04/01/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 I can not be sure.00:03:40 I see the future.
Speaker 2
00:03:42 And my head and my head.Speaker 1
00:03:45 Blaming myself for all I need help for.Speaker 2
00:03:49 In my head and my head.00:03:55 And my.
00:03:56 And my head and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair.
00:04:16 And my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my hair and my and my hair and.
00:04:33 Go ahead.
00:04:38 My head.
Speaker 1
00:04:47 As in the future.Speaker 2
00:04:58 All I need help for.00:05:35 And library.
Speaker 1
00:05:43 See the future.Devon
00:06:47 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:06:49 It's Saturday night.
00:06:53 Hope you're having a good Saturday night.
00:06:55 A good weekend.
00:06:56 I am your host, of course.
00:06:58 Devin stack.
00:07:01 This is the insomnia stream.
00:07:04 Can they fly edition?
Speaker 4
00:07:06 Can they fly, I wonder.Devon
00:07:09 What that's supposed to mean?00:07:11 I don't know.
00:07:11 We we might find out in a little bit.
00:07:14 Usually I like to try to explain it and not just have some random ******* name for the strange.
Speaker 4
00:07:22 Yeah. So.Speaker 5
00:07:26 I'm in rare form tonight.Devon
00:07:28 I wonder why that is, I wonder.00:07:30 Why that is, I wonder if it's because.
Speaker 7
00:07:33 Twitter is making me crazy.Speaker 6
00:07:35 So I don't know if you guys have.Devon
00:07:36 Been keeping up with the.00:07:38 The the Twitter nonsense.
00:07:41 They they unbanned kind of, I guess kind of they unbanned the the first account that I ever had that got banned simply for having.
00:07:51 Simply for having the.
00:07:53 The name of my book in my bio.
00:07:59 When they when?Devon
00:08:00 They brought it back and it had like when they banned it it.00:08:02 Had it had 10s of thousands, I don't remember the exact number.
00:08:05 But it was 10s.
00:08:06 Of thousands of followers, right?
00:08:08 And when they brought it back, it had zero.
00:08:11 And so I, you know, tweeted out, hey, I've got 0 followers and put a link to it on on telegram and people start following it, they thought.
00:08:24 The numbers started going up and going up quickly.
00:08:28 I think it went up to like 4000 within a like almost an hour and then all.
Speaker 8
00:08:33 Of a sudden.Speaker 7
00:08:37 There was 0 again.Devon
00:08:41 And then.00:08:43 I started getting people replying to my tweet saying, hey, I I followed you and it just it just unfollowed.
00:08:53 Well, I took.
00:08:54 I took a screenshot.
00:08:55 I'm gonna take these witches.
00:08:56 Off the screen.
Speaker 4
00:08:57 But you don't have to look.Devon
00:08:59 At that, we're not on that story yet.00:09:02 We'll get to that, OK.
00:09:05 I don't have a picture for Twitter.
00:09:08 I don't know what the something gay I guess, cause it's Twitter's ******* gay. Is what? What? That's.
00:09:15 The the short version of this story is.
00:09:17 Twitter's ******* gay.
00:09:19 No one can follow my account.
00:09:21 I had lots of people messaging me like big, big people that like, yeah, I've been on Twitter.
00:09:26 I don't, I don't.
00:09:26 Some I don't think.
00:09:27 These people have been banned from Twitter, so they've been on Twitter this whole time, and they're like, I've never seen them like this.
00:09:32 I can't follow your.
00:09:33 Account I follow it and it unfollows.
00:09:39 And it just keeps going up and down and then up and then down and up. And right now it's at 308.
00:09:46 But don't get your hopes up. I've seen, like I said, I've seen this high as as 4000 before it goes.
00:09:51 Back to double digits.
00:09:53 Now this is the thing.
00:09:54 The thing that's weird about this is I've heard people say and by the way, this is well beyond whatever that, you know, time that time window is that threshold they're talking about.
00:10:06 But I've heard people say ohh it's because they just bought your your account back.
00:10:11 That's why it's doing this, because that would make sense, right?
00:10:15 That would make some kind of sense like that, that if you turn a count on, I mean do you guys have, I mean do you know how software works?
00:10:23 Like do you know how the code works?
Speaker 9
00:10:26 Like in in.Devon
00:10:27 What? Like what? Tell me exactly cause Twitter's not exactly a complicated program.00:10:33 Right. Like there's.
00:10:34 Not a whole lot of of variables here.
00:10:37 Right, like all it has to do is is look in a database.
00:10:42 See who?
00:10:42 Your followers are right.
00:10:45 Maybe remove the ones that that don't have accounts anymore.
00:10:49 I don't know.
00:10:49 I don't even think would have to do that, right?
00:10:51 That would probably be happening real time on the platform globally.
00:10:57 So all I would have to do is go to this database that kept track of who your followers were before and then put them in as your followers now.
Speaker 9
00:11:08 Right.Devon
00:11:10 Doesn't matter if it's Donald Trump's.00:11:11 Account or my account?
00:11:14 There's no reason why it should be 0 and then it's up and then it's down and then, then then people can't follow for some.
00:11:22 How slow is this database?
00:11:25 I thought it's Twitter.
00:11:26 I thought it should be real time.
00:11:30 Right.Devon
00:11:32 There's nothing that makes logical sense.00:11:36 In terms of not being able to immediately.
00:11:43 Have all your followers back and have normal functionality back.
00:11:47 That's just ******* plain stupid.
00:11:49 The only reason the only reason something like this would be going on is if you had something little sneaky little a little sneaky algorithm, little little ghost in the machine.
00:12:03 Attached to your account specifically.
00:12:06 That's the only reason something like this would happen, and I don't know if this is like a theory of mine and I don't know.
00:12:14 I have no.
00:12:15 I'm just trying to figure out how this.
00:12:16 Can happen, but a theory of mine.
00:12:20 Is I remember specifically.
00:12:22 I remember my my numbers going up in followers and I was actually kind of excited.
00:12:27 You know, little old me little.
00:12:30 Old me, I was.
00:12:30 I was getting followers on something for the first time.
00:12:33 It was.
00:12:33 Kind of crazy.
00:12:36 I never had so many followers in my life.
00:12:40 This is weird, so it was kind of exciting watching.
00:12:43 That number go up.
00:12:45 And then one day, it just kind of, you know, stopped going up.
00:12:49 And I I didn't really care that much cause it went higher than I ever expected it to go.
00:12:55 And I just assumed.
00:12:56 OK well, I guess you know that everyone reaches a plateau at some point and that's that's what I've done.
00:13:02 I've I've I've apparently reached the the the Follower Plateau and it's just going to, you know, trickle up and down or whatever, right?
Speaker 6
00:13:10 So I just thought it was it.Devon
00:13:11 Was 100% natural.00:13:16 But now I don't think so so much.
00:13:19 Now I think they were like, OK, let's lock his his followers.
00:13:24 At this number.
00:13:26 Because at first I thought it was natural and a year later when I had essentially the exact same number of followers.
00:13:34 I knew something was up a.
00:13:36 Similar thing happened on YouTube, by the way.
00:13:40 And I think whatever code that is.
00:13:43 What other tricky ******* code?
00:13:46 That they put in there.
00:13:48 It's still there.
00:13:51 It's still there.
00:13:54 So it's uh.
00:13:57 Just easier to see.
00:14:00 Because if you had 50,000 followers and say 100 people, because how many people are going to be following you every day?
00:14:06 Right, like maybe every once in a while you'll tweet something super viral and you'll get a bunch.
00:14:09 But generally speaking, you're not going to get like a a huge influx.
00:14:13 Like after the initial.
00:14:16 In flux, you're not going to keep getting.
00:14:17 It's not going to.
00:14:18 Rise at the same rate forever, right?
00:14:21 So it's real.
00:14:22 Easy for if you have 100 people who click ohh follow this guys this guy seems interesting.
00:14:28 And then it unfollows it.
00:14:30 I wouldn't notice they might not notice.
00:14:35 But when you start with 0.
00:14:40 And then 100 people follow and then 100 people get unfollowed. It's pretty ******* obvious. It's pretty ******* obvious.
00:14:49 Now The funny thing is.
00:14:52 I tweeted out.
00:14:53 It's my pin tweet, I tweet it out to Twitter support.
00:14:58 Uh, hey, Twitter support.
00:15:01 Do you or Elon Musk care to explain to everyone why almost all of my mentions and DM's, and it's pretty much 99% of them are people telling me they can't follow this account without automatically being unfollowed? And why my follower account keeps fluctuating wildly up and then back down to 0?
00:15:23 I know people are tweeting at Twitter support all the time, right?
00:15:27 I I can only imagine the stupid requests they get all ******* day long, right?
00:15:34 But I also imagine most of those stupid tweets to Twitter support.
00:15:39 Don't get 919 likes like this.
00:15:43 One has right now.
00:15:45 Right.
00:15:45 That's not.
00:15:46 That's like a ton.
00:15:48 It's not like a ton of legs for a a tweet necessarily.
00:15:51 But for a tweet to Twitter support, that's not.
00:15:54 That's probably in, you know, in the near the top of the of the tweets, they're getting sent to them, right, I would imagine.
00:16:05 Nothing, no response.
00:16:08 ******* nothing.
00:16:11 So there you go.
00:16:13 There you go.
00:16:14 People were saying how come you're on Twitter this?
00:16:17 Is why?
00:16:21 This right here is why.
00:16:26 Don't you understand?
00:16:28 This is why I'm.
00:16:29 Not on ******* Twitter.
00:16:32 And look, even look, even even.
00:16:34 If if everything had gone smoothly and somehow all of my my follower account was whatever it used to be and and whatever, I would just get banned again.
00:16:51 It would only be a matter of time before you see.
00:16:54 I don't.
00:16:54 I don't.
00:16:54 I don't put the filter on.
00:16:55 That's why you guys listen, right?
00:16:57 Like I I don't put the filter on.
00:17:01 I'm not trying to sell you.
00:17:02 Like noble gold or or or or or.
00:17:05 Pillows or sheets or something.
00:17:08 I'm not beholden to some ******* Jewish billionaires.
00:17:12 Garbage company.
00:17:18 It's a trade off.
00:17:19 It's a trade off.
00:17:23 Actually, you see, that's The funny thing is the only the only the trade for me is I trade ever making any kind of real money like.
00:17:32 You know, like Tim Poole, money and.
00:17:35 Being allowed to have this show with with huge audiences, which I'm OK with by the way.
00:17:42 I'd rather have quality over quantity, OK?
00:17:45 But the trade off is, you know, I don't get Tim Poole, rich and.
00:17:49 Tim pool numbers.
Speaker 6
00:17:55 A soul I get to have a soul.Devon
00:17:58 That's right, I get to have an inner voice.00:18:02 That's right, I get to have a conscience.
00:18:07 And as I speak, literally as I'm telling you, this my follower account just.
00:18:11 Went down to seven.
00:18:13 I'm not even ******** you. You can look right now if you want yourself. It just went from 300 and something to seven.
00:18:20 Like right now as I'm talking.
00:18:27 Ah, but this is this is what I'm saying.
00:18:29 I'd rather have quality over quantity.
00:18:31 I'd rather be on platforms like Telegram and Gab, where not only am I not part of some kind of weird script Kitty ******** that someone at Twitter set up and then forgot to tell their.
00:18:48 Diversity hire that replaced them.
00:18:51 Like how it worked.
00:18:53 Not only am I not stuck with that ********.
00:18:56 I can say what I want.
00:18:58 I can say what I want.
00:19:00 Sure, some basic ***** that, that, that watches.
00:19:06 I don't know, like the people who are allowed to be on Twitter, right?
00:19:09 You know the Tim Pools.
00:19:10 Of the world she never finds out who I am.
00:19:13 Who cares?
00:19:13 Her she she wouldn't like me anyway.
Speaker 6
00:19:20 You know.Devon
00:19:26 Alright, well, we got we got some fun tonight.00:19:28 We got some fun tonight.
Speaker 5
00:19:32 We got some fun tonight.Devon
00:19:36 You know, part of the reason.00:19:42 Part of the reason?
00:19:43 All right, well, well.
00:19:48 I guess in a way this is part of the reason.
00:19:51 So Godzilla?
00:19:53 Gonzalo tweeted this out and he said something along the lines of why is it that when I look at these?
00:20:00 Women, I have an instant repulsion.
00:20:04 And of course, you know, these are all Jewish women.
00:20:07 And you know, what is it about this phenotype that you have an instinctual you.
00:20:12 Know like look at.
00:20:13 Them these women look like.
00:20:18 Am I wrong?
00:20:19 These women look identical.
00:20:22 Two cartoon witches.
00:20:30 You know, someone asked.
00:20:31 I think it was.
00:20:31 Last stream, what are?
00:20:33 We going to do with all these dried up old cat ladies.
00:20:37 You know, these child less cats or cat lady would.
00:20:40 Have a glut.
00:20:41 Of spinsters.
00:20:43 And well, starting like probably about now.
00:20:47 You know, the single moms, that's bad enough, but you know, the spinsters are, like, at least the single moms have have, like, a a kid to obsess about, right.
00:20:57 But the the spinsters don't have anything.
00:21:00 The spinsters have fur babies.
00:21:05 And he said, what are we gonna do with all these spinsters?
00:21:08 What's gonna happen?
00:21:08 I said we're just gonna have a **** load of witches.
00:21:13 We're going to have a **** load of witches.
00:21:21 And look, our people used to have the solution to witches.
00:21:27 It's very much like the solution I suggested.
00:21:30 Last stream about other problems.
00:21:31 You know, something about a pit or something?
00:21:35 I don't know.
00:21:36 I'm trying to remember.
00:21:37 It was something like oh.
00:21:40 Ohh something like.
Speaker 5
00:21:46 Get in the pit.Devon
00:22:06 That was funnier than I thought it was going to be.00:22:08 Let's want to watch it again.
00:22:13 I told you I'm.
00:22:13 Gonna verify? No.
00:22:14 I'm having a drink like I'm just.
00:22:16 I'm just well rested.
Speaker 5
00:22:23 Get in the pit.Devon
00:22:35 I love.Speaker 12
00:22:35 But I love it.00:22:37 Get in the ******* pit.
00:22:41 That's the solution.00:22:42 Get in the ******* pit.
00:22:45 We're just done.
00:22:48 We are done arguing.
Speaker 7
00:22:50 Like seriously.Devon
00:22:52 They're coming to Christian schools and shooting them up.00:22:56 Get in the ******* pit.
00:22:58 We're just done.
00:22:59 You know, it's funny.
00:23:00 I I Speaking of Twitter, one of the tweets.
00:23:03 But before I knew it realized all.
00:23:04 The nonsense that was going on.
00:23:07 I tweeted something out about.
00:23:11 Oh, what was it?
00:23:12 It was something about.
00:23:14 Oh yeah, this this right here.
00:23:16 This ******* *****, in fact, let me let.
Speaker 12
00:23:19 Me download this.Devon
00:23:22 Or maybe I can play this somehow easy?00:23:27 So my downloading delays are all.
00:23:29 ****** ** right now.
00:23:31 Now we'll just, we'll just do it.
Speaker 12
00:23:32 Let's just do it this way.00:23:36 Alright, where's the?
00:23:39 Where is this at?00:23:46 There we are.
00:23:49 So this ******* ***** here.
Speaker 13
00:23:50 And these Christian Conservative voters want the government to reflect their principles, and a lot of conservative Christians just don't agree with trans they don't think transgender people should exist.00:24:05 Quite frankly.
00:24:06 And So what we're seeing is an attempt to erase the whole erase transgender people.
00:24:11 It's it's it's not keeping up with.
00:24:19 Or in other words.Speaker 5
00:24:24 Get in the pin.Devon
00:24:31 OK.Speaker 5
00:24:34 But yes.Devon
00:24:36 I'm not afraid to say it.00:24:37 Yeah, we are, I.
00:24:38 Want it?
00:24:38 I want to erase trans people.
00:24:41 I don't want trans people anymore.
Speaker 9
00:24:44 I don't want them.Devon
00:24:49 And someone, someone reply.00:24:50 Ohh well, not not.
00:24:51 It's a little too ********.
Speaker 6
00:24:53 You know, this is what.Devon
00:24:54 This is why I ******* I see.00:24:56 This is why some people like Twitter and why I ******* hate it.
00:24:59 They like it because they think they're gonna get through to these people, right?
00:25:02 Like somehow or they just like arguing or something like that. So someone's.
00:25:06 Like oh I.
Speaker 14
00:25:07 Know we want.Devon
00:25:07 We want to treat our mental.Speaker 13
00:25:09 No, I don't.Speaker 5
00:25:11 No, I don't.Devon
00:25:14 I don't want to treat her mentally ill anymore.00:25:20 You see something I learned.
00:25:22 Here comes here comes a beekeeping metaphor.
00:25:24 Oh no.
00:25:28 Sometimes there's hives just not worth saving.
00:25:34 When you're when you're in charge of livestock.
00:25:37 You know?
00:25:38 Yeah, let's say it doesn't have to just be base.
00:25:40 It could be cows.
00:25:41 It could.
00:25:42 There's a lot of.
00:25:42 Sometimes you have to do what's called euphemistically.
00:25:47 Oh, I don't know.
00:25:48 Am mercy kill.
Speaker 6
00:25:50 Haven't you guys seen Old Yeller?Devon
00:25:55 At a certain point, it's not worth the resources.00:26:02 Or you just it's you can't fix it like old yeller.
Speaker 14
00:26:08 I know Old Yeller could have been a.Speaker 6
00:26:10 Great dog.00:26:11 And he was right at one point.
00:26:13 But then he got sick.00:26:16 He got sick in a way that you couldn't fix him.
Speaker 6
00:26:21 You couldn't fix old yeller?Devon
00:26:25 So you had to take care of him.00:26:27 The only way you could.
Speaker 12
00:26:31 By putting them in.00:26:32 The pit.
00:26:38 Oh, so yeah, look.00:26:41 Yeah, I do want to erase trans people.
00:26:44 I just.
00:26:46 I don't think it's that crazy.
00:26:49 I don't think it's that great.
00:26:50 In fact, everyone in the in, in, in the country I.
00:26:54 Grew up in.
00:26:56 Just a decade or two ago would think it was crazy to to have people like this just in their society.
00:27:12 What the **** is this?
00:27:14 I'm supposed to fix this.
00:27:19 How do I fix this exactly?
00:27:25 And why bother?
00:27:28 What is this guy?
00:27:29 What is this dude bringing?
Speaker 15
00:27:30 To the table.Speaker 11
00:27:32 Why is this guy worth fixing?Speaker 6
00:27:37 Is this?00:27:37 Is this the dude that's gonna?
00:27:38 Cure cancer or something.Speaker 5
00:27:56 Get in the pin.Devon
00:28:01 I mean, that's.Speaker 9
00:28:02 We don't need those.Devon
00:28:03 People, we just don't need them.00:28:08 I'm tired of pretending that like we need all these people.
00:28:13 Ohh need to show compassion.
00:28:16 I don't know.
00:28:17 I kind of think that the the pet is kind of showing them compassion.
00:28:23 Was was was old Yeller being shown compassion.
00:28:32 Hey this this is a real question.
00:28:38 For those of you are who's not?
00:28:40 Everyone's familiar with old Yeller, right?
00:28:43 If you're not, then.
00:28:45 I don't well.
00:28:46 Long story short, it's about a dog about a boy and his dog and the dog.
Speaker 6
00:28:50 'S really cool and really nice.Devon
00:28:53 And then he gets rabies or something.00:28:54 I think it's rabies and he's all ******* crazy.
00:28:57 And, you know, he starts biting people and and he's just going to he's just going to get crazier and crazier and be more dangerous and more dangerous to himself and others and eventually die anyway.
00:29:07 So the little boy.
00:29:09 At the instruction of his dad.
00:29:13 Has to go out and put him down.
00:29:16 It's real sad and whatever, but like that's.
00:29:20 He was doing old.
00:29:21 Yeller of kindness.
00:29:29 Saving the community from the danger old yellow now, now they've posed to the community.
00:29:45 I'm just saying I'm just saying at a certain point.
00:29:48 Don't you have to just be like?
Speaker 11
00:29:50 Oh, you know what?00:29:51 I don't know if I want this.
Speaker 9
00:30:02 Oh my God, I have no more hello.Speaker
00:30:12 There you go.Speaker 9
00:30:16 Oh. Oh my God, I'm.Speaker 16
00:30:18 So coming back from here.Speaker 5
00:30:33 Yeah, it's in the pin.Devon
00:30:51 It gets more satisfying every time I do it.00:30:59 I'm just done with these.
00:31:01 I'm not I.
00:31:02 Don't even want to call them people anymore.
00:31:05 I don't want to compete because they're not.
00:31:07 That means because if they're people and I'm people.
00:31:13 That no, we're not the same.
00:31:17 We're not the same like that.
00:31:22 We're just not the same like that.
00:31:35 You know, we need to bring.
00:31:36 I was talking about.
00:31:37 Wig towel. Right, wig, towel.
00:31:41 Whites going their own way and a lot of well, not a lot.
00:31:44 But a couple of people were saying, well, let's.
Speaker 14
00:31:46 Just run away from everything.00:31:48 Well, Devin, you're just going to run away like a little scared.
00:31:51 *****. No, that's.00:31:52 Not what it is.
00:31:52 It's called ******* shunning.
00:31:59 We're bringing shunning back.
00:32:04 We're shunning.
00:32:07 People who are dangerous and want us dead.
00:32:15 I didn't say anything about running away scared.
00:32:21 We're depriving them.
00:32:24 Of our whiteness.
00:32:34 They want to run society without wides, go for it.
00:32:38 Knock yourself out. It works.
00:32:40 Out because as it happens.
Speaker 9
00:32:42 We should.Speaker 16
00:32:42 I don't want to.Speaker 6
00:32:43 Run a society without you guys.00:32:45 Hey, it's.
00:32:47 Cut out evens out.00:32:47 It's going to be great.
Speaker 6
00:32:51 It's going to be good.Devon
00:32:54 So you guys do your thing and.Speaker 12
00:32:58 We don't care.Devon
00:33:02 We're going to be shunning you.00:33:07 We got to bring shunning back.
00:33:12 Don't the Amish do shunning?
00:33:14 I feel like the Amish do.
00:33:16 Shunning don't see the Amish have a lot of these things.
00:33:19 Figured out already.
00:33:23 But they have.
00:33:24 They have the shining.
00:33:24 Thing figured out, I'm pretty sure.
00:33:28 I kind of want to look.
00:33:29 Up Amish shunning now?
00:33:31 Let's let's see how the Amish do it.
00:33:34 If it's even a thing.
00:33:40 What's the Amish shunning now?
00:33:41 Here we go.
00:33:42 It's it is a thing.
00:33:43 It's a thing.
00:33:49 The Amish practice of shunning as a form of social avoidance when an individual has willfully violated rules of the church.
00:33:58 He's so far, so good.
00:34:01 Shanny may take the form of eating separately.
00:34:05 Not doing business with a person, not accepting gifts or rides from a shunned individual, and generally excluding a person from the community activities.
00:34:16 The Amish will still converse with the individual.
00:34:22 But will not offer assistance when it's needed.
00:34:26 See, this sounds great.
00:34:31 This sounds great. Let's.
00:34:34 Let's start shunning.
00:34:37 I'm calling for.
00:34:39 A nationwide a nationwide shunning.
00:34:44 Now degenerates.
00:34:54 I think it works.
Speaker 12
00:34:59 You don't do.Devon
00:34:59 Business with these people you don't offer help to these people.00:35:04 You don't accept gifts from these people.
00:35:08 You don't talk to these people.
00:35:20 You don't eat with these people.
00:35:28 By the way.
00:35:32 We used to do shunning.
00:35:37 That's why Faggs stayed in the closet.
00:35:40 Because they didn't want to be shunned.
Speaker 12
00:35:45 Didn't you did?Speaker 5
00:35:46 Did you know?Speaker 9
00:35:46 That. Yeah, not that.Devon
00:35:48 Long ago, not that long ago.Speaker 7
00:35:51 It was. It was.Devon
00:35:52 A normal thing.00:35:54 It was a normal thing to shun ****.
00:35:58 Totally normal.
00:36:05 So not so normal that that **** kept it a secret.
00:36:13 Because people wouldn't hire you if you were a fad.
00:36:18 They didn't want to live next to you if you were a fad they didn't want.
00:36:20 To eat with you if you were a fad.
00:36:23 They wouldn't vote for.
00:36:25 You if they knew you were a fad.
00:36:39 In fact, we're going to go over a little TV show from the 90s, an often forgotten TV show from the 90s, an episode that addressed this very issue of shunning faggs.
00:37:01 Because this was a.
00:37:03 This was a a death by 1000 cuts, when it came to Jewish media.
00:37:10 Jewish television.
00:37:14 Jewish music.
00:37:16 Jewish literature.
00:37:23 College professors.
00:37:30 Pretty much the majority of where people get their information from outside of church and family.
00:37:37 Which, by the way, is why those are the two things that all those things that also attacked church and family.
00:37:48 Because those are the only two sources of influence they didn't control.
00:37:54 Well, they've successfully beaten the the **** out of most churches and most families.
00:37:59 And so that's why that's that's why we're we're witnessing what we're witnessing today.
00:38:10 This is what they wanted.
00:38:21 This is what they wanted.
00:38:34 This is what they wanted and this is what they got.
00:38:39 Look at all those smiling white chicks.
00:38:50 Look at that creepy face in the background.
00:38:52 See that?
00:38:53 That's like ******* uh, eyes wide shut.
00:38:56 **** right there.
00:38:58 See this **** right here.
00:38:59 Hold on.
00:39:02 Who the **** is that?
Speaker 11
00:39:05 What the **** is that?Devon
00:39:08 Say, what the **** is that?Speaker 4
00:39:14 I don't like that.Devon
00:39:19 That that disturbs me.00:39:22 That kind of actually bothers me a lot.
00:39:27 But this is what this is exactly.
00:40:36 I was just kidding.
Speaker 9
00:40:37 That was why I had to.Devon
00:40:38 Do an April fools thing.00:40:40 I had to do an April fool's thing.
Speaker 6
00:40:49 I had to.00:40:49 Do an April fool's thing.
00:41:00 I mean, it was kind of low effort.Speaker
00:41:01 Too, by the way.Devon
00:41:11 That deserves A womp womp.00:41:12 I don't even know where the womp is anymore.
00:41:13 I've got I I seriously the the list of clips that I can play now.
00:41:17 It's too much.
00:41:18 It's it's it's way too much.
00:41:26 So anyway, yeah, demons Speaking of.
00:41:33 All right, yeah.
00:41:35 Chat looks like they were at least.
00:41:37 Half of you were nervous.
00:41:43 People are like, what the ****?
00:41:49 Yeah, I.
Speaker 9
00:41:50 I didn't want it.Speaker 6
00:41:50 To last too long.00:41:51 So that's why I.
00:41:52 Did the the Gavin thing, but you know.00:41:56 Anyway, so April fools I was going to do something more complicated.
00:42:01 I just have time.
00:42:02 I figured that would be good enough.
00:42:04 But anyway, meanwhile.
00:42:09 So the the the show that I that I.
00:42:12 We're going to go over.
00:42:12 Tonight or release the episode of the.
00:42:15 Show we're going over tonight.
00:42:17 Or the show, but generally we'll talk about the show generally, first of all.
00:42:22 It's it's funny how many.
00:42:24 Of you guys, when I when I tell.
00:42:25 You this about or, you know, show anyone that?
00:42:28 Was alive in the 90s, you'll.
00:42:29 Be like Oh yeah.
00:42:30 I totally forgot that show even existed.
Speaker 6
00:42:34 Cause it's weird cause.Devon
00:42:35 It was actually a kind of popular show and it was on for several years, but like no one talks about it anymore.00:42:40 It's like it just disappeared.
00:42:43 Like it just vanished from everyone's memory, so it's very forgettable show I guess.
00:42:47 But at the time it was, you know, pretty popular.
00:42:50 My parents watched it. That's.
00:42:52 How I know about it?
00:42:53 They watched.
00:42:53 It they didn't miss.
Speaker 12
00:42:54 An episode.Devon
00:42:56 I when I dug up this episode, I'd seen this episode in my my parents living room as a kid.00:43:04 With my the.
00:43:05 The amazing thing is with my Mormon parents.
00:43:08 Who didn't say **** like, didn't didn't OfferUp any like interference weren't like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Maybe our kids.
00:43:16 Shouldn't watch this.
00:43:17 Ain't it weirded me out?
00:43:18 It's stuck with me.
00:43:19 I was always based like to some degree.
00:43:22 On not on everything.
00:43:24 But I was always.
00:43:24 Kind of based.
00:43:28 And anyway that show is.
00:43:31 You guys, you guys know?
00:43:32 In chat, what this is?
00:43:35 Not AA is like 80s, I think, wasn't it?
00:43:39 Small wonder. No, no, no.
00:43:43 Married, not married, with children that that shows obviously degenerate.
00:43:48 Picking I don't even remember picking Captain planet.
00:43:50 No, no, 30 something.
00:43:51 No, although.
00:43:52 That's a good one that.
00:43:53 That's very jewy I might, I might actually.
00:43:57 Do that sometime.
00:43:57 You ain't no, no man.
00:43:58 There's a delay here.
00:43:59 I'm showing the it's on the screen, it's on.
00:44:01 The ******* screen.
Speaker 12
00:44:03 Married with children.00:44:04 Again, no, keep.
00:44:05 Well, I'm.00:44:05 I'm still.
00:44:06 I'm waiting.
00:44:08 Morning. Come on.
00:44:10 It's finally wings.
00:44:12 Yes, it's wings.
00:44:16 First thing that's weird about this show.
00:44:20 Because again, this is one of these shows.
00:44:22 I totally ******* forgot existed.
00:44:25 And and going back and watching an episode of this show.
00:44:28 Everyone in the show is white.
00:44:31 Everyone except, well, see.
00:44:33 Here's The funny thing, they added later on a an immigrant character.
00:44:39 Played by the guy in the top left.
00:44:42 He's supposed to be Italian, I think, but he's or something.
00:44:45 He's the actors actually, Lebanese.
00:44:48 But you might remember him from another show from the 90s called Monk, but he plays this kind of endearing immigrant.
00:44:59 But everyone else in the show is is white and not only just are are all the everyone else in the show is white, like in terms of the main chart.
00:45:06 Acres, but even like.
00:45:07 The extras when you're just looking at the the people walking around in the background when they go to restaurants or it's it's based in an airport for those who don't know what this show is about, we'll we'll go over it in a second.
00:45:21 But like there's people walking around the airport, they're all white.
00:45:24 They're all.
00:45:24 White 100%.
00:45:26 So what the basis of this show is?
00:45:30 Is these two?
00:45:31 Guys in the front.
00:45:32 So you here's another.
00:45:33 Well, we'll get into like, let me get into this, this, this first part about the two brothers first.
00:45:41 This this shows you how philosemitic the 90s was alright.
00:45:44 Philosemitic meaning in the 90s people loved Jews, they loved Jews.
00:45:51 I mean, they just they ******* loved him.
Speaker 5
00:45:53 They they.Devon
00:45:54 They couldn't get enough of the Jews.00:45:58 And people could not.
00:46:00 Part of that was they couldn't discern the difference.
00:46:04 Between a Jew and a non Jew.
00:46:07 Most people watching American television.
00:46:11 Didn't have the kind of judar you and I have have been beat into having to to, to, to.
00:46:19 Our skills on like it wasn't something that they even thought about.
00:46:23 There was no Wikipedia.
00:46:24 There was no early life.
Speaker 11
00:46:25 On Wikipedia, right?Devon
00:46:29 And so you would have a show like this where these two actors in the front are brothers and no one thought it was stupid that a guy like this total ******* boy, right?00:46:41 Total ******* normal looking white guy, right?
00:46:45 That a guy like that that his.
00:46:47 Brother in the show.
00:46:49 Looked like that, like like the Julius of Jew faces.
00:46:54 You know, like, like we're talking like the the John Stewart.
00:46:58 I'm sorry, John Leibowitz, phenotype, right.
00:47:02 Like this is these guys were brothers and the TV show.
00:47:06 And and no one thought anything was.
00:47:08 Weird about that.
00:47:11 As as someone that's finding someone or said something in a previous stream and I said something about like, Oh well, no Jewish faces were hyper normalized in television and movies and stuff like that.
00:47:22 No one thought anything about it and.
00:47:24 This is why.
Speaker 6
00:47:25 This is why.Devon
00:47:26 You are watching a show on prime time television and your brain was saying of course they're brothers.00:47:32 Of course, the Super Jewy looking guy is is brothers.
00:47:35 With the white guy.
00:47:37 That makes total ******* sense, right?
00:47:41 So that's the first thing about the show that's kind of hilarious, but it's also kind of funny that the way that the the characters are supposed to be.
00:47:51 So these two guys are supposed to be brothers.
00:47:54 And one of EM, the goy?
00:47:56 Ohh, he's he's always uptight, right?
00:47:59 He's very anal.
00:48:00 He's very he never has any fun.
00:48:02 He's very conservative.
00:48:04 He doesn't want a party.
00:48:06 He's very lame.
00:48:08 And the the Jew guy?
00:48:11 Oh, he's the he's a ladies man.
00:48:13 In fact, the show opens that that this the series premiere.
00:48:19 You find out that the Jew not only is he.
00:48:22 A ladies man. Ohh.
00:48:23 He's totally he's the cool guy.
00:48:25 He goes out and parties.
00:48:26 The ladies love him.
00:48:28 He actually stalled.
00:48:31 The white guys, fiancee.
00:48:34 Like that's how the show starts.
00:48:36 Is it the white guy?
00:48:39 Who's supposed to be the Jewish guy's brother?
00:48:42 Is engaged to a woman.
00:48:44 And the cool guy Jew swoops in and steals her away.
00:48:48 And then takes her off to some vacation, and I don't know, like Europe or something.
00:48:53 And then she, because she's a scandalous *****.
00:48:56 Basically, she cheats on him too, so he comes crawling back and tries to to apologize to his brother and work at the the the tiny airline that they have.
00:49:10 On on.
00:49:12 So it's like this tiny little one airplane airline that flies from an island back to it's basically like an an air.
00:49:27 Tip of my.
00:49:28 What's it called when you go across the like those boats that go across the water with?
00:49:32 Your cars on I don't, man.
00:49:35 I had that word in.
00:49:36 It doesn't matter.
00:49:37 You guys know what?
Speaker 12
00:49:37 I'm talking about.Devon
00:49:38 So it's basically just like an air.00:49:40 I'm gonna say taxi. That's.
Speaker 12
00:49:41 Not the right word at all.Devon
00:49:42 It's it's an air taxi going back and forth between this island and mainland, right?00:49:47 In in in New England, that's the part of the country that's in for those.
00:49:50 Of you who are not American, right?
00:49:53 And so that's the that's the premise of this show is that they run this airline.
00:50:01 And that blonde that's standing between them.
00:50:04 See, this is the other weird thing about this show her back story.
00:50:09 Is that she was really fat.
00:50:12 Really fat when they were kids growing up.
00:50:14 People Speaking of man.
00:50:16 That's why my brain couldn't.
00:50:17 Couldn't put in it's ******* fairies.
00:50:20 ******* fairies.
00:50:24 People in chatter saying very.
00:50:26 Yeah, ******.
00:50:27 ******* fairies.
00:50:28 I'm so sick of fairies and they need to.
00:50:30 They just.
00:50:30 They need to get in the pit.
00:50:32 They just, they just need to, they need to.
00:50:34 Get in.
00:50:34 The pit anyway.
00:50:37 You guys thought I was going to play it, didn't you?
00:50:39 You're he's going to ******* play it again.
00:50:40 Getting the.
Speaker 5
00:50:45 Get in the pin.Speaker
00:50:48 OK.Devon
00:50:52 So yeah, the the other weird thing about this show is the blonde between them right there in the front row.00:51:00 She her her back story is ohh.
00:51:03 She used to be really fat when she was a kid.
00:51:06 And buy really fat.
00:51:08 She they're like, oh, my God.
00:51:10 You lost so much weight.
00:51:11 It's like, I can't even recognize you.
00:51:13 They're always saying that and she lost £50, which you know that's in real life, especially in the 90s. That's a lot of ******* weight, right?
00:51:21 Well, now that's not a big deal, apparently.
00:51:26 But The funny thing is, is she's constantly making fat jokes and and is always paranoid about getting fat again.
00:51:38 And it's and they're.
00:51:39 They even have an episode where, like the Jew got the Jewish brother starts to, you know, eat his feelings and and gets a little bit of a belly.
00:51:47 And the whole episode is about like, oh, don't get fat like and so it's just Bizarro looking at TV shows in the 90.
00:51:56 And realizing how, how ******* far we have fallen.
00:52:00 How ******* far we have fallen.
00:52:02 So the the old lady on the left.
00:52:04 She's an old lady who is also kind of a like she was a ***** when she was like, like, that's the joke, I guess that.
00:52:12 She she was a *****.
00:52:14 Old lady, always talking about ******* around with like old people like Bob Hope or something.
00:52:20 And then the the woman over the Jews shoulder.
00:52:25 I don't know.
00:52:25 I think that's like his girlfriend or something like that.
00:52:28 And then you got the the mechanic in the top right, a competing airline guy in the top the fat guy.
00:52:40 And then the immigrant guy in the.
00:52:42 Top left, monk.
00:52:45 Now this guy.
00:52:47 It's also kind.
00:52:48 Of interesting the way they they they present the immigrant.
00:52:54 Because everyone on the show is white and the immigrant he's whiteish, you know, he's Lebanese, you know, they, they, they.
00:53:00 I think they try to make it sound like he's Italian I because.
00:53:02 I know in.
00:53:03 An earlier episode before he's like a regular he actually played like an A waiter or an Italian restaurant.
00:53:09 But I don't know if they they just recast them as you know, they hope that no one would remember that or something like that or.
00:53:14 It's supposed to be the same guy.
00:53:16 I don't know.
00:53:17 But either way, he's like whitish, right?
00:53:19 But the whole thing about his character.
00:53:24 He's not a scary immigrant that's coming to take anyone's job.
00:53:30 In fact, he wants nothing more than to assimilate.
00:53:35 In fact, you could even say.
00:53:38 Most of his he's very similar if you're familiar with Star Trek, the next generation, right, or even the original Star Trek.
00:53:47 You know Star Trek, the next generation had data, the original Star Trek had Spock, right?
00:53:53 In both cases, that's kind of like the immigrant.
00:53:56 That's kind of like the alien you have this guy that you know in data that's a robot and all he wants is to be just like the the people I want to.
00:54:05 Be like humans.
00:54:07 I want to be like you guys.
00:54:08 I want to learn how to think like you to understand your jokes.
00:54:12 I want to be a part of your culture.
00:54:14 My, his.
00:54:15 His only dream is to be human.
Speaker 12
00:54:17 To be like you guys.Devon
00:54:20 Right, Spock.00:54:21 Same sort of thing.
00:54:22 You know, he just wants to understand.
00:54:24 He he.
00:54:24 Just doesn't get.
00:54:25 It you know, he tries so hard to understand and God bless him.
00:54:29 You know, like he he really tries hard and he's.
00:54:32 Just he, he.
00:54:33 He'll get there someday.
00:54:37 And in the meantime, all.
00:54:38 Of his weird quirks or whatever, they're they're kind of funny and endearing.
00:54:43 Well, that's the same thing with.
00:54:44 This immigrant character, right?
00:54:46 Like he's a little neurotic and a little bit weird and whatever, but he's trying.
00:54:52 He's trying.
00:54:56 And there's this arrogance, right, like this.
00:54:58 This like pat, him on the head like, Ohh.
00:55:01 That's adorable.
00:55:02 That's adorable.
00:55:03 This this cute little immigrant.
00:55:09 It's the same ******* thing.
00:55:11 It's the same ******* character anyway, so.
00:55:15 That's the show.
00:55:17 It's just an awful sitcom.
00:55:21 You know, complete with laugh track, which is torture.
00:55:24 I know.
00:55:25 I'm sorry.
00:55:25 I apologize.
Speaker 12
00:55:27 But uh, why is this not popping?00:55:29 Up. Oh, there we go.
00:55:33 But it is what it is like.00:55:35 He looks so ******* jewy.
00:55:37 He like he looks so jewy.
00:55:39 Like it's impossible like I it's it's fascinating to me that audiences in the 90s, it just didn't even click, but it didn't.
00:55:46 It didn't click at all.
00:55:49 So what we're going to do is we're going to go through in this in this episode, there's there's.
00:55:57 A, B story and an A story we're taking out the B story.
00:56:00 Completely because it's meaningless.
00:56:04 But the a story is very.
00:56:10 Related to clips like this.
00:56:15 And clips like this.
00:56:20 You want to know how?
00:56:21 We got to this.
00:56:24 You want to know?
00:56:25 Why we stopped shunning people?
00:56:28 Why they became more accepted?
00:56:31 Well, you're about to find out.
00:56:33 So the show opens up.
00:56:36 When they're talking, they're talking about the big fat guy.
00:56:39 No one likes.
00:56:40 He's just the big this guy at the top.
00:56:43 He's the the.
00:56:44 Big fat guy.
00:56:45 He's kind of an ******* and has no social skills and no one likes him.
00:56:48 He's not very self aware.
00:56:49 He's kind of like Michael Scott in a way, right?
00:56:52 Only, like fatter and meaner.
00:56:54 And they're discussing.
00:56:56 He's going to have a birthday party.
00:56:59 He's going to have a birthday party.
00:57:01 He's turning 12.
00:57:03 Well, why is he turning 12?
00:57:04 He was born.
00:57:05 On a leap year.
00:57:07 And so that kind of explains why he acts kind of childish.
00:57:10 Ha ha ha.
00:57:11 But that's important too.
00:57:12 Like, why are they setting him up to be this really immature person?
00:57:18 And all throughout this episode, you'll see them really hammer.
00:57:20 That's not subtle at all.
00:57:21 Ohh he's he's like a child.
00:57:25 He's like a child.
00:57:26 It's literally the Michael Scott treatment, right?
00:57:30 He's like a child. He's not self aware. He's going around bothering everyone around him and just being abusive and and selfish and self-centered and and and no one really likes him and he doesn't realize it or either that or doesn't care.
00:57:46 And they're doing that for the exact same reason they're building the character like a Michael Scott, for the same reason that they did that to Michael Scott so that you could watch.
00:57:58 As as he grew up.
00:58:01 As he grew out of his ignorance.
00:58:04 And that way you wouldn't hate him, right?
00:58:06 Cause cause he he wasn't.
00:58:08 He wasn't a bad person.
00:58:13 He just was immature.
00:58:15 He was immature, the way that 12 year old girls mean immature when a boy does something gross to them in class.
00:58:23 And they said Ohh, you're so immature.
00:58:26 See cause why? Why?
00:58:29 Because their society is being run by those same ******* girls now all grown up these ******* witches.
00:58:36 These ******* witches.
00:58:39 Oh, don't be so immature.
00:58:41 Stop being so immature.
00:58:46 So that's why they write characters like that.
00:58:49 So anyway, without further ado.
00:58:53 Here we go.
Speaker 17
00:58:54 See, this is Royce. Little joke. He only celebrates his birthday once every four years because he was born on February 29th leap year.Speaker 15
00:59:02 Remember 4 years ago when he turned 11 at this party at Uncle Fun Times petting zoo, I couldn't get rid of that llama smell for weeks.Devon
00:59:12 Ohh OK, so you guys are prepared for the the level of of comedy.00:59:18 Most of which.
00:59:19 Most of what I cut out, but that given a sampling of like how hilarious.
00:59:24 You know how timeless that that that's why this show is so forgettable, right.
00:59:28 And, you know, you never.
00:59:31 It's also fascinating to me, as much as it's fascinating that, like, that you that the average person wasn't putting together, that there's no way these two people could be brothers.
00:59:40 You know that that that also that it's weird that it was normal to have a laugh track, that it, it would seem weird to audiences at the time if.
Speaker 12
00:59:49 You didn't have one.Devon
00:59:51 But anyway, here we go.Speaker 18
00:59:53 Hey, Boston. And you'll never guess who I bumped into, Roys son, RJ.Speaker 13
01:00:00 Hold it.Speaker
01:00:00 Roy has a son.Speaker 15
01:00:02 They haven't spoken in years too.01:00:03 They had a slight difference of opinion, RJ said he was gay.
01:00:07 Roy said he wasn't.
01:00:08 Darned if RJ wasn't right.Speaker 18
01:00:11 They'll be talking tonight because I invited RJ to Royce birthday party.Speaker 15
01:00:14 You, Helen.01:00:15 Why in the world would you want?
01:00:16 To do that, what is?
Speaker 8
01:00:17 Going to flip out.Speaker 18
01:00:18 So you went there.01:00:19 You didn't see his face when he asked about his dad.
01:00:22 He wants to see him so badly.
Speaker 15
01:00:24 Yeah, but Are you sure Roy wants to see him?01:00:26 You just shouldn't get involved with.
Speaker 19
01:00:27 Don't you see it's fake?Devon
01:00:31 And of course, so the white woman starts meddling because of emotional thinking.01:00:37 That part's realistic.
01:00:40 She decides.
01:00:42 I'm I'm going to the this this weird birthday party.
01:00:45 We're going to go to at this kids thing because Roy is is is perpetually a child.
01:00:51 He think he celebrated his 12th birthday.
01:00:54 And he's so immature and and childlike.
01:00:58 And his estranged gay son is going to come with us because.
01:01:04 The white woman has decided that it's that's the best thing to happen for society because of feelings.
Speaker 18
01:01:10 Say hello to RJ.Speaker 8
01:01:11 What he's here?Speaker 18
01:01:12 Yeah, we came in on.Speaker 4
01:01:13 The same flight.01:01:14 I know what you're doing.
Speaker 18
01:01:15 Two, what more could I want him to see?01:01:17 His only son on his birthday.
Speaker 16
01:01:19 Legos, they say.Speaker 18
01:01:22 You'll never guess he's going to walk through those.Speaker 16
01:01:24 Doors. How do you know?Speaker 17
01:01:24 RJ Biggins, I hear everything that goes on in the office, everything.Speaker 4
01:01:34 Hey, Jill. Helen.Devon
01:01:37 So here's the other thing that you'll notice about that's the son.01:01:40 That's the gay son.
01:01:42 Every gay character in these shows.
01:01:47 Include going all the way up to will and Grace, right will and grace that you know Will was was one of these characters, but they started to pepper in the the more flamboyant gays, right?
01:01:59 But up until then, they're trying because at this point.
01:02:03 People have not accepted facts.
01:02:07 As this show will demonstrate, shunning **** was very normal at the time.
01:02:13 So what do they have?
01:02:14 To do, they have to present a *** as this well dressed normal looking guy.
01:02:22 Right. He's dressed conservatively.
01:02:25 Look, he looks like uh, you know, like your your dad's, uh, work work buddy. You know he doesn't.
01:02:31 Look like this.
01:02:34 I mean, if they made a character like this.
Speaker 20
01:02:37 There you go.Speaker 10
01:02:41 Ohh Oh my God.Speaker 9
01:02:42 I'm so sorry.Devon
01:02:47 You know, the show would be over.01:02:50 No, no.
01:02:50 Ever be like?
01:02:51 Well, no, no ****.
01:02:52 He's getting.
01:02:52 He's shunning his gay son.
01:02:54 Who the **** one would want a son like that?
01:02:57 But no, they cast him like this.
01:03:00 Normal looking guy.
01:03:02 Dressed like he, he.
01:03:03 Bought all of his clothes at ******* Sears.
01:03:06 Very conservative.
01:03:08 You know, no gay accent, right?
01:03:12 No gay accent.
Speaker 15
01:03:16 Hey, RJ.01:03:18 How you doing?
Speaker 18
01:03:19 I want to meet my sister.01:03:20 Casey, hi.
01:03:21 Well, I've certainly heard a lot about you.01:03:23 Are gay Jay.
01:03:27 Our Jane, I can't believe I.
01:03:29 Did that me coming from San Francisco.
01:03:31 Where they're all.
Speaker 16
01:03:31 Over the place.01:03:34 Oh, I'm sorry, I.
Speaker 4
01:03:36 Didn't mean to.01:03:37 I know what you meant.
01:03:38 You're so sweet.01:03:39 I love.
Speaker 17
01:03:39 About you guys.Devon
01:03:43 Now this is the way they would do it too, that this is in fact that's very much.01:03:47 Like the kind.
01:03:48 Of dialogue they would write for a character like Michael Scott, right?
01:03:53 The awkward ohh I I I'm.
01:03:56 Going to say the wrong thing because I'm not a ****** and I'm I'm instinctually uncomfortable around fagots so because I'm nervous and uncomfortable I I say.
01:04:06 The wrong thing?
01:04:08 So we're going to ridicule people.
01:04:11 That feel like that and act like that.
01:04:13 So you don't want to be like that so that you try to be as comfortable as possible or keep your ******* mouth shut because the last thing you want to do is is be like that chick.
01:04:30 See look at look at the look at the guy.
01:04:32 Covering ohh. He's so embarrassed.
01:04:36 She's so ******* cringe.
Speaker 18
01:04:47 There's a simple explanation for her behavior, RJ.01:04:50 She's an idiot.
Speaker 7
01:04:52 So is the birthday boy around?Speaker 15
01:04:55 Probably in his.Speaker 4
01:04:56 Office. Helen, are you?01:04:58 Sure, this is a good idea.
01:04:59 I mean surprising him like this.
01:05:00 We are talking about.
01:05:01 My dad.
Speaker 18
01:05:02 RJ, just relax.01:05:03 You know, people change.
01:05:05 Trust me.
01:05:05 Father is melon.Speaker 4
01:05:07 I don't care if you just had a root canal.01:05:09 Now you smile as the passengers.
01:05:10 Or you're fired.
01:05:13 Hi, dad.
01:05:16 Hi, Jay.
01:05:19 What are you doing here?
01:05:21 It's your birthday.
01:05:25 So I thought I'd come.
01:05:28 I see.
Speaker 15
01:05:31 This is going well.Speaker 4
01:05:34 So how have you been?01:05:36 OK, you look good.
Speaker 15
01:05:41 Can't watch this.01:05:42 Tell me when.
Speaker 4
01:05:42 It's over you.01:05:45 Know this was a mistake, I I should go.
01:05:50 Yeah, you should go.01:05:53 Because you're being shunned.
01:05:57 You are being shunned.
01:05:59 But of course, if if he just left, there wouldn't be an episode here.
01:06:03 So that's now happens.
Speaker 15
01:06:09 Or Jerry.01:06:11 Maybe next time you will listen to me about stuff like this.
01:06:13 Know what I'm talking about.
01:06:14 See in this it's like they can't.01:06:17 They can't help themselves.
01:06:19 On top of everything else that's going on, they still have to have the stupid 90s man who, who always doubts the the wisdom of the smart white lady, right.
01:06:29 He's always like, oh.
Speaker 4
01:06:31 Maybe next time you listen to my.Devon
01:06:33 Man explaining and.01:06:34 And she's like oh.
Speaker 11
01:06:36 Oh really fool?Speaker 19
01:06:39 Sure you do, baby.Devon
01:06:41 Ohh, I'm going to humor you, you dumb ******* man.01:06:46 So yeah, obviously that that goes on all the time in this ******* show.
01:06:51 That's like half the jokes.
01:06:52 Is is the men are stupid and girls are smart.
01:06:57 So Fast forward through a bunch of meaningless garbage, and I know you.
01:07:02 You're you're you're like, wait, you fast forwarded the meanest garbage and and now we're at at at this scene.
01:07:08 I know.
01:07:08 Imagine what I what I cut out for us to be here.
01:07:10 And for for it to be the meaningless.
01:07:13 So they're now at the the little Kid birthday party, that the immature.
01:07:20 Man, that can't handle, he can't handle his son's gayness.
01:07:26 His his little.
01:07:27 Little Kid birthday party because he's such a child.
Speaker 4
01:07:30 You should have seen the biggest.01:07:32 Boys, we whipped these two little 9 year olds at.
01:07:36 Football said I'm crying home to Mommy.
Speaker 16
01:07:39 Is this place?Speaker 13
01:07:40 Great or what?Speaker 4
01:07:41 I bet I'm the only 12 year old here with a son.01:07:43 Who recently passed?
Speaker 17
01:07:44 The bar exam?01:07:45 That's true.
01:07:46 You're also the only 12 year old here who's recently passed a kidney stone.
Speaker 4
01:07:52 You know, Dad, I interviewed with this big law firm in Boston.01:07:55 I I think I have a.
01:07:56 Pretty good shot.
01:07:57 Ohh that's fantastic.
01:08:01 See not notice how?01:08:02 Ohh he he he's he just passed the bar exam.
01:08:05 He's super successful.
01:08:10 There's nothing negative.
01:08:11 There's literally nothing negative about this.
01:08:15 You should be so lucky to have a gay son like this.
Speaker 4
01:08:24 Fantastic son, I am proud of you. Thanks. And my personal life's going really well too. I met someone really great.Speaker 20
01:08:32 Balloon grind.01:08:32 We need a hat here.
01:08:35 See and he gets immediately uncomfortable in the same way.01:08:39 That you would if your son started telling you about how he diddles kids.
01:08:48 That's called repulsion.
01:08:51 That's called a conscience.
01:08:57 That's called instinct.
01:08:59 That's called survival instinct.
01:09:12 Your son starts talking about how he likes to put ***** in *********.
01:09:18 Gee, I wonder why he's uncomfortable.
01:09:30 But now it's because he's a child.
01:09:33 He just he just isn't mature enough to handle the fact that that **** exist.
01:09:38 Deal with it.
Speaker 4
01:09:51 And so, dad, like I was saying, this guy is very special.01:09:56 Here's John.
01:09:57 Hey, you 2.
01:09:58 All aboard this party.
01:09:59 Trains ready to roll.
01:10:03 I did not do that.
01:10:05 And by the way, notice how he keeps trying to force it on him.01:10:09 Why would you?
01:10:09 ******* do that.
01:10:16 Why would you ******* do that?
01:10:21 My browser just ******* crashed.
01:10:23 It couldn't handle all the gains apparently.
01:10:27 We have the reload it here.
Speaker 12
01:10:31 Am I still streaming OK good.Speaker 4
01:10:34 You too all.Speaker 12
01:10:38 OK, I just said open the browser again.Devon
01:10:43 There's probably Twitter that broke it anyway.Speaker 12
01:10:46 Twitter that breaks.Devon
01:10:48 Apparently they did a study.01:10:49 There's there's a there's even more censorship under Elon than there was before.
Speaker 12
01:10:57 I'm not surprised, but we might go over a little bit of that article.Devon
01:11:01 Later on.01:11:03 Anyway, so he keeps trying to push it on his debt.
01:11:05 Would it matter?
01:11:09 Right.
01:11:09 Like is it about you?
01:11:13 Are you are you really there to see your dad?
01:11:16 On his birthday.
01:11:20 Oh, well, you're a flag.
01:11:21 So it's always about you.
01:11:23 I forgot.
01:11:24 It's literally always about you because you're a flag.
01:11:29 And with ****, that's just the way it is.
01:11:30 It's always about them always.
Speaker 4
01:11:43 It's engineer Willie.01:11:44 Everybody say hi.
01:11:46 Engineer Willie.
01:11:51 We got a birthday boy.
01:11:53 So he's, you know, he's just this.01:11:55 This big old big old child that can't handle his his son's gayness.
01:12:00 So the white woman, the the white ally woman, comes in to to see how things are going to see how her meddling is working out.
Speaker 18
01:12:09 Looks like things are going pretty well between.Speaker 17
01:12:11 You and your dad.Speaker 4
01:12:11 Oh yeah, yeah, they're.01:12:13 They're going great as long as I don't talk about being gay.
Speaker 16
01:12:18 Don't worry.Speaker 18
01:12:18 Come around.01:12:19 It's a lot.
01:12:20 More sophisticated than you think.
Speaker 11
01:12:22 Next up, cheese Baron.Devon
01:12:27 God, that laugh track man that laugh track makes its.01:12:31 I I want everyone in like in that laugh track to be put in the pit too.
01:12:35 I can't ******* handle the ******* laugh track.
01:12:39 It's it's a lot.
01:12:40 It's a lot to deal with.
01:12:43 The laugh tracks put me.
Speaker 16
01:12:45 Over the edge it's put me over the edge.Devon
01:12:49 Ohh I'm hanging.01:12:50 By a thread over here with that laugh track.
01:12:53 Like if the jokes were.
01:12:54 Kind of good.
01:12:55 It wouldn't be as bad it would still.
01:12:57 Be bad, but it.
01:12:58 Wouldn't be as bad.
Speaker 4
01:13:02 Ohh, there's the boyfriend.Speaker
01:13:03 Please look.Speaker 18
01:13:06 You invited your boyfriend to the party?01:13:09 That's so great.
Speaker 4
01:13:11 I I thought it was when you said Dad and melon, but now I'm not.Devon
01:13:14 Yeah. See, again, it's all about him. It's all about him. It's his dad's ******* birthday party. He hasn't seen his dad for. I don't know. I guess years, right?01:13:26 And now all of a sudden it's all about him.
01:13:29 It's all about him and his ******* gay boyfriend.
Speaker 4
01:13:31 Not so sure.Speaker 20
01:13:36 Very clang, clang, clang went the trolley.Speaker 4
01:13:39 Hi, I'm so glad you.01:13:41 Made it.
01:13:41 I want to warn you this could.
01:13:43 Get a little strange.
01:13:45 Luke, this is Helen.
Speaker 18
01:13:46 Hey, Luke.Speaker 4
01:13:47 Hi, I'm Casey.Speaker 18
01:13:47 Nice to meet you.Speaker 20
01:13:48 You hi.Speaker
01:13:49 How's your?Speaker 20
01:13:50 Flight hideous.01:13:52 If God had intended for.
01:13:53 People to fly, we'd have all been born with wires in our backs like.
01:13:56 Mary Martin.
01:14:01 In Peter Pan.
Speaker 16
01:14:05 I used to love Peter Pan.01:14:06 Heard everybody clap.
01:14:07 If you believe in fairies.
Speaker 17
01:14:13 Why do I keep doing?Speaker 16
01:14:14 This I'm a liberal.01:14:15 I love you people.
Speaker 7
01:14:19 Was that the strange part?Speaker 4
01:14:20 No, believe it or not, she's on our side.01:14:27 Here comes the strange part.
Speaker 18
01:14:29 Talk about a train wreck.Speaker 4
01:14:32 We have got a new passenger.01:14:34 Dad, I'd like you to meet my.
01:14:35 Friend Luke Johnson.
Speaker 20
01:14:37 Biggins, it's nice to finally meet you.01:14:40 RJ has told me so.
01:14:41 Much about you.
01:14:42 I hope we're going to be very good friends.
Speaker 6
01:14:51 See this this is.Devon
01:14:54 This is telling you, oh, look, you don't want to.01:14:56 Be like that fat goofy guy.
01:14:59 You don't want to be on if your son comes home with a boyfriend, you don't want to be the the.
01:15:03 Guy who's uncomfortable with that.
01:15:10 You'll be like that big fat loser right there.
Speaker 4
01:15:16 I think I'm going to open my presents now.Devon
01:15:19 Happy Choo Choo birthday, Roy.01:15:24 See, he just lives in a fantasy world.
01:15:26 He lives in a fantasy world.
01:15:29 He needs to grow up and realize that gay people exist.
01:15:33 They're here, they're queer, get used to it.
Speaker 11
01:15:37 Want some cake, huh?Speaker 4
01:15:38 I'll have some debt.01:15:40 Did you know Luke is very talented and he built his business up from scratch, just like you.
01:15:45 Did. Yeah. Just like me.
Speaker 20
01:15:48 You know, Mr.01:15:49 Biggins, I was telling, RJ, I think that having a leap year party is a really cute idea.
Speaker 4
01:15:55 Oh yeah, it's real cute.01:15:56 Dad, please stop.
Speaker 20
01:15:57 That it's OK.01:15:59 No, it's not.
Speaker 4
01:16:01 Here to meet you.01:16:03 Because he's like, I know exactly what he is.
01:16:07 And I want to thank you.
01:16:08 Or throwing it in my face and ruining this part.
01:16:12 Oh, so being who I am and living my life is ruining your party.
01:16:25 Yeah, and and and you know.01:16:27 What people need to stop being afraid to just.
01:16:29 Say it, yeah.
01:16:31 If that's who you are.
01:16:34 In the same way, if being a pedophile is who you are, yeah, being a pedophile is is ruining my party.
Speaker 5
01:16:47 Get in the pin.Devon
01:16:54 I mean it's it's. Yeah.01:16:55 Get in the ******* pit.
01:17:02 I'm not.
01:17:02 I'm not going to just.
01:17:03 Accept who you are, bro.
01:17:11 Here's the thing I I would I would.
01:17:13 Ask those of you out there.
01:17:14 Who think well, of course, like pedophiles.
01:17:19 I I would draw the line of pedophiles, but like.
Speaker 16
01:17:21 There's nothing wrong with fagots.Devon
01:17:25 You would draw the line at paedophiles but.01:17:29 But not with *******, huh?
01:17:33 You're not very familiar with pedophile stats, are you?
01:17:45 Then you get in the pit.
01:17:47 I don't accept who they are.
01:17:51 I don't accept who they are.
01:17:53 I'm not tolerant of them.
01:18:02 And yes, by being them, they're ruining my ******* party.
01:18:05 No, actually not my party they're ruining.
01:18:10 My society.
01:18:17 And it's because of all this ******* gay **** in the 90s.
01:18:20 This, this, this, you know, people have talked about pre programming, I guess.
01:18:24 I guess if this is the kind of thing that you call pre programming. Yeah, I I believe in pre programming 100% absolutely 1000%.
01:18:37 Because this was across the board, this was this was for decades.
01:18:40 You saw it slowly creep into every single popular sitcom.
01:18:44 Every sitcom had this episode, just like in the 80s, everyone had the this the episode about.
01:18:50 The black kid.
01:18:51 And the black family?
01:18:53 Ohh, you gotta let the black family live in the white neighborhood.
01:18:57 Right.
01:18:57 In fact, that started even earlier.
01:18:59 The Jeffersons.
01:19:00 That's the whole premise of the show was a back black family living in a white neighborhood.
01:19:06 That was the entire premise of the show.
01:19:08 The entire show was, hey, ******.
01:19:13 Let black people live in your neighborhood.
01:19:15 They're like The Jeffersons.
01:19:26 Let your son be a ******.
01:19:27 They're like this nice young man.
Speaker 4
01:19:33 Well, maybe I shouldn't be at your party.Devon
01:19:35 Yeah, maybe you shouldn't.01:19:37 Maybe you should.
01:19:37 Be in the pit.
Speaker 4
01:19:40 Come on, Luke.Speaker 9
01:19:43 Hi, Jay.Speaker 16
01:19:52 Bada bow bow.Devon
01:19:58 So they storm off.01:19:59 I'll I'll passed off and that's where the shutting should have resumed.
01:20:07 That should have been the end of the episode.
01:20:10 Now actually the end of the episode should have been.
01:20:12 They walked out of the parking lot.
01:20:15 And the shock troops escort them to the pit.
01:20:25 So Mr.
01:20:26 Roy, over here, he's very sad.
01:20:29 He wasn't able to reconnect with his son.
01:20:33 He's kind of upset with the white woman that that kind of sabotaged his party and and tried to socially engineer him into accepting the gay son.
Speaker 4
01:20:45 Thanks Chapel.01:20:46 I want to thank you for making this a very special birthday.
Speaker 18
01:20:50 You're right.01:20:51 Well, it's all my fault.
01:20:52 I gave you way too much credit.
01:20:55 I thought you could handle it, I thought.
01:20:57 You were mature 12.
Speaker 4
01:21:00 You had no business sticking your nose in where it did not boot.Devon
01:21:03 It's literally, it's the little girl.01:21:06 Tell you to be more mature in grade school.
01:21:09 You need to be more mature.
01:21:11 You're so immature.
01:21:19 See, he just needs to grow up.
01:21:25 Grow up and and deal with the gay son.
Speaker 4
01:21:29 Below. Well, you thought wrong.Speaker 18
01:21:29 Well, I thought after all these years, surely.01:21:34 I just don't get it.
01:21:36 You treat your only son that way.
01:21:38 If I had a wonderful son like RJ, I would never let him walk out of my life.
Speaker 4
01:21:43 What do you know about having a son, huh?01:21:47 I watch that kid grow up.
01:21:50 I put my whole life into that kid.
01:21:54 I thought I was going to see him getting married and have kids and how the hell could he turn out that way.
01:22:02 Well, it's probably molested, but.01:22:05 That's the other thing, too.
01:22:06 They're trying to act as if these are.
01:22:07 Not reasonable things.
01:22:12 It's not a a reasonable thing for him to want his son to have grown up and had a family.
01:22:19 It's not a reasonable thing for him to be upset.
01:22:22 By his son's ********. Partially because.
01:22:26 He's not going to have a family.
01:22:31 His genetic line will die with him.
01:22:45 But he's just being immature, I guess having all these thoughts, he's just being.
01:22:49 And selfish.
01:22:52 It shouldn't matter what he wants.
01:22:54 It's what his gay son wants.
01:23:00 Right, libertarians.
01:23:02 What people want to do in the privacy of.
Speaker 6
01:23:04 Their own home.Speaker 4
01:23:15 I did everything right.Speaker 18
01:23:17 And because you did everything right, he turned.01:23:19 Out to be great you.
01:23:20 Should be proud of him.
Speaker 4
01:23:21 Oh, I would be except.01:23:26 How can I be proud of?
Speaker 18
01:23:32 You don't have to be proud of it.01:23:35 But you can accept it.
01:23:37 See, that was the step before.01:23:39 You have to be proud of it.
01:23:40 Now you have to be proud of it.
Speaker 6
01:23:43 See how this works?Devon
01:23:47 Give them an inch.01:23:48 They take a mile.
01:23:53 See, he didn't have to like it.
01:23:55 He could be opposed to it and he would, and he would be.
01:23:59 A good he would.
01:23:59 Still be a an honorable father as long as he.
01:24:03 Kept his ******* mouth shut about it.
01:24:06 See, it's now.
01:24:07 It's him.
01:24:07 They're flipping it around.
01:24:08 You get in the ******* closet.
01:24:13 It's a power play.
01:24:22 He's the one that will be shunned.
01:24:25 If he doesn't accept.
01:24:28 His gay son.
01:24:31 He doesn't have to like it.
01:24:32 He doesn't have.
01:24:33 To approve of it.
01:24:36 My God, how could he?
01:24:39 He'd have to rewire.
01:24:41 His ******* brain.
01:24:43 And this generation, they didn't get to him young enough to do that.
01:24:49 Old dog, new tricks.
01:24:50 That and all that, you know.
01:25:04 So it's fine if you have all these.
01:25:07 Very normal feelings of repulsion.
01:25:13 Of disgust.
Speaker 7
01:25:20 Of threat.Devon
01:25:34 Just ignore.01:25:34 All those.
01:25:38 And don't worry, the next generation won't feel any of those feelings because we'll get to those guys young.
01:25:53 We'll program them at an early age.
01:25:58 With television shows like this one.
01:26:03 Like I said I I watched this as a child.
01:26:07 With my Mormon parents in the room, or at the very least my mom, I don't think my dad was there.
01:26:13 Statistically, a very good possibility he was not there.
01:26:20 But I remember watching this and just being like grossed out.
01:26:23 Like uh.
01:26:26 Even then, I was like this is.
01:26:29 ******* I I was like ******* liberals in Hollywood.
01:26:34 I didn't realize there.
Speaker 12
01:26:35 Was an ethnic component to it at the time.Devon
01:26:39 But even as a kid, I was like uh.Speaker 12
01:26:43 ******* gay ********.Devon
01:26:49 But my mom, my boomer mom.01:26:52 I don't think she wanted to.
01:26:53 Be like Roy Biggins.
01:26:57 So she probably felt a little watching the show.
01:27:00 Watching this episode, she probably felt revulsion.
01:27:07 She was probably squirming in her lazy boy chair.
01:27:12 The remote in her hand may be ready to change the channel.
Speaker 5
01:27:17 But she didn't.Speaker 12
01:27:21 She didn't.Devon
01:27:24 And most parents in America wouldn't have for the same.01:27:29 Psychological reasons.
01:27:31 The same social pressures at play.
01:27:37 And so all those kids out there that unlike me.
01:27:41 Where I I remember, not only do I have an inner voice, I remember what it was saying at the time.
01:27:50 But other kids gathered around the television, especially the latchkey kids that didn't even have parents home at all.
01:27:58 Watching this and thinking, oh, it's so sad.
01:28:01 It's so sad that the the goofy fat guy.
01:28:05 Won't accept his son.
01:28:14 I wish he'd be more mature about this.
01:28:16 His son seems perfectly lovely.
01:28:25 And his little ******* **** buddy, he seems, you know, totally respectful and.
01:28:31 And well dressed.
01:28:35 Non threatening.
01:28:38 What's his big problem anyway?
01:28:47 When my generation is in control of things.
01:28:50 Faggs won't have to worry about this any more.
01:28:53 If I have a gay son.
01:28:58 I hope he knows, but.
01:29:00 That I'll always accept him for who he is.
01:29:10 You think it's not as simple as that it is.
01:29:14 Now, it's obviously not just this.
01:29:17 Episode of this TV show.
01:29:21 This is no different than like I said.
01:29:25 The hundreds.
01:29:28 Of other television shows with this exact episode, movies with this exact.
01:29:34 Theme somehow woven within the script.
01:29:44 Daytime television talk shows with.
01:29:47 Quote UN quote reality versions of this.
01:29:51 My estranged gay son next on Geraldo.
Speaker 4
01:30:03 What if I can't?Speaker 18
01:30:10 You haven't seen him for six years, right?01:30:13 Have you missed him?
Speaker 4
01:30:15 Of course I missed him.Speaker 18
01:30:18 We'll get used to it.Devon
01:30:23 You'll lose your son.01:30:26 You'll lose your children.
01:30:28 If you don't let your children be gay, isn't this exactly the argument they're using about with the trans kids?
01:30:36 This is the emotional black male.
01:30:40 That they use on parents with no inner voice.
01:30:47 Or as I have recently.
01:30:50 Come to think of it as no conscience.
01:30:54 Because it quite.
01:30:55 Literally, is that my conscience is is.
01:31:00 My inner voice.
01:31:02 If you don't have an inner.
01:31:03 Voice the.
01:31:04 You don't have a conscience.
01:31:10 If you don't have that, that still small voice in your head telling you what to do.
01:31:15 And what the difference between white right and wrong is guess who's telling you television shows like this?
Speaker 12
01:31:27 Movies and.Devon
01:31:35 Content creators.01:31:37 I guess now it's now.
01:31:38 It's like like YouTube.
01:31:41 Make up fagots and **** like that, right?
01:31:46 Tick tokers.
01:31:54 You're going to lose your kid.
01:31:56 If you don't let your kid be trans, you're going to.
01:31:58 Lose your kid.
01:32:03 If your kid starts playing with, if your your your son starts playing with the Dolly and you don't start ******* pumping them full of hormone blockers.
01:32:11 He's going to kill himself.
01:32:15 That's what they tell these parents.
01:32:27 They tell these parents if you don't embrace their made-up.
01:32:33 Usually not by them.
01:32:37 Gender identity.
01:32:39 And start mutilating their little bodies.
01:32:42 Now they'll kill themselves.
01:32:49 In the 90s, if you don't accept your gay son.
01:32:53 He's not going to kill himself, but he might as well be dead, cause you'll be dead to him.
01:33:05 You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it.
01:33:11 You have to tolerate it.
01:33:18 So of course, after some thinking about this.
01:33:24 He decides to do the mature thing.
01:33:29 He decides to do.
01:33:30 The grown up thing.
Speaker 4
01:33:32 I'm sorry you didn't have such a good time.01:33:35 I mean, between that insane birthday party and the cab ride and.
01:33:40 Well, my dad.
Speaker 20
01:33:41 RJ, I know you grew up here, so I'm only going to say this once and then I'll drop it.01:33:46 This is 1 squirrely little sandbar.
Speaker 4
01:33:51 That's OK.01:33:51 No, I'll handle this.
01:33:54 You see.
01:33:55 Oh, here, look here.
01:33:55 There's been a there's been a mistake here.
01:33:57 There's no charge.
01:33:58 For these tickets, no.
01:33:59 Thanks. We'll pay.
Speaker 20
01:34:00 RJ, if he wants to pay, just let us.Speaker 4
01:34:02 I said we'll.01:34:03 Pay RJ, you don't have to go.
01:34:06 Yeah, yeah, I do.
01:34:08 Because I was thinking if you didn't, we could.
01:34:12 I I mean, just because you, I mean you too are.
01:34:20 You know, you don't have to ruin.
01:34:23 Everything dad.
01:34:24 Who are you kidding?
01:34:26 I mean, you're so ashamed of me.
01:34:27 In my life.
01:34:28 You can't even.
01:34:29 Say the word out loud.
01:34:32 Come on, Luke.
01:34:36 OK, you're gay.
01:34:41 My son is gay.
01:34:47 There's my gay son and his boyfriend.
Speaker 16
01:34:50 He's gay too.Devon
01:34:56 See he?01:34:56 He's accepting it.
01:34:57 He's he's not only just accept, he's now embracing it so much he's not even.
01:35:01 He's not even embarrassed.
01:35:03 He's now bordering on pride.
01:35:05 He's almost proud of his son.
01:35:06 He's almost.
01:35:07 Proud to to proclaim it to.
01:35:10 The world that.
Speaker 8
01:35:11 His son.Speaker 12
01:35:12 ***** men in the ***.Devon
01:35:15 On a side note, what did I?01:35:17 Say about white people.
01:35:19 Like literally everyone in this is white.
01:35:23 All the extras, everybody's all white.
01:35:27 Wasn't super long ago.
01:35:30 In fact, I'll find out.
01:35:32 Let me.
01:35:32 Find the exact year this episode aired.
01:35:35 So this is from season seven, episode 13.
01:35:45 Alright, it started in 1990.
01:35:50 So this would have been 1997.
01:35:57 1997.
01:36:04 So 25 years ago.
01:36:17 25 years ago.
01:36:20 People were were still awkward around gay people.
01:36:24 And shunning them.
01:36:27 And shows tell Hollywood television shows.
01:36:31 Had 100% white Cass.
01:36:37 Yeah, people in the chat saying I see about 10 years well, there's like a ton of Jews, but you get what I mean, right?
01:36:43 They're just see, those are Jews playing white people.
01:36:51 Which is what they always do, right?
Speaker 4
01:36:54 There is my gay son and his.Speaker 5
01:36:57 He's gay too, and I love him.Speaker 4
01:37:04 Well, not the boyfriend.01:37:09 I just met him.
01:37:11 But I understand he's very.
01:37:13 It's OK, dad, I hear.
01:37:15 You. No, it's not.
01:37:16 By the way, I I.01:37:17 Actually have that microphone.
01:37:18 It's one of.
01:37:19 My one of my favorite microphones for communications microphones.
Speaker 12
01:37:23 On tube gear, but anyway.Speaker 4
01:37:25 Not good enough.01:37:26 No, no.
01:37:26 I want to try and understand about this whole gay thing.
01:37:30 I mean it.
01:37:31 I mean it, RJ.
01:37:32 No, I do.
01:37:33 I I really.
01:37:34 Do I?
01:37:35 I know you do that.
01:37:39 Happy birthday, dad.
01:37:47 Happy Music roll credits the end.01:37:53 He finally grew up.
01:37:59 He finally learned his lesson.
01:38:06 That if he didn't want to lose his son.
01:38:10 He had to be proud of, of, of.
Speaker 12
01:38:12 Of him being gay.Devon
01:38:15 Right.01:38:17 I mean, he's literally shouting it.
01:38:22 On a PA system.
01:38:26 It's no different than all those 90s ROM Coms, right?
01:38:31 Where there's the guy who's.
01:38:32 Afraid of commitment?
01:38:35 And then at the end, he's like, running in some ******* airport screaming you.
Speaker 6
01:38:39 Know I love you.01:38:40 I don't care who knows it.
01:38:45 I accept you for all your flaws.01:38:47 I don't care that you ****** the entire football team.
01:38:50 You were meant to be.
01:39:07 25 years ago.
01:39:10 And all it took all it took.
Speaker 6
01:39:12 Once you, once you.Devon
01:39:14 Had that crack in the armor.01:39:25 It just it took 20.
01:39:26 Five years, 25 years.
01:39:30 To where you had this in public buildings.
01:39:51 See and look again.
01:39:52 Look at all the faces of the people in the audience.
01:39:54 No one looks uncomfortable.
01:40:01 Most of the characters in that show from 25 years ago were at least mildly uncomfortable with the idea that he was gay, right?
01:40:10 Like you don't have to like it.
01:40:11 You just have.
01:40:11 To accept it, right?
Speaker 6
01:40:13 But look at.Devon
01:40:13 These people smiles.01:40:16 Smiles, smiles. Ohh look.
01:40:20 Well, you can't tell if some of these people are smiling.
01:40:22 They're ******* mask cards.
01:40:24 Smiles. Smiles.
01:40:27 Sign language.
01:40:28 I guess.
01:40:28 Guy, I don't know what the **** that is all about.
01:40:31 One seems upset by this.
01:40:38 But I guess artsy.
01:40:39 Not that important, is it, conservatives?
01:40:44 It's just a big waste, huh?
01:40:53 Look, every one of the the women in.
01:40:55 The back.
01:40:57 All smiling.
01:41:00 All excited by this.
Speaker 5
01:41:07 Get in the pin.Devon
01:41:22 We need to just be not OK with this.01:41:28 I'm done with acting like it.
01:41:30 It's OK at all.
01:41:31 It's not OK at all.
01:41:35 They need to get in the ******* pit.
01:41:41 OK.
01:41:48 So that's the.
01:41:50 That's like I said, that's just one example of a million, you know, a million different TV shows had that.
01:41:54 Seinfeld, of course, famously had that.
01:41:57 Not that there's anything wrong with that kind of ****, and every every 90s sitcom that was, you know, prime time, had some version of that.
01:42:06 And this goes back.
01:42:07 It's not even just the 90s going.
01:42:08 Back to the 80s.
01:42:10 In well, even going back to the 70s.
01:42:14 Just not as much in the 70s it was a slow trickle in the 70s, but by the 90s it was full on.
01:42:20 It was like by the 90s they were starting at the state level in Massachusetts, for example, they were already pushing for gay marriage to be legalized.
01:42:41 25 years is all it took.
01:42:46 25 years. That's why when I say things like.
01:42:52 You zoom out, you have to zoom.
01:42:54 Out the graph.
Speaker 7
01:42:59 It's it's more than.Devon
01:43:01 Just the obvious, right? It's also if you look at what happened here 25 years ago, the way that it's being presented in this television show and then where we're at today, right, if you look at how much of a difference there is in culture from 1997 to 2023.01:43:23 Then you can also imagine look at what's going on in culture today.
01:43:29 Right?
01:43:30 Like, what's what's being instead of, you know, having the ohh, you should accept your gay son in a in a sitcom.
01:43:36 What's being said now today?
01:43:39 Well, now it's it's it's being just it's, it's in whisper mode.
01:43:42 Still, it hasn't been fully mainstreamed yet, but they are starting to do whispers about minor attracted persons, right?
01:43:51 That's still has a few more decades.
01:43:52 I think it might go a little faster.
01:43:55 Things everything just seems to go faster these days.
01:43:58 And maybe that's because of technology and communications and everything else.
01:44:01 In fact, it most likely is, right? These ideas can spread much faster than they could in the 1990s.
01:44:09 And people are just generally more susceptible to these new ideas because there's no existing culture to erase.
01:44:18 People are basically a blank slate when it comes to morality.
01:44:23 People don't have a religion that that the the programmers have to replace.
01:44:27 It's it's just empty.
01:44:29 They just have these empty ******* fagots walking around and they can still pump them full of whatever, so it'll probably go a little bit faster than than 25 years, but you're starting to have that kind of thing whispering already.
01:44:40 Oh yeah, minor attract the persons and ethical pedophile and and this kind of ****.
01:44:45 Right.
01:44:46 And then the trans kid thing is just, I mean.
01:44:49 That's mainstream already.
01:44:52 That's mainstream already that in fact, that's a good example of how quickly these things can change and something. And let's say 2014.
01:45:01 That would have been kind of insane.
01:45:05 Like when did when did Jazz Jennings first get that stupid show on?
01:45:10 Let's see here.
01:45:12 I think it was 2014, right?
01:45:17 So that was.
01:45:17 One of the first, because that's that's.
01:45:19 Basically, what sitcoms have kind of turned into.
01:45:22 Right.
01:45:25 It's turned into like these gay reality shows and stuff like that.
01:45:31 Let's see when the show started.
01:45:43 When was this show?
01:45:46 2014 I think.
01:45:54 Yeah, and.
01:45:54 And you know, it's funny.
01:45:57 I'm looking here at the the Wikipedia entry for Jazz Jennings, and once you know it.
01:46:07 The people that were supporting Jazz Jennings in 2014.
01:46:12 Was was was the Libertarian Party.
01:46:16 That's right, libertarians.
01:46:18 Reason magazine.
01:46:20 Ohh good old reason magazine.
01:46:26 They wrote an article.
01:46:28 Called I am Jazz is one of.
01:46:30 The most banned books in the United States.
01:46:33 Banned books.
01:46:34 You're you ******* Nazis.
01:46:39 See the libertarians right.
01:46:41 What did I tell you?
01:46:43 Libertarians think that there's there's that you can only do two things.
01:46:46 You either have to be the ones actively promoting the evil, or you have to be the ones enabling the people actively promoting the evil.
01:46:55 And they choose to be the ones enabling the ones actively promoting the evil.
01:47:00 And in this case we have the example of Reason magazine telling everyone how bad the Christians are, cause they're trying to ban.
01:47:07 A book like the Nazis.
01:47:12 Back in 2014.
01:47:15 Before there was a trans kid epidemic.
01:47:18 Libertarians are lining up to support.
Speaker 4
01:47:22 The individual rights.Devon
01:47:24 Of jazz Jennings.01:47:29 But yeah, prior to 2014.
01:47:33 You didn't hear **** about this.
01:47:40 You didn't hear **** about this.
01:47:46 2014 there was basically no such thing as trans kids.
01:47:51 10 years later, it's like.
01:47:55 Normal, completely normal.
01:47:59 There are trans kid characters in cartoons now.
01:48:07 And again, there's like a snowball effect here.
01:48:10 What do you think's going to happen to these kids? And there's lots of them. Don't just because your kids don't watch these awful shows. Don't think that there's not a huge number of children that do.
01:48:22 Or don't think that there's there's not.
01:48:26 There's a lot of kids growing up.
01:48:29 Instead of instead of watching this TV show thinking ohh God I I sure hope that when I have a kid, if he ends up gay that he understands I'll still love him anyway and I'll accept him for.
01:48:41 Who he is.
01:48:44 They're watching, they're they're getting a totally different program downloaded into their brain.
01:48:53 They're thinking, man, if my kid comes home and and thinks he's a a Unicorn.
01:48:59 And once to chop *** **** off.
01:49:02 I'll pay for the surgery.
01:49:06 And anyone, anyone who makes fun of him is a ******* Nazi.
01:49:10 They want to put you in the pit.
01:49:27 So and chat said cartoons.
01:49:29 That's kind of funny.
Speaker 12
01:49:37 That is kind of funny.Speaker 8
01:49:42 UM.Devon
01:49:45 All right, let's take a look at.01:49:47 Some hyper chats.
Speaker 12
01:49:52 Why not here?01:49:59 Pop out the chat here.
Speaker 7
01:50:14 Yeah, it's.Devon
01:50:18 It's frustrating.01:50:23 Harmless Chi Ed Dutton talked about how mortality salience is something that increases.
01:50:30 Fertility do you believe?
01:50:33 And then it updated.
01:50:34 Do you believe that sharing of the stories in the PAT Con series and black crime videos can increase mortality salience among whites, therefore increasing the fertility rate?
01:50:45 Of whites.
01:50:48 I mean, I've never thought of it that way, but.
01:50:51 It could.
01:50:55 I guess it could.
01:50:58 I guess it could because if you think about it, there's a lot of a lot of a lot of what goes into I think.
01:51:08 The decadence.
01:51:12 Or rather, the decadent attitude that that leads to a lot of people not having a lot of children.
01:51:19 Is that?
01:51:22 It's kind of like the the way a lot of people don't help.
01:51:27 Or or give the charities anymore and stuff like that, they figure like.
01:51:30 It or someone?
01:51:31 Else will will pick up the slack, right?
01:51:34 Like, just think of all your coworkers.
01:51:35 They're like that.
01:51:37 Like that seems to be generally as we get more decadent, people just start thinking in terms of, well, I'm going to do whatever the hell I want.
01:51:45 It'll be fine because other people are taking care of the problem.
01:51:51 And if you think that no, no one else is taking care of the problem.
01:51:55 In fact, the problem is getting a lot worse and you know we need to.
01:52:01 We need to.
01:52:02 Be part of the solution here.
01:52:05 I think that could lead to having.
01:52:07 Having more kids, having a fear of of an end of your race, I would hope would motivate people to have more kids.
01:52:16 If it doesn't, then you know.
Speaker 7
01:52:20 You know, I guess we're ****** because.Devon
01:52:23 I feel like that that fear.01:52:25 I don't know if fear is the right word, but at least the.
01:52:28 That acknowledgement that that danger exists is going to become more and more.
01:52:34 Hard to ignore for the average, even the average white person right as they.
01:52:42 As they come face to face.
01:52:44 With the the danger themselves on a very personal level.
01:52:47 I mean, just those people in the.
01:52:50 Videos we watch are real people.
01:52:52 That this shift's happening to.
01:52:53 You know, like the.
01:52:57 The violence that's out there and.
01:53:00 And and look, these people that are just being.
01:53:06 Discriminated against in a less violent way, but in just as much of AA damaging way, you know passed over for jobs, et cetera.
01:53:17 I mean, people, people notice that stuff.
01:53:23 It could.
01:53:24 It could increase fertility, I guess.
01:53:26 Hammer authorizing 1.
01:53:39 I'm pretty knowledgeable of history and something that escaped me was the Indonesian mass killings of 1965 to 1966.
01:53:50 It was the army exterminating 500,000 to 1,000,000 communists by melee weapons or by putting them in a pit and burying them alive.
01:54:01 The most base thing I had ever heard of in terms of getting, you know, getting the pit.
Speaker 7
01:54:08 That was that.01:54:09 That's not the.
01:54:10 Killing fields stuff. Is it?
01:54:12 The Indonesian mass killings.01:54:16 Well, we might. I might.
01:54:17 Have to look into that.
01:54:19 I'm not familiar with that either.
01:54:22 Graham playing games the top minds influencing the development of AI had better be very moral. Let's see with that person wanting to create a friendly, I thinks about the sanctity of a child's life. Fascinating.
01:54:37 And you have a link to a tweet here.
Speaker 7
01:54:39 Take a look.Devon
01:54:41 I mean I.01:54:43 Look, we all know how these.
Speaker 7
01:54:44 People are.01:54:45 Right.
01:54:46 I don't think it's going to surprise anyone.01:54:48 What we find here, but let's let's do it anyway.
01:54:50 Why not?
Speaker 12
01:55:00 OK, let's see here.01:55:01 Won't pop up.
01:55:02 It probably won't pop up because I have to keep.
01:55:06 I need to keep fixing this every ******* time for some reason.
Speaker 2
01:55:12 There we go.Devon
01:55:14 Just a reminder.01:55:15 That the guy calling for air strikes on data centers and Time magazine also thinks it's probably OK to abort children post birth because they don't have qualia yet.
01:55:28 What does anyone listen to or or why does anyone listen to what this moral imbecile has to say?
01:55:36 So this is utilizer yada agosti.
01:55:41 He says.
01:55:44 18 months or I guess he's responding to a poll. For those of you listening, the poll is at what point does the probability of abortion is murder exceed 50% conception middle of the second trimester, third trimester or day before birth?
01:56:00 And his answer is no option for 18 months.
01:56:03 I am not a student of developmental psychology, but there's no way an infinite has qualia at birth.
01:56:08 Their brains are less reflective than most animals you eat.
01:56:12 So yeah, this is the this is the one of the people that are, that's.
01:56:16 Look, I've I the second AI even started to.
01:56:19 Be a thing.
01:56:20 And it was.
01:56:21 And I told you guys.
01:56:23 It was immediately woke.
01:56:25 If it's ever put in charge of anything that can decide your fate, you're
01:56:31 Going to be ******.
01:56:33 It's going to be programmed by people that hate white people.
01:56:36 It's going to be programmed by people who hate white man, white Christian males the most.
01:56:47 This is why we have to shun these people.
01:56:52 People that that poo poo the idea of.
01:56:55 Oh, yeah.
01:56:55 OK, you're going to make your own little parallel society or whatever.
01:57:00 Well, if if I don't want to be genocide by a mixture of AI and people like elizer here.
01:57:11 You want to be dependent on on his software.
01:57:15 Stay in the cities.
01:57:16 See how that works out for you.
01:57:18 Drive a car that's controlled by his AI that has to make a judgment call when there's a situation where there's two cars and one of them has to go off a Cliff.
01:57:30 Well, you're the white Christian male, so it's you.
01:57:39 And that might sound like an absurd example, and maybe it is, but that's the kind of decision making.
01:57:47 That these AIS will be making it will have to prefer one or the other.
01:57:51 It will prefer some you or someone else in in at least some situation that will massively affect your life.
01:58:00 And it's coming quick.
01:58:02 It's coming quick if no for no other reason that people are.
01:58:05 Lazy and cheap.
01:58:12 See absolutely.
01:58:15 You don't want to be in.
01:58:16 In. Yeah, I mean.
01:58:17 It's bad enough living in the cities.
01:58:19 You don't want to be in in the ******* cities that these.
Speaker 12
01:58:21 People are going to design with their AI's.Devon
01:58:25 Mark ESPY, Douglas Mackey can still appeal.01:58:29 If he does get convicted, it will be a real black pill moment and a Rubicon will have been crossed.
01:58:36 A conviction worse than any January 6th defendant.
01:58:39 This is the government saying do not **** with.
01:58:42 For those who don't know, that's what Ricky Vaughn was.
01:58:45 His was his Twitter name.
01:58:47 He's the one that made the to vote for Hillary.
01:58:51 Text 55 you know or text Hillary to 5-6, whatever the ****, right? We all remember those memes on Twitter. Well, now, if you make those memes.
01:59:02 You might have the DOJ put you in federal prison, which is exactly what happened.
01:59:07 Or is in the process of happening to Douglas Mackey.
01:59:10 He was found guilty.
01:59:12 Yes, he can appeal.
01:59:14 But I mean, he was still I.
Speaker 12
01:59:15 Mean it it's.Devon
01:59:17 He's already been found guilty.01:59:19 And I do I do not.
01:59:21 I do not envy the amount of.
01:59:24 Of of lawyer fees that are going to be involved by the end of all this for making making a meme, making a meme that that the DOJ is admitting, here's the crazy thing you think of it this way.
01:59:38 The DOJ is claiming that making that meme.
01:59:44 Just that making that meme.
01:59:48 That text, Hillary to 593 whatever.
01:59:52 To vote for Hillary is election interference.
01:59:58 While simultaneously arguing.
02:00:02 That there was no election interference.
02:00:06 In the election of Joe Biden.
02:00:12 Look, even if we throw out all the all the other the the actual fraud stuff, even if you just look at it from their definition then.
02:00:22 If making this meme, that's that's, you know, gonna trick a handful of really ******* stupid people.
02:00:28 If that's election interference.
02:00:32 Then why is everyone at CNN not marched into the pit?
02:00:43 In fact, most journalists should be.
02:00:45 Marched under the pit, but.
02:00:47 Of course, right.
02:00:48 Like you said, it's just.
02:00:49 Them saying don't **** with us.
02:00:51 Harmless G thoughts on doing white savior movies?
02:00:55 I believe the white savior narrative is pernicious because it syops whites into practicing out group preference and sacrificed themselves for the good of non whites who will never reciprocate.
02:01:07 Where's your part?
02:01:08 To the most.
02:01:09 Recent white savior movie I watched was the 2006 film Blood Diamond, where Leonardo Di Caprio plays a Rhodesian.
02:01:17 It was directly directed by Edward Zick, a Jew who also directed the white savior films glory and the Last Samurai.
02:01:26 Yeah, no, it's it's it's basically it's this.
02:01:33 View of of the the out group.
02:01:37 That's very as you said, very pernicious.
02:01:39 It's very dangerous.
02:01:42 Because it's it's saying that it's almost like it, like like that character in wings that I was telling you about.
02:01:48 That is, it's always trying so hard to assimilate.
02:01:51 He's so adorable.
02:01:52 It's so cute when he mispronounced his words and whatever.
02:01:56 And we just need to keep, we need to give extra opportunities to him because he's trying so *** **** hard.
02:02:04 And you know, we shouldn't focus on our own people and and and the betterment of our own kind.
02:02:10 We should focus all of our our efforts on these, these lower life forms.
02:02:16 Who will never, of course, then turn around and and blame us for all their problems.
02:02:22 You know that will never happen.
02:02:26 Alright, love *** **** Mike from night train.
Speaker 11
02:02:32 Money is power money.02:02:33 Is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Speaker 6
02:02:37 Look how Julie this *** is.Devon
02:02:57 Do you think that the ship the US is being steered into the rocks?02:03:02 Is it intentional or due to incompetency or both countries dump the dumping?
02:03:08 The dollar is going to wreck things pretty bad, and it doesn't seem like anyone is at the wheel.
02:03:14 But hey ********, everything is so gay and ********.
02:03:18 I think it's a mixture of both.
02:03:20 I think that the way that it that you can steer it into the rocks is by putting a competent people into power.
02:03:28 It makes it a lot easier.
02:03:30 And that's the wrong game, right?
02:03:32 That's what white replacements literally about.
02:03:35 White replacement is is about getting a more docile, stupid.
02:03:42 Livestock in your ranch.
02:03:47 That's what it's about.
02:03:48 It's it's about.
02:03:48 Making it easier to manage.
02:03:54 And that's.
02:03:58 So it's both, it's it's really both.
02:04:04 As far as is it, you know as far.
02:04:06 As the dollar getting dumped.
02:04:09 I don't think it's going to happen overnight.
02:04:11 Our military is pretty big.
02:04:15 It's pretty gay.
02:04:16 It's getting gayer by the 2nd.
02:04:18 But it's not so gay that they can't go drone your ***.
02:04:24 And by the way, I don't mean that as like us like, I don't mean that like domestically.
02:04:29 Everyone acts like ohh yeah.
02:04:32 You wouldn't stand a chance against the federal government. You and your AR15. You know you, they'll just come drown your ***.
02:04:38 Really, you want that to be the headline.
02:04:40 You don't think that's going to like stir up the pot a little bit?
02:04:45 You don't think that's?
02:04:46 Gonna maybe activate some crazies.
02:04:51 Biden drones the Q Anon.
02:04:53 Shaman like right?
02:04:59 Who by the?
02:05:00 Way is out of jail now, isn't he?
02:05:01 He got out of jail, which is.
Speaker 12
02:05:04 Kind of funny.Devon
02:05:06 For that, for the footage showed that.02:05:08 His entire trial was a sham.
02:05:20 So yeah, the.
02:05:25 That's one thing that, like, uh.
02:05:28 I don't think you have to worry as much as everyone thinks.
02:05:32 Because the second they crossed that line, it's on.
02:05:34 It's, it's, it's ******* on.
02:05:40 Look, it's one thing to throw you.
02:05:41 In jail.
02:05:44 It's one thing to throw you in jail and and to have all of these, these hearings and and all this propaganda and whatever once shots are fired, shots are fired.
02:05:59 You can't put the bullets back into the shell, you know.
02:06:09 Let's see here Western collapse report.
02:06:13 The stack attack is back.
Speaker 12
02:06:16 I guess it's uh.02:06:18 It's a poem.
02:06:19 You're a poem.
02:06:20 You didn't even know it.
Speaker 7
02:06:24 The vexed.Devon
02:06:26 Ever see the ever see shattered Glass from 2003? It's about a journalist that got caught in making up news stories.02:06:33 In the 90s.
02:06:35 I don't think.
02:06:36 So let me look at let me look at this up.
02:06:38 I don't that doesn't sound familiar.
02:06:41 Lots of journalists have been caught doing that, though.
02:06:45 That's most journalists, I think, actually do that.
Speaker 12
02:06:51 Uh, who's in it?02:06:52 Who's in it?
02:06:56 Now this doesn't look familiar.02:06:57 It's got.
02:06:59 It's got that ******* annoying kid from Star Wars in it.
02:07:04 That's why I haven't seen it.
02:07:05 Everything he's in is, is is in his cancer.
02:07:09 I might be worth looking at at some point.
02:07:12 Western collapse report you should do an awesome movie review instead of a bad one once my suggestion.
02:07:22 One my suggestion thing 1982, one of the best movies ever made. Well, I don't know. Doing a good movie review, though. It's like, why? I've never seen 19/2 when.
Speaker 12
02:07:33 We see what this is.Devon
02:07:37 1982 movie.02:07:48 I have a hard time believing this is as good as you think.
02:08:00 It's about Lebanese people, I don't know.
Speaker 7
02:08:05 Is this like?Devon
02:08:06 A Lebanese movie.02:08:10 Wow, this is a Lebanese movie, so.
02:08:13 I can't relate to it right now.
02:08:19 I might.
02:08:19 I might check it out sometime though.
02:08:21 I'll tell you.
02:08:22 What it's been a long time as I've seen any movie I would classify as good.
02:08:26 The slipstream Speaking of eventually when I start making more money, I will give him more, but for now, here you go buddy.
02:08:35 You should look into more Jewish made movies.
02:08:39 Loved your review on the Rothschilds.
02:08:41 The video is called the man who saved Europe.
02:08:45 The Oh yeah.
02:08:47 Nope, that's that's the one about the Rothschilds movie.
02:08:50 Well, thanks for the thanks for the high five there.
02:08:56 Appreciate that.
02:08:59 Night train 88.
02:09:03 The 90s had a lot of blasphemous movies, stigmata, end of days, dogma, devil's advocate, et cetera.
02:09:11 I never really saw these or really thought about them, and something brought them to my attention recently.
02:09:18 I didn't.
02:09:18 I do something about devil's advocate.
02:09:22 I'm almost positive I did.
02:09:24 If I didn't, I watched it with the intention of doing it.
02:09:28 But I thought I did.
02:09:29 I see I've done so many.
02:09:31 Of these, now they do start to.
02:09:33 Get a little blurry in the memory.
02:09:35 Here, stigmata was one of the I.
02:09:38 Actually, I I had a friend that worked at the movie theater.
02:09:44 When that, when that hit the theaters.
02:09:47 And it was, it looked boring and gay, but I'd seen every other ******* movie, and I was just watching free movies.
02:09:54 So he let me in and I I laughed like halfway through it, cause it just didn't even make any sense like it was just like.
02:10:03 I don't know.
02:10:04 It was just boring.
02:10:05 It was just like, really, really boring.
02:10:08 Maybe if I was Catholic it.
02:10:09 Would have or something.
02:10:10 It would have made more sense.
02:10:11 But I was just like, what the ****?
02:10:15 At least devil's advocate was kind of a, you know, well put together.
02:10:18 Movie never saw end of Days, Dogma was annoying and like super blasphemous.
02:10:24 But what do you expect from Kevin Smith?
02:10:26 You know the guy who thinks he's way, way more deep than he really is.
02:10:32 But yeah, that was also that's you got to think of it. That's just that shows you how bold they were at that point in the 1990s, while everyone was philosemitic, of course they were anti Christian.
02:10:45 Comfy chair been catching the replay lately?
02:10:48 Made a new version of a different bumper I sent last year.
Speaker 12
02:10:57 Let's see what this is.Speaker 8
02:11:09 Antisemitism intensified.Devon
02:11:29 I dig it.02:11:30 I dig it.
02:11:31 I'll have to.
Speaker 12
02:11:34 Load that in there.02:11:35 Let's see here.
02:11:42 It's doing the weird mega download Speaking of Mega.02:11:49 Now, where the **** did it?
Speaker 12
02:11:50 Download to you.02:11:50 I hate this.
02:11:57 keeps screaming about you need to go to the US nuclear wars. Die. It's night. It's totally night.02:12:07 I I don't you know.
02:12:09 I think it's he's being a little hysterical.
02:12:12 But yeah, then again, maybe he knows something we don't know.
02:12:16 He does have a ton of money.
02:12:17 And he does know people that in high places, believe it or.
02:12:21 Not including people at WikiLeaks that have seen more, a lot more.
02:12:27 Then they have.
02:12:30 Than they've ever released.
02:12:31 There's a lot of stuff WikiLeaks never released.
02:12:36 I don't know how much stuff it they seem oddly irrelevant now, now that Assange is locked up.
02:12:44 You kind of, I kind of thought that they would keep releasing stuff, but they seem like they're kind of their.
02:12:50 Their time is coming and gone.
02:12:53 Which is a shame.
02:12:55 Nothing will repeat the excitement.
02:12:58 Of the WikiLeaks drops during the 2016 election, where just like every ******* day, you're like, holy ****, what crazy ******* thing are we going to find this?
02:13:08 Time you know.
Speaker 7
02:13:11 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
02:13:25 Have you heard of The Goldbergs?02:13:26 It was a kite sitcom in the 40s and 50s.
02:13:29 I have, actually, I.
02:13:31 Actually I downloaded some epic well and finish your thing.
02:13:35 Trying to portray Jews as normal Americans with large, well placed pictures of Lincoln and Washington in their living room.
02:13:42 One of the cast members was fired during the Red Scare.
02:13:45 The show was full of ads for Jew owned pharma.
02:13:49 No, that was so I did.
02:13:51 Can I start watching them?
02:13:54 And it was just so unrelatable.
02:13:56 Just in general.
02:13:57 And it was.
02:13:58 So there were so many ads, like they were within the show.
02:14:01 It's very weird the way that they did television back then.
02:14:05 Like it was, it was like if you ever been.
02:14:07 Well, OK, it's actually kind of.
02:14:09 It's funny, it's come full circle.
02:14:10 It's like when you're watching these Youtubers, now they're like.
02:14:14 Guys, I'm going to tell you how Democrats are the real racist, but before we do that, let's talk about this VPN.
02:14:21 This VPN's really great and it's really awesome guys. I promise it'll stop the FBI from finding out all about your Fed posting and so make sure you get this VPN. Oh, and by the way, that I mentioned that you can buy this gold, buy some gold.
02:14:35 And then they yeah, after they after, like, half of the video is this garbage, they're like, yeah.
02:14:40 So anyway, the Democrats are like the real racist.
02:14:42 That's kind of how that's how The Goldbergs was.
02:14:46 It seemed like.
02:14:47 They had, just like I watched it.
02:14:49 It was really difficult to watch because.
02:14:52 Just humor in general.
02:14:54 Humor has kind of an expiration date.
02:14:56 Humor is is so tied to the context in which it's being delivered that it's real, really almost impossible to find **** funny.
02:15:06 That was funny even 10 years ago, right?
02:15:09 Like every once in a while, there's that.
02:15:12 There's that timeless humor, like someone gets it right, but that's rarely what's being written when they're writing for television.
02:15:19 And so you watch this stuff from the 1940s. You don't get the references, you know, the the, the slang is all kind of weird.
02:15:28 They sound super jewy like their accents are very jewy, and it's just like, what the ****?
02:15:35 And it was on for a long time.
02:15:36 It was on for like.
02:15:38 I think decades, I think it was over 10 years, so I was, I was definitely going to do something about it.
02:15:43 But after watching a couple episodes, I was like, I can't ******* handle this.
02:15:47 Like it's just, it's painful to watch.
02:15:50 It's also kind of hard for me as someone who wasn't born until several decades later.
02:15:58 It's hard for me to know how influential it would be like how audience would have an audience would have perceived something.
02:16:05 That old, you know, because I can watch something from the 80s or 90s and and kind of get to have a night and, you know, even I I can even go further and have an idea, right?
02:16:17 Cause I know people I know Americans that were.
02:16:21 Around in the 1960s and so if I watch a movie from the 60s, I can, I can guess right, like I can build a a computer model in my head and kind of.
02:16:33 Estimate how it would have been perceived by those people, right?
02:16:37 But once you start getting further and further back, you get to the the 1940s. It's like I don't.
02:16:42 Know anyone from the 19?
02:16:44 I don't know.
02:16:45 They're slang.
02:16:46 I don't know, you know, like their values.
02:16:50 The way that you know, actually or just their values in general.
02:16:55 You know, my grandparents.
02:16:57 Our dad.
02:16:59 I I don't know.
02:17:00 I don't I.
02:17:00 Don't know how.
02:17:02 I don't know how that would.
02:17:03 Have been perceived just.
02:17:05 What little I watched was almost unbearable, though it doesn't mean I won't give it.
02:17:09 A second look.
02:17:11 But I did look at it with the intention of doing a stream on it and and just.
02:17:16 I never made it all the way through to because it just it was just too hard to.
02:17:21 To ******* handle it.
02:17:25 You can watch their.
02:17:26 I mean, they're on.
02:17:28 I mean, just so people you know here just.
02:17:31 To give people an idea.
02:17:35 They're on YouTube.
02:17:38 Not all of the episodes, but.
02:17:44 The Goldbergs.
02:17:46 All right, so here's a given idea.
02:17:51 Pop this up just so people kind of understand what the hell I'm talking about here and what you're talking about.
Speaker 12
02:18:01 Where the **** is there we are.Devon
02:18:10 Yes, you're already already the vitamin corporation of like it's there's so much product placement that it's it's it's a little ridiculous.02:18:26 The makers of right, right, budal.
02:18:30 By high potency rebuttal.
02:18:35 Like it, it doesn't stop with this.
02:18:37 It's like constantly adds.
Speaker 19
02:18:39 Hello I didn't know such a Madam.Devon
02:18:41 See this is.02:18:42 How it opens some like weird Jewish lady hanging out a window trying to sell you pills.
Speaker 19
02:18:49 Amorphous is such a change that's coming over all my friends and my neighbors. You know what everybody's doing? They're paint.02:18:56 They're they're expressing themselves.
02:18:58 I don't know.
02:18:59 I always express myself without a paintbrush.
02:19:01 And if there's something the matter with me, I express myself to my drugstore, man.
02:19:05 And I say right, you talk. Please listen, it may help you. Like it helps me. One ride you told gel your cap is worth 1000 words. So if you are feeling, I'm tired.
02:19:15 Not resting by a good night's sleep.
02:19:18 If you don't have that bubbling feeling of energy like you're.
02:19:21 They have, you know, it could be because you're not getting the important elements and right people try.
02:19:27 I mean it.
02:19:28 You don't know what?
02:19:29 A wonderful difference ritual can make how wonderful you can.
02:19:32 Feel I mean just you know.
02:19:34 Alright, so so so maybe in a day even and the reason is.
02:19:37 Alright, you see how I couldn't handle it?02:19:39 Like she's still going like most of the show.
02:19:42 Is this this ******* garbage?
02:19:44 And then the story is never like much of A story.
02:19:48 You know, it's like some story that it's not really.
02:19:51 It's hard to follow because you don't understand the cultural.
02:19:56 Aspects of 1940s immigrant Jew.
02:20:00 And they're constantly shilling garbage at you.
Speaker 11
02:20:06 Mrs. Barnett.Speaker 14
02:20:08 And yes, Mr. Goldberg.Speaker
02:20:09 If you have a chance, would you mind dropping in?Devon
02:20:12 I'm going to try to sell you more crap.02:20:18 Yeah, it's pretty ******* awful.
02:20:20 Try I.
02:20:20 In fact I'm I I.
02:20:21 Think this is one of the episodes I watched.
02:20:24 Because it was on, it was on YouTube.
02:20:27 Yeah, maybe sometime it might be worth.
02:20:29 It it just it's.
02:20:32 It's it's gonna be really painful.
02:20:34 I think this is 1.
02:20:34 Of the newer ones, this is the 1950. This episode is 1954.
02:20:38 The 1940s ones were, uh, were even worse.
02:20:44 Anyway, Nazi dice just says *******.
02:20:49 My fat little ******** toe getting the pit is the only correct response to these fagots.
02:20:55 I called dibs on the on running the excavator.
02:20:59 The excavator, huh?
02:21:00 I don't know.
02:21:00 I don't think we need a an excavator.
Speaker 6
02:21:04 I don't see one there.Speaker 5
02:21:06 Get in the pit.Devon
02:21:22 Oops, that all right.02:21:29 The government.
02:21:30 Hey, Devan saw the stream clip on the Utah Hi-fi murders.
02:21:35 You should check out the Zebra murders.
02:21:37 Racially motivated killing of whites most haven't heard of.
02:21:42 I'll copy and paste.
Speaker 12
02:21:43 That for later.02:21:46 The zebra murders.
02:21:54 All right. Damn Bigfoot. With the Twitter. Or wait with Twitter. The problem is you didn't spend the $8 going. Elon is an autistic ******, spending billions just to get left. This mom or the leftist moms money.02:22:13 Well, I I heard that he's making organizations pay even more than that. Like something like $1000. Like, if you're like the New York Times, you'd have to spend, like, a.
02:22:22 1000 bucks a.
02:22:23 Month, which is kind of funny.
02:22:26 But yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:22:30 Twitter is a ******* joke.
02:22:32 Twitter is a ******* joke.
02:22:34 Blazing stranger.
02:22:36 You deserve Tim Poole money.
02:22:38 It's not about that though.
02:22:40 You know, it's really not about that.
02:22:42 It's just it's.
02:22:44 I wish I'll.
02:22:44 Tell you one thing, I wish there was transparency about Tim Poole money.
02:22:49 I bet people will be surprised about where you know, where some of that temple money is coming from.
02:22:55 And I just wish it was an even playing field.
02:22:57 I wish that I could.
02:22:59 I could have a a show that was streaming to the same audience.
02:23:06 As much as I I do believe I'm not just being funny.
02:23:09 Like I believe in.
02:23:10 Quality over quantity.
02:23:12 It would just at least be interesting to know, you know, if if you didn't have people putting their hand on the scale and not just with me.
02:23:19 By the way, like just the idea.
02:23:21 The idea that.
02:23:22 Tim Poole is is where he's at in popularity.
02:23:27 You know the numbers, at least that he he he appears to be getting right.
02:23:32 Out of some kind of like a meritocracy, it's some kind of, you know, result of merit.
02:23:36 Yeah, everyone knows it.
02:23:39 There's a lot of people that.
02:23:41 Would be way bigger than Tim.
Speaker 12
02:23:45 If they didn't get banned.Devon
02:23:49 The theory of special code to prune and freeze targeted accounts makes sense.02:23:54 Targeted accounts must have had a certain threshold to reach and followers when this special code was used on them.
02:24:01 The leftist coders didn't think the code would be used on 0 follower accounts.
02:24:06 See, that's what I'm thinking.
02:24:07 I that's exactly what I'm thinking is I think that it got triggered to like lock down my followers and.
02:24:16 And like you said, it wasn't supposed to be activated with someone that had zero.
02:24:20 So now it's all of a sudden.
02:24:21 In fact, let's have a little.
02:24:22 Look, we haven't looked in a little bit.
02:24:24 Let me see what what my followers are at now.
02:24:28 Remember, it went down to like it was like 17 right at the beginning of the show.
02:24:37 My followers are finally at.
02:24:41 I'm at 16.
02:24:42 We've gone down again.
02:24:46 You can check for yourself.
02:24:49 It's down to 16 followers again.
Speaker 6
02:24:52 See, this isn't ********.Devon
02:24:55 And for if you're just listening, it's at black under score pilled. If you go to at black under score pilled it shows that I have 16 followers and try following and see what happens. It's a fun little game that people have been playing.02:25:10 For the last few days.
02:25:12 And yeah, it doesn't seem to be resolving and it was so funny.
02:25:17 There was all these like very confident people saying oh, oh, you're just you're just you're just blowing this up a portion.
02:25:25 This happens to every account that that gets back like which, by the way, that should raise more questions.
02:25:32 That like, well, why would that happen to every account?
02:25:34 First of all, it it's clearly and that's not the same thing that's happening here.
02:25:38 But even if it was, why would that happen?
02:25:41 That that means there's some kind of shenanigans going?
02:25:45 But the other there's even people that think that there's something I'm doing.
02:25:49 Like I like the, you know, the conspiratard mindset has kicked in and some people, they think that like, somehow I have the ability to unfollow, make people unfollow.
02:25:59 I don't even think there's even like an option.
02:26:01 To do that.
02:26:02 I can't like make someone unfollow me.
Speaker 12
02:26:05 I can block them I guess.Devon
02:26:07 But I can't unfollow them. Oh, I just jumped up. Literally from me just saying this. So I guess some of you guys did this. It just jumped up to 42, so it'll it'll go back down.02:26:17 It'll go back down.
02:26:21 Yeah. So the.
02:26:23 There's people that think that like I'm, I'm somehow like running some kind of something I don't even know what it would be that's forcing everyone to unfollow me, to get publicity somehow.
Speaker 7
02:26:34 I guess I don't know.02:26:37 All right.
02:26:38 Let's see here, sis.
02:26:41 White male.Speaker 12
02:26:43 Sis white male.Devon
02:26:58 Yo, Devin, I've had this set as my ringtone for years, and I love standing in a line at a grocery store and having my notification blast this.02:27:09 Is this grocery store?
Speaker 12
02:27:13 Let me say this is this.Devon
02:27:15 You could just tell me grocery store.02:27:18 No, it's not.
02:27:19 It's something different.
02:27:20 I don't.
Speaker 12
02:27:20 Know what this is?02:27:22 Hold on.
02:27:23 Let's see if we can pop this up.
02:27:26 This better not be really bad because I'm I'm going to watch this for the first time with you guys.Speaker
02:27:31 Get a life juice.Devon
02:27:35 What's that from?Speaker
02:27:36 Get a life juice.Devon
02:27:40 That's Larry David, right?02:27:44 So it's probably some episode.
02:27:45 Of Curb Your Enthusiasm or something like that.
02:27:50 The The Beach Boys with the *** **** money.
02:27:57 That I was about to play.
02:27:59 And now?
Speaker 11
02:27:59 I lost money is.02:28:01 Money is the only weapon that that you.
02:28:03 Have to defend itself.
02:28:05 Look how Julie this *** is.Speaker 14
02:28:24 For the pit.Devon
02:28:25 Thanks for doing these streams even when you're not feeling up to it.02:28:29 Speaking for us all, we look forward to them.
02:28:31 Well, I appreciate that.
02:28:33 Yeah, it's going.
02:28:34 Pretty good today actually, and the show must go on.
02:28:37 It must go on.
02:28:39 That's my philosophy and and and actually.
02:28:43 Thankfully I I was going.
02:28:45 To have to be somewhere.
02:28:49 But like 50 miles away at crack of the ash tomorrow.
02:28:53 But they cancelled.
02:28:53 So I actually get to sleep.
02:28:55 So it's kind of nice, kind of nice.
02:28:58 Kind of nice.
02:29:00 And appreciate the appreciate the.
02:29:04 The support there Beach Boys.
02:29:09 Now you're making me want to there, there's that.
02:29:11 Beach Boys song.
Speaker 12
02:29:14 Uh, what's it called?Devon
02:29:18 The one that they used in the Beach Boy movie.02:29:21 Like for the trailer.
02:29:24 The beach, you know, it's kind of funny.
02:29:25 The Beach Boys, it's kind of a weird band and The Beach Boys are like.
02:29:29 Everyone kind of thinks of like surfing USA and like all the surf rock kind of songs.
02:29:34 But that's like their worst songs.
02:29:38 They had some like kind of, I mean, you know, for that genre they had some like.
02:29:41 Kind of good, good music.
02:29:46 And weren't they friends with what should we call it?
02:29:51 The guy?
02:29:53 The Psycho, the head of that murdering cult.
02:29:58 Yeah, I think they were like, they were like buddies with Charles Manson.
02:30:03 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:30:11 Dude, just us normies who got back our Twitter accounts after being banned for nothing, aren't being seen.
02:30:18 It's like they gave it back to us, but we aren't really there.
02:30:22 Yeah. Well, I mean, like I said, Twitter's gay. In fact, like, there is a alright, so there's a.
02:30:29 Where is that?
02:30:29 There's a study that was put out.
02:30:33 Actually today.
02:30:37 So let's hear.
02:30:39 Despite the public statements in support of free speech, censorship on Twitter has surprisingly increased.
02:30:46 Since billionaire Elon Musk purchased the platform according to data from MRC, Free Speech Americas sensor database.
02:30:56 MRC Free Speech America found that Twitter censorship has been.
02:31:00 On the rise.
02:31:02 Under Musk's leadership in comparison to the old regime, Musk once tweeted that he saw Twitter as the de facto town square and wrote that failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy. It appears the lot of work needs to be done to achieve.
02:31:20 His vision.
02:31:20 So here's a couple of bullet points of what they found.
02:31:25 Twitter censorship, blah blah blah. All right, MRC, free speech America found 293 cases of documented censorship.
02:31:33 Since that's not that much 290.
02:31:35 Three, since most took control the platform and began terminating the previous regimes.
02:31:41 Employees from November 4th through March 4th.
02:31:45 That's 67 more than the 226 documented cases, and they must not be documenting a whole lot of cases then from the old regime during the same. Maybe they only document if you have a blue.
02:31:56 Mark blah blah blah, the severity of the censorship since Musk took over has been harsher, and 245 of the 293 cases.
02:32:08 Twitter locked users accounts and in nearly all cases, users were required to delete the content to regain access to their accounts.
02:32:14 See like like my deck seven account.
02:32:17 I will.
02:32:17 I refuse to do that.
02:32:19 Under the old Twitter.
02:32:20 Regime, by contrast, only 136 of the documented cases of censorship consisted of locked accounts. See again, they must be tracking.
02:32:28 Like famous people, incidents cause like there's.
02:32:32 There's like 136 that happen every hour.
02:32:36 Here's again the previous Twitter regime targeted the biggest, most politically sensitive user accounts, however, must moves or must moves that led to the firing and resignations of key leaders and elitist team in charge of the effort to target high follower accounts has not resulted in the reduction of censorship practice by the remaining rank and file staff.
02:32:58 Involved in content moderation, the implication the remaining staff at Twitter are revolting against Musk's effort to foster free speech environment on the platform.
02:33:08 Some high profile users censored under the old regime during the analyzed period include Senator Ron Johnson, Don Ban, yes.
02:33:18 If they're, if they're acting as if Dan Bongino is like, oh, he's, he's so censored.
02:33:24 Oh my God, not, Dan Bongino.
02:33:28 And the American Heart Association of anyways, this study seems like it's actually kind of ********, but.
02:33:37 Yeah, they're if they're worried about Dan Bongino getting censored.
02:33:42 But yeah, it's still going on.
02:33:44 It's still going on and some of it's because.
02:33:48 Elon is look no one at that level.
02:33:51 Is is as.
02:33:55 As as different morally.
02:33:59 Let me put it this way, you and I.
02:34:03 Are morally more morally different.
02:34:07 Than people like Elon Musk, we have less in common when it comes to worldview, values and morality.
02:34:16 We have less in common.
02:34:19 With Elon Musk, then Elon Musk has with well, probably the the people who used to run.
02:34:26 Twitter at that level, once you get to it, that that level, these people are are largely the same.
02:34:35 They disagree on minor things right, and they might have some big picture disagreements, but these people are they go to the same dinner parties and.
02:34:48 Are pretty much of the same mind on most issues.
02:34:54 So it's not, it's not as like when I heard that Elon was buying.
02:34:56 I wasn't like, oh, yeah, we're people that thought that that was going to be the the end of the censorship or just look.
02:35:07 I don't know, maybe just a lot of there's a lot of optimistic people out there and and it just.
02:35:13 Reality tends to bite them in the ***.
Speaker 7
02:35:18 Let's see here.Devon
02:35:21 Western collapse report what happened to coach?02:35:24 I can't find his videos anymore.
02:35:26 Coach Red Pill, I mean.
02:35:27 And regarding the old bags, you should check out that article about the.
02:35:34 She she economy by 2025, he's still around. I don't know about his videos. I'm sure they're on some platform. He's on Twitter. He's on telegram.
02:35:48 I forget the name of his YouTube channel.
02:35:49 He thought he changed he.
02:35:51 He changed.
02:35:51 I I subbed to it.
02:35:54 But he changed it this I.
02:35:55 Think he changed the name of it?
02:35:57 But you can find he's not that hard.
02:35:59 Gonzalo lira.
Speaker 2
02:36:01 Is not that hard to find.Devon
02:36:03 UMA real ubermensch.02:36:08 A real Uber match with the big.
Speaker 11
02:36:12 **** Money money is power.02:36:14 Money is the only weapon that that you have to.
02:36:16 Defend ******.
02:36:18 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:36:38 Your message is critical to the future of my children.
02:36:41 Every other podcaster wants you on their show.
02:36:44 Please cross pollinate more to spread the reach of your message.
02:36:48 UM.
02:36:49 I don't know if every other podcast or hotspot.
02:36:52 I don't talk to anyone else really.
02:36:54 And it's not because like.
02:36:56 I don't like anybody else or anything like that.
02:36:59 It's just I I I'm not at my computer if I'm not doing this.
02:37:05 At least not right now.
02:37:07 In my community part that you know honestly if there's, if there has been something that has ****** me over in terms of getting censored and having to create more in new accounts all the time and all this other stuff it does, it does break connections with people because they're like.
02:37:24 Twitter has an.
02:37:25 Example with this account I I was looking at my old DMS and it's like oh, I haven't talked to that person in like ******* six since that.
02:37:33 Since this DM, you know 6.
02:37:36 Years ago or whatever, and and so that happens where like there are people that I regularly dmed or semi regularly deemed on Twitter.
02:37:45 And then Twitter gets banned and it's like, you know, that was your that was your.
02:37:49 Connection to that person.
02:37:51 And then you know, same thing.
02:37:53 I had the same kind of thing happen with my my Instagram accounts.
02:37:57 I had Instagram accounts that got banned and you know, I'd be damning people on Instagram and then you have to start a new one.
02:38:04 They have to start and then you just stop using it as much because you get you get tired of it getting banned and so and you don't know.
02:38:10 And every time you have to like refollow everybody and you always miss somebody and it's it's ******* ********.
02:38:16 And that alone sets you back.
02:38:19 It's not even, you know, that's the other kind of ******** that people like Tim Poole don't have to worry about.
02:38:24 You know, people like that, they don't even know what that's like.
02:38:26 They and they go around, talk about how canceled they are.
02:38:28 I really want to ******* just honestly.
02:38:30 When, when, when?
02:38:31 When people like that, like people like Dan Bongino, go around.
02:38:36 And and talk about like, how they're how canceled they are and all this other ******** like, honestly, like, I want them to get.
02:38:44 In the *******.
Speaker 5
02:38:48 Get in the pit.Devon
02:38:55 So anyway, I just like playing that.02:39:01 But I appreciate.
02:39:02 It, and yeah, like I'm always down and going other stuff and I'm just a hard man to get a hold of.
02:39:10 And maybe I should try to make that easier.
02:39:15 Splitter trace referring to your old yellow comparison, putting **** and ******** to death is actually humane because they don't or because.
Speaker 6
02:39:22 They won't.Devon
02:39:24 Accumulate sin and their hell will be less hotter than if they lived long to sin exceedingly and have a hotter hell.02:39:35 Read Leviticus 2013.
02:39:41 I don't know how it gets hotter.
02:39:44 But but I I'm sure look.
02:39:46 I'm sure hell is is less.
02:39:50 The more you sin because you have, you have more to.
02:39:52 Atone for.
02:39:54 I don't know if there's a there's.
02:39:55 An actual heat rating that goes.
02:40:00 But maybe there is. I guess people have to check out that Leviticus 2013 if they want to know.
02:40:07 Zazi Mac taskbar at the grocery market where I work there has been a dramatic shift in masked people from about 50% to less than 10%.
02:40:20 These people were waiting for Daddy government to end COVID.
02:40:23 Thank you for what you do.
02:40:25 Yeah, I honestly I'm.
02:40:27 I've almost seen in real life at least I have almost seen no one in in a mask.
02:40:33 Like the whole time this entire.
02:40:36 99% of the mask wearing I've seen was been on the Internet.
02:40:41 Because it doesn't.
02:40:41 It never really hit out here it did for like a few weeks, like at the post office I told.
02:40:46 You guys about that?
02:40:48 Like so like for.
02:40:49 Like a few weeks, everyone was kind of like, ohh.
02:40:51 And then like everyone got bored of it and stopped wearing their mask.
02:40:54 Including the post office workers, which I'm pretty sure was like illegal cause I think Biden was had a man.
Speaker 7
02:41:01 But they were just like, oh, this is dumb.Devon
02:41:05 So yeah, it's weird that there's even 10% out there.02:41:08 Doing that, I don't know where you live, but that's that's way more than I I I haven't seen anyone in a mask like.
02:41:17 In probably over a year.
02:41:19 Like seriously, probably over a year.
Speaker 12
02:41:21 I haven't seen anybody.Devon
02:41:23 Uh, redu.02:41:25 In my country from Eastern Europe, more immigrants are coming and I saw on the news that Vietnamese immigrants are hunting rats, Gophers, cats and dogs to eat them.
02:41:36 Yeah, would not be surprised.
02:41:37 Would not be that that surprised.
02:41:40 But you should be tolerant.
02:41:42 You don't have to like it, man.
02:41:45 You don't have to like.
02:41:46 It ready?
02:41:46 You just have to accept it.
02:41:49 OK, you just have to accept it.
02:41:53 Electric egg. My girlfriend's cousin's band was playing at a hippie bar last night and wanted me to come.
02:41:59 It was a bunch of pink haired ****** freaks.
02:42:02 I did not fit in.
02:42:03 I'm this big 6 foot two guy wearing normal clothes hanging around a bunch of creepy goblin looking freaks.
02:42:09 It took a lot out of me to not bully.
02:42:13 Well, you need to shun them.
02:42:16 You need to shun them.
02:42:20 And if your friends like hey, come hang out, ******** with me.
02:42:25 Say no.
02:42:25 And if you want me to, if you ask me again, I'll shun you too.
02:42:31 We need to shun these people and.
02:42:33 Tell them why don't.
02:42:34 Be don't be weird.
02:42:35 Don't be passive aggressive about it.
02:42:37 Don't be like oh.
02:42:38 Well, you know, don't make like some gay excuse.
02:42:41 But why you can't hang out with?
02:42:42 ******** just say.
02:42:43 No, I don't want to ******* hang out with nasty ******* ********.
02:42:48 Why would you ******* tell me to do that?
02:42:50 You what?
02:42:50 What the ****?
02:42:51 'S wrong with you.
02:42:54 Like, well, how would you react if your friend was like, hey, want to go hang out in a bar with some pedos?
02:42:59 I know.
02:43:01 Yeah, you probably didn't know that this was what was going on.
02:43:03 Like when you first got invited or whatever you thought it was, just like hippies or whatever, but.
02:43:08 I mean, ****, that's what.
02:43:09 Hippies are, I guess these days, right?
02:43:12 They're all ******* ********.
02:43:16 Saxon stargazer.
02:43:18 Hey, Devin, do you think you'd be interested in?
02:43:20 Doing a movie review of.
02:43:22 An American werewolf in London.
02:43:24 I watched it recently and was taken aback by the amount of diversity obsession with movies, promiscuity and even the main character being a Jew.
02:43:32 We're all in the movie.
Speaker 7
02:43:33 I don't know about that movie.Devon
02:43:35 I mean, I think I saw like a million years ago and.Speaker 7
02:43:39 Ah, I don't know.Devon
02:43:41 I I'll tell you what my, my, my, my, my.02:43:46 My my knee jerk reaction is probably not.
02:43:51 I don't know.
02:43:52 Maybe there's more to it.
02:43:53 Than I remember, but I just remember being kind of like this bad special effects.
02:43:59 Movie I look, I'm sure it has the same amount of of those things that you're here's the thing.
02:44:05 I think you might just be under the impression that the movies from that era didn't have as much of the subversion that they all did, and now that you're maybe a little more.
02:44:17 I guess.
02:44:20 Able to see it.
02:44:22 You're you're seeing it right.
02:44:24 You could probably go back and watch almost any movie from that same year, and you're going to probably see see about the same amount of everything you just listed, you know, Jewish main character, you know, obsession with diversity and like all that stuff, it's just in every movie now.
02:44:41 And even then, like what?
02:44:42 I don't remember what year that came out, but that was like what, late 80s or 90s or something?
02:44:50 Every movie in the well, most movies in the 80s and pretty much every movie in the 90s has.
02:44:56 All of the above.
02:44:59 Jay Ray, 1991. I'm looking at it right now and you literally have 88 followers. Well, there you go. And I have 122, it says.
02:45:09 It'll drop back down.
02:45:10 It'll go back to 16 or 10 or something.
Speaker 7
02:45:13 It just keeps doing that.Devon
02:45:15 UM.02:45:19 A post by a skeptic website tries to defuse warnings about rising rates of women suffering injuries due to annual sex it.
Speaker 12
02:45:29 Why would they do?Devon
02:45:29 That it dismisses valid studies by MD's and states. It's not due to not anatomy, but education and evidence of harm is inconclusive.02:45:39 Blame stigma, sexism, sexism, consent, them.
02:45:43 Not enough Lube.
02:45:45 Well, good thing uh.
02:45:48 Anything that website exists for support the skeptic sites?
02:45:52 A gay Jewish proctologist Goldstein that runs in New York annual reconstruction Clinic while he's just trying to get more business.
02:46:00 The jokes right themselves, but it's more Jewish **** LED propaganda.
02:46:05 In reality, most gays suffer from a vast amount of medical problems.
02:46:09 Exactly, and that it's Jewish lightning.
02:46:11 He's just telling.
02:46:12 Oh no, it's.
02:46:13 Have lots of **** ***.
02:46:16 Cha ching.
02:46:19 Appalachian Victor Yeo I hope the desert isn't keeping you down too bad.
02:46:24 I well, no.
02:46:25 I like the desert.
Speaker 6
02:46:28 When you made that, especially this time of year.Devon
02:46:30 This is like the best time of year for the desert.02:46:33 It's like when.
02:46:34 We we get like we get.
02:46:35 Like 2 months.
02:46:36 Before summer that are like, oh, that's great.
02:46:39 And then we get, like, two months after summer, where it's like.
02:46:42 Oh, this is.
02:46:42 Great. So it's.
02:46:43 Not bad.
02:46:44 You know, four months out of 12.
02:46:47 And the rest isn't bad.
02:46:48 Well, the summer there's a few.
02:46:50 There's, like, about three months.
02:46:51 That, or maybe even 4.
02:46:52 It's legit bad.
02:46:54 But there's people that live other places where it's like, oh, I can't go outside because it's like 50 below.
02:46:59 And in Blizzard it it's not any worse when it's 120 outside, it's just a different.
Speaker 12
02:47:05 Kind of bad, you know.Devon
02:47:08 I just wanted to shout out from Kentucky Kitten Club.02:47:11 Even you Promethean and say that we are waiting for.
02:47:16 The black pill.
02:47:17 Cringe Panda marriage announcement?
02:47:19 No, that's not going to.
02:47:21 That that, that would be very illegal first.
Speaker 11
02:47:24 Of all.Devon
02:47:26 Uh, jokes aside, bless or bless up bro love from Kentucky.02:47:32 Got Mr.
02:47:33 on mutt.
02:47:35 Got MIT der und got Mitt UNS?
02:47:39 I don't.
Speaker 2
02:47:40 Know what that means?Devon
02:47:42 But thank you very much.02:47:45 Saks and stargazer.
02:47:47 I think the reason why.
02:47:48 A lot of.Devon
02:47:49 Whites still sign up for the military and police are because whites have an innate desire for order and doing the right thing, which is taking advantage of today.02:47:59 How do you think it would be possible to convince them that these organizations are the opposite of this?
02:48:05 Look, shun them.
02:48:08 Social shame works really good on whites.
02:48:11 It's just that.
02:48:12 They're not as good.
02:48:14 Or I don't know.
02:48:14 Maybe they're just not as practiced at delivering it.
02:48:17 They're certainly not as clever at, you know, with the techniques that are currently being used and and are working on white people.
02:48:27 We need to start socially shaming these people.
02:48:31 You know no more of this back to blue and all this other stuff.
02:48:35 Make them feel bad.
02:48:37 Right now they feel like that because you mentioned they like order and doing the right thing, but part of it's it's because of status.
02:48:45 They like the status.
02:48:46 They feel like there's an honor to it.
02:48:49 Right.
02:48:50 If you make him feel like it's a scumbag.
02:48:53 Dishonorable job.
02:48:56 And that it's a joke.
02:48:59 And that they're working for, for ****.
02:49:04 And that they're basically just the the mall cops for ****.
02:49:11 You know, are they still going to think it's like this great job to go do?
Speaker 12
02:49:15 I don't think so.Devon
02:49:17 I think that you just need to humiliate them and which isn't too terribly difficult.02:49:23 Because it's a humiliating job.
02:49:25 It's a humiliating job, even even if you're not getting the social shame from people like us, it's humiliating.
02:49:31 I couldn't imagine being a white soldier or cop right now.
02:49:36 I mean, Can you imagine being someone who's you're being your your Commander in chief?
02:49:41 Is Joe Biden.
02:49:47 I mean that already.
02:49:48 I'm done.
02:49:49 So there's there's, you know, soldiers out of the way.
02:49:52 Your commander in chief is Joe Biden.
02:49:54 That's all I have to say.
02:49:56 And and you know, you know, there's lots more I could say.
02:50:01 As far as a cop thing goes, I mean, look, you're basically just, you're just bait.
02:50:07 That's all.
02:50:08 You are just a matter of time.
02:50:12 And you defend yourself, you'll just you know your your choices are going to be die like that video of the guy that he, he, he tries to use the Taser because he doesn't want to be the the next viral video.
02:50:26 So he tases the black guy with a gun and gets shot in the head.
02:50:31 I I I thought I'd saved.
02:50:33 I don't think I.
02:50:34 Have it here, but there's his body Cam footage.
02:50:37 It's *******, you know, some white guy.
02:50:41 Trying trying to do the non lethal thing so he doesn't become the next Chauvin.
02:50:47 Gets his head blown off.
02:50:51 What's honorable about that?
02:50:55 What's honorable about about?
02:50:57 Yeah, those January 6 people that committed suicide, a couple capital police committed suicide.
02:51:02 If they weren't suicided, which isn't entirely possible.
02:51:08 I'm not surprised they committed suicide.
02:51:11 I think if if they weren't suicided, they had to.
02:51:14 We're the are we the baddies?
02:51:23 And I think a lot of the if if you're a white cop or or your thing about going in that that line of work.
02:51:31 I don't know how you don't struggle with that every day.
02:51:34 Now, look, there might be different localities where it's it's a different story.
02:51:39 For now.
02:51:43 But you know.
02:51:45 If your if your commander in chief.
02:51:48 You know, if you're governor, if you're.
02:51:50 A cop.
02:51:53 Is someone who?
02:51:56 Is anti white.
02:51:59 And pro trends.
02:52:01 You're the enemy.
02:52:04 You're part of the problem.
Speaker 7
02:52:10 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
02:52:13 Oh look, I looked.02:52:14 I missed part three of your thing conact I.
02:52:18 This is the the annual rate or annual sex guy.
02:52:24 I went in a hospital.
02:52:25 I noticed trends like fecal incontinence and anal fissures and cancers, hemorrhoids, tumors and chronic viral infections.
02:52:32 Now, **** is glamorizing ANEL, sex and heterosexual population, and women are living the consequences.
02:52:39 Yeah, well, yeah, if you if you put **** **** ** an *******, it doesn't matter if it's the chicks or a guys.
02:52:47 It's it's ******* gay.
02:52:49 Damn Bigfoot.
02:52:50 I would highly recommend doing a deep dive on Magnus Hirschfield.
02:52:54 Or a Weimar addition stream.
02:52:56 The more I researched, the more I realized the Jewish degenerates left Germany and established the same things here as they did there.
02:53:03 Oh, absolutely.
02:53:04 They just set up shop here.
02:53:06 And because of their nepotism and the the.
02:53:11 The the immigration that have been that have been going on from Jewish communities around the world for the several decades before they showed up, it was easy peasy for them to.
02:53:22 To integrate if you will.
02:53:25 Into the system.
02:53:27 You know, Chinese have a good way of have a good system for that too.
02:53:31 You know, a lot of the Chinese immigrants that show up here in California on the West Coast, there's like a whole network of.
02:53:40 Chinese nepotism.
02:53:41 They can plug right into and.
02:53:44 And at least you know, get going.
02:53:47 Get the ball rolling.
02:53:49 UM.Devon
02:53:51 Let's see here. Bad Dirk.02:53:54 Hey, Devin, not asking you to watch anything, but did you know that the 1996 movie Sling Blade has been deep platformed from all streaming services as well as new physical copies? Thought thoughts as to the reason why, if you remember, the film's been following since 2018. Thanks for your work.
02:54:13 I don't remember. It's Billy Bob Thornton's movie where he plays the ******** guy that.
02:54:21 Kill someone with a lawnmower blade.
02:54:24 That's why it's called a sling blade.
02:54:26 Beyond that, I don't remember much about it.
02:54:29 I I remember not being that impressed with.
02:54:31 It and being particularly annoyed because he he.
02:54:38 He initially made a short film.
02:54:42 That one at some festivals.
02:54:46 And then they funded his full length.
02:54:49 And so I was, you know, I wanted.
02:54:52 I was curious.
02:54:52 I wanted to see, well, what?
02:54:54 How was this short film that it was obviously so good.
02:54:56 They thought that he deserved a feature length movie, and they were going to fund it.
02:55:01 And I watched.
02:55:02 It was just kind of like what really.
02:55:03 And but I don't, but I.
02:55:05 Honestly, I I don't remember.
02:55:07 Anything other than just being disappointed with it because it was so long ago that I watched that?
02:55:12 And I don't, but I don't remember anything.
02:55:15 Politically incorrect about it.
02:55:19 Off the top of my head, I'd have to look into it.
02:55:25 Saxon Stargazer most people seem incapable of thinking the government is evil because the infiltrator wears the legitimacy of the past governments and white nations as a mask to disguise themselves.
02:55:39 Do you think there's any way to undermine their credibility and show others that they're illegitimate?
Speaker 12
02:55:52 I'm trying to think of like.Devon
02:55:55 I get what you're saying.02:55:58 That people.
02:56:00 Tend to like in the past.
02:56:02 You you would you would see like a continuity, right?
02:56:06 Like you would see a continuity between George Washington and George Bush.
02:56:11 Right there was this this idea that there there was a A.
02:56:19 The continuity of values of authority.
Speaker 11
02:56:24 UM.Devon
02:56:27 Going back to the founding.02:56:29 That there was a the the, the Constitution.
02:56:36 Throughout this continuity was being preserved and treated in some kind of.
02:56:47 You know, not wholly, but kind of like, in fact, if you go to Washington DC, there is like a an aura of religion about the monuments, including you go to Lincoln, the Lincoln Memorial.
02:57:00 It says, right on the wall, it says this temple like it says it's a temple.
02:57:05 And it's designed to look like a Greek temple.
02:57:10 Like if you were to go to Ancient Greece and go to a temple, to Athena or like, you know, some Greek God, it would be built like that.
02:57:21 It would be structured very much like.
02:57:24 The Lincoln Memorial, with a giant *** statue of Athena or whatever, instead of a giant S statue of Lincoln.
02:57:31 UM.
02:57:34 And I think that.
02:57:37 I don't think we have to undermine that.
02:57:40 I think it's it's it will undermine itself.
02:57:44 Because of the people that.
02:57:47 Themselves don't have.
02:57:50 They don't have the ability.
02:57:51 Not only do they not have the ability or the they don't have the desire to maintain that continuity, but I think that they don't even have the ability to maintain the pretense.
02:58:03 You know, they don't they they respect the.
02:58:11 So little.
02:58:13 Or rather, they have contempt.
02:58:14 So much contempt.
02:58:17 For the traditions and the for the the founding myths and and the.
Speaker 5
02:58:25 OK.Speaker 7
02:58:27 The UM.Devon
02:58:30 Just the the not, not not even just the founding fathers, but just like the the people that built this country and just the country in general, these are people that hate America.02:58:40 These are people that the the people getting into power.
02:58:43 They hate everything about America.
02:58:46 So they're not going to be very good at pretending to be part of that story.
02:58:50 It's repulsive to them.
02:58:52 They don't want to be part of that story.
02:58:54 They want to rewrite the story.
02:58:56 And so I think that people will just, they'll, they'll cease to see anything like one of the.
02:59:01 They're not gonna.
02:59:02 Have they're not gonna feel like they.
02:59:03 Have anything in common with these people already?
02:59:05 It's happening.
02:59:07 I don't feel like I have anything in common with the people in Washington.
02:59:11 And it's not because I lived there.
02:59:12 And met him.
02:59:13 It's it's because.
02:59:15 I don't have any representation.
02:59:17 There is no one in any with any significant amount of power or even like an insignificant amount of power that agrees with me or sees eye to eye.
02:59:26 With me on.
02:59:28 Even like I'd say 80% of things.
02:59:33 We have 0 representation in, not just in federal government, but pretty much in state government too.
02:59:40 I think that we've we've time and time again it's proven that all these states that people think are based, you look at their their state governments and what they do and the the the laws they pass.
02:59:54 And the trips they take to Israel it it's very clear that there's no, we don't have any representation in government.
03:00:00 So I don't think it's something we have to try to do.
03:00:02 I think they'll.
03:00:03 Do it.
03:00:03 They're doing it themselves.
Speaker 7
03:00:05 UM.Devon
03:00:10 Your April Fools event in this day and age was believable.03:00:14 That's in our future unless we stopped the enemy.
03:00:17 The only thing I was wondering.
03:00:18 Is like I think.
03:00:20 Anyone that was technical would think like, oh, wait a second.
03:00:26 How they how they.
03:00:27 Put an image on.
03:00:28 You know, I don't know, but I thought it would be believable enough.
03:00:32 I did model it after the an actual.
03:00:36 It's the way that when the FBI sees as a website.
03:00:39 I I I modeled that after what they actually put up for the website, so I guess it kind of was a little slightly realistic.
03:00:48 But yeah, that's the kind of thing that's going to happen.
03:00:50 I think it'll be quieter than that, though.
03:00:51 It'll just one day.
03:00:53 I'll just not be.
03:00:54 There'll be no stream and.
03:00:55 You'll never hear from me again.
03:01:00 January 1981 I took my boy to the Sneed and Feed Store, purchased chicken chicks and blueberry flower.
03:01:08 Real honey from an old white beekeeper in the front of the store that they had allowed to set up a shop and sell his honey felt good.
03:01:16 Yeah, local honey is always good and it's good for your allergies.
03:01:21 ******** ****** for $1.00? I should have been ready for this. I should have been ready for this, but now I gotta.
03:01:27 Look around in my in my endless ******* list.
Speaker 20
03:01:32 There we are.Speaker 4
03:01:33 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 7
03:01:38 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
03:01:46 Happy April Fool's day, guys. Somewhere, let's take the time to remember that not every black is a, but every is a black.Speaker 12
03:01:57 And then you've got a video here.Devon
03:02:10 I saw this going around, I just didn't understand.03:02:12 Understand the whole story this is.
Speaker 12
03:02:18 Let's see here.Speaker 6
03:02:23 So it's some guy taking selfies with.Devon
03:02:31 Blood, like all over his apartment.03:02:35 And then he's now he's dead.
03:02:38 I don't remember, I don't know 100% like the back story. Someone had said that someone tried to break in.
03:02:43 His house.
03:02:43 So he killed the person who broke into his house and then took a bunch of selfies in front of the blood.
03:02:49 And then he got killed.
03:02:50 In front.
03:02:50 Of his house.
03:02:52 But I don't know the whole.
03:02:55 Story there and then you say this is going to pass.
03:03:00 This is going to pass and there's nothing anyone can do.
03:03:03 To it like Madonna having a ****** rally after the ****** shooting.
Speaker 12
03:03:09 What is this?Speaker 10
03:03:10 I've been reading the new restrict Act AKA Senate Bill 686 AKA the TikTok Ban, and this is a lot worse than.03:03:19 I actually thought it was.
Speaker 5
03:03:20 Gonna be you.Speaker 10
03:03:21 Can grab the text yourself from Congress.03:03:22 Dot Gov but.
03:03:24 They can't allow themselves to have access to your home.
03:03:28 That's because this bill also covers wireless local area networks, mobile networks, satellite payload, satellite operations and control, cable access points, wireline access points, core networking systems, long short and backhaul networks or edge computer platform.
03:03:42 But whoop Dee Doo Basso?
03:03:43 What does that mean?
03:03:44 Without the gig?
03:03:44 Speak everything, everything, everything coming into your house beyond the demarcation point.
03:03:50 Everything in my house.
03:03:53 They have access to with this law.
03:03:54 They will also have access to any service with greater than 1,000,000 persons, including Internet hosting services, cloud based or distributed computing and data storage, machine learning, predictive analytics and data science products and services, managed services and content delivery service. Oh, wait, desktop applications.
03:04:13 Mobile applications, gaming applications, payment applications, web-based applications. All of these it's covered.
03:04:20 Your Xbox Live, your Play station network, your Nintendo Switch, everything, your steam market, my twitch, all of it, but by all means.
03:04:29 You keep telling me that a VPN.
03:04:31 Or Tor I.
03:04:32 2P is gonna matter when we're talking about 20 years. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, and you can't access all the rest of the infrastructure.
03:04:41 Because they got it covered A-Z.
03:04:43 Contact your politicians.
03:04:45 This is a.
03:04:46 Blatant violation of our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
03:04:52 In addition to the constitutional rights.
Speaker 5
03:04:53 Right.Devon
03:04:58 Well, I mean, look, that's why.03:05:02 I only use my computer to do this stream, basically everything else.
03:05:07 Is is I have I do?
03:05:10 A lot of things on paper.
03:05:13 I do a lot of things on paper.
03:05:15 I have communication.
03:05:20 Means that that don't involve computers.
03:05:24 UM.
03:05:25 And yeah, I mean, just do things on paper that I've always just look, I know this is the this is one step.
03:05:32 It's just furthering the, I guess it's legalizing what the I think of it this way it's.
03:05:37 Just more legalizing what they're already doing.
03:05:40 I've just assumed they are in my home network.
03:05:43 Gobbling up every.
03:05:46 Bit of data for the last 10 or you know, 10 plus years.
03:05:51 I've just assumed they've already been doing that.
03:05:54 And so you shouldn't have anything on your.
03:05:58 You shouldn't have any incriminating data on any hard drive or any any kind of storage device, or transmit incriminating data in any digital form.
03:06:13 Because it's safe to assume.
03:06:16 That they have access, even if they, you know, even if it's not legal, they still have access.
03:06:21 Snowden showed that Snowden show that they pretty much have access to most things.
03:06:25 They got backdoors, hardware backdoors through at the at the, you know chip level.
03:06:32 They can get into your computer, so it doesn't matter if you put firewalls up or any of this other garbage.
03:06:40 They have ways of getting into your stuff.
03:06:42 This is why having, you know, computers.
03:06:46 This is why I don't want like the Internet of Things I don't want.
03:06:50 I don't want, like, my refrigerator.
03:06:52 I need Internet access.
03:06:53 I don't want my car to need Internet access.
03:06:56 I don't want anything other than what I'm talking to you guys on right now to have Internet access my my, my cameras that we have like, you know on the the charro doesn't, you know, go on anymore.
03:07:08 Although he did last night he went back in his tub for some reason last night.
03:07:13 Those are those are analog.
03:07:15 Those are not plugged into the Internet.
03:07:16 I mean I plug them in to show you guys during the stream, but those are not I I got more cameras than just those and those don't go to anything digital.
03:07:27 You know, it's all analog.
03:07:28 Keep, keep **** analog.
03:07:30 That's the way you stop it from your data from being stolen.
03:07:35 And look, there's.
03:07:37 It's one of those things where.
03:07:40 Some of it it's like you can't really get around, right?
03:07:42 Like you can't.
03:07:43 Like I can't do this stream and like I guess I could, but you know, I'd be talking to what, like eight people instead of almost 700. You know what I mean? So it's.
03:07:57 You just gotta you just gotta just be smart about it.
03:08:00 I don't know that they're going to pass this, but I don't know that it matters.
03:08:04 I think that they do it, that they do that stuff anyway.
03:08:07 Damn Bigfoot.
03:08:08 Noticing the laugh track is like an intelligence test.
03:08:12 You get so absorbed in the Talmud, vision won't notice it.
03:08:15 But observant smart people will notice it.
03:08:18 I think now though.
03:08:19 Culturally, it's not normalized.
03:08:22 I think that if you, if you're like a zoomer and you watch something with a laugh track, it probably stands out a lot, even if you're stupid.
03:08:29 Just because it sounds weird.
03:08:31 UM.
03:08:33 I could be wrong though.
03:08:34 I could be wrong, maybe they don't.
03:08:37 Probably at a low enough IQ threshold.
03:08:40 They won't notice.
03:08:42 The slipstream, to say nothing of society.
03:08:44 You know you are a destructive force, yet you don't stop.
03:08:48 Why are you always surprised when society rejects you?
03:08:51 Fagots are just pedos under a different umbrella.
03:08:55 Wait to say nothing of society you know you are a destructive force, yet you don't stop.
03:09:03 Why are you always surprised when society rejects you?
03:09:06 ******* are just pedos.
03:09:07 I'm not sure I understand the last part.
03:09:10 I agree fagots are just pedos under a different umbrella.
Speaker 7
03:09:13 But I don't know what you.Speaker 12
03:09:14 Mean by the first part there.Devon
03:09:17 Bad dirt will and grace is the first show I remember pushing ******** my mom used to watch it in the late 90s, and even as a kid I was disgusted by it.03:09:27 Unfortunately, the minds of my mom and sisters are completely warped thanks to decades of propaganda like this.
03:09:34 These shows specifically targeted women, yet women felt like gays were nonthreatening because they were like, oh, it's it's it's a guy because look on some level for what?
03:09:44 For whatever reason, on some level, a lot of women are afraid of of getting raped.
03:09:48 Like, I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense a little bit, but it also is.
Speaker 7
03:09:54 Kind of doesn't make sense, OK.Devon
03:09:58 Anyway, the the idea of gay people as someone who's.03:10:04 Oh, look, it's it's he's well dressed.
03:10:06 He's nice and he's handsome.
03:10:07 He's polite, you know.
03:10:09 I'm talking about Hollywood, gays on the screen, not like real life gays.
03:10:13 And he's never going to rape me.
03:10:16 You know, he doesn't.
03:10:17 I I don't have to.
03:10:18 I don't have to be fearful.
03:10:20 Here's a man I can feel very I can feel just as comfortable around him as I do a woman.
03:10:24 Right.
03:10:25 There's an aspect of that.
03:10:26 That's why women tend to, I guess, side with with faggs because they feel like they're super non threatening.
03:10:43 Man before time to the only content creator I've been watching since 2016.
03:10:48 Thanks Devin for all you do.
03:10:50 I appreciate that your old school.
03:10:53 That's that's, that's very old school.
03:10:55 I will spare you the pit.
03:10:57 UMI don't know.
03:11:00 Says she didn't.
03:11:02 She didn't.
03:11:03 Nuff said what I mean, she didn't.
Speaker 7
03:11:07 What she didn't.Devon
03:11:10 What's that from an hour ago?03:11:11 So I'm missing the I missed?
Speaker 12
03:11:13 In the context but.Speaker 16
03:11:16 YouTube Baby party bus.Devon
03:11:18 I'll give you a little baby platypus anyway.03:11:21 Zen Master Zen, I have said for years that America has America.
03:11:26 Mass produces sociopaths. It's one of the few things that we do still do well. I have seen it manifest in even my grandmother's generation and has long been plotting.
03:11:38 Wait, it has been a long plotting process with many threads and many reasons why.
03:11:46 Yeah, I'd say America does produce a lot of sociopaths.
03:11:49 Part of that, I think, has to do with capitalism, though the idea that you will be more successful in America if you're a sociopath, you will be.
03:11:58 Because the only thing that the only thing that puts the brakes on capitalism is your own personal moral code and empathy.
03:12:08 You know, like your your your value, your value system that's telling you your conscience.
03:12:13 That's telling you not to **** other people over if you don't have that.
03:12:18 Man, capitalism opens all kinds of doors like you can just scam the **** out of people and and just use them and abuse them and and make a lot of money doing so.
03:12:31 Skippy O Devin love your work.
03:12:33 Have you ever done a deep dive on Norman Lear and the Malibu Mafia?
03:12:38 He led a Jewish Hollywood cabal to subvert whites through the 80s.
03:12:42 Well, I've done some of his shows, but I haven't specifically done anything just on him.
03:12:50 But yes, you're absolutely right.
03:12:52 He, he, he.
03:12:55 I mean, he did all in the family.
03:12:56 He did a lot of shows that were.
03:12:58 100% designed.
03:13:00 To destroy American culture.
03:13:04 Man, before time, do you think a part of the newer generation being much more gay than any other statistically, is a fad?
03:13:12 Do you think they actually engage in **** **** or just say it to be a victim infinite.
03:13:18 I'm sure there's eight percentage of them that that just do it to seem cool.
03:13:23 But these people are cutting their ***** off.
03:13:25 I think they're pretty serious when you start cutting your **** off and you know or sewing one on, I think you're, you know, I think you're pretty.
03:13:33 ******* serious at that point.
03:13:36 And why wouldn't they be gay, right?
03:13:37 Like their their parents aren't.
03:13:42 Look, it's it's it's kind of like mouse utopia, right?
03:13:45 In a way, I think that's that's real behavior that's that's emerging as a result of the human version of mouse utopia.
03:13:55 That's been building up the last few decades.
03:14:00 The post infantry life.
03:14:03 Hey, Devin.
03:14:04 There's a movie called The Unseen, which is about a trio of female reporters who get stuck.
03:14:10 Staying in an incest house.
Speaker 7
03:14:13 Wait, what?Devon
03:14:15 With a ********* child killing.03:14:17 Them what ******* movie is this?
03:14:21 Jews abound, of course, but when they have a random part of the story covering a Danish town that was settled in California.
03:14:31 Part or and it was pretty interesting how they didn't openly talk **** on the town itself.
03:14:38 But subtly showed in a news report from how they were supposedly.
03:14:44 Weird for wanting to have their own community.
03:14:46 There's obviously extra.
03:14:48 What the **** is this?
03:14:50 The unseen.
03:14:52 I've never heard of this.
Speaker 12
03:14:53 Let me look at this.Devon
03:15:05 Is this an older movie?03:15:10 Or is this it right here?
03:15:15 You're late.
03:15:16 I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Speaker 2
03:15:18 You smell like failure.Speaker 15
03:15:20 I'm watching you.Speaker
03:15:28 Please pick up.03:15:29 Please pick up.
Speaker 9
03:15:30 Oh oh, thank God.Speaker
03:15:34 I've been drugged and kicked out by my ex and I can't see anything because I broke my glasses.03:15:39 Who's this?
Speaker 16
03:15:40 Hey everyone.Speaker 19
03:15:46 Could you video call me and guide me?03:15:48 To somewhere safe.
03:15:48 Don't think I'm the person.
03:15:49 To do this.Speaker 19
03:15:52 I need you to be my eyes.Speaker 4
03:15:59 OK.Speaker
03:16:00 Let's go.03:16:02 No one is getting murdered today.
03:16:03 He's here.
Speaker 4
03:16:07 I'm allowed to find another.Speaker 16
03:16:08 Phone can I use your?Speaker 19
03:16:11 Phone please.Speaker
03:16:12 Absolutely not there.Speaker 19
03:16:13 Is a woman who's about to.Speaker 10
03:16:14 Get murdered.03:16:15 What kind of crack are you smoking?
03:16:22 I want my.Speaker 19
03:16:22 Phone back.03:16:23 It's an emergency.
Speaker 13
03:16:29 Where is his car?03:16:30 Keep walking.
Speaker 14
03:16:31 Tell me when he's here.Devon
03:16:35 So yeah, I mean, it looks like the typical anti white type **** you'd expect from.03:16:40 A new movie.
03:16:43 You know like this.
03:16:44 This this is that chick from Breaking Bad.
03:16:47 She played a.
03:16:51 At least I think it's the same fat Indian Jake that plays the gas station attendant in the in Breaking Bad too.
Speaker 12
03:16:59 And then.Speaker 7
03:17:01 I don't know who those people are.Devon
03:17:05 The evil white rich lady, evil white guy boyfriend.03:17:13 And I'm guessing or, yeah, evil white redneck guy with the American flag.
03:17:20 Yeah, this is just this is.
03:17:21 Just every movie now guys.
03:17:23 There's just every movie now.
03:17:28 This is why I don't watch new movies.
03:17:30 This is just every movie.
03:17:31 Now every movie is just like it's not subtle at all.
03:17:35 It's not even like a little bit subtle anymore.
03:17:38 They've just why?
03:17:40 Why do they need?
03:17:40 To be subtle.
03:17:42 There's an audience for this now.
Speaker 7
03:17:48 Uh. Let's see here.Speaker 6
03:17:52 Veruca salt.Devon
03:17:54 8 Evan, there's a short vintage clip from a 60s or 70s talk show that I got from Telegram.03:18:00 It's funny and relevant to The Tonight Show.
03:18:03 I think we'll all enjoy.
Speaker 12
03:18:04 It let me tell you a little.Speaker 7
03:18:09 Let's see what this is.Devon
03:18:24 100 years ago, if you were homosexual, you were hanged.Speaker 8
03:18:28 I was talking to the man.03:18:28 The other day, who was leaving, decided to immigrate, decided to leave this.
03:18:32 Country and I said.
03:18:33 Why are you leaving?
03:18:34 He said it's.
03:18:37 That's what are you talking about?
03:18:39 He said 300 years ago, if you.
03:18:40 Were homosexual.
03:18:41 You were hang drawn.
03:18:43 For it.
03:18:44 100 years ago, if you're home.
03:18:47 Well, you were hanged.
03:18:49 50 years ago.
03:18:51 If you're homosexual.
03:18:53 You were flocked and given 20.
03:18:56 Years in prison.
03:18:57 20 years ago.
03:19:00 Oh, my God, stop buffering.Speaker 8
03:19:00 Sure, sure.Devon
03:19:02 For ***** sake.03:19:03 Just ******* play.
Speaker 8
03:19:06 You will find 200 pounds and send to prison for two years. Five years ago, you're homosexual. You're a small fine.03:19:14 And you were pardoned.
03:19:16 Got off with.
03:19:17 A warning. What are?
03:19:18 You leaving for?
03:19:19 He said.
03:19:19 I'm gone before they make a compulsory.
03:19:25 Well, there you go.03:19:28 There you go.
03:19:33 You're not so funny now, is it?
03:19:35 It was all a joke then.
03:19:39 Not so funny now.
Speaker 5
03:19:45 Get in the pig.Devon
03:19:58 That's what I think should.03:19:59 Be the law, the new law, getting the pit.
03:20:03 Get in the ******* pit.
03:20:07 Goy boy Fortuny, 8.
03:20:08 Can we get it?
03:20:09 Get in the ******* pit stream.
03:20:11 Actually I did not read that.
03:20:15 Before I said that, that's kind of funny.
03:20:18 I don't know, maybe this is kind of the get in the pit stream.
03:20:23 Veruca salt. Again another thing about gays is they that is that, like Jews, they are very tribal. They band together and support each other's businesses and suck each other off and have each others back, etcetera. I added to suck each other off thing. Now they have massive government support too.
Speaker 12
03:20:41 Yes, they do.Devon
03:20:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah.03:20:47 In fact, that if you want to succeed in America, it's probably helpful.
03:20:51 To be gay.
03:20:54 Blazing stranger, I want to leave the large, diverse city where I live, but I still want a wife and kids and community, in your opinion, with all other things being equal, is there any benefit in moving to a town with high white population and low diversity?
03:21:11 Or is the pillbox strategy the only one you endorse?
03:21:15 Whatever works for you.
03:21:16 I'm just saying.
03:21:17 Get the **** out of the cities.
03:21:19 I'm not saying you have to go out in the middle of nowhere.
03:21:21 That's just what I have decided to do.
03:21:25 And I would, I would just take into account the very real possibility that it'll be very dangerous for you and your wife and kids if they're white and you're in around non whites.
03:21:39 And we should do wig towel.
03:21:42 And if you can do wig tail in a in a slightly larger town than the area that I'm in, then yeah, go for it.
03:21:51 That's up to you.
03:21:54 I just.
03:21:55 I wouldn't be in a major city though.
03:21:56 That's I think that's suicide.
03:21:59 Damn big Bigfoot.
03:22:00 Did you ever see the short film Slaughter bots?
03:22:03 It's about small drones that can target and kill even specific types of people.
03:22:07 Worth a watch.
03:22:08 Probably not tonight, but this this tech likely already exists.
03:22:13 I I have not seen it, but yeah.
03:22:16 I'm I'm I'm familiar with the.
03:22:20 The technology look, that's that's.
03:22:23 That's that's already been developed.
03:22:26 And once the AI can the the white hating AI controls that you know who's?
Speaker 7
03:22:32 Who it's going to go for.Devon
03:22:34 Fergus more around 7 billion need to get in the pit.03:22:37 Around 7 billion.
03:22:39 That seems a little high but.
03:22:42 I don't know.
03:22:42 Maybe it's a.
03:22:45 Pretty big ******* pit.
Speaker 7
03:22:46 At that point.Devon
03:22:48 I think it's 7.03:22:50 That's more like getting the black hole.
03:22:53 Blazing Stranger, is there any merit to quietly attempting to start a wig tour trend that encourages like minded whites to also move to low diversity?
03:23:02 High white population towns?
03:23:05 Before I die, I want to create a safe place for white children.
03:23:08 This is the.
03:23:09 Idea I'm working on.
03:23:10 Yeah, of course.
03:23:11 That's kind of what I'm working on too.
03:23:13 I think we.
03:23:13 Can all do that in our own small ways?
03:23:15 And yeah, you know, you obviously you don't want to.
03:23:20 Advertise it to those who.
03:23:22 Would seek to hurt you.
03:23:25 And so absolutely it's it's and it's easier to do than you think, especially if your family's on board.
03:23:32 Like if you can get your extended family to go in on a compound or something like that, I feel like that would be that would be a lot easier to do than trying to do it yourself.
03:23:44 Goy boy, 1480.
03:23:46 OK.
03:23:47 Actually, rather than just getting the pit stream, could you do it in a Dante's Inferno style and rank the tears and people?
03:23:55 From your perspective, I don't think there's there's either the the tears are in the pit and not in the pit.
03:24:06 I'm just.
03:24:06 I'm just trying to want to complicate things.
03:24:09 You're either in the pit or you're not in the pit.
03:24:14 Blazing stranger by what metric do you measure the success of your show?
03:24:19 I I don't know.
03:24:22 I don't know.
03:24:24 I I guess I look at views.
03:24:26 I mean, who doesn't, right, I.
03:24:27 Look at views.
03:24:29 I don't obsess about it though.
03:24:34 I I don't know.
03:24:35 I don't know.
03:24:36 I guess views are what else would you look at?
03:24:38 Right.
03:24:39 I don't really have the ability to look at other metrics.
03:24:42 I guess I could look at subscriber count, but it's mostly it's views like are, do, are people watching are are they listening?
03:24:51 Oh, well, why not, you know?
03:24:53 Oh, well, why?
03:24:54 Why are they?
03:24:56 And then.
03:24:57 But that's really the only metric I have to go off of.
03:25:01 Veruca salt. There's a modern day Goldbergs TV show, too. It's set in the 1980s. Jeff Garland from Curb Your Enthusiasm plays the dead. I mean, they is. It actually called The Goldbergs that they, they've remade it.
03:25:21 I think some stuff when I looked for it, some newer stuff.
03:25:23 Did come up.
03:25:29 Oh wow.
03:25:30 It's not even like that.
03:25:33 New it's it's been on the air since 2013.
03:25:37 It's been on the air for 10 years.
03:25:39 Well, that's pretty ******* crazy.
03:25:43 I was not aware of.
03:25:46 Not aware of this of this show existing.
03:25:48 That's kind of crazy.
03:25:49 That might be worth looking into.
03:25:53 Ally Mair, Dev and I won't post any links as I know it.
03:25:56 Upsets you?
03:26:01 It doesn't upset me.
03:26:03 It's just like when it's like, here's the link with no context.
03:26:06 It's like thanks.
Speaker 6
03:26:15 Ohh gosh.Devon
03:26:25 However, would you consider doing?03:26:28 I haven't played the.
Speaker 11
03:26:28 Whole thing in a.Devon
03:26:29 Long time, however, would you consider doing a show on Tim Poole's garbage music? It's pretty horrific. I wouldn't do a whole show on it.03:26:37 I mean, I did like that, that.
03:26:39 That parody of his music.
03:26:40 It is garbage.
03:26:41 It's like the worst kind of music.
03:26:43 It's so self indulgent and ****** that he even tries to make music.
03:26:49 Yeah, it's not.
03:26:50 I would never do a show.
03:26:51 I wouldn't his his, his.
03:26:53 Music's not worth doing a show.
03:26:56 But yeah, it is.
03:26:57 It is pretty much the worst.
03:26:58 Music that exists.
03:26:59 Nazi dice forgot what it is called, but I just remember that the guy from Monk and that movie with Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington, where they were rounding up all the muzzies to combat Islamic Jihad.
03:27:15 He he was in some movies.
03:27:16 I don't remember what I I I kind of remember you're talking about, but I don't.
03:27:23 I don't think I ever saw that movie, but I kind of remember him. I'm picturing him like in a Homeland Security jacket or something like that, you know, holding a walkie-talkie or something.
Speaker 7
03:27:32 Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.Devon
03:27:35 Harold W Rosenthal billboard Chris and his **** friends got the **** beat out of them today by ******** and pig.03:27:44 Usually brings you to and Tim Poole beanie grab is quite revealing of his Jewish hairline. No wonder he hides it. Bonus Look up science fiction movies from 1992.
03:28:06 Alright, well I don't know who billboard Chris is.
03:28:11 Should I even look?
03:28:12 Should I just do a search real quick for billboard?
03:28:15 Billboard, Chris.
03:28:16 I kind of don't want to know, but let ohh look anyway.
03:28:19 Since this is the last one.
03:28:23 So billboard, Chris.
03:28:29 I still don't know who this is.
03:28:36 Yeah, I don't know who this is, so, but apparently he's been on Fox News.
03:28:40 Uh, and he got beat up by.
03:28:43 ******** and cops or something.
03:28:46 goes to Well, that's easy to do. All you have to do is buy that domain.
Speaker 7
03:28:51 And then redirect it.Devon
03:28:54 But that's kind of funny.03:28:55 That's that's pretty fine that someone did that.
03:28:57 But that's that doesn't mean they just means someone.
03:29:02 Somebody did that?
03:29:04 I mean, yeah, it does work.
03:29:05 You're right.
03:29:08 Tim Poole's beanie grab is well, he's he's a hopper.
03:29:12 He's not well, I don't know his his white quote, UN quote, white half Jewish.
03:29:15 I don't think so.
03:29:21 Is it though that would?
03:29:22 I don't they.
03:29:23 No, it's not.
03:29:24 He's not, is it?
03:29:26 But how would I find that out?
03:29:29 What is Wikipedia page saying?
03:29:33 I will kind of laugh a lot if that's.
03:29:39 No, he says he went to Catholic school.
Speaker 12
03:29:44 Yeah, I didn't think it was Jewish.Devon
03:29:48 And then science fiction movie from 19.03:29:51 Oh yeah.
03:29:51 Naggers from out of space, I think is what that is going to bring up.
03:29:54 Right.
03:29:55 All right, guys.
03:29:55 Well, anyway, we're gonna go ahead and shut it down.
03:29:58 Thanks for hanging out here and hope you guys all have a great rest of your weekend.
03:30:05 And of course, like always, we'll be back here on Wednesday, same bat time.
03:30:12 Same back channel.
03:30:16 In the mean time.
Speaker 5
03:30:22 Get in the pin.Devon
03:30:38 For black pills, I am of course.Speaker 14
03:31:09 World star she hella big and they got they got.03:31:14 Is that is that?
03:31:18 Some big body **** over there.
03:31:22 They got some **** going on.
03:31:23 They got some **** going on.
03:31:26 They came, they they came.
03:31:30 What's going on?
03:31:30 What's going on?
03:31:31 Damn y'all packing like some sardines.
03:31:33 This ************.
03:31:40 OK, So what we gonna do?
03:31:41 We go round ones, right?
03:31:42 Everybody gonna.
03:31:42 Get the fair ones.
03:31:45 Everybody can go rounds as many.
03:31:46 Rounds as you want to.
03:31:47 Everybody gonna go.
03:31:51 For the police coming.
Speaker 9
03:31:55 Sissy Sissy.Speaker 14
03:32:00 Anybody give me give all back?03:32:02 It's here. Come on.
03:32:04 You said.
03:32:25 Ohh boom.
Speaker 11
03:32:47 Do you know?Speaker 9
03:32:54 That's what I'm saying.Speaker 14
03:33:03 Y'all came over here.Speaker 16
03:33:05 What do you do? Cool.Speaker 14
03:33:10 You got mates, break.03:33:11 You did something you good.
03:33:18 Where'd you go?
Speaker 13
03:33:34 You know.Speaker 14
03:33:36 That's it.03:33:36 You get your keys.
03:33:37 On go, you gotta get your little fake.
Speaker 13
03:33:39 Gun too, which I was going for, that's why.Speaker
03:33:41 I started tripping.Speaker 14
03:33:42 Let me see.Speaker 16
03:33:55 It's not real, not real.03:34:01 What's up?
03:34:02 What's up?
03:34:10 What's up?
Speaker 14
03:34:26 How do you have to be crossed?Speaker 16
03:34:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.Speaker 14
03:34:36 Look at the words again.Speaker
03:34:57 Flip that.Speaker 14
03:35:13 And she left you leave y'all.03:35:24 The meat cases.
03:35:26 Have the meat come.
03:35:28 On the South side, on the north side.
Speaker 16
03:35:34 Talking about.03:35:36 Happened over you, *****.
03:35:37 You a *****.
Speaker 14
03:35:45 First time calling N sci-fi.Speaker 15
03:35:47 What happened?