

00:00:00 Good evening.
00:00:35 Good morning, good afternoon.
00:00:39 Good day.
00:00:41 Unless, of course, you work for Amazon.
00:00:44 Well, I don't know.
00:00:45 Maybe if you work at Amazon, you're watching this in your wage cage.
Speaker 3
00:00:50 The wage cage.
00:00:53 Hopefully by now most of you guys have seen the wage cage.
00:00:58 The hilarious wage cage.
00:01:02 You know the best part about the wage cage?
00:01:04 Well, if you don't know.
00:01:05 What that is?
00:01:05 We'll, I'll tell you here in a minute.
00:01:09 The best part about the wage cage isn't Even so much that Amazon created wage cages for everyone.
00:01:16 I'm going to bring up an image just so you know, this is not an exaggeration.
00:01:21 The wage cage.
00:01:25 I mean, Superman had more room to change his pajamas than the the employees at Amazon are getting to hang out.
00:01:36 For their mental health.
00:01:39 Yes, so Amazon essentially built.
00:01:43 Little phone booths.
Speaker 4
00:01:47 Little blacked out foam booths.
00:01:51 Covered in corporate propaganda.
00:01:54 With market tested Focus, Group tested colors and graphics.
00:02:02 Plastered all over him.
00:02:05 Soft LED lighting on the inside, possibly soundproof.
Speaker 4
00:02:13 Not unlike the.
00:02:15 The Suicide Machines in Futurama?
00:02:20 Little little tiny.
00:02:23 Wage cages that you can hang out.
00:02:26 And cry in if you're having a rough day.
Speaker 5
00:02:30 At Amazon.
00:02:33 It's not so much that, as I said, that they made these things, it's.
00:02:36 That they bragged about it.
00:02:39 They bragged about it, they tweeted out in a since deleted tweet.
00:02:44 That some diversity hire of theirs, that they were, oh, so so proud of.
Speaker 6
00:02:51 Who had all?
00:02:52 The credentials necessary to develop a wage cage.
00:02:59 That through her, her thoughtfulness and high IQ contributions to the workplace, they had developed the wage cage.
Speaker 4
00:03:07 To help their workers deal with the inhumane conditions.
00:03:13 You know, it's funny about this picture now.
00:03:14 I'm looking at it.
00:03:15 The wage cage is smaller than the snack machine.
00:03:25 It's not even a full booth.
00:03:26 It's it's like a.
00:03:27 It's like a coke machine.
Speaker 4
00:03:29 They just haul it out a coke machine, crawling the machine, crawling the machine.
Speaker 3
00:03:39 So yeah, that's.
00:03:45 Here's the uh oh, they want me to.
00:03:47 Pay for the story.
00:03:49 Yeah, I'll get around that.
00:03:52 **** your little pay for the story stuff.
00:03:56 We're not.
00:03:56 We're not paying for that story.
Speaker 3
00:04:04 We're going to that.
00:04:04 Archive is fix that for us.
00:04:08 I'm not registering with this.
00:04:11 In the mean time, I'm going to see if I have they deleted the tweet, the initial tweet bragging about this wage cage.
00:04:18 And I saved it, but I'm not sure if I saved it.
00:04:22 This can be a pretty cozy laid back stream by the.
00:04:24 Way there, there are some.
00:04:25 There's some movie clips I was trying to do a a full blown movie thing for tonight's stream.
Speaker 5
00:04:32 I just didn't have time.
00:04:33 I didn't have time.
00:04:34 I'm still I'm.
Speaker 5
00:04:35 I'm under the gun on some deadlines right now.
00:04:38 But we are going to watch some clips from it.
00:04:42 And I might.
00:04:42 Do a full blown video on it later on, but I thought that some of these clips were.
00:04:48 At the very.
00:04:49 Least interesting enough to watch the night.
Speaker 5
00:04:53 Let me see if I've got.
00:04:54 The original tweet.
00:04:56 I don't have the.
00:04:57 Original tweet. That's OK.
00:04:59 So the wage cage. Oh my God. Archie is I'm #3529 Q. So alright, we're to look for a different outlet that that covers the.
00:05:11 The wage cage.
00:05:12 Here we go, Amazon or Yahoo's not making me.
Speaker 5
00:05:16 Pay them money.
00:05:17 For the exact same story, it looks like Amazon has been mocked after introducing the Amazon Amazon.
00:05:26 Mental health booth.
Speaker 6
00:05:31 It it's called the mental health booth they call.
00:05:34 Called it.
00:05:34 That for its warehouse employees to unwind in the e-commerce giant, says it introduced the interactive mindful practice room, where employees can watch videos on mental health and mindful practices. So it's not even to hang out and.
00:05:50 Relax in.
Speaker 4
00:05:53 It's it's that it's like a robotic shrink.
00:05:58 So if you start.
00:05:59 To feel like you're losing your mind.
00:06:02 You go in the box and the box like Pepsi gives you a pep talk and gets you.
00:06:08 Going back to work again.
00:06:10 Wow, that's that's worse than I thought.
00:06:13 With Amazon, I wanted to create a space that's quiet, that people could go and focus on their mental and emotional.
00:06:20 Well-being said.
Speaker 5
00:06:22 Leila Brown, Leila Brown.
00:06:25 Find a picture of Leila Brown.
Speaker 5
00:06:30 Leila Brown.
00:06:36 Where are you at Lila Brown?
00:06:40 I don't think.
00:06:41 They don't have any pictures of her well.
00:06:44 I think her last name.
Speaker 5
00:06:45 Says it all, not I don't.
00:06:46 I don't know.
00:06:48 Oh, oh, wait, no, I think I might have found her.
00:06:54 Here we are.
00:07:00 Ah, she's not.
00:07:01 She's not as diverse as I thought.
00:07:03 He's ready to see Leila Brown.
Speaker 5
00:07:06 Bring it. Let me bring.
00:07:07 Leila Brown.
00:07:08 This is her great idea.
00:07:09 This is her brainchild.
Speaker 5
00:07:13 There we go.
00:07:17 There's Leela, bro.
00:07:18 Oh, what happened?
00:07:19 Let me fix that.
00:07:23 This this ******* ham beast over here.
00:07:26 I don't even.
00:07:26 Think she would fit in her own creation?
00:07:29 I really don't.
00:07:30 Do you think this could fit inside that?
00:07:33 I don't think so.
00:07:35 That would be.
00:07:37 Probably the fire Marshall would get involved.
00:07:41 Alright, back to the back to the story.
00:07:44 The Amazon employee who invented the booth in a company video.
00:07:48 If only we get that video, I don't have the video.
00:07:52 And can't watch the ******* video because you know what?
00:07:56 Let's see if we can steal a video.
00:07:57 I might be.
Speaker 5
00:07:58 Able to steal a video.
00:08:01 And I'll discombobulated tonight, alright.
00:08:03 It's terrible.
00:08:04 ******* terrible.
00:08:07 Let's see if we can get this.
00:08:10 Alright, I might be able to.
00:08:11 Pull it up.
00:08:13 Let's watch it.
Speaker 5
00:08:13 Together I have not seen this video myself.
00:08:28 I might have to scrape it.
Speaker 5
00:08:30 While I read this story.
00:08:32 Only I missed the days of fast Internet at times like this.
Speaker 5
00:08:36 Or I didn't have to wait forever.
00:08:39 There we go by the.
00:08:40 Way days are probably numbered at trobo.
00:08:42 They are putting that warning symbol on my stream now that's.
Speaker 5
00:08:46 A little disconcerting.
00:08:49 You still want to watch this.
Speaker 3
00:08:51 Are you sure you want to watch the?
00:08:52 Insomnia stream there's.
Speaker 6
00:08:53 We heard, we heard there's bad stuff in it.
Speaker 5
00:08:57 Oh good, it's downloading fast.
00:09:00 Well, we can watch that pretty quick then.
Speaker 5
00:09:06 Let's watch it.
00:09:12 Let's see the the wage cage mental health booth.
00:09:20 Alright, I don't know.
00:09:21 Actually this doesn't look like it's the video that.
00:09:24 Amazon themselves released so much as a video the Independent put made.
00:09:29 But that's OK, that'll work.
Speaker 6
00:09:33 Doo Doo Doo Doo.
Speaker 8
00:09:37 With Amazon, I wanted to provide a place that's.
00:09:40 Oh, now it is their video.
Speaker 9
00:09:40 Quiet that people could go.
Speaker 8
00:09:42 And focus on their mental and emotional well-being.
00:09:47 The Zen.
Speaker 9
00:09:48 Booths is an interactive kiosk where you can navigate through a library of mental health and mindful practices.
00:09:50 It's like it's like a prison.
Speaker 8
00:09:56 To recharge that internal battery.
00:10:00 Wow, it's.
00:10:01 Yeah, it's pretty.
00:10:02 That's pretty grim guys.
Speaker 5
00:10:05 It's pretty grim.
00:10:06 Like, let me look back at that.
00:10:09 It's like it's it's, it's like they designed it to look like the the cubicle in office space, isn't it?
Speaker 9
00:10:16 Find a place.
Speaker 6
00:10:17 Look at.
00:10:18 Just look at her.
00:10:18 Going in there, isn't that like?
00:10:20 The most dystopian image right there, that's just.
00:10:25 Just this frumpy diversity lady with a mask climbing into the the mental health booth.
Speaker 7
00:10:29 Wanted to provide a place that's quiet.
00:10:31 That people could pay with seats that.
00:10:31 I mean, just look at that, that that image right there.
00:10:34 I mean, that's just that's America.
Speaker 2
00:10:36 And have wanted to provide.
Speaker 3
00:10:41 That, that's that.
00:10:42 That's what you're fighting for.
00:10:47 That's what.
00:10:47 That's what you're fighting for.
00:10:52 Look at the inside of it, though.
Speaker 5
00:10:53 Take a look.
00:10:56 Yeah, like LeBron.
00:10:57 Look at that.
00:11:00 I mean it's it looks like they designed it to to be the the the like a smaller somehow smaller version of the cubicle in office space.
00:11:11 It's got like that awful like textured wall crap.
00:11:15 Like, I don't know what that is.
00:11:16 It's like carpet for the walls.
00:11:17 It's like cheap carpet for the.
00:11:21 With like this crappy Amazon Prime fan and like other other like Amazon Prime Chinese, Zen Garden ********.
00:11:37 In fact, it's it's already small and they they had to ******* put shelves and **** in it to make it even smaller.
00:11:43 Like is there even room?
00:11:44 It's it's like standing room only.
Speaker 6
00:11:52 Ohh boy.
00:11:54 Anyway, going back to the story here.
Speaker 5
00:12:00 Oh, that's horrifying.
00:12:02 It's so horrifying.
00:12:05 Where where are we at?
00:12:07 Where are we?
00:12:07 Got too many ******* tabs open now.
00:12:12 Where'd you go now?
00:12:13 I can't even find the damn story.
00:12:15 Oh, here it is.
Speaker 5
00:12:20 No, that's not it.
00:12:21 Told you I'm not on top of.
00:12:23 My game today.
00:12:26 I go through like a million.
00:12:28 I have like 10 browsers open.
Speaker 5
00:12:31 Like Amazons trying to put me in their.
00:12:33 Little cage close this browser.
00:12:39 Oh good.
Speaker 5
00:12:40 Lord OK, we knew that one open.
00:12:42 We want that one open and we want that one open.
00:12:45 We got lots of news to cover.
00:12:46 Today I need to get.
00:12:48 I need to get.
00:12:48 With the programming.
00:12:49 You know it is, you know, it is.
00:12:51 I have not had a sufficient amount.
Speaker 5
00:12:54 Of caffeine.
00:12:57 That's what it is.
00:12:59 Alright, let me find this ******* story again.
00:13:01 OK?
00:13:03 I can't find the tab, so I'm going back.
00:13:04 Here we go.
Speaker 3
00:13:07 Ah, the Zen booth is.
00:13:08 Interactive and the FBI just needed a Zen booth.
00:13:10 The Zen booth.
00:13:10 Is an interactive kiosk.
00:13:12 Where you can navigate through a library of mental.
Speaker 5
00:13:14 Health blah blah.
00:13:15 Blah blah.
00:13:15 Amazon's profits soared to record levels. Well, that's how they could afford. That's how they could afford the the cry cage.
00:13:24 During the COVID-19 pandemic, with customers stuck at home and reliant on online ordering of food, medicines and other essential items, yeah, all part of the plan.
00:13:35 This is all part of a plan.
00:13:39 This is 100% part of the plan they've been talking about this a long time. Whitney Webb did several interviews.
00:13:47 God, I want to say like a year ago, talking about how, what she what she was talking about happened years prior to that where the heads of Google and I've talked about this a couple of times.
00:13:57 But in case you don't remember.
00:13:58 Or haven't heard this the Eric Schmidt and a couple of other big heavy hitters from Silicon Valley had a meeting with heads of.
00:14:07 CIA and other intelligence agencies, I want to say around 2016, 2017 and a freedom of speech nonprofit, had a FOIA request that.
00:14:25 Produced a PowerPoint from this meeting and it's heavily redacted, and so we don't know the full scope of what they talked about.
00:14:33 But what we do know is they were very concerned about China.
00:14:39 They were very concerned that China was going to overtake the West because the West.
00:14:46 Had all of these legacy systems in place.
00:14:50 Legacy systems in place.
00:14:54 And China didn't have this obstacle.
00:14:57 And so the Chinese people would adopt the new technology.
00:15:01 At a faster pace because they didn't have any, they weren't replacing.
00:15:07 A system that already existed.
00:15:08 So what do they mean by legacy systems?
00:15:12 Well, one of the legacy systems they were talking about was car ownership.
00:15:18 That's right. Car ownership.
00:15:22 And because the Chinese people didn't own cars.
00:15:26 If they had an equivalent to Uber, which they do, I forget the name.
Speaker 5
00:15:29 Of it doesn't really matter.
00:15:32 They could release this app and manage the transportation of people.
00:15:39 From a well.
00:15:40 From a centralized location, so the government could manage that ****.
00:15:44 And not only that, keep track of where everyone was going in a way that you can't do at least as easily.
00:15:50 If everyone's driving cars.
00:15:53 But because the Chinese people did not have cars to begin with, they were adopting this new technology that was going to propel them into the future.
00:16:05 Because in addition to the surveillance that this technology gives the the Chinese Government.
00:16:13 It also feeds their AI.
00:16:16 So for example, the AIS and AI is only as.
00:16:20 Good as the data that you feed into it.
00:16:23 And in order to train an AI to find patterns and to make decisions, you need to feed it as much data as you possibly can so that it can make more accurate predictions and such.
00:16:40 And the people at Google and the other silicon.
00:16:45 Valley giants were troubled.
00:16:48 Because the Chinese, their AI systems, we're going to have access to all this data from, you know, in this example, all the Chinese people using their Uber app to get around instead of just going into a gasoline powered car that didn't have any kind of tracking device on it and just going wherever the.
00:17:08 Hell you wanted.
00:17:09 And not having it constantly recorded and transmitted to the.
00:17:15 And so that was, that was one of.
00:17:17 The the many.
00:17:19 Legacy systems that they were talking about.
00:17:22 But all of.
00:17:22 It pretty much fell under the kind of.
00:17:24 The umbrella of personal ownership.
00:17:26 So when you hear people like that Charles Schwab guy or you know the the guy that looks like a Star Trek character.
00:17:34 Star Trek villain pushing the great reset stuff and the the the 4th Industrial Revolution and and all this garbage.
00:17:42 That's something that you hear coming from the World Economic Forum people and you know, people like that guy over and over and over again that we're.
00:17:50 Going to get rid of ownership.
00:17:51 That you'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it.
00:17:54 And that is because it allows them not only to to manage you like cattle.
00:18:00 I mean, if you think about it.
00:18:01 Cattle on a farm.
00:18:02 They don't own anything, right?
00:18:05 And they're happy as clams.
00:18:08 You know, everything's provided for them. They just show up.
00:18:11 And they they get free food and free water and a free place to stay.
00:18:16 And they can do **** wherever they're standing.
Speaker 4
00:18:19 And everything's.
00:18:20 And they don't have to try and to get anything.
Speaker 4
00:18:24 Right.
00:18:26 Sounds like heaven, right?
00:18:29 And so not only does it allow the ruling class to provide you and a convenient existence like the kind that a cattle rancher would provide his cattle.
00:18:41 It also neuters you.
00:18:45 Because it's not like everyone would own nothing.
00:18:50 Someone owns something, right? Someone's got to own the somethings.
00:18:57 And we've already seen look in the past.
00:18:59 Well, I don't know. Probably 100 years really.
Speaker 4
00:19:03 Or at the very least, 50.
00:19:05 You can't be a contender in national politics unless you've got lots of money.
00:19:10 Unless you own lots of things.
00:19:13 Right.
Speaker 4
00:19:16 How? How many?
00:19:17 Non millionaires and non billionaires do you see?
00:19:21 With power in America.
00:19:25 Right it it's just simply money is power, ownership is power.
00:19:34 And so not only would it make you easier to manage it, would it?
00:19:37 Would effectively make you even more.
00:19:43 Powerless than you already are.
00:19:48 Because if they don't want you to own a car, they obviously don't want you to own a gun.
00:19:54 Own your property.
00:19:56 They don't want.
00:19:57 They literally don't want you to own anything.
00:19:58 They want you.
Speaker 5
00:19:59 To be an animal on a farm.
00:20:02 And so this document discussed this at length at length.
00:20:08 That Americans needed to get, or the West.
00:20:11 Really, it wasn't just limited to America.
00:20:13 The West needed to get rid of all these legacy systems like personal ownership.
00:20:20 Or they would be overtaken by the Chinese and then the Chinese would start setting the standards for AI systems and then essentially in the same way that the Chinese and really the rest of the world, they have to conform to American made operating systems, you know, like Windows, you know, OSX.
00:20:40 I mean Linux is that is that American?
00:20:42 I think it's European, isn't it?
00:20:44 But it's based on Unix, which is American.
00:20:46 I don't know is Linus.
00:20:47 What's his face?
00:20:49 I don't.
00:20:49 I don't remember where he's from.
00:20:50 I don't think he's American, though.
00:20:51 For some reason, I think he's European, but western, right?
00:20:55 The rest of the world still has to conform to Western operating systems programming languages.
00:21:04 And if China suddenly?
00:21:08 Started setting the standards for AI.
00:21:11 And the West fell behind.
00:21:13 Then we would have to start adopting their standards.
00:21:16 And then?
Speaker 5
00:21:16 We would be in this.
00:21:19 Rut that would be nearly impossible to get.
00:21:22 Out of and.
00:21:22 The funny thing is, no mention whatsoever in this presentation.
00:21:27 The very relevant problem of diversity when talking about you.
00:21:34 Know being competitive.
00:21:36 Being competitive with a high IQ nation like China, I mean, if you're.
Speaker 6
00:21:42 Real worried.
00:21:42 About China surpassing you technologically, you'd think that that would come up as an issue.
00:21:49 I don't know, maybe that was one of the redacted portions of the PowerPoint, but I doubt it.
00:21:56 See, you've been hearing a lot of this over and over and over again like.
00:21:59 This like I said.
00:21:59 This was well before COVID well before COVID that this was being discussed.
Speaker 3
00:22:08 And so when you had COVID rolled out?
00:22:13 And you had all the lockdown downs happening.
00:22:16 And I said this probably like about.
00:22:17 A year ago, or maybe more, I said, it doesn't make sense.
00:22:21 These lockdowns for a variety of reasons, but most of all.
00:22:25 It appears as though this is wrecking the economy.
00:22:34 They wouldn't purposely.
00:22:37 They're not going to fall on their swords because Grandma.
00:22:39 Might catch the flu.
00:22:42 They're not going to lose.
00:22:44 Billions of dollars because, you know, overweight diabetes people are going to maybe, maybe.
Speaker 5
00:22:51 You know at a.
00:22:52 At A1 have a have a one.
00:22:54 Percent chance of.
Speaker 5
00:22:55 Dying of of the cold.
Speaker 4
00:22:58 Right.
00:22:59 Like this is all crazy, and they're not stupid.
00:23:02 And this looks really ******* stupid.
00:23:05 And I know there's a lot of people.
00:23:07 Their instincts are always to say, oh, look, the incompetence these ******* people, they don't.
00:23:12 No, they know what they're doing.
00:23:15 Certainly the mental management types, there's a lot of incompetence and.
00:23:18 Stupid people, but the the people, really.
00:23:20 Calling the shots.
00:23:21 They're not ******* morons.
00:23:22 Do not.
00:23:22 Do not underestimate.
00:23:23 Your your enemy.
Speaker 4
00:23:28 And what it was.
00:23:31 Was an effort to because really, who got hurt?
00:23:36 Like the article saying here, Amazon didn't get hurt.
00:23:41 None of the centralized.
Speaker 4
00:23:44 Huge companies.
00:23:47 With ties to the ruling class in.
00:23:49 A big way.
Speaker 6
00:23:51 They all got bigger and richer.
00:23:55 The people that got hurt are the.
00:23:56 People that own stuff that aren't supposed to be owning stuff.
00:24:02 Again, if they don't want you owning a car.
00:24:03 They they sure **** don't want.
00:24:05 You owning a local business?
00:24:13 And not only are you getting more money if you're a company like Amazon because that's the only choice for some people.
00:24:18 At least that's how they perceive things.
00:24:20 That's never really the only choice, but that's how a lot.
00:24:22 Of people you know, people are.
00:24:23 They're lazy.
00:24:24 They're going to go for the path of least resistance and that's.
00:24:26 What Amazon provides?
00:24:32 But not only is it going.
00:24:33 To increase their sales for that reason.
00:24:37 It's going to permanently demolish a lot of their competition.
00:24:43 But then you take it a step further.
00:24:44 Not only is it going to permanently demolish their competition, it's not like these buildings just evaporate.
00:24:50 It's not like these businesses don't have assets.
00:24:52 It's not like this just vanishes into thin air when a business goes out you.
00:24:57 Know goes under.
00:25:00 All that stuff gets thrown into a fire cell.
00:25:09 And who do?
00:25:10 You think's buying?
00:25:12 This stuff up when it hits the auction block.
00:25:16 Well, it's not going to be.
00:25:18 Small business people that whose entire savings has been drained.
00:25:26 By the vampire that is Amazon, no.
00:25:32 So the rich that got all the bail out money, the rich that got all.
00:25:35 The new business.
00:25:38 The rich, they get all the subsidies and just when things are normal, they get, you know, the corporate welfare as some call it.
00:25:45 They're just going to increase their wealth with no opposition, but that's what they want.
00:25:49 The ruling class wants everything to be centralized in that way because it makes it easier to manage.
00:25:59 And it pushes them closer to this goal.
00:26:05 Anyway, back to the wage cage.
00:26:08 Amazon Lila, Amazon's Lila Brown used her background in sports medicine.
00:26:14 Ohh God.
00:26:15 Wait, hold on.
00:26:16 Hold on.
Speaker 3
00:26:19 Sports medicine.
00:26:28 And our passion in alternative therapies to create a space where our employees could focus on their mental health.
Speaker 5
00:26:37 And well-being.
00:26:41 And then there's a link to the tweet that is now deleted.
00:26:45 But the company has been slammed by its own employees over working conditions, grueling shifts and labor practices.
00:26:53 And it has been accused of interfering with workers rights to organize Oregon to form a union.
00:27:00 Well, you can't have a union.
00:27:03 You know it's.
Speaker 4
00:27:03 Funny the left.
00:27:05 Was always all about unions.
00:27:08 It just goes to.
00:27:08 Show the left and the right.
00:27:10 Neither side has any principles.
00:27:12 I keep seeing all these people scratching their heads and they keep talking about.
Speaker 6
00:27:15 Well, I don't understand.
00:27:16 It seems like just like a couple of decades ago, the left was very suspicious of government and, you know, and and wanted as much freedom as possible.
00:27:23 And now they seem to want to do whatever the government.
00:27:26 Yeah, because they don't have any principles in the same way that the people wearing the red shirts don't have any principles.
00:27:31 The people in the blue jerseys and the people in the red jerseys, they're they're just *******. They're both the same. They're just mindless and PC's that do whatever the **** they're they're their team.
Speaker 5
00:27:42 Tells them it's good.
00:27:43 You know they.
00:27:44 Cheer when they.
00:27:46 Don't cheer when they actually achieve anything.
00:27:47 They cheer when.
00:27:48 Their team achieves something.
00:27:53 And so when?
00:27:54 The people in the blue jersey see that the people.
00:27:58 On the Blue Team scored a point. They don't care that that that point would have been a point for the the the opposing side 1020 years ago, or at least that's how.
00:28:08 They would have perceived it.
00:28:11 So neither side has any principles, they're just mindlessly cheering on.
00:28:16 Let's see here.
00:28:18 Some employees have even claimed that they do not have time to use a toilet during their shifts and have been forced to urinate in plastic bottles.
00:28:28 Amazon raised its minimum wage to $15.00 an hour for all US employees in 2018 and April said it could get or give raises of between $0.50 to $3.00 to 500,000 workers. Isn't that?
00:28:44 But it's new Zen booth.
00:28:46 The wage cage.
Speaker 3
00:28:48 Drew quick criticism on social media.
00:28:52 Or you could pay employees well, not treat them like.
00:28:54 Garbage and except unionization, tweeted someone.
00:28:59 And then they just do the whole.
00:29:00 Thing where they show a bunch of.
00:29:02 Tweets of people complaining about.
00:29:04 It and so forth anyway.
Speaker 3
00:29:07 So yeah, Amazon has made the wage cage.
00:29:12 And that's not just Amazon, right?
00:29:15 What we're seeing is this is just a continuation of what started with well during the you know, the movie office space that that I did a whole video on that showing how working conditions.
00:29:26 We're just becoming inhumane where people were just becoming a number.
00:29:30 You were just showing up, clocking in listening to some boss that was completely ******* out of touch.
00:29:37 Like this woman right here.
00:29:38 You think this woman is any ******* different than Bill Lumberg?
00:29:44 You get these out of touch, elitist, *********.
00:29:48 The mental management types that I was telling that are.
00:29:50 Just completely clueless.
00:29:53 That are ******* that are, are, are ******* that are out of touch, that are incompetent, that are there because of nepotism.
00:30:07 Just like Bill lumberg.
00:30:10 In office space.
00:30:12 It's just a continuation of that because nothing ever solved that problem.
00:30:19 Nothing ever solved that problem.
Speaker 3
00:30:26 When you had big.
00:30:26 Companies like Google and and Facebook explode with wealth.
00:30:34 They increased the problem, they just masked it because.
Speaker 4
00:30:37 They would remember all the.
00:30:38 Stories that came out about how fun.
00:30:41 I mean, they did a.
00:30:42 Whole movie with Ashton Kutcher, about how fun it was to.
00:30:44 Work at Google.
00:30:46 Called like the interns or something like that.
00:30:50 The entire movie.
00:30:52 Was just a propaganda piece about how ******* awesome it would be to work at one of these companies and live in their pods because they had air hockey.
00:31:07 And like, you know, free free vegetarian salad.
Speaker 5
00:31:11 Bars and and.
00:31:14 Who knows what else, right?
00:31:15 And a pool table?
00:31:18 It was really cool to not just go to work to do your job.
Speaker 4
00:31:21 It was cool to live at work.
00:31:29 So it didn't.
00:31:30 It didn't get better.
00:31:31 It got worse.
00:31:32 They just tried to mask the problem by throwing in all kinds of what what would be perceived by children is like throwing candy at kids to shut them up.
00:31:46 Oh, it's fine that you worked 80 hours this week because there's a pool table and sometimes we let you.
Speaker 6
00:31:51 Play doom, you know.
Speaker 3
00:31:58 You think the people you.
00:32:00 Think the people at the top that don't give.
00:32:01 A **** about their own people, enough to, to not displace them with hordes of immigrants that will work for a couple dollars less.
Speaker 3
00:32:13 You think they give a?
00:32:13 **** about anything other than the bottom line that is the.
Speaker 6
00:32:17 Problem with capitalism?
00:32:20 At at the end of the day, what ends up happening with capitalism is every decision is based on maximizing profits.
00:32:28 Every decision.
00:32:30 And someone somewhere at Google.
00:32:33 Did the math and realized.
Speaker 4
00:32:36 We'll actually make more money.
00:32:39 Because people will be here working around the clock.
00:32:43 And we can create like a cult like atmosphere.
00:32:47 Where we'll shame the people who don't want to go there.
00:32:50 You know, the people that actually want to go home after work will shame that will make them feel like they're not part of the group.
00:32:56 They're not trusting the plan.
00:33:00 Come on, Billy.
00:33:03 Stay late with the rest of us.
Speaker 5
00:33:06 Why are you going home?
00:33:09 Yet the trust the plan, bro.
00:33:18 And as they imported more and more people.
00:33:20 That would do it for less and less and less and.
00:33:22 You know, they could lower the perks.
00:33:24 Oh, what?
00:33:25 I guess we don't.
00:33:26 We did the math and it turns out we don't.
00:33:28 Need as many pool tables on the 7th floor.
00:33:31 You know these Indian guys that we're bringing in them, they work the same amount of hours and all we have to do is have a soda machine that that has free Diet Coke in.
00:33:40 It and they're good.
00:33:43 I did some work for.
00:33:48 And actually I said.
00:33:49 That I mean a big company in Silicon Valley at one point.
00:33:57 And uh, their office was like that.
00:33:59 Their office was essentially a.
00:34:05 They tried to make it look fun.
00:34:08 They tried to make it look fun and it looks like the connection has dropped.
00:34:12 It's going to come back.
00:34:15 All right.
00:34:15 Well, that was interesting.
00:34:19 Hopefully the Internet keeps working the way that I got the Internet to keep working doesn't make a lot of sense to me and it makes me suspect that something was being blocked somewhere remotely.
00:34:32 Maybe not nefariously, but.
00:34:34 That's that raises that raises my.
Speaker 5
00:34:36 Eyebrow a little bit.
00:34:38 Alright, so back to the story.
00:34:40 I did some work in Silicon Valley for actually a couple of companies.
00:34:45 And I witnessed this first hand where you'd show up and remember the first time I went to this building, it was it was really big and fancy looking.
00:34:56 I remember thinking like, oh, wow, this is this is very impressive.
00:35:01 This is very impressive.
00:35:03 I've never seen an office just I mean everything just looked expensive.
00:35:09 Everything was fancy, everything was new.
00:35:12 Everything you walked in, just like the lobby.
00:35:15 And the lobby was huge.
00:35:18 Everything was marble and glass.
00:35:20 I mean, you could just tell, I mean, the thing just smelled like money.
00:35:24 And then you get into the elevator.
00:35:26 And you go up several floors and.
00:35:28 Even that part is a little impressive.
00:35:29 You're like, wow, there's, like, just floor after floor.
00:35:31 After floor of.
00:35:32 This stuff and every floor is just as fancy.
00:35:36 And then you get off.
00:35:37 I'm like, what other floor it is.
00:35:38 I think I was like.
00:35:39 On the 9th floor I don't tempt.
00:35:40 I don't remember what it was.
00:35:42 And same thing is like another lobby.
00:35:45 And then you see the sea of cubicles.
00:35:48 But they try to fancy.
00:35:49 It up a.
00:35:49 Little bit right?
00:35:50 It's not quite the the grim, ill lit office space cubicles.
00:35:56 In fact, one of the things that they changed in an effort to well in an effort to keep an eye on people.
00:36:05 To give you.
00:36:06 Less privacy, because what they they discovered was less privacy makes.
Speaker 4
00:36:11 You work harder.
00:36:14 Because then you know the boss can keep an.
Speaker 5
00:36:16 Eye on you.
00:36:18 But the way.
00:36:18 They sold.
00:36:19 It was.
00:36:19 Oh, no, we like.
00:36:20 It to be more open.
00:36:22 It makes you feel more like you're part.
00:36:24 Of a team and not so isolated, you know.
Speaker 3
00:36:29 So it was just like these rows of desks.
00:36:33 With no privacy.
00:36:36 Just a desk with a laptop on it that you had.
00:36:42 And the ******* connection dropped again.
00:36:46 For the love of God.
00:36:50 All right, I'm back and I'm on a different connection.
00:36:52 That should actually sort of work until they start to throttle it.
00:36:57 I don't know how.
00:36:58 Much because I'm we're at the end of.
00:36:59 The month here, so I don't know how much bandwidth is, is still left on this connection, but it should work.
00:37:06 Usually they'll let you.
00:37:08 They won't kill the connection.
00:37:09 Like the next day.
Speaker 3
00:37:10 So we should be good now.
00:37:13 So anyway, I'm going to have to edit a bunch of that ******** out, which really sucks because I kind of was getting in the into the groove of this.
00:37:22 And now I feel weird about just finishing a a ******* paragraph.
00:37:26 I started like what seems like 10 minutes ago.
00:37:31 We somehow didn't lose all the viewers.
00:37:32 That's kind of crazy.
00:37:35 So that's good.
00:37:36 Thanks for sticking around guys.
00:37:37 I appreciate that.
00:37:40 So anyway.
00:37:45 To finish this story really now, that's just.
00:37:47 Like, I feel like it.
00:37:48 Like it was almost like.
00:37:49 It was a big cliffhanger.
00:37:50 There's no big there's.
00:37:51 No big.
00:37:53 Resolution to it.
00:37:54 It was just that I went.
00:37:55 I worked at these companies and.
00:37:56 I would see the insides of these offices.
00:37:59 And it was just decadence.
00:38:00 It was decadence.
00:38:01 But you weren't.
00:38:02 You could never enjoy it.
00:38:04 You they weren't you so hard that you never.
00:38:06 It was just like decorations.
00:38:08 It was almost just like a reminder of of fun, you know, like, oh, look, remember fun.
Speaker 4
00:38:14 Look at.
00:38:14 Look how fun that that could be over.
00:38:16 There and no one would.
00:38:17 Do it and in fact.
00:38:18 But if you tried to to utilize some of these fun things, you you would get the stink eye from other people and.
00:38:25 You're just like, well, why is this ****?
00:38:26 Here, then, if we're not supposed to.
00:38:27 Use it.
00:38:28 It almost felt like.
00:38:30 You know, taking your your fat.
00:38:32 Friend who's on a.
00:38:33 Diet to an all you can eat buffet, you know.
00:38:36 And just I'm glaring at you.
00:38:38 While you're like what I I'm not a diet.
00:38:40 I can have ribs.
00:38:41 You know what I mean?
00:38:41 Like it was just, it was weird.
00:38:43 And So what?
00:38:44 I ended up doing is I just, you know, I just didn't using the stuff cause no one else would.
00:38:49 And I and I just felt like the weirdo and.
00:38:52 It was so.
00:38:53 Hyper competitive and I think they they kept everyone so afraid of losing their jobs.
00:38:58 You know, it was just everyone was always just working, like really out of fear.
00:39:05 And it wasn't even just the fear of being replaced by some lower caliber, lower paid, a visa worker, although that was certainly a big part of it.
00:39:13 Believe me, a lot of the jobs that I.
00:39:15 Had I was the only white American in the room.
00:39:18 Like I and but the.
00:39:19 Reason I had so many different jobs at so many.
00:39:21 Different places was.
00:39:23 The other aspect of.
00:39:24 This they would not actually hire you one.
00:39:28 99% of the people working there.
00:39:31 They would hire a temporary agency, a temp agency, to then hire you one.
00:39:37 That way they didn't have to provide you with anything, especially because this is in California.
00:39:42 A lot of these companies.
00:39:43 And in California, if they have to actually treat you like an employee, they have to.
00:39:47 There's a whole lot of stuff they gotta that comes with that.
00:39:50 And they can't just.
00:39:51 You know, fire you as easily.
00:39:53 They have to come up with a reason, but if they hire you as a temporary worker, they can fire you.
00:39:59 After the first day.
00:40:01 And it won't matter nothing.
00:40:03 And you have no legal recourse because you're just a temporary worker.
00:40:07 That was the deal.
00:40:09 And that was how they would staff a lot of these companies, like the the bulk of the force.
00:40:15 Would be temporary workers who didn't actually work at these companies.
00:40:20 And a lot of times that you would just abruptly stop working because they would.
00:40:24 Oh, well, they're they're pausing this like, you'd be working on a project like a lot of times, I would get hired on to, you know, work on, you know, some kind of design work or video work or something like that.
00:40:36 And it would be for, like, this big rollout.
00:40:38 They're going to do or whatever.
00:40:40 And you work on it for like 4 or five weeks and then just one day they're like, oh, they're stopping work on this project.
00:40:46 And so everyone's fired.
00:40:49 OK.
00:40:49 And then you got to start.
00:40:50 Looking for a job again and that was that wasn't just unique.
Speaker 3
00:40:54 To Silicon Valley.
00:40:56 That was something I experienced in other states.
00:41:00 That's in fact, that's what I experienced on the East Coast when I was working for government agencies.
00:41:06 I I ended up being a full time employee.
00:41:08 But for the first year.
00:41:11 I was just a temporary worker and if I at any point dissatisfied someone or whatever, I would.
00:41:18 Just be gone.
00:41:21 And the libertarian free market types are perfectly OK with this.
00:41:25 Because that's what capitalism does.
00:41:27 Capitalism figured out a loophole.
00:41:30 They figured out a way they could treat you like **** and maximize profits.
00:41:37 And so our entire system.
00:41:42 Because it's only motivated.
00:41:45 By prophets.
00:41:47 Treats everyone like ******* **** like ******* machines.
00:41:51 Like ******* numbers.
00:41:53 Because that's all you are.
00:41:57 And that's ideal.
00:41:58 That works for them.
00:42:03 And this was look, a lot of this started happening when the CEOs of these companies.
00:42:08 Had a genetic tie to the workers.
00:42:12 How do you think this is going to go when they don't even have any kind of connection whatsoever to the people working for them?
00:42:21 And now think about how that's going to affect.
00:42:23 I mean, the way that the country is governed.
00:42:26 Again, a lot of the ****** stuff that's happened from the federal government and state governments and well, just governments in the United States and the West, all over a lot of that betrayal, a lot of that ******* horrific **** that is that is driving the disaster that it is.
00:42:41 The West right now, a lot of those decisions were made by people that had a.
00:42:45 Genetic connection to you.
00:42:47 And you would think that would have motivated them, at least in some ways, to treat their people like their people.
00:42:54 But they didn't.
Speaker 5
00:42:57 They didn't.
00:42:59 Now that a lot of these visa workers have moved on.
00:43:02 To to have.
00:43:04 Positions of power.
00:43:06 Become CEOs.
00:43:11 You know, like there's there's.
Speaker 6
00:43:12 Look at look at a lot of these startups.
00:43:17 Look at a lot of.
00:43:18 These, well, not even startups.
00:43:20 Look at the people that run Google.
00:43:24 And increasingly, as these positions of power become more diverse in business, but also in the government.
00:43:32 And the people that are your elites.
00:43:35 Have zero ties to you whatsoever.
00:43:37 Of course they're going to treat.
00:43:38 You like ******* machines?
00:43:40 Or worse, if you're white.
00:43:48 Because the only people that actually take offense.
00:43:50 To this seem to be.
00:43:53 White males.
00:43:54 White females seem perfectly happy, perfectly happy.
00:43:58 To sit in the wage cage.
00:44:01 And make ******* PowerPoints.
00:44:07 And then, you know, occasionally cry in the.
00:44:11 And the wage cage.
00:44:14 They seemed perfectly happy with that.
00:44:18 And all the the the visa workers, I mean, ****, they're coming from halfway around the world to do exactly that.
00:44:23 They're perfectly happy to do that.
00:44:25 The only people that feel like they're they're owed something more.
Speaker 3
00:44:30 The only people that feel like they're that they.
00:44:33 Have some kind of claim.
00:44:36 To a say in what happens to them.
00:44:40 Are the white people specifically the founding stock people, the people that that have the nerve of thinking that this is their country?
00:44:50 So those are.
00:44:51 The people that it's a money thing.
00:44:54 Well, it's money and a power thing.
00:44:58 So of course you have to be taken out of the equation.
00:45:05 You are the breed of cattle that that is not working out.
00:45:10 You're the breed of cattle at the farm that is misbehaving causing.
00:45:15 More problems than you're worth.
00:45:20 And it doesn't matter if if.
00:45:22 You produce more meat just to keep the the cow metaphor going.
00:45:30 It doesn't matter if you produce more meat if they're unable.
00:45:33 To harvest it.
00:45:38 Right.
00:45:38 If you become like the the mega, the alpha cow.
00:45:42 But then you get out, you know.
00:45:43 You escape from the ranch.
00:45:48 They'd rather have, like the puny cows that don't make as much meat, but they also show up on slaughter day.
00:46:00 So we've gone from giving the workers pool tables and free soda machines and all this nonsense to giving them cry booths.
00:46:11 But like I said, this is nothing new.
00:46:14 Abso ******* lutely. Nothing new.
Speaker 5
00:46:20 All right, moving.
00:46:23 Right along now if you think that's bad.
Speaker 5
00:46:30 Let me get rid of this over here.
00:46:32 Oh, I found that I was looking for that file.
00:46:42 Things have taken a turn a turn for the weird.
00:46:45 Scientists create early embryos that are part human and part monkey.
00:46:54 Not only does it appear that the elites have zero connection with their their racial group, it almost seems as if they have no connection to their species.
Speaker 3
00:47:06 You know, a lot of ethics have just.
00:47:08 You know, completely gone out the window here.
00:47:11 For the first time, scientists have created embryos.
00:47:14 That are a mix of human and monkey cells.
00:47:19 The embryos, described Thursday in the journal Cell, were created in part to try to find new ways to produce organs for people who need transplants.
Speaker 5
00:47:29 That sounds ethical.
00:47:32 An international team of scientists who?
00:47:34 Collaborated on the work said.
00:47:36 But the research raises A variety of concerns.
00:47:41 My first question is why, said Kristin Matthews, a fellow for science and technology at Rice University's Baker Institute.
00:47:49 I think the public is going to.
Speaker 5
00:47:50 Be concerned and that I am as.
00:47:52 Well, that's where that we're just kind of pushing forward with science without having any proper conversation about what we should or.
00:48:00 Or should not do.
Speaker 3
00:48:02 Well, of course.
00:48:05 Well, of course.
00:48:08 Is there any is there think about it?
00:48:10 Is there anything that's that we're able to have an honest conversation about in this society anymore?
00:48:16 I mean, **** trouble just gives you a warning if you want to watch my string.
00:48:21 Trovo tells you like oh.
Speaker 3
00:48:22 You don't watch.
00:48:23 The Devon guy like, Are you sure?
00:48:25 Because he does not stand.
00:48:26 For our values.
00:48:29 And that's after, you know, getting the platform and demonetized from other places.
00:48:38 We can't talk about things in this society that don't go along with the predetermined wants and needs of the ruling class.
00:48:48 You are not part of this conversation.
Speaker 4
00:48:52 Maybe you?
00:48:52 Never really were.
00:48:54 But it's really apparent these days.
00:49:00 So if the ruling class wants monkey hearts.
Speaker 6
00:49:04 We're getting.
00:49:05 Monkey hearts.
00:49:07 Still, the scientists who conducted the research and some of the other bioethicists defended the experiment.
00:49:13 This is one of the major problems in medicine organ transplantation.
00:49:17 Yeah, I know it sucks so bad.
00:49:18 We have to do all this organ harvesting.
00:49:20 I mean it's.
00:49:21 I mean, we can only kill so many kids and and harvest their organs.
00:49:25 We have to get monkey organs.
00:49:27 Or we're gonna have to just keep murdering the **** out of kids all.
00:49:29 For the plays, said Juan Carlos, a professor at the gene expression laboratory of the Salk Institute for Biological Science in La Jolla, CA.
00:49:42 And co-author of the cell study the demand for that is much higher than the supply. Oh.
00:49:48 Well, and then.
00:49:49 Look at that.
00:49:50 It's once again, right?
00:49:51 It's capitalism.
00:49:56 It's supply and demand, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 4
00:49:59 What's good?
00:50:02 It doesn't matter what's good for you.
00:50:05 What's good for the society at large?
00:50:09 What matters is what's good for profits.
00:50:14 And that's that's the end of the ethics lesson right there.
Speaker 4
00:50:18 Right, libertarians.
00:50:22 Supply and demand.
Speaker 6
00:50:26 Well, you know the supply and demand will take care of it because if.
00:50:29 People really don't want monkey hearts.
Speaker 4
00:50:33 If they really don't want to be growing.
00:50:36 Abominations and labs that exist simply to give rich people their organs.
Speaker 6
00:50:45 Well, they just.
00:50:45 They simply won't buy them.
Speaker 3
00:50:47 And that will.
Speaker 6
00:50:48 Solve the problem.
00:50:51 Says ever ******** libertarian that ever lived?
00:50:59 I don't see this type of research being ethically problematic.
00:51:03 Said Insu hyun.
00:51:06 That sounds like a nice founding stock name, doesn't it?
00:51:10 A bioethicist at Case Western Reserve University and Harvard University.
00:51:15 It's aimed at lofty humanitarian goals.
00:51:22 Well, I think it's aimed at.
00:51:25 Lofty prophets.
Speaker 4
00:51:28 Thousands of people.
00:51:29 Die every year in the United States waiting for an organ transplant, Hayun noted.
00:51:34 So in recent years, some researchers in the US and beyond have been injecting human stem cells into sheep and sheeps and pigs.
Speaker 6
00:51:43 To see if they can eventually grow human organs.
Speaker 5
00:51:51 Ah yeah.
00:51:57 So while that was going on.
00:52:02 And that went to the horror of anyone who's normal.
00:52:07 Simultaneously, you have this story.
00:52:09 Senate Democrats vote down amendment that would have banned certain human animal hybrid experiments.
00:52:17 Which that was today or, you know, technically yesterday I guess. But today the Senate narrowly voted down a Republican amendment on Wednesday that would have criminalized the creation of certain types of chimeras or human animal hybrids for research purposes. The vote was 49 to 48 with every.
00:52:36 Senate Democrat, including independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine, voting against the amendment, all Republicans.
Speaker 5
00:52:46 Voted in favor.
00:52:48 Aside from Tom Tillis of North Carolina, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who did not vote.
00:52:58 Proposed this week against the backdrop of the National Institutes of Health potentially lifting its moratorium on research using chimera.
00:53:08 Which is just a fancy word for 1/2 human it's man bear pig. Basically the Endless Frontier Act would have imposed penalties as high as a.
00:53:17 $1,000,000 and.
00:53:18 Up to 10.
00:53:19 Years in prison, citing the ethical concerns of such research.
00:53:23 Well, now that you know.
00:53:24 The ethical concerns are gone.
00:53:25 The ethical concerns of.
00:53:26 Everything is gone.
Speaker 3
00:53:30 Where exactly?
00:53:34 Can you point?
00:53:35 In terms of the ruling class, whether you're or just anywhere in the society right now.
Speaker 4
00:53:40 Where where do?
00:53:41 Ethics exist right now.
00:53:44 You see, no one has principles.
Speaker 3
00:53:48 Without principles, there's no ethics.
00:53:55 I mean, look, you think.
00:53:58 They have principle like if if the the.
00:54:02 Maga Boomers as an example.
00:54:06 The people who typically were or were supposed to be the dam that would hold back some of this stuff if they don't have principles, then they've proven time and time again that they don't.
00:54:18 And if we just talked about how the left, you know, the people wearing the blue jerseys, if they're the ones that in the past were were supposed to be the dam against, you know, too much, you know, authoritarianism and and and, you know, this kind of garbage and which they don't care.
00:54:33 Really care about that either.
00:54:36 I mean, if they have no, if they have no ethics, they have no principles.
00:54:40 You know, the same boomers that were very upset about the trans ****, just like 8 months ago, who are now suddenly supporting Caitlyn Jenner.
00:54:53 Or Bruce Jenner, if you're not a ******* idiot.
00:54:59 Saying how based Bruce Jenner, the the murdering ****** is.
00:55:08 Simply because.
00:55:12 He put on the same colored jersey that they wear.
00:55:15 That's all it took.
00:55:16 And because they don't have any principles, that was enough.
00:55:19 Oh, they you mean you mean the evil murdering ****** crazy person he's wearing our jersey now?
Speaker 4
00:55:29 ******* beast.
00:55:33 Ethics in that society.
00:55:35 ******* God gone.
Speaker 4
00:55:38 Who's who's? Who's really?
00:55:41 The conservators of of ethics in a.
00:55:43 Society like that.
00:55:50 People wonder like, well, how could things just keep getting more evil and evil?
00:55:54 How could they not, right?
Speaker 3
00:55:59 And you should have known we were.
00:56:00 In trouble? When?
00:56:01 Google, first of all, you should have known we were in trouble when Google had to print on their wall when they first created their their offices and big bold letters don't be evil and then it should include you even in even more when they had to take the letters down.
00:56:23 Because there's no such thing as evil now, right?
00:56:26 Evil is relative.
00:56:34 We shouldn't need to clarify in law that creating animal human hybrids or chimeras is ethically unthinkable, but sadly the need for that very clear distinction has arrived, said Republican Oklahoma Senator James Lankford, who Co sponsored the amendment with the Republicans.
00:56:54 Human life is distinct and sacred, and research that creates an animal, human hybrid, or transfers a human embryo into an animal womb or vice versa, should be completely prohibited and engaging in such unethical experiments should be a crime.
Speaker 5
00:57:11 Well, it's not.
00:57:14 It's not.
00:57:19 Now here's the next line.
00:57:20 Here's the next line.
00:57:21 See, this is this is how you know it's about money.
00:57:24 It's about dominance.
00:57:25 It's about profit.
00:57:27 The next line is.
00:57:29 In trying to compete with China.
00:57:34 You know the big Boogeyman and trying to compete with China, we shouldn't become like them.
00:57:39 It's critical that we draw a bright light, a bright line against unethical forms of research that fail to recognize the distinction or the distinctive value of humans over animal animals.
00:57:52 Well, they're.
00:57:52 I mean, look.
Speaker 3
00:57:57 You think the ruling class?
00:57:59 Sees you as anything but animals.
Speaker 4
00:58:06 You think that?
00:58:07 They they think humans are something sacred and special, really.
00:58:13 You think the kinds of people that would engineer false flags that kill real people like just, you know, the the the just as an example 911, there's lots of examples, but that's that's a big one that everyone knows about, right.
00:58:27 You think the kinds of people that would engineer something like 911 kill thousands of people?
00:58:34 And then thousands more.
00:58:38 Or really to kill, I mean they killed thousands of people.
Speaker 5
00:58:40 So they could kill thousands more, hundreds of thousands more.
Speaker 6
00:58:46 You think they value human life?
00:58:49 No, those people sleep like like babies.
00:58:54 You think that a rancher after he takes his cattle to the slaughterhouse?
00:59:00 And slaughters.
00:59:02 Hundreds of his cattle.
00:59:05 You think he stays up at night wringing his hands?
00:59:09 Like, oh God, I still feel bad.
00:59:11 About looking into you.
00:59:13 Know old Betsy's ball feel?
00:59:14 Full eyes as she went.
00:59:15 On the conveyor belt and got sod and.
00:59:17 ******* half no.
00:59:20 In fact, he probably had a BBQ that night.
00:59:23 With the freshest meat you'll ever taste.
00:59:30 There's no difference.
Speaker 4
00:59:34 They see no difference.
00:59:40 You are not special.
00:59:44 You are not valuable to them beyond whatever you can do for them.
00:59:50 And if what you can do for them.
00:59:53 Is be a monkey hybrid, so that maybe you'll grow an organ they can have.
00:59:58 Well, that's that's pretty ******* valuable.
Speaker 6
01:00:03 Sounds good to me.
Speaker 4
01:00:09 Look, most people.
01:00:10 Are OK with experiments that they do on animals, right?
01:00:16 They'll they'll justify it and say, look, it's, I know that we're essentially torturing monkeys and and other animals that maybe aren't as intelligent but still feel pain.
01:00:26 You know, there's the amount of of animal experimentation that's been going on forever.
01:00:31 It's it's endless, right?
01:00:32 And a lot of it is torture.
01:00:35 And a lot of people.
Speaker 3
01:00:35 Will say, well, you know it's.
01:00:38 It's horrific, but if it's going to cure cancer for humans, I'm OK.
01:00:45 Because I see humans as as so.
01:00:47 Far above the other animals.
01:00:50 I can morally justify whatever this is.
Speaker 4
01:00:54 As long as.
01:00:54 It's done in a in a way that at least tries to minimize the suffering to these animals, right?
Speaker 6
01:01:02 But most people will go along with that.
01:01:05 I mean, ****.
01:01:05 Most people go along with.
01:01:06 If it's, if it's for cosmetics, right?
01:01:09 Not even like some kind of cancer cure.
01:01:16 OK, well.
01:01:18 Now you know how the ruling class thinks.
01:01:22 Because they're literally that, that same exact process is going on in their mind.
01:01:26 It's just that.
Speaker 4
01:01:29 That separation that you see.
01:01:32 Between humans and animals.
01:01:36 That's exactly the separation the ruling class's.
Speaker 4
01:01:40 Between them and you.
01:01:43 And look if you want to get specific about it, one of the reasons why and people have talked about this and people get mad, maybe well not everyone, but some people will get mad when I say this one.
01:01:52 Of the reasons why it's dangerous.
01:01:55 To have a ruling class that consists a lot of a lot of the ruling class.
01:02:03 Consisting of a lot of Zionist Jews.
01:02:07 Talmudic Jews.
01:02:09 Is their religion?
01:02:10 Religion teaches that.
01:02:12 Their religion teaches.
Speaker 3
01:02:15 That non Jews are closer to animals.
01:02:19 Than they are to them.
01:02:22 The Talmud teaches that.
01:02:24 That you as goyem.
01:02:27 You have a lesser soul.
01:02:38 So **** the **** the absence of ethics.
01:02:40 They have ethics that say it's OK.
01:02:45 The same way that you're viewing these animal experiments and and just look, think of everything else the same way that you view the animal experiments the same way that you view the the slaughterhouse at the.
01:02:57 At the cattle ranch.
Speaker 3
01:02:59 The same way that you view.
01:03:03 I don't know exterminating vermin in your home.
01:03:07 You know, putting out mouse traps.
01:03:11 Or in my case, shooting the Bunny rabbits.
Speaker 4
01:03:22 That exact exact thought process.
01:03:27 Goes on in the minds of the ruling class and specifically the Jewish members who, like I said, their ethics say it's OK.
01:03:39 When people get upset about, you know, Jews being in charge of the media and and being in positions of power, it's not that they that they just don't.
01:03:47 It's it's like the same thing with like.
01:03:49 Remember when we were talking about the.
01:03:53 The last stream I did, we were talking about that, that show where they were.
01:03:56 They were describing whites as basically just hating black people because of of an aesthetic right.
01:04:03 It's the color of their skin.
01:04:04 It's this irrational hatred of black people, because they just don't like people with dark suntans and and they're just crazy and.
01:04:11 Whatnot and and and.
01:04:13 Obviously that's not.
01:04:15 Real, you know, maybe there's an insane person that thinks that, but there's not any white people that are not even suspicious.
01:04:24 But like careful, I guess, around blacks.
01:04:29 Because of anaesthetic reason, right.
01:04:33 It's it's pattern pattern recognition, right.
01:04:36 There's statistics that support maybe being a.
01:04:40 Little more careful.
01:04:43 That demographic, right, it just look, it's just it exists.
01:04:51 Well, in, in, in that in that same vein, if you know that the people that really do control.
01:04:59 To a large degree, your government.
01:05:03 Your media.
01:05:05 Your banking system.
Speaker 3
01:05:10 They view you.
01:05:13 Like an animal that to be experimented on.
01:05:18 Or cattle to be slaughtered.
01:05:21 Or at least ethically, it's the same right?
01:05:23 Like maybe that's not their their desire, but if it if it becomes their desire, there's no ethical problem.
01:05:35 That's why.
01:05:37 People focus on.
01:05:38 That that's why people bring it up.
01:05:43 And that's why it was frustrating, you know, a lot of people watched that debate with Nick Fuentes and.
Speaker 5
01:05:50 That I don't know that Jew.
01:05:53 And I think it's Alex Jones's lawyer.
01:05:55 I watched part of it and it was just frustrating, you know.
01:06:00 The one thing that.
Speaker 3
01:06:01 I wish Nick had had said.
01:06:03 Because it just seemed like an.
01:06:05 One the the Jewish guy kept saying like it was double speak, but it was so obviously double speaking.
01:06:11 I'm surprising that called him out on it is he kept saying.
01:06:14 Well, you know, the aid to Israel, it's nothing. It's nothing. It's like 3% of their budget. If we like, got rid of it, it would.
01:06:22 Not be a big.
01:06:24 And then he would also say.
01:06:25 Well, you don't want.
01:06:26 To get rid of it because it's leverage, it's leverage and it's like you just said, it's ******* nothing.
01:06:33 So which is it?
01:06:35 So we have leverage with them because we're giving them nothing.
01:06:39 And if we took it away, it wouldn't.
01:06:40 Bother them.
01:06:41 So how is that leverage exactly?
01:06:43 You know, I mean, like, I was surprised that no one caught anyway.
01:06:45 That was just when.
01:06:46 He was saying that I was.
01:06:46 Like you're so obviously contradicting yourself.
01:06:50 Like just within seconds.
01:06:54 But anyway, so then afterwards Owen takes some calls, right?
01:07:00 And a lot of people were pointing out very specifically some of the problems with Jewish power, and he got very uncomfortable.
01:07:07 And you could tell and he would steer the steer the collar away from all those subjects, and sometimes end the call and and and kept trying to like shift it to.
01:07:16 No, no, it's the ruling class, the ruling class.
01:07:18 And look, yes, there's it's not just the.
Speaker 5
01:07:20 Jews in the ruling class.
01:07:23 But there's a special kind of danger when you have a group of people that think that they are superior and not in a in a made-up white supremacy way in a in writing in the Talmud way.
01:07:42 And so yes, it is important to point it out.
01:07:45 And yes, it is important to make it a specific problem that you discussed.
01:07:49 That's not just some vague the deep state, the ruling class, the globalist.
01:07:59 And just and by saying, oh, it's more complicated, there's all these different factions, does not change the fact that yes, but this particular faction.
01:08:09 Is incredibly powerful and incredibly supremacist.
01:08:18 In a in a unique way, uniquely supremacist.
01:08:24 In fact, sadly.
01:08:28 One of the callers said something to the effect of I I forget, actually I don't know the specifics of it, but the, the, the the idea was why is it that when there's members of of this?
01:08:41 Group you know.
01:08:42 Jews that do bad things, people like.
Speaker 6
01:08:45 Say oh look.
01:08:46 There it is. It's.
01:08:47 It's the Jews again, you know?
01:08:48 But why then, when Members of your group like, you know, white people do something?
01:08:53 You don't say that it's all white people.
01:08:58 And that seems to make some sense to a lot of people.
01:09:01 Oh, yeah.
01:09:01 Well, that that makes sense.
01:09:02 Yeah, we shouldn't blame all all Jews for just the sins of a few.
01:09:13 And one of the reasons why that.
01:09:14 Sounds like such a rational thing to white people.
01:09:21 Is we don't have in Group preference.
01:09:28 We are.
01:09:30 To our detriment.
01:09:38 So yes, when a member of our group does something bad.
01:09:42 We usually don't blame the entire group.
01:09:44 In fact, it ******* our ability to see patterns.
01:09:50 Because we we have a distaste for this kind of thinking.
01:09:56 Because among our own people.
Speaker 6
01:09:59 Our own people who.
01:10:00 Don't act in Group interests most times.
01:10:07 That's a better or slightly.
01:10:11 It's not as inaccurate.
01:10:13 To look at the world through that lens, if you're only talking about individualist white people.
01:10:25 But if you're talking about a group.
01:10:31 That again in writing.
01:10:34 In their book of ethics.
Speaker 3
01:10:37 Says specifically.
Speaker 4
01:10:42 That they are superior to all other groups.
01:10:47 And there's different rules for interacting with other groups than there are with interacting with their group.
01:10:55 And there's different punishments for doing something against other groups.
01:10:59 Or doing something against their group.
01:11:08 Then yeah, you need to maybe lighten up on the whole.
01:11:10 Everyone's an individual thing.
01:11:14 It's a different dynamic.
01:11:17 And it doesn't mean that you blame every individual for the sins of that group.
01:11:23 But it's not the same thing.
01:11:26 It's not the same thing as if.
Speaker 5
01:11:29 Some white guy does something.
01:11:32 Because when was the last time white people did something.
01:11:34 As a group.
01:11:36 That's one of our big ******* problems here, right?
01:11:39 Is getting white people to do anything as a ******* group or to even recognize that they're they?
Speaker 4
01:11:43 Are a group.
01:12:00 So that was frustrating to watch.
01:12:03 It was frustrating to watch just Owen Dance and dance and dance and dance and dance.
01:12:10 To avoid.
01:12:13 Talking about what most of the people calling up wanted.
Speaker 5
01:12:15 To talk about.
01:12:32 Alright, well I got.
01:12:33 A little off.
01:12:35 Off topic, I guess they're going back to.
01:12:40 The making monkey monkey hearts.
01:12:42 The International Society for Stem Cell Research released guidance on Wednesday backing Chimera Research, saying that the Chimera embryo and the general research should be or should proceed for the minimum time necessary to achieve.
01:12:56 The scientific aim just the minimum time necessary.
01:13:06 Life is not sacred to these people.
01:13:11 A lot of people need to wake.
01:13:12 The **** **?
Speaker 3
01:13:13 That is the other problem too is is.
01:13:16 They ties back to the.
01:13:18 Whole white people being individuals.
01:13:20 They have a really hard time.
01:13:24 Understanding other groups and other people and understanding that what seems like universal morality to them is.
01:13:35 Is totally not.
01:13:37 You know, you ever talk, for example, you ever try to explain some of the darker **** that's happened in our history?
01:13:44 Like just, I guess 911 again if you want or or even the USS Liberty or something like that.
01:13:49 Something that is dark, but it's there's someone.
01:13:52 It's so documented that if you if you have half a brain and you actually look at it.
01:14:00 It's, I mean, it's indisputable what happened, right?
01:14:05 And you present someone with some of these facts and it's not that they're not smart enough to.
01:14:09 Understand the facts.
01:14:13 And it's not even that deep down that they don't believe you.
01:14:19 It's just that they that what they struggle with is imagining.
01:14:24 That other people.
01:14:27 Would be that bad?
01:14:29 Right. That other people's way of viewing.
01:14:32 The world would be so different.
Speaker 5
01:14:34 From their own.
01:14:37 You know that's that's been what's crippled the West.
01:14:40 Honestly, on every step of the ******* way when it comes to immigration stuff.
Speaker 5
01:14:45 You know.
01:14:46 Just, I mean, simply when you welcome these people in from around the world, that not even just picking on one group in particular, just any group that's coming in, that's from outside.
01:14:57 Of the West.
01:14:59 And have this.
01:15:00 Having this assumption that like, well, you know.
01:15:04 They're going to see how great it is here in my society, and they're going to assimilate, you know they're going to because what I believe.
01:15:12 In and because I believe in American exceptionalism, or like whatever you want to call it, because it truly is the the greatest way of of living, everyone's going to see that it's going to be as obvious to them as it is to me, and they're going to want to embrace it.
01:15:27 It's it's like the whole thing with the Neo cons, we're saying we're going to spread democracy around the world, we're going to conquer, we're going to topple these government.
01:15:35 And then just there's this magical carbon copy of the United States that just simply speaks Arabic is going to blossom out of the desert, right?
01:15:44 Like that's, that's what you were told.
01:15:47 Because the truths that we believe in, they're so universal.
01:15:52 They're so universal to everybody.
Speaker 4
01:15:56 Regardless of color or creed.
01:16:00 They're so universal, it's they're inevitable.
01:16:07 It's inevitable.
01:16:12 So if all we do is.
01:16:14 We go and we topple these governments.
01:16:17 It's the only thing that could happen.
01:16:28 And it's this mixture of hubris and justice.
01:16:37 And optimism.
01:16:41 That has has just castrated the West.
01:16:49 This inability to understand.
01:16:53 This arrogance.
01:17:01 That everyone's going to see the world, the.
01:17:03 Way that you do.
Speaker 3
01:17:05 Or that even everyone wants the.
01:17:06 Same things that you do.
01:17:19 At the end of the day.
01:17:19 That's really what's going to.
01:17:21 Be the.
01:17:24 The death blow.
01:17:26 It's hubris.
01:17:37 Well, just as an example, and here's another perfect example I posted this on Telegram today.
01:17:46 Let's see if I can find it.
01:17:52 A lot of people thought this was funny.
01:17:56 And I get it.
01:17:57 You know?
01:17:58 It's kind of funny, right?
01:18:07 So the new black manager at a Popeye's chicken.
Speaker 4
01:18:14 June 1st.
01:18:17 This restaurant is under new management and will reserve the right to refuse service to white people.
01:18:24 We apologize for any inconvenience.
01:18:29 Sign general manager Mason.
01:18:33 And people were laughing because it's like, Oh no.
01:18:37 The blacks are going to going to stop us from getting Popeye.
01:18:44 But that's the same ******* hubris that allowed everything that's happening around you to happen.
01:18:52 That's the same hubris that made it so white.
01:18:54 People who would show up in droves.
01:18:59 To watch the black comics.
01:19:02 Do their def comedy jam?
01:19:05 And do entire sets about how ******* ******** white people were and justice laughed and laugh.
01:19:15 Metaphorically pat them on the head and leave.
01:19:19 Very condescending.
01:19:24 Oh, it's funny.
01:19:25 They're not going to.
01:19:26 Let us eat at Popeyes.
01:19:33 No, like like I said on telegram.
01:19:34 Enjoy it while you can.
01:19:36 Right now, it's still a joke.
01:19:44 If you don't think that's an Overton window movement.
01:19:51 You're in for a surprise.
01:19:58 I mean you.
01:19:58 Have the the mayor of Chicago won't even talk.
01:20:02 Openly says this.
01:20:03 She won't talk.
Speaker 6
01:20:04 To white reporters.
01:20:06 You have restaurants that are going to start not serving white people.
01:20:10 You have hospitals that are going to prioritize black people.
01:20:15 Do you not see why this isn't a joke?
01:20:23 Do you not understand why treating all this **** for the last 50-60 years as a joke as a non threat?
01:20:32 Has just been digging your own grave.
01:20:49 Like I said, I get it, I get it.
01:20:51 It's funny.
01:20:51 If it's funny cause it's Popeyes, right?
01:20:55 There is some funny haha in it.
01:20:58 I get it.
01:21:00 But this is no ******* joke.
Speaker 4
01:21:11 All right, so the.
01:21:14 Movie I wanted to play a.
01:21:15 Couple of clips from.
01:21:19 Specifically, there's a speech that I think is important.
01:21:23 And like I said, I I.
Speaker 5
01:21:24 Might do a.
01:21:27 I might do a full video on this.
01:21:31 It's a very eye opening film, especially in retrospect.
01:21:38 But there was a movie in 1991.
Speaker 4
01:21:46 Reflected black culture.
01:21:50 In a way.
01:21:52 That again, I think white people viewed in a condescending and.
01:21:58 Like kind of an amused way.
01:22:04 Like, oh, that's how the other half lives.
01:22:16 And this movie like this is from 1991. A lot of this black violence stuff, people, it's it's especially younger people.
01:22:24 I think a lot of younger people don't understand that this whole violence of or culture of violence that exists in the black populations, whether you're talking about.
01:22:35 Hey, you see, like the the videos of black people fighting on planes, it's not that black people are getting angrier, and now they're fighting on planes.
01:22:43 It's just that no, black people are just flying on planes now.
01:22:50 This culture of violence has always existed.
01:22:55 It's just that it used to come with punishments.
01:23:00 And now it doesn't.
01:23:06 And in this 1991 film, it's on full display, but there's also a very interesting monologue.
01:23:18 From one of the characters that sounds really ******* familiar.
01:23:24 Really ******* familiar.
01:23:29 Anyway, the name of the movie is.
01:23:30 Boys in the hood.
01:23:32 Because the boys in the hood is always hard.
01:23:35 You go talk in the trash.
Speaker 4
01:23:37 We're going to pull your card.
01:23:46 And boys in the hood.
01:23:47 And I said, there's just a couple of clips I wanted to show.
01:23:50 That it's worth doing a whole.
01:23:53 Thing, but I don't I didn't have.
01:23:54 Time that I have been real busy today.
01:23:57 So let's take a look at that.
01:24:00 Couple of clips.
01:24:02 The first clip is real quick, it's again.
01:24:05 It's just an underlining.
01:24:10 The repeated.
01:24:14 Sanctioning of violence.
01:24:17 Against right wing white people.
01:24:20 Now again, the right wing white people that are depicted in this scene are Reagan and Bush senior, right?
01:24:26 So it's like.
01:24:28 You know, they're not exactly people that you would consider right wing these days, but.
01:24:36 It doesn't matter at the time in 1991.
01:24:39 This would be seen as representatives.
01:24:41 Of White right wing people.
01:24:45 And it's just a bunch of it's death. By 1000. Cuts, right? It's just that, like, this scene in particular that I'm going to show is not.
01:24:51 Like a huge deal.
01:24:54 Just by itself, it's just the company of these scenes.
01:24:59 It's it's the.
01:25:00 The presence of a scene identical to this in every movie, literally every movie put.
01:25:06 Out by Hollywood.
01:25:08 In one way or another, there was something like this.
01:25:12 And this one's just more obvious.
01:25:14 Because the audience.
01:25:15 Is lower IQ and so a lot of.
01:25:17 The stuff has to be more obvious.
01:25:20 And I'm not saying that to be funny.
01:25:21 I mean just.
01:25:21 Think about like.
01:25:23 How many?
01:25:24 How many?
01:25:25 Like, why do you think there's there's black comedies?
01:25:29 Like, what's that black move?
01:25:30 The comedy, where the the comedian dresses up like a woman and that that's like the whole joke of the whole entire movie is haha, he's.
Speaker 5
01:25:39 A man, but he's wearing a.
01:25:40 Dress, you know, I mean, like, the there's just ******* stupid *******.
Speaker 5
01:25:45 Black comedies.
01:25:47 And white people don't go and wash them and not because.
01:25:52 It's it's a different culture, it's just not.
01:25:54 It's just not sophisticated.
01:25:58 That's what it like at the end of the day.
01:26:01 It's like listening to your 10 year.
01:26:03 Old tell jokes.
01:26:08 Like it might be kind of funny because the 10 year old telling the joke but.
01:26:11 It's like it's not a funny joke.
01:26:16 And in the same way, when you're making these movies.
01:26:20 For those audiences.
01:26:23 You got to have to simplify ****.
01:26:25 You can't be overly complicated with this stuff.
01:26:28 Or it'll fly right over their heads.
01:26:35 So a lot of this stuff's, you know, kind.
01:26:36 Of in your face but.
01:26:38 Like this scene right here.
Speaker 5
01:26:40 Let's see. There we go.
01:26:46 I don't know how good the audio is going to be in this, let me say.
01:27:02 Well, the audio is not going to work at all, apparently.
01:27:03 OK, that's why.
01:27:07 Thank you.
01:27:12 Rewind that.
01:27:13 So this is.
01:27:14 Just a a seeing in this movie.
01:27:39 See, it's the the right wing whites fault that there's crime in their neighborhood.
01:27:49 Let's have let's have gunshot sounds while showing.
01:27:51 Bullet holes in their pictures.
01:27:57 They're the enemy.
01:28:01 Get that in your head.
01:28:06 Now just just imagine for a moment that you've got a movie aimed at white Christians.
01:28:12 And that was a poster of a prominent Jew.
Speaker 3
01:28:19 And you did the exact same thing.
01:28:27 That would be the end.
01:28:28 Of that right.
01:28:30 Anyway, that's just.
01:28:31 That's just a real.
Speaker 6
01:28:31 Quick one.
01:28:33 But now here's the next scene.
01:28:35 This is a whole again, this movie is made for.
01:28:40 So for black people to relate to it.
01:28:43 And we've seen so many of these videos of, like black classrooms, right where they're just unruly fights break out.
01:28:51 I put in fact, I put a video on my telegram the.
01:28:54 Day of well look, let's play it real quick.
01:28:59 There's videos like this that come out every ******* day, though every ******* day.
Speaker 5
01:29:04 This is not like a new thing.
01:29:06 It's not a new phenomenon.
01:29:08 But this video specifically will show the huge contrast.
01:29:13 And what the expectations that a white student has and what should be going on in the classroom?
01:29:21 And the expectation what's normal?
01:29:24 For the black kids.
01:29:27 And because those two do not align.
01:29:31 There ends up.
01:29:32 Being a conflict.
01:29:35 There we go.
01:29:36 And this conflict is illustrated in this.
01:29:40 And this incident here where it go.
Speaker 5
01:29:46 I hate that it moved it.
01:29:47 Why did?
01:29:47 It move it.
01:29:49 Here we are.
Speaker 5
01:29:53 Let me move that over here.
01:30:03 Now that it's hard to tell, maybe in this, but the person in the black.
01:30:11 In the desk.
01:30:12 That's right in the middle of the frame with his head down.
01:30:14 That's the white kid.
01:30:25 Yes, why?
01:30:35 And then.
Speaker 10
01:31:04 I'm married.
Speaker 7
01:31:07 Oh my God.
Speaker 10
01:31:08 He doesn't kill somebody.
01:31:10 It's not on me.
01:31:13 Bro, somebody's done.
01:31:21 Ohh ****.
01:31:23 You better watch swing your ohh.
Speaker 11
01:31:29 ******* mouth.
Speaker 4
01:31:35 Oh, we.
Speaker 10
01:31:38 Erica talking like that.
01:31:40 Holy ****.
01:31:45 Erica, sit down.
01:31:47 Bet you won't hurt them.
01:31:50 Notice how the the teacher is there.
01:31:53 The teacher is there and has like no control over it, because this is actually this is considered like this is normal good behavior right now in a black classroom.
01:32:01 Alright, so far it hasn't really gotten out of hand.
Speaker 10
01:32:05 Oh ****.
01:32:08 Hey, after ******* door.
Speaker 3
01:32:13 Like this is this is the environment.
01:32:15 If you stay in the cities that you're putting.
01:32:18 Your white son into.
01:32:21 He does not belong in that environment.
01:32:23 There's a huge difference in expectations for behavior and decorum, right?
01:32:30 Well, in this movie they they illustrate those exact same differences.
01:32:35 You have a white teacher trying to teach black students.
01:32:39 And unlike the.
01:32:41 Movies that would follow where you'd have, like Michelle Pfeiffer trying to teach the ghetto kids.
01:32:46 How to be?
01:32:51 This one the the teachers.
Speaker 3
01:32:54 Because the audience is.
01:32:55 Not the white people, right?
01:32:56 Because that the audience for that movie was the white people, the show, the.
01:32:59 Oh, no.
01:32:59 Look, we can learn from them and they can learn for us.
01:33:01 And well, everyone will be.
01:33:03 It'll be fine.
01:33:04 It'll all be fine.
01:33:05 No, this was this is was specific to black audience.
01:33:12 And so, because it was specific to black audiences, they told the Black people something that they would understand and.
01:33:19 That is that.
01:33:19 The white teacher isn't going to teach them something that they don't know, and and they're all we're all going to have a learning experience and everyone's going to assimilate.
01:33:27 No, that's not.
01:33:28 At all. That wouldn't.
01:33:29 What black people wouldn't relate to that at all?
01:33:31 So this is this is the classroom in the black movie.
Speaker 12
01:33:38 OK, alright.
01:33:39 Does anybody know what the name of this place is?
01:33:41 Africa, I know.
01:33:42 That's right, that's Africa.
01:33:44 But did you know that Africa is a place where the body of the.
01:33:46 1st man.
01:33:47 Was found.
01:33:48 My daddy says that makes the place where all people originated from.
01:33:51 That makes everybody really from Africa.
01:33:53 Everybody all y'all everybody.
01:33:57 From Africa?
01:33:58 I'm from Crenshaw mafia.
01:34:03 Like and now you're from Africa.
01:34:06 I'm from Africa.
01:34:06 You from Africa?
01:34:07 You African booty scratcher.
01:34:13 God kick your asss.
Speaker 13
01:34:14 OK, boys, that's enough count to 10.
01:34:16 And be quiet.
01:34:17 I'll get my brother shoot you in.
Speaker 12
01:34:18 The face punk *** brother *****.
01:34:21 I get my dad.
01:34:22 I got one ************ and your ***** and nobody.
Speaker 13
01:34:24 That's it enough.
01:34:25 Bobby, listening to me.
01:34:27 Sit down now.
01:34:33 As I was saying.
Speaker 3
01:34:34 See, that's 1991.
01:34:38 That was the relatable.
01:34:41 Black schoolroom experience for the black audience.
01:34:49 Someone in chat said low impulse control.
01:34:53 1991.
01:34:57 Now compare that to like movies that you watch where there's you know about white kids in schools.
01:35:03 Yeah, there's fights, there's playground fights and stuff like that, but there's not like escalations.
01:35:09 Of you said something.
01:35:11 I don't like and I'm talking about shooting you in the face.
01:35:13 The next very next sentence.
01:35:15 And now we're brawling at the front of the classroom.
01:35:20 Because that's not what happens in white classrooms.
01:35:25 And of course, what follows is a classic example of something we again, we still see that was that's true today, and it was true in 1991.
01:35:34 And that is.
01:35:34 The whole he didn't do nothing complex.
Speaker 13
01:35:38 Highland intelligence he's his enormous vocabulary.
01:35:42 It's just that.
01:35:44 Yes, go on.
01:35:46 It's just that he has a very.
01:35:48 Bad temper, it makes it extremely difficult.
Speaker 7
01:35:49 Go, go, go.
Speaker 13
01:35:51 For him to interact with the other.
01:35:54 Children and perhaps like.
01:35:55 See. See, that's the teacher trying to deal with this situation, saying, you know his problem is he has a lack of self-control. He's got low impulse control and it's getting in the way of his success.
01:36:09 And that and then his mother will apply in such a way that you'll see another one of his problems.
01:36:13 And that is his mother.
Speaker 13
01:36:14 I could recommend therapy or.
01:36:16 Look, that's his neighborhood.
01:36:17 Look at the low impulse control happening all around him.
01:36:19 And this is normal.
Speaker 11
01:36:21 Child psychologist?
01:36:23 No thank you.
01:36:24 We can manage just five.
Speaker 13
01:36:26 Is there some problem in the home?
01:36:28 Are you employed?
Speaker 11
01:36:30 That's really none of your business, but since you asked, I am employed and I'm studying to receive my Masters degree.
Speaker 13
01:36:36 Then you are educated.
Speaker 11
01:36:37 Listen, are we gonna talk about?
Speaker 10
01:36:39 Me or my son, I'm sorry.
Speaker 13
01:36:42 Well, we'll be happy to see Trey back in class on Tuesday.
01:36:47 His suspension was only for three days.
Speaker 11
01:36:48 You know, no, I don't think you'll be.
01:36:50 Seeing 3 again.
Speaker 13
01:36:51 And why is that?
01:36:52 May I ask?
Speaker 11
01:36:53 Because Trey is going to live with his father.
Speaker 9
01:36:56 His father.
Speaker 11
01:36:57 Yes, his father.
01:36:59 Or did you think we made babies by ourselves?
01:37:02 ******* white ho.
01:37:06 So the teacher tries to help and she's treated like the **** *** white hoe.
01:37:11 Of course he has a father.
01:37:12 How dare you?
01:37:16 Of course I have.
01:37:16 A job.
01:37:17 I'm getting my masters degree.
01:37:20 **** *** white hoe.
Speaker 12
01:37:25 Until I go jump in the lake, Mama.
01:37:27 That's right.
01:37:28 I call a **** *** white hoe.
Speaker 3
01:37:32 But now you see all these these videos.
01:37:37 Of you know again the last stream I was talking about the the perception that a lot of boomers and just people that grew up in white neighborhoods had of of black people, it was the cosbys.
01:37:46 It was the black people on TV.
01:37:48 It was the black people that were essentially white people, right?
01:37:51 They're they behaved like white people.
01:37:52 They had the same.
01:37:54 Kinds of jobs that.
01:37:55 White people had the same custom.
01:37:56 Teams you know in that particular episode, we watched, you know, the the black dad, he listens to ******* polka music.
01:38:04 The the son goes to Harvard, you know, they're just they're just white people that look different.
01:38:10 They didn't have any kind of exposure to actual.
01:38:15 Black people.
Speaker 4
01:38:17 And by the way, a lot of those shows weren't being watched by black people.
01:38:25 You couldn't make money if that was the case.
01:38:27 If the if you were making.
01:38:30 Episodes of or even like The Cosby Show, which you know, I'm sure black people watch the Cosby Show because it was crazy, crazy popular.
01:38:39 But if white people weren't watching The Cosby show.
01:38:42 It wouldn't exist.
01:38:45 The target audience of the advertisers wanted that the networks wanted.
01:38:50 The demographic they wanted was the white people.
01:38:56 And so that show was tailored for that demographic.
01:38:59 This movie, however, is not tailored for the white people.
01:39:02 I mean, obviously white people went and went to go see it.
01:39:06 The target audience for this.
01:39:08 Was black people.
01:39:10 And so they relate it in a little more of.
01:39:12 An honest way.
01:39:15 And so I think that's what the issue is.
01:39:17 When you have all these people watch these.
Speaker 3
01:39:19 Viral videos of.
01:39:20 The violence in black neighborhoods and, you know, just interactions with blacks on subways and stuff like that, people like oh, wow, things are, things are getting crazy.
01:39:30 They were always like that.
01:39:31 You just didn't live next to it.
01:39:36 You just lived in your all white neighborhood and went to your all white school and worked at your all white job and maybe there'd be a couple black people like the high performing blacks that actually did, you know, go to college and and whatever, and and were higher IQ and had more impulse control and.
01:39:52 And, you know, they were essentially outliers.
01:39:58 And that's your exposure to it.
01:40:01 And so you're making your assumptions about this group based on.
01:40:08 A limited amount of real data and a vast amount.
Speaker 4
01:40:11 Of ******** data.
01:40:18 So it's not that, Oh my God.
01:40:20 You know, things have gotten out of control.
01:40:22 Always been like this.
01:40:27 It was just easier.
01:40:28 To lie to you.
01:40:31 When you lived in an all white neighborhood and worked in an all white job and had and never interacted with these people, but now that they're that there is no such thing as an all white job or all white neighborhood or all white school.
01:40:46 You're seeing it more.
Speaker 4
01:40:53 Now you want to look.
01:40:57 This clip, there's another clip I posted this on Teller.
01:40:59 This is another.
01:41:00 Clip you want to see what's?
01:41:05 When a black neighborhood is like.
Speaker 5
01:41:12 This one is going to take a little.
01:41:13 Bit longer to download.
01:41:21 Here we go.
01:41:25 What's shocking to me about this video?
01:41:30 Isn't Even so much what happens in the video, although that's pretty shocking.
01:41:34 It's how nonchalant.
01:41:40 In fact, let me do this.
01:41:47 That's what I want you.
01:41:47 To focus on here.
01:41:50 I mean, there's crazy **** that goes down in this video.
01:41:53 But I just want you to pay attention to, like, how ******* nonchalant everyone.
01:42:00 In the video is.
01:42:02 No one's panicking. No one's like holy ****. I mean the guy holding the camera. It doesn't even seem like that.
01:42:11 Worried about anything like this type of **** happens every day.
01:42:14 Kind of attitude.
Speaker 4
01:42:16 Right.
01:42:46 May 4th.
Speaker 6
01:43:12 No big deal.
Speaker 3
01:43:13 OK.
Speaker 6
01:43:15 No big deal.
Speaker 4
01:43:23 Completely nonchalant.
Speaker 3
01:43:33 See, this is another day, my neighbor.
01:43:40 I'm just wondering.
01:43:51 I mean, just in this in this.
01:43:53 Few seconds there's like 4 attempted murders.
01:44:30 OK.
Speaker 3
01:44:34 No big deal.
01:44:34 The guy holding the camera.
01:44:36 Uh ****** his ride up.
01:44:39 No big deal.
Speaker 4
01:44:41 Not not.
01:44:42 Oh, my God, that was the.
01:44:43 Craziest **** I've ever seen.
01:44:46 Just not ****** his ride up.
01:44:54 I'm telling you guys.
Speaker 4
01:44:58 Different worlds, different ******* worlds colliding here.
01:45:06 And **** *** ******* white people.
Speaker 4
01:45:09 Have no idea.
01:45:11 No idea.
01:45:16 Anyway, so in this movie, in this movie, same kind of a thing, right?
Speaker 3
01:45:25 Remember, this is supposed.
01:45:26 To be like the the big, relatable scene.
01:45:30 Of childhood.
01:45:34 For a neighborhood like that, like we just watched that that exists in real life.
Speaker 4
01:45:41 You're like ohh, a dead body.
Speaker 9
01:45:42 Gold tie.
01:45:46 Look like Freddy.
Speaker 12
01:45:47 Krueger got these tank.
01:45:50 That's how they smell.
01:45:51 It for a while.
01:45:53 I wonder why I love.
Speaker 3
01:45:54 No big deal.
01:45:57 No one's freaking out. No one.
01:45:59 'S like holy ****.
01:46:01 No one's crying, you know. Compare that to uh.
01:46:06 Stand by me.
01:46:07 Right.
01:46:08 Remember that movie?
01:46:08 I think it was that the movie where they they go and they try to find the kid.
01:46:12 They got hit by a train or whatever and they find the dead body and it's like this big ****.
01:46:16 And like.
01:46:18 Impactful moment in their lives, you know, because just like holy.
01:46:22 **** a dead.
01:46:22 Body now compared to this.
01:46:24 Ah, whatever.
01:46:26 He stinks.
Speaker 10
01:46:26 Lying going up in here.
Speaker 6
01:46:29 No big deal.
Speaker 10
01:46:29 Ohh yeah.
01:46:30 I'm sticking this ************.
Speaker 4
01:46:34 I throw the ball back.
Speaker 12
01:46:35 That boys ain't gonna see it again.
01:46:38 That, you know, this is a dead.
Speaker 7
01:46:40 Body, you ************.
01:46:41 Don't know that ****.
01:46:43 He ain't bothering you.
01:46:43 So don't **** with him.
01:46:47 Get throw the ball, little man.
01:46:49 I ain't going.
Speaker 3
01:46:49 To take it.
Speaker 7
01:46:50 Little Chris, tell his food I ain't going to take his ball.
01:46:53 I got enough money to buy.
Speaker 4
01:46:54 Me 100 balls ship.
Speaker 12
01:46:59 Man, I told you not to bring that ball.
Speaker 3
01:47:05 The cat.
Speaker 7
01:47:08 Thanks guys.
Speaker 10
01:47:10 Joe Dog falls.
01:47:18 Right, that's the game.
Speaker 12
01:47:22 Man, you stupid don't have no sense.
Speaker 4
01:47:26 Meanwhile, no one cares.
01:47:28 There's a dead.
01:47:28 Body right there.
01:47:32 You know what I mean?
01:47:33 Like I'm.
01:47:33 Telling you different ******* universes.
01:47:37 Different *******.
01:47:44 Now here's the there's the clip that maybe want to show you guys any clips.
01:47:48 Those are just more to give you, like a taste of.
01:47:52 Of of what's to come?
Speaker 3
01:47:54 But now, listen, listen to what this guy says.
01:47:59 And again, this is for black audiences.
01:48:04 Don't tell me there weren't members of the tribe producing this film either.
01:48:09 And listen to the kind of rhetoric that is 1000% promoted to black people.
01:48:16 And yet somehow forbidden for you.
Speaker 7
01:48:21 Keep ************* no.
01:48:25 And I don't know about all this furious.
Speaker 7
01:48:28 Just walking around my front counter and all man.
01:48:31 Rick, it's the 90s.
01:48:33 Can't afford to be afraid of our own people anymore, man.
01:48:40 Would you 2 knuckleheads come on?
01:48:48 Once you have, take a look at that sign up there, see what it says.
01:48:51 Cash for your home.
01:48:54 You know what that is?
01:48:58 What are y'all?
01:48:59 Amos and Andy, are you step in and?
01:49:01 He's fetch it. I'm.
01:49:03 Talking about the message, what it stands for.
01:49:06 It's called gentrification.
01:49:08 What happens when the property value of a?
01:49:10 Certain area is brought down.
01:49:14 You're listening to bring the property value down.
01:49:17 They can buy the land at a lower price.
01:49:19 Then they move all the people out, raise the property value and sell it at a profit.
01:49:24 Now what we need to do is we need to keep everything in our neighborhood, everything Black, black-owned with black money, just like the Jews, the Italians, the Mexicans and.
01:49:34 The Koreans do.
01:49:35 Ain't nobody from outside bringing.
01:49:37 You see that?
Speaker 3
01:49:43 This is totally acceptable.
Speaker 7
01:49:45 Yeah, to bring the property value down, they can buy the land at a lower price.
01:49:50 Then they move all the people out, raise the property value and sell it at a profit.
01:49:54 Now what we need to do is we need to keep everything in our neighborhood, everything Black, black-owned with black money, just like the Jews, the Italians, the Mexicans and the Koreans do.
01:50:05 Ain't nobody from outside bringing down the property.
01:50:08 Where are you?
Speaker 10
01:50:09 It's these folks shooting each other and selling that.
01:50:14 Crack rock and ****.
Speaker 7
01:50:15 Well, how do you think the crack rock gets into the country?
01:50:17 We don't.
01:50:18 Own any planes.
01:50:19 Here comes the we didn't do nothing.
01:50:25 But the old guys, right, it's funny.
01:50:29 Somehow they they they lower the magically they're lowering the property values by.
Speaker 3
01:50:35 Having black people move in.
Speaker 7
01:50:39 We don't own no ships, but we are not the people who are flying and floating that **** in here.
01:50:46 I know every time you turn on the.
01:50:47 TV, that's what.
01:50:48 You see black people selling the rock push it.
01:50:52 Now when we turn on the TV, all we see is black people who are computer geniuses and are ******* white.
01:51:00 You know, that's the other lie.
01:51:03 Why is it that the only time you hear about black people are always the bad guy and always this and movies?
01:51:09 It's it's black people in movies where they're not the black guy telling the audience.
01:51:14 So that's all that's in movies show where, where are these movies?
01:51:18 I'd love to see these movies.
01:51:19 They don't exist.
01:51:20 They don't ******* exist.
01:51:21 They never have existed.
Speaker 3
01:51:31 But here's the other thing I.
01:51:32 Wanted to talk about with this.
01:51:34 Notice how he's doing that?
01:51:35 We didn't do nothing argument.
01:51:37 He's trying to blame the fact that all the the, the black people, the people in his.
01:51:43 Group the reason that they're all ******** is because they are.
01:51:48 They're smoking crack and he's blaming their crack habit on the.
01:51:54 Availability of crack, and therefore it's the the fault of the people making the crack available now.
01:52:03 I'm not going to say there's not any merit to that.
01:52:08 But I think a lot of people listen to this would say, well, that that's that's not really taking a whole lot of personal responsibility, is it?
01:52:16 Well, how?
01:52:16 How might you apply that?
01:52:17 In in your own life.
01:52:20 Because I see.
01:52:20 A lot of white people make similar arguments, right?
01:52:24 Well, the, you know, the Jews have made all this easy access to ****.
01:52:30 And so therefore my **** addiction is their fault.
01:52:35 Well, I mean, look.
01:52:38 How are you any different than this black guy saying that that all the black people are doing crack?
01:52:44 Because the uh, the CIA is flying in on airplanes.
01:52:49 Again, not saying there's not any truth to that.
01:52:54 But it kind of sounds like you're not really taking a lot of responsibility for yourself when you say it that ****.
01:53:04 So I just wanted to.
01:53:04 Point that out.
Speaker 7
01:53:06 And the rock pushing the rock.
01:53:07 Yeah, I know.
01:53:09 But that wasn't a problem as long as it was here wasn't a problem until it was in Iowa, and it showed up on Wall Street, where there are hardly any black people.
01:53:17 And if you want to talk about the guns, why is it that there's a gun shop on almost every corner?
01:53:23 In this community. Why?
01:53:24 Tell you why.
01:53:26 For the same reason.
01:53:27 That there's a liquor store on almost every corner in the black community.
01:53:31 They want us to kill ourselves.
01:53:33 You go out to Beverly Hills.
01:53:34 You don't see that, she.
01:53:36 But they want us to kill ourselves.
01:53:38 Yeah, the best way you can destroy a people.
01:53:40 You take away their ability to reproduce themselves, yeah.
01:53:43 Ah, you hear that?
Speaker 7
01:53:46 Beverly Hills.
01:53:47 You don't see that ****.
01:53:49 But they want us to kill ourselves.
01:53:51 Yeah, the best way you can destroy a people.
01:53:53 You take away their ability to reproduce themselves.
01:54:00 A little bit of truth in there, huh?
Speaker 7
01:54:04 Best way you can destroy a people you take away their ability to reproduce themselves.
01:54:08 Who is it that's dying out here on these streets every night?
01:54:12 Y'all young brothers like yourselves.
01:54:19 Up try to smoke me.
01:54:21 Shoot the ************.
01:54:22 If you don't kill me.
01:54:22 First, you're doing exactly what they want you.
01:54:25 To do.
Speaker 4
01:54:26 That Betty said.
Speaker 7
01:54:26 You have to think young brother about your future.
01:54:35 So sound familiar?
01:54:39 Sound a little familiar anyway.
01:54:41 Those are just a couple of clips.
01:54:44 That I thought were pretty interesting when I was going through this movie thinking about doing like a whole thing, which I'll probably still do.
01:54:53 But I thought that those were.
Speaker 4
01:54:55 It's a very.
01:54:57 Very relatable comments.
01:55:03 Especially given our next story, Da da, da, da and then we'll wrap things up like I said.
01:55:11 We're going to be.
Speaker 5
01:55:12 Not doing a long one tonight I'm gonna have.
01:55:15 To edit out all that.
Speaker 5
01:55:17 When the connection was dropping, but that's OK.
01:55:22 Study finds face masks didn't slow spread of COVID-19.
01:55:30 Well, there's like this whole story.
01:55:32 And bear with me on part of it because look, I know there's a lot of people who don't even.
01:55:39 Think it's a real thing?
01:55:41 I don't know if it's a real thing.
01:55:42 Honestly, I don't even know.
01:55:45 I think if it is a real thing, it's not that ******* crazy.
01:55:51 But I think that making people wear the masks regardless had nothing to do with spreading or not spreading.
01:56:00 Whatever may or may not even exist.
01:56:04 But more part of a fear campaign.
01:56:07 To make sure you get vaccinated.
01:56:10 They're pushing vaccinations everywhere you go, everywhere you go.
01:56:14 I mean, ****.
01:56:15 There's even there's like shills on on.
01:56:18 Dark corners of the Internet, shall we say.
01:56:23 Like she'll posts after she'll post.
01:56:27 People trying to explain why you should get the vaccine there seems to be an awful lot of effort being put into getting people to take the vaccine.
Speaker 5
01:56:38 Right.
Speaker 7
01:56:46 You go out to Beverly Hills.
01:56:47 You don't see that ****.
01:56:49 But they want us to kill ourselves.
01:56:51 Yeah, the best way you can destroy a people.
01:56:53 You take away their ability to reproduce themselves.
Speaker 4
01:56:59 I don't I.
Speaker 3
01:57:00 Don't know.
01:57:00 I'm just saying.
01:57:01 I'm just saying.
01:57:06 Anyway, the first ecological study of state of state mask mandates, and they're used to include data from the winter case.
01:57:14 Spike has found that widespread mask wearing likely didn't slow the spread of COVID-19. The study, conducted by the University of Louisville, using data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
01:57:26 Down the 80% of the US states mandated masks.
01:57:29 During the COVID-19 pandemic, but while mandates induced greater mass compliance, they did not predict lower growth rates when community spread was low or high. The study also found that mask mandates and use are not associated with lower SARS Cove two spread.
01:57:50 Among U.S.
01:57:50 states, our findings do not support the hypothesis that SARS Cove 2 transmission rates decrease with greater public mask use.
01:57:59 The study said.
01:58:02 So whether you believe?
01:58:03 In it or not, it doesn't matter.
01:58:07 The mask thing was all ******** from the start.
01:58:13 And it was, I think.
01:58:15 Specifically designed to get people to fear.
01:58:20 This as much as humanly possible.
01:58:23 And prime them to want to escape the hell that they've been forced to live in for a year.
01:58:31 So that when the vaccine comes out, that's that, that's that light at the end of the tunnel.
01:58:36 Right.
01:58:39 That's I don't have to wear this ******* mask anymore.
01:58:42 I can leave my house.
01:58:43 I can.
01:58:44 The only people I've talked to recently that.
01:58:48 It's it's actually kind of disturbing people that will openly tell me in one breath that yeah, I'm not sure if it's real or what.
01:59:00 What's up with the vaccine?
01:59:01 Or, you know, whatever.
01:59:03 But I I wanted to be able to.
01:59:04 Fly on a plane.
01:59:10 I've heard like at least a version of that.
01:59:14 From several people in the last couple of weeks.
Speaker 3
01:59:20 People who should be smart.
01:59:22 But again, as a society, it's more decadent and it becomes more about comfort.
01:59:29 And if you want to maximize your comfort level, you get the ******* shot.
01:59:37 Because they're planning to make things uncomfortable if you don't.
01:59:43 And that apparently, that's all it takes to control the cattle now.
Speaker 3
01:59:49 You don't need a cattle prod.
01:59:53 Because, you see, they've learned.
01:59:56 The only time the cattle are actually dangerous is if they Stampede.
02:00:01 That's the only time that you're going to be in a situation that, as you know, as the rancher that might actually pose a threat to your safety.
02:00:09 You know that that's.
02:00:09 The only time.
Speaker 3
02:00:12 So you want to avoid that?
02:00:15 But if all the cattle are fat and happy enough.
02:00:20 You don't have to spook them.
02:00:28 They're so accustomed to being fed, all you have to do is it's like, you know, if those of you who have like.
02:00:33 A dog.
Speaker 3
02:00:33 Or a cat you take.
02:00:35 Out the food or and sometimes you.
02:00:37 Just say food.
02:00:41 And they get all excited.
02:00:45 You know, they hear the crinkle of the bag that has the food in it, right, and they come running with their tails wagging.
02:01:01 Why use the stick if you've got plenty of carrot?
02:01:09 They've been using the stick for a year.
02:01:12 Just the absence of stick becomes the carrot.
02:01:18 Let them save on carrot costs, not I'm.
02:01:21 Not trying to be.
02:01:21 Funny, it's for real.
02:01:22 Think about it.
02:01:24 They've been administering the stick for like a year straight, so now all they have to do is.
02:01:28 Just not give you the stick.
02:01:31 And yeah, and people are like oh.
Speaker 3
02:01:33 OK.
02:01:33 Yes, master.
02:01:34 So I'll get that shot.
02:01:35 Yes, Sir.
02:01:42 I'll get two of them and then a booster in six months and whatever else ******* you want to.
02:01:46 Inject in my body.
02:01:49 Just please master, don't hit me with.
Speaker 5
02:01:51 That stick no more.
02:02:02 So anyway, so that's pretty much it.
02:02:04 I didn't really have a whole lot tonight.
02:02:07 And then that *******.
02:02:09 Internet ********.
02:02:12 Throw me out of my zone, I.
02:02:13 Was in the zone I.
02:02:14 Was totally it was like I was like peak.
02:02:19 And then like the Internet, just took a dive.
02:02:27 Let's take a look at a.
02:02:31 I think I look at chat just for a minute, then I'm going to bail pretty quick.
02:02:34 I got a lot.
Speaker 5
02:02:34 Of stuff I.
02:02:34 Gotta do today or tonight.
02:02:36 Rather, I've been sleeping at weird, weird ******* times.
02:02:43 And powering through it, I've been actually working on trying to get the book done too.
02:02:47 Book 2 for those of you guys.
02:02:48 That keep asking.
02:02:49 About that I I put a good good two or three hours into that today.
02:02:58 Someone wants cactus pills.
02:03:00 I have a **** load of cactus pills.
02:03:03 You know what?
02:03:04 I'll show you some cactus pills.
02:03:06 Let's see.
02:03:10 I actually have some pretty good ones.
Speaker 6
02:03:13 I wonder if my memory.
Speaker 5
02:03:14 Card's still plugged in.
02:03:16 From that camera, that'll be easy.
Speaker 5
02:03:20 Yeah. All right, this.
02:03:21 Will make it easy.
02:03:27 These are all from.
02:03:28 The last couple of days or so.
02:03:32 Sort by date.
02:03:33 I have no idea how that ******* date is right on that.
Speaker 5
02:03:40 Camera but it is.
02:03:41 All right, so we've talked about.
02:03:44 Phobias before let me see if I.
Speaker 5
02:03:46 Can move this over.
02:03:47 Here we'll do it.
02:03:48 Yeah, it will cool.
Speaker 5
02:03:50 Alright, let's do this.
02:03:54 Photos on the.
02:03:57 On the TV.
02:04:01 Well, you know.
02:04:02 That doesn't look as cool.
02:04:03 We can.
02:04:03 Try to do a full screen over here.
02:04:06 There we go.
02:04:09 So that's a euphorbia.
02:04:11 In other words, that's not a cactus.
02:04:14 That is something you do not want to.
02:04:17 You don't really want to.
02:04:18 Touch it, it's.
02:04:19 Full of this latex **** that's super poisonous and can make you go blind and and whatnot, so you do not want to.
02:04:28 Step on that.
02:04:30 But that's.
02:04:31 That's growing up.
02:04:32 It's starting to get a little big.
02:04:34 It just sat there doing nothing for like a year straight and then it suddenly.
02:04:41 Suddenly started doing doing some growth, so I'm pretty.
02:04:46 Excited about that?
02:04:49 Yeah, let's see if I can easily scroll through these.
Speaker 6
02:04:57 Alright, that's a cactus.
02:04:58 That you guys have seen a bunch of times.
02:05:03 That's not that exciting.
02:05:05 Maybe I might I.
02:05:05 Might not have a whole lot of fancy ones.
02:05:08 Oh, these are kind of boring.
Speaker 7
02:05:14 OK.
02:05:14 A lot of these are just, I mean it's they're new pictures, but you've seen pictures like this.
02:05:20 This is what the garden looks like.
02:05:21 As of like 2 days ago though.
02:05:24 That is an artichoke flower.
02:05:26 That's what artichokes look like if you never.
02:05:28 Pick them.
02:05:29 They turn into these blue purplish flowers.
02:05:35 Pretty massive.
02:05:37 Like that's.
02:05:39 I don't know, maybe like 8 to 10 inches across.
02:05:41 It's it's pretty ******* big.
02:05:51 This is a pine cone cactus I actually have.
02:05:55 I think I have a closer shot of that.
02:05:57 This is the one I was telling you was.
02:05:59 Blooming for the first time, and I'm actually pretty stoked because.
02:06:02 As I mentioned before that every cactus that blooms so for example like that flower, that's the only day that you'll see that flower the next day, that flower will be gone.
02:06:14 Because it blooms like one day the bees come and **** it, and then it turns into like this.
02:06:20 Seed pod pretty quick, but this apparently that's not the case.
02:06:26 These flowers are still going.
02:06:28 Even though it's been like about a week.
02:06:31 I mean, they're starting.
02:06:32 They're not looking as fresh as this.
02:06:34 They're starting to look a little.
02:06:37 Worn out but.
02:06:40 They don't have a A1 day expiration date, which is kind of sweet. So and they propagate the same. I think they're they're technically up in Texas. I'd have to double check on that though.
02:06:51 But uh.
02:06:53 Yeah, pretty cool.
02:06:54 This started out just to give.
02:06:55 You an idea?
02:06:57 Of the propagation stuff.
02:06:58 Let me see if I can.
Speaker 3
02:07:00 It's hard to tell scale that's about.
02:07:04 Uh, that long piece?
02:07:06 That's probably.
02:07:07 I mean it's over a foot.
02:07:08 I don't know how much.
02:07:09 It's not quite 2 feet tall.
02:07:11 But you see, you see those little nubs.
02:07:14 Actually, I think I show you my mouse, right?
Speaker 5
02:07:16 Where's my mouse alright.
02:07:18 Yeah, you see.
02:07:18 That little knob right here, or actually probably closer like this one.
02:07:22 This is like about two inches.
02:07:26 That entire plant.
02:07:28 Start out as one of those.
02:07:33 So you can actually propagate these things pretty easily.
02:07:38 I just rammed it in the ground and it.
02:07:40 Turned into that because this is this, that like.
02:07:42 That small piece or a piece like that fell off of another one that I've got.
02:07:46 So I just stuck in the ground and that was about a year ago.
02:07:50 So it's grown that big in about a year.
02:07:53 And now it's flowering.
02:07:58 And that's some East Coast cactus.
02:08:04 Oh, and that memory card has died, so now we can't look at it anymore.
02:08:08 So that's OK most people.
Speaker 5
02:08:09 Probably bored it anyway.
02:08:12 Let me.
02:08:16 How do I get rid of this?
Speaker 2
02:08:19 There we go.
02:08:24 Can you show us the plant you want all around your house for security?
02:08:28 The one you don't want to get stink cause it will hurdled.
Speaker 3
02:08:33 It there's a couple.
02:08:34 Of plants that I put around the house, there's a jumping show lock cactus.
02:08:41 Or any really a lot of chill, like cactuses, but jumping cholla is is extra ******* bad.
02:08:48 They have barbed spines that stink.
02:08:52 Like if you just barely brush up against it, it rips out like a whole bunch, I mean.
02:08:56 It it sucks like it sucks like it.
02:09:00 I almost don't want.
02:09:01 It around my house because it sucks so bad.
02:09:03 But you get a bunch of those around in the desert.
02:09:06 They'll grow anyway.
02:09:07 Like they they require almost nothing.
02:09:08 That's the other cool thing is they'll take a beating in the winter, they'll take a beating in the summer.
02:09:14 I mean, if you water and that's the thing too, is you water them and if you actually do want them to grow, you can get that done too.
02:09:20 You put them in good soil and actually take care.
02:09:22 Of them, they'll grow pretty quick.
02:09:25 You can propagate them real easy.
02:09:26 In fact, most of the ones I have.
02:09:29 I got from landscapers cutting like trimming cactuses like that and throwing the trimmings in the in a pile in the desert, and then I just planted the the trimmings and it became like a.
02:09:41 You know, they they're like bushes now, but you get those any, any Chola cactus but the jumping cholla is like the.
02:09:49 Nasty one.
02:09:50 And then there's euphorbias.
02:09:54 Depends on your climate though.
02:09:56 So 40 is like the one I just showed you that you don't want to step on.
02:10:00 I forget the exact kind of aphobia that is, but I mean there's only so many.
02:10:04 If you just look at pictures of them, you'll see it, but they that one surprisingly handled the winter.
02:10:12 I didn't think that was going to handle the winter, but it did, OK.
02:10:15 Not the case for all of them.
02:10:17 A bunch of euphorbias cannot handle getting below freezing, so depending on your climate, if you're in a tropical kind of a climate, like if you're like in Florida, I mean, they'll grow, like literally like trees.
02:10:30 Like you can have an aphobia tree, and people do in Florida, like it'll actually.
02:10:35 Turn into like a tree, but if you get like, I think they're called like fire sticks or pencil cactuses.
02:10:43 They're not.
02:10:43 Again, they're not really cactuses.
02:10:45 They're just like these long tubes of it.
02:10:49 Almost looks like an underwater plant.
02:10:51 Long tubes of poisonous goo.
02:10:54 And then if you get and again.
02:10:56 This isn't really cactus, but they're called.
02:10:59 Was like cow cow horn cactus or something like that, but that one's pretty nasty. And they're all all the euphorbias have the poison in them. So just look for the spikiest ones that will live in your area and plant them around and those things will **** people up.
02:11:20 There's there's other plants you can grow that aren't because.
02:11:25 Again, if you live in an area that gets really cold, like a lot of people do, if you have an actual winter where there's snow, forget about this stuff you can't have.
02:11:33 Well, you can maybe have the cholla cactus.
02:11:35 I don't know how they handle the snow, but they can handle cold winter, so maybe probably not snow though.
02:11:43 But yeah, just look for look for stinging, stinging plants that have spikes on them.
02:11:48 Always do defensive planting if you can.
02:11:51 I mean, there's no reason not to.
02:11:52 And it's not even just for like.
02:11:54 To stop people from going onto your property, it stops animals.
02:12:00 Because a lot of these plants aren't exactly plants that the animals want to eat, and so in fact, there's a lot of people that will plant euphorbias around their crops because the, the, the smell of the the poison will make Gophers.
02:12:20 Not want to go to your your food because they won't know.
02:12:23 I mean, they'll overpower the smell of the food.
02:12:26 It hurts their noses so they stay away. In fact, I think one of them's called and it doesn't look like spiky.
02:12:33 And weird but.
02:12:33 I think there's one that's called go Gophers Bane.
02:12:37 Or something like that.
02:12:38 It's like uh.
02:12:40 I tried growing it here, it didn't survive the the winter, so it might be that not the best one depending.
02:12:46 On where you live.
Speaker 3
02:12:48 But there's there's.
02:12:49 You can grow that will grow much faster.
02:12:53 That Euphorbia is a big plant family.
02:12:56 They don't all look like cactuses, but they all do have that stuff on them and you can grow them all around.
02:13:00 Your your garden beds and anywhere that where you're having any kind.
02:13:04 Of problems with animals.
02:13:08 But anyway, I'm sure a lot of people are tired of of plant stuff.
02:13:15 Ah, here's someone around the corner from an Australian mass vaccination hub.
02:13:21 Is an ambulance always on call that sits out of sight of the clinic waiting to quickly and quietly whisk away those who have had a bad reaction?
02:13:30 Share this with their telegram.
02:13:33 Yeah, I can't click on links on this.
02:13:37 But I'll look into that.
02:13:43 I sent you an e-mail about alternative places to stream for free other than Odyssey.
02:13:48 I'll look into that, but I think Odyssey might be the where the place to go.
02:13:51 That's because that's going to be where the most people are, and I don't think they're going to censor people.
02:13:56 But you know, who knows, right?
02:13:59 I don't know how much longer Trello is going to tolerate me.
02:14:02 The fact that even normal cons are talking about the vacs and the pandemic tells me it's probably a nothing burger safe for the fact that the disease is no deadlier than the VAX.
02:14:12 The COVID Noa scare is probably nothing more than a result of prevailing this genetic attitude of ours.
02:14:19 Well, here's the thing, I don't think.
02:14:20 It's going to just wipe people out.
02:14:22 But I think there will probably be.
02:14:24 Comp, I wouldn't.
Speaker 4
02:14:25 This is what I've.
02:14:26 Always said from the beginning, I don't know what's in it.
02:14:28 I don't think it's like some poisonous designed to wipe.
02:14:31 You all out.
02:14:32 But it's possible, and the fact that that, that it's even possible is enough to not want to take it.
02:14:38 It's the bottom line is.
02:14:41 Why would you inject mystery juice into your arm that was designed by people who want you dead?
Speaker 6
02:14:52 Why would you do that?
02:14:54 And what I'm saying is not inaccurate.
02:14:56 These people want you dead.
02:14:58 And most people agree that that's accurate.
02:15:02 Even some of the people putting the the mystery.
02:15:04 Tears in their arm.
02:15:07 Which is baffling to me.
Speaker 4
02:15:09 So look.
02:15:11 At this point, they might even.
02:15:13 If they didn't want me dead.
02:15:15 The the incompetence level and justice, the disastrous hubris of the ruling class is such that I wouldn't want to, even if they meant well, I wouldn't want to put the mystery juice in my body.
02:15:27 For something that doesn't seem to be killing anybody.
02:15:31 I mean, how many people do you know personally in your life that have died of COVID?
02:15:35 I know 0.
02:15:38 And I don't mean people that that's what they put on the.
02:15:41 Death certificate.
02:15:42 I mean like you.
02:15:42 Know that were that's actually why they died.
02:15:46 A lot.
02:15:46 For most people, that number is 0.
02:15:51 Have you considered cutting to 1 stream a week or last?
02:15:54 Prioritize more important work like the book.
Speaker 6
02:15:56 And movie.
02:15:57 Yeah, I've thought about that.
02:15:58 We'll see what happens.
Speaker 5
02:16:03 Let's see here.
02:16:06 You should analyze the 1967 race mixing propaganda movie, guess who's coming to dinner? Ohh yeah, I remember that movie. I actually have it.
02:16:20 Yeah, it's pretty bad.
02:16:21 I I haven't watched the whole thing.
02:16:23 I've only watched parts of it and it's pretty bad.
02:16:27 I think at least I think I have it, I know I.
02:16:31 Maybe I just have the.
02:16:32 Trailer let me take a look 1967 you say?
Speaker 6
02:16:40 No, I got it.
02:16:58 There's the look of oh.
02:16:59 My God.
02:17:00 Oh, God.
02:17:02 Oh, ****.
02:17:04 Oh ****.
02:17:09 Yeah, this is this is probably worth a watch.
02:17:14 I haven't seen it.
02:17:15 Though I'll I'll take a look.
02:17:17 At it, they made you know many such films.
Speaker 3
02:17:20 This is what I.
02:17:21 Was trying to say when we were watching that clip.
Speaker 6
02:17:23 But the guys like, yeah, how come every time I turn on a TV and watch a movie, it's all with the.
02:17:27 Black man's.
02:17:28 Doing something bad?
02:17:30 It's like I've never seen that.
02:17:33 I mean, for ***** sake, the the, the bad guys and ******* die hard are German terrorists.
02:17:40 I mean, the in in, in lethal weapon, they're South African terrorists like.
Speaker 4
02:17:47 Not even the terrorists are non whites.
02:17:51 And this goes back, I mean, I can't even tell you. I literally look at this, this is 1967.
Speaker 6
02:17:58 1967.
Speaker 4
02:18:01 Where are all these?
02:18:02 Movies with the evil black people that all the black people are convinced to exist.
Speaker 3
02:18:09 They don't exist.
Speaker 4
02:18:12 Hollywood has never made.
02:18:13 That movie never.
02:18:14 Now they've made condescending movies.
02:18:18 They've made blackface movies.
02:18:23 You know, they've made movies where the black characters are very subservient to the whites and stuff like that, but they there's no evil black people movies.
02:18:31 Not even one.
02:18:33 I literally can't think of a single one.
02:18:36 Doesn't exist.
Speaker 5
02:18:40 UM.
02:18:43 Knowing how easy Oops where it go, knowing how easy public opinion can be shaped, have you come to the conclusion that democracy is a scam?
02:18:52 How can the public have power if they can easily be misled?
02:18:56 I think mass communications changes anything and everything that the founders might have thought they understood about human nature.
02:19:07 Mix that with, you know, just the dysgenics of the people, right?
02:19:12 It's it's that experiment is is.
02:19:16 Dead on arrival.
02:19:18 You cannot have anything like what the founders envisioned with the levers of mass communication in the hands of a of a small minority coupled with a dumbed down public.
02:19:31 It just at that point.
02:19:34 OK, so.
02:19:36 Someone that I forget where I saw it, someone posted something about how women are easily memed into things.
02:19:43 And the, you know, the well this.
02:19:45 Movie that's on the screen, right?
Speaker 5
02:19:46 An example of that.
02:19:48 This was an attempt to to mean white women into having black.
02:19:55 Boyfriends or husbands, right?
02:19:57 And we see it in pretty much every single commercial that exists right now, right?
02:20:03 And every Netflix movie, every, like, it's gone from being kind of like a.
02:20:09 You know something novel like this was in 1967 to where that's just the norm.
02:20:15 And the reason that exists, and why it's almost always black Man white woman.
02:20:20 Is a, that's.
02:20:22 The best way to target the fertility, right?
02:20:25 You know, because like if it's a a white guy and a black woman, the white guy can still go and and easily have other kids, you know, with white women or whatever, whereas you.
02:20:40 Once she pops out some black kids that kind of takes her off.
02:20:44 The market, right?
02:20:48 So at any rate, the but someone was mentioning how women are are.
02:20:54 They're easily memed into things.
02:20:57 And this is just one example.
02:20:59 And it's true, it's very true.
02:21:02 You could get women.
02:21:05 On board, like if you controlled the mainstream media because it's about status.
Speaker 4
02:21:10 Right.
02:21:11 And if you convince women that at a high status thing, well, I mean, look, we've seen 4 Chan do this right.
02:21:17 We've seen 4 Chan.
02:21:19 There was a a a campaign where they convinced women to **** themselves for feminism or something like that, and and women were doing it like they made this fake Internet campaign where, you know.
02:21:31 You need to **** yourself.
02:21:34 Like **** your pants for feminism and you post a video of yourself ******* your pants to show how strong you are and you know how in you know the solidarity you you show for feminism and women were doing it.
02:21:48 I think one woman even like killed herself after she found out it was a joke or something like that because.
02:21:52 It was humiliating.
02:21:53 I forgot there was there.
02:21:54 There was some extreme example of that of one of the women that that participated in this siop.
02:22:00 Or whatever but.
02:22:02 But no, they're easily manipulated.
02:22:05 And if they think that the programming is coming from high status sources, they they suck it right the **** **.
02:22:17 They suck it right the **** **, and so you can't discount the impact that giving women the vote has had in this equation.
02:22:26 Either because women are more likely.
02:22:29 Look, there's some men look, obviously men are impressionable too and and men will fall for a lot of the same lies, but not to the degree that women do and not.
02:22:37 For the same reasons.
02:22:39 You know you can get.
02:22:43 Most NPC women you can easily get them to do whatever you want.
02:22:48 If you convince them that it will increase their status.
Speaker 6
02:22:52 Like that's all.
02:22:53 You have to do.
02:22:54 And so if the, you know you have movie stars who are the pinnacle of social status, right, you have movie stars and politicians telling them to do something and that or that something is morally good.
Speaker 6
02:23:08 It you you got them.
02:23:10 You know, look at women's magazines. If you know, there's not so much these days. But like when you go.
02:23:16 To the grocery.
02:23:16 Store and you have like all the candies and you know the the the last second impulse buy ******** they try to sell you at the cash register. Look at all the women's magazines.
02:23:27 Right.
02:23:28 Like who?
02:23:29 What are they?
02:23:30 Are they listening to, you know who's?
02:23:32 On those covers.
02:23:34 Great thinkers.
Speaker 3
02:23:36 Talented artists.
02:23:38 No, it's it's high social status, people.
02:23:43 You know the the stupid gossip magazines, right?
02:23:46 The, you know.
02:23:47 Oh, look at.
02:23:48 Look who this movie star was caught with at this, you know, sleazy bar at 4:00 in the morning.
02:23:54 Oh, we caught this movie.
02:23:55 Start doing this.
02:23:57 Who's buying those magazines?
02:24:00 You know, it's not men, maybe gay.
02:24:01 Men, I don't know.
02:24:03 But women are very concerned with the social hierarchy and their place in it.
02:24:10 And so that's all you have to do all.
02:24:13 You have to do is tell.
02:24:14 Them that doing X.
02:24:17 Increases your social status and doing Y decreases it, and you've.
Speaker 6
02:24:22 Got them.
02:24:24 That's it, you got them.
Speaker 4
02:24:26 Now look, if you had a.
02:24:30 A society that actually had principles and they shared those principles with you.
02:24:36 Like if you were on the same page, that's actually not a that's a useful mechanism, right?
02:24:42 Especially if women don't have voting rights, like if they don't have power to do anything once they once they're.
02:24:49 Why has been updated?
02:24:51 The reason why that's a useful thing is if you have a society that actually is all on the same page about ****.
02:24:59 It makes it easy to get the women.
02:25:01 To get on board without having to ******* explain.
02:25:04 It to them.
02:25:05 You know like to be like a little bit of a chauvinist here.
02:25:09 I mean, let's just face it, if you got a bunch of men that want to do XY or Z.
02:25:14 And they don't want to have to *******.
02:25:17 Explain it to the women.
02:25:18 All they have to do is say no.
02:25:19 We're doing this because that's that's that's that's what the the hierarchy wants and they're programmed to go for it.
02:25:28 You know, that's just that's the.
02:25:30 Way it's always worked.
02:25:34 So you just it's it's kind of like, I mean thinking we're talking about legacy items, legacy devices and legacy things.
02:25:41 I think that's that's kind of a an unfortunate legacy instinct that women have.
02:25:49 Thing to go along with, you know, power going, going along with class.
02:25:57 To follow that.
02:26:00 That group, regardless of what it is they're advocating or what it is they're doing.
02:26:08 Because that's.
02:26:10 That's was very important to your survival.
02:26:14 You know, for since the beginning of time.
02:26:17 So, but yeah, once you have a group that's able to manufacture class and transmit it in a mass media, kind of a way, it's dunces for.
02:26:30 Any kind of any kind of experiment that resembles what we had in America that the founders wanted was just totally obliterated.
02:26:37 The the moment that you had.
02:26:41 Well, like I said, anyone of those things really women voting, mass media only being controlled by a a small group and changing the demographics I mean.
02:26:53 Just there's, there's always so much that system.
02:26:56 Could could withstand?
02:26:59 There's a lot of Jewish doctors.
02:27:01 The town of teachers, that is a sin for a Jew to save the life of a non Jew unless it is for the greater good of the Jewish community, like giving the community a good image.
02:27:09 That's interesting.
02:27:12 I was not aware of that.
02:27:16 End times Christian preachers have been saying that human animal hybrids would be created for a long time.
02:27:22 Unfortunately, many of these preachers also worshipped the State of Israel.
02:27:25 Yes, a lot of them do.
02:27:27 Almost all of them do.
02:27:29 All those those big Southern preachers that talk about fire, brimstone and stuff, they they, you know, they're so far up Israel.
02:27:37 I heard that nurse who passed on while taking the VAX live, died recently and my friend found a death record but I can't confirm it's actually here passed out.
02:27:48 OK, I know, I know you're talking about.
02:27:49 Yeah, people been trying to figure out her, but I I don't know.
02:27:53 Maybe she did.
02:27:55 Check out Thai Galleria in Philadelphia.
02:27:58 It was shut down due to violence from young urban youth, but that wasn't printed in the papers.
02:28:06 Well, there's there's many such cases.
02:28:08 There's lots of places like that.
02:28:09 Look, I've lived in black neighborhoods.
02:28:13 It's it's ****** **.
02:28:15 It's not fun.
02:28:20 Time to go back to old shout cast Internet radio.
02:28:23 I vaguely remember that.
02:28:27 Glocked sting like a *****, put them under your windows.
02:28:32 As dindu deterrent.
02:28:34 Well, no, it's not even that.
02:28:35 Like I said, with the with the jumping chollas, it's the straight up ******* needles.
02:28:42 Like it it it hurts like a ***** to pull them out, too.
02:28:46 They're barbed.
02:28:49 Have you checked out crime pays with botany?
02:28:52 Yeah, he's he's good with botany stuff.
02:28:55 But he's you can tell he's a massive ****.
02:28:57 That's the only thing it gets.
02:29:00 And his whole Chicago accent schtick gets old after a while.
02:29:04 I mean, I'm sure he's an alright guy, but you know he he lately especially.
02:29:08 It seems like he keeps throwing in all these jabs about conservatives unnecessarily.
02:29:13 And and look, I know he's really from Chicago, but it's still a stick.
Speaker 5
02:29:18 And I don't.
02:29:20 I don't like that he's kind of playing a character, you know, he kind.
02:29:23 Of irritates me.
02:29:27 But all the same, yeah, I've still watched a bunch of this video.
02:29:29 It hasn't prevented me from watching a lot of his videos, and the algorithm loves him, right, because he he he hates conservatives.
02:29:37 And so if you watch one of his videos and you're doing stuff around the.
02:29:41 House, you're it's inevitably another one will get served up.
Speaker 6
02:29:44 To you.
02:29:46 I think you can analyze perfectly, especially for the 60s.
02:29:49 You can talk about how it related to the boomers.
Speaker 4
02:29:53 Yeah. No, it's.
02:29:54 It's probably a good movie to check out like so.
02:29:56 I haven't seen the whole thing, but it's.
02:29:58 I mean, look, it's we all know what?
02:30:00 How it's going to go down.
02:30:02 If anything, it might just be too easy.
02:30:04 Have you heard the COVID vaccine will cause COVID to evolve into a more deadly?
02:30:08 Variant dangerous for the unvaccinated exact same situation was with some chicken disease when they introduced vaccine in the 70s.
02:30:20 Yeah. I don't know. Maybe.
02:30:22 I don't, I don't know.
02:30:24 I don't know what to think about all that stuff, that's why.
02:30:27 You know, I don't have strong opinions about it.
02:30:29 I I just I deal with.
02:30:31 There's no way to know for sure.
02:30:33 How about any of this stuff?
02:30:34 So I just act?
02:30:35 As if the worst case scenario is possible, maybe even likely, and I proceed with caution, every topic that is big seems to start on the dev and stack.
02:30:48 I don't know if it starts here but.
02:30:51 You know.
02:30:54 I like to talk about things that matter.
02:30:57 The lockdowns and the mask mandates are the result of our society.
02:31:01 Slavish desire to protect cripples at the expense of the rest of the population.
02:31:06 I yeah, I mean to some extent, but it's also just obedience.
02:31:13 The people that are mandating the lockdowns in no way is that to help people.
02:31:21 Literally in no way.
02:31:23 I mean, there's again there might be the middle management types that actually believe the hype.
02:31:30 Where that's they actually think that's what it's for, but the data doesn't even in no way supports.
02:31:37 That objective.
02:31:40 And so the people calling the shots that can't possibly be why they're doing it because it.
02:31:45 Again, don't underestimate your enemy.
02:31:48 And so none of these mandates were designed at all to actually save people.
02:31:53 They they don't give a **** about saving people.
02:31:56 They if they give any ***** about saving people, that they're.
02:32:00 There's a whole lot.
02:32:00 Of **** they'd be doing differently.
02:32:04 And the lockdowns and everything else just to, I mean I talked about it at.
02:32:07 Length a.
02:32:07 Little while back in the stream.
02:32:10 It accomplishes so many other things they want to get done.
02:32:13 So it's just it has nothing to do.
02:32:15 With health.
02:32:17 I've met people who got the VAX because they heard they could go into Walmart without a mask.
02:32:21 They literally said I was hesitant, but the sound, but that sounds like an incentive to me.
02:32:26 So I got the first jab while shopping.
02:32:29 No thought process, no carrot.
02:32:31 Less stick.
02:32:31 Yep, it's just it's just a.
02:32:33 It's not even the pursuit of comfort.
02:32:35 It's the avoidance of discomfort.
02:32:39 That's just, you know, they're so trained.
02:32:42 They're so obedient.
02:32:44 You should watch the video false prophets and blind pastors.
02:32:46 It's about Christian Zionist pastors and their foolish supporters.
02:32:50 If I remember.
02:32:52 Can you do a based on the review of how high the one with Method Man?
02:32:56 I don't know if that's worth it, I.
02:32:58 Mean I that movie is.
02:33:00 I haven't seen in a million years, but I don't remember it being.
02:33:04 That deep, I think it's just like a Cheech and Chong, kind of a.
02:33:07 Movie where it's just a bunch of weed jokes.
02:33:12 It's about.
02:33:15 It's working for me and about 10:00 and 10:00 thousands of zoomers what is working for you?
02:33:20 You're talking to someone else.
02:33:23 New Jack city.
02:33:25 Yeah, I think I've.
02:33:25 Got that one?
02:33:27 I'll add that to the list.
02:33:30 Captain Phillips has Somali villains, but that movie.
02:33:35 Is based on a true story.
02:33:38 And even if they sneak in, well, that was their thing.
02:33:40 It's not African Americans.
02:33:41 First of all, it's and.
02:33:43 And yeah, it is based on your story and they make them.
02:33:48 They make the the Somali pirates have.
02:33:53 You know, like a human side and to some extent.
02:33:56 If I remember correctly.
02:33:58 And it it's it's about like the the poverty.
02:34:02 And you know.
Speaker 5
02:34:02 What I mean?
02:34:03 But yeah, it's based on true story and it also makes the.
02:34:09 The Navy look ******, doesn't it?
02:34:11 Like, don't they do?
02:34:12 Like some?
02:34:12 I forget the movie.
02:34:14 I think they.
02:34:15 I remember the the.
02:34:15 Story vaguely they.
02:34:16 They sniped a bunch of them or something.
02:34:19 I don't know, but they're not.
02:34:20 They're not Americans, though, you.
02:34:21 Know what I mean? Like.
02:34:25 Just like there's the.
02:34:26 There's that movie about.
02:34:27 What is it?
02:34:27 The Hotel Rwanda or something like that about the Rwandan genocide?
02:34:31 Well, I mean, obviously, there's bad black people in that movie, but again.
02:34:36 It's not like scary black people attacking white people.
02:34:39 That doesn't.
02:34:40 That movie doesn't exist.
02:34:46 New zealands once we were warriors, cut close to the bone.
02:34:52 Although the Polynesian heritage.
02:34:55 I don't know what that is.
02:34:57 I know, I know.
02:34:57 Polynesian is.
02:34:58 I don't know.
Speaker 5
02:34:58 What movie that is?
02:35:05 Shave your head for Floyd.
02:35:06 I think they did one of those already.
02:35:08 They got women to some women to shave their heads over.
02:35:11 I forget what I was for, though maybe it was BLM.
02:35:16 Surprisingly, white women race mixed the least.
Speaker 6
02:35:25 I guess that's.
02:35:27 Not super surprising to me.
02:35:32 Can you remove the filth from the screen?
Speaker 5
02:35:39 Oh, I don't know.
02:35:40 Alright, let's see.
02:35:43 Fine, there we go.
02:35:53 Scrolling through a bunch I'm going.
02:35:54 I'm going to.
02:35:54 Be out pretty quick here.
02:35:58 I rarely see this type of interracial mixing propaganda working.
02:36:01 Most will stick with their kind.
02:36:03 The most I see is white guys dating Asian girls, and that's in areas with a shortage of white women.
02:36:12 Yeah, I don't know.
02:36:13 I don't live.
02:36:14 Around blacks at all, so I don't.
02:36:17 I don't know if that's if you if that's a common pairing or not.
02:36:24 True news with Rick Wiles is a TV preacher anti Zionist.
02:36:29 Yeah, kind of.
02:36:34 But he's also.
02:36:38 I mean, he had Milo on recently and there was a, I don't know, that's like a whole thing.
02:36:43 Fascism is only system compatible with our values.
02:36:46 I don't know if it's the only one and and and you got.
02:36:48 To think about.
02:36:48 In a way, we're kind of getting a version.
02:36:50 Of that I mean, look.
02:36:51 I mean the the way that the the corporate power and the.
02:36:58 State power is kind of married together and used to efficiently achieve the goals of the elites.
02:37:08 That's kind of in a way, fascism, which is part of what's flaw on fascism, is it works as long as you are, you know, the the elites are are part of your group.
02:37:20 And I think the problem is is how do you maintain that?
02:37:24 Because if you don't maintain that you kind of get what we got now.
02:37:29 On some, you know to some degree, but I think you could make the argument that on.
02:37:33 Some level we we we have it.
02:37:35 We're getting kind of a version of it and I don't mean that in the boomer like they're the real fascist kind of a way.
02:37:40 But I mean, like, just definitionally, right where you have a a kind of a a blurring of the lines between the.
Speaker 5
02:37:46 Corporate powers and the.
02:37:48 And the state powers and and how they're working in tandem to achieve shared goals.
02:37:53 That's what a lot of fascists want.
02:37:56 But they just want the goals to be the same goals that they have, right, and not the goals of *******, you know, Zionist Jews and Bill Gates and you know, people like that.
Speaker 4
02:38:11 I've met people.
02:38:14 Why am I so behind on this thing?
02:38:17 Alright, going Fast forward to the end.
02:38:20 OK.
02:38:22 All right.
02:38:22 Well, that's that.
02:38:25 Let's just wrap it up here.
02:38:26 Alright guys.
Speaker 4
02:38:28 Well, I hope you had.
02:38:29 A good evening.
02:38:30 Sorry about the Internet connection problems.
02:38:32 I'm going to have to I'm going to edit that stuff out because it was it was significant out of the stream and then I'll get that.
02:38:39 Uploaded to bit shooting everything else so, but it's going to probably take.
02:38:42 A little bit longer.
02:38:47 Then I'm gonna get back.
02:38:47 To work.
02:38:49 But yeah, I'm actually working on trying to get the book out the door.
02:38:53 There was a couple of things.
02:38:54 Like I said that I was trying to see kind of.
02:38:58 We had a lot of big picture things changing.
02:39:01 And so it was kind of changing the tone of certain things in the book.
02:39:05 And I I think I know where.
02:39:07 I want to go with it now and so I'm I'm addressing all that and was actually had a very productive day today.
02:39:15 So you guys have?
02:39:17 A good evening.
02:39:18 Good afternoon.
02:39:18 Good day.
Speaker 3
02:39:19 Sir, 4 black pills.
02:39:21 I am of course.
02:39:25 Devon stack.
Speaker 2
02:39:27 Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don't you want to get new Americans in who aren't gonna be?
02:39:35 I'm seriously.
02:39:36 You can make the case that.
02:39:37 This is going on too long and this is too crazy probably.
02:39:39 And I hope this thing isn't being like, you know, videotaped forever showing anywhere this my, whatever tiny prophetic.
02:39:46 I'm sure I have is going.
02:39:47 To be totally the last.
02:39:48 You can make a case that America has become has been great because every.
02:39:52 I mean, I think John Adams said this beginning, right? Basically, if you're in a free society, a capitalist society society, after 234 generations of hard work, everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled, whatever.
02:40:03 And then you luckily you have these waves of people coming in from Italy and Ireland and Russia and now Mexico who really want.
02:40:10 To work hard and.
02:40:11 Really want to succeed and really want their.
02:40:13 Kids to live better.
02:40:14 Is that that that aren't sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on and?
02:40:18 Meanwhile, you know.
02:40:19 We grew up with spoiled kids and so forth.
02:40:21 So in that respect, I don't know why this moment is that.
02:40:24 Different from the early 20th century or the.
02:40:26 We, we.
Speaker 2
02:40:26 Got to give somebody else a chance to ask a question.
02:40:32 OK, next, that's enough.
02:40:33 I'll be quiet.