same thing that white pillars and cube ***** will say, like almost word for word, well, I'm giving them hope.
02:28:40 They have this.
02:28:42 Horrible thing in their lives and how can how can what I do be bad and misleading if I'm helping them get through something?
02:28:54 Dude and.
02:28:54 And look, they they'd say the same thing about their detractors, that people that you know, the the white pillars and the custards would say about me.
02:29:04 Oh, you're just trying.
02:29:05 You're just trying to demoralize people.
02:29:07 Why won't you just let people have their joy?
02:29:10 Why won't you just let people enjoy everything?
02:29:14 Why won't you just let them indulge in this fantasy?
02:29:20 It's the exact same ******* thing.
02:29:22 It's the same ******* scam.
02:29:25 And it just really came.
02:29:26 To me, as I was like, as if.
02:29:27 I was psychic.
02:29:30 But as I was looking at these old commercials, I was just like, holy ****, it's the same.
02:29:34 ******* scam.
02:29:35 It's the same exact ******* scam, and people are willing to hand over all the cash they have to hear these little ******* lies.
02:29:46 But, and it's insane that.
02:29:47 That's what it is, but.
02:29:48 It is.
02:29:48 That's how it is.
02:29:51 People have always been willing to hang. I mean, **** the the fact that they that the you know that that Miss Cleo's company.
02:30:00 Forgave 500 million and and owed charges.
02:30:06 You know, they collected more than that.
02:30:10 That's just what they couldn't collect.
02:30:12 500 ******* million dollars.
02:30:16 And those commercials ran in like every market for.
02:30:19 Several years.
02:30:22 Saying that she's not free.
02:30:32 Someone's banging on my fence.
Speaker 2
02:30:36 Yeah, it could be ghost.
02:30:37 Cat, I'm not gonna weird out yet, but something was definitely banging on my fence right up something.
02:30:42 My my front door is open because it's trying to.
02:30:46 Cool the place off.
02:30:48 And something smashed into my fence that sounded about cat size.
02:30:52 Or it could be a.
02:30:52 Coyote or something like that.
02:30:56 Anyway, or a chupacabra?
02:31:02 Since this is kind of a.
02:31:09 All right, someone said, don't you have cameras?
02:31:12 Yeah, not I don't have the monitors.
02:31:14 Those cameras.
02:31:15 Opened up right now.
02:31:17 I do have cameras.
02:31:18 Everyone should have cameras, especially if you live.
02:31:20 Middle of nowhere.
02:31:22 Not there'll be much on there.
02:31:23 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:31:25 More often than not, it's cool nature stuff that.
02:31:27 You catch on the on the cameras.
02:31:30 UM, let's see here.
02:31:33 Let's go to super chats.
02:31:38 Super chance from the Super Chads.
02:31:42 RIP Coolio says Nat Sock and sandals. Coolio dying. I didn't know Coolio died.
Speaker 10
02:31:51 What did he die of?
02:31:52 Seems like he'd be young, right?
02:31:54 Speaking of, that's kind of funny.
02:31:55 Speaking of I'm, I'm.
02:31:58 Pretty sure.
02:31:59 He's in dangerous minds, right?
02:32:00 Even did the theme song for that movie.
02:32:02 I brought up that movie, not knowing that Coolio was in it or that he.
02:32:05 Was dead.
02:32:05 Let's see Coolio, huh?
02:32:11 Coolio, dead at 59 five hours ago, huh?
02:32:20 Let's see here.
02:32:22 No drugs or paraphernalia were found at the scene.
02:32:35 Well, says he just.
02:32:36 Died in his at his mansion.
02:32:40 He was 59.
02:32:43 Or how old was he?
02:32:44 Where does it say?
02:32:48 Yeah, 59.
02:32:51 Well, who knows?
Speaker 10
02:32:53 Who knows?
02:32:57 He spent most of his life living in a gangster paradise, actually spent most of his life, and I think the Hollywood Hills but.
02:33:05 All right, cool.
02:33:06 Yes, dad.
02:33:10 You should have eaten the rattlesnake.
02:33:12 Rattlesnake is delicious.
02:33:13 I I thought about it.
02:33:14 I'd still.
02:33:15 I need to have someone.
02:33:17 Show me how to.
02:33:19 To gut it and everything without you know.
02:33:23 Without poisoning the meat, I'm sure it's not that difficult.
02:33:26 It's a snake, right?
02:33:27 Like it's just a tube.
02:33:29 A tube of meat.
02:33:31 But I did not eat the snake.
02:33:34 I thought about it.
02:33:34 I thought about just like cutting it open and winging it, or like trying to find like a YouTube video of, you know, or at least like sticking in the freezer and then and then go on the YouTube and see, like, you know, doing it that way.
02:33:48 But I just tucked it over the fence.
02:33:51 But you're right, I should do that.
02:33:52 I should do.
02:33:53 It would be good just to have that skill, yeah.
02:33:56 Once you do it once, it would be easier to do it in the future.
02:33:59 The Ministry of Truth.
02:34:00 Sorry, I've missed catching your recent streams.
02:34:02 I've been busy wedding planning and trying to figure out the homestead situation.
02:34:08 We enjoyed listening to the PAT Con series on your drive.
02:34:10 Up to our new place.
02:34:11 Well, congratulations on the wedding and the new place.
02:34:17 Hopefully it ends up being everything you.
02:34:20 Hoped it would be.
02:34:22 Water rates $5 is only fans.
02:34:26 The Clio of our current age, I know a lot of girls from 20 to 34 that are very into spiritualism. Magic sign reading, et cetera. But it seems to be carted, carted to sexual defense.
02:34:41 These days.
02:34:44 Now, I would say it's stuff like that better help hotline stuff.
02:34:49 I would imagine that a lot of these women that you're talking about are still in too tarot and stupid **** like that too.
02:34:57 Or astrology.
02:34:59 You know, all that stuff, all that.
Speaker 9
02:35:01 A lot of that you.
02:35:02 Know the.
02:35:03 The the idea of this this kind of spiritualism has always appealed to to women, white women specifically.
02:35:12 I lived in a hippie town for a while and worked at a hippie bar and you know it was.
02:35:17 It was amazing how seriously some of these.
02:35:21 Godless women took, you know, took this ****.
02:35:24 There were women that you know it's it's it's kind of funny, right?
02:35:27 Because you watch some of these movies from the 70s or hear boomers like comedians talking in the 70s and they always say the cliche like, what's your sign with the implication?
02:35:37 Meaning that that was a common thing to be asked in the 70s when you were dating.
02:35:41 And I I'll tell you like it, it was a common thing in this hippie bar to be asked that.
02:35:46 And I I there was.
02:35:47 A woman that I was chatting up that I thought was going along well that after finding out my sign I was dead to her.
02:35:55 Because that sign does not work well with her sign.
02:36:00 And so there's people that still believe this stupid ****.
02:36:03 UM.
02:36:05 But as far as only fans, only fans is.
02:36:09 Is just prostitution made made.
02:36:12 Made less scaring for women.
02:36:15 Water weights, sexual degeneracy, not defense.
02:36:17 That's what you meant.
02:36:19 Well, no.
02:36:20 I think that look, we've, and we've seen, like, the there's been videos of a lot of these women on YouTube Burning Sage in their apartment and doing all this hokey ****.
02:36:30 It's just women like this stupid ****.
02:36:33 They like, you know, crystals and sage and.
02:36:36 Tarot cards and just you know that This is why they need the patriarchy, because when left to their own devices they go instantly into witchcraft.
02:36:47 Think about that.
02:36:48 That's a true statement.
02:36:49 What I just said.
02:36:50 When women are not are not reined in by the patriarchy, their natural instinct is to go instantly into witchcraft.
02:36:59 It's true, it's just true.
02:37:03 Fashion BBQ $1.00 the burn the Burns Libel Edition part one had me thinking about small hat subversion. Communists really started to take hold.
02:37:13 Lucille Ball registered as a communist and she was an advocate for mixed marriages early on in TV, now mixed couples.
02:37:22 Is the only straight relationships acceptable in media?
02:37:27 Yeah, I don't know much about her background.
02:37:30 Is she a tribe member?
02:37:34 Lucille Ball Ball is ball of Jewish last name.
02:37:39 Let's check her early life.
02:37:43 Lucille Ball, early life.
02:37:46 Oh, she's from New York.
02:37:52 Now she's Baptist.
02:37:58 Yeah, no, she's Baptist.
02:38:02 So, but yeah, I mean, I don't know that I don't.
02:38:05 Know how controversial.
02:38:07 That would have been that be an interesting thing.
02:38:10 It's too bad.
02:38:10 There's probably a lot of articles that were written in response to a lot of these old TV shows that are just lost forever or they're on microfish somewhere, right?
02:38:18 Like, but it's too bad that.
02:38:20 Well, I guess if I could afford a, you know, the in same price of the Lexus Nexus subscription where you can search basically.
02:38:29 Anything and everything.
02:38:30 You could try to see if there were articles written at the time that were kind of.
02:38:35 You know, saying that that was that was a race mixed thing.
02:38:40 But I would.
02:38:40 I would say that at the time that that aired, Cuba was kind of the in thing and partially that was because the mafia was setting up casinos out there.
02:38:53 There was a lot of American investment.
02:38:55 There and you know, that's why you had it was it wasn't quite like the the British invasion.
02:39:02 When it comes to the music culture, you know, culturally, but a lot of Cuban music was entering into American culture as they were trying.
02:39:10 It was basically as an effort to increase tourism there because they, they, they.
02:39:16 The Mafia basically made that into a little money making resort country.
02:39:21 So that's what what accounted for a lot of that so.
02:39:24 I don't know.
02:39:25 How objectionable people found that, and they always made him look very white.
02:39:31 He just had the funny accent.
02:39:33 So I don't know how Americans would have perceived that.
02:39:39 And depending on what what part of you know in the same way, like in Mexico, there's very white looking Mexicans in the ruling class because they're direct descendants of generational wealth spans.
02:39:51 So I mean, there might be a little admixture in there, but there's a lot of well, uh, there's a lot, but there's a decent amount of Mexicans that are really genetically close to modern day Spaniards in the upper classes.
02:40:08 And I would imagine the same thing was probably true in Cuba at the time.
02:40:13 But I don't know.
02:40:14 I do not know.
Speaker 16
02:40:17 UM.
02:40:19 That might be a good thing to look into, though.
02:40:22 I used to watch the reruns of that when I was.
02:40:24 A little kid.
02:40:24 My mom would put that on.
02:40:27 I barely remember it now.
02:40:28 Though Simba $4.00 and an older woman in my college classes was into tarot cards.
02:40:36 One day she offered to do readings for a a few of us for my reading, she drew the disappointment card.
02:40:45 Which was very concerning for her.
02:40:47 Some coincidence.
02:40:49 There's been so much disappointment in my life, losing my wife and kids to LGBT.
02:40:53 Well, that's pretty intense, but I doubt I had anything to.
02:40:56 Do with the cards.
02:40:59 Yeah, it's just.
02:41:03 Yeah, some things are disappointing and that sounds very disappointing.
02:41:08 But I'll tell you what.
02:41:08 If she'd given me the disappointment card, it's not like I wouldn't have a list of things I was disappointed about either.
02:41:13 Or everyone else listening right now.
02:41:17 The Ministry of Truth here's a 1998 article on Israel trying to create an ethno state disease to wipe out Arabs.
02:41:25 I wonder who else they might want to use it on now?
02:41:28 Yeah, that's I've heard about that.
02:41:30 Where they want to.
02:41:31 They wanted to make a a biological weapon that would target genetically.
02:41:37 Non Jews, essentially.
02:41:38 Yeah, I obviously you gotta realize they you want.
02:41:45 We've always known Jews were ethnocentric.
02:41:48 And when you give people that are that ethnocentric their own country and their paranoia switches from, well, I gotta rein this in a little bit because I'm in a host country.
02:42:00 And remember, remember the last stream or the clip of the woman that said, well, we had to be a little bit quiet.
02:42:04 Otherwise Americans might start saying, yeah, Jews are like that and then they would start.
02:42:09 Holocaust in US.
02:42:11 That that doesn't exist.
02:42:12 That feeling, that fear, that paranoia doesn't exist when they're on their own country.
02:42:18 It it just gets turned outwardly, you know.
02:42:21 And so instead of being afraid of being found.
02:42:24 Out like they, you know that fear they have in in host countries when they're in their own country, that fear is like ohh all the other countries around them, they must be invaded by their golem America.
02:42:37 So that we can be safe.
02:42:39 So absolutely, I would not, even for a second doubt that if that, I mean, if it's not already developed, then it's being researched very heavily that there would be ethnically deployable biological weapons that.
Speaker 10
02:42:55 That they would have.
02:42:58 Then we have Jack Burton with the N and I at G.
02:43:02 And then let the chat fill in.
02:43:04 The rest.
02:43:06 Thanks, Devin.
02:43:08 Water weights. Never mind TikTok advice is our psychics today for women. I'm not on TikTok so I'm assuming I can guess what it is though, just based on the name.
02:43:21 Where you know I and there's I have seen.
02:43:24 I've seen some of these clips.
02:43:25 So I think I know you're talking about where it's just really bad advice from some woman that looks like she's got it all together.
02:43:32 You know, she's like the.
02:43:33 Oh, like the the Instagram model type girl giving that has it all, you know, at least as far as it looks like on social media giving, like, the worst ******* advice in the world.
02:43:45 And advice that's not designed to be helpful, but to appeal to the most people.
02:43:52 Darius, $5 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, love this dreams. My friend is married to a Butch **** who larps as a Nazi.
02:43:59 But as fervent about wanting carpet, she relies heavily on psychic readings and tarot card BS for validation.
02:44:07 My friend tells our group we're purely spiraling for opposing her.
02:44:11 No, she's a witch.
02:44:14 You know that's that's what it is, you know?
02:44:18 And he's a cook.
02:44:20 It doesn't matter that she's not sucking another ****.
02:44:22 If she's if she's sexually engaged with another person, he's.
02:44:26 A cook.
02:44:27 That's just the way that it is and he's a **** to a woman that believes magic the gathering.
02:44:34 Is real.
02:44:38 And a lesbian to boot, which means she's not even 100% into him like he's there's so much cuck in what you just said. If it's true that.
02:44:47 I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself already.
02:44:49 In shame hammer of Thorazine, 1488.
Speaker 4
02:44:56 Money, money, money, money.
02:45:00 Appreciate that another scam these days are women being life coaches.
02:45:05 Well, that's been around a long time too.
02:45:07 That's that was actually around back in.
02:45:09 The 90s as.
02:45:10 Well, where they basically get paid to gossip with clients and market it as counseling, but without going through the schooling to become a therapist.
02:45:20 Now others even make live coach certifications.
02:45:25 Amazing to watch a scam evolve in complexity?
02:45:28 Yeah, that's that start, that kind of **** started out back in the 90s.
02:45:32 There was a reality TV show that was basically life coaches trying to get women to get their **** together.
02:45:40 And it was, it was kind of structured like cause it was a reality TV show.
02:45:44 And at the time.
02:45:46 Every new reality TV show that would come out would be structured kind of like real world in a way where you'd have like the, you know, like the the different activities they would do together and then you'd cut to like the confessional room and stuff like that.
02:46:02 Yeah, that's that.
02:46:04 That was her.
02:46:04 I remember saying that and going really ******* life, coach.
02:46:07 And that same stupid ***** I was telling you about.
02:46:10 That was into the secret that I did it a million years ago.
02:46:13 That was like one of her big aspirations was to become a life coach.
02:46:16 It's it's.
02:46:17 It's, you know, when left to their own devices, women become witches.
02:46:24 Regarded ******** ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 11
02:46:27 Cash flow checkout.
02:46:35 I'd like to return.
Speaker 3
02:46:35 This duck.
02:46:38 Do you think the Ukrainian war is starting to escalate severely? It's getting to the point where people are getting nervous that we may see a nuke or two go off in our lifetime. Think there's a non 0% chance we may get to or may get that Black Swan incident.
02:46:56 I don't think.
Speaker 9
02:46:58 That there will be a.
02:46:59 Nuclear exchange over what's happening in Ukraine.
02:47:05 I don't think that the chance is 0.
02:47:08 But I think it's pretty low.
02:47:11 And I also think that the Western governments are using this.
02:47:15 To scare people.
02:47:17 But ironically, and I said this on gab the other day.
02:47:20 People don't seem all that bothered by the idea, including myself.
02:47:24 Honestly, there is a, and maybe it's a sick part of me I don't know, but there's like a weird part of me that.
02:47:30 Kind of just like like I've been hearing about ******* nuclear war my entire life.
02:47:35 I kind of want to just like.
02:47:36 Maybe see it?
02:47:40 You know, I just want to, like, see what it looks like.
02:47:42 I don't know.
02:47:43 Like maybe that's maybe that's bad.
02:47:45 I mean, it's horrific, right?
02:47:46 But that's maybe that's just the.
02:47:48 You know that's I'm just being.
02:47:50 I'm being honest with you.
02:47:52 There is a part of.
Speaker 10
02:47:52 Me, it's.
02:47:53 A part of me.
02:47:54 It's not all.
02:47:55 It's not even half of me, but there's a small.
02:47:57 Part of.
02:47:57 Me. That's kind of like.
02:48:00 Ah, go for it. Let's.
02:48:01 Let's see what that's like.
Speaker 9
02:48:04 Why not?
02:48:05 We haven't done that.
02:48:06 Yet let's do that.
02:48:08 But no, I I it's it's being blown over proportion like when you hear the Western representatives talk like Oh my God, you know Putin is threatening nuclear weapon when you go back and look at what he actually said, he's not not threatening but he's not like I'm going to nuke the West if they don't stop ******* with me.
02:48:29 He's not saying that.
02:48:30 I would say the escalation.
02:48:31 Of going after the pipeline.
02:48:34 Which for hopefully most of you guys know this by now there was a pipeline.
02:48:38 What was it 2 days ago or yesterday?
02:48:40 I forget what day exactly, and my days are kind of a blur over here right now because my sleep schedule is.
02:48:44 Backwards right now, but that there was a pipeline that would provide rushing natural gas to Europe that was blown up.
02:48:55 Most likely, in fact, almost definitely by the United States, and that's an act of war.
02:49:05 Right.
02:49:06 I mean, I can't if that's not an.
02:49:08 Act of war what is?
02:49:10 That's way more of an act of war than many of the things the United States.
02:49:15 Have gone to war over.
02:49:18 Even if we don't call it war all the time, it's war, right?
02:49:23 Like, why did we go to war in Afghanistan?
02:49:25 What was the justification for that?
02:49:28 Because we thought they had a terrorist in their country.
02:49:33 You know.
02:49:36 That's a major escalation.
02:49:38 But you got to also understand Russia is not.
02:49:44 In a position.
02:49:49 Like they're not small and weak, but they're also you can only have so many fronts, right?
02:49:54 Like you can't be at war in all these different places.
02:49:57 And I I don't think that they'd want to take on the West.
02:50:02 And I think in in the.
02:50:07 I think the ways that they would want that to happen is kind of the way that it's happening now.
02:50:11 I mean, maybe not the the pipeline getting.
02:50:13 Blown up, but they they.
02:50:15 Would prefer in the same way the West would prefer to have you know, a proxy war.
02:50:20 Because that is low investment for them and they're able to assert their power while not really having to put a whole lot of.
02:50:30 Money on the table.
02:50:33 I I think that.
02:50:36 Russia actually would prefer that too, because it limits what the West is going to be able to do now.
02:50:43 Obviously, bombing that pipeline kind of expanded what I thought was.
02:50:48 I didn't think that that would take place.
02:50:49 I don't know why I maybe I just wasn't paying attention because Biden said basically that earlier this year, I think many of you have probably seen the clip where he said.
02:50:57 I think it was in February that if Russian tanks crossed into the Ukrainian territory that that pipeline would.
02:51:04 Cease to exist.
02:51:06 Like he, he made it obvious that America would blow up the pipeline.
02:51:10 The pipeline got blown up.
02:51:12 Pretty sure it was America.
02:51:14 I think you'd have to be insane to not understand.
02:51:17 That then that's what happened.
02:51:21 What is Russia's capabilities in terms of responding to that when they're already wrapped up in a fairly immense military operation?
02:51:30 You know, I guess in some ways maybe that makes nuclear weapons more likely because their their options are so limited, right?
02:51:39 Because they couldn't commit like another.
02:51:42 Few million people on a different front, but they, I mean you got like.
02:51:48 You got like nukes for days, right?
02:51:49 Like they got all kinds of these things they could lob at at people.
02:51:53 But I think that they also understand the severe repercussions of that right.
02:51:58 They know that if they, if they were to fire a nuke off at any one in the West, they'd be getting one up the ***.
02:52:05 And so I don't know that that's an exchange that they want to have taking place.
02:52:12 So who knows?
02:52:14 Who knows?
02:52:15 Unfortunately, a lot of this just comes down to.
02:52:22 We don't have any control over it, you know, I mean, like a lot.
02:52:24 Of it just comes down to like, what is the, what is the military industrial complex slash deep state slash ruling class like what's most?
02:52:34 Profitable to them, it has nothing to do with your safety, has nothing to do with what's morally right, has nothing to do with even even.
02:52:46 Realistic you?
02:52:48 Know national security as they like to say.
02:52:51 It it really?
02:52:52 Does come down to what's more profitable to a?
02:52:54 Small group of people.
02:52:56 So if they.
02:52:57 Do a calculation and it comes up that that's going to be really popular.
02:53:01 Who knows, maybe they're going to invest a lot in iodine, you know, pills.
02:53:06 I wouldn't put it.
02:53:07 Yeah, you know what?
02:53:07 I mean like I wouldn't put it.
02:53:08 Past them, but I just don't worry about.
Speaker 9
02:53:12 It I'll tell you what well before.
02:53:14 This kind of **** was going on.
02:53:15 I took that into account when selecting a place to live.
02:53:19 If you're going to be going to a homestead to live out, you know a life disconnected from society.
02:53:26 You should probably maybe.
02:53:27 Not look or, you know, work or I'm sorry.
02:53:29 Live too close to a A.
02:53:33 An area, whether it's just an urban area or like a military base that's likely to get you.
02:53:39 Know get struck by some kind of weapon of mass destruction that might bleed into your territory.
02:53:45 But at the same time, like I don't, I don't.
02:53:47 Sweat it that much.
02:53:50 ******** ****** $1.00 again.
Speaker 3
02:53:54 Easy money.
02:53:57 Oh no, it's the same one they just said it twice.
02:53:59 Never mind.
02:54:02 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:54:03 Feinberg print on the bottom of the commercials 1st 3 minutes, AKA.
02:54:10 By the time you put your card into or info in the time is up.
02:54:16 Also, people would think time doesn't start while you are on hold.
02:54:22 Now and then they have your credit card number and they can continue to charge you and charge you and charge you and sign you up for magazines and signing up for this.
02:54:30 And they will.
02:54:31 And they did.
02:54:32 They did stuff like that.
02:54:35 There was a lot of scams like that going on back then.
02:54:38 And people, because it was the high trust.
02:54:40 Society that.
02:54:41 That there was a shocking amount.
02:54:43 Of high trust still.
02:54:45 It was fading quickly, but in the 90s it was.
02:54:48 It was still not all the way dead.
02:54:52 Dan Bigfoot.
02:54:52 My father got scammed from one of the Billy Mays, one of Billy Mays products.
02:54:56 They charged him monthly and back.
02:54:58 Then you couldn't just cancel something instantly.
02:55:02 All you could do, you'd have to cancel your entire credit card.
02:55:05 It's like Columbia house.
02:55:06 If any of you guys ever joined that when you were a kid.
02:55:08 That was like *******.
02:55:11 It's like being indefinitely in.
02:55:13 Debt so that you could have a few CDs.
02:55:18 I signed up underage and my mom called them up and.
02:55:22 Enraged at them and I ended up just.
02:55:24 Getting to keep.
02:55:25 The CDs, which was kind of fun.
02:55:28 Big Chris, $5 appreciate that. Hey, buddy, I've been watching you for a long time. The great boomer deception is my favorite video.
02:55:36 You did.
02:55:37 Thanks for the work you put in.
02:55:39 Here's a beer on me.
02:55:40 I appreciate the beer.
02:55:43 Guitar dude 1356. A huge portion of Jewish cohesion is based on the Holocaust myth.
02:55:50 And their unity.
02:55:52 Would likely dissolve in one or two generations.
02:55:54 Without that glue, what if we all collectively just start calling it BS and maybe infiltrate their temples to spread the truth to longer?
02:56:02 Well, I don't think I can do that.
02:56:03 I think that that's here's the thing.
02:56:06 They had this nepotism prior to World War 2. It's not a new thing. They've had this persecution narrative for centuries because they've got 109 instances that they can cry per.
02:56:21 So even if there wasn't the Holocaust, there was this, there was that there was, you know, like the.
02:56:29 In that cartoon, the cartoon mouse movie.
02:56:36 American tail.
02:56:37 You know it's the Cossacks, right?
02:56:39 And so it's it's, it's always something.
02:56:42 So I don't think I could do that and.
02:56:43 I also look part of their.
02:56:46 Religion makes it extremely difficult to infiltrate.
02:56:49 Not that I'd even recommend putting in the time if it wasn't.
02:56:53 Because there is the ethnic component to it, and even if you want to be like a a goy that converts, I mean it's possible, but it's like really ******* hard.
02:57:04 Like you have to like learn Hebrew and all this ******* ******** that no one bothers to do.
02:57:09 So it's not like it's not like a Christian Church reading to show up and be like I like Jesus.
02:57:15 And then they're like, oh, you're.
02:57:16 Come on.
02:57:17 Space sex just recently found your stream and you're the first content creator I've supported.
02:57:23 Glad you're doing what I haven't had the balls to do.
02:57:26 Well, I appreciate that, but you should.
02:57:29 You should have some balls.
02:57:31 You should have some balls.
02:57:34 The worst thing that happens is.
02:57:37 You filter out all the weak people in.
02:57:39 Your life and yes, that could also mean employers.
02:57:45 Guitar, but thank you all the same guitar dude, you still cool Vincent James, I get my history.
02:57:52 News history.
02:57:54 Wait, I get my news slash history from you 2.
02:57:58 How would you raise your kids these days?
02:58:00 Or you have multiple questions there?
02:58:03 I'm like, I don't.
02:58:05 I don't got a BBQ with them or like that, but I don't have a problem with them.
02:58:10 I I haven't talked to him in a while.
02:58:13 But yeah, he's cool 3 how would you raise your kids these days if you if you tell them that the sorry, I'm obviously tired, how would you raise your kids these days if you tell them that the.
02:58:29 Truth, they may tell people and you would be known in the community as the racist.
02:58:34 Inspiratory theorist, etc.
02:58:36 Would you just swear them to secrecy?
02:58:38 No, I would never do that.
02:58:39 I would just normalize it to them.
02:58:41 So what?
02:58:43 What are you afraid of?
02:58:47 Do you you know what, I.
02:58:48 Mean like we are.
02:58:50 Think of it this way.
02:58:52 Would you hide your?
02:58:53 You're starting to sound kind of like a shifty Jew if you do it that way, would you hide your religion from your community out of fear of persecution?
02:59:02 Well, then, what kind of community is that?
02:59:04 And, well, certainly what we're talking about here in this instance isn't necessarily religion.
02:59:09 It's it's not, it's not unrelated.
02:59:14 It definitely has to do with worldview.
02:59:18 I would I'm.
02:59:19 I'm not going to tell my kids to.
02:59:22 I'll tell you.
02:59:22 I'll tell you what.
02:59:23 There's a context.
02:59:24 Right.
02:59:25 Like if if there was some long term plan that a a child of mine had to infiltrate a.
02:59:32 Law school or?
02:59:33 I don't know.
02:59:34 I don't know.
02:59:34 I can't think of an instance where, like, that's realistic that I would.
02:59:38 Think that it would be advisable to hide their true feelings.
02:59:41 Now that said, I don't go around just spouting off to everyone in my community.
02:59:45 What I believe all the time just because I wouldn't anyway.
02:59:49 You know, like I wouldn't if I was a a.
02:59:54 A very religious person with, you know, really strong faith.
02:59:59 UM, I'm still not the kind of person that would just go around trying to get everyone to go to my ******* church all the time.
03:00:05 I would just.
03:00:07 You know, if it came up it would, it would come up, but I wouldn't.
03:00:10 And I would.
03:00:11 I wouldn't lie at that point, but I also.
03:00:12 Wouldn't just go around, you know, like just in the same way.
03:00:15 I'm not going to walk around every time I go fill up my car with gas, I'm not gonna be at the gas station going.
03:00:22 Hey, how's it going?
03:00:23 Kind of ashamed the way the, you know, the Jews are are, you know.
Speaker 9
03:00:28 It's it's, there's there's.
03:00:30 No, you know, there's no reason for me to just do that.
03:00:33 And so that's that's all I would say is.
03:00:37 There's a time and a place for.
03:00:41 Proselytizing, I guess.
03:00:43 And it's not just randomly around everyone you meet.
03:00:48 But if it got out.
Speaker 10
03:00:50 Ohh yeah, Devin believes this.
03:00:51 ****, I'm not gonna hide behind it.
03:00:54 I'm not gonna be like, no, no, blacks are totally based. No, no. I have a Jewish friend. I'm not anti-Semitic.
03:01:05 I'm not going to get all defensive and weird about it.
Speaker 10
03:01:07 I don't care.
03:01:08 Damn big for $3. Do you feel like people are going along to get along these days with these shysters?
03:01:15 Oh wait. Well.
03:01:17 Do you think like people going along to get along with these shysters or like the parents having to pretend Santa is real?
03:01:25 Like the evangelical pastors waving their hands and you fall to the ground?
03:01:30 I think that the reason why there is such it's the same like.
03:01:35 It's it's bedtime stories.
03:01:39 There are some kids that can't go to bed and won't stay in bed unless their mommy comes in and reads them.
03:01:47 A nice little story because they're afraid of the monster under the bed.
03:01:52 And there are some kids that aren't afraid of the dark.
03:01:56 But a lot of kids are.
03:01:58 And so that's why I think it's kids that are afraid of the dark.
03:02:04 Uh. Returned duck $15. Let's see here.
Speaker 22
03:02:11 Why is money management?
03:02:17 Thank you.
03:02:19 Can I tip my way into having you watch a clip?
03:02:24 YT freedoms YT Freedom Riders cut scene 2.
03:02:31 You can start at the 115 mark to skip the note passing filler. I face pumped the whole thing, but you and your audience might get a kick. I don't know what what this is.
03:02:43 YouTube Freedom Riders cut scene 2.
03:02:47 I don't know sometimes.
03:02:50 Oh, it's a slow night.
03:02:51 Maybe let's do it.
03:02:53 That this was like hour 4 I'd say say.
03:02:56 Probably I'll check it out later, but let's see what this is.
Speaker 10
03:02:58 I don't know what this is.
03:03:01 Some horrible moving.
03:03:03 Some horrible teen movie that's got like some.
03:03:07 Black power seen in it.
03:03:09 Let me see.
03:03:13 It's better not crash the stream.
03:03:20 Trying to download it, it's going slow.
Speaker 7
03:03:23 It just picked.
03:03:24 Let's see.
03:03:24 Let's have a little.
Speaker 10
03:03:25 Look, see here.
03:03:33 My computer is quite slow.
03:03:35 I have a floor running to clean.
03:03:36 Out because it's so big that it it.
03:03:39 You just have to wait for it.
03:03:40 To figure out that.
03:03:42 I don't know why this.
03:03:43 Is because I've had much slower.
03:03:47 Pre Windows 10 computers and Macs that did not have this kind of trouble.
03:03:52 I don't know why my computer has such a problem with having lots of files in the same folder, but it does.
03:03:59 It seems like a new thing, like something got worse.
Speaker 9
03:04:03 Alright so.
03:04:08 I don't know what this is.
03:04:09 Let's see what this.
03:04:10 Is why not?
Speaker 40
03:04:15 What is that?
03:04:16 That's me.
03:04:18 That's not a white savior movie.
03:04:25 What was on the what was on the paper?
03:04:30 Was it some racist anti black thing?
03:04:39 It's hard to tell with the resolution.
03:04:42 But it's, uh.
03:04:44 Jamal and it's got big lips.
03:04:48 No, I'm sure like the white lady will fix it for everybody.
Speaker 22
03:05:04 Is this just?
Speaker 31
03:05:05 Leave it alone.
03:05:08 Yeah, it's all.
03:05:09 It's always the poor black kid that's getting.
03:05:11 Picked on in the class.
03:05:13 I think that I saw that happen.
03:05:14 Oh, I don't know.
03:05:16 Never in my life.
Speaker 12
03:05:24 You think this is funny?
03:05:30 Would this be funny if it were a?
03:05:31 Picture of you it ain't.
03:05:44 In a multicultural society, that's the most sensical answer.
03:05:48 He could have given.
Speaker 12
03:05:52 Close the workbooks.
03:06:01 Maybe we should talk about.
03:06:02 Art Tito's got real talent.
03:06:03 Don't you think?
Speaker 31
03:06:06 Don't you know?
Speaker 12
03:06:08 You know something?
03:06:10 I saw a picture just like this once.
03:06:13 In a museum.
03:06:15 Only it wasn't a black man.
03:06:17 It was a Jewish man.
03:06:18 And instead of the big.
03:06:19 He had a really big.
03:06:20 Nose like a rats nose.
03:06:23 But he wasn't just one particular Jewish man.
03:06:25 This was a drawing of all Jews.
03:06:27 And these drawings were put in the newspapers by the most famous gang in history.
Speaker 10
03:06:33 The Nazis.
Speaker 12
03:06:38 Do you think you know all about gangs?
03:06:42 Your amateurs.
03:06:44 This gang would put you all to shame and they started out poor and angry, and everybody looked down on them until one man decided to give them some pride.
03:06:53 An identity.
03:06:55 And somebody to blame?
03:06:56 White people can't have pride or identity, that's for sure.
Speaker 12
03:07:01 Take over neighborhoods.
03:07:04 That's nothing compared to them.
03:07:06 It took over countries.
Speaker 16
03:07:08 You want to know how?
03:07:11 I think it's kind of funny.
Speaker 9
03:07:12 Because, you know, inadvertently.
03:07:17 She's implying that they wouldn't be capable of dealing with.
Speaker 10
03:07:20 What the whites did?
03:07:21 Like that's kind of what the implication is.
Speaker 12
03:07:24 They just wiped out everybody else.
03:07:29 Yeah, they wiped out everybody they didn't like and everybody they blamed for their life being hard.
03:07:35 And one of the ways they did it was by doing this, see they print pictures like this in the newspapers, Jewish people with big long noses, blacks with big fat lips.
03:07:46 It also published scientific evidence.
03:07:49 That proved Jews and blacks were the lowest.
03:07:51 Form of human species.
03:07:54 Jews and blacks were more like animals and because they were just like animals, it didn't really matter.
Speaker 9
03:07:57 Wait, hold on.
03:07:58 Hold on, hold.
03:07:58 On did she?
03:07:59 Did she say that proved?
Speaker 12
03:08:02 Compared to them.
03:08:04 Everybody they didn't like and everybody they blame for their life being hard and one of the ways they did it was by doing this, see they print pictures like this in the newspapers.
03:08:14 Jewish people with.
03:08:15 Big, long noses, blacks with big fat lips.
03:08:21 It also published scientific evidence.
03:08:23 That proved Jews and blacks were the lowest form of human species.
Speaker 9
03:08:33 You're OK.
03:08:34 Poor poor choice of words.
03:08:36 If you're saying it proved it.
Speaker 12
03:08:42 It also published scientific evidence that proved Jews and blacks were the lowest form of human species.
03:08:51 OK, this is pretty long.
03:08:53 How long does this go on for?
03:08:54 This is, like really long.
03:08:55 It's like I'm watching a whole ******* movie.
Speaker 12
03:08:59 Jews and blacks were more like animals and because they were just like animals, it didn't really matter whether they lived or died.
03:09:05 You know, it's funny Jews, Speaking of which, published religious books.
03:09:11 That have zero science that say we're like animals.
03:09:16 I guess you're not going.
03:09:17 You're not going to mention.
03:09:18 That are you.
Speaker 12
03:09:19 In fact, life would be a whole lot better if they were all dead.
03:09:25 That's how a Holocaust happens.
03:09:27 And that's what you all think.
03:09:28 Of each other.
Speaker 5
03:09:29 You don't know nothing home girl.
Speaker 15
03:09:30 No, I don't.
Speaker 12
03:09:31 Marcus, so why don't you explain it?
03:09:32 To me.
03:09:32 Alright, explaining **** to you.
Speaker 5
03:09:37 Do you even know he lived?
Speaker 21
03:09:40 We will see it first, man.
Speaker 12
03:09:45 Alright, alright, alright.
03:09:46 She just started her race war.
03:09:48 I don't know why I keep watching this.
03:09:49 This is like, really ******* long.
Speaker 12
03:09:52 So what you're saying is, if the Latinos weren't here or the Cambodians or the Blacks or the whites or whoever they are, if they weren't here, everything would be better for you, isn't?
03:09:59 That right?
03:10:03 Unironically yes to all those groups if every group.
03:10:09 Had their own place, it would be better for those individual groups.
03:10:15 Anyway, yeah, I don't.
03:10:16 I I don't know.
03:10:17 Can't keep watching.
03:10:18 This this is really, really ******* long.
03:10:21 But yeah, this is this is basically what that what that Coolio movie was like? I don't know if she brought the Holocaust. I I don't remember her doing that. But I also would not be surprised. Right. Tangle $20.
Speaker 27
03:10:39 When you're trying to save money a good.
03:10:41 Rule to follow is to.
03:10:50 Take it from these your neighbors.
03:10:51 It'll pay dividends.
03:10:54 Yes, I will.
03:10:55 Hey, Devin.
03:10:55 I've been enjoying your video since the YouTube video or YouTube days.
03:11:00 I've been black filling my bass girlfriend with your content and I'll be catching the replay at my wage slave job to pay for that college education.
03:11:09 All right, well, good luck.
03:11:13 Appreciate the support and hopefully hopefully you can put a ring on that finger and start popping out some black pilled babies.
03:11:23 Nationalist homestead hope you're doing well and I hope your homestead projects are coming along.
03:11:30 You ought to do a defiant style.
03:11:32 Video, but about **** and grooming.
03:11:34 God bless.
03:11:35 Thanks for the content.
03:11:38 Yeah, it might not be a bad idea.
03:11:39 It might not be a bad idea.
03:11:41 There's certainly enough clips to do it with, right?
03:11:47 Yeah, that might not be a bad idea.
03:11:49 That'll take some time to do, and I've got a lot of stuff going.
03:11:51 Speaking of Homestead projects, there's a lot of painting did a lot of painting today.
03:11:56 I'm covered in paint.
03:11:58 Covered in paint.
03:11:59 It'll do a lot of painting today.
03:12:03 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:12:04 Notice these?
03:12:05 John Edward never noticed these John Edwards never get asked questions.
03:12:11 When they do, it's pill pull lawyers speaking, not answering exactly now.
03:12:15 Just they're all con artists.
03:12:17 It's it's not amazing to me that he exists.
03:12:20 It's not even amazing to me that he existed for as long as he did in the 90s.
03:12:25 It's it's a little amazing that he's still around.
03:12:30 That he still gets interviews and he still is not subjected to any kind of scrutiny.
03:12:38 That to me says he serves a purpose to the machine.
03:12:42 Because they would like nothing more as a news organization or as one of these shows to do some big expose where they burn someone like a charlatan, right?
03:12:54 They would love that.
03:12:55 Unless he serves a purpose for them, in which case they'll embrace it.
03:13:01 I think some of them are stupid enough to where they fall for it, but I mean, the people at the top can't.
03:13:05 Buy that ****.
03:13:05 It's so obviously.
03:13:07 A scam.
03:13:12 Nationalist homestead.
03:13:13 Also, I had a banner made with QR codes to pack comma defiant have not dropped it yet, but have plans for getting.
03:13:24 But have plans for getting after it in a couple of weeks.
03:13:27 Check it out.
03:13:29 So here's let me pop this up.
03:13:43 Let me save this here.
03:13:45 This looks like a banner.
03:13:48 You know, put a banner up man's pretty awesome.
Speaker 30
03:13:53 Let's see here.
03:14:02 Like that.
03:14:08 Yeah, resize it so it fits.
03:14:14 Yeah, it's hard to tell from the picture.
03:14:16 Here it looks like that's a banner.
03:14:19 Like for over the freeway or something like that.
03:14:25 I wonder how often people actually use QR codes.
03:14:27 I've been trying to use QR codes for to send people to things for over 10 years.
03:14:33 And I've always wondered like how effective that is, because I don't think that I'm personally and maybe people do now more because I started using it like 10 years.
03:14:39 Ago, but I personally used to put QR codes on everything and then like, but I never myself ever scan QR codes, but maybe that's more of a normal thing.
03:14:50 For people to.
03:14:51 Do these days.
03:14:53 That's pretty cool, all right.
03:14:55 Winter child Catholics have the confessional to help people deal with.
03:15:01 Psychoanalyst is just the Jewish knockoff in German.
03:15:06 German priests are also called seal Sorger, which means soul carer.
03:15:14 Yeah, it's just.
03:15:14 They're replacing, they're replacing look, and even.
03:15:18 I mean, Mormons don't have a confessional booth, in fact.
03:15:24 The only time you'd have to, you'd have to tell your Bishop.
03:15:28 The bad thing he did is if it was like.
03:15:29 Really bad.
03:15:31 Otherwise you you got it, you got it covered, right?
03:15:34 Like if you lie or do something small, you're able to handle that on your own.
03:15:39 Not a big deal, but if you're like, I don't know.
03:15:41 You and your wife, then you probably have.
03:15:43 To go talk to someone about it.
03:15:45 And I think that serves a purpose.
03:15:47 I think it's good.
03:15:48 It's just and I think it works for humans and clearly they have a desire for it or these psychics wouldn't exist.
03:15:55 Red pilled.
03:15:57 I remember all those psychic hotline commercials.
03:16:00 A great lead into how people are geared towards a confirmation bias.
03:16:04 Notice how people are gear right?
03:16:07 Notice how it's almost always women in those crowds apart from the loss of the South and the war between the states giving women the vote was the mark of the end of the Republic.
03:16:16 Exactly. Exactly.
03:16:19 Women are very easy to manipulate.
03:16:23 From a position of.
03:16:25 It's in fact they're going to gravitate towards the official position of power naturally, just you know, because that's evolutionarily how it's how it's worked out.
03:16:39 Red Pilled Christian, $5 Ben Shapiro is a master at this. He finds what is ******* people off and as long as it isn't too based, he brings it up and makes videos on it.
03:16:50 Perfect example is him making videos recently about the Amazon Lord of the Rings.
03:16:55 He sees the potential grift.
03:16:57 And can't resist trying to cash in exactly.
03:17:00 There's people that do that with a lot.
03:17:01 This stuff, that's another reason why I don't go after the new stuff like, you know, like she Hulk.
03:17:08 And you know, the stuff that everyone's sitting there like they're they're spending hours and hours and hours ******** about and it's like.
03:17:16 You know, like I'll bring it up.
03:17:17 I think it's important to know, you know, like I brought up, I think like The Little Mermaid and and whatever, but that I just.
03:17:23 Brought it up.
03:17:23 I was like, hey, look this and then moved on.
03:17:25 I'm not going to sit there.
03:17:26 I'm not even gonna watch that.
03:17:28 But they know that a lot.
03:17:29 The irony is the only reason why that's going to appeal to so many ******* people is so many other ******* people that say they hate it are going to pay money to see it.
03:17:37 That's the honest God, honest truth right there.
03:17:41 Iron Pilled enjoy these shilled shillings and shekels shelled out for the showcasing, showing pseudo serendipitous and some tuntum US signed.
03:17:54 Tells during all right, this is going to be too hard during the scintillating shilling of sacrosanct psychic stories.
03:18:03 There you go.
03:18:05 I don't know if you guys heard Ghost Cat Ghost.
03:18:06 Cat just me out of the door.
03:18:09 I mean, I'll get to him in a minute.
03:18:12 Jack Russell.
03:18:14 Many charismatic church leaders are doing these same scams.
03:18:19 When you don't respond the way they want you to, they will tell you that you are not faithful enough, right?
03:18:24 Or that.
03:18:24 You're going to home.
03:18:26 It's the same ******* scam.
03:18:27 It's the same grift.
03:18:28 It's it's just human.
03:18:29 Psychology is not that complicated.
03:18:32 And so it's just a different flavor of the exact same tricks.
03:18:36 Semper legales, $5. Here's to Mr. clean. He passed away last night and was a follower. RIP Mr. Klein.
03:18:48 I think I.
03:18:50 Seem to remember that name.
03:18:55 Well, let's get a big ****** chat for Mr.
03:18:59 I don't know if I got something I can play for Mr.
03:19:04 I don't think I have anything really loaded up.
03:19:07 Well, this would be kind of mean.
Speaker 10
03:19:08 I get.
03:19:09 I'm not going to do that, Ben.
03:19:15 I don't know.
03:19:16 I don't really have anything.
03:19:17 I we can say Mr.
03:19:18 Clean has traveled through a wormhole.
03:19:26 That's all I got nothing but big F.
03:19:28 For Mr. clean.
03:19:32 Hang on one SEC.
03:19:33 Go, Scott.
03:19:38 I might have to go get him.
03:19:43 Hang on one second guys.
03:19:45 I do have something fun for you to watch though.
03:19:50 I have a lot of stuff I didn't play here.
03:19:56 What is this?
03:20:06 What have we got here?
03:20:11 We've got.
03:20:17 Yeah, I'm going to just play something totally different.
03:20:20 It's not really having to deal with this, I'm just going to play.
03:20:23 A song for you guys.
03:20:27 Let's find.
03:20:37 Here we go.
03:20:47 I'll be right back.
Speaker 2
03:21:30 The name and the address of everyone I've ever known is nothing.
03:21:41 Save it for another.
03:21:45 Lesson kids have run away.
03:22:23 Trust you don't.
03:22:25 I've not got much to get.
03:22:34 Know who?
03:22:37 You made me understand.
03:23:56 I'm back.
03:23:56 Sorry about that guys.
Speaker 7
03:24:00 Try to figure what to do with that ******* cat.
03:24:07 Back to the Super chats.
03:24:13 Oh boy.
03:24:17 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:24:18 Oh, God.
03:24:18 Couples therapy is just plant or just paying a woman to gang up on you with her girlfriend.
03:24:24 Yeah, I would.
03:24:25 Say if it's, if it's non religious couples therapy, that's 100% what it is.
03:24:30 But I think I've never I I.
03:24:31 Can only imagine I've never been a couples therapy.
03:24:35 You've already lost the you've already lost the battle. If you're going to couples therapy, didn't $1.40 so you began the string with a Coolio video without knowing that Coolio had been pronounced dead earlier this evening? Yeah, I didn't know. I'm being told that a woman named Miss Cleo got the last laugh tonight.
03:24:57 Miss Coolio?
03:24:58 I don't know what you mean by the she got the last laugh.
03:25:00 Though she got, I think she got bone.
03:25:03 Cancer as well she got.
03:25:07 Glock 23, do you ever watch handsome truth on Goyem TV, TV?
03:25:13 Or an odyssey on odyssey.
03:25:17 No, I.
03:25:18 That name sounds familiar.
03:25:20 I might have seen him on, like, millennial or something like that.
03:25:26 But no, I can't.
03:25:28 I can't say.
03:25:30 I've seen his show.
03:25:31 I don't watch a lot.
03:25:32 Of stuff, though.
03:25:35 So it's not.
03:25:37 And does the main thing about a show?
03:25:39 And when I do, it's usually I look for really long things that I can listen to while I'm doing stuff.
03:25:45 His flyer, you know, deal with it.
03:25:48 His his flyer campaign is making the news and aggravating the Jews.
03:25:52 Handsome truth went to Auschwitz and held a sign that said Jonathan Greenblatt sucked 6 million *****.
03:26:00 There was a man hunt in Europe for him.
03:26:03 He got arrested but is home now.
03:26:05 Well, I would say this.
03:26:08 If that's what he's doing.
03:26:16 I would say that's akin to walking around in a a Nazi costume.
03:26:24 I would say that there's a level of decorum that's going to maximize your effective.
03:26:31 This and this is going well beyond that level of decorum.
03:26:35 Let me just put it that way and I would suggest that if you want to be effective, look and maybe you don't, maybe you don't want to be effective.
03:26:42 Maybe you just.
03:26:43 Want to to be like a shock jock, right?
03:26:46 Or something like that.
03:26:46 But if you want to actually change minds, that is not the way to do it.
03:26:53 That's just going to make a very small that's that's preaching to the choir and not even the entire choir like part of the choir, probably.
03:27:02 Honestly, the least effective part of the choir if we're being honest here.
03:27:06 Not that I.
03:27:07 I mean, look, Jonathan Greenblatt probably has sucked 6 million *****.
03:27:12 So it's not about that, it's just that.
03:27:15 You know again it's it's.
03:27:19 What are you?
03:27:19 Trying what's your goal?
03:27:23 You know, like I would ask that like, what's your?
03:27:25 Goal is it.
03:27:27 What is it exactly?
03:27:28 Because I can't think of what what you're accomplishing there other than making a a couple of people that already agree with you, snicker on the Internet.
03:27:37 And there's nothing wrong with that.
03:27:39 If that's your goal.
03:27:43 Let's see here, Butcher, bird.
03:27:47 It's also funny that it's illegal.
03:27:49 You know?
03:27:50 Like every I'll tell you one thing.
03:27:55 I I guess as an American you don't quite appreciate how little freedom Europeans have in terms of what they say.
03:28:06 Even ******* that video that Paul Joseph Watson of all people posted I think earlier today on YouTube that showed the the British guy who called a cop a ******** and then was arrested and tackled and pepper sprayed and then like seven other cop cars showed up cause and the crime.
03:28:26 Was he called a cop a ********?
03:28:30 And apparently in in the UK you can't call a cop a ********.
03:28:37 You know.
03:28:40 There's that.
03:28:43 And yeah, apparently you can't.
03:28:45 I would imagine in Germany.
03:28:47 You can't go to Auschwitz and.
03:28:50 Hold a sign that says.
03:28:53 Jonathan Greenblatt sucked 6 million *****, Butcher bird, $5. What are your thoughts on people saying we don't have nukes and that we never dropped the real nuke on Japan and that after watching Chernobyl series and seeing the Russians side of the radiation after the reactors lake, but Japan is still OK.
03:29:17 It's people that don't understand.
03:29:20 I would guess I would guess it's probably the same people that say the world's flat.
03:29:25 There are some well meaning people that just have no grasp on physics at all.
03:29:30 What we dropped on Japan was an atomic bomb and not a nuclear bomb.
03:29:34 There is a difference energy wise a a real big difference.
03:29:41 I think that the dangers of radiation and a lot of things have been exaggerated simply because.
03:29:47 The obviously the use of these weapons is not something that a lot of people want.
03:29:53 And I think that so a lot of lot of aspects of them have been exaggerated.
03:30:00 Clearly, Hiroshima is still a.
03:30:03 City with people living in it and they're not growing 10 arms and you know you have The Simpsons, right?
03:30:09 Trying to make the public.
03:30:12 Afraid of nuclear power when that?
03:30:15 That's totally different than than splitting the nucleus of an atom in an explosive way.
03:30:21 That's not what's happening in a nuclear power plant.
03:30:23 You know, they're not splitting the nucleus.
03:30:27 The idea that that they don't exist is it's.
03:30:32 It's it's the bedtime story that I've been talking about this whole string.
03:30:36 Oh, don't worry.
03:30:37 It's all fake.
03:30:38 They're there, honey.
03:30:40 Feel better.
03:30:41 It's people afraid of the dark.
03:30:43 It's literally that it's exactly what we've been talking about all string.
03:30:48 Now that said, I don't I'm I'm don't have any fear that there's going to be one that lands in.
03:30:52 My backyard.
03:30:55 Or even in the Western Hemisphere.
03:30:59 It's a the possibility is not zero.
03:31:01 Like I said earlier, but it's not very high, so it's not high on my list of things to worry about.
03:31:07 And there's a part of me that kind of wants to see it happen, just to see it happen.
03:31:10 But the people that say it's not exist, they're just the people that don't understand really a lot of things.
03:31:18 And have found they feel special because they oh, I know this secret that no one else knows.
03:31:26 Look at all the stupid people that don't know the secret that I know.
Speaker 16
03:31:29 Tee hee.
03:31:30 Hee, I know the secret.
03:31:32 The nukes aren't aren't real and you're just falling for the trick.
03:31:36 You're falling.
03:31:36 For the tree, you know that that's that.
03:31:38 People, it's those kinds of people and you can't.
03:31:42 I mean, you can't standing with those people because they don't understand enough of the universe to explain it to them.
03:31:53 That that's the bottom line.
03:31:55 It's like with flat Earthers, right?
03:31:57 They don't have enough of a grasp on things to where even if, like, even if when you explain it to them, they still don't get it because there's so much elementary knowledge they that they need to understand.
03:32:13 Before they can understand your reasoning to even get.
03:32:19 And so that's just the way that it is.
03:32:21 And what are you going to do in order to explain or you're just not, you're not going to if it makes them feel better.
03:32:35 The bedtime story that Mommy reads them before they go to bed.
03:32:38 They can sleep at night if that makes them feel better.
03:32:41 They're not going to listen to you.
03:32:43 And So what?
03:32:43 It doesn't, and here's the other thing too.
03:32:45 I think ultimately it damages the right when there's people on the right that that believe nonsense.
03:32:55 That's something we need to get away from because.
03:33:00 It's, it's just it's ******* stupid.
03:33:03 And we can't address real world problems when people can't even ascertain what the real world is.
03:33:09 So it's a big problem, but ultimately it's low on my list to convince people that think that nuclear bombs aren't real, that they're real.
03:33:18 It doesn't, I don't care.
03:33:20 You know what?
03:33:21 It doesn't change anything in my life if they believe that.
Speaker 9
03:33:25 Other than they make.
03:33:27 They make our side look stupid.
03:33:30 So, but I mean, look, there's a good, there's a big contingency of our side that's that's stupid.
03:33:36 So you know, what are you going to do?
03:33:43 Glock 23, the US, caused the war in Ukraine to prevent Russia from selling oil and natural gas to Europe and North America.
03:33:52 The election was stolen because Trump supported the Keystone Pipeline, and he allowed fracking Agenda 2030 and the Great reset has been steering event since 2020.
03:34:03 Well, I think it's a little more complicated than that, but I would say that those events or those.
03:34:08 Those things contributed certainly that went into the calculus.
03:34:14 Zen Master Zen, $10.
03:34:18 Let's see here.
Speaker 11
03:34:20 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 33
03:34:27 I'd like to return this duck.
03:34:30 You can't return the duck.
03:34:33 Tips Hat Southern style right back at Ya Zen Master Zen mine. Campy chair $10.
Speaker 22
03:34:42 Why is money management?
03:34:46 That's the rest. Thank you.
03:34:50 I like how they always have to shoehorn in that the Nazis hated blacks when the Nazis didn't really give a **** about blacks because they're.
03:34:59 There went many.
03:35:02 Because, oh, there, there weren't.
03:35:04 I think you mean many, if any blacks in Germany, but they had to add them in to the propaganda because blacks don't have enough empathy to care if they aren't directly involved.
03:35:16 Yeah, not not an entirely untrue statement, I would say.
03:35:21 And there's always the.
03:35:22 There were black Nazis.
03:35:24 Now obviously it's not.
03:35:26 Like you know, that's not like there wasn't, like, black Nazis everywhere, but as.
03:35:35 Hitler wanted to have support in Africa.
03:35:40 They gave.
03:35:41 They gave Africans Nazi uniforms.
03:35:44 Let me see the photos here.
03:35:45 Black Nazis.
03:35:48 Yeah, here's some black knots.
03:35:50 Is this the black Nazis?
03:35:54 Oh, it's hard to find these photos now.
03:36:05 Here we go.
03:36:08 Hard to find these photos now.
03:36:13 And I'm using different search engines.
03:36:15 A lot of these are.
03:36:16 Getting taken down, I think.
03:36:20 That's right, classified.
03:36:24 You have a.
03:36:25 Existential crisis with with ghost cat right outside the door.
03:36:32 Right outside the border.
03:36:36 By the way, the only reason why Ghost Cat isn't living in the the pill box is because.
03:36:42 Classified cat is defending the border pretty well.
03:36:50 There you go.
03:36:51 There's there were black Nazis.
03:36:55 UM.
03:36:57 There's way better pictures.
03:36:58 But I can't find them right now.
03:37:01 Dan Bigfoot, will you ever do a show about the magicians who are mostly Jews, like Houdini and David Blaine?
03:37:08 That might not be?
Speaker 10
03:37:08 A bad idea.
03:37:12 Half of all tenants, $5 appreciate that good job.
03:37:16 Well, good job to you.
03:37:20 And then tipsy Mcstay Agger 1488.
Speaker 10
03:37:23 All right. Let's see here.
03:37:26 We haven't played the big one yet.
03:37:29 Where's the big one at?
03:37:32 Money is power.
03:37:34 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself.
03:37:36 With Go, Julie, this *** is.
03:37:56 All right.
03:38:00 Let's see here.
03:38:03 *** **** it, man.
03:38:03 Just let the guy return his duck.
03:38:06 He's never going to be able to return.
03:38:07 His duck? Never.
03:38:10 Zen Master Zen, this would be a good video for a stream.
03:38:13 It shows the height of the late 80s consumer utopianism.
03:38:18 The merchants are on full display.
03:38:20 All right, well, since you're the last one and we're wrapping.
03:38:23 Things up, let's take a look here.
03:38:25 Let's take a look.
03:38:28 We're doing a low key stream tonight.
03:38:31 I'm being much more amenable to the lengths tonight.
03:38:41 Let's see here.
03:38:41 What is this?
03:38:44 New York in 1987 on.
03:38:48 Will this download?
03:38:51 Killing the string.
03:38:53 Stream's still going right I I hope.
03:38:58 Where's the stream window?
03:39:03 I have way too many windows open.
03:39:16 There it is.
03:39:17 Now we're still alive, OK.
03:39:21 OK.
03:39:23 New York in 1987, let's say what this is all about.
03:39:28 My guess is this is going to be what the just the demographic difference, although I would say in 1987 it's not like New York with some white paradise.
03:39:37 Remember last string we were telling the 1930s New York was 25% Jewish.
03:39:44 As the 1930s.
03:39:46 So I can't imagine like 1987 being.
03:39:51 Even better at all.
03:39:53 Let's see what this is about.
03:39:58 Gotta wait for the infinite folder load.
03:40:01 There we go.
03:40:05 Oh, it's still.
03:40:06 Down how long is this ******* thing?
03:40:11 There we go.
03:40:16 Apparently this is really long.
03:40:24 And this is like, alright, we'll watch the first part.
03:40:26 What is the?
Speaker 25
03:40:27 The inbound Li is slow from the Grand Central in through Queens Blvd. The Grand Central sluggish, Francis Lewis M3188 and then pretty much from LaGuardia right into the BQE northbound cross island still have the slope of northern Blvd. Right on up in into Bell Blvd. Channel town.
03:40:40 Just New York State.
03:40:41 Thruway as a mile delay coming down to the Tappan Zee inbound at the Midtown Tunnel.
03:40:45 You're looking at about a 5 to 10 minutes away.
03:40:55 Yeah, that's still pretty multicultural.
Speaker 12
03:40:55 Describe New York in one word.
Speaker 31
03:40:56 There describe New York.
Speaker 2
03:41:00 Describe me.
03:41:01 You are.
03:41:01 That's one word.
Speaker 31
03:41:02 Holy ****.
03:41:03 Exciting, outrageous.
03:41:06 This is ******* worse than I thought.
03:41:09 We have good things.
03:41:09 We have bad things.
03:41:11 When we're when we're.
Speaker 33
03:41:11 Say one word, one word.
Speaker 26
03:41:14 Fabulous the tense.
Speaker 25
03:41:16 Fusion New York is crazy.
03:41:18 I'm spoiling you.
03:41:19 It is crazy.
Speaker 9
03:41:20 My guess is.
03:41:21 I love it here.
03:41:22 My guess they they probably got a lot of responses.
03:41:25 One word responses that they didn't.
03:41:26 They didn't keep in the video.
Speaker 29
03:41:32 Oh look.
03:41:33 The buildings the Jews took down.
03:41:47 So that's just like a tourism video, I guess on the mute it I'll let it play.
03:41:58 Alright, let's take a look here.
03:42:02 I think we've reached the end of the Super Chads refresh just to make sure.
03:42:07 And I might hang out in regular chat for a little bit.
03:42:12 But we're at 3 1/2 hours now. Let's refresh. How is this? Why is this not refreshing?
03:42:24 All right.
03:42:27 Yeah, I think.
03:42:28 That's all right, cool.
03:42:30 Normal shot Flat Earth is literally used by intelligence agencies to poison the well.
03:42:37 So lost Redditors don't stumble upon facts.
03:42:41 Yeah. Yeah, it's it's, it's.
03:42:43 So obviously obviously and look, that's one of those things.
03:42:48 It's kind of funny because the people that usually fall for that, there's an actual personality type that falls for that.
03:42:54 It's the kind of person that that requires visually confirming things.
03:42:59 You know, they, they, they, they have a hard time with things that.
03:43:04 I mean, not that they're necessarily dumb.
03:43:07 I mean, not that they're necessarily dumb, but it's the kind of person I type that that can't visualize stuff using, like math, right?
03:43:17 Like they have to see it for themselves and.
03:43:22 That's why they're almost impossible to convert back.
03:43:26 Once they've ascertained that the world is flat by seeing the ground being flat and not understanding scale.
03:43:33 However, there are a few things that I I don't think that they're just not thinking about that are easy just with.
03:43:41 Your own eyes.
03:43:42 That you can use to.
03:43:43 Ascertain that the world isn't flat.
03:43:46 And the two big ones are both sun related and this is just again, there's so many other reasons to not think the world's flat like really stupid, easy to understand things.
03:43:57 But these are two that I don't think a lot of these people think about that.
03:44:01 If they did, they wouldn't believe this **** anymore.
03:44:05 Number one.
03:44:06 The sun, when it as it you know, as night falls appears to sink into the horizon.
03:44:13 If the world was flat, under no circumstances would an object getting further away appear to go into the horizon.
03:44:21 Wouldn't happen, wouldn't happen.
03:44:25 Now, not only because.
03:44:31 You never see a flying object.
03:44:36 Do that but also because like I guess I have an advantage right?
03:44:40 My advantage is being a 3D artist, I'm able to simulate all these things and have you know, very large environments where objects fly an infinite distance from the virtual camera and.
03:44:53 Stuff like that, right?
03:44:55 So I know how objects appear.
03:45:00 As they get further away and do different things right, but under no circumstance if there was just a large globe or.
03:45:07 Was really high.
03:45:08 It had to be pretty high up right there.
03:45:10 It was circling over a flat plate or, I don't know.
03:45:13 They don't even have a model.
03:45:14 The other bit, but whatever.
03:45:18 Under no circumstances would it sink.
03:45:19 Into the horizon.
03:45:21 The other thing that you can see with your own eyes that that verifies that the world is indeed not flat is if you have a mountain range.
03:45:31 And maybe a lot of people don't have they don't live near a mountain range.
03:45:34 But if you live near a mountain range that faces East West, it's really easy to see the shape of the earth for a very similar.
03:45:43 Reason and that is if the mountain range is to the east of you in the mornings, the top of the mountain will light up first and the sunlight will slowly travel down the mountain.
03:45:55 If the object was in the sky getting closer to you, that would not happen.
03:46:00 Because the top of the mountain is actually further away because mountains are shaped like a cone, so the the base of the mountain would be closer to the sun than the the the top.
03:46:14 There's no and and you can't.
03:46:16 Create a working model in which that phenomenon would even happen at all.
03:46:23 And and if you have a mountain range to the east of you.
03:46:28 You'd have the you have the opposite phenomenon at night.
03:46:32 As the sun sinks into the horizon.
03:46:35 You have the light, or rather the shadow.
03:46:40 Of the the the the sun is casting.
03:46:46 Crawl up the mountain.
03:46:49 And you would not have that phenomenon take place if the ball was just getting further away because it wouldn't be.
03:46:57 In fact, it wouldn't be able to cast.
Speaker 9
03:46:58 A shadow at all.
03:47:02 There would be no shadow cast on the mountain ever.
03:47:04 What would happen is the mountain would just get slowly get darker as the light went further away, and in fact the top of the mountain would get darker first because that would.
03:47:13 Be further away than the foot of the mountain.
03:47:16 But that's not what happens.
03:47:18 And you can just look at a mountain and see that.
03:47:21 And these, there's there's so many things like that, but a lot of these people, the problem is just like with Q, right?
03:47:28 Once you buy into something that level stupid you, you can't.
03:47:32 It's real hard to come back, especially if you've been obnoxious about it.
03:47:36 Like the custards were right, like once the custards bought into queue and doubled down and doubled down and call people shills.
03:47:44 And like you know, the more they, they and ohh, you're just you're the.
03:47:47 I'm the one that knows the real secret.
03:47:48 I'm the fancy boy that knows the secret.
03:47:50 The one that doesn't know the big lie.
03:47:54 The more they do that, the less likely they are to ever come back, because now it's not just being wrong about something.
03:48:01 It's about being really wrong a lot for a long time and people are not.
03:48:08 That's not that.
03:48:08 That's not what they do.
03:48:09 They don't.
03:48:10 They don't like to to do, to do that.
03:48:12 They don't like to come back from that.
03:48:14 So it's tough and again, it's one of those things where yeah, it's bad for us, it's bad for society.
03:48:22 To have people that have that.
03:48:26 That perverted under of an understanding of the the universe to where it it's that primitive it's it's a step backwards and it's it's bad for other reasons.
03:48:40 Like you suggested, intelligence agencies using that and look, there's declassified documents that show that that.
03:48:46 That taints everything else you say now.
03:48:49 Well, how?
03:48:50 Why would I believe this person about this?
03:48:52 Because I'm in this ******* person thinks the world is flat.
03:48:54 I mean, if he can't even figure that out, what?
03:48:56 Else, could he figure out?
03:48:58 And so yeah, it's bad for that reason too.
03:49:02 But it's just like.
03:49:04 You know what are going to do?
03:49:06 What are you going to do?
03:49:07 Am I going to sit here and waste my time trying to get these people that to to believe their eyes?
03:49:14 You know, because that's what.
03:49:16 That's what it is.
03:49:17 Just don't believe me.
03:49:17 Believe your eyes.
03:49:19 Believe the things I just said.
03:49:20 But the other thing is, the more, the more convincing evidence.
03:49:25 Requires background knowledge that they don't have.
03:49:29 So you'd have to just.
03:49:31 Basically, you'd have to teach them a lot of just.
03:49:36 Basic stuff.
03:49:38 That they're not.
03:49:39 Interested in and that they're not going.
03:49:42 To listen to.
03:49:44 So it's kind of like.
03:49:46 You know, why bother?
03:49:48 Why ******* bother?
03:49:54 Let's see here.
03:49:55 Looking at the regular chat.
03:50:05 Are there flat Earthers raging in the chat now?
03:50:11 Most flat Earthers are atheists.
03:50:13 Well, I don't.
03:50:13 It's to me, it doesn't matter.
03:50:16 Has nothing to do.
03:50:17 And The funny thing is, there's a lot of flat Earthers where it does.
03:50:20 There's flat Earthers that think that, like somehow God's less real.
03:50:24 If the world is is a globe.
03:50:27 And I and I have yet to understand that I I have.
03:50:31 No, I don't understand that.
03:50:32 But that does seem to bother that does seem to be a a sticking point where it's like somehow an attack on their faith, which means it's now attached to their religious beliefs, which means you're now never going to convince them.
03:50:44 So it's.
Speaker 10
03:50:44 Just why bother?
Speaker 36
03:50:47 UM.
03:50:51 Click driver. One thing's for sure, no flat Earther has never taken a picture of the edge of.
03:50:57 The world right.
03:50:58 But they don't even have a model.
03:51:00 Here's the thing.
03:51:01 Here's another big thing that you need to understand.
03:51:03 If you were if, if you were a serious, flatter Earther, you should not say, well, it's not this, it's you should be able.
03:51:10 To say it's this.
03:51:12 See, The thing is with the globe model or.
03:51:16 In other words, the real model of what's reality?
03:51:20 You can do things that doesn't make sense if it's fake.
03:51:23 For example, you can predict with precision accuracy the position of the stars in the sky.
03:51:31 You can predict with precision accuracy a lunar eclipse decades in advance and the location of it.
03:51:40 OK, how does how does that work if the world's flat?
03:51:43 How can I just calculate the math using the globe model?
03:51:46 The solar system model that I've got and be right 20 years in advance?
03:51:53 How can I be right about knowing where not just when a comet is going to enter the solar system, but when it's going to be visible in the sky and?
03:52:03 What part of?
03:52:03 The world how does that work?
03:52:05 How come?
03:52:06 It works exactly using math, that is.
03:52:11 Taking into account the the the well understood size and shape of the earth.
03:52:18 There's no model of the Flat Earth that can even produce past events.
03:52:25 Let alone predict future events.
03:52:27 And that's because the world's not flat.
03:52:29 Not to mention that, like I've said many times and again this it requires the knowledge that people just they don't have.
03:52:35 So it's a useless point if I make it.
03:52:38 When I say stuff like great circle maps wouldn't work in radio, you know specifically for me Ham radio.
Speaker 9
03:52:46 And that doesn't.
03:52:47 Mean anything to people that don't understand radio?
03:52:51 They don't understand that like a great circle map on the Flat Earth would be the same for no matter where you were on the planet, because they don't even understand great circle map.
03:53:02 And so I'd have to go back explain the the geometry behind a great circle map and then why it's important in ham, right?
03:53:09 And and by that time, it's like you're like an hour in just to, like under.
03:53:12 You know, there's just so much background information that these people are lacking.
03:53:17 In many cases that that's why it's not obvious to them.
03:53:21 In the same way, it might be obvious to you, satellites, that's another thing too.
03:53:25 There's there was an amateur radio satellite that was put into orbit back in the.
03:53:31 I want to say like late 60s, early 70s.
03:53:34 And it eventually the batteries deteriorated, and it eventually you couldn't communicate with it.
03:53:42 Prior to that, you could again do the math using the shape and size of the earth and the the orbit that it was in, because you had to point your antenna exactly at this object in order to communicate with the satellite.
03:53:58 OK, how does that work with the flatter?
03:54:00 All right now I'll do you one better.
03:54:04 About I think it was 10 years later or.
03:54:07 So the satellite came back online because what the problem was initially was the the batteries had deteriorated and in the process had shorted out.
03:54:24 The satellite, right?
03:54:26 And ten years later of those batteries, you know the battery acid basically eating away at the connections.
03:54:33 Actually ate the battery out of the circuit.
03:54:36 And so on.
03:54:37 Now all of a sudden, the satellite came back online, but only when it was exposed to the sun, because it still had the solar panels.
03:54:45 So while the solar panels were exposed to the sun, you could still communicate with this old ash satellite that been just floating around there forever.
03:54:55 Well, guess what?
03:54:58 The that would be impossible with a flatter unless you think of the.
03:55:02 Exception is there, you know.
03:55:04 In, in which case why even?
03:55:05 Try to oppose these people if they're, if it's so granular that their plans that they're faking a satellite that went dead and then bringing it back for just some ham radio operators to to think that the world, you know, it's stupid.
03:55:19 And the and for it to be so accurate that they they did the math to figure out how where it would be in the like what position it would be in the sky for everybody and then figure that one out too.
03:55:31 Why is it that when using my model I can predict where it's going to be in the sky?
03:55:37 From my perspective on this part of the Earth?
03:55:39 And it works.
03:55:40 And so in Australia can do the math for their part of the Earth using the same globe model, and they end up being right too.
03:55:48 That wouldn't work on a flat.
03:55:50 You we couldn't both.
03:55:51 Be point, because if again if if we were both pointing at the satellite, which by the way in a Flat Earth model, we'd both be able to.
03:55:58 See at the same time.
03:56:01 Because there would be no Earth obstructing it.
03:56:06 But again, all this is it doesn't matter you get, you're going to get the the eyes glazing over and drool coming out of the mouths of these people trying to explain this stuff because it's just all.
03:56:16 Over their head, it just is.
03:56:19 And so it's not really worth.
03:56:23 Trying, I mean, there's only so much you can do.
03:56:31 Let's see here.
03:56:39 Let's see what else is here?
03:56:41 This doesn't.
03:56:41 Really. Keep up very well.
03:56:48 Butcher Bird says best thing in the world is a good map of the area you.
03:56:53 Live in.
03:56:55 Yeah, it's good to have.
03:56:58 You know, go bag and stuff like that to have real.
03:57:02 Real maps.
03:57:05 I'm like, oh, here's some other people. Glock 23 nuclear weapons are not like Chernobyl. Nuclear weapons cause a clean burn and after two weeks, the environment is safe again. So don't go outside for two weeks after a nuclear war. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's it's different.
03:57:23 It's different reactions that are taking place.
03:57:26 As far as the fallout afterwards, I don't know.
03:57:30 I don't know.
03:57:30 I've never.
03:57:32 I think that like with the atomic bomb and all those movies, look, think of the rash of movies that came out.
03:57:38 Think of every superhero like how they got their superpowers, radioactive spider or spider man.
03:57:45 And now he's a he's.
03:57:47 Mutated or all the all the movies in the 1950s, all that all that propaganda was to get you afraid.
03:57:53 Of radiation.
03:57:55 And I think a lot of that had to do with energy companies not wanting to use that technology because they were making way too.
03:58:00 Much money off of oil.
03:58:01 And other sources.
03:58:03 And nuclear nuclear power was about as close as you get to like, clean, cheap energy.
03:58:09 And they didn't like that.
03:58:15 Butcher Bird, Are you ready to?
Speaker 7
03:58:16 That one.
03:58:17 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:58:18 Did you see the the usual faggs?
03:58:20 We're trying to say the Mercator projection was racist because it showed Europe as bigger.
03:58:27 If Belgium was really, really small but conquered giant Congo, then that's a genetic superiority accomplishment.
03:58:39 Yeah, I know what you're saying.
03:58:45 Fewer from persona.
03:58:49 Devin, you explained it well on your trovo strings multiple times when you outline the way ham radio waves travel flat Earthers in the chat do not understand.
03:58:57 Then I won't understand.
03:58:58 Now, yeah, they won't.
03:58:59 They won't.
03:59:02 It sadly, it requires rudimentary understanding of of certain concepts that they don't have a grasp on.
03:59:12 So yeah, it is what it is.
03:59:14 It is what it is.
03:59:15 It's unfortunate, but it.
03:59:17 Is what it is.
03:59:18 Kind of funny though, that one of the leading people pushing it is literally Jewish.
03:59:22 That uh, what's his name that wise guy, he's got, he's got his gay little app.
03:59:28 That doesn't even like that that attempts to make a model that's that doesn't line up with the reality.
03:59:33 Still, it's just like, come on, man.
03:59:36 You're proving your own thing wrong.
03:59:40 Alright, we got one last time warsteiner 890, one $25. Let's see here.
Speaker 11
03:59:46 Cash flow checkout.
03:59:53 I'd like to return this duck.
03:59:56 Your time energy is too precious to be wasted on explaining basic reality to flat Earthers.
04:00:02 Yeah, it's just it's weird that there's so.
04:00:04 Many of them.
04:00:06 I think again, I think that it's it's like I said, it's the same thing we've been talking about all stream.
04:00:13 That's why I'm talking about it's related.
04:00:15 It's people getting tricked by a bedtime story.
04:00:19 It's something that they're afraid of or don't understand, and they'd they'd rather have the bedtime story than the real.
04:00:25 Now I don't know why they're afraid of that.
04:00:27 I really don't.
04:00:28 Other than I've heard a lot of religious people think that somehow it it it hurts their faith and I don't get that, but OK.
04:00:37 But yeah, yeah, they're not going to get it.
04:00:39 They're not going to get it.
04:00:40 But there's a shocking amount of people on the right that once they start to just figure out the amount of lies that there are and the magnitude of some of the lies, they then start thinking that everything.
04:00:53 Is a lie.
04:00:57 And unfortunately.
04:00:59 Many of these people, which is, and this is evidenced by the fact that they were duped by the lies in.
04:01:05 The first place.
04:01:07 Because some of them are very naive and trickle. That's why they were tricked again in the 1st place by these lies that once they they figure out that their trust has been violated like that, they just stop believing everything and they think everything's a lie and they go off the deep end. And it's just like OK.
04:01:29 You know.
04:01:30 Maybe maybe rein it in.
04:01:32 Maybe rein it in a little bit and realize that that.
04:01:36 Some basic truths are still are still truths.
04:01:42 UM, tipsy Mcstay Agger, $14.00.
04:01:47 Let's do one more.
04:01:48 Yeah, let's do.
04:01:49 This one for fun, ******.
Speaker 7
04:01:56 I don't know why.
04:01:58 I like that.
04:01:58 One erg.
04:02:02 HH let the ******* man return his duck.
04:02:08 No, he can't return the duck.
04:02:10 He can't return the duck, in fact.
04:02:14 I think I I'll tell you what, this is the closest I can get to returning his duck.
04:02:17 See if I got his duck here.
Speaker 10
04:02:22 If I had it somewhere here.
04:02:28 No, I don't have his duck.
04:02:32 Do not have his duck.
04:02:35 All right, guys.
04:02:36 Well, that's it.
04:02:37 I'm going to wrap it up here.
04:02:38 We're almost at 4 hours again and I.
04:02:40 Was just going to do like a.
04:02:42 And I actually, we're over 4 hours.
04:02:44 I was just.
04:02:45 Doing a relaxing psychic network stream, so we.
04:02:50 Went a little.
04:02:50 Bit long.
04:02:51 But thanks for.
04:02:52 Coming out and make sure you're here Saturday.
04:02:59 Because Saturday we're going to have.
04:03:03 I don't know.
04:03:04 Maybe part, maybe Part 2, maybe Part 2.
04:03:07 Of the Holocaust 1.
04:03:09 Maybe part, but if not.
04:03:10 We'll do a big one I've got.
04:03:11 Another big one that I I don't know.
04:03:14 I'm kind of Holocaust it out, but maybe we'll.
04:03:16 Do Part 2 of.
04:03:16 The Holocaust. One again all.
Speaker 9
04:03:18 Right, guys, I'll talk to you.
04:03:19 Later for Black pill, though I am of course.
Speaker 5
04:03:25 Zack, please. Yes, honey.
Speaker 13
04:03:30 Right.
Speaker 5
04:03:34 What have?
04:03:35 Good evening moved.
04:03:36 Yes, yes, yes.
04:03:38 Another one of them.
04:03:40 They're creative, my friend.
04:03:41 They're creative, good.
04:03:45 Really. Uh-huh. Uh.
04:03:51 How are?
04:03:51 You, yes.
04:03:52 Yes, yes, yes.
04:03:56 Good evening my dear.
04:03:58 Really. Really. Uh-huh. Good evening.
04:04:02 **** you.
04:04:02 Ohh, really.
04:04:03 That's wonderful, honey.
04:04:05 That takes a lot of courage to call help.
04:04:07 **** you and hang up the phone.
04:04:08 That's that's.
04:04:09 A lot of courage there.
04:04:10 Uh, huh?
04:04:11 Good evening.
Speaker 1
04:04:13 Good day, ma'am.
Speaker 23
04:04:15 Thank you.
04:04:15 Save ** ****, *****.
Speaker 5
04:04:16 Really. Really.
04:04:18 Ah, ah.
04:04:22 Uh huh.
04:04:23 That's wonderful.
04:04:24 That sounds great.
04:04:25 I love that.
04:04:28 I'm gonna see to it that you get getting asked by German Shepherd.
04:04:32 A big old German shepherd coming your way, my.
04:04:34 Friend, good evening.
04:04:36 Watch out for the German shepherd.
04:04:38 Is this TV?
04:04:39 Down somewhere, ladies and gentlemen.
04:04:42 One long time. Good evening.
04:04:48 I hope your party yourself, you called out.
04:04:51 The line for somebody to need my help.
04:04:53 Good evening.
Speaker 9
04:04:54 OK.
Speaker 5
04:04:55 Ah, good evening.
04:05:07 Hey, mommy. Mommy. Hey. Hey.
04:05:11 Good evening.
04:05:16 Ah yeah.
04:05:18 What is going on here?
04:05:22 What is going on here?
04:05:25 Good evening.
Speaker 3
04:05:25 Hey, is this free psyche?
Speaker 5
04:05:28 Is this what good evening?
Speaker 3
04:05:31 Hi. Hello.
Speaker 5
04:05:35 Good evening.
Speaker 28
04:05:37 Believe that.
Speaker 5
04:05:40 All you people up there with piles of energy.
04:05:44 I'm so sorry about this.
04:05:46 I'm so sorry about this here.
Speaker 23
04:05:49 Good evening.
04:05:49 Good evening.
04:05:51 Hey, I want to.
04:05:54 My Lord.
Speaker 5
04:05:57 Good evening.
04:06:00 Good evening.
04:06:04 Yes, good evening.
04:06:11 Hey, mommy.
04:06:13 Hey, look, mommy.
04:06:15 Lord have mercy.
04:06:18 Good evening.
Speaker 9
04:06:19 Good evening, Sir.
Speaker 5
04:06:20 How are you, my friend?
Speaker 31
04:06:22 Hey, I'm a musician.
04:06:23 That's what I'm.
Speaker 5
04:06:25 Oh my goodness.
04:06:28 What a tangled web we weave when first we see.
04:06:32 Good evening.
04:06:33 Hey, what's up?
Speaker 4
04:06:39 Hi I need help.
Speaker 5
04:06:41 Yes, you do, honey.
04:06:43 Good evening.
04:06:48 I got to.
04:06:49 Go y'all.
04:06:50 Don't hurt my feelings so much.
04:06:53 Hurt my feelings.
04:07:09 Yo, you fake.
04:07:14 Yes, good evening.
04:07:17 Thank you.
04:07:19 Good evening, ladies.
04:07:23 I gotta go.
04:07:24 I have nobody that wanted to help me, so I want to help.
04:07:28 Four people didn't do that.
04:07:30 I'm trying to.
04:07:31 Send out positive energy.
04:07:32 Guess what came back.
04:07:33 Nothing but negative.
04:07:35 For those of.
04:07:36 You out there haha that love CB.
04:07:41 As I love you.
04:07:43 I'm so sorry.
04:07:46 You know, this ain't the way it usually.
04:07:48 Go here, I get a.
04:07:49 Few Rudy Boots calling back my pool, but it's never like this.
04:07:52 And again, I'd like to apologize for that.
04:07:56 New York City.
04:07:58 I love you anyway.
04:08:00 You treat me wrong.
04:08:01 But Jesus said.
04:08:03 Oh, JC said.
04:08:04 Forgive them for they know.
04:08:07 Not what they do.
04:08:11 They don't know.
04:08:13 God forgive them.
04:08:14 New York City.
04:08:16 Y'all got to get it together.
04:08:18 You really do.
04:08:18 I love you.
04:08:19 But you gotta get it together.
Speaker 17
04:08:23 I don't love.
Speaker 16
04:08:23 You nega in fact.
Speaker 5
04:08:24 Really, honey?
04:08:27 Do you suck your *****'* **** with that filthy?
04:08:29 Mouth, do you?
Speaker 26
04:08:32 Good evening. Happy.
Speaker 5
04:08:34 And then I gotta go.
04:08:35 I really happy.
04:08:36 Got to go.
04:08:38 You do it so wrong.
04:08:40 You do it so wrong.
Speaker 4
04:08:43 Hi, yeah.
Speaker 5
04:08:48 Good evening.
04:08:53 Good evening.
04:08:57 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm finna go.
04:09:00 It's a damn shame, I.
04:09:00 Couldn't help you, but you know what?
04:09:03 You don't read a newspaper?
04:09:05 Watch it on.
04:09:05 New York one.
04:09:07 For the.
04:09:07 Whole lot of people getting sucked up this weekend.
04:09:11 Courtesy of yours truly, haha, you heard it difference.