05/23/2021Speaker 1
00:05:14 Mr. Brown.Speaker 2
00:01:40 You're putting me?Speaker 3
00:02:14 Nation stand against him.00:02:15 He's your brother.
Speaker 4
00:02:18 Been a long time, been a.Speaker 5
00:02:19 Long time now, I'll.Speaker
00:02:20 Get to you.Speaker 3
00:02:31 Don't mess around.Devon
00:02:49 Good morning.00:02:51 Good evening, good night.
00:02:58 And welcome to this special edition of the Insomnia stream where I lose the power of speech.
00:03:05 Or maybe I was speaking in tongues.
00:03:09 I was possessed by the.
00:03:11 The spirit and relaying secret information to you.
00:03:15 That or that was.
Speaker 7
00:03:16 The secret code?00:03:17 You never know.
00:03:18 You'll never know.
00:03:20 OK, so you might be wondering some.00:03:22 People are like, oh, what is this?
00:03:24 What is this?
00:03:25 I don't want to miss tonight's episode.
00:03:28 Is it going to be?
Speaker 7
00:03:29 Like in the book, no, it's not.Devon
00:03:31 Going to be.00:03:31 Like in the book.
00:03:32 But it is a very special edition.
00:03:35 It's a very special episode of the Insomnia stream, and that is because we are going to discuss.
00:03:43 The very special episodes.
00:03:47 Of the propaganda machine that was in the 80s and 90s.
00:03:52 Well, actually in the late 70s too.
00:03:55 They would do these very special episodes and those, those are the episodes your parents would make sure you didn't miss.
00:04:01 And they would promote them like crazy.
00:04:03 They would promote them for weeks sometimes.
00:04:07 Oh, you don't?
00:04:08 Don't let your kids miss this very special episode.
Speaker 8
00:04:12 Of blah blah blah.Devon
00:04:15 And so we're going to go through a very special episode.Speaker 7
00:04:18 Of one of the.Devon
00:04:19 More popular shows, and it's actually kind of horrifying in retrospect.00:04:25 It's horrifying, but very eye opening and in fact I kind of I barely remember actually watching.
00:04:33 I don't know if it was a rerun because it was.
00:04:35 A long this is.
00:04:36 I think it first aired in 1989.
00:04:40 1989.
00:04:42 And so it was.
00:04:45 It was quite a long time ago.
00:04:46 I don't remember if I watched it when it.
00:04:48 Was new or?
00:04:50 If I watched it when it was a a rerun.
00:04:54 But I do remember my parents.
00:04:56 Watching it with me.
00:04:58 And and and asking me like oh.
Speaker 9
00:05:01 Did you?00:05:02 What did you learn?
00:05:03 What did you learn?
Speaker 10
00:05:04 This was a common thing.Devon
00:05:06 There was a lot, I guess there's.00:05:07 A lot of shows that.
00:05:07 Did this sort of thing, so in fact this.
00:05:09 Is going to be kind of a a series, you might say.
00:05:13 I've I've.
00:05:15 Been analyzing quite a few of these very special episodes over the last few days and so this is just the first one we're gonna have time to go through all of them because it's going to be this is going to be maybe kind.
00:05:25 Of a long stream.
00:05:26 So I hope you have a beverage.
00:05:28 And you're ready to strap in and watch this.
00:05:32 It it's it's a shame because there's a ton of news.
00:05:34 I want to go over.
00:05:35 Too, but I just don't think we have time.
00:05:38 I don't think we have time to blast through all the news and.
00:05:42 Watch this very special episode.
00:05:47 So perhaps if we go through the very special episode and we have.
00:05:50 We still have time.
00:05:51 Then we'll go.
Speaker 7
00:05:52 Over some news.00:05:53 But I just don't think there's going to be.
00:05:54 A lot.
00:05:55 Of time for that.
00:05:56 So without further ado.
00:06:00 One of the shows that was very popular.00:06:06 In the 80s, well, I guess probably late 80s, early 90s.
00:06:13 And that it's actually a show that got a.
Speaker 10
00:06:15 Lot of you'll.Devon
00:06:17 Recognize some of these well at.Speaker 7
00:06:19 Least one of them.Devon
00:06:20 One of these actors got their start was a show by the name of family ties.00:06:28 Family ties.
00:06:29 Let me see if I can bring up a picture of family ties here.
00:06:34 This is where Michael J Fox got his start.
00:06:37 This was prior to the back to the future movies.
Speaker 7
00:06:43 Let me bring this up here.00:06:44 Family ties.
00:06:57 Alright, family ties.
00:06:59 Oh, no.
00:07:00 I've got to get rid of all these mug shots of diversity.
00:07:03 Then I've got loaded in here.
00:07:05 I'm OK.
00:07:09 Family ties.00:07:12 Now, for those of you who don't know, because you're too young to remember or because you just don't remember, maybe you're.
Speaker 10
00:07:18 Too old to remember.Devon
00:07:21 Family ties was about a boomer couple.00:07:25 Raising some children in the 80s.
00:07:28 And they were very liberal.
00:07:32 And they had a son, Michael J.
Speaker 11
00:07:36 Who was?Devon
00:07:37 Very conservative.00:07:38 He was a a Reagan Conservative.
00:07:41 And I would give them the and it was very, very money obsessed, you know, he was like the 80s caricature of a conservative, always obsessing about money and business.
00:07:54 You know, it was back.
00:07:55 Think back this is.
00:07:56 When Wall Street, it was the Big Wall Street, 1980s Wall Street era. So he was kind of like.
00:08:02 You know this, this Gordon Gecko Junior.
00:08:07 And it gave them an opportunity, this character.
00:08:11 To lampoon conservatives over and over and over again because he was like this hyperbolic version of a conservative.
Speaker 7
00:08:21 But it also gave.Devon
00:08:23 Him an opportunity to wear down conservatives by having his character learn something liberal from his boomer parents.00:08:33 So there would always be like.
00:08:34 This lesson to be learned?
00:08:36 Oh, I guess money isn't the most important thing in the world.
00:08:39 Oh, I guess the free market doesn't solve.
00:08:41 All the problems. Oh you.
Speaker 7
00:08:42 Know that sort of a thing.Devon
00:08:43 Oh, I guess the the hippies were.00:08:46 Oh, I and and there was a lot of that.
00:08:48 And there's a lot.
00:08:49 Of that in what we're going to watch tonight.
00:08:53 And so they had that, that kind of a a dynamic between Alex P Keaton.
Speaker 7
00:08:59 Michael J. Fox.00:09:01 And the parents?
00:09:01 I don't remember their names.
00:09:03 And then they had the other characters, the.Speaker 7
00:09:06 I don't remember all their names.00:09:07 At all, they had the.
00:09:09 The the daughter on the the the left, the upper left.00:09:12 She was like the the Ditzy Valley girl type and then the the blonde on the right.
00:09:20 She was like the smarter.
00:09:21 You're more clever, daughter.
00:09:27 And then I don't remember much about the little kid, so I couldn't tell you.
00:09:32 He was just a little kid.
00:09:33 I guess maybe there was something more to it than that.
00:09:35 I I I haven't seen this show in a very long time, and in fact the the old episode.
00:09:42 We're seeing in the last.
00:09:43 Probably 20 years is the one we're going to watch tonight, which I didn't even watch the whole thing.
00:09:48 I wanted it to.
00:09:49 Be kind of a surprise for me too.
00:09:51 So and it's a 2 parter, it's a 2 parter.
00:09:54 I did cut out some stuff just to make it a little bit, you know some.
00:09:57 More streamlined, but.
00:09:59 It is A2 parter because it.
00:10:00 Was a very, very special.
00:10:02 Episode and you know it was important because it had A to be continued. So you would TuneIn next week to see the exciting conclusion.
00:10:11 Now family ties.
00:10:14 Let's see here.
00:10:15 There were seven seasons.
00:10:19 First year or two first.
00:10:21 Year it came out OK, it was 1982, so it ran from 1982 through 1989. So I guess this would have been the last season.
00:10:30 This episode that we're going to watch the very last season now this show was created by Gary David Goldberg.
00:10:42 Gary David Goldberg.
00:10:45 And it was produced by Susan Borowitz.
00:10:50 Susan borowitz.
00:10:53 Now, in addition to their, their last names being obviously, you know, Jewish last names, there's some you got to understand a lot of this stuff that stays in the family.
00:11:03 It doesn't just stay.
00:11:04 In in the.
00:11:05 In the ethnicity, it stays in the family.
Speaker 10
00:11:10 Gary David Goldberg.Devon
00:11:13 Was involved with a lot of of titles you might be familiar with.00:11:19 Now if you go.
00:11:19 Back and you worked on the Bob Newhart show.
00:11:23 He worked on mash.
00:11:26 He worked on, you know, family ties.
00:11:28 Obviously, he's the creator.
00:11:30 He worked on day by day.
00:11:34 He worked on Spin City.
00:11:38 And in 2000, he worked on Battery Park. He was the creator of Battery Park and well, he was the creator of Spencer. So he this guy was a he, he he made a lot.
00:11:49 Of the shows.
00:11:51 That were played in American households and again back when this when you only had three major networks.
00:11:59 Nowadays it's not.
Speaker 8
00:12:00 Such a big.Devon
00:12:01 Deal if you've created.00:12:02 I mean, ****, I'm a creator of the show, right?
00:12:06 Back in the 80s and 90s, that was a.
00:12:08 Big deal.
00:12:10 Because people only had essentially 3 choices.
00:12:16 You know, they could watch NBC, ABC or CBS.
00:12:22 That was it.
00:12:24 And there was number TiVo.
00:12:26 So you had to.
00:12:27 Watch it when it was on.
00:12:29 And people did.
Speaker 10
00:12:32 By the hundreds of 1,000,000.Devon
00:12:36 Because the boomers.00:12:37 Used the television to raise children in the same way millennials are using tablets.
00:12:44 To raise their children.
00:12:46 So anyone that was at the helm of a?
00:12:49 A television show.
00:12:52 Had a direct conduit into the mines.
00:12:56 Of young Americans.
00:12:59 And a lot of these.
00:13:02 Subversive ideas paved the way for where we are today.
00:13:07 A lot of times you might wonder.
Speaker 10
00:13:09 Why? How?Devon
00:13:10 I remember like last stream someone asked like, how come for example people seemed to have this weird perception of blacks and I said well, it's because.00:13:20 You know a lot of.
00:13:21 Especially white boomers weren't have never been in proximity.
00:13:25 They've never lived in a black neighborhood.
00:13:28 Many of them when they.
00:13:29 Went to school.
00:13:31 It was an all white school.
00:13:32 They went, they lived in an all white neighborhood.
00:13:34 They worked at an all.
00:13:35 White job.
00:13:37 And so their only exposure to.
00:13:40 Diversity was what was on the television.
00:13:44 Their only exposure to what it would be like to live in close proximity to diversity.
00:13:51 They were being told by Gary Goldberg.
00:13:58 And people like him.
00:14:00 You know, including his daughter.
00:14:02 So like, like I said, that this wasn't just a.
00:14:08 It wasn't just.
00:14:09 Let's see here.
00:14:10 I I had his daughter.
Speaker 7
00:14:11 Up here.00:14:11 Where did she go?
00:14:13 Because she was in a.00:14:14 Bunch of stuff.
Speaker 7
00:14:18 Oh, where did it go anyway?00:14:19 It doesn't.
00:14:21 Oh, here we are.00:14:22 His daughter is Shauna Goldberg.
00:14:25 She created mad about you.
00:14:31 One of the friends spin offs Joey.
00:14:37 And then a bunch of other stuff that isn't as big that honestly, I've never heard of before, but I mean that's that's quite the resume.
00:14:48 And so Americans everywhere.
00:14:50 Well, and it's not just Americans.
00:14:53 You ever wonder why, especially in the 90s?
00:14:56 Well, I guess now increasingly the rest of the world.
00:15:02 Had this perception that America was like this super racist place and black people were just getting shot by police and all this other stuff.
00:15:12 I mean, if you think that the the Boomers only access, they're only proximity to diversity was through their televisions.
Speaker 10
00:15:18 I mean.Speaker 12
00:15:19 That was.Devon
00:15:20 Especially true of people in Europe.00:15:25 You know, I've got a friend, a Ukrainian friend.
00:15:27 She learned English by watching episodes of.
00:15:29 Well, of friends.
00:15:32 She learned English by watching episodes of Shauna Goldberg.
00:15:36 'S friends.
00:15:39 And so her perception.
00:15:41 Of what America was like.
00:15:44 Wise through friends.
00:15:48 And so every time you would talk to one of these Europeans, that would have this perception that America was this, you know, we're all the was a place where all the white people just hated people and or hated black people and.
00:15:59 And we're hunting them openly in the streets.
00:16:02 They were getting that perception from American television.
00:16:09 Now there's a.
00:16:09 Movie I watched that was a Russian film.
Speaker 8
00:16:14 Called Bharat devas.Devon
00:16:16 You know, brother, Part 2 I think it was.Speaker 7
00:16:18 Part 2.Devon
00:16:19 And Gary Busey is in this Russian film.00:16:25 And he plays, in fact, we'll we'll have to get this scene and we'll have to watch it sometime because it's it's just ******* amazing.
00:16:33 This Russian character, you know the whole movie is in Russian except for, you know, Gary Busey's scene. He's speaking English and a couple of the scenes are set in America. And there's you.
Speaker 7
00:16:42 Know some English?Devon
00:16:44 And the the Russian main character, he's like some gangster ****** type guy and and he ends up.00:16:51 Killing a black guy.
00:16:53 I forget the context.
00:16:55 And they they haul him in, he gets arrested.
00:16:59 And Gary Busey is is like the police.
00:17:01 Chief or something?
00:17:03 And I still remember because.
Speaker 8
00:17:04 I was just.Devon
00:17:04 Like what the **** like this is?00:17:07 This is what?
00:17:08 Passes as believable in in in Russian audiences.
00:17:12 This is what they think.
00:17:14 And Gary Busey's character is like, oh, we don't care that you killed the guy because he's black.
00:17:20 So we're, we're and they just let him go.
00:17:24 The scene is hilarious.
00:17:26 I'll find the.
00:17:26 Scene and I'll play.
00:17:27 It for you guys at some.
00:17:29 Point, but that's that's the perception.
Speaker 11
00:17:32 People around the world had.Devon
00:17:35 From watching American television.00:17:39 And that same mind poison was being pumped into American audiences.
00:17:49 And the boomers were already primed.
00:17:52 Already primed.
00:17:53 They were they were self obsessed.
00:17:55 Here's the other thing to learn about tonight.
00:17:57 A lot of people talk about, well, how?
Speaker 13
00:18:00 Is it that the boomers didn't?Devon
00:18:02 Transmit the culture to the new generation.00:18:06 They did.
00:18:08 They just transmitted their culture.
00:18:13 One of the most accurate things you will see.
00:18:17 In this episode.
00:18:19 Is that they show the boomers reliving the 60s.
00:18:23 And trying to get their kids into it.
00:18:26 And that's something that anyone that had Boomer parents can relate to.
00:18:30 Doesn't matter if they were right wing or left wing.
00:18:34 They did have this.
00:18:36 This crazy.
00:18:39 Obsession with the 60s.
00:18:43 And any anytime they had a chance to to try to like, look, kids, this is what it was like when I was your age, they would try to do it and try to get their kids into it and try to get their kids to.
00:18:54 To because they wanted to live vicariously through their children.
00:18:58 They wanted their kids to relive their childhood.
00:19:05 And so you'll see some of that in this episode.
00:19:09 Another to give an idea too like this isn't.
00:19:12 Just limited to 1 show this is.
00:19:13 When we're watching.
00:19:14 1-2 part episode of of Family Ties. But there were entire shows.
00:19:22 Dedicated to this idea.
00:19:25 Entire ******* shows.
00:19:28 Dedicated to this idea.
00:19:32 As an example.
00:19:36 There is one show called different strokes.
00:19:40 Different strokes.
00:19:43 And the entire concept.
Speaker 10
00:19:45 Of the show.Speaker 7
00:19:49 Let me see here.Devon
00:19:50 I'll play the intro.00:19:52 Not going to make you listen to.
Speaker 7
00:19:53 It because it's.Devon
00:19:57 You know, it's horrific.00:19:59 But the entire show, the premise was.
00:20:03 A old white, old rich white guy.
00:20:06 You know, what does he do?
00:20:09 Oh, look, look at him.
00:20:10 He goes to the ghetto, he goes to the ghetto and and he gets himself a couple black kids.
00:20:18 And they're they're.
00:20:19 These are adorable, well behaved black kids from the ghetto.
Speaker 10
00:20:22 Oh, come on in.00:20:24 Come on into my home.
00:20:26 To live with my white daughter.00:20:30 And everything will be fine.
00:20:32 And in the theme song it'll it'll.
00:20:34 It even tells you like, oh, you know what's right for you isn't right for everybody.
00:20:39 Don't worry cause.
Speaker 10
00:20:39 This is this was kind of a shocking thing.00:20:41 Like, why would why would this old rich white guy?
Speaker 8
00:20:45 Get black kids and.Devon
00:20:47 And bring them into his home.00:20:50 To live with his white daughter.
00:20:56 So this entire show was a very special episode.
00:21:03 And it wasn't just again, it wasn't just this show.
00:21:06 There was a there was a lot.
Speaker 10
00:21:07 Of shows like this.Devon
00:21:10 So it didn't matter.00:21:11 Really, if you were watching NBC, ABC or CBS.
00:21:17 Every time you were exposed to diversity.
00:21:21 This is what you were shown.
00:21:23 Oh, look, they're just like, they're just like you and me.
00:21:27 It's safe to have them around your white daughter.
00:21:31 Everything's cool.
00:21:34 And what's more, because this was, remember, this was a big deal.
00:21:37 The whole there was a huge.
00:21:39 Thing about assimilation.
Speaker 7
00:21:42 Assimilation, right?Devon
00:21:45 That was the big thing white people.00:21:47 Were worried about.
00:21:49 They were worried about, well, if we bring in.
00:21:51 These these people from other cultures into our culture.
00:21:56 They need to adhere to our standards.
00:22:01 We don't want to become.
00:22:04 This other culture.
00:22:07 I mean, The funny thing is, like people say, you know, import the third world, become the third world as you know, as if this is something that people need to understand because, well, I mean, because it is right, it's something that.
00:22:16 People don't seem to understand.
Speaker 10
00:22:18 People understood it.Devon
00:22:21 In the 80s and 90s.00:22:25 And because they understood that.
00:22:28 People like The Goldbergs.
00:22:31 Created television show after television show after television show.
00:22:35 Whether it's Fresh Prince of Bel Air family matters.
00:22:39 Showing you.
00:22:41 Oh, no, no, no.
00:22:43 They're just like you and me.
00:22:46 They're exact like you and me.
00:22:48 And in this case, in this show, look, I can get these two black kids, pluck them.
00:22:53 Out of the ghetto.
00:22:55 Put them in a rich white guys house.
00:22:59 And they will be just like any other kid.
00:23:04 Now and they they will assimilate.
00:23:08 To your culture.
00:23:10 They'll assimilate to your standards.
00:23:17 And there will be no difference.
00:23:18 In fact, the only difference, and this was the refrain over and over and over again.
00:23:25 The only difference is the color of our skin.
00:23:28 That's the only difference.
Speaker 10
00:23:38 White, the white majority of they're they're rational people.Devon
00:23:43 And that sounds perfectly fine.00:23:45 It still sounds fine.
00:23:46 If that was the case, right?
00:23:49 Oh, they just.
00:23:50 Look different. Oh, OK.
Speaker 10
00:23:53 Well, if that's.Devon
00:23:53 Literally the only difference.00:23:56 Is that they look different.
00:23:59 Yeah, I guess I guess you would be like just some weird or crazy person.
00:24:04 To not want them living in your home.
00:24:07 I mean, look, they it appears as though that they're just.
00:24:10 They're conforming to my lifestyle.
00:24:13 They're they're they, they they they're practicing all the same traditions.
00:24:17 They like the same things.
00:24:19 They dress the same way.
00:24:22 They're essential.
00:24:23 They're exactly the same.
00:24:26 The only difference is skin deep literally.
00:24:30 And so if you can't handle that, I mean there.
00:24:34 There there, there's something seriously.
Speaker 14
00:24:36 Wrong with you.Devon
00:24:39 That's an irrational fear.00:24:41 About about I.
00:24:42 Mean it's there's you can't really give me a reasonable explanation as to why you wouldn't want this.
00:24:53 And as I said this.
00:24:54 Was show after show after show after show after show.
00:25:00 Starting in the 70s.
00:25:03 Maybe a little in the 60s.
00:25:04 There's another.
00:25:05 There's a show we're going to cover in another episode.
00:25:08 That was, I think in the.
00:25:10 Late 60s.
00:25:17 But even in this show like this show.
00:25:18 The entire show.
00:25:22 Was to to show you that.
00:25:23 Oh, look, we're all the same.
00:25:24 We're all.
00:25:25 The same and.
00:25:25 We'll probably cover one of those episodes.
00:25:27 The funny thing is, if.
00:25:28 You actually look into.
00:25:30 The the lives of the actors in this in this television show they were they were anything but wholesome.
00:25:43 But in this show.
00:25:44 And this was this was your ohh this.
00:25:47 Is what it would be like.
00:25:49 To live next to black people or?
00:25:50 To have them.
Speaker 7
00:25:51 Living in my home.Devon
00:25:53 Look at look.00:25:53 He's so adorable.
00:25:55 He's so adorable.
00:25:56 Like, how could I?
00:25:58 How could I possibly no.
00:26:00 That's just xenophobia.
00:26:03 It's just senseless bigotry.
Speaker 7
00:26:08 To not want to have.Devon
00:26:11 These people in my community, they're exactly like me.00:26:18 There's no harm.
Speaker 14
00:26:19 At all.Speaker 7
00:26:23 All right.00:26:26 And so now.
00:26:30 Without further ado.00:26:39 And to clear my throat there for.
00:26:40 A second.
00:26:42 Let's have a look.
00:26:45 And a little show called.
00:26:48 Family ties.
00:26:52 And they're very special episode.
00:26:57 About racism.
00:27:00 And then maybe this will help you understand.
00:27:02 Maybe this will help you understand.
00:27:05 Why the boomers are so stuck on milk?
00:27:11 And and justice don't understand the world.
00:27:15 In the same way.
Speaker 7
00:27:17 That you and I might.Speaker
00:27:38 We can't.Speaker 4
00:27:49 That was a wonderful dinner release.00:27:52 Every time I come here, I learn so much about health food.
Speaker 15
00:27:56 I like your family, Elise.00:27:58 Even this guy, when he's not talking politics.
Speaker 3
00:28:02 I guess and the big issues we're.Speaker 14
00:28:03 Not that far apart.Speaker 3
00:28:05 Perfect.00:28:05 I've always felt that kind of.
00:28:07 A special bond with you.
00:28:08 See now that's again we talked about earlier that that his character is conservative and you know very Republican and you have to understand that you won't understand what they're talking about here.00:28:19 But again, all the all the rational people.
00:28:22 All the adults, all the good people, they're all left wing.
00:28:28 And The funny thing is.
00:28:30 They can joke about their differences in 1989.
00:28:34 Right. It's still.
Speaker 8
00:28:36 It's, it seems, at least on the surface.Devon
00:28:39 To be good-natured.00:28:42 But if you think about it.
00:28:44 Even in 1989.
00:28:47 Especially looking back from today.
00:28:51 There is kind of a.
00:28:53 A hatred brewing.
00:28:55 There is kind of a.
00:28:56 A condescension coming from the leftists.
00:29:01 There is still this perception.
00:29:05 That the people on the right are on the right because they're greedy.
00:29:10 Evil ********.
00:29:13 Now look, to be fair, in terms of the Republican Party.
00:29:17 Especially at this time, Bush senior was president.
00:29:23 And they'll they'll discuss here in a second.
00:29:27 I mean, hey, let's be honest, Bush senior was.
00:29:31 An evil *******.
Speaker 10
00:29:36 But that's not.Devon
00:29:37 That's not why they hated him.00:29:38 They hated him because of of social issues.
00:29:43 And Bush was, at least.
00:29:46 Again, the public perception was.
00:29:49 We all know what happened in in the White House while he was President.
00:29:53 And if you don't, then you might want to look into the the Lincoln scandal.
00:30:00 The I mean, there were male prostitutes.
00:30:04 Being rotated through the Bush senior White House.
00:30:10 So they weren't conservative.
00:30:13 In terms of their real life.
00:30:17 You know what was really going on in Washington before the Internet, before there was any ability to broadcast the kind of corruption and **** that was going on to a wider audience.
00:30:28 Because the same.
00:30:28 Three networks, the same three networks that were airing television shows like this.
00:30:34 Were the ones responsible for telling people about what was going on in Washington.
00:30:40 But the perception was Republicans are evil.
00:30:43 Bad, but in 1989?
00:30:46 They could still have a a sense of humor about it.
00:30:49 They could be civil about it.
00:30:53 But you can still sense.
00:30:57 The very beginnings.
00:31:00 Of the hatred and the condescension.
Speaker 15
00:31:05 I cried when Bush was elected.00:31:10 Mine were not tears of joy.
Speaker 3
00:31:14 Alright, OK.00:31:14 So we don't talk politics.
00:31:16 This one area we'll just avoid how things going down the station.
Speaker 15
00:31:21 Your dad not producing a documentary comparing Reagan's presidency to medieval Europe.00:31:27 Bubonic plague.
Speaker 16
00:31:30 Nine out of 10.Speaker 17
00:31:30 People prefer the plague.Speaker 18
00:31:34 So this is.Devon
00:31:35 The father.00:31:37 The father is the quintessential boomer.
00:31:41 If you want to know what the boomer.
00:31:44 Mean boomer guys.
00:31:46 Like the the completely out of touch.
00:31:49 Wanting to live in the 60s in perpetuity.
00:31:54 Constantly romanticizing protests and fighting the man, all the while being the man.
00:32:03 All the while living in a wealthy.
00:32:07 As we'll soon.
00:32:07 See all white neighborhood.
00:32:11 Producing documentaries producing propaganda.
00:32:17 That's him right there.
Speaker 10
00:32:20 And some of this, some of this was.Devon
00:32:22 Intentional in the.00:32:23 Way that they portrayed him in the television show.
00:32:25 And a lot of it wasn't.
00:32:28 A lot of it wasn't there.
00:32:30 Was a lot of.
00:32:30 A lot of how they come across today.
00:32:33 There was there was 0 self-awareness back then.
00:32:38 Because they were just kind of trying to depict a average normal boomer to add and that's.
00:32:44 That's just kind of how they were.
00:32:48 And you will send the the mother too.
00:32:52 In fact, that's the other aspect of this show too, that was that was different.
00:32:57 Both parents in this television show both parents work.
00:33:04 And that will.
00:33:05 Come up.
00:33:05 You know, just in passing later on in the in the episode.
00:33:09 But that's another thing that they were pushing.
Speaker 3
00:33:13 All right, so we.00:33:14 Don't talk about work.
00:33:16 Hey, how's Mike doing harp?
Speaker 15
00:33:17 Ohh very well, very well.00:33:20 He's working part time for Ted Kennedy.
Speaker 13
00:33:25 Say again?Devon
00:33:28 It's it's don't worry about the black family.00:33:30 Their sons going to Harvard.
00:33:35 Their son goes to Harvard.
Speaker 3
00:33:40 You're killing me guys.Speaker 1
00:33:43 Am I understand you guys are looking for a?Speaker 19
00:33:45 House have you had?Speaker 4
00:33:45 Any luck?00:33:46 Not yet.
00:33:47 The market is really.
00:33:53 Her her bizarre outfit.00:33:56 You know, like the weird.
00:33:56 Robes and the you know.
00:33:58 It looks like she lives in Wakanda, right?
00:34:00 The other thing.
00:34:01 You got to understand in the the this pro, this is what's what's so irritating about the BLM movement.
00:34:10 Is for decades now.
00:34:16 Has been.
00:34:19 In love with black culture.
00:34:23 And the pop culture of America has been promoting blackness.
00:34:30 For ******* decades.
00:34:33 Decades and decades, and it goes through different phases.
00:34:37 But it's always ******* promoted.
00:34:41 And during the 80s, there was a huge bubbling up.
00:34:47 Of this, that's in fact, that's when the phrase or the term African American first appeared.
00:34:54 Before that, it was just, you know, you were black.
00:34:56 And we all know what what it.
00:34:57 Was before that, but in the 80s.
00:35:02 All of a sudden it was African American, African American, African American.
00:35:09 And you had and all these TV shows, whether you're talking about this show or the cosbys, there's endless amounts of these pro.
00:35:17 Ohh look, the black people, they're.
Speaker 10
00:35:19 Just like the white people.Devon
00:35:20 There's so many it's it's.00:35:24 Almost all the shows had at least an element of that, but there were entire shows like The Cosby Show that was, that was like that.
00:35:32 But even in the Cosby Show, where they're depicted as, oh, look.
00:35:35 They're just like you.
00:35:37 It's exactly like a white family.
00:35:39 They're just different colored skin.
00:35:41 All of the women would wear like this very African looking.
Speaker 8
00:35:45 Stuff and look 80s movies.Devon
00:35:47 Are like that too.00:35:48 Go back and look at 80s movies and the black women and these 80s.
00:35:52 Movies and they're wearing like these big, long flowing robes and and with, you know, the African looking artwork printed on the the fabric and.
00:36:01 All this very.
00:36:02 African looking gold jewelry and you know, in her case, she's got dreadlocks.
00:36:11 Because in the 80s it was all about, you know, blacks.
00:36:14 You should embrace your ethnicity, embrace your black culture.
00:36:25 In fact, there was a push to make blacks more ethnocentric.
00:36:32 That hasn't stopped.
00:36:34 It began in the 80s or maybe even late 70s.
00:36:38 But this is when it was in full swing.
00:36:42 And if you think about how ridiculous that is, I mean, imagine if the white characters.
00:36:48 We're prancing around in like, Victorian.
00:36:51 Clothing, you know, dressed up as like King Arthur and ******* Robin Hood and ****.
00:37:02 But that's that's essentially that was black fashion.
00:37:07 Women dressed like they were they like they.
00:37:09 Lived in a.
00:37:09 Wakanda in 1980s.
Speaker 4
00:37:12 Tight seems like there's nothing out there.Speaker 1
00:37:15 Alex and guys don't wind up coming to.00:37:17 Blows here while.
Speaker 19
00:37:18 Lunch to go to the house across the.00:37:19 Street the old backs are.
00:37:20 Moving the old backs are moving.00:37:22 That's wonderful.
Speaker 19
00:37:24 Why is that such?Speaker 9
00:37:25 Good news. Oh.Speaker 20
00:37:26 Wow. I never liked Mario.00:37:28 Back he was always running around telling people the only things.
00:37:31 I was interested.
Speaker 21
00:37:32 In was makeup and clothes and.Speaker 22
00:37:39 Were you dispute that? No.Speaker 23
00:37:44 I just think it's very.Speaker 20
00:37:45 Rude of him to point it out.Devon
00:37:48 See, now you couldn't even have a character like that, because it would be sexist.Speaker 4
00:37:54 What's the house like, Elise?Speaker 19
00:37:56 Like this one, Victorian with a.Speaker 1
00:37:57 Lot of charm.Speaker 4
00:37:58 Do you think we could see the house this?Speaker 19
00:38:00 Weekend well, talk to the real estate agent.00:38:02 And set it up.
Speaker 15
00:38:03 Just out of curiosity, Steve.00:38:05 How many black families are there in the neighborhood?
00:38:09 Isn't it interesting that he asked that?00:38:12 We we look, we've seen.
00:38:13 The funny thing is we've seen this kind of scenario played out in, in shows going.
00:38:17 You know, there was that Archie Bunker on the family episode that aired at least 10 years before this show did.
00:38:25 And then before that, we had that documentary that we watched a couple months back.
00:38:30 From the 1950s.
00:38:33 Right.
00:38:34 The scenario of the the Black family wanting to move to the white neighborhood.
00:38:39 And then you did a little digging and you found out that, well, possibly relatives of the guy who created this show, Mr.
00:38:48 Had funded the whole operation.
00:38:51 That they had funded a black family from New York.
00:38:56 To move into an all white neighborhood.
00:38:59 To try to break it up.
00:39:02 And then fund the documentaries and then use that.
00:39:06 As a propaganda piece.
00:39:08 To do exactly what they're doing.
00:39:12 In this television show.
00:39:15 Almost 40 years later.
00:39:19 Because you still had the same problems, people.
00:39:22 Integrating it was.
00:39:23 Still a problem 40 years later.
00:39:27 Now what we're going to see that it's.
00:39:28 Depicted that we're.
Speaker 8
00:39:29 Going to remember, keep in.Devon
00:39:30 Mind when you're watching this.00:39:33 This is 1989.
00:39:35 Not 1950, it's 1989.
Speaker 8
00:39:41 But it's it.00:39:42 You'll notice that if this was.
00:39:44 Set in 1950, you really wouldn't. You wouldn't notice a difference.Speaker 16
00:39:49 Well, let's see.Devon
00:39:50 Also, he asked specifically, well, how many black families live before I.00:39:55 Get a house here.
00:39:57 I want to know how many black families live here.
00:40:02 Because, again, blacks, it was OK for blacks to be ethnocentric.
00:40:06 It always has been.
00:40:11 It always has been.
00:40:12 That's a perfectly reasonable question for him to ask.
00:40:17 Because for whatever reason, blacks are, it's totally OK for them to be ethnocentric.
Speaker 17
00:40:23 There's the.Speaker 16
00:40:25 Well, with you there'd be one.Speaker 15
00:40:31 Let's say we didn't move in.00:40:32 How many?
00:40:33 Would there be?
Speaker 16
00:40:35 Didn't move in.00:40:38 This will take a minute.
00:40:40 That would be none.
Speaker 15
00:40:43 Well, I think that might say something about the neighborhood.Speaker 16
00:40:46 Look guys, I want you to know this neighborhood.00:40:48 Is not like that.
00:40:49 We've lived here for 15 years.
00:40:50 There's never been one racial incident.
Speaker 3
00:40:56 And that's a pretty impressive record for one race neighborhood.Devon
00:41:01 You know, they make it a joke.00:41:04 Oh, that's a pretty impressive thing to, to not have any racial hatred and or incidence in any one race neighborhood.
00:41:20 Why do you think people prefer that?
00:41:24 Why do you think when people go to prison?
00:41:28 The first thing that happens, the first thing that happens.
00:41:36 As they divide up.
00:41:38 By race.
00:41:44 Now I'm not going to go into details about this.
00:41:46 It's actually not that.
00:41:47 Big of a deal, but.
00:41:50 I happen to have some first hand experience.
00:41:55 In in in this sort of a thing.
00:41:59 And I'll tell you.
00:42:03 The first thing.
00:42:05 And I mean the first thing.
00:42:08 When you walk in.
00:42:09 To that room.
00:42:12 Is you are met by members of your race and told.
00:42:15 Where to bunk?
00:42:17 With the other members of your race.
00:42:23 That's that's just, that's every community.
00:42:26 Why do you think there's?
00:42:28 Anytime that there's it's a voluntary thing too, like think churches.
00:42:32 Why do you think there's black churches?
Speaker 10
00:42:38 Why would it be different?00:42:42 Why wouldn't there be white?
00:42:43 People at the Black Church.
00:42:52 Because you want harmony in a church.00:42:59 Just like you want harmony.
00:43:05 In your neighborhood.
Speaker 13
00:43:09 It'd be great.Speaker 16
00:43:09 To have you guys as neighbors, Gus and I could carpool.Speaker 15
00:43:11 To work.00:43:12 Hey, I'm all for that.
00:43:14 Ohh, I get so tired of driving to work alone with nothing but the radio for company.
Speaker 3
00:43:20 What do you listen?Speaker 15
00:43:21 To strictly elevator music.Speaker 3
00:43:25 Welcome to the neighborhood, Gus.Speaker 24
00:43:31 I just know your friends, the Thompsons are going to absolutely love this house.00:43:34 It's just one of the most charming old Victorians in Leeland Heights and you know it's been completely restored.
00:43:39 Everything brought up to code in every respect.
Speaker 19
00:43:42 Oh, heck with the Thompsons will take it.Speaker 24
00:43:45 I'm going to open the blinds in the kitchen.00:43:47 It's so pretty with the sunlight.
00:43:48 Streaming through.
Speaker 16
00:43:50 Sorry we're late.00:43:51 Alex and Gus insisted on sitting in the car until the accordion version of rock.
00:43:54 Around the clock was over.
Speaker 19
00:43:59 Oh, and Christine Chadway, these are our friends Gus and Maya and Michael Thompson.00:44:05 Christine is the real estate agent who?
00:44:06 Handles this house.
Speaker 24
00:44:09 How do you do?00:44:09 How do you do?
Speaker 4
00:44:11 Sounds is so charming.00:44:13 It's the best one we've.
Speaker 19
00:44:14 Seen isn't it good?Devon
00:44:15 Again, this is 1989, not 1950.00:44:21 It's 1989 suburbia.
00:44:27 This white real estate white liberal, most likely real estate agent.
00:44:35 He's acting like she's never met.
00:44:37 A black family before? Yes.
Speaker 15
00:44:40 Yes, isn't it?Speaker 4
00:44:41 This is our dream house.00:44:43 This is the house I saw.
00:44:44 My family and.
Speaker 16
00:44:45 Don't show so much enthusiasm.00:44:48 It'll only make the price go up.
Speaker 3
00:44:49 Year, for once in his life, my dad is offering some sound financial advice and you hate the house.00:44:55 Make her have to work to sell.
00:44:56 It to you.
Speaker 24
00:44:57 OK, this House has a.00:44:58 Lot of problems.
00:45:00 Well, the roof leaks the basement.
00:45:03 Floods. You know it needs.
00:45:04 A lot of work, I mean, quite frankly.
00:45:05 They ought to just.
00:45:06 Tear it down now this woman has.
Speaker 3
00:45:09 A very unusual.00:45:09 Sales technique.
Speaker 19
00:45:12 Didn't you just say that had been brought?00:45:14 Up to code in every.
Speaker 24
00:45:14 Way look, the workmanship is so shoddy I just.00:45:19 I just don't feel that I can in good conscience sell this house to these.
00:45:23 Very nice people.
Speaker 15
00:45:24 Excuse me, Christine.00:45:27 It seems to me that you're.
00:45:28 Trying to discourage us from buying.
Speaker 5
00:45:30 This house.00:45:30 Ohh no.
00:45:31 Excuse me.
Speaker 24
00:45:33 No, I I just want to make sure right up front that you know the really miserable shape.Speaker 11
00:45:38 Houses in.Speaker 15
00:45:39 Well, suppose we offered you full price.00:45:40 For the house.
00:45:41 Right now full price.
00:45:43 Can you speak to?Speaker 12
00:45:44 You for moment.Speaker 4
00:45:45 Guess yes, I do.Speaker 15
00:45:46 My you like the house, don't you?Speaker 4
00:45:48 Yeah, well, good, good.Speaker 15
00:45:49 We're offering your client's.00:45:50 Full asking price for the house.
Speaker 3
00:45:53 Ask you who got big fellow.Speaker 16
00:45:56 Well, Christine, it looks like you've got an offer you can't refuse.Speaker 24
00:46:00 I don't know that my clients are really ready to sell this house yet.00:46:04 I mean, actually they just asked me to kind of fill out the market for them first.
Speaker 19
00:46:08 That's not true, I happen.00:46:09 To know that the OpEx are very anxious to.
Speaker 3
00:46:11 Sell in the absence of furniture.00:46:13 Is a bit of a tip off.
Speaker 26
00:46:17 I think it's.00:46:18 Obvious what's going on here.
00:46:20 She doesn't want to sell the house to us because.
00:46:23 We're black.
00:46:27 No, you're not black.
00:46:29 We are.
Speaker 16
00:46:34 This behavior is totally offensive I.00:46:38 I want to apologize to my friends, Christine.
00:46:41 I suggest you take.
00:46:42 This offer back to your clients and that they they give this a serious consideration it deserves.
Speaker 24
00:46:48 Actually yes, I do.00:46:49 I do have to talk.
00:46:50 To my clients.
Speaker 3
00:46:52 Let me.00:46:52 You think this isn't about money at all?
00:46:55 And that pains me in every conceivable level.
Speaker 15
00:46:59 Are you aware Christine? Chad Way, realtor license number 47856. That there are any discrimination laws in this state.Speaker 26
00:47:08 That why don't we just?00:47:11 Get out of here.
00:47:12 This was a big mistake.
00:47:14 No, no, no, no.
Speaker 15
00:47:15 The only mistake made here today was hers.00:47:18 Michael Mayer.
00:47:20 Come on, let's, let's.
00:47:21 Look at the rest of our house.
00:47:25 Now here's another thing that I just want to point out. We've seen this in all of these episodes, including that 1950s incident where you had the the Jewish people that funded the Black family to move into the All white neighborhood. If you're that unwelcome.00:47:44 Why would you want to live in that neighborhood?
Speaker 10
00:47:50 Would you want to live in that neighborhood?00:47:58 What is?
00:47:59 What is this compulsion?
00:48:01 To live in proximity to white people.00:48:06 You know, it's like it's like I talked about if if we were to ever, if they gave us reservations in the same way that we gave Indians reservations.
00:48:15 You know the same thing that people try to.
00:48:17 Say oh it's.
00:48:18 The most evil thing that you ever did.
00:48:19 Is put these Indians on the.
00:48:21 Reservation, we would love that.
00:48:24 Which is why we did it.
Speaker 14
00:48:25 Because we'd love that.Devon
00:48:27 Put us on reservations.00:48:28 We'll love it.
00:48:29 But no, not only would you would, would the bipac crowd never give us that opportunity if they did.
Speaker 8
00:48:40 They'd immediately want to.Speaker 13
00:48:41 Go move in.Devon
00:48:42 And then call us racist if.Speaker 13
00:48:44 We wouldn't let them.Speaker 10
00:48:49 What is it with this compulsion?Devon
00:48:54 Where access to proximity to whites is somehow a human right.00:49:11 Now they'll bring up the the economic.
00:49:14 Side of things here in a moment.
00:49:17 As they always do, right?
00:49:21 And we'll, well, I guess we'll talk.
00:49:22 About when when that happens?
00:49:25 But it's baffling. It's baffling.
00:49:29 Because never, ever.
00:49:31 What I want to live.
00:49:33 In a neighborhood that didn't want me there.
Speaker 19
00:49:41 What is it, honey?Speaker 17
00:49:43 Nothing junk.00:49:49 Something about a sale.
Speaker 15
00:49:56 It's OK, Steve.00:49:57 I know what it is.
00:49:58 We got one.
00:49:59 Too, that is.
00:50:00 It's a letter from some of your neighbors asking you to join them in their effort to rid the neighborhood of the new unwanted.
Speaker 19
00:50:07 Ohh guys I'm I'm so sorry.00:50:09 This is terrible.
Speaker 3
00:50:10 They can't get away with this.00:50:11 I'm not gonna find out who they are.
00:50:13 And I'm gonna give them a lecture on freedom and constitutional rights.
00:50:16 They will not soon forget and they are not gonna bother anybody after that.
Speaker 15
00:50:20 Well, I've heard your lectures, Alex.00:50:21 And I can't condone that kind of violence.
Speaker 23
00:50:26 What's going wrong? This is 1989.Speaker 20
00:50:28 Things like this don't happen now.Speaker 7
00:50:31 She's right.Devon
00:50:33 She's right.00:50:36 And the people watching that knew that too.
00:50:40 So of course they had to make it.
00:50:41 Sound like?
00:50:42 No, you're crazy if you think this doesn't happen it.
Speaker 8
00:50:44 Just it might not happen.Devon
00:50:44 Where you live?00:50:46 Ohh, but it happens.
00:50:51 And the reason why this kind of a storyline.
00:50:54 Would get approved and why parents like my parents would swallow it?
00:51:01 And make their children watch it and make their.
00:51:04 Children believe that this is how the world was.
00:51:11 Was because they wanted to relive the propaganda they had been exposed to as children.
00:51:19 They wanted to believe that the struggle that they, they were fighting, they they they were still there, right?
00:51:26 It's like what are?
00:51:26 You seeing now with?
00:51:27 With all these gay advocates, they get everything that they wanted.
00:51:31 At least what they.
00:51:32 Said they wanted and they keep going.
00:51:36 Because it really wasn't about getting something.
00:51:40 It was never about getting gay marriage right.
00:51:47 They just want to be married.
00:51:50 Well, you can get married.
00:51:51 What's why?
00:51:52 Why is there any gay advocacy group now?
00:51:59 Because now you you have to bake them the gay cake.
00:52:03 Because now you you have to inject your kids with hormones.
Speaker 10
00:52:07 And soon.Devon
00:52:09 You have to let your kid **** that 40 year old ******.00:52:16 It never stops.
00:52:18 It never stops.
00:52:20 But in the absence of any real adversity, it has to be invented.
00:52:32 And that's what this episode was doing was inventing scenarios.
00:52:36 And it gets way more ridiculous.
00:52:38 And venting scenarios.
00:52:41 That were disconnected from reality.
00:52:44 But in addition to making the white audience feel guilty and ******.
00:52:48 About their people.
00:52:51 It's creating a very real persecution narrative.
00:52:56 In the minds of the black audience.
00:53:01 Oh well, that's why.
00:53:03 That's why I can't live in the white neighborhood.
00:53:07 Has nothing to do with my income level or anything like.
00:53:09 That it's because there's this.
00:53:16 Force stopping, preventing us.
00:53:19 From succeeding, all of my failures, all the failures of my people, you can trace them all back to white people.
00:53:30 Evil white people.
00:53:34 Always causing the world's problems.
Speaker 5
00:53:39 Well, I guess.Speaker 19
00:53:40 They do.00:53:40 It's just so shocking to find it.
00:53:41 Happening in your backyard.
Speaker 15
00:53:43 Ohh, don't be shocked.00:53:44 At least this thing always comes up and it doesn't take much to bring it.
00:53:48 To the surface.
00:53:49 Well, you're not going to move.
Speaker 27
00:53:50 Out now, are you?Speaker 15
00:53:51 No, we are not my and I want to stay.Speaker 16
00:53:55 Gus, we have to find out who wrote this.Speaker 15
00:53:57 Letter no, Steven, no.00:53:59 Now the best thing to do is to ignore it.
00:54:02 Once they realize we're not moving out, they'll give up.
Speaker 16
00:54:05 Look, you're not alone here.00:54:06 We're gonna keep an eye.
Speaker 15
00:54:07 Out for you.00:54:08 Thank you, Steven.
00:54:09 But it's it's OK.
00:54:11 Look, I got.
Speaker 22
00:54:12 To go.Devon
00:54:13 See that?00:54:13 That's the other thing you always see.
00:54:16 Always sing.
00:54:18 Whether you're talking about this show in this scenario or a lot of the scenarios will watch and and streams in the future where you know where where it's, you know, family matters.
00:54:29 There's an episode where she's trying to get Black History Month taught all year round.
00:54:36 And the white students, you know, freak out on her and and and and you.
00:54:40 Know all this racist, racist hatred?
00:54:43 Single one of these.
00:54:46 Scenarios these totally crazy made-up fictional scenarios.
00:54:52 How did the black characters all?
00:54:54 How do they react?
00:54:57 They're always the reasonable, cool level headed.
00:55:03 You know, they're always like, oh, let's we.
00:55:05 Don't want violence?
00:55:09 Oh, I know.
00:55:10 We, we we it's not a big don't worry.
00:55:13 We see this all the time.
00:55:15 We're used to your kind.
00:55:16 Just being evil *******.
00:55:21 Will be the bigger man.
00:55:30 Does that match up to the reality that's unfolding around you?
00:55:36 It's not, and it didn't back then either.
00:55:40 You have to remember that all of these civil rights stories.
00:55:45 All of these stories that you.
00:55:46 Were taught in school.
00:55:50 The telling of those stories is about as accurate as the media's telling of George Floyd and.
00:55:57 What happened with him?
00:56:00 And many of these things, including.
00:56:02 Stuff with Rosa Parks.
00:56:07 They were completely engineered.
00:56:12 Rosa Parks was not just some old lady that was on top.
00:56:15 My feet are tired.
Speaker 9
00:56:17 I'm going to sit at the front of the.Devon
00:56:20 It was a completely planned.00:56:26 Operation. Really.
00:56:30 Funded by groups that I don't think anyone would be surprised.
00:56:37 Who are who are behind those groups?
00:56:41 All these stories, you were told all the stories that they talk about in these TV shows over and over and over again.
00:56:46 Oh, it's just like.
00:56:47 When Rosa blah blah blah.
00:56:50 Completely engineered.
00:56:53 And justice as realistic.
00:56:55 As the.
00:56:57 Version of the media's.
00:57:01 Telling of Saint Floyd and his story.
Speaker 16
00:57:07 Let me drive you home.Speaker 15
00:57:09 I live across the street.Speaker 16
00:57:12 Let me walk you home.Devon
00:57:14 And and right here again, this is this disgusting.00:57:20 Just imagine.
00:57:21 Imagine every time he talks about this, just picture in your head one of those BLM, those white BLM activists, kneeling before black people.
00:57:32 That didn't come out of nowhere.
00:57:37 This right here was the 80s boomer version.
Speaker 12
00:57:40 Of that.Devon
00:57:41 He might as well have been kneeling before this guy.00:57:46 Begging for his forgiveness for something he didn't do.
Speaker 15
00:57:52 Look, Stephen, when I get home, I'll come back over.00:57:55 Here and tell you I'm fine.
Speaker 28
00:57:58 OK.Speaker 16
00:58:01 Then I'll walk you home.Speaker 3
00:58:08 Hey, Michael, how you doing?00:58:10 I heard you're from.
Speaker 22
00:58:11 Hey, Alex.00:58:12 Good to see.
Speaker 26
00:58:12 You Corning. Thanks. Thanks.Speaker 3
00:58:13 So Harvard, how?00:58:15 What's it like going to the best Business School?
00:58:16 In the country, I'm not in the.
Speaker 26
00:58:18 Business School. I'm.Speaker 12
00:58:18 In liberal arts, they still have that.Speaker 26
00:58:23 Sorry to disappoint you, Alex, but they do.00:58:27 And to tell you the truth, I think poets are more important than bankers.
Speaker 3
00:58:32 Try getting a car loan from the Bronte sisters.Speaker 26
00:58:39 You know it's going to be.00:58:40 Interesting living in the same neighborhood with you.
Speaker 22
00:58:42 And Alex, wait, wherever you don't want to listen to that.Speaker 26
00:58:53 The two of you should rent an elevator fix.00:58:55 It up and move in together.
Speaker 3
00:58:58 Listen, Mike, let me tell you why I really came.00:59:00 By I just want you.
00:59:02 To know why you're back.
00:59:03 At Harvard that you don't have to worry about your folks.
00:59:08 So any more problems will be here.
Speaker 26
00:59:09 Problems. What kind of problems?Speaker 3
00:59:14 There's nothing really.00:59:15 I mean nothing, all right.
00:59:19 The house is haunted.
00:59:26 With somebody in the neighborhood has passed around this racist letter trying to convince people to get your.
Speaker 22
00:59:32 Parents to move. Damn.Speaker 26
00:59:35 Alex, I told them this would happen if we moved into.00:59:38 An all white neighborhood.
00:59:42 Is it?00:59:43 I'm sorry, but we're at satanic levels of inversion here.
00:59:49 Oh, it's so dangerous for black people to move.
00:59:51 To a white neighborhood, isn't it?
Speaker 14
00:59:54 So dangerous.Speaker 8
01:00:02 I'm I'm speechless.Speaker 9
01:00:07 He's having to sit.Devon
01:00:08 Down with the black kid who goes to Harvard, right, who goes to Harvard, and his father listens to.01:00:14 Polka music, right?
Speaker 10
01:00:16 See, they're just like you.01:00:18 They're just.
Speaker 9
01:00:18 Like white people.Devon
01:00:21 And he has to tell him.01:00:23 I'm sorry.
01:00:24 I'm sorry.
01:00:25 It's so dangerous for you in this white suburban neighborhood.
Speaker 26
01:00:42 But they wouldn't.01:00:42 Listen to me.
Speaker 15
01:00:47 Oh, you should have been listening to WNTW.01:00:50 You missed an uninterrupted pool confest.
Speaker 26
01:00:56 Alex told me about the letters.Speaker 15
01:00:58 Oh well, don't worry about it, Michael.01:01:00 Chances on this whole thing will just blow over.
Speaker 26
01:01:03 Well, I am worried about how am I.01:01:05 Supposed to keep an eye on you and mom if I'm 800.
01:01:07 Miles away in.
Speaker 15
01:01:09 Well, you don't have to look here.01:01:11 You see, we have our own personal.
01:01:18 It's so dangerous.01:01:21 They have to have a white liberal standing outside standing guard.
Speaker 8
01:01:29 This white neighborhood.Devon
01:01:32 Is so dangerous for black people, they have to have.01:01:36 Their ally.
01:01:39 They're kneeling, ally.
01:01:41 Who, of course, because he's a white male, has to be depicted as incompetent and buffoonish and stupid.
01:01:48 Because that that was the other propaganda that was being pushed hard in the ******* 80s and 90s, right?
01:01:55 But he means well.
Speaker 8
01:01:57 He means well.Devon
01:02:01 But it's so dangerous, they.01:02:03 Have to have someone ******* standing guard.
Speaker 5
01:02:10 Hi there.Speaker 16
01:02:13 Looks like rain.Speaker
01:02:15 Steve, nobody.Speaker 15
01:02:17 I appreciate your concern, but it really isn't.01:02:19 Necessary for you to guard a house.
Speaker 16
01:02:21 You can't be too careful, huh?01:02:24 OK.
01:02:26 Alex, I didn't see you come over here.
Speaker 3
01:02:28 Yeah, I walked right.01:02:29 By you on the porch there.
Speaker 27
01:02:32 Hi, Alex. Hi Steve.Speaker 3
01:02:33 Am I?Speaker 16
01:02:35 I'm Maya.01:02:36 I didn't see you come home.
Speaker 4
01:02:38 I'll walk right by you on.Speaker 3
01:02:39 The porch.01:02:42 It's a heck of a service you provided.
Speaker 25
01:02:48 Yellow look here.Speaker 15
01:02:52 If you ever call here again, I'm going to have you arrested.01:02:57 Oh, and I'll take a box of mint cookies too.
01:03:02 Damn brownies.
Speaker 26
01:03:05 How long has this been?Speaker 15
01:03:06 Happening, dad. No. Ever since Troop 39 started that sales push.Speaker 4
01:03:11 I think he.01:03:12 Has a right to know what's happening here?
Speaker 13
01:03:15 All right.Speaker 15
01:03:17 Besides the letter, there been some phone calls and that's not the first time this kind of thing has happened and won't be the last.01:03:25 But we can deal with it.
01:03:28 Who are you calling?
Speaker 26
01:03:29 I'm canceling my flight back to Boston.Speaker 15
01:03:31 You'll do no such thing.01:03:34 You got midterms coming up.
Speaker 4
01:03:35 We'll be all right, Michael.01:03:36 We don't want you to miss school.
Speaker 26
01:03:38 What good am I going to be in school if I'm worrying about you too all the time?01:03:42 You deliberately put yourself into a dangerous situation and naively think it's going to.
Speaker 22
01:03:48 Blow over. Well, it's not.Devon
01:03:50 Oh my God, it's so dangerous.01:03:52 And this why did you do this?
Speaker 8
01:03:55 And here's the here's let alright, let's let's.Devon
01:03:57 Have a couple of.01:03:58 Things real quick a.
01:04:00 If it was so dangerous.
Speaker 10
01:04:02 Why would you do that again?Devon
01:04:04 I wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood.01:04:07 Where everyone hated me.
01:04:10 That's why don't go to Detroit and buy one of those two.
01:04:13 $1000 houses.
01:04:15 Because it really.
01:04:16 Would be unsafe.
01:04:18 I really would have to have a guard at the door and it really would be racially motivated.
01:04:27 This is this is satanic.
01:04:29 It's an inversion of reality.
01:04:31 I wish.
Speaker 10
01:04:33 I wish.Devon
01:04:36 White culture had this kind of an immune system intact in the in the late 80s.Speaker 10
01:04:44 I wish.Devon
01:04:46 If that had been the case.Speaker 10
01:04:49 We we wouldn't be where we.Devon
01:04:51 Are today.01:04:56 But this is insanity.
01:04:59 This is insanity.
01:05:05 Millions and millions of white children watch this with their parents, and we're told this is the way the world is.
01:05:15 And millions and millions of black children.
01:05:20 Watch this and we're told this is the way.
Speaker 7
01:05:23 The world is.Speaker 10
01:05:26 What do you?Speaker 15
01:05:26 Want us to do Michael, you.Speaker 26
01:05:28 Yes, that's exactly what I think.Speaker 15
01:05:30 We should do well.01:05:31 I'm sorry.
01:05:31 We're not gonna be run out of here like criminals.
01:05:33 We worked hard doing a.
01:05:35 Place like this why are?
Speaker 22
01:05:36 You so stubborn.01:05:38 This is a racist society.
Speaker 26
01:05:40 You can't change.Speaker 15
01:05:41 That yes, we can look at.01:05:43 You, I mean you are at.
01:05:45 Yes, we can.01:05:48 Obama's.
01:05:51 And if you know a few decades later, Obama's rallying cry.
Speaker 7
01:05:54 Yes, we can.Speaker 15
01:05:57 Avert now do you think you got there by people sitting back and saying I can't change things?Devon
01:06:03 No, he got into Harvard because of racial.Speaker 9
01:06:05 Quotas, I'm all.Speaker 22
01:06:06 Full of change, but not when it comes to placing my family in danger.01:06:10 You're overreacting.
01:06:11 No, I'm not.
Speaker 26
01:06:13 You just don't seem to understand what could happen to you here.Speaker 9
01:06:17 It's so ******* scary.01:06:19 This white suburban neighborhood, I.
01:06:24 Remember this, this was taken seriously is ridiculous.01:06:28 Over the top is is this speech is this was taken seriously.
Speaker 26
01:06:33 I know Stephens one hell of a watchman, but it's not enough.Speaker 16
01:06:40 I know what needs to be done here.01:06:41 I'm going to call a neighborhood meeting.
01:06:44 We've got to put an end to this.
01:06:45 Nobody should have to live under guard.
Speaker 19
01:06:49 Hi, honey. Reese when?Speaker 16
01:06:51 Did you get here?Speaker 19
01:06:53 OK, hand curtains.01:06:54 Walk right by on the porch.
Speaker 3
01:06:57 Come on, Eagle eyes, I'll.01:06:58 Walk you across the.
Speaker 16
01:06:59 Street you ask me, that's.01:07:00 A trick porch.
Speaker 19
01:07:04 Thank you all for responding to the call to come here and talk about what's going on in.01:07:08 The neighborhood here, but I'm ashamed to say that ever since Gus and Maya Thompson have moved in here to this neighborhood, they have been threatened and harassed with hate mail and and phone calls.
01:07:20 It it has to stop.
Speaker 28
01:07:22 Yes, it does.01:07:23 Not everybody in this neighborhood is a bigot.
01:07:26 We're we're nice people and we're good neighbors unless we're taking advantage of, which brings me to the other reason why.
01:07:32 I'm here tonight. What's that?
01:07:35 I want my.
01:07:36 Hedge Clippers back.
01:07:39 You had him since last May.
01:07:42 And my electric Sander.
Speaker 29
01:07:43 And my snow shovel.Speaker 16
01:07:44 But we we promised to return everything.01:07:46 After the meeting.
Speaker 10
01:07:48 I I should apologize for.Speaker
01:07:49 My parents not being here.Speaker 28
01:07:50 They're visiting my aunt in Detroit.Speaker 29
01:07:52 Look, let me.Speaker 16
01:07:54 Let me start by saying most everybody in this neighbor is happy to have you here.01:07:57 We don't care about the color of your skin all.
01:07:59 We care about is.
01:08:00 What dish you'll bring to those?
01:08:01 Potluck parties and whether or not you have.
01:08:04 Good tools I can borrow.
Speaker 15
01:08:08 I I I would.01:08:09 Like to say something.
01:08:11 I just want to thank you for all the kind words that you've said.
01:08:15 Now we know that the trouble is being caused by only a few people.
01:08:20 We don't know who you are and quite frankly, we don't care.
01:08:23 But if you're here tonight, let me say loudly and clearly.
01:08:28 You are not scaring us out of this neighborhood.
01:08:31 We are not moving.
Speaker 29
01:08:38 I have something to say.Speaker 16
01:08:41 Go ahead, Brian.Speaker 29
01:08:42 I worked at Franklin Steel for eight years graveyard shift.01:08:47 To try to save up enough money to put a down payment on my house so that my wife Jenny and our kids could have a decent place to live.
01:08:54 And now I hear that since they've moved in.
01:08:59 The value of my house has dropped by $5000 and it's just going to keep dropping as more and more blacks move in here.
01:09:09 So what am I supposed to do?
01:09:10 Stand by and watch everything I've worked for?
01:09:13 Just slip.
01:09:15 See every time.01:09:18 Right.
01:09:18 This is the argument every time.
01:09:22 Ohh it's it's economic.
01:09:27 Without addressing let's, let's again, let's talk about this.
01:09:34 Two prices drop.
01:09:39 Well, if if you believe this universe that's being presented to you.
01:09:44 It's because white people hate the appearance of dark skin so much.
Speaker 9
01:09:51 So much.Devon
01:09:55 They're willing to pay 10s.01:09:57 Of thousands of dollars more.
01:10:00 To not have to.
01:10:01 See it.
01:10:04 Because that's all it is, right?
01:10:07 That's the only difference.
01:10:12 And if you're one of these little.
01:10:13 You know libertarians.
01:10:16 Where everything's driven by the free market, right? It's the free market. Prices, prices, prices dictate everything. Yeah, it's it's an indicator.
01:10:26 Of where the public is well.
01:10:29 Why would prices this guy saying that the value of his home dropped $5000 and this is in 1989 dollars?
01:10:38 That's a lot.
01:10:41 In like a week or however long it's been there, there's one black family.
01:10:49 Why would the price drop that low over something as insignificant?
01:10:57 As skin aesthetic.
01:11:06 And we all know that.
01:11:07 That because it's not limited to skin aesthetic.
01:11:14 And in fact, we all.
01:11:14 Know it's not just an economic.
01:11:24 In fact, it's the same things that aren't skin aesthetic.
01:11:33 There's not some weird, irrational hatred.
01:11:38 Of people with dark suntans.
01:11:53 And by making this.
01:11:56 Ohh, it's all, that's all it.
01:11:58 Is white people are just.
01:12:01 They're just afraid of losing the value of their homes.
01:12:04 It's cowardly avoiding.
01:12:07 All of the real problems on both sides.
01:12:14 Because this guy.
01:12:17 In the real universe, if this was a real problem, if this was a real white neighborhood that really didn't want blacks moving in.
01:12:31 His problem most likely would not be strictly economic.
01:12:40 Because the issues that would arise from diversifying in all white neighborhood wouldn't be strictly economic.
01:12:54 But if you have a brow beaten white population.
01:12:59 That's been made to feel as though they are guilty of the the worst atrocities known to man and that they bear the burden of of.
Speaker 10
01:13:12 You know hundreds.Devon
01:13:13 Of years of slavery and and every evil that has ever.01:13:19 Occurred in this country.
01:13:26 They lose their courage.
01:13:30 To honestly speak their problems.
01:13:33 So this cowardly gives I mean this gives those whites that.
01:13:37 Would have an issue.
01:13:39 That cowardly out.
01:13:41 Oh no, it's just an economic problem.
01:13:49 And because it's an irrational out.
01:13:53 It's a poor argument.
01:13:55 The better argument would to be exactly what the truth is.
01:14:01 We're worried about the culture and how.
01:14:04 It's going to change.
01:14:06 We're worried about the safety of our children.
01:14:10 We're worried about crime, property, crime.
Speaker 9
01:14:14 We're worried about all.Devon
01:14:15 Of the things, all of the metrics.01:14:18 That are measurable and real.
Speaker 7
01:14:22 When you compare.Devon
01:14:25 The crime rates.01:14:27 In a.
01:14:28 Predominantly black neighborhood.
01:14:32 In a city, any pick a city in America doesn't matter what city.
01:14:39 And then compare that.
01:14:41 With crime rates in a predominantly white neighborhood.
01:14:51 You think it's going to be the same?
01:14:53 Because like, right there, the whole, the whole, there's nothing different.
01:14:56 It's just skin aesthetic, right?
01:14:58 Nobody listening believes that.
01:15:02 This character here would not believe that.
01:15:17 But this character here would be too.
01:15:19 Cowardly to say it.
01:15:25 And because at the time all this information that we we had data on.
01:15:35 It was being suppressed.
01:15:38 There was no Internet.
01:15:40 People couldn't just look it up, and so they.
01:15:42 Were just told.
01:15:46 All of these.
01:15:48 Instincts you have.
01:15:53 All of these.
01:15:54 Perceptions you have based on the anecdotal evidence in your life.
01:16:00 All of these things, it's it's a product of the racism that you're born with because you're white.
01:16:09 Don't believe your lying eyes unless.
01:16:14 They're focused on the television.
01:16:22 This is the reality.
01:16:29 The real reality is the reality.
01:16:38 On that CRT tube in your home.
01:16:50 Not what you.
01:16:51 See in your day-to-day life.
01:17:01 Didn't you know their kids go to Harvard?
01:17:03 He listens to polka music.
01:17:13 It's simply.
01:17:20 This white xenophobia.
01:17:30 You're the danger.
01:17:33 You're making his family unsafe.
01:17:37 With your bigotry and your hatred, all because you want to save a few.
Speaker 7
01:17:44 1000 bucks.Speaker 29
01:17:48 No, I've got nothing against you personally.01:17:52 This is all about economics.
Speaker 15
01:17:54 Yeah, we'll.Devon
01:17:55 All about economics.Speaker 15
01:17:59 Maybe it is to you, but we have to take it personally.01:18:02 I mean, we're the ones who getting the hate mail and.
01:18:04 The phone calls.
Speaker 29
01:18:05 Well, I'm sorry that's happening to you, but nobody asked.01:18:07 You to move into this neighborhood.
01:18:09 I wasn't.
Speaker 15
01:18:09 Aware that I had to get permission.Speaker 29
01:18:12 But there are plenty of nice black neighborhoods around.01:18:14 I mean, why do you have to come here?
01:18:15 We came here because we have the right to live here.
Speaker 15
01:18:18 Just as you do.Speaker 29
01:18:19 We don't see any trying to.01:18:20 Move into one of your.
Speaker 15
01:18:22 This is one of my neighborhoods and American neighborhood, and I am an American and.Devon
01:18:29 You're and why then why do?01:18:31 You hyphenate your name.
01:18:34 Why are you an African American?
01:18:39 Can't have your cake and eat it too, ************.
01:18:45 You see the schizophrenia?
01:18:48 Of these arguments that they present white people with.
01:18:55 Like I said, in the very beginning, if that was the case.
01:18:59 If assimilation was was working.
01:19:03 If it was a skin aesthetic, black people or white people would be like, OK, fine whatever.
01:19:06 Who cares?
01:19:10 White people don't care if they're living next door to blondes or brunettes.
Speaker 10
01:19:17 Right.01:19:19 Or filthy gingers.
01:19:26 If it was just an aesthetic, no one would care.01:19:30 No one would care.
01:19:32 But it's not.
01:19:35 And everyone knows it.
01:19:37 Including this guy.
01:19:40 Who when it's convenient.
01:19:41 He's an American just like everyone else, and when it's.
Speaker 7
01:19:45 Convenient. He's an African American.Devon
01:19:47 With a rich culture and history.01:19:50 That's different from yours.
01:19:54 It can't have them both.
Speaker 15
01:19:57 I fought in Vietnam and Mississippi and Memphis to defend the freedom that some of.01:20:02 Us would like to enjoy.
Speaker 29
01:20:10 Well, your freedom is my financial disaster.01:20:13 And if your family won't move, mine has.
Speaker 12
01:20:16 To come on Jerry Glenn, Glenn, just before you go, you you mentioned economics, so feel that I must speak.Speaker 3
01:20:27 Now the only way the property values in this neighborhood are going to go down is that people like yourselves start panic selling.Speaker
01:20:33 Now in in.Speaker 3
01:20:34 The current market our homes have been appreciating by approximately 4.2% per annum 6.3% if you made any.Speaker 28
01:20:41 Home improvements.01:20:42 How can we?
01:20:42 Your dad has all.
01:20:43 Our tools.
Speaker 3
01:20:48 Anyway, what I'm trying to say is this.01:20:51 I hope that.
01:20:52 We in this neighborhood can continue to live in harmony.
01:20:55 And to sell.
01:20:56 Our homes to people of all creeds and all colors, all races.
01:21:01 And tremendously inflated profits.
Speaker 29
01:21:04 Listen, Alex, I hope you're right, but I can't afford to take that chance.01:21:09 I am moving out now.
01:21:11 And there's a lot of you in this.
01:21:12 Room here are going to be following me.
01:21:15 See, that's another.01:21:16 Thing it's interesting that he that he says that.
01:21:19 That hey, I wish.
01:21:21 I wish you luck with this diversity experiment.
01:21:24 I hope you're right.
01:21:27 But unlike apparently, the white majority in America, in reality this guy is saying.
01:21:35 As good as, as Nice as a dream as that is.
01:21:40 I'm not willing.
01:21:42 To roll the dice on the future of my family.
01:21:47 To help people that aren't.
01:21:48 Me and my family.
01:21:51 Why am I supposed to?
01:21:55 Stick my neck out and take a risk.
01:22:00 For these people that aren't.
Speaker 10
01:22:02 Aren't my people.Devon
01:22:06 In the hopes that it works out with no guarantee.01:22:10 Why is it that whites the world over?
01:22:17 They were all asked to do that, not asked.
01:22:19 Actually they were.
01:22:20 They were never asked.
01:22:22 Why was this imposed?
01:22:28 On every single white country, on the face of this earth.
01:22:36 Your prosperity must be shared.
01:22:42 Even if it means risking that prosperity.
Speaker 8
01:22:47 Even if the simple act.Devon
01:22:50 Of sharing this prosperity with others that.01:22:52 Didn't earn it.
01:22:56 Might lead.
01:22:58 To a loss of that prosperity for your children, you must do it.
01:23:08 No other people in the history of the.
01:23:10 World have been.
01:23:12 Told they must do this.
01:23:23 And sadly, no other people in the history of the world have just.
01:23:27 Let it happen.
Speaker 29
01:23:34 Even if you're too ashamed to admit it.Speaker 16
01:23:41 He won't be moving so fast.01:23:43 I have his trailer hitch.
Speaker 1
01:23:48 All right.Speaker 4
01:23:51 I'm terribly sorry this has happened.Speaker 11
01:23:54 We found the house.Speaker 4
01:23:55 We liked and we moved in, but we didn't mean to disrupt the neighborhood.Speaker 23
01:24:00 Well, obviously this neighborhood needs disrupting.01:24:03 Disrupting is healthy.
01:24:05 You know, my whole life I've I've heard my parents talk about the 60s, how they disrupted the social order to change the things that they.
01:24:12 Thought were wrong.
01:24:14 Here we are.01:24:15 This is what I was talking about.
01:24:17 This right this moment right here is the boomer wet dream.
01:24:21 It never happened.
Speaker 8
01:24:23 Just like everything.Devon
01:24:24 Else in this episode it never happened.01:24:28 80s and 90s.
01:24:29 Kids were like we're never.
01:24:31 You know what the boomers are right.
01:24:34 The 60s were the greatest thing ever.
01:24:36 I love hearing all these stories about the.
01:24:38 60s from my parents.
01:24:41 That look on their face right there.
01:24:43 They're beaming with pride.
01:24:44 Oh, thank God.
01:24:46 Finally, finally, these these, Gen.
01:24:49 X and millennial kids are getting it.
Speaker 10
01:24:56 We've been trying.Speaker
01:24:57 To get them.Devon
01:24:58 To understand the 60s and now they get it.01:25:06 This is the.
01:25:09 The boomer.
01:25:12 This is the fulfillment of all this is wish fulfillment right here for boomers.
Speaker 23
01:25:18 Well, I wish I were there in the 60s that so I could say that the world I want to fight for justice too.Speaker 19
01:25:27 That was a beautiful thought, Jennifer and very.Speaker 21
01:25:29 Well timed considering tie that is coming back in.Speaker 19
01:25:36 That's only one family that's moving.01:25:39 The rest of us are staying right.
Speaker 16
01:25:40 Yeah, horse strike.Speaker 25
01:25:49 What can you be thinking?Speaker 28
01:25:54 None of us want to move a lease.Speaker 17
01:25:57 But we can't.Speaker 28
01:25:57 Afford to lose a lot of money either.01:26:00 I think we'll just have to wait.
01:26:01 And see what happens.
Speaker 4
01:26:04 Guess Michael, I want to talk to you in private, I think.01:26:08 We should go home.
01:26:09 See, but whites?01:26:12 It's their burden.
01:26:18 It doesn't matter what what?
01:26:20 Good for you.
01:26:24 You have to make this sacrifice.
01:26:29 It's your duty.
01:26:32 If you're ever to make up for the sins.
01:26:35 Of the fathers, you must do this.
01:26:39 Have we made-up for those sins yet? No, of course not.
01:26:44 And you will never repay that debt.
Speaker 16
01:26:49 Look, don't let anything that's happened here change your mind.Speaker 4
01:26:54 Steven, I'm sorry in.01:26:56 My life, my family comes first.
01:26:58 And right now I'm not so sure that staying here is the best thing.
01:27:02 For us to do.
01:27:04 OK, so your family.01:27:07 You can think about what's good for your family just.
01:27:10 No one in your neighborhood can think about that.
Speaker 19
01:27:14 Michael, don't let him do this.Speaker 26
01:27:22 It was never my choice to move here.Devon
01:27:29 I never wanted to live next to you.01:27:30 Disgusting, ****** crackers.
Speaker 19
01:27:38 Boy, that is the worst neighborhood.Devon
01:27:40 So that was.01:27:41 That, I mean, I'm sure you saw that.
01:27:42 To be continued so.
01:27:43 That was the.
01:27:43 That was part one.
Speaker 8
01:27:45 That was that.Devon
01:27:46 Was the note that it left you with?01:27:48 That was the note it left the the audience with the cliffhanger.
01:27:52 What's going to happen?
01:27:58 Harvey, really that evil it gets.
01:28:00 It gets so much worse.
01:28:03 It's so much worse.
Speaker 7
01:28:07 Oh, God, oh God.Devon
01:28:12 Alright so.01:28:13 After after a week.
01:28:15 That's the way it worked. You couldn't. There was no such thing as binge watching watching in the 80s, right, 1989 you just had to walk. Wait till next week for the exciting conclusion.
01:28:26 But through the magic of the Internet.
01:28:29 I have time traveled us to the the next week.
Speaker 11
01:28:32 'S meeting.Speaker 16
01:28:32 I have ever been to.01:28:33 I think so too.
01:28:34 Why can't we live in a neighborhood full of Knights, thoughtful people who care more about others than they do about themselves?
01:28:42 One where people say hi, neighbor, how?
01:28:45 You doing there neighbor?
01:28:47 Glad to see you here, neighbor.
Speaker 3
01:28:52 In other words, did you want to live in?01:28:53 Mr. Rogers neighborhood.
Speaker 16
01:28:58 Well, you've got to admit, Alex, it's.01:28:59 A real nice place.
01:29:04 It's a beautiful day in the.
01:29:07 Beautiful day for a neighbor.
Speaker 3
01:29:10 It's beautiful day at the Funny Farm today.Speaker 19
01:29:15 Said with those people, we've.01:29:16 We've known Phil and Nancy.
01:29:17 How many years?
01:29:18 How could they sit there and say that they're thinking of moving if their property value goes down?
Speaker 12
01:29:22 I know it.Speaker 16
01:29:23 Makes me want to put our house up for.01:29:24 Sale and move out.
01:29:25 I feel the same way.
01:29:26 Wait, if we move.
01:29:28 What it look like?
Speaker 21
01:29:28 We're running away from the Thompsons too.Speaker 16
01:29:32 She's right.01:29:33 We can't move unless the Thompsons move.
Speaker 15
01:29:36 That's the.Devon
01:29:38 And the virtue signaling.01:29:41 This is this is again all none of this.
01:29:43 Stuff's new.
01:29:45 None of this behavior is new.
01:29:49 None of this, while I would take my mask off, but then people will think I'm a Republican.
01:29:54 None of this shit's new.
01:30:01 The ******** leftists have always been like this.
Speaker 16
01:30:05 The Thompson stay, we can say.Speaker 23
01:30:08 Well, what if the Thompsons decide?01:30:10 To live here in the summers and somewhere else.
Speaker 27
01:30:12 In the winters.Speaker 16
01:30:14 We go with them.Speaker 1
01:30:18 I guess we were.Speaker 19
01:30:18 Pretty naive when we urged Gus and Maya to.01:30:20 Move into this neighborhood.
Speaker 3
01:30:21 Sure, you're naive, mom, but I mean, nobody who came of age in the 60s has a.01:30:25 Great deal of savoir faire.
Speaker 20
01:30:28 That's true.01:30:29 I mean, you two don't have a.
01:30:30 Whole lot of.
Speaker 21
01:30:33 That stuff.Speaker 3
01:30:36 Four years of French at Grand College, ladies and gentlemen.Speaker 23
01:30:40 You know, I never really thought of it before, but why do we live in an?Speaker 27
01:30:42 All white neighborhood you.Speaker 19
01:30:44 Don't remember, Jim, but it wasn't.01:30:45 All white.
01:30:45 When we moved in.
01:30:46 Here, that's when the reason you liked it.
01:30:48 That's one of the reasons.Speaker 8
01:30:50 We liked it.Devon
01:30:54 Yeah, the, the, the boomer left us.01:30:57 According to that statement, whether it's even true.
01:31:01 Purposely sought out a diverse neighborhood and look that was kind of the feeling.
01:31:08 My parents, who again they were conservatives, very conservative.
01:31:15 And I've told the.
01:31:15 Story about my my mother picked me up from a a bus stop.
01:31:20 And apparently I've been talking to some black kid.
01:31:22 I I barely remember this.
01:31:24 At all.
01:31:27 And the uh.
01:31:29 She asked me like, Oh well.
01:31:34 Who are you talking to?
01:31:36 And I said, like his name.
01:31:39 And she said, oh, well, which one's that? And I said, oh, the kid.
01:31:41 In the in the red coat.
01:31:45 And my mom looked over and the only kid wearing a red coat.
01:31:49 Was a black kid.
01:31:52 And she was so touched.
01:31:55 By the fact that I didn't say the black kid I had said the kid with the red coat.
01:32:02 That she started sobbing, which freaked me out.
01:32:06 When you're a kid and your mom just.
01:32:07 Starts crying. You're like what?
Speaker 9
01:32:08 The ****? What's going on?Devon
01:32:14 Because they'd finally solved racism.01:32:20 And again, she was conservative.
01:32:27 This this white self hatred is is not new either.
01:32:31 Nothing is new under the sun.
Speaker 27
01:32:34 Oh, I remember when.Speaker 21
01:32:34 I was little.01:32:35 I had this friend down the street named Maggie, and one day she asked me how come my skin wasn't black like hers, and the only reason I could think of is that we washed with ivory soap and it.
01:32:44 Was drying my skin.
Speaker 3
01:32:51 It's good thing you didn't use selson blue.Speaker
01:32:56 You know if.Speaker 19
01:32:56 We could just hold on to that kind of innocence all our lives and.01:32:59 There won't be any discrimination.
01:33:00 I mean people.
01:33:02 If we could just hold on to that.01:33:04 Kind of innocence.
01:33:07 There wouldn't be any discrimination if you could just not have life experience.
01:33:12 There'd never be exactly.
01:33:15 Listen to what you're ******* saying.
01:33:19 Yeah, before you experience the world, see because prejudice is not really prejudice.
01:33:27 This prejudice.
01:33:30 Is implying that you're judging people based on nothing.
01:33:35 Based on no information.
Speaker 8
01:33:40 And when you're a kid.Devon
01:33:43 You don't have these biases.01:33:46 Because you have no information.
01:33:50 So you're you're not in a weird way, you.
01:33:53 Are being prejudice.
01:33:56 You're prejudging people with not enough information to be, maybe probably better than than they really are.
01:34:05 But after you experience the world after you touch the hot stove a couple of times, your brain starts to say you know what?
01:34:14 Be careful around stoves.
01:34:19 They're hot and they can burn you.
01:34:25 The baby doesn't know that.
Speaker 8
01:34:30 But once you've been.Devon
01:34:31 Burned a sufficient amount of times.01:34:36 There's this thing called pattern recognition.
01:34:46 Oh, but if only we could be like kids who don't have enough information to form the pattern, enough patterns to have recognized the pattern recognition.
01:34:58 The algorithm to be formed in.
01:35:00 Your head.
01:35:02 You know, I'm talking about.
01:35:03 I screwed up that whole phrasing, but.
Speaker 18
01:35:11 But she I.Speaker 8
01:35:12 Mean she's right.Devon
01:35:16 We would be a bunch of innocent fools.01:35:20 Taken advantage of.
01:35:31 Which is exactly what the American people were.
01:35:37 Much of innocent fools.
01:35:40 Who now have been taken advantage of?
Speaker 19
01:35:43 Would be accepted for their character and not.01:35:45 The color I mean.
01:35:46 How many years can some people exist before they're allowed?
01:35:48 To be free.
Speaker 16
01:35:50 The answer my friend.01:35:54 Blowing in the wind blowing in the.
01:35:56 The answer?
Speaker 5
01:36:00 OK.Speaker 16
01:36:04 How many roads must a man walk?Speaker 5
01:36:07 Come on, snap out.01:36:08 That it's old.
01:36:11 See that that that was right here.01:36:12 That was the realistic response to boomers going into boomer mode.
Speaker 19
01:36:20 We should go across the street and apologize to Gus and Maya for getting him into this.01:36:23 Mess I.
Speaker 16
01:36:24 Feel responsible.01:36:25 Think we should bother them right now?
01:36:26 At least they probably want.
01:36:27 To be alone, to discuss things.
Speaker 19
01:36:30 You're probably right.01:36:32 We went over there.
Speaker 5
01:36:33 Just wind up.Speaker 19
01:36:34 Interfering and they have to decide what's best for them.Speaker 23
01:36:37 Is it possible that they're?Speaker 27
01:36:39 Really going to mind their own business.Speaker 3
01:36:41 No way.01:36:41 Jen, look at the lying the door.
01:36:45 See, let's see guys.
01:36:46 Left foot.
Speaker 21
01:36:48 Any minute Mom's gonna put down the.01:36:50 Coffee cup.
01:36:51 And say something like.
Speaker 19
01:36:53 I can do some fresh air I want to.Speaker 5
01:36:55 Walk a walk.Speaker 3
01:36:56 And then you'll say.Speaker 5
01:36:59 Good idea.01:36:59 Let's go.
Speaker 23
01:37:03 You two are good.Speaker 15
01:37:09 One in favor of moving.01:37:13 One's not in favor of moving and one more in favor of moving. Well, it looks like we.
01:37:20 Have a tie.
Speaker 26
01:37:23 Since when does 2 to one?01:37:25 Make a tie, dad.
Speaker 15
01:37:27 Well, I had to disqualify this one because.01:37:29 Of poor penmanship.
Speaker 4
01:37:33 You always were a poor loser, Gus.Speaker 15
01:37:35 Look, I know you both want to move, but I'm afraid that if we let ourselves be run out of our home, we're never going to be able to hold our.01:37:42 Heads up again.
Speaker 26
01:37:43 Dad, don't let pride get in the way.01:37:45 Here we're talking about your safety.
Speaker 15
01:37:47 Look, I'm not talking about pride.01:37:49 I'm talking about simple human dignity.
Speaker 26
01:37:53 Tell me, dad.01:37:54 How dignified do you feel when you hear somebody shouting racist slogans in your ear every time you?
01:38:01 Pick up that phone.
Speaker 15
01:38:05 How'd you do that?01:38:09 Let me my hello.
01:38:17 I see.
01:38:19 Well, OK.
01:38:21 Thanks for the warning.
01:38:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:38:23 Uh, we'll be on guard.
Speaker 4
01:38:26 What was the warning about should?01:38:27 We call the police.
Speaker 15
01:38:28 Alex thinks so, he says.01:38:30 Stephen and Elise are coming over.
01:38:32 They've been singing some of those white protest songs.
Speaker 26
01:38:37 Let's make a run for it.Speaker 15
01:38:43 I work with the guy you two save yourselves.Speaker 16
01:38:51 We were taking a walk and we suddenly remembered we wanted to borrow.Speaker 19
01:38:55 A letter.Speaker 15
01:38:58 OK, let's go around back to the garage.Speaker 16
01:39:01 Ohh well, we don't need that right this minute.01:39:03 Next week would be fine.
Speaker 15
01:39:06 OK. Well then you might.01:39:08 As well. Come in then.
Speaker 16
01:39:09 Oh well, I guess we could do that, couldn't we?Speaker 9
01:39:13 At least ohh.Speaker 5
01:39:13 We could, yeah.01:39:14 All right.
01:39:15 Hey, we're in.
Speaker 26
01:39:19 Good to see.Speaker 16
01:39:20 You see, you. Hi. Pleasure.Speaker
01:39:22 Sit down, honey. Sit.Speaker 8
01:39:22 Down here we got.Speaker 9
01:39:23 Some time, OK.Speaker 15
01:39:31 You can interfere now.Speaker 19
01:39:34 Just want to tell you how badly we feel about how the.01:39:36 Meeting went it.
01:39:37 It really backfired.
Speaker 30
01:39:39 You know it.Speaker 4
01:39:39 Didn't it just opened our eyes to the way the neighborhood really feels about us?Speaker 16
01:39:44 Look, we just need some time to work this out.01:39:46 I'm sure most of these people will.
Speaker 4
01:39:47 Come around, Steven.01:39:49 We took a family vote and we decided to move.
Speaker 16
01:39:52 You took a family vote without us.Speaker 15
01:39:57 We love you, Steve, old buddy, but.01:39:59 You're not actually in our family.
Speaker 4
01:40:02 And even though it didn't.01:40:03 Workout here.
01:40:04 We still appreciate everything you.
01:40:05 Did for us.
Speaker 15
01:40:06 Ohh yes, especially the part where you encouraged us to move into this bastion of racial equality.Speaker 19
01:40:14 But you don't blame us.Speaker 4
01:40:16 Blame is such a strong word.Speaker 15
01:40:19 Of course, we don't blame you.01:40:20 I mean, it's our own fault that we forgot how naive you are when it comes to such ugly things like racism.
01:40:28 That's right.01:40:34 White racism.
01:40:35 It's just everywhere.
01:40:37 It might not infect you.
01:40:41 You're just naive.
01:40:42 You don't see it.
01:40:44 You don't see it the way we see it.
01:40:46 We experience it every day, day in, day out.
01:40:55 Just constant attacks every time the phone rings, I have to ask myself, is that going to be another white kid?
Speaker 7
01:41:02 Telling me he's gonna kill me.Devon
01:41:11 It's an insane reality.01:41:13 It's an insane reality, but it's an accurate depiction, at least, of the leftist.
01:41:17 White boomers, right?
01:41:20 Look at.
01:41:21 Look at them right there on the screen.
01:41:27 They might as well be kneeling.
Speaker 7
01:41:29 They might as.Devon
01:41:30 Well, be kneeling and begging for forgiveness.01:41:34 Please forgive.
01:41:36 Our people.
01:41:47 That's the look of white guilt.
01:41:50 Right there.
01:41:53 That image on the screen.
01:41:59 That's white guilt.
Speaker 10
01:42:05 You might go above and beyond.Devon
01:42:10 Trying everything you can.01:42:13 To stop the disgusting, disgusting vitriol that's coming from your evil white racist neighbors.
01:42:22 But at the end of the day.
01:42:25 You're still guilty.
01:42:28 And you can't be forgiven.
01:42:37 You still carry that guilt and you cannot be forgiven.
01:42:40 You can never be forgiven, no matter what you do.
Speaker 16
01:42:44 Does everyone in the world think we're naive?Speaker 4
01:42:46 Yes, but it's a compliment.Speaker 15
01:42:46 That's true.Speaker 4
01:42:51 You two are so pure of heart that it never occurs to you that others aren't that way.01:42:55 You are very special people.
Speaker 19
01:42:58 So you forgive us for getting into this?Speaker 4
01:42:59 Mess forgive is such a strong word.Devon
01:43:03 You can never be forgiven.01:43:08 Even though you're such good people that you just can't imagine that.
01:43:14 Forgive is such a strong word.
Speaker 19
01:43:20 Look, I I realize we put you in an awfully uncomfortable position, and I and I apologize for that.01:43:25 But in spite of everything, we really love to have you as our neighbors and and we'll do everything we can to help you stay.
Speaker 15
01:43:30 I'm with Elise and Stephens.01:43:32 Yes, yes, I think if we move, we're making a big mistake.
01:43:35 And I I take, I just don't.
01:43:36 Feel good about it.
Speaker 26
01:43:38 Well, I don't feel good about going off.01:43:40 To Harvard and and.
01:43:41 Leaving you two alone.
Speaker 15
01:43:42 Your mother and I will decide what's best with this family.01:43:46 That's why I didn't count her vote.
Speaker 4
01:43:49 Honey, give it up.01:43:50 You lost the vote.
Speaker 19
01:43:52 You know I.Speaker 4
01:43:53 Fought against discrimination as hard as you.01:43:56 But I don't want to fight the battle.
01:43:58 When I come home.
01:44:02 That was some of the best Italian food I've ever tasted.
01:44:05 We'll have to come.
01:44:06 Back to guidance, I guess.
Speaker 16
01:44:08 Oh, there are a lot of restaurants you can try out if you stay in.Speaker 4
01:44:11 The neighborhood, Steven, I must say I'm truly enjoying the way you've been trying all week to make me change my mind about moving.Speaker 16
01:44:18 Is it having any effect?Speaker 15
01:44:19 Ohh a lot.01:44:20 It's convincing me I might want.
01:44:21 To move after.
01:44:22 All that's something wrong with this door I can't seem.
01:44:26 To get it on.
Speaker 26
01:44:29 Yeah, I don't think you should go in there.01:44:31 Let's just go across the street to the.
01:44:33 Keatons until the police come.
Speaker 22
01:44:34 Police dad, don't don't.Speaker 15
01:44:36 What's going on in here?Speaker 10
01:44:45 *** **** whitey's.Devon
01:44:53 Look at look at the the messed up swastika.01:44:56 That's on the wall.
01:44:58 What you doing there, Rabbi?
Speaker 15
01:45:10 Who did this?Speaker 26
01:45:13 I don't know, Dad.01:45:14 They didn't sign the.
Speaker 4
01:45:15 Guestbook, Michael, are you all right?Speaker 28
01:45:18 Yeah, I'm fine.01:45:19 I got here after.
01:45:20 I barely made it for you know, I I was.01:45:23 I was so close to losing my life.
01:45:25 The, the, the scary white people they were.
01:45:27 They were everywhere.
01:45:30 Satanic conversion?
Speaker 26
01:45:32 Happened. I already called the.01:45:34 Police and they're on the way.
Speaker 19
01:45:35 Over how could anybody do this?01:45:38 Oh gosh, they.
Speaker 5
01:45:39 Didn't vote on the walls.Devon
01:45:43 Ohh and see, that's their thing.01:45:45 The the whites are so stupid.
01:45:48 They're so ignorant because that's where all this comes from, right?
01:45:51 It's all ignorant.
01:45:52 It's all ignorance.
01:45:53 It's all based on this irrational, stupid fear.
01:45:58 Of aesthetic.
01:46:03 And they can't even spell white.
01:46:06 Those those ******* *******.
01:46:09 What does?
Speaker 16
01:46:10 Wits only mean.Speaker 15
01:46:13 It means that somewhere there's a bigot running around with.01:46:16 A big E.
Speaker 19
01:46:21 We're gonna stay at.01:46:22 Our house tonight we get this mess.
Speaker 4
01:46:23 Cleaned up.01:46:24 We will not.
01:46:25 We're getting out of this neighborhood tonight.
01:46:27 It's over.
01:46:28 I'm going upstairs to pack.
Speaker 19
01:46:30 I'll help you.Speaker 29
01:46:42 Since the house that reported.Devon
01:46:43 A break in.Speaker 15
01:46:47 Take a wild guess.01:46:50 How do you do, officers?
01:46:53 This is my partner, Officer Larson.
Speaker 14
01:46:56 Who reported the break in?01:46:57 I did.
Speaker 29
01:46:58 He came home and found it this way.Speaker 14
01:47:00 No, he came home.01:47:01 He slashed the furniture.
01:47:02 He rode on the.
01:47:03 Walls and he called us.
Speaker 3
01:47:06 I'm signing us.Speaker 14
01:47:07 Up for therapy.Speaker 19
01:47:09 Hey so the.Speaker 9
01:47:09 Police car outside. Oh my.Speaker
01:47:11 God, did somebody break in?Speaker 3
01:47:13 No, man, they came home, did this themselves, and called the police.Speaker 15
01:47:18 Have we met before?Speaker 3
01:47:21 I don't think so.Speaker 30
01:47:23 Hey, hey, what does whits only mean?Speaker 3
01:47:29 I think there's a letter missing now.Speaker 21
01:47:31 Oh course. Which one?Speaker
01:47:39 Did did either.Speaker 29
01:47:39 One of you see anybody come in or go out of this house tonight?Speaker 20
01:47:43 Oh, my boyfriend Nick has told me to be very observant about cars, and I noticed in 1988 powder blue mercury Topaz GS, who she can see covers. I knew suspicious.Speaker 15
01:47:55 That's my car.Speaker 20
01:47:59 Gus, you're under arrest.Speaker 3
01:48:02 FBI material if I ever.01:48:04 Saw it.
Speaker 17
01:48:05 Hey, that's no way to.Speaker
01:48:06 Talk about your girlfriend Nick.01:48:15 No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2
01:48:19 First of all.Speaker 3
01:48:20 Don't ever call me.01:48:21 Nick, sorry, Nicholas.
Speaker 15
01:48:28 All right, let's get this report filled out.Speaker
01:48:32 Who's the owner of the?Speaker 15
01:48:34 I am.01:48:36 But not for long.
Speaker 3
01:48:43 Hey, sport, where you?Speaker 2
01:48:44 Been to miss Dad?01:48:46 Said the Thompsons are moving because he wants black people here.
01:48:51 Hello and here's the moment, of course.01:48:55 We have.
01:48:56 Oh, now we're in this situation.
01:48:58 We have to explain racism to our little kid.
01:49:02 Or innocent little kid who shouldn't have to live in a world where there's racism.
01:49:10 Look, you're so confused.
01:49:12 How adorable.
01:49:14 It's so sad that we have to to ruin some of his innocence and explain to him how white people are just.
01:49:24 Sometimes there's just evil white people out there that just hate people because of the color of their skin.
Speaker 2
01:49:31 Thank you, Alex.Speaker 3
01:49:34 Well, I hate to say it any, but unfortunately there are some people.01:49:37 Who feel that way because.
01:49:44 They have this.
01:49:46 Ignorant idea that they're better than everybody else.
Speaker 2
01:49:49 You always say that about yourself.Speaker 3
01:49:54 I gotta stop saying that.Speaker 2
01:49:57 Please, Dad is telling everybody our house is worth less money cause black people live here.Speaker 3
01:50:03 Who is Timmy's dad, the town crier? Listen, Andy, I want to.01:50:08 Tell you something.
01:50:10 In the strictest confidence with Dad.
01:50:11 Will you tell anybody else I.
01:50:12 Said this, alright is.
01:50:13 It a.
01:50:13 Promise right?
01:50:16 In this situation, money is not important.
Speaker 22
01:50:21 Mom, Dad has a fever.Devon
01:50:23 See once again and again.01:50:25 I don't.
01:50:25 Want to?
01:50:26 Make it sound like I'm blowing this out of proportion, but.
Speaker 8
01:50:29 The the idea is.Devon
01:50:33 It's your responsibility.01:50:36 To take on any burden, financial or otherwise.
01:50:41 It's your responsibility as white people.
01:50:46 To take on.
Speaker 13
01:50:48 Any burden?Devon
01:50:53 For these other people.01:50:55 Isn't that what all the every all the countries in the West are being told, whether you're talking about the refugees pouring into Europe, you're talking about the Mexican immigrants?
Speaker 7
01:51:04 Or you know.Devon
01:51:05 Not even from, from just from Mexico, but from South of the border, coming into America.01:51:10 Whether you're talking about African Americans, whether you're talking about literally.
Speaker 10
01:51:19 Literally anyone.Devon
01:51:24 When it comes to.01:51:30 Being given the responsibility for some reason.
01:51:36 Of caring for promoting.
01:51:39 Lifting up.
01:51:41 Prioritizing before themselves.
01:51:45 Every other ******* group.
01:51:53 And they're always told, look.
01:51:57 When it comes to this responsibility that we have and that no other group has for some reason this thankless task that you have.
01:52:07 Of prioritizing all these other people ahead of your own.
01:52:13 Wants and desires.
01:52:15 Your own needs.
01:52:19 Your children's needs.
01:52:23 When it comes to this issue.
01:52:26 Money is no object.
01:52:29 Nothing else matters.
Speaker 10
01:52:34 Is your burden white man?Speaker 3
01:52:48 I'm fine.01:52:49 OK.
01:52:50 It's just it's just.
01:52:53 You have to treat everybody fairly and equally.
01:52:56 Whether they're they're white, they're.
01:52:57 Black or or or my.
01:52:59 Personal favorite treasure no green.
Speaker 12
01:53:02 All right.Speaker 19
01:53:06 What's this about a fever?Speaker 3
01:53:08 Yo, that that that's just a little game we play.01:53:10 We we accuse each.
01:53:11 Other of having different ailments.
01:53:14 You have fallen arches.
Speaker 16
01:53:18 Whatever happened to ring around the Rosie?Speaker 19
01:53:21 Go get washed up for.01:53:21 Lunch, honey.
Speaker 3
01:53:23 Hey, keep those.Speaker 30
01:53:29 Hi. You just heard that Thompson's house was vandalized last night.01:53:32 This is really terrible.
Speaker 28
01:53:35 Are they all right?Speaker 16
01:53:36 Yeah, they're they're fine.01:53:37 But why are you suddenly so concerned?
01:53:39 I didn't hear you speaking out for them at the meeting.
Speaker 28
01:53:41 It was different when we were talking about the value of our homes, but well, now we're talking about violence.01:53:46 We can't sit back and let that happen it.
Speaker 16
01:53:48 It's not different, it was just easier to pretend.Devon
01:53:50 Isn't that funny?01:53:52 Because in my experience that's exactly.
01:53:54 What, what white people can do.
01:53:56 Is sit back and let violence happen.
01:54:00 When it comes to violence against whites.
01:54:05 They're ******* pros at that.
Speaker 16
01:54:13 And it didn't matter before.01:54:15 Like you either support the right of people to live with them, please, or you don't.
01:54:19 Well, that's easy for.Speaker 28
01:54:20 You to say, I mean you're 2 income.Speaker 10
01:54:21 The the right.Devon
01:54:23 To live for you, please.01:54:24 What if?
01:54:24 Where you?
01:54:25 Please is in all white neighborhood.
01:54:31 Then you don't have that right.
01:54:38 I'm going to back it.
01:54:38 Up just a smidge because of what he he's.
Speaker 7
01:54:40 About to talk about here.Devon
01:54:42 This is another big push.01:54:44 It's very.
01:54:44 Subtle. They sneaked this in.
01:54:47 About how.
01:54:49 People should be dual income families used to calling now it's called normal.
Speaker 28
01:54:52 No stream, yeah.Devon
01:54:56 Back then it was unusual.01:54:59 But it was being sold as, oh, you'll be the rich family on the block if you've got dual incomes.
01:55:05 Because when they first started doing this ********.
01:55:08 It was true.
01:55:10 Because they were paying living wages to both.
01:55:16 And then once they tricked everyone into doing that, they were like, oh, I'll just pay you both half.
01:55:21 What we would.
Speaker 13
01:55:21 Have paid you.Devon
01:55:26 And now you're back into wage slave status.Speaker 28
01:55:29 Are you the same?01:55:29 I mean, you're 2 income family.
01:55:31 You can afford to let the value of your home drop without it affecting.
01:55:34 You so much.
Speaker 19
01:55:35 Are you saying that if you were a 2 income family, you'd feel differently about the?01:55:39 Thompsons moving in.
Speaker 30
01:55:40 Yes, absolutely, Phil, get a job.Devon
01:55:46 And of course it's the the stupid, ineffectual white.01:55:50 Male that doesn't have the job.
Speaker 28
01:55:56 But when I want to I like it at all.Speaker 19
01:55:59 I think we're getting off the.Speaker 30
01:56:00 Point here. The point is.01:56:02 Where do you draw the line between protecting another family, civil rights and your own families financial well-being?
Speaker 16
01:56:09 I'd like to think that I'd live in a tent before I give in.01:56:11 To this sort.
Speaker 28
01:56:11 Of prejudice, yeah.Devon
01:56:13 You would live in a tent.01:56:15 Kind of reminds me of.
01:56:18 What was it?
01:56:19 Nancy Pelosi?
01:56:20 Who said that even if America was reduced to a pile of rubble?
01:56:28 Israel would still come first.
Speaker 28
01:56:32 Will it be my?01:56:32 Tent you barred at last August.
Speaker 24
01:56:34 Keaton, look, we're not prejudice.Speaker 5
01:56:35 Well, that's it.Speaker 19
01:56:38 I think is a fine line between.01:56:40 Prejudice and complicity.
Speaker 16
01:56:41 This isn't getting us anywhere.01:56:42 Let's just stop making accusations.
01:56:47 Where were you at approximately 10:15 last night?
Speaker 28
01:56:51 As a matter of fact, I was watching television with the kids.01:56:53 It was one of your documentary Steven.
Speaker 16
01:56:56 Hieroglyphic humor, right?Speaker
01:57:00 How did you like?Speaker 16
01:57:00 It the jokes were.Speaker 28
01:57:02 A little old.Speaker 20
01:57:05 Wait a minute.Speaker 30
01:57:06 You don't seriously suspect us of breaking into their house, do.Speaker 19
01:57:09 You frankly, I don't know.01:57:10 What to think about anyone?
01:57:11 Around here anymore.
01:57:14 Stephen, where were you?
01:57:15 At approximately 10:15 last night.
Speaker 15
01:57:19 How hard a mess.01:57:22 Let's go back to the hotel.
Speaker 26
01:57:24 They sure trashed this place.Speaker 1
01:57:26 Well, I don't.Speaker 4
01:57:27 Know I always.01:57:28 Thought that lamp would look better over there.
01:57:32 Come on, Michael.
01:57:33 That was a joke laugh.
Speaker 14
01:57:35 How can you joke?Speaker 26
01:57:36 At a time.01:57:36 Like this but this.
Speaker 4
01:57:38 Is the kind of time you need to laugh.01:57:39 Most your father and I learned.
01:57:42 That a long time ago.
Speaker 15
01:57:44 Hey, you remember.01:57:45 That freedom March in Selma on 65. We laughed that day.
Speaker 9
01:57:48 Yes, we did remember Selma.Devon
01:57:52 Remembers our God.01:58:01 The boomers.
01:58:04 Just there's just a few of them.
01:58:06 It's like, OK.
Speaker 7
01:58:07 So Oh my.Devon
01:58:10 God, it's like they they can't get out of that *******.01:58:13 Infinite loop.
Speaker 26
01:58:15 What exactly made you laugh?Speaker 4
01:58:17 Your father used to tell the worst jokes just to keep my spirits up.Speaker 15
01:58:21 And now, wait a minute.01:58:22 Doing so bad.
Speaker 4
01:58:23 Oh, really?01:58:24 Do you think it was a coincidence that the stone throwing started whenever you said knock knock?
Speaker 19
01:58:37 Keep cleaning.01:58:37 Brigade at your service.
01:58:39 No job too small, some jobs too big.
Speaker 10
01:58:43 You know what? I'm.Devon
01:58:44 Reminded of when I see this.01:58:46 I'm reminded of.
01:58:49 The George Floyd riots.
01:58:52 When blacks?
01:58:54 Stormed into a target.
01:58:57 And completely destroyed it and looted it.
01:59:02 All the windows.
01:59:03 And then went from business to business, doing exactly the same.
01:59:09 And the next morning.
01:59:12 Who was it that.
01:59:13 Was out there cleaning up the mess.
01:59:19 And as white people.
01:59:25 Because that too.
01:59:28 Is your responsibility.
Speaker 23
01:59:31 What is wits only mean?Speaker 21
01:59:36 There's a letter missing somewhere.Speaker 19
01:59:44 Where shall we start?Speaker 4
01:59:46 How about anywhere?Speaker
01:59:47 OK.Speaker 3
01:59:52 Gus, they destroyed your Lawrence Welk collection.Speaker 15
01:59:57 Racism takes many ugly forms.Speaker 16
02:00:05 Guys, we're going to need some extra boxes for.02:00:07 All this stuff.
Speaker 15
02:00:08 Oh well, we got lots of boxes in the.02:00:10 Basement. Come on. OK.
Speaker 5
02:00:10 Let's go.Speaker 27
02:00:11 Let's go. Hey, Michael.Speaker 20
02:00:13 What are these pictures of?Speaker 26
02:00:17 Oh well, in this one, my folks were thrown out of a segregated lunch counter in mobile.Devon
02:00:23 I'm sure they were.02:00:26 And we're about, we're about to go through the the Museum of White guilt.
02:00:30 You guys ready?
02:00:31 You guys, strap in.
02:00:33 And get ready for your.
02:00:35 Your ride through the Museum of White guilt.
Speaker 26
02:00:39 And in this one they.02:00:41 Were thrown out of a segregated lunch.
02:00:42 Counter in Birmingham.
Speaker 3
02:00:44 You imagine me 20 years old and choosing.02:00:46 To walk through.
02:00:47 An angry mob, just to get a drink.
02:00:48 Out of a public fountain, you know your parents really went.
Speaker 27
02:00:49 Yeah, yeah.Speaker 23
02:00:50 Through a lot back then, Michael, they sure did.Speaker 26
02:00:54 They were turned away from.02:00:56 Public schools.
02:00:57 They couldn't sit at lunch counters.
02:00:59 Next to whites.
02:01:01 They couldn't live in the neighborhoods they wanted to.
Speaker 23
02:01:03 Looks like they still can't.Speaker 26
02:01:06 It's really crazy, isn't?02:01:07 It. Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 21
02:01:08 How many years can some people exist?Speaker 23
02:01:10 Before they're allowed.Speaker 30
02:01:11 To be free.Speaker 27
02:01:14 Fears from my friend flowing and the answer is blowing in the wind.Devon
02:01:22 That's right, the boomer.02:01:23 Wish fulfillment?
02:01:24 Finally, your kids get it.
02:01:28 Finally, your Gen.
02:01:29 X and millennial kids understand what.
02:01:31 It was like to be fighting the power finally.
Speaker 16
02:01:40 Proof that they're ours.Speaker 21
02:01:43 What's this picture with all these people at the Lincoln Memorial?Speaker 26
02:01:48 The March on.02:01:51 That's what Martin Luther King made his famous speech.
02:01:55 Now is the time to lift up our nation from the quicksand of.
02:02:00 The speech that I have memorized.Speaker 26
02:02:04 Of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.Speaker 15
02:02:09 You knew it, Michael.Speaker 26
02:02:11 How could I grow up in the same house with you 2?02:02:13 And not know it.
Speaker 15
02:02:16 Well, I wonder what Doctor King would say about the situation in this House today.Speaker 26
02:02:20 He'd said we can't move that we got to stay here.02:02:22 And continue to fight.
Speaker 15
02:02:24 And what would you say?Speaker 26
02:02:27 You and your friends fought long and hard to win us certain basic rights.02:02:34 And now it's my turn.
02:02:36 To fight for them.
Speaker 15
02:02:38 Finally, proof that he's ours.Speaker 4
02:02:43 Always wanted to win the seat.Speaker 26
02:02:45 They're not going to make us move out of this.02:02:47 Neighborhood, even if they pound down that door.
Speaker 22
02:02:55 Do you do that?Speaker 30
02:03:00 Can I come in?Speaker
02:03:04 OK.Speaker 28
02:03:11 We would have been here sooner, but first we had to raid Keaton's garage to get our tools back.Speaker 30
02:03:20 I know you have every reason to turn us away, but we would very much like to help you get your home back together.Speaker 4
02:03:28 Well, we certainly could use the help.Speaker 28
02:03:30 What does wits only mean?Speaker 15
02:03:34 Let's clear this up.02:03:37 Once and for all.
Speaker 21
02:03:40 No, we'll never know.Speaker 16
02:03:43 OK guys, here, here we go.02:03:47 Here we go.
02:03:53 That's better.
Speaker 3
02:03:55 Yeah, guys, you could have this man arrested for defacing your property.Speaker 15
02:03:58 Ohh no no, no, I wouldn't do that to my neighbor.Devon
02:04:08 Ohh yes, only producing producer Susan Borowitz, wouldn't you?Speaker 9
02:04:19 Ohh man.Devon
02:04:22 So that was the exciting conclusion. The two-part series.02:04:31 And what did we learn?
02:04:32 What did we learn, children?
02:04:42 You see that the boomers did transmit their culture.
Speaker 8
02:04:49 That's what all.Devon
02:04:50 This was about.02:04:52 They were regurgitating all the propaganda that was fed to them.
Speaker 16
02:05:00 With not a whole.Speaker 10
02:05:01 Lot of variation.Devon
02:05:07 And it's pretty much identical.02:05:10 To I mean, like I said, the the.
02:05:13 All the family.
02:05:15 Episode that deals with this exact thing in the exact way.
02:05:21 Is from, I think, 20 years about ish before this aired.
02:05:27 And 20 years before that was that documentary.
02:05:33 About that white the white neighborhood with the exact same storyline.
02:05:48 Well, now they don't even have to.
02:05:50 Can you imagine?
02:05:51 Now they don't make anything like this.
02:05:54 They accomplish this phase of the plan.
02:06:01 Because if you think about what this was accomplishing, why do they care?
02:06:04 Because remember what I kept saying, like, why is it they would want to live in an all white neighborhood?
02:06:10 Why would they want to live in a neighborhood that didn't want them?
02:06:14 Why would they want to put themselves in harm's way?
02:06:17 What is this obsession?
02:06:18 Let's really, actually.
02:06:21 Identify what's going on here.
02:06:25 It's not about blacks.
02:06:29 Living in white neighborhoods.
02:06:32 It's about depriving whites.
02:06:36 From living in white neighborhoods.
02:06:44 When you think about it that way, all of a sudden it makes a whole lot of sense.
02:06:52 It has nothing to do.
02:06:56 With giving immigrants from El Salvador.
02:07:02 A nice place to live in your neighborhood.
02:07:06 You think the people that are responsible for this give a **** about?
02:07:10 People from El Salvador.
02:07:13 You think they give a **** about Syrian refugees or whatever?
02:07:19 Do you you think that's what's what's motivating that that this is?
02:07:25 Some kind of?
02:07:28 Higher calling to to help the downtrodden.
02:07:32 Is that what you think?
Speaker 9
02:07:35 Of course not.Devon
02:07:37 Of course not.02:07:48 It's about atomizing.
02:07:52 And dispersing.
02:07:55 The white communities.
02:07:58 They don't care who moves in there as long as someone that isn't going to be absorbed into the community moves there.
02:08:12 They don't care if it's black families or Chinese families or who.
02:08:16 Yeah, they don't care.
02:08:22 It's never been.
02:08:24 About giving blacks.
02:08:27 Access to nicer homes and nicer neighborhoods.
02:08:32 It's always been about depriving whites from living in white neighborhoods.
02:08:39 Because that takes away your communal power.
02:08:46 And now they don't have to make.
02:08:48 That show anymore?
02:08:51 Mission accomplished.
02:08:55 Now there aren't such things as white neighborhoods.
02:09:01 And with that comes thee.
02:09:04 New reality that there is no such thing as white communities.
02:09:12 Which in turn means there's no such thing.
02:09:19 As white.
02:09:21 Control or white, and I don't want to say white power because of the connotations but.
02:09:30 Yeah, that's what it means.
02:09:36 And again not.
02:09:36 In some kind of supremacy way, just in a general way.
02:09:41 When you lose community, you lose power over.
02:09:46 Your destiny.
02:10:00 If they were really concerned about diversity, they were really concerned about mixing.
02:10:04 They wanted to mix everyone up.
02:10:08 Because that was some kind of virtue, they wouldn't focus so much on.
02:10:16 The ethnocentrism centrism of the the blacks, like doing the whole African American.
02:10:29 They wouldn't want blacks to have communities.
02:10:33 But blacks are not.
02:10:34 Look, if you're if you're.
02:10:36 The competitors of the West.
02:10:39 The blacks are not your competitors.
02:10:43 They're just not.
02:10:45 So they can make communities all day long, because really what they're what that's going to result in.
02:10:50 Is a delusion.
02:10:53 Of the.
02:10:56 Your real competitor, it's going to create an obstacle for your competitor.
02:11:07 The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
02:11:15 So this was this was never about uplifting blacks.
02:11:20 It was about dissolving whites.
02:11:30 1989.
02:11:39 1989.
02:11:42 And now there's not a single.
02:11:43 Show that has an all white cast.
02:11:48 There was barely a single show with an all white cast back then like I was showing you with the different strokes.
02:11:53 It's not just different strokes.
02:11:55 You know, there was lots of shows like this that.
02:11:58 Tried to push the.
02:12:04 You know the same idea.
02:12:08 They're harmless.
02:12:17 They're just like you.
02:12:20 This isn't going to hurt your community.
02:12:21 This is going to enrich your community.
02:12:28 If you think otherwise, it's out of some weird, irrational hatred of black aesthetic.
Speaker 10
02:12:33 And that's it.Devon
02:12:37 And now you want to see you want to see where this is?02:12:40 This is led to.
02:12:55 We're going to show you the result.
02:13:03 I mean, just remember 1989 what we just watched?
02:13:09 Is from 1989 and what we're about to watch is from 20/21.
02:13:23 This is what all of those years.
02:13:29 Of propaganda have finally produced.
02:13:38 Hi there.Speaker 1
02:13:39 My name is.Speaker 7
02:13:43 I can find the little stupid.02:13:48 Where did that go?
02:13:58 That I screw that out.02:14:02 Alright, I'll do it this way.
02:14:21 This is what they've succeeded in producing.
Speaker 1
02:14:27 Hi there.02:14:28 My name is Sarah.
Speaker 11
02:14:29 This little cutie.Speaker 1
02:14:30 Is my son Bennett.02:14:31 As you can see, my son is a white male, so here are some books that I bought to help prevent him from growing.
02:14:37 Up to be.
02:14:39 Starting out strongly have C is for consent. Pretty self-explanatory, but it's a picture book that goes into detail about consent with your body with family along that same note.
02:14:50 We have little ladybug.
02:14:51 Hug teaches the same kind of concept in.
02:14:53 A more childish way about a ladybug.
02:14:56 Is hugging his friends.
02:14:57 Even has one friend who doesn't like hugging.
02:15:00 So this one is called only for me all the same concept teaching kids about consent and things that.
02:15:06 Feel comfortable with their.
02:15:07 Because I'm raising a feminist, we've got a is for awesome 23 inspirational women. Next we have I clean like Daddy.
02:15:14 There's even a page in the end where the whole family is cleaning together to show that it's not just mom and sisters job.
02:15:19 Finally, we have, except when they don't, a book about boys and girls liking whatever they want, regardless of their gender.
Speaker 11
02:15:28 But tonight we are very honor.Devon
02:15:35 We've got a.02:15:38 Generation now of emasculated men.
02:15:42 And we have.
02:15:43 This going on.
Speaker 13
02:15:47 Look, guys, they're just like us.Speaker 9
02:15:53 Remember, just like us, why do you hate them?02:16:00 For the color of their skin?
02:16:11 Why are you such a bigot?
02:16:35 So that's what air travel is like now.02:16:50 But they're just like us.
02:16:57 And all the men are so weak and emasculated, they just let it happen.
02:17:03 They maybe take out their phones and get video of it, but they just let.
02:17:07 It happen.
02:17:20 Because all the white males were bred to be sensitive.
02:17:28 Cox, essentially sensitive *******.
02:17:35 With no connection to their people.
02:17:41 Taught to believe that ethnocentrism or centrism was.
02:17:50 But only for them.
02:17:53 And they have to tolerate **** like this.
02:18:04 I mean to not tolerate that that would be.
02:18:07 That'd be racist.
02:18:08 You'd be a bigot.
02:18:18 So anyway, that was.
02:18:22 That was just like I said, just that's just a little taste.
02:18:25 That was a little taste.
02:18:27 Of the complete carpet bombing of brainwashing that was going on in the Seventies, 80s and 90s, back when there was no choice when back when the old law of the choice was you just don't watch ******* TV.
Speaker 13
02:18:44 But with both.Devon
02:18:45 Parents working it was the best babysitter.02:18:49 You know, you heard well.
02:18:50 We got to have two income families if you want to fight the power, you got to have dual income family.
02:19:00 So you have dual income family.
02:19:03 And then you let the TV raise your kids.
02:19:08 That's what they did.
02:19:17 That's what they did.
02:19:21 And the result was.
02:19:25 You get that?
02:19:27 You get this.
02:19:45 You get this.
Speaker 9
02:19:46 Do we need another civil war now?Speaker 27
02:19:48 That's what it takes then I believe so.02:19:50 If that's what it's going to take to revamp everything for everything.
Speaker 22
02:19:53 To be equal at.Speaker 1
02:19:55 Least equal for us to have justice.02:19:57 I believe so.
Speaker 18
02:19:57 Well, what percent of this country are white supremacist?Speaker 1
02:19:58 Happen probably.Speaker 4
02:20:02 Say most of the country I can't give.Speaker 11
02:20:03 You a number, but why?Speaker 18
02:20:04 This is a majority of the country.02:20:06 Should we just gather up the white supremacists and do St.
Speaker 4
02:20:12 That would be ideal.02:20:14 Again, I'm not gonna say anything that would directly incriminate me, but I would say that would.
Speaker 1
02:20:18 Be a good idea?02:20:19 I don't want to.
Speaker 11
02:20:19 Say we need to go start killing.Devon
02:20:21 Look, they're just like us.Speaker 10
02:20:25 They're just like us.02:20:28 I bet they go to.
02:20:29 Harvard and like polka music.02:20:33 I don't want to say we need to start.
02:20:35 Killing all white folks, but it's like.
Speaker 1
02:20:36 My white folks, but it's like maybe maybe.Devon
02:20:48 Why wouldn't you want them in your neighborhood?02:20:54 You just taint black skin.
02:20:59 You hate black skin.
02:21:10 This is.
Speaker 14
02:21:11 What you get put on a voting plan.02:21:13 You bet that your mind are working.
02:21:33 Come on, boy.
02:21:34 Put your back into it.
Speaker 29
02:21:36 The body plantation was one of the largest cotton plant.Devon
02:21:44 That's you, you ******* racist.02:21:52 You will never be able to repay this debt.
02:22:41 And it doesn't matter how many times something like this happens.
02:22:52 Doesn't matter how many people have to die.
02:22:57 Because you'll never.
02:22:58 Repay the debt.
02:23:03 You will never repay the debt.
02:23:11 There's never an end goal.
02:23:14 Until you're gone.
02:23:23 Because that is.
02:23:24 The end goal.
Speaker 7
02:23:33 So anyway.Speaker 8
02:23:35 I hope you hope you enjoyed the.Devon
02:23:41 The awesome entertainment.02:23:46 The awesome entertainment we're we're at about 2 1/2 hours, so I'm probably going.
02:23:49 To wrap it up.
02:23:52 I will leave you with one.
02:23:57 One more story.
02:24:05 Because it's very.
02:24:10 Very related.
Speaker 11
02:24:24 One comment for Jason Jones to stop along the side of the road and help out a driver who he sees is stranded with the 72 year old.Speaker 7
02:24:33 Hang on one SEC.02:24:34 Freaking mouse keeps disappearing.
02:24:36 Here we go.
Speaker 11
02:24:39 I'm coming for Jason Jones to stop along the side of the road and help out a driver who he sees is stranded, but the 72 year old says he'll probably never do it again after being beaten within an inch of his life right here along Interstate 35, Jason Jones takes pride in.02:24:56 Training horses on his farm.
02:24:57 Will Davies county.
02:24:59 But he's a little more steady on his feet after staying in the hospital days.
Speaker 13
02:25:03 Or is it luck or?02:25:04 Is it the?
02:25:08 This is a guy who believed the propaganda.02:25:13 And that's his reward.
02:25:19 That's his reward.
Speaker 13
02:25:23 Good Lord is watching over.Speaker 11
02:25:24 Man Jones is heading toward Kansas City for a couple of salvage yards when he saw a driver with a blown tire and pulled over.Speaker 13
02:25:31 He was kind of standoffish, like he kind of wished I had.02:25:34 To stop but.
02:25:36 I kept asking.
02:25:37 They kept saying yes.
Speaker 11
02:25:38 Jason says this man 19 year old choice.Devon
02:25:41 Look there.02:25:42 He's just like us.
02:25:45 It's just an aesthetic.
Speaker 11
02:25:47 Davis and a young woman with him hopped in his van.02:25:50 He took them to two salvage businesses, looking for a spare tire.
02:25:53 And ultimately.Speaker 11
02:25:54 Loaded up and headed back to the couples.02:25:56 Car parked near.
02:25:57 The Holt exit on Interstate 35.
Speaker 13
02:25:59 All of a sudden something hit me.Speaker 11
02:26:00 On top of the head, the young woman allegedly grabbing a metal rod, bashing it into his school, Jason tried to stop her.02:26:08 The van veering off the road.
Speaker 13
02:26:09 And we're going in the ditch.02:26:11 Try turn it on if you have the draw pad, open the door and.
Speaker 11
02:26:14 I dived out on my head, Jason says.02:26:16 Choice Davis grabbed his neck, choked him, then started punching him in the face.
Speaker 13
02:26:20 I'm 72 years old. My energy was gone and nothing I can.02:26:24 Do to take it.
Speaker 11
02:26:24 A passerby called 911. The couple tried to get in the van and take off, but it was stuck in.02:26:29 The mud deputies.
02:26:30 Arrived, fast, arresting Davis and the young woman.
Speaker 13
02:26:33 Always stopped to help.02:26:34 People I've always appreciated it until now.
Speaker 11
02:26:37 Jason was rushed to the hospital, his face covered in blood, eyes, black and blue.02:26:43 Doctors found a brain bleed and fractured skull and did know if he'd survive.
Speaker 13
02:26:48 I I do feel blessed yet.Speaker 11
02:26:50 But he's also angry after learning Joyce Davis, who is from Illinois, was granted bond and.Devon
02:26:58 They're just like us.02:27:06 If you don't want them live in your.
02:27:08 It's because you're just an irrational bigot.
02:27:13 No, this this, this guy believed the hype.
Speaker 10
02:27:17 He believed the hype.02:27:20 He pulled over, tried and.
02:27:21 Thought he was, you know there.
02:27:22 Right, this is how it helped out one.
02:27:24 Of my people.Speaker 10
02:27:25 You know.Devon
02:27:25 We're supposed.02:27:26 To and we're just a big melting pot, right?
02:27:28 We're all melted together.
02:27:29 We're all the.
02:27:30 Same group.
02:27:33 He decided to help this guy out.
02:27:38 And then.
02:27:40 He ended up like that.
02:27:43 Drove them to two different salvage yards.
02:27:48 Helping him get attire.
02:27:55 And that's that's his reward.
02:28:03 It's pathological.
02:28:10 But it happens again and again and again.
02:28:12 And I'll tell you, I'll point out something that's interesting.
02:28:14 A lot of people that notice about this guy when he's getting interviewed, there's something something that stuck out at me.
02:28:21 Look, look at his necklace.
02:28:25 Let's see here.Devon
02:28:29 Look at his necklace right there.02:28:33 OK.
02:28:35 It's it's, it's not much different than than what's adorning this this frame.
02:28:52 It's just when people ask me, like how long you know what it will take.
02:28:55 For white people to learn.
02:28:57 It takes apparently this guy.
02:29:00 It took him getting beat over the head with.
02:29:03 A with a A.
02:29:04 A lead pipe.
02:29:08 And then choked, almost choked to death.
02:29:10 And beat to death.
02:29:16 And he still probably doesn't really get it.
02:29:26 You can't just undo.
02:29:29 A century plus of propaganda.
02:29:36 We haven't even really turned it around yet.
02:29:40 You're you're a tiny, tiny subset.
02:29:44 Of whites that gets it.
02:29:48 Most of them need.
02:29:49 To be beaten the head with a lead pipe.
02:29:52 Before they even come close to getting it, and even then a lot of them don't get it.
02:29:59 And what we'll be doing over periodic?
02:30:01 I'm not going to do every single.
02:30:03 I'm not going to do, like, every insomnia stream is.
02:30:07 Is going to be a very special episode, but.
02:30:10 Over the next few weeks.
02:30:12 We will be taking a look at a lot of these.
02:30:15 Very special episodes.
02:30:19 They were featured in the Seventies, 80s and 90s.
02:30:24 And like I said, these were these were very special episodes and very highly rated shows in an environment where there wasn't a whole lot to choose from, promoted for weeks by the network at 1st and then by teachers and by parents.
02:30:39 Parents would often sit again.
02:30:42 It made them feel less, I think less bad about having the TV raise their kid.
02:30:48 It made them feel like, oh, see, look.
02:30:51 It's teaching good boomer morals.
02:30:56 It's teaching them about Doctor King and Selma.
02:31:07 And so they would sit their kids down and and watch these episodes and.
02:31:16 Most likely start telling their kids about.
Speaker 7
02:31:19 Oh yeah. Oh yeah.Devon
02:31:22 I was there.02:31:23 I was there.
02:31:26 I remember when Doctor King said this.
02:31:32 I remember when they integrated the schools.
02:31:43 And look at all.
02:31:43 The progress we've made since then.
02:31:59 And I haven't talked to Chad at all.
02:32:00 Tonight. So.
02:32:02 You know what?
02:32:05 Let's do it.
02:32:05 I'll do a quick break.
02:32:08 And then we'll talk.
02:32:09 I'll talk to chat.
02:32:12 For a little bit and then we'll.
Speaker 8
02:32:13 Then I'll bail.Devon
02:32:16 So let me find.02:32:19 And something to entertain you guys with.
Speaker 7
02:32:28 While I.02:32:32 Run off for a moment.
02:32:34 Let's see here.
02:32:51 What is this?02:32:52 A lot of weird stuff.
Speaker 7
02:32:56 And a lot of weird stuff.Devon
02:33:00 I didn't say.Speaker
02:33:01 No, stop turning gas.Devon
02:33:02 I remind you guys, watch that.Speaker
02:33:05 What is this?Speaker 18
02:33:05 I could feel the pole.Speaker 7
02:33:08 Let me do that too.Devon
02:33:11 Uh. Let's see here.02:33:15 There's got to be something cool.
02:33:24 This is kind of interesting.
02:33:27 So this is this was on my telegram.
02:33:30 So if you've been on my television seen this but.
02:33:37 This is.
02:33:40 The response to the Arizona audit that's going on on MSNBC by a man who murdered his intern and got away with.
02:33:48 It when he was in Congress.
02:33:50 All that happened was, is they they made him.
02:33:54 Stop being a congressman and start being a talking head on television and.
02:34:01 Start promoting Zionist wars.
02:34:05 And raging about the Arizona audit, which, by the way look, I suspect the Arizona audits going to find all the the bad things that we know that happened or or if they if they haven't already.
02:34:22 It's just more of a. So what? Nothing's going to happen. Nothing ever happens. So, but a lot of people have watched this and thought ohh look, you're scared.
02:34:31 He's not scared.
02:34:33 They had.
02:34:33 They didn't lock him up for killing his.
02:34:35 Intern, they're not going to do anything about.
Speaker 14
02:34:38 America love it or leave it if you don't have respect in American democracy anymore.02:34:45 If you don't respect Madisonian checks and balances, if your guy doesn't win, if that's the new rules of engagement for this great Republic, then just leave our country.
02:35:00 Because you're unworthy of it, and there are millions of immigrants who will come here and raise their right hand and buy into the creed and believe that we are exceptional, that believe American democracy is the greatest government on the face of the earth, and they will do it proudly.
02:35:19 They will salute the flag proudly and most importantly, they will fight.
02:35:25 For what that flag represents what you shame yourself?
02:35:29 Well, you disgrace yourself.
02:35:31 Will you disgrace our country in the eyes of the world?
02:35:35 Yes, this is all on you.
02:35:38 Get the facts.
02:35:40 Live in the light, follow the truth and love this country.
02:35:45 And stop this.
02:35:50 So really what they're saying is we want to replace you.02:35:56 We want to replace you.
02:35:59 With people that are going to behave.
02:36:03 If you don't like.
02:36:06 The plantation.
02:36:08 There's a lot of people we can find.
02:36:11 That will come and work on the plantation.
02:36:20 This is why they wanted blacks move into white neighborhoods.
02:36:29 They want to displace and disperse.
02:36:32 And defeat you.
02:36:39 And replace you with more.
02:36:42 Easily managed cattle and they have done a very ******* good job.
02:36:47 All right, so let.
Speaker 7
02:36:48 Me tell you, look at chat here.Devon
02:36:51 The brainwashed immigrants from the Third World will fight for US against.02:36:56 You is what he's saying.
02:36:57 That's exactly what he's saying.
02:37:00 That is exactly what he's saying.
02:37:02 He when he mentions and they will more importantly.
Speaker 8
02:37:05 They will fight.Speaker 13
02:37:09 Because they're not.Devon
02:37:10 They're not afraid of a lot of things, but I'll tell you what.02:37:11 They've got to be afraid of the fact that they that who's who, want to keep bringing this up, who wants to ******* fight in the military.
02:37:19 You'd have to be ********.
02:37:22 What are you fighting for?
02:37:32 Let's take a look here.
Speaker 8
02:37:36 If we may.Devon
02:37:40 You guys are talking about the discord thing.Speaker 8
02:37:42 Yeah, like I said, I've I, I.Devon
02:37:43 I've been doing.02:37:45 Contract work I just haven't.
02:37:46 Had a chance to do that.
02:37:49 It's tough, it's tough watching all this stuff and finding all this stuff and doing 3 hours and you know, three times a week and doing all this stuff and doing side work and doing you.
02:37:59 Know my homestead, but it'll happen.
02:38:03 It'll happen.
02:38:04 It's just.
02:38:06 It does get lowered on the priority list and I'm sorry for that, but that's just it's.
02:38:13 I'm only one man.
02:38:17 Please add a laugh track to the depressing parts of your streams.
02:38:26 That would be kind of fun.
02:38:27 I could make a laugh track button.
02:38:31 You ought to check out the American heresy by Christopher Halls. It's free on the open library. It was written in the 1920s. It details America's.
02:38:41 Troubled foundation foundational reasoning for existence and why the North being victorious was horrible, and the country effectively died post war.
02:38:55 If I remember to do that, I'll.
Speaker 7
02:38:56 Check it out.Devon
02:39:00 Any cactus pills tonight?02:39:02 No, I don't have any new photos.
02:39:04 I do have some new blooming, though.
02:39:08 There was a the the pine cone.
02:39:10 Cactus had its first flower.
02:39:12 I've never seen a flower on it.
02:39:14 Until the day.
02:39:15 But I didn't take a photo and there's a couple other cactuses that are.
Speaker 7
02:39:21 Doing OK.Devon
02:39:25 Ever noticed that January 6 protesters who were anti white and anti COVID hoax were overwhelmingly poor whites?Speaker 8
02:39:35 Yeah, well, I mean.Devon
02:39:36 I've I've talked about this before.02:39:38 It's the people that get affected by this **** first.
02:39:41 If you're look, if you're an alpha slave and you live in a Mcmansion and you know you're getting your steady diet of dopamine and everything else, and you feel like you're you're sufficiently high up enough in the the.
02:39:55 The slave hierarchy you what are you gonna?
02:39:59 Never gonna protest.
02:40:01 And unfortunately, the majority of whites are somewhere in that.
02:40:07 Right.
02:40:09 And so they'll they'll actually fight tooth and nail to keep the system going, because that's what's providing all their comfort.
02:40:18 Which is why I'm trying.
02:40:19 To get people out of that system.
02:40:24 Because all they're doing is, their comfort is.
02:40:28 It's just, it's just a methadone drip while they.
02:40:31 Slowly kill you.
02:40:36 And so it's.
02:40:39 The people that are going to protest, the people that are going to spurge out are the people that don't have anything to lose.
02:40:46 What are they risking exactly?
02:41:00 BLM have turned tail on Ben and Jerrys's. Why? What Ben and Jerrys do?
02:41:07 Ben, Ben and Jerrys is.
02:41:08 I mean, they're they're Jewish and they they are.
02:41:13 They hate white people.
02:41:16 Well, I learned from watching your videos is that the actors are sellouts.
02:41:20 Perhaps the biggest sellouts, they portray a false reality.
02:41:23 Whatever is written, they portray well.
02:41:26 Yeah, well, again, it's they.
02:41:29 Mean **** talk about.
02:41:30 Alpha slaves.
02:41:31 If you're an actor on TV, can you think of?
02:41:34 What else?
02:41:35 I mean, how much higher up the hierarchy can you get in terms of, you know, if you're just a pleb, that's like one of that's.
02:41:44 You're the man now, dog.
Speaker 8
02:41:46 You know, like if you're the if.Devon
02:41:48 You're an actor on TV.02:41:52 I mean, Michael J. Fox.
02:41:56 I don't.
02:41:57 I mean that guy social status at that time.
02:42:01 And beyond, you know, up until he he was hot **** all the way up through till he got his.
02:42:09 What was it?
02:42:09 Parkinson's or whatever it was he got.
02:42:12 And even then.
02:42:12 He worked for a little while, just he wasn't as.
02:42:16 He wasn't the focus anymore, but and even really, I mean, he was the obviously he was the most recognizable, the one.
02:42:23 But all those guys, they got paid.
02:42:25 They're still getting paid.
02:42:27 In fact, one of the shows we're going to talk about is why you've heard of Ben Shapiro.
02:42:35 Ben Shapiro comes from TV money.
02:42:39 You never would have heard of Ben Shapiro.
02:42:42 If he didn't have his Jewish TV money.
02:42:49 It makes a lot of money, this propaganda that the right has ignored and never wanted to invest in for, I don't know.
02:43:00 Makes did generates a lot of ******* money.
02:43:03 And never ends.
02:43:07 Never ends like you get royalties.
02:43:09 For ******* ever.
02:43:11 When people watch that series on Netflix or whatever, you know they're still getting.
02:43:15 Checks for it.
02:43:17 Michael J.
02:43:18 Fox still gets checks for family ties.
02:43:23 And will.
02:43:25 Until he dies.
02:43:27 And then when he dies.
02:43:28 His estate will get it.
02:43:35 This this media makes money forever.
02:43:44 And the right just couldn't see the point in participating in it for some reason.
02:43:54 So yeah, of course they're selling out.
02:43:55 I mean, that's.
02:43:57 Technically, they're higher up in the social hierarchy than the politicians.
02:44:01 That are selling you out.
02:44:07 In 1989.
02:44:09 Most politicians would have, rather have been.
02:44:11 Michael J. Fox.
02:44:16 Probably not very hard to *** **** if you.
02:44:17 Were Michael J. Fox in 1989.
02:44:27 Even though he was a manlet.
02:44:36 Ask the Jews how our replacements are treating them.
02:44:39 Jews seem islama phobic.
02:44:43 All of a sudden.
02:44:46 Well, our replacements aren't all Arabs.
02:44:49 Maybe in European countries it's a little more like that, but.
Speaker 8
02:44:54 And and and look.02:45:00 There might be there might.
02:45:02 I think they might overplay their.
02:45:03 Hand in some instances.02:45:07 But they've been doing this a long time.
02:45:11 You know, this isn't their first rodeo.
02:45:14 Not the first.
02:45:16 Time they've subverted nations.
02:45:22 But yeah, you're right there.
02:45:23 Might be instances where they overplay their hand.
Speaker 8
02:45:27 And ultimately, it might be Muslims that end up being the.Devon
02:45:33 Being what derails things, it certainly doesn't seem to be.02:45:37 Whites or Christians, you know?
02:45:42 Or a classified cat.
02:45:43 I don't know if you heard that.
02:45:49 Yeah, you're not stopping the Jews either, are you?
Speaker 17
02:45:52 I know.Devon
02:46:03 Have you tried multi streaming on multiple?02:46:06 Now we're not worried about it right now.
02:46:09 I don't want to deal with that.
02:46:11 My I have bandwidth problems as it is and I know technically you're only streaming to one place that then re streams to other places it's.
02:46:18 Just I don't want to.
Speaker 8
02:46:19 Deal with that.Devon
02:46:21 People want to watch the replay.02:46:23 They can go watch the replay, but I'd rather have everyone.
02:46:28 I I don't want to cannibalize the audience either.
02:46:31 I don't want to disperse you.
02:46:32 I don't want.
02:46:32 To atomize the audience, you know, I mean.
02:46:35 I want to have you.
02:46:36 All in one place.
02:46:41 Please watch the century of self happiness machines on a stream.
02:46:46 It shows step by step the greatest generation.
02:46:50 Or subverting to consumerism by a certain group using 40, what's it called the century of self happiness machines?
02:47:00 I'll write this down.Devon
02:47:01 Sorry, I like I might not get to the stuff like I still have.02:47:04 I haven't watched Africa 80 or whatever that is called either, but.
Speaker 7
02:47:08 I'll add it.02:47:09 To my notes.
02:47:22 That's not the right one.
02:47:23 I've got, like too many.
02:47:24 Notes here.
02:47:34 What's it called?02:47:38 The century of self happiness machines.
02:48:03 This score is not a reliable place.
02:48:04 Yeah, this.
02:48:05 Score would be a temporary place.
02:48:08 UM.
02:48:14 Tell us about your time in prison.
02:48:15 It was it.
02:48:15 Wasn't technically prison.
02:48:18 But it's not a it's not like.
Speaker 7
02:48:20 That big of a deal?02:48:21 I'm not going to.
02:48:23 Not going to reveal.02:48:25 It's just trust me, it's.
02:48:26 Not that big of a deal.
02:48:29 There was a a short time in jail.
02:48:36 But yeah, no, it was fright.
02:48:37 It was like I said, it was instantly racially segregated.
02:48:42 I walked in.
02:48:44 I didn't know.
02:48:45 I you know, I was a fish out of water.
02:48:47 I know.
02:48:47 What the ****?
02:48:48 I was supposed to do.
02:48:50 They give you like this tub, this plastic tub.
02:48:54 You know that has, like, your stuff in it?
02:48:57 I mean, it's not like your stuff, the.
02:48:59 Stuff they give you, you know.
02:49:01 And I walked in.
02:49:03 And I just set it on like the nearest bunk bed because I didn't, you know, I.
02:49:07 Was just.
02:49:07 Didn't know what the **** I was doing.
02:49:09 And instantly.
02:49:12 Some white guy.
02:49:12 Walked out to me.
02:49:13 I was like, what are you doing?
02:49:15 And I was like, I don't know.
02:49:16 And he was like.
02:49:17 You bunk with who you run with.
02:49:20 And I was like what?
02:49:21 Does that mean?
02:49:24 And he was like you come over here with five other white people and I.
02:49:28 Was like, oh OK.
02:49:32 And then I picked up my tub and.
02:49:34 Went over to all the white people were.
02:49:37 That was literally the first thing my first interaction with inmates.
02:49:47 If you make a lot of money, you should not be thinking how can I give my kids the most comfortable upbringing?
02:49:53 You should be thinking how many kids do I need to have so I can't afford to give one of them a comfortable upbringing.
Speaker 7
02:50:01 I don't know you're talking about.Devon
02:50:04 How many kids do I need to have so I can't afford to give them any of?02:50:08 Them a comfortable green.
02:50:10 I mean, I don't know if you're saying that, like, kids shouldn't be comfortable and they shouldn't be spoiled.
02:50:21 So I mean, like I don't.
02:50:22 Yeah, I.
02:50:22 Don't know what I don't know.
02:50:23 You're getting out there.
02:50:26 You literally have an army here.
02:50:28 You are not solo.
02:50:29 Stop looking in the past and make the future your goal.
02:50:36 Well, like I said, we're trying to build communities and stuff.
02:50:40 It's just a.
02:50:43 You got to be realistic with what that future looks like.
02:50:47 They brainwashed us into thinking that is wrong to be privileged in our own country.
02:50:54 That is correct.
02:50:57 You know, and look, all every single scene in that show.
02:51:00 We were watching, it was just white people apologizing.
02:51:05 For white people over and over and over again, and just falling over themselves trying to have non whites in their community.
02:51:13 Hope is a dangerous fruit if eaten before it is ripened and the conditions are all too wrong, it can make even the strongest of men weaken and wither away.
02:51:22 If you were to wait for it to ripen, and the time and conditions to be just right hope can turn even the strongest of tides.
Speaker 8
02:51:30 Yeah, like I.Devon
02:51:31 I've never said that there's no hope.02:51:34 In fact, I've said that by giving people the false expectations and then failing per example, all the people that were saying that Q Anon was was raising morale, are they still saying that?
02:51:52 Are they still saying that if you promise big, wonderful things are going to happen and then you keep failing in the spectacular fashion?
02:52:03 That's the opposite.
02:52:04 As a morale campaign.
02:52:06 That's demoralizing.
02:52:09 If over and over, you keep telling people, well, if all we just need to get rid of these rhinos, we just need to elect these people and then this will happen and then it doesn't happen over and over and over again.
02:52:20 Yeah, you know, a new sucker is born every day.
02:52:23 You're going to keep finding more ******* that are going to buy it for a while, but ultimately, you're just demoralizing.
02:52:31 And not only that, you're putting them in harm's way because you're telling them a fairy tale about what the future is going.
02:52:37 To be like.
02:52:38 Just like you're you're no different than that.
02:52:41 That ******* show we just watched.
02:52:44 And then when they're put in the scenario where they're asked to have, you know, let's see here this ******* guy babysit their kid.
02:52:54 Because they've been lied to their whole lives about how we're all the same and just, you know, it's just racist skin.
02:53:03 Why, sure, go ahead.
02:53:05 Watch my kid.
02:53:06 I don't want to be a bigot.
02:53:09 Now your kid's ******* dead.
02:53:15 All these white pillars, you're doing a version of that.
02:53:19 You're putting people in danger because you're lying to them to make them feel better.
02:53:26 Ignorance might be bliss.
02:53:29 And maybe that's what you're selling?
Speaker 7
02:53:33 But it's dangerous.Devon
02:53:36 And it gets people killed.02:53:41 Now is the time where it's not so bad.
02:53:44 Now is the time that you should be preparing for when things get bad.
02:53:54 And now is the time that you can be building.
02:53:57 Communities that, yeah, you might not be able to to fully enjoy.
02:54:02 You won't be able to.
02:54:04 Which you're selling necessarily?
02:54:07 But that's the.
02:54:08 Problem so many.
02:54:11 You know, the thing that I heard again and again and again from my parents, that and I think a lot of white kids did and and white boomers seem to have this *******.
02:54:25 And there's it's a self delusion.
02:54:28 They justify not having anything to leave their children as oh, it builds character.
02:54:35 It builds character.
02:54:37 I'm going to make you go out there and and and make it on your own and it'll make you strong.
02:54:42 It'll make you tough.
Speaker 8
02:54:45 I had to pull myself up by my bootstraps and build it, but doodah.Devon
02:54:53 And they tell you this.02:54:56 So that you don't mind that they're ******* away what little inheritance you might have had.
02:55:05 And that's what's promoted by individualism, right?
02:55:11 Can't have collectivism?
02:55:14 Can't collectively pool your resources.
02:55:18 For something bigger and better for your people, even if that means your children.
02:55:26 Even if that's what you mean by your people, you.
02:55:28 Mean, literally, your genetics, your people.
02:55:30 No, no, no, no.
02:55:33 Can't have an inheritance for your children?
02:55:35 That ******* stupid poor man's.
02:55:42 That peasant ******* ideology.
02:55:47 That's been popularized probably before the boomers, but certainly practiced by the Boomers, and I see it bleeding over to this generation too.
Speaker 10
02:55:59 It makes you weak.Devon
02:56:02 It makes you unable to go.02:56:04 To present any kind of.
02:56:06 Resistance to people that do.
02:56:07 Have the ability to collectivize.
02:56:11 You don't stand a ******* chance.
02:56:18 And so when I say go build communities.
02:56:22 You you might not.
02:56:25 You might not ever get to enjoy fully.
02:56:32 Those communities you start.
02:56:35 Because it doesn't.
02:56:35 That's not the kind of thing you can start overnight, it's.
02:56:37 The It's the kind of thing you can get the ball rolling.
02:56:41 So what I'm trying to do out here.
02:56:46 You can get the ball rolling.
02:56:50 And look, not every community succeeds.
02:56:53 You might try to.
02:56:53 Get the ball rolling.
02:56:54 It goes nowhere.
02:57:00 But every every community in the world was started by someone.
02:57:08 You know, every institution in the world was started by someone.
02:57:17 No one's going to start these. No one's going to make these things for you.
02:57:25 So you can ***** about not having any institutions on your side and not having any communities and just, you know, just being atomized and all this other ****.
02:57:34 And then.
02:57:36 Hope that someone else comes and saves you like Q Anon or DeSantis or you know, whatever or Tucker.
02:57:46 You can live in that delusion.
02:57:50 That, you know, waiting for Superman to come.
02:57:56 Or you can start creating these things that we lack.
02:58:01 And not everyone's going to be successful.
02:58:04 But no one's going to be successful.
02:58:06 If no one tries.
02:58:15 You know, if enough of us start doing this, enough of us disconnect from the ticket.
02:58:22 The tight that's feeding you the breastfeeding.
02:58:25 You poisoned ******* milk.
02:58:31 Wean yourself off that ****.
02:58:36 And go out in the world and.
02:58:37 Try to start something.
02:58:40 Look, we're not all going to make it.
02:58:42 We're not all going to succeed.
02:58:45 But none of us are going to make it, and none of us are going to succeed unless we have people try this.
02:59:01 OK, a little couple more and.
02:59:04 I gotta get out of here.
02:59:08 Hello, my name is Jim.
02:59:09 I've been watching your content since the beginning.
02:59:11 I'm a philosopher of metaethics.
02:59:14 I would like to set up a discussion with you.
02:59:16 If interested, please contact me.
02:59:22 Yeah, I'm.
02:59:24 I mean, I I don't know.
02:59:26 Like it's not that I don't want talk to people, just to.
02:59:30 I have a lot of people request.
02:59:31 Is there?
02:59:32 A reason why?
02:59:36 I mean, I know your name.
02:59:36 Is Jim, but can you be?
02:59:38 More specific, you know, like I I, I don't know.
02:59:42 I'll look, I'll screenshot your e-mail address so I'll have it.
02:59:48 But I don't know.
02:59:49 I can't.
02:59:49 I can't.
02:59:50 I got a.
02:59:50 Lot of.
02:59:51 Messages and stuff and I I.
02:59:53 There's only so much I can do right now.
02:59:55 I'm pretty in over my head.
02:59:56 At the moment.
02:59:59 But I do appreciate it.
03:00:01 And like I said, who knows?
03:00:02 I screenshotted your e-mail.
03:00:03 Maybe I'll have a spare second.
03:00:11 I'm in a PowerPoint presentation preparing for when things do get bad.
03:00:14 It goes over topics such as strategic relocation.
03:00:17 Was wondering if you wanted.
03:00:18 To take a look at it.
03:00:19 Uh, and again, you sent to me.
03:00:23 But uh, you know.
03:00:27 I've got a long list of stuff.
03:00:28 I got to look at.
03:00:32 The only people use bootstraps in their lives are those who have no choice but to those who are neglected, those who don't have access to nepotism.
03:00:41 They don't understand how the world works.
03:00:43 People think that and act collectively.
03:00:45 They don't understand that.
03:00:51 Yeah, there's, that's the other thing too.
03:00:53 Is, like I said, it really.
03:00:55 It's the reason why I think so many people, not just boomers, but a lot of the boomer parents did this.
03:01:02 Would would cling to that like it was some kind of ******* virtue was they weren't neglecting their kids and it made them feel like, oh, no, I'm not neglecting my kids.
03:01:10 I'm making them tougher.
03:01:13 This is how you make your kid tough you.
03:01:15 Gotta kick the baby bird out of the nest.
03:01:19 And look, there's some truth to that.
03:01:21 Like they're, you know, it's not just complete insanity.
03:01:27 But to the degree that that a.
03:01:29 Lot of these parents took it to it was neglect.
03:01:33 It was neglected because both parents were working and the kids were getting raised by the TV and at the end of the, you know.
03:01:38 The childhood they didn't know their, I mean.
Speaker 10
03:01:42 My parents.Devon
03:01:44 If I didn't talk to them as an adult.03:01:47 Wouldn't know me that well, and my dad really doesn't even know me that well.
03:01:54 That's just.
03:01:54 That's normal though for for people, for Gen.
03:01:58 X and millennials, that's pretty normal.
03:02:01 If you had a boomer parent, or especially Dad.
03:02:05 They were.
03:02:07 Out to lunch.
03:02:10 You know, like they had their own ambitions.
03:02:13 And you weren't.
03:02:13 Part of that you know.
03:02:17 And I, like I said, I think that one of the mental games they play to feel better about that is that the whole.
03:02:27 Well, you know.
03:02:28 I don't want a baby.
03:02:29 I don't want to turn you into some Murphy little and look.
03:02:33 You're right, because what happened was.
03:02:36 That generation, a lot of what are their?
03:02:38 What are those kids do when they became parents?
03:02:42 Well, they overcorrected, right?
03:02:45 They made a bunch of *****.
03:02:48 You know, weak kids.
03:02:52 That that had over involvement in their lives from their parents, right?
03:02:59 So you got to find like a happy middle.
03:03:05 Because you don't want to just completely ignore your children and have them raised by the TV.
03:03:10 But you also don't want to, essentially.
Speaker 8
03:03:15 You know, like OK.Devon
03:03:17 It's kind of like I remember my my kid brother.03:03:19 I have a a brother.
03:03:20 That's significantly younger than me.
03:03:24 I would play video games.
03:03:27 When I would come visit.
03:03:30 My parents house because, you know, he was still like a little.
03:03:32 Kid, when I was out of the house.
03:03:35 And he would watch me play video games.
03:03:37 And I'd be.
03:03:37 Like, hey alright, your turn and he's.
03:03:38 Like no, I just want to watch you play.
03:03:42 And I was just like, what the ****, like.
Speaker 10
03:03:46 When I was.Devon
03:03:47 A kid we would fight over who got to.03:03:50 Play the video game.
03:03:53 And he never wanted to play the he just.
03:03:55 Wanted to watch.
Speaker 8
03:03:58 And it was just like a.Devon
03:04:00 Weird, but OK.03:04:03 And when this phenomenon where you had all these gaming streamers pop up on YouTube and then Twitch and stuff like that?
03:04:15 Baffled me.
03:04:15 I mean, like I, because I'm not that experienced my brother.
03:04:18 I kind of.
03:04:18 Knew it would.
03:04:19 Be a thing.
03:04:21 That would be like a generational thing.
03:04:23 Like, OK, I I don't understand why anyone would want to watch someone else.
03:04:30 Play a game.
03:04:32 You know, like I wouldn't want.
03:04:33 To do that like I'd want.
03:04:36 To play that ******* game.
03:04:38 I don't want to watch someone.
03:04:39 Else play the.
03:04:39 Game that doesn't.
Speaker 8
03:04:42 Which is why, by the way.Devon
03:04:43 I don't like watching professional sports.03:04:44 That doesn't.
03:04:45 Make any sense to me?
03:04:45 It's like alright, I I play football, but I don't want to watch someone else play a game.
03:04:50 I don't get it.
03:04:52 I don't get it.
03:04:56 But I think you have an extreme.
03:04:59 Version of this spectator personality.
03:05:06 Because the neglected kids.
03:05:09 Became parents.
03:05:11 And they said to themselves, I'm not going to be like that.
03:05:14 I'm going to be very involved in my child's life to the degree that they, they essentially do it all for them.
03:05:22 And the kids become spectators.
03:05:25 In their own life.
03:05:29 They just sit down.
03:05:30 On the sidelines and watch someone else do it all.
03:05:39 And unfortunately, that's.
03:05:42 That's the weak.
03:05:42 Men that make that make hard times.
03:05:52 But I think that's what's happened.
03:05:53 I think that's what's happened.
03:05:54 We've gotten to a point now where just so many people are just ******* spectators and we can't do that anymore.
03:06:00 We have that we have to build these communities, we have to get going and deal with that stuff.
03:06:04 And yeah, I, you know, like I am a little behind, like I said.
03:06:08 I got deadlines. I'm trying.
03:06:09 To meet I I got bills.
03:06:11 I got to pay as much as I would.
03:06:13 Love for this?
03:06:14 To pay and I don't have like a ton of bills, but I do have bills and and not exactly.
03:06:21 A whole lot of access to medical care, which is not, I'm relatively healthy now, but that's not going to last forever.
03:06:28 You know, and we're and just there's just things that like you need to have.
03:06:33 In place.
03:06:36 To be a real grown up that I can't afford just by doing this.
03:06:41 Especially with them shutting down.
03:06:44 Monetization and every ******* turn and and, you know my book getting kicked off Amazon.
Speaker 7
03:06:50 All that stuff.Speaker 8
03:06:51 Oh yeah, it.Devon
03:06:53 I'll never let them win, but it's not.03:06:56 Like it has no effect.
03:06:59 And so it just means I have to work twice as hard and I.
03:07:01 Told you guys, I'm not going to quit.
03:07:05 So yeah, maybe I gotta.
03:07:07 I gotta make.
03:07:09 Posters and mugs and T-shirts and other crap and stuff like that.
03:07:13 I can I can shill or something.
03:07:14 I don't know.
03:07:15 I just don't.
03:07:16 I'm not.
03:07:16 I don't like that's not in my nature to shill stuff.
03:07:21 So it just doesn't come naturally to me.
03:07:24 But maybe I got it just as a necessity.
03:07:26 I got to do that.
03:07:27 I was thinking of some cool stuff though, that I could.
03:07:30 That wouldn't be like the same kind of crap that everyone gets, you know, like.
Speaker 8
03:07:34 Oh, it's a.Devon
03:07:35 CafePress website or you know, whatever the new ones are where you just make.03:07:39 T-shirts and mugs.
Speaker 8
03:07:40 And you're just up.03:07:41 You're all you're.
03:07:42 Doing is you're uploading like a ******* logo and then it.Speaker 7
03:07:44 Does everything else.Devon
03:07:45 I mean not there's anything wrong with that and I might do that too, but I was.03:07:48 Thinking like what's something I can do.
03:07:51 That would be actually something that like from me, right?
03:07:56 Like it wouldn't be some EPS file that I upload to a website that gets printed out across, you know, by some Chinese slave labor kid and shoved in a box and then mailed to you like.
03:08:10 It's really.
03:08:11 And again, not there's, you know, whatever it is what it is.
03:08:14 But what's something I could do that would actually be a product of of my labor and not just, you know.
03:08:23 An overpriced ****** mug with with my logo printed on it or something like that.
Speaker 10
03:08:30 That that I.Devon
03:08:31 Don't even get the biggest cut out of.03:08:32 Like, you'd be surprised how little you make off that ****.
03:08:35 Unless I'm just.
03:08:36 I've been using the wrong companies every time I've done that, I think the most I've ever made off of merch.
03:08:43 In a month was like 60 bucks or something like that and I saw that was like a month.
03:08:47 I sold like a.
Speaker 8
03:08:48 Because it was.Devon
03:08:48 Like when I first I showed up for like a couple days on a couple of videos and it was before like YouTube was like they never let me have like the.03:09:00 The little buttons.
03:09:01 Below the video, like a lot of people.
03:09:03 Get even though I qualified it like a metal requirements it.
03:09:06 Would not activate it because that was bad.
03:09:08 Just like they never sent me.
03:09:09 The plaque, you know, I was.
03:09:11 On the bad list already.
03:09:13 But I did.
03:09:14 I did show it and I I don't know how many I sold, but like that was when I saw.
03:09:18 That I only.
03:09:18 Got like 60 bucks from it.
03:09:19 I was like.
03:09:22 No, because that means that means the company that that, that made this crap.
03:09:28 I'm sure they made more than 60 bucks.
03:09:31 But anyway, but I've been thinking like different things I could do that would actually be from me, you know, like it would be like something that you'd want and uh.
03:09:43 I don't know, I've I've been kicking around different ideas in terms of that. Maybe I could sell, sell weird stuff from Carl's house. Do you guys want to buy?
03:09:51 Some VHS ****.
Speaker 8
03:09:55 I still have a bunch of that I'm I'm trying to.03:09:59 I'm trying.
03:09:59 I'm big on whether or not.
03:10:00 I should blank out the VHS **** tapes and use them for blank tapes.03:10:05 Which I don't really have a I mean, there's so many of them I wouldn't have.
03:10:07 The use.
03:10:08 For that.
03:10:08 I mean, there's cool our projects, I can maybe do with them or something like that, I don't know, sell them on eBay.
03:10:14 I don't know.
03:10:17 I've thought about burning them.
03:10:19 I do like an anti **** video and have actual like, do you like a instead of like a book burning?
03:10:24 Do you a **** burning?
03:10:27 You know, or I could even do a live stream.
03:10:28 Maybe I could.
03:10:29 Live stream burning ****.
03:10:33 From Carl's house.
03:10:35 That could be kind of fun.
03:10:38 Had like a camera set up and.
03:10:41 Have like a big fire barrel that I'm throwing **** into.
03:10:44 That'd be kind of cool.
03:10:46 Maybe we'll do that, maybe we'll do that.
03:10:48 Actually not a bad idea.
03:10:50 So anyway, with that I bid you guys all a deal.
03:10:54 I will have that this court stuff worked out eventually.
03:10:59 I yeah, I I it it.
03:11:01 It's something I think about all the time.
03:11:03 It's just like one of those things.
03:11:04 Like, I got to do that.
03:11:05 I gotta do that.
03:11:05 But, like, you know, just some other things are going on having to constantly be on phone calls with clients and emailing and.
03:11:14 Doing the actual work and then working on this stuff and everything else.
03:11:18 So it's.
03:11:20 I haven't had a a whole lot of free time.
03:11:22 I just put that way, but that's part of why I need to get cracking on a discord service so I can have the at least the ability to delegate because I know there's people out there that want to help.
03:11:34 Hope you guys enjoyed this.
03:11:37 For Black pilled, I am of course.
03:11:41 Devon stag.
Speaker 25
03:11:52 I've told you.03:11:53 Leave me alone.
Speaker 14
03:11:57 Ohh some *** **** unemployment.Speaker 25
03:12:05 Ohh yeah.03:12:08 Oh, that's it, that's it.
03:12:13 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.