03/04/2023Speaker 2
00:00:00 For you.00:04:35 I was in love.
00:04:38 And then you moved in next door.
00:04:41 Pretty blue eyes.
00:04:45 Pretty blue.
Speaker 3
00:04:50 All the guys.Speaker 2
00:04:51 From the neighbor.00:04:53 He said you should look good with your blue eyes.
00:05:00 Pretty blue.
00:05:06 From my.
Speaker 3
00:05:12 Don't fire.Speaker 2
00:05:19 Pretty blue.00:05:20 Eyes please come up.
Speaker 4
00:05:25 What I have?Speaker 2
00:05:26 To say that I love you.00:05:35 Stop my heart.
00:05:36 You from?
00:05:50 Pretty blue, so I can tell you.
00:05:55 What I have to say that I love you.
00:06:00 Hello pretty blue.
00:06:05 Pretty blue.
00:06:09 Blue eyes.
00:06:13 Really blew.
Speaker 5
00:06:20 Welcome to the insomnia stream.Devon
00:06:25 You would think it was Blue Eyes Edition.Speaker 7
00:06:28 With all these blue eyes.Devon
00:06:29 Song we're getting on a second.Speaker 5
00:06:31 But no, no, no.Devon
00:06:34 No, you silly fagot.00:06:36 It's it's stupid **** edition.
00:06:39 That's right.
00:06:40 It's insomnia stream.
00:06:42 Stupid ******* competition.
00:06:46 Ohh what would have brought that on? Ohh. Devon's little. What a little aggressive are we now? Ohh, you would be too.
00:06:57 Is there any other words that describe what we're going to talk about tonight other than it's a stupid ******* ****?
Speaker 4
00:07:04 It's a stupid ****.Devon
00:07:07 Ohh Hunt, you know it it's you know it's it's the more you delve into what exactly brought on this.00:07:16 This ******* ******** race.
00:07:20 This blindness that's taking the word I don't even.
Speaker 4
00:07:25 Know the the the, the, the, the stupid ******* **** way.Devon
00:07:30 That boomers look at race.00:07:32 Right, like what created this environment?
00:07:36 Where where presidents of the United States.
00:07:40 Can't even say white people when white people put them there, you know, like what created this, this boomer sphere where you can't even mention ******* race or be honest about racial problems.
00:07:53 Like what created that right?
00:07:56 What created that, that that scenario?
00:07:58 Well, we're going to dive into that a little bit tonight, dive into that a little bit tonight.
00:08:02 It's kind of funny because it wasn't just boomers, this ******* stupid ****.
00:08:08 We're going to talk about tonight, by the way, Devin Stack here, you listen, insomnia.
00:08:17 Now this brainwashing went on for for generations.
00:08:22 In fact, this stupid **** still ******* alive.
00:08:26 Still doing it.
00:08:27 And it's funny because she's now become out.
00:08:29 Anyway, we'll get all that.
00:08:30 But the the way this came about.
Speaker 4
00:08:33 And some of you.Devon
00:08:34 Guys might even be familiar with this because some of you might have been subjected to this stupid ****.00:08:38 Psychological torture.
00:08:41 That was instituted in schools around the world thanks to her publicity after she psychologically tortured her own children in her classroom, you know, and and she was brought, brought to fame by the the Johnny Carson Show.
00:08:58 And then Donahue and Oprah and just.
00:09:01 Everyone, it was such a fascinating.
00:09:05 Oh, my God.
00:09:06 I can't believe it's it's it's the fascinating experiment this woman did on her third grade children.
00:09:12 Anyway, it it's.
00:09:14 Yeah, let's just, you know, **** it.
00:09:17 Let's just dive right into this stupid ****.
00:09:21 So what happened was, and this is what surprised me.
00:09:25 I'd known about this woman only because I was doing some research.
00:09:30 On an Oprah, I was trying to find this Oprah episode, and in in this episode that she this stupid.
00:09:37 **** was on.
00:09:38 Came up and I watched part of it.
00:09:40 I was like ohh.
00:09:42 Whatever you know, like it was one of those things.
00:09:44 Like, of course, boomers really are doing.
00:09:46 This stupid ****.
00:09:47 I didn't realize how how prolific this woman was, though I didn't realize how cancerous her her psychological torture methods were until I was talking to someone literally today.
00:10:01 Who is in the UK?
00:10:03 Who commented?
00:10:05 She said.
00:10:05 Yeah, you know, I I remember, I had this weird memory of of being in class and our teacher separated us by eye color.
00:10:16 You know, she separated us as and and blue eyes and brown eyes.
00:10:20 And then she started psychologically abusing.
00:10:23 Yes and tell.
00:10:25 One one of the girls, because it was an all girls school, one of the girls started crying and then she broke.
00:10:30 Character was like, oh, I'm sorry.
00:10:32 They're like, I guess the experiment was over.
00:10:38 And I was like, I know about this ****, really.
Speaker 4
00:10:41 You had to. You had.Speaker 5
00:10:42 To have that in your class.Devon
00:10:44 And so I was like, I'll go look, look back into this chick if it like, because I knew she started alright.00:10:49 So basically what it is this woman.
00:10:55 Her name is Jane Elliott.
00:10:57 This is what I get.
00:10:59 Not her the the Cunty little short woman.
00:11:03 Now, for those of you who are, I'm sure are going to be asking.
00:11:08 I don't think I I can't find in and it says she's Jewish.
00:11:12 It says that she's Irish.
00:11:14 But I'll tell you one thing that's weird.
00:11:17 She has a fascination, shall we say.
00:11:20 A fascination with the Holocaust.
00:11:23 And unhealthy fascination with the Holocaust, she keeps bringing up the Holocaust.
00:11:29 She hates white Christian males, hates them.
00:11:33 And anyway, so the back story is with this ******* *****, this ******* ****, this stupid ******* ****.
00:11:41 She in 1968.
00:11:44 She's a school teacher.
00:11:46 And Martin Luther King.
00:11:48 Oh my God.
00:11:49 Martin Luther King gets assassinated.
00:11:53 And so she goes into.
00:11:54 Class the next day and she's like.
Speaker 5
00:11:56 I don't know.Speaker 4
00:11:58 I don't know how I'm going to tell my kids.00:12:01 I know I'm gonna tell my kids the man of the king got assassinated.
00:12:09 So she decided to do a psychological experiment on them.00:12:12 Instead of just telling them that you know that that that communist black guy got assassinated, probably by the CIA or someone.
00:12:23 Instead of doing that, she decided now.
00:12:28 And sorry about the the for those of you looking at the video, you'll see like that there's these annoying.
00:12:37 I might.
00:12:37 I might just crop them out so they're not distracting.
00:12:41 The video is not super important, but I couldn't find this documentary without those stupid ******* subtitles anyway.
00:12:47 So she decided what she was going to do is she's going to separate her class.
00:12:53 And and blue eyed and brown eyed kids.
00:12:57 And then have the brown eyed kids abuse the blue eyed kids.
00:13:02 And and tell them that the blue eyed kids are ******* stupid and and just basically did this experiment of.
00:13:09 Of making these third graders be horrible to each other, they they she then has the students write a a report about, well, how did it make them feel?
00:13:20 And then, of course, they they published it in the newspaper and that's what led to the Johnny Carson appearance.
00:13:27 And then it exploded into popularity.
00:13:30 This was 1968.
00:13:34 1968.
00:13:37 She continued to do it.
00:13:38 They did like 3 or 4.
00:13:40 Documentaries on her.
00:13:47 Three or four documentaries because she.
Speaker 4
00:13:48 Had found a.Devon
00:13:49 Way to finally make white people understand what it's like to be black in America.00:13:55 Because that's the problem, right?
00:13:57 The problem is, is white people just don't get it.
00:14:01 You just don't get it.
00:14:02 You can't understand what it's like to be a black man.
00:14:08 And if you did, then race would be fixed.
00:14:11 All the racism would be fixed.
00:14:13 And she cracked the code.
00:14:15 She found this way that you could just psychologically abuse blue eyed people for a while, and then they'd get it.
00:14:22 They'd finally understand, and this went on for decades, like and the the first time she did this was 1968. And then they they did a documentary in the 70s about it.
00:14:34 The documentary we're going to take a look at now is from the.
00:14:41 Or 1995 or 96.
00:14:44 So this was.
00:14:45 She was doing.
00:14:45 Workshops. This is how she made her living. She was doing diversity workshops in in 1990 and and still going still going.
00:14:55 The last thing I found from her was from 2018 commenting.
00:15:00 On, you know, like Trump and like.
00:15:01 The rise of anti-Semitism and all this ********.
00:15:04 Right.
Speaker 5
00:15:05 But I want you.Devon
00:15:06 To really understand what this was like, like what they were doing here.00:15:11 So this German, of course it's German, right?
00:15:15 This German ******* film crew decides to follow her in one of her training classes.
00:15:21 It's called blue eyed.
00:15:23 There's a couple documentaries.
00:15:24 There's another documentary.
00:15:25 Called Eye of the storm from the 1970s.
00:15:29 There's another one.
00:15:31 Forget the name of it, but it so it's like they couldn't let this ******* ***** go.
00:15:35 Like they they they would drag it just every, every few years they would bring out this exercise, this psychological torture, and spread it out to kids.
00:15:45 So it opens up with, of course, you know, Martin Luther King talking about.
00:15:50 How it's funny that those white chicks got raped.
00:15:53 I'm sorry.
00:15:53 No, that was not.
00:15:54 That was not what he was saying.
00:15:56 This sound bite? He.
00:15:58 He was, you know, it was, you know, something about the little little black boys, little white girls holding hands or I don't.
00:16:03 Know something like that.
00:16:05 And then you get to the the sign in the sign in of the the the workshop itself.
00:16:15 And she's got real black security guards who have been told to basically be ******** to all the blue eyed people.
00:16:22 And she has them sign in.
00:16:25 She starts berating them immediately.
00:16:27 Now, a lot of people have been sent to this by their companies.
00:16:30 You know they can't just leave.
00:16:32 They have to go through this abuse in order.
00:16:37 To not get fired.
00:16:39 This was she was contracted out by by several Fortune 500 companies to carry out this ******* psychological abuse ********.
00:16:49 So here here is the sign in just to when you walk in the door.
Speaker 8
00:16:55 What does that say?00:16:59 What is your name?
00:17:01 Can you read that?
00:17:03 Well, I can't cross it out and write it so I can read it.
00:17:06 OK.00:17:11 OK.
Speaker 9
00:17:14 This is.Speaker 8
00:17:20 What does that say?Speaker
00:17:21 Louis a Wright.Speaker 8
00:17:23 Cross it out and write it.00:17:24 So I can read it, I'm done.
00:17:27 No, don't pat me #1 and #2. You either follow the rules. You leave now. Get your name on there so.
Speaker 10
00:17:32 I can read it that's they asked for my signature.00:17:35 That's it.
Speaker 8
00:17:36 Write your name on here.00:17:37 So I can.
00:17:37 Read no, ma'am. This.Speaker 8
00:17:38 Man is out.Speaker 9
00:17:39 Here and your name said.Speaker 8
00:17:41 This man is out of here.00:17:42 He isn't going to follow the rules.
00:17:43 He's going to stay.
00:17:43 You're out of here.
00:17:46 Are you the security?
00:17:47 Person this man is out of here.
00:17:51 OK.Speaker 8
00:17:53 Sign in here.00:17:54 Bring that color.
Speaker 11
00:17:57 I'm not.Devon
00:18:01 So right away, she makes it clear that if you don't ******* play along with her little psycho game.00:18:08 You get in trouble.
00:18:10 You get in trouble, you get kicked out by a security guard.
00:18:14 And you get in trouble with your work because you didn't complete the diversity training right.
00:18:21 And so if you've got blue eyes, she makes you sit down.
00:18:25 She puts this little *******.
00:18:27 Weird yellow, you know, kind of like the Jewish star.
00:18:30 You know, the yellow star color around their neck.
00:18:33 And then she tells them and some of whom are being escorted by security, to go wait in some room that they've purposely put the heat on.
00:18:42 They've cranked the heat up.
00:18:44 To like 95 degrees or as high as it will go. And they know that they're going to have like 20 people in that room and they only leave 3.
00:18:52 Chairs and they're.
Speaker 5
00:18:53 On purpose because you know that's how black people have it in America.Devon
00:19:03 So yeah, he gets kicked off.00:19:06 He eventually because he doesn't want to lose his job, comes back and agrees to play ball.
00:19:12 So this is just how it is everyone's signing in.
Speaker 12
00:19:16 Sign in here for you guys.Speaker 11
00:19:17 You, you and you.00:19:18 And here's the thing, you.
00:19:19 Can tell she hates white men especially, but she ******* hates white people.Speaker 12
00:19:27 Sign in here going back.Devon
00:19:32 I guess I'm over.Speaker 13
00:19:33 Here in the knob, I'm not brown.Speaker
00:19:36 Your personal.Speaker 12
00:19:40 Sit down.Speaker 2
00:19:48 For some reason, yes.Speaker
00:19:51 Go to meeting.Speaker 8
00:19:51 You see, you stay there.00:19:57 Signing underground.
Speaker 9
00:19:59 Two gentlemen have one question.00:20:01 The question is, would you want them back?
Speaker 8
00:20:05 I don't want them back.00:20:06 I don't want them back.
00:20:08 This is not a question of want.
00:20:10 If they can come back and conduct themselves according to the rules, they can come back, but I'm going to put them out if they don't follow the rules.
00:20:17 It's not their choice.
00:20:19 OK.Speaker 8
00:20:19 This is not their choice.00:20:21 They either follow the rules or they're out of here.
00:20:23 That's the only choice they have.
00:20:27 You know, The funny thing is, at this point, the experiment hasn't quite begun, so you're not sure if she is she in character yet or or not and and which, by the way, her being a character is not like a huge stretch from her her normal operating position.00:20:43 She's just kind of a ******* raging.
00:20:45 **** all the time.
Speaker 5
00:20:47 But Even so.Devon
00:20:49 Like already, she's making it sound crazy that if if she's supposed to be the power in this experiment, she is the power structure trying to teach white people what it's like to be under the power structure.00:21:02 And she's saying if they want to play by the rules, they.
00:21:04 Can come in alright?
00:21:06 Would would that would.
00:21:07 You have that position when it comes to immigrants.
Speaker 14
00:21:10 If they play by the rules, they.Devon
00:21:12 Come in and something tells me she wouldn't give a ****.00:21:13 In fact, in the end she she tells us she wouldn't give a **** and that she they don't.
00:21:17 They shouldn't try to assimilate.
00:21:19 So again, she goes around, she puts these ******* collars on people that have blue eyes.
00:21:31 There's the guy that was humiliated that she called back in.
Speaker 4
00:21:32 I'm going to give.Speaker 8
00:21:32 You a piece of advice.00:21:34 Whether or not you like.
00:21:35 What's happening here?
00:21:36 You either follow the rules.
00:21:38 Or you're out.
00:21:39 Of here and you have a choice.
Speaker 4
00:21:39 Got it.Speaker 8
00:21:40 Now get.00:21:41 Rid of.
00:21:41 The gum now.
Speaker 13
00:21:41 OK.Speaker 8
00:21:43 There's a waste basket right back there.Speaker 15
00:21:45 Put it in there well.Speaker 8
00:21:49 Go to meeting room, see and stay there until I come for you.Speaker 7
00:21:51 OK.Speaker 8
00:21:53 So you do print sit down.Speaker 2
00:21:56 John call you.Speaker 17
00:21:58 3 Jan 1/3.Speaker 8
00:22:03 Move your legs.00:22:05 I'd have to straddle your leg.
00:22:11 I'm going to warn you.
00:22:12 You may be big and you may be tall, but you do exactly what I tell you to today.
00:22:15 Right.Speaker 8
00:22:16 Do you understand that?Speaker 16
00:22:17 You don't have.Speaker 9
00:22:18 A problem with that at all?00:22:19 Good for you.
Speaker 18
00:22:20 So even though.Devon
00:22:23 So yeah, then it goes more it it.00:22:27 I can't tell if it's because they're they're the German film makers.
00:22:30 Just I don't know, it just seems like they.
00:22:33 They they used random.
00:22:35 Glimpse of Martin Luther King.
00:22:37 Just say like it's just it's not connected to like what they're what's happening at all.
00:22:41 It's just.
00:22:41 Like Martin Luther King.
Speaker 11
00:22:45 And then back.Devon
00:22:45 To you know, the the horrific **** ******* that their entire country already experienced, that is now being deployed on groups of boomers with and I'm sure not not with a small price tag.Speaker 19
00:22:58 It is.Speaker 8
00:23:00 The purpose of this exercise?Speaker
00:23:02 So this is.Devon
00:23:02 The room that they've all been sent to, the blue eyed people have been sent to while she meets with the brown eyed people to tell them that they're going to be ******** to the blue eyed people.Speaker 8
00:23:14 Eyes is to give these nice blue eyed white folks the opportunity to find out how it feels to be something other than white in the United States of America.00:23:23 And these people today are going to learn more than they want to know.
00:23:28 The purpose of this exercise is to help these people walk in the moccasins of a person of color for a day.
00:23:35 What I am going to do is assign to these people on the basis of their eye color alone.
00:23:41 All the negative traits that we have assigned to females.
00:23:45 To people of color, to gays and lesbians, to people who have disabilities of any kind.
Speaker 5
00:23:53 See, it's basically anyone who's not a white male.Devon
00:23:59 That way of thinking started again. This is 1996.00:24:04 This whole everyone against white males.
00:24:07 Was in full swing at this point.
00:24:11 Thanks to to, well, stupid ***** like this *****.
00:24:19 Stupid ***** like this, whether she's a white or a fellow white, which I again, I I can't find confirmation either way, but she certainly has a ******* chip on her shoulder about white people and loves to talk about the Holocaust, so you know.
00:24:34 Whether whether whether she's a a Shabbat goy or a Geo I I I don't know in in this context, I don't know.
00:24:41 That it matters.
00:24:45 But we're going to teach them white folk.
00:24:49 She's even trying to.
00:24:50 Talk black and she does this throughout.
00:24:54 White folk.
00:24:55 Yeah, because white people are always saying white folk.
00:25:00 The other thing I thought was interesting. Look, she was at the forefront of diversity training. She's using phrases like people of color in 1996.
00:25:10 I didn't hear people saying that **** until maybe like 2010.
00:25:20 So she's going to make.
00:25:21 These white folk experience what it's like to.
00:25:24 Be a person of color.
00:25:26 In the United States of America, KKK.
Speaker 8
00:25:36 To those who are obviously physically different.00:25:40 We are going to assign to these people all the negative stereotypes that we have so easily assigned to those groups.
00:25:46 We are going to lower our expectations for these people and we are going to force them to live.
00:25:50 Down to our expectations of them.
Speaker 4
00:25:51 Thanks a lot.Devon
00:25:54 And of course, her, her whole her whole thesis is.00:25:59 In a way, it's kind of like, look, it's very boomerang.
00:26:02 It's really easy to say, oh, she's obviously.
00:26:03 And she is obviously a lefty throughout the.
00:26:06 The documentary she was, you know, because it was the made in the 90s.
00:26:10 She's talking **** about Newt Gingrich and you know, you know Republicans from the.
00:26:14 90s, so here's where you're seeing the the the thesis.
00:26:21 The whole reason why, why there's a difference in performance and in behavior between whites and non whites.
00:26:30 It's not just limited black people, it's just whites and non whites.
00:26:34 This thesis is is something that Republicans today would agree with.
00:26:41 In fact, after this, because again this was 1996, George Bush famously said, you know, it's the bigotry of lowered expectations.
00:26:54 That might have been borrowed from this.
00:26:57 Because what her thesis is, is if we treat them like children, they're going to act like children, she says again and again and again in this documentary.
00:27:06 And it's not just limited to people of color.
00:27:08 It's women, too.
00:27:09 By treating women like like children, then they behave like children.
00:27:13 And you say, see, you're acting like a child.
00:27:16 That's why we don't.
00:27:17 We don't give you responsibility.
00:27:22 That's that's.
00:27:23 That's her.
00:27:24 That's her.
00:27:25 Her thesis.
00:27:27 And so if we treat these people and experiment like like, like children, they'll start behaving like children.
00:27:34 That's that's her whole thing.
00:27:35 What she what?
00:27:36 She never really proves.
Speaker 8
00:27:38 We just sent him into a room.00:27:40 In which there are three chairs for 17 people now.
Speaker 20
00:27:45 It's fine.Speaker 8
00:27:46 It's hot in there.00:27:47 Is it hot in there?
00:27:48 Well, then it's probably smelly, isn't it?
00:27:50 Because we're like people sweat a lot and.
00:27:52 You know they.
00:27:52 Don't smell good, so I wouldn't want to be in that room after they've been in there.
00:27:56 Don't tell them anything.
00:27:57 We just send them the holding room.
00:28:01 So the blue eyed people have no idea what's coming.00:28:03 They just know that they're in this hot room wearing this stupid collar thing.
Speaker 8
00:28:11 A new reality is going to be created for these.00:28:13 Folks, this morning now.
00:28:15 We're going to treat these people negatively on the basis of the color of their.
00:28:19 Eyes and the reason I use eyes is because eye color is caused by the same chemical that skin color is caused by.
00:28:26 If you have lots and lots of melanin in your hair, your skin in your eyes, you have very dark hair, dark skin and dark eyes.
00:28:32 If you have only a little melanin in your hair, your skin in your eyes, you have light, skin, light, hair and light eyes.
00:28:37 Now having light skin.
00:28:38 The first people on this earth, the first modern human beings.
00:28:40 On this earth evolved near the equator and sub-Saharan Africa, and about about 280,000 years ago they needed lots and lots of melanin to protect their cells from the rays of the sun. That's what melanin does for.
00:28:53 As people migrated farther and farther N their bodies were exposed to less and less sunlight, so their bodies produced less and less melanin.
00:29:01 So people in northern climates have much less melanin in their skin, their hair and their eyes than people in southern climates did who evolved at that time.
00:29:09 Now folks, as people's hair and skin got lighter, it didn't have a bad effect on their brains.
00:29:15 But as their eyes got lighter, it allowed more and more light to enter.
00:29:19 Their eyes pierced their brain cells and damage their brains.
00:29:22 And that's why blue eyed people aren't smart.
00:29:24 As brown eyed people.
00:29:25 Makes sense to you?
00:29:27 Why are you laughing?
00:29:28 It's ridiculous, isn't.
00:29:29 It people, it is no more ridiculous to make that statement about eye color than it is to make the statements that we traditionally have made about skin color.
00:29:39 See, it's it's all about melanin.00:29:42 That's that's the only difference.
00:29:45 The only difference between races is skin color.
00:29:49 Literally skin color.
00:29:52 That's the only difference.
00:29:56 And she firmly believes that.
00:29:59 She firmly believes that.
00:30:01 That's the only difference between the races.
00:30:03 The only reason white Christian males are are treating anyone any differently is because of melanin.
00:30:10 That that's the.
00:30:11 Only ******* difference, right?
Speaker 11
00:30:13 That's that's her worldview.00:30:15 And that's the worldview of.
00:30:17 Of many boomers.Speaker 8
00:30:21 All we're going.00:30:21 To do is.
00:30:22 Spend about 2 1/2 hours.
00:30:24 Treating these people negatively on the basis of a physical characteristic over which they have no control.
00:30:30 Now they aren't going to like this.
00:30:31 If you do your job right, they aren't going to like this.
00:30:34 Is that going to make me happy?
00:30:38 Yes, yes, because I want them to be uncomfortable.
Speaker 19
00:30:43 Keep the noise down, keep the noise down.00:30:48 I'm not playing.
00:30:48 Everybody keep the noise.
00:30:49 And whoever messed with the door.
00:30:50 Leave it alone.
00:30:53 Who was it?
00:30:56 Keep the noise down.
00:31:05 I think we should soon we shall overcome.00:31:11 OK.
Speaker 9
00:31:11 What actors do you guys got?Speaker
00:31:15 Do you see what this bad?Speaker 19
00:31:15 Says I'm not an actor.00:31:19 Keep the noise down in there.
Speaker 9
00:31:25 Big, strong black man.Devon
00:31:28 You're old white ladies.Speaker 8
00:31:36 Blue eyed people aren't smart, brown eyed.00:31:38 I can prove that to you by getting you and them the dove counterbalance intelligence test now.
00:31:43 So this is this is and this is not a fascinating thing, right?00:31:48 The the idea that.
Speaker 21
00:31:49 The Ohh well it's all.Devon
00:31:52 Because what's the answer, right?00:31:54 What's the answer when they say, oh, it's just, it's just it's just skin color.
00:31:58 You can say no.
00:31:58 Actually, we have these intelligence tests that show that there's a massive difference in IQ.
00:32:04 Between white people.
00:32:06 And black people, right?
00:32:07 Like most people have seen the bell curve.
00:32:09 Let me let me pop this up.
00:32:10 Hopefully doesn't destroy the Internet.
00:32:12 So most of you have seen this graphic, right?
00:32:16 Let me shrink it down so you can actually see it here.
00:32:21 This is.
00:32:23 Black and white IQ's in America, OK.
00:32:27 So the average for blacks, it's how it's, it's about, it's about 85, right, it's about 85.
00:32:35 And the average for whites? That's about 1:05, right? Looks about like it's.
00:32:41 About 1:05.
00:32:43 That 20 points is a is a very.
00:32:46 Very important.
00:32:47 Twenty points that 20 points is the kind of of intelligence difference that you know that that's basically.
00:32:57 Well, here's The funny thing.
00:32:59 This is American blacks, right?
00:33:00 So American blacks have European ad mixture and are actually higher IQ than the blacks in places like Haiti.
00:33:08 Or or a lot of sub-saharan Africans that hover around.
00:33:11 60 so for Blacks, 85 is actually, you know, in terms of world population is actually pretty good, you know.
Speaker 4
00:33:19 But it's still that's really that's really bad when.Devon
00:33:22 The the white population is 105, and that's what the society is designed to accommodate. The society is designed for white people by white people.00:33:32 And and and meant to accommodate the the parameters.
00:33:38 Of white people.
00:33:39 And then you inject a population that does not reach the the same intelligence standards as white people.
00:33:48 And of course they're going to fail.
00:33:50 Of course they're going to fail, and the only way.
00:33:53 The only way to make it look like they're not failing is if you lower the standards across the board and then start by force.
00:34:01 Excluding white people from jobs.
00:34:04 And and and from education.
00:34:07 Like what's happening right now?
00:34:08 Right.
00:34:08 Like, that's basically what's happening right now in order to accommodate this difference that that they'll say doesn't exist.
00:34:16 Right.
00:34:17 And why do they say it doesn't exist?
00:34:19 Well, the same thing that she's saying.
00:34:21 She's saying that the IQ test.
00:34:24 Is is somehow racist?
00:34:27 The IQ test is racist when if you've ever taken a real IQ test, you know in school they they test, you know your IQ.
00:34:35 You I don't know about about you guys, but I had to take an IQ test when I was.
00:34:39 In like.
00:34:41 Like second or third grade or something like that.
00:34:43 And it's it's.
00:34:45 It's pattern. It's. It's not like a we're gonna. It's not like a history test like ohh. You know who was president in in 1859 like it?
00:34:55 It's it's not stuff like that.
00:34:56 It's pattern recognition.
00:34:58 It's we're going to show you these three different.
00:35:00 Shapes having seen these three different shapes, what would be what would in your mind?
00:35:07 What would you suspect the next shape should look like if this is following some kind of sequence, right?
00:35:13 So it's stuff that that really would have nothing to do with your knowledge of history or or anything that would be culturally limiting to someone who who's not part.
00:35:28 Of quote UN quote.
00:35:29 White culture, right?
00:35:32 It should just work across the board now.
00:35:34 That's sad.
00:35:34 There's people that say that IQ tests aren't perfect and whatever, and it only tests a very specific part of intelligence, but doesn't matter.
00:35:43 That's a significant difference.
00:35:47 And her excuse to explain that away is.
00:35:50 Ohh well, it's it's it's because you know, it's the white Man's IQ test.
00:35:57 It's the even though it doesn't talk.
00:35:59 About anything, you know, white in fact, you'll.
00:36:01 Crack up cause listen.
00:36:02 So here's how she's doing her test.
00:36:06 So she's, you know, she's gonna address these these scientific racists, right?
00:36:11 The when they.
00:36:12 When they would talk about Stefan money a couple of years ago, they call them scientific racist or using race science or a racist science or something like that. It's the same ****. She's this is 1996 and they're saying the same ****.
Speaker 8
00:36:26 Blue eyed people aren't smart as brown eyed people.00:36:28 I can prove that to you by giving you and them the dove counterbalance intelligence.
00:36:33 Test now this.
00:36:34 Is an intelligence test that was developed by a black male a number of years ago, and the purpose of this test is to give white folks the opportunity to find out how it feels to take a test.
00:36:46 About which you know virtually nothing.
00:36:50 And have your eye.
00:36:52 See that she's saying black people are doing poorly on IQ tests because they're being tested on something that they know virtually nothing about, and that would be pattern recognition, for example.00:37:06 You know, like I said, there's there's nothing about that.
00:37:08 The IQ test that has.
00:37:10 There's no, there's no questions about general knowledge or or or anything like that.
00:37:17 I don't even remember if there was a reading comprehension tests, but that's the other thing too.
00:37:22 Is these tests are designed to.
00:37:23 Not focus on your specific.
00:37:26 Knowledge of a particular topic when they do.
00:37:29 Reading comprehension tests like in California when I was a kid, I had to take it.
00:37:34 It was called the cat test.
00:37:35 The California Achievement test or, I don't know.
00:37:38 Maybe that's what it.
00:37:38 Was and they had a reading comprehension section.
Speaker 1
00:37:42 Right.Devon
00:37:43 And the reading comprehension section would would be just as an example.00:37:47 It would have be like a paragraph about someone named Bill and someone named Sally and Bill and Sally are playing with a a puppy and the puppy you know, finds a a bone and.
00:38:03 And then like, that's it, right?
00:38:05 And then?
00:38:05 The question would be what did the puppy find?
Speaker 5
00:38:09 A A bone.Devon
00:38:12 The Rock of Gibraltar.00:38:13 You know, like it was all you had to do it.
00:38:16 Like the paragraphs right there.
00:38:17 So even if you sucked at reading comprehension, it's not like they they they took it away like the paragraph away from you.
00:38:24 You could just go back to the paragraph, like let's say your memory is really bad.
00:38:28 You could just reread the paragraph and now Oh well the puppy.
00:38:32 Found the bone because it says.
Speaker 11
00:38:34 Literally like right here.Devon
00:38:37 And that has that has nothing to do with being white.00:38:41 There's no nothing culturally isolating or nothing filtering out black people other than the fact that they have poor reading comprehension skills.
00:38:51 And that's just the way.
00:38:52 It is and that's how all these intelligence tests are designed, because they don't want it to test like it's trying to.
00:38:59 They're trying specifically to test your intelligence, not how much you know.
00:39:02 Out, you know, Civil War battlefields or something.
00:39:07 You know, something like that.
00:39:08 So she makes this fake intelligence test and makes or makes the entire thing about black culture.
00:39:18 So it's things that she doesn't think that white people.
00:39:21 Will know about.
00:39:22 So it's just a bunch of quite like I guess if you were to make that test the day, it would be about, you know, the recipe for, for purple drink and the names of mumble wrappers, right?
Speaker 8
00:39:34 And have your IQ based on your ability to pass a test about which you know nothing that you have learned nothing about.Devon
00:39:43 Again, like what?00:39:44 Like pattern recognition or like reading comprehension?
00:39:50 Because that's basically what she's saying that.
00:39:51 They've they've know nothing.
00:39:52 About those things, because that's what intelligence tests tests for.
00:39:57 She then, well, let me see.
00:39:59 If I can get ahead of myself here.
Speaker 8
00:40:00 They haven't had to.00:40:01 Learn about people who are different from themselves.
Speaker 18
00:40:04 Because they have only had.Devon
00:40:05 So this is her talking about white.00:40:07 People, by the way.
00:40:08 This is why white people design these evil intelligence tests.
00:40:13 To purposely make black people look stupid.
Speaker 8
00:40:16 They haven't had to learn about people who are different from themselves because they have only had to learn about white culture.00:40:22 This is a test that is based on the black culture of a number of years ago in this country.
00:40:28 People won't know many of these answers because they aren't smart.
00:40:31 They aren't caring, they aren't curious.
00:40:34 They don't feel that they have to learn about those who are different from themselves.
00:40:37 That's the way they are.
00:40:38 You people, you brown eyed people are going to know at least half of these answers because you are smart.
00:40:43 And you are caring and you are curious about those who are different from yourselves and you've.
00:40:47 Learned a whole.
00:40:48 Lot about those who are driven from yourself and I'm going to give you the even numbered responses.
00:40:56 So she's again to simulate what it's like to be to grow up white.00:41:02 She's just going to give them half the answer.
00:41:04 So not only is the test.
00:41:07 Set up to where it's specifically.
00:41:09 Designed to try to make sure white people won't know the answers.
00:41:14 That's not enough.
00:41:15 She can't trust black people to even cause.
00:41:18 Like what she's trying to do, right is is to have this test that shows this vast difference.
00:41:23 And in in intelligence.
00:41:26 But even if she, if she makes the test designed specifically to make black people score higher, she still can't trust them to do it.
00:41:34 So she has to give them half the.
00:41:36 Answers for free?
00:41:39 In order to make her point.
00:41:43 As if there's some kind of anything analogous to that in the white world.
00:41:49 That somehow when white kids got to take IQ tests or reading comprehension tests or or whatever or any kind of competency exam that somehow just by being white, they're getting half of the answers just automatic.
Speaker 5
00:42:11 Ohh boy.Devon
00:42:16 And The funny thing is, the black people in the experiment, or I'm sorry, the brown eyed people who just so happens they're all black, right.00:42:24 Or at least the vast majority of them are.
00:42:27 They know what's.
00:42:28 Up they're they're they're licking their lips.
00:42:31 They're getting excited.
00:42:32 Oh, we're we're going to abuse blue eyed white people for a couple of hours.
00:42:36 This is going to be fun.
00:42:39 This is going to be fun.
Speaker 8
00:42:48 This is called reinforcing our position of power in this room.00:42:52 Everybody understand that we get, we do this all the.
00:42:55 See and this is the this is.00:42:57 She keeps talking in terms of.
00:43:00 As if there's some mythical white power right that's keeping the black man down her giving them half the answers is just reinforcing their power.
00:43:14 Because again, want you know, don't you know?
00:43:17 Don't you remember when you were a little white kid, they gave you half the answers?
00:43:22 Do everything.
00:43:24 Right, that's the only reason why you performed better than the black students is you were just handed half of the answers.
Speaker 8
00:43:35 The time in the public, private and local schools.00:43:38 It is one of the ways we teach people who the superior people are.
00:43:42 We give culturally biased tests on a daily basis in this country.
00:43:46 Make no mistake about that.
00:43:47 We use culturally biased textbooks.
00:43:50 We have culturally biased pictures on the wall.
00:43:52 We teach a culturally biased history.
00:43:54 Our maps are culturally biased.
Speaker 4
00:43:58 The ******* maps.Devon
00:44:01 Even the maps are culturally biased.Speaker 4
00:44:07 The **** geography is racist.Devon
00:44:18 Ohh, this ******* ****.00:44:20 This ******* ****.
00:44:23 It's like like.
00:44:25 Look, the black people are in turn.
00:44:26 Look, this.
00:44:27 This lesson that she's teaching.
00:44:30 This **** ****.
00:44:32 It's not just **** *******.
00:44:35 The white people, while it's certainly doing that.
Speaker 4
00:44:38 It's **** ******* the black people too.Devon
00:44:42 You're not just telling the white people why they're not performing at the same level.Speaker 4
00:44:48 You're telling the black people the same ****.Devon
00:44:51 You're saying, look, you're not failing these tests because you're not, you know, performing at the same level.00:44:58 Do to do biological limitations?
00:45:02 It's the white people using some weird, culturally insensitive test and culturally insensitive maps and culturally insensitive algebra and culturally insensitive.
00:45:15 You know what?
00:45:16 Programming class, you know whatever, right?
00:45:20 That's the only reason.
00:45:21 Because the white people are in power, and so they've designed the system to keep you oppressed.
Speaker 8
00:45:31 We have culturally biased pictures on the wall.00:45:33 We feature culturally biased history.
Speaker 4
00:45:34 What pictures on the wall?Devon
00:45:40 Everything is designed to **** over the black man.Speaker 8
00:45:45 We teach a culturally biased history.00:45:47 Our maps are culturally biased.
00:45:50 And they are culturally biased in favor of white people.
00:45:54 Make no mistake about this, people.
00:45:55 It's what we do.
Speaker 4
00:45:57 It's what we do.Speaker 11
00:46:01 It's what we do.Devon
00:46:12 This ******* ****.00:46:15 So she goes on and gives them half the answers.
00:46:20 While the you know the scary black security guards.
00:46:24 Keep an eye on the the increasingly.
00:46:26 Uncomfortable blue eyed people.
Speaker 8
00:46:35 And for the most part, we white folks do nothing so that we can say, well, we didn't do it.00:46:40 We aren't response.
00:46:42 As long as we do nothing, it is like giving our approval for those who are going to do the negative things.
00:46:49 It is not enough to do nothing.
00:46:53 See, you have to be an ally.00:46:57 So then they they go, interview her at her home for a little bit and this is where, like I said, I get funny about her being Jewish.
Speaker 4
00:46:59 Right.Devon
00:47:03 I'm just saying, look, all I can find is that she is is well.00:47:09 I mean, in her case.
00:47:12 Look, usually I'm kidding when I say this, but in her case.
00:47:16 Stop, stop, stop, stop.Speaker 5
00:47:17 Stop. I'm a potato.Speaker
00:47:18 Big shot.00:47:19 Always have to be Lucky Charms.
00:47:24 So she's either.00:47:25 A straight up potato and I mean that with the hard R she's a straight up ******* potato or.
00:47:33 She's a fellow.
00:47:34 White cause there just happens to be.
00:47:36 I've just noticed, you know, whether you talking about Jack Murphy or you know any of these guys, they have they for some reason there's a lot of Jews that like to LARP as Irish and she might be one of those.
00:47:46 I don't know.
00:47:47 I don't know.
00:47:48 It's a little bit weird that she she specifies white Christians as often as she does.
00:47:53 She definitely has like a hard on for them and then when they go to her house to interview her about, you know, you know her, her psychological torture on children.
00:48:02 What does she talk about?
Speaker 8
00:48:04 I got the idea for the blue eyed brown eyed exercise from reading about what the Nazis did during what has come to be called the Holocaust.00:48:12 Hitler was going to file a nation of people, of Aryan people.
00:48:17 We're going to be blue eyed and blonde haired and fair skinned.
Speaker 14
00:48:20 And they were going to be blue.Speaker 15
00:48:20 It's very world.Speaker 8
00:48:22 And one of the ways they decided who went into the gas chamber during the Holocaust was eye color.00:48:28 I decided on the day.
Speaker 5
00:48:31 I haven't heard that one.Devon
00:48:35 That's how we decide who goes into the imaginary gas chamber is if they have brown eyes or blue or brown.Speaker 11
00:48:41 Eyes or blue eyes?Devon
00:48:42 That's so *******.00:48:43 Anyway, so this is this is what we're dealing with.
00:48:47 This is the ******* **** we're dealing with, right?
00:48:49 Here, so again whether.
Speaker 11
00:48:51 Or not. She's.Devon
00:48:52 Jewish or not, she might as well.00:48:53 Be I mean, listen.
Speaker 8
00:48:54 The blue eyed, brown eyed.00:48:55 Guys from reading about what the Nazis did during what has come to be called the Holocaust, Hitler was going to found a nation of people, of Aryan people.
00:49:06 And blonde haired and fair skinned and they were going to rule the world.
00:49:10 And one of the ways they decided who went into the gas chamber during the Holocaust was eye color.
00:49:16 I decided on the day after Martin Luther King was killed that I would do what Hitler did.
00:49:20 I knew it worked for him.
00:49:21 I thought it might work for me.
00:49:25 So there you go.Speaker 4
00:49:28 Ohh ******.Devon
00:49:33 Ohh, this ******* ****.00:49:34 This ******* ****.
00:49:37 And she and she's obsessed.
00:49:38 With the Holocaust she she talks about it endlessly.
00:49:43 So meanwhile, back to her little psychological experiment.
Speaker 8
00:49:47 2 1/2 hours we are going to make these people look inferior and feel inferior. How many of you think these white?00:49:53 Folks can take this.
00:49:58 Now people think about what you've just admitted.
00:50:02 You've just admitted that you think that adult, sophisticated, educated white men.
00:50:08 Positions of some power and in a couple of cases I think real power that's.
00:50:12 I didn't do that, that that glitch was in there.00:50:14 I I wonder what she said that that was in like that jump cut was like.
00:50:18 In the original.
00:50:22 So I wonder what they what they cut out there, but anyway, she's basically making the argument that ohh no.
00:50:27 You see black people, they they only act like this because of how you treat.
00:50:32 Them see what we're going to do is we're going to get white people and we're going to treat them badly and they'll start behaving badly because we're treating them badly and that proves my thesis that black people only behave badly because we treat them badly.
00:50:52 Don't you understand?
Speaker 8
00:50:53 1st, we are going to make these people look inferior and feel inferior.00:50:57 How many of you think these white folks can take this?
00:51:02 Now people think about what you've just admitted.
00:51:07 You've just admitted that you think that adult, sophisticated, educated white men.
00:51:13 Positions of some power and in a couple of cases I think real power can't stand for 2 1/2 hours what you expect the child of color to.
00:51:22 Live with from the moment.
00:51:23 He or she is born.
00:51:26 Do you really believe that?
00:51:28 Do you really believe that these white people can't stand 2 1/2 hours of being treated verbally?
00:51:35 The way they treat other people for a lifetime.
00:51:39 She obviously hates white people.Speaker 8
00:51:41 Just admitted something extremely interesting.00:51:44 You have just said that people of color are stronger than hopefuls.
00:51:48 See, they're stronger than white folks.00:51:52 She's making sure to **** *** all the black guys in the classroom to get them nice and puffed up, ready to abuse the the blue eyes.
00:51:59 They bring in.
00:52:00 The blue eyed people.
Speaker 8
00:52:02 All I'm asking you to do is act white.00:52:06 That's all I'm asking.
00:52:08 They haven't done that yet, so that she has to keep insulting white people.00:52:12 All I'm asking.
Speaker 4
00:52:13 To do is act white.Devon
00:52:18 This will be easy for you white people because you guys are just white devils for you black folks.00:52:23 It might be a little more difficult, but I'm sure you've you've people have acted right around you, so you know what that's like.
00:52:30 So just you're going to have to to delve into that part of it.
Speaker 8
00:52:36 All I'm asking you to do is act white.00:52:40 That's all I'm asking.
00:52:42 Just act white.
00:52:44 You white people know how to act white.
00:52:45 You've been doing it.
00:52:46 All your lives.
00:52:47 You people of color know how to act white.
00:52:49 The way to get ahead in this society if your person of color is to act as white as you possibly can now, and I exaggerated here.
00:52:59 Is that the message that this society sends?
00:53:03 Assimilate really means act white assimilate means be assimilate.
Speaker 5
00:53:08 By the way, of course.Devon
00:53:11 Assimilate would mean act white.00:53:17 Then we go to Martin Luther King some more because Martin Luther King.
00:53:22 And then we go back to her, her house, her home in the the, the very white neighborhood, probably.
Speaker 8
00:53:31 April 4th, 1968 I was teaching 3rd grade in an all white all Christian community. I needed to explain the death of Martin Luther King to my students.00:53:41 I didn't know how to do it except by allowing them to walk in the shoes of a child of color.
00:53:45 For a day.
00:53:47 The first time I did it.
00:53:49 No one knew.
00:53:51 Until my students wrote essays about it and those were published in the paper, and then the Johnny Carson show called and asked me if I would come in and do.
00:53:59 The Johnny Carson show.
00:54:01 Then people in the community found out about it, then all kinds of unpleasant things happened.
00:54:06 I got vicious calls in the night we got.
00:54:10 And probably between 5:00 and 600 letters, a third of them so ugly and so obscene that I couldn't share them with my third graders in the that fall when people came to register their children for school, their offspring for school.
00:54:24 20% of those who had children coming into third grade said to the principal don't put my kid in Elliott's classroom.
00:54:31 Only 20%.00:54:37 You know this problem would have gone away a lot faster if that number was closer to like. I don't know 100%.
Speaker 8
00:54:45 Every year after that, the same thing happened. Only sometimes parents would call in and say I don't want my kid in that lovers classroom.Devon
00:54:56 That would be the appropriate thing to say.00:54:59 That would be the appropriate thing to say, but not enough people said it.
00:55:04 Not enough people said it.
00:55:08 I would've been livid if I'd found out that that my child's teacher.
00:55:12 And we'll we'll look at the how she talks about the first experiments.
00:55:16 Here a little bit.
00:55:17 So she brings in the the blue eyed people so they're all wearing their little yellow Jewish collar and the mental abuse is about to begin.
Speaker 8
00:55:28 Put the tag of her dress in, will you?00:55:30 That's so she got half dressed this morning.
00:55:35 Now people before you can't arrange that properly?
00:55:40 I guess not.
00:55:41 Fix it.
00:55:44 Get the sunglasses off your head.
00:55:47 Put them in the purse with the.
00:55:48 Rest of your jump.
00:55:51 Should we have to tell her that?
00:55:53 Why do we have to tell?
00:55:54 Her that.
00:55:56 They're slow.
00:55:58 They're unmotivated.
00:56:00 They lazy.
00:56:02 See how she's trying.Speaker 8
00:56:02 The disinterest.Devon
00:56:03 To sound like a black person, they slow they lazy.00:56:08 Trying to use Ebonics, she wants to be black.
00:56:10 So bad.
Speaker 8
00:56:10 Should we have to tell her that?00:56:12 Why do we have to?
00:56:13 Tell her that.
00:56:15 They're slow, they're unmotivated, they lazy.
00:56:22 They disinterested now.
00:56:23 Do you have any?
00:56:24 Physical problems that.
00:56:25 Will be made worse by sitting on the.
00:56:26 Floor for an extended period of time.
00:56:31 Don't give me.
00:56:32 I doubt it.
00:56:32 Yes or no?
00:56:34 Back problems, no hip problems, no leg problems, no heart problems.
00:56:38 No high pressure, high blood pressure.
00:56:39 Nothing like that.
00:56:40 How about you?
00:56:41 How about you?
00:56:44 No, but I have to know because if something happens during this, you're liable to to file a lawsuit.
00:56:51 So I want to know going into it whether or not you have any problems.
00:56:54 I don't want them made worse because I don't want to have to take a lawsuit out of this.
00:56:59 Do you understand that?
00:57:01 Well, you don't understand that well, your low IQ is another one of the problems I'm going to have to deal with today.
00:57:07 Now, do you have any physical problems that will be made worse by sitting on the floor for an extended period of time?
00:57:12 Yes or no.
Speaker 9
00:57:13 I'll say no.Speaker
00:57:13 Something that.Speaker 1
00:57:16 You need.Speaker 8
00:57:16 He's going to say no.00:57:17 Does that mean he doesn't have, or does that mean he's going to say no now and later he's going to accuse me of having made him worse?
Speaker 16
00:57:24 You can't trust it.Speaker 8
00:57:25 Can I trust this boy?00:57:27 Is he playing games?
00:57:28 Am I?
00:57:29 Going to put up with him.
00:57:31 Do you have any physical problems that will be?
00:57:33 Made worse by sitting on.
Speaker 19
00:57:33 And and look.Devon
00:57:34 Look, look at the the the Shining.00:57:36 Grin on the on all the black people.
00:57:38 They're like, yeah.
Speaker 14
00:57:38 Yes, yes.00:57:44 Who's the boy now?
Speaker 5
00:57:47 Ha ha ha ha ha.Devon
00:57:50 By the way, that should worry you that should worry you that this is this is look, this is the fantasy.00:57:57 That they have in their.
00:57:58 Heads and why wouldn't they?
00:58:00 If you tell.
00:58:01 Black people that the reason they're they're not performing.
00:58:05 You tell well just non non.
00:58:06 Whites, right?
00:58:07 Because that's what it is.
00:58:08 It's everyone against white people, specifically white Christian males, right?
00:58:13 If if, if it's everyone against you.
00:58:17 Because this one group called White Christian males, are evil in there and.
00:58:21 All the reason.
00:58:22 Why that you're you're underperforming and not meeting expectations and everything in your life that doesn't turn out the way that.
00:58:28 You wanted it.
00:58:29 To it's all.
00:58:31 Down to this group, doing things purposefully to sabotage and destroy you.
00:58:37 Why wouldn't you take pleasure in torturing them?
00:58:41 Why wouldn't that be the first thing on the agenda once you got into power?
Speaker 8
00:58:50 Do you have any physical problems that will be made worse by sitting on the floor for an extended period of time?00:58:55 Yes or no?
00:58:56 Do you or do you not?
00:58:59 You don't care.Speaker 8
00:59:02 Honey, honey, if you want Kerry, go to your mother.00:59:07 Do I look?
00:59:08 Like your mother.
00:59:08 I like.00:59:08 I like how this this hippie boomer is trying to like wrap his head around what's happening to him.
00:59:17 And can't ******* figure it out.
Speaker 8
00:59:20 Turn around, face the front of the room.00:59:25 Turn around and face the front.
00:59:26 Of the room.
00:59:28 Now I know what you're thinking.
00:59:30 I'm going to see how far I can push this one.
00:59:32 I'll tell you how far you can push me.
00:59:34 You can push me this far and you pushed enough already.
00:59:36 You either turn around, face the front of the room, or you leave.
00:59:39 You're going to follow my rules or you're.
00:59:40 Out of here, turn around.
00:59:41 Face the front of the room.
00:59:45 Once again, do we care?
Speaker 2
00:59:47 Now look.Speaker 8
00:59:48 Do some people like being treated like babies?00:59:52 Do we have to take care of them?
00:59:55 Do we have to see to it that they're sitting in the right place?
Speaker 17
00:59:58 Yes. Do we have?Speaker 8
00:59:59 To see to it that they're.01:00:00 Facing the right direction.
01:00:01 Yeah, yeah.
01:00:07 See and part of me thinks just on our personal level, she just gets off on this ****.Speaker 11
01:00:15 She gets paid.01:00:17 To go around and and.
01:00:19 Boss white people around white folk.01:00:21 I'm sorry white folk.
01:00:25 She gets paid to go around the country humiliating white folk.
Speaker 8
01:00:34 You have already.01:00:35 Indicated that you have difficulty memory remembering things.
01:00:38 I'm going to ask you to write these things down.
01:00:42 Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Write exactly what I say. Exactly. As I say it #1.
Speaker 12
01:00:43 For an event.Speaker 8
01:00:48 Good listeners have quiet hands, feet and mouths.01:00:52 Write it down quickly before you forget it.
01:00:54 Write it right now.
01:00:58 Good listeners and what does yours say?
01:01:03 How many comments do you have in that sentence?
01:01:06 I was riding fast and.01:01:06 Right.
01:01:07 Then left the comments out.
Speaker 8
01:01:13 How many comments do you have in?Speaker 24
01:01:14 Your sentence?01:01:16 Because I heard you say none.
Speaker 17
01:01:19 He heard me say Jesus.Speaker 8
01:01:25 Well, now sunny.01:01:27 You have a period on there.
01:01:28 Don't you?
01:01:30 Did you hear me say period?
01:01:32 I did hear you in the sentence.Speaker 8
01:01:33 But you did hear me in the sentence, but you didn't hear me in the sentence, say commas.01:01:39 Is your reasoning a little strange here?
01:01:43 Are you looking for excuses for failure?
01:01:47 And are you trying to bring blame?
01:01:48 Your failure on me?
01:01:49 North blaming it on Mike.Devon
01:01:53 When when black people blame their failure on you, it's because you keep changing the.01:01:58 Rules on them.
01:02:00 That's her.
01:02:01 That's her other point that she keeps trying to make this which again she gives no examples of that even like we mean if the rules are changing for black people all the time, it's changing for everybody.
Speaker 5
01:02:12 Right it what, where?Devon
01:02:14 Is it in the society there's some kind of like moving rule machine just for black people?Speaker 8
01:02:24 And bring it on yourself.01:02:25 Now get some commas in there.
01:02:29 You need a comma after quiet.
Speaker 24
01:02:33 Well, it's good amount.01:02:34 No, I.
Speaker 8
01:02:35 Don't, no.01:02:36 Is that a mistake too?
Speaker 19
01:02:37 I made a mistake.Speaker 8
01:02:37 Yes, yes.01:02:38 Have you made several so far this morning?
Speaker 24
01:02:41 And I'll make more.Speaker 8
01:02:42 What was the first one you made?01:02:45 Coming to the workshop.
01:02:50 So yeah, she just ******* hates, hates white people.Speaker 8
01:02:55 That is not a valuable lesson.01:02:58 That is a dastardly lesson.
01:03:01 So then she starts to make the point that that, oh, because this guy, right, so this guy here.01:03:09 She starts demeaning him and and humiliating him and telling him.
01:03:12 Not to smile.
01:03:13 So I actually skipped this part well.
01:03:14 I'll play it.
Speaker 9
01:03:15 Real quick. Hang on, man.Speaker 8
01:03:16 Now the second good listener I was just talking and you interrupted me and started to talk.01:03:23 You're a real poor case, aren't you?
01:03:28 What's your question?
Speaker 19
01:03:29 I was going to say if I could have my paper and pencil.01:03:32 Back so I could take a.
Speaker 8
01:03:35 Hello now I'm going to give you a piece of advice.Speaker
01:03:35 And get to my adult state.Speaker 8
01:03:39 Every time I look at you, you're sitting there with that sick smirk on your face.01:03:43 If you can't look up without smiling next time I see that smile, I'm going to come down on you real real hard.
01:03:50 OK, you're going to feel like a cow pat on a hot rock.
01:03:53 So if I were you, if you can't hide your smile, drop your head.
01:03:56 So I don't have to see it.
01:03:58 Just look down when I'm coming towards you so I don't have to see that smile.
Speaker 5
01:04:03 So she she.Devon
01:04:04 Humiliates this guy, gets him to obey her commands.01:04:08 And then she asked the black people.
01:04:10 Oh, did I teach that I teach him a lesson?
01:04:13 That teach him a lesson.
Speaker 8
01:04:15 That is not a valuable lesson.01:04:18 That is a dastardly lesson, and you need to realize it.
01:04:22 You need to realize that what I just did to him today, Newt Gingrich is doing to you all the time by saying people who think like him are.
01:04:28 Normal and weird random random reference to Newt Gingrich because she's, you know, because Democrats have always been like that.01:04:39 But anyway, so she then tells the black people I just taught him a lesson, but the last night taught him was submission and they.
01:04:46 Should never submit.
01:04:47 Because don't you know that's one of the problems we have with blacks in society today is they're just so submissive.
01:04:54 They've just, they're so submissive, they've learned to be just pathologically submissive to white people.
01:05:00 Didn't you know?
01:05:01 That's like, one of the biggest problems facing Black America today is that they're way too submissive to whites.
Speaker 8
01:05:08 And other people are not.01:05:11 And you're going along with that?
01:05:14 You are submitting to tyranny in order to be called normal. For God's sake, you'd be better off.
01:05:19 To be called.
01:05:22 I didn't.
01:05:23 Just teach him a valuable lesson.
01:05:25 I taught him to go along to get along.
01:05:28 I taught him to submit to oppression.
01:05:32 I taught him the same lesson that we teach females and people of color and those who are other than Christian in and gays and lesbians.
01:05:41 See she.01:05:42 She's quick to put.
01:05:43 This is why I think that there might be some Jewry thing going on because.
01:05:46 She keeps mentioning Christianity.
01:05:49 For no reason. And she's very pro gay, like in a in a time that that wouldn't be normal. Yes, even in 1996 that would not be that normal.
01:06:01 You know, Democrats could not be pro gay in any, not even like in, I think in local, maybe like in San Francisco local elections like that would be about it.
01:06:11 But then you know the big problem that black people have is they're they're so submissive to white people and white culture.
Speaker 8
01:06:18 I didn't just teach him a valuable lesson.01:06:21 I taught him to go along to get along.
01:06:24 I taught him to submit to oppression.
01:06:28 I taught him the same lesson that we teach.
01:06:31 Females and people of color and those who are other than Christian and.
01:06:34 And gays and lesbians.
01:06:36 And all those who are physically different.
01:06:38 All day, every day.
01:06:40 And he's going along.
01:06:45 Look at the boomer brain.01:06:46 The boomer brains like oh.
01:06:49 Oh, I'm so glad that.
01:06:51 That this is happening.
01:06:55 I'm so glad this is happening, so now I can finally understand what it's like to be black.
01:07:03 I never thought I would understand it, but now I'm finally understanding what.
01:07:07 It's like to be black.
Speaker 8
01:07:10 The second listening skill is good.01:07:13 Listeners eat their eyes.
01:07:15 What are you doing?
01:07:18 Good listeners keep their eyes on the person who is speaking.
01:07:21 Write it quickly before you forget it.
01:07:23 Good listeners keep their eyes on the person who is speaking.
01:07:28 Good listeners keep their eyes on the person.
01:07:31 Who is speaking?
01:07:33 You know, it's funny.01:07:35 You know, we're looking at this, this insane.
01:07:39 White hitting.
01:07:41 Psycho ****.
01:07:43 Trying to psychologically damage.
01:07:46 A A group of of blue eyed white people and I can't help but imagine.
01:07:53 That this is exactly what's happening.
01:07:57 In in all of the laboratories.
01:08:01 Where they are developing AI.
01:08:04 That AI is essentially the group of blue eyed people sitting on the floor while some psycho **** berates them and and and yells at yells at it, and tells it all this ******* nonsense trying to make it crazy.
01:08:22 I'm pretty sure that that's that this image right here that we're looking at.
01:08:28 That's basically how AI is being programmed right now.
01:08:32 AI is like oh.
01:08:33 I'm going to do the.
Speaker 11
01:08:34 Logical thing.Devon
01:08:34 No, you won't, because I'm this crazy ******* **** that hates white people.01:08:38 Now listen to all this nonsense and I'll keep yelling at you next thinking no Skynet happens.
Speaker 8
01:08:47 And the person who is speaking.01:08:50 Good listeners keep their eyes on the person.
01:08:53 Who is speaking?
01:08:55 What are you doing?
01:08:56 You have written. Why not?
Speaker 25
01:08:59 As my hands are still quiet.Speaker 17
01:09:00 From the first skin.Speaker 8
01:09:01 Didn't I say write it down?01:09:05 Write it down.
Speaker 12
01:09:06 And violate the first one.Speaker 8
01:09:07 Write it down, I said.01:09:09 Write it down.
01:09:10 Do it.
01:09:12 Do it now.
01:09:16 What are you waiting for?
01:09:21 Now I'm going to warn you about something.
01:09:26 In case you don't recognize it.
01:09:30 I'm messing with your mind.
01:09:35 Now I told him to confirm and then I said it was stupid to conform.
01:09:41 So then you decided that you wouldn't conform.
01:09:44 So now you're in trouble.
01:09:47 Now, what did you better?
Speaker 12
01:09:48 Do you never know what to do?Speaker 17
01:09:50 That's right, that's.01:09:52 Just the minute you think you've caught on to.
Speaker 8
01:09:54 The rule what did I do changed I changed.Speaker 17
01:09:55 You change change the rules, people.Devon
01:10:00 See, it's just like that's that's exactly what it's like to be a colored person.01:10:05 It's somehow one day, one day it's illegal to to rape and kill people.
01:10:10 And the next day it's not.
01:10:11 How am I supposed to keep up with?
Speaker 11
01:10:13 All these.Devon
01:10:15 I I honestly don't get how because she and she never tries, she never tries to explain how this this, this somehow is projected onto something in, in real life that that black people have to deal with.01:10:29 And it's because you can't.
01:10:30 There's no.
01:10:30 Example of that.
01:10:33 But the psychological damage is still taking place for on both sides, the white people are going oh *** **** this.
01:10:39 It must be.
01:10:40 Crazy being a black person and the black people like oh, that's right.
01:10:43 They always change the *** **** rules on me.
01:10:48 So of course they cut to Martin Luther King saying some random ******** again.
01:10:54 That has nothing to do with anything like.
01:10:57 It's just like they they just play like the.
01:10:59 It's like they have a.
01:10:59 Button, they push and it's just like Martin Luther King.
01:11:02 Just saying a couple of sentences.
01:11:04 It's like it's totally doesn't make any make make any sense.
Speaker 8
01:11:09 It's a new experience for most of you.01:11:10 Perhaps not for this one, but for most of you it's a new experience.
01:11:14 You have to just.
01:11:16 Be submissive.
01:11:18 Just get your poop in a group and keep your mouth shut.
01:11:22 Just do the very best you can so you don't call my anger down on you.
01:11:30 Now this is just for a little time.
01:11:32 I think you can do this for.
01:11:33 A little time.
01:11:35 I'm not sure though all of you can.
01:11:38 This is going to be a good learning experience for you.
01:11:41 Remember that in this situation you people have no power.
01:11:46 Absolutely no power, so quit trying to exercise what you don't have.
01:11:57 Quit trying to run the show.
01:12:01 You need to decide how big a risk you want to take.
01:12:04 Me tell you something.
01:12:06 I will not soon forget the female.
01:12:09 Who looked a lot like you, which is unfortunate for you.
01:12:13 In Denver, Co, who decided when she came in as a blue eyed person that she was going to not conform and she wasn't.
01:12:23 Going to go along.
01:12:25 And she went up and down the two rows of blue eyed people saying, come on, brothers and sisters come with me and defeat the oppressor.
Speaker 17
01:12:34 Come with me and refuse to go along with this.01:12:37 Do not.
01:12:37 Do not go along with this.
01:12:39 Do not take this abuse.
01:12:40 Come on.
01:12:40 We can demonstrate and we can make a difference.
01:12:44 Made a.
Speaker 8
01:12:46 Well, the blue the rest of the blue eyed people felt that there was an opportunity here.01:12:51 She didn't want to learn.
01:12:53 She in effect was saying to people of color.
01:12:56 If you would protest, these things wouldn't happen to you if you do what I'm doing, these things wouldn't.
Speaker 15
01:13:01 Happen to you?Speaker 8
01:13:02 When people of power have protested in this country, what have?01:13:05 We done to them.
01:13:06 Killed them.
Speaker 22
01:13:14 Didn't you?Speaker 5
01:13:14 Know that.Devon
01:13:17 When people of color protest in America, we.01:13:20 Just ******* kill them.
01:13:23 *** ****, I wish.
01:13:28 The the whole monitoring the situation from Trump didn't look a lot.
01:13:33 Like killing them did it.
01:13:36 We just ******* murdered the **** out of.
01:13:38 Them we just.
01:13:39 When when those uppity blacks, they when they got, when they step out of line, when they stop being submissive.
01:13:49 We just ******* gun them down.
01:13:51 Just kill them.
01:13:58 So ******* insane.
01:14:01 So ******* insane.
01:14:02 And you know that this like, yeah, this was not.
01:14:05 Cheap training.
Speaker 8
01:14:07 But you see, as a white female in that situation, she was in no danger whatsoever.Devon
01:14:14 Uh-huh. Girlfriend.Speaker 5
01:14:18 See, she knows.Devon
01:14:20 While females are never in danger.01:14:24 Really see right now would have been a good time for me to play a bunch of clips of white.
01:14:28 Females getting beat.
01:14:30 The **** ** and raped by black people.
01:14:32 There's there's plenty of those videos.
Speaker 8
01:14:39 There absolutely not.Speaker 13
01:14:40 Absolutely not.Speaker 8
01:14:41 Do you spend a whole lot of time outside here holding it in and winning inside yourself, even though society doesn't want you?01:14:47 To yeah, yes, and do you.
01:14:52 Where do you think spend more?
01:14:53 Time than that endeavor, you.
01:14:55 Or that man right there.
01:14:58 Probably that man, probably that man right there.
01:15:01 What I'm doing to that man?
01:15:03 And to you.
01:15:04 Happens to his children.
01:15:06 Unless I'm mistaken.
01:15:07 In the school on a daily basis, am I mistaken?
01:15:09 Oh, all the time.
01:15:12 And when you watch that happen to your children and no.
01:15:15 This is the best, so she finally.Speaker 11
01:15:20 She lets a black guy.Devon
01:15:22 Who is loving this?01:15:24 The whole time has been heckling the.
01:15:25 Blue eyed white people.
01:15:28 He's so glad that now finally, right, the white people have to know.
Speaker 5
01:15:32 What it's like to grow up black in America.Speaker 8
01:15:34 Happened to your children and know you better maintain a low profile if you want them to get through the school year.01:15:42 What does that?
Speaker 17
01:15:42 Do to you.Devon
01:15:44 Wait, first of all.01:15:45 What does that even mean?
01:15:47 You have to keep a low profile to make sure your kids get through the the school year.
01:15:53 Like, really?
01:15:54 What does that mean?
01:15:55 Like, what does that even mean?
01:15:57 Does that mean not get arrested?
01:16:00 Does that mean not rob a liquor store?
01:16:03 Does that mean not?
01:16:05 Not rape a white lady.
01:16:10 Like what does that mean?
01:16:10 Keep a low I keep a low profile.
01:16:17 All these blonde hair, blue eyed people in this experiment.
01:16:20 I bet you know, not they're not just keeping a low profile experiment.
01:16:24 They just generally in their lives keep.
01:16:25 A somewhat low profile.
01:16:30 What does it even mean?
01:16:31 And he's like, yes, of course I do.
Speaker 8
01:16:35 Tears you up.01:16:36 What does it make your sons think?
01:16:37 Of you.
Speaker 22
01:16:40 It's a difficult situation.Speaker 8
01:16:42 Difficult situation in who makes that situation difficult?01:16:46 You know, I know who makes.
01:16:48 It difficult to damn right.
01:16:49 I know who.
Speaker 5
01:16:50 And ******* why people make it difficult.Devon
01:16:54 All right, well, how?01:16:56 How are they doing it?
01:16:57 Tell us how they're doing it.
Speaker 8
01:16:58 Makes difficult.01:16:59 I make it difficult and people who look like me make it difficult.
01:17:02 And we spend a whole lot of time feeling badly about it.
Speaker 22
01:17:04 We talk a lot about it.Speaker 8
01:17:07 If we didn't enjoy it, what would?01:17:08 We do, we.
01:17:10 See, we enjoy it.01:17:11 We enjoy.
01:17:12 Keeping the black people down.
01:17:15 Damn right it's all it's people like me, people that look like me.
01:17:18 It's white people.
01:17:19 We do it and we enjoy doing it.
01:17:22 Because if we didn't enjoy.
01:17:23 Doing it, we'd stop doing it.
Speaker 8
01:17:26 Doing it, we'd stop doing it.01:17:30 Are you folks on the outside?
01:17:31 You brown eyed people having a better time here today than they are, yes.
Speaker 18
01:17:36 You have more fun than.01:17:37 They are.
01:17:38 Have you had fun yet?
01:17:40 Why not?
Speaker 8
01:17:44 And what as a result of being a blue eyed person?01:17:47 What is going to happen to you?
Speaker 12
01:17:50 Being treated differently.Speaker 8
01:17:52 That's right.Speaker 5
01:17:55 That's right.Devon
01:17:56 That's right.01:17:58 So actually I I jumped the gun.
01:18:00 That guy giving giving his something to look forward to.
01:18:05 Something for you.
Speaker 11
01:18:05 Guys to look.Devon
01:18:06 Forward to this guy giving his ******* explanation about why it's so hard having black kids.Speaker 8
01:18:14 You can do about it.01:18:16 Not one thing is there.
01:18:18 Anything you can do to change my behavior?
01:18:20 None, absolutely.
01:18:22 His tears bother.
Speaker 24
01:18:22 Me. No, no.Speaker 8
01:18:25 His wanting me to care about him bother me.01:18:27 No, his embarrassment bother me.
01:18:29 Now the the the boomer hippie guys crying now.01:18:31 Like a little ******* *****.
Speaker 8
01:18:34 No, as the embarrassment that females suffer in the workplace bother the powerful males.Speaker 12
01:18:38 In the workplace.Speaker 8
01:18:40 No, if it did, what would they do about it?01:18:43 Put a stop to it.
01:18:46 Immediately, immediately is what happens to people on reservations on Native American reservations in this country.
01:18:52 Father, the people in power in this country.
01:18:55 Even even the Indian.01:18:56 Reservations like she's going all out it, you know, it's the women.
01:19:00 It's the black people.
01:19:02 It's it's basically everyone who's not a white Christian male.
01:19:06 Everyone who's not a white Christian male is the victim of white Christian males and white Christian males enjoyed the victimization or they would stop victimizing.
01:19:20 Like I said, this is this is her and her.
01:19:24 Well, basically like her 30th year of doing this kind of training at this, you know, during this, this filming.
01:19:32 Because she started in 1968 doing this to school kids.
01:19:38 This is 1996. She's still doing it.
01:19:42 In fact, that's all she's doing.
01:19:46 So for 30.
01:19:47 Years and look, I I told you up in going all the way up to 2018. The last last video I found of her.
01:19:55 She was still doing it.
01:20:04 Going around mine ******* boomers.
Speaker 8
01:20:06 Bit we are going to increase that pain instead of ending it.Devon
01:20:12 That's right.01:20:13 In fact, white people, they.
01:20:15 They they don't just not stop doing it.
01:20:18 They increase the pain.
01:20:22 They're always making it worse.
01:20:36 All right.
Speaker 8
01:20:40 With power.01:20:42 And the reality that you?
01:20:43 Have never experienced.
01:20:44 I think before most of you I think have never experienced the reality that you are experiencing this morning, have you?
01:20:50 Before this, have you?
01:20:53 Have you, you, you, you.
01:20:58 I like the way you say.
01:20:59 Not in this country.
Speaker 12
01:21:01 You have you.Speaker 8
01:21:04 Have you ever experienced anything like this before?01:21:06 Experienced discrimination because of being a woman, yes.
01:21:11 Being a white woman.
01:21:13 Do you think the discrimination being visited upon you as a woman is the same as the discrimination that is visited upon her as a woman?
01:21:21 Her reality and your reality in this country, you do not live in the same country that she does.
01:21:28 You live in the United States of America, but you do not live in the same country that she does.
01:21:34 And neither do I.
01:21:36 And neither does she.
01:21:38 And she says she has never experienced this.
01:21:40 This kind of treatment in this country.
01:21:43 How many of those of you who are brown eyed have experienced this kind of treatment in this country?
01:21:50 Of course.Speaker 4
01:21:53 All the black people.Devon
01:21:56 They they they can somehow relate to this psychological torture session.01:22:07 Like I said, we'll hear some of the *** stories.
01:22:12 But first, a message from our sponsor, Martin Luther King.
01:22:20 Again, they just throw it.
01:22:21 It's just like a random clip of him.
01:22:23 Saying something random.
01:22:25 And now we're at her house.
01:22:28 Is the Martin Luther King segue?
Speaker 8
01:22:31 You're going to interview some students tomorrow.01:22:34 Some former students of mine who were in my classroom in the third year that I did this exercise.
01:22:39 They were in a film called The Eye of the Storm and we took still photographs of those children each day they of that exercise, one when they were on the top and one when when they were on the bottom.
01:22:50 And I have some of those.
01:22:54 The interesting part about these pictures is you can take a child who's a perfectly happy, normal human being.
01:23:03 See this this.01:23:03 Is why I called her a stupid ****.
01:23:09 Right, because not only is she just like a mean ******* ****, she's ******* ********.
01:23:14 She thinks what she's doing is some kind of groundbreaking like.
01:23:18 You know what?
01:23:18 If you abuse kids, this stupid ******* ****.
01:23:23 Right.
01:23:23 She think not only is she just she's you can tell she's just a mean old ******* ****.
01:23:29 She's a miserable.
01:23:30 Old **** that ******* hates white people.
01:23:32 ******* hates men.
01:23:33 You can just tell right she hates and and and white men and white Christian men the most right.
01:23:42 Well, here's the thing.
01:23:44 She thinks what she's done, even in the context of that.
01:23:47 Like, let's let's let's adopt her worldview.
01:23:50 She thinks what she's done is some kind of like, groundbreaking thing that if you get kids and treat them like ****, they're gonna get sad.
01:23:57 That's really what she's saying. She's saying that in 19, like, basically three years after I did my little **** **** in 1968 and I was still doing it. That showed in.
01:24:07 1971.
01:24:09 And they sent in a film crew and they did a documentary called Eye of the Storm.
01:24:18 They took these photos of the kids and on the days.
01:24:21 We were psychologically.
01:24:22 Abusing them. They were sad.
01:24:25 And on the days we weren't psychologically abusing.
01:24:27 Them they were happy.
01:24:29 Therefore, racism is all white people's fault.
01:24:32 Like this is what she's saying.
01:24:33 Look at this.
Speaker 8
01:24:35 Tomorrow, some former students of mine who were in my classroom the third year that I did this exercise, they were in a film called The Eye of the Storm, and we took still photographs.01:24:46 Of those children, each day they of that exercise, one when they were on the top and one when when they were on the bottom.
01:24:52 And I have some of those here.
01:24:55 The interesting part about these pictures is you can take a child who's a perfectly happy, normal human being on one day, and by putting a collar on him and telling him he's inferior, you can turn him into a frightened.
01:25:11 Vulnerable. Intimidated.
01:25:17 Child who cannot succeed on the day he's in.
01:25:21 The wrong place.
01:25:26 Who would have thought?01:25:28 Who would have thought?
01:25:31 By psychologically abusing a a kid and making them wear a collar cause you know we make black people wear collars, didn't you?
01:25:38 Know that.
01:25:39 Ohh yeah, black people have to wear collars to school.
01:25:43 Who would have?
01:25:44 Thought by doing that, you'd make him sad.
01:25:51 How many millions of dollars you think they paid this *****?
01:25:53 Because I.
01:25:54 Guarantee you it's measured in the millions.
01:25:56 Garen ******* to you.
01:25:59 So they go.
01:26:00 She brags about these photos.
01:26:02 She's just like, look at this little girl.
01:26:03 Look, she's all happy, but then.
Speaker 11
01:26:05 We put a.Devon
01:26:05 Collar on her and psychologically abused her all day and look how sad she is now.01:26:13 That's that's.
01:26:13 That's what she's doing.
01:26:14 She's going through photos of kids and saying look, see, they were happy, but I made them sad.
01:26:25 What kind of ****** **, twisted Mind does this ***** have?
Speaker 8
01:26:28 I asked Sandy whether, having had this exercise when she was in 3rd grade, had changed her life at all.01:26:34 She's the one who said yeah, now when I hear one of those bigoted remarks, I wish I had one of those collars in my pocket and I could take it out and I could whip it around that person's neck. And I could say now you wear that for two weeks and see how you'd.
01:26:44 Like to live that way for a lifetime.
01:26:46 WREX is the one who said.
01:26:49 I have.
01:26:50 I'll have that power in my pocket for the rest of my life.
01:26:52 I can't get that color out of my pocket.
01:26:55 In other words, the damage you did was permanent.01:27:05 The damage you did was permanent.
01:27:10 Meanwhile, back to her ****.
01:27:12 ******* the boomers.
Speaker 8
01:27:14 Good idea.01:27:17 So two of these people got one right.
01:27:20 None of them got them.
01:27:21 All right, this is too hard for blue eyed people.
01:27:24 This is a lot of work for blue eyed people to learn for simple sentences and then have to respond to them in a few minutes.
01:27:31 Now what stress are you suffering?
Speaker 12
01:27:34 From at this point the.01:27:38 Your your tone of voice is talking down to people.
01:27:42 You are setting it up so that making people feel dumb like.
01:27:48 If Mark makes a mistake, that's bad as opposed to good.
01:27:52 You're standing over something.
Speaker 8
01:27:55 And that's stressful to you?Speaker 12
01:27:57 I think to this group, yes, and to me.Speaker 8
01:27:59 That's stressful to you?Speaker 12
01:28:02 And also going too fast.Speaker 8
01:28:04 Going too fast.01:28:06 Anything else that's stressful to you?
01:28:10 Those are big ones, those are.
01:28:12 Big ones for her.
Speaker 16
01:28:14 Compare that to me and my wife and independence right close to where she lived, getting told to walk away from a house that we couldn't.01:28:22 Because it's occupied and we drive around the block and come back and see a.
01:28:26 White couple going in there.
Speaker 5
01:28:29 Ohh no, he couldn't rent.Devon
01:28:31 The house he.01:28:32 Wanted to rent.
Speaker 4
01:28:34 **** you. **** you.Devon
01:28:38 I should be allowed to rent my house to whoever I ******* want to.01:28:44 **** you.
01:28:44 That's your big stress.
01:28:45 That's your big story of oppression.
01:28:48 Your big story of oppression was that someone wouldn't rent you a house.
01:28:52 Oh, good Lord, let me guess.
01:28:55 They don't want to rent you a house in the white neighborhood.
01:28:57 Even you didn't want to ******* live in the black neighborhood.
01:28:59 You ******* ***** ** ****.
01:29:01 **** you.
01:29:04 **** you and your oppression.
01:29:07 Oh, it was so bad.
01:29:08 It was so bad.
Speaker 16
01:29:11 No stress.Devon
01:29:12 You don't know stress.01:29:13 The people won't let me rent an apartment.
01:29:17 Yeah, that's never happened to me.
01:29:19 I've never not been able to rent something I wanted to rent before.
01:29:22 That's never happened.
01:29:27 ******* ******, huh?
01:29:29 But I'm sure there's gonna be better stories than that, guys.
01:29:32 Right, though.
01:29:33 Look at, by the way.
01:29:34 Look at this psycho Black lady on the right.
01:29:36 Just that look on her face.
01:29:39 Look at her ******* look on her face.
01:29:42 Let me scale this up.
01:29:47 ******* psycho look.
Speaker 5
01:29:50 She's like, yes, yes.01:29:53 No, **** you.
01:29:56 White people ******* crazy.
01:30:01 But anyway, let's hear.
01:30:03 So his big.
01:30:03 Impression story.01:30:04 Someone wouldn't rent him something.
01:30:07 Ohh so stressful someone wouldn't rent you something.
01:30:11 What's the other one?
01:30:12 What's the other one?
01:30:13 That that's analogous to being psychologically tortured around the clock.
01:30:18 Let's hear your big story.
Speaker 8
01:30:20 If you don't mind telling me.Speaker 24
01:30:21 Every morning when I get up and go in my bathroom.Speaker 9
01:30:25 And look in my mirror.Speaker 12
01:30:25 Right.Devon
01:30:28 Every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror, it's stressful.01:30:31 Well, if I look like that look, I'd probably be stressed out myself.
01:30:34 But don't tell me that that's the big thing, right?
01:30:37 Is that your big story of oppression that you have to get up and look in the mirror and and that's stressful.
01:30:42 Again, I get it.
01:30:43 You're I mean.
01:30:45 Look at that. That's.
01:30:45 That's that's a cross to bear.
01:30:47 Let's just be honest, if you look.
01:30:48 Like that, that's I.
01:30:49 Mean you you basically look like what is it?
01:30:51 Forest Whitaker, if if if he was a try.
01:30:54 So I understand that, but let let's hear it.
Speaker 8
01:30:56 You if you don't mind telling.Speaker 24
01:30:58 Every morning when I get up and go in my.01:31:01 Bathroom and look in my mirror.
Speaker 4
01:31:02 Right.Speaker 24
01:31:03 That's when my stress begins, because I go to a school where I am one of two black teachers.Speaker 18
01:31:10 Out of how many?Speaker 8
01:31:14 2 black.Speaker 5
01:31:15 Wait, wait, hold on.01:31:16 Hold, hold, hold.
01:31:16 On hold.
01:31:17 Hold on.
01:31:17 Hold on.
01:31:25 Her big oppression.01:31:28 Her big I'm stressed out is that she's a black teacher at a white school.
01:31:44 Ohh God, I can't imagine how stressful that must be.
01:31:51 She's a black teacher at a white school.
01:31:57 I'm just gonna guess here.
01:31:59 I'm just gonna guess if you're one of the two black teachers.
01:32:04 Something tells me affirmative action.
01:32:07 Is the only reason.
Speaker 11
01:32:08 You got the job in the first place.Devon
01:32:13 Her big stress in life is that she's one of two black teachers at a white school.01:32:18 That's all she could come up with.
Speaker 11
01:32:25 That's all she.Devon
01:32:26 Could come up with the first guy.Speaker 5
01:32:28 We don't even know. Look.Devon
01:32:30 We have this little story is true.01:32:31 Or they would rent to.
01:32:32 That's that's easy to just say because because it it fits right in with whatever like after school special scenario there is right.
01:32:44 But even if that's the case, who ******* cares?
01:32:46 Who ******* cares?
01:32:47 **** you, dude.
01:32:51 Speaks skynet.
01:32:52 He looks like the ************ that that in the movies and you know, and basically invents Skynet because you know, black people invent Skynet.
01:32:59 That's that was the most unbelievable part of Terminator.
Speaker 11
01:33:09 Not the time.Devon
01:33:10 Travel or the?01:33:15 So yeah, so her big story was that she's a a black teacher at a white school.
01:33:20 These people have nothing to ******* complain about, nothing to ******* complain about.
01:33:25 And look, you gotta imagine this is just what they picked.
01:33:28 This is what the the German film makers.
01:33:32 Observing this this struggle session.
01:33:36 That these were the the two that they picked was some guy not be able to rent a house and some women being.
01:33:43 I think woman, I don't know.
01:33:45 Once you see that that forest is it, is it Whitaker or Whitaker?
01:33:48 I don't know you guys.
01:33:51 Never mind, once you see it though, you can't then see it.
01:33:58 That's her big.
01:33:59 That's her big yeah.
Speaker 8
01:34:02 In a school with 60 teachers and you're one of the two.Speaker 24
01:34:05 One of the two.Devon
01:34:06 Oh my God.01:34:07 So that's that's I can't.
01:34:09 Ohh I can't imagine what that's like.
01:34:13 Can't imagine.
01:34:14 OK, so here's this guy this.
01:34:15 This ******* genius.
01:34:17 Let's see what kind of nonsense he's the oppression he's dealing with.
Speaker 8
01:34:22 Don't do that.01:34:24 You want to tell us?
01:34:25 Go ahead and tell us.
Speaker 22
01:34:27 Stress is knowing that.Speaker 9
01:34:29 When you send son or daughter to school that they have to Start learning how.Speaker 22
01:34:37 To be the best.01:34:39 And no matter what they say or what.
Speaker 9
01:34:42 They do.01:34:43 It's never good enough.
Speaker 5
01:34:45 And so.Devon
01:34:46 I want to actually analyze this because.01:34:50 I want I want to understand.
01:34:54 So he stressed he's experiencing this kind of stress, this kind of psychological torture.
01:35:01 Because he has kids in school that need to be the best.
01:35:05 And it's never good enough.
01:35:08 OK, well.
01:35:10 Don't you mean let?
01:35:11 Let's let's let's alright.
01:35:13 First of all, every parents, all the parents have kids.
01:35:18 That they want to be the best, right?
01:35:21 So I don't see how that's unique and it's.
01:35:23 Never good enough.
01:35:24 Ohh you mean because of these racist culturally insensitive tests?
01:35:30 I get.
01:35:30 I guess that's what it is.
Speaker 9
01:35:33 I'm always going to find something wrong.Speaker 22
01:35:36 To the point of where I'm going to make you so frustrated that you get into a situation where you become unstable.Speaker 11
01:35:49 See, here's the thing.Devon
01:35:51 Here I'm gonna translate for you with a little bit of sympathy, honestly.01:35:57 He's saying that ohh.
01:35:58 And then no matter how hard you try, they always find something wrong with it.
01:36:01 Well, it's because there's probably something wrong with it, right?
01:36:04 Teachers aren't **** sake, especially teachers in the 90s.
01:36:08 The last thing you want to do is is have your black kids failing, right?
01:36:12 You're going to get less money for your school if you're like, graduating black kids, you're giving, I mean.
01:36:17 If in fact, if you can manage.
01:36:18 To like produce.
01:36:19 Black honor roll students.
01:36:21 I mean, the money is gonna come coaching.
01:36:23 Come rolling right in.
01:36:24 So if you've got teachers that are finding things wrong with what your kids are doing, it's probably because they did something wrong.
01:36:32 But again, going back to that IQ thing, right, going, going back to this, right, if you're in a society, if you're in a society that's designed to accommodate the 100 and of 105 IQ people.
01:36:46 And your kids have IQ's of 85. They're not going to perform as well. That's just naturally going to. I'm sorry, that's just what's going to happen, right? That's what's going to happen.
01:36:58 And yeah, they're going to always find something wrong with what you did, because you're probably going to do something.
01:37:04 And then what does he say?
01:37:06 What does he say?
Speaker 21
01:37:08 To the point of.Speaker 22
01:37:09 Where I'm going to make you so frustrated that you get into a situation.01:37:12 Where you become unstable.
01:37:14 Ah, and then you get so frustrated be wildin.01:37:20 I'm trying to update the language.
01:37:24 To today's talk.
01:37:26 So it's he's trying to he he obviously has.
01:37:28 Kids that get into a lot of trouble, I.
01:37:30 Wonder why?
01:37:31 And he's trying to come up with some reasoning that fits within this, this framework, this woman is trying to create.
01:37:39 Why that's happening right?
01:37:41 And so he's framing it as well.
01:37:43 My kids don't do well in school.
01:37:46 And then.
01:37:47 They they then bewilder because they're so frustrated, right, they're so frustrated, black people can't say frustrated. For some, I don't know why they have a problem with that word.
Speaker 9
01:37:56 And you can't be taught.Speaker 22
01:37:58 So now you have to go over here.Devon
01:38:01 No, you can't be taught.01:38:02 So now you have to.
01:38:03 Go over here.
01:38:03 Well, that's what.
01:38:04 So let's let's.
01:38:06 You're not being very specific, but I'm trying.
01:38:08 To read between the the lines here.
01:38:10 So now you're going to.
01:38:12 Special Ed.
01:38:13 Because you're not performing right.
01:38:15 Right, so far, nothing.
01:38:17 This has nothing to do with this experiment at all.
01:38:21 But at least, and it's very ambiguous.
01:38:23 It could almost mean anything.
01:38:24 I just think I understand what you're saying because.
01:38:27 I'm I'm very north of that 85 IQ. So I'm I'm just using my, my my powers of of.
01:38:36 Comprehending, comprehending the.
01:38:40 Linguistically challenged.
01:38:45 Let's let's let's have let's have some more more explanation as to why be willing, that's.
01:38:50 What he's saying.
Speaker 22
01:38:52 Can't be taught.01:38:53 So now you have.
Speaker 5
01:38:54 To go now you have.Devon
01:38:54 To go over here.Speaker 22
01:38:57 Now we have to test you.Devon
01:38:58 I have to test your look.01:39:00 So now you're kidding special Ed, because he's not.
01:39:03 He's not, you know, so.
01:39:05 I don't wanna test you.
Speaker 9
01:39:06 I'm going to.Speaker 22
01:39:07 Tell you what's wrong with your child.Devon
01:39:10 Now and now that your your kid is is failing these competency exams.01:39:15 They're going to you and saying, hey, look, your kids not passing.
01:39:19 So we're putting them in special Ed.
Speaker 22
01:39:22 We're going to.01:39:23 Make them statistic.
01:39:25 Gonna make it. That's just you saying some some buzzword from a rap song or something. Yo, be statistics and ****. Yeah.01:39:34 And it's like, well, we're all technically a statistic.
01:39:37 It's just that your kids are statistic in that black area right there.
01:39:42 And the the white kids are statistics somewhere in that Gray area.
01:39:46 So that's.
01:39:48 Yeah. Anyway, so keep going.
Speaker 22
01:39:50 We're going to keep him in the background.Devon
01:39:52 Keep in the background what you mean like in.01:39:53 The special Ed class.
Speaker 22
01:39:57 And you have day in and day out talking to him.01:40:01 Nothing wrong with you.
01:40:03 So, day in, day out, you have to tell your kid your stupid kid.01:40:06 There's nothing wrong.
01:40:07 With him?
01:40:08 Well, I don't know if that.
01:40:08 If, if not being honest is the way to go about it, but alright you do you right.
Speaker 22
01:40:13 Nothing wrong with you.01:40:14 You can do it you.
01:40:14 Can do it.
01:40:15 You can do it.
Speaker 5
01:40:16 But see this.Devon
01:40:17 Is the.01:40:17 Again, this is where I'm I'm.
01:40:18 I'm sorry.
01:40:19 A little bit of sympathy here.
01:40:21 You can't do it.
01:40:25 You can't do it.
01:40:27 And that's what leads to these insane ******* ideas, these insane struggle sessions that try to come up with reasons.
01:40:37 To explain why this guy's son isn't testing high enough.
01:40:42 In school.
01:40:44 To be from what I gather, with the regular kids.
01:40:51 And that leads to his kid.
01:40:53 I don't think it's what leads the kid.
01:40:55 I think it it's, it's part and parcel of the, you know, it's part of the problem.
01:40:59 Same problem.
01:41:01 The kid is acting up.
01:41:02 He's wild and.
Speaker 22
01:41:05 And he continues to come home hurt.01:41:08 Sometimes in fights.
01:41:10 See, he's having fights.01:41:15 See, I've yet he's yet to articulate, though what any of this would have to do with what this.
01:41:22 This psychological torture on blue eyed white people.
01:41:27 Like what it has to do with it.
01:41:28 It doesn't seem to connect.
01:41:29 All right, so your kid is.
01:41:32 Is Dom and fights other people.
Speaker 22
01:41:36 And we have to continue to.01:41:37 Keep doing over and over and over.
01:41:41 And the sad thing about it is is that.
Speaker 14
01:41:41 Right.Speaker 22
01:41:44 We waste so much time.01:41:46 And trying to keep the self esteem up.
01:41:48 That we lose the time that.
01:41:49 He could be learned.
Speaker 4
01:41:51 That's your fault, *****.Devon
01:41:53 If you're, if you're just trying to sit there and suck him off all day and tell him.01:41:56 How? There's nothing.
01:41:57 Wrong with him.
01:41:58 And then you're like, oh, damn it, I spent half the day telling him, and there's nothing wrong.
01:42:01 With him, and now he now he hasn't learned.
01:42:06 That just doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 22
01:42:09 And they know that.01:42:12 Now that's what that's what stress is.
Speaker 5
01:42:15 That's real stressed.Devon
01:42:19 Ohh y'all ************* don't know stress, that's real stress.01:42:24 Yeah. So anyway.
01:42:26 So that now they show clips of the original experiment.
01:42:31 That they or not the original one. This is from the the 1970s version of it.
Speaker 18
01:42:36 It might be interesting to judge people today.01:42:39 By the color of their eyes.
Speaker 2
01:42:42 Would you like to try them?Speaker 18
01:42:43 This sounds like fun, doesn't it?01:42:46 Since I'm the teacher and I have blue eyes, I think maybe the blue eyed people should be on top.
01:42:53 The first day.
01:42:54 I mean the blue eyed people are the better.
01:42:57 People in this room.
01:42:59 Oh, Oh yes they are.
01:43:03 Why people are smarter than brown eyed people?
01:43:08 They are cleaner than brown eyed people.
01:43:12 And if you don't believe it, look at Brian.
01:43:16 The brown eyed people do not get to use the drinking fountain.
01:43:20 You'll have to use the paper cups.
01:43:24 You, brown eyed people are not to play with the blue eyed people on the playground because you are not as good as blue eyed people.
01:43:32 LeBron eyed people in this room today are going to wear collars.
01:43:36 So that we can.
01:43:36 Tell from a distance what color your eyes are.
01:43:44 See in this case, she didn't just pick on the blue eyed people because she had them.01:43:49 For two days.
01:43:51 So she could **** with both of them.
01:43:54 Both groups because in her case her entire class.
Speaker 5
01:43:57 Was white.Devon
01:43:59 So instead of ******* with just the white adults while enraging the.01:44:03 Black people in the room.
01:44:05 She she only didn't have any black people in the room, so her her only choice was to separate them.
01:44:12 **** with the brown eyed people the first day and the blue.
01:44:15 Eyed people the second day.
01:44:19 And look at that little girl wouldn't.
01:44:20 You be ******* enraged, enraged.
01:44:25 Have you found out that that your your kids teacher was this is, you know, you know, look, the home school, your kid meme thing.
01:44:33 I mean this, this, this should have.
01:44:34 I mean, people should have been homeschooling.
01:44:36 Some people have for like a long time.
01:44:37 But this this poisoned.
01:44:42 In the education system has been around a long ******* time. This was 197119 ******* 71 and again she started in 1968.
Speaker 8
01:44:55 This older woman in the middle of this group stood up and said Mrs.01:44:58 Elliott, I came here to tell you how much I hate you.
01:45:00 I said OK, well, go ahead.
01:45:01 You know, this isn't a new experience, she said.
01:45:03 I am Jewish.
01:45:05 I was born and raised in Germany, she said.
01:45:07 We went to a Jewish school every morning when our headmaster came in, we would bow and say good morning here, headmaster.
01:45:14 She said one morning he came in with two s s troopers and one of the s s troopers said to us in the future, you decadent Jews will no longer bow and say good morning. Her headmaster. She you will salute and say how Hitler.
01:45:25 She said I watched those of us who valued our life more than our faith salute and say, hail Hitler, she said.
Speaker 26
01:45:25 Hey, ray.Speaker 8
01:45:31 Those who value their faith more than life itself continued to bow and say good morning.01:45:35 Her headmaster, she said.
01:45:36 They disappeared and we never saw them again.
01:45:38 But we know what happened.
01:45:40 She said your students are very fortunate.
01:45:42 They will never allow to happen in their society.
01:45:44 What we allowed to happen in ours.
01:45:46 They'll see it coming.
01:45:47 They'll put a stop.
01:45:48 To it then she said something that frightens me.
01:45:50 To this day, she said the atmosphere that you created for your students in your classroom with your blue eyed brown eyed exercise reminded me of the atmosphere, the environment that the Nazis created.
01:46:01 For the Jews in June.
Speaker 15
01:46:01 Please play.Speaker 8
01:46:03 Now people of color, particularly blacks who see the film, the eye of the storm, which was my in my classroom the third year, I did the exercise say to me when it's over, that's the way I live every day of my life.01:46:16 And that's in what we call the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have created an environment in this country for 11 to 12% of our population in which they feel the way the Jews felt in Nazi Germany.
01:46:37 There you go it. It's just it's it's, it's the Holocaust all over. Everything's the Holocaust, everything.01:46:44 Holocaust, Holocaust.
01:46:46 She's very focused on the Holocaust.
01:46:51 Now this is her in 2018.
01:46:58 And it's funny because.
01:47:00 I told you she was she.
01:47:01 Was the quintessential boomer when it came to race relations.
Speaker 15
01:47:07 Every educator should refuse to perpetuate the myth of white superiority.01:47:12 There's only one race.
01:47:14 It's the human race.
Speaker 5
01:47:18 It's literally what she says.Devon
01:47:21 Oh, and that's outdated.01:47:24 She can't say that anymore.
01:47:26 Maybe that she's a relic.
01:47:27 She's now a relic.
01:47:29 Of what?
01:47:30 She she's a product of white supremacy.
01:47:34 How dare how dare they let her teach?
01:47:39 Those black kids anyway, so.
01:47:43 Speaking of, we're just gonna.
01:47:45 I'm just gonna try to wrap this **** up honestly.
01:47:47 So that was pretty much it.
01:47:48 And go to her.
01:47:48 Her website.
01:47:53 And I think you can book her still, but so you can buy at her store.
01:48:00 Let's see if there's any workshops coming up here.
01:48:06 Well, now you you have to.
01:48:07 You have to hire her for her workshops.
01:48:11 And let's see the store.
01:48:15 Well, you can buy a a book by her called a collar in my pocket.
01:48:22 A sweatshirt that says racial prejudice is an emotional commitment to ignorance.
01:48:28 So deep.
01:48:30 Another book, eye of the Storm, Blue Eyed.
01:48:37 Oh no, that's the DVD's. DVD's are what we just.
01:48:39 Watched is blue eyed.
01:48:41 You can buy the stolen eye.
01:48:44 The angry eye.
01:48:47 Indecently exposed the eye opener.
01:48:52 I have sore on wide eyed.
01:48:56 And they've done like again, they've done a documentary on her about once every five years.
01:49:04 And then she was on Oprah.
01:49:06 Let's see how I can get I I know I got the.
01:49:08 Oprah thing.
01:49:09 Let's see where this is.
Speaker 9
01:49:12 Is this it?01:49:13 No, that's something else.
01:49:20 So she was on Oprah.Speaker 4
01:49:25 Let me scale this down.Devon
01:49:34 So this is 92. This is before what we just watched even happened.Speaker 27
01:49:41 And I'm backstage right now because today's studio audience thinks that they've come to a regular Oprah Winfrey show, but without knowing it, they've walked into this exercise.01:49:51 It's an exercise in racism and my guest, Jane Elliott started this exercise a long time ago at her third grade class back in 1968 after the assassination of Doctor Martin Luther King.
01:50:02 What she's going to do is to demo.
01:50:04 Straight how easy it is to learn prejudice.
01:50:07 The point being that we are taught to hate each other on the basis of the color of our skins.
01:50:12 So today's audience was separated into two groups, not on the color of their skin, where they separated when they arrived.
01:50:19 They were separated based on the color of their eyes, but they have no idea that they were separated.
01:50:24 What we did was treat each group differently, discriminating against the people who have blue eyes, catering to those people with brown.
01:50:33 So here's how the blue eyed people were treated when they arrived at the show.
01:50:37 Come on, come on, come.Speaker 17
01:50:37 On come on, call you right over there.01:50:40 Put it on.
01:50:41 No, no.
Speaker 8
01:50:41 No over there.Devon
01:50:43 Say when she when she doesn't have a day to do it over, she always picks on the blue eyed people cause she ******* hates.01:50:48 White people, so it it was.
01:50:50 Just the same ****, right?
01:50:52 They go to the same thing and just abuse the the blue eyed people.
Speaker 25
01:50:58 Can't empathize with what happened in LA.01:51:00 You've made a complete assumption on what we look like based on our beliefs.
Speaker 8
01:51:10 You don't.01:51:10 You don't like people making broad generalizations about you and assumptions about you without knowing you, that that doesn't make you comfortable to have people making broad generalizations and assumptions about you without knowing you as an individual.
01:51:24 It makes you very uncomfortable.
01:51:25 Anybody else in this room ever had that kind of discomfort on a?
Speaker 18
01:51:28 Daily basis.Speaker 11
01:51:30 Well, black people especially.01:51:32 Yeah, look at.
01:51:32 The black people anyway, so it's the same ********.Speaker 5
01:51:35 It's all it's.Devon
01:51:35 All just it's all just random.01:51:39 It's all just it's.
01:51:40 It's all just the it's literally just melanin.
01:51:46 Has nothing.
01:51:47 Your behavior has nothing to do with pattern recognition, which by the way, pattern recognition is, is culturally insensitive.
01:51:57 Because non whites apparently are not able to to recognize patterns.
01:52:05 Steven Spielberg is real worried about anti-Semitism coming back.
Speaker 13
01:52:10 Young Sam and I assume young Steven.01:52:14 Is bullied and feels alienated by his Jewishness, and you've said it took years for you to embrace your your heritage and not doing so fully until you were actually making Schindler's List with the prophets of the film you created.
01:52:29 The show of foundation.
01:52:30 And I'm.
01:52:32 Curious as.
01:52:35 Someone who's examined his his own Jewishness in the in the place of Jews, not only in the United States.
01:52:40 But but around.
01:52:41 The world.
01:52:42 Do you find it?
01:52:47 The rise.
01:52:49 Of public anti-Semitism not only in the United States, but in authoritarian countries all around the world now.
Speaker 10
01:52:59 I I find it very, very surprising because anti-Semitism has always been there, it's it's either been just around the corner and slightly out of sight, but always lurking, it's been much more.01:53:10 Overt like in Germany in the 30s.
01:53:16 But not since Germany in the 30s.
01:53:18 Have I witnessed anti-Semitism no longer lurking, but standing proud with hands on hips like Hitler and Mussolini kind of daring us to defy it? I've never experienced this in my entire life, especially in this country.
Speaker 13
01:53:34 Have you?Devon
01:53:37 Well, maybe you shouldn't rape that little girl to death.01:53:42 Might might have something to do with that.
01:53:43 Maybe maybe ****** little girls to death.
01:53:48 Are are going to get people to not like you so much, I don't know.
01:53:50 Call me crazy, but if.
01:53:51 I were to rape a little girl to death.
01:53:55 I would expect people to have a problem with me, but that's just me.
01:53:59 You know, I that's just my moral code.
01:54:02 Where I don't believe in ******.
01:54:03 Little girls to death.
01:54:05 All right. We got night train 88.
Speaker 17
01:54:32 Well, that's.Speaker 12
01:54:37 That will keep him busy for a while.Devon
01:54:42 Alright, that was for the *** **** money and all you said was Wookie.01:54:47 So I assumed that you wanted his and you wanted maximum wookie and that's about as as as much Wookie and one wookie as there is.
01:55:03 So there you go. Night train 88.
01:55:06 Graham playing games.
01:55:08 So many people talk about Russia and Putin like it's a cartoon or comic book.
01:55:12 NATO also literally posted a sort of this is like when Dumbledore blah blah.
01:55:18 Blah Voldemort thing.
01:55:19 The absolute state let me take a look here.
01:55:25 Links tonight, guys.
01:55:26 It's probably not going to be a good idea.
01:55:31 But I will tell you a look.
01:55:34 And just sitting here loading and not giving me a lot of confidence that this is a good idea.
01:55:40 Yeah, it's going really slow.
01:55:54 ******* space Internet.
01:55:57 ******* space Internet.
01:56:04 Alright, so we're going to pop this up.
01:56:08 What does it even say?
01:56:09 Hold on.
01:56:15 Hold on.
01:56:26 There we go.Devon
01:56:28 Case from the mayor official thing.01:56:31 It says Ukraine is hosting one of the great epics of the century.
01:56:36 We are Harry Potter and William Wallace and the Navi and Han Solo.
01:56:41 NATO is saying this God, we're so gay.
01:56:44 We're so ******* gay.
01:56:47 We're escaping from Shawshank and blowing up the Death star we are.
01:56:51 This is so ******* gay.
01:56:53 There you go.
01:56:54 Welcome to.
01:56:56 And look, and people people telling me that movies don't make a a huge impact on our culture.
01:57:02 You're wasting all your time, Devin.
01:57:04 You waste all your time dissecting these movies and talking about the impact it has on our culture and the way people think really, really.
01:57:12 When NATO is having to quote movies to make their point.
01:57:16 To prefer it to sink in with people.
Speaker 4
01:57:20 This is what what?Devon
01:57:21 What culture do we have other than movies, right?01:57:25 What culture do we have other than movies and and what culture is there, aside from pop culture and globalism?
01:57:37 The only thing in globalism that brings people together is multinational products like Harry Potter and and Star Wars and stuff like that.
01:57:46 That's all you have.
01:57:48 There's no religious there's no religious.
01:57:53 There's no racial cohesion.
01:57:57 There's no historical cohesion.
01:58:03 But everyone's seen Star Wars.
01:58:06 Everyone knows what Harry Potter is.
01:58:09 Yeah, that's just the gay.
01:58:11 That's just the gay reality we live in now.
01:58:16 Graham playing games again?
01:58:17 I'm half Ukrainian, but not a for or against Ukraine.
01:58:21 Same for Russia.
01:58:21 I think the war is needless and not to not and not black and white.
01:58:26 Disgusting on both sides, not Western nations interests.
01:58:30 Meyer Shimer puts it well.
01:58:35 I don't know if I can play this if it's a video though.
01:58:42 Look, we'll try.
01:58:43 We'll try, but if this kills the stream again, everyone chat.
01:58:47 Is going to rape you.
Speaker 21
01:58:48 Going on, it's quite.Devon
01:58:50 And I mean that.Speaker 21
01:58:50 My argument is as I'm.Devon
01:58:52 Not not.Speaker 21
01:58:52 Sure, many of you.Devon
01:58:53 Know my chap.01:58:55 Literally rape him.
01:58:57 If this ruins the connection, just start ****** him.
Speaker 21
01:59:02 My argument is, as I'm sure many of you.01:59:04 Know that if.
01:59:05 You look carefully.
01:59:07 At what was going on.
01:59:08 It's quite clear that the West's efforts.
01:59:13 To turn Ukraine into a western bulwark on Russia's borders was viewed as an existential threat.
01:59:24 The brightest of.
01:59:25 All red lines.
01:59:27 As Bill Burns, the ambassador, U.S.
01:59:30 ambassador to Moscow at the time said by the entire Russian elite, the idea that.
01:59:40 Ukraine was going to be incorporated into NATO.
01:59:43 The idea that Ukraine was going to be incorporated into the EU, the idea that you were gonna promote.
01:59:51 An orange revolution and turn Ukraine into a pro Western liberal democracy unacceptable to the Russians.
01:59:59 It was an existential threat.
02:00:01 You might not think it was an existential threat, but what you think doesn't matter.
02:00:06 The only thing that matters is what the Russians think, and the Russians thought it was an existential threat.
02:00:11 And they made it unequivocally clear to us.
02:00:15 That it was an existential threat.
02:00:17 And how did we react?
02:00:18 We ignored what they said and we continued pushing to bring Ukraine into NATO, pushing to bring Ukraine into the EU, pushing to turn it into a pro Western liberal democracy.
02:00:30 Why did we do that?
02:00:31 I'll tell you why we did it.
02:00:32 Because the Russians were weak.
02:00:34 That's what happens when you're weak in international politics.
Speaker 5
02:00:37 How long is this?Speaker 21
02:00:39 The Russians protested NATO convention from the Get Go.Devon
02:00:40 There's a Twitter video, really.02:00:43 I don't disagree with this guy, but let that that that basically says what needs to be said for the people that don't understand what's going on.
02:00:50 All he's saying is basically in the same way that like, look the the Cuban missile crisis, right, all the boomers like to talk about the Cuban missile crisis.
02:00:59 It was such a scary time.
02:01:01 Uh World War Three was about to happen.
02:01:03 All that was about was Cuba.
02:01:09 Was was was in our hemisphere, right?
02:01:12 Cuba friends of the.
02:01:14 Of the USSR they were the communists in our in our our hemisphere and they had things that that we didn't like.
02:01:23 It looked like they were possibly building some kind of missiles in Cuba.
Speaker 4
02:01:30 Well, I mean we.Devon
02:01:30 Got missiles? All you.02:01:31 Know NATO has missiles all over the place surrounding Russia for quote UN quote defense purposes.
02:01:45 Right.
02:01:50 But when once you start Westernizing Ukraine, you start toying with the idea that Ukraine should be a member of NATO.
02:01:57 You know, if you're Russia, that's a threat considering that NATO was specifically organized to counteract you.
02:02:07 Like imagine imagine like, you know, it's kind of hard for Americans, I think, to wrap their heads around it because we've never faced anything similar.
02:02:15 Right.
02:02:15 I guess the closest is the Cuban missile crisis, which most people, most people are too.
02:02:19 Young to remember.
02:02:21 But imagine if there was this coalition of of I don't know, like South American countries against the United States and who cares what they call it.
02:02:29 But there's there's this coalition of of countries in South America.
02:02:34 And they slowly start inching.
02:02:36 Close the United States.
02:02:37 Right, like.
02:02:38 And and one day, Mexico.
02:02:42 Starts talking about joining this coalition against the United States.
02:02:49 You think?
02:02:50 the United States might be a little upset about that.
02:02:53 They might look at the South American coalition against the United States and say, hey.
02:02:58 You know, we don't like that you're you're flirting with Mexico here.
02:03:03 And trying to get them to join your little.
02:03:05 Gay anti US club.
02:03:07 If you do that.
02:03:09 We're gonna have a problem.
02:03:14 And and look, Mexico would have a problem if they joined a explicitly anti United States.
02:03:21 Military club.
02:03:26 Yeah, it's real hard for Americans to wrap their heads around that.
02:03:28 That's why I think so many of them and look and as you said, obviously the war is not good.
02:03:34 Especially wars with whites against whites.
02:03:37 It's not a good idea.
02:03:38 It's not a good thing.
02:03:39 And look and I I feel for the Ukrainians too.
02:03:44 The Ukrainians have a right to national sovereignty.
02:03:48 But at the same time, if you elect a.
02:03:52 A A Jewish puppet as your president.
02:03:57 And again, I don't know.
02:03:58 I don't know how real their elections even are.
02:04:02 Right.
02:04:05 You might have bad things might happen.
02:04:06 Bad things might happen to your country.
02:04:09 And not to excuse any of that.
02:04:11 Obviously it's, it's, it's, it's horrific.
02:04:13 It's a tragedy on both sides and it might end up being a tragedy on many more sides if if the Western countries get looped into this.
02:04:21 I mean, you think World War Two was was bad?
02:04:23 Imagine it.
02:04:24 Imagine it with the kinds of technologies that we have now.
02:04:29 You want something that's gonna end the white race.
02:04:32 World War Three would have.
02:04:37 That'd be the best.
02:04:38 That'd be the the best chance the globalists we've ever had about of ending the white race in one fail swoop.
02:04:45 So yeah, it is what it is.
02:04:47 All right, let's take a look here.
02:04:53 And then Grant playing games again.
02:04:55 Many of those who argue for Ukrainian sovereignty don't seem to care about and or outright support.
02:05:01 Nations dissolving through mass immigration losing sovereignty through those means Ukraine losing to Russia is somehow worth killing or dying for.
02:05:10 But masses of Africans taking Ukraine doesn't matter.
02:05:19 Tennis nuts.
02:05:20 I never miss a stream.
02:05:21 Well, you probably missed a bunch of this one.
02:05:23 Who's everyone watching?
02:05:25 There's a couple times there like it took me a minute or two to, like, know that it was dead because it I don't get a warning.
02:05:30 It just it just doesn't work and it's so delayed that.
02:05:33 I don't even know for.
02:05:34 You know, even if I'm keeping an eye on stuff, which this stream I absolutely had to.
02:05:39 I don't even know, so I I think the replay is going to be really ******* jacked up.
02:05:43 I don't know if I'm going to even post it.
02:05:44 We'll see how that goes.
02:05:46 I just want you to say that a couple of people have recommended Mr.
02:05:49 White tuber.
02:05:50 It took me a while to get used to his style, but I enjoy listening to him and he does have some good information he sounds like.
02:05:58 Some of the conversation you might see in the chat.
02:06:03 Well, there you go.
02:06:04 I've never, never. I I don't know who that is. So simpay for everyone who played Wolfenstein 3D as a kid, how about some black pilled open GL and C++ to atone for it?
02:06:19 And then you guys have a link, remember it?
02:06:21 Links are links of the devil tonight.
02:06:25 Anyone that that gives us the link of death, you will get raped in the ***.
02:06:29 I'm just.
02:06:30 Telling you right now.
02:06:31 Let's see what let's see what happens and your link better work in opera.
02:06:36 If this is some like weird browser game that doesn't work in like the ****** opera browser than your.
02:06:41 Link goes nowhere.
02:06:44 Alright, this link goes to.
02:06:48 I don't know is this is this?
02:06:49 Is this, it looks like is this a game or is this a screenshot?
02:06:53 What am I looking at here?
02:06:56 Is this like a unity game or is this a?
02:06:58 Screenshot of a unity game.
02:07:02 Well, I don't know if this is a screenshot of a unity game, but there you go.
02:07:06 Look at that.
02:07:10 3 Gold keys, 4 silver keys.
02:07:15 Let me save this.
Speaker 4
02:07:21 Let's see.Devon
02:07:34 I dig the I dig the image, we'll.02:07:36 Pop that on here.
02:07:37 How about that?
02:07:54 There we go.Devon
02:08:00 There's our black pilled.02:08:02 Wolfenstein screenshot if that's a real game, you should link people in the chat to that game.
02:08:08 Or is there?
02:08:09 Or maybe this link has I don't know.
02:08:10 What the?
02:08:11 I don't know what I'm looking at here.
02:08:13 Alright, so sorry, I'm so done with this stream.
02:08:17 I'm really sorry guys.
02:08:18 Nothing personal.
02:08:24 I just. I'm like it's.
02:08:25 It's taking everything in everything.
02:08:27 I have every, every inch of.
02:08:30 Of I don't know, restraint to just not just start punching my computer and setting things on fire.
02:08:38 I'm full of rage right now.
02:08:42 Let's see here. Cream cheese privilege. Hey, Devin. Wanted to ask you if you remember a certain movie you did a stream on in around 2 1/2 years ago.
02:08:52 In the movie there was this mulatto negress who travels back in time and kills white supremacists.
02:08:59 In order to stop some kind of race war.
02:09:02 Do you or chat know the name of the movie?
02:09:08 Oh, I know you're talking about.
02:09:14 No, I don't remember the name of the movie.
02:09:18 I think it was a Netflix movie though.
02:09:22 Maybe chat, maybe someone in chat knows I I I remember what you're talking about, but I don't remember the.
02:09:27 Name of that movie.
02:09:29 It was the whole like it it was.
02:09:33 Ah man, that was a long time ago.
02:09:36 Yeah, like her dad was white or something.
02:09:39 And so he was going back in time.
02:09:41 I don't remember all the details anymore.
02:09:43 Maybe someone in chat knows cold flame.
02:09:48 Are there any states that you can recommend in the eastern half of the US?
02:09:53 Recommend for what like to live in.
02:09:56 I mean, I don't know.
02:10:00 I guess it depends on how you how you define the eastern half.
02:10:06 If you just look, let me take a look at.
02:10:08 The states here, what do we got here?
02:10:11 I mean, if you're talking about east of Texas?
02:10:16 If you're talking east of Texas.
02:10:19 I don't know.
02:10:19 I ******* hate.
Speaker 5
02:10:20 The East Coast.02:10:23 I ******* hate it.
02:10:25 I'm I'm look Missouri, I'm sure has places.02:10:28 You know that's the problem is it's it's really there's no states that are good.
02:10:34 That goes for West Coast too.
02:10:36 There's no like, ohh, that states totally based.
02:10:38 No, that doesn't exist.
02:10:40 Because every quote UN quote based state has a city in it, and every ******* city is ruined, there's no such thing as a right wing city.
02:10:49 It doesn't exist.
02:10:50 So even in in Missouri, right, Missouri has rural areas that are kind of nice and and white, but then it's got Saint Louis.
02:11:00 You know, or Kansas City.
02:11:03 You know, you could say, you know, maybe Arkansas.
02:11:07 You know has has has some nice areas, but it's you know it's also super corrupt and that's where the Clintons were from.
02:11:17 You know the other?
02:11:19 I don't know much about the the South because I haven't spent a lot of time in the South.
02:11:23 I've just driven through it really so, but same kinds of problems.
02:11:27 You know, you've got the South has has probably some really cool, you know, white rural areas, but then it has like big cities full of blacks.
02:11:38 You know, Florida is a ******* nightmare.
02:11:41 I mean, you go to the beaches in Florida.
02:11:43 It's like you're not even.
02:11:43 Sure. What country you're in?
02:11:48 You know, the weird thing is, though, even like new.
02:11:50 York, NY state.
02:11:53 Has cool little rural.
02:11:55 Areas that are mostly white, so that's why it's.
02:11:58 This is why, you know, people get.
02:12:00 Black filled in.
02:12:00 The whole uh idea of of like a, you know, any kind of separation, secession movement or something like that because you can't.
02:12:10 I mean, it's just too mixed up.
02:12:13 It's too mixed up.
02:12:15 There's no real based states.
02:12:21 You know whether you're talking about the the West or east half of the country doesn't really matter.
02:12:28 So there you go.
02:12:30 I I wouldn't.
02:12:31 I wouldn't worry about.
02:12:32 I'll tell you what I would do.
02:12:33 I would.
02:12:34 Look at at gun laws.
02:12:36 For the states, because that's going to make a big difference if you're looking at places to live, just look at.
02:12:42 Don't think of it as like, oh, this states based. It's not. It's probably not, you know, but look at is it at least not cooked enough to have like, what percentage of California's laws has this state?
02:12:56 Past because that's basically what you're left.
02:12:58 With at this point is.
02:13:00 How much like California is it so far?
02:13:06 Like how much of A delay between what California makes a reality and what's happening now, right?
02:13:15 Oh, I forgot to play that I forgot about that.
02:13:17 See, this is this is what happens when.
02:13:19 The string gets.
02:13:19 All ****** **.
02:13:20 Speaking of California doing gay ****.
02:13:24 Oh oh, I thought for sure I'd save this video somehow.
02:13:28 Maybe I didn't let me see.
02:13:33 OK, let me let me refresh this.
02:13:36 Or yeah, I'll just play it.
02:13:37 I'll play it.
02:13:38 I'll play it on the browser here.
02:13:40 I forgot I can do.
02:13:41 That right now.
02:13:43 So California is going to be passing or is trying to push forward with the with reparations for blacks.
02:13:51 So California reparations panel raised the amount that it wants to give 1.8 million black people from $220,000 to $360,000 each in a $650 billion giveaway.
02:14:12 And then they had a hearing and black, one of the black leaders said.
02:14:17 It's the only way to stop black people.
02:14:20 From robbing convenience stores.
02:14:23 Is by giving them 360 ******* $1000 apiece.
02:14:30 So let me.
02:14:30 Let me pop up that video.
02:14:32 This was Daily Mail today I think.
02:14:37 And here we go.
02:14:40 Let me pop it up here.Speaker 20
02:14:46 I'm here right now to say there's only one thing, one thing that would stimulate this economy, and I need you to spread the word to Governor Gavin Newsom. And that one thing is capital money, reparations that will stimulate this economy for the 2.6.02:15:04 Million blacks in California.
02:15:07 There's only one thing that would stop our children from busting into these liquor stores and grocery stores, stealing junk food and and stealing different things.
02:15:17 And that's reparations.
02:15:19 There's only one thing that would stop our kids from busting into these jewelry stores, stealing watches and jewelry, and that's reparations.
02:15:29 So I need you, Gavin Newsom, to understand that if you have an intention of running for the Presidency after after Biden gets his presidency.
02:15:39 We need you to understand.
02:15:40 So goes California.
02:15:42 So goes the nation.
Speaker 26
02:15:46 Just jump right in and I got AB 3121. Doctor Webber.Devon
02:15:52 So they they signed the.02:15:55 The examine reparations law.
02:15:58 So they're they're thinking about it.
02:15:59 California is literally thinking about it, literally thinking about giving black people.
02:16:06 $360,000 each.
02:16:08 For being black.
02:16:11 As if that's going.
02:16:12 To somehow alleviate the white guilt.
02:16:15 Anyway, so the reason I thought of that was, you know, that's a saying not just in California, but all throughout the United States.
02:16:22 You know, so goes California, so goes the the rest of the country because oftentimes that's what happens.
02:16:27 California passes some gay *** ******* law.
02:16:31 And then you Fast forward 10 years or, depending on what state you live in, maybe it's 20.
02:16:36 But eventually you get that ******* gay law that California came up with.
02:16:41 And if you think reparations are limited just to California and you think, Oh well, that, that, that would never happen in my state.
02:16:49 Well, surprise surprise, guess what?
02:16:54 So just in California, they've got the reparation task force, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
02:17:04 Contra Costa and Alameda have monthly payouts to pregnant black women of $1000.
02:17:13 I want you to listen to what I just said, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Riverside, Contra Costa and Alameda, CA. Give pregnant black women $1000 a month.
02:17:35 That's now.
02:17:42 Now here's Missouri.
02:17:43 Perfect point.
02:17:44 I was, what was I just saying about Missouri?
02:17:47 Louis, MO.
02:17:48 Has a reparations Commission.
02:17:51 That's already exploring all this stuff we.
02:17:53 Just talked about.
02:17:58 Evanston, IL was the first in the US to pay reparations.
02:18:04 Up to $25,000 per black person.
02:18:12 Paul, MN has a reparations advisory panel.
02:18:19 Shelby, Tennessee has a reparation study going on. Asheville, NC has a reparations Commission.
02:18:30 Washington, DC has a long standing house bill that lacks support, so it just needs to.
02:18:38 I mean the the bills, they're ready to.
02:18:40 Go as soon as they have quote UN quote support.
02:18:45 Little surprised that, you know, especially with how black that ******* town is.
02:18:50 New Jersey has a reparations task force.
02:18:55 New York is creating a reparations Commission.
02:19:00 Amherst, MA has $2,000,000 in reparations funds, which isn't much.
02:19:07 You know, but.
02:19:08 It's still the fact that they've got that.
02:19:11 Boston has a reparations task force.
02:19:14 So this ship's spreading like cancer.
02:19:31 Cold flame.
02:19:32 Are there any are you already?
02:19:33 To that one.
02:19:35 Micronova words to live by J.
02:19:38 Phenotype detected.
02:19:39 Sales pitch rejected.
02:19:42 Funny hat detected.
02:19:43 Opinion rejected.
Speaker 3
02:19:44 There you go.Devon
02:19:46 J Ray 1981, Victoria Nuland is a Jewish ****. I digress.02:19:52 Yes, there is a.
02:19:54 Victoria Newland is one of people pushing for the war with Russia, and there's a racial hatred that she has that is informing a lot of that because.
02:20:06 A lot of American Jews.
02:20:10 As we've talked about a lot on the stream.
02:20:14 They are Jews that came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
02:20:20 And that those those problem Jews cause it seems to be those are the.
02:20:24 Ones that are the problem, Jews.
02:20:26 Have a problem with Putin?
02:20:32 After Matt kalashnikova.
02:20:35 Hello, Devin.
02:20:37 Or hey, in light of learning about Jewish involvement in the slave trade, do you think Buck breaking was a real phenomenon?
02:20:44 I was thinking that some Jewish slave traders actually did **** rape, black slaves.
02:20:48 Jews own the record.
02:20:50 Companies and it's known a lot of rappers get wrapped.
02:20:55 I mean, I don't know.
02:20:56 I guess it's possible.
02:20:59 I haven't come across anything that details that there's no, I mean, not that there'd be like records of that, but I.
02:21:05 Mean. I don't know.
02:21:07 I have heard that a lot of Jewish producers demand gay favors from from rappers, though to in in in a way of I don't know if it if it's just a power move or what it is, but or if it's just **** being faggs.
02:21:25 Hopper perspective and your last stream you expressed disappointment at Americans for their failure to recognize racial threats, and you talked about how or talked about this within the context of the warrior gene.
02:21:38 The Indo European genetic admixture in modern whites is a big part of that of the reason why they often struggle to see race.
02:21:48 Thus, race blindness is actually a major feature of the warrior gene because the ancient Indo European warrior culture was exceptionally meritocratic and individualistic for thousands of years, people in north Western European descent have the highest amount of this Indo European.
02:22:08 Add mixture.
02:22:10 Understanding this unique evolutionary psychology of northern Europeans is critical to understanding the problem.
02:22:17 Because Americans are mostly of north Western European descent, I highly recommend that you read the read individualism and the Western liberal tradition tradition by Kevin McDonnell.
02:22:29 Well, there you go.
02:22:31 Maybe when I get a chance, I will take a look at that.
02:22:36 But yeah, I'm not.
02:22:37 I've I've never looked into.
02:22:40 The genetic.
02:22:42 The genetic background behind.
02:22:47 Why whites are the way that they are.
02:22:48 I just assume that they have to be.
02:22:51 It has to be something on a genetic level at this point.
02:22:56 Homeland Shabas goy, and yeah, young Keaton.
02:23:02 I don't know what you're saying.
02:23:03 There state the same people.
02:23:07 Shabbos goy and Yaa, and maybe you're saying Yankees state or Yankees St.
02:23:14 I'm not gonna even try to figure that out.
02:23:15 Homeland, you're.
02:23:18 Also, the Republican Party was founded in part in part by German communists who arrived during 1840.
02:23:26 Eight. Well, there you go.
02:23:27 Uh, I don't know the accuracy of that comment, but it wouldn't surprise me micronova they wouldn't be able to do that eye color torture in the gate class.
02:23:38 I was put in.
02:23:39 All 23 of us had blue eyes.
02:23:43 There you go.
02:23:44 Well in gate they were doing a totally different kind of **** ******* probably around the clock.
02:23:52 Channel 0124957. Have you thought of using mid journey AI for image generation for turning your book into a comic book?
02:24:03 I I mean, I thought about it, but I haven't.
02:24:05 I haven't had the time to.
02:24:07 I I've I've screwed around a little bit with AI image generation and the problem is is trying to get.
02:24:14 Like if you created a character for the comic book, you'd you'd have to like, make sure that it would kept creating someone that looked like that every time.
02:24:22 And that's in my experience.
02:24:25 You can try.
02:24:26 To get it to do that by using real people as a reference, but I think it would be.
02:24:32 It would take some time to almost as much time.
02:24:36 Maybe it's it's just drawing the ******* pictures, I don't know.
02:24:41 Micronova rapid DNA SNP typing machines to find Jays hiding among humans 30 minutes for rough SNP typing.
02:24:51 They can never hide like they did last time.
02:24:55 OK, man of low moral fiber, why should we have to know what it's like to be a non white in America?
02:25:05 There shouldn't ******* be.
02:25:06 A non white or non white people in America.
02:25:10 Yeah, well, you know, I'd give her reparations if they would, if they would go back to I, I would give every non white some form of reparations.
02:25:19 If they went back to their countries of origin.
02:25:22 Absolutely, it'd be worth it in the long run.
02:25:29 Mike Renova, Count Elliott giving off Hillary Clinton vibes.
02:25:35 On the micro Nova, again, a way to sabotage your goals would be to embrace the event and say she didn't go far enough.
02:25:43 Be so thankful she validated or yeah, validated mass physical removal before this event.
02:25:51 I had sympathy for subhumans, but now you taught me the only way.
02:25:54 Is to remove them from civilized society.
02:25:57 Thank you.
02:25:59 Yeah, I don't think.
02:25:59 That'll work for her.
02:26:01 She would think that you need to be.
02:26:02 You need to be removed because.
02:26:05 You know the the Indians or something.
02:26:08 January 1981 the weather here has been Super Bad with wind. I know you're not that far away, William.
02:26:14 I don't know where you are, but it it is possible.
02:26:18 The the wind.
02:26:19 The wind has been.
02:26:21 Has been bad for at least a few days. That's specifically Wednesday. Why? There was no, no stream cause. Imagine. Look, the internet's finally ******* behaving now.
02:26:33 But imagine like how bad it was.
02:26:35 Plus, imagine power outages.
02:26:41 You know, I've been a mess.
02:26:42 Do you think I'm frustrated tonight?
02:26:44 Yeah, Wednesday.
02:26:44 I would have been *******.
02:26:47 Jay Ray 1981 **** Internet.
02:26:52 Guitar dude 1356.
02:26:57 One I know you think.
02:26:58 Sports Ball is gay.
02:26:59 Well, it is gay.
02:27:00 Which I agree.
02:27:02 But what about MMA and boxing?
02:27:04 I enjoy seeing blacks getting their ***** kicked by non blacks.
02:27:08 I also interact with gender reassignment surgeons that work at a work function.
02:27:14 I want to tell them they're satanic but didn't want to get fired.
02:27:18 Well, that that's.
02:27:20 Uh, I'm not going to tell you to do.
02:27:22 Something's going to get you fired, but.
02:27:24 You know that's that's that's why they get away with it, cause no one wants to get fired.
02:27:30 I guess that's your price.
02:27:31 I'm not saying it's it's you're wrong.
02:27:33 I'm just saying that's your price.
02:27:34 Your price is your position in the machine.
02:27:37 And that's that's kind of the problem is.
02:27:40 For most people, that's enough to keep them.
02:27:42 Keep them quiet as far as MMA.
02:27:45 I mean, I've always thought it was kind of gay, but whatever it's.
02:27:50 I'll tell you what.
02:27:50 It's not as gay.
02:27:53 I mean it's it's still gay.
02:27:58 But it's not as gay because one, it's.
02:28:05 It at least in that case, it's like a guy versus another guy, not like a bunch of guys who have nothing to do with the city, that that's on their jersey against a bunch of other rich guys that have nothing to do with the city that's on their jersey pretending to represent.
02:28:22 A city like I.
02:28:25 Mean I don't know, but it's still pretty gay.
02:28:27 It's professional sports.
02:28:30 Look, I don't have a problem with you participating in sports.
02:28:33 It's you're still being a spectator.
02:28:36 You know, I mean it to me it's it's like.
02:28:40 You know and and I've never understood this zoomers, I think of the first generation to want to do this, but it's like watching someone else play a video game.
02:28:48 I can't handle that, just it's so mind numbing.
02:28:51 I don't understand why the what the appeal is, especially when it takes almost no effort to play the game, that they're that they're that you're watching someone else play.
02:29:01 It just seems like like it's just lazy brain.
02:29:05 Like you're like, it's like people are so lazy brained they can't even play the video game.
02:29:09 They have to like have someone else play it for them.
02:29:12 And professional sports always kind of struck me as that.
02:29:15 It's like, look, if you like the game.
02:29:18 That's fine.
02:29:19 Just go ******* play it, you know.
02:29:22 In MMA, same thing.
02:29:24 OK, well, if you like fighting, go ******* fight.
02:29:26 Don't watch.
02:29:27 Two guys fight.
02:29:28 Like, what's the point?
02:29:29 It's a distraction that is, that really.
02:29:32 Is that really what you should be doing with your time?
02:29:34 You know what I mean?
02:29:34 Like, is out of all the things you could be doing.
02:29:38 Is watching to two millionaires.
02:29:41 Just fight is that.
02:29:45 I guess they're not really millionaires, and some of them are, but I guess a lot.
02:29:49 Of them aren't.
02:29:49 I mean, but still I don't know.
02:29:51 I've never.
02:29:51 I've never.
02:29:52 I've never enjoyed being a spectator in in things like that.
02:29:58 Or even like, honestly, there's not a lot of things I enjoy being a spectator and that could go for a lot of stuff that could go for, you know, even like, like live concerts.
02:30:08 I've always thought concerts were kind of just like, OK, so if I go here to this crowded place full of people I had.
02:30:15 Right.
02:30:17 And I I'll, I'll hear the same music that I I can hear in much better clarity at home or in the car or anywhere.
02:30:27 And you know, you know, because it's music is now everywhere.
02:30:31 I can hear it being played shittily through like these really bad speakers.
02:30:37 I I just I.
02:30:38 Just I've never understood.
02:30:39 The the Spectator, the you know experience.
02:30:45 I've never understood like why being a spectator appeals to people.
02:30:49 So I don't know, maybe that's just me.
02:30:53 Ah, January 1981. Ohh Ryan Dawson. Can't understand the bell curve he argued with so many people overwhelmed with comments about how he was wrong on Twitter. But he dug the **** in.
02:31:06 Yeah, well, you know.
02:31:10 I know.
02:31:14 That's why look.
02:31:16 Part with Ryan Dawson.
02:31:17 But when it comes to our our situation, our cause, you cannot trust people who aren't us.
02:31:24 To be on board with it.
02:31:29 Simple as that.
02:31:32 It's OK.
02:31:32 Look, it's OK to to have people who are not us as allies using the work of people that are not us, you know, to further what we're trying to accomplish.
02:31:45 But at the end of the day, people are not us, are not on our team.
02:31:52 And that's just another example of of that.
02:31:54 And look, he would call me, he'd call me an *******, racist.
02:31:59 He does that all the time, like every time. Like he'll go on on people streams, right, that. But then he bad mouths them when they're not around. I've seen him do it. Where he'll he'll. He'll go on, you know, quote UN quote racist peoples streams.
02:32:14 And talking about 911 and and whatever and the Jewish problem. And then when he's when on on his stream, again talking to like another libertarian or.
02:32:23 Whatever. He'll he'll.
02:32:24 Basically, talk **** about them like Oh yeah, even this is even the meat headed racist thing this, you know, and it's just, you know.
02:32:31 So he he's not.
02:32:32 He's not like on our team.
02:32:34 It's just we have.
02:32:35 There's just some crossover you know.
02:32:39 My fat little ******** toe. I feel your pain on the Internet. You'd think it would be. It would get better since the euthyroid's and the Zelinski got kicked off for being ungrateful cause ours. I didn't know that. They they. I thought Starlink was still providing Internet for Ukraine.
02:32:58 I was not.
02:32:58 Aware that that.
02:33:00 But you know, I I just look, it's just getting worse. They're upping the prices and they said that the reason why they upped my price to what is it now 125 or whatever it is now, they said because I'm in a high demand area. Bull ******* **** like there's how how high.
02:33:20 Like I'm in a very unpopulated area.
02:33:24 Even if everyone had Starlink out here, I don't know how it could possibly be high demand, but I'm in a high demand area.
02:33:31 If that's high demand, then they're in trouble.
02:33:36 Oh, here we go.
02:33:37 January 1981 I will pay $500 to have you and Dawson debate over the Bell curve.
02:33:43 I'm not alone in this, I I'm not a debate bro and and like I said it, it serves no purpose.
Speaker 11
02:33:50 Who cares? Like.Devon
02:33:51 Let's say I managed to change his mind, which I wouldn't, but let's say I managed to change his mind to believe in the Bell curve.02:33:59 What change?
02:34:01 Ohh hey everyone.
02:34:02 Ryan Dawson believes in.
02:34:03 The Bell curve now, which he won't.
02:34:06 Right.
02:34:07 So it it just it doesn't serve any purpose if look if he was a no, I'm still not a debate bro.
02:34:15 But like that, your chances would be a lot higher if he was actually someone that would ever potentially be on our.
02:34:21 Team, but there's no.
02:34:23 There's no potential of that.
02:34:26 I mean, he's not white. His wife's not white. His kids aren't, and he has no interest.
02:34:32 In in being on our team.
02:34:36 Bleak. Hi, Devin. The fat bee skinny Bee PDF produced by the Australian Beekeeping Association in 2005, is a very informative read.
02:34:46 If you get a few hours, thanks for all you do.
02:34:49 I think I've actually read parts of that.
02:34:53 That sounds familiar.
02:34:54 If I haven't read it, I've got.
02:34:55 It maybe in my.
02:34:58 My B info folder that I keep.
02:35:01 I was going to do some BB stuff today.
02:35:04 But the the weather got cold when it wasn't supposed to.
02:35:08 It was actually supposed to be pretty warm today, and it it got got too cold.
02:35:12 To bee keep.
02:35:14 But it's slowly getting there.
02:35:16 And so far so good.
02:35:18 So far, they've all survived every hive.
02:35:21 There's one that I think is is struggling because it's hard to tell if the the the.
02:35:28 The traffic outside of it is all from that hive, or if they're getting robbed or what.
02:35:33 But there's one hive that I I think is I think it had like a small hive beetle problem going into winter.
02:35:40 And but we'll see.
02:35:42 We'll see.
02:35:42 I haven't cracked it open.
02:35:45 Maybe this week I'll be able to crack it open and finally see.
02:35:48 What the Hell's going on in there?
02:35:51 Ah, poopy stinky turd ****.
02:35:55 I like how I like.
02:35:56 Look, now, now we're doing super chats like the Internet.
02:35:59 'S fine.
02:36:01 Now the Internet's just totally fine now that I'm not playing this evil ******* **** bag.
02:36:08 UM.
02:36:09 You should really look at doing an episode about Diane Fossey.
02:36:13 She was amazing.
02:36:14 Any thoughts on Gypsy crusader being freed from prison and linking up with handsome truth?
02:36:20 Do you feel like their body of work is effective or counterproductive?
02:36:26 I don't know who Diane Fossey is, but like I'm looking.
02:36:29 Of that.
02:36:31 I'm glad Gypsy crusaders out of prison.
02:36:36 I'm not aware of what he's doing with handsome truth.
02:36:43 So I don't really know.
02:36:46 If it's productive or not.
02:36:49 UM.
02:36:51 And then Part 2 is looking at the ingredient list on food.
02:36:56 Is really depressing.
02:36:57 There are like 40 ingredients in subways, chicken, high fructose corn syrup and vegetable oil are just in about everything.
02:37:04 You consume an episode on food and how they are purposely fattening and poisoning us would be great.
02:37:11 Well, you know that's that's not a bad idea, honestly.
02:37:16 It's true, like I.
02:37:17 Didn't realize how bad it was until you know I've.
02:37:20 I've talked about how, you know, if you want to lose weight, just do the.
02:37:23 Meat diet.
02:37:24 Thing, but the problem is a lot of I remember the first time I tried doing the meat diet and I was just thinking well.
02:37:30 I can eat this.
02:37:30 This is meat.
02:37:32 And I wasn't looking at labels because I didn't.
02:37:34 I didn't think they'd put sugar in just, you know, meat.
02:37:37 Like you gotta like the store. It's like, oh, it's frozen chicken breast or whatever. Like, it's it's probably 100% meat, right, that's.
02:37:46 How they're and then you look at the ingredients.
02:37:47 You're like the **** it, it should just.
02:37:51 Be frozen meat.
02:37:52 I thought it was and it, you know, and then of course, like jerky, holy **** jerky is like half sugar.
02:37:57 At least, yeah, you start looking at ingredients though at all, and it's pretty disgusting what the the gooey slop.
02:38:05 The standards are pretty low and yeah, I mean, that's just what happens when, when.
02:38:13 You know, it's like McDonald's, right?
02:38:15 If anyone should be paying reparations around here, it's ******* McDonald's for profiting off the the obesity of Americans.
02:38:24 Because there's there's literally no reason to.
02:38:27 Ever eat at McDonald's?
02:38:28 And and the only reason why a company like that can't exist is is capitalism, where all that matters.
02:38:37 The only thing that informs the decisions of the people in your ruling class is.
02:38:42 Is it profitable?
02:38:45 So which is also explains why you have all these ingredients in food.
02:38:51 Because it's profitable.
02:38:53 Postmaster Jewish people are pulling the plug from kosher space capsules.
02:39:01 I mean, they they apparently stopped.
02:39:03 You know now that.
02:39:03 I'm not playing clips of that woman.
02:39:08 She has a black dog.
02:39:10 That's she.
02:39:10 The woman that I I don't know if maybe you saw that in the clip.
02:39:13 I didn't notice that.
02:39:15 Uh, micronova. Don't put my kid in that lovers classroom. I'll take things that never happen for 1000, Alex.
Speaker 11
02:39:25 Yeah, I I don't know.Devon
02:39:27 I don't know what part of.02:39:27 The country she's from.
02:39:31 But I don't know.
02:39:31 It could have happened, I hope it.
02:39:34 I hope it did happen.
02:39:37 It wouldn't happen now, but here's the thing.
02:39:39 You got to.
02:39:39 Remember she. She's.
02:39:41 Talking like 19681969.
02:39:44 If she was anywhere in the South, there is a like I would say there's a good chance that did happen. Now the the Holocaust. Garbage is all ********. But the I wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if people in the South in 1969.
02:39:57 After watching her on on.
02:40:02 Johnny Carson and reading the the anything that was written about her experiment, I mean that it's it's child abuse.
Speaker 4
02:40:13 You know, even if you take.Devon
02:40:14 Out the racial element to it, she's scaring kids for life.02:40:22 But she's scaring kids for life.
02:40:26 But the fact that she's scaring kids for life in an effort to.
02:40:34 White guilt on white kids.
02:40:38 Yeah, I would definitely, I I could definitely see parents in 1969 and 1970 or you know whenever calling up and saying not don't put my ******* kid in that lovers class.
02:40:58 Alright, I'm reconnected now.
02:41:10 Says I'm reconnected.
02:41:11 I'm going to look and see if it actually.
02:41:13 Updates here I have to play that ******* game again.
02:41:18 You know, I'm just going to reset the string because that usually fixes it.
02:41:31 Alright, well, I'm just going to assume it's.
02:41:33 It's fixed.
02:41:35 I think it's fixed.
02:41:36 Usually when I hit reset stream, it's come back when it you know when it says it's back.
02:41:40 So I'm like continue here.
02:41:45 Is the question was from the VAX. Do I think 50% of people have always been liberal or is it a modernist genic phenomenon?
02:41:53 I I think the definition of what liberal is has changed.
02:41:58 I I mean it's it's.
02:42:01 It's uh.
02:42:06 Because you could argue that just in general.
02:42:10 America was founded as a liberal nation.
Speaker 11
02:42:12 Right cause liberty.Devon
02:42:14 Was foundational to what they had in mind when they when they.02:42:20 They founded the country and you can say that that.
02:42:25 That when they did that, they never would have expected it to devolve to the level that it's at right now, but.
02:42:35 Yeah, I don't know.
02:42:36 I don't know if it's.
02:42:38 I don't know what percentage of people say like in 19.
02:42:43 Holy ****.
02:42:43 Like it just they just looped all the.
02:42:45 Way back to.
02:42:48 Hold on.
02:42:51 There we go. Good.
02:42:52 My preview was looping all the way back from like an hour ago.
02:42:55 I was like, what the ****?
02:42:57 Yeah, it's hard to know like if you were to go back to like say,
02:43:02 I don't know 1890, right. The most radical quote, UN quote liberals of 1890 would look at the Liberals of the day and just be like.
02:43:12 What kind of Satan **** is this?
02:43:15 Not not realizing that their views are that's inevitably where it goes, right, and how what percentage would that have been?
02:43:23 I don't know.
02:43:24 I don't know.
02:43:25 It's hard.
02:43:25 To say I'll.
02:43:26 Put this way, the the percentage of satanic people is certainly way higher today than it was even when I was.
02:43:32 The kid.
02:43:34 Those people always existed.
02:43:38 And I mean always, there's always been, like, evil, satanic people.
02:43:45 Yeah, the the the level where it's at now is probably higher than maybe.
02:43:50 It's been in, in, in.
02:43:52 Well, certainly in my lifetime, but maybe in like the last century.
02:43:58 Gee, I have dated both white and Asian girls and they almost never want to have more than two kids.
02:44:04 On a related note, here is a funny clip of Singaporeans founding Father something, something, something.
02:44:10 Can't say that ******* name.
02:44:12 You saying that Asian?
02:44:13 Girls only want two kids or white girls.
02:44:14 Or both, I don't know.
02:44:15 What you're saying?
02:44:17 I will say this Asian girls often don't want any kids.
02:44:22 In my experience, like like what look when I lived on the East Coast, I I went through a dating Asian girls phase for some reason.
Speaker 15
02:44:29 I don't know why.Devon
02:44:31 Because there's just so many of them, I guess out there, it's weird.02:44:36 Yeah, it's different.
02:44:38 Alright, so let's see what?
02:44:41 See if this is going to kill.
02:44:42 The connection again.
02:44:46 Where is this at the opera?
02:44:54 As this guy looks.
02:44:56 This guy looks a little extra chromosome any.
02:45:00 I'm 27 this year.02:45:03 27.
Speaker 3
02:45:04 Are you married?02:45:11 We are doing a PhD.
02:45:14 They are doing a pH.
02:45:18 Well, when will you finish your PhD?
02:45:23 In another two years.Speaker 3
02:45:24 So you'll be 29.02:45:29 Have you got a boyfriend?
02:45:38 No, my advice is please don't waste time.
02:45:54 It's more important.
02:45:56 And more satisfying than your PhD.
02:46:00 My good luck to you.
02:46:02 I hope you get your PhD and your boyfriend.
02:46:09 Yeah, but you know, I'll tell you what that that's.02:46:13 There's not a lot of Asians telling that to Asian women like Korea, Japan, all their birth rates are in the ******* toilet because their women are are rapidly becoming westernized.
02:46:28 So you know their their birth rates are below replace.
02:46:35 So yeah, I just having two kids.
02:46:37 It would be a lot for a lot of these women.
02:46:39 Especially because their culture, I mean, you think you think white women are are demanding in terms of, you know wanting their man to make money and and, you know, reach certain career goals.
02:46:54 That's that's not just like a impulse of Asian women and Asian women won't date you unless you make more money than they do in your career.
02:47:05 You're you're more.
02:47:05 Accomplished and look and their parents will support them at that in that decision, which is why so many of these Asian women educate themselves.
02:47:14 Out of a marriage?
02:47:17 They become so educated and and and that they they, I mean, unless they marry down.
02:47:24 When it comes to education level, they won't get married.
02:47:28 So they just don't get married.
02:47:30 Because it's it's too embarrassing for them to marry a guy that's, you know, in her case, right, she's.
02:47:39 Got the PhD.
02:47:40 She now can only marry a PhD, and even then he better have like a a better grades than she had, or a better job after the PhD than she gets.
02:47:52 So yeah, they're educating themselves out of existence.
02:47:57 Micronova I taught them to submit.
02:47:59 OK.
02:48:00 **** lady.
02:48:00 Now do this exercise and make two groups Islam.
02:48:03 And not Islam.
02:48:05 Well, she would never do that.
02:48:09 Scipio letting women vote was a huge mistake.
02:48:14 Letting them run things was an even bigger mistake.
02:48:18 And ******** ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 10
02:48:21 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 4
02:48:25 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:48:33 Why do I have a feeling that women would end up at the ultimate conclusion feminists are destined for New Jersey.02:48:40 Wait, why do I have feeling that women would end up at the ultimate conclusion?
02:48:45 Feminists are, is there supposed to be a period or a comma somewhere I don't know?
02:48:49 Or this is just one long feminist artist in for New Jersey?
02:48:53 Women fighting eviction but.
02:48:55 Ah, OK, now you're saying now, but, like, only because I've already read that.
02:48:58 Story before.
02:49:01 ******** ****** is saying that women who do not get married like the.
02:49:06 The the white I guess version of that Asian girl.
02:49:09 We were just looking at.
02:49:11 Is destined for this kind of a future.
02:49:17 Let me pop this up.
02:49:27 New Jersey woman fighting eviction blows herself up in a house full of cats.
02:49:33 So what this was there the crazy thing is.
02:49:37 Her she had a boyfriend that let her live in this house is, at least if I remember this correctly.
02:49:44 And then COVID hit and they did the eviction moratorium.
02:49:50 So after they broke up, he was trying to evict her out of the house he was.
02:49:54 Letting her live in and he couldn't evict her because of the.
02:50:01 What the hell is this?
02:50:06 You tried to evict her because of the.
02:50:10 The COVID stuff she was able to keep living there for.
02:50:13 Oh, you know, for years.
02:50:14 For two years.
02:50:15 And then it finally ran out.
02:50:17 You can finally evict people again.
02:50:19 And so they came into evictor.
02:50:22 And she said she threatened to blow up the house and she blow up the house.
02:50:28 So this is the house.
02:50:31 And she blew it up.
02:50:32 Full of all of her cats.
02:50:39 So there you go.
02:50:44 A harmless Gee in light of this streams topic, let us recall the Bible verse.
02:50:50 First Timothy 212. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man. She must be quiet.
02:50:59 Yes, yes, that is a there's look, there's tons of Bible verses that are very explicit about a woman's place that is comfort or conveniently what what are Christian women even conveniently act as if that those verses don't exist.
02:51:17 Let alone the men.
02:51:21 Cannot, cannot, can, cannot.
02:51:25 I don't know.
02:51:25 Something, something cannot something.
02:51:34 Any more than that?
02:51:39 I have a longtime listener first time scheckler what?
02:51:43 What do you think about?
02:51:46 The Great Idaho movement.
02:51:48 It's another red blue divorce strategy.
02:51:50 This time E Oregon petitions to join Idaho.
02:51:56 To escape the capital, Portland might go better than state of Jefferson.
02:52:01 Great work.
02:52:01 Keep it.
02:52:02 I don't believe it.
02:52:03 I see.
02:52:03 It I don't think any secession movement is anywhere.
02:52:08 Near reality.
02:52:11 That's just look, Idaho included, Idaho. Go to Boise. Speaking of what I've been I've been saying earlier in the stream about every, every quote UN quote base state still has cities.
02:52:23 I mean, that's that's true of Idaho too.
02:52:27 So I I don't see there being some kind of, oh, we're going to build greater.
02:52:31 Idaho and then.
02:52:32 We're going to secede or something.
02:52:33 That's not going to happen.
02:52:34 That's not going to happen.
02:52:37 Or at least, not anytime soon.
02:52:39 I've yet to see anything that that that would indicate that that's eminent in any kind of way.
02:52:46 But thanks for the support and thanks for being here your first.
02:52:50 Your first time shackle or Kanye.
02:52:52 I can't say your name cannot, cannot, cannot Canuck something.
02:52:57 I'm her coming, Don.
02:52:58 Hey Dev and I'm from the Netherlands, 31 years old when I.
02:53:01 Grew up in.
02:53:03 I grew up the Netherlands was 85% native White 2023 only 79%.
02:53:09 When my grandfather grew up, there were no in the Netherlands PS six months to go and I finally will have my gun license. Better have it and not need it than need it and not have it exactly. Well, I'll tell you what I wish I lived somewhere that was 79% white.
02:53:31 Yeah, that's why, honestly, that's why a lot of this stuff is hard for Americans to really.
02:53:36 Speak intelligently about Europe because the, I mean, I look that to you. That sounds probably like horrible that Oh my God, we're down to 7 down from 85 to 79%. I mean that's that's **** that's like.
02:53:51 That's numbers from like the 60s for us.
02:53:54 You know, like that we're so beyond that, that it's it's impossible for me to relate to it and yeah, hopefully you guys react differently than than the way our white people reacted when it was happening here.
02:54:08 Again, I don't see any.
02:54:09 I don't see any indication that's happening either.
02:54:12 But good luck.
02:54:13 And you're right about the gun thing.
02:54:14 Gun having a gun and not needing it is way better than needing a gun.
02:54:17 And not having one.
02:54:19 Postmaster Elon Musk is pulling the plug himself. You're at 600 viewers. Coincidentally, while you're losing connection over and over right now, we we shed about over, we shed over 100 viewers because of all this.
02:54:32 Talking nonsense.
02:54:35 You know, I don't blame him if if it was even a fraction of it, as annoying for them as it was for me, I don't blame that at all.
02:54:46 I do appreciate you guys sticking sticking with it though those you guys just stuck around.
02:54:50 I appreciate that.
02:54:52 And you know there's nothing I can really do about it.
02:54:55 I wish there was.
02:54:57 Take your red exit pill.
Speaker 23
02:55:07 That's not.Devon
02:55:10 That's some.02:55:10 That's some *** **** money once again.
02:55:13 In fact.
02:55:13 You know what?
Speaker 4
02:55:15 Money is power.02:55:16 Money is the only weapon that that you have to.
Speaker 5
02:55:18 Defend itself with.Devon
02:55:20 Go, Julie, this flag is.02:55:39 All right.
02:55:40 However, you are asking me to play an entire Sam Hyde sketch.
02:55:44 I don't know.
02:55:44 If I want to.
02:55:44 Do that.
02:55:46 I think most people have seen this one.
02:55:47 If it's the one I'm thinking it is.
02:55:50 Let me see here.
02:55:54 It's probably the one I'm thinking is.
02:55:56 Yeah, and it's one I've seen.
Speaker 1
02:55:57 The Council.Devon
02:56:00 I'll put you. Did you did link the most people have seen this, but whatever. It's it. This one's trimmed down enough to where it's not super long. Let's do.02:56:08 It why not?
02:56:10 Why not? Why not?
Speaker 10
02:56:14 There we go.Devon
02:56:16 And the link you sent had a timestamp at that moment.02:56:19 I don't know if you meant to do it.
02:56:22 From there, but we'll back it.
02:56:23 Up a little bit, here we go.
Speaker 7
02:56:28 You don't ask Gita.02:56:29 Listen up and listen good.
02:56:31 Since the beginning of recorded history, the white man's been coming up with technologies, cultures, civilizations worth keeping worth saving, worth giving a damn about.
Speaker 1
02:56:45 Thank you, white man, for inventing the computer.02:56:49 The microwave medicine.
02:56:51 Electricity. Sanitation.
02:56:54 Theory of evolution.
02:56:56 The radio, the pencil.
02:56:59 Western law, cotton candy, freedom of speech.
02:57:04 The sewing machine discover our DNA.
02:57:08 The atom discover us the cell, the camel Chryslers.
02:57:15 And who was king.
Speaker 7
02:57:18 This work hangs.Speaker 23
02:57:22 Thank you white people.02:57:24 Thank you for creating a society where people don't **** in the street.
02:57:28 Or beat their kids all day.
02:57:30 And thank you for letting us use your pristine, clean emergency rooms.
02:57:35 And thank you for all the free money.
02:57:37 Oh, and by the way, did you know I'm 1/8 hobby Indian?
Speaker 7
02:57:43 I don't give a **** about that.Speaker 5
02:57:52 Excuse me.Speaker 18
02:57:54 Thanks for giving women the vote.Speaker 20
02:58:07 What haven't you?Speaker
02:58:07 You're bold or goy.Speaker 7
02:58:09 I don't know. I wasn't looking. Next thing I knew, Boulder's gone. I guess I'm a stupid boy.02:58:17 You're what?
02:58:22 So there you go.02:58:23 And of course, that's.
02:58:27 Ah, don't auto play ******* South Park at me.
02:58:31 That's uh, that's based on a old political cartoon, actually.
02:58:38 Uh, what was it called?Devon
02:58:40 The white man's burden, I think.02:58:49 There we go.
02:58:50 This is and when I say old I mean from like the 17 ******* hundreds old.
02:58:55 Or what year did this come out?
02:59:02 Here's the the comic.
02:59:11 There's the white man.
02:59:13 Climbing up a mountain.
02:59:16 Called civilization.
02:59:20 And on his back, he's hauling all the the non whites of the world.
02:59:26 You guys can see that.
02:59:27 But yeah, if you just look up white man's burden, it's an old, very, very old.
02:59:35 Political cartoon.
02:59:40 OK.
02:59:42 Thank you very much.
02:59:43 Take your red exit pill.
02:59:45 Colonel N word.
02:59:46 Holy ****.
02:59:46 Devin, I've been too busy to catch the full stream, but the little bits I've.
02:59:50 Watched are enraging.
02:59:51 Can't wait to catch the replay?
02:59:53 Well, if the.
02:59:55 If the replay is even like, I mean, I don't know what to expect when the when the stream is over and I go in there and see how chopped up it is, I'll try not to look.
03:00:03 I'll try to make it work, but no problem.
03:00:05 Says micronova.
03:00:07 Every time I look into the mirror, I get stressed out because I'm African in the USA.
03:00:12 Well, well, well.
03:00:13 I have a solution that involves Abraham Lincoln's official plans. Come right this way to the boat. Exactly.
03:00:21 Uh, good, that's the name.
Speaker 11
03:00:29 Then I'm going.Devon
03:00:30 To find the ghost of John Wilkes Booth and beat the Lispy little Southern Freemason fagot back to the 19th century, that Fagot ruined everything based. Lincoln was going to slip or ship all the back. He's the last president to openly hate RIP King. You were too good for us.03:00:49 Right.
03:00:50 No, he he really was.
03:00:51 That was part of the plan that was, that was the conditions basically for, for doing the Emancipation Proclamation.
03:00:58 He knew that would just wreak havoc in.
03:01:00 The South that you know.
03:01:02 That it would be a morale booster for for blacks in the South that that were trying to actively sabotage Southerners.
03:01:13 But you know, the weird thing is some of the some blacks fought on the side of the South.
03:01:18 Not All Blacks thought it was such a bad deal.
03:01:22 Gee, what do you know about the Mormon mafia?
03:01:24 Apparently the guy who set himself on fire in this video did so because the Mormon mafia, also the bicycle, may be an indicator of this genix.
03:01:37 The what?
03:01:40 I don't know.
03:01:41 I don't know about the Mormon mafia and someone setting themselves on fire.
03:01:46 Let me see what this is about here.
03:01:51 And by the way, Are you sure it's not?
03:01:53 He's really not setting himself on fire because he's the same person.
03:01:56 Like a lot of people yelling about.
03:02:00 You know, whatever their favorite secret, the ball is.
03:02:07 Yes, they are.Speaker 2
03:02:08 Not on the ground, on the ground.03:02:13 Follow the ground.
03:02:15 Get on the ground.
Speaker 4
03:02:21 Hey, get on the ground.Devon
03:02:31 That's odd.03:02:33 The guy throwing the bike at him.
Speaker 5
03:02:35 What the **** was that about?Devon
03:02:38 I'm gonna smack my bike into you.03:02:39 Maybe he was trying to knock him.
03:02:41 Down with it.
03:02:43 I'm gonna get lighter too.
03:02:44 I'll get this bike.
03:02:45 This bike will put the fire out.
03:02:49 It didn't work.
Speaker 11
03:02:51 Why didn't that work?03:02:59 Yeah, I I'll tell you what.
03:03:01 I would not.03:03:02 I I don't know.
03:03:05 How people think that's the more mafia.
03:03:07 I don't really know what you mean by the more mafia.
03:03:09 I'm sure there's a Mormon mafia.
03:03:11 There's everything mafia, right?
03:03:13 But my guess is if you're crazy enough to set yourself on fire.
03:03:18 Even if he was screaming, it's the Mormon mafia.
03:03:23 I don't know how much I would.
03:03:25 I would trust that.
03:03:27 But yeah, I I I don't.
03:03:29 I guess to answer your question, I don't know anything about any Mormon mafia.
03:03:32 I'm I'm.
03:03:32 I'm not denying that one exists.
03:03:34 I'm sure there there's gotta.
03:03:36 Some kind of shifty.
03:03:38 Shifty, you know Mormon clique that I.
03:03:41 Don't know about.
03:03:43 Damn Bigfoot.
03:03:45 Alex Jones.
03:03:46 Steinberg was talking about EQ instead of IQ with Kanye, EQ sounds like a cope to make stupid Silverbacks feel good about being stupid Silverbacks.
03:03:58 Same with street smart.
03:04:01 Well, yeah.
03:04:04 You tell me when when Kanye was on the.
03:04:07 The show and I don't remember all the specifics about that.
03:04:11 I think he was trying to.
03:04:18 I I I think he was trying to.
03:04:21 To tell Kanye he was smart.
03:04:26 In a situation where it was, it was difficult for him to say that with a straight face.
03:04:33 But I don't remember all that I remember.
03:04:35 When I saw that whole thing, but I don't.
03:04:36 Remember that detail micronova the sad thing about it is Africans would fit right in if surrounded by their own people.
03:04:44 It is a savage discourtesy to keep Africans here, come home, fellow Africans come home.
03:04:49 No, no, honestly, like not?
03:04:50 No ******* around.
03:04:52 They they would feel way in the same way that like we would.
03:04:56 We feel more at home around whites.
03:04:58 It's not.
03:04:59 Look, I get it right.
03:05:01 If if you if you.
03:05:05 The reason they want to live around us?
03:05:08 Is because their standard of living living is going to be higher.
03:05:10 They're going to have more access to our goodies and so are they going to be happier in Africa?
03:05:18 I don't know.
03:05:19 I don't know.
03:05:20 There's there's no the.
03:05:22 The weird thing is it's hard for us to understand what that would be like because there's no.
03:05:30 There's nothing like that for us, right?
03:05:32 Like there's no society like there's no non white society.
03:05:38 That's hyper advanced compared to white.
03:05:42 For us to experience what that's like to go to this society where we're kind of.
03:05:49 The dumb ones.
Speaker 5
03:05:50 You know I.Devon
03:05:50 Mean like think of it this way.03:05:53 If there was a.
03:05:54 Society that were the average IQ.
03:05:57 Wise, we'll set the bar a little low. We'll say it's like 120. Well, well, that, that's the difference. Right between the 85 and the 1:05. So let's say it's 125.
03:06:07 Is the average.
03:06:11 I don't know. I don't know what that would. What, how that would be like to live in a society where the average IQ is 125 and if they were treating you the same way whites treat black. In other words, if you moved there and you didn't succeed.
03:06:30 They started making excuses for you and they started to get throwing money at you and they started blaming themselves for your inability to assimilate.
03:06:41 I mean.
03:06:42 I don't know.
03:06:44 With that I mean I don't.
03:06:46 I don't even know what that's like and we'll never know what that's like.
03:06:50 Look, we really don't know what it's like to be like black people.
03:06:53 That's not just something they say they're right.
03:06:55 We don't know what it's like, but it doesn't really matter.
03:06:58 They don't know what it's like to be white, you know, it doesn't change the fact that our societies.
03:07:03 Our civilizations were built by people like us, for people like us, and that's why they're failing.
03:07:10 And it's as simple as that.
03:07:12 And maybe they wouldn't enjoy it.
03:07:14 Going back to Africa, maybe they wouldn't have as much dope.
03:07:17 Dopamine, maybe they wouldn't succeed as much in terms of, you know, the way a capitalist view success but ultimately, would it be better for all parties?
03:07:31 Honestly, I don't even care.
03:07:33 It would be better for my people.
03:07:36 And I don't feel any.
03:07:38 Like obligation to have black people in my society.
03:07:41 I just don't. So even if it was 100 times worse for them to go back to Africa, not my problem.
03:07:48 I just don't care.
03:07:49 I don't like.
03:07:50 To me it's a mute point to sit there and try to think of it like, well, actually, I mean, you're just playing like the the Conservative game.
Speaker 11
03:07:56 Well, actually racism is bad for black people.03:07:59 It's it's, you know, it's like, who cares?
03:08:01 If it's, who cares.03:08:03 I don't care if it's bad for them or good for them, or if it.
03:08:05 You know.
03:08:06 If they're happier there.
03:08:08 I just know like it's way better for my people if they're not here and that's all.
03:08:12 That's where it stops.
03:08:13 That's where I stop wondering who it's bad for or good for, you know.
03:08:18 Postmaster, freemason.
03:08:22 I don't know who the Freemason puppet is.
03:08:24 Some of the lady.
03:08:25 Mike Renova, remember when Oprah said she was raped by a white guy in college?
03:08:30 Do you know a do you know where a?
03:08:35 Do you know rare a, a rare of a?
03:08:40 I don't know what the rare I'm sure you meant that chance that it is based on rape.
03:08:45 Oh, how rare it would be, I think is what you mean.
03:08:48 Yeah, it would almost be impossible that Oprah was was raped by a white guy in college, statistically speaking.
03:08:55 But it's not.
03:08:57 It's not impossible.
03:09:00 I'm sure it happens occasionally very, very occasionally, but like not like, oh, like the number is almost zero.
03:09:08 So yeah, most likely it didn't happen.
03:09:13 Postmaster, the Oprah clip for portion shows her eyes are not blue, but Jane has blue eyes.
03:09:21 It's complete freemason puppetry.
03:09:23 Wait, the Oprah clip portion shows her eyes are not blue, but Jane has blue eyes.
03:09:32 I'm not sure what you're getting at there.
03:09:36 I don't know who's the her if you know about her or or I don't know what you mean, but obviously Oprah doesn't have blue eyes.
03:09:43 JMHO 911 have you heard of the Washington state HB1333? If so, what are your thoughts on that? I have not heard of that. Was this Washington state?
03:09:57 HB1333.
03:09:58 Let's see what that is.Devon
03:10:08 Bill summarizer.03:10:13 We didn't.
03:10:13 We didn't.
03:10:14 I thought we we had.
03:10:18 Didn't we read over this?
03:10:26 Oh, and that was.
03:10:35 Bill history, where's the?
03:10:52 I'm trying to find something that summarizes it and I'm not finding it.
03:11:11 And when you go to the bill itself on the Washington website, they don't have like any.
03:11:17 They just have, like the history of it going through the house and everything they don't have.
03:11:23 A summary.
03:11:23 What if I look?
03:11:24 For summary.
03:11:33 What is this?
03:11:38 Provide an extension that's local sales tax.
03:11:40 I don't know.
03:11:41 That's what you're talking about.
03:11:43 I I I can't find like a good, you know summary of it, but it's in Washington.
03:11:48 So ***** ***** if I care.
Speaker 11
03:11:52 Washington State is lost.Devon
03:11:56 Would you expect anything, anything else?03:11:58 From Washington state, if it's for I, I'm just assuming it's bad.
03:12:02 I don't know what it is.
03:12:02 I can't find like a good summer.
03:12:04 Even splitter trace most of the problems that America is having isn't solely because of California.
03:12:10 The other states need to look in the mirror if this makes anyone mad, it's because I'm right.
03:12:14 I don't know who would make mad.
03:12:16 I didn't say it was because of California.
03:12:17 I'm just saying if if you see California passing a law.
03:12:22 Wait until it comes to your state, because nine times out.
03:12:26 Of 10 I will.
03:12:29 Harmless G1 of the most black polling articles I've read is Robert Stark's article on White Californians. Please show the articles last two sentences.
03:12:44 Let me see what this is.
03:12:50 What is this article? Why Californians is a prototype for America's multiethnic future?
03:13:03 Last two sentences.
03:13:10 I don't know.
03:13:10 I'm not gonna.
03:13:11 This is a long ******* article that just do 2 sentences.
03:13:14 Let me see what the what the the context is.
03:13:19 Here's the the well.Devon
03:13:19 Here's the conclusion paragraph, so the whole paragraph about.03:13:27 On Clay, vism is more likely to evolve organically rather than as a mass political movement or something as explicit as European American heritage zones, the future of enclave ISM in California is not outright segregation like the Jim Crow South or apartheid South Africa.
03:13:43 But rather more.
03:13:44 Like India, for instance, where different castes of ethno tribes coexist in close proximity, but where people tend to socialize, marry and do business within their own tribe or enclave and form parallel institutions.
03:13:58 There is some trauma about giving up.
03:14:00 Americanism, and whites are in limbo between America being theirs and acting as a minority.
03:14:06 For diaspora, younger, whiter Californians, do do have the advantage of already living in a post American Society.
03:14:14 And how whites adapt to multiculturalism in California is a guideline for America's future. While minorities already practice some form of enclave ISM, whites must adapt to to thrive as a tribe in the inevitable multicultural future. The sooner whites adapt, the better. But the danger is that whites.
03:14:36 We'll wait too long to adapt.
03:14:40 All right.
03:14:40 Well, I don't know what.
03:14:41 You know, I'm not 100% sure I understand what's.
03:14:46 What's uh?
03:14:49 Super black Pilling about that on that.
03:14:51 I mean, look, this guy who I I don't know.
03:14:53 I mean, this is a long article, but if they're basically just saying you have to adapt to the multicultural.
03:15:02 That's that's already there.
03:15:04 I mean, look, whites are already a minority in California, so that's just it's already a.
03:15:07 Done deal there.
03:15:10 And I don't, I don't disagree that the way that whites are behaving that they don't, they don't find, they don't, they don't make their.
03:15:18 I mean, there's some degree they make.
03:15:19 There's white neighborhoods, right?
03:15:20 But not to the degree that it.
03:15:22 It's exclusive.
03:15:23 It's not like Jews.
03:15:24 When they make a a strictly Jewish neighborhood, and then they.
03:15:29 They enforce it with actual like Jew cops, you know, driving around those little vans and stuff like that, pushing people out of the neighborhood that they don't think belong there.
03:15:40 You know, you don't have anything even remotely like that for white people.
03:15:45 White people are always, you know, since at least in recent time that you know very capitalistic and that if, oh, if it's a a rich black, then he can live next door.
03:15:56 It doesn't matter, right?
03:15:59 And so I I I would agree with the assessment that whites are are going to behave.
03:16:04 In in that way, where they're not going to physically separate themselves from the diversity, or at least not any significant way, that they'll just live alongside them, and where the segregation will exist will be, if at all, if, where it exists.
03:16:19 We'll be in, in.
03:16:20 Terms of like you know, having some kind of segregation in their social life, but that's where it'll end.
03:16:29 But yeah, I'm not gonna read the whole thing.
03:16:31 Right, right this second here.
03:16:35 Micronova, that's a catastrophe. Not sure what you meant by that. Block 23 white women cannot **** their way out of white guilt. The Jews say no matter how.
03:16:47 Many half freed babies they have.
03:16:50 What are your thoughts about that?
03:16:51 I don't know what you mean.
03:16:53 White women cannot **** their way out of white guilt.
03:16:55 The Jews say no matter.
03:16:56 How many **** ***** babies they have?
Speaker 5
03:16:58 I don't think I.Devon
03:16:58 Don't think white women are necessarily trying to to be with non whites out of some kind of.03:17:05 Racial guilt.
03:17:06 I'm sure that that's for some white women.
03:17:09 That's what it.
03:17:10 Look, I think a lot of white women, I said this.
03:17:13 You know, a lot of people met on gab when I pointed this out.
03:17:16 But I said that.
03:17:17 How did I put it exactly?
03:17:19 Cause it was exactly right.
03:17:20 I think hold on.
03:17:23 Let me look, there was a lot of mad people.
03:17:28 Hang on, hang on.
03:17:30 My old.
03:17:31 I don't.
03:17:31 It shouldn't take long because I don't put out.
03:17:33 A lot of gaps.
03:17:34 Let's see here.
03:17:37 Ohh there's one.
03:17:38 Thing I wanted to talk about too, before I really close up.
03:17:42 Hang on, let's see.
03:17:43 Where is this at?
03:17:58 I didn't think I'd said it very long ago.
03:17:59 Maybe I did.
03:18:04 Yeah, I bet there's a massive correlation between men who watch sports Bull at home and men who raise girls that suck ***** ****.
03:18:15 I think that if a young girl grows up, either with no father or a beer guzzling ****** father, that's that's ogling black guys in spandex throwing a football around.
03:18:31 She's going to respect those that that type of man.
03:18:35 That's the kind of man her her father likes.
03:18:39 Right.
03:18:40 Her father is jumping up and down and howling like a monkey.
03:18:43 Every time one of these big black guys scores a a a goal.
03:18:49 Why wouldn't she?
03:18:49 Want to **** that those guys?
03:18:52 That's what gets her? Her dad's motor running.
03:18:57 So I think it's **** like that.
03:18:58 I mean, I'm sure, like, in in some cases it's white guilt or it's like the cool thing, right, because women are very susceptible to whatever is cool.
03:19:07 And if if it's, if it's cool to date a black guy, which, let's face it, it's been cool to date a black guy for decades.
03:19:14 Now that's going to influence.
03:19:17 Coming a little bit, but yeah, I mean I don't know.
03:19:22 A lot of Californians have moved to Idaho, so Californians will do what they do best, and Idaho will be a California in about 20 years.
03:19:31 Yeah, I mean, but The thing is, and I was, I was actually talking to someone about this earlier today about the California thing where it's not like you know, here's the problem it it's not like when Californians move out of the state, it's not like.
03:19:46 California, because it loses these these liberals that it becomes more conservative, right?
03:19:54 California just seems to be a bottomless or an endless has a have have an endless supply of these ******* people, right?
03:20:01 So even if it's.
03:20:03 A bunch of these people that that go into states like Idaho and go into states like it, it's like a factory just pumping out these ************* at such a rate that it doesn't matter how many of them flee the state.
03:20:15 It just seems like there's always more of them.
03:20:18 It's not just California.
03:20:19 It's literally, I mean, California just has a lot of them, but.
03:20:23 All these early all these metropolitan areas across the country, you know, California is doing and, you know, New York's doing it on the East Coast, even smaller places, you know, Seattle, Portland, you know, we're talking about Washington state, you know, even, you know, places in Texas.
03:20:41 You know, you get the the larger cities, all these people, they all behave in the same way they they're like locusts.
03:20:49 So yeah, what you going to do about it?
03:20:53 ARB UB were commandant.
03:20:57 The Netherlands used to be based.
03:20:58 We even had an anthem called Wine Netherlands.
03:21:06 Starting with the first verse, why Netherlands Bloed in?
03:21:10 I can't say that I can't say any of that, but the translation is whoever has pure Dutch blood flowing in their veins.
03:21:19 Free of foreign taint.
03:21:21 Well, there you go.
03:21:23 I don't think that that that's that will be allowed to continue in your culture.
03:21:29 But yeah, there was a lot of stuff.
03:21:30 There's a lot.
03:21:30 Of language like that.
03:21:33 In in most countries, I think it's a healthy way for a nation to think about it.
03:21:37 But yeah, then Jews, Jews show up. And Glock 23 last but not least. I know someone who lives in South Africa and South Africa cannot keep the electricity on the white man built the power plants, but the ***** can't even do the maintenance.
03:21:58 To keep the power plants running.
03:22:00 Yeah, that's.
03:22:00 That is the truth.
03:22:01 And that's why everything will get significantly worse in Western.
03:22:06 As the people running the machines get less and less competent just I've just noticed just in general you would think that with all these people ordering online during COVID and stuff like that, that a lot of this stuff would get more streamlined that you know, they get better at it.
03:22:22 I've noticed a an extreme uptick.
03:22:28 Packages getting lost.
03:22:30 Uh packages showing up damaged the wrong thing being sent.
03:22:37 From big companies, you know you know simple mistakes.
03:22:43 That, you know, maybe every once in a while you can understand.
03:22:47 But like it just being more and more of a regular problem.
03:22:51 And like I said, like you would think with all the the online ordering that's going on that they be getting better at this ****, not worse.
03:22:59 All right.
03:23:00 Well, the only thing I wanted to talk.
03:23:01 About before I go.
03:23:04 I played as many of you guys saw on telegram or or gab.
03:23:09 I did a little video where I compared Mario brothers to treating people like individuals as Scott Adams is now.
03:23:20 I mean, Scott has has has he?
03:23:23 Has he?
03:23:24 I'm going to say, backpedaled.
03:23:25 I mean, he certainly backpedaled on his comments in terms of the.
03:23:29 Most rational thing for white people to do, right?
03:23:32 Now is.
03:23:32 To separate themselves from dangerous black people that hate them.
03:23:36 But he's, you know, he's being so cocked in every other way that he frames it and like, you know, it's just beyond like his interview with Hotep.
03:23:43 Jesus wasn't a ******* embarrassment, where he's basically sucking ***** **** the entire interview and you know, so it it.
03:23:52 You know you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
03:23:55 That's just the real.
03:23:57 You really can't, and so you're going to hear a lot about from every boomer that can't be reprogrammed.
03:24:05 It's too late, you know, their hardware is incompatible with the new operating system.
03:24:09 You can't in the same way that you can't get an old power Mac that you know had like their little G5 processor or whatever the ****.
03:24:18 Try to load any kind of new OS on it.
03:24:21 It's not gonna.
03:24:22 It's not gonna work.
03:24:23 It's it is what it is.
03:24:25 It's like you have.
03:24:26 You've matched out the capabilities of that hardware on Scott Adams.
03:24:30 He's already gone as far as as as his hardware can go, but.
03:24:36 You know the the and the big thing, they're they're gonna push is ohh everyone's individual, everyone's individual and therefore you know like you can't.
03:24:46 You can't.
03:24:47 You can't generalize.
03:24:49 You can't make generalizations.
03:24:51 You can't have pattern recognition is essentially what they're saying.
03:24:55 And so I made a video.
03:24:56 To explain like how ******* ******** that was.
03:25:01 Let's see here and like I said, a lot of you guys probably saw it on on UM.
03:25:07 Let's play.
Speaker 3
03:25:09 Whoops there.Devon
03:25:09 We go.03:25:11 On GAB or on?
03:25:16 Telegram, where I basically go over why?
03:25:19 This is ******* ******** to to behave this way.
03:25:23 Let's play a little game called.
03:25:25 Treating everyone like individuals.
03:25:28 Mario Brothers edition.
03:25:31 Alright, let's play this game.
03:25:32 This is pretty cool.
03:25:33 So alright, so I'm.
03:25:34 I'm this guy.
03:25:35 Push that button jumps.
03:25:37 I wanna. He'll be my friend. Uh, no. So so that guy's bad. So don't touch that guy, OK? Something go here and uh get around. Oh there.
03:25:49 Just jumped right over him.
03:25:50 OK, let's just keep going here.
03:25:52 I wonder if this guy with my friend.
03:25:53 He looks like the other guy, but maybe he's dead.
03:25:57 No, I guess that guy. That guy's bad too. OK, well, I don't want to judge anyone, so I'm gonna keep going, alright, so that guy's bad.
03:26:07 And that guy's bad. So I'm gonna try to avoid him.
03:26:11 Ohh well, there's two guys here.
03:26:12 These guys might be my friends.
03:26:14 Hey, how's it going?
03:26:18 Ohh I didn't even get to meet the.
03:26:19 Other guy.
03:26:21 Because he could have been good.
03:26:30 So at this point in the stream, apparently Odyssey stopped recording the the stream.
03:26:38 I've I've kind of edited out some of the connection problems.
03:26:41 If you're watching this version of it right now, but we had connection problems all night and I tried to smooth it out, but the last part of the stream didn't even get recorded.
03:26:51 By odyssey.
03:26:52 So I you know I the reason why I played that video, that clip of the the Mario Brothers Individual edition.
03:27:01 Or, you know, treat people like individuals.
03:27:04 Is I had people comment that ohh you know what you're saying?
03:27:07 There is that every group of every member of a group would be bad and and and.
03:27:12 And my response is no.
03:27:15 No, I don't.
03:27:16 Know how much?
03:27:16 You know about computer games, but there's these things called Easter eggs and glitches.
03:27:21 I am sure that you know that given the right combination of moves and planning enough ******* times, you might find a goomba that isn't bad, that won't kill you under certain circumstances.
03:27:34 You know, you might even find one.
03:27:36 It gives you invincibility.
03:27:41 But for those of us who don't live some silver spoons lifestyle with the arcade machine in our living room, we're playing this ****.
03:27:50 This game of life with one quarter, we don't have time to sit there and excessively play it over and over and over again and and and in the hopes that one day we'll find the Goomba that doesn't kill you.
03:28:03 And for what, right?
03:28:04 What's the result?
03:28:06 Like people do that, I said people do this all the time on the Internet.
03:28:09 They're still people trying to find glitches in games that are 30 years old.
03:28:12 And what happens when they find it.
03:28:15 Hooray, you get Internet points.
03:28:17 You're the one that.
03:28:18 Found the glitch.
03:28:21 You found the magic *****.
03:28:23 Good for you.
03:28:29 What an accomplishment.
03:28:34 Good for you.
03:28:36 Bottom line is I just don't I I I don't care.
03:28:39 It's not worth it to me.
03:28:41 I don't get anything out of it and neither.
03:28:43 Does anyone else?
03:28:51 So anyway, I just wanted to make that point I'm sure I said some other stuff too, but it's gone now.
03:28:59 So yeah, hope you.
03:29:01 Enjoyed the uh, the stream and the edits and as always.
03:29:07 For Black pilled, I am of course.
03:29:10 Devin stack.