

Speaker 2
00:00:00 I am not dead.
00:01:44 I'm not dead.
00:01:45 I'm alive.
00:01:48 And almost well.
00:01:52 And that is what is called a.
00:01:57 Sand spider or a wind scorpion and I am Devon stack and this is the insomnia stream back on the air.
00:02:08 I'm going to drink from my canteen here and I'm going to explain to you what a.
00:02:14 Sand spider or wind scorpion is and what it's not.
00:02:22 What it is?
00:02:24 It's what crawled up my leg yesterday for starters.
00:02:30 Yeah. So a couple of times I've gone out into the the yard at night to, you know, cause it's night and it's the best time to like water plants cause, you know, the sun's not beating down on the cactuses and, you know, evaporating all the water you dump into the the ground immediately.
00:02:47 And I've noticed these little things.
00:02:49 Now this is a big one on the screen and it was a big one about that size that started crawling up my leg.
Speaker 2
00:02:57 They're usually not that big.
00:02:58 They're usually about half that size and that in in fact, they're usually not even that.
00:03:02 They're like, there's really small ones and you know, like an inch, maybe, like an inch long.
00:03:07 Right.
00:03:08 And then like the bigger ones that you usually see are like maybe 2 inches long.
00:03:13 This is a big ******.
00:03:14 Anyway, I didn't even know they got that big.
00:03:17 So there's about to be a catfight.
00:03:19 That's good.
00:03:20 So I'd you know.
00:03:22 I'd see them out there in about where I'd be.
00:03:24 They're really fast really, really fast.
00:03:27 And I never knew what.
00:03:28 They were because they were so fast and they.
00:03:30 Looked kind of like scorpions, but not really.
00:03:33 And kind of like spiders.
Speaker 2
00:03:35 But not really.
00:03:37 And they were again, they were just really, really fast.
00:03:40 But they were also kind of mindless, kind of like, they're like a lot of lizards out here when they, when they hear you coming or they fill the ground shake or, I don't know.
00:03:49 However, they sense.
00:03:50 That you're coming.
00:03:51 There's some Wizards that.
00:03:52 Run for the.
00:03:53 Hills in a in a kind of deliberate.
00:03:57 Fashion away from you and there's some Wizards that just they.
00:04:01 Panic and they just run.
00:04:03 And sometimes it's like right at you and you have to, like, try to not step on them.
00:04:06 It's, you know, whatever these guys are kind of like that they just they panic and they just start and they're already fast.
00:04:12 Like I've never.
00:04:13 Seen one moving slowly.
00:04:15 Anyway so.
00:04:18 I'm walking into my kitchen.
Speaker 2
00:04:21 See the good news is it's no longer on.
00:04:25 My leg.
00:04:25 The bad news is it's.
00:04:26 Still in the house so.
00:04:30 Walk into my kitchen yesterday.
00:04:33 And I feel something crawling on my foot and I look down and coming up my.
00:04:37 Leg is one of these ******* things.
Speaker 2
00:04:39 And I'm like, oh, he kicked my leg.
00:04:42 And it goes flying and then darts underneath the stove.
00:04:46 I haven't seen it since, but it's still in here somewhere.
00:04:51 And so I finally I decide, you know, I guess I gotta research.
00:04:56 What the hell?
00:04:57 This thing is because it's in my house, and that's and it's a big ******.
00:05:02 And I talked to my neighbor.
00:05:06 And I was asked because they lived.
00:05:08 Lived out here their whole lives, right?
00:05:10 I was like, what is that thing it's like.
00:05:11 Really fast.
00:05:13 And it looks kind of like a scorpion.
00:05:15 But kind of not but.
00:05:16 Ohh yeah yeah.
00:05:18 Let's say they had a different name.
00:05:20 It's actually they had a different name.
00:05:22 That's not even.
00:05:22 And it goes by like a bunch of different names.
00:05:25 And I was like, Oh yeah, that's that's that's what it is.
00:05:28 And they were.
00:05:28 Like, Oh well, those are actually from.
00:05:34 And I was like what?
00:05:36 They said, oh, they're from Afghanistan and from Iraq.
00:05:40 I was like.
00:05:40 No way.
00:05:41 I mean how explain this to me?
00:05:45 And they said, oh, yeah, it's from.
00:05:47 When the troops.
00:05:48 Would come out or go out and they'd come back home.
00:05:51 And I guess they'd get in their packs.
00:05:53 Sort of and get loose.
00:05:55 And you know, again, they've lived there their whole lives, you know, they're in their like 50s and 60s.
00:06:02 And they said that, yeah, like around the 90s is when they they started popping up.
00:06:05 I was like, oh, that's crazy.
00:06:06 I look it.
Speaker 2
00:06:07 Up totally wrong.
00:06:09 Totally, totally ********.
00:06:12 That's a urban myth.
00:06:14 They've lived all over every day, like they're all over the United States.
00:06:18 They're all over everywhere.
00:06:19 They're all most deserts have these things.
00:06:23 And uh.
00:06:25 It was.
00:06:25 Weird to me.
00:06:27 That people who had lived here.
00:06:30 Their whole lives.
00:06:33 Believed the urban legend that began in the 90s.
00:06:37 When they should have seen them, these things like I've only lived here a few years and I've seen these things a bunch of times.
00:06:42 No way.
00:06:43 They didn't see one until the 90s.
00:06:46 And one of the reasons why this rumor got spread?
00:06:49 I'm going.
00:06:49 To show you.
00:06:50 In fact, I thought this picture was real until I started researching this stuff.
00:06:57 This picture went viral.
00:06:59 Let me make this less transparent so you can actually see it better.
Speaker 2
00:07:08 So kind of horrifying, right?
00:07:12 And it looks like it's like.
00:07:15 And that's two of them fighting or something.
00:07:16 Right.
00:07:18 But that's it.
00:07:18 Looks like it's.
00:07:20 Each one is like a foot long.
00:07:24 Turns out this picture also ********.
00:07:30 It's it's not a Photoshop deal, it's a a trick of perspective.
00:07:34 So those, I mean, they're basically about the same size out there, maybe slightly bigger and they're just they held it up really close to the camera and you can't tell that it's.
00:07:47 That it's not like a foot long.
00:07:50 So this picture went viral back, I think like around 2005 or something like that and got everyone believing that there were in fact they have all these crazy stories.
00:07:59 They're called.
00:08:00 Like what?
00:08:01 What they called the like.
00:08:02 The camel scorpions or or there's all.
00:08:06 Kinds of like Miss info about these bugs.
00:08:11 Where they crawl up underneath camels and start to inject them with poison that numbs them so they can't tell that they're they're they're getting eaten alive and that they scream when they run around and they actually don't make any.
00:08:25 Noise at all.
00:08:28 And it just it just reiterated to me.
00:08:32 How easy it is to get people to believe in something?
00:08:38 If it seems more interesting than the boring truth.
00:08:44 The boring truth that no.
Speaker 2
00:08:46 I mean, they're.
00:08:47 Kind of big.
00:08:49 I mean.
00:08:51 You know, let's.
00:08:54 And that's big, right?
Speaker 2
00:08:59 But it's not that big.
00:09:00 I mean, there's bigger bugs out here.
00:09:03 And there's much bigger scorpions.
00:09:06 Out here.
Speaker 2
00:09:08 That's big.
00:09:10 But it's not poisonous.
00:09:12 Doesn't have a Stinger.
00:09:15 Doesn't bite camels or people.
00:09:19 It just.
Speaker 2
00:09:19 Eats other bugs.
00:09:22 And it lays eggs.
00:09:23 In the ground, not even that many like 8.
00:09:26 And then the in fact, The funny thing is they're they're they're kind of they're, like, monogamous bugs, and they have gender.
Speaker 2
00:09:33 Roles they.
00:09:35 They the the female guards, the the eggs until they hatch.
00:09:40 And then they, you know, that's that.
00:09:42 And that's it.
00:09:43 Kind of boring, just boring bugs.
00:09:47 But because it's more interesting.
00:09:50 To believe.
00:09:53 That there's these giant *** ******* camel spiders.
00:09:59 You know, like these guys right here.
00:10:03 And they scream and they can run 30 miles an hour.
00:10:07 That was the other.
00:10:07 That was another story.
00:10:09 They they can't run.
00:10:10 I mean, they're fast, but they're not 30 miles an hour fast.
00:10:12 They're they're like lizard fast, right?
00:10:16 And they're on 30.
00:10:17 They scream while running 30 miles an hour, and they jump onto the, you know, onto camels and inject them with numbing poison and start.
00:10:25 To eat them alive.
00:10:27 And they snuck into.
00:10:28 The packs, which I don't even know that would happen if they were that big.
00:10:32 But somehow they snuck into packs.
00:10:36 And made it to the United States.
00:10:38 And then now they've invaded the whole country, and now they're all over the deserts in the United States.
00:10:47 People want to believe interesting ****.
00:10:52 They want to think life is more interesting.
00:10:57 Than it really is.
00:11:02 That's why you know, I'm not going to beat this one any more to death than it already has to be.
00:11:07 But, like, that's why people believed in Q.
00:11:10 Right.
00:11:12 They want life to be interesting.
00:11:13 They want it to be like a movie.
00:11:18 But almost certainly, if it's like a movie, it's almost certainly not true.
00:11:23 Because that's why people pay to watch movies.
00:11:27 If life was like a movie, you wouldn't watch movies.
00:11:33 Because your life would already be as interesting as a movie.
00:11:38 And it would be.
00:11:39 In 3D and you, you'd have smell of vision.
00:11:43 You could touch things and feel things.
00:11:50 But people want to believe that life is like this.
00:11:54 And as people become more isolated and part of it part of it.
00:11:57 Is the.
00:11:59 The lockdowns and stuff like that, but part of that's just the side effects.
00:12:04 Of the modern world.
00:12:07 There's another thing going on.
00:12:13 You know, it occurred to me when I, you know, there was a I wonder if I've got this photo.
00:12:18 Up somewhere here.
00:12:23 I don't know if you saw this or not.
00:12:25 It was one of my.
00:12:29 Last tweets before I went dark for.
00:12:31 A few days.
00:12:33 Let me see here.
00:12:38 And browse this baby up.
00:12:43 So there's a lot of people saying, for example.
00:12:48 That that airplane was inflatable.
00:12:53 It was inflatable because in the ****** footage.
00:12:57 You can't see through the windows.
00:13:01 And that you couldn't see the turbines because they were in shadow?
00:13:07 And it's obviously.
00:13:09 Not an inflatable airplane.
00:13:10 There's people climbing around it.
00:13:12 It's moving. It's uh.
00:13:16 You know, just just the logistics of inflating a.
00:13:21 An inflatable C-17 without anyone noticing on a giant airstrip that everyone can see.
00:13:29 Is, you know, ridiculous.
00:13:32 The the we have footage of the people.
Speaker 2
00:13:35 Who? Who?
00:13:36 Stayed on this, the wings falling down.
00:13:39 By the way, that same neighbor.
00:13:43 Who told me that?
00:13:45 The the wind scorpions.
00:13:49 Or again, he had another name for him.
00:13:50 I forget.
00:13:50 It's got, like 5 different names.
00:13:54 We're from Afghanistan and all this other stuff.
00:13:57 He also believed that this this was all fake.
00:14:01 This was all fake, that it was impossible that that that anyone would be so stupid as to try to climb on to a C-17 that's taking off.
00:14:13 And that the footage of them falling was fake and that the footage of that body flapping around in the.
00:14:21 In the landing gear, I'm pretty sure I don't know if you guys saw that.
00:14:24 Maybe you.
00:14:24 Didn't let me pull that up.
00:14:29 It's pretty horrifying.
00:14:34 In fact, they took it off of most things.
00:14:38 So the video that I do have is.
00:14:42 Pretty craptacular.
00:14:51 But I'll bring it up here anyway.
00:15:02 OK.
00:15:28 Get rid of this image here.
00:15:31 Again, this video is really ****** looking, but.
00:15:46 Alright, let me get this to where it'll play.
00:16:07 So this video is fake.
00:16:21 Let's see here what else is fake?
00:16:25 I just had all these files all at once.
00:16:28 I guess this one.
00:16:30 This one's fake.
00:16:35 That's an inflatable plane.
00:16:38 Totally inflatable.
00:16:40 They're riding on the inflatable plane.
00:16:48 Super inflatable.
00:16:53 And this one is fake.
00:16:58 Another inflatable plane, I guess.
00:17:02 And then an inflatable guy falling down to his death.
00:17:10 I got to wondering.
00:17:10 This was actually before the wind.
00:17:13 The wind scorpion crawled up my leg.
00:17:17 I got.
00:17:17 To wondering like what? What?
00:17:19 What makes people believe this stuff?
00:17:22 You know what? Psychological.
00:17:26 Things can cause people.
00:17:28 Like what? Environmental factors?
Speaker 2
00:17:32 Can cause people.
00:17:34 To start believing.
00:17:36 Everything is fake.
00:17:40 That everything they see is fake.
00:17:44 That all external stimuli is is generated and there's like a.
00:17:49 There's a couple of psychological disorders, but one of the things that stuck out to me.
00:17:56 Was a look.
00:17:58 They're the the funny.
00:17:59 The irony of what I'm about to say is people going.
00:18:01 To think this is fake.
00:18:03 One of the problems, one of the psychological problems.
00:18:07 That they've had with people going into.
00:18:10 The the space station.
00:18:12 Oh, because that's fake too.
00:18:13 I know, guys.
00:18:15 Is that they start thinking that everything is fake.
00:18:21 And the same kind of I'm actually.
00:18:23 This is The funny thing is going to bring up another thing that people going to think which is similar to a disorder that that sometimes occurs in people who would go to Arctic expeditions.
00:18:40 You know whether they went to Antarctica or the North Pole anywhere that was really isolated.
00:18:46 Where they were kind.
00:18:47 Of packed into tight, you know, small quarters.
00:18:51 With either you know not very many people with them, or maybe sometimes alone.
Speaker 2
00:18:57 But being cut off.
00:18:57 From the world.
00:19:00 They start feeling like nothing's real.
00:19:04 That everything that they're seeing is fake.
00:19:10 And I thought this was interesting.
00:19:15 We keep talking about how atomized everyone is and how isolated and this is before the pandemic.
00:19:25 And that's that's exactly what I think is.
00:19:28 Going on.
00:19:30 All these people that are believing that everything is faked, everything that I see is fake.
Speaker 2
00:19:36 Q is real.
00:19:40 It's all a show.
00:19:44 It's a product of justice isolation.
00:19:49 And I had the.
00:19:53 I have the article up here.
00:19:55 I was trying to find a lot of the references were from print books that I were impossible to access.
00:20:06 Let me see if I can find that again.
00:20:16 Sorry guys, I'm a little I'm still.
00:20:18 Not 100%.
00:20:20 Still not 100%.
00:20:27 And no, this is not COVID or my symptoms are not nothing like.
00:20:31 That at all.
00:20:33 It is.
00:20:36 And this COVID is totally different for me.
00:20:39 Here we go.
00:20:42 Well, this isn't the article I thought I was looking for, but anyway this might give you an idea.
00:20:50 One of the terms is well, this isn't what I was looking for actually.
00:20:55 Let me see if I can find it.
00:20:58 Here it is I found it.
00:21:00 Now The funny thing is they call it Solipsism syndrome.
00:21:06 And solipsism.
00:21:09 Just though it's odd that they use this term.
00:21:14 It's the female version.
00:21:18 Of a narcissist.
00:21:21 Like a narcissist is supposed to be a.
00:21:25 You know, like in the same way, like Incubus is a male and a succubus is a female.
00:21:30 A narcissist is like a male, and Sulla says this.
00:21:35 I don't know what the word would be.
00:21:38 It's supposed to be a female, but anyway, they call it Solipsism syndrome and it's a psychological state in which a person feels that reality is not external to their mind.
00:21:47 Periods of extended extended isolation may predispose people to this condition, in particular, the syndrome has been identified as a potential concern for individuals living in outer space for extended.
00:21:59 Periods of time.
00:22:00 The anthropological definition of solipsism is the idea that one's mind is sure to exist in a solipsistic position.
00:22:09 A person only believes their mind or self is sure to exist.
00:22:13 This part of self existence, theory or view of the self self system is a belief.
00:22:20 As a belief is about perceiving the world as what the self believes the world is.
00:22:27 And let's see our individuals experiencing solipsism syndrome feel reality is not real in the sense of being external to their own minds.
00:22:35 The syndrome is characterized by feelings of loneliness, detachment and indifference to the outside world.
00:22:44 Solipsism syndrome is not currently recognized as a psychiatric disorder by the.
00:22:49 APA, which also will tell you that homosexuality is totally healthy and that gender dysphoria is no longer a disorder either, though it shares similarities to depersonalization disorder, which is recognized, solipsism syndrome is distinct from solipsism, which is a philosophical position that nothing exists.
00:23:12 Periods of extended isolation may predispose people to solipsism syndrome, in particular, the syndrome has been identified as a potential challenge for astronauts and cosmonauts on long term missions, and these concerns influence the design of artificial habitats.
00:23:32 Well, I mean, aren't we?
00:23:32 All just uh.
00:23:35 In our own little spacecrafts these days, ground control to Major Tom and all that.
00:23:45 And I and I hardly.
00:23:48 Imagine that experiencing much of the world through a computer screen or a TV screen would be would be helping the.
00:23:57 The symptoms of this disorder.
00:24:01 And you see this?
00:24:02 It's not just, you know, queue people and the people thinking that that was an inflatable airplane or whatever.
00:24:12 You see this on the left too.
00:24:15 Right.
00:24:15 You see this?
00:24:16 They're they're Russia hysteria.
00:24:19 Where they, I mean both sides have kind of gone off the.
00:24:23 Gone off the rails with their conspiracy theories.
00:24:29 And I think a lot of it's because.
00:24:30 Both sides are highly isolated.
00:24:34 It's not just the right that's isolated.
00:24:41 And honestly, it sounds like a perfect scenario if you're the ruling class and you want to.
00:24:45 Get away with some ****.
00:24:51 So anyway, I thought that was.
00:24:53 That was interesting.
00:24:55 I I really wish I could have found that that book there was a book.
00:24:58 I think it was called.
00:25:00 Actually, it's probably listed right here.
00:25:04 Because it was a reference to this article, let me see.
00:25:07 Try to find a copy of this.
00:25:08 You could find little blips of it on.
00:25:10 It was called the Space Traveller's Handbook.
00:25:14 By Michael Freeman from 1979.
00:25:19 And I thought that would be an interesting.
00:25:24 But I could not find a copy.
00:25:25 Of that anywhere.
00:25:28 There's a couple of other astronauts that describe the same phenomenon.
00:25:34 But anyway.
00:25:36 But of course space is fake too, isn't it?
00:25:45 All right.
00:25:46 Well, let's go over some news.
00:25:48 I guess I'm taking a little easy today.
00:25:50 I'm not completely out of the woods yet.
00:25:56 But I'm cautiously optimistic about the future.
00:26:02 In a way that I wasn't earlier.
00:26:06 Not about the future of the country.
Speaker 2
00:26:10 I'm still exactly where I was.
00:26:12 On the future of the country, OK.
00:26:18 So First things first.
00:26:23 Bump butter bum.
00:26:25 We'll get to some COVID stuff in a second.
00:26:29 And again, not not to be a a broken record, but this is the kind of thing it's like.
00:26:34 We complain about.
00:26:36 How come the media doesn't cover this stuff?
00:26:38 The media never covers this stuff.
00:26:41 Well, I mean.
Speaker 2
00:26:44 We're the media now.
00:26:46 So we have to cover it.
00:26:48 Even though it might not be.
00:26:51 Anything all that surprising anymore?
00:26:53 Unfortunately, it's become so common.
00:26:59 That, you know, it kind of just.
00:27:02 It just seems like, Oh yeah, I've heard this story about 1000 ******* times. Just, you know, just swap out the names and the location, you know, a little bit.
00:27:12 And you know we've, we've all seen this movie.
00:27:15 We all know how.
00:27:15 It ends.
00:27:17 But I'm going to cover it anyway just because.
00:27:21 You know, no one else is going to.
00:27:25 In fact, it's funny.
00:27:26 I almost loaded up the wrong picture.
00:27:31 Precisely because.
00:27:33 There's so many of these stories that are exactly the same.
00:27:36 I was like, oh, there, there is no.
00:27:39 Now, that's not the right one.
00:27:42 Or let me get this up pulled up here.
00:27:51 And actually I'm going to.
00:27:51 Play I'm going to play a video report.
00:27:54 Of this exact story.
00:27:58 So here we go.
00:27:59 Let me.
00:28:04 Pull this up here.
00:28:04 Let me give you audio.
00:28:06 Be nice if.
00:28:06 We had audio.
00:28:08 Frustrating thing about this report is I don't think that.
00:28:12 They they might not even show a picture of the victim.
00:28:15 I wonder why.
00:28:19 Here we go.
00:28:20 1st at noon, terrifying moment on South.
Speaker 1
00:28:22 Beach when police say this man.
00:28:23 Walked up to a hotel.
00:28:25 Who was eating at a sidewalk cafe with his family?
00:28:28 And shot him.
00:28:29 Good afternoon. I'm Maribel Rodriguez.
Speaker 4
00:28:31 And I'm Francis Wang.
00:28:32 The victim was rushed to the hospital where he.
Speaker 1
00:28:34 Was pronounced dead.
00:28:35 Police say the suspect confessed to cold.
00:28:37 Murder, CBS.
Speaker 2
00:28:38 Four's Peter.
Speaker 6
00:28:39 Dench is live on Miami Beach, where we're.
Speaker 5
00:28:41 Learning new information about the victim and.
00:28:43 The man who?
00:28:43 Had misfiring the shots.
Speaker 6
00:28:45 Peter and Francis wanted beach police say that the man who was charged confessed to being high on mushrooms, and he said that made him feel empowered while the victim was sitting right here at this.
00:28:58 Restaurant with his family members and he took steps to protect them and that's why his uncle at this hour is calling him a hero.
00:29:07 Michael Wakefield says his 21 year old nephew Dustin was dining with his family when the gunman approached. He says Dustin stood between the suspect and his family members and was shot at least three times.
00:29:20 Michael calls his nephew a hero. Miami Beach police arrested 22 year old jamarius David of Norcross, GA, an arrest report.
00:29:27 Says he confessed to being higher.
00:29:29 Trump's and that made him feel empowered.
00:29:32 And he added he randomly chose two people to shoot.
00:29:35 This man says he saw three shots fired from 2 feet away and says David started dancing after shooting Wakefield.
Speaker 4
00:29:38 You start with that.
00:29:43 And he was dancing.
Speaker 6
00:29:44 Today, Timothy Burgess says he saw the shooter fire another shot before Wakefield was killed.
Speaker 5
00:29:50 I'm sitting now and I see the guy and he.
00:29:52 OK.
Speaker 4
00:29:54 He's like talking.
00:29:55 He drops, his backfired.
Speaker 6
00:29:57 Because that run shoes and I think.
00:29:59 It's gonna go.
00:30:00 Burgess says he took.
Speaker 4
00:30:01 Off this guy's got to go over.
00:30:05 Here, he's on me.
00:30:06 He's like, chasing around.
00:30:07 The car.
Speaker 6
00:30:07 Moments later, the same man, who he says was chasing him, would reportedly shot and killed Dustin Wakefield, horrifying other tourists who were nearby.
Speaker 4
00:30:16 It was awful, kind of scary that we were so close.
00:30:19 To it.
00:30:19 I've just felt very, very sad.
00:30:21 It would make you realize how fragile life is, and that's really not so anyway.
00:30:25 So that's and there's too many brands on the street, my personal opinion.
Speaker 2
00:30:31 Too many guns on the street, she says.
00:30:35 That that's what it is.
00:30:36 It's too many guns.
Speaker 1
00:30:41 There's too.
Speaker 2
00:30:41 Many guns.
00:30:45 So, to paraphrase what reiterate what that guy just said, or that news report he did, of course they very PC the way they reported it.
00:30:56 I'll report it the way it should be reported.
00:31:00 They drugged out.
00:31:02 Subhuman black guy.
Speaker 2
00:31:06 With a gun.
00:31:08 Aimed his gun.
00:31:11 At a man's baby, one year old baby.
00:31:17 And said.
Speaker 2
00:31:18 It's time for.
00:31:19 You to die.
00:31:22 And the guy jumped in between the gun and his baby.
00:31:29 And the subhuman?
00:31:31 Shot the guy.
00:31:35 Let's see here.
00:31:41 Shot him.
00:31:44 And after he fell down dead.
00:31:48 The subhuman.
00:31:50 Let's see if I can find his picture.
00:31:55 Come on, where is it?
00:31:57 Ah, there we are, danced.
00:32:01 Over his corpse, there's video of this.
00:32:05 Of course, they didn't include the video in their their news report.
00:32:12 Over the father's corpse.
00:32:21 And then when?
00:32:21 He was arrested.
00:32:22 He blamed them on mushrooms.
00:32:28 But there's too many guns on the street.
00:32:33 That's the real problem.
Speaker 2
00:32:37 Too many ******* guns.
00:32:43 Is that like?
00:32:43 Another is that like.
00:32:44 A dog whistle like Democrats.
00:32:47 Oh, those damn Democrats.
Speaker 2
00:32:51 Why? Why are?
00:32:52 Guns always voting Democrat.
00:32:57 All these ******* guns all over the street.
00:33:02 I wish we could ship all those guns to Africa.
00:33:04 That would solve our problems.
00:33:16 So yeah, that happened.
Speaker 2
00:33:20 Every day, it's literally every day.
00:33:23 Every single day there's a story exactly like this.
00:33:28 Every single ******* day.
00:33:32 And so when we talk about where we're at and those different stages of genocide.
00:33:38 People, they don't realize this.
00:33:41 It's already we're already at the violent stage.
00:33:45 We're already at the stage where where we're getting picked off 1 by 1.
00:33:51 We're already at the stage where if you go with your wife and baby.
00:33:57 To a patio.
Speaker 2
00:33:58 To eat lunch, you might get shot.
00:34:03 We're already there.
00:34:06 We're already there.
Speaker 6
00:34:11 So when people are like.
Speaker 2
00:34:12 Oh, no, it's it's going to get.
00:34:13 Bad, it's bad.
00:34:17 It just hasn't happened to you yet.
00:34:29 If you live in an area that's diversified.
00:34:33 Your chances of just getting randomly shot.
Speaker 2
00:34:37 Buy a gun.
00:34:39 All those guns on the street.
00:34:43 Are really high.
00:34:47 You know, I lived in.
00:34:47 A black neighborhood in DC.
00:34:50 And I, you know, I was in attack mode every time I had to walk between the.
00:34:54 Metro and my apartment.
00:34:56 You know, luckily.
00:34:57 Almost nothing ever happened and there was a few things where I, you know, I got all ready to go.
Speaker 2
00:35:02 Like oh, this is it, this is it.
00:35:04 It's it's happening.
00:35:08 But uh.
00:35:11 Yeah, it's it's worse than it was then.
Speaker 2
00:35:17 Every day.
00:35:19 Every single ******* day.
00:35:28 And and and these.
00:35:29 These ******* ***** right here.
00:35:31 They're not going to point out the obvious.
Speaker 2
00:35:37 They're going to blame it.
00:35:38 On guns or on the mushrooms or whatever, but they're not going to point out the obvious this ****** here.
00:35:47 He's not going to point out the obvious.
00:35:53 And honestly, the the the boomers in the audience and look, some of the younger, younger, signat white guys in the audience, libertarians.
00:36:03 They might have like that.
00:36:04 Still, small voice in the back of their head saying.
00:36:09 Oh again.
00:36:13 It's it's happening again.
00:36:16 There's a pattern that hasn't just emerged.
00:36:22 It is a solid, easy to recognize pattern.
00:36:26 And they say to that.
00:36:27 Voice. Sharp voice.
Speaker 6
00:36:30 I'm not a racist.
00:36:33 It's the guns.
00:36:37 You know what we really need to do is make sure all.
00:36:39 These guns have fathers.
00:36:44 That's the real problem.
00:36:46 Not enough fathers.
00:36:48 All of these single mothers raising these guns.
00:36:58 Economics, everything's economics to these libertarians.
00:37:14 And so, because of that, it just it will continue.
00:37:17 It will continue until you have.
00:37:22 The the mainstream people.
00:37:26 Willing to to say something about it.
00:37:31 But at that point it's like.
00:37:34 I don't know that.
00:37:35 You would see.
00:37:36 Here's The thing is, I feel like.
00:37:39 The the mainstream whites.
00:37:42 That are allowed on television.
00:37:46 And who don't get banned from different streaming services and and platforms and whatnot.
00:37:52 They won't say it.
00:37:58 At least not probably not in your lifetime.
00:38:04 Because the second they start to say it.
00:38:06 Boom, you're gone.
00:38:10 You know, even even Tucker has to like every other sentence and.
Speaker 2
00:38:14 It's not about race.
00:38:15 It's not about race.
00:38:17 I'm Tucker.
00:38:26 So that's why it will get increasingly bad and.
00:38:29 That's why where you live.
00:38:30 Matters, especially if you're raising kids.
00:38:35 I mean, if I mean, if nothing else, there's a lot of people that feel like they can't get out of the city for whatever reason.
00:38:41 Maybe you know and look, it's not.
00:38:44 I get it.
00:38:44 There's some people where your skill set or you're in financial situation.
00:38:49 You're just not in a spot where you can go out to the woods or out to the desert or out.
00:38:55 You know, whatever, right I get.
00:38:58 But maybe you can go somewhere if you're in like a metropolitan area like this, maybe you can go somewhere like maybe a little less diverse.
00:39:06 You know where there's fewer guns walking around on the streets.
00:39:13 Because this get.
00:39:14 This is this gets no national news.
00:39:17 Because they want it.
00:39:21 The media understands the power that they have. Of course they do. Rachel Maddow is getting paid $30 million a year.
00:39:29 $30 million a year.
00:39:34 Why do you think they pay her 30 million?
00:39:37 Dollars a year.
00:39:47 Because she's she's an influencer.
00:39:49 I guess you could say, right?
00:39:50 That's the new term.
00:39:51 She's an influencer.
00:39:54 And her ratings are actually really good.
00:39:58 Rachel Maddow, the woman that Tucker Carlson gave a job to.
00:40:06 I don't think I saw that string, that's why Rachel Maddow exists.
00:40:09 Isn't that?
00:40:10 Isn't that funny?
00:40:11 How that worked out?
00:40:14 The only reason?
Speaker 2
00:40:15 Why we even?
00:40:15 Have Rachel Maddow is because Tucker Carlson hired her.
00:40:20 For her first gig.
00:40:24 Over at MSNBC?
00:40:26 Or was, I think it was MSNBC.
00:40:34 Tucker Carlson gave her her first gig and now who were the two big voices on on TV?
00:40:42 Oh, Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow.
Speaker 2
00:40:54 But we've seen over the last year how easy it.
00:40:56 Is for the the the people.
00:40:58 On TV, the pretty people on TV.
00:41:01 You know the people like like these *****.
00:41:04 Or the people these ***** wish they were.
00:41:11 We've seen how.
00:41:12 Easily they can get the public to buy into anything.
Speaker 2
00:41:18 There have even been riots.
00:41:22 Over the summer.
00:41:25 If they had covered George Floyd, honestly.
Speaker 2
00:41:30 Of course not.
00:41:33 If that's all that had changed, if they had just.
00:41:36 Covered it like unbiased, just like.
00:41:39 Oh, here's the story.
00:41:40 Here's what happened.
00:41:43 Of course not.
00:41:43 I would gotten nowhere.
00:41:54 So they know they have this power.
00:41:57 That's why they want to censor anyone who goes against their narrative.
00:42:02 Because it lessens their power.
00:42:04 But they I.
00:42:05 Mean it doesn't make it go away.
00:42:10 So they could stop this **** tomorrow.
00:42:18 They know the statistics.
00:42:20 It's available to you.
00:42:22 It's not just you're not like Privy to some like information that that news or organizations don't have access to.
00:42:29 They know that the black on white crime is, is wildly disproportionate.
00:42:38 They know they're lying.
00:42:41 There's probably some.
00:42:41 Idiots like interns and **** that believe the hype.
Speaker 2
00:42:45 But the people.
00:42:46 Orchestrating this, the people actually write in the music that they're all listening to.
00:42:53 They know.
00:42:54 And they could make it stop tomorrow.
00:42:57 Literally tomorrow, at least by next week.
Speaker 2
00:43:00 If all they did was report, like I said, these these, these things happen every single ******* day.
00:43:09 So they could just make a big.
00:43:10 Deal out of every one of them.
00:43:12 Day the next week.
00:43:15 And talk about how.
00:43:16 It was this black on white violence and this crime.
00:43:21 And justice not give any screen time to any.
00:43:23 Of the the the black activists that would have a conniption fit when they heard this.
00:43:35 And within a week or two.
00:43:37 All the NPCS would be like.
00:43:39 Oh my God, it's an epidemic.
00:44:01 And that is because.
00:44:09 The wind scorpion.
00:44:21 People live in their isolated little.
00:44:26 And they believe whatever stories.
00:44:29 The pretty people on TV tell them, especially if it's more interesting than what happened in real life.
00:44:39 And I guess in in case of George Floyd, that's a perfect example, right?
00:44:42 What's more interesting?
00:44:46 Some black guy.
00:44:47 Tried to rip off a gas station and then had a drug overdose while getting arrested.
00:44:54 I mean **** that happens and Speaking of **** that happens every day and that that kind of thing probably.
00:44:59 Happens multiple times a day.
00:45:03 That's boring as ****.
00:45:06 What's way more interesting?
00:45:09 Is this brave?
00:45:12 Black man with his whole future.
00:45:14 Ahead of him.
00:45:16 You know this, this model citizen.
00:45:19 Was just minding his own business.
00:45:22 When an evil white cop came and.
00:45:25 Murdered him on the streets.
00:45:26 Right in.
00:45:27 Front of everybody.
00:45:33 Because of the oppression of the black people in America.
00:45:38 So way more interesting storyline.
Speaker 2
00:45:49 So I guess if you were.
00:45:50 To if the media were to try.
00:45:51 To get people behind the.
00:45:56 The stuff like this, the lesson we can learn.
00:46:01 Is when you have stories like this happening.
00:46:07 You'd have to blow this up out of.
00:46:08 Proportion I mean not that much though I.
Speaker 2
00:46:11 Mean the real, the real version of this is.
00:46:14 Pretty grabby, right?
00:46:17 Guy points a gun at a baby and the father heroically jumps in front of.
Speaker 2
00:46:24 The baby.
00:46:26 Takes a bullet for his baby.
Speaker 2
00:46:33 That's pretty grabbing.
00:46:36 That's not enough though.
00:46:37 You'd have to you'd.
00:46:37 Have to slather on some more.
00:46:40 Narrative, you know like.
00:46:42 That black man was he was out for.
00:46:45 He wanted to go out.
00:46:45 And kill all the.
00:46:46 White people and he wanted to start with.
00:46:48 Babies see we can play this game too.
00:46:59 We just, we just actually we really can't, we can't play this game because we don't have the TV networks.
00:47:11 Alright, I'm gonna go over some COVID stuff real quick.
00:47:13 Again, sorry if I'm a little low energy tonight.
00:47:16 And let it go over some COVID stuff, and then we'll talk with.
00:47:20 Chat for a little bit and then I'm going to shut her down.
00:47:26 Drink some water here.
00:47:30 The funny thing is, I actually I was, like, totally off the Internet for a few days it.
00:47:33 Was pretty nice.
00:47:35 Pretty nice little unnerving, but pretty nice.
00:47:39 Nice to not know what the hell was going on.
00:47:42 But also like I said, very in a way unnerving.
00:47:45 You're just like uh.
00:47:47 It's like it's an addiction, isn't it?
00:47:51 All right.
00:47:56 So big F for this guy.
00:48:07 All right, so one of the problems with with what's going on with COVID right now, of course by now everyone's aware that supposedly the FDA, FDA approved it.
00:48:18 Now it's all good.
00:48:18 It's really not.
00:48:19 You go in and look at what they.
00:48:20 Are talking about.
00:48:22 They still have the you won't get any compensation if there's long term effects.
00:48:28 You know, it's hard to do that already.
00:48:30 And you and you.
00:48:30 And if you do, it's not from the companies that create vaccines.
00:48:34 A lot of people don't know this.
00:48:35 So basically the way that it works, if you are injured by a vaccine, you can't sue the vaccine manufacturer.
00:48:45 You have to go through.
00:48:45 This wonky federal court system and then the compensation if you get it, which is, you know, good luck.
00:48:54 It's actually paid for by the taxpayer.
00:48:58 So the vaccine manufacturers are completely.
00:49:02 Off the hook for that stuff, right?
00:49:06 Because of the special.
00:49:10 I guess emergency approval status.
00:49:15 Of the Pfizer vaccine, which everyone was making a big deal out of, like somehow it was, it was radically different than what we already had with, you know, the emergency authorization.
00:49:26 You still you actually not only can you not go after Pfizer for compensation, you're not going to be able to even go after, you know, go through the vaccination vaccine courts and.
00:49:41 Try to get compensation that way, so it's it's literally almost, it's like a.
00:49:50 There's no distinction like nothing changed.
00:49:52 It just changed the name.
00:49:54 Only the level of approval.
00:49:59 That the FDA has given the Pfizer vaccine and and what we had a couple weeks ago.
00:50:04 So it's literally pretty much the same.
00:50:07 But that said, that's all we need to do to start rolling out the mandates.
00:50:14 Now because.
00:50:18 At least for right now.
00:50:21 They don't feel comfortable and someday they will.
00:50:24 But right now they don't feel comfortable just mandating all citizens.
00:50:30 Have to take a shot.
00:50:32 You know, they're not declaring just yet.
00:50:36 That they have jurisdiction over your bloodstream.
00:50:39 They're having to rely on other means to accomplish this.
00:50:42 Again, this is just in America.
00:50:44 Other countries?
00:50:45 Who knows, right?
00:50:48 So some of the the more alarming examples of this.
00:50:54 Or so for example.
00:50:55 This one.
00:50:57 Delta Airlines to charge unvaccinated workers.
00:51:02 So if you're an employee of Delta Airlines, this would apply to you.
Speaker 2
00:51:07 $200.00 a month.
00:51:11 That's right.
00:51:14 If you work for Delta Airlines.
00:51:18 And you're unvaccinated.
00:51:20 They're going, your employer is going to charge you.
00:51:25 $200.00 a month.
00:51:28 Delta Airlines said on Wednesday it will begin charging on vaccinated workers a hefty monthly sum.
00:51:35 In a memo sent out to employees, CEO Ed Bastian said unvaccinated employees who participate in the airlines healthcare plan will incur an additional $200.00 monthly fee.
00:51:48 Beginning in November.
00:51:50 The impetus of the surcharge is the high cost of hospital stays.
00:51:55 For COVID-19, which by the way, they have not shown any statistical difference.
00:52:03 In terms of like whether or not you've been vaccinated, really that that you're going to be hospitalized.
00:52:10 But doesn't matter.
00:52:14 The average hospital stay for blah blah blah and they go on like that's.
00:52:17 So that's how they they require it.
00:52:20 And look this this all started with seat belt laws.
00:52:28 Seat belt laws.
00:52:29 I think it was Nader.
00:52:31 That's how he got.
00:52:32 Wheeler Nader pioneered the seat belt laws before that.
00:52:38 In fact, there was a lot of cars that didn't have seat belts, and it was pretty much like it.
00:52:41 Was like.
00:52:41 A bonus feature.
00:52:43 If you get a really old car, you're.
00:52:45 Not going to find any.
00:52:45 Seat belts in those things.
00:52:47 And it wasn't until I I'm pretty sure it was Ralph Nader.
00:52:52 Who came along?
00:52:54 And started pushing for federal regulations to have seat belts and the argument that he made that forced a lot of these laws was that, well, if.
Speaker 2
00:53:08 You get hurt.
00:53:10 If you get hurt, then that's going to cost the community money.
00:53:21 You see?
00:53:22 So yeah, I mean what you do in the privacy of your own home?
00:53:26 That's fine, but.
00:53:27 The second you do something on the public streets that could cause harm to other people financially, that's when we get jurisdiction.
00:53:36 Weird how that same logic has not been applied to homosexuals.
00:53:42 I mean, if you are homosexual, you have a wildly higher chance of of costing the taxpayers money to treat your illnesses.
00:53:57 So why couldn't you just ban homosexuality?
00:54:00 That's a dangerous.
00:54:02 It costs the public money well.
00:54:04 We know why.
00:54:08 They use this same logic for the smoking laws.
00:54:12 You know, like, like the whole private company thing.
Speaker 2
00:54:19 It's a losing argument.
00:54:20 Because it's an inconsistent argument in its.
00:54:28 Right.
00:54:32 Like it's funny how you know, if you're a Christian Baker, you have to bake the gay cake.
00:54:39 But if you're Communist YouTube, you don't have to.
00:54:42 Have right wing Youtubers.
00:54:51 And you can ban smoking in bars.
00:54:56 But you can't ban ******.
00:55:03 So if you're a libertarian pretending to use this because you're standing on principle.
Speaker 6
00:55:11 You're losing.
00:55:13 You're a sucker.
00:55:18 Principles only matter.
00:55:21 If they're honored.
00:55:26 Excuse me, I have some more coffee here.
00:55:40 Otherwise, you're just like the the the Conservatives who want to.
00:55:45 Take the High Road to losing every every time they they go head to head with the Democrats.
00:55:56 And if they really believe in those principles.
00:55:59 They'd be fighting.
00:56:00 For all those things that they wouldn't be just.
00:56:01 A defensive posture.
00:56:03 It wouldn't just be an argument that they use on the way down on their.
00:56:07 Way losing.
00:56:08 If that was a real principle, if you really believed in that, you'd have.
00:56:12 Exactly what I just said.
00:56:15 You would have libertarians fighting for, well, I mean you'd have have them definitely fighting for the gay cake guy.
00:56:23 You'd have them fighting for.
00:56:29 Excuse me.
00:56:30 Maybe this COVID is now.
00:56:32 This is just this, this parts allergies today it was windy, windy as ****.
00:56:39 But you have them fighting for this.
00:56:40 Principle and in in.
00:56:42 More than just a defensive posture.
00:56:44 It wouldn't just be an excuse of.
00:56:45 Why they can't do something every time they lose?
00:56:52 But because that's the way it is.
00:56:54 In fact, that's the way I mean every.
00:56:55 Republican. They're saying, Oh well.
00:56:56 I don't I don't support.
00:56:59 I don't support government mandates.
00:57:02 But they all support companies doing what they want.
00:57:05 It's a private company.
00:57:06 They can do what they want, so that's the way they're going to roll out a lot of these mandates is they're going to be rolled out to through businesses.
00:57:14 And not just in, you know, businesses that you work for. Where you going to take like a $200.00 hit every month from your insurance because you didn't take the ******* vaccine.
00:57:22 That's one aspect to it.
00:57:24 You're also going to have companies that say that you.
00:57:26 Can't work for them.
00:57:28 If you don't take the vaccine.
00:57:30 And look, the military is already doing it.
00:57:32 This is the Pentagon Pentagon.
00:57:33 U.S. troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines. Washington military troops must immediately begin to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Lloyd Austin said in a memo Wednesday ordering service leaders to impose ambitious timelines for implementation.
00:57:53 More than 800,000 service members have yet to get their shots, according to the Pentagon. Dana the data.
00:58:00 And now that the Pfizer vaccine has received approval from the FDA, the Defense Department is adding it to the list of required shots troops must get as part of their military service.
00:58:12 Now the reason they can force this on troops is you pretty much sign your rights away when you join the service.
00:58:19 I mean they can inject you literally with whatever the **** they want.
00:58:21 You kind of just have to go with it.
00:58:24 But this is another, you know, they can go through the private company route or they can go through the people like this that they pretty much have fold Dominion over.
00:58:34 I mean, **** they can order you to go step on a landmine.
00:58:36 They can already put a shot ******* shot in your arm, right?
00:58:41 To defend this nation, we need a healthy and ready force again.
00:58:44 Consistency, right?
00:58:45 So you need a healthy and ready force, but having, you know, overweight, ****** is no big deal, Austin said in the memo.
00:58:52 After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, who apparently have no problem with having overweight ******** on your force.
00:59:00 And with the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus coronavirus disease is necessary to protect the force and defend the American people.
00:59:13 So if you're in the military.
00:59:15 You will.
00:59:16 You know, you have to get the shot now.
00:59:18 There's no question about.
00:59:19 It I don't know.
00:59:20 I don't know how you you would avoid that without having that.
00:59:25 It probably wouldn't be an honorable discharge, right?
00:59:29 I'm scrolling through the article here.
00:59:31 They don't really discuss what would happen if you try to.
00:59:38 Avoid it.
00:59:39 But like I said, they can Orient a step on a landmine.
00:59:42 They can order you.
00:59:42 To take a ******* shot.
00:59:46 And here's here's the rub.
00:59:53 This is also from today.
00:59:56 Study fully vaccinated carry 251 times.
01:00:01 The normal viral load of COVID-19.
01:00:05 And may be super spreaders.
Speaker 2
01:00:12 251.
01:00:13 Times the normal viral load.
01:00:17 A new study has revealed that people who are fully vaccinated carry a staggering 251 times the normal viral load of COVID-19. Experts are concerned that this may pose a risk to those who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine, and it also seems likely these increased viral loads.
01:00:37 Could result in more so-called breakthrough cases of those who have been vaccinated, contracting COVID-19 a study by the Oxford University Clinical Research Group published on August, published on August.
01:00:52 10th in The Lancet found that fully vaccinated people carry 251 times the viral load of coronavirus, as compared to those who have not received one of the controversial vaccines.
01:01:06 Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains.
01:01:15 Detected between March and April 2020, the study says.
01:01:20 The vaccine seems to allow vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming sick, transforming them into quote super spreaders who experience symptoms later on, as reported by the daily veracity Vinces.
01:01:41 Website the study focused on healthcare workers who were unable to leave the hospital for two weeks.
01:01:48 The study showed that fully vaccinated workers about two months after injection carried and transmitted the virus to their vaccinated colleagues after infection.
01:01:59 They also passed the virus to unvaccinated.
01:02:02 People, including their patients, the vaccine used in the study was the Oxford.
01:02:10 AstraZeneca vaccine.
01:02:14 In reaction to the study, Congressman Paul Gosar tweeted.
01:02:18 As we have said, side effects and efficacy are measured in years, not weeks and months.
01:02:25 Another study that should cause all reasonable people to take pawns.
01:02:32 The Food and Drug Administration on Monday granted full approval of the Pfizer bio, Bio N tech COVID-19 vaccine.
01:02:43 Opening the door for vaccine mandates across the US.
01:02:48 This comes just days after the director of the Center of Disease Control, CDC Rochelle Wolinsky, admitted the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against SARS Cove Two is waning.
01:03:03 Adding that those who were vaccinated early are at increased risk.
01:03:07 Of severe disease.
01:03:10 Now I I played that on my telegram like a few days ago.
01:03:14 That if.
01:03:16 That if you.
01:03:18 If you were one of the early adopters, I guess.
01:03:20 It would be one way of putting it.
01:03:23 Of the.
01:03:26 Let me see if I got this clip here.
01:03:29 Yeah, here we go.
Speaker 1
01:03:31 Reports from our international colleague.
01:03:35 I hate how this works.
01:03:37 I wish this would.
01:03:41 The whole resizing thing and.
Speaker 1
01:03:48 Reports from our international colleagues, including Israel, suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.
01:03:58 Given this body of evidence, we are concerned that the current strong protection against severe infection, hospitalization and death could decrease in the months ahead.
01:04:08 Especially among those who are at higher risk or who are vaccinated earlier during the phases of our vaccination rollout.
Speaker 2
01:04:17 So if you are vaccinated early, you're at higher risk.
01:04:20 Hey, congratulations.
01:04:24 All right.
01:04:32 And then of course, we see SEC filings have shown that Moderna has made $12 billion as the government and major institutions push for forced vaccinations, as was previously reported by.
01:04:47 National file.
01:04:49 Stephanie Bancel, the chief executive officer of or.
01:04:54 It's not.
01:04:54 That's not Stephanie.
01:04:55 That must be Stephan, because I think it's a.
01:04:57 Dude, right?
01:04:59 Or maybe it's a woman.
01:05:00 I don't know.
01:05:00 It's spelled weird.
01:05:01 It's got a got an accent marker.
01:05:03 Over the E.
01:05:04 I mean, look who this person is.
01:05:06 I don't even know it's gender.
01:05:08 Is it is a dude, so it must be Stefan.
01:05:12 In fact, you want to see this dude?
01:05:14 We'll play it here in a second.
01:05:16 The chief executive officer of Moderna said.
01:05:19 They are looking forward forward towards our vision of a single dose annual booster.
01:05:25 You like that looking forward towards our vision of a single dose.
01:05:31 Annual booster.
01:05:33 That provides protection against COVID-19 flu and RSV for adults. I look forward to the start of our phase three trial for CMV this year and to clinical proof of concept data in the coming quarters for our therapeutics pipeline.
01:05:54 We believe this is just the beginning.
01:06:00 You understand?
01:06:02 You understand how this isn't going away?
Speaker 2
01:06:09 And it's not, it's not going to.
01:06:10 Stop at annual shots either.
01:06:16 They want jurisdiction of your bloodstream.
01:06:21 And that's just I look, do you?
01:06:23 Do you really ******* trust the people that want you dead?
01:06:29 That want you dead.
01:06:31 They want you dead.
01:06:32 They want your family dead.
Speaker 2
01:06:36 You know this?
01:06:40 You should know that if you don't know.
01:06:42 This then.
Speaker 2
01:06:43 You should know this.
01:06:47 You want them to have jurisdiction.
Speaker 2
01:06:49 Over your bloodstream.
01:06:50 You want them to have the authority.
01:06:55 To inject you with whatever the **** that they want.
01:06:58 And again, I've talked about this before.
01:06:59 You don't have a laboratory, and even if you did, most of you don't have the experts.
01:07:04 So you don't know, you don't even know what's in what's you just it's faith.
01:07:10 It's blind faith.
01:07:11 Stick me with whatever is in that thing.
Speaker 2
01:07:14 Just put it in me.
01:07:15 I don't know what it is.
01:07:16 Put it in me.
01:07:22 I mean, you're literally, you're you're you're submitting to being in a in the.
01:07:26 Government's glory ******* hole.
01:07:29 You're like, put a blindfold on me.
01:07:32 I'm just going to open up my mouth and just shove ****.
01:07:34 In there, just put it in there.
01:07:37 And I'll just trust that you're not sticking.
01:07:38 Your **** in.
01:07:39 My mouth.
01:07:40 I'll just trust that it's going to be an apple pie or something.
Speaker 2
01:07:43 But blindfold me.
01:07:45 And I'll just ******* open my mouth and just put stuff in there.
01:07:50 Most people wouldn't even trust their friends.
01:07:53 In that scenario.
01:07:55 But you're going.
01:07:55 To trust people that want you dead.
01:08:04 And the answer is yes, most.
Speaker 2
01:08:05 People are going.
01:08:06 To are going to do it.
01:08:09 Because it's working.
01:08:10 It's clearly working.
01:08:15 Thankfully not, not totally.
01:08:17 I mean, there is.
01:08:18 There's certainly some resistance to this, enough resistance to where it was nice to see Trump getting booted as.
01:08:25 And is a rally the other day but.
01:08:31 You know.
01:08:32 Not enough, not enough resistance, and certainly not, I mean not.
01:08:37 In countries like.
01:08:39 Like Australia New Zealand.
01:08:46 The Anglosphere is not very healthy right now, and it.
01:08:49 Has nothing to do with COVID.
01:08:53 There's a whole lot of compliance going on that's pretty alarming.
01:08:59 But oh anyway, so that guy who I had to look up.
01:09:02 And see if he was even.
Speaker 5
01:09:06 59 years.
01:09:07 Oh, this is a different guy.
01:09:08 They look very.
01:09:08 Similar so this is the Pfizer CEO telling you how he's not even going to.
01:09:14 Take his own vaccine.
Speaker 2
01:09:18 This is the Pfizer CEO.
Speaker 5
01:09:21 59 years old in good health. I'm not working in the frontline, so my type is not recommended to get vaccinated.
Speaker 2
01:09:31 See, he's not going to get it.
01:09:36 He's 59. He's at the you.
01:09:37 Know the the young.
01:09:39 Age of 59. He's not a frontline worker.
Speaker 2
01:09:47 He doesn't need it.
01:09:51 But your eight-year old son does.
01:09:56 Now your 19 year old son, the military does.
01:10:05 And anyone that wants to shop at at Walmart does.
01:10:11 And anyone that wants to.
01:10:13 Work for Delta Airlines does.
01:10:17 But not not the literal CEO of the company that made it.
01:10:22 He's good.
Speaker 2
01:10:23 He's young, he's 59.
01:10:36 59 is the new what the new 59 is, the new 39? Ohh good.
01:10:44 Well, these *******.
01:10:46 Is 59 technically boomer?
01:10:49 X is getting pretty old.
01:10:52 Maybe 59 is Gen. X.
01:10:57 I don't know.
01:10:59 I don't know.
01:11:05 All right.
01:11:07 I think I had one more thing here.
01:11:11 Maybe I didn't.
01:11:14 I didn't.
01:11:16 Like I said, little little light material tonight.
01:11:20 Because I was.
01:11:21 Like ah.
01:11:23 I can do it.
01:11:25 People are going to think I'm dead.
01:11:27 I better at least let people know I'm not dead.
01:11:31 Oh, I did have something.
01:11:34 Well, I don't know if I should.
01:11:35 Talk about that.
01:11:42 I guess doesn't matter.
01:11:43 I guess it doesn't really matter.
01:11:47 So they're going through my mail.
01:11:52 I guess it doesn't matter.
01:11:54 Or if I should show you guys this.
01:11:58 I'll just tell you.
01:12:02 I had someone send me a package.
01:12:06 This actually happened today.
01:12:09 And it was 2.
01:12:13 Two things.
01:12:16 And pretty large.
01:12:21 Electronics things right?
01:12:24 And heavy.
Speaker 2
01:12:26 So they packaged each one individually.
01:12:31 You know, with Styrofoam and stuff and.
01:12:34 In a box.
01:12:36 And then I got the two boxes.
01:12:39 And they tied it together.
01:12:42 And put the two boxes tied together inside of another box.
01:12:47 With like more, you know Styrofoam and.
01:12:50 Stuff like that.
01:12:53 And they shipped it to me.
01:12:57 And when it arrived.
01:13:00 I could tell that it had been opened.
01:13:04 And I opened it up.
01:13:07 And inside was not two boxes.
01:13:11 Taped together.
01:13:14 It was these two electronics things.
01:13:21 In no boxes, just rattling around like a bucket of parts.
01:13:25 Missing some parts.
01:13:28 And but this is like weird this is like.
01:13:30 Weird obscure stuff that.
01:13:32 It's not like the UPS guy was like, oh sweet, I'm going to.
01:13:36 Take these weird.
01:13:39 Things apart and take, you know.
01:13:41 That it wasn't that.
01:13:46 And so.
01:13:48 I was a little surprised.
Speaker 2
01:13:49 I've never anything like this happened.
01:13:51 Before, but clearly at some point.
01:13:55 Someone open up the package.
01:13:59 Took the two boxes out.
01:14:02 Opened up the boxes.
01:14:05 Took apart disassembled.
01:14:08 These two things.
01:14:10 Or just it was like it's ham radio gear, but it's like old.
01:14:13 It's like I said, it's obscure ham radio gear like stuff that it's not like someone would see it.
01:14:18 Like ohh.
01:14:19 Ohh I'm going to take that apart and and.
01:14:21 And and you know.
01:14:23 Like the thing, the things the parts that were.
01:14:25 Missing weren't like.
01:14:27 Worth anything?
01:14:29 It was just weird that it was missing parts.
Speaker 2
01:14:33 So they took.
01:14:34 It apart, like took the case off.
01:14:38 And then.
01:14:40 Just threw it all in the big box, like with the case up like.
01:14:45 Like it was just a big bucket of parts.
01:14:49 And then sort of taped it back together.
01:14:52 And then delivered it to me.
01:14:55 And I don't know how that happens.
01:14:58 Like I don't know how that happens.
Speaker 2
01:15:03 Let me see if I you know, I just.
01:15:04 I just want to show you.
01:15:08 I want to show you just because I want you.
01:15:12 It it doesn't, it doesn't sound as crazy until you see I think.
01:15:21 I'm going to show you how it looked.
01:15:28 Before and then after.
01:15:34 Alright, so when they sent it to me.
01:15:46 This is how it looked.
01:15:49 Two boxes.
01:15:52 Inside of a bigger box.
01:15:54 Taped up Styrofoam.
01:15:58 All that good stuff, right?
01:16:04 Well, this is what I got.
01:16:14 No two boxes.
01:16:16 Completely taken apart.
01:16:20 Jumbled mess of garbage like.
01:16:22 There's no way.
01:16:24 There's no way.
01:16:26 That happened.
01:16:28 Like I'm talking like the case was unscrewed completely, taken apart like someone.
01:16:35 Had to have got like.
01:16:37 First of all, ripped open those two boxes.
01:16:40 Taking the the the things out of the boxes, gotten a screwdriver, took the cases apart, took some of the components out.
01:16:51 Throw away the two boxes and then just jam all the parts they just disassembled into the big box.
01:16:59 And then ship it the rest of the way and it got all.
01:17:02 Beat the **** like it's.
01:17:03 All ****** **, you know.
01:17:04 Whatever, but.
01:17:06 That has never happened to me.
01:17:07 That's literally never happened to me.
01:17:10 So that happened today.
01:17:12 I have no idea what to even make of that.
Speaker 2
01:17:18 Like, I don't even lay hold on to making that like part of me is like.
01:17:22 Well, is that just?
01:17:26 Is that like?
01:17:27 Was that like a normal security check?
01:17:29 Kind of a thing, which again, I don't know.
01:17:32 I don't.
01:17:33 It's not like it.
01:17:34 They weren't shipping like toxic ******* there.
01:17:36 There was.
01:17:36 No, there was nothing suspicious.
01:17:40 About this stuff.
Speaker 2
01:17:41 And if it was but the other the other.
01:17:44 Side of me was.
01:17:44 Like, OK well.
Speaker 2
01:17:46 Wouldn't they want to like not?
01:17:48 Have you know that?
Speaker 2
01:17:49 They went through your **** cause this is very obvious.
01:17:53 Like this is.
01:17:54 There's no way I'm going to miss that, right?
01:17:59 And I know the guy that shipped it, so it's not like there's not.
01:18:02 It's not like, you know, not like some weird thing where.
01:18:05 You know, like it or like, it's like an eBay thing or something like that where the guys?
01:18:09 Like screwing me like I know the guy.
Speaker 2
01:18:12 I know that that's so.
01:18:14 It's just like, what the ****?
01:18:16 How does that happen?
01:18:19 I don't know, but that happened today.
01:18:22 So I was just.
Speaker 2
01:18:22 Like, OK well I.
01:18:24 Guess I guess you know it.
01:18:27 You know, maybe it's maybe it's totally random.
01:18:29 You know that this happened.
01:18:30 I don't.
01:18:31 Again I have no.
Speaker 2
01:18:32 Way to how like?
01:18:34 You know we're we're talking to UPS trying to, I don't even know.
01:18:37 How this would even how it would happen?
01:18:39 And it got here.
01:18:40 Here's the other weird thing.
01:18:41 It got here.
Speaker 2
01:18:41 Fast like it got here faster than normal.
01:18:45 Like it was supposed to.
01:18:46 Be here by Friday and it showed up today and.
Speaker 2
01:18:48 I was like, oh, it's early and then.
01:18:51 Oh, here's the other weird thing.
01:18:53 I was supposed to sign for it.
01:18:56 Now the UPS guy, like literally just like dropped it off and ran for it like he was gone before I could get to the door.
01:19:02 He was like, halfway down the road.
01:19:04 Which is also weird because I usually you know.
01:19:10 Usually talk to the guy.
01:19:11 So and I got the I I walked.
01:19:14 He never knocked the door.
01:19:15 I just heard the the truck out in there.
01:19:17 There's no one out here so.
01:19:18 You can hear the truck out here.
01:19:20 And I was just like, oh, hey, and he.
01:19:21 Was already like gone.
01:19:22 And I was like, what the ****?
01:19:23 So anyway, so.
01:19:24 That happened. That was weird.
01:19:32 I'll talk to chat here for a little bit and then I'm going to go.
01:19:35 To sleep.
01:19:42 Does all the crap news, everybody or whoops, does all the crap news every day not beat you down?
01:19:50 Whoa, where did that?
01:19:52 Here we go.
01:19:53 Did all the crap news everything not beats you down?
01:19:55 What's the black pill booster that keeps you moving forward?
01:19:59 Or is it all just mindset?
01:20:01 It's some of its mindset.
01:20:03 Like I said, you got to just it only gets you down if like you have high expectations like if you expect it to be good and you know.
01:20:12 And you get a **** sandwich.
01:20:15 Expectations are everything.
01:20:16 It's kind of like you ever you ever grab.
01:20:20 Like a soda.
01:20:23 And you think it's going to be one flavor and it's a totally different flavor and you might like both flavors, right?
01:20:29 Like let's say, even like Doctor Pepper or Coke, right?
01:20:32 You just think it's going to be a coke, but it's doctor Pepper and you might have no problem with Doctor Pepper, but because your brain is expecting coke.
01:20:40 You get that taste in your mouth.
01:20:42 And just like.
01:20:43 What the ****'* that? You know, and it might not last forever. But like you get.
01:20:46 That initial.
01:20:48 Disgust because it's your expectations are one thing and.
01:20:52 You got something else?
01:20:55 You just have to expect that, like, look, we're not, we're not pulling out of this nosedive.
01:21:00 And look, what's the worst thing that can happen?
01:21:02 We do.
01:21:03 And then you're super happy.
Speaker 2
01:21:06 Right.
01:21:06 So it's like you win.
01:21:08 Both ways.
01:21:10 But just you gotta, you know, and and the other part of it too is you don't stress out about this **** if you're prepared for worst case scenario like this **** that happened to me today with the box and and all that stuff it.
01:21:21 Was annoying, right?
01:21:23 But I kind of expect **** like this to kind of happen.
01:21:27 Like so.
01:21:28 Like it was annoying.
01:21:29 But I'm not, like, freaking out about it or letting it ruin my day.
01:21:32 I'm just like, oh, alright, so maybe they're going through my mail now.
01:21:35 Know or you know that this is like, like I said, this is little, oh, this is over the top.
01:21:41 This is way more than just going with your mouth.
01:21:43 This is ******* crazy.
01:21:45 But at the same time.
01:21:46 It's like.
01:21:48 I'm not, you know.
01:21:49 So what I expect things to get weirder, right?
01:21:53 And so just setting your expectations accurately, but also being prepared.
01:21:58 You know, you're way less worried about, like, you know, there's some preppers that, you know, like the people that get real into it.
01:22:07 Like it almost becomes like an OCD thing where they have like, that's all they do all day is prep for something that may not even happen, right?
01:22:16 I don't, I wouldn't recommend.
01:22:18 You do that.
01:22:20 But if you just, you'd be amazed.
01:22:22 And how much better you feel about things when you just have something simple?
01:22:27 Like if you have a year supply of food.
01:22:31 Which is easy to do, you can get.
01:22:33 A year supply of.
01:22:34 Food and you know, some water, a go bag, just like just the basics.
01:22:39 You get the basics and you know, OK, well, if anything bad happens, I'm good for a year.
01:22:45 I can figure **** out, you know, in a year.
01:22:47 You have to.
01:22:48 You don't have to.
01:22:48 Like, prepare for the the apocalypse.
Speaker 2
01:22:51 You just have to.
01:22:52 Prepare for like long enough to like figure something else out.
01:22:56 And you know, if you've got enough supplies to buy you some time that takes your mind off a little bit.
01:23:03 But yeah, you just have to realize, look, we're we're we're, we're going to be around for the decline.
01:23:09 And so if you don't expect it to decline, then it declines.
01:23:12 You're going to feel ****** about it.
01:23:13 I don't feel.
01:23:14 ****** about it.
01:23:16 You know, like I would prefer it to be another way.
01:23:19 I'd be happy.
01:23:20 Happy if it was a different way.
01:23:22 But I don't even know that I would be happier like in my personal life.
01:23:26 Because it doesn't really affect my personal life so much.
01:23:30 I mean, there's things that where it does right, like we've talked about, just like, you know, how we're atomized.
01:23:36 And so it affects friendships.
01:23:38 It affects dating right and the other the more divided, the more polarized people are, the more normies are brainwashed into believing stupid **** like that.
01:23:46 Affects your dating life.
01:23:47 You know that affects your friendships.
01:23:49 It might even affect your family relationships, stuff like that.
01:23:53 But you know, I mean, you're going to have some collateral damage better than that.
01:23:57 I mean, you choose who's in your life and you can and just.
01:24:03 You know, like like I said, like having just these a couple days off from from the news for just the last few days.
01:24:13 I don't know that I would say.
01:24:16 That my mood was enhanced, but I don't know.
01:24:19 I would say that I was happier.
01:24:23 But it but I I it did get me.
01:24:28 I mean because I.
01:24:31 I don't know.
01:24:31 Like So what I did instead really was I was listening to some audio books that were just fiction.
01:24:37 Like it wasn't work related, you know it was.
01:24:39 Just like.
01:24:41 It was even that smart of it was.
01:24:42 It was some, like, one of the books was like a werewolf book.
01:24:48 Like it was kind of gay.
01:24:49 Like, didn't like it.
01:24:51 But it was like, but it was something different, you know, just I was like ohh werewolves alright.
01:24:56 And so it just it just something else coming into your head.
Speaker 2
01:25:01 Right.
01:25:02 And uh.
01:25:06 Yeah, I don't know.
01:25:06 Like it's important to do that.
01:25:08 Like it's important to take little breaks, I guess.
01:25:11 But it's also important to do something with your hands.
01:25:15 I think that, I mean ****.
01:25:16 Like it's so much easier for me to listen to the news when it's like a horror show.
01:25:23 If I'm doing something else productive, right?
01:25:26 Like if you're just sitting there like I think a lot of people that even listen to my stream, they're doing something else.
01:25:31 When when this is going on right?
01:25:33 Especially if you're watching the replays or listening to or whatever, there's a lot of people they're doing something else.
01:25:37 Right now, as they hear my voice.
01:25:39 And that's important.
01:25:42 Like for me it's.
01:25:44 You know, I do lots of different things, but it working with your hands, I think.
01:25:50 Helps with that.
01:25:52 And just realize like, look, you know.
01:25:55 You're around for the decline and that can be interesting too. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated like some of this stuff's really predictable and it's so predictable that it's kind of frustrating.
01:26:08 It's almost like, uh.
01:26:10 I mean, look, we just, I just finished telling you, you know how life isn't a movie, right?
01:26:16 But why do you like watching movies?
01:26:17 What's it?
01:26:19 It's because you know it's exciting and fun or whatever, right?
01:26:21 So declines of civilizations there are exciting, fun things about it.
01:26:26 But just like a movie, right?
01:26:28 If you're watching a movie that's really predictable.
01:26:30 It's not.
01:26:32 It's not interesting, right? And a lot of this stuff's really predictable. So it kind of makes it kind of, but you know, it's still fascinating how some of this stuff.
01:26:41 Happens and you.
01:26:42 Never know.
01:26:43 Like just because a lot of these, just because they do have.
01:26:51 Control over the normies firmware and they have control over a lot of ****, and they're they're they're very good at it. It doesn't mean that they can 100% predict human behavior and so having that.
01:27:06 That uncertainty.
01:27:08 About human behavior is what makes it interesting too.
01:27:12 I mean again.
01:27:13 A lot of this stuff's really predictable.
01:27:14 Humans are pretty predictable, but every once in a while there's like that glitch.
01:27:19 And I think that.
01:27:21 That's what makes it for me.
01:27:22 That's what makes it.
01:27:25 Fascinating is sometimes you don't know, sometimes you don't know what.
01:27:30 When you feed, when you feed in the instructions into the the human mind.
01:27:36 You know, it might.
01:27:37 It might behave exactly as you expect.
01:27:40 You know, just like when you it's kind of like when you're writing code.
01:27:44 And you're you're kind of, you're not 100% familiar with the language you're using, so you're kind of like doing experiments.
01:27:54 Like you change a line of code, compile it and run it to see how it works, and sometimes it works exactly.
01:28:00 How you know?
01:28:00 You think it's going to work sometimes you you create some new bug that you weren't expecting.
01:28:06 Because you have some weird chain reaction.
01:28:08 That's the kind of thing that's happening too, as they try to social engineer people because of the butterfly effect and just the complexity of humans and everything else, you know, they might change one thing and get the result that they want over here, but maybe that causes a problem.
01:28:23 So it's like this constant thing they're having to always manage.
01:28:26 And it's fascinating to watch that and look, some of it's fascinating to watch their successes because it's something that you can think about.
01:28:32 Well, how do we how do we repurpose this?
01:28:34 What can I do with this?
01:28:35 This, you know, information like I never would have thought that would have been so successful.
01:28:41 How is?
01:28:41 Why is that successful?
01:28:43 Know. So just.
01:28:44 That's The thing is, once you accept that, like, yeah, we're we're on the downtrend, uh, it becomes less disappointing and more academic.
01:28:56 Right.
01:28:57 Because you're just disconnecting from the the the emotional part of it.
01:29:03 Right, like the whole.
01:29:04 The whole roller coaster of oh and white pilled on black pill no on white pilled all on black pill.
01:29:09 That's what's ******* insanity.
01:29:11 That's the **** that I don't know how people.
01:29:12 Do that like, that's the **** that, like, is going to make you a neurotic mess.
01:29:18 But if you just accept, like, oh, yeah, like we're on the decline, you know, and and maybe maybe something will change.
01:29:28 And look, you could always be on the lookout for.
01:29:30 That's another part of the fascinating game of observing.
01:29:33 The decline is looking for like that.
01:29:36 You know the the guy that I thought Trump was momentarily, you know, like, oh ****, you know, here's the guy, the one ring to.
Speaker 2
01:29:43 Rule them all you know, like this is the guy.
01:29:44 That's going to gonna, you know, finally go off of the deep state and lock them up and do all this **** that needs to be done.
01:29:50 For anything to actually.
01:29:51 For anything good to happen for us.
01:29:53 And then you know, of course.
01:29:54 He wasn't, and and which taught me another lesson, taught me a lesson, taught me a lot of lessons.
01:30:01 You know, Trump was living through the Trump administration, was very informative.
01:30:06 And part of that was me just getting older and wiser and all that stuff too.
01:30:11 Yeah, it's, I don't know.
01:30:12 For me, it's fascinating.
01:30:13 It's interesting.
01:30:14 It can be frustrating and it can really get you down and really **** you off, but ultimately.
01:30:21 Accepting accepting reality for what it is and justice still making the best out.
01:30:26 Of it you know.
01:30:29 There's no reason why you can't be happy.
01:30:31 There were people, you know, that were getting.
01:30:33 I mean, there's people in Afghanistan that are happy.
01:30:36 You know, there's people everywhere that where there's **** going down that are happy.
01:30:40 It's pretty easy.
01:30:41 Humans are pretty adaptive, you know.
01:30:47 And I've always said being black pilled doesn't mean that you're that you're convinced that you know white people are going to just be genocide and out of existence or or whatever, whether it's soft or hard.
01:31:00 Who cares?
01:31:01 No, it's not about that.
01:31:02 We do we.
01:31:03 We're awesome.
01:31:04 You know, we're we're not going to lose the war, but we're going to lose a lot of battles.
01:31:08 And just because we're not in a good strategically, we're in a really bad spot.
01:31:15 We're in a really bad spot and the the, it it's gonna we're require walking on a lot of hot coals to get in a good spot.
01:31:25 And so just know that just know that and start getting start shopping for boots because you're going to be walking on those hot.
01:31:33 Anyway, I hope that that helps out.
01:31:38 Look at a little that.
01:31:44 Now I just passed a bunch of them.
01:31:48 Someone had said something about the.
01:31:52 About the package that I wanted to see.
01:32:00 Alright I'm I might have the chat just moved like a billion.
01:32:06 There we go.
01:32:07 I finally got back to it.
01:32:08 Look tampering at a facility level of this nature isn't going to happen.
01:32:15 Check your tracking number, see if there are any gaps in transit from the local facility beyond one day.
01:32:21 That would be strong indicator that the driver tamped, tampered with it or held it overnight.
01:32:27 Well, like I said, here's the.
Speaker 2
01:32:27 Weird thing.
01:32:31 The There's, there's no.
01:32:33 There's absolutely no reason.
01:32:35 To like that you would think.
01:32:38 Like think of it this way, one of the things they took apart was a big power supply.
01:32:43 What would you think was inside it?
01:32:46 Ohh it's one of those power supplies that have gold inside.
01:32:50 Now and it's a power supply that first of all, it's not really worth the.
01:32:55 I want.
01:32:56 And it's not like anything that a normal person would think would be valuable.
01:33:03 Like, it doesn't even look fancy.
01:33:05 It's just like it's literally just a box inside the box.
01:33:08 It's just like a capacitor.
01:33:11 And like a transformer.
Speaker 2
01:33:12 Like that's it.
01:33:14 Like that said, it's just a big, big empty box and they took all the and it was, by the way, the case.
01:33:21 It's not like a couple screws came loose.
01:33:25 They had to have removed like 12 screws.
01:33:32 Like 12 screws.
01:33:34 And open it up and like again from the outside, it doesn't look like it's full of gold or, you know, like no one would look at that and think, oh, I should open it up and see what goodies are inside.
01:33:44 Like, no one would think that.
01:33:46 It would just look like a power supply like it just looks like a metal box with a switch on it and like that's it.
01:33:53 And it's not a common enough thing and like, how would you even know?
01:33:57 Like, cause he had the guy who got it.
01:34:00 Like, how would they even know?
01:34:03 What was in the boxes?
01:34:05 There was nothing indicating what.
01:34:07 So you mean like the the and then?
01:34:09 Plus, if you're going to do that, why would you lump it all back in the box and then keep shipping it?
01:34:14 You know, like when you?
01:34:15 Just steal it.
01:34:17 And that's the thing.
01:34:18 The parts missing weren't like anything like they were missing, I think, because they fell out, like, because they didn't tape the box up.
01:34:26 Very good.
01:34:26 When they taped it back up, so I don't even think they kept them.
01:34:29 I think like they threw all the parts back in the box and then a bunch of pieces fell out.
01:34:36 Because they weren't like, oh, damn it, they got that super rare, expensive, whatever.
01:34:41 No, it was just.
01:34:43 You know.
01:34:44 So it makes no it makes no ******* sense.
01:34:46 Like it makes no sense why that would happen.
01:34:50 So anyway.
01:34:53 Let me go through here.
01:35:00 I'm sorry I haven't been saying your guys's names. I need to do that. Sorry. I'm I'm Rusty, apparently.
01:35:06 Celtic mutt.
01:35:08 The only time we'll start hearing them openly say that whites are being targeted by blacks is when the demographics have crumbled beyond repair and it will be told in a gloating light.
01:35:20 Well, I yeah, well, here's the other thing too is.
01:35:26 You'll have.
01:35:26 It'll get ignored for so ******* long for so long that it won't be until our population starts.
01:35:34 Here's the thing.
01:35:35 It's about trends, right?
01:35:37 Why would you want to if you?
01:35:41 If you're convinced that whites.
01:35:44 As a demographic are going to cease to exist, and they believe that because they're trying to engineer that.
01:35:51 That's in a way that's a measurement of how confident they are that you're not going to exist.
01:35:58 Because if they thought that you were the future, right, like in the same way the Republicans right, they pandered to Hispanics.
01:36:04 Because, like oh.
01:36:04 Well, we have to pander to Hispanics cause they're the future.
Speaker 2
01:36:09 Right.
Speaker 6
01:36:10 Because they're.
01:36:11 Looking at demographic trends.
01:36:13 And they're convinced.
01:36:14 Well, I mean, ****, you know, they're going to be the majority, really.
01:36:18 So if we don't start appealing to the Hispanic vote, then we're going to cease to exist as a party.
01:36:25 Well, I mean, the ruling class.
01:36:27 Sees no reason to pander to the group that's on the way out because they're.
01:36:32 I mean, it doesn't matter that they're.
01:36:33 The ones.
01:36:33 That are engineering them on the way out.
01:36:36 Why would you pander to a group?
01:36:39 That you're actively getting rid of.
01:36:42 It's pointless.
01:36:44 So the only way that the ruling class would start pandering again to whites as if there was something you know, maybe there's some useful aspect to that.
01:36:54 In the same way, they pandered to blacks. I think not, because they think blacks are the future or or even, you know, even voting wise. I mean 13% of them. And then like what?
01:37:05 How many? What percentage of that 13% votes? You know what I mean?
01:37:09 So it's like.
01:37:13 They pandered to them for different reasons, right?
01:37:15 For social engineering reasons.
01:37:19 So they'd have to have, like, a reason like that, or because they thought that, you know, whites are the future.
01:37:27 But that to me, that's more of a testament to, like, no, they they're convinced you're going, you're you're gone.
01:37:33 So why?
01:37:34 Why pander to you?
01:37:38 Hammers and nails, do you censorship, do you?
01:37:43 Censorship has helped the distant right.
01:37:46 I'm guessing you're asking.
01:37:48 Do I think it has helped?
01:37:51 No, it hasn't.
01:37:52 It hasn't helped at all.
01:37:57 Look, I mean, we got a lot of people watching right now.
01:37:59 We've got close.
01:38:00 To 500 people and you know thousands more will listen to the replay and that's cool.
01:38:06 But if I was on just as an example, if I was on YouTube, IW would have probably at least twice that live.
01:38:17 And probably maybe triple or quadruple that live. And I would have, I mean, I had a 250,000 subscribers.
01:38:26 And before they put the hammer down, if they'd never put the hammer down, who knows, maybe I'd have half a million by now, right?
01:38:32 Because that was a few years ago.
01:38:36 And so, yeah, it really cuts your reach.
01:38:39 But not only that.
01:38:42 Doing alright, I love you guys.
01:38:43 You know, it's not that.
01:38:44 It's just that we need if in order for us to actually move the football at all, you got to reach the people that aren't smart enough or curious enough to you need to reach normies.
01:38:56 And not because you're going to wake up the normies, but because normies require the constant, you know, firmware updates and all this other stuff, and we have no means of delivering that.
01:39:07 No means at all.
01:39:12 Even though I don't, I mean, even if I was on, I mean, I don't think I'd.
01:39:15 Be the guy.
01:39:16 Doing that but there but there be.
01:39:18 Certainly other people that would have, I mean think of how many, just more mainstream sort of dissent, right people that do have really large audiences who probably don't say what they want because of their their fear of getting the platform or whatever, right.
01:39:39 So it's it's it's really crippled us, I mean.
Speaker 2
01:39:41 Censorship works. It works.
01:39:45 UM.
01:39:47 Again, because the butterfly effect will it have other unforeseen effects?
01:39:53 Will it?
01:39:53 Will it have some kind of?
01:39:55 Will it somehow you know it's kind of like whack A mole, right?
01:39:58 Like they they or or not whack A mole.
01:40:02 What's something that?
01:40:05 Trying to think of like a.
01:40:07 Well, think of it.
01:40:08 It's like a like a stress ball in your hand.
01:40:11 You know, if you squish it it it bulges out other places, right.
01:40:15 So if they, if they tighten their grip.
01:40:19 On us, on the major platforms, what does it do?
01:40:22 Well, you know.
Speaker 6
01:40:22 It it it?
01:40:24 Certainly makes us more nimble.
01:40:26 It makes us able to operate on these alternative platforms a lot easier and you know, forces us to to get better at what we do because you know.
01:40:39 We've got a limited audience.
01:40:41 So there are certain things about it that you know there are good, but ultimately overall obviously censorship is bad for us and obviously it works and that's why they.
01:40:50 Do it will it?
01:40:53 Will it have in the long?
Speaker 2
01:40:55 Run be bad for us.
01:40:56 I don't know.
01:40:57 Maybe what?
01:40:58 You know, who knows?
01:40:58 Maybe Odyssey takes off and becomes like the new YouTube.
01:41:01 And now, because we've been there.
01:41:03 You know who knows, right?
01:41:04 There's, I doubt that that's going to happen, but there's things you never know because the butterfly effect, there's so many things.
01:41:11 It's everything.
01:41:13 Dynamic and and whatnot that you never know what what I mean it's I guess in a weird way it's applying selection pressures to us, right, so that.
01:41:27 Because we have to operate in a more hostile environment.
01:41:33 The weaker people aren't going to survive, right?
01:41:36 It's kind of.
01:41:37 Cool off.
01:41:38 I mean, there's people that aren't.
01:41:39 There are people.
01:41:40 Just as an example.
01:41:42 There are people that could only survive.
01:41:45 Having access to the YouTube audience, right?
01:41:49 And that if you were to just look at the lefties, you're right.
01:41:55 Like they call it bread tube.
01:41:57 The lefties that they none.
01:41:59 Of them have.
01:42:00 None of them are really compelling people.
01:42:03 And they're all kind.
01:42:04 Of carbon copies of each other, and they all kind of just repeat.
01:42:06 The same **** and.
01:42:09 That's because they don't have to worry.
01:42:10 About anything.
01:42:12 And so that it's become more of like a a business, right in the same way that like like if you look at the right wing people who aren't deep platformed, I mean the, you know, the nominally right wing people by that, I mean people like, oh, Ben Shapiro and.
01:42:28 And what's his nuts?
01:42:30 The guy that likes to wear dresses all the time, you know?
01:42:34 Those those guys?
01:42:37 Are they?
01:42:37 Don't have to worry about being the platformed and they all say that literally the exact same thing.
01:42:41 Like there's no diversity of thought, none.
01:42:45 Like you could interchange their their brains. You could take Ben Shapiro's brain and and suck it out of him and and stick it into Dennis Prager.
01:42:54 And no one would notice the difference except for the, you know, he was Dennis Prager would suddenly start talking faster.
01:43:00 And you know, same thing with any of those guys, right?
01:43:03 They're all identical.
01:43:06 And that's because the it's just like they know what they can, what they have to do to survive in that environment and they don't have the the freedom of of even if they wanted to, I don't think they want to because I think that they're all getting their talking points from the same source, but.
Speaker 2
01:43:23 They're all weak.
01:43:24 You know, there's a reason why.
01:43:26 What's his face?
01:43:27 The guy who likes wearing space on his name right now.
01:43:29 The guy who likes to wear dresses.
01:43:32 Oh, Steven Crowder. There's a reason why, you know, he fell to pieces when he was confronted with the betting that Lefty on that H3 mess a few weeks back or I guess it's. Maybe it's like a / a month back now where he got a.
01:43:51 You know, ambushed by some lefty Jew that was going to actually be able to debug.
01:43:58 And there's a reason why, you know, he can only debate in these very controlled environments where he's arguing with, like, you know, 17 year olds and **** like.
01:44:05 That these guys aren't very good.
01:44:08 These guys aren't very bright.
01:44:09 They're not very smart and they can only survive on mainstream platforms where they're talking to people where that's also true when they're not very bright, not very smart.
01:44:18 And just want some red meat so I don't know.
01:44:23 There's no like yes or no answer to that question.
01:44:26 It's just that it's not making us stronger in the now, but maybe that's good for us, right?
01:44:32 Maybe adding those selection pressures in the same way.
01:44:36 I mean, you could say that.
01:44:38 Some of the the very real selection pressures being applied to white people ultimately might be a good thing, right?
01:44:46 Like you have all these selection pressures that like just as an example, like all the trans people are taking themselves out of the gene pool, all the the gay people are taking themselves out of the gene pool.
01:44:59 All the a lot of just the the cat moms, right?
01:45:03 Like the the cat ladies that the blue haired, you know, feminists, they're taking themselves out of the gene.
01:45:11 And you know, if times are different, maybe we could afford those genes, right?
01:45:17 Maybe it would be OK to have some of that diversity of thought in our gene pool.
01:45:23 But their current environment is making quick work.
01:45:29 Of those genes, and they're taking themselves so right now, it doesn't help us because it's just making our numbers go down.
01:45:36 And behavior while it is influenced by genetics isn't 100% genetic, so maybe you were missing out on some really cool people that those those blue haired feminists would have, you know, miraculously by accident have created but.
01:45:53 You know, like right now, I guess.
01:45:56 While it hurts now that we're our population is going down like the to the to the sound of thunderous applause, as as Jimmy Fallon announced it on his show, you know, people cheering that the white people population is going down in America.
01:46:13 While that might be a negative in the short term, maybe because of the kinds of people who are having children, maybe that'll be helpful down the road.
01:46:25 So it's, you know, it's a tough.
01:46:28 It's a tough call.
01:46:31 I know that's a really long answer to your question, but hopefully that's helpful.
01:46:36 Alright, I'm scrolling through here hammers and nails in that we have to sharpen our message like a knife.
01:46:45 Yeah, exactly.
01:46:48 It does force you to.
01:46:52 To get better at messaging and and like I said, like a lot of these guys, Crowder and these you.
01:46:56 Know those guys if.
01:46:58 They were kicked off of the major platforms, would literally cease to exist.
01:47:03 They would.
01:47:05 They've been it would be impossible for them to compete on an even playing field in the same way that it was impossible for lefties on YouTube back before the censorship, they were getting destroyed, destroyed on YouTube until they started censoring and.
01:47:25 That's the kind of thing that would happen to people like Steven Crowder.
01:47:30 You know if if he got kicked off of major platforms and and advertisers, if if he was no longer allowed to to get major advertisers or, you know, Ben Shapiro couldn't sell gold in sheets and whatever the ****.
01:47:47 Else he sells.
01:47:53 Yeah, they'd all be gone.
01:47:54 They would, they wouldn't.
01:47:55 They wouldn't be able to exist.
01:48:00 All right, Fast forward through all this stuff here.
01:48:14 I think this is.
01:48:19 Raising man about the gang stalking look up Zurich sung.
01:48:23 It's a psychological warfare technique used by the Stasi literal gang stalking it, draw.
01:48:33 Or I guess you drew less attention that outright killing or imprisoning someone.
01:48:38 Agents would have for.
01:48:42 Yeah, when I was talking about gangstalking the.
01:48:43 Other day.
01:48:46 I'm saying like there's no point to it unless.
01:48:50 I mean, if you're someone that.
01:48:52 That there's a point to doing that too.
01:48:54 I'm not saying that it doesn't exist.
01:48:56 I'm saying a lot of the people that say they're being.
01:48:58 Gang stocked it.
01:49:00 It's like.
01:49:02 It's like just some random guy and it's like, why are they doing it though?
01:49:05 Like, what do you have like the secret?
01:49:08 Do you have the kernel secret recipe you know like why you you know and?
01:49:12 And I think a lot of times.
01:49:13 That ends up being.
01:49:15 Not not only, say, a narcissist, but in in a weird way, you know people that think that they're.
01:49:21 More important than they are like I don't even know. Like I'm not even all that important. That's why I said, like with my package being like this, I don't even think 100%.
01:49:29 Like that's them sending a message.
01:49:31 I don't know.
01:49:32 It could have just been something really, cause it's just weird, right?
01:49:35 Like, what's the point of them doing that?
01:49:36 You know what I mean?
01:49:37 It's the same thing with my package.
01:49:39 Yeah, it's really weird.
01:49:41 Yeah, I could see how that would make, like, a paranoid person, like, go a little crazy, but I don't.
01:49:46 See what what?
01:49:46 Would be the.
01:49:47 What's the point of it like?
01:49:48 I don't.
01:49:48 That's what's puzzling to me.
01:49:50 That's the weirdest part about it is I don't like.
01:49:52 Why would you do that?
01:49:53 And the same thing with gangstalking.
01:49:55 It's like, well, why?
01:49:56 Why gang stock?
01:49:57 Someone like, that's just some guy that works at.
01:50:02 You know Kinko's or that's not really a thing anymore.
01:50:06 But you know, I mean, like, why, why do that?
Speaker 2
01:50:10 And I think.
01:50:10 Most of the people think they're being gang stalked.
01:50:12 That's just like why though.
01:50:16 Johnny Anon, where did you go?
01:50:19 Missing too, though the cough got you may or thought the cough got you.
01:50:25 Just go on to the show.
01:50:27 No, no, I I was not.
01:50:32 I'm I I did not have any kind of COVID thing.
01:50:46 It's something else, but like.
01:50:49 I'll just say I'm cautiously optimistic.
01:50:56 And everything should be fine.
01:50:57 I'll be good on Saturday and stuff.
01:51:00 It was just a.
01:51:02 It was not the best.
01:51:03 Few days I just needed.
01:51:05 I needed.
01:51:05 I needed to sleep and.
01:51:09 Recover a little bit.
01:51:16 Iron Patriots sweep your place for bugs.
01:51:19 Uh, like I said, it would be easy.
01:51:22 All they'd have to do is I've got so many devices here and maybe I should air gap them a little better than I do.
01:51:30 But it's just.
01:51:31 I'm online a lot, you know, I I have to.
01:51:33 Get my news from somewhere and.
01:51:36 That's all I have to do is they don't need bugs.
01:51:38 I mean they just need to turn on the camera on your phone or turn on the the microphone on your phone and that's their bug.
01:51:47 So it's everyone's.
01:51:50 Everyone's holding a bug right now.
01:51:53 A lot of people have a bug in their pocket and then obviously I don't.
01:51:56 I don't go over the top like some people do, and I don't have like the.
01:51:59 Amazon, you know?
01:52:02 Spy machine and you know or like the the.
01:52:06 I mean, there's so many things that do this stuff now, all the smart appliances, all the stuff.
01:52:10 I mean, there's people with refrigerators that with cameras on them the, the, the nest things, you know, like the Amazon.
01:52:19 What is it?
01:52:19 The the doorbell thing.
01:52:22 The the doorbell camera.
01:52:23 I forget what it's called.
01:52:24 The ring, I guess, right?
01:52:27 Alexa, I mean, there's so many different things that are always listening and all that stuff.
01:52:34 It's just.
01:52:36 It's hard to get away from that, though, because you don't really have.
01:52:40 It's harder, especially with tablets and phones, to have a good accounting of what kind of traffic is actually going.
01:52:50 On with a computer, even if you run Windows or OSX or something, there's things you can do to at least have some idea as to what traffic's going on.
01:53:02 I guess you could do stuff at the router level. That way you could see something you know and then just turn your phone so that it's always using Wi-Fi.
01:53:11 But you know, like it's like, how much time do you have in the day?
01:53:14 Right.
01:53:15 Like, are you, do you really want to spend that much of your time monitoring all your traffic and and just like I said, just assume that they are.
01:53:24 It's like the black belt thing.
01:53:25 It you're less, it's less of a thing that it doesn't stress you out as much as as long as you're just like, yeah, all right, they they can they they can and do spy on everybody all the time.
01:53:37 And so I can sit here and wring my hands about it.
01:53:40 Or I can just be like, oh, you know, do do what you can do what you can to try to alleviate that as much as possible, but just be comfortable with the idea that, yeah, that's what's happening.
01:53:50 You know, it sucks.
01:53:52 But what are you going to do?
01:53:54 UM.
01:53:58 And here we go.
01:53:59 Didn't enough for 1984? Can we get a few of your thoughts about the executive branch banning steel case ammo into the US from Russia?
01:54:08 I just barely heard, like I said.
01:54:10 I've been off.
01:54:11 The the news train for like a few days I just barely heard a little bit about that.
01:54:19 Some prepper stream I was listening to while mopping the floor and I didn't catch.
01:54:28 I didn't.
01:54:29 I didn't hear what he had said about it.
01:54:31 I just heard that he mentioned it.
01:54:33 So I don't know.
01:54:37 Yeah. I mean by now though, you should already have like, I mean you should have been getting ammo starting with with Trump's election.
01:54:45 I understand that you know, not everyone was in the financial position or whatever, and people always, you know, growing up and stuff.
01:54:52 You know, some of you guys were only like 16 during.
01:54:54 I mean, it's been four years now, so.
01:54:59 I get it.
01:55:02 Yeah, get ammo while you can.
01:55:04 That's another one of those things that I just assume it's it's going to go away.
01:55:09 So I've I'm OK in the ammo department, so I don't worry too much about it.
01:55:19 I like.
01:55:20 Yeah, I I don't know what else to tell you.
01:55:22 I've been telling people to get an ungodly amount of ammo for years now.
01:55:27 You know you're you're never going to think to yourself that you have too much ammo, right?
01:55:35 Like, think about, think about.
01:55:38 You know, even a lot of you guys have played video games, right?
01:55:41 How many times you like?
01:55:42 Oh damn.
01:55:43 I have too much ammo.
01:55:44 It's it's that's never the problem.
01:55:46 It's always the other way.
01:55:47 Done right.
01:55:48 And so and look, ammo is one of those things to where you could even trade and barter with it.
01:55:53 Especially ****, I mean the way that it's going now, it's basically a commodity.
01:55:58 If you got a bunch of ******* ammo and then you just thought for some reason like, oh damn it, I got too much ammo.
01:56:05 You could probably just trade it for other stuff that.
01:56:08 You don't have.
01:56:10 Or sell it or something.
01:56:11 I don't know.
01:56:13 But ammo is ammo is a commodity.
01:56:16 It's almost like it's almost like Bitcoin, you know, like the way that it's going up in price.
01:56:26 Gas matic.
01:56:27 It would be weirder if they weren't going through your mail.
01:56:31 Yeah, I mean it.
01:56:33 It's like I said, it's the obviousness of this that I just don't get.
01:56:36 It's like that's why I almost think that maybe.
Speaker 2
01:56:38 It wasn't.
01:56:40 The government or something because I'm just like, why?
01:56:42 Like, why would you do this?
01:56:44 Like, why even bother delivering it to me at this point?
01:56:47 You know, I mean and.
01:56:48 And and if you're trying to send a message I.
01:56:50 Mean what? What's?
01:56:50 The message that you that you made it annoying.
01:56:53 For me.
01:56:53 Cause and that's what really happened, right?
01:56:56 Is there nothing got ****** **?
01:56:59 I mean beyond repair it doing it wrong.
01:57:01 It funked up some.
01:57:02 Of that stuff.
01:57:03 Because it was just clanking around in.
01:57:04 There with no padding.
01:57:06 And it broke some stuff that is gonna really suck to fix, but I'm still going to.
01:57:11 Fix it.
01:57:12 And you know, so I don't know, it just seems like a stupid thing.
01:57:16 Like, I don't get it.
01:57:17 Like why anyone would do that?
01:57:19 Like you know, government or not, I don't know why anyone would do that.
01:57:22 It was just a weird thing that.
01:57:23 That was just like, OK.
01:57:27 Veruca assault.
01:57:28 Your break from the Internet is understandable and a.
01:57:32 And a.
01:57:34 And a something.
01:57:36 You didn't say the rest of that sentence.
01:57:39 But yes, I.
01:57:40 I had to take a few.
01:57:41 It was like I just was.
01:57:43 I was kind of sick too.
01:57:44 I just couldn't.
01:57:46 One thing it was one of those things I just.
01:57:48 Got to do one thing at a time.
01:57:50 One at a minute.
01:57:51 Once you figure out they aren't on your side, everything they do makes perfect sense.
01:57:58 Right.
01:57:59 Even though you know even the middle management people, they're in it.
01:58:02 For themselves, I don't know if you've ever met.
01:58:06 Any of these people, like any of these, like Maga people like or any politician.
01:58:11 I mean, I would recommend doing that.
01:58:15 Try if you can.
01:58:17 Actually meet a politician like go to a town hall or, I don't know.
01:58:22 Yeah, I guess they don't do those as much these, you know, these days, but try to go to it like if you have the opportunity to go to an event where you can actually meet like and I mean like actually sit down.
01:58:36 I'm not sit down.
01:58:37 Like actually.
01:58:40 Socialize at least a little bit.
01:58:43 With any kind of a politician, even if maybe even if you have to more the local or the state, I don't know.
01:58:50 Local is going to be a little different state level, right?
Speaker 2
01:58:54 Get a taste.
01:58:55 Of the personality type.
01:58:58 That goes into that line of work.
01:59:02 It's different.
01:59:04 I'm telling you, it's different.
01:59:09 Just put yourself in proximity to it.
01:59:13 Just enough to where you're like, oh.
01:59:16 I get it.
01:59:17 You guys are are ******* **********.
01:59:20 If only that was where it ended, right?
01:59:27 Oops, wait, why did that happen?
01:59:39 OK, that got there we go.
01:59:42 Yeah, asthmatic.
01:59:44 Now that the government classifieds, most Americans as terrorists, that means that they are illegitimate government.
01:59:52 Well, it's more than just that, but yeah.
01:59:54 And there's look, there's people that you wouldn't expect to say, things like that that are, I mean more mainstream than the mainstream.
02:00:02 More mainstream than I am.
02:00:04 That are starting to.
02:00:05 Get a little.
02:00:07 More noisy about or saying things like that.
02:00:13 Ish 2288. Knowing that the pandemic is blown out of proportion panics shopping. You'll kill grandma if you don't take the vacs.
02:00:22 Imagine the public reaction if the survival rate was a few percent lower martial law.
02:00:32 I don't know what you mean by.
02:00:34 Oh, you mean if, if it was killing more than, like, less than 1% or whatever the number is?
Speaker 2
02:00:40 Well, **** if.
02:00:41 It was kind of like 10% then yeah, you would be martial law time.
02:00:48 Book assault oops.
02:00:49 Sent by mistake.
02:00:50 Please let us know so we don't worry.
02:00:53 Especially when you've been ill.
02:00:55 Yeah. I just.
02:01:00 I just was totally off the off the grid one out of many don't date rent.
02:01:08 It's cheaper.
Speaker 2
02:01:10 I mean, if you want to have.
02:01:12 A family you kind of have to date.
02:01:18 But I guess you if you don't want to have.
02:01:19 A family, then yeah.
02:01:23 Iron patriot sounds like you're considering retirement.
Speaker 2
02:01:30 I mean from this.
02:01:31 No, I'm just getting started with this.
02:01:37 Celtic mutt.
02:01:39 In the web comic Homestruck.
02:01:43 There's a fictional alien race where the state forcibly harvests the citizens for genetic material, raises the resulting children by robot esque life forms, and raises them with a racial caste.
02:02:00 Well, hold.
02:02:01 On this is getting confusing.
02:02:02 In the web comic home struct, there's a fictional alien race where the state forcibly harvests the citizens for the material raises resulting children by robotic life forms, and raises them with racial caste system for roles suited to the state.
02:02:17 I can see it happen to us.
02:02:19 I don't know.
02:02:19 I mean, that's that's kind of like brave new world.
02:02:25 Which I thought about doing.
02:02:26 As you know, when I actually.
02:02:29 When I couldn't really.
02:02:32 Do the stream Saturday?
02:02:33 I thought about just just streaming the BBC version of Brave New World.
02:02:38 It's just it's so ******* long.
02:02:40 It's like a I want to say it's like almost like 4 hours long and I thought about just like queuing it up and streaming that.
02:02:50 But I, you know, I didn't.
02:02:51 Obviously, I didn't do that.
02:02:52 Maybe maybe we'll do that sometime.
02:02:53 It's long, though.
02:02:54 It's ******* long.
02:02:59 OK.
02:03:03 Alright, here we go.
02:03:07 Scroll scroll scroll.
02:03:11 There's got to be an easier way of doing this.
02:03:12 I think I'm going to set up entropy or something like that.
02:03:15 Bob Matthews, people I know whom I initially thought were intelligent enough or principled enough to see through this pandemic or resisted or giving in to the propaganda and taking the jab.
02:03:26 If people compromise their own stances, they most certainly won't be an ally.
02:03:31 For anyone else.
02:03:32 Who will say no?
02:03:33 Well, that's The thing is, if they're willing to.
02:03:36 I mean, that's basically it.
02:03:38 If now look, there's.
02:03:42 I think there are people who would probably take the vaccine.
02:03:47 But would also have a line in the sand.
02:03:55 They would still be your ally in certain circumstances.
02:03:58 I don't think taking the vaccine equals total **** that will never be useful to the movement or, you know, I mean, my ******* parents took the vaccine, right?
02:04:09 But they've got a.
02:04:13 A line that you wouldn't be able to cross with them, right?
02:04:16 It's just they got, they're old and they got scared into doing that and they're fine.
02:04:21 Look, there's, you know, they're nothing.
02:04:22 Nothing. At least you know. Knock on wood. Nothing's wrong with them so far, and there's lots of people that will be fine and and and whatever. But I get what you're saying that there's a lot of people that on principle.
02:04:36 Are against it, but they fold because they, you know, they like the convenience factor in the same way.
02:04:43 There's lots of people that I'm principal are against, say, Amazon, but they don't want to give up their prime, you know, or they're against Netflix, but they don't want to give up their, you know, whatever ******* show they watch on Netflix.
02:04:56 There's lots of that, and that's just a part of decadence.
02:04:59 And those are the people you can't trust the the people that are.
02:05:04 It goes against the principles, but they do it.
02:05:06 Anyway, you're right.
02:05:08 Those are the people you can't trust.
02:05:10 But there's people that just, you know, they're normies, you know, like my parents are kind of normies, right.
02:05:16 And they just kind of they just did it because they trust they trust the.
Speaker 2
02:05:22 You know what I mean?
02:05:23 And there's a lot of people like that where they just trust the science and look, I mean, there's a lot of Trump followers now because he's, you know, he's captain, go get the jab.
02:05:33 And they they trust Trump or whatever.
02:05:35 There's this trust, there's trusting fools.
02:05:38 And while you can't, you can't count on those people to the same degree that you could.
02:05:45 Someone who's not a normy or whatever, right?
02:05:48 You can still trust them in a lot of situations.
02:05:51 It's not, you know, their fault that they're kind of in the middle of the.
02:05:55 The bell curve where most people are.
02:05:58 And so you can't.
02:05:59 You don't expect so much.
02:06:01 Out of those people.
02:06:02 But yeah, if you.
02:06:03 If you have someone who's.
02:06:04 Principally principled and and they're principally against that and they do it anyway for a convenience factor or just they give in to whatever.
02:06:15 Yeah, that's that's a giant red flag.
02:06:18 For that person.
02:06:20 Because that means that they, they'll, they, you know what else will they give into?
02:06:32 Iron patriot.
02:06:33 Maybe they are thinking something along the lines of a.
02:06:38 Of a Ted living in the middle of nowhere of a oh.
02:06:42 You mean they think that they went through it looking for bomb?
02:06:44 I honestly I that's possible.
02:06:47 But like, why ******* shred it like that, you know?
02:06:50 Like again it's.
02:06:51 Kind of like I was saying, wouldn't you think that they wouldn't want me to know?
02:06:54 Like, if that was the deal?
02:06:57 I mean, I get that that's that. That certainly crossed my mind was like, OK, it's a big metal box and in the X-ray it maybe it looked weird I don't.
02:07:06 Know, and so maybe they decided to take it apart to see what.
02:07:10 It was, but why not, you know why?
02:07:13 Be like take it apart like a ******* animal.
02:07:15 Know like it's like they.
02:07:17 They ******* just ripped it apart and then just.
02:07:20 Rammed it all.
02:07:20 Like without putting, they didn't screw it back together.
02:07:23 They ripped it apart, they ripped it apart and then with zero packing material, you know, like it just seems like to me that if you were trying to.
02:07:33 You know, if you were like a federal law enforcement.
02:07:35 Agent again, though maybe this is just.
02:07:37 It's kind of like we were talking about with the.
02:07:40 How the the incompetence level that you see and the the people that are just bad at their jobs when you go out in the public and you have to interact with like just even like check out counter people and waitresses.
02:07:53 Just everything across the board, everything just seems to like the the quality of people has just lower dramatically and lower is in my, you know, in my experience every day.
02:08:04 A little bit.
02:08:05 And so maybe that's just kind of it's bled through like I, I do know that it's bled through the like the at the bureaucratic level and everything else.
02:08:13 And you know, it's it's not much difference like the same level of incompetence that I saw when I worked in fast food really wasn't much different than when I was going to meeting the meetings at the State Department.
02:08:24 Like, really like the same it was, you know, it was higher IQ, but the job was also higher.
02:08:31 So like, the level of incompetence was constant, you know, you know, granted, if you're incompetent when it comes to cooking ******* fried chicken.
02:08:39 You know, like that's a different story than than the kinds of jobs that people were incompetent at other places.
02:08:47 But the level, you know the, the, the percentage was pretty much the same across the board, right?
02:08:52 So maybe it's just one of those things where like they it was exactly that, right, they were looking for something, it was some.
02:08:59 Some agency and then they were just that that bad at their job to where they just branded it all together, I don't know.
02:09:06 I I just think it's funny because it's like.
02:09:12 I don't know.
02:09:13 It just doesn't make nothing makes any sense with that.
02:09:16 It was.
02:09:16 It was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me in terms of packages.
02:09:24 Raising man, are you interested in non-english movies? If yes, look up. Sex mission Polish sci-fi, comedy about the future feminist dictatorship that eradicated males. Plot is about two guys that were hibernated.
02:09:41 And later woke up in the future.
02:09:42 That might be interesting.
02:09:45 Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm not against subtitles.
02:09:52 Alright, we go.
02:09:56 Chris Reece regarding the tampering, I worked at the Postal Service for many years.
02:10:01 I'm not telling you to check the tracking number.
02:10:06 I'm not telling you to check the tracking information for motive, but to see if opportunity existed for the driver to do it if it was held overnight and the driver's possession or or done somewhere else, you ought to I I'll have to take a look at the tracking, but like I said it, it came like.
02:10:23 Two or three days you're supposed.
02:10:25 To be a Friday.
02:10:26 And it showed up today.
02:10:28 So it came like 2 days early.
02:10:30 Uh, which was weird.
02:10:34 So I'll take a look and see.
02:10:35 I don't know where like it like it moved pretty fast like it got here faster than it should have and.
02:10:40 I because I think it was shipped.
02:10:45 I don't know.
02:10:45 I'm not the look again.
02:10:50 Massaker or besecker?
02:10:53 I saw Dutch or I saw Dutch riding on the packages mail from the Netherlands is usually screened in other European countries like it came from Colombia.
02:11:03 Since or right countries like it came from Colombia since the Netherlands.
02:11:09 Are the drugs hub?
02:11:13 Or drug hub, I guess of Europe.
02:11:16 That might explain why they pulled it apart.
02:11:18 Well, it wasn't from the the Netherlands, so I don't think that, but I don't know, maybe they saw the Dutch riding on it.
02:11:27 I I don't know.
02:11:36 Ish 2288. If Germany had won the war, we wouldn't be replaced by racial aliens in our ancestor lands, we wouldn't be taught to hate our history.
02:11:47 Egalitarianism wouldn't be dominant.
02:11:49 There would be no sexual revolution.
02:11:51 Everything we're taught is in opposition to national socialist ideology.
02:11:57 I mean, who knows?
02:11:59 You know, who knows how things would have.
02:12:01 I'm sure there's lots of things.
02:12:02 That would have.
02:12:03 Been better.
02:12:05 But there might have been things that would have been.
02:12:06 Worse too.
02:12:07 I'm not I I kind.
02:12:11 Of feel like.
02:12:14 There's no perfect form of government, and they all have their downsides, and they all kind of seem to decay.
02:12:20 You know, I just think civilizations in general and look, maybe it would have decayed in our lifetime.
02:12:25 Maybe it would have been good in our lifetime, but they all seem to eventually come apart, you know, because they're human institutions.
02:12:34 They all they all seem to come apart in cycles like there seems to be some consistency to this.
02:12:41 There's no civilization that hasn't.
02:12:44 Gone through a reboot that's been around like a really long.
02:12:47 Time you know.
02:12:49 They all go through.
02:12:50 They're they're all constantly in flux.
02:12:53 So it's it's hard to know.
02:12:56 I know there's lots of things that would have been.
02:12:57 Better for sure.
02:12:59 COVID patient zero sticks channel isn't growing either, and he's absolutely spineless.
02:13:07 Yeah, sticks is awful.
02:13:10 Iron patriot.
02:13:12 Is it wrong to just want the normies to take the vaccine and sit back and watch the events play out?
02:13:18 I don't know.
02:13:18 Like I I don't like you said it might not be.
02:13:23 I don't.
02:13:23 I'm not predicting any kind of like.
02:13:26 Mass deaths.
02:13:27 As a result, I mean, there's definitely that possibility.
02:13:30 There's enough of a possibility to keep me from wanting to put in the mystery potion into my bloodstream, but I kind of hope it's not bad because my, like so, my parents took it out and a lot of my family did.
02:13:40 I don't want them to.
02:13:42 And there's just no way to know.
02:13:46 I I get what you're saying.
02:13:50 A Black Swan event would be very useful in turning things around, and so I think there's a temptation to want.
02:13:59 You know almost anything that because.
02:14:02 It's like they said, right, every crisis.
02:14:06 Well, I forget what's the exact quote, but like never let a good that's what it never let a good crisis go.
02:14:11 To waste right?
02:14:13 Or what's the other thing people always say is either Japanese or Chinese, or they say like the word for crisis is the same word for opportunity.
02:14:20 I mean, I don't even know.
02:14:21 If that's true, but people used to say that all.
02:14:23 The time and.
02:14:26 But that's so I get it right, because in order to turn things in order to pull out of the current trend that we're.
02:14:33 And it would take a Black Swan event.
02:14:36 It would take something catastrophic.
02:14:37 It would take something.
02:14:39 Look, it's the reason why all of these zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows and comic books and all that other **** became so popular because the current state of society started to become intolerable.
02:14:54 To the extent that a zombie apocalypse looked preferable, it looked preferable to enough people to where that was like a wish fulfillment thing, and it got to the extent where people wanted to LARP.
02:15:07 As that.
02:15:07 I mean that that's why they were selling zombie survival kits on Amazon.
02:15:12 And people were buying them unironically.
02:15:15 And it look, there's a reason why that genre got so big.
02:15:18 That's right around.
02:15:19 Like, I honestly, I feel like that's right.
02:15:21 When it started to get intolerable enough to where people were like, yeah, this fantasy of a post zombie apocalyptic world is preferable to the world that I live in.
02:15:32 I would rather live in a world where I'm having to walk around chopping off the heads of zombies with a ******* machete, then having to clock in and listen to my ******* boss drone on about ******* TPS reports one more day.
02:15:45 And that's that's.
02:15:49 You know, so I get it.
02:15:51 I get it.
02:15:52 Trust me.
02:15:54 And look, even any everyone that's like, you know, remotely prepper, right?
02:15:58 Like I got all this stuff.
02:15:59 I'd love to use.
02:16:01 I've got all this.
02:16:02 All these things that I've I've got to so that I can survive a Black Swan event.
Speaker 2
02:16:08 There's, like, you know, there's you also killing.
02:16:10 It would be kind of nice to like, uh, use all this.
02:16:12 Stuff that I got.
02:16:14 Uh, so I get it, but yeah.
02:16:17 I mean, I don't.
02:16:18 Know we'll see what happens.
02:16:19 Well, I mean, let's again.
02:16:21 That's why you should.
Speaker 2
02:16:22 To be.
02:16:23 Depressed about the black pill, it's it's fascinating to watch it unfold.
02:16:28 It is.
02:16:31 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:16:36 Huah huah do you mean a ****** movie that the fat guy from my name is Earl is a hoe *** and Kutcher is a ******* weirdo.
02:16:49 A ****** movie.
02:16:51 What movie are you talking about?
02:16:56 I don't know.
02:16:56 I don't know what.
02:16:57 You're talking about.
02:16:59 That must be from a while while back.
02:17:06 The soccer Crowder even fell apart when he was debated by a college kid, lefty, who got his **** together and didn't budge to crowd his dirty tactics.
02:17:16 Yeah, he's he's.
02:17:18 Low IQ.
02:17:19 He just takes a lot of Adderall.
02:17:22 Which is part of why is heart problems?
02:17:25 Well, maybe because you're on ******* amphetamines all the time.
02:17:28 One out of many any economic plan based on constant expansion is doomed to fail well and and also based on debt and borrowing is doomed to fail.
02:17:39 One of the many.
02:17:39 What's your latest rock marching supply?
02:17:42 I'm actually all good on stuff and I didn't, you know, like I said, been under the weather for a little bit.
02:17:48 So I haven't gone for about a week.
02:17:53 The one thing I'd like to get.
Speaker 2
02:17:56 Actually I'm pretty.
02:17:57 I'm pretty good on stuff right now.
02:18:01 Yeah, I don't know what I don't know what I would get if I was.
02:18:04 Going to get something I'm pretty much.
02:18:07 All good on stuff.
02:18:08 I I guess if anything, may I wish there was a better.
02:18:11 I wish there was a headlamp that didn't make ******* bugs like flap right into your face because there's the worst thing about doing rock marches at night in the middle of the desert is the amount of insects that smack you in the face like you're the.
02:18:26 Windshield of a.
02:18:27 Of a ******* diesel truck hauling down I-40 at, you know, 1000 miles an hour like you just you just become.
02:18:33 Like the grill of this Mack truck, after a while all these ******* bugs smack him in the face.
02:18:40 I and I've tried doing, I've tried.
02:18:42 I even like I got one of those.
02:18:45 You know it's, uh, those uh, amber bug lights that they sell.
02:18:50 There's these, these, uh, amber, these LED amber, bug lights and all they do is, you know, they're there's cheap Chinese made LED lights that they all they did is they they get like a.
02:19:03 A normal LED light light bulb is what I'm talking about, and then instead of the the soft white whatever, lens, diffuser, whatever they put on the over the actual LED they put like this amber plastic lens, right?
02:19:20 And so I even got one of those.
02:19:22 And sawed off the amber.
02:19:25 Lens thing and glued it to the front of a normal headlamp.
Speaker 2
02:19:32 And it's better.
02:19:35 You know, like it's.
02:19:35 I don't get hit in the face with.
02:19:37 As many bugs.
02:19:39 But I still got ******* hit in the.
02:19:40 Face with bugs.
02:19:41 I wish they made that, you know, maybe I need to just switch to night vision or something like that.
02:19:46 But I got to have some guy headlamp or else I'm going to be stepping on ******* rattlesnakes and scorpions and ****.
02:19:51 And I can't have that.
02:19:53 So if I if I had like a.
02:19:55 A thing that I would love that I just don't.
02:19:57 I've never seen anything.
02:19:58 I I feel like I've got the best.
02:19:59 Solution that that's available right now.
02:20:02 Covered patient zero sticks is in the pinnacle of weakness.
02:20:05 He claims to be one of the alternatives while never getting banned.
02:20:08 He lived in the most white areas of the US, Vermont and moved to the most white area in Europe, the Netherlands, with easier healthcare.
02:20:18 Yeah, he's an anorexic ******.
02:20:23 Whitewall violence plea.
02:20:29 You are a person of interest though.
02:20:32 When you talking about.
02:20:35 Like gang stalking or whatever.
02:20:37 I don't.
02:20:38 I don't think I'm being gang stalked.
02:20:40 I don't.
02:20:41 I yeah.
02:20:42 Nothing like that's ever happened to me.
02:20:46 If that's what you're talking, or if you talk about the package.
02:20:49 I mean, yeah, like I said, I'm open to the possibility that there was an agency that just.
02:20:55 I don't.
02:20:56 I just.
02:20:56 I don't get why he wouldn't like.
02:20:58 Why would you would be a little sneakier about it?
02:21:00 It just seems stupid to not be.
02:21:01 Sneaky about it because I.
02:21:03 Don't have the personality type that's going to be all freaked out by it, right?
02:21:06 I'm pretty easy going, I'm just like uh, alright, you know, like.
02:21:09 So if that was the if that was the desired effect was to make me like.
02:21:13 All paranoid like oh.
02:21:14 God, they're out to get me, you know.
02:21:15 Strike, you know, swinging a miss on that one, guys.
02:21:18 But but you know, I don't know.
02:21:22 I don't know.
02:21:24 I said I'm.
02:21:25 I'm not.
02:21:25 I don't have anything bad ship to me.
02:21:27 So it's like, So what?
02:21:28 Go through my stuff.
02:21:29 And you know.
02:21:30 I wish you wouldn't just cause it's my stuff, but you're not going to find.
02:21:34 OK.
Speaker 2
02:21:36 Ronald mcglown.
02:21:39 Have you ever or have you considered trying to stream from a remote desktop?
02:21:43 The Internet speed at these data centers is insanely fast then the only bottleneck would be from you to the data center, and there are ways to limit that.
02:21:53 I I don't know.
02:21:57 There, you know, we'll see what happens.
02:21:59 Let's see what I can do there are there are things I'm looking at to get this working.
02:22:04 But so far it's worked.
02:22:05 I haven't dropped any frames.
02:22:07 I've got zero dropped frames for this one.
02:22:13 Alright, layman pleb on my second week of carnivore diet, never thought I would get sick of steak.
Speaker 2
02:22:20 Yeah, you got to.
02:22:20 Mix it up.
02:22:22 Also, you know it's been getting sick of stuff.
02:22:27 I'm not a big fan of liver at all, but liver, you know, beef liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world.
02:22:38 So if you are doing carnivore diet.
02:22:40 You got you.
02:22:41 Can't you have to eat organs too?
02:22:42 You can't just eat steaks all day.
02:22:47 So just word to the wise, have some liver at the very least and I like I said, I hate liver but you know.
02:22:55 I guess it's like, you know, eat your vegetables.
02:23:00 Hua Hua.
02:23:01 Mail yourself a radio case, but fill it with.
02:23:05 Joe lokia, Peppers.
02:23:08 I'm not even sure what those are.
02:23:09 Is that like a ghost pepper?
02:23:15 Yeah, it would be fun to like, ship yourself something with a camera in it so you could.
02:23:20 See them do it.
02:23:22 Like that guy that on YouTube? That'll do like the the, you know, see if someone's trying to steal my Amazon package and he makes like.
02:23:29 The glitter bombs that would have been funny.
02:23:31 Have a glitter bomb with a camera on.
02:23:33 It shipping it through them and find.
Speaker 6
02:23:35 Out. I'm just pisssed off.
02:23:36 Whatever ******* did it because it did, it did damage the ****.
02:23:40 I mean, it's nothing.
02:23:41 Nothing like not going to be able to fix.
02:23:43 But it's just like.
02:23:44 I don't want to have to ******* fix it, you know, I already had to fix it.
02:23:48 They just now more stuff's broken.
Speaker 2
02:23:52 UM.
02:23:55 Maybe Tyrone thought I was a PS.
02:23:56 Five, you know.
02:23:58 Like I said, it's possible, but it's just.
02:24:00 You know code or you already said that one.
02:24:07 Oops, High Precinct king Terry.
02:24:09 I have met several politicians, mostly on the local state levels.
02:24:13 Big cities too.
02:24:14 They have a different era about them.
02:24:15 They are completely different wavelengths.
02:24:17 Most have never worked.
02:24:18 Honestly, they are ****** **** and cutthroat.
02:24:22 Everyone should.
02:24:23 Everyone should interact with.
02:24:25 At least the state level politician enough look.
02:24:31 A lot of these guys.
02:24:32 I mean, I don't know now with COVID or whatever, but you should be able to just go into their office.
02:24:39 Right, like technically, they're representative, people never do this.
02:24:43 But you should be able to just walk in and talk to them.
02:24:48 You used to be able to do that in DC.
02:24:50 I mean, technically you should be able to just walk into their office.
02:24:56 I I don't know what it's like now.
02:24:59 But you should do that, just just interact with them.
02:25:04 Because you will, you will find.
02:25:07 You'll get a taste of what you're dealing with.
02:25:12 By the way, I would do the same thing with.
02:25:14 If you could.
02:25:14 Meet people that work in the media.
02:25:18 Like one of the reasons why I get the media and I worked in media for a long.
02:25:22 Time and I just know the kinds of people that get.
02:25:25 Into that.
02:25:26 ****. Not happier.
02:25:27 69 Do you think it's better to have a child with a non white than to not have kids at all? I mean if that's.
02:25:35 If you're depends on your situation, but clearly if that was the if that was the binary choice.
02:25:44 I think it'd be better to have kids.
02:25:47 If that was your only option, right?
02:25:50 Then it would be better would be better to colonize than it would be to just be a genetic dad.
02:25:56 And in my opinion, I mean, I'm sure there's people that would disagree with that.
02:26:00 And I it's different.
02:26:03 It's a case by case kind of a thing too.
02:26:05 Like what are you?
02:26:06 Who are you talking like?
02:26:07 You know, it matters a lot.
02:26:09 Like who you mix your genetics with.
02:26:11 So and.
02:26:13 And you can't believe it or.
02:26:15 Not you can't.
02:26:16 Just boil.
02:26:17 Individuals down to just their race, so you can't just give some blanket answer.
02:26:21 And be like.
02:26:22 Yes, that'd be fine.
02:26:25 It all depends on the individual that you're talking about.
02:26:30 But yeah, I think it's, you know, it's not like if what you're saying is, well, I'm let's say I'm let's say you're you're 50.
02:26:39 You've never had kids. The chances of you getting a fertile white woman are low, 00 to low to 0 like you know.
02:26:50 Pretty hard.
02:26:52 To score that because of your, let's say your financial situation or whatever it is, right?
02:26:57 Or let's say you're already married to someone, that's, you know, Hispanic or Chinese or whatever, right?
02:27:08 I don't see why you would just.
02:27:11 Well, I'm.
02:27:12 I'm not gonna.
02:27:12 I'm not going to make a **** *****.
02:27:14 I don't know, I mean.
02:27:14 There's some people that would say that.
02:27:16 I don't think I'm.
02:27:17 I I would.
02:27:17 I would, you know, I don't think that that.
02:27:22 A smart thing that I'm going to stick to my guns only have the pure white children.
02:27:27 I think you should that that should be the ideal, right it to if that's.
02:27:33 If you want white people to keep surviving and be a group, the ideal should to be with a.
02:27:42 Someone that shares your genetic background and your values and you know and.
02:27:46 You're going to just cause.
02:27:47 You're going to have more in common.
02:27:49 Right.
02:27:49 Off the bat and you're going to have, it's going to be easier on your kids.
02:27:55 You're not going to have the same issues that a lot of mixed race kids have.
02:28:00 I mean, because they do, they do have issues, not just.
02:28:05 You know, like identity problems, you know, not just superficial things like that, although that's important.
02:28:11 But there are other other problems that that have surfaced with with mixed race raised kids and and again it depends on.
02:28:21 The combination depends on the individual depends on a lot of different things, but I don't think it should be like.
02:28:27 Some black and white.
02:28:28 Rule that that if you're in a situation where.
02:28:33 You know the.
02:28:35 Your choice is no kids or mixed race kids.
02:28:38 I mean, why not have mixed race kids?
02:28:43 I know.
02:28:43 Like I said, there's people that are gonna think that's horrifying, but I don't.
02:28:47 I don't see what's.
02:28:47 Wrong with that?
02:28:53 Any thoughts on the Emj versus Taylor debate, if you?
02:28:56 Watched it.
Speaker 2
02:28:58 I did watch it and.
02:28:59 It was just frustrating because it was.
02:29:01 It was.
02:29:02 Uh, there's things I like about both of them and they both have a giant blind spot, you know.
02:29:08 And so it was just kind of watching it.
02:29:10 It's like if we could somehow surgically combine the two into one super boomer, it would be cool.
02:29:16 But we can't.
02:29:17 And so it's just like.
02:29:19 You've got Jared Taylor, who gets the race thing to some extent, but totally ignores the JQ, and then you've got MJ who totally gets the JQ better than almost everybody.
02:29:35 And totally does not understand the race thing.
02:29:40 So it's kind of like.
02:29:44 You know, and look.
02:29:46 And he made one of the good points he made was look, you know, if Jared Taylor is going to say that Jews are white, then when you point out, you know, the white genocide, it's being done by white people, you know, it's being motivated by white people.
02:30:02 All these movements that are bad for white people.
02:30:05 Originating from what?
02:30:06 If you're classifying Jews as white?
02:30:09 Then you're just a self-destructive race.
02:30:13 And I don't know why.
02:30:15 Well, I mean, I think Jared Taylor, his wife is Jewish or something like that.
02:30:20 I I don't quote me on that.
02:30:23 But it's, you know, he's always been.
02:30:27 Soft on the JQ.
02:30:29 For whatever the reason is whether the wife things real or not, like I said, I take that back and I because I'm not sure that that's real, but I think there's something like that going on.
02:30:41 And so it's like you can genetically.
02:30:46 In the same way that you can plot out like when people say, well, what's white?
02:30:51 White whites, you.
02:30:52 Know in the same way that Michael or Michael Jones was trying to say that Whitey's not a thing.
02:30:56 White is a thing you can genetically plot out people and with with their how similar they are genetically.
02:31:05 On an easy to read graph where you have groupings and there is, you know there's separation a little bit.
02:31:12 You know you've got slaves a little bit over here and you've got the Italians a little bit over here.
02:31:17 And Anglo is a little bit over there.
02:31:19 And whatever. But they're they're.
02:31:22 They have enough in common to where you can lump them together as a.
02:31:25 Group and by the way, Jews have a lot in common too.
02:31:30 AJ Jew that has.
02:31:34 If you were a genetically, the reason why there's Jewish physiognomy is they're genetically you.
02:31:42 You can genetically group them together easily you can.
02:31:45 In fact, you can get a DNA test.
02:31:48 I mean, there was so much, especially with how much inbreeding went on in those populations.
02:31:53 They're so genetically similar that there's reason why someone looks like a Jew, right?
02:31:59 There's they're genetically.
02:32:01 A part they're genetically a group.
02:32:04 They're genetically an ethnicity.
02:32:06 It's not just a a belief system.
02:32:10 And so I, you know, not only is is white a thing, you know, even though he Michael Jones is like, oh, it's a it was it.
02:32:19 He was saying.
02:32:20 It was a.
02:32:21 It was a.
02:32:24 Classification of the mind or I don't remember how he phrased it, but it's something of.
02:32:28 The mind category of the mind.
02:32:31 It was a category of the.
02:32:33 And it's.
02:32:33 No, it's not.
02:32:34 It's a genetic category.
02:32:35 It's easy to define.
02:32:37 You can do it and it's not just based on skin color.
02:32:41 There's so many other things that go into it.
02:32:45 Down to our skeletal structure, you know it's not just skin deep, it's bone deep.
02:32:52 And you know it, so to say that it's just a category of the mind is, I don't know, just kind of stupid really.
02:33:01 I I don't know why he went with that argument other than then he doesn't have a good argument for it.
02:33:07 Conversely, for Jared Taylor to assert that that Jews are indistinguishable from whites, and I don't know if he's using that exact.
02:33:19 Terminology ever, but that he he, you know, he certainly doesn't proactively.
02:33:30 Separate the two groups.
02:33:32 You know, in at least I have.
02:33:35 I have.
02:33:35 I have yet to see him assert that that they're not white, you know.
02:33:44 But again, this maybe just my lack of exposure to them.
02:33:47 And look, I like both these guys.
02:33:49 I like both these guys.
02:33:50 But that to me is also kind of.
02:33:52 It's like, why?
02:33:54 How how can you recognize that genetic differences between blacks and whites as Jared Taylor?
02:34:01 And not recognize the very real and measurable genetic differences between whites and Jews. You can do that. There's a reason why. If you mean 23andMe can do it, if you if you send, which I don't recommend doing, because then they have access to your DNA.
02:34:20 But for those of you who have and then or that are at least familiar with this process, the people that send in their DNA to even like the consumer grade DNA testing will tell you exactly how what percent Jewish.
02:34:35 How could they do that?
02:34:36 You know, if if it wasn't an ethnicity.
02:34:41 You know they can.
02:34:41 Say, oh, you're you X amount of African Asian.
02:34:45 You know, it's like Ben Shapiro was so excited because he was 100% pure blood. You know, he was a ******* 0% goy. He was so excited to be 0%.
02:34:58 So it's it's just puzzling to me that you would think that you would firmly believe as Jared Taylor does, that genetics do do differentiate people like blacks from whites and that genetics also determine at least to some degree behavior.
02:35:18 As he does as he says he does with, you know, blacks versus who?
02:35:23 But yet, magically, that doesn't apply when it comes to Jewish people.
02:35:28 And look, maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong.
02:35:30 Maybe that's not what he has said, but I that's my understanding.
02:35:34 And so it's just, it was from watching that, which I didn't see the whole thing, but I saw a big chunk of.
02:35:42 It I saw like.
02:35:45 I don't know. Like.
02:35:46 Want to say like I sound like an hour.
02:35:48 But like I saw, a lot of it.
02:35:50 And that's what I got out of that was, it was like watching two people who completely missed the full picture and.
02:36:01 In a frustrating way, because if either one of them.
02:36:05 Like lower like I said, if you could somehow magically combine the two, you would have like the alpha boomer.
02:36:12 So anyway.
02:36:16 Alright, I'm sure like I like we're we're getting. We're getting longer than I wanted to do, so I'm going to try to. We're at 2 1/2 hours here and I'm.
02:36:28 I'm slowly running out of steam.
02:36:30 But I'll try to.
02:36:32 I'm going to Fast forward through some of these guys.
02:36:34 Sorry just cause I'm so behind.
02:36:36 I'm going to try to get to the.
02:36:39 To whatever is current.
Speaker 2
02:36:44 UM.
02:36:49 Someone said that we have the alpha boomer David Duke.
02:36:52 That's actually a funny thing.
02:36:54 I I was thinking that I was trying to think it was like, you know.
02:36:58 I'm not positive, but I feel like.
02:37:01 In some ways, David Duke is that that guy that gets both of those.
02:37:07 So he might have been, that would have.
02:37:10 Been a fun.
02:37:11 You know, I guess you can't really.
02:37:12 Have a debate.
02:37:13 With with three people, or maybe you can.
Speaker 2
02:37:16 It would have been that, would you?
02:37:18 Know what? That's what.
02:37:19 Would be funny, right?
02:37:20 If you could have.
Speaker 2
02:37:23 Boomer blood Sports Boomer 3 way blood sports.
02:37:28 With E Michael Jones, Jared Taylor and David Duke, that would be that'd be pretty epic.
02:37:41 No cactus pills.
02:37:43 No, I haven't.
02:37:44 Even been outside.
02:37:45 I mean, the only cactus pill really is that you got the spider pill.
02:37:49 You have the win, the spider pill or the OR the.
02:37:51 No, it is the sand spider slash wind scorpion pill, but I haven't.
02:37:57 I've barely been outside like I I've.
02:38:01 I've been kind of not so great.
Speaker 2
02:38:05 For a few days.
02:38:07 So I'll but I'll I'll see what I can do about it.
02:38:10 A cactus pill for next time.
02:38:13 Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
02:38:15 I'll feel a lot better today.
02:38:19 But yeah.
Speaker 2
02:38:27 Well, I think that's about it, gang.
02:38:32 Let me back this up.
02:38:34 I saw one more high priest, King Terry, every boomer I have talked to is terrified of the US military.
02:38:42 Handling of Afghanistan not because of what is happening in Afghanistan.
02:38:46 It's because they think now Taiwan will get invaded by China and they'll lose their overseas investments.
02:38:54 Yeah, you.
Speaker 2
02:38:54 Know what?
02:38:56 I don't care.
02:38:58 **** yeah.
02:38:59 See, that's the.
02:39:00 Problem is, everything's economic for boomers. Everything's economic for boomers.
02:39:08 And yeah, **** their overseas investments and quite frankly, you know, maybe not **** Taiwan, but yeah, **** Taiwan as much as **** anybody else.
02:39:20 It's not my job. It's not my country's job. It's not the job of of the few remaining dwindling white people left in the world to defend ******* Taiwan.
Speaker 6
02:39:32 **** ***.
02:39:34 Defend your ******* selves.
02:39:36 You know.
02:39:38 I mean, would I be opposed to selling them weapons and ****?
02:39:42 Nah, I guess not.
02:39:44 I mean, the only reason I would be is because I don't want the people that make the weapons to make more money.
02:39:52 You know, I mean I guess whatever.
02:39:55 But yeah, yeah.
02:39:57 **** Taiwan and and not because, like, I don't like Taiwan.
02:40:04 It's just that I don't, you know.
02:40:06 I I don't.
02:40:07 I don't care.
02:40:08 I just don't care.
02:40:09 It's not our business.
02:40:11 I don't care about Taiwan.
02:40:13 I don't care.
02:40:14 You know any I I'm just done, I think and honestly.
02:40:19 I think our.
02:40:19 Military readiness is kind of done, I think one way or another, we just don't have a choice.
02:40:24 I don't think that it's it's going to be a matter.
02:40:27 Of Oh well, the deep states decided that it's it.
02:40:30 You know, it doesn't want to get involved with as many.
02:40:32 I don't think we have the.
02:40:34 I think our our ability to to maintain the kind of empire that we have is is.
02:40:41 I don't think it has anything to do with ideological differences or, you know, evolving, you know, the the ruling classes evolving worldview.
02:40:52 I I think it's about just practically speaking.
02:40:57 You know, when you're when you're trying to maintain your grip.
02:41:02 On the world, and this is the **** you're working with, you know, like I just.
02:41:07 I just don't think.
02:41:10 I just think that that they're just trying to be more realistic about what it is we can accomplish and the political will just of the people, people, the American people, are just ******* done with being in wars for no reason.
02:41:24 And then there's also the fact that it's just like every trip, all the boats.
02:41:30 On the ground overseas are boots on the ground, not at home, and I do think there is an evolving at least, if not a fear A at least a concern.
02:41:44 About you know, things coming apart over here.
02:41:50 With with the with the social unrest that's going on.
02:41:53 Honestly, I think that's a lot of why we're having so many lockdowns around the Western world.
02:41:58 What was happening right before all the lockdowns.
02:42:02 Remember that the yellow vest **** and people were like, you know, that there was Antifa riots and all this other **** going on and people were starting to worry that, like, like you heard it and their voices that ohh this this yellow, that shift's going to spread to the.
Speaker 2
02:42:14 Rest of the world and blah blah blah.
02:42:17 And **** was getting.
Speaker 2
02:42:18 A little bit real.
02:42:22 And they locked everybody in their houses.
02:42:25 Two weeks to flatten the curve.
02:42:27 Right.
02:42:29 Two weeks.
02:42:32 All right, so I'm going to check out guys.
02:42:35 Well, I'll have a more substantive show on Saturday.
02:42:40 And I I apologize for for being unavailable for a few days and and if you thought I was dead, I it's going to take a lot more.
02:42:50 Than that to to kill all.
02:42:53 Devin stack. So.
02:42:55 You guys all have a wonderful Thursday and the rest of.
02:43:00 Your week.
02:43:01 See you on Saturday night for Black Pill gym, of course.
02:43:08 Devon stag.