

Speaker 2
00:08:38 I'm sorry, so sorry.
Speaker 1
00:01:50 Such a.
Speaker 2
00:01:53 I didn't know.
00:01:57 Love could be so cruel.
00:02:08 Tell me.
00:02:21 I don't.
00:02:26 That has been done.
00:02:37 I'm sorry, so sorry.
00:02:43 Please accept.
00:02:45 My apology.
00:02:49 Love is blind.
00:02:53 I was too blind.
00:02:55 To see.
00:03:04 Tell me.
00:03:18 I don't.
00:03:33 I'm sorry.
00:03:36 So sorry, please accept.
00:03:47 Love was black and I was too blind to see.
Speaker 3
00:04:15 To think that you.
Speaker 4
00:04:18 You lied to me.
Speaker 2
00:04:30 Way down deep inside.
00:04:42 You said your love was true and we'd never.
00:04:58 Now you want.
00:05:01 Someone new?
00:05:21 Much more.
Speaker 6
00:05:23 Ohh then you'll ever know.
00:05:29 Yes, darling.
Speaker 7
00:05:32 I'm so hurt.
Speaker 2
00:05:47 But even.
00:05:51 So you hate me.
00:05:56 Like no body could ever do.
00:06:04 I would.
00:06:05 Never. Ever.
Speaker 9
00:06:33 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:06:38 I'm your host.
00:06:39 Devin stack.
00:06:40 That's Churro meowing in the background, wanting to come in.
00:06:44 He wants to come in.
Speaker 7
00:06:46 We're all.
00:06:46 We're all the good kitties.
00:06:47 Get to be, not not not sectioned off for all the the where the naughty.
00:06:53 Bad Kitty and he pees on everything.
00:06:55 He can't come in here.
00:06:57 He pees on everything.
Speaker 11
00:07:00 He's in an air conditioned.
00:07:01 That should be enough.
00:07:02 Anyway, hopefully he gives.
00:07:04 Up he usually does.
00:07:05 But he decided to start ******** the 2nd.
00:07:08 We're about to go live so.
Speaker 12
00:07:13 Crazy week, huh?
00:07:15 Crazy week.
00:07:16 All this earth shattering news.
Speaker 12
00:07:19 You know, I almost, I almost don't know what's true anymore.
00:07:31 We got, we got Tucker Carlson.
00:07:34 You know, showing everyone who's boss, he doesn't need Fox News.
00:07:38 He doesn't need Fox News.
00:07:41 He can just use Twitter.
00:07:44 He can just use Twitter and he'll destroy everyone, all the all the legacy media is ratings, which look I think that was from the beginning.
00:07:54 I said that I said look, who gets their ******* news from TV anymore, right?
00:07:59 Like that demographics dying out.
00:08:02 No one.
00:08:02 No one gets there.
00:08:03 I mean, who has the time?
00:08:05 Who has the time?
00:08:06 To be like.
00:08:07 Hey, let's go.
00:08:08 Everyone, gather round.
00:08:09 Gather round the TV.
00:08:11 Everybody, it's news time at this specific time that I have to be in.
00:08:16 My living room.
00:08:17 Watching the TV to find out what's no one does that.
00:08:21 If you're doing that, you don't really have much going on in your life. Like if you can schedule that is like, oh, that's the thing that I do at 8:00 at night, I go into my house and I sit on a couch and and and the and the pretty people on TV tell me what's that's stupid. No one ******* does that anymore. Unless you're old and gonna die soon.
00:08:38 So it only makes sense that a lot of.
00:08:40 These people would want to move to.
00:08:42 Online options anyway.
00:08:46 And so Tucker Carlson to great fanfare and to lots of algorithmic.
00:08:53 Oh, shall we say, uh, I don't know.
00:08:57 Promotion like how many times, how many times?
00:09:03 Was was Tuckers's first episode in your feed. If you're on Twitter, because for me it was like like every time I looked at any feed, it was, it was either Tucker or or someone retweeting tuckers thing or someone had had downloaded Tucker's thing and then reposted on their thing.
00:09:21 And everyone's excited.
00:09:22 I got so many impressions.
00:09:25 It got so many impressions and look, I was curious.
00:09:28 I watched it.
00:09:28 Why not?
00:09:29 Right.
00:09:30 Let's what?
00:09:30 What is Tucker going to talk about?
00:09:33 For his very first episode, and you gotta imagine that's going to be the one, right?
00:09:38 That's that's the, you know, you never get a second chance to make a first impression as they say.
00:09:45 So that's gonna be the that's gonna be the one that everyone's gonna watch and and judge like.
00:09:48 Ohh, how is how is this experiment gonna go?
00:09:53 And it starts off kind of strong, right?
00:09:55 Like he's talking about that, that dam that that got blown up in.
00:10:00 In the, you know, Ukraine slash Russian territory, you know, whatever, right.
00:10:06 And like why I'm I'm starting, no offense.
Speaker 7
00:10:10 Started as like yeah, just not as care as much.
00:10:14 You know like.
00:10:15 It's just like uh, alright?
00:10:18 This just reminds me of like back in the 90s when like you, you would just be seeing all these terrorist attacks in Israeli discos.
00:10:26 And it's just like.
00:10:27 Well, why don't why?
00:10:27 What was that?
00:10:29 What does?
Speaker 7
00:10:29 This have to sorry.
00:10:30 But we I kind of have like a lot.
Speaker 12
00:10:31 Of problems over here.
00:10:34 A lot of problems here on this on this continent.
00:10:38 It's hard for me to be focused on.
00:10:39 On the southern continent.
00:10:43 So he talks about how the the IT wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.
00:10:49 That Russia would would blow up their own, you know, basically a dam they control and flood areas they control and that the the Neo cons, just like with the pipeline are are, are, are instantly blaming Russia.
00:11:04 And of course you know look at that of course, of course that's what's happening.
00:11:09 But whatever, right?
00:11:10 At least, OK.
00:11:11 So you get you you get.
00:11:13 That story and say alright, alright, alright, alright.
Speaker 7
00:11:18 And then you get to the second-half.
00:11:23 The second-half of of remember this is. This is the big one, right? This is the big one where everyone's gonna watch and see, like how.
00:11:31 This is gonna go.
00:11:32 And this is the one everyone's every he had to know and anyone involved with, you know, putting it on Twitter knew that this is going to get a lot of eyeballs on it and the.
00:11:41 Second-half.
Speaker 7
00:11:46 It's about aliens.
00:11:49 It's about aliens.
00:11:52 It's literally about aliens.
00:11:55 And which is fine.
00:11:56 Look, it's fine.
00:11:57 Given what?
00:11:57 He you know.
Speaker 7
00:11:58 Let's take a look.
00:11:59 Let's take a look.
00:12:00 Why not?
00:12:00 Let's take a look.
00:12:02 He talks about he talks about aliens.
00:12:06 That the United States government.
Speaker 7
00:12:09 Has custody not only of exotic aircraft, not from human origin.
00:12:17 But bodies.
00:12:20 Non human bodies.
00:12:22 Of the the pilots.
00:12:26 Of these alien aircraft. So he's saying that we have UFO's and aliens.
Speaker 7
00:12:31 And he's saying this because there is.
00:12:35 A, quote UN quote whistleblower.
00:12:38 And we'll get to that in.
00:12:39 A little bit that came out and was saying yes.
00:12:43 Trust me, bro, we've got aliens.
00:12:46 We've got aliens, no evidence.
00:12:48 But he's just saying we've got aliens.
00:12:50 And UFOs.
Speaker 7
00:12:53 Now it's not.
00:12:54 Crazy for Tucker to to report on the story like that.
00:12:58 I mean, that's a crazy story, right?
00:13:00 Oh there, here's a A A government official, you know, intelligence community official who who worked directly with this bipartisan program that they set up, you know, so, you know, it's bad.
00:13:13 To to get to the bottom of this alien ****.
00:13:16 And he's saying that we have ******* aliens.
00:13:19 We have aliens and UFOs.
00:13:23 So yeah, you'd probably want to report on it that just that.
00:13:26 That happened, like, oh, by the way, there's.
Speaker 7
00:13:28 This guy saying they got.
00:13:30 ******* aliens and UFO's.
00:13:32 That's weird.
Speaker 7
00:13:34 But that's not how.
00:13:34 Tucker reports it.
Speaker 7
00:13:38 That's not how he reports at all.
Speaker 12
00:13:40 He reports in his fact.
00:13:43 He doesn't say there's there's this guy.
00:13:45 He says there's this guy who's telling the truth.
00:13:49 And so therefore, there's aliens and UFO's. I mean, listen for yourself.
Speaker 13
00:13:55 Yesterday, for example, a former Air Force officer who worked for years in military intelligence came forward as a whistleblower to reveal that the US government has physical evidence of crashed non human made aircraft as well as the.
00:14:09 Bodies of the pilots who flew those aircraft.
00:14:13 OK, so far that's reporting the news.
00:14:16 Ohh, that's what happened.
00:14:17 Yeah, some guy came out and said that.
Speaker 13
00:14:21 The Pentagon has spent decades studying these otherworldly remains in order to build more technologically advanced weapons systems.
00:14:29 OK, that.
00:14:32 See and that and that should have been the end.
00:14:34 OK.
00:14:37 And that's where I thought he was.
Speaker 7
00:14:38 Going with it, no.
Speaker 13
00:14:41 That's what the former Intel officer revealed, and it was clear he was telling the.
00:14:44 Truth. What? What, what?
00:14:46 And it was clear that he was.
Speaker 12
00:14:48 Telling the truth.
00:14:50 Because the CIA never lies, I mean, just ask Tucker.
00:14:53 He should know.
00:14:56 And it was clear he was telling the truth.
Speaker 7
00:14:59 Would you even know that?
00:15:01 He has no evidence to back it up.
00:15:03 Look, we'll take a look at the interview he's talking about.
00:15:06 But Tucker is not stupid.
00:15:09 He's not stupid.
00:15:11 I'm assuming he's at least somewhat involved with the writing on the first episode that he's going to go big on it with Twitter.
00:15:18 And he's not just saying. Ohh yeah, there's this guy. There's this guy saying there's UFO's. No, he's saying.
Speaker 13
00:15:24 OK, that's what the former Intel officer revealed.
00:15:27 And it was clear he was.
00:15:28 Telling the truth, and it was clear that.
00:15:30 He was telling the truth.
Speaker 7
00:15:34 How do we even know that?
00:15:36 How do we all right?
00:15:37 But anyway, carry on.
Speaker 13
00:15:40 In other words, UFO's are actually real, and apparently so is extraterrestrial life.
00:15:47 He's he's saying that as a statement of fact.
00:15:51 He's not saying according to this guy.
00:15:55 UFO's are real and we got no he's saying straight up.
Speaker 12
00:16:03 Aliens are real.
00:16:06 UFOs are real.
00:16:10 That's the facts.
00:16:15 OK.
Speaker 13
00:16:18 Now we know.
00:16:20 See, we we we know now we know it's it's.
Speaker 13
00:16:20 In a note.
00:16:23 The science is settled.
00:16:26 The science on UFO's and aliens is settled.
00:16:36 Go on, Tucker.
Speaker 13
00:16:37 In a normal country, this news would qualify as a bombshell.
00:16:41 The story of the.
00:16:43 But in our country, it doesn't. The whistleblower's account ran on a technology website called the Debrief, which you've probably never heard.
00:16:51 Of the Washington Post.
00:16:51 We you never heard of it.
00:16:52 Because it's basically like a.
00:16:53 UFO site. All right, so.
Speaker 11
00:17:01 A lot of people are.
00:17:02 Trying to like wrap their heads.
Speaker 7
00:17:03 Around this and like.
Speaker 11
00:17:04 Well, no, because because like if you know the New York, NY Times isn't isn't reporting on it and and and and like the Washington Post and and Tucker, I mean, you can trust Tucker, then maybe it's real.
Speaker 12
00:17:17 Maybe it's real.
Speaker 14
00:17:22 Viewers are invited to make a judgment based on all available information.
Speaker 15
00:17:26 If what you are about to see is real.
Speaker 6
00:17:28 It's the most startling film footage in history.
00:17:32 Although we remain skeptical, some experts believe this is authentic footage of an alien life form.
00:17:59 Aliens go in the pit too.
00:18:04 Alien straight in the ******* pit.
00:18:07 All aliens going on the pit now it just it reminded me of like, look, this isn't the first time this kind of bullshit's been going on.
00:18:14 Fox went went ******* balls of the wall in the 1990s. Nineteen, 95, I think to be exact, telling everyone that they had footage of an alien autopsy. Now those of you too young to remember that you've probably.
00:18:27 At least seeing little bits of the footage, like the stuff that's in my my thumbnail, the ridiculous, you know, fake alien thing.
00:18:33 The thing is about these hoaxes in the moment.
00:18:38 They don't seem as fake as they always seem, you know, 10.
00:18:42 20 years later.
00:18:43 Just like movies, right?
00:18:45 When when a movie comes?
00:18:46 Out and look.
00:18:48 Wow. You know, like there was a time that the flying monkeys, for example in Wizard of Oz, the 1930s, that was amazing.
00:18:55 How the **** did you get flying monkeys?
00:18:58 That looks insane.
00:18:59 That's that's wow.
00:19:01 Or or more recently the the the first Star Wars movies.
00:19:05 Ohh wow that.
00:19:05 That, like so realistic.
00:19:06 That's insane.
00:19:07 That's crazy.
00:19:11 But 1020 years later, it always looks stupid. It always looks stupid.
00:19:15 Because people are basically just stupid.
00:19:18 And they're easy to fool.
00:19:20 But in the same way that you get a tolerance right to all the degeneracy that's out there, you get to A to some degree, you get a a tolerance to the trickery, right.
00:19:30 You start to you be able to say like ohh well that's that's fake like right now AI is is tricking everybody but little by little you're starting.
00:19:38 I'm sure if you've seen a lot of these AI images in your feed, little by little your brain is starting to be like, oh, that looks kind of like a I, you know, some of the if had you seen it two years ago, you would think it was a photo.
00:19:49 There's something just too perfect.
00:19:51 About it or something that's just not right about it you're starting.
00:19:54 To pick it.
00:19:54 Out a little bit.
00:19:57 Well, back in 95, you know, like they they were telling everyone. Ohh yeah we we have we have a a video of an alien autopsy.
Speaker 11
00:20:06 From Roswell.
Speaker 14
00:20:08 Viewers are invited to make a.
Speaker 6
00:20:13 But what you were about to?
00:20:19 Although we remain skeptical, some real or not.
00:20:33 We put the question to you.
00:20:35 Early in autopsy fact.
Speaker 18
00:20:41 Then hating bodies.
Speaker 6
00:20:44 If the footage is off, we've learned that aliens are visiting the.
Speaker 17
00:20:51 Daddy said they looked like a small 2 year old child.
Speaker 6
00:20:55 You could have that was an extraterrestrial craft.
Speaker 15
00:21:00 I'm not saying.
00:21:02 A liver over to the right.
00:21:04 I'm seeing in my brain and I have great difficulty with.
00:21:17 It's really felt like a a real body that was being cut.
Speaker 6
00:21:21 Is the story.
Speaker 4
00:21:23 If it's a true, it is a document that exceptional importance.
00:21:34 Things put together by a filmmaker.
00:21:42 Yes, the one of most extraordinary fakes ever put together.
00:21:45 You guys want to see this extraordinary fake.
00:21:47 We're not gonna watch this thing.
00:21:49 But like, we'll watch the the actual autopsy.
00:21:52 You wanna see this extraordinary fake, like how real it is.
00:21:56 The version I got even has like the commercials from when it.
00:21:58 Aired, they strung it out.
Speaker 19
00:22:03 I think eventually.
Speaker 12
00:22:03 Oh, it's so real.
Speaker 6
00:22:04 Will be shown to be a home laptop.
00:22:11 Anyway, they've been this, this has been.
00:22:14 Happening over and over and over again, every every decade.
00:22:17 There's like the big
Speaker 12
00:22:18 Aliens. We have proof.
00:22:20 So you might ask yourself, well, why?
00:22:21 Why the **** would Tucker do that?
Speaker 7
00:22:24 Why the ****?
00:22:24 Because if it turns out that that I mean his first show, his first show, he goes hard at the whole alien thing.
00:22:32 Right.
00:22:33 Like it.
00:22:33 And it turns out that this guy.
00:22:36 Who? Here's this guy, right?
00:22:39 And that this should have been a dead giveaway, too.
00:22:41 The fact that no one wanted to touch this story.
00:22:44 Like it is a big story, right?
00:22:46 And it goes along with what a lot of these, you know, these transhumanists would want.
00:22:49 So it's not like they don't want to touch it because it doesn't go along with their worldview.
00:22:54 It totally goes along with their worldview.
00:22:56 So why don't they want?
00:22:57 Touch it and I'm looking for this interview after seeing Tucker talk about this ****.
00:23:01 Like what the **** did he say though?
00:23:03 Like what the **** did he say that?
00:23:04 Made Tucker so.
00:23:06 Ohh well you.
00:23:06 He's obviously telling the.
Speaker 7
00:23:08 Truth. What?
Speaker 16
00:23:09 Well, OK. What what?
00:23:10 Let me see this guy.
00:23:12 Well, the first thing is it's on this show.
00:23:14 I've never ******* heard of.
Speaker 20
00:23:17 Bombshell claims from a military whistleblower.
00:23:20 Oh, look, it's Elizabeth Vargas.
00:23:22 Everybody you know, Elizabeth Vargas for News Nation.
00:23:27 Like, what the **** is News Nation?
00:23:29 Who the **** is this?
00:23:30 Elizabeth Varga.
00:23:31 All right, so now look at this guy.
Speaker 7
00:23:37 That guy.
00:23:38 You ******* know.
00:23:40 So I'm like, alright, let's take a look at this.
00:23:42 Let's what?
00:23:43 What is this bombshell thing that he have?
00:23:44 Does he have some documents?
00:23:46 Does he have, you know, some kind of of proof?
00:23:49 Because here's the other weird thing.
00:23:50 A lot of people aren't thinking about.
00:23:53 This guy has to clear anything, he says in an interview with the Pentagon.
00:24:01 Or they can arrest him.
00:24:05 It doesn't matter if you're a current or former employee.
00:24:08 If you work with the Pentagon.
00:24:11 And you have a security clearance and you're going to talk about projects that.
00:24:15 You worked on.
00:24:16 Especially if there are secret top secret, you know, class.
00:24:21 It doesn't matter if they're at all requiring a clearance.
00:24:27 To to to know about them or or aspects of the.
00:24:32 And you're going to talk.
Speaker 11
00:24:33 About it in a book.
00:24:35 And write a movie, maybe about it in an interview.
00:24:40 You have to go.
00:24:42 They have.
00:24:42 An office specifically for this?
00:24:45 At the Pentagon and you have to get that **** cleared, because if you don't do that, they will come to your house and arrest you.
00:24:53 That's part of the process of getting a clearance.
00:24:58 So everything this guy said because he's not arrested.
00:25:02 Everything this guy said.
00:25:05 In this interview.
00:25:07 Was cleared by the Pentagon.
Speaker 21
00:25:11 The first time the world is about to hear from a former high level U.S.
00:25:15 intelligence officer who says the government has some of the unidentified craft in its possession, he is revealing these exclusive details about the secret government program.
00:25:27 They're all going against the wind. The wind's 120 miles.
Speaker 12
00:25:30 Ohh my gosh dude.
Speaker 21
00:25:33 We have all seen these blurry videos of unidentified flying objects, video evidence, if you will, that old tales of UFOs may not all be conspiracy theories.
00:25:43 In recent years, Congress starting an official U.S.
00:25:45 government, unidentified aerial phenomena task force.
00:25:49 Recently renamed the All Domain Anomaly Resolution, Office or Arrow.
00:25:54 And now, in a News Nation exclusive, David Grush, an Air Force veteran, former member of that task force and veteran of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, is formally blowing the whistle on secrets he says no one has ever shared publicly before.
Speaker 22
00:26:10 You are one of the most trusted.
00:26:14 Former intelligence officials in the US defence and intelligence establishment.
Speaker 19
00:26:18 Yes, I was was.
00:26:21 Well, because he says so.
00:26:28 OK, alright, so this guy, this guy is alright.
00:26:31 He's the most trusted.
00:26:33 He's the most.
00:26:34 Trusted name in news.
Speaker 22
00:26:35 For intelligence officials in the US defence and intelligence.
00:26:38 Establishment yes, I.
00:26:39 Was you were trusted with the most intimate secrets.
Speaker 21
00:26:44 Grush sitting down with award-winning investigative journalist Ross Colthart, who's reporting for News Nation and has spent years reporting on the UFO question.
Speaker 22
00:26:53 What conclusion did you come to at the end of your time on the UAP task?
Speaker 19
00:26:58 Force the UP Task Force has refused access to a broad crash retrieval.
Speaker 22
00:27:06 When you say crash retrieval, what do you mean?
Speaker 19
00:27:08 These are retrieving non human origin technical vehicles, you know, call it spacecraft if you will.
00:27:15 Non human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.
Speaker 22
00:27:20 We have spacecraft from another species.
Speaker 19
00:27:23 We do, yeah.
00:27:25 How many?
00:27:26 Quite a number.
00:27:27 Kidding now?
Speaker 12
00:27:33 Totally. Totally serious bro.
00:27:36 It's totally real, I swear, bro.
00:27:38 Trust me, bro, this whole interview is trust me, bro.
00:27:43 There's no yeah, no.
00:27:44 Check it out.
00:27:45 Like this is how we know.
00:27:46 In fact, the guy I hope like guess like, well, how what?
00:27:48 Well, hold on.
00:27:50 How do you know this?
Speaker 19
00:27:52 I thought it was totally nuts and I thought at first I was being deceived.
00:27:56 It was a ruse.
00:27:57 People started confiding in me.
00:27:59 They approached me.
00:28:00 I have plenty of current and former senior intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that can fight it to me.
00:28:08 They were a part of a program.
00:28:10 They named the program I've.
00:28:11 Never heard of it.
00:28:13 And they they told me, based on their oral testimony, and they provided me documents and other other proof that there was in fact a program that the AP task force was not read into.
Speaker 21
00:28:26 Grush alleges the US government has recovered non human craft for decades.
00:28:30 He's filed the whistleblower complaint, saying he gave what he calls the classified.
00:28:34 Proof to Congress and the intelligence community Inspector General's News Nation has confirmed David Grush's credentials and resume we've not seen or verified the alleged proof, he says. He's provided to investigators.
00:28:52 You haven't seen any proof then is what you're saying.
00:28:57 See, it's not that other news outlets were turning this down because they didn't think it was a story.
00:29:04 It's because I mean.
00:29:07 You can't go.
00:29:07 You can't go to.
00:29:09 Unless you're Tucker.
00:29:10 I guess you can't go and and and do a.
Speaker 12
00:29:12 Story on on.
00:29:13 ******* captured UFO's and alien bodies.
00:29:17 Unless there's at least something right, you need something like the fact that this guy saying it is a story, right?
00:29:26 But that's the that's the whole story.
00:29:28 It's not.
00:29:29 You can't, as Tucker did assert with definitively.
Speaker 11
00:29:33 Ohh and you?
00:29:34 Know he's telling.
Speaker 7
00:29:34 The truth?
00:29:35 How do you know these?
00:29:36 He just looks like.
00:29:37 Some ******* douchbag.
00:29:38 He's literally a spook.
00:29:40 So some ****** *** ex spook.
Speaker 7
00:29:43 Tells you that other ex Spooks and current Spooks told him.
00:29:49 And that's the evidence.
00:29:54 And yes, that is the evidence.
00:29:56 That's the evidence.
Speaker 7
00:29:57 So you might wonder like, why?
00:30:00 Why is it?
Speaker 11
00:30:01 The Tucker.
00:30:03 Would be going so hard on this story.
00:30:05 It seems a little ******* ********, right?
00:30:07 It seems like maybe.
00:30:10 I don't know.
00:30:11 I I don't want to say.
00:30:12 That the D.
00:30:13 Word, but I mean.
00:30:16 You know, there's there's a lot of evidence kind of, uh, pointing at the the very real.
00:30:23 Probability that Tucker is CIA himself so.
Speaker 23
00:30:29 Ralph, how long were you with the CIA?
Speaker 24
00:30:32 I was with him 25 years. I joined in 1952. I retired in 1977.
Speaker 23
00:30:38 What was your function?
00:30:39 What was your job?
Speaker 24
00:30:40 I have a variety of jobs.
00:30:42 I was a a case officer on intelligence collection that was a covert operator that was involved in paramilitary operations in the last four years with the agency.
00:30:51 I was an analyst with the international communism branch.
Speaker 23
00:30:54 Paramilitary operations square.
Speaker 24
00:30:57 In Thailand and to a degree in Vietnam.
Speaker 23
00:31:03 How do you view the CIA?
00:31:04 Let me let me rephrase that question.
00:31:08 A a good many of us do not have a clear picture of what the CIA does.
00:31:14 I think many of us believe it is an intelligence gathering agency that it gets information that information becomes intelligence and then it passes it on to key areas in the government.
00:31:28 Is that an accurate?
Speaker 24
00:31:30 No, it isn't.
00:31:32 It's my view and it's supportable by all the evidence we can see in the church committee report and the Pike Committee report and other collateral information.
00:31:40 The CIA is not an intelligence agency.
00:31:43 It's a corporate action agency.
00:31:45 Corporate action being.
00:31:47 Overthrowing or supporting foreign governments, another part of covert action is disinformation, and the American people, in my estimation, are the primary target audience of the agencies disinformation operation.
00:32:00 And I view Vietnam, the entire Vietnam War was brought to us as sold.
00:32:06 To us by agency disinformation operations at the I say us, I mean the American people.
00:32:24 All of a sudden there there's there's there's new possible motives.
00:32:29 For CIA, Tucker.
00:32:32 To want to publish a story like that.
00:32:38 The story that comes from one source, some douchey guy whose evidence is trust me, bro.
00:32:45 Who is a?
00:32:49 Intelligence officer himself.
00:32:53 Who claims that his trust me, bro, information comes from and other intelligence officers.
00:33:00 And Tucker?
00:33:03 The son of a disinformation intelligence officer.
00:33:09 Who, in all likelihood at least, has some kind of relationship with the CIA.
00:33:19 Is pushing this information as if it's fact.
00:33:23 With no evidence.
00:33:26 On one of his most viewed broadcasts.
00:33:36 So what does that?
00:33:37 What does that mean exactly?
00:33:40 Like, are are we gonna have UFO's?
00:33:44 Are we gonna?
00:33:44 Have project bluebeam like like what's what's gonna happen?
00:33:52 I don't have a crystal ball.
00:33:53 I can't tell you that, but I can tell you this is.
Speaker 7
00:33:55 Something's not right. It doesn't take a genius to see that something's not right with this picture.
00:34:06 Especially with all the the actual problems that we have.
00:34:08 Going on right now.
00:34:14 You get all the conspirators talking about ******* UFOs.
00:34:21 And look, I'm not one of these guys that.
00:34:22 Says like oh.
00:34:23 It's a distraction, like.
00:34:25 Anything that like the problem is it's specially you go on like a site like 4 Chan or whatever like that and any anything that that someone posts about, that's not about whatever it is that particular other person wants to talk about instantly.
00:34:39 Oh, that's a distraction.
00:34:40 No, there can be, like, multiple things happening in the universe at once.
00:34:43 And believe it or not.
00:34:45 I don't think alien bodies is one of those things.
00:34:54 There is a lot of.
00:34:55 Stuff going on makes you wonder what they're what.
00:34:57 They're going to go with that.
Speaker 23
00:35:03 Well, that had to be done, of course, through the press.
00:35:07 How else would one reach the the American public?
00:35:10 Well, how does the CIA, the CIA?
00:35:15 How does the CIA develop its relationship?
00:35:18 With the press.
Speaker 24
00:35:20 What it happens on many levels in many different ways, it could be a a director of agency contact with the publisher, or it could be a lower level agency employee with a lower level person or managing editor, say, or it could be hiring agent, people, agency people and placing them in.
00:35:40 The news organization, or it could be.
00:35:44 Giving information to a reporter and winning his goodwill, it could be just a friendship sort of basis.
00:35:52 It sort of covers the scheme of relationships that you can have, you know, in any.
00:35:56 Any social situation?
00:35:59 Could be you know, the son of a of a disinformation officer working now in in media with with well now that he's on Twitter 0 oversight and no roadblocks in terms of what he wants to report on.
00:36:20 Could be a number of relationships, right?
Speaker 23
00:36:23 This and this relationship demands participation on the part of the press, though of course how does it participate?
Speaker 24
00:36:31 It can participate in many ways.
00:36:33 It can publish articles that the agency wants to push.
Speaker 23
00:36:37 Knowingly publish it because the CIA, CIA wants it done or unknowingly.
Speaker 24
00:36:42 We're both on the knowingly most of the time, I would guess, and sometimes the information is passed to a reporter is valid information a good scope if you will, when it's just a planted propaganda.
00:36:57 So it the entry uses the depression in numerous ways to achieve its what I call illusion building properties.
00:37:10 Illusion building, you say?
00:37:13 Go on.
Speaker 23
00:37:15 Why does the CIA do this?
00:37:17 What is the objective of the CIA when they put out disinformation, when they, you might say, Co opt they the press?
Speaker 24
00:37:27 One function of the agency is is noted by the Church committee to create an international anti communist ideology.
00:37:36 What's my thesis?
00:37:36 The reason you want to create this international anti chemistry ideology is so that when you go down to Nicaragua and you want to overthrow the government of Nicaragua, well, you have to.
00:37:46 You can't justify to the American people going down there and overthrowing that government unless you can link it to a greater threat.
00:37:53 It's just a little insignificant nation.
00:37:56 But if you can link it to a greater threat, then you're justified in over.
00:38:00 Throwing it, and that's exactly what's happening in Nicaragua.
00:38:02 It's it's not the Nicaraguans fighting to sustain the way of life that they want.
00:38:07 It's the Cubans or the Soviets, or the Soviets and Cubans who are supporting this regime, and we have to.
00:38:13 We are therefore by working against the Nicaraguan Government.
00:38:17 We are actually thwarting the.
00:38:20 The plans of the Soviet Union that justifies our actions in that country.
00:38:26 So it's about creating boogeyman and then justifying whatever it is you want to do by telling *******?
00:38:34 Well, no, this is remember all those scary boogie men we told you about?
00:38:37 This is.
00:38:38 That's why we're doing this.
00:38:44 No, no, you.
00:38:45 Support Ukraine now because uh, you know Trump Russia.
00:38:58 Even though you didn't know where, where, where.
00:39:00 Ukraine was on the map 3 weeks ago.
00:39:03 You're going to change that profile pic to a flag.
00:39:09 Scary boogeyman.
00:39:12 Makes you wonder what kind of what kind of a boogeyman would an like an alien invasion, what kind of boogeyman would?
00:39:18 That give you.
Speaker 23
00:39:20 Let's let's pin down something you said a moment ago.
00:39:24 Does this covert action exist in the CIA today?
00:39:29 As greatly as it did in the?
Speaker 24
00:39:31 Past, as I understand the the covert action staff is being rebuilt on a massive scale that the director William Casey is concentrating all his efforts in rebuilding the staff.
00:39:43 And we can assume that it it's operating again in academia in the press and the religious groups, in international groups and labor youth students.
00:39:54 If it isn't now, it will soon will be.
Speaker 23
00:39:57 In your opinion, as the press manipulated as much today as in the past.
Speaker 24
00:40:03 I don't think this is possible to manipulate the press as much today as was in the past.
00:40:07 The press was much more skeptical, as are the American people in general.
00:40:11 It would be more difficult to do it, yet I'm I'm sure that.
00:40:15 In some areas, of course, it is being.
Speaker 23
00:40:18 Thank you for answering my question in part already, but.
00:40:22 The public, in your opinion, cannot be hoodwinked as easily as they as they were in the past.
00:40:28 Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 24
00:40:29 Right.
00:40:30 I don't think they can be hoodwinked easily.
00:40:32 However, some of the illusions of the past continue, and one of those illusions is what the Vietnam War was all about.
Speaker 23
00:40:39 Well, you think with the manipulation of the press, which you have explained, which you believe still goes on to a degree, you think another war such as Vietnam could be sold to the American people.
Speaker 24
00:40:52 Not nearly so easily.
00:40:54 I think it could be done, but it would take a more sustained effort, more across the board effort.
00:41:02 Or maybe it would take blowing up the the World Trade Center.
00:41:08 I don't know.
00:41:09 Maybe something like that would do it?
00:41:17 So yeah, there you go. Tucker's on Twitter now.
00:41:25 Tucker's on Twitter, giving you the the facts that you need.
00:41:29 The information that you need.
00:41:32 And it's funny because Elon Musk tweeted.
00:41:35 I think it was today or yesterday.
00:41:36 I forgot in in, you know, celebrating the the presence of of Tucker on his platform and and made the comment.
00:41:45 Oh, I would love to have I would love to have content like this from all.
Speaker 12
00:41:53 Political viewpoints all.
00:41:57 Well, that's that's in that's 100% inclusive. That would include people like me, wouldn't it?
00:42:03 Well, we all.
00:42:03 Know that if I tried putting the insomnia stream on Twitter, that would.
Speaker 23
00:42:09 Be the end of that.
00:42:13 The second you say get in the pit boom.
00:42:15 That's gone so.
00:42:18 So we we know we know it's all a joke.
00:42:21 This is just the new, it's the new cable TV that's I mean, why do you think they're they're trying so hard to keep these because in a way you know, people talk about cable TV being like a dinosaur legacy media, but in a way, so is Twitter, right?
00:42:39 That's it's it's nothing new.
00:42:40 That platform hasn't changed at all in like 20 years.
00:42:44 There's nothing really innovative about it.
00:42:47 They they they really, I mean what have they done?
00:42:48 They've added you know.
00:42:52 What I mean algorithms to it like to to to shadow band people and to to guide the information.
00:42:58 But as a as a platform itself.
00:43:01 What is it? I mean, it didn't even make any money for like the 1st 10:15.
00:43:04 Years that it was in business.
00:43:06 So why is all this money being shoveled into into Twitter?
00:43:10 Not just the the initial investors who lost?
00:43:13 I mean hundreds of millions of dollars year after year after year with the hope that someday it would turn a profit.
00:43:19 But then Elon Musk, willing to pay billions of dollars for a platform again, that that's not profitable and still is not profitable right now, is not profitable.
00:43:31 What is the advantage to having something like that?
00:43:35 Well, it's it's they're trying to do the walled garden they're trying to do the walled garden.
00:43:40 That was cable TV, where you're only you're only seen in the 1990s and early 2000s, is if you're a guest on on Bill O'Reilly.
00:43:51 Or you're a guest on, you know, MSNBC or or a guest on you know.
00:43:58 Tucker, when he was on MSNBC.
00:44:01 Right.
00:44:02 That's the only time people are ever going to see you that they can defame you.
00:44:07 Right, they can defame you, you can't defend yourself.
00:44:10 They can do an interview with you, edit it and air in a particular way.
00:44:14 And you have no way of of of telling people that it was edited.
00:44:19 Those were the golden years of propaganda.
00:44:22 They could present you with a very nicely tailored.
00:44:26 Version of events that they wanted you to to believe, and that's how we got into the Iraq war. That's how we got into Afghanistan, because even though none of the facts made any sense, the press was 100% on board.
00:44:43 Board because many of them are intelligence agency assets and that that might be carrot and it might be stick.
00:44:49 We don't know how many of these people were on Epstein's island. How many of these people were or were involved in some?
00:44:55 Version of that.
00:44:58 I mean, are you trying to tell me that the the same press now who celebrates trans kids and and acts as if the world isn't going to hell in a handbasket?
00:45:07 And that, in fact, the people fighting against the literal demonic **** that's happening in our society, they're the bad guys.
00:45:13 You think those guys don't have skeletons in their closets?
00:45:18 And haven't you know for for years I mean, just as an example, I mean just one out of 1,000,000 different examples, Joe Scarborough, he's a big host on MSNBC.
00:45:30 And come on.
00:45:32 ************ killed his his his intern.
00:45:35 And everyone ******* knows it.
00:45:36 Everyone ******* knows it.
00:45:39 In the same way that that, you know, John McCain's wife said, everyone knew about about Epstein, everyone knew about Epstein.
00:46:03 But anyway.
00:46:06 The real news?
00:46:07 Tucker didn't talk about.
00:46:10 Is with all this **** going on?
00:46:13 What is the top priority?
00:46:16 For the ruling class right now.
Speaker 20
00:46:22 A first of its kind national strategy to combat anti-Semitism, unveiled this week, comes as a staggering rise in hate crimes is directed at Jewish communities.
00:46:34 The White House plan outlines more than 100 calls to action in concept. The plan was widely well.
00:46:41 But there are questions and concerns about the details and we take that to South Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is live with.
00:46:48 Us today and.
00:46:48 Ohh, that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who should be in jail.
00:46:55 Who should be in jail?
00:46:59 And if Trump had been doing his job when he was president, would be in jail.
00:47:05 But no, not only is she not in jail.
00:47:08 She's trying to put you in jail.
Speaker 20
00:47:10 And who also sponsored a resolution recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month month that passed the House unanimously this week.
00:47:18 Congresswoman, I'll put my dentures back in.
00:47:20 Good morning.
00:47:21 Great to have you.
Speaker 26
00:47:23 Great to be with you.
Speaker 20
00:47:24 So this White House plan comes on this, you know, the FBI stats are eye popping, a record number of acts of.
00:47:32 Eat specifically against Jewish communities.
00:47:34 Why is that?
00:47:36 What is the context?
00:47:37 Why now?
Speaker 26
00:47:39 Well, I think it's it's part of a couple of reasons and I'm really glad to be able to be here to talk about this. And I'm so proud of the Biden administration and President Biden's effort in recognizing how virulent anti-Semitism has become and that a US strategy to counter anti-Semitism was necessary. I mean, just in in Broward County and Miami.
00:47:59 Counties alone we've had a 47% increase in Miami-Dade County and a 52% increase of anti-Semitic incidents in Broward County at 63% nationwide.
00:48:10 Of religious hate crime.
00:48:12 So look, look how look how quickly the system.
00:48:16 Moves into action.
00:48:18 To protect.
00:48:20 A tiny minority.
00:48:22 2% of the population less than actually.
00:48:26 You have the the White House.
00:48:28 I mean, look, this is Biden.
Speaker 27
00:48:31 Six years ago, Neo Nazis marched out of a field in Charlottesville, VA, literally carrying torches and Neo Nazi flags.
00:48:38 Wow, this guy, he gets, like, harder and harder to understand.
00:48:41 Like like I it.
00:48:44 It's a little shocking that they haven't at least, like, giving him a heart attack or something like that.
00:48:49 I don't know if.
00:48:49 It's because they think Camilla sounds just as ******* ********, so it doesn't really matter.
00:48:54 But I mean, **** me.
00:48:55 This guy just sounds like he's about to.
Speaker 27
00:48:56 Keel over and spewing the same anti-Semitic bile that was heard across Europe in the 30s.
00:49:03 In the process, a young woman was killed.
Speaker 9
00:49:06 And what did you hear?
Speaker 27
00:49:08 They're very fine people on both sides.
00:49:10 Come on.
00:49:12 Reminder reminder that heat never goes away, it only hides.
00:49:16 Give me just a little bit of oxygen.
00:49:19 It comes out from under those rocks with a vengeance.
00:49:22 In the past several years, has been given too much oxygen, fueling a record rise in anti-Semitism.
00:49:28 That's simply wrong.
00:49:29 It's not only it's immoral, it's unacceptable.
00:49:32 And it's not all of us.
00:49:33 It's not all of us to stop it.
00:49:35 We must say clearly and forcefully that anti-Semitism and all forms of hate and violence have no place in America and silence, silence is complicity and cannot remain silent.
00:49:48 I will not remain silent.
00:49:49 You should not either.
00:49:50 OK, well anyway, so he goes on and on and on about this.
00:49:55 They're putting together an entire.
00:49:58 I mean, they're putting a lot of money towards this.
00:50:00 You're like you're paying for this.
00:50:02 Your taxpayer dollars goes to all this.
Speaker 18
00:50:07 Good morning. I want to thank President Biden and my wife, Vice President Harris, for the comprehensive actions that they are taking to confront antisemitism, bigotry and hate in all of its forms. That is true leadership right now, anti-Semitic hate crimes in the United States.
00:50:28 Are occurring at the highest rates on record.
00:50:32 Hate crimes against Jews account for 63% of all religiously motivated hate crimes in the United States.
00:50:41 Even though we make up just over 2% of the overall population.
00:50:46 At its core, anti-Semitism divides us.
00:50:50 It erodes our trust in government institutions and one another.
00:50:55 It threatens our democracy while undermining our America.
00:50:59 Yeah, OK. Anyway, so a lot of people might not have even known. Kamala Harris's husband is a Jew.
00:51:06 I wonder, I wonder why people would be mad.
00:51:08 At Jews right now.
00:51:12 I wonder why I wonder if it's Jewish behavior.
00:51:16 Like this?
Speaker 28
00:51:18 It's just it you have to force behaviors and if you don't force behaviors, whether it's gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team.
00:51:31 You're going to be impacted and that's not just not recruiting, it is development, as Ken said.
Speaker 16
00:51:36 How do you force change though?
00:51:38 I mean Larry Black Rock has has really been the forefront of the SG movement within within corporate governance and a real leader and yet change is so slow.
00:51:47 So what is and and Ken as well.
00:51:49 What what, how do you force change when it is so incremental and so gradual?
00:51:55 How do you do something more radical?
00:51:57 Have you thought about that?
00:51:58 Has the Board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion?
00:52:04 Because it.
Speaker 28
00:52:04 Has to be imbued in the culture of a firm.
00:52:07 It has to be talked about.
00:52:08 It has to be shown behaviors across the entire firm in every region have to be similar.
00:52:16 And every citizen of the firm has to understand what is acceptable behaviors and what are unacceptable behavior.
00:52:25 So maybe the reason why people are ****** *** at Jews right now.
00:52:29 Is because Jews are forcing this on everybody.
00:52:43 This is a family friendly advertised as family friendly LGBT pride parade.
00:53:02 Larry Fink at Black Rock is saying that we have to force people to accept this.
00:53:14 We have to force people to accept this and if look, and if you're not going to.
00:53:17 Accept it because change is incremental.
00:53:20 We'll brainwash your kids.
00:53:29 We'll just wait you out.
00:53:39 You think Generation Z is gay?
Speaker 2
00:53:41 Here we go.
00:54:07 So yeah, obviously homeschool your kids go to the cities and all that stuff.
00:54:17 And and apparently don't don't read Scripture.
00:54:21 In public on a public sidewalk.
00:54:24 In protest of the ship.
Speaker 5
00:54:26 Here we are in reading.
00:54:27 We've got a bunch of people coming from out of.
00:54:29 Town to celebrate Eve.
00:54:32 It was a wonderful Providence of God.
00:54:34 I was driving with my family down the road and we passed.
00:54:37 This had some faithful brothers over here that are standing.
00:54:41 I came out and got to preach for about 12 minutes before a cop got in my face laid hands on me and threatened to arrest me if I didn't stop.
00:54:49 Of course, I don't have my GoPro camera with me because I wasn't coming out, had no idea this was happening.
00:54:53 I just happened to drive by it.
00:54:55 But the gospel went.
00:54:56 Out it got.
00:54:57 Drag Queens.
00:54:59 They got children here.
00:55:00 They're about to do a flag raising.
00:55:02 Ceremony and the Satan.
00:55:04 For our own mayor and moron is out here and.
00:55:09 Yeah, no.
00:55:10 This is the type of insanity.
00:55:12 Now, what's amazing about reading is it is largely A Hispanic population, but if you don't know how well you can see, there's not a lot of Hispanics out today.
00:55:21 It's a bunch of white people.
00:55:22 I'm sure they drove over from West Reading.
00:55:24 From out of.
00:55:24 Town because the Hispanic community largely would.
00:55:27 Shun this.
00:55:29 But yeah, that's what we got.
00:55:30 This is what they're doing in.
00:55:31 Reading City tyrant cops threatening older men and myself for standing out here.
00:55:40 Bag all stuff soon.
Speaker 8
00:55:42 That's cool with you.
00:55:43 I'm going to need you.
00:55:44 To go to 128 N.
00:55:50 And they're brothers, man.
00:55:57 So they're little literally arresting guys and look.
00:56:01 I I don't think their form of protest is realistic.
00:56:05 I don't think it's going well.
00:56:06 Obviously it's not right.
00:56:10 But if you.
00:56:10 Show up and you're across the street from a Satan Fest.
00:56:16 And you just hold up a sign that says I can't tell it says Jesus.
00:56:19 Something I don't know what it says.
00:56:22 And you start reading Scripture.
00:56:25 Cops will get in your face.
00:56:28 Because cops work for people like Larry Fink.
00:56:32 Then they'll arrest you.
00:56:36 Because, as I've said many times in the past, you're.
00:56:39 The infection now.
00:56:43 You don't have institutional power anymore.
00:56:49 Now I think the younger people get this.
00:56:54 And I think the older people, or at least a lot of them.
00:56:56 Are starting to get this.
00:57:13 But you know the problem is white supremacy, right?
00:57:17 It's not **** like this.
00:57:34 That's right.
00:57:34 We got drive by shootings again.
00:57:37 I say again because.
00:57:39 This was a big thing in the 90s.
00:57:45 It will always be a, a, a aspect of your society.
00:57:50 So long as you have the people that commit these crimes within your society.
00:57:57 But once again, if you complain about that or you complain about the.
00:58:01 I remember that so I found.
00:58:02 This club, this is kind of funny.
00:58:03 Remember that?
00:58:05 The the stream I did where we talked that there was that angry woman.
00:58:11 Who had the back in the 80s, seventies.
00:58:14 Well, actually, it started in the 60s, I think.
00:58:16 Where she was a school teacher.
00:58:19 That did the brown eye blue eye experiment, where she basically made white kids feel like **** and traumatized them so effectively that they may.
00:58:29 They basically gave her tons of money to do corporate seminars.
00:58:36 Part of what?
00:58:36 What Larry thinks talking about right where you have to force the behavioral changes.
00:58:43 You have to let people know if you want to be part of the machine.
Speaker 12
00:58:47 You have to agree with the.
00:58:48 Religion of the machine.
00:58:51 And the religion of the machine is is diversity and ********.
00:59:00 So as early as this, you know, 60s and 70s.
00:59:04 She was doing seminars where corporate entities would send their NPC employees.
00:59:12 To some hotel somewhere.
00:59:16 And they be psychologically tortured for being white for an afternoon.
00:59:22 And told that they are the bad ones.
00:59:27 While any any black employees that were sent to the seminar were told that all of your problems are because of white people.
00:59:37 Her name was Jane Elliott.
00:59:39 She's still ******* around like she's still around.
00:59:48 And the big problems with our society right now, it's white people complaining about The Little Mermaid, apparently.
Speaker 25
00:59:54 All right.
00:59:54 Hallie Bailey stars in Disneys new movie, Little Mermaid.
01:00:00 And you've seen these videos of young black girls, just awesome, all by seeing this, this sister as Little Mermaid.
Speaker 1
01:00:10 But there's a lot.
Speaker 25
01:00:11 Of other people who are.
01:00:11 Not happy on the YouTube channel with the trailer for the for the movie.
01:00:17 There were 1.5 million thumbs down dislikes, but they disabled disabled it folks. They disabled it, took the comments down and everything we have seen.
01:00:29 This look at this 8.1 million views. We've seen all this conversation back and forth, but it's not just Little Mermaid. What? What's that new show on HBO? The one of them Thrones shows, then one of.
01:00:40 And one of the yeah, how to drag is I don't watch it.
01:00:42 And so, Lord, there's some.
01:00:44 There's some.
01:00:44 There's some white folks up in arms, cause Lord is some black characters and they complain about how you're getting away.
01:00:50 From what the?
01:00:51 Book was about I.
01:00:52 Mean and the crazy thing is y'all, we're talking fiction. We're talking was made-up and make believe. Well, Jane.
01:01:00 Kelly has been doing this work for years. She started this the day after Doctor King was assassinated, April 4th, 1968.
01:01:08 And she's been going hard ever since.
01:01:10 She joins us.
01:01:12 George US right now.
01:01:13 And Jane, I I know you know, when we have a promo for my book white fear.
01:01:18 Here and and your quote.
01:01:20 Then you were saying, look, this nation is getting more racist.
01:01:23 The bottom line is these people.
01:01:25 I fundamentally believe Trump has unleashed these folks.
01:01:28 They are just angry and upset and and This is why I wrote my book.
01:01:32 I said how the Browning of America is making rifles lose their minds.
01:01:36 They cannot handle the fact that.
01:01:38 Now you're seeing black folks and Latinos and Asian folks just showing up.
01:01:44 It's no longer.
01:01:46 It's white is right.
01:01:47 Everybody else step back.
Speaker 17
01:01:50 But for the last 400 years, we have misrepresented or underrepresented or not, represented people who are other than white, and now people who are white are complaining because there is one fairy tale that talks about that has a black, not black, a dark brown.
01:02:09 Female as the heroine.
01:02:11 Why is that such a big deal?
01:02:12 I know what's a big deal.
01:02:14 White folks are scared to death.
01:02:15 They know that by the year, by within 30 years, white people, as they call themselves, will have lost their numerical majority in the United States of America.
01:02:23 And they're scared to death that people of color are going to want to treat us the way we have treated them.
01:02:29 And so they have to.
01:02:30 We had presidents while we call him President, who built a wall, spent millions and millions of dollars.
01:02:35 Build the wall to keep brown skinned people out because he said, brown skinned people reproduce too rapidly.
01:02:41 Now what we're dealing with right now is a fallout from that kind of attitude and that kind of statement made by the leader of the United States of America.
01:02:49 What do you expect little people?
01:02:50 To do except say the same kinds of things that he is saying and has said and will say, unless we put a stop to this nonsense.
Speaker 25
01:02:57 Now what you yeah.
Speaker 6
01:02:57 If we would.
Speaker 17
01:02:58 If we would stop using the vocabulary of the 14th and 15th century.
01:03:02 If we would stop calling people white because that means purity and goodness and black, because that means savage and evil.
01:03:08 If we would start calling people what they are, which is varying shades of brown.
01:03:12 We wouldn't have to deal with those two opposites.
01:03:14 We have been put on a situation by the by the Spanish Inquisition took him out and company.
01:03:20 We're going to make everybody Catholic and they were killing people they thought weren't Christians.
01:03:24 Then they realized they killed a bunch of Christians, so they had to find another way to decide whether a person was Christian or not because you couldn't tell by looking at him.
01:03:31 And he still can't.
01:03:32 But anyway, so he decided they would use skin.
01:03:35 So the lighter skinned people were called white, which is the color of goodness and purity, and the darker skinned people were called black, which is the color of savagery and evil.
01:03:42 We have been doing that for another 4 that's only 450 years ago approximately and we're still doing it.
01:03:48 People, it's time to give it up.
01:03:49 Let's grow up.
Speaker 25
01:03:50 You say?
Speaker 17
01:03:50 We we are in a young nation.
01:03:52 It's time to grow up.
Speaker 25
01:03:53 You said something that.
01:03:56 So she's still there, like she's still around.
01:03:58 She's still doing this ******* **** and she needs.
01:04:01 She needs to go in the pit like she definitely has.
01:04:03 Like, she gets to go to the express lane on the pit.
01:04:14 Yeah, Speaking of, she likes to talk about history.
01:04:17 Let's talk about white people in history.
Speaker 29
01:04:20 I think Mr. Rampton.
01:04:25 I have the dream that I can go to Heathrow airport and Board 747 and fly for 10 hours.
01:04:32 And landed back in England as it was in the 1950s.
01:04:37 The press loved that.
01:04:39 And he wasn't satisfied, of course, because he doesn't like that kind of answer.
01:04:42 And Mr.
01:04:42 Rant, and he's a good QC.
01:04:45 And he adjusted his wig and he said.
01:04:46 And Mr.
01:04:47 Irving, what kind of England would that have been then?
01:04:51 I know what he's going for.
01:04:53 And here, Mr. Ann, let me put it like this. If the soldiers who stormed the beaches in Normandy in June 1944 could see England as it is today, they wouldn't have gone 40 yards up that beach.
01:05:07 And that's the ******* truth.
01:05:14 That's the ******* truth.
01:05:23 And she likes to talk a big game about Trump. Like, Oh yeah, Trump's.
01:05:26 Like the Trump's?
01:05:27 Like the.
01:05:28 He's like the next incarnation of Hitler.
01:05:31 Right.
Speaker 9
01:05:32 I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the people of Israel on the 75th anniversary year of your country's founding.
01:05:41 The State of Israel is the fulfillment of a dream that endured through generations of hardship and through the bottomless evils of the Holocaust.
01:05:50 The dream of a Jewish state in the.
01:05:52 Jewish homeland.
01:05:54 Against all odds, the state of Israel was born, and now more than 7 decades later, Israel has not just survived, it has prospered as a blessing of almighty God to the entire world.
01:06:08 As President, it was my honor to be the best friend, the people of Israel have ever had in the White House.
01:06:15 I withdrew from the horrendous Iran nuclear deal.
01:06:18 I kept my promise that officially recognized.
01:06:21 The eternal capital of Israel and opened.
01:06:25 The American Embassy in Jerusalem.
01:06:27 I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, something that nobody thought was even possible to get.
01:06:35 I did more for Israel than any other President.
01:06:39 Probably times 10 and that's OK we did a great job and I'm very proud of it.
01:06:45 Great people, credible people, brave people and with the historic Abraham Accords, we even created peace in the Middle East, the most important diplomatic breakthrough in many generations, once again to our Israeli friends.
01:06:58 Congratulations on this joyous occasion.
01:07:01 The American people will stand with you always.
01:07:05 And so will I.
01:07:06 Thank you.
01:07:10 But anti-Semitism?
01:07:11 That's the big problem in.
Speaker 12
01:07:12 The world right now.
01:07:21 You know what?
01:07:23 Now, now I kind of like like the aliens. I kind of would rather deal with the aliens at this point. Maybe, maybe. Maybe. Tucker's on to something. Maybe Tucker knows that we we all have fatigue, that we're all we're tired of hearing about.
01:07:44 Anti-Semitism.
01:07:48 Maybe a little break, maybe fighting the aliens wouldn't be so bad.
01:07:57 Maybe we can bring Bigfoot too.
01:08:00 And the the ******* Loch Ness Monster.
01:08:02 I don't know.
01:08:07 This is what New York looked like today.
01:08:17 Massive forest fires.
01:08:19 I guess going on in Canada.
01:08:23 Like footage shows that they all started simultaneously.
01:08:29 Which is a little bit odd.
01:08:41 I add that clip.
01:08:42 Now it's missing.
01:08:44 I had the satellite footage clip.
01:08:47 Let me see if I can find it here.
Speaker 11
01:08:53 Now here we are.
01:08:55 Ask and you shall receive.
01:08:56 Let me pop this.
01:08:57 Up here real quick.
01:09:02 I'm going to do it a funky way.
01:09:11 Let's see here.
01:09:15 Let's uh.
01:09:19 Pop it up this way here.
01:09:21 There we go.
01:09:23 All day.
Speaker 30
01:09:26 But what?
01:09:27 So that that satellite imagery of the forest fires in Canada.
01:09:37 And look, I don't know.
01:09:39 I don't have any theories as to what started these fires.
01:09:42 I know there's there's some a lot of fake news like Q Anon, ****** ship floating around about.
01:09:47 Different things that that have started these fires.
01:09:52 But you can't.
01:09:52 You can't ignore the fact that they literally all started at the exact same time hundreds of miles, if not thousands of miles away from each other.
01:10:04 And the probability of that just to me seems a little.
01:10:09 A little unlikely, a little unlikely.
01:10:12 What? What?
01:10:14 We get a.
01:10:14 Lot we get a lot of forest fires here in America.
01:10:16 I've lived through a lot of forest fires.
01:10:18 I've lived really close by a lot of forest fires, and there's certainly seasons right where they tell you if you go to the forest.
01:10:25 Ohh you can't burn.
01:10:27 You can't burn because you'll start a forest fire.
01:10:31 Right, there's forest fire danger.
01:10:35 The different color codes, it's almost like the the terrorism color codes.
01:10:41 And yeah, sometimes you get a couple that happen within a few days of each other, maybe a few weeks.
01:10:45 Of each other.
01:10:47 But not like this.
01:10:49 I have never seen anything like this.
01:10:56 I don't know.
01:10:58 Am I being a little?
01:10:59 Am I being a little?
01:11:00 Ex. Filey.
01:11:05 Who knows? Who knows, right?
01:11:10 So anyway, lots of stuff going on this week.
01:11:15 Uh, I think that's about it for right now.
01:11:20 Probably do a little bit of a shorter show tonight.
01:11:23 I got a big one planned for Saturday.
01:11:26 I just thought it was it was.
01:11:28 It was so bizarre that Tucker went balls deep with the the alien ****.
01:11:35 I just felt obligated, like obligated to, at least.
01:11:37 Talk about that.
01:11:40 Ohh man.
01:11:42 It does make you wonder, right?
01:11:43 Like ****.
01:11:44 I hope that's not like.
01:11:46 I hope it's not like a blue I I I've always thought the idea of project.
01:11:49 Blue being.
01:11:50 I always thought it was ridiculous.
01:11:53 And I still do.
01:11:54 I still think it's ridiculous.
01:11:56 I still don't think that's what's what's going on here.
01:11:58 But something's ******* going on here.
01:12:03 Something's going on.
01:12:05 Let me take a look at the hyper chats here.
01:12:13 If it lets me.
01:12:18 Ohh what's it doing here?
01:12:24 There we go.
01:12:25 I think maybe here we go.
01:12:31 Zazzy Mattas bot thanks for your work.
01:12:33 This is just a just for fun.
01:12:36 Clip of a cannon obstacle course that involves disassembly of a cannon and swinging it on a rope bridge.
01:12:44 The fun starts at 20 seconds after the first part.
01:12:47 They do it in reverse.
01:12:48 Yeah, why not?
01:12:48 Why not?
01:12:49 We got time for fun clips tonight.
01:12:51 Why not?
01:12:53 Let me pop up the browser again here.
01:13:01 And this that.
Speaker 31
01:13:04 Old and experienced crew were on.
01:13:07 The brink of history.
01:13:24 Since they joined Field Camp in 1947, Fleet Air Arm proved to be a brilliantly successful team, establishing A reputation for professionalism.
01:13:33 And an approach to training altogether different from, say, Portsmouth's traditional and ultra physical style.
01:13:43 This is one of the most bizarre.
Speaker 12
01:13:45 Obstacle courses I've ever seen.
01:13:48 But it's also one of.
01:13:49 The whitest things I've ever seen.
Speaker 12
01:13:57 Is this something they still do?
Speaker 8
01:14:03 One personality.
01:14:08 That's kind of crazy.
01:14:11 I don't know if there's.
01:14:12 More to it than this.
Speaker 31
01:14:18 For one minute 20.86 seconds.
Speaker 32
01:14:22 The world record was gone.
01:14:23 Where do you go?
01:14:23 Yeah, you know.
01:14:25 Kind of random but but.
01:14:27 But pretty cool I guess.
01:14:31 B&RP. Hey man, really enjoy your content. I remember you saying in a recent stream that knowing what you know now you wish you could send your teenage self a 30 minute video of your black Pilling and how having that knowledge would have changed your outlook and the direction of your.
01:14:47 Life. Well, it's obviously not.
01:14:49 Possible to communicate with your younger self.
01:14:52 It might still be beneficial to make such a video the finished product if put together nicely, could make for a useful primer for young white men on how the world really works versus how you were told it work.
01:15:04 It would take no small amount of effort to write out what you'd want to say to a young Devon to read it aloud, audiobook style for an audience, and to edit it or relevant B roll, news headlines, etcetera, in order to make a visual engaging video.
01:15:20 But it might be really worthwhile crowd fun.
01:15:24 I don't know I.
Speaker 7
01:15:25 If I was.
01:15:26 Going to do something like that, I wouldn't need to crowdfund it.
01:15:28 I mean, I just have to sit down and and write it and.
01:15:32 And put it out.
Speaker 7
01:15:33 That's not, that's not.
01:15:34 A terrible idea.
01:15:35 That's not a bad idea.
01:15:38 I'd have to really think about it though.
01:15:40 I'd have to think like really specifically like what are the sorts of things that would have made a big difference when you were younger?
01:15:48 Because when you're younger, a lot of the things that, that that are a.
01:15:51 Lot of the lies.
01:15:52 That are going to impact your life are the lies about, you know, men and women, the lies about well, I mean, actually, really all the lies, but just the way that it affects your your life is is way different for a young man.
01:16:07 Like when you enter the workforce with some assumptions that that there's.
01:16:12 And it's an even playing field to some degree, and the amount of time it takes for you to realize that it's not and and and.
01:16:22 I don't know.
01:16:23 It might be worth it.
01:16:24 Might be worth doing.
01:16:25 I'll think about doing that.
01:16:28 Goy boy, 1488. Welcome back. Looking for your stream? Dealing with the kill Dozer. But not sure what to search as usual.
01:16:35 Bit shoot was no help.
01:16:37 Do you remember what the episode name was or how to find it?
01:16:46 Yeah, I don't know.
01:16:48 I don't know.
01:16:49 It's funny because.
01:16:53 It's got to be an odyssey.
01:16:54 It's got to be an odyssey.
01:16:57 But I never, I never put.
01:16:58 Maybe that's something I need to do is go back and edit all the old videos to have keywords and stuff like that to make this stuff easier to find.
01:17:07 Uh, but it would be around the uh, if not on killdozer day.
01:17:13 So that's one way that would be easy to find it if you went back into the old videos from last year.
01:17:20 Or maybe it was the year before that I forget which year it was and kill those.
01:17:24 Your day was what, like last week or something.
01:17:26 Like it wasn't that long ago.
01:17:27 So it would be easy.
01:17:28 To find it that way.
01:17:32 Now in bit shoot.
01:17:33 Yeah, bit shoots search is basically useless.
01:17:37 And then it's never improved.
01:17:39 It's gotten worse, if anything.
01:17:42 So I would just, I would try, I would use Odyssey, honestly like I'd love for bit shoot to work, but the one of the major problems is they're based out of the UK, so they they're.
01:17:52 You know, they they're they're not even allowed to really be a free speech platform.
01:17:56 If anyone complaints they have.
01:17:57 To take **** down.
01:17:59 Odyssey might go that way at some point.
01:18:01 I don't.
01:18:01 Know but for at least for right now, I think they're far superior platform.
01:18:09 John Skywalker.
01:18:11 If you can play it, this is a clip from the Will Smith movie emancipation.
01:18:16 Could you do a stream or part of 1 on your on the true story of this and how the verse of the film is maybe tie in with your slavery stream as a comparison with reality versus fiction?
01:18:28 I don't know if I ever saw this.
01:18:30 What is this?
01:18:35 My leg is fine.
01:18:37 You will not take it.
Speaker 30
01:18:40 Oh, no, no, we're not doctors.
01:18:42 What Will Smith not not so great at the at the accents, huh?
01:18:48 You know, we were alerted to your condition.
Speaker 15
01:18:53 Well, with your permission, we were wondering if you wouldn't like to join us for.
Speaker 24
01:18:57 A few moments.
Speaker 27
01:18:59 It's OK. They're good people.
01:19:02 Uniform may be waiting when you get back.
Speaker 3
01:19:04 Yeah, go on.
01:19:08 Right this way, Sir.
Speaker 27
01:19:09 Thank you, sister.
01:19:19 Alright, you know what's funny?
01:19:21 It's called a camera.
01:19:22 They actually have you have first.
01:19:26 Access to first hand accounts from slaves.
01:19:29 And most of them didn't.
01:19:31 Didn't hate it.
01:19:33 And as I've always said, look, if you it just, it just doesn't make any sense.
01:19:37 The biggest blood libel in the world is that white people are just these, these insanely evil people.
01:19:43 And that's one thing I would go back in time and tell the younger version of me that every time that they make this claim, like, oh, people were.
01:19:50 Just white people were just brutal.
01:19:54 In the past, you know, everything you did was it was all just horrible and and and and.
01:20:01 That's the greatest blood libel.
01:20:03 That for no reason at all.
01:20:04 White people just go around the world, you know, oppressing everybody and wiping them out, killing them for no reason.
01:20:10 Like literally for no reason.
01:20:12 You know, they they want to wipe out Jews for no reason.
01:20:14 They want to wipe out blacks for no reason.
01:20:16 They want to wipe out the Indians for no reason.
01:20:18 They're just going around, you know.
01:20:21 With this idea that they're uniquely superior, a lot of projection going on, right, like the whole God's chosen thing, a lot of projection going on, the people writing this history that you're taught in school and watching movies and stuff.
01:20:34 That's one thing that, that, that I think I would go back and and tell my younger self is look, it doesn't even make any sense.
01:20:42 Even if you looked at, even if like black people were considered livestock, which let's just say that, let's just say that's what it was.
01:20:50 Because on some level that's what it was, right?
01:20:52 On some level, black people were looked at as as livestock.
01:20:57 Right.
01:20:58 For better or for worse, whatever, right?
01:21:02 Well, how many farmers do you know?
01:21:05 That are intentionally cruel.
01:21:07 To their livestock.
01:21:10 That damaged their livestock.
01:21:13 I mean, if nothing else like it, it doesn't make any sense from a practical standpoint.
01:21:18 You pay good money.
01:21:19 For a horse.
01:21:20 And you whip it until it can't.
01:21:22 Do anything for you.
01:21:24 I mean that doesn't make any sense.
01:21:26 It just doesn't make any sense and no.
01:21:27 One thinks about.
01:21:28 It that way because.
01:21:29 You're not allowed to think about it, period.
01:21:34 It's all this emotional blackmail stuff.
01:21:36 It's all like this photo.
01:21:37 Oh, look, this guy.
01:21:39 Like it, it's whipped.
01:21:40 It's the famous whipped Peter video or or photo is what what it says here, right?
Speaker 7
01:21:45 Well, what?
01:21:46 What the **** did Peter do?
01:21:49 Right.
01:21:51 We don't know.
01:21:53 I'm not saying that he deserved it, but maybe he did.
01:21:56 Mean let's be real.
01:22:00 Maybe Peter was a *** ** * *****.
Speaker 7
01:22:01 We don't know.
Speaker 20
01:22:03 Like we don't ******* know.
01:22:06 It's just a random photo.
01:22:08 Of some guy that's got injuries.
01:22:18 And people say the left can't meme.
Speaker 7
01:22:23 Yeah, it might be worth taking a look.
01:22:24 At some of these first hand accounts.
01:22:27 Because they do exist, there are many, many surviving first hand accounts of slaves.
01:22:33 That, quite frankly, didn't have a problem with it.
01:22:36 In fact, there were a lot of slaves that were very upset when it ended.
01:22:41 Because slavery wasn't again because they were treated like livestock.
01:22:44 Right.
01:22:46 If you were to get just as an example, I'm sure even if you don't live in a rural area you've driven by like a dairy farm or something like that.
01:22:54 You've got cows that have.
01:22:56 It doesn't look great, right?
01:22:57 Like their living conditions don't look great.
01:22:59 If you have one of these.
01:23:01 Not necessarily like a factory farm, but like you know, these bigger cattle ranches where they just have these massive buildings where they can go underneath the hide from the sun and there's these huge troughs that they, they eat their food.
01:23:14 Drum and whatever and they kind of **** and **** all over the place and it's probably not great, right?
01:23:19 But if you were to get those cows and justice, release them into the wild.
01:23:24 Many of them would not last very long.
01:23:27 In fact, most of them would not.
01:23:28 Last very long.
01:23:31 And you had a similar situation with slaves.
01:23:35 You know you you had slaves that were again, whether right or wrong, doesn't matter, treated like livestock and provided for like livestock where they didn't have to think about where their next meal was going to come from.
01:23:49 They didn't have to think about.
01:23:50 Housing they didn't have to think about a job.
01:23:54 All that was taken care of for them.
01:23:57 And you can say it was cruel or whatever.
01:23:59 It doesn't matter.
01:23:59 All of that was taken care of for them.
01:24:04 And then you release them out into the wild.
01:24:08 And now suddenly they don't.
01:24:09 You know, they don't know.
01:24:10 They don't have a guaranteed job.
01:24:12 They don't have a guaranteed place to sleep.
01:24:14 They don't have a guaranteed meal.
01:24:18 And they really don't have a lot of skills.
01:24:21 In fact, many of the slaves that got released.
01:24:24 Came back and worked for their their old masters.
01:24:26 They just got paid.
01:24:29 And it was almost a worse deal.
01:24:31 Because now you get paid like this these these I.
01:24:34 Mean instead of.
01:24:35 Living on the plantation and being provided for, you're getting paid a wage that is almost like.
01:24:43 Unlivable like you get paid.
01:24:45 Paid a wage.
01:24:45 It's so low that you can't even provide for yourself what was provided for you as a slave.
01:24:53 So anyway, I mean, not obviously slavery was a huge mistake for a million different reasons, but.
01:25:01 You know this whole story that whites are uniquely evil and you know.
01:25:07 It's a disgusting lie.
01:25:11 Man of low moral fiber.
01:25:13 Thanks for the stream, Devin.
01:25:14 Appreciate the work you had said recently that you didn't necessarily fear a nuclear attack, and we're tepidly curious what it would actually look.
01:25:22 Like yeah, a little bit.
01:25:25 Since they've always held it over us, well, if major cities got nuked, America gets a lot wider in an instant.
01:25:32 Yeah, it does.
01:25:33 And it gets a lot more exciting.
01:25:37 Again, I'm not.
01:25:38 I'm not fantasizing about major urban centers being nuked.
01:25:52 You know, like everyone's seeing the map, right?
01:25:55 Everyone's seeing the map.
01:25:56 Like the red and blue map and how the blue is always concentrated.
01:26:00 And all the all the.
Speaker 7
01:26:02 All the targets, all the, all the, all the.
01:26:05 Fallout zones are very blue.
01:26:07 And everywhere, everywhere outside.
01:26:10 Falzone is very red.
Speaker 7
01:26:14 Yeah, you know.
01:26:15 Again, I I'm sure it would be horrifying and and whatever, but.
01:26:21 You know it's.
01:26:23 It'd be.
01:26:24 It'd be interesting, right?
01:26:25 It'd be interesting.
01:26:26 To see how that would unfold.
01:26:29 Romel simply just says *******.
01:26:36 Thank you for your support there.
01:26:37 Romeo, Java Mac store.
01:26:40 I never catch your streams live.
01:26:41 Except tonight I am working.
01:26:43 So I have my chance.
01:26:45 Thanks for your hard work.
01:26:45 I appreciate that Java Max.
01:26:48 Is that Java Mac store or is that like a mix of a Mac store hard drive?
01:26:53 Is that even still a company anymore?
01:26:55 And uh Java the the the.
01:26:58 The programming language?
01:26:59 Or is that coffee maxing?
01:27:01 I don't even know.
01:27:02 Or it could be coffee maxing while using the Tor browser.
01:27:05 There's so many ways your name could go and I don't.
01:27:07 It's a puzzle.
01:27:08 It's an enigma.
01:27:10 Graham playing games a lot of boomers don't buy into the trans thing, but they do buy into the idea that getting a passport or being born in England can make a Pakistani or or a Nigerian an Englishman.
01:27:23 The idea that one can transition their gender is really an extension of the former idea.
01:27:28 It's the same falsehood exactly.
01:27:30 It's it's that we're all we are all individuals.
01:27:33 Somehow we are all individuals and that really as long as you live within a certain economic zone, you are a member of that economic zone.
01:27:42 It's reducing everything to economics.
01:27:44 That's something the right the well, the that libertarian right has has worked really hard to to shape the minds of.
01:27:53 Right leaning people the way their way of thinking into just reducing everything to economics.
01:28:02 And we're living in the result of that.
01:28:05 I mean, in a way, if you could prove somehow, I guarantee you if you wanted to convince boomers that trans **** was good, the way to do it would just be making the the economic argument for it.
01:28:17 If you could just do studies that somehow showed that.
01:28:21 Having ******** in your society increased the tax base somehow, or or, you know, increased tax revenue and and was good for the economy.
01:28:31 I mean, I'm not and I'm not even being funny here.
01:28:33 Like, if you if you could somehow and and look, I'm sure libertarians are working.
01:28:37 On this.
01:28:38 If you could somehow produce a study that showed that ******** were good for the economy, I think boomers would would be hesitant to.
01:28:48 To be against ********.
01:28:53 Goy boy, 1488. How much worse will things have to get before we are ready for a fewer? What else could possibly happen? Like look?
01:29:02 I don't see anyone on the horizon that's even remotely close to that.
01:29:06 I see a Trump that we, I just played a clip from where he's basically sucking off Israel and then one of the alternatives, you know, you have DeSantis who goes and and and not only signs anti.
01:29:22 Anti anti-Semitism or you know signs anti-Semitism laws.
01:29:26 He flies to Israel to do it.
01:29:31 So that's your alternative on the right, I guess is you have it, it's a contest of of who can suck the most Jewish ****.
01:29:39 They both are, you know, to varying degrees, are supportive of gay people.
01:29:45 You know, Trump is all in supporting gay people and ******** and everything else as far as I can tell.
01:29:50 And DeSantis is it's fine as long as.
01:29:53 It's not kids.
01:29:56 You know you can.
01:29:57 Be a gay whatever you want to be.
01:30:00 You know, there's as long as it's not overtly gay in front of children, it's it's somehow it's fine.
01:30:08 Which is not a step in the right direction. That's that's. I mean that's that's basically what what Democrats were saying in the 1990s.
01:30:18 So, I mean, he's just.
01:30:19 He's just behind the the Democrat view of things you like.
01:30:23 As I've said before, you need to have someone that just says no, they need to go in the pit.
01:30:28 You don't want these people in our society.
01:30:31 And not not try to use dog whistles and and because I'd say 90% of dog whistles are imagined.
01:30:39 They're imagined.
01:30:42 Because they are.
01:30:43 They're trying to get when politicians use them, when it's knowingly.
01:30:48 It's it.
01:30:49 It's not.
01:30:49 First of all, it's false because they're trying to signal that people that don't think they're ******** enough because they're not ******** enough that don't worry.
01:30:57 I get it, dude.
01:30:58 I get it, bro.
01:30:59 Just vote for me and then you'll see you'll see what happens.
01:31:03 But it's never happened, right?
01:31:04 It's never happened.
01:31:06 And it won't happen because they aren't leaders.
01:31:09 Their followers, they're following the poll numbers.
01:31:11 If the poll numbers said that they, if they were to go out and say let's throw them in the pit would was wildly popular, they would just say that.
01:31:21 A real leader makes things like that popular.
Speaker 12
01:31:26 A real leader.
01:31:31 What is popular?
01:31:33 Trump had the ability to do that.
01:31:34 He just didn't have the.
01:31:37 He just he just.
01:31:37 He's just he's not our guy.
01:31:40 And never was.
01:31:42 But it is, I mean, he had the charisma to do.
01:31:44 It so it is possible.
01:31:47 Trump could have very easily.
01:31:51 Kick things off in terms of a civil war.
01:31:54 After the election, ease very easily.
01:31:58 And there were there would be people that disagree with Trump, who thought he was kind of a Zio cuck or whatever.
01:32:05 That probably would have followed his lead grudgingly.
01:32:10 Just because you know you're weighing the pros and cons of of letting letting the empire rot with from within.
01:32:18 Or ripping off the Band-Aid and trying to fix some of these problems at least have a chance of that happening.
01:32:26 Graham playing games the anniversary of D-Day yesterday. A lot of boomer, ISM and lip **** about it reminds me of Saving Private Ryan.
01:32:35 I think it's a shameless manipulative movie and demonizes Germans better World War Two film from 1998 is thin red line, more meditative and philosophical, didn't demonize the Japanese.
01:32:47 Yeah, I I think I saw in.
01:32:48 The theaters I I.
01:32:49 Don't remember the whole storyline of that.
01:32:53 Yeah, it's fascinating how many people think that those are basically documentaries.
01:32:59 They watch these these Jewish produced films that are that have clearly have the the same goal that Schindler's List does, and that is is trying to pound into the heads of future generations that the same kind of propaganda that was given to the troops that that stormed the beaches of Normandy.
01:33:21 That that motivated them to to act in that in retrospect, you know, self defeating way.
01:33:32 They they they can't have you.
01:33:35 Wonder if it was a bad idea.
01:33:38 They can't have you wondering if maybe we're the baddies.
01:33:42 So they have to produce these really big budget, very faux patriotic movies, so that you think in your head that.
01:33:52 Opposing or or even questioning things like World War 2911 in some instances, even Vietnam. You know anything that the that that the ruling class decided to do that led to the deaths of millions of our people.
01:34:09 That it was all good.
01:34:10 Not just necessary, but like.
01:34:13 Fighting for good.
01:34:15 That was that was God himself.
01:34:19 His army.
01:34:22 And look it works, it works the other day.
01:34:26 Memorial Day.
01:34:28 I saw a lot of people, a lot of boomers on the right.
01:34:32 Get very upset.
01:34:34 When they would come across things on Twitter that that kind of questioned the official narrative.
01:34:41 They're very wrapped up in that.
01:34:46 Gory boy, 1488. For anyone looking, you can get GLR's last book from Invisible Empire Publishing for $50.10 for 10 would recommend before they get shut down again.
01:35:02 I'm not sure what.
01:35:03 What GLR is?
01:35:04 What is GLR?
01:35:06 Well, OK.
01:35:07 There you go.
01:35:08 If you want to find GL, whoever GLR is.
01:35:13 I can't think of what that would be.
01:35:16 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, sorry for screwing up the end of the last stream.
01:35:22 Not that you need to watch the show, but I wanted to make the point that the conclusion was even if it doesn't look like they're in control, Jews will always be pulling the strings.
01:35:32 Even the background, I don't remember exactly what you're talking about, so you must not have.
01:35:36 Screwed up too bad.
01:35:38 Because I remember being screwed up.
01:35:42 And look it's.
01:35:43 Not always Jews, though.
01:35:44 I mean, it's not like we're we are.
01:35:47 We have no autonomy.
01:35:50 Whites whites have very willingly and and sometimes eagerly.
01:35:57 Supported a lot of the same objectives that Jews have.
01:36:01 Sometimes it's for simple reasons like greed or blackmail or something like that, but sometimes it's just that that that feeling, that connection that you feel to your people.
01:36:13 Is, sadly, I think a unique thing among white people.
01:36:16 I, for whatever reason, and I don't know what it is.
01:36:19 I think that whites have just a genetically weak in Group preference.
01:36:27 And that's why things like libertarianism, why that cancer spreads so rapidly.
01:36:35 In high IQ whites, you know, as we've seen in the past because they, they see it not as a we are a people that need to accomplish goals together.
01:36:46 It's every man for himself, and it doesn't matter if you know, I leave everyone behind in the dust and in whatever as long as me personally.
01:36:55 I'm benefiting from from what I'm doing.
01:37:01 It does seem to be a a.
01:37:03 Maybe it's not a uniquely white thing.
01:37:05 It's probably a human thing, but it seems to be particularly affecting whites in at least in this era.
01:37:12 And I don't know why I because I don't.
01:37:14 I can't relate to it because even when I was younger and I wasn't necessarily like race pilled I I still believed my eyes.
01:37:24 I still lived in diverse areas.
01:37:26 I went to diverse schools.
01:37:28 I noticed a huge difference between the way my interactions went with white kids.
01:37:33 Other white.
01:37:33 Kids and the way they went with non whites and I strongly preferred my interactions with the white kids and I and I and for a whole host of reasons, you know, not not just the obvious ones, not not just like the safety ones but.
01:37:47 Like just there?
01:37:49 Was there was a a understanding among?
01:37:53 Fellow whites actual fellow whites that made things more comfortable.
01:37:59 We had a shared history.
01:38:01 We had a shared genetic.
01:38:03 We had a we had a we we.
01:38:05 We're a family.
01:38:07 You know, you could you can talk to other whites and and size them up and make friends with them just at least me.
01:38:15 I mean that was always true more easily than I could with someone who was obviously, you know, like an Asian even.
01:38:22 It was like an Asian person who wasn't necessarily like a a degenerate or bad or whatever, you know.
01:38:28 Like their high IQ and and whatever, but there was still something foreign about the way that they saw the world, the way that.
01:38:34 They thought the way.
01:38:34 That you know the the, the things they valued.
01:38:38 And they didn't have the same kind of history that I did.
01:38:43 And so there wasn't that, that familiar connection, that bond.
01:38:50 So I can't really relate to the whites that don't feel that.
01:38:53 And I can only imagine that many of them are just.
01:38:58 They're just very either isolated or insulated from a lot of these populations like they they're the kind of whites that they don't feel that bond or that connection.
01:39:12 But miraculously, you look at where they work and live and it's majority white.
01:39:19 And they just maybe their perception is no, this is just normal.
01:39:22 This is what it's like.
01:39:24 And that and they don't they they don't take into account the why.
01:39:31 Man of low moral fiber. Attention all space. **** ***. We're full. You can crash on the moon if you want, though.
01:39:41 Yeah, I like I said, it's kind of like as much as this alien craft and alien body stuff is all ********.
01:39:50 I'm kind of like a.
01:39:52 I'm at least curious, like, right?
01:39:54 Like who's right?
01:39:54 I don't know who's writing this script.
01:39:56 They're at least curious as to how this is because they're doing this, not.
01:39:59 That's not for no reason.
01:40:01 It's not for no reason and and you know, I I even think there. I know there's people out there that if they they might see it the same way I do in terms of wow this is a ******** story why did Tucker fall for this and they see it more like oh they're they're trying to destroy Tucker's credibility.
01:40:20 No, I I I don't think that's what it is.
01:40:22 I think I think this story is.
01:40:24 Going to have.
01:40:25 More chapters.
01:40:26 I think there's going to be some twists and turns in in the alien.
01:40:29 Narrative and and I'm a little curious as to how this is going to unfold at the same time though, it just seems so preposterous that they're gonna that they would do a project blue beam that they would fake an alien invasion or something that just seems like.
01:40:43 But then again, I don't know.
01:40:45 Right.
01:40:46 So many things that have happened.
01:40:47 Over the last few years.
01:40:49 Who would have thought, right?
01:40:51 So it's one of these things we can't just discount. We can't just be like, well, that's that's crazy. They would never know. Everything's been ******* crazy. Maybe they will.
Speaker 11
01:40:59 Maybe they will.
01:41:00 You know, try to fake an alien invasion or or I don't know.
01:41:04 But I think it's clear to anyone that has eyes and a brain that there is this is this is an intelligence agency driven narrative.
01:41:16 We don't know.
01:41:17 We don't know the purpose of it yet, but I think it's very clear.
01:41:20 Look, it originates from the intelligence community and it's being disseminated by the intelligence community.
01:41:26 So I mean, you know, just definitionally it's an intelligence community.
01:41:33 And the fact that this guy approved everything that he said in the interview with the Pentagon before saying it, and he's not in jail, he's not being lied.
01:41:41 He's not being the men in black aren't showing up at his house and and, you know, waving little magic pen and and and erasing his memory or or throwing him in.
01:41:50 The back of a.
01:41:52 You know the the trunk of their cars or whatever.
01:41:54 You know like.
01:41:55 He's he's allowed to do what he's doing.
01:41:59 And they're going to go through this whole process.
01:42:02 I guess there's a lawsuit.
01:42:03 It's him.
01:42:04 And what is the former?
01:42:07 OIG.
01:42:10 Or IG rather of.
01:42:15 I forget.
01:42:15 What, what?
01:42:16 IG, he was.
01:42:17 But so you have a former Inspector General.
01:42:20 And he are are suing the federal government to try to get documents that he claims exists.
01:42:28 What kind of documents are going to come out right?
01:42:33 What are they gonna reveal?
01:42:34 What are they gonna say?
01:42:35 Like what?
Speaker 7
01:42:36 And and what what?
01:42:38 For what purpose?
01:42:44 For what purpose?
01:42:45 Or will it just go away like the alien autopsy?
01:42:48 I don't know.
01:42:48 I kind of hope it doesn't just go in, like, alien autopsy.
01:42:51 Cause, look, aliens are fun.
01:42:53 Right.
01:42:55 It can be a nice break from all the other ******** that's happening.
01:42:59 Goy Boy, 1488, can you host Mr. Bond when he gets out of prison? Yeah, I would. I would definitely string with him.
01:43:06 I mean, he'd probably wanna not be in Austria when he does it, right?
01:43:10 I mean, that's that would be if I was him.
01:43:12 That'd be the first thing.
01:43:13 Get the **** out of there.
01:43:16 But I would definitely do a stream with Mr.
01:43:19 When he gets out of prison.
01:43:21 Cringe panda.
01:43:22 Hi, Devin.
01:43:23 I wanna do a quick hyper chat because I'm falling asleep.
01:43:26 As you know, I didn't pre research enough the area where I started building.
01:43:30 Very well.
01:43:31 I'm trying to decide whether I should move to white areas of Tennessee or North Georgia mountains.
01:43:37 Any tips from you or the audience?
01:43:40 Well, I'm not sure.
01:43:41 Which area you're in or what you didn't research, or what is motivating you to go to somewhere else?
01:43:48 And I've never lived in Tennessee or Georgia, so I'm not going to be a.
01:43:53 Whole lot of help in terms of that.
01:43:56 UM.
01:43:59 I'm sure it.
01:44:01 Really depends on what you're looking for.
01:44:03 It depends on if your if your primary objective is to live somewhere.
01:44:07 That's that's mostly white.
01:44:09 Yeah, the southwest is not the place to be for that, and it hasn't been for a really long time.
01:44:14 If you're looking for a place that is mostly white, probably you're going to want to go.
01:44:21 I mean, I actually, I don't even know.
01:44:23 I I hear good things about Missouri, uh, probably Oklahoma.
01:44:29 But increasingly that's just like, those places are disappearing.
01:44:34 This is the kind of this.
01:44:35 Is what, that's.
01:44:35 The problem, you know, unfortunately, just like that, that Kunta Kinte looking.
01:44:39 ************, that was talking to.
01:44:44 What's her name?
01:44:45 Jane Elliott.
01:44:46 You know this.
01:44:46 Guy, you know, let's see here.
01:44:49 Let's go away.
01:44:54 You know, they're they're laughing about it, but their whole point, I mean it's look, they're not wrong, it's.
01:45:03 It's not a white country anymore.
01:45:06 It's not a white country anymore.
01:45:10 And that's just the way that it is and and there's no no one that that has because again, political politicians aren't aren't leaders.
01:45:17 Politicians like to look at at at polls and demographics and adjust their message to fit the demographics.
01:45:25 Much like many of the the modern Christian churches are right.
01:45:31 The reason why a lot of these Christian churches are are accepting ******** and all this ********.
01:45:37 Isn't even necessarily because they're trying to promote it.
01:45:40 They're reacting to what their their their parishioners want.
01:45:46 They get paid by how many people are attending their church.
01:45:52 So they're going to do their their their profit, you know, for all your libertarians out there, right, their profit motive is to please.
01:46:01 The people going to their church and politicians are no different, right?
01:46:06 So none of them are going to are going to rollback the clock that the Republicans have been talking about, how they're going to basically sees the Latino vote.
01:46:17 Since the 80s.
01:46:19 You know Ronald Reagan when he did his amnesty and turned California blue forever and Mexican forever.
01:46:25 That was his whole thinking was like, ohh, it'll be like just just like when Johnson, when Johnson expanded the welfare state and and and said, you know or is is quoted as saying, though we'll get these voting for us for the next, you know 100 years or whatever.
01:46:41 Reagan was probably thinking the same sort of thing about the Mexicans.
01:46:46 And that obviously didn't pan out.
01:46:50 So increasingly, there's just not white spaces unless we make them ourselves.
01:46:58 And you're just going to have to deal with that and and and and maybe you can find a place that.
01:47:05 In the Midwest or.
01:47:07 Northeast or?
01:47:09 Like New Hampshire, I think it's pretty white.
01:47:13 The the northern, I mean, look, you just gotta go. I guess if you're if that's your, you know, maybe Wyoming, Wyoming's, like, hardly populated at all. And the people that are there are mostly white.
01:47:24 Alaska, you know, stuff like that.
01:47:27 But it's not going to be.
01:47:28 It's not going to be easy.
01:47:30 And nowhere you go off grid is easy.
01:47:34 Every, every environment has its own unique challenges.
01:47:39 You know the desert is, is.
01:47:43 Has presents its challenges, but so does a place that where it snows, you know, 10 feet of snow.
01:47:50 So you have to take into account the climate.
01:47:55 And the demographics and and a whole host of other things.
01:47:58 And just I think what's important that gets overlooked.
01:48:03 Is family.
01:48:07 You know it.
01:48:07 It's best if you can somehow convince family members to come there and do it with you, or at least be in proximity to them so that you're not just this island.
01:48:17 Out of the middle of nowhere by yourself.
01:48:20 Eugene Green Beard, just to put a damper on your enjoyment of the intro music.
01:48:27 What is this?
01:48:36 Let's see what this is.
01:48:40 Doo-wop and racial relations.
01:48:43 There we go.
01:48:44 Jewish influences and duop?
01:48:45 Yeah, I mean like, look.
01:48:49 If you want music that has zero Jewish people involved.
01:48:53 That's like trying to find a movie that has zero Jewish people involved.
01:48:57 That's just the way that it.
01:48:59 But I'll. I'll.
01:49:00 All right.
01:49:01 This first part says the synthesis of music styles they evolved into what is now called rhythm and Blues.
01:49:06 Previously labeled race music by the record companies found a broad youth audience in post war years and helped catalyze changes in racial relations in society. By 1948 RCA Victor.
01:49:19 Was marketing black music under the name of Blues and rhythm? In 1949, Jerry Wexler, A reporter for Billboard's Jewish name, obviously reporter for Billboard Magazine at the time, reversed the words and coined the name rhythm in Blue.
01:49:35 To replace the term race, music for the magazines Black music chart.
01:49:41 Yeah, I mean, look, that's we know that.
01:49:46 But what are you going to do?
01:49:47 What are you going to do?
01:49:49 Harmless G and Ed Dutton's recent UNS review article on eugenics. He uses the exact pro eugenics quotes of associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes that was also used in the 1961 film judgment at Nuremberg. Both times it's used to highlight that eugenics.
01:50:10 Was once popular among American Anglo.
01:50:12 Beats. The difference is in the film's Jewish writers are trying to condemn America's past Anglo elites by associating their pro eugenics views with Nazism.
01:50:25 Ed Dutton's article. And then he has the the link to the articles so that you guys can all check that out. I'll probably check that out later.
01:50:33 Hard and fast.
01:50:34 Contrarian with the the big dono there.
01:50:37 Where's my little big dono guy?
Speaker 12
01:50:40 Money is power.
01:50:41 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
01:50:45 Look how Julie this *** is.
01:51:04 All right.
01:51:05 Hey, Devin, first time joining a live stream.
01:51:08 So this donation is just a catch up amount.
01:51:10 One of my favorite videos of yours discusses an old experiment getting a group of people to state obviously wrong answers to get the test subject to follow may be worth discussing or sharing.
01:51:23 What he's talking about.
01:51:24 Is they did an experiment where they'd have just as an example.
01:51:29 They'd have like 6 guys sit at a table and the.
01:51:34 Five of those guys would be plants.
01:51:37 And only one of the the guys at the table would be a a test subject, but he would be under the impression that everyone else was a was a a legit test subject.
01:51:47 And what they would do is they would show them like a a poster with four lines on the poster, and they'd be a different lengths.
01:51:58 And one of the one of the lines would obviously be the shortest line.
01:52:03 And the the scientist holding up the poster would ask the people.
01:52:10 What line on this poster is the shortest line?
01:52:15 And the plants would all lie and justice.
01:52:18 Pick a line that obviously wasn't the shortest.
01:52:22 And when it got to the actual test subject.
01:52:26 Most of the time they would go along with the group.
01:52:31 And unfortunately, that is exactly how humans operate.
01:52:35 If you can give them the impression.
01:52:38 That the popular thing is X.
01:52:42 That's all that will matter to them.
01:52:46 That's the only thing that will matter to them in terms of them deciding on what to do.
01:52:52 If they think everyone else is saying this.
01:52:56 They go along with it.
01:52:58 Because we've evolved to, to.
01:53:00 Behave like that.
01:53:01 Most of us, at least all the MPCS certainly.
01:53:05 Because most people could not exist could not survive.
01:53:10 If they were not going along with the group, if you didn't, if you went, the if you were a a problem, right, a point of contention.
01:53:20 In the group like you were always disagreeing with the group.
01:53:25 The group would get rid.
01:53:26 Of you, right, so people.
01:53:27 Who are who are who aren't very agreeable.
01:53:30 Got bred out pretty quickly.
01:53:33 And so it's it.
01:53:35 But yeah, that's unfortunately that's.
01:53:38 There's a lot of these early, you know, 1950s, sixties, uh.
01:53:43 Psychological experiments that you can learn a lot from it.
01:53:46 It's a little shocking how predictable human behavior is, which is another reason why AI is so dangerous.
01:53:55 Because AI doesn't have a conscience.
01:53:57 You know, AI if if it's tasked with manipulating people, it's got a lot of data.
01:54:03 A lot of data to work with and not just data.
01:54:05 Generally speaking like knowledge of these experiments and the results, but personalized data on the the the test subjects.
01:54:16 So if you think they were good at manipulating people before.
01:54:20 I mean it's.
01:54:21 The amount of manipulation and the accuracy and the granularity granularity at which they're going to be able to manipulate the public is, I mean, hold on to your hats.
01:54:34 So maybe look that maybe that's why that the UFO thing will work.
01:54:38 It seems absurd now, but so did you know, wearing the masks and staying locked up in your?
01:54:44 House for two years.
01:54:46 People still did that.
01:54:53 And and and here's the weird thing is now that it's coming out that that was all stupid.
01:54:58 It's it's as if it never happened.
01:55:02 You know, it's the second that that NPC's detect that there's a shift in popular opinion about something they just it's like a switch gets flipped.
01:55:13 No more noose, no more noose.
01:55:23 White Rabbit radio seems to have good takes on UFO's, he says. I'm not. I'm not familiar with that, but.
01:55:30 That could be good.
01:55:33 There's a guy, there is a video I did check.
01:55:36 You know, I don't know if it's it's if it would be a faux pot to watch it on here.
01:55:40 So it's a little dry, it's a little dry.
01:55:43 But it has some good information.
01:55:44 There's a science fiction author who made a YouTube video.
01:55:49 It's not super long.
01:55:50 Maybe we could at.
01:55:50 Least well, I don't know.
01:55:51 It might be.
01:55:52 It might be a.
01:55:52 Little much.
01:55:54 Let me look and see how long it is.
01:55:56 But a science fiction author took a look at some of the information, like he's the kind of guy he like, wants to believe, right?
01:56:03 But he took a look at the data that is being, or rather, the lack thereof, with the current claims about, you know, the aliens and all this other stuff.
01:56:14 And he did like, a really good video explaining why he thought it was stupid and.
01:56:21 Let's see here.
01:56:24 Yeah, it's a little too long.
01:56:26 It's called the UFO UAP phenomenon, a radical development.
01:56:34 I I've never heard of this guy. I was just doing is when I was searching for the the interview with the so-called whistleblower and it came up and I watched it. It's about 2223 minutes long.
01:56:50 And he kind of goes over some in a very.
01:56:54 Again, dry kind of way.
01:56:59 His name is John Michael Gautier.
01:57:03 John Michael gautier. God.
01:57:07 I.e. R.
01:57:09 And it's a it's a pretty.
01:57:12 Pretty reasonable take.
01:57:14 On you know the the possibility, you know, because in an infinite universe, obviously there's always the possibility that we're not alone in that sort of thing.
01:57:23 But the idea that we would have these crafts and especially given the amount of.
01:57:32 You know the advanced technology when it comes to cameras that everyone has in their pockets, and yet every all all footage of these UA's, or UFO's or.
01:57:43 Whatever is grainy.
01:57:44 Like there's not any good footage of these ******* things.
01:57:48 That might be something you want to look at it on your own time.
01:57:51 Or or this white rabbit radio thing.
01:57:53 I don't know anything about it though.
01:57:55 Bounded, bounded God.
01:57:57 You mentioned American History X has leftist propaganda, which it is, but turning against them is priceless.
01:58:04 I mean, I don't know.
01:58:05 I don't know that it's.
01:58:07 It's it, can it?
01:58:08 You can turn propaganda like that against people, I mean, yeah.
01:58:12 You can have the animated GIFs and whatever, but.
01:58:15 If you watch the movie, it's that that propaganda is going one way.
01:58:22 No says Happy Flag month rather happy killdozer month.
01:58:26 Well, there you go.
01:58:28 I should have a killdozer animation, right?
01:58:36 Hey, Devin.
01:58:37 Long time no see.
01:58:39 Good to catch a show.
01:58:40 Live again for a bit.
01:58:41 What is the sloppiest of all Goi slop?
01:58:44 I think it's Mexican food.
01:58:45 Taco Bell also shout out to my boys fields and friends, suebian knot and Oscar.
01:58:55 There you go.
01:58:56 Subin not Oscar Fields and friends.
01:59:00 What is the sloppiest of all gooey slop?
01:59:04 No, no.
01:59:05 As bad as Taco Bell is, it would have to be something like craft macaroni and cheese like or like ramen.
01:59:13 Like it's got to be something that you can buy that never goes bad. It like that you can put in a shelf on a shelf for like 100 years and still add water and and and eat it. And it's, you know.
01:59:24 Edible I guess.
01:59:26 At least Taco Bell stuff probably eventually goes bad, right?
01:59:29 Or maybe it doesn't.
01:59:30 I mean, there's those videos of McDonald's hamburgers with time lapse that literally never go bad.
01:59:35 I don't know.
01:59:38 Harmless G Ed Dunn's article also links to this article, a video article, the link that you've left here, which talks about Jewish involvement in the eugenics movement and later the movements to demonize it and synonymous synonym synonym demize it with.
01:59:57 Nazi ideology. There you go.
02:00:01 Cat hugger, the state of Jewish propaganda in 2023 TV clip 57 seconds.
02:00:07 Imagine watching a full episode of whatever this **** is.
02:00:12 Let me take a look here.
02:00:16 I'll pop this up.
Speaker 30
02:00:19 Listen to rest.
Speaker 3
02:00:21 Put your hands by what?
02:00:24 Why is this not?
02:00:25 Why is?
02:00:25 It not loading up and here we go.
02:00:29 There we go.
02:00:31 Let's play this.
Speaker 5
02:00:36 And the citizens arrest.
02:00:38 Good. Put your hands behind.
Speaker 3
02:00:39 Your back? What me?
02:00:41 Now, hold on.
02:00:42 I'm an American citizen.
02:00:43 And why you should know that.
Speaker 30
02:00:44 Making a nuisance 911 calls.
Speaker 19
02:00:46 Against the law.
Speaker 3
02:00:47 Yeah. My heart, dear Jesus.
02:00:49 You're right, captain.
02:00:49 You can't take it or.
02:00:50 Just you haven't heard?
02:00:51 I know.
02:00:52 Or John.
Speaker 21
02:00:52 Take her BP.
Speaker 2
02:00:54 Mommy, cap.
Speaker 15
02:00:54 Maybe give us some mouth to mouth.
Speaker 33
02:00:56 No, not her.
02:00:58 Or maybe you're not having a heart attack.
02:00:59 Why is this audio?
02:01:00 So ******.
02:01:00 Like, why is it sound like there's like 4 songs playing at the same time?
02:01:04 It's hard for me to follow this.
02:01:05 What the hell you been going on here?
Speaker 19
02:01:07 In nuisance 911, calls against the.
02:01:10 Men. Men. Are you alright?
Speaker 3
02:01:10 My heart.
02:01:12 Captain, you can't take it or.
Speaker 3
02:01:12 Dear Jesus.
Speaker 28
02:01:13 Just you haven't heard that I know or John take.
Speaker 3
02:01:15 A BP on the.
Speaker 33
02:01:17 Cap maybe give us some mouth.
02:01:18 To mouth.
Speaker 3
02:01:19 No, not her.
Speaker 33
02:01:20 So maybe you're not having a heart attack.
Speaker 3
02:01:22 I am.
02:01:23 I definitely am, can't you?
02:01:25 Do it.
Speaker 3
02:01:27 Ohh how about him?
02:01:29 Sure, ma'am.
02:01:29 But just so you know, I am a homosexual.
Speaker 3
02:01:31 Oh no.
Speaker 20
02:01:36 He can do.
Speaker 3
02:01:36 It I told you I am not a racist.
02:01:44 You're not a homosexual, are you?
Speaker 3
02:01:46 Ohh no ma'am, but I am Saints though.
Speaker 22
02:01:54 Take me together.
02:01:58 OK, well, it was horrifying.
02:01:59 I don't even.
02:01:59 Know what?
02:01:59 Kids versus carrots, kids and Karens.
02:02:00 What the hell that was?
02:02:03 Let's see here.
02:02:07 I find the videos that you made that had the most impact are the ones that my generation would watch.
02:02:13 Also euphoria justifies pedophilia by making the pedo gay.
02:02:18 Wait, hold on.
02:02:20 Also, euphoria justifies pedophilia by making the pedo gay.
02:02:26 Not sure what you mean by that.
02:02:28 UM.
02:02:30 But OK.
02:02:32 Ryan is cool.
02:02:34 I heard from one of the smartest people I know financially.
02:02:39 He denied that Jews are trying to control the banking system.
02:02:43 I don't think he is being dishonest, but the blinders most people have is incredible.
02:02:48 I would just simply point out who.
Speaker 7
02:02:50 All of the.
02:02:51 The chairman of the feds for like the last, You know, forever like the the How they're wildly misrepresent or overrepresented, like wildly.
02:03:00 Like there's something like.
02:03:02 For 2%.
02:03:03 Of the population, there's there's something like 60% of the and even more so if you just look at the last few decades.
02:03:11 Or just, I mean just by the number I look at, like all the major financial institutions, you know, Black Rock, look at, you know, Goldman Sachs, obviously.
02:03:22 Your friend sounds ********, honestly.
02:03:28 Harmless G short tweet explaining why the rainbow sexual deviancy flag and its variants are anti white hate hate symbols.
02:03:36 All right, why not?
02:03:38 We're being pretty easygoing tonight.
02:03:43 What is this?
02:03:46 OK, this flag is for people who cannot produce white babies, gays, trans and intersex people cannot.
02:03:53 Black and brown people cannot, including black and brown.
02:03:57 Seems silly at first, because it's supposed to be a a sexuality flag.
02:04:02 Until you realize this, it is an anti white hate symbol.
02:04:07 I I I think you're on to something there.
02:04:09 I think that would make sense.
02:04:11 That flag does represent everyone who cannot reproduce or or rather produce.
02:04:18 White babies.
02:04:20 So yeah, I would.
02:04:21 I would have to agree with that.
02:04:24 Hey, would you **** **? Speaking of insomnia, I have been up for 72 hours. Come 8:00 AM well.
02:04:33 You must be a lot younger than I.
02:04:35 Am then I.
02:04:36 Used to do that all the time it gets.
02:04:37 Harder to do all the time.
02:04:39 I get I get cranky after after 24 and after 48 I'm starting to.
02:04:43 See ****.
02:04:46 Do you ever get to that point where you're, like, seeing little things in the corner of?
Speaker 11
02:04:49 Your eyes like.
02:04:50 What the **** was that?
02:04:51 It's like the like that in that movie ghost with the the Black Shadow people come out and and and take away the the spirits of the people that die.
02:04:59 I start seeing.
02:05:00 Hit like that after about 48 hours.
02:05:04 So good luck.
02:05:06 Go, go, go get some sleep.
02:05:08 Damn Bigfoot.
02:05:09 Maybe the forests were branched Davidians, and they themselves or wait.
02:05:15 Maybe the forest.
02:05:16 Ohh, maybe the I get it.
02:05:18 It's a joke.
02:05:19 Maybe the forests in Canada he's talking about where Branch Davidians and they set themselves on fire.
02:05:25 There you go.
Speaker 7
02:05:27 But I'm psych.
02:05:29 A Lily scribe in God's army.
02:05:30 Great show.
02:05:31 I watched the episode about The Breakfast Club recently.
02:05:34 Good stuff.
02:05:36 Yeah, I mean, that's a nostalgic movie for a lot of people, but it's an infuriating movie.
02:05:40 For others it does.
02:05:42 It is kind of funny though.
02:05:43 The the bottom line of that is that was a.
02:05:46 That movie was supposed to represent every group of people at A at a typical American high school, and none of them were gay, and none of them were black.
02:05:59 Just saying.
02:06:01 Harmless Gee, even though goodbye Uncle Tom is still anti racist, anti white propaganda like Africa audio was it does contain a more realistic testimony from a black slave.
02:06:16 Well, maybe this is what we were.
02:06:17 Talking about earlier, let's see.
Speaker 32
02:06:19 Excuse us, Sir.
02:06:21 My colleague and I are here to conduct an inquiry.
02:06:24 May we ask you a few questions?
Speaker 30
02:06:26 Yes, please, master.
02:06:28 I'm at your disposal.
Speaker 32
02:06:29 You're here, as it were, to be sold, you know?
02:06:32 Of course.
02:06:34 We are truly appalled, Sir.
02:06:36 We can imagine how you must feel, your fear, your indignation.
Speaker 30
02:06:40 On the contrary, why in my career I have always been very lucky.
02:06:46 I've had masters each one more humane than the.
02:06:48 Next, but haven't.
Speaker 32
02:06:49 You ever been treated?
02:06:51 Brutally whipped, beaten.
Speaker 30
02:06:57 In our profession, what counts is to do one's duty.
02:07:01 Don't listen to all those stories about the.
02:07:03 Various Uncle Tom's and Simon agrees, and so on.
02:07:07 It's all nonsense.
02:07:09 The truth is that we are valuable merchandise.
02:07:14 And have you seen the prices in the?
02:07:15 Market, I know it and I cost more than $2000 and Can you imagine a fool me excuse the expression. A fool of a master who?
02:07:26 Word with and name a capital of over $2000, no.
Speaker 17
02:07:32 If a slave.
Speaker 30
02:07:34 Is a respectable slave.
02:07:36 His master treats him with kid gloves because it takes only one scar, one single scar.
02:07:45 Down shoots the price.
02:07:47 You know the client is suspicious.
Speaker 32
02:07:50 That, Sir, surely you must realize the injustice of your situation.
02:07:54 The violation of your.
02:07:55 Liberty, your freedom, if you.
Speaker 30
02:07:57 Speak the freedom, Sir.
02:07:58 I must tell.
02:07:59 You something?
02:08:00 I am a worker.
02:08:02 And workers are not free and never will be.
02:08:05 If you speak of my condition.
02:08:08 I will quickly say.
02:08:10 I don't pay taxes.
02:08:12 I'm housed, fed and clothed by my employer.
02:08:16 I work a short week.
02:08:18 My medical care is free.
02:08:20 I get a Christmas bonus and retirement or permanent disability at the expense of my employer.
02:08:27 Without mentioning this, that in time of war I am not even obligated to military service.
Speaker 32
02:08:34 Or, but if you're not even paid.
Speaker 30
02:08:36 You know, I see the.
02:08:38 Ones which you.
02:08:39 Gentlemen call freed slaves or liberated workers.
02:08:42 Out from morning till.
02:08:43 Night working like horses to make ends meet.
02:08:46 And they never.
02:08:47 Do so just tell me then.
02:08:49 What's the difference between?
02:08:51 Us slaves and liberated workers.
Speaker 32
02:08:54 You should be ashamed of.
Speaker 11
02:08:55 Yourself where you go.
02:08:59 I'm not, I'm.
02:09:00 A little curious now about the rest of this.
02:09:03 But he kind of lays it out exactly like scarily, exactly like I just did.
02:09:10 You know it, it just doesn't make any sense.
02:09:12 It doesn't make any sense that you would destroy your merchandise, says he says.
02:09:16 It's also weird.
02:09:17 It seems like he's dubbed like I don't think that's his voice.
02:09:21 I mean, it's certainly not like they did.
02:09:23 If even if it is his voice, they recorded it later this this is not audio from when they shot this.
02:09:28 Footage, but it looks dubbed.
02:09:30 So I'm wondering what that's all about.
02:09:32 If they had, like a white guy voice him because he he sounded too black and they couldn't understand him or something like that.
02:09:39 And they did **** like that all the time during this era.
02:09:42 Of movies they had a.
02:09:43 Whole movie with Arnold in it.
02:09:45 Arnold and his accent was so strong that they Americans couldn't understand what the **** he was saying, so they dubbed Arnold with it, with another actor for the like the entire movie.
02:09:57 It's the funniest **** ever.
02:09:58 It's not a good movie.
02:09:59 It's not even it's not worth watching that.
02:10:00 Really remember what it was called, but I think it was the first movie he was ever in. So Arnold's walking around and.
02:10:07 Every time he talks hello, all he.
Speaker 11
02:10:09 Sound like this Arnold Schwarzenegger?
02:10:12 And it's really bizarre, but that's what I'm reminded of when I see this clip.
02:10:16 Well, there you go.
02:10:19 There you go and take a look here.
02:10:26 Dan Bigfoot, did you ever see the movie silence from 2016 about Christianity in Japan?
02:10:32 Japanese were actually pretty based dealing with a foreign ideology, and in general foreign influence.
02:10:37 No, I've never seen that, but I can imagine.
02:10:40 Just how the Japanese generally in the past have have behaved when it comes to foreign influence.
02:10:52 Had to cough there.
02:10:54 Uh, murata.
02:10:55 Robert Kennedy junior on Twitter space with Elon recently mentioned that racial specific bio weapons have been developed.
02:11:03 Maybe the cake can be unbaked.
02:11:07 I think what he's specifically talking about is Israel developing.
02:11:13 Bioweapons. Excuse me.
02:11:19 Had a cough there.
02:11:20 Again, I'm going to get some water here.
02:11:24 Israel has developed race weapons.
02:11:29 That work specifically against Arabs.
02:11:34 Alright, hang on a SEC.
02:11:36 I'm gonna have to get something to drink or I'm gonna die here.
02:11:38 Hang on one second.
Speaker 3
02:12:08 Thank you.
Speaker 2
02:12:22 Hanging on.
02:12:39 OK.
02:12:41 And I'm back.
02:12:41 Sorry about that.
02:12:43 Ohh man.
02:12:45 It's very dry here, as you can imagine June in the.
02:12:48 Desert. It would have thought.
02:12:52 Uh, Andromeda.
02:12:54 The Old Marxist broad needs.
02:12:56 To get in the.
02:12:56 Pit the old marks.
02:12:57 Are you talking about?
02:12:58 The what's her name?
02:13:02 Jane Elliott, I agree.
02:13:08 Man, my throat's still dry. Feel like inhaled like a bag of sand or something.
02:13:18 Ah, alright or talcum powder or something?
Speaker 7
02:13:22 UM.
02:13:23 Damn Bigfoot.
02:13:25 Why do you believe American hospitals have an option to circumcise?
02:13:30 I talked with my parents about this and they told me the decision to cut ** **** skin was given less thought than what they were going to eat.
02:13:36 At the hospital.
02:13:39 Yeah, sadly in America.
02:13:43 I think there must have been a campaign prior to World War 2 and and certainly after World War 2 to to promote circumcision as a necessary like a like a hygiene thing.
02:14:00 My understanding was my grandpa, who was he was not circumcised his whole life.
02:14:07 And he ended up getting he he got circumcised as an adult, like he got circumcised when he was in his 30s.
02:14:14 Because of whatever Syop was going on, which is insane to think about, but like whatever syrup was going on that like Oh yeah.
02:14:23 You got to do it.
02:14:25 You got to do it to stay clean.
02:14:29 So here we go.
02:14:36 Hey, Devin, the reason go woke go broke doesn't work.
02:14:39 Is because something called an ESG score used by Vanguard and BlackRock only investing in ****** and Jew loving companies, so companies be hey, let's hire excuse me man, I'm ******* dying guys.
02:14:55 Luckily, luckily, we're almost through these.
02:14:58 I don't know why.
02:14:59 I don't know why all of a sudden.
02:15:02 My throat is so dry, but it is crazy dry.
02:15:08 Let's hear blah blah. So companies be. Hey, let's hire this or better SG score to get better lines of credit for a loan. Well, it's all about what you know, Fink.
02:15:18 Said, you know what's what's where to go here.
02:15:21 Hey somewhere in here.
02:15:23 It's literally this.
Speaker 28
02:15:25 It's just you have to force behaviors and if you don't force behaviors, whether it's gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team.
02:15:38 You're going to be impacted and that's not just not recruiting, it is development, as Ken said.
Speaker 16
02:15:44 How do you force change though?
02:15:45 I mean, Larry BlackRock has has really been the forefront of the SG movement within within corporate governance and a real leader and yet change is so slow.
02:15:54 So what is and and Ken as well what what.
02:15:57 How do you force?
02:15:58 Change when it is so incremental and so gradual.
02:16:02 How do you do something more radical?
02:16:04 Have you thought about that?
02:16:05 Has the Board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion because it has to be imbued in the culture of a firm?
Speaker 28
02:16:14 It has to be talked about.
02:16:15 It has to be shown behaviors across the entire firm in every region have to be similar.
02:16:23 And every citizen of the firm has to understand what is acceptable behaviors and what are unacceptable.
02:16:31 You know what's fascinating to me is how he.
02:16:33 Says every citizen of the firm.
02:16:37 That really shows you how they.
02:16:38 How they view themselves?
02:16:42 They view themselves as autonomous entities.
02:16:46 With sovereignty.
02:16:49 And they are.
02:16:50 You think Black Rock?
02:16:52 Worries about any government.
02:16:57 Going against Black Rock.
02:17:01 And Black Rock is in control.
02:17:03 Of more money than most economies, most nations economies.
02:17:12 It is quite literally the other way around.
02:17:19 It's just, it's just fascinating that he that he actually.
02:17:21 Said it that way.
02:17:25 Harmless G race specific bio weapons were mentioned in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare excuse me by Kevin Spacey's character.
02:17:35 They were also mentioned in the most recent James Bond film, no time to die, and in the Fast and Furious spin-off film Hobbs and Shaw.
02:17:45 Well, I'll have to take a look at that.
02:17:47 I I never played.
02:17:49 That game and.
02:17:53 I've never seen those movies.
02:17:59 Hey guys sorry I'm like.
02:18:01 My throat is uh.
02:18:03 It's like a like rusty barbed wire right now.
02:18:10 Prairie dog Prairie dog.
02:18:25 Devin, your last dream was a banger.
02:18:27 I've been telling people for years that there was no sound medical reasoning for declassifying homosexuality as a mental illness.
02:18:34 We just need to readjust the law to properly deal with crazies and *******.
02:18:40 It would do.
02:18:41 Away with the most dangerous blacks and *******.
02:18:44 Well, that's The thing is, they've hijacked science, they've hijacked science so that where it's it doesn't, it's meaningless now.
02:18:53 The facts are on our side.
02:18:56 That's why they, you know, facts don't matter to people on the left, because if they did, they'd be on the right.
02:19:02 So they're left with people who.
02:19:04 Who don't respond to facts.
02:19:07 Just because if they did again, they'd be on our side.
02:19:12 But yeah, it's it's it's a little frustrating.
Speaker 7
02:19:15 I don't know.
02:19:16 I don't know.
Speaker 5
02:19:24 I don't know.
02:19:26 Why I'm talking appreciative listener.
02:19:28 I thought of asking you this earlier today and happened to be up during.
02:19:33 The live stream.
02:19:34 Do you feel like you are doing God's?
02:19:37 Work do I feel like I'm doing God's work?
02:19:40 I thought I'm doing the right thing, I don't.
02:19:42 I I think that.
02:19:44 I mean, I don't feel like I'm being commanded by God necessarily to to do this, but I I.
02:19:48 Think that God is pleased?
02:19:50 You know, I don't.
02:19:51 I think that if I had to sit down at a table and have.
02:19:54 You know, a talk with God and about what I'm doing.
02:19:58 I would.
02:19:59 I would.
02:19:59 I feel as if.
02:20:01 I would have no problems.
02:20:04 Explain myself and that.
02:20:07 Any just God would.
02:20:10 Would understand that, but I don't.
02:20:12 Think I don't think that like God's working through me necessarily or you know, I mean like, I don't think it's something like that.
02:20:19 But I I you know I I sleep perfectly well at night.
02:20:24 I feel as if what I'm I feel like what I'm doing is in line with with what what?
02:20:29 What God would would want some with my my capabilities and.
02:20:37 I don't know my my knowledge the due.
02:20:41 Damn Bigfoot psychology is a field almost entirely controlled by Jews, **** and *****, and it's entirely about how to manipulate people in a pseudo science kind of way.
Speaker 12
02:20:52 Well, look, the.
02:20:52 Thing is, the reason why I think there's so many Jews in it, obviously because they're well, really.
02:20:56 They're The Pioneers of psychology, but if you got to.
02:20:59 Think about just Jews in general, the way their their religion is.
02:21:04 If you if you look at the Talmud, which let's be honest, most modern Judaism is defined by the Talmud, the Talmud is.
02:21:12 Is literally a book about how to.
02:21:16 And by the way, this is also why there's so many Jewish lawyers how to get around what God wants.
02:21:21 You know, Speaking of God, it's it's basically how to trick God.
02:21:25 How to trick God how to find loopholes in God's rules?
02:21:29 How to outsmart God?
02:21:31 Like that's literally the Talmud.
02:21:32 The Talmud is, is, is a a never ending rambling book.
02:21:37 About Jews being superior.
02:21:41 Really to God, in many instances like God's there, there's dialogues between rabbis and God, right.
02:21:49 And the rabbis are always out smarting.
02:21:51 God and being like aha. But then God, guess what? Then I can do this. And God's like. Oh, you got me there. You ******* crafty Jew. So why wouldn't they want to? Why wouldn't they be interested in?
02:22:02 Stuff like that.
02:22:03 You know that that's your religion, especially a religion that's so ethnocentric.
02:22:10 Really defines the way that your brain works.
02:22:13 Is your.
02:22:14 Your theology is is in some ways an operating system for your mind.
02:22:20 And so these are like in a way, when you talk about psychology and and using it to manipulate people, that's like installing upgrades.
02:22:31 It's like installing upgrades to your brain.
02:22:33 Oh, look, I just unlocked.
02:22:35 You know, like when you're a kid, you know, it's when you first.
02:22:37 Figure out reverse psychology. Oh.
02:22:39 I just unlocked reverse psychology.
02:22:41 And then as they get older, they're like, oh, I just reversed sexual block male.
02:22:45 I figured out that works.
02:22:49 Let's take a look here. Eugene Green beard. My point was just that before we used to specify that R&B was race music and now it's just music.
02:22:58 Total Jewish takeover.
02:22:59 Classical folk.
02:23:00 A lot of country and a bunch of electronic music is still pure though.
02:23:04 But just listen to whatever you like.
02:23:07 So we obviously have bigger fish to fry exactly.
02:23:11 However, I do, I do not recommend listening to straight up.
02:23:15 You know, like rap trash and stuff like that.
02:23:20 ******** ******? Look at that ******** ****** for $1.00.
02:23:25 If I can find the ******** ****** there we are.
Speaker 23
02:23:28 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 9
02:23:33 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:23:41 Alright, ******. ****** for $1.00. Still gotta wake up early for jury duty.
02:23:46 But screw it, I'll stay up late for you, Dev.
02:23:48 PS, What's your thoughts on Alex Jones blatantly saying?
02:23:52 With a straight face that yes, it looks like everything is run by Jews, but in reality it's super Nazis that run everything while running while making it look like.
02:24:03 It's the Jews.
02:24:05 I haven't seen.
02:24:06 That clip, I'll tell you what.
02:24:07 As much as I.
02:24:08 I often don't enjoy necessarily all the clips that I get sent.
02:24:15 If someone's got a A link to that clip, I'll take a look at that. It sounds like the kind of thing that. Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm not surprised by it, but I haven't seen that clip.
02:24:26 Also retired, fagot.
02:24:28 Maybe we could use this for killdozer animation.
02:24:31 Let's take a look.
02:24:35 Let's see.
Speaker 23
02:24:47 There we go.
02:25:04 Yeah, that's pretty cool.
02:25:05 That's pretty cool.
02:25:06 I'm just wondering how often we'll need it, but.
02:25:09 I'll hang on to that one.
02:25:10 How about that?
02:25:13 Veruca, have you ever looked into that Boomer Bob Lazar who said he was paid by the government to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft in the desert near Area 50?
02:25:26 One in the 1980s, there are videos him talking about it. He's interesting, but his criminal activity limits his credibility.
02:25:34 Yeah, I've actually, I've I have deep dived and deep dived and deep dived on this guy, and there's just something about him I don't trust.
02:25:43 There's something about him I don't trust and.
02:25:48 You know like.
02:25:51 I just.
02:25:52 There's something about him I don't trust.
02:25:54 And he does.
02:25:56 He does seem like a smart guy, and he does seem like a guy that at least where he was in in some of the positions that he claimed that he was.
02:26:04 But he also ran a ********** and, like, did all some, a bunch of other weird.
02:26:09 And he's he's also contradicted himself in some of his interviews.
02:26:16 He was on Joe Rogan recently and was saying like, oh, you know, I've got, like, a, a migraine.
02:26:22 So I if I get something wrong or you know it's just, I don't know.
02:26:26 There's something weaselly about him that I don't trust.
02:26:31 And I think it's just probably more of this, you know for for all we know he's an intelligence asset too, you know, for all we know, this is like a a long-term rollout, I don't know.
02:26:42 But yeah, you know, short answer is yeah, don't, don't really.
02:26:46 Don't really.
02:26:47 I'm not feeling the I'm not filling the Bob Lazar.
02:26:52 Man of low moral fiber Devin referencing zeros, Hyper chat and euphoria.
02:26:57 That's a show on Hebrew box office.
02:27:00 I have not seen the show, but I know the.
02:27:03 I've heard it's about or it's just over the top ********.
02:27:07 Like you said, it's hardly even worth covering such blatant propaganda.
02:27:11 One thing that might be worth covering.
02:27:13 From the show is however few every few years the tribe picks a new mixed race woman to try to champion non white beauty.
02:27:23 The one from Euphoria is named Zenda, and she's literally literally looks like a man.
02:27:29 I don't get it.
02:27:30 I think they're trying to shape group group preference and it works sadly in regards, let me see what who this zoomdata.
02:27:42 Is this one of those things where, like I don't know who it is, but because they've pushed it her face so much?
02:27:47 I'll I'll know who it is.
02:27:50 Why is the picture of a horse come up?
02:27:54 Zend Gdata well, nothing's coming up with that, so I don't know who that is.
02:27:59 UM.
02:28:01 If I look at euphoria and send data, will that is that something else?
02:28:04 I'm gonna look at that.
02:28:12 It's spelled different, Zendaya, Zendaya.
02:28:19 Yeah, I mean, not pretty, that's for sure.
02:28:25 Not, I mean, yeah.
02:28:28 That's supposed to be the best they can do.
02:28:31 OK, well, all right.
02:28:34 In regards to that show is how the tribe right?
02:28:40 I think you just said that.
02:28:41 Ohh wait.
02:28:44 I don't know how anyone is supposed to find her attractive.
02:28:47 The one in that show is also in several other Zoomer shows, and it works.
02:28:52 Excuse me, they are brainwashed into thinking she is beautiful.
02:28:57 Well, you'd have to be brainwashed to think she's beautiful.
02:28:59 Look at that.
02:29:01 She looks kind of like a man.
02:29:03 She does look kind of like a man, right?
02:29:06 Like who thinks that's hot?
02:29:08 I mean, with a ton of makeup.
02:29:10 It's not as obvious.
02:29:12 But I mean look at that.
02:29:14 Imagine waking up next to that Jesus Christ.
02:29:18 Holy ****.
02:29:18 I'd like gnaw my arm off just to get away from that trap.
02:29:22 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:29:24 Harmless G.
02:29:26 Here is the full movie.
02:29:27 Goodbye, uncle Tom.
02:29:28 It is important to note it is from the same Italian guys who made Africa audio and it was meant to be an.
02:29:34 Anti racist movie.
02:29:35 All right.
02:29:36 Well, I'll take a look at that later.
02:29:38 I'll pop that in there.
02:29:41 Alright guys, I'm gonna like literally die on stream if I don't get out of here and get some liquids in me.
02:29:45 Apparently so.
02:29:46 Thanks for stopping by.
02:29:48 I know it's a little short tonight, but we'll have a special edition on Saturday.
02:29:53 Same bat time, same bat channel.
02:29:56 Excuse me as I as I die.
02:30:00 As long as I don't die between now and Saturday, and I will see you guys all soon.
02:30:05 All right.
02:30:05 So I'm out of.
02:30:06 Here for black pills I am.
Speaker 12
02:30:08 Of course.
02:30:11 Devon stag.
Speaker 1
02:30:13 For the boys.
02:30:15 Damn that for the for the boys come, they coming, coming, coming show you got you.
02:30:33 Yo, what the ****? Damn.
02:30:38 Yo dip yo y'all.
02:30:40 Got to go.