01/23/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 It's a rainy afternoon, 1995.00:01:38 Big city.
00:01:42 She's just been 20 years.
00:01:50 You were so fine.
00:01:56 Beautiful, beautiful girl from the north.
00:02:03 You are my heart with a torch that no one else could see.
00:02:11 I had a dream.
00:02:17 You gave me love.
00:02:35 All my life.
00:02:38 I love this song.
00:02:48 Life is crazy.
Speaker 3
00:03:04 Yeah, well, I hurt you real bad, even though.Speaker
00:03:08 And I'm glad you got out, but.Speaker 4
00:03:11 But I miss you.Speaker 3
00:03:15 I've had a hole in my heart.00:03:19 For so long.
00:03:21 I've learned to fake it and just smile alone.
00:03:29 Down on the street, that's a matter of the.
Speaker 4
00:03:36 I need a love not not.Speaker 1
00:04:07 Life is crazy.00:04:14 Arnold's baby.
00:04:33 Hang on the end.
00:04:43 I love you so.
Speaker 5
00:04:50 Life is crazy.00:05:32 And now the Riverdale Carnival presents the Archie.
00:05:38 The kissing booth while we're singing Sabrina.
00:05:41 OK, everybody, here we go with our new hit record, sugar, sugar.
Speaker 4
00:05:59 Honey, honey, you are my.Speaker 1
00:06:06 Got me.Speaker 6
00:06:14 Sugar, sugar.00:06:26 I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you.
00:06:34 I just can't believe the wonder.
00:06:36 Of this feeling soon, I just can't.
00:06:51 And Jake?
00:07:00 Sugar, sugar.
00:07:12 When I kissed you, girl I.
00:07:14 Knew how sweet I kissed you.
00:07:20 The summer sunshine for your sweetness over me.
00:08:34 Yeah, it's muted again. Why?00:08:36 Is it doing that anyway?
00:08:39 Good evening.
00:08:40 Different evening.
00:08:41 Good morning, good afternoon.
00:08:42 Good night.
00:08:44 This is Devin Stack insomnia stream.
00:08:46 The Candy culture edition.
00:08:50 Candy culture edition.
00:08:53 And it's on a different.
00:08:54 Day yesterday it was weird, so I just like I couldn't.
00:08:58 I couldn't do the stream yesterday.
00:09:01 So we're doing.
00:09:01 It today.
00:09:02 It's OK.
00:09:03 Most people watch the record anyway, but I appreciate those of you who have stayed up on this Sunday night.
00:09:09 We're up to roughly about 200. It'll probably warm up after that, which is surprising. That's good, so.
00:09:18 I was trying to look for different.
00:09:20 Topics for the stream.
00:09:24 And aside from a I don't know the possibility of World War three breaking out, which I just didn't feel like talking about.
00:09:34 Because I've got I I got friends in Ukraine and I got friends in Russia.
00:09:41 They don't know what the ****'* going on.
00:09:43 I don't know what the ****?
Speaker 5
00:09:44 'S going on.Devon
00:09:46 No one knows what the ****'* going on.00:09:48 So we can make predictions and we can we can talk about.
00:09:52 Oh my God, it's so scary.
00:09:53 We're going.
00:09:54 To start drafting.
Speaker 7
00:09:55 People World War 3.Devon
00:09:57 But just like I used to say with the COVID.00:09:59 Stuff. Look, I'm not that.
00:10:00 Worried about it out here.
00:10:04 The World War 3 is not going to happen here, OK, at least not because of whatever happens on the other side of the planet.
00:10:11 Americans need to stop worrying about what's happening on the other side.
00:10:14 Of the planet.
00:10:17 If we'd worried more about what is happening here at home.
00:10:21 We'd be a.
00:10:22 We'd be way better off.
00:10:24 We'd be.
00:10:25 We wouldn't have most of the problems.
00:10:27 That we have right now.
00:10:30 Now that said, I'm sure as things develop as things.
Speaker 7
00:10:35 Could get more.Devon
00:10:36 Serious, whatever. But one of the great benefits of having a year supply of food and being relatively disconnected from the system and you know, no one's ever like very few people are 100% disconnected.00:10:51 Is this sort of thing doesn't stress.
00:10:52 You out.
00:10:53 Now, I'm sure there are my friends out in Ukraine and in Russia and whatnot are a little more stressed out about it than than I am, and that's understandable.
00:11:03 But for the Americans that are, they're they're.
00:11:05 Wringing their hands and Oh my God, World War.
00:11:08 Three, you guys need to calm your ****.
00:11:10 OK.
00:11:12 So I didn't want to talk about that.
00:11:15 It must be a slow Newsday or slow, slow news week because most of the news is about.
00:11:23 Sports ball something something Tom Brady.
00:11:26 Something super I don't.
00:11:27 Give a ****.
Speaker 7
00:11:28 Ohh yeah, ****.Devon
00:11:31 I I used to be.00:11:33 I used to be that guy that would.
00:11:35 Say, you know I I.
00:11:37 I watched the Super Bowl for the commercials.
00:11:47 Lots of people that say that, right?
00:11:49 Lots of people say that and I wonder why.
00:11:50 That is.
00:11:53 Why do so many people say that?
00:11:54 Oh, I watched the Super Bowl for the commercials.
00:12:02 Well, that's because you see many years ago.
00:12:07 I worked at a television outlet that was Spanish speaking.
00:12:13 I was the only white guy in the building.
00:12:17 And so the topic of race would come up from time to time, and I was the go to guy.
00:12:22 Like, what's the white perspective because hey.
Speaker 7
00:12:25 White guy. Hey, gringo.Devon
00:12:29 And I remember one time being out to lunch.00:12:32 With a A a Mexican.
00:12:34 Guy that I used to work with.
00:12:38 And I got really upset.
00:12:41 Because he was, he was saying.
00:12:45 Well, you know, the thing, the thing I don't like about America.
00:12:50 Is you have no culture.
00:12:54 You have no culture.
00:12:55 Not like we have culture.
00:12:59 And I was like, oh, this ************ this because, look, I've always been immigration woke, OK.
00:13:06 I've lived in the southern part of the United States where a lot of immigration happens.
00:13:12 I've been, I've been fully diversified my.
00:13:14 Whole life, OK.
00:13:16 So I get it.
00:13:17 And I've always got.
00:13:18 There's some things I always get.
00:13:20 That's one thing I always I always got.
00:13:23 And so, to hear this guy.
00:13:26 With his, with his accent, living in my country.
00:13:35 At a Spanish speaking television station.
00:13:40 Really rubbed me the wrong way.
00:13:43 Having him lecture me about my country.
00:13:47 And its lack of culture.
00:13:51 But I started thinking about it.
00:13:54 Because he's like, well, what's?
00:13:55 What's something that's what's like American culture.
00:14:01 And the first things that sprung to my mind.
00:14:04 Now, I didn't say it out loud.
00:14:05 Because I knew.
00:14:06 How ridiculous it would it would sound.
00:14:08 And it would make him sound right.
00:14:11 It was products.
Speaker 7
00:14:17 It was products, products and inventions.Devon
00:14:21 You could say innovations, inventions.00:14:25 But the first things that popped in my head it.
00:14:27 Was like whoa.
00:14:28 You know Americans, uh, you know, what about uh.
Speaker 8
00:14:32 You know.Devon
00:14:35 Cheerios like?Speaker 9
00:14:37 What you know like I.Devon
00:14:40 I was kind.00:14:41 Of at a loss, to be honest.
00:14:45 I don't remember what ******** I pulled out of my ***.
00:14:48 So I wouldn't look wrong.
00:14:49 But I you know, I'm sure I covered.
00:14:53 By the end of the day, here I am, years later, thinking back to that conversation, thinking to myself.
00:14:58 Holy ****.
00:15:01 We are a consumer.
00:15:04 Culture and we have been for quite some time.
00:15:09 Now one of the stories that I came across and trying to find stuff for the stream tonight.
00:15:15 Was everyone so ****** ***?
00:15:18 Because M&M.
00:15:22 Or M&M's.
00:15:25 From the Mars company.
Speaker 4
00:15:30 They're going woke.Devon
00:15:32 They're going woke with their iconic M&M figures.00:15:38 Their little M&M mascots.
00:15:41 They're going to add like a non binary M&M. They're trying to be more inclusive with their M&M cartoon characters.
00:15:50 And people were upset.
00:15:53 Oh, don't. Don't you dare.
00:15:55 Ruin my cartoon M&M's.
00:15:59 That's part of my culture.
Speaker 4
00:16:03 Look at them.Speaker 5
00:16:05 It's white replacement again at the at the M&M level.Devon
00:16:12 Five alarm fire going on right now.00:16:16 Everything woke turns to ****.
00:16:22 When really you should be thinking to yourself.
00:16:26 Why the **** do I give a ****?
00:16:31 About the M&M's.
00:16:35 Why do I feel culturally connected?
00:16:40 To M&M commercials.
00:16:45 How pathetic is it?
00:16:47 That I see M&M commercials.
00:16:52 As part of my culture.
00:16:57 Funny story about M&M's.
00:17:03 I tried to research.
00:17:05 The origins.
00:17:08 Of M&M's.
00:17:12 I wanted to know who's behind.
00:17:16 These changes this this awful.
00:17:20 Awful wokeness that's invading in my consumer culture.
00:17:28 Well, the official story.
00:17:31 Is let's have a little look see here.
00:17:37 Bring up bring up the founder.
00:17:41 The founder of Mars.
Speaker 8
00:17:46 I'll pop this guy on here.Devon
00:17:49 Look at this guy.00:17:52 This is the.
00:17:53 The the Patriarch of the Mars family.
00:17:57 And the first thing I thought to myself.
00:18:01 I don't know very many people with the.
00:18:02 Last name of Mars.
00:18:04 I'm not going where you think I'm going with this.
00:18:09 I looked, I looked.
00:18:11 Far as I could tell.
00:18:14 Not Jewish.
00:18:15 In fact, very waspy, very waspy.
00:18:21 But this is the Patriarch of the Mars family.
00:18:25 Now again, I want you to think about something.
00:18:29 Forgot his name.
00:18:30 What is it?
00:18:31 Bring this up.
00:18:33 Clarence Mars.
00:18:34 Obviously a real name because everyone knows, you know, it's like a I've got a neighbor named Jim Jupiter.
00:18:43 Another neighbor named Pete Pluto.
00:18:46 And then we got Franklin Clarence Mars.
00:18:50 Totally a real name, obviously.
00:18:53 I don't believe it's a.
00:18:54 Real name.
00:18:55 I don't believe it's a real name.
00:18:58 I don't care what anyone says I.
00:18:59 Don't believe it's a real name.
00:19:02 And there's something weird about this family.
00:19:06 Now the first thing you got to realize what you're upset about if you're upset about.
00:19:16 Their Eminem characters to be woke.
00:19:19 What you're upset about?
00:19:22 Is one of the richest.
00:19:25 Drug dealers in the world.
00:19:30 The richest drug.
00:19:34 In the world.
00:19:37 Is making the advertisements for their drugs.
00:19:43 Slightly gayer.
00:19:47 And if that upsets you?
00:19:49 You need to analyze why is.
00:19:50 That why am I upset?
00:19:53 That one of the richest families in the world, rich because they've been selling.
00:19:59 Legal, addictive drugs.
00:20:03 To the world.
00:20:05 For about 100 years.
00:20:08 Is making their ads a little bit gayer.
00:20:11 Why do I see that as an attack?
00:20:13 On my identity.
00:20:17 Why do I care?
00:20:22 I'll bring this up real quick.
00:20:28 This is a scary thought.
00:20:29 I think people can think it.
00:20:30 I think people can relate to what I'm about.
00:20:32 To show you here.
00:20:37 Why do I care?
00:20:43 That a company.
00:20:48 That has reduced.
00:20:51 My culture, the birth of my savior.
00:20:57 To this.
00:21:00 Like I wasn't mad about this.
00:21:04 Ohh, you're you're packaging your drug in a in a in a fun little candy cane shape.
00:21:13 Cashing in on the birth of my savior.
00:21:19 Not only does this not bother me at all.
00:21:22 I think I'll have a.
00:21:23 Couple let me bring some of those home.
00:21:25 For the kids.
00:21:30 No, that didn't bother you.
00:21:32 That seemed perfectly normal.
00:21:40 Good old Franklin.
00:21:42 Mars, so the the official story is.
00:21:48 Franklin Mars.
00:21:49 He had a light case of polio.
00:21:53 Nothing about this story makes sense.
00:21:56 Light case of polio.
00:21:58 I just have a mild case of AIDS.
00:22:01 I'll be fine.
00:22:03 This will be over.
00:22:04 In a week, I'll sleep it off.
00:22:08 Just a just a slight case of of polio.
00:22:12 You know, it reminds me of when I worked at a different television network.
00:22:17 An NBC affiliate.
00:22:19 We used to get these live feeds.
00:22:22 From the Today show because we would play the Morning News and then after the Morning News, the Today show would come via satellite and we'd rebroadcast that to our our broadcast area.
00:22:36 That's how it.
00:22:36 That's just how it.
00:22:37 I'm assuming it still works everywhere.
00:22:40 And they would do little commercial breaks and then we could insert our local commercials so we could sell ad space during the.
00:22:52 Today show and NBC would make its money because they would like hard code their commercials and then give us they'd throw us a, you know, like a here's a 32nd spot you can have here. Here's 60 seconds you.
00:23:05 Have here.
00:23:06 So the local affiliate.
00:23:08 They're able to sell like a little bit of ad space during the Today show and the the national sponsors are hard coded in there and they they you have to play those no matter what.
00:23:19 You can't cover those up, right?
00:23:21 So I had to be in the control room playing the local ads, many of which I made, and they were terrible.
00:23:28 Because it was very local.
00:23:31 And you'd have the satellite feed come in while you played it and stuff.
00:23:36 And one of these days they had.
00:23:39 Katie Couric was one of the sponsors.
00:23:44 Of the the Today show is Coca-Cola.
00:23:48 Coca-Cola, which by now most people know and if you don't know this might come as a surprise.
00:23:55 Another, by the way, another icon of American culture, right?
Speaker 7
00:23:59 Coca-Cola.00:24:03 The same drug.
00:24:06 Have some sugar water kids.00:24:07 I know it used to have cocaine in it.
00:24:11 But we had to change up the formula.
00:24:18 Now it just has sugar and caffeine.
00:24:21 Hope that's acceptable to you.
00:24:27 But the back story of that drink was, you know, Long story short, the the inventor of Coca-Cola was like a morphine addict.
Speaker 7
00:24:39 And he was trying to make a a medicine.Devon
00:24:42 To to wean people off of of morphine.00:24:48 And so he concocted this drink.
00:24:51 That was basically liquid cocaine.
Speaker 7
00:24:55 That would wean you off of morphine.Devon
00:24:59 Ah yeah.00:25:00 You're addicted to morphine.
00:25:02 Hey, I I know just the trick.
00:25:04 Have some cocaine.
00:25:08 That's that. That's really where Coca-Cola came from.
Speaker 7
00:25:12 And I knew.Devon
00:25:12 This a lot of people have known this.00:25:16 And so when I saw the.
00:25:17 Representative from Coca-Cola.
00:25:21 Who paid a lot of money?
00:25:23 I'm assuming to be on the the very watched today show.
00:25:29 When she went on to to be interviewed by Katie Couric in discussing.
00:25:34 How the company was founded I'll never forget.
00:25:40 Now she completely left that part out.
00:25:42 In fact, she rewrote history, she said.
00:25:45 Oh yes, Coca-Cola.
00:25:48 It was founded back in I, you know, whatever year by whatever I forget the guys name doesn't matter.
00:25:54 But he had a vision.
00:25:57 He had a vision.
00:25:59 To quench the thirst of.
00:26:01 The world.
00:26:04 He wanted to satisfy all those thirsty mouths all around the world.
00:26:09 And so he invented the most amazing beverage.
00:26:15 Ever in the world, and people love it and it brings families together and everyone holds hands.
00:26:20 I'm sure you've seen that hippie commercial.
00:26:22 You know, we're all holding hands and.
00:26:24 It's a small.
00:26:25 World and Coca-Cola.
00:26:31 American culture.
Speaker 9
00:26:36 Well, in that same.Devon
00:26:37 Way I you know this this boundary.00:26:40 You can tell that I mean any company.
00:26:42 Well, let me give you a little back story.
00:26:44 So Mars.
00:26:46 One of the reasons why it's so hard to find information on this family and the company is the company is still privately held.
00:26:56 Which means they don't have shareholders.
00:26:59 Which means they don't have to legally release numbers and figures and stuff.
00:27:06 In fact, when Forbes was doing its billionaire list a few years ago.
00:27:12 And one of the members of the Mars family, because they're one of the richest families.
00:27:16 In the world.
00:27:18 Was making that list.
00:27:22 They didn't have a photo for him, for for the for all four years that.
00:27:26 He was on that list.
00:27:31 Like no photo existed, they couldn't find a photo of this guy.
00:27:37 No one knows who.
00:27:39 How much of the family works there?
00:27:40 Because they they don't have.
00:27:41 To disclose this.
00:27:43 They don't have to disclose financials.
00:27:48 But we know they have a lot of money.
00:27:51 Because they bought Wrigley.
00:27:54 You know the chewing gum company, which does a lot more stuff.
00:27:58 They bought out Wrigley like a.
00:28:01 I want to say like 10 years or so ago for think that was the neighborhood of like 35 billion billion with AB.
00:28:11 $35 billion cash.
00:28:16 They just had $35 billion.
00:28:20 In their checking account, they just cut a check.
00:28:23 For $35 billion or whatever the.
00:28:25 Number was it was it.
00:28:26 Was north of 30 billion.
00:28:35 So this very wealthy family.
00:28:40 Very wealthy family.
00:28:42 It's hard to find information on.
00:28:46 So the official story here is.
00:28:49 Franklin Clarence Mars, sometimes known as Frank Seymours, was an American business magnet who founded the food company Mars Incorporated, which mostly makes chocolate candy.
00:29:02 Or in other words.
00:29:03 A legal drug.
00:29:06 A legal drug that isn't regulated.
00:29:10 At all.
00:29:12 You know, people want to hold the Sackler family responsible, and they should.
00:29:18 For the opioid crisis.
00:29:21 How come no one's going after the Mars?
00:29:23 Family for the obesity crisis.
00:29:27 Well, people chose to eat M&M's until.
00:29:29 They were six.
00:29:30 100 pounds.
00:29:30 Well, people chose to ******* take.
00:29:33 Opioids until they were useless.
00:29:39 But I digress.
00:29:42 Frank Mars was born in.
00:29:43 1883 in Minnesota.
00:29:46 He learned how to hand dip chocolate and see that these companies, you know, they maintain these Wikipedia pages, right?
00:29:53 All these companies do you look up the Wikipedia page for any company and there's there's rarely any damning.
00:30:01 There's no like scandal section, you know.
00:30:04 He learned how to hand dip chocolate candy as a child from his mother Alva, who entertained him while he had a mild case of polio.
00:30:13 He began to sell molasses chips at age 19.
00:30:18 I tried to find videos about the background.
00:30:20 I found a lot of videos that were like basically candy propaganda, talking about how how the saying talking about this story, this must be part of the mythos of of the Mars Corporation.
00:30:31 Old Frank Mars.
00:30:32 He was laying in bed, stricken with polio, a mild.
00:30:35 Case of course.
00:30:38 And then his mom showed him, you know.
00:30:41 You can dip chocolate into candy.
00:30:44 And then the M&M was born.
00:30:48 Course the M&M's, he didn't start out making M&M's, though that didn't come till like.
00:30:52 20 years later so.
00:30:53 I don't think that stories like ********.
00:30:58 Mars incorporated.
00:31:01 Which is the parent company.
00:31:06 Has revenue of an estimated revenue. I was talking how they had like 37 billion. They could just write a check for wrigleys.
00:31:13 Well, they had a revenue in 2020 estimated of 37 billion. So that's like one year that's like that's just one year's revenue.
00:31:21 Not a big deal.
00:31:24 Now here's another weird thing about Mars.
00:31:26 Again, I'm I'm I've been trying to find information on these folks.
00:31:30 They make it hard.
00:31:33 They're in McLean, VA.
00:31:38 Lot of lobbyists in McLean, VA, for those of you don't know McLean, VA.
00:31:43 Is basically where most.
00:31:47 Heavily in bed with the federal government, contractors have offices.
00:31:54 It's one of the richest zip codes in the United States.
00:31:59 That, you know, lots of big, big, big government contractors and federal agencies have offices in McLean.
00:32:09 The company is entirely owned by the Mars family.
00:32:12 Mars operates in five business segments around the world.
00:32:16 Mars Wrigley confectionery.
00:32:20 That's the Wrigley company they bought.
00:32:23 Pet care.
00:32:25 Which is they?
00:32:26 They acquired this.
00:32:28 The other weird thing they they own a lot.
00:32:30 Of like dog food companies and veterinary companies and pets, pharmaceuticals.
00:32:43 Let's see here.
00:32:46 They also own a couple of drinks drink companies.
00:32:50 Most of that's over in Europe.
00:32:53 And yeah, so they're they're basically really ******* big.
00:32:59 Here we go.
00:33:03 When you're upset.
00:33:07 Let me show you a picture of these *****.
00:33:11 When you're upset.
00:33:14 That Mars.
00:33:18 That these guys.
00:33:20 This is them.
00:33:22 This is so there's a.
00:33:23 Reason why I get upset about generational wealth.
00:33:28 The people in the photo here.
00:33:32 They're the richest, some of the richest people in the world because they were born.
00:33:36 That's it.
00:33:39 They were born.
00:33:42 They were born and now they can decide if their M&M commercials that are obviously are aimed to children much in the same way Joe Campbell was.
00:33:51 Right, everyone's upset.
00:33:53 Why is that?
00:33:54 Why is everyone upset?
00:33:55 Oh, you know Joe Camel.
00:33:58 Joe Camel, the old mascot of Camel cigarettes.
00:34:04 We can't have Joe Camel because he's a cartoon character and makes kids want to smoke cigarettes.
00:34:17 Well, why is it OK?
00:34:19 To have these cartoon M&M's.
00:34:24 You don't think that?
00:34:27 Is is targeted at children.
00:34:31 Who's it?
00:34:33 Who are they targeting then?
00:34:40 See, it's it's a.
00:34:40 It's a legal drug.
00:34:41 Last year, Mars a candy company.
00:34:45 A candy company.
00:34:46 Just I want you to put this together.
00:34:49 A candy company spent $1.2 million.
00:34:55 See, this is one of the only figures you can get because the it's lobbying they spent $1.2 million.
00:35:05 At their lobbying firm in DC.
00:35:09 $1.2 million.
00:35:16 Lobbying in DC candy company.
00:35:22 Just a candy company.
00:35:26 Candy company with a lot of cash.
00:35:28 So much cash, in fact.
00:35:30 This chick in the middle here.
00:35:34 I think she's like the, uh, the granddaughter.
00:35:37 Of this guy.
00:35:42 Here she is, I think.
00:35:42 This is with her daughters.
00:35:47 Couple of years back this is another thing I could find.
00:35:49 Out about them.
00:35:52 Couple of years back.
00:35:54 Uh plowed her car into someone.
00:35:58 Causing a miscarriage.
00:35:59 So basically kill the baby.
00:36:02 Claimed that she had blacked out.
00:36:05 She just she had fainted at the wheel.
00:36:09 Got away with a misdemeanor.
00:36:13 But you're mad that these these ghouls.
00:36:16 These guys.
00:36:18 Want to have gay advertisements on their drugs?
00:36:32 Look, that's the problem with American culture.
00:36:33 American culture has just become a culture of products.
00:36:38 It's a culture of products.
00:36:44 You know, back many years ago when I was talking to that Mexican guy getting kind of ****** *** and mostly not really at him, just I guess at myself for really thinking about it.
00:36:53 And look, I'm not saying there's not such a thing as white culture.
00:36:56 I'm not saying there's not such a thing as European culture.
00:36:58 I'm not even saying there's not such a thing as American culture that extends beyond products.
00:37:05 I'm just saying that one of the reasons why people are really upset about the inclusion of this gay character in M&M commercials isn't because.
00:37:16 Oh, my God, they're getting the M&M. Guys too. Is nothing sacred?
00:37:23 I mean, look, the the ****** thing is yes, there is an element of that right. There are people that M&M's.
00:37:28 Seem like.
00:37:30 Part of American culture.
00:37:32 And look, you could try to make the argument right.
00:37:33 Oh, it's the.
00:37:34 It's the Great American story.
00:37:36 Right.
00:37:37 You know, Mr.
00:37:37 Mars, just this.
00:37:39 And he was just this kid with polio one day and next thing you know.
00:37:42 He's, you know, he got this.
00:37:44 This ******* dynasty.
00:37:50 Well, yeah, he's got this dynasty selling.
00:37:54 Delicious poison to everyone.
00:37:57 You know, people keep forgetting it's funny.
00:37:58 All these people like, why is everyone so fat in the West now?
00:38:01 Like you?
00:38:02 Look around everyone just ******* fat.
00:38:04 Because 100 years ago, almost nobody had access to refined sugar.
00:38:09 And even fewer people had.
00:38:11 I mean, chocolate was barely invented.
00:38:15 When chocolate first came around, it was.
00:38:17 It was like a drink.
00:38:18 It was a powder.
00:38:19 It was like like coffee, like hot chocolate.
00:38:24 It wasn't until like the Swiss and like Hershey and and this buck or not this **** these folks.
00:38:31 Grandpa and a handful of people.
00:38:35 Found a way to.
00:38:38 Suck the moisture out of milk.
00:38:41 And make solid milk chocolate.
00:38:45 Using milk is like a substrate, so basically combining powdered.
00:38:53 And which, by the way, another drug.
00:38:56 Right, chocolate is another addictive drug.
00:39:02 Addictive chocolate with addictive sugar.
00:39:05 Throw in some powderized milk and you get milk chocolate.
00:39:14 But if you want to know why Americans are so fat, it's not just.
00:39:18 It's not just, you know, M&M's, it's not like M and.
00:39:21 M's are making everybody fat.
00:39:24 It's not helping but.
00:39:26 That's not, I don't think that's the the the bottom line.
00:39:29 The bottom line is yes, it is the Great American story that some **** just started selling horrible **** for people that tasted good and was addictive and.
00:39:39 Was allowed to do it for you know, long enough to get really ******* rich.
00:39:44 That is the American dream.
00:39:49 When you think American culture, that's the story for about 80% of the the logos that pop in your mind when you think American culture isn't that ****** ** that you think about logos.
00:40:01 You think about Coca-Cola logos?
00:40:07 Same story.
00:40:09 Same exact story as the Mars family.
00:40:17 Same story.
00:40:21 When you think American food.
00:40:26 It's all a product.
00:40:28 Of this same way of thinking.
00:40:31 What's the cheapest way we can get people addicted to our food?
Speaker 7
00:40:39 And look you.Devon
00:40:39 Can say Oh well, I should.00:40:41 People should have willpower and just it's, you know, you know that's up.
00:40:45 That's their choice.
00:40:49 Freedom. Right, libertarians?
00:40:58 See libertarians. They want cocaine back in Coca-Cola.
00:41:05 I bet Coke wants cocaine. Back in Coca-Cola too, you know that Coca-Cola? Actually they still use coca leaves.
00:41:12 They they have to.
00:41:13 There's some, you know, secretive.
00:41:15 This is the other thing.
00:41:16 All these companies, that also another thing they have in common, including them are.
00:41:19 It's not just the Mars family that's secretive, it's even just the process, right.
00:41:24 So there is a process that that it's very secretive.
00:41:28 No one knows all the details.
00:41:30 But coke?
00:41:32 Is, I think one of the only companies, if not the only company that can actually import coca leaves.
00:41:38 From South America and they do this process to strip the cocaine out of.
00:41:43 It or something?
00:41:43 Like that.
00:41:45 But just as you know, here's the thing, just as with.
00:41:50 Marijuana right legalized marijuana.
00:41:52 More and more people are starting to realize, oh, you know, it's not.
00:41:54 Just THC.
00:41:57 There's all these other active ingredients.
00:42:00 You know, there's CBD is the big one, but there's other.
00:42:02 There's more than just CBD, too.
00:42:03 There's all.
00:42:04 These active ingredients.
00:42:06 There's all these things interacting with your mind chemically.
00:42:13 Well, what makes you think Coke is?
00:42:15 Any different you.
00:42:15 Know because what would be the point I mean?
00:42:19 You think it's for flavor?
00:42:22 I don't think coca leaves taste that great.
00:42:27 Not only coke tastes that great.
00:42:33 But anyway.
00:42:36 The process, in fact, that the Mars Corporation, or the at least the companies processes, are so secretive.
00:42:43 I came across this article saying that it was written in, I think the late 90s.
00:42:48 It was late.
00:42:48 1999.
00:42:50 And this reporter was very excited because he was the first person outside the company ever.
00:42:58 Allowed just to see the process where the the M gets printed on the M&M candies.
00:43:08 The trade secret.
00:43:13 Can't tell the other.
00:43:15 Drug pushers, how we put our stupid M's on.
00:43:18 Our M&M's.
00:43:30 So when people get upset.
00:43:33 That they're making.
00:43:35 The M&M's gay.
00:43:37 Or whatever I you know?
00:43:39 I doubt they're making them, like, flaming gay, but.
00:43:41 When they make them gay.
00:43:44 It's it's an acknowledgement that not only is it a part of American culture.
00:43:50 Not only is American culture so consumerist.
00:43:54 That we associate products made by ghoulish billionaires.
00:44:05 Those products and those labels, those icons, those.
00:44:16 We associate those not only just with our with our culture.
00:44:21 You know, like I said, we we associate them to some extent.
00:44:25 With our religion.
00:44:31 If you want a testament to how effective propaganda is.
00:44:37 You don't have to go any further, and that's what that is. It's an acknowledgment of this is how powerful we we know we know as a pub, like when people get mad. Yes, it's people that are that are weirdos about M&M's but it's also acknowledgement.
00:44:54 That people know how powerful.
00:44:58 That propaganda is.
00:45:00 They were fine with their kids watching that propaganda, knowing full well that it was propaganda and there was powerful propaganda.
00:45:08 Or else they wouldn't care, right?
00:45:11 They wouldn't care that one of them was gay.
00:45:14 Or trans or whatever the ****.
00:45:15 They're going to do.
00:45:20 But they know they know.
00:45:21 It's so powerful that by just by making that change.
00:45:25 By a candy company run by weirdo.
00:45:32 Billionaires. Ghoulish billionaires.
00:45:35 Rich off of generational.
00:45:37 Wealth built on the obesity of Americans.
00:45:43 They care that these drug pushers are changing the label on their drugs.
00:45:51 Because they know.
00:45:53 It's going to influence their children.
Speaker 7
00:46:00 They were fine when it was.Devon
00:46:01 Influencing their children to like the drugs.00:46:11 They were OK with that.
00:46:20 They're only just now getting mad.
00:46:30 See, I just found it.
00:46:31 Yeah, I just found it puzzling.
00:46:32 Anyone be upset by that?
00:46:34 Until I thought about it, it's true.
00:46:36 It's sad, but it's true.
00:46:39 That is what American culture is you can.
00:46:41 Reduce it down.
00:46:42 To that.
00:46:43 You know, people will say, well, you.
00:46:45 Know no, there's more to that than you know.
00:46:47 There's there's a there's apple pie.
00:46:52 There's apple pie and baseball and endless wars.
00:46:56 That's American culture.
00:47:10 But anyway.
00:47:13 So yeah, I wanted to keep it at least kind of like didn't want to talk.
00:47:16 About World War 3.
00:47:18 Thought I'd keep it a little bit open.
00:47:21 Now we could interact with the chat a little bit.
00:47:24 And and and also.
00:47:26 So I guess there was.
00:47:28 I'm only going to talk about.
00:47:29 This once I'm going to talk about this once.
00:47:32 I'll make it short and sweet.
00:47:35 OK.
00:47:36 So I guess there was drama last stream with some people in the chat part.
00:47:42 Part of that.
00:47:42 Was caused by me.
00:47:47 And part of that was caused by people not getting along.
00:47:54 And I'm just going to put it this way.
00:47:58 I want to have an environment in.
00:47:59 The chat, if we can.
00:48:02 That's suitable.
00:48:07 It doesn't have to let me just put this way.
00:48:08 It doesn't.
00:48:09 Have to just be.
00:48:11 Angry. ****** *** guys.
00:48:13 OK, it's got to be a nice enough environment to where.
00:48:16 We can have our.
00:48:17 Kids, sister.
00:48:17 Show up OK.
Speaker 7
00:48:22 That's all I'm going.Devon
00:48:23 To say it should be good enough for that.00:48:28 And our our, our kids, sister, our older sister, our, our twin sister, whatever.
00:48:36 We got to have some sisters in the crowd.
Speaker 4
00:48:39 Some sisters.Devon
00:48:42 As a as a guy who's got three kid sisters.00:48:47 I'm very I can feel I get.
00:48:49 I get the protective older brother thing.
00:48:52 You know, I used to really look forward to.
00:48:54 This might sound a.
00:48:55 Little fogged up, but.
00:48:57 In high school I had like this.
00:49:01 I hope she never hears.
00:49:02 I don't think she will.
00:49:03 I had the I had a sister that got herself.
00:49:06 In the trouble.
00:49:08 And at the time, we didn't really, we didn't really get along like we didn't like, we didn't hang out the same people.
00:49:16 She was a couple years younger than me.
00:49:19 But I'll tell you what.
00:49:21 I looked forward.
00:49:23 To win the stupid guy, she would hang out with.
00:49:27 Would do something.
00:49:29 That crossed the line.
00:49:30 Not because I want that to happen.
00:49:32 Anything bad to happen to my sister, but because that basically gave me a license to kill that basically that just that green light that to the extent not even my mom would care.
00:49:44 That basically that was hey.
00:49:48 Hey I I can I can now I can now hunt someone down with righteous anger and.
Speaker 7
00:49:58 Yeah, man.00:49:59 Take care of things.
00:50:00 Just take care of things, you know, let them know that that's not cool.
00:50:05 Just you know.
00:50:07 I had to do that a few times.00:50:09 It Each each time, maybe too much.
00:50:12 I don't.
00:50:12 Know one that's one.
00:50:14 Of the one of the few joys.
00:50:16 No, I'm kidding.
00:50:18 Of having a kid sister.
Speaker 7
00:50:20 And I get it.00:50:21 I get it.
00:50:22 Kid sisters.
00:50:23 They can be rambunctious, sometimes.Speaker 7
00:50:28 But they're your kid sister.Devon
00:50:33 So anyway.00:50:37 I want everyone to get along and chat.
00:50:41 And the only people we need to get rid of.
00:50:43 Are the people.
00:50:43 That are just, you know, trying to cause chaos or fed posting to a degree that is obviously Fed posting.
00:50:52 I mean, so it's OK for people to be upset, you know, and be mad.
00:50:57 And you know, but there's a line and I think most people know where that line is.
00:51:02 So just don't cross.
00:51:03 That line and we're good.
00:51:06 So all right, now that's out of the way.
00:51:12 OK.
00:51:19 Here we go.
00:51:20 Let me look at chat.
00:51:23 Holy ****.
00:51:24 We got some big old super chats here from soy pilb.
00:51:29 Let me go.
00:51:29 Let me get to that one.
00:51:32 Well, let me do these other ones first.
00:51:38 Purge all pedophiles sent a link.
00:51:45 That I'm afraid to click on because the URL.
00:51:51 What is this?
00:51:53 It's like a Drudge Report looking thing.
00:51:55 Alright, I'll take a look at.
Speaker 8
00:51:56 This another time.Devon
00:51:57 I'll leave it.Speaker 9
00:51:58 On there.Devon
00:51:59 Thomas Matthew says your e-mail mailbox is full.00:52:02 I wouldn't be surprised I haven't.
00:52:04 Checked in a long time, I'll.
00:52:06 I'll have to get to it.
00:52:08 I yeah, I'll get to that.
00:52:10 I'll get to that.
00:52:11 For sure.
00:52:12 Let me put a deadline on.
00:52:13 I will try to and I can't.
00:52:15 I'm not saying I'm going to answer because if it's full, right I'm.
00:52:17 Not going to answer everybody's emails, but I'll I'll at least go through the emails this week, not not by Wednesday, but by Saturday string.
00:52:27 $5 from first last. So is America crumbling because the propaganda of the US is crumbling? If advertisement is the culture, then with?
00:52:35 About it, there is no USA.
00:52:37 You know what?
00:52:37 Here's the thing I put out in gab today.
00:52:40 I gabbed or I hate.
00:52:44 I hate that there's not like a word that that means tweet and maybe there is.
00:52:48 I've heard people say.
00:52:48 Blab, but that seems kind of.
00:52:50 Weird, I don't know if I like that.
00:52:52 But anyway I gabbed I'll just say gabbed I gabbed on gab.
00:52:57 Something along the lines of let me just.
00:52:59 Pull it.Speaker 8
00:53:00 Up so I'm not going to get it right.00:53:05 Let's see here.
00:53:09 I, Gabe.00:53:10 The funniest part about the great replacement strategy of the Western elites is how they didn't seem to believe that our military power was a product of the people.
00:53:19 They replaced and disenfranchised with their genocidal get rich quick scheme.
00:53:25 Soon other world powers are going to be about as afraid of the US military as the moon is afraid of.
00:53:31 The Mexican space program.
00:53:34 There is no clown world, only clown countries.
00:53:38 Yes, we are becoming a clown country whether or not the the propaganda is failing.
00:53:47 And and that's going to I mean.
00:53:51 I'll tell you one thing, the propaganda is is still strong.
00:53:54 The propaganda is still very, very, very strong.
00:53:59 There are pockets of people and they're growing growing pockets of people.
00:54:04 I mean, there was a protest this weekend in DC against vaccine mandates, right?
00:54:11 I guarantee you none of those people were getting their information from mainstream media, right.
00:54:17 And look, the people here were a perfect example of this.
00:54:19 Right, so there are alternative outlets and there and people are slowly starting to get the memo and figure out where to get this stuff from.
00:54:29 But that doesn't change the vast majority, the vast majority.
00:54:33 Of people are still consuming the mainstream media.
00:54:38 And now, look, there's exceptions, right?
00:54:41 I mean, there's people that have their numbers are higher.
00:54:44 Then you know like CNN, especially now. CNN's ratings are in the ******* toilet.
00:54:51 But the the influence is still there and it's still strong and it's pervasive and it's everywhere, you know, one of the things I'm probably going to go into a little bit is a video game.
00:55:04 A little bit only because I don't have time to play a bunch of it.
00:55:09 I didn't see.
00:55:10 I played a lot of video games in terms of like time, but I didn't play like a lot of different video games I played like, you know, I'd play like 1 video game all the time for.
00:55:20 Like months, right?
00:55:23 But there are a few video games I did play like Bioshock is a is a perfect example, right?
00:55:29 That was promoting, you know, Communism and race mixing and all this other crazy.
00:55:37 But it's.
00:55:39 The same exact morality that's promoted in movies is promoted in video games, is promoted in M&M commercials, is promoted in everywhere.
00:55:53 There's a lot of churches promoting this same ****.
00:55:58 And so for the vast majority of people, you're still the weirdo.
00:56:02 You're and that's that's going to continue.
00:56:07 That's going to continue this idea that there's going to there, you know.
00:56:09 Like, look, I'm not saying it's it's.
00:56:12 That the number of people that break away from that mind control.
00:56:16 I'm not saying that that number isn't going to increase I.
00:56:18 Think it will.
00:56:20 I think that one of the reasons why the the number it is so high is you're just talking about a lot of people are still alive that never really acclimated the Internet and then now you have people who grew.
00:56:33 Up only with the Internet.
00:56:36 But I also think that that's one of the reasons why you're going to have more and more.
00:56:39 Internet censorship because they want to keep that balance of power.
00:56:43 But Even so, I mean look, even if you look at online stuff, the online stuff is is.
00:56:49 And all the, you know, you think, who do you think gets more users?
00:56:54 You know Twitter or gab?
00:56:57 YouTube or or Odyssey, right?
00:56:59 It's a numbers game.
00:57:02 But I don't think that the.
00:57:05 So I don't think the propaganda is crumbling.
00:57:07 I think that it's the other way around.
00:57:08 I think America is falling apart.
00:57:11 And this is it was like when you see the ads like remember the ad for the the army where it was that cartoon and it had the woman with the oh I'm I'm the I'm you know private whatever the **** her name was private lesbian and I got lesbian I have two moms.
00:57:30 And people played side by side that cartoon with like the Russian military advertise their propaganda.
00:57:37 Basically, I don't think that, that propaganda that the US military is putting out showing that, oh, look, our our militaries have a bunch of like trends.
00:57:49 You know, like literally insane people.
00:57:53 I don't think that is causing the decline.
00:57:55 I think that's just what happens when those people get in charge, which is what happened.
00:58:01 You know there's.
00:58:01 A little bit of both.
00:58:02 Like people always say, does art imitate life or life imitate art?
00:58:05 It's both.
00:58:08 But you don't get commercials like that.
00:58:10 Mean you wouldn't get that kind of **** approved if.
00:58:14 The military, the.
00:58:16 Yeah, the DoD wasn't already.
00:58:19 Completely hijacked by those people.
00:58:22 Or the CIA for there's the other video, the CIA, with the millennial.
00:58:25 She's like I'm a millennial.
00:58:26 Latin X, you know, bipolar.
00:58:29 Like she was listening her ******* mental illnesses.
00:58:33 A CIA agent in a promo video for the CIA is listing her mental illnesses.
00:58:43 So I think like I said, I think it's the other way around.
00:58:45 It's just that the empire is falling and it.
00:58:51 Expect everything to just get ********, like across the.
00:58:55 You know, the white pill is.
00:58:57 In the same way that you shouldn't.
00:58:59 Give a **** about M&M's.
00:59:02 The same way you should just be like, oh, so some crazy ghoulish sugar pushers are making one of their cartoon characters gay.
00:59:12 So ******* what?
00:59:14 That's not my culture. It's not. And if if it is, you're 100% annoying.
00:59:20 You're 100% in MPC if you think M&M commercials are a part of your culture.
00:59:27 I mean, come on, do the math.
00:59:29 That doesn't take much to figure out if.
00:59:31 M&M.
00:59:32 Commercials are a sacred part of your culture.
00:59:36 And you get emotionally affected.
00:59:38 By making one of them gay.
00:59:43 I mean, what does that say about you?
Speaker 7
00:59:47 Why are you emotionally connected with M&M cartoon characters?Devon
00:59:53 And the same can be said for look increasingly like I get it.00:59:57 I get it.
00:59:58 I got mad when they were like ******* up, you know, Star Wars with all the woke stuff.
01:00:02 Cause I grew up.
01:00:03 Yeah, and I I hate to admit it.
01:00:06 That was part of my identity as a kid.
01:00:08 I had.
01:00:08 I had the ******* figurines like that.
01:00:10 I had like, a ******* Chewbacca and.
01:00:11 All that ****.
Speaker 7
01:00:15 They inspire me to want to.Devon
01:00:16 Make movies.01:00:18 So one of the reasons why I do.
01:00:19 What I do?
01:00:20 Was because I as a kid I saw star.
01:00:22 Wars like, oh, this is amazing.
01:00:25 I want to do this.
01:00:31 My culture is not a ******* Hollywood movie.
01:00:36 It's certainly not a franchise owned by Disney.
01:00:42 Why do I care what what Disney does with one of their their ******* intellectual properties?
01:00:57 You shouldn't care.
01:00:58 You shouldn't care.
01:00:59 The white pill is.
01:01:03 That is the kind of ****.
01:01:06 That you can disconnect from.
01:01:13 There's so many people that say they get it.
01:01:16 Oh, yeah, I totally get it.
01:01:17 Oh, I know.
01:01:17 It's it's I.
01:01:20 It's so bad.
01:01:21 And then they they put like a handful of M&M.
01:01:23 'S in their mouth.
01:01:24 You know, it's like.
01:01:26 You don't get it.
01:01:27 You don't get it.
01:01:31 You're still addicted.
01:01:32 You're still connected to the.
Speaker 7
01:01:34 Machine it's all the M&M's, Devin.Devon
01:01:37 Well, it's only a Netflix subscription, Devin.01:01:41 Well, it's only Amazon Prime, Devin.
01:01:51 Those those ******* aren't billionaires because no one's.
01:01:53 Buying them and M's.
01:01:56 Well, yes, but if I stop by M&M's, they're.
01:01:58 Not going to stop being billionaires.
01:02:05 All right, so you just basically sounded like all the people like, well, I can't, I have to vote for either Trump or Clinton.
01:02:12 Otherwise I'm throwing away my vote.
01:02:17 No, the the There's the the the answer is yeah, your vote doesn't really matter and we know this.
01:02:22 It doesn't matter.
01:02:27 But you don't need to.
01:02:29 You don't have to consent.
01:02:33 To the system by participating.
01:02:35 Because that's what you're doing.
01:02:39 It's not about impoverishing the billionaires that sell M.
01:02:43 And M's.
01:02:44 It's that's you're not.
01:02:46 You're right, you're not.
Speaker 9
01:02:47 Going to do that.Devon
01:02:49 And this movement will never be big enough.01:02:50 To do that.
01:02:52 Until suddenly it is.
01:02:54 But that's a different story.
01:02:57 But no.
01:02:59 It's not about that.
01:03:03 It's about you consenting.
01:03:05 You're saying it's OK?
01:03:10 You're saying yes.
01:03:16 Have some gay cartoon M&M's propagandize my children.
01:03:25 I'm consenting to this decision you're making by purchasing your M&M's. I'm consenting to the child **** on Netflix by funding it.
01:03:38 I'm consenting to Amazon.
01:03:41 Banning Devin Stack's book.
01:03:46 By paying for prime.
01:03:50 It's not about them.
01:03:54 It's about you.
01:03:55 It's one of the few times it's.
Speaker 7
01:03:56 About you you know.Devon
01:04:00 Come on, narcissist.01:04:03 This one is about you.
01:04:09 You're giving them your consent.
01:04:14 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:04:18 Me too, $15. Appreciate it. If you want to see some real *********, check out libs of TikTok.
01:04:25 There is a mirror on telegram.
01:04:27 I use.
01:04:29 These poor folks are lost.
01:04:30 Great work.
01:04:31 Always been a viewer for many years and support her on subscribe star just never get to catch the string well.
01:04:37 I appreciate it.
01:04:39 Very much so actually.
01:04:42 And and yeah, no, I I I mean I when I was on Twitter there I I assuming maybe it's the same people.
01:04:50 I remember that Twitter account the Liberals from.
01:04:55 TikTok, but that's I guess that's what I'm saying is when people think that, Oh yeah, this isn't really heavy. Is that their influence isn't as.
01:05:05 As strong as it used to be, and you're right. It's not as strong as it used to be, but we're talking about like going from 99% mind control.
01:05:15 Of the public.
Speaker 7
01:05:16 To like a 90.Speaker 5
01:05:19 You know it's.Speaker 7
01:05:20 It's still pretty strong.Devon
01:05:23 It's still pretty strong and out of that out of that ten. It's not completely mind controlled. They're the ones that, you know, they're still paying for Netflix and Amazon and and M&M.01:05:34 'S and everything.
01:05:35 Yeah, you know Gillette and all that stuff.
01:05:39 And they're going to watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.
01:05:44 Green Floyd, 68, cringe Panda is cool. Thanks Devin for all you. Do you know, that's what I'm saying.
01:05:50 She is cool.
01:05:50 She's actually given me videos that have has that has led to episodes of the the.
01:05:57 The stream I can't talk right now.
01:06:01 I'm just my off day.
01:06:06 And I get it.
01:06:07 I don't want to talk about it.
01:06:08 I don't want to make it, you know.
01:06:10 Turn it into a thing.
01:06:12 I think it you know.
01:06:14 People are over it.
01:06:18 But yeah.
01:06:20 Soy pilled.
01:06:22 It's been almost three months because of that Fagot mailman, but I, by the way, big donation. Soy pill $250.
01:06:30 That's that's amazing.
01:06:32 It's been that's going to pay for like half of that Elon Musk Internet device.
01:06:39 It's been almost three months because of that Fagot.
01:06:42 No man, but I have finally been paid.
01:06:45 Here is wow.
01:06:46 You went three months.
01:06:47 Without getting paid.
01:06:49 I've had **** like that.
01:06:50 If you are you a contract worker.
01:06:51 I've had **** like that happen when you're waiting on a ******* check because you don't do direct deposit because you're a contract worker.
01:06:57 The worst part is when you keep sending invoices.
01:07:01 And they just never.
01:07:03 They just keep not paying.
01:07:05 I've actually, there's someone I'm still saying voices too.
01:07:08 It's been a year and a half.
01:07:10 I'm not going to get paid, but I'm.
01:07:11 I still send them invoices just to be a *******.
01:07:13 **** and be like you owe me.
01:07:16 It's not.
01:07:17 It's not a small amount, it's just.
01:07:18 That they're probably.
01:07:19 Never going to pay me.
01:07:21 I I think their company is.
01:07:23 Is about to go under, but it.
01:07:25 Is what it is.
01:07:26 Anyway, here is some love for the last few streams.
01:07:30 I was too impoverished to donate on, especially the last one.
01:07:33 I was almost in tears from laughing so hard.
01:07:39 You like the the Nazi remix.
01:07:41 Yeah, I think I'll do more of.
01:07:42 Something you know not not that specifically.
01:07:46 But I'm going.
01:07:46 To do more stuff.
01:07:47 Like that, I'm going to put some edits.
01:07:50 In just to spice it up a little bit.
01:07:53 Because there's you can editorialize visually, you don't have to.
01:07:57 Just use your words.
01:08:00 Why am I throwing away my talents as a video editor and?
01:08:05 An animator, what I can do?
01:08:08 Editorializing with with with visually with the visual medium and for those of you just listening, you guys missed out.
01:08:16 Alright, let me go back to regular chat here.
01:08:20 They said this is this is a pretty chill one.
01:08:22 We're just going to hang out for a little bit you.
01:08:24 Guys usually have some pretty good stuff.
Speaker 8
01:08:26 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:08:31 All right, regular chat.01:08:32 I know there's a little bit of a delay.
01:08:33 I'm back to regular chat mode.
01:08:35 For those those of you too poor, too, uh.
01:08:39 The tip, which I understand I totally get.
01:08:45 I'm now in the Nosebleed seats.
01:08:48 I don't know if it's updating.
01:08:51 See, I'll tell you what.
01:08:53 Yeah, I don't think it's updating.
01:08:55 Odyssey has not been exactly super.
01:08:59 I wonder if I pop it out, if it works better.
01:09:02 I didn't know you could do that till the other day and I did it on accident let.
Speaker 8
01:09:06 See if I can pop out chat.Devon
01:09:10 Pop out chat.Speaker 8
01:09:11 Is this going?Speaker 9
01:09:12 To help.Devon
01:09:13 Is that going to make it worse?01:09:15 Here we go.
01:09:17 It's actually working now.
01:09:20 And there's more super shots.
01:09:22 Let me grab the last one there.
01:09:23 Real quick or no.
01:09:24 Wait, did I miss one?
01:09:26 Did it?
01:09:28 I think it missed one.
01:09:33 Yeah, I missed.
01:09:33 I missed a couple.
01:09:35 It looks like I missed.
01:09:35 A couple guys someone said is Mexican is Mexican culture now what he was getting at is, I mean, in fact, The funny thing is it's the exact opposite when you think about Mexico, you don't think of any brands, any logos.
01:09:51 You know, you don't think.
01:09:51 Of any companies.
01:09:54 You don't.
01:09:55 Now there's there's a.
01:09:57 I mean, I think that's maybe an extreme in the other direction.
01:10:00 But I don't know.
01:10:01 Maybe they're happier.
01:10:02 You know what I was thinking about when it comes to Mexico, I I made that.
01:10:06 I made that that comment about, you know, the moon being afraid of the Mexican space program because just the idea of a Mexican.
01:10:15 Space program is ridiculous, right?
01:10:18 In the same way that, like a Mexican, almost anything like oh, you know, Mexican car company or Mexican computer company or Mexican software, you know, anything, right, that anything that would actually be exported in the United States, that's not like, you know, just it's not just being something being built or grown in Mexico because it's cheap.
01:10:38 Right.
01:10:39 Like anything that's that's actually innovative, doesn't really come from Mexico.
01:10:45 Now I want you to.
01:10:45 Think about this.
01:10:48 Because Mexico is also kind of a chaotic country.
01:10:52 Mexico is in, I mean, in some parts of Mexico, it's basically a narco state, right?
01:10:58 You have the cartels running big chunks of the country.
01:11:03 And their military, or I mean their their police is very militarized because of this right that.
01:11:10 I mean there's ******* shootouts.
01:11:12 People getting decapitated.
01:11:14 I mean, it's it's ******* madness down there.
01:11:18 Now want you to think about something.
01:11:20 This is this is a black pump trying to.
Speaker 7
01:11:22 Keep white pills going tonight.Devon
01:11:24 But this is a black pill.01:11:25 I had this.
01:11:26 Thought that I had, just like, oh ****.
01:11:29 Oh ****.
01:11:32 That's oh, that's right.
01:11:33 All right, so think of this.
Speaker 7
01:11:36 People keep thinking.Devon
01:11:37 Right, like, oh, my God, we're going to turn into Mexico, right?01:11:41 It's going to be like all these people come here, they're going to turn to Mexico.
01:11:47 I wish.
01:11:51 Oh yeah, I wonder why.
01:11:55 Mexico's homogeneous we're not going to turn into Mexico.
01:12:00 Think about how Shittily run Mexico is.
01:12:04 Just you know.
01:12:06 Second, there are.
01:12:08 There's some things that are great about having, like, a ****** little country next door.
01:12:13 You know cheap medicine and and medical care is one of those reasons.
01:12:16 But you know, I mean, like there are some reasons.
01:12:18 Why it's nice.
01:12:18 To have the little shithole next door.
01:12:21 That aside, generally speaking.
01:12:24 Think of how how well, Mexico, how smoothly Mexico's going right.
01:12:32 And they're homogeneous.
01:12:34 Imagine in Mexico.
01:12:36 That's multicultural.
01:12:42 Let that sink in for a second.
01:12:45 Because that's one of our big things, right, we we talk about, no, it's not just that it's not just that white people make the country better.
01:12:53 I mean, that's a big part of it.
01:12:54 That's that's not.
01:12:56 But it's also that the, you know, the homogeneous aspect of it, right.
01:12:59 Like you get low trust when you.
01:13:00 Have all these.
01:13:01 Different groups, I mean every study shows that diverse neighborhoods are just they're ******** and people trust each other less.
01:13:06 And it's just bad news.
01:13:10 Well, Mexico's homogeneous.
01:13:14 So imagine so, you know, we're not going to turn into Mexico.
01:13:18 We're going to turn into a multicultural Mexico.
01:13:24 Run that. Run that through.
01:13:25 Your brain's computer models for a second.
01:13:29 And justice picture that anyway.
01:13:32 There's Mexican culture, though.
01:13:34 There's, I mean, when I worked at that Mexican TV station, there were holidays that they celebrated in fact, like around being Christmas, like around Christmas they did.
01:13:42 Like weird, like after Christmas or in January, they did.
01:13:47 They did some weird.
01:13:47 I don't remember what it was.
01:13:48 Called it was actually.
01:13:51 I'm not gonna lie.
01:13:51 There was, like, cool.
01:13:52 Really cool things.
01:13:54 About they liked about their culture and that I and I enjoyed working with these guys, they.
01:14:00 Were some of these guys are?
01:14:02 Still friends, they're like.
01:14:04 But one of the things, for example they did.
01:14:08 Was uh.
01:14:09 It was like a.
01:14:10 Week like the first week of January or something, they made a cake.
01:14:14 But this sounds dangerous, but this is.
01:14:16 What they what they would.
01:14:17 Do they get a cake and they cut it off like, oh, did everyone take a piece?
01:14:21 I'm about to buy into this cake and like go be careful though, because there's baked into the cake.
01:14:26 Is or are some toys.
01:14:29 I was like what? Why?
01:14:30 Would you do that?
01:14:31 Well, if you get the piece with the toy in it, then you have to throw.
01:14:36 A Christmas party?
01:14:38 In January, apparently.
01:14:41 Luckily, I didn't.
01:14:41 I would have.
01:14:42 I was.
01:14:43 I was really hoping I did not get the the toy.
01:14:45 I didn't get the toy, thank God.
01:14:48 Ah, because I thought that would have been.
01:14:50 Awkward, but anyway, no, they they.
01:14:52 Have a culture.
01:14:53 They have a culture.
01:14:54 You don't have to like it.
01:14:55 I'm not saying like everything about it.
01:14:56 I mean, cuz you could even say.
01:14:57 The cartels are a.
01:14:58 Part of the culture, right, and they are.
01:15:01 At this point I would have.
01:15:03 To say that that.
01:15:04 Cartel crime is culturally significant to.
01:15:07 Mexicans at this point.
01:15:10 OK.
01:15:13 Was there another one that I missed here?
01:15:16 Here we go.
01:15:17 I think I missed this one.
01:15:20 Eric Blood Axe $5 eating children's hearts and sacrificing virgins to a son, a son God and getting conquered by children. Spanish conquistadors, right? Yeah, and that's part of the culture too. It just is.
01:15:36 You know, and and increasingly part of our culture.
01:15:41 Getting getting conquered by people who really shouldn't have the ability to do that.
01:15:48 It's a little embarrassing, so I'm starting.
01:15:50 I'm starting to feel the pain that they feel.
01:15:52 Alright, it's got a normal chat now and I think that.
01:15:55 It's probably updating here.
01:15:58 Here we go.
01:16:02 The extra dimensional, please watch the 2021 Norwegian movie The trip.
01:16:07 I think you recommended this before, didn't you?
01:16:10 The movie is dubbed to English.
01:16:12 Everything your last dream was about, but in a more subversive post, modern sense.
01:16:17 It's especially disturbing.
01:16:20 Realized in the beautiful small European country like Norway, the Jew has their grasp.
Speaker 8
01:16:27 On the 21 or regions, I'm going to.Devon
01:16:30 I will definitely.Speaker 8
01:16:33 I will definitely check that out.Devon
01:16:35 You guys have some really good stuff.01:16:40 That's one of the reasons I got.
01:16:41 To get my e-mail cleared out.
01:16:47 Should we watch the trailer?
01:16:48 We can watch.
01:16:48 The trailer, I think.
01:16:51 What are the trailers here somewhere?
01:17:03 Is the trailer dubbed?
01:17:09 Let me see if the trailer is dubbed.
01:17:10 I don't want to watch if it's.
Speaker 8
01:17:11 Norwegian I'm not understanding of it.Speaker 10
01:17:15 Hello viewers.01:17:17 Unique video entire, tied with your Netflix release.
01:17:18 That does not sound like English.01:17:21 All right.
01:17:21 We're not going to.
01:17:24 We're not going to watch the trailer, but I'll.
01:17:25 Check it out.
Speaker 8
01:17:30 Alright, let me take a look here.Devon
01:17:42 We have another dollar as Zoomer.01:17:47 Excuse me, I just want to thank you for red Pilling me a few years ago.
01:17:51 I watched you on YouTube and I was a Shapiro.
01:17:54 Cog. Yeah, I mean.
01:17:56 I I I wish I could still be on.
01:17:58 YouTube for that very reason.
01:18:01 But I just, I can't.
01:18:02 I can't for the same thing I'm talking about, right?
01:18:05 I'm giving my consent.
01:18:07 Now I've left my videos up in case people somehow come across. I don't know how they would right. I doubt the algorithm's going to.
01:18:16 Going to steer them towards my older video, especially because they're old now, right?
01:18:20 But just in case, you know, they're out there, but it's just, you know, I I I could no longer support their platform.
01:18:28 And and and well and plus the other thing.
01:18:32 Too is just the the mental torture of self censoring.
01:18:36 You know, watch some of these people every once in a while that are still on YouTube and and you just watch them.
01:18:43 I I mean I it's embarrassing, really.
01:18:46 Right, it's embarrassing.
01:18:49 To watch them get nervous every time you know this topic or that topic comes up.
01:18:54 Like, don't, can't say that.
01:18:58 It's like, what the **** I can say whatever the.
01:18:59 I want here in Odyssey.
01:19:04 And yeah, obviously.
01:19:06 If I were to self censor.
01:19:09 Made a quarter of a million plus subscribers over on YouTube it would have.
01:19:14 Been really easy for me to self censor and just play, you know, just be change from black pilled to red pilled right?
01:19:23 And just to Charlie, Kirk approved talking point ******** in a more interesting way than the ******* doing it right now, which would be really easy.
01:19:32 To do, believe me.
01:19:34 And I'd make a I'd make a good living doing that, and I had.
01:19:37 Look, I had opportunities.
01:19:39 I had opportunities to do that.
01:19:43 I just.
01:19:44 I had opportunities to do that.
01:19:47 And yeah.
01:19:49 I you know, I I I did that before.
01:19:52 Not that but well, I guess I I did sort of do that and there's people I worked with in that.
01:19:57 Community for a little bit before I figured it out.
01:20:00 But that moreover, what I'm talking about is when I was real young.
01:20:05 I worked as a.
01:20:09 I think I told this story before, so I'll just make it real quick.
01:20:11 I I sold long distance back when that was a thing.
01:20:15 I was a telemarketer selling long distance to people.
01:20:19 I was still in high school doing this.
01:20:22 And I was really ******* good.
01:20:24 And I was making thousands of dollars a month.
01:20:28 Back when, like I'm still in high school.
01:20:31 Selling long distance to people.
01:20:34 And it was because I I was convinced that I was selling.
01:20:40 Like I fell for the, I mean, I went to the the training program.
01:20:43 I didn't know about.
01:20:43 I was in high school.
01:20:44 What I know about ******* long distance.
01:20:46 And according to their little training program, you know they have the cheapest prices and the best service and all this other stuff.
01:20:51 And I believe it all right.
01:20:54 Well, if if it's cheaper than everybody and better than everybody, why wouldn't you want it?
01:20:58 It doesn't cost anything to switch.
01:20:59 Just why not just?
01:21:01 I mean, I'll push a button over here and your phone bill goes down.
01:21:05 Everyone wins, right?
01:21:08 And then after doing it for a while, I would talk to people that had better deals.
01:21:14 On a very an increasingly more regular basis, and I started realizing ohh I've been I think I've been.
01:21:20 Lying to people like.
01:21:21 This is not the best deal.
01:21:24 And my paychecks swiftly.
01:21:28 Went from thousands of dollars to hundreds of dollars to I I quit.
01:21:37 I just couldn't.
01:21:37 I can't.
01:21:38 I can't sell something.
01:21:39 Don't believe in.
01:21:42 I just.
01:21:43 I don't have that.
01:21:43 In me but a.
01:21:44 Lot of people do a lot of people do.
01:21:46 I mean, trust me, even at well, I mean at the at.
01:21:48 That call center.
01:21:49 When they was just people, ship bags selling long distance to people.
01:21:54 Most of those people.
01:21:56 Didn't have any kind.
01:21:57 Of crisis of conscience at all, like there were people that that were just.
01:22:03 It was like elder, there was elder abuse going on at a mass scale.
01:22:06 There were so many people just like.
01:22:08 Talking to confused old people and switching it.
01:22:12 Was it was terrible, but anyway.
Speaker 8
01:22:15 Let's take a look here.Devon
01:22:24 Bear singe Torex watch the series 11/22/63. It's only 8 episodes starring James Franco. You know I read.01:22:35 The book.
01:22:38 I don't know if I mean it was a long time ago.
01:22:41 I guess it wasn't super long.
01:22:42 It's not that old of a book, but I read the book when it first came out.
01:22:45 Or rather, I think I got the audio book of it.
01:22:51 Yeah, it's about, I mean, all I remember really is about time traveling and JFK and, but it's the same ****, right?
01:22:58 There's another example, the same morality being pushed on everyone by video games by M&M commercials, by Netflix specials.
01:23:08 Are also it's.
01:23:09 It's in books.
01:23:11 In fact, it's maddeningly in books because I like audio books.
01:23:16 I used to like audio books a lot more.
01:23:18 But I ran out.
01:23:19 Of old books to listen to.
01:23:21 And I've been trying to listen to like, you know.
01:23:23 And here's the thing.
01:23:24 I like, just dumb post apocalyptic fiction and a lot of it's just really *******, you know, mindless, whatever stuff, right?
01:23:34 And it's impossible to even just find a book.
01:23:38 That isn't isn't just like you.
01:23:40 Know the same thing you see in action films, where there's some 90 pound ******* woman being the shared of old men and and and there's like the whole.
01:23:49 Anti white **** going on.
01:23:50 It's in books now.
01:23:53 So anyway.
Speaker 8
01:23:58 Scroll down here.Devon
01:24:01 Returned Fagot.01:24:02 You're asking me what I said?
01:24:03 I don't know anything.
01:24:04 About what do you think about the situation?
01:24:06 Ukraine CIA looks fairly scared about the invasion sent to similar chat earlier about super chats.
01:24:11 Have issues?
01:24:12 They are, you know.
01:24:13 I don't know if you guys.
01:24:15 Let me know if.
01:24:16 Anyone else?
01:24:17 If you listen to other guys or send super?
01:24:19 Chats to other people. They're.
01:24:19 Having problems because I.
01:24:22 I have.
01:24:24 I mean, I get that this is a new platform and they're having issues, but I hope it's not like something stupid like my my browser I'm using brave.
01:24:32 I don't know that it would have it, but brave does **** ** sometimes and weird stuff.
01:24:37 But no, I don't know.
01:24:38 That's the thing.
01:24:39 I I don't know enough about the situation.
01:24:42 My understanding is Russia essentially wants a.
01:24:48 Like a land bridge leading into Crimea.
01:24:54 I could be wrong that.
01:24:54 That someone told me that today.
01:24:57 That that's what they want.
01:24:58 They want to annex a little bit of more.
01:25:00 Yeah, a little bit more of of Ukraine to to have a a clearer path to Crimea.
01:25:10 I don't know how much of that.
01:25:11 Is is real?
01:25:17 And I've talked to Russians who.
01:25:19 Don't know what's going on.
01:25:20 I've talked to Ukrainians who don't know what's going.
01:25:22 On so, I don't know.
01:25:23 I don't know, I.
01:25:24 I'll tell you this.
01:25:26 I would be shocked.
01:25:29 And I mean.
01:25:31 You should at this point I don't, I'm not going to say it would.
01:25:34 Go to World War.
01:25:35 Three, but it would be very surprising.
01:25:38 And you should probably stock.
01:25:39 Up on food.
01:25:39 Well, you should.
01:25:40 Be doing that anyway, but if America did.
01:25:44 Try to do anything other than what they've always done when it comes to Russia.
01:25:49 Which is, you know, just like when when Russia was in Afghanistan, what did what did America do?
01:25:56 They gave Stinger missiles to Afghanistan or the Afghans, right?
01:26:02 But that was it.
01:26:02 I mean, well, they also, you know, CIA agents went in there and trained him and stuff like that.
01:26:06 But like there.
01:26:07 Was never like an American army boots on the ground in Afghanistan while Russia.
01:26:14 Was doing that.
01:26:15 And I suspect if anything happens with Ukraine, it'll be a similar situation.
01:26:20 But I I.
01:26:21 Don't know.
01:26:21 I don't even think that's going to happen.
01:26:22 There was.
01:26:23 I saw something today about Ukrainians were complaining that Germany was refusing to sell them weapons.
01:26:32 And I know Germany's got a relationship with Russia as it pertains to, I think it's natural gas.
01:26:43 And at least I mean over the last few years I've heard stories over and over again.
01:26:47 Like, oh, you know, Putin is is, you know, really turning the turning the screws on Germany and and because of their, you know, they they get so much energy or Germany get so much energy from from Russia.
01:27:00 Which is another product of a lot of this stuff.
01:27:02 I mean, you think Germany isn't capable of producing its own energy of?
01:27:05 Course it is.
01:27:07 But because of all this environmentalist ********, they end up having to buy.
01:27:11 It from Russia.
01:27:12 So it's it's another sign of a crumbling West.
01:27:15 The West is going down in the same way. See, here's the thing to give you an idea of how disconnected I think is appropriate. Not only should you not give a **** about the M&M characters.
01:27:28 Being gay or trans or or whatever.
01:27:32 I don't even care when they're playing on the statutes.
01:27:34 It used to ****.
01:27:35 Me off, but now it doesn't.
Speaker 7
01:27:38 Now it doesn't.Devon
01:27:40 I, as I said before, I actually look forward now because that's when you'll know that the illusion is finally gone.01:27:47 The Boomer con illusion is finally it's got.
01:27:50 I mean, it's got to have some impact.
01:27:55 If there's ever a day that Antifa or Black Lives Matter or just a bunch of angry ********, pull down the Lincoln Memorial or something like that.
01:28:07 I will laugh my *** off.
01:28:09 I won't be mad.
01:28:10 I'm mad.
01:28:10 At all.
01:28:12 Or any of the big ones, right?
01:28:14 The The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial.
01:28:20 How the the Vietnam Wall?
01:28:25 I'll laugh.
01:28:27 I will laugh because that will be a that'll be a sure sign that the boomer Chan reality.
01:28:36 Has dissolved.
Speaker 8
01:28:40 Alright, let me let me go through here.Devon
01:28:44 Desert Fox any book recommendations?01:28:47 If you're talking about post apocalyptic stuff, a weird one that actually I kind of like.
01:28:53 But I haven't read it in many years, so hopefully there's nothing too embarrassing in it.
01:28:58 Or like Communist, I mean it's a little hippy dippy, but it's it's called the Earth abides.
01:29:05 And it's a post apocalyptic like I think, like a virus kills off a bunch of people.
01:29:10 But it's just interesting because it was written in, I think, in the 19.
01:29:13 50S and so it's from the perspective of someone in the 1950s thinking about what it would be like to basically be walking around in a, you know, dying out well.
01:29:26 Mostly dead.
01:29:31 Bridge of salt.
01:29:32 You might like the post apocalyptic book road or the road by Cormac McCarthy.
01:29:37 It's very dark, though I feel like I have that.
01:29:42 I feel like I have that I'll have.
01:29:44 To take a look.
01:29:44 And see, I think I saw the movie, but I think I have the book too.
01:29:50 Greetings Dev and I've been listening to you for a few months and I am grateful for your work.
01:29:54 You talk about a lot about preparing the next generation.
01:29:58 I'm 25 and a father of two. How would you raise your child in this country? Where would you take them? I know it's broad. Thank you.
01:30:06 You know, I was actually talking about this or talking about this with someone tonight.
01:30:11 It it it's very difficult to to know how much you should shelter your your child.
01:30:19 I mean, there's there's extremes, but I honestly, and this is going to sound like.
01:30:23 An extreme to.
01:30:24 People, there's.
01:30:27 In my experience, even kids, if you want, like in fact if you want an extreme version of kids being sheltered.
01:30:33 And I'm not saying.
01:30:34 To this, these people are ******* crazy.
Speaker 4
01:30:37 But there was.Devon
01:30:38 A documentary few years back called, I want to say it was called the.01:30:43 Wolf Pack.
01:30:44 And it followed the story.
01:30:47 There was this white boomer lady that was trying to find herself like in Peru or something like somewhere in South America.
01:30:55 And she met like some guy that was, you know, that was indigenous, sort of.
01:31:02 And, you know, because she was, she felt very spiritual, you know, stupid boomer ****.
01:31:07 But then she tried to bring him back.
01:31:09 To America to live in New York.
01:31:13 And they went to New York and.
01:31:17 He he didn't he hate.
01:31:19 And this was, I think, during the time when, like, murders were happening, like all over the ******* place in New York.
01:31:25 I mean it still is, but I.
Speaker 9
01:31:26 Mean it was.Devon
01:31:26 Like extra bad then right?01:31:28 And you had like, all the gang violence.
01:31:30 I don't I.
01:31:30 Don't remember part of New York?
01:31:33 They were in, but it was in a, you know, there was, like, everywhere you look, there's giant buildings, you know.
01:31:37 So it was.
01:31:38 It was like in the city it.
01:31:39 Wasn't like a suburb.
01:31:41 And somehow or another, they wind up on welfare and living off disability and whatever. But 100% of the system like so neither.
01:31:49 One of them worked.
01:31:52 For like decades, that's the ****** ** thing.
01:31:54 But they had this apartment.
01:31:57 Probably thanks to like rent control, they lived there for so long, they had a pretty large apartment.
01:32:03 And they had something like.
01:32:07 I mean, it might have been like 10 kids.
01:32:10 And none of the kids.
01:32:12 We're allowed to leave the apartment now.
01:32:14 When I say apartment this again.
01:32:16 It was like think of like it was their apartment was probably twice the size of the pill box, which isn't saying much, but just the idea.
01:32:22 It wasn't like a tiny, you know, two-bedroom apartment. It was. It was also not huge, but it wasn't, you know, like the studio apartment. They're all packed in.
01:32:32 And they weren't.
01:32:34 Some of these kids stayed in that apartment.
01:32:37 For like 15 years, never like never left.
01:32:43 They were kind of weirdos.
01:32:45 Right.
01:32:47 I mean, they, but they weren't.
01:32:49 I mean, you would expect them to be, like, just totally ****** ** right from living, living locked up in a in an apartment, looking out the window and seeing all those buildings.
01:33:00 And they were allowed to watch movies.
01:33:02 So like, they knew like that there was an outside world out there and they were.
01:33:05 It wasn't even like a.
01:33:06 Whole lot of censorship going on in terms of what movies they were allowed to.
01:33:10 And they did get kind of weird and obsessive, and they started like, I mean, it's a fascinating documentary.
01:33:15 I highly recommend it, but they they, they they got obsessive and started transcribing the movies.
01:33:21 And then they.
01:33:22 They got they got their hands on like some VHS camera and started reenacting the movies and their whole world.
01:33:29 Started to center around movies because they never went outside.
01:33:34 Like never went outside, I think like one of them snuck out once and then, like, freaked out.
01:33:38 Like couldn't handle it and ran back.
01:33:39 In well eventually.
Speaker 7
01:33:41 I think.Devon
01:33:42 Somehow or another, some documentary crew found out about it and got in there and interviewed them and watched some of their movies and stuff like that, and they ended up as a result of this interaction, wanting to go outside and like some of the kids were actually at this point like 18 and ****.01:34:03 And so they they, you know, no one could tell they couldn't.
01:34:06 So they they went outside.
01:34:08 And yeah, they were kind of weirdos.
01:34:12 They were kind of freaks, but they weren't like, I mean they they seemed like nice guys, you know, like they were a little socially awkward, but they.
01:34:21 Were kind of.
01:34:21 Nice guys and they were sociable.
01:34:24 You know, you think they wouldn't be, but they.
01:34:25 Were sociable now again.
01:34:27 I'm not saying to you that that's an extreme weirdo thing, but what I'm trying to get at here.
01:34:32 I would rather my kid be that kind of weird and be like a nice guy.
01:34:37 Be like, you know, even if he's kind of weird and whatever and maybe a little naive, although, you know, I think that's probably a bad idea.
01:34:44 And in in this world.
01:34:46 But I'd rather have like the the home school kid weirdo effect on my child, then have my kid come home wanting to.
01:34:56 Chop *** **** off.
01:35:01 And unfortunately, that's where we're at right now.
01:35:04 And we're also in a place where you might not have a say in it.
01:35:10 You might have a kid.
01:35:12 Let's say he is awkward, even though you know most kids go through at least some.
01:35:17 Awkward stage, right?
01:35:22 And he gets seduced by this idea that, oh, because every.
01:35:25 Kid wants to.
01:35:25 Be cool.
01:35:26 Oh, yeah.
01:35:28 I'll get into this trans ****, because that's going to make me more socially acceptable.
01:35:33 In fact, I'm going to.
01:35:34 Be a.
01:35:34 Hero, my teacher says I'm going to be a hero.
01:35:39 And all it takes is that that kid, in a moment of weakness and you know.
01:35:44 Maybe hormones or whatever the Hell's going on.
01:35:48 Tells the teacher you know, I just, I think I'm a I'm I'm a girl or or a guy or, you know, whatever the ****, and you might.
01:35:55 Not have a say in it.
01:36:00 So whatever you do, I would homeschool your kid.
01:36:04 I would homeschool your kid.
01:36:06 I would try to shelter them a little bit and just keep.
01:36:09 In mind that.
01:36:13 There's ways of getting them socialized that you know, with other home schools.
01:36:19 It depends on where you're at in the country.
01:36:20 I mean, there's there's different groups of home schooled families that meet up for different event, you know, like for sports and things like or that's something you can do.
01:36:29 You could put them in.
01:36:31 I don't know what they call it now, but I was like in soccer when I was a kid and it was called, it was called the Apple or something like Y AFL or something.
01:36:39 Like that and I don't know if that's still a thing, I'm sure.
01:36:43 Something like that is.
01:36:45 But stuff like that put them into sports.
01:36:51 But yeah, it's it's at the very least home school.
01:36:55 Homeschool them, and I would.
01:36:56 I wouldn't let kids on the Internet.
01:36:58 I wouldn't give the kid a tablet.
01:36:59 I wouldn't give a kid a phone.
01:37:02 Maybe a dumb phone.
01:37:03 You can get them like a flip phone or something like that for emergencies.
01:37:06 For but but why?
01:37:08 Why is he out of your sight?
01:37:10 You know.
01:37:13 Unless he's older, I don't know.
01:37:15 It's that's that is going to be one of the toughest challenges.
01:37:22 This next generation here is the environment now is more hostile to children than I think it has ever been in modern times.
01:37:32 In a big way.
01:37:35 And there are so many parents that are obsessed.
01:37:43 With their with their personal.
01:37:45 Lives in the same way that the boomers were.
01:37:46 Right.
01:37:48 There's just as many weak parents today as there were during the the time of the boomers, if not more, honestly.
01:37:57 And there's more diversity now.
01:37:59 So it's like one of another reason why I think it's it's you need to kind of cordon off your children.
01:38:04 From the other.
01:38:05 People, it's like it used to be.
01:38:08 And look, you can get some of this.
01:38:09 Maybe with if you go to a church.
01:38:12 You go to a local church where you know the.
01:38:14 Other parents and you restrict them to interacting with people from that church.
01:38:19 Because you can't.
01:38:21 I mean, you can control the parenting you're doing and the the schooling that you're doing, but you let them interact with the randos.
01:38:29 And that poison gets in there, you know.
01:38:33 I don't know.
01:38:34 It's a tough thing.
01:38:34 It's something that, you know that that's going to be.
01:38:37 The hardest?
01:38:39 It's one of the hardest things that anyone does right now.
01:38:44 Alright, let me take a look here.
01:38:45 There's some more paid super chats going flip over to those real quick.
01:39:00 It is updating.
01:39:02 OK, here's what I.
01:39:02 Think is new.
01:39:04 Gray beer $25. Russia has made some great movies and their quality is in stark contrast to Hollywood movies like hard to be a God, the return the islands or the island Stalker can't remember the title, but it was about corporations being deities feeding off of people.
01:39:24 You should check them out.
01:39:27 Yeah, I've got a few Russian movies.
01:39:29 I just, you know.
01:39:31 I don't know.
01:39:32 I I don't have time to always sit down and and watch them like it has to be something I can like, listen to also so I can be doing other things a lot of times.
01:39:43 And so when they just have subtitles, I usually there was a time I had time for.
01:39:49 That I don't have.
01:39:50 Time for that right now.
01:39:52 And so if they're dubbed as much as I hate that, I would much prefer subtitles in terms of if I'm going to actually sit down in a theater and, like, watch.
01:39:58 Something that dubbed is terrible, but in terms of just listening to something.
01:40:03 While I'm doing other stuff, I would prefer Dub so I don't know.
01:40:07 I'll look into that.
01:40:08 There's like I said, I need to find brought the van.
01:40:11 I need to find that Gary Busey scene because people don't believe that it's real and I'm telling you it's it's one of the I you know, I I'm going to make it my mission to try to.
01:40:19 Find that before the next stream.
01:40:22 Alright, we go back to.
01:40:23 The regular chat.
01:40:30 Someone said oh, so 567.
01:40:34 In Soviet Russia, movies dub you.
01:40:37 No, just kidding. Yeah.
Speaker 9
01:40:38 It says all movies are dub.Devon
01:40:42 Let's see here.Speaker 8
01:40:44 If I missed anybody's thing here.Devon
01:40:55 Hi priest king Terry.01:40:56 Oh, wait, hold on.
01:40:57 Let me get Bruga salt first.
01:40:59 I'll get you.
01:41:00 Have you ever thought about doing a stream on kosher tax?
01:41:03 We pay on products we buy, even non food ones, that symbol with AU and a circle and other symbols and everything we buy, we go in from the the Jewish religious.
01:41:15 Requirements of course.
01:41:16 We did.
01:41:17 You know what that.
01:41:18 That wouldn't be a bad one.
01:41:22 Yeah, I mean I'm, I'm I'm nominally aware, I know what you're talking about, but I've never done a deep dive on what every because there's a bunch of different ones and they mean different things.
01:41:32 And you're right, it gets well.
01:41:34 I mean, I don't know if there's an actual tax, but it is rolled into the cost because the manufacturers have to pay to get that stupid symbol on the food.
01:41:43 So in a sense, you're paying.
01:41:46 You're paying for that process to take place.
01:41:48 That wouldn't be.
01:41:48 A bad idea.
01:41:50 High Priest King Terry these last few weekends have been a headache football playoffs.
01:41:55 Many people I know who swore to boycott the NFL because of BLM ****.
01:42:00 Now they TuneIn and I call them out on it. The response is the same, just need a distraction or just this one game. Yeah. No, that's The thing is.
Speaker 7
01:42:09 It's always like that.Devon
01:42:10 It's always like that.01:42:11 Well, it's just, you know, it's just it's always just something.
01:42:16 It's just this.
01:42:17 It's just that.
01:42:18 That's why.
01:42:19 That's why I'm saying these people are all that.
01:42:21 That's these are the people that are ****** *** about.
01:42:23 The M&M cartoons being gay.
01:42:28 Because they're emotionally connected to it, it's part of their identity.
01:42:33 There is.
01:42:35 A lot of people, it might sound crazy, but it's true. A lot of people, their identity includes cartoon M&M's.
01:42:44 And even more people, there are a lot more people.
01:42:49 Their identity includes watching biracial gay **** on a giant field of grass.
01:43:01 That's that's.
01:43:03 That's just the way it is.
01:43:05 That's the way it is.
01:43:07 And look, I've never look.
01:43:10 It was it was an.
01:43:10 It's an easy ask for me to not watch sports because I never understood why anyone would would find that interesting.
01:43:18 I've never understood that.
01:43:21 Maybe if you.
01:43:23 You also played football like like you were competitive and you wanted to watch like the people that were really good at it to get some good, OK.
01:43:32 That would make sense.
01:43:38 But we have we have a nation.
01:43:41 That has this candy culture.
01:43:44 This this sweet?
01:43:46 Poisonous culture.
01:43:51 And it's all one way.
01:43:53 It's just one way communication.
01:43:54 They're just, they're just sucking it in.
01:43:56 They're just sucking it in like they suck up the sugar.
01:44:07 There's nothing interactive about watching millionaire black guys.
01:44:13 Spank millionaire white guys on the *** wearing spandex.
01:44:20 On plastic grass.
01:44:28 With flashy emotions and or flashy animations and explosions and.
01:44:36 And and and commercials.
Speaker 7
01:44:38 For M&M.Speaker 9
01:44:39 'S you know.Devon
01:44:46 All right, Truman.01:44:48 Maybe talk about James Cameron, Avatar movie.
01:44:50 I remember that.
01:44:51 I liked it when it came out, but now I watched it and I'm utterly disgusted by the main character, traitor to his people.
01:44:58 Yeah, well, it's dances with Smurfs as South Park called it.
01:45:02 It's basically dancing with wolves, except for instead of.
01:45:06 You know the white guy betraying his people for the Indians, it's the white guy betraying his people for giant blue Smurfs.
01:45:17 You know.
01:45:19 But it's literally dances with wolves with blue aliens.
01:45:22 That's all it is.
01:45:25 It's it's kind of a it's beating you over the head with the idea that the the fascist white English speaking people.
01:45:34 Are just there to destroy.
01:45:37 The world, but I'll.
01:45:38 Tell you what.
01:45:39 I care increasingly less about that for the same reason, like look, what have I been talking all night tonight that we have a consumer culture?
01:45:48 We consume, we consume, we consume.
01:45:56 I'm not saying that that the Native American culture or the OR the avatar, you know, blue alien culture is superior.
01:46:06 But if you wanted to say that ohh well it it's a commentary on that.
01:46:10 I I'm less mad.
01:46:11 About it these days, I'm just less mad about it.
01:46:17 Yeah, the the, the, the other aspect of that is the idea that, I mean they called it avatar and the same thing that you call the reason why it's called that is the same it's.
01:46:30 That is a a symbol that represents you in a virtual world in the same way that we have avatars on social media, right?
01:46:38 And soon in the metaverse.
01:46:43 So it's also that movie is kind of a harbinger of things to come.
01:46:49 You know getting the pod.
01:46:54 Get in the pod and you can be this totally different person, even if you don't have legs, you'll magically have, you know, legs and.
01:47:03 Some weird tailed penis thing.
01:47:07 And you'll be blue.
01:47:13 Christos Rex.
01:47:14 It's sad to see how factional the right is right now, though the revolutionaries were in a similar state before the Russian Revolution.
01:47:23 They spent about as much time mocking each other.
01:47:26 As they did the Czar.
01:47:28 It's a power vacuum.
01:47:29 There's no look, I think that a lot of people in the same way.
01:47:33 That in 2016, all these exact same people, and they did, with very few exceptions.
01:47:39 They all fell in line behind Trump when it became clear that he was going to, you know, he was the one wielding the power.
01:47:49 Now he didn't wield it the way we had hoped, but.
01:47:53 We support him because of the the possibility, right?
01:47:58 And right now, we're just in this power vacuum.
01:48:00 Everyone knows it's not well.
01:48:02 The Q, ***** and other, you know, people are still they don't get it yet.
01:48:07 And then there's other delusional people that think DeSantis and and sadly, something like that will most likely happen.
01:48:14 It's not like it's not like next election.
01:48:19 All of a sudden you're going to have someone that's like Devon stack.
01:48:22 Approved, you know.
01:48:23 Like oh, that.
01:48:23 Guy's he he gets it now.
01:48:26 Now, that's not.
01:48:28 In fact, that's never going to happen.
01:48:29 That will never be a there will never be a viable there's.
01:48:33 The reason I say there's no political solution is because there isn't.
01:48:37 There will never be a viable candidate that supports the things that we support that represents us.
01:48:45 That's the point.
01:48:46 We're on the way out.
01:48:47 We're on the decline, all right.
01:48:50 Trump was kind of like the dead cat bounce.
01:48:52 That wasn't even really a dead cat bounce.
01:48:54 He was more just.
01:48:54 A ******* dead cat.
01:48:57 It was like the last dying gasp of white America trying to, you know, assert its power.
01:49:03 And failing.
01:49:06 So I mean, if you have people like De Santis or any of these other types that will actually get funded by billionaires and be able to run in the first place and and be able to survive whatever voter fraud happens, you know, because again, I'm increasingly it's looking more like these people are selected and not elected.
01:49:28 I don't think that there's a chance that.
01:49:32 That you're going to get anyone, even not even as good as Trump, which is sad.
01:49:37 Because you're going to get these people that are much like the Republican Party.
Speaker 9
01:49:43 You know that.Devon
01:49:44 It used to be that, oh, we got base black guys.01:49:47 Well, now they got bass ********.
01:49:51 I mean, they're.
01:49:51 I think Owen Benjamin said on gab today that, you know, people have.
01:49:56 Always I like this way of saying it better, but people have always said that the Conservatives are just the the Liberals doing the speed limit.
01:50:06 But he said that the I think the Conservatives are just liberals.
01:50:11 In slow motion.
01:50:16 And that's that's true.
01:50:20 OK, I actually caught a super chat.
Speaker 8
01:50:23 Here on this.Devon
01:50:24 $110.00 from the Foobar Nation post collapse fiction book recommendation only by the blood of suffering all.Speaker 8
01:50:32 Right.01:50:33 Well, that sounds good.
01:50:36 Copy that one.
01:50:38 I'll add that to my notes.Speaker 7
01:50:45 All right.Devon
01:50:47 Thank you for that and the Super chat.01:50:55 See I need to Scroll down. Someone asks if the movie is the Wolf Pack 2015. I think that's what it was. Let me look here.
01:51:05 Now here's here's.
01:51:05 Another funny twist to that story I was saying.
Speaker 7
01:51:09 So the.Devon
01:51:12 Let's see here.01:51:13 Yeah, it is.
01:51:14 Wolf Pack 2015.
01:51:17 And The funny thing is.
01:51:21 Let me just see if I'm right.
01:51:23 I have a suspicion.
01:51:28 I have a suspicion about.
01:51:30 This person let me see.
01:51:39 I'm looking at early life.
01:51:40 I don't know.
01:51:43 I I can't say for sure.
01:51:45 So I'm not gonna.
01:51:46 I'm not gonna.
Speaker 9
01:51:47 Not gonna say I was gonna say.01:51:48 Because I don't know.
01:51:50 I mean probably.01:51:55 I'm not going to say for sure.
01:51:58 I was just going to.
01:51:58 I was going to make a comment about how even in this micro version of a society.
01:52:06 Certain kind of person.
01:52:09 Weaseled their way into the community and then immediately broke it up because that's what happened after they did the documentary the I think the husband and wife split and all the kids kind of like and you could say that that was a good.
01:52:21 Thing if you want.
01:52:22 But I'm just saying, you know, that was a.
01:52:24 Nice little community.
01:52:25 That everything was fine and then someone someone heard about it and.
01:52:28 Said that. Oh.
Speaker 9
01:52:28 That's not how I want to do things and.Devon
01:52:31 I'm just saying anyway, I was just.01:52:32 Going to make.
Speaker 9
01:52:32 That joke.01:52:34 Alright, let me let me.
01:52:36 Scroll down to some of these newer ones, grey beer $25. Guys like Razorfish think we can go back to a functioning Republic.01:52:43 He fails to recognize that the mechanisms to a function Republic have been destroyed and can't be repaired without changing demographic.
01:52:53 Well, that's the thing too.
01:52:54 Someone even asked the other night.
01:52:55 Like, what about national socialism?
01:52:57 I said that won't even get off the ground without changing changing.
01:52:59 The demographics you're not going to, it's again, think about Mexico.
01:53:06 If it was multicultural.
01:53:12 OK, they're not that far.
01:53:14 They have many of the same natural resources.
01:53:17 That we do.
01:53:21 They're, I mean, they're right next door.
01:53:23 There's no reason for them to be.
01:53:26 That much ********.
01:53:30 Other than I mean largely at least because of demographics and now make them make them worse by mixing it up.
01:53:39 Now, not just have have because again, they yes, they suffer from the demographic difference, right?
01:53:48 But the homogeneous part is kind of like they should have a bonus, right?
Speaker 7
01:53:52 That should help.Devon
01:53:53 Them out and it probably does.01:53:57 In fact, I'm sure it does.
01:53:59 Having a shared culture like if you go to Mexico just here's think of all these, these little tiny aspects of what I'm talking about.
01:54:07 Think of how much energy is spent.
01:54:09 the United States and this might seem like a small thing, but a small thing is always a small thing until it's a ******* big thing.
01:54:16 Think of all the different think of all the.
01:54:19 Now the the time and money spent just on this tiny aspect, tiny aspect of multiculturalism, and that is one of the boomer talking points in the 1980s, right? One of the things that bugged them in the.
01:54:32 Having things in multiple languages right, one of the big fights used to be well, we should only have, you know, voters registration should only be in English and we should.
01:54:41 We should make English the official.
01:54:42 Language and blah blah so we only.
01:54:45 Well, obviously, just like everything else, the the boomer conservatives lost on, they lost on that right.
01:54:51 Obviously think of just the energy and it's not just with in terms of government ****.
01:54:57 I mean the new.
01:54:57 I tried watching the new Terminator movie.
01:55:01 Half that ******* movies.
01:55:03 No one told me this half that.
Speaker 7
01:55:05 Movies in Spanish.Devon
01:55:08 Like half of it.Speaker 7
01:55:11 Not even ******* with you.Devon
01:55:16 Well, I don't know is the the very, very latest one the the one that has the chick that that played.01:55:20 The original Sarah.
01:55:21 Connor, in it, I had never seen it.
01:55:24 I was like, oh, I don't.
Speaker 7
01:55:25 Even know they made this?Devon
01:55:27 I like.01:55:28 I like the first Terminator.
01:55:29 Let's watch this.
01:55:30 It's got original.
01:55:31 Sarah Connor would probably be a little girl, powery, you know, but it always kind of was.
01:55:36 At least after Part 2, you know part one wasn't part one was based in that department.
01:55:41 She played the girl you would expect there to be.
01:55:44 But then all of.
01:55:44 A sudden she's this ******, but.
01:55:45 Whatever T2 still a good movie.
01:55:52 So I start to watch this one. It's like it's at least 50% Spanish.
01:56:03 So just think of of just the disconnect and just think of just in, in terms of we've talked about this right where the the language that you speak is like your operating system because when you think you're just talking in your head, right and there's little things like everyone's familiar with this, everyone's gone to a a news story in a different language.
01:56:24 And gone to Google Translate and translated the page and it's it's.
01:56:29 You can get what you know.
01:56:30 You get the basic idea right.
01:56:32 Like it.
01:56:33 You know what?
01:56:33 They're the stories.
Speaker 7
01:56:34 About but it's not.Devon
01:56:36 Worded any way at all, the way that you would have worded it, it's it's kind of ridiculous sometimes.Speaker 7
01:56:44 Right.Devon
01:56:46 So how do you expect all these people that don't speak English enough to even like have like the the forms to register to vote in in English?01:56:59 How do you expect those people to be reading anything about the founding documents or they don't know ******* ****?
01:57:10 There's, there's and.
01:57:11 It's just going to get worse and a lot of people that do know English or should know English.
01:57:20 They're not taught this stuff either, because all they're taught about the the founding of the country is it was founded on slavery.
01:57:25 But why would you want?
01:57:26 To know about those people, they're evil.
01:57:29 Now this is we're circling the drain.
01:57:33 Anyone that thinks that have you ever seen water come up out of the drain?
Speaker 7
01:57:41 Have you ever?01:57:42 Have you ever been watching water?
01:57:45 Going down the drain and then suddenly.Speaker 7
01:57:49 The spiral like it slows to a stop.Devon
01:57:53 And then it starts spinning the other way and coming back up.01:57:57 And you got to call a plumber.
01:57:58 If that happens.
01:58:06 Fluid dynamics, my friend.
01:58:11 You can't stop this.
01:58:14 You can't stop this hurricane, it's.
01:58:18 It's already started.
01:58:20 Yeah, there, there's a.
01:58:22 Nick, I've told you that we've.
01:58:24 I've used the metaphor of like the waterfall, right?
01:58:26 There's an event horizon.
01:58:27 There's a moment.
01:58:29 That no matter how, like if you're in a canoe floating towards a waterfall, any waterfall really.
01:58:38 There is a moment because you have a finite amount of energy that you can paddle in that canoe.
01:58:46 And at a certain point, as you approach that waterfall.
01:58:50 The waterfall.
01:58:52 That the the pole that it has on your boat will exceed the amount of energy you have to paddle away from it.
01:59:01 And it might seem like maybe you're staying in one place, right?
01:59:05 Kind of like when you're playing blackjack at a casino.
01:59:07 It can seem like you're staying pretty even for a long time, right?
01:59:16 But eventually.
01:59:20 Due to the laws of physics, you're going over the edge and we have crossed over that, I mean many years ago.
01:59:27 This isn't like not like this happened yesterday.
01:59:29 It's not like we just need to get our our hit the rewind button for a day.
01:59:37 Now this is this is.
01:59:39 This is long gone.
01:59:43 Which is fine by the.
01:59:44 Way, which is fine.
01:59:47 Again we can have fun with this.
01:59:49 You don't have to get mad at the gay.
Speaker 7
01:59:51 M&M.Devon
01:59:54 That's their ****.01:59:55 Let it burn.
Speaker 7
01:59:57 Let it ******* burn.Speaker 9
02:00:05 All right.Speaker 8
02:00:07 Let me go through here.02:00:08 There's another one.
02:00:10 If you want to see this is from OSA, 5675 dollars. Appreciate that. If you want to see something black pilled with style, check out raffine's.02:00:22 Raffine's too old to die young.
Speaker 8
02:00:27 Alright, I'll.02:00:31 What is this?
02:00:35 Wrapping to nothing like literally nothing came up.02:00:41 I I look.
02:00:42 Specifically, Raffin told the Die Young and I've never had there's two results and they're not in English.
02:00:51 Or ones in English.
02:00:52 It's a credit union, though I don't think that's what.
Speaker 9
02:00:55 You meant.Devon
02:00:58 You can look on another search engine, but I'll keep this.02:01:01 Tab open and maybe looking out later.
02:01:06 High Priest King Terry Narcos was a very popular Netflix series.
02:01:10 Not a bad show by any means.
02:01:11 What struck me though, is more than half of it is in Spanish because of the setting.
02:01:19 Really though, it's because more than half of US households don't speak English as the sole language anymore.
02:01:26 Right.
02:01:26 Well, here's the thing.
02:01:27 If that movie had been made, I mean, think of it this way.
02:01:31 You think in Star Wars?
02:01:33 Everyone on the universe speaks English.
02:01:35 No, no, like, well, obviously it's fictional, but like no one believes in in a universe that only has one language or Star Trek.
02:01:44 And these things.
02:01:44 Right.
02:01:45 They make it 1 language, so it's easier to understand and if they had made the I I saw that I think it's the same one right the one with.
02:01:53 About Pablo Escobar.
02:01:55 And if they had made that same show back in the 90s?
02:02:00 Or before.
02:02:02 All the characters in Mexico would have spoke English, just with an accent.
02:02:07 So that it would be more accessible to more people.
02:02:12 No, I don't know.
02:02:13 You could argue that.
02:02:15 Because it's supposed to be in.
02:02:17 In, you know, these are characters that would speak Spanish or whatever, I don't know.
02:02:21 I'm not.
02:02:22 This is not a hill I want to die on.
02:02:24 I'm just want.
02:02:25 I want to point out that you can look back at movies that had foreign like languages in them and at most sometimes they'd want to impress you.
02:02:36 I was like, oh, look, we actually know some Russian or like, whatever.
02:02:39 So like, maybe the first couple sentences, the characters interact with and then it it transitions into English so that the viewers.
02:02:48 Don't have to sit there reading subtitles.
02:02:50 That's that's.
02:02:51 That's a product of white primacy going away is what that is.
02:02:57 Hi, precinct.
02:02:58 Look, all we need to do is go down to the ghetto and the barrios, read them the Constitution and explain natural rights.
02:03:07 Read the declaration.
02:03:10 Yeah, I actually, I've done work for nonprofits that that was exactly what they thought.
02:03:15 That was their mission.
02:03:16 There was a libertarian nonprofit that was targeting his.
02:03:19 Clinics and they literally they they had they they groomed one they almost like they almost like grew them out of the ground they got this Hispanic that they funneled lots of money to to be like the the pretty face of Hispanic libertarianism it wouldn't ******* nowhere.
02:03:38 As you would expect.Devon
02:03:39 That's just look, these ideologies don't just spring out of out of nowhere, right?02:03:46 They come from the minds of the people that that think.
02:03:48 Them up.
02:03:49 And different people have different ways of thinking, not just because of language, but that's certainly one of the reasons.
02:03:57 Languages and genetics.
02:03:58 Alright, let me go back to the tipped chats because I think because the way this is popping up, there's probably one or two that.
Speaker 8
02:04:05 I lost here.02:04:08 Let's see here.
02:04:17 Ohh here.02:04:17 Here's one the pill dispenser.
02:04:22 What is this?
02:04:25 Sent me a link.
02:04:38 OK.
02:04:38 Yep, you're right.
02:04:40 He sent me a link.
02:04:41 So what?
02:04:42 I didn't want to say because.
02:04:43 I didn't know.
02:04:45 Was the director of that, that documentary, The Wolf Pack.
02:04:49 Where she goes in there and infiltrates the society and then blows it up.
02:04:54 I didn't know if she was Jewish.
02:04:55 She looked kind of.
02:04:56 She had the Junos, but I was like, from this angle.
02:04:58 It's hard to tell and her names.
02:05:01 Kind of might be friend.
02:05:03 So apparently she's she's Jewish, so it's just funny that it again, and you can argue that that was an unhealthy society and.
Speaker 7
02:05:11 You might even be right, I don't know.Devon
02:05:13 But it's just funny that even in this tiny little way, right, there was this mini society that was totally closed off and they were all happy.02:05:21 None of them were miserable.
02:05:22 To be in.
Speaker 7
02:05:22 There and you get well, they don't know.Devon
02:05:24 Any better?02:05:24 Well, that's what they say about everything.
02:05:27 So they were totally happy being there.
02:05:28 They were interacting and whatever and then some Jew finds out about it and like, oh, this isn't good and goes in there with cameras.
02:05:35 And next thing you know, the families divorced and all over the.
Speaker 9
02:05:38 Place and.02:05:40 Anyway, that's funny.
02:05:42 You know well, of course, right of.02:05:44 Course you'd be.
02:05:45 I mean it's it's hard.
02:05:46 To direct a a documentary that's going to get any kind of play at all and and and not have some kind of connections there.
Speaker 8
02:05:55 Let's see here.Devon
02:05:56 Here there's a couple here $1.00 from oh so 567. What do you think of Damon Packard movies? Such as reflections of evil?02:06:05 I don't know.
02:06:06 They look up.
02:06:07 That doesn't sound familiar.
02:06:09 Reflections of evil.
Speaker 9
02:06:20 What year was this?Devon
02:06:25 It's not coming up right away.02:06:27 Reflections of evil.
02:06:36 You think it would come right?
02:06:38 Up if it was a.
02:06:41 Well, it's not like literally it's it's the 1st result is Midnight Cowboy.
02:06:48 And there's on the first page, there's.
Speaker 9
02:06:50 Nothing about like IMDb doesn't have it, I don't think.Devon
02:06:55 Yeah, I don't know.02:06:55 That's why I haven't heard of it, I guess.
02:06:58 But I'll keep that on the.
02:07:01 We'll keep that on the list here.
02:07:05 Pill dispenser, again, is the movie you saw.
02:07:07 I already answered that.
02:07:08 Yes, it is that one home school and raised their seven children in the confined men of their apartment in the Lower East Side of New York City.
02:07:18 Yeah, that's what it was like again.
02:07:21 It's an extreme.
02:07:22 It's nothing I would do.
02:07:25 But I it's hard to watch that and think that the kids are permanently damaged.
02:07:31 I mean, they're kind of like weird and awkward, but they're like good people, you know, I guess I don't know.
02:07:39 Again, it's not what I it's maybe not the best example.
02:07:42 My point was, though, I think it it's hard to **** kids up, but at the same time.
02:07:48 It's also really easy.
02:07:50 If it's, if that's what people are trying to.
02:07:52 Do you know?
02:07:54 I mean there's.
02:07:56 It's easy to influence kids.
02:07:59 So be very careful about who's around.
02:08:01 Them to influence them.
Speaker 8
02:08:06 Let's see.Devon
02:08:14 Eric Bloodaxe $1.00 Black Pill, do you think Brazil is the model they want for all Western countries? I don't know if it's Brazil.02:08:23 I mean, people say that and I and I've said that I don't know if that they're, you know, they're they're like, oh, this is.
02:08:28 The model, because it's not like Brazil, is like highly successful or anything like that.
02:08:33 I think demographically something.
02:08:35 It will be more similar to Brazil though.
02:08:39 You know.Devon
02:08:41 Maybe I don't.02:08:44 I don't know. Like.
02:08:47 I I think.
02:08:49 I'd have to know more about Brazil in terms of the dynamic between the different classes, but I'm I'm thinking I'm guessing.
02:08:56 There's probably a wide gap.
02:08:59 Between from what I know of Brazil, there's like a huge gap between the ruling class and like there's not much of A middle class and the the, you know, the lower class is pretty ******* low.
02:09:10 Like there was a movie.
02:09:12 Holy ****.
02:09:12 You want a?
02:09:13 You want a black Pilling movie?
02:09:15 There was a movie about the feral children in Brazil.
02:09:18 I think it was made in the early 80s.
02:09:20 Called pochote.
02:09:22 And they used a street kid to act in the movie.
02:09:25 It's it's a funked up movie.
02:09:27 Maybe don't watch it.
02:09:28 Actually, it's funked up movie.
02:09:30 There's some funked up **** in it, and yeah, certainly don't expose your kids to this one.
02:09:37 And the the the kid that they had in the movie.
02:09:42 Because he was a street kid, it was about how St.
02:09:45 kids were literally getting, like, abducted and and hunted and shot like, among other things.
02:09:50 It's just, it's like a lot of it is kind of like the movie kids, only it's like times 1000 because it's on the streets of Brazil.
02:09:58 But the kid that they got for that part.
02:10:02 Got murdered after the movie was made.
02:10:06 So I mean that's now that was again it was like I think early 80s Brazil, but I doubt that it's.
02:10:15 Suddenly a utopia.
02:10:20 Here we go.
02:10:21 Chavez Garcia, the patriot front guys got docks pretty bad by Unicorn Riot late last year.
02:10:28 Patriot or patriot front?
02:10:31 Was being shilled pretty hard.
02:10:33 They were called based and totally not feds care comment on the movement.
02:10:39 Uh, I haven't seen that.
02:10:40 I'll have to take a look at at what happened.
02:10:43 Yeah, like I always said.
02:10:44 I always said that.
02:10:46 I don't know who.
02:10:46 They are that optically.
02:10:49 They they were good, I thought.
02:10:52 In terms of like how they present themselves.
02:10:55 UM in terms of?
02:10:59 You know, calling everyone a.
02:11:00 That's also a problem that I.
02:11:03 I don't.
02:11:04 Did they get the were they were they docked.
02:11:07 And it was determined they were feds.
02:11:10 I mean, if they were, I haven't heard that.
02:11:15 But yeah, I don't.
02:11:16 I've I'll have to look into what you're.
02:11:18 Talking about and see.
02:11:21 What that's all about.
02:11:24 Unicorn riots basically a bunch of.
02:11:27 Homosexual communists, though, right? So.
02:11:32 All the same.
Speaker 8
02:11:34 Let's see and Scroll down here.02:11:37 Situation Ukraine.
02:11:41 All right, cat bones.02:11:42 From Panama.
02:11:44 I haven't subscribed.
02:11:45 Star supporter for some time.
02:11:47 You still drink coffee?
02:11:48 Super coffee here.
02:11:50 I'd love to share.
02:11:51 Thanks for the show.
02:11:53 I I I well I I do drink coffee, but I don't have a address for you to send it.
02:12:02 To, but I appreciate it.
02:12:04 And I just appreciate you being here.
02:12:06 That's it's great to have people from all over the world.
02:12:09 It's kind of a weird.
02:12:10 It's kind of a crazy thing, right?
02:12:11 Like in this, as long as we're going to live in some technocracy hellscape like I was going to live in, the matrix might as well have some like, you know, good aspects.
02:12:22 This is one of the good.
02:12:23 Aspects of the matrix.
02:12:29 Someone saying the typo?
02:12:32 Nicholas Ruffin, too old to die young.
02:12:41 I know it's still is not coming up.
02:12:42 Reffing oh Rep.
Speaker 8
02:12:44 With an E.Devon
02:12:50 OK, this popped up something.02:12:55 Something Rolling Stone.
02:13:04 Well, Rolling Stone hated it.
02:13:06 So that's a good sign.
02:13:12 Yeah, I'll, I'll check it.
02:13:13 Out Rolling Stone.
02:13:14 ******* hated it though.
02:13:15 So that's probably good.
02:13:19 Cringe panda.
02:13:19 I had high hopes when the stream started that your intro songs had deeper meaning.
02:13:25 Turns out they became about literally candy.
02:13:28 Disappointed there are my contribution to the annual Devil's Deck haircut fund.
02:13:35 Tiger, it's time.
02:13:36 Take care of yourself much, love.
02:13:39 No, it's it's a little about candy sometimes.
02:13:41 Sometimes there's like.
02:13:42 A double meaning.
02:13:44 But this time I was just like.
02:13:47 It's candy.
02:13:50 I like candy bubble gum a taffy.
02:13:54 MC Chris.
02:13:56 Reference there.
02:14:00 Film. All right. Yeah. Phil McCracken, check out the movie Claudine from 74.
Speaker 8
02:14:09 I will check it out.Devon
02:14:18 American romantic comedy drama produced by Third World Cinema.02:14:25 Third world cinema.
02:14:27 Where is this set?
Speaker 8
02:14:30 Let me go here.Devon
02:14:35 Looks it's a black movie, huh?02:14:38 What's a black movie?
Speaker 8
02:14:43 James Earl Jones.Devon
02:14:48 No, it's about.02:14:49 A welfare queen in Harlem?
02:14:52 Maybe I'm.
02:14:54 I don't know.
02:14:55 I've kind of have fatigue, if you know what I mean.
Speaker 9
02:15:00 As many, many many do.Devon
02:15:05 Soy pill. Good job on finding every M&M commercial ever made for the background. This entire stream, there's actually more.02:15:12 I just I I just threw together.
02:15:15 I think like it's looping, it's like 15 minutes of it or something like that.
Speaker 8
02:15:21 But yeah, there's a lot of them.02:15:23 There's a lot of them.
02:15:27 Soy piled $5. It pains my soul. A genius savant like your like you streams to a very grateful 500 people.02:15:35 And *********** like Tim Poole, who won't have world known doctors on like Joe Rogan, will for fear of losing his YouTube, but will authoritatively tell you to quit.
02:15:47 Your job if you don't like the VAX mandates, gets 40K stream.
02:15:52 It's an easy you.
02:15:53 Again, it's not hard to do that.
02:15:57 It's not hard to do that because he's just he's the whole.
02:16:03 His whole thing is not.
02:16:06 The entirety of what Tim Poole and a lot of these people do.
02:16:10 Is to.
02:16:12 Maximize audience.
02:16:16 Well, how do you how do you maximize audience?
02:16:18 Well, most people.
02:16:20 Like to be told what they want.
02:16:22 To hear.
02:16:24 So what you do is you determine.
02:16:26 What most people, or the largest number of people, want to hear, and then you?
02:16:31 Just say it.
Speaker 7
02:16:33 That's all you do.02:16:34 It's easy.
02:16:36 It's like the easiest game in town.02:16:43 And yeah, I honestly, I don't envy him at all.
02:16:48 I don't.
02:16:49 I really don't.
02:16:50 I've met him, but he doesn't know this.
02:16:52 That it was me.
02:16:53 But I've met him before and he was kind of a *********.
Speaker 4
02:17:00 This is back.Devon
02:17:00 Before he was like, really, I mean, he streamed some things.02:17:03 This is before he had, like, a show.
02:17:06 And I talked and I.
02:17:06 Was like, oh, that's that.
02:17:08 Guy and like.
02:17:09 I didn't know his name at the time was like, oh, yeah, that's the that's the beanie guy.
Speaker 7
02:17:14 I was like, hey, what's up?Devon
02:17:14 Man and he was just kind.02:17:16 Of a prick and like a.
02:17:18 Standoff. Fishy ****** ***.
02:17:20 I was like, oh alright, I get it.
02:17:26 Yeah, don't feel bad.
02:17:27 Don't feel.
02:17:27 Bad look, this is just the way it's going to be.
02:17:30 This is the way it is.
02:17:31 Like I was saying, the the the vast majority of people and it doesn't matter like it wouldn't matter if I was on YouTube and YouTube.
02:17:38 Look, what I I would have more people just cause, like the ease of access right there would be more people if I.
02:17:43 Was on YouTube but the.
02:17:45 It wouldn't.
02:17:46 It would still wouldn't be.
02:17:47 You know what you.
02:17:48 What did you say?
02:17:48 He has like, 40 ******* thousand people, yeah.
02:17:50 That that's I would.
02:17:52 Never have that.
02:17:53 Not a million ******* years.
02:17:56 It would it.
02:17:56 Would just because I would **** *** way.
02:17:58 Too many people.
02:18:01 And that's kind of what I'm talking about.
02:18:02 That's why, you know, the swirl around the drain is irreversible.
02:18:07 Because most of what I'm saying wouldn't be controversial.
02:18:11 To if if the demographic.
02:18:14 Shift hadn't taken place. The reason why Tim Poole has 40K people.
02:18:20 In addition to like obviously self censoring and trying to play within the lines and you know to to maximize his YouTube algorithm performance and all this stuff like look.
02:18:34 The the the other reason.
02:18:38 Isn't him?
02:18:39 It's the.
02:18:40 It's the people, it's.
02:18:42 The It's the available. It's those 40,000 people.
02:18:47 There's just more of them.
02:18:51 That's that's my point.
02:18:52 The reason you can't reverse the the drain swirl.
Speaker 7
02:18:55 Is there's too much?02:18:57 It's fluid dynamics.
02:19:02 There's too much fluid pushing you down the drain.02:19:07 So it it look.
02:19:09 That's just the way it is, but I do appreciate the sentiment and I appreciate the the $5.
02:19:15 But yeah, it doesn't.
02:19:16 It doesn't frustrate me and and yeah, I would because I could.
02:19:22 I could play that game, but just like when I worked for that long distance company.
02:19:25 It's like.
02:19:27 I I don't have it in me to sell ****, I don't believe.
02:19:30 It it's I had never felt dirtier than when I was talking to an old lady who I just.
02:19:37 She was like in her 80s or or something.
02:19:39 I mean, she's, I don't know.
02:19:40 She was on the.
02:19:40 Phone. She sounded old.
02:19:43 And I just finished telling her that, like, oh, yeah, you know, you don't have to do anything.
02:19:48 You just tell me, give me your permission and you.
02:19:51 Know I'll, I'll, I'll.
02:19:53 Do some things on my computer over here and you'll your your phone bill will just be less money next.
02:20:01 And then she was like, well, even to I don't remember what.
02:20:03 Country it was but.
02:20:04 It was she listed some country that.
02:20:06 She calls out.
02:20:07 So I was like, oh, yeah, everywhere.
02:20:09 And then she's like, well, I get this much permit and again this.
02:20:12 Is a while back, back when it.
02:20:13 Was per minute.
02:20:13 Right, I I pay. I'm making up numbers. Let's just say it was like $0.10 a minute calling Zimbabwe.
02:20:21 And I was like, so I look at my little chart and it was like $0.75. I was like, oh holy.
02:20:25 Never mind.
02:20:26 No, you get like.
02:20:27 A way better deal.
02:20:29 And then I I I started to notice a pattern like more and more people like when I started checking, I was like holy ****.
02:20:35 And I felt terrible.
02:20:36 I felt like, oh, I'm, I'm I'm a ******* charlatan.
02:20:39 I'm a ******* I'm selling lies for for like, a big company that later went bankrupt.
02:20:46 I think there was a big scandal with them.
02:20:50 And so I I got it.
02:20:51 I I left.
02:20:54 I could have kept lying.
02:20:56 Lots of people did.
02:20:58 I was. I was.
02:21:01 Not every month, but there was a couple of months I was like, out of the whole call center, which was not.
02:21:05 It was a big call center.
02:21:06 Back when call centers were still in America.
02:21:10 I was the number one guy.
02:21:14 And it turns out people like the sound of my voice.
02:21:16 Would have thought.
Speaker 9
02:21:20 And I was just like, no.Devon
02:21:22 That this is gross.02:21:23 I can't do it.
02:21:26 Look, I'm not even saying Tim Poole doesn't believe what he.
02:21:28 Says I I.
02:21:30 In fact, here's what I am saying.
02:21:31 I think Tim Poole doesn't believe in anything.
02:21:34 Makes the job a lot easier.
02:21:37 You know you're never going to have that crisis if you don't have any principles.
02:21:42 And that's not an uncommon thing.
02:21:44 That's one of the biggest things that separates.
02:21:49 The NPC.
02:21:50 The left a lot of the Conservatives.
02:21:55 And the people really on the right.
Speaker 7
02:21:59 Is they don't have principles.Devon
02:22:03 So I I would assume that he's and again, I don't know.02:22:07 I don't know his mind, but he's probably operating within a.
02:22:11 A paradigm with.
02:22:12 There's no nothing.
02:22:14 There's no hill to die on.
02:22:17 Especially if he's making that kind of money, you get 40K viewers on YouTube. I can only imagine what the Super chats are.
02:22:24 He's not.
02:22:24 He's not gonna, you know, he's.
02:22:28 He's in. He's hooked.
02:22:31 He's hooked.
02:22:32 Even if he did have some.
02:22:35 Strongly held belief.
02:22:38 If it went against the.
02:22:39 YouTube guidelines I don't think he would.
02:22:41 Voice it.
02:22:42 There might be things like that already.
02:22:46 I know that there are people that.
02:22:48 That that self censor because of that are making way less money than Tim Poole.
02:22:55 So they can stay on that platform and it's.
02:22:57 Just it's to me it's embarrassing.
02:23:01 So I just, you know, I I like you guys better anyway.
02:23:05 You guys are a better audience.
02:23:07 I'd rather have a smaller group of of cool people.
02:23:13 Well, think about it.
02:23:13 Just in normal life, wouldn't you rather hang out?
02:23:16 With like a small group of cool people than like a stadium full of losers.
Speaker 1
02:23:22 You know what I mean?Devon
02:23:24 So that's just, uh, that's how I see it.02:23:28 Is this anyone?
Speaker 8
02:23:30 That's the other one.02:23:33 That's not a new one.
02:23:36 That's not a new one.
02:23:41 This is a new one. M8 can $10. I have an 18 year old son just done with school and so many of the girls he was at school with are studying to be teachers. Plenty of dyed hair already.02:23:57 Well, those who can't do teach.
02:24:00 And another unfortunate thing is just if you look at, I mean look back to, I mean I.
02:24:06 Went to a.
02:24:06 Lot of different schools.
02:24:08 My my dad moved around a lot for jobs.
02:24:10 I ended up going to like, almost a different school.
02:24:12 Every year for elementary school.
02:24:15 And out of my entire schooling from well up until high school, right?
02:24:22 And a lot of high school, but up until high school I only had I had one male male teacher one.
02:24:31 One male teacher.
02:24:35 And then in high school, I had, like I'd say, the the percentage was probably like it was like 10% men.
02:24:46 So you know about the same.
02:24:47 Percentage I guess, right?
02:24:49 I don't know.
02:24:50 I'm sure there's numbers.
02:24:53 But that's a big reason why you homeschool too.
02:25:00 It didn't used to be like that.
02:25:03 Schoolmasters used to be men.
Speaker 8
02:25:09 Alright, see here.Devon
02:25:13 First, last $10 something to get your teeth into. Devon, the sequel to The Shining. It's called Doctor Sleep 2019.02:25:22 It's a truly amazing movie layers.
02:25:26 I think I read that book too.
02:25:29 Where it focused, the book focused a lot on on the alcoholism.
02:25:39 I'll put this in my notes though.
Speaker 8
02:25:47 I'll put that.02:25:48 In my notes.
02:25:50 But I'm pretty sure I've read.02:25:51 That book, a long, long time ago.
02:26:02 OK.
02:26:02 I think we're caught up.
02:26:03 If I'm I'll flip back and forth one more time just because it seems to update kind of, but it doesn't update when I'm on that window.
02:26:13 Hyper Skim king Terry.
02:26:16 Tim Poole gives Bennies a bad name.
02:26:20 It's an old one.
02:26:21 Let me get to the let me Fast forward to the newer ones.
02:26:28 Someone says, did you ever see the TV series LACE?
Speaker 8
02:26:33 Now I will.Devon
02:26:36 Do a little search on that.02:26:47 Lace is an American television two-part mini series based on the 1982 Bunk Buster novel. What the ****'* a bunk Buster?
02:26:58 **** Buster novel of the same name by oh, I guess is that like a funny is that like a cutey little word for sex novel for.
02:27:07 Middle-aged women.
02:27:09 'S **** Buster novel of the same name by author Shirley.
02:27:13 When the series aired on ABC on February 26th the 27th, 1984, the plot concerns the search by sex symbol Lily for her natural mother, who was, oh, you know, we watched a commercial just by weird chance.
02:27:34 Some of those 1980s commercials we watched during the stream, I think was advertising this because it was from that time frame.
Speaker 7
02:27:43 Yeah. OK.Devon
02:27:46 All right, I'll leave this tab open to you.02:27:48 I've got.
02:27:48 So many tabs open now.
Speaker 8
02:27:53 Let's see here.Devon
02:28:03 There's a lot of theories on what.02:28:05 What bunk busting means?
02:28:12 Ohh, you know what?
02:28:12 There was an article I almost was going to do this for.
02:28:14 The string.
02:28:15 There was an article that that I think came out their day.
02:28:21 Let me see if I got it up still.
02:28:23 But it was it was.
02:28:24 Literally about middle-aged housewives.
02:28:27 And the story, the whole story was supposed to be about, like, oh, yeah, you don't want.
02:28:31 To do this.
02:28:33 You will be.
02:28:34 Where did it go that I?
Speaker 8
02:28:35 That I keep it open.Devon
02:28:40 Don't tell me I closed it.02:28:42 I might have closed it.
Speaker 8
02:28:46 Let's see.Devon
02:28:49 I might have closed or the short.02:28:51 Version is.
02:28:51 There was a story that was basically trying to make middle like Gen.
02:28:57 X moms feel sad.
02:28:59 Like, oh, you're just sad and alone. You're surrounded by people, but you're so alone, like, basically, a lot of the same housewife busting **** that was going on in the 1950s and 60s, telling them, oh, yeah, you're just not satisfied. You're not satisfied at all. You're not allowed to be. You're all. You're just.
Speaker 9
02:29:17 Stuck being a mom.Devon
02:29:19 And I saw this article.02:29:20 I was like really, like, really like.
02:29:24 She's she's a middle-aged mom surrounded by people.
02:29:29 But you know.
Speaker 8
02:29:29 She feels so alone.Devon
02:29:31 And she's married, has a husband and kids.Speaker 7
02:29:34 Sure enough.Devon
02:29:37 She was Jewish and second of all, though this is how I knew she was Jewish before I.02:29:42 Looked I double checked.
02:29:44 Uh, she uh in the article because I'm reading, I'm like.
02:29:48 What? How does?
02:29:48 This none of this makes any sense.
02:29:51 And she got to the part where she was homeschooling, too. That was the other part. I was like, this is even weirder. Like you're home schooling and you just you think your life's miserable.
02:30:00 And then it got to the part where she was talking about the other moms like, well, I can't even form a a community with the other homeschooling moms because they're all right wing Nazis.
02:30:09 And I was like, oh, OK, here we are.
02:30:11 You're not depressed because you're lonely.
02:30:13 You're depressed because you're you're a communist, you're depressed because you're one of those ******* people that are broken on the inside.
02:30:22 Oh, you're Jewish too.
02:30:23 Add a little more depression, you know?
02:30:25 Like, that's that's what's going on.
02:30:28 Here but I close the tab I.
Speaker 8
02:30:30 Don't have it.Devon
02:30:31 Now, but it was, I don't know, you probably search middle-aged housewife lonely in the news and it would.02:30:37 Come up.
02:30:38 It was it was Wall Street.
02:30:40 It might even, I think it.
02:30:41 Was Wall Street Journal.
Speaker 8
02:30:46 Let's see here.Devon
02:30:55 Oh ****, we got like.02:30:57 How do we have ******* 750 people at 3:30 in the morning?
02:31:02 On a Sunday.
02:31:04 What country just woke up?
02:31:06 Hello massive amounts of new people appreciate that.
02:31:13 So I'm, but we are unfortunately.
02:31:15 Going to shut it down here in a second.
02:31:16 Let me let me see here.
02:31:19 I think you should definitely get in touch with Chris.
02:31:22 Oh, the smart guy.
02:31:24 Check his post.
02:31:25 He's pretty based and reportedly one of the cleverest people live in terms of like you.
02:31:30 Yeah, langren.
02:31:31 He's the guy that made the point.
02:31:33 And this is a ****** ** point.
02:31:34 It's true.
02:31:36 Who? The guy. You're.
02:31:37 Talking about is.
Speaker 7
02:31:38 He he has the highest.Devon
02:31:40 Suppose I don't know how true this is, but.02:31:42 He's billed as the man with the highest recorded IQ.
02:31:49 And he made the point once.
02:31:52 On on Facebook.
02:31:54 I think this is what got him banned, I think got banned from Facebook for saying this.
02:31:58 He made a post talking about how Coco the gorilla.
02:32:06 The the gorilla that they taught sign language to and had a vocabulary of a I forget how many words, but like, you know enough to communicate to some degree.
02:32:19 Had they had IQ tested cocoa, the gorilla.
02:32:23 And had and and come up with like an IQ of I.
02:32:27 I think it was like 60 or so 60 or 60 like around there.
02:32:35 And he made the point that some of the immigrants were accepting.
02:32:40 Have lower IQ's than cocoa, the gorilla.
02:32:44 And so why don't we just start accepting guerrilla refugees?
02:32:48 And giving them government housing.
02:32:57 Let me let me find that post there.
02:32:59 The he he wrote it a lot better than I just described it.
02:33:05 What is it langren right?
02:33:12 Gorilla IQ. Let me see.
Speaker 9
02:33:23 Is this it?02:33:24 I think that's it.
Speaker 8
02:33:27 No, it's not.Devon
02:33:37 I'll find it.Speaker 4
02:33:43 Facebook post.Devon
02:33:51 Here it is.02:33:52 Here it is.
Speaker 8
02:33:57 Alright, I'll bring it up on the screen.Speaker 1
02:34:13 Last night.Devon
02:34:16 There we go. OK.02:34:19 Coco, the thoughtful gorilla.
02:34:23 Who captivated the world through her ability to use sign language?
02:34:28 And revealed an empathetic side to great apes has died. She was 46.
02:34:35 The western lowland gorilla passed away in her sleep Tuesday morning at the Gorilla Foundations preserve in California's Santa Cruz Mountains, the foundation said.
02:34:46 Coco touched the lives of 1,000,000 as an ambassador for all gorillas and an icon for an interspecies communication and empathy, the foundation said on its website.
02:34:59 She was beloved and will be deeply missed. Coco was believed to have an IQ of between 75 and 95.
02:35:08 Well, that's probably ********, but you know, and could sign more than 1000 words. The average IQ of a human is around 90 to 110. Well, that depends. On what?
02:35:20 What kind of what?
02:35:22 Ethnically, what human?
02:35:23 I mean, she also understood spoken English according to the 30 point rule of psychometrics, as proposed by pioneering psychometric and Leta Hollingsworth. Coco's elevated level of thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half the population of Somalia.
02:35:45 Average IQ of 68.
02:35:47 Yet the nations of Europe and North America are being flooded with millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not initially kept in cages, despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime.
02:36:02 Obviously, this raises question a question why is Western civilization?
02:36:07 Not admitting guerrillas.
02:36:09 They too are from Africa and probably have a group group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia.
Speaker 7
02:36:19 Which might be true.02:36:22 It might that literally might.
02:36:24 Be true.02:36:27 In addition, they have peaceful and environmentally friendly cultures commit far less violent crime than Somalians, and with minor modifications to Western education systems can be easily taught to use language.
02:36:43 Why are these gentle creatures who have been threatened with genocide?
02:36:46 For decades, not being taken in by Western nations as refugees, despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homeland.
02:36:58 Can this be called humane or compassionate?
02:37:01 What on Earth is going on here?
02:37:06 So yeah, I think I think this is the, I think this is the post that got him.
02:37:11 Got him kicked off of Facebook.
02:37:18 Yeah, I I.
02:37:20 Would be interesting to talk to him.
02:37:22 Again, I I don't have the bandwidth yet.
02:37:26 If I as soon as I get Elon space Internet, maybe I can.
02:37:29 Maybe that's something.
02:37:30 I'd be interested in doing I I haven't seen a lot of his stuff I've seen like every once in a while, right?
02:37:35 Something like this?
02:37:35 Like he'll say something.
02:37:36 Really funny and it'll get posted.
02:37:38 Places and I'll see that.
02:37:40 I think I used to follow them on Twitter.
02:37:42 While it's still on Twitter.
02:37:44 And every once in a while he tweets something good.
02:37:47 But I I don't know what.
02:37:48 He's like in an interview, or if he'd even want to do an interview.
02:37:52 But if his IQ is as high as they.
02:37:54 Say and I don't know if it is.
02:37:57 It would be interesting to get his take on.
02:37:58 A few things.
02:38:03 But yeah, that, that's.
02:38:05 That's pretty funny.
02:38:07 Patriot of the north says seriously, I have to wonder if having a 68 IQ physically hurts and is why they go into rage often.
02:38:16 No, it's actually it's.
02:38:18 Oh, I'm sorry.
02:38:19 That was high pricing, Terry saying that to pigeon.
02:38:21 No, that's actually that's the opposite.
02:38:25 Ignorance is bliss.
02:38:29 It hurts to have a higher IQ.
Speaker 7
02:38:34 It's painful to deal with these people.Devon
02:38:38 I mean it's it's probably painful in a different way.02:38:42 If they have enough, if your IQ is high enough to at least have self-awareness, right, because a lot of them.
02:38:48 They don't even have.
02:38:49 Self-awareness. A lot of these people, it's like they, you know, they make Dunning.
02:38:54 Kruger, a way of life.
02:38:56 You know, for real and and I mean that like there's a lot of these people you get to.
02:38:59 A certain threshold they can't their their their intelligence is so low they lack the ability to accurately gauge other people's intelligence.
02:39:11 In fact, people that are, I think, substantially smarter than they are probably sound like crazy people or sound.
02:39:22 Because it's just incomprehensible, right?
02:39:25 And if you don't have the self-awareness to know.
02:39:28 That the reason why it's incomprehensible.
02:39:32 Is excuse me, it's a failing on your end, right, that you don't have the ability to understand it because.
02:39:39 You're lacking in ability to understand it.
02:39:46 If they don't have that self-awareness which many of them don't, they're going to assume that it's it's.
02:39:55 It's you.
02:39:58 You're just being crazy.
02:39:59 You're speaking gibberish.
02:40:00 You're speaking nonsense.
02:40:05 And I think that's that's probably a lot of them.
02:40:08 It's probably a lot.
02:40:08 Of hear me because if your.
02:40:09 IQ is 68.
02:40:12 I mean, I can't even imagine.
02:40:14 And I really can't imagine.
02:40:17 I feel really stupid and.
02:40:18 My IQ is.
02:40:21 Well, it's over double that.
02:40:23 OK.
02:40:23 Oh, wait, is it?
Speaker 9
02:40:26 Maybe not anymore.02:40:27 If I had to think about that.
02:40:30 But 68?02:40:33 That's that's.
02:40:35 That's what's ********.
02:40:39 Because they I think they had to lower.
02:40:40 It didn't because.
02:40:41 I I thought ******** they used to.
02:40:43 Be like 80.
02:40:45 Or at least that was, you know, that was like the.
02:40:47 That was the high end of ********.
02:40:48 That was like Forrest Gump.
02:40:50 Right.
02:40:50 Like, that was like high functioning.
02:40:52 But you know, something's wrong with.
02:40:55 And then sixty was like.
02:40:57 You're never going to have a job or, you know, you're never going to.
02:41:02 Hopefully reproduce.
02:41:04 You know, I mean, like something's.
Speaker 9
02:41:06 Really bad wrong with you.Devon
02:41:10 Yeah, there's Haiti is worse, isn't it, Haiti?02:41:12 Is let me look this up.
02:41:17 I thought I don't know if Hayden's.
02:41:19 The worst?
02:41:21 But I know Haiti was like.
Speaker 8
02:41:24 Like bad.Speaker 9
02:41:30 Like it was like in the 50s, I think.Speaker 8
02:41:37 Uh, let's see here.02:41:40 I'm getting conflicting numbers.
02:41:48 Well, Haiti is according to this.02:41:50 Website which I don't know if it's real.
02:41:53 It's 67.
02:41:59 That's, I mean that's.
02:42:00 Just that's.
02:42:01 Because that's the average. That means half of the country is less than 67.
02:42:10 That's insane to me.
02:42:15 You know how easy it would be.
Speaker 7
02:42:17 Well, see, that's why the Clintons.Devon
02:42:18 Were there, that's why.02:42:21 It would be like trying to like if you're a con man.
02:42:26 Oh my God.
02:42:27 I mean, if there was any wealth there.
02:42:28 Unfortunately, that's the thing.
02:42:29 What are you?
02:42:29 Going to con them out of right mud pies.
02:42:32 Well, I guess if you have a proclivity for children, I mean, that's why the Clintons.
02:42:35 Were there right?
02:42:36 It's like because you can run a a grift.
02:42:42 In Haiti.
02:42:46 In your sleep.
02:42:48 67 You're tricking ******** children at that point.
02:42:54 But again, what do they have?
02:42:56 You know what are what?
02:42:57 Are you gonna get out of it?
02:42:59 And I guess the.
02:43:01 You know, for the Clintons, it was kids.
02:43:05 That's, but that's for another stream, that's for another.
02:43:07 Night, for those of you don't know.
02:43:09 Look up what's what was her name?
02:43:11 It was a Clinton associate.
02:43:14 They got busted and this is this was in mainstream news.
02:43:18 This isn't like, you know, ooh, some weird WordPress site.
02:43:23 This was mainstream news.
02:43:25 It was reported.
02:43:25 In fact, I believe Clinton was Secretary of State at the time, intervened and and got her out of it.
02:43:33 But the a close Clinton associate got busted with a busload of Haitian children.
02:43:42 Trying to cross the border.
02:43:46 Like just had, like a bus of kid busload, like, literally a busload.
02:43:50 She was stealing a busload of kids.
02:43:54 And they locked her up.
02:43:56 And the Clinton State Department, someone saying Laura Gaylor.
02:44:01 I don't think that's I don't think that's that doesn't seem right to me.
02:44:08 You know, I'm going to find.
02:44:09 Out now we're going to do that and then we'll.
02:44:11 Wrap things up.
02:44:13 Unless there's there might be more super chance I got to look at the.
Speaker 8
02:44:16 Let's see here.Devon
02:44:17 Laura sounds right.02:44:18 Gayler doesn't sound right.
02:44:23 Bus of kids.
02:44:32 I mean, there's there's.
02:44:37 Silsby is Laura Silsby.
Speaker 9
02:44:47 Yeah, and.Devon
02:44:49 It's it's again.02:44:50 This is all mainstream media.
02:44:56 It's the January 29th, 2010 Clinton friend Laura Silsby and and child trafficking in Haiti. Alright, so let's see here.
02:45:06 In the first week of February, former President Bill Clinton accepted an expanded role as Special envoy to Haiti.
02:45:14 On behalf of the United Nations to lead the coordination of international earthquake recovery and reconstruction efforts, one of Clinton's first task in Haiti, however, was to put out the fire of a child abduction scandal involving American citizens. On January 29th, 2010.
02:45:34 Less than three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested ten US Baptist missionaries for attempting to take 33 children by bus across the border into the Dominican Republic without proper.
02:45:52 A week later, the missionaries were charged with child kidnapping and criminal association, while the missionaries claimed good intentions and ignorance of Haitian laws, Haitian prosecutors argued that there had been intentional wrongdoing in the course of a month, President Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries except for.
02:46:11 The group leader, Laura Silsbee suspicions about Laura's Silsbee's intent to smuggle her traffic the children to the Dominican Republic further increased when, on March 19th, 2010, Silsbee's legal advisor Jorge.
02:46:26 Piano on American Dominican and on an American Dominican living in the Dominican Republic as a fugitive was also arrested and accused of human trafficking.
02:46:39 US authorities revealed that Torres Pillow was linked to a network that trafficked in Haitian and Central American children and was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
02:46:56 So Laura silsby.
02:46:59 Her lawyer.
02:47:02 That started to represent her in Haiti to try to get her out of child trafficking was arrested when they realized that he was wanted for child trafficking in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
02:47:25 So that's that's maybe, I don't know, should we, I thought I.
Speaker 9
02:47:29 Maybe end on a white pill.Devon
02:47:31 Is there is?02:47:31 There a white pill.
Speaker 9
02:47:37 That seems like that.02:47:37 That's a.
Speaker 7
02:47:38 Little that's a little intense.02:47:40 I don't.
02:47:43 See when people say **** like pizza.
Speaker 9
02:47:45 Gate is fake.Devon
02:47:47 What they're doing is they're they're they're look.02:47:51 It the version of Pizzagate that you hear from Q.
Speaker 7
02:47:54 ***** is fake.Devon
02:47:57 There are no kids living in, in in ******* dungeons with Tom Hanks, you know?02:48:02 And and all this crazy ****.
Speaker 7
02:48:04 But this is public record.Devon
02:48:09 This is public record.02:48:12 And the craziest thing this Laura Silsby character, if I remember correctly, she ended up with a job and a missing children's nonprofit like an NGO for missing children.
02:48:26 Not, no.
02:48:26 No ****.
02:48:28 I I have to.
02:48:30 I'd have to look that up another time, but if I remember correctly.
02:48:34 They she. They tracked her down to, you know, because this was 2010.
02:48:39 Right.
02:48:39 And this was starting to hit the people digging up, like myself, digging up **** on Clinton for the Trump election, honestly is.
02:48:47 What it boiled down?
02:48:48 To I didn't.
02:48:49 Want Trump to win so much as I wanted?
02:48:51 Clinton to lose?
02:48:53 I hated Clinton.
02:48:54 Hey, Bill Clinton.
02:48:56 I especially hated Hillary Clinton.
02:48:58 And I would have thought that the I I thought really that America is over if she gets elected as evil and and and straight up evil as she is.
02:49:08 That's, that's it.
02:49:09 I mean, Obama was pretty much that too, but like, this would have just been the icing on the on the ******* chocolate cake.
02:49:15 And so I was like, OK, you know, we need to publicize some of this stuff. And so this was 2016 or so. People tracked down Laura Silsby trying to, you know, figure out where she was now.
02:49:28 And she was listed as as working like at at the administration level of some missing child children's NGO.
02:49:41 You know, always hide in plain sight, right?
02:49:46 All right, I'm going to double check super chat.
02:49:48 So one last time I'll get here.
02:49:50 Yeah, here we go.
02:49:50 Someone said VP of Marketing for alert sense for issuing Amber alerts.
02:49:56 Yeah, how convenient.
02:49:57 Right.
02:49:58 How is isn't that exactly the job you'd want?
02:50:02 Wouldn't you want to be involved in the company that issues Amber alerts if you were stealing kids?
02:50:08 I don't know.
02:50:09 I'm not saying that's what she was.
Speaker 7
02:50:10 Doing. I'm just saying that's.02:50:11 A little weird, right?
02:50:13 A little weird, a little weird.
02:50:16 All right, soy pill.02:50:17 We had two threads on there that that watched CCTV footage from a camera that was aimed at come at ping pong.
02:50:25 They turned the camera away from.
02:50:27 Yeah, I remember that.
02:50:28 I I actually had that go on too.
02:50:33 They turned the camera away from the store one day before comp ping pong got shot up and we all freaked out that they would do a false flag.
02:50:40 Then Jones interviewed one of the.
02:50:41 Witnesses the next day?
02:50:42 Yeah, no.
02:50:43 I remember.
02:50:43 That I was watching like I had several monitors at the time I was I was in a place that had more electricity.
02:50:52 And more Internet.
02:50:54 Then the pillbox does, and I had, like several monitors open at all times.
Speaker 9
02:51:00 And that was on one of my monitors.Devon
02:51:02 I had that that up and because it was right in the middle of all the pizza gate stuff that was going down.02:51:11 And I remember when they turned the camera and it was a traffic camera.
02:51:16 So someone had moved the traffic camera because they didn't want.
02:51:22 Pizza Gate people looking at Comet Ping pong and then literally the next day is when that guy went in there and shot shot one bullet that magically destroyed the hard drive.
02:51:33 Of their their computer.
02:51:37 So anyway.
02:51:41 Here we go.
02:51:42 Soy pill.
02:51:42 *** ****, man.
02:51:43 My blood is boiling.
02:51:46 I ******* love you.
02:51:48 *** ****.
02:51:48 It's all coming back to me.
02:51:50 No, it was it was.
02:51:51 It was madding.
02:51:54 It was madding to watch it and then remember that he also freaked out James Elefantes.
02:52:00 Freaked out and start calling that guy.
02:52:03 The guy who?
02:52:04 Admittedly was a little bit.
02:52:06 Of a coutard or adjacent, at the very least.
02:52:11 Plus, like his.
02:52:13 Anyway, that's another.
02:52:14 That's another stream.
02:52:16 Maybe we'll do a stream.
02:52:17 Like the truth.
02:52:18 Like the only the verifiable provable **** about pizza gate.
02:52:23 Because there was a lot of **** that went down, it was crazy.
02:52:26 It was ******* nuts.
02:52:28 So anyway, I hope you guys had a good insomnia stream. Hope you're not ****** *** that the M&M's are gay. Hope you don't look at that or view that as part of your culture.
02:52:44 The the culture is is should your culture should be richer than that and it shouldn't be controlled by billionaires.
02:52:51 You know I'm gonna do one last look through the.
02:52:56 The Super chats cause the number went up a lot and I didn't see any big one soy pill.
02:53:01 He was an actor who had an IMDb page that was changed afterwards.
02:53:04 He had a charge for a drunk.
02:53:06 Driving that went away.
02:53:08 Yeah, I remember something.
02:53:09 About that, just but the one.
02:53:10 Thing I what the reason I wasn't.
02:53:11 Too sold about that, that being a big.
02:53:14 Deal is lots of people.
02:53:16 I mean, it doesn't take much to get it if you just if you're in like a student film, you end up on IMDb, you know.
02:53:23 IMDb is like Wikipedia in a lot of ways, so he might have just been like some wannabe actor at some point.
02:53:29 So when people were freaking.
02:53:30 Out about that, I was like, yeah.
02:53:32 You know, I'd be I'd be less concerned about that, more concerned about the fact that he shot one bullet and all that bullet did was destroy the hard drive of their server that people thought child **** was on, which is way more suspicious than having an IMDb.
02:53:51 $1.00 from ferocious Chihuahua. Remember the ***** College fund commercials? That'd be a hell of a show. I think I did that. I played those.
02:54:00 Pretty sure I played those on stream months ago.
02:54:05 All right.
02:54:06 I'm just going to breeze through.
02:54:07 I'm going to look through it.
02:54:08 If I miss yours.
02:54:09 I'm sorry.
02:54:09 I can.
02:54:10 Only do so much with this interface not working correctly.
02:54:17 Someone said almost 850 watching live. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're up to. We're up to like.
02:54:21 800.
02:54:22 And yeah, that's pretty crazy 820.
Speaker 8
02:54:26 8 at least that's what it says here.Devon
02:54:30 Evox the the country that just woke up was Eastern Time zone, 5:30 AM here, 45% of the US population.02:54:38 Your stream is perfectly placed to miss this time zone.
02:54:41 It's rare for me to catch it live because it typically starts around 3:00 AM here and it's over around 5:00 or 6.
02:54:48 I see.
02:54:50 Maybe we'll have to do.
02:54:55 I don't know if I want to.
02:54:56 Stay up.
02:54:56 Even later, we'll see.
02:54:59 We'll see what happens with the time.
02:55:01 Slot when the space Internet shows.
02:55:03 Up because that's going to open up a whole new world.
02:55:05 To me, the only reason why it's this late at night in the 1st place is this is when my Internet works.
02:55:10 It's the only time my Internet works.
02:55:14 Big dingus, some fire and a thumbs up.
02:55:17 Cringe panda.
02:55:18 The the the movie preshow, pronounced preshow.
02:55:22 I think you're saying passionate.
02:55:25 I just call it Ashok because I think in the in the movie they call him Ashok unless I'm remembering wrong is required viewing in schools and.
02:55:34 It's required in schools.
02:55:37 And has an annual rape asphyxiation murderer saying, well, not just that it has, it has kid sex in it.
02:55:45 A trans character that also has *** *** and a bunch of other weird stuff, including self-inflicted abortion with a wire. Yeah, no, it's horrible. I told you like.
02:55:54 That's required viewing in schools.
02:55:59 That's insane.
02:56:02 That's because that movie ****** with me.
02:56:04 The reason I said like, yeah, don't show this to your kids and you know, maybe don't watch it is I watched that.
02:56:10 When I was.
02:56:13 Well, I don't know.
02:56:13 I think I was probably like 18 or 19.
02:56:16 Yeah, yeah, probably about that.
02:56:18 Maybe a little bit.
02:56:21 And and I, you know, I thought I'd seen a lot.
02:56:24 Of **** at.
02:56:25 That point I'd already seen thanks to the Wild West, to the Internet I'd seen.
02:56:28 Some ****.
02:56:30 And that movie was just like a complete horror show.
02:56:33 I remember after watching I watched it with my roommate and.
02:56:37 When it was over, we because.
02:56:38 He he brought.
02:56:39 It home, he was like, yeah, my friends said this was good and I was alright.
02:56:42 I and I was in the movies.
02:56:45 And we washed it and then after the movie.
02:56:47 We just like looked each I was like, **** dude.
02:56:50 And we just.
02:56:51 Stood outside, like smoking cigarettes like just.
Speaker 9
02:56:53 Like **** man, that was *******.Devon
02:56:56 We were black pilled.02:56:57 That was like 1.
Speaker 9
02:56:57 Of the original.Speaker 8
02:56:58 Black pills like.Devon
02:57:00 Especially knowing the history, knowing that like.02:57:03 This kid was basically just playing himself, you know, like it wasn't an exaggeration of his life and death because he, you know, he was killed.
02:57:11 The actor was.
Speaker 9
02:57:13 Well, he wasn't even an actor.02:57:14 They just got.
02:57:14 Like it was, he was a street kid.02:57:20 One cool all right.
02:57:22 FW191. Cool thing about living our current **** show of existence is I get to call myself a pure blood for not getting the jab.
Speaker 8
02:57:31 Indeed, indeed.02:57:35 That one's an older one. It's an old one.
02:57:39 That's the only one.
02:57:41 That's all, that's all.
02:57:45 That's all, that's all.
02:57:50 OK, here's a new one.02:57:52 ******** ****** sticks, hex and hammer.
02:57:54 Maybe a degenerate libertarian fagot, but at least he didn't went out of his way to convince his audience that the election wasn't stolen.
02:58:01 Unlike Tim, who tells his audience that Biden won fair and square.
Speaker 7
02:58:07 I didn't.02:58:07 I wasn't aware that he did.
02:58:08 That I mean, Tim, I wasn't aware that he was that much of A fence sitter.02:58:15 But I guess you'd have to be to be YouTube promoted, right?
02:58:20 So that makes sense.
02:58:23 That makes sense.
02:58:25 Because look sticks is kind of a degenerate ******.
02:58:28 But you know.
02:58:33 I don't think he's he's promoted by YouTube.
02:58:36 I mean, he's not banned, but he's not.
02:58:37 Only he's promoted by YouTube.
02:58:39 At least, I mean last.
02:58:39 I checked he wasn't banned.
02:58:40 Maybe he's banned now.
Speaker 8
02:58:43 Let's see here.Devon
02:58:51 Blood and soil.02:58:52 Devon, let us get tree pine riot.
02:58:55 We'll have our home again as an outro song sometime here soon.
Speaker 8
02:59:01 I'll look that up.02:59:06 Tree Pine riot, huh?
02:59:07 That's an interesting name.
02:59:11 Is that like Nazi punk or something?Speaker 8
02:59:17 Actor alright, we have.Devon
02:59:24 All right, soy pill.02:59:25 I followed the pizza gate Reddit, which was made by the Donald Reddit.
02:59:29 And then when they banned, we all moved to the pizza gate thread on vote.
02:59:35 That is all I did all day during.
02:59:38 Yeah, well, yeah.
02:59:40 I was in there.
02:59:41 You might remember evil Hillary from.
02:59:45 From those subreddits, that was, I haven't gone Reddit in a long time.
02:59:49 Well, I have been on the same thing.
02:59:51 When Reddit started banning subreddits.
02:59:54 I just stopped using Reddit.
02:59:57 But yeah, I was.
02:59:58 I was in there as evil Hillary.
02:59:59 I was posting a lot of this ****.
03:00:03 It was crazy.
03:00:05 There was real stuff.
03:00:06 I'm telling you, there was real legit stuff.
03:00:08 There was crazy people stuff too, but there was real legit stuff.
Speaker 8
03:00:17 UM.Devon
03:00:27 Soy pill.03:00:28 I mean to be YouTube didn't crack down on your.
03:00:31 I'm sure you'd be bigger than Tim by now.
03:00:33 You had.
03:00:34 No, I wouldn't be bigger than Tim, because again, Tim tells people what they want to hear, even if if YouTube had left me alone and let the algorithm do its thing.
03:00:45 I wouldn't be bigger than.
03:00:46 Him people would rather hear.
03:00:49 What they they want to be told what they want to hear.
03:00:53 And I that's.
03:00:54 Not what I do.
03:00:55 Look, I don't want to say.
03:00:57 This stuff sometimes.
03:00:58 It's just that.Devon
03:00:59 It's the truth.Speaker 9
03:01:01 You know, and yeah, I don't.03:01:03 I don't like it anymore than you guys, do you know?
03:01:07 And Tim just doesn't play that game.03:01:09 Tim plays a totally different game where it's.
03:01:14 It's all about the numbers.
Speaker 8
03:01:22 The movie that one good work fine, alright.Devon
03:01:30 It's so they're so jumbled.03:01:32 That's the other thing is all these super chats are just like like, so I can't.
03:01:36 Like, just look for the new ones.
03:01:40 They are all, in fact, some of them are.
Speaker 8
03:01:42 Duplicated I've noticed too.Devon
03:01:47 And look, I love that there's so many tonight.03:01:49 That's awesome, but.
03:01:52 I wish maybe I'll shoot an e-mail to.
03:01:55 Odyssey and be like, what the ****?
03:01:58 Alright, well I think I'm caught up and if I missed it, I apologize.
03:02:02 I I really appreciate the Super chat.
03:02:05 I think we broke a record on views and the Super chats.
03:02:10 Hope you guys have a good evening.
03:02:13 I'll be back Wednesday, Wednesday.
03:02:17 And remember, we're quickly approaching.
03:02:20 The the special 22222 show.
03:02:25 Which I still haven't planned out thoroughly but, and I will try to have a cat this pill.
03:02:32 This was a weird weekend for me, so I didn't have the cap, this pill ready that I was going to have for the show last night, but I'll try.
03:02:38 I have a cat this pill just to break.
03:02:40 Things up and maybe even a secret code.
03:02:43 But we'll see no promises, and I definitely.
03:02:45 Gotta get to.
03:02:45 That my e-mail box that is now full apparently.
03:02:49 Hopefully it's not just full of just someone spamming it, which is that's that's a that is a possibility because they don't give you a whole lot of space on ProtonMail.
03:02:57 So it.
03:02:57 Wouldn't take much to do that anyway.
03:02:59 You guys have a good evening for black pill.
03:03:02 Lime, of course.
Speaker 7
03:03:06 Devin, stat.