03/26/2022Speaker 1
00:05:54 But the sound is so much modern.Evil Devon
00:02:33 Hello and welcome to the insomnia stream.00:02:37 I'm your host evil Devon stick.
00:02:42 OK, I'm just kidding.00:02:45 How are you guys doing?
00:02:47 How you doing?
00:02:50 Boy oh boy.
00:02:51 So many things going on in the world.
00:02:53 I don't know where to start.
00:02:56 I don't know where to begin.
00:02:59 How about we begin with this guy?
00:03:01 Why not?
00:03:03 Why not, right?
00:03:05 I I got a cactus pill for you guys a little bit later.
00:03:08 We'll, we'll, we'll.
00:03:09 Lighten up the mood.
00:03:10 After we, we turn it down a little bit here.
00:03:14 First, let's let's have a a segment.
00:03:17 I'm going to start doing segments, I think.
00:03:20 You know, like diversity is our strength, but our bump.
00:03:25 So that's this segment because I haven't made the bumpers yet.
00:03:28 All my stuff is all my cool bumper making stuff is on the other computer.
00:03:33 So just I'll just.
00:03:34 Have to improv them.
00:03:35 How about?
00:03:35 That diversity is our strength, but.
00:03:40 All right, so here it is.
00:03:44 Hope you guys are all doing well.
00:03:47 Alright, where I where I where I load this ******* thing in there.
00:03:51 There it is.
00:03:52 OK.
00:03:53 Man arrested after attempting to rape a woman inside a busy Walmart in Miami.
00:04:00 Miami, FL, Brendan, Jamal, or Jar mall. Wow. Jar Mall Harvey, 28, was arrested on Sunday.
00:04:09 After he attempted to sexually attack a woman shopping inside the Walmart at 3200 NW 79th St.
00:04:17 The incident happened right outside the OR right inside, rather the busy Walmart store in Miami. About 9:30 PM on a Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
00:04:29 So yeah, if you.
00:04:33 Apparently, you know, Walmart's getting safer in Miami.
Speaker 4
00:04:38 Get out.Devon
00:04:40 Ohh, there is just rape.Speaker 4
00:04:42 It away Captain White to the rescue.Devon
00:05:09 Walmart's getting a rapier.00:05:12 Walmart's getting rapier all right.
00:05:15 In other news, in diversity is our strength, but don't bump.
00:05:24 This almost seems like a joke.
00:05:25 Yeah, the black guy and a Mexican are hanging outside of a metro station.
Speaker 5
00:05:41 Stop, stop.Devon
00:05:46 No bro.Speaker 6
00:05:48 No, no, hell no.Speaker
00:05:49 No ATG for.Speaker 4
00:05:51 TG before he got his pipe, bro.Devon
00:06:04 Well, there you go.00:06:06 Just another day in America.
00:06:08 Diversity is our strength.
Evil Devon
00:06:10 But umm pump.Devon
00:06:12 All right, but don't.00:06:15 Worry guys, there's a plus to all this.
00:06:18 There is a plus to all this.
00:06:20 Apparently not all.
00:06:22 Of the black people out there are enraged.
00:06:26 When they see out of hand black thugs getting manhandled by white cops.
00:06:34 Apparently, apparently some black people kind of enjoy.
Speaker 7
00:06:38 It using doing.00:06:40 Why no one thought to say in very strong opinion that when you look at what I look at these white men.
00:06:48 They are the epitome of masculine and watching some of these police officers manhandle these black men in the street is very attractive and needs to turn on, you know, and I'm wondering, does anybody else?
Speaker 8
00:07:01 Hold on. Hold on.00:07:04 Y'all off the chain.
00:07:06 OK, OK, I'm telling you.
Speaker 5
00:07:10 That's that's discord.Speaker 7
00:07:14 OK.Devon
00:07:17 See, you may you may.00:07:18 Be a girl Shaniqua action if.
00:07:20 You're a cop, man.
00:07:20 Handling black men.
00:07:22 Apparently, that turns them on.
00:07:25 All right.
00:07:29 Speaking of diversity hires.
00:07:32 The current.
00:07:35 Nominee. Who is?
00:07:38 I'd be very shocked, shocked.
00:07:42 If the Republicans don't join with the Democrats to to make sure that she sits on the bench.
00:07:50 And then I guess.
00:07:53 Justice Thomas is on the way out too.
00:07:56 Or if that news is to be believed, and then I'm sure he'll get replaced by someone just as awesome.
00:08:02 You know, in fact, with him, they'll say, well, he was black.
00:08:05 We have to replace him.
00:08:06 With another black.
00:08:09 That'll be great.
00:08:11 Uh, so, by the way.
00:08:15 The little tidbit we're not going to dive into this, I started to, but it's just like it'll get it's like.
00:08:25 A whole thing.
00:08:26 But the the.
00:08:30 What's her name?
00:08:36 Brown Jackson.
00:08:37 Right.
00:08:37 Isn't that her name?
00:08:40 Ketanji brown Jackson.
00:08:43 The woman that's going to be on the Supreme Court most likely was a well, you might remember this thing called Pizza Gate.
00:08:55 You guys remember Pizza gate?
00:08:58 Do you remember that you ever commit ping pong?
00:09:01 There's this pizza place in Washington, DC.
00:09:05 Where everyone from?
00:09:06 Target Tucker Carlson said it was his favorite pizza place.
00:09:11 And all kinds of people hung out there.
00:09:13 And you know, there were these rumors that maybe something wacky was going on with child sex stuff and whatever.
00:09:20 And then people started watching it because there were, there were webcams you could access online, some of which were pointed at Comet Ping pong.
00:09:28 And then one day.
00:09:31 One day.
00:09:32 The cameras got turned away.
00:09:35 Who? Who could?
00:09:36 Who would have done that?
00:09:37 The cameras got turned in a different direction.
00:09:41 And then wouldn't you know it?
00:09:43 Right as the cameras were turned in a different direction.
00:09:46 A man walks into a comet ping pong with an AR15I.
00:09:50 Believe it was.
00:09:52 Shoots one bullet.
00:09:55 That magically.
00:09:56 Penetrated the hard drive.
00:09:59 Of the computer.
00:10:01 At Comet ping pong.
00:10:03 What, what amazing luck.
00:10:07 What a crazy crack shot it was like.
00:10:09 Through a wall.
00:10:10 It's like through a wall into a computer, through the hard drive.
00:10:14 Wow. Amazing.
00:10:16 And then, of course, he he gave himself up, and then the cameras were on. Right. Crazy white guy wielding an AR15.
00:10:26 Being arrested by the the Capitol police and the FBI, whoever the hell showed up for that.
00:10:34 And yeah, she was the judge that sentenced him and then presided over his case.
00:10:41 Little little coincidence, just a little coincidence there that the pedo judge like the.
00:10:47 The the woman that's that's on the record saying it would be.
00:10:51 Easier on pedophiles.
00:10:54 Who has been giving been giving pedophiles below recommended minimum sentences?
00:11:02 Just that's all just you know.
00:11:05 All coincidence, don't pay attention to that.
00:11:08 None of.
00:11:08 That anyway, that woman.
00:11:12 While in Senate hearings or whatever they call this part of the process before they rubber stamp or and throw on the court, Ted Cruz, eager to get his his critical race theory sound bite so that the the Meg guitar.
00:11:26 It's like, yeah, you tell them Ted.
00:11:28 That's right.
00:11:30 You tell them.
00:11:34 He brought up some of this critical race theory stuff, and at the end I was a little confused.
00:11:39 I was a little confused because he goes over some of the stuff that certainly certainly sounds very anti white, but at the end it.
00:11:46 Was kind of like.
00:11:47 I don't know.
00:11:47 That sounds like a good idea.
00:11:50 I don't.
00:11:50 I don't quite mind this.
00:11:52 This part of critical race theory.
Speaker 9
00:11:56 Another portion of the book.00:12:00 They recommend to babies confess when being racist. Now this is a book that is taught at Georgetown Day School to students in pre-K through 2nd grade. So four through seven years old.
00:12:15 Do you do you agree with this book that is being taught with kids that that babies are racist?
Speaker 11
00:12:29 I do not believe that any child should be made to feel as though they are racist or though they are.00:12:41 Not valued or though they are less than that, they are victims, that they are oppressors.
00:12:46 I don't.
00:12:48 Believe in any of that, but what I will say is that when you.
00:12:54 Asked me whether or not this was taught in.
00:12:58 Schools critical race theory.
00:13:01 My understanding is that critical race theory as an academic theory is taught in law schools and to the extent that you were asking the question, I understood you to be addressing public.
00:13:12 Schools Georgetown Day School, just like the religious school that Justice Barrett was on the board of, is a private school.
Speaker 9
00:13:20 OK, so so you agree critical race theory is taught at Georgetown days?Speaker 11
00:13:23 I don't know because the board is not the board does not control the curriculum, the board does.00:13:29 Not focus on that.
00:13:31 That's not what we do as board members.
00:13:33 So I'm actually not sure.
Speaker 9
00:13:35 Well, and I'll note that the board is is chaired by Professor Fairfax, your college roommate who introduced you yesterday.00:13:41 So the two of you serve on the board together.
00:13:44 Another book that is on the summer reading for 3rd through 5th grade is a book called Stamped For Kids, again by Ibram Kendi.
00:13:52 I read the entirety of the book and I will say it is.
00:13:56 An astonishing book on page 33, it asked the question.
00:14:02 Can we send white people back to Europe?
00:14:08 Yeah, you know, I would be.00:14:13 I mean, look.
00:14:15 I think we should.
00:14:15 Send everyone else out of here.
00:14:17 But like if you know, look, I'm willing to make a compromise.
00:14:21 Right if if, if if the.
00:14:24 End goal is going to be essentially the.
00:14:25 Same thing.
00:14:26 You know, why not?
00:14:27 Why not?
00:14:28 So that that happened again, they're going to confirm anyway, doesn't really ******* matter.
00:14:32 Like all this stuff is just a ******* show.
00:14:36 Meanwhile in Europe.
00:14:38 Based roasty, I don't actually know who this is, but this is this is good.
00:14:44 This is good.
00:14:45 This is we need more of this more of this.
Speaker 12
00:14:48 Rules is causing white children to disengage with the.00:14:51 Curriculum and is harming.
00:14:56 Not only their.
00:14:56 Mental health, but their life chances by harming their educational prospects.
00:15:01 So seeing as if all other races are allowed to represent themselves and the issues that their races have, I think that it's important seen as if our particular racial group.
00:15:13 Happens to be the lowest group going on into university, has the lowest attainment and this is improving by.
00:15:19 The government who released.
00:15:20 Their report with the button this year about the white working class.
00:15:24 So just like any other rates.
00:15:26 We are sticking up for our children and.
00:15:28 Ensuring that they are.
00:15:29 Included that their mental health is considered.
Speaker 5
00:15:32 Like, why don't you make an event instead of coming?00:15:35 Through and like giving your client.
Speaker 12
00:15:37 Because we, as white people aren't allowed.00:15:40 To talk about these.
00:15:41 Things we're not allowed the story we're not allowed to talk about race and the impact that these.
Speaker 10
00:15:43 But then you.Speaker 5
00:15:43 Don't talk about the ways you talk about clout, right?Speaker 12
00:15:47 We talk about race.00:15:48 We talk.
00:15:48 About how this is impacting white children.
00:15:51 It's not about facts.
00:15:52 Because some of these white children.
00:15:54 Are more economically disadvantaged than their black and their.
00:15:57 Minority players.
00:15:58 How can you say?
00:15:59 That a black boy.
00:16:00 Who comes from a socioeconomically advantage background is more.
00:16:04 Or it's less privileged than a white boy who's on free school meals.
00:16:09 It's a proven.
Speaker 5
00:16:09 Different bonds of privileges as well you.Speaker 12
00:16:11 There's no such thing as white privilege.Speaker 13
00:16:11 Know it's not working well.Speaker 12
00:16:13 There is some such thing as socioeconomic.00:16:15 Privilege, but as a white.
Speaker 5
00:16:16 No, there are multiple regularities.Speaker 12
00:16:16 Student as a white student and like other white students, many of us are disengaging with curriculum when they talk about psychological harm.00:16:26 Do they talk about the million white school children that have been raped in religiously and racially motivated?
Speaker 5
00:16:31 OK, OK, OK.Speaker 12
00:16:31 Advances by Muslim Pakistani gangs?00:16:34 What about our?
Speaker 5
00:16:34 Now you will take him.Speaker 12
00:16:34 Schools that ignore that.00:16:36 What about our schools? That.
00:16:37 Sexual assaults of white girls.
Speaker 5
00:16:38 Again, sorry I'm not interested anymore.Speaker 12
00:16:40 Why do we not talk about these issues of race?00:16:42 Ohh, because it affects the white community and.
00:16:45 We're not allowed to talk about race.
Speaker 5
00:16:47 Just talk about it.Speaker 12
00:16:48 Yeah, because you're not interested in the.00:16:49 Impact that it has.
00:16:50 On white kids, you're only interested.
Speaker 5
00:16:51 No, I just seem to saying ******** now.Speaker 12
00:16:52 In, well, why don't you check the data instead of?Speaker 5
00:16:53 Like you need to have your arguments straight.Speaker 12
00:16:56 Was listening to Marxist propaganda.Speaker 5
00:16:58 Oh my God.Speaker 12
00:16:59 Have a look at the forgotten report.00:17:01 Go online and have a look.
00:17:03 Type in white disadvantaged working class education.
00:17:07 Just type in that into.
00:17:08 Google and see what.
Speaker 10
00:17:09 It comes up with.Speaker 5
00:17:09 I will.Devon
00:17:12 The the honestly, this is infuriating to me.00:17:16 I mean, I love the I love what she's doing obviously right and and and it and and if for some reason this gets back to you, I'm I'm kidding about the.
00:17:23 Roasty thing.
00:17:25 This is awesome.
00:17:26 This is awesome what she's doing.
00:17:30 But what's infuriating is just listening to that.
00:17:33 That *******.
00:17:36 ****** that. That *******.
00:17:40 Mushmouth murmur.
00:17:42 Or what you mean?
00:17:44 Like it's just it's.
00:17:49 Like it builds.
00:17:49 A rage inside of me imagining this woman.
00:17:54 In her homeland.
00:17:55 Having to even say this.
00:17:59 To some ******* AD IQ ***** ** ****.
00:18:05 You know, it's it's enraging.
00:18:08 It's enraging.
00:18:11 I'm at.
00:18:12 I'm at a loss for words.
00:18:13 It's just like I start seeing red when every time I hear that *******.
00:18:21 Just talking ********.
00:18:24 It's like get the.
00:18:29 Alright, try not to fed post here a little bit anyway.
00:18:33 So that's that's and that's the.
00:18:35 And that concludes our diversity is our strength, but our pumps segment.
00:18:45 Oh boy. All right.
00:18:49 So in other news.
00:18:51 Let's take a look here.
00:18:55 Oh, it's the slippery slope.
00:18:58 Remember the slippery slope?
00:19:00 I have just some random stuff today.
00:19:02 But this is one of them eleven years ago.
00:19:06 This got tweeted out.
00:19:09 What will happen if gay marriage is legalized, huh?
00:19:13 Gay people will get married.
00:19:15 And then at at the underneath that uh.
00:19:18 A tweet that didn't age well.
00:19:21 A third World War will break out.
00:19:23 Oh, good.
00:19:25 Various plagues.
00:19:26 Ah, yeah.
00:19:27 Well, schools will begin teaching kids how to have *** ***.
00:19:30 Well, we've seen that the terrorists will win Afghanistan.
00:19:38 Yeah, yeah, I.
00:19:39 Guess the only thing left on that list.
00:19:41 Is World War 3.
00:19:46 All because we legalize gay marriage, you.
Speaker 14
00:19:48 Know what like look.Devon
00:19:51 Maybe there's something to that.00:19:54 Maybe there's something to that.
00:19:55 I know a lot of there's a lot of religious people who believe that America.
00:20:02 Is only blessed and only successful.
00:20:06 As long as it is following God's will and there's a lot of people that believe similar things, it's not just Christians, right?
00:20:15 But particularly in the Bible, you know, there's there's a cycle of civilizations.
00:20:20 Where the people respect and love God and follow God's laws.
00:20:27 And then eventually, they become decadent.
00:20:29 They stop following God's laws, and then they're conquered.
00:20:35 So maybe it's not a stretch to say that this slippery slope of gay marriage has led to, well, maybe a third World War.
00:20:43 It's it certainly led to **** like this.
00:20:49 We just celebrated my son's upcoming top surgery.
00:20:53 All right, good, good, good.
00:20:57 And in terms of the World War three stuff.
00:21:00 We've got Biden talking about possible food shortages.
00:21:04 On the horizon.
Speaker 13
00:21:07 Nothing more to report with regard to food shortages.00:21:10 We did.
00:21:11 So talk about food shortages and and it's going to be real.
00:21:16 The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia.
00:21:21 It's imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries in our country.
00:21:28 So there's going to be food shortages, look.00:21:30 Even if there's not like short like, I don't think people gonna be starving in the least.
00:21:34 Not right away.
00:21:35 Right.
00:21:36 You know, like you got to remember that we're, we're we're a big *** economy, right?
00:21:42 So it's not going to just happen overnight.
00:21:45 But that said.
00:21:48 You know things aren't looking good and it's.
00:21:52 Very least things.
00:21:53 Will get more expensive because as gasoline gets more expensive, everything gets more expensive because everything has to be shipped and when they're shipped the thing shipping these things are using gasoline and it's not only that you also have the, you know, all the farm equipment.
00:22:08 That's using gasoline.
00:22:10 Everything just gets more expensive.
00:22:13 Not only that, I forgot to load this graphic, so bear with.
00:22:16 Me a moment.
00:22:18 Where's this at?
00:22:21 UM, here we are.
00:22:31 This is the price of fertilizer.
00:22:38 So that dip or that little peak right in the middle of the screen, that's the 2008.
00:22:46 Financial crisis.
00:22:49 So yeah, we're not doing so good because as fertilizer gets more expensive.
00:22:54 Obviously the plants that require the fertilizer will get more expensive.
00:22:59 And you know, along with the gas and everything else.
00:23:02 Energy across the board.
00:23:08 Yeah, hang on to your hats.
00:23:10 It's going to get.
00:23:11 It's going to get a little squirrelly, I think.
00:23:13 Now this is from zero hedge.
00:23:16 Let me pop this up real quick.
00:23:19 Oh, another thing to make things even more interesting, Putin is now selling, or at least the plan is.
00:23:27 I don't know if it's actually already.
00:23:31 But he's going to be selling natural gas for rubles.
00:23:35 And rubles only.
00:23:38 This is from.
00:23:39 Let's see here
00:23:42 I forget who that.
00:23:43 Is the Russian President announced that countries unfriendly to Moscow must pay for gas deliveries with rubles?
00:23:51 Shows he's willing to use energy as a weapon in the Ukraine war.
00:23:55 It puts the West in a tight spot.
00:23:58 With his demand for payments and Russian currency, Vladimir Putin has dealt a surprise blow to Western why would you be surprised by that, you know?
00:24:07 Like why would?
00:24:09 You be anyway still using large volumes of Russian gas for their energy needs.
00:24:15 The measure would apply to a total of 48 countries deemed hostile, including the United States, the UK and all members of the European Union, the Russian President said.
00:24:28 So there's going to be a.
00:24:33 Big demand for the Russian currency and a shrinking demand for the American currency, especially if the Petro dollar goes away.
00:24:42 We're ****** if the Petro dollar goes away.
00:24:45 You know, you think the economy is going to get bad just the way things are going.
00:24:49 Like you better.
00:24:50 You better hope to God the Saudis don't.
00:24:53 Don't ditch the petrodollar.
00:24:56 All right.
00:24:57 And then this is from zero hedge.
00:25:03 President Joe Biden believes that.
00:25:04 Ukraine War will mark the start of a new world order.
00:25:09 Because we're gonna have the.
00:25:11 Never let a good crisis go to race or go to waste.
00:25:14 Kind of a thing right in the middle of the COVID global pandemic, Claus, Schwab, and global elites likewise announced a great reset, according to the nations.
00:25:22 Of the world.
00:25:23 Or, accordingly, the nations of the world would have to surrender their sovereignty to an international body of experts.
00:25:30 They would enlighten us on taxes.
00:25:32 Diversity and green policies.
00:25:34 When former President Donald Trump got elected in 2016, marquee journalists announced partisan reporting would have to displace the old supposed dis interested approach the news.
00:25:46 In normal times, progressives worry that they do not have public support for their policies.
00:25:51 Only in crisis do they feel that the political left and the media can merge to use apocalyptic times to ram through the usually unpopular approaches to foreign domestic problems.
00:26:01 Once again, never.
00:26:02 Let a good crisis go to waste.
00:26:05 So they're they're just going, they go on and on and talk about how.
00:26:09 This is you.
00:26:10 Know the the many, many, many economic problems on the horizon, along with the instability.
00:26:18 Of the uh, well, I mean, just the whole world right now is going to allow them to usher in some of these things.
00:26:28 And you might wonder, well, they'll never get away with that.
00:26:32 This whole they will own nothing thing.
00:26:34 No one wants that.
00:26:36 No one will go along with that.
00:26:37 Don't you know people like to own property.
00:26:40 They love to own property.
Speaker 15
00:26:43 Gary Berman is CEO of Tricon Residential, a Toronto based company that has quietly become one of the largest owners of single family homes in the United States.Speaker 16
00:26:56 So today we own about 30,000 single family rental homes across the US, largely in the sunbelt, and we've got probably about 75,000 people living in our homes.Speaker 15
00:27:06 You are a multi billion dollar company.00:27:09 You're publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the.
Speaker 16
00:27:14 Toronto Stock Exchange.Speaker 15
00:27:15 Toronto Stock Exchange I even read in one of your own documents that your revenue went up last year by 67%. Is that correct?Speaker 16
00:27:25 Yeah, we're expanding.00:27:26 I mean, when you think about it, we have.
00:27:30 An incredible amount of demand for what we do, so Leslie, in any given week we might have two or three hundred homes available.
Speaker 15
00:27:39 For renting.Speaker 16
00:27:40 For renting and we get about 10,000 leasing inquiries week.Speaker 15
00:27:46 Bricon is trying to buy 800 houses a month.Speaker 16
00:27:50 I think if you asked a lot of millennials and that tends to be our primary result.00:27:54 And then they would probably tell you they don't necessarily desire to own a home or to own a car they've grown up in the sharing economy.
00:28:03 And for what's important to them is lifestyle, right.
00:28:06 And so if they can move into this, what we call a turnkey or hotel ready home and have a low maintenance lifestyle, that's very compelling for them.
00:28:15 So it's already here, you know between comp, you know, there's Black Rock is doing the same thing.00:28:19 There's a lot of these big companies that are just buying up the property.
00:28:24 And so and and driving up the prices so that people can't even afford.
00:28:27 I mean, it's already crazy to have to buy house.
00:28:30 The fact that you that like the big.
Evil Devon
00:28:34 If you're doing.Devon
00:28:35 Everything right, right. Like if you're doing everything right, you're the alpha slave. You've been saving up the fact that you can all that the the way that's supposed to work is that you save up 20 percent, 20% like for years you probably save this up.00:28:50 For the down payment, and that's like the smart. Oh, you did it right. You put down 20% down. Good.
00:28:57 And then you pay off the rest of it for.
00:28:59 30 ******* years.
00:29:05 You know, and that's that's when the the market's not going crazy because Black Rock and and ****** **** like this guy.
00:29:12 Are are buying everything up above asking price?
00:29:18 So it's already happening, it's already happening.
00:29:24 And they're going to be able to look the gas crisis thing like, like that's a no brainer, right?
00:29:31 When you had Honda a couple of years ago saying that they're not going to be even making gasoline cars by 20-30, I mean that should have.
00:29:38 Set off some alarm bells that oh gas is on the way out, that it is.
00:29:42 And if you think that, Oh well, they can't just change that they don't have the infrastructure, right they have.
00:29:46 The infrastructure yet but people?
00:29:48 Forget the first.
00:29:49 I mean there used to be steam engine cars.
00:29:54 Steam engine cars.
00:29:57 And they they switched to gasoline.
00:30:00 Without the infrastructure.
00:30:02 In place, right?
00:30:04 They were still able to do it.
00:30:06 Now it's a little bit different, right? The market's much bigger. There's way more people that that are owning automobiles than when that switch took place. By the way, steam, the steam engine cars are ******* awesome.
00:30:20 Jay Leno.
00:30:21 That ******* rich ******* who's got, like, every kind of ******* car in the world has a few working steam engine cars.
00:30:30 And it's just kind of funny.
00:30:31 Like it's literally like a little locomotive that you can drive around and he's and there's St.
00:30:37 like, well, I mean, I'm sure he's because he's Jay.
00:30:39 He gets special allowances, but he's he's drives him around on the street, the steam engine.
00:30:45 And they operate pretty, you know, pretty normally like you would like they they accelerate about as good as they and a gasoline car and stop just as fine and anyway the.
00:30:56 But they used to be, they used to.Devon
00:30:57 Have ******* steam engine cars.00:31:00 And they switched from steam engine cars to internal combustion running on gasoline.
00:31:08 So don't think they won't phase out gasoline and throw in electric vehicles.
00:31:14 And the thing, once they do that.
00:31:17 You know, it's just they see it as it's just an easier.
00:31:19 Thing to manage.
00:31:22 It's an easier thing to manage.
00:31:26 Honestly, I'm not super ******.
00:31:27 Off about the electric part of it, I'm ****** *** about the amount of tracking and surveillance that will be included in those electric cars.
00:31:36 Because if you think about it, I mean it would take a lot of solar, you would need a lot of solar.
00:31:41 To charge up one of those cars.
00:31:42 But just the idea that.
00:31:43 You can at least do that.
00:31:45 The the the ****** thing about the the electric cars though, of course.
00:31:49 Is the batteries.
00:31:51 They don't last forever.
00:31:52 I'm not sure exactly what the life lifetime is on those things, but the fact that they're already.
00:31:58 Getting rid of Tesla batteries?
00:32:00 I mean, how long has Tesla been around, right?
00:32:03 I mean, so they obviously don't last very long.
00:32:06 If the older Tesla batteries are already being retired.
00:32:12 So anyway, a lot of this stuff it's, you know, moving right along.
00:32:18 Moving right along.
00:32:21 Because we're dealing with psychopaths, this is kind of a this is going to seem like a little bit of a a, a potpourri, A potpourri, A collage, A collage of random stuff I found today.
00:32:38 I found this.
00:32:39 I was watching old propaganda movies and and just trying to find some good stuff for tonight and I trimmed this down a little bit, but this is a a definition of psychopaths.
00:32:49 Sound familiar?
Speaker 17
00:32:55 We're concerned here with the psychopath, the man without a conscience.Speaker 18
00:33:01 Does it ever bother you when you?00:33:02 Do something wrong.
Speaker 6
00:33:03 Well, I'd never regret it before.00:33:04 I'd only.
Speaker 13
00:33:05 Regret it afterwards, particularly if I was caught.Speaker 18
00:33:08 The psychopath is characteristically an individual.00:33:12 Chest is unable to follow a plan of action through to its logical conclusion.
00:33:18 They are basically irresponsible people.
00:33:21 While being at the same time intelligent and manifesting all kinds of innate capabilities, they don't seem to be able to sustain this their their subject to their whims, their.
00:33:35 Frustration tolerance is low.
00:33:37 If they want to do something, they do it on the moment with little or no regret for the consequences, either for themselves and unfortunately for other people.
Speaker 13
00:33:44 I like power.00:33:46 I'd like to be able to control others.
00:33:50 And that's who's in charge.00:33:55 A bunch of ******* psychopaths.
00:33:59 Because we have a system that rewards psychopaths and.
00:34:02 Weeds out people with morality and values and principles.
00:34:10 All right.
00:34:13 Now people have asked me, you know, why? Why aren't why aren't you doing like whatever you want? What else in the ******* world is doing by covering the, you know, the war stuff 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
00:34:29 Well, one of the reasons why and I've said this, you know, in the fog of war, and it's impossible to get accurate information.
00:34:37 I mean, you got propaganda coming from all sides, and it's just it's it's one of those things.
00:34:43 It's it's, I mean, you can get a basic idea of what's going on, but there's other channels that are that are set up for that, but to give.
00:34:52 It I mean this is what?
00:34:54 It's not. It's nothing.
00:34:55 New there's always war propaganda.
00:34:58 This is the kind of propaganda that we were getting during the Gulf.
00:35:01 War from CNN.
Speaker 19
00:35:09 A couple of explosions.00:35:11 What may have been an outgoing Patriot ground to air missile.
00:35:16 Some reported air bursts in May, may have been an intercept of an incoming Scud missile.
00:35:21 We're really not sure.
00:35:22 All we know is that the air raid sirens have.
00:35:24 One off and he's heard the outgoing roar of at least one Patriot missile.
00:35:30 We've heard some sort of air burst.
00:35:32 We can't tell where it was from where we are right now.
00:35:35 We're waiting to see what's happening.
00:35:36 As you can hear the air raid sirens are still going off around us.
00:35:39 People are, strangely enough, used to it.
00:35:42 This is the first one of these attacks that's taking place.
00:35:45 Early in the.
00:35:45 Morning, but Sir.
00:35:48 So I mean, this is fake.00:35:50 I mean, we're going to show you how fake it is here in a second.
00:35:52 For those of you haven't seen.
00:35:53 This but the short version is this guy is literally in a on a sound stage.
00:35:59 That's a blue screen behind him and that little alarm going off. It sounds like a ******* toy. Like it sounds like they went to Toys-R-Us.
00:36:08 And got like one of.
00:36:09 Those little cheapo laser guns.
00:36:13 That do the different sound effects every time you pull the trigger and then they just pulled the trigger when it made the alarm sound.
00:36:20 It's because you can hear it sounds like it's not.
00:36:22 It's not coming from any kind of real, you know, air raid sirens or something like that.
00:36:29 It's it's, it's coming from some chintzy little speaker, but.
00:36:32 If you are in America watching the war, though, live little war coverage of what's.
00:36:37 Going on in.
00:36:38 The Middle East during the Gulf War.
00:36:40 You were watching this ******* ****** *** thinking that like you were getting all the right information.
Evil Devon
00:36:48 You're not showing.Speaker 19
00:36:49 You anything other than what was that?00:36:51 What did you see there?
00:36:53 Is that a missile going out?
00:36:56 We're not, we're.
00:36:56 Not quite sure.
00:36:57 We can't show you anything else than what we're seeing right now.
00:37:02 Can't show you, the other is what we're seeing right now inside a sound stage in front of a blue screen.Speaker 19
00:37:08 Of military regulations, we are not allowed.00:37:11 To show you.
00:37:12 Where the missiles might be going, what direction they.
00:37:14 Be flying in where the airburst might be taking place.
00:37:17 There's obviously something going on.
00:37:19 We heard another dull Lord of the trick things a little bit, and we're waiting to see what else is going on right now.
00:37:24 That's about all we know that something is happening within Pops and things shaking, but people are staying relatively relatively calm around here.
00:37:34 People evacuated.
00:37:35 An orderly way.
00:37:36 To the shelters, but apparently there is something going on.
00:37:38 The patriot missiles.
00:37:40 We're assuming their patriots have gone outbound, and we've heard some explosions, and that's that's about it for right now.
00:37:48 We'll get back to you when we know something else.
00:37:50 Something is.
00:37:51 Happening here and we're watching.
00:37:52 We're scanning the skies.
00:37:53 For something else.
00:37:55 Coming in, but right now we can't see much of anything.
00:37:59 And frankly, this is what.
00:38:00 We scanning the skies inside this sound stage in front of a plastic palm tree.Speaker 19
00:38:07 Can show you on television right now because of military restrictions from both the Saudis and the US.Speaker 10
00:38:17 City if you need to take cover, I notice that you've got your gas mask in your hands.00:38:22 If you need to put it on, please do so.
Speaker 19
00:38:23 We have, we have the we have, we have, we appreciate it.Speaker 10
00:38:25 If you need to.00:38:25 Take cover.
00:38:26 Please do so if you are able.
00:38:29 If you are able to take a question, did you think that this possible?
Speaker 19
00:38:33 Far away.Speaker 10
00:38:34 Threat would be over because.Devon
00:38:37 I like how he couldn't hear in his IFB, so they turned off the little chintzy alarm so he could hear what she was saying. Notice how the alarm just all of a sudden? Oh.00:38:45 It's the alarm's off.
Speaker 10
00:38:48 As it is now morning there, it's what just after 6:00 in the morning.Speaker 19
00:38:50 Well, the.00:38:52 The yeah, the whole thing is everyone assumed that the threat would be over because it was early morning.
00:38:57 But the thing about Saddam Hussein is that he has.
00:39:00 Never done the expected and right now we have, you know once again been surprised with the unexpected.
00:39:07 An air raid of an apparent attack.
00:39:09 Although we can't say what the outgoing missiles hit at approximately 20 after 7:00 in the morning, Saudi Arabian time, all the other attacks have occurred from 10:00 at night till 4.
00:39:20 3-4 in the morning. This is the first one to take place in eastern Saudi Arabia and $5 gun. It sounded here behind me is the hotel.
00:39:24 Ohh no the laser.00:39:27 Laser guns backed Richard pickers.
Speaker 19
00:39:30 It's not the nationally by afternoon.00:39:33 People are looking.
00:39:34 Up in the sky, scanning the skies to see what they can.
00:39:36 See do we see much of anything out there?
00:39:39 Can we can?
00:39:39 We see much of.
Speaker 4
00:39:41 The quick look out the fake.Speaker 19
00:39:43 Yeah, well, apparently there was.00:39:44 There was.
00:39:45 There was some word of of outgoing again.
00:39:45 See if you see anything out the fake window.Speaker 19
00:39:48 We cannot be specific about the direction.00:39:53 All right. We are now led to understand that there are also firings in another city in Saudi Arabia. CNN's Carl Rochelle is is here with me. Just came up. Carl, I know we can't be very specific.
00:40:03 I don't.00:40:03 Man, imagine he just came right up.
Speaker 19
00:40:06 Given these restrictions, but within those parameters, what?00:40:08 Did you see well what?
Speaker 14
00:40:09 I saw.00:40:10 I didn't see anything here.
00:40:11 And other ray gun isn't going off again.Speaker 14
00:40:12 All this straight above us, there is a.00:40:14 Vapor trail coming from my right to my left.
00:40:16 And there's a cloud of something.
00:40:19 It looks like it might have been an explosion of cloud, the white say.
00:40:24 I'm sad.00:40:30 Seeing people in America were literally watching this like.
00:40:35 Glued glued to the TV at the edge of their.
00:40:38 Seat. Oh my God.
00:40:40 Oh my God, they had.
00:40:41 To put the gas mask on.
Speaker 14
00:40:44 Oh my God.Devon
00:40:48 These brave journalists putting themselves in harm's way so they can tell us the truth about what's happening in this war.00:41:00 That dude put a helmet on.
00:41:01 He got the no, dude, that's not gonna help you from.
00:41:03 The the the poison gas.
00:41:06 You're supposed to put the gas mask on, not the.
Speaker 14
00:41:08 Helmet. I just.00:41:10 OK.
00:41:12 Can you take your, my, my apologies that he's.
00:41:17 Putting on the gas mask.
00:41:19 I guess what they did here, this is like redundancy.00:41:21 This way if it's a conventional missile, the guy with the helmet will survive.
00:41:26 He'll be able to keep going with the news.
00:41:29 But if it's like anthrax or something like that, then the gas mask guy will survive.
00:41:33 So that's why they did this way.
00:41:36 Yeah, it totally makes sense.
Speaker 14
00:41:37 There hasn't been.00:41:38 Any gas dropped here that we could tell?
00:41:41 You smell anything?
Speaker 1
00:41:42 No. Oh.Speaker 14
00:41:43 You probably you may smell some of the fumes from a missile exhaust going off missiles use a rocket.00:41:49 A cord like some sort of burning.
00:41:52 And we just heard a little funk.
00:41:54 Again, they're inside.00:41:56 They're inside the the whole time they're inside.
Speaker 14
00:42:02 Just then.Speaker 19
00:42:03 I have to apologize for that.00:42:04 I listen something so momentarily busy.
00:42:08 You're more experienced.
00:42:09 Military affairs?
00:42:10 Benign, but it might have been a little.
00:42:12 Gas from the from the rocket exhaust.
00:42:15 Well, it wasn't a lot of people have.
00:42:17 The respirators aren't just.
Speaker 14
00:42:18 Your case and not again you you run to get down here.00:42:22 You in my case, I jumped out of bed hearing the air raid warning along the run down three flights of stairs to get out of here. It's probably 100 yards. Umm.
00:42:32 You're nervous.
00:42:33 One thing one thing.Speaker 19
00:42:34 We have to point out.00:42:35 Just so people won't think.
00:42:37 People are panicking.
00:42:38 Most people are in their shelters.
00:42:39 They take and covering their.
00:42:40 Shelters and in the time we've.
00:42:42 Been in Saudi Arabia.
00:42:43 I've not seen any.
00:42:44 Evidence of panic?
00:42:45 In the streets or people running around and.
Speaker 14
00:42:47 All the people are not exactly taking.Speaker 19
00:42:48 This as a matter of.Devon
00:42:50 So anyway.00:42:52 Now if you want to see how much of.
00:42:53 A scam. This is.
00:42:57 I think they throw the mask on one more time.
00:42:58 Do they? No. All right.
00:43:00 So here's here's the guy when he's not live.
Speaker 19
00:43:08 Now again, as we said, we're not sure what caused this.00:43:12 It could possibly and we emphasized possibly have been a ground impact of a Scud.
00:43:16 It could have been a ground impact of a patriot, or it could have been the result of debris falling between the.
00:43:22 Two of them.
00:43:24 Do you like how you can hear the fan that they're using to blow the the plastic tree behind him?Speaker 19
00:43:30 We just don't know right now, but we do know that at least two Scud missiles incoming were fired in Riyadh and according to the Saudi military, they were both shot down, Charles Jacobs CNN reporting live from Saudi Arabia.00:43:47 Was almost exactly 2 hours ago when the Sirens went off here in Saudi Arabia, where we are in eastern Saudi Arabia.
00:43:53 There was no problem.
00:43:54 However, there was an intercept elsewhere near the capital city, Riyadh.
00:43:58 We've got some videotape of that.
00:43:59 You can take a look at right now.
00:44:01 Hi, Atlanta.
00:44:01 We're about to have a short course.
00:44:03 In missile identification, this is a scut you can tell it by its distinctive label.
00:44:09 Now, when the missile was launched, the first thing you look for is the plume sticking out behind it.
00:44:14 Now, when you detect this, you can tell it's been launched.
00:44:18 Thank you.
00:44:20 See the edge of the blue screen there and the left.Speaker 19
00:44:21 Larry King show or bust?00:44:27 Look at this at this.
00:44:27 Look at.00:44:28 Look, look.
00:44:28 Look at the back.
Speaker 14
00:44:29 Look at this ****. Look.Speaker
00:44:29 Of my head.00:44:34 Let me say hi.
Speaker 19
00:44:36 The top 10 things about Saudi Arabia, maybe we could.00:44:38 Shorten the list to five.
00:44:41 Ohh God geopolitics by Dan Quayle.
00:44:56 See that was the set that was the set.00:44:58 You see it?
00:45:03 There's the sat behind him.
Speaker 4
00:45:06 Woof, woof, woof.Devon
00:45:16 I super worried about that anthrax.Speaker 19
00:45:17 Ohh, I love this country so much.00:45:21 Well, Cheryl, it was almost exactly 2 hours ago when the Sirens went off here in Saudi Arabia, where we are in eastern Saudi Arabia.
00:45:27 There was no problem.
00:45:28 Now let me just size my mask and fit it for a second, just like I always do.
00:45:33 Stand by.
00:45:35 All clear.
Speaker 5
00:45:38 What are they saying?Speaker 19
00:45:39 Are they saying all clear?00:45:42 Were they saying all clear down there just now?
00:45:47 All clear?
00:45:47 All clear?
00:45:48 I thought the end was a false alarm.
00:45:50 Got that, Atlanta standing down now I'm going to.
00:45:53 I'm going to go get my hamburger and.
00:45:54 My coffee.
Speaker 4
00:45:56 We just got the all clear here.Speaker 19
00:45:57 All clear.00:45:59 Every time I order something this happens.
00:46:01 All clear.
00:46:02 Thank you.
00:46:09 I'm starting to get real bothered by all this.
00:46:20 Boy, did I almost look stupid.
00:46:23 So there you go.00:46:26 That's why I don't believe.
00:46:29 Anything that they are playing in the media.
00:46:33 OK.
00:46:35 And again, this was this was American television.
00:46:41 Would have been like right around what, 1990?
00:46:46 People were were watching this around the clock.
00:46:50 Wow, CNN, one of the actually the 1st 24 hour news networks, somehow had all these.
00:46:57 All these guys in Saudi Arabia.
00:47:02 Dodging Scud missiles, putting on helmets and gas masks.
00:47:13 Somehow not.
00:47:15 Noticing the green screen but the you know the blue screen behind them.
00:47:22 Ah, so it's all fake.
00:47:24 And gay is what I'm getting at.
00:47:30 All right.
00:47:33 Now one more random video.
00:47:36 And then we'll go to super chat.
00:47:39 OK.
00:47:40 So Speaking of.
00:47:41 Propaganda and propaganda having to deal with Russians.
00:47:47 I found a declassified CIA video.
00:47:53 That was like a training video.
00:47:56 To probably not high level, but to tell some of the CIA agents basically how Soviet media was portraying America.
00:48:07 And some of it is just straight up propaganda.
00:48:10 The same kind of propaganda that we were doing about the Soviets, right?
00:48:15 But some of it is a little uncomfortably true.
00:48:19 A little uncomfortably true.
00:48:21 Let's see if you can spot spot the truth.
00:48:25 In the Soviet propaganda from this is, it doesn't have a year, just says 19.
Speaker 1
00:48:35 The people don't have power in your country.00:48:38 What you have is crime, sadism, unemployment, drug addiction.
00:48:42 I don't think you're young people do anything but harm to their country.
Speaker 4
00:48:51 Biden was one of an unprecedented Jackson.Speaker 14
00:48:55 Tiger Michael Jackson is Alabama story music.Speaker 17
00:49:11 The Americans are preparing for war. We don't want war. We are preparing for self-defense. America tries to supply other countries with more and more armaments. What do they need all those weapons?Speaker 6
00:49:43 She wouldn't.00:49:52 What was on television?
Speaker 1
00:49:54 Our TV can always be trusted.00:49:56 I would never trust American TV.
00:49:58 All those channels and different programs.
00:50:04 And that's The thing is most people.00:50:08 They always assume anything that's coming from another country.
00:50:11 It's propaganda.
00:50:14 But they assume that whatever's coming from their leader.
00:50:18 Their authorities has to be the truth.
00:50:22 When we've talked about before that quite the opposite.
00:50:26 When it comes to, you know, leaders communicating.
00:50:30 Quite the opposite is true.
00:50:32 World leaders have infinitely more reasons.
00:50:37 To lie to their own populations.
00:50:40 Than they do to lie to other world leaders.
00:50:49 And like I've said, I've I've talked to look.
00:50:51 I've talked to Russians.
00:50:52 That think, oh, it's not possible that that any of the news that I'm watching is is propaganda, you know, but oh, but definitely all this stuff about, you know, the the you all the stuff come out of Ukraine and the West.
00:51:05 That's all propaganda.
00:51:06 And then I've talked to Ukrainians who say, like anything you mentioned at all.
00:51:09 Oh, that's just Russian propaganda.
00:51:11 But they can't believe that anything that's coming out of the West or Ukraine is propaganda.
Speaker 20
00:51:19 In recent years, the Soviet media has said much about the American way of life and its portrait of America is a dark one.00:51:28 It is designed to convince the Soviet people that our social system is anything but desirable.
00:51:34 It emphasizes violence, drug abuse, unemployment and overall exploitation of the American people by the government.
00:51:43 Since the average Soviet citizen has no alternative source of information about the United States, the Soviet version is probably accepted at face value.
00:51:54 The Soviet people, however, seemed to be curious about America and impressed by its material success.
00:52:02 Last summer, Pravda published a lengthy article entitled Incurable Disease, which dealt with US unemployment and bank failures about the same time, Moscow was saying that there are 40 million Americans who are literally starving while a select group of capitalists continues to get richer.
00:52:25 So obviously an exaggeration there.00:52:28 But as as you'll see, not all of this is exaggeration.
Speaker 20
00:52:33 Moscow Television celebrated the 4th of July last year by assuring viewers that America is the quintessence of an unjust capitalist system that keeps millions of families living below the official poverty line.Devon
00:52:49 This is the other thing I found interesting, especially knowing how racist Russians were.00:52:54 At least you know, not that long ago I had a friend that he went, his sister was living in Russia.
00:53:01 And he went to go see her and they went to a bar, and she was kind of like this lefty.
00:53:06 So she was friends with, you know, team diversity out there.
00:53:09 There was some.
00:53:11 Black guy from I think the Sudan or something like that with them.
00:53:15 And he had to order the drinks.
00:53:19 For the guy from Sudan, because the the Russian bartenders wouldn't would ignore him like, wouldn't, wouldn't, uh?
00:53:24 Wouldn't serve him.
00:53:26 And and look, they just don't have a lot of, I mean, well, I mean, they have diversity in Russia certainly, but they don't have black people.
00:53:34 I don't know, maybe not.
00:53:36 Not to the degree that we do.
00:53:38 But this is another funny thing is they use that and I've seen this in other Soviet propaganda.
00:53:43 Where they use this, you know the oh, look, Americans hate blacks. They ******* hate them, and it's kind of like that movie I was talking about that brought the bar where, like Gary Busey's like.
00:53:53 Oh yeah, in America you can just kill black people.
00:53:55 It's it's, it's cool.
00:53:56 It's that's just how we roll out here.
00:53:59 But they seem to use the really focus on that in their propaganda.
00:54:02 Like, oh, look how bad the blacks.
00:54:04 Have it.
Speaker 20
00:54:05 The unemployed are described as having been deprived of the right to work, while Moscow television shows film of locked factory gates and people being evicted from their homes.00:54:18 The message in all this is that the capitalist system in America is unfair and is in fact a failure at providing for basic human needs or maintaining continued national growth.
00:54:31 This broadly distorted statement is aimed at convincing the Soviet people that Soviet Communism works much better by providing economic security for them.
00:54:42 the US economy, as described by the Soviet media, is being driven by raging militarism.
00:54:50 Well, that's true.00:54:51 That checks out.
Speaker 20
00:54:53 Defense spending is reported to be the cause of unemployment in civilian industries.Devon
00:54:59 Well, you know, and I guess indirectly, I mean look the the military industrial complex.00:55:06 Is a, well, the source of a lot of our problems.
Speaker 20
00:55:11 And also the cause of the huge federal deficit.Devon
00:55:15 You know when you're spending money, you don't have on a bunch of ******* weapons you don't use.Speaker 20
00:55:20 The Soviet Defense Ministry newspaper Red Star says that American young people are receiving militarist brainwashing from films like Rambo.00:55:31 Also included as malicious and distorted our telephone, a film about a KGB assassin on the job in the US, and Red Dawn, which depicts an invasion of Colorado by Cuban and Soviet troops.
00:55:47 Ohh, come on. Russkies Red Don's ******* awesome.Speaker 20
00:55:51 Wolverines, that same paper also said that President Reagan has personally participated in this brainwashing by calling on American youngsters to model themselves after John Wayne the degree.Speaker 19
00:55:57 But let us remember those first days longing start the light off path.Devon
00:56:06 Oh and.00:56:06 By the way, about Red Dawn.
00:56:10 At the end they try to do like the.
00:56:11 Oh, can't we all just be friends?
00:56:13 Like I don't know if you guys remember, if you've seen it at the end like there's the the Cuban officer and he's like I'm.
00:56:20 I've had it with all this bunched.
00:56:22 And you know, he sees the teenagers getting away, and I think he lets them go.
00:56:26 I I forget like the whole.
00:56:27 But there's like that moment.
00:56:27 Like, they always do.
00:56:28 Right.
00:56:29 There's always that moment in in those Hollywood movies where they have the evil Russians, where they're like, we're all just humans at the end of the day.
00:56:36 Can't we stop fighting?
Speaker 20
00:56:38 To which personalized attacks are leveled on the American President and other High American officials will vary according to immediate political circumstances.00:56:48 In Soviet American relations.
00:56:51 Such attacks are a part of a more general assault by the Soviet media, which blames the US for the arms race and says that Washington follows a policy of state terrorism and international banditry.
00:57:05 And Pravda says that the US arms policy is a mixture of falsity, hypocrisy.
00:57:11 And cynicism on racial and social problems.
00:57:16 You know, you know.00:57:18 Of course they they are.
00:57:19 Throw the KKK in there, you *******.
Speaker 20
00:57:24 Almost the United States is depicted as a country plagued by discrimination, where the situation is.Devon
00:57:31 See, this is this is where the.00:57:32 Soviet propaganda gets gets kind of amusing.
00:57:36 Where they they really they really like to to focus on the the racial tension.
Speaker 20
00:57:42 It's getting worse rather than better.00:57:45 According to Moscow Television so-called, civil rights are a fiction.
00:57:51 I'll tell you what, though.00:57:51 Were they wrong that racial tensions were getting worse and not better?
00:57:57 I mean.
00:57:59 Have you guys been around the last couple of years like?
00:58:02 I think it's safe to say it did.
00:58:04 It was getting worse.
Speaker 20
00:58:05 Racism and racial discrimination continued to be the shame of present day America, with white racists stepping up their activity.Devon
00:58:15 See, see Russians.00:58:16 Come on.
00:58:17 Come on.
00:58:18 You're gonna blame it on the white racists?
Speaker 14
00:58:23 Ah yeah.Speaker 20
00:58:25 There is said to be no equality of opportunity with neither blacks nor Hispanics getting a fair chance in American Society.00:58:34 Moscow Pictures racial problems as permeating American life, minor events that get little attention from U.S.
00:58:41 media are presented in the Soviet Union as typical.
00:58:45 For example, in Chicago, a Hispanic Union organizer named Rudy Lozano was murdered in 1983, and two years later, the only mention of him in U.S. media.
00:58:57 Is a brief story on an inside page of the Chicago Tribune.
00:59:01 And that story was about a March held in his memory.
00:59:05 But Pravda recently devoted a three-part series to reviewing the case as an alleged example of big business trying to keep the workers subjugated.
00:59:15 Another kind of Soviet manipulation is the Russian edition of American authors studs Terkel's book working.
00:59:23 The unexpurgated US version reports both successes and failures in nearly 600 pages.
00:59:31 The Russian translation is about 1/3 as long and emphasizes the failures and disappointments of working Americans.
00:59:39 The Soviet media portrays the US political system as an oligarchy rule.
00:59:45 Well, you know.00:59:48 Is that wrong?
00:59:50 I think I.
00:59:51 Think it's pretty safe to say it's.
00:59:53 This bit was correct.
Speaker 20
00:59:54 Media portrays the US political system as an oligarchy ruled by big capitalists who control the impoverished masses.Devon
01:00:04 Ah, you know, guilty.Speaker 20
01:00:07 Moscow Radio said recently that the American public has been lulled by the demagoguery of politicos whose services have been bought by capital.Devon
01:00:19 Once again.01:00:21 Kind of on the nose on.
Speaker 20
01:00:22 That one, according to Moscow Radio, American Society, is repressive.01:00:28 It says US authorities are putting themselves in opposition to the majority of their own people.
01:00:35 Yeah, well, I mean.01:00:38 Once again, kind of on the nose.
01:00:39 I mean, the biggest thing, the biggest thing that that.
01:00:42 Should that that that proves that is no one nobody.
01:00:47 Wanted mass immigration? Nobody, ever.
Speaker 20
01:00:51 Never. Ever.Devon
01:00:55 And yet, here we are.01:00:58 When, when literally nobody and that's all W, that's not just United States, that that's all Western countries, none of the the, the, the voters.
01:01:08 Wanted that policy.
01:01:11 And every chance they got to vote on it, which wasn't very often, they made sure of that.
01:01:17 It didn't go the way that the ruling class wanted.
01:01:22 In fact.
01:01:24 I can't.
01:01:24 I can't think of anything that hasn't gone the way that the ruling class wanted.
Speaker 20
01:01:29 And Moscow television said that thousands of political prisoners are languishing in US prisons today.Devon
01:01:37 Well, that's about to get a lot.01:01:38 More true.
01:01:45 You know, we we got a.
01:01:48 Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.
01:01:51 Pointing that cannon at us.
01:01:55 You know, every everything from parents protesting at school board meetings to, well, people like you and me.
01:02:03 Being classified as domestic terrorists.
Speaker 20
01:02:10 As a result of tyranny and repression of the authorities.01:02:14 Moscow has seized on the case of Leonard Peltier and American Indian activists convicted in 1977 of murdering 2 FBI agents.
01:02:25 By the way, I'm pretty sure this guy murdered more than that.01:02:27 If it's the guy I'm thinking of, this guy really legit was like a murdering psychopath.
Speaker 20
01:02:34 While Peltier's case is almost forgotten here, his legal appeals getting only brief mention in the New York Times Pravda published 7 stories about him this past September.01:02:46 Other Soviet newspapers also ran prominent cover.
01:02:50 The Soviets seemed to be trying to use this case to counter Western publicity about their own political prisoners, according to another.
01:03:01 Right, but you.01:03:01 Could flip it around and say how many of these stories you hear in the West about these political prisoners.
01:03:08 Where it's a similar thing, right?
01:03:10 Like perfect example, there was a story I want to say three or four days ago where they were saying ohh this woman who was critical of Putin was found dead in a suitcase or something like that.
01:03:23 And that's the headline.
01:03:24 And that's as far as most people are going to go.
01:03:26 Then you read the story, find out she was murdered by her boyfriend, had nothing to do with.
01:03:31 Yeah, she was critical of Putin.
01:03:33 Yeah, she got murdered, but she got murdered by by her boyfriend in a completely unrelated way.
01:03:40 But you know that's not the headline. That's not everyone. That's not the take away. So both sides do this ****.
Speaker 20
01:03:47 Moscow Radio report Americans who oppose U.S.01:03:51 military policy are described as peace fighters who are repressed on a monstrous scale by the American secret police.
01:04:00 Right. And look.01:04:01 At what was it like?
01:04:03 People like *****, right and stuff like that.
01:04:05 How does how does the Western media describe people like that?
01:04:08 Oh, they're just.
01:04:09 They're just freedom fighters getting oppressed by the the evil regime.
01:04:15 So it goes both ways.
Speaker 20
01:04:17 Occasional reports on American communists describe them as speaking for widespread attitudes, but that they are suppressed for challenging the system.01:04:28 When it was suggested to a Moscow TV.
01:04:32 Well, we know after you know the the summer of love.01:04:35 Watching all the communists.
01:04:37 Burned down buildings with cops just kind of chewing bubble gum and watching it happen.
01:04:42 But that's not true.
01:04:43 You know, they they're the communists in this country are definitely not repressed.
01:04:47 So you guys.
01:04:48 Got that one?
Speaker 20
01:04:48 Wrong Anchorman that Soviet media distorts news about America, he.Speaker 6
01:04:55 I think that we are not distorting news.01:04:58 No, I I I would disagree with you because we are we are showing not only unemployed, we showed millions.
01:05:04 We showed their private life.
01:05:05 We showed the high society.
01:05:07 We showed the Miss America.
Speaker 20
01:05:10 Recently, Moscow Television presented A dramatization of an American novel, The R document by Irving Wallace.01:05:18 The story's theme deals with the suspension of the American Bill of Rights and is set sometime in the future.
01:05:26 Well, I think that.01:05:30 Might have called that one too.
Speaker 20
01:05:32 Moscow Television sought to use this theme to make its point about the future of America.Devon
01:05:39 All right, that kind of checks out like this.01:05:42 Does that look like the future of America?
01:05:46 Just a cop beating a white guy.
01:05:48 Over and over and over again.
01:05:52 You know.
Speaker 20
01:05:54 A task commentator said that the sense of hopelessness and fear of the future are dramatically pushing up suicide crime, drug addiction.01:06:05 Alcoholism and divorce statistics.
01:06:09 Well, again, you know kind of you know that's.01:06:18 When you're right, you're right.
Speaker 20
01:06:24 In the final scenes of the famous story, the picture of Dorian Gray, the portrait takes on an ugly, even hideous appearance, and the Soviet media seems bent on portraying to the Soviet people a similar vision of America.Devon
01:06:41 All right.01:06:42 So that was a declassified.
01:06:46 Or a portion of it declassified CIA training video from the 1980s.
01:06:54 To let their let their agents know.
01:06:57 About the Soviets and their evil propaganda about.
01:07:01 But the exceptional West.
01:07:06 All right.
01:07:09 Well, I'm going to go ahead and take.
01:07:10 A look at the Super chance.
01:07:14 Here, get rid of this over here.Devon
01:07:22 Oh, the Riviera.01:07:25 That's not around anymore.
01:07:30 I had a lot of weird times at the Riviera.
01:07:33 Before they blew it up.
01:07:36 All right, purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:07:40 Telegram Channel focused on current Russian, Ukraine civil war.
01:07:46 Yeah, I think I've got that one loaded up on my telegram.
01:07:52 Didn't enough. In 1980, four $10 appreciate it giving you props for finding the one decent Bjork song in tonight's intro. Request for me. Can you upload a 1080P export of defiant on your telegram channel?
01:08:10 After tonight's stream, it should be on Odyssey already. I'm pretty sure it's 1080P.
01:08:18 That should be that should already be on Odyssey.
01:08:22 If it's not ten app, I don't know why it's not.
01:08:25 It should be.
01:08:26 And the the one on bit shoot.
01:08:30 I think would be 1080P. If it's not it's I mean it maybe I didn't do it because that's when I had **** Internet, so it's possible I did it at.
01:08:38 720P but I don't think so.
01:08:44 Big Cracker $1.00 appreciate it. $1.00 test your $1.00 test has worked.
01:08:51 White Tiger Kingdom, $5. Appreciate it. This is why you should avoid the high cost.
01:08:58 Of low prices.
01:09:00 This is why you should avoid the high cost of low prices and what what context do you mean that?
01:09:08 Let's see here.
01:09:11 Technique $50. Appreciate it. Here's for stealing the audiobook on Telegram. I bought a hard copy a long time ago. All right, well, I appreciate that.
01:09:26 Sid, $88. Appreciate it. Hi from Quebec, QC Canada, Frenchy here. Been watching your stuff for about seven years.
01:09:35 So I got to donate a bit, keep doing good content and thanks for your work.
01:09:40 Well, I appreciate that.
01:09:45 Like the new Start time, first time catching a live stream.
01:09:47 Yeah, no, it's it's a lot better for me too.
01:09:50 I actually get to sleep at night, which is kind of nice.
01:09:56 Harmless. Gee, I looked up the demographics of Miami-Dade County. According to the 2020 census, it is only 13% non Hispanic white and half of that is 13 of that, 13 percent is Jewish. It is also 14% black.
01:10:15 1.5% Asian and 69% Hispanic. The rest is mixed race or other. Yeah, I would not. Miami like, I mean, Jesus Christ, I I've only been to Miami once.
01:10:29 And holy ****, holy ****.
01:10:32 Like uh.
01:10:34 The beach.
01:10:38 Not a lot of white people at the beach, that's.
01:10:43 You know, would be really sad, really sad to just look at it because there had to have been right at some.
01:10:47 Point I wonder.
01:10:49 In fact, I wonder if I can find a.
01:10:52 What's the name of that ******* beach in Miami?
01:10:55 What's that called?
01:10:56 Well, just look at Miami Beach.
01:11:00 I guarantee you there's footage of it from, like the 60s or something.
01:11:04 You know what I mean?
01:11:07 Let me see.Devon
01:11:11 Beach, 1960s.01:11:15 And I bet it's like all ******* white people.
01:11:21 Well, white people and Jews have.
01:11:22 Always been out there.
01:11:26 OK, well this is 1968.
01:11:32 Let me see if there's a.Devon
01:11:35 Well, here's a tourism video.01:11:41 All right, I'm going to download the tourism video. This is from 1970.
01:11:49 Something tells me it's going to be really depressing.
01:11:55 Well, here's one here's like a tourism video from the 1960s.
01:11:59 The city of West Palm Beach.
01:12:04 Here's 1978.
01:12:09 Alright, let's take a look at this.
01:12:14 I know what I got to do this, there we go.Devon
01:12:22 I have to get.01:12:22 I had to get some open source video downloader ******** because mine ****** **.
01:12:28 I paid for it too.
01:12:29 It's like I paid for this software like a million years ago.
01:12:33 And now they've switched.
01:12:35 They've since switched to a subscription model, which is ********.
01:12:41 And they won't give me my my ******* key and I can't find it anywhere.
01:12:46 Like, so it's just I'm not going to pay a *******.
01:12:48 Subscription or gas?
01:12:50 Software it's so gay.
01:12:52 I hate it when they ******* do that.
01:12:54 Alright, so this is the.
01:12:58 This is the Miami.
01:13:02 Where is it at?
01:13:03 What's it called?
01:13:05 Color me fun?
01:13:07 Oh, boy, that's that's that's inappropriate name.
01:13:10 It's called color me fun is that?
01:13:15 What happened to Miami?
01:13:17 They colored it fun.
01:13:21 Right.
01:13:22 Let's see here.
01:13:25 Alright, alright, let's pull this up.
01:13:30 So this was the video that or I guess the film strip trying to get you to come on come hang out in Miami.
01:13:37 Look how fun and safe it is.
Speaker 1
01:13:41 Ultimate sensation.Speaker 22
01:13:44 What you're about to see exists, I've read.Speaker
01:13:54 And yeah, look.Devon
01:14:00 It's already.01:14:01 It's like white chicks.
01:14:03 Look, look at all the hot white chicks come to Miami.
01:14:06 We've got hot white chicks.
Speaker 21
01:14:09 I'm good.Speaker 22
01:14:13 I'm red, I love.Speaker 21
01:14:16 I'm yellow.01:14:19 I'm Lou.
01:14:22 ******* boomers, am I right?01:14:25 Like this like this is.
01:14:28 This is their promo video.
01:14:30 I mean, they knew their audience.
01:14:31 Right.
01:14:38 Did she say she is pre shaved?
01:14:40 Hold on.
01:14:43 Appreciate it was like what?
Speaker 1
01:14:52 There's one place where colors and people best come together.Devon
01:14:57 Wear colors and people.01:14:58 What are?
01:14:58 You trying to say?
Speaker 14
01:15:00 Miami Beach.Speaker 21
01:15:12 Most people, wherever they may live, are content with hamburger and look forward only to an occasional night out.01:15:20 But when people come to Miami Beach, everything changes.
01:15:29 They have to choose between more fine restaurants.
01:15:32 Superb dining rooms and divine food than they ever knew existed.
01:15:40 There are very elegant places to eat.
01:15:43 Good evening.Speaker 21
01:15:44 Fun places to eat.Speaker 22
01:15:47 Exciting places to eat, places to eat, exciting things.01:15:51 New things like stone crab here in Miami beaches, oldest restaurant.
01:15:57 Miami Beach is one of the few places in the world if delicacy can be eaten fresh, and then only October through May, you will never see a whole stone Crest.
01:16:05 Sure, little white chicks of this.01:16:07 All right, I'm downloading like a.
01:16:10 What it looks like now.
Speaker 16
01:16:14 Let's do this.Speaker 22
01:16:24 It's Showtime out front, you.Devon
01:16:26 Alright, we get it.01:16:28 You guys are a bunch of degenerates.
01:16:29 Where's the beach?
01:16:38 Well, give me.
01:16:38 Give me like a wide.
01:16:39 Shot of the beach.
01:16:42 You tell me.
01:16:42 There's no wide shot of the beach.
01:16:43 We just trust it.
01:16:45 Maybe back then, there weren't any white people either.
01:16:46 That's why they had to hire these white chicks.
01:16:55 Oh, like Mercedes-Benz?
01:16:57 Somehow or for some reason?
01:17:02 Sponsor that. Alright, let me.
01:17:05 Let me show you what Miami Beach looks like now.
01:17:10 Something tells me it's changed.
01:17:16 This is like this is just the first thing that popped up, so I wasn't.
01:17:19 I wasn't cherry picking.
Speaker 23
01:17:23 Breakers swamping the street, thousands of people ready to party and soak up.Devon
01:17:30 Look at that.01:17:31 Look at that crowd.
01:17:40 I don't see any white faces there.
Speaker 23
01:17:45 Ready to party and soak up the South Florida sights?Devon
01:17:49 Yeah, that's about what it looked like.01:17:50 When I was there.
01:17:52 It's fun.01:17:53 We just been out walking the strip.
Speaker 5
01:17:55 But it is.Speaker 11
01:17:56 Getting to be safe out here.Speaker 12
01:17:56 Gotta bring ohh in Chicago right now.01:17:59 We can't.
01:17:59 We can't afford to.
01:18:00 Have some fun.Speaker 23
01:18:01 From the air, we spotted big crowds on Hollywood beach and even more people down at South Point dancing on the sand and enjoying the warm weather.01:18:10 What has not been seen, at least so far, is the chaos that spoiled the fun last year, especially in Miami Beach.
01:18:17 Like it's like.Speaker 11
01:18:18 Less frantic, everyone's just calm.01:18:20 Everyone's just acting.
01:18:20 Like literally everyone they talk to is blank.01:18:24 There's there's a fat white chick.
01:18:27 So yeah this.
01:18:30 Is basically what it looked like when I was out there.
01:18:32 It's not the same.
01:18:34 That's not the same.
01:18:37 All right.
01:18:40 What do we got here?Devon
01:18:43 UM.01:18:47 Arno Bricker, 1488. Appreciate it. Hey, Devin. The similarities between the events in the Turner Diaries and the OKC bombing made it seem like the perfect excuse to crack down on white identitarian and militia movements. Also, could I get a shout out to my buddy? No.
01:19:09 Nanouk nosaj nanuk.
01:19:12 I almost feel like that's something backwards.
01:19:17 Nosaj nanouk.
01:19:20 I feel like it's.
01:19:20 Probably something backwards.
01:19:25 Anglo American.
01:19:27 Love your show.
01:19:28 Thank you.
01:19:29 Thank you very much.
01:19:31 Big cracker?
01:19:34 Hey, $5. Appreciate it. Hey, you haven't heard of the ATF is going to be redefining all braced pistol pistols as SBR's next month, effectively making millions of Americans felons overnight.
01:19:47 Do you predict mass compliance like what happened with bump stocks?
01:19:51 Or might this be too big an overreach?
01:19:54 Leading to mass non compliance.
01:19:56 I don't think there will ever.
01:19:58 Be mass non compliance.
01:20:01 I just don't think there will be.
01:20:04 I think that a lot of these Second Amendment people, like all these Second Amendment, Second Amendment Youtubers and you know, like grifters really.
01:20:16 They will comply over and over and over again.
01:20:24 They'll comply if they if they limit magazines to holding one bullet.
01:20:33 They will comply if they turn all rifles into, like having the stupid safety crap that California makes you have.
01:20:43 I'm not sure exactly to be honest though.
01:20:45 What if?
01:20:48 The term look, I'm not a I'm not a big gun guy, so I don't know the terminology.
01:20:52 If you what you're talking about, are you talking about basically the?
01:20:56 The AR pistols are now banned or is it beyond that I mean, but yeah, no, it'll they'll they'll if they pass that which I, you know, I could see them doing.
01:21:09 Because I think eventually in the same way that they're eventually going to, you know, normalize pedophilia.
01:21:14 They'll get rid of.
01:21:16 They've been trying to get rid of guns for a long time and.
01:21:18 They've successfully got gotten rid of guns.
01:21:21 And pretty much everywhere else, like America is hanging on, you know, by a thread.
01:21:25 But with the demographic shift.
01:21:28 What do you expect is going to happen?
01:21:30 The demographic shift is going to have way more implications than just like ohh God, I'm at Miami Beach.
01:21:37 And like, look at this ****, right?
01:21:41 That's that's not even like the bad part.
01:21:43 Like that's, I mean it's.
01:21:44 Right.
01:21:44 But like the bad part is when you look.
01:21:46 At the polls.
01:21:47 And you look at how these people respond to polls when it comes to free speech and when it comes to, well, just anything, like in the constitutional amendments, but especially the 1st and 2nd.
01:22:05 The first and second those that that that was new.
01:22:13 There was a new thing.
01:22:17 That no other countries developed and these people are coming from countries that you know never even developed the ******* wheel.
01:22:23 They don't care about the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
01:22:27 Those are written by.
01:22:28 Old white guys who owned slaves.
01:22:39 Yeah, that's going to go.
01:22:40 I mean, as as the demographics shift, that's just and and look especially like.
01:22:46 It's not just the the electorate like, because we all know elections don't ******* matter, right?
01:22:52 Uh, it's also going to be stuff like.
01:22:55 Where's this *****?
01:23:01 It's going to be **** like this, you know, you're going to have people like this.
01:23:05 On the Supreme Court and all the other diversity that's already there.
01:23:09 Who don't give.
01:23:10 A **** about the Constitution.
01:23:12 Don't give a **** about, you know, the Second Amendment or the 1st amendment or any of the amendments.
01:23:26 I mean that's that.
01:23:28 It's it's already gone, guys.
01:23:29 We're just waiting for.
01:23:30 It to you.
01:23:30 Know like.
01:23:32 The the the.Devon
01:23:34 All the groundwork has already been put in place.01:23:36 The cancer has already metastasized.
01:23:39 So now we're just waiting for.
01:23:41 It to spread and kill off the host.
01:23:46 So anyway.
01:23:51 Yeah, there's not going to be any.
01:23:54 I mean will.
01:23:54 There be people who just don't, you know, just like hide their gun or whatever and and don't comply.
01:24:00 Sure, there'll be there'll be lots of people that do that, but no one.
01:24:02 'S going to like do anything, you know, I mean.
01:24:06 UM.
01:24:09 Let's Lord God free $1.00 appreciate it roughly.
01:24:11 50 years after.
01:24:12 Britain stopped criminalizing homosexuality.
01:24:15 They lost their empire effectively.
01:24:17 Well, there you go.
01:24:19 But a fad made a computer.
01:24:22 ******* hate that ****, you know, touring.
01:24:26 Oh, but a *** made the computer.
01:24:28 Well, who cares?
01:24:31 UM.Devon
01:24:33 Maggie Tech remnant remnant.01:24:42 $100. I appreciate that. Very generous.
01:24:46 Spend it before it's as good as monopoly money.
01:24:49 Yeah, maybe I should buy Bitcoin with it, huh?
01:24:51 I don't know what's going to happen with crypto, but it kind of seems like.
01:24:56 Bitcoins on the way up, but it's so volatile, you know, it's like, yeah, it's on the way up now, but it could be down ******* 10 grand tomorrow.
01:25:03 You never *******.
01:25:05 I would just expect with all these financial sanctions and all this crazy **** going on, that there would be at least now there's more of a.
01:25:14 Use for crypto that.
01:25:17 That would apply to more people.
01:25:19 I mean, there's always been like a A it's always been a utility for illicit purposes, but now it's, you know what I mean?
01:25:26 There's going to be a.
01:25:27 Lot more opportunity.
01:25:29 I guess for illicit purposes in a way.
01:25:32 But yeah, I definitely appreciate that very generous of you socially aware nationalism.
01:25:38 Hey, Devin.
01:25:39 This is the first time I've caught a stream of.
01:25:41 Excuse me, streaming is live.
01:25:43 Thanks for the hours of content I've listened to while working manual labor.
01:25:49 Stay safe, brother.
01:25:50 Well, thanks for being out there and listening.
01:25:55 Doing the the the job that Americans won't do.
01:26:02 Hammer of Thorazine, $5. Appreciate one of the two founders as well as the present CEO of Tricon Residential are Kosher Beasts. Every single time. Yeah, I think the guy.
01:26:15 I mean, you talk about where is it at?
01:26:19 I was.
01:26:22 Yeah, that guy?
01:26:22 I think that guy was Jewish, right?
01:26:24 Didn't they?
01:26:24 Did they give him a lower third with his name?
01:26:27 They said his name, I'm pretty sure.
01:26:28 He was Jewish.
01:26:29 I mean, he doesn't look Jewish, but I thought the last name was Jewish.
01:26:33 UM, let's see here.
01:26:36 Harmless Gee thoughts on that Dutton's opinion. That small high IQ communities of white Christian conservatives may form pockets of civilization as they collapse and descent to a new dark Age ensues. I think our goal should be ensuring these communities are as strong, robust, and prepared to endure.
01:26:57 As possible.
01:27:01 Yeah, it's it's hard to.
01:27:03 Know though cause it's like when these things collapse.
01:27:10 You know, I mean, like it, they could collapse in a in a big way in a big devastating way.
01:27:16 I don't think, look, I think a lot of this talk about World War Three is just, you know, people talking out of their *****.
01:27:24 It's it's a frustrated Western ruling class against * **** measuring, you know, Slavic, a.
01:27:35 You know.
01:27:37 Well, I mean, Putin, it's basically, you know, it's it's two sides.
01:27:40 Talking a big talk, but I'd be you know, who knows, right, but I'd be surprised if they they walk the walk either one of them, you know.
01:27:48 I mean, you had Biden today, Biden today upping the ante a little bit.
01:27:53 But who knows if it's just Biden being Biden and not, you know.
01:27:58 Talking intelligently when he said that, you know, he basically implied that there should be a regime change in Russia.
01:28:05 But that's not.
01:28:06 The first time in the United States.
01:28:07 Politician has said that Lindsey Graham, of course.
01:28:09 Was saying that.
01:28:10 It's just it's a bigger deal when the president says that the White House, of course, quickly walked it back after that speech.
01:28:17 But he still said it.
01:28:20 And I think former presidents have said similar things.
01:28:24 You know, you've got Clinton and Bush and, you know, like all all the presidents that everyone hated when they were in office, that now, like all the lefties, love Bush for some reason, right.
01:28:35 And, you know, they they they always throw the imagine that they.
01:28:38 Always throw their support.
01:28:40 Behind whatever deep state you know, agenda is popular at the moment.
01:28:47 But I don't think we're going to get there, at least not yet.
01:28:50 If the economic situation gets really, really bad.
01:28:53 Then yeah, yeah.
01:28:55 There will be war.
01:28:59 Keep an eye on the rhetoric pointed at or aimed at China.
01:29:05 Keep an eye on the relationships between India, China and Russia.
01:29:11 Keep an eye on the rubble.
01:29:13 Keep an eye on gas prices.
01:29:15 I mean, look, there's a lot of moving pieces, but we've look, we've had bad economic times.
01:29:21 In the past.
01:29:25 There's a lot of.
01:29:26 Momentum behind this behind this beast.
01:29:28 You know what I mean?
01:29:29 Like, this was the.
01:29:30 Here's the graph that.
Speaker 16
01:29:31 I had.Devon
01:29:33 I mean if you can.01:29:33 If you're having let me.
01:29:34 Blow this up a little bit.
01:29:39 This is the GDP.
01:29:44 Of different countries here.
01:29:47 Oh, you know, it's funny.
01:29:48 I got.
01:29:48 To show you guys this.
01:29:50 I've dropped some frames during the.
01:29:56 During the stream.
01:29:59 I'm going to pull this up.
01:30:01 You're going to like this.
01:30:12 Come on, come on.
01:30:23 This is how many frames I've dropped.
01:30:29 And for those just listening, it's 1488, so.
01:30:35 Anyway, back to this.
01:30:37 You know we we.
01:30:38 We have a huge economy.
01:30:42 We have a huge economy, we have a lot of money, and so even if the economy goes to ****, it's going to take a long time to burn through.
01:30:49 All that so.
01:30:52 You know, there's a lot of inertia.
01:30:56 Behind the dying empire.
01:31:00 OK, it updated and refreshed the thing again.
01:31:03 I hate it when it does that.
01:31:05 Let me Scroll down.Devon
01:31:13 But oh, as far as the other part of your question about creating small communities, absolutely, we should have a bunch of them going.01:31:22 I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the the future of the white race is Amish. Yeah, because of how self-sufficient they are and.
01:31:30 And if, if anyone's going to be not that affected by what's coming, it's going to be the Amish, right?
01:31:37 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:31:43 Lich Lord God for $1.00 there is a reason Baudrillard wrote the Gulf War didn't happen.01:31:52 Well, I'm not.
01:31:54 Not familiar with what you're talking about there.
01:31:58 I will.
01:32:01 Look for it here and.
01:32:04 I'll check that out later.
01:32:07 But go forward, did not happen, alright.
01:32:11 Zeron hello or $5. Appreciate it. Hello, Devin. I have been watching your streams reruns for more than a year, and I finally managed to see one live.
01:32:21 I love how you deconstruct modern media away if you can thank you for your work.
01:32:26 Greetings from Panama.
01:32:29 Panama, home of the Panama Papers.
01:32:32 Well, I appreciate that.
01:32:39 Best Alex Martin.
01:32:41 Take the last of my rainbow rainbow coins.
01:32:44 Well, I appreciate that.
01:32:46 For the glory of Christ.
01:32:49 Right back at you.
01:32:51 Colonel Edward just started watching tonight, so I have no idea what's going on. Just wanted to say what's up, Devin, you my. Well, I appreciate that.
01:33:04 Speaking of Miami, this is from harmless G Speaking of Miami, have you ever used Crockett's theme from Miami Vice in your intro?
01:33:14 I find it's a good piece of music, even if the show was made by a Jew.
01:33:19 No, I have not.
01:33:20 I never watched Miami vice.
01:33:23 I mean, I I know what?
01:33:24 I know what it is.
01:33:25 I don't think I've even seen an episode of.
01:33:27 It I'll have to check out the theme song.
01:33:30 Or, you know, should we do that now?
01:33:32 I'll maybe download.
01:33:33 It if it's awesome.
01:33:35 I'll just get the we'll watch the intro Miami vice intro.
01:33:38 I wonder how many white people are in.
01:33:40 The intro.
01:33:44 Well, I don't see they got like uh.
01:33:47 I guess they remade the show, huh?
01:33:51 Well, I'll try to download the original 1.
01:33:54 Wasn't it?
01:33:54 Not like, didn't they make this in the 70s?
01:34:01 Why is this looks newer than the set I thought.
01:34:03 This was like a 70s thing.
01:34:06 Well, I guess not.
01:34:08 Let's see if I can download it.
01:34:17 This is from the pilot.
01:34:33 Come on, space Internet.
01:34:35 Get that **** downloaded.
01:34:36 Alright, here we go.
01:34:39 Miami vice intro.
01:35:23 Really this song?
01:35:28 You think this is a good piece of music?
01:35:48 Back before they could make synthetic drums sound.
01:35:52 Kind of OK.
01:35:55 Oh, is that Jews?
01:36:02 They have Jews in the intro.
01:36:06 Oh boy.
01:36:08 They look the little kids wearing a maga hat.
01:36:11 All right, that's enough for right now.
01:36:17 Here we go.
01:36:21 I guess your time, but maybe you're telling a different song Crockett's theme. Well, I'll. I'll check it out later. The intro song is definitely not a good piece of music.
01:36:33 Magic Tech remnant and you just gave me a link.
01:36:37 You got to tell me what these are.
01:36:40 I keep seeing the Biden.
01:36:43 I did that stickers on gas pumps.
01:36:47 Self checkouts it just shows the right is doing page 13 stuff, while the left literally righted for months and held up Trump and held up Trump heads.
01:36:58 That's from damn Bigfoot $3.
01:37:01 Yeah, you know, that's that's The thing is the reason like look for the same reason that the the the 2A people will never not comply, right.
01:37:12 The The Conservatives are.
01:37:17 Their rule followers.
01:37:20 I mean by nature there are rule followers.
01:37:25 And to them, like putting a sticker on.
01:37:27 A gas pump.
01:37:28 That's, that's about as edgy as they're going to get.
01:37:32 In fact, I can.
01:37:33 I can totally see like a boomer, like looking both ways, like oh, God, I hope I don't get caught, you know, slapping the sticker on like he just did, you know.
01:37:42 Let's go, Brandon.
01:37:44 It's just, you know, whatever, whatever I think.
01:37:48 We all know that it's.
01:37:50 But how gay they are?
01:37:55 Yeah, like that's got to change gas prices or make Trump president again.
01:37:59 Or you know what I mean?
01:38:01 Oh, look, a sticker on a gas pump.
01:38:07 Revard again revard again revard A gayan.
01:38:12 I have no idea you're talking about but good.
01:38:15 Nate travels funny thought.
01:38:17 I've funny.
01:38:18 Thought I've had all of us.
01:38:19 Single guys can go on a trip to Poland to find a refugee wife.
01:38:25 Millions of marriage age women fleeing the would be grateful.
01:38:30 Or fleeing would be grateful for a homestead in America's thoughts.
01:38:36 I mean.
01:38:37 I don't know.
01:38:38 I mean, if you can find a, you know, a Ukrainian, you want a Ukrainian wife to live on your homestead, in my experience.
01:38:48 Slavic women are well, I mean, I guess it depends on on what class they come from.
01:38:55 But if you're talking about a, you know, a metropolitan.
01:39:00 Slavic woman.
01:39:02 That is, and that's not compatible with Homestead life.
01:39:06 Alright, I'm just going to.
01:39:07 I'm going to.
01:39:07 I'm sorry.
01:39:08 I'm going to pour water on that dream right now.
01:39:10 You know, don't don't don't expect the Eastern European girl who comes from any kind of metropolitan lifestyle to, you know, to want to live in your homestead.
01:39:20 Alright, that's just.
01:39:21 That's just been my experience.
01:39:23 You know, based on the the Eastern European women that I've known, homestead life is not.
01:39:30 Quite their style, not quite their style.
01:39:34 But you're welcome to try.
01:39:38 Dubbed the Dude did nothing wrong, $5 appreciate that two years ago my friend planned a trip.
01:39:43 To Miami, Miami.
01:39:45 He seemed to think the place was some 80s paradise with synth music, classic cars and attractive white people.
01:39:52 I told him it would be it would suck and he didn't believe me.
01:39:55 He cut his week long trip after two days after his girlfriend was sexually harassed by blacks.
01:40:02 Yeah, yeah.
01:40:05 It's it's, it's it's ******* horrifying.
01:40:08 Miami is just ******* horrifying.
01:40:13 Arvar tigrayan.
01:40:15 Again, did you hear that?
01:40:18 Taylor Hawkins, the hipster drummer for Foo Fighters, died of a heart attack today in Columbia.
01:40:24 Gen. Xer Straight Edge the Foo Fighters were pushing the banks toxicology report done in less than 24 hours. Drug overdose.
01:40:32 Yeah, I suspect that he died of complications of the vaccine, and now they're saying it's a drug overdose because it's kind of a high profile thing.
01:40:41 Like everyone knew, he didn't want to do it like that was that was common knowledge that he was very anti VAX not that long ago and he got pressured into getting it and then he dies of.
01:40:49 Heart failure. Oh, you know.
01:40:53 Must have been drugs and people will buy.
01:40:54 It because he's a rock star, right?
01:40:55 Oh, of course.
01:40:56 Obviously that's what rock stars all die of is *******, you know, heart, drug overdose is.
01:41:03 But yeah.
01:41:06 Colonel Edward $1.00 appreciate it. Speaking of Biden, I heard from a friend that is close to someone in his Secret Service. Apparently he keeps ******** himself and refusing to wear diapers.
01:41:17 It is therefore the responsibility of the Secret Service to clean up his ****.
01:41:22 Our country is literally run by a pant ******** ******.
01:41:25 Yeah, well, I mean, you know, no way to verify that, but I wouldn't be surprised.
01:41:30 White Tiger Kingdom, $10. Appreciate that underestimating the ability of boomers to burn through money. It won't take us as long as you think.
01:41:40 I mean, but it's a lot of ******* money.
01:41:42 I mean, it's also a lot of ******* debt, right?
01:41:45 So, I mean, a lot of this comes down to, you know, China owns a lot of that debt.
01:41:52 I don't know what what all the arrangements are, right.
01:41:55 I don't know if they can.
01:41:55 Just not, I mean.
01:41:57 There's like some kind of a payment plan set up or what, you know, or if they can just knock on Biden's door one day and say.
01:42:04 Pay up.
01:42:05 But I I just think that there's a lot of momentum behind this beast.
01:42:09 I don't think we're just going to.
01:42:11 Up and fail now.
01:42:11 I do think that we are we are kind of teetering a little bit on the edge of a a World War that that's very possible, or at least we're certainly laying.
01:42:19 The groundwork for it.
01:42:22 Because I think there's a lot of big, powerful economies and countries that are, quite frankly, tired of the American Empire and they smell blood in the water.
01:42:34 You know, like I said, if you see China just go take Taiwan.
01:42:42 There you go.
01:42:43 That'll be the.
01:42:46 That'll that.
01:42:46 That'll show you like how how little China thinks of the American Empire.
01:42:53 That's about it on the Super chats.
01:42:57 Hang out in regular chat for a second, and then we're going to close it up.
01:43:01 Kind of a short one the night.
01:43:03 Ohh no, I forgot the *******.
01:43:05 Ohh, the cactus.
01:43:06 The cactus pill.
01:43:07 I gotta play the ******* cactus pill.
01:43:11 Now I don't have the fancy intro because.
01:43:17 That's on the other computer, so I apologize for not having the fancy intro.
01:43:23 But without further ado.
01:43:26 Here is the cactus pill.
01:43:35 So this is a Peruvian cactus cutting that did not root.
01:43:40 And you can see it's.
01:43:42 All dried up and crackly.
01:43:46 And dead.
01:43:47 But before it died.
01:43:49 It started growing an arm that is now rotting off of the dead.
01:43:56 Trunk or whatever you want to call it.
01:43:59 So what we're going to do is we're going to slice off what's still green.
01:44:04 And try to route that.
01:44:06 All right, so for handling these, it's always good to have some restaurant tongues.
01:44:12 And I'm just going to use a regular knife to slice it off, but again, I need both my hands for that.
01:44:18 So there's no magic trick to it.
01:44:20 I just cut it with a regular knife.
01:44:23 And I just made sure to make you know, just didn't know that rot was on the part that I was cutting off.
01:44:30 And we're going to put rooting hormone on this.
01:44:33 Another trick, though, and you'll see in a second probably what I'll do that will help it root better is if you slice the bottom kind of like you're sharpening in a spear and I'll show you that in a second.
01:44:44 So you can see kind of how I cut it like I was going to sharpen a spear.
01:44:48 That's because that part that'll scab.
01:44:51 That's where the roots will come.
01:44:52 Out so it's giving it more space.
01:44:55 For it to root.
01:45:00 OK, so the next step is you get this.
01:45:03 Rooting hormone powder.
01:45:06 And you brush it on the open wound before it scabs over.
01:45:11 And I'm just going to use a feather here.
01:45:13 And you don't want to get this on your skin.
01:45:18 This this rooting hormone stuff is bad for you.
01:45:22 And I don't know, I'm not like.
01:45:26 Super paranoid about it, but there seem to be a lot of people.
01:45:29 Online that are.
01:45:41 So maybe it's actually bad, I don't know.
01:45:50 Usually I don't use this stuff.
01:45:53 Because cactuses root so well.
01:45:58 But I've just had a lot of trouble with this proving Apple cactus.
01:46:02 It's so random with.
01:46:06 Decide the root.
01:46:07 If you try to do it outdoors.
01:46:10 I bet if I were to use those same pieces that I had problems with under a blue LED light, they would have rooted just fine.
01:46:18 If I'd done it in a grow tent.
01:46:20 I have found.
01:46:22 That I can bring the most dead looking cactus is back to life.
01:46:30 Simply by putting them under.
01:46:34 A blue LED grow light.
01:46:38 Like I've brought cactus.
01:46:41 Is that had no business staying alive that had been ravaged by animals.
01:46:45 And there was just barely like a square inch of it that was left alive.
01:46:52 Simply by using a blue grow light.
01:46:57 So there you go, it's.
01:47:00 And it's sitting here for a little bit.
01:47:02 And kind of dry out.
01:47:04 And once that's all kind of scabbed over and it's not like an open wound.
01:47:10 I'll start out in the shade.
01:47:12 I'll probably put this in a pot with some better soil.
01:47:17 And we're not going to just shove it in the ground, first of all, because it's it's not strong enough to be in full sun and it's not super hot yet, but it's it's going to be soon.
01:47:29 And I wanted to make sure I want to make sure it's.
01:47:32 Got roots before I put it in the ground.
01:47:35 But it's also kind of a prime target for animals right now, because it's just small enough to where it's still succulent.
01:47:44 This will get big and and and animals will somewhat leave it alone.
01:47:49 But right now it's kind of looking like a tasty treat for a lot.
01:47:51 Of these guys.Speaker 13
01:47:53 Now I noticed.Devon
01:47:55 After applying the rooting hormone and everything.01:47:59 We got some black dots kind of on the the main part here.
01:48:04 That could be a problem.
01:48:10 You know if.
01:48:11 I if I if I want to be stubborn.
01:48:15 I bet if I stick it under.
01:48:16 The the blue LED light.
01:48:17 It'll it'll still make it.
01:48:22 But I'm kind of torn because I actually have access to good cuttings of this plant, so I'm not sure if I'm going.
01:48:28 To go through the trouble, I might just see if it if.
01:48:32 It does it on its own.
01:48:34 So here he is a couple weeks later and not looking great, but not looking bad.
01:48:42 We will see.
01:48:45 So there you go.
01:48:47 There's the the cactus pill.
01:48:49 Can't believe I almost forgot to play it.
01:48:52 So that's approving Apple CAC this.
01:48:54 That's actually from I think today.
01:48:58 I think it's rooting.
01:49:00 I think it's rooting, but you never know with these ******* things.
01:49:03 These proving Apple cactus has been driving me nuts.
01:49:06 Like I have this cutting that I stuck in the ground.
01:49:10 And it was there for a year, an entire year, and it stayed green like the whole year.
01:49:15 And then and.
01:49:16 Then the next year they started to turn yellow, and then it ******* died.
01:49:20 I dig it up.
01:49:20 It didn't have a single ******* root.
01:49:23 It didn't have a single buck.
01:49:24 And I was like, what the hell, I was just.
01:49:25 Sitting there like for.
01:49:26 A whole year.
01:49:27 Without any roads, just chilling.
01:49:30 So I started using the rooting hormone on this stuff to make it work and that seems to help.
01:49:36 Hopefully that this guy will come to life, but like I said, it doesn't really matter too much.
01:49:39 I actually had a.
01:49:40 I have a bunch of these.
01:49:41 Now that are kind of growing.
01:49:44 So anyway, that's your cactus pill.
01:49:48 I'm going to take one more look at the looks like some more super chats popped in so.
01:49:56 Let me switch to.Devon
01:49:57 That if it will let me, there we go.01:50:03 OK.
01:50:06 Here we go.
01:50:07 Bob, I I.
01:50:08 Am going, going sleep.
01:50:11 Take my shekel from.
01:50:14 ZZZZ tee hee tee hee.
01:50:18 All right.
01:50:21 Dude, the dude did nothing wrong. $5 appreciated. I met a lot of Metropolitan Slavic women back when I worked in the service industry in Chicago, mostly Serbian and Ukrainian. They're more vapid, money hungry and narcissistic than ever than than even Metropolitan American women.
01:50:41 Couldn't pay me to marry them and they literally tried because they want to.
01:50:46 Get green cards.
01:50:48 Yeah, yeah, I, you know, like I.
01:50:50 I there's definitely the type.
01:50:52 I know what you're talking about.
01:50:53 There's definitely the type.
01:50:56 I don't want.
01:50:56 To say make a blanket statement about them, but.
01:50:59 There's definitely a type out there that you want to avoid, so you know, absolutely, absolutely.
01:51:08 There's a lot of dollar signs in those in those Slavic guys, so alright guys.
01:51:15 A regular chat now.
01:51:20 All right.
01:51:23 So in Norse nature, saying he's seeding some tobacco plants.
01:51:30 Someone saying growing a cocaine tree.
01:51:33 Well, you can grow coca.
01:51:34 I don't know if I honestly don't even know is is that a tree or is that like a?
01:51:38 I don't even know what coca is.
01:51:41 That's probably pretty hard to grow in most places.
01:51:46 I don't know that you.
01:51:47 That's the thing with cocaine.
01:51:51 That's that's like a refined version.
01:51:53 Of the coca leaves.
01:51:54 The coca leaves, I believe you can just like make tea with it.
01:52:00 And it's not like.
01:52:02 I mean, it's obviously it's you're going to have the some of the same or the the same active ingredient?
01:52:08 But it's not going to be like insane like doing a.
01:52:11 Line of coke, right?
01:52:15 And supposedly that you can, you know you.
01:52:17 Get a much, much, much milder.
01:52:19 High out of it, that.
01:52:19 Way and that's what they used to do is.
01:52:21 Like chew the.
01:52:22 Leaves and and it wasn't until they decided to to boil it down to the the, you know, the pure cocaine that it was.
01:52:31 Like very narcotic.
01:52:33 I mean, I don't know.
01:52:33 I've never.
01:52:34 Chewed on.
01:52:34 A coca leave, so I couldn't tell you, but.
01:52:39 But yeah.
01:52:42 All right, let's.
01:52:43 See here someone saying Coke is a shrub.
01:52:47 I have a similar cactus in a terranium or whatever.
01:52:55 The thing is over a meter tall.
01:52:57 Now flip knows how I'm going to replant it.
01:53:02 Well, they get really big.
01:53:03 They get really big.
01:53:04 I've got one that's from a cutting that when I got it, it was 1 foot, it was foot tall.
01:53:10 And now it's taller than me and I'm I'm.
01:53:14 Taller than six feet, so it's not quite 7 feet, but it's it's on the way and they'll get really tall.
01:53:22 They'll go up to like I've seen.
01:53:23 I've seen them probably about 15 feet tall.
01:53:29 So they get really big.
01:53:32 And they have.
01:53:33 They have the weirdest fruit though, so they have fruit that you can only get by you pretty much have to hand pollinate.
01:53:43 Because they only the flowers only bloom at night.
01:53:47 And they improve where they come from.
01:53:49 They are pollinated by a moth that doesn't exist in well, anywhere else.
01:53:55 I don't think except for Peru.
01:53:58 So you kind of have to hand pollinate them, but the fruit is supposed to be really ******* good.
01:54:03 I've yet to successfully pollinate 1, so I don't know.
01:54:06 But I heard it's really really good.
01:54:09 High Priest King Terry Scarface is a great movie about illegal immigration, especially in Miami Castro.
01:54:15 Opened up his.
01:54:16 And we get wonderful people like Tony Montana.
01:54:20 You want some cocaine?
01:54:21 Great theme music to that movie and the opening scene with Cubans on boats is very relevant, right?
01:54:29 Tonight has been like a Miami, cocaine night.
01:54:31 For some reason.
01:54:36 Glock 23, I was born in 1981. I'm sure you're about my age. Well, you will have to just keep on guessing, but probably.
01:54:48 Norse nature.
01:54:50 Exclamation point.
01:54:52 All right, well.
01:54:57 I think that's that's all the Super chats.
01:54:59 All right guys.
01:55:00 I'm going to.
01:55:02 Close her down.
01:55:04 Hope you guys enjoyed the cactus pill.
01:55:07 More of those to come.
01:55:08 So the cactuses.
01:55:09 Are they're all?
01:55:11 Just about to bloom.
01:55:13 Like they're all just about to bloom and they're they're pumping out pads like they got buds for new pads.
01:55:21 And so there's going to be and there's the the killer bees are all over the place right now because my my aloe plants are blooming.
01:55:32 But they're not, you know, killer bees don't **** with you unless you get next to their hive.
01:55:35 I do have a little.
01:55:37 I'm I'm starting to have second thoughts I've I've put out some swarm traps and now I'm starting to think they're going to work.
01:55:42 And I'm like.
01:55:43 Oh ****.
01:55:43 I'm going because I'm getting European.
01:55:46 I'm getting European bees in like, 2 weeks.
01:55:48 I'll have European bees, so we're going to have.
01:55:51 Bee honey honey bee pills is, along with the cactus pills and I'll I'll I'll, I'll shoot a video of all that.
01:55:57 Like me dumping the ******* box of bees into.
01:56:00 Into their hive and.
01:56:02 You know that's that's going to be an interesting experience I think, but I'm still, I'm starting to think I should take down my swarm traps now.
01:56:10 Because I I'm.
01:56:12 I'm thinking I'm going to have like a killer beehive or a colony move into the to the hives, but anyway, yeah.
01:56:21 Oh, just a huge super chat just came in.
01:56:25 $77.70, from Gray state of mind. I've not.
01:56:29 Been able to.
01:56:30 Follow the live streams for a while, so here's some late cactus tax.
01:56:35 Thanks for your the time you put in helps me to keep saying in this insane world.
01:56:41 Best regards for me and the fam from Sweden.
01:56:45 Well, I appreciate it.
01:56:46 See, we got.
01:56:46 People from all over the place.
01:56:49 So I really appreciate that.
01:56:50 I think we have another one pop in too.
01:56:52 That's it.
01:56:53 All right.Devon
01:56:55 I thought I saw.01:56:56 One that I didn't did I not talked about this one?
01:57:00 OK, I used that one.
01:57:02 OK.
01:57:03 All right, guys, I'm going to.
01:57:04 Get to bed.
01:57:05 At a normal time, you guys should too.
01:57:08 I'll catch you next time.
01:57:10 For black pill dying, of course.
Evil Devon
01:57:15 David stack.Speaker 16
02:00:13 Refund my mail.02:00:15 Do you want to talk to your boss?
Speaker 12
02:00:18 You want to talk to murder you for her calling me a *******.Speaker
02:00:20 Cracker Man, what was?Speaker 4
02:00:21 You, I called her.02:00:22 ******* after she called me a cracker.
02:00:25 You have a.
02:00:25 Nice day cops.
02:00:28 Carter Cox.
Speaker 8
02:00:29 And you think?Devon
02:00:29 I won't.Speaker 12
02:00:34 Well, all you.Speaker 4
02:00:35 Think this is ******* acceptable, you *******.