08/29/2021Speaker 1
00:10:11 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.00:01:12 Just waiting for you.
00:01:23 Good deal.Speaker 4
00:02:05 Things to cover here, but I.00:02:08 Look to Doctor Sherwood.
00:02:09 Are we moving your body?
Speaker 2
00:02:13 Wake up.Speaker 3
00:02:17 You're back.Speaker
00:02:20 Now you're living.Speaker 3
00:02:24 One of the things that.Speaker 1
00:02:25 That that, I strongly believe is.Speaker 2
00:02:30 Wake up.Speaker 3
00:02:33 I should probably go home.Speaker 4
00:02:38 You'll like and wake up.Speaker 3
00:02:42 Joe, Joe, Joe.Speaker 4
00:02:44 I'm tired.Speaker 5
00:02:48 What's happening?Speaker
00:02:50 You're like.00:02:53 Joe, Joe, Joe.
Speaker 3
00:03:01 Hello, Mr. President.Speaker 1
00:03:05 Pick up.Speaker
00:03:14 You should have to pay nearly $6400 more than you would today.Devon
00:03:19 Good evening.00:03:20 Good morning, good afternoon.
00:03:23 And good Lord, that is good.
00:03:24 I wish I had made that.
00:03:25 That's what.
00:03:26 Yeah, every once in a.
00:03:27 While you come across something.
00:03:29 Like, damn, that that's so good.
00:03:31 That's so good.
00:03:33 Kudos I I wish.
00:03:34 I knew I don't.
00:03:34 I have no.
00:03:35 Idea who made that?
00:03:35 But whoever you are, good ******* job, dude.
00:03:39 Good ******* job.
00:03:40 I almost.
00:03:41 I almost wanted to make, like an extended remix.
00:03:44 It was so good.
00:03:45 I was.
00:03:45 Like you know what?
00:03:47 I got a little bit of time, I'll add like another minute to this, maybe that.
00:03:50 Could be a thing you.
00:03:51 Know by the end of his administration.
00:03:53 It'll be like a.
00:03:53 A full length movie.
00:03:56 Of course, the reason the reason why that's so appropriate.
00:04:02 I don't know if you.
00:04:02 Guys saw this floating around today.
00:04:05 But Biden fell asleep.
00:04:08 Fell asleep during his meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister.
00:04:16 And the beautiful.Speaker 7
00:04:17 Story of the friendship between our two nations, the United States of America.Devon
00:04:21 He's out cold.Speaker 7
00:04:23 And the Jewish and Democratic state of Israel.Speaker 1
00:04:27 Both of us who seek to do good.Speaker 7
00:04:31 And need to be strong, both of us.Devon
00:04:32 Still asleep.Speaker 7
00:04:36 A little house in a very third world.Devon
00:04:37 The only thing that would make.00:04:39 This better is if.
00:04:39 You like, fell over or woke up with a start.
Speaker 7
00:04:41 Thank you for.00:04:42 I look forward to working.
00:04:43 With you now and for many years for.
00:04:47 So there you go.00:04:49 There you go.
00:04:53 Good old.
00:04:54 Sleepy Joe.
00:04:56 You know, sometimes, you know Trump when he's right.
00:04:58 He's right, I guess.
00:05:02 That was that was pretty funny.
00:05:04 That was pretty hilarious.
00:05:07 So we're gonna.
00:05:07 We're gonna take it pretty chill tonight.
00:05:11 Someone sent me or just tag me on something on Twitter.
00:05:15 And I checked it out and I was like this is this is really this, this is worth discussing.
00:05:22 This is really kind of funny.
00:05:24 It's not really something you could dissect.
00:05:26 It's not fiction that which is.
00:05:28 What makes it funny?
00:05:30 It's very 80s.
00:05:32 Yeah, that's to explain the 80s music there.
00:05:35 It's it's 80s night.
00:05:37 Have a little bit of an 80s party tonight.
00:05:40 And also the show was hosted by my uncle, so I figured why not?
00:05:46 Why not Uncle Stack?
00:05:49 Host this show from the 80s.
00:05:52 You might remember it unsolved mysteries.
00:05:55 So we're going to take.
00:05:56 A look, in fact you.
00:05:58 Know because there that's better.
00:06:03 I gotta have my disclaimer.
00:06:05 **** there.
00:06:07 So we're going to watch, in fact, let me find out.
00:06:10 Let me see if I can.
00:06:11 See it still.
00:06:14 Let me give credit to whoever.
00:06:17 Tagged me.
00:06:21 See if I can still find it here.
00:06:24 In my mini notifications.
00:06:29 Many, many, many, many, many notifications.
00:06:33 I haven't been on Twitter much today.
00:06:36 Now here we are.
00:06:38 So or he man he man Ezra height.
00:06:45 He meant, as was right.
00:06:46 He also tell uh tag no more news.
00:06:50 Henrick and stone toss.
00:06:52 But this is pretty funny.
00:06:54 It's pretty funny.
00:06:55 We're just going to chill out and kind of watch this, and yeah, well, there's definitely some commentary to be had, but this is not fiction.
00:07:06 So there we go. Let's strap in, pretend that it's it's 1980. I don't know what this would be, actually. Maybe late 80s. Eighty. We'll just say like 8788.
00:07:21 Everyone's gathered around the.
00:07:24 The CRT tube.
00:07:26 Because that's how.
00:07:28 That's how households were in 1988.
00:07:33 And we.
00:07:34 We're gonna have.
00:07:35 Some family time by watching TV together.
00:07:38 How about that?
00:07:40 So here we go.
Speaker 3
00:07:43 You're about to meet a master con artist named Joseph Puchalski.00:07:47 During an astonishing 18 year crime spree, Puchalski has allegedly defrauded financial institutions around the world.
00:07:55 Estimates of his total thefts range as high as $200 million.
00:08:00 But this savvy swindler this.
00:08:01 Study that's 200 million.00:08:03 Dollars in like 1988 money.
00:08:06 1988 money.
00:08:08 Let's let's see what that is.
00:08:10 You'll understand why this is.
00:08:11 This is kind of a big deal.
00:08:13 Like the the scam that this ****** did.
00:08:17 Alright, let's do inflation calculator.
00:08:26 We'll just say we'll just say.
00:08:27 We'll say in 1988 nineteen 88.
00:08:34 200 million.
00:08:37 So it's basically almost half a billion.
00:08:40 It's 460.
00:08:43 Million, so almost half a billion this ******.
00:08:47 OK.
00:08:48 So just keep that in mind.
00:08:51 Half a billion.
Speaker 3
00:08:52 In paradox.00:08:54 Prussian nowski belongs to a deeply religious movement of Judaism known as the Hasidim.
00:08:59 When he is not orchestrating one of his grand frauds, Pushinsky will as likely as not be in Temple prayer.
00:09:10 The Hasidim pray several times a day and out of respect to God, always cover their heads.
00:09:16 All forms of lake, even driving, are forbidden on the sun.
00:09:21 Acidic men do not.
00:09:22 Shave or cut their hair in keeping.
00:09:24 With the tradition handed down through the centuries.
00:09:28 In contrast to the whole steel appearance, the house he did leave in the joyous celebration of God's work, the civics are basically Jewish.
00:09:38 Notice how much time they had to spend.00:09:42 Trying to make it sound like like no, the the acidic Jews, they're really good people.
00:09:47 They're really, you know, they're really in tune with God.
00:09:50 Real simple like down to earth people.
00:09:53 If this guy had been any other religion.
00:09:58 You think they would have introduced this story?
00:10:00 You know this guy? Who?
00:10:02 Well, stole the half a billion dollars.
00:10:06 No, no, of course not.
Speaker 4
00:10:08 Which fundamentalists that they all live very, very simple lives.00:10:14 They believe in actually having a community that is apart from the surrounding world.
00:10:19 They in fact rely very little on the surrounding world and so therefore people who by their own choice tend to be apart from everybody else.
00:10:28 It's got all these.Speaker 3
00:10:32 Weird hearing district religious values Hussey deem of acquired A reputation for honesty and rock solid integrity.Devon
00:10:44 No, they haven't.00:10:46 No, they haven't.
00:10:49 Oh my God.
00:10:50 No they haven't.
00:10:53 No, not even in.
00:10:53 1988 No they haven't.
00:10:57 Are you ******* kidding me?
00:10:59 So one of the.
00:11:00 Reasons why I want to.
00:11:01 To play this for you guys.
00:11:03 Is this is something we've kind of talked about a little bit.
00:11:05 You know, I've said like, hey, you.
00:11:07 Know **** it, if the ship's.
00:11:09 Going down grab, you know, grab whatever you can.
00:11:13 Because if you don't, it's just it's.
00:11:14 Going to be at.
00:11:15 The bottom of the ocean, right.
00:11:16 It's where it's going to do nobody.
00:11:18 Very good.
00:11:19 And I've mentioned.
00:11:20 The ******* ascetic Jews.
00:11:22 About how they they basically just Leech off the system.
00:11:27 They Leech off the system that that.
00:11:29 That's the reason why you're having these these random attacks on Jews from black people in New York, for example.
00:11:37 Is there for their use.
00:11:38 They use the system.
00:11:40 I mean, they're experts and you'll see this guy is no different.
00:11:43 They're experts at using the system.
00:11:44 They they I mean they.
00:11:46 Familiarize themselves with all the different laws.
00:11:49 I mean, I'm sure they lobby for some of these law.
00:11:52 And they suck the system dry.
00:11:55 This is this is just everyone knows this.
00:11:59 Everyone knows this, even like you know, non Hasidic Jews will will tell you that that's that's how you know.
00:12:04 That's how it goes down in in parts of New York.
00:12:07 There's no ******* secret.
00:12:10 ******* reputation for honesty.
00:12:11 That's that's rich.
Speaker 3
00:12:13 It is a perfect camouflage but Joseph Pushinsky.Devon
00:12:17 Perfect camouflage.00:12:19 Who would have thought that guy?
00:12:25 Perfect camouflage.
00:12:26 Like he just blends right in with in this high trust society.
Speaker 3
00:12:31 Accounts Joseph Puchalski abides by the religious dictates of the Hasidic Jew, except when it comes to the 8th Commandment.00:12:39 Thou shalt not steal.
Speaker 8
00:12:42 Here, right here, right.Speaker 3
00:12:45 Joseph Puchalski settled in Canada in the late 1960s. He and his family, which grew to include twelve children, lived in a city community near Montreal. Prussian noski supposedly ran an export import business from the basement of his model.Speaker
00:12:56 Now the neural net.Speaker 3
00:13:02 Was told the reality was quite different.00:13:08 The 1980.
00:13:09 5 swift is typical of crucial noski's ambitious schemes. His first step was to open his own bank, a clerical assistant named Alan Feinberg unwittingly helped with the arrangements.
00:13:22 I'm sure.00:13:23 I'm sure he had no idea what was going on.
00:13:25 He was totally tricked, totally tricked by his boss, who lived in like a double wide and said hey.
00:13:32 You know what we're going to we're.
00:13:33 Going to open a bank.
00:13:36 Nothing suspicious about that.
00:13:39 I I live in the ******* woods in this Hasidic community.
00:13:43 And we're going to open a bank.
00:13:47 You want to.
00:13:47 Come work for my my totally real bank.
Speaker 2
00:13:52 You have maybe.00:13:53 For me, the recommendations of the locations for the bank.
Speaker 9
00:13:57 Yes, I have everything you've been asking for.00:13:59 I recommend that we go with Anguilla.
Speaker 7
00:14:03 Yes. And it's thousand 1000.Speaker 3
00:14:03 The Caribbean island of Anguilla is notorious for some of the most lenient banking standards in the world.Devon
00:14:10 Yeah. And again.00:14:10 Nothing suspicious about that.
00:14:12 Hey, have you?
00:14:12 Researched and found.
00:14:13 Out the shadiest country possible for us to.
00:14:18 Open our fake bank.
00:14:20 Yeah, yes and Anguilla.
Speaker 3
00:14:23 Puchalski supplied 2 names to be the owners or principals of his bank, but Alan Fango didn't know was a true chanofsky had made-up the names.Speaker 10
00:14:28 The Union Bank.Speaker 9
00:14:34 We need now all the signatures of our principles.00:14:36 That's all that's required.
00:14:39 Here we go.Speaker 9
00:14:40 These are.Speaker 4
00:14:40 Steps, yeah, but.Speaker 8
00:14:43 They give me the authorization to use the signatures.00:14:45 They're very, very, very busy menu.
Speaker 9
00:14:46 Is it proper to use stamps on forms of this kind?Devon
00:14:50 Ohh look, he's just this innocent schmuck.00:14:52 He has no idea.
00:14:55 We're going to.
00:14:55 Open a bank and we're going to use stamps to sign these papers to open our bank in the shadiest country in the world.
00:15:03 But I'm sure this sure it all checks out.
00:15:06 It's totally.
00:15:06 Fine, I'm sure.
00:15:09 All of this so far sounds totally legitimate.
Speaker 2
00:15:12 The application form required a witness, so I witnessed the signatures.00:15:20 I mean which I found out afterwards.
00:15:22 Wasn't exactly a legally accepted procedure that.
00:15:28 Oh, I found that.00:15:29 Later, it wasn't exactly.
00:15:30 Yeah, you know, illegally accepted that person.
00:15:33 See, even now.
00:15:34 He can't just say it.
00:15:35 He can't just say it.
00:15:37 No, I found that later.
00:15:39 What I'm what I'm going to do.
00:15:40 I found that.
00:15:40 Later, it wasn't exactly illegally acceptable procedure.
Speaker 2
00:15:44 But you're only one according to the law, can only witness a person signing and not a signature.Devon
00:15:50 Who would have thought?00:15:51 Who would have thought you're supposed to sign saying that you witnessed someone signing something and it can't just be a stamp?
00:15:58 It can't just be some stamp with a fake name.
00:16:01 On it. Ah.
Speaker 8
00:16:04 Helen, you've got the.Speaker 9
00:16:06 Checks here. Yes you.Speaker
00:16:06 These are.Speaker 8
00:16:07 Take a look here.00:16:08 Let me see here.
Speaker 3
00:16:09 Chartering an actual bank is a measure of crucial owski sophistication.Speaker 7
00:16:13 You have 100 to begin with.Speaker 3
00:16:14 He could now issue official looking bank cashier's checks, infinitely more convincing than mere personal check.Speaker 8
00:16:20 Story on this I have the list here of checks I run.00:16:23 You should type out.
00:16:24 The the ones with the numbers are the most.
Speaker 2
00:16:26 Important ones. Alright, I'll get.Speaker 8
00:16:28 Right to this, we'll get the vote.Speaker 3
00:16:29 The second step of puchalski Swift was to write out checks in amounts of up to $1 million.Devon
00:16:36 Again, it seemed totally normal. He just wanted to, you know, make this bank in our basement in the ********* place in the possible, and then, you know, sign it with these stamps and then start writing checks for $1,000,000.00:16:49 How was I supposed to know?
Speaker 3
00:16:53 Supposedly guaranteed by the bank in Anguilla.00:16:56 You will then deposit the checks and business accounts you had set up around the world.
Speaker 8
00:17:01 So I'm going to go upstairs and.00:17:02 Have dinner with the wife and the kids.
00:17:03 You call me if you need me, alright?
00:17:04 Mr. Mr.
Speaker 5
00:17:06 Bennett, Mr. Prussian.Devon
00:17:08 All right, so this is clearly way before the Internet, but it's also.00:17:12 So here's here's an element to this that is really important to understand because you're you're going to watch this.
00:17:18 And just be like how the ****?
00:17:21 Like how the ****?
Speaker 1
00:17:22 Did what?Devon
00:17:24 They just, they just.00:17:28 And I think.
00:17:29 The moral of the story is.
00:17:32 This is what happens when low trust people.
00:17:36 Go inside of a high trust society.
00:17:39 And take advantage.
00:17:41 Of that high trust society.
Speaker 5
00:17:47 Now, please come in.Speaker 3
00:17:48 Personally, I would then contact the bank in person or by phone with this phenomenal talent for persuasion.00:17:54 Prussian Lawsky convinced the bankers to advance in large amounts of cash, even though the checks had not yet cleared.
00:17:57 Well first of.Devon
00:17:58 All I learned about this before.Speaker 8
00:18:01 But before I endorsed this, I need to cash Advent to $750,000.Speaker 5
00:18:06 Personality is the policy of our bag to wait 14 days after a deposit before you can draw.00:18:10 On your account.
Speaker 8
00:18:11 So I'm asking for a $750,000.Speaker 4
00:18:13 I'm sorry.00:18:15 Very, very persuasive, man.
00:18:17 A man who trades on his being a very religious person when he deals with banks.
Speaker 5
00:18:22 Gonna have to.00:18:23 Wait just a few.
Speaker 4
00:18:23 Very good at.Devon
00:18:25 So So what you're saying is?00:18:30 He preys on people.
00:18:34 And hides behind this innocent.
00:18:37 Ah, yeah.
00:18:37 Well, what?
00:18:38 I'm a religious Jew.
00:18:43 But again, it's kind of astounding that that he was convincing people again, this is before.
00:18:47 The Internet.
00:18:48 But also before you know that there was a.
00:18:51 I don't think people quite understand.
00:18:53 Even when I was a little kid, the high trust thing it was, it was waning, but it was still still sort of there like it it basically it was on its on its way out.
00:19:03 But look I.
00:19:04 I'll just be honest.
00:19:05 With you, I did scams when I was a teenager, I did some scams that never would work today.
00:19:11 Never in a million ******* years would work today.
00:19:14 Nothing like this.
00:19:17 Like obviously nothing like this.
00:19:20 But it we had a high trust society.
00:19:23 And apparently high trust enough to where they're handing this guy 750 ******* $1000.
Speaker 4
00:19:32 Checks written on funny banks in faraway places with strange sounding names.Speaker 8
00:19:32 I'll go to the bank about Histography.Speaker 5
00:19:38 All right, Mr.00:19:38 Pianowski, we're going to make an exception this time, but please, in the future, give us 14 days before you start drawing.
Speaker 2
00:19:39 OK.Speaker 4
00:19:43 Eventually the the cheques all bounced, or most of them bounced by the time the bouncing stopped, the bank was $1,000,000.Speaker 5
00:19:47 Thank you very much.00:19:51 Nice to see you.
Speaker 8
00:19:52 OK.00:19:53 Over there. Thank you.
00:19:53 Very much.
00:19:54 Have a nice day.
Speaker 5
00:19:54 Thank you. Bye bye.Speaker 3
00:19:59 Meanwhile, Alan Frankel, who found himself fielding calls from angry bankers demanding their money.Speaker 10
00:20:02 Do you have our trade group?Speaker 9
00:20:06 No, miss.00:20:07 Perzanowski is not here today.
Speaker 3
00:20:09 Ultimately, a Japanese company who would file a lawsuit against Prussia, Nowski and his assistant Alan Feingold.Speaker
00:20:10 My name is.Speaker 7
00:20:14 Yes, Sir.00:20:15 I'm very familiar with your bank.
00:20:16 We have many.
Speaker 9
00:20:16 Accounts with you.Speaker 2
00:20:18 In being sued for $1,000,000 with something relatively shocking.00:20:22 To me, and I didn't.
00:20:22 I was shocked, shocked I tell you.00:20:26 Everything seemed so legitimate.
Speaker 2
00:20:28 Didn't understand what was.00:20:29 Going on here, being cited as a Co defendant.
Speaker 9
00:20:32 Right.Speaker 3
00:20:35 Fine girl's faith is completely shattered. In March of 1987, when agents of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.Speaker 10
00:20:41 Descended on an office puchalski kept in Montreal at the office yesterday afternoon.00:20:48 When was the last?
00:20:49 Time you.
00:20:54 Are you familiar with the term bank fraud?
Speaker 9
00:20:57 Bank fraud. What's up, Mr.00:21:01 I'm fine, gold.
00:21:02 I'm telling you this, this, this basement bank we have in a in a weird, tiny country with shady bank laws like it's all legit walking around cashing checks for millions of dollars.00:21:14 I swear like it all the whole thing adds up.
00:21:17 I promise.
Speaker 1
00:21:18 Alan Feingold was hired by pushing Owski when he was 21 years old. He was very naive. He didn't know very much about the business world, so he could not even contemplate the possibility that Bojanowski had a criminal mind whenever he was asked to do things for him.Devon
00:21:25 I was naive.Speaker 9
00:21:34 Has Mr.Speaker 3
00:21:34 Helen FarmVille was cleared of any involvement. He actively assisted efforts to unravel puchalski's complex ripoffs.Speaker 9
00:21:35 Shine and Mr.00:21:36 Johnson I told my mother.
00:21:39 She said that she.
00:21:40 Didn't think that there was anything but.
00:21:42 I didn't believe her. I.Speaker 1
00:21:47 This is it.Speaker 3
00:21:48 Canadian authorities also rated PUCHALSKI'S home, but came up empty handed.00:21:53 The basement office had been cleared out and crucial Nowski had fled, taking his wife and ten of his children.
00:21:59 With him, his eldest son and daughter would enjoin him later.
Speaker 10
00:22:02 First of all.00:22:03 You know, sort of what your father does.
Speaker 1
00:22:06 You know, it's just too.Devon
00:22:07 I don't have you.00:22:08 Heard that ****** had 12 kids.
00:22:11 12 kids at least.
00:22:12 I mean, because he say he brought ten of his kids with him and then his, you know.
00:22:18 Younger daughter and older brother or son or whatever.
00:22:21 Join him later.
00:22:22 So that's at least 12 kids.
Speaker 2
00:22:25 Business no.Speaker 3
00:22:27 You work with your father or his Canadian operations russianoff ski lift the trailer rip offs totaling more than $2,000,000. It was just a hit of what was yet to come.Speaker 4
00:22:41 After Joseph Krushansky left Montreal.Speaker
00:22:44 You have this address.Speaker 4
00:22:45 He disappears off the face of the earth.00:22:48 No one seems ever to see him hear from him again.
00:22:52 But what then happens is all of a sudden Joseph Weiss starts to appear and Joseph Weiss operates fraud on exactly the same way that Joseph Prosinecki do.
Speaker 3
00:23:05 It didn't take much to figure out that Joseph Weiss and Joseph Prussian Owski were one and the same, but now his swindles are becoming almost absurdly large.00:23:18 Between 1990 and 1992, financial institutions in Sweden.
00:23:22 I guess I was wrong. This is this is 90s. This is probably closer to like 95 or so.00:23:29 I was off by almost 10 years.
Speaker 3
00:23:33 We lost more than $19 million in Denmark, more than $39 million, the Netherlands 32,000,000.00:23:41 England 37 million, 30 million in the United States and more than $35 million in Australia. The astounding total.
00:23:51 Good morning.
00:23:52 It was more than 100.
00:23:53 And $90 million.
00:23:55 So he just one guy.00:23:59 This one ************.
00:24:05 Again, in today's money, I guess I gotta change that, huh?
00:24:09 Cause it's it's in.
00:24:10 The 90s.
00:24:10 Let's let's adjust it.
00:24:12 Let's adjust it.
00:24:14 Say 92.
00:24:17 Sure, it's not that much different.
00:24:22 OK, so it's still.
Speaker 2
00:24:24 400 it's.Devon
00:24:25 Like double, it's basically $400 million.00:24:29 So 400 ******* million dollars.
00:24:32 This guy gets.
00:24:34 From European countries.
00:24:38 Four, $400 million.
00:24:40 From from, basically from white countries, right?
00:24:42 Let's let's rewind this.
00:24:45 There we go.
00:24:46 Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, England, United States, Australia.
00:24:53 400 ******* million dollars.
00:24:56 Well, it gets it gets much better and again.
00:24:58 This this is one guy, one ******* guy.
Speaker 3
00:25:02 The astounding talk worldwide was more than $190 million.Speaker 8
00:25:09 If I got I would give you a light.Speaker 3
00:25:10 Find me this MasterCard and came up with one more brilliant strategy, one that keeps him safely beyond the reach of the law.00:25:17 In many cases.
00:25:19 Prussian Lawsky brazenly negotiated to give back the portion of the stolen money.
Speaker 8
00:25:24 That's a million and a half dollars, OK.Devon
00:25:27 Alright. Did you hear that?00:25:29 So he would.
00:25:29 Steal like $1,000,000 from a bank.
00:25:33 And then to avoid charges because the bank wouldn't want to admit they gave some ************ $1,000,000 and look, some of this is the bank's fault is.
00:25:40 And I bet a lot of this is also the bank probably broke.
00:25:43 A lot of laws handing over this guy ******* free money like this.
00:25:48 Thinking they were doing him a favor and they didn't want to get in trouble, they also probably want to get in trouble with their shareholders.
00:25:54 They also probably knew well if.
00:25:55 We can recover any of this.
00:25:57 It's better than nothing.
00:25:58 It could also.
00:25:59 Be that these.
00:26:00 These banks were laundering money.
00:26:02 You know, a lot of these big banks, they they do launch.
00:26:04 For money, you know, for example, I mean, it's Hong Kong.
00:26:09 It's not one of, you know from one of these countries, but HSBC, you know, big time money like all these big banks do this kind of shady ****.
00:26:17 So you know it is what it is, but he he calls them up. This ****** is like, well, I'll give you 4550 cents on the dollar.
00:26:26 Out of that $1,000,000.
00:26:28 If you if you stop harassing me and they.
00:26:31 Went for it.
Speaker 8
00:26:33 Cents on the dollar better than I.00:26:34 Could ever do.
Speaker 4
00:26:35 He knows that banks don't like to go to the police.Speaker 8
00:26:36 And you.00:26:36 Would send me the papers.
Speaker 4
00:26:39 They don't like to prosecute people.00:26:40 What they want is.
00:26:41 Their money.
Speaker 8
00:26:41 I came back you in three days, right?Speaker 4
00:26:43 So they will settle.00:26:44 What that of course does is by and large it removes the lender from being a complainant to create a criminal prosecution.
00:26:53 Problem for personal uski in that particular country, and he's used that tactic very successfully all.
00:26:58 Over the world.
Speaker 3
00:27:01 However, a few banks are unwilling to settle and today warns for Puchalski's arrest are outstanding in Canada and the United States.00:27:12 The stunning fight that Joseph Puchalski has convinced 1 back after another the hand over hundreds of millions of dollars naturally raises the question of what he does with all that money.
Speaker 4
00:27:24 What is unique about treasure pushing Outski is there is no evil.Devon
00:27:28 Sarah, pay attention to this part.00:27:30 Pay attention to this part.
00:27:32 What does he do with all that money?
00:27:38 You know, we talk.
00:27:39 A lot about how it seems like our enemies have have unlimited resources well.
Speaker 4
00:27:45 Evidence that he is actually personally benefited in any way at all from these frauds. The evidence is such that you have to accept the pushing upski's frauds have largely had to benefit. I believe indirectly, not direct.00:27:59 His own community and other similar Hasidic communities.
Speaker 3
00:28:03 Authorities believe Puchalski uses a stolen fund to start up more most legitimate businesses.00:28:09 In turn, the profits from these companies are given to the city community, which remains unaware of the criminal origin of the money.
00:28:17 I'm sure they're they're totally unaware.00:28:19 They'd be shocked, right?
00:28:21 They'd be totally they would.
00:28:22 They would just give that money right back if they.
Speaker 4
00:28:25 Knew, I think likes to see himself as a Robin Hood figure.Speaker 8
00:28:26 I'll give you one and I'll make a phone call.Speaker 4
00:28:30 It's a way of giving a rationalization to what he does.Speaker 2
00:28:36 They feel that it has caused irreparable damage for the Jewish community, as I say around the globe.00:28:41 Because it helps to to portray and an image of Jewish religious Jewish people or Jewish people in general as being crooks and robbers.
00:28:51 Gee, why?00:28:52 Why would people think that?
Speaker 2
00:28:55 Which of course is not the truth.Devon
00:29:02 I'm glad you clarified that for us.Speaker 2
00:29:04 As to the basic.00:29:05 Doctrines of our faith and how we practice.
Speaker 3
00:29:09 This mug shot the only known picture of Joseph Perzanowski, was taken when he was 42 years old.00:29:16 At the time, using a Connecticut prison on.
00:29:19 A fraud conviction.
00:29:20 Personally, ski is now 54, is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs around 170 pounds, and probably has a full beard.
00:29:30 Alright, so I got this, so if you remember watching this show over the unsolved mysteries, they would do these these episodes, you know, looking for people like this, you know, whether someone kidnapped someone or or, you know, murdered someone or whatever kind of like America's Most Wanted.00:29:47 And then, well, just like America's Most Wanted that they'd be like, update. We found this ******. Well, this this aired like a million years ago.
00:29:55 And so obviously we have updates that are that are.
00:29:59 That are more than just like a year later.
00:30:00 Or whatever, but get check this **** out.
00:30:04 Our let me just put it this way, our greatest our greatest allies involved.
00:30:20 After more than 10 years on the run, Joseph Personos Aski was arrested in Israel.
00:30:27 He was convicted on 7 fraud charges in Jerusalem Court, so he was still doing that.
00:30:33 **** and sentenced to seven years in prison.
00:30:45 Israel won't give them up.
00:30:48 Israel won't give them up.
00:30:51 Now I don't know.
00:30:51 Let's see.
00:30:52 Let's see where he's at now I wonder if there's any news.
00:30:55 And I I almost wonder if.
00:30:57 He even did those seven years.
00:31:00 So let's do this.
00:31:01 What was his first name?
00:31:04 Yeah, that's.
Speaker 3
00:31:05 Right.Devon
00:31:06 So Joseph.00:31:24 Well, there's well, there's nothing new.
00:31:28 A whole bunch of stuff talking about this episode, but I don't see anything new.
00:31:35 What about extradition?
00:31:39 Search for that extradition.
00:31:51 Yeah, in fact, here's.
00:31:54 Here's someone complaining that Israel's not extraditing him to.
00:31:58 The United States.
00:32:02 So there you go.
00:32:04 There you go.
00:32:05 Our greatest ally, indeed.
00:32:11 Sorry, I I just thought that was funny.
00:32:16 Discovery here with through Doctor.Speaker 3
00:32:23 Wait, there we go.Devon
00:32:31 Ohh man.00:32:36 So this is.
00:32:36 What I'm talking about when I say.
00:32:39 Don't be shy about milking this.
00:32:41 I'm like, look, I'm.
00:32:42 I'm obviously not saying trying to get hundreds of millions of dollars out of the bank.
00:32:45 I'm just saying, just use what's legally yours.
00:32:49 You're legally entitled to.
00:32:52 Now, most of the Senate.
00:32:53 Jews aren't, you know, defrauding banks to the tune of hundreds of $1,000,000. But they are taking advantage of every single ******* legal option available to them.
00:33:10 White people pay for that, by and large, if you look at just where the tax revenues in this country come from, that's where it's coming from.
00:33:18 I guess Asians now, too, and maybe some Indians.
00:33:24 So you need to just get over this this.
00:33:30 This guilt that's been beat into you because.
00:33:33 That's all that that.
00:33:34 Guilt's only relevant if you live in a homogeneous society where you don't have people parasitically sucking from the system.
00:33:45 Yeah, that guilt of, oh, I don't want to be on welfare.
00:33:47 Oh, I don't want to collect food stamps.
00:33:49 I don't want to do this.
00:33:49 I don't want to do that.
00:33:52 You know good for you.
00:33:54 But that makes.
00:33:54 You a sucker.
00:33:56 That basically makes you the mark.
00:34:03 That makes you the one.
00:34:06 That's paying for.
00:34:10 Well, I mean, the Joseph Bridger Noski or whatever the **** his name was of the world.
00:34:19 The math has been done on.
00:34:23 The the cost.
00:34:29 That racial groups have, if you, you know.
00:34:32 But if you average.
00:34:33 It out right.
00:34:35 The average.
00:34:37 You know what they do is you you add up basically how many you know, the taxes collected from this group.
00:34:43 And then you subtract the resources.
00:34:48 That they take from.
00:34:49 That from the the the you know the the, the the.
00:34:53 Ball of money, the ball of.
00:34:54 Tax money and that you know that that.
00:34:56 Comes in the form of.
00:34:59 You know, social services that comes in the form of food stamps and welfare.
00:35:06 It also comes in the form of the cost of incarcerating people.
00:35:11 It comes in the form of the cost of.
00:35:15 You know, ethnic neighborhoods that need more policing, and I guess now, right?
00:35:20 They're defunding the police.
00:35:21 So maybe that number will get a little less obscene.
00:35:25 But the average for I, if I remember correctly, the average for black people every black person.
00:35:32 Again, this is an average, so it's not obviously it's not going to apply to every black person, but if we're just talking in groups and we're talking about averages.
00:35:40 Every time you see one of these videos.
00:35:44 Of a black guy beating the **** out of an 80 year old white woman for no reason.
00:35:50 Or, you know, shooting a a father of a one year old baby right in front of his family and then dancing over his body like we discussed last stream.
00:36:05 Your your society, at least again, this is America.
00:36:10 So I don't.
00:36:10 Know it's probably slightly different in other countries, but I would imagine that it kind of has the same kind of trends.
00:36:19 For the privilege.
00:36:21 Of having that person in your society by the end of.
00:36:25 Their life.
00:36:27 They have cost society their net loss of close to $200,000.
00:36:35 In fact, I think it might be slightly above.
00:36:37 I think it might be.
00:36:39 Closer to 1/4 of $1,000,000 I forget the exact number but.
00:36:41 It's it's, it's around $200,000.
00:36:44 At the very least.
00:36:47 The number is slightly better for Hispanics.
00:36:51 It's Hispanics, is, I believe, a net loss of $60,000.
00:36:58 And that might change.
00:37:00 These numbers are a little bit old, and so if you factor in what's going on at the border right now, what's been going on the.
00:37:05 Border for the last few years.
00:37:08 Factor in the cost of the wall.
00:37:11 Factoring the cost of.
00:37:14 You know, flying all these immigrants into the interior of the country, factoring the cost of the welfare and the, you know, the services they're going to use, factor in the cost of when, you know, illegal immigrants, they just go to the emergency room, give a fake name and leave.
00:37:30 You factor these costs that up.
00:37:33 And a lot of these guys, especially in terms of illegal immigrants, they're not even paying taxes.
00:37:38 They're getting paid under the table, and in fact a lot of their money isn't even staying.
00:37:43 Within the economy.
00:37:45 A lot of their money is getting sent home.
00:37:48 Via Western Union.
00:37:51 So we're losing money that way too.
00:37:54 Because that money that that would have been spent.
00:37:58 At local businesses, because I mean, you know, if if nothing else, right, like if you're not going to get taxes out of them, maybe you can.
00:38:03 Get some sales tax out of them or something like that.
00:38:10 So you just gotta you gotta realize this stuff that you're you're the sucker.
00:38:18 You're the sucker if you're not taking advantage.
00:38:20 Of this stuff.
00:38:23 There's absolutely no shame in it.
00:38:29 In fact, I should take my.
00:38:30 Advice I actually haven't, I haven't.
00:38:33 Looked to see what I would qualify for.
00:38:36 But maybe that's something I should be doing too.
00:38:38 Right.
00:38:40 You never know.
00:38:44 That's the other thing that I think it really puts our people at a disadvantage when you're you come from and this isn't just white people, but I I think in the context, you know, I'm just talking about white people right here.
00:38:57 Most, most white people, just most people.
00:39:00 But this extends to white people too.
00:39:02 Obviously, most white people aren't really familiar with the laws.
00:39:06 And aren't familiar with, you know, the the different social services and stuff like that because of the shame that's associated with that.
00:39:13 They never even investigated.
00:39:17 And a lot of.
00:39:18 Them get demoralized just simply because you know you so often see these.
00:39:26 Benefits and these programs, these scholarships.
00:39:30 That specifically and explicitly exclude them racially.
00:39:41 You know well, I I think I saw a tweet from.
00:39:46 I forget who it was now, but I think.
00:39:48 It's in Scotland.
00:39:51 Where if you're an.
00:39:51 Illegal immigrant or I'm sorry, a refugee.
00:39:55 You basically get, you know, free college all the way through, like a master.
00:39:59 'S degree.
00:40:00 Now obviously we know they're not doctors and engineers, so I doubt a whole lot of.
00:40:04 Them will be taking advantage of that.
00:40:08 But that's that's the society is.
00:40:15 It's making you a sucker.
00:40:16 It's making you a pinata.
00:40:19 You're just a ******* pinata.
00:40:20 That they want to.
00:40:21 They want to beat you and and, you know, run and grab the candy that comes bursting out of you.
00:40:30 So 100 percent, 100%.
00:40:35 Look for ways that you can.
00:40:39 Extract some of this wealth before the ship goes down, because like I said, if you don't, it's going to be at.
00:40:44 The bottom of the ocean and it's not.
00:40:45 Going to do any good anyway.
00:40:46 You know any good anyway so.
00:40:51 That is something that everyone should be looking into.
00:40:57 All right, let's take a.
00:40:58 Look at Chad.
00:40:59 This reminds or this is more Morton.
00:41:03 This reminds me of the rabbi stealing 2 million in welfare.
00:41:07 Which time?
00:41:08 I mean that's I've seen that headline.
00:41:10 Like literally, like almost a soft and his black guy shoots white.
00:41:12 Guy for no reason.
00:41:15 159 Orthodox Jews were arrested, but then let off on a pilot amnesty program for people who confess.
00:41:25 Right.
00:41:26 Yeah, yeah.
00:41:26 This has been an ongoing thing.
00:41:28 This isn't like.
00:41:28 A new thing?
00:41:32 The Orthodox and the the acidic Jews have, and this is just everyone knows this.
00:41:38 Anyone who's lived in any kind of proximity, these guys.
00:41:44 Juan Auto Mini can't bring myself to game the system.
00:41:47 I guess I'm just a sucker, no?
00:41:48 Why just game it?
00:41:53 Might as well.
00:41:55 It I mean it.
00:41:56 You're paying for it.
00:41:58 It's your money.
00:41:59 That's The funny thing.
00:42:00 It's most of you guys have been paying taxes your whole life.
00:42:06 And a lot of you guys, if you're you think that you're going to get that Social Security number or Social Security money back, you're ******* crazy.
00:42:16 So you got to get it back somehow.
00:42:18 I mean, this is your money.
00:42:19 You've literally already paid for it.
00:42:21 And if you have it, your parents did their whole lives.
00:42:23 Your grandparents did.
00:42:25 They it has been a a a losing game for you, generationally.
00:42:31 And since you don't have generational wealth, hey, you know what?
00:42:36 Try to squeeze.
00:42:37 A little bit out.
00:42:38 Of this.
00:42:43 Atago I know gaming for whites.
00:42:45 Here where it's here, I'm not sure.
00:42:47 Where you're at, you can always.
00:42:49 There's always something.
00:42:50 Hameroff thorazine.
00:42:51 Some drunk ***.
00:42:52 Just hit me on the highway, ran for me.
00:42:56 I caught up.
00:42:56 Cops arrested him, and now I'll be claiming I'm injured.
00:43:00 I game the system.
00:43:05 Well, if he's insured, I don't know.
00:43:08 Spike vicious.
00:43:10 You're white.
00:43:11 You qualify for nothing based on your skin.
00:43:13 Color even if.
00:43:13 You technically do.
00:43:14 That's not true.
00:43:15 It depends on look, there's a lot of stuff that you won't qualify for.
00:43:19 But there's a lot of stuff.
00:43:20 That you will.
00:43:22 Uh, depending how you see, here's here's the the trick.
00:43:26 The trick is to rich people do this.
00:43:30 Rich people do this all the time.
00:43:31 To avoid income taxes.
00:43:34 They make it to where?
00:43:36 Because that's what gets.
00:43:37 Gets taxed, right?
00:43:39 You know, I'm sure everyone's heard like the Warren Buffett thing.
00:43:41 Where is like.
00:43:42 Oh my secretary gets taxed more than I do.
00:43:44 What he's talking about is he makes sure he ensures that his income doesn't come from, you know, it's not like labor.
00:43:54 It's just, you know, capital gains or something like that.
00:43:59 And so, because we're a high trust society, we usually and because of that trick that they did with income taxes, where they take it out of your check.
00:44:07 So you never even see it.
00:44:09 Most people don't even think of it as like, that's their money.
00:44:12 And then the biggest trick of all is at the end of the year.
00:44:15 Oh, I got a check from the government.
00:44:17 It's a refund.
00:44:19 Oh, it's it's free money.
00:44:21 No, they took, like, 30 grand from you.
00:44:24 You shouldn't be excited that.
00:44:25 You get to keep one of.
00:44:26 Them, you know, like, Oh yeah, $1000.
00:44:30 You, you you got.
00:44:31 29,000 taken away.
00:44:36 High Priest King Terry Jew, specifically the acidic Jews have a prayer called coal nidra.
00:44:42 They claim it's for forgiveness of sins or some nonsense.
00:44:47 In reality, it's actually a prayer that allows them to break any and all contracts, laws with Gentiles and to lie look it up if you're interested.
00:44:56 Well, and the Talmud is very specific about that.
00:44:59 The Talmud says absolutely it's OK to deal with Golem in a in a way that's different than you would deal with fellow Jews.
00:45:11 And if you in fact, if you do sin against a fellow Jew.
00:45:15 They don't.
00:45:16 They don't wrap themselves like it's like the Kushner thing, right?
00:45:20 So Kushner was ****** *** at Chris Christie because when Chris Christie was the Attorney general of, you know, new.
00:45:26 Jersey and and Kushner's.
00:45:30 Which ******* hell like you should look into that guy who was literally a Jewish gangster and he got in trouble with the law cause because he just we don't have time.
00:45:40 That's like a whole ******* thing.
00:45:43 And Chris Christie went to go, you know, arrest his dad and prosecute his dad.
00:45:50 And they were very upset and said no, we're going to handle.
00:45:53 This all.
00:45:54 With, you know our our, our Jewish community.
00:45:56 We're gonna we're gonna somehow sanction him, you know, jewishly or, you know, whatever. But we're gonna keep this outside of the law. And Chris Christie's like, no, that's not how the law works.
00:46:06 You know, silly Chris Christie.
00:46:08 And that's that.
00:46:09 That right there is why he got ******.
00:46:11 That's why he didn't end up being the the vice president.
00:46:16 That's why Trump strung him along.
00:46:20 That was his.
00:46:20 That was their revenge for arresting his dad.
00:46:24 And and.
00:46:24 And then Trump.
00:46:25 'S on his way out the door.
00:46:28 Gave a pardon to Kushner's dad, so he's out of jail now.
00:46:35 So it's uh.
00:46:38 You know, it is what it is.
00:46:41 And plus they have like that.
00:46:44 What's that called?
00:46:45 The the chicken ceremony where you basically put all your sins into a chicken and then beat it to death.
00:46:52 I mean, that's not.
00:46:52 I'm not exaggerating.
00:46:53 They do that the the Orthodox and the acidic Jews.
00:46:58 Torture chickens to death.
00:47:02 And say that they're basically punishing the chicken that they're transferring.
00:47:06 Somehow they're transferring their sins.
00:47:08 Into a chicken and then beating it to death.
00:47:11 And then now they're they're they're, you know, free of sin somehow.
00:47:18 Patriot of the north.
00:47:19 I believe the age of retirement has been steadily going up to the point where our generation probably won't even live to retire.
00:47:27 You're you're not going to get that money back.
00:47:29 Social Security has been, I mean it's it's been bankrupt.
00:47:33 And look, look our what's our debt now it's something like 20 ******* trillion dollars.
00:47:37 It's all fake money.
00:47:39 It's all fake money, and so you might as well get some of the fake money.
00:47:45 Jimmy Allance the third we can get a homesteading cactus dedicated pill string.
00:47:54 Or can we? Yeah.
00:47:57 It's supposed.
00:47:57 To finally be ******* cool off.
00:48:00 I I just haven't been going outside much.
00:48:03 We're we're going to have like another.
00:48:04 Week of of murder heat and I've just been, you know, going out and watering in the middle of the night occasionally, but.
00:48:15 You know, overall, I've kind of just left everything alone. There's like weeds and **** everywhere because it's just miserable being out there and it's kind of hot. Like it's where I'm sitting right now. It's 82 degrees.
00:48:30 So it's even hot inside, but that wouldn't be.
00:48:33 That's not a bad idea.
00:48:35 I could another thing I wanted to do too.
00:48:37 I was thinking I could do a stream.
00:48:40 I got to figure out if there's a.
00:48:41 Way I can do this.
00:48:42 I was thinking I could stream I could broadcast while doing a rock March go out into the desert.
00:48:50 With, you know, first I would just, you know, do the whole process I'd show you like look this is I'd pack my my rucksack.
00:48:56 You know, with a a body camera, I gotta figure out how I do that.
00:49:00 I'm pretty sure.
00:49:02 I mean, it wouldn't have any graphics or anything like that, but I'm pretty sure I could stream from like a tablet or something like that.
00:49:10 And then I could just and I've got battery packs, so it would.
00:49:13 Last so I can pack up a rock sack.
00:49:16 Show you the kind of stuff that I would bring.
00:49:18 Suit up, go out and you know you wouldn't be able to see it.
00:49:23 It'd be dark, right?
00:49:24 So I don't know how interesting it would be.
00:49:27 And then I could show you kind of like.
00:49:30 I'm sure I'd see some rattlesnakes and scorpions and **** that would maybe be cool.
00:49:36 Maybe a skin Walker, right?
00:49:39 Based, increase the door.
00:49:41 The important thing about leaching the welfare system is not to become dependent on it.
00:49:46 Do it for the sake of harming the enemy, not because you need.
00:49:49 Yeah, right. You should be self-sufficient. I'm just saying. So. For example, it's really easy to talk your way into food stamps.
00:49:59 Unbelievably easy.
00:50:02 I could probably right now.
00:50:03 In fact, I might look into that.
00:50:05 And you'd be shocked at how much they give you.
00:50:09 And so let's say you're thinking to yourself, oh, it'd be great if I had, like, you know, prepping wise, like, oh, I don't have enough.
00:50:16 You know, I don't have, like, my year.
00:50:18 Supply of food.
00:50:19 Or whatever.
00:50:20 Ohh cha ching.
00:50:21 Go down.
00:50:22 Get food stamps.
00:50:25 And and and you'll get like a.
00:50:26 They literally get.
00:50:27 It looks like no one at the store will even.
00:50:29 Know because it looks like a ******* visa card.
00:50:32 It literally looks and they do that so that no one will know because they don't want people to have.
00:50:36 Shame, right?
00:50:37 So maybe you shouldn't have.
00:50:40 So they give you this visa.
00:50:41 Card that every month just gets loaded.
00:50:44 With more money.
00:50:46 And so you just go down to the grocery store, fill up a ******* shopping cart with, with canned food or whatever.
00:50:52 And you know, some of your tax dollars.
00:50:55 You got it back.
00:50:59 But yeah, you shouldn't be dependent on it, because then you're ******.
00:51:03 Then you're going to start.
00:51:03 I mean the whole point.
00:51:04 Of this is is.
00:51:05 To to break away from the system.
00:51:08 But absolutely you should try to suck what you can out of it on.
00:51:11 The way while it's going down.
Speaker 3
00:51:17 David is being.Devon
00:51:17 Naive whites don't get money from the system.00:51:20 All right.
00:51:20 Well, I I'm telling you, they do.
00:51:22 Know people that do this.
00:51:24 I know people that.
00:51:25 Do this.
00:51:28 I know, I know.
00:51:29 Wealthy people that do this.
00:51:33 You can do this.
00:51:35 Now it's different state to state.
00:51:39 But you'd be surprised.
00:51:40 It's not that.
00:51:41 I'm naive and that.
00:51:42 And white people don't qualify.
00:51:44 It's that you're too proud and so are most white people.
00:51:48 And white people don't even apply.
00:51:52 There's lots of little tricks you can do.
00:51:55 To make sure you apply, there's.
00:51:57 I mean ****, I know someone that isn't isn't legally married.
00:52:04 To his wife, I mean, he's religiously married, and that's all that ******* matters, but he's not legally married to his wife so that she can collect **** like a single mom.
00:52:16 And get all kinds of, not, just, not.
00:52:18 I mean you.
00:52:18 Get food.
00:52:20 You get money, but you also get healthcare.
00:52:27 See, you're just not thinking.
00:52:28 You're so used to being part of a a larger community, right?
00:52:32 AA good citizen.
00:52:35 You're so used to thinking with that, you know, like.
00:52:38 Not like an outlaw.
00:52:41 That this stuff doesn't, you know, you're a high trust society member, so this stuff doesn't.
00:52:46 Occur to you.
00:52:48 But that you don't live in a high.
00:52:49 Trust society anymore.
00:52:51 So for you to continue to be high trust, you're.
00:52:53 Just being a sucker.
00:52:57 You have to start looking looking at the system for and looking for exploits looking for weaknesses.
00:53:05 And take advantage of his weaknesses.
00:53:06 And again, like the other guy said, you know, you don't you don't want to become dependent on it.
00:53:11 And that friend I was talking about he's not dependent on it.
00:53:14 It's just a nice.
Speaker 3
00:53:15 Little added bonus.Devon
00:53:21 Lautrec a few years ago, right wing people were ******** on Vaughn for being a Leech by claiming welfare and having eight kids.00:53:31 Yeah, I mean I I don't know if he's self-sufficient or I don't.
00:53:33 Know much about Varg?
00:53:36 But yeah, take advantage if you can.
00:53:40 Chad famous the your book link doesn't work anymore for.
00:53:44 Yeah, you probably missed last stream.
00:53:49 It's banned for right now.
00:53:50 It'll probably it'll probably stay banned from Barnes and Noble.
00:53:56 One out of many would scamming eventually rub off on your kids and raise a generation of slackers.
00:54:02 I'd like to point out the OR like to point my progeny in a positive direction.
00:54:10 Again, I'm a sucker.
00:54:12 I'm not saying we all become gypsies.
00:54:18 I'm just saying.
00:54:20 You gotta you gotta.
00:54:21 You got to take advantage of what's available.
00:54:24 You've been paying into.
00:54:25 It generationally you've been paying into.
00:54:29 Get while you can't get what you can while you can, because it's going to go away.
00:54:34 I mean, probably by the time your kids could take advantage of it, it'll.
00:54:37 Be gone.
00:54:38 So it'll be a moot point.
00:54:46 Brown pill Ubi is going to happen soon.
00:54:48 Lots of politicians push in Congress.
00:54:50 Well, that's that's the see that's that is a problem because that is the get you dependent on the system.
00:54:55 That's the.
00:54:55 Opposite of what we want.
00:54:59 One of the many what's the?
00:55:01 That went away.
00:55:03 What's the evil Hillary contact address?
00:55:07 What do you what do you mean, evil Hillary at?
00:55:08 ProtonMail.
00:55:11 Jimmy Lenz the 3rd.
00:55:13 That would be awesome.
00:55:14 But not just that for homesteading stream, I also mean how to get out of the city, homestead advice and all that sort of thing.
00:55:21 OK.
00:55:22 Like a logistical kind of.
00:55:23 A thing we can do that.
00:55:26 I can tell you what I did.
00:55:28 Veruca salt.
00:55:29 I tried the Barnes and Noble link today and it worked.
00:55:31 But it said your book was sold out.
00:55:33 Yeah, it's.
00:55:35 I don't think it's.
00:55:36 Going to, it's going to come back online.
00:55:41 Base can grease the door.
00:55:42 The key with all this is to practice in Group preference.
00:55:49 And and look what what?
00:55:51 What can we learn from?
00:55:53 This guy, beyond the fact that he was scamming the system.
00:55:57 What was the other part?
00:55:58 Of that.
00:55:59 The other part of that was that he was part of a community.
00:56:06 Right.
00:56:07 And that they were a very exclusive community.
00:56:12 You know, lots of people talk about the Amish, right?
00:56:15 The Amish, the Mennonites.
00:56:19 That gives you political power.
00:56:21 I mean, who? Who? I forget who said it. But the when you were talking about the the pilot program of of giving all those guys Amnesty 159.
00:56:33 Orthodox Jews that were defrauding the welfare system.
00:56:37 But I'm not saying defraud the welfare system.
00:56:40 I'm just saying get what you're qualified for.
00:56:42 I'm not even.
00:56:43 I'm not even saying defraud anything.
00:56:45 But they defrauded this the system.
00:56:48 And they got amnesty.
00:56:51 Because they're.
00:56:51 Part of the community.
00:56:55 We got to stop being atomized.
00:56:56 That's part of the problem, too, is, you know, if one of us gets gets picked off.
00:57:02 There's really almost almost never.
00:57:04 Is there a A?
00:57:07 You know, there's no community to support them.
00:57:11 And therefore no political power.
00:57:15 And and by community.
00:57:17 I don't just mean like online community.
00:57:19 I mean we need to start thinking about actual physical communities.
00:57:25 Again, that's that's it's not something that I I didn't even know where to start.
00:57:30 With to be honest.
00:57:32 But that's a conversation we need to at.
00:57:33 Least start having.
00:57:35 Is having actual physical communities.
00:57:38 And in fact, I've even thought about there's a lot of unincorporated land.
00:57:45 In the American Southwest and just in the West in general there, there's tons and tons of county land that's dirt cheap.
00:57:53 That's not part of any kind of town.
00:57:57 How hard is it to get enough people in the same area to incorporate?
00:58:05 I don't know.
00:58:06 Maybe it's real easy.
00:58:08 Maybe it's not.
00:58:09 I don't know.
00:58:09 I really.
00:58:10 I just don't know.
00:58:12 But that's the kind of thing that we need to start looking at too.
00:58:15 Like it's one thing for us to.
00:58:16 All run for the hills.
00:58:19 In all these separate, you know little areas and be kind of spread all over.
00:58:23 The place and.
00:58:23 And like there's some value in that too.
00:58:27 I mean, it's kind of in a way, it's like diversifying, right?
00:58:30 Like if **** like like if.
00:58:31 Thank you.Devon
00:58:32 **** really went bad.00:58:34 You're not all concentrated in one place, so it's good to have people kind of scattered around.
00:58:39 In that respect, but.
00:58:43 There's a reason like there's the, well, the fundamentalist Mormons.
00:58:49 Well, in Colorado City and Arizona, I mean they've got, they've got like their their.
00:58:52 Hometown that they run.
00:58:56 Mennonites have a bunch of communities all over the country.
00:59:01 The Amish have a bunch of, and that's what they do.
00:59:05 They find county land that's unincorporated.
00:59:08 And they they buy it up.
00:59:12 And then they become the local government.
00:59:16 And if you own all the land right?
00:59:19 Now, here's here's the the other the other side of it that makes it a little bit it does make it difficult.
00:59:24 Every one of those communities I named, including the Hasidic Jews.
00:59:28 What do they have in common?
00:59:29 They all have a a shared religion, right?
00:59:31 They're all religious communities.
00:59:34 And so that is going to.
00:59:36 Be an issue for us.
00:59:37 One of the things that is a problem with the right just in general is.
00:59:45 We don't have a shared religion.
00:59:50 And that creates a lot of obstacles.
00:59:58 Think about it this way.
00:59:59 I mean and.
01:00:00 In fact, look.
01:00:03 It was frustrating watching the Michael Jones debate where he was basically saying that White isn't doesn't exist and.
01:00:12 And that it's more important that you have a religion, and because legally speaking, here's one thing he did, he was right about in, in, in terms of this is he was explaining that when you have a a religion.
01:00:29 As your basis to deal with the government.
01:00:33 That makes it much, much easier than or.
01:00:37 Actually, it's kind of impossible if you're white, to try to use.
01:00:40 That as your leverage.
01:00:43 You're never going to be able to to use the fact that you're white.
01:00:47 As leverage with the government.
01:00:51 But you can use the fact that you're Amish, or that you're an acidic Jew, or that you're a Mennonite, or that even that you're a fundamentalist Mormon.
01:01:02 Because of the the just the way that and again this is in America, maybe it's different in whatever country you're in, but in America that that opens up a lot of doors.
01:01:13 That's also why I honestly believe this.
01:01:16 That's also why they try so hard.
01:01:20 To shut down anyone that actually starts.
01:01:24 Like a new cult right?
01:01:28 And why they make it another classification for that.
01:01:32 Why they say, oh, that's a dangerous cult.
01:01:35 Well, every religion that exists started out as a dangerous cult, right?
01:01:40 At some point, Christianity was a cult at some point.
01:01:44 And so it's it.
01:01:47 What what really differentiates A cult from religion?
01:01:51 Is it how many Members you have?
01:01:55 You know what?
01:01:56 Why is 1 legitimate and the other isn't?
01:01:58 And and and that's that's The thing is, it's really legally speaking.
01:02:03 I mean, you're the government would have a hard time saying that just because your religion only has, say, 100 members, that somehow it's not real.
01:02:15 These are the age.
01:02:17 You know, ohh your religion is not real because it's only been around.
01:02:21 A couple of years while Scientology has only been around since the 1960s, and they went through all this. So that's another thing that, legally speaking, that would be worth looking at and and analyzing.
01:02:34 You see the.
01:02:35 And again, that's.
01:02:36 Another example of the the doors that open.
01:02:42 When they they they were trying to get nonprofit status.
01:02:47 Because they don't want to pay taxes.
01:02:50 And they wanted this.
01:02:51 They were saying that they were legitimate religion and they, they duked it out with the ******* IRS and they they fought dirty.
01:02:59 They harassed the the the people that worked there, then their families.
01:03:04 I mean, they fought ******* dirty like mafia style dirty.
01:03:08 And eventually the DOJ and the the IRS was just like **** it.
01:03:13 This is just.
01:03:13 It's these guys are fanatics.
01:03:15 They're not going to leave us alone.
01:03:17 And they just gave.
01:03:18 It to him.
01:03:19 They said fine, you're a religion.
01:03:25 So the you know, are you saying?
01:03:27 That those those space cadets could.
01:03:28 Pull it off and we can't.
01:03:35 It's just something to think about.
01:03:36 It's something to think about.
01:03:39 Because and look, I wish there was an existing religion that I thought would be based.
01:03:44 And that you could just leverage, right, that you could just become like a?
01:03:50 A subset of that religion, or I don't know you know, but somehow leverage the resources of an already existing religion.
01:03:58 And I just don't see it.
01:03:59 I mean.
01:04:03 Everyone of them that I'm aware of is racially blind, you know, and very pro immigrant.
01:04:12 And and that's across the board, whether you're talking about, you know, Catholicism, Mormonism, I don't know much about orthodox, but I doubt that.
01:04:24 I doubt that you could because of the way that Orthodoxy is, I don't think you could.
01:04:30 Just start your own.
01:04:32 Orthodox Church.
01:04:33 You know what I mean?
01:04:36 They let you set up a franchise.
01:04:37 Is what I mean.
Speaker 5
01:04:40 UM.Devon
01:04:42 So I think kind of have to start and make.01:04:44 A new one.
01:04:46 And that sounds crazy, which is?
01:04:48 Why no one's?
01:04:48 Done it because it.
01:04:50 Does sound crazy, and it's probably a crazy idea, but it's something we should examine.
01:04:54 It's something we should think about, something we should look at.
01:04:58 It does create.
01:04:59 It opens up a lot of doors.
01:05:02 And gives you a lot of legal protections.
01:05:06 And political power.
01:05:09 But again.
01:05:11 It's also.
01:05:14 You know, it's not like you.
01:05:16 Well, I don't know.
01:05:16 Like I said, I was about to say, it's not like you can just start your religion, but.
01:05:19 You know ******* L.
01:05:20 Ron Hubbard did.
01:05:22 And and his and not only that, he started on religion.
01:05:25 He started like the most ridiculous religion you possibly could think of.
01:05:29 It worked.
01:05:31 It worked.
01:05:32 I don't know.
01:05:33 Like I said, I'm just.
01:05:34 I'm just thinking out loud.
01:05:35 This is a cozy stream.
01:05:37 This isn't like I'm not advocating that that we do this, but I'm saying it would be crazy to not, at least, you know, examine the possibilities.
01:05:48 I haven't even studied the origins of like the Mennonites and the the Amish and stuff.
01:05:54 I know.
01:05:54 I mean, I know the Amish have been around a long time.
01:05:56 I'm not so sure.
01:05:59 But that might be worth doing.
01:06:02 A lot of these offshoots of Mormonism, like the fundamentalist Mormons, they haven't been around like, super long.
01:06:07 I mean, they if I'm, if I remember correctly, I mean, it's been a while now, but I think they're a product of when after Joseph Smith got shot, there was like a kind of a fight, like a power struggle.
01:06:21 Or who should take the reins and the the mainstream Mormonism.
01:06:28 Went with Brigham Young.
01:06:30 And a bunch of other offshoots like there's what is it? There's UM, I don't know. There's one that went with Joseph Smith's son. I forget the name of it, but it's pretty small.
01:06:43 Pretty small like I mean it.
01:06:46 I don't even know how many churches.
01:06:47 They have but.
01:06:49 I would. I'd be shocked that they had even 100,000 members.
01:06:53 Whereas, like the mainstream Mormons have like 1,000,000 you.
01:06:57 The Strangites we talked about the strange sites.
01:06:59 That was another offshoot of the Mormonism.
01:07:01 So the strangites, there was a guy who claimed that Joseph Smith had written him the letter.
01:07:06 His last name is Strange is why they call him strange.
01:07:08 I forget his first name at the top of my head, but he he was with some Mormon settlers.
01:07:14 Settling an island in Lake MI, I think it was somewhere like around there or around the Great Lakes or something.
01:07:22 And he claimed that Joseph Smith had written him a letter saying that if anything happened to him that he would take over the church and the rest, you know, everyone said you're full of ****.
01:07:33 And so he, he declared himself king.
01:07:38 Of that island they were settling.
01:07:40 And, you know, ruled that island for a little while.
01:07:44 They kind of petered out, but they're they're still strange sites.
01:07:47 There's not very many. It's like I think the total memberships is like 100 people.
01:07:52 But this happened in the 1800s, you know, I mean, it's and.
01:07:54 There's still.
01:07:56 They're still around, kind of barely.
01:08:02 You know, maybe it's worth looking into, maybe it's worth looking into.
01:08:09 And I know that sounds like heresy and evil and whatever to a lot of people listening and that's.
01:08:16 You're missing the point if if.
01:08:19 If that's what you're thinking.
01:08:23 Jewelia the science of Mind church, founded in 1972, is a religion. People follow the church.
01:08:36 A gape.
01:08:37 Or the I don't know the.
01:08:40 The Church of Gape in Los Angeles, featured in Oprah, has a huge following that is an offshoot.
01:08:47 Well, there you go.
01:08:53 Zach Frisbee, do you think a Chinese centric world will be better for us in than ZOG World?
01:09:00 I don't know.
01:09:01 I don't know.
01:09:02 I don't want to think about that.
01:09:04 I just I I don't wanna have.
01:09:06 I don't wanna just.
01:09:06 I don't wanna be ******* playing second banana to some other ethnic groups interests, you know, that's.
01:09:13 Not what this?
01:09:13 Is about.
01:09:15 I I don't want.
01:09:16 I I would rather at that point, I rather would just live by myself in the middle of nowhere, with no community whatsoever than than have to like.
01:09:24 Subjugate myself to the interest of another group.
01:09:29 That's why I don't understand.
01:09:30 You have all these.
01:09:32 I mean, that's all these, in fact, that that's not just me.
01:09:36 Everyone feels that way.
01:09:37 That's why immigration on the scale, especially that we've got it, is so ******* bad for every country, because everyone feels like that.
01:09:46 No one wants to assimilate.
01:09:48 To another group's ways and customs.
01:09:53 You know, like these, these Afghan refugees that come to America.
01:09:58 Now there might.
01:09:59 Be things they want to adopt and and whatever from Western culture or whatever, but then then it's never going to be.
01:10:06 A society that was designed for them by their ancestors, and so they're never gonna they're they're going to want to change it.
01:10:17 They're going to want to change it to fit their needs, like every group.
01:10:21 That comes here.
01:10:27 One out of many small religious communities like Amana Appliances and Onita silver and flatware had great small communities.
01:10:39 The shocker or Shacker is still thing.
01:10:44 Amana Appliances is a a religious thing.
01:10:50 You gotta be kidding me.
01:10:53 When I was a kid, we had an Amana dryer.
01:10:56 Are you?
01:10:56 Is it?
01:10:57 There's no way, is it?
01:11:12 Well, it's Lutheran, I guess.
01:11:16 Or maybe.
01:11:20 OK, here's the Amana colonies I've never heard of this.
01:11:25 The Amana colonies are seven villages on 26,000 acres located in Iowa County in East Central Iowa.
01:11:35 Amana, E Amana High, Amana Middle Amana, S, Amana, W Amana, and and homestead the villages were built and settled by German Pietists who were persecuted in their homeland by German state government and the Lutheran Church.
01:11:54 OK, so I guess they're not, that's it.
01:11:56 Saw Luther calling themselves the true inspiration congregations.
01:12:06 They first settled in New York, near Buffalo in what is now the town of West Seneca.
01:12:12 However, seeking more isolated surroundings, they moved to Iowa.
01:12:17 In 1857, they sound very similar to Mormons, or at least you know, in terms of.
01:12:24 Where they lived and moved around.
01:12:27 They lived a communal life until 1932. Oh, so it's, I guess.
01:12:31 It's gone, huh?
01:12:33 For 80 years, the Amana Colony maintained an almost completely self-sufficient local economy, importing very little from industrialized American economy.
01:12:44 The emania ANS were able to achieve this independence and lifestyle by adhering to the specialized crafting and farming.
01:12:53 Occupations that they have brought with them from Europe.
01:12:57 Craftsman passed their skills and techniques on from one generation to.
01:13:00 The next they.
01:13:01 Used hand horse wind and water power and made their own furniture, clothes and other goods.
01:13:08 The Community voted to form a for profit organization during the Great Depression.
01:13:13 The Amana Society, which included the Amana Corporation.
01:13:17 Oh, holy ****.
01:13:18 They did make my dryer.
01:13:21 Today, the seven villages of Amana are a tourist attraction known for its restaurants and craft shops.
01:13:29 The colony was listed as a National Historical Landmark.
01:13:32 Are they not still a thing?
01:13:33 Though that just doesn't say.
01:13:36 Fast forward, but it doesn't say what happened in 1932.
01:13:41 The Great Council of the Brethren, also known as the Board of trustees, oversaw the affairs and conduct of the Amanah Society.
01:13:48 Trustees were expected to attend to the internal affairs of the society as well as.
01:13:53 External business interests trustees.
01:13:55 Selected annually.
01:13:56 By popular vote from the elders of the community, the trustees would then elect out of their own a President, vice president and secretary.
01:14:06 Incumbents were usually reelected.
01:14:08 The group met alternately alternately in different villages.
01:14:12 On the first Tuesday of each month each June, the trustees.
01:14:17 Were expected to keep the society informed of the general condition.
01:14:20 Of its affairs.
01:14:22 The Great Council also served as the High Court of the Community.
01:14:26 This sounds ******* based.
01:14:29 But I can't see what it doesn't say what.
01:14:31 Happened like UM.
01:14:35 It doesn't say like what happened to him.
01:14:38 OK, here we are.
01:14:40 The great change in March of 1931, in the wake of the Great Depression, the Great Council disclosed to the Amana Society.
01:14:49 The villages were in dire financial condition.
01:14:51 The depression was particularly harsh in the colony because fire had badly damaged the woolen mill and destroyed 4 mill.
01:15:00 Or the flour mill less than 10 years earlier.
01:15:03 At the same time, society members were seeking increased secularism so that, AH, see, that's what happens.
01:15:10 That's see you take God out of the equation and it starts ******* your society up so that they could have more personal freedom.
01:15:17 This is.
01:15:17 See, I somehow I feel like women.
01:15:20 Were involved with this.
01:15:21 The society agreed to split into two organize.
01:15:24 Patients, the nonprofit of Manna Church Society, oversaw the spiritual needs of the community, while the for profit of man in society was incorporated as a joint stock company, the transition was completed in 1932 and came to be known as the Community of Great Change.
01:15:44 This is fascinating.
01:15:45 This is fascinating.
01:15:47 Sorry if anyone if you guys are bored.
01:15:49 I'm not.
01:15:50 This is ******* fascinating.
Speaker 8
01:15:51 To me the most.Devon
01:15:53 Since the great change, most residents of the Amana colony are considered trilingual.01:15:59 Base they have their own ******* language. They speak American English. High German. What the ****'* high German and a dialect known as a man? A German.
01:16:09 How did I how have?
01:16:10 I never heard of these ******* people before.
01:16:13 I owned one of their dryers, I.
01:16:14 Just thought it was a company.
01:16:16 The language is high German and origin and has strong influences of American English.
01:16:22 For example, the word rhubarb is piston.
01:16:26 It sounds like something Dwight Schrute would be.
01:16:29 Piston Joel combining the word pie with the German word for stock or stem. The Amana Society incorporated, or corporate heir to the land and economic assets of communal amana continues to own and manage some of the 26,000 acres of farm, pasture and forest.
01:16:49 Agriculture remains an important economic base today, just as it was, it was in communal times, because the land was not divided up and with the end of communalism, the landscape of Amana still reflects its communal heritage. In addition, over 450 communal Arab buildings stand in the seven.
01:17:11 Villages, vivid reminders of the past, blah blah blah.
01:17:14 But it looks it's all like.
01:17:17 Looks like it's modernized now, right?
01:17:22 Yeah, I don't think it's like.
01:17:26 A man of farms.
01:17:31 Trying to see if this it doesn't sound like it's like a thing anymore.
01:17:37 I don't know. Here's.
01:17:43 I see the current leader.
01:17:47 Yeah, I it.
01:17:48 Seems like it fell apart.
01:17:49 It seems like exactly what it like it was a microcosm of what happened in the West.
01:17:53 They lost religion.
01:17:55 You know, they lost the God.
01:17:57 Of of that was the glue.
01:17:58 That was holding them together.
01:17:59 They wanted to be more secular and then the whole thing turned into a piece of.
01:18:03 **** again so.
01:18:06 You know.
01:18:08 I'm not surprised I.
01:18:09 Ain't dumb and wrong, I'm sure it's nicer there.
01:18:13 I'm trying to find.
01:18:15 Yeah, I can't find any information on like whether or not I doubt it's still like a thing.
01:18:19 It sounds like it's just.
01:18:21 Lay a quaint little town now.
01:18:24 That's got the Historical Society.
01:18:27 Preserving parts of the buildings that are from the.
01:18:32 The communal era.
01:18:34 That's crazy.
01:18:35 I don't know.
01:18:36 See, this is the kind of **** we need to be looking into.
01:18:39 This is exactly the kind of **** that we need to be looking into.
01:18:42 And look, I'm sure laws have changed.
01:18:44 I'm sure it's not as easy to establish these kind of communities in the same way.
01:18:49 I mean, look, Mormons like one of the reasons why they were able to establish Salt Lake City is like.
01:18:54 ******* no one was there.
01:18:56 And it was back when the federal government didn't even have the ability to police that area.
01:19:02 And so it was just no man's land.
01:19:04 It was literally just, you know, ******* waste land in the middle of ******* Utah.
01:19:09 And in fact, when they first started going there, it wasn't even technically part of the United States.
01:19:14 That's why they were going.
01:19:15 There because they wanted to get away.
01:19:17 From the federal government.
01:19:19 And then it became part of the United States after the the war with Mexico.
01:19:28 It's not going to be the same today.
01:19:31 There's probably going to.
01:19:32 Be a lot of of.
01:19:37 You know, a lot of red tape and bureaucratic ********.
01:19:41 But I don't think it's impossible.
01:19:43 I don't think it's impossible.
01:19:45 I think this is something that that would really does merit at least some serious research.
01:19:54 To see if this is the kind of thing that could be a solution to at least some of our problems.
01:20:01 I mean, just as an example, if they do, let's just say they do.
01:20:06 They do mandate vaccines and they have vaccine passports and whatever the ******** that they're going to do, do you think the Amish are worried?
01:20:14 About that, of course not.
01:20:17 Of course not.
01:20:20 And if you can become self-sufficient.
01:20:24 And I've talked about, think about this, this, there's power in numbers.
01:20:28 The problem with Americans is we really take pride in this whole idea of, you know, rugged individualism, right?
01:20:37 You know, that's why that's what libertarianism is.
01:20:39 So seductive.
01:20:41 I just we just want to be left alone, right?
01:20:44 But there's power in numbers.
01:20:47 You know, if you you want to be left alone, all right.
01:20:50 But there's not going to be anyone to back you up.
01:20:53 And I've talked about how much easier it is like someone at once asked, like, well, how you know what?
01:21:00 What's a good idea for me to start looking for homestead land?
01:21:03 You know, financially, I don't know if I can afford that sort of thing.
01:21:06 And I said, look, if you live with your parents for a couple of years and you're not paying rent and you're not paying $1000 a month, just that right there, right, that's 12.
01:21:13 Extra $1000 a year so you'll have $24,000 of two years of living in your ******* parents basement.
01:21:19 Or whatever and.
01:21:20 You know, just suck it up, swallow your pride, and now you got $24,000.
01:21:25 You keep working, right?
01:21:26 You keep making money, but.
01:21:27 You don't have.
01:21:28 To go pay it to some landlord.
01:21:31 Well, think about that on a communal scale.
01:21:35 Right.
01:21:36 And that's what these people did, right?
01:21:38 Amana and the Amish.
01:21:40 And that's what the Amish have boatloads of ******* cash.
01:21:45 Boat loads them because they're what are their expenses.
01:21:50 That's because, I mean, they're their kids aren't going around, you know, crying.
01:21:54 Mommy, I want an Xbox, mommy.
01:22:01 And they produce their own food.
01:22:04 They produced their own clothes.
01:22:07 They produced their own transportation.
01:22:12 You know you're not having to worry about having to buy car insurance or or any kind of insurance.
01:22:19 You're not getting sucked dry.
01:22:23 By insurance scams.
01:22:27 Oh, but I want.
01:22:28 I want Western medicine.
01:22:31 Well, I mean, guess what?
01:22:33 It's real funny.
01:22:35 People talking, talking about how dysgenic our society is.
01:22:40 Why that's part of why.
01:22:47 As I die.
01:22:53 Western medicine keeping abominations alive that should have died, maybe.
01:22:58 That's a little.
01:22:58 Harsh, but.
01:23:02 People with with high mutational loads allowed to survive and spread their mutations.
01:23:06 And compound and, you know, spread them, you know, combine their mutations with someone else with mutations that you know.
01:23:13 Combined mutational loads of.
01:23:17 Dysgenic proportions.
01:23:21 Well, if instead you just have a an old timey Dr.
01:23:25 Like the kind of doctor they had in the Old West, you know, with the the the medical bag.
01:23:31 The Big black leather medical bag he comes to your house.
01:23:38 Listens, listens to your cough with the.
01:23:50 Alright, let me take a look here.
01:24:01 COVID patient zero, the Geo practice where you can transfer.
01:24:04 Or I'm way behind here?
01:24:09 Way behind.
01:24:10 We're going to zoom up here.
01:24:14 Morbidly obese people should be dying faster, with the delay from modern medicine.
01:24:19 Well, not only that, you wouldn't have morbidly obese people, because most people morbidly obese because of, I mean, I mean morbidly obese Amish people.
01:24:26 You think there are?
01:24:28 Pretty much 0.
01:24:32 Jimmy Lance the third, are you ever going to do the Morse code decoder chat stream again?
01:24:38 I want to give sending CW in a try, but I missed the.
01:24:43 Stream where you.
01:24:44 Did that.
01:24:46 Uh, yeah, I could do that.
01:24:48 I could do that.
01:24:51 And I'm a little more familiar with which which bands work.
01:24:55 Like the propagation I would say we're we're we're just now coming out of the solar cycle.
01:25:01 So the the bad part of the solar cycle.
01:25:03 So propagation is going to be getting better and better.
01:25:06 It really is.
01:25:07 It's really hard to predict.
01:25:09 I would say 40 meters is probably the best bet at this time of night.
01:25:15 For any you know to have any kind of range.
01:25:18 But it's really unpredictable too.
01:25:20 You know, there's going to be.
01:25:24 I would, I would guess I could probably.
01:25:27 The West like like if you cut the the United States in half.
01:25:32 I could.
01:25:32 The Western states would probably be able to get into me, but I also randomly hear ******* like Australia and ****.
01:25:39 So I'm 40 meters at this time of night.
01:25:43 In fact, this is when I actually do hear Australia.
01:25:46 I'll hear Australia.
01:25:47 I'll hear New Zealand.
01:25:50 So maybe Asia a little bit.
01:25:57 Not Europe so much.
01:25:59 But we could.
01:26:00 Do something like that.
01:26:08 I mean that's right at the end here.
01:26:14 Gasman pic I diagnose you with dead sorry kid.
01:26:17 Happy 3rd birthday.
01:26:18 Yeah, I mean, look, you have infant mortality rate would be higher.
01:26:21 I mean, that's honestly, is that really such a bad thing?
01:26:25 If you're having 12 kids like I was, I I've talked about this.
01:26:28 My great, great something.
01:26:31 He had a.
01:26:33 A journal.
01:26:35 And he wrote about his kids in his journal.
01:26:38 And in his journal.
01:26:40 And he had like lot because look, he was.
01:26:43 He had like a ton of kids.
01:26:45 And he would write about like, oh, little Susie died of the cough last. When, you know, last month, like it was no big deal because he had so many ******* kids. Like, you can afford to lose like 30% of them if you're having like 14 kids.
01:26:59 And a third of them die.
01:27:02 You know that's nature.
01:27:04 That's that's nature taking its course.
01:27:07 Those were the kids that were, you know, sadly.
01:27:11 Genetically unfit?
01:27:13 If they can't make it to the winter plus, I mean, come on.
01:27:16 I don't think it.
01:27:16 It's not like you're like, if you made a community today.
01:27:20 I'm not saying that you try to make it like the Stone Age.
01:27:23 I mean, you take advantage of some of the technology available.
01:27:26 You'd you'd almost have to anyway.
01:27:27 I mean, you, you'd take advantage of solar power and you know whatever, right?
01:27:31 You could have some.
01:27:31 Electricity. I don't know.
01:27:33 Depends how crazy you want to get with it, but I don't think you'd have.
01:27:37 I mean, it's like you have babies dropping.
01:27:39 Dead left then right?
01:27:45 Base can crease the door.
01:27:47 The MSM is most anti Christian when it is used as a source of community for white people.
01:27:54 They are happy to use Christianity against whites when Christian doctrine can be interpreted in a cucked way, such as Jesus said turn the other cheek.
01:28:02 So bend over and let yourself get ******.
01:28:06 They they they do not.
01:28:08 They do not want you to have any kind of any kind of community, especially not religious, because that makes it more powerful.
01:28:17 Again, just ask the Taliban.
01:28:21 Donnie Browning.
01:28:22 My kids wanted stuff.
01:28:23 I bought them paint a a stencil kit and taught them how to paint numbers on the curb.
01:28:31 Yeah, there's there's lots of inexpensive ways and and you and look and the amount of the amount of community, right.
01:28:40 You're basically teaching your kid the trade that you had so they can grow up and fill in that that spot, guys.
01:28:46 Matic, I said that.
01:28:53 Jimmy wants the 3rd.
01:28:56 Just just let us know when you want to do that stream.
01:29:01 I'll try to send a message, OK?
01:29:04 Jewelia you don't know that.
01:29:08 What a thrill you gave me when you said my name.
01:29:13 Julia, I will be living off it for a week.
01:29:21 Well, I'm glad you got a thrill out of that.
01:29:29 Uh base concludes the door.
01:29:31 Last train people talked about colonizing in the absence of white women.
01:29:36 If you do that, best to do it in a non white country where you will be expanding the reach of European chains such as going to Latin America where women want to have kids.
01:29:49 White man for genetic.
01:29:51 Yeah, that was the context of that was, if your choice is, you know if and it's not, it's not for very many people, but maybe, you know, maybe you're like 55 and and unfortunate looking and you decide, you know, you still want to have kids and it's real.
01:30:11 Hard for you to find a woman that's you know, 35 or lower. That will have kids with you because you don't have the resources or whatever else that that a white woman would want you to have.
01:30:21 And you've decided, you know what, rather than not, rather than be a genetic dead end, I want to, you know, spread my genes.
01:30:31 I you know, I don't know.
01:30:32 I don't have any advice as to like where you go and what to do with that.
01:30:35 I'm just saying I understand that.
01:30:37 I understand that if you want to.
01:30:41 Go find. You know find.
01:30:45 Find a a womb elsewhere, she Lantern.
01:30:49 Just look at the realism.
01:30:54 They believe humans who were created when aliens came down thousands of years ago and had sex with monkeys.
01:31:01 They also claimed to have cloned humans, but never provide any evidence.
01:31:08 The leader had a harem and he was accused of.
01:31:11 Running a quasi sex cult.
01:31:14 Are these guys realism?
01:31:16 I that sounds familiar.
01:31:18 I feel like I've heard of these guys.
01:31:21 Rae.
01:31:28 That's weird.
01:31:29 I got to show you guys this.
01:31:31 This is their *******.
01:31:36 Ohh good Lord, this is their.
01:31:38 This is their symbol.
01:31:41 You have to see this.
01:31:43 Wow, I was not expecting that.
01:31:46 Their symbol is literally.
01:31:49 They're they're Nazi Jews.
01:31:53 They're they're symbol of the swastika.
01:31:56 In a in a.
01:32:02 Oh my God.
01:32:03 I have to make this.
01:32:04 Easier to see.
01:32:06 What the ****?
01:32:09 Again, was not expecting that.
01:32:12 There we go.
01:32:18 All right, let's see what these guys are about.
01:32:20 That's ******* crazy.
01:32:21 Now then we'll, then we'll call it a night.
01:32:23 I know it's kind of a short string, but I did a string last.
01:32:26 Night though, so.
01:32:26 I feel like I'm off the hook a little bit.
01:32:30 Alright, realism also alright is a UFO religion that was founded in the 1970s.
01:32:36 In France.
01:32:39 By cloud vorilhon let's look at this cloud voron.
01:32:45 I'm sure they're always very curious about these guys.
01:32:49 They never looked the way that you'd think that they would.
01:32:53 Alright, cloud Marcel.
01:32:55 Or let's see if there's a picture of anywhere.
01:32:59 In a weird way.
01:33:00 It's in a.
01:33:01 Way he looks.
01:33:02 Exactly like you would think, but in another way.
01:33:05 Again, these you would think they'd have to.
01:33:09 Be better looking is what.
01:33:10 I'm getting.
01:33:10 At in order to start like a cult like this, I don't know.
01:33:14 Bring up a picture of this guy.
01:33:22 That's insane.
01:33:24 Look, imagine following this guy.
01:33:27 Like this is your leader.
01:33:34 There we go.
01:33:35 See all this is proving is that everything I'm saying about like this being a very.
01:33:42 You know, do a little thing.
01:33:45 I'm not saying we should do it.
01:33:46 I'm just saying we should look into it, and apparently it doesn't seem like it's that hard because that ******* clown did it and and use that as a symbol.
01:33:57 Alright, so.
01:33:58 Let's take a.
01:33:58 Look at this.
01:34:00 And OK.
01:34:03 The group is formalized as the International Raelian movement, or the Raelian Church, a hierarchical organization under rails leadership.
01:34:13 Realism teaches that it an extraterrestrial species known as the Elohim created humanity using their advanced technology.
01:34:23 Atheistic religion.
01:34:25 It believes that Elohim have historically been mistaken for gods.
01:34:30 It claims that throughout history the Elohim have created 40 Elohim.
01:34:34 Human hybrids who have served as prophets preparing humanity for news about their origin.
01:34:41 Among those considered prophets are the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and rail himself.
01:34:48 Being a being the 40th and the final prophet.
01:34:53 So all right, they're basically taking credit for.
01:34:57 Every other religion that's ever existed.
01:35:01 Realists believed that since the Hiroshima Hiroshima bomb of 1945, humanity has entered an age of Apocalypse in which it threatens itself with nuclear annihilation. Well, that would have been that would have sold.
01:35:14 Pretty good in the 70s I.
01:35:17 Realism argues that humanity must find a way of harnessing new scientific and technological development for peaceful purposes.
01:35:27 And once this has been achieved, the Elohim shall return to Earth to share their technology with humanity and establish a utopia to this end.
01:35:36 All right, so they're back.
01:35:37 How many ******* members are there?
01:35:44 They have 100 ******* thousand members, guys.
01:35:50 They have 100,000 members.
01:35:56 They've expanded into Korea.
01:35:59 Check this **** out.
01:36:05 So this is the Korean believers of of this weird UFO ****.
01:36:13 I'm telling you, this is very ******* doable.
01:36:20 There's the Koreans.
01:36:31 This is way more doable than people think.
01:36:37 That's so crazy.
01:36:44 And they're expanding.
01:36:45 Look at this ****.
01:36:47 Oh my God.
01:36:47 All right, you guys got to see this.
01:36:50 This is the.
01:36:52 This is how they're they're they're.
01:36:54 They're trying to expand it into Japan.
01:36:57 And this is their little their marketing tool, I guess.
01:37:07 They have a literal ******* alien.
01:37:11 With with their little Jewish swastika thing.
01:37:17 Trying to recruit people in Japan.
01:37:22 Look, and here's one way of looking at this.
01:37:25 I know this looks silly.
01:37:27 That's resources man.
01:37:30 That's ******* resources.
01:37:34 They have one.
01:37:34 100,000 ******* members and they're expanding into Asia.
01:37:39 With this ****.
01:37:42 And that's ****.
01:37:44 I'm telling you.
01:37:51 I'm telling you that that this is this is worth exploring.
01:37:55 That's all I'm saying.
01:37:56 It's worth exploring.
01:38:03 So yeah, they're they've gone into Puerto Rico.
01:38:08 I think I like.
01:38:09 They got some hot chicks.
01:38:11 That's crazy.
01:38:12 Like a lot of their photos are like, are.
01:38:15 Good looking girls.
01:38:23 Alright, that's interesting.
01:38:26 That is interesting.
01:38:30 That's crazy.
01:38:34 They have a lot of ******* members.
01:38:37 Like a lot of ******* members.
01:38:42 And it looks like they've expanded big time into Korea.
01:38:48 And this and and the.
01:38:49 The the fact that this is what they're selling.
01:38:51 All right, so let's take a look at this.
01:38:53 This is probably where it gets super gay morality, ethics, and gender roles.
01:38:58 This should be.
01:39:01 Realism insists on a strict ethical code for its followers.
01:39:05 Members are expected to take responsibility for their own actions, respect cultural and racial difference, promote non violence, strive for the World Peace and share wealth and resources.
01:39:18 They are also encouraged to uphold.
01:39:20 Democracy in the belief that humanity will ultimately make a democratic choice to introduce geneos cracy the raelian's opinion is that first Geneon Cracy.
01:39:39 Why do I not know what that is?
01:39:41 That's because it's basically their thing.
01:39:44 It's a framework for a system of government which was proposed by the rails, which advocates certain minimal criteria of intelligence.
01:39:53 So they're they're.
01:39:55 They're about eugenics.
01:39:56 They're eugenis.
01:39:58 So check this out.
01:40:00 Which advocates?
01:40:01 Certain minimal criteria of intelligence for political candidates and also the electorate.
01:40:07 That's kind of based a little bit the term Jenny Ocracy comes from the word genius and describes a system that is designed to select for intelligence and compassion as the primary factors for for governance while having a democratic electoral apparatus.
01:40:24 It differs from traditional liberal democracy by instead suggesting that.
01:40:28 Candidates for office and the body electorate should meet certain minimal criterion of problem solving or creative intelligence.
01:40:38 The thresholds proposed by the Raelians are 50% above the mean for an electoral candidate and 10% above the mean for an elector.
01:40:50 That's not so bad.
01:40:52 That's not so bad.
01:40:54 No wonder Asians are thinking like this is.
01:40:56 A good idea, huh?
01:40:58 That's kind of funny.
01:41:01 That's kind of funny.
01:41:01 Anyway, let's go back to their their morals.
01:41:03 I'm sure they're.
01:41:04 Super Gay, but let's just.
01:41:05 See, they're really gonna opinion.
01:41:07 Is that everything should be permitted?
01:41:09 So there we are.
01:41:10 So lungs it harms no ones.
01:41:12 They're libertarians, basically and does not impede scientific and technological advance.
01:41:18 Members are nevertheless advised against using recreational drugs or stimulants.
01:41:23 So as not to harm their health, although some practitioners have acknowledged that they use alcohol and cigarettes.
01:41:29 John M Bozeman characterized the religions morality as progressive.
01:41:33 That's what I figured.
01:41:34 Well, Palmer referred to groups, liberals, social values, the Chris sides described railless values as being worldly and hedonistic.
01:41:46 The scholar of religion, Paul Oliver.
01:41:49 Noted that the philosophy of ethics was relativistic, and that the practitioners were encouraged to act in a manner that they felt appropriate in the context of.
01:42:01 So basically it's it's basically kind of satanic.
01:42:03 It's do what thou wilt.
01:42:05 It's literally do what thou wilt, as long as it doesn't affect anyone.
01:42:09 So yeah, I mean, but again, there's there's some things you can learn from it.
01:42:14 You know, you don't have to take the little thing.
01:42:17 Alright, let's.
01:42:18 Let's see the background.
01:42:19 The religious symbol.
01:42:20 They're they're they're they're swastika.
01:42:23 Star of David.
01:42:24 The symbol initially used to signify realism was a six point star with a swastika in the center rail stated that this was the symbol he originally saw on the whole of the Elohim spaceship, so maybe he saw space Nazis.
01:42:39 That's what it was.
01:42:40 Space Nazis came and and and they they gave him this.
01:42:46 This religion, the raelians, regard this as a symbol of Infinity.
01:42:50 Practitioners also believe that this symbol helps facilitate their own telepathic contact with the Elohim.
01:42:59 I'm telling you that they're making this.
01:43:01 Sound real easy to do.
01:43:03 100,000 members, guys, 100,000 ******* members. Relists typically wear a medallion of the symbol around their neck.
01:43:11 The raelian use of the the swastika, a symbol that had been prominently used by German Nazis, blah blah blah.
01:43:19 Resulted in accusations from Montreal, the anti colt organization, see that, that, that you'll have anti colt organizations going after you.
01:43:30 That the Italians promote fascism and racism outside in folk cults office, Raelians spoke against the act of discriminating against religious minorities. In 1992, a dozen people protested against the use of the swastika in the Raelian logo.
01:43:48 Blah blah.
01:43:48 Of course there was Jews.
01:43:50 That went after them.
01:43:54 In 1992, they altered their all gay.
01:43:58 So that I guess they don't use the.
01:44:01 Use it as much.
01:44:02 Now they have a gay swirly 1.
01:44:06 That's gay.
01:44:08 You should have stuck to your guns.
01:44:10 You know, if that's the alien, if that's the if that's what the space Nazis had on their ships.
01:44:16 You should not have given up the space Nazi symbol just because a bunch of of Jews in Miami got mad at you.
01:44:24 Uh alright so.
01:44:29 This is kind of funny.
01:44:30 They explained that this was due.
01:44:31 To the request.
01:44:32 From the right in 1992.
01:44:33 The raelian movement altered their symbol, replacing the central swats to go with the swirling shape.
01:44:38 They explained that this was due to a request from the space Nazis to change the symbol in order to help negotiations with Israel for the building of an extraterrestrial.
01:44:48 Let's see. Although the country continued to deny their request, Rell also stated that they change was made to show respect to the victims of the Holocaust, gay, the newly added swirl shape was explained as a depiction of a swirling Galaxy in 2005, the Israeli raelian.
01:45:08 Died Kobe.
01:45:10 Dory stated that the Lebanese government was discussing proposals by the Raelian movement to build their interplanetary embassy in Lebanon.
01:45:19 However, one condition was the raelians not display their logo on top of the building because it mixes a swastika with the Star of David.
01:45:27 According to Dory, the railings involved refused this offer as they wish to keep the symbol as it was.
01:45:34 Blah blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:45:36 Blah the star, David blah blah.01:45:38 Alright, so now they they mostly use the gay swirly one.
01:45:42 Yeah, there is little sex cult **** going on with them too.
01:45:44 Looks like.
01:45:47 They got a a major part of their religion is sensual meditation.
01:45:56 So they they have.
01:45:58 Let's see here.
01:46:00 Raelians are encouraged to take part in this guided meditation or visualization on a daily basis with the intent of transmitting love telepathically.
01:46:11 Blah blah blah blah.
01:46:14 Central Meditation sessions also take place and communally at the group's monthly meetings, during which assembled it here in.
01:46:21 Lie on the floor in a dimly lit room.
01:46:25 Well, I guess not.
01:46:25 It's not an **** yet.
01:46:27 Let's see here.
01:46:28 Does it get to **** states?
01:46:34 Here we are.
01:46:37 Sexual arousal during these meditations, blah blah blah that so if you get sexually aroused.
01:46:44 All right, so here's sexual arousal during these meditations and are interpreted as evidence that they're in telepathic contact with the Elohim.
01:46:54 So if you get, you get a heart on while doing their their little meditation sessions.
01:46:58 Then you're talking to aliens.
01:47:01 So that's how that's.
01:47:04 Again, though, this is all this shows you how easy it is to do.
01:47:08 These guys are ******* wackos.
01:47:10 And they've got 100,000 ******* members.
01:47:14 What are they?
01:47:15 They got to be charging money to get into this thing.
01:47:20 What do they charge?
01:47:23 It's hard.
01:47:23 They got they got to have their money.
01:47:25 Here we are.
01:47:27 Members pay an annual membership fee to the Raelian movement. Full members of the movement are encouraged to tie the 10% of their income to go to the organization, so that's not uncommon.
01:47:39 It's what Mormons do, although it's not enforced.
01:47:43 This is the tide or the this tide is then divided up.
01:47:48 With 3% going to the national branch and 7% to the International Movement Central Administration.
01:47:55 An additional 1% may go to rail himself so that this guy's getting ******* bank. I wonder what he's worth and it's. And it's all tax free because it's a religion. It's all this is tax free.
01:48:09 In her research, Palmer found many practitioners who admitted to not paying the tithe.
01:48:14 It is these tithes and membership fees coupled with the sales of rails books.
01:48:19 That represent the international railing movements, main income.
Speaker 5
01:48:22 Blah blah, blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:48:25 So bottom line, it's not impossible to do this ****.01:48:30 It is not impossible to do this ****.
01:48:33 These ******* cycles are doing it and it's.
01:48:39 And it's working.
01:48:43 And the sad thing is, these psychos.
01:48:48 These psychos right here.
01:48:51 These guys have more political power than we do.
01:48:54 Believe it.
01:48:56 These little ******* weirdos here.
01:49:00 That guy.
01:49:02 That ******* weirdo right there.
01:49:05 Wields more power.
01:49:07 Than any of us.
01:49:12 Anyway, just something to think about, guys, just something to think about.
01:49:18 I don't think, like I said, I don't.
01:49:22 I'm not, I'm.
01:49:22 Not saying we do this.
01:49:24 I'm just saying it's worth.
01:49:26 It's worth looking into.
01:49:27 It's worth looking into.
01:49:32 Maybe there's something we can learn from it, even if it's just like a legal thing, even if it's just a legal thing in the way that I was telling you, talking about my friend who he, you know, he's religiously married to his wife, but he's not legally married because he's he's taking advantage of that of that loophole.
01:49:49 So maybe you just kind of do the opposite.
01:49:51 Maybe you legally become a religion, but you know don't make it like a weird sex cult where you know where you tell people that they're their their.
01:50:02 Their ***** is proof that they're talking to aliens.
01:50:05 That's all I'm saying.
01:50:07 And with that.
01:50:08 You guys have a good evening.
01:50:10 For black paradigm, of course.
01:50:14 Devin stack.