

Speaker 1
00:00:00 That I found you.
Speaker 2
00:00:02 I'm not gonna lose you.
Speaker 3
00:00:06 I will stay here with you.
Speaker 2
00:00:10 To the good.
00:00:12 See get through the.
Speaker 4
00:00:13 Better whatever it takes.
Speaker 2
00:00:17 I'm gonna.
Speaker 4
00:00:20 Let them see what's crazy.
Speaker 2
00:00:27 Never let go.
00:00:30 Let the world just fall apart.
00:00:35 Maybe we can make it.
Speaker 5
00:00:37 If we're heart to.
Speaker 2
00:00:38 Heart we can build this thing together forever. Nothing's gonna stop us.
00:00:54 We will still have each other's gonna stop us.
00:01:04 You need is you.
00:02:55 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:02:58 Good night.
00:03:00 Welcome to the gayest episode ever.
00:03:05 Of the insomnia stream you might want to wear protection for this one.
00:03:11 We are going to discuss how quickly things change in our society.
00:03:18 And why?
00:03:20 They change so quickly and why they seem to only change in One Direction.
00:03:27 And why?
00:03:30 That inevitability.
00:03:32 Will continue to be the case until people.
00:03:36 Wake up and realize.
00:03:39 Some of the very real obstacles that exist.
00:03:44 So it's Pride month, as I'm sure everyone's painfully aware of.
00:03:52 And it's interesting because a lot of people growing up, especially now, right, the little kids that are growing up watching Blues clues and Nickelodeon.
00:04:02 It's it's already normalized in the same way that like a lot of zoomers, or maybe maybe some zoomers, but mostly like the younger ones.
00:04:13 They don't remember a time without the Internet, right?
00:04:18 It's just always been there.
00:04:19 Smartphones, tablets, all the, you know, touch screens.
00:04:23 It's all it's.
00:04:24 Always been there, these very immersive video games.
00:04:27 It's just that's just the way reality is.
00:04:31 And now we have a generation growing up where, you know, trans kids is not some weird.
00:04:37 Anomaly this is that's just the way everything is.
00:04:42 It's fully normalized in the culture.
00:04:47 But just like with the Internet, smartphones and you know these these very these video games that really resemble slightly interactive movies.
00:04:58 It wasn't that long ago this stuff didn't exist.
00:05:04 And in fact, it wasn't that long ago that the public didn't want it.
00:05:10 But the ruling class always wanted it.
00:05:14 And the ruling class always gets what it wants.
00:05:19 And so I'm going to demonstrate for you that this is this is always we're always going in the direction.
00:05:27 That has been planned out meticulously.
00:05:32 And then executed.
00:05:36 Slowly but steadily.
00:05:38 Until it can go quickly.
00:05:41 And usually when they start to move quickly.
00:05:45 It's because they start off with.
00:05:47 People at a young age.
00:05:49 And as we've seen in recent days with, you know again the Blues clues stuff and you know just Sponge, Bob is gay now, you know, I mean.
00:05:57 Because they've they have this new group to work with this new generation.
00:06:02 These blank hard drives.
00:06:06 Where they don't have to uninstall Christianity, 2.0 or or actually maybe because it's Christianity 3.0 or 4, you know, whatever it's not. They don't need to uninstall it.
00:06:20 They're programming, just it's compatible with this new hardware.
00:06:26 There's no conflicting resources.
00:06:30 But let's rewind to a simpler time.
00:06:36 Now I I posted.
00:06:41 This video.
00:06:43 Or actually not the the 1st order to watch but one like it.
00:06:46 On telegram.
00:06:48 And I also posted a on Twitter.
00:06:54 A kind of a contrast between what gay activists were able to accomplish in the mainstream not that long ago.
00:07:04 I think this is.
00:07:07 Probably from like around.
00:07:09 It's it's less than 20 years old.
00:07:14 And what they've what they're able to do now and it's like night and day.
00:07:19 Well, let's take a look.
00:07:21 See, when I was in high school.
00:07:24 And I'm sure you'll you hear a lot of Gen.
00:07:25 Xers and millennials say stuff like this where you know, when I was in high school, you know, we called each other ****.
00:07:32 It wasn't a big deal.
00:07:34 You know, you know everyone going crazy because.
00:07:37 You know.
00:07:38 It's it's a false outrage, but the false outrage because a hunter Biden said, Oh my God, he said. Like 1000 times, everyone said ******* it's not a big deal and everyone knows it too. It's not a big deal. Everyone said ***.
00:07:54 Like when I would go to school and like, hey, what's up, ******?
00:07:56 To like my best friend.
00:07:59 And he and and he would say, hey, what's up?
00:08:01 You, you gay ***?
00:08:03 And like that was like, not a big deal.
00:08:05 Everyone talked like that.
00:08:08 And when they first started attacking this.
00:08:12 Because it was a.
00:08:13 Constant reminder that that's not something that was good.
00:08:18 Look, as men, the way they communicate is they.
00:08:20 Insult each other.
00:08:23 You know, it wasn't like a term of endearment.
00:08:24 It was.
00:08:25 But in the same way, if I'd called him.
00:08:27 A A a child molester or something like that.
00:08:34 Because that's how men show affection is through insults.
00:08:40 And because it was an insult, they had to stop that from happening before.
00:08:47 They could start normalizing it.
00:08:50 So in a way, it was it was.
00:08:51 It was a part.
00:08:52 Of the immune system at work.
00:08:56 It was a constant reminder, probably in reaction to the normalization that we were sensing.
00:09:02 That this was not cool.
00:09:06 You know we we.
00:09:07 We will constantly remind each other.
00:09:10 You don't want to be an actual ***.
00:09:15 So what they.
00:09:15 Did is they ran these ads?
00:09:17 Here's the first one I'm going.
00:09:18 To play.
00:09:20 And there's a racial component to it as well.
00:09:27 You know it is what it is, so here is.
00:09:32 Oh, you know what?
00:09:32 I'm dropping frames.
00:09:35 I'm going to do something that's going to screw up the connection, guys.
00:09:39 But I'm going to have.
00:09:39 To do it.
00:09:42 For it to work throughout the rest of the the show.
00:09:46 So if you're watching the recording, you're not going to notice any difference.
00:09:49 And if you're watching, you're probably gonna have to refresh in about 10 seconds.
00:09:54 Here we go.
00:09:59 Or nothing will happen.
00:10:04 Is it just going to work?
00:10:07 That would be awesome.
00:10:08 If it's just going to wear it, maybe it's just going to work.
00:10:13 OK, so this is the first that I'm going to play.
00:10:17 There's also a racial component to this and all the other ads just like it.
Speaker 7
00:10:22 Check out this ship right?
Speaker 2
00:10:24 Right.
Speaker 8
00:10:24 So don't say that.
00:10:30 What don't.
00:10:31 And if something is gay when you mean that something is dumb or stupid, it's insulting.
Speaker 9
00:10:37 It's like if.
Speaker 8
00:10:38 I thought this pepper shaker was stupid and I said man and this pepper shaker is so 16 year old boy with a cheesy mustache.
00:10:46 Just saying.
00:10:48 When you say that's so gay, do you realize what you say?
00:10:51 Here's the thing.
00:10:52 Yes, we did realize what we were saying.
00:10:57 That's why we said it.
00:10:59 And notice how and they do this in.
00:11:01 Every single ad.
00:11:03 She picks on the white kid.
00:11:05 You know, it's it's a white kid, a black kid and then some kind of brown guy, a little bit off camera, but it's the white guy.
00:11:15 Don't say gay.
Speaker 10
00:11:17 You bigot.
00:11:22 So then we have this ad.
00:11:23 It's the same, you know, basically the.
00:11:25 Same ad again.
00:11:26 It's the white girl and the Asian girl, but it's the white girl that.
00:11:30 Is the bigot.
00:11:32 Do you like this top?
00:11:34 So gay.
Speaker 2
00:11:36 Really. Yeah. It's totally gay.
Speaker 11
00:11:39 You know, you really shouldn't say that.
Speaker 12
00:11:42 Say what?
Speaker 11
00:11:43 Well, say that something's gay when you mean it's bad.
00:11:46 It's insulting.
00:11:48 What if every time something was bad, everybody said, oh, that's so.
Speaker 13
00:11:52 Girl wearing a skirt as a.
Speaker 2
00:11:53 Top those are cute jeans up.
Speaker 11
00:11:58 When you say that's so gay, do you realize what you.
00:12:00 Say knock it off.
00:12:02 Again, yes, everyone realized what they were saying.
00:12:09 That's why they were saying it.
00:12:12 Now this campaign it it was you.
00:12:15 Got to understand a couple of.
00:12:16 Things one first of all.
00:12:18 Who was funding this campaign?
00:12:21 We'll get.
00:12:21 We'll get into that in a second.
00:12:23 Why were these ads?
00:12:24 I mean, it's not cheap to run ads all over the ******* place.
00:12:28 And they ran these ads all over the ******* place.
00:12:35 So you have to ask yourself, OK?
00:12:40 How how were they able to afford that, that they were professionally produced?
00:12:43 I mean they have Hilary Duff.
00:12:45 I don't know if anyone knows who that.
00:12:46 Is anymore.
00:12:48 I actually don't remember what she like.
00:12:49 I think she was like a singer or something.
00:12:51 I just remember she was.
00:12:52 We can.
00:12:53 You know Maxim or something like that.
00:12:55 Uh, but, you know, famous.
00:12:58 Hot white lady.
00:13:01 And that's the other difference.
00:13:02 You notice that the the the difference in the people.
00:13:06 Well, what would the people look?
00:13:07 Like in in today's ads.
00:13:09 Not like that.
00:13:11 But then on top of that.
00:13:13 Oh, look, CNN, CNN.
Speaker 1
00:13:15 Say something.
Speaker 5
00:13:16 Original would you?
Speaker 14
00:13:17 How many times have you said or?
Speaker 15
00:13:19 Heard the criticism.
00:13:20 That's so gay.
00:13:21 Let me tell you how hurtful that can be to gay.
00:13:23 Teens and how?
00:13:24 Casual offhand language like that can be.
00:13:27 So, desensitizing to so many people and it's got a bigger impact, 86% of gay and lesbian.
00:13:33 Middle and high.
00:13:33 School students say they have been harassed at school. 44% of them say the harassment got physical, so now big name celebrities like Hillary Duff are fighting back with a new ad campaign.
00:13:45 Do you like?
00:13:46 This top.
00:13:47 So gay.
Speaker 15
00:13:49 Got to talk about.
00:13:49 The campaign.
00:13:50 So obviously I'm not gonna make you.
00:13:51 Watch it again.
00:13:53 But Ohh, let's have Hilary Duff.
00:13:55 Let's promote let's have commercials.
00:13:58 For the commercials.
Speaker 16
00:14:02 This this is quite.
00:14:03 The I mean, wow, you got to have.
00:14:05 Kind of a a powerful infrastructure to.
00:14:08 Be able to.
00:14:08 Pull this off.
00:14:10 Which is what I'm trying to hammer into a lot of people's heads is you can't just meme meme things into existence if you do not have control.
Speaker 5
00:14:22 Of the the the means of the memes.
00:14:28 Yeah, we have the Internet, but yeah, I'm also on a Chinese gaming ******* streaming platform.
00:14:33 Instead of YouTube.
00:14:37 You know, we're not exactly in the mainstream.
00:14:41 Not exactly on an.
00:14:43 Even playing field, you know they can censor us and censor us and censor us easily.
00:14:48 Not that hard.
00:14:49 Because the same ******* people.
00:14:51 Who are making those ads?
00:14:53 Who run CNN also control the Internet?
00:14:59 So they interview.
00:15:00 Hillary Duff and and basically tell her, like, wow, you know, you're.
00:15:03 So, you know brave.
Speaker 15
00:15:04 And actress Hilary Duff.
00:15:06 At Los Angeles and from Denver.
00:15:07 Lynette schwimmer.
00:15:08 She's a lesbian teenager.
00:15:09 Ohh, why? Well, who's this?
00:15:12 She's just a just a lesbian teenager.
00:15:16 We'll have to look into that.
00:15:18 I mean, how did?
00:15:19 How did they find how?
00:15:20 Did CNN get?
00:15:21 This lesbian, did they just say, hey, does anyone know a lesbian teenager that we can we can get on the, you know, kind of like they did with?
00:15:27 David Hogg, right.
00:15:28 Or the ohh look.
00:15:29 Here's just some kid.
00:15:32 We're like Greta, right?
00:15:33 That's how it works, right?
00:15:38 You remember the context too, in the same way that we we at least I give boomers a pass because of the lack of the Internet that this, you know, this was like like I said, it wasn't the Internet existed.
00:15:51 But people weren't were hadn't quite fact checked the media to the degree that they have now and realized like.
00:15:58 How ******** it was.
00:16:00 So there was still some trust, so the average, you know, soccer mom or whatever, watching this, that's precisely what she thinks happened.
00:16:08 They just found some some lesbian teenager.
00:16:11 That's been.
00:16:12 Harassed to talk about this.
Speaker 15
00:16:16 Peter, who has actually been physically assaulted.
00:16:19 Oh my God.
00:16:20 And she's been physically assaulted.
Speaker 15
00:16:22 Because she's gay and she's had to deal with comments like that.
00:16:24 Yeah, cause that that's.
00:16:26 People are always beating up the lesbians.
00:16:30 No, that's not we call each other ****** and stuff like that.
00:16:34 And yeah, we don't want to hang out with with the gay people.
00:16:36 People weren't beating up the lesbians.
Speaker 15
00:16:38 Welcome you both. Thank you so much, Hillary. You know the PSA's are so creative, they make you laugh, but boy.
00:16:44 Wow, they're hilarious, right?
Speaker 15
00:16:46 You know, there's a serious.
00:16:48 Why did you get involved?
Speaker 11
00:16:51 I mean, I think it's so important we're we are just not kind enough to each other, you know and and there's no reason why kids should go to school and and not be a safe place for them or they should, you know, not.
00:17:02 Be accepted.
Speaker 16
00:17:05 Wow, they sure made.
00:17:07 Made things safer for kids.
00:17:12 Good job, Hillary Duff, mission accomplished on that one.
00:17:21 Just making it safer for kids.
00:17:24 You know, The funny thing is.
00:17:25 That that, that's the same line they're using now with trans kids, right?
00:17:30 I want to make the world safer.
00:17:33 For trans kids.
00:17:36 In fact, President Biden.
00:17:42 What did he just tweet out?
00:17:43 The other day we got.
00:17:44 Over here, let me see.
00:17:47 Yeah, here we.
00:17:48 Are to transgender Americans across the country, especially the young people who are so brave.
00:17:56 He actually said that I'm done adding that.
00:17:59 I want you to know your President has your back during Pride month and all the time.
00:18:07 He's got your back.
00:18:08 You don't have to worry about these bigots that are that are going to.
00:18:12 Beat you up.
Speaker 15
00:18:15 And have you heard?
00:18:16 I mean, even in your daily life, have you been guilty of saying that?
00:18:20 Have you heard?
00:18:20 Other people say.
00:18:21 It I mean or?
Speaker 4
00:18:22 Oh, of course.
Speaker 15
00:18:22 Or was it the campaign that sort of really?
00:18:25 Brought it to your attention.
Speaker 11
00:18:27 It was, yeah.
00:18:27 I mean, I have plenty of gay friends that I love to death and would never want to do or say anything to hurt their feelings.
00:18:33 But you know, I think it's a term that we've just kind of got gotten used to saying and you know, maybe not even with the intent of of hurting someone.
00:18:40 'S feelings, but.
00:18:42 Now, so here's here's the thing, South Park.
Speaker 16
00:18:46 So that's this.
00:18:47 Is part of the wearing down.
00:18:49 This is part of the wearing down.
00:18:53 This is persuasion.
00:18:56 They're trying to be optical.
00:18:58 To the people that say.
00:19:01 Fagg and gay.
00:19:05 By saying ohh we we understand you're not actually trying to hurt anyone.
00:19:08 You don't actually mean gay.
00:19:10 South Park did an entire episode.
00:19:13 In response to this and South Park is is they are some sneaky *************.
00:19:20 They are some sneaky *** *************.
00:19:24 Because one they.
00:19:24 Are funny.
00:19:25 They're unlike those ads that we were watching.
00:19:27 They're genuinely funny.
00:19:30 Two, they get it.
00:19:32 To some degree.
00:19:36 But they always cut out at the end.
00:19:40 Because at the end of the day that, I mean, look, they're taking the libertarian line and the libertarian line is the globalist line.
00:19:47 And if you don't believe me, just look what the Libertarian Party tweeted out just the other day.
00:19:54 The Libertarian Party tweeted out, and this is also on my telegram if you want.
00:19:59 To see it.
00:20:02 Until we have open borders, we can't get rid of the welfare state.
00:20:09 The Libertarian party.
00:20:11 Is a way of trying to get people who have a a a justice.
00:20:18 Centric personality.
00:20:21 People that care about justice and people that worry about parasites basically on on the society.
00:20:31 And they use their their ability to reason.
00:20:38 And their their and they appeal to the the their desire for fairness and for justice.
00:20:45 To weasel in social justice.
00:20:49 Hyphenated justice.
00:20:51 And South Park does this.
00:20:54 And in their episode.
00:20:59 I don't actually have, but.
00:21:02 You can find these clips fairly easily.
00:21:06 In their episode, they're the whole deal.
00:21:09 Was the whole gag was a bunch of boomers on Harleys rolled into South Park.
00:21:15 And the kids were calling them **** because they didn't like the loud motorcycles and they said you.
00:21:20 Guys are ****.
00:21:22 And the people at school got all up in arms and said we can't have the kids, you know, because, you know, responding to these kinds of commercials and the moral panic, we can't have the kids saying gay and saying, you know, things are gay and and calling people ****.
00:21:38 And then the South Park kids say.
00:21:40 No, no, no.
00:21:40 We don't.
00:21:41 We're not actually talking.
00:21:42 About gay people we like.
00:21:44 Gay people.
00:21:47 We like Mr.
00:21:48 Garrison, who's an openly gay character at this point.
00:21:53 We, like Mr.
00:21:54 Slave, his super super gay.
00:21:59 Gay lover?
00:22:01 We like big gay al.
00:22:03 We've accepted.
00:22:06 The homosexuality.
00:22:09 We just, we still want the word.
00:22:12 We want to be able to call.
00:22:14 These boomers on motorcycles? ****.
00:22:18 But it really has nothing to do.
00:22:22 With actually being gay, what we've already accepted that.
00:22:25 See, that's the subversive way that South Park sells you on stuff.
00:22:30 Ohh no you can.
00:22:31 You should still have see it cause it's it's libertarians, right?
00:22:34 We should.
00:22:34 You should still have the freedom.
00:22:37 The First Amendment right to say *** budget.
Speaker 5
00:22:39 You know we.
Speaker 16
00:22:40 You know, but you you're you're.
00:22:41 You're actually OK with gays, right?
00:22:42 I mean, you don't actually hate faggs.
00:22:44 You're just saying ***, cause it's a funny word.
00:22:51 That's the episode in a nutshell.
00:22:57 And so these ads, you know, will run.
00:23:01 And ohh so this this lesbian, this random lesbian teenager that they interviewed.
00:23:07 Where is where do they put?
00:23:08 Her name up then I.
00:23:09 There it is.
00:23:11 Ah, Lynette.
00:23:13 Schwimmer, Lynette schwimmer.
00:23:18 So I look into her.
00:23:20 She's not just some random lesbian teenager.
00:23:24 Of course not.
00:23:25 She's a gay rights activist.
00:23:29 And she went to the Joseph Corbell School of International Studies.
00:23:37 Where the Dean?
00:23:39 Is Frederick Mayor mayor, you know, like Rothschild mayor.
00:23:46 And if you look at the school itself.
00:23:51 It was. Let's see here.
00:23:53 Interesting dates.
00:23:58 In 1938.
00:24:01 Cherrington was handpicked by the United States Department of State to lead its new Division of Cultural Relations and tasked with carrying out the exchange of professors, teachers and students, and cooperation in the field of music, art, literature, international radio broadcasts.
00:24:16 Generally, the dissemination of broad of the representation of.
00:24:20 Intellectual and cultural.
00:24:22 Work of the US, in other words.
00:24:24 The State Department specifically chose the school that.
00:24:27 She went to.
00:24:29 To spread global **** to the rest.
00:24:32 Of the world.
00:24:34 After World War 2.
00:24:37 I'm not even look it up yourself if you want.
00:24:42 And in fact, in 1943 to 1946.
00:24:47 It contributed to the United Nations Charter, so the.
00:24:51 School that she went to.
00:24:53 Not, but she's just some random lesbian, right?
00:25:01 So the school she went to specifically was designed to spread global home out of the rest of the world and helped design the UN.
00:25:11 But she's just some random lesbian that gets picked on because people because guys call each other *******.
00:25:21 You see, there's an infrastructure to this.
00:25:26 You see that this isn't.
00:25:27 Just, you know, we're losing the argument because.
00:25:32 You know we're we're just because we're getting censored.
00:25:38 This is a machine that's been at work.
00:25:41 Since the dawn of time, you might honestly very quite possibly you could probably trace back a lot of these bloodlines further back than anyone wants to actually know.
00:25:55 They know what they're doing.
00:25:56 They've been.
00:25:56 Doing it a long time.
00:26:07 All right.
00:26:09 So in addition to these ads getting having these appearances on TV well and this is just one, it wasn't just like, you know, just CNN did this and they had Wanda Sykes on all of the, you know, the late night shows to talk about it they have.
00:26:29 They they promoted the **** out of this campaign.
00:26:33 This was a cultural shift.
00:26:36 That was necessary.
00:26:40 And this is this is around. Well, I mean this was 2007 is when they were first started running these ads this is or rather no it's 2008 this is an award show.
00:26:53 Were they awarded?
00:26:55 The creator of these ads, but pay attention to who's putting on the award show.
Speaker 17
00:27:01 Hello, I'm Antonio Neves and this is.
00:27:03 Three minute ad.
00:27:03 Ager Daily Video News show a public service advertising campaign designed to combat the use of a homophobic slur, has won the AD Council's top award for Creative Excellence. The work with.
00:27:15 The ad council.
00:27:21 Your tax dollars at work.
00:27:25 It's all a scam where they use your money.
00:27:30 Naughty on less money, right?
00:27:31 We've we just saw, like, how much they're paying in taxes, right?
00:27:36 So the ruling class doesn't even have to pay for their own propaganda.
00:27:40 They make you pay for your propaganda.
00:27:43 Whether they're doing it with taxes like this or with with movie tickets or subscription fees or whatever.
00:27:51 Your pain.
00:27:53 For your own brainwashing.
Speaker 18
00:27:56 Was produced by.
Speaker 17
00:27:57 Arnold NYC in partnership with the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, it aims at this.
00:28:04 Arnold, NYC.
00:28:10 Should we look?
00:28:10 Should dare I dare I?
00:28:13 Look that up.
00:28:16 Arnold NYC ad agency.
Speaker 16
00:28:22 Arnold worldwide.
00:28:27 Let's have a look here.
00:28:39 Oh, they don't have, they don't.
00:28:40 They don't list the people.
00:28:42 Well, they have.
00:28:43 The CEO is George Sargeant.
00:28:46 I don't know who that is.
00:28:47 I mean he.
00:28:48 Doesn't have a page.
00:28:50 George Sargeant.
00:28:54 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
00:28:56 So Arnold, NYC.
00:28:59 The ad council, and then what was?
00:29:01 The name of the.
Speaker 17
00:29:03 Straight Education network as being and straight education network and partnership with the Gay, Lesbian and straight.
Speaker 19
00:29:04 The what?
00:29:07 The gay and lesbians.
00:29:12 Alright, gay.
00:29:16 Lesbian straight, which apparently you're not.
00:29:19 Even allowed to be anymore.
00:29:33 Glesen.org.
00:29:38 About us.
00:29:43 Well, the GL7 was founded by a group of teachers.
00:29:46 In 1990.
00:29:48 We knew the educators play a key role, so they're, you know, they're going right after.
00:29:52 The kids play key roles in creating and affirming learning environments for LGBTQ youth.
00:29:59 But as well as activating supportive educators, we believe in centering and uplifting student LED movements, either going after the kids, which have powered initiatives like the Day of Silence, Alley Week and more.
00:30:14 We conduct extensive and original research to inform our evidence based solutions for K through 12.
00:30:27 They're starting at kindergarten.
00:30:31 We author developmentally appropriate resources for educators to use throughout their school blog.
00:30:46 Again, this is.
00:30:50 This is infrastructure that we don't have.
00:30:55 You think that you would be allowed if you made a pro white?
00:31:00 Education network.
00:31:05 That you'd be allowed anywhere near a school.
00:31:10 Of course not.
00:31:17 And yet these guys are funded by people like target.
00:31:21 Arizona State University.
00:31:26 The Education council.
00:31:31 The ad council.
00:31:34 When the list of, I mean it goes.
00:31:36 On and on.
00:31:36 And on and they're pretty big organization here.
00:31:42 And they focus on children.
00:31:46 I mean, look, I'll.
00:31:47 I'll bring up their website.
00:31:50 What does that look like to you?
00:31:57 They're focused on kids.
00:32:03 Why is that not zooming the picture in?
00:32:09 There we go.
00:32:15 They're focused on kids.
00:32:24 Because you have to be.
Speaker 17
00:32:27 Network it aims to discourage the use of the phrase that's so gay that has become a common catch all epithet among high school and college students.
00:32:36 The ad council's annual Bell Awards for PSA ads were announced at a dinner ceremony at Manhattan's Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Speaker 20
00:32:42 The winners of the Gold Bell for credit excellence deal with a very specific behavior.
00:32:48 The casual and thoughtless use of the term that's so gay by teenagers.
00:32:54 Given the sensitive nature of this issue, the work requires incredible emotional precision or at risk, aggravating the prejudice that seeks to reduce.
00:33:03 The agency developed an appropriately sensitive message delivered with humour to give it a broad appeal.
00:33:09 Since this campaign launched 5 weeks ago, it has received a remarkable amount of attention.
00:33:13 Kids are listening and they're getting it.
00:33:15 Congratulations to the team from Arnold.
00:33:17 New York for this brilliant work.
Speaker 3
00:33:21 So are you going out tonight?
00:33:23 Can't my parents, I have to be home, right?
Speaker 2
00:33:25 After work, that's so gay.
Speaker 13
00:33:30 That is so Emma and Julia.
Speaker 11
00:33:33 Why are you saying that's so Emma and Julia?
00:33:36 Well, you know when something is dumb.
00:33:38 Or stupid you say that.
00:33:39 So I'm in Julia.
00:33:41 Who says that? Everyone.
00:33:44 Yeah, cause everyone hates you.
00:33:45 Bigoted white people.
Speaker 21
00:33:47 Imagine if who you are were used as an insult when you say that's so gay.
00:33:51 Do you realize what you say?
00:33:52 Knock it off.
00:33:56 So this was going on.
00:34:00 All over the place.
00:34:02 While at the same time.
00:34:04 You had every single sitcom, every single.
00:34:10 Not like, just like Grey's Anatomy type show.
00:34:14 Have episodes that coincided with this.
00:34:19 So every every fiction that Americans and just.
00:34:22 A lot of the West.
00:34:25 Every piece of fiction that they were consuming.
00:34:29 Was just saturated with this.
00:34:30 This is also when they started pushing shows like, you know, queer eye for the straight guy.
Speaker 22
00:34:38 Will and grace.
00:34:41 You know, they they went from having the implicitly gay characters in television shows to the explicitly.
00:34:50 Gay characters.
00:34:52 In television shows.
00:34:56 I think Ellen.
00:34:58 That's when she she, her.
00:35:00 You know, she's, you know, a lesbian in real life, but that her character was straight in her show.
00:35:06 And then her character came out as gay.
00:35:11 Everyone was gay.
00:35:14 Around this same time, you had the office.
00:35:18 Had a whole episode, and the British office I believe had because like the first.
00:35:24 At least the first season, maybe the second season of the American Office and the British Office, like in some cases, it's word for word.
00:35:30 Right.
00:35:31 There are some differences, so I don't know if how it was handled differently, but that on the American office they had an entire which.
00:35:37 Was like that.
00:35:37 Was one of the number one shows.
00:35:40 That entire episode about Michael Scott, you know the, the, the modern Archie Bunker, the guy that you know, he was endearing in a way, but no one wants to be him.
00:35:51 No one wants to be Michael Scott.
00:35:55 And one of the reasons why he's ignorant.
00:36:03 Fact I think I've got.
00:36:06 Let me see if I can pull that up.
00:36:10 And they did this whole episode where they had a gay kiss.
00:36:19 Yeah, here we are.
00:36:39 Where the the smart character.
00:36:42 See, have you ever noticed the gay characters?
00:36:45 Just like all the black characters in movies, right?
00:36:47 The black characters in movies, they're always like the helpful smart genius types.
00:36:54 You know, they were never the bad guys.
00:36:56 The the terrorists were always, you know, airy and Germans and, you know, like in, like, in the case of.
00:37:02 Die hard and stuff like that, right?
00:37:04 The bad guys were always these very Aryan white guys in the same way that you had Hollywood producing that kind of a propaganda for diversity to normalize diversity.
00:37:17 That's the same thing with gay characters.
00:37:21 You had this same push all the gay characters, not none of them, were gross or dangerous.
00:37:25 In fact, the one time where you kind of have.
00:37:27 That is silence of the Lambs.
00:37:31 With Buffalo Bill.
00:37:33 Which is now considered an anti trans movie.
00:37:42 But you had this whole episode where Oscar comes out.
00:37:48 And everyone's totally OK with it, except for.
00:37:53 Michael Scott, the modern day Archie Bunker.
00:37:57 Who says all these racist and intolerant and ignorant things but he's funny and kind of.
00:38:02 You know, likeable in a weird way.
Speaker 22
00:38:07 But by the end of it.
00:38:10 He overcomes his his bigotry.
00:38:19 And calls a meeting, gets in front of the entire.
00:38:24 I'm here.
00:38:25 Can't forget this speech.
Speaker 2
00:38:30 Other me.
Speaker 19
00:38:31 Really, I really rather.
00:38:32 Not I really.
Speaker 2
00:38:32 Come here, Brian.
00:38:33 Rather not.
Speaker 4
00:38:33 My friend.
Speaker 9
00:38:36 I don't want to touch you.
00:38:38 Ever consider that?
00:38:40 You're ignorant and insulting and small.
Speaker 23
00:38:45 OK.
00:38:48 You don't want to be that guy.
00:38:52 See the reaction shots.
00:38:56 You don't want to be that guy.
00:39:02 He's revolting.
Speaker 19
00:39:05 All right.
00:39:10 But check this out guys, it's fine because gay people are so.
00:39:13 Forgiving, sorry.
Speaker 9
00:39:17 I'm sorry.
00:39:20 That was a good idea.
00:39:21 Come on.
Speaker 20
00:39:23 Come on.
Speaker 24
00:39:26 All right.
Speaker 1
00:39:28 Are you called you shaggy?
00:39:29 I know.
00:39:31 So there you go.
00:39:34 Every every literally every show.
00:39:38 This is like an extreme example, but literally every show had this episode.
00:39:46 To some degree.
Speaker 16
00:39:50 It was a blitz.
00:39:54 The entire and like I said, even in the case like South Park, South Park was like the, I mean, I don't think South Park's really controlled opposition.
00:40:02 Like, I kind of hate that that term because I think.
00:40:04 That there's there's.
00:40:05 Really, a lot of times it's cowardly opposition.
00:40:09 I mean, they are, I guess definitionally, they're controlled, but they're not controlled through like some plan.
00:40:14 They're controlled through their wallet.
00:40:18 They know what they can and can't say.
00:40:20 It's like all these people that stay on YouTube when everyone else has been demonetized and they tiptoe around certain subjects.
00:40:28 What are they?
00:40:30 But they're controlled because they want that YouTube money.
Speaker 25
00:40:35 It's the same.
00:40:35 Thing you know if if if you.
00:40:38 Want to keep making South Park episodes?
00:40:42 And look, and if you're just a libertarian, you're just going to have gas ideas anyway.
00:40:53 You can't be.
00:40:54 Outright right wing, I mean, just ask Sam Hyde.
00:40:58 How that worked out?
00:41:05 So they control.
00:41:10 Any and all outlets that are going to reach.
00:41:13 The normies, if you will, the masses if you will.
00:41:18 This is why.
00:41:19 You never will be able to red pill the normies, or at least part of why the other parts they're.
00:41:24 Just you know they.
00:41:27 They're incapable in many instances, right?
00:41:29 But in a lot of instances, even when they're, they're capable of getting it, they're only capable of getting it because they have a finite amount of attention.
00:41:37 And if you never have that attention because they're too busy watching this ****, it's never going to matter.
00:41:43 And a lot of times you.
00:41:44 It's the kind of thing you have to constantly, constantly.
00:41:47 Remind them of.
00:41:50 That's why they did this.
00:41:51 It wasn't.
00:41:52 I mean, look, part of this was it was rolling out a firmware update and trying to make sure everyone got the update right.
00:42:00 But notice how it doesn't stop.
00:42:02 One of the reasons why it doesn't stop and it has to necessarily keep escalating.
00:42:08 Is because a there is no, you know the end goal wasn't to just get gay marriage and and this sort of stuff, right?
00:42:15 So this was just one step anyway, but they have to keep it going and going and going cause.
00:42:20 If they stop.
00:42:22 People are going to revert back to their natural state.
00:42:26 The natural state.
00:42:28 Of being weirded out.
Speaker 26
00:42:31 By gay behavior.
00:42:35 And and which kids are and I'll.
00:42:37 Show you some of that.
00:42:38 Here in a second too.
00:42:41 So this continued to go on.
00:42:43 Here's a interview.
00:42:45 With chank from.
00:42:50 The Young Turks, when he worked at MSNBC because you have these little pockets of conservatives who do try to do something right.
00:43:00 So, like in North Carolina and it always fails.
00:43:03 But like in North Carolina, they did like the the bathroom law in response to the ****** stuff, right?
00:43:09 We're not even Trump backed them up on that.
00:43:12 And in this case, Tennessee responded.
00:43:17 By saying.
00:43:19 We don't want to have forced.
00:43:22 Gay education in our state.
00:43:25 Because California did exactly that.
00:43:27 The California passed a law saying you couldn't say negative things about gay people when teaching history.
00:43:34 They it literally has language like that, kind of like in the same way now that you're starting to get like the the this require Holocaust education, the anti-Semitism laws.
00:43:45 Well, they they made sure to secure the gaze before they secured the Jews.
00:43:49 So think whatever you wanted about that.
00:43:52 But Tennessee, in response to that.
00:43:55 Said OK, well, we're going to pass a law saying that you can't teach gay history.
00:44:02 And that you'll get in trouble if you're a teacher.
00:44:07 And you try to teach gay history because we now know.
00:44:12 That there's these organizations like GLSEN.
00:44:16 Where their entire purpose is trying to get teachers in the classroom to brainwash their kids about gay ****.
00:44:24 Right.
00:44:25 And it's not just that's not the only organization.
00:44:27 That's just one organization that made one PSA and you know they do other stuff too, right?
00:44:33 But there's other organizations.
00:44:36 And so the media had to go out, you know.
00:44:40 Because the media is what?
00:44:43 It's just a propaganda wing of the ruling class.
00:44:48 So this is how they responded.
Speaker 18
00:44:49 Sometimes the best way to fight hate and discrimination is to make people.
00:44:53 That's what one gay rights activist is doing to show the absurdity of a Tennessee bill that would ban teachers from discussing the fact that some people.
00:45:00 Are gay the bills been dubbed the don't say gay bill.
00:45:04 It would bar teachers from using materials that discuss homosexuality and would punish teachers who violate the ban with up to 30 days in jail, which is absurd.
00:45:15 Opponents of the bill say it would actually increase discrimination and bullying.
00:45:19 Enter actor and gay rights.
00:45:21 Miss George takei? No.
00:45:22 So they were trying.
00:45:23 To be based, they were saying.
00:45:25 No, **** you guys.
00:45:28 But global **** doesn't allow that.
00:45:31 Funny how you know, they they selectively care about states rights because they don't have any principles.
00:45:37 You have to understand the left every time when the right.
00:45:40 Does the whole.
Speaker 18
00:45:41 Imagine if you flipped it around.
00:45:43 The reason why that argument is so ******* stupid.
00:45:47 The reason why it's so ******* gay.
00:45:51 Is they don't care.
00:45:54 They don't have principles.
00:45:56 They don't care.
00:45:58 It's like if a guy breaks into your house.
00:46:03 And he's like, I'm gonna rape your daughter.
00:46:07 And you say, well, imagine how you'd feel if I raped your daughter and expecting him to be like, oh, God, oh, I'm oh ****.
00:46:15 I'm sorry.
00:46:17 I'd never thought of it that way before.
00:46:21 I guess now I'm.
00:46:22 Not going to rape your daughter?
00:46:27 Do you realize how ******* insane that is?
00:46:32 But yet that is how conservatives pretend.
00:46:37 To be doing something for you.
00:46:40 And as you'll see, this is again, this would be a very there's a lot of **** in.
00:46:43 This episode.
00:46:46 And you're going to see that you actually have conservatives to.
00:46:49 Thank for a lot of this stuff.
Speaker 18
00:46:52 Known to many, of course, as Mr.
00:46:53 Sulu from Star Trek, including myself, he's come up with a hilarious and devastatingly effective response.
00:46:59 Ohh, it's hilarious. It's not devastatingly effective. It's not. It's see, that's the thing though, in the same way that that the applause sign lets normies know when it's supposed to be funny, like the laugh track on these shows that we're watching. It tells the normies when to think it's funny. That's what this guy's doing.
00:47:21 That's every time when they do these.
00:47:23 Fake polls and.
00:47:24 They say, oh, look, Hillary Clinton is polling at 90, she's going to win 90% chance. She's going to win.
00:47:31 It's because they know that most normies are ******* *******, and they want to go.
00:47:36 With the herd.
00:47:37 Because there's safety in numbers, and if this guy on the TV.
00:47:42 Who works for the power is telling them.
00:47:46 That this is hilarious and awesome and effective.
00:47:49 They're they, they now know.
00:47:52 It's like one of.
00:47:53 My first red pills are maybe black pill I guess.
00:47:57 Was when I was a teenager.
00:48:00 I was watching an episode of The Simpsons.
00:48:03 And they did a reference to Vincent Price.
00:48:07 Who I liked Vincent Price.
00:48:09 And I started laughing.
00:48:11 I said something and and like, everyone was laughing at the everyone in the room was laughing at the joke.
00:48:15 And I said something about Vincent Price and my friend who had just been laughing at the joke said, who's that?
00:48:24 And I looked at him.
00:48:25 I was like.
00:48:26 He's the guy that makes the joke.
00:48:28 Makes sense.
00:48:30 Like, why were you even laughing if you?
00:48:31 Didn't know who that was.
00:48:34 And that's where I realized.
00:48:37 Lots of people.
00:48:39 Do that.
00:48:41 They laugh at the jokes that they don't understand.
00:48:44 Because they think that they're supposed to.
00:48:49 And that's it.
00:48:49 That's most people.
00:48:53 And because we're on the fringes.
00:48:56 We'll never have the authority.
00:48:59 To tell them when to laugh.
00:49:03 You understand?
Speaker 18
00:49:06 Us to the don't say gay bill.
00:49:08 Just take a look here anytime you need to say the word gay, you can simply say decay.
00:49:15 For example, you could safely.
00:49:17 Proclaim you are a supportive to gay marriage.
00:49:23 Yeah, and obviously disingenuous and ********.
00:49:26 And and you know that wasn't what the.
00:49:28 The bill is about.
00:49:29 It all.
00:49:29 But again, because normies are ******* ********, they're just like.
00:49:32 Ohh yeah, that's funny.
00:49:35 Oh yeah, I like Sulu.
00:49:37 Star Trek?
00:49:42 All right, so how did all this **** work?
00:49:48 How did all this **** work?
Speaker 16
00:49:51 Well, we we watched how.
00:49:52 It worked how that was unfolding.
00:49:55 In in pop culture and news and propaganda, right?
00:50:01 Well, what about politicians?
00:50:03 Well, politicians have to they they have.
00:50:07 To lag behind the Overton window a little bit.
00:50:10 Right.
00:50:12 They have to drag their feet because if they seem like they're going too far.
00:50:17 Then you know.
00:50:19 People will freak out.
00:50:23 So they have to go just a little bit slower than all of this, this pop culture ****.
00:50:31 And I want you to watch the evolution.
00:50:34 Of how these presidential candidates.
00:50:40 All of whom, by the way, supported.
00:50:42 Gay marriage, secretly all of them.
00:50:45 How do I know this because.
00:50:46 Now it's not a secret.
00:50:49 All of them support gay marriage and they.
00:50:51 Did at the time, so they were lying.
00:50:57 But conservatives are stupid.
00:51:01 And they think that that, you know.
00:51:04 They they've got a guy like in Bush.
00:51:06 They have a guy in Romney.
00:51:07 They've got a guy in McCain.
00:51:09 They've got a guy in Trump.
00:51:12 You don't have any guy.
Speaker 27
00:51:14 I have friends who are in gay and lesbian partner.
00:51:18 All right, so this is it's clipping it out a little bit.
00:51:20 So let me move.
00:51:21 It so.
00:51:21 You can see it a little.
00:51:22 Better this is in 2000.
00:51:29 All right, so.
00:51:29 That's Joe Lieberman. This is before 9/11.
00:51:36 Wouldn't have been interesting if.
00:51:39 If we had a Jewish.
00:51:42 Vice president after 911, I think it was, you know, cause it was going to happen either way, right? Maybe not. I don't know.
00:51:49 But we had.
00:51:50 A. It was Joe Lieberman.
00:51:53 And Al Gore.
00:51:55 Versus Bush.
00:51:58 And chaining.
00:52:00 So this is the presidential or vice presidential debate with Lieberman and Cheney in 2000.
Speaker 27
00:52:07 Ownerships have said to me, isn't it unfair that we don't have similar legal rights to inheritance to visitation when one of the partners is ill to healthcare benefits and that's why I'm thinking about it and my mind is open to taking some action that will address those elements of unfairness.
00:52:28 While respecting the traditional religious and civil institution of marriage.
Speaker 16
00:52:33 All right, so.
00:52:35 That's the Democrat. That's the Jewish Democrat in 2002 thousand 20 years ago.
00:52:42 He had to use.
00:52:45 The very soft.
00:52:48 The very soft.
00:52:49 Sneaky way that they were going to.
00:52:52 Try to sneak.
00:52:52 In if they couldn't get the marriage thing, and that's the civil unions first and then it would be gay marriage.
00:52:57 In the meantime, they're like, OK, well, if you don't want them to get married, we'll just call it civil unions, and it'll basically be.
Speaker 26
00:53:08 Be marriage.
00:53:10 And we'll make.
00:53:11 All these reasons why that gay couples need that look, even me.
00:53:15 I was.
00:53:15 I was libertarian.
00:53:17 I was a reasonable guy.
00:53:20 And I thought to myself.
00:53:23 Yeah, that doesn't.
00:53:24 Sound too bad?
00:53:25 It's like it's keeping marriage how it is and then you know, because the argument was, well, what if you're you're a gay lover.
00:53:31 Is in the hospital and his whole families disowned him because he's gay and he's incapacitated and someone has to make decisions for him.
00:53:43 Then then shouldn't it be his gay lover that has, you know, the legal right to make those decisions?
00:53:51 And most people like, yeah.
00:53:53 Alright, alright, that sounds reasonable.
00:53:57 But that was never that was never going to stop at that.
00:53:59 Of course not.
00:54:01 And in fact, South Park, Speaking of South Park, which again, I'm going to bring up again because they were such a cultural ******* sledgehammer.
00:54:10 They did an entire episode against that argument, too.
00:54:15 That that a whole argument on a whole episode on gay marriage, saying, well, no, we have to just let them get married.
00:54:21 If you do civil unions, it's the same thing as saying you guys are a married couple and you guys are **** buddies.
00:54:29 Like, that's the episode that that's the the term they use to make it sound like, look how horrific you're you're forcing them to call each other **** buddies by giving them this special term, this, you know, civil union thing.
00:54:41 It's no different than saying **** buddy.
00:54:47 And teenage me, I was like.
00:54:49 Libertarian and thinking like, yeah, maybe, maybe, I don't know.
00:54:54 I still didn't.
00:54:54 Want them to get married?
00:54:55 But I you know.
00:54:57 Again, it was the the empathy.
00:55:01 Well, here's Cheney Cheney.
00:55:04 A lot of people.
00:55:04 Don't know this has has a lesbian daughter.
00:55:09 And Cheney is more more willing to support gay marriage than the the Jewish Democrat.
Speaker 23
00:55:19 Fact of the matter is we live in a free society and and freedom means freedom for everybody.
00:55:23 We don't get to choose and shouldn't be able to choose and say you get to live free.
00:55:27 But you don't.
Speaker 2
00:55:27 And see it's freedom.
00:55:30 Freedom means freedom for everyone.
00:55:34 You can't have any standards.
Speaker 23
00:55:36 And I think that means that people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into.
00:55:41 It's really no one else's.
00:55:43 Business and what what?
00:55:44 Two people do in the privacy of their own home, right?
Speaker 23
00:55:49 Terms of trying to regulate or or prohibit behavior.
00:55:53 In that regard, the fact of the matter of course, is that matters regulated by the States.
Speaker 24
00:55:58 I'm not for gay marriage.
00:55:59 See, that's the other thing.
00:56:01 Offloading it onto the states.
00:56:04 Anytime the Republicans want to be *******.
00:56:08 They say, well, it's up to the states.
00:56:11 Fast forward a couple of years and the Democrats make.
00:56:13 It national anyway.
00:56:18 And that way the Republicans can can make it.
00:56:21 Sound like?
00:56:21 Well, we try to keep it.
00:56:22 A states issue.
00:56:25 But you couldn't prevent it from becoming a national issue.
00:56:27 When it was.
00:56:29 The Democrats in power, because that's kind of what you're there for, right?
00:56:32 To just lose as catastrophically as possible.
00:56:39 So then we had Bush.
00:56:41 Who would outright say because he had all the evangelical support at the time?
00:56:47 So he would outright say he didn't support gay marriage.
00:56:51 When privately he did.
00:56:53 In fact, I found.
00:56:53 An old interview.
00:56:56 Of Tucker.
00:57:00 Tucker Carlson talking to Rachel Maddow.
00:57:05 About it and him saying, well, yeah, no one actually believes that Bush doesn't want gay marriage.
00:57:12 He's just saying this because he knows.
00:57:15 That the uh.
00:57:16 His his crazy right wing evangelical supporters want it, and so he has to make it look like.
00:57:26 That that's what he's going to do.
00:57:29 And I'm not disagreeing with Tucker, but Tucker didn't seem all.
00:57:31 That worried that.
00:57:32 That's what he was doing.
Speaker 24
00:57:34 I'm not for gay marriage.
00:57:35 I I think marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman and.
00:57:41 I appreciate the way the administration signed the Defense of Marriage Act and would be respectful for people who may disagree with me.
00:57:49 I've had a record of doing so.
00:57:50 In the state of.
00:57:50 Texas, I've been a I've been a person that.
00:57:52 We've been called.
00:57:53 To unite or not invited because I accepted some.
00:57:55 I accept other people's points of view. I agree with that and.
Speaker 28
00:57:59 I did support that law.
00:58:01 There you go. Even Al Gore in 2000.
00:58:04 Tree hugging global warming Al Gore knew.
00:58:08 That the public.
00:58:10 Wasn't buying it yet?
Speaker 28
00:58:14 But I think that we should find a way to allow some kind of civic unions, and I basically agree with Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman.
Speaker 18
00:58:26 See, they all agree they all agree.
00:58:30 You know Bush.
00:58:31 Is the only one that that says.
00:58:32 He doesn't want it.
00:58:34 Which might have been why he part of why?
Speaker 16
00:58:36 He he won.
00:58:37 Right.
00:58:40 Because the people.
00:58:41 Didn't want it in fact.
00:58:43 Which we'll get into in a second, not even.
00:58:45 California wanted it.
Speaker 28
00:58:47 And I think the three of us have one view and the.
00:58:49 Governor has another view.
Speaker 29
00:58:51 I believe marriage is between.
00:58:52 A man and a woman.
00:58:53 Alright, so this is 2004.
00:58:59 John Kerry.
00:59:01 In 2004, in the presidential debate.
00:59:04 Going up against Bush and Cheney.
00:59:10 He had to say he didn't believe in gay marriage. 2 This is 2004.
Speaker 29
00:59:17 But I also believe that because we are the United States of America, we're a country with a great, unbelievable constitution with rights that we afford people that you can't discriminate in the workplace.
00:59:28 You can't discriminate in the rights that you will afford.
00:59:30 People see, so he's he's he's trying to throw a bone and say, well, I can't let you guys get married.
00:59:37 But maybe we can add you to the civil rights bill or something.
00:59:41 So which I think they've they've accomplished now.
00:59:44 Do you support civil?
00:59:46 So now we're fast for this is.
00:59:47 2007.
00:59:50 This is McCain.
00:59:51 So this is McCain versus Obama?
Speaker 10
00:59:57 I do not.
00:59:58 I do not.
00:59:59 And even McCain? Scumbag McCain.
01:00:05 Still knows in order to get the the evangelical votes.
01:00:11 He has to say that he doesn't support gay marriage.
01:00:16 And like Bush, he also doesn't support.
01:00:19 The civil unions 2007, we're getting closer and closer to current day.
Speaker 10
01:00:23 No, I think that they impinge on the status and the sanctity of marriage between man and woman.
01:00:29 So you want take away some traits for.
Speaker 31
01:00:32 Because you believe it's wrong.
Speaker 10
01:00:33 I I don't put that interpretation on my position, but I understand yours.
Speaker 32
01:00:39 I will tell Americans straight up that I don't support defining marriage as anything but between one man and one woman, and I think through nuances we could go round and round about what that actually means.
01:00:50 But I'm being as as straight up with Americans as I can in my non support for anything but a traditional definition of marriage.
Speaker 5
01:00:57 Let's try to avoid nuance.
01:00:59 Senator, do you support gay mayor?
Speaker 2
01:01:00 Let me be Schafer.
01:01:01 See, now we got Biden Biden in 2008.
01:01:04 How does Biden?
01:01:06 The guy whose tweet I just read that he's got the trans kids back.
01:01:10 What did Biden have to say in 2008?
Speaker 31
01:01:14 No. Barack Obama. Nora. Ah.
01:01:20 Biden and Obama, they do.
01:01:22 Not support gay marriage?
01:01:24 That's weird.
Speaker 31
01:01:26 Support redefining from a from a civil side.
01:01:30 What constitutes marriage?
01:01:32 We do not support that.
Speaker 33
01:01:33 I do not favor.
01:01:35 See 2012.
01:01:38 Still, they still.
01:01:39 Didn't only it was 10 less than 10 years ago.
01:01:45 So this this is how quickly it changed.
01:01:47 Less than 10 years ago.
01:01:48 This is still a thing.
01:01:50 Romney 2012.
01:01:53 Saying that he does not support gay marriage.
01:01:57 Former former governor of Massachusetts.
01:02:02 The first state to legalize gay marriage, I think under Romney.
01:02:08 I think Romney signed that bill.
Speaker 2
01:02:10 Let me look.
01:02:12 I forgot about that ****.
01:02:17 Gay marriage mess.
01:02:37 No, I can't read it because it wants me to pay for the LA Times.
01:02:40 **** you guys.
01:02:42 But just judging on the headline, I could be wrong.
01:02:45 I can't.
01:02:46 I cannot confirm this.
01:02:49 Makes less than no.
01:02:53 All right, so he tried to delay it, but I think eventually.
01:02:58 The Supreme Court of Massachusetts made it happen.
01:03:01 Is what it looks.
01:03:02 Like all right, so I guess he didn't totally **** back then.
Speaker 33
01:03:07 Marriage between people of the same gender and I don't favor civil units if they're identical to marriage other than by name.
01:03:14 My view is that domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights and the like are appropriate, but that the others are.
01:03:21 Not close again for another.
01:03:23 All right.
01:03:25 So now.
01:03:27 Let's move up to the Democratic primary.
01:03:31 This is 2008.
01:03:34 Let's see if any of the candidates supported it.
Speaker 34
01:03:38 Thanks Tim.
01:03:40 The issues surrounding gay rights have been hotly debated here in New England, for example, last year some parents of second graders in Lexington, MA, were outraged to learn their children's teacher had read a story about same sex marriage about a.
01:03:55 2nd graders.
01:03:57 Now that's total. All this shit's totally normal. But in 2008, this outraged liberal parents on the East Coast.
Speaker 34
01:04:06 A Prince who marries another Prince, same sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts, but most of you oppose it.
01:04:14 Would you be comfortable having this story read to your children as part of their school curriculum?
01:04:19 I'm going to start with Senator Edwards.
Speaker 30
01:04:21 Yes, absolutely.
01:04:23 What I want is I want my children to.
01:04:26 See now here's.
01:04:27 Here's The funny thing.
01:04:29 You're going to see the most boomer ******* answers.
01:04:33 Because, well, that's that was the voting bloc, right?
01:04:37 The most boomer ******* logic.
01:04:39 Listen to how he answers.
01:04:41 Listen to how he basically throws any semblance of responsibility out the ******* window.
Speaker 30
01:04:51 I understand everything about the the difficulties that gay and lesbian couples are faced with.
01:04:57 Every day, the discrimination that they're faced with every single day of their lives, and I suspect my two younger children, Mcclair, who's 9, and Jack, who's seven, will reach the same conclusion that my daughter Kate, who's 25, has reached, which is she doesn't understand why her dad is not in favor of.
01:05:16 Same sex marriage.
01:05:18 He's kicking the can down the road like every other ******* thing the boomers did.
01:05:24 What he's saying is.
01:05:26 And look, I don't.
01:05:27 I think he's lying, but he knows this is going to resonate with the boomer voting bloc.
01:05:32 He's saying no, I personally.
01:05:35 I personally don't like it.
01:05:39 But my kids seem to think it's OK.
01:05:42 And so let's just kick the ******* can down the road and let them work it out.
01:05:53 That is going to make so much ******* sense to boomers.
01:05:56 They're like, yeah, OK, so that way I can have my cake and eat it too.
01:06:01 I can personally think that this is a terrible thing.
Speaker 16
01:06:04 But then let my kids worry about it.
01:06:07 That sounds amazing.
Speaker 30
01:06:09 And she says her generation will be the generation that brings about the great change in America on that issue.
Speaker 2
01:06:16 See, we we can just keep growing.
01:06:19 And that they're going to bring the change about.
01:06:22 And we can just let it happen.
01:06:26 Because leadership. What's that?
Speaker 30
01:06:30 So I don't want to make that decision on behalf of.
Speaker 16
01:06:32 My children.
01:06:33 I don't.
01:06:33 I don't want to have.
01:06:34 To make any decisions.
01:06:37 I don't have to make decisions.
01:06:39 That are going to help or hurt my children.
01:06:42 Why would I give?
01:06:43 A **** about any generation that comes after mine.
Speaker 18
01:06:46 Why? Why on on on God's green Earth?
01:06:50 Would I give a **** about anyone that happens to live on this planet after me?
Speaker 30
01:06:55 I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even if you say second grade, 2nd grade might be a little tough, but.
01:07:05 Even in second grade.
Speaker 3
01:07:06 2nd grade? Sure. ****.
Speaker 30
01:07:08 It grade to be exposed to all to all those possibilities because I don't want to impose my view no matter no.
Speaker 34
01:07:10 Well, that's the point.
01:07:11 It is second grade.
01:07:17 Why would I want to impose my morality on my children?
Speaker 16
01:07:25 Are you listening to?
Speaker 18
01:07:26 This ****, by the way.
01:07:28 While he's taking this ****, his wife is dying of cancer and he's ******* some reporter.
Speaker 30
01:07:34 Nobody made me God.
01:07:36 I don't get to decide on behalf of my family or.
01:07:38 My children?
01:07:39 Oh, that's the other great little boomer or deflection, huh?
01:07:44 Let God sort it out.
01:07:46 Isn't that kind of like the cute *******?
01:07:50 God's going to come and save us.
01:07:53 I don't have to.
01:07:54 Do anything, let God fix it.
Speaker 30
01:07:57 As my wife Elizabeth has spoken her.
Speaker 22
01:07:58 Own mind on this issue, women **** it.
01:08:01 Ha ha, get it cause I'm just.
01:08:03 A stupid man.
01:08:05 I mean this is this is peak ******* boomer.
01:08:08 I'm surprised he didn't.
Speaker 30
01:08:09 Win. I don't get to impose on them what it is that I believe is right, but what I will do as President of the United States is I will lead an effort to make sure that the same benefits that are available to heterosexual couples 1100 roughly benefits in the federal government are available.
01:08:26 The same sex couples.
01:08:27 That we get rid of DOMA.
01:08:29 The Defense of Marriage Act that we get rid of don't ask, don't tell which is wrong. Today was wrong when it was enacted back in the 1990s. I will be the President.
01:08:39 That they got rid of all that.
Speaker 2
01:08:39 Right.
Speaker 16
01:08:41 It's all gone now.
Speaker 30
01:08:43 That leads a serious effort to deal with the discrimination that exists today.
Speaker 34
01:08:47 Thank you, Senator Obama.
Speaker 30
01:08:47 Thank you.
Speaker 34
01:08:48 You have young children at home.
01:08:49 How do you?
01:08:49 Feel about this.
Speaker 22
01:08:51 You know, I I feel.
01:08:52 And get ready for the the Obama.
01:08:54 I say a lot of words, but I actually don't say anything answer, but because they're big words, bigger words than most black people are capable of saying.
01:09:03 Everyone is just amazed that I was able to say the words correctly.
01:09:08 And in the correct context.
01:09:09 And so that's all that's, that's the expectation for me.
Speaker 22
01:09:15 Very similar to John that you know the fact is my 9 year old and my 6 year olds I think are already aware that they're same sex couples.
01:09:21 And my wife and I have.
01:09:23 Talked about it and one.
01:09:25 Of the things I want to communicate to my children.
01:09:28 Is not to be afraid of people who are different, and because there have been times in our history where I was considered different or Bill Richardson was considered different and one of the things I I think the next President has to do is to stop fanning people.
01:09:47 If we spend all our time feeding the American people fear and conflict and division when they become fearful and conflicted and divided.
Speaker 1
01:09:59 He said nothing.
01:10:02 That was the most.
01:10:03 You know, if we keep saying fearful.
Speaker 16
01:10:05 Things and and and with.
01:10:07 Full of conflict and people are going to be fearful and full of.
01:10:11 He's saying nothing.
01:10:13 He pulled the race card for like a second, and now he's just saying gibberish.
Speaker 22
01:10:18 And if we feed them hope?
01:10:20 And we feed them reason and tolerance, then they will become tolerant and reasonable and hopeful.
01:10:26 And then.
01:10:27 He's a genius, such a great orator.
Speaker 22
01:10:30 That I think is one of the most important things that the next President can do is try to bring us together and stop trying to fan the flames of division that have become so, so standard in our politics in Washington.
01:10:42 That's the kind of experience, by the way, that we need to put an end to.
Speaker 34
01:10:45 Quickly, have you sat down with your daughters to talk about same sex marriage?
Speaker 22
01:10:49 My wife has, yeah.
01:10:50 Bull ******* ****.
Speaker 16
01:10:52 That's OK.
01:10:53 Look at that.
01:10:53 Look at.
01:10:53 That look, look at that.
01:10:55 Yeah, sure.
Speaker 34
01:10:56 I'd like to ask Senator Clinton the same question.
01:11:00 Well, I I really respect.
01:11:01 Well, of course.
01:11:02 Now she's going to not answer the question.
01:11:04 She's just going to say.
01:11:05 A bunch of ******** because she's better at this.
Speaker 35
01:11:08 Fact what both John and Barack said?
01:11:10 I think that we've seen.
01:11:12 Being differences used for divisive purposes for political purposes in the last several elections, and I think every one of us on this stage are really personally opposed to that and we'll do everything we can to prevent it with.
01:11:30 See in a way, she's giving the giving.
01:11:33 A wink and a nod saying on.
01:11:34 A personal level, we agree.
01:11:37 But on this stage, maybe not so much.
Speaker 35
01:11:39 Respect to your individual children, that is such a matter of parental discretion.
01:11:44 I think that obviously it is better to try to work with your children to help your children understand the many differences that are in the world and to really respect other people and the choices that other people make.
01:11:57 And that goes far beyond sexual orientation.
01:12:00 So I think that this issue of gays and lesbians and their rights will remain an important one in our country, and I hope that tomorrow we're going to vote on the hate crimes bill and I I'm sure that.
Speaker 16
01:12:12 Ohh good.
01:12:14 Hate crime bill?
Speaker 35
01:12:16 To those of us in the Senate will be there to vote for it.
01:12:19 We haven't been able to get it passed, and it is an important measure to send a message that we stand against hatred and divisiveness.
01:12:26 And I think that, you know, that's what the Democratic Party stands for.
01:12:30 In contrast, all too often to the.
Speaker 34
01:12:31 Other side, thank you, Senator Tim.
Speaker 28
01:12:33 Back to you. Thank you.
01:12:36 All right, so that was.
01:12:39 That was the 2008 primary.
01:12:42 And of course, we know that.
01:12:44 Biden and Obama got elected.
01:12:48 And once they were in, yeah, they were in.
01:12:51 So they could say where the.
01:12:52 **** they wanted.
01:12:54 So this is 2012.
01:12:56 And now all of a sudden.
Speaker 31
01:12:59 I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual men and women marrying that are entitled the same exact rights.
01:13:11 All the civil rights, all the.
01:13:12 Civil liberties, and quite frankly, I don't see much of A distinction beyond that.
01:13:18 Ah, isn't that weird?
01:13:21 Isn't that weird?
01:13:22 What about Obama?
Speaker 22
01:13:24 Going through an evolution on this issue, he's.
01:13:27 Going through an evolution, I'm sure.
Speaker 22
01:13:31 I've always been adamant that.
Speaker 16
01:13:34 Gay and lesbian.
Speaker 22
01:13:36 Americans should be treated fairly and equally at a certain point, I've just concluded that for me personally.
01:13:45 It is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be.
01:13:52 Able to get married?
01:13:54 So look at that.
01:13:56 2012 so not even 10 years ago.
01:14:04 One of the first gay presidents.
01:14:10 After dancing around for a little bit, finally says.
01:14:14 Of course.
01:14:18 Of course, we should have gay marriage.
01:14:23 Now when they were pushing this to the states, when the Republicans were being massive *******.
01:14:28 And pushing it to the states when they.
01:14:30 Have the ability to.
01:14:31 Not see this is the thing that you see over and over again and and Republicans just keep falling for it.
01:14:36 So they they keep doing it over there.
01:14:38 Why change your tactic if?
01:14:39 It works right.
01:14:41 Where they they.
01:14:43 They tell the the people well, you need to elect us because if you don't, you know marriage is under attack, marriage is under attack.
01:14:50 You need to elect us so we can go in there and fix it.
01:14:54 And then they go in there and they don't fix.
01:14:57 It they say, Oh well you.
Speaker 30
01:14:59 Know we'd love.
01:15:00 To use the power.
01:15:01 That that you want us to use, but you know they'll come up with some reason why they can't.
01:15:05 And in this case, it was states rights.
01:15:07 Well, you know, we believe in, you know, the states rights to, you know, decide how they want to do it.
01:15:16 And So what happened?
01:15:19 California of all ******* states.
01:15:24 Try to pass.
01:15:26 A proposition banning gay marriage.
01:15:31 It's called Prop 8.
01:15:33 And it passed in ******* California.
01:15:37 It passed.
01:15:43 Until, of course, it made it to the Supreme Court and was overturned.
01:15:48 Oh well, who overturned like it's causing all these Democrats, right?
Speaker 19
01:15:56 And hello again from Fox News in Washington.
01:15:59 The national debate over same sex marriage took another turn this week when a federal judge ruled A voter approved ban in California.
01:16:08 Is unconstitutional, Ted Olson argued, and won the case, which surprised a lot of people because he is a leading conservative lawyer.
01:16:16 That's right.
Speaker 16
01:16:20 A conservative lawyer.
01:16:24 Got rid of Prop 8.
01:16:26 In California.
Speaker 18
01:16:29 That band.
01:16:30 Same sex marriage.
01:16:35 A conservative lawyer.
01:16:45 Let's let's listen to his reasoning.
Speaker 19
01:16:48 Who was solicitor General under George W Bush?
01:16:51 Olson joins us now from Wisconsin.
01:16:54 Miss Rosen, let's start with the issue of judicial activism. 7 million Californians voted for Proposition 87 million people voted to amend the state.
01:17:05 Constitution to ban same sex marriage, now a single.
01:17:09 Judge overrules all of them.
Speaker 7
01:17:12 Well, that's why we have judges.
01:17:14 That's why we have an independent judiciary.
01:17:16 We do not put the Bill of Rights to a vote.
01:17:19 41 states once prohibited interracial marriages, so that in Virginia, when the Supreme Court finally struck that prohibition down, the president's parents could not have been married.
01:17:35 Our fundamental rights, the part of our.
Speaker 16
01:17:37 See the.
01:17:40 The conservatives.
Speaker 2
01:17:42 In the elite.
01:17:46 They don't have any principles.
01:17:49 They tell you it's a states rights issue.
01:17:54 It's not going their way because their way is the same way that the left's way is. It's just it's slower.
01:18:02 And when they see it going the wrong way, they step in and they.
01:18:04 **** it all up.
01:18:07 So they couldn't do it because it was.
01:18:08 It was a states rights issue.
01:18:10 So California said, OK, **** it.
01:18:14 They made it a states rights issue.
01:18:17 They got it passed and ******* California.
01:18:22 And then this *******, Mr.
01:18:31 Steps in used.
01:18:33 To work for Bush.
01:18:36 Worked for Bush during 9/11.
01:18:43 He sues California.
01:18:47 And gets it overturned in court.
Speaker 7
01:18:49 Our Constitution is a separation of powers and an independent judiciary.
01:18:54 We ask judges to make sure that when we vote for something, we're not depriving minorities of their constitutional rights.
01:19:01 Then that's what the judge.
Speaker 19
01:19:02 Did but as a leading conservative lawyer, you have condemned such judicial activism in the past.
01:19:08 Let's take a look at what you said.
01:19:09 In 2007.
01:19:11 Weird how he really cares about judicial activism.
01:19:18 When he's trying to.
01:19:19 Get people to support him and send him money and you know, get appointed and that.
01:19:23 Sort of a thing.
01:19:26 But he he can't let them ban gay marriage.
Speaker 19
01:19:30 Judges have taken some of those decisions off the policy table, taking them away from the people by constitutionalized these issues question isn't that exactly what Judge Walker did in this case?
Speaker 7
01:19:44 Now, as a matter of fact, since 1888 the United States Supreme Court has 14 times decided and articulated that the right to marriage is a fundamental right.
01:19:56 We're not talking about a new right here.
01:19:58 We're talking about whether a fundamental right, something that the Supreme Court has characterized as the most fundamental relationship.
01:20:06 We have in this country can be deprived of certain individuals because of the color of their skin or because of their sexual orientation.
01:20:15 We do not permit discrimination.
01:20:19 That's why we have a 14th amendment that guarantees equal rights to all citizens.
01:20:24 It's not judicial activism.
01:20:25 When judges do what the Constitution requires them to do, and they follow the precedent of previous decisions of the Supreme Court.
01:20:34 But but Mr.
01:20:35 Olson, you have also said this.
Speaker 19
01:20:38 Judges should quote interpret the law, not make it up, not create new rights that weren't there in the Constitution.
01:20:46 Where is the right to?
01:20:48 You've talked about the right to marriage.
01:20:49 Where is the right to same sex marriage in the Constitution?
01:20:54 Where is the right to interracial marriage in the Constitution, Chris?
01:21:01 You're not supposed to have that either if.
01:21:02 The people don't want it.
01:21:08 Anyway, so yeah, it was a conservative using the same libertarian ******* conservative arguments that has driven us to failure.
01:21:20 And every ******* turn.
01:21:24 And then when you actually get in power.
01:21:27 You don't do anything.
01:21:28 You twiddle your ******* thumbs.
01:21:31 Until you're out of power.
01:21:33 Then the left really moves the ******* football so much that it scares the public, so they elect these ******** again that say, oh, we're going to fix it.
01:21:43 And there's a little break, right?
01:21:46 Little break.
01:21:47 The right thinks they're winning.
01:21:48 They relax a little bit.
01:21:50 Sound familiar?
01:21:51 Sound a little familiar?
01:22:05 And you might say to yourself.
01:22:08 Well, why didn't?
01:22:08 Any of these other institutions?
01:22:10 Step in and help out.
01:22:14 You know Dev and you keep saying we don't have any institutional power.
01:22:16 Well, what do I?
01:22:17 Like you know, OK.
01:22:19 The so the politicians are not on our side.
01:22:21 The media is not on our side.
01:22:24 Surely there's religious institutions.
01:22:27 That should be helping us.
01:22:28 Out right.
Speaker 4
01:22:32 Well, this is.
01:22:33 This is maybe true in in really small.
01:22:39 But not at the institutional level.
01:22:42 Here, here's a a news report I came across while researching this stuff where you had a handful.
01:22:49 Of isolated preachers.
01:22:52 Who are probably out.
01:22:53 Of a job nowadays, or maybe singing a different tune so.
01:22:56 They can keep their job.
01:22:58 Because like I said, you know to be in on it doesn't mean that you're in on.
01:23:02 It willing lane or?
01:23:04 Well, yes, it does.
01:23:06 You're in on it willingly.
01:23:07 But maybe not.
01:23:09 Enthusiastic about being in on it, but you're still making that choice.
01:23:15 Well, here's here was a handful of preachers, and then you'll get to see what their the the the institutions that they work for.
01:23:23 Had to say about their comments.
Speaker 18
01:23:28 The most hateful people I've ever seen.
Speaker 5
01:23:31 The rural town of made in North Carolina is the latest flashpoint in an often bitter national debate about gay rights.
Speaker 22
01:23:39 I think same sex couples should be able.
Speaker 36
01:23:41 To get married.
Speaker 5
01:23:41 It's a debate that intensified after President Obama earlier this month declared his support for gay marriage.
01:23:49 But those meals don't sit well with many living in rural America's so-called Bible belt.
Speaker 19
01:23:55 The bibles.
01:23:56 Again it God's again it.
Speaker 5
01:23:57 I'm a recent sermon the Baptist pastor Charles.
Speaker 26
01:23:58 And if you've got any sense you're against.
Speaker 5
01:24:01 Worley suggested gays and lesbians should be imprisoned behind.
01:24:05 An electric fence based.
Speaker 30
01:24:06 In a.
Speaker 19
01:24:09 Few years they'll die out.
01:24:11 Do you know why they can't reproduce?
Speaker 26
01:24:14 So your little son starts acting little.
Speaker 5
01:24:17 Girlish, another pastor, also in North Carolina, recently apologized after he told parents to slap children they suspect.
01:24:25 Of being gay.
Speaker 3
01:24:26 The second you see your son dropping the limp list, you walk over there and crack that list.
01:24:33 Also based.
01:24:35 But he apologized so because again.
01:24:39 He might not be enthusiastic about participating in the.
01:24:42 But he wanted to keep his job.
Speaker 36
01:24:44 They shone the love of God.
Speaker 5
01:24:46 Reverend Billy Ball supports this called view that homosexuality is a sin.
Speaker 36
01:24:52 ****** has always been an abomination.
01:24:54 Both old and new.
01:24:55 Testament has always been in God's view possible by them.
Speaker 5
01:24:58 But the Southern Baptist Convention, which oversees many churches in the American South, is distancing itself from the pastors and their views.
01:25:09 You mean the?
01:25:10 The institutional power.
01:25:13 Isn't having it.
Speaker 37
01:25:14 These were some of the most irresponsible, uninformed and, quite frankly, unchristian comments I've heard from the pastor in a while.
01:25:23 There you go.
01:25:27 You have no institutional power.
01:25:33 At the end of the day, doesn't matter if there's some random based preacher here and there.
01:25:42 The people with the their.
01:25:43 Hands on the purse strings.
01:25:46 The people with the real power, the people of the institutions.
01:25:50 They hate you.
Speaker 37
01:25:52 As it does really impact the reputation that all of Christianity has.
01:25:57 In the world.
Speaker 5
01:25:58 This gay couple said they were so.
01:26:01 And part of that might be a financial thing.
01:26:03 They see they see where things are going.
01:26:08 Remember that graph I pulled up that showed the levels of homosexuality in each generation? How it basically double s every generation to where the zoomers are literally 18 times gayer than the boomers.
01:26:22 In the same way Republicans look at the demographic shift.
01:26:27 And they think to themselves, because what is, what do I always say?
01:26:31 The number one priority?
01:26:33 The number one priority of an institution.
01:26:38 Is the survival the continuation of that institution, which is 1 billion percent?
01:26:45 Why, if you want institutions that actually take care of you and actually watch out for you, that those institutions are you?
01:26:59 Because if they're not, they don't.
01:27:02 They'll it's like I said about Zionists on Twitter the other day.
01:27:08 When you know the Andrew Torba of Gab.
01:27:13 Admitted that yeah, the reason why Kushner and Trump didn't go on gab and probably why the Texas Republican Party went out of their way to call them anti-Semitic.
01:27:23 Was they told him?
01:27:25 Then in order for them to join GAB, he would have to censor.
01:27:29 Any anyone that talked **** about Jews or Israel?
01:27:35 And he said he wasn't going to do it.
01:27:37 So they said, **** ***.
01:27:39 And then the Texas Republican Party, with Israeli flags in the background, not ******* making that up.
01:27:46 That's somewhere in my telegram.
01:27:50 Called Gab in a.
01:27:51 In a video sitting like sitting.
01:27:52 In front of Israeli flags.
01:27:55 And anti-Semitic like hate website.
01:28:03 Because the institutions aren't you.
01:28:09 The institutions have different priorities.
01:28:14 And if your priorities are not the same as theirs, well, kiss the kiss your wants and needs goodbye there, goy.
Speaker 5
01:28:22 So outraged, they drove 1200 kilometers from Florida protest outside Rileys, North Carolina church go anywhere to.
Speaker 9
01:28:33 Stand up against this type of hateful rhetoric.
Speaker 36
01:28:36 We've spent a lot of time since 911 talking about religious extremism in other countries. Look what's going on here in the United States.
01:28:45 Yeah, it's, it's.
01:28:46 So extreme these Christians, they're always wait, no.
01:28:50 They haven't done **** all.
Speaker 5
01:28:53 Hate speech or free speech? It is a rise in anti-gay rhetoric in a country that protects freedom of expression in its constitution, no matter how incendiary or toxic.
01:29:07 Well, that changed too in just a few years.
01:29:12 Is there any Fast forward?
01:29:16 Just, what, four years?
01:29:22 And here's what the Christians voted for.
01:29:26 This this is their guy.
Speaker 26
01:29:32 You leave it the way it is.
01:29:33 There have been very few complaints the way it is, people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate.
Speaker 38
01:29:41 So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses.
Speaker 26
01:29:49 That is correct.
01:29:51 Radical Islamic terrorists targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans.
01:29:58 But in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation, it's a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.
01:30:17 For those of you just listening, it's a tweet from Trump June 14th.
01:30:22 2016.
01:30:26 Thank you to the LGBT community.
01:30:29 I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs because you know the Democrats are the real homophobes.
Speaker 26
01:30:45 A friend of mine called up.
01:30:46 He said, you know, you don't get enough credit because.
01:30:48 In Palm Beach, you opened the.
01:30:50 Love that nobody would do.
01:30:52 Nobody would do, and it's open to everybody.
01:30:56 It's open to everybody and a person.
01:30:59 A member of the.
01:30:59 Club great guy who's gay wrote this magnificent letter saying what Donald Trump did.
01:31:06 Nobody else would do.
01:31:07 I will do everything in my power.
01:31:10 To protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful.
01:31:20 Listen to the crowd cheering.
01:31:23 That same crowd that four ******* years ago.
01:31:28 Would be up in arms.
01:31:33 But the firmware has been updated.
01:31:36 Everyone's rocking that new firmware now.
01:31:41 They've been told what they think about this enough times to where.
01:31:44 They think of this now.
Speaker 26
01:31:47 And ideology.
01:31:49 Believe me.
Speaker 1
01:31:51 Support marriage equality.
Speaker 25
01:31:53 It's irrelevant because it was already settled.
01:31:55 It's love settled in the Supreme Court.
01:31:57 I mean, it's done.
Speaker 31
01:31:59 So even if you appoint a judge.
Speaker 25
01:32:00 That started that you have these cases have gone to the Supreme Court, they've been settled and I think I'm.
01:32:08 I'm fine with that.
01:32:10 He's fine with it.
01:32:15 After consultation with my generals and military experts, please be advised the United States government will not will not accept or allow.
01:32:23 Was the one thing everyone's like.
01:32:25 Whoa, it's based.
01:32:26 Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US military, our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming.
01:32:37 I can't read. That's too.
01:32:38 Small, but basically he's saying the thing about not letting trans people in the military, which by the way.
01:32:45 Nothing ever happened with that.
01:32:47 Nothing ever happened with that.
Speaker 16
01:32:50 At all.
Speaker 18
01:32:52 And what's more?
01:32:55 Who cares?
01:32:56 Even if it did, because.
01:32:59 There's the Air Force Academy.
01:33:02 May 19th of this year.
01:33:05 Tweeting out the transgender flag.
01:33:08 And saying the Academy kicks off transgender working group hopes to achieve a smooth rollout of new White House.
01:33:19 And the Department of Defense policy.
01:33:20 So they're they're promoting.
01:33:21 They want they.
01:33:22 Want ******** to join them?
01:33:24 They're advertising the ********.
01:33:32 Quite literally, I mean like this.
01:33:34 This is we.
01:33:35 We've seen this.
01:33:35 This is an ad.
01:33:38 Put out this year.
Speaker 25
01:33:41 This is just this is a couple of years.
01:33:43 This is how quickly.
01:33:45 When you control every institution, this is how quickly you get what you.
Speaker 1
01:33:50 Want this is the story of a soldier who operates 2 nations Patriot missile defense systems.
01:34:04 It begins in California.
01:34:06 With the little girl raised by two moms.
01:34:09 Oh, look at that.
01:34:12 And you guys have all seen this, I don't need to play the whole thing again.
01:34:16 This is an army recruitment cartoon.
01:34:23 They're advertising that they want ********.
01:34:27 And chicks with two moms.
01:34:30 Strong, independent women.
01:34:39 Just a ******* handful of years later.
01:34:53 Just a handful of years after this.
Speaker 2
01:34:56 That's so gay, you ******.
Speaker 10
01:34:58 Fagot so you're where, aren't you?
01:35:03 You know.
01:35:07 And of course, that wasn't what was happening, right?
01:35:09 That wasn't.
01:35:11 That was not the.
01:35:14 The way that that was being used in schools.
Speaker 2
01:35:19 And now look, look, there's once you get the kids and the.
01:35:23 They got the kids, they finally got the kids.
01:35:35 Way they've got the kids, they've got them.
01:35:38 Alright guys, they got him.
01:35:40 You can't.
01:35:41 You can't do a societal.
01:35:43 Shift in the.
01:35:44 This is another reason why there's not going.
Speaker 30
01:35:46 To be a.
01:35:47 Ohh, let's just red pill the normies moment because most of the normies it's it's done.
01:35:53 They're done.
01:35:56 You have to wait now.
01:35:59 For another generation, you have to get the kids.
01:36:04 Because they already got these kids.
01:36:11 It's ******* done.
Speaker 4
01:36:17 They got these inside.
01:36:18 It's to fill you with pride.
01:36:20 So when will you?
Speaker 3
01:36:33 Is sunlight green nature?
01:36:35 Blue honey purple is spirit baby blue.
01:36:38 Pink and white represent transgender people, and black and brown represent the queer and trans people of color.
01:36:49 And they got these kids.
Speaker 12
01:36:50 Well, look at all these families.
01:36:54 Hi, families.
01:36:56 For five families marching 1 by 1.
01:37:02 Families marching 1 by 1.
01:37:04 Hurrah, hurrah.
01:37:06 This family has two mummies.
01:37:08 They love each other so proudly and they all go marching in.
01:37:13 The big.
01:37:16 Emily is marching 2 by two hurrah, hurrah families marching 2 by 2.
01:37:24 This family has two daddies.
01:37:26 They love each other so proudly, and they all go marching in the big parade.
01:37:32 Come on, friends, families marching 3 by three families marching, 3 by 3.
01:37:42 These papers.
01:37:43 Are nonbinary.
01:37:44 They love each other so proudly, and they all go marching in the big parade.
01:37:54 I'm not going to make you wash that whole thing.
01:37:56 It goes on for like, that's not we're not.
01:37:58 Even halfway through it.
Speaker 18
01:38:03 So the other, if it's already done, why?
01:38:05 You complain about it because idiots.
01:38:10 This keeps going.
01:38:13 The **** that they're talking about with.
01:38:15 With critical race theory this the same limp wristed ****** Republicans that you have out there that are afraid to say white genocide, they were afraid to say.
01:38:25 Look, I just don't want Faggs getting married.
01:38:28 They couldn't just.
01:38:28 Say what they were thinking, or maybe.
01:38:30 They weren't thinking it.
01:38:32 Maybe the people that are that are afraid to say why genocide, they're not really afraid of white genocide.
01:38:37 They see it as inevitable and they don't care.
01:38:41 In the same way that they saw gay marriage as inevitable, they and didn't care.
01:38:47 And this is how fast this **** can happen.
01:38:52 And if you don't look at the.
01:38:53 ******* warning signs.
01:38:56 That are all around you.
01:38:59 All these little whispers.
01:39:01 That started out as you know, hey, teenagers.
01:39:05 Don't say gay when what you mean is bad.
Speaker 2
01:39:09 OK.
01:39:10 You know that's that's not cool, man.
01:39:15 Just a couple of years.
01:39:17 From that.
01:39:20 To you know.
01:39:21 This demonic ****.
01:39:23 How long do you think it's going to take and look by the way, when this happened, this timeline we're talking about this, this couple of decades, think of the demographic change between that these couple of decades and what's going to happen in the future.
01:39:37 Think of the.
01:39:38 Difference and not not just racially, just just.
01:39:40 Think of the the.
01:39:41 The the look, the kids watching this ****.
01:39:43 Growing up, right?
01:39:50 How long is it going to take them if they were able to go from hey, you know, look, look, they look at these cute commercials we're dealing with Hilary Duff too, you know, be the craziest *******, you know, cut your ******* **** off.
01:40:05 Cut **** **** off.
01:40:07 And be proud of it.
01:40:09 Like that?
01:40:10 That's that's the journey that.
01:40:11 They took you in like less than 20 years, right?
01:40:16 How long do you think it's going to take?
01:40:18 To go from.
Speaker 16
01:40:20 You're not allowed to.
01:40:21 Put up signs that say it's OK.
01:40:23 To be white.
01:40:28 You can have a woman lecturing at Yale saying.
01:40:32 That she fantasizes.
01:40:34 About shooting every white person in the ******* head with a revolver.
01:40:42 You have professors of schools.
01:40:46 Saying that they all they.
01:40:47 Want for Christmas is white genocide.
01:40:51 They're not afraid to say it.
01:40:53 How long do you think it's?
01:40:54 Going to take.
01:40:57 For them to go.
01:41:01 From just talking about it.
01:41:04 To doing it.
01:41:07 And how much resistance do you think these same ******* conservatives?
Speaker 5
01:41:12 Some of whom?
01:41:14 Like this ******* helped it along.
01:41:22 How much resistance you think they're?
01:41:24 Going to put up.
01:41:31 You think Ben Shapiro, who said he didn't give a *** **** about the Browning of America?
01:41:36 You think he's gonna get in the way?
01:41:50 Do you think based Tucker?
01:41:52 Is going to stop it.
01:41:59 He didn't stop this.
01:42:06 I mean, look.
01:42:08 Let me show you.
01:42:09 Let me show you.
01:42:09 Base Tucker from.
01:42:11 From this same period.
01:42:18 And yeah, he sounds sounds the same.
01:42:21 Hasn't really changed a whole lot.
01:42:26 But again.
01:42:31 Also didn't get in the way of anything.
01:42:35 Oh, this is really bad.
01:42:36 It's really bad.
01:42:38 What people want is, you know, like, because he talked.
01:42:40 About the prop.
01:42:40 Eight thing what people want?
01:42:42 That's just that, you know, you're.
01:42:43 Getting the way of democracy.
01:42:44 Yeah, well.
Speaker 33
01:42:47 So what?
01:42:52 Now trying to find it here.
01:42:59 Is this it?
Speaker 24
01:43:05 No, that's not it.
01:43:09 Oh, here it is.
Speaker 24
01:43:17 Our policy should aim to strengthen families.
01:43:20 Not undermine them.
01:43:22 And changing the definition of.
01:43:24 Marriage would undermine the family structure.
Speaker 9
01:43:28 That was President Bush earlier today, speaking out in favor of a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage.
01:43:34 Some are calling it a transparent attempt to play conservative voters.
01:43:37 Will it work?
01:43:37 Is the question here to debate that?
01:43:40 Well, the answer that is yes and yes.
Speaker 9
01:43:45 The radio host Rachel Maddow joining us tonight from.
01:43:47 New York.
01:43:48 Rachel, welcome.
01:43:48 Hi, Tucker.
01:43:49 To see you.
Speaker 3
01:43:49 Right.
Speaker 9
01:43:49 Nice to see you.
01:43:50 I am convinced this is a subject in which decent people can disagree.
01:43:53 In fact, I know because I know.
01:43:55 Don't you like how he's?
01:43:56 He's been saying that for ******* ever.
Speaker 16
01:43:59 Oh, there's good people on both sides.
01:44:02 I think decent people can disagree.
01:44:07 What's that sound I keep hearing?
01:44:09 It's almost as if it's like a.
01:44:11 It's like like Steam being released from a pressure cooker.
Speaker 9
01:44:17 Some people who are on both sides of this question, that is what gets me exercised is the claims to the contrary.
01:44:24 Senator Ted Kennedy.
01:44:25 Of Massachusetts.
01:44:25 See, that's what he's upset about.
01:44:27 He's upset that that we can't just all get along.
01:44:29 He doesn't care about the gay.
01:44:30 Marriage part?
Speaker 9
01:44:32 Said this, just the other day quote a vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry, pure and simple.
01:44:39 In other words, you're not allowed to disagree if you do disagree, you're a bigot.
01:44:44 I just think that's a conversation Ender, not a stopper, and it's.
01:44:46 An outrageous thing.
01:44:47 To say.
Speaker 14
01:44:47 Well, he's calling the question as to why the Senate is spending three days debating this right now.
01:44:51 He's calling the question.
01:44:52 As to what the purpose is of spending this much political time, political energy and resources of the US U.S.
01:44:58 Congress that could be spent on other things doing this, nobody believes this will pass.
01:45:03 And she's right.
01:45:05 And it didn't.
01:45:08 So here's the thing.
01:45:09 How did we get from from this?
01:45:17 To this.
01:45:29 Nothing's changed.
01:45:32 You in fact, like I said, it's gotten worse.
01:45:35 Because you don't have.
01:45:37 You don't even have the same and look talk **** about boomers all you want, but they're like some of the few people at least trying to vote.
01:45:46 In your in your you know.
01:45:48 Like totally misguidedly, right.
01:45:50 But they're their hearts.
01:45:51 At least in the right place.
01:45:53 You can't even say that about the the people replacing them.
01:46:04 You have no instance.
01:46:05 You have 0 institutions.
01:46:11 They have.
01:46:13 Not just a couple of schools, they have academia.
01:46:18 They have not just a couple of movie studios, they have the entire ******* industry.
01:46:26 They don't have, just like a newspaper or two, they have every ******* newspaper, every ******* cable outlet, every ******* radio outlet, everything.
01:46:41 And they control who's allowed to be.
01:46:43 Where on the Internet?
Speaker 16
01:46:51 And look.
01:46:55 Thanks to ad campaigns like this like this.
01:47:03 That's the missing piece to the puzzle.
01:47:19 That's one institution that look they've had.
01:47:23 When it comes to.
01:47:25 The officer class.
01:47:27 You know the political appointees.
Speaker 16
01:47:31 The brass.
01:47:33 They've got those guys, but those aren't going to.
01:47:35 Be the guys opening fire on their fellow Americans, you know.
01:47:44 I wish I'd say that there was a video that I saw tweeted out.
01:47:47 The reason I didn't.
01:47:48 I didn't want to get he's going.
01:47:50 To get in trouble, if anyone sees us, he was this army guy.
01:47:55 And you know he's.
01:47:56 Probably get in trouble.
01:47:57 He's just stupid to put things like this on the Internet.
01:47:58 I just didn't.
01:47:59 Want to make it worse?
01:48:01 But he made it was like I think it was a.
01:48:02 TikTok video so I had ripped and put it on on on Twitter.
01:48:07 And he said he's like, look.
01:48:10 You know, we took an oath.
01:48:13 We are supposed to defend.
01:48:15 Our country.
01:48:17 From all enemies, foreign and domestic.
01:48:22 And I talked to these guys that I work with and it's like everyone knows what's going on here.
01:48:27 Everyone knows where that this is bad.
01:48:31 And deep down, everyone knows.
01:48:35 We're supposed to do something about it.
01:48:39 But no one's doing anything about it.
01:48:43 And that's our duty.
01:48:46 Now this guy's a ******* Unicorn when it comes.
01:48:48 To this kind of ****.
01:48:52 And props to him for having the balls to say that, but like I.
01:48:55 Said it's probably not.
01:48:57 You know, I don't know.
01:48:58 I don't know how effective it is versus, I mean, he's probably gone now, like if anyone finds that video, he's *******, he doesn't have a job.
01:49:10 But that's that's all it takes now.
01:49:12 Right.
01:49:12 Isn't that the common denominator?
01:49:16 To get people to be the willing participant again, not.
01:49:19 Maybe not enthusiastic.
01:49:23 But that's all you got to do, right?
01:49:24 You know, with some people, it's.
01:49:26 Oh, don't take away my ad revenue.
01:49:30 With some people it's, you know, oh, don't fire me from the military with, you know, with cops, it's like, oh, I want to keep.
01:49:35 My pension, you know, it's it's when no one has.
01:49:38 When you live in a society where the entire society lacks principles and and that's that's America.
01:49:45 Probably the entire West, but that's certainly ******* America.
01:49:53 The only principle at that point is comfort.
01:49:59 And they control the comfort.
01:50:05 And while advertising to the groups that do want you dead.
01:50:13 They are going to be purging the groups that don't want you dead.
01:50:18 This is happening right in front of you in plain sight.
01:50:22 While their academics talk openly in front of crowds of other academics, and as I said when this happened, this is a this is a form of firmware distribution and development.
01:50:35 When these academics have these talks, it's it's a filtering down of of ideas and you've got academics at Yale telling the other academics at Yale.
01:50:48 That she fantasizes about shooting every white person in the head with a ******* revolver.
01:50:54 And no one, no one storms out.
01:50:57 No one walks out.
01:50:58 No one's.
01:50:59 Even bothered by that.
01:51:11 And white people.
01:51:12 Are just.
01:51:13 They're so ******* comfortable.
01:51:17 And they're so sure of themselves.
01:51:25 They're so condescending.
01:51:31 Like I've talked about before, when all this stuff, when it started out as jokes, right?
01:51:37 In the 80s and 90s, when it was oh, white people are funny because they're weak and afraid of black people.
01:51:45 And it was a joke.
01:51:47 And the white people who were weak and were afraid of black people.
01:51:52 Would laugh and go.
01:51:53 Oh yeah.
01:52:01 It's not a joke anymore.
01:52:15 They have the ability to change public opinion on things.
01:52:20 Pretty ******* like that.
01:52:23 You would think that people would hold really strong beliefs about.
01:52:29 And they're able to just flip a switch.
01:52:32 Yeah, it might take a decade or two.
01:52:37 But it happens.
01:52:46 And literally no one standing.
01:52:48 No one.
01:52:49 Is standing in their way.
01:52:53 So anyway, that's my.
01:52:59 That's my Pride Month episode, I guess.
01:53:05 I hope you guys.
01:53:07 Really take some of this stuff seriously.
01:53:12 And think about, you know and show look show this to some of your friends that.
01:53:16 Might not be old enough to remember this, or look there's some people.
01:53:19 They're so brainwashed.
Speaker 4
01:53:21 And again, this is not.
01:53:22 Not kids going to red pill the normies, it's not.
01:53:27 But as we try to build our smaller communities, you're going to need to red pill at least a couple people to help build those communities, right?
01:53:39 And there's people that are, they probably lived through all the stuff that I talked about.
01:53:44 But because their firmware has been flashed so many ******* times, you know, they they don't.
01:53:49 You got a memory of a ******* goldfish.
01:53:56 When you're when it's so normalized, now it's weird to think that just ten years ago it was such.
01:54:02 A hot topic?
01:54:19 Who do not know?
01:54:21 I'm going to **** this quote up, but everyone knows that the people who don't know.
01:54:24 History are are damned to repeat it.
01:54:35 The reason why I focus so much of my energy on showing you where we were.
01:54:42 Is to help you see where we're going.
01:54:53 Yeah, I say.
01:54:53 Zoom out the graph right?
01:54:57 Well, you got to have the data on the graph when you zoom out or it doesn't help you.
01:55:02 I just zoomed out the graph.
01:55:06 Not even what, like 20-5 years. And that's a pretty significant ******* nosedive.
01:55:11 If you ask me.
01:55:23 And look.
01:55:24 Trump wasn't even a dead cat bounce.
01:55:28 Trump embraced this **** with his mentor.
01:55:34 Was a gay Jew.
01:55:42 Who was obsessed with frogs?
01:55:47 Which makes me suspicious.
01:55:48 Of the whole Pepe thing, but whatever.
01:55:52 Well, I guess grouper now you want.
01:55:55 To see Trump's gay Jew mentor.
01:56:00 We'll blow your mind a little.
01:56:01 I mean I think most.
01:56:02 People have seen this ****.
Speaker 4
01:56:39 Where'd it go and go?
Speaker 2
01:56:46 Here we are.
01:56:48 This is Roy Cohn.
01:56:53 Who probably trained Epstein.
01:56:56 Not not not hyperbole.
01:56:58 Not wild accusation.
01:57:01 ****** ****** was obsessed with frogs.
01:57:06 See all the weird frog figurines he's got everywhere.
01:57:10 See him holding a photo of him.
01:57:11 And Trump?
01:57:16 Doesn't that make you feel a little weird now?
01:57:18 Maybe about your your grouper avatar?
01:57:22 Like you're getting played maybe a little bit.
01:57:32 Maybe just a little bit.
01:57:48 You know, I'm going to leave him.
01:57:50 I'm going to leave him up.
01:57:53 Along with another photo.
01:58:13 Because it is Pride Month, isn't it?
01:58:20 Make that the photo he's holding up.
01:58:29 Just something to think about, guys.
01:58:31 That's all I'm saying.
01:58:33 Maybe something to think about.
01:58:40 Alright, take a look at chat.
01:58:44 After the show, by the way, I'm going to, I'll hop on that discord.
01:58:49 That you that you sent the link to Dan the Oracle just because I've just been.
01:58:54 I was planning on doing it the last couple of days.
01:58:56 It's just been a nonstop *********** over here, but I'll hop on right after the show and just at least so we have it established or whatever, and we can do that.
01:59:06 Also, it's kind of cool on telegram.
01:59:10 What was it last night?
01:59:12 I just put a message.
01:59:13 I deleted it because I just want.
01:59:14 It was a quick experiment I.
01:59:15 Just put a message.
01:59:16 Up saying hey if.
01:59:18 You read this and if you read this then I'm still listening.
01:59:24 I'm going to be on the Utah Web SDR listening to.
01:59:28 I think it was.
01:59:31 I don't know.
01:59:31 It was on 80 meters.
01:59:32 I forget the frequency now.
01:59:35 And I sure enough, I heard, at least, at least.
01:59:38 Three different people tuning up their radios.
01:59:41 So there's people out there.
01:59:42 I didn't leave up that long.
01:59:43 I left that up for like.
01:59:44 Maybe maybe an hour.
01:59:47 And in fact, it was middle of the.
01:59:49 Night and I think it was only seen by.
01:59:53 Like 700 people or something like that before.
01:59:55 I took it down.
01:59:57 So that's kind of good.
01:59:58 It's not bad response.
02:00:02 Middle of the ******* night randomly.
02:00:04 Say on telegram.
02:00:05 Hey, if you're on ham radio.
02:00:08 I'm I'm listening to this frequency and even if it is just two or three.
Speaker 23
02:00:13 That's that's not.
02:00:15 That means that there's a couple hams out there that's good.
02:00:21 So that was kind of neat.
02:00:25 Yeah, if you're on 80 meters.
02:00:28 The the bands are changing.
02:00:29 I can hear Alaska.
02:00:31 I can hear Hawaii.
02:00:35 On 80 meters at night.
02:00:38 So I think the band is changing a little.
02:00:40 Bit I can hear the East Coast a little bit.
02:00:44 It changes.
02:00:46 UM.
02:00:48 I can hear a lot of the South.
02:00:51 Like near Florida sometimes.
02:00:55 Helps if you have.
02:00:56 An amp.
02:00:59 But it's it's the bands are getting better, so that's good.
02:01:03 And then on 20 meters, I was able to talk to Moscow a couple of times so, so I thought it was like a fluke.
02:01:10 I was like, oh ****.
02:01:12 And then, like the next day.
02:01:14 You know, I was able to talk to someone else in Moscow, which was kind of cool.
02:01:19 So that's you know.
02:01:21 That's all the way around the world.
02:01:24 That means I can pretty much hit anything on 20 meters, and I don't even have a great antenna for 20 meters.
02:01:31 So maybe the band conditions are getting better.
02:01:35 So that's kind.
02:01:35 Of cool.
02:01:37 If we get the discords.
02:01:38 Set up.
02:01:39 That's probably going to be 1.
02:01:40 Of the topics of conversation helping people with.
02:01:45 Getting that set up, if that's what you want to do, not everyone's going to want to do it.
02:01:51 You know it it is.
02:01:53 There is like.
02:01:55 There's cheaper.
02:01:56 There's cheap ways to get into it.
02:01:57 I was actually just talking to someone, and maybe I'll do like a review.
02:02:01 The problem is, I feel like if I do this, it's going to Jack the prices up so they'll no longer be cheap.
02:02:05 But there are radios that are tube radios that are easy to fix, like it like.
02:02:10 You don't have to be that into electronics if you understand like the basics like you know how to like.
02:02:16 Soda or something and you can read.
02:02:19 You know the the label on a capacitor or you know on a tube because all the stuff's labeled right and with some of these radios, they're so simple. Like especially well, see, I don't want to say yet.
02:02:32 I don't want to say I don't want to ruin the market, but there's some American made radios that are very simple and all their parts are easy to get.
02:02:40 And they are all self content.
02:02:42 I'm actually sending my parents one uhm, they're they just barely got their their technician license they're getting.
02:02:51 In general, so I told them if they got their general, I'll send them a a radio.
02:02:56 And uh, so I picked one that was like.
02:02:59 Because my dad like he, he he was an engineer.
02:03:02 But not like, you know, he never did.
02:03:05 Communication stuff is more mechanical engineer type stuff.
02:03:08 So he can fix stuff, but I.
02:03:10 Don't want it to be too.
02:03:10 Crazy and or the parts too hard to find or whatever.
02:03:15 So I did a little bit.
02:03:16 Of research and maybe.
02:03:17 Maybe that's something we'll keep in.
02:03:18 The the discord or whatever, but I'll.
02:03:20 I can make some recommendations as far as.
02:03:24 How to get something that's not going to break the bank, but also isn't a ***** ** **** and what to look for?
02:03:30 There's a lot of these radios that.
02:03:33 You know, there's a lot of ****** broken radios for sale.
02:03:38 All right.
02:03:38 And I'm reading the chat, has Devin even read the chat tonight?
02:03:41 I just did.
02:03:43 So there you go.
02:03:46 But no, I didn't.
02:03:47 For the for the rest of the night, I I wasn't.
02:03:49 That's usually just so you guys know in the future, that's usually how it goes when I'm doing my thing.
02:03:53 And when I'm in.
02:03:53 The zone, unless I say something about chat, I'm.
02:03:57 Not looking I might.
02:03:58 Look, I mean every once in.
02:04:00 A while look, but usually if I'm.
02:04:01 Like, especially with something like this where it's so dense.
02:04:05 There's so much information I wanted to.
02:04:07 Through and I'm like, reading stuff.
02:04:09 You know, I got notes.
02:04:11 You know, I got all these video clips and stuff.
02:04:13 I can't be looking, you know, I don't have a producer.
02:04:16 A lot of these guys, even smaller streamers.
02:04:20 A lot of these guys have producers that will be in their ear and stuff like that and or send them messages and stuff.
02:04:26 I don't have any of that stuff.
02:04:27 It's just me.
02:04:31 Was it Putin you talked to? No, I don't think Putin's a ham. Maybe he is.
02:04:37 I forget the guys name.
02:04:42 But it was some Russian name.
02:04:46 We didn't talk long.
02:04:48 It was more like switcha.
Speaker 16
02:04:51 Manias root given cocktail a.
02:04:56 Ochard horshaw, 73.
02:05:00 No, that was about it.
02:05:01 I get the Trump deception, but do you think he did any good?
02:05:06 IE border?
02:05:07 What did he do that was hasn't immediately been undone?
02:05:14 All he did and think of the damage far outweighs anything good he did, because think of how many people that would normally be really ******* ****** *** and like energized to do something right now if they didn't.
02:05:27 If they weren't ******* trusting the plan still still.
02:05:32 You want to see something horrifying?
02:05:40 And remember, this is we're over six months into.
02:05:43 Biden's administration.
02:05:47 OK.
02:05:53 Over six months.
02:05:57 Hopefully it doesn't.
02:05:57 This doesn't crash everything.
02:06:10 Alright, so let's go to the trending page.
02:06:16 Oh, look, it's it's X-22 report.
02:06:21 This is the trending page on bit shoot six months.
02:06:26 After Biden is sworn in.
02:06:32 There's the number one video.
02:06:35 Is a guy saying that Trump is secretly president?
02:06:40 The number 2 video is a guy who's saying Trump is secretly president, and then a guy who's saying that there's child rapists on Mars.
02:06:50 UM.
02:06:53 I don't know who that guy is, some UK thing.
02:06:59 And there's another guy, another cute guy.
02:07:04 I don't know.
02:07:04 I haven't listened.
02:07:05 I haven't listened any of these guys for like months.
02:07:07 I can't.
02:07:07 I don't even know what the **** they could possibly be saying at this point.
02:07:11 You know, there's like once again queue people.
02:07:17 You know all the top ******* videos.
02:07:20 You know Trump? Ohh. Look, he's still look, that one's literally saying on the screen.
02:07:25 He's still President Trump signed insurrection act, imposed martial law like it says that.
02:07:32 These *******.
02:07:35 That is the kind of all right.
02:07:39 Oops, hit the wrong.
02:07:41 All right.
02:07:43 That is the that that.
02:07:45 What's enraging about that is that's why people were so like people like myself.
02:07:51 That's why I was so excited about Trump is I knew he had that, that ******* psycho power he had that power to to control the psychos.
02:08:06 He had the ability to manipulate the masses.
02:08:11 He could have.
02:08:13 Had an insurrection.
02:08:16 January 6 was not an insurrection, it was a it was a stupid ******* protest.
02:08:21 It wasn't even like it wasn't even like a riot.
02:08:24 I mean, there it wasn't.
02:08:25 It wasn't even a riot.
02:08:32 And it could have been an insurrection.
02:08:34 It could have been.
Speaker 16
02:08:41 It could have, but that's not.
02:08:43 That's not Trump.
02:08:44 That's not.
02:08:44 That's never who he was.
02:08:47 What's on the screen is what Trump is.
02:08:53 Roy cohns.
02:08:56 Little *****.
02:08:59 Who's welcoming in LGBTS for Trump into the Republican Party?
02:09:07 Making sure you never find out about Epstein.
02:09:10 Because he's involved with that ****, too.
02:09:14 Making sure you never find out about 911 because he's hooked in with.
02:09:18 All the people that did that.
02:09:24 I mean.
02:09:26 I can't, I.
02:09:26 Can't even really think of anything that Trump actually did.
02:09:32 That when you.
02:09:32 When you're just talking about numbers, when you compare.
02:09:37 That to past presidents, it's not.
02:09:39 There's nothing.
02:09:41 That stands out is like, oh, that well, at least he did this.
02:09:44 No, he didn't.
02:09:47 Obama deported more people.
02:09:55 Trump was a massive ******* deception.
02:10:07 And as I've said before, one of the worst presidents in in history.
02:10:11 If not the worst.
02:10:15 Yeah. And someone said bluff. Jenner, 2024. And now, look, I didn't even talk about that. That's that's even crazier.
02:10:24 Now, because of all of everything.
02:10:27 That's just happened, you know.
Speaker 25
02:10:29 These same people.
02:10:32 They were trying to stop gay marriage.
02:10:35 Are now supporting A ****** for Governor of California?
Speaker 2
02:10:39 The same ******* people.
02:10:43 The same, and that's look Trump has something to.
02:10:45 Do with that.
02:10:48 Do I need to play the clip again?
02:10:50 Of of Trump.
02:10:51 Saying that that he's he's totally OK with Caitlyn Jenner using whichever bathroom she feels comfortable in.
02:11:04 And that's not like a flip flop.
02:11:05 He said that before the election.
02:11:14 A bit off topic, but what methods do you use for managing and finding content?
Speaker 29
02:11:22 Let's see here.
02:11:24 In your saved archives like this photo, you seem to be able to find things relatively quickly.
02:11:30 I'm also asking because I have some ideas for creating software that guys like us can use.
02:11:35 I I don't know.
02:11:36 I just.
02:11:37 You know, I use.
02:11:40 Search engines autistically.
02:11:44 You know, I just.
02:11:45 There's no, I don't have like a.
02:11:46 Trick I just look I used.
02:11:48 You know, and they're not.
02:11:49 They're not even like sneaky search engines.
02:11:51 Like I use DuckDuckGo.
02:11:52 But I'll also use Yahoo and I'll also use Bing.
02:11:55 And I also use Google, you know, I'll use all of them because you get.
02:11:57 Slightly different results and then you.
02:12:00 Start to like see.
02:12:02 Different places look.
02:12:04 One trick.
02:12:05 Here's the only trick I can think of if you're trying to find videos on YouTube, don't use YouTube to search for them because YouTube will.
02:12:16 Algorithm. **** your results.
02:12:19 So if you want to find something that's on YouTube, you just search with like Yahoo or Bing or even Google, weirdly enough, because they're like the same company, but I found Yahoo for some reason has better YouTube search results than YouTube and Bing.
02:12:39 And DuckDuckGo, you know, because you just hit the.
02:12:41 Video tab.
02:12:43 And you'll find what you're looking for that you wouldn't find if you used YouTube search algorithm.
02:12:49 That's the only trick I can think of.
02:12:51 The way back machine is also good if you have a dead link, always check the way back machine or archive dot IS to see if it's got like a a version of it somewhere.
02:13:06 Or some of these.
02:13:07 Some of these search engines will cache the page, but usually I've noticed that hasn't been working.
Speaker 22
02:13:12 So much lately.
02:13:17 Trump's ******** Jenner are better.
02:13:20 Where'd it go?
02:13:30 Trump's ******** Jenner are better looking than Biden's.
02:13:34 Heard her?
02:13:35 No, that's the thing.
02:13:36 When Trump junior was.
02:13:41 Was trying to make it sound like.
02:13:44 That was some big own.
02:13:45 Our ******** are, you know, he was really saying, think about what he was really saying.
02:13:52 He was saying I would rather **** that ******.
02:13:57 Than the other training.
02:14:00 Not both.
02:14:01 These monstrosities are completely ********.
02:14:09 He finds something about Caitlyn Jenner.
02:14:15 Because to me they're both.
02:14:17 It's like looking at 2:00.
02:14:18 Different ******* monsters.
02:14:21 I can't be like, oh, yeah, that one, I'd I'd probably **** before.
02:14:24 I'd **** that one.
02:14:25 But he's saying that.
02:14:41 Devin should **** on sticks.
02:14:42 I'm in the mood to hear how relevant he is in the.
02:14:44 Last few years, more and more.
02:14:46 More guy said something pretty funny about him the other day.
02:14:52 Well, I can.
02:14:52 Bring that up.
02:14:57 He says a lot of stuff though, so I don't know if I can.
02:15:03 Fine. Uh. Here it is.
02:15:07 So he was.
02:15:07 He was responding, I guess Monial was was talking about how sticks had said something ********, but Morgoth says.
02:15:17 Stick seems to.
02:15:19 Be at the absolute cutting edge of Internet hot.
02:15:22 Take culture to the degree that what he actually says on whatever is trending on Twitter is largely.
02:15:29 Relevant what matters is that he has a video up on it within an hour and he'll do 4 videos per day, each with a shelf life of about 12 hours.
02:15:41 Then it'll become dead content.
02:15:44 Naturally, this means there's been no research script or much thought gone into any of the content, but that hardly matters because the audience seems to be drawn to the Google execs, execs in Racism, Row title, and hearing what they want.
02:16:02 The formula is 1.
02:16:04 Open salvo's catchy title drama Twitter tree.
02:16:09 2 meander on off on a Tangent 3 somehow try to wrap things up doesn't quite work, but **** it.
02:16:17 And then the end.
02:16:18 Move and then move on to.
02:16:20 The next story and do.
02:16:21 It all over.
02:16:21 Again, and that's true.
02:16:24 He's just cranking out.
02:16:29 It's a business for him.
02:16:31 I'm not doing this as a business.
02:16:36 I'm not.
02:16:39 Why do you think?
02:16:39 I almost never like to my detriment.
02:16:41 Like I I I'm I almost never bring up money on like that stuff.
02:16:46 I don't see this.
02:16:47 I see this as like my.
02:16:48 ******* civic duty.
02:16:52 Do you think do you really think sticks?
02:16:55 Sees what he does as as a civic duty.
02:16:59 And not just sticks.
02:17:00 I don't that just **** on sticks.
02:17:01 There's just a lot of people like that.
02:17:03 Well, this is.
02:17:04 A ******* business to them.
02:17:06 And that is gross to me.
02:17:09 Which is kind of why in in like I said, to my detriment because like it it's not that I don't feel like we should be supporting this kind of work.
02:17:18 But it's like I think I'm so grossed out by people like that that it it makes me overcorrect or something.
02:17:27 But yeah, that's that's what.
02:17:28 That's what he's all about.
02:17:31 100%.
02:17:35 He just tries to find whatever's trending at that moment. Say something, hopefully kind of original, you know, like.
02:17:44 When he when he.
02:17:45 When he had to have this really fast hot take on George Floyd right before all the information was in.
02:17:50 So he didn't do any.
02:17:50 Research, he immediately.
02:17:52 Blamed the cops, right?
02:17:53 You guys have seen that video?
02:17:55 I put that on telegram at one point.
02:17:58 He immediately blamed the ******* cops, had the exact leftist ******* narrative.
02:18:03 And then by the time like he realized, oh, ****, the right wing is actually on the other side of this.
02:18:09 He flipped the script because, you know, he doesn't have any ******* principles, he.
02:18:12 Doesn't care. He's.
02:18:13 Just there to like, say, **** for people to click on, you know, like.
02:18:17 He's just there for the the the dopamine hit.
02:18:22 You know, the people that are.
02:18:25 He's a cheerleader.
02:18:28 He's a cheerleader for magnetars.
02:18:33 Like if you think about politics as a spectator sport for a lot of people, which is kind of what?
02:18:39 Trump did because look sticks wasn't.
02:18:40 Like a politics guy before Trump, he wasn't.
02:18:43 I mean, he made videos about ******* doing drugs and **** like that and and and and Satanism and **** like, you know, like look at his ******* name.
02:18:51 You think.
02:18:51 That's a politics name.
02:18:55 So when all these these.
02:18:57 Spectators poured in because Trump made it a spectacle.
02:19:02 You know, he became a carnival Barker.
02:19:04 He became someone that that, that's how he.
02:19:08 Got clicks.
02:19:11 Was by.
02:19:13 You know, revving up the crowd for the Trump show.
02:19:26 He really is a cheerleader.
02:19:27 He never called out Trump for the ****** policies, and he would always make excuses.
02:19:32 Well, and.
02:19:32 And he's just look.
02:19:33 And he just he's.
02:19:34 A non principled libertarian, you know, like he, he does the whole in the privacy of your own home ****.
02:19:41 And he tries to be like the.
02:19:45 You know, like the Fedora wearing.
02:19:48 Atheist and it's like, look, my faith isn't all there.
02:19:50 I'm not like Super Captain religion either, but.
02:19:56 Being like one of these.
02:19:59 Part of the problem?
02:20:00 Atheists that you know, part of the reason why we have the moral.
02:20:04 Decay because let's let's throw it.
02:20:06 Let's throw the baby with the bath water and you know, let's all just be like these nihilists.
02:20:12 And I'm sure that'll work out right.
02:20:14 And you know he look, I'm sure I'm sure, sticks, supports this kind of ****.
02:20:19 Why wouldn't he?
02:20:20 Right.
02:20:21 Well, like, literally, why wouldn't he?
02:20:25 I I don't see how he how he would justify not supporting it.
02:20:31 He's like, in fact this this whole episode did to his audience.
02:20:36 It would probably seem like I'm this intolerant bigot, right?
02:20:41 Like, I'd be the bad guy.
02:20:43 For pointing all this stuff out.
02:20:47 Can you do an in depth review of George Lucas? THX 1138. I would love to get your take.
Speaker 16
02:20:53 Ah, maybe I don't.
02:20:55 Know I watched that like a long time ago and.
02:20:56 I just. I don't.
02:20:58 Like it it.
02:20:59 Was a long time ago, though.
02:21:01 I just remember thinking like really this.
02:21:04 George Lucas made this.
02:21:05 I guess he is a ****** director, you know.
02:21:09 But I'll I'll maybe I'll watch it again.
02:21:11 Maybe as an adult.
02:21:12 That's better.
02:21:14 Loving money over truth has led to the decay boomer sticks pool Tucker.
02:21:18 They love money over the truth over principles.
02:21:20 That's exactly right.
02:21:22 The American way, honestly.
02:21:24 That's like it is.
02:21:26 I don't like it.
02:21:27 And and and it didn't always used to be the.
02:21:30 Way but.
02:21:32 You know, for a long time, that's what capitalism does.
02:21:35 And in fact, in a weird way, that's the kind of people that will attract, right?
02:21:39 So like the the founding stock, that's not what attracted them.
02:21:43 They didn't come to America for some capitalist profit driven motives, right.
02:21:47 But that's why everyone came the.
02:21:49 Last 100 years.
02:21:51 Right.
02:21:51 Is that why you'd come?
02:21:53 Because you'd want to be degenerate without having to.
02:21:56 You know, you were either fleeing persecution because, oh, they're throwing gays off buildings or, you know, whatever, right.
02:22:02 Or because you wanted money.
02:22:04 You heard we had money here.
02:22:06 So that's that's.
02:22:08 That's who came.
02:22:09 So that's America now.
02:22:14 These these people.
02:22:14 That I mean like this guy on the screen, you know, he's not founding stock.
02:22:20 Neither is Trump.
02:22:24 They came here for profit.
02:22:29 And that's so when they talk, when you hear people like Ben Shapiro talk about America, you can hear it when and how.
02:22:34 They do.
02:22:34 They talk about it.
02:22:36 Same because why do you think Ben?
02:22:38 Shapiro's family came here.
02:22:43 For profit.
02:22:50 That's when they say that, like America is not an ethnicity, it's a set of ideas they're literally telling you what.
02:22:56 How they see America, they're not like in a way, they're trying you to agree with them.
02:23:01 But that's how they see it.
02:23:04 They see it as just like an economic it's just a mall where they've.
02:23:07 Set up their shop.
02:23:14 I'd love to hear your take on Andrew.
02:23:16 Eglin, I don't.
02:23:16 I don't know enough about him.
02:23:19 I might have been on a string.
02:23:20 With him at one point.
02:23:23 I maybe.
02:23:25 But I've never.
02:23:28 I don't have a lot of exposure.
02:23:29 To them, so I don't have any opinion.
02:23:32 Like I'm having trouble even.
02:23:34 Picturing them in my head.
02:23:38 And and that's not like a.
02:23:39 Slight at him.
02:23:39 It's just, you know, there's just so many ******* people out there and I know I know the name.
02:23:43 I hear it a lot.
02:23:44 They just, I don't know anything about.
02:23:49 Is the discord available?
02:23:50 I'm going to join it tonight and it will be.
02:23:52 Available after next stream.
02:23:59 Any new updates on the cactus front?
02:24:02 Oh yeah.
02:24:02 You know what?
02:24:05 I have some cool cactus pills for you.
02:24:26 I got some cool ones.
02:24:27 Let me see here.
02:24:43 In fact, I might.
02:24:44 Have a.
02:24:48 Alright, it's still downloading.
02:24:54 But I've got.
02:24:55 Slow motion bees.
02:24:56 This is from today.
02:25:02 Let's see if the video player will play it.
02:25:07 Sometimes these files crash the video player.
Speaker 3
02:25:12 There we go.
02:25:17 So this is this is this morning.
02:25:21 Now this this flower is already dead, like so.
02:25:25 I've noticed that with the column style cactuses.
02:25:30 Even though they're not related.
02:25:32 They all have, at least so far.
02:25:35 They all have gigantic, like comically big, like it doesn't look like it belongs on the cactus at all.
02:25:41 Comically big white flowers that take forever to form and then just one day they they bloom.
02:25:50 And the bees love them.
02:25:53 And then they by late afternoon they've shriveled up and in some instances, even just falling off.
02:26:00 So this is one of the ones that I caught in the morning this morning.
02:26:10 Well, apparently it locked up the.
02:26:14 The video player.
Speaker 24
02:26:18 Let me see if I can get.
02:26:19 It to play somewhere else.
02:26:37 Ah, right.
02:26:38 Apparently this file just doesn't want to play.
02:26:42 Is it still download?
02:26:43 Maybe it's still downloading?
02:26:52 Oh, that's too bad.
02:26:53 That's this one.
02:26:57 Yeah, slow slow motion B action, which was kind.
02:27:01 Of cool.
02:27:01 It was good stuff.
Speaker 4
02:27:03 I. Let's see here. Hi.
02:27:08 Yeah, I think it's still downloading.
02:27:10 So it's going to.
02:27:10 Take in a minute.
02:27:20 I have some photos though.
02:27:24 Oh, that one's fun. Why did I?
02:27:27 Oh, you know what?
02:27:28 I've got another I've got a I got.
02:27:29 One I can play for you guys.
02:27:32 This is from.
02:27:36 It's the same.
02:27:37 Here's The funny thing.
02:27:38 It's a totally different.
02:27:38 Kind of cactus.
02:27:40 But it's the same big weird white flower.
02:27:44 And it is the same kind of a situation.
02:27:51 I think I even narrated something for this.
02:27:52 One, let me see.
Speaker 16
02:28:18 This is approving Apple cacus the flower blooms at night, but it's very early.
02:28:26 In the morning.
02:28:28 And these bees are doing the the pollen well they can because that flow will close up. In fact, we will probably swallow up at least 1B when it does, because they keep going at this thing until they get every last drop or they'll never do.
02:28:53 They love, they love this flower.
02:28:56 This is a.
02:28:58 Proving Apple cactus now, unfortunately.
02:29:04 Even though there is this much bee activity within the proving Apple cactus flower.
02:29:12 It's highly unlikely they will actually fertilize.
02:29:16 This flower I will probably not get a Peruvian apple.
02:29:23 Out of this.
02:29:26 And I'm not sure if that's because.
02:29:29 Their behavior is so different from the native Peruvian moth that usually fertilizes this.
Speaker 2
02:29:35 This is.
Speaker 16
02:29:37 Overing or if it's something weird like.
02:29:42 It needs to.
02:29:43 Cross pollinate from another flower like it can't.
02:29:46 Like the flowers, can't pollinate themselves, which is sometimes the case.
02:29:50 I'm not sure.
02:29:53 But either way.
02:29:55 No matter how many times these.
02:29:56 Things flower.
02:29:57 I never ever get.
Speaker 36
02:29:59 Fruit out of them.
Speaker 16
02:30:07 There you go. There's the.
02:30:11 Peruvian apple cactus flower.
02:30:15 And is there another one that I had?
02:30:29 Now this is.
02:30:33 Same kind of a flower, but on different cactus.
02:30:37 Yeah, those are all blooming.
02:30:39 The slow motion video was was.
02:30:41 I wish it would download.
02:30:45 It's too bad.
02:30:47 It's very peaceful.
02:30:48 It's very Zen.
02:30:50 Just got these these bees.
02:30:52 Floating around and what looks like 0 gravity.
02:30:58 Yeah, it's going to be down in a long time.
02:31:02 Anyway, let me see what else you guys got going on in chat here.
02:31:16 I think Devin was on TRS, so.
02:31:19 TRS stuff.
02:31:22 Yeah, I I've.
02:31:23 Interacted with those guys a little bit.
02:31:26 They seem cool.
02:31:30 Devin has done the right stuff before.
02:31:34 I was on.
02:31:36 With James Allsop his thing?
02:31:39 He's a cool guy.
02:31:43 I like him.
02:31:43 He's got good taste in vehicles.
02:31:50 He's a good guy, though.
02:31:53 Why don't you enable comments and telegram?
02:31:55 Well I did.
02:31:57 And that got shut down.
02:32:01 So they're gone now.
02:32:05 That's all right, we'll have.
02:32:08 And by the way, I didn't shut them down.
02:32:10 Telegram shut them down.
02:32:11 I don't know.
02:32:11 How? I don't know how.
02:32:12 You guys got telegram to shut down, but they.
02:32:15 They said that there was illegal activity going on and.
02:32:18 Shut it down.
02:32:18 So it wasn't me.
02:32:25 Let's see here.
02:32:31 I haven't seen one honey bee in my garden.
02:32:33 Yet only bumblebees. Bumblebees suck.
02:32:37 Devon, you rich.
02:32:38 No, I'm not rich.
02:32:39 I'm the opposite of rich.
02:32:40 I believe it's called poor.
02:32:43 But I don't mind.
02:32:48 Do I ever interact with Zoltan Neus?
02:32:50 I don't.
02:32:51 Know who that is.
02:32:55 Someone typed Jew.
02:32:57 I don't know what it was because they they didn't.
02:32:59 I asked because it just this automated thing popped up and said there's illegal stuff.
02:33:03 You have to.
02:33:03 Get rid of or.
02:33:04 You can't have it again.
02:33:05 And I said, well, what's the illegal stuff?
02:33:07 And I they never answered.
02:33:09 So I just deleted everything I said.
02:33:10 Alright, well, I deleted everything and they never responded.
02:33:12 So just I was alright.
02:33:14 It's gone.
02:33:16 Do I like the rock group Rush?
02:33:19 Not like the Super big fan of it, but I don't hate rush.
02:33:28 Telegram is full of Fed posters.
02:33:31 False flagging wherever they can, yeah.
02:33:41 Cactus power, yeah.
02:33:47 Please do not drive up the cost of tube radios.
02:33:50 They are overpriced as it is to buy online shipping on a bank.
02:33:54 Or is it killer?
02:33:56 They get damaged.
02:33:57 Local Boomer club still afraid of?
02:33:59 So that's why.
02:34:01 That's why you're right about everything you just said.
02:34:03 So first thing is.
02:34:06 They are overpriced right now.
02:34:08 Especially they they went up like I I don't know if I had anything to do with that, but they went.
02:34:12 They shot.
02:34:13 Up after that, well, it was like I was talking about it.
02:34:17 Vincent James was talking about ham radios.
02:34:20 The price is ******* like.
02:34:21 Doubled online and which was crazy and I just think a lot of boomers like around the election were like, oh, I need to get a ham radio.
02:34:32 But on top of that?
02:34:34 As you mentioned, all the boomers that are into ham radio are afraid to do ham fests, which you can get really cheap stuff at a ham fest.
02:34:42 It's basically like a garage sale and you can just wheel and deal and get something that would on eBay might be like $200 for like $20, you know?
02:34:52 And then the the but all the ham all the.
02:34:55 Boomer hams are afraid of COVID.
02:34:57 And then on top of?
02:34:58 That the COVID nuff funked up the supply chain for certain things like Chinese tubes for amplifiers and things like that.
02:35:07 So now there's like literally like 6 month waiting lists for new stuff.
02:35:11 So all the old used.
02:35:14 Ham radio amplifiers doubled in price.
02:35:19 And on top of that, you've got just inflation happening.
02:35:25 So like you know, I'm sure you've seen the stories that say, you know, ohh you used car prices, they're they're skyrocketing.
02:35:33 Let's let's not just you use cars.
02:35:35 That's everything that people buy.
02:35:37 So all of that.
02:35:39 Inflation is is affecting the prices.
02:35:46 So yeah, I I I'm not going to.
02:35:49 I mean, look, you should look into it.
02:35:52 But I'm not going to.
02:35:53 Push hard on it, at least not yet, but look into it.
02:35:57 Look into.
02:35:57 Getting something that's easy to fix.
02:36:01 Just remember the the, the the basics are remember that not all of them have their own power.
02:36:09 Supplies built in.
02:36:11 Also remember that the older older ones don't always do single sideband, which you need.
02:36:18 And also remember that some tubes.
02:36:23 Are no longer available, or if they are really super expensive.
02:36:28 So just look it up like if you find like an American radio that does single sideband from like the 60s all the way through the 70s.
02:36:38 I would stay away from solid-state radios just because the, I mean, you think the tubes are hard to find. Try finding some of these.
02:36:46 Transistors that they don't make because it was.
02:36:48 Like the it's the first.
02:36:50 Amplifier transistor we ever made.
02:36:52 And of course, they don't make that anymore.
02:36:54 UMI mean sometimes they make them equivalent, but not really. So I would just pay attention to.
02:37:04 Stuff like you know, what's it going?
02:37:05 To take to.
02:37:05 Fix this and then also a lot of them get damaged like I've bought a few used radios over the Internet and some of these complete more.
02:37:18 Has I mean it it shows up and like you know right away because the box is all beat the **** and like, it sounds like broken glass and you open it up and it, you know, it's demolished.
02:37:26 On the bright side, you don't have.
02:37:28 To pay for it, you know.
02:37:31 Well, the parent, how you bought it, if you got it through like eBay or something like that, you.
02:37:34 Can get.
02:37:35 Out of paying for it.
02:37:36 But it's you.
02:37:38 Know now you got to find another one.
02:37:40 So there are a lot of.
02:37:41 ******** that just don't know how to.
02:37:42 Pack. I mean it's.
02:37:43 They're they're both fragile and heavy.
02:37:47 And then you have diversity hires running all the the packaging stuff.
02:37:52 So they're not exactly gentle with your big heavy.
02:37:58 Like I don't know what they're doing with some of these ******* things.
02:38:00 Like, because they're built like tanks and I I've had them show up where the metal is broken.
02:38:05 Like the metal.
02:38:05 It's not just dented, it's broken.
02:38:08 Like they threw it off a building or something.
02:38:13 And then you got to think about antennas, which are pretty easy, pretty cheap.
02:38:18 Intended tuners that's going.
02:38:20 To be the, you know, a little more.
02:38:23 Just because the older radios don't have antenna tuners now.
02:38:26 It doesn't matter if you're going to make an antenna that's the perfect length, then you're only because I know people that don't even use antenna tuners because they measure out all their antennas.
02:38:36 To be resonant on the exact frequency they're going to use and stuff like that, I don't think it's really super practical unless you have a ton of space and a lot of wire and you want to spend all day doing.
02:38:47 That, but that's something else you keep in mind.
02:38:50 You have to.
02:38:50 Get an antenna tuner.
02:38:53 But yeah, if you keep your eye, it's one of those things where.
02:38:59 Not everyone knows that the prices have skyrocketed yet, so if you obsessively search online.
02:39:07 Every once in a while I see something pop up that I know the guy could have listed for like 3 times as much and it would still sell instantly and they sells instantly, which is why you got to.
02:39:18 Keep an eye out for that stuff all the time.
02:39:20 So just, you know, do some research on.
02:39:25 Some of the popular brands are like Drake Hollow Crafters.
02:39:35 You know Yasu is Japanese and they are a little more complicated to work on.
02:39:41 But they they're older ones are are pretty good and F 2101 I talked about. That's what I use.
02:39:49 But it is more complicated than some of these American ones.
02:39:53 UM.
02:39:55 Yeah, just just.
02:39:57 It's just one of those things you got to keep an eye out for and it might take a few months for you to get it, but you probably got to learn a bunch of stuff anyway, right?
02:40:05 It's like a whole thing.
02:40:06 It's not like you.
02:40:07 You get the radio and magically you're on the air the same night.
02:40:09 You know what I mean?
02:40:10 Like it's it's going to take you time.
02:40:11 You got to put up an antenna.
02:40:13 You have to figure out.
02:40:14 Like, what's the difference between upper side band and lower side band and?
02:40:18 And you know like.
02:40:21 It might sound like not a big deal, like maybe you have like you own a house.
02:40:25 It's not like you're in an apartment.
02:40:27 You're you have a house and you have like.
02:40:29 The space to.
02:40:29 Put up an antenna, but you still have to.
02:40:31 Do it you.
02:40:31 Know like it's it's easier said than done.
02:40:34 Kind of.
02:40:34 A thing you know so.
02:40:37 I I would just start looking into that.
02:40:40 That's something I kind of want.
02:40:42 Here's one of the reasons why I push for it is look, there's the practical aspect of it is not only would you have communications if anything went bad, and if the Internet got shut down or even just like a, you know, act of God, type of emergency, you have like emergency communications.
02:41:00 Especially for people that are going out and living out in more rural.
02:41:05 Not only do you have that aspect to it, but it's also the kind of a thing where the demographic that currently resides in that space they're dying.
02:41:17 And like they're just dying.
02:41:19 I talked to a 90 year old the other day.
02:41:21 They're ******* dying off.
02:41:23 And it's the kind of thing that if there's not enough people that are using it, the FCC will take those bands away and sell them to Google or something like.
02:41:32 That they will.
02:41:34 That's what they did with analog TV.
02:41:37 And so we need to repopulate it.
02:41:41 Enough to keep it.
02:41:45 Because I could totally see them just taking it.
02:41:49 Away, which is another reason.
02:41:50 Why in modern radio does not interest me?
02:41:55 Because a lot of those modern radios they do online firmware updates in the same way that Windows does, and which means.
02:42:06 They could do a firmware update if you're connected online like all these boomers think, it's great like, oh, I can remote into it.
02:42:12 It's so weird to me.
02:42:13 It's like they're like, oh, yeah, I can use the Internet to use my.
02:42:16 Radio it's.
02:42:16 Like why?
02:42:18 Why not just use?
02:42:18 The Internet, then.
02:42:19 Why are you?
02:42:20 Why are you even use the radio?
02:42:22 What's like, they're literally like I was talking to a guy and he's like, oh, yeah, I'm like in.
02:42:27 Main But my radio's in Pennsylvania and I'm like.
02:42:34 Why are you doing that?
02:42:35 And he's like, oh, I'm just remoting.
02:42:36 Into it and I'm like.
02:42:39 So anyway, they they all, they all, all these radios connect online and all it would take is the FCC says, oh, yeah, no more eating meters and then they just shoot out a firmware update and just.
02:42:51 Boom, it's gone.
02:42:53 And look, if you're tech.
02:42:54 You can probably get around.
02:42:55 It but you.
02:42:56 Have to worry about that with these older radios.
02:42:58 Now you have the opposite problem.
02:43:00 Depending how old you get on the radio, some of them don't have all the bands because they didn't have them available yet, but they have all the important ones they have all.
02:43:07 The ones that you be using.
Speaker 16
02:43:12 Please get rid.
Speaker 2
02:43:13 Of the.
02:43:14 LGBTQ Frog Man pic is he creeping?
02:43:17 You guys out?
Speaker 16
02:43:19 I'm tired this is.
Speaker 4
02:43:27 All right.
Speaker 16
02:43:32 All right.
02:43:36 Was the 90 year old guy based?
02:43:38 Uh, he was 90.
02:43:40 He was he was on his way out, you know, like he and he knew it.
02:43:44 Didn't care, he.
02:43:45 Was cool.
02:43:46 He was a cool guy, but.
02:43:47 He, you know, we didn't talk about politics or like.
02:43:49 That he just.
02:43:50 Lived on a farm, lived on a farm, and knew that like you know, and he, he just was just waiting to die, essentially.
02:43:59 But he was content.
02:44:01 Can a guy get into him without all the FCC license stuff?
02:44:05 Uh, not really.
02:44:07 I mean, only because, I mean you you can.
02:44:10 But first of all.
02:44:12 You can't transmit legally if you don't have the license, and if you do transmit illegally and people do all the time.
02:44:22 It's not like.
02:44:22 No one does that.
02:44:23 People do it all the time.
02:44:26 But people will probably not respond to you.
02:44:29 So you won't know like you won't get it.
02:44:34 You know, it'll be pointless.
02:44:35 You'll just be screaming into the void.
02:44:37 Now, technically, again I don't recommend anyone does this, but if you were to want to at least test your stuff and no one was going to respond, you could still technically do it.
02:44:50 Because you could listen in.
02:44:52 On a SDR, it's a software web SDR.
02:44:56 There's like I was talking about earlier in the show.
02:44:59 I was listening.
02:44:59 To 80 meters.
02:45:01 I mean, look, I'll do it right now if my bandwidth can handle it, maybe it can in fact. Look, if someone's out.
02:45:06 There maybe you can you can transmit.
02:45:08 Let's see if I don't know if it'll handle the bandwidth of doing this.
02:45:13 But we'll try.
02:45:14 Let's just try.
02:45:19 Here's your chance to be on the insomnia stream.
02:45:21 If you got a ham radio.
02:45:31 Alright oh, I zoomed this page in apparently like.
02:45:34 A lot.
02:45:39 Alright, so there's this website.
02:45:46 Called. Well, this one's in Utah, but there's a bunch of different web SDR's. Let's see here.
02:45:55 And I'm going to turn audio on hopefully.
02:45:57 It's not too terrible.
02:46:04 That's probably pretty loud.
02:46:05 You can turn it down.
Speaker 16
02:46:12 All right, so.
02:46:15 This is giving us a.
02:46:19 A waterfall readout.
02:46:25 80 meters.
02:46:27 I think that's 80 meters, it's.
02:46:28 Supposed to be.
02:46:30 And right now I'm on 3.937 megahertz.
02:46:38 I should be on lower sideband.
02:46:43 The band looks like garbage right now.
02:46:44 There's like no one on there.
02:46:48 Well, what time is it?
02:46:51 That's probably why.
02:46:53 So you see the.
02:46:54 Only thing on this that you see that this line right here.
02:46:58 That's probably an AM signal.
Speaker 22
02:47:01 Let me see if I.
02:47:09 Let me see if I can tune into it.
Speaker 10
02:47:14 Where's the modes?
02:47:22 Here we are.
02:47:30 So yeah, that's that's nothing, apparently.
02:47:39 That's something.
02:47:44 So these are part like broadcast stations.
02:47:50 From overseas.
02:47:53 But that I don't see anyone talking on lower sideband right now.
02:48:02 But basically what I'm.
02:48:02 Getting at is let me see if this is anybody.
02:48:11 There's someone.
02:48:28 Let me turn off filter.
02:48:48 All right, so you can.
Speaker 23
02:48:49 Probably hear that.
Speaker 26
02:48:52 Maybe 5?
02:48:53 So the band's pretty crappy right now.
02:48:55 But what you would normally.
02:48:56 Do if you wanted to test and no one responding to you is, you would just pick a frequency that no one's on.
02:49:04 So if you're just go like right here, right.
Speaker 22
02:49:06 So this is.
02:49:08 Monitor is like too far away from me actually.
02:49:13 So I'm at 30.
02:49:14 899.
02:49:16 So I'm on 3899. If anyone in the audience thinks that they can hit the Utah Web SDR, I'm on 3899.
02:49:30 And I'll turn it down a little bit just so it's not this annoying sound.
02:49:33 That we're listening to.
02:49:37 But what you would do is you would then key up.
02:49:41 On 30/8/99.
02:49:43 And you'd see if you could actually reach the different web SDR's. This one's in Utah.
02:49:48 There's one in Half Moon Bay in California.
02:49:51 A few in.
02:49:51 The East Coast there.
02:49:52 I mean there's there's.
02:49:54 Some in Canada.
02:49:56 There's some in Europe, I mean, they're all over the place.
02:50:02 So if you would want to see if.
02:50:03 You can reach.
02:50:07 That far all you would have to do is load this up, type in the frequency.
02:50:11 Put the frequency on your radio transmit and then see if it.
02:50:15 Hears you.
02:50:16 So there's ways you could.
02:50:17 Do it.
02:50:20 I'm going to go ahead and shut this off, though I don't think anyone's talking.
02:50:24 I saw something.
02:50:25 Something came up.
02:50:28 Let me narrow it.
Speaker 31
02:50:37 Let me zoom in.
02:50:49 Yeah, I don't think anyone's.
02:50:58 If you are trying then you need.
02:51:00 An amplifier because I see nothing.
Speaker 31
02:51:08 Alright, let me close.
02:51:14 So yeah, I mean there's ways you.
02:51:15 Can get around that, but really practice makes perfect.
02:51:19 And because it's not as simple as like a phone where oh.
02:51:23 I got a new phone.
02:51:24 I already know how.
02:51:25 To use it, you know and there's no, there's no learning curve at all.
02:51:30 The radio stuff.
02:51:31 There's enough.
02:51:31 There's enough different variables and different things, like just in terms of antennas and and SWR and and just things like that.
02:51:40 That it's helpful if you have the license and it's.
02:51:43 And So what like if if you have the license?
02:51:48 People are worried about giving the FCC their information or whatever.
02:51:52 It's like you're already on a list, you know, getting a getting a ham license isn't going to like.
02:51:57 Increase your listing Ness.
02:52:00 And the other thing people worry about is they say, oh, well, it says that you give the FCC permission to inspect your your radio station.
02:52:10 And that's true if you're doing something illegal, they can.
02:52:14 They have permission to make, like if you were transmitting with too much power.
02:52:20 First of all, this will never happen.
02:52:21 There's a guy I've talked about this guy before.
02:52:24 There's a guy that's been jamming on 80 meters for like 20 years.
02:52:30 The FCC has never showed up at his house. I wish they'd showed up, show up at his house, and in fact, they tried to levy a fine against him of something like $20,000, and they have no enforcement, so they had to give the the hand the fine over to the DOJ and the DOJ said we don't have time for this.
Speaker 16
02:52:50 So there no one's.
02:52:51 And no one's gone to inspect this station because technically they can confiscate his equipment because he's breaking the.
02:52:59 Law with it.
02:53:00 But they're not doing that.
02:53:01 They haven't.
02:53:02 They have.
02:53:03 They used to do that, like.
02:53:04 But I think part.
02:53:06 Yeah, I think there's no reason why I want.
02:53:07 More people on it.
02:53:08 I I think one of the reasons why they're not enforcing it against jammers and stuff like that is they want people to stop using it.
02:53:17 They don't want to police it because they want people to stop using it so they can.
02:53:21 Think. Oh well, look, no.
02:53:22 One's using it anymore because we, you know, we didn't enforce anything and it.
02:53:24 Turned into.
02:53:25 Like this **** show and.
02:53:27 So now we're going to, I guess we'll.
02:53:28 Just sell these bands over to Google.
02:53:31 And that's what I think will happen if people don't start using it, and which is another reason why to get your license even if you know you're not sitting there chatting on it with your call sign all the time, it it, it just makes the numbers go up, but it's not expensive.
02:53:45 It's like you can get, I mean mine I got for free I think.
02:53:49 Some clubs are, they're now.
02:53:50 Making pay like 30 bucks or something to get it, but.
02:53:55 You know and.
02:53:55 And because of COVID, one of the.
02:53:57 Good things about.
02:53:58 COVID is you can even take the test remotely.
02:54:02 In some clubs where you can actually take it.
02:54:07 Over video chat like zoom or something.
02:54:12 So and there's apps you can get on your phone where the test has a total of 200 questions.
Speaker 2
02:54:19 On it.
02:54:19 It's multiple choice and the app has every right answer, not just the right answer but the letter, so it's multiple choice, right?
02:54:30 So if on the practice.
02:54:31 Yes, the answer is C even if you don't understand the answer.
02:54:36 If you just remember ohh the answer to this question is C it's C.
02:54:41 On the real test.
02:54:43 It blows my mind that that's what they did.
02:54:44 But that's what they did.
02:54:46 So you don't even have to actually memorize the answers.
02:54:50 You just have to memorize the letter of the answer on all these, and because of the way that the practice test is, it'll randomize from the pool of questions, right, which is what the real test is.
02:55:03 And so it's like flash cards, so you can just sit there on your.
02:55:06 Phone while like.
02:55:07 While you're on the train on the way to work or whatever, right?
02:55:10 And just sit there and repetitively take that test over and over again until the answers are burned into your skull.
02:55:16 It's what I did.
02:55:19 So anyway.
02:55:26 The guy jamming is probably a fed trying to kill any populations now he's actually a.
02:55:30 Jew, that is.
02:55:32 Super autistic and and and is really mad.
02:55:38 Because I I don't even know what the original story is anymore.
02:55:42 It's just that he's literally a Jew that's been screaming on the on the airwaves for like 20 ******* years.
02:55:51 I put a guide on the black Pill Gab group on how to take the FCC Ham radio test and memorize the answers effectively for going zero extra license in one setting.
02:56:01 Yeah, it's not hard.
02:56:02 I wish I'd done my extra my first.
Speaker 29
02:56:04 One I didn't do.
02:56:05 That I'm going to go do that soon.
02:56:10 Yes, of course.
02:56:11 He not only is he a Jew, I thought he was.
02:56:13 So it's kind of funny he plays.
02:56:17 All these recordings of people yelling at him for being a.
02:56:19 Jew and I didn't.
02:56:21 Know I didn't know what how I was.
02:56:22 Even listening.
02:56:23 To so like I was just turning around and literally you tune around and you'll hear ohh ******* I wish Hitler had finished the job and you know wish wish you get in the ******* oven and like you'll hear this stuff.
02:56:35 You're like wow what?
02:56:37 I'm just fine.
02:56:38 And and then, but then you realize after a while it is it's recording because it gets.
02:56:43 Repetitive like you'll hear.
02:56:43 The same thing.
02:56:45 And I was talking to, so I was like, who's that guy that keeps playing all?
02:56:48 This like like I hate the Jew stuff and turns out he's the Jew.
02:56:54 And this is just stuff people have said to him and he just keeps playing it over and over again.
02:56:58 Like a psycho.
02:57:02 So yeah.
02:57:04 There is an 80 meter jammer I pick up that is.
02:57:07 An exon that is an exon or ex-con I think.
02:57:12 He broadcasts Old Testament verses and **** about Moses.
02:57:19 Maybe this one?
02:57:20 I'm thinking he's in Southern California.
02:57:22 And you can hear him like he, I'm sure he's not using a legal amount of power.
02:57:29 Because I could hear him when I was just in my apartment, I'd be fixing a radio with no antenna on it.
02:57:37 Like, not like none.
02:57:39 No antenna screwed into the back.
02:57:41 And I'd be able to tune them in without an antenna.
02:57:45 I mean, this guy was.
02:57:47 Putting out way too much power.
02:57:56 Might be the same jammer.
02:57:57 Yeah, he's.
02:57:57 He's usually in the low.
02:57:59 Usually 3.8 something you know.
02:58:04 So alright guys, well, we're over 3 hours.
Speaker 16
02:58:08 I'm going to go ahead and.
02:58:10 Wrap this up, start the recordings converting and uploading and get the thumbnails done and get all that stuff and then I'm going to go through my e-mail, try to find that discord.
Speaker 16
02:58:20 Server hop on there and get that all.
02:58:25 Straightened out and then we can do.
02:58:27 We'll have that finally taken care of.
02:58:30 So thanks for stopping by.
02:58:33 Make sure you get, like I said, get your friends to watch that first couple hours of the stream.
02:58:40 If if they think that this whole gay acceptance stuff has always been the way it.
02:58:45 Was, you know?
02:58:47 I think it's important that you see that this is a relatively new thing and how quickly it's moved.
02:58:52 And I wasn't ******* around when I said.
02:58:54 That you gotta.
02:58:55 Pay attention and see the the same things happening with this white genocide stuff.
02:59:01 It's not a ******* joke.
02:59:02 It's not an exaggeration.
02:59:04 This is how it starts and we know how it finishes.
02:59:08 So just make sure you you the people that you think you can reach.
02:59:13 At least we're not going to refill the normies, but the people you think can reach.
02:59:17 See if you can get this in.
02:59:18 Front of them in the meantime.
02:59:22 4 black pilled.
02:59:23 I am, of course Devon Stag.
Speaker 2
02:59:28 Look, it's that Blessed Dove that delivers the mail.
Speaker 13
02:59:43 Oh, this is fan mail.
02:59:45 My fans have sent me some mail.
02:59:47 Let's see what it says.
02:59:51 Dear Tom.
02:59:54 We think gay people.
02:59:58 Or disgusting.
03:00:01 And if you choose to be.
Speaker 2
03:00:03 Gay. You should kill yourself.
Speaker 13
03:00:13 You'll burn in hell forever and everyone will be better off without you.