00:00:00 Don't cry.Speaker 2
00:05:11 I'm your transformer.00:05:12 Call me Molly.
00:05:22 I am your.
00:05:26 Call me.
Speaker 1
00:05:34 I like it shalama.Speaker 2
00:05:41 Bing App Store.00:06:10 I'm your transformer.
Speaker 1
00:06:22 I like it.Speaker 2
00:06:46 Three years.Speaker 1
00:07:00 Silver tongue leather tongue, honey tone.Speaker 2
00:07:30 I'm your transformer.00:07:32 Call me darling.
00:07:34 Call me me.
Speaker 1
00:07:37 On I like it bring up.Speaker 2
00:07:50 Story of professorship?00:07:51 Follow you.
00:09:05 Where is my wipe?00:09:07 And and microphones muted again, you know, I.
00:09:11 Guess what I need to do?
00:09:13 Is well first of.
00:09:14 All Devon stack here Insignia stream.
00:09:17 You are here.
00:09:19 I am here.
00:09:21 We are here at the same time, same place, same time.
00:09:26 Several of us all simultaneously existing.
00:09:29 The same point in time in the universe.
00:09:33 And obs disabling my wipe randomly and muting my microphone.
00:09:39 I need to apparently click yes next time it wants to.
00:09:42 The update I'm always afraid to do that.
00:09:46 Because, oh, they're Speaking of updates the every time I install an update, stuff breaks, so I try not to update things unless it's absolutely necessary, and now it's just breaking cause maybe I'm not updating it.
00:10:04 Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good December.
00:10:08 It is now December. Can you believe it? Can you believe that 2021?
00:10:14 It's almost already over.
00:10:17 Wow, time flies when?
00:10:20 Well, I don't know.
00:10:23 I get it.
00:10:24 Just flies it flies.
00:10:26 You know it.
00:10:26 We're coming up on a year.
00:10:29 One year of insomnia stream.
00:10:32 I'm not exactly sure if it's streams.
00:10:34 Prior to you.
00:10:35 Know being the insomnia stream or whatever, but it was pretty sporadic.
00:10:39 I know for sure I started towards January.
00:10:43 I know because I was streaming every night when we were looking to see what was going to.
00:10:47 Happen on the 20th and all that stuff.
00:10:50 But I don't know when.
00:10:50 When the official start date was, we'll.
00:10:52 Have to see.
00:10:53 We'll have to do.
00:10:53 A year celebration of insomnia, a year of insomnia.
00:11:00 Yeah, time flies when you're not sleeping, I guess, right?
00:11:05 So last string.
00:11:09 Last stream, we did criticize certain.
00:11:12 Women in the West.
00:11:15 And there was some discussion as to, you know, obviously.
00:11:17 The whole not all women, but there's a lot of women in the.
00:11:20 In the.Devon
00:11:20 West and I, you know there there's a video.00:11:24 I'm not the only one that found this was.
00:11:25 Going around, I guess.
00:11:27 But there was a video that was out today that perfectly illustrated.
00:11:33 The women that we're talking about.
00:11:35 South. Here we are.
00:11:37 Here's the women we're talking about when we're talking about the West and the woman problem.
00:11:48 Ohh, look at that.
00:11:52 They're they're so excited.
00:11:56 They're so excited about abortion.
Speaker 4
00:12:00 They, they. They.Devon
00:12:01 Think it's awesome?00:12:12 Look how excited they are.
00:12:15 This is what I was talking about.
00:12:16 Last string that we've normalized in the West and you could say, OK, these these chicks.
00:12:20 Are a little extreme.
Speaker 5
00:12:23 But no, none of these women are going.Devon
00:12:25 To lose their job for doing this.00:12:28 None of these women.
00:12:30 Are going to lose their job for being in this video.
00:12:35 Hell, some of them might be promoted.
00:12:39 This is the norm.
00:12:42 You might not like that it's the norm.
00:12:45 But this, nonetheless is the norm.
00:12:49 Which is precisely why they won't lose their jobs.
00:12:53 For being in this video.
00:12:56 Whereas if you were to go demonstrate.
00:13:00 I mean, there was there was a paramedic.
00:13:04 That just donated to Kyle Rittenhouse, his defense fund.
00:13:07 Right.
00:13:08 And he lost his job.
00:13:13 That's that's.
00:13:16 That's what we're talking about when we say that's the norm.
00:13:20 So these are the women specifically.
00:13:22 That we're talking about.
00:13:24 The overeducated.
00:13:28 Motorists, sociopathic women of the West.
00:13:33 So anyway.
00:13:35 That that was uh.
00:13:37 But that was nice that they they uh, they delivered a perfect example.
00:13:40 What I was talking about on.
00:13:41 Time uh in COVID news.
00:13:46 Supposedly, maybe by the time you listen to this, we'll find out tomorrow for the rest of us.
00:13:51 For those of us live, for for the cool kid crowd.
00:13:56 Tomorrow or well, I guess technically in in it's it's kind of today, but in a few hours it's it's it's tomorrow, it's still tomorrow.
00:14:05 It's Wednesday night until I wake up, then it, then it's Thursday.
Speaker 6
00:14:12 Even if it's.Devon
00:14:13 4:00 in the afternoon.00:14:14 It's still Thursday.
00:14:16 That's Thursday morning.
00:14:19 So supposedly we're going to have some new COVID restrictions.
00:14:24 In the morning.
Speaker 4
00:14:27 But on Thursday, according to The Washington Post and we've we're we have made contact with some White House folks, they're going to announce some of the strictest COVID regulations yet on American citizens, including, according to the Washington Post, requiring all Americans who return from abroad.00:14:45 To quarantine in their house for up to seven.
00:14:49 That's if that is something that they're going to propose in this speech on Thursday.
00:14:54 There are a lot of questions.
00:14:55 How do you enforce that?
00:14:56 Do you send somebody to the door of somebody that just came back from overseas regardless of vaccination status or testing status to make sure that they are home?
00:15:05 And also, does that apply to everybody coming into the?
00:15:10 Not just folks who come and document it at an airport, but also the undocumented.
00:15:17 Well, obviously the answer to that is.00:15:20 No, it doesn't mean the undocumented.
00:15:22 I've been Jesus Christ.
00:15:25 No, everyone knows that this is not about some disease and safety and this sort of a.
00:15:31 Thing if it.
00:15:31 Was they would be clamping down the border and there, you know, there's no, no sign of that ever happening.
00:15:38 And there never has my entire life been any any movement in that direction whatsoever.
00:15:44 Even when Trump was president.
00:15:46 So, but anyway, they're going to be slowly increasing COVID restrictions.
00:15:52 We'll see how that goes or if it goes at all.
00:15:56 I've seen that courts have have delayed and paused some of the restrictions that the the Biden's.
00:16:04 Was it a?
00:16:06 Executive order.
00:16:09 Saying that companies with over 100 employees have to have all their employees vaccinated in that sort of a thing, we've got a few court cases floating around. Bottom line, none of this is going to matter it.
00:16:23 The the the March towards the communist hellscape has been.
00:16:31 Slowed at times but never ceased my entire lifetime.
00:16:37 And so if they manage to pause some of these mandates and and you know, slow it down a little bit here and there, just know that eventually if you work for the machine.
00:16:51 You become a piece of the machinery.
00:16:55 It's as simple as that.
00:16:57 And when you're a piece of the machinery.
00:17:01 Unless you're the processor, unless you're the brain at the top and you're listening to this, and chances are you're not.
00:17:08 Even you, Mr.
00:17:09 FBI agent you.
00:17:12 You don't have autonomy either.
00:17:14 You're just a part of the machine too.
00:17:18 You don't get.
00:17:18 To choose what you do.
00:17:20 If you're a cog in a machine.
00:17:23 You do what you're prescribed to do, and the second you stop, you get replaced by a working piece.
00:17:32 So just keep that in mind eventually, that's just.
00:17:34 Going to be the.
00:17:35 Way that it is and it's.
00:17:37 No, it's no surprise to me that they're tying so much of this to travel.
00:17:43 They started doing.
00:17:45 Weird things with passports, I'd say about 10 years ago.
00:17:51 You know, first I I don't know why.
00:17:52 I don't know if this one came first, but they started with.
00:17:55 Of course, the electronic passports that start tracking you.
00:17:58 They didn't want to have.
00:17:59 The the old.
00:18:00 Old tiny passports with the stamps and stuff like that.
00:18:04 They also they started, if you owe tax money.
00:18:09 They would cancel your passport so you.
00:18:11 Couldn't leave if you.
00:18:12 If you owed tax money.
00:18:15 And now they're making you can't leave.
Speaker 7
00:18:17 It all.Devon
00:18:17 If you it just because of these are.00:18:19 All just control measures.
00:18:26 And Speaking of control measures, I mean this is this is where we're headed.
00:18:30 They're implanting vaccine passports.
00:18:35 I think what is this?
00:18:36 This isn't Sweden, is it?
00:18:37 It's not Sweden.
00:18:38 It's uh.
00:18:39 Well, maybe they'll say I'm I I haven't watched this, actually.
00:18:47 Behind them.Devon
00:18:51 Ohh and it's not in.00:18:51 English. So that's helpful.
00:18:57 Bring the technology here, anyone?
00:18:59 Know what language that is.
00:19:03 I don't know. Some made-up language.
00:19:05 So they're basically putting from what I can tell, RFID chips under the skin or some technology that's similar.
00:19:14 And because it's going to make it easier that.
00:19:16 Way you don't have.
00:19:17 To pull your.
00:19:17 Phone and show people you know some QR code and and and what if you forget your phone?
00:19:24 Mean what if?
00:19:25 You forget your phone.
00:19:26 And you really want to go to.
00:19:27 The grocery store.
00:19:29 Well, you can't.
00:19:29 Go to the grocery store without your vaccine passport.
00:19:33 So you better implant the chip.
00:19:38 And if you think that we're not gonna go this direction, you're crazy.
00:19:42 I don't know.
00:19:43 They're going to actually have this mandate at anytime soon, but this.
Speaker 8
00:19:47 Is this is exactly?Devon
00:19:48 I mean, I knew as soon.00:19:49 As they started chipping.
00:19:51 Pets that this is going to be the direction we're going in.
00:19:55 And it it's it just makes sense.
00:19:58 And the same reason it makes sense for pets.
00:20:01 It makes sense for pets, so you can track them, and if you, you know, they get lost, they can.
00:20:05 They can find.
00:20:05 The owner and that.
00:20:06 Sort of a thing.
00:20:06 Well, guess who.
00:20:07 Owns you.
00:20:08 They want it.
00:20:09 They want.
00:20:10 It for the same reason.
00:20:13 So this is this is coming.
00:20:15 Our way, I don't know when and I'm sure I'll get fought in courts and.
00:20:19 Stuff like that.
Speaker 6
00:20:20 But think about.Devon
00:20:20 This way it This is why you have to fight vaccine mandates, because if you give the government jurisdiction over your body in a way that says for public safety.00:20:32 We're allowed to inject a mystery potion into your arm.
00:20:37 For public safety.
00:20:39 Why can't they do this?
00:20:43 Why can't they do this?
00:20:46 Why is this?
00:20:48 Any different?
Speaker 4
00:20:52 Like any different.Devon
00:20:57 It's not.00:20:57 It's literally not.
00:21:00 And they can say.
00:21:01 Well, you know.
00:21:01 If you try to comply and say, Oh well, this is different because this is, you know, this gives me an identifiable, you know, code that they can track me.
00:21:10 That look, you already have all that stuff.
00:21:12 It's called social.
00:21:13 Security number people thought that.
00:21:15 Back when they started having, you know.
00:21:17 Decades and decades and decades ago.
00:21:20 When they first rolled out Social Security, there were conspiracy theorists that said, I don't want a number.
00:21:29 I don't want a federal number that that that has me in a database.
00:21:34 And of course, it wasn't electronic at the time, but it's all the same that has me in a database.
00:21:40 I don't want the federal government.
00:21:43 To have me on.
00:21:44 On this list with a number.
00:21:47 And now we just think of.
00:21:48 That as well, that it's crazy that you.
00:21:50 Wouldn't do that.
00:21:53 We need to have some kind of identifiable number.
00:21:55 In fact, that's one of the arguments against we don't know who these people are.
00:21:58 They're coming into our country, we know we have these illegal aliens.
00:22:01 They're stealing social.
00:22:02 Security numbers because they don't have one.
00:22:08 People don't even think about that at all, they don't think.
00:22:10 This is a bad thing at all.
00:22:13 So if that's not a big.
00:22:15 Deal. And if giving you.
00:22:17 Forced injections isn't a big deal.
00:22:21 How is this a big deal?
00:22:23 How is it a big?Devon
00:22:24 Deal to maybe roll it out the same way.00:22:26 They're trying to roll out the vaccines.
00:22:27 And say oh.
00:22:28 Well, you know.
00:22:28 You don't have to get it it.
00:22:30 Will just be.
00:22:31 Impossible to buy food if you don't get it.
00:22:36 You don't have to get it.
00:22:38 It'll just be impossible.
00:22:39 To get a job.
00:22:40 If you don't get.
00:22:40 It you won't be able to fly.
00:22:42 On airplanes, you won't be able to leave.
00:22:44 The country you.
00:22:45 Won't be able to enter the country.
00:22:48 But sure you.
00:22:49 Don't have to get it.
00:22:54 So this stuff is coming and it's coming pretty quick.
00:22:58 Quicker than I expected.
00:22:59 Honestly, some of this stuff, this COVID stuff really opened up the door.
00:23:03 To a lot of a lot of this craziness.
00:23:07 And a lot of this is because.
00:23:10 The the demographic change in this country.
00:23:13 That makes a huge difference.
00:23:15 Huge difference.
00:23:20 It's funny how many people don't put that together.
00:23:22 You know, they a lot of people.
00:23:24 Think that oh you.
00:23:25 Know the reason why I'm pro Wyatt or whatever.
00:23:29 It's it's, it's.
00:23:29 I I want our culture to stay together and I want to make sure that, you know, we preserve.
00:23:34 Our heritage and and.
00:23:36 All these other platitudes, and they don't necessarily, really work out what exactly that means.
00:23:41 You know, like it.
00:23:42 A lot of it's just emotional on some level where it's just like, you know, you you you have a gut reaction to living in a neighborhood where you don't know anyone and have nothing in common with anyone.
00:23:53 And while.
Speaker 4
00:23:53 These are real problems.Speaker 5
00:23:56 The real big problems.Devon
00:23:58 Are going to be when people and we've talked about this on this stream in the past when when people that have zero connection.00:24:06 Zero connection.
00:24:08 With the founding.
00:24:09 Fathers or the culture and heritage that brought that into being brought this country into being.
00:24:18 They have no genetic connection whatsoever to that.
00:24:24 When they get into positions of power, they have no motivation to preserve it.
00:24:30 Why would they?
00:24:32 In fact, they have thanks to our education system, they have lots of motivation.
00:24:38 To want to change it.
00:24:40 Because not only do they have no genetic connection to these people, no emotional connection to these people.
00:24:48 But now they're being told on a regular basis.
00:24:51 These were bad people.
00:24:56 They've already started tearing down their statues.
00:24:58 You know, they, they tore down the the Jefferson statue in.
00:25:01 New York because.
00:25:02 He owned slaves and it made you know, some black lady uncomfortable.
00:25:14 So all the monuments will be gone.
00:25:15 I was watching a movie The other day.
00:25:18 It was historical fiction, but it was still, you know, it was supposed.
00:25:21 To be historical, right?
00:25:24 And it was, it was like the Victorian era.
00:25:28 And they put in a a black couple in the Victorian era that was, that was hanging out on some, like yacht with rich people dressed up, you know, like like.
00:25:37 They were white people.
00:25:40 And yeah, that's, you know everyone.
00:25:41 That's not like a new thing.
00:25:42 Everyone has seen stuff like this, right?
00:25:45 Where they're rewriting history.
00:25:47 Most people, especially low IQ people, they don't read history books.
00:25:51 They don't.
00:25:52 They have no and look and it's not.
00:25:54 Like you have any?
00:25:55 Direct experience.
00:25:56 If in something that happened.
00:25:58 300 years before you were born.
Speaker 9
00:26:02 And so when the.Devon
00:26:03 Only images that you see of this time period.00:26:07 Are of this multicultural thing.
00:26:09 It gives you the.
00:26:09 Impression. Oh, it's always been.
00:26:11 Like this?
00:26:14 It's always been like this.
00:26:15 I was.
00:26:15 I was listening to.
00:26:16 Someone I forget who it was now like.
00:26:20 I think it was like a week ago actually now.
00:26:22 That talking about how they were watching some movie in the 90s and this is someone that that claimed to be a conservative.
00:26:31 And they were watching a movie from the 90s and they were shocked.
00:26:34 By how many white?
00:26:35 People were in this movie.
00:26:37 And that while they were conservative, and while they they fancy themselves on the right, they still had this weird, uncomfortable feeling that there needed to be more diversity in this movie.
00:26:51 That the movie was too white.
00:27:02 And I'll tell you what it it's I have the opposite reaction, mostly because I I just haven't.
Speaker 8
00:27:07 Seen a lot of new movies, right?Devon
00:27:12 But I was saying last spring I watched the click through a bunch of new movies trying to find something to watch.00:27:19 And I was just I I had the.
00:27:20 I was just like, why is everybody black?
Speaker 4
00:27:24 Like what the?Devon
00:27:25 Look like everybody, everybody.00:27:29 I even found one where I thought.
00:27:30 That wasn't going.
00:27:31 To be black, so I.
00:27:32 We're not gonna.
00:27:33 I mean, it would be.
00:27:34 It's low hanging fruit.
00:27:35 It'd be easy, I'd.
00:27:36 Be like shooting fish in a.
00:27:37 Barrel. But I'm not, it's.
00:27:38 Not worth doing a whole stream about that.
00:27:41 That girl? That's.
00:27:41 That I did do a video on the handmaiden's tale or or Handmaid's Tale.
00:27:47 Or whatever that.
00:27:47 You know, you guys I'm talking about.
00:27:49 That stupid feminist show that has the ugly girl from Mad Men in it.
00:27:55 There she did a movie recently.
00:27:59 It was a remake of The Invisible Man.
00:28:03 Oh good Lord, did they?
00:28:05 **** that one up the Invisible Man.
00:28:09 And and this movie has been redone, I think like 5-10 times it's a.
00:28:16 Lot of times.
00:28:18 And they.
00:28:18 Usually update it.
00:28:19 For the the technology to make more sense, right?
Speaker 7
00:28:23 But it.Devon
00:28:24 Stays relatively close to the feel of the original.00:28:30 You know this mad scientist guy develops this technology that somehow makes them invisible and and it kind of drives him crazy.
00:28:38 And he does some ****** ** stuff.
00:28:40 And and whatever, right?
00:28:44 Well, in, in this new Invisible Man.
00:28:47 I I I was just like, OK, whatever.
00:28:50 I I hate this chick, but whatever.
00:28:53 This new Invisible Man, it it.
00:28:56 It was totally it was.
00:28:57 It was the IT was.
00:28:58 Peak feminism and.
00:29:01 And had all the elements that you would expect.
00:29:03 In a movie from 2021.
00:29:05 You know, it starts off this woman.
00:29:07 Is being controlled by this.
00:29:08 Evil man and she has to.
00:29:10 Flee and it's it's it's the guy developing the.
00:29:13 The funny thing?
00:29:13 Is you almost.
00:29:14 There's almost no character development whatsoever on the Invisible Man himself.
00:29:20 Yeah, he's.
00:29:20 He's just like this boogeyman that represents toxic masculinity.
00:29:26 In the patriarchy, but he doesn't actually exist.
00:29:28 As a human like you.
00:29:29 Never actually really hear anything from this guy.
00:29:33 I mean, I guess the title makes more sense in that way.
00:29:35 He is pretty much the Invisible Man.
00:29:39 And she escapes the mansion of this evil man, and of course, runs into the the the strong arms of a a black single father who is very responsible in raising his daughter.
00:29:55 Well, hey, look, it's science fiction.
00:30:00 And uh, you know, the the evil, the evil.
00:30:03 Invisible Man is trying to trick her into getting.
00:30:05 Pregnant. I don't know.
00:30:07 But the whole thing.
00:30:07 It was just. It was.
00:30:08 A mess.
00:30:08 It was the whole thing was was clearly clearly.
00:30:12 Look at this ******.
00:30:14 Woman fighting off this Invisible Man who?
00:30:17 All he wants to.
Speaker 6
00:30:18 Do is.Devon
00:30:19 Is control her and make her pregnant and then make all our decisions for her.00:30:23 She just it's it I.
00:30:25 Mean in a weird way, it was.
00:30:26 The Handmaid's Tale, only with an Invisible Man.
00:30:29 It was. It was you.
00:30:30 Know you're just good for for making babies.
00:30:35 And I'm going to control you.
00:30:38 And tell this black cop comes and helps you out.
00:30:44 And that's what it was.
00:30:45 It was.
00:30:45 The the based.
00:30:47 Well, it wasn't based, but the I.
00:30:48 Guess the woke black cop.
00:30:53 And the the rabid feminist gang up together and defeat the evil white patriarchy.
00:31:03 And so as.
00:31:04 You have more of that.
00:31:05 It's not.
00:31:05 Going to just be the fact that you have diversity in positions of power, you're going to have diversity in, in, in positions of the culture which is.
00:31:13 Going to speed things up.
00:31:15 It's going to speed things up because it's going to influence women.
00:31:19 And they're going to basically have more, you know, more ******* like this.
00:31:25 Because they're going to be learning more from pop culture than they are, and well, it wouldn't matter, right?
00:31:29 I was going to say more than they are from, like, education, but academia is it's bad if not worse.
Speaker 8
00:31:41 You're going to have.Devon
00:31:42 All these terrible, terrible role models.00:31:45 And you're going to have lower and lower quality people who have less and less in common with you and less and less incentive to preserve anything that you thought America was about.
00:31:59 Another example of this is the uh, the new CEO of Twitter.
00:32:05 You know, the new CEO of Twitter?
00:32:07 Is an Indian guy.
00:32:10 On the record now is is saying that that it's not about the 1st amendment, it's I forget the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of it's not about the 1st amendment.
00:32:19 We need to stop talking about that and start talking about.
00:32:22 How the world was changed.
00:32:27 Well, he's he's saying exactly what I'm saying.
00:32:29 Just happy about it.
00:32:36 You know this idea that you.
00:32:38 Have of of you know a.
00:32:39 The free market of ideas and freedom and.
00:32:42 All this stuff.
00:32:42 It's a very white idea.
00:32:44 Show me another country.
00:32:45 That came up with that.
00:32:54 Show me all these free societies that that sprung up in the Third world.
00:33:02 Show me all the non authoritarian governments that exist.
00:33:07 Thanks to non whites.
00:33:17 There is no magic dirt.
00:33:23 And look, the the diversity that comes here, it's not just again this guy that the Indian guy that's in charge of Twitter now.
00:33:30 It's not just the the low IQ.
00:33:34 Immigrants that are going to fundamentally change America for and the West forever.
00:33:43 In fact, if only that was.
00:33:45 If that was the only problem we had to worry about, yeah.
00:33:47 That would still be a big problem.
00:33:50 But that would be way more manageable.
00:33:56 But instead you have to deal with and.
00:33:59 Look, let's face it.
00:34:02 One of the reasons why.
00:34:03 We have all these immigrants that have come here.
00:34:06 Is because of another type.
00:34:07 Of high IQ immigrant.
00:34:12 That we'll get into in here in a second.
00:34:18 That have worked very diligently, very hard at fundamentally changing this world.
00:34:28 And even when they delete.
00:34:30 Their tweets it's too late.
00:34:31 The Internet is forever.
00:34:34 Go into that here.
00:34:35 In a second.
00:34:46 In other news.
Speaker 11
00:34:50 Is for the enhanced community safety team A-Team, he admits can no longer keep the community safe.Speaker 5
00:34:57 No, I've been.00:34:57 A police officer for the last 20-3 years in Portland, and what we're seeing right now, is unprecedented.
Speaker 11
00:35:03 The facts are stunning and frightening.00:35:06 In Portland, we are outpacing other larger West Coast cities in deadly violence.
00:35:10 This year, Portland has had more homicides than San Diego, San Francisco, and we have nearly twice as many homicide victims as Seattle.
Speaker 4
00:35:20 We're not the only city to deal with the rise in.Devon
00:35:22 The murder rate.00:35:23 But our murder rate has gone through the roof, as we've done almost nothing but retreat.
Speaker 2
00:35:28 From public safety.Speaker 11
00:35:29 Dan Levy and Kevin Looper head up people for Portland.00:35:33 The nonprofit has launched a campaign to put pressure on Portland leaders to take action.
00:35:38 Anybody tells?Speaker 6
00:35:38 You. There's a plan, right?Devon
00:35:40 Now at city.Speaker 6
00:35:41 Hall or at the county, is lying to you.00:35:43 There's no plan.
Speaker 11
00:35:44 There is this plan.00:35:46 In early October, the city installed traffic barrels and neighborhoods hit hard by gun violence, calling it an innovative solution.
00:35:54 The neighbors.
00:35:55 Like there's violence and shooting all over the place, and then we've been trying to make our voices heard, and once we finally get a reaction, it's traffic barrels.00:36:04 It makes you feel like you're not heard.
Speaker 12
00:36:05 At all, it seems like it's something that's more of an idea that's going out of desperation than something that's going to have an effective impact on the people that live in these neighborhoods.00:36:15 It doesn't seem to do a.
Speaker 13
00:36:15 Whole lot now I think.00:36:16 It's a really apt metaphor.
00:36:18 For the disconnect kind of between the city.
00:36:22 And what they think they should be doing and what people living in the neighborhood want them to do, it's almost like kind of pouring salt in a wound a little bit.
Speaker 11
00:36:28 Traffic barrels can't erase the fact Portland now has the highest number of shootings in its history on a percentage basis, the highest increase than any other city in the US.Speaker 5
00:36:39 I think we had 6800 casings cartridge casings that we've picked up in the city of Portland in the last 12 months.00:36:48 So that's 6800 bullets that have made their way somewhere.
Speaker 11
00:36:52 How did we get here?00:36:54 What happened?
00:36:55 Crime experts point to July of last year, when the Portland City Council.
00:37:02 How did we get here, I wonder.00:37:09 See, now you're going to have not just the people who are actively working against you.
00:37:15 In positions of power in positions of culture and art and influence and education.
00:37:21 You're going to have the fruits of their labor, you're going to have incompetence.
00:37:25 You're going to have people who are they're tasked to mitigate some of these side effects intended side effects.
00:37:34 And they're going to be in over their head or ideologically opposed to fixing their problem or paid off by, you know, the the groups that are engineering all of this.
00:37:48 And so what's?
00:37:49 Going to happen is again, you're going.
00:37:50 To have the.
00:37:51 People, the the cops that that were good.
00:37:56 You know, the vaccine mandates sort of have have have also had that effect.
00:38:01 They're going to have that effect not just in in terms of police forces, but other, you know, local governments everywhere have these mandates, right?
00:38:09 So people are.
00:38:11 Choosing not to do it.
00:38:15 You have the diversity hires.
00:38:17 You have the education, education requirements.
00:38:20 That makes it pretty much impossible for some of these positions to be held by anyone who doesn't.
00:38:25 Have a degree.
00:38:27 And it's impossible to get a degree.
00:38:30 Unless you're uh.
00:38:33 Brainwashed by the system.
00:38:36 And you're part of one of these.
00:38:37 Groups and then you end up with stuff like this.
00:38:40 As a result.
Speaker 14
00:38:42 Now at 9, our top story tonight, a Tucson police officer fired after shooting and killing a man in a wheelchair.Speaker 6
00:38:48 Body camera footage now released by Tucson police shows last night's police shooting of a man who was accused of shoplifting and having a knife fox tense Justin.Devon
00:39:00 I feel why this audio is.00:39:01 All ****** **.
00:39:02 Hang on a second.
00:39:03 Going to play it a different way, I think.
Speaker 14
00:39:09 Well, and nine, our top story tonight, a Tucson police officer fired after shooting and killing a man in a wheelchair.Devon
00:39:11 Here we go this.Speaker 6
00:39:15 Body camera footage now released by Tucson police shows last night's police shooting of a man who was accused of shoplifting and having a knife. Fox 10's Justin Lum joins us live with details of what two sons.00:39:27 Police chief is saying about this use of deadly force.
Speaker 9
00:39:32 John Christina.00:39:33 Tucson police wasted no time releasing the body camera footage as well as surveillance video, ultimately terminating officer Ryan Remington.
00:39:42 The chief says he's deeply troubled by Remington's decision to shoot a 61 year old man 9 times from behind. We've edited the video due to its graphic nature.
Speaker 8
00:39:54 Can you send me an 84? I have a male suspect that just shoplifted right in front of me. Pull the knife on me.Speaker 9
00:40:00 The call to dispatch just before 6:00 last night from a Walmart parking lot in Tucson. The man seen on the motorized wheelchair is 61 year old Richard Lee Richards. Police say he stole a toolbox from Walmart officer Ryan Remington, who was off duty.00:40:13 But working security at the store follows Richards, who approaches the garden section at Lowe's.
00:40:19 Officer Stephanie Taylor arrives on scene, her body worn camera shows the moments leading up to the fatal shooting of Richards.
Speaker 7
00:40:27 In his other hand.Speaker
00:40:28 OK.Speaker 9
00:40:29 Not go to the store, Sir.Speaker 14
00:40:31 Stop now.Speaker
00:40:32 You need to store.Speaker 9
00:40:36 Surveillance footage shows another angle of Remington opening fire.00:40:40 Richards died shortly after TPD chief Chris Magnus provided brief details, saying when a Walmart employee asked Richard if they could see.
00:40:49 So just to.Devon
00:40:49 Clarify there what happened was a guy in a wheelchair.00:40:54 Look, this guy was probably.
00:40:56 Not the most valuable member of society.
00:40:59 I'm not crying about his death, but the fact that you have cops now just opening fire.
00:41:04 People in electric wheelchairs 9 * 9 times in the back.
00:41:10 Of course, there's.
00:41:11 That famous trial going on right now, the cop that the lady cop that was supposed to Taser someone. And again, no one's crying about.
00:41:19 That guy either.
00:41:23 But and in fact, I'm not even mad about what she did.
00:41:26 It's just the fact that it's.
00:41:27 The incompetency of it.
00:41:29 You know, she, she yells.
00:41:30 Taser, Taser.
00:41:31 Taser and then she and unloads her.
00:41:32 Her pistol into this guy again.
00:41:35 I don't have a problem with with her doing that.
00:41:37 I have a problem with the incompetent way in which.
00:41:39 It was done.
00:41:42 And so you're going to have law enforcement that's just unable, even if they were willing to do their job, just completely unable.
00:41:49 Do their do their job.
00:41:52 And it's kind of ridiculous that they they shouldn't show the footage.
00:41:55 I'll just go and show the footage.
00:41:57 I mean it's.
00:41:58 It's pretty horrific the the fact, I mean, I can't imagine thinking to myself, I better he's it's almost like the South Park thing.
00:42:08 You know he's coming, right?
Speaker 7
00:42:09 For us.00:42:20 Got it.
00:42:22 OK.Speaker 7
00:42:29 I'll go to the store, Sir.Speaker
00:42:32 God now.00:42:33 You need to.
Speaker 15
00:42:40 Shots fired.Speaker 10
00:42:44 I want to put my eyes on.Devon
00:43:00 And now here's the really super ****** ** part.00:43:02 So now.
00:43:03 The guy I mean, look.
00:43:05 You're a cop for four years, right?
00:43:09 You have to know I'm loading a.
00:43:11 Gun like that into anybody.
00:43:14 They they they don't represent a flight risk at that point, and he's already in a wheelchair.
00:43:20 Even if he was faking the.
00:43:22 Wheelchair thing though.
00:43:24 You just unloaded.
00:43:25 Your gun on the.
00:43:26 Guy, now watch what he does.
00:43:30 Dude's dead. He's he. That guy is.
00:43:34 Ohh, better handcuff him.
00:43:36 Better handcuff the dead guy.
Speaker 8
00:43:41 12 or 15 we have 1 gunshot victim.00:43:45 Officers are good for.
00:43:47 From 1/5 exit code 4 from us.Speaker 4
00:43:49 To move any points.Speaker 8
00:43:50 About 50, I'll need units here.Devon
00:43:52 That's that's, that's who.00:43:54 That's who's going to be policing your streets.
00:44:01 Ah, and and look, I don't know.
00:44:03 I don't know anything about this officer.
00:44:06 I heard I've.
00:44:07 I've seen it posted that he's Hispanic, but that.
00:44:09 The last name is Remington, which is interesting, right?
00:44:14 His last name is the as a gun manufacturer.
00:44:21 But you know.
00:44:23 Yeah, that's that's.
00:44:24 What we're dealing with here.
Speaker 8
00:44:31 So who's to blame?Speaker
00:44:32 For all this, you might ask.Devon
00:44:36 Who indeed?00:44:37 Who indeed?
00:44:39 So I found this kind.
00:44:40 Of shocking and the the movie.
00:44:42 Is not available.
00:44:44 I was going to wait until they they made the movie and maybe I'll do something after the movie comes.
00:44:50 Out. But just from watching.
00:44:53 I know you guys.
00:44:54 Have probably heard about this by now, if not.
00:44:56 There's a new movie coming out by HBO Max, which I guess is their online streaming service.
00:45:01 It's like their.
00:45:02 Answer to Netflix.
00:45:04 And so just like Netflix, they're going to be producing their own original content, because that's what the, you know, Amazon and Hulu and all these companies are doing.
00:45:13 And HBO Max thought it would be a really great idea, a really great idea.
00:45:21 To make a movie about Christmas.
00:45:24 Starring Jews.
00:45:27 That subvert Santa Claus.
00:45:30 And take over.
00:45:33 The North Pole.
00:45:36 Now, in the right context, that could be a really based movie.
00:45:39 Something tells me it's not going to be, especially since the guy who plays Santa Claus, Seth Rogen, is.
00:45:43 Also a Jew.
00:45:46 But I can also understand their thinking.
00:45:48 You know the stupid going they don't care.
00:45:50 Because, I mean, let's face it, Jews wrote the majority of popular Christmas songs.
00:45:55 If you don't know.
00:45:56 About that, go to either my odyssey or.
00:45:59 Bit shoot channel I think on bit shoot it's the number one or it's.
00:46:02 In the top.
00:46:03 Five videos that I ever made.
00:46:06 And it's called the Rudolph, the Jewish reindeer.
00:46:11 In fact, the the, the Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer, Clay Nation style is exactly the style that they're aping when they made this this horrific, horrific thing we're going to watch.
00:46:22 The trailer to.
00:46:25 But many of the the cultural things that Americans think of as, Oh yeah, that's.
00:46:29 Like Christmas time.
00:46:31 That's my favorite Christmas song.
00:46:33 That's my favorite Christmas movie.
00:46:35 That's my favorite.
00:46:36 Jews made a lot.
00:46:37 Of that stuff.
00:46:40 So it shouldn't be that surprising that they, they've, they've been emboldened by the their past success.
00:46:46 And have simply decided to raise the stakes a little bit.
00:46:52 But they literally made a movie.
00:46:56 About Santa Claus.
00:46:59 Being the evil white male, white Christian male patriarchy.
00:47:04 And a female Jewish elf subverting the North Pole.
00:47:12 Unseating Santa Claus from his position of power.
00:47:16 At least that's right.
00:47:17 That's that's what it looks like from watching the trailer.
00:47:21 So let's have a little look, see.
00:47:24 Oh, and by the way, of course, they've on YouTube where they host this, this trailer.
00:47:29 They've of course disabled the comments.
00:47:33 And I've been told I haven't able to verify this.
00:47:35 Supposedly you know they removed the dislike.
00:47:37 Supposedly there's like a a Chrome add-on that would allow you to see the dislikes.
00:47:42 I don't know if that's true. I haven't actually done it to see, but supposedly at last count it had like 7070 thousand down votes and 2000 up votes.
00:47:55 Which is exactly a very good illustration as to.
00:47:58 Why they want to get rid of?
00:48:00 The dislike button.
00:48:02 But let's have a let's have a.
00:48:03 Little look, let's.
00:48:04 Have a little look.
00:48:05 At this trailer.
Speaker 10
00:48:08 When you're a kid, there's only one day a year more special than any other day, and that day is Christmas.Devon
00:48:16 How the **** would you know?00:48:21 Sarah Silverman.
00:48:23 When you were a.
00:48:23 Kid, the very special day, the most important.
00:48:26 Day was was Christmas.
00:48:31 Was it really?
00:48:35 I want to point.
00:48:35 Out that the star on that tree.
00:48:40 Has six points.
00:48:46 Just just point that out there.
00:48:48 It's a.
00:48:49 It's a six pointed star.
Speaker 10
00:48:53 And we are the magic behind that day.00:48:56 So let's get these ******* kids some ******* presents.
Speaker 7
00:49:04 May I present the.Speaker 15
00:49:05 Hardest working man in snow babies.Speaker 7
00:49:08 Good golly, he's jolly Santa Claus.Devon
00:49:14 Hey, Merry Christmas.00:49:16 You're on my naughty list.
Speaker 10
00:49:20 Good news, Sir.00:49:21 More American kids believe in you than they do.
00:49:23 And vaccines are the Holocaust.
00:49:27 Ohh, look at that.00:49:29 Already we're we're we're not even a minute in.
00:49:32 We're not even a minute in.
00:49:35 And they already had to mention the Holocaust.
00:49:38 And vaccines.
00:49:40 Almost as if there is a connection between those two.
00:49:43 What could that connection possibly be?
00:49:50 This this crooked nose now, but I'm trying.
00:49:53 To figure out what.
00:49:53 What's the?
00:49:54 What's the connection there?
Speaker 8
00:49:55 Between the Holocaust and vaccine, what's the?00:49:59 What could it be?
00:50:00 Well, I just it's invading me.
00:50:04 That's good.Speaker 11
00:50:04 I'm great.00:50:05 I mean, just heartening for America, but.
Speaker 15
00:50:07 Great for us.Speaker 6
00:50:11 I'm here from.Devon
00:50:12 The north full times.00:50:13 Have you decided who will?
00:50:14 Succeed you with Santa Claus.Speaker 15
00:50:15 Subtext Santas old and knocking on desk.Devon
00:50:17 Door ****.Speaker 11
00:50:19 I mean, good, good question.Devon
00:50:23 And I like how they think that it's it's still edgy, you know, like, South Park from 1994.00:50:28 Let's do something in the style of a.
00:50:30 Kid show and then say **** a lot. That'll be funny. Like it was in 1994.
00:50:38 And that that's.
00:50:42 Sadly, that's the audience that we're dealing.
00:50:44 With these days.
00:50:44 So it will get laughs.
00:50:46 It will.
00:50:48 Question. I'll give it some.Devon
00:50:49 Serious thought. Ho ho. Bye.Speaker 15
00:50:53 There have been many Santa clauses throughout history.Speaker
00:50:56 Some were loved, others loathed.Speaker 2
00:51:00 But the position of Santa has mostly been a white man's game.Speaker 7
00:51:05 Oh, look at that.Devon
00:51:08 Not even it's no longer.00:51:09 This is why.
00:51:10 I don't like them the.
Speaker 9
00:51:12 Building over the new movies, it's.Devon
00:51:13 No longer implied.00:51:15 It's no longer subtle subtext.
00:51:18 It's no longer a.
00:51:19 Metaphor. They just say it.
00:51:22 They just ******* outright say it.
00:51:25 You know the problem with.
Speaker 8
00:51:26 Santa Claus is it's always been a white male.Devon
00:51:31 It's always been a white.00:51:32 That's done this Santa Claus stuff.
00:51:35 That has to be stopped.
Speaker 10
00:51:40 It's ******* crazy.00:51:42 Things have got to change.
00:51:45 I wonder, I wonder what she means by that.Speaker 10
00:51:48 I wonder what?Devon
00:51:49 She means by.00:51:50 That things have to change.
Speaker 7
00:52:01 If I die, get rid of my ****.Speaker 10
00:52:06 I want to be the next Santa.Speaker
00:52:08 If this is your dream you have.00:52:09 To at least make your case.
Speaker 10
00:52:10 *****, you gotta get into the with that jolly *****.00:52:13 *****, I know you're right.
00:52:15 But do you really have to call me ***** every time you say something?
00:52:18 Yes, *****, because it's empowering to call you *****, *****.
Speaker 15
00:52:24 Let's go over what we know.00:52:26 Santa and the board are all male and all white.
00:52:31 The horror, the absolute horror.00:52:36 Again, not not.
00:52:38 There's no subtlety at all.
00:52:39 They're just they're just telling you they're they're they're just telling you now.
Speaker 15
00:52:45 They play golf, drink, smoke cigars, say things like don't.00:52:50 Ever marry your mistress?
Speaker 10
00:52:52 Just so you know, the women of the North Pole make fun of one of your *****.00:52:56 Fun wondering whose it is.
00:52:59 Ohh **** joke, no.00:53:01 Women are so hilarious as comedians, aren't they?
00:53:05 Small penis.
Speaker 10
00:53:10 What I need?00:53:11 To learn is.
Speaker 1
00:53:12 How to grow out with these guys, you.Speaker 10
00:53:14 Know shoot the.00:53:14 ****, do shots, shoot shots the ship.
Speaker 7
00:53:19 She has ideas, but.00:53:21 Can she really be the base of risk?
Speaker 10
00:53:34 I've been named successor.00:53:35 Die trying.
Speaker 7
00:53:40 Pristas and to all.Devon
00:53:45 And that's how they they turned.00:53:47 The the uh Santas little.
00:53:51 I don't know that guy would be in, but yeah, the the old claymation movies, they had the the singing white guy.
00:53:57 Was it Bing Crosby?
00:53:59 And now it's some black guy.
00:54:01 Just cause you know again.
00:54:02 They just can't.
00:54:03 They just can't help themselves.
Speaker 7
00:54:05 Last night.Devon
00:54:17 So there you go.00:54:19 And so this theatrical trailer or I guess, not theatrical, this streaming trailer.
00:54:26 Was met with the kinds of criticism as.
00:54:29 As you might imagine.
00:54:31 Thankfully, people because.
Speaker 5
00:54:32 It is so not subtle.Devon
00:54:33 Anymore, I guess that's one.00:54:35 Of the things is.
00:54:36 You do have you know, the lack of subtlety is is a direct result of the lack lack.
00:54:42 Of it being.
00:54:43 Necessary because as we discussed earlier with you know.
00:54:46 These chicks, right?
00:54:48 That's the norm now.
00:54:50 That's the norm.
00:54:52 That's right there.
00:54:53 I bet all three of those women are going to watch that movie and love it.
00:54:59 They're going to love it.
00:55:02 And your complaints?
00:55:05 The other another reason why they had to keep it subtle was because you had political power.
00:55:11 And people like you would complain, say, 20-30 years ago. I mean, if they tried making this movie 2030 years ago, that would be the end of a lot of careers.
00:55:22 Because of the backlash, well, now that backlash doesn't exist.
00:55:28 Because this on the screen here, these three women, the abortion pill, taking women, that's the norm.
00:55:35 You're the minority.
00:55:40 And look at it, they know.
Speaker 7
00:55:41 It look this is.Devon
00:55:44 This is the now deleted Seth Rogen tweet.00:55:48 In response to the anti-Semitism that he had to encounter on his Twitter feed as a result.
00:55:55 Of this trailer.
00:55:57 Says the response to the Santa Ink trailer shows exactly why we need diversity.
00:56:02 Too many angry white men can't accept that their time is up.
00:56:15 Look at these.
00:56:16 Is he wrong?
00:56:19 Is he wrong?
00:56:28 Like if we want to be self critical here, let's just take a look inward and honestly, this is a lot of reasons why people.
00:56:32 Are mad at boomers, but really I don't.
00:56:35 Know that it it it's boomer.
00:56:36 Specific I just think it's decadent specific.
00:56:41 When you had a chance to prevent problems like.
00:56:44 This from happening ever happening.
00:56:46 You could have prevented this movie from ever being created.
00:56:54 And I don't mean you go.
00:56:55 All the way back to the Immigration Act of 1965.
00:56:58 But that would have helped, right?
00:57:05 But when you had.
00:57:06 The political power to turn things around.
00:57:08 No one did.
00:57:11 Nobody did.
00:57:13 And now that you don't.
00:57:16 Now the squeaky wheel is getting loud, right?
00:57:21 Now people are starting.
00:57:22 To feel a little bit of the panic.
00:57:26 But again, nothing is going to happen.
00:57:27 It's going.
00:57:27 To be still going to get released.
00:57:29 It's still going to make money.
00:57:31 It'll still be an economic success.
00:57:34 Because this movie wasn't.
00:57:35 Made for you.
00:57:38 When they want to make money off of you, they'll they'll make money off the advertising.
00:57:42 Dollars when they.
00:57:43 Replay what is it, NBC, or whoever has exclusive rights to Charlie Brown's Christmas?
00:57:50 That's when they'll make the money off you.
00:57:56 When they're showing you ads from companies that are also anti white in between little 5 minute clips of Charlie Brown's Christmas.
00:58:07 Or one of the Jewish produced.
00:58:10 Claymation ones of this movie is a parody of.
00:58:14 Get around kids.
00:58:15 I used to love this, this Rudolph, when I was a kid.
00:58:18 Let's let's sit around and watch the movie.
00:58:20 That's literally about Jewish.
00:58:22 Exclusion around Christmas time.
00:58:26 Get around kids.
00:58:27 Let's let's all sit down and watch a movie that's literally about how Jews feel out of place on Christmas.
00:58:32 But at the end, they're better than everybody else.
00:58:34 And they save the day.
00:58:39 Let's all do that, kids.
00:58:40 Come on. Come. I used.
00:58:42 To love when I was a kid, I loved Rudolph.
00:58:45 I loved the song.
00:58:46 Let's sing it together, kid.
00:58:48 Let's all sit down and watch the movie that it's about this, this weirdo with a with a weird nose that sticks out and makes him feel different around Christmas time and no one wants him to be in a position of power.
00:59:01 But then everyone realizes.
00:59:03 How awesome he is.
00:59:05 And they put him at the front of the line to guide the whole rest of everybody else.
00:59:11 Through Christmas and where?
00:59:13 Where did, where did Rudolph guide everybody?
00:59:19 To here.
00:59:28 That's where they'll make their money on you.
00:59:31 Like they've been doing the last 50 years.
00:59:37 I think people get really upset with me when I point out this stuff about, you know, the Christmas songs they love.
00:59:43 Don't ruin the Christmas songs I love.
00:59:53 Ignorance is bliss.
00:59:58 That's why no one did anything 30 years ago.
01:00:08 The drug addict doesn't think in.
01:00:10 The middle of his high.
01:00:11 Ohh this is going to suck tomorrow.
01:00:18 It's not until he wakes up.
01:00:22 That he regrets what he did.
01:00:25 And by that time, it's too late.
01:00:27 It's human nature.
01:00:29 So it's not Beamer specific, it's human nature.
01:00:42 There is no going back to.
01:00:46 Pre this ********.
01:00:57 There is only separating from this machine.
01:01:03 If you're a part, I mean, look, if you work for the machine, you are the machine.
01:01:07 If you participate in the machine, you are the machine.
01:01:15 I really I think the solution at this point is you have to be so separate from this kind of ********.
01:01:20 This doesn't even make you mad.
01:01:22 Maybe it will make you laugh.
01:01:24 It would be.
01:01:24 Like imagine 20 years ago.
01:01:29 In fact, I can think of it.
01:01:30 Remember Remember like say, you know a few decades ago you'd find a clip on the Internet back before.
01:01:38 We were so global.
01:01:41 You'd see a clip of the like some weird Japanese game show.
01:01:48 And it would.
01:01:48 Be like really?
01:01:49 Degenerate and and and ****** ** and weird.
01:01:54 And when you saw that you weren't thinking?
01:01:56 To yourself. Oh man.
01:01:59 I can't believe.
01:02:01 The death spiral that the Japanese.
01:02:03 Culture is in no, you just it.
01:02:05 You was it?
01:02:06 Was mildly entertaining.
01:02:07 You were just like us.
01:02:09 What a bunch of.
01:02:10 ******* weirdos.
01:02:17 That's the mindset you have to get into when it comes to this stuff.
01:02:26 This stuff has to seem so foreign to you.
01:02:32 That's just.
01:02:33 Oh, wow.
01:02:34 Yeah, it looks like the.
01:02:37 The Jewish part of America is just uh.
01:02:41 Really jumped the shark.
01:02:42 It's really, uh, slipping away there, huh?
01:02:51 But it won't have an impact on.
01:02:52 You and your.
01:02:52 Family because you'll.
01:02:55 Fundamentally, not live in the same country.
01:03:06 Now this is no longer your country anymore that if nothing else, that that is certain.
01:03:19 Too many angry white men can't accept that their.
01:03:22 Time is up.
01:03:35 Like I said, it stings because it's true.
01:03:41 All right, I'm going to take a look at.
01:03:42 Chat this is me.
01:03:43 Kind of a.
01:03:44 Quick one, the night mostly.
01:03:46 I'm just really tired.
01:03:50 Man, I got a big one for Saturday, but.
01:03:54 Yeah, I spent a lot of day in the sun today.
01:03:56 I actually got sunburned in December, which is odd.
01:04:01 It's very warm here.
01:04:02 Still that global warming **** man, I'm telling.
01:04:05 It's like that guy that was in Nevada.
01:04:09 Last stream.
01:04:11 Who said uh was talking about the uh?
01:04:15 The droughts in the American Southwest, it is crazy, like it didn't rain for like.
01:04:19 A whole year here like.
01:04:21 It's basically like it rained a few times and then when it did rain, it was like insane.
01:04:24 And destroyed things in my property but.
01:04:27 I mean, it hasn't rained in.
01:04:29 A really long time, and then it's still.
01:04:31 Warm as ****.
01:04:33 It could be a blip.
01:04:34 This could be a.
01:04:34 Zoom out the graph.
01:04:35 Kind of a thing too, but.
01:04:38 In fact, I hope.
01:04:39 It is, otherwise I'm going to well.
01:04:43 Go on dry.
01:04:44 If we don't, you know we don't have any rain coming down.
01:04:49 But yeah, I've been out that Carlos property is like this never ending, never ending thing it like, I can't believe.
01:04:58 Can't believe how.
01:04:58 Much shift he had and.
01:04:59 It's just **** too.
01:05:01 It's just like just.
01:05:02 He collected everything. It's.
01:05:03 Like I can't even like I don't even some.
01:05:05 Of this stuff, it's just it's just really it's.
01:05:08 Like broken refrigerator door, not the rest of the refrigerator, just the door.
01:05:14 I don't know why you'd want that.
01:05:15 You're just like, uh.
01:05:17 The refrigerant like why did he even?
01:05:18 Find it like where?
01:05:21 Where did he find it?
01:05:22 Why did he bring it back to his?
01:05:23 Property I don't know.
01:05:26 Anyway, it's just stuff like that.
01:05:28 I gotta still clean.
01:05:30 I'm still.
01:05:30 ******* cleaning that **** up.
01:05:33 Let's take a look at chat here.
01:05:34 Oh, I got some super chats, that's.
01:05:35 Good. So let's go here.
01:05:40 Uh app didn't, which I'm.
01:05:42 Oh, we didn't.
01:05:42 Time of the Epstein trial says.
01:05:45 Well, first of all, thanks for.
01:05:45 The $5.
01:05:46 That Denton and he says all Radiohead based.
01:05:49 As far as the the here's another example of everything we've.
01:05:53 Talked about tonight.
01:05:55 So the.
01:05:57 The judge.
01:05:59 In the jiggling Maxwell case, Jewish.
01:06:04 Jewish woman, in fact, she looks oddly like jiggling Maxwell.
01:06:08 I'm not even joking.
01:06:10 In fact, I'll let me bring up picture because it's it's it's amazing how it's like she's an even more Jewish looking jiggling Maxwell.
01:06:22 It's insane how like how, how Jewish it looks.
01:06:25 Oh my God, she looks even worse in this picture.
01:06:33 All right, I'm going to bring this up.
01:06:35 All right?
01:06:35 I can't believe this.
Speaker 8
01:06:44 OK, here we go.Devon
01:06:51 And I'll show our side by side with which is.Speaker 8
01:06:57 Just laying.01:07:07 Alright, so this is the judge.
01:07:11 I mean.Devon
01:07:18 Oh boy.01:07:20 That's the judge.
01:07:23 The judge, who by the way, has basically made this central completely inaccessible.
01:07:29 She has.
01:07:29 Said that the.
01:07:31 The details of the trial are too scandalous.
01:07:33 For the public.
01:07:36 So the only way that you can even hear.
01:07:38 What's going on?
01:07:39 Is if you physically are inside the courtroom.
01:07:42 There's no number that you can.
01:07:43 Call up and listen on the phone.
01:07:45 There's no stream like in the Rittenhouse trial.
01:07:48 There's there's no way that you can see what's going on in this case unless you're physically in the room.
01:07:58 Or perhaps read the transcripts afterward.
01:08:03 I wonder why.
01:08:04 I wonder why that is.
01:08:07 Alright so.
01:08:14 Let's bring up Maxwell here now.
01:08:21 It's almost like her ugly older sister.
01:08:43 I mean, holy ****.
01:08:49 So not only do we have these two.
01:08:54 But the.
01:08:56 Guess who the prosecutor is?
01:08:59 So the prosecutor is just Chad know, the prosecutor is.
01:09:03 Oh, I think some of your point other.
01:09:05 Prosecutors this chat.
01:09:06 And other prosecutor, let me look at chat again.
01:09:11 Oh yeah, someone has it in.
01:09:12 Fact Epton prosecutors.
01:09:14 Father call me.
01:09:16 Yep. So it's comeys daughter.
01:09:20 James comedy's daughter.
01:09:24 Is the prosecutor.
Speaker 7
01:09:28 What are the odds?01:09:30 What are the odds?
01:09:33 Isn't it weird?01:09:33 All these ******* know each other?
01:09:37 You know Bill Barr, his dad hired Epstein for his job at the school where he was picking up underage women.
01:09:46 Just a coincidence, right?
01:09:49 Just a coincidence, and now Comea's daughter is the one prosecuting jiggling Maxwell.
01:09:57 Isn't that weird?
01:09:58 Isn't that weird?
Speaker 7
01:10:01 They all *******.Devon
01:10:02 Know each other somehow.01:10:03 It's like the same ************* over.
01:10:05 And over and over again.
01:10:08 Weird how that works out.
01:10:12 Very weird how all that works out.
01:10:14 So yeah, that, that's that's been going on so far.
01:10:18 We haven't, there's no crazy bombshells.
01:10:21 I don't think there will be if.
01:10:22 You're waiting for like.
01:10:23 Her to let out anybody and I don't.
01:10:26 I don't think it's going to go down like that.
01:10:28 All we have is the pilot confirming basically.
01:10:31 That that flight list.
01:10:33 That's been out forever talking about, Trump wrote.
01:10:35 On the Lydia.
01:10:36 Express and Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew and.
01:10:40 Uh, Kevin Spacey and and.
01:10:43 You know all the, all the.
01:10:45 You know the same group.
01:10:46 Of people, right?
01:10:47 That same club of people.
01:10:49 We're all riding on the pedo Express.
01:10:52 We already knew that it's just now.
01:10:53 It's, you know, the pilot has confirmed it in testimony.
01:10:57 So whatever.
01:10:59 But I'm trying to.
01:11:01 Keep an eye on that.
01:11:01 It's just again, it's it's hard to do it.
01:11:03 You have to find someone who's actually.
01:11:05 Been inside the.
01:11:06 Who cares about the same things that you do?
01:11:10 You know, because if you you think that it.
01:11:12 If CNN even has someone in that courtroom, which I would.
01:11:15 Imagine that they.
01:11:15 Probably do or they're contracting out someone that's doing.
01:11:18 That you think they're going to give you all the.
01:11:20 Gory details. Probably not.
01:11:23 Probably not.
01:11:25 Alright, back to super chats here.
01:11:29 Uh, Peugeot, pedophiles. ASU. Flashpoint.
01:11:34 Uh. One year since Nashville, AT&T building bombing, memory hold pack and KTM.
01:11:45 I I don't know what any of those things are, but maybe I'll look into some of them.
01:11:51 Radu, I told the geeks and gamers community that get woke get broke as a myth and I was called clueless.
01:11:59 Well, I mean, have any of these companies gone under?
01:12:03 There might be some examples of these companies that get so well that they hired just.
01:12:07 I think there was one example where they had just female developer.
01:12:11 There's and you know, they they spend a bunch of money and they went under.
01:12:15 That way, but.
01:12:16 None of these big gaming studios are going.
01:12:18 To go under.
01:12:19 You're not going.
01:12:19 To have EA going under, you're not going to have.
01:12:22 What's that company that makes crisis and all that stuff?
01:12:26 No, it's like saying that's like saying Warner Brothers.
01:12:29 Oh no, they made another war.
01:12:31 HBO Do you think HBO is going to cease to exist because they made this movie?
01:12:37 Did Netflix cease to exist because they made cuties?
01:12:41 You know that Amazon Prime ceased to exist because they made that other movie.
01:12:46 We talked about a couple of streams back.
01:12:49 Or I guess last stream.
01:12:50 Is who we're going to.
01:12:51 See. No, of course not.
01:12:54 The Gillette stop go out of business because they made that that gay *** commercial?
01:13:01 Of course not.
01:13:07 Because once again, once again.
01:13:11 These people.
01:13:13 Don't have to worry about losing their jobs for being in this video.
01:13:21 This is the norm.
01:13:24 Then, moreover, if these people.
01:13:28 Worked for someone that was actually.
01:13:30 Kind of based we'll just say, right, like a.
01:13:32 A right wing, a conservative boomer.
01:13:35 They still wouldn't get fired.
01:13:40 They still wouldn't get fired.
01:13:42 Because the Wright hasn't learned how to play dirty yet.
01:13:48 Especially the the people that are nominally right wing that are in positions of power.
01:13:55 Still trying to play fair.
01:13:57 They're still using the the losing strategy that has LED us.
01:14:00 To where we are today.
01:14:05 They're still playing the content of your character game.
01:14:10 They're still playing.
01:14:11 I don't see race and you.
01:14:12 Know what?
01:14:13 You know?
01:14:14 You're entitled to have your own opinion.
01:14:15 What 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home.
01:14:19 That's their business.
01:14:23 That's the game they're still playing.
01:14:26 People like you and me are not in positions.
01:14:28 Of power.
Speaker 6
01:14:31 Nor are we likely.Devon
01:14:31 To be ever in the machine.01:14:43 This is the norm.
01:14:46 Gillette, just as an example, right Gillette makes that commercial.
01:14:50 You think a you know?
01:14:52 Store chain is going to stop.
01:14:54 Well, we're going to not carry.
01:14:56 Gillette razors anymore?
01:15:02 Do you think?
01:15:03 Maybe one of.
01:15:03 Their revenue streams is going to dry up.
01:15:05 You think that there's going to be like?
01:15:07 A bank that's going to say we're not.
01:15:08 Going to, we're not going to give you loans anymore.
01:15:14 You think any?
01:15:16 Business at all is going to cut ties.
01:15:17 With them, of course not.
01:15:25 And justice, like most conservatives, didn't cancel their Netflix account.
01:15:29 After seeing the kitties stuff.
01:15:32 Many conservatives aren't going to think twice when they, you know, they grab a pack of Gillette razors at the store.
01:15:44 And they'll all justify it.
01:15:45 Well, boycotting.
01:15:46 Doesn't do anything.
01:15:47 I'll be the only one that does it.
01:15:53 And look to some extent.
01:15:54 That you have to pick your battles, right?
01:16:01 You do have to be pragmatic to some extent, but there's not even like an effort.
01:16:06 There's not even an effort.
01:16:20 All right, $25.00 from Pebble in the pond. Appreciate that. Merry Christmas, Devin. Glad I was able to catch.
01:16:26 A stream live. Well, I'm.
01:16:28 Very glad that you're here too.
01:16:31 $25 very generous dub. The dude did nothing wrong. I missed last stream where you mentioned how it's becoming trendy to glamorize morally bankrupt movie characters.
01:16:41 You can't forget.
01:16:42 Ramona from the Scott Pilgrim movie a right wing punk band called Negative XP, even wrote a song about it called Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women.
01:16:55 You know I.
01:16:58 Saw that movie a really long time.
01:17:00 Ago and hated it.
01:17:02 But I can't remember why, but maybe that's why.
01:17:04 It was, it was very I I it was so long ago that I saw it.
01:17:09 I just remember it being really.
01:17:10 Emo and I I.
01:17:12 Wanted to like it because they they they.
01:17:16 Used a lot of motion graphics and stuff like that at the time.
01:17:19 That's what I was doing for a living.
01:17:20 I was doing a lot of motion graphics and special effects.
01:17:24 And so, like, I'd seen some of the clips of like, oh, that's kind of clever.
01:17:27 I want, you know, I would like to see that.
01:17:29 And I just remember thinking like, this is just ******* total trash.
01:17:32 I ******* hate this thing.
01:17:33 And like I and, which is why I probably forgot it, because I only saw.
01:17:36 It once and I.
01:17:37 And I was just hate watching.
01:17:40 It the whole time, you know.
01:17:42 But maybe I'll take a look at it again.
01:17:44 It was pretty popular it.
01:17:45 Was a pretty.
01:17:45 Big hit, you know millennial women, maybe they would have connected with that.
01:17:50 I mean, it seemed very, very trendy at the time.
01:17:55 Tipsy Midstage or Dev and Best content creator out there?
01:17:58 Well, thank you.
01:17:58 I appreciate that.
01:18:00 Happy December to you.
01:18:03 $5 dubbed the Dude did nothing wrong. Silverman in September 2021, I see as an irksome trend in cinema of non Jews playing emphatically ethnic Jewish characters, right? Well, they don't.
01:18:17 Care. They they.
01:18:20 You know, if you had to get rid of all Jews that played Christians over the years, like half the movies out there would would not exist.
01:18:30 There's there's an insane amount of.
01:18:32 I mean, very rarely do Jews actually play Jews in.
01:18:35 Movies and television.
Speaker 8
01:18:37 Very rarely.Devon
01:18:39 Very, very, very rarely.01:18:41 They invented what was the stupid thing that cultural theft?
01:18:47 Whatever it was.
01:18:48 But they they basically invented wearing your culture.
01:18:52 As a costume.
01:18:54 And this movie is is no different.
01:18:57 Uh, ******** ******.
01:18:58 Can you please take the what type of right winger are you so we can see the type of uh is one of those little weird tests.
01:19:06 I don't know, I'm.
Speaker 8
01:19:07 Not going to take.Speaker
01:19:08 Any tests?Devon
01:19:09 ******** packet isn't Christmas technically satanic because it was created to mimic.01:19:15 Tree worship to attract pagans?
01:19:17 No, I mean I don't think so.
01:19:19 It's been around so long.
01:19:20 I enjoy Christmas.
01:19:21 I like the the the Pagan holidays that were, you know, turned into Christian holidays.
01:19:28 That's at this point.
01:19:29 I mean, that's part of the tradition.
01:19:31 I have no problem with Christmas.
01:19:33 I have no problem with Halloween.
01:19:35 I have no.
01:19:35 Problem with Easter, you know it's it's.
01:19:39 Not even all that.
01:19:41 I don't think.
01:19:42 As for kids, you know, like when I was a kid, I might have thought to myself what?
01:19:46 Does Santa Claus have?
01:19:47 To do with Jesus a couple of times.
01:19:49 But I embrace that part of MyHeritage too, you know, part of MyHeritage is.
01:19:53 I mean if you.
01:19:53 Want to go?
01:19:54 Go all the way back to.
01:19:55 Where you're like examining whether or not it's.
01:19:57 A Pagan holiday.
01:19:58 Well then, you're basically saying I was.
01:20:00 You know that's MyHeritage.
01:20:03 So you went all way back and just discovering that.
01:20:05 Your heritage is Pagan.
01:20:07 Which it is if you're if you're European.
01:20:11 So I have no problem with the merging of.
01:20:13 The two.
01:20:17 The people that that spurge out about, the Pagan.
01:20:20 Elements of of Christian holidays.
01:20:24 I I think they're missing missing the point.
01:20:27 I mean you need to.
01:20:28 Have holidays? What?
01:20:29 Are you going to replace it with?
01:20:30 Right.
01:20:30 Anything you come up with is going.
01:20:32 To just be you.
01:20:32 Know you're borrowing from something else anyway.
01:20:36 I see no problem with with Christmas.
01:20:38 I see no problem with the there's because there's nothing.
01:20:42 There's nothing in opposition.
01:20:45 To Christianity, when it comes to.
01:20:49 Giving people presents.
01:20:52 You know, under a tree at.
Speaker 5
01:20:54 The end of.Devon
01:20:54 The year, it just isn't.01:20:58 I guess you can make the argument that you know the whole Santa Claus is watching.
01:21:03 You better be good if you want to get presents.
01:21:06 You know that's maybe tiptoeing into religious territory when it comes to the kids, I don't know.
01:21:14 I'm not too worried about it.
01:21:19 The east, if anything, the.
01:21:20 Easter Bunny is the weird one for me.
01:21:23 That's just the Easter Bunny is.
01:21:24 Weird to me that one didn't make sense to.
01:21:26 Me as a kid.
01:21:28 Like because it seemed just like that one did see kind of like.
01:21:32 Seemed like a.
Speaker 6
01:21:34 Like a A.Devon
01:21:35 Mismatch right because on one hand you're talking about Jesus being nailed to a cross.01:21:42 And suffering for all the sins of humanity and dying and you know.
01:21:49 The Christians will will say, well, no.
01:21:51 But it is also good because he's resurrected and stuff and.
01:21:53 Then alright. OK, but still.
01:21:56 What does that have to do with a Bunny?
01:22:00 And why?
01:22:01 What does what do eggs have to like it?
01:22:03 There's so many levels of of what the ****?
01:22:06 Because you have the the rabbit.
01:22:09 But rabbits don't lay eggs, but there's eggs now.
01:22:13 And then plastic green grass.
01:22:16 And none of that made sense to me as a kid.
01:22:21 Now, as a real little kid.
01:22:22 You don't care.
01:22:23 You're just painting eggs and that's fun.
01:22:25 But once you start get old enough to even examine it a little bit, you're.
01:22:28 Just like, OK, this is, this is nonsense.
01:22:32 I would understand if if a Christian family was like, we're not doing the Easter Bunny thing.
01:22:39 I would understand, you know, like I wouldn't.
Speaker 7
01:22:42 I don't know if.Devon
01:22:42 I'm on board with it, but like I'd understand, the Santa Claus thing, though it's kind of.01:22:49 Yeah, it's alright, it's OK.
01:22:55 Cookie counter 600 when are we getting a review for all the 200 Sailor Moon episodes not going to happen.
01:23:03 Uh, afton one.
01:23:04 Dollar James Comedy's biggest case as the Manhattan prosecutor overseeing Wall Street, was to throw Martha.
01:23:10 Stewart in prison, right?
01:23:12 Yeah, the.
01:23:13 The real the.
01:23:14 Real dangerous criminals to society. Martha Stewart, $5 from Blanco Soprano Primo, thanks for the stream. Well, you know, thanks for being here.
01:23:24 A dollar from Aden, the abortion industry equated a pill that causes a woman to have a period to the dismemberment of an 8 month old fetus is pretty.
01:23:36 Laughable, but the.
01:23:37 General public somehow fails or falls rushing.
01:23:40 You know what?
01:23:43 My understanding.
01:23:48 Birth control pills was recently changed.
01:23:55 For years I thought exactly as you said.
01:23:59 That basically birth control pills, all they're doing is they are, well, I guess that's not what you said, but I'm still going to explain what I'm saying I for.
01:24:10 Years thought that.
01:24:12 Birth control pills.
01:24:13 They were just preventing.
01:24:16 A woman.
01:24:16 From ovulating.
01:24:18 Right, that so therefore, it wasn't really abortion because the egg would never get fertilized.
01:24:27 Because the egg wouldn't be there.
01:24:30 To be fertilized now.
01:24:33 I guess that is the case with certain types of birth control.
01:24:38 But there are very.
01:24:39 Common birth controls.
01:24:40 And I'm not talking about like the morning after pill.
01:24:42 I mean like the kind of birth control pills that women take on a regular basis kind of birth control pills.
01:24:47 Well, that's not the case.
01:24:51 There are many common birth control pills where the egg absolutely can get fertilized.
01:24:59 What's happening is it's being prevented from, I forget the technical.
01:25:08 Medical term for it, but basically it's it's not able to take hold within the womb, you know, like the egg, just the fertilized egg just wanders on by and and gets flushed out of the system, so to speak.
01:25:22 But it is.
01:25:23 But it potentially is fertilized.
01:25:26 It's just that once.
01:25:27 It's fertilized the the the body is supposed to.
01:25:32 I'm not a.
01:25:33 Yeah, obviously I'm not a gynecologist.
01:25:35 Like get some of this stuff wrong.
01:25:37 We're we're.
01:25:38 Not going to watch the video my changing body.
01:25:40 But the the the.Devon
01:25:41 The basic idea, from what I understand is the fertilized egg.01:25:46 Somehow takes hold some.
01:25:48 You know, the body gets a signal, chemical signal or something that to change and and hang on to that fertilized egg.
01:25:56 And what's happening with with a lot of?
01:25:58 Well, I don't know what the percentage.
01:26:00 But with some.
01:26:01 Birth controls that are commonly available that that's what it's stopping.
01:26:05 It's stopping the body from having that chemical signal that there is a a fertilized egg to hang on to and so just goes on out.
01:26:14 So didn't realize that that that was the case.
01:26:17 I was totally under the impression that.
01:26:20 Birth control? Other.
01:26:21 Than Plan B was just preventing women from ovulating in the 1st place, but apparently that's not the case.
01:26:30 So you learn something new every day.
01:26:33 OK, let's take a look at normal chat now.
01:26:43 Let's see if there's any chance I'm honest.
01:26:46 Here we go.
01:26:49 Do Harlow 1400 birth control pills were invented by a Jew and Funked up women's hormones? Yeah, well, that that is true.
01:26:56 Birth control pills were invented by a Jew, and even the ones that prevent you from ovulating.
01:27:02 Which those do.
01:27:05 They do **** ** your hormones.
01:27:09 Sheen Lantern, what do you think of Macron suddenly saying base things like the Algerians should be thanking them for being colonized and that there was a very few people there. When the French came, I think he was taking a play out of Trump's playbook.
01:27:26 Talking a big game and become paused at the.
01:27:31 Yeah, I would never trust anyone that his claim to fame is ******* his grade school teacher or that age difference is weird enough.
01:27:40 I mean because that the.
01:27:41 Right.
01:27:42 They they can't have kids, right?
01:27:43 I don't.
01:27:43 Think they have any?
01:27:43 Kids of their own.
01:27:44 Right. So anyone that?
01:27:46 Does that just generally speaking, I can't you know that to me it just seems like he's an easily.
01:27:52 Man, child, I I wouldn't.
01:27:55 I would never think that Macron would would magically be based.
01:27:59 But in this look and like you're saying, in the same way lots of people are all excited because, DeSantis said.
01:28:05 The words anti white, right.
01:28:09 So like I was.
01:28:09 Like, Oh my God, DeSantis pays DeSantis.
01:28:15 Ohh yes based Zionist DeSantis.
01:28:20 Said the words anti white together, which look is that I guess.
01:28:24 That's like a.
01:28:26 Move in sort of the right direction.
01:28:28 But it's like no.
01:28:29 And if you watched the clip.
01:28:30 And I wish I'd downloaded.
01:28:32 It if you watch the clip, it's not like he's like all this anti white shirt.
01:28:36 No, he said that he's talking specifically.
01:28:40 What about the guy who ran his SUV into the the people in that parade in Wisconsin and said that some, like, some of the things he had said were anti white?
01:28:55 That's not particularly based.
01:28:57 I mean, is it it's I guess it's it's more honestly it's more just a sad, it's more just sad that people are excited that a politician phrased something like that and and that that's you know I mean that's.
01:29:12 That's that should.
01:29:12 Be what you're thinking about is not that.
01:29:15 Oh wow the Santa.
01:29:16 Said anti white.
01:29:18 Oh, thank God.
01:29:19 Now I can totally feel good.
01:29:21 About voting for him, you know what I mean.
01:29:24 No, it should be like.
01:29:26 That's what we're excited about.
01:29:30 Like that's like the the the ruling class has been so loathe to even mention white people, especially in any kind of context that would imply any kind of persecution whatsoever.
01:29:45 That when De Santis just says that this black.
01:29:50 Supremacist terrorists.
01:29:52 Drove through a crowd of.
01:29:54 White people.
01:29:57 He just mentions in describing this thing when he makes a.
01:30:00 Lot of qualifiers, by the way.
01:30:04 Well, he just happens to mention that that guy's the guy who's obviously anti white.
01:30:10 Was anti white that you're?
01:30:12 Excited about that?
01:30:17 You know, like that's.
01:30:19 That's the story.
01:30:20 The story isn't the DeSantis said.
01:30:22 It it, it's just that.
01:30:23 Like wow.
01:30:25 It's kind of like.
01:30:28 It really is like battered wife thing.
01:30:30 You know, it's it's people that you're you're.
01:30:32 So you're so beaten and abused that the 2nd that you you have even like the the no it's worse than that.
01:30:42 It's like a simp, right?
01:30:43 It's like a simp that's ignored by a girl and and he wants to be with her.
01:30:48 No, bad it never gets any affection whatsoever and the.
01:30:51 Day that she.
Speaker 8
01:30:53 Says his name.Devon
01:30:55 But in context it's.01:30:56 Not like I really love Jimmy, but just.
01:30:59 Like, oh, look, it's Jimmy.
01:31:01 And and and and Jimmy's like.
01:31:03 Ohh, she noticed me.
01:31:05 Oh my God, she knows I exist.
01:31:09 She's saying that there's a chance I'm on her radar now.
01:31:13 Ohh God, she probably.
01:31:15 She probably thinks about me as much as I think about her.
01:31:20 That's that's what it is.
01:31:22 That's what it is.
01:31:23 I hate to say it.
01:31:24 That's what it is.
Speaker 8
01:31:28 Ah, let's see here.Devon
01:31:33 Hard message from the center of Hollywood casting British actors to play characters who are founding stock Americans.01:31:39 Is this because British white people are more paused than founding stock Americans?
01:31:45 I don't.
01:31:45 I'd I'd have to see an example where what you're talking about.
01:31:49 Uh, if you're talking about British people, like in, in the modern context, do you mean like?
01:31:55 Because I'll tell you what that I've noticed.
01:31:58 That I I'd be surprised that they're they're showing white people as as Americans.
01:32:04 But if you're talking about historical fiction or something like that, I mean, you know, the founding fathers were British.
01:32:12 So I don't know what you mean.
01:32:14 You'd have to give me an example.
01:32:16 Red couches, even mark.
01:32:18 Nice talks about race now.
01:32:20 He's still on YouTube somehow.
01:32:23 Does he really?
01:32:24 I'd have to see an example of that because he hasn't touched that topic with a 10 foot pole.
01:32:31 Djaro, 1400 coach. Red Pill has been posting a lot of the JQ content lately. Really that's interesting. I mean he's never shy away from that.
01:32:39 It's not.
01:32:40 I don't think that's that's not.
01:32:41 Like news.
01:32:43 I haven't seen any of his content pop.
01:32:44 In my feed, though lately I don't.
01:32:46 Know why that is?
01:32:49 Well, I haven't been, honestly I.
01:32:51 Why that is probably.
01:32:52 Is I just haven't been online a lot lately.
01:32:54 I've been out doing stuff.
01:32:56 UM.Devon
01:32:59 This is coal reporting from Italy.01:33:03 National movements that oppose the Green Pass and vaccine vaccination have been created.
01:33:10 People are organizing this weekend.
01:33:12 There will be a protest by a military and police personnel who refuse the vaccine.
01:33:18 Well, that sounds like Italy is, uh.
Speaker 8
01:33:22 Is a little.Devon
01:33:22 More based than America in that respect because we wouldn't have anything like.01:33:27 That you know it.
01:33:28 The funny thing is, in countries like Europe.
01:33:31 Or countries like Europe.
01:33:33 In countries in Europe because in many.
01:33:36 Of those countries, there are, you know.
01:33:41 There, there's no Second Amendment.
01:33:43 Right.
01:33:44 That's gonna be your only way to really intimidate the the ruling class is to have the military in the in the, in the law enforcement, on your side.
01:33:56 Because they're the ones.
01:33:57 That have access to guns.
01:33:59 Right.
01:34:00 And that's so that's that's going to be very important and.
01:34:03 That's, you know, it's a totally different dynamic in Europe.
01:34:08 But that's one of the differences, and that's so it's good to see.
01:34:17 Let's see here.
01:34:20 One out of.
01:34:21 Many overslept.
01:34:23 That's OK, based gringo.
01:34:25 The app that reveals the dislike counts on YouTube is called return YouTube dislike.
01:34:31 Only a matter of time before Google kicks the API out of their store. So far, 2.5 K likes 84K dislikes for that kosher abomination.
01:34:43 So he's talking about the the Jewish Christmas special, has 84,000 dislikes and two point 5000 likes.
01:34:53 And then someone said because YouTube is for **** and yes it is.
01:34:56 I have a video about that too.
01:35:00 The last video I.
01:35:01 Ever made on YouTube?
01:35:03 High Priest King Terry. Not that I'd imagine you would care given your location experience in 2020, but you expect another hard lockdown for the on on is it's not omnicron, it's Omni Omni. What is it or omnicron or omicron or?
01:35:21 I don't know. Who cares? It's made-up.
01:35:23 Do I expect that a lockdown?
01:35:25 I guess we'll find out tomorrow, right?
01:35:27 I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
01:35:29 From what I understand, scientifically speaking, if you, even if you believe the mainstream science, it's not even that big of a deal.
01:35:37 And neither was delta.
01:35:38 Neither were or any of these things.
01:35:39 Right.
01:35:40 And so it's it's obviously a media.
01:35:44 Hype and as we know, especially in the West, the media is just another arm of the ruling class.
01:35:48 It's just the propaganda wing of the ruling class.
01:35:52 That's what they would do.
01:35:53 If there are any lockdowns, they would first say, ooh, scary, scary.
01:35:58 I'm Cron or.
Speaker 8
01:35:59 I'm I you know, I got.Devon
01:36:01 I don't even care what it's called.01:36:03 Actually, **** it.
01:36:06 John Connor Dice threatened to deep dive into such topics if they booted him.
01:36:10 Off J tube.
01:36:13 Well, that's that's kind of.
01:36:14 A ****** move, though honestly.
01:36:18 All, all red pill people.
01:36:20 If you kicked me off, well then.
01:36:22 Why are you even there?
01:36:22 If you're not.
01:36:23 There to red pill people.
01:36:24 You know what I mean?
01:36:26 That's kind of a.
01:36:27 That's kind of a ****** move.
01:36:29 Oh, you better not kick me off because.
01:36:31 If you do, then I'll tell people.
01:36:33 The truth?
01:36:34 You know, it's like what?
01:36:36 What kind of what kind of threat is that?
01:36:39 Yeah, if you kick.
01:36:41 Me off.
01:36:41 I'll stop marching the party line you.
01:36:43 Know what I?
01:36:44 Mean it's like.
01:36:46 Kind of gay dude.
01:36:47 Kind of gay.
01:36:49 And look, I mean, he's done some.
01:36:51 Good work.
01:36:51 In the past I've never met the guy.
01:36:53 I've never talked to him, but yeah, if he's avoiding topics and threatening to not avoid topics if they kick him off.
01:37:01 I mean, that's.
01:37:04 That's kind of gay.
01:37:05 That's shows you his priorities.
01:37:07 It's, you know, it's a money thing for him.
01:37:11 Bob Matthews.
01:37:13 Why'd that go?
01:37:14 Why'd that do that?
01:37:17 No, we'll just update it and tuck you away your thing.
01:37:20 So I can't.
01:37:20 Sorry Bob Matthews.
Speaker 8
01:37:25 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:37:29 Hi, pricing, Terry.01:37:30 Larger protesting countries are than us because the countries are smaller.
01:37:33 Why would Americans and states with virtually no COVID restrictions?
01:37:38 Care about states with harder tyranny.
01:37:41 Countries very segregated in that regard.
01:37:43 And that's true.
01:37:44 That's that's another factor.
01:37:48 But there is a.
01:37:52 I would say there's like less of a protest going on in America there.
01:37:56 There are protests and like you said, there's look, there's entire states.
01:38:02 What was it?
01:38:02 Oklahoma, the Oklahoma National Guard, the head of the National Guard just said **** *** Pentagon.
01:38:08 We're not going to do it.
01:38:10 Now I don't know what's I haven't seen.
01:38:12 What the updated I know for?
01:38:13 A fact the Pentagon basically just told them they're going to stop funding them if they do that.
01:38:18 I have a hard time believing that Oklahoma is going to magically just start absorbing that cost so I could see them going, you know, backpedaling on that.
01:38:26 But who knows, maybe.
01:38:27 I mean we we are.
01:38:28 Look, we we are teetering.
01:38:30 In many ways, we are we are slowly, very slowly, slowly tiptoeing into civil war territory.
01:38:38 With some of this stuff.
01:38:40 So a lot of.
01:38:40 This stuff is we don't know what's going to happen because it's never, it's.
01:38:43 Never happened before.
01:38:45 You know we're we're.
01:38:46 In a very weird.
01:38:47 Precarious position in America, where you have a lot of state governments kind of thumbing their nose at the federal government and that that really hasn't been a thing in a really long time.
01:39:00 You know, who knows what will happen with?
01:39:01 That stuff Veruca salt regarding Santa Inc, they cry out in pain fully and funny lines as they beat you over the head with their cultural.
01:39:11 Version. Yeah, me.
01:39:13 It's not going to be funny, but it.
01:39:15 Doesn't have to.
01:39:15 Be funny.
01:39:16 I mean comedy, hasn't they still sell?
01:39:18 Look, have you seen a funny comedy show on any of the major streaming services?
01:39:24 Any of the OR or like late night shows?
01:39:27 Have you seen?
01:39:28 Have any of these comedians been funny?
01:39:30 For like the last 5-6 years, of course, not like, not even.
01:39:34 A little bit.
01:39:36 They don't have to be, though, because these.
01:39:38 People on the.
01:39:39 Screen here.
01:39:40 That's the audience.
01:39:41 They think it's funny.
01:39:43 I mean, there was an there was four years where if.
01:39:45 You wanted to get.
01:39:46 A laugh out of.
01:39:47 A crowd.
01:39:47 All you had to do was literally.
01:39:49 Say some version of Orange man bad.
01:39:53 And people would laugh.
Speaker 7
01:39:56 Saturday Night Live.01:39:58 That was all they.
Speaker 6
01:39:59 Did for four years.Devon
01:40:05 It's so easy.01:40:06 Have you heard kid jokes?
01:40:09 Have you ever tried to make a kid or a kid laugh with a joke?
01:40:15 You don't exactly have to use top tier.
01:40:17 Comedy to make your kid laugh.
01:40:20 Remember laughing hysterically the first time someone told?
01:40:23 You the the.
01:40:25 Why did the chicken cross?
01:40:26 The road joke.
01:40:29 Spoiler alert.
01:40:30 You know to get to the other side for those, I guess for those of you who are foreign.
Speaker 8
01:40:34 Might not know the joke, but.Devon
01:40:36 Remember, remember.01:40:37 Remember how hilarious, stupid jokes like that were.
01:40:42 When you're when you're low IQ, in fact, it's it's you start to have an opposite effect.
01:40:47 You get too clever with your humor and it it soars over their head and it it.
01:40:52 Ceases to be.
01:40:53 Funny you almost have.
01:40:55 To have stupid comedy.
01:40:58 That's why we watch this.
01:41:00 This is the trailer.
01:41:02 This is the this is the cream of the crop.
01:41:04 When it comes to.
01:41:04 The content of this film, right?
01:41:07 And they're big laugh lines, really.
01:41:11 Or, oh, look, Santa Claus, said funk.
01:41:14 This elf, said funk, another elf, showed Santa Claus her ****.
01:41:21 This reindeer is black and keeps saying *****.
01:41:25 And that's the jokes.
01:41:27 That's the jokes.
01:41:31 Because if you get any, it's like an idiocracy.
01:41:34 Right.
01:41:34 That the most popular show on television is called ***, and it's literally just an ***.
01:41:42 Because if you get any more intelligent than that.
01:41:46 No one's.Devon
01:41:47 Going to get the humor.01:41:50 And that's going to get worse.
01:41:52 Things gonna get stupider.
01:41:53 I pointed this out before.
01:41:55 Like, if you look at other countries.
01:41:58 Like like I mentioned the the the character on The Simpsons the bee, the guy, the Mexican guy and the bee costume and how he just sits there telling terrible jokes that's based on like a real thing.
01:42:10 You know, it's because we would see you.
01:42:12 Would see Mexican television every once in a while when I worked in Mexican television.
01:42:16 For a little bit, that's another thing.
01:42:22 You watch their variety shows and their little their their comedy shows and it's like.
01:42:27 It's like kid humor.
01:42:29 It's like fart jokes.
01:42:32 It's like saying.
01:42:33 Yeah, you know it's it's it's it's not.
01:42:36 Sophisticated humor by any means.
01:42:41 And so as you have people from low IQ areas coming to your country, that's just the way humor is that's going.
01:42:48 That's the direction.
01:42:49 Inevitably, in order for it to sell.
01:42:53 Humor has to go.
01:42:58 So they'll have to try.
01:43:00 Well, no.
01:43:00 I was going to say they have to try less and less, but I think that the people writing the jokes are gonna get stupider.
01:43:04 So that's gonna be another reason why it gets bad.
01:43:08 Hi please can tell you I feel.
01:43:09 Like the state.
01:43:10 Governments are all right where I did that one.
01:43:21 John Connor, my favorite comment on the trailer?
01:43:24 No way Santa baked 6 million cookies in five years.
01:43:28 Yeah, people are, you know.
01:43:30 There are some people figuring it out.
01:43:34 And again, we're not going to have this moment where like.
01:43:36 The Normie wakes up.
01:43:38 But there there is a significant portion.
01:43:43 Of the public, I mean more significant than there was.
01:43:48 Even even like, if there's one thing that Trump did.
01:43:53 Or I don't know that Trump did this.
01:43:55 I think maybe Trump gets too much credit for this.
01:43:58 Sort of thing.
01:44:02 Had a had a cough there.
01:44:05 Ah, I'm a little under the weather.
01:44:07 It's it's not.
01:44:08 It's just when you're outside all day and the wind.
01:44:11 And the dust and the dust of a a hoarders house that smells like rat ****.
01:44:18 I've probably got, if anything, I'm going to get a hantavirus.
01:44:25 Ohh boy, I laugh.
01:44:28 I laugh now but.
01:44:29 I hope I don't get.
01:44:32 What was I talking about?Devon
01:44:33 Before I psyched myself out about hantavirus.01:44:38 I forget.
Speaker 8
01:44:41 Anyway, let's keep going here.Devon
01:44:46 We'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on the latest PWR string with Adam.01:44:52 Oh, I didn't see it.
01:44:54 I didn't see it.
01:44:57 I know, I know, a lot of people have been upset with Adam Green because he's been kind of.
01:45:02 Going full tilt on the the whole theory about Jesus and Christianity and being in a control invention of.
01:45:11 The Jews.
01:45:13 I mean, you know, I don't buy it, but.
01:45:16 Again, I don't think what he's doing is malicious.
01:45:19 I would assume he's probably talking about stuff like that.
01:45:22 I don't know.
01:45:22 Maybe I'll check it out.
01:45:25 Grenzen ginger, the latest made-up variant, was named Omicron, despite the next letter in the Greek alphabet being Z. What a coincidence. Well, yeah, because they don't want it to.
01:45:38 Be like President Z.
01:45:40 Or G or you know whatever.
01:45:43 From China, because that would be racist.
01:45:47 High Priest King Terry the Idaho Civil War movie you covered, I think, is like the governments today states are flexing to appease their voters, but they are part of the same beast as the feds.
01:45:58 In the end, it may go overboard and they lose control.
01:46:02 Yeah, we'll see.
01:46:03 Like I said, though, we don't have political power.
01:46:06 That movie is being made.
01:46:08 Because you don't have political power to stop it.
01:46:12 They're not going to pay any price.
01:46:14 There is No Fear.
01:46:17 OK, there's just No Fear.
01:46:19 Nobody fears.
01:46:22 White Christian males as a group.
01:46:26 They're attacking you because you're weak.
01:46:30 They wouldn't be attacking you if they thought that.
01:46:32 You would fight back.
01:46:37 They wouldn't make this TV or you.
01:46:39 Know this streaming show whatever.
01:46:42 They wouldn't make it if they thought that they were all, you know, never work again.
01:46:49 If they thought there going to be any repercussions.
01:46:51 At all.
01:46:51 I mean, look at how sensitive.
01:46:53 They were about Mohammed ****.
01:46:55 In the late 90s, early.
01:46:57 2000s or well, I guess not, that's.
01:46:59 A little too far.
01:47:00 Back in the mid 2000s.
01:47:07 That's because they were afraid of of Islamic terrorism.
01:47:14 They are afraid of Muslims.
01:47:19 They're afraid of you.
01:47:24 And that's because there's there's no and like, it's not just Islamic terrorists.
01:47:28 There's, like, care.
01:47:31 You know, there's there's these groups that are, you know, honestly tied to Islamic terrorism.
01:47:36 But there are there's these interest groups.
01:47:39 Much like there's the ADL for Jews, right?
01:47:41 Where is the white ADL.
Speaker 6
01:47:46 There is no white ADL.Devon
01:47:53 Doesn't exist.01:48:01 Book a salt.
01:48:02 I don't understand what you mean about how we're not yet at Weimar Germany levels of degeneracy.
01:48:07 Can you please elaborate well with Weimar Germany you have the economy was so bad that I mean it took like a ******* Weber of Deutsche marks to buy.
01:48:16 A loaf of bread, kind of a thing, right?
01:48:18 You had mother and daughter sex shows you had, and you could say, oh, all this sort of stuff is.
01:48:26 You know there there are some parallels, but like, I mean it has to get bad, it has to get.
01:48:31 Like people like and why am I Germany people were selling?
01:48:34 Their children on the on the street corner, kind of a bad, OK.
01:48:38 You have to get to where people.
01:48:40 Are starving to death bad.
01:48:42 None of that's happening.
01:48:44 There, there's still a constant flow of.
01:48:46 Of comfort coming from the ruling class.
01:48:48 You still have calories that are easy to obtain if you don't even work, you get a free check. You get an EBT.
01:48:54 Card. You're never.
01:48:55 Going to starve to death the machine is big enough.
01:48:59 And has enough momentum behind it.
01:49:01 To where no one is starving to death.
01:49:05 No one is.
01:49:07 No one starving.
01:49:08 To death and nobody.
01:49:10 Is and you could say, well, only fans.
01:49:14 All these girls are forced them because the economy.
01:49:16 They're not forced into doing.
01:49:17 It they're doing it because of of of decadency.
01:49:20 They're doing it because they're lazy.
01:49:21 They're not doing it because we we will literally not eat tonight unless unless Mommy makes a a ****.
01:49:27 Video on the Internet it's not like.
01:49:29 That it's that Mommy won't be able to afford.
01:49:33 You know, whatever fancy ******* shoes she wants.
01:49:36 If she doesn't make a a **** video on the Internet, it has to get to a point where we're talking about actual survival.
01:49:43 And the other thing you got to think about the difference is think about the just the, the morale, right, in Germany you had a situation where you had you mean?
Speaker 9
01:49:55 How do you think it felt?Devon
01:49:58 To live under those conditions.01:50:01 And know.
01:50:03 That you had these other European countries?
01:50:07 That had defeated you in a war.
01:50:10 And we're largely.
01:50:13 That you were living.
01:50:14 Like this as a punishment.
01:50:18 Right.
01:50:19 It wasn't that your society got so decadent and and you know, people just kind of got lazy and and and stopped paying attention.
01:50:31 And so the subversion kicked in.
01:50:32 It wasn't that they were.
01:50:34 They were basically the.