

Speaker 1
00:09:46 They will never make the trip.
Speaker 2
00:01:40 The very first time I drove Mary to college.
00:01:44 She wasn't very anxious to.
Speaker 1
00:01:45 She just wanted to be a singer, but she met all the other kids and found out she could do.
00:01:49 Lots of singing in the Glee club.
Speaker 3
00:01:52 She began to like the idea of.
Speaker 1
00:01:53 Going to college?
Speaker 2
00:01:58 I can still see her on the stage when the music started.
Speaker 4
00:02:01 Johnny. Johnny.
00:02:08 You're an Angel to me, Johnny Angel.
00:02:18 Something that doesn't even know better.
00:02:31 Johnny, hello.
00:02:40 Every time he says hello begins to fly.
00:02:56 It's gonna be over.
00:03:00 Pull me up for a date.
00:03:02 That I just sit and wait.
00:03:05 Concentrate on.
00:03:11 And I pray that someday.
00:03:13 You love me.
00:03:15 And together.
00:03:17 We will see our love.
00:03:24 I mean whoever.
00:03:29 I dream of him and me.
00:03:32 It's gonna be.
00:03:39 I just sit.
00:03:39 And wait, I'd rather concentrate on me.
00:03:48 Pray that someday he together we will feel lovely.
Speaker 5
00:04:33 Oh, we get it.
00:04:34 Almost every night when that gets a big and bright at super delight.
00:04:43 Everybody was dancing in the light.
00:04:54 Everybody here is out of sight, but they don't bark if they don't bite, they keep things loose.
00:05:02 They keep things alive.
00:05:04 Everybody would dancing in the moonlight.
Speaker 4
00:05:10 In the moonlight.
Speaker 5
00:05:23 Conan, we never fight.
00:05:26 You can't dance and stay up tight at supernatural delight.
00:05:33 Everybody was dancing in the moonlight.
00:06:05 Everybody here is our sight, but they don't bark and they don't bite.
00:06:11 They keep things loose.
00:06:12 They keep things alive.
00:06:15 Everybody with dancing in the moon, everybody dancing in.
Speaker 4
00:06:21 The moonlight, everybody.
Speaker 8
00:07:18 Ladies and gentlemen, the Chair now recognizes Lawrence King Junior.
00:07:22 A member of the Nebraska delegation.
00:07:25 For the singing of the national anthem.
Speaker 5
00:07:43 And you will see.
00:09:38 OK, is this working?
Speaker 8
00:09:40 Alright, now we are right.
00:09:41 Now we're in business, OK?
00:09:42 I don't know why that got ****** **.
00:09:44 Welcome to the insomnia.
00:09:46 Stream I guess.
00:09:50 I'm your host.
00:09:52 I'm very exhausted.
00:09:53 I've had, like an hour of sleep, mostly because this is one of the most researched.
00:09:59 Uh, this is going to be probably a part one of at least two.
00:10:05 Insomnia streams.
00:10:08 I had planned to.
00:10:10 Take a little, little, little little nap.
00:10:13 Little nippy.
00:10:14 Nap before the stream and.
00:10:16 Yeah, just the more I the the rabbit hole.
00:10:19 Just kept getting deeper and deeper and deeper.
00:10:24 So yeah, just that didn't happen.
00:10:27 So forgive me if I see him a little.
00:10:30 Little weary in the brain department, but let's go ahead and dive right in that right here.
00:10:37 The guy on your screen.
00:10:38 This is oh, by the way, insomnia stream.
00:10:42 Black Epstein edition.
00:10:45 I'm your host of.
00:10:46 Course Devin stack.
00:10:47 I don't even know if that.
00:10:48 I just say that I.
Speaker 10
00:10:48 Don't even know that's how tired I am.
00:10:51 Ah, the guy on your screen right there.
00:10:54 That's the that's black Epstein.
00:10:57 Not to not to ruin, not spoiler alert, right?
00:11:01 Got lots of notes here.
00:11:03 His real name.
00:11:04 And this is one of the things that made it.
00:11:05 Difficult to research.
00:11:06 His name is Larry King.
00:11:10 Now the the reason why that would make it difficult to research is, of course, those of you who are not zoomers will know that Larry King was the name of a very popular Jewish political commentator.
00:11:26 Who was popular around the same time this guy was so trying to find information on this guy?
00:11:34 They haven't made easily, not just, not just because he has the exact same name as the broadcaster, but also because he doesn't.
00:11:42 He he doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry. This guy, which is weird. It's a little weird because he's saying the the national anthem and I believe 84.
00:11:52 188 at the National Republican Convention.
00:11:59 Or I guess Republican National Convention, the RNC.
00:12:02 He was the the the original.
00:12:05 He was the proto.
00:12:08 The proto.
Speaker 10
00:12:10 Do I have my thing here?
00:12:12 I don't have my thing here.
00:12:14 He was the the the Proto Magic *****.
00:12:18 Or rather, he was the proto based black guy.
00:12:23 This was the Republicans first based black guy.
00:12:28 He was the the.
00:12:30 Rising star in the Republican Party.
00:12:34 Big, powerful, rich black man out of Nebraska.
00:12:41 Larry King, Larry legend.
00:12:45 Everyone had high hopes.
00:12:47 He was a, you know, very well dressed man.
00:12:49 He was.
00:12:50 He was going to bring in the black vote.
00:12:52 Republicans were certain of this.
00:12:56 So Larry King here.
00:12:59 He was locally in Omaha, NE.
00:13:05 The well he was.
00:13:06 Not only was he the leader of the National Black Republican Council.
00:13:11 And the not only was he the quintessential based black guy all throughout the 80s, he started the Franklin Credit union.
00:13:22 The Franklin Credit Union, which was supposed to be, oh, look, it's the the blacks are finally catching up.
00:13:29 You know, they're becoming these respectable.
00:13:34 Members of society at last.
00:13:37 You know this?
00:13:38 Guys, even he started a bank, he's.
00:13:39 A general manager.
00:13:41 He's the head of this bank, this, this Franklin Credit union.
00:13:47 He got all kinds of businesses to open up their accounts at this bank because diversity is our strength.
00:13:55 People are lining up to put their money.
00:13:58 In his bank.
00:14:00 In fact.
00:14:03 Lots of religious organizations, one of which we'll talk about here in a second.
00:14:09 Was they were all lining up to put money.
00:14:13 In this bank, lots of Catholic institutions.
00:14:23 Things didn't really work out with with Larry King, unfortunately.
00:14:29 One of these these Catholic institutions.
00:14:33 That Larry King worked so closely with.
00:14:38 Was a boys home?
00:14:42 By the name of Boys Town.
00:14:47 Now, boys Town's kind of an odd.
00:14:50 I don't know organizations kind of underplaying it.
00:14:55 It's a very.
00:14:57 Not so much these days, but it was a it was a very famous American institution this.
00:15:03 Is a former employee.
00:15:06 At the bank before.
00:15:09 Before the fraud.
00:15:11 Fraud charges came out.
00:15:13 I mean, all this is him after.
00:15:14 The fraud charges.
00:15:14 But he's talking about before the fraud charges came out, of which we'll go into.
00:15:20 And he mentioned that not only were all these institutions lining up to throw their money.
00:15:26 In this bank.
00:15:27 But he was also keen.
00:15:31 On bringing in.
Speaker 8
00:15:33 Young boys.
00:15:35 Who attended this?
00:15:36 This Boys Town?
00:15:40 To work as interns.
Speaker 12
00:15:44 Boys Town.
00:15:46 Had quite a few accounts at Franklin Credit Union.
00:15:50 Those were considered very valuable accounts.
00:15:53 They were handled exclusively by the bookkeeping department.
00:15:58 But on the average of once a month, or once every two months, we always seem to incorporate a person from Boys Town.
00:16:10 So what is?
00:16:11 What is Boys Town?
00:16:14 Here's a promotional video that they put out.
00:16:18 I believe in the early 90s.
Speaker 7
00:16:22 I've always believed that global.
00:16:24 I want it to be bad.
00:16:26 No boy needed reforming.
00:16:28 If only adult society gave him half a chance.
00:16:32 I am proud that thousands of these boys have already been given a new start in Boys Town and that not one of them has ever disproved the belief that is closest to my heart.
00:16:47 That there is no such thing as a verb.
00:16:53 Ohh, there's no such thing as a bad boy.
00:16:56 In fact, Boys Town, which was founded in 1913, became famous after the movie starring Mickey Rooney.
00:17:08 Was put out in in 1938.
Speaker 13
00:17:18 Boys Town is real. It is a drama greater than the imagination of Hollywood's best storytellers. 4000 boys have passed through this city of little men.
00:17:29 And now the drama, the laughter, the heartache and the triumph of all these boys is crystallized in the story of.
00:17:36 One young renegade who came from the back streets into conflict with the one man who could save him.
00:17:58 Is that what this is all about?
00:18:00 You're going to take my life because I owe the state something.
Speaker 14
00:18:03 Where was the statement?
00:18:04 A lonely starving kid crying himself.
00:18:06 To sleep in a.
Speaker 5
00:18:06 Flophouse with a bunch of drunks, tramps and hobos.
Speaker 15
00:18:10 Is that when this step started?
Speaker 5
00:18:12 The only people that had Jen said with the kids in the alley.
00:18:19 That's right, Father Flanagan.
00:18:22 He thought, you know, again.
00:18:23 There, there's no such thing as a bad boy.
00:18:26 So he started Boys Town.
00:18:28 It actually was a town.
00:18:30 It was a literal town.
00:18:33 And it was a town that had.
Speaker 10
00:18:35 Lots and lots and lots of ******* money.
00:18:39 Like lots of ******* money.
00:18:42 Had something like 500 million during the time that we're talking about the time period we're talking about, it had $500 million.
00:18:51 In cash in in 19 in 1980s money.
00:18:57 In fact, there was a scandal the previous decade in the 1970s because they aggressively sought out donations.
00:19:07 Right on the coattails of the popularity of the movie, even you know, all the way up into the 80s, people knew of Boys Town.
00:19:14 Is this great success story?
00:19:17 Where Father Flanagan had had built this this utopia.
00:19:22 For young, troubled boys who were homeless or orphaned or drug addicts or whatever.
00:19:29 This town that was was basically, I mean, it was literally given all the privileges of of an incorporated town at its own Catholic diocese.
00:19:41 It was run by Catholic priests.
00:19:47 In the 70s, Warren Buffett, of all people actually started the ball rolling on an investigation.
00:19:54 Because he complained that at the time, I think they had, well, they had lot less than 500 million.
00:20:01 They had something like 170 million or something like that in cash again in 1970s money, so maybe it.
00:20:08 Was about the same.
00:20:10 And they were still asking for donations.
00:20:14 When they weren't really expanding their operation, they weren't really.
00:20:17 They were just sitting on this gigantic ball of cash and enjoying the good press and and not really doing a whole lot with this mountain of of cash.
00:20:29 They actually, as a result of of some bad press that came out about how much money they had and how they were still asking for donations aggressively.
00:20:39 They hired A consulting firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, out of Washington, DC to come help them expand their.
00:20:48 They they started expanding their operation into different states.
00:20:55 And tried to rehabilitate their name and they switched the priest that was running the place out with another priest.
00:21:05 Well, unfortunately.
00:21:07 That wouldn't be the first black eye.
00:21:11 On Boys Town.
00:21:17 So here is this is the well now he was I think in 2005 is when they stopped having this guy. So this guy was in charge for for quite a while.
Speaker 10
00:21:28 This was my notes were so extensive for this one it's it's hard for me to.
00:21:35 Find every little thing I've got here.
00:21:38 Where did it go?
00:21:39 Where did it go?
00:21:41 It's father, something other you know.
00:21:47 Where which where is which, which tab is this.
00:21:52 OK. Father Valentine Peter.
00:21:57 Who was in charge of Boys Town from 1985 to 2005. Prior to that, it was Monsignor Hupp.
00:22:08 Who was in charge from 73 to 85, so it was kind of both of these guys, right?
00:22:16 Now Boys Town. Like I said previously, they put a lot of their $500 million into Larry King's Franklin Bank or Franklin Credit Union.
00:22:31 Now unfortunately.
00:22:34 A lot of allegations begin to pop up.
00:22:38 Boys Town, a lot of former students, former residents.
00:22:43 These boys were claiming that they were being abused.
00:22:48 They were being abused by politicians.
00:22:52 That they were being basically shopped around as as sexual playthings for for not just local politicians, local businessmen.
00:23:06 But also nationally.
00:23:09 And as these rumors begin to to build.
00:23:14 Word got up to the the management level at Boys Town.
00:23:20 You know Father Valentine.
00:23:22 What was his name again?
00:23:27 And Valentine, Peter.
00:23:31 Like the Catholics are known to to do.
00:23:35 Kind of just quietly made it go away.
00:23:39 Made the rumors go away.
00:23:40 That and and internal investigation.
00:23:43 They didn't bother to involve the the local authorities.
00:23:50 And they just wanted to, they they, they, they they thought ohh this is going to be bad press.
00:23:54 They just wanted it to to disappear.
Speaker 1
00:24:00 And Nebraska has a very clear statute that child abuse allegations should be reported to authorities. They shouldn't be reported to the principal of the school's director of the facility. They should be reported directly to either Child Protective Services or law enforcement.
00:24:15 An internal investigation at Boys Town would have no status.
00:24:19 I mean, in other words, that evidence collected, maybe something that could augment, but it certainly cannot take the place of an investigation or criminal investigation.
Speaker 16
00:24:29 Could you understand why a very detailed report from a social worker employed at Boys Town?
00:24:36 Identifying children and identifying their alleged abusers.
00:24:39 Never saw the light of day.
00:24:41 Nothing happened with her.
Speaker 17
00:24:42 And I couldn't understand that because then they know there have been.
00:24:46 I wouldn't put up with that, but.
00:24:48 Is that something like that happened?
00:24:50 I don't know.
00:24:53 In retrospect, I regret having any association with Larry King.
00:25:00 Had I known it at the time, it would never have happened.
00:25:07 Ah yes, he he regretted his relationship with Larry King.
00:25:13 And why is that?
00:25:16 Well, because Larry King, it would turn out, would be embroiled in a in a fraud scandal.
00:25:24 That wouldn't yet hit the the newspapers yet, though, but the these these these rumours of the abuse seem to be independent of Larry King and independent of of the Franklin.
00:25:39 Franklin Bank or or credit union rather?
Speaker 1
00:25:43 And the information presented to the foster Care Review board, either via the telephone reports, the personal reports or the reports we reviewed, Larry King's name was consistently present as someone that the youth were making allegations against.
00:25:59 When I turned that information over to authorities.
00:26:03 And nothing happened.
00:26:05 I would say we handed over at least a foot high amount of material.
00:26:10 Generally speaking, the allegations were ignored.
00:26:15 So once the the foster or the CPS or you know, their version of CPS Child Protective Services at the time, once they caught wind of all these allegations and started their own investigation, one of the names that kept popping up, one of the people that all these boys were accusing of abuse.
00:26:35 Was Larry King the magic ***** of the Republican Party?
00:26:39 They were and these look, these are just teenage boys and they're they're they all they none of us.
00:26:45 Some of these didn't know each other.
00:26:47 These kids didn't know each other.
00:26:49 And they're all accusing this random politician Guy who is also awkwardly, always spotted in Boys Town.
00:26:57 His his luxury cars, his limousines.
00:27:02 He had a you.
00:27:03 Know private jade.
00:27:04 Very luxurious life.
00:27:06 This Larry King.
00:27:09 And when the Child Protective Services did their investigation, they put together a large report.
00:27:17 They submitted to the local authorities saying, hey.
00:27:21 There seems to be something here.
00:27:24 And we would like law enforcement to investigate this further and find out what's going on.
00:27:30 It looks like this Larry King guy.
00:27:33 Is possibly abusing kids.
00:27:37 And the local law enforcement said AH.
00:27:42 I don't know.
Speaker 18
00:27:45 It is certainly possible that Mister King was involved in illegal acts with children if there was sufficient evidence evidence of those types of allegations, he would have been prosecuted by the county attorney's.
Speaker 1
00:27:56 Office for me it was very clear that the case was not investigated and not pursued because of the alleged perpetrators.
00:28:05 Yes, yes, it was not pursued because of the alleged perpetrators.
00:28:12 Now, one of these perpetrators is here on the screen.
Speaker 10
00:28:18 I'm trying to find his name here.
00:28:19 My notes got all screwed up when I was.
00:28:24 Well, here it is, Alan Bair.
00:28:27 He was a local billionaire.
00:28:31 And also Peter Citron, let me fix that.
00:28:39 Peter Citron, who was a a local celebrity of sorts.
00:28:43 He was a reporter.
00:28:46 That did all the celebrity gossip and movie reviews.
00:28:50 That sort of a thing.
00:28:52 For the local, you know the big newspaper for Nebraska.
00:28:59 And lots of other names like Larry King.
00:29:03 Local police officials.
00:29:07 And pillars of the of the community.
00:29:11 You should, I should say.
00:29:13 So they were able to ignore these allegations for a while, but then?
00:29:17 Because of Larry King's lavish lifestyle.
00:29:22 And he was always in limousines, in, in private jets.
00:29:26 He owned a more than one air aircraft.
00:29:31 He had mansions.
00:29:34 He had three mansions and Omaha and a mansion in Washington, DC.
00:29:42 He walked around, you know, wearing lots of jewelry.
00:29:46 Had lavish parties.
00:29:49 And it just didn't make any sense because aside from being the manager at this, that this bank, he he really didn't have the means to to afford this, this lifestyle.
00:30:00 That he was leading.
00:30:02 And so the IRS got involved.
00:30:05 And the IRS?
00:30:06 IRS asked the the FBI to get involved.
00:30:11 And they raided the Franklin.
00:30:14 Credit union.
00:30:16 And discovered that he had stolen.
00:30:20 At least.
00:30:22 $14 million from the accounts of Boys Town and millions of dollars from other accounts.
00:30:32 So that that this took place, this raid took place in 19.
00:30:39 I believe 88.
00:30:42 Yeah, 1988, April 11th, 1988. The FBI raided the Union, the credit union.
00:30:50 And the FBI.
00:30:53 Made sure that the investigation was very narrow.
00:30:56 And did not.
00:30:57 Include anything about allegations about sex trafficking or abuse of these boys.
00:31:05 It was all about just the the the financial crimes.
00:31:10 Of Larry King.
00:31:14 So after the FBI did this bust.
00:31:18 The state of Nebraska decided, well, we're we're going to do our own parallel investigation into this and find out what was going on because this was a big guy.
00:31:26 There's a lot of money involved.
00:31:29 And so they started up a their own investigative team to research what was going on.
00:31:39 The head of the investigative team was Lauren Schmidt.
00:31:43 Who was a senator?
00:31:46 And he was the head of the the banking.
00:31:50 Oversight Commission that they had locally in Nebraska.
00:31:56 And the more he dug into what was going on at the credit union.
00:32:02 The more he was finding.
00:32:04 These allegations and these connections to child abuse and child trafficking.
Speaker 11
00:32:14 I received a phone call on the floor of the legislature.
00:32:18 Card did not identify himself.
00:32:21 But, he said learned you do not want to have an investigation of the Franklin Federal Credit Union.
00:32:27 And I asked who I was speaking to.
00:32:29 And they said that doesn't matter, but you shouldn't have that investigation.
00:32:34 And I said, well, why not?
00:32:36 He said.
00:32:37 It will reach to the highest levels of the Republican Party, and we're both good Republicans.
00:32:48 This guy, while he starts his investigation into the bank.
00:32:53 And starts to find all these allegations of of of child trafficking.
00:32:59 He gets threatening phone calls, anonymous phone calls telling him not to investigate because it's going to lead up too high.
00:33:06 You're a good Republican and this goes all the way to the top.
00:33:09 It's going to take too many people down.
00:33:10 You better look the other way.
00:33:13 And wouldn't you know it around this same time frame, June 29th?
00:33:18 1989 front page of The Washington Times.
00:33:23 Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIP's with Reagan and Bush Cowboys. Took midnight.
00:33:31 Tour of the White House.
00:33:35 This was a.
00:33:37 It was the only major paper.
00:33:38 This is a big story, right?
00:33:40 You would think.
00:33:41 Only major paper to really cover this story.
00:33:46 The only it was the only major paper to cover this story and you would think that especially because the the look this, this relationship that the press has with Republicans where it's very adversarial and very softball to Democrats this that was in full swing.
00:34:06 Back then too, that's not like a new phenomenon, OK?
00:34:10 And so the idea that the press would would just let this kind of a story kind of flounder and not really pick up any traction when it would implicate big name Republicans.
00:34:22 It's a little bit weird.
00:34:24 It's a little bit weird.
00:34:26 And I'm going to find.
00:34:27 Let me see here.
00:34:28 I've got a a copy of.
00:34:36 That article here.
00:34:42 OK, this is.
00:34:45 A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and district authorities that includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administration, military officers, congressional aides and US foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite.
00:35:04 Right.
00:35:05 Documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal one of the Rings high profile clients was so well connected, in fact, that he could arrange a middle of the night tour of the White House for his friends.
00:35:21 Specifically on Sunday, July 3rd of last year.
00:35:25 Among the six persons on the extraordinary 1:00 AM Tour were two male prostitutes.
00:35:32 Federal authorities, including the Secret Service, are investigating criminal aspects of the ring and have told male prostitutes and their homosexual clients that a grand jury will deliberate over the evidence throughout the summer, the Times has learned.
00:35:49 Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit card vouchers drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable payable to escort services operated by the homosexual ring.
00:36:01 Many of the vouchers were run through a so-called sub merchant.
00:36:06 Account of the Chambers Funeral Home by a son of the owner without the company's knowledge, I'm sure.
00:36:15 It goes on from there to detail, you know, all the financial stuff that they were able to to verify.
00:36:21 But of course the 2nd that there was any kind of federal law enforcement involvement.
00:36:29 And this will be an ongoing theme for tonight.
00:36:34 They the the the judge sealed all the records.
00:36:39 As soon as this.
00:36:39 Came out.
00:36:40 Not only did the media ignore it other than this, this one article.
00:36:45 But a federal judge made sure that no one would ever be able to see, even though they had.
00:36:50 It was in black and white.
00:36:51 There was a paper trail.
00:36:53 A paper trail a mile long that named the the clients it look it was it was irrefutable. It was the same look and look. Nothing's changed. This is something that this is. This is a zoom out the graph moment. OK.
00:37:08 You know, people freaking out that ohh they found cocaine at the White House and everyone knows it's Hunter Biden's cocaine. And how come they're covered? This is insane. Well, this is normal.
00:37:19 This is normal behavior from your federal government.
00:37:24 And so they were able.
00:37:25 And look, this isn't even the like there was that the same thing that in the 90s there was another sex scandal with that.
00:37:33 I'm blanking on her name now, but there was that that.
00:37:36 Madam, with the Black book that everyone was connected to and Barney Frank, of course you know Barney Frank.
00:37:44 The guy that was pushing for all the homosexual, he was the first, I think the first to openly homosexual senator and he was pushing for all the homosexual laws and you know.
00:37:56 To be implemented at the federal level.
00:37:59 So you'd have to, you had to hire gays and and bake the gay cake and all that.
00:38:02 Stupid **** for the the more modern, you know, the jogger memory.
00:38:07 He's the the big fat Jew with that, Trump tweeted out.
00:38:13 That one, you know, famously the oh look.
00:38:15 At how disgusting.
00:38:16 Barney Frank is with, you know, dressed in his T-shirt, ******* protruding.
00:38:21 That same Barney Frank was involved with this.
00:38:25 So it wasn't just Republicans, it was Republicans and.
00:38:30 And just inexplicably.
00:38:34 Nothing happened.
00:38:36 Nothing happened.
00:38:37 No one was prosecuted.
00:38:38 None of the Johns were were even pursued.
00:38:41 They instead went after the the prostitutes themselves and the guys running the prostitution ring.
00:38:47 And it was all very quiet hush hush and the public wasn't even really told too much about it.
00:38:53 The I guess the one of the.
00:38:59 Exceptions would be this guy.
00:39:02 OK, now this is Craig Spence.
00:39:07 Who is a Republican?
00:39:11 He was a Republican lobbyist.
00:39:14 And this is the guy.
00:39:15 They threw under the bus.
00:39:17 This was going to be the the sacrificial lamb.
00:39:21 This was going to be the guy that they would.
00:39:24 They would get rid of.
00:39:25 This is from The Washington Times article.
00:39:28 In addition to the credit card fraud, the investigation is said to be focused on illegal Interstate prostitution abduction.
00:39:37 And the use of minors.
00:39:39 For sexual, this is in the article.
00:39:41 This is all on the article, OK?
00:39:44 The the investigation is said to be focused on illegal Interstate prostitution, abduction, abduction.
00:39:52 And the use of minors for sexual perversion, extortions.
00:39:58 And related illicit drug trafficking.
00:40:01 And used by prostitutes and their clients.
00:40:08 Again, only one only one article.
00:40:11 Craig Spence, who was a Republican lobbyist, was named in the article as one of the most or one of the hosts of these late night White House sex tours.
00:40:23 And he was contacted in regard to the matter when he was contacted, Spence admitted.
00:40:30 To his actions by telling interviewers that.
00:40:33 It was a then CIA member.
00:40:36 Who had given him the key?
00:40:38 To the White House.
00:40:40 Although he refused to name names.
00:40:43 He ended the interview with the following quote quote all this stuff you've uncovered.
00:40:50 Involving Cowboys bribery and the White House tours.
00:40:55 To be honest with you.
00:40:57 Is insignificant.
00:40:59 Compared to the other things I've done.
00:41:03 But I'm not going to tell you those things.
00:41:06 And somehow the world will carry on.
00:41:18 No big scandal, though.
00:41:21 You know, you'd think this would rise to the level of at least a a Watergate type situation.
00:41:30 And no, not so much.
00:41:32 And you know what?
00:41:34 Just a a couple of months after him telling that.
00:41:36 To the press.
00:41:39 He was found dead in his hotel room.
00:41:45 He was. He was barricaded.
00:41:48 In a in a hotel room at the Ritz Carlton.
00:41:53 Wearing his tuxedo.
00:41:57 His body was full of prescription drugs.
00:42:01 And he left a note that said.
Speaker 4
00:42:01 Right.
00:42:03 Sorry for the inconvenience.
00:42:08 And they called it a suicide.
00:42:13 So this is perhaps what that anonymous caller meant.
00:42:18 When they called Lauren Schmidt.
00:42:21 And said this goes all the way.
00:42:22 To the top.
Speaker 1
00:42:31 The night before we testify before the legislative committee, I did receive a phone call at home that said, if you speak, you will live to regret it.
00:42:42 The phone calls continued.
00:42:46 You know, they they, they told this woman that worked at the she was the head of the again their their.
00:42:51 Version of CPS.
00:42:54 That if you keep following this investigation, you won't live.
00:42:58 To regret it.
00:43:03 She was harassed.
00:43:07 They ended up hiring 2.
00:43:10 Private investigators, the Commission.
00:43:14 Headed up by Schmidt.
00:43:17 That that woman was working on.
00:43:20 This is Karen Ormiston.
00:43:23 And Jerry?
00:43:27 I'm sorry, Gary caradori.
00:43:31 Was the other gentleman or the other person working on the investigation?
00:43:34 The other private investigator?
Speaker 19
00:43:37 They were telling us about prominent people.
00:43:41 In Omaha and elsewhere that were abusing children at parties.
Speaker 11
00:43:50 Prominent citizens names that originally came up were of concern to me because I knew many of those individuals and I very properly shocked to have those names show up on the list.
00:44:10 So he's shocked when all these names start coming up.
00:44:14 These prominent people, these big donors to the Republican and Democrat Party.
00:44:21 These politicians, these local officials, people in law enforcement.
00:44:29 So Gary caradori.
00:44:33 Who initially was skeptical?
00:44:37 Begin interviewing.
00:44:40 The the the possible victims.
00:44:45 And he started to find a A a growing list of people, many of whom did not.
00:44:51 Know each other.
00:44:53 Had no connection other than the fact that they had they had some connection to Boys Town.
00:45:01 And found that uh.
00:45:04 They were all saying the same things.
00:45:07 They were all saying that Larry King.
00:45:10 Was the the the man in charge of the the prostitution?
00:45:18 And the.
00:45:20 The trafficking.
00:45:23 One young man that he came across was this guy.
00:45:29 This is Paul bonacci.
00:45:35 Now Paul bonacci.
00:45:39 Not only did he witness prostitution.
00:45:43 And drug use and pedophilia.
00:45:46 But according to his testimony, he also witnessed child murder.
Speaker 21
00:45:57 Once he was taken care of.
Speaker 20
00:46:04 Tell me a joke.
00:46:14 Now the audio on this interview is in fact audio on all these interviews is really, really bad and and not not just in audio quality, which is definitely the case on this one.
00:46:26 But just in content it's it's horrifying.
00:46:29 So I'm going to just sum up some of what he says, because it's just like it's if I play clip, you're not going to be able to decipher a lot of the audio, probably over the stream, but also because it's just like **** that I don't think you.
00:46:43 Want to hear it's it's ****.
00:46:45 I didn't want to hear.
00:46:46 And so I'm.
00:46:49 I'm going to just kind of sum.
00:46:50 It up, he worked closely with Larry King.
00:46:55 In fact, he would help Larry King get new boys.
00:46:58 He was one of the guys that because he had gone to Boys Town, he was familiar with Boys Town.
00:47:04 He would take Larry King's car drive on campus.
00:47:07 And try to get boys to hang out and go to parties.
00:47:10 Hey, you want to go to a party?
00:47:12 We're gonna have lots of free drugs you want and that's.
00:47:14 How they would get some of these boys, some of these boys, according to some testimony, were acquired by working directly with the the leadership at Boys Town.
00:47:24 In in this particular interview, he said that, you know, he was prostituted out for for lots of these parties, but one horrific incident in particular was he was taken on a plane.
00:47:42 With Larry King, they flew first to Denver.
00:47:48 They picked up another little boy in Denver.
00:47:51 Then they flew to Las Vegas.
00:47:54 They also flew I it's again, the audio is.
00:47:57 So bad it's.
00:47:58 Hard to decipher, but I think he's saying Sacramento.
00:48:02 But it doesn't really matter.
00:48:03 What matters is when they get to this final destination, they have another boy and this boy has been kidnapped.
00:48:13 And this boy is, you know, like doesn't know what's going to happen.
00:48:18 He's crying, he's freaking out.
00:48:20 And they're they're keeping him in a in a a like a metal cage, like a kennel for like a like a large dog.
00:48:26 Like a little metal cage at this remote location they go to.
00:48:33 And then he and the other boy that the boy they picked up in Denver, who was also a underage male prostitute, were forced to do horrific things.
00:48:44 That again, I'm not going to go into detail, but you can probably imagine some of the things that were going on there at gunpoint.
00:48:53 All this was being filmed.
00:48:55 Larry King was there other people he didn't know who they were, but they were wearing suits.
00:49:01 They looked important.
00:49:01 They looked wealthy after being sexually assaulted.
00:49:06 They were beat within an inch of their life.
00:49:10 And then the kidnapped kid, the unnamed kidnapped kid, he doesn't know who this kid was or what the you.
00:49:17 Know the kid's name was.
00:49:19 They shot him in the head.
00:49:22 They shot him in the head once they.
00:49:24 Were done with him.
00:49:26 They then pulled the kid that they picked up in Denver.
00:49:31 And took him out to the woods.
00:49:33 And and.
00:49:35 Paul heard some gunshots and saw him carrying a body.
00:49:39 Out of the woods.
00:49:41 So he doesn't know for sure, but is assuming.
00:49:45 Did they killed that kid also?
Speaker 4
00:50:17 I got.
Speaker 7
00:50:26 You shot it.
Speaker 21
00:50:28 You're what?
00:50:41 So he had he had a lot of other things to say.
00:50:43 They were.
00:50:44 Very similar.
00:50:46 Talked about how he was flown out to Washington, DC.
00:50:49 To participate in some of these parties.
00:50:53 At Larry King's mansion in in Washington, DC.
00:50:59 So Gary.
00:51:06 Obviously kind of freaked out by this, but kept hearing similar stories.
00:51:13 He then encountered a boy by the name of Troy *****.
00:51:18 And his was a little less violent.
00:51:23 He said that uh, he was he was paid for his his sexual encounters.
00:51:30 And they were very they were repeated.
00:51:33 With a lot of the same names that associates of Larry King.
00:51:38 He was given drugs.
00:51:41 And but while he was, you know, performing these gay acts, that children would be brought in.
00:51:49 They would be basically gay pedophilic ****** that he was participating in.
Speaker 22
00:51:58 Alan Barr was a sick ****.
00:52:02 Didn't care, you know, wanted sex.
00:52:05 You know, I don't even know if you can call it sex, you know, and take it.
00:52:10 Anyway, he can get it pay for it.
00:52:12 He liked to, but if he had to take it by force, he would marry King was the same kind.
Speaker 23
00:52:15 Thank you.
Speaker 22
00:52:16 Of sick *******.
00:52:17 Allen Bear was, except Larry King was more violent.
00:52:21 More sure of himself, you know, I mean.
00:52:24 Would you know?
00:52:25 See him **** a 10 year old boy in the ***, you know?
00:52:29 And until he bled and you know, just pull out and stop and, you know, push him down, you know, and you know, and then go out and you know.
00:52:38 Meet with decent people.
00:52:40 I mean from just, you know, touching to.
00:52:46 You know, through squash, you know, huge squash, you know that big around, you know, stuck into you and your ***, you know, heat, heat, things, hot things, you know, poked at you and stuck in you.
00:53:01 You know, I got those scars in my arm one night at a party where Larry King was and he had got somebody I don't clearly.
00:53:08 Remember who it was.
00:53:10 You know, wanted to see how strong a memory were or something, you know, and have this push your arms together and and you push your arms together and then has the king has these same scars and you push them tight together and then you light cigarettes.
00:53:24 And as soon as you get burning into the, drop them down between your arms and you don't let it let it burn.
00:53:30 You know, and they made us stand there naked and touch each other, right?
00:53:33 Hold my arms together and burn cigarettes where you know it's on film someplace.
00:53:38 And they found it.
00:53:40 Burning, yeah.
00:53:44 They were producing.
00:53:45 Not only were they doing the abuse.
00:53:47 They were always producing video of the abuse in fact.
00:53:51 The uh the incident with Paul Bonacci.
00:53:54 Where he talks about the the rape and execution of the two other boys.
00:53:59 According to him, that was all filmed.
00:54:03 And so they were using this, this footage presumably so that they could not only.
00:54:11 You know, sell that that to the sick fox that would be into that.
00:54:15 But also have that for the, you know, blackmail material.
00:54:20 So they could compromise some of the people that were participating in this.
00:54:27 It wasn't just boys.
00:54:30 This is Alicia Owen.
00:54:34 Alicia Owen also said that that because she was a so she hung out with the the boys from Boys Town when she was younger.
00:54:44 And it was the same sort of a thing.
00:54:47 She was invited to one of these parties.
00:54:51 They said, oh, yeah, it'll be fun.
00:54:52 You know, it's gonna be free drugs.
00:54:54 It's gonna be a party.
00:54:55 It's gonna let all these rich people are going to be there.
00:55:00 And she talked about how she was she was, uh.
00:55:05 Abused one of the names that she brought up.
00:55:08 Was the the name of the police chief?
Speaker 2
00:55:12 I I was told to call him Robbie.
Speaker 24
00:55:16 Just for the record, later on you knew Rob later on to be Bob Woodman.
00:55:22 Right.
00:55:22 Please, Chief Omaha, NE.
00:55:25 Is that right?
00:55:26 OK.
Speaker 2
00:55:26 At this time, I still do not know.
00:55:27 Who he was.
Speaker 24
00:55:28 OK, go.
00:55:32 So this is Rob Waldman.
00:55:35 He was the police chief.
00:55:37 For Omaha, NE.
00:55:40 If you weren't able to hear the audio, it's like I said, all the interviews is pretty bad.
00:55:43 I tried to clean it up the best I could, but it's pretty bad.
00:55:47 And this is one of the first people that she was involved with.
00:55:52 Larry King then threatened to kill her if she didn't keep participating and keep coming to the parties and doing what?
00:56:01 What she was told.
00:56:03 Said he'd kill.
00:56:04 Her whole family, if she stopped, or if she refused his invitations.
00:56:11 And didn't go along with whatever it was that the men at the parties wanted.
00:56:18 Here you hear it's kind of funny because.
00:56:21 Well, not funny, but.
00:56:24 These are the kinds of things that when she would tell investigators at the FBI.
00:56:31 They wouldn't believe her because it sounded too outlandish.
00:56:35 It sounded crazy.
00:56:36 Oh, people don't do that.
00:56:37 That's crazy.
00:56:40 Well, and looking at it from.
00:56:42 The perspective of 2020.
00:56:43 Three, it sounds like exactly the kind of thing that you would expect.
00:56:47 In fact, there's probably entire subreddits dedicated to this kind of behavior.
00:56:53 But in 1988.
00:56:54 This sounded like crazy wild accusations.
00:56:59 Crazy stuff.
Speaker 2
00:57:00 Takes since common one in the back bedroom.
00:57:09 She really and.
00:57:11 He was wearing. He took back his clothes. He had women's underwear on.
00:57:18 She wanted me to talk dirty to him.
00:57:23 And he was just weird.
00:57:28 He wanted to fight house to fight Doctor.
00:57:31 I mean stupid little.
00:57:35 Dog games.
00:57:37 We talk, we talk.
00:57:42 He's just weird.
00:57:45 She only get down on my hands and knees.
00:57:48 And asking them back in.
00:57:53 If I didn't do it right, he took his bow and snappy.
00:57:57 Press the face, press the chest.
00:58:02 So, weirdos.
00:58:04 She said, like, well dressed, rich looking men in suits would show up.
00:58:10 One of them took her in a back room and took off his suit and he.
00:58:13 Was wearing women's underwear underneath.
00:58:16 And then he wanted to talk baby talk and play house and act like a little kid and just all this bizarre ****, and then he would become violent and start attacking her because she wasn't following some rules that he never explained what these rules were.
00:58:33 And again, this is stuff that she brought to investigators.
00:58:37 Later on that, they would say, oh, this is, this is all crazy.
00:58:41 This is all crazy talk.
Speaker 19
00:58:47 Larry King was.
00:58:50 I would say the center of.
00:58:53 Transporting the children around the country, the the airplanes were usually in his name least in his name.
00:59:03 They were paid for by Larry King.
Speaker 11
00:59:10 Boys Town came up frequently during the investigation, but we found it very difficult to get information about Boys Town.
00:59:16 I was not able to find any information.
00:59:18 On my visit there and the security Dory could not get information either.
00:59:25 So as these allegations became more concrete, they had these interviews, they had all this stuff on the record.
00:59:33 They approached Boys Town and, you know, wouldn't you know it just?
00:59:38 They just said no, this is all crazy.
00:59:41 We're not going to cooperate.
00:59:42 We're not going to talk to you.
00:59:43 We're not going to unless you subpoena us.
00:59:46 We're not going to give you, you know, access to any of the records.
00:59:50 This is it's.
00:59:51 It's all just a smear job and we don't want anything to do with this and we're not going to help you at.
00:59:56 All with your investigation, you know you would think that.
00:59:59 Again, this Catholic organization that's supposed to be designed to help little boys would be a little concerned if they.
01:00:08 Faced with a situation, the indicated little boys and girls were being abused on a on a industrial scale, but Nope, they didn't want anything to do about it or.
01:00:18 Anything to do with?
Speaker 19
01:00:18 It immediately started discrediting the witnesses.
01:00:24 There were.
01:00:29 The witnesses came across an.
01:00:30 So that that's I I missed.
01:00:32 I missed a little bit little tidbit here to make give this context.
01:00:36 So once they started to.
01:00:38 Come up with their report.
01:00:41 A copy of the report, or at least portions of the copy of of the report that they were building, this dossier that was getting thicker and thicker.
01:00:50 Parts of it were leaked to the press.
01:00:54 And they were the the press did exactly what the press was doing during the 1980s, when stuff like this would come up. What did they say?
01:01:02 What did they say? Libertarians.
01:01:06 Right.
01:01:06 What they say it was the satanic panic.
01:01:11 It was the satanic panic.
01:01:12 Guys, remember the satanic panic?
01:01:14 Like with the West Memphis three?
01:01:16 It was a satanic panic.
01:01:20 It was just it was just these crazy stories that children all across America, all throughout the 1980s, for no reason at all. They all just simultaneously.
01:01:31 Started making allegations of ritual sexual abuse.
01:01:36 And child murder and and trafficking.
01:01:41 All these kids all across the country, all from different parts of the.
01:01:45 Country hundreds of miles away.
01:01:46 Thousands of miles away from each other.
01:01:49 Spontaneously started having these delusions that powerful people were were trafficking them around and abusing them and killing them.
01:02:00 And that's how the local newspaper framed it.
01:02:04 Especially because one of the the people accused Citron guy.
01:02:12 Worked at the newspaper was one of their big their top guys.
01:02:19 So the newspaper said all these kids are just drug addicts.
01:02:22 They're weirdos and psychos, and they're just for for no reason, right?
01:02:27 What do they?
01:02:28 Have to gain.
01:02:31 They're just making up these stories.
01:02:34 All an elaborate hoax.
01:02:36 An elaborate hoax?
Speaker 19
01:02:39 Immediately started discrediting the witnesses.
01:02:43 There were.
01:02:48 The witnesses came across in the media in the Omaha World Herald, especially as the criminals.
Speaker 1
01:02:55 The last three victim witnesses were demolished by the press, particularly the Omaha World Herald.
01:03:00 The paper never looked for information that would support any of the allegations.
01:03:06 The whole purpose of the stories was was to destroy any credibility that these.
01:03:11 Youths may have.
01:03:14 So weird.
01:03:16 Again, you would think that a newspaper especially you know the this sex cells, right, it has everything that you would want to sell papers.
01:03:27 And in a weird way, it kind of goes against the whole satanic panic.
01:03:30 Garbage, right?
01:03:31 That that, that all the the America was just caught up in this frenzy, this delusion, this collective delusion.
01:03:38 That somehow.
01:03:39 There was a bunch of satanic pedos running everything.
01:03:44 And it just it was.
01:03:44 It was reinforced by a a press that was trying to sensationalize things.
01:03:50 And no, no, the press was trying to do the exact opposite.
01:03:54 The press was trying to.
01:03:55 Shut it down.
01:03:57 The press was trying to say that these kids were just weirdo drug addicts.
01:04:01 And not to believe them.
Speaker 11
01:04:04 I was very disappointed with the way the FBI and law enforcement treated the victims.
01:04:11 They in fact turned them into the.
01:04:18 Offenders, so to speak, and instead of taking the evidence that was delivered to them by the victims and interrogating the persons who were the victims identified.
01:04:32 They seem to bear down and try to get the victims to change their story.
01:04:39 So that was the other thing once the.
01:04:40 FBI got involved.
01:04:44 The witnesses were bullied.
01:04:49 The witnesses were told.
01:04:51 That they were lying.
01:04:54 And they would get in trouble if they lied.
01:04:56 To the FBI.
01:04:57 That's a crime.
01:04:57 Everyone knows that, right?
01:05:00 It's a crime to lie to the FBI.
01:05:05 So the grand jury that was formed to take a look at these allegations that were put in the report.
01:05:15 Was more of a a grand jury.
01:05:17 That was, that was put together to defame.
01:05:21 And dismiss these allegations.
01:05:26 And to start pursuing the people making the allegations.
Speaker 22
01:05:37 The FBI's attitude was, you know, just know that this these kind of things don't happen from the first interview.
01:05:42 When I went, you know, and realize they don't believe a ******* thing.
01:05:45 I'm saying, you know, I mean, they are.
01:05:47 And they they were just appalled that I realized what?
01:05:50 That that look in their eye was back then.
01:05:53 It was fear.
01:05:54 It was fear that, you know, I mean, I had witness.
01:05:58 You know, first hand things that would, you know, destroy this city, you know, people are the position.
01:06:05 You know what I mean?
01:06:06 It's not going to be believed, believed they said it will not be believed you will be found guilty of perjury.
01:06:11 And you, I mean, they weren't telling me.
01:06:12 Maybe, you know, never saying it's, you know, if there's no way you're going, you go on with this.
01:06:18 So you're going to jail.
01:06:19 I mean, that was sent to me direct.
01:06:23 So they told all the kids that.
01:06:26 If you keep.
01:06:26 Saying that the this is what's going on.
01:06:29 You'll go to jail.
01:06:32 Because you'll have lied to the FBI, or you'll have lied to a grand jury, and that'll make you guilty of of perjury if you lied to the grand jury.
01:06:42 And we'll lock you up.
Speaker 14
01:06:49 Have to have bricks for brains to take on the FBI in this country and that's exactly what you'd have to do to do this properly.
01:06:58 They now, in my opinion in my investigation, are the architects of the cover up.
01:07:07 See again people saying like ohh the FBI is corrupt now.
01:07:10 They used to be such a good organization.
01:07:13 And now they're, they're they're they seem to be working for the the Satanic pedos.
01:07:18 You know, going after parents that that just don't want their kids to be trans in, in public schools, calling them domestic terrorists.
01:07:27 It was always like this.
01:07:31 It's always been this bad.
01:07:32 It's it's maybe getting a little more in your face.
01:07:36 Probably because of the the Internet.
01:07:42 But it was this bad in the 80s.
01:07:46 That's what the FBI was doing in the 80s.
01:07:50 The Satanic Pedos were in full control in the 80s.
01:07:58 And what are a bunch of?
01:08:01 Basically, homeless kids.
01:08:03 Many of whom were.
01:08:04 Drug addicts, because of these parties.
01:08:09 What were they?
01:08:10 What were they supposed to do?
01:08:14 We were probably wondering, well, why haven't we heard?
01:08:19 From the guy making these videotapes.
01:08:22 Gary caradori.
01:08:27 So Gary caradori.
01:08:29 Was unfazed by the FBI's inaction. Again, as I told you, he was a private investigator who was hired by Schmidt.
01:08:39 And his Commission?
01:08:40 He wasn't going to be detoured.
01:08:41 He he knew that these stories were true.
01:08:44 He had interviewed enough of these kids to and saw them breakdown in tears and crying as they told the stories.
01:08:52 To know that there was at least some some vein of truth in this.
01:08:57 And he was going to try to find proof.
01:09:00 They began ******* with them.
01:09:03 They would, according to his partner.
01:09:07 That woman.
01:09:10 Karen Ormiston.
01:09:13 They were they would tamper with his they they'd break into his house and move things and they would make it obvious just so he would know, like he'd come home and realize, oh, they've.
01:09:23 Been in my house.
01:09:25 Or they ****** with my car.
01:09:28 You know, they broke into my car.
01:09:29 They did this.
01:09:30 That and the other thing they were getting fall out everywhere they went.
Speaker 24
01:09:36 Gary got. He was.
01:09:38 This this is his brother.
Speaker 24
01:09:41 There was one piece of evidence I know he got that he was that he even said he he got one step ahead of him this time.
01:09:49 He told us about this book and.
01:09:50 His his like addresses, telephone numbers, names, he said.
01:09:56 If if they if they knew you had it.
01:10:00 Hey, kill them.
01:10:03 So he gets.
01:10:05 Some actual documentation.
01:10:08 Financial records or something?
01:10:11 He tells his brother that he's got access to this.
01:10:14 He's going to go pick it up.
01:10:19 He apparently picks it up.
01:10:21 He gets it.
01:10:22 He has it on him.
01:10:22 He keeps it with him at all times.
01:10:28 And wouldn't you know it?
01:10:32 While while flying in an airplane.
01:10:36 His airplane just spontaneously.
01:10:41 Falls apart.
01:10:43 It just falls apart.
Speaker 25
01:10:47 Investigators from the national.
01:10:49 Transportation Safety Board are in Harold Cameron's cornfield.
01:10:52 Trying to determine.
01:10:53 What caused this private plane to crash killing?
01:10:55 Its two occupants.
01:11:01 National Transportation Safety Board investigators say wreckage from the crash is apparently strewn over a three quarter to one mile long stretch in this field, the.
01:11:09 The fact that the wreckage was scattered over.
Speaker 20
01:11:11 A large area.
Speaker 11
01:11:13 Certainly demonstrates that it did break up in flight the exact mechanism.
Speaker 18
01:11:17 Break up yard is done.
01:11:21 So he and his eight-year old son were on an airplane that exploded, is what he's saying.
01:11:31 As airplane, just as airplanes are known to do it just it just ******* exploded.
Speaker 19
01:11:36 There are things missing from the plane.
01:11:38 His briefcase is missing.
01:11:42 Again, we'll never know what all was missing, because I don't.
01:11:45 I don't know what he had with him.
01:11:47 I don't know what he did in Chicago.
01:11:49 He may have had information.
01:11:50 He's coming back with.
01:11:57 So then the FBI swoops in on the investigation into the plane crash.
01:12:04 And they impound all the wreckage.
01:12:08 And they seal the investigation results.
01:12:15 You know the FBI that everyone's so shocked.
01:12:19 Has turned into a bunch.
01:12:20 Of bad apples.
01:12:26 Yeah, the guy leading the investigation, that was contrary to their narrative.
01:12:31 Dies in an exploding airplane with his eight-year old son.
01:12:36 His briefcase is missing.
01:12:38 It's not in the wreckage.
01:12:41 And the FBI shows up and carts away all the wreckage and shuts down the investigation.
01:12:48 And you're never.
01:12:49 You're never going to find out.
01:12:52 What they knew or how.
01:12:58 So this obviously freaks a lot of.
01:13:00 These people out.
01:13:03 A lot of the witnesses and all of a sudden are are a little bit nervous.
01:13:06 The guy that they just had, you know, meetings with the guy that was on the other side of the camera recording their interviews died in this very obviously suspicious.
01:13:18 Plane crash.
01:13:20 Or plane explosion because it didn't crash, it crashed in mid air.
01:13:24 Unless maybe it hit a UFO, right?
01:13:30 And so they start getting nervous because you got the FBI telling them that you're going to go to jail if you keep saying this.
01:13:37 The guy that was interviewing them is dead now.
Speaker 22
01:13:40 You know, going do it.
01:13:44 And would you know the truth will come out.
01:13:47 You know, when somebody would be held accountable for his death.
01:13:51 And then at the funeral I had seen, you know, an FBI guys, you know, and they, they looked at me, you know, I was supposed to meet Senator Roberts and Schmidt for lunch after the funeral.
01:14:00 And you know, that's when I decided, I told my mom, you know what?
01:14:03 We're not going to do the.
01:14:04 Is we're.
01:14:04 Gonna hightail it out of Lincoln now.
01:14:09 So when he's at the interview.
01:14:12 For Gary caradori.
01:14:15 He sees FBI agents eyeball on him.
01:14:18 And so he and his family go into hiding.
01:14:21 After the funeral.
01:14:24 Instead of meeting up with Schmidt.
01:14:27 Because what they're doing now.
01:14:30 Is they're trying to charge the people who won't recant the the kids that are refusing to back, you know, go back in their story.
01:14:38 They are, in fact, beginning to charge them with perjury.
01:14:44 Again, which is weird, right?
01:14:46 Why? Why? Why?
01:14:47 Make this up.
01:14:50 If you're going to go to jail for perjury, like what's?
01:14:53 What's the point of that?
01:14:56 So you can get a free trip to to.
01:14:58 Jail like why?
01:15:00 Why would you be making?
01:15:01 This **** up.
01:15:03 These are just kids.
01:15:04 What connection do they have to?
01:15:05 These powerful people.
Speaker 19
01:15:17 The effect of Garry's crash on the investigation.
01:15:22 I think.
01:15:24 In effect, put an end to.
01:15:27 Any anybody else coming forward?
01:15:31 With sensitive information like this.
01:15:35 So everyone clammed up.
01:15:40 And then to make it even worse, this guy here, Troy.
01:15:47 His I wasn't able.
01:15:49 I I tried really hard to find like the original reporting on on the circumstances, but all I could find was multiple sources saying that his brother was shot and killed.
01:16:02 In a bizarre gun accident.
01:16:07 But they didn't.
01:16:08 They didn't explain why.
01:16:08 It was bizarre, but whatever.
01:16:10 But the timing obviously was very suspect.
01:16:13 So his brother gets shot and killed.
01:16:18 And so that that because he was thinking about, he was thinking about when they were, they were going to they so they they basically took that that girl.
01:16:27 Alicia Owen, the one that was talking about the guy that was wearing women's underwear and all this other stuff they had charged her with perjury and part of the reason why they were able to charge her with perjury.
01:16:38 Is when he after he got freaked out by the the death of Gary Caradori, he recanted.
01:16:44 He said Oh no, Nope.
01:16:45 I just.
01:16:45 I made it all up.
01:16:46 He told the FBI.
01:16:47 I just I I made.
01:16:48 Well up, you know, and then.
01:16:51 You know that then he disappeared.
01:16:53 And then when they they were charging her and she was out on bail and they were trying to get her defense put together.
01:17:01 They they finally got a hold of them and he's and after they'd killed his brother, he was like, OK, you know what?
01:17:07 They killed my brother.
01:17:09 I'm going to go ahead and talk because you know, just as revenge and I guess, you know, my brother should have been the one that died for this and, you know, so I'm going to do it.
01:17:21 Going to actually, you know, try to get some justice here.
01:17:26 But then the day that the the court, the court date rolled around, he he was missing again.
01:17:33 He didn't show up.
01:17:34 He was, and no one could find him.
Speaker 11
01:17:42 It has shaken my faith in.
01:17:44 The institutions of government.
01:17:47 Used to be a.
01:17:49 Firm believer that.
01:17:51 That system would work.
01:17:55 And that people who did things wrong would be punished, and we discovered.
01:18:12 Claimed to have been abused and who the grand jury acknowledged.
01:18:15 Had been abused.
01:18:17 But they did not try to find out who had abused those individuals.
01:18:21 Instead, they convicted Lisa Owen of perjury and defensible.
01:18:26 From my point of view.
01:18:32 Not only did they convict Alicia Owens of perjury.
01:18:37 They hit her with a a sentence of 20 years.
01:18:44 20 years for for making up a story.
01:18:47 If it's just some dumb story, why?
01:18:50 Why give it?
01:18:51 Why are they giving it 20 years for just making up a dumb story?
01:18:55 That's actually more time than they gave Larry King.
01:18:57 Larry King was given 15 years for his involvement with all the embezzlement.
01:19:04 And all the fraud.
01:19:07 But to make it even worse.
01:19:09 While she was out on bail.
01:19:14 Her, her, her brother.
01:19:16 Was picked up by cops.
01:19:19 For joy riding.
01:19:23 And then he, quote UN quote, committed suicide in jail.
01:19:30 Even though the.
Speaker 20
01:19:32 Coroner's report.
01:19:34 Showed that he'd been beaten severely.
01:19:38 He'd somehow, no, there's no accounting for all of his injuries.
01:19:45 He hung himself, Epstein style.
01:19:49 In his prison cell, while no one was looking.
01:19:56 So they kill, they kill his or her brother.
01:19:59 Basically they kill the other kids brother.
01:20:04 They give her a prison sentence sent.
01:20:08 Her to jail.
01:20:16 This is Herbing walked out in handcuffs.
01:20:27 Now this is a state center that started decided to represent them.
01:20:33 Pro bono.
Speaker 14
01:20:36 I can't find a case in the history of this country.
01:20:40 For some kid got sentenced to 25 or 30 years in prison or something like this. If you were going to pick a A what? I call it telesign.
01:20:48 Something that says something special about the whole thing.
01:20:51 It was in the sentencing itself.
01:20:52 For some reason, they had to send a signal to every kid who was a potential.
01:20:56 Witness my opinion.
01:20:58 I signal so loud and clear if you dare to come forward, if you dare to talk, watch what happen.
01:21:07 So that was the end.
01:21:08 That was the end.
01:21:09 There weren't anymore.
01:21:11 Allegations that were going to be brought up.
01:21:16 Because they didn't want to end up in jail.
Speaker 14
01:21:23 It's a web of intrigue that starts in our Holy of Holies Boys Town, Nebraska, one of the most respected institutions in the United States and spreads out like a spider web to Washington DC.
01:21:37 Right up to the steps of the nation's capital, the steps of the White House involve some of the most respected and powerful and richest businessmen in this United States of.
01:21:48 And the centerpiece of the entire web is the.
01:21:51 Use of children.
01:21:54 For sex and drug dealing.
01:21:57 And drug couriers?
01:21:59 The compromising of politicians, the compromising of businessmen, but worst of all, the corruption of key institutions of government.
01:22:10 That have the duty and responsibility to make sure these things.
Speaker 15
01:22:13 Never happen, I said.
01:22:15 You have to consider the possibility of some danger to not only your reputation.
01:22:21 So this is the former head of the CIA, William Colby.
01:22:27 Who professionally knew the senator?
01:22:31 And approached him and said like look.
01:22:34 There might be something here, but you might want to watch out because it's.
01:22:42 Sounds like things are a little bit dangerous.
Speaker 15
01:22:46 Said you you have to consider the possibility of some danger to not only your reputation, but to your person.
01:22:52 I mean there are.
01:22:54 People do react rather violently to some kinds of charges, or particularly if they're true, there's more apt to be a negative reaction than if they're false.
01:23:04 If they're false charges, then they can be reacted to in a normal way by a libel suit or whatever, but a true if there's truth in it, there can be.
01:23:14 A danger in that situation, we've seen that happen in other cases.
01:23:19 And as former head of the CIA, he would know.
01:23:21 In fact this is, you might remember William Colby.
01:23:27 From this clip that that I I've seen passed around so you may have seen it.
01:23:33 He's the guy that was when they were doing the oversight hearings, finding out exactly how much the CIA was in fact illegally spying on Americans and doing domestic work that was way outside of what they were ever supposed to do.
01:23:50 Their the whole Charter for the.
01:23:53 CIA is that?
01:23:54 Oh, they can only work on foreign targets.
01:23:59 That that the the.
01:24:00 Spine was never, you know, just like the Patriot Act, right?
01:24:03 It was never supposed.
01:24:04 To be used on Americans.
01:24:06 So this is him.
01:24:08 A few decades prior showing Congress the the heart attack gun that the CIA was using.
Speaker 7
01:24:15 Have you brought with you?
Speaker 23
01:24:18 Some of those devices which would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for.
Speaker 18
01:24:24 We have indeed for killing people.
Speaker 26
01:24:36 Right.
Speaker 13
01:24:39 Don't fight it at me.
01:24:43 I wonder if.
Speaker 14
01:24:45 If you roll.
01:24:45 That over.
Speaker 7
01:24:55 Yeah, does does this does this.
Speaker 20
01:24:59 Pistol fire the dart.
Speaker 15
01:25:01 Yes it does.
01:25:30 OK.
01:25:31 I think we're back now.
01:25:33 So yeah, as I was saying, funny how funny how we started talking about the CIA and all this **** happens.
01:25:41 So we're just we're, you know, we're to keep going.
01:25:45 So William Colby, the director of the CIA.
01:25:50 Not only was he the guy that was in all these hearings talking to how the CIA was actually involved in, you know, subverting the media and planting stories and all that sort of a thing involved in in assassinations, using weapons like the the heart attack gun that he showed here in Congress.
01:26:11 But also.
01:26:14 He's the same FBI or sorry CIA director who died mysteriously back in, I believe, 2005.
Speaker 10
01:26:25 Let me.
01:26:26 Get my notes up again now that we're back.
01:26:30 Yeah, this was. I'm sorry, 1996.
01:26:35 Former CIA director Colby's body found.
01:26:40 Rock Point, MD.
01:26:42 May 6th, the body of William Colby who headed the CIA during the Nixon and Ford administrations and was known for his frank disclosures of agencies.
01:26:51 Was found Monday not far from the site where his canoe overturned 9 days ago. Colby was 76. Charles County Sheriff's Department confirmed the body was found in the waters of off Cobb Island at 8:00.
01:27:04 05 AM and identified as as that of Colby. We have confirmation that it was, Mr. Colby said, Sergeant.
01:27:11 The plumber, the bomber or the body was identified by his wife.
01:27:16 Kobe disappeared on April 27th while canoeing near his now what they don't say.
01:27:22 Is when they checked out his house, he had dinner on the the table that he hadn't eaten yet and the doors.
01:27:32 There was no forced entry or anything like that.
01:27:34 There was a canoe missing and when they found him he was wearing I think he was wearing like a bathrobe, but he wasn't.
01:27:41 He wasn't dressed for canoeing.
01:27:42 Let's put it that way.
01:27:44 And so the whole situation was pretty suspicious.
01:27:47 Like he, you know, middle of the night cooked dinner.
01:27:51 And then while in his robe decided I'm going to go canoeing.
01:27:55 I'm gonna go canoeing in.
01:27:56 The middle of the night.
01:27:58 And then fall out of the canoe.
01:28:02 And we found a few days later.
01:28:05 Yeah, this is again, this was the, I don't know if he was a good guy or not.
01:28:09 I mean, he is, I don't know if you can be a good guy and be the head of the CIA, but he he was he was famous for doing the a lot of these disclosures that we found out about the CIA.
01:28:20 And he, at least at the very least, seemed as if he was on the good side when it came to this case.
01:28:27 Warning this, this senator, slash lawyer like look.
01:28:32 It it may very well turn out that this is all real, and if it is real, then that's what you gotta worry about.
01:28:37 If it's fake, it's not a big deal.
01:28:39 You know, worst case scenario, there's.
01:28:40 A defamation suit or.
01:28:41 Something like that, but if it's real, you got to worry about them actually hurting you.
01:28:47 You got to worry about, you know, bodily harm.
01:28:53 And, you know, 10 years later.
01:28:58 Or just I think because this I think this documentary was shot in 1990, just six years after he he.
01:29:05 Gave an interview for this documentary, which we'll talk about how what happened with this.
01:29:08 A lot of these clips are from a documentary called Conspiracy of Silence.
01:29:14 That was never released for some reason.
01:29:18 Just six years after giving the interview is when he decided to cook dinner and then go out on his canoe in his bathrobe.
01:29:24 And then.
01:29:25 And then die.
Speaker 14
01:29:32 Obviously, the FBI was protecting something a lot more significant than a bunch of old pedophiles having improper relations with little boys.
01:29:43 They were protecting, something a lot more significant than a bunch of.
01:29:47 Drug peddlers they were protecting, in my opinion.
01:29:53 They were protecting some very prominent politicians, some very powerful and wealthy individuals, associated with those politicians and the political system, up to and including the highest political people in this entire country.
01:30:10 I don't know guys.
01:30:11 Sounds like satanic panic to me.
01:30:15 Sounds like it's just all made-up, it's just a.
01:30:18 It's just a fever dream.
01:30:20 It's just a it's delusions from crazy Christians that think that everything Satan.
01:30:33 So they then go to DC.
01:30:37 And they bring with them.
01:30:39 That, that, that boy or the young man, I guess at that point, Paul Bonacci.
01:30:45 Who was in that first interview?
01:30:48 That said, that said, he witnessed that the child murder.
01:30:52 And multiple child murders.
01:30:56 And that he was working with Larry King.
01:31:00 To help get more boys from Boys Town.
01:31:03 And that he was going to these mansions in DC.
01:31:07 And he shows in the mansion in DC.
01:31:11 And it's the mansion Larry King used to own.
01:31:16 And the way he.
01:31:17 Describes what happened at these mansions.
01:31:20 Checks out.
01:31:22 With the layout of the mansion.
01:31:25 And the general geography and the people that live there.
Speaker 21
01:31:31 That's about 14, about 1981, and at first it was about three or four times the first year after that, about once a month after 81 Lucky Larry King brought me.
Speaker 14
01:31:42 Here and this is the actual house where you.
01:31:45 And what you were used for?
Speaker 18
01:31:46 Sex there? Yes.
Speaker 21
01:31:47 Some of the parties, when they started off were straight political type.
01:31:51 Ladies with no sex.
01:31:52 And then when some of the men had left some of.
01:31:54 The politicians had left.
01:31:56 The ones that had planned they had planned on.
01:31:59 Engaging in some type of sexual activity.
01:32:02 That would come after the party.
01:32:05 Some of the kids would be held downstairs in some of the rooms where if they.
01:32:11 Acting up for if they started freaking out because of the drugs that they were on, they put them in a room that they couldn't get out of and they lock them in.
Speaker 14
01:32:19 Were there drugs at these parties?
01:32:21 What kind of drugs?
Speaker 21
01:32:23 Anything you want in cocaine, heroin, speedballs you're gonna feed?
Speaker 14
01:32:27 I mean, those things were these parties where you had Larry King and prominent politicians, yes.
01:32:33 Were they readily available to anybody at the party?
Speaker 21
01:32:38 At the after parties, they were ready to label for anybody beforehand.
01:32:42 They did it more upstairs than they did anywhere else in the stand in the backroom.
Speaker 14
01:32:47 Or any.
01:32:49 Attempts ever made that you know of to.
01:32:53 Let's expose this situation.
Speaker 21
01:32:56 As far as anyone, nothing's ever been done and.
01:33:00 Most of the people that were in there had already been just really compromised.
01:33:06 So the way he described it was that they would have these parties with big names of the parties.
01:33:13 After the the normal people I guess left.
01:33:18 The after party would begin.
01:33:21 And the after party.
01:33:23 Would be where all the pedo **** would.
01:33:25 Start to happen.
01:33:28 Now look.
01:33:30 When I lived in DC.
01:33:33 I didn't hear anything about this extreme.
01:33:37 I had friends.
01:33:40 That were connected to somewhat high up people.
01:33:44 And they would attend parties that they would describe basically as ****.
01:33:50 And it would work the same way.
01:33:52 They throw some big party.
01:33:54 They would, as the party is going on, they would try to seek out people that were at the party.
01:34:00 As you know, while they were drinking, people that might be interested in what was going to happen after the party.
01:34:05 And then after all the normal people left, that's when the freak show started.
01:34:13 Gotta back up the story.
01:34:16 Russell Nelson.
01:34:18 Was Larry King's photographer.
01:34:23 And his telling of events matches up exactly.
01:34:31 The story of Paul Bonacci.
01:34:35 The boy that was just talking there.
01:34:40 Now I don't have this part included on the the clip I'm going to play of an interview with him.
01:34:46 But he also went so far as to say.
01:34:50 That while he was working.
01:34:52 With with Larry King, in fact, the reason he stopped working with Larry King.
01:34:57 Is once they one day that they were in Las Vegas.
01:35:01 Which seemed to be a hub for Larry King when he was trafficking children.
01:35:06 Larry King.
01:35:08 With Hunter S Thompson.
01:35:14 Asked if he would be interested in in shooting a snuff film.
01:35:20 And he said at that point he was like, OK, **** this **** and and quit.
Speaker 20
01:35:26 Got all this money and and power within.
01:35:30 A couple of days I was off.
01:35:31 On a private jet.
01:35:32 When you say important people, rusty, are you talking about political?
Speaker 20
01:35:35 It went all the way up to.
01:35:36 White House these people were leaders of industry.
01:35:40 They were doing things that I did not feel was right.
01:35:44 Who would you go tell?
01:35:45 Because they pulled the puppet drain, there was one instance where Colonel Michael Aquino came to a motel room and he got from Larry King a suitcase and it was filled with barrel.
01:35:56 Bonds in cash.
01:35:58 There was millions of dollars.
01:36:00 Others in that thing Embassy Row in Washington, DC, they had parties there on the surface, they looked like all up and up.
01:36:08 Then the party was over with and there'd be a few guys that would stay after they would have a sex party.
01:36:14 This was at King's House.
01:36:15 Believe the man who's running it now and Father Val.
01:36:19 Not a good choice.
Speaker 13
01:36:20 OK, why is that?
Speaker 20
01:36:22 He was he was up.
01:36:23 To his elbows in this.
01:36:25 What they were doing is providing sexual favors to.
Speaker 13
01:36:28 Whoever had money or political influence.
Speaker 20
01:36:30 Whoever King told him to, usually it was done for the purpose of compromising somebody, orphanages or places where.
01:36:39 They'd really not be missed.
01:36:41 He also cataloged kids.
01:36:42 He'd pick them to order.
Speaker 4
01:36:43 OK.
01:36:46 So he he collaborates, the story said on Embassy Row.
01:36:50 They had this mansion and they, you know, he explains it the same way.
01:36:54 That they would have these parties and then the the normal people would leave and then the freak show.
01:36:58 Would begin.
01:37:00 Mentions that Val, Peter the the.
01:37:03 The head of the Boys Town, the guy they chose to put in charge in 1985, was up to his eyeballs and this this mess helping to to acquire these children, providing them to compromise people.
01:37:22 And that's a lot of what this was for.
01:37:25 Was to get people in compromising positions.
01:37:29 And a lot of this money was changing hands.
01:37:31 This is where a lot of this money that Larry King had access to was coming from.
01:37:40 That and just the the you know being.
01:37:42 Invited to these parties.
01:37:44 And to be able to, you know, I'm, I'm sure it's not free.
01:37:48 To sexually assault.
01:37:50 2 little boys and then shoot him in the head.
01:37:56 So they're paying for that service.
01:37:58 I guess you could.
01:37:59 Call it.
01:38:04 And like I said later in the interview is pretty long.
01:38:06 You can find it on YouTube later in the interview he mentions that they wanted to.
01:38:11 Do a snuff film.
01:38:13 And that's when he decided that he had.
01:38:16 To get out.
01:38:17 And stopped.
01:38:19 Working with.
01:38:22 With Larry King.
Speaker 14
01:38:24 You were in the White House then?
01:38:26 And how?
01:38:28 How did you gain?
Speaker 21
01:38:29 Well, I came down with Larry King, but Craig Spencer is the one that running the trip for us and it was.
01:38:35 So that guy that we talked about earlier that they threw under the bus, that was later found dead in his hotel room.
01:38:48 That's that's that's the same guy that that news report from The Washington Times, where they're giving gay prostitutes a tour of the White House at midnight.
01:39:01 Paul Bonacci here is is claiming that he was one of the gay prostitutes.
01:39:07 That was shown the.
01:39:10 The White House and that Larry King.
01:39:12 And Craig, I think it was Craig Spencer.
01:39:16 Gave him the tour.
Speaker 21
01:39:18 And it was kind of a a gift for our services that we were doing.
Speaker 14
01:39:21 How many times were you on this?
01:39:23 Kind of a trip.
Speaker 21
01:39:24 I came through it.
01:39:25 On two times.
Speaker 14
01:39:26 Two times, and were you used for sex on those occasions.
Speaker 21
01:39:31 When the left or left?
Speaker 14
01:39:32 After you left the White House.
Speaker 21
01:39:34 No time and night.
01:39:36 It was usually around midnight.
01:39:44 So his story matches up.
01:39:48 They then go and talk to the the the journalist who wrote that article.
01:39:54 For The Washington Times.
01:39:57 And he talks about his frustration with trying to get it to be a bigger story.
Speaker 23
01:40:03 This was the thing always bothered me. They claimed it was the largest male prostitution ring in the city that they've ever ever had uncovered over $1,000,000 a year minimum. Yeah. And yet they only prosecuted the operator Henry Vincent and three of his lieutenants, as it were.
01:40:21 They never went after any of their.
01:40:22 Jobs or the?
01:40:23 Clients this operation, which was again quite large, claim to have clients that ran from the White House to the Capitol Hill to the State House to the.
01:40:34 And it's within the media and a lot of and a lot of the stuff led there, but we couldn't quite nail it in all cases because again, to accuse someone of high.
Speaker 14
01:40:37 And that's precisely what Paul describes as the people he would.
01:40:47 Yeah, I understand.
Speaker 23
01:40:47 Stature you've got.
01:40:47 To be very careful.
01:40:49 We were able to do it through the the mother lode was provided US credit card receipts and canceled checks, and then lists of the client the.
01:40:59 Prosecutors knew all this stuff. There was approximately 20,000 pieces of dot or 20,000 documents that they had. They sealed the entire record when they found out I was.
01:41:10 They require consent agreements from all the lawyers, all the clients, all the relatives of all the clients, all the hookers, including the clients themselves.
Speaker 14
01:41:19 Which means you can never gain.
Speaker 23
01:41:20 Them by court order.
01:41:20 They see.
01:41:23 And we have tried to, we've attempted on several occasions to unseal that.
01:41:28 And we've been told.
01:41:29 It will be a.
01:41:31 Cold Day in hell before those records ever get unsealed, and it makes me wonder what's in those records.
01:41:38 Well, we know it's in those records.
01:41:41 Because our governments run by satanic pedophiles and has been for a long time, looked it just.
01:41:45 It just is.
01:41:47 It just is.
01:41:49 You want to.
01:41:49 Know why I'm ******* black pilled and there's no.
01:41:51 ******* political solution.
01:41:54 Because this shift's been going on at.
01:41:56 Least since the 80s.
01:42:03 There was enough of that **** going on in that town.
01:42:06 There wasn't enough good people anywhere at any level.
01:42:10 To even attempt any kind of prosecution or investigation.
01:42:18 And if it was that bad, then how bad do you think it is now?
01:42:34 Now ask yourself, is there why?
01:42:36 Why, who?
01:42:37 Are they protecting?
01:42:40 Certainly, Larry King wasn't some kind of mastermind behind it.
01:42:44 If he was, he wouldn't have been the one that they arrested and put in jail for.
01:42:48 Or for 15 years he only served I.
01:42:50 Think 10.
01:42:52 He's out.
01:42:59 No Wikipedia entry.
01:43:02 They said try finding information on that guy.
01:43:07 But he's out.
01:43:15 So who is giving him the orders?
01:43:24 Who wanted to have all these Americans compromised?
01:43:31 What purpose would that serve, I wonder?
01:43:36 What group could that possibly have been?
Speaker 14
01:43:40 If you can control about three or four key elements, you can totally own a state.
01:43:45 You can make, right, wrong.
01:43:48 You can make truth, falsehood, falsehood, truth.
01:43:51 If you control the mean.
01:43:54 If you control the Justice Department, if you control them.
01:44:01 You own the sys.
Speaker 8
01:44:03 Ladies and gentlemen, the.
01:44:06 I wonder who controls the media.
01:44:09 I wonder who?
01:44:10 Controls the media and the Justice Department.
01:44:14 I wonder if it's the same people that control the media and the Justice Department today.
01:44:25 Look, it would just be a few years later that that Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House.
01:44:33 During some of this.
01:44:38 The FBI observed him being having foreign foreign actors.
01:44:51 And it's heavily implied that these are Israeli operatives.
01:45:00 Underage boys.
01:45:04 To his house in Washington, DC during the same time period and afterwards.
01:45:19 Did a whole video on that.
01:45:20 You can't watch it on YouTube anymore.
01:45:22 Though because they took it down.
01:45:24 For harassment.
01:45:28 Even though it's all on the record that Dennis Hastert.
01:45:32 Same sort of thing, right?
01:45:33 Larry King gets busted and they what do they charge him?
01:45:35 With the financial stuff.
01:45:38 Give him 15 years.
01:45:39 He serves 10.
01:45:40 He's out and about.
01:45:41 God knows.
01:45:42 You know what the **** he's doing these days.
01:45:47 Dennis Hastert, same sort of thing, right?
01:45:50 When they when they finally charge him, they don't charge him with ******* underage boys. That Israel's giving him no, they charge him with.
01:45:57 Paying for underage.
01:46:00 Male prostitutes with campaign.
01:46:02 Funds that he's not supposed to be using.
01:46:07 So it's a financial crime.
01:46:12 The judge in the case literally said.
01:46:16 He was probably one of the most, the biggest one of the.
01:46:19 Biggest pedophiles in the United States.
01:46:25 He wasn't charged with any of that stuff.
01:46:31 None of these.
01:46:31 People ever are.
01:46:36 If one of them gets so out of control that they need to, like, burn someone to the ground, it's some kind of stupid slap on the wrist.
01:46:42 Financial crime? The Dez. Hastert's already out?
01:46:44 Out and about.
01:46:48 I mean he I.
01:46:49 I don't think he did 10.
01:46:50 I think he did like five or something.
01:46:54 Or so they say, right?
01:46:56 Who knows if he was even in there?
01:47:07 Your government has been run by satanic pedophiles for decades, and there's tons of evidence proving this.
01:47:17 This isn't wild conspiracy theories.
01:47:19 This isn't satanic panic this.
01:47:22 Isn't queuing on ********.
01:47:26 This is real.
01:47:37 There is no political solution to this.
01:47:40 It's on both sides.
01:47:41 Of the aisle.
01:47:53 It's just how they do business.
01:48:11 So this is uh.
01:48:13 I mean, after watching all that we we got to do this right.
Speaker 13
01:48:20 Get in.
01:48:33 Because that, that's that's.
01:48:34 Honestly, that's that's what's required at this point.
01:48:45 So again, this is part one we'll do Part 2, maybe next Saturday.
01:48:51 But there's there's a there's, like, a Side Story to all this that I'm still.
01:48:58 I'm actually still on the fence on.
01:49:00 Some of the details.
01:49:04 So we might not do parts.
01:49:06 I'm still researching.
01:49:07 I'm trying.
01:49:07 I'm vetting it.
01:49:08 Rather I'm vetting Part 2 because I don't want to take away from how the realness of of what we just did the night with something that might might.
01:49:16 Not check out exactly.
01:49:24 But this is this is your.
01:49:25 This is your country.
01:49:31 Ohh but if you just.
01:49:32 Vote vote for Trump.
01:49:34 That'll fix it, right?
01:49:35 Trump will do it.
01:49:36 He'll fix it.
01:49:42 Or **** it.
01:49:42 Vote for DeSantis, you know like.
01:49:44 Any of these ******* people, right?
01:49:51 If you just vote hard enough.
01:49:54 The Satanic Pedos will magically stop running the country, right?
01:49:58 That's, that's that.
01:49:59 That'll happen, right?
01:50:00 Right, guys, right.
01:50:08 No, this is just what it is.
01:50:10 It's it's.
01:50:11 We live in a country run by satanic pedophiles, and the sooner people realize that the sooner we can actually start trying to fix it.
01:50:22 So there you go.
01:50:25 All right.
Speaker 10
01:50:28 I think I had one more thing in my notes here.
01:50:29 Let me just double check.
01:50:34 I already covered that the part that about Kobe getting killed in 96.
01:50:41 All right, let's take a look at at Hyper Chats then.
01:50:48 And sorry, no, I'm not going.
01:50:50 Any links tonight just because like.
01:50:52 I'm I need to sleep I need.
01:50:55 I need to sleep.
01:50:57 So I'm gonna try to brace through these as as quickly as possible.
01:51:03 I'm on a lot of caffeine, but it's even caffeine has its limits.
01:51:08 Right.
01:51:11 So here we go.
01:51:15 Ram playing games in Canada, the Muslims imported aren't happy with LGBTQ pushed on up, up, then pushed on their children.
01:51:23 Trudeau responds by saying that Muslims are being fooled by American right wing misinformation.
01:51:29 It's like, no, these non white, non Christians couldn't do wrong.
01:51:32 Think it must be hateful.
01:51:35 Well, you're going to be blamed for everything until.
01:51:39 You know, until you can get rid of the people blaming you.
01:51:41 For everything, that's just the way that it is.
01:51:43 Every everything is, is is your fault because you're the problem.
01:51:48 I mean to them.
01:51:49 You are the problem.
01:51:52 You're the one that's that's doesn't like that satanic pedophiles are in charge.
01:51:58 There's a lot of people, quite frankly.
01:52:00 Don't give a **** about that.
01:52:01 Especially now.
01:52:03 In in, in in the the the current environment when we have mothers castrating.
01:52:09 Their little boys.
01:52:11 And sewing a a fake pair of **** on them and giving them a wig and saying they're.
01:52:16 I mean for **** sake.
01:52:17 You think someone like that gives us **** about satanic pedophiles running the country?
01:52:21 That that's that's who they pray to.
01:52:28 You're the last holdout.
01:52:32 You're the the last.
01:52:33 Threat to their power?
01:52:34 You think they're really worried about Muslims?
01:52:36 Give me a ******* break.
01:52:48 Muslims thrive.
01:52:51 In authoritarian environments.
01:52:57 Every single ******* Muslim country is authoritarian.
01:53:06 And by the way, you think this shift's not happening at the?
01:53:08 Top of those countries, yeah.
01:53:13 You might not be able to walk around with a beer in your hand.
01:53:16 If you're in Saudi Arabia.
01:53:22 You you don't think that the Saudi Royals aren't aren't ******* little boys?
01:53:30 You don't think some funked up **** isn't happening and and Dubai?
01:53:40 Yeah, you're.
01:53:41 You're the last holdout.
01:53:51 So you have to be dealt with.
01:53:53 John Skywalker saw a clip of a stream you did with Andrew Meyer and Paul Nealon, know of anywhere I can get the whole thing.
01:54:01 I tried D live and a few others couldn't get them to work.
01:54:05 Also Andrew Meyers, Jewish right?
01:54:06 I don't know him but he.
01:54:09 Is based on our side thought what?
01:54:14 Thought having their help could end poorly now that yeah, that's from like a really long time ago when I was just doing video work for.
01:54:24 For like Cernovich and he happened to work there and you know, I was just, I was along for the ride.
01:54:30 I was like the.
Speaker 10
01:54:30 Video guy.
01:54:34 No, I don't know where that exists, but it was just it was a Paul Neilan.
01:54:38 Interview before he.
01:54:39 Was totally shunned by the MAGA crowd.
01:54:43 For going full on name the Jew on Twitter.
01:54:50 He was just he was just a little ahead of his time, that's all.
01:54:53 He was a little ahead of.
01:54:54 If he had just waited a little bit longer.
01:54:58 It probably would have been that big of a deal, right?
01:55:01 It's it's increasing less of a big deal.
01:55:07 But yeah.
01:55:10 Ever heard of Sophia Rosing? No, I have not. The drunk girl at the UK campus that called her RA's or no during an outburst. OK. Kind of vaguely remember something like that. She got thrown out of school, ended up on CNN and is being threatened.
01:55:30 With prison time over the incident, also those same RA's went to on TV to talk about how traumatized they were. Overkill much? Well, yeah, that's that's.
01:55:44 Yeah, it's not overkill.
01:55:46 It won't be over killed until they've they've they're they're they're done killing us.
01:55:58 Right.
01:55:58 That, that's that's all this is.
01:56:02 Displacing anyone that stands in their in their way.
01:56:05 So yeah, they're going to do they're it's going.
01:56:07 To just keep getting worse.
01:56:09 And why wouldn't it?
01:56:10 I don't see anyone standing up to it.
01:56:13 Uh paleo trad.
01:56:17 Grand playing games the West won't learn until what happened to France this last time around.
01:56:23 Happens regularly.
01:56:25 The demographics of Muslims are on the upswing in Europe and Canada.
01:56:29 The only advantage to the US has is that the most immigrants here are from Latin America and are Christians.
01:56:36 Europe, it's Muslims.
01:56:37 Well, I don't think it's going to.
01:56:38 Make any difference at all actually.
01:56:40 I I mean, I've been doing streams now for the last few months, showing you that just you know having these demographic issues in your country results in regular riots.
01:56:50 And I don't see Americans doing about it.
01:56:55 I mean, do do blacks have more or less power?
01:56:59 Than they had prior to the the the riots and watts.
01:57:06 Or or or the the several riots.
01:57:11 That increased in in damage and deadliness.
01:57:14 Every so you know, every couple of years.
01:57:18 In perpetuity.
01:57:20 Do they?
01:57:20 They have less or more power, right?
01:57:23 Like as the riots have increased in their in their.
01:57:29 Damage to you know property and to human life.
01:57:35 Their intensity, their their length.
01:57:40 Have blacks gained gained or lost power?
01:57:44 I think they've gained it.
01:57:48 And part of it's a numbers game too.
01:57:53 By the time you get these these self flagellating.
01:58:00 The sadists.
01:58:04 Where the worst thing in the world they can think of is to be called a racist.
01:58:07 They will endure any kind of ******* pain and any kind of persecution.
01:58:10 They'll watch their children murdered.
01:58:19 And they won't care.
01:58:27 And there's the numbers for those people dwindle.
01:58:29 I mean, look, it's just they.
01:58:30 They're just waiting you out white people.
01:58:35 They're just waiting you out.
01:58:38 Give me an example anywhere in in in the last 50 years.
01:58:43 Anywhere in the West that's that's experiencing this exact same problem.
01:58:48 Country after country.
01:58:50 Every single ****** ******* white country experiencing the exact same ******* problem.
01:58:55 And where is the pushback?
01:58:57 There's none.
01:59:01 There is none.
01:59:04 So don't expect it to happen.
01:59:08 Don't expect the West to learn their lesson.
01:59:11 When when riots start happening with more frequency and regularity?
01:59:17 Take it from an American that's that's experiencing or experienced lots of of rioting and and frequency and regularity, and has seen 0 come of it other than them.
01:59:27 Getting more of what they want.
01:59:34 You know, hey, on the other hand.
01:59:35 Prove me wrong but.
01:59:40 I'll believe it when I see it.
01:59:47 Cringe panda.
01:59:48 So this dock I watched the people who pee on the floor all the.
01:59:51 Time is about.
01:59:52 An experiment in public housing in Saint Louis.
01:59:56 Basically, it was a modern architecture monstrosity designed by a Japanese architect in Japan.
02:00:02 They created these huge public housing buildings called danchi, so they thought, hey, let's do one of those in America.
02:00:13 And they built this huge 57 acre area full of these danchi in Saint Louis.
02:00:20 And the idea was to bring in the poor and demolish the slums.
02:00:24 And it was supposed to be racially segregated by design.
02:00:28 The problem was that when they opened the darn thing in the 19 or in the mid 50s.
02:00:36 The government made integration mandatory.
02:00:40 So now you have poor whites with poor blacks and the black kids wouldn't stop peeing on the floor, et cetera.
02:00:47 So the white kids left and the whole complex, which was at 15,000 residents.
02:00:54 Was bigger than most small towns and deteriorated fast.
02:00:59 Anyway, I'm going to go over this documentary and I'm thinking, whoa.
02:01:04 There's a scene from, well, there's this scene where some white woman started saying that the city's goal is making blacks equal to whites.
02:01:13 She then says, quote, I just can't see myself living next to them.
02:01:18 I don't think they should be oppressed or anything.
02:01:20 dot dot dot.
02:01:24 But I moved here because it is a white community.
02:01:28 And that's the only place I intend to live.
02:01:31 Why would anyone want to live near blacks?
02:01:34 The whole movie?
02:01:35 They just complain about the system failing, like at one point the buildings are flooded because the pipes is like a novel.
02:01:43 The the pipes froze and exploded and raw sewage is flowing.
02:01:49 But wait, there's more.
02:01:50 Through the through.
02:01:51 The building, but then you find out it was because black kids broke all the windows in the hallways, causing the pipes to freeze.
02:01:59 Then there's the heating.
02:02:01 The heating fails and you find out they purposely screwed up the furnaces.
02:02:06 The lights fail and you find out that in spite of the maintenance going through at great lengths to protect the bulbs, the black kids.
02:02:12 Just find ways to break them.
02:02:14 And then you hear the residents complaining that they can't get emergency services like police or ambulances and firefighters.
02:02:21 And then you find out the black kids like to throw moltov cocktails at police, ambulances and firefighters.
02:02:27 And that's where they stopped coming.
02:02:29 They pee on the floors all the time and I feel like I'm watching this documentary now instead of throwing the trash in the incinerator, they set fire to their trash in the hallway in front of the incinerator.
02:02:41 Shoot and then they have the nerve to complain about white flight.
02:02:45 What's kind of heartbreaking is, is that throughout the life of the project, if you honest residents make a heartfelt attempt to protect and repair their community, but they get into this expecting to be taken care of.
02:02:59 1 reporter as a community leader.
02:03:01 But the Housing Authority says they don't have any money to do these things.
02:03:06 You say you need uh.
02:03:10 Where are they to come up with the money for this?
02:03:14 And the appointed leader says we feel that that's their problem.
02:03:18 I'm going to send you the movie this week.
02:03:20 I think I feel like.
02:03:20 You just did, and there's there's good.
02:03:22 Stuff, but obviously I'm dying to see.
02:03:26 You do the happy ***** face movie first.
02:03:29 I front loaded my hyper chats because I'm now on Eastern Time, alright?
02:03:34 Yeah, someone.
02:03:35 Someone else, I think.
02:03:36 Sent me that documentary link I might have added it to my.
02:03:42 My notes at some point that sounds familiar.
02:03:47 But that.
02:03:48 Yeah, I'm not surprised by those results.
02:03:51 And I guess it'd be interesting to see how the document documentary treats the subject matter, cause you know, you often find them just trying desperately to to come up with excuses.
02:04:03 But it also depends on what decade there were certain decades.
02:04:06 You can make documentaries and point to the fact that blacks have a hard times exist in civilized society and it's not like this.
02:04:12 The big taboo.
02:04:15 So if this happened in the 1950s, I don't know. Maybe the documentaries from the 60s or so.
Speaker 10
02:04:18 I don't know.
02:04:19 It's it's tricky.
02:04:21 But I'll take a look at that njpa logging. Hey, Devin. Gloria Vell is a documentary on prime about a self-sustaining religious cult in New Zealand.
02:04:33 Though done as a hit piece, they come off pretty well and there are definitely some good ideas on how it could be.
02:04:40 Thank you for the great content.
02:04:41 We'll appreciate that.
02:04:42 I'll take a look at Gloria Vale.
02:04:46 Gloria Vale.
02:04:50 Uh, OK, Atlas, rain.
02:05:02 Professor Stack, thank you for the twice weekly education sessions.
02:05:07 Everyone listening needs to go to subscribe star and give this man some cash every month.
02:05:12 You know the education you are getting from Devin is worth more than any college course you could take, so don't be a cheap ***.
02:05:20 Well, there you go from.
02:05:22 From your lips to God's ears, right?
02:05:31 Writing just says ****.
Speaker 19
02:05:41 I am not mad.
02:05:45 Alright, didn't do nothing in 1984. Hey, Devin. Long time since my last hyper chat. I'm still an ardent fan.
02:05:53 I'm just being a cheap fagot.
02:05:55 Do you have any thoughts on the relationship between love and hate?
02:06:00 For example, is.
02:06:01 It possible to?
02:06:01 Love someone if you cannot bring yourself to hate someone.
02:06:06 Who kills them?
02:06:08 Wait, what?
02:06:10 Is it possible to love someone if you cannot bring yourself to hate someone who kills them?
02:06:20 I don't know if I understand the question.
02:06:22 You mean like?
02:06:25 Do you really love a person?
02:06:27 If someone were to kill him and you didn't hate the person that killed them?
Speaker 10
02:06:31 I mean.
02:06:33 I don't know.
02:06:33 I mean, I guess that's like a.
02:06:35 A very unusual philosophical question.
02:06:41 The way I.
02:06:42 I guess the people.
02:06:43 I guess the people that I would say that I love in my life.
02:06:47 If someone killed them, I would.
02:06:48 I would hate whoever killed them.
02:06:52 I guess if you're trying to extrapolate that out and say if the point is, I don't know if this is your point, but if your point is, do people really like love white people?
02:07:02 If they, if they don't hate the people that are, that are killing them.
02:07:08 I mean, I just.
02:07:09 I'll be honest, I don't think a lot of people love white people.
02:07:12 And that's white people.
02:07:15 I just don't think they do.
02:07:16 I don't think they care.
02:07:17 I can't tell you how often I get into arguments with people that are that are, you know, Trump, Trump conservatives.
02:07:25 That the second you bring up race, they get very upset by it and they get very offended and they and they, if you imply that whites are better at anything, they, they they they start defending non whites and saying that ohh well IQ is not everything and you know it's like they're they're they're trying desperately.
02:07:43 To lift up these other races to something higher than themselves and and or or they're they're trying desperately to practice some kind of sick form of of racial humility.
02:07:58 I don't know.
02:08:00 So I don't know if that's what your.
02:08:01 Point was, but yeah, I don't know.
02:08:04 They call me Mr.
02:08:05 Nags doctor stack.
02:08:06 Thank you for this stream.
02:08:07 There is only so much info on Boys Town.
02:08:10 We'll catch the replay.
02:08:13 Yeah, there's there's a lot more to it.
02:08:14 I said.
02:08:14 This is a pretty deep rabbit hole, but this was just this is this is like I said, I don't know if I'll do Part 2, But this I figured it was enough for part one for the night.
02:08:25 This cover.
02:08:25 Ohh and I guess that's one thing.
02:08:27 I didn't talk about.
02:08:28 So the whole reason why you've never seen this documentary and a lot.
02:08:31 Of the reason why the footage is so ****.
02:08:33 Is the the the history of the documentary is they were contracted out to do a document.
02:08:41 It was a it was a British production company.
02:08:44 It was contracted out to do a documentary in the United States.
02:08:48 They got approval for it.
02:08:50 They they shopped the idea.
02:08:52 I mean, that's they.
02:08:53 They don't just green light.
02:08:54 Whatever they don't just say make whatever documentary you want and then give you a bunch of money.
02:08:59 Like there's a whole process to get it greenlit and everything.
02:09:02 And so they went and and shot the documentary.
02:09:05 And it was supposed to air on the Discovery Channel.
02:09:08 In fact, you can see it listed in the old copy of A.
02:09:12 What is it like? I think it's like a 1993 TV Guide. Has it listed as is going to be airing in in the United States? They sent the rough cut to Discovery Channel when they and which is basically the the the version that exists right now. Discovery Channel had one look at it.
02:09:32 And immediately cancelled the project.
02:09:35 They said they didn't want anything to deal.
02:09:37 With it.
02:09:39 And to and proceeded to try to to get rid of all the copies someone said.
02:09:45 I don't know.
02:09:45 I couldn't verify this, but there's.
02:09:48 A claim that a third party stepped in and purchased the rights to it and then destroyed all copies, and then it was 30.
02:09:56 So or so odd years before a copy resurfaced.
02:10:02 Excuse me.
02:10:03 I did read A blog post.
02:10:06 From the author.
02:10:08 I'm not the author.
02:10:09 I'm sorry the.
02:10:10 I guess kind of the author the the writer, director of this documentary.
02:10:17 He added some other, more information that wasn't included in the documentary.
02:10:22 He said that it was very odd the way they shut it down because he was expecting them to love it because it was like again, it's it's the kind of thing all these satanic panic ******* they they claim it's the **** that the media loves, right?
02:10:34 The media likes the sensationalized stuff like this.
02:10:37 It has.
02:10:37 This has everything it's got.
02:10:39 It's got scandal.
02:10:40 It's got weird drugs and pedos and all, like, you know, this was going to be a very popular show.
02:10:46 Had it aired on Discovery Channel.
02:10:48 And so he was very shocked when all of a sudden they didn't want anything to do with it.
02:10:52 And they they made it very clear that there was 0 negotiations.
02:10:55 They put the the shut it down, call through and and they got shut down immediately.
02:11:01 They never even finished producing it.
02:11:05 But he also mentioned that that guy that had recanted and then he felt bad and went to go, it was going to unreconciled or whatever and then didn't show up to the court date.
02:11:16 And then he was disappearing. And all this other stuff he said that he 1000% believed that guy.
02:11:23 Troy, the guy with the the cowboy hat, because every time he would talk to him, he was ******* terrified and that he his first question was like he if I do this, can you protect me because they're going to try to kill me.
02:11:35 And he said, like, you know, I can't, I mean the best I can do, the best I can do to protect you is we get the story out.
02:11:43 And the story's already out, so you know, they probably won't want to kill you as much, because now it's not like trying to stop it from coming out.
02:11:50 It's already out and then it would look, you know, like it it would give it some credence, but then he they said that he wasn't sure if he was right about that because.
02:12:02 He found out that 20 years later, when he was trying to get a hold of this guy, I think it was about 20 years later, but he was trying to get ahold of him to find out what you know.
02:12:12 Where he what?
02:12:14 You know what had come of this guy and he had died under again, that there were no details.
02:12:19 I wish there had been, but there were no details provided, but he just.
02:12:23 The way he wrote it was that he had died in mysterious circumstances in New Mexico.
02:12:28 And so he wasn't sure if if they were, if this was payback or or what the hell happened with.
02:12:37 That because by trying to hide from the cameras and trying to duck away from the situation, he possibly became an easier target than the than the the other two that were.
02:12:48 In the movie.
02:12:50 Alisha Owen, even though they got her in a different way.
02:12:53 You know, they got her with law fair and Paul Bonacci, who they also charged with.
02:13:01 With perjury, Paul Bonacci, by the way.
02:13:05 Sued in Civil court, Larry King and all of the same testimony, everything that he said during this documentary was testimony in court and the judge in the case believed that enough to where he awarded Paul Bonacci $1,000,000. And I don't I don't know that if he was ever ever able to collect on that, but.
02:13:25 You at least won the civil case.
02:13:28 So, UM, you know, it's kind of like, I guess, like OJ, right? OJ got away with the criminal case but was lost the civil case.
02:13:38 Yeah, it was.
02:13:39 It was.
02:13:41 You know this is.
02:13:43 This is our country now.
02:13:44 It's or and and it has been for a while, I guess, right?
02:13:52 Let's see here.
02:13:55 My fat little ******** toe.
02:13:58 Last Saturday, when I was talking about being in the land of our of your people, I meant Utah.
02:14:05 Yeah, yeah, I got I still.
02:14:07 Got a lot of family in Utah, as you might imagine.
02:14:10 I think.
02:14:10 I think most people who are ethnically Mormon, as I like to put it, have a lot of family in Utah.
02:14:17 Utah's not so bad.
02:14:20 You know, there's a lot of lot of cool places still in Utah.
02:14:29 Abdul met kalashnikova.
02:14:32 Hi Devin, thanks for your hard work.
02:14:34 I hate to get all religious, but don't you think pedophilia is demonically motivated?
02:14:39 It is so destructive, disgusting and irrational.
02:14:42 My theory is pedos are demonically possessed and they are used to destroy humanity.
02:14:47 You know, it's one of those things where it's like I don't get it, you know, it's it's it's one of those things.
02:14:53 Where it's like ********, right?
02:14:56 I can't even imagine.
02:15:00 Like even you know.
02:15:02 Like, I'm so repulsed.
02:15:04 By even just the thought of of gay **** that I can't wrap my head around anyone wanting.
02:15:13 To do that.
02:15:15 And the same thing goes with this pedo ****.
02:15:17 It's like.
02:15:19 So I don't know what I I don't know.
02:15:21 You know it, it could be some demonic, I mean.
02:15:25 Look, it's, it's.
02:15:26 It seems pretty demonic to me, right?
02:15:28 The **** that they were doing seems pretty ******* demonic.
02:15:32 For me.
02:15:33 And honestly, all this stuff that was going on with this, with this scandal there was there was like 100 other scandals happening simultaneously all across the country and some of them were overtly satanic.
02:15:47 You know, there's a lot more stuff that we're.
02:15:49 I mean unfortunately like.
02:15:52 You know one thing about my channel is I'm I'm never going to run out of **** to talk about.
02:15:58 There seems to.
02:15:58 Be a glut of satanic pedophile ******** out there.
02:16:02 And so look it's, is, is it literal demons?
02:16:07 I don't know.
02:16:08 I mean, I don't know.
02:16:08 I can't.
02:16:09 Like I said at the end of the day, does it really?
02:16:12 Matter if it's, if it's demons or if it's just, you know, like mentally ill people.
02:16:17 Either way, I.
02:16:17 Don't give a ****.
Speaker 20
02:16:19 They belong in the ******* head.
02:16:35 That's just the way it is.
02:16:36 They all belong in the ******* pit.
02:16:41 I don't.
02:16:41 Frankly, I don't care.
02:16:42 Like what?
02:16:43 What causes it?
02:16:46 You know, it's like if someone killed your mom.
02:16:49 Would you care why or would?
02:16:51 You just *******.
02:16:52 Take care of it.
02:16:54 You know, like if if you were, if you were just walking down the street and someone walked up and killed your mom, like would you be like, why'd
02:17:01 You do that.
02:17:03 Or would you just *******.
02:17:06 End them.
02:17:08 You know.
02:17:09 It that I I feel like it it's kind of.
02:17:13 You know academic it's it's, it's like maybe it'd be interesting to know at some point, but.
02:17:18 I don't need to know.
02:17:19 I don't need to know why they do it.
02:17:23 Blind ****** everything.
02:17:25 The brown hand touches turns the dust.
02:17:27 Every Jew rapes and corrupts.
02:17:29 Ohh, that's a haiku and it's too many words for haiku, though.
02:17:34 IP freely.
02:17:38 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 15
02:17:45 I'd like to return this duck.
02:17:48 Hope everyone is doing good and hanging in there. I have a life changing event coming up on the 31st. Please pray for me so I can change my destiny.
02:17:58 All right, well, hopefully whatever that is, it goes, it goes well.
02:18:04 And everyone in chat.
02:18:09 I'm sure is is, is.
02:18:12 We'll keep you in their in their thoughts and prayers.
02:18:16 And I will do the same.
02:18:18 So good luck with whatever it is that that's that's going on.
02:18:21 Hopefully it's nothing.
02:18:22 Nothing bad.
02:18:23 Hopefully it's a good thing.
02:18:24 Maybe it's a.
02:18:25 Thing that is.
02:18:26 A very positive thing that you're just anxious about.
02:18:30 But even if it's a negative thing that you're or possible negative thing that you're anxious about, hopefully it all works out for you, Mr.
02:18:41 Paleo Trad by Saint John's, cristatum.
02:18:46 Quote Jews or dogs stiff necked gluttonous drunkards.
02:18:51 They are beasts unfit for work.
02:18:54 The Jews had fallen into a condition lower than the vilest animals.
02:18:59 The synagogue is worse than a.
02:19:03 I think you mean brothel and a drinking shop in a den of scoundrels.
02:19:11 A temple of demons.
02:19:13 The cavern of devils.
02:19:17 Now this guy, this guy really does not like Jews.
02:19:20 A criminal assembly of the Assassins of Christ.
02:19:25 Saint John Chrysostom.
02:19:28 I don't know.
02:19:29 How is that?
02:19:29 What is that, Chrysostom?
02:19:31 That's a weird name.
02:19:33 There is a great sermon of his on the loneliness of Jews online entitled against the Jews.
02:19:40 And then you give a link there.
02:19:41 Everyone can check that out.
02:19:43 If you want to check that out.
02:19:47 Harmless Gee in light of the recent debates about the Barbie movie, some claim it is actually a Midtown movie.
02:19:55 Let us remember that the Barbie toy line was created by a Jewish couple also their son Ken namesake for of the Ken Doll, was a homosexual who died from AIDS well.
02:20:07 Not only that.
02:20:08 The Barbie doll was so popular that she became one of the first female CEO's she was in charge of Mattel, and so this Jewish woman that was in charge of Mattel went, you know, in the 1970s, the SEC found out that she was committing fraud.
02:20:31 Stories, right themselves.
02:20:34 And yeah, I have no idea about the movie.
02:20:35 I've heard.
02:20:36 I've heard all.
02:20:37 Honestly, I kind of don't want to see it.
02:20:40 It just looks too pink for me.
02:20:42 You know, I just, I don't.
02:20:44 I have no interest in watching it.
02:20:46 I I know I won't like it.
02:20:48 So and and I also.
02:20:50 I also know that.
02:20:53 I mean, maybe I'll watch it eventually, but I if I'm gonna do like something for the show but like.
02:21:00 I don't know.
02:21:01 I just kind.
02:21:01 Of feel like at this point.
02:21:03 Why are you even?
02:21:05 You know, why are you?
02:21:06 Paying money to these people.
02:21:08 You know, I mean like, why?
02:21:09 Why are you giving one of these people?
02:21:18 Like why? Why? Why?
02:21:20 Why does anyone feel compelled to see movies?
02:21:22 At this point, right?
02:21:24 I I don't know.
02:21:26 But who knows?
02:21:28 Maybe I'll end up.
02:21:29 It's look, it's people all over the spectrum on this.
02:21:32 So whatever.
02:21:34 There's some people think it's feminist.
02:21:35 There's some people think it's midtown.
02:21:36 There's some people think it's.
Speaker 10
02:21:38 You know it's it's.
02:21:39 Woke Barbie and whatever, and I just.
02:21:42 It's ******* Barbie.
02:21:43 I just don't care.
02:21:44 It's just *******.
02:21:46 It's like uh.
02:21:52 Red hawk.
02:21:59 I've learned a lot from you, Devin, but it's a double edged sword.
02:22:01 I feel like I'm surrounded by mindless drones who are completely oblivious.
02:22:06 To where the West is headed and how bad things currently are at this point, I just want the bottom to fall out so people wake up.
02:22:13 Yeah, I feel you.
02:22:15 Imagine how I feel.
02:22:16 Imagine how it's like for me to go.
02:22:18 Through the world and experience the same thing.
02:22:22 Look, I I just tend to not let it.
02:22:24 I I just don't focus on it too much.
02:22:27 Outside of this, I think it's important for people to know and I'm I basically, you know, I tell people because, like, I want them to be like myself, able to base.
02:22:38 Big decisions using all the information.
02:22:43 And when I make big decisions about how I want to live, I this information is very, very valuable.
02:22:51 If I didn't have this information, I would probably be some ****** *** like I literally would.
02:22:55 I'd probably be some ********* making videos for like Maga ******** like.
02:23:02 So I didn't.
02:23:02 If I didn't, if I was missing this piece.
02:23:05 Of the puzzle.
02:23:06 I'd probably be stuck in the weird Democrat Republican binary to some extent.
02:23:12 Or, you know, who knows?
02:23:14 Maybe even maybe even worse.
02:23:15 Maybe you know I'd be doing.
02:23:20 Entertainment types.
02:23:22 Maybe I would have worked on the Barbie movie, you know, **** like that.
02:23:27 So it's important to know this stuff.
02:23:29 It's important to know this stuff, and it's more important, I think.
02:23:32 To to tell you to.
02:23:34 That's the other thing I want.
02:23:36 I want to get into people's heads is that this is the kind of information that would have made life. It would have made everything would have made so much more sense.
02:23:44 Had you been equipped with this?
02:23:46 While you were being.
02:23:49 Brainwashed in public schools, right?
02:23:52 If instead of the brainwashing telling you how great America was and how you know, like the the picture of the President on the wall and all this ********.
02:23:59 If you knew that it was the country was run by satanic pedophiles, it just takes one generation, right?
02:24:04 Isn't that what they always say?
02:24:05 It just takes one generation, so I want.
02:24:08 And the next?
02:24:08 Generation will be raised with this information.
02:24:11 So they understand what they're dealing with and they can come up with productive solutions to it.
02:24:18 But thank you for the support, Tony.
02:24:20 From Mia.
Speaker 20
02:24:24 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 18
02:24:35 Take it from these Jim neighbors.
02:24:36 It'll pay dividends.
02:24:46 My family grew up in Omaha.
02:24:48 I showed my mom the conspiracy of silence documentary years ago.
02:24:52 She noticed all the key figured figures from town or from the town social events.
02:24:59 Her face lit up and told me that she wasn't surprised at any of this.
02:25:04 They all creeped her out.
02:25:05 And she had the worst vibes from all of them and creeped her out.
02:25:11 Yeah, I mean.
02:25:13 It sounds as if that entire ******* and look, I don't think it's unique to Omaha.
02:25:18 I think that this kind of ******** is going on in major cities all across the country, like right now, not just in the 80s or whatever it's going on right now.
02:25:28 And I can tell you as someone that has attended rich people parties, yeah, there are people that just give you a vibe.
02:25:35 Where you're like that guys definitely killed a baby.
02:25:38 You know?
02:25:38 Like that.
02:25:38 Like there's there's some people that you you come into contact with and they're just dripping with ******* predatory evil.
02:25:46 And yeah, get on your mom for not, you know, getting wrapped up in that right, look at.
02:26:07 I come from Protestant stock, but I had a Catholic education.
02:26:11 I know Catholics can be good Christians and are not inherently hell bound.
02:26:16 But many will unfortunately ignore the reality that their church is compromised. Like many Christian denominations, pointing to Matthew 1618. Thanks for your work, Devin. Yeah. I don't know how you can.
02:26:30 And that's why it doesn't get reformed.
02:26:33 There seems to be this blase attitude about having the Satanic child molesting Pope, like that seems like a pretty big deal, right?
02:26:41 Like, you know, it's not just this country that's run by Satanic pet.
02:26:45 There's a lot of institutions that are run by Satanic pedos, and there's a lot of ******** and satanic pedo **** going on in the Catholic Church, and a lot of Catholics just seem to have this thing like, well, it's fine.
02:26:55 It'll work itself out.
02:26:56 We win at the end.
02:26:57 Jesus attitude.
02:26:59 And it's like, OK, well, good luck with that.
02:27:01 Good luck with your institution.
02:27:02 Just never.
02:27:06 Never getting fixed.
02:27:07 If that's the attitude.
02:27:10 Yeah, not all Catholics are like that, but there are some Catholics that just have and and Protestants.
02:27:16 Same thing.
02:27:16 It's the same thing.
02:27:18 It's this, this idea that.
02:27:20 Oh, yeah.
02:27:20 But victory is preordained.
02:27:22 And so I don't have to do anything.
02:27:24 And it's like, OK, good luck with that.
02:27:27 Let's see here.
02:27:28 Night Nation review.
02:27:30 I have a waves VST plugin you can.
02:27:36 All right, I have a waves VST plugin you can but called.
02:27:42 I think where did that weird clarity VX?
02:27:47 You can apply when you are playing playing a ****** audio clip and it drastically cleans up the audio in a profound way.
02:27:54 Makes inaudible **** recordings intelligible.
02:27:58 I've tested this on stream multiple times.
02:28:00 Alright, I'll take a look at that.
02:28:01 Yeah, because there's a lot of.
02:28:03 VHS transfers that are just complete ********.
02:28:08 I that's the audio that we had tonight.
02:28:10 That's after I cleaned it up.
02:28:12 So yeah, maybe the plugin does a lot better of a job and then Part 2. This is what I was talking about, Devin. The OB and OBS and the most.
02:28:23 Other streaming software allow VST plugins to be used.
02:28:26 This can really help you clean up the audio.
02:28:29 Blah blah blah.
02:28:29 All right, I'll get that there.
Speaker 11
02:28:34 Let me.
Speaker 10
02:28:35 Copy that here.
02:28:38 Yeah, no, I've I've used VST plugins before.
02:28:41 I I just.
Speaker 10
02:28:43 I wasn't aware of that one, so that's good.
02:28:46 Thank you, Sir.
02:28:47 And I still need to get line up a time to.
02:28:50 Get on your.
02:28:52 Your stream.
02:28:55 As I mentioned, I just haven't had a lot of time to even sleep so.
02:29:00 Well, maybe we'll do. We can get that hammered out this week. There's like four other people that I'm they're trying to get me on ASAP, so I'll I'll just maybe do like a first come, first serve kind of thing, Dave. 762. Hey, Devin, which do you think is more destructive to society? Faggs.
02:29:19 Green eggs. I say ****.
02:29:24 No. Well, I'll tell you.
02:29:25 What I think I think it's easier for a society.
02:29:29 Look, they're both.
02:29:30 They're both.
02:29:30 Obviously it can be a negative, right, but I think it's easier for society to recover.
02:29:39 Which I know is not exactly your question, but still it maybe it is.
02:29:45 It's easier for a society to recover from degenerate *******.
02:29:51 Than it is to recover from racial.
02:29:58 Degradation or I don't know what you would call it right, the the melting pot stuff.
02:30:05 Once you have that that.
02:30:08 That diversity.
02:30:11 In your in your society, everything, first of all, everything becomes harder, including getting rid of the *******.
02:30:20 OK.
02:30:22 And it's also much harder, I think.
02:30:27 To reverse that.
02:30:28 Right, like it once it's in there, it's in there.
02:30:31 Whereas I feel like with Faggs it's it's not you.
02:30:35 There might be some kind of genetic aspect to it where you're maybe you're more predisposed to it in the same way some people are, maybe, maybe more predisposed to being an alcoholic or something like that, but like we've talked about over and over and over again, there's lots of research that.
02:30:49 Points to this.
02:30:51 Most of the time, if not almost all of the time **** are molested as kids and that's how the virus is passed down.
02:30:59 And if you just were able to do a do a clean sweep.
02:31:04 Of the the problem clean sweep into the pit.
02:31:09 Then it would be a much easier thing to eradicate from your society than I think an entirely different racial group.
02:31:16 That that, but who knows that that's just in my head.
02:31:19 That's what it.
02:31:20 Is, but I don't know.
02:31:24 What I rather have?
02:31:27 Like like Cosby, Cosby, Blacks next door over like.
02:31:35 Like Satan, **** next door.
02:31:38 Yeah, I'd rather have Cosby Blacks next door than Satan White, you know, white Satan faggs next door.
02:31:48 You know that said.
02:31:49 I think like from a society, from a if you're looking at this as a long term thing like out of all the problems that we have in our society.
02:31:57 I think that they're both.
02:32:02 Big problems that we have to take care of, but I kind of feel like.
02:32:10 I don't know.
02:32:11 I just feel like it.
02:32:12 It's easier to take care of the flag problem if you're just all one people and you're all one religion and you're all you know, you you all you're.
02:32:19 You're one people, really.
02:32:21 Where you don't have all these stupid, petty arguments that get distracting like you do in a a multicultural.
02:32:30 Environment that allows for this stuff to kind of explode to the proportions that it's at today.
02:32:38 Let's see here.
02:32:41 Horrible hangover.
02:32:42 Curious about the HVAC system you installed.
02:32:45 I want to put in a heat pump, but I'm unsure about the pipe fitting.
02:32:48 Running a vacuum and flushing the system with the refrigerant.
02:32:52 Also, thanks for all you do.
02:32:53 God bless.
02:32:54 Yeah, I'll tell you what.
02:32:55 I I I have a mini split that I haven't installed yet.
02:32:59 It's just been sitting in my living room.
02:33:01 Basically for for months for that very reason that it's.
02:33:06 It's a painting asked to install, so all I've got working for me right now is a a very high BTU window unit.
02:33:14 The the pill box isn't very big and so when you mix that with the you know with the added.
02:33:22 Swamp cooler that I've got in there.
02:33:24 It works to some extent.
02:33:26 It's a little it's it's struggling right now with the temperatures, but I just close off, you know, parts of the house, so that those, if I walk in those rooms, it's like really hot in those rooms.
02:33:36 But, you know, try to limit the square footage that it.
02:33:38 Has to handle.
02:33:40 And I just didn't get it installed in time, and by the time that like.
02:33:44 You know, I I had time to.
02:33:46 Do it.
02:33:47 It was already really ******* hot outside and and I just.
02:33:50 You know, it's something I'm gonna when it cools off. That's the first thing I'll install because the heat pump also double s as a heater, so that'll be good for the winter. But yeah, I know. What?
02:33:59 You're talking about it's.
02:34:01 They make it seem really complicated, but there's a lot of there's a lot of YouTube videos that show that's really not that bad and the the equipment that you need to do, like the the vacuum.
02:34:14 Tough. It's cheap, like it's really cheap, like less than 100 bucks. I didn't get like, Harbor Freight has like, a whole kit for like 60 bucks or something like that. If I remember correctly.
02:34:27 But yeah, I haven't done that yet.
02:34:31 I haven't done that yet, but I will it.
02:34:33 I've watched the YouTube videos of people installing it.
02:34:37 It doesn't look too crazy.
02:34:40 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:34:59 Like you brought up last stream.
02:35:01 These are small fish getting so-called caught.
02:35:04 Can you imagine what these board billionaires are doing to kids?
02:35:08 The whole pizza gate thing is the thing even Hunter Thompson alluded to, the human hunting that these demons partook in.
02:35:16 Lord Jesus will punish.
02:35:19 Can I get a pit?
02:35:21 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:35:22 Like I said, that guy, the the cameraman for Larry King, mentioned the huntress Tommy by the Huntress Thompson by name.
02:35:33 And said that.
02:35:35 He wanted to shoot a snuff film.
02:35:38 That he and Larry King wanted to arrange for him to shoot a snuff film.
02:35:41 So absolutely.
02:35:44 They all, they all belong in the pit.
02:35:47 Literally all of them.
02:35:59 Butcher bird.
02:36:01 Devin, your thoughts on the Barbie movie being released with the Oppenheimer movie?
02:36:06 Also, what are your thoughts on hot white women with tattoos?
02:36:11 I hope these shekels support your next book.
02:36:14 I don't think there's.
02:36:15 I mean, I don't know if there's anything.
02:36:18 To releasing them around the same time, you know, like I don't know if that's like a coordinated thing or maybe it's a marketing thing like they know that lot of people aren't going to theaters anymore.
02:36:30 So let's try to release something that girls are really going to like and guys are going to really like at the same.
02:36:34 Time and, you know, try to boost up.
02:36:37 Ticket sales, I mean, I don't know.
02:36:38 I don't think there's any like.
02:36:40 Maybe I'm wrong, I don't see.
02:36:42 What the special?
02:36:44 Plan would be by releasing them both at the same time as far as hot white women with tattoos.
02:36:51 I mean, I don't know like like I used to not mind tattoo tattoos that much, but.
02:36:59 I mean, I guess it it depends on how hot and how many tattoos.
02:37:03 I think ideally no tattoos is is the best, but I don't think like a tattoo disqualifies you necessarily.
02:37:11 Uh, I used to like I said, I used to.
02:37:13 Not care that much at all.
02:37:18 Yeah, it it also depends on how many.
02:37:20 Ted, there is a.
02:37:21 Girl, I I gave it for a long time.
02:37:24 Well, yeah.
02:37:24 Well, I don't know.
02:37:25 Like a long, long time.
02:37:26 But like for a while.
02:37:27 And she she was basically a tattoo addict.
02:37:30 And it got a little annoying.
02:37:31 Like she ended up having like basically like a whole sleeve.
02:37:34 And like she had a tattoo on her chest.
02:37:36 She also got like, these weird like chest piercings, and it was just like alright, like it at a certain point it just started to look ******* ******** and.
02:37:45 Yeah, I mean it, it is what it is.
02:37:49 You know out there.
02:37:50 Is a lot of people with tattoos out there now, so.
02:37:52 I would just say you know, it's.
02:37:54 It's up to you.
02:37:55 Just know that I mean hopefully, hopefully it's tattoo.
02:37:59 She can cover up, right?
02:38:01 Hopefully it's a tattoo that is not making her look.
02:38:05 Look, look low class and and stupid where you know, walking around with all her tattoos all over the place.
02:38:15 It's because the other thing you got to wonder about too is that's going to be.
02:38:18 Setting an example for your kids.
02:38:21 Yeah. Oh, Momma's got tattoos.
02:38:24 So there's always that component to it, and so unless Mommy is constantly saying, like, how she regrets her tattoos to her kids.
02:38:33 That that could probably be a problem.
02:38:37 Ah, let's see here.
02:38:39 A lowly scribe in God's arming the intro music is always on point.
02:38:44 Thanks again for doing the insomnia stream.
02:38:46 Well, I appreciate that.
02:38:49 The Beach Boys.
02:38:53 Let's see here.
Speaker 13
02:38:55 Why is money management?
02:38:59 Here's the rest.
02:39:03 All right. Let's see here. A couple more fun facts on Lakewood, NJ.
02:39:10 So that's the the town we were talking about last spring with the the Jews that were ripping everybody off and the the Super Ponzi Jew that Trump pardon.
02:39:21 And then he immediately went back to.
02:39:24 If you want to check that out, it's the Trump Ponzi addition last from last week, Jews don't get married in the eyes of the state.
02:39:32 So when the women collect welfare and have on average, seven children, their schools and busing are private, but their taxpayer subsidized or they are taxpayers.
02:39:43 Subsidized sales tax in Lakewood is half that of the rest of New Jersey.
02:39:48 Yeah, I I I, I they they take advantage of every little loophole they can do and look maybe that's the way to do it.
02:39:57 Right.
02:39:59 Like me, and honestly, with with the kinds of thing like, look, if you want to take into account even like the Mig Tao arguments, if you want maybe getting legally married is.
02:40:08 Not the best idea, right?
02:40:10 Maybe it it you can exploit it much easier if it's just a religion you know, obviously it should be a sin.
02:40:16 Serious ceremony.
02:40:17 A serious like if you're not going to make it legal, you should make sure there's some religious component to it where you are, you know, swearing an oath and and and making it as legitimate as possible.
02:40:30 So it's, you know, you you both take it seriously and you aren't just shaking up with someone.
02:40:37 But at the same time, you know, maybe maybe that's the right strategy.
02:40:41 Why does the state need to like it used to be that you?
02:40:44 Got there was a benefit to that, right?
02:40:47 The the benefit to having the state recognizing your your marriage, but increasingly it seems to be more of a liability.
02:40:57 So and like you said, like if your wife has four kids with you and she can, you know, in the states, eyes appear to be a single mother that gets all kinds.
02:41:07 Of free goodies and maybe even free healthcare for your.
02:41:10 Kids, I mean, you know.
02:41:12 Can you blame them for doing that?
02:41:15 Maybe we're the sucker for not doing that.
02:41:18 No chance.
02:41:19 What was the name of your older stream that talked about an orphanage in the desert that was abusing kids?
02:41:32 I don't know if that was a stream.
02:41:34 That might have just been a video.
02:41:37 It was called Circle S Ranch.
02:41:43 It was called Circle S Ranch.
02:41:49 Yeah, I don't remember the name of it, but it was.
02:41:51 It was circle.
02:41:52 Less ranch.
02:41:52 It was in Arizona, and there were these two Jews that ran a boys home in the middle of ******* nowhere in the desert.
02:42:01 And California judges who were also Jewish would send bad kids to this camp.
02:42:09 To learn discipline or whatever, and they would show up and just get sexually abused and beaten.
02:42:16 And the couple of them died and then they shut it down.
02:42:19 But nothing happened to the Jews that ran it like, no, there was no, you know, like, like always.
02:42:24 Right, no.
02:42:27 No one had to pay the piper.
02:42:29 I don't remember the.
Speaker 10
02:42:30 Name of it though, but it was called.
02:42:31 Circle S ranch.
02:42:35 Paleo Trad Devin.
02:42:37 Have you seen?
02:42:37 Have you read the book entitled the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, formally subtitled, and its impact on the world history by E Michael Jones?
02:42:45 I'm thinking of sending you a copy.
02:42:51 I have not read it.
02:42:53 My understanding it's very long.
02:42:55 I wouldn't mind an audiobook version of it.
02:42:57 I mean, I read books sometimes too.
02:42:59 It's just I don't.
02:43:00 I don't have the the time to invest in a really long book like that unless I'm able to to listen to it while I'm doing stuff.
02:43:08 I mean, I'll I've it's on my list of of books to hunt down.
02:43:12 I'm sure there's an audio book version of it somewhere, cause it's been out for a long time.
02:43:16 So it's it's, it is on my list of of books to devour.
02:43:23 Athematic dissonance, John Schlesinger's midnight cowboy, Gus van Sants, Mala Noche, and my own, private Idaho, Idaho and Gregg.
02:43:34 'S Greg Ariki's The Living End and mysterious skin are all propaganda for legitimizing.
02:43:42 And romanticizing the gay hustler lifestyle, by the way, is frazzle drip real.
02:43:49 If so, why isn't it everywhere?
02:43:52 No frazzle drip is fake.
02:43:54 It's some.
02:43:56 Yeah, it was. Uh.
02:43:58 It was like it was queuing on.
02:44:01 ********, basically.
02:44:03 And it was something that all the remember when there was a whole bunch of queuing on Youtubers and they weren't getting banned for some reason.
02:44:11 They were all monetized and they would just do these long *** streams talking about like Tom Hanks having tunnels under his house and and **** like that.
02:44:22 It was just one of those things.
02:44:23 Reason that spread out like wildfire is the Q and on Youtubers who are making a killing on YouTube every time they talked about pedophile rings to their boomer.
02:44:35 Viewers, they just needed more content and that was just something.
02:44:38 It was content.
02:44:39 That's all it was.
02:44:41 It was just, you know.
02:44:43 It was just a ******** content.
02:44:48 As far as the other thing, yeah, no.
02:44:50 In fact, I made the mistake of.
02:44:53 I actually started watching my private Idaho cause I was like, I like Idaho.
02:44:59 And I immediately was like, you know, cause it gets it gets gross quick.
02:45:03 I was like, oh, what the **** is this?
02:45:09 So yeah, yeah.
02:45:12 Horrible. Horrible.
02:45:16 Harmless G The more you interact with people from elite universities, the less impressed with them I am.
02:45:23 They have enough brain power to be respectable.
02:45:26 I estimate on average between an IQ of 125 and 1:30, but they are mentally and instinctively defective, or civilizational only adversarial.
02:45:37 In other ways, more than 30% of Ivy leagues undergrads are openly sexual deviants.
02:45:44 Also, according to Ron Unz's latest research, less than 10% of them.
02:45:50 Are non Jewish whites, despite non Jewish whites being 50% of American high school students and 65 to 70 or 70% of the top .5% in terms of academic performance? Yeah, it's a, you know, the whole diversity thing is is going to.
02:46:11 It has.
02:46:14 Lower the quality of the education, even at the Ivy League level, because they need equity.
02:46:21 I mean, imagine the the embarrassment that a Ivy League institution would face if all of their.
02:46:28 Black, you know, affirmative action people were all flunking.
02:46:34 I don't like, I guess now they don't have to worry so much about that.
02:46:37 I will see what?
02:46:38 How you know.
02:46:38 I'm sure they'll find a loophole, but because the Supreme Court ruling, the other, you know, a couple weeks ago where they can't favor black kids or whatever.
02:46:47 Again, again Speaking of Harvard, Harvard, the first thing they did was say, Oh well, we're.
02:46:51 Going to do this loophole.
02:46:53 So I'm sure that will be fought in the courts and whatever, but in the meantime, yeah, they had to lower the educational standards simply to accommodate the lower standard of person that they were allowing into their institutions.
02:47:06 And to get everyone to pass and not look like they were the racist institution that flunked all the black kids, you know?
02:47:12 And you're right, it's not just the the academics that are lackluster.
02:47:17 It's when I the same thing when I when I lived and worked in DC with these rich kids that all had, you know, fancy degrees from fancy universities.
02:47:26 And yeah, they weren't stupid. Like you said, I'd say that range is about right 1:25 to 1:00.
02:47:32 And you're right.
02:47:33 Like they were just smart enough to be dangerous, and they were all ******* each other in the *** after happy hour and going to these kinds of parties.
02:47:41 So, yeah, I mean.
02:47:44 Satanic and that's that's who ends up running the place.
02:47:49 My cute little or my cute little friend Devin, please review 12 Angry Man movie.
02:47:55 I'm not the only one asking for it.
02:47:57 Uh, we'll see.
02:47:58 It's, you know, I like I said it's.
02:48:02 It's on the very long list of things.
02:48:06 Have them at Kalashnikova, Devin in one of the clips you played, Colonel Michael Aquino was mentioned.
02:48:13 You should look into him and the temple of set.
02:48:17 Yeah, I I I'm vaguely aware of him, but yeah, he's I think he's he's neither one that has the weird eyebrows or something like that.
02:48:25 Again, that there was a lot of ******* open satanic **** going on during this time period.
02:48:30 The Satanic panic is just the stupid libertarian.
02:48:34 Then you know evil denier ******** that they've used as a smokescreen to try to intellectualize away the horrors of the satanic ******** that was going on in the 80s.
02:48:48 Jay Ray, 1981. Of course, we know damn well European children have a bigger price than the others, which ****** me off. Sound of freedom didn't cover that.
02:48:59 Cover that that did.
02:49:02 All right, well, in sound of freedom.
02:49:06 It was an uninteresting movie to me because it's the exact kind of a thing that you would have expected was going on in the third world, and honestly, it doesn't interest.
02:49:14 Me. It doesn't interest me.
02:49:17 That said, I don't want.
02:49:19 You know, brown kids being abused either.
02:49:21 But with all this ****.
02:49:23 Going on in our country, that's what you make a movie about, I mean.
02:49:26 ******* give me a break.
02:49:29 And same thing with that guy, right?
02:49:31 That it's based on like his little organization where they they go around the world saving ******* brown kids, it's like.
02:49:37 Why aren't you tackling the real issues here at home?
02:49:41 Are are you afraid?
02:49:42 Are you scared because these people are for real?
02:49:45 You know, these people will ******* as we've seen, they're they're not above killing lots of people, that they keep their crimes hidden.
Speaker 10
02:49:53 I don't know.
02:49:56 Let's see here.
02:50:01 My cute little friend, by the way, the book you recommended bloodlines by Fritz Springmeyer.
02:50:08 I copied it from the CIA page.
02:50:10 Yeah, it's it's available.
02:50:11 They they.
02:50:12 They declassified it as as part.
02:50:15 I think it was from the FBI reading room.
02:50:17 You can get a copy of it on PDF.
02:50:20 Interesting reading, you know.
02:50:22 I I have a hard copy of it.
02:50:24 But definitely interesting, interesting reading.
02:50:30 Hey, Devin.
02:50:31 Just a reminder to please watch demoralization.
02:50:34 Yuri Bezmenov didn't tell you?
02:50:37 The Frankfurt School was the foundation of the majority of the subversion of the colleges and intellectual class of the West.
02:50:45 Yeah, I'll check that out, but yeah.
02:50:49 Yuri bezmenov.
02:50:51 Himself is Jewish, so.
02:50:54 I mean, not practicing.
02:50:55 He was he.
02:50:56 He's ethnically Jewish though, but he converted Christianity.
02:51:02 Dork Tron 510.
02:51:11 I grew up in the DC area, went back for a few months around 2018.
02:51:16 It's full of degenerate fagots and power mad psychos, gay clubs, drugs and 70 IQ everywhere. The city has an air of deceit. I went into Comet Pizza and the place felt so evil and surreal. Pedos and Jews are the new Masons. Yeah, I I haven't been there.
02:51:36 I don't know when was last time I.
02:51:37 Was there maybe 20?
02:51:42 Maybe 2014 or so.
02:51:44 And it was already full of degenerate ******* and evil.
02:51:50 The plot thickens.
02:51:53 I was looking up looking up Israel's human trafficking records and found some articles from 20.
02:52:00 13 saying they smuggled 3000 women a year. Imagine how it is now with the Ukraine War in 2021.
02:52:09 Only 14 incidents have been filed in the last five years.
02:52:13 I tried to show cry of freedom to hard cry of freedom.
02:52:18 I mean, I mean, the sound of freedom.
02:52:22 Wait, cry, freedom cards.
02:52:23 But nothing.
02:52:24 I have links.
02:52:26 I'm not sure what you mean by.
02:52:29 But that but yeah, I mean it's it's.
02:52:31 The the the white.
02:52:35 Human trafficking is.
02:52:37 Is what I care about solving more than third world country ********?
02:52:41 That's, you know, it's like, do I care that there's cartels running around decapitating people in Mexico?
02:52:48 I mean, in so much that I don't want people decapitated, but no, I don't.
02:52:52 You know, that's their ******* prop.
02:52:55 Green Appu 45. Sorry for the low amount amount. Low amount get paid on Monday. Given tonight's stream, I suggest you look into Mark Dutrow, the Belgium beast, a child sex trafficker.
02:53:09 The case has links to the finders cult here in the US and a great example as to how much.
02:53:16 This stuff reaches globally.
02:53:18 God bless.
02:53:19 Yeah, I I'm vaguely familiar with that one.
02:53:21 And yeah, this stuff, this stuff is exists in every ****** ******* country.
02:53:28 And it seems like people in positions of power delight in killing and and ****** children.
02:53:37 That just seems to be.
02:53:38 I mean, look, that's who's doing it.
02:53:41 That's who's doing it.
02:53:43 You think, Peter Joe's any different?
02:53:45 I mean, that just seems to be like a requirement if you want to be in the ruling class, you.
02:53:48 Have to want to rape and kill children.
02:53:51 Harmless G, supposedly in the 1950s, right after the Holocaust, Holocaust survivors were lionized by Jews in America the way they are today. But look upon with looked upon with suspicion.
02:54:05 Who did you throw under the bus to save yourself?
02:54:07 How much Nazi **** did you suck?
02:54:10 I have similar.
02:54:11 Feelings and suspicion towards non Jewish whites who get to high positions in academia.
02:54:16 How much racial self abasement did they engage in?
02:54:19 How much Judith did they have to suck in person?
02:54:23 They give off a lot of homosexual vibes if they are married with kids, or even if they're married with kids.
02:54:32 Yeah, I I would say.
02:54:35 I would say I don't trust.
02:54:38 I don't trust people that come from money.
02:54:43 And that's a good portion.
02:54:45 Of the people you're talking about.
02:54:47 I don't trust people that come from money that have never actually had to experience any kind of real struggle in their life.
02:54:55 And and and are basically *******.
02:55:00 I mean that that's.
02:55:01 I I think that that's basically it like the more money they come from, the more they just kind.
02:55:07 Of seem like.
02:55:09 That's just the way that it is.
02:55:11 Cringe panda every person they interview make me thinks or makes me think of.
Speaker 7
02:55:17 I am not method defect.
Speaker 19
02:55:22 And I don't see why.
02:55:23 How can the doctor say?
Speaker 20
02:55:24 That I am.
02:55:28 Toon dog.
02:55:31 Gives me a salute, I think, and then another salute.
02:55:35 Appreciate that tune, dog.
02:55:37 Zazi make taskbot.
02:55:39 I have been to every grocery store in town looking for a little baby platypus.
02:55:45 I'm not meant for the fact, but I can find one.
02:55:47 Did the *** **** FBI take?
02:55:49 It we have, we love what you do, keep it up and listen to your heart.
02:55:56 And don't listen to.
02:55:58 The Wookie haters.
Speaker 5
02:55:59 *** **** FBI.
02:56:04 There's, you know that that that's this is one I should have used a lot tonight.
Speaker 13
02:56:07 The *** **** FBI.
02:56:12 Hunger. Wapa.
02:56:17 Or Hun go.
02:56:18 What power?
02:56:19 I don't know.
02:56:20 Nick fought this said today that people who make a lot of money should be above the law.
02:56:25 Such a bad take, since he is taking so much heat from the Jews, I had to turn his show off for the first time ever.
02:56:33 He needs to go back to plagiarizing your content.
02:56:37 Well, I mean, I I don't watch this stuff.
02:56:38 I obviously I didn't hear him say that.
02:56:41 But if he says that, then.
02:56:44 Yeah, I mean it's.
02:56:48 Yeah, I mean that that's the problem is that.
02:56:50 They're above the law, you know.
02:56:51 Like like hello that they are above the law.
02:56:56 That that's that's 100% the problem. That's the exact issue that we discussed tonight. That's why these things exist.
02:57:07 So I mean, again, I don't know.
02:57:09 I don't know what he said or what the context was, but I mean, that's ******* stupid if you know, that's a dumb concept.
02:57:18 Glock 23, I remember a Murdoch Murdoch episode when one of the guys unknowingly went with Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior to a gay nightclub.
02:57:28 Afterwards, they were in a limousine and Reagan and Bush were doing drugs and ******* boys.
02:57:33 Reagan kept talking about giving amnesty to illegals.
02:57:36 Makes *** ****.
02:57:37 Yeah, I missed that show.
02:57:38 I wish they'd make another episode.
02:57:41 And uh, yeah, it's uh.
02:57:44 That's that's not too far.
02:57:47 Wait, am I muted?
02:57:48 No, I'm not OK.
Speaker 10
02:57:49 I was like what?
02:57:49 The ****?
02:57:51 No, it's yeah.
02:57:52 Not too far from reality, right?
Speaker 10
02:57:56 Ohh boy.
02:58:00 UM, let's see here.
02:58:04 Harmless Gee, when people say IQ isn't everything, I agree IRQ is nice to have, but I still prefer whites over East Asians.
02:58:11 Whites also produce more innovations anyway.
02:58:13 Yeah, I'm IQ isn't everything.
02:58:16 It's just something that you can measure and easily contrast with with so much data that it's impossible to refute.
02:58:23 And so it's something that's worth mentioning, and it is a it is, it is a major component.
02:58:29 But it's not everything.
02:58:30 I would much rather be around mid wit white people and mid wit Asian people or black people or anyone else I want to.
02:58:39 I'd rather I just prefer my people.
02:58:42 Man of low moral fiber.
02:58:44 Thanks for the stream Dev.
02:58:45 I saw that at the beginning of the year, Canada was sending armored vehicles to Haiti.
02:58:50 That's your classic monkey with an AK scenario.
02:58:53 Even before they fall into gain control.
02:58:57 Might be worth keeping an eye on.
02:58:59 Haiti is even worse than.
02:59:05 Then the DI don't know.
02:59:06 The Dr.
02:59:07 is, uh, truly a lousy people.
02:59:10 Haiti is always a ******* nightmare.
02:59:12 It's always been a nightmare.
02:59:14 Ever since they they killed all the white people on the island, it's just been this.
02:59:22 Paleo Trad Catholics I know don't have that attitude, but you mentioned that you mentioned before.
02:59:27 We are appalled by this Pope and Vatican 2, and the pedo crisis, which is just a homeo crisis.
02:59:32 Catholics and the know know that some will will become the seat of the Antichrist, as worn by Our Lady of.
Speaker 10
02:59:40 Less Gillette or whatever.
02:59:42 I don't know.
02:59:42 That is some Catholic.
02:59:43 Thing I guess well.
02:59:46 No, it's one thing to know though, and it's.
02:59:48 So fix it.
02:59:52 I know it's easier said than done.
02:59:53 I'm just saying.
02:59:56 When when Catholics pretend like Catholicism is the answer to our problems, it's.
03:00:01 Like dude fixed.
03:00:02 Catholicism first, alright.
03:00:04 And then and then once.
03:00:06 Once that's fixed, we can fix.
03:00:08 You can use that to fix your problems.
03:00:09 But dude.
03:00:11 I think you got your own, you know.
03:00:12 Clean your own house.
03:00:13 1st and look again easier said than done.
03:00:16 I don't even know how you go.
03:00:17 I don't know how the Catholic Church is structured or or even how that's even possible.
03:00:22 Like how do.
03:00:22 You go about purging faggs from your your clergy.
03:00:26 I don't even know how.
03:00:26 You do that, or if you can do that, you might not be able to do that.
03:00:31 You know, like I think the whole celibacy thing kind of attracts them like a moth towards a flame.
03:00:35 So I mean, I don't even know if you can.
03:00:38 Do that.
03:00:39 I I think I suspect I don't know.
03:00:42 It's probably been an ongoing problem for.
03:00:44 A really long time.
03:00:48 UM.
03:00:52 ******** ******?
03:00:56 ******** a ****** for?
Speaker 23
03:01:00 For $1.00.
Speaker 13
03:01:02 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 11
03:01:07 I buy that for a dollar.
03:01:09 OK.
03:01:14 How do you have thoughts on Nick Fontez making the talmid trend on Twitter?
03:01:21 Or I mean, if he did, I mean, I don't know.
03:01:23 Like did.
03:01:23 He do that.
03:01:24 If he did, then that's good.
03:01:26 That's a positive thing.
03:01:27 What kind of impact will it have?
03:01:29 I mean, I don't know.
03:01:30 I mean, I will say there's a lot of people that are shockingly unaware of the Talmud.
03:01:35 And so the more people that.
03:01:37 Know that it exists the better.
03:01:39 And the more people that know what's inside.
03:01:41 It the better.
Speaker 10
03:01:43 UM.
03:01:45 How much influence does a a trending topic on Twitter have in the?
03:01:48 End I don't know.
03:01:50 I don't know.
03:01:51 I will say this.
03:01:53 It seems to be a lot more people.
03:01:54 Talking about Jews.
Speaker 10
03:01:55 These days, right?
03:01:58 So that's always a positive.
03:02:00 Glock 23 send me some honey. I need honey.
03:02:05 Well, at at at a certain point in time in the future, that will be a a, a, A.
03:02:12 More than a possibility that that will be available at some point.
03:02:16 Tipsy Mcstay Agger have you seen the movie pool hall junkies?
03:02:20 Here's a little gem from it.
03:02:21 I don't, I'm not.
03:02:22 I told you I'm not doing links tonight.
03:02:25 Not doing links tonight, I'm just trying to go to bed.
03:02:31 But I'll I'll check it out later.
03:02:33 I'll check it out later.
03:02:36 I'm I don't think you realize that the amount of tired that I am right now.
03:02:40 I'm just barely hanging on guys.
03:02:43 Jay Ray, 1981. One last thing, dude. 20 years ago, when I live in New England, I had to stay in Lakewood, NJ, woke up the next morning to literally everyone walking down the street. Orthodox Jews, they all looked the same. So surreal.
03:03:03 Was it one of their, like, holidays?
03:03:04 They all walked to church kind of a thing or?
03:03:08 Yeah, I've never spent any time in any kind.
03:03:10 Of Jewish communities like that.
03:03:12 Must be kind of nuts.
03:03:14 I did watch a movie about those communities and they're in the early.
03:03:20 The early 20th century.
03:03:22 That I might I might cover at some point.
03:03:28 Appalachian Saxon, with the *** **** money.
Speaker 13
03:03:33 Money is power.
03:03:35 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
03:03:37 To defend itself with.
03:03:38 Look how Julie this *** is.
03:04:01 Appalachian Saxon.
03:04:04 In an old stream, you said not enough people have been around power to understand it.
03:04:08 You're correct.
03:04:09 I was trained in the Jewish dark arts of finance and law.
03:04:12 I was near power but gave up loads of money moved back home.
03:04:17 I would have had to sell my soul or betray my people.
03:04:22 I understand your path.
03:04:23 You get to that point.
03:04:25 That's really the decision.
03:04:27 Where it's like, uh, is it really worth it to live in a Mcmansion?
03:04:31 You know, living a Mcmansion and, you know, have fancy clothes.
03:04:38 And by the way.
03:04:40 You don't, really, you're not.
03:04:42 Really making more money because.
03:04:45 In order to maintain.
03:04:46 In your social standing in that crowd, you have to.
03:04:51 Keep up with.
03:04:51 Them and not always necessarily like keeping up with the Joneses.
03:04:55 Kind of ****, but kind of right.
03:04:57 Like if you want to be accepted and you want to keep getting promotions and you want to keep doing the networking that's required to stay relevant and.
03:05:07 You know, there's there's a certain amount of.
03:05:14 Assimilation that has to take place.
03:05:17 You kind of have to assimilate to their entire culture and you know, be able to afford the same kinds of of clothing and dinners and happy hours and parties and vacations and private schools for the kids and cars and.
03:05:34 Now, like you have to be part, you have to be part.
03:05:37 Of the club.
03:05:39 They won't allow you to just make all that money and then not socialize with them and you know, live in some cheap apartment somewhere and you know, like you, you have to, you have to be one of them.
03:05:53 And so, even though you're making a lot more money, it it seems like you're spending a lot more money, like at the end of the day, you end up with the.
03:06:00 Same amount of free money at the end of the month than you would have if you were making weight less than just not living in a *******.
03:06:07 Neighborhood with a bunch of ********.
03:06:10 So it's uh, yeah, it's.
03:06:13 I I think everyone listening should give you props for that.
03:06:17 That's an admirable thing you did.
03:06:21 And hopefully you can do.
03:06:24 What is I think, necessary for people like you that do that where you get out of that world, that you spread that knowledge.
03:06:32 To people that aren't in that world and try to give people a taste of what they're not seeing.
03:06:38 And let them know.
03:06:42 Last but not least, I think man of low moral fiber, sorry character limit and all Dr.
03:06:50 is Dominican Republic share the same island with Haiti, Hispaniola, Haitians not only killed all the whites, but the mulattoes too.
03:07:00 Dominicans aren't some shining example of excellence.
03:07:04 But next to Haitians, they might as well be.
03:07:06 Oh yeah, I've heard something about.
03:07:07 That like if you're.
03:07:08 You drive from one end of the island or to the other, and it's all of a sudden I.
03:07:12 Mean it's still ****, but it's it's not like that kind of ****.
03:07:15 Not like Haitian ****, where they're eating mud pies.
03:07:20 Alright guys.
03:07:21 Well thank you all for joining me tonight for this Black Epstein edition.
03:07:28 I, like I said, this might be part one of of Part 2.
03:07:32 Either way, probably probably no stream on Wednesday, but maybe I'll do a an appearance on a stream on someone else's stream this Wednesday.
03:07:43 It depends on how much time I got and how into the the writing I get with with.
03:07:47 That's what I'm trying to focus on is getting booked to out as soon as possible.
03:07:53 You guys will stop bugging me.
03:07:54 Got it.
03:07:55 Stop bugging me.
03:08:00 All right.
03:08:01 I just wanted to play that.
Speaker 10
03:08:02 One for some reason alright.
03:08:03 Guys, I'm gonna go to bed now and sleep for probably a really long time.
03:08:09 For black pill lamb, of course.
Speaker 26
03:08:15 We see a woman that had outer beauty.
Speaker 6
03:08:17 And an inner.
Speaker 26
03:08:18 She dangles over a VAT of chair sobs.
03:08:20 The furniture pane sits on.
03:08:22 This is not a normal.
03:08:23 Halloween for her.
Speaker 3
03:08:25 What is occurring?
03:08:26 Where am I I should be at sexy summer camp.
Speaker 26
03:08:29 A puppet with a mask made in Hell, or Texas rides in the unicycle with three wheels.
Speaker 6
03:08:33 Hello Jennifer.
03:08:35 I am Mr.
03:08:36 Do you want to be?
03:08:37 A gamer?
Speaker 3
03:08:38 No, not that.
03:08:39 How you know my name?
Speaker 6
03:08:40 You have a body.
03:08:41 Jennifer's always have bodies.
03:08:43 You are slowly dropping into chair saws.
03:08:46 This is a puzzle antidote to chair saws is in front of you.
03:08:54 Antidote as a ghost has been dead for 100 years, murdered by a poltergeist. Shaw. You failed. Puzzle number one. Consequences.
Speaker 26
03:09:03 Puzzles, stabs of consequences.
03:09:05 Button A wall dies revealing.
03:09:09 A cannon full of sharp.
03:09:10 Roller blades aims at him.
Speaker 3
03:09:12 No, that is my coworker.
03:09:14 We work together some.
03:09:15 Days let him go.
Speaker 24
03:09:17 Do not kill me, please.
03:09:18 I have several families.
03:09:19 I am a co-worker.
Speaker 6
03:09:20 Life is not earned by begging.
03:09:22 Life is earned through doing puzzles, Jenny Fear puzzle number.
03:09:26 Two, which house turns into hostile.
03:09:28 On a fully moon.
Speaker 3
03:09:30 I don't know houses.
03:09:31 I am a virgin.
03:09:32 My dad will pay you to not kill me.
03:09:34 My mom might not.
Speaker 6
03:09:35 That is wrong, house consequences.
Speaker 26
03:09:38 Puzzles dabs of consequences, button.
Speaker 18
03:09:41 God will be my coworker now.
Speaker 26
03:09:44 Jennifer is sprayed with red coworker Juice Detective stumbles through the ceiling, drunk and haunted by sobriety.
Speaker 16
03:09:54 My wife is dead.
03:09:55 I will save you.
Speaker 26
03:09:57 The detective trips because he is mostly whiskey.
03:10:00 He hits a lever.
03:10:01 It was a booby trap.
03:10:03 A whale falls on him.
Speaker 6
03:10:06 He failed the whole puzzle all due.
Speaker 3
03:10:08 Why do you do what you do to me?
Speaker 6
03:10:10 You don't remembers puzzle #3. What did you did last summer?
Speaker 3
03:10:15 Gosh, do I enjoy driving while under the influence of underage drugs?
03:10:19 Oh no.
03:10:20 A child made with corn.
03:10:21 Oh, no.
03:10:22 And a Freddy cougar?
03:10:23 Ohh no.
03:10:24 A man named Jason.
03:10:25 Ohh no.
03:10:26 A vampire doing an interview.
03:10:29 There was no way to prevent this.
03:10:32 I did normal summer activities.
Speaker 6
03:10:34 Puzzle failed.
03:10:35 Hope you have coupon for coffin.
Speaker 26
03:10:38 Huggles dabs a consequences button.
Speaker 3
03:10:43 Wait, stop.
03:10:44 I have puzzle for you.
Speaker 6
03:10:46 This never happens to Mr.
03:10:48 My anger is purged.
03:10:56 My own puzzle is all I ever wanted.
Speaker 26
03:11:00 Puzzles here is some bullets.
Speaker 18
03:11:07 Damn my aim is.
Speaker 6
03:11:09 How will fall on you?
Speaker 26
03:11:11 He's no whale. He's.
03:11:12 An underwater cop.
03:11:19 Well, arrested chair saws.
Speaker 8
03:11:21 Sorry, your coworker died.
Speaker 3
03:11:23 It is OK.
03:11:24 It is large company.
Speaker 6
03:11:26 You are good at games, but how are you at sport? This last puzzle #4.
Speaker 2
03:11:33 What we are tied?
Speaker 3
03:11:35 To bowling pins and here comes a bowling knife.
Speaker 15
03:11:40 I called for backup.
Speaker 26
03:11:43 Hundreds of whales crashed bubbles into scary dust.
03:11:47 They think they'd be safe.
03:11:50 Puzzles is not here.
03:11:51 He must be forever dead and gone.
Speaker 3
03:11:54 I need relaxation a text, but who knows.
03:11:57 I have fallen.
Speaker 6
03:11:59 You failed puzzle #5 chair puzzle.
Speaker 26
03:12:05 Jennifer screams the scream of many sequels.