10/29/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 I don't need to be.Speaker 2
00:03:53 What's up, man?00:03:56 Sick and tired of the block.
00:03:59 You know, I'm saying so.
00:04:00 They came around looking for you the other day.
Speaker 4
00:04:40 You know.Speaker 5
00:04:59 Dancing to my boy power.Speaker 1
00:06:59 Give him my now.Speaker 4
00:07:08 Round cool with my tippy, tippy girl.00:07:10 Police knock my door.
00:07:12 Lick up my power.
00:07:13 Rough me up and I can't do a thing.
00:07:16 My line when my telephone rings take me to the station.
00:07:19 Black up my hands down cause I'm hanging with the snowman.
00:07:23 What I'm gonna do?
00:07:24 I'm back to slap me in the face.
00:07:28 No clues anymore.
00:07:30 Sam won't turn informer.
Speaker 5
00:08:07 Yo VIP.Speaker 6
00:08:10 Let's check it.Speaker 5
00:08:19 Alright, stop, collaborate and listen.00:08:21 I suspect my brain will hitting so thin grabs a hold of me tightly, fold like a Hawking daily and nightly.
00:08:28 Yo, I don't know.
00:08:29 Turn off the lights and I'll close to the extreme.
00:08:32 I rock a mic like a vandal light up the stage and.
00:08:34 Talk like I can do a dance cover speaker that booms.
00:08:37 I feel in your brain like a poisonous mushroom.
00:08:40 When I play a dope melody, anything less than the best in the family, love it or leave it.
00:08:45 You better gain weight.
00:08:46 You better get pulls out of it.
00:08:48 If there was a problem, Joe, I'll saw him and kick out the hook while my DJ revolves it.
00:09:08 Now that the body is jumping.
00:09:10 The face kicked in and the figures off, quick to the point to the point no Turkey cooking them.
00:09:15 Seems like a pound of running them, getting quick and nimble.
00:09:19 I go crazy when I hear us.
00:09:22 With the souped up tempo, I'm gonna roll.
00:09:24 It's time to go solo.
00:09:26 They're my 5 point hole with my rack top down so my hair can blow the girlies on standby.
00:09:30 Waiting just to say hi.
00:09:32 No, I just drove.
00:09:33 By kept on.
00:09:34 Went to the next stop.
00:09:36 I must have left and I'm heading to the next block.
00:09:38 The block was dead yo.
00:09:39 So I continued.
00:09:39 To A1A.
00:09:42 Girls were hot wearing.
00:09:43 Less than bikinis, rocking and lovers driving Lamborghinis.
00:09:46 Tell us because I'm out getting mine.
00:09:48 The gauge of vanilla with the.
00:09:49 9 ready for the chumps on the.
00:09:51 Wall, the chumps acting there because.
00:09:53 The full 8 ball.
00:09:54 Gunshots rinsed out like a bell.
00:09:56 I grabbed my 9.
00:09:57 All I heard bushels fall in on the concrete real fast jumped in.
Speaker 8
00:09:58 OK.Speaker 5
00:10:01 My car slammed on the gap.00:10:03 Right above all the.
00:10:03 Avenues back.
00:10:04 I'm trying to get away before the jackets.
00:10:06 Jack, please on.
00:10:07 The seat, you know.
00:10:08 What I mean, they passed me off could.
00:10:10 Run it all.
00:10:10 I don't think if there was a problem I'll solve.
00:10:12 It check out the hook while my DJ.
00:10:31 Take heed because I'm a lyrical Paul in Miami's on the scene. Just in case you didn't know, in my town that created all the face sounds.
00:10:38 Another shaking kick, holes in the ground cause my styles like a chemical feasible rhymes confusing and feel conducted in form.
00:10:44 This is a hell of a concept.
00:10:46 We make it height and you want us to put.
00:10:49 My face sliced like a ninja, cut like a razor blade.
00:10:52 So Fat Farm was a drug.
00:10:55 I'd sell it by the gram, keep my composure when it's time to keep police magnetized by the.
00:10:59 While I kicked my.
00:11:00 Dude, if there was a problem too, I'll solve it.
00:11:02 Check out the hook while Dishe revolves it.
00:11:22 Yo, man, let's.
00:11:23 Get outta here.
00:11:24 Wear it to your mother.
00:11:55 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:11:58 I am your host, Devin Stack.
00:12:00 This is the insomnia stream Wigger bird.
00:12:08 And yes, I did that cool lightning, lightning, or Thunder effect.
00:12:15 Not to be like.
00:12:16 Coast to Coast AM, although that did.
00:12:17 Enter my mind.
00:12:20 You know, when I used to, when I used to listen to that show, they started using that sound.
Speaker 11
00:12:24 I knew exactly where they got it.Devon
00:12:27 Because it came with the Sound Blaster live the expensive one though.00:12:33 Back when you know you used to buy sound cards.
00:12:36 This particular sound card had a breakout box.
00:12:40 It was actually pretty bad.
00:12:41 I kind of wish they made something like this still on its leg.
00:12:44 It had a breakout box.
00:12:45 It had like mini like full on mini ports on the front and like all like headphone jacks, microphone jacks like it was took up like a drive Bay of just like the kinds of stuff that you'd want.
00:12:57 If you are going to be a professional rapper when you grow up, of course.
00:13:02 Every rapper needed to have a Sound Blaster live.
00:13:07 But when they when they started using that sound effect on coast to coast, I was like.
00:13:13 I know that sound.
00:13:16 That comes on the CD that comes on the.
00:13:19 On the CD of the Shell Blaster live.
00:13:22 Ah, I know they have a Sound Blaster live now.
00:13:26 Who would have thought Art Bell wanted to be a a rapper in the 90s?
00:13:31 Anyway, I'm back at the back at the pillbox.
Speaker 11
00:13:36 Yeah, the.Devon
00:13:36 Temperature has dropped dramatically dramatically.00:13:40 Only in my absence, all the bees are very sleepy.
00:13:46 Not not too busy in the mornings and not hanging outside the hive at night.
00:13:52 Except for one, I think it's.
00:13:53 A little overcrowded because they're still.
00:13:55 Hanging outside at night.
00:13:57 Uh, so I gotta I gotta figure, like, I gotta.
00:13:59 Crack that one open.
00:14:01 I cracked open a hive the day and saw the first signs of something bad.
00:14:06 I saw wax moth larvae, little worms wriggling around like not a ton.
00:14:14 Not a ton, but they were in.
00:14:16 And that's not good, especially right before winter.
00:14:19 That is not a good thing.
00:14:21 I don't know how to tackle that.
00:14:23 Yet I'm going to have to figure that.
00:14:24 Out something part of me wants to just let it.
00:14:27 Work itself out like everything else.
00:14:30 I don't want to be spraying chemicals on my bees and some bees are.
00:14:33 Going to die as a result.
00:14:35 As I've talked about.
Speaker 11
00:14:36 In the past.Devon
00:14:38 The reason why people are having to spray chemicals on bees in the 1st place is because boomers, boomer capitalists.00:14:48 Like they did with pretty much everything else.
00:14:51 Decided you know it instead of instead of taking a temporary hit now.
00:14:58 You know, instead of having to experience a little bit of pain ourselves.
00:15:05 And then.
00:15:07 From there on out, all the generations after us, not having to experience any pain.
00:15:15 We are going to take this temp what could have been a temporary problem.
00:15:22 Of new parasites that came as.
00:15:25 A result of globalism.
00:15:28 Came from Asia and started attacking European.
00:15:35 Bees that didn't have any kind of defense mechanism, so they started dying out in mass, is part of part of why you would hear, oh, the bees are going extinct.
00:15:46 Oh, the bees are going to go extinct and we're all going to die because they won't pollinate the food and.
Speaker 11
00:15:50 Oh my God.Devon
00:15:52 All propaganda, of course.00:15:55 Especially because you know honey bees.
00:16:00 Even they they pollinate very specific crops, but there's lots of natural bees in your environment that have nothing to do with with honey production that that pollinate **** all day long.
00:16:10 Moth this pollinate stuff.
00:16:15 But when this infestation occurred.
00:16:18 Boomer beekeepers, rather than allowing their profits to SAG for a few years and to breed out the weak.
00:16:28 Lift up the strong.
00:16:30 And have a B that it would be able to handle these infestations.
00:16:37 They began spraying them with chemicals.
00:16:42 Spraying them with chemicals.
00:16:45 Therefore ensuring.
00:16:47 They would never build up any kind of tolerance whatsoever.
00:16:53 To the products of the newcomers.
00:16:59 From globalism, diversity, if you will, the biodiversity that.
00:17:04 That had ensued as a result of of globalism.
00:17:10 And so now.
00:17:12 Commercial beekeepers are dependent while their bees are dependent.
00:17:16 On these chemicals.
Speaker 11
00:17:19 Meanwhile, wild bees, no big deal.00:17:24 No big deal.
00:17:25 There's entire YouTube channels.00:17:28 Of people and there's lot most of the people that have this job don't have YouTube channels.
00:17:32 There's there's lots of people.
00:17:35 Their entire job is to go out to houses that have like like my house, when I when I moved to the pill box, there was bees living in the ceiling.
00:17:46 No one was treating them with chemicals.
00:17:48 No one was spraying them down with auxiliary acid or anything like that to try to to kill off mite infestations.
00:17:59 They were just totally fine on their own.
00:18:04 As are many wild bees living in people's garages and.
00:18:10 And spare tires and and all kinds of substandard conditions.
00:18:18 And if they if they had just, they had just taken the momentary hit.
00:18:22 If they had just taken the momentary hit.
00:18:27 You you wouldn't have to worry about this.
00:18:30 I wouldn't have to worry about this.
00:18:34 So that's why that's how I'm dealing with the.
00:18:35 Problem I'm practicing what I preach.
00:18:39 I am going to take the momentary hit.
00:18:42 I'm going to let my weak bees die and let them die, even if many of them die.
00:18:48 I suspect many of them will.
00:18:49 This is the the winter of of dead beehives.
00:18:54 I'm sure they'll.
00:18:54 They're all fine now, but from what I read that will not be the case come spring.
00:19:02 Maybe I'll luck out.
00:19:03 Who knows, but.
Speaker 11
00:19:05 The Uber, the Uber Mensch, the Uber bees that survive.Devon
00:19:11 Those will be the genes that I propagate.00:19:16 And then the ones that survive, again you propagate those and eventually.
00:19:21 You have bees that survive.
Speaker 11
00:19:24 Now, what is this?00:19:25 Is this just?
00:19:26 Some weird B tangent.00:19:29 Is that what this is?
00:19:30 Are you just babbling about bees for no reason?
Speaker 11
00:19:35 What does this have to do with Wigger birds and what the **** is a wigger bird?Devon
00:19:42 Well, it does have.00:19:43 To do with Wiggers a little bit.
Speaker 12
00:19:46 For those of.Speaker 11
00:19:47 You who are not aware of the term Wigger.00:19:50 It's white.
00:19:52 Mixed with.00:19:55 It's a term I believe that appeared in the 90s.
00:20:01 To label.
00:20:04 A new type of suburban white kid.
00:20:09 Continues on today.
00:20:13 The suburban white kid.
00:20:16 That well, I, I would say that that rap groups like, you know, well, I mean I'd say Eazy E Doctor Dre, Wu Tang, all the big 90s rappers owe their careers too, because we all know black people were stealing.
00:20:30 The CD's.
00:20:32 The people buying the CDs were suburban white kids.
00:20:38 Bumping them in their cars.
00:20:41 12 inch speakers crammed into like ridiculously small hatchbacks.
00:20:48 Vibrating the car so hard that it's literally rattling screws out.
00:20:52 Of it.
00:20:57 Putting a subwoofer under a truck seat.
00:21:04 There was a whole culture of that going on.
00:21:06 In the 90s.Devon
00:21:08 And it's real easy.00:21:09 To look at those people and make.
00:21:11 Fun of them.
00:21:13 You know, in fact, you know, office space.
Speaker 11
00:21:17 Well, I think 1.Devon
00:21:18 Of my favorite movies, I'd say.Speaker 12
00:21:21 Office space.Devon
00:21:23 Kind of gives you in the very beginning illustrates this kind of a person.00:21:27 Now, of course the actor.
00:21:28 Is a a Jew?
00:21:30 But you know, isn't it funny that every time?
00:21:35 Like almost every time, especially during that.
00:21:38 If they were going to.
00:21:39 I went I'm I'm kind of I'm.
00:21:41 Kind of mixed on this.
00:21:43 Every time they have a nerdy kid.
00:21:47 Who wasn't like a black computer?
00:21:48 Hacker of course.
00:21:50 A nerdy white kid in a movie.
00:21:53 They were almost always Jewish.
00:21:55 Like, remember poindexter?
00:21:58 Like the most Jewish character in the world.
00:22:01 Anytime that if the if the.
00:22:03 Hacker wasn't a black hacker.
Speaker 14
00:22:05 They were Jewish.Devon
00:22:08 And I don't know if that's because of some weird self-image that Jews because the Jews were doing the casting.00:22:15 So was it just like they thought?
Speaker 15
00:22:17 You know, we're just we're just.Devon
00:22:19 You know, really.00:22:20 Insecure about our our level of cool and.
00:22:23 And so, you know, this is.
00:22:25 How we see it?
00:22:26 Or was it something more, something more to it it was.
00:22:28 It like kind of the Einstein thing.
00:22:32 Where it was a marker of intelligence.
00:22:36 It was a humble brag.
00:22:39 Anyway, this is the scene I think most.
00:22:41 People are familiar with right here.
Speaker 3
00:22:46 Baby, I've got my pistol point ****.Speaker 5
00:22:47 Come up.Speaker 3
00:22:48 Ready to link shots non-stop until I see your monkey *** drop and let you know who done it.00:22:55 Because when it comes to this gangster ****, you ************* know who we're standing up for.
00:22:59 Our own ship.
00:23:01 And if you put this ************, you got a real hot.
00:23:02 Bucket to the test, gotta realize.Speaker 3
00:23:04 You ******* with the very space I've got this killer up inside of me.00:23:09 I can't talk to my mother, so I talk to my guy.
00:23:15 And everyone can relate to that that was alive in the 90s at least, and probably.Speaker 12
00:23:19 I mean, it's not like it don't act.Devon
00:23:21 Like it's changed.00:23:22 Don't act like it's changed.
00:23:26 I guess the the rap is slightly less violent and that's something that we'll talk.
00:23:29 About a little bit tonight.
00:23:31 But it it's, you know you have the same kind of a thing going.
00:23:37 You have white kids cranking up the base.
00:23:41 Jamming out in their cars.
00:23:43 And then they see a black guy at the side of the road selling flowers.
00:23:47 And they turn it down and they look straight ahead.
00:23:50 Don't want to make eye contact.
00:23:52 Wait till he's safely away and then turn it back up.
00:24:00 Because the loud music.
00:24:01 Let's let's ask ourselves for a second.
00:24:03 What is?
00:24:04 What was that all about?
00:24:08 What was that all about?
00:24:10 Why did white kids, usually from like age 15 to?
00:24:15 I don't know. We'll say like, 20-3. If you were still doing it after 23, then it was it wasn't just like a douchey phase. You're just genuinely kind of a ******, but like, 18 to 23.
00:24:31 Maybe there's a little wiggle room, maybe.
00:24:34 If you had a car stereo that cost more than your car.
00:24:39 And you were blaring the base as ******** as you possibly could.
00:24:45 In the parking lot of some strip mall that had places like.
00:24:50 Starbucks and curves.
00:24:53 And maybe a Del Taco if you want to get a.
00:24:56 Little ghetto. Little gangster, right?
00:25:00 But you made sure that.
00:25:01 **** was turned down when.
00:25:02 You were on the West side.
00:25:06 Why were you doing that?
00:25:11 What was the point of that?
Speaker 11
00:25:14 If you are cranking it up to 11.Devon
00:25:17 When you pulled into your parking space at the high school.00:25:23 Banging it out.
00:25:23 You know, making sure all the all the the honeys.
00:25:28 Could hear all your fat beats.
00:25:34 But if you went to like.
00:25:36 Night school in the bad part of town.
00:25:41 Because you failed a couple classes the year before.
Speaker 11
00:25:44 That **** was.Devon
00:25:45 On on one, in fact, you might turn off the.00:25:49 The subwoofer, but you'd.
Speaker 11
00:25:50 Be like, oh, that's I I just don't want to steal it.Devon
00:25:53 Partially true.00:25:57 Why are you doing that?
00:26:00 Why were you doing that?
00:26:06 And for the love of God, what does that have to do with this?
Speaker 8
00:26:11 The most dangerous place for a black man today or black baby black woman, is in their mother's stomach.00:26:21 And that is a programming that's pushed through.
00:26:26 I got a new word for 2020.
00:26:28 4 The red media.
00:26:32 That is the red media.
00:26:37 The red mania as he shares a 4 Chan name.00:26:42 Showing all the Jewish ownership of media companies.
Speaker 11
00:26:51 And white nationalists the world round.Devon
00:26:55 Pee their pants and excitement.00:27:03 And they they, they, they, they can't help themselves.
Speaker 3
00:27:07 Can't say nothing.00:27:08 I've got my pistol **** **** ready to link shots non-stop until I see your monkey *** drop and let you know.
00:27:08 Come up.Speaker 3
00:27:15 How you know?00:27:15 Who done it?
00:27:16 Because when it comes to this gangster ****, you ************* know who we're standing up.
00:27:30 Why is that the same?00:27:34 Why is that the same?
Speaker 13
00:27:42 Well, I'll tell you why.Devon
00:27:46 White kids that would play the loud rap music.00:27:50 In the parking lots of Gelato spot.
00:27:58 Maybe if they were feeling dangerous and it wasn't too late at night.
00:28:04 You know, village inn.
00:28:06 They still have village Inns.
00:28:07 I don't even know if they still have village in.
00:28:10 Hello Jim was great.
00:28:13 ******* missed village inn.
00:28:16 You just sit there and.
00:28:18 Drink free coffee all night and smoke cigarettes for hours on end and.
00:28:25 Actually, maybe it wasn't that great.
00:28:30 Maybe maybe it was a blight on society anyway.
00:28:35 Why is it the same thing?
00:28:39 Well, because the white kids that would do that.
00:28:42 They were trying to intimidate other white people.
00:28:48 And that was it.
00:28:52 They were not.
00:28:52 They were definitely not trying to intimidate Tyrone.
00:28:58 They definitely were not trying to intimidate Juan.
00:29:05 And in certain parts of the country.
00:29:08 Huang or Chang?
00:29:12 They wanted to intimidate Karen.
00:29:17 They want him.
00:29:20 What's up?
00:29:20 What's up, classified cat?
00:29:22 Classified cats all strung out because I was gone.
00:29:28 He's got all weird about it anyway.
00:29:35 They were trying to intimidate.
Speaker 14
00:29:38 Stuffy old white folks.00:29:46 White boomers.
00:29:52 That's 100%.00:29:54 Why you would play that kind of music?
00:29:56 You wanted to signal aggression.
00:30:01 Against your own people.
00:30:04 In an environment that was pretty much completely safe.
00:30:11 You want to do signal aggression.
00:30:15 Where there was no chance.
00:30:19 That you would actually have anything, any kind of repercussions?
00:30:25 And you would actively go out of your way.
00:30:29 To avoid conflict.
00:30:32 In other environments where your safety wasn't guaranteed.
00:30:42 And you did it with a black voice.
00:30:49 You did it with a black voice.
00:30:56 Because you saw the black voice.
00:31:00 As intimidating yourself.
00:31:05 On some level, you thought, well, this scares me.
00:31:10 So it's got to scare Grandma.
00:31:21 Part of it was you just.
00:31:22 Didn't have a whole lot of selection, right.
00:31:25 We'll get.
00:31:26 We'll get into that in a second.
00:31:31 The people that are geeking out about Kanye and look, I talked about this last stream.
00:31:37 I think it's entertaining.
00:31:38 I think it's funny and I think it I.
00:31:41 Hope it I hope it keeps going.
00:31:44 I hope it keeps going.
00:31:47 Because watching these people squirm.
00:31:51 And lose their **** over it.
00:31:54 Is very entertaining.
00:31:57 Very entertaining.
00:32:02 Oh, where did that one go?
00:32:10 They had a Nightline.
00:32:13 Nightline is so worried about kanyes anti-Semitism.
00:32:19 They did a whole episode with the Holocaust survivor.
Speaker 6
00:32:28 So yeah.Speaker 16
00:32:30 The fallout continues for yay, formerly known as Kanye West, whose recent anti-Semitic comments have caused public outrage. This morning Adidas, which helped make the rapper's Yeezy shoe and clothing line a multi billion dollar business.00:32:45 Separate ties with him. A major blow to his brand and bottom line, putting his career in jeopardy. The company's decision comes just a few days after yay taunted Adidas on the Drink Champs podcast.
Speaker 8
00:32:57 I could say anti-Semitic things and Adidas can't drop me.00:33:02 Now what? Now what?
Speaker 16
00:33:05 Adidas decision caused Jay to lose $1.5 billion in net worth in one day.Speaker 17
00:33:11 Corporations just don't want to touch and engage and be in partnership with someone who's view such anti-Semitic rhetoric and ideology that is coming forward.00:33:21 So as a result, I don't know where Kanye West goes and sort of building a corporate partnerships from here.
Speaker 16
00:33:29 Earlier this month, yay was.Speaker 11
00:33:32 Yeah, of course.00:33:34 No sense of irony about that.
00:33:35 Like he's saying, Jews control the world.Speaker 13
00:33:39 And that they control business.Devon
00:33:41 But he can't say that or he won't.00:33:44 Be able to do anything in this world.
Speaker 11
00:33:46 It comes to business.00:33:48 Well, why? That's that's.
00:33:51 Anyway, yeah, it's fun.00:33:52 It's a fun spectacle.
00:33:55 It's fun to watch this kind of.
00:33:57 ****. Go down.
00:33:59 You know, it's fun to watch them.
00:34:01 You know, oh, this, this is Rabbi Daniel Ruttenberg.
00:34:04 This will be good.
Speaker 8
00:34:06 Financial engineering.Speaker 7
00:34:08 The tricky thing about anti-Semitism for a lot of people is that it is subtle and insidious by design.Speaker 18
00:34:15 He has repeatedly invoked a series of hateful and vicious stereotypes against Jewish people, and he has engaged in the kind of rhetoric that can lead to real world violence.Devon
00:34:19 Ohh that our our boy.00:34:20 Green black.
Speaker 16
00:34:28 This past weekend, members of a NEO Nazi group unfurled banners about the 405 freeway in Los.00:34:34 Angeles, one of the nation's busiest highways, other images show the demonstrations, given the Nazi salute.
Speaker 19
00:34:40 I think we are seeing a spike in anti-Semitism.00:34:43 Or at least arise this.
00:34:45 Often happens at times of great tension in.
00:34:48 I wonder this.00:34:49 This often happens when societies collapse.
00:34:52 Oh oh, why that's.
00:34:56 Ah, maybe we should, we should ask, ask ourselves why anyway.
Speaker 11
00:35:01 See. Yeah, it's real.Devon
00:35:01 Fun to watch this stuff and it's and it's helpful and it's it is good.00:35:05 I'm not saying that it's.
Speaker 13
00:35:07 That's bad.Devon
00:35:09 But let's be honest about this.00:35:12 The reason why?
00:35:15 So many white, especially young kids between the same ages. Right, you know, 15 to 23. The people that that thought it was really cool to have a subwoofer in a Honda Civic or I guess now it would be a a Prius, right?
00:35:32 The same kinds of people that would want to have, you know, 12 inch speakers rattling the the bumper off of their their Nissan pickup or, you know, whatever I don't.
00:35:44 Know what they.
00:35:46 Whatever the ****** little truck is of the day.
00:35:51 The reason why?
00:35:53 This excites them.
00:35:58 Is that we are a group of people.
00:36:02 A group of people.
00:36:04 That that want to signal aggression.
00:36:10 Don't want the signal aggression, but at the same time avoid conflict.
Speaker 11
00:36:21 And you can't have both.Devon
00:36:24 Unless you let a black guy do it.Speaker 11
00:36:28 Then all of a.00:36:29 Sudden you can have both.
00:36:32 You can vicariously.00:36:34 Signal aggression.
00:36:35 If you're a white suburban kid listening to Wu Tang.
00:36:38 You can crank up the volume while the jisa is talking about stabbing a hoe or whatever the ****.
00:36:50 And if you're a nerdy white kid who's afraid to speak up in class.
00:36:53 And has to hide his power lever level.
00:36:59 Then you get really excited when based Kanye.
00:37:03 Start saying all the things that you were too ***** to talk about.
00:37:10 You were too ******* **** to mention because you were afraid of the consequences.
00:37:14 You're not going to lose a 1.5 billion deal with Adidas, but you're still scared.
00:37:30 That's just the way that it is, it's.
00:37:32 It's 100% true.
00:37:37 I mean.
Speaker 6
00:37:37 **** kids these days.Devon
00:37:41 No, but seriously, dude, kids these days zoom.Speaker 11
00:37:43 Really. Seriously kids these days.Devon
00:37:47 I mean eye contact.00:37:48 That's like a that's that's.
Speaker 12
00:37:49 Tough for a lot of these kids.Devon
00:37:53 I mean conflict avoided, man.00:37:54 It's it's like the whole new level.
00:37:58 It's a whole.
00:37:58 New level.
00:38:03 They've been selected for their compliance.
00:38:07 Which is true, by the way.
00:38:08 Think about it.
00:38:10 The people that have been able to reproduce.
00:38:15 Over the last several decades.
00:38:18 Are either people that.
00:38:20 Work so well within the system.
00:38:23 They're rewarded with the with ample table scraps.
00:38:30 To have lots of children.
00:38:35 They're the kinds of people.
00:38:37 Who are literally as like they're they're they're so.
00:38:43 They don't even work.
00:38:44 They just suck off the system.
00:38:48 And that enables them to have lots of children.
00:38:54 And that's the way the systems worked for.
00:38:56 Many, many years.
00:39:00 So the result is you get people.
00:39:01 Who are really compliant.
00:39:04 And really compatible with the system.
00:39:10 And by the way.
00:39:11 In other circumstances, that wouldn't necessarily be.
00:39:14 A bad thing?
00:39:17 And then you get the.
00:39:18 People who are also compliant.
00:39:22 I mean, to the degree that.
00:39:25 You know, they, they they don't actually pose any threat to the system.
00:39:31 And in return they receive things like EBT, EBT cards, and.
00:39:35 Stuff like that, right?
00:39:43 That's our classified cap.
00:39:46 That is right.
Speaker 19
00:39:49 In our society, they blame the Jews.00:39:52 Not whoever's in power.
Speaker 16
00:39:55 According to the Anti Defamation League anti-Semitic incidents.00:39:59 Hit an all.
00:39:59 Alright, hold on.00:40:02 They blame the Jews and not not who's in power.
00:40:07 Let's let's.
00:40:09 You know 6.
00:40:10 Of 1/2 a dozen of another. What are you talking about here? That, that graphic that he showed, that it was just names?
00:40:20 That's he did what you said, right?
00:40:23 Is that what everyone was saying?
00:40:25 And Lex Friedman interview?
00:40:27 Name names.
00:40:28 How come you're not naming?
00:40:29 Names. That's The funny thing.
00:40:31 That's The funny thing.
00:40:35 What they've all been saying.
00:40:38 The last well, this whole last week.
00:40:41 Of spurring up.
00:40:43 You know that clip I played the last stream with that, that Boston, you know, ******** Jew.
00:40:51 That's like, oh, Kanye, why'd you have?
00:40:53 To lump us all.
00:40:54 Together, why don't you name names?
00:40:56 Why don't you name names?
00:40:59 Well, he named names.
00:41:00 He showed you a big.
00:41:00 List of names.
00:41:04 And that's bad now too.
Speaker 11
00:41:09 Because they're all Jewish names.Speaker 12
00:41:11 See, you can't win.Devon
00:41:12 With these people.Speaker 16
00:41:13 I'm high in 2021, more than 2700 cases of assault, harassment and vandalism, up 34% from 2020.Speaker 18
00:41:21 In this moment, in this context where the Jewish Community feels vulnerable to see someone like Kanye West knowingly and intentionally increasing that vulnerability, it is inexcusable.Speaker 16
00:41:35 Adidas, saying in part today it quote does not tolerate anti-Semitism in any other sort of hate speech. Yeah's recent comments and actions have been unacceptable, hateful and dangerous.00:41:46 And they violate the company's values. The World Jewish Congress applauded adidas's action, but not its two week delay, saying in a statement the company's history is not disconnected from the dangers of anti-Semitism during World War 2, its factories produce supplies and weapons for the Nazi regime.
Speaker 12
00:42:12 So even though Adidas.Devon
00:42:15 Fired the guy that they had a 1.5 billion deal with.Speaker 14
00:42:21 It's not enough.Speaker 11
00:42:24 Because the Holocaust.Speaker 14
00:42:28 Why are you?00:42:30 Ohh man it it it's.
Speaker 15
00:42:33 You know.Devon
00:42:35 This is going to go on and on for ******* ever.00:42:38 Forever forever.
Speaker 11
00:42:43 You want to.Speaker 12
00:42:43 Know why?Devon
00:42:47 Because white people are doing this.Speaker 5
00:42:49 Ask drop and.Speaker 3
00:42:50 Let your homies.00:42:50 Know who done it.
00:42:52 Because when it comes to this gangster ****, you ************* know who.
00:42:54 Look, we're standing up for our own ship.
00:42:58 And if you want this ************.
00:42:59 The tests you gotta.Speaker 11
00:43:10 It's never going to go away.00:43:14 It's never going.
00:43:15 To go away.
00:43:20 I'll tell you what.
00:43:21 You know what will go away first.00:43:23 Indian reservations.
00:43:25 How long has that been going on?
00:43:26 That ******* disaster.
00:43:32 That'll never go away either.
00:43:38 None of this **** goes away.
00:43:42 In fact, it's funny, right?
Speaker 12
00:43:44 Because these are the you should know this.Devon
00:43:47 Because this is the same **** that they would tell you about Hitler, right?Speaker 14
00:43:51 Oh yeah, you give him an inch and he?00:43:53 Takes a mile.
00:43:55 You know, never appease tyrannical dictators.
00:44:04 Appeasement never works.
00:44:09 Who is that?00:44:10 A Prime Minister of or it was?
00:44:13 No, it wasn't the Prime Minister.
00:44:14 The the well?
00:44:16 Yeah, the British British Prime Minister.
00:44:18 I forget his name.
00:44:21 All the boomers like to talk **** about.
Speaker 14
00:44:26 He was appeasing Hitler.Devon
00:44:27 'S spate of British prime ministers.00:44:31 Holy ****, right?
00:44:36 Ohh man, so you got a.
00:44:39 Got an Indian Prime Minister?
00:44:41 In the in a in.
00:44:42 An Arab Mayor of London.
00:44:45 You know what you want to know why?
00:44:46 That's going on in in England.
00:44:47 Because white people.
Speaker 3
00:44:48 Do this so only know who done it.00:44:51 When it comes to this gangster ****, you ************* know who we're standing up for our own ship.
00:45:02 That's why it's happening.00:45:08 That's why it's happening.
Speaker 11
00:45:12 They need to.00:45:15 The white people in England.
00:45:19 They need.
00:45:21 An Indian Prime Minister.00:45:25 In the same way that the white people in America, Nina.
00:45:39 Because they have to hide their.
00:45:40 Power level, don't you know?
Speaker 14
00:45:46 Well, that's not fair, Devin.00:45:49 That's not fair.
00:45:50 Black people get away with so much more.Speaker 12
00:45:59 Really. Do they?Devon
00:46:04 I don't know, I I.00:46:05 I I seem to remember.
00:46:07 Every mainstream black, whether you're talking about Whoopi Goldberg.
00:46:13 Whether you're talking about Nick Cannon.
00:46:16 Ice cube.
00:46:21 People that have a lot more money to lose than you do.
00:46:27 Every time they say ****.
00:46:28 If they keep saying **** if they don't kiss the the circumcised ****.
Speaker 14
00:46:36 And apologize.Devon
00:46:40 Do the little Apology tour, which includes a free tour of the Holocaust Museum.00:46:50 They lose it all too.
00:46:56 So I guess you're just like them.
Speaker 16
00:47:05 Not tolerate anti-Semitic.00:47:08 Used supplies and weapons for the Nazi regime. Many of day's other business partners acted swiftly in the wake of his anti-Semitic remarks talent agency CAA dropped him as a client fashion house Valenciaga ended their partner.
00:47:12 Ah yes.Speaker 16
00:47:24 Ship with him.00:47:25 Some celebrities like John Legend, Jamie Lee Curtis, Reese Witherspoon, are also speaking out and condemning gays.
00:47:31 Rhetoric Jays ex-wife Kim Kardashian, with whom he has four children, also posting hate speech, is never OK, or excusable a stand together with the Jewish community and call on the terrible violence and hateful rhetoric.
00:47:44 Towards them to come to an immediate end.
Speaker 17
00:47:47 You know there is a sense of sadness and tragedy when you think about individuals who have known him for so long, for somebody to evolve an ideology, to a place in space where he is now.Speaker 19
00:47:59 Anti-Semitism has been increased.00:48:04 Over the last number of years, from Jews will not replace us to gunning us down.
00:48:13 Can you imagine?00:48:14 Can you imagine?
00:48:17 Not wanting to be replaced by another group.
00:48:23 Is is anti that group.
00:48:30 I mean, all I can infer from that statement is she wants Jews to replace us.
00:48:38 Right.
00:48:38 I mean cause if if that wasn't one of.
00:48:40 Her one of her goals.
00:48:43 Why would saying that you don't want that?
00:48:46 Be against her group.
00:48:48 Hmm, just I don't know.
Speaker 19
00:48:51 In synagogue, while we are praying.00:48:54 She's a really scared.
Speaker 20
00:48:56 Seeing people like Kanye and openly speak anti-Semitic tropes or continue to spread antisemitism, it makes me disappointed. Sit in.Speaker 15
00:49:04 This ******* kid.Speaker 20
00:49:05 The chair here right there.Devon
00:49:07 You know, so.00:49:09 This this ******* kid looks looks remarkably like this guy.
Speaker 3
00:49:14 We're standing up for our own ****, and if you with this ************.Devon
00:49:22 Anyway, let's let's let's see his his Holocaust survivor.Speaker 20
00:49:27 Oops, or continue to spread into semitism.00:49:30 It makes me disappointed.
00:49:31 Sit in the chair here right there.
Speaker 16
00:49:34 In New Jersey, 17 year old Aaron Goodman is using new media to tell this old and terrifying story.Speaker 20
00:49:41 How does being a Holocaust survivor affect you today?Speaker 21
00:49:44 I am very upset about the anti-Semitism.Speaker 20
00:49:48 I've been running this TikTok for about a year and over this year I've amassed four 450 to 500,000 followers and over 50 million views.Speaker 21
00:49:57 Tattooing was just the way to.00:50:00 Keep track of us.
Speaker 20
00:50:02 This one-on-one interaction with the survivor is hard to find.Speaker 21
00:50:07 This is my first picture.00:50:08 When I came back.
00:50:10 It's so hard to find.00:50:13 Let's see.
00:50:13 I haven't even done this.
00:50:15 I'm going to go to Google because he's saying it's really hard to find.
00:50:21 And I'm going to just go to Google News.
00:50:24 And I'm going to type in.
00:50:27 Holocaust survivor.
00:50:33 Let's see here in the news and.
00:50:35 Not not like on the Internet.
00:50:38 Just the news.
00:50:40 OK.
00:50:41 Because they're really hard to find these days, right?
00:50:45 Ah, let's see here.
00:50:46 There are.
00:50:48 600,060 results.
00:50:53 The Guardian, Hannah Goslar, Anne Frank's friend and Holocaust survivor, dies at 93. Well, I guess we can't meet her now.
00:51:02 Letter to the editor Holocaust survivor.
00:51:04 This is the niner.
00:51:05 Time I don't.
00:51:06 Know what is Holocaust survivor comments on the Genocide Awareness project.
00:51:11 That was two days ago, 19 hours ago.
00:51:13 Oh, that's the same.
00:51:14 That's a Huffpo of the same one.
00:51:19 Jerusalem Post the NYC Marathon that helps Holocaust survivors.
00:51:22 Well, there's got to be.
00:51:23 A lot of them, if they're.
00:51:24 Having a marathon to save them.
00:51:30 Survivor, the Holocaust and Tree of Life Massacre has died, says CNN.
00:51:36 There's no I guess there's another one you can't meet now.
00:51:39 That's too bad.
00:51:41 Holocaust survivor opens Italian's new parliament.
00:51:44 That's two weeks ago.
00:51:47 Holocaust surviving lots.
00:51:48 That's our Italy one.
00:51:51 Nathan Ruiz Ziegler, sister survivor, together.
00:51:56 Your times a month ago.
00:51:58 Holocaust survivor rescued family cookbook.
00:52:06 That's three days ago from the Washington Post.
00:52:08 They're just so hard to find these people.
00:52:13 You know you can do this.
00:52:14 I'm not going to read bore you with all these you can.
00:52:16 Do this all day long every day.
00:52:20 So they're not hard to find, but but go on.
Speaker 16
00:52:24 That survivor is Aaron's 85 year old grandmother Tovar Friedman, one of the last remaining people who's alive after living through the horrors of the Auschwitz concentration.00:52:33 Camp, a New York Times.
00:52:35 Bestseller was written about the story of her life called.
00:52:40 Of course it was.00:52:42 Of course it was.
00:52:46 Because, you know she can write.
Speaker 15
00:52:48 A book.Devon
00:52:51 Defaming an entire country.00:52:55 Promoting the narrative.
Speaker 11
00:52:59 That her?Devon
00:52:59 People like.00:53:02 Because her people run the publishing companies.
00:53:07 If I write a fiction book.
00:53:10 Well, I guess hers is probably mostly fiction too.
00:53:15 And I just say.
Speaker 15
00:53:17 That that in.Devon
00:53:18 The my book.00:53:19 The I don't even explicitly say anything other than.
00:53:23 If you notice.
00:53:25 The bad guys are some of the bad guys in my book have Jewish last names.
00:53:32 I don't say the word Jewish, I don't think.
Speaker 12
00:53:36 I mentioned Tel Aviv at one point.Devon
00:53:43 But I was very slight of hand.Speaker 13
00:53:45 With that one on purpose.Devon
00:53:49 You do that and all of.00:53:51 A sudden it's hate speech.
00:53:54 The book gets censored.
Speaker 14
00:53:59 And that's if you self publish it gets censored.Devon
00:54:05 And never be never be considered for a New York Times best seller, never be published by a big publisher.00:54:11 That would buy hundreds of copies of their own books so they can boost up the ******* numbers.
00:54:17 Send them out to media outlets everywhere.
00:54:19 Promote the hell out of it on.
00:54:21 TV and ****.
00:54:24 But do go on.
Speaker 16
00:54:26 The daughter of Auschwitz.Speaker 21
00:54:28 When I first came to a concentration camp, there was a smell that I couldn't understand what it was.00:54:33 I never smelled anything like that, and I said, mom, what is that?
00:54:37 And she said to me, she pointed to the crematorium and she said to me those are the burning bodies that have been guessed.
Speaker 15
00:54:46 Alright so.Devon
00:54:48 They just got there.00:54:51 And somehow her mom.
00:54:54 Already knows.
00:54:57 That they're gassing people and burning the bodies like they just got off the train.
00:55:02 And she's like Mommy, it smells weird here.
00:55:07 Their moms like I know it's cause they're gassing room full.
00:55:12 That's why we're.
00:55:13 That's why we're casually getting off this train.
00:55:15 That's why I'm bringing my daughter.
00:55:18 That's why I'm not fighting the death because I know that they're going to gas us and then burn us.
00:55:27 So why?
00:55:28 Why try to escape?
00:55:31 Why not fight until literally you're going to die?
00:55:35 Since you're going to be gassed and burned.
00:55:38 Makes sense?
Speaker 16
00:55:40 Tova vividly remember as being separated from her father at age 5 and accepting her new reality with her mother inside the.Devon
00:55:49 Can I just say her dad has a striking resemblance to Pee Wee Herman?00:55:54 I mean.
Speaker 13
00:55:58 I mean kind of.00:55:59 I don't know.
Speaker 16
00:56:00 Being separated from her father at age 5 and accepting her new reality with her mother inside the death camp.Speaker 21
00:56:07 It was a complete and utter nightmare and you thought you'd wake up, but you didn't wake up.Devon
00:56:14 Well, you woke up.00:56:15 How are you still here?
Speaker 14
00:56:18 And again it it, it boggles my mind.Devon
00:56:22 These death camps that so many people seem to survive, like were the Germans just really bad at this?Speaker 11
00:56:31 Why? Why? Why?Devon
00:56:32 Do you need a camp to kill people?00:56:35 See, I wouldn't have a death camp.
00:56:38 I would just have like a death volcano.
00:56:43 Like why?
00:56:44 Why go through the trouble of building a camp?
00:56:48 If you're just going.
00:56:49 To kill them and burn them.
00:56:51 Just, you know, skip.
00:56:54 The middle men.
00:56:55 And I know, I know.
00:56:56 For for you know, for people who.
Speaker 11
00:56:58 Their entire existence.Devon
00:57:01 You know basically is based on being the middleman.00:57:05 It's hard for them to to understand, you know, wanting to to cut out the middleman, you know, like without the middleman, they they wouldn't exist, right?
00:57:17 There are people that actually do things.
00:57:20 People that actually produce things and make things and destroy things at times.
Speaker 11
00:57:27 We know that we don't need the middleman.Devon
00:57:30 We know it wouldn't make any sense.00:57:34 Have you ever seen a slaughterhouse?
Speaker 12
00:57:37 You know like.Devon
00:57:38 Do they?00:57:39 Do they take the cows to a slaughter camp?
00:57:44 Do they just like, let the cows frolic around for a while and you know, eventually get around to slaughtering them if they have time?
00:57:54 Or do they just wheel them in?
00:57:58 To a ******* conveyor belt and just one by one.
00:58:01 Just ram those.
00:58:03 ******* into the.
00:58:04 The meat grinder.
00:58:08 I'm just saying like.
Speaker 12
00:58:10 If these camps were built for killing.00:58:14 The Germans are.
Speaker 11
00:58:15 ******* nutbags.Devon
00:58:18 Doesn't make any sense testing make any sense, but anyway go on.Speaker 16
00:58:23 Tova remembers 1 horrific day where she was corralled with the group of children.Speaker 21
00:58:29 The kids were going to be to the gas chamber and we went into the waiting room at the gas chamber.Speaker 12
00:58:37 Now the gas chamber has a waiting room.Devon
00:58:51 Yeah, you know, you know what this reminds me of this.00:58:54 Reminds me of.
00:58:56 You know, fuzzy memories by Jack Handy.
00:59:02 I remember when I was a kid.
00:59:05 Playing around in the death camp with all the other children at.
00:59:08 The death camp.
00:59:11 And then the people that ran the death camp said, come on, kids, we're going to guess you.
00:59:17 But have a seat in the lobby first.
00:59:20 Now there's magazines on.
00:59:21 That table over there, if you get bored.
00:59:24 We also have.
00:59:25 A bunch of like old toys that got donated.
00:59:27 And of course, because.
00:59:29 Every lobby for kids, they all have this.
Speaker 13
00:59:32 I don't know.Devon
00:59:33 Who manufacturers these things or where they get them, but they all have like that big wooden thing with the metal piping that.00:59:41 Goes around it.
00:59:43 And there's little I got to.
00:59:44 I don't know what those things are called.
00:59:46 I've only seen them in.
00:59:47 Lobbies for.
00:59:48 I gotta find this.
Speaker 13
00:59:49 Now metal wood, they're.Devon
00:59:54 Going to find weird stuff, kids toy.00:59:58 Doctor's office.
01:00:01 Lobby like, is this going to come up?
Speaker 11
01:00:07 It is.01:00:09 It's literally that's what they're for.
01:00:11 All right, show you guys what this is.01:00:15 I can't believe that's all I had to look for.
01:00:17 And then and then it came up.
01:00:22 All right.
01:00:25 I wonder. All right, so.
01:00:28 I wonder if the Nazis had these things at the death in the in the death camp waiting room.
01:00:34 For the kids, when they were going to guess all the kids.
Speaker 12
01:00:39 These things, you know, they had these things.Devon
01:00:44 Alright, so she's in the lobby now.01:00:48 With these things.
01:00:52 Playing around with those.
01:00:55 Waiting to get to get death camped.
01:00:59 Which clearly didn't happen because she's still alive.
Speaker 21
01:01:03 Waiting room.01:01:04 And we waited and waited and and they yelled and screamed it in German, and then they told us to.
01:01:11 Go back I.
Speaker 12
01:01:15 Then what?01:01:19 Then they just yelled a bunch and they were like, go back.
01:01:22 We changed our minds.
01:01:25 No kidding.
01:01:26 Guessing today?
Speaker 21
01:01:27 I never found that why, but it was just pure luck that I didn't go through the door.Speaker 16
01:01:34 Shortly after.Devon
01:01:36 Oh, that must have been it that.Speaker 11
01:01:37 That was the day.Devon
01:01:38 They figured out the door was made of wood.01:01:41 They were.
01:01:41 Like what is going on?
01:01:44 What is going on, Hendrick, what is going on with this door is made of wood.
Speaker 6
01:01:50 His daughter will never hope to get us telling children to go back home.01:01:55 We must have a mental door, stupid.
01:02:02 That that was that was a rough translation.01:02:06 Of all the yelling that she heard while playing with the with this toy in the waiting room.
01:02:13 For the gas.
01:02:16 Well said, gas station, but that that would be more realistic.
Speaker 16
01:02:20 Auschwitz was liberated.01:02:22 Tova was reunited with her mother and father, who miraculously survived.
Speaker 21
01:02:27 Yeah, right here with this.Speaker 16
01:02:28 But score is.Speaker 14
01:02:29 Her mom? Her parents.Devon
01:02:31 They I mean, they not only could they not gas the kids, they couldn't seem to.01:02:35 Guess anyone in their family?
01:02:37 Who were they gassing then?
Speaker 12
01:02:44 You know what I mean?01:02:46 This is the insanity.
01:02:50 That you can put out.01:02:53 When you're Jewish.
01:02:59 Pure ******* irrational nonsense.
01:03:05 And they write a book, a New York.
01:03:07 New York Times bestseller.
Speaker 16
01:03:11 They're for friends and family died in camps.Speaker 21
01:03:15 Only Auschwitz that two people of those people were taken to all different camps all over Germany.Speaker 16
01:03:25 Today, as cases of anti-Semitism rise and become seemingly more accepted and normalized, Tova has a dire warning.Speaker 21
01:03:32 Hatred is hatred and we have to be very, very careful what we're doing.01:03:37 It doesn't stop with words.
01:03:39 It's going to continue with deeds and before you know it.
01:03:45 Before you know it, you'll be in a waiting room playing with one of these ******* things.01:03:55 Got it.
01:03:56 That's what she's ****** *** about.
01:03:57 She's ****** *** because.
01:03:58 They didn't have better toys.
01:04:00 They need to have better toys at the the death camp waiting room.
01:04:07 Ah boy. So anyway.
Speaker 21
01:04:14 We have a massacre.Speaker 16
01:04:21 Hi everyone.01:04:21 George Stephanopoulos here.
01:04:22 Thanks for checking out the ABC News.
01:04:25 Shut up, Fagg alright.01:04:28 Oh, speak of Jews that don't run the media.
01:04:30 Hey, Jew, that's not running the media.
Speaker 11
01:04:37 Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy.Devon
01:04:40 Oh boy. So yeah, the.01:04:44 This is the kind of **** that goes on.
01:04:47 And here, here's The funny thing, this old lady.
01:04:54 She's the guy selling flowers.
Speaker 11
01:05:02 This guy right here.Devon
01:05:06 He's the guy.01:05:07 You're locking your door because you're scared of them.
01:05:14 This ******* nerd with the TikTok.
01:05:20 You think he might kick your ***?
01:05:23 He's going to put you in one of his tik toks.
01:05:31 So of course.
01:05:33 The only solution?
Speaker 22
01:05:37 The magic *****.Devon
01:05:39 He'll make it all better.01:05:44 He'll make it all better.
01:05:48 Now, going back some of the to the.
01:05:49 Wigger stuff.
01:05:53 I was thinking about this today because look, I will admit it.
01:05:57 I was part Wigger when I was younger I.
01:06:00 Know I know who would have thought, right?
Speaker 11
01:06:05 And so I have a little bit.Devon
01:06:06 Of insight into this.01:06:08 And I was trying to think I was like, because I had metalhead friends.
01:06:12 I also like, I also listened to punk and some other **** too.
01:06:16 But I leaned more towards.
01:06:19 The gangster rap at a period of my life than I did other types of music.
01:06:27 And I was trying to think like.
01:06:28 Why was that?
01:06:29 Why was that?
01:06:29 What was the appeal?
01:06:32 Like why did I like that instead of like if what I was trying to do?
01:06:39 Was the signal aggression and I don't know.
01:06:45 Like I honestly think it's just as simple as that.
01:06:47 Just aggression, right?
01:06:49 Or dominance in some Safeway.
01:06:53 Like the gayest kind of dominance, right?
01:06:57 Like literal cut dominance, cause you're another guy.
01:07:01 A literal bull.
01:07:04 Is asserting.
Speaker 11
01:07:06 Your dominance for you.Speaker 12
01:07:09 That's what it is.Devon
01:07:11 It's literally it's it's literal cockery.01:07:15 You're too afraid to do.
01:07:16 It you're too afraid to **** your your girlfriend, so you bring in the bull.
01:07:23 You bring in the big black.
01:07:25 Bowl to do it for you.
01:07:32 But anyway, so I was trying to think like.
Speaker 12
01:07:37 Like what?01:07:37 What was the?
01:07:39 What was the reasoning behind them?01:07:42 And look, to be fair, I tried.
01:07:45 To to.
01:07:47 Listen to as many white rappers as possible.
01:07:51 But that was hard to do.
01:07:52 I especially tried to do that when I started to notice the lyrics in a lot of the songs that I initially liked.
01:07:59 Were overtly anti white.
01:08:03 A lot of the rap songs that white suburban kids were buying.
01:08:08 And thinking they were tough listening to, we're basically about killing ******.
01:08:14 Like they like.
01:08:15 They really were.
01:08:16 It wasn't just like, like, you know, subtleties it was.
Speaker 6
01:08:21 Kill ******.Devon
01:08:25 Like it was, it was in.01:08:26 Your face.
01:08:29 I mean, just as an example, you you know who Ghostface killer is?
01:08:33 It's in his name.
01:08:36 Now you might not know.
01:08:37 That's what it means.
01:08:38 Ghostface killer means ****** killer.
01:08:42 That's what, that's.
Speaker 12
01:08:43 What it means?Speaker 11
01:08:45 That's a member of.Devon
01:08:46 Wu Tang, for those of you who don't know.01:08:48 He had his own albums.
01:08:51 So you know, it wasn't like hidden.
01:08:56 They would say white boy.
01:08:59 As if they were spinning as they said it.
01:09:02 In a lot of songs.
Speaker 12
01:09:06 Even songs that might seem.Speaker 15
01:09:09 Slightly silly.Devon
01:09:11 Like Sir, mix a lots.01:09:14 You know big **** song that that every white girl has to sing when they're drunk at karaoke night.
01:09:22 There's that line.
01:09:23 Even white boys got to shout.
01:09:28 Even even ******* filthy *******.
01:09:31 Gotta shout, you know.
01:09:32 Like it's.
Speaker 11
01:09:34 It's all in fun, though.Devon
01:09:35 Right.01:09:40 Even you pathetic losers.
01:09:44 Got to shout.
01:09:52 Well, the reason why I think a lot of suburban white kids.
01:09:58 Like this music?
01:10:01 In addition to the things we already discussed.
01:10:07 Is really.
01:10:07 It was the choices, right?
01:10:12 If you wanted that kind of music, if you wanted music that was loud and.
Speaker 11
01:10:19 Full of energy and.01:10:22 And masculinity, because it was about **** the *******.
01:10:25 Bros before hoes.
01:10:26 You know that kind of.
01:10:27 A thing, right?Speaker 11
01:10:29 Where else were you going to?Devon
01:10:30 Find it.01:10:34 You know, there wasn't exactly a lot.
01:10:36 Of white choices.
01:10:41 In terms of.
01:10:42 Like the.
01:10:42 The metal stuff.
01:10:48 Let's face it, a lot of metal, a lot of metal.
01:10:53 Didn't just in the same way that the the the rappers didn't beat around the Bush about hating ******.
Speaker 12
01:11:01 A lot of.Devon
01:11:02 The the metal music that was being produced didn't beat around the Bush about satanic imagery, you know, like wearing little devil horns in their videos.01:11:12 Talk, you know, talking about the devil.
01:11:15 Singing in in demonic voices.
01:11:18 You know like.
01:11:20 Songs are basically about demons and hell, and in one way shape or form, right?
01:11:25 Let's let's not act like that's not.
01:11:28 What it was.
01:11:30 Like that was your choice in some.
01:11:33 I'm oversimplifying it, but that was your choice, right?
01:11:38 Do I do I go with the the the non white black gangsters?
01:11:46 Get out a lot of frustration.
01:11:49 That I have about.
01:11:51 The state of feminism in our society today.
01:11:55 And and my my.
01:11:59 Minimalization of men in our society, my status as a man being minimized.
01:12:07 My delight.
01:12:12 And making boomers.
01:12:15 Nervous and afraid of Maine.
01:12:21 Clutching their purses.
01:12:25 The same way they do when I see them.
01:12:26 Walk by black people.
01:12:30 I want to be as intimidating as those people.
01:12:34 But at the same time, I kind of don't.
Speaker 11
01:12:36 Want to like worship the devil?Devon
01:12:39 You know.Speaker 12
01:12:42 So like it kind.Speaker 11
01:12:42 Of like.Devon
01:12:44 It's one of those things where it's like, you know.01:12:49 It's like, OK, yeah.
01:12:51 I kind of want to be, like, a ****** and, like, slap poles around and shoot guns and whatever.
01:12:55 But like.
01:12:57 I don't know if I want to like, pray to Satan again.
01:13:02 I know I'm oversimplifying.
01:13:04 But you know what I'm talking.
01:13:05 About well, why was that the choice?
01:13:11 Why was that the choice?
01:13:17 And why was it?
01:13:20 That when a.
01:13:23 Well, actually think of it this way.
01:13:26 Why was it only black people rapping?
01:13:30 Why was it?
01:13:33 A white wrapper would appear.
01:13:39 Like vanilla ice.
01:13:42 Which yeah, you can say is super cringe.
01:13:46 But is it anymore cringe than like MC Hammer or any of the other rappers that were out at that time that were mainstream?
01:13:53 It was all cringe.
01:13:58 But why would they?
01:13:59 They go after ********, the white rappers in every instance except one.
01:14:07 Except one.
01:14:15 You guys know the one I'm talking about 1:00.
01:14:16 Well, it's.
Speaker 13
01:14:16 More than one, but.Devon
01:14:17 The one one rap group the Beastie Boys.Speaker 11
01:14:23 The Beastie Boys.Devon
01:14:25 Which I'm sure at least one person in the audience is going to gasp when I say that the Beastie Boys who are entirely Jewish, every member.01:14:34 M is for Mike and the D is for Diamond Mike Diamond.
01:14:40 Well, that sounds like a goy name, doesn't it?
01:14:46 Yes, all the Beastie Boys were Jewish.
Speaker 11
01:14:51 So they were allowed to be cool.Devon
01:14:57 They were allowed to develop their skills and talents and become big.01:15:05 Promoted everywhere, accepted by all.
01:15:11 They were the ones that were allowed to.
01:15:13 To reach across that racial.
Speaker 11
01:15:19 Because they were Jewish.Devon
01:15:25 You know, it's funny.01:15:27 I said that I liked I ended up because.
01:15:31 I end up liking a lot of Canadian weirding, a lot of Canadian hip hop.
01:15:37 Like weird stuff like, you know, there was more abstract because.
01:15:42 That was the other thing.
01:15:43 Is as a as a white middle class kid.
01:15:48 It's hard to relate to ******* and hoes and getting arrested for selling crack.
Speaker 11
01:15:58 I mean, don't don't be wrong.Devon
01:15:59 When I would listen to that music.01:16:01 And this was true of many of my friends.
01:16:04 There was an element of irony to it.
Speaker 11
01:16:10 But also it was there.Devon
01:16:13 It was funny.01:16:16 It was like a minstrel show.
01:16:18 It was funny, listening to the black guy talk about selling crack.
Speaker 12
01:16:29 It was like holy ****, this guy, this *******.Devon
01:16:32 Guy's talking about selling crack.01:16:35 Nice life choice, buddy.
01:16:39 Like there was an amusement factor to it.
01:16:46 So I ended up liking.
01:16:48 You know, more like stuff like Buck 65, who's like this Canadian rapper? That's.
Speaker 13
01:16:55 I don't know.01:16:56 Not that. Not that.
01:16:59 Well known but.01:17:01 There's some songs I actually still like.
01:17:06 But stuff like that, right?
01:17:07 Then there was a lot of.
01:17:08 Stuff like that, weirdly enough.
01:17:09 There's back in the Napster days.
01:17:11 Especially that was the easiest way to find some of this stuff.
01:17:13 You found a guy with a hard drive that had your kind of music on and you're.
01:17:17 Like oh, so I'm taking the whole thing.
01:17:24 But it was.
01:17:24 Funny too, because I remember another white rap group.
01:17:30 That is now infamous.
01:17:34 For their well.
01:17:35 And they're on the terror watch list now.
01:17:37 I think the Juggalos ICP.
01:17:43 But it was the same ******* thing with ICP, it was like.
01:17:48 Well, now I have to be listening.
Speaker 11
01:17:50 To rap and worship the.01:17:51 Devil it's like a lose lose with these people.
01:17:58 And their first big hit, I remember it.01:18:00 I remember it because.
01:18:03 Back in the day, this is going to sound really weird.
Speaker 11
01:18:08 Back in the day.Devon
01:18:11 There is a channel.01:18:14 On UHF over the air.
Speaker 12
01:18:17 Right.Devon
01:18:20 That was like a video.01:18:23 In fact, it was called the box.
01:18:26 Somebody, if you lived in Albuquerque in the 90s, you might remember what I'm talking about.
01:18:32 And it was like a poor man's MTV.
01:18:38 So during the day.
01:18:41 He would play music videos.
01:18:44 But it would also play a menu.
01:18:50 And that menu was so that you could call a 900 number. And for those of you who are younger.
01:18:56 That's a number that charges you just by calling it usually.
01:19:02 Kind of a lot of money.
01:19:05 Like the sex, hotlines would use a 900 number.
01:19:09 So you would call a 900 number.
01:19:13 And you would dial in.
Speaker 12
01:19:15 The number.Devon
01:19:19 Of the video you want to watch.01:19:21 And it would get it.
01:19:22 Would get on the playlist.
01:19:25 And then they would play on TV.
01:19:28 It was actually kind of cool.
01:19:30 Like if you had tons.
01:19:31 Of money to do that.
Speaker 11
01:19:34 No, I didn't have any money.Devon
01:19:38 And I knew how phone systems worked.01:19:42 So one of my friends neighbors ended.
01:19:43 Up paying for a.
Speaker 13
01:19:44 Lot of music videos.01:19:51 Ah yeah. Ohh yeah. Anyway.
01:19:55 One of the videos I I my friend's neighbor.01:19:59 I mean paid for.
01:20:02 Was an ICP song.
01:20:06 Called the chicken hunting, it was their first big hit and I was like.
Speaker 11
01:20:10 Oh, these guys are white.01:20:12 His are white and they're doing.
01:20:14 The style of music that I kind of like, I'm getting into a.Speaker 11
01:20:17 Little bit.Devon
01:20:19 I'm going to play this video.Speaker 12
01:20:23 And the videos about killing white people?Devon
01:20:29 No, they don't say it.01:20:31 They say hillbilly and redneck.
01:20:36 But I don't think I can't think of any other race of people that would include hillbillies and rednecks.
01:20:45 But the entire song was about kill ******.
01:20:51 And I was.
Speaker 12
01:20:51 Like what the ****?Devon
01:20:54 No wonder they.Speaker 11
01:20:55 Got a record deal.Devon
01:20:57 So yeah, ICP's big hit. The reason they were even allowed to.Speaker 14
01:21:01 Be on the box.Devon
01:21:03 With their 900 number.01:21:06 With their song was because it was about killing rednecks and hillbillies.
01:21:21 So why?
01:21:21 Why, why, why?
01:21:23 Why was that the choice?
01:21:26 Why was that the choice?
01:21:27 And why was it?
01:21:29 Anytime there was a band that was available.
01:21:33 That kind of tried to solve this problem right?
01:21:37 Like they tried to merge.
01:21:41 The white sound.
01:21:44 With the.
01:21:47 Rap lyric.
Speaker 13
01:21:49 Delivery system.Devon
01:21:52 Like, say, Rage Against the machine.01:21:56 Why was it, when Rage Against the machine comes out?
01:22:02 Where it's kind of like white.
01:22:04 Rap and it's aggressive and it's seems way more white and it's not talking about shooting a hoe and selling crack.
01:22:14 It's a Jew talking about communism.
01:22:22 Go figure.
01:22:34 So before you get angry at Wiggers.
01:22:39 Which most of them are intolerable.
01:22:43 You have to understand like, what's the you?
01:22:46 Know what's the available music?
01:22:48 Now these days I would say the problem's been at least.
01:22:53 There's a solution available now that didn't exist before.
01:22:58 If you had, let's say, a right wing.
01:23:02 Ranging as the machine.
Speaker 15
01:23:05 You could get you.Devon
01:23:06 Could basically self publish.01:23:08 You could get your song on YouTube or.
01:23:13 Even if it got stuck.
Speaker 13
01:23:13 On like Odyssey or something?Devon
01:23:17 Like we have that horrible.01:23:19 Right wing ish or not?
01:23:21 Not right wing, but you know the boomer Maga.
01:23:24 White guy with tattoos that wraps about, you know.
01:23:27 Let's go, Brandon and ****.
Speaker 15
01:23:29 You know.Devon
01:23:30 But no, he can, like, make a song though.01:23:33 And it gets on iTunes and it becomes he's making money off.
01:23:38 He's getting a lot of those boomer bucks.
01:23:46 So at least now there is, there is like a there's.
01:23:49 It's available.
01:23:54 But I almost wonder because we've talked a lot on this on this channel and on this stream about how the right wing doesn't often.
Speaker 11
01:24:05 Participate in art.Devon
01:24:09 And while I do think some of that's just inevitable because of the right brain, left brain kind of thing.01:24:16 I also think that.
01:24:19 If you're a right leaning person.
01:24:23 Even if you're artistically inclined.
01:24:29 You have the sense.
01:24:32 That you're never going to be able to tell the story that you want to tell.
01:24:38 You know, send the messages that you want to send.
01:24:41 Because if you are a musician.
01:24:44 You're very familiar with music.
01:24:48 And you're going to notice patterns because you know this.
01:24:52 You're a musician, right?
01:24:55 And you're going to notice?
01:24:56 Well, huh?
01:24:57 It seems like.
01:24:59 Everyone that gets signed onto.
Speaker 13
01:25:01 A record label.Devon
01:25:02 Everyone who gets promoted.01:25:05 They all seem.
Speaker 11
01:25:05 To agree on.Speaker 12
01:25:07 Like a lot of things.Speaker 11
01:25:08 That I don't agree with.01:25:11 They all seem to be saying the opposite.
01:25:15 Of the kinds of things I would be saying.01:25:19 And if you don't quite understand why you might think to yourself, well, that'll just make what I'm saying more valuable.
01:25:24 That'll that'll make me different.
Speaker 14
01:25:28 People will say what an.Devon
01:25:29 Original What an original product.01:25:31 Let's get this.
01:25:34 Well, we better sign this guy. He doesn't sound like the other 5000 wrappers we've got.
01:25:43 No, if you're.
01:25:44 Smart, you realize.
01:25:47 They're only signing.
01:25:48 The people.
01:25:50 That, say the things that they want to say.
01:26:00 And so I can imagine that just being discouraging.
01:26:04 And knowing that that's the those are the same people also who run.
01:26:09 As our our.
Speaker 22
01:26:12 The magic *****.Devon
01:26:15 Has shared with us today or I guess I don't know if this was today.01:26:18 I think it was today, maybe yesterday.
01:26:22 You know, if these are the people that are going to be in charge of.
01:26:28 Of what gets played on the radio, what gets played on MTV?
01:26:32 What just gets produced in the 1st place?
01:26:34 Who gets?
01:26:36 A music video produced in the first place.
01:26:40 Who gets a tour?
01:26:43 Who gets to open for who?
01:26:51 You know there's.
01:26:52 A phenomenon that happens and it's it's it's probably happened to a lot of you.
01:26:56 It's happened to me.
01:26:59 I remember back when I would listen to the radio when it was more of.
01:27:02 A thing?
01:27:04 And I guess now it would be kind of like.
01:27:06 When you listen.
01:27:07 To I.
Speaker 12
01:27:08 Don't know how.Devon
01:27:09 People listen to music anymore.01:27:10 Actually, I don't listen to a lot of music anymore.
01:27:13 UMI guess Spotify I don't know if if Spotify works this way, so maybe it's maybe it's different now I I my guess is there's like an algorithm to it right?
01:27:24 But I could be totally wrong.
01:27:25 Maybe it's just you're making your own playlist, but I know with like Pandora, right, which is an older platform, I don't know if they're even.
01:27:31 They're probably barely around.
01:27:33 You would say, oh, I like.
01:27:37 I like the cure and I'd be like, oh, you like the cure?
01:27:39 Then you'll also like.
01:27:40 Depeche Mode. Oh.
01:27:41 You might like Violent Femmes.
01:27:43 Oh, you know, and.
01:27:44 And it'll just start playing stuff, right?
01:27:45 That thinks that you'll like.
01:27:48 And then it'll like weasel in some song that you know, no algorithm would think that you.
01:27:53 Liked but, but they're trying to promote radio stations.
01:27:58 Back when they were the.
01:28:01 The way that most people heard new music.
01:28:04 They weren't playing music by popular demand.
01:28:10 They were playing what the record labels were telling them to play.
01:28:16 And I can't tell you how many times I would turn on the radio.
01:28:19 And I would hear a new song.
01:28:22 Never heard it before.
01:28:25 Didn't quite like it that much, didn't care for it.
01:28:30 Couldn't wait for it to be over, so to.
01:28:31 Get to the song that I would like.
01:28:33 Thank God it's over.
01:28:36 15 minutes goes by.
01:28:38 There's that ******* song again.
01:28:41 Can't wait till it's over.
01:28:43 Really wish it would stop.
01:28:45 Alright, it's starting to bring me a little bit crazy.
01:28:47 OK, it's.
01:28:48 It's fine.
01:28:48 Thank God it's gone.
01:28:51 15 minutes later.
Speaker 11
01:28:53 What the **** is that damn song again?Devon
01:28:56 Now you get the impression because you're a kid, you don't know how this stuff works.01:28:59 You're like, wow, people must really like this song.
01:29:04 So now there's a peer pressure aspect.
Speaker 15
01:29:06 To it, you're.Devon
01:29:07 Like am I the only one that doesn't like that they wouldn't keep playing it if no one liked it?01:29:19 15 minutes later, go by.
Speaker 14
01:29:22 What the **** this ******* song?Speaker 12
01:29:27 Now here's the thing.Devon
01:29:29 Most of the time you're listening to the radio.01:29:33 You're not just doing nothing.
01:29:35 You're not just.
01:29:37 Sitting down, staring at the radio.
01:29:39 As it plays music at you.
01:29:42 You're doing other things.
01:29:45 So inevitably, because the way music works.
01:29:50 Every time that ******* song, even though you.
Speaker 11
01:29:52 Hate it.Devon
01:29:54 When it plays.01:29:56 It starts to remind you.
01:29:59 Of like the other times you heard it.
01:30:02 You know and and.
01:30:03 It's not just the radio that you hearing.
01:30:05 This ******* song.
01:30:07 You're hearing it at the club.
01:30:10 You're hearing it at at work.
01:30:13 You know, you're.
01:30:14 You're just.
01:30:14 You're hearing it on TV.
Speaker 11
01:30:15 In car commercial, you know whatever, right?Devon
01:30:21 And so now, even if you hate it.01:30:24 It's starting to have this.
01:30:26 This weird nostalgic thing going on like short term nostalgia.
Speaker 12
01:30:36 You don't like it yet you don't like?01:30:37 It but.
Speaker 14
01:30:39 You're like, oh.Speaker 11
01:30:40 This song reminds me of that time.01:30:41 That I was.
01:30:42 Hanging out with Billy and blah blah blah happened.
01:30:46 Ah, I remember I was.01:30:47 I was so nervous about that test.
01:30:49 I was going to take and then this song.
01:30:50 Came on the radio.
01:30:52 And then I saw that *** *****.
01:31:00 15 minutes go by.
01:31:02 Comes on again.
01:31:06 And you still hate it, but now you're starting to hum it.
01:31:09 You're humming the duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh.
01:31:13 See, remember that song?
01:31:21 It is now stuck in your head.
01:31:25 And now you're hearing it when you're.
Speaker 14
01:31:26 Not hearing it.Devon
01:31:29 Now you're in line at the grocery store and your head.01:31:33 You're going dot dot dot dot dot dot what am I doing?
01:31:49 That is the difference.
Speaker 11
01:31:56 The left wing.Devon
01:32:00 Doesn't necessarily have to be more musically talented.01:32:08 If it's got the right message.
01:32:12 And it's got the right Jews backing it.
01:32:15 Oh, people will like it.
01:32:19 They'll like it.
01:32:23 They'll like it for the rest of their lives.
01:32:29 In fact, that same catchy song.
Speaker 15
01:32:31 When it when it's when.Devon
01:32:32 It's finally so annoying that.01:32:35 No one really wants to hear anymore at all.
01:32:37 And they got the new 1, so it's OK.
01:32:39 The new song that.
01:32:40 Everyone's going to be.
01:32:41 Forced to hear all the time and like.
01:32:44 Now that's in full swing.
01:32:46 Get rid of the old ones.
01:32:49 But they're so.
01:32:50 Certain that it's burned into your skull.
Speaker 23
01:32:55 It might be.Speaker 14
01:32:55 20 years.Speaker 11
01:32:57 20 years will go by.Devon
01:33:01 You'll be sitting in your lazy boy chair eating Cheetos.01:33:08 And then a commercial will come on.
01:33:15 You're buying the ******* product.
01:33:20 Classified cat is, that's for sure.
Speaker 13
01:33:22 You'd buy anything stupid animal.Devon
01:33:25 I know you're ********, aren't you?Speaker 14
01:33:28 You're so dumb.Devon
01:33:31 Where'd you go, dummy?01:33:34 No, no, you're ********.
01:33:38 You like that song too?
01:33:41 OK, anyway.
01:33:50 So yeah.
01:33:58 You didn't have a lot of choice.
01:34:00 Is what I'm getting at.
01:34:02 You didn't have a lot of choice musically.
01:34:05 You had what the Jews decided to.
01:34:07 Give you.
01:34:09 And if what they decided to give you.
01:34:13 Aggression that was only OK when black people do it because they're terrified when white people are doing it.
01:34:19 And if, especially when white Christians are doing it.
01:34:22 So if we're going to have aggressive white music, make sure it's demonic and scary satanic imagery.
01:34:28 Enough to where Christians won't get into it so that white Christians are basically ****.
01:34:35 They might become wiggers for a little while.
01:34:38 If they want to sound tough.
01:34:49 There's a lot of coyotes outside.
01:34:51 Can you guys ******* hear that?
01:34:59 I can't believe it.
01:35:00 Hopefully churros in his shed.
01:35:05 That **** is loud.
01:35:09 They've been coming out the last uh, the last few nights in force.
01:35:16 I've thought about.
01:35:20 Thought about blast that.
01:35:21 I don't know.
01:35:22 I'm definitely.
01:35:22 I'm going to put up some solar motion lights.
01:35:26 Just because they they're usually, you know, they usually come about and they make.
01:35:31 Noise and stuff, but.
01:35:33 I have this feeling that.
01:35:36 They're zeroed in.
01:35:36 On in the same way they zeroed.
01:35:38 In on my neighbors chickens.
01:35:42 And now they have, like, half as many chickens.
01:35:45 I think it's possible.
01:35:46 They know they know about Churro.
01:35:49 And Churro is refusing to live inside.
01:35:54 I've been trying to get him to come in.
01:35:56 I was I I was hanging.
01:35:58 Out with him before.
01:35:59 The show so I I know it was OK.
01:36:02 But does not like coming inside.
01:36:04 I have brought.
01:36:05 Him in for a little bit.
01:36:08 Let me keep trying.
01:36:09 But I think motion lights.
01:36:10 Might be the way to go.
01:36:22 So Halloween is going to be what?
Speaker 13
01:36:23 Is that?Devon
01:36:25 In two days.01:36:28 It's Monday night.
01:36:29 Halloween is Monday night.
01:36:33 Monday night.
01:36:36 I know a lot of people want.
01:36:37 To wear blackface.
01:36:41 But they would be too afraid.
01:36:42 To I, you know, black that's.
01:36:43 The thing about the 90s Black face was totally normal.
01:36:48 Black Face was totally ******* normal.
01:36:52 In the 90s I I wore black face.
01:36:56 Three times that I can remember.
01:36:59 In public.
01:37:01 And one of the times.
01:37:03 Well, that this time it was brown face.
01:37:06 I was a Mexican for Halloween.
01:37:09 And I had a sign.
01:37:10 That said, we'll work for beans.
01:37:12 And my mom thought it was adorable and took a Polaroid shot of it.
01:37:18 And I went trick or treating in public.
01:37:21 As a Mexican.
01:37:23 With a sign that said will work for beans.
01:37:27 In a neighborhood with Mexicans in it.
01:37:31 Was not a big deal.
Speaker 13
01:37:34 It was not a big deal.Devon
01:37:36 This wasn't like super long ago.01:37:38 This wasn't like in the 19 ******* 60s or even the 80s, you know?
01:37:44 There's a reason why there's all these photos.
01:37:48 Of uh politicians wearing blackface because like it wasn't.
Speaker 13
01:37:52 It wasn't a big ******* deal.Speaker 11
01:37:59 So I'll tell.Devon
01:38:00 You what?01:38:01 If you're one of these guys, that.
01:38:02 Loves what Kanye is doing.
01:38:04 But you're afraid to say it because he's black, so he gets to say it.
01:38:09 The my challenge to you is this Halloween.
Speaker 11
01:38:14 Go as Kanye.Devon
01:38:17 To a Halloween party.01:38:21 And hold.
01:38:22 Up the geographic.
01:38:27 Print that out, print it out on a giant cell phone.
01:38:32 You know, make it look.
01:38:32 Like a big cardboard cell phone.
01:38:37 Dress like that.
01:38:39 Exactly like that is exactly like that as you can.
01:38:45 And then paint yourself black.
Speaker 11
01:38:49 Paint the black goatee on.Devon
01:38:54 And go to Halloween parties like that.01:39:00 That way it's it will be totally fine.
01:39:05 It'll be totally OK.
Speaker 12
01:39:08 You'll be able to for.Speaker 11
01:39:09 The first time in your life.Devon
01:39:12 You'll have the Magic Force field of the black skin that Kanye has.Speaker 13
01:39:27 No, but you really should do that someone.Devon
01:39:28 Should do that.Speaker 12
01:39:30 If you do that, take a picture.Devon
01:39:34 And send it as proof.01:39:35 I want to see that.
01:39:37 I want someone to do.
01:39:38 That I think it would.
01:39:40 Look, there's probably still places.
01:39:43 You could do that without.
01:39:44 Being physically assaulted.
01:39:47 And you know what?
01:39:48 Just don't be a *****.
01:39:50 Know that you might get physically assaulted.
01:39:58 If that's if that is the line that you draw.
01:40:01 If that's what stops you from behavior your *****.
01:40:05 Simple as that.
01:40:06 If you're if you're like, well, I want to do this.
01:40:11 But I can't do this.
01:40:13 Because I might be physically assaulted, unjustifiably so.
01:40:20 But because I'm a *****.
01:40:23 And I'm afraid of doing this.
01:40:26 Even though I want to do it and I think with my set of values and morals, it would be unjustified to be physically assaulted for doing this thing that I.
01:40:36 Want to do?
01:40:38 But because I'm a ***** and I'm afraid that other people might not see it that way, and they might punch me, I'm not going to do it.
01:40:47 That basically means you're a *****.
01:40:51 That's what it means.
01:40:53 It means the.
01:40:54 Terrorists have won.
01:40:55 That's what that means.
01:40:58 It means you're a terrorized little *****.
Speaker 14
01:41:05 That literally is what it means.Devon
01:41:11 Alright, here we go.01:41:14 Let's take a look at.
01:41:17 At the hyper.
01:41:19 Hyper thingies.
01:41:26 Adamant kalashnikova.
01:41:29 880 thanks for all you do, Devin. You should review the 80s Boomer Cold War Film Firefox, starring Clint Eastwood.
01:41:38 The entire plot is a satanic inversion because Soviet Jews are portrayed as the heroes, and oh, you know what I have seen that.
01:41:47 And I think you're right.
01:41:49 I hadn't thought about that because I think that was that was many years that I saw.
01:41:54 That movie.
01:41:56 Many years ago.
01:42:02 But yeah.
01:42:04 They were Jews.
01:42:04 They were.
01:42:05 They weren't Jews, they were helping.
01:42:07 Get this the the Russian secrets to the Americans.
01:42:10 Like literally the exact opposite of of what happened with the.
01:42:16 Rosenberg's it was Rosenberg, right? It was something I think it was Rosenberg.
Speaker 9
01:42:19 The burden.Devon
01:42:22 The atomic bomb stuff.01:42:25 Dan Ross, $1.00 Dark matter pilled. Oh, you know, I forgot off DuMont kalashnikova. I forgot that I have my stuff. My things back in here.
01:42:35 So here we go.
Speaker 9
01:42:38 Why is money management?01:42:42 There's the rest.
01:42:44 Thank you.
01:42:45 It's nice to have those back.01:42:52 Dark matter pilled bonus hour addition.
01:42:57 Abdul met kalashnikova.
01:42:58 Again, all right.
01:42:59 Oh, wait.
01:43:00 No, that is, I thought was the same one, but it's a different one.
01:43:04 Devon, I think God hates boomers, the Puritan theologian.
01:43:09 Theologian Jonathan Edwards once said those whom God hates the most, he often gives plenty.
01:43:17 Easy lot.
01:43:21 Those whom God hates the most, he often gives plenty.
01:43:26 I mean, like, you know, you know.
01:43:30 Here's the thing about that I don't agree with that.
01:43:34 I don't agree with that because to me it sounds too much like when poor people say ohh.
01:43:42 You know what rich people are so miserable.
01:43:46 They're so miserable.
Speaker 11
01:43:49 You wouldn't want to be rich.01:43:50 They're rich.
01:43:51 People, they just have terrible lives.01:43:55 They just, they just have all that they'd be.
01:43:57 So bad to be rich.
01:44:00 That's why literally everyone who's ever existed has tried to be rich, and no one that's Rich has is trying to be poor.
01:44:10 Because that's clearly true that that rich just, you know, riches lead to misery and.
01:44:15 Pain and you don't want that.
01:44:19 I'm sorry.
01:44:20 You know, like I just, I think of it.
01:44:22 That's how it sounds to me.
01:44:24 It sounds.
01:44:24 Like you know, God God.
01:44:26 Really hates those people that have nice lives.
01:44:30 Look, I'm not saying that like he likes them.
01:44:32 I don't think it's it figures.
01:44:34 Into the equation.
Speaker 12
01:44:35 You know.Speaker 13
01:44:37 I think that.Devon
01:44:39 Some people just have nice, easy lives and you know.Speaker 11
01:44:42 Some people luck.Devon
01:44:44 There I believe there is such a.01:44:45 Thing as luck.
01:44:48 Winter child.
01:44:50 What was the Illuminati thing you posted on your IG?
01:44:56 Well, I can't tell you that obviously.
01:44:58 I will tell.
01:44:59 You this.
01:45:00 I went somewhere.
01:45:01 It was not like a secret meeting or like it wasn't too creepy.
01:45:04 But I am being.
01:45:05 It's Halloween ish.
01:45:06 So I'm going to be creepy about.
01:45:09 And there was little point of it was to.
Speaker 13
01:45:11 Be cryptic.Speaker
01:45:13 Be spooky, but.Devon
01:45:14 Because I was spooked out by it when I saw it.01:45:17 I went somewhere.
01:45:19 And I looked at this wooden thing like this piece of furniture.
01:45:25 And there was a *******.
Speaker 13
01:45:27 So what the **** is this?Devon
01:45:29 Not the only thing, by the way, in this place.Speaker 13
01:45:32 That was uh.Devon
01:45:34 Very Masonic seeming, I was like.Speaker 12
01:45:36 What the **** is this?Devon
01:45:38 And no, before you asked, no, it wasn't like a Mormon.01:45:40 Thing. Either it was just.
01:45:42 It was just a place that a place that I went.
01:45:46 That had lots of Masonic weirdness about.
01:45:49 It and I was just.
01:45:51 Like what the ****? Everywhere.
Speaker 11
01:45:52 I turned.Devon
01:45:55 Jay Ray, 1980 one $25.Speaker 24
01:45:59 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 25
01:46:06 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
01:46:11 Not going to lie, I always say Wigger back in the day totally conditioned to the magic ***** and later broke from the Jewish conditioning, especially after the Kushner administration. There is one thing I can say, though. Kanye is a based magic. Thanks, Devin. Yeah. I'll tell you what, they01:46:27 Said nothing against.
01:46:30 Nothing against Kanye in terms of what he's doing.
01:46:33 It's funny.
01:46:35 I look the paranoid part of my brain is is.
01:46:39 The longer this goes on and the more he's doing like 4 Chan memes.
01:46:46 There is there is a paranoid part.
01:46:48 Of my brain that's like, hold on.
Speaker 14
01:46:51 It's just for real.Speaker 11
01:46:55 Well, is there something more?01:46:57 Is there another?
01:46:58 Layer to this.01:47:00 Is this is, you know, is this setting up for something?
01:47:03 You know, I I don't know.
01:47:05 I don't know.
01:47:06 I don't think that's happening.
01:47:08 But I'm keeping an eye on it because.
Speaker 13
01:47:12 It's starting to get.01:47:13 I don't know, it's.
01:47:13 Starting to get a little little specific.01:47:17 But we'll see.
01:47:20 All right.
01:47:21 Cringe panda $5.
Speaker 3
01:47:24 Easy money.Devon
01:47:27 Hi Devin.01:47:27 I miss you so much.
01:47:28 How would you feel about being on my friend stream next weekend?
01:47:33 His name is LP, but you know him as a hypocrite.
01:47:38 Anyway, I'm back to making videos.
01:47:39 The layout on my latest one was a tribute.
01:47:41 To you.
01:47:43 Oh, you totally.
01:47:44 You totally ripped off.
01:47:46 You did like a better job.
Speaker 13
01:47:47 Of it, though.Devon
01:47:51 But yeah, you.01:47:51 Kind of kind of what's what's the word?
01:47:53 I was ate. You ate.
01:47:56 You know.Devon
01:47:57 As I said, ape.01:47:59 Where's where's the magic ***** when you need him?
Speaker 22
01:48:02 The magic *****.Devon
01:48:06 I was going to have a.01:48:08 I'm supposed to load another.
01:48:09 Clip in today and I don't think I did it.
01:48:11 I didn't do it.
01:48:16 No, I'd be down to go on his his stream.
01:48:19 I just haven't I.
01:48:21 I haven't been around a computer really for a long time like I'm.
01:48:27 Let me just put it this way.
Speaker 6
01:48:30 Right.Devon
01:48:31 I was really tired today.01:48:37 I traveled.
01:48:39 Like, just travel.
01:48:42 Up until.
01:48:44 Very late last night.
01:48:47 When I finally got to got back and I got to sleep.
01:48:52 Just the travel was 24 hours straight.
01:48:58 And so I woke.
01:48:58 Up today, pretty exhausted and I've been drinking lots of coffee this entire stream I've gone through like about half a pot.
01:49:07 Hey, you know, you gotta do what you the show must go on.
01:49:12 So I did the Ms.
01:49:13 Paint Edition which.
Speaker 12
01:49:15 You know, I was.Devon
01:49:16 Thinking someone said that because people keep asking for like the logo shirt stuff.01:49:23 That I should do the the Ms.
01:49:25 paint black pilled logo on a shirt.
01:49:29 I don't know if people would like that, but I was thinking that.
Speaker 11
01:49:33 That might actually work.Devon
01:49:34 That might Ms.01:49:35 paint black pilled logo shirt.
01:49:38 That might actually work.
01:49:41 That way it's it's just different enough, right?
01:49:44 It's just different enough.
Speaker 13
01:49:47 I don't know.Devon
01:49:48 It's still like it's still kind of on the down low like you have to really be looking.01:49:53 At it to be like oh.
Speaker 11
01:49:54 This this wasn't, say, a black pill.Speaker 13
01:49:58 I don't know.Devon
01:50:00 But yeah, there's a couple people I think.01:50:02 Trying to.
01:50:04 Get a hold of me.
01:50:05 Right now.
01:50:05 And and there always is, right.
01:50:09 I'm sorry.
01:50:09 I I I live the life of a.
01:50:14 Of a madman in the desert, a mad hermit man.
01:50:18 So I'm not always the best at communicating.
01:50:23 But yeah, I'm I I need to start.
01:50:25 There's there's some people I need to start reaching out to and and all that stuff, things.
01:50:30 Things will be somewhat low key around here.
01:50:36 For a while.
01:50:37 The bees are going to be pretty much sleepy town, you know?
01:50:41 So I'm not going have to worry about those.
01:50:42 Guys and the the weather's not going to just be like.
01:50:48 Murder hot.
01:50:51 So you know it's finally.
01:50:54 Kind of nice. I gotta you know, I still got to pick up Carla's house and.
01:50:57 Some other.
01:50:57 But you know, I can be a little leisurely about that now that.
01:51:01 It's not like, oh, there's there's like 3 hours in the day.
Speaker 14
01:51:04 When it's, it's not awful to be outside.Devon
01:51:08 It's only kind of awful.01:51:12 So I'll yeah, I'll reach out to him.
01:51:14 I'm sure he's.
01:51:16 I I still haven't looked at my gab.
Speaker 13
01:51:18 DMS this whole time.Speaker 11
01:51:22 I haven't even been on.Devon
01:51:22 Yeah, I just post the link and then I'm gone.01:51:25 Like, well, occasionally I like occasionally I'll pop in and like, because if I see something funny on the.
01:51:30 I'll pop it in there.
01:51:32 ******** ******. $1.00. Oh, oh, no.
Speaker 12
01:51:37 Do you have that much money?Speaker 9
01:51:38 In your bank at home.Speaker 16
01:51:41 I'd buy that for a dollar.Speaker 6
01:51:44 OK.Devon
01:51:49 Can anyone confirm?01:51:51 And we can finally say again on Twitter and if we can, please let's not abandon all tech sites like Gab, Telegram and post these sites were there for us when we needed them, so don't abandon.
01:52:04 Actually, that leads me to the bird part.
01:52:07 I totally forgot about that.
01:52:11 Always trust ******** ****** to to bring the important issues up to the surface here.
01:52:19 All right.
01:52:20 So yeah, the Elon Musk has completed the purchase of Twitter.
01:52:26 And everyone was for a while thinking like, oh, based, oh ******* based.
01:52:32 Holy ******* bass nuts.
01:52:34 He's going to bring us all back on Twitter.
01:52:37 It's going to be like the Wild West again, even though he's said numerous times that.
01:52:40 It won't be.
01:52:42 And uh.
01:52:44 You know, look, super bass.
01:52:46 He fired the the county Indian that literally said on Joe Rogan that day of the rope was if you said that got you banned after banning me for having day of the rope, the name of.
Speaker 13
01:52:58 My book in my bio.Devon
01:53:02 And you know as much as I get pleasure out of knowing that a lot of.01:53:08 ****** people are getting kicked out and possibly even ****** even harder.
01:53:14 So this is from, I think, New York Times.
01:53:16 Musk also appears unlikely to pay the golden parachutes that the fired top executives of Twitter were set to receive under the merger agreement.
01:53:25 Those executives, including.
01:53:26 Pirogue our you know, nice American name, isn't that?
01:53:31 Isn't that like?
01:53:32 That's a nice American name, just like the the name of the new Prime Minister of England.
01:53:37 Right, Parag agrawal?
01:53:41 The chief executive had been set to receive compensation of 20 to 60 million.
01:53:46 Can you imagine?
01:53:49 That's your severance pay.
01:53:53 Oh, if you get fired for being a complete incompetent ship bag, you'll get 20 to $60 million.
01:54:05 You know, it's funny.
01:54:06 It's funny because.
01:54:08 These people that.
01:54:15 The same exact people.
01:54:18 That say that like.
01:54:21 Oh, we don't control everything.
01:54:24 We have no.
01:54:25 These are the kind it's not.
01:54:27 Just, I mean, obviously he's not a Jew.
01:54:28 He's an Indian, right?
01:54:29 But these are the this is one of the reasons why they can continue to.
01:54:33 They don't get kicked out of positions like, you know, they don't get cut out of $1.5 billion Adidas deals.
01:54:41 If they get fired for some reason, they get 2060 ******* $1,000,000 in the way out. That's how long did he have that job? Even he had that.
01:54:48 Job for like 2 years.
01:54:50 And he's expecting it 2016, so I hope this is true. I don't know if it is. It's New York Times, so who knows, right?
01:54:57 But, says Mr.
01:54:58 Musk terminated the executives for cause, meaning he did it with justification, which may void that agreement to people with knowledge of the matter said.
01:55:10 And if they said for cause, what cause?
01:55:13 And I was Elon Musk.
01:55:15 I would.
01:55:15 Say well, it's.
Speaker 12
01:55:16 Because I hate you.Speaker 13
01:55:20 Stupid Joe.Devon
01:55:22 You know the coffee.01:55:23 Can only do so much guys.
01:55:24 All right.
Speaker 14
01:55:25 You're not.01:55:26 You're not, you're not.
Speaker 13
01:55:27 Going to get you're not going to get the.Devon
01:55:29 The high quality, high quality, uh sleep version of Maine.01:55:36 Alright so.
01:55:40 But what's really happening?
01:55:44 Is you'll probably have.
01:55:45 Honestly, I think there.
01:55:46 Will be a little bit.
01:55:47 Of this kind of stuff ADL put out.
01:55:51 This you know because the ADL, because Jews don't control or influence anything, right.
Speaker 12
01:55:57 The Jews put.Devon
01:55:58 Out an official statement.01:56:00 About who should be allowed to talk?
01:56:04 Reinstating the platformed users, Bloomberg reported Musk intends to do away with permanent bans on users because he doesn't believe in lifelong prohibitions.
01:56:14 ADL has grave concerns regarding who will be allowed back on Twitter.
01:56:18 Foremost among those concerns is reinstatement of former President Donald Trump.
01:56:24 Who didn't suck judic hard enough.
01:56:26 I don't know how.
01:56:28 I mean, ******* a like if they weren't circumcised before, they'd be circumcised now with how hard that ************ was sucking, who was permanently banned for violating Twitter's glorification of violence policy related to the January 6th and insurrection. Yeah.
01:56:44 Throughout his presidency, Trump used Twitter to spread hate and incite violence.
01:56:50 There is no reason to believe the former president.
01:56:56 Where I lost my place because I was.
01:56:57 Clicking things will behave differently and should platform reverse or the platform should reverse his ban.
01:57:03 Trump's recent post on true social and platforms he owns reflect A continuation of his heinous behavior, including making direct threats against American Jews.
01:57:13 And embracing Q Anon in addition to Trump, other high profile and dangerous individuals may be allowed to return or may or, you know, they're basically saying, don't let these people on white supremacist and former Ku Klux client member David Duke.
Speaker 14
01:57:32 Dun Dun Dun Dun.01:57:35 White nationalist Nick Fuentes, Toto conspiracy theorist and now.
01:57:44 Men who owes the national product of most companies.01:57:50 To a bunch of likely government agents, Alex Jones, uh, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.
01:57:59 Well, of course.
01:58:01 Yeah, he must really hate Jews, Bannon.
01:58:06 Andrew Tate.
01:58:06 Yeah, I could.
01:58:07 You know, I don't know.
01:58:09 Care for that, guys.
Speaker 13
01:58:10 **** him.Devon
01:58:15 But uh, you know, whatever.01:58:17 Providing these individuals again, with the vast megaphone of Twitter, you know.
01:58:23 Anyway, so people saw this and, you know, they think that, Oh well, Elon will never fold.
Speaker 11
01:58:30 Yeah, well.Devon
01:58:32 He kind of did already.01:58:37 In fact, I think Nick Fontez let me see on Telegram was saying.
01:58:43 Today he got he.
01:58:45 Got banned already.
01:58:46 From Twitter, let me see.
01:58:55 Where was that?
01:58:59 I thought it was today.
01:59:04 Yeah. Yeah, he was, man.
01:59:07 He he put up massive ban wave on Twitter. Right now. They got me, Paul from cancel proof, spinach bra, Brittany, TikTok grouper, everybody.
01:59:19 Well, I don't know who most of.
01:59:20 Those people are but.
Speaker 13
01:59:23 You know they're.Devon
01:59:24 Banning people it's not, you know.01:59:27 Now will that change eventually?
01:59:30 One because it's Elonis first day, right?
01:59:32 So who ******* knows, right?
01:59:34 I don't know, but your point is isn't even really.
01:59:38 Will they?
01:59:39 Will they be based?
01:59:40 Your point is.
Speaker 8
01:59:41 If they were.Devon
01:59:42 To not ban everybody, which I think is irrelevant, I think they're going to.01:59:46 I think they'll.
01:59:47 They'll ban the use of naughty words and and it's not it's it's going to be what Twitter was like.
01:59:55 And they first started banning people and they were kind of just dipping their toe in the water.
02:00:00 Like, oh, can we do this?
02:00:02 You know, like we're only going to do it to the people that most people will agree is OK.
02:00:07 To do it to.
02:00:08 So can we do this?
02:00:10 And and that's I think where Elon will.
02:00:14 That's where it's at, right, because people, you know, like the centrists.
02:00:20 When they first started banning people, the centrists.
02:00:25 The people that Elon wants to pander to, we're fine with it.
02:00:30 So that's.
02:00:31 You know, it's likely what will go down, but we'll see.
02:00:35 We'll see.
02:00:35 But yeah, you're right.
02:00:36 Even if it doesn't.
02:00:39 You guys shouldn't just abandon.
02:00:41 All these platforms I can imagine.
02:00:47 Andrew Torba is is probably not super excited about this.
02:00:53 You know, like just just to be honest, I think there's.
02:00:56 A good possibility that if they.
02:01:01 Not that they'll make it a free for all, but if they make.
02:01:03 It even remotely.
02:01:04 Freer and let a bunch of people back.
02:01:08 That's where a lot of people will go and look.
02:01:10 I can't be that upset with them because it's like one of the reasons why.
02:01:13 You go to.
02:01:14 These platforms is you don't want to be in in an echo chamber and sad.
02:01:20 I mean it just is, I mean gab is.
02:01:23 You know, I think it's still useful and I I still think.
02:01:27 It will serve a purpose.
02:01:29 And I don't think it will go away.
02:01:30 I'm going to hope it doesn't go away.
02:01:32 And I don't think people should leave it.
02:01:35 But I think a lot of people will.
02:01:38 At least focus more energy on on a platform where they're going to.
02:01:43 You know, come across.
02:01:47 I don't know because so many people are are still in the red pill, the normies head space, right?
02:01:53 So that's what they.
02:01:54 Want to do?
02:01:57 So yeah, that was a long answer.
02:01:58 To your your question there.
02:02:02 Cringe panda.
02:02:03 Devin, please follow me back on my new Gab account so I can DM you.
02:02:07 I had to delete the old one.
02:02:08 Missed our conversations.
02:02:10 I'm dying to share my progress with you on things we talk about.
02:02:15 All right, I will.
02:02:17 I will do that.
02:02:18 But like I said, the DMS are.
02:02:23 It's going to take a while, but yeah, I hear you're well.
02:02:27 At least I think you said you're you're.
02:02:29 You're home studying.
02:02:30 So yeah.
02:02:32 Who knows?
02:02:32 You should get into.
02:02:33 Bees, you should get into bees.
02:02:37 Well, not yet.
02:02:37 You have to wait.
02:02:38 Till the spring.
02:02:39 But you could always buy B boxes.
02:02:43 Buy B boxes and buy B books.
02:02:47 And lots of be protective gear, because if you're in Arizona, you're going to have killer bees for sure.
Speaker 14
02:02:56 And that's mostly true.Devon
02:02:57 Of the whole.02:02:58 Southern half of the country at this point?
02:03:01 Well, I mean not not so much like like the the Deep South they I think cause they they gets too cold in the winter but.
02:03:09 Arizona is like.
02:03:11 Killer Bee, central Arizona, Southern California, Texas, New Mexico even call well, some some of Colorado, Utah and well, Nevada, of course.
02:03:25 Let's take a look here.
02:03:29 Atari man $5. Hi, Devon. Sorry about the Africanized bee that my stupid people created.
Speaker 14
02:03:35 It was you.Devon
02:03:39 And released around the world.02:03:41 Although the scientists parents are immigrants from the US.
02:03:44 Oh, really?
02:03:45 Oh, so now it's our fault.
Speaker 12
02:03:47 Yeah, I didn't think he.Devon
02:03:49 He's got to.02:03:50 Be like.
02:03:51 He's not like Anglo though, right?
02:03:55 He had, like, a Spanish or Portuguese sounding last name, I thought.
Speaker 13
02:04:00 Let me let me look.Devon
02:04:02 You're going to try to turn this around on us?02:04:06 Alright, what is this guy's ******* name?
02:04:11 History blah blah.
02:04:15 I think he was German.
02:04:18 Kerr, I don't know what KCR.
02:04:24 I mean, it's not English, I don't think.
02:04:27 There's no ******* early life on this ******* guy.
02:04:33 What happens if I just look up current?
02:04:39 Kerr, there's a basketball coach named Kerr.
02:04:44 There's an Albertina Kerr.
02:04:50 Steve Kerr.
02:04:54 Lots of curves I don't see.
Speaker 15
02:04:59 Early life.Devon
02:05:01 Oh no, that's weird.Speaker 15
02:05:04 Oh, wait, now damn it.Devon
02:05:06 I I thought I was gonna be.02:05:07 Able to pawn this off on the Lebanese.
02:05:09 Because this guy was born in Lebanon.
02:05:11 But then it says to an American academic.
02:05:14 In the Middle East.
02:05:18 His grandfather, Stanley Kerr.
02:05:20 Alright, let's go.
02:05:22 And they're all biologists.
02:05:25 All right, so this is a.
02:05:29 Damn it, it might have been an Anglo mother **** Stanley Kerr was a the son of a Presbyterian minister.
02:05:41 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, Kurt doesn't sound very englishby, but it might be, *** **** it.
02:05:46 God dammit, why did you have?
02:05:47 To ruin my my image of this.
02:05:50 Well, it doesn't matter.
02:05:51 He did it in.
02:05:51 Your country so.
Speaker 11
02:05:55 I should you know, we should have.Devon
02:05:56 Known better though, right?02:05:57 It was science stuff like you people would be able to do science stuff.
02:06:00 All right.
02:06:00 There we go.
02:06:01 I still managed to find.
02:06:02 A way to come out on top on that one, all right.
02:06:06 About candy with strange names in Brazil we have **** of not a Teta de Nega.
02:06:15 Or what does that?
02:06:16 What does that look like does?
02:06:17 It look like black ****.
02:06:20 It literally it literally is.
02:06:23 It literally is black ****.
02:06:25 Alright well.
02:06:27 I'll show you guys the.
02:06:30 Oh wow, a lot of other horrible.
02:06:31 **** came up when I looked at that.
02:06:34 Don't look up Teda Denia.
02:06:38 You will not enjoy.
02:06:41 What you see?
02:06:43 So this is the.
02:06:47 The black ***.
02:06:48 Candy, if it ever shows, pops up here.
02:06:54 Oh my God. Just.
02:07:02 Huh, this is odd.
02:07:06 I think your black **** are crashing my computer.
02:07:18 Well, the Kenny's not that good. I'm just trying to show people.
02:07:20 Some black kit candy.
02:07:24 There we go.
02:07:24 Here's the black tick candy.
Speaker 4
02:07:31 Teta, Danica.Devon
02:07:36 Tennis nuts.02:07:37 If you only had a dollar for every, every time you said tennis nuts and ******** ******, there you go.
02:07:43 Sounds like a fun drinking game.
02:07:46 I think there's probably some people who have a ******** ****** drinking game.
02:07:51 And possibly a tennis nuts bonus shot or something.
02:07:56 Atari Man Western Video games are degenerate.
02:08:00 Bioshock was created by David Levin and my favorite Twisted metal was created by David Jaffe, who is also Jewish and has a Jewish trans son.
02:08:09 Well, you know, and you know who else has a a trans son.
02:08:14 Elon Musk.
02:08:19 Sips from coffee goji.
02:08:24 Hey Dave, I've been watching for several months, but have only caught this stream a handful of times.
02:08:29 I got to send you a bit of money for you and the cats.
02:08:32 Thank you for being a voice in the sea of retardation and controlled opposition.
02:08:37 Any chance for a tarantula pill seen as you're out in the desert?
02:08:41 Yeah, I don't see many.
02:08:44 Well, especially this time of year, I'm not going to see any at all.
02:08:47 I don't see a whole lot of them unless I'm on my night hikes.
02:08:52 And then they they have holes.
02:08:56 And when when they see you coming, they go.
02:08:58 Into their holes.
02:09:00 UM.
02:09:03 Sometimes they won't.
02:09:04 If I'm if I've got like, the an LED headlamp, I think it blinds them or something.
02:09:10 So at night I can usually.
02:09:11 Because weirdly, LED headlamps.
02:09:17 The light of eyes.
02:09:19 Of any animal, like even like a like a tiny like a tiny Ant, or maybe not an Ant like a tiny like spider running around.
02:09:29 It'll look like there's, like, a glinting piece of glass on the ground.
02:09:31 I'll be like, oh, what's that?
02:09:32 And I.
02:09:32 Look over.
02:09:33 It's like a ******* bug and it's the eyes.
02:09:36 And then obviously, bigger animals too, like foxes and and rodents and everything.
02:09:41 Their eyes just like light up.
02:09:43 In fact, if I took my pellet gun out on a night hike, I could.
02:09:47 Probably bag like 50 different rodents or bunnies and all kinds of ****.
02:09:53 But anyway I see I do see tarantulas from time to time.
02:09:57 During the summer.
02:10:00 So maybe I'll take a look during the summer.
02:10:02 This is the time of year.
02:10:03 All kind of you know, digging in and and sleeping.
02:10:07 Think finally.
02:10:09 It was like bug apocalypse this year.
02:10:11 It was.
02:10:11 It was a very lots.
02:10:12 Of bugs this year.
02:10:14 I was.
02:10:14 I was not a fan.
02:10:17 Abnak, kolesnikova Devin.
02:10:19 If you absolutely had to choose one of these three new other options, one live in a chocolate city like Memphis.
02:10:27 Two Tel Aviv or three, a retirement retirement community full of liberal boomers.
02:10:35 Which do you choose?
02:10:41 If I have access to unlimited.
02:10:50 I would say the retirement home.
02:10:55 And that's all I've got to say about that.
02:10:59 A target man.
02:11:02 Not everyone will.
Speaker 13
02:11:03 Get that a.Devon
02:11:04 Tiny man, $5. Bolsonaro, like every evangelical, loves the Jews. He is far from perfect, but the economy is stable and good with deflation. But in the first round they already stole. They already stole the polls.02:11:22 And for sure, tomorrow they will put global home and power.
02:11:25 Brazil will sink like Argentina and no offense.
02:11:29 But like, I don't think Brazil was like headed any any new heights or.
02:11:36 You realize that here we're we're always like we're gonna end.
Speaker 14
02:11:39 Up like Brazil?Devon
02:11:40 And it's funny.02:11:41 I guess everyone has.
02:11:41 That country, right?
02:11:42 Brazil's, like, we're gonna be like ******* Argentina, goddamnit. And Argentina is like, oh, we're gonna be like.
02:11:47 Honduras and Honduras is like, oh, we're.
Speaker 11
02:11:49 Going to be like ******* Haiti.Devon
02:11:53 It's like this pecking order.02:11:56 Now, Bolsonaro is is super super Zionist.
02:12:00 And I know there's and there's nice parts of Brazil.
02:12:03 I'm obviously I'm ******* around.
02:12:05 But in fact, there's oddly white parts of Brazil.
02:12:10 Which is mostly mostly German, German enclaves of.
02:12:14 German immigrants.
02:12:16 With a little splash.
02:12:17 Here and there of of Anglos and stuff.
02:12:21 But yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It'd be interesting to see. I'm wondering if Brazil's got the kind of chaos.
Speaker 11
02:12:28 By the way.Speaker 12
02:12:29 Isn't isn't Brazil the one that does Carnival?Speaker 3
02:12:31 Kind of.Devon
02:12:33 I think it is right.02:12:35 Don't you guys do Carnival?
02:12:39 Yeah, you guys.
02:12:40 Yeah, you do, right.
02:12:50 Because that's like the most degenerate **** ever.
02:12:54 You guys basically, yeah, you guys basically invented.
02:12:57 Gay pride parades.
02:13:00 And ********, like all at the same time.
02:13:07 Yeah, I should work on not having carnival.
Speaker 14
02:13:11 A celebration of.Devon
02:13:14 Of you know the the the the death cults that got conquered by the.02:13:21 The Europeans.
02:13:24 And gay pride parades and ********.
02:13:29 Yeah, I don't know about much about.
02:13:30 The economy, I.
02:13:31 People always forget about South America for some reason.
02:13:34 Sorry, it's just that.
02:13:36 And it's, you know, and it's not.
02:13:37 Even that, like, oh, Americans are bad at.
Speaker 14
02:13:38 Geography. No, we're it's.Devon
02:13:40 OK, Americans are bad at geography.02:13:42 But So what?
02:13:44 That's not why.
02:13:45 It's just that I've never bought a Brazilian computer or a Brazilian car.
02:13:50 Or, you know, I've probably bought a lot of Brazilian.
02:13:55 But Brazil people forget about it because even though it's it's big and its economy is, is is not.
02:14:03 Not like like I think what it is.
02:14:05 I think Mexico just gives everything South.
02:14:07 Of the border, such a bad.
02:14:08 Name that people think.
02:14:09 Well, I mean, if you're, if you're like South of Mexico, it's gotta.
02:14:13 They just they see.
02:14:15 It as like this gradient of bad.
02:14:17 You know, it starts like at the southern border in America.
02:14:20 And then like at the tip of South America, it's basically.
02:14:24 You know savage?
02:14:26 Which is.
02:14:27 Eating, eating the beating, hearts out of out of each other on these giant you know stone pyramids or.
Speaker 13
02:14:35 Like I I don't think.Devon
02:14:37 I don't think that.02:14:38 People have a good grasp on what on what's going on in South America, unless.
02:14:41 They've been out there, so we always forget about it, but.
02:14:44 Yeah, the bolsonaro.
02:14:46 A lot of people liked.
02:14:48 UM, and if my my my hope.
02:14:50 Is though if it is.
02:14:53 If it is a, you know the like a a steel type, you know, like a a Trump 2020 type situation.
02:15:00 And you know what?
02:15:01 And even if it.
02:15:02 If it isn't it.
02:15:03 Should be right, you know, I mean.
02:15:04 You get me.
02:15:06 That's, that's what you say.
02:15:09 Because I kind of feel like Brazilians would still have it.
Speaker 13
02:15:13 In them to.Devon
02:15:14 You know, get the party started in a way that the domesticated Americans would not.02:15:20 So I I I could be wrong.
02:15:22 I could be wrong, but it would be kind of funny to see.
02:15:27 To see some action down there so.
02:15:28 I'm not.
02:15:29 I'm not telling you what to do.
02:15:31 I'm just saying.
02:15:33 From up here, watching it on the Internet.
02:15:38 It'd be interesting if it wasn't just.
02:15:43 You know, like a bunch of it wasn't queuing on Shaman.
02:15:46 You know what?
02:15:46 I mean anyway, so.
02:15:50 But good luck with that.
02:15:51 Good luck with that.
02:15:54 Tipsy Mcstay egger.
02:15:57 880 What's up with the 880?
02:16:00 Everyone doing a bunch of eight 80s tonight.
02:16:04 And I just realized.
02:16:07 I have had my stupid thing on this whole time.
02:16:15 And I forget to turn this thing on.
02:16:20 All right.Devon
02:16:23 Not that it matters now, but like you know.02:16:36 There we go.
02:16:37 Yeah, this whole time I haven't.
02:16:38 Had the.
02:16:39 See, it's been it's been too long as.
02:16:41 I did a stream.
02:16:44 Yeah, we didn't have that ******* thing on.
02:16:46 Anyway, let's see here.
02:16:53 Check it out.
02:16:54 I figured out how to return my duck.
02:16:59 Let's see what you got here.
02:17:11 Let's see what you got here.
02:17:19 Is this going to be horrifying?
02:17:21 Oh, it's not horrifying.
02:17:23 At least not yet.
02:17:24 Let's see what this is.
02:17:31 Where are we at?
02:17:31 Where we at?
02:17:33 Now I got too many windows open over there.
02:17:35 Fixing my thing, there we go.
02:17:46 There we go. Duck returned.
02:17:50 Maybe I'll have to.
02:17:54 Maybe I'll have to add that as a.
02:17:56 As a companion animation.
02:18:01 There's French pan that tell me.
02:18:05 Tell me why you should.
Speaker 11
02:18:05 Have told me.Devon
02:18:06 Or people probably were the audio visual.02:18:09 Isn't on.
02:18:10 Well, now I know.
02:18:12 I guess he told me an hour ago.
02:18:13 So there.
02:18:14 We go.
02:18:15 Atari Man Executive Order is an anti white Brazilian film.
02:18:20 The story is white people wanting to deport black people to Africa.
02:18:27 Is there any other weird made-up language though?
02:18:31 I don't know if.
02:18:32 I want to watch.
02:18:35 I'm not going to understand what they're saying.
02:18:38 If they're not speaking American.
02:18:42 Oh no.
02:18:44 Let me see.
02:18:44 Let me see.
02:18:50 I mean, I've been giving your country **** all.
02:18:52 We'll take a look at this.
02:18:56 But a better ****** ******* have.
02:18:59 I bet it doesn't have.
02:19:01 It's not going to.
02:19:02 Have a.
02:19:04 It's not gonna have subtitles, is it?
02:19:05 We're just going to be like watching nonsense talk.
02:19:10 Unless they're openly executing white people, which maybe they are at this.
02:19:14 Point, right?
02:19:15 Oh, it looks like they might actually be doing that.
02:19:17 All right, good.
02:19:18 Here we go.
02:19:25 Let's see what this is about.
02:19:26 Is that the?
02:19:28 Is that the white patrol?
02:19:33 This is going to be kind of base this looks.
Speaker 12
02:19:36 See, this is the kind of movie because in.Devon
02:19:38 Other language this might be fun.02:19:40 We should just redub.
02:19:43 Well, let's see.
02:19:44 Let's see if it's in English or not, but if it's.
02:19:46 Not in English.
02:19:49 I'm already just by the look of.
02:19:51 That guys face.
02:19:53 I'm guessing we could probably re edit and redub like the same way they did, you know, mighty Morphin Power Rangers, right?
02:20:01 That was and Voltron for that matter, were both shows that probably Jewish producers.
02:20:10 They they purchased.
02:20:13 Footage from Japanese TV shows.
02:20:17 And then just cut it up.
02:20:19 And then revoiced it like you know, dubbed it.
02:20:24 With American voices, and then in the case of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
02:20:30 You know, shot a couple of cheesy scenes.
02:20:33 With white, you know well, most well American actors.
02:20:38 And passed it off as its own show.
02:20:41 I wonder if we can do.
02:20:42 The same thing with this.
02:21:44 Yeah, I don't know that that I don't know.
02:21:47 There's not enough scenes in here for me to know.
02:21:49 How many like white patrol scenes?
02:21:52 They're in there, but it'd be kind of fun.
02:21:54 To just re edit this.
02:21:56 And just be like white patrol.
02:22:00 Like that should be the name of it too it.
02:22:01 Should be called white patrol.
02:22:04 If there's enough footage of white patrol, we should definitely make white patrol.
02:22:12 In fact, that would be.
02:22:13 You know that that would be an easier movie to.
02:22:16 Pull off than some of these other.
02:22:17 Ideas I've had.
02:22:20 Just just steal.
02:22:21 Just steal this movie, call it white patrol and revoice it.
02:22:29 I don't.
02:22:29 Maybe not this movie specifically.
02:22:31 Maybe though, I don't know.
02:22:33 Hmm, that could be fun.
02:22:35 That's an interesting idea.
02:22:36 White patrol.
02:22:39 All right, all right.
02:22:40 I'm starting to start to like this start, OK, this might.
02:22:44 This could be good.
02:22:46 Ordo Templi Atlantis Lana from Red Ice, asked on Twitter who should be on their Halloween special tomorrow. Several people suggested your name and she asked to have you reach out to her on their contact info on Here is the thread. Please check it out. All right.
02:23:11 Yeah, I've been on their thing before.
02:23:15 Let's see.Devon
02:23:19 Yeah, there's a lot of people.02:23:20 I keep forgetting that because I changed a lot of my accounts.
02:23:26 On like even stuff like.
02:23:30 Telegram and crap and I keep forgetting that most a lot of people don't have.
02:23:35 Any way of?
Speaker 15
02:23:36 Talking to me anymore.Devon
02:23:41 Atari, man.02:23:43 Man, you were on.
02:23:45 I almost feel like we have to have like an Atari.
02:23:47 And you know what?
02:23:48 I got one.
02:23:52 I got one.
02:23:56 Let's see here.
02:24:11 Depends on how long ago I downloaded this.
02:24:12 I might be able to find it.
02:24:18 Oh God, I forgot about all the ******* potato things. I don't.
02:24:27 Oh man, I got like every, every every Lucky Charms cartoon or commercial ever made.
02:24:37 No. Did I not?
02:24:41 It's got to be on here somewhere.
02:24:46 I'll just do this.
02:24:49 Sort by.
02:24:54 Ah, I thought I would.
02:24:55 Be on here.
02:24:57 Maybe not.
02:24:59 I was gonna.
02:24:59 I I thought for sure I'd played a Yars revenge clip.
02:25:04 At one point, and I don't see it anywhere on here.
02:25:08 That's weird.
02:25:10 Well, anyway.
02:25:15 Now I feel like I.
02:25:16 Owe you something?
02:25:18 Let's see if we do.
02:25:35 Here we go.
02:25:36 Let's get a little.
02:25:36 Obscure if we're going to do it.
02:25:47 Alright, I think this is it.
02:25:56 Of course, this is going to be like not that super.
02:25:58 Exciting, but.
Speaker 13
02:26:00 I'm committed now.02:26:01 I gotta I gotta.
02:26:02 I gotta.
02:26:02 I gotta follow through with this.
02:26:06 There we go.Devon
02:26:14 I have to go through this for this I.02:26:15 Have so many things in this ******* folder.
02:26:19 There we go.Devon
02:26:24 Yeah, no sound, no sound.02:26:27 Little disappointed.
02:26:29 Kind of wish it did.
02:26:30 Like some kind of.
02:26:32 Atari sound?
02:26:35 But then again, the Atari 7800 was very disappointing. So what do you expect?
02:26:40 OK.
02:26:43 Thanks for all the all right first one, I spent my vacation with my mother because I believe I need to reconnect with my family in the car I was listening to you and she loves your laugh.
02:26:53 She doesn't understand English very well, but notice that you speak a lot of Jewish speak, a lot of Jewish.
02:27:01 I noticed that she was uncomfortable.
02:27:03 I speak a lot of Jewish.
02:27:05 Oh, I because I talk about Jews or something.
02:27:07 She notices that I say Jew.
02:27:10 That's kind of funny.
02:27:13 And then thanks for all the work done.
02:27:15 As someone who lives outside the US, I believe the Waco and Oklahoma line, you were the first and only one I heard was telling the real facts.
02:27:26 Fun fact, that first person I saw criticized American Society saying it was decaying was a Mormon who visited my school in 2001 after 9.
02:27:35 11 excuse me.
02:27:38 It didn't enter anyone's mind at the time because we thought the USA was perfect and because of the movies and propaganda.
02:27:45 Yeah, well, you know.
02:27:48 I talk.
02:27:49 Like I said, I.
Speaker 11
02:27:49 Talk a lot.Devon
02:27:50 Of **** about Brazil, but I know there's I know for a fact because I got friends that have family out there that I know for a fact.02:27:56 There's there's areas that are kind of nice.
Speaker 13
02:28:04 That are kind of nice.Devon
02:28:06 But then you know, and then the rest of the countries like that movie pushout as far as like.02:28:12 Just just feral kids running around, getting kidnapped and sexually abused and then murdered for sport, Mark ESPY.
02:28:23 This whole Kanye situation is going to be very revealing moment for influencers on the right pay attention to anyone calling him anti-Semitic.
02:28:32 All he's doing is telling the truth.
02:28:34 How his attorney, record label and business partners are Jewish.
02:28:37 Kanye is showing how the truth can be considered hate.
02:28:42 Like you said though, unfortunately, the way he's doing it, it's just easy for many of those people to write him off is crazy.
02:28:52 And that's that's how they're going to treat them.
02:28:54 And they'll do that especially at first.
02:28:57 To give them, give them a.
02:28:59 You know, they need to give them a way out.
02:29:01 They need to give them a way out so.
02:29:03 That he can.
02:29:04 Do what they.
02:29:05 All of them have done in the past.
02:29:07 He can be like, oh, sorry, you know, I was.
02:29:09 I was under a lot of pressure.
02:29:10 I had all these deals and you know, I had some.
02:29:12 Unfortunate you.
02:29:13 Know situations with some people and and it was never right for me to take it out on the entire Jewish people who have suffered enough without my.
02:29:23 You know my adding to it and I'm so I just, I just hope you can forgive.
02:29:27 Me, I don't think he's going to do that.
02:29:30 I'm just saying they're giving him that.
02:29:33 Eventually, they'll stop giving them that out, and he'll become persona non grata.
02:29:38 And that goes for the right wing mainstream stuff too.
02:29:42 Honestly, I don't think it's that crazy.
02:29:45 That he would end up on like, say, like a Nick Fuentes stream at some point.
02:29:52 Because just out.
02:29:54 Of, you know, necessity, really.
02:29:57 Because the.
02:30:00 Already the list of people that are willing to platform him.
02:30:06 I mean they.
02:30:07 Don't even include his wife or ex-wife.
02:30:10 But you know.
02:30:15 Yeah, I I don't.
02:30:17 I just.
02:30:19 I don't know.
02:30:20 I my like I said, my I I don't have a problem.
02:30:23 What he's doing, I think.
02:30:24 It's funny and and whatever, but I have a problem with people looking up to this.
02:30:30 Like thinking that this is like like a A.
Speaker 13
02:30:33 A role model.Devon
02:30:35 It's like, what are you, what are?02:30:36 You doing man like?
Speaker 13
02:30:38 Like I get that I get.Devon
02:30:40 That it's funny.02:30:44 You know, like this isn't.
02:30:45 No, this isn't what you'd want.
02:30:47 And in fact, if you said these same things in the way that he says it, even if you were as rich as and famous as he is.
02:30:56 You wouldn't get this kind of leeway.
02:30:59 Because there is this built in.
02:31:03 Oh, you silly little *****.
02:31:04 The left has.
02:31:06 There is this.
02:31:07 I mean, look, not the soft bigotry of low expectations like Bush would say, but.
02:31:16 You know naked?
02:31:18 Well, not naked.
02:31:19 I guess fully clothed.
02:31:21 Racism on on the left.
02:31:24 They, they, they, they maybe lie about.
02:31:28 About their how racist?
02:31:29 They're not and whatever, but man, they they do not think highly of blacks.
02:31:35 You can just tell by by the, you know, just for example when they say things like well, we can't have voter ID because that would disenfranchise blacks.
02:31:48 They they are saying, and they are, they're not even high, they don't and they won't, they'll tell you.
02:31:54 They are saying blacks are not.
02:31:56 That'll make a weird excuses, but they are saying blacks are not.
02:32:00 As capable as whites.
02:32:03 As they they're not they, they're not as capable at going down and getting an ID card somewhere.
Speaker 13
02:32:11 And that they won't do it.Devon
02:32:12 And so that will exclude.02:32:14 Them. That's what they're saying.
Speaker 11
02:32:17 Because they and they're right.Speaker 12
02:32:20 See, that's The thing is.Devon
02:32:22 They're they're not lying about it.02:32:24 They're slightly more honest about the racism.
02:32:26 They just they put they they finesse.
Speaker 13
02:32:28 It a little bit better.Devon
02:32:30 And make it sound like.02:32:31 Well, it's good for.
02:32:32 Black people somehow.
02:32:33 And when Republicans try to.
02:32:34 Do that.
02:32:36 They always do it the opposite way.
02:32:37 Oh yeah, this is bad for blacks.
02:32:40 The CRT is bad you.
02:32:41 Know you guys got it all right.
02:32:47 Uh Poly frog 64.
02:32:50 What do you think about Musk taking over Twitter?
02:32:53 I don't trust him.
02:32:55 If I get my account back, I'll just.
02:32:57 Promote the fediverse.
02:32:58 Decentralization is the future.
02:33:00 Take back the power.
02:33:01 Yeah, and you're right.
02:33:03 But also I don't you know, I kind of feel like.
02:33:08 You know, buying Twitter in 2022.
02:33:13 Even though it's Elon Musk and whatever, right, I kind of feel like it's like buying blockbuster.
02:33:20 In like 2005.
02:33:24 You know, like it just seems like.
02:33:28 Kind of like it's already got.
02:33:30 Its name is already tarnished.
02:33:33 There's already better things.
02:33:37 And then I was just saying how the the good thing is.
02:33:41 Is it has, you know, more people that aren't part of the Echo chamber.
02:33:47 But if they make good on on saying that, well, if Elon's running it then.
02:33:51 We're going to lead.
02:33:52 Now these are the same people that say they're going to move to another country if Trump wins, then they don't.
02:34:00 You know, but it's a lot easier to move platforms than it is to move your mansion in Santa Monica.
02:34:09 Who knows?
02:34:09 We'll see.
02:34:10 We'll see.
02:34:12 UM, let's take a look here.
Speaker 11
02:34:16 J Ray 19.Devon
02:34:17 81 The Jews made sure, like Hollywood, to use the fake studio gangster to influence white kids.02:34:23 And I'm guilty to take the conditioning of the fake plight of blacks while also ******* off blacks to hate whites.
02:34:30 God forgive us.
02:34:31 Millennial condition.
02:34:33 Like you said.
02:34:33 I I went through a little phase of like, I'm so ********.
02:34:37 Yeah, I didn't take it as far as a lot of people did.
02:34:39 I just listened to.
02:34:40 Wu Tang and you know like.
02:34:45 Easy E like a little.
02:34:47 And there was some like non like gangster rap.
02:34:51 There was some catchy, you know, songs.
02:34:54 I just kind of like.
02:34:57 That weren't, you know, that were rather.
Speaker 13
02:35:00 Benevolent, benevolent.02:35:02 That's not the right word, but.
02:35:03 Rather harmless in.02:35:05 A way, right?
02:35:08 But mostly because there just wasn't like a big alternative.
02:35:12 I looked at ******** stuff and I did get into some stuff.
02:35:17 But that genre just seemed to like.
02:35:21 It just seemed to be kind of dripping with Satan, you know, like overtly and even if it was like haha we we're doing this because like, like the Satanic Church, right?
02:35:30 Like ohh.
02:35:31 We we don't believe in.
02:35:32 We're at.
02:35:32 This so we're just doing this because in a way they they were doing the same kind of thing, right.
02:35:37 It wasn't to in the same way that the white wiggers were listening to scare like the Karens in the ******* strip mall.
02:35:45 A lot of these people listening to like the the music with the Satan, you know, CD covers and and like the devil horns and all that ****.
02:35:54 We're doing it to **** *** their Christian part.
02:35:57 Or their Christian neighbor or their.
02:35:58 You know it was.
02:35:59 It was just.
02:36:00 Like that's, I mean, don't lie.
02:36:02 Everyone knows.
02:36:03 That that was a that was, you know, like it was a, it was like, a, a Damien Echols kind of thing only, hopefully you didn't murder kids and then get a get away with it with the help of Johnny Depp.
02:36:16 That's a whole other story.
02:36:17 I did a stream on that, by the way.
02:36:19 Look up Satanic panic edition.
02:36:23 Lithuania forever.
02:36:25 Hey, Devin, I've been working a lot recently, so I have been missing some strings.
02:36:30 So I promised myself to send you a chat about your what a country stream, which was great.
02:36:36 But I was screaming at my monitor every time you called Shawn's character Russian. He's Lithuanian. The more you know Shawn's character.
Speaker 14
02:36:46 Shawn's character.Devon
02:36:47 Which 10 Sean Connery was supposed to be? Lithuanian. Whatever Lithuanian, Russian, St.Speaker 14
02:36:59 In Soviet Russia, Russia, dude.Devon
02:37:02 I don't know.02:37:03 I have nothing.
02:37:06 But yeah, two Americans, it's it's all the same.
02:37:13 Oh yeah, technically right.
02:37:14 Lithuania was part of the.
02:37:15 USSR at the time, right?
02:37:18 So, OK, well, here's here's what you gotta understand.
02:37:22 Americans just called anyone from the USSR Russian.
02:37:26 Because there wasn't, like an easier.
02:37:28 Like what else would you say?
02:37:29 Like the USS Arian?
02:37:32 I mean, I guess occasionally people would say Soviet, but it was just easier to say.
02:37:38 Russian and then everyone would get it right.
02:37:41 I know it's kind of dumb because it would be like if Russians said just like.
02:37:45 Everyone was New Yorkers, you know?
Speaker 14
02:37:49 I don't.Devon
02:37:49 Know everyone basically just said said only it was just Americans, either.02:37:55 Most Western countries just called.
02:37:56 All you guys Russians all the time.
02:38:00 Which I can understand you're not liking.
02:38:04 Gee, I recommend listening to all types.
02:38:06 Two most recent streams on Cozy Re uploaded a bit.
02:38:10 And one he talks to a military zoomer about the current state of the military and talks about democracy not affecting policy in comparison to dictatorships, reiterating points from an.
02:38:20 Old video of his.
02:38:23 I hope he brings up there was that study.
02:38:26 Extensive study.
02:38:29 That showed that the what people want.
02:38:34 In American Society in Western democracies.
02:38:38 Is never what influenced what actually happens?
02:38:43 It's always the interest, so it's always the money interest that gets what they get what they want.
02:38:50 And he came out years ago.
Speaker 15
02:38:54 Well, you know, if it's if.Devon
02:38:55 He's referenced in an older video.02:38:57 Maybe that's what it's based.
02:38:59 It's been a long time.
02:38:59 I had to think about that one in most recent stream he discusses a since removed video called why Kanye West is right by an Asian software engineer YouTuber called Tech lead and predisposition to religious religiosity, and how it applies to Jews and their behavior.
02:39:21 He also says a lot of what you say.
02:39:24 The Asian guy or alt height?
02:39:28 I I used to listen to all the hype back in the day and then he didn't do it.
02:39:32 Make any stuff for a while.
02:39:34 And then I saw that he was back on.
02:39:36 I just I I haven't had time to.
02:39:39 I think I'm.
02:39:41 I thought I subscribed to him.
02:39:43 Maybe that's why I've been looking.
02:39:45 Maybe I haven't.
02:39:49 Christ pilled with the big money, the *** ****.
02:39:52 Well, big.
02:39:52 Cross money. How about that?
02:39:55 The big save your money.
02:39:58 Right. Let's see here.
Speaker 18
02:40:06 When you're trying to save money a.Speaker 9
02:40:08 Good rule to follow is to.Speaker 16
02:40:17 Take it from there.02:40:18 Your neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
Speaker 23
02:40:19 Money is power.02:40:21 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:40:25 Go, Julie. This ******.02:40:27 There we go.
02:40:29 I agree with you, Devin.
02:40:30 You need an assistant hiring someone from your audience at just 20 hours a week could change your life and let you double down on what you do best.
02:40:39 So we all benefit.
02:40:40 I have experience hiring people and can help you do it for free.
02:40:44 Say the word.
02:40:45 I'll message you on gab.
02:40:48 Yeah, maybe.
02:40:53 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:40:58 I'll tell you what.
02:40:59 Speaking assistance.
02:41:02 I don't know if you guys watched Tim Dillon.
02:41:07 He he's a degenerate ******.
02:41:10 But he's a huge podcaster and he's occasionally funny.
02:41:15 And I would listen to it just because he was a huge podcast that was getting bigger.
02:41:21 But he also did a good job of, like, playing both sides, right, to try to maximize audience.
02:41:29 Or you could tell what you could tell what he was doing.
02:41:32 He was he would.
02:41:33 He would always.
02:41:35 You know.Devon
02:41:36 Make fun of the woke people, but then, like, also make it so they wouldn't be so mad that they wouldn't listen to him, right?02:41:45 And he had this assistant.
02:41:47 That was basically a glorified laugh track.
02:41:50 Like he, I mean, or at least or so it seemed at the time.
02:41:56 But he was like this during during the podcast, he was like a sidekick.
02:42:01 His name was Ben something.
02:42:04 And I I don't watch like a lot of these streams, but I watched enough to where like I kind of got the dynamic right.
02:42:11 He was the straight man.
02:42:12 A lot of comedy teams do this, you know, like Conan had Andy Richter, that kind of a thing where Andy by himself really couldn't have a show or or be that interesting or engaging.
02:42:25 But a lot of conant's jokes wouldn't.
02:42:29 If he didn't have the Andy for the the, you know, the the jokes to be at his expense, right, like he had to have the punching bag.
02:42:44 For his jokes to work.
02:42:47 And I remember watching these Tim Dillon streams.
02:42:52 And thinking to myself.
02:42:55 OK, there's there is that dynamic does exist all throughout comedy all throughout this kind of a format going back to Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon, you know, like this, this has been like a a staple of this kind of format where you have this, I know you're not.
02:43:13 You're not suggesting that.
02:43:14 Like, well, I don't.
02:43:15 Know maybe you are.
02:43:16 But you know, having that other person in the in the couch next to you.
02:43:21 Right.
02:43:21 That that you bounce the jokes off of.
02:43:26 And I apparently gotten some tiff or whatever, and he quit.
02:43:29 I saw a stream.
02:43:33 One of his because this happened fairly recently.
02:43:38 And he put out a stream.
02:43:40 After that.
02:43:42 And it was shocking how not funny it was.
02:43:46 And I was trying to think I was like, am I, am I the kind of?
02:43:49 Simpleton, even though.
02:43:51 I know all about laugh tracks.
02:43:53 Where having this laughing guy on the screen with him.
02:43:59 Makes it funnier.
02:44:01 Or is there?
Speaker 15
02:44:02 You know.Devon
02:44:03 And I think to some extent that is true.02:44:05 I think that's just like an.
02:44:06 Instinctual thing, right?
02:44:07 But really, more than that, I think that he served as.
02:44:13 Almost like a barometer, because he's riffing right without an audience. If no one's in the room.
02:44:19 But as a comedian, he's riffing, and if there's a guy sitting at the table with him who's cracking up at the jokes that he's.
02:44:28 That he that he that when he, you know, lands one that's you know that that's good he knows oh I can keep going down this way like you would if you were in a.
02:44:36 In a comedy club.
02:44:38 But if no one's in there laughing at your jokes, you're.
02:44:41 Just kind of.
02:44:43 Riffing to yourself so you don't know what's working and what's not working because you're not getting any feedback.
02:44:50 And it was, it was.
02:44:51 It was kind of amusing to.
02:44:52 Watch like wow.
02:44:54 Not so good, just like on.
02:44:55 Your own. Are you like?
Speaker 12
02:44:56 Alright, yeah.Devon
02:44:57 This is this is pretty sad.02:45:00 And then tonight?
02:45:03 He posted a, I think, because his viewership.
02:45:07 'S plummeting.
02:45:08 I doubt I'm the.
02:45:09 Only one that noticed this.
02:45:11 He did a stream with Bill Burr, and he's been doing this.
02:45:15 He's been doing like he did a ohh that ******* ginger **** that jacked off in front of those chicks.
02:45:26 Louis Louis CK so since he fired his assistant on the left, I don't know.
02:45:30 I don't care.
02:45:31 Like I don't.
02:45:32 Like I said, I'm not like I don't pay that much attention.
02:45:34 I just know.
02:45:35 That he's gone now, right?
02:45:37 But since he left.
02:45:39 He's been pulling out these big gun comedians, I think, to try to like not have his his show.
02:45:45 Just ******* crater.
02:45:48 And he had Bill Burr on who I used to really like.
02:45:55 In fact, I've I've, uh, I've communicated with Bill Burr.
02:45:59 Bill Burr emailed me.
02:46:02 Well, I emailed him, but he he responded when I before I had ever done any stand up.
02:46:09 And I he was one of the stand ups.
02:46:11 I I kind of thought was really good and he had his podcast thing.
02:46:18 And I emailed him.
02:46:19 And said look.
02:46:21 I kind of want to try stand up, but I'm.
02:46:23 I'm I'm I'm kind of afraid of bombing.
02:46:26 What can I do to like not bomb?
02:46:29 And he emailed back and just said.
02:46:31 You're going to bomb.
02:46:33 There it's over.
02:46:34 Do it now.
02:46:35 You know.
02:46:36 You know you're going to bomb if you can still go there and do it.
02:46:39 Know when you're going to bomb and you're going to bomb everyone bombs.
02:46:43 Their first time, or almost everyone.
02:46:46 If you can still go.
02:46:47 And do it.
02:46:50 You know you're off to a good start.
02:46:52 If you're not going to do it.
02:46:55 Because you're it's like what I was saying before, right, if you want.
02:46:58 To do this thing.
02:47:00 But you don't do this thing because you're afraid of what other people are.
02:47:05 Going to think.
02:47:07 You know, then you're a.
02:47:08 *****, right?
02:47:11 So yeah, so anyway, I was like, all right, all right, good advice.
02:47:18 I'm going to go bomb then.
02:47:19 And I went and I ******* bombed.
02:47:21 It was.
02:47:21 Terrible, but yeah.
02:47:24 Anyway, so I always kind of had.
02:47:25 Like this soft spot for him.
02:47:28 Even even after he married that black chick, I was.
02:47:30 Like oh.
02:47:32 He's at least funny and sometimes tells jokes that are that, you know, kind of make fun of the the white privilege.
02:47:39 He kind of stuff and he talks about conspiracy theories and stuff like, you know, he doesn't.
02:47:44 He's not.
02:47:44 He doesn't seem like he's part.
02:47:46 Of the woke brigade.
02:47:48 He's ******* total ******* woke Mic woke nowadays and I saw it kind of coming because he started talking **** about gun ownership, like a couple of years ago and other **** like.
02:47:57 But he's full blown like aides at this point.
02:48:00 He's on that stream tonight and not only is Tim Dillon.
02:48:07 Apparently unable to be interesting without his laughing sidekick.
02:48:14 But talk about just sucking, I mean I.
02:48:17 Know he's a fad, but like.
02:48:19 ******* ****.
02:48:20 Oh my God.
02:48:22 I it's like Tim Dillon doesn't believe.
02:48:25 Anything he's been saying the last two years.
02:48:28 Because he would say something.
02:48:31 You know, just like for example, you know Tim Dylan likes conspiracy theories, right?
02:48:36 He was on that big stream with Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and it was like this big *******.
02:48:42 You know, he was like, oh, it's my big dream because I love conspiracy theories.
02:48:48 And he asked. He asked Bill Burr something. I don't remember what was like, some about conspiracy theories. And Bill Burr just starts talking how conspiracy theories are are gay and and how the world's not going all the **** and and everything's going to be fine and blah.
Speaker 11
02:49:03 Blah blah and Tim Dillon, who you know doesn't.02:49:05 Believe any of that.
02:49:08 It's just like, oh, yeah.02:49:09 Oh, yeah.
02:49:09 No, I no, I you're right.
02:49:11 Yeah, you're.
Speaker 14
02:49:12 And it's just.Devon
02:49:12 Like, yeah.02:49:14 Anyway, sorry you said assistant and I just started thinking about this because, you know, he's he's like, you know, like it or not, he's well, once.
02:49:24 Let's see what happens.
02:49:26 Was one of the biggest.
02:49:29 Podcasts on YouTube that wasn't just like ******* makeup tutorials or, you know, weird **** like that or that Lex Friedman nightmare Jew.
02:49:42 So anyway, that's.
02:49:46 That's a train wreck anyway.
02:49:50 Black Flag $100. Look this *** **** money coming out tonight. This is this is good to see.
Speaker 24
02:49:57 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 25
02:50:04 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
02:50:06 You know, until literally last week I had no idea that.Speaker 24
02:50:11 Cash flow checkout.Devon
02:50:12 Only came out of the right speaker.02:50:18 For the last two years, my monitor speaker.
02:50:23 For my computer has been mono.
02:50:27 And just because I didn't have any computer speakers.
02:50:32 But I had this AM radio that.
02:50:34 Had an aux input.
02:50:36 And I was like, oh, alright.
02:50:39 Excuse me, I'm a little ghetto.
02:50:41 Like, actually, it's it's kind of it's kind.
02:50:43 Of a.
02:50:44 It's kind of a designee.
02:50:47 It's a what is it?
02:50:48 Trivoli audio.
02:50:51 It's one of these.
02:50:52 Like mid century modern.
Speaker 13
02:50:54 You know, look.Devon
02:50:55 Am radios, but like the speaker is really good.02:50:57 Even that's just like this one little speaker it ******* you know, it thumps.
02:51:02 And I was like, yeah, who needs stereo anyway?
02:51:08 And then I was at, I was at goodwill.
02:51:11 Which you know, it's like a thrift store.
02:51:13 If you're not in America, it's like a like a junk store, right?
02:51:17 Like almost like a flea market in a way where criminals work.
02:51:24 I was.
02:51:24 I was at goodwill and.
02:51:25 And they had these these old 90s, Roland studio speakers I was.
02:51:32 Like. Oh **** yeah.
02:51:33 I hope they were like 6 bucks I.
02:51:35 Was like oh.
02:51:36 You know, they they work.
02:51:37 You know that, you know, old or not those those are like actual studio speakers.
02:51:42 So I picked.
02:51:42 Them up, they're actually pretty good.
02:51:44 They work.
02:51:44 Well, there's a little bit of.
02:51:45 AC hum, which I'm sure it's just a a filter capacitor that I can swap out.
02:51:51 No problem.
02:51:51 It's not that big of a deal, but it's there and it bugs me sometimes, but the.
02:51:56 Anyway, Long story short, I didn't have stereo until until like like a week ago and I'm just now hearing that.
Speaker 24
02:52:04 Cash flow checkout.Devon
02:52:05 Is only on the right speaker.02:52:07 I'm gonna have to.
02:52:07 That's the first time I've known that, OK.
02:52:11 I'm going to have to.
02:52:12 Fix that anyway.
02:52:13 Black fly.
02:52:15 Hey, Devin.
02:52:15 I see.
02:52:16 The George Patton quote.
02:52:18 We fought the wrong enemy everywhere.
02:52:20 It would be interesting to have your level of research into that topic.
02:52:25 Yeah, we should do a patent episode.
02:52:28 I mean, they did a patent movie where they basically.
02:52:33 Did what they always do after they pull a fast one in the history books, they make sure to make the the movie of it.
02:52:42 So all the stupid people get the, you know the the update.
02:52:45 The flash, you know the firmware update, so it would be good to maybe compare the the patent movie.
02:52:52 You know what's funny?
02:52:54 Mark Levin or Mark Levin.
02:52:58 The one of the the more popular to this day Jewish talk show radio hosts.
02:53:04 That used to work for Reagan, I think.
02:53:08 And so he was.
02:53:09 He was a, you know, a Reagan administration Zionist Jew.
02:53:13 That is now a talk show host and I don't know.
02:53:17 For all we know, CIA asset.
02:53:19 Like a lot of these ******* guys.
02:53:22 But he's he used to always talk about, you know, patent and and knowing what you know about patent, it's like you're a Ultra Zionist Jew.
02:53:34 And you're not dumb.
02:53:36 And you have to know you have to know.
02:53:40 In fact, I think.
Speaker 12
02:53:41 You wrote a book on Patton.Devon
02:53:45 Did he write?02:53:45 That would be insane.
02:53:47 Let me let me just see.
02:53:53 Mark Levin, Patten.
02:54:00 No, OK.
02:54:01 He didn't write a book on patent.
02:54:02 But yeah, there's even you look up Mark Levin, Patton, and there's all these clips of him on YouTube about talk, talk about how ******* ****** patent is.
02:54:11 And it's like.
02:54:14 Do you know?
02:54:15 Like what?
02:54:15 Like what?
02:54:16 What game are you playing here?
02:54:17 Because there is like a myth of patent.
02:54:19 They want to have out there.
02:54:23 You know it.
02:54:24 It's it's, it's this myth.
02:54:25 Maybe it's the myth of patent that I mean in in a satanic inversion kind of a way.
02:54:31 It's the exact opposite, right.
02:54:32 It's the at the end of the war.
02:54:36 Coming to the conclusion that we fought the wrong enemy.
02:54:41 And yet the image of pattern.
02:54:44 Is almost like a security blanket telling you no, it's cool.
02:54:50 We fought the right enemy, and this ****** did it.
02:54:55 Right.
02:54:56 Isn't it like the way they frame him in in movies?
02:54:58 It's just like this big.
02:55:00 That's why we fought World War 2, because the ****** is like ******* patent was gonna.
02:55:05 They were gonna kick some Nazi.
02:55:06 I mean, it's ****** **.
02:55:07 But I mean anyway.
Speaker 13
02:55:09 Yeah, that wouldn't.02:55:10 That wouldn't be a.
02:55:10 Bad idea.02:55:11 I've thought about it.
02:55:12 It's just that patent movie so long.
02:55:14 And that would require a.
02:55:15 Lot of that would.
02:55:16 That'd be that'd be a a a heavy investment, but you know.
02:55:22 Maybe don't have to do the movie.
02:55:23 Maybe we can just go over some of the.
02:55:25 Or maybe we could find, like, some old documentary about them or something that boomers put together, or that was made for boomers or something.
02:55:35 In a way, that's the movie The movie.
02:55:36 Is ******* long as **** anyway.
02:55:40 But yeah, thank you for the support there, tough guy.
02:55:45 Winter child in Germany.
02:55:46 There's a concept of I'm not going to try to say that word.
02:55:51 I'm going to make Google say it.
02:55:55 Let's see here.
02:56:01 Who would even try?
02:56:03 Why do Germans do that?
02:56:05 If Germans don't have.
02:56:08 A word for something.
02:56:09 They just ram a bunch of existing words together.
Speaker 26
02:56:12 Shifts off are by Tong.Devon
02:56:14 Like, that's a word.Speaker 26
02:56:16 The shakes off are by tone.Devon
02:56:20 Like I don't even.02:56:20 Know how many syllables that is, but that's well, it's too.
02:56:22 Many it's how many it is.
Speaker 26
02:56:23 He shifts off are by tone.Devon
02:56:27 Which means reworking or reviewing the history of.02:56:30 See look at.
02:56:30 That that you just that that's the word you that if if it was English.
Speaker 11
02:56:36 The word what it would be reworking of reviewing World War.Devon
02:56:40 Two like I.02:56:41 We can't even do it.
02:56:42 In English.
02:56:43 Anyway, problem is you're only allowed to come to 1 conclusion down in.
02:56:48 The official story is then considered hindering the.
02:56:52 Oh, God, what is this?
02:56:56 Another one of these crazy ******* words, I can't say.
Speaker 26
02:57:00 Vida Alfa by Tong.Devon
02:57:05 Remanufacturing is what that means.02:57:08 And automatically makes you a Nazi sympathizer.
02:57:12 Yeah, they did a.
02:57:13 Number on you guys.
02:57:17 It's really sad, actually, it's depressing.
Speaker 13
02:57:21 But yeah, yeah, I yeah.Devon
02:57:25 Mike Hunt, Schindler's list and movie with explicit nudity and sex, was allowed to air uncensored on public American TV.02:57:33 Why was sex and nudity necessary in the inclusion?
02:57:37 Well, I think we all know the answer to.
02:57:38 That Y and ET.
02:57:41 Does the little alien get the little boy drunk and make him kiss a girl for his entertainment?
02:57:51 ETC. Got ********.
02:57:52 Petkovic Babes when you think about it.
02:57:56 Look, we're ugly, creepy, wrinkly, old man naked man.
02:58:03 Hanging out with this little boy who's for some reason almost always.
02:58:06 In his underwear.
02:58:10 And then like.
02:58:12 Is hiding it from his single mom.
02:58:15 Parent right?
Speaker 15
02:58:18 It'll be our little secret.Devon
02:58:22 And gets him drunk.02:58:26 Only he understands him.
02:58:29 And when the government tries to stop it, no, no, don't stop it.
02:58:33 We have a special connection.
02:58:35 You wouldn't understand.
02:58:37 I'm telling you ET.
02:58:44 It's got a gross, it's got, it's got a gross vibe, man.
02:58:51 But yeah the same.
02:58:52 And they did that.
02:58:53 For the same reason.
02:58:55 And there was the other movie, a pawnbroker, I think, does it too.
02:58:59 Jack diddley.
02:59:00 I used to be a huge punk rock fan.
02:59:02 Look back at it now.
02:59:03 A lot of it was very Communist and Jewish.
02:59:05 A lot of it is very communist.
02:59:08 And anti racist.
02:59:09 Like a lot of it.
02:59:12 Like a lot, a lot.
02:59:12 A lot of it.
02:59:17 So much of it that like you almost have to specify.
02:59:22 That, like you know.
02:59:24 Oh, no, this is, you know, Oli or this is, you know, Nazi punk or or like you always have to specify it's it's a different kind of punk if it's.
02:59:31 Not like that.
02:59:34 Harmless G alt hype in addition to making a lot of content on the Holocaust and Hitler also made a great case that the Jews were never really persecuted but privileged in Europe as the ruling classes allowed the Jews to have a privilege in each in which they were always allowed to blasphemy Christ and practice Usery.
02:59:54 Yeah, that's kind of not worked out for us, huh?
03:00:03 User is a *****.
Speaker 12
03:00:05 Yeah, I'll tell you what.Devon
03:00:07 That is one thing I'm.03:00:09 Proud of, I don't know.
03:00:10 Proud is the right word.
03:00:13 I am pleased.
03:00:17 I am pleased that we're easy and we never even got to that.
03:00:22 I am pleased.
03:00:25 That Kanye here, my my favorite.
Speaker 22
03:00:29 The magic *****.Devon
03:00:32 I am pleased.Speaker 14
03:00:33 That he has.Devon
03:00:35 In his complaints on Instagram.03:00:39 About juice has managed to slip in there.
03:00:44 It's not just record label contracts and and you know contracts with businesses, he.
03:00:50 Deals with that.
03:00:51 You know the kind of things that.
03:00:52 Most people are not going to.
03:00:54 Relate to it all and or care that much.
03:00:57 But I like how he slipped mortgages.
Speaker 14
03:01:01 Into that as well.Devon
03:01:05 Oh yeah, how I wonder how quickly.03:01:10 The House of Cards.
03:01:13 Would collapse.
03:01:15 If you just got.
03:01:16 Rid of mortgages.
03:01:19 That might be interesting.
03:01:23 Eminem has a song.
03:01:25 What if I was white in the middle of my wiggliness?
03:01:28 I even was inherently.
03:01:33 When Eminem has a song, what if I was White?
03:01:36 OK, OK, that was.
03:01:37 I didn't see the period there.
03:01:40 In the middle of my wiggliness.
03:01:42 I was even inherently like, what the ****? Well, I I always had. I always hated M&MI. That was the I could never understand.
03:01:53 The fascination with him or why he was popular.
03:01:56 I never liked him.
03:01:57 And this and I was probably peak.
Speaker 15
03:01:59 Wigger when he came out.Devon
03:02:02 And I was.03:02:03 Just like what? What?
03:02:05 You know, I can't relate to this.
03:02:07 He's talking about, like, killing his girlfriend or.
03:02:09 Whatever like.
03:02:11 What I I can't relate to this.
Speaker 13
03:02:16 UM.Devon
03:02:19 It just sounded like a slightly classier ICP.Speaker 13
03:02:22 To me.Devon
03:02:24 Jay Ray, 1981. Eminem on every album had Paul Rosenberg have a audio cameo. Well, there you go.03:02:33 Rosenberg was his agent.
03:02:35 I'm not not surprised at all.
03:02:40 Not surprised at all.
03:02:44 Also, thank Jesus.
03:02:45 I broke out of the conditioning you and others helped.
03:02:49 Thank you, Sir.
03:02:49 Well, I appreciate you.
03:02:53 You doing the work there?
03:02:56 It's not.
03:02:56 It's not easy, by the way.
03:02:58 It's like, you know, they always say it's easy to trick someone.
03:03:03 It's not easy to convince someone they've been tricked.
03:03:09 Really, it's you you got to.
03:03:10 Deal yourself.
03:03:12 You know you have to.
03:03:13 Convince yourself that you were.
Speaker 15
03:03:15 A trick.03:03:16 So you were able, you did the work.
03:03:20 It's not.03:03:21 It's not an easy thing to face.
03:03:23 It's it's a little humiliating, realizing like, oh, ****, I.
03:03:25 Can't believe I did that.
03:03:29 Antiquitas, Devon, please look into Varga vicarius.
03:03:33 Or I can never say that name, but I know who comma, or at least listen to some of his music under the name Burzum.
03:03:41 It has been recommended to you before Guy has a wild story arc.
03:03:45 Thanks for all the hard work.
03:03:47 Didn't he, like, kill someone though?
03:03:52 I'm pretty sure he.
03:03:53 Killed someone, right?
03:03:54 Like I don't know.
03:03:57 But I'm pretty sure he killed someone and.
03:04:01 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
03:04:03 He also says that.
Speaker 15
03:04:06 If you are uh.Devon
03:04:09 You know, like if you're Anglo with brown eyes.03:04:13 Then you are not white.
03:04:15 But if you're Turkish with blue eyes, you are white.
03:04:20 And I think he lives on welfare, which I, you know, I'm actually kind of OK with, you know, like it's whatever, right, you know, suck the system dry.
03:04:27 I would have I.
03:04:28 Would have cared before.
03:04:30 At this point, I don't ******* care.
03:04:33 But I no I've had 0 exposure to him first hand.
03:04:38 I think I tried watching a video many years ago and I had a little trouble with the accent or the pacing or whatever.
03:04:45 I don't remember.
03:04:46 I just remember I watched like maybe 5 minutes.
Speaker 13
03:04:47 Was like I'm not really into it.Devon
03:04:50 But you know nothing against him or.03:04:51 Anything I just.
03:04:53 But you know, saying that Turks with blue eyes are more white than than any other European with brown eyes is a little nuts.
03:05:02 And I'm pretty sure he killed someone.
03:05:08 Metal God.
03:05:09 Uh oh, that's that's name.
03:05:12 Can't wait to see.
03:05:12 What this one is?
Speaker 9
03:05:13 When you're trying to save money.03:05:15 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 16
03:05:24 Take it from these Jim neighbors.03:05:25 It'll pay dividends.
03:05:27 Our next metal God.03:05:30 Hi Devin.
03:05:30 I enjoy all your work.
03:05:33 And thank you for all your efforts.
03:05:35 Here's a story I thought you might find amusing.
03:05:38 It's about a boomer bee, Granny.
03:05:40 She released her bees.
03:05:41 Oh, I put this out on telegram or no gab this.
03:05:44 Is one of the few things I put.
Speaker 14
03:05:45 On gab.Devon
03:05:47 She released her bees to attack the cops for serving her an eviction notice.03:05:51 Here's the link to the story.
03:05:52 The picture is funny.
03:05:54 No, she I put that on gab, but I put like base B witch or something like that.
03:06:01 Yeah, it was some old lady that was just, like, attacked the people with bees.
03:06:07 UM, the link didn't bring it.
03:06:08 Up though you said there.
03:06:09 Was like a funny picture.
03:06:12 Yeah, I don't see it.
03:06:18 Yeah, that is a.
03:06:20 That's kind of a hilarious way to fight the.
03:06:24 You know, fight the police with bees.
03:06:29 It actually stopped them from evicting her.
03:06:30 Or at least you know, for a little bit.
03:06:33 January 1981. I have to ask Devin if Kanye sent in public watch Europa, the last battle, and still no whites did anything. Is he still magic?
03:06:45 If if Kanye said in public, watch your open the last battle and no whites did anything, is he still in?
03:06:52 I don't.
03:06:52 Know what your what you mean?
03:06:54 And still no whites did anything.
03:06:58 I'm not sure you're asking.
03:07:00 I will say this.
03:07:01 He probably won't say that.
03:07:05 If he said that again, it would just be more of the funny.
03:07:09 I'm not saying this isn't entertaining.
03:07:12 I'm saying this is funny as ****.
03:07:14 I'm saying they'll probably turn some blacks.
03:07:19 Into like the Farrakhan, there's always been like some blacks that got the JQ.
03:07:27 There's almost always been some blacks that got it.
03:07:30 And maybe he's just like the new one, right? Because Farrakhan's getting old and you know Malcolm X is dead.
Speaker 13
03:07:40 And uh.Devon
03:07:42 I can't think of any.03:07:46 You know that I have. I don't think there's there hasn't been, like, a fresh face for the for black anti-Semitism.
Speaker 13
03:07:52 The while you know.Devon
03:07:54 So maybe he'll be the new guy.03:07:55 I I don't think it'll get to that.
03:07:57 But like, you know, who knows?
03:07:58 Right, weirder things have happened.
03:08:03 And still no whites did anything.
03:08:05 I don't know what you mean by that.
03:08:06 Like if.
03:08:08 If they didn't watch it, or if they didn't, nothing after they watched it, they won't do anything.
03:08:15 Even if every American.
03:08:18 Was forced to watch this.
Speaker 15
03:08:21 You know like.Devon
03:08:27 You can't teach an old dog new tricks.03:08:32 And I hate to break it to you, but.
03:08:33 This dog is domesticated as ****.
03:08:37 That's not always going to be the way it is.
03:08:40 You know?
03:08:41 It's like cats, right?
03:08:43 You can have a domestic headed indoor cat that is.
03:08:48 You know nice and fluffy and whatever.
03:08:50 And then you kick it.
03:08:51 Out to the outdoors.
03:08:53 If it survives long enough to reproduce.
03:08:57 You have an epigenetic effect in the first generation.
03:09:02 Meaning that the first kittens that come from that cat.
03:09:09 Will be feral.
03:09:10 Like they'll be genetically different.
03:09:12 From a.
03:09:14 Domestic cat.
03:09:16 Kind of like pigs.
03:09:20 If you if pigs.
03:09:21 Get away from farmers and go start living in the.
03:09:23 Woods and ****, they grow tusks.
03:09:29 You know things can change.
03:09:33 But it's not, it's not instantaneous.
03:09:36 It's not instantaneous.
03:09:38 And right now we're just where the reality is.
03:09:42 I mean, the oldest generation is basically hypnotized by Jews.
03:09:47 And just loves them.
03:09:50 And the youngest generation.
03:09:54 Order a pizza over the phone.
03:09:58 Because it's too much social anxiety.
03:10:02 So you're kind of, you know, it's kind of like a.
03:10:10 And the and the and the.
03:10:10 People in between aren't any better you.
03:10:12 Know like I'm.
03:10:12 Not saying that I'm just.
03:10:14 Saying that's there's there's not like.
03:10:18 There's not like a whole lot of fight in.
03:10:19 The people that are around right now.
03:10:23 It just is.
03:10:24 It is what it is and what's going to change that, just like with epigenetics is it's going to be selection pressures.
03:10:35 Selection pressures and environmental factors that trigger epigenetics.
03:10:42 Uh, my fat little ******** toe 1488.
Speaker 24
03:10:48 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 25
03:10:55 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
03:10:58 There we go.03:11:01 You know, and since we have it.
03:11:04 Since we have the duck.
03:11:16 There you go.
03:11:18 Just got back from a night bar bar hopping with some bass brose on a completely unrelated note.
03:11:25 What are your thoughts on shrooms and Cougars?
03:11:31 Well, the thing about mushrooms is they will smooth out the wrinkles on your brain like a bowling ball if you do them too much.
03:11:40 I also do not recommend them for.
03:11:46 I don't want to say like weak minded people, but.
03:11:50 People that aren't pretty like.
03:11:55 Or not center is not even the right word anchored in some way, and it doesn't.
03:11:59 I don't even mean like.
03:12:02 If you're a very rational person.
03:12:05 And you do mushrooms.
03:12:09 It can still break your brain.
03:12:12 I I guess all I can say is be very careful and I can't tell you that.
03:12:17 Never try them.
03:12:20 I would tell my kids they never try them.
03:12:23 I tried them a lot when I was younger.
03:12:26 And not so much.
03:12:27 It wasn't even really trying at that point.
03:12:29 It was just doing.
03:12:32 I'm sure I lost some brain cells over it.
Speaker 15
03:12:38 I you know, it's hard.03:12:40 I don't.
03:12:40 Know what the?
03:12:41 I I guess I'd have to think about it like is there a benefit to having experienced?03:12:46 Reality in a in a different way.
03:12:50 Or was it just entertainment?
03:12:51 And I've convinced myself that.
03:12:54 It somehow produced some kind of insight I wouldn't have had any other way.
03:12:59 And I, you know, I'd have to say, honestly, I'd lean more towards the entertainment only because.
03:13:04 When you come down off shrooms, you always have this moment of what I always called the moment of clarity, where you would think that, oh, I've got the answer to everything.
03:13:15 All the problems in my life.
03:13:18 I I know it's not just like I think it's like I can see the solution.
03:13:22 I can see how it works.
03:13:24 In fact, part of that, by the way, when you have this moment of clarity, does involve a splash of guilt for having done the mushrooms in the 1st place like this isn't good.
03:13:34 I I can't be doing this and and be a you know, so that's part of the the little moment of clarity.
03:13:40 And then it goes and it's gone.
Speaker 15
03:13:44 And then, but you're, you know, you're so convinced.Devon
03:13:48 That it was there.03:13:51 And I think it is.
03:13:51 I think in some form it is there because it see or if it's not, it sure **** seems pretty realistically there, but that seems that's the only positive thing I can think of that's in.
Speaker 15
03:14:04 Terms like.Devon
03:14:06 I don't know character.03:14:09 Building or whatever, I don't know.
03:14:13 But yeah, I don't.
03:14:14 I mean, doing psychedelics on any kind of regular basis will just **** you up.
03:14:17 I've seen it happen with people.
03:14:19 In fact, I've seen some people that do it once and they're that's why I.
03:14:23 Said like, you know.
03:14:24 You can't.
03:14:25 I don't want to say like.
03:14:26 If you're a weak minded fool, don't do shrooms because like no one thinks of themselves as a weak minded fool, so everyone be like ohh though I'm fine then even the weak minded fools, right?
03:14:37 I'm just saying, you know, just be aware that it it it'll.
03:14:44 It can **** ** your brain so it's you're rolling the dice.
03:14:50 Yeah, man.
03:14:51 Bar hopping for Cougars.
03:14:52 Don't do that.
03:14:53 Don't do that.
03:14:54 See, I I can tell you this is the thing you need to have that moment of clarity, and maybe this is it right now.
03:15:01 You need to have that moment of clarity.
03:15:02 That's like why am I doing shrooms?
03:15:06 And bar hopping for ******* Cougars.
03:15:08 Like what?
03:15:09 What's the end game, you know?
03:15:11 Where is this going?
03:15:14 Because I can tell you, man.
03:15:16 This this goes to nowhere like this goes, especially if it becomes any kind of like.
03:15:23 Habitual thing, you know, or repeating pattern.
03:15:26 That leads to nowhere.
03:15:27 That is the sad train, the nowhere.
03:15:30 Because next thing you know, you're the same age as the Cougars.
03:15:35 Only now you're not trying to bang the Cougars, you know.
Speaker 13
03:15:40 But yeah, you're you're.03:15:41 Yeah, you're just old.
03:15:44 Life passes you by quick and even faster when you're on mushrooms.03:15:47 How about that?
03:15:48 Harmless Gee comments on Nancy Pelosi's husband getting hammer time from what appears to be a male escort. Ah, so the male escort thing I don't think is legit.
03:16:03 It's possible.
03:16:05 Just because it is San Francisco and these are, you know, the pelosis.
03:16:12 And there is some weirdness about it.
03:16:16 But my understanding is the.
03:16:19 The initial.
03:16:21 Reports and rumors that you're seeing on 4 Chan and stuff like that, are they originate from a not reliable source?
03:16:30 Totally possible though, that a male escort or even like you know, a drug dealer.
03:16:37 I don't know.
03:16:38 Some, you know, look at Hunter, right.
03:16:41 You think the pelosis are are these?
03:16:44 Champions of moral certitude.
03:16:46 You know what I mean?
03:16:47 Like everything we know about the pelosis is that tells you the exact opposite.
03:16:53 I would say it's it's difficult to know.
03:16:57 If it's, you know how much of that is.
03:17:04 I mean we will never find.
03:17:05 Either you know what I mean.
03:17:09 Andromeda, $3 great show, Devin. Well, I appreciate them.
Speaker 14
03:17:14 King Slayer 1776.Devon
03:17:19 Is that like, like literal King Slayer?Speaker 9
03:17:22 Why is money management?03:17:29 Thank you.
03:17:31 Randomly woke up at 2:00 in the morning.03:17:33 Love you, Devin.
03:17:33 I'll catch the replay tomorrow, alright?
03:17:38 All right, back at you, Kingslayer.
03:17:41 Ryan is cool.
03:17:43 $25.
03:17:45 Let's Stew.
03:17:47 Let's mix it up.
03:17:50 Let's do.Speaker 23
03:17:52 Money is power.03:17:54 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Speaker 14
03:17:58 Go, Julie, this *** is.Devon
03:18:17 Oh, by the way, I need to load a.03:18:20 Hilda Spencer sent me a bunch of ******** ****** animations and I.
03:18:22 Don't have them loaded up yet.
03:18:25 So I gotta find out where I I forgot about those.
03:18:29 Being downloaded on here, so I gotta.
03:18:32 I don't know where.
03:18:32 I put them.
03:18:34 I got to get those in there.
03:18:38 Ryan is cool.
03:18:39 I've been seeing a lot of Normie or Lobert friends share the meme about how banks never distance themselves.
03:18:47 From Epstein but are doing it to Kanye.
03:18:50 They still don't get it and I am losing my mind.
03:18:52 Thinking please just connect the last dot.
03:18:56 That's a big ask.
03:18:58 That's a big ask.
03:19:01 You got to realize how thick the programming is because you know, think of it this way.
03:19:05 They don't connect the dots on any of.
03:19:07 This ****.
03:19:07 It's why it's so frustrating when when you know, it's kind of a cliche, that's what it is.
03:19:13 It's beyond a cliche at this point.
03:19:15 You know, the whole conservatives.
03:19:16 Well, what if the reverses?
03:19:18 The races were reversed, then like everyone?
03:19:21 You know.
03:19:22 It doesn't ******* they.
03:19:23 They can't.
03:19:24 Their brains don't.
03:19:26 You know, they they can't put it together.
03:19:29 They can't put it together like they probably don't.
03:19:31 Even some of these ******* at least probably don't even know Epstein is Jewish.
03:19:38 Yeah, I just feel your frustration.
03:19:41 Wannabe cult later cult leader $25.
Speaker 24
03:19:44 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 25
03:19:52 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
03:19:54 Just doing my part to support the truth.03:19:56 Well, it's better than supporting the troops.
03:20:01 They're having trouble with that.
03:20:02 Trouble with the getting troops.
03:20:10 Land of the fake home, the gay.
03:20:13 I met an Aussie man in a big boobed what?
03:20:18 I think you mean Na.
Speaker 11
03:20:21 Big boobed.Devon
03:20:22 Bat watch.03:20:25 You mean someone's drunk? I met an Aussie man and a big titted. I'm just.
03:20:29 Going to rephrase this for you, I met a an Australian and a big titted *****.
03:20:36 Oh, no.
03:20:36 OK, I'm I'm reading it like a ******.
03:20:39 Like a ******.
03:20:41 I met an Ozzy in a in a big titted Baywatch ***** costume with hair out of his **** called Anita Shavin.
03:20:56 Butcher no words for that one.
03:20:59 Butcher bird.
03:21:01 Devon question.
03:21:03 If you were sent in or sent back in time as a German Air Force pilot.
03:21:09 What would you choose between either the ME 109 or the FW190 as you're playing?
03:21:18 I don't even know what those are.
03:21:19 Let me look.
03:21:26 One of them better be the.
03:21:27 Flying wing or some space Nazi thing?
03:21:32 I don't think.
03:21:33 I don't think he gave me a space Nazi one.
03:21:41 One's a gunfighter.
03:21:45 It looks kind of like.
03:21:47 All the World War 2 ones, really.
03:21:51 I don't know, just going based on looks.
03:21:55 I'd say the 109 looks more.
03:21:59 So I'm going to go with that one.
03:22:03 The one on 9 looks like.
03:22:06 Like it needs.
03:22:09 Like, I feel like I've seen these with paint jobs.
03:22:11 With let me bring a picture.
03:22:12 Up like I've seen a picture of 1 of.
03:22:15 These with like teeth.
03:22:15 On it.
03:22:16 Like paint it up with teeth.
03:22:21 But I don't see one with teeth.
03:22:22 On it, I'll just bring a picture up.
03:22:30 I like how when you OK actually this.
03:22:32 One does have a swastik on it.
03:22:35 I was about to say a lot of these.
03:22:38 Especially in Europe, right where everyone's.
03:22:40 Afraid of the swastika?
03:22:43 When they do movies and stuff, they make the swastika and like some like it, you know, like the Nazi.
03:22:48 It'll be the literal Nazi armband.
03:22:51 And it doesn't have a swastika on it.
03:22:53 Instead it has.
03:22:55 Like some maybe like a red circle.
03:22:59 With a white dot in the middle or just?
03:23:02 Yeah, something that's just.
03:23:04 It's the colors are the same, but the symbol is completely different just because they, well, in Germany, I guess it's illegal.
03:23:09 Maybe that's why they're doing it.
03:23:10 So they.
03:23:10 Can air in Germany, but it's still ******* a.
03:23:14 That's that's ******* nonsense.
03:23:19 Glock 23 coyotes are ******* evil. Coyotes are a huge nuisance everywhere in North America. I know a few of my beloved cats have been victims of coyotes.
03:23:28 I hunt.
03:23:28 I hunt coyotes to kill as many as I can.
03:23:31 Please do your part to make the world a better place by shooting some coyotes.
03:23:36 Yeah, I might.
03:23:37 They might just because, you know, tonight when they were, they were howling.
03:23:43 Like this sounds made-up, but like I was out there and Churro jumped up onto a bee box, looked into the darkness in the direction of the of the house, and and did like a growl like a, you know?
03:23:55 Cat growls where it's more like like.
03:23:57 It's, you know, their mouth is closed.
03:23:59 It's like a more like in their throat and that's what I was like.
03:24:03 Oh, at least he knows.
Speaker 13
03:24:04 At least he knows it's that's a bad thing.Devon
03:24:06 He's not like, oh, let's go be friends with whatever is making that noise.03:24:12 He's got lots of safe places to be.
03:24:14 It's just he's not always.
03:24:15 He's just not always in him.
03:24:17 And well, I don't know, maybe there's other.
03:24:18 Maybe he's got, like, a a bunker somewhere that.
03:24:21 I'm not aware of.
03:24:23 If it's possible, if it's even possible, he's like whittled his way into Carla's house somewhere, or something like that.
03:24:29 Actually, that's not a bad idea. I could put him in. I've I've cleared out a a good part of Carl's house, but then he I don't.
03:24:36 Know I'd have to have.
03:24:38 Social interaction over there somehow with him.
03:24:44 Maybe just put classified cat and Carl Sampson.
03:24:49 That's right, classified.
03:24:50 I'm talking about you.
Speaker 13
03:24:52 UM.Devon
03:24:55 Woolems $10.03:24:58 Let's say I deserve something, right?
Speaker 18
03:25:03 What we got here?Devon
03:25:06 It's been a while since we had that guy.03:25:13 First time I've caught one of your streams live in such a long time.
03:25:16 Your stuff is awesome though.
03:25:17 I actually just got my friend to start checking out some of your YouTube stuff and he's watching the stream right now too.
03:25:24 Thanks for all you do man.
03:25:25 Keep it.
03:25:25 Well, welcome to the insomnia stream, Williams.
03:25:33 You know, I'll give you another let's.
03:25:35 Do another.
03:25:35 What have I got here?
03:25:40 How about I give you a potato?
Speaker 3
03:25:43 Goats, goats, goats, goats, goats.03:25:45 Hold up.
03:25:45 Hold up.
03:25:45 Hold on. What's up? Sup.Speaker 3
03:25:46 Sup Sup up?03:25:47 I'm a potato.
Speaker 14
03:25:49 There you go.Devon
03:25:59 $10.03:26:01 Let's give you another 10 and it's been another while I I had scales loaded up anyway, right?
03:26:13 Alright, enough of that.
03:26:14 My German mom told me as a child that her mom and grandma never saw evidence of murders or and cremations, and the constant at the concentration camps.
03:26:23 During World War.
03:26:24 During World War 2, now my mom has dementia and let it slip that they never visited the camps after the war.
03:26:30 Because they claim the Holocaust never happened.
03:26:33 I think my mom hid it from me.
03:26:35 You know.
03:26:37 I've heard.
03:26:39 From friends with elderly German parents that came to America that there was not a, not a not insignificant amount of doubt.
03:26:52 And that this.
03:26:55 Permeated throughout, and the only reason why.
03:27:01 A lot of the people changed their minds.
03:27:06 Is the US and Soviet troops.
03:27:10 Marched them through camps with lots of dead bodies and told them this is what happened.
03:27:18 Now, there were lots of dead bodies at work camps.
03:27:21 That's going to happen.
03:27:22 At powder and work camps are going to have dead body.
03:27:27 And it's going to be horrific.
03:27:30 And if you're even if you're a German citizen who's.
03:27:34 Known a bunch of relatives that have died as a result of this war and you've maybe have survived bombs and and seen some ****.
03:27:45 It's not going to be like seeing.
03:27:48 A huge trench full of dead bodies.
03:27:52 That are in various levels of decay.
03:27:58 And if you have the people who just one who have guns pointed at you.
03:28:04 Telling you you.
Speaker 14
03:28:05 Did this.Speaker 15
03:28:09 You know.Devon
03:28:10 I could.03:28:11 I could see how that could, uh.
03:28:14 That could stick.
03:28:17 Land of the fake home of the gay.
03:28:19 It's good to get your enemies to do psychedelics and then house break them.
03:28:25 UM, and then house break them.
03:28:32 You let are your enemies ******** on your floor.
Speaker 14
03:28:35 I don't know what.Speaker 12
03:28:36 You mean?Devon
03:28:38 And house break them.03:28:41 Oh man, I don't know.
03:28:42 I some psychedelics will make your enemies vomit on your floor, so if they're already, you know, you.
03:28:46 Getting it from one end.
03:28:47 I don't know if you want to get it from the other two.
Speaker 11
03:28:50 Oh, look at this big.Devon
03:28:51 **** pretty fly for a white guy.03:28:53 You know, I almost played.
03:28:56 I almost played that song because of the, you know, it's the Wigger edition.
03:28:59 I almost played pretty fly for.
03:29:01 A white guy.
03:29:03 But I was always annoyed by that song because I saw that again, I've been hip to the anti white, sensitive to it.
03:29:10 Like I've I've noticed it for like a long time and even back then.
03:29:16 I was more annoyed.
03:29:17 I didn't care that they were making fun of Wiggers I can I.
03:29:19 Can get it right even though it was a little wiggly at the time.
03:29:22 I got it right.
03:29:24 I didn't like it either.
03:29:26 But like how there's this yet another song.
03:29:30 Implying that.
03:29:32 White people can't possibly be cool, you know?
03:29:36 Certainly not as cool as blacks, but you know you're not so bad for a white guy, you know, like, I I just didn't like the phrasing.
03:29:43 I didn't like how that wasn't yet another song on the radio that I would hear cause I wasn't.
03:29:48 I didn't.
03:29:49 I never really liked it, but I sure as **** heard it all the ******* time.
03:29:54 So I was going.
03:29:55 I was going to play it, but I played vanilla ice and snow instead.
03:30:00 Anyway, let's do.
Speaker 14
03:30:06 Dude, **** me.03:30:08 It's a leprechaun.
Speaker 23
03:30:10 Money is power.03:30:11 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Speaker 12
03:30:15 Go, Julie, this *** is.Devon
03:30:34 Alright, *** **** energy $200.03:30:39 Devin, I recently took a job in your area.
03:30:41 How do you know?
03:30:43 Ah, a lot of people think they know.
03:30:46 The area that I'm in.
03:30:48 And lots of people are wrong.
03:30:52 And have building skills that are quite exclusive.
03:30:55 I'd like to.
03:30:56 I'd like the opportunity to give back to you for all that you've given to us.
03:31:00 Thank you.
03:31:01 And please let me know if there's any way I can reach out and to be of assistance at the pill.
03:31:07 All right, well, I'll tell.
03:31:08 You what?
03:31:08 There's a good chance.
03:31:10 You're not in the area.
03:31:12 There's a.
03:31:14 Pretty good.
03:31:15 Chance, in fact, almost no one's in the area.
Speaker 11
03:31:18 That's kind of the point of.Speaker 13
03:31:19 The pill box.Devon
03:31:20 There's not a whole lot of.03:31:21 People in.
03:31:21 This area at all.
03:31:23 But yeah, I appreciate the offer.
03:31:25 I don't know that anything done maybe.
03:31:30 You know, maybe once I get to Carla's property, because there's I'll tell you one thing that I'm have to figure how to do.
03:31:37 There's one of the buildings has a sinking foundation because it's like this, you know, building like the 40s or something, it's like.
03:31:44 Really old and you know ****** brick.
03:31:46 And so there's like a like you can put your hand through the whole.
03:31:50 There's like crack down one.
03:31:51 Of the.
03:31:51 Walls where the foundation has sunk so much.
03:31:55 You can stick your hand through the crack, right?
03:31:58 So I'm at to get underneath that that slab and and Jack it up and do all that ****.
03:32:05 And I I kind of get it how to do it in some ways but there's.
Speaker 15
03:32:10 You know using using.Devon
03:32:12 Household like being MacGyver about it, like I'm going.03:32:15 To have to.
03:32:15 Be there's some, you know, I could maybe use the the input of an engineer, you know, structural engineer if that's your gig.
03:32:26 So maybe maybe.
03:32:30 I'll remember that.
03:32:31 For sure and thanks for the uh the hook up there.
03:32:37 Yeah, like that's that's one thing I understand about the you know, how to.
03:32:41 I've watched like a bunch of.
03:32:42 Videos of people doing and I get I get it.
03:32:44 I get the jacking out but.
03:32:46 A lot of times what they do.
03:32:47 Is they?
03:32:48 They fill up with concrete.
03:32:49 And stuff and or.
03:32:51 I've seen even try.
03:32:52 To fill up with like ******* foam and which.
03:32:54 Seems stupid to me, but you know, whatever I've seen like them level out slabs that way.
03:33:01 Seems like that very temporary solution, but what do I know?
03:33:07 But yeah, there there's.
03:33:08 I just have some questions as to like how that.
03:33:11 Work unless you just laugh.
03:33:13 I don't know if you do it, the getaway you can get like those.
03:33:15 Those 20 ton piston jacks for, like, not that much.
03:33:22 And if you're just going to leave, I would just leave it in there like I would Jack up the slab and then just leave.
03:33:27 It under there and then just fill it with concrete with it in there and it would just become part of the.
03:33:32 You know, because they're like, 20-30 bucks apiece.
Speaker 13
03:33:34 So just buy like.Devon
03:33:36 A few of them, knowing that you know, just get the cheapest ones like the.03:33:40 Super training, easy ones that you never use again as.
Speaker 13
03:33:44 Long as it.Devon
03:33:44 Can pump up, you know.03:33:46 20 tons right now for like a day and stay pumped up while the concrete is drying.
03:33:52 That's all it really matters, right?
Speaker 13
03:33:54 Anyway, all right.Devon
03:33:58 Jenny, $5.03:33:59 My grandpa was married to a German s s officer until he was killed during World War 2.
03:34:06 I imagine he told her what was really going on at the camps.
03:34:10 My grandma later moved to the US, remarried, and then had my mom.
03:34:13 My mom, who was the teacher, didn't share the Holocaust doubts because she didn't want to get out.
03:34:19 Well, yeah, it's.
03:34:20 I mean, it's not as bad.
03:34:22 Here as it wasn't, I mean free speech wise even now it's not.
03:34:28 I mean, for government, I don't know.
03:34:30 I my guess is you.
03:34:32 You wouldn't keep your job.
03:34:35 Even in the 80s?
03:34:36 Well, yeah, maybe not even the 80s.
03:34:40 If you were a Holocaust.
03:34:42 Denying teacher you know I.
03:34:43 Mean I I don't think you could.
03:34:47 Henry Ford, $10. Let's see here.
03:34:57 Yeah. Do we have the?
03:35:00 Can you guys hear those?
03:35:01 Those coyotes are *******.
03:35:06 I mean, the last 24 hours, man. Like I told you I like.
03:35:09 It took me.
03:35:10 24 hours of travel to get.
03:35:11 Back home.
03:35:13 Since I rolled in like as I was rolling.
03:35:15 In I heard him.
03:35:17 In fact, that was like, oh sure, I was.
03:35:18 Dead for sure, like I.
03:35:19 Keep thinking, I always think that.
03:35:21 And then he turned.
03:35:22 Up, but it was it was all over the place.
03:35:26 And then it only stopped because you know they in the daytime, they're not like this.
03:35:29 But they've been, they have.
03:35:31 Been really close.
03:35:34 For at least at least 24 hours now.
03:35:38 Uh, where's the uh?
03:35:44 I was going to try to find the ******* FBI guy.
03:35:49 I don't know what the hell that was, but.
03:35:50 It disappeared real fast.
03:35:55 Let's do this one.
03:36:04 All right, I watched the PAT movie The other day and I felt they tried to make him look like a loose cannon and crazy.
03:36:12 It was definitely judaized.
03:36:15 Well, I mean, but he was, I.
03:36:16 Think was it like that?
03:36:18 I mean it's.
03:36:19 Been a really long time since I saw.
03:36:22 And my my take away was at the time at least, they yeah, they they made him look a little unhinged and unsympathetic.
03:36:28 Like there's that one time they had.
03:36:30 That the the troop that's shell shocked and he's like screaming at him and whatever.
03:36:35 And they're trying to make him.
03:36:36 Look like an *******, but there was, like, there was also.
03:36:39 Like this? Yeah, but.
03:36:41 He was a great, you know, like he was a maverick. You know what I mean? Like the Maverick he was. Ohh. He was a one-of-a-kind.
03:36:48 So I'll I'd have, I'd have to.
03:36:50 Rewatch it again.
03:36:52 Butcher bird $1.00 for the FW190 cool classified cats for the churros. De gatos. All right.
03:37:02 Alright guys. Wow. OK.
03:37:06 Well, you guys were.
03:37:09 We're very generous and I appreciate that it's been nice, especially like.
03:37:13 I had two streams off 2 streams off and.
03:37:19 Then, like my kind of half asked Ms.
03:37:20 Paint string.
03:37:26 Man, I'm going to sleep like a ******* baby.
03:37:30 Well, no, actually.
03:37:31 Why do people say babies don't sleep well?
03:37:34 I'm not going to sleep like a baby.
03:37:35 Going to sleep like a.
03:37:38 Like an old man?
03:37:40 Yes, old man.
03:37:40 Sleep on, old man.
03:37:42 Sleep a lot.
03:37:44 After I go.
03:37:45 Do a little churro chack and scare off some coyotes.
03:37:49 I'm just going to hit the sack, but I appreciate you guys coming out here tonight and.
03:37:54 Supporting the cause.
Speaker 11
03:37:56 We're going to do, we're going to, we're going to finish up.Devon
03:38:01 The the Holocaust documentary there's still at least one more part, maybe two.03:38:10 I'm going to probably just try to do it in one because.
03:38:14 You know, there's only so much that ****.
03:38:17 We can take.
03:38:19 And then we're moving on to some other stuff.
03:38:22 Have a happy and safe Halloween.
03:38:26 And I will see you guys Wednesday.
03:38:33 Where's my stupid thing?
Speaker 18
03:38:36 There we go.Devon
03:38:42 Well, discombobulated, now that I'm back, alright anyway.Speaker 14
03:38:45 For black pillows, I am of course.Speaker 27
03:38:57 Time for the ball time.03:38:58 For the ball, Shapira Shapira.
03:39:08 Time for the ball.
03:39:09 Time for the ball.
Speaker 6
03:39:14 There we go.Speaker 27
03:39:22 I've never seen such kind of thing.03:39:30 You said 12.
03:39:38 We got the football match.
03:39:41 How good?
03:39:43 I don't need to bother you, no.
03:39:52 Three of you.Speaker 27
03:39:55 Time for the ball.03:39:57 Time to score.
03:40:04 Here we go.
Speaker 18
03:40:24 No you didn't.Speaker 12
03:40:26 You have not said in there.03:40:28 I know what it is.
Speaker 3
03:41:00 Well, I can't say nothing, baby.03:41:02 I've got my pistol point until I see your monkey *** drop and let your home.
03:41:02 Come up.Speaker 3
03:41:08 You know who?03:41:09 Done it because when it comes to this gangster ****, you ************* know who look.
03:41:13 We're standing up for our own ship.
03:41:15 And if you with this ************ to other things you gotta realize.
03:41:19 ******* ******* with the very fix I've got this killer up inside of me. I can't talk to my mother, so I talk to my guy.