03/13/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 You know the rules.00:04:49 And so I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.
00:05:55 We love each other for so long.
00:06:06 The game.
00:06:59 Good evening, good afternoon.00:07:01 Good morning.
00:07:01 Good night.
00:07:02 And actually later tonight for I guess you E coasters, the daylight savings changing and whatnot, that's tonight, right.
00:07:10 So yeah, good.
00:07:12 Good on you for being here, I guess, right?
00:07:15 So, as promised, we're going to be doing some Kay, Greg stuff you don't remember, though, this interview.
00:07:24 As I've mentioned, it's like 7 hours long.
00:07:27 So I I.
00:07:28 I had to cut through seven hours of stuff.
00:07:31 And I still like.
00:07:32 Was only able to whittle it down to.
00:07:33 One hour.
00:07:35 So we're probably not going to.
00:07:36 Go through all of it.
00:07:38 But we'll go through some of the key points, some of the things I thought.
00:07:41 Were important for those of you who aren't.
00:07:43 I know won't sit.
00:07:44 Through the seven hours of the.
00:07:47 The interview.
00:07:51 The the name of the the stream is, where is OK for those of you don't know, just briefly and and we'll play her introduction here too.
00:07:58 But she was basically the wife of a special operations Marines, or I guess, Navy, because the Marines are in the Navy, general.
00:08:10 And she divorced him.
00:08:13 She's like, think of her as like, an old southern debutante.
00:08:18 Because this was not.
00:08:19 Her first marriage, her her first marriage, was to some other ruling class guy. She's a descendant of, I forget which President now, but one of the presidents, and you know, her family's old money and she's just in with a lot of these.
00:08:33 Guys because you.
00:08:34 Got to remember what it.
00:08:35 It's a club and we're not in it, right?
00:08:38 Well, after watching some of tonight's.
00:08:41 Interview you might be glad that you're.
00:08:43 Not in this club.
00:08:45 So the.
00:08:47 The the, the, the.
00:08:49 Reason I it's called where it's Kay is this interview came. I think they recorded it in 1990 like say 8.
00:08:58 She she names.
00:08:59 The Zionists quite a lot.
00:09:02 Quite a lot more than I remember.
00:09:03 The first time watching.
00:09:04 This she talked specifically about, you know, Jews and and Israel and and the money problem. This is all prior to 911, right.
00:09:14 And then in 2005?
00:09:18 She vanished.
00:09:20 No one knows where she is to this day.
00:09:23 She might be, you know, she might.
00:09:24 Not be alive anymore.
00:09:25 She was in her 50s when she did this interview, so she'd be in her 70s now.
00:09:32 Uh, But yeah, she.
00:09:33 Has since gone missing and uh.
00:09:37 Yeah, which I think if anything just adds to.
00:09:40 If you watch the one of the reasons why.
00:09:42 I think it's.
00:09:42 Important to watch the whole.
00:09:43 Interview is you get the sense.
00:09:45 OK, so she's kind of like a a a ******** Christian and she's kind of gullible and kind of naive.
00:09:53 But that's what makes her believable.
00:09:55 Like the way she talks about like her husband.
00:09:57 After, after explain how he's a murderer.
00:10:00 And it's done.
00:10:00 All these horrible things saying stuff like, well, I still think there's he's good at.
00:10:03 The core and.
00:10:04 Stuff. Yeah, she's not like.
00:10:06 A woman scorned. She's not vindictive. Her husband's first wife was murdered. Well, I mean, he or she died. She fell down on her head and died, right.
00:10:18 And then she later, basically through discernment, figured that she had been murdered, and she herself was battered.
00:10:27 He held a gun to her head and and was like laughing and screaming that, like, you know, like I could, I could kill you.
00:10:34 And and it wouldn't matter.
00:10:36 She was close with because she was.
00:10:38 Also, I mean because think of it like a a Christian sorority girl.
00:10:41 That's, you know, in her in her while this was going on probably in her 30s, right.
00:10:47 So she was very social with the other Military Wives and and very.
00:10:55 I guess pretty when she was younger and so she was went to a lot of parties and.
00:11:00 She was exposed a lot of.
00:11:02 And this is her 7th like after coming out about this stuff, she was worried that she would be killed.
00:11:07 And look, she might might have been killed in 2005, you know, no one knows where she is, really.
00:11:13 And so she made this tape because she wanted people to know.
00:11:18 That this was this is what she had to say before.
00:11:23 You know, before they got to her and she was in all kinds of lawsuits and.
00:11:27 The trouble that she was running into there, she'll kind of discuss is a lot of this stuff filters down to the local level, especially in towns where there is a marine base or something like that.
00:11:38 A lot of the judges are ex Marines and.
00:11:40 A lot of.
00:11:40 The governors are even are are ex Marines and.
00:11:45 Well, I mean it might explain things like was, was Dan Crenshaw a marine?
00:11:51 Might explain some of those things.
00:11:52 So without further ado, I'm going to play her little intro here.
00:11:55 Let her explain to you who she is.
00:11:58 And then we'll we'll go from there.
00:12:08 Come on, timeline if it plays.
Speaker 4
00:12:09 Your name is Catherine Pollard Griggs.00:12:13 You are the wife of Colonel.
00:12:14 Oh, by the way, before you freak out about the Pollard stuff because of the Jonathan Pollard, the the Israeli spy that stole the the nuclear secrets that.00:12:26 Was allowed back in Israel, of course, when he should have been firing squatted.
00:12:32 That's not his real last name.
00:12:34 In fact, he picked that last name because it was Waspy ruling class last name.
00:12:39 So that's I think the last name of her first husband.
Speaker 4
00:12:42 Old George Griggs.00:12:44 11 years of marriage.
00:12:45 It's true that your husband is has been the head of special operations under Admiral Kelso.
00:12:52 And it's true that you were the head of the hospitality committee.
00:12:57 You were the member of the Executive board of NATO's Wives Club and also that your husband's background includes NATO Defense College in Rome, Princeton class of 1959, his intelligence career spy career began in Vietnam and it's also true.
00:13:17 That it continues under this.
Speaker 5
00:13:18 Day absolutely under general will.Speaker 4
00:13:21 And that your husband was the liaison between the White House and President Jamal of Beirut, Lebanon, at the time of the bombing of the marine barracks in Lebanon.00:13:34 And in fact, your husband was an alcoholic.
Speaker 5
00:13:37 Absolutely incredible. Absolutely.Speaker 4
00:13:38 And probably is to this day and during these drunken stupors he would, so to speak, blab on and tell you everything he knew about the pills, this community, nothing was hid and it was like he wanted to relieve himself and it burned, unburdened his heart.Speaker 5
00:13:47 Everything, everything.Speaker 4
00:13:54 And so he told you everything that you now know about the intelligence community.00:13:57 And that you are talking about and in fact he told you that they knew the bombing was coming down in Beirut before it occurred.
00:14:05 And also he by your association with him, you have come to understand and know that this as shocking as this may sound to the people who are viewing this, that the United States military is literally run.
00:14:17 By sexual deviants heavy on the homosexual side.
00:14:21 Truly, and that the United in the United States military, people like Jeffrey Dahmer and Kaczynski and McVay and Oswald, and a host of other people who have a sexual deviant back.
00:14:32 Background primarily homosexual.
00:14:35 These individual are actually sought out by people within the military for the army, for advancement into intelligence type work because they are so easy to control.
Speaker 5
00:14:39 The army.Speaker
00:14:43 Yes, yes.Speaker 4
00:14:47 And they actually become mine slaves and that the US military literally as as.Speaker 6
00:14:51 Yes, yes.Speaker 4
00:14:53 Outrageous as it sounds.00:14:55 Is a mind control operation.
Speaker 5
00:14:56 Yes, totally.00:14:58 Now, totally now they've they've gotten.
00:15:00 Rid of the good folks.
00:15:02 Like MacArthur, got rid of them one by one.
00:15:06 Totally take over.
00:15:10 So what she talks about now again, she never says Jews.00:15:14 She says well, she she mentions that they're Jewish at times and and mostly.
00:15:19 Calls them Zionists.
00:15:21 But she talks about how a lot of these guys weren't born in America.
00:15:25 They they they see the the Constitution as just like the guys running the show, they see the Constitution as just a minor inconvenience.
00:15:34 They see themselves as above us and they're they're not.
00:15:39 They're they're either.
00:15:41 She calls them existentialists.
00:15:44 They they don't believe that what they when they're killing people that it's murder because there's no emotion involved and they believe that for, you know, to be murder emotion has.
00:15:54 To be involved.
00:15:55 So you talk about like cold, calculating killers, and she also talks about maybe some of the initiations that they do to to filter people out, so.
00:16:04 I'm going to play.
00:16:04 Let's see.
00:16:05 My next clip is.
Speaker 1
00:16:08 Yeah, and this is 7 hours of ****.00:16:10 I had to get through.
00:16:13 OK, I think this is the first one she talks about and people been talking about this since Vietnam, drug running from the Southeast, Asia into America using caskets and stuff like that.00:16:26 People have heard this story over and over again.
00:16:28 In fact, there was a journalist that initially covered it was killed.
00:16:32 For covering it.
00:16:33 And it's yeah, it matches up with everything.
00:16:38 Else we've heard.
Speaker 4
00:16:39 Their stock and trade is just.00:16:41 Murder, assassination, creating conflicts, phony baloney, wars, conflicts.
Speaker 1
00:16:47 Yes, yes.Speaker 4
00:16:48 For the purpose of making money.Speaker 5
00:16:50 Selling weapons, money, drugs.00:16:53 Controlling the drug flow.
Speaker 4
00:16:55 Now let's let's talk about the drug flow in the United States.00:16:57 Yeah, based on your conversations with your husband.
Speaker 5
00:17:03 I'm like drug Lords through him.Speaker 4
00:17:06 Such as.Speaker 5
00:17:07 I left the head die.00:17:09 See, George was telling me everything.
00:17:11 First three years of marriage.
00:17:12 It was just like, you know, you're with me, gal.
00:17:15 Because he was so used to talking to Mary Halab and Anne Bushu, you know the group partnerships with sex and all this stuff and.
00:17:23 And you know, I'm a pretty loving woman and I'm fun.
00:17:26 I was then I was.
Speaker 4
00:17:27 But you're not into swinging and swapping husbands and wives.Speaker 5
00:17:29 No, I'm not into swinging.00:17:31 And George was into swinging.
00:17:32 He and sue and and Nancy and Jim Earl, you know, I mean, this was.
00:17:36 And I heard about that from colonels and one Navy captain.
Speaker 4
00:17:39 Umm, but then your husband also would tell you that this is just life.Speaker
00:17:46 This is it.Speaker 4
00:17:46 All these generals, Admirals, colonels, all these people.Speaker 1
00:17:48 Oh yeah.Devon
00:17:54 All right, so.00:17:55 Hopefully anymore audio.
00:17:56 The audio dropped down there for a.
00:17:57 2nd but yeah, she's so she complains to some of the other Colonel's wives, and the other Colonel's wives are basically saying, yeah, that's just the way it.
00:18:07 Is you know that they have very stressful job and so they have to **** each other in the ***.
00:18:13 Like if you're wondering.
00:18:14 How our military got so gay again, this was in 1998. She's saying.
00:18:19 This stuff goes.
00:18:20 All the way back down to.
00:18:23 Uh, what was the name of that Jewish gangsters name Linski was?
00:18:27 I want to say it's Meyer Linsky, but I don't think that's right.
00:18:29 She'll she'll mention him here in a little bit, but this has been going on since the the Jewish mafia got involved in the 1940s.
00:18:38 And that post World War 2.
00:18:39 It's just been our whole military has been essentially packed full of **** ******* fagots for lack.
00:18:45 Of a better term.
00:18:52 Come on, play.
00:18:54 It doesn't like this giant S file that I've been trying to make it play.
Speaker 5
00:18:58 Then two as.Speaker
00:18:59 There we go.Speaker 4
00:18:59 These these generals over the period of years this is consolidated to where they're all part of this club.00:19:06 I mean this.
00:19:06 Is going on for.
Speaker 5
00:19:07 Years and years and years members.00:19:09 Of the firm.
Speaker 4
00:19:10 OK, so as the firm grows, even as the guy the old guys, the Gray heads get old, die off, retire.00:19:16 Or whatever they already set in motion a system that that culls out these young, budding rising stars and they move their way up.
00:19:24 Well then in time, it consolidates to where no one.
Speaker 5
00:19:29 No one.Speaker 4
00:19:30 Is in this and let's run the club. So is it is your conclusion based on what you know from your husband's revelations?00:19:38 Reading his Diaries, this sort of thing, is there anybody in the US military, the Army and Marines, anybody in the in the the level of, you know, your generals and your your colonels.
00:19:50 Is there anybody who would not be in this club?
Speaker 5
00:19:53 There's nobody who doesn't know.00:19:57 In special operations, I would say and I would, I would put money in the bank on this.
00:20:03 Not one of them.
00:20:05 Is not a party to.
00:20:06 This is not a.
00:20:08 Once they get that bird, Colonel that bird.
00:20:11 Go through an initiation ceremony.
00:20:15 This is not A and my husband told me about that too.
Speaker 4
00:20:18 What's the?00:20:18 What's the initiation ceremony like?
Speaker 5
00:20:20 Get him drunk.00:20:22 Dining in Shell back, he told me.
Speaker 4
00:20:26 Oh, dining in.00:20:27 This is the term that the.
Speaker 5
00:20:28 Ohh yeah.Speaker 4
00:20:29 A code word.Speaker 5
00:20:30 Oh, yeah.Speaker 4
00:20:30 Shell back.Speaker 5
00:20:31 Held back.Speaker 7
00:20:33 What's that mean?Speaker 5
00:20:34 Annual sex.00:20:35 But but they get them really drunk.
00:20:38 The the guys who were that way do it.
00:20:41 It's a group situation thing and I was told by two colonels who said, you know, it's normal.
00:20:48 OK, this is just what we do in battle.
00:20:51 You know, this is just what?
00:20:55 We do, Kay.
Speaker 4
00:20:56 They get drunk and they have.Speaker 5
00:20:57 Get drunk and they ejaculate.00:21:01 They beat each other, you know, it's it's awful.
00:21:07 I'm not God and I'm not going to judge them and their souls.
00:21:13 This is a well oiled system and then you've got the Commandant well known as a cherry Marine cherry marine.
00:21:24 Cherry marine bottom there are the bottom.
Speaker 4
00:21:25 Which means.Speaker 5
00:21:29 The Navy guys are on the top if think about this because.00:21:34 Walter Chrysler in Norfolk.
00:21:36 They each port has a hierarchy.
00:21:39 Wealthy at the top.
00:21:42 Walter Chrysler and Phil hornball.
00:21:45 Everybody in Norfolk knows that where they meet in the Navy.
00:21:49 I was engaged to Jack Mace when I was at the Virginia Center for World Trade.
00:21:54 He ran the Maritime Association, the Shipping Association.
00:21:58 Always dealt with the Labor union guys, always all male banquets, all.
00:22:02 And I I couldn't understand why, you know, I was engaged and I couldn't even go to the.
00:22:09 You know, had a big argument about that.
00:22:15 So basically.00:22:19 They're ****.
00:22:23 And all this trans stuff, that's.
00:22:25 Being pushed by the way it's being.
00:22:27 Pushed by the military.
00:22:29 Trump had to argue.
00:22:31 With the military, when he when he temporarily stopped ******** from being in the military, all the military people.
00:22:37 Were against it.
00:22:41 And now it's back.
00:22:43 The second Trump was gone, it was back.
00:22:46 You had official military accounts tweeting out like the trans flag.
00:22:56 They are the global **** army.
00:23:00 Which again she describes it.
00:23:01 They just didn't.
00:23:02 Have that term yet in 1998?
Speaker 5
00:23:07 George, I know George.00:23:10 Has a male had a male friend?
00:23:12 He has male friends.
Speaker 4
00:23:15 Your husband, your husband, is bisexual.Speaker 5
00:23:17 Yes, he's bisexual, and I was told that by colonels and a captain by a.00:23:26 A psychiatrist.
Speaker 4
00:23:29 What percentage do you think of these higher up people are bisexual?Speaker 5
00:23:33 Ohh all of them.00:23:34 If they're, if they're in special operations.
00:23:37 If they're marines, they're they're all bisexuals.
00:23:39 They've all had to do it in order to get to.
00:23:42 Be a bird.
00:23:42 Colonel special the seals.
00:23:46 It's kind of like the fast road to the top now.
Speaker 4
00:23:52 So our guy could not be a seal without having gone through this.Speaker 5
00:23:54 Oh, I don't.00:23:55 I don't, I don't.
00:23:56 Believe so.
00:23:57 I I haven't met one that I don't believe would have done it, and judging from what a couple of color.
00:24:06 Some of you guys might.00:24:07 Know of I think.
00:24:08 Isn't there like a trans Navy SEAL like the Trans Navy SEAL that threatened to?
00:24:12 To beat up.
00:24:15 Oh, what's the little annoying Ben Ben.
00:24:20 Oh, what's his name now?
00:24:21 The little annoying Jew.
00:24:23 Come on chat. Who am?
00:24:24 I thinking of the chat stop.
00:24:26 Eating Ben Shapiro, that's what.
00:24:28 It is Ben Shapiro.
00:24:30 In fact, I'm going to see if I can find that clip.
00:24:32 There's a trans guy.
00:24:34 Let's see here.
00:24:34 I'm gonna.
00:24:34 Look up trans.
00:24:37 Uh Navy SEAL.
00:24:40 I know there's multiple trans Navy seals.
00:24:43 Let's see here.
00:24:45 Yeah, here's one.
00:24:49 There, there's a bunch of them.
00:24:50 It there's a crazy amount of them.
00:24:53 Alright, so there's this one.
00:24:54 This is.
00:24:54 The one that threatened to beat up.
00:24:57 Ben Shapiro.
00:24:59 Let me see if I can.
00:25:03 Pop this up.
00:25:11 I hate that format.
00:25:12 Hopefully this works.
00:25:15 Is that web web app?00:25:21 Where we at alright.
00:25:26 Here we go.
00:25:30 So there's this trans Navy SEAL.00:25:37 And again, there's not very many Navy seals so weird.
00:25:39 There's so many ********, right?
00:25:42 And then there's this one.
00:25:47 Pretty sure it's a different.
00:25:48 Maybe it's the same one.
00:25:49 It's hard to.
00:25:50 Tell they all.
00:25:51 They just all look like dudes in dresses.
00:25:55 Oh, I know.
00:25:55 There's another one.
00:25:57 Anyway, that's the one I think that was going to fight Ben Shapiro.
00:26:06 See if we can find that clip.
00:26:13 Yeah, alright, I'll start this down line and we'll.
00:26:17 Continue on here.
Speaker 5
00:26:24 Girls told me it's just that's the norm.00:26:29 It's just you women.
00:26:30 You know, y'all are so Sissy y'all are just, you know, you don't.
00:26:33 You don't understand how it is.
00:26:35 We're under so much pressure and when Valerie Wilhelm told me that about Charlie, I just could not believe.
Speaker 4
00:26:41 Charlie Wilhelm would be a.Speaker
00:26:42 He's a.Speaker 5
00:26:42 He's a he's a general now down in Miami, and she was just saying, oh, well, you.00:26:46 Know he's running around.
00:26:47 He has to, she said.
00:26:50 He's under so much pressure.
00:26:56 So the wives know.00:26:58 And they don't care because they get to keep their status.
00:27:03 All right, that file is still downloading.
00:27:05 We'll play it here a second.
00:27:05 Let me shrink this down.
Speaker 5
00:27:11 Just just last week I was up there, they had a hearing on Okinawa and rapes a day.00:27:18 You know, they call it a a murder, rape a day or whatever, you know, crime a day by Marines in in Okinawa.
00:27:23 And I went.
00:27:24 Up there, John Conyers had a hearing and, and they also had the army.
00:27:28 Show which I had gone to a couple of years before.
00:27:30 Or and in the basement of the this big hotel.
00:27:35 They have these 200 or more vendors of weapons.
00:27:39 Israel is isn't has a joint venture?
00:27:44 Has a joint venture with is it?
00:27:46 TRW TWR.
00:27:47 That does all the credit reports on Americans now they have the computers together the Israelis stole.
00:27:59 The whole Enzo law system and sold it back to the Justice Department, and there were murders over that.
00:28:07 OK, so again this is this is a different topic, but she's basically saying the Israelis stole the credit reporting system because the the Justice Department is not supposed to have access to the credit reporting system.00:28:23 Well, they have access to it if, if if Israel steals the database and then sells it to the just.
00:28:30 This department and that's how a lot of this stuff is done.
00:28:32 People don't understand that.
00:28:34 When you, when you hear people say like.
00:28:36 All these skeptics that say, oh, well, they don't, they can't.
00:28:38 That's unconstitutional.
00:28:39 First of all, you're.
00:28:40 A ****** if?
00:28:40 You think that that?
00:28:41 Matters to them.
00:28:42 But second of all, even when.
00:28:44 It does sort of matter on paper.
00:28:46 It doesn't matter in practice because it's just as easy.
00:28:50 So I think.
00:28:51 We came out during Snowden, what they were doing with the, you know, Five Eyes, all the different, the Anglo spheres, different intelligence agencies.
00:28:59 They would tell MI six, you know, to, to spy on America.
00:29:04 And because they were allowed to do that, they didn't have to protect the privacy of American citizens.
00:29:09 And then the trade off would be the Americans would spy on, you know, the the English or the Australian or whoever, right.
00:29:15 And they would just trade.
00:29:16 They would just trade data because it was a loophole.
00:29:19 It was like, oh, we're not spying on Americans.
00:29:22 We're just looking the other way.
00:29:23 While the British do it.
00:29:25 And then we're purchasing or trading that information.
00:29:30 And it's OK guys, it's totally fine.
00:29:35 It's totally constitutional.
00:29:37 Alright, let me get this.
00:29:39 The ****** versus Ben Shapiro video here.
00:29:44 Poor, poor little Ben Shapiro.
00:29:47 He got so.
00:29:50 So micro aggressed, he didn't know what he was going to do.
00:29:55 Yeah, I was, I.Devon
00:29:56 I was gonna do well.00:29:57 Never mind.
00:29:59 I might still do that, so I'm not going to.
00:30:00 I'm not going.
00:30:01 To tell you I'm not going to tell you just yet.
00:30:05 Alright, here's this.
00:30:06 Look at monstrosity.
00:30:08 Look at that monstrosity who probably went through that process, right?
00:30:12 Probably had to go to like, what she call it shell backing.
00:30:17 How to go through some process of shell backing?
Speaker 8
00:30:23 Good try.00:30:24 You have to bifurcate it.
00:30:26 Did she deserve the honor?
00:30:27 Probably not.
00:30:29 Is she brave?
00:30:30 Of course she's brave.
00:30:31 All those years invested is is this sports legend to come out transgender is horribly difficult.
00:30:35 That's a Navy SEAL, guys.Speaker 8
00:30:38 The most difficult thing you can do, I've been overseas.00:30:41 I've flown a helicopter missions, surveillance missions.
00:30:44 I've been shot, stabbed.
00:30:46 Being Braves, being yourself and being transgender.
00:30:50 It's about the bravest thing you can do, and she deserved the award.
Speaker 9
00:30:52 With money at 65.Speaker 10
00:30:54 Why are we mainstreaming delusion?Speaker 3
00:30:56 It's not the.00:30:56 Loser. Not the loser.
Speaker 6
00:30:57 Why would you call it?Speaker 10
00:30:58 Delusion because Bruce, Caitlyn Jenner.00:31:00 I'll call it him.
00:31:01 Caitlyn Jenner, because that's gonna.
00:31:02 No, it's her.00:31:03 You're not being polite to the pronouns disrespect.
Speaker 10
00:31:05 OK, forget about the disrespect. Facts don't care about your feelings. It turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner's body is male with the exception.00:31:13 For some of his sperm cells, it turns out.
Speaker 8
00:31:15 You don't.00:31:16 We have a doctor.
Speaker 10
00:31:16 That his brain.00:31:16 Structure his male.
Speaker 8
00:31:17 Wait, I need to.Speaker 10
00:31:18 It turns out that he still has all of his male appendages.00:31:20 How he feels on the inside is relevant to the.
00:31:22 Question of his biological set.
Speaker 9
00:31:23 I'm not.00:31:23 I don't agree with that.
00:31:24 I'm not on that train.
00:31:26 I'm not on that train and she she wants to be called she.
Speaker 8
00:31:28 We need to talk about the science, right?Speaker 9
00:31:29 I'm gonna call.00:31:29 Her she I just have a problem with the.
00:31:31 Message and the.
Speaker 3
00:31:32 So let's let's now let's I'm gonna do two things.00:31:35 I wanna reiterate what Zoe said, which is the bifurcation.
00:31:38 Of the courage to come forward after a lifetime as a male in a certain kind of a male versus did she deserve this award?
00:31:46 Listen, the awards, what are?
00:31:47 Award ceremonies, except the opportunity to catch some eyes.
00:31:48 Don't matter.Speaker 3
00:31:49 Especially the so.00:31:50 Yeah, SPN, well, well done.
Speaker 1
00:31:53 Yeah, yeah, listen.Speaker 3
00:31:53 ABC they did exactly what their job was to attract eyes.00:31:56 They did it.
00:31:56 That's what award ceremonies are for.
00:31:58 But in terms of the science behind gendered dysphoria, you you're very familiar with that.
Speaker 8
00:32:03 Very familiar.Speaker 3
00:32:03 So it's not about the chromosome.00:32:06 Excuse me.
00:32:07 The chromosome within our.
Speaker 11
00:32:07 Zoe, the Navy SEAL.Speaker 8
00:32:09 Just don't necessarily mean you're male or female.00:32:13 With force.
Speaker 3
00:32:13 Gender identity.00:32:14 Go ahead now so.
Speaker 8
00:32:15 Especially but, but Even so, you have things like clean filters syndrome, so you don't know what you're talking about.00:32:22 You're not educated on genetics.
Speaker 10
00:32:23 Would you have to go to discuss the genetics or what are your genetics Sir?Speaker 3
00:32:24 Well, no, no, I I so I'd stay away from the genetics and back to.Speaker 8
00:32:29 The brain scans cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance.Speaker 10
00:32:33 Yeah, that seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.Speaker 9
00:32:36 No, I know well, but wait to be fair, but to be.Speaker 8
00:32:38 Do you have you know if?Speaker 9
00:32:38 But to be fair, wait.00:32:39 But to be fair.
Speaker 10
00:32:39 It's not violence. You are.Speaker 9
00:32:40 But. But to be fair.Speaker 3
00:32:41 You are being hey guys, you're.Speaker 9
00:32:41 You're actually being rude and that and that's not.Speaker 8
00:32:43 No, no, no, no.Speaker 10
00:32:44 No, no.Speaker 9
00:32:44 I'm sorry.00:32:45 Watch out for.
00:32:45 The ****** rage, the ****** rage?00:32:49 Lots of ****** serial killers, by the way.
00:32:52 The ****** rage is real.
00:32:55 All right. So anyway, yeah.
00:32:57 So that's you know that checks out what she's saying so far checks out, right?
Speaker 5
00:33:02 Now when you multiply every one of the teams, all the graduates and think think in terms of 100 men applying and maybe 90 go through most of the training, but they don't quite make it.00:33:17 And then they've got, you know, 406 hundred men who are who make it. How many don't make it.
00:33:23 And then you multiply that over time and then the ones who are. I mean, this banquet. I mean, this gathering of seals that I went to, there were probably 1000 guys there. Now they break they they have to do a cold.
Speaker 4
00:33:38 Kill kill.Speaker 5
00:33:38 Kill somebody, murder somebody.00:33:40 Just to prove they can do it.
00:33:43 They have to do a cold kill.00:33:47 At the end of their seal training.
00:33:51 They're asked to go kill someone.
00:33:53 A cold kill a random person, an innocent person.
00:33:59 To prove that they're willing to literally do anything.
Speaker 4
00:34:09 Docks. The seals? Yeah.00:34:12 So, like all thousands of these guys have killed somebody.
Speaker 5
00:34:14 They've done a cold kill, yeah.Speaker 4
00:34:15 Now a cold kill would be a killing under orders.Speaker 5
00:34:20 Graduation exercise kind of thing, you know, it's it's.Speaker 11
00:34:24 I mean.Speaker
00:34:26 Who would?Speaker 5
00:34:29 Body just.Speaker 4
00:34:33 Who would they kill?Speaker 5
00:34:33 Well, oh, it's just just somebody.00:34:35 Just anybody just just go into a hotel and ***** *** somebody.
Speaker 4
00:34:36 Get out.Devon
00:34:41 Well, she used some unfortunate language there.00:34:44 But you get the picture.
00:34:46 By the way, if the audio cuts out, I'll back it up and try to replay it.
00:34:49 It's just it's struggling because it's like a 7 hour long file that's on the timeline and it doesn't like that so.
00:34:58 Another another old.
00:34:59 Nugget from the the Seven Hour interview is.
00:35:02 The according to her, her husband and the the connections that she has in the ruling class, which are extensive like she name drops.
00:35:10 So, and here's the thing she keeps.
00:35:11 Name dropping these.
00:35:12 People and I keep looking them up.
00:35:16 And each one is like the it's it's its own rabbit hole and they're all they all check out like they're all who they, you know who.
00:35:24 She says they are.
00:35:24 Warren, when she talks about oh, and this they murdered this guy.
00:35:28 You look it up and I don't remember if I put some of these clips in, but we we'll go over that if if she did or if I if I left them in but she'll say like oh and this guy got murdered and.
00:35:38 You're like what she like.
00:35:39 Look it up and yeah, that.
00:35:41 Guy got murdered unsolved, you know.
00:35:44 Two gunmen you know.
00:35:45 Or or something like that.
00:35:48 And and she look, she gets it.
00:35:50 She even says Patton was murdered, which I think a lot of people listening would agree is most likely the case.
Speaker 5
00:35:58 It's Casper weinberger.00:36:01 It's Henry Kissinger.
00:36:04 I mean, Nicholas, Walt Whitman, Rostow.
00:36:09 Look, we already know that that Henry Kissinger.00:36:13 And by the way, she the guy, obviously, she's naming a bunch of Jews off, but we already know Henry Kissinger would go to Bohemian Grove.
00:36:23 And **** guys in the ***.
00:36:24 That's already we we have that from other sources that that were there.
00:36:31 We have emails that show that even people, you know Colin Powell, so going up to the Secretary of Defense under Bush was was still going to these things.
00:36:43 And I sincerely doubt that it just magically stopped sometime in the last 20 years.
Speaker 5
00:36:52 It's Casper weinberger.00:36:54 It's Henry Kissinger.
00:36:57 I mean, Nicholas, Walt Whitman, Rostow.
00:37:02 Eugene Debs rosto.
00:37:07 What's going on here?
00:37:08 These guys aren't even born in America.
00:37:10 What's happening here?
00:37:11 They're training mercenaries.
00:37:15 These people aren't even born in America.00:37:18 And she makes I I probably because she she goes off track like a lot.
00:37:22 The reason why it's seven hours is you know she she'll she doesn't she's not a very good storyteller she's good at just relaying what she remembers happens right.
00:37:33 But she's not good at, like, building it into a narrative, which is another reason why she's believable, because you can tell she's not trying to.
00:37:39 Like construct the narrative.
00:37:41 She's just saying, oh, yeah, this happened.
00:37:43 This happened but.
00:37:43 She'll go on some tangents.
00:37:45 And the.
00:37:47 But one of the.
00:37:47 Things she that she keeps repeating is that we.
00:37:50 Have a lot of these well.
00:37:53 Most of them not all, but most of them Jewish, especially in the State Department.
00:37:59 People who weren't even born in America.
00:38:01 In many cases that have been running the country for at least since the 70s and 80s.
00:38:09 And probably still do.
00:38:12 I don't I.
00:38:12 I mean, I think it's pretty easy.
00:38:14 Just the politicians that we know about, I mean not in the military, but just politicians that you see.
00:38:20 They're pretty much.
00:38:21 A lot of the same names that were that were around when she was talking about this.
00:38:26 I mean.
00:38:26 All you know.
00:38:27 All the Nancy Pelosi's the Chuck Schumer's the Lindsey Grahams the you know all, all of these, these establishment ******* that that have been there for ******* ever.
Speaker 5
00:38:37 Now to run, you know, flip around.00:38:40 We'll kill on.
00:38:42 They're not killing because it's people are breaking into our homes, not killing because they're bad, but just we want to control this country.
00:38:52 That's what George told me.
00:38:53 It's political.
00:38:55 The military that Marine Corps is a political arm.
00:38:58 Of a group that wants to run everything.
00:39:03 The Marine Corps is a political arm.00:39:07 Of a group that wants to control everything.
00:39:12 I wonder who she's talking about.
Speaker 11
00:39:15 Who could that be?Speaker 5
00:39:17 All the drugs.00:39:19 Sell the weapons.
00:39:20 Keep the keep the weapons flow going and.
00:39:24 This isn't what guys are going to sign up to do their hearts?
00:39:28 Not in it.
00:39:29 They're not, can even do it for the money.
00:39:31 They'd rather die than have hit squads come after them.
00:39:35 Collection groups from Great Lakes.
00:39:39 They have a a group of of marines who goes out and collects.
00:39:46 Guys who have gone to their psychiatrist and they're a little bit talking too much.
00:39:53 They get rid of them.
00:39:55 But they're not told why.
00:39:57 They're just told they're enemies, or they've done bad things so they don't.
00:40:01 It's kind of like they don't, so they won't have any.
00:40:07 Guilt and culpability.
00:40:08 They they make it cold.
00:40:10 Just get rid of this guy.
00:40:11 OK, OK.
00:40:12 Get a promotion.
00:40:14 Get a new car.
00:40:15 Get some stock.
00:40:17 After my husband did what he did in Beirut.
00:40:22 I found these stubs. He got all this stock, you know, AT&T, major stock, just thousands of dollars worth of stock.
00:40:34 And it was from a.
00:40:37 A company that was like a quasi government company all on a sheet of paper.
00:40:47 Of course it was.
00:40:47 It was big.
00:40:49 Big time stock.
00:40:52 And that's how he was paid off.
Speaker 4
00:40:57 And and paid off for.Speaker 5
00:40:59 For doing criminal activity, selling weapons going through Tel Aviv, the the bank in Rome.00:41:08 Selling the weapons illegally that the Israeli agents are the other middle men.
00:41:13 And all the money is going to Israel.
00:41:15 A lot of I mean it.
00:41:16 Really is the truth.
00:41:18 The money, not just the money that is given to them.
00:41:22 Free and clear, but all the criminal the black budget money that Meyer Lansky's group started.
00:41:28 Back in the 40s has been growing and growing and growing.
00:41:32 It's like a pyramid scheme.
00:41:36 Meyer Lansky.00:41:39 The notorious Jewish gangster, who, by the way, I believe Jack Rubenstein worked for.
00:41:48 You know Jack Rubenstein.
00:41:50 Known to the American public as Jack Ruby.
00:41:55 The guy who shot Oswald before he could stand trial or or even be interrogated.
00:42:05 That's who's running the country.
00:42:09 All of the sudden, all these Middle East wars are starting to make sense, huh?
00:42:15 All this stuff with Epstein and ****, it's all starting to make sense.
00:42:22 The fact that that Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, it's all starting to make sense.
Speaker 5
00:42:34 Ron Brown was murdered, for example, sure.00:42:37 Vince Foster was murdered.
00:42:45 So it looks like I actually clipped this wrong, but she that's one of the rabbits, Ron Brown.00:42:51 She mentions.
00:42:53 See if I.Devon
00:42:55 Pop this up here.00:42:59 Ron Brown. Where'd that go?
00:43:02 All right. So Ron brown.
00:43:06 Was. Let's see here.
00:43:08 Was an American politician.
00:43:09 He so this is he.
00:43:11 He died two years prior to her recording.
00:43:15 This was an American politician who serves the United States Secretary of Commerce during the first term of President Clinton, by the way, lots of people mysteriously died while the Clintons were press.
00:43:27 Prior to this, he was chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He was the first African American to hold these positions. He was killed along with 34 others in the 1996 plane crash in Croatia.
00:43:39 Oh no.
00:43:41 The plane crashed in Croatia.
00:43:43 On April 3rd, 1996, when Brown was on an official trade mission, a US Air Force CT 43 carrying Brown and 34 other people, including New York Times Frankfurt Bureau chief Nathaniel C Nash.
00:43:58 Crashed into a mountainside.
00:44:01 Oh man, those those damn Air Force *******, right?
00:44:05 They they just didn't see a ******* mountain right in front of them.
00:44:11 So that checked out.
00:44:12 Everyone knows who Vince Foster is.
00:44:14 Of course another Clinton victim.
00:44:18 She names other people.
00:44:19 I'm not sure if I if I picked all those out.
00:44:21 Like I said, this was 7 hours and I.
00:44:23 Was I was trying to to whittle.
00:44:24 It down, but we'll get into some of those if.
00:44:27 She mentions them.
Speaker 4
00:44:31 Your husband would get into these drunken stupors and he would start running his mouth and tell you everything he knew.00:44:41 What did you find?
00:44:42 Was some of the most stunning revelations that came.
Speaker 5
00:44:49 I besides the the fact that he admitted he couldn't be a Christian and was an existentialist and explaining what.00:44:58 Existentialism meant to him, which was startling to me the the other parts of.
00:45:07 Some of the things he told me, which which really startled me and frightened me, was his attitude towards murder, which he said was not murder because, he said emotions are not involved.
00:45:21 His cold, calculating view of.
00:45:27 The destruction of of innocent human beings.
00:45:31 Meaning nothing to him having absolutely no.
00:45:35 No feelings about ordering others to do.
Speaker 4
00:45:38 That now, did he ever carry out?00:45:40 Some of these murders himself, do you think?
Speaker 5
00:45:41 Oh, of course. Yeah. In fact, he told me about Malcolm Kerr's murder.Speaker 4
00:45:47 Malcolm Kerr, who's?Devon
00:45:50 Malcolm Kerr, I think that's another one.00:45:52 I've got here.
00:45:54 Now Malcolm Kerr again.
00:45:55 She she names.
00:45:56 Drop drops these.
00:45:57 People, even the guy interviews like I.
00:45:58 Don't know who the **** that guy is.
00:46:00 And then you look it.
00:46:02 Well, I'll let you tell or let her tell you what happened.
00:46:04 And I'll.
00:46:06 I'll I'll do the the meanwhile on Wikipedia.
Speaker 5
00:46:12 Malcolm Kerr was a British double agent who?00:46:17 Was who worked in California?
00:46:20 He was one of these joint these intelligence operatives.
00:46:26 Who worked for both sides?
Speaker 4
00:46:28 OK.Speaker 5
00:46:29 And he had been in California, but he was.00:46:33 Doing intelligence work in Beirut undercover, he was the head of the American University of Beirut, Ayub.
00:46:42 Which is in Lebanon, OK now.
00:46:47 My husband was the liaison between the White House and President Jamal the the second, the brother of the.
00:46:57 1st President who was murdered.
00:47:02 My husband was involved with.
00:47:06 Assassinations and operations.
00:47:09 OK.Speaker 5
00:47:11 He was very upset with Malcolm Kerr because Malcolm Kerr refused.00:47:18 Although they were already there, the marine snipers, the assassins who were under my husband and general joy.
00:47:28 And Al Gray, of course.
00:47:32 Were hiding in the in the dormitory.
00:47:36 At this university.
00:47:39 And of course.
00:47:40 General Gray, General Krulak, General Wilhelm, now Charlie Wilhelm was there.
00:47:47 He is now.
00:47:48 My husband.
00:47:49 Special boss.
00:47:52 And they were undercover there and they had Malcolm Kerr.
00:47:58 Simply because Malcolm Kerr would not allow the Marines to stay in the dormitory.
00:48:04 Had I been Malcolm Kerr, I wouldn't have wanted.
00:48:08 Rowdy marine assassins living in.
00:48:13 A dormitory with children, essentially adolescent young.
00:48:18 Children having set, you know, with their perversion and some of their.
00:48:26 So he was he was put away for that.
00:48:31 Alright, so I look.00:48:33 I'm like, who is this?
00:48:34 Malcolm Kerr guy look.
00:48:36 Him up.
00:48:37 He was a university professor specialized in the middle.
00:48:40 East in the.
00:48:40 Arab world as an American citizen, he was born, raised and died in Beirut, Lebanon.
00:48:46 He served as a he served as president of the American University of Beirut.
00:48:52 Until he was killed.
00:48:53 By gunmen in 1984.
00:48:57 Yes. On January 18th, 1984, Kerr was shot and killed by two gunmen. He was shot twice in the back of his head by gunmen using suppressed handguns in the hallway outside of his office.
00:49:14 And then they blamed it on.
00:49:17 Islamic Jihad it must.
00:49:19 Have been the.
00:49:20 Islamic Jihad didn't like this professor at the American School, so they went way.
00:49:24 They went way out.
00:49:25 Of their way.
00:49:27 With suppressed firearms, like in an American held area.
00:49:35 And and that and weren't caught.
00:49:36 They rather just walk in, shoot them twice in the back of the head, and then vanish, and then yell all Akbar hundreds of miles away, manage magically, right.
00:49:47 So that checks out.
00:49:51 Go on K.
Speaker 7
00:49:55 We're having a.00:49:55 Fascinating conversation.
00:49:57 Talking to the wife of the former.
Speaker 5
00:50:01 Chief of Staff Marine Atlantic, head of the intelligence group that went to Beirut.00:50:09 They were already meeting over there.
00:50:12 He was before the.
00:50:13 Beirut bombing.
00:50:14 The NATO intelligence wet operations guy, psychological operations guy.
Speaker 4
00:50:21 OK, now when when you've heard of wet operations, wet does that.00:50:24 Stand for something.
Speaker 5
00:50:25 Yes, it means murder, assassinations groups.Devon
00:50:30 What works?00:50:32 Again, another term that wouldn't have been well known in 1998.
00:50:38 What works?
00:50:39 Something that came out in in WikiLeaks emails regarding Justice Scalia.
00:50:47 I did lots of videos on that way back in the day back in 2016.
00:50:54 Where it looks very much.
00:50:58 As if the.
00:50:59 Hillary Clinton camp in anticipation of her presidency.
00:51:05 Had Justice Scalia killed.
00:51:07 So that she'd have a Supreme Court Justice, she'd be able to put on the court.
00:51:13 There's an e-mail to John Podesta.
00:51:18 That includes a movie script.
00:51:22 Just a movie script, guys.
00:51:24 It's a movie script about a Supreme Court Justice.
00:51:29 That goes to a resort, I think, like actually in the same like in Texas.
00:51:37 And his murdered it.
00:51:38 It just.
00:51:39 But it's just, you know, you know John Podesta, he's uh, he's into screen writing.
00:51:45 And then on the night that he was killed, another one of the WikiLeaks leaks emails had an e-mail.
00:51:52 I think it was from.
00:51:54 Oh, I'd have to look it up, but I think it was from her assistant that Anthony Weiner.
00:51:59 'S wife or ex-wife.
00:52:01 I don't know if they're still married, talking about it's going to be a rough night tonight.
00:52:07 Something about what works like.
00:52:09 I forget the exact phrasing, but they use the term wet works and people were trying to think what does this mean?
00:52:15 And it's it's intelligence agency lingo for.
00:52:20 Murder for assassination.
00:52:23 And she is well aware of this in.
00:52:24 1998.
Speaker 5
00:52:30 NATO has a group of assassins and psychological operation specialists who work.00:52:40 In combined operations to destroy targets, OK, they they my husband tried to explain to me the first three years of marriage.
00:52:49 It all works.
00:52:50 I was assistant director of the Chamber of Commerce.
00:52:53 I was the first woman on the board of the Foreign Commerce Club in Norfolk.
00:52:57 He thought that I was a worldly woman.
00:53:00 I had dated a number of guys who were high level, like Jerry Unruh, who was the captain of the Saratoga, a a man.
00:53:11 Who was very high up in the Army intelligence in Richmond.
00:53:16 I had been married to a governor's grandson whose family were all in intelligence. His father was Harvard economics professor. They thought.
Speaker 7
00:53:25 You've mentioned that years ago you you dated John Engler, who is now our governor.Speaker 5
00:53:28 John Engler, who is an ROTC.00:53:30 I'm sure it's the same John Engler, if he was in the Navy.
00:53:34 I dated a John Engler who was.
00:53:38 In the ROTC in Norfolk because, you know, Norfolk is the largest military complex in the world.
00:53:43 We have Langley, the Air Force Base, which does intelligence work.
00:53:48 We have Camp Perry, which is an intelligence.
00:53:51 International intelligence spot all of the naval bases that master jet base.
00:53:56 Training and Doctrine Command which is Army Fort story and in fact Fort Story was where the recent secretary of the army was told he had to leave.
00:54:06 I have intelligence.
00:54:08 Guys who tell me truth because they know they can't talk and I get a lot of scoops, Tokyo W, who was basically honest and like Colin Powell, most African American men are not going to condone murder and assassinations and so forth when they find.
00:54:27 Out about it.
00:54:29 And that's where the boomer kind of shines out. She's very loath to talk bad about black people, of course, but again, this was 1998, when it wasn't well known yet that Colin Powell.00:54:42 Went to the Bohemian Grove.
00:54:45 But she was very optimistic.
00:54:46 She's even very optimistic.
00:54:48 About Clinton, which I thought was a.
00:54:49 Little funny, she said.
00:54:50 Oh yeah, he's definitely a sex addict, and they definitely control him with that.
00:54:54 But I think that he's going to find Jesus again.
00:54:57 It's she's this naive.
00:55:00 She's a she's a good person.
00:55:02 So she sees the good in everyone.
00:55:04 And like I said, including her murderer husband, like she still, she still thinks that like I see the good in.
00:55:09 You, father, you know like.
00:55:10 That kind of a thing.
00:55:13 But you know it is.
00:55:14 What it is?
00:55:15 All right, next clip.
Speaker 5
00:55:20 Saint Elizabeth Hospital, like the Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg.00:55:25 Has army intelligence people in their their targets, people who have decided to tell truth or whatever, in other words.
00:55:35 People who are believe in the American dream, who are Christians, who are trying to get things straightened out.
00:55:45 If they transgress that line where they upset somebody in the high command, just like in Germany.
00:55:53 They all they.
00:55:54 All of a sudden move from being a person to being a target, from being a human being, a Christian, a loving, wonderful soul to being a target, therefore the enemy.
00:56:07 So there, she's just talking about how they'll if you know, if there are good people that somehow manage to get in there, they they get rid of them or they institutionalized them and she names 2 military hospitals where she says, yeah, they just, they'll pump them full of drugs and stick them in there.00:56:22 We saw similar stuff happen with McCarthy when McCarthy was trying to.
00:56:28 Sniff out the communists.
00:56:30 Probably a lot of the people that that are involved in.
00:56:32 This **** right?
00:56:34 They he ended up in the hospital.
00:56:36 And then how did he die again then?
00:56:38 Didn't he get thrown out of a window or was that his?
00:56:42 Let me look that one up.
00:56:43 I forget if he if he got thrown out of a window or.
00:56:45 Just died of liver failure.
00:56:53 But he died really young I.
00:56:54 Know he did like in his in his 40s.
00:56:58 McCarthy, McCarthy, McCarthy.Devon
00:57:05 Here we are, Joseph McCarthy.Speaker 7
00:57:11 Dine. Let's see his.Speaker
00:57:13 Death. Death. Death. Death.Devon
00:57:14 Death where it's at.00:57:19 There's a whole lot of and Wikipedia really does not like Joseph McCarthy.
00:57:23 As you can imagine.
00:57:26 Here we are.
00:57:27 McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital.
00:57:33 That's right. Bethesda Naval Hospital.
00:57:36 Which would be exactly the hospitals these guys would use on Thursday, May 2nd 1957 at the.
00:57:44 Age of 48.
00:57:46 His death certificate listed cause of death as hepatitis acute cause unknown.
00:57:53 Previous doctors had not reported him to being in critical condition.
00:57:57 This is Wikipedia.
00:58:00 It was hinted in the press that he died of alcoholism.
00:58:06 Of course, of course, because who ran the press?
00:58:11 Who ran the press?
00:58:16 All right, moving right along.
Speaker 5
00:58:23 From Mary Clark goes to lab and Anne Bouchoux.00:58:28 And you know.
00:58:29 He's newly married.
00:58:31 To a handsome man, isn't wanting other women to write.
00:58:34 And I'm saying, you know, and I've already found out who they are.
00:58:38 I've got a masters degree.
00:58:39 I'm a researcher, I've you know, and I'm saying, George, what are you doing hanging around spies I didn't know about double agents and and Kashmir.
00:58:49 Yost is on the Council of Foreign.
00:58:52 Her son.
00:58:53 I'm sure it's her son or her.
00:58:54 Cousin and her husband, as I mentioned before, was a.
00:59:01 A Muslim who was really a turn turn person on the the Palestinians who worked at the American University of Beirut, he my husband, was sleeping with her.
00:59:11 Al Gray.
00:59:12 Everybody knew this and I didn't know that this is what she do until I called Valerie will.
00:59:21 General Charles Wilhelm's wife on the phone. Now who is General Charles William right now. And and let me tell you what she told me. You just have to get used to it, Kay.
00:59:29 OK.00:59:30 OK.
Speaker 5
00:59:34 She told me about, you know, her husband with I said George.00:59:37 He's got another man, Lieutenant Colonel Michael O'boyle, whom I was told is his boyfriend, you know.
Speaker 7
00:59:45 And and she says she just had to get used to it.Speaker 5
00:59:46 She said you just got to get used to it.00:59:48 Same thing came from the wife of General John Sheehan, Jack Sheehan, head of NATO, a friend of mine, then to parties at my house.
00:59:58 And and I see by now I've gotten my little tape recorder from RadioShack, you know?
01:00:04 And I'm taping phone calls because nobody's going to believe me. You know, I've got my little tape recorder, and I'm talking to.
01:00:14 Shanahan's life. Well, she's saying. Come on over. Let's have coffee. You come over at so and so time. So I invite Carl and Millis. Whose husband was the.
01:00:26 Temporary chief of staff after my husband's.
01:00:30 Wife Warner.
01:00:32 She I know she was murdered.
01:00:34 Blow on the head.
01:00:35 I had so many blows on the head.
01:00:36 You can't even believe it.
01:00:37 Broken bones and so forth.
01:00:40 Well, in the middle of these terrorism.
01:00:44 Episodes that that, you know, my husband would put me through, he would say things like.
01:00:51 Yeah, I'm down on the ground. He's got a 45 to my head or he's strangling me with his thumb on my jugular vein.
01:00:59 You know, and he's saying in this Sargeant like voice you have got to believe me, you cannot question me.
01:01:08 In other words, it's like I am being interrogated or I am being.
01:01:13 It's the most awful experience.
01:01:16 To be.Speaker 5
01:01:17 To have the one you want to love.01:01:20 The one you had made your commitment with.
01:01:24 Have you in pin holes?
01:01:28 And and knowing he's an experienced guy, you know.
01:01:34 It's horrible.
01:01:35 And these wives now I don't.
01:01:37 I cannot say whether their husbands have done the same thing.
01:01:39 I don't think they have, but.
01:01:43 What they train them to do is to be speeding along the highway.
01:01:47 It's it's a shock.
01:01:48 Treatment is what it is.
01:01:49 I've I've been told it's shock treatment and they're they're driving along the highway and you've got an important person to meet or an important party.
01:01:59 You know, you're all dressed up.
01:02:01 Or you're going to somebody's house.
01:02:06 He scratches on the brakes, provokes you in some way you don't even want to fight.
01:02:10 You say I don't want to fight.
01:02:12 You know.
01:02:12 What are you?
01:02:12 What is this all?
01:02:14 Alright, I think I trimmed this one wrong.01:02:17 She does this I'm talking about, she goes on.
01:02:18 And on about stuff that's.
01:02:20 Not as crucial.
01:02:21 Let me see if she says something at the end here that I wanted for some reason.
01:02:26 Ohh come on timeline you can handle.
01:02:28 You can handle the seven hour long file.
01:02:30 There we go.
Speaker 5
01:02:32 Is above us all truth is above everything.01:02:35 The 10 Commandments are above everything.
01:02:36 Yeah, that's OK.01:02:36 That's what I wanted to.
01:02:38 Here we go.
Speaker 5
01:02:43 You know, when he wanted to get my camera, I nearly drowned.01:02:47 He wanted me to tell him where.
01:02:48 The camera was.
01:02:50 He tried to kill me that night.
01:02:53 To scare me so that I would behave.
01:02:57 But I I was raised in a family with strong men.
01:03:00 You know.
01:03:01 You stand tall, you don't let people intimidate you when you know you're right.
01:03:06 Because they're more important things.
01:03:08 God is over above us all.
01:03:10 Jesus Christ is above us.
01:03:12 All truth is above everything.
01:03:15 The 10 commandments.
01:03:16 Or above everything you know under that is, is Jesus Christ and then your mate.
01:03:22 So I put you know, that's why I put.
01:03:26 In very high esteem, but I knew he was not normal.
01:03:30 I'm an intelligent woman.
01:03:31 I read, so I was hoping I could change him so it was a battle.
01:03:36 It was a spiritual battle going on.
01:03:38 I knew.
01:03:38 It was a.
01:03:40 So the two things I wanted the the take away from that is 1 yes, there is a benefit to having a Christian nation regardless of of whether you're Christian or believe in it. It's good to have ruling class members.01:03:54 Who believe it.
01:03:56 Who believe that there is a God.
01:03:58 There is a heaven, that there's a hell.
01:03:59 There are commandments that you shouldn't break.
01:04:03 And I think what we're witnessing.
01:04:06 Is what happens to an empire when it's overrun with people who no longer feel beholden to any kind of hierarchy.
01:04:14 To like that they are the.
01:04:15 Top of the hierarchy.
01:04:17 And the other take away, of course is this guys beating the **** out of her.
01:04:21 He's holding guns to her head.
01:04:23 He's telling her that that he, he's murdered people.
01:04:26 She suspects that he he murdered his first wife.
01:04:29 And look, I've heard, you know, women talk about the battered Wife syndrome and all this other stuff.
01:04:34 Look, maybe it's some psychology I'll never understand because I'm not a woman.
01:04:38 It's it's, I'm not.
01:04:40 Being facetious, it's possible.
01:04:43 But it's frustrating, right?
01:04:44 Because here's this woman.
01:04:45 Look, she is, you know, somewhat intelligent.
01:04:48 She's definitely educated.
01:04:50 She's well bred.
01:04:52 She has lots of powerful friends now.
01:04:54 Many of them are degenerates and you know, on the the evil.
01:05:01 But she has a powerful family.
01:05:02 She she could have left and she stayed.
01:05:06 As do all.
01:05:07 These other wives that she's talking about.
01:05:11 All right, so moving right along here is the.
01:05:15 The next clip.
Speaker 5
01:05:16 Involved in the Halo program, the Max.Speaker 4
01:05:19 So what's Halo?Speaker 5
01:05:21 It he mentioned it was something to do with training.01:05:26 Assassins and training psychological operations specialist.
01:05:30 It is in the Philippines.
01:05:33 They also had one in Panama.
01:05:37 OK.
01:05:37 They had a school for army and other guys where they would strip them down nude.
01:05:43 They would tie them onto logs.
01:05:45 The man who ran the school was dressed up as a Nazi soldier, even though he was his name was Owen.
01:05:52 Tech or something?
01:05:53 He was a Czechoslovakian pervert.
01:05:59 Then they had a man who dressed up like a woman who was really pretty.
01:06:03 You know, and and here these guys knew and they're training to kill.
01:06:09 And in fact, this was there's a book called Copperhead, which I have a copy of, which is all about.
01:06:18 It was written by a commando.
01:06:22 Who was from North Carolina, who had been battered badly?
01:06:26 A West Virginia, I think it was.
01:06:28 And his father had battered and beaten him.
01:06:31 Well, what they do is in the prisons, through this Casa system and so forth, they take the innocent little boys who've been battered by their parents, and they turn them into assassins by making homosexuals or.
01:06:49 They turn you gay, they turn you gay, they find.Speaker
01:06:52 OK.Devon
01:06:53 Look, they they do what all homosexuals do, they look for the weak picked on.01:06:59 No friend having outsider.
01:07:02 And they make them feel special.
01:07:05 They lit. They're literally grooming.
01:07:10 They're just grooming assassins.
01:07:14 But they're using it.
01:07:15 It's because it's.
01:07:16 The mindset that's the global **** way.
01:07:23 See if you're really in class.
01:07:25 Was Christian.
01:07:27 That's not how they'd select their their their elite force.
01:07:32 They wouldn't look for like the the weak picked on psychopath to be.
01:07:40 And then strip them down naked, tie them to logs and scream at them while wearing women's clothing.
01:07:50 The Global Home award.
Speaker 5
01:07:55 The growth of this.01:07:56 Stuff they are intending to destroy America.
Speaker 4
01:07:59 Well, there certainly seems to be a growth in homosexual activity, homosexual acceptance, homosexual promotion.Devon
01:08:08 Again, this is 19.01:08:09 98 If if only they knew where this was going.
Speaker 4
01:08:20 Homosexual acceptance in our society today, and it just seems like everywhere you turn you're finding.01:08:28 A little group of homosexuals or or even in our local community.
01:08:31 I'm surprised how many homosexuals are running businesses and certain restaurants are becoming homosexual Hangouts.
01:08:41 So, you know, while the owner must be a homeowner, if he hires home owners and.
Speaker 5
01:08:44 OK.Speaker 4
01:08:48 I I need to admit that I think this is the way things are in business and banking and and education.01:08:54 Oh, the local college university.
Speaker 5
01:08:55 Yeah, yeah.Speaker 4
01:08:58 I've I've had people tell me that.01:09:00 That they're just loaded.
Speaker 5
01:09:01 You cannot get a job unless you are special, elite, irregular.Devon
01:09:09 Unless you're special, elite, irregular.01:09:14 Irregular like the.
01:09:17 Like well, like this guy?
01:09:21 Look, he's special, elite, irregular.
01:09:28 All right.
Speaker 5
01:09:29 Little doctor that the Seals gang raped in Norfolk.01:09:35 Because the.
01:09:38 OK, so this one I looked up too.01:09:39 I might have to back this.
01:09:40 One up.
01:09:41 A little bit because I was.
01:09:42 Shocked that this that I'd never heard of this let me.
01:09:46 See if I can back it up here a little bit.
Speaker 5
01:09:52 Agilis women target women, mothers, wives who are strong.01:09:57 Inside more I'm talking about really core, strong, genetically strong even.
01:10:02 Cloth which says the.
01:10:03 Genetically strong.01:10:04 What does that mean?
Speaker 5
01:10:05 Three to one of the over the the arms you know.01:10:09 If they want to win over these little guys.
01:10:13 They've got to have credibility, what's happening now, and why they're all afraid is they have no credibility, the seal.
01:10:21 Are the worst.
01:10:22 They were so afraid about that one little doctor that the Seals gang raped in Norfolk.
01:10:30 Because the whole credibility of the seals is shot.
Speaker 4
01:10:33 OK, I I I'm not sure I I'm aware of that.01:10:37 There was a gang rape of a doctor by the by a group of CEOs.
Speaker 5
01:10:39 Yes, a woman.01:10:41 Oh, yeah, in Virginia Beach.
01:10:44 So I was like, what is this?01:10:47 Hard to find.
01:10:48 A lot of information about it, as you can imagine, partially because it happened such a long time ago.
01:10:54 But you know other reasons, is it?
01:10:57 But I found this this.
01:11:00 Let's see if.Devon
01:11:01 I can find the tab that it's under now.01:11:05 If I can't, I'll just fill you in the now.
01:11:08 Here we go.
01:11:10 So this from 1997, her name was Jennifer Evans.
01:11:16 The parents of a slaying Georgia college student, Jennifer Evans, have filed A lawsuit against the US government and four Co defendants, alleging that the Navy SEAL Commando training turned 2 men who killed their daughter and two lethal weapons with a sense of invincibility.
01:11:32 Billy Joe Brown and dust than a Turner were convicted in separate.
01:11:37 Trials of first degree murder last summer in the strangulation of Evans, a 21 year old Emory University pre Med student who is vacationing in Virginia Beach.
01:11:46 When she was abducted from a bar near the oceanfront.
01:11:50 Her body was found eight days later in Newport News Park.
01:11:55 The men were members of SEAL Team four at Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base and we're finishing the final stages of seal training.
01:12:05 Both are serving sentences that amount to life terms in prison. The lawsuit was filed at Norfolk's.
01:12:11 Federal blah blah blah.
01:12:15 The suit alleges that but for the training imposed by the defendant USA upon the defendants Turner and Brown, they would not have raped and or murdered Evans, the training program, the lawsuit alleges, produces violent side effects and turns trainee into a lethal weapon that instills in the individual a sense of invincibility.
01:12:36 As well as euphoria, implying he.
01:12:38 Can do no wrong.
01:12:40 And again, this happened right before this interview.
01:12:45 So she's, you know, Timeline adds up yet again.
01:12:55 Alright, here's the.
01:12:58 The next clip, if that ever decides to here.
Speaker 4
01:13:00 We go our viewers.Speaker 5
01:13:01 Tom Devine, the triangular trade is the illegal weapons drug.01:13:10 That is still going on today.
01:13:14 Israel is basically running it with the New York bankers.
01:13:20 Oh, isn't that nice?01:13:24 The illegal weapons and drug trade.
01:13:30 Is run by Israel.
01:13:32 And the Jewish New York banks.
01:13:34 Alright, that's good to know.
01:13:38 Wonder why she disappeared so odd that she's missing.
Speaker 5
01:13:43 It has something to do with kabbalism because the.Devon
01:13:50 Has something with kabbalism.01:13:52 You mean like that Kabbalah bracelet?
01:13:56 The Tucker Carlson wears on the air.
01:14:01 Like that Kabbalah.
01:14:09 In addition, like I said, she rarely says Jews, but she often says Zionist and often says Kabbalah Kabbalists.
01:14:17 And implies that a lot of this stuff is, you know, including the the goys, if you will, are involved in Kabbalah.
Speaker 5
01:14:26 The symbol for the Pentagon.01:14:29 The brotherhood? They.
01:14:32 They feel so compelled to.
01:14:36 Not think for themselves to sort of.
01:14:39 Depend on somebody else who's more physics oriented, you know.
01:14:43 In other words, these guys are so much smarter than I am.
01:14:46 They can be doing totally immoral things that you know, are breaking up families breaking up.
01:14:52 You know, wives and others, they're not looking at the structure of the family.
01:14:55 They're not looking at the structure of society.
01:14:58 They're not looking at the culture, the community, the basic ingredient.
01:15:05 That provides life, the planet, the trees.
01:15:08 They're not looking at.
01:15:11 The sex.
01:15:13 And when?
01:15:16 Well, it sounds like global Hummer to me.01:15:21 It's almost like a prophecy.
01:15:25 Again, this was 19981998.
01:15:31 Seems like that that.
01:15:33 Ruling class culture is kind of.
01:15:37 Trickled down if you will.
Speaker 5
01:15:40 Handoff is involved with Andrew Fine, whose army intelligence who tried to take over the Norwegian organization from me when I knew that the Andrew Fine does all this group swinging sex with his wife and with NATO couples and you know, and I'm going, something's going on here.01:15:58 Roger Obendorf and my husband went to this.
01:16:00 Fairfield. I wasn't allowed.
01:16:03 So I knew.
01:16:04 Because my husband was meeting with other people like.
01:16:08 In other words, this is.
Speaker 4
01:16:10 When you mentioned NATO group swinging sex, are you are you talking about the the most some of the most powerful people in this world the leadership of this military.01:16:21 And their wives being privileged, I.
01:16:23 Mean, yeah.
Speaker 5
01:16:25 Yes, I'm talking later.Speaker 4
01:16:26 I mean this does not give security to the people of not only this nation, but the people of the world.01:16:30 They think that people who have the power to kill others wage wars, send your sons and daughters into battles.
01:16:36 These people are complete whacked out, generates degenerates.
01:16:43 Complete whacked out degenerates.01:16:52 But NATO's the good guys, right?
01:16:58 Alright, come on.
01:17:00 Come on.
01:17:00 There we go.
Speaker 5
01:17:02 So I'm looking at the the top guys and they're not Christian.01:17:06 So it it begs the question, well, what are they?
01:17:10 Well, I I that question is in my mind after I was married three years and I started delving.
01:17:17 My own Little Miss Marple, my own little.
01:17:22 And I've arrived at the definite conclusion that they are not.
01:17:27 They're not only not Christians.
01:17:29 But when you have ***** *** and homosexual sex and ****** and things of this nature by the top people who are running my city, at least, certainly Virginia Beach.
01:17:40 I started looking at other military towns and started asking questions.
01:17:46 San Diego, the same thing.
01:17:50 San Francisco.
01:17:53 Key West.
01:17:54 Everybody knows about Key West.
01:17:58 That's the major homosexual capital of the world.
01:18:02 You know they're having sex on the on the highways, guys are parking.
01:18:05 They don't.
01:18:06 People can't even go into the restrooms in in Boston.
01:18:12 Course, Washington, DC.
01:18:15 Washington, DC, was super gay.01:18:18 Having lived there for a while, I can.
01:18:19 Tell you.
01:18:20 Super gay.
01:18:23 Like when I worked.
01:18:24 It's funny because when I worked in advertising.
01:18:27 I I thought it was like, really gay.
01:18:29 Like, how many?
01:18:30 How many **** I had to like, talk to on a regular basis was.
01:18:34 It was.Devon
01:18:36 It was just like, oh, God, what?01:18:38 Maybe I should get into another business and then.
01:18:40 When I when I moved to DC.
01:18:42 And was doing, I guess another kind of advertising.
01:18:46 Yeah, the the.
01:18:48 The fad, quotient or whatever you want to.
01:18:51 Call it increased dramatically.
01:18:57 Yeah, no argument there.
Speaker 5
01:19:05 And I wish he would grow up.01:19:07 There's a a Whitehead who's an ambassador who's a homosexual.
01:19:11 With and, his lover is one of Bill Clinton's attorneys from North Carolina. Now I like the way that man thinks he's homosexual, but I like the way he thinks.
01:19:23 James Angleton, CIA was a homosexual, the head of the FBI was homosexual.
01:19:30 Paisley was homosexual.
01:19:31 They murdered him.
01:19:33 All the British intelligence agents were homosexuals.
01:19:38 I haven't yet arrived at my theory on that, except that it is a weakness.
01:19:45 It is a moral weakness.
01:19:47 It's a way to control people.
01:19:51 It's a moral weakness.01:19:56 I think that's a good description.
01:19:57 And you can tell.
01:19:58 She doesn't.
01:19:58 She doesn't hate ****.
01:20:03 She likes some of these people she's talking about.
01:20:10 Global homeo is not just a meme.
01:20:13 We are literally.
01:20:15 Being ruled over by satanic *******.
Speaker 5
01:20:25 And he mysteriously died.01:20:29 Randy died mysteriously. He.
01:20:31 Oh, so this is funny.01:20:33 She's there's still, like, setting up the shot and and miking her and stuff like that.
01:20:38 And she starts talking about how some of the naval like, there's one naval officer who wanted this woman.
01:20:47 And so they they had the the husband killed.
01:20:52 And she's just, you know, again, like she talks.
01:20:55 It's so funny how she's like a child in a lot of ways.
01:20:57 She's just like innocently talking about, like, like like it's not.
01:21:00 A big deal because this is her world.
01:21:04 This is her world.
01:21:09 Like if you.
01:21:09 Were to shoot up Hillary Clinton with sodium pentathol.
01:21:12 Or whatever that stuff and the truth serum.
01:21:16 This is how she would be talking.
Speaker 5
01:21:27 What happens is when the when the guys find out about the mob and that their wives are involved with it, the husbands take off.01:21:36 They go to the Eastern Shore or hot, you know, the closest they can to get away from Virginia Beach.
01:21:42 But they die.
01:21:45 There's a homosexual clique on Virginia Beach that I know about very well, which has to do with the Coast Guard and it's it's a long story.
01:21:54 But the point is I don't know whether they're the ones who murdered Randy, but I suspect that Randy Tate was murdered.
01:22:00 George Heilig is another one, I suspect.
01:22:04 Who was murdered?
01:22:04 Who was a delegate?
01:22:05 Very powerful guy.
01:22:08 Honest he he died, you know.
01:22:12 Very young and **** Obenshain, who was an honest candidate for governor.
01:22:22 **** obenshain.
01:22:26 **** **** open chain was running for governor.
01:22:31 He was the Republican candidate.
01:22:33 He was an honest, honorable guy.
01:22:36 Mysterious plane crash.
01:22:40 Again, I look that up.01:22:44 And again, it's kind of funny.
01:22:46 There's not a lot, I mean.
01:22:48 Weirdly, for someone who was running for governor, that dies in a mysterious plane crash and and he was actually they were floating him as the Republican nominee to run for president.
01:23:00 Not a whole lot of.
01:23:01 I mean here.
01:23:02 A here's a Washington Post article from 1978. It's it's barely 2 paragraphs long.
01:23:09 Republican Senator nominee Richard D Open shame at once the architect and and the product of a resurgence of the political conservatism.
01:23:20 In Virginia.
01:23:22 Died Wednesday night in a fiery light plane crash in suburban Richmond. The articulate, bespectacled lawyer, a former Co chairman of the National Republican Committee and Virginia's former state GOP chairman, was returning home from a campaign appearance in Winchester when his plane crashed and burned in the thick woods.
01:23:42 Quarter mile short of Chesterfield County Airport.
01:23:48 And that's it.
01:23:48 Like that's that's.
01:23:51 That's the article you know.
01:23:54 And if you look up in Wikipedia, it doesn't even mention his death.
01:24:00 Like, it doesn't even mention his death.
01:24:05 Like there's nothing in here about death.
01:24:09 And it's almost like this guy didn't ever exist like this.
01:24:12 Washington Post article was hard to find.
01:24:17 Way easier to disappear people before the Internet.
Speaker 5
01:24:23 And what happens after Vick goes and James plane crash as well?01:24:27 They have a little convention.
01:24:29 It's conveniently right before the convention.
01:24:32 You know, he's the the titular guy.
01:24:34 Well, Elizabeth Taylor comes into the picture.
01:24:38 And never before.
01:24:40 They just go right over Roberts rules and everything else.
01:24:42 Elizabeth Taylor goes around, movie star, goes around and says I think you ought to nominate my husband.
01:24:47 Well, he hasn't even been involved in the process.
01:24:50 **** open Shane, who's honest conveniently died.
01:24:55 John Warner comes right in there.
01:24:58 They did not want **** open chain in.
01:25:00 John, what are you saying?01:25:04 I don't know the answer to the question.
01:25:06 We're all wondering right now.
01:25:09 So I'm going to take a look.
01:25:13 Elizabeth Taylor.
01:25:16 John Warner.
01:25:23 John Warner.
01:25:26 He was secretary of the Navy.
01:25:31 Isn't that interesting?
01:25:34 Early life.
01:25:38 Da da da da da.Devon
01:25:44 Ah, it doesn't say doesn't say, where is he from?01:25:48 Is he from Manhattan?
01:25:53 Uh. Let's see here.
01:25:57 Well, no.
01:25:58 But he's ruling class and it doesn't say, but he's ruling class through and.
01:26:01 Through says he grew up in Washington, DC He entered the elite St. Albans School before graduating from Woodrow Wilson in 1945. Listed in the United States Navy.
01:26:17 And then he went on to Washington.
01:26:19 Lee University was a member of beta Beta Theta π.
01:26:24 And then he went to University of Virginia law school.
01:26:28 So he, I mean, this guy like.
01:26:31 Was was 100% Beltway, 100% Beltway.
01:26:36 That guy just, you know, that was his whole.
01:26:39 That was his whole.
01:26:39 That was his homies, you know.
01:26:40 That was, that was his hood.
01:26:44 But maybe not Jewish.
01:26:47 I don't see it here.
Speaker 5
01:26:49 Was not control.01:26:51 He was not controllable.
Speaker 4
01:26:52 Warner once.Speaker 5
01:26:53 Same thing with Paul Tribble.01:26:55 Who's a cousin of mine?
01:26:57 Oh, I'm a Waring and he's his family are warings.
01:27:00 And we're related.
01:27:01 Paul was married to Rosemary.
01:27:05 Well, there were some things that were going on thinking that.
01:27:11 In other words, Paul Tribble could not really totally be controlled.
01:27:16 He was.
01:27:18 They got rid of him.
01:27:21 Rosemary knew a lot of stuff and.
01:27:26 They get rid of the the good guys.
01:27:31 I believe that.
Speaker 4
01:27:35 Well, don't they refer?01:27:36 To this as Murder Inc another name for.
Speaker 5
01:27:38 Yes, yes.01:27:39 Well, the Marine Corps are the assassins.
01:27:42 The Marine Corps are the assassins for the mob.
01:27:45 If you look at guys who've been in four years, let's let's just take Teds and Myers, for example.
01:27:52 Now, before you guys say, wait a second.01:27:55 They're assassins for the mob.
01:27:57 No, it they, they're assassins.
01:27:59 Assassins for the the.
01:28:00 What was the Jewish mob?
01:28:02 That is now.
01:28:03 Like, who do you think Roy Cohn was?
01:28:07 You know, this is what she's saying, is that Meyer Lansky?
01:28:13 And the Jewish mafia slowly but steadily took over the United States military.
01:28:19 And then wouldn't you know, it just look at look.
01:28:22 And this is before a lot of the this is.
01:28:25 Before 9/11.
01:28:28 This is before we're going in hard.
01:28:30 To the Middle East.
01:28:33 Because the Jewish subverted military really wanted to go in the Middle East, the American.
01:28:38 People didn't want to.
01:28:47 So they had to do something.
01:28:53 Hell, even you know what false flag is?
01:28:55 Is is such a common term.
01:28:57 Now even we have the White House spokesperson.
01:29:01 Throwing it around like everyone knows what it is, and thank God for that.
01:29:13 But this is before all that stuff she's saying.
01:29:15 Look, they're they're packing the military full of these, these Jewish gangsters and these Zionists and these cabalists.
01:29:25 They're killing the politicians.
01:29:26 They can't compromise.
01:29:31 With impunity.
01:29:39 They run the intelligence agencies.
01:29:41 Who's going to prosecute him?
01:29:45 Why do you think the current Jewish?
01:29:50 Attorney general.
01:29:54 Is so concerned about the the rise in anti-Semitism?
01:30:03 And characterizes pretty much any right leaning white Christian.
01:30:11 As a neo Nazi.
01:30:17 And is using all these now modernized resources.
01:30:21 Because this is like we're almost 25 years past what the time she's talking about. Well, I mean, some of the stuff she's talking.
01:30:27 About like 30 and 40 years passed.
01:30:30 And nothing's changed.
01:30:33 There hasn't been, like, a a Jew hunting McCarthy style person that's gone into government saying, hey, what's up with, like, Biden's cabinet being 75% Jewish, which is odd considering that there's fewer Jews in America than Mormons.
01:30:48 Wouldn't people be a little weirded out if if Biden's cabinet was 75% Mormon?
01:31:02 Why is no one weird out that there's?
01:31:04 75%.
01:31:04 Anything like that, especially something that's that small of a percentage.
01:31:08 And why do we have the Biden administration?
01:31:12 Who let me, let's face it, as Biden is ******* asleep with the wheel, we know he's not running things.
01:31:19 But I don't think Trump was running things.
01:31:23 I don't think Bush Junior was running things.
01:31:29 I don't think Clinton was running things.
01:31:34 I mean, they're they have their own little.
01:31:37 Crime family **** going on, right?
01:31:39 All those people I just named Obama.
01:31:41 Same thing, right?
01:31:43 But they were all just figureheads for this group running the military in the background, running the intelligence agencies in the background.
01:31:52 You want to know what the deep state is.
01:31:55 It's literally.
01:31:57 The evolution.
01:31:59 Of Jewish organized crime.
01:32:04 That's literally what it is.
01:32:18 Which is exactly why 911 happened. The way that it happened.
01:32:23 Exactly why Epstein existed and why no one said anything.
01:32:31 You know, we had John McCain's wife say on camera. Ohh, we all knew. We all knew what.
Speaker 11
01:32:35 He was doing.Devon
01:32:36 But no one said anything.Speaker
01:32:40 Well, yeah, because he.Devon
01:32:40 Was a part of the Mafia that was running the ******* country.01:32:52 Or what I said about the.
01:32:53 The the trucker convoy in Canada.
01:32:57 You never want your organization or your movement to be led by gay Jews.
01:33:03 Here's a perfect example as to why.
01:33:13 And for those of.
01:33:13 You don't know the?
01:33:14 Yes, the Canadian trucker thing was run by a gay Jew.
01:33:23 You ever wonder why there's so many controlled opposition right wingers that are Jewish?
01:33:33 Where they get all their money from.
01:33:38 Well, it's pretty easy to have deep pockets when you're working for New York bankers who are laundering drug money for the last ******* half a century.
01:33:50 Whole lot of off the books money.
01:34:00 What are you always talking about?01:34:01 The Jews.
01:34:01 It's always the Jews, Jews this.
01:34:03 Is why, *****?01:34:12 This is why.
Speaker 5
01:34:23 Now he's a very nice person to talk to.01:34:27 He was involved with the founding of Peace Corps with Sergeant Shriver.
01:34:33 He's from the Brooklyn Bayonne mob.
01:34:38 Came from that, that group they sent him to Ohio State, then he his fourth year.
01:34:43 As I understand it, he did something like truck driving school.
01:34:48 Then he goes into Korea and becomes UDT.
01:34:53 And then they then they underwater demolition.
01:34:56 In other words, assassin.
01:34:56 OK.Speaker 5
01:34:57 He's, you know.01:35:00 Very smooth, he marries.
01:35:03 A high level gal Sullivan.
Speaker 4
01:35:07 Something happened.Devon
01:35:09 OK, the camera died on that part. I guess I think it. Unless this next clip is the second-half of that here.01:35:18 Come on, load up.
01:35:18 Load up.
01:35:19 There we go.
Speaker 5
01:35:20 In in Virginia, Virginia Beach is very.01:35:27 Very well organized and connected with the military and.
Speaker 4
01:35:32 Well, you you indicated for that there is there's a cop connection everywhere between the mob and military.01:35:37 Or there's New York or San Diego or.
Speaker 5
01:35:37 The the military is run by the mob.01:35:39 The military is the mob.
01:35:41 The Marine Corps are run.
01:35:44 They're the assassins for the mob.
01:35:46 They they may only be in as as Ted's and Myers was for four years.
01:35:52 But the individuals then go on to truck driving, you know, truck loading school.
01:35:58 They're always loading things and, you know, moving things around.
01:36:01 But then they send him to Harvard Law School, you know?
01:36:06 Then he's he's he winds up when?
01:36:09 When I met him or or just actually.
01:36:12 I met him after Colby's murder.
01:36:15 But I find it rather unusual that I had spoken with William Colby, the head of the CIA, A who knew my husband well, who told me on the phone all of this stuff about the Phoenix program and Israel and all of that stuff was coming out and that he was going to be doing it.
Speaker 7
01:36:35 Oh, no coffee.Speaker 5
01:36:35 William Colby on the phone.01:36:38 And Ted's and Myers was across the hall from.
01:36:41 Him a law partner.
Speaker 4
01:36:41 Cason was was was William Colby.Devon
01:36:46 William Colby.01:36:51 William Colby now so who?
01:36:53 Is that you might ask.
01:36:56 I got him in here somewhere.
01:37:01 He was that a lot of people know this story actually just because of the ridiculous way that he was.
01:37:08 He was assassinated.
01:37:11 William Colby was the director of the CIA.
01:37:16 And he's he's talking on the phone and saying, yeah, we're going to, you know, we're going to get this stuff out about the Israel stuff.
01:37:23 And we're trying, you know, we're working.
01:37:24 We're trying to crack down on this stuff.
01:37:28 He hadn't been the the CIA director for very long. It was from 73 until 76. And then what happened in 76.
01:37:41 Well, I'll tell you what happened in 76.
01:37:44 Well, I'm sorry. Not in 76 in 96. So this was a couple of.
01:37:48 Years before the interview.
01:37:51 Colby set out from his weekend home in Rock Point.
01:37:54 Maryland on a.
01:37:55 Solo canoe trip.
01:37:57 Now what Wikipedia leaves out here is in his home.
01:38:01 He had the like.
01:38:02 I think the the faucet was run.
01:38:04 It was almost like those those those zombie apocalypse movies where you go into a house and it's like you can.
01:38:09 Tell they left in a hurry.
01:38:10 Right. Because like dinner is.
01:38:12 All set and on the table and not eat.
01:38:14 And and like I don't remember the faucet was running.
01:38:18 But like that they said that like dinner was all set and with no bite and yeah, it was all just laid out on the table.
01:38:24 And then he decides before eating dinner.
01:38:27 And like in the dead of night, he's going to go canoeing by himself.
01:38:34 And so they found him face down in the water, dead.
01:38:39 Next to his next to his canoe.
01:38:44 And yeah.
01:38:51 This was the guy that was going to try to help her get this information out because look.
01:38:56 He saw some.
01:38:56 Of this happening, he was the CIA director back in the 70s.
01:39:00 For a few years.
01:39:03 Now she's saying that his one of his law partners.
01:39:07 Was Jewish something mire rewinded to hear the name and overheard the conversation?
01:39:13 And then this happened to him.
Speaker 4
01:39:21 A good guy for the good go.01:39:23 Or was he one of the insiders?
Speaker 5
01:39:23 Yes, was a good guy.Speaker 4
01:39:25 They need to get rid of.01:39:26 Or was he?
Speaker 5
01:39:27 He was an insider who was involved. He knew about my husband's involvement with Krulak Victor Krulak Al Gray, the Russian double agent who was, I believe, Czechoslovakian or Georgian, who was called the commissar who was running everything in Vietnam.01:39:47 He was the murderers, the assassinations.
01:39:50 My husband was involved with the murders, the assassinations he was involved with teams that did that.
01:39:57 They were training boys to kill, using mind control using.
Speaker 4
01:40:00 OK. And again.01:40:03 The whole reason for Vietnam or any of these conflicts is simply to use up a lot of arms and make money.
Speaker 5
01:40:10 Yes, yes.Speaker 4
01:40:10 Basically, that's all there is it.Speaker 5
01:40:11 And to train more killers.Devon
01:40:16 The reason for these for these wars is to use.01:40:19 Up a lot of bombs.
01:40:22 And train more killers.
01:40:29 Again, this is 1998.
01:40:34 This is before.
01:40:37 20 years of war in Afghanistan.
01:40:43 The war that that only benefited.
01:40:48 The people she's discussing.
01:40:59 Moving right along next clip.
Speaker 5
01:41:02 Not American.01:41:03 These are not.
01:41:05 These are men who?
01:41:08 The Constitution is just beneath them.
01:41:12 People like me, their wives and citizens like you and honorable people are just beneath them because there's.
01:41:23 Because they're special, they're elite.
01:41:28 Again, sound familiar.01:41:30 Sound kind of like the attitude.
01:41:35 From a ruling class today.
01:41:40 Global Homeo has been around a.
01:41:42 Long time, it's just reaching.
01:41:44 Levels of **** that have never been seen on the planet before.
Speaker 4
01:41:50 Air conditioning is all in secrets.Speaker 7
01:41:52 Yes, that's the.Speaker 5
01:41:53 One way to tell if they're evil if they're.01:41:58 Weak if they're cowards or bullies, the one way to tell the cowards and the bullies who are now at the very top of the army.
01:42:07 The Marine Corps, the Navy, Gaiman.
01:42:10 Hartzog, Abram.
01:42:15 Especially Charlie Wilhelm, who's doing awful things with.
01:42:20 You know, men and women.
01:42:22 What? What would?
Speaker 4
01:42:23 OK, Charlie Wilhelm again he is.Speaker 5
01:42:25 Charles Wilhelm I met in Norway. He is my husband's close, one of his closest friends, besides Michael O'boyle.Speaker 4
01:42:28 He's a.01:42:34 OK.
Speaker 5
01:42:34 They're called cherry, yes.Speaker 4
01:42:34 And these are all Marines generals?Speaker 5
01:42:39 Now is the general because they rise to the top if they're in.01:42:43 If they're one of Grey's boys.
01:42:45 And I I talked before I went public, I went to colonels.
01:42:50 And wives.
01:42:53 And boy, I mean, I had conversations and I'm not going to mention their names, but I had wives tell me when I first found out.
01:43:01 And a wife said it was the most cryptic conversation I've ever had in my life.
01:43:06 I said to my blank friend, if you ever had another wife, she said hundreds of times her husband was it was a.
01:43:16 Very important person.
01:43:21 Very important.
01:43:22 So he and he's working now.
01:43:26 For Al Grey al, well, Al Grey is so he pulls the strings. It's all New Jersey mob. Where do you think Al J Al Al Gray was born right outside of Atlantic City. My husband was born in Atlantic City. Sheehan's father was in the.
01:43:42 You remember that big concert that they had back in the 60s where everybody was smoking pot and they were doing experiments on young people?
01:43:52 They they had all the public.
01:43:54 Well, guess who's who did all the flying in of all the bands and the drug dealers and everything who arranged it all.
Speaker 4
01:43:54 Yeah, I forget the.Speaker 7
01:43:55 Name of it.Speaker 5
01:44:03 General Sheehan's father.Speaker 7
01:44:05 Ohh, Woodstock. You talk a.Speaker 5
01:44:05 Now this is the head, Woodstock, Woodstock, NY.Devon
01:44:11 So these same people that she's talking about.01:44:15 We're flying people into Woodstock.
01:44:19 And doing, you know, social and and drug.
01:44:22 Experiments on the people that attended Woodstock.
Speaker 5
01:44:24 That's where he's from now.01:44:26 Isn't that unusual that the head of NATO?
01:44:30 Would be and his brother is doing all kinds of weapons deals and.
01:44:35 The head of NATO.01:44:40 It really is global ****.
Speaker 5
01:44:48 Selling things to the military.01:44:51 And I went to his wife's home. They lived in the Virginia House after my husband disappeared.
Speaker 4
01:44:57 What was Woodstock kind of in a?Speaker 5
01:44:59 Of course the testing.Speaker 4
01:45:04 A an experiment.Speaker 5
01:45:05 Of course, the testing ground for dog.Devon
01:45:10 It's strongly with that part of the file.01:45:11 For some reason.
01:45:13 All right, next clip.
Speaker 5
01:45:17 I think even little David.01:45:25 I think even little David Koresh was used because he had a a Mossad.
01:45:31 He had an Israeli agent.
01:45:33 They always get away, don't they?
01:45:35 The Israelis always are in there, but they get away, don't they?
01:45:41 Again, if if only she knew about 911, I guess she probably does now, or she's no longer with.01:45:46 Us, who knows the.
01:45:49 I I tried to find information on that to see because I knew that there was an ATF agent embedded with the Branch Davidians.
01:45:58 UMI don't remember his name and I didn't have time to find out if he had some kind of Jewish connection or something that if that's who she was talking about or or someone else or whatever.
01:46:09 But she's basically implying that even with the the Branch Davidians and David Koresh, there was a Mossad agent involved.
01:46:16 Again, I don't know.
01:46:17 I I couldn't find it to verify it, but I also didn't have a lot of time to.
01:46:20 Look, because this is one of the last clips here.
01:46:23 Alright, coming to this is the next one.
Speaker 5
01:46:28 The anybody who is Jewish is automatically a member of the Army, the the armed Israeli Army.01:46:38 They have a joint relationship.
01:46:40 How can they be loyal to America?
01:46:43 If they will shoot ships like the liberty and it's covered up. I dated Lawrence, Guice's son, when I was a teen.
01:46:54 Your about the time I I went out with with your the governor, the governor here.
01:47:00 And John Engler, I'm sure if he's if he was in the ROTC class, I dated him.
Speaker 4
01:47:00 John engler.Speaker 5
01:47:07 And I I got letters from him.01:47:08 I he's a really seemed like a really nice guy.
01:47:11 But I my love at that time was Tom Williamson.
01:47:14 OK.Speaker 5
01:47:15 And Tom Williamson was a yaley his his real father was killed in World War 2.01:47:23 His mother, who was a Ballantine, Admiral Valentine's daughter, a wonderful person.
01:47:29 Married Lawrence Guice.
01:47:32 Who was?
01:47:34 A captain and then he became an Admiral.
01:47:37 And I went to the change of command.
01:47:39 To the forest.
01:47:40 I really did like that family very much.
01:47:44 And being a Norfolk girl, old Norfolk, you know, Grandfather was in naval intelligence.
01:47:49 He retired a captain in the reserves.
01:47:51 Military doctor, very prominent family, you know, and I live next door to my grandparents.
01:47:57 I was sort of the.
01:47:58 Good to to date.
01:47:59 This girl.
01:48:00 You know, she's a lot of fun and stuff.
01:48:03 So I dated Tom and I went to Yale to visit him and so forth with Bob Tate and and some of the guys up there.
01:48:13 Captain Guy, Admiral.
01:48:14 Guys took over the command of the forestall.
01:48:19 He was the head of the whole.
01:48:24 Everything for the military when the liberty.
01:48:28 Was bombarded by the Israelis.
01:48:28 Wasn't too.Speaker 5
01:48:31 And I one of my best friends, Josie Lennon, Josie Toth Lennon.01:48:37 You talk about a wonderful.
01:48:40 She's been through a lot, woman.
01:48:44 I've learned a lot of information from her.
01:48:48 Josie's brother was on that ship.
Speaker 4
01:48:51 Did he survive?Speaker 5
01:48:51 Of course, no.01:48:52 He was murdered.
01:48:54 He was a rising star.
01:48:56 Brilliant young boy.
Speaker 4
01:48:57 I think about 30.01:48:58 Some guys died on the S liberties.
01:49:00 Right.Speaker 5
01:49:00 He was one of them.01:49:01 It's now being run by a group that's holding it down.
01:49:04 Do you know they don't?
01:49:06 They don't want it.
01:49:07 Why don't you, those Israelis and and yet every Jewish person who's in the military is a member of that?
01:49:16 Army, whatever it is now, something is very strange here.
01:49:23 You have the whole state department.
01:49:25 Not one Christian, not one Protestant.
01:49:28 In an in the Near East section, not one Moslem.
01:49:32 Why not?
01:49:33 They have Jews there.
01:49:34 We have Muslims in the Navy.
01:49:35 Why are there no Muslims in the Near East section?
01:49:38 State Department why are there no born again Christians or real honest people who are not under some chain of command?
01:49:45 Why don't we have anybody who can decide right and wrong, who has to be interpreted, you know?
01:49:51 Something is strange when you have a State department that is run by Israel.
01:49:56 There's something really strange.
01:49:57 It's no wonder there's no peace.
01:50:05 Do they want peace?
01:50:07 They want to control.
01:50:09 All those little countries around there.
01:50:14 And again, this is before 9/11.01:50:20 And she's saying that that the entire State Department is overrun with Jews.
01:50:26 And that she in fact, that one clip that I apparently didn't.
01:50:29 I don't think I clipped out.
01:50:31 She went down to the State Department.
01:50:32 While you know, while she was still.
01:50:34 You know.
01:50:35 Part of polite society.
01:50:37 And wanted to tour the the Near East.
01:50:41 In other words, like the Middle East part of the State Department.
01:50:46 And she said that.
01:50:48 There were literally like every single person, there was Jewish.
01:50:53 Every single person.
01:50:56 And they had pictures of Israel on the wall, and she said that they had all kinds of documents written in Yiddish or, you know, whatever.
01:51:06 What it what it in Jew talk.
01:51:10 And you're writing.
01:51:12 And she was just shocked because there wasn't a single Christian, and there wasn't.
01:51:17 A single Muslim.
01:51:20 It was 100 percent, 100% Jewish.
01:51:24 And the entire look that's spread the entire State Department now is I don't, it's not 100% Jewish, but it's pretty ******* Jewish now.
Speaker 5
01:51:32 Do you all I want to get this straight.01:51:34 Do you all?
01:51:34 Mean to tell me?
01:51:36 That you all are for the murder of a man who wants peace in the Middle East.
01:51:43 Just you know.
01:51:46 OK, so apparently I accidentally clipped this wrong.01:51:49 So she goes to a dinner.
01:51:52 And with some.
01:51:53 Of the other wives.
01:51:55 And they go to pray over their food.
01:51:58 And it's right after the assassination of an Israeli Prime Minister.
01:52:03 And I looked him up.
01:52:06 Let's bring him up here.
01:52:09 It was.
01:52:12 Yitzhak Yitzak Rob Rabin.
01:52:17 And he was assassinated and she said that right after the assassination, she's at this dinner and one of the wives says thank you, Jesus, for killing, killing this evil man.
01:52:27 And she shocked one because she's Christian and and defended her sensibilities.
01:52:32 But also because he was actually trying to reach a peaceful agreement with Arafat.
01:52:40 But the same gang that runs our military intelligence runs our intelligence community.
01:52:47 Much of our country at this point was heavily involved and still is with the Likud party.
01:52:55 In Israel.
01:52:58 The people that were most likely and maybe with in coordination with our people over here, responsible for the assassination.
01:53:09 Because his plan of peace was not in step with their Greater Israel project.
01:53:15 And well, the rest is history, right?
01:53:23 Anywho, there's a lot more to it than that, but that's about an hour of clips that we've.
01:53:28 Gone through.
01:53:29 And like I said that this this whole interview is about 7 hours.
01:53:33 There's some parts where she's just holding up photos and stuff like that.
01:53:36 So I in terms of actual talking, it's probably more like.
01:53:40 Oh, it's still long.
01:53:41 It's probably over.
01:53:41 It's probably around six hours.
01:53:44 But I I highly recommend it if you ever have like a long road trip, you can just listen to it.
01:53:51 And it's.
01:53:54 It's kind of crazy. And like I said, she's been missing since 2005.
01:54:02 So who knows?
01:54:03 Whatever happened to her?
01:54:04 All right.
01:54:05 So anyway, let me take a look at chat here.
01:54:09 Hopefully that was enlightening to some.
01:54:15 Alright, go to.
01:54:18 Super chats.
01:54:21 Oh, we got a nice big, fat $100 super chat from Magic Tech.
01:54:29 Well, I enjoy that too. I'm glad you. You must have really enjoyed it for $100. I appreciate that.
01:54:36 $4 from ******** fagot thoughts on Davos the World Economic Forum, as well as Klaus Schwab banning Russia and Putin from their meetings.
01:54:46 You know, I mean that's.
01:54:48 He he's as far.
01:54:50 As I can tell, he's like the antithesis of the World Economic Forum right now.
01:54:54 So kind of makes sense that they would.
01:54:57 They would ban him.
01:54:59 I mean, it's honestly it kind of feels like the World Economic Forum is, is just like a extension of all this stuff.
01:55:07 We've been reviewing it.
01:55:09 It's it's like the intelligentsia.
01:55:11 Of this group, I mean what she's talking about specifically is kind of like the enforcement arm of these people.
01:55:17 Right.
01:55:18 Like that's the culture of the global **** enforcement arm.
01:55:25 And I think the.
01:55:27 You know, the Davo stuff is just that's just the the think tank.
01:55:32 Of the global ****.
01:55:34 Enforce or global hobo.
01:55:42 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:55:43 Grand solar minimum.
01:55:46 Is that is that today?
01:55:51 You need to say more than just what it I don't know.
01:55:53 Let me search it.
01:55:55 Grand solar minimum.
01:56:00 I have so many tabs open, it's so ridiculous.
01:56:03 Like but I can have one more apparently.
01:56:11 Grand solar minimum.
01:56:15 That's not the day.
01:56:26 When is that?
01:56:26 I mean, you're talking about the the.
01:56:27 Solar cycle.
01:56:29 But only that happens today.
01:56:34 Or where is it?
01:56:38 You know that's not supposed to happen until.
01:56:44 Yeah, we're we're still on the way to that.
01:56:45 I don't know what year they're they're saying.
01:56:51 It's somewhere between now and.
01:56:56 What 2053? That doesn't sound right. That's not right, because I think it's like an 11 year cycle, right anyway.
01:57:02 Yes, grand Solar minimum $1.00 from poopy stinky turd **** you ever seen the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie from the from 1990? It explore the relationship between fathers and sons.
01:57:17 Brotherhood and false fathers.
01:57:18 I feel like this would be a really good film to review.
01:57:21 It has a good message.
01:57:23 Kind of reminds me of they live in its positive propaganda.
01:57:27 Really, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
01:57:30 I mean, I don't.
01:57:30 Know it's and I did see it like when I was like a real little kid.
01:57:36 But I I don't remember much about it except where.
01:57:38 I was, yeah.
01:57:39 Even as a little.
01:57:40 Kid, I wanted to be in special effects.
01:57:41 And I remember being very impressed by the the rubber suits.
01:57:44 They had those Asian people wear when they were dressed up as turtles.
01:57:49 And the animatronic faces and stuff.
01:57:51 But yeah, maybe.
01:57:53 All right, I'm sure the soundtrack is awful.
01:57:58 Don't care 150 a 7 hour stream? No, no, I'm not going to do a 7 hour stream. Although I did consider well again maybe.
01:58:06 Maybe I'll surprise you guys for next stream.
01:58:10 And and oh, and space Internet didn't show up that I find our tracking number. It was supposed to be here today, but anytime something's supposed to be here on a Saturday, it's not here till Monday, at least.
01:58:21 So I was hoping maybe they would actually deliver it when they said this time.
01:58:27 But but it's not so.
01:58:30 And we might be changing times around if if it shows up on Monday, I'll let you guys know before Wednesday if anything's going to get switched around.
01:58:38 Magic Tech $50.00 of being very generous tonight, Sneed, indeed.
01:58:44 Appreciate that.
01:58:46 Don't care 150. Wait. The military is gay. Always has been.
01:58:51 Yeah. Well, I mean, like the Navy's always been gay.
01:58:56 But apparently the military got super gay post World War 2.
01:59:01 $5 the thin red line Lady Kay was the wife of a high-ranking officer. That's right, General George Griggs.
01:59:12 I think it was.
01:59:12 Yeah, I think it was George Griggs.
01:59:15 $1.00 the thin red line. I saw this interview, but what is her name? Maybe you could post a link. Her name is Kay Griggs. Griggs.
01:59:25 Kay Griggs.
01:59:26 In fact, it's still on YouTube.
01:59:30 And it's, I would imagine people have put it on bit shoot and maybe even odyssey, if not someone should put it on Odyssey.
01:59:38 They they have made it hard, like if.
01:59:40 You search.
01:59:42 U2 for K Griggs there should be like thousands of results, but I think that at the very least, the seven hour long version does come up. But it was also recently uploaded.
01:59:54 I know that just a few years ago when I first saw this, there were lots and lots of videos on this, and of course YouTube is.
02:00:03 Destroy the algorithm you can find.
02:00:05 By the way, a little trick.
02:00:07 If you want to actually find stuff that's on YouTube.
02:00:11 That their algorithm doesn't want you to find, just use another.
02:00:16 In fact, even if you use Yahoo, if you use Yahoo and just search and then you know click the video tab, you'll usually find that's how I found.
02:00:25 There's so many things like where I know the I.
02:00:27 Know the title of the video.
02:00:29 And you type it into YouTube search and it doesn't come up, but then you type it into Yahoo and it comes right up.
02:00:36 So being search engines.
02:00:39 No longer don't use DuckDuckGo anymore.
02:00:42 DuckDuckGo has decided to deprioritize what they call Russian propaganda, so they're they're deciding for you now what information?
02:00:52 They're they're basically being Googled.
02:00:55 I can't vouch for it yet, I just switched it over to until I can find more about it.
02:01:01 I switched my search over to brave.
02:01:04 There's their search engine.
02:01:07 You know, and so until we find.
02:01:09 Out something bad about them and.
02:01:11 I'm sure we will.
02:01:13 I at least don't use DuckDuckGo.
02:01:15 **** them, I mean.
02:01:16 It's run by a Jew.
02:01:17 Anyway, and it was only a matter.
02:01:20 Of time before.
02:01:20 They chewed it.
02:01:21 So there you go.
02:01:24 Uh, whoops, it updated again.
02:01:29 1488 from Magnus von Thule. Appreciate it.
02:01:34 1488 from Magic tech. Appreciate it.
02:01:37 $26 from soy pilled I've been dying to ask you. Pizza Gate questions ever since I found out I've been following you since the old vote.
02:01:48 I remember vote.
02:01:49 For him.
02:01:49 But now that you brought it up, did you think Brad Valentini?
02:01:55 I mean, John Podesta took Madeleine McCann.
02:01:59 I'll recap the details.
02:02:01 Next super chat.
02:02:02 Now I know what you're talking about.
02:02:05 Tell you what.
Speaker 10
02:02:06 I don't know.Devon
02:02:08 I tried to.02:02:09 Find convincing evidence of that when that was going around, I'll bring up The Wanted thing.
02:02:18 Just because?
02:02:19 Well, here's a test of brave search engine.
02:02:21 Let's see if brave actually.
02:02:23 Brings up what you think it's going to do.
02:02:28 John podesta.
02:02:30 Because there there was a.
02:02:34 So here it is.
02:02:34 This is real, by the way.
02:02:37 This is John Podesta.
02:02:40 And his brother Tony Podesta.
02:02:46 Next to the.
02:02:54 And they're not mug shots, but the the.
02:02:57 What do you call them?
02:02:58 Basically like The Wanted posters.
02:03:00 Of the guys that kidnap Madeleine McCann or McCann, I think it's McCann.
02:03:07 And look.
02:03:10 I don't know.
02:03:14 We know that John and Tony Podesta are both creepy pedophiles.
02:03:19 That's pretty much confirmed.
02:03:22 But I don't know.
02:03:23 I was trying to find something that would place them at least.
02:03:28 Either either place them not in Europe, right, like so.
02:03:32 You could kind of disprove it, right?
02:03:35 Or place them in Europe or just maybe in the vicinity.
02:03:39 And I don't recall the details. I just remember being not 100% convinced.
02:03:45 So uhm, I'd have to dig into that again.
02:03:49 But, I mean, they look like the.
02:03:50 I mean, they look like the suspects, but I mean, you know, who knows, right?
02:03:59 $24.00 from soy, piled again all his emails for the month she was taken were wiped. OK. Yeah, I do remember that that is true.
02:04:06 One of his last emails before the white placed him at a property he owned 1/3 of a mile away from where she was taken.
02:04:14 I do remember something about that and and also him hanging out with I I want to say.
02:04:20 Freud's heir? Right, wasn't it? He was hanging out.
02:04:25 With like the granddaughter of Freud, or I think it was the granddaughter of Freud.
02:04:31 And then there was those efit sketches that looked exactly like John and Tony.
02:04:37 Was any of it ******** or all legit?
02:04:39 Yeah, I don't know.
02:04:41 I said I remember at the time not wanting to go 100% with that.
02:04:47 But there is, and there's certainly circumstantial evidence.
02:04:51 But I don't know.
02:04:53 Why I wasn't I wasn't super confident this.
02:04:55 You're talking about that several years?
02:04:57 Well, I.
02:04:57 Mean at least.
02:04:58 Six years ago, right.
02:05:01 But the.
02:05:04 I mean, look, the resemblance, it's it is a little uncanny, right?
02:05:10 I mean.
02:05:13 But I mean I I don't know, but I don't know.
02:05:18 Shan and by the way, the things you said, they are true.
02:05:22 I do remember those that that checking out.
02:05:25 So there is circumstantial evidence.
02:05:30 Public facing guy and I, I was trying to find, like I said, like maybe him doing a media appearance or something.
02:05:39 Like during that time frame, that would make it impossible for him to be in two places.
02:05:42 At once but.
02:05:44 I do remember something about that his emails being wiped out for that whole month.
02:05:50 So yeah.
02:05:55 A spider will have up to 1000 babies at a time. They blow away with the wind and without ever being thought that they know how to spin webs.
02:06:05 Or without even being taught, I think you meant they they know how to spin webs, right?
02:06:11 Well, I think when people say that like, oh, there's nothing to genetics, you know, every it's all, it's all nurture.
02:06:17 It's not nature. Well, then explain how A4 legged horse drops out of a or giraffe even drops out.
02:06:24 Like newborn giraffe.
02:06:26 With its wacky.
02:06:28 Anatomy is, is prancing around and walking around and and is somewhat autonomous just hours after being born.
02:06:41 And they've done experiments with squids, too, where they have a genetic memory where they've they've they've made squids go through.
02:06:50 Like mazes and **** like that.
02:06:52 And then they they breed the squid and the offspring.
02:06:56 Already knows how to get through the maze.
02:07:01 Explain that.
02:07:05 There's absolutely a genetic memory.
02:07:11 Absolutely. This idea like look.
02:07:14 I know where it comes from.
02:07:16 I know that people have a heart like a lot of religious people especially have a hard time squaring.
02:07:23 That we are not.
02:07:26 They, they. They.Devon
02:07:27 They because they see and they should, right?02:07:30 They see humans as something.
02:07:32 That they are above.
02:07:33 We're above animals and we are and that's a perfectly healthy.
02:07:37 In fact, that's a crucial point of view to have.
02:07:42 But somewhere along the line, because people used to, I mean people always.
02:07:46 Believe that, right?
02:07:47 I mean, since the *******.
02:07:50 You know, since Genesis right, it's.
02:07:54 Wasn't the controversial thought.
02:07:59 Yeah, I had to clear my.
02:08:00 Throat there for a second?
02:08:03 But somewhere along the line and again remember, I was saying that like something happened late seven, it was probably.
02:08:07 Like, that's probably what happened, right?
02:08:09 Where all of a sudden.
02:08:11 Not only were we we above.
02:08:14 But we were like a separate.
02:08:16 Entity like somehow the the laws of biology that apply to other mammals couldn't possibly apply to us.
02:08:24 But that's all ********, of course.
02:08:28 $5 magitech play this well. Let's see.
02:08:33 What this is?
02:08:37 I'll started downloading and I'll see what it is when it downloads.
02:08:47 Uh, $5 thin red line. Great stream, real black pill. DC classic.
02:08:55 A pity with all the buffering though.
02:08:58 Was it the stream should have been buffering.
02:09:02 Maybe it was.
02:09:02 I dropped a lot of.
02:09:03 Frames I dropped a couple of frames.
02:09:05 It shouldn't be too bad.
02:09:07 The replay should work fine, but yeah, there were a few instances where the file wasn't playing right.
02:09:14 Hopefully it wasn't too terrible, it's just that the the software didn't like the seven hour.
02:09:21 Video file.
02:09:25 $4.00 retired Fagot. Yet Alex Jones won't even dare name them. I love the good work he has done, but that's no excuse for his.
02:09:34 For this, well, I like I've said before.
02:09:40 Look in this, maybe this is all it is.
02:09:43 He's got family members that are Jewish.
02:09:46 And I have.
02:09:48 I have encountered people that either are Jewish or have family members that are Jewish, that really because.
02:09:56 This is the ****** ** thing because they are aware of the.
02:10:01 The **** that you know that not all Jews collectively but that many Jews have done.
02:10:08 And because they're aware of the history of what happens when Europeans figure out.
02:10:16 This what they're up to.
02:10:21 They it, it's a defensive thing.
02:10:24 It's a defensive thing.
02:10:26 They they literally think, well, if this gets out that you know it's going to be.
02:10:32 It's going to be.
02:10:33 Another Holocaust.
02:10:34 You know what I mean?
02:10:34 Like and.
02:10:39 You know, it is what it is.
02:10:41 It is what it is.
02:10:42 I don't know.
02:10:42 And look, I don't know.
02:10:43 I've never talked to Alex Jones about this kind of stuff.
02:10:47 I've I've in fact I've only talked to.
02:10:49 Him twice and.
02:10:50 Both times it was on the air, so everyone.
02:10:52 Can watch it.
02:10:53 What I said to them.
02:10:55 And and in fact that one time I, one of the times.
02:10:57 I think maybe the.
02:10:57 Last time I talked to him, he.
02:10:59 Got very nervous when I started talking about you.
02:11:03 Know the because.
02:11:04 It was about the bird box video that got banned and which was great that he had me on it and ended up they unbanned YouTube?
02:11:11 Unbanned in fact, it was weird.
02:11:13 But the.
02:11:16 You know, I I kept mentioning how the movie repeatedly showed evil white guy.
02:11:21 Oh, wonderful black guy.
02:11:23 And he got really uncomfortable when I was bringing race into into the issue.
02:11:27 But, you know, whatever.
02:11:33 Yeah, there's no way he doesn't know this stuff.
02:11:35 I mean, ****, Speaking of which?
02:11:37 That guy that he used to have on his show all the.
02:11:39 Time is part of this gang.
02:11:42 What's his name?
02:11:44 Isn't it, Steve something.
02:11:47 Steve, I'm gonna look at normal chat.
02:11:49 Do you guys know what I'm talking about?
02:11:50 That the the old guy that goes on?
02:11:52 Alex Jones, who's who used to work for Nixon and Kissinger.
02:11:59 And in fact.
02:12:02 He was the guy they used for Technik or.
02:12:07 Yeah, technik.
02:12:09 So, I mean, one of his regular guests is literally part of this.
02:12:13 Group she's talking about.
02:12:15 Like literally.
02:12:19 He's he's literally a part of that group.
02:12:26 He just is.
02:12:29 So you know.
02:12:32 His boss was Kissinger, a guy that was was abusing?
02:12:38 Boys and was going to the fad parties and he's he's a Jewish Zionist that worked in psychological operations.
02:12:51 He's literally he was like a big guy in this group.
02:12:54 She's talking about, like, no question about it and he's a frequent guest or that he that he suddenly have a change of heart.
02:13:02 Oh, and by the way.
Speaker 11
02:13:03 Who is who is Steve?Devon
02:13:04 Really pushing hard at the during the election.02:13:06 Trump, I don't know if you guys remember this **** Drudge.
02:13:12 The night before.
02:13:14 The election.
02:13:18 Embedded a video at the top of of the Drudge Report page.
02:13:23 Of Steve.
02:13:24 In black and white, looking very serious saying some Q Anon type ****.
02:13:32 Like I don't know if you guys remember that then it was like the night before the election.
02:13:37 I'll tell you that video actually.
02:13:39 So I had friends because that I was supporting Trump.
02:13:42 At the time I was trying to get him elected.
02:13:44 I was maiming and all this other stuff.
02:13:45 And I had a lot of friends that were on the fence.
02:13:48 Oh, he's, you know, like stupid friends that, you know, he's a racist, but you know.
02:13:51 That kind of stupid ****, right?
02:13:54 Like people that that were that voted for Romney and, you know, they hated the Democrats, but they they also.
02:14:03 Still believe the media for a.
02:14:04 Lot of reasons or for some reason.
02:14:07 And when they saw that cause, they love Drudge, right?
02:14:09 Like a lot of a lot of.
02:14:10 Conservatives love Drudge or did.
02:14:14 Until Drudge, Drudge didn't.
02:14:15 Get invited to the White House and.
02:14:16 And being a gay, Jews, drudge, also a gay Jew, probably also part of this same thing, right?
02:14:24 So he embeds a video of Steve, Steve saying that you need to elect Trump because there's a war going on in the deep state and the deep state is trying to, you know, take over and and he, you know, it was literally like queue type ****.
02:14:42 And he and he promoted Q for a while.
02:14:48 In fact, he promoted he on Infowars said.
02:14:54 That Trump would would remain president.
02:15:00 And we all.
02:15:00 Had to go down for January 6th.
02:15:08 He was he was 100%.
02:15:11 A part of this.
02:15:13 And so were so are everyone else around?
02:15:18 The kushners.
02:15:19 Notice how she keeps talking about the New Jersey mafia.
02:15:22 Who do you ******* think the Kushners are?
Speaker 1
02:15:27 Literally, the New Jersey Jewish mafia.Devon
02:15:36 These people she's talking about, this was Maga.02:15:54 OK, let's see here.
02:16:00 $1.00 thin red line. Devon maybe should start streaming at Cozy TV as well, so that if one is buffering, the other one might work. Was it really buffering a lot? I don't think that.
02:16:11 I don't know. Maybe it was I I mean on my side. It wasn't. I dropped. I did drop, like, like, the entire time. I've dropped 92 frames.
02:16:19 Which isn't very many for like you know, that's like 3 seconds for out of over 2 hours.
02:16:25 And about half those that happens just when you start streaming it, it drops like a bunch right at the beginning, so.
02:16:31 On my end, it should have been OK.
02:16:35 But your people are saying you're not the only one, so maybe it.
02:16:38 Was buffering a lot.
02:16:41 Which is a shame. Uh?
02:16:46 Take a look.
02:16:47 Here $5 Ryan is cool. Hey, Devin. Nice to finally catch this live. I've been in the Marines for almost nine years, but they are kicking me out for not getting the vaccine. Now that just updated.
02:17:01 Let me scroll back down.
02:17:07 Kicking me out for not getting vaccinated.
02:17:09 Oh well, **** them.
02:17:10 I'm not on their side anyways.
02:17:12 Well, I mean right, you mean.
02:17:14 You're you're not on on.
02:17:16 On their side.
02:17:19 You're not on.
02:17:22 Their side.
02:17:28 I love it.
02:17:32 No, I get you.
02:17:33 I mean it's it's that just goes to show you.
02:17:37 I mean giving, putting a vaccine, your arm.
02:17:40 No big deal.
02:17:41 Look at this.
02:17:41 All this other **** they're having.
02:17:43 You know, the seals do and stuff.
02:17:46 GMZ you should look up or look up the 200 goat heads that were found in Georgia or found in a Georgia River. Really graceful covered this recently that fits the last videos you've done recently.
02:18:00 200 goat heads found in a Georgia river.
02:18:05 I think she's from Georgia.
02:18:06 That's probably why she heard of it.
02:18:07 But yeah, that didn't make national news.
02:18:10 Let me look up.
02:18:13 Let me look that up.
02:18:16 200 goat deads just to look for 200 goat heads.
02:18:27 I don't see I've got 200 gallons, Georgia.
02:18:41 Well, I mean, I'm.
02:18:41 Sure, there's something it might just be like a local news thing.
02:18:44 That's not.
02:18:46 Coming up, but I and nothing's popping up here.
02:18:50 I I'll check it out later or you can send me a link or something but.
02:18:58 All right. Thin red line. Veruca salt. A few seconds ago I tipped $25.00, but I don't see it here.
02:19:05 Yeah, I don't see it here unless it might still it.
02:19:10 It's doing weird update things.
02:19:12 I'll refresh it.
02:19:13 It hasn't been behaving the last couple of strings.
02:19:16 My brother and best friend who's been a follower of yours since 2016, is very ill. He's been hospitalized for a week, not corona related.
02:19:26 Would you mind saying hello and wishing him well?
02:19:28 His name is Dave.
02:19:29 I know it would.
02:19:30 I'm assuming.
02:19:31 All right, Dave, we're all pulling for you and no ********.
02:19:35 Everyone out there.
02:19:36 Pray for Dave to to pull through and.
02:19:42 We wish you well.
02:19:45 It's never fun.
02:19:46 Going to hospital is never fun for any reason.
02:19:51 But yeah, everyone pray for Dave and.
02:19:55 And hopefully you'll you'll be.
02:19:56 Out of there in no time.
02:19:58 Artifact $1.00 Patchett Nick was also saying that built that ******** about all the votes are in the blockchain and all the vote fraud will be revealed.
02:20:09 And then you had that shriveled old not talking about releasing the crack in.
02:20:16 It was all theater for custard boomers.
02:20:19 Right.
02:20:19 No, he was.
02:20:20 He was saying, oh, yeah, you know, the voting fraud.
02:20:23 Don't worry.
02:20:24 We have some.
02:20:24 Like, he was just throwing out buzzwords.
02:20:26 The boomers sound thinker sound cool like block.
02:20:30 And Watermark and you know it's all going to be revealed.
02:20:33 And yeah, he was pushing custard ****.
02:20:36 Like crazy.
02:20:39 And of course, none of that materialized.
02:20:40 He's inside.
02:20:41 He's literally.
02:20:42 It's on his resume.
02:20:45 Like, it's not like a conspiracy.
02:20:47 He's literally a psychological operations guy who worked directly for the people.
02:20:54 That's that Kay Griggs was discussing this this in this interview.
02:21:01 Same like literally.
02:21:04 He's one of those guys.
02:21:09 And so I don't.
02:21:10 Know why anyone gives them a platform to be honest.
02:21:13 UM.
02:21:16 Mkultra Matt guy. You got to see this reporter going hard on ice cube about his anti-Semitic Rep.
02:21:24 It's a Facebook link though.
02:21:27 I mean I I don't know see if I can download it from one of those Facebook video downloading sites but.
02:21:33 He ended up.
02:21:35 So I kind of, I mean you know.
02:21:40 I'm pretty sure he that I'm apologizing now.
02:21:43 He look ice cube and I ******* hate ice cube, by the way.
02:21:47 For for totally different reasons, for probably stupid reasons, but.
02:21:54 Because back in.
02:21:54 The day well, it's.
02:21:56 It's whatever.
02:22:00 Let's just say he's a.
02:22:04 He steal, he steals other people's work.
02:22:10 Alright, let me download this.
02:22:13 Like I said, no promises on this one.
02:22:16 But I will start it downloading.
02:22:19 It's going to take a while because it's.
02:22:21 Facebook $1.00 ******** ****** play this.
02:22:29 Well, I don't know about that.
02:22:35 You guys are sending me videos I have not all that things huge.
02:22:40 We're going to download like 100 megs. That's never going to get here.
02:22:46 And $5 artifact wishing Dave well as as I am too. I'm going to refresh chat because.
02:22:52 Like I said, it's all.
02:22:54 I think it's all funky.
02:22:56 You know, I've probably missed a few.
02:23:01 It's OK.
02:23:02 You know, it's a work in progress, I'm sure the.
02:23:06 I'm sure the the people over at Odyssey will.
02:23:11 We'll get on that.
02:23:16 Where did my odyssey window go now?
02:23:17 I don't even.
02:23:18 Know I got all these.
02:23:19 Stupid freaking windows open now.
02:23:27 That's not it.
02:23:30 It's this one with all the bajillion tabs, and I'm going to refresh the.
02:23:36 The page here.
02:23:40 Alright, pop out chat again.
02:23:46 Alright, what do we got here?
02:23:48 Let me see if I let's see if I'm I'm and Dave.
02:23:51 Just so you know, if you're listening, you're getting lots of.
02:23:53 Love and chat.
02:23:54 Or I'm going through the the Super chats now and seeing if I missed any.
02:24:00 Of them real quick.
02:24:03 No, that looks legit.
02:24:05 Looks legit.
02:24:07 UM everything. So far so good.
02:24:13 Looks like a good.Devon
02:24:16 Pretty sure we got all that.02:24:20 Yeah, that's all.
02:24:22 Alright, so we didn't miss any.
02:24:23 All right, well, I've got a regular chat.
02:24:25 Let's see if those videos download.
02:24:27 Let's see what horrific **** you guys sent me.
02:24:34 On the Russian military March, well, it's long.
02:24:39 I don't know.
02:24:39 Maybe we'll play it for the video of another stream or something.
02:24:42 I already got stuff loaded up, though.
02:24:44 And what was?
02:24:44 The other one you guys sent me here?
02:24:47 There was the.
02:24:53 The Facebook video, where did that?
02:24:55 Go. OK guys, so maybe.Devon
02:24:58 Oh, this is that same one, you guys.02:24:59 Were sending me.
02:25:00 Oh, no, that's a different one.
02:25:02 By the way, I checked out, this is the bit **** one you guys sent.
02:25:05 I think last stream and I did check it out and watch it.
02:25:08 It's just it is a little Q and naughty.
02:25:11 It's Rothschild splurging out about Ukraine, but it's like, you know, it's it's again, it's this thing.
02:25:20 Like, oh, they're all.
02:25:21 In panic mode, it's like.
02:25:22 They're not, I.
02:25:24 What did we just watch?
02:25:25 They they weren't panic in panic mode.
02:25:27 Then they're not in panic mode now.
02:25:30 They're pretty much unopposed.
02:25:33 Is there tons of bad **** that was probably happening in Ukraine from these people?
02:25:37 Yeah, probably probably.
02:25:40 But uh.
02:25:42 Doesn't mean anything.
02:25:44 Alright, you sent me a.
02:25:48 That big file was a Infowars segment.
Speaker 11
02:25:53 All right.Devon
02:25:55 I'll call your.02:25:56 What is this?
02:25:57 What is this?
02:25:58 Let me see if it will load up real quick.
02:26:00 Or if it will freak out sometimes invite the render it.
02:26:03 We're not watching it.
02:26:04 All right?
02:26:04 It's not super long, alright?
02:26:06 I don't know what this is, but it's it's Infowars.
02:26:11 So we're going to find out together.
02:26:18 Hide the ******.
02:26:21 The trinian chief.
02:26:27 And the.
02:26:30 Kabbalah demon again?
02:26:36 It makes you it should.
02:26:38 Give you pause.
02:26:42 The Tucker Carlson on multiple occasions has worn A Kabbalah bracelet on the.
02:26:49 That's not, that's not a.
02:26:50 Conspiracy theory?
02:26:51 He's been asked about it.
02:26:54 I have video of.
02:26:55 It I don't think on this computer because it's, you know, this is I'm still on the the backup computer.
02:27:03 But but yeah.
Speaker 11
02:27:08 Let's go to Justin in Florida, who disagrees first on this Friday edition.02:27:14 Thank you for calling.
Speaker 6
02:27:16 Hey, Alex, how's it going?02:27:17 Love you, man.
02:27:18 Love the show, especially love.
02:27:21 Your true nation.
02:27:22 And it was because.
02:27:22 Of that, that.
02:27:23 I I experienced my own personal enlightenment.
02:27:28 But I have.
02:27:28 To I have to call you out.
02:27:31 I hate doing.
02:27:32 This because understand.
Speaker 11
02:27:32 I don't mind.02:27:33 I love it.
02:27:33 I love it.
02:27:34 In fact, I'm I'm wrong about a lot of stuff.
02:27:35 So tell me what's going on.
Speaker 6
02:27:37 It's a very.02:27:39 Complicated dichotomy, which is the new world order that we all face and the thing that I realized that I understand.
02:27:45 You know, you you got to be real careful.
02:27:47 The line you walk and I'm.
02:27:48 Not sure whether you're.
02:27:49 Doing it to avoid ridicule or because you're afraid of the the programming.
02:27:57 That has that the the public.
02:27:59 Is currently under.
02:28:00 From the mainstream media.
02:28:01 But you know you're the most prolific prolific dot connector I've I've ever heard in my entire life.
02:28:07 But there's one dot that you just you never seem to connect or seem to.
02:28:12 Avoid it at all costs.
02:28:13 And it's it's the the Zionist dot, I mean, you know, as as Christ has said in the Bible Synagogue of Satan, you know, it's the kabbalists which are the new world.
02:28:21 That is the one thing that binds.
02:28:22 Them all and.
02:28:23 You know, keep in mind I'm Jewish by blood.
02:28:25 My family was a rich family.
02:28:26 That there's a different South American founded the city of Medellin.
02:28:29 My family name is located right in between Rothschild and Rockefeller on the list top top 50 families that run the wall.
02:28:36 But you know, Despite that I still cannot get over the fact that every single one that we talk about, George Soros.
02:28:43 When you're talking.
02:28:43 About Rockefeller Rothschild, Bill Gates, they're all cobblestone.
02:28:48 Jewish now I don't.
02:28:49 Know what what kabbalist means in comparison to?
Speaker 11
02:28:51 Well, I mean, I'll tell you this, I try to not make things about what religion people are.02:28:58 And certainly there are a lot of powerful Jews and powerful positions around the world.
02:29:01 Nobody doubts that I see China as a big dominant force.
02:29:04 Remember talking about China buying up four of the.
02:29:06 Big 6 Hollywood.
02:29:07 Production companies 10 years ago, people didn't know that it happened.
02:29:10 They looked.
02:29:10 They're like, oh, Jones is covering up for the.
02:29:12 Jews saying China.
02:29:13 Bought up Hollywood.
02:29:14 I mean, China did.
02:29:16 And so I try to stay out of.
02:29:19 You know, saying Catholics are bad, Catholics aren't bad, and a lot of Catholics are good people.
02:29:23 The Pope is very evil.
02:29:24 He's very bad.
02:29:25 I attacked the Southern Poverty Law Center.
02:29:26 You know it.
02:29:27 It's a big leftist group.
02:29:28 I attacked the ADL.
02:29:29 They're anti free speech.
02:29:30 They're very unamerican.
02:29:32 Mark Zuckerberg has become anti free speech on American I don't attack him because he's a Jew.
02:29:36 Attack him because he's become a an authoritarian.
02:29:39 And so I have callers on like you that want to, you know, talk about Jews.
02:29:43 I mean, that's a that's a real thing that people really enjoy talking about.
02:29:47 It's something they really like to get into.
02:29:50 And you know, I I see the news saying white people are inherently bad.
02:29:54 That's a big hot thing.
02:29:56 You know, being pushed by the left and by a lot of Jewish Jewish organizations.
02:29:59 And last time I checked, I thought Jews look pretty white to me, and it's what I think is there's a racial fetish by elites to play groups off against each other according to religion or race.
02:30:10 And that's used as a divide and conquer mechanism.
02:30:13 So I try not to wade into that.
02:30:16 So that when I'm being called anti-Semitic.
02:30:20 Or racist people have a a problem saying I've done that because I haven't.
02:30:25 I'm just opposing the fruits of the new World order.
02:30:28 I'm opposing the global government takeover trying to have a big tent for everybody here and like you said, you say you're, you know, a Jewish derivation.
02:30:36 I know a lot of Jews that are really nice, smart people.
02:30:39 I also know other Jewish organizations that persecute me and and you know, they do that, but I'm not going to get down on their level.
02:30:47 And and be racially based or religious based like that and, you know, persecute me just because I'm a wasp and I guess somebody was mean to their great, great granddaddy or something.
02:30:55 I I I didn't do that.
02:30:57 So I'm not going to kind of like be Red Skull and they can be Captain America in that scripting in that narrative.
02:31:03 I'm not agreeing to play the part.
02:31:07 Of opposition, I mean, you know, some of the Jewish groups are famous for.
02:31:11 Bombing their own people in Spain after World War 2 and in and in Iraq to make a move to Israel.
02:31:17 You know, that's not very nice, but they they so.
02:31:20 So there's a lot of persecution of Jews by Jews that want to manage their control Jews.
02:31:24 But that's not all Jews, you know, there were a lot of Jews that radiated 10s of thousands of little Jewish children because they were Sephardic, not Ashkenazi.
02:31:32 That's the ringworm children, you know, that's not nice to radiate Jews in some cases.
02:31:38 But again, all these countries are radiating their people and doing eugenics because there's an evil force up above it.
02:31:43 Whether you live in Israel or whether you live in the.
02:31:45 I guess they're trying to make us take deadly poison.
02:31:48 Whether you live in, you know, Chile, or whether you live in Germany.
02:31:52 It's the same global corporate governance that's doing it.
02:31:57 All right.02:31:58 The clip goes on from.
02:31:58 There, but I think.
02:32:00 Here's the thing.
02:32:02 Again, it's hard to know.
02:32:03 It's hard to know if that's really.
02:32:08 Because it just seems like again.
02:32:11 Zionist, which is what?
02:32:13 The guy.
02:32:13 Said on the on the call.
02:32:15 Isn't that's not limited to Jews?
02:32:18 Now obviously, a lot more Zionists are going to be Jews than non Jews.
02:32:24 But a lot of lot of Zionists.
02:32:27 Are not Jews.
02:32:30 And what he's talking about is, is Zionists.
02:32:35 Look, I've heard Alex Jones say he's a Zionist.
02:32:44 I don't know if this is him, just you know.
02:32:49 Again, he has to know about Steve Patnick's background and but again, it's it's not that doesn't confirm anything because it you could just argue, Oh well, that's why he has the guy on. Because like, look at his look at his resume, that's an interesting guest to have.
02:33:04 Yeah, but it's an interesting guest to have.
02:33:06 That's just sitting there propagandizing your audience.
02:33:10 Misleading your audience over and over and over again like it doesn't stop with this guy.
02:33:14 Like every time they have him on it's he's just lies.
02:33:19 And they keep having them on.
02:33:25 So I don't know.
02:33:25 I don't know.
02:33:28 There's there's, you know, I I don't know what's going on in his head.
02:33:32 I just know that he certainly has a reason for a personal bias.
02:33:37 And he certainly has a reason to fear being platformed even further than he already has been.
02:33:46 And yeah, remember this is this is his legacy, right?
02:33:49 This is business.
02:33:51 And he for what?
02:33:53 For what other reason?
02:33:54 I don't know the reason.
02:33:55 But yes, he has obviously decided not to touch that.
02:34:01 Which means.
02:34:03 You're not getting the full truth, especially when you when you start trying to confuse.
02:34:07 Jews as a as if they're it's just a religion, like there's no ethnic component to it.
02:34:17 Well, they they look white to me.
02:34:21 Well, certain albino Africans.
02:34:24 They're still African.
02:34:29 So pretending there's not an ethnic component to it is is silly.
02:34:34 And also pretending as if.
02:34:38 They're not.
02:34:40 Unbelievably, over represented.
02:34:42 I mean it's funny because he names a bunch of these people, right?
02:34:44 The SPLC, the ADL, Mark Zuckerberg, Susan with jiski at at YouTube, I mean, the list goes.
02:34:54 On and on.
02:34:55 In terms of people that have directly.
02:34:59 Affected him.
02:35:04 But look, you know, that's his business, I guess.
02:35:10 You know what I mean?
02:35:11 Like I.
02:35:14 With the little interaction that I've had with him and people that work with him.
02:35:20 I don't get.
02:35:21 An evil vibe from him.
02:35:22 Honestly, I just don't.
02:35:24 I don't get an evil vibe.
02:35:25 From Alex Jones.
02:35:28 I don't agree with this strategy and I don't know if the the.
02:35:36 I don't know if the the motivation behind this strategy is is evil or not.
02:35:41 But he's being dishonest.
02:35:43 But it's it's look, it's.
02:35:44 Lie by omission.
02:35:47 So that you know I can, I can feel good about saying that he's lying by omission when he doesn't mention the Zionist.
02:35:55 Component and trying to play this like oh, I don't you think what Kay Griggs and the interview we just watched?
02:36:05 What did she say?
02:36:06 That they're not religious Jews?
02:36:11 A lot of these guys, they're existentialists or cabalists or whatever, right?
02:36:16 You know, again, it's not like some blanket, you know, all Jews are meeting together and doing this.
02:36:24 It's just that a lot of guys meeting together.
02:36:25 And doing this are Jewish.
02:36:31 And like I said, I think honestly, I really do think because you hear a lot of boomers say this whole, I mean, he's not quite a boomer, he's more Gen.
02:36:38 X, but.
02:36:40 You hear a lot of boomers say, like the whole they're trying to divide us.
02:36:44 They're trying to divide us and it's like, no, ************, they're ramming us together.
02:36:50 You know that's the problem.
02:36:51 I wish they were trying to divide us.
02:36:56 Where's the white section that I can go to?
02:36:58 Divided from the other.
02:36:59 You know what I mean?
02:37:00 Like it's.
02:37:02 It's not what they're doing.
02:37:04 It's not what they're doing, it's it's, you know, and look at the same time.
02:37:09 You're right.
02:37:10 You shouldn't just assume anyone with a Jewish last name.
02:37:13 Is up to something.
02:37:15 Right. Well, there.
02:37:16 Anyone that's black is up to something, right?
02:37:19 But you also can't.
02:37:21 Shouldn't just assume that they're not.
02:37:27 You know, you got to be you got to.
02:37:29 Be good at pattern recognition.
02:37:32 It might.
02:37:32 I think it's it's totally appropriate.
02:37:36 To be more suspicious of certain groups.
02:37:44 And probably the biggest group that to be suspicious of is is something I've always said.
Speaker 11
02:37:49 Not just Jews.Devon
02:37:51 Gay Jews specifically.02:37:53 That's those are the ones you.
02:37:55 Gotta keep an eye on.
02:37:59 So yeah, I mean, look.
02:38:05 You know it is.
02:38:05 What it is?
02:38:06 Maybe you should call.
02:38:07 I mean, call up Alex, ask him again.
02:38:09 Maybe his answer will have changed.
02:38:12 UM.
02:38:15 I mean there there was a while there.
02:38:17 I thought he was gonna kind of.
02:38:20 Change course a little bit.
02:38:22 I mean, he even had like, I think he had Richard Spencer on at one point.
02:38:25 And like, when Richard Spencer was saying like.
02:38:28 The white race has a destiny.
02:38:30 And is good like I remember what the the the wording was exactly, but Alex Jones was getting like all into it and I was.
02:38:35 Like what?
02:38:36 Really this is awkward, but I've never.
02:38:38 Would wouldn't have imagined.
02:38:41 That this is the way.
02:38:42 It would go.
02:38:43 I thought I was going to go more along the lines the way it went when David Duke was on and Alex Jones was basically freaking out the entire time.
02:38:53 That debate.
02:38:54 Was a mess.
02:38:55 That was a big cluster.
02:38:58 But yeah, I don't know.
02:39:01 Don't have to tell you, you have to ask him.
02:39:05 Alright, let me take a look at.
02:39:10 Someone ask the foobar nation what is Dave's screen name? Yeah, if someone knows, let let everyone else know.
02:39:18 And so they can send their well wishes.
02:39:26 Off topic, but why don't you talk about arranged marriage?
02:39:29 Cornerstone for society.
02:39:31 I don't know if that's if you're asking me, but I'm going to answer anyway.
02:39:35 I don't think that's a cornerstone for society.
02:39:38 I think that parents should be involved and they were for a long time.
02:39:44 Even in dating, you know, you used to have to ask, look at it it it's become kind of a cliche now, right?
02:39:50 Like oh, you have to ask.
02:39:51 The fathers permit like no one, but don't even really thinks about the cliche.
02:39:54 I mean, it was already a cliche.
02:39:56 Say, like when the boomers were doing it, right.
02:39:58 It was more like a.
02:40:01 I'm going to ask your dad for permission to propose to you, but like, you know, it's not like they're they were expecting the dad.
02:40:08 The dad to say no.
02:40:09 If they did that and if the dad did say no, they probably do it anyway, right?
02:40:12 It was more of like a traditional thing to do.
02:40:14 Now, that's not even like a thing, right?
02:40:18 Like no one does that.
02:40:22 But I think that 100% parents should be involved in that process.
02:40:28 And that probably be the case if people.
02:40:29 Were still getting married younger.
02:40:32 You know, if people weren't.
02:40:36 I don't know.
02:40:36 Maybe now that people are living with their parents still they're *******.
02:40:39 30 they should still.
02:40:40 Do that, you know, even if they're 30.
02:40:47 Yeah, alright.
02:40:48 And people Ruga salt, says Dave.
02:40:51 Is end the Fed?
02:40:52 I know.
02:40:52 OK.
02:40:53 I know.
02:40:53 End the Fed.
02:40:56 So and the Fed at end the Fed.
02:41:11 Everyone's OK.
02:41:12 You guys got it now, all right.
02:41:18 Someone says, why doesn't Alex have his cousin Buckley on the show anymore?
02:41:22 He is the Infowars co-founder.
02:41:24 I I don't know.
02:41:25 I don't know who.
02:41:25 That is honestly, I haven't watched a.
02:41:27 Lot of Infowars, even you know, in the old.
02:41:31 I've I watched it like for election coverage.
02:41:35 Back when, you know, Trump was running and stuff like that and they, yeah, they did funny stuff with Hillary Clinton, you know, caught they did the whole Hillary Clinton is a.
02:41:44 ****** meme that was or no.
02:41:46 Bill Clinton is a ****** meme.
02:41:48 That was.
02:41:49 Effective and funny.
02:41:52 But look, you know, for all we know, he was pushing Trump because he's part of that, that whole sand group that Kay Griggs has he ever talked about?
02:41:59 Kay Griggs, I mean, that interview has been around since 1998. Maybe he has, I don't know.
02:42:05 Maybe he has.
02:42:06 I mean, Alex Jones has been around for a really long time.
02:42:09 Certainly that should be something that would be covered.
02:42:13 You know, that's the kind of thing that you would think would be right up his alley.
02:42:17 Maybe he did.
02:42:18 Maybe, I don't know.
02:42:25 Was scattered darkly.
02:42:26 Worth watching?
02:42:27 I can never get through it.
02:42:28 It's just the animation style, the whole rotoscoping ********.
02:42:32 It's so terrible and it was just, I mean, there's a reason why no one went and saw that because it was.
02:42:37 They tried to sell it as like some gimmick, but it's just they the frame rates jarring and like the animation is not good.
02:42:45 I've never been able to make it through that ******* movie. I I I've watched. I think the 1st 10 minutes of it like 100 times cause every time I'm like oh alright, I gotta now every time I'm just like this is just hurting my head watch.
02:42:58 And I mean I I'm into animation and I couldn't ******* get into it at all.
02:43:02 I couldn't even, like.
02:43:02 Appreciate it for what it was because I knew what it was like.
02:43:05 I knew that like.
02:43:08 I mean, it was just it was labor intensive.
02:43:11 To make it look worse.
02:43:14 It's like whenever a director wants to use a special effect because it's new and you know, but it doesn't matter.
02:43:23 Like remember the first?
02:43:25 Remember episode one.
02:43:27 When Star Wars episode one.
02:43:30 The fights are just like a jumbled mess on the screen like the the when they go into space and they're doing like the dog fights and stuff.
02:43:37 Like that it it's it.
02:43:39 It was more just look, wait, look how.
02:43:40 Many things we can have on the screen at the same time, but like there was no visual narrative going on, it was just like **** all over the place.
02:43:49 In the original Star Wars, they actually viewed World War 2, actual World War 2 dogfights.
02:43:58 And the and the historical films and tried to match the movements of like the TIE Fighters and stuff like that to.
02:44:05 The actual World War 2 dogfights and they did a better job.
02:44:09 I mean, yeah, it looks kind of cheesy these days because it's like models and stuff like that.
02:44:13 But it was.
02:44:15 The visual narrative was still infinitely better than the look at look at all the show over the place.
02:44:22 Oh, look, Anakin, he accidentally blew up the show and he was just like.
02:44:27 It was just like stupid.
02:44:29 And that's how scattered darkness kind of the same way it was like they had this new after effects plugin or something they wanted to use for an entire ******* movie.
02:44:36 And it.
02:44:36 Was like this is terrible.
02:44:38 This just looks bad.
02:44:41 And they ran the money like that a couple of times too.
02:44:43 So it just made it even worse.
02:44:44 They had a lot of famous people in it, though.
02:44:45 Like, there's a lot of famous people in it.
02:44:51 Thoughts on American History X how the Jewish director disavowed the film after Edward Norton interfered with the editing?
02:44:57 Of the film.
02:44:59 You know, I saw it a long time ago and I was surprised to hear other people say that it was based, because even then I knew it was an anti.
02:45:12 It was an anti white film.
02:45:14 Clearly, just because they're somewhat sympathetic to a couple of the the Neo Nazis and the.
02:45:21 In the movie doesn't mean that.
02:45:23 I mean, think about it like the big, you know, the the meme of the the curb stomping meme with Ed Norton, curb stomping the black guy, that you, you see people meming with that all the time.
02:45:32 What happens to that character at the end?
02:45:36 Right.
02:45:36 He finds out that oh, yeah, he figures out his evil ways and he has all these black friends now.
02:45:42 And now he's worried about his brother being pro.
02:45:43 White, you know it. It's.
02:45:46 I don't understand why people.
02:45:48 It's kind of like that film that we did.
02:45:50 Take a look at.
02:45:52 Called the what was the believer?
02:45:56 About the the Jewish Nazi.
02:45:58 Where people thought that was based because there's a scene where he.
02:46:02 Kind of accurately in some ways at least, and articulately in some way, isn't as much as you can expect in a Hollywood film.
02:46:12 Laid out the argument for you know the JQ.
02:46:17 But it totally.
02:46:18 Ignoring like the whole rest of the movie.
02:46:23 It it just goes back to, it's like, you know, like people like in Tucker and stuff.
02:46:26 It's like people are so starved for just some kind of mainstream acknowledgement for the thoughts in their head.
02:46:33 That they they hear some, it's, you know, even if it's mangled a little bit, they kind of hear it somewhere.
02:46:38 And they're like, oh, that's they're like me.
02:46:44 Ignore ignore Tucker's Kabbalah bracelet, that that couldn't possibly mean anything.
02:46:57 The ending of American History Acts was super gay and anti white.
02:47:03 Yeah, I I that's why it's.
02:47:05 Not worth going through.
02:47:07 I mean, maybe, I don't know, maybe someday.
02:47:08 But it's just, I saw a lot of people coming out and saying, like, how based it was and.
02:47:13 I was like, no, not really.
02:47:17 Hi priest king Terry.
02:47:18 This Kay Griggs interview really highlights how the government and military are run.
02:47:22 Like a mafia.
02:47:23 Well, buy a mafia too.
02:47:25 Gay men with cover wives who punish anyone who steps out of line, backroom deals, secret pledges, all designed to take men into the system and corrupt them.
02:47:37 And it's not just limited to the military, it's also it's the intelligence agencies too.
02:47:42 And probably a lot of the.
02:47:46 You know, federal, like FBI, federal law enforcement and probably.
02:47:50 I mean that.
02:47:51 That cancer has been spreading a long time.
02:47:54 Don't think it just stopped with the Marines.
02:47:58 Or they just stopped with the CIA or or, you know, or that, or Biden's cabinet or Trump's cabinet.
02:48:07 This ship's been.
02:48:08 Going on a really ******* long time.
02:48:13 Sheepdog shack.
02:48:15 Check out regression from 2015.
02:48:19 It's about the satanic panic.
02:48:21 I'm pretty sure I saw that at one point.
02:48:24 That's the one where they in a way like it seemed like that it was about the the West Memphis three kind of right because it's about teenagers that.
02:48:32 Get falsely accused and.
02:48:36 Who's in this?
02:48:41 Ethan Hawke and Emma Watson.
02:48:44 Yeah, I feel like I saw that.
02:48:47 Probably when it was new, maybe I'll go over that.
02:48:55 Maybe I'll rewatch that.
02:48:58 But yeah, there's been a few movies like that.
02:49:00 There's been a few movies.
02:49:03 They've got another super chat in there that I need to pop over here.
02:49:10 The pill to Spencer.
02:49:11 Hi everyone.
02:49:11 I couldn't catch last stream because I was at my wedding.
02:49:15 Well, congratulations.
02:49:17 If you are lonely, don't despair.
02:49:19 She used to be a leftist, and now she is with us, defending our cause.
02:49:24 Second child on the way.
02:49:25 I love all you friends.
02:49:27 God bless.
02:49:27 This is the real white pill.
02:49:29 Well, congratulations pill to Spencer.
02:49:32 We're all very happy for you and the the old lady.
02:49:38 See, even even someone as lowly as the pill.
02:49:41 To smell if the pill dispenser can find love.
02:49:47 Anyone can?
02:49:49 Is that what you're saying now?
02:49:52 Congrats, man, that's cool.
02:49:54 Artifact $5 Star Wars was insidious propaganda. The Good Guy Alliance was a multicultural mud pit and the bad guy Stormtroopers were all white with helmets directly based on German World War 2 helmets.
02:50:07 Well, no, the OR actually the helmets.
02:50:09 The costumes were World War 2 Nazi uniforms.
02:50:12 The helmets were actually based on the samurai.
02:50:16 Like Darth Vader and and even the the stormtroopers that was based on samurai helmets.
02:50:23 Let me look, let me show you and then we'll then we'll close things out here.
02:50:28 Because we have officially, I think hit.
02:50:29 The three hour mark here, let me look.
Speaker 7
02:50:37 And samurai?Devon
02:50:53 Yeah, I'm finding a lot of.02:51:00 Let me see if I can find.
02:51:02 There's a lot of people that.
02:51:06 Have made samurai Darth Vader's, but like the literal helmets are, well, I mean, this is a good one this.
02:51:12 Is just the normal one.
02:51:16 This is easy to see it.Devon
02:51:24 You know, I mean like, it's not.02:51:26 It's not hard to see.
02:51:28 The the resemblance there.
02:51:32 Yeah, the the, I mean the uniforms, I mean they said that and if you watch the behind the scenes, you know in the making of kind of stuff they, I mean they say that it was.
02:51:43 Influenced by Nazi uniforms?
02:51:48 We do. Uh.
02:51:52 In fact, I think even like the phasers they tried to model off that.
02:51:56 What is the Ruger?
02:52:05 See, I think someone might have done a side by side of the.
02:52:10 Yeah, so here's the.
02:52:23 So yeah, it's pretty.
02:52:26 Pretty easy, pretty transparent.
02:52:30 And of course, you know what color are all the stormtroopers, at least on the outside now?
02:52:34 Right?
02:52:34 Because now now there's black Stormtroopers.
02:52:36 Thanks, diversity.
02:52:38 But of course the the the Black Stormtrooper is the one that he saw the light and became good, right?
02:52:50 No, we get it.
02:52:50 We all get it.
02:52:52 It's all you know, global ****.
02:52:55 Of course.
02:52:55 Like everything, like literally everything else.
02:52:58 So it surprises no one.
02:53:01 All right.
02:53:03 Alright guys.
02:53:05 Oh whoops.
02:53:06 There's a couple more popped in here. Glock 23. There are two types of Jews. There are religious town music, Zionist Jews, and there are atheist communist Jews.
02:53:16 Atheist Communist Jews outnumber the Zionist Jews 2 to one.
02:53:20 Both types of Jews have the same goals and are both allies.
02:53:23 They work together as a tribe, right?
02:53:26 I mean, they they squabble amongst themselves over the details, but ultimately they work together as a tribe, and that's unfortunately not something white people do.
02:53:37 That's an advantage they have over us and quite frankly, that's why.
02:53:43 Kate Griggs had so much to talk about in her interview.
02:53:47 You know if if if we stuck together as a group.
02:53:52 We wouldn't have allowed that kind of infiltration to take.
02:53:54 Place in the first place.
02:53:57 But there's something that people have talked about this a lot, where there was something that Europeans.
02:54:05 UM, having a preference or maybe not a preference, but having a?
02:54:14 A taste for the exotic.
02:54:17 Right.
02:54:19 And having a trusting nature and whatnot that has served them well over the centuries to some degree.
02:54:27 But now it's just in the age of mass transit where people can move, you know, entire populations can move into your country.
02:54:35 As opposed to, you know, like if you have.
02:54:37 A couple refugees.
02:54:39 Walking from their war-torn area, that's one thing. But if you have like boats and trains and airplanes and cars.
02:54:50 Moving these people, you know, Jewish rented trucks driving from Honduras to the Mexican border, as we saw, you know, if you have.
02:55:01 Yeah. And if you have Jewish NGO's around the world and some Catholic NGOs around the world facilitating.
02:55:10 The people with the, with the, the funding required to operate this kind of mass transit machinery.
02:55:19 It's a death sentence.
02:55:21 It really is well.
02:55:23 It's not, it's.
02:55:23 A selection event.
02:55:27 It's and look selection events are never happy things.
02:55:30 It's never something you want to, you know, live through.
02:55:34 And not everyone lives the.
02:55:35 Part of the reason why.
02:55:36 Because not everyone lives through it.
02:55:37 That's why it's a selection event.
02:55:39 The people that have the white people that have low end group preference.
02:55:44 And don't have the ability to survive.
02:55:47 The diversity are just they're going to get, they're not.
02:55:50 Going to.
02:55:52 You know they're going to either get bred out or murdered by diversity, or you know, whatever.
02:55:59 But that's not gonna it.
02:56:00 It's going to force a change among the people.
02:56:02 So I guess that's the positive is that as a result of this, the the people that will survive will be the ones within group preference and and people that learn to.
02:56:11 But yeah, are the the demographics in America are you can't just hit the the rewind button.
02:56:19 You know, we got to work within the context of what we got now here, I don't know.
02:56:23 Europe might be different, but in America, we're, I mean, the cake is.
02:56:28 Baked at this point.
02:56:31 Vicious have you?
02:56:33 Ever read the text of HR672?
02:56:38 A resolution signed by Trump.
02:56:41 On January 14th of 2019. Don't know, let me see which one that one is.
02:56:52 OK.
02:56:58 Oh, that's great. Yeah. HR672, combating European anti-Semitism Act of 2017.
02:57:08 But they signed it, I guess.
02:57:09 And when did it get signed?
02:57:11 It was introduced in 2017 and I guess it got signed in 2019.
02:57:18 UM.
02:57:20 What's the summary?
02:57:25 This bill requires the Department of State to include in its annual report on International Religious freedom information about each European country where there have been particularly significant threats or attacks against Jewish persons or institutions.
02:57:40 The report shall include information about the security needs of such Jewish communities, US efforts to partner with European law enforcement agencies.
02:57:49 And civil society groups, European public awareness.
02:57:53 Yeah, I mean, look.
02:57:57 It's it's the same look, it's the.
02:57:58 Same group of ******* people that Kay.
02:58:00 Griggs was talking about.
02:58:03 Just doing some some legalese.
02:58:07 To smooth out operations.
02:58:11 Funnel some of those resources into Europe from the the the capital of the Empire of Global ****.
02:58:20 And obviously, Trump signed it.
02:58:21 Of course Trump would sign something like that.
02:58:25 It'd be insane if he didn't again.
02:58:29 Jared Kushner, his dad.
02:58:32 Is literally one of these Jewish.
02:58:34 Mafia people that Kay Griggs was talking about.
02:58:38 In New Jersey.
02:58:43 And Trump pardoned him.
02:58:45 Instead of pardon and he didn't pardon any of the January 6 people.
02:58:52 You know.
02:58:54 Because as Kay Gregg said.
02:58:57 You're beneath them.
02:59:00 You're literally just a resource.
02:59:03 And I know there's a lot of people that are still still delusional about Trump, and I don't understand why I wish I did.
02:59:12 That hope he runs again.
02:59:14 And it's just like you know.
02:59:16 Some people are gluttons for punishment, I guess.
02:59:20 All right guys.
02:59:22 I'm going to wrap things up.
02:59:24 Hopefully like I said, hopefully you guys have a.
02:59:30 Enough time.
02:59:31 Maybe sometime to take a listen to that full interview.
02:59:33 She look, she goes a little boomer in places.
02:59:36 She's definitely a super Christian.
02:59:40 And and talks a lot about how that affects her thinking.
02:59:43 But it's, you know, like I said, it's in a way that she seemed.
02:59:46 I mean, it's all.
02:59:48 It just makes her more credible because she just comes.
02:59:50 Across as naive.
02:59:52 And justice overly optimistic about things, even after what she has seen, she's not crafting any kind of narrative you can tell she's definitely.
03:00:05 UM.
03:00:07 Her bias and her focus is with the treatment of like the wives because, you know, she was a wife that was of one of these guys that was battered.
03:00:16 So she tends to overly focus on on that aspect, as if that's somehow as important as all this other **** she's saying because.
03:00:25 To her it is.
03:00:27 But it just further underlines.
03:00:28 Like I said, she just comes across as like someone who's trying to be honest.
03:00:34 And even if she's wrong on a couple of things, maybe she is.
03:00:38 I don't think it's out of deception.
03:00:42 I don't think it's out of deception.
03:00:44 And like I said, the fact that she's been missing.
03:00:46 Since 2005.
03:00:49 You know that that just.
03:00:51 Puts another big bold underline.
03:00:54 Under that.
03:00:55 So anyway, hope you guys have a good evening.
03:00:58 We'll be back.
03:01:00 Well, I guess they'll be kind of a different time because the the time change.
03:01:05 On Wednesday, either way and I'll let you know if space Internet shows up.
03:01:10 So look out for that.
03:01:12 I'm I'm I'm assuming it'll show up tomorrow or you know, Monday, but we'll see.
03:01:17 Hopefully it works, you guys.
03:01:20 I'll check you later.
Speaker 1
03:01:22 For black, peeled.Devon
03:01:31 Demo snack.Speaker
03:02:55 La La.Speaker 1
03:04:34 And so are we.Speaker 11
03:05:15 It's trash.Speaker 1
03:05:29 And he prays.Speaker
03:06:03 You must keep it inside.