00:00:00 Skies above the horizon for the we have no flights on when they.00:01:51 Appear to this.
00:01:55 Flying saucer attack.
Speaker 1
00:02:04 Until it's over.Speaker
00:02:20 The army under you.Speaker 3
00:03:57 Just a little.00:04:02 Get out of this track.
00:04:11 In life.
00:04:14 Let it ran all the way to town, but it came out of.
00:04:23 Say it was Mars.
00:04:28 It will make us a speech about raising the Mars tax.
Speaker 1
00:04:35 The Lord will come.Speaker 3
00:04:38 Rushed out.00:05:15 National hero.
00:05:26 White House for 17,000,000.
00:05:39 The sky.
Speaker 5
00:05:48 These things.Speaker 3
00:05:58 Ran all the way to the house screaming.00:06:01 It came out.
00:06:41 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:06:46 Alien Nation edition.
00:06:50 I'm your host, of course.
00:06:51 Devin stack.
00:06:53 Thought I would pop in and do a Wednesday one.
Speaker 7
00:06:58 Ah, I'm a little tired.Devon
00:07:00 But I'm gonna wake up drinking some caffeine.00:07:05 Delicious caffeine.
00:07:05 Hope you guys are all.
00:07:06 Ready for a good one?
00:07:10 I mentioned in a previous stream, not.
00:07:11 That long ago.
00:07:14 There was some goofy TV show.
00:07:17 On in the 80s called Alien Nation.
00:07:21 And I just it it's one of those fuzzy memories.
00:07:25 I didn't realize how goofy it was or how how absolutely bad it was.
00:07:29 I just knew even as a kid I was very it's funny, I was very sensitive to this stuff even when I was a kid, you know, like I'm trying to fix my stupid pop thing that doesn't ever seem.
00:07:37 To work very.
00:07:37 Well, when I was a kid and I'd watch.
00:07:42 Movies or TV that had like an anti white message.
00:07:44 I mean I I I could I.
00:07:47 Got it.
00:07:47 I was like, yeah, I OK.
00:07:49 Yeah, I get it.
00:07:49 White people are evil.
00:07:50 I get it.
00:07:50 I get it.
00:07:51 I get it.
Speaker 8
00:07:53 And I don't know why I always.Devon
00:07:54 Understood it because even when I wasn't really.00:07:57 As racially conscious as I you know, as I am now, I guess.
Speaker 9
00:08:01 I still got it.Devon
00:08:02 And I still liked white people, and I still was pisssed off that they were getting ******* on all the time, and the only thing I really remembered about this TV show was that it was like this obvious like anti white.00:08:15 Oh, look how racist white people are kind of show with aliens in it, and that's all I really remembered about it.
00:08:23 And after I did that stream, I decided you.
Speaker 10
00:08:25 Know I don't.00:08:25 Look it up.
00:08:26 Yeah, it's been a long.
00:08:27 I'm gonna look it up and see.00:08:29 If my memory is correct, when everything comes back into focus from being blurry.
Speaker 7
00:08:36 And it was.Devon
00:08:38 And holy ****, it was worse than anything I had I had ever imagined and I didn't know actually the IT the the TV show.00:08:44 Was spawned from a film.
00:08:48 That was actually in theaters.
00:08:49 I've never.
00:08:50 I've never seen the film until very recently, until the other day.
00:08:54 The movie was produced by two Jews in a potato.
Speaker 8
00:09:02 And it's odd that I hadn't heard of it.Devon
00:09:04 Because it stars some pretty big people, including James Cannon.00:09:09 You might remember him from.
00:09:12 The falling down film he plays the.
00:09:15 The cop, that's just, you know, he's just trying to get.
00:09:17 He's just trying to figure out why this crazy.
00:09:19 White guy is going around.
00:09:21 And shooting up the the whole town.
00:09:25 You guys haven't seen the my, my movie dissection, I guess of that film.
00:09:30 I suggest you check it out.
00:09:31 It's on odyssey bit.
00:09:33 I think it's probably still on YouTube, but **** YouTube, right?
Speaker 8
00:09:38 But it was a pretty pretty.Devon
00:09:40 Well put together, cop buddy film.00:09:44 With one little, well, one major difference.
00:09:48 You know, a lot of the cop buddy films.
00:09:50 What were they produced for?
00:09:51 They were produced to show like, oh, look, white people and black people, they're different.
00:09:55 And you got these two cops and they don't want to be partners because one's white and one's black.
00:10:01 And they just come from different worlds.
00:10:04 But don't you know it when faced with criminals, they can use their different.
00:10:08 Points of view to join.
00:10:10 Together and fight crime and and then the.
00:10:14 Whole world is just awesome because diversity is our strength like that was.
00:10:18 That's pretty much every cop buddy film that's ever existed.
00:10:22 And there was a whole lot of them in the 80s and 90s.
00:10:25 And why do you think that is?
00:10:28 Well, I think it's pretty clear. We've covered a lot of the racial tension that took place in the 1960s and 70s.
00:10:35 And now you have a new generation.
Speaker 8
00:10:37 Of people in fact.Devon
00:10:38 I almost called this stream the generation X-Files, but I was like, well, what if?00:10:42 I want to do one on X-Files.
00:10:45 It'll it'll be confusing.
00:10:48 So I didn't do that, but it's.
00:10:49 It's basically you had a generation that the children of the boomers who didn't live through all these race riots, things were slowly starting to calm down, like at least temporarily.
00:11:00 And they decided to do a barrage of propaganda because, well, a because I think boomers can't help themselves of every story they tell.
00:11:09 Is really just the story of the civil rights movement in the 60s, and that's that's just every story they tell ends up just being some version of that, you know, only like, like in this case it's the, it's the, it's, it's the civil right rights movement only with aliens, you know that kind of a thing, right.
00:11:25 But the other thing is that they were trying to force all these changes they had made, you know, the integrated schools, forced busing of white kids into black schools and vice versa.
00:11:36 And they they thought that if they could, just as Abby Hoffman said, if a good propagandist doesn't tell you what the world is like, he tells you what the world like, what he would like the world to be.
00:11:48 And hope in the hopes that it will manifest almost like a magic spell.
00:11:53 And so that's what all these these movies were they were movies that that, that not only sued the minds of the boomers who were thinking like, oh, I don't know if this, this whole our diversity is our strength, things working out well.
00:12:04 Of course it's working out.
00:12:06 Look at Axel Foley.
00:12:08 Oh, he's he's so fun.
00:12:09 He's he's showing those straight laced white cops from Beverly Hills.
00:12:14 Right, like how to do the job that that they don't know how to do in in the the safe Beverly Hills.
00:12:20 He's he's from the streets, yo.
00:12:23 And yeah, and every other movie like that, right?
00:12:27 Every other ******* movie like that.
00:12:30 So this is the trailer.
00:12:31 We're not going to.
00:12:31 We're actually not going to go over the movie, but I want you to see the.
00:12:34 Trailer to it. Oops.
00:12:38 Just stupid pop filter.
00:12:39 It's not staying where it needs to stay.
00:12:41 Stay like that over the microphone would be nice.
00:12:44 That would be.
00:12:44 Good. That'd be good. Alright, so this is the the film that came out in 1988.
Speaker 11
00:13:07 The newcomers have arrived.00:13:09 They have their own customs, their own mysteries.
00:13:14 It's like that I hate.Speaker 11
00:13:14 This place and their own crimes.Speaker 12
00:13:17 My fellow newcomers will work very hard to make as much money as they.00:13:20 Can to give to.
Speaker 11
00:13:21 Me, Sykes.00:13:24 Here's your new partner.
Speaker 12
00:13:26 My true name is.Speaker 13
00:13:27 Sangya Sorensen.Speaker
00:13:29 And I said, well, because.Speaker 11
00:13:30 Right now, James Cohn.Speaker
00:13:32 So what do?Devon
00:13:33 You got.Speaker 11
00:13:33 This will stop anything, and Mandy Patinkin are headed deep into newcomer territories.00:13:40 Get the look.
Speaker 1
00:13:42 The duck.Speaker
00:13:43 Your mother mates out of season.Speaker 11
00:13:45 Into the heart of a.00:13:46 Mystery inside an alien world of violence.
00:13:52 Tell me the.00:13:53 Truth have you?
00:13:53 Ever made it with one of us?
Speaker 12
00:13:57 And power a sweet indulgence from our past, resurrected for our future.Speaker 1
00:14:02 We just followed.Speaker
00:14:04 People did not.Speaker 3
00:14:05 Know about this part of our past.Speaker 11
00:14:07 Beyond their darkest fears.Speaker
00:14:11 No, it's not.Speaker 11
00:14:14 Lies an evil beyond imagination.Devon
00:14:26 Dun Dun Dun so they tackle racism race mixing all everything you could imagine right.00:14:33 Well, they thought it was such a novel idea.
00:14:35 Such a interesting way to portray these civil rights stories to a new generation, a generation that was.
00:14:43 They're into computers, they're into computers and video games, and they like.
00:14:47 Aliens and sci-fi, so we're just going to repurpose and repackage all the same messages that we were pumping into the boomers during the 60s and 70s. We're going to dress it up with ******* latex and makeup and UFO's and a.
00:15:04 And we're just instead of black people, we're gonna have aliens, and that will allow us to do all these other things that you wouldn't.
00:15:10 Normally be able to do.
00:15:12 And I I they.
00:15:14 They they actually made a TV movie.
00:15:17 And then they had two seasons of TV shows, and then another TV movie.
00:15:25 Now I didn't have time to watch all.
Speaker 7
00:15:27 Of that.00:15:28 But I didn't need to.
00:15:30 I watched the first TV movie and holy ****.00:15:35 I just it's it's so exactly how I remember all of TV in the early 90s, not just shows about aliens, but basically anything.
00:15:45 So for those of.
00:15:46 You, who are maybe a little bit younger and don't remember the 80s because you weren't alive or or even the 90s.
00:15:53 Then this is this is what TV was like.
00:15:57 If you want to know why it's not going to be just the boomers that have a hard time wrapping their head around race realism and and some of the things we talked about on the stream.
00:16:07 Well, this is going to be why this was the programming that was being pumped into their heads.
00:16:13 Now the the way that the series or I guess the the first TV movie because it's a continuous thing, right?
00:16:20 Like so, the first TV movie bleeds into the next episode, or the first episode.
00:16:25 Then it it just keeps going.
00:16:26 And then like the final episode, I guess, or is a movie that's kind of like the finale or whatever.
00:16:32 So they they open up the.
00:16:37 TV movie basically using the intro from the the theater theatrical release movie.
00:16:43 They recast the actors.
00:16:45 Of course, they couldn't afford James Cane to be on TV, and they recast the the alien looking, you know, his alien cop partner with some other guy.
00:16:55 But you know, no one really cares.
00:16:57 Does that guy just wears makeup and and?
00:16:59 You know like.
00:17:01 Essentially has has the acting range of the guy who plays data from Star Trek, so it doesn't really.
00:17:07 So they open it up and it's very much like District 9.
00:17:10 That's a more modern film.
00:17:11 You might think of where you've got these refugees, these refugee aliens.
00:17:16 District 9 basically copies a lot of this.
00:17:19 Where these, this this UFO comes out of nowhere and you know all these refugee aliens come out and the public.
00:17:26 Doesn't have to.
00:17:27 Deal with it.
00:17:28 The only difference is is because it's the 90s.
00:17:30 It's a little less gritty.
00:17:32 Obviously they couldn't make the aliens look like lobsters or whatever, like in District 9, and you have.
00:17:41 The other difference is they immediately integrate the aliens into American Society because the.
00:17:47 So apparently the UFO lands in America.
00:17:50 And they make it sound as if, Oh yeah, you know, we're so past racism.
00:17:55 We're so into, you know, diversity and everything else that even when a a ******* UFO from outer space shows up full of aliens, then we immediately immediately integrate them into our society.
00:18:09 And they they're they all have like normal.
00:18:11 Jobs and it's it's not a big deal, right?
00:18:14 So this is how the.
00:18:16 The TV movie opens.
Speaker 5
00:18:18 Coming to the cloud cost, this is.Speaker 2
00:18:18 He looks to me 3 miles.Speaker 15
00:18:22 Requesting immediate identification.Speaker 2
00:18:23 Concurrent method of propulsion circular.00:18:26 I don't think.
00:18:27 I don't think it is.
Speaker 16
00:18:29 Hovering in the space.Speaker 5
00:18:31 This is not.Speaker 17
00:18:32 That was the scene in California's Mojave Desert five years ago today. The historic first view of the newcomer ship upon its dramatic arrival.00:18:42 Their ship was a slave ship carrying 250,000 beings bred to adapt and labour in almost any environment, but they've washed ashore on Earth with no way to get back to where they came from.
00:18:54 Civil liberties attorneys successfully lobbied for the newcomers released from quarantine and in the last five years the newcomers have become the latest addition to the population of Los Angeles.
00:19:07 So you've probably noticed a couple of things there.00:19:10 First of all, it's a slave ship, right?
00:19:12 So that this, this is the thing about the TV movie versus the theatrical release.
00:19:17 The theatrical release was at least a little more sophisticated about how they presented these these metaphors right the the TV movie, not so much.
00:19:26 But that, that, that clip that we just played was in the theatrical release, so that all that is the same thing.
00:19:34 You have a slave ship full of aliens.
00:19:37 Show up and they're put into quarantine and then guess who takes them out of quarantine.
00:19:43 You know, civil liberties lawyers, in other words, it's literally it's the civil rights movement.
00:19:48 So you have the slaves that get freed, and then the the Jewish lawyers.
Speaker 8
00:19:52 Come and get.Devon
00:19:53 Them out out of the quarantine and force them into the public.00:19:57 So it's it's it's. It's the same ******* thing, right? So here is even have like, a word for the aliens instead of it's slag. They're slags.
00:20:10 And so here's a couple of slags the British people might think that's funnier than than the Americans, but there's the they're in slag town.
00:20:18 It's called.
00:20:20 And the way that it opens up is after you have that little intro, this homeless human is walking around and he sees all these slags walking or, you know, they're homeless and they're getting drunk.
00:20:33 That's where they have like a, you know, a joke that's in there is what makes the aliens drunk is rotten milk and.
00:20:40 They don't have any liquor, they only have rotten milk and he's like, oh, **** that.
00:20:44 And then he finds one of his friends and notices that his friend has all these, like weird sores all over his body.
00:20:51 And then you have like the goofiest like but one of the sets you up for like this will give you like an idea as to what the the the production quality was of the TV film and the TV series because it didn't get any better or worse.
00:21:04 This is pretty much par for the course.
00:21:06 For the entirety of of this product.
00:21:09 You have this.
00:21:11 See look, they've integrated so well.
00:21:13 There's already alien Catholic priests.
Speaker 9
00:21:17 So this.Devon
00:21:18 So this alien Catholic priest shows up.00:21:21 It's only been five years and there's already alien Catholic priest.
00:21:24 And he's like ohh, we've been looking for you to the the homeless guy and the with the sores on it. But look, look at this. This action-packed scene.
Speaker 8
00:21:35 I've been looking for you.Speaker 18
00:21:36 All night long we were worried about you at the mission.Speaker 19
00:21:39 Missed several meals and you were wonderful.00:21:39 Mr. Lincoln.
Speaker 1
00:22:07 Please, Mr. Lincoln, please. Please.00:22:13 Mr. Lincoln, I don't.
00:22:29 Dun Dun Dun Dun.00:22:31 So they cut to a family of slags moving into a white neighborhood.
00:22:36 Again, they don't, they don't.
00:22:39 The the It's the laziest writing television writers in the 80s and 90s had the easiest ******* job, so they're moving into the white neighborhood.
00:22:49 And the white lady comes over to welcome them.
00:22:52 And she's like, oh, you know, it's so nice to have one of you guys in our in our neighborhood because, you know, diversity is our strength.
00:23:00 It's always, you know, like I I'm enjoying this, you know, the the slag cuisine that you're bringing to our neighborhood and everything.
00:23:09 And then, you know, she's she's introduced to the the daughter. And you can tell even even when this came out. So this TV movie came out in 1988.
00:23:19 And even then, white people were already so racially browbeaten that they were ultra sensitive about saying the wrong thing around aliens, if you will.
00:23:31 This is Emily, Miss Cooper.Speaker 18
00:23:35 Hi, Emily.00:23:38 You sure look like your mom.
00:23:41 Well, I mean, you know.
Speaker 10
00:23:43 I I I mean I I didn't mean like that like in a racist way.00:23:47 I just meant like, you know, like you look like your.
00:23:50 Ohh God.
00:23:51 Ohh God ohh Jesus.
00:23:55 So there's that kind of **** going on.00:23:57 There's all this awkwardness going on.
00:24:00 The she goes into the house, the alien chick and you know her husband is a cop, you know, cause again, somehow in five years they've they've integrated.
00:24:10 See this just that just the premise alone tells you a lot about what they were trying to tell the audience.
00:24:16 Then no, you can get people from a ******* spaceship from some who knows where.
00:24:20 Right.
00:24:21 And within five years, they'll have integrated into the population perfectly.
00:24:25 They'll have regular professions and you know, they'll be going to school.
00:24:30 They'll speak perfect English, it's fine. And and you might have a couple people that that maybe have a little trouble assimilating like the sun. See, the Sun's kind of an *******.
00:24:40 And he doesn't want to speak English.
00:24:42 And and he doesn't like the.
00:24:45 You know the neighborhood of with all the humans that that he has to live in.
00:24:49 But you know he'll learn, he'll assimilate eventually.
00:24:52 And while this is all going on, of course, what do you have?
00:24:55 You've got the the, the racist white people in the neighborhood that are mad that the aliens are moving in ohh they they they they don't like that.
Speaker 15
00:25:05 This is so awful.00:25:07 After all, your father and I paid for this House and all we put into it.
00:25:11 What's wrong?
00:25:12 Our property is not going to be worth half what we paid for it.
00:25:17 Why do you think Jill?
00:25:21 Because those ******* slags, Jill.00:25:24 That's why.
00:25:26 So you know, again, you know, the laziest writing known to man.
00:25:32 All the white people are upset that there, you know, there goes the neighborhood.
00:25:35 The aliens have moved in.
00:25:38 Then you meet the guy who is?
00:25:40 He's he's supposed to be.
00:25:41 He's the James Cain character.
00:25:42 He's the the renegade cop.
00:25:45 And in the theatrical movie, the way that the movie starts is he's got a it starts off like it's going to be a regular cop buddy comedy because he's got a black partner and they're making jokes and whatever.
00:25:57 But then the black partner gets shot by an alien and so his new partner becomes an alien and then all the.
00:26:05 All the all the tensions because of that.
00:26:07 But it's funny because.
00:26:09 There there, there's zero tension between the black and and white cop.
00:26:12 Like it's like, oh, no, we already fixed racism.
00:26:15 Racism's already fixed. Now we're just, we're upping the ante now. You don't have to. Not only do you have to get used to like all these other races, you have to get used to different species moving into your into your country and and assimilating.
00:26:30 So he's he's.
00:26:31 Visiting the grave of his dead partner and he's all ****** *** because you know those ******* aliens killed his, his partner.
00:26:37 And so he's got a chip on his shoulder about those ******* aliens.
00:26:42 And that's his new partner.
00:26:43 That's the alien partner.
00:26:45 That's the also the guy whose family moved into the the white neighborhood.
00:26:50 And and then look, they they don't.
00:26:52 They don't mask it at all.
00:26:53 I mean, just listen to this.
Speaker 20
00:26:55 I really don't care how you refer to me privately, but when we're questioning the other newcomers, what with word slang equates to such words as kite or Niger or goop or what.Speaker 8
00:27:06 Oh yeah, don't say slag.Devon
00:27:08 It it's like saying kikker or gooker or whop.00:27:13 And again, a sign of the times right that in in context, in 1988 it was totally fine to say on on TV, you know that guy's not getting cancelled.
00:27:25 He wasn't saying, like, you know, really. Who? She wouldn't say slag around the the newcomers, which was like, the way of saying colored people for the aliens. I really wish you didn't say slack. It's a lot like the N word. No, they just said cause like, why wouldn't you? Just a ******* word.
00:27:42 So they go and find the dead homeless guy and they see, like, the weird disease that's, you know, on his face and stuff.
00:27:49 It's like, you know, the implication, of course, he's got some weird alien disease or something like that.
00:27:55 And you know, as they walk away, you can tell, oh, there's the there's the tension between the two, the white cop and the.
00:28:01 Alien cop.
00:28:02 But the alien cop is again.
00:28:04 It's because it's a it's a.
00:28:08 It's a metaphor for the civil rights movement and integration and all that stuff.
00:28:12 The alien cop is super accommodating, and he's smarter than the the white cop, and he's he's more genteel than the white cop, and he's just generally just a better person.
00:28:26 Meanwhile, you know those ******* racists?
00:28:30 You know, they got the racist white ladies.
00:28:32 They're really ****** *** now.
00:28:34 This scene is probably the funniest ****.
00:28:37 And I'm going to let it play quite a bit.
00:28:40 This is probably the funniest **** and the most iconic.
00:28:44 Like if you want to sum up all of 80s and 90s television in in one ridiculous ******* scene.
00:28:52 This is it.
00:28:54 So strap in.
00:28:55 I hope you're ready, because if you missed the 80s and 90s, you never saw television.
00:28:59 Back then, you're about to see every episode of everything ever made, and quite frankly, most of the movies too.
00:29:09 Oh, so to give you context, they're they're integrating the schools.
00:29:14 They're the the little girl, you know, just like the iconic.
00:29:16 Photo of the.
Speaker 8
00:29:17 The little black.Devon
00:29:18 Girl, who's who's being marched into the school with the the the military guys with the bayonets and everything.00:29:26 It's the same kind of a thing.
00:29:27 They're walking the little alien.
00:29:29 Girl into the human school and the humans are going *** **** about it.
00:29:33 They're mad.
Speaker 5
00:29:35 Yes, I'm a purist and I'm proud of it.Speaker 14
00:29:40 With friend to be slaves, so let him be slave.Speaker 15
00:29:45 They breathe like.Speaker 5
00:29:47 Only four months instead of nine pretty soon.Speaker 14
00:29:49 There won't be any room.Speaker
00:29:50 For the rest.Speaker 1
00:29:51 Of us, we.Speaker 3
00:29:53 Don't need anymore.Speaker 1
00:29:59 Oh no.Speaker 5
00:30:01 We shouldn't give up.Speaker 18
00:30:18 There are schools in flagtown.Speaker 5
00:30:19 He doesn't live there anymore.Speaker 14
00:30:21 Let her move back.Speaker 1
00:30:27 They're already taking too many jobs jobs.Speaker
00:30:43 Too soon?Speaker 21
00:31:01 Why stop with running him back to slag down?00:31:03 Don't we just kill him?
00:31:08 Teach them a lesson.
00:31:11 Keep them in their place.
00:31:12 Keep America pure.
00:31:16 We don't even need to paint little stars on them to recognize them do.
00:31:19 It won't be easy to round up.
00:31:23 Obviously, the Holocaust call out, but yeah, just to back.00:31:27 Up a little bit.
Speaker 8
00:31:28 Just imagine the premise here is just so insane.Speaker 10
00:31:31 So it's it's.Devon
00:31:33 Actual aliens from outer space, A species we don't know about.00:31:37 They've been there less than five years.
00:31:40 And the quarantine is over because Jewish lawyers got them out, like that's that's the storyline.
00:31:45 I'm not making that up.
00:31:45 That's the storyline.
00:31:48 And so you've got.
00:31:50 Very probably weird diseases and bacteria you don't know about because they're from ******* space.
00:31:56 It's space aids.
00:31:57 Like you don't know what the **** they got.
00:32:00 And then you're you're just integrating them immediately, as she mentions on the bullhorn, that they they only takes.
Speaker 8
00:32:07 Them four months.Devon
00:32:08 For their babies to be born so they can outbreed.Speaker 10
00:32:11 You like?00:32:12 Like like easily like it.
Speaker 8
00:32:15 It takes them half the time to make a baby less than half the time.Devon
00:32:20 So they can have twice as many kids, something that they don't really explicitly talk.00:32:26 About as much.
00:32:27 Or at least not in the TV movie.
00:32:28 I think it comes up a lot in the series, but it also comes.
00:32:31 Up in the.
00:32:32 Movie is that their 10 year olds are basically, you know, they like at age 10. These kids have an IQ of like 100 and.
00:32:39 50 and are.
00:32:40 They're all basically like child prodigies.
00:32:42 They're all super smart.
00:32:43 And so you, you have people that are going to be out competing you for, like, every ******* job.
00:32:48 You have people that that have 000.
00:32:52 In common with these.
Speaker 10
00:32:53 People, it's not like you have you.Devon
00:32:55 Couldn't have anything less in common with these alien ******* people.Speaker 8
00:32:57 Really. And.Devon
00:32:59 And but then here comes, you know, Boomer.Speaker 8
00:33:01 Bill with his gun.Speaker 7
00:33:04 Why would just? Why?Speaker 9
00:33:05 Would just kill him, you ******* racist, you ******* racist.00:33:11 Why would just put ******* gold stars on him like the Jews, you ******* racist?
00:33:18 I mean this again this is.00:33:19 This is every ******* TV show.
00:33:21 In the 80s night, it gets it.
00:33:22 Gets so much better.
Speaker 21
00:33:26 Why stop with running him back to Slag town?00:33:28 Why don't?
00:33:28 We just kill him.
00:33:34 Teach them a lesson.
00:33:36 Keep them in their place.
00:33:37 Keep America pure.
00:33:41 We don't even need to paint little stars on them to recognize and do it.
00:33:45 Be easy to round up. Look at them. They stand out even better than The Jets that we threw into concentration camps back in 1942.
Speaker 9
00:33:53 Ohh yeah, the.Devon
00:33:54 The the **** and the concentration camps back in 19 for they they're not.00:33:58 They're not letting anything.
00:34:00 And again, if you went to school and in the 90s and I can't tell you like social studies, I remember just from grade school and high school was just, you might as well have called it white guilt class.
00:34:13 Because every single lesson was just like how white people had ****** over.
00:34:17 Someone else you know?
00:34:19 Oh, this is the this is the first where I learned about how the white.
00:34:21 People ****** over the Indians.
00:34:24 And they're going to learn about how they ****** over the black people.
00:34:27 And then we'll learn about how they fuked up the China men and made them build the railroads, and then we're going to find out how they ****** over the the Japanese, you know, stuck them in camps or whatever.
00:34:38 And they were, yeah, it was just like this endless parade of white guilt that was social studies.
00:34:42 That was history class.
00:34:44 And that was that was that was elementary through high school.
00:34:50 So all this, all these little talking points, this guy's bringing up, if you're like a kid, cause this is what this, you know, who do you think the the demo is for this, this television show? It's it's white kids.
00:35:02 It's white kids.
00:35:03 They focus.
00:35:04 I mean, look, it's the storyline doesn't even matter.
00:35:07 Like, it doesn't matter.
00:35:08 Like in fact it never gets resolved the the story.
00:35:11 It only exists in this TV movie as a delivery vehicle to pack all this anti racism **** into it because there is no actual story.
00:35:23 But there's like the story of the, you know, the bomb gets the disease or whatever.
00:35:26 But as you'll see like that, it never really.
00:35:28 That doesn't ever go anywhere.
00:35:29 It doesn't really.
00:35:29 That doesn't matter.
00:35:30 It's completely meaningless to the rest of the story, which is just like, look how ******* racist.
00:35:35 You better take these *** **** aliens.
00:35:37 And did you know they're smarter and better and faster than you?
00:35:42 And more polite and.
00:35:43 And they have more culture and.
00:35:44 And you're just a bunch of bigots, and you should just give your hand your country over to these, these this other species, this, this other species.
00:35:54 No questions asked, the Jewish lawyers have spoken.
00:35:58 You just gotta let them vote and let them have, you know, jobs in your, in your society and and move into your neighborhoods.
00:36:05 Otherwise it's it's just like.
Speaker 22
00:36:07 Like when we lock the **** up and then you could drive the vision kids in 1942.Speaker 21
00:36:14 This will be a piece of cake.00:36:18 And enough of us get together, it'll almost seem.
Speaker 2
00:36:21 Legal on it.Speaker 21
00:36:23 Put little white pointy sheets on our heads.Speaker 22
00:36:25 And head like the KKK put it away.00:36:29 She turns like the ******* KKK.
Speaker 21
00:36:32 And hang us a few slags.Speaker 9
00:36:35 Huh. It's it's red. Just get some good damn. I mean slags.Devon
00:36:44 Ohh look everyone.00:36:44 Everyone's feeling bad now.
Speaker 21
00:36:45 Let's not let's.Devon
00:36:46 They're like oh, wow.Speaker 7
00:36:48 That's deep, bro.00:36:49 I hadn't thought of.
00:36:50 It like that.Speaker 9
00:36:52 It's just it's history repeating itself.Devon
00:36:55 That evil nature that's within white people specifically, that makes us really bad and just going around being mean to everybody else.00:37:03 You know it's it's rearing its ugly head yet again, it's turning you know we're.
00:37:06 We're those demons.
00:37:08 You know, all it takes is for someone to be a little bit different and we all freak the **** out and want to just, you know, start putting people in camps and gassing everybody.
Speaker 21
00:37:18 Well, let's start with this little one right here.Devon
00:37:21 Yeah. Let's let's kill kids.Speaker 21
00:37:27 Just because she's an American citizen, that doesn't make her a human being, does it?00:37:32 So what if she's a little brighter than some of our kids?
00:37:35 We can beat that out of her.
00:37:39 Discourage her enough.
00:37:40 She'll give up.
00:37:44 See and the funny.00:37:44 The funny thing with this too, is they're implying, as they do throughout this entire series in this TV movie, that if you, if you take the metaphor to to be a a metaphor for integration with black people, they're implying that blacks are actually smarter than us.
00:38:02 And that the only reason why they might be problems is we're we're beating the the drive out of them.
00:38:08 You know, white people have beat the smartness out of them, and if you know, if if we would just let them be and and just have some humility and let the blacks overtake us, you know, like the last stream that I did was when.
00:38:22 George Lincoln Rockwell was talking about how the you know when he's talking to the boomer audience and saying that there's going to come a point in time very soon where you're going to be outnumbered 7:00 to 1:00.
00:38:33 And they're going to be voting 7 to one against you and the and the white audience cheered.
00:38:40 They cheered.
00:38:43 They couldn't think of a better future than to have non whites having power.
00:38:51 And that's the same thing he's saying here.
00:38:53 Like Oh yeah.
00:38:53 You're you're just afraid.
00:38:55 You're afraid.
00:38:55 You're jealous of the wonderful talents of these aliens.
00:39:00 You just don't want to have to compete against these people on an on an even playing field.
00:39:04 You're just jealous.
Speaker 21
00:39:09 So what if she might have come up with a cure for cancer someday?00:39:12 She's not civilized like us.
00:39:17 See Tyrone could come up with a cure for cancer someday.00:39:21 You better let them go to your school.
00:39:27 You're taking away the cure for cancer.
00:39:31 Tyrone's never going to.
00:39:32 Grow up to be a a doctor or engineer now.
Speaker 21
00:39:38 So why don't we just put a gun to her head and end it all right?00:39:41 Here, huh?
00:39:43 Come on.
00:39:44 Come on.
00:39:45 Pull the trigger.
Speaker 2
00:39:46 Come on, take it.00:39:48 Come on.
Speaker 21
00:39:50 How about you, Miss Pierce?00:39:52 I know.
00:39:52 You want to come pull the trigger?
00:39:53 Get out over here.
Speaker 2
00:39:56 Come on down.Speaker 21
00:39:59 What I have to do myself, OK.Speaker
00:40:03 No, we don't want her dead.00:40:05 We just want her back where she belongs.
Speaker 21
00:40:08 She belongs here.Devon
00:40:16 Q's Happy music with slight undertones of patriotism.Speaker 21
00:40:24 Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?Speaker 9
00:40:29 Don't you have enough white guilt?00:40:30 Aren't you?
00:40:31 You should know better, black man.
Speaker 21
00:40:39 Anybody gives this little one?00:40:40 Any trouble?
00:40:41 Answers to me got.
00:40:41 It. Yeah, I do.Speaker 21
00:40:45 You OK?Speaker 19
00:40:49 Good girl.Speaker 21
00:40:50 Go in there and show him your stuff.Devon
00:41:04 And the white people have learned their lesson.Speaker 7
00:41:08 Ohh, I guess I'd never thought of it.Devon
00:41:10 That way.Speaker 21
00:41:12 People anybody still here in three?Devon
00:41:14 Men, I mean the fact that that was.00:41:16 Look, it's they're making it sound as if America for humans is too raw.
00:41:23 Look at that sign.
00:41:24 America is for human.
00:41:25 You can't even say America.
00:41:26 Is for humans.
Speaker 8
00:41:29 That's that's radical right wing.00:41:33 You can't even have a pro human viewpoint.
Speaker 21
00:41:37 Minutes will be under arrest for the violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I'm starting my watch now.Speaker 7
00:41:44 Look at that and the.Speaker 9
00:41:46 The the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Devon
00:41:52 And all the boomers at home with their kids gathered around the idiot tube.00:41:58 Smile down at their children and say to themselves now.
Speaker 7
00:42:02 You know what it was like?Speaker 8
00:42:04 Now you know it.Speaker 9
00:42:05 Was like back in 6 to 9.Speaker 7
00:42:11 I hope you're learning learning something here, kid.Speaker 9
00:42:14 Just because someone's different.00:42:17 Doesn't mean you treat them different.
00:42:20 Like the stupidest thing in the world, right?00:42:23 Like, no, you do treat them.
00:42:24 If someone's.
Speaker 8
00:42:25 Different like.00:42:27 It could be very dangerous if you don't.
00:42:33 I'm going to treat a Shih Tzu a lot different.Speaker 8
00:42:35 Than a pit bull.00:42:38 They're both dogs.
00:42:41 Anyway, mean to either one, but I'm maybe a lot more cautious around that ******* Pitbull.00:42:49 But of course, after his message of tolerance has been delivered.
00:42:55 Because this is 1 giant ******* cliche.
00:42:58 Everybody claps.
00:43:06 Tolerance wins.
00:43:10 Alright, so then you get like some weird again, the story that.
00:43:12 The story literally doesn't.
00:43:14 It doesn't matter at all.
00:43:16 So you have some alien that's in some foam booth.
Speaker 7
00:43:21 And he's like, oh, we got we got, we got a problem.00:43:27 They found some homeless guy with some disease.
00:43:30 That, I think, came from us.
00:43:32 I mean, he doesn't say.00:43:33 That, but that's basically saying, right?
00:43:36 So yeah, so that goes on.
Speaker 8
00:43:41 And then and then so.Devon
00:43:43 This is this is the funniest ****.00:43:45 So this is the sun that's not assimilating because they want to address that right, partially because they're just the the idea that all of these immigrants and black people are just immigrating flawless sly into.
00:44:00 Into American Society.
00:44:02 Is so insane that you can't even really use that in your metaphor.
00:44:07 You have to at least have the exception even if you try to justify it and try to make it sound like, well, it's OK because they'll assimilate eventually.
00:44:14 You have to at least address the idea that, well, I mean, they're not just all seamlessly integrating, right?
00:44:20 Like that's that's.
00:44:22 Anyone, even in the 80s can understand this.
00:44:25 And so they have the son who's embracing his, his old culture.
00:44:29 And of course now that if.
00:44:31 You were to talk to.
00:44:32 The the new the new version of Marxist that would be pushing this kind of propaganda, they would encourage this.
00:44:39 You wouldn't even be asked to if, if anything.
00:44:42 You'd be killing his his alien culture by asking him to assimilate, so this is this shows kind of how times have changed with that, like how the goal post has moved before.
00:44:53 The whole idea was, oh, no, they're gonna, they're gonna assimilate into our culture.
00:44:56 It'll be like nothing.
00:44:57 It's just they're gonna look different.
00:44:58 They have goofy spots.
00:44:59 On their head.
00:45:00 And they'll be bald and whatever, but.
00:45:02 Other than that, they're just like us.
00:45:04 And in fact, they're better.
00:45:06 They're smarter, stronger, faster.
00:45:08 And you know, they, they, they, they they can play basketball better.
00:45:12 Like, that's actually they they actually have that in the in the movie.
00:45:15 We'll see here in a second.
00:45:17 And so the son, he's not.
00:45:19 He doesn't like it.
00:45:19 He doesn't like human culture.
00:45:21 He doesn't like speaking English.
00:45:23 He wants to go by his his old name.
00:45:26 You know he doesn't want to be called some colonizer name.
00:45:30 He wants to be called, you know, by his continental.
00:45:32 Name and his parents are trying hard to get him to.
00:45:36 No, no, these people, these good people have been have been so tolerant of us and they're they're welcoming us into the under their planet and into their country.
00:45:44 We need to respect their customs and and you know, really try to assimilate here.
00:45:52 And this again, this addresses the the fact that a lot of them were into some letting, especially when you you would have immigrants who maybe the parents whose dream it was to come to America, they were fleeing oppression like the Cuban Americans in Florida that that that always sticks out as a good example because you had a lot of Cubans that left Cuba.
00:46:12 Fleeing communism and when they arrived in Florida for the first generation, maybe even the the first two generations, they would have that burned into their genetic memory like this anti Castro anti communism viewpoint in their head and so they would they would end up being to some extent a a Republican voting.
00:46:34 People and, but as soon as there was enough distance between.
00:46:39 You know their their whoever their ancestor was that fled Cuba to come to Florida and the the teenager that's around now.
00:46:46 3040 Whatever, how many years later, that's no longer the case. They start voting exactly in line with all the other Hispanic populations, which is largely for bigger government, you know, communist, Marxist Democrat.
00:47:00 Type stuff.
00:47:01 So anyway, this this is the teenager.
00:47:04 He's the the unruly.
00:47:06 He wants to to keep his alien identity.
Speaker 20
00:47:16 I want you to use your.00:47:16 English name now talk soon.
Speaker 23
00:47:21 Please use it.00:47:24 How was your school?
00:47:27 It was OK.
00:47:33 So he's trying.00:47:34 He's trying to get his his son to assimilate.
00:47:39 Then you get the his partner, the human cop.
00:47:42 He goes back to his apartment and you start to get immediately the the race mixing message where you have the the alien that lives next door and she's single and and often wearing revealing clothing.
00:47:57 And you know he's checking her out until he realizes that.
00:47:59 He's got, like, the weird, spotty hat.
00:48:02 And so he's a little standoffish, but at the same time you you already know you already know because it's the the whole movie is just so poorly put together, you know exactly where this storyline is going, right.
00:48:13 Like this guy who he used to be really suspicious of the aliens and think that they maybe they shouldn't live amongst us.
00:48:19 You know, they they killed his partner.
00:48:21 To like yeah.
Speaker 10
00:48:22 Yeah, that ******* alien next door.00:48:24 She's looking pretty good to me.
00:48:26 So that's already, that's already happening.00:48:29 He gets some box delivered to him from the wife of his.
00:48:34 So that's the wife of his ex partner.
00:48:35 That's saying that, like, oh, yeah, you know, my my husband said if anything bad ever happened to him that you should get this box of clues.
00:48:43 And again this.
00:48:44 Doesn't really matter this the story, these these little stories don't even matter.
00:48:47 It's just it's just like.
00:48:50 Seasoning on the on the on the main course.
00:48:53 So he's like clues, you say I'll have to go through this box of clues and try to figure out that mystery or whatever.
00:48:59 So he goes to work and the again it's the same thing.
00:49:04 They're trying to replicate from the movie.
00:49:06 It's it's supposed to be like this odd couple kind of dynamic where you know all the the alien.
00:49:13 Yeah, he's really nice and smart, but sometimes he gets, you know, he, he, he he doesn't know to tell a joke.
00:49:18 He's kind of like a Vulcan in a way.
00:49:19 He doesn't always get human humor and stuff like that, but he's he's awesome and and a super nice guy.
00:49:27 And whereas the humans kind of a prick.
00:49:30 And they go to check out the body of the homeless guy with the weird disease on his face and the and the body is.
00:49:36 Missing and they're like, what the ****?
00:49:39 How did this happen?
00:49:41 Meanwhile, and this seems hilarious too, so they show the little girl she's in school and she gets bullied by a white kid in a wheelchair.
Speaker 10
00:49:52 And honestly though, I think the reason why they did this.00:49:56 The reason why they did this.
00:49:58 Where they're literally showing like the the.00:50:04 A collection of of misfits picking on the alien girl is they didn't want anyone.
00:50:10 To slide under the.
00:50:11 Radar. Right. Because if you show a movie or a or a television series and you include characters that are like these Hicks, and they're all these white guys wearing trucker hats and they're all like, uh-huh, as they, you know, spit their their Copenhagen on the sidewalk and and yell about, you know, indiscriminately.
00:50:31 And and just start ****** black women for no reason.
00:50:35 If you have that sort of a caricature going on, a lot of the white people that won't connect to that right, like they'll get the message.
00:50:42 Oh, I get it.
00:50:43 I get it.
00:50:43 We're evil.
00:50:44 But they they also kind of more identify that well.
00:50:48 No, it's the Southerners.
00:50:49 The Southerners are the.
00:50:50 Real bad ones.
00:50:51 You know we're we're we're woke.
00:50:53 We get it, you know, like us Yankees.
00:50:55 We we we're very tolerant you know we won the Civil War.
00:50:58 You know we fought and our grandparents fought and died for the the the rights of black people.
00:51:04 And you know, we ended slavery.
00:51:06 And you know, there's there was that whole sense going on because at the same time you had movies and TV shows that are doing these kinds of storylines.
00:51:13 You also had the the this constant masturbatory.
00:51:17 We won the Civil War.
00:51:18 ******** going on.
00:51:19 Whether you're talking about PBS.
00:51:20 Yes, constantly highlighting like these war stories, you know, coupled with, oh, listen to these beautiful letters that the the, the, the soldiers from the north are riding back home to their wives and and children and.
00:51:35 And I mean you had civil war reenactments that was like not an uncommon thing.
00:51:41 I when I was a a little kid, my parents took me to a civil war reenactment where they they, you know, they took over a park.
00:51:48 They had ******* cannons like black powder cannons.
00:51:51 And they acted out.
00:51:52 And right in front of you, with real muskets and and real costumes and real uniforms and everything.
00:51:59 The the north.
00:52:01 Beating the South.
00:52:03 And and those sorts of things were happening all over the country.
00:52:06 And it was like a little passion play.
00:52:08 Like, look, look at us.
00:52:09 Look at us destroying those racist Southerners right in front of you.
00:52:12 It's almost like being there, son.
00:52:14 And now we're gonna have the conversations at dinner about.
00:52:17 Like, what did you learn watching that?
00:52:18 Yeah, I know Lincoln was a genius.
00:52:20 All this stupid **** was going on.
00:52:22 OK.
00:52:23 And so if you're one of these kids from the north and you're thinking.
00:52:26 If you have maybe like a little bit of a sense of superior.
00:52:28 40 because you're.
00:52:30 Like, oh, I'm not one of those ignorant Hicks.
00:52:32 This is a way of telling them no.
00:52:34 You are.
00:52:35 You are now.
00:52:36 You might have accepted the black kids in your classroom, but would you accept an alien?
00:52:43 Yeah, even you, Timmy, in the wheelchair over there?
00:52:46 Yeah, even you can be a racist.
Speaker 24
00:52:53 Hi, we're going to play catch.00:52:54 You wanna play?
00:53:02 I emptied my poo bag on it.Speaker 24
00:53:03 You gotta stick to your own side of town.00:53:04 Sponge head.
Speaker 10
00:53:06 That's right. ******* sponge head.Devon
00:53:11 I like how Timmy and the wheelchairs like the the bully ringleader somehow.00:53:16 So he he like wheels on out of there and she's like, oh, I got poo in my hand.
00:53:20 Now I got cripple poo on my hand.
00:53:24 Meanwhile, you have again.
00:53:26 It's just they keep over and over and over again, showing all these ways that that they're actually superior to us and and we should like them because of how superior they are.
00:53:35 And this is just one quick clip where he's he keeps recommending.
00:53:39 He's like, Oh no, I've mathematically calculated it out with my super smart alien brain.
00:53:44 Who's going to win the next horse race?
00:53:46 And you know the the ignorant, bigoted white cop is like, wow, you don't know, you don't know **** about horse races.
00:53:51 You're you're new around here.
00:53:53 And so he doesn't bet on the horses and loses well.
00:53:56 Whereas the the the aliens super smart alien, he wins all the time, and so they're talking about.
Speaker 20
00:54:02 That the horse's history, the running style which track is a slow track track.Speaker 23
00:54:04 Ohh yeah.Speaker 21
00:54:06 Man, I don't get it.00:54:07 You know, here you are bred to be slaves and most of.
00:54:09 You got mines.
Speaker 20
00:54:10 Like what many of the slaves were required to do highly technical tasks in our culture.00:54:13 We weren't told miners or pressure.
Speaker 21
00:54:15 Yeah. Yeah. OK.Devon
00:54:18 See again.00:54:18 Dropping the little hint that you know this, this idea that's in your head.
00:54:22 Well, wait a second.
00:54:23 These guys aren't going to be doctors and engineers.
00:54:25 They they used to be slaves, you know, they used to be farm equipment.
00:54:29 How how are we going to expect them to become, you know, super smart doctors and engineers when they're the the descendants of pharma equipment?
00:54:38 And this is the, you know, kind of smooth that over like, oh, no, no, no.
00:54:42 You know, just because we were slaves and slaves did some really complicated farm equipment stuff.
00:54:47 You know, they weren't all just like minded like your ancestors, like miners and whatever.
00:54:53 You know, some of the some of them made peanut butter.
00:54:56 I bet you didn't know that they made you know the peanut.
00:54:59 And they're not only they, they more intellectually superior.
00:55:03 They're also stronger, like the white guy.
00:55:06 Can't get this door open.
00:55:07 And like the the alien, the slag walks over and he's just.
00:55:10 Like Bam, you know.
00:55:13 You puny.
00:55:13 ******* human you couldn't.
00:55:15 Do that **** like I can so he's he's stronger, he's smarter, he's just better in every single ******* way.
00:55:23 Now here's where it gets ******* weird.
00:55:25 Like hilarious and weird at the same time, so the at first when they were showing the.
00:55:32 The alien kid that wasn't assimilating and he was trying to like cling on to his culture, I was wondering, well, how, how are they going to resolve this?
00:55:43 Well, this is The funny thing.
00:55:45 They don't turn him into like a black power guy.
00:55:48 No, they're skinheads.
Speaker 10
00:55:50 So you see the aliens.00:55:52 It's always your fault.
00:55:54 Like the the bad people are always the white people.00:55:57 So even when the the aliens become racially conscious and you have this group of young aliens that you know like the, there's the subtitle.
00:56:06 They're all the humans suck, man.
00:56:09 They're dressed up like skinheads, so they're they're black people.
00:56:14 Unless they're evil, then they're skinheads.
00:56:19 And they.
00:56:19 Go around like if.
00:56:20 If if they care about their species, their race or whatever, then they turn into skinheads that abuse black people.
00:56:28 And I'm not kidding, this is this is.
00:56:30 I mean, look at this.
00:56:31 They're clearly ******* 90s skinheads.
00:56:34 Stop saying.Devon
00:57:03 So it doesn't make any sense at this point like they've just gone, they've completely jumped the shark.00:57:10 And just said like ohh yeah look you don't want to be like these kids either, like somehow that, you know, not only not only are the alien.
00:57:18 The the black kids during the civil rights movement, but the ones that don't assimilate and they're they're.
00:57:26 The Skinhead somehow, so it's.
Speaker 10
00:57:29 Like what? What the ****?00:57:30 'S even going on here.
00:57:37 Anyway, so the the alien skinheads are, you know, they're the mean aliens.00:57:42 Don't be a Skinhead.
00:57:43 Boys and girls, look, they're the bad, ignorant aliens.
00:57:53 They then find some clues, you know where the the missing body went, and whatever.
00:57:58 Again it like it literally doesn't matter.
00:58:01 You, you they could have just cut all of that stuff out of the whole TV movie, and most people wouldn't notice because it's it's really not about some missing body with these disease on it or anything like that.
00:58:15 So then because.
00:58:16 I that little girl that he that he threatened a crowd with a gun so they would let her into the human school.
00:58:24 That happened to be his partners daughter, and so his partner's like, oh, why don't you come over for dinner?
00:58:30 You know, now that we live in the white people human neighborhood and sharing our culture, it'll be really exciting or whatever.
00:58:36 And and we can thank you for for being a a species trader and letting our our daughter into your school.
00:58:45 And they do this weird, you know, space prayer or something.
00:58:50 That's really kind of.
00:58:51 But this thing, this part of it, stuck out.
00:58:54 It's kind of out of left field, it's kind.
00:58:56 Of just like.
00:58:56 Like it?
00:58:57 It doesn't fit into anything else in the entire.
00:59:01 Movie like it doesn't make any sense and I don't know.
00:59:05 Because again, I'm.
00:59:06 I wasn't going to watch like, an entire ******* season of this ****, but I don't know if this is something that they were just setting the stage for more messaging later on.
00:59:13 I I.
00:59:14 Would assume that that is a very good possibility.
00:59:18 But one of the things that that happens is he asked like, well, I don't know, I don't get your little space prayer, you know, like, what's, what's this space prayer **** all about?
00:59:27 And the little girl is like, oh, Mommy, let me explain it.
00:59:30 And so she explains it.
00:59:32 And she says something a little curious, especially given the, the the reality of.
Speaker 7
00:59:38 Of today.Speaker 24
00:59:39 We touch our fingers to each of our two hearts, then reverse them to show that the male and female are interchangeable.Speaker 10
00:59:54 Male and female is interchangeable.Devon
00:59:57 So again, they're just trying to trying to squeeze in as much as this of this.01:00:01 **** as possible.
01:00:03 Like there's there's no finesse to it.
01:00:05 There's no sophistication.
01:00:07 And uh.
01:00:08 But if the audience is 8 years old.
01:00:11 It doesn't ******* matter.
01:00:12 There doesn't need to be.
01:00:13 There doesn't need to be.
01:00:16 I I found on.
01:00:17 YouTube when I was looking for some.
01:00:18 Other clips I.
01:00:19 Found on YouTube a old movie about ham radio called high frequency.
01:00:26 It was actually, I think, made around the same time that this was.
01:00:28 Made and it's super cheesy and campy and whatever, and I watched it little bit of it because it's just.
01:00:35 Out of *******.
01:00:35 Curiosity and as I'm watching, I was like man, this is ******* stupid.
01:00:40 It's so dumb.
01:00:41 But I would have loved this when I was like.
01:00:44 Because if you're 8, you know you really have.
01:00:46 It's like the difference between a children's book and, you know.
01:00:51 A like Tolkien, you know, like you can't expect a little kid to pick up Lord of the Rings and be able to understand the complexities of that book.
01:01:04 And so that's the same thing with television the same way.
01:01:06 You know, you look at shows that are designed for younger audience.
01:01:09 They're just way simpler and and the plot points.
01:01:12 Don't always have to make sense, and it's just more about like because you're you're relying heavily on the imagination of a child.
01:01:20 And that's why, you know, children's books.
01:01:22 In fact, you can get away with, like, one sentence per page, as long as there's some colorful pictures that activate their their imaginations, their brains will will fill.
01:01:32 In all the blanks.
01:01:33 And that's the same thing with the, you know, young adult literature.
01:01:37 It's the same sort of stuff where it's just real basic.
01:01:40 The characters aren't very complex and it's just the storyline doesn't really mean much, and that's and and and that's totally OK because when you're 12.
01:01:51 You you can't be super complicated.
01:01:55 And so when they.
01:01:55 Made this film or this film, this this.
01:01:58 TV movie.
01:02:00 That that was the strategy. They they made it super simple. They made it so that that no one's very complicated at all.
01:02:07 The storyline doesn't even matter.
01:02:09 It's just more about hearing this repetition over and over and over again, except anyone who's different, except anyone who's different men and women are interchangeable.
01:02:21 So I thought that was a little interesting.
01:02:23 Then of course, the the Skinhead alien kid comes home and.
01:02:28 It doesn't like that there's a human there or something.
01:02:31 Then you find out again.
01:02:33 It doesn't really matter, but aliens have they're, you know, these alien doctors.
01:02:39 Have this secret lab set up and they're they're performing an autopsy on the.
01:02:46 The homeless guy with the sores or or something like that.
01:02:50 And then you got, you know, you know, all these protest signs.
01:02:54 Pop it up, you know, keep America pure.
01:02:57 Can't have that.
01:02:58 Can't have that.
01:03:01 They go arrest some Mexican guy and of course the the white cop is, you know, he's, he's always running behind and and not doing the the job well.
01:03:10 While the alien cops doing a way better job and they find out more clues that don't really matter because the story is pointless.
01:03:18 And then again, you cut to this the instant non sack order because it just that's the thing.
01:03:23 That's what really this movie is.
01:03:24 It's a collection of of pro diversity non sequiturs with some meaningless story that never gets resolved in the background.
01:03:32 So in this non sequitur story, it's again it's it's not very.
01:03:38 Very sophisticated.
01:03:39 You have these.
01:03:41 In fact, some of these guys that walk out of this.
01:03:44 Nightclub they are wearing trucker hats and they are the stereotypical southern you know.
Speaker 7
01:03:50 Good old boy.Devon
01:03:51 And then they just threw an Asian guy to to make it look like all humans are bad and they weren't picking specifically on white people.Speaker 2
01:03:58 Yeah, we got that all slag good tonight.Speaker 25
01:04:01 You should have seen it man Johnny for a little salt water on his leg.01:04:05 And he started to fish.
01:04:08 Salt water burns them like acid.
Speaker 2
01:04:11 You must have run all the way.Speaker 26
01:04:12 Back to slag down.Speaker 9
01:04:18 Well, look here.Speaker 25
01:04:20 Must be a mirage, not supposed to be.01:04:22 No slacks around.
01:04:23 Here excuse.
Speaker 19
01:04:23 Me ain't no excuse for you.Speaker 5
01:04:25 That's my building.01:04:26 Would you just?
Speaker 25
01:04:27 That's your mistake.01:04:29 That's what it.
Speaker 1
01:04:29 Is don't you touch me?Speaker 19
01:04:29 What do you fancy clothes for a slag?Speaker 25
01:04:33 He just wants to be neighborly.Speaker 10
01:04:35 Yeah, good to.Speaker 2
01:04:35 Know you real good.Speaker 10
01:05:01 Hey, what's up? What's?Speaker 2
01:05:08 Backed up.01:05:09 Come on, Sykes.
01:05:10 It's me, Johnny.
01:05:11 We were just.
Speaker 21
01:05:12 Described fashion underground.Speaker 9
01:05:14 Doing some slag bashing.Speaker 21
01:05:15 911 on that phone, captain.Speaker 25
01:05:18 When she turned the slack lover sight.Speaker 9
01:05:20 You slag loving ****** ******.Devon
01:05:25 So uh yeah, he saves the.01:05:29 You know the species mixing storyline is already starting to heat up a little bit because he's come to the rescue of the slag *****.
01:05:38 And these are these are actually other cops like some of these guys.
01:05:42 I think if not all of them or other cops that work with them at the station or something like that.
01:05:46 So they just let them.
01:05:46 But they hope they've learned their lesson.
Speaker 7
01:05:50 You can't just treat slags like.Devon
01:05:55 So then they find there's more dead bodies showing up with weird sores and stuff, and they're like, oh, I don't understand what's going on.01:06:05 Meanwhile, the the slag heads the slag skinheads.
01:06:10 Are are watching what's unfolding and this again, this, this, this. It's funny because in this scene they're watching a version of like Jerry Springer or Donahue or Oprah, or because what was what was on TV when this came out in 1980.
01:06:28 Right, the airwaves.
01:06:29 Like I said, it wasn't just when you watched television.
01:06:32 It wasn't just all the fiction.
01:06:35 That was like this.
01:06:36 Like all the narrative fiction, that was all this this story over and over and over.
01:06:40 And over again.
01:06:42 The talk shows where this story over and.
01:06:44 Over and over.
01:06:44 Again, we've gone over a lot of these talk.
01:06:46 Shows that you know on on this chat.
01:06:50 Showing all the different episodes of Heraldo and Donahue with it.
01:06:54 Let's let's invite some skinheads.
01:06:56 Let's find the dumbest ******* white racist we can find.
01:07:00 And just make a spectacle out of them so that the the mom, the stay at home moms that are watching daytime television, they they know ohh it's it's not socially acceptable for little Billy to be kind of racist so I'm going to make sure he doesn't grow up to be like these ******* that are on that I saw like on open.
01:07:18 And make sure we all applaud when, like the black, the sassy black lady in the audience calls them stupid or something.
01:07:25 So it's funny that it's, you know, it's very.
01:07:30 As as the the bug people would say it's.
Speaker 9
01:07:32 Very meta bro bro.01:07:34 It's bro it's so meta.
01:07:36 Because they're they're watching this fake talk show.01:07:41 Pushing the exact same talking points.
01:07:44 That this movie is pushing.
01:07:47 So it's it's.
01:07:48 It's like propaganda within propaganda.
01:07:50 It's like *******.
Speaker 14
01:07:52 The real danger I'm telling.Speaker 27
01:07:54 Yes, you said that again and again this is but, but if you'll forgive me it sounds.01:07:57 A little hysterical. What?
Speaker 4
01:07:58 It's not hysterical.01:08:00 What we purists stand for.
01:08:01 Is very simple.
01:08:02 And very wholesome, we don't want our kids polluted.
01:08:06 By their kind.
Speaker 27
01:08:06 We'll use force if necessary.Speaker 4
01:08:08 We are committed to using whatever means.Speaker 27
01:08:10 Necessary. Alright, alright. But Doctor Hurwitz, is there any sort of medical basis for Mrs. Brett's claim that the newcomers could be carrying a virus that makes AIDS look like chicken pox? We.Speaker 26
01:08:12 These stocks.Speaker 2
01:08:14 Yeah, yeah.Speaker 28
01:08:23 Have no evidence that such a virus exists.Speaker 27
01:08:25 But it couldn't exist.Speaker 28
01:08:28 There are those of us who argued that the quarantine period may not have been sufficiently long enough.01:08:34 Thoroughly isolate extraterrestrial bacteria.
01:08:38 But we were overruled by policies.
Speaker 27
01:08:39 So so such a virus could exist.Speaker 4
01:08:43 That's exactly why we should never have let the damned aliens out.01:08:46 And now this elitist conspiracy to.
Speaker 26
01:08:48 Give them the vote.Speaker 19
01:08:50 Can we please stick to the subject we agreed upon to?Speaker 26
01:08:52 Don't you tell me what to stick to, you filthy slag.Speaker 2
01:08:52 At the beginning.Speaker 1
01:08:55 Excuse me if.Speaker 26
01:08:55 We can't stick.01:08:56 Just get the hell back down there.
01:08:58 Now we want some straight.
Speaker 4
01:08:59 Answers and we want to know.Speaker 26
01:09:00 Sit down.Devon
01:09:02 You sit down there, boy.01:09:04 You filthy ******* slag.
01:09:06 Sit down, boy.
01:09:09 And that's that's basically what daytime television was.
01:09:12 Excuse me was like.
01:09:13 You just had a lot of these.
01:09:15 Different talk shows almost all of them hosted.
01:09:18 By Jews, by the way.
01:09:20 You had these daytime television shows again, they would, they would assert their producers would search high and low, trying to find the lowest IQ.
01:09:28 Racist white kid they could.
01:09:30 Line and then put him on a stage and then surround him with with a a New York audience.
01:09:38 You know, some cosmopolitan audience that would never applaud anything, even if he was a smart racist.
01:09:44 You know anything that he would say and would Boo him constantly and give the social feedback to all the.
01:09:50 The stay at home moms that were watching at home.
01:09:54 And this is just a. So it's just weird. I mean, it's not weird, it's just it shows you just how heavy-handed this stuff was.
01:10:01 I mean, you think the boomers got **** ******?
01:10:03 Like I'm saying this stuff hasn't stopped.
01:10:05 It hasn't stopped.
01:10:06 This is the kind of stuff they were banging.
01:10:08 Xers and millennials over the head with.
01:10:12 So then they find like these weird alien bodies that look like they're.
01:10:16 They're like cocoons, almost like something hatched out of them, and they're like, oh, what the **** is this?
01:10:22 Some kind of disease?
01:10:23 Is this some kind of ******* disease that the the slags are spreading?
01:10:29 And in fact, you have this this scene where, oh, my God, I think it is.
01:10:34 I think it is a disease that the slags are spreading, cause I think they're hatching into like these giant bug things.
Speaker 2
01:10:51 Somebody beat God sometimes.Devon
01:11:00 So you have that weird bug thing.01:11:04 And then again, this is like a reversal of what reality would be like.
01:11:09 So now that they're in reality, there appears that maybe maybe there's an actual problem with the slags, right?
01:11:15 Maybe there's something to actually be concerned about, because maybe they're hatching to like weird bug people or something.
01:11:21 And So what does the media do?
01:11:24 Well, it doesn't hide it like it would.
01:11:26 In real life.
Speaker 8
01:11:27 Right.Devon
01:11:29 This is this is always the way it would portray media in the 80s and 90s.01:11:33 They would make it sound as if the racial tensions only existed because of the aggressively racist media.
01:11:40 It was the biggest joke in the world, but they had it in every movie, every every TV movie, every TV show that would that would portray these kinds of situations.
01:11:50 They would make it sound as if the the the Super racist right wing media.
01:11:56 Again, this is this is before even Fox News existed.
01:11:59 OK, so it wasn't even like kind of a a right wing media yet.
01:12:03 And the Super racist right wing media is blowing it all out of proportion and saying, well, So what if?
Speaker 8
01:12:08 They turn the giant bugs.Speaker 10
01:12:10 You know, like why do you have to do all these stories about?Devon
01:12:12 The giant bug things that they turn into.Speaker 8
01:12:15 That, that, that's not.01:12:17 I'm sure that's nothing.
01:12:17 To be concerned about.01:12:19 But because the the evil racist right wing media starts covering it, that woman in the beginning that was super happy to see the slags move into her white neighborhood and brought them, you know, like a plant or whatever.
01:12:31 She's she's affected by this.
01:12:33 Now she's worried like, oh, and maybe maybe it's not such a good idea.
01:12:37 These slags moved into my neighborhood.
Speaker 15
01:12:39 And since the release of these photos, reactions have run from humorous scepticism to outright fear.01:12:44 Opinion polls show a major drop in those who are for Proposition 16, which would give a new species the newcomers the right to vote.
01:12:51 Critics of newcomers have been very outspoken.
Speaker 4
01:12:53 We have every reason to be frightened.01:12:56 We haven't encountered their kind before and we have yet to know how different they may.
01:12:59 Be from us. Hi.
Speaker 18
01:13:02 Ohh hi.Speaker 29
01:13:04 I wanted to bring you these from the plant that you brought the other day.Speaker 18
01:13:08 Oh, great. Thanks.Devon
01:13:14 You ******* slag.01:13:17 So yeah.
01:13:21 So then there's like a little mini race war scene this.
01:13:23 Is this this it?
01:13:25 Got confusing because they made the slags and the skinheads so like it gets confusing because, like the black gang fights, the slag skinheads or something.
01:13:35 And the they get in this fight.
01:13:38 And one of the black guys drops his gun.
01:13:40 So the the son of the cop that's that's like a Skinhead slag, pulls out the gun and shoots one of the black guys.
01:13:48 And they run away, but he feels bad, even though all his slaggy Skinhead friends are like, yeah, good job.
01:13:55 You killed one of them humans.
01:14:01 And then just to really again, This is why it gets confusing here then, right after that they have this scene.
01:14:08 Where they're black.
01:14:09 Again, like, you know, like 5 minutes ago.
01:14:12 They're white supremacist because that's bad.
01:14:14 And and he's not.
01:14:15 He's not assimilating.
01:14:16 So you know that's bad.
01:14:18 But then 5 minutes later, they're black again, and they're dealing with the oppression, and this happens.
Speaker 5
01:14:23 Which I hate it when people.Speaker 20
01:14:24 Treat it so.01:14:25 Do I?
01:14:25 So so do I.
01:14:50 You see.Devon
01:14:57 I don't know if they explain that to you like they're burning cross like so they're black again.01:15:01 And like the white people are bad, it's it's such a ******* mess.
01:15:04 But it doesn't have to.
01:15:05 Make any sense?
01:15:07 It doesn't have to be.
01:15:08 It doesn't have to make any sense at all, cause to an 8 year old, it's like Oh yeah, I've heard about this KKK people and that's bad.
01:15:16 They're always going around burning crosses in people's yard and I guess if I don't accept these other species and you know, I'll just turn into one of them burning like a circle in their yard or, I don't know, something, things, things, things.
01:15:31 And then you have this little funny thing.
01:15:33 So he he goes back to the police station, the the white cop or the human cop.
01:15:39 And everyone at the station is like, oh, wow, did you hear what happened to George last night?
01:15:46 Oh, it's crazy.
01:15:47 Someone burned a circle in his front yard.
01:15:49 It's insane.
01:15:50 You know it's it's it's so bad.
01:15:53 What happened?
01:15:54 And this Latina, Latina cop talks about her own personal running with with racism.
01:16:00 And it's just like, it's so funny.
01:16:01 It's like what like?
01:16:03 I can't even relate to even as a kid I would be like I would have been confused by this.
Speaker 30
01:16:07 Hey, Matt.01:16:08 George just called, he.
01:16:09 Says he won't be in.
01:16:10 Till later.
Speaker 21
01:16:11 Yeah, I figured.Speaker 30
01:16:12 He told me what happened.01:16:13 Can you believe what they did to his house?
Speaker 31
01:16:15 Yeah, I can.Speaker 30
01:16:17 God, I mean, I thought I'd been through some really rotten.01:16:20 Stuff you know, it's.
01:16:21 Like growing up a poor Latino near a preppy neighborhood.
Speaker 5
01:16:25 Hey Chiquita, wanna banana?Speaker 16
01:16:28 Yeah, it was always.Speaker 30
01:16:28 Being hassled.Devon
01:16:36 Hey Chiquito wanna banana?01:16:42 That story makes no no sense to anybody, not even I bet, even like the Mexicans and **** watching would.
Speaker 8
01:16:48 Be like what?01:16:52 When did this happen?
01:16:53 Did any human ever?
Speaker 30
01:16:54 I mean, I thought I've been through some.01:16:55 Really rotten stuff.
01:16:57 You know, it's like growing up a four Latino near a preppy neighborhood.
01:17:01 Wanna banana?
01:17:04 Yeah, it was always being hassled.
01:17:07 But these purists, I mean, they should be strung up.
01:17:11 After their trial, of course.
01:17:15 Say it, and then they they don't even, like, beat around the Bush.01:17:18 They literally say all the purists.
Speaker 8
01:17:23 Should be should be hung.01:17:25 And it's just very casual.
01:17:29 It's very casual, you know, it should happen.01:17:30 They should just be.
01:17:31 They should we?
01:17:32 Should string them.
Speaker 30
01:17:33 But these purists, I mean they.01:17:34 Should be strung up.
01:17:37 After their trial of.
01:17:39 Of course, after a fair trial, of course.Speaker 7
01:17:42 Of course, yes.Speaker 8
01:17:46 Anyone who's?Devon
01:17:46 Not OK with our diversity thing that we're.01:17:48 Doing you should be killed.
01:17:53 That's pretty ********.
01:17:55 They don't, they don't.
01:17:57 They don't beat around.
01:17:57 The Bush at all with that.
01:18:03 So then you have the.
01:18:06 The alien's mother, and she's very upset with the circle having been burned in her front yard.
01:18:13 All these ******* racists that are they, they don't want her in their in their neighborhood.
01:18:17 She's like, you know what?
01:18:18 If they if they hate us that much, let's just leave.
01:18:21 I'm going to go to the school.
01:18:23 And I'm going to.
01:18:25 I'm going to take my.
01:18:26 Kid out of the school.
01:18:28 And because this this TV movie doesn't leave a single.
01:18:32 Like, not not a a single trope untouched.
01:18:37 You know, there's, there's not a single single.
01:18:40 What's the word I'm looking for?
01:18:42 Not stereotype.
01:18:44 Well, I'll tell you what they they incorporate the power of the magic *****.
01:18:50 So while she's in the bathroom, she's like, ohh, she's really thinking it through.
01:18:53 Should I?
01:18:55 Should I should I take?
01:18:56 My daughter out of this school.
01:18:58 Enter the magic ***** with her, with her deep, deep message of wisdom.
01:19:06 And white guilt.
Speaker 16
01:19:11 Can I talk to you a minute?Speaker 14
01:19:16 I was just thinking when it used to be.01:19:18 Three kinds of restrooms.
01:19:22 Men, women in color.
01:19:26 I'm old enough to have seen it.
01:19:28 But things do change.
01:19:29 They really do change if you want them too badly enough.
01:19:33 I remember this old black woman, Miss Jane Pittman.
01:19:37 She used to pass a particular water fountain every day.
01:19:40 The white folks found.
01:19:43 You know what she did?
01:19:44 One day she walked right up to it and took a drink.
01:19:49 But Lord all.
01:19:49 Hell broke loose when she did a Niger took a drink out of the white spawn, a done this a done that.
01:19:58 One became mayor of Los Angeles.
01:20:01 One became mayor of Atlanta, Atlanta, and one ran for President, 1 to be president someday.
01:20:08 But it's hard to take that first drink.
01:20:12 You guys are calling yourself.Speaker 14
01:20:15 Miss Jane.Speaker
01:20:19 At least they weren't afraid she'd turn into an insect.Speaker 14
01:20:22 Oh, honey, I can show you people today who steal fake black people, have rabbit blood, and Jewish people have horns.01:20:31 But you don't look like no.
01:20:33 Cockroach to me.
01:20:34 Maria, hold on.01:20:35 She's saying that Jewish people don't have horns.
01:20:38 Because that's.
01:20:40 That that would be a new one for me.
Speaker 14
01:20:42 But you don't look like no cockroach to me.01:20:45 Take your drink.
01:20:50 So she's now inspired by the the Magic ***** that came in to impart her wisdom, because again, there's not a single cliche they leave alone in this ******* monstrosity.01:21:04 Meanwhile, the.
01:21:06 The species mixing storylines heats up a.
01:21:09 Little bit.
01:21:11 The neighbors like hitting on him, but she's also well, since you saved my life.
01:21:17 I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
01:21:18 Why don't you come with me?
01:21:21 And she admits that, OK, the slags, the slag doctors secretly stole the body of that homeless guy.
01:21:30 And the reason why we did it and again, I think this it never gets.
01:21:34 Resolved in this movie.
01:21:35 So I'm just assuming it gets it.
01:21:37 It becomes part of the storyline in the series or or maybe?
01:21:41 Maybe it doesn't even matter that much so that it doesn't.
01:21:44 But they say, oh, well, we didn't mean any harm.
01:21:47 We were just worried that this guy had a space disease and because we didn't want to be discriminated against, we we decided to take him into our our space lab and examine him.
01:22:01 So we come up with a space vaccine so no one would be mad at us.
01:22:05 Because we're spreading some kind of space aids or something.
01:22:10 And for some reason, that's like he doesn't think it's that big of a deal.
01:22:13 He's like, OK, cool.
01:22:14 I'll let you guys do it.
01:22:15 Then let you guys handle it, but then he's attacked by the the big evil bug thing that everyone in town is worried that the slags turned into these big bugs.
01:22:25 They hatch out of the the slag skin and they turn to bugs and so.
01:22:30 Everyone's worried because now slags actually do present a a clear and present danger.
01:22:35 But wait a second.
01:22:37 It's it's.
Speaker 20
01:22:38 All a hoax.Devon
01:22:40 Turns out that the evil bug creature was just a white guy in a rubber suit.01:22:46 Acting like a alien monster that would hatch out of slags so that people would be racist.
01:22:55 So it's a hate hoax.
01:22:56 It's, it's they, they they don't.
01:22:58 They they don't they they touch, they don't touch on anything or leave anything alone.
01:23:02 It's literally the.
01:23:05 I mean, I don't.
01:23:05 Even know it's.
01:23:06 It's like a weird backwards hate hoax, so instead of it being like some rabbi drawing a backwards swastika on the side of a a Jewish temple, it's a white racist guy dressing up like a scary bug monster so that people think it's it.
01:23:23 It's almost as.
Speaker 7
01:23:23 If they're implying.Devon
01:23:25 That white people were dressing up in blackface and going around and and ****** and murdering people and doing strong armed robberies so that when they looked at the security cameras, they'd be like, oh, look, black crimes on the rise.01:23:38 Meanwhile, it's just evil white racist dog.
01:23:42 So that's ********, but.
01:23:44 So that's how that gets resolved, because again, it's, it's like there's no story. Like there's literally no story, it's it's almost like a scooby-doo episode where they're like, aha. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you damn slags.
01:24:00 So now that everyone knows that it actually wasn't the slags turning into bugs but just evil white racist dressed up in bug suits, then suddenly everyone's accepting of the SLA.
01:24:12 Pegs and they give them the the polling data suggests they're going to give.
01:24:16 Them the right to vote.
Speaker 29
01:24:18 And since the discovery that the insect like creature was merely A hoax concocted by radical purists, the opinion polls have swung back the other way, showing about 54% of the population now willing to pass Proposition 16, giving newcomers the right to vote.Devon
01:24:34 So there you go.01:24:36 And then at the end.
01:24:38 They're buddies.
01:24:40 And that's it.
01:24:41 Like they they they don't ever tell you like what happened with, like, the homeless space disease guy or.
01:24:47 And there's the the story about them hatching, like the thing it doesn't make any sense about the hatching out of the bug.
01:24:53 You know the bug people thing that hoax, that doesn't make any sense either, because there were like, dead.
01:25:00 Slags like their bodies were dead and hollowed out, so something was happening and they don't.
01:25:06 They don't explain that again.
01:25:07 Maybe that's something that, that that unfolds in the series.
01:25:10 I'm assuming it would have.
01:25:12 But it's nothing gets resolved in this movie.
01:25:15 There's no storyline.
01:25:17 There's the only storyline is you should be tolerant of of an alien species coming to your your your country and you should give them all the rights that you have because they're smarter and better and faster and stronger than you are and more polite and.
01:25:35 You know that and that's it.
01:25:36 Like, that's that's the storyline.
01:25:39 Like, that's literally it.
01:25:40 That's the whole movie.
01:25:43 And they had a whole season of this, and then they had another movie to cap it off at the end.
01:25:48 And again, I didn't have time to sit there and watch all every single one of those episodes.
01:25:51 I didn't have to.
01:25:52 After this one I was just like, well, holy ****, how much?
01:25:54 How much worse could it get?
01:25:55 I'm sure it does.
01:25:57 I'm sure it does, right?
01:25:58 This is just the first installment, right?
01:26:01 So of course it gets worse.
01:26:03 But this is.
01:26:03 On par with the the the really low IQ propaganda that you see on Netflix.
01:26:10 Where there's no thought put into it at all.
01:26:11 They're not clever about it.
01:26:12 Like the movie.
01:26:13 The the theatrical release was clever.
01:26:16 It's clever enough to where if you just wanted to see a good sci-fi movie and it was 1988 when it came out, you'd go to the theater and you'd maybe tolerate the little racial undertones that were there.
01:26:27 You know, and that and they would still get in your head.
01:26:30 And the stupider you were in in that audience, you know, the stupider people would really get in their head.
01:26:36 But you could tolerate it because the movie at least had a storyline to it, and the acting wasn't complete.
01:26:42 It wasn't just like this total low budget mess.
01:26:46 But with this.
01:26:48 It's super heavy-handed and it goes on. Like I said, it goes on for hours and hours and hours and hours.
01:26:54 This TV movie I think is like an hour and a half long and the other movie is an hour and a half long and the the series has enough episodes to where there's like 20 to 30 hours of this ****.
01:27:06 And that was all of them.
01:27:07 That was all of American television.
01:27:10 In the 80s and 90s.
01:27:12 And that's why when I was telling you that that I was talking to a European recently that told me that, well, you know, I guess I really owe Americans an apology because, you know, we never heard that the things that you cover in your stream, all these racial problems that you've had with.
01:27:25 Black people over the.
01:27:26 Years, and not just black people, but just, you know, like we did the episode where we talked about.
01:27:32 The Vietcong that came here after Vietnam, you know the the shrimp boating people and and just all the immigrants that come to America and don't assimilate.
01:27:42 There's issues.
01:27:43 They're unique problems with each one, but there's issues with all these different groups.
01:27:48 And they the reason why they had that impression is when they watched American television, it was this stuff.
01:27:57 You know, they was portrayed as like, wow, Americans must just be, like, really ******* racist.
01:28:02 I mean, they, they they ******* hate aliens and everything.
01:28:08 So anyway, that's that's alienation.
01:28:12 I and it and it lines up exactly with my blurry memory.
01:28:16 My blurry memory that that.
01:28:18 I I remember.
01:28:19 Watching it and thinking like, OK, and you as a kid cause it's obvious to see now why.
01:28:24 But even as a kid, I was like, OK, I get it, I get it.
01:28:27 I get no, I.
01:28:28 Got it.
01:28:28 No, seriously, I get it.
01:28:30 You can stop now.
01:28:30 You can.
01:28:31 Ohh now.
01:28:32 Oh, now they're burning a circle in the yard.
01:28:33 OK, I get it.
01:28:34 I get it.
01:28:35 The only thing I didn't get was the skin.
01:28:37 Head thing that just didn't make any sense, but.
01:28:43 And that's why you shouldn't let your.
01:28:44 Kids watch TV, all right.
01:28:46 So that's all I got for that.
01:28:48 Let's let's go and take a look at Hyper chats.
Speaker 31
01:28:57 Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump.Devon
01:29:02 Yeah, that that's wrong.01:29:04 Yeah. If you guys haven't.
01:29:05 Hit the fire button, hit the fire button before you forget.
01:29:09 I don't know that it really matters.
01:29:12 I used to be when I would sign into Odyssey and be on my homepage.
01:29:17 If I had already set up a stream that was going to be that was scheduled.
01:29:20 To be live, it would pop.
01:29:22 Up on that home screen.
01:29:24 And now I have to click following in order to see that.
01:29:29 Because clearly something in the code was changed.
01:29:33 I don't know what it was, but something in the code was changed to where you know I'm not.
01:29:38 I'm I'm not.
01:29:40 Excuse me.
01:29:40 I'm not boosted by any means.
01:29:46 Oh sorry, I had to cough there.
01:29:48 Throw us a little dry today.
Speaker 7
01:29:51 All right.Devon
01:29:52 We got raining.01:29:54 Who just says?
Speaker 2
01:29:57 I'll have her *****.Devon
01:29:59 I should probably turn these down.01:30:00 See, this is The thing is like levels are all over the ******* place.
01:30:03 I still don't have any normalization plugins installed.
01:30:06 But I'll try.
01:30:06 To I'll try to get it, I'll try.
01:30:08 To get it to where it's.
01:30:10 Let me see.
01:30:10 If this works, then.
Speaker 2
01:30:11 I'll hit her, *****.Devon
01:30:12 That's a little better.01:30:13 That's a little better.
01:30:15 We'll tune them down a little bit, all right?
01:30:17 Hopefully that makes it a little bit better.
01:30:22 John Skywalker, what are your thoughts on the six white Mississippi cops allegedly torturing 2 black men?
01:30:31 Apparently they were in a drug house and a neighbor called the cops on them.
01:30:35 The cops were trying to scare them out of their white community.
01:30:38 Do you think they went too far?
01:30:40 Or are just white trash or no I have.
01:30:43 I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:30:47 6 White Mississippi cops.
01:30:49 Yeah, I I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:30:54 I haven't really watched the news in the last couple of days.
01:30:56 Is this something new?
01:31:01 The Guardian this is from.
01:31:07 What is this from?
01:31:10 Doesn't say where's the date on this?
01:31:11 On the it's from the third OK.
01:31:15 It says 6 white former law enforcement officers in Mississippi who called themselves the Goon squad have pled guilty to a racist assault on 2 black men who were brutalized during a home raid that ended with an officer shooting.
01:31:30 One of them, one man in the mouth.
01:31:33 The civil rights charges were unsealed Thursday as officers five former Rankin County sheriff's deputies and an ex Richland police officer.
01:31:43 Appeared in federal court and pled guilty.
Speaker 31
01:31:45 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:31:50 On January 24th, the officers burst into the home without a warrant, then handcuffed and used a stun gun on two of the men.Speaker 31
01:31:58 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.01:32:04 Blah blah blah.
01:32:08 Blah blah blah.
01:32:11 They don't say what led up to this.01:32:13 All they like.
01:32:13 So basically there's all I can see here is 6 cops busted into a crack house type house and beat up two black guys.
01:32:30 But then that, that's it.
01:32:31 That's all they say.
01:32:32 It doesn't say like why they did this.
01:32:34 Here's the one thing that you need to understand.
01:32:36 Rarely it it happens, but rarely do you have.
01:32:41 In these incidents people just like why would a cop do that?
01:32:45 Like, do you really think that there's six and not just one?
01:32:49 Like maybe one rogue cop could go crazy and do something like this right again?
01:32:52 I don't know any of the facts of this case because this isn't telling.
01:32:55 Us this side of the story.
01:32:56 Right.
01:32:57 But I find it hard to imagine that six cops are just all, you know, one day, just like, let's go drive that black that you know that that Cosby sweater wearing black guys house and kick the door in and and threatened with a gun and and tase them and and.
01:33:16 One of the funny things that says that they beat him with a sex toy, so I think they were beating him with a.
01:33:22 ***** or something?
01:33:23 Like that?
01:33:23 I don't know.
01:33:25 I don't know.
Speaker 8
01:33:26 And and and then you know and then.Devon
01:33:30 How does it end?01:33:31 All right, so.
01:33:31 They do that.
01:33:34 And then.
01:33:38 Yeah, it doesn't say it just doesn't say it just says that they were charged.
01:33:41 It doesn't say what led to that.
01:33:45 And I'm sorry, but I just refuse to believe that that just out of nowhere happened.
01:33:52 I'm sure something led to that, that happening.
01:33:55 I'm sure those two black guys were up to something at the very least they were up to something.
01:34:02 At the very least, they are up to something, but it doesn't matter because everyone has been watching garbage like this stuff that we just I just played for you on the stream.
01:34:12 They don't need to explain.
01:34:14 They don't have to address that in the in the news article because it's just assumed.
01:34:17 Well, of course, racist white cops would bust into a black person's house and beat them with a *****.
01:34:23 You know, like that that just makes sense. That's what racist white cops do. They just they're always just busting to black people's house and beating them and threaten them.
Speaker 8
01:34:30 With like.Devon
01:34:31 Obviously we're missing a giant piece of this story.01:34:34 So I don't, I don't know my that's that's my opinion of it is obviously we're missing a giant piece of that story.
01:34:41 Bloodstained olivey.
01:34:45 A Jewish rebel prophet is the central figure of your religious worship.
01:34:49 We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted them for our God and traditions.
01:34:57 No conquest in history can remotely compare with the this clean sweep of your conquest over you.
01:35:06 Well, I don't know who.
01:35:07 Eli ravage is.
01:35:08 But I'm assuming you're talking about, you know, Christianity is.
01:35:11 Is the Jews taking over people?
01:35:13 And it's like, well, I mean, you're ignoring centuries of history when when you say that, like, if you think that, like, you know, white people have just been bad at everything ever since the fall of the Roman Empire, that's one thing.
01:35:24 But I don't think I share that opinion.
01:35:28 Let's take a look here. John Skywalker again says I mentioned it before, but you should really look at the movie. Get out in 2017. It's.
01:35:38 Well, you know it's.
01:35:41 That's one of these movies that's just as obvious as this.
01:35:46 I I haven't seen it, but I saw the previews enough to know exactly what I was getting into.
01:35:50 It's a subversion about white liberal family that kidnapped black people and transfers their brain into their black victims bodies for their athletic genetics and mortality.
01:35:59 And yeah, I mean it was.
01:36:01 I I didn't need to know much about that.
01:36:04 That was like at at the peak of this anti white propaganda that Netflix was was cranking out.
01:36:09 I don't know if Netflix produced that, but a lot of these movies were all coming out at the same time, and it was just another.
01:36:15 One of those movies I just don't think the modern stuff.
01:36:19 Well, and I guess in this case even the vintage.
01:36:21 Stuff is.
01:36:22 Is that hard to decipher the the only value that in going over the vintage stuff is a lot of people wouldn't know that this, this.
01:36:28 Existed, whereas if it came out in 2017, everyone knows what you're getting into.
01:36:33 That it's just any, any movie that comes out at this point with very few exceptions is going to be explicitly anti white.
01:36:43 Rying I'm just sprinkling in some Heil Hitlers in between these cheap *** donos.
01:36:48 Well, there you go.
Speaker 3
01:36:50 I'll Hitler, *****.Devon
01:36:53 Mark ESP.01:36:54 I know you hate clips, but I'm going to send you one anyway because I'm mark SB.
01:37:02 But this one's only 20 seconds long. They're only 20 seconds only. Only 20 seconds long from The Simpsons 10 years ago.
01:37:09 Wonder why they were what they were trying to say.
01:37:11 Well, I'm sure it's.
01:37:12 Is this something ******?
01:37:14 Is this something, ******?
01:37:16 Because I I'm look, I'm convinced that nine times out of 10 The Simpsons weren't trying to say anything.
01:37:22 And I haven't seen the clip well.
01:37:24 We'll see, but a lot of times when people like oh Simpsons predicted this ****, that's the that's me opening opera.
01:37:32 I need to get something else.
01:37:33 I'm just I haven't had.
01:37:34 I haven't been on this computer much lately.
01:37:36 I'm doing stuff. I'm.
01:37:40 Wow, I don't think I can open any more tabs than what I've got open on this browser.
01:37:46 Let's see here.
01:37:50 Yeah, I mean, look, I've, I've, I've seen this.
01:37:52 Everyone's seen this clip.
01:37:54 This is just the the diversity kittens clip.
01:38:00 I mean, they weren't trying to say anything.
01:38:01 A lot of the people involved with producing The Simpsons or Jewish, they were just, they were just adding the the Jewish kitten as one of the ethnicities in the diversity.
01:38:10 Like it wasn't some secret tip the hat to like.
01:38:13 Oh, Jews are the ones doing this.
01:38:16 And it was just that they they thought it was funnier to have a cat with the.
01:38:20 Let me I'll pop it up for the I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone's seeing this, but.
01:38:23 For those who haven't.
01:38:25 Where's the stupid thing for?
01:38:28 There we go.
01:38:28 There we are.
01:38:33 Yeah, it's it's not like some.
01:38:35 Oh, let's let's have some some tip.
01:38:40 In fact, this is this is how, you know, look at the cover, the cover you've got like the seek cat you've got the I don't know what he's supposed to be like French or black power or something.
01:38:50 The the cat with the wheelchair.
01:38:52 The Black cat and then the Jewish cat.
01:38:54 So it's not saying like Ohh Jews are doing this.
01:38:58 They're just saying, like, oh, look, it's it's.
01:39:00 Jews are part of diversity, like, that's that's literally what it's saying.
Speaker 2
01:39:04 The kittens on melting pot mountain.Speaker 24
01:39:06 It's more fun to play with the ball of yarn if it has all the colors in it, and the yarn should be.Devon
01:39:13 See and then there's the wheelchair cat.01:39:14 So it's not that's that's.
01:39:17 That's people reading stuff into it, wanting there to be some kind of representation in mainstream media when there's not.
01:39:25 They're just that's the.
01:39:27 That's the Jewish cat.
01:39:28 You know, just like there's the wheelchair cat, like, they're not.
01:39:31 What do they mean by the wheelchair cat guy?
01:39:34 What did they mean by that?
01:39:36 They just meant that it's the diversity kittens.
01:39:39 And you're not diversity because you're white, but Jewish Jews are.
01:39:42 You know what I mean?
01:39:44 So that's that's my opinion of that.
01:39:47 UM.
01:39:49 Rooster, there's a new HBO docu series about this scam, telemarketing company.
01:39:56 They obviously don't say it, but the founders look extremely jewy.
01:39:59 It's really disgusting.
01:40:01 They were doing civic development group.
01:40:04 Might want to check them out.
01:40:05 Thanks for the stream.
01:40:06 As always.
01:40:07 Civic development group, huh?
01:40:11 Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised.
01:40:13 Yeah, like, crazy Eddie said.
01:40:15 It's part of the culture.
01:40:17 It's just part of the culture.
Speaker 8
01:40:21 It's part of the culture.Devon
01:40:22 I don't see anything right at the top of my head, so right I see.01:40:27
01:40:30 Putting something out about him, but that's all I see.
01:40:34 But I'll look at it later.
01:40:35 Maybe Graham playing games?
01:40:37 I really enjoy the Rockwell Stream.
01:40:39 I have respect for Rockwell, and I think he was just trying to do what he thought was best at the time to send this his message.
01:40:46 Obviously, hindsight is clear.
01:40:48 But how is he?
01:40:50 How was he to know?
01:40:51 Just as he said the standard conservatives were born and getting nowhere.
01:40:55 Yeah, I'm not saying I I I think that his strategy was was a net negative by any means.
01:41:01 I'm just saying that especially the reasons he he listed.
01:41:08 For doing, you know, walking around in the Nazi uniform and doing all that stuff, it doesn't make sense in the context that we have today because he didn't have any means of communicating with people unless he got television cameras and, you know, rabid Jewish producers running to go show the Americans, like, look, see, they're still evil.
01:41:29 Nazis, so they were happy to put them on the air and maybe that would give them some opportunities to get some notoriety speaking some schools.
01:41:37 You know, maybe deliver some of his message, even though he's wearing a ******* Nazi uniform, which to many Americans would instantly discredit it.
01:41:46 I mean you would, you know, it's you could at least make the argument that it was a a strategy that.
01:41:52 That serve 2 purposes.
01:41:55 One it got a way of thinking out to Americans that wouldn't otherwise be out.
01:42:01 But again, it's with the baggage of the the Nazi uniform.
01:42:04 But he also exists now, and he's immortalized now as a man.
01:42:10 And that's not a bad thing, because there's going to be a lot of people that see the meme, and they're going to want to look up and, well, what did this guy say?
01:42:17 And they're going to find stuff like that speech that we played in last stream.
01:42:20 So yeah, I don't think it was necessarily a bad strategy for the time.
01:42:24 It's just because you didn't have a lot of choices back then.
01:42:28 It's just that it's it's probably a bad strategy.
01:42:31 Now, uh, let's take a look here.
Speaker 8
01:42:39 Ohio, with the *** **** money.Devon
01:42:42 If I can find the *** **** money thing.Speaker 27
01:42:47 Money is power.01:42:48 Money is the only weapon that that you.
01:42:50 Have to defend.Speaker 12
01:42:51 Yourself with.Speaker 11
01:42:51 Look, look, look.Speaker 10
01:42:52 Look, look, look how.Devon
01:42:53 Julie, this *** is.01:43:11 All right, Ohio says I can no longer catch live streams until my work schedule changes.
01:43:20 I will see.
01:43:23 Let's see here.
01:43:24 Where's I got too many buttons now I really gotta clean this.
01:43:27 Up, he says.
01:43:28 I will see you.
01:43:30 On the replays.
01:43:32 So there you go.
01:43:33 Appreciate the support there, Ohio.
01:43:36 And hopefully you're able to get your work schedule changed there, or at the very least catch the replays John Skywalker watched you, your family ties stream today.
01:43:50 It's one of your best with the in-depth review on subversive shows. See, that's the other show from the 1980s that was pushing this.
01:43:56 The exact same stuff that this was pushing, because literally everything was.
01:44:01 Would love to see you.
01:44:01 Do more like that in deep dives.
01:44:03 Well, maybe you got your wish tonight because you said that about an hour ago and that's that's precisely what we did the night.
01:44:10 So I appreciate that Graham playing games Canada isn't a nation now, if it ever could be considered one.
01:44:18 It was always a massive collection of different ethnic groups, but overwhelmingly majority European, from Britain to slabs.
01:44:25 Now no longer.
01:44:26 How is this mess going to be fixed?
01:44:29 Well, I don't.
01:44:31 You have a link, but you don't tell me that.
01:44:33 I mean, it's about Canada, I'm assuming.
01:44:36 Is is this Canada announcing they're no longer a country or?
01:44:39 What is this?
01:44:46 Why, why?
01:44:46 Why is this a Sikh?
01:44:47 Why do I care what a Sikh has to do with Canada?
01:44:49 Or maybe that's, I don't know.
01:44:50 Let's let me see here.
Speaker 13
01:44:54 Absolute shithole right now.01:44:57 We're letting in people that don't even respect the country that actually just want to come here to benefit off of it.
01:45:02 You mean you mean like 6?Speaker 13
01:45:05 I had an Indian coworker say, oh, Canada is a fake dream, blah blah blah.01:45:15 And even just making fun of the old stock Punjabis that were even here, or even making fun of the Canadian born Punjabis.
01:45:22 Saying oh, he can fit in, blah blah blah and justice making fun of it.
01:45:26 Like the reason why Punjabis have their respect that they do is because.
01:45:32 The chubbies used to be quite respected.
01:45:33 Why is it?Speaker 13
01:45:34 Before, but now as their reason.Devon
01:45:35 Why is this audio keep dropping out?01:45:36 What am I watching?
01:45:37 Why do I care what this guy says?
01:45:38 Sorry, I'm already, I'm not.
01:45:40 I'm already bored.
01:45:44 But you're right, Canada's not a country, especially if Canadians are having to rely on Punjabis as he says, to do their talking for them.
01:45:53 Billy Bob, they are letting people openly steal so they can implement a chip or a bar code of sorts to scan you as you walk in and out.
01:46:03 They will use this theft as justification, problem, reaction, solution.
01:46:07 They punish the people actually trying to stop, then they wait.
01:46:10 Hold on.
01:46:10 What are you talking about?
01:46:11 They're letting people openly steal so they can implement a chip or bark.
01:46:15 Oh, I see you're saying so.
01:46:16 You're saying that, like, the the all this mass shoplifting that's going on is so they can somehow implement some kind of chip?
01:46:28 Well, here's the thing.
01:46:29 I I don't know that.
01:46:32 I don't know that would work because the the chip thing isn't going to solve.
01:46:37 They're still going to let the black.
01:46:38 People just steal whatever.
Speaker 8
01:46:42 Right.Devon
01:46:43 So why?01:46:44 Why does it matter?
01:46:45 Like if if I mean if if if your chip has zero account balance.
01:46:50 And you walk out with $900.00 of stuff because I think the law, the way they wrote it, the reason why all that's going on is they made it so that if you steal less than $1000, you don't get arrested.
01:47:02 And which is amazing. But that's that's the kind of if you if whatever you steal costs less than $1000, you're allowed to steal it in San Francisco.
01:47:11 So that's what's happening.
01:47:12 People are just stealing.
01:47:13 $900.
01:47:14 Worth of stuff and and nothing happens to them.
01:47:19 If, but if they have a chip in their head or or whatever, and there's nothing in their account balance, why does it ******* matter?
01:47:25 The other thing is the chip will always be voluntary, or at least.
01:47:29 For my lifetime, I can't imagine how they would even implement force chipping, like if if you want to make people with guns freak the **** out, say that they're they're going to force them to put the mark of the beast on them every every Q tart in the world will pop off if if they start pushing that.
01:47:47 Now they might, they might use it as a selling point when they're rolling out the chip in the head.
01:47:53 And I think the chip in the head is going to happen.
01:47:54 It's just I think it'll be a voluntary thing.
01:47:57 And I think that it's going to be A and they'll make it harder and harder and harder to participate in their beast system without the chip in the head, you know, they'll get rid of.
01:48:09 Physical currency. That's our all this stuff's going to happen relatively quick too. That will happen in your lifetime unless things collapse well before that, you're they're already rolling it out. They're already doing, like, the retinal scans of that, that digital currency.
01:48:25 I forget what's called like world coin or whatever the ****.
01:48:27 It is I mean.
01:48:28 So they're, they're already, they're already going to be rolling this **** out, and a lot of people will line up.
01:48:32 A lot of people will line up to get it.
01:48:34 They'll be itching to get it because they're like, oh, the convenience.
01:48:38 I can just go into a store and grab a Snickers bar and.
01:48:41 Walk out and.
01:48:41 Just magically go in without any thought as to what the implications of that.
01:48:46 And why that might be a bad thing, and they'll laugh at all the people that don't want it and call them conspiracy theorists and call them Christian wackos for talking about the mark of the beast and all this other stuff.
01:48:57 But I still think it'll be voluntary for a while, and even when they make it to where you can't participate in their economy without it, it's still gonna be voluntary.
01:49:06 You're just gonna have a lot of people that Chuck out like you do now.
01:49:10 Look at all the people that Chuck out now.
01:49:12 They're like, well, I can't.
01:49:13 I can't speak my mind because then I'll lose my job.
01:49:15 I'd have to get a job where I'm not making as much money, and then I couldn't afford to have Netflix every month.
01:49:20 And I couldn't live in like the Mcmansion, the gated community.
01:49:23 And you know, they're already compromising their principles for the goodies and for the convenience and.
01:49:30 And that goes for a lot of right wing people, a lot of right wing people are sacrificing a lot of their principles are quite frankly, don't really even have any.
01:49:39 So that they can enjoy the convenience of modern middle class life.
01:49:45 And that's that's just the way that it is.
01:49:47 So when the chip in the head becomes part of modern middle class life and it will, and there'll be social pressure about it, people will make fun of you for.
01:49:55 Not having a chip.
01:49:57 They might even try to to phrase it in such a way that like, ohh, you're you're endangering all of us with the chip.
01:50:04 By not having the chip, they'll find some like weird logic gymnastics that makes that makes sense to them.
01:50:12 And you maybe you won't be able to get a job without the chip because you know the the they they need you to have the chip.
01:50:18 For government expenses or for the clock in and out or or whatever, right, like they'll they'll just need you to have.
01:50:24 That'll be a requirement.
01:50:26 To have a chip in the head.
01:50:27 So yeah, that it's going to be rolled out and a lot of people will bend the knee and and get the ******* chip in the head.
01:50:34 Just don't be one of those ******* that doesn't.
01:50:38 Ah, let's see here. Polar Bear odyssey still being made bright. A 2017 Netflix movie starring Will Smith, LAPD police officer and his orc partner confront racism and police corruption while protecting a magic wand and an elf girl.
01:50:57 Are you kidding me?
01:50:58 I've never heard of this, but yeah, this is this formula.
01:51:02 In fact, they they recently when I looked up, let me let me see.
01:51:06 If I can, I still have this.
01:51:17 Yeah, because they brought it back.
01:51:20 Yeah, alien nation.
01:51:21 They brought it back.
01:51:24 At some point.
01:51:27 In the late 90s, they brought it back, I guess.
01:51:30 Or they made more television movies.
Speaker 7
01:51:32 Well, there's a lot more.Devon
01:51:33 Television movies than I even thought.01:51:35 Yeah, they did.
01:51:37 So the series lasted till 1990.
01:51:40 But then they did another movie in 94, another movie in 95, another movie in 96, actually 2 movies in 96 and another movie in 97.
01:51:54 So I mean this this stupid.
01:51:58 You know, space racism storylines been going on for decades.
01:52:06 This is the let me.
01:52:07 I'll pop this up.
01:52:08 We'll see what you're talking about.
01:52:09 I'm sure it's just like a a rip off.
01:52:21 Why is there a fairy in the breakfast area?Speaker 1
01:52:24 Slow watch. Slow watch.Speaker 19
01:52:26 Good afternoon, officer.Speaker
01:52:28 Ferry lives don't matter today.Speaker 1
01:52:30 Well, Michael.Speaker 7
01:52:33 That's it right there.01:52:34 I'll take the little homie.
01:52:35 LAPD style like you do.01:52:37 Ohh and now you keep doing all your gangster stuff.
01:52:40 I'm just trying to.
01:52:41 Sell my house. Don't.
Speaker 29
01:52:42 Worry about that.Speaker 10
01:52:43 Oh my God.Speaker 7
01:52:46 Everybody's just trying to get along and have a.Speaker 19
01:52:48 Good life.Speaker
01:52:49 All of the races are.01:52:50 Different just because they're different doesn't mean anybody's better or worse than anybody.
01:52:55 Hey, where's the diversity hire?
01:52:56 I gotta do it in my car.
01:52:57 I didn't ask for it, but the.
Speaker 27
01:52:59 Whole world is watching.01:53:03 OK?
01:53:03 You don't like me.
Speaker 19
01:53:04 No, I'm not out.Speaker 2
01:53:05 Here to be.Speaker 31
01:53:05 Your friend, I need to know.Speaker
01:53:07 Hi, Bob.01:53:08 That you got my back.
Speaker 11
01:53:09 Can't hide it.01:53:10 You must have physical tells.
01:53:11 It's like the face.Speaker 11
01:53:12 What's my face for human?01:53:13 Who needs a lot more conjugate love typeface?
01:53:17 Do not wink at me like that.Speaker 13
01:53:21 All Westlake units requesting.Speaker 3
01:53:23 Three out of nine show us in route.Devon
01:53:28 Yeah, so this is this is, yeah, it's just a copy instead of being.01:53:32 Aliens. Diversity. Aliens. It's diversity.
01:53:37 Wizards and.
01:53:39 And magic and ********.
01:53:45 Well, I it's a formula that works apparently.
01:53:47 And like I said, they've made movies for over of that with that alien, should they?
01:53:52 That that spanned over a decade.
01:53:55 So people are willing to pay money to be brainwashed, they might as well stick to the formula if it works.
01:54:03 Rying movie after movie to destroy our in Group preference.
01:54:08 Kites, you know, I'll tell you like, like I said, it was literally every movie and every television show from the 80s and 90s had some.
01:54:17 Aspect to it that was very similar to this super cringe alien nation ship.
01:54:24 Lucky Larry Silverstein, thanks for all the streams over the years.
01:54:28 Devin, your show is not just the.
01:54:32 Burped berta.
01:54:35 Is not the not just something, but it helps. It keeps me. I have no idea what that means, but it helps keeps me sane. Well, hopefully means it's something positive. Then I'm sick of people not calling out the flat and ******* that say everything is fake. Nukes, space germs, women, everything. I'm happy you point out how ******** that is.
01:54:57 Yeah, I I think I've made some progress too with pointing out the the Flat Earth stupidness and the quintard stupidness and.
01:55:05 And there's more to come on that front, by the way, it's.
01:55:09 Like I said, not everyone's going to be pleased with it, but it's just the sooner people start facing reality, the sooner we'll be able to actually be a rational saying group of people that can tackle the problems that we're faced with.
01:55:22 It's just that there's way too many shell shocked ******.
01:55:24 Out there that have suffered so many psychological blows, by finding out how many lies there are out there that they've kind of gone spinning out of control. And now everything's a lie. And now they're just as useless as if they were never found out about the the original lies.
01:55:41 Because how can you be effective if you think that everything's a lie?
01:55:47 And you know, I mean, that's just as bad as thinking nothing's a lie.
01:55:54 That's that.
01:55:54 We have to actively combat it.
01:55:56 We just can't look the other way.
01:55:58 Right.
01:55:59 Like you can't just like, oh, it's just let them let them let them have the Flat Earth.
01:56:02 It's just a phase.
01:56:03 It's like it's again, if, if.
01:56:05 If your son came home wearing a dress, would you be like, oh, it's just a phase?
01:56:09 Don't know.
01:56:10 You got to stop this stuff before it gets out of control.
01:56:13 And people are just afraid to do it.
01:56:16 They're afraid to do it.
01:56:17 They're afraid of the backlash.
01:56:18 They're going to get from the armies of ******* that this is part of their identity now.
01:56:22 And so they'll freak the **** out when you start talking about it.
01:56:27 But yeah, I mean, look, I got it.
01:56:29 Just when I started talking about movies being propaganda, you were you would be surprised.
01:56:33 It's not so much now.
01:56:34 I think most people are.
01:56:35 Starting to accept this.
01:56:37 But when I first started doing this, you'd be surprised how many comments I got from people that I I ruined the part of their childhood, because these movies that I was, I was dissecting.
01:56:46 This was part of their identity.
01:56:49 You know and and ohh you can't say that.
01:56:51 That's my favorite movie.
01:56:53 I grew up loving that movie.
01:56:55 I know lines from that movie that I I recite in public like I'm being clever or something.
01:57:02 And and totally not annoying everyone.
01:57:05 Around me by doing.
01:57:06 So now there there's a lot of people that spurred out and and and it was funny because you never knew what movie was going to do because.
01:57:12 It wasn't every movie or TV show.
01:57:14 But randomly you would just get this crazy pushback after a TV show or a movie where you could tell that, oh, so you think I'm attacking you like, that's how much this movie.
01:57:26 Means to you.
01:57:27 Is that if I attack this movie I'm attacking you.
01:57:31 Like, that's how hollow of a person.
01:57:33 That's how much of A hollow shell you are is you're just filled up with propaganda.
01:57:37 That's what makes up you.
01:57:40 And that's where we have to destroy this ****.
01:57:43 We have to knock all this ******* all these cobwebs out of their ******* brain and get them thinking again.
01:57:49 But I appreciate that.
01:57:52 Let's take a look here.
01:57:56 Harmless Gee, certain members of the I ******* hate science crowd claim you cannot measure the speed of light and that the whole concept is fake.
01:58:05 Here's a 2 minute video on how to measure the the speed of light.
01:58:08 Well, I'm not going to play it, but that's there.
01:58:11 It is for people.
01:58:11 If they want to get that.
01:58:13 Yeah, all this stuff is is just it shows you how little these people have a a head for engineering, technology, science and physics.
01:58:25 And because of that, they've had to put all of their faith into experts.
01:58:31 You know, they they don't know how their phone works.
01:58:33 They don't know how their car works.
01:58:34 They don't know how.
01:58:34 Anything around them works.
01:58:36 And they're always having it.
01:58:37 That's why it's so important to know how things work, because then you're not beholden to experts who, as everyone knows, look, I'll be the first one to admit that science has been hijacked by the same ******* psychos that run everything else that have been and all these other people have been cranked out of the academic system that are, you know, these Marxist fagots.
01:58:57 And so, yeah, now that science is is full of Marxist fagots you're getting a lot of ******** science.
01:59:03 I mean, in fact, they're even to some degree admitting it, saying that they've got, like, a.
01:59:08 What was it called?
01:59:09 Like a repeatability problem.
01:59:13 Like all of these, these peer reviewed papers that have been submitted, especially like in the last 20 years or so that everyone has just been like signed off on like all these scientific papers, especially in the social sciences, you know what I mean?
01:59:28 It it fits the narrative that they wanted to push.
01:59:30 It it it?
01:59:31 Fulfilled the need of whoever was funding the study.
01:59:35 And so it just got rubber stamped.
01:59:36 And now that people are going back and trying to replicate some of these.
01:59:40 Studies because they want to build upon that.
01:59:44 You know, that's how science is supposed to work, right?
01:59:45 You're supposed to be able to build on the work of other, you know, the people that came before you.
01:59:49 And they're discovering none of this is real.
01:59:52 Like so much of your of your work is not repeatable.
01:59:56 Now, of course, that's not the case for stuff that has been.
02:00:00 Verified for centuries like the shape of the earth and stuff like that, stuff that would, I mean, just basic things, you know, even things.
02:00:08 This is The funny thing, you know, navigating with a sextant.
02:00:13 You know the way that everyone had to navigate on a ship before GPS existed, that little protractor looking thing that you have to look through and you know you line it up with the with certain constellations and you can determine where you are even using that, that archaic tool that.
02:00:33 Is exactly, I guess, like ship captains probably still know how to use it and you know, worst case scenario they have to use it for something to figure out where they are.
02:00:40 If GPS goes down or.
02:00:41 Something like that, or at least they should know how to do that.
02:00:45 Part of the the math to to determine your location includes the not just the shape of the earth, but the size.
02:00:53 Of the earth.
02:00:54 Like, that's part of the the equation to figure out your location.
02:00:58 And that which means it would never work like all of our all of the accomplishments of Europeans say, you know, navies and and explorers and sailors, we would all they would all be lost at sea.
02:01:11 They never would have.
02:01:11 None of them would have come back home because they won't be able to figure out where the **** they were using a Sexton.
02:01:17 And there's just so many basic things because it's not a new thing to know.
02:01:21 The size and shape of the earth.
02:01:23 It's it's so many, so many fundamental things are based on that fact that if it weren't true, the world would collapse just because nothing would work like nothing would ******* work.
02:01:35 And these are people that just never have to do anything that requires, you know, thinking about.
02:01:43 Dynamic systems.
02:01:44 That's the thing too is I think a lot of people don't realize why it would.
02:01:49 It would be such a.
02:01:52 Impossibility for the you know, the earth to be flat or something like that is because they they don't work with complex systems.
02:02:00 And even if you're just a coder, right?
02:02:02 Like you code stuff and you realize that one little mistake in your, you know, let's say you have 8 pages of code and you make one little tiny ******* mistake then.
02:02:11 You you try to compile it, it's not going to run.
02:02:13 It's not going to work right because you made that one tiny little mistake and that and that has a ripple effect like a butterfly effect that ***** up, doesn't matter if all the rest of the code is perfect.
02:02:23 It's not going to work now, and that's how all these things that is that use the assumption of the the Earth being around and the size that it is.
02:02:32 That's all the stuff would come crumbling down and not work if it wasn't accurate.
02:02:36 You know the surveyors, the people that you see with those tripod looking things and they're looking through the little like telescope thing and so they can mark property lines, they factor in the the curvature of the earth.
02:02:51 All this stuff is it's used.
02:02:52 Every day.
02:02:53 So really what you're talking about is people that don't, ever.
02:02:57 Do anything that requires engineering or precision or systems and that's why they can't wrap their head around like why it sounds so ******* stupid that people that do.
02:03:07 Let's take a look here.
02:03:12 Billy Bob, just so everybody knows, Pat Cohn was abbreviated for Patriots and constitutionalists, so even the lowly file or I think you meant rank and file good people.
02:03:26 Knew they were going after a fair minded goodwilled people.
02:03:30 This is what we are up against.
02:03:32 That is the case.
02:03:34 And that has there was a huge push during the 80s and 90s.
02:03:41 This was this was part of the same program that made for this kind of of television programming.
02:03:50 At the same time that they were pushing out this kind of propaganda on TV that you had the intelligence agencies actively trying to infiltrate and dismantle any group that that was opposition to this way of thinking.
02:04:05 This was a very, very.
02:04:10 Complex complex.
02:04:14 Dynamic system in and of itself.
02:04:16 Speaking of dynamic systems like you had you had movies and television pushing all this stuff, you had the State Department pushing this stuff.
02:04:25 You had the FBI pushing this stuff.
02:04:27 You had the the major universities pushing this stuff.
02:04:31 You had the public schools, which by the way.
02:04:34 Who was right, who who wrote all the textbooks?
02:04:38 Who wrote all the textbooks for the public schools? That's right, gillane Maxwell's dad.
02:04:44 Like your textbooks for high school and and elementary school, This is why you need a home.
02:04:50 Another reason why you won't need a home school.
02:04:52 Your kids, the the publishers of those textbooks were literally Massad owned.
02:04:58 So the all the textbooks were telling you this ********.
02:05:02 The music was telling you this ******** all the all the, you know, the the famous musicians on MTV when they weren't even not in their music when they were just in interviews were telling you this ********.
02:05:14 Everyone like, there was no one not telling you this.
02:05:17 Excuse me this ********.
02:05:20 Preachers were telling you this ********.
02:05:23 Catholic priests, we're telling you this ********.
02:05:27 I mean, everyone was was was full on sold with this diversity project.
02:05:33 In the 80s and 90s.
02:05:36 And it makes sense cause think of how important it was for the people involved with the civil rights movement to be right.
02:05:44 Think of the implications if they were wrong.
02:05:47 I mean they were wrong and we're living the implications right now.
02:05:50 But that's why, even now, the people who live through that, and that's part of their identity, they can never walk it back because.
02:05:57 That's not a Boo Boo you can undo.
02:05:59 There's no undo button for the civil rights movement.
02:06:02 It's like when Scott Adams, the other day tweeted out that the the most dangerous reframe in American history was reframing the idea that being, you know, going to class and being a good student was acting one.
Speaker 4
02:06:16 Right.Devon
02:06:18 And like the.02:06:19 One of the.
02:06:19 Most boomerang things to say in the world because I said and as I responded, I said like.
02:06:23 Look, no, that's that's that.
02:06:26 That's not true.
02:06:27 The most dangerous reframe in the world was the civil rights movement.
02:06:31 That acting white is even a thing that by acting white you become white.
02:06:36 That's ******* stupid.
02:06:38 I think the example I used was that's like saying that if if fish only acted like whales, they could breathe the air and the only reason why they can't breathe the air is because the stigma surrounding acting like a whale.
02:06:52 I mean, it's it's ridiculous.
02:06:55 No fish or fish and whales or whale.
02:06:57 Yeah, they both swim in the water and they have similar features, but they have some fundamental differences and not no amount of acting is going to change.
02:07:04 That same thing goes for the whale.
02:07:06 The whale goes underwater long enough, and it doesn't come up for air.
02:07:08 It's going to ******* suffocate and die.
02:07:11 You can act like a fish all day long.
02:07:12 It's going to ******* die.
02:07:15 And so no acting white is just on on its face is ******* ********.
02:07:21 Acting white is not going to make you turn white.
02:07:27 But boomers are stuck in this mode.
02:07:28 This assimilation mode like see, that's the last thing that they clung to when they realized that they pretty much lost the immigration battle.
02:07:35 And it was no longer feasible or that they just didn't have the energy, I guess, anymore to keep fighting the idea that maybe we shouldn't have immigration at the levels that we did.
02:07:43 So then it just changed to, well, if we're going to have to do this because.
02:07:47 We suck at fighting.
02:07:48 Then maybe it's just we need to make sure they assimilate.
02:07:51 So they're just they're just reverting to their last argument, like right after they lost.
02:07:58 That's all it is.
02:07:59 They're they're literally just reverting back to the losing argument that led.
02:08:03 To the day.
02:08:04 They're not, they're not going.
02:08:05 Because there is no going back before they lost.
02:08:09 They lost.
02:08:15 Let's see here.
02:08:22 Rying they never offer a reasonable you know what?
02:08:29 You need a wookie.
02:08:36 They never offer reasonable reason for integration in the movies or in real life.
02:08:43 It's only to destroy whites, right?
02:08:45 There's never.
02:08:46 There's, it's never explained.
02:08:49 It's just like this.
02:08:50 It's just a given well.
02:08:52 Of course, when you have integration.
02:08:54 Well, why?
02:08:56 We just do cause you're a racist if.
02:08:58 You don't want it.
02:09:00 And it's as simple as that.
02:09:02 People were so afraid after the the civil rights movement, especially of being called a racist.
02:09:07 That was the worst thing in.
02:09:08 The world you could be called.
02:09:09 That that's all you had to do was threaten them with that word that I mean, for ***** sake, that's how a Gabe black, non citizen, you know, CIA, bank, puppet, you know, like Obama.
02:09:22 Like, that's how that monstrosity was able to get elected without ever having to show a birth certificate because everyone was so afraid to be being.
02:09:29 Being called a racist.
02:09:32 Which didn't make any sense.
Speaker 8
02:09:34 They didn't make any sense.Devon
02:09:38 Love or hate McCain?02:09:41 Who also The funny thing is, McCain wasn't even born in the United States.
02:09:44 I mean, he was born on a military base, I think was born in Guam.
02:09:48 But you know.
02:09:50 You can make the argument that even.
02:09:51 Even he shouldn't have been able to run.
02:09:54 But yeah, everyone, that's how afraid people were of that word.
02:10:02 Skippy, Ohio.
02:10:04 Devon, I would argue that the aliens are meant to represent the Jews.
02:10:08 Yeah, they could be.
02:10:09 But again they, they they represent every every diversity group they could be the Jews.
02:10:16 They could be migrant workers, they could be Muslim refugees.
02:10:23 They could be, you know, you know, blacks, they could be Jews, they.
02:10:26 Could be anybody?
02:10:27 It's that, that's The thing is the whole point of it is they they can literally be another species.
02:10:34 And you're supposed to just accept them and have sex with them?
02:10:39 And you know, let them and and they can be smarter and and stronger.
02:10:43 And all this other stuff.
02:10:45 The guy who played the alien in the the theatrical release was a Jew.
02:10:50 The actor was a Jew.
02:10:52 I don't think this guy was, although I mean, or at least I couldn't find any information about him being a Jew on the TV movie stuff.
02:11:03 Uh. Let's see here.
02:11:07 Zazie Mattas bought.
02:11:09 Hey, I remember that show.
02:11:10 I don't remember anything about it.
02:11:12 Just remember seeing it.
02:11:13 Thanks for the show.
02:11:14 Yeah, it lays as a fuzzy memory for me.
02:11:17 I think I watched.
02:11:18 I must have watched like an episode or two and I because I remember watching it and thinking like, oh, I get it where, you know, I get it.
02:11:25 We're bad.
02:11:25 We're bad, racist.
02:11:26 I get it.
02:11:28 Who cares?
02:11:29 Because I liked sci-fi at the time, I wanted to watch like I thought.
02:11:32 Ohh Cool a a show about aliens that could be and then I immediately was like oh never mind.
02:11:39 This is just ******* liberal garbage.
02:11:42 Uh. Let's see here.
Speaker 8
02:11:45 Billy Bob.Devon
02:11:47 Check out raging dissident on odyssey. He's still going to court for the the trucking stunt in Canada. They froze his and his girlfriend's bank accounts.02:11:59 He's Jew woke and his streams are entertaining.
02:12:02 I stumbled on his vids about two months ago.
02:12:05 He's talked about your streams before and has referenced you.
02:12:08 Yeah, I've.
02:12:09 I gotta give him my contact information and we used to actually talk on a semi regular basis.
02:12:14 One of the reasons why he got in trouble and I feel bad about this is.
02:12:19 Someone took a photo of him with my book and and so every time they would write an article about him, they would use the photo of him holding my book where it says day of the rope on it.
02:12:30 And they would say here, here he is with the with the the evil hate.
02:12:37 And and so yeah, I felt I kind of feel bad about that, but I need to.
02:12:42 I need to get back in touch with them.
02:12:43 I I knew he went to jail for a while and then I changed telegram accounts and I just haven't.
02:12:48 I haven't really.
02:12:48 I haven't, you know, connected with like, a lot of people lately, Internet wise, just because of the chaos in my and and that's that's been unfolding.
02:12:58 Lay around nothing, too bad or anything like that, but just.
02:13:00 The amount of things I have to deal with not online.
02:13:06 But yeah, he, he, he.
02:13:07 I haven't seen any of his newer strings, but he does.
02:13:11 Does a good job.
02:13:12 Moo fans, my thoughts on the international black people problem.
02:13:19 Well, you have a.
02:13:21 This is you can't send me a discord link.
02:13:24 I don't use discord.
02:13:28 It's a WebM.
02:13:31 I don't know.
02:13:34 Let me see if it'll if it'll load an opera, then I'll think about it.
02:13:42 I don't know anymore tabs.
02:13:43 I can have open on this thing.
Speaker 7
02:13:53 What is this?Speaker 5
02:13:53 And please excuse the language.02:13:56 It's very sensitive shot by a ******.
02:14:01 Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never.
02:14:10 There you go.02:14:13 Not sure what what that, what news report that's from, but there you go.
02:14:24 A lowly scribing God's army, the saltwater Russian roulette or roulette scenes from technically isn't it roulette roulette.
02:14:34 Isn't that how the French people would say it?
02:14:39 For some.
02:14:41 The saltwater Russian relay roulette scenes from the film version were so Keno.
02:14:48 Please don't ever review ice pirates, Kroll, or Maelstrom or my childhood.
02:14:52 Would be ruined.
02:14:54 I I don't know that I've.
02:14:56 I mean, I think I saw ice pirates like a billion years ago, but I don't think I ever saw those other.
02:15:06 Moo fans just proposed to my girlfriend earlier after going on a brief rant about how crazy Jews made the world, she said that she said yes.
02:15:17 And we've made it and we've made it.
02:15:20 Gentlemen also have a little fact and you send me another discord link.
02:15:25 You know your marriage is never going to work if you stay.
02:15:27 On Discord, I'm just telling you now.
02:15:32 Discord is cancer.
02:15:35 Let me see what happens with this one.
02:15:42 I don't know, man.
02:15:43 You're saying like videos?
02:15:48 What is this one? This one's at QuickTime.
Speaker 2
02:15:57 And do they?Devon
02:16:02 I don't know if I can handle that.02:16:03 One sorry but.
02:16:05 But congratulations, everyone move fans today.
02:16:10 He has become a man.
02:16:18 So hopefully she's cool.
02:16:20 I really appreciate that.
02:16:22 And then move fans come in.
02:16:23 Comes in one month, less time to say.
02:16:27 There you go.
02:16:30 All right, Max Demian.
02:16:33 Damian with the *** **** money.
Speaker 1
02:16:35 Is power.Speaker 27
02:16:37 Money is the only weapon that that you have.Devon
02:16:39 To defend himself with.02:16:41 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:17:02 Thanks for being on schedule.
02:17:03 We watched your the office edition today.
02:17:06 Still a banger.
02:17:10 The office.
02:17:12 Is that I I I I keep I always mix up in my head the office and office space.
02:17:19 No, that's that's another one that that there was a it.
02:17:22 Well, it's all television is just constant anti white white guilt propaganda.
02:17:28 But appreciate the support there.
02:17:29 Max Demian.
02:17:32 Marvin Heemeyer only had three bucks to spare tonight.
02:17:36 Got to stick to the budget right now.
02:17:38 Always slag.
02:17:40 Its well, I appreciate that.
Speaker 11
02:17:42 Why is money management press the rest?Speaker 14
02:17:48 Thank you.Devon
02:17:50 Nazi dice.02:17:51 Hey, all.
02:17:52 I'm still alive.
02:17:53 There you are.
02:17:54 Neck surgery went well.
02:17:56 I'm glad you're not a quadriplegic.
02:17:57 Now some days are OK, some are not, some just awful pain taking things one day at a time, going to physical therapy and sleeping a lot is all I can do.
02:18:08 Hoping my next set of X-rays is in a few weeks, uh, it's is healing properly. Otherwise I might need more surgery.
02:18:23 Well, Nazi dice, we're all very, you know, legit.
02:18:26 We're all very glad that you're.
02:18:29 That you've made it.
02:18:30 There are people that were concerned and and we're glad that you are again, like I said, not quadriplegic now and.
02:18:38 I don't know what exactly the physical therapy and entails, but hopefully that's going well and yeah, neck injuries are a *****.
02:18:45 I'll tell you what I I hurt my back.
02:18:47 I I I compressed the disc in my back.
02:18:50 Many years ago, and because I never had healthcare, I just had to, like, live with it and it was eventually.
02:18:58 Now I don't notice it, but like there.
02:18:59 Was like a good.
02:19:01 Year or two where I like just getting up and like sitting down and getting up out of a chair was excruciating, and I didn't know if, like, is this just how my life is now.
02:19:13 I like, I just didn't know.
02:19:14 Like, oh, so apparently getting out of a car is like the most painful thing in the world.
02:19:19 Every time I get in and out of a car, actually getting, I think.
02:19:22 No, that hurt too, because it was anything that went from, like, straight back to bent back like was just.
02:19:28 You know, or the other way around was bad, so I know that that can suck and.
02:19:33 Hopefully, hopefully it gets better and a lot of time like with these kinds of injuries, it just takes a lot of time.
02:19:39 So be patient and we're definitely all rooting for you there.
02:19:46 So thanks for stopping by and letting us know John Skywalker doesn't Family Guy count as promoting A normalized pedophilia with characters like Herbert the pervert he is used for laughs and made to be sympathetic at times.
02:20:00 Obviously, most people know about him.
02:20:03 Yeah, I think that that's absolutely correct.
02:20:05 By making a joke out of it, making them.
02:20:07 With that, yeah, I mean, you're just taking the sting out of it.
02:20:10 You're making it sound like it's not that big of a deal, but they're also making it seem like it's just some creepy old guy and not just literally every.
02:20:17 Fagot and Jew.
02:20:18 Alright, Atlas, rain axis.
02:20:21 Do you know if Jews taught Nigerians how to scam westerners?
02:20:25 Or did they figure out how to scam us on their own?
02:20:28 I you know, I I think Nigerians just kind of figured out.
02:20:31 Their own.
02:20:32 I think Nigerians are are at least the the ones doing the scams are slightly higher IQ than the other Africans and they were just smart enough to take advantage of of a high trust society.
02:20:44 I mean, Nigeria is probably one of the lowest trust societies in existence because I just think this is the kind of behavior.
02:20:52 That you can expect to find in Nigeria and other countries too.
02:20:56 It's just that they're they're just high enough IQ to where they can weaponize it against us.
02:21:02 And that's been going around a long time.
02:21:03 I remember when when e-mail first came out, a insane amount of people got emailed like, like it's a cliche now, right?
02:21:12 Like the Nigerian Princess thing.
02:21:14 The reason why it's a cliche is a lot of.
02:21:16 People fell for that.
02:21:18 Because people got e-mail and they just thought like, Oh well, it's official because, I mean, they didn't understand e-mail addresses that, like, literally anyone can just send an e-mail, like, people know anything about computers.
02:21:28 They just, you know, they just didn't think that anyone would do that.
02:21:31 They didn't.
02:21:32 That was the the.
02:21:33 It's like how very honest people seem to be get, get tricked the most often because they don't realize that because they because they themselves don't lie.
02:21:44 They don't realize that other people do.
02:21:47 And so that's that's that's, I guess like the simplest way of explaining it.
02:21:51 So you have like a lot of white people who couldn't wrap their head around the idea that people would just start emailing them from a web address that to their stupid brain, looked legit.
02:22:02 And telling them this kind of far fetched story and that made them feel special, because that's the other aspect to it, right?
02:22:08 Make you feel special because you're the one talking to the Nigerian Princess that needs, you know, $20,000.
02:22:13 And if you just help her out and like forget like the logic of all this, it doesn't make any sense. But you help you send her the $20,000 and you'll get all.
02:22:21 This gold or something?
02:22:23 And so it was.
02:22:24 It was taking advantage of greed also because the people like, oh, ****, I'll.
02:22:28 I'll get like a mountain of gold if I just give her 20, you know.
02:22:31 So it's yeah, Nigerian scammers have been around since since the Internet and for all I know, they were doing phone scams before that.
Speaker 2
02:22:36 Right.Devon
02:22:40 Maybe, maybe Nigerians are just the Jews of Africa or something like that, I don't know.02:22:46 John Skywalker, Red Dead Redemption two.
02:22:49 I recently noticed one of the main antagonists, Leopold Strauss, is a money lending Jew who has the protagonist of the video game play loan shark.
02:23:01 Wait, hold on.
02:23:02 Who has the protagonist of the video game?
02:23:06 Play loan shark and beat debtors up.
02:23:08 His actions end up getting the protagonist killed.
02:23:11 Surprised American krogan didn't catch it.
02:23:13 That's, I mean I I don't know.
02:23:16 I I don't play video games anymore, so I don't.
02:23:18 I've never played Red Dead Redemption or really any video game for a long time.
02:23:24 I just don't have time for it.
02:23:25 Because even it's.
Speaker 7
02:23:26 Not that I.Devon
02:23:27 I don't hate video games, but I kind of hate video games because it's just a time suck and you should just expect that.02:23:32 Like I think it's just as worthless if you spent your day watching sports ball all day or watching Netflix all day.
02:23:39 Just because you know it's it's slightly more interactive doesn't mean it's any more productive.
02:23:45 We have a lot of things that people need to be spending time on and playing video games.
02:23:48 One of them.
02:23:49 So I would just, I just recommend against video games in general.
02:23:53 I think that it's it's really not that much better than **** because you're just jerking yourself.
02:23:59 You're you're just jerking yourself off just in a different way, and you're just doing it for the same dopamine rewards that you would get.
02:24:07 And you're not accomplishing anything.
02:24:08 You know you're not.
02:24:10 You're not getting any closer to your your goals.
02:24:13 I trust me.
02:24:14 And I, as a 3D animator, I would try. I would try to justify it. I would try to say Oh well, you know, of course first person shooters.
02:24:21 It's just like using the interface of my 3D software, so it's going to make me all fast and efficient.
02:24:26 So I get no, no, I mean maybe a tiny bit, but no, it was an excuse.
02:24:32 I just wanted to play video games.
02:24:34 And and so I would justify it.
02:24:36 Know like. Oh, I need this. I need this $800 video card because the high hoe Kermit the frog.
02:24:41 Here I don't know why I started sound like.
02:24:43 Kermit there.
02:24:44 But there you go.
02:24:48 Let's see here.
02:24:49 I guess the voice in my head when I was gaming was was Kermit.
02:24:53 Well, you you really and I can't do it now that.
02:24:55 I want to do it.
02:24:55 I can't do it.
02:24:57 Let's see here.
02:25:01 Where are we?
02:25:01 At Colonel Edward, my girlfriend is upset about the situation with Michael Oher.
02:25:08 From that sports ball team and that movie blind side, she got mad at me when I said football is for *******, but agrees that you should never help black people.
02:25:20 I have no idea what you're talking about.
02:25:23 The situation with Michael Oher.
02:25:27 I don't even know who that is.
02:25:30 Who's that?
02:25:34 Yeah, I don't know who this is.
02:25:37 Some sports ball guy.
02:25:38 So I don't know how that is.
02:25:41 UM, but I guess good or. Oh, that's disappointing. Depending on which one applies, I don't.
02:25:48 Know, sure.
02:25:52 All right.
02:25:54 And then we have.
02:25:56 Let's see here.
02:25:57 We've got Great Plains Calvary.
02:26:19 There you go.
02:26:22 Thanks for the Rockwell and romance this and this.
02:26:26 I got a music rabbit hole, maybe some stream for DJ stack ace of base.
02:26:32 Thanks for.
02:26:33 What you do?
02:26:35 Ace of based.
02:26:36 I'm not sure why is the ace of base based.
02:26:40 Weren't they like Swedish or something?
02:26:43 I don't know.
02:26:45 Nazi dice was listening to the Rockwell Stream earlier just to answer what you said about Hitler's mustache last year, I saw an interview with one of his bodyguards, and the man said Hitler kept the little stash because it helped him with the with nose damage he acquired from British poison gas and World War One.
02:27:05 Well, maybe.
02:27:06 I mean the way I was told was the reason he and that's probably why he had a mustache, maybe in general, but the the reason he'd cut it that specific way so that he could stand out and.
02:27:18 And look unique because back then like you know like there you were just another face in the crowd.
02:27:24 You couldn't.
02:27:24 You have like a social like Hitler didn't have, like a social media presence.
02:27:28 Yeah, there was no way to really mark it yourself other than to do it in IRL to do it in person.
02:27:32 And so you had to kind of stick out and be memorable.
02:27:35 So the next time.
02:27:36 Someone saw you like?
02:27:37 Oh, it's that that the Hitler.
02:27:38 Mustache guy you know?
02:27:40 So it makes sense to me.
02:27:42 But I mean, I don't.
02:27:43 I don't remember where I don't remember where I got that information, to be perfectly honest.
02:27:47 So you could be right too.
02:27:50 Or we both could be right and they easily could both be correct.
02:27:54 Great Plains Calvary.
02:27:56 Have you considered doing a stream of music?
02:27:59 The tunes are always on point when you've tuned me into a lot of new tunes.
02:28:05 Also, you should.
02:28:06 You should bright.
02:28:07 I don't know what bright is.
02:28:08 It's white.
02:28:09 I don't know what you're saying.
02:28:10 This whole last part doesn't make any sense to me.
02:28:12 Also you should bright.
02:28:14 It's wild, DND has been subverted.
02:28:17 I don't know what any of that part means, but I don't think people would want to like, listen to DJ stack you.
02:28:23 Know what I mean? Like.
02:28:26 There is a Spotify.
02:28:30 Channel you can find I believe is still around that that features a lot of the insomnia string, string music, but it has to be oddly named because it gets taken down.
02:28:42 So that's all I can really tell you if that if it hasn't been taken out again because it's been taken down a few times.
02:28:47 I don't know what that last part means.
02:28:49 Zazzy Mattas bot, the US government admits UFOs and aliens are real, but what about Bigfoot?
02:28:56 Did you catch any of any of the ET hearings?
02:28:59 There was a politician that read a letter from the aliens that said only way we can save our planet is to give.
02:29:06 Well, that's not that person.
02:29:08 I did watch the hearing.
02:29:09 There was no politician.
02:29:10 Getting a letter from the aliens.
02:29:12 Give world leaders total amnesty for ******* up.
02:29:16 I didn't see that part I have.
02:29:19 I have no idea what you're talking about with with reading the letter from the aliens.
Speaker 8
02:29:25 I don't know if that letter exists.Devon
02:29:30 But if it does.02:29:33 To be honest, I'll tell you, Bigfoot is more possible than.
02:29:40 A lot of things.
02:29:42 But I don't know enough about zoology.
02:29:46 Let alone cryptozoology.
02:29:48 They have a strong opinion either way.
02:29:53 My thing is, I would think that you would.
02:29:55 Have found the dead Bigfoot.
02:29:57 You know what I mean?
02:29:58 That's all I'm saying now.
02:29:59 That said, the American wilderness is still big, very big.
02:30:04 And I've been to the forest a lot of times, and I've been camping a lot of times.
02:30:09 And while I have on occasion run across remains of animals, for how many animals are in the forest?
02:30:16 It hasn't happened super often.
02:30:19 Right or or when I have, it's usually like a like a bone and you don't really know what you're looking at.
02:30:25 You know, it could be a cow bone.
02:30:26 It could be anything, right?
02:30:29 So the idea that you wouldn't have dead bodies.
02:30:33 Is possible too?
02:30:34 I mean I don't.
02:30:35 Know I don't have a.
02:30:39 It doesn't matter to me one way.
02:30:41 Or the other.
02:30:43 It I don't think it's something that you should let like any of these things.
02:30:46 It doesn't matter what it is.
02:30:48 It's one of these things that that can very easily turn into a time waster.
02:30:52 If you're sitting there researching and obsessing about, you know, like the chupacabra or something like that.
02:30:59 It's like there's there's way more important things.
02:31:02 OK, maybe as a pastime you enjoy doing it because it's entertaining or whatever, but there's we have actual, real, provable problems.
02:31:10 We got to deal with, you know what I mean?
02:31:12 So we don't have to be worried about moth manner or something.
02:31:18 Or aliens for that matter.
02:31:21 Arch Stanton, Arch Stanton.
02:31:29 Just following up on another hyper chat, do you have any theory on exactly why some cities are basically legalizing shoplifting?
02:31:37 If it's not the digital ID thing, then what's the end game?
02:31:40 Who benefits?
02:31:42 No, I just think that they don't want black people to go to jail.
02:31:46 And they want these neighborhoods to be unsafe.
02:31:50 And they want these brick and mortar companies to shut down.
02:31:53 They want it to be impossible for a mom and pop brick and mortar store to open up.
02:31:59 They want to make it to where everything is consolidated online.
02:32:04 And so there's, there's, there's.
02:32:07 There's no motivation for them to stop it.
02:32:11 Because it there's nothing about it that hurts them.
02:32:16 And there's lots of things about it that helps them.
02:32:19 I mean like like like even like I wasn't even saying that your digital ID thing was wrong and that they they they might not.
02:32:25 I wouldn't saying that they wouldn't use that as a reason to promote it.
02:32:29 I was just saying that that's not the only reason it's happening.
02:32:33 So they, I mean, look, it doesn't.
02:32:35 There's no downside for them.
02:32:39 Every everyone benefits except for whoever owns the store.
02:32:42 Or works at the store.
02:32:45 Or has to shop at the store.
02:32:48 So in other words, people that don't matter.
02:32:52 Net and Yahoo.
02:32:54 That Chiquita part kind of makes sense.
02:32:56 Chiquita bananas are a thing and chica means girl.
02:32:59 Well, it's a bad joke, though.
02:33:00 Yeah, I.
02:33:01 Know it makes.
02:33:02 It's not like completely and it's not complete insane.
02:33:06 But like Chiquita, bananas are South American and no, no kid was putting, like, if anything, you put bananas and black people together.
02:33:16 But like no one was calling Mexicans banana people, you know what I mean?
02:33:19 Like, unless her name was Chiquita or something, I mean, like, it's like what?
02:33:23 It it doesn't make any.
02:33:25 I don't know.
02:33:26 It was terrible.
02:33:28 Uh, let's see here.
02:33:31 Spiritual principles, Devon, here's a link to a YouTube channel for later so you can investigate Flat Earth properly prior to making claims.
02:33:40 No, you know, what are you are.
02:33:42 You just dumb.
02:33:44 Are you dumb?
02:33:48 Are you dumb?
02:33:49 I'm asking like a real question.
02:33:50 Are you just a ******* ****** like you think that?
02:33:52 Ohh, clearly you haven't seen the right YouTube videos.
02:33:56 That's why you don't think you don't understand.
02:33:58 You haven't done the research like I have.
02:34:00 You haven't watched the right YouTube videos, are you?
02:34:02 Are you ******* like you?
02:34:03 Are you like a?
02:34:04 Do you have a like, are you like disabled?
02:34:07 Because I don't wanna be * **** if you're disabled.
02:34:09 If if you're not disabled, I'll be.
02:34:10 Kind of * **** ***** it.
Speaker 10
02:34:12 Like I know you, I know you.Devon
02:34:13 You know you sent 5.02:34:14 Bucks and that's cool, but it it's the world's not flat.
02:34:18 And it's not and.
02:34:19 And I'm not saying that it's not flat because like I didn't do my research, I just explained how it can't possibly.
02:34:24 Be flat, flat.
02:34:26 Like there's there's a million easy ways to prove that it's not flat and any, if any, one of those things are true and they're all.
02:34:32 True, it's not flat.
02:34:34 And look all you. I'll. I'll give you a YouTube video to watch. All you have to do is look at Eric Duguay's. ******* like the cringiest ******* thing.
02:34:43 I think I've ever seen because I did want to see what what the flat sichos wanted to say.
02:34:48 And so I found this, this documentary he put together called level.
02:34:53 And Jesus Christ, it's.
02:34:55 It's just like it's like what I imagine a really bad LSD trip would be like if you were locked in a cage with a bunch of ******* ****** *** psycho.
02:35:06 It's just like it's just nonsense.
02:35:09 It's just like a constant hurricane of of people who like, don't understand basic, who are really.
02:35:18 Here's here's the worst part about it.
02:35:19 They're really ******* cocky about being ******* ********.
02:35:24 Like that video has like this, this smugness to it that just for for being as ******** as every second of that movie is.
02:35:33 It's just it it just I I was.
02:35:35 I was just sitting there trying to decide if I should laugh.
02:35:40 Or or or being a murderous rage over.
02:35:44 Just the I mean.
02:35:45 Trust me, dude.
02:35:46 No, no ******* stupid YouTube videos gonna.
Speaker 9
02:35:49 Oh oh, now I get it.02:35:52 This YouTube video totally opened up my eyes bro.
02:35:55 Now all of a sudden, everything that I know about the universe is wrong because some ******* ******** with a YouTube video explained it and showed me the secret of.02:36:03 The Flat Earth.
02:36:07 It's not flat.
02:36:13 It's not flat.
02:36:26 And if you weren't saying it was flat?
02:36:27 Then I apologize but.
Speaker 8
02:36:29 I've just had enough of these *****.Devon
02:36:33 And and again.02:36:34 Either way, thanks for the 5 bucks.
02:36:36 Arch Stanton, just covering ******** ******* dollar until he gets back.
02:36:43 Where where he go is I hope he's not getting neck surgery too.
02:36:46 What's what's, what's whatever?
02:36:47 Getting ******* neck surgery.
02:36:50 Where the and I can't find it can.
02:36:52 You see.
Speaker 4
02:36:54 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 12
02:36:58 I buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:37:07 That should be the animation for every flat Earther.02:37:10 UM.
02:37:12 Let's see here.
02:37:14 Billy Bob another.
02:37:16 Buck for retired ******.
02:37:18 Well, there you go.
02:37:19 Appreciate that and.
02:37:20 So does he.
Speaker 17
02:37:20 **** it.Devon
02:37:23 Odinson, I stole the audiobook of day of the rope on your advice.02:37:27 By the way, here's 10 bucks.
02:37:28 The wife and I are looking forward to the follow up well.
02:37:31 I appreciate the.
02:37:34 The 10 bucks there, Odinson.
02:37:37 Hope you enjoyed the book.
02:37:39 Poor Bear odyssey donation for the interview on the Peak Winona Show was shocked to see you on there when scrolling through the podcast feed.
02:37:48 I had no idea you did recent interviews.
02:37:50 Yeah, I'm gonna be doing more.
02:37:51 Not with him, but like some other people that have reached out.
02:37:54 And I just haven't gotten around to everybody.
02:37:57 It's been it's been a it's been a crazy week.
02:37:59 This week, and I was planning on doing line up some interviews and I just I just got caught up doing a lot of stuff that kind of.
02:38:06 Got in the way of that and hopefully things.
02:38:11 Lighten up by next week.
02:38:13 But appreciate that there spirit spiritual principles you mentioned in one of your streams, briefly long radio transmissions that were that were.
02:38:25 That were none.
02:38:27 I don't know what that means.
02:38:29 Long radio transmissions that were none look into the first transatlantic radio transmission, the globe said it would not be possible, so they introduced the fudge factor of the ionosphere once it was done.
02:38:44 See, you are a flat earther like you're literally a.
Speaker 8
02:38:48 You're literally a ******.02:38:50 Look, dude, you're.
02:38:55 I don't know how else to tell you like you're just you're you're, you're you're dumb.02:38:59 I'm done trying to explain it.
02:39:01 I've I've I've I'm trying to.
02:39:02 I've tried to explain it months for months now, like literally.
02:39:05 Well, it's been like about.
02:39:06 A month where I've gone over.
02:39:07 Every little ******* thing.
02:39:09 I don't know specifically what you were talking about, but if it was the first ever transatlantic transmission.
02:39:14 Yeah, they didn't know how radio waves would work because it was the first ever transatlantic transmission, dude.
02:39:19 Radio hasn't been around for a long time and for the longest time a lot of it was theory because they didn't know how it worked.
02:39:24 So no, I'm not surprised if people in like 1920 or 18, wherever the **** the first transatlantic transmission was that they didn't know how those radio waves would behave. That makes perfect ******* sense to me.
02:39:37 See like none of this like.
Speaker 9
02:39:39 Ohh I got we got the evidence now.Devon
02:39:42 It's never ******* evidence.02:39:44 It's always like anyone that's a rational person looks at it and goes like, yeah, that that that makes total sense to a non crazy person who's not primed to already believe this stupid thing than that where you're looking for something to make sense of it.
02:39:55 Like you're literally thinking like AQ card where anything like every time Trump moves his arm around. Oh, look, he drew a ******* Q in the air.
02:40:03 When you look at things rationally and detached from like this emotional need for the earth to be flat, all this stuff is just normal regular ****.
02:40:12 And there's a mountain of it.
02:40:14 It's not just one or two things, but the problem with the Flat Earth people the second you debunk one of their stupid memes, the little screenshots.
02:40:20 So they've got like a whole folder full of these stupid memes.
02:40:23 They don't acknowledge that.
02:40:25 Oh, wow, that was dumb.
02:40:27 And then move on to the next one.
02:40:29 They just move on to the next one and move on.
02:40:30 To the next one and move on to the next one rapid fire.
02:40:34 And then after, like, eventually they get blocked because they're just obnoxious.
02:40:37 All the ones that they already to their face.
02:40:41 It was disproven, right?
02:40:43 They still use it the next the next.
02:40:45 Argument they get into.
02:40:47 It's not like they say.
02:40:49 I guess you're right.
02:40:50 This video does show curvature.
02:40:52 Maybe I shouldn't use it in my meme, and I'm going to delete that from my little flat, earthy folder.
02:40:57 No, they just use it again to the next person, hoping that person doesn't know what I know.
02:41:03 That's how I know that these people are are it's it's an emotional thing.
02:41:07 It's not based on science.
02:41:08 None of the none of this ******* **** is based on science.
02:41:11 Like I said, sextants wouldn't work.
02:41:15 They wouldn't work.
02:41:18 GPS wouldn't work.
02:41:22 You wouldn't be able to see the ISS with the naked eye, and there's so many things.
02:41:27 There's so many things great circle maps wouldn't work.
02:41:33 I mean, you're talking.
02:41:33 You're the one that brought up radio.
02:41:36 You know what they didn't deal with the transatlantic transmission that you're talking about.
02:41:40 I mean, I don't know the specifics, but I'll tell you I know for sure.
02:41:42 One of the specifics I know it wasn't VHF or UHF.
02:41:48 Because that wouldn't ******* work either.
02:41:53 So yeah, it's it's just.
02:41:56 I know you really want to ******* believe in some kind of fairy tale that makes you feel warm and fuzzy for some reason.
02:42:01 I don't even know how it makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
02:42:04 Other than maybe you're afraid of the vastness of the universe, I'm in awe of the vastness of the universe.
02:42:08 I'm not afraid of that.
02:42:09 It doesn't make me feel small it.
02:42:11 Makes me feel lucky.
02:42:17 But you need to get over this.
02:42:18 It's ******* ******.
02:42:19 Thought like it's it's it's **** tier.
02:42:22 It's not like you realize there's there's there's cute targets that aren't even ******* flat Earthers.
02:42:32 There are cute cards that are being.
02:42:33 More reasonable in their thought process than you.
02:42:35 You should think about that.
02:42:45 This is a.
02:42:46 This is a ******* mental cancer that's spreading amongst right wing people.
02:42:52 Who are otherwise well meaning people.
02:42:58 But they they they refused to accept evidence because it's it's all an emotional thing.
02:43:05 I would, I would think very seriously tonight.
02:43:08 When you go to bed, why is it that you want?
02:43:10 It to be flat so bad.
02:43:14 Because I I guarantee there's an answer to that question, it's not like no reason.
02:43:18 No, there's a reason or you wouldn't care.
02:43:23 There's definitely a reason.
02:43:27 And you make everyone look, you just make everyone else look bad.
02:43:31 You make everyone else look bad.
02:43:33 There's always that guy when, like, everyone can relate to this.
02:43:36 You know you're with your friends and maybe you get into, like, this debate at the bar, and then there's like, you know, three or four people against three or four people debating some topic.
02:43:46 And then one of the guys on your side.
02:43:49 Starts start spouting off.
02:43:51 Stupid ****.
02:43:53 And even though he's on your side, you're like God, I hope that guy shuts up.
02:43:56 He's he's he's ******* making us look ********.
02:43:59 Because he clearly doesn't understand that.
02:44:01 You right now.
Speaker 8
02:44:03 That's you right now.Devon
02:44:08 So I hope you I hope you can get past this.02:44:10 I hope you can figure out a way around this **** because.
02:44:13 You know, no pun intended.
02:44:15 Think away around this **** because I I just can't.
02:44:19 I've already spent like 2 weeks debunking literally every single thing that a flat Earther sent me, and not not one time, not one time.
02:44:27 Not a single ******* time.
02:44:28 Did they even acknowledge it?
02:44:30 Not one time.
02:44:38 And so it's not worth it.
02:44:39 It's not worth it.
02:44:41 If I thought that I was actually having some kind of scientific discussion.
02:44:45 It might be worth it.
02:44:46 I would make this big long debunk video.
02:44:49 If I thought that, you know, flat Earthers were just misguided, they just had the wrong information, I'd give them the right information.
02:44:55 They'd watch the video.
02:44:56 I'm like, OK, I get it now.
02:44:59 And in that video, I would tell them to do experiments, right.
02:45:01 They're always like, do your own research.
02:45:02 Well, do your own ******* experiments.
02:45:03 Research, do you?
02:45:04 Guys is watching ******* YouTube videos.
02:45:08 All these there's so many experiments you can do with the ******* answering Greeks. We're doing this in in ******* five years or 500 BC.
02:45:20 This isn't difficult to do.
02:45:27 So yeah, you're you're literally the drunk friend that.
02:45:32 When I'm debating someone at the bar.
02:45:35 I really wish was not on my side because he's making me look ******* bad with how he completely misunderstands the topic at hand.
02:45:44 And keeps throwing in useless **** that like the the opposition can latch on to and ridicule.
02:45:54 Cream cheese privilege.
02:45:58 Hey, Devin, how long have you been in the been in the white nationalist movement?
02:46:02 I don't know if it's like a movement.
02:46:04 I've been pro white my whole life.
02:46:05 I've been pro white my whole life and I have not shy away from pointing out differences between races now.
02:46:12 There was a time where I I had maybe a little bit of mental baggage thinking like, well, maybe I'm just being an *******.
02:46:18 You know, like, but there was never a point in my time or in my life.
02:46:23 Even when I when I had those those feelings that I thought that I.
02:46:28 You know like.
02:46:30 That white people were inferior or or guilty of.
02:46:33 Anything like I never I've.
02:46:34 Never had white guilt.
02:46:36 And my my hope, even though my my eyes and ears and every other sensation would was telling me that other races were way different than look, I went to it.
02:46:48 Maybe that's what the difference was.
02:46:49 I went to a very diverse elementary school.
02:46:52 And so I I had a front row seat to these problems, and so I learned at a very early age that oh, wow, all the white kids behave way different than the than the.
02:47:00 Non white kids.
02:47:02 And I very much prefer the company of.
02:47:03 The white kids.
02:47:09 So this I've always been pro white.
02:47:11 I've always been pro white, but it's it wasn't really until I'd I'd say Molyneux bust that like I'd never heard of the Bell curve or any of that stuff.
02:47:19 And when I saw the mall new videos where he was busting out all that the data with the the IQ stuff and the twin studies and all these things and realizing, oh, this is really is a biological thing, this isn't like.
02:47:29 Because there was always that question mark, right?
02:47:32 There was always that well, I mean, maybe blacks are, you know, stupider and and more violent because it's because of rap music or, you know, whatever, right.
02:47:42 And so I always had that like possibility in my head that like, well, if that's the case, then eventually.
02:47:48 It'll work itself out, right?
02:47:51 And it wasn't until I realized that no, this is hardwired biologically.
02:47:57 Which lines up with all every last one of my observations.
02:48:02 You know, it just lined up perfectly with with my personal experience and it made sense and the science was was there.
02:48:11 The research was was there and so just like why I start, you know why?
02:48:16 I believed in that that the earth.
02:48:18 Was round because the science backed it up.
02:48:21 I was like, **** yeah, I guess.
02:48:24 We are biologically different and that was relatively recent, I guess. I mean that was probably like closer around 2016 or so.
02:48:32 But I was still I.
02:48:33 Was not naive and I never had white guilt.
02:48:36 I never felt bad for Indians or black slaves or anybody.
02:48:41 UM.
02:48:44 Great Plains Calvary.
02:48:47 Sorry for the tarred speak bright.
02:48:50 The movie might be worth a stream.
02:48:53 Notice how nerd stuff is all subverted.
02:48:55 Now I'd listen to DJ stack 24/7. I don't know the movie Bright is. Let me see.
02:49:03 Swear to God if it's if it's about Flat Earth.
02:49:12 Uh, so it's an.
02:49:14 What is this?
02:49:22 Oh, that's the that's the show.
02:49:24 That's the fairy tale show I did.
02:49:26 OK, it's a movie.
02:49:26 I thought it was a show.
02:49:28 Oh, yeah, we watched the.
02:49:30 OK, we watched the trailer for that already, OK?
02:49:35 Colonel Edward Michael Ogur black Football Man is suing his white foster parents because they made money off the movie about them.
02:49:44 He made millions in the NFL because they got him off the streets as a kid.
02:49:49 Without them, he would have been dead or in jail, which would have been a more favorable outcome in my opinion.
02:49:56 Is that the movie?
02:49:57 Are you talking about the Sandra Bullock movie where it's like the white Savior movie where some ******* woman gets some ******?
02:50:04 Kid and makes them not.
02:50:07 ******** or something like?
02:50:10 I I I still don't.
02:50:11 Know who he is, but if?
02:50:12 If if that's what you're.
02:50:14 Talking about, yeah, it just makes sense.
02:50:17 That's why.
02:50:18 Why does anyone like?
02:50:19 Why do why?
02:50:20 Does anyone do that?
02:50:21 Why when I see people adopt children that aren't of their race, I think that there's something wrong with them.
02:50:28 You know, like that, that Supreme Court Justice Coney Barrett.
02:50:32 I think there's like, as soon as I saw that she had, like, adopted black kids, I was.
02:50:36 Like **** this *****.
02:50:38 There's something wrong with you if you do that.
02:50:41 There just is.
02:50:42 There's something wrong with you.
02:50:44 If if you're seeking out.
02:50:47 Non whites when you're white.
02:50:50 To take care of there's some kind of.
02:50:54 There's something wrong there.
02:50:55 I don't trust it.
02:50:57 I don't trust it.
02:50:59 You never see it the other way around.
02:51:01 Right.
02:51:02 You don't see other races trying to nurture and and improve the plights of.
02:51:09 Of you know.
02:51:15 I'm going to wait till we're actually reconnected.
02:51:23 Where's the?
02:51:26 Where's the stream window?
02:51:36 And see if it fixed itself.
02:51:41 I think there's like as soon as I saw I.
02:51:46 Is it repeating?
02:51:49 It says I'm back up and running here.
02:51:53 Apparently it's it's back to doing this again.
02:52:06 OK, we're back.
02:52:07 I can tell we're back now, OK?
02:52:10 Kaepernick, I was going to say Kaepernick is the same sort of story that guy was adopted by white parents.
02:52:16 And what does he do?
02:52:16 He turns into like a black Black Lives Matter psycho.
02:52:20 It just it never helps.
02:52:21 It never helps.
02:52:22 White people need to realize that when they go out of their way to help non whites, it has never worked out for them in the long run, ever, ever, ever in the history of.
02:52:30 Of doing that.
02:52:32 And I think it's, I think it's a pathology.
02:52:34 I think it's it's it's like I think there's something actually wrong with your brain if you're actively going out and doing that.
02:52:42 Uh. Let's see here.
02:52:45 Great Plains Calvary, also Ace of Base 90s band, might have been fascist according to Jew journals.
02:52:54 Or or journalists.
02:52:58 I have never heard that, but.
02:53:01 Yes, that's cool.
02:53:03 I was never into Ace of base.
02:53:04 It was always kind of a girl band, you know, like.
02:53:07 You know, with the with the high school cheerleaders would dance to.
02:53:11 When they did, little ******* routines or something.
02:53:15 But yeah, maybe they're fascist Billy Bob, can I?
02:53:19 Whoops, updated here.
02:53:23 Where are you?
02:53:23 At now can I get a get in the pit?
Speaker 11
02:53:31 OK.Devon
02:53:44 There you go.02:53:45 Billy Bob and Billy Bobs lady.
02:53:48 Great Plains, Calvary Hill, Murdoch, Murdoch.
02:53:51 I don't know if you've seen his work, but he led me to Black Pilled and I bet he still listens.
02:53:56 Yeah, I I've seen.
02:53:58 All the at least I think I've seen all the Murdoch, Murdoch stuff.
02:54:00 I kind of wish that that stuff was still being produced.
02:54:03 And the second it is, I hope I hear about it.
02:54:07 But I get.
02:54:08 I mean, there's there's a huge time commitment to make that sort of a thing.
02:54:12 And you know, you got to pay bills and everything else in real life.
02:54:16 And I can totally understand why.
02:54:20 At a certain point, it because they, I mean you talk about the most banned people under that, that they're probably one of the most banned people on the Internet.
02:54:30 To the point where they were having to like basically release torrents of their ******* new videos.
02:54:35 And so it it could be frustrating because you're not really getting, you're not getting any financial reward for it, but you're also not even getting audience feedback, right?
02:54:47 Like you're not even getting, like, the applause.
02:54:50 And I'm sorry, like that's important if you're doing artwork, it's important to get positive feedback for it.
02:54:59 And again, with with animation, that's like a huge time commitment.
02:55:03 And if you're putting all this time and energy into doing this stuff, I could see how it would feel kind of pointless.
02:55:09 And especially look, look.
02:55:11 When they first started their stuff.
02:55:15 It was around the same time I started doing my stuff and with this they had about the same tone.
02:55:20 It was more like memeing Trump into office, kind of like.
02:55:24 Oh, it's sweet.
02:55:24 You know Trump is going to be.
02:55:26 The last the the great White hope.
02:55:28 You know, he's the one that's going to get us back.
02:55:30 Like, that was the the the feeling that a lot of people had.
02:55:33 And I kind of get the sense that on some level.
02:55:35 They kind of had that feeling.
02:55:37 And then when Trump ended up being basically a Jewish shill, it was, you know, that kind of takes a little bit of the wind out of your, you know, out of your wings, out from under your wings, you know, takes the the steam out of your engine, and it makes it difficult to be slaving away when you don't see a lot.
02:55:52 Wins. You know you.
02:55:53 Don't see.
02:55:53 So it's kind of like well.
02:55:56 You know what is this all for now?
02:55:58 I I think it's still.
02:55:59 Well, that's why I do my streams, obviously.
02:56:00 But maybe they'll find a way someday to to do it in a way, a that maybe they can streamline their animation process.
02:56:10 So maybe because it looked like they were doing it all in in Vegas video, which is hilarious because like, I actually did.
02:56:16 I did.
02:56:16 I did animations in Vegas video like a million years ago because that program is old as dirt, but.
02:56:22 That is not a very easy process.
02:56:25 That's a very that's a very tedious process to animate cartoons and Vegas video, and I'm pretty sure I I saw some signs that they were they were using a Vegas video because I'd I'd used it for so long.
02:56:39 It didn't take me long to be like that's Vegas video.
02:56:42 UM or whatever it's called now. It used to.
02:56:44 Be I think it's actually, I think it's so-called Vegas video, but it's I think it's just changed owners like three or four times.
02:56:51 UM.
02:56:52 So maybe they'll find a way of streamlining the streamlining the animation process, or with AI especially right.
02:56:59 Like if all you have to do, excuse me, not that like writing and voicing isn't like a big, long thing.
02:57:04 Big chore too it is.
02:57:06 But if you were able to take animation out of the the mix and you could just do a I make a I do everything and you're just voicing.
02:57:14 That would certainly make it way ******* easier to do this stuff, and maybe maybe something like that will present itself.
02:57:20 I don't know, but I wish them luck.
02:57:21 And I hope they do come back.
02:57:24 Watch you, man, or watch man for you. Devin, please take a look at this footage of a captured German V2 rocket of Earth 1946 and explain the razor straight horizon. Dude I *******.
Speaker 9
02:57:39 Tweeted that.02:57:40 Are you new here?
02:57:42 I ******* tweeted that video out.02:57:45 It's not a razor straight line, it's at 65, I think 65 miles up and you can see the curve and you can measure it and I.
02:57:56 Tweeted that out.
02:57:59 Like you guys are ******* ********.
02:58:02 Like, I'm sorry, but you're ******* ********.
02:58:05 And you're new here, like I tweet.
02:58:06 The whole reason why you saw that video, I promise.
02:58:09 You I guaran ******* to you.
02:58:10 The only reason why you even saw that video is I tweeted it out and it went crazy ******* viral and then some.
02:58:18 Some guy literally copied and pasted my tweet.
02:58:21 Excuse me and and posted on.
02:58:24 With my same caption, everything and it was trending on bit shoot with someone else's account and I'm sure it got posted in ******* telegram channels and everything else because it's some really cool.
02:58:33 Footage and yeah, it's 65 ******* miles on a planet with the circumference that Earth has. You're not going to see it. Like, how big do you think the earth is? You think that we're on a *******.
02:58:45 Tennis ball.
02:58:49 Is that what you think?
Speaker 8
02:58:52 65 miles isn't very ******* high. That's barely the.Speaker 10
02:58:56 Edge of space.Speaker 9
02:58:57 But you can still see it.Devon
02:59:00 You can literally still say, look, I'm going to I I don't want to.02:59:02 Do this because it's just like, again, this is the kind of thing where it doesn't matter.
02:59:07 I'll show people it and they'll and and flat Earthers will just be like they'll they won't even respond to the fact that, like, Oh well, I guess I was wrong.
02:59:15 They'll just move on.
02:59:16 To the next stupid thing.
02:59:18 And so it's a waste of time, but I'm still gonna ******* do it because my ******* autism or whatever.
02:59:25 But yeah, this this is I I tweet.
02:59:27 I tweeted that out to show people.
Speaker 10
02:59:29 The ******* curve you.Devon
02:59:30 Can see the *******.02:59:31 I'm sorry.
02:59:31 The flat Earthers aren't the most observant *************.
02:59:34 They're not.
02:59:35 They're they're clearly not, that's the problem.
02:59:38 With flat earthers.
02:59:39 Flat Earthers simultaneously only trust what they believe, while at the same time being really bad at observation.
02:59:46 So it's this.
02:59:46 It's this, this ******* terrible mix of of, you know, only trusting senses that aren't very good.
02:59:54 It's like a blind guy.
02:59:55 Only trusting what he can read.
02:59:57 You know, it's like, OK, well, good luck with that ****.
03:00:01 Alright, so here I'm going to show you this.
03:00:03 I'm going to show you this.
03:00:07 Just so you can see it.
03:00:09 It's literally the exact amount of curve that you would when I modeled it out in 3D software, because I did do that.
03:00:17 I knew that the camera is a 35 millimeter camera with a 50 millimeter lens. I knew the circumference of the earth. I built the sphere, I put it 65 miles above the.
03:00:25 Surface and I pointed it at the horizon and there was a barely perceptible curve.
03:00:31 That's exactly what you did, but it was there.
03:00:33 It was there, it was not.
03:00:34 It was not like a tennis ball curve because we don't live on a ******* tennis ball.
03:00:39 But it looked exactly like you would expect to see and let me.
03:00:43 Show you this.
03:00:52 And again like this won't matter to the people.
03:00:54 That that are like but.
Speaker 9
03:00:56 But the earth is still.Devon
03:00:58 Flat somehow.03:00:59 Alright, so here's here.
03:00:59 You go let me pause it.
03:01:03 All right, see, see how the line is lined up with this part and then the.
03:01:09 Curves away.
03:01:12 From the line over here and the curve curves away from the line over here.
03:01:19 That's about as much curve as you're going to see.
03:01:22 On a on on.
03:01:24 Earth at 65 miles up.
03:01:26 That's about as much curve as you're going to see with a 50 millimeter lens. That's all you're going to be able to see, but it's not only just that the trained eye, someone who's used to looking at spheres up close, like in 3D software all.
03:01:37 Time you're also going to see that the way that the terrain is deforming, it's not.
03:01:43 It's not just this infinite plane that goes out into nowhere.
03:01:46 You can see the terrain and the clouds curving away from the camera.
03:01:51 The curvature is in that video.
03:01:55 It's easiest.
03:01:56 In fact, it's that's the this is the first footage that ever existed of the curvature.
03:02:02 That's why I tweeted it out.
03:02:08 There you go.
03:02:08 You go up, you go up a lot.
03:02:10 Let me let me back that up.
03:02:11 Pause it right there.
03:02:12 See look lined up with the edge here lined up with the edge here. Curve going above the line. It's very slight, but that's what you would see at 65 miles. So no, it's not straight. As a razor. You just suck at at looking at so.
03:02:29 All right, mighty mouse.
03:02:30 Hey, Devin.
03:02:31 Do you think NASA always tells the truth?
03:02:33 Did you see that space ***** steal your bike, Tyson?
03:02:36 Talk about how the earth is more shaped like an.
03:02:40 No, I don't think any government agency always tells the truth.
03:02:46 This is what I call this is schizophrenia.
03:02:48 When when?
03:02:49 To make your point, you start saying things that have nothing to do with whether the earth is flat or not.
03:02:55 Saying like, oh, but you'll do Neil deGrasse Tyson?
03:02:58 Yeah, what about Neil deGrasse Tyson?
03:03:00 That'd be like if I said, well, Eric, Dubai.
03:03:02 Is a ****** ***.
03:03:05 Yeah, he is a douche.
03:03:07 That's not the science that shows that the Earth isn't flat, though.
03:03:11 Ohh, I'll tell you man.
03:03:12 You watch this movie level.
Speaker 7
03:03:15 It's proof that the people that believe in.Devon
03:03:17 Flat Earth are not OK.03:03:19 Great Plains Calvary for financial reward.
03:03:22 More financial reward for you.
03:03:25 We must win over the ladies like Ace of Base did.
03:03:28 Pam cooks?
03:03:28 Don't get it.
03:03:29 I saw the signs of Vegas video.
03:03:32 Thanks for shouting out, Murdoch.
03:03:34 I hope it makes him and Chan smile.
03:03:37 We need him.
03:03:38 **** pankuch earth.
03:03:40 The Pankuch robot BTFL all well.
03:03:43 Yeah, it's.
03:03:44 Look at this point, you're just not a serious person and you're going to get shunned if you're if you're a flat Earther.
03:03:50 I don't want you around my kids.
03:03:53 Like if you're that wrong about something as fundamental as the shape of the earth.
03:03:58 Like if you can.
03:03:59 If you can.
03:04:00 See all the same evidence that I see and come up with a conclusion that's that radically different.
03:04:06 I can't trust you around my kids.
03:04:09 Because if if you're, if you're a computer and I'm a computer and we're being fed the same information and you're coming up with Flat Earth.
03:04:19 I I I don't trust that I don't.
03:04:21 That means what else are you going to **** ** that royally?
03:04:25 Like what?
03:04:25 What other information are you processing to a degree that it's like upside down psycho ****?
03:04:31 I can't trust that.
03:04:34 I just can't ******* trust it.
03:04:36 So that's why that's why the shunning there, there's the great shunning.
03:04:39 Now look I like.
03:04:40 I said we're gonna have an.
03:04:41 Amnesty for a while.
03:04:43 A very short lived and I'm already, as you can tell, running out of patience with this ****.
03:04:49 We'll have a little bit of an amnesty for the people that are just not, you know, maybe they're just they get swept up into things.
03:04:56 And they they they haven't really thought about it and they maybe just jumped in on the idea with both feet because all these other lies that they discovered and they that just made sense that there would be just even more lies, right.
03:05:11 But once you have access to the information, like I said, I've argued with enough flat Earthers at this point to note that it it is not a it is not a a reasonable discussion ever, ever.
03:05:25 And they and their evidence.
03:05:26 Isn't has has.
03:05:27 Is never ******* evidence.
03:05:31 And so if you can be that easily tricked and you can come up with that wrong of a conclusion.
03:05:38 Then I I just don't trust you.
03:05:39 I don't want you in.
03:05:40 The foxhole next to me.
03:05:42 Or next to my kids.
03:05:46 Let's see here.
03:05:51 Last but not least.
03:05:53 And very, very relevant.
03:05:56 We have Great Plains Calvary, say pancake earth is like molesting kids brains.
03:06:04 And you're right. There's churro churro's back. So that's perfect. Perfect ending to a good string. And you're right, it is.
03:06:11 It's it's in the same way that if you molest a kid, they turn into a ******* freak fagot.
03:06:16 If you ******* fill some kids brain with nonsense like that, you're going to.
03:06:21 Turn them into a.
03:06:21 Different kind of freak or maybe even a freak?
03:06:25 Right.
03:06:26 Because if they're willing to live in a make believe world, that's just as psycho as Flat Earth, then why can't they identify as a as a ******* Unicorn?
03:06:37 It's time to grow the **** ** Hancocks.
03:06:39 You need to grow the **** ** and realize no, you're not smarter than like every, because that's the other thing too.
03:06:44 It's this narcissism that like.
Speaker 9
03:06:46 Oh, I figured out the secret that no one.Devon
03:06:48 Else know you're probably first of all, I can guarantee if you're a flat earther, you're.03:06:52 Not as smart as you think you are.
03:06:54 Sorry, I hate to be the guy to tell you this, but it that right there is definitionally.
03:07:00 It means you're not as smart as you think.
03:07:02 Because you're going to go on that.
03:07:04 Far of a limb.
03:07:06 With with that, that little that, that, that, that tiny amount of comprehension that you have at your fingertips.
03:07:16 That means that you make bad decisions.
03:07:19 That means you you don't understand.
03:07:22 A lot of the world around you and it is around you.
03:07:27 And I'm just tired of it.
03:07:28 I'm just tired of it.
03:07:29 I've I was very patient and I and I debated all these little stupid points one by one that every ******* pancake brought up on Twitter.
03:07:37 And one by one I shut them down and one by one they just totally ignored, totally ignored it and moved on to the next ******* mean that they copied and pasted from some psycho on the Internet.
03:07:48 And I'm just done with it.
03:07:49 I'm done with it.
03:07:51 So anyway.
03:07:53 Hope all you normal people, all you non ******* have a good rest of your evening.
03:08:02 You can eat **** and die for black.
Speaker 10
03:08:05 Pill, dime, of course.Speaker 22
03:08:11 Devil stack.Speaker 16
03:08:13 I love this comment because it's so ignorant.03:08:17 Someone said you're not hot enough for this attitude, baby.
03:08:22 Maybe I'm not.
03:08:22 Hot enough for you because you're broke and I don't care about your opinion because you couldn't afford me.
03:08:27 But I'm definitely hot enough for a rich man because there's several on my line.
03:08:32 There's several that want to ask me out on a date that want to spend time with me, that know my worth, and know that I'm very valuable and drop dead gorgeous and beautiful.
03:08:40 I am the beauty standard.
03:08:41 There are men that are very wealthy that come up to me that approach me and that say, hey, you are my type physically you are the beauty standard.
03:08:50 So just to remind you today that this is hot babes.