03/06/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 Heaven couldn't wait.00:01:15 We're only watching the skies.
00:01:17 Hoping for the best.
00:01:19 Thing the worst.
00:01:20 Are you gonna drop the ball?
00:01:26 I just live forever.
00:01:27 We don't, but we never say never.
00:01:31 Sitting in the sand, the musics, all the sad man.
Speaker 2
00:02:08 I want to be.Speaker 1
00:02:34 Why don't they stay?00:02:45 Like diamonds in the sun.
Speaker 2
00:05:01 The rhetorical speeches are the soul.00:05:14 Such an ignorant.
00:05:16 Thing to do.
00:05:18 If the Russians love their children.
00:05:22 How can I save my little boy from deadly?
00:05:43 We gotta listen.
00:05:51 Hope the Russians love their children.
00:06:32 To put the words in the mouth of the President.
00:06:37 No such thing as a little boy.
00:06:47 We will protect you.
00:06:50 I don't subscribe to this point of you.
00:06:54 Believe me when I say to you, I hope the Russians love that children.
00:07:19 We share the same.
00:07:23 We got.
00:07:34 Their children.
00:08:30 Well, not only when should I pick?00:08:31 The other song but.
Speaker 4
00:08:34 That was a that was a A.Devon
00:08:36 Sting. It was.Speaker 4
00:08:37 A Cold War song by Sting.Devon
00:08:40 And I was going through different Cold War songs, by the way.00:08:44 Devin stack.
00:08:45 Here's the insomnia stream we.
Speaker 4
00:08:47 Got this edition.00:08:50 But I was going through different cult there's.
00:08:51 Actually quite a few of them.00:08:53 I was surprised.
00:08:54 And I think I chose incorrectly.
Speaker 4
00:09:00 That was not.Devon
00:09:00 The uh, yeah, there were some other ones that were so much I almost want.00:09:04 To play them now, but anyway.
00:09:06 This is gonna be.
00:09:07 This is gonna be kind of a a cozier stream, mostly cause.
00:09:11 I started doing research on.
00:09:14 The whole Russia, Ukraine thing and you know people that asking about Jewish interests specifically ended up watching.
00:09:26 Hours of there was a back in 2014. They had the basically like, I guess what you'd call the top Jew in.
Speaker 4
00:09:37 Ukraine come to New York.Devon
00:09:40 He, you know, he's part of the the World Jewish Congress I.00:09:43 Forget, I'm blanking on his name right now.
00:09:46 But I thought, Oh well, this guy.
Speaker 4
00:09:49 Surely this guy?Devon
00:09:50 Will will be able to fill in some blanks and really didn't, and it was really difficult to watch because the the translator sucked and it was just it was kind of a mess.00:10:02 But one of the things that I.
00:10:03 Noticed in watching it.
00:10:06 Was, you know, the the Americans at this.
00:10:12 Event and again this is 2014. So this is before Zelinski. This is before we you know we had the that was the Minx Accords and all that stuff or I guess maybe that was just happening and even then they were saying look if Putin wants Ukraine he's going.
00:10:29 To get Ukraine.
00:10:31 But the other thing that struck me was, and that was the Ukrainian guy.
00:10:34 Saying that the the Ukrainian Jew saying that, but the other thing that struck me was they kept.
00:10:41 Like there was so much hysteria in the American Jewish audience about Nazi.
00:10:47 They kept asking, like, oh, what are you doing about all these Nazis that are in the government, all these Nazis?
00:10:55 And this guy was just like you.
00:10:56 Guys like you're.
00:10:58 Being hysterical, we're talking about a very small minority of people who weren't politically significant, you know.
00:11:07 One line, he said, was out of the 10 out of the 20 people that were trying to run for president. And this again is 2014, he said ten of them were Jewish.
00:11:22 He said something about I think it was like 20% of the people in government positions were Jewish and really what I I started to get the impression.
Speaker 4
00:11:37 The Nazis in Ukraine.Devon
00:11:41 Are much like the Nazis in America.00:11:46 In that the the right wing in America.
00:11:51 Like Trump?
00:11:53 Well, uh.
Speaker 4
00:11:56 I guess play nice.Devon
00:11:58 With people like and and maybe even say things that sound like they're they're pro white, right?00:12:04 And but?
Speaker 4
00:12:07 They get to get.Devon
00:12:08 The vote to energize them or whatever, or use them as as human Shields like on January 6th.00:12:14 But the other day.
00:12:16 The people at the top, they know how.
00:12:19 They don't have the sausages made, and realistically they're they're just talking about pragmatic people.
00:12:27 We can play a few clips of that.
00:12:30 I I cut out all the I cut it out so that it's just like they asked the question and the translator answers and it's it's kind of a mess.
00:12:39 That's one of these.
00:12:40 Why I want to do it the one of?
00:12:42 The things I did kind of want to play though, was just like the the coveting of the New York Jews asking questions about the Nazis and and the Holocaust.
00:12:50 And this guy was just like.
00:12:52 Like you, you gotta.
00:12:53 Stop it.
00:12:54 With the Holocaust, stuff like.
Speaker 6
00:12:56 Like this was the Ukrainian Jew telling them that.Devon
00:13:01 And I it really got me thinking too that.00:13:07 As Americans and maybe just Westerners in general, this whole Holocaust narrative that we've had to live under for 70 plus years, I don't think that translates to other parts of the world, including maybe not so much.
00:13:24 And I mean, I'm sure that that narrative exists in Eastern Europe, but not quite like it.
00:13:29 Does in the countries where a lot of the Jews who fled Europe and and came to Western countries set up shop and started making propaganda machines like you, the world has never seen.
00:13:45 The other thing I pulled up there was the author of a little book called the Israel Lobby.
00:13:53 That was a.
00:13:54 That was that was a career suicide pact right there.
00:13:57 He wrote that it was.
00:13:58 He's a political science professor.
00:14:02 I forget where he's at.
00:14:04 He wrote a.
00:14:05 Really, the first book to address the exist.
00:14:10 Of the Israel lobby in America and was, you know, of course called an anti Semite and all this other stuff as a result.
00:14:20 But this guy I found a talk from him where he was essentially saying, look, the West is creating a situation where Russia is going to.
00:14:31 Go into Ukraine.
00:14:34 And they're going to, I mean.
00:14:36 Warning essentially of exactly what happened.
00:14:41 And so I thought maybe we could take a look at some clips of that, but that there after that just pretty much hang out.
00:14:49 And chat I had.
Speaker 4
00:14:50 I had Wednesday off.00:14:51 It was nice.
00:14:53 Nice to have a day off.00:14:54 The space Internet is on the.
Speaker 4
00:14:55 Way I've I've been told.00:14:57 I mean I.
00:14:57 Don't know.00:14:58 They haven't given me a tracking number.
00:14:59 They just said it's.
00:15:00 It's on the way.
00:15:03 So hopefully that shows up sometime next week.
00:15:06 Once that shows up, I'm I'm most likely going to shuffle the times around and that.
00:15:13 It depends on.Devon
00:15:14 How it performs?00:15:15 I mean I have no idea if.
00:15:16 This is even going to work if it performs well.
00:15:20 We might be able to have guests and things like that so that that could be kind of cool.
00:15:24 So looking forward to that showing up.
00:15:28 But yeah, so again, I don't know how super exciting.
00:15:34 This is I was kind of hoping.
00:15:36 To get like a A.
00:15:39 Some better answers.
00:15:42 Out of this guy or just out of this this event that I watched painstakingly watched way too long of and there wasn't like a whole lot of than what I what I just said.
Speaker 7
00:15:48 You. You.Devon
00:15:55 So I'm not going to sit here.00:15:56 We're going to sit and watch like tons of it.
00:15:58 Just because, you know, I've already kind of summed up what what happens but.
00:16:02 It might might.
00:16:04 Be useful for you to hear it from the.
00:16:07 The horse's mouth or the the Jews mouth, I guess.
00:16:11 To give you an idea.
00:16:12 If you want to hear his bona fides.
00:16:15 Here is, you know, here's the guys resume.
00:16:19 So just so you know who.
00:16:20 We're talking about here.
Speaker 8
00:16:25 1920.00:16:26 When Bulgakov wrote White Guard, he compared the revolution in the Ukraine to a comic opera.
00:16:33 But I'm sure he never could have imagined that it was a klezmer fest.
00:16:39 In any case, the events unfolding in front of our eyes in Ukraine, throughout Eastern Europe, in Russia.
00:16:49 Again, this is 2014.Speaker 8
00:16:52 Today, when I just read in, admittedly the Huffington Post, but nonetheless that Ukrainian military units are mobilizing in the border regions.00:17:08 Grave threats exist not only to the Ukrainian state.
00:17:16 But to civil society generally.
00:17:21 Throughout the region.
00:17:24 Alexander Yakovlev said to me in conversation some years ago, before he died, Yakovlev, who had been the?
00:17:33 Alright, hang on.00:17:34 He's still this guy.
00:17:35 Just blow vietti.
00:17:36 Let me get to where?
00:17:36 He's introducing this guy.
Speaker 4
00:17:39 He has a long.Speaker 8
00:17:41 Biography filled with distinction filled with accomplishments, but in my brief conversation with him this evening before our event began, I realized that his greatest accomplishment, and the thing that I wish to highlight.00:18:00 Most is that he possesses true insight into the situation politically, socially, historically, of Ukraine today and the Jewish.
00:18:16 Element in that rapidly changing multi colored, multi layered, impossibly complicated historical reality that it is David Fishman.
00:18:35 Who is our moderator?
00:18:37 Is professor of Jewish history at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
00:18:41 He serves as director of Project Judaica, a Jewish studies program based in Moscow jointly sponsored by JTS and the Russian state universe.
00:18:53 Uh for the humanities.
00:18:56 He is author of numerous books and articles on the history and culture of East European jewelry, and perhaps his greatest distinction is that he is the informal scholar in residence at the Evo Institute for he for for the work that he is doing on his next book.
00:19:16 Catherine Nepomniachtchi, who is with us this evening as translator, is the Ann Whitney Olin professor.
00:19:25 Alright, we don't care about the translator anyway.00:19:28 So this is like, you know, top Jewish Ukrainians.
00:19:34 Talking to top American Jews in intellectual setting about.
00:19:39 The Jewish role in.
00:19:41 Ukraine and I thought, oh, this will be very eye opening.
00:19:43 It's really not.
00:19:45 I wish that I wish I hadn't wasted so much time, but I I won't waste all your time on this.
00:19:50 There's just a few that I found interesting here.
00:19:53 So let me skip through here.
00:19:55 Real quick.
Speaker 9
00:19:56 I think that's, but I do have one question about it that it.00:19:59 Tell us about tell us something.
00:20:03 A quick portrait of today's Ukrainian.
00:20:07 What are you especially proud?
00:20:08 Of if you.
00:20:09 Ah, one more background question before we get to our current events and it's a rather personal question.
00:20:17 You know what?00:20:17 I'm gonna go from.
00:20:18 I know that a lot of these are.
00:20:19 The end, sorry I I had.
00:20:22 I have a timeline now of justice. the Super edited questions. It's like 45 ******* minutes long.
00:20:31 Let me see if I can find.
00:20:32 What is your own opinion?Devon
00:20:35 No, that's not the hysterical Jew.Speaker 10
00:20:37 I think in the last week.00:20:38 Or two here.
00:20:39 We go here's the hysterical New York Jew.Speaker 10
00:20:43 I think in the last week or two, many Jews around the world were very shocked and appalled by this.00:20:49 Could be phony, could be fake issues that the eastern Ukrainians were forcing on Jews about paying $50 per person and registering and so on and so forth.
00:21:00 The question from Jews around the world is what can Jews do if the things get worse and and you Ukraine, we're sitting around the world at the edges of our seats and a replay of what happened in Europe, pre World War 2.
Speaker 4
00:21:15 Oh God, it's the Holocaust again.Speaker 12
00:21:16 So the question.Speaker 10
00:21:17 That I'm asking as a Jew and Jews around the world, that's it doesn't matter.00:21:22 Where they are.
00:21:23 What can Jews do if the tide turns and things and anti-Semitism becomes serious? And the second question I'm asking that this is a little bit different is what are Jewish businessmen doing in UK?
Speaker 11
00:21:30 Go on.Speaker 10
00:21:36 Green for the Jewish communities.00:21:40 I know.
00:21:40 I'm sure that you're familiar with who they are, and they're very important and powerful businessmen, but I'd like a comment from you on the two issues, but the first one is what can Jews do in America and Europe around the world if anti-Semitism increases?
00:21:57 And it's very important because that's really I think what these what everybody's concerned about.
Speaker 13
00:22:03 I I hear I'm being asked again.00:22:06 You know what can American Jews do?
00:22:09 I see that the American President the American sent.
00:22:12 I just I edited it out his talking because I know you guys probably don't speak Ukrainian, or at least most of the people watching, so that's why it's going straight to that woman.00:22:21 She's just translating what he had just said.
00:22:24 I just cut out all the stuff of him talking because it would have been, you know, way longer.
Speaker 13
00:22:29 That trying to do something and I say again they need to stop Russian aggression and and if the situation stabilizes, things will not get worse for Jews in Ukraine and in the final analysis, as you can always leave for Israel.Devon
00:22:46 In the final analysis, a Jew can always leave for Israel, but it's over and over and over again.00:22:52 All the people are like, that's like all.
00:22:54 The questions are like.
Speaker 4
00:22:54 But what about the Jews?00:22:56 What if?
00:22:56 The Nazis rise up and it's just.
00:23:00 Over and over and over again.00:23:01 These guys in the audience asking these questions, I I wish I had made better notes.
00:23:05 I'd be able to play some more.
00:23:06 Clips, but like it's mostly kind of boring, but the.
00:23:10 The the bottom line is.
00:23:13 He he the way he describes the.
00:23:16 The the quote UN quote Nazis.
00:23:19 In Ukraine is just this really basically the same way that you you could say that that Trump would be aware of the more extreme elements of his base. In 2016, he played to it knowing that they they're just looking for literally anyone that kind of represents their interest.
00:23:41 And they get used.
00:23:43 You know it's in the same way that, you know, Tucker Carlson sounds slightly pro white for an episode, and every white nationalist in America starts jizzing their pants thinking like we finally won.
00:23:55 It seems like it's the exact same dynamic.
00:23:58 It seems like it's it's slightly more.
00:24:01 I mean it's it's slightly.
00:24:02 More important to the ruling class.
00:24:04 To have these guys out there because you're not just talking about votes, you're talking about military action and that sort of a thing, right?
00:24:12 And you're certainly not going to leave that up to the people you know, leading gay pride parades, you know, you know, you might have Trump waving around the the if Trump had really intended, for example, to to.
00:24:24 Really have an insurrection on January 6th?
00:24:26 Yeah, he wouldn't be relying on Diamond and silk for that ****.
00:24:29 You know what I mean?
00:24:30 And so it's just in Ukraine. They really did have military actions that they wanted these guys to perform. But ultimately the the Jew thing wasn't even in the it's not even a question even for maybe, I'd say, maybe for the the more extreme, quote, UN quote, Nazis in Ukraine.
00:24:51 There is a thing.
00:24:52 There was a a political party that I think was at the time of this, at least according to these guys, they were polling at like 2.
00:25:02 And they had.
00:25:03 They named one of their like their think tanks after Joseph Goebbels, until apparently they had read something that he had said about slaves and they changed the name.
00:25:14 But the.
00:25:16 So like, yeah there there is like at least a a very tiny again 2% of the vote that that are legit Nazis.
00:25:26 But they seem like they just get used in the same way that they get.
00:25:29 Used everywhere else in the world.
00:25:32 And so.
00:25:34 The the the fact that there are so many Jews in Ukraine in powerful positions in including the the Jewish oligarch, that for those of you I'm sure many of you have seen Coach red pill streams from from Ukraine talking about, you know, his experience with that, his latest one.
00:25:53 He was talking about, you know, the the oligarch that actually was bankrolling Zelinski and the the television show that, you know, I've mentioned before that he was on where he literally plays a guy who becomes president and the.
00:26:08 Next thing you know, Oh my God, he's president.
00:26:13 And of course, it's impossible to think there weren't some kind of.
00:26:18 State actors involved with all of that talking about Western states there.
Speaker 4
00:26:24 So there is this.Devon
00:26:26 This interest that Russia has in kind of framing it like oh.Speaker 4
00:26:31 Yeah, we're there to kick out.Devon
00:26:33 All the Nazis, but you know it's.00:26:35 Yeah, you're talking about do they exist?
00:26:38 Yes, but you're talking like a.
00:26:39 Real, real tiny, insignificant, really.
00:26:44 Amount of the the Ukrainians that are actual Nazis.
00:26:50 But it it, it plays well and went well.
00:26:53 It should play well in Western media.
00:26:55 If you've been watching Western media for the last few years.
00:26:57 You would think that.
00:26:58 Just calling them Nazis, you.
00:27:00 You'd have you'd have.
00:27:01 Everyone waving Russian flags on mainstream media and on Twitter and stuff, but their firmware got flashed and so that is not the case any.
00:27:11 This guy.
00:27:13 Let's see if I can bring this up here.
00:27:22 Here we go.
00:27:28 Not that guy.
00:27:29 This guy, this guy is the guy who wrote, as I said, the Israel.
00:27:35 And he kind of breaks down exactly.
00:27:41 What's happening right now is going to happen.
00:27:47 How it's the West?
00:27:50 Instigating it.
00:27:52 So let me go and play this little clip here.
Speaker 6
00:27:56 I think this is the right one.Devon
00:27:58 Sorry guys, I'm a little bit like I said I was.00:28:00 I spent so much time on on, on the the Jewish Ukrainian crap and it just ended up giving me nothing.
Speaker 6
00:28:07 So it is what it is.Speaker 14
00:28:10 Weapons when they're desperate.00:28:12 When they think their survival is at stake.
00:28:15 So what you're talking about?
00:28:16 Back it up here.00:28:19 Alright, here we go.
00:28:20 Understanding the Russian response.
Speaker 14
00:28:24 To do is encourage it to try and conquer Ukraine.00:28:27 Putin again is much too smart to do that.
00:28:29 What Putin is doing is he's basically in the process of wrecking Ukraine and he's telling the West in very simple terms.
00:28:35 You have two choices. You need to back off, right, and we go back to the status quo ante before February 22nd, 2014.
00:28:43 Where Ukraine is a buffer state or you continue to play these games where you try and take Ukraine and make it a western bastion on their doorstep, in which case we'll wreck the country and they are of course now in the process of wrecking it.
00:28:57 And they're going to keep this conflict going for as long as they have to.
00:29:00 That's the basic game.
00:29:01 Here again, 2 steps.
00:29:02 One took Crimea. No way they're going to ever let Crimea become a NATO base and remember the name of the game here is to make Ukraine part of NATO, not happening, and they're not getting Crimea. We've taken Crimea. We're keeping it #1.
00:29:17 And #2 you want a frozen conflict or you want to wreck Ukraine so that it can't become part of the West.
00:29:25 Question #2 here is what motivates this. What motivates this is that Russia is a great power, and it has absolutely no interest in allowing the United States and its allies to take a big piece of real estate of great strategic importance on its western border and incorporate it in.
00:29:45 To the West, this should be hardly surprising to the United States of America, as all of you know, we have a Monroe Doctrine, the Monroe Doctrine basically says that the Western Hemisphere is our backyard and nobody.
00:29:58 From a distant region is allowed to move military forces into the Western Hemisphere.
00:30:03 I can tell from looking at the audience that most of you are old enough to remember the Cuban missile crisis like I am.
00:30:09 You remember how we went stark raving crazy at the idea of the Soviets putting military forces in Cuba?
00:30:15 This is unacceptable.
00:30:17 Nobody puts military forces in the Western Hemisphere.
00:30:20 That's what the Monroe Doctrine is all about.
00:30:22 Can you imagine 20 years from now a powerful China forming a military alliance with Canada and Mexico and moving Chinese military forces onto can?
00:30:32 Canadian and Mexican soil and it's just standing there and saying this is no problem. We're all 20th, 21st century people and worrying about Chinese forces there is with 19th century people like Vladimir Putin worry about. Of course, that's not going to happen. We're going to maintain the Monroe.
00:30:53 Document with regard to China, just as we did with the Soviet.
00:30:56 Union during the.
Speaker 15
00:30:57 Cold War, so nobody should be surprised that the Russians.00:31:02 Rather poetic about the idea of us putting.
00:31:08 On the western side.
00:31:09 Of the Ledger.
00:31:12 And by the way, they told us I gave you the quotes.
00:31:16 In the wake of the Bucharest Summit, I told you what happened in August 2008 with the Georgia War.
00:31:23 The presidents were there, the rhetoric was.
00:31:25 There, they told us.
Speaker 14
00:31:27 But we did not.00:31:30 Our efforts to make Ukraine part of the West.
00:31:37 And the Russians responded.
00:31:40 Was it surprising?
00:31:42 For some reason, President Obama and virtually all of the elites in the West were surprised. I guess this is because they're 21st century people, right? And they think that balance of power politics doesn't matter anymore.
00:31:55 If you think these people in Washington and most Americans are having trouble dealing with the Russians, you you can't believe how much trouble we're going to have with the Chinese.
00:32:04 I'm very popular in China.
00:32:06 I go to China quite often and I usually start my talks by saying it's good to be back among my people.
00:32:14 Because when I'm in China, I'm intellectually much.
00:32:17 More at home.
00:32:18 There than I am in Washington because in Beijing, much like in Moscow, you're dealing with 19th century people like me.
Speaker 15
00:32:26 Was in Washington.Speaker 14
00:32:26 You're dealing with 21st century people. I think the Chinese are going to eat their lunch.00:32:32 Right.
00:32:35 Talk about the conventional wisdom.
00:32:38 Conventional wisdom is that Putin is the main cause of the crisis.
00:32:42 Some say he's either crazy or irrational.
00:32:44 Angela Merkel was making this argument for a while.
00:32:48 He's bent on creating a greater Russia, and he bears marked resemblance to Adolf Hitler.
00:32:55 Say a few words about each of these.
00:32:57 I know a great deal about Adolf Hitler.
00:32:59 I've written and I teach extensively on.
00:33:04 Nazi Germanys behavior in the 30s and during World War 2, the idea that he bears any resemblance to Adolf Hitler is laughable in the extreme.
00:33:12 It's hard to believe that serious people make that argument.
00:33:16 The idea that he's bent on creating a greater Russia, I think if he could do it, he'd do it.
00:33:20 He can't do it.
00:33:22 Russia is a declining great power and as I said to you before, if they were to try and create a greater Russia by invading Ukraine and by invading the Baltic states, they'd be jumping into the Briar patch.
00:33:37 In fact, again, if you want to wreck Russia, what you should do is tell them to try and create a greater Russia.
00:33:44 It will lead to no end of trouble.
00:33:46 I think Putin is much too smart for that and he is in the process of wrecking Ukraine.
00:33:50 I want to make that clear and he's wrecking Ukraine because he's basically saying to the West you can't have it and I'll wreck it before you take it.
00:33:59 Is he crazy or rational?
00:34:00 I don't think so.
00:34:02 I think he's very strategic.
00:34:07 And I don't think he's the main cause of the crisis as I.
00:34:09 Said to you.
00:34:11 Another set of arguments associated with the conventional wisdom.
00:34:15 This is that the United States is a benign hegemon seeking to promote European stability, seeking to promote stability in Asia all over the globe, and so forth and so on.
00:34:25 There's some countries, like Japan and Germany.
00:34:27 For sure, Poland's, who view the United States as a benign hegemon, there are many countries out there who do not. Iran is 1, China is another, and Russia is 1/3. They just don't see it that way.
00:34:39 And because they don't see it that way, you should understand that when you take measures, you mean in the United States that you think are going to be interpreted as benign.
00:34:50 The other side will not see them that way.
00:34:55 So basically that you can watch the whole thing, it's it's a, it's like a A2 hour talk he gives predicting all everything that's that's happening right now explaining that you know precisely.00:35:08 Why it's happening that it's not just?
Speaker 4
00:35:12 Putin lost his mind.00:35:13 He's gone crazy and it's been.
00:35:16 A long time coming.00:35:17 In fact, that first talk from 2014, like I've said, I've been saying people been talking about this since 2014. The idea that Putin would take over came up.
00:35:28 During that talk.
Speaker 4
00:35:30 More than once.Devon
00:35:32 And that Ukrainian Jewish guy said, yeah, if if.00:35:36 Putin wants Ukraine.
00:35:39 You know if he crosses.
00:35:40 The Rubicon, so to speak.
Speaker 4
00:35:42 He will go all in.Devon
00:35:45 And the West won't even do 10%.00:35:48 Of what? He's.
00:35:48 Willing to do to when he when if he if he commits to doing that he'll go all in and he'll get it because the West just doesn't.
00:35:57 You know that it's just not that important to them like it is to like it is to Russia.
00:36:04 Which is something else.
00:36:05 I said, you know, I I don't think we're going to have World War three.
00:36:08 There's everyone freaking out thinking that, oh, my God, we're going to have World War 3.
00:36:13 They're going to be sending nukes.
00:36:14 There's all these sensational headlines about.
Speaker 4
00:36:17 But his fingers on the button.Devon
00:36:20 And it's just, it's kind of weird.00:36:21 It's like we're going back to the Cold War.
00:36:23 It's kind of like, cause that's what people said about Russians.
Speaker 4
00:36:26 For like.Devon
00:36:27 The whole first half of.00:36:28 My life, you know, like it was always like their fingers on the button.
00:36:32 There's all these.
00:36:33 There's so many movies and songs and music videos about the mushroom cloud just wiping out.
00:36:40 Everybody and it it was just like the IT was just.
00:36:44 In some ways it's it's kind of what ushered in a lot of the nihilism, I think, of Gen.
00:36:50 Yeah, it's like it just you were basically told that that.
00:36:54 The world was going to end.
00:36:56 So you know, you didn't really feel any kind of, you know, commitment to it because it's like, well, it's just going to everything.
Speaker 6
00:37:01 Is just going to be.Devon
00:37:03 Vaporized tomorrow anyway, so why does it really ******* matter?00:37:08 Why does it really ******* matter?
00:37:11 And that's the kind of thing that you're hearing now. You're hearing a lot of this. Oh, the world's going to end and you know it.
00:37:17 Just you know.
00:37:19 It it, it was ******** then.
00:37:22 And it's ******** now.
00:37:25 We're not going to.
Speaker 15
00:37:26 Have World War.Devon
00:37:26 Three, at least not because of of this right now.00:37:31 Things can, you know, you never know, right?
00:37:33 Things could get crazier.
00:37:35 You could have China all of a sudden starts going after Taiwan and then you know, this country does this and then this country.
00:37:42 Cause and you you.
00:37:43 Know you never know.
00:37:45 You never know how things are going to spiral out of.
00:37:47 Control, but I guess that's the bottom line of what I'm trying to say because people were asking.
Speaker 4
00:37:53 Like, how does this?00:37:54 How does this benefit the Jews?
00:37:55 Is this?
00:37:56 The Jews doing this and I think it's way more chaotic than that.00:38:01 I don't think it's like some kind of master plan that they're all following.
00:38:04 It's certainly not some plan, like a lot of people suggesting like, oh, it's to cover up for all the.
00:38:09 COVID no, it's not.
00:38:11 No, it's not.
00:38:12 This is something that's been a long time coming.
00:38:14 It's something people have been predicting for a really long time and it's just happening now and it's.
Speaker 4
00:38:20 ******* off all.Devon
00:38:20 The all the people that weren't listening to the predictions, all the people they get like as that guy said that you're talking about politicians who they think they're 21st century men.00:38:31 Where post history it's Star Trek.
00:38:34 You know, it's basically we can live in space.
Speaker 4
00:38:36 In our ******* pajama.Devon
00:38:38 And and buy, you know or or not even buy.00:38:40 There's no.
Speaker 4
00:38:41 Such thing as money it is.00:38:42 Literally the World Economic forums plan.
00:38:45 You know you will own nothing and you will be happy in space with with all kinds of different aliens and gender identities.00:38:52 And you know, it's a little hyperbolic, but I think that's really what.
00:38:58 You're dealing with.
00:38:59 You're dealing with a a out of touch.
00:39:02 Ruling class.
00:39:03 You know these, these, these, these transhumanist.
Speaker 4
00:39:06 Ruling class ******* who really.00:39:09 Do believe that? What you.
00:39:10 Know it's it's or post history.
00:39:13 There's not going to be anymore wars anymore.
00:39:16 We already fought the wars to end all wars, which is funny because these people have presided over some of the longest wars in history, certainly in American history.00:39:27 These same people were were presiding over the longest wars in American history in Afghanistan.
00:39:32 They were prosecuting wars all over the Middle East, but those wars.
Speaker 4
00:39:37 Slipped the consciousness.Devon
00:39:39 Of the American people.00:39:43 After 911 right, everyone was just kind of like whatever, I guess we're just in the Middle East forever blowing up.
00:39:48 You know these these sand.
Speaker 5
00:39:52 Right.Devon
00:39:54 That was that.00:39:55 And that was where it stopped.
00:39:58 In terms of people thinking about it.
00:40:02 And this thing going on in Ukraine, honestly, honest to God, not a single American would give a **** if they weren't told to give a **** about it.
00:40:09 Most people can't find Ukraine on a map.
00:40:13 You know most.
00:40:13 People can't find Russia on a map.
00:40:17 ****, there's Americans that can't find California on a map.
00:40:20 You know what I mean?
00:40:24 We're dealing with, we're dealing with a different.
00:40:26 Kind of American these days.
00:40:29 But it's funny because you have all these.
00:40:31 People that are that, that.
00:40:34 Their firmware has been flashed.
00:40:35 It almost makes me think twice I, you know, I've been.
00:40:38 Talking for a little while now.
00:40:39 About how I kind of feel like they're they're.
00:40:43 They're making a grave mistake, especially if they're worried about World War, you know, happening, you know, between whether it's Russia or China or, you know, whatever, by making a bunch of.
00:40:55 By by basically having a woke military that we all laugh at and you know, we've all seen the.
00:41:01 You know the the commercials and stuff like that they've put out and just the embarrassing.
00:41:07 Gender dysphoria?
00:41:08 That's that's in our our military ranks.
00:41:13 And and and not just that the diversity, also, people who don't have any kind of connection to the blood and soil of the nation.
00:41:21 And so why would they feel motivated to fight it in this in the way that many Ukrainians feel it's their duty, even if they feel like, oh, this is probably going to be a losing battle and I might die.
00:41:31 I can, at least I can relate to that.
Speaker 16
00:41:33 Right.Devon
00:41:34 I can relate to a Ukrainian who wants to, you know, knowing, knowing full.00:41:39 This is probably not going to work out, you know, but still fighting for what they believe in, right?
00:41:46 For land that they've inhabited for for generations.
00:41:50 But if you're talking about like these, these new Americans who have no connection whatsoever to the founding, in fact, in many cases, they find.
00:42:00 The founding to be something that needs to be erased.
00:42:06 They need they want to rewrite, they want to steer the ship.
00:42:10 That is America in a totally different direction.
00:42:14 And those aren't exactly the kind of people that.
00:42:16 Are going to be willing.
00:42:16 To die well for Israel or America.
00:42:22 But I think I might have underestimated the their ability to flash firmware.
00:42:31 You know how quickly.
00:42:36 The well, I mean the average person just who never even heard of Ukraine.
00:42:41 A week ago.
00:42:43 Is if you look at the Reddit threads of people that want to sign up and go die, they want to go fight the Russians.
00:42:52 In Ukraine.
00:42:54 So it it's maybe I'm wrong, maybe they'll that's.
00:42:57 All they have to do right?
Speaker 4
00:43:00 You're you're literally you're literally fighting Hitler.Devon
00:43:05 But anyway, yeah, I was going to do like a a bigger thing on this.00:43:07 It just it took so much of time, like watching all.
00:43:10 These talks the big take away really for me at the end of it was there was no like big gotcha thing.
00:43:15 There was no clip of.
00:43:16 Like oh wow, that that explains it all and.
00:43:20 It just really at the end of it, just I I kind of felt no it just it's really just.
00:43:24 Chaotic out there.
00:43:26 I mean, even in this this little thing here.
00:43:31 You know, with this guy.
00:43:33 These guys, I mean you had you had the the American Jews getting angry with this guy because he wasn't taking the Nazi threat seriously and and how he he literally.
00:43:44 I wish I'd I'd clip.
00:43:46 There was one clip where he doesn't tell him to chill out on the Holocaust, but he said something along the lines of when some guy.
00:43:51 Was saying, oh, the Holocaust.
00:43:53 They said well.
00:43:54 There's people that look in the past and there's people look in the future and I think Jews should look at the future and yeah, he's he was being strategic about how he said it, but he was basically saying shut up about the ******* Holocaust.
00:44:04 All you know already.
00:44:07 And you know it it it just show it just kind of painted a picture that it's it's way more chaotic.
00:44:15 And there's way more.
00:44:18 It's it's not as simple as just like, ohh, the Jews want to do this.
00:44:21 And you know which I never thought that in, especially with this.
00:44:25 This conflict, but there's a lot of people been asking.
00:44:27 Me about like, how does this benefit the Jews?
00:44:30 Well the the.Devon
00:44:31 The oligarchs.00:44:32 You know, the guy that bankroll Zelinski?
00:44:34 I think he's in Switzerland.
00:44:35 He's not even there.
00:44:37 You know what's?
00:44:37 Going to happen to him.
00:44:39 You know, probably nothing, right?
00:44:41 It's not like Putin, you know, maybe.
Speaker 4
00:44:42 Putin will get.Devon
00:44:43 Him assassinated somehow or something like that, but almost never.00:44:47 Almost never do you see the people bankrolling wars actually have to to, I mean, they're in.
00:44:54 Fact, they're not even like.
00:44:56 Tried after the wars, you know, they're not even prosecuted.
00:45:01 That that almost never if ever happens.
00:45:05 So you can make it's kind of like the stock market.
00:45:08 You can make money when the stock markets going up and you can make money when the stock markets going down.
00:45:14 You can make money when a when a country is peaceful and you can make a lot of.
00:45:18 Money. When a country's at war.
00:45:25 And if you're a billionaire, your mind thinks like that.
00:45:28 You're just looking for opportunities, ways of fleecing the the public.
00:45:34 You don't, you?
00:45:34 Know again the people dying in this conflict.
00:45:38 You don't care about them.
00:45:41 The people that were benefiting financially in Ukraine, including people like the Bidens.
00:45:49 You know, including people like the Clintons.
00:45:53 Including people like, you know, I'm sure money interests and all across Europe.
00:46:03 I mean, look, it was super corrupt.
00:46:05 It was a super corrupt.
00:46:09 Where again, just all you have to do is look at at Hunter Biden's interactions with.
00:46:17 With the energy companies out there or or Joe Biden's interactions with the the prosecutor out there that's supposed to be getting rid of corruption, he got them fired.
00:46:29 By just withholding the the the aid.
00:46:32 And The funny thing is, you know that that aid money, those billions of dollars that come into that country from America.
00:46:39 You think that that just gets, like evenly divvied up among all the the citizens of Ukraine?
00:46:44 No, of course not.
00:46:47 The big irony is.
00:46:48 Biden probably got a lot of that.
Speaker 4
00:46:49 Money back in his pocket.Devon
00:46:53 Now you better fire this guy.00:46:54 I'm going.
00:46:55 To withhold aid.
00:46:58 So they fired.
00:46:59 The guy, they give him the aid and then a bunch of that money ends up back in Biden's back pocket, and certainly in his son's pocket.
00:47:08 So anyway.
00:47:11 Long story short, it's a complicated situation and obsessing about.
Speaker 15
00:47:17 Nuclear war, right?Devon
00:47:18 Now is very premature and trying to pretend that we know what's even going on on the ground is a little ridiculous.00:47:26 One of my friends that the one I was worried about.
00:47:30 She is on her way to Germany.
00:47:33 She finally got out, so that's good.
00:47:36 They're, but they are one of the things that the Ukrainian Government's doing.
00:47:41 In addition to taking.
00:47:45 The men and essentially forcing them into the military whether they want to or not, they are.
Speaker 4
00:47:54 They're afraid because of.Devon
00:47:55 Some of the losses they have already.00:47:58 That there will be somewhat of a domino effect.
00:48:01 Where if you know it will be a big blow to morale if all of a sudden they hear, oh, this city is, you know, under Russian control in this city, you know, and and the morale of the people sticking around to defend some of these other cities.
00:48:16 Are going to be less likely to want to actually do that.
00:48:20 And so one of the things they've been doing, even though they're keeping up, they're they're allowing.
00:48:27 The movement of of refugees or or, you know, the people fleeing these cities, they are allowing not about the Russians, not the Ukrainians, they're they're allowing.
00:48:39 People that go to.
00:48:40 Poland, the Polish border and stuff to leave the country.
00:48:44 They are purposely trying to slow that traffic.
00:48:50 Because they don't want it to.
00:48:52 They just don't want everyone to be leaving.
00:48:54 You know they want people to stick around and.
00:48:57 And fight they from what I can understand is.
00:49:02 A losing battle.
00:49:06 So we'll see how long this drags.
00:49:09 On, I mean it could go on a really long time.
00:49:11 I mean in terms of.
00:49:17 I mean Afghanistan as an example, right?
00:49:20 You could.
00:49:21 You could certainly see the Russian military go in and establish a presence in all the cities and whatever.
00:49:30 But you never know, like how nationalist are these Ukrainian nationalists?
00:49:34 You know, I mean, like, how how much are they willing to?
00:49:37 I mean, they're. I mean, they're not going to necessarily do suicide bombings and **** like that thinking they're going to get 72 virgins, but you're going to have a lot of people that maybe even generationally.
00:49:49 We'll oppose this occupation.
00:49:52 So it just it, you know, it sucks to see.
00:49:55 It sucks to see this kind of thing going on.
00:49:59 You know, you've heard people say no more brother Wars.
00:50:01 And if there's a brother war that's happening right now, this is.
00:50:04 Certainly you know.
00:50:06 This is certainly it.
00:50:09 But hopefully we can.
00:50:11 All we can do is hope that, uh.
00:50:13 That this you.
00:50:14 Know whatever happens.
00:50:15 However, this shakes out that there'll be as few casualties as possible and that America is embarrassed in the end.
00:50:22 Honestly, like look.
00:50:25 You know The funny thing.
00:50:26 Is I was talking to my mom about this.
Speaker 8
00:50:29 And she was.Devon
00:50:29 Shocked when I I don't, I don't know if I said it exactly like that.00:50:34 But I said that the.
00:50:37 The watching.
00:50:40 Watching America.
00:50:43 Run with its with its tail between its legs as the Taliban.
00:50:49 Rolled in to Kabul.
00:50:52 And watching them flee in this super embarrassing way that was reminiscent of of, you know, Saigon.
00:51:00 I told her look, it was funny to me.
00:51:04 It was funny to me and I wasn't the only one.
00:51:07 It was funny too.
00:51:12 Even though it's it's a much different situation here.
00:51:18 I got to say that this, that same funny bones getting a little tickled.
00:51:24 Getting a little tickled?
00:51:25 Not because.
00:51:27 Of you know what's what's happening to the Ukrainians?
00:51:30 Like I said, I've, I've got Ukrainian friends, and I'm not certainly not picking sides, but just from a from a prep, a practical standpoint.
00:51:43 If you don't want.
00:51:44 The ruling class in the West that has LED us to where we are today in the West.
00:51:52 To be successful, it's kind of hard to not be at least a little bit amused that they're.
00:51:59 Their gnashing of teeth.
00:52:02 And they're talking a big game with not backing it up.
00:52:09 The the some of their ridiculous propaganda that they're spreading about.
00:52:12 Ohh yeah yeah the.
00:52:13 Ghost of Kiev and all this other stuff.
00:52:16 It's uh. You know, there's at least again, there's the human element to it, and no one's happy about that.
00:52:24 But in terms of justice?
00:52:28 How this will affect the West or release the power structure in the West, which I do see is?
00:52:34 Is in opposition to me.
00:52:37 Anytime they're embarrassed, it kind of.
00:52:39 Makes me a little, you know, makes.
Speaker 6
00:52:41 Me a little happy.Speaker 16
00:52:43 A little bit.Devon
00:52:47 Yeah. Anyway that's.00:52:49 It, like I said, I I I I.
00:52:50 Was just going to play a couple of things right there and and then turn it over to chat and.
00:52:58 Make it kind of cozy tonight.
00:53:02 So let me take a look.
00:53:02 At chat we've got.
00:53:04 Two super chats.
00:53:06 Let's see what we got here.
00:53:09 Purge all pedophiles at all costs, every single time.
00:53:14 And you might have been talking about the Jewish Ukrainian guys, $4.00 ******** ****** told my Russian sweetheart that Jews are Russian oligarchs and didn't believe me told to look up 1 oligarchs early life section on Wikipedia. She did, and it blew her.
00:53:29 Mind, now I'm just worried she won't.
00:53:31 Starve to death from.
00:53:33 Now I'm just worried she won't.
00:53:35 Starve to death from the sanctions?
00:53:37 Why would she be worried that she won't starve to death?
00:53:40 Wouldn't you not want her to starve to death?
00:53:43 No, that's that's the other thing too is.
00:53:47 The high trust in.
00:53:52 Look, I know about Russians, but I'll have to tell you in my interaction with Ukrainians for the last five or so years.
00:54:02 There was not a lot of skepticism.
00:54:06 When it came to the media.
00:54:10 Like they believed all the crazy stuff that you know they.
00:54:13 Were saying about Trump.
00:54:16 You know how Putin was controlling Trump?
00:54:18 Almost like a robot with a Control Board, like swear to God, this is what the kind.
00:54:22 Of **** I was hearing.
00:54:24 And it was just it.
00:54:26 At first it just seemed like that it was lazy.
00:54:30 They were just repeating the kinds of stuff that they would hear on.
00:54:33 I mean, I guess European and I said like, whatever, whatever, whatever outlet that was repeating the same that was saying the same sort of things that CNN or MSNBC would be said.
Speaker 15
00:54:45 But I I concluded.Devon
00:54:48 After a while talking to a lot of these people, because very many of these people are very conservative, believe it or not, socially especially right like the.00:54:58 Whole global ****.
00:55:00 While it had sore and it was, it was getting its foot in the door, that's for sure.
00:55:04 It wasn't.
00:55:06 It hadn't taken hold.
00:55:07 It wasn't.
00:55:07 It certainly wasn't as normalized as it was in the United States, and when I would show them some of the stuff like ****, I kind of feel like some of you guys are probably familiar with the I hypocrite.
00:55:21 This weekend.
00:55:23 Whatever that's called his his he does the.
00:55:27 You can't stop progress actually.
00:55:29 Is what it's.
00:55:29 Called, well, every. I don't know if it's every week, but every so often he he basically just plays all these clips from TikTok and just the the awfulness that we are surrounded by.
00:55:40 And I kind of feel like if I'd showed even just one of those videos to many of the Ukrainians that I knew.
00:55:46 They would be.
00:55:47 They'd be, uh, you know, they'd have a heart attack, they'd be physically ill.
00:55:51 After watching that stuff.
00:55:53 They they didn't know what they were getting into.
00:55:56 You know, they wanted to be part of the EU because they they saw it as as, oh, well this it'll be economically.
00:56:03 Better for us.
00:56:05 You know, we'll be and plus we'll be.
00:56:06 It was cooler.
00:56:07 It was just.
00:56:08 Cooler, you know?
00:56:09 Oh, well, we'll be part of the West.
00:56:11 We'll have like this because right now, early or, I mean, I don't know about now.
00:56:14 But like prior to what was going on now.
00:56:17 Yeah, you can't.
00:56:18 If you have a like.
00:56:19 If I if we have an American passport, you can pretty much go over the **** you want.
00:56:24 There's not a lot of places that won't.
00:56:26 Let an American in.
00:56:27 There's a few.
00:56:28 But you know like.
00:56:29 I think even North Korea will let you in.
Speaker 6
00:56:32 You know like but.Devon
00:56:34 Not not the case.00:56:35 If you have Ukrainian passport.
00:56:37 So there's countries you just can't go in without this long process of, you know, dealing with their their immigration and sometimes even then it's just they just say no.
00:56:48 And so there was just this they idealized.
00:56:51 It was almost like becoming a member of some exclusive club.
00:56:54 That's the way that they looked at it.
00:56:56 And if it meant they needed to maybe shed some of their traditionalism, they were kind of OK with that.
00:57:03 And look, you can't blame them.
00:57:05 I mean, ****.
00:57:05 The West has been shedding its traditionalism.
00:57:08 Like it was going out well because it was going out of.
00:57:10 Style and now there's almost nothing left.
00:57:13 It's certainly not here.
00:57:14 In the United States.
00:57:17 But I I just think that after after dealing with a lot of these people that were in my life, I kind of came to, especially when I would try to challenge them on things.
00:57:28 And say, well, you know, I know you saw it on the news, but.
Speaker 4
00:57:32 The news isn't always telling.Devon
00:57:34 You the truth.00:57:36 And I would I I would get pushed back on that all the time.
00:57:40 It was shocking.
00:57:42 It was shocking how.
00:57:45 And again, these are conservative, socially conservative people.
00:57:49 Who weren't particularly political, but I mean I I guess you could call them kind of norm like right, conservative leaning normies.
00:57:58 And they believed everything that was in the media.
00:58:02 And then when they wouldn't believe something, it was, it was just they would just say it was rushed like that was the other weird thing they'd be like, oh, that's Russian propaganda.
00:58:09 Like, that's the only propaganda they thought existed.
00:58:13 It was Russian propaganda.
00:58:15 And they couldn't understand it like, well, I mean.
00:58:18 Maybe you're right and.
00:58:19 I can't think of an example, but I just you.
00:58:21 Would hear that right?
00:58:23 Maybe you're right, but.
00:58:25 You know, because it is Russian propaganda, but there's everything propaganda.
00:58:30 Every country has an interest in lying to their people.
00:58:34 In fact, this same guy, the guy, the author of the Israel lobby, I'm blanket, what's his name?
00:58:40 I'm gonna have to let me go to the beginning.
00:58:42 What's his name?
00:58:43 Does it say?
Speaker 16
00:58:47 No, doesn't say.Devon
00:58:49 Anyway, it doesn't matter this guy.00:58:52 He does another talk.
00:58:54 Where he's talking about and I think you wrote a book on this.
00:58:59 About lying about politicians lying, and he qualifies the different kinds of lies that they tell.
00:59:07 And that some of the lies are actually good and some of the lies are selfish and and and bad obviously, but that sometimes you know strategic for strategic purposes.
00:59:22 Especially when dealing with international diplomacy, occasionally it's noble to lie, to get the results that you want.
00:59:34 But one of the things he mentioned, too was it's infinitely easier.
00:59:39 For world leaders to lie to their own population, then it is for foreign leaders to lie to other populations.
00:59:51 And the reason for that is simple.
00:59:53 And I and I think it's illustrated in this example I gave about the Ukrainians that would.
00:59:58 Ohh, that's just Russian propaganda.
01:00:00 But you would say something about, you know, well, the Ukrainian media also has propaganda, and that just seemed to escape them.
01:00:07 And that is especially where anywhere where there's, you know, high in Group preference and because of what's been going on in Ukraine, the last you know few decades or whatever there there's.
01:00:17 What appears to be higher in Group preference, you know anytime there's a persecution narrative.
01:00:22 I mean just.
01:00:22 Look at the Jews.
01:00:24 But you tend to believe your leaders.
01:00:29 Whereas you don't believe foreign leaders because they're competitors, when you're in a somewhat healthy dynamic with your ruling class now in America, that's kind of unraveled right now, Americans don't with some.
01:00:45 There is no solidarity.
01:00:47 There is no trust in what the ruling class is saying, at least not like there would have been, say.
01:00:53 Even 20 years ago.
01:00:55 And certainly you know the further you.
Speaker 16
01:00:57 Go back, right?Devon
01:00:58 But there's always a skepticism.01:01:01 When it comes to foreign leaders, and so it's what he was getting at is like, it's easier for leaders to lie to their own people.
01:01:10 But there's fewer reasons to do that.
01:01:14 And because it's easier, they end up doing that.
01:01:17 And once you.
01:01:18 Start lying.
01:01:20 It's hard to stop lying, you know, like is once you start making this fake narrative about what reality is, you kind of have to keep it.
Speaker 4
01:01:28 Going or you have to admit that you.Devon
01:01:30 Were lying.01:01:31 So anyway, I guess that's a long explanation.
01:01:36 For what I was witnessing in Ukraine, when they would, they would, well, no, no, this there has to be real cause, you know, I saw this on TV and I was just like really.
01:01:46 There's no skepticism at all.
01:01:48 In fact, these same people were terrified of COVID.
01:01:53 And I had one.
01:01:54 Stopped talking to me over the issue of COVID.
01:01:58 Because, oh, my grand, my my mom has asthma and my my grandma this and you know, whatever.
01:02:05 And and you're spreading disinfo and and and it's going to kill my family and you know I I wear a mask when I'm sitting by myself in the bathroom and.
01:02:17 You know, just just again it was this trust that had.
01:02:21 Of their leaders.
01:02:23 That uh.
01:02:26 It only takes.
01:02:27 Place when there's high in Group preference and as and it can backfire on you as.
Speaker 16
01:02:32 As it did in.Devon
01:02:33 These situations anyway, let me take a look here.01:02:38 Magitech $25. Appreciate it. Any cactus updates? Yes, I shot a cactus pill to not edit it, but there will be for next time.
01:02:49 And in fact, the cold weather came back for a little bit.
01:02:53 So there's a few plants I didn't want to put in the ground.
01:02:57 Quite frankly, because I don't think they'll survive next winter anyway.
01:03:00 It's it's more.
01:03:01 Like I'm rolling.
Speaker 4
01:03:01 The dice I roll the dice on some on.Devon
01:03:04 Some more phobias because they look cool and I really want them to live out here.Speaker 6
01:03:06 OK.Devon
01:03:09 But I you know, I don't think they will.Speaker 4
01:03:11 But they all have a better chance.Devon
01:03:13 If I put them in the ground once the cold goes away and they have like a, you know, at least eight months before the cold comes back.01:03:21 To brutalize them.
01:03:24 And so I got a bunch of those.
01:03:25 I got to put in the ground.
01:03:27 And so I'll have some more.
01:03:29 I've actually like five or six different species of cat this in Euphorbia that I'll be adding to the the cactus jungle.
01:03:38 So I can maybe do some.
Speaker 16
01:03:40 Quick little videos on those.Devon
01:03:42 Beef supreme.01:03:43 What's up with Ukrainian negotiator killed during peace talks?
01:03:51 I don't know.
01:03:52 Let's take a look.
01:03:55 I did check up-to-the-minute supposedly up-to-the-minute updates before I went live. I didn't say anything about that.
Speaker 16
01:04:03 So let me.01:04:06 Let me look.
01:04:17 Well, here's the problem.01:04:19 This is once again, This is why I haven't been talking about.
01:04:23 You know what's going on in Ukraine because now we have to play the.
01:04:26 Game of which which source do we believe?
01:04:31 The first one that comes up is when I most likely think I mean.
Speaker 4
01:04:37 It's the epoch.Devon
01:04:38 Times, which means it's Zionist.01:04:41 So let's see what the Zionist explanation as to what you're talking about.
Speaker 4
01:04:46 A member of the Ukraine negotiation team.Devon
01:04:50 Ohh, now it's trying to make me sign up, so never mind.01:04:52 We'll we'll not look at the Epoch Times.
01:04:56 Let's look at this, the sun.
01:05:02 Spy executed is the is the sun right?
01:05:05 So we're going to have like a.
01:05:06 Much more bombastic.
01:05:11 Ukraine peace negotiators shot dead defending the nation amid claims he was a double agent working for Russia.
01:05:19 Officials in Kiev said Dennis Kariv, 45-A spy and former banker, was killed during an operation defending the nation.
01:05:31 Mysterious. Or let's see here.
01:05:35 Yeah, but again, it's like we don't know.
01:05:37 We don't know what happened with this.
01:05:40 Because everyone involved has a.
01:05:43 Reason to lie about it.
01:05:45 This is from.
01:05:46 This is the official Ministry of Defense in Ukraine.
01:05:52 Excuse me, during the performance of special tests, 3 spies were killed.
01:05:58 Employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
01:06:05 And then it says Alexei Ivanovich.
01:06:11 Chiffonier Valerie Viktorovich.
01:06:15 And kariv Dennis Borisovich they they died defending Ukraine and their rank brought us closer to victory on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency.
01:06:28 Is that about our Central Intelligence Agency.
01:06:31 We express our sincere condolences to the family of the victims.
01:06:35 Heroes do not.
01:06:36 Die blah blah.
01:06:37 Yeah, so who knows, right?
01:06:38 It's just all propaganda at this point. That's why it's real frustrating when people think that they understand what the ****'* going on out there because it's like there's no way to know because Ukraine is going to be lying. Russia is going to be lying in America is going to be lying.
01:06:52 Everyone's lying about what's going on out there.
01:06:55 That's why I decided to go back and look at things that were said years ago instead of what's happening right now to get a better grasp on what what was happening there.
01:07:06 Uh, but yeah, it doesn't really say there's.
01:07:09 Maybe there's another article that has a better explanation.
Speaker 16
01:07:14 There's uh.Devon
01:07:20 I mean, he's a.01:07:21 So maybe not that big of a loss, right?
01:07:23 No matter how you feel about it.
01:07:27 Maybe I was wrong.
01:07:28 Maybe a Jewish Baker did die in the conflict.
01:07:32 Let's see here.
01:07:33 Here's another article.
01:07:34 This is from I've never even heard of this website.
01:07:36 It's taking forever to load.
Speaker 16
01:07:38 So I'm not going to go to it.Devon
01:07:42 Here's another thing.01:07:43 This is from another website or heard of.
01:07:49 Says Russian spy found the Ukrainian negotiating team Ukrainian.
Speaker 16
01:07:53 Blah blah, blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:07:59 In his telegram, Ukrainian journalists and deputy of the Verkhovna Orata of Ukraine of the 9th.01:08:12 I'll like whatever.
01:08:14 Alright, let me hold on.
01:08:15 Where's it?
01:08:15 Just ******* say what happened.
01:08:20 Yeah, I I don't know.
01:08:21 There's people calling him with double agent.
01:08:23 There's people calling him a spy.
01:08:24 There's people calling him a hero.
01:08:26 It's impossible to ******* know.
01:08:28 That's all this stuff is, is. It's ridiculous. I think what it is just people have this, this addiction to, you know, up-to-the-minute news, you know, ever since they had the 24 hour cable news networks roll out this, this kind of a format.
01:08:46 In fact.
01:08:48 Funny enough, Anchorman or maybe was Anchorman too?
01:08:52 Did a I mean not like an accurate portrayal of it, but kind of like an at least an accurate sentiment among the?
01:09:00 The executives and just turn it into entertainment.
01:09:04 And turn it into gossip.
01:09:06 You know, world like wars are now just gossip.
01:09:10 It's like ohh this guy said this.
01:09:12 Ohh and this guy said.
01:09:13 He said this.
01:09:13 Ooh, and.
01:09:14 This and it's just.
01:09:16 It's just regurgitating propaganda from one or more sides.
01:09:21 You never really know what's what's actually happening.
01:09:25 Uh, let's see here. Def. What do you think about Georgia? Following Iowa's lead in adopting IH RA definition of anti-Semitism especially regards to the UN passing Israeli resolution combating Holocaust denial on social media too long didn't read.
01:09:45 Questioning Holocaust.
01:09:47 Yeah, it it it it.
01:09:49 That's already kind of illegal in a lot of places.
01:09:51 Then they're they're.
01:09:52 Trying to sneak it.
01:09:52 In you know they they had the everyone's remembers back when Texas had the floods and you had to go fill out the form in order to receive the federal funds that were given to Texas from my.
01:10:06 I guess FEMA or whoever.
01:10:08 And you had to pledge not to boycott Israel to get your your flood money.
01:10:16 And I don't know that that was ever legally resolved.
01:10:19 I know that it you know, some someone took it to court.
01:10:22 Some Muslim woman took it to court.
01:10:23 But I don't know what whatever happened.
01:10:25 To that.
01:10:26 But you've had it's.
01:10:27 Just all over the place.
01:10:29 That's the thing that has to have.
01:10:32 You at least slightly scratching.
01:10:34 Your head when it comes to all.
01:10:35 This stuff is.
01:10:36 Anytime the left and the right agree on something, it's usually not good for you and by left and right I mean the, you know, the left and right side of the aisle in Washington, not the ideological left or right.
01:10:49 However, you might define that, but the the talking heads.
01:10:53 The the demigods in in.
01:10:56 Reason that you know when Nancy Pelosi is on the same page as Lindsey Graham about something, it's probably bad and they're both on the same page when it comes to making Holocaust denial illegal.
01:11:11 And they're also.
Speaker 4
01:11:12 Both on the same page about you know.Devon
01:11:15 The ghost of Kiev so.01:11:16 It's it's kind of, you know, things that make you say, hmm.
01:11:22 I'm not surprised at all.
01:11:23 I fully expect the 1st amendment in some official way to be nullified.
01:11:32 In my lifetime.
01:11:34 I fully expect that to happen.
01:11:37 Uh and?
01:11:39 This, you know, maybe this might even be the the cause that they use to leverage that.
01:11:47 And then you would have people and you'd have all the Maga boomers, right?
01:11:50 Well, I like as much as I like the First Amendment.
01:11:53 I like Jews more.
01:11:55 So, you know.
01:11:56 It is what it is.
01:11:59 Zeddmore does the Acme Company still offer AirDrop service out your way?
01:12:05 Does the Acme company?
01:12:08 Still offer AirDrop?
01:12:09 I don't know what you're.
01:12:10 Asking the Acme company.
01:12:13 Offer AirDrop service out your way.
01:12:16 I have no idea what that means.
01:12:18 Unless you're talking about the cargo cults, which I don't think you are.
01:12:22 Alright, let's go to regular chat here.
01:12:27 Varicocele more Jewish bankers should die in conflicts.
01:12:32 Yeah, that doesn't.
01:12:32 That didn't make me sad at all.
01:12:34 I mean, I don't.
01:12:34 I don't know what the true story is behind all this, but just the fact that he's a banker and.
01:12:38 He died in a war that kind of makes me, you know.
01:12:41 I'm not exactly, I'm not exactly crying.
01:12:44 I'm not.
01:12:44 I'm not exactly crying into my my goulash, if you know.
01:12:47 What I mean?
01:12:55 Let's see here.
01:12:56 Someone saying it was literally footage from the video game Arma 3.
01:12:59 It's just propaganda.
01:13:01 No, that I know that I I don't.
01:13:03 Know specifically what.
01:13:04 You're talking about there, but that's that's the level of misinformation that we're at.
01:13:08 We have people spreading video game footage.
01:13:13 And passing it off is real.
01:13:14 And to give you.
01:13:15 That's think of how ****** that's gonna.
01:13:17 I mean, that's a that's video game photos.
01:13:19 That's good enough to where if you make it low res a little bit, people will buy it, right.
01:13:24 They'll actually think it's real.
01:13:27 Well, first of all, imagine the kind of CGI type technology that the intelligence agencies already have access to, where they could fake videos and not just the, you know, like a a tank blowing up and stuff like that.
01:13:41 But I mean, you could, you know, do deep fakes.
01:13:43 You can fake people saying things.
01:13:45 You don't think that's going to?
01:13:46 Play a role in the future.
01:13:49 I'm surprised there's not more of.
01:13:52 You know, like if I was Russia, for example, just to **** with people's heads, I would start like a a pro Ukrainian telegram channel or something like that and just make it.
Speaker 4
01:14:04 Just you know.Devon
01:14:05 Exactly like all the other ones you know, make sure it's there.01:14:07 It's established.
01:14:08 People start to trust it, and then you start sharing.
01:14:11 Deep fakes of Zelensky saying that like, oh, it's over.
01:14:14 We're going to die or, you know, whatever it is just some kind of demoralizing **** and that it's not as if they don't have the technology to make that kind.
01:14:22 Of stuff convincing.
01:14:24 And especially in an environment where Zelensky is not around to like quickly respond to something like that, that that that's going to **** with people's heads.
01:14:33 If you have people that are out and and look somehow and maybe This is why, maybe This is why they've allowed the Internet to remain now in in a lot of these places.
01:14:45 Because it kind of gives them access to in a way the Ukrainian troops.
01:14:52 And so if you were in an environment like that where you have a bunch of troops, some of whom aren't going to be super happy about being there because they were trying to be refugees and they got conscripted or whatever.
01:15:04 Or maybe other reasons, maybe political reasons.
01:15:09 You know, they've got Russian family or whatever.
01:15:11 There's a lot of people that are gonna be conflicted in this conflict, you know.
01:15:16 And if you.
01:15:17 Were to do some kind of sign up, like that stuff or it's just something like that and you could do so much.
01:15:23 There's so.
01:15:24 Much stuff like that.
01:15:26 You could have, you know heads of State saying different things.
01:15:30 It wouldn't have to be Zelensky.
01:15:31 You could have deep fakes of, you know, American politicians saying that, oh, we we're abandoning Ukraine.
01:15:40 And just, like, just demoralizing ****.
01:15:43 And it would.
01:15:44 The technology is there, you could make it believable.
01:15:47 And if people are, if people are.
01:15:48 Believing video game footage.
01:15:51 You can get them to believe something that is isn't just designed to be.
Speaker 6
01:15:55 A video game.Speaker 16
01:16:00 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:16:06 I wake up at 3:00 AM every day now.01:16:09 Bad black pilled side effect.
Speaker 4
01:16:11 Well, I'll tell you what.Devon
01:16:12 Hopefully when the space Internet rolls in, we'll be able to to change the times around.01:16:17 I know not everyone's gonna be happy about that, cause it's not 3:00 AM for everybody. There's some people where this is this is in the morning or in the afternoon.
01:16:25 Ever for them, and this is a.
01:16:26 Good time and if we?
01:16:28 Change it.
01:16:28 I don't really like radically change it.
01:16:31 I don't think it's going to be in the morning, you know, like.
Speaker 15
01:16:33 Oh, it's good morning everybody.Devon
01:16:35 And welcome to the the wake Up stream or.Speaker 6
01:16:38 You know I.Devon
01:16:39 Don't think it's going to be like that.01:16:41 But maybe you know more in the evening and not so much like.
Speaker 16
01:16:47 Late in the evening.Devon
01:16:50 Maybe more like 10:00 at night, you know or or or maybe a little bit or.01:16:54 I don't know, but I just need to.
01:16:56 I need to have my sleep schedules ******.
01:16:58 Even though I had Wednesday off, I thought that I'd be able to normalize it, but then I'm always paranoid.
01:17:03 Like every time I'd be like.
01:17:04 Well, yeah, but if you normalize your sleep schedule, then Saturday comes around.
01:17:07 Then you're gonna.
Speaker 6
01:17:07 It's gonna.Devon
01:17:08 Be all ****** ** again.01:17:09 And so it's just.
01:17:10 Yeah, I my safe schedules.
01:17:12 Permanently or not permanently, but until that.
01:17:14 Space Internet shows up.
01:17:16 Certainly it's it's all screwed up.
01:17:18 So I feel your pain.
01:17:20 So hopefully it shows up soon.
01:17:24 I I expect them to show up this week.
Speaker 16
01:17:33 Let's see here.Devon
01:17:35 The space Ghost of Kiev.01:17:37 Ah, yes.
01:17:37 Space Ghost Coast to coast.
Speaker 16
01:17:41 That was a.Speaker 4
01:17:44 I don't know.01:17:44 I want to say that was.
01:17:45 A funny show, but I don't know anymore.01:17:47 Maybe it wasn't.
01:17:47 Maybe it was terrible.
01:17:49 I was under the influence of things when when I was watching that back in the day.
01:17:57 2:21 AM but always 420. Oh, no, no, I.
01:18:01 Do not promote the use of.
01:18:04 Use of drugs anymore than I promote the use of video games for the same reason.
01:18:12 Not sure if my super chats are coming through.
01:18:15 No deep fake tech necessary.
01:18:18 Here's a clip of Zelinsky and high heels.
01:18:21 Show the people warnings that YouTube is putting on these videos to dissuade people from seeing this ****.
01:18:27 Most Ukrainians aren't aware of this from his past.
Speaker 4
01:18:32 I I I don't know, I think.Devon
01:18:33 A lot of them are aware of it.01:18:34 I know your I.
01:18:34 Know your time.
01:18:35 It's been flashed all over.
01:18:38 Everyone knows he was an actor.
01:18:40 I mean, he was in a he was a.
01:18:43 Relatively famous actor for.
01:18:46 For years, and in fact, you know, that's why he's president.
01:18:49 Because he's an actor, that people.
01:18:52 Knew about.
01:18:53 You know, that's that's.
01:18:54 How he got elected?
01:18:56 I I don't think it has quite the I.
01:18:59 I'm sure it's got a lot of propaganda value in terms of the Russians probably think it's hilarious, right?
01:19:05 But I don't think that that bothers the Ukrainians.
01:19:08 In fact, when it comes to.
01:19:11 Zelensky right now they're in full on.
01:19:13 He's a hero mode and I don't think you'll you're not going to be able to get past that very easily with most Ukrainians.
01:19:20 Because, I mean, it makes sense. It's kind of like, think about George Bush's approval ratings after 911, ironically after he most.
01:19:29 Likely was involved in that.
01:19:30 But people hated Bush hated Bush.
01:19:35 Hated him.
01:19:36 You remember when he got elected?
01:19:38 There was the whole legal battle.
01:19:40 You know, the hanging chads and all this other stuff with, you know, the the Supreme Court, I think eventually deciding the election.
01:19:50 And so there was a lot of leftists and and some Republicans too, probably too that hated, hated the fact that, you know, we're we're not supposed to have royal families.
01:20:04 You know, why do we have the son of a, a former president, especially so soon after he was president?
01:20:12 All that criticism disappeared after 911.
01:20:18 For years.
01:20:22 You know for years like that there was.
01:20:25 At at that point.
01:20:27 People, in fact, there were people were afraid to even make jokes about Bush.
01:20:33 For a while.
01:20:33 I mean, after a while, like it wore off, they could.
01:20:35 They went back to making jokes about him.
01:20:38 But when the country felt as if they were under threat.
01:20:43 Everyone rallied around the president.
01:20:44 That's just what happens.
01:20:46 And if you said anything, you know, like a bad.
Speaker 4
01:20:49 You know, it's kind of like.Devon
01:20:51 When I was watching Coach Redpills first live stream.Speaker 4
01:20:57 I knew what he was doing.01:20:58 Was stupid, like in terms of like.
01:21:01 Yeah, he he should not have been.01:21:03 And maybe he wasn't, but he should not have been surprised.
01:21:06 That people came after him.
01:21:07 If those you don't know, Coach Red Pill is a a YouTuber streamer.
01:21:12 He's been around a long time, mostly does not big tough stuff, but you know, kind of like not quite.
01:21:22 Not quite.
01:21:23 Pick up artist stuff either.
01:21:26 But more just like.
01:21:28 Men's stuff right and.
01:21:31 Red Pill when he talks about red pills and the coach Red pill.
01:21:35 He's talking about.
01:21:36 You know, red pills about women, right?
01:21:39 Uh, But he's been around a long time and he lives in Ukraine and he's married to a Ukrainian woman and he was in Kiev once the invasion started and he had no idea it was coming much in the same way I I messaged friends a couple of days before the invasion started.
Speaker 4
01:22:00 And I said.01:22:00 Look, uh, maybe. Maybe.
01:22:03 Go on a vacation.01:22:04 Maybe leave the country because.
01:22:09 I know that the State Department and the CIA and and this the United States government lies and and also exaggerates things and and all this sort.
01:22:19 Of thing but.
01:22:21 When they started evacuating everybody.
01:22:26 You know it's it's maybe a good idea to at least take it kind of seriously.
01:22:30 And they were like, oh, no, no, it's just it's Western media being totally.
01:22:37 You know, hysterical about Putin.
01:22:40 And I was like, alright, well alright, you live there.
01:22:43 I don't know.
01:22:43 I I guess maybe you have a better feel for it and coach Red pill to the same thing he did a video live from the streets of Kiev like oh look how look how worried we are you.
Speaker 4
01:22:54 Know like no.Devon
01:22:54 One's worried and and and no one was.01:22:57 No one seemed to take it seriously.
01:23:00 And then a couple days later, they invaded.
01:23:02 The Russians invaded well after the Russians invaded, and a lot of people did evacuate.
01:23:09 Especially from places like.
01:23:11 Kiev, right.
01:23:11 I mean, that's not a place you'd want to be right now.
01:23:14 He's stuck in Kiev.
01:23:16 And he starts streaming from Kiev and kind of showing the situation out there and and his thoughts on it.
01:23:25 But then he starts getting really critical of Zelensky and of the the ruling class.
01:23:33 In UK.
01:23:35 And as I'm watching this live, I was.
01:23:38 Like, dude.
01:23:38 Shut up.
01:23:38 Shut up.
01:23:39 Shut up.
01:23:39 They're gonna they'll they're literally gonna ******* kill you.
01:23:45 If, if, if.
01:23:46 Anyone walking by even knows what you're saying.
01:23:50 You might get shot.
01:23:53 Especially since one of the things you're complaining about is the Zelinski government giving everyone weapons, including criminals.
01:24:03 You're going to get shot, dude.
01:24:05 Like you.
01:24:06 It doesn't matter if what you are saying is is measured and he would.
01:24:11 He would try to, you know, measure it with like, oh, I love the Ukrainian people.
01:24:15 I'm not time.
01:24:15 Of the IT doesn't matter it when.
01:24:17 You're a country is is facing an existential threat.
Speaker 4
01:24:25 That deep down.Devon
01:24:27 I mean, you'd have to be crazy to think that you were going to win this war if you were Ukrainian.01:24:32 Just, you know, deep down many.
01:24:35 Of them know how this is.
01:24:36 Going to go.
01:24:37 So you've got kind of a panicked armed under attack.
01:24:44 Population and you're talking **** about their leader.
01:24:48 And you're not even Ukrainian.
01:24:50 You know, it's kind of.
01:24:51 Like ooh dude.
01:24:56 Like at least be somewhere not at least in the same stream.
01:25:00 He's like telling people like, oh, I'm at this hotel.
01:25:03 I'm like, you should at least don't tell.
Speaker 15
01:25:06 Everyone where you are.Devon
01:25:07 When you're doing this.01:25:09 This is insanity like you are gonna die.
01:25:11 I thought for sure I I'm surprised he's not dead.
01:25:14 To be honest, I thought for sure we were going to see him get shot on a on a live stream.
01:25:21 And you know, he he did get kicked out.
01:25:25 Of his hotel.
01:25:26 And he did manage to make because he's not.
01:25:28 From Kiev or?
01:25:29 He didn't.
01:25:30 Doesn't live.
01:25:30 He's not from Ukraine at all, but he doesn't live in Kiev.
01:25:33 He lives somewhere in the I forget what the name of the city now, but it's it's more E.
01:25:40 It's where there's more Russian occupation taking place, right?
01:25:48 And so he went to went home.
01:25:52 And I think made sure that his family left, he realized because the Russian media.
01:25:59 Because of what he was saying, it was like I said, it wasn't like under normal circumstances it wouldn't be inflammatory, but under war circumstances it was super inflammatory.
01:26:10 I mean, I think he even went so far as to say Zelinsky was evil and that his administration was evil.
01:26:16 And I'm like.
Speaker 4
01:26:17 You don't say.Devon
01:26:18 That in a war zone where it's real easy to to, to, to murder someone.01:26:26 You know you want to.
01:26:27 You want to murder someone and never be investigated for it in a war zone.
01:26:30 That's pretty easy to pull off.
01:26:32 And quite frankly, not a whole lot of people under these circumstances would be all that sympathetic to him, meaning Ukrainian people, right?
01:26:44 Given and the fact that Russian media picked it up and started playing clips.
01:26:52 Of his dream.
01:26:53 And using it in their propaganda, I mean, they get, they get actually at the very least it gives you an idea.
01:27:01 And if you haven't seen it, I think many of you have because these videos have way more views on them than any videos he's ever done.
Speaker 4
01:27:12 They should give you an idea as to.Devon
01:27:13 Like how those those streams were going.01:27:17 If if Russian media was like, oh, sweet, let's let's put this on TV.
01:27:22 You can imagine kind of how.
01:27:25 How the rhetoric was right.
01:27:28 And uh, look, I'm not even saying that he had a bad take.
01:27:31 It's just that he had a bad situation for that take, you know, like it was.
01:27:39 There's not a whole lot of upset going on there.
01:27:42 But he's managed at least far as I know, he's still, he's still around and kicking, so I forget.
01:27:50 Why we why?
01:27:51 Why he came up?
01:27:52 But yeah, that was, I thought for sure we were going to see him come to an untimely end.
01:27:58 On a live stream because of that.
01:28:01 I'm I'm surprised all that happened to him was he got kicked out of a hotel and and that I guess some goons who knows who they are, right?
01:28:08 But some goons came to his apartment.
01:28:11 And he just by dumb luck, happened to walk out to smoke a cigarette when they.
01:28:17 Showed up.
01:28:18 And or else he might have been, you know.
01:28:23 So anyway, I forgot why we started talking about that.
01:28:27 Let me go back to here.
01:28:28 It looks like we've got some more super chats here.
Speaker 16
01:28:32 UM.Speaker 4
01:28:37 In a recent this is.Devon
01:28:39 From $10 from M8. Ken.01:28:43 Hi, Devin.
01:28:44 In a recent stream you mentioned that you covered his girl Friday.
01:28:48 I could not recall seeing that clip.
01:28:51 What is it called?
01:28:52 I watched the movie recently and would love to see her take I I think you asked last year.
01:28:57 I don't remember the name of the stream.
01:29:01 But like I said, I would be surprised.
01:29:04 If it wasn't like if you just go to my channel, even on Odyssey.
01:29:08 You should be able to look at the thumbnails that are black and white mean look you gave me 10 bucks.
01:29:12 I'll, I'll look, I'll quickly.
01:29:14 Look, let's see.
01:29:16 Hopefully my Internet holds up.
Speaker 16
01:29:21 So let's take a look.Devon
01:29:24 If I just scroll through here and I look for it because like I said.01:29:27 I'm pretty sure it would have been.
01:29:29 A. When I do movies in a stream, I typically I can't say always, but I typically include A-frame of the movie in the.
01:29:41 In the thumbnail and this was a while back.
01:29:45 I'm not seeing anything yet.
01:29:51 Yeah, I've done a lot of streams.
01:29:52 We should start numbering these things.
Speaker 16
01:29:56 Not a lot of strings.01:30:01 UM.
01:30:05 That wasn't it.
01:30:09 That's not it.
01:30:18 Yeah, I don't know.01:30:19 I don't see it right off the top here.
01:30:28 If someone in chat knows, just let them know.
01:30:31 I don't see.
01:30:40 I know, I know, I did it.
01:30:43 But I don't see it here.
01:30:45 It must have been a stream.
01:30:46 Maybe I must.
01:30:47 Have done multiple movies.
01:30:48 If I do multiple movies.
01:30:50 That doesn't sound right though either.
01:30:54 I wonder if this you know what?
01:30:56 Maybe this is one on that.
01:30:58 I did it.
01:30:58 Probably would have been one I did on.
01:31:00 Trovo and there were a few that didn't get uploaded everywhere.
01:31:07 But this probably.
01:31:08 Would have been one that was on Trovo.
01:31:10 So even though I didn't always get them on Odyssey.
01:31:14 I think they most, for the most part went to bit shoot.
01:31:19 I don't know.
01:31:20 Maybe after the stream I'll take a look and see if I can find it, but.
01:31:25 I know that I know that I did the stream on it.
01:31:31 $5 from M8 Karen to catch a thief, Casablanca, North by Northwest. These are just a few classics with romances between Dad and daughter.
01:31:39 Age differences.
01:31:40 There are many more, but I have never heard anyone talk about it like it's a problem.
01:31:46 What are your thoughts?
01:31:49 Well, I I just think that that's generally speaking, especially during the era that you're talking about.
01:31:55 But even up until modern times, I mean, there was a reason why Sean Connery was still being casted with women like when he was.
01:32:02 Like man, I think in in the 70s, like really they were still putting them opposite women that were like 25 and stuff like that the reason.
01:32:11 For that is.
01:32:14 Audiences are OK with it.
Speaker 4
01:32:16 Audiences are OK with it.Devon
01:32:20 In terms of a long term relationship, if you talk about reality and not movies.01:32:26 UMI don't think that.
01:32:29 You know there there is.
01:32:30 There's probably a cutoff.
01:32:31 In fact, I think statistically there is a cutoff where it just nose dives in terms of it actually working out.
01:32:37 I think it might be like 12 years or something like that.
01:32:41 But in movies it works.
01:32:43 No one wants the bottom line.
01:32:45 No one wants to look at old ladies.
01:32:48 No one wants to look at old ladies.
01:32:51 And they don't mind looking at old guys.
01:32:54 And it's just one of those things.
01:32:58 And it's it's.
01:33:02 You know, it's somewhat socially acceptable.
01:33:04 You know, it's not like they're.
01:33:07 If there was like a 13 year old and a 50 year old or something like that, right, or you know or, you know, an adult with a non adult that's, you know, no one's OK with.
01:33:17 But once, once the woman's an adult.
01:33:20 You know, within reason, I think there's probably.
Speaker 4
01:33:22 A cutoff.Devon
01:33:23 Where even audiences would have a problem with that.01:33:26 Morally speaking, I don't know.
01:33:28 I mean I.
01:33:30 You know, it's one of those things I think it's kind of creepy.
01:33:35 If I if I had a friend that was like.
01:33:38 Dating someone young enough to be their daughter.
01:33:41 It would be a little weird, right?
01:33:43 But it would also be a case by case basis.
01:33:46 Kind of a thing, right?
01:33:48 I can't think of any relation.
01:33:50 I don't know anyone where that there's that kind of an.
01:33:52 Age gap, though, so it's hard for me to.
01:33:56 Have an opinion on it?
01:33:57 I just don't.
01:33:58 You know, once you're adults, you know?
01:34:01 It is what it is.
01:34:03 But the.
Speaker 6
01:34:05 I'd I'd be creeped out by it.01:34:06 I think I'd be creeped out by it.
01:34:08 It used to be way more common.01:34:10 It used to be way more common that you would have older men with much younger women just for childbearing purposes, right?
01:34:18 And by the time the man was able to have resources or whatever, and it didn't weird anyone out.
01:34:24 I mean, I'm sure at.
01:34:25 A certain point it does.
01:34:26 Again, where that where that line is, I don't know.
01:34:32 It's again, it's probably a case by case kind of a thing.
Speaker 6
01:34:40 Let's see here.Devon
01:34:43 Glock 23, I heard Zelinski owns a mansion in Florida.01:34:47 Like so many other Jews do, Zelinsky is a puppet who was installed by the US, so it makes sense why he has a mansion there.
01:34:56 I strongly suspect Zelinsky is gay.
01:35:01 Uh, you know, he he could be gay.
01:35:03 He's an actor.
01:35:05 It's not.
01:35:06 I wouldn't be the.
01:35:07 He wouldn't be the first gay actor.
Speaker 16
01:35:08 Right.Speaker 4
01:35:09 Or the first gay politicians.01:35:11 All I know I wanted.
01:35:12 To show you guys.
01:35:14 But before that, I was reminded.
01:35:17 I'll show you.01:35:17 I can't believe I forgot that I.
Speaker 4
01:35:18 Was going to open the show with this.Devon
01:35:21 Man anyway, I will show you that.01:35:25 Let me see if I can find there's a clip.
01:35:28 This isn't what I I got excited about, but watch what I.
01:35:31 Got excited about in a second.
01:35:34 I've got to find there's a clip.
01:35:35 Here it is.
Speaker 6
01:35:39 You're not the only with that opinion.01:35:42 About zelinsky.
01:35:45 Let me pull this up here.01:35:51 Come on, load up the clip.
Speaker 16
01:36:00 Alright, here we go.Devon
01:36:05 This is from, well, I guess Fox business news.Speaker 16
01:36:17 Let's scale this up.Speaker 17
01:36:23 The first five days Russian forces, I think frankly, were too gentle.01:36:30 They've now corrected that.
01:36:32 So I would say another 10 days this should be completely over, but the question is.
01:36:37 What is it that Zelensky is going to do?
01:36:40 The Russians have made it very clear what they want is in neutral Ukraine.
01:36:43 This could have ended days ago if he accepted that and then they can adjust the borders.
01:36:48 But the eastern part of Ukraine is firmly in Russian hands.
01:36:52 But again, the Russians are not seizing territory.
01:36:54 They're destroying Ukrainian forces.
01:36:56 That's their focus.
Speaker 12
01:36:57 Colonel, it sounds like you don't approve of Zelensky's stand.Speaker 17
01:37:03 I think Zelensky is a puppet and he is putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk and the quite frankly most of what comes out of Ukraine is debunked as lies within 24 to 48 hours. The notions of taking and retaking airfields, all of this is nonsense.Speaker 12
01:37:22 Hasn't happened.01:37:23 It's not a a hero when he's standing up for himself and his own people.
01:37:27 You don't think he's a hero?
Speaker 17
01:37:30 No, I I do not.01:37:31 I don't see anything heroic about the man.
01:37:33 And I think the most heroic thing that he can do right now is to come to terms with reality, neutralize Ukraine.
01:37:40 This is not a bad thing.
01:37:41 A neutral Ukraine would be good for us as well As for Russia.
01:37:44 It would create the buffer that frankly both sides want, but he's, I think being told to hang on.
01:37:50 And and try to drag this out, which is tragic for the people that have to live through this.
Speaker 12
01:37:55 I'm inclined to disagree with you, Colonel, but you know, we see how this works out called Douglas McGregor.Devon
01:38:04 So that that's essentially what Coach Redpill was saying.01:38:10 But he was saying that while walking down the streets of Kiev.
Speaker 4
01:38:15 Loudly into his phone with.Devon
01:38:17 Gunshots in the background, you know where it's.01:38:20 Like you know.
Speaker 4
01:38:22 The wrong person.01:38:22 Here's you say that dude and.
Speaker 6
01:38:25 Anyway so.Speaker 4
01:38:30 What I what I wanted to show you what?01:38:32 Actually what I was like.
01:38:32 Ohh, forgot about that ****.
01:38:35 Let me bring this up.Speaker 16
01:38:38 Let me bring this up.Devon
01:38:41 So there's a picture that that was floating around the Internet the the last couple of days that I tried to.01:38:47 Stay off the Internet.
Speaker 4
01:38:49 I always try to stay off the Internet when I'm when I'm like, oh.01:38:51 I'm going to take.
01:38:52 An actual break.
01:38:53 And I.
01:38:53 Did for the most part.01:38:56 But one thing kind of cracked me.
Speaker 6
01:38:58 Up a little bit that I saw.Devon
01:39:00 That I think many of you have have seen.01:39:05 And so I'm going to.
Speaker 6
01:39:06 Bring that up real quick.Speaker 4
01:39:11 Now this is.01:39:16 This is an actual photo.
01:39:19 From the UN.01:39:21 I think it's the UN assembly.
01:39:24 And people are looking at and.
01:39:25 Going. What the ****?
Speaker 15
01:39:28 What the ****?Devon
01:39:30 What is that demon that's sitting in the seat there's like?Speaker 4
01:39:35 A black demon.01:39:37 Sitting in the in in.
01:39:39 For the United States.
01:39:41 And it's really it's a real it's a real photo.01:39:43 So before you start calling it fake.
01:39:45 It is real.
01:39:45 I'm gonna explain something.
01:39:46 In a minute, though.
Speaker 4
01:39:48 And people are just like, what the ****?01:39:51 That looks insane.
01:39:54 That looks insane and the reason why they say.
01:39:55 That looks insane.
01:39:59 It's because it looks.
01:40:03 Kind of like.Speaker 4
01:40:05 Like this?01:40:10 This is what they're seeing.
Speaker 16
01:40:19 And yeah, I was wrong.01:40:20 Where is that?
01:40:21 Here we go.
Speaker 4
01:40:23 Driving back there and at first.Devon
01:40:25 It's kind of like, yeah, I kind of see it.01:40:28 What is that ****?
Speaker 1
01:40:30 What's going on in the you wind?Speaker 4
01:40:33 We got like we got a.01:40:33 ******* demon there in charge.
01:40:39 Well, it just goes to.
01:40:40 Show how easy it.01:40:43 Is for your eyes to be tricked.
01:40:47 But what it what it wants to see?
Speaker 4
01:40:50 And it's a little scary.01:40:52 That what your brain put together.
01:40:56 By looking at this photo on the left is this image on the right?Speaker 4
01:41:02 Understandable but weird.01:41:04 Like, isn't that a?
01:41:04 Little terrifying that you.
01:41:06 See A is it representative?
01:41:07 Of your government.
01:41:09 City of the UN.
01:41:12 And your imagination puts together the image on the right.Speaker 4
01:41:19 You're like, what the ****?01:41:21 What am I looking?
01:41:22 At there's a ******* black demon, a ******* black Jew demon or something that's in charge of what?
01:41:29 What's going on?
01:41:32 I'm going to I'm going to show you what you're really.Speaker 6
01:41:34 Looking at here.01:41:39 Kind of want to do it in the.
01:41:40 Most funny way possible.
01:41:43 Alright, so bring.
01:41:45 This to the front.
Speaker 4
01:41:46 So people are looking.01:41:47 Us going what that what?
Speaker 6
01:41:49 What? What is this?Speaker 4
01:41:51 Again, because what they're seeing.Speaker 6
01:41:54 It's something like this.Speaker 4
01:41:58 Really. What the ****?01:42:00 What's what is that?
Speaker 15
01:42:03 But really?Devon
01:42:05 Really what you're looking at?01:42:07 Is that?
Speaker 4
01:42:10 Which is almost as bad.01:42:16 It's almost as bad.
01:42:19 See you can you can slowly start to see it.01:42:25 We got our mask on, we got her the, the the thing that looks like her mouth or the demons mouth is the right eye.
01:42:37 They're right.
01:42:39 But anyway.
01:42:41 I just saw that it was like, that's ******* hilarious.
01:42:44 That's ******* hilarious.
01:42:46 Yeah, the whole Internet thinking that.
Speaker 4
01:42:55 Which makes sense, right?Speaker 5
01:42:58 How could it not?Devon
01:42:58 Make sense that we'd have this weird demon?Speaker 4
01:43:04 This I you know I like.Speaker 6
01:43:05 The one on the left that this one's my favorite. I like this one better anyway.01:43:22 So anyway, I'm gonna leave that up there.
01:43:24 I I enjoy that.
01:43:29 Alright, let me go back to chat here.
01:43:33 UM.01:43:37 RT effect $5. Appreciate it. I personally know people living in Kiev. The Ukrainian army has infighting amongst themselves.
01:43:46 What's more is that they are shelling their own civilians and in some areas shooting people trying to leave.
01:43:52 They are also purposely parking their few remaining armored vehicles.
01:43:57 Next to apartments and buildings.
01:43:59 And again, I've heard similar things.
01:44:02 But it's we don't know.
01:44:04 We don't know.
01:44:06 It's possible.
01:44:08 You know, Coach, coach, Red Pill said similar things.
01:44:11 He said that there you know that he had he didn't first hand witness the like, the Rockets next to apartment complexes, but that that was essentially something that was going around was they they had done that and said that if the Russians blew up an apartment.
01:44:27 Complex trying to blow up a missile.
01:44:29 Then Zelensky or whoever that's pulling the strings could say, Oh my God, the Russians are killing civilians and.
Speaker 15
01:44:37 Yeah, they're they are.Devon
01:44:38 Literally trying to make this stretch out as long as possible and like the guy in this clip I played said it's it's and.01:44:45 And what coach Red Pill said is this would have been much easier to handle had had Zelinski come to the table and just said, look, you know, we'll give you the land bridge.
01:44:58 Crimea or or or whatever or or just look if they had just upheld the deals they made back in 2014.
01:45:07 And and and really.
01:45:10 Started focusing on the corruption.
01:45:12 It's just the problem with the corruption.
01:45:14 There is the same problem with the corruption here.
01:45:17 I'm not trying.
Speaker 4
01:45:17 To pick on.Devon
01:45:18 Ukraine and say, oh, they're so corrupt are.01:45:20 They really that much more corrupt than we are.
01:45:22 Not really.
01:45:23 They're maybe like more ham fisted about it, but it's we have the same kind of corruption problems here, if not worse, because there's more money involved, right?
01:45:36 Who's gonna claim the corruption if if the entire power apparatus is is corrupt?
01:45:41 Who's gonna you know?
01:45:43 It's it's like asking a disease to to eradicate.
01:45:46 It's like asking it nicely to to leave your body, you know it's not going to cure itself.
01:45:52 It's not going to erase itself.
01:45:55 So you know.
01:45:59 Anyway, let's see here.
01:46:02 Glock 23, have you ever converted your Odyssey cryptocurrency in the dollars? No, I have not.
01:46:10 Because I I I don't know how and it's not because, like, I can't figure it out.
01:46:15 I I understand crypto, but I one day just spent a little bit of time because I needed some money and I was like, is this going to be complicated?
01:46:24 Like what?
01:46:25 Exchange going to move this to whatever and after like 20 minutes.
01:46:29 I was just like.
Speaker 6
01:46:29 Oh **** it.Devon
01:46:30 I found I found some other way of of of putting money in my account.01:46:37 But the no I have not. And part of that is if you stake, I don't, I don't 100% understand it, but.
Speaker 4
01:46:45 If you stake.Devon
01:46:47 The cryptocurrency used.01:46:52 On the videos, like, it helps promote it or something like I don't know.
01:46:55 I again, I have not deep dived into how the crypto aspect of Odyssey works.
01:47:03 That said, I don't obviously keep track of it and and and.
01:47:09 We'll cash it out at some point, you know, especially as uh.
01:47:14 As things just.
01:47:16 As things get.
01:47:17 A little tighter around here as they have and will until I get the books back on the market.
01:47:24 You know, it's a source of income, but I have no, I I have never converted them into dollars.
01:47:29 I don't expect that it's that hard and it.
Speaker 4
01:47:32 But the other reason?Devon
01:47:33 I haven't done it is you gotta.01:47:34 Realize I.
01:47:34 Haven't like what you donated, right? You're super chat to ask me that question? It's $0.05.
01:47:41 So when people are just nickeline, not even diming, just nicking me with with these things.
01:47:48 You know five cents.
01:47:49 So you you could ask.
01:47:51 You can ask 10 questions and and not even be a dollar yet you're $0.50.
01:48:00 If you were to add up all the.
01:48:01 Little odyssey coins that I've got.
01:48:03 It's still not that much money, you know.
01:48:06 So that's the other reason why it's not like ohh God, I gotta figure out how to turn this all into money.
01:48:12 Alright, let me.
01:48:16 Go to regular chat here.
01:48:24 I asked the High priest King.
01:48:26 Terry $1.00 one.
01:48:28 Yeah, I was like, what is?
01:48:29 It with all new.
Speaker 4
01:48:31 $1.00, you're only giving me one.Devon
01:48:35 See, I'm not even betting when you guys give me.01:48:36 I did make a minimum cause you guys were giving me less than a cent for a while.
01:48:40 Like you were.
01:48:41 I don't know how you were doing.
01:48:41 It, but there was no minimum for.
01:48:43 The Super chat.
01:48:44 Thing so you could get like cause 1 odyssey coins $0.05.
01:48:48 And so people were giving, like .01 odyssey coins. It was like, literally less than a penny.
01:48:53 So I did make.
01:48:54 The minimum once you know one of those things, so it's $0.05.
01:48:58 I draw the line.
Speaker 15
01:48:59 I have to draw the.Speaker 18
01:48:59 Line somewhere, right?Devon
01:49:08 Alright, someone gives uh oh, look like 7 cents.01:49:11 Kind of this Russia Ukraine ship show is going to be dragged out as long as they possibly can.
01:49:17 Got to restrict the world supply chains as long as possible.
01:49:21 The small hats bringing us to haul it to more two point O have a much grander vision.
Speaker 4
01:49:27 I don't know if I you know I.Devon
01:49:29 Don't know there is something we could watch.01:49:32 Together I sent it to myself and I forgot to download it.
01:49:36 So let me.
Speaker 16
01:49:36 Get it?01:49:36 Download it real quick.
01:49:39 This has been going around.01:49:42 Many of you have probably seen it.
01:49:45 It's kind of long, I don't know.
01:49:46 If we'll watch the whole thing.
01:49:50 Let me get it downloaded.
01:49:51 It's about 15 minutes long.
01:49:53 But you know, it's Saturday night.
01:49:55 I'm kind of just chilling.
01:49:57 Maybe I'll have a drink and we'll watch this.
01:50:00 When it finishes downloading but it's, it's basically it's that guy.
01:50:04 I'm sure you've seen him.
01:50:05 He's a comedian.
01:50:06 Got a YouTube channel.
Speaker 6
01:50:07 Like ******* a lot of Subs.Devon
01:50:09 He's got 2 million Subs.01:50:10 I'm a little surprised he's been able to pull that off.
01:50:12 Part of that is is, you know, he's very.
01:50:14 He's obviously has never mentioned Jews.
01:50:19 And and and he make sure to have have a black friend and many of his.
Speaker 6
01:50:22 Videos so so.Devon
01:50:24 That might, you know, maybe that has something to do with.01:50:27 Uh, But yeah, no, he's still on YouTube and he's done a lot of comedic videos about.
01:50:33 You know, kind of like you can tell where his politics are.
01:50:36 He's little, little, little normie, con, a little bit, but doesn't, you know, I guess I would.
01:50:43 I would describe his politics as Canadian trucker.
01:50:51 So we'll maybe, we'll take a look.
01:50:52 At that.
01:50:58 The **** on the screen is the most entertaining thing ever, right?
01:51:01 You guys like?
01:51:06 I still, I still like this one more. This one's funnier to me.
01:51:12 I'll shrink it down so it's.
01:51:16 I still feel like we need this one on here.
Speaker 16
01:51:26 There we go.Devon
01:51:30 It looks more like a like some kind of sea monster or something like that.01:51:39 Alright, take a look at the regular chat again.
01:51:43 Someone says make the minimum ten. Well, it's still $0.50. You know what I mean? So it doesn't really make that much of A.
01:51:50 If it's $0.50 or five cents, I'm going to guess it kind of does. But you know, I'm not that worried about.
01:51:57 It if you guys feel like what I do is is of value, you should support it and you can support it with you know the Super or should I start saying hyper chance I kind of feel like saying super chats.
01:52:14 Youtubes language.
01:52:16 You know, and we shouldn't be using YouTube's terminology. We shouldn't let them define this technology or idea that audyssey stole from them.
01:52:24 We should use our own *** **** words and so hyper chats.
01:52:28 But you should if if you want to support it, you can.
01:52:30 You can send me hyper chats using cash or or more than.
01:52:34 One coin, it's up to you or.
01:52:36 Subscribe Star is is always an option.
01:52:38 Remember if you used to give on Patreon, I've I've been banned on Patreon for a while now, so that's no longer happening if if you if you used to be signed up on Patreon.
01:52:49 But subscribe star still works.
01:52:51 But yeah, I'm not.
01:52:52 I'm not a high pressure guy when it comes to this.
01:52:54 Sort of thing and I'm I'm I live humbly and within my means as much as possible.
01:53:03 So it is what it is.
01:53:07 I'm not complaining.
Speaker 16
01:53:13 Why is it not updating now?01:53:16 The chat stopped updating.
01:53:19 Let me pull up the chat.01:53:21 Let me pop.
01:53:21 It out here.
01:53:23 And then we'll watch this video together.
01:53:29 And I don't mean to steal his work, but I'm totally going.
01:53:32 To I'm totally stealing his work.
Speaker 16
01:53:40 What's the name of this?01:53:40 Channel does it say?
Speaker 6
01:53:49 Well, you'll you'll.Devon
01:53:50 Recognize this guy?01:53:52 He's done a lot of videos.
01:53:55 I don't care if I'm stealing his.
01:53:56 He's still monetized on YouTube.
01:53:58 I can steal his ****.
Speaker 11
01:54:11 One of the features of this fourth industrial revolution is that it doesn't change what we are doing, but it changes us.Speaker 7
01:54:20 Difference of this forced industrial revolution is it doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you.01:54:28 If you take genetic editing.
01:54:31 Just as an example.
01:54:33 It's you who are changed, and of course this has a big impact on your identity.
Speaker 18
01:54:38 And even your genes.01:54:41 I'll explain that later.
01:54:42 But first, why do so many people consider this guy Klaus Schwab to be the most dangerous man in the world?
01:54:51 Well, there are some reasons.
01:54:54 A lot of them. You.
01:54:55 Might remember Klaus Schwab as the puddle of liquefied feces.
01:54:58 Who said.
01:54:59 By 20-30, you'll own nothing and be happy.
01:55:03 About it.
01:55:03 Translate it. That probably means by 20-30 he'll own everything and he'll be happy about it. But how does he expect you to own nothing and be happy about it?
01:55:14 Oh, he's got a plan now.
01:55:15 I'll tell you about.
01:55:16 A minute, but before I.
01:55:17 Do a little bit about close.
01:55:19 Schwab, he's the author of COVID-19 the great reset.
01:55:23 What a grand.Speaker 18
01:55:24 Opportunity indeed. One's book was published on July 9th, 2020.01:55:29 Wonder how he got it written and published that fast.
01:55:33 It's almost like maybe he pre wrote it before he started the pandemic.
01:55:36 I mean, before the pandemic started.
01:55:38 Klaus is also the.
01:55:40 Founder and chairman of.
01:55:41 The World Economic Forum, an organization that faces the public with very noble sounding goals of creating a better world.
01:55:49 Fear mongering about climate change.
01:55:50 And disease or big goals of theirs.
01:55:52 Welcome to Davos.
01:55:53 Just park your private jet.
01:55:54 Over there and then go inside and.
01:55:56 Pretend to be concerned about climate change.
01:55:58 Clouds in the World Economic Forum want a worldwide digital ID system that determines your access to goods and services.
01:56:07 It would monitor your online behavior, purchases and biometrics.
01:56:11 It kind of seems like he just wants to do away with the whole democratic process.
01:56:16 And give all.
01:56:17 The power to the state and whoever runs the state in the deep state.
01:56:22 But that's based on both.
01:56:23 His words and actions, so it's probably an inaccurate observation with Doctor Evil's character based on this reptile, Mr. Schwab writes the following.
01:56:33 One of the greatest lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this cute crisis contribute to boosting the power of the state.
01:56:41 It's always been the case, and there is no reason why it should be different with the.
01:56:46 Pandemic nobody ever elected Klaus Schwab to anything.
01:56:50 This all just sounds like conspiracy, doesn't it?
01:56:53 The World Economic Forum are good guys.
01:56:56 Haven't you seen the headlines they pay for?
01:57:00 So this guy's kind of cringe. I I forgot the talks this much. I'm.01:57:03 Trying to find.
01:57:04 The he plays some good clips.
01:57:07 Let me find the the clips.
Speaker 15
01:57:12 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:57:16 Here we go.01:57:17 This is this is clash Blabs #1 advisor. So this is the this is what this.
01:57:23 Is what I wanted to get to.
Speaker 18
01:57:25 Yes, to say.Speaker 19
01:57:26 Data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships by hacking organisms, elites may gain the.01:57:39 Power to re engineer the future of life itself, because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.
Speaker 18
01:57:47 Elites, hacking organisms and reengineering life itself well.01:57:52 He's not talking about doing that to people, is he?
Speaker 19
01:57:54 Now, in the past, many tyrants and governments.01:57:59 Wanted to do.
01:57:59 It, but nobody understood the biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data.
01:58:07 To hack millions of people, neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it.
01:58:12 But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people.
Speaker 18
01:58:20 Well, I guess he was talking about doing.01:58:21 That to people all.
01:58:23 People to be specific.
Speaker 19
01:58:24 And if indeed we succeed in hacking and engineering.01:58:29 Life this will be not just the greatest revolution in the history of humanity.
01:58:35 This will be the greatest revolution in biology since the very beginning of life 4 billion years ago.
01:58:42 For 4 billion years, nothing fundamental changed.
Speaker 18
01:58:46 Not playing God are you?01:58:48 Cause that usually works out super well.
Speaker 19
01:58:50 Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design, not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds.Speaker 20
01:59:00 Ohh you are playing.Speaker 18
01:59:01 I'd say more.Speaker 19
01:59:03 Evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design, not the intelligent design of some guard above the clouds, but our intelligent design and the intelligent design of our clouds.01:59:17 The IBM cloud, the Microsoft Cloud.
01:59:19 These are the new driving forces.
01:59:22 Through evolution, gosh.
Speaker 18
01:59:24 You wouldn't by chance have a plan in place on how to control people with your.01:59:27 Cloud technology, would you?
01:59:29 And that plan isn't by chance already.
01:59:31 Being implemented is it?
Speaker 19
01:59:33 Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.01:59:38 So you.
Speaker 18
01:59:39 Could implement.Speaker 19
01:59:40 It in this time of crisis.01:59:42 You have to follow science.
01:59:43 It's often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste.
Speaker 18
01:59:49 And I guess you are implementing it already.01:59:51 Didn't anyone bother telling this guy not to say any of this out loud on camera?
01:59:56 It's it's just.
01:59:58 It's a lot of evidence.Speaker 19
01:59:59 Surveillance people could look back in 100 years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin.02:00:15 My brain, my body, my life doesn't belong to me or to some corporation.
02:00:20 Or to the.
02:00:20 Government, or perhaps to the human collective.
Speaker 18
02:00:23 This guy's revealing the whole plan. He's.02:00:25 Gonna ruin it?
02:00:26 The World Economic Forum out for.
02:00:28 The good of humanity.
02:00:29 You'll own nothing, not even your own DNA.
02:00:32 If we have our way now for.
02:00:34 Some additional fun facts about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
02:00:39 They've got a young leaders program, which is a five year indoctrination.
02:00:43 Program into their principles.
02:00:46 The goal of the program.
02:00:47 Is to create.
02:00:47 World leaders who don't answer to their.
02:00:50 People, because they don't care about them.
02:00:52 They answer to their bosses at the World Economic Forum.
02:00:55 Graduates to the program include admirable world leaders that are suspiciously and locked up with a great reset, such as Justin Trudeau, Frances Macron, and Mark Zuckerberg, sponsoring partners of the World Economic forums.
02:01:11 Young Global leaders program have been the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Google.
02:01:17 I wonder why Google sensors and shapes information to be in exact support of the World Economic forums narrative.
02:01:25 Oh, another fun fact, the World Economic Forum is predicting A worldwide cyber attack.
02:01:31 I'm pretty much a wizard.
02:01:32 Of predicting the things I'm going to do.
02:01:33 Too very concerned.
02:01:35 Schwab believes the cyber attack could bring a complete halt to our power grid transportation hospital services into our society as a whole.
02:01:46 So anyway, you get the idea.02:01:48 I wanted to make sure to play those clips from that guys if there's.
02:01:51 More at the end here.
Speaker 16
02:01:54 There we go.Speaker 18
02:01:57 By again.Speaker 19
02:01:58 Humans are now hackable animals.02:02:01 You know the the whole idea that humans have, you know this, they they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
02:02:10 So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will.
Speaker 11
02:02:16 That's over.02:02:17 If we will.
02:02:17 Let's go over.
Speaker 4
02:02:20 So whether or not you believe him?Devon
02:02:24 That's how the ruling class views you.Speaker 4
02:02:30 They're not crazy wrong because.Devon
02:02:34 Just if nothing else, normies right?02:02:38 It's easy to predict and engineer.
02:02:44 Among normies, give if you give you.
02:02:47 If you have the right tools.
02:02:50 It's easy to do that, and they have the right tools.
02:02:54 It's the World Economic Forum you're talking about, people who have access to.
02:02:59 Well, I mean.
02:03:00 Bottomless pits of money and world leaders.
02:03:05 And and many of those world leaders, not just world political leaders.
02:03:08 You know, Mark Zuckerberg was mentioned, but it's it's, you know, a lot of these Silicon Valley people.
02:03:15 If you control the flow of information, you control the culture and you control like what's cool.
02:03:22 You control the laws, you control just the economic reality of most people.
02:03:28 Yeah, you control them.
02:03:32 And this guy doesn't **** like he doesn't mince words like he just outright says, you know, no, people, you don't have a soul, you don't have free will.
02:03:42 You're literally just a complicated machine.
02:03:46 And as our computers get more complicated, you are.
Speaker 4
02:03:52 Actually kind of a not so complicated machine.Devon
02:03:56 One of the things that you know AI is giving us the ability to do is to get all the things that give you the illusion of unpredictability.02:04:07 Right. This is his argument. I'm not saying I agree with it 100%, but I mean, there's some elements of truth to it.
02:04:13 His argument is AI is giving us the capability to swallow up enough data and to actually make it useful, and to actually have, you know, to have the bandwidth to actually get through it all and and compare it with with your behavior.
02:04:34 To where you are.
Speaker 4
02:04:35 No longer this this unpredictable free willed.Devon
02:04:40 Being with a soul, but rather a just machine that is so complicated.02:04:47 It is impossible for the other machines that you interact with to fully interpret what you're doing and make predictions based on that, but it's no longer too complicated when some of those machines are augmented with.
02:05:11 And he's saying that we're going to be the ones that will be augmented with AI.
Speaker 4
02:05:16 And one of the reasons why.Devon
02:05:20 They announced, you know, famously that you will own nothing and.02:05:23 You will be happy.
Speaker 4
02:05:25 Is they're fully convinced.Devon
02:05:28 That you'll be happy because you'll be engineered.02:05:32 To be happy.
02:05:36 So anyway, all that's going on.
02:05:38 I'm not. We're not going.
02:05:39 To watch the.
Speaker 4
02:05:40 Whole video I'll tell.Devon
02:05:41 You what?02:05:41 It's very boomer friendly.
02:05:42 If you want to show like.
02:05:44 Your parents or someone like that 15 minute video that kind of explains some of the dangers.
02:05:52 That we're facing right now from.
02:05:55 Transhumanist psychos.
02:05:57 It's a good it's a good video for that.
02:05:59 It's very mom friendly, very unoffensive, very monetizable.
Speaker 16
02:06:06 Alright, let's take a look here.Devon
02:06:11 Ethana Romano, Devon.02:06:13 Disembodied spirits are real, they swear.
02:06:16 At me and.
02:06:17 Hit me through my bed when I sleep.
02:06:20 Alright, well, if you say so.
02:06:25 Going to tip chats again here.
02:06:33 $25.00 from.
02:06:37 Oh, wait, no, I missed one.
Speaker 4
02:06:39 Robbie P2 dimed you.Devon
02:06:43 And yes, you did. You gave me $0.10 appreciate that.02:06:50 1978 DL I think kill ****** is official federal government policy, and you gave $25 preciate that.
02:07:01 $5 from white power hour. Here's some shekels. Keep up the good work. Appreciate it.
02:07:08 $5 from the ***** nation.
02:07:11 Is there a way to send you a physical book on Amazon or a different platform?
02:07:16 We'll never use Amazon, first of all.
02:07:20 And not yet.
02:07:21 I will probably at some point, maybe even before the end.
02:07:24 Of the year.
02:07:26 Have like a.
Speaker 6
02:07:27 PO Box or something like that.Devon
02:07:31 And then $0.25 from Glock 23, the reason why they're handing out rifles to any civilian with no military experience and no experience with firearms.02:07:43 Is because they hope the Russians will shoot the armed civilians so they can use it for propaganda to to demonize Russia.
Speaker 4
02:07:50 Well, I mean that.Devon
02:07:51 Might be a part of it, but you have to be honest.02:07:53 Like look if if you were, let's say you had a town and.
02:07:59 The Mexicans were coming to invade the town.
02:08:02 You'd you'd give a gun to your little sister, you'd give.
02:08:05 I mean, if you had the guns right, you'd give a gun to everybody.
02:08:08 So some of it's I mean.
02:08:09 I I don't think that's illegitimate to arm everybody.
02:08:15 I don't think that's.
02:08:17 I mean it's it's it's a little bit.
02:08:19 I I don't know.
02:08:21 Like I don't know the historical context in terms of of.
02:08:25 I mean, it seems like conscripting people into the military is has.
02:08:28 I mean, that's like got a lot of history.
02:08:30 You know, Western civilization is doing that.
02:08:33 I don't.
02:08:33 I don't think that's like a.
02:08:35 A crazy thing to do either you know, like I get it why you.
Speaker 6
02:08:39 Would do that.Devon
02:08:41 That said.02:08:44 I don't know that.
02:08:47 It's hard for me to believe that anyone in charge unless they are.
02:08:54 Just woefully miscalculating things, I don't see how they could possibly look at the situation and think Oh yeah, we can take Russia.
02:09:05 You know, like I can understand you not wanting to make it easy.
02:09:10 And I can understand you wanting to at least.
02:09:13 You know, be a little dignified, or maybe even, like I said, go down fighting.
02:09:20 But I don't think that's what.
02:09:22 Is motivating these people.
02:09:29 I don't think that at all and I don't.
02:09:30 Think and who knows who.
02:09:32 Knows what will happen as Zelinsky.
02:09:35 He did have the.
02:09:35 Opportunity to leave and that might have been a better thing to.
02:09:39 Do, but he has chosen to stay.
02:09:42 I don't know.
02:09:43 I don't know.
02:09:45 It's a tough one.
02:09:46 I don't have like a real strong stance either way, because it's just it's one of those things.
02:09:50 It's not really.
02:09:54 It's not my business.
02:09:55 To some degree.
02:09:56 You know what I mean.
02:09:58 And any any more than a lot of these nations we've invaded in the past.
02:10:01 Like, that's any any of our business.
02:10:05 And I I see both sides of it, I understand.
02:10:08 The the plight of the Ukrainian people and I understand very well because I know Ukrainians out there right now that are dealing with this right now.
02:10:17 And I totally get it.
02:10:18 That said, I understand in the same way that you know the Cuban missile crisis.
02:10:24 Was an unacceptable.
02:10:26 Arrangement for the United States.
02:10:29 You know the Monroe Doctrine and everything like, like from the clip that I played.
02:10:33 I fully understand why Putin wouldn't want Western nations that.
02:10:41 He doesn't trust.
02:10:42 I mean, Putin trusts us about as much as our people trust Putin.
02:10:49 Trust is a two way St.
02:10:50 and it just it's it's it's not there and for good reason.
02:10:53 I mean look, America doesn't exactly have the best track record for, for.
02:10:59 Keeping our word when it comes to agreements and stuff, we just don't.
02:11:03 It's fantasyland if you think that we aren't, we aren't some benign.
02:11:11 Obviously we're not.
02:11:12 That's just all property.
02:11:13 That's American propaganda.
02:11:17 OK, here we go.
02:11:21 The $10 from Robbie P2. Here you go. Appreciate it.
02:11:27 White power hour $1.00 appreciate it. Are you ever going to write a sequel to day of the Rope, and if so, where? Where will we be able to find it? 1488? Yes, in fact.
02:11:40 And during my time off, I.
02:11:42 Was working on that.
02:11:43 That's all I'll say about.
02:11:45 But I got a little.
02:11:46 Further on it than I thought I would.
02:11:48 So like as I've mentioned before, I had written pretty much I hadn't added it, which that takes a long time, but I'd written for the most part book too, and then the the real world got weirder than my book.
02:12:00 Like it like it got more intense than what I was laying out.
Speaker 16
02:12:04 In the book.Devon
02:12:06 Like reality was more interesting than my book and I was like, OK, well, I gotta be right that some of this ****, at least.02:12:12 And then just it's been.
02:12:16 It's been kind of on the back burner.
02:12:17 But I did have some time to work on it and look as as my sleep schedule gets fixed from my space Internet.
02:12:24 Going to just once, I can live like a normal.
02:12:26 I don't think you guys understand.
02:12:27 Like I sleep at such random Times Now because of this stream that I'm not as productive as I.
Speaker 6
02:12:33 Should be.Devon
02:12:35 And that's why I decided the space Internet would be worth it.02:12:39 So and hopefully that'll show up in a.
02:12:41 Few days.
02:12:43 Maybe even tomorrow or not tomorrow, but Monday.
02:12:46 Well, I guess technically tomorrow now.
02:12:49 Iceberg, 123 the Holocaust has become a part of the Jewish religion, with pilgrimage sites and dogma. Yeah, it'll never go away now. It literally never go away.
02:13:01 Alright $25.00 from.
02:13:04 Land of the fake home of the gay.
02:13:08 After thoroughly enjoying Randy Quaid's performance in Christmas vacation this last year, I wanted to see more of his movies and was suggested by Netflix, Amazon.
02:13:18 Both companies you should not be paying money to to watch parents, a Jewish made anti white hate movie every single time.
02:13:26 UM.
02:13:28 I don't know if I'm.
02:13:29 Are you sure it's called?
02:13:31 Do you mean parenthood?
02:13:35 Is there something called parents?
02:13:38 It was like a movie back in the.
02:13:41 The 90s called parenthood.
02:13:46 Randy Quaid.
Speaker 4
02:13:54 I guess it's called parents.Devon
02:13:56 Never heard of this one?02:14:00 1989.
Speaker 16
02:14:11 Very interesting.Devon
02:14:17 Let's watch.02:14:17 Let's why not?
02:14:18 Like I said, this is a cozy.
02:14:20 Choose your adventure stream.
02:14:21 So we're going to let's watch the trailer to this.
Speaker 6
02:14:29 We'll look it.Devon
02:14:30 Up Randy Quaid, parents.02:14:35 That's a horror film.
Speaker 16
02:14:46 Alright, it's downloading here.Devon
02:14:49 I guess that's.02:14:50 Why I wouldn't have seen it.
02:14:53 When I was a little kid, I was not.
02:14:55 Allowed to watch horror films.
02:14:58 Like a grown *** man.
02:14:59 I think by the time I saw gremlins.
02:15:05 I had a gremlin lunch pail though.
02:15:08 As allowed to have the lunch pail does not watch the movie, apparently.
02:15:14 Alright, let's take a look here.
Speaker 16
02:15:43 Alright, you guys ready for the?Devon
02:15:45 Parents trailer.Speaker 21
02:15:59 Coming soon.02:16:01 Randy Quaid, Mary Bedford, Sandy Dennis and director Bob Balaban bring you a fresh look at family life.
02:16:13 The runway family is moving up in the world.
02:16:17 Rise and shine.Speaker 21
02:16:19 But something is eating at young Michael Lemley.Speaker 12
02:16:23 You're not scared of your roommate?Speaker 21
02:16:26 Michael the seller's dark.Speaker
02:16:29 Everything's dark at night.Speaker 21
02:16:30 His parents think Michael's problem is in his head. Michael knows it's on his plate.Speaker 2
02:16:41 Of the refrigerator.Speaker
02:16:44 Leftovers every day since we was targeted to what they were before they were leftovers.Speaker 17
02:16:48 Before that, there were leftovers to be.Speaker
02:16:54 Michael, there's nothing to be frightened.Speaker 21
02:17:02 Now there's a new name for terror parents.Devon
02:17:15 You know it it it's kind of like they did a lot of movies like that.02:17:18 There was the burbs.
02:17:20 There was just, honestly.
02:17:21 The late 80s.
02:17:23 Starting around the I'd say early 80s, but really ramping up into the late 80s and early 90s, it's kind of what I was talking about.
02:17:30 The nihilism that you would see from Gen. Xers and even like a lot of millennials, where you're told your entire life that you know that that the world's going to end, you know, especially millennials, about global warming.
02:17:43 Gen. Xers more, it was like nuclear war, but you're given this narrative that that all the world's going to end and we're the ones doing it.
Speaker 4
02:17:50 We're so bad.02:17:51 We're gonna.
02:17:52 People are gonna go extinct, and then you look at the boomers.
02:17:55 And they just seem.
02:17:56 Like their life is just one big long fishing.
02:17:59 Trip and you're trying to figure out like the disconnect here, right?02:18:03 And this, which that's precisely what you see here and all these other movies like the, was the burbs.
02:18:09 I think it was the burbs, there was a.
02:18:13 But even you could say stuff like even Edward Scissorhands is is another movie like that, right?
02:18:19 Where there's this they they get the the suburban boomers and they just amplify all the worst cringiest aspects of that to a degree that it is.
02:18:32 Is just saccharine and disgusting.
02:18:36 And then you have the the younger in this case, like the kid, right?
02:18:41 The younger he's.
02:18:42 He's the one that sees the truth.
02:18:43 Right.
02:18:44 And and Edward Scissorhands was the same thing, right?
02:18:46 He he's the one that he was the innocent weirdo and and it was, you know when her writer was the one that that could see the past.
02:18:55 All the the the garbage of the the white culture.
02:18:59 And you have the same thing with a lot of these movies where you just had.
02:19:03 This great and look it kind of.
02:19:05 Bled into the 90s a little bit.
02:19:08 I think it it was taken down a few notches in the 90s because at that point some of the parents were actually starting to be the Gen.
02:19:19 Xers and and stuff like that, right?
02:19:21 So it wasn't like this this let's grill boomer.
02:19:27 Parenting that would be as relatable as it was in the 80s and and earlier 90s, but that, that's.
02:19:38 That's that's a very common thing.
02:19:40 Yeah, it might be worth checking.
02:19:41 Out, I'll.
02:19:43 I'll add that to the the short list because it.
Speaker 4
02:19:45 Looks I'm surprised.02:19:47 Never heard of it.
02:19:48 It must not have done very well in the in the at the box office, but Randy Quaid movies, really.02:19:56 He wasn't.
02:19:57 I mean, he's like a a movie star, quote UN quote.
02:19:59 But like, that guy's got a crazy history that guys, well, he's just crazy.
02:20:03 He's literally just like, an insane person.
02:20:08 Very interesting.
02:20:11 Very interesting.
02:20:15 Alright, let me take a look at.
Speaker 4
02:20:21 $25.Devon
02:20:23 Ohh wait, that was that was you.02:20:29 Patriot of the north.
02:20:30 Thank you for being a voice of reason in this insane world.
02:20:34 Any new plans for the homestead?
02:20:36 What about the bees this year?
02:20:37 Yeah, I'm trying to do bees.
02:20:39 Trying to do bees.
02:20:41 I've got the hives all set up.
02:20:44 None of my last year I tried to capture.
02:20:47 Catch a swarm.
02:20:49 And none of my swarm traps got anything, which is kind of a good thing, honestly.
02:20:55 Just because where I'm probably going to have to have the hives, I would be walking next to and most likely I would have caught killer Bee.
02:21:04 Which is OK, I'm OK with, you know, killer bees actually produce more honey than non killer bees.
02:21:10 That was kind of like that was the part of the.
02:21:12 That's why they did the experiment, was they were supposed to make bees that were like super bees.
02:21:17 That would, and they did.
02:21:18 They were just also super aggressive and and ****** **, but they they produce.
02:21:24 They're good producers and they will obviously they they are.
02:21:27 They'll survive in the desert and stuff.
02:21:29 They like warmer climates.
02:21:31 But then you'd have to worry about it.
02:21:33 You know, getting killed.
02:21:37 So I have to get the I I'm.
02:21:40 I haven't found the European bees yet, just because they don't, it's weird.
02:21:44 You have to ship like you buy a box of bees like it show like they literally like UPS shows up.
02:21:51 And they dropped off a cardboard box like a buzzing cardboard box, and you open it up and there's ******* bees in there.
02:22:00 But The thing is they because it's bees, I mean, they're literally shipping.
02:22:04 Living, you know, bees to you.
02:22:08 One, they get kind of ****** ** on the way and already.
02:22:12 And if there's cold weather at all.
02:22:16 They'll die.
02:22:17 You know, like, if if UPS leaves it on a truck and then it gets below freezing, you know, they're just in this ******* box in this truck, you know, they'll die.
02:22:25 So they they don't ship until it warms up a little bit, but it's getting right around this that that time when you can order the.
02:22:35 So I'm going to start.
02:22:36 Small and see how it works out.
02:22:39 And then I have to be ever vigilant, because killer bees like to uhm, take over hives.
02:22:47 So you could have a hive get one day, you know, one day it's fine and you walk out there and they don't.
02:22:54 They don't care that you're there because European bees are nice and nice and friendly.
02:22:59 They don't get.
02:22:59 They literally don't care at all.
02:23:00 It's amazing how docile European bees are.
02:23:04 Africanized bees, not so much.
02:23:07 They will try to kill you.
02:23:09 And uh.
02:23:10 You know, I've got, like a bee suit and all that stuff, but I don't wanna.
02:23:13 I don't want to put it on every time I go outside.
02:23:16 But yes, I will be doing. At least that's the idea I'll be doing bees this year, hopefully. I mean, I don't know 100% what I'm doing so that they could all die off immediately, but I'm going to give it a shot.
02:23:30 Let's go back to regular chat here and we'll pop this out, I think because it's frozen again.
Speaker 16
02:23:39 There we go.Devon
02:23:45 What do you think the next generation will look like after Generation Z?02:23:51 I think I missed I missed one now that I popped it out, I think I have different.
02:23:56 Stuff here.
02:23:57 Yeah, I do have more things here.
02:24:00 Colonel Edward. Hey, Devin. My family has 36 acres in the northeast or in northeast Texas.
Speaker 15
02:24:07 And my dad.Devon
02:24:08 Wants to sell 15 within the next 15 years or so.02:24:13 Would you be interested?
02:24:14 I'd rather go to a based white guy than some Paget or oil money or one of the little hat people that runs the rest of the economy.
02:24:24 I mean, I I'm.
02:24:25 I'm pretty much I'm down to stay where I'm at right now for probably.
02:24:28 Quite a while I I moved around so much and and and and then.
02:24:35 When I got here.
02:24:37 One of the things that motivated because you should have seen this place when I got here, it was ******* terrible.
02:24:41 But I was like, you know, I'm going to put in the time.
02:24:44 I'm going to make this place livable and everything else, and I'm going to stay here a while so that it it pays for itself or whatever.
02:24:51 I I appreciate it, but like no, that I'm probably going to stay here at least for a while there.
02:24:57 It's not like I've mentioned before, the pillbox is not big.
02:25:02 So if at some point I am dealing with little baby devons, I'm probably going to have to get someplace else.
02:25:11 I probably wouldn't want to build from scratch either at this point.
02:25:14 I've already done that.
02:25:15 I've played that game.
02:25:16 I've done, you know, Earth ships from scratch.
02:25:19 I've done building up a basically a.
02:25:24 Post apocalyptic shell of a building, which is what this was when I got it.
02:25:30 I've turned that into at least livable, and it's not fancy, but it's it's cozy.
02:25:35 And I just don't want to have to go through that nonsense.
02:25:40 And start all over again.
Speaker 4
02:25:42 But you should start a why don't.Devon
02:25:43 You start a homestead out there.02:25:47 And if it's in northeast Texas, northeast Texas.
02:25:53 I don't know what the.
02:25:54 I've never been to northeast Texas.
02:25:56 I don't even know what the weather would be like there, but I don't think that's probably not.
02:26:01 The client or the it's probably like greener, right than West TX because West TX is more like New Mexico and stuff like a lot more sand.
02:26:12 So maybe you could actually build a good decent homestead out there. Glock 23. I'm sorry Devin, for sending super chats with Odyssey Crypto, but I don't have much money on Odyssey or on or odyssey crypto. I will stop super chatting if you want, but in tonight.
02:26:28 I don't care, man.
02:26:31 Do what you can.
02:26:31 Or or not, you know, like I said, I'm.
02:26:34 By no means have I.
02:26:37 Tried to guilt you or make you feel bad or no, I don't care.
02:26:43 So yeah, you don't have to like not talk.
Speaker 6
02:26:46 Unless you give me money, that's not.Devon
02:26:48 How this works?02:26:49 I appreciate the the dime.
02:26:52 I do, and maybe it sounds like I'm being.
02:26:55 Facetious, but no, I appreciate it.
02:26:59 The ***** Nation, who is the YouTuber talking about the web you are playing, can't find YouTube.
02:27:04 Hey I got the link actually, so I'll bring up.
02:27:08 I'll give you his.
02:27:09 I'll tell you exactly.
02:27:10 Who it is.
Speaker 16
02:27:16 Let me see.Speaker 11
02:27:25 What was?Devon
02:27:27 Alright, I'm going to, I'm going to paste the link in chat.02:27:44 So that's, that's his channel.
02:27:46 The name of his channel is.
Speaker 11
02:27:53 One of the.Devon
02:27:55 Awaken with JP.02:28:00 Awaken with JP.
02:28:03 Like I said, it's it's.
02:28:05 Very boomer friendly.
02:28:07 It's very mom friendly.
02:28:08 It's the kind of stuff you could.
02:28:09 Send your mom.
02:28:12 And you know.
02:28:13 It's very it's very trucker convoy in.
02:28:15 Terms of its politics.
02:28:18 You know very, very, you know.
02:28:21 Anti racist if you will.
02:28:24 $5 from love the most high. I sent a hyper chat earlier. I hope you get all the tips.
02:28:29 Even though Chet here gets messed up, I'll send you again that I know you're excited for your space Internet, but you but you.
02:28:38 I recommend watching this video.
02:28:42 It seem he did good.
02:28:44 I don't know.
Speaker 16
02:28:45 Me, I'll.02:28:50 I'll see what this is.
02:28:57 Well, I'll tell you.02:28:57 What I promise you, it's called the the name of the video is debunking Starlink.
02:29:05 I promise you, I will know by the end of it because I will have to.
02:29:11 I'll have to aim the like it it comes.
02:29:13 With a dish.
02:29:14 Like you have to set up a dish.
02:29:16 It's not like.
02:29:19 You know, you just said, you know, that's not like a router just shows up your house and hook it up.
02:29:23 You have to.
02:29:24 Like legit go outside.
02:29:25 In fact, I got to figure out how to put it where it's not going to be getting radiated by my ham radio stuff.
02:29:31 Right.
02:29:31 Like I don't want to be blasting it with with, you know, a kilowatt of RF or whatever every time I.
02:29:37 Key up so.
02:29:40 I highly doubt.
02:29:42 That Starlink is quote UN quote debunked.
02:29:46 UM.
02:29:47 I I just I highly doubt.
02:29:52 That it's in terms of like.
02:29:54 It not being space Internet and it might suck.
02:29:57 I don't know.
02:29:58 Maybe it'll suck.
02:29:59 Maybe I'll be very disappointed.
02:30:00 Maybe I'll hook it up and.
02:30:02 And it'll be really slow and and then I'll go back to this Internet.
02:30:06 I'm not going to just get rid of this Internet until I know if Starling and even then I might keep it as a backup because satellite stuff in general is just notoriously.
02:30:16 Or at least it has been over the years that you know, when I when I was using satellite TV back in the day, it was very.
Speaker 6
02:30:28 Alright, let me scroll through here.Devon
02:30:32 Don't rain on Devon's space Internet.Speaker 4
02:30:34 Yeah, it might be bad.02:30:35 I don't know.
02:30:35 I'm excited for it.02:30:37 I hope it's good.
02:30:39 I feel like it could be good.
Speaker 4
02:30:43 Satellite cause satellite.Devon
02:30:44 Internet's been around a long time.02:30:47 It's just the thing that made it ****** was it would at least way back.
02:30:52 On the day it was Internet, the download speed was from the satellite and the upload speed would be from like literally A56K modem or something like like.
02:31:02 It was like that was when it first came out and and I think it probably got a little bit better but the upload is what kills you.
02:31:10 Because prior to Starlink.
02:31:15 That you just didn't have.
02:31:16 You didn't have a.
02:31:17 Lot of satellites up.
02:31:18 So your ability to communicate back to that satellite was very limited because it was, it was sort of a like satellite TV is like a one way deal for the most part, right.
02:31:28 You're just getting.
02:31:29 You're just collecting what the satellite is beaming down to Earth.
02:31:36 Well, the thing with Starlink is it's supposed to have.
02:31:39 I mean, I've showed you the map before, right?
02:31:41 I mean, it's just they've blanketed the the earth with satellites.
02:31:47 And those satellites?
02:31:48 Make it easier for two way in theory.
02:31:52 We'll find out, you know.
02:31:55 We'll find out.
02:31:57 But in theory.
02:31:59 It will.
02:32:00 It will work both ways.
Speaker 16
02:32:05 Alright, let's see here.Devon
02:32:09 Uh, someone says I don't trust Elon for Internet or high precinct, Terry says.02:32:13 I don't trust Elon for Internet, so I use Comcast, et cetera.
02:32:17 Well, I don't.
02:32:17 I don't trust Comcast.
02:32:20 I guess he said something before that.
02:32:22 But I mean, you look and honestly, if I had, I'd probably use Comcast or some you know, if I live back in the city, I would just use whoever was fastest.
02:32:32 You know, because they're they're all terrible.
02:32:34 Right.
02:32:34 I mean, it's not like I think Elon Musk is deserves my money.
Speaker 4
02:32:38 You know what I mean?02:32:39 Like none.
Speaker 6
02:32:39 Of them do, but it's just, you know.02:32:41 It is what it is.
02:32:43 High Priest King Terry there was supposed.Speaker 4
02:32:45 To be a trucker.Devon
02:32:46 Convoy in the US A they missed the state of the Union, it seems. Allegedly 10,000 people.02:32:51 Another saying 50.
02:32:54 Yet I have seen nothing really on this convoy.
02:32:57 They dropped the ball like Maga does by being late or Ukraine is completely buried in the news cycle.
02:33:03 Well, so they're they're last time I checked, they were claiming they had, like, ******* 50.
02:33:08 1000 people, which sounds a little ridiculous to me.
02:33:11 And that they had gathered in Maryland.
Speaker 4
02:33:16 And I've said this since the beginning.Devon
02:33:18 I don't think that they'll be allowed to gather in DC.02:33:22 I don't think that that will be allowed to take place, Maryland, sure.
Speaker 4
02:33:28 And for those of.Devon
02:33:29 You are geographically challenged.02:33:30 I mean, Maryland is literally across the bridge from DC.
02:33:35 That makes more sense to me that they would gather in Maryland, especially if they had any kind of numbers at all, because if they had the kind of numbers they're saying they have, I don't even know how logistically possible it would be for them to go to DC.
02:33:45 I mean, there's.
02:33:46 It's not like there's DC is.
02:33:49 Very constrained city.
02:33:51 I mean, it's you don't have a lot of parking lots.
02:33:55 Uh, you know it's it's very close together.
02:34:00 And very policed so.
02:34:04 So yeah, I don't know.
02:34:07 I I let me see if I can find.
02:34:11 There's that chick.
02:34:13 What's her name?
02:34:14 Tracy beans.
02:34:15 She was kind of a coutard.
02:34:18 She actually wanted me to work with her at one point, and then she found out that I knew.
Speaker 6
02:34:23 About the Jews.Devon
02:34:29 That was the end of that.02:34:33 And but she's.
02:34:34 I think I still.
02:34:37 Get her little things.
02:34:39 And she's embedded with the truckers, so she'll she posts.
02:34:44 Videos of them almost every day.
02:34:46 So let me see if there's got to be one from her today.
Speaker 16
02:34:59 There's gotta be she posts so much.Devon
02:35:07 I don't see one from today.Speaker 4
02:35:14 But here's The thing is I would hear.Devon
02:35:15 These numbers and let me.02:35:16 Look and see.
02:35:18 If there's like a.
02:35:20 News story about it.
02:35:29 OK.
02:35:30 So here we are.
Speaker 6
02:35:35 Yeah. All right.Devon
02:35:40 So this is from I guess it's supposed to happen kind of tomorrow ish or something.02:35:46 This is from Newsweek.
02:35:47 This is from earlier today.
02:35:52 Newsweek is saying the peoples convoy.
02:35:54 Along with, oh, stop playing ads.
02:35:58 Along with other convoys were expected to meet in protest COVID-19 mandates in Washington, DC on Saturday.
02:36:05 After driving across the country from California on February 22nd, however, their arrival has now been delayed as organizers invited supporters to join an All day rally instead at Hagerstown.
Speaker 4
02:36:18 I knew it in ******* Maryland.Devon
02:36:20 And Hagerstown Speedway, so yeah.Speaker 4
02:36:22 I told you they'd never.Devon
02:36:23 Be able to do this in DC.02:36:25 And so they did exactly what I said they were going to do.
02:36:27 They they met up at its Speedway in Maryland.
02:36:31 That is located 80 miles outside of DC.
02:36:35 The rally will begin at Hagerstown Speedway at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time today.
02:36:40 That's so that was today.
02:36:42 Uh, they'll be speakers, yada yada yada so.
02:36:47 It just looks like they.
02:36:47 Had like a.
02:36:49 They had a rally at a racetrack in Maryland.
Speaker 16
02:36:55 UM.Devon
02:36:58 But they're going, they say they're claiming they're going to maybe tomorrow or I guess technically today they're going to go to DC.02:37:05 They're claiming I I.
Speaker 16
02:37:06 Don't think that's going to happen?02:37:07 Let's see here.
02:37:12 The people's convoy and the USA Freedom Convoy were originally established to support the Canadian Freedom Convoy.Speaker 16
02:37:18 Blah blah blah blah.Devon
02:37:20 The convoy aims to bring back our freedoms.Speaker 16
02:37:22 Or blah blah.02:37:23 Blah, blah blah.
02:37:24 What are you doing?
02:37:24 On ******* Sunday.
Speaker 11
02:37:31 Blah blah, blah blah blah.Devon
02:37:32 Blah blah, they don't say 7.02:37:34 Apparently the the organizers.
02:37:37 Told people that they're not going because the original plan was to do it today or Saturday, just to make it easier for people listening to the replay.
02:37:45 Saturday they were supposed to meet up.
02:37:47 They didn't meet up, they did what it said they would do and they met up in Maryland at a Motor Speedway, some kind of race track or something in Hagerstown, MD.
02:37:57 And they are claiming.
02:38:00 They will be doing some kind of rally in DC on Sunday, I, which is again if you're a right wing group or even if you're perceived as a right wing group.
02:38:14 And you don't have a permit and you think you're going to show up in DC in large numbers?
Speaker 16
02:38:19 UM.Devon
02:38:22 Good luck to you is all I'm going to say.02:38:24 Good luck to you.
02:38:26 And here's a more updated this is from ABC.
02:38:33 9 hours ago.
Speaker 8
02:38:37 Let's see.Speaker 16
02:38:39 Maybe they've got more information.02:38:42 Hi, I'm black.
02:38:43 You make black.
02:38:44 Alright, convoy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
02:38:49 Who's participating?
02:38:50 What the protesters want.
02:38:54 Here we go.
02:38:56 Virginia Virginia State Police issued a traffic advisory for Virginia throughout the weekend, warning drivers to prepare for potential commercial and passenger vehicle convoys affecting traffic in and out of the National Capital Region.02:39:10 Virginia State Police, Maryland State Police are also monitoring the situation.
02:39:17 And planning to position additional troopers to address any violations of the law.
02:39:23 Maryland is by the.
02:39:23 Way a very blue state it's it's very blue.
02:39:30 So they will not be friends.
02:39:33 I mean, there's there's some rural parts of Maryland like Hagerstown where there, there are conservatives, but that's, you know, that's not the that's not the norm for that state.
02:39:45 And not just because of Baltimore.
02:39:47 I mean, you have so many government contractors that live just across the water in places like Rockville.
02:39:52 And Silver Spring and all that crap that that's just.
02:39:54 It's just specially well Chevy Chase.
02:39:59 Who's not just an actor.
02:40:00 There's also a town in Maryland is just like, I mean, it's all it's it's like, well, it's like McLean or, you know, all around.
02:40:08 Every well. Just.
02:40:09 All around DC, it's just rich ******* *******.
02:40:14 That would hate this.
02:40:17 So yeah, they don't really.
02:40:19 So suppose, you know, we'll see.
02:40:20 We'll see.
02:40:21 I guess on Sunday.
Speaker 6
02:40:23 We'll see what?Devon
02:40:24 Happens, so maybe maybe something exciting will happen.02:40:28 I don't know about the numbers, though, and none of these articles say the numbers which make me feel like maybe the numbers are are decent.
02:40:35 Otherwise they would, if it was like embarrassing.
02:40:37 I feel like they would have.
02:40:38 Said they only you.
Speaker 16
02:40:40 Know they planned on 50,000. Now they're going to get 1000, yeah.Devon
02:40:43 Do it.02:40:44 But I don't see any actual numbers anywhere.
02:40:49 The estimates I have heard from like the Pro Trucker people sound outlandish.
02:40:54 I mean it doesn't match up with the photos I've seen, like I've heard people.
Speaker 4
02:40:57 Say it's 50,000.Devon
02:40:58 ******* people. I it's.Speaker 4
02:41:02 And maybe it will be on Sunday.Devon
02:41:04 You know when it's just a rally and it's not like a convoy. I could see 50,000 people showing up to a rally in DC.02:41:11 But that's.
02:41:13 Yeah, it wasn't like 50,000 ******* trucks or anything like that.
02:41:18 Yeah, I.
02:41:19 I don't know.
02:41:22 We'll see how that goes tomorrow, I guess.
Speaker 16
02:41:26 Alright, let me pop up.Devon
02:41:31 The extradimensional the trucker convoy live stream on YouTube banned me earlier today for quoting Thomas Jefferson told me I was spreading FBI propaganda.02:41:41 Well, it yeah again.
02:41:43 The reason why it will go nowhere.
02:41:46 Is they? They're they.
02:41:49 Themselves are are serving as a pressure valve.
Speaker 6
02:41:54 They're not, they're not.Devon
02:41:55 Normalizing civil disobedience, I guarantee you just cause this is the way right wing groups.02:42:01 Well, you know, right wing groups run by gay Jews the way that they they operate is they work with, you know, local, even when the local authorities mean to do them harm.
02:42:13 They they fall over the all over themselves to plain ice and you know, look, they're good people and they're trying to do the right thing.
02:42:22 It's just that they don't realize.
02:42:26 It how how much of an it's just it's it's, it's just a social thing.
02:42:32 It's literally just.
02:42:33 It's just like it's like, Boomer, it's like Maga.
02:42:36 Boomer Burning Man is what it is.
Speaker 4
02:42:40 Like nothing.02:42:41 No, no, says the.
02:42:42 Same rhetoric too.02:42:43 Like if you listen to like the promos or people talking about Burning Man.
02:42:47 Ohh yeah, man.
02:42:48 We're gonna ******* change the world.
02:42:50 We're all going to, like, gather together in this ******* desert and we're gonna have, like, way more people than the trucker thing, by the way.
02:42:56 And we're going to make all these like art installations and it's going to ******* change the whole vibe of the universe.
02:43:01 Bro. And it's like everything's gonna get better.
Speaker 1
02:43:03 And Bubba man.Devon
02:43:04 You know?02:43:04 And then it and when it happens, it's just literally just a bunch of mostly wealthy people on a lot of drugs wandering around the desert, ******* each other.
02:43:13 And for like a week.
02:43:15 And then they burn a giant wooden.
02:43:18 Man Burning Man, you know? And then like, that's it. And then everyone goes home and the party's over and a bunch of them get depressed and they, like, you know, and that that which which will happen, right, they'll they'll.
02:43:31 All go home and all the truckers will.
02:43:34 And they'll realize that like, I guess my life isn't totally different now, you know.
02:43:39 And now that it's over and I guess, you know, we didn't change the world or the universe or the vibe or you.
02:43:45 Know whatever it.
02:43:45 Is and then they'll get depressed and and maybe some of them will start socializing.
02:43:50 They are like a lot of burners, right?
02:43:52 They all stay in, stay in contact.
02:43:54 And and but it's at.
02:43:56 The end it's a social thing.
02:43:58 I'm not.
02:43:58 I'm not ******** on it.
02:44:01 I guess it's.
02:44:03 Yeah, why not?
02:44:04 Why not do it right, but don't act as if this is actually going to.
02:44:10 To to mean anything in in terms of of getting.
02:44:15 Any kind of reforms?
02:44:19 Yeah, let them let them have their pressure valve.
02:44:20 That's fine.
02:44:25 It's, you know, let them have their boomer, boomer.
02:44:27 Con Burning Man.
02:44:32 Mike Vicious say, too, I heard the Russians Stadio trying to work.
02:44:38 Uh, I oh, I think you meant station trying to work DX a few days ago and a bunch of ******* were interfering with them pretty bad, I thought ham radio was supposed to be better than that.
02:44:49 Well, ham radio.
02:44:51 Is it's actually more diverse than you would think.
02:44:54 It's not all Maga boomers, but there's enough ********.
02:44:58 Maga, boomers and lefty.
02:45:01 There's a lot of lefty hams.
02:45:02 Believe it or not.
02:45:04 Especially on the East Coast.
02:45:06 And there's a lot of political.
02:45:09 Arguments that take place between really stupid Maga boomers and really stupid communist boomers on their air.
02:45:17 It's it's sometimes amusing.
02:45:19 Usually it's just annoying, but I could totally see them doing that.
02:45:23 There's even, I mean, I subscribe to different ham radio.
02:45:29 Content creators and stuff like that and.
Speaker 4
02:45:33 You know, there's a lot.02:45:34 It's kind.
02:45:35 Of, like preppers.
02:45:37 If you've noticed all the prepper channels the last.02:45:39 Few days they're.
02:45:40 All like excited like.
Speaker 4
02:45:41 Oh, ****.02:45:42 World War three.
02:45:43 We finally get to use our **** all.
02:45:46 Yeah, ham radio operators are like that.
02:45:48 Too, you know, they they.02:45:50 They they feel like, oh, yeah, it's kind of like.
02:45:53 Yeah, it's like the prepper that he, he, he spends like his hobby is his prepping.
02:45:58 Right.
02:45:58 So he's always spending a lot of money and spending a lot of time, all of his supplies.
02:46:03 He's probably been eating freeze dried.
02:46:07 Food for like as as as he cycles the old stuff out and cycles the new stuff in, he's he's probably been eating like canned food and freeze dried fruit food for a few years now.
02:46:17 You know, he goes to the shooting range and you know, but then when when you feel like it's actually go time, you could see they, their eyes light up.
02:46:24 Like, even if you're talking about a nuclear Holocaust, they're excited.
02:46:27 And and and.
02:46:29 Ham radio operators.
02:46:30 It's kind of the same thing.
02:46:32 I don't know.
02:46:32 I mean, if you listen to ham radio.
02:46:35 A lot of ham radio is pretty boring.
02:46:37 It's just like people talking about their radio.
02:46:39 It's like, oh, hey, I'm here.
Speaker 4
02:46:41 Oh, I'm over here.02:46:42 What radio do you have?
02:46:43 I've got this radio.
02:46:44 Oh, cool.
02:46:44 I've got this radio.
02:46:45 What kind of antenna?02:46:46 And then like after that, it's like they run out.
02:46:48 Of **** to.
02:46:48 Talk about and.
02:46:49 It's kind of like, alright, well bye.
02:46:51 Like that's it.
02:46:53 And so when they actually feel like oh ****.
02:46:55 I can actually I can do something with radio, you know, and they get excited about it and.
02:47:00 And so I've seen a lot of these content creators like, oh, I went on Echo link and like Listen tried talking to a Russian and.
02:47:07 And it's just, yeah, you know, whatever.
Speaker 16
02:47:16 Alright, let's see here.Devon
02:47:18 So much carpet bomb burning, man.02:47:21 Yeah, it would not be much of a loss.
02:47:22 You would lose most of Silicon Valley.
02:47:24 'S ruling elite, though.
02:47:31 Someone says I ******* found it.
02:47:33 I don't know what you found.
02:47:36 Go back to tipped.
02:47:37 Looks like there might have been some more here.
02:47:44 Uh, $4?
02:47:47 Oh, wait, no, no. $4.00 ******. ******. Wanted to say in the last hybrid chat that I'm.
02:47:51 Worried that she's.
02:47:53 Gonna starve to death from sanctions?
02:47:55 Says she's still employed, but on thin ice.
02:47:58 Want to visit her?
02:47:59 But air travel is canned.
02:48:00 Any idea how to send canned goods?
02:48:03 Meds closed, etc.
02:48:05 To Russia despite sanctions.
02:48:07 I don't know if I get myself in a weird legal mess because I don't know what the, you know what I mean.
02:48:12 Like if I start telling people they get around international.
02:48:16 I don't know if that's.
Speaker 4
02:48:17 Like, that's bad news.02:48:20 I will say this.
02:48:22 I would imagine that the steps taken.02:48:27 In order to impose sanctions.
02:48:30 On Russia from the West, I would imagine, and I don't know.
02:48:40 Cryptocurrencies might.
02:48:46 These measures, and that's about the best I can tell you.
02:48:53 Just sending money even to Ukraine has become a *****.
02:48:56 I was trying to help someone out and I don't have much, but like you know.
02:49:02 They didn't need much.
02:49:04 And it was tough.
02:49:06 It was tough and I don't know if I ended up finally getting something to him eventually, but like.
02:49:13 There were.
02:49:16 Like I tried several different ways of transferring money to Ukraine, that all failed.
02:49:22 You know, including stuff like Western Union and you know, **** like that.
02:49:27 So I don't know.
Speaker 16
02:49:29 It's, you know.Devon
02:49:30 Again, like I said, I I can't.02:49:32 I probably can't legally tell you anything more than what I just said.
02:49:43 Daff says Burning Man has some funked up copyright clauses written into their TNC's for attending the festival, with any recording device really well.
Speaker 4
02:49:54 Yeah, I didn't.02:49:55 I didn't.
02:49:55 I didn't make a lot of.
02:49:56 Footage when I was there, I didn't take a lot of pictures or or get food.02:50:03 I took a few pictures but it I it seemed frowned upon like it didn't seem like a thing.
02:50:11 You were supposed to be doing, you know, taking photos and stuff.
02:50:14 So I and I and I kind of felt like I was.
02:50:18 I was like a infiltrator in a weird way, you know?
02:50:22 And so I didn't.
02:50:22 Want to?
02:50:24 Draw attention to myself, I guess.
02:50:28 It was crazy.
02:50:28 It was weird.
02:50:29 It was an interesting, you know, from a.
02:50:32 You know, just from an experience.
02:50:37 To to know what it.
02:50:38 Really, what was impressive was the scale.
02:50:41 Like it's just it's way bigger than you really realize until you get them.
02:50:44 They they have their own airstrip.
02:50:48 They build it, but like the fact that there's an airstrip.
02:50:53 And rich, rich guys flying in their Cessnas and stuff like that.
Speaker 16
02:50:58 Uh anyway.Devon
02:51:00 High Priest can tear the US dollar is going to possibly collapse because of the sanctions banning Russia from swift access will cause.02:51:07 Russia, China to go their own financial system or go to their own financial system?
02:51:13 Which will cause the US Petro dollar to be less valuable boomers cheering on sanctions are cheering on the death of their 401K.
02:51:20 I know, I think bills will be dead.
02:51:21 For for.
02:51:23 Totally collapses, but who knows?
02:51:26 Chinas had an alternative to SWIFT.
02:51:30 For a while, and there's also there's I forget what it's called, but there's that economic partnership they have that includes even like South Africa for some reason.
02:51:41 It's like South Africa, Russia, Iran maybe or no, maybe not Iran.
02:51:49 But I think Syria for sure, but there is like some weird economic partnership between these other countries that.
02:51:57 Yeah, I mean, I'm sure it hurts economically in Russia right now.
02:52:01 I'm sure it sucks, but.
02:52:03 I mean, they're.
02:52:06 They're not, they're not.
02:52:07 Even like in Iran, I mean this is.
02:52:08 Russia, we're talking.
02:52:09 About, you know, like they'll they'll get by.
02:52:12 They'll get, they'll figure it out.
02:52:13 And you're right.
02:52:14 They will.
02:52:15 Most likely.
02:52:16 It's kind of like what's happening.
02:52:17 It's look.
02:52:18 It's cancelled culture on a on an international stage is.
02:52:21 What it is?
02:52:22 Like when we say things they don't like on their platforms, what happens?
02:52:25 They ban us from the platforms.
02:52:27 Now other platforms have sprung up like Odyssey, like the one I'm on right now to replace the platforms we've been banned from.
Speaker 4
02:52:35 Now at the same time, that doesn't mean.Devon
02:52:38 You know YouTube is.02:52:39 Going to just go away, though, and maybe eventually like maybe it'll go the way of Myspace, but YouTube is still bigger and better than it's ever been.
02:52:49 Not so much.
02:52:50 Maybe say Facebook seems like it's actually finally, even in the in the boomer.
02:52:55 Sphere cause that's who goes.
02:52:57 On Facebook right now, it's mostly white boomers.
02:53:02 Which is ironic.
02:53:03 That's like who Facebook seems to hate most.
02:53:06 But I they even they are are not using.
02:53:10 Facebook as frequently or maybe they're dying out.
02:53:13 I don't.
02:53:13 I'm not being funny.
02:53:14 I think it could be that they're dying out, but they're failing to appeal to a younger audience.
02:53:19 This meta thing is not going to do it.
02:53:23 So you could see Facebook not right away and and especially not because they're they're international, right?
02:53:30 So just in America, it's old white boomers, but who knows in other.
02:53:36 But yeah, they've got the just like the dollar.
02:53:39 They've got so much momentum.
02:53:41 Even if people find other platforms that to use.
02:53:45 It's not going.
02:53:46 To be quite the kick in *** ****.
02:53:47 That it could.
02:53:48 Be now, because Russia is much bigger than, say, me, right, like me moving to Odyssey, right.
02:53:56 That's not going to, like, hurt YouTube.
02:53:58 Oh no.
02:53:59 Devin Stack left.
02:54:00 Oh, no youtubes.
02:54:01 No, of course not.
02:54:03 But think about if you think about it, maybe like.
02:54:06 What if Trump had gone to gab, right?
02:54:09 Then that might have actually hurt Twitter, because you would have had all these people going to the alternative platform.
02:54:17 So it's more like that I I guess because Russia or maybe even more so than that because Russia is going to.
02:54:26 Being way more influential on the international banking system than I am on a social media platform.
02:54:33 So we'll see what happens.
02:54:35 But I think you know, I think everyone.
02:54:36 Gets it that the.
Speaker 4
02:54:38 The United States.Devon
02:54:45 The empire is falling.02:54:46 It's it's going to take a lot.
02:54:48 Of time.
02:54:48 There's a lot of momentum and.
02:54:50 And you know, sometimes it's not like a linear line though either, so it.
02:54:55 Might really fall and then pop back up and who knows.
02:54:58 But ultimately, we're on the way out and it's obvious to everyone why or at least.
02:55:02 And everyone paying attention.
02:55:04 And this is just gonna help that.
02:55:06 It's just gonna help it along.
02:55:10 Alright, let's see here.
02:55:15 Hi priest king Terry.
02:55:16 Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
02:55:17 The OR you can talk about radios.
02:55:19 Rebate from ICOM is over. It's about $1200, which is about 9991-A costs.
02:55:27 And you get UHF, VHF as well with the ICOM.
02:55:31 You have to buy the.
02:55:34 Anytime on the 7300 I don't have any new radios. I don't have any fancy actually. That's a live got like some really ******.
02:55:42 I got I got an 817-A QRP. I got QRP newer QRP radios.
02:55:51 Does the FDX 10 do UHF and VHF?
02:55:55 Because if it does, he's just ******* get that.
02:56:02 Alright, someone is saying they sent hyper Chance.
02:56:09 I think I got to everyone's hyper chat.
02:56:11 Let me just see now that it looks like it's updating.
02:56:17 Alright, here's what I missed.
02:56:19 Waters or water?
02:56:21 Weights 3 dollars ever consider making a telegram chat group with the VC.
02:56:28 I appreciate your streams.
02:56:30 I don't know what VC is.
02:56:32 We had Telegram chat though on my telegram channel and it got axed.
02:56:39 So that's why we don't have.
02:56:40 It now it's just that you have.
02:56:42 To have a moderator and just.
Speaker 16
02:56:43 It's, you know.Devon
02:56:47 I don't know.02:56:47 I don't know what VC is.
02:56:48 Maybe VC?
02:56:49 Is virtual Cop auto auto?
02:56:54 I don't know.
Speaker 16
02:56:58 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
02:57:01 Yeah, a bunch of these, I guess were sent in earlier that didn't.02:57:04 Pop up best.
02:57:05 Alex Martin always enjoy your streams.
02:57:07 For the hard work, enjoy.
02:57:09 Your book and looking forward to the movie.
02:57:11 Well, I appreciate that.
02:57:12 Yeah, we do need to get cracking on them.
02:57:15 I have some really good ideas as to how to do that action.
02:57:18 Actually, and we will have to get some kind of chat thing working, though I think to coordinate that.
02:57:22 Or maybe not, I don't know.
02:57:27 Let's see if there's another one here.
Speaker 6
02:57:30 Here we go.Devon
02:57:30 Crux 545, could you make an MP3 version of this? I never have time to watch the stream live, maybe as a podcast.02:57:39 There's someone that I think is posting the the audio of these streams to telegram.
02:57:46 Maybe that's something I should do.
02:57:49 UM.
02:57:50 I'm trying to get everyone over to Odyssey though.
02:57:53 That's why I'm I'm.
02:57:55 I I feel like we need to support Odyssey as much as possible and look, you can listen to it.
02:58:00 The good thing about Odyssey, it's not like YouTube where you have to like YouTube, won't let you minimize the video and just listen to the audio unless you pay them money.
02:58:10 I'm not going to ******* give you 2 money.
02:58:12 I'd rather just leave the screen on and burn through my ******* battery, which I've done a few times.
02:58:19 If if I absolutely have to listen to to YouTube for some reason, Odyssey doesn't have that Odyssey.
02:58:26 You can download the app from the App Store as you can listen to it, you can, you know, start start playing and then you can minimize it on your phone and stick in your pocket or whatever, and it's just audio and it's and it works and they they've even started streaming at lower bit rates.
02:58:44 So if you you don't have any.
02:58:46 Buffering problems like you used to or at.
02:58:48 Least I'd I'd tend to.
02:58:50 Have them as often as I used to during the day, my Internet still sucks, so sometimes it doesn't play smoothly even with the.
02:59:00 You know the lowest setting, but that's that's my Internet problem, not a problem with them.
02:59:07 But maybe you know, maybe once I get my site back up, which you know, don't don't get me started.
Speaker 16
02:59:15 Let's see if I missed any other.02:59:18 I meant to say I'm worrying.
Speaker 6
02:59:28 Should cover it, right?02:59:29 Catch a thief.
02:59:37 I think I got all these.02:59:39 No, paranoid that I missed one though.
Speaker 16
02:59:48 OK, I think I think we're.Devon
02:59:52 They were mostly.02:59:55 Caught up.
02:59:59 Last one, Russia win.
03:00:01 OK, here's here.
03:00:02 I guess.
03:00:02 Here's the last one.
03:00:02 Russia will be totally fine.
03:00:05 They're not dependent on other countries in order to get by.
03:00:08 It's the EU who are going to be hit by all these sanctions.
03:00:12 The war is already being blamed for rising energy costs.
03:00:16 The worldwide food shortage will doubtlessly also be.
03:00:19 Blamed on Putin?
03:00:21 Russian man bad.
Speaker 4
03:00:23 Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's.Devon
03:00:25 Going to be as bad as people are thinking.03:00:27 Ultimately, will there be some shortages?
03:00:30 But I don't think any really out of step with what.
03:00:32 We've already seen.
03:00:34 There won't be like people starving shortages.
03:00:39 Unless this goes on for.
03:00:43 And or rather, not even just.
03:00:44 This goes on if this escalates.
03:00:47 As far as.
03:00:48 Getting food from Russia.
03:00:49 I'm not aware of.
03:00:51 I don't know how much I know.
03:00:52 We get some flour, you know, like some wheat from.
03:00:56 From Russia, but I don't know like.
03:00:59 I mean, it's not like Russia is the only one selling stuff and America does produce a lot of its own food.
03:01:04 Energy prices will be hit.
03:01:06 Because America doesn't produce its own energy.
03:01:10 I think gas prices will go up, but again, if you're our ruling class.
03:01:16 That's not a bad thing.
03:01:18 You want gas prices to go out.
03:01:20 They're literally trying to phase out all gasoline vehicles or Honda as a company.
03:01:26 Is saying that after 20-30 they're not going to build any gasoline running cars.
03:01:32 Which is insane.
03:01:35 I mean, that's coming.
03:01:36 Up, you know, 20-30 isn't like.
03:01:40 Way in the future.
03:01:43 Yeah, that's that's in just a handful of years.
03:01:46 You know, it seems like it was only yesterday, right, that it was.
03:01:50 You know, the Obama was president.
03:01:53 And time flies, man.
03:01:57 So we'll we'll see if if hot.
03:01:59 And it's not just Honda, it was Honda and a couple of other car manufacturers are saying the same thing and.
03:02:03 I got a friend in the industry.
03:02:05 Who actually works on fuel efficiency?
03:02:08 And he said I'm I'm going to be out of a job in in like a decade.
03:02:13 His whole gig is making gasoline engines more efficient.
03:02:19 And he's like, we're not gonna have gasoline engines in like 10 years.
03:02:23 So gas prices going up isn't bad.
03:02:27 For them, I mean gas prices going up is just a a boot on your neck.
03:02:35 And while they wave an electric car.
03:02:37 In front of you.
03:02:40 So I don't think that that upset about energy.
03:02:43 Prices going up?
Speaker 16
03:02:45 So anyway.Speaker 6
03:02:46 Right.Devon
03:02:47 How long have been going?03:02:52 I've been live for three hours all.
03:02:54 Right.
03:02:54 We'll probably wrap it up.
03:02:57 Only because you know this is going to be.
03:02:59 Kind of cozy.
03:03:02 I'll have something more put together next string.
03:03:07 Make sure I didn't miss anybody.
03:03:12 I'm pretty sure we're good.
03:03:15 Ohh, you know what?
03:03:16 I didn't change the end video though.
Speaker 16
03:03:19 I'm gonna have to figure something out.Devon
03:03:23 Excuse me? Someone says.03:03:26 Icom radios or High Priest King Terry, saying ICOM radios for Chad's modern Jesus for betas fight me on this.
03:03:31 Yasuo is ancient Hebrew for all transmissions will be under surveillance.
03:03:36 I come is ancient Germanic for ***** off Kenwood is for girls.
03:03:40 I don't know, man.
03:03:41 FDX 10.
03:03:44 Or well, I mean, if you have the money, the what is it the?
03:03:46 FDX 101.
03:03:50 That's that's that's better than any icon right here.
03:03:54 You're going to have.
03:03:56 So at least look, I don't have any new radio, so I don't know.
03:04:01 Someone's asking if I can please remove the demons.
Speaker 6
03:04:05 Oh oh, the demons.Speaker 16
03:04:17 Ah, demon.Speaker 7
03:04:20 Do you even eat baby?Devon
03:04:25 All right, guys, we're going to wrap this up.03:04:27 It's probably going to start playing the end video from the last stream with that whole.
Speaker 6
03:04:33 By the way.Speaker 4
03:04:34 The reason I needed that Wednesday.Devon
03:04:36 Off you guys thought that that stream with the the child.03:04:39 Was pretty intense.
03:04:43 Imagine watching a four day long version of that.
Speaker 6
03:04:48 That's basically what I was doing.Devon
03:04:50 It it depressed man, it it.03:04:52 Kind of.
03:04:53 It got me down.
03:04:54 Like just being.
Speaker 4
03:04:56 Just all the ****.Devon
03:04:57 I didn't show you like all the.03:05:00 All the crime scene photos.
03:05:01 And stuff it.Devon
03:05:02 Was it was rough, it was rough.03:05:04 That was part of why I had the check out and part of why I didn't like have a string put.
Speaker 6
03:05:08 Together tonight cause I just.03:05:10 I just needed to check.
03:05:11 Out mentally for a little bit.03:05:13 It was dark, man.
03:05:14 It was dark.
Speaker 4
03:05:16 But anyway.Devon
03:05:17 Hope you guys all have a good rest of your weekend.03:05:20 I'll see you on Wednesday and I'll let you know about the space Internet for Black pill.
03:05:24 I am of course.
03:05:36 No, I guess it's I didn't.
03:05:39 Alright, I'm gonna. I'm.
Speaker 4
03:05:40 I'm gonna find something cool.03:05:41 For you guys to watch.
03:05:44 What do I have?Speaker 6
03:05:46 I don't know if I.Devon
03:05:46 Have anything cool for you to watch?03:05:56 Oh yeah, kind of do maybe.
Speaker 16
03:06:00 Oh yeah, I do alright.03:06:01 Here we go.
Speaker 22
03:06:04 We've improved well, you know, I think.03:06:09 I can tell you where I was when the CNN fee came, that it was 95% effective of the vaccine, so many of us wanted to be helpful. So many of us wanted to say, OK, this.
03:06:20 Is our ticket out right?
03:06:21 We're done.
03:06:23 So I think we have perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way.
03:06:31 I I really do.
03:06:32 I I think all.
03:06:33 Of us wanted this to.
03:06:34 Be done?
03:06:35 Nobody said waning.
03:06:37 When when you know this vaccine is.
03:06:39 Going to work. Oh well.
03:06:41 But it all went off.
03:06:43 Nobody said we.
03:06:44 Want to the next variant, doesn't?
03:06:45 It doesn't.
03:06:46 It's not as public against.
03:06:48 The next variant.
Speaker 20
03:07:02 Your fight is our fight.03:07:06 2017 will be the year of offense.
03:07:12 All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia.
03:07:17 Let's see.Speaker 20
03:07:24 Enough of a Russian aggression.03:07:28 It is time for them to pay a heavier price.
Speaker 5
03:07:35 I believe you will win.03:07:37 I am convinced you will win and we will do everything we can to provide you with what you need to win.
03:07:54 Thank you.Speaker
03:07:55 This summer, here is the.03:08:02 By artists from.
Speaker 19
03:08:06 No welcome.Speaker 20
03:08:08 National Guard.