

Speaker 1
00:00:00 It's hard to wheel fingers.
00:03:05 Gotta fit you.
00:03:14 You know, right.
00:05:01 That's right.
Speaker 4
00:05:58 I want.
Speaker 1
00:05:58 From my machine.
00:06:33 Oh, I can't take another.
00:06:37 You say you're my friend.
00:06:41 You say your lovers mortified, but that don't call inside.
00:06:46 Well, the things.
00:06:47 To do and when I ask you.
00:06:51 To the night.
Speaker 5
00:06:53 You say you.
Speaker 1
00:06:54 Gotta be cruel to be kind.
00:06:59 To be kind.
00:07:00 And she buried the son.
00:07:05 I love you.
00:07:18 Well, I do my best to understand.
00:07:22 But you're still mystify.
00:07:24 I want to know why I picked.
00:07:27 Myself up off the ground and.
00:07:29 Have you knocked me?
00:07:31 Back down again and again, and when I.
00:07:36 To explain.
00:07:38 You say you gotta be right to be kind, to be kind.
00:07:51 I love you, baby.
00:08:22 To understand wanna know why I picked myself up off the ground to have you knock me back down again.
00:08:37 When I ask you.
00:08:41 You said you gotta think to be kind in the right direction.
00:09:06 Very, very good.
Speaker 2
00:09:10 Love you.
Speaker 1
00:09:22 Very, very, very good.
00:09:27 Love is very, very.
00:09:45 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:50 I'm your host Devin.
00:09:51 Snack this Saturday evening.
00:09:54 I'm going to turn my AC down a.
00:09:56 Little I think it's probably pretty loud.
00:09:58 Even if it gets a little hot in here.
00:10:00 Let's see here.
00:10:04 There we go.
00:10:06 Made it slightly.
00:10:07 It'll kick in it.
00:10:08 It takes it a second for it to slow down.
00:10:10 For some reason.
00:10:13 All righty.
00:10:14 I don't know if that's any better, but you know, hopefully it's a little bit better.
00:10:18 There might be a cricket that joins us, there's a cricket somewhere behind me and I can't find where he is, but he's really loud.
00:10:25 And then I might add to the atmosphere.
00:10:28 Anyway, this is the insomnia strain ghetto school edition.
00:10:31 Of course I'm your host, Devin Stack.
00:10:32 Thank you for joining us.
00:10:35 And we're going to go.
00:10:37 We've got quite a bit to.
00:10:38 Go over.
00:10:38 Tonight it's.
00:10:41 I don't know.
00:10:41 I don't I.
00:10:42 I don't like to say special edition cause I think.
00:10:44 They're all special, right?
00:10:47 But this is.
00:10:50 This took a little bit of time to put together and it's just.
00:10:55 It's going to explain a lot.
00:10:56 It's going to explain a lot, a lot of what I've been trying to explain to a lot of people for a.
00:11:00 Long time this will help hit at home a little bit more.
00:11:04 In fact, it'll even explain this.
00:11:05 Everyone's seen this clip going around.
00:11:08 Going viral this, along with many other clips like it, the oh look.
00:11:15 It's black people being terrible in public.
00:11:17 That's like.
00:11:20 You know it's it's one of these.
00:11:21 Well, at least they're not killing anyone.
00:11:23 Like, if this is, if this can be an outlet where they can just be public nuisances and no one dies, maybe this is preferable, right?
00:11:33 Well, let's just get in there instead of going to random peoples houses.
00:11:37 And then there I guess that same guy is now stealing peoples dogs.
00:11:40 Haha, that's funny.
00:11:42 Let's get in peoples cars.
00:11:47 What are you doing?
00:11:50 This is.
00:11:50 My Uber no.
Speaker 7
00:11:52 You just pull you just.
Speaker 8
00:11:54 Wait, that's not an Uber cab.
00:11:57 It's not an Uber to get out of my car.
Speaker 10
00:12:00 Areba, I insist.
00:12:02 Section 12.
Speaker 10
00:12:03 Well, don't angry.
Speaker 8
00:12:20 Just go now mate.
Speaker 11
00:12:21 OK, so there was a.
00:12:22 Problem because I'm not an Uber.
00:12:23 All right.
00:12:24 Well, anyway, and just like, just like last time I made a remix of what this will happen, what will happen to the people if they do this to me.
00:12:34 It's going to go down a little bit differently.
00:12:44 Now this one's a.
00:12:45 Little shorter.
Speaker 12
00:12:50 But uh yeah.
00:12:52 **** around, find out.
00:12:53 Notice how a lot of these guys are doing this **** in the UK where there are no, there's no danger of getting shot.
00:12:59 In the face for doing the wrong thing.
00:13:04 Yeah, this is uh, this is the awesome.
00:13:06 New trend.
00:13:07 Ah, it's.
00:13:08 Oh, look, it's black people being public nuisances, but at least they're not killing anyone.
00:13:13 At least they're not setting anybody on fire.
00:13:16 At least no one dies.
00:13:18 Well, no one dies unless they try this **** in America.
00:13:22 Then they die, OK.
00:13:28 In fact, that so one of them almost died.
00:13:30 There was that video going.
00:13:31 Around this this.
Speaker 12
00:13:33 Black guy.
00:13:34 Oh, being really funny.
00:13:35 Pretending to like pour gasoline on people's cars and then and then a boomer came out with, you know, with a gun and was like you almost ******* died just now.
00:13:46 So **** around and find out and I hope, look, I just I I'll just say it, I hope I hope all of these people doing this ****.
00:13:53 I hope they do die, hope they all die.
00:13:56 That's all I'm going to say.
00:13:57 I hope they all die.
00:13:58 All of them, but something that might.
00:14:00 Explain this behavior a little bit.
00:14:03 Is like.
00:14:04 That's The funny thing, people.
00:14:05 Oh, it's a new trend.
00:14:06 It's a new is it?
00:14:07 Is it really?
00:14:09 Is it a new trend?
00:14:11 Is this?
00:14:12 Is this the socioeconomic pressures I'm always hearing about is that.
00:14:16 What it is?
00:14:17 It's a new trend.
00:14:18 Is it?
00:14:19 OK?
00:14:20 It's a new problem.
00:14:22 Really, it's an. It's OK. Alright, let's see. Let's see how new IT is. Let's just have a look at how new IT is. So I found this documentary from 1966.
00:14:35 And in fact, this is what led to busing.
00:14:40 Because they were having problems with what they called.
00:14:43 It's kind of funny because they didn't have a.
00:14:44 Problem back then.
00:14:45 Just saying, well it it.
00:14:46 Here's the.
00:14:47 Thing they're they're the dog whistle, code word back then instead of calling it ***** schools or black schools when they were talking about schools in New York, they call them ghetto schools.
00:14:59 Well, just so happen ghetto schools.
00:15:01 Or, you know, we're like 90% black.
00:15:04 And they couldn't figure out why all these ghetto schools were underperforming.
00:15:09 So they got the the best and the brightest Jews at NYU to come try to figure it out and try to get them to up up to par cause like they couldn't even read a lot of these people.
00:15:21 And this was a documentary that followed a lot of these NYU experts, experts on, on reaching ghetto kids.
00:15:29 You know, literal Michelle Pfeiffer's going into the inner city. That that's. That's what that turned into. It went from ghetto kids to inner city. Now it's inner city.
00:15:39 Right.
00:15:39 Matt Walsh.
00:15:40 It's inner city kids that don't have fathers.
00:15:45 And so it transformed inner city.
00:15:47 But it's the same thing.
00:15:49 These these inner city ghetto, let's just stop being around the look black people.
00:15:56 Let's just say black people.
Speaker 12
00:15:58 Stop, stop.
00:15:59 Stop being afraid of hurting black.
00:16:01 People's feelings.
00:16:03 OK, the the guy, the guy getting into the car, is he afraid of hurting white people's feelings?
00:16:10 Are any black people afraid of hurting white people's feelings?
Speaker 12
00:16:15 So why are you afraid of hurting?
00:16:16 Black people's feelings.
00:16:21 You have to be like the the intro song said.
00:16:23 You have to be cruel to be kind.
Speaker 12
00:16:26 Right.
00:16:29 So this is how the the documentary opens up.
Speaker 13
00:16:34 September and the kids are off to school, most of them off to their neighborhood public school.
00:16:46 But the neighborhoods have changed.
00:16:47 Look at those scholars.
Speaker 13
00:16:48 Where once the public schools truly represented a cross section of children of varied incomes and backgrounds, today unwillingly but inevitably, many City Schools have become ghetto schools, a concentration.
00:17:01 I like how.
00:17:01 They're like, willingly, but inevitably or unwillingly, but inevitably.
Speaker 10
00:17:09 That that's what they're.
00:17:10 Talking about white fly, they're talking about all the blacks from the South that migrated into big cities.
00:17:17 That's why this concentration happened.
00:17:19 We've we, we when we were talking about the the riots in Detroit, same thing.
00:17:24 This happened to big cities all across the country when they freed the slaves.
00:17:28 They didn't just stay in the in the South.
00:17:30 And hang out, they migrated to.
00:17:32 All the big cities.
00:17:34 And they they drove the white people out all of a sudden, all these Yankees that were very pro, let's free the slaves.
00:17:41 Let's have civil rights and all this fun stuff.
00:17:43 We're like, **** living.
00:17:44 Next to these guys.
Speaker 12
00:17:47 All of a sudden.
00:17:48 When it's on, it's on their.
00:17:49 Doorstep **** got real.
00:17:51 And by the way, all the ******* white boomers that live in their little gated communities with their Mcmansions and ********.
00:17:57 Same exact ****** ******* thing will happen to you if you ever end up having to live in the ghetto all you're like I have a black friend because there's some affirmative action higher at your office that hangs out and watches the same Marvel movies as you do and acts like a ******* white guy with a A.
00:18:11 A sweater vest.
00:18:12 Like that's your idea of what black people are like?
00:18:14 Well, guess what.
00:18:17 That's the exception, not the rule, so the rule moved into New York City in great numbers and drove out all well, all the other people, really.
00:18:27 And as a result, because school districts are are drawn out to to include the people who live near them, it's a matter of convenience.
00:18:36 It just makes sense to have, you know, the same community going to the same school.
00:18:41 And so that's why all of a sudden these schools turned black.
00:18:45 And all of a sudden these schools started underperforming.
00:18:49 But they act as if it was some kind of like magical force happened.
00:18:52 Like all of a sudden.
00:18:53 Ohh, we don't understand why these ghetto schools just started underperforming.
00:18:58 All these scholars jogging to go jogging to school every day, what's going on?
Speaker 13
00:19:02 Of race, poverty and defeat.
Speaker 14
00:19:05 You put a school down in the middle of a ghetto and you're there.
00:19:11 And then the principal and his staff and the secretary.
00:19:15 Areas they are down, down in there and they must then continue what is known as the educational process.
Speaker 15
00:19:21 The teachers are turned off somewhat.
00:19:23 The administrators are turned off, some are.
00:19:24 I'm turned off.
00:19:25 I what I'm trying to say really, the total picture here is that nobody can function well and effectively in the ghetto.
00:19:36 What is it about the ghetto?
00:19:38 These ghettos were pretty nice neighborhoods decades ago.
00:19:42 Why is it magically gone?
00:19:44 See, this is what happens when you ignore biology.
00:19:48 You have to come up with all these ******* ******** reasons why things happen.
00:19:52 You know it's the same thing.
00:19:53 The magic dirt of America.
00:19:54 Like you're not an American unless you step over onto America now, you're magically an American.
Speaker 12
00:20:02 Right.
00:20:03 You're just magically American because you live here. You got an H1B1 visa or you, or maybe you just snuck across your parents, snuck across and and and you plopped out of her. Your mom's uterus, like, right on the other side of the the Rio Grande. Now you're American.
00:20:19 Right.
00:20:19 Because it's the magic dirt that's making you an American.
00:20:22 It's just the fact that you're in this economic zone that makes you an American.
00:20:26 It's because you shop at the ******* globalist mall called America that makes you an American.
00:20:33 Well, it's the same thing with the ghettos.
00:20:35 Well, it's it's it works in reverse somehow.
00:20:37 Now there's these little parts of America that are really bad called the ghetto.
00:20:42 And if somehow you live in these ghettos, which by just pure coincidence, all black people want to live in these places, apparently they they flock to these areas.
00:20:51 These these like evils, these cursed.
00:20:54 Lands right there.
00:20:55 There's some witchcraft going on.
00:20:58 Where if you you walk into the ghetto and now all of a sudden you're never going to go anywhere with your life, you're not going to be able to perform at the same level as anyone else.
00:21:07 You're just going to suck it everything because of.
00:21:09 The the It's the ghetto.
Speaker 15
00:21:12 That everybody in it is overwhelmed by the circumstance and by everybody else in it, and it's a total condition which is pressing in upon us.
Speaker 14
00:21:18 We've lost them already. These kids are now 14/15/16.
00:21:21 Years old. What?
00:21:23 We can do with them is nothing more than.
00:21:24 A holding action.
Speaker 15
00:21:26 And just to get the rest of the record straight, teacher training hasn't been making it either I've trained.
00:21:31 Hundreds, literally thousands.
00:21:33 And you know, some of the ones that have really, literally broken my heart have been some of my best students who would leave that nice classroom and come out to work in your school or school, like it and quit psychologically within one day.
00:21:43 So having quit the first day they come on a job, another quit one week later and some of them run.
00:21:47 Suburb, but the the the IT is the debacle in terms of what happens to young people who get slaughtered when they.
00:21:52 Come into reality.
00:21:56 Ohh yes, we're going to see what happens in terms of reality when all these academics that that that from NYU that say oh, we can fix.
00:22:04 This we can fix this.
00:22:07 We just have to magically, there's our cricket friend here.
00:22:14 And there you.
00:22:16 I've been enjoying that all night.
Speaker 12
00:22:20 So the the.
00:22:21 The schools are now they're just, they're just magically bad for no reason.
00:22:26 So NYU is going to swoop in, they're going to use their big brains to try to fix.
00:22:30 These ghetto schools.
00:22:31 They can't figure out well, how come the kids are just giving up?
00:22:34 They're not doing it as well.
00:22:35 They're not performing as well as the.
00:22:37 The the white kids in the white schools.
00:22:39 The I'm sorry, the suburb schools, the the non, the non ghetto schools.
Speaker 13
00:22:44 The public schools, according to the goals set for them back in the 1840s, are supposed to be equal, if not superior to any private school. But are they?
00:22:57 In New York City, ***** and Puerto Rican children now outnumber white children in the public schools, and that's the case in more and more City Schools across the country.
00:23:11 I like how like we're we're not even like a few minutes in, they already answered the question they the documentary should have ended right there.
00:23:20 Hey, we figured it out.
Speaker 12
00:23:23 We figured it out already.
00:23:27 No, but wait, wait.
00:23:28 Now we have the.
00:23:28 Whole documentary.
00:23:29 Well, that's just that's just a that's.
00:23:31 Just a coincidence.
00:23:32 It's it's really doesn't have to do with anything other than the, that's just, you know, that's just it's I'm sure.
00:23:38 White supremacy or something, will, will will happen.
Speaker 13
00:23:41 1200 students attend junior High 57, a pleasant ghetto school in Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvesant district. 3/4 of the children are *****, 1/4 are Puerto Rican. There are 12 white pupils.
00:23:55 There you go there.
Speaker 13
00:23:55 What kind of?
00:23:57 Again problem.
00:23:58 We identified the issue.
00:24:01 There's only 12 white kids.
00:24:03 That's why your test scores suck.
00:24:05 There's literally there's 12 white kids in your whole school.
00:24:08 That's why they're not performing at the same level as a white school boom answer.
Speaker 13
00:24:14 Of an education.
00:24:15 Are these children getting?
00:24:17 As is typical of ghetto 7th graders, this class enters junior high already 2 1/2 years behind the national norms.
00:24:25 If they actually succeed in finishing it.
00:24:29 Alright, I'm gonna.
00:24:30 I'll let.
00:24:31 I'll let the man.
Speaker 12
00:24:33 Just it's just so hard.
00:24:34 Like every sentence.
00:24:35 He's just it's like ah.
00:24:37 You see how much ******** this country has had to go through because we ignore a simple, simple ******* fact.
00:24:44 A simple fact that until World War Two was just believed by everybody in this country.
00:24:51 A simple fact that literally the whole world believed until World War 2 and big big band Mr.
00:25:01 Hitler came around and scared the Jews into a frenzy.
00:25:05 So this is this is what's going on.
00:25:08 This is we already know what the problem is.
00:25:11 Of course they're not performing at the same level as the the white national average.
00:25:16 But don't worry that I'm sure the national average will be brought down as the demographics change throughout the entire country.
Speaker 13
00:25:23 High school.
00:25:24 They will by that time have fallen five years behind Principal New Schwartz has been true for many, many years.
00:25:32 Sports lots. Lots of new.
00:25:34 York Jews in this documentary like baffled by this.
Speaker 14
00:25:37 Years about 1012% of our school that is learning.
00:25:43 On a what might be termed a fair level and even on a high level, but our basic problem is we've got this 90% of the school which just is not moving ahead.
00:25:52 These kids, if you would meet them anywhere, that's 90%, meet them around school, in school, outside of school, they respond and respond well.
00:26:00 Question is something happens to them in the classroom situation in the school situation?
Speaker 16
00:26:02 That one.
Speaker 10
00:26:05 Which keeps them from.
Speaker 13
00:26:07 These harsh facts have rocked the educational community across the country.
00:26:11 University educators are coming down from their ivory towers to find out what has gone wrong in the unique experiment, Jack Robertson, Professor of Education at New York University, and his NYU specialists are joining forces with Principal Lou Schwartz and his staff to see if together.
00:26:28 They can help salvage this particular 7th grade.
00:26:32 For we are at war and at stake. Our America's ghetto kids. But we fight with weapons that are from a different age, and we must find new ones. When this is the battlefield.
00:26:54 NYU plans to divide the 17 classes of the 7th grade into six clusters, each made-up of three classes that will share the same teachers and an NYU cluster leader.
00:27:07 This is one such class.
Speaker 17
00:27:20 Linda, are you going?
00:27:24 This morning.
Speaker 13
00:27:28 This is Class 75 and a new teacher at junior High 57. Freddy coming off teaches them English. They'll be part of 1 new cluster.
Speaker 17
00:27:29 They're gonna take.
Speaker 18
00:27:37 Alright, please please get with it.
Speaker 17
00:27:42 I'm waiting for attention still from everybody.
00:27:45 I asked you to do something this morning.
00:27:48 We did a little bit of it, but we didn't finish and I'm going to continue with everybody.
00:27:52 Please take out your notebook and turn to a clean.
00:27:55 If you need paper then ask me.
00:28:06 Calvin, you have you.
00:28:07 Well, I can't imagine why they're not learning.
00:28:10 I can't imagine.
00:28:12 This must because of this magical ghetto.
00:28:14 Line that they're talking about, right?
00:28:17 It's just you.
00:28:18 You step into this ghetto.
00:28:19 And and you you you turn into an animal.
Speaker 17
00:28:23 So I ask you.
Speaker 2
00:28:36 Mom. Mom.
Speaker 19
00:28:40 And mouth, that's so.
Speaker 17
00:28:44 Ralph said the smelling is different, yes.
00:28:53 Is the sound really the same?
00:28:55 Do these?
00:28:55 Words rhyme, or if so, which ones rhyme.
00:29:00 What can explain to George what's happening?
00:29:08 So all the people that are like, oh, wow, wow, these black kids these days are really disrespect, disrespectful in schools.
00:29:17 They always were.
00:29:19 They always were.
00:29:21 The only difference was is they were more that like this is.
00:29:25 This is considerably more well behaved than a lot of the stuff we've seen recently.
00:29:29 Right.
00:29:30 A lot of these videos, not that those incidents didn't happen.
00:29:33 You remember this, this footage, you got a you have.
00:29:35 A full film crew.
00:29:37 Back then.
00:29:39 To to get this footage.
00:29:40 So this is them probably trying to behave like a little bit because it's not like some like hidden camera.
00:29:46 It's not just some kid like pulling out his phone real quick and getting some secret footage that no one.
00:29:50 Knows is happening.
00:29:51 They know there's people there.
00:29:53 Getting footage.
00:29:55 This is probably one of their better days.
Speaker 2
00:30:01 Love you.
Speaker 13
00:30:16 The hallways are a way of life while the classes go on, they are never empty and rarely quiet.
Speaker 19
00:30:27 I've been sitting on a snack.
00:30:42 Sit down, Stephen.
Speaker 13
00:30:44 Gabe McGuire, 23 years old.
00:30:46 Is the school's math teacher in this same cluster and is the official teacher for Class 714 as well?
Speaker 19
00:30:47 Very good, alright.
00:30:48 Starting here.
Speaker 3
00:30:53 7 miles on the old highway.
Speaker 18
00:30:56 Until he gets to the city.
Speaker 19
00:31:06 Wait just a second saying.
Speaker 9
00:31:07 You got the wrong answer.
Speaker 20
00:31:08 Do you?
Speaker 9
00:31:10 How do you know?
Speaker 19
00:31:15 Because you won't get 110.
Speaker 20
00:31:21 I think one thing that I have come with.
00:31:23 These kids is the.
00:31:23 Fact that I.
Speaker 20
00:31:24 Was from a large family of eight children.
00:31:27 Her father was still worker.
00:31:31 I'm from a broken home.
00:31:32 It was just mental turmoil there for a long period of time.
00:31:37 And I sense the confusion that many of these kids exist under.
00:31:41 Now I can.
00:31:43 I can sense it now because I've lived, lived under the same kind of thing.
00:31:48 Now here's The funny thing this.
00:31:49 Is the the one guy.
00:31:51 That that kind of understands that the NYU stuff is ********.
00:31:55 Well, some of the other white teachers get it, too, because they're just like, no, you get you none of.
00:31:59 None of your little fancy NYU tactics are going to help this mess, but he's coming from a from a totally different angle.
00:32:06 He's saying basically look like we can't live up to these white standards.
00:32:10 He doesn't put it that way.
00:32:11 That's basically what.
00:32:12 He's saying he's saying we can't live up to these white standards.
00:32:15 I can't teach these kids math.
00:32:17 I can't teach these people how to read.
00:32:20 Maybe I can give them like a functional level of reading like so they can read subway signs and **** like that.
00:32:26 But that's that's about all you can expect and I should be teaching them social skills like so they're not like a menace when they're on the streets.
00:32:34 Because that, that's that's really the best thing we can do.
00:32:38 And he knows this.
00:32:40 And and it's funny cause it it's it totally reminds me of of this other documentary from a year later and we'll we might go into this one later.
00:32:48 This is from 1967. It was a a racial prejudice workshop where they got a bunch of, you know, different racial people and made them live at this house for six days.
00:32:59 Together and and blame white people for all their problems.
00:33:02 And there there's a clip where that the black power guy basically is, you know, he's like the Malcolm X wannabe is complaining about white people and and how, you know, you know, everything's white. People's fault.
00:33:16 And one of the white kids asked him, like, well, would you have preferred to have been born white?
Speaker 3
00:33:24 Would you rather been born white?
Speaker 21
00:33:27 But you're not quite being honest.
Speaker 9
00:33:29 I will all admit it, but which?
Speaker 22
00:33:31 Is the fact that I'm here that I'm dressed as I am, and that I I'm doing things that I am mainly going to school where I am and that I'll probably end up doing.
00:33:39 Things that I will do.
00:33:42 That I probably I'm going to in even if I don't consciously admit that I'd like to be white, I'm going to.
Speaker 2
00:33:49 Are you emulating are you emulating?
Speaker 18
00:33:50 Running white people.
00:33:51 Are you just emulating happiness for yourself, I mean?
Speaker 22
00:33:56 Happiness for myself and happiness, holding, holding happiness for myself, is, since I am an American, regrettably.
Speaker 1
00:33:56 Because what do you think?
Speaker 18
00:33:57 About your dress like you think you should dress with an African.
Speaker 22
00:34:08 Since I am American and in America.
00:34:11 Then that becomes white America.
00:34:13 I must emulate what White America defines as.
Speaker 12
00:34:20 See and look.
00:34:22 As much as he's a giant ****** ***, he's he's not wrong.
00:34:27 This is where we get into this, this, this little ******* word game with with the anti whites where they talk.
00:34:34 They say it's white supremacy.
00:34:35 It's like, no, it's white primacy.
00:34:37 We have a country.
00:34:38 Built by white people.
00:34:40 For white people and then you and look in the case of.
00:34:42 Black people, you can't really get too upset.
00:34:44 They were brought here against their will, but a lot of people that show up, they came here willingly knowing this.
00:34:50 And he he makes a good point that, like, look like.
00:34:53 Yeah, I'm when the woman asked, like, well, if you know, why don't you wear African garb and all this other stuff?
00:34:59 And he's like well, cuz I'm in this white society that that prioritizes a certain way of of living.
00:35:05 And and, you know, has all these values that were defined by white people in order for me to achieve.
00:35:10 Anything in this society I have to basically act white and he's right and he should have to.
00:35:17 Quite frankly, that's where that's where people get like.
00:35:20 This is where you get the old white people mentality of of.
Speaker 12
00:35:23 Saying no, no, no, no.
00:35:25 We're all the.
00:35:26 Same racist.
00:35:27 No, you're wrong.
00:35:28 Race isn't skin deep.
00:35:29 This guy recognizes it.
00:35:30 I recognize it.
00:35:31 And you need to ******* recognize it.
00:35:33 You need to understand that just because you see certain things as as beneficial.
00:35:38 This society, in a certain way of life, is the way that you want to live.
00:35:42 Just because you see that and the people like you see that.
00:35:46 Doesn't mean that everyone else wants to, and it has way bigger implications than just this guy's happiness. This guys like struggle to, like, assimilate into a society that wasn't built by him, that he'll never fit into.
00:35:58 Because the implication that that because that doesn't affect you, right?
00:36:01 That doesn't affect you.
00:36:03 The implication is that if there's enough of these people that don't like the way that this is set up that don't like the way that this this is structured because for the same reason this guy doesn't like it, that it wasn't structured by his ancestors for their descendants.
00:36:17 It wasn't set up for him and it doesn't operate.
00:36:20 The way that he wants to in order for him to succeed, he has to put on a ******* white a white person.
00:36:26 He's going to want to change it.
00:36:28 As as Obama said, right, like now, we're gonna fundamentally change America.
00:36:36 That was on his election speech.
00:36:41 Like when he when he won the election, they brought out like the big ironically, the big Roman pillars, the Styrofoam Roman pillars, and put them up up on this big stage, he said.
00:36:52 They're going to fundamentally change America.
00:36:54 Well, I think that process has already started taking place.
00:36:56 But he certainly made a lot of progress in that, that direct.
00:37:00 Even and now, when you find yourself like trying to figure out, like, well, how come the society is getting so anti white?
00:37:10 Because there's, there's, there's fewer white people.
00:37:16 What you want society to look like isn't what they want it to look like.
Speaker 12
00:37:21 So why are?
00:37:21 You surprised when there's more of them, it it ceases to.
00:37:24 Look like that.
00:37:27 I mean, we talk about the racial narcissism of black people, but look, white people have racial narcissism, too.
00:37:32 It's more hubris than anything else.
00:37:34 It's like, oh, well, we've we've made these great societies.
00:37:37 Therefore everyone should want.
00:37:38 To live like this.
00:37:42 Well, they don't.
00:37:44 Partially because many of them are incapable of it.
00:37:49 Like these ghetto kids.
00:37:52 These it's funny because you'll hear like, oh, a lot of educators will say, well, let's just get rid of standardized testing and white people.
Speaker 14
00:38:01 I'm like what?
00:38:05 Well, if if look if you want to get black kids through in any number in any large number to get them through the education system, you're going to have to do away with things that would have worked perfectly well with white people.
00:38:22 And justice, like having these standards that that black people can't meet.
00:38:28 In these education systems end up having a negative impact on the black people because they can't meet those standards.
00:38:34 Reforming these standards so they can meet them.
00:38:37 Guess what?
00:38:38 It's a 0 sum game.
00:38:39 The white kids in that system will now suffer.
00:38:46 Because now they're they're they're they're they're not.
00:38:49 Being challenged enough.
00:38:55 So anyway, back to a year prior, 1966.
Speaker 9
00:39:01 You sit over there, bro.
00:39:03 Sit over here.
00:39:04 So I don't trip on you alright now.
00:39:15 This is this is a A do gooder Jew that decided to go to the ghetto and and.
00:39:20 Teach the inner city kids cause he was or the ghetto kids.
00:39:24 You know anything but.
00:39:25 But black kids, right?
00:39:26 Because he thought.
00:39:28 I'm gonna help solve this problem too.
Speaker 16
00:39:32 Not an angry.
Speaker 9
00:39:39 What happened?
Speaker 13
00:39:41 Sal signal is the school science teacher for the new cluster and will work with gay, Freddie and.
00:39:46 Others to plan.
00:39:47 New programs together with their NYU cluster leader.
Speaker 3
00:39:51 Or more.
Speaker 16
00:39:57 They're fine.
Speaker 21
00:40:06 Right.
Speaker 19
00:40:12 Miss Mr.
Speaker 9
00:40:25 Lose their property, but we can separate.
Speaker 2
00:40:27 Them we can get married.
Speaker 19
00:40:28 Again, right.
00:40:30 What can we get from this?
00:40:31 Can you tell me?
Speaker 9
00:40:33 What you want?
Speaker 19
00:40:35 Tell me why.
00:40:36 What I feel bad for is those 12.
00:40:37 White kids that had to go to this school.
Speaker 9
00:40:44 The business make you some money.
Speaker 13
00:40:46 Saul has just become a teacher at 52 years of age.
Speaker 23
00:40:50 I always wanted.
00:40:51 To teach these felt that I could teach, but I'd like to teach.
00:40:56 I worked in the.
00:40:57 Shop it was very hard to make the brake.
00:41:01 Well, I've been a printer all my life.
00:41:04 Wolf set printer work around a press I've been talking for so many years about becoming a teacher who was now another.
00:41:12 Since I didn't have any yet courses and the sort.
00:41:15 Of going back to.
00:41:15 College to take courses was just insurmountable to me.
00:41:19 And this course came up for six weeks.
00:41:22 I quit my job.
00:41:23 I was in the water status when here I am.
00:41:27 Sometimes I feel I'm drowning.
00:41:29 Heading swimming.
00:41:31 But that's a very interesting experience.
00:41:33 I wouldn't have skipped it.
00:41:34 I've come from a background similar to the children in this neighborhood to slum background, to come from a family of 12 children.
00:41:44 And I thought.
00:41:46 It was all.
00:41:46 Theory at the time that I would have some common bases with the.
00:41:50 Children in this neighborhood.
00:41:53 You hear that?
00:41:55 I thought, yeah, I came from a ghetto, he says.
00:41:58 I had a family of 12.
00:42:01 I thought I would be able to come out here and relate to these kids because you know.
00:42:05 Race is skin deep.
00:42:07 So I thought that having a similar cultural background in a way, or at least socioeconomic right.
00:42:14 That I would be able to come in here and and and and make these sweeping reforms that they apparently just all the teachers weren't competent.
00:42:21 So at age 52, I quit my job and I going to come in there and be Super Jew and and fix these black kids. I'm sorry, the ghetto kids.
00:42:30 And but then.
Speaker 23
00:42:32 And I came here and I think it's true yet, but certainly it's different completely different than anything I imagined.
00:42:40 It would be like.
00:42:42 And that the adjustment is very difficult as a result very.
00:42:48 Ohh it's it wasn't quite what he thought it would be.
00:42:51 I wonder why?
Speaker 13
00:43:09 In Benford Stuyvesant, the people share a few of the hopes of White America, and this feeling comes off the streets and into the classrooms of junior high.
00:43:17 57 a recent study of ghetto children show that many do not believe that they can really influence their own future, and the fact is that less than 50%.
00:43:29 And expect to graduate from this junior high with a regular diploma.
00:43:35 Less than 50% are graduating from junior high. That's not even high school.
00:43:41 Less than 50%.
00:43:44 And again. Ohh.
00:43:45 We we, we, we.
00:43:46 Did a survey of ghetto kids.
00:43:47 Let's again, let's just say black kids.
00:43:50 And they don't think they can make it in white society again because they can't.
00:43:56 Yeah, there's exceptions, but they can't.
00:44:00 You've got a huge population of people that just simply do not measure up.
00:44:06 So you've got two choices.
00:44:11 One is lower your entire society down to their level, which is seems to be the choice that Americans have chosen in the West in general.
00:44:20 Or two.
00:44:22 Don't have them in your society.
00:44:25 Or segregate them.
00:44:29 To their own sub society.
Speaker 13
00:44:32 The teachers have been able to reach only a limited few.
00:44:36 And the universities have been unable to teach the teachers how to connect with ghetto kids.
00:44:42 Well, that's what it is.
00:44:43 It's the universities.
00:44:45 They just can't teach teachers how to connect with ghetto kids.
00:44:49 That's what it is.
00:44:51 That's that's it's it's got to be that, right.
00:44:57 You know, it's funny because look.
00:45:01 Here, here's a teacher who should be able to connect with ghetto kids, right?
00:45:06 She's black.
00:45:07 We've all seen this video.
00:45:10 Or many of you have seen this video.
00:45:13 Here's a black teacher in in one of these ghetto.
00:45:15 I'm sorry.
00:45:16 A ghetto teacher and one of these ghetto schools.
Speaker 7
00:45:21 You're not gonna talk to.
Speaker 2
00:45:22 Me like I could come downstairs.
00:45:23 If anyone can connect, it should be her.
Speaker 8
00:45:26 She could have.
00:45:31 Right now.
00:45:33 Ohh my goodness.
Speaker 2
00:45:37 Oh my God.
Speaker 16
00:45:38 Put your pants on.
00:46:11 What was preventing that?
00:46:12 That teacher from connecting with the with the Ghetto kid?
00:46:20 Apparently there wasn't enough training from NYU.
Speaker 13
00:46:23 A large contingent of student teachers and trainees has been plucked out of the antiseptic university and put into on the job training in the combat zone.
00:46:39 Professor Robertson and his people try to get the feel of the school.
Speaker 15
00:46:43 If you didn't have to come to school.
Speaker 1
00:46:44 Would you? No.
Speaker 4
00:46:47 And I'll tell you why.
00:46:48 Because they don't have nothing that interest me.
00:46:53 There you go.
00:46:57 They brought in so they they're basically now all these theorists, all these big brained NYU theorists.
00:47:05 They have these academic reasons for why these ghetto schools are failing.
00:47:10 They sent them to this school to try out their theories.
00:47:15 And they're shocked that their theories aren't working.
00:47:17 They're shocked that the students behave in this way.
00:47:19 They're shocked that there's kids like that guy.
00:47:24 Who just doesn't give a ****.
00:47:26 Doesn't want to go to school, doesn't want to be there.
Speaker 16
00:47:32 You're too soft.
00:47:35 See and this is The funny thing.
00:47:36 The black kids literally tell it's not just that kid.
00:47:40 That's like, no, I don't want to be here.
00:47:42 Because you could.
00:47:43 Say you could argue, well, any, any.
00:47:44 Teenage Boy is going to say that.
00:47:46 Right. Any teenage?
00:47:47 Boy is going to say he doesn't.
00:47:48 Want to go to school?
00:47:51 So the white lady teacher asked her class like, why?
00:47:54 Why is it?
00:47:55 Why do you guys act like this?
00:47:57 Why can't I?
00:47:58 I get through to you.
00:48:01 Intellectually, why can't I reason with you?
00:48:06 Right, because that's how.
00:48:07 You would work with white kids.
00:48:11 You'd you would do like the Stefan Molyneux you know, no violence, kid raising or whatever the **** he calls it.
00:48:19 But like where you reason with your kids and you explain everything.
Speaker 24
00:48:24 You don't use.
00:48:24 Corporal punishment.
00:48:25 That's the worst thing ever.
00:48:28 Well, maybe.
00:48:28 Maybe corporal punishment isn't very effective when it comes to white kids.
00:48:34 But when you ask the black kids.
00:48:35 Why are you acting?
00:48:36 Like this? What?
00:48:37 What I I I I try to be reasonable.
00:48:40 I try to be nice and I expect that, you know, like the golden rule, treat people how you want to be treated.
00:48:45 Isn't this working and they tell her?
Speaker 16
00:48:48 You're too soft.
00:48:49 So what?
00:48:50 Jack, wait for you next to them and.
Speaker 19
00:48:53 You think they're?
Speaker 8
00:48:53 Gonna be nice.
00:48:56 Look at that look of confusion on her face.
00:48:58 When they say you're too soft.
00:49:04 Like she doesn't get it.
00:49:05 She doesn't understand it all.
00:49:06 What do you mean?
00:49:07 I'm too soft.
00:49:08 I'm too nice.
Speaker 19
00:49:10 That's right, they thought.
Speaker 1
00:49:11 Isn't that the way?
00:49:11 People usually behave towards each other.
00:49:14 If someone's nice to you, you'd be.
00:49:15 Nice to them.
Speaker 16
00:49:16 Well, yeah.
Speaker 25
00:49:18 So, well, what goes wrong?
Speaker 16
00:49:19 Would you be too nice?
00:49:21 You have I you're.
Speaker 18
00:49:22 Not the easiest group of boys and.
00:49:25 Girls to work.
Speaker 1
00:49:25 With you're not the hardest.
Speaker 16
00:49:27 Two right there.
Speaker 1
00:49:29 Why do you run around the?
Speaker 15
00:49:30 Room all the time.
Speaker 17
00:49:31 How far?
00:49:33 Is it?
Speaker 19
00:49:34 Doing so.
Speaker 21
00:49:37 How am I supposed to stop?
00:49:38 What do you mean, I.
Speaker 13
00:49:39 Let you do it.
00:49:39 No, that's right.
Speaker 16
00:49:41 Smash off silence.
Speaker 18
00:49:43 Is hitting is hitting the way the school should?
Speaker 17
00:49:45 Be run.
00:49:49 Is hitting the way the school.
00:49:51 Should be run.
00:49:51 That's the only way.
00:50:06 See this this is this is totally.
00:50:08 Foreign to the white teachers.
00:50:11 Well, that that's totally uncivilized.
00:50:13 You want me to beat your *** when you're acting like an animal.
00:50:20 Because if you.
00:50:21 We're going to keep acting like that.
00:50:24 You literally have to physically dominate us for us to not act like this.
00:50:29 In fact, if black behavior has gotten worse over the last few years, it's because cops and members of society are afraid they're terrified of physically or even engaging with blacks because they're afraid their careers will be ended.
00:50:44 They'll end up being the ones in jail, even though they're not the aggressors, they're just defending themselves.
00:50:53 So the only thing governing black behavior.
00:50:56 The fear of violence.
00:50:59 Has been taken away.
Speaker 16
00:51:03 The Board of Education's motto is a well planned lesson.
00:51:09 Prevents discipline problems.
Speaker 9
00:51:13 It doesn't.
00:51:16 It doesn't.
00:51:24 They just told you why.
00:51:27 But don't worry, I'm sure these NYU geniuses will figure it out.
Speaker 13
00:51:32 At this point, NYU has been in the school only two weeks.
00:51:36 But they have.
00:51:37 Already learned that theory and reality don't always mesh the six cluster leaders are all highly trained in the teaching of disadvantaged children.
00:51:46 But teaching them together on their home ground, in a ghetto classroom five days a week is something else again.
Speaker 3
00:51:54 I tore my hair out today because I had 11 students with two teachers and we were sitting in the courtroom scene watching a dope addiction case.
00:52:04 We're walking through markets.
00:52:06 We were going to church churches and.
00:52:10 We couldn't control this eleven group.
00:52:14 11 slave two teachers, 11 slavers.
00:52:21 My whole role now is changing I I I'm very so critical this week because I put in I probably the hardest week of my life and I don't feel exactly defeated, but I have to change everything that I've been doing.
00:52:40 So he's shocked that with two teachers.
00:52:44 He couldn't control 11 kids.
00:52:48 He shocked his whole world view has been rocked upside down because he actually had for the first time, maybe in his life proximity to diversity.
00:52:59 You actually had to experience the problem first hand and all of his little fancy theories about why this was happening and how to fix it have just gone out the window after 5 days.
Speaker 12
00:53:12 5 days.
00:53:14 With only eleven kids with two teachers, two teachers.
00:53:21 And he can't control them.
Speaker 11
00:53:24 For instance, I have never realized the enormity and depth of the problem.
00:53:28 I thought it was going to be a situation where there was a.
00:53:31 School with a.
00:53:32 Bunch of hard working teachers simply doing the wrong things.
00:53:35 The kids couldn't read, and when I say they couldn't read, they didn't.
00:53:38 They couldn't read poorly, they couldn't identify.
00:53:40 An F or.
00:53:40 They couldn't identify it G or they couldn't pronounce the word T.
00:53:45 The problem was this severe.
00:53:49 This other guys like holy ****, they can't even read like they can't identify letters.
00:53:56 This is a junior high for those of.
00:53:58 You who are not in America.
00:54:01 This this is not like like you're 8 years old.
00:54:05 This is like preteen, you know?
00:54:07 This is like, well, preteen to teenage.
00:54:10 This is like, you know, 11121314 around there.
00:54:18 And they can't identify letters.
00:54:24 And this guy again, he's this NYU guy.
00:54:26 He's like.
00:54:27 Oh, I thought, you know, I I would come down here and I would just find these well, meaning teachers that just were doing.
00:54:33 You know, they just had bad strategy.
00:54:37 Because I could never blame the kids.
00:54:41 Right cause it there's no difference between these kids and my kids.
00:54:46 Other than the aesthetic difference that their skin is a different color, that's the only difference.
00:54:52 So it's unfathomable to me that, like you know, people, kids like my kids would not be by this age, would not be able to identify the letter G.
00:55:01 So all these literacy problems had to have been something that these crazy, kooky teachers just doing everything wrong for some reason.
00:55:10 Can't be the kids.
00:55:11 It's never the kids fault.
Speaker 11
00:55:13 I guess what I'm trying to say is I just never realized how deep the whole problem is.
00:55:18 And we think that this is going on in other cities throughout the whole country.
00:55:23 It's a shattering kind of experience.
00:55:27 And that's the problem.
00:55:28 It's not just others.
00:55:30 Every city.
00:55:32 In the country.
00:55:34 When you had forced integration at the hands of the federal government when something like 80% of Americans were against it.
00:55:43 But the federal government just unilaterally decided no, we're going to we're going to integrate you.
00:55:50 We're going to force the black kids into your schools with your kids and everything will be fine.
00:55:56 Because we're all the same kumbi ******* yeah.
00:56:02 And then these intellectuals go to the war zone, as they called it.
Speaker 12
00:56:08 And all of a sudden.
00:56:11 Nothing makes sense.
00:56:12 The whole world view was turned upside down.
00:56:15 They can't figure it out.
Speaker 15
00:56:19 The greatest teacher in the world, in my opinion at this moment.
00:56:23 Can't be heard.
Speaker 22
00:56:26 In this setting.
Speaker 15
00:56:27 It's the joke, can't hear what's going on in that classroom, and they can't hear what's going on in that classroom because of the chaos and the tumult and the turmoil which is inside of them and that tumult and turmoil and chaos which is inside of them and support every moment by the turmoil and the chaos and the turmoil outside of them.
00:56:47 You see, it's it's.
00:56:48 It's what it is.
00:56:49 It's white supremacy.
00:56:51 I mean, he's not phrasing it that way, but that's what he means.
00:56:53 He's saying, oh, you know the reason.
00:56:55 Actually guys cause it, this is the head honcho.
00:56:58 This is the guy whose big idea was to go in there with with the NYU people and.
00:57:02 And fix everything.
00:57:04 So he can't just be like, oh, you guys are right.
00:57:07 You you're, you know, your experience with these kids is is really pointing us to a totally different thing here that maybe there's a different problem that we weren't comfortable discussing.
00:57:16 No, he has to steer it toward, you know, some other stupid reason.
00:57:22 And it's because the racial tensions of America are.
00:57:26 You know being.
00:57:27 Internalized like by these these black kids and it's creating chaos in the classroom.
00:57:31 And and it's really it's it's not that the the kids don't have the ability to learn, they just can't hear.
00:57:38 It's an audio problem.
00:57:40 Maybe if we got them all a bunch.
00:57:42 Of beat Beats headphones.
00:57:46 And plugged them into their ******* desk.
00:57:49 And hooked up a microphone to.
00:57:50 The teacher they'd be able to hear the teacher.
00:57:55 That would fix it.
00:57:56 That's what he said.
00:57:57 That's literally what he's saying.
00:57:58 He's saying that the only reason why these black kids are underperforming is.
00:58:01 The classrooms are too loud.
00:58:06 And even if that was the case, that's not even like, let's say, like, well, why are the classrooms so ******* loud?
00:58:16 So he's saying, don't worry, guys.
00:58:17 No, it's just because the the, the classrooms are loud.
00:58:23 We'll fix it.
00:58:24 It's just there.
00:58:24 It's, it's.
00:58:24 A loud problem.
Speaker 15
00:58:26 That is in the in the street and in the home to and in the school.
00:58:30 Certainly very clearly in the school, and at least I'm answering the question and the question is, how can you make it possible for children to listen?
00:58:40 And how can we make?
00:58:41 It possible for?
00:58:42 Children to hear it.
00:58:44 See, that's literally what he's saying.
00:58:46 They just can't hear.
00:58:52 So they try different things and that like one of the things they try is like, it's not enough to have two teachers for for 11 kids.
00:58:59 Now we need a teacher.
00:59:00 For every kid.
00:59:06 Every single kid needs, like their own teacher.
00:59:11 That'll help.
00:59:15 And of course that doesn't work.
00:59:21 So then they have this NYU genius.
00:59:24 With her ideas.
Speaker 13
00:59:26 Judy Levay, the leader of this cluster, has five years experience a master's degree in teaching disadvantaged children and a highly successful record of experimental work with ghetto children outside of school.
00:59:34 We were total boss metal.
Speaker 13
00:59:38 Her cluster leaders will receive extra help from her from student aides, as well as community agents.
00:59:44 They are working Saturdays.
00:59:45 Many evenings and the phone calls to each other never stop.
Speaker 20
00:59:49 You know, you may have a student in your class.
Speaker 26
00:59:51 Who hasn't?
Speaker 20
00:59:51 Eaten, who's concerned about the fact that he doesn't know who his father is?
00:59:55 Why don't we talk about these things in the classroom?
01:00:00 He doesn't know who his father is, of course.
01:00:02 He doesn't.
01:00:03 Get to kids never know their fathers.
01:00:06 But again, that's that's the one teacher that kind of understands it.
01:00:09 He doesn't articulate it in a way that would, of course, embarrass himself.
01:00:13 But he he basically he keeps reiterating.
01:00:16 He's the one guy in in this whole experiment because he's the one black guy in this whole experiment that keeps saying we just need to not do the curriculum.
01:00:24 Like these kids are such a ******* mess that we just need to teach them to not be animals so that when they get out of here, at least they're not just, I mean again, he's not phrasing it that way, but that's basically what he's saying is that we have these kids that are that that are just complete.
01:00:41 Horrible, horrible message.
01:00:43 That if they.
01:00:45 Go through this, they're going to fail through.
01:00:46 All your white curriculum.
01:00:48 And then they're going to go and beat animals out on the streets.
01:00:52 And so maybe we should just focus on making them socialized, making them so that they they at.
01:00:57 Least, aren't just.
01:00:59 You know, public nuisances.
01:01:04 And every time he says this stuff, the other white people like.
01:01:06 No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:01:07 We got to focus on getting them to read.
01:01:11 Well, what if they're incapable?
01:01:13 Of learning to read.
01:01:16 What if their ancestors never developed a written language?
01:01:21 What if there's an evolutionary process that has to take place before that's even possible?
01:01:28 Ohh Devin, are you trying to say?
01:01:29 They can't.
01:01:30 Maybe some of them can't.
01:01:41 Just because they can learn how to.
01:01:43 Use a smartphone.
01:01:44 Doesn't mean they're ever going to be literate on any meaningful way.
01:01:48 A ******* chimpanzee can operate Instagram.
01:01:56 For reals like I've seen the video played it on the stream.
01:02:06 That chimp's never going.
01:02:07 To learn how to read.
Speaker 20
01:02:09 As part of the curriculum.
Speaker 27
01:02:11 Now that these things these needs that our kids have that they bring with them when they come into this building every day are the kinds of things that we need, we we may need to concentrate on if we ever were going to.
01:02:22 Teach them anything.
01:02:23 And I think, you know, in terms of the curriculum we have now, there's the possibility that.
01:02:28 Maybe we have to Chuck it.
Speaker 10
01:02:29 What can you substitute?
01:02:30 You know, these kids have to take tests.
01:02:36 And they're going to be tested all through their lives, all through their school life, I should say.
01:02:40 And it's always based on the curriculum, every achievement test they take is based upon the curricular.
01:02:48 You have to do at least compromise in some way, you just can't Chuck it.
Speaker 27
01:02:53 We may have to break that system and if it means breaking the system up, step, step, learn, test, step, step, learn, test.
01:03:02 Maybe we'll have to break this.
01:03:03 Which hasn't worked.
Speaker 27
01:03:03 Maybe we can.
Speaker 23
01:03:03 Too successfully until now, right?
Speaker 18
01:03:05 That's. That's right, these kids.
Speaker 23
01:03:05 That's why we have this problem.
01:03:08 That's right, that's the problem.
01:03:10 It's the system.
01:03:12 It's the system that we we what we need to do, if they're, if they're doing poorly on tests, we just need.
01:03:17 To throw the tests out.
01:03:26 That's how exasperated they get.
01:03:31 Like I said, if you can't get them to meet the standards, they will lower the standards.
01:03:44 That's why a college.
01:03:45 Degree is is more and more meaningless.
01:03:50 As the years go by.
01:03:54 Doesn't mean anything that you got accepted.
01:03:56 It certainly doesn't mean that you graduated.
01:04:01 I mean other than other than the the mountains of debt, perhaps as you've incurred.
01:04:07 And certainly in schools like this.
01:04:10 It doesn't mean that it doesn't mean anything that you got a diploma.
01:04:13 They're throwing the tests out the window.
01:04:14 They're like, oh, **** it.
01:04:18 The problem is that they they they have to take tests based on what we're supposed to be teaching.
01:04:23 That's the problem.
01:04:31 So let's just not have tests.
01:04:32 Or teach the curriculum.
01:04:36 These kids have some of those skills, some.
Speaker 23
01:04:37 Of the kids, some little skills.
Speaker 14
01:04:40 Reading skills, math skills, reading social skills.
Speaker 19
01:04:44 Is that is that is the reading skills.
Speaker 26
01:04:48 More important than the social.
01:04:52 See I I love this because this this is the black teacher again.
01:04:55 He's trying.
01:04:55 To he's trying to explain.
01:04:57 Look, we it doesn't.
01:04:59 It's a little ironic that he says is they is they reading he's the teacher.
01:05:03 He's like is they reading skills more important.
01:05:06 Than their social skills.
01:05:08 Because he's trying to get across to.
01:05:10 These people like.
01:05:10 Look, who cares if they can ******* read?
01:05:15 He doesn't care.
01:05:18 He knows that they're not.
01:05:19 Going to be able to.
01:05:23 And the white people are like, yes, of course it matters if you can read.
01:05:26 How are you going to be a doctor or an engineer?
01:05:29 If you can't read.
01:05:36 You know, I've been noticing in American television there's more and more black doctors and engineers and scientists.
01:05:41 It has to be tied to reality, right?
01:05:44 That has to be reflective of what what's actually happening in our society.
01:05:53 So you have some of these white teachers that are very concerned like, Oh my God.
01:05:56 Well, of course.
01:05:56 What are you talking about?
01:05:58 We have to get them to read so they can be engineers and scientists.
01:06:03 And the black guys just like.
Speaker 9
01:06:08 The child can read the child, can read and.
Speaker 19
01:06:08 I don't think so.
Speaker 9
01:06:10 Do the work he would he would, he would be both in the classroom.
Speaker 19
01:06:12 I think so.
Speaker 18
01:06:14 So if we could give these kids more reading and we get social studies and math inside, they have no right taking chemistry, they can't read.
Speaker 19
01:06:18 Right. And science.
01:06:26 I like that they have no right taking chemistry.
01:06:28 They can't even ******* read.
01:06:29 And she's right.
01:06:32 Why do you have a chemistry class for kids that can't read?
01:06:37 What the Hell's that going to do?
01:06:41 This is why segregation was a thing.
01:06:46 You can't have.
01:06:48 Populations like this.
01:06:51 Held to the same standards.
01:06:54 As the historic white Americans.
01:06:59 What good is a chemistry class to a kid that can't ******* read?
01:07:05 He's not going to be a scientist.
01:07:09 The smiling old white lady gets it.
01:07:12 She thought that was pretty funny.
Speaker 16
01:07:15 Concentrating on teaching the child to read hasn't worked so far.
01:07:21 And like the black ladies even chiming in, she's concentrating on getting kids to be able to read.
01:07:26 Hasn't worked so far.
01:07:28 Can you imagine that?
01:07:32 And look this this white or Jewish guy, you know that actually I think he's Jewish.
01:07:37 He's beside himself.
01:07:39 He's speechless.
01:07:40 He doesn't know what.
01:07:41 He's like what?
01:07:43 Focusing on getting the read hasn't worked, So what?
01:07:46 Are you guys getting at here?
01:07:53 I want them to be doctors and engineers.
Speaker 16
01:07:55 Maybe if we combine a little enrichment, say you've learned the subway side or whatever, you might have a little combination but but to say, teach them to.
01:08:04 Read and then you miss them.
01:08:11 She she's at least being real.
01:08:13 She's like, yeah, she's actually agreeing that the chemistry classes are stupid.
01:08:18 She's like, really?
Speaker 12
01:08:20 I mean having this having.
01:08:21 It structured where we're going to teach them how.
01:08:23 To read and then take them to no no.
01:08:27 Let's just teach them to not be animals.
01:08:29 How about that?
01:08:34 Let's just teach them to.
01:08:35 Not be a public nuisance.
01:08:37 To not be criminals.
01:08:39 They're not gonna get all this other stuff.
01:08:41 It's gonna go in one ear and out the other.
Speaker 13
01:08:47 The clusters are tackling the problem of reading in many ways with cluster leader Bob Fine and social studies teacher Irwin Goldstein, Class 7.
01:08:56 15 is given hot chocolate and the local ***** newspaper, the Amsterdam news.
01:09:01 14 youngsters are in this class, but as usual, only 8 have shown up.
Speaker 19
01:09:06 Reads the paper very carefully the same.
Speaker 23
01:09:09 Maybe that someone.
Speaker 14
01:09:10 They know, or even their son is.
Speaker 13
01:09:12 With two student teachers to help out and the class half over, the children have still not touched their chocolate, nor read their papers.
Speaker 1
01:09:17 Now it's cold.
01:09:22 So out of the eight kids that showed up, you've got like three people, three adults to 8 kids.
01:09:31 And they still haven't been able to read the ******* newspaper, the Black People newspaper.
01:09:35 It's it's the the newspaper made by black people for black people.
01:09:39 They still haven't been able to read it.
Speaker 9
01:09:40 Let's go back a.
Speaker 28
01:09:41 Little before now, we look at the.
Speaker 14
01:09:42 Editorials I was asking what an?
Speaker 9
01:09:45 Editorial is what it was.
Speaker 10
01:09:47 I had pointed out a picture of a man whose name is Wilkins, the same man we have up.
01:09:52 On our bulletin board.
01:09:54 Who knows who he is?
Speaker 20
01:09:56 Two things going on.
Speaker 23
01:09:59 AAC big as well.
01:10:08 And now he's surprised that these kids don't know anything about current events.
01:10:11 But they should certainly be allowed to vote, right?
01:10:17 Like he's he's he's actually shocked that these people don't know who this local politician is or whoever this guy is.
01:10:24 He's like what?
01:10:25 Do you mean?
01:10:25 Don't know he is.
01:10:26 He's on the bulletin board here.
01:10:28 He's in the newspaper, right?
01:10:29 In front of you.
01:10:30 You guys don't know who he is.
01:10:31 How do you not know who he is?
01:10:33 What's going on here?
01:10:34 He doesn't understand.
01:10:35 He can't get it.
Speaker 14
01:10:43 Remember, no, no remembers.
Speaker 9
01:10:51 I think they help you remember.
Speaker 18
01:10:55 Teachers are like small groups.
Speaker 11
01:10:57 I'll work with this group work with.
Speaker 9
01:10:59 This group and workout and just figure out now.
01:11:02 We're gonna give that to our Joe.
Speaker 26
01:11:04 'S about we'll deal with that.
Speaker 23
01:11:06 As an opinion someones opinion.
01:11:10 And you just.
01:11:10 Can't figure out like, Oh my God.
01:11:13 But I'm reminded of this.
01:11:15 This is a different documentary.
01:11:19 This explains kind of the reason why these situations happen in white societies.
01:11:26 White people have somehow convinced themselves that all people are the same and want the same things.
01:11:33 And they proved themselves wrong again and again and again throughout history.
01:11:37 And they never seem to learn their lesson.
01:11:40 Well, here, here's a a perfectly good example of a group of people who finally learned the lesson the hard way.
01:11:50 And yet they died for nothing.
Speaker 5
01:11:54 This photograph was taken by Nate St.
01:11:57 an American missionary.
01:11:59 It's an Indian village in Ecuador.
01:12:01 Shortly after it was taken, the photographer and four other missionaries were massacred by a mysterious tribe, the Alcas, sullen and treacherous Spearman, who derived prestige from multiple murder.
01:12:15 Little is known of the Alka Indians.
01:12:17 The scientific journals of Anthropology contains scant information.
01:12:21 They're a tribe deeply isolated in the jungles of Ecuador.
01:12:25 The missionaries had flown reconnaissance flights over.
01:12:28 The alt of.
01:12:28 Village for some months lowering baskets of gifts in an effort to make friends.
01:12:33 At last, they made a landing on a sand beach.
01:12:36 The Korai River, where they made face to face contact with three alcas, two women and.
01:12:44 They were greeted cordially and took several pictures of the Indians.
01:12:48 They indicated that they were anxious to meet others of the tribe, but instead of leading them there, the Alcas eventually drifted back into the jungle.
01:12:57 Two days later, in a radio report to their base camp, the missionaries were still confident of meeting others of the tribe.
01:13:04 We are hoping for visitors at about 2:30, one of them said. I'll call you again at 4:35. That call was never made. Later, recovery of one of their cameras told a tragic story.
01:13:19 Two more photographs had been taken before the men were cut down.
01:13:29 The blotch on the third film was caused by water damage to the emulsion close by, where the camera was found.
01:13:38 The rescue team came upon the body.
Speaker 12
01:13:43 There you go.
01:13:47 White people thinking that, oh, we're all the same.
01:13:49 We all want the same things.
01:13:51 Let's go find this primitive tribe in the middle of the Ecuadorian jungle.
01:13:56 We will drop presents on them.
01:14:02 We'll go land our plane.
01:14:06 Try to meet with them.
01:14:08 For no reason.
01:14:12 And this is where it leads.
01:14:17 This isn't this is not an isolated example.
01:14:33 And this this documentary is from 1956.
01:14:43 But white people have this.
01:14:44 Weird gene or something that makes them feel like everyone's everyone's up to their level.
01:14:52 Everyone has an an 8 sense of right and wrong, right?
01:14:57 It doesn't matter what God you worship, it doesn't matter.
01:15:00 You know what?
01:15:00 Your IQ, it doesn't matter this.
01:15:02 They'll they'll say to themselves.
01:15:04 I mean, even even.
01:15:05 My dog knows the difference between, right?
Speaker 12
01:15:07 And wrong, right?
01:15:15 Why would I ever be in danger if I I'm dropping parachuting gifts down onto them?
01:15:21 They see presence dropping down onto their tribe and we're being all nice and friendly.
01:15:31 Why would I end up face down in a?
01:15:33 In a in a river.
01:15:37 Speared to death.
01:15:49 How long is it going to take for this lesson?
01:15:53 To finally make it into the genetic memory of our people.
Speaker 26
01:16:01 That the kids basic antagonism towards school still keeps itself maintains itself, no matter.
Speaker 11
01:16:07 What we try, we have to break.
01:16:08 The mold that these kids are in.
Speaker 14
01:16:10 The mold of this like.
01:16:11 Of fear, of lack of responsiveness to school, if, if.
Speaker 26
01:16:14 School does it.
01:16:15 It's no good.
01:16:18 We just gotta we just gotta make them.
01:16:22 We're going to make them like us.
01:16:33 If we try hard enough, they'll finally assimilate.
01:16:41 Just like that tribe in Ecuador.
01:16:43 If we give them enough goodies.
01:16:46 And try really hard to be their friends and understand them.
01:16:49 Then that'll fix all the problems.
Speaker 4
01:16:53 Boy and the girl in there making.
01:16:54 Love the teachers looking.
01:16:57 So that's this is a guy again, this is 19/19/66.
01:17:04 The behavior hasn't gotten worse.
01:17:05 It's it's exactly the same thing he's talking about, kids.
01:17:09 And this is a middle school.
01:17:11 Kids are ******* in class.
01:17:25 The behavior has not gotten better.
01:17:28 Hasn't even really got that much worse, and so much as it's just spilled out.
01:17:31 Of these schools.
01:17:33 And into your neighborhoods.
01:17:35 Because your neighborhoods used to have.
01:17:38 The threat of violence that no longer exists.
Speaker 4
01:17:44 Boy and the girl in there making love.
01:17:46 The teachers looking, laughing.
01:17:49 The kids running out the classroom, slamming the door.
01:17:52 The teacher coming in the hallway.
Speaker 13
01:17:56 And reality hits the NYU teachers hard, too, is taught in the Cleveland slums.
01:18:02 But it didn't prepare.
01:18:03 And what she found here, some of her 12 year old girls have formed an extortion gang and are threatening the others.
Speaker 21
01:18:09 It will work.
01:18:12 She's shocked she can't understand.
01:18:13 Like what?
01:18:14 What's wrong with these ******* kids?
Speaker 25
01:18:17 But I want to understand the needs of these kids and I used to tell Stan that.
01:18:22 A good teacher meets the needs of the kids in his class, no matter where he teaches.
01:18:28 But these kids have.
01:18:29 So many needs that I can't even understand, I think.
01:18:34 And I'm just now, you know, after six months beginning to understand how enormous and complex and it was easy and trying to say, God, this place is overwhelming.
01:18:43 But it's.
01:18:44 It's just really.
Speaker 9
01:18:45 It is.
Speaker 14
01:18:45 Overwhelming that, that. That's Stephen.
01:18:48 Six months in and she's like.
01:18:51 I don't.
01:18:52 I don't think we can fix them.
01:19:01 They have so many needs.
01:19:05 They only have the these needs if you if you base them their their performance on white standards.
01:19:18 If you were to compare them to to children in Africa, how would they?
01:19:21 How would they measure up?
01:19:23 I don't know.
01:19:23 I actually don't know.
01:19:26 My guess is that because they've been raised well, I mean this was back then, but if you were to.
01:19:31 Get similar children black kids in in white schools or with white teachers, or at least held by white stands.
01:19:41 One of the problems would be.
01:19:43 They weren't raised in African schools with African standards.
01:19:48 So a lot of these behavioral issues might be as a result.
Speaker 12
01:19:53 Of this.
01:19:55 Constantly put through these this curriculum that you can't possibly understand.
01:20:01 Constantly taking tests that you repeatedly fail.
01:20:11 Why wouldn't you think?
01:20:12 It was pointless.
01:20:15 Imagine if you had to go to a school.
01:20:20 And all of your classmates were AI.
01:20:24 They could research everything instantly.
01:20:25 They were computers, basically.
01:20:28 Wouldn't you give up and get ****** *** at the AI eventually?
01:20:35 Because you'd be like.
01:20:36 Look, I can't compete with this.
01:20:39 Even if I try as hard as.
01:20:40 I can.
01:20:41 I'm gonna.
01:20:41 I'm gonna get.
01:20:42 The the lowest grade.
01:20:51 So why do I even come here?
01:20:58 But if they were raised in environments where the standards were set by people like them.
01:21:06 It wouldn't be so discouraging them.
01:21:08 In fact, they would probably perform better.
01:21:12 Even by our standards.
01:21:18 If they were taking tests.
01:21:20 And learning curriculum that they were capable of of understanding.
Speaker 13
01:21:25 Sue was not the only one who was finding it overwhelming, but sue sticks to it.
01:21:30 However, by January in only six months, 1/3 of NYU's people have quit, including cluster leaders, community agents and clinic teachers. And NYU students have been reluctant to come out to teach in the ghetto, fearing violence.
01:21:53 So within six months, a third of them quit.
01:21:57 Like they just gave up.
01:22:01 And again, why wouldn't let's flip it around?
01:22:02 What I just said about the black kids?
01:22:04 Let's flip it around.
01:22:04 You're a white teacher.
01:22:08 And you're tasked with getting kids who aren't capable of reaching certain standards.
01:22:12 You're tasked with getting them to reach those standards.
01:22:16 Well, six months, I mean that that seems like it would it's longer than it would take me to figure out whether or not they'd be able to do it.
01:22:27 At a certain point, you're going to realize, wow, this.
01:22:29 Is this isn't going to work?
01:22:32 So why am I showing up?
Speaker 12
01:22:35 Why am I even here?
01:22:40 I'm just wasting my ******* time.
Speaker 13
01:22:51 Judy is encouraging her cluster teachers to try unorthodox approaches.
01:22:55 Gay has really tried some and is having his troubles with the administration.
01:23:00 As a result, at a recent observation, he was criticized for not putting the aim of the lesson on the blackboard, and he is tangled with the inevitable bureaucracy.
Speaker 27
01:23:06 And when they get on you on this stuff.
Speaker 13
01:23:10 The public school system.
Speaker 19
01:23:11 This effect?
01:23:14 See again, this is the black teacher that, that he he was being reviewed.
01:23:19 And the white people reviewing him well, the right white people and the Jews reviewing them were like, look, you didn't even teach what you were supposed to teach your class.
01:23:26 What's up with that?
01:23:27 And this is the same guy that's been like, yeah, we can't.
01:23:29 OK.
01:23:31 Can we just get them to not be animals?
01:23:42 But they won't listen.
01:23:43 They're like, no, we have to get them to read so they can.
01:23:46 Be doctors and engineers.
Speaker 26
01:23:47 See, but when?
01:23:47 They do all that it needs.
01:23:49 No room for me as a teacher.
01:23:51 To actually get to these kids.
Speaker 22
01:23:52 Good evening.
Speaker 26
01:23:52 Because as I said, it's it's not the subject matter that is going to help you to really get to these kids and make them learn because.
01:24:00 An education is always cold.
Speaker 15
01:24:02 You know these?
Speaker 26
01:24:02 Kids to learn about gratitude. But I can't. I can go into that kid's mind, you know, and put.
01:24:06 A fraction into his mind, and that's there.
01:24:10 See, I can't teach them fractions.
01:24:15 I can't go in their mind and and put this knowledge there.
01:24:21 And she's like, well, you better.
01:24:22 *** **** try.
01:24:26 Because that's that's what we're here for.
01:24:30 That's what we got to do.
Speaker 23
01:24:34 You watch the development of these kids and the situation in the school, and you wonder whether they're going to be able to survive the influences which are dragging them in the.
01:24:46 The way.
01:24:48 The noise, the disruption, the irresponsibility.
01:24:53 And some of.
01:24:53 The other things that warring against their cohesiveness.
Speaker 13
01:25:01 NYU knew the job would be hard.
01:25:04 It has turned out to be harder.
Speaker 15
01:25:06 So what are our chance of success in this project?
01:25:11 A recent report of the United States Commission on Civil Rights just completed a very extensive survey which shows that there isn't a single there isn't a single compensatory educational program in this country that has succeeded in substantially raising the achievement.
01:25:29 Levels of our children.
01:25:35 And with that data.
01:25:38 Nothing clicks.
01:25:44 He says we gotta try and then he immediately.
01:25:47 Follows up with.
01:25:49 Ohh, that the Commission on Civil Rights just did a study a nationwide study.
01:25:56 Analyzing all the different schools dealing with this exact same problem all across the country.
01:26:04 And there hasn't been a single program.
01:26:09 That has been able to raise the performance.
01:26:12 Of black kids.
01:26:16 Not a single ******* one.
01:26:29 So what's his take away?
Speaker 15
01:26:34 The situation cannot be allowed.
01:26:36 To continue, at least we're in here fighting.
01:26:41 Well, at least we're trying, he says.
01:26:50 And that's all America is going to be able to say.
01:26:52 Well, at least we tried.
01:26:58 Nothing we tried worked, but at least we tried.
01:27:09 At a certain point, there's.
01:27:10 No more honour in trying.
01:27:17 At a certain point, you're a sucker.
01:27:21 For trying.
01:27:35 This is a problem that's not going away.
01:27:52 Imagine the billions and billions of dollars.
01:27:56 That are spent.
01:27:59 To fix an unfixable problem.
01:28:33 Billions of dollars, trillions of dollars maybe.
01:28:38 And look, the people that that are the problem, they're not, they're.
01:28:42 Not paying into this system.
01:28:53 You and your parents and your grandparents have been funding this disaster.
01:29:04 So anyway.
01:29:08 19661966.
01:29:12 And we look at where we are today.
01:29:15 Facing the exact same issues.
01:29:18 That will never go away.
01:29:20 That will never go away.
01:29:22 And tell people can just state the obvious, that we're just different.
01:29:30 It's nobody's fault.
01:29:35 But we're different.
01:29:39 And so you have to ask yourself, and moreover, you need to ask the public honestly.
01:29:47 Is it worth the price?
01:29:53 Is the value added.
01:29:56 By having black people in your society worth the enormous price.
01:30:04 Are you that much of a fan of rap and basketball?
01:30:22 Hell, if this was a fair society.
01:30:25 We would be funding all these programs with taxes on rap and basketball.
01:30:33 That would be a fair way of doing it.
01:30:36 Tax all.
01:30:37 All professional sports tickets.
01:30:40 Except hockey.
01:30:44 A 50% tax.
01:30:47 All rap albums, 50% on their you know.
01:30:51 Collect it at at.
01:30:52 The point of sale, like a sales tax.
01:30:57 Use it to fund prisons and schools.
01:31:08 But until we're doing that, you're the.
01:31:10 One paying for it.
01:31:14 And so is it worth the cost?
01:31:19 If this was look.
01:31:22 People understood this.
01:31:23 People understood that this was the the deal.
01:31:27 That's why the federal government had to force integration.
01:31:34 After all of these, ghetto school programs failed.
01:31:37 The way they.
01:31:38 Solved quote UN quote the problem because again they were stuck on this idea that ohh well, it's just it's the magic ghetto that's making them fail. This is when they started doing the the busing.
01:31:51 They're like, OK, well, we'll get these exact same ghetto kids and we'll bust them to your your kids school.
01:32:01 In other words, when you spent all that money.
01:32:04 And uprooted your family.
01:32:07 To get out of these communities where these people moved in.
01:32:11 So that you could live in a safer neighborhood and your kids could go to a school with other people.
01:32:17 That did the exact same thing.
01:32:19 So you wouldn't be held back?
01:32:21 By the the educational standards of schools like this.
01:32:26 And your kids wouldn't be endangered.
01:32:29 By students that go to like schools like this.
01:32:35 Well, that didn't.
01:32:36 That didn't satisfy.
01:32:38 Their lie.
01:32:40 In fact, it kind of shined a big spotlight on their lie.
01:32:46 You were proving them wrong.
01:32:48 You were showing that you mean if white people leave this magical area.
01:32:54 Called the ghetto.
01:32:56 And create new communities called suburbs.
01:33:00 Again, at great expense to them.
01:33:07 Their schools are performing just fine.
01:33:14 So it's the logical conclusion then, is that, well, it seems to be the kids going to these schools.
01:33:22 So in an attempt to hide that.
01:33:28 They start busing your kids to this school.
01:33:34 And other kids.
01:33:35 Your kids school.
01:33:38 And tried to mix it up so much that like it hid the results.
01:33:44 It spread out.
01:33:47 The weak links to all these different schools so that all the performance.
01:33:54 Standards would be the same like I every school performed the same because they have.
01:33:58 The same amount of dumb kids.
01:34:07 I mean, it's communism is what it is.
01:34:18 It's communism and it hides the problem.
01:34:33 And until white people can stop getting.
01:34:37 Their panties and a bunch every time you mention that this is a problem.
01:34:41 And stop being worried about hurting black people's feelings.
01:34:46 Or even worse, putting black people's feelings ahead of their the safety of their own children.
01:34:55 This problem is.
01:34:56 Going to get worse and worse and worse.
01:34:58 And it's not just black kids.
01:35:00 They're just like the extreme example.
01:35:03 Some people think I've been harsh on black people the last few streams.
01:35:06 It's just it's.
01:35:08 I'm pointing out.
01:35:16 And when you talk about black people, we have a lot of data.
01:35:21 And we have a lot of contrast.
01:35:34 If you're trying to prove to people that there's differences in dog breeds, it's more useful to point out the difference between a.
01:35:43 A Great Dane.
01:35:45 And a Chihuahua.
01:35:50 Because the differences are more obvious.
01:35:55 And again I look, I actually have sympathy for these black kids.
01:36:04 In many cases, their ancestors didn't ask to be here.
01:36:15 And their families have been here for centuries.
01:36:17 Some of them.
01:36:27 The problem is the compassionate solutions.
01:36:33 That white people came to like segregation.
01:36:36 Yes, segregation was a compassionate solution.
01:36:40 It was like look, OK, fine.
01:36:43 If we have to occupy the same geographic area because of historical reasons, whatever.
01:36:50 But let's let's let's do you do yours and.
01:36:53 We do ours.
01:36:59 You can have your schools.
01:37:02 We'll have our schools.
01:37:05 You can have your restaurants.
01:37:06 We'll have our restaurants.
01:37:15 The federal government said no, we're all the same.
01:37:20 Didn't you hear that speech that Martin Luther King read?
01:37:24 That that Jew wrote for him.
01:37:33 We're all the same content of their character.
01:37:42 Because what's the other like?
01:37:44 What are the choices?
01:37:46 The choices are we just go on like this for Infinity.
01:37:52 While the other like, look if you care about the West.
01:37:56 Ability to.
01:37:58 To succeed.
01:38:01 Or better yet, their supremacy in the world, their their ability to.
01:38:07 To set the standard.
01:38:09 In the world.
01:38:12 You should care about this problem because that that ability is waning.
01:38:22 We will be passed up by other nations that do not have this problem.
01:38:40 Than it used.
01:38:40 To be that the world was a bigger place.
01:38:46 If conditions got to be too intolerable in one place, there was always more places you could go.
01:38:51 Well, that's not the case anymore.
01:38:57 Right.
01:38:58 If white people want to say, well, you know, it's not fair to segregate and we don't want to send blacks back to Africa or or whatever other solution you could think of.
01:39:10 We'll just remove ourselves.
01:39:15 You know, be a different kind of white flight instead of because apparently going to the suburbs doesn't help.
01:39:21 Well, there's nowhere to go.
01:39:27 You finally run out of corners of the room to run to.
01:39:42 It's finally time to stop being a *****.
01:40:02 Our cricket friend is back.
01:40:09 He adds atmosphere.
01:40:15 You'd think classified cat would be all over that, but he's not.
01:40:24 Lazy ****.
01:40:34 Alright, let's take a look at Hyper chats.
01:40:41 We're going to go more into in a in a future stream.
01:40:44 We're gonna go more into cases of of white people going to primitive tribes and the wonderful experiences they had.
01:40:55 In fact, you know what?
01:40:56 **** it.
01:40:56 Before we do hyper chats, we got a lot of people here.
01:41:00 Let's take a look at the rest of that.
01:41:04 That documentary I pulled a clip from where they were talking about that tribe that wiped out.
01:41:14 All the people that were like be our friend.
01:41:20 Let me pull that up.
01:41:21 I actually haven't watched the whole thing, so it could be something fun.
01:41:24 We're only we're only about an hour 40 in.
01:41:27 We can make this kind of a long one.
01:41:31 Alright, let me let me pull this up.
01:41:33 We won't watch the whole thing, but I think there's a a second story.
01:41:37 Because I did watch part of it, there is a second story that uh, that mirrored the first one.
01:41:45 Let me pull this up here.
01:41:49 Where is that?
01:42:02 Or, you know, I could ask chat.
01:42:03 We got two.
01:42:04 Well, now I want to save that one for later.
01:42:06 I'll save that one for later.
01:42:13 We'll look at this.
01:42:14 We'll look at part.
01:42:14 Of this one, this is this is like 2 hours long, so we're going to watch the whole thing, obviously.
01:42:18 But we'll go over.
01:42:19 At least the second story on this.
01:42:26 All right.
01:42:42 OK, here we go.
Speaker 5
01:42:52 8 front pages of the newspapers carried the details.
01:42:56 Life magazine devoted 10 full pages to the story.
01:42:59 A world looked red and was stunned.
01:43:03 In an effort to throw light on these wild Stone Age men, we've interviewed a man who has penetrated the South American jungle and has met one of the most notorious of the unpack tied tribes.
01:43:14 He's doctor Edward Ware of the American Museum of Natural History.
01:43:18 Doctor Ware, when were you last among the wild tribes of South America?
Speaker 21
01:43:26 Well, Charles, I reached the country of the shanties in May of 1953. The savantes are not neighbors of the Alcas, but they're similar to them in their primitiveness and their hostility.
01:43:39 This event of the missionaries being killed is, of course, very tragic, but it's nothing new in the history of the Amazon.
01:43:49 My own expedition into the geographical center of South America was made with good preparation, but I must say that when I met these savantes, I had never felt so uneasy in the presence of a group of primitive people.
01:44:08 I kept feeling that.
01:44:10 Anything might happen.
01:44:12 I want you to look at their.
01:44:14 In other words, he didn't relax.
01:44:17 That's the kind of funny thing is, in contrast to the people in the airplane that dropped the goodies on the tribe, this guy was like, I don't know.
01:44:24 About this ****.
01:44:26 That's why he's still alive.
01:44:27 That's why he's doing the interview.
Speaker 21
01:44:29 It faces closely.
01:44:30 Can you see what it is that gives them such a grim and ominous look?
01:44:36 I couldn't tell myself at first, close to them.
01:44:39 And then I noticed they have no eyebrows.
01:44:42 Apparently they pluck them.
01:44:45 The government of Brazil has tried to pacify these savantes they leave presence on the trail and drop them from plains, but often is not.
01:44:56 The savantes clubbed the presents or burn them either in fear, superstitious fear or as defiance.
01:45:05 Of the friendly gesture.
01:45:08 Again, what can we learn from this?
01:45:10 This is all throughout the world.
01:45:11 It's not unique to black people.
01:45:13 Like I said, it's just an example that in America we have the most data on the most personal experience from.
01:45:21 This is just what it's like when worlds collide.
01:45:27 But for some reason white people can't help themselves.
Speaker 12
01:45:33 I don't know why.
01:45:35 But they feel like they need to have these people in their societies.
01:45:39 No, we just need to give them cell phones and it'll be good.
01:45:42 Everything will be fine.
01:45:45 Let's give them gifts.
01:45:46 Why are they burning our gifts in defiance?
Speaker 21
01:45:50 And the planes go too close to them.
01:45:53 The Chevaliers are known to shoot arrows and throw their clubs at them.
01:45:58 So far as.
01:45:58 I know these are the only motion pictures, but show a meeting of first meeting like this.
01:46:08 And events that followed after my journey proved that a certain amount of caution was certainly wise, because less than a month after I left the Kuwani River, a group of 55 savantes were encountered by 4 missionaries and 20.
01:46:26 Brazilian explorer.
01:46:29 And for the.
01:46:29 Next two days on two or three occasions, the travelers were held under Arrow fire for two hours at the time.
01:46:37 How they escaped, I don't know.
01:46:39 It was an almost miraculous thing and more recently than that, the Savantes have killed 3 missionaries.
01:46:49 The government can't restrain.
01:46:53 Most of these primitive people have a strong code of an eye for an eye, and if they were to the government, were to exert punitive measures, it would only begin an endless cycle of bloodshed and killing.
01:47:09 Actually, they received me in a friendly fashion.
01:47:13 But there's no assurance that the same would be the case when another traveler goes among them, as has been demonstrated, since by the missionaries and other explorers who've been there.
01:47:27 I like how it's the same exact problem.
01:47:31 Well, the government's afraid think about the black the the treatment of blacks during the Black Lives Matter riots.
01:47:40 The government's afraid of any kind of punitive damages because of the response.
01:47:44 That they'll get.
01:47:54 It's the exact same problem.
01:47:56 This is just the relationship between civilized people.
01:48:02 And uncivilized people.
01:48:06 And in both cases, the civilized people are kind of to blame because they're the.
01:48:10 Ones asking for it.
01:48:14 In this case, it's a little more extreme.
01:48:16 That's why we're using it as an example.
01:48:20 Like why not?
01:48:20 Why not just leave them like you have two.
01:48:22 In this case you have two choices.
01:48:25 Leave them the **** alone, which is what I would do.
01:48:29 Or just massacre him and get it over with.
01:48:36 You know, it's either if you want it, look if you.
01:48:39 Want their lands?
01:48:40 Then either conquer it.
01:48:44 Or let them have it.
01:48:46 This in between in between limbo.
01:48:49 **** is good for nobody.
01:48:51 It's not good for them.
01:48:52 It's not.
01:48:53 Good for us.
Speaker 5
01:49:03 What sort of man is it who derives pleasure from killing with us today is Doctor Harry Choppas of the scientific staff of the American Museum of Natural History.
01:49:13 Doctor Chopik, can you supply some of the background to this tragedy?
01:49:18 Well, Charles.
Speaker 29
01:49:19 I've been among several tribes in the Montanya and when I first heard about the news.
01:49:23 This guy sounds exactly like Hank Hill, and he kind of looks like him too, doesn't he?
01:49:26 Let's let's this guy talk.
01:49:27 He sounds like exactly.
01:49:29 Like Hank Hill did he?
Speaker 29
01:49:30 Well, Charles, I've been among several tribes in the moon.
01:49:33 Tonya and when I first heard about the news, I was somewhat confused about this reference to the Alphas, because actually, you know, there may not even be any such a tribe.
01:49:43 In one sense, the word alpha, which is a native term, just means a Pagan in.
01:49:47 I'm I'm having a hard time.
01:49:48 Like focusing on what he's saying is they keep things going, try to sell me propane.
Speaker 29
01:49:53 Among several tribes in the Montanya, and when I first heard about the news, I was somewhat confused about this reference to the Alphas, because actually, you know, there may not even be.
01:50:02 Any such a tribe?
01:50:04 In one sense, the word Alka, which is a native term, just means a Pagan Indian as opposed to a Christian.
01:50:09 An ending and the situation is even more complicated than that, because the term formally applied to a small subtribe than we had thought was extinct, and to be perfectly honest, we don't know who the alphas are or what they're like.
01:50:24 And all we know about them is what we can draw by inference from what we know about.
01:50:27 The groups that surround them, but I.
01:50:29 Think it's safe to say that the alcas?
01:50:32 Have not seen any white people or hadn't until they saw the missionaries for the last 50 or 100 years, and they've certainly never seen an.
Speaker 3
01:50:39 Airplane on the.
Speaker 29
01:50:39 Ground. Well, now we're.
Speaker 5
01:50:40 The tribes which you visited as treacherous as the alcas.
Speaker 29
01:50:45 Oh, no, no.
01:50:47 The CHAMAS, for example, are are pretty much subdued today.
01:50:51 The thing is that the approach to any of these people is very difficult and delicate, and you have to go in on their terms.
01:50:58 You can't superimpose your terms for.
Speaker 5
01:51:01 Them well, now since these India.
01:51:06 See why can't we apply the apply the same standard?
01:51:13 When you have primitive people among you, you can't have this hubris, this white hubris that I've been talking about.
01:51:20 And just assume that.
01:51:22 Well, no, everyone should.
01:51:23 Be able to.
01:51:24 Abide by our standards and customs.
01:51:26 They can't.
01:51:30 It's a capability issue.
01:51:34 And even if it wasn't.
01:51:37 Especially in the case of these guys, why?
01:51:39 Why should?
01:51:40 They have to.
01:51:46 Look, if we.
01:51:47 Want right to self determination?
01:51:49 Don't we at least need to be able to?
01:51:53 Other other groups, ability and or or desired for the same thing.
01:51:58 And and look at look for solutions that accomplish that.
01:52:04 Again, I don't even understand why they're dicking around with these tribes, I I suspect.
01:52:09 If you know the government getting involved, it's because they want to use the resources that they're.
01:52:13 Yeah, that's usually what it comes down to, right?
01:52:16 They wanted that that rainforest land for something.
01:52:20 Otherwise why would they care?
Speaker 5
01:52:22 Jeans are really the Aboriginal inhabitants of the country.
01:52:26 How do you account for the tribal differences between them?
Speaker 29
01:52:29 Well, the tribes on the main rivers have been in contact with whites for some time.
01:52:37 And of course, they've been missionaries in and out of these jungles for four centuries, and they've brought in various European customs and ideas, and among the Christian villages where the missionaries have collected the Indians in villages wide than the missionary exerts more or less continuous pressure on them.
01:52:54 And then in addition, why?
01:52:56 The governments of these South American countries have made their attempts to pacify the Indians.
Speaker 5
01:53:00 You mentioned the chamas Dr.
01:53:02 Chopik as peaceful people.
01:53:04 How do they live?
01:53:06 What are they like?
01:53:07 These tribes live on the mainstream and the tributaries of the Ucayali River in eastern Peru.
Speaker 29
01:53:13 Will traumas are master bowl?
01:53:16 And they make special arrows designed for shooting certain specified game.
01:53:22 The macaw is a bird that they value for its plumage.
01:53:25 So if the arrow is devised to minimize damage to the feathers, you'll notice that that arrow is blunted.
Speaker 9
01:53:33 Now the war.
Speaker 29
01:53:34 Club that was previously used in mass attack by the Chalmas is now almost used exclusively in personal duels.
01:53:40 It's made of a hardwood called chonta palm and the edges are ground to a knife like sharpness, but one of the things that hasn't changed is this pottery, which is practically as delicate as English.
01:53:51 The first one.
01:53:53 Now these trousers, I think, are an interesting example of acculturation.
01:53:57 The material was brought in by the white man.
01:53:59 Actually, it's a pair of blue jeans, but it's decorated in the native style, resulting in this curious hybrid costume.
Speaker 5
01:54:12 Let's enter a choma village and see what the people are like today.
Speaker 29
01:54:20 The villages along the main stream of the river are accessible.
01:54:25 I'll look more doctors and engineers.
01:54:30 Say again they can't.
01:54:32 Why people can't help themselves.
01:54:40 And look, to be fair, it's it's impossible to ignore some of the things.
01:54:44 What kept?
01:54:45 What did he keep mentioning?
01:54:47 He did keep mentioning Christian missionaries.
01:54:52 There is a Christian aspect to this.
01:54:55 Christians get upset because they've they've been under a lot of criticism.
01:55:00 But look, it's it's not a bad idea to see what criticisms are valid here, and I think this certainly.
01:55:06 Is one of them.
01:55:08 It does appear to be a double edged sword.
01:55:12 In one way it did help pacify as they put it, some of the tribes.
01:55:18 Because the missionaries could then erase.
01:55:22 You know, whatever God's dictated the culture.
01:55:28 And replace it with the white man's God if.
01:55:30 You will.
01:55:32 And use that as leverage.
01:55:34 To get whatever they wanted.
01:55:38 It also at least begins.
01:55:42 To restructure their value system to one that it's at least recognizable to white people.
01:55:53 But there is this common theme.
01:55:58 Of Christians throughout the West.
01:56:01 Having this belief and maybe look, there's even an argument I said earlier.
01:56:06 What is this gene that white people have that makes them feel like we're all the same?
01:56:13 It's not.
01:56:15 A crazy question to ask yourself.
01:56:18 Is it a gene?
01:56:21 Or is that something that has roots in Christianity itself?
01:56:26 I know that when I've had discussions about racial differences in my personal life with family members.
01:56:34 Who are Christian?
01:56:36 That you have that same kind of.
01:56:43 You know, we're all God's children kind.
01:56:45 Of a thing.
01:56:53 Now my answer to that, I don't think that.
01:56:58 Understanding racial differences is incompatible with Christianity because it really wasn't prior to World War 2.
01:57:11 And my pushback would be for the Christians.
01:57:13 Look, God also created guerrillas, but it doesn't mean that you.
01:57:18 Want them to vote?
01:57:20 And again, I'm not calling any group of people gorillas.
01:57:23 I'm just using an extreme example.
01:57:29 Just because we're all God's creatures.
01:57:35 Doesn't mean that we all have the.
01:57:36 Same role in the world.
01:57:41 Especially if you're a Christian, it's all over the Bible, but God's making different deals with different people all the time in the Bible.
01:57:49 Well, if it was one-size-fits-all, that wouldn't make any sense.
01:57:56 God would be breaking his own rules.
01:58:01 But for some reason, post World War 2.
01:58:05 A lot of this, a lot of these.
01:58:07 Waters got muddied.
01:58:14 Because I think that even the early Christian missionaries, when they would do this kind of work.
01:58:21 There wasn't this expectation.
01:58:24 That by bringing Christianity.
01:58:27 To these primitive people that suddenly they would become just like us.
01:58:35 And I think there's a lot of people like that today.
01:58:42 There's a lot of people like that today.
01:58:45 And when you point out well.
01:58:48 There's lots of African countries where the official, like the official.
01:58:53 Religion is Christianity.
01:58:58 In the Congo, I think it's something like 9798% of the the Congolese are.
01:59:04 Our Christian.
01:59:07 And you compare that with a society where, like in Japan, where it's less than 10% of the population, it's in the single digits. It's Christian.
01:59:17 And you ask them to explain that disparity, then they can't.
01:59:20 They just outright can't.
01:59:25 In fact, if anything, they might revert into like those people that when you point out that Communism has never worked that well, real communism has never been tried and they start saying, well, that's that's not the real kind of Christianity or whatever.
01:59:42 Well, Christianity, Christianity, it's it's obvious is not a requirement.
01:59:48 For societies to succeed.
01:59:53 And it's not a magic ingredient.
01:59:56 It's not like MSG where you add it to stuff and it just magically.
01:59:59 Tastes good.
02:00:05 So I think that has that has.
02:00:07 That's a, that's a valid criticism.
02:00:10 And it's something I think Christians need to at least think about.
02:00:12 They need to ponder on that.
02:00:20 What role has their religion played in the in the current state of things?
02:00:27 And how might it be done differently?
02:00:32 And how might some of the damage be undone?
02:00:40 But again, I don't think it's just that I think that white people.
02:00:44 Do have some kind of genetic predisposition to having some attraction to the exotic.
02:00:51 That's what has driven us to become explorers in previous generations.
02:00:57 That's part of the reason why we went to.
02:01:00 All four corners of the earth.
02:01:04 No, that's not a.
02:01:06 It's not a Gimme to the flat Earthers.
02:01:17 I think there is a hubris there.
02:01:21 They see their society, not just their religion, but their society is so superior that there's something innate about it.
02:01:30 Then if you apply.
02:01:33 That structure that.
02:01:36 It's like think of it this way.
02:01:38 It's almost like.
02:01:43 Society and the religion.
02:01:46 Is the computer hardware.
02:01:49 And the people.
02:01:51 Are the applications running?
02:01:54 On that hardware.
02:01:58 And the people are so.
02:02:02 Proud of how well designed the hardware is.
02:02:07 How quickly it's able to execute different functions?
02:02:13 How much RAM it has and everything else?
02:02:17 That they think if you get these other apps.
02:02:21 That were designed for other hardware.
02:02:26 And you go through the trouble of writing all these emulators to to force it to run.
02:02:29 On on your hardware.
02:02:32 Then it's going to run as smoothly.
02:02:33 And it just won't.
02:02:38 It just won't.
02:02:50 Anyway, let me take a look at let me skip through some of this here.
02:02:55 I don't.
02:02:55 I don't wanna learn.
02:02:56 I I just don't.
02:02:57 I just don't.
02:02:57 Wanna learn about like?
02:02:58 The the and then this club is this.
02:03:00 Have I mentioned our great deals on propane?
02:03:06 Look, I saw there there.
02:03:08 Let's see about.
02:03:09 This head thing, what's the ******* head thing?
Speaker 29
02:03:22 The Warrior prepares for the ritual celebration.
02:03:25 He wears his finest ornaments.
02:03:27 An important part of the ritual lies ahead.
02:03:30 He must deride the head and spit at it and sell it, while shouts to complete the obligations to the spirits of his ancestors.
02:03:38 Ceremony of the dance and the song must be followed strictly in order that the magical powers of the enemy head may be turned to the advantage of the warrior.
02:03:46 And his people.
02:03:47 Unless these rights have performed, the head might become a great source of evil to the tribe.
02:03:52 The magic in the head must be exercised.
02:03:59 See and.
02:03:59 This makes me sympathetic to those Christians.
02:04:02 If you're a Christian explorer and you come across the people that are performing.
02:04:08 Satanic rituals essentially like this isn't just like, oh, they're just different than us.
02:04:13 Now they're they're beheading people and then putting the head on a spike and dancing around the head to derive some kind of magical force from the head.
02:04:23 You're gonna wanna impose your religion on those people.
02:04:25 You're gonna be like.
02:04:26 No, no, no.
02:04:27 No, no, no.
02:04:28 No more of this head stuff.
02:04:30 No more of this head on the spike stuff.
02:04:33 OK.
02:04:36 You only define Jesus.
Speaker 12
02:04:39 So I have a little.
02:04:39 I have a little bit of sympathy.
02:04:41 When you have, when you when you encounter people like this for wanting to be.
02:04:45 Like, hey, hey, hey.
02:04:49 There, there's, there's there's differences.
02:04:51 And then there's differences, OK.
02:04:55 Like this?
02:04:57 You know.
02:04:58 But that's the problem is is you don't.
02:05:00 Have to be there.
02:05:05 The other solution is it the the solution is not necessarily impose your value system on these people.
02:05:12 That's the only solution that that's what's available if you're determined.
02:05:17 To occupy the same space that they are.
02:05:22 But you're learning the same problems that that the the teachers in New York were running into with the black people.
02:05:26 They're never going to be able.
02:05:27 To fully understand it the same way you do.
02:05:40 They might stop dancing around a a rotting head on a spike trying to do magic tricks on it.
02:05:51 But they're never going to fully understand Christianity the way that you understand it.
02:05:55 They're never gonna practice it the way that you practice.
02:05:57 If you want a perfect example of this, look at Mexico.
02:06:04 Mexico's brand of Christianity and Catholicism, it's.
02:06:12 It's riddled with.
02:06:15 With Aztec and Mayan.
02:06:29 In the same way, I guess you could say European Christianity is riddled with Pagan influence.
02:06:44 So anyway, I'll probably do a stream where we go more into this kind of stuff.
02:06:50 There's a lot of stuff like this, and there's a lot of lessons to be learned, but I just thought that was important to point out that that's essentially what's happening with with with non whites and white countries.
02:07:01 There's this smugness that white people have that think, oh, we just have to convert them to our way of thinking.
02:07:05 It'll it'll be.
02:07:06 Just like.
02:07:07 Us and the next thing, another floating face.
02:07:10 First in a in a.
02:07:10 ******* Amazon River.
02:07:15 With a spear hanging out of their ******* ****.
02:07:25 And this is not the way white man.
02:07:27 This is not the way.
02:07:30 All right, now let's take a.
02:07:31 Look at her chance.
02:07:44 Zero says school sucks.
02:07:46 The teachers push too much gay stuff.
02:07:48 When I talk to other generations about school, it's almost another world.
02:07:52 Yeah, you must be younger.
02:07:55 I would say that some of that stuff was starting to inch its way in when I was younger, we, but it was the liberal teachers you knew.
02:08:01 You knew it was like there were certain teachers.
02:08:05 They didn't push it.
02:08:07 But they would like needle at it.
02:08:08 They would like, throw in little things here and there about how they disapproved of this politician or that they were always Republicans, of course.
02:08:16 Like you never, you never had.
02:08:17 You never saw the opposite, and that's that's maybe the problem.
02:08:21 I think that you had.
02:08:22 A lot of.
02:08:23 Christian conservatives that were teachers, but they always thought it was inappropriate for them to insert their religion and their their belief system into the classroom.
02:08:34 And the The funny thing is.
02:08:36 They use their, their.
02:08:38 Religion and and their belief system used to.
02:08:40 Be the classroom.
02:08:42 But because they were made to feel so guilty about having any kind of influence that that everything should be so secular and and and not, and everything should be morally relative.
02:08:53 By the exact same.
02:08:54 People who later started pushing their trans **** in into the classroom.
02:08:59 That they obeyed.
02:09:01 They like ohh yeah, I guess I shouldn't. We should. You know, we we should all respect each other's beliefs.
02:09:08 Just because I celebrate holiday XYZ doesn't.
02:09:11 Mean the other.
02:09:12 You know, people do and blah, blah blah blah.
02:09:15 And so the conserve you didn't know that was the thing.
02:09:17 When I was in school, you didn't know what teachers were, Christian or conservative.
02:09:20 I mean, you would suspect that the ones that didn't say the weird liberal **** that they were, the ones, but they never made it clear.
02:09:28 I never once had a Christian conservative teacher.
02:09:32 Insert their beliefs into any curriculum whatsoever.
02:09:37 But I had lots of secular communist teachers that would do that endlessly.
02:09:47 And a lot of that made its way into the textbooks. I mean, partially because of Delain, Maxwell's Mossad father.
02:09:55 Who owned a lot of the publishing companies for textbooks?
02:09:58 I remember once.
02:10:00 I had a.
02:10:02 I had a like. It was an English one-on-one class I think.
02:10:07 And every example they would use of a bad way to present an argument would be a conservative making an argument like Rush Limbaugh was literally one of the examples they're like.
02:10:18 Ohh, as you can see, Rush Limbaugh does the straw man by blah blah blah blah blah.
02:10:24 And over here you can see Bob Dole does the you know, it was just like a.
02:10:29 Republicans and Christians.
02:10:31 Used as the example of bad arguments.
02:10:38 I mean they, they, they, the any chance they get they would insert it and Christian in the same way Christians and conservatives have never understood the value in inserting their belief system into art.
02:10:50 And the only way to do that is by producing art.
02:10:54 They also stayed away from doing it in education.
02:11:03 Asleep at the wheel, they have no one to.
02:11:05 Blame but themselves.
02:11:06 John Skywalker last time I brought the movie Zootopia or brought up the movie Zootopia.
02:11:13 But don't think I was specific enough.
02:11:15 It pushes racial integration by mixing prey and predator animals in society together with obvious consequences that end up being pinned on the metaphor of racial supremacy instead of biology.
02:11:27 I would love to see your review.
02:11:29 Well, I might check it out.
02:11:29 Like I said, I might check out.
02:11:31 I I I I I.
02:11:35 I'll be looking at maybe a movie to.
02:11:36 Do fairly soon, so I'll I'll I'll maybe watch that if I have a chance here.
02:11:44 Graham playing games this tweet makes a good point.
02:11:48 Absolutely insane that a foreign ethnic person tells the English that their flag is offensive.
02:11:53 Imagine the Vietnamese.
02:11:54 Getting an Irish person?
02:11:55 Tell them something about their country needs to change.
02:12:00 I hate it.
02:12:01 Well, that's I I can imagine what it's going to be, but I'll go and pop it open anyway.
02:12:08 No, it's it's the same thing white people.
02:12:11 For some reason it's it's like an opposites, whereas they used to want to impose.
02:12:18 Their their standards on these primitive people.
02:12:21 Now they feel like the.
02:12:24 The ship bags now they feel like you know the colonizers now they feel.
02:12:27 Like they learned the exact wrong lesson.
02:12:30 They learned the exact wrong lesson.
02:12:33 The lesson wasn't that they should have learned, should have been.
02:12:36 Ohh these other people are incompatible with this and so therefore we shouldn't try to include them in our societies.
02:12:44 Instead they're like ohh no, we should.
02:12:46 We should now take their their.
02:12:51 Standards and apply them to us.
Speaker 30
02:12:56 And actually I do worry for the connector.
Speaker 8
02:12:57 In those things, is that a?
02:12:59 Symbol of.
Speaker 30
02:12:59 See that you know that is, that's just kind.
Speaker 8
02:13:00 Nationalism or?
02:13:01 Racism, right?
Speaker 30
02:13:01 Of ignorance to me, because you're waving it around and I feel.
Speaker 28
02:13:05 It's me.
Speaker 18
02:13:06 Can you call?
Speaker 28
02:13:07 Listen, look, I I'm proud to be coming to say that.
02:13:09 Yeah, there's that.
02:13:10 There's a million things.
02:13:11 Like, I don't think that just because of some a few wrong ones that are far right that flag maybe.
Speaker 30
02:13:15 It's not feel wrong.
02:13:16 Enter till March.
Speaker 28
02:13:17 Listen, listen.
02:13:18 The majority of the majority of people.
02:13:20 Yeah, should be able to be proud of where they come from.
Speaker 7
02:13:20 Of course.
Speaker 28
02:13:22 Like and should we?
02:13:23 They we.
02:13:23 We ain't letting them take like we.
Speaker 30
02:13:24 I don't think you should encourage nationalism, that you shouldn't.
Speaker 8
02:13:25 We we are.
02:13:27 We are proud.
Speaker 30
02:13:28 We've had Brexit Windrush, there's a lot.
Speaker 17
02:13:30 That are into your.
Speaker 7
02:13:31 Younger generations. What? OK, so.
02:13:34 What cause you say, as a woman of colour, you don't feel that this flag represents.
02:13:40 You or that there are.
Speaker 30
02:13:40 It's not inclusive.
Speaker 7
02:13:42 So, So what is the, what is your proposition?
02:13:45 What in what?
02:13:46 What would make you feel proud to be British?
Speaker 30
02:13:49 I think all the I think all the moderate voices like Ed said, need to do.
02:13:52 We need to become louder and actually celebrate.
02:13:54 Saint George actually is a representation of multi multiculturalism and is a representation of tolerance.
Speaker 8
02:14:00 Fought in Turkey.
Speaker 30
02:14:01 We should be a tolerant, more of a tolerant country.
02:14:04 We are not that these days we are not so into.
02:14:07 The far right and not even the far right people of so much against asylum seekers, refugees, they're taking this, they're taking that, but let's celebrate.
Speaker 8
02:14:13 If you but if you but if you give the flag and patriotism and Saint George's Day to the far right and say we're not gonna touch it because that's something we're not proud of, that is a catastrophe for our country and we have to.
Speaker 30
02:14:21 You've given it.
Speaker 8
02:14:28 Own it together.
Speaker 30
02:14:28 It's it's outdated, it's outdated.
Speaker 8
02:14:30 We could be proud that things which we.
02:14:31 Achieved together new.
Speaker 30
02:14:33 Let's get a new flag because that one is outdated and it represents far too much negativity in this country.
02:14:39 I think we need a.
Speaker 9
02:14:40 New day. What's what's what's?
02:14:44 See, this is The thing is, is white people have chosen to be subordinate to hysterical ******* like this.
02:14:55 And and I think it is, I think it's like some weird guilt for imposing their value system on primitive people.
02:15:02 So when the primitive people come to them.
02:15:04 Till I go, I guess it's our turn.
02:15:07 I guess it's our turn to be the the primitive people.
02:15:15 Bottom line is it's just that you don't believe.
02:15:17 In it.
02:15:18 The reason why Muslims get more upset and become more violent when you insult their prophet is because they actually.
02:15:26 Believe in it.
02:15:32 If the English aren't raging at what this woman is saying, it's because they just don't believe in England anymore.
02:15:38 And honestly, why would they?
02:15:47 Why would they?
02:15:51 As a nation, they've certainly failed to even do the most basic things like protect their own people.
02:16:02 Those CCTV cameras that are all over the city, they're not pointed at the borders.
02:16:10 They're pointed at you.
02:16:25 So that's that's, you know.
02:16:28 It's a hard truth, but that's what it is.
02:16:32 John Skywalker, would you also consider doing a stream on 2011 movie? We need to talk about Kevin. It's about a psychopathic kid who torments his mom throughout the film, played by a Jewish and mentally ill actor. Ezra Miller seems, oddly enough, about a person playing a real life.
02:16:50 Version of themselves.
02:16:51 I feel like I've seen that.
02:16:54 We need to talk about Kevin.
02:16:55 I feel like I've seen that.
02:16:56 Let me look.
02:17:03 It sounds familiar.
02:17:06 And it's from an an era where I was.
02:17:07 Watching a lot of movies.
02:17:10 2011.
02:17:16 Yeah, I think so, right?
02:17:18 Because she gets all ******* nuts.
02:17:25 Yeah, I'd have that.
02:17:26 I don't remember much about it other than I, I was the reason I looked it up was I wanted to see if this actress was in it because I remember.
02:17:34 I just remember her going nuts in the movie.
02:17:38 So I I probably saw it.
02:17:40 I just.
02:17:41 Saw it like well.
02:17:42 Probably like 11 years ago, so.
02:17:45 I don't remember much about it.
02:17:47 Ah, let's see here.
02:17:49 Graham playing games there is a disingenuous refrain about race mixing saying people will fall in love as if this is completely organic without endless propaganda pushing race mixing.
02:17:59 But race mixing is relatively rare even in America.
02:18:04 In Europe, even inter ethnic mixing is somewhat rare.
02:18:07 Let alone race, mixing.
02:18:10 Yeah, I mean, I don't know what the actual numbers are, but the fact remains that even as early as or as recently as like the 80s and 90s, when I've looked at some of these, let's have a talk about race videos and they asked people that aren't, you know, not like the let's ask the KKK.
02:18:29 What he thinks.
02:18:31 Usually race mixing was still kind of like.
02:18:36 You know well, think of it this way.
02:18:37 Here's a good way of looking at it.
02:18:39 When you look at even progressive shows like, say, Star Trek.
02:18:46 When when they'd have, I mean, sure, they had.
02:18:48 Like, the first interracial kiss, I think on the original Star Trek between Kirk and the the Blackjack.
02:18:54 But they and I think it was the next generation one.
02:18:58 They would they.
02:18:59 Would have black aliens with black aliens.
02:19:02 Right.
02:19:03 They would race, mix or species mix, I guess in that case.
02:19:06 From time to time, but often.
02:19:09 It was very taboo.
02:19:11 It was very taboo for both both races.
02:19:14 In fact, one of the things I'll probably be talking about in when I do Fresh Prince of Bel Air, there's an episode where one of the black members of of the Fresh Princess family has a a white what fiance and it's a big scandal.
02:19:35 The blacks don't like that.
02:19:36 They're that she's race mixing, so it's a relatively new concept.
02:19:42 To be.
02:19:45 To act as if that that, that there's no.
02:19:47 Issue with that.
02:19:50 Like so many other things there's there's, like, so many other new concepts right in our societies.
02:19:57 Incell wizard $25.
02:20:09 Burnt to a crisp.
02:20:10 Working all day while Mezzo's Lord over me, the invaders riding my bike for work.
02:20:17 I stare at them.
02:20:18 I can't.
02:20:18 This sounds like a haiku.
02:20:20 I can't contain my disgust.
02:20:22 Mezzo kid mouth.
02:20:23 Some insult to me as I passed tonight.
02:20:26 If it were a real man, I'd have shouted.
02:20:28 What did you just say, boy?
02:20:30 And then it updated and I can't read what you're hold on.
02:20:35 My Internet connection die or something?
02:20:36 Why did chat die?
02:20:39 Let me go back to.
02:20:40 Alright, I.
02:20:40 Had to pop it out.
02:20:43 Hang on, I'm going to rescreen up all these things.
02:20:45 I'll find you.
02:20:47 What did you say, boy?
02:20:48 But I have a gooey slop gut.
02:20:52 Well, time to get rid of that gooey slop gut.
02:20:56 That's what I would say.
02:20:59 I've got a goy slop gut right now, so I can't really.
02:21:03 I can't really talk too much ****.
02:21:06 But the the night hikes have are well, I haven't really resumed.
02:21:11 They've sporadically resumed.
02:21:12 They they are resuming.
02:21:15 That's The thing is, is the.
02:21:18 The second you stop it's.
02:21:19 It's amazing how quickly you get out of shape so.
02:21:23 Yeah, we should all be.
02:21:25 We should all be that that should be part of our daily focus and it's really hard to to to, to have time to do that and to do all the other things that we're trying to accomplish in life.
02:21:34 And I think there is like a, I don't know, like there there is a a.
02:21:41 For a lot of people, it feels like a waste.
02:21:44 Waste of time.
02:21:45 But you can you you.
02:21:46 Look, you could listen to this.
02:21:47 This the audio of this stream while doing a workout or something like that.
02:21:51 So you can it's not like you can't do two things.
02:21:53 Once and definitely cut out the gooey slab definitely cut out the goeslow up more than just for the gut reasons for like life expectancy reasons.
02:22:04 You know one thing that's crazy. Look, if we just look at that footage of the 1966 ghetto school.
02:22:11 Right.
02:22:11 Let me look at this.
02:22:14 1966 ghetto school.
02:22:17 None of those black kids are fat.
02:22:19 None of them.
02:22:21 None of them.
02:22:24 How insane is that?
02:22:27 You go to.
02:22:28 A ghetto school now.
02:22:29 Well, I mean, I.
02:22:30 Think I have a clip of that right.
02:22:32 Is this like look at look at the teacher.
02:22:37 She's like three times as big.
02:22:39 As she would have been in 1966.
02:22:43 I guess you can't really.
02:22:44 See the kids as much.
02:22:46 The kids don't look too.
02:22:47 Fat, but you.
02:22:48 You know what I mean.
02:22:49 Like a lot of black people.
02:22:50 Are are gigantic, well, a?
02:22:52 Lot of just people in American are gigantic.
02:22:55 And you look at footage from 1966 and like, no one's gigantic.
02:23:00 So you need to cut out the processed foods.
02:23:02 You need to cut out all the foods that if it comes.
02:23:04 In a package ready to go, it's.
02:23:06 Probably bad for you.
02:23:09 And you look, it's a time suck, right?
02:23:10 A lot of people don't know how to cook.
02:23:12 They don't know how to cook in a way that.
02:23:16 Is uh.
02:23:18 Or or or they seen as like a status thing like so many other things that have ruined white people.
02:23:22 They see it as a status thing.
02:23:24 Well, if I'm not eating out every meal.
02:23:26 You know, like with the with all my friends at the office.
02:23:29 Then I'm gonna look like I'm poor if I bring my luncheon to work, I'm going to look like I'm poor.
02:23:33 I have to go eat out, like at all the restaurants, like with all my friends.
02:23:38 And there's like a networking aspect to it.
02:23:39 Or whatever.
02:23:40 And so yeah, just cut out the gooey slop and and step up the.
02:23:46 The exercise a little bit.
02:23:49 The gooey slop is actually more important than the exercise, but exercise is still important in terms of the gut thing.
02:23:54 You still need to get strong.
02:23:56 In cell wizard, there is no political solution.
02:24:02 Man of low moral fiber.
02:24:04 Oh, hell yeah.
02:24:04 Excited about this title.
02:24:06 I hope we get to see some quality Nick in the night.
02:24:08 Well, we I think we accomplished that.
02:24:12 Zazi Mattas Bot, Devin as you may or may not remember, I work at a grocery store after working 3 passovers.
02:24:20 I can tell you something was lost in translation. Jews are not God's chosen people. They are his choosy people. Seriously though, it has sharpened my judar to a razor's edge.
02:24:34 Just look who's buying lamb.
02:24:37 They buy a lot of lamb.
02:24:38 I was not.
02:24:38 Aware of that?
02:24:41 But yeah, they are.
02:24:42 They are very.
02:24:44 They are very choosy.
02:24:45 I guess that's a nice way of putting.
02:24:47 It right.
02:24:49 Banana peeled.
02:24:51 I shouldn't be here, I'm extremely intoxicated.
02:24:54 And you said that you well, you said that twice.
02:24:57 So I believe you.
02:24:58 Banana pilled.
02:25:00 In cell wizard, if you shoot a as he robs you in America.
02:25:04 You will be you.
02:25:05 Will receive a 30 year jail sentence for a racial hate crime.
02:25:09 If we had two a rights, why is it illegal to open carry at the mark?
02:25:12 A place kill A and you enjoy or engage in the race war and thus make war upon the well. Come on.
02:25:23 I can't read stuff like that.
02:25:25 You can't be promoting a race war and look, it's just dumb.
02:25:29 They're like, ohh, just go out and shoot black.
02:25:30 People you know.
02:25:32 That's that's why we have the grocery store thing I didn't play because I can't find it my.
02:25:37 Here it's dumb to do that.
02:25:40 But yeah, it's not illegal to open carry in in grocery stores.
02:25:45 It's just not store policy.
02:25:46 They have the I because it's a private company.
02:25:49 They can tell you.
02:25:50 Not that you can't bring guns in.
02:25:54 But yeah, you can probably still.
02:25:56 I mean, I don't know legally, probably not, but you could probably still conceal carrying.
02:26:02 But yeah, it doesn't mean just shoot random black people.
02:26:04 That's not gonna.
02:26:07 That's not gonna.
02:26:07 That's literally not gonna help.
02:26:08 It's not gonna help.
02:26:09 Like it doesn't accomplish anything that's.
02:26:12 The problem with with.
02:26:12 With, when you have these spurge out shooters, the ones that are even real, in fact, that's The funny thing.
02:26:18 That's why people, if even if they are real people, will call them feds because they know it's it's detrimental.
02:26:24 It doesn't help their cause. It doesn't help your cause to have yet another example in the media for the NPC's to hear about of white supremacy.
02:26:36 I mean the only, I guess silver lining is maybe it's slightly acceleration is but you know.
02:26:42 Not in a way.
02:26:42 That's that's productive, I don't think.
Speaker 12
02:26:46 Ohio $25.
Speaker 25
02:26:50 That's it.
02:26:52 You know, that also deserves a.
Speaker 2
02:26:55 Little baby birthday bus.
02:26:57 Against all odds, I successfully black Pilled a boomer for two weeks.
02:27:01 I bombarded him with Jew Faggs.
02:27:03 It was awesome because four days ago he was like, shut the **** ** about Jews.
02:27:08 And today he couldn't stop talking about Jews, Pharisees, degeneracy, etcetera.
02:27:13 He's a high IQ guy and truly.
02:27:15 Gets it. Thank you, Devin.
02:27:17 Well, that's The thing is, if you actually are smart and in an independent thinker and have the ability to do your own research on a, you know, to a reasonable degree.
02:27:30 It's impossible to ignore the facts.
02:27:33 It's just that these smart people haven't.
02:27:34 Been exposed to them.
02:27:36 So once you open up that door, unless you have some kind of weird mental blockage.
02:27:40 Instant it's impossible to ignore the role that Jewish supremacy has played in the West.
02:27:45 It's just impossible because the evidence of it is everywhere, everywhere.
02:27:50 It it's just and so it doesn't take much.
02:27:52 It doesn't.
02:27:52 Once you've connected like those first two or three dots like the whole constellation comes into view.
02:27:58 Cringe panda. Southern Cotton was the most expensive product in the history of the universe and guaranteed 100% that we would never that we would never. I think you mean you've left out the word accomplished, never accomplish anything as cool as Star Trek.
02:28:16 It was the most expensive product.
02:28:18 If you think about it, it just that it was put on credit and we are now still paying the interest rate all these years later and will forever because it's compound interest.
02:28:29 The other aspect of that is too, it's kind of crazy.
02:28:32 If you read the actual first hand accounts from slaves.
02:28:36 Most of them were totally happy with the situation they were in.
02:28:40 Most of them were perfectly content that's going to be a stream in and of itself.
02:28:45 I have to to get my hands on the book.
02:28:47 I've read a few passages from it though, and it's kind of shocking when you read first hand accounts of slaves.
02:28:52 And they preferred slavery over what what came after, and they they had no problem with the, the working conditions or anything.
02:29:02 You got to think of it this way.
02:29:05 If you're a farmer and you think of black people as livestock, which I can't think of another way.
02:29:12 You put it if you've got slaves, right, you, you you're thinking of them as livestock to some extent, right?
02:29:20 What farmer is intentionally cruel to their livestock?
02:29:24 It doesn't make any sense, you know, like, if you're, if you're looking at them as farm equipment or or livestock, you're going to treat it well because in the same way.
02:29:34 You you know.
02:29:35 You don't intentionally wreck your tractor and and make it all ******.
02:29:40 You know, and in the same way you're not purposely cruel to your your animals.
02:29:45 It it doesn't make any sense.
02:29:47 None of these stories make any sense about like, ohh, that you would just whip them until they were near death.
02:29:54 For what?
02:29:55 What would be the point of?
02:29:56 That like what kind of how much?
02:29:59 Are you going to get out of a a a beast of burden?
02:30:02 If that's how, look, that's how they're saying they view them, right?
02:30:04 How much work?
02:30:05 How productive is that beast of burden going to be if you whip it to near death, like every couple of weeks?
02:30:11 It doesn't make any ******* sense, and it never has.
02:30:14 It's just it's all ********.
02:30:17 Rooster in high school, I cut school too much and had to drop from AP classes to regular classes.
02:30:23 It was like going from school.
02:30:25 To a zoo.
02:30:26 And you can guess the demographics in those classes.
02:30:29 It was elementary school level, and of course they had huge fights daily.
02:30:34 Yeah, I I I went from a gifted program in California to normal school in New Mexico and it was like going from.
02:30:45 Yeah, like you said, it was like, oh, so everyone's ******** here.
02:30:51 So my education apparently stopped in California, right?
02:30:54 OK.
02:30:55 So I just have to go through high school here and and never learn again.
02:30:59 Like I already everything I needed to learn.
02:31:01 Like, like stopped at 7th grade.
02:31:03 OK, so.
02:31:08 Such is the way of public schools, and that's that was a big part of it.
02:31:12 The the school, even though I went to the.
02:31:15 One of the widest schools.
02:31:17 In in in New Mexico, it was still, you know, the standards are very low as a result of the demographics of the city at large.
02:31:32 Femboy, femboy.
02:31:35 Fire bomber.
02:31:37 I think that's your name.
02:31:47 Been watching since 2017, never supported. Keep on keeping on. You helped break the Hollywood illusion for me and I appreciate it. Well there. Hopefully you're not really a fan boy and if you are, hopefully I can break that.
02:31:59 As well.
Speaker 12
02:32:02 Hammer thorazine.
02:32:07 Blacks getting in your car.
02:32:09 One might have tried getting to mine when I parked in Portland recently.
02:32:13 I drew before he could get in if he didn't jump and run like he was about to step on a scorpion barefoot, I would have ended like it would have ended like your remix half a second later.
02:32:25 Glad I was ready and didn't relax.
02:32:27 Yeah, it's always good to be armed.
02:32:28 And and increasingly, if you're in a city, any kind of place that's got a lot of diversity.
02:32:34 In it, look, even in a rural area, you never know if people if you live on a A in an area where there's people passing through or whatever.
02:32:42 Just increasingly in America, we just don't have.
02:32:45 Any part of part.
02:32:46 Of a loss of of nationalism is there's just not a a a sense of community, period.
02:32:52 You know, there's, we, we.
02:32:54 All are are, are put in situations where there are people that that mean us harm in this country no matter where we live.
02:33:03 So it's always good to be prepared for.
02:33:06 A lowly scribe in God's Army, I hit the fire button.
02:33:11 I'm not sure what you mean by that, but ohh the fire button on the video.
02:33:14 Yeah, everyone.
02:33:15 Hit the fire button.
02:33:17 Make sure you hit the.
02:33:17 Fire button.
02:33:20 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:33:28 These ******* can't reason with you even when you try to explain ******* done.
02:33:33 Now that's The thing is trying to reason with with people that lack the the ability to reason isn't going to get you anywhere.
02:33:41 That's the whole reason why the that, that that ghetto school was someone successful at their little methods from NYU.
02:33:49 Colonel N word.
02:33:51 Hey, Devin, what would you recommend for a concealed carry?
02:33:54 I always have a Ruger LCP on me, but I'm thinking about getting something that would be better if I jumped a.
02:33:59 Pack of ferals.
02:34:00 I'm leaning towards a 44 mag charter arm.
02:34:04 Was bulldog.
02:34:05 But I've never fired a revolver before.
02:34:07 What do you think?
02:34:08 I don't.
02:34:08 I'm not.
02:34:08 A gun guy.
02:34:10 So I I don't know, know much about guns, to be honest, like or certainly not enough to, like, make a recommendation, but yeah.
02:34:24 And yeah, if you think if you're jumped by by people, almost any gun is going to like, there's a lot of people that talk about stopping power or whatever, a 22 is going to stop. Most people like if you start shooting someone, it's hard to for me to imagine.
02:34:43 Anyone getting shot by any kind of firearm and like?
02:34:47 Not at least taking you more seriously.
02:34:53 You know like.
02:34:55 So yeah, again though, I'm not a gun guy, so I I don't know, 44 sounds like it's probably a little much to be carrying around all the time. That sounds like a heavy gun.
02:35:11 I don't know.
02:35:12 Maybe something like a 9 millimeter or a 38, but like I said, even at 22 is going to stop most people.
02:35:18 You can kill people with a 22.
02:35:22 So it's.
02:35:24 Yeah, bigger is not always better is I guess my point.
02:35:28 In cell wizard, these loving white women were forced to wrangle white children, were neglected and purposely dumbed down. Desegregation is eugenical warfare against the white man by agitating liberal Jewish infiltrator. Do honorable Arians exist? Pogram program program program.
02:35:48 Et cetera.
02:35:51 Look, it's it. It, it's.
02:35:55 We're just, we're it's not realistic.
02:36:00 A program of some sort right now is not realistic, it's just not.
02:36:04 It's like the guy last stream that was saying, well, we need to know what the Jews intentions are for when we when they pay the price.
02:36:11 It's like like when?
02:36:12 When's that gonna happen, exactly?
02:36:14 You know, are we going to have the due trials next week?
02:36:16 It's we are.
02:36:17 So far, from from anything like that from, you know, white people rising up and kicking the Jews out that it's.
02:36:24 It's it's, it's fantasyland and so.
02:36:28 Having you know.
02:36:30 Thinking of that as the solution, it's just it's stupid because we don't have to participate.
02:36:37 We don't have to participate in that system.
02:36:39 Your kids don't have to go to schools like.
02:36:41 That if you.
02:36:41 Home school.
02:36:42 You don't have to live in cities like that.
02:36:44 You don't have to live in New York City.
02:36:46 You don't have to be the.
02:36:49 The plaything of of NYU professors doing their diversity experiments, life gets harder, and it's and it's I I get.
02:37:00 I understand the the feeling like ohh we're giving up ground by leaving the cities or.
02:37:07 But it's like, are you giving up ground if you get off of a a cruise cruise liner that's on fire and sinking?
02:37:13 You know, I mean like it, it's let him have it.
02:37:16 Let him ******* have it.
02:37:17 They don't want your whiteness taken away.
02:37:22 Deprive them of it.
02:37:23 See how well it it works.
02:37:24 Out for them.
02:37:26 And in the meantime, focus on raising John Connors.
02:37:30 You know, find a safe place to raise John Connors and pass on your your your.
02:37:38 Knowledge to your children in a way that gives them an advantage doesn't put them in the position you were in where you had to unlearn all this ******* communist ******** your entire life.
02:37:48 That you were taught and you know.
02:37:52 Life would be so much easier.
02:37:53 If I could go back in time, right?
02:37:56 And just make if all I had to do, like if I just made.
02:37:59 Like a 30 minute.
02:37:59 Video for myself.
02:38:01 And then played it to myself when I was like 10.
02:38:04 Like my life would have unfolded in a totally different way, not just cause.
02:38:07 I would have told myself to buy Bitcoin.
02:38:09 Cringe panda. Colonel Edward's choice of 44 mag charter arms. Bulldog is very close to son of Sam's, but Berkowitz used a 44 special whatever since it's a Jewish serial killer named David Berkowitz, we're never going to know the truth.
02:38:23 Haha, well, there you go. But I still think a 44 is overdoing it. If you're thinking about something.
02:38:28 You want to carry around.
02:38:29 All day long.
02:38:32 Cringe panda.
02:38:33 Did you see it?
02:38:33 Did you say white person costume?
02:38:36 This is everything that's wrong with the entertainment and one picture.
02:38:39 Let's take a look with this picture is.
02:38:44 That ******* cricket is back.
02:38:54 There you go.
02:38:55 And this is not fake.
02:38:56 This is not fake.
02:38:58 For those of you who are just listening, it's an ad for Richard the third.
02:39:04 On PBS and Richard, the third is played.
02:39:07 By a black guy.
02:39:09 So there you go.
02:39:12 Lampshade the Nair Peter Quinonez has a book series that he has read on his channel called Race War in high school, written by Harold Saltzman.
02:39:23 It covers black student violence in a Brooklyn high school during the 1970s. Also look up the case of Black Phillip.
02:39:31 Chisholm Chisholm, who raped the raped and murdered his white teacher in Boston.
02:39:39 Isn't Harold saltzman?
02:39:40 Sounds like a a Jewish.
02:39:42 Guy, but occasionally occasionally.
02:39:46 Their contributions are not all cancers.
02:39:48 So so maybe it's.
02:39:50 Maybe it's not bad, and yeah, OK.
02:39:53 I'll check out.
02:39:54 The other thing here, let me.
02:39:56 Copy that into my notes here.
02:40:00 I have.
02:40:01 I'm so glad.
02:40:02 I'll tell you one thing as much as I hate the new Windows, I do like that.
02:40:07 Notepad has tabs now.
02:40:12 That's that's I I.
02:40:13 Guess that's a that's a bonus.
02:40:17 Gee, what I find interesting and Better Call Saul is his original name was Jimmy McGill of Irish descent.
02:40:23 But then he embraces the criminal life he becomes.
02:40:26 Saul Goodman, very Jewish name.
02:40:28 This bit of dialogue from Better Call Saul seems like a symbolic representation of a Jew being confronted with his nature, albeit.
02:40:36 By by another symbolic Jew, well, the actor is Jewish.
02:40:45 Yeah, I forget his name, but.
02:40:48 The actor is Jewish, which I always thought it was weird.
02:40:51 That teeth.
02:40:54 That he was a he was a Jew, playing an Irishman that was pretending to be a Jew.
Speaker 24
02:41:00 If you're not going to change your behavior and you won't, why not just skip the whole exercise?
02:41:03 I can.
Speaker 24
02:41:08 In the end.
02:41:10 You're going to hurt everyone around you.
02:41:12 You can't help it, so stop apologizing and accept it.
02:41:16 Embrace it.
02:41:17 Frankly, I have more respect for you if you did.
02:41:21 What about you, Chuck?
Speaker 15
02:41:23 You didn't do anything wrong.
Speaker 24
02:41:26 You're just an innocent victim.
02:41:27 Let me put your mind at ease, Jimmy.
02:41:31 You don't have to make up with me.
02:41:33 We don't have to understand each other.
02:41:37 Things are fine the way they are.
02:41:47 I don't want to hurt your feelings.
02:41:50 But the truth is, you've never mattered all that much to me.
02:41:59 Well, there you go.
02:42:01 You could say that's a.
02:42:03 A message to the Jews.
02:42:05 In a way.
02:42:09 Ryan, thank you for fighting, for, for, and awakening the white man in the content you create.
02:42:14 Well, I appreciate that.
02:42:17 Cringe Panda can't name a candidate who hasn't gone to Israel and taken the picture with the stupid tiny hat touching the wall.
02:42:24 Trump is good at being a celebrity, but he also did nothing about online censorship and didn't deploy the Ng against, I guess, National Guard against BLM. I honestly wish.
02:42:36 He really were.
02:42:38 What woke tarts think he is?
02:42:40 Every time you would hear about how he was like the the 4th Reich or whatever.
02:42:45 You know, there was just.
02:42:47 The the most rage inducing thing wasn't that they were misrepresenting him.
02:42:53 It's that that how wrong they were.
02:42:58 How absolutely?
02:43:00 Upside down world that they were.
02:43:03 You know who?
02:43:05 How do you control Varroa destructor in your hives?
02:43:09 Ohh look churro's back. I I don't. I don't treat. If they die, they die. And that's not the so far.
02:43:18 I haven't had any any problems.
02:43:20 I don't know if the desert is really hot.
02:43:23 I know that.
02:43:25 Here's The funny thing.
02:43:27 I know that one of the treatments that they experimented with to get rid of what he's talking about, bees, bees have a an Asian mite that entered the thanks to globalism, entered the western bee market and decimated western bees that had no way of fighting.
02:43:44 System and the the commercial business is now full of all these chemicals that they spray into the hives and all this other ******** they do to like cut down on the mites.
02:43:57 And one of the experimental things they tried doing was heating up the hives to a temperature that wasn't too hot.
02:44:05 It wouldn't kill the bees.
02:44:06 And but would kill the mites.
02:44:09 I think it gets hot out here.
02:44:11 Enough to where?
02:44:12 At the very least, the bees that fly out into the heat.
02:44:15 It might just do that.
02:44:17 I mean, I don't know.
02:44:18 I don't know why?
02:44:18 Like I haven't had, and maybe it's just too early on.
02:44:21 Maybe I haven't been doing it long enough.
02:44:22 Maybe I'll have horrible losses some year because I'm not treating, but I also incorporate.
02:44:28 A lot of feral genetics, so.
02:44:30 It's kind of like.
02:44:31 They're not getting treated.
02:44:33 They haven't, you know, even though they've got bad characteristics that I don't like, you know.
02:44:37 The Africanized bees.
02:44:39 They're certainly able to survive without any input from humans, so having that mixed in with my my domestic, you know, commercial bee stock.
02:44:52 Is probably helping out to some extent, although all the ones I had survived the winter and stuff were all commercial beef stock and none of them had any issues so.
02:45:04 Yeah, I mean I I don't know, maybe I'll be end up being wrong and and or maybe it has more to do with if you have, if you live somewhere with a long winter or higher humidity or not as hot or I don't know, but we'll we'll find out.
02:45:19 We'll find out if I'm making a stupid decision to not treat.
02:45:23 I just don't want to spray.
02:45:24 Chemicals and like it kind of defeats the whole purpose.
02:45:27 I don't want to spray chemicals in my hives where I'm getting honey from and I know that, you know, they say, well, auxiliary acid is natural and whatever.
02:45:35 Well, if you.
02:45:36 Guys ever hear of a blister beetle?
02:45:39 A blister beetle.
02:45:45 Very weird looking beetle.
02:45:55 Hold on.
02:45:58 Alright, you see these things?
02:46:01 Alright, that's a blister beetle.
02:46:04 A blister beetle.
02:46:06 We'll break its own legs.
02:46:08 If it's, if it's in danger, it'll break its own legs.
02:46:13 And it will leak acid on you.
02:46:16 Kind of like in the movie aliens.
02:46:19 That thing that attaches itself to your face and you cut it open and.
02:46:24 Acid leaks out of it.
02:46:26 It'll break its own legs and leak acid all over you.
02:46:30 And I I can't remember if it's oxalic acid or if it's the other acid that people use for beekeeping, let me see.
02:46:39 Here we are.
02:46:40 It'll tell you.
02:46:46 Blah blah.
02:46:50 Where is it?
02:46:51 Where is it?
02:46:51 Where is it?
02:46:59 Uh, it says it's.
02:47:02 Cassandra, what is it?
02:47:08 Anyway, maybe I'm wrong about this.
02:47:10 I thought it was the same kind of acid that they used for some of these treatments, so maybe I'm wrong about that.
02:47:15 Maybe there's another beetle, but I know there's some insect that uses auxiliary.
02:47:19 Acid as like a defense mechanism.
02:47:22 So anyway, ******* churros getting loud.
02:47:26 Don't worry, churro, I'll bring you.
02:47:28 Food here in a little bit.
02:47:31 That's just going to make him complain more because I've acknowledged him.
02:47:36 Let's take a look here.
Speaker 12
02:47:39 Hammer thorazine.
02:47:46 Putin is standing up for my rights far more than my own government. He's sanctioning various US agencies and over 500 individuals over how the federal government has treated those involved with January 6th. Does it matter? No. But such an action is rather astonishing. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
02:48:03 I mean it's it's why like I was saying about the why why the British don't care about their flag anymore.
02:48:09 It's like, well, why should they?
02:48:11 Their government has has kind of failed and.
02:48:16 At it, even doing the most basic defending of their own people, the American government is is literally 1000 times worse.
02:48:24 Wolf supremacist 66.
02:48:41 Even lions Cubs know who their fathers are.
02:48:46 You know, I'm going to give.
02:48:48 I'm gonna give churro something to to munch on very quickly.
02:48:53 And what I'm going to play.
02:48:58 That I think's long enough for me to do that.
02:49:02 Oh, let's see.
02:49:03 Is it going to be long enough?
02:49:05 Where did?
02:49:05 Where did it go?
02:49:10 Where'd it go?
02:49:14 Oh, I thought it was just right here.
02:49:22 Well, no, I don't even know where it is.
02:49:33 OK, here it is.
02:49:36 I'll be right back.
Speaker 3
02:49:38 Random houses. Let's go.
02:49:42 Nice and firm.
02:49:46 Right.
02:49:46 Evening. What you doing?
Speaker 28
02:49:47 For once you're back.
Speaker 19
02:49:54 James James.
Speaker 12
02:49:59 We need to speak to James.
02:50:21 Alright, well.
02:50:24 It was basically just long enough, all right.
02:50:27 Here we go.
02:50:29 Ah, where are we?
02:50:34 Harmless ghee we all know about 13.
02:50:37 I think you mean 50, but you say 60 being the case at the OR maybe it is 60 now.
02:50:43 Being the case at the national level, but it is even worse in the state of Minnesota. And yet the Nord cuck diaspora in Minnesota continue to be lovers. Here is the crime graph, showing how bad it is there.
02:51:00 Let's take a look.
02:51:11 Alright, so this is.
02:51:14 Black shares of Minnesota population and state violent crimes in 2021.
02:51:22 UM, what is this?
02:51:28 The black.
02:51:28 OK, so blacks are responsible for, OK, so they're.
02:51:35 There's 6.4 does.
02:51:38 The 76.
02:51:44 Well, we all know that that per capita is is white supremacy.
02:51:50 So that doesn't matter. We have 6.4 to 76 in Minnesota. They also do 86.8% of the robberies in 51.9% of.
02:51:59 The aggravated assaults.
02:52:01 So there you go.
Speaker 12
02:52:08 Tone von stone.
Speaker 5
02:52:22 I'm just a weekend.
02:52:25 Once diversity takes full effect and whites become the hated minority, I think we could see massive white flight back to Europe.
02:52:33 Our backs are against the wall.
02:52:35 I don't see white people ever doing what needs to be done to fix our problems here.
02:52:40 Thank you for all you do, brother.
02:52:43 I I just don't.
02:52:44 I don't think so, because I don't think.
02:52:45 Europe will take us.
02:52:48 I and I don't think Europe, honestly, they've got their own unique problems.
02:52:54 A lot of Americans.
02:52:56 Including myself to some extent, we don't.
02:53:00 Want to live?
02:53:01 Somewhere where we can't have some of the things Americans just consider normal, like guns or not going to jail for saying or for doing my stream.
02:53:14 I I would be in prison and most European countries for doing this stream.
02:53:21 So at least we have that right and.
02:53:24 The United States, geographically is so big.
02:53:28 There's no reason to not go and try to find a little place you can carve out and call your own.
02:53:35 And while it certainly.
02:53:38 Sucks to some extent.
02:53:40 To not you know, to to abandon the cities that your ancestors built and and not be able to enjoy some of the amenities or whatever.
02:53:49 You know, I I still find it preferable to living in a surveillance state that's even more oppressive than the United States without a basic.
02:54:03 Right to free speech that allows me to do what it is, you know, the things I or what I do right now.
02:54:10 Or and have a gun.
02:54:12 On top of that, so.
02:54:15 Unless Europe really changes course and I don't think they're going to.
02:54:21 I still think America offers more.
02:54:25 And if if and and if look if you wanna.
02:54:28 If you wanna leave and go somewhere, I don't even think.
02:54:32 White countries are the places to go, unless maybe Eastern Europe maybe.
02:54:38 And I'd have to research a lot more about what countries suck and don't suck in in Eastern Europe, but I just don't think that going to, I think Western Europe is they're on track to.
02:54:50 To be a melting pot, if you will.
02:54:54 Goy boy, 1488. If pedos groom at schools, but all the youth hate school. Is there a school in the pit?
02:55:04 If Pedos groom schools or groom at schools.
02:55:07 But all the youth hate school and I'm not sure what you mean by that.
02:55:13 It's it's a Riddle.
02:55:14 I don't.
02:55:15 I'm I'm failing the solving of that.
02:55:17 Riddle Gray state of mind support from Sweden.
02:55:21 Well, I appreciate that.
02:55:23 Harmless GG I checked historical demographics and in 1937 the Bronx was 44% Jewish. In 20/21 it was 34% black, 56% Hispanic, 9% non Hispanic or non Hispanic white and half the half of the non Hispanic whites.
02:55:43 We're actually June well, there you go.
02:55:46 Yeah, the Bronx is is very.
02:55:50 Very black nowadays.
02:55:54 In cell wizard you can take the man out of Africa, but you can't take the Africa out of the man.
02:56:01 I know despite the the Jews effort to bunk, Buck, break them, it never worked out, didn't it?
02:56:07 Rooster, if it were possible to have the US government pay scholars to leave the country and go to Africa or wherever else, how much would you be willing to pay?
02:56:18 I'd go for as high as $1,000,000. It would cost 42 trillion, but it would pay for itself in just a few decades.
02:56:26 I don't think you'd.
02:56:26 Have to pay $1,000,000.
02:56:28 I don't think I think there's a lot of these people.
02:56:32 I mean, you're.
02:56:33 Right, that it would pay for itself.
02:56:35 I I'll tell you what I would go if if you had some kind of.
02:56:39 Program that was thorough.
02:56:43 Like in other words, it wasn't like something where it's like, oh, here's.
02:56:46 This here's this program you can sign up for if you want to do it and.
02:56:50 Then you know you can get $1,000,000 and go to Africa or whatever. If there was like a A, a thoroughness to it. So it got rid of.
02:57:00 Even if it was just like an IQ threshold, right, like everyone that was below a certain like there was a test, maybe there's a competency exam that if you failed then you were on the list and then you didn't really have a choice in the matter and there was no right of return.
02:57:18 Like there was no like do.
02:57:20 Do over there was no undo button like once they were there, they were considered African, you know, citizen or whatever country they went to.
02:57:27 The citizen of this country.
02:57:29 And you were to also lock down the.
02:57:32 See, that's The thing is all this is just academic.
02:57:35 Like none of this would.
02:57:36 Happen that's that's the unfortunate thing is these are all they, they're they all, they're all things that make sense.
02:57:42 They're all things that on paper makes sense.
02:57:45 But most things that make sense on paper are impossible in practice.
02:57:50 Yeah. I mean, what in a fantasy world, what I pay 42 trillion? I mean, I guess, but it's still a.
02:57:55 Fantasy world.
02:57:57 Harmless Gee to all types calculations using 2014 data. The average lifetime cost per black person in America is 700,000.
02:58:06 Just on high level government programs and tax paying, this does not include the harder, harder to quantify costs of black criminality and city destruction.
02:58:19 Yeah, that checks out.
02:58:22 That checks out.
02:58:24 And and it's, yeah, it's probably almost impossible to calculate.
02:58:27 So yeah, like the previous one previous.
02:58:32 Hyper chat there you'd probably break even pretty quick.
02:58:36 After one generation at least.
02:58:40 There's a playlist on Odyssey.
02:58:42 Could Pat con be playlisted?
02:58:46 There's a playlist on Odyssey could pack.
02:58:49 I don't.
02:58:50 I mean, I I don't know.
02:58:51 I've never used playlist on Odyssey.
02:58:55 Are you asking me to make a playlist with with Pat Cannon?
02:58:58 I guess I could make play.
02:58:59 I guess I could make a.
02:58:59 Few playlists.
02:59:00 I've never tried making playlists on Odyssey.
02:59:04 Knight Nation review we need to stop sharing white technology with any other races.
02:59:08 Full stop.
02:59:09 It always comes back to bite us in the *** with unintended consequences.
02:59:13 Right.
02:59:14 But unfortunately the capitalists are in charge of the technology, and if they can make money selling it to 3rd worlders, then they'll do it.
02:59:22 That's just the way that it is.
02:59:24 There used to be a protection on technology because it was just, you know, different groups competing and that.
02:59:31 Was a technology was a an advantage you to have on other groups and so it was.
02:59:36 Sometimes held very close to the chest and in some some ways it's supposed to be with patent laws, trade secrets and all that stuff.
02:59:44 But all that stuff gets leaked out, especially if you're manufacturing all your **** in China.
02:59:49 Harmless Gee, a Christian missionary, went to North Sentinel Island in 2018 to preach the gospel to the primitive tribe there, and they killed him.
02:59:59 The anti whites on social media celebrated the killing of a white invader until they found out the guy was East Asian.
03:00:05 Yeah, I remember this guy.
03:00:06 I think we went over him.
03:00:06 On the stream at one point.
03:00:09 Yeah, he was Asian.
03:00:11 He was uh.
03:00:13 He was part of some weird group.
03:00:16 I think it says like he was part of.
03:00:21 It was like a it was almost like a secret Society of the like the the the kinds of people we've described tonight, the Christians that think that if they go to primitive societies and they they inject their Christianity, that they'll magically fix the world, there's like a.
03:00:40 A secret Society of these missionaries that.
03:00:47 That he was a member of, I forget the name of it though.
03:00:52 In cell wizard, no white guilt.
03:00:54 Jews did this.
03:00:57 Well, Jews were responsible for the slave trade, and they were responsible for even not just the trading of the slaves, but just the ownership they were.
03:01:06 I think something like crazy like 70% or more of Jewish population in America owns slaves and something like 3% of of white people. If that owned slaves.
03:01:18 It might have been less than that.
03:01:23 Install wizard. Christians would slay their kin, their European brothers for defaming the name of the icon on the cross. But they will kiss the feet of a as a brother in Christ. Well, I that describes maybe some Christians, but.
03:01:36 I don't know if that's true.
03:01:38 Ranger, the Jesuit priest, had the right strategy.
03:01:42 They came in with an army.
03:01:44 I'm a Protestant, by the way, but they never relaxed.
03:01:48 I don't know enough about that topic.
03:01:52 Rock against Communism, a brown saying culture doesn't exist as a fish.
03:01:57 Saying water doesn't exist.
03:02:00 A brown sang culture doesn't exist.
03:02:04 Is a fish, I'm not sure.
03:02:06 What you mean by that?
03:02:08 Ohh then you were.
03:02:09 Then you corrected yourself a brown saying white culture doesn't exist.
03:02:13 Well, yeah.
03:02:13 Well, it's like that guy, the black guy in that clip that we played earlier where he said that he he's immersed.
03:02:20 And in white culture and forced to mimic it because he lives in a white society and look, if he doesn't like that, there's several places that have.
03:02:30 Black culture alive and well.
03:02:34 Harmless GI don't like the equating of mass non white migration into white countries with the colonization white people did white people brought a great civilization to places where previously it wasn't one or upgraded existing civilizations. What is being done to whites is a crime without compare. Well I think it is comparable.
03:02:54 It's just that you don't see that's the that's the hubris of the white people, though they think, oh, this is great because it works for us.
03:03:04 That's that's great, but it doesn't work for everybody.
03:03:10 It's it's not incumbent on white people to spread their culture, to fall off places.
03:03:17 And when they do it, they.
03:03:21 You know, it bites him in the ***.
03:03:23 Now you could say that India, for example, has a lot is well, let's just say it's a first world.
03:03:30 Well, it's not really first world parts of India are really.
03:03:34 Well, that's not even true either.
03:03:36 Let's just put it this way.
03:03:37 India is more modern thanks to the British colonization, and there are certainly lots of parts of the world that are more modern thanks to European colonization.
03:03:51 You know.
03:03:52 Come on, let let's doesn't mean that that's necessary in the long run.
03:03:57 A good thing for them or us.
03:03:59 It was just in, in almost every one of these cases, it was to get the rich people richer.
03:04:05 Right, we let's just be honest about it.
03:04:07 It's fine.
03:04:08 I don't.
03:04:08 I don't feel guilty about it.
03:04:09 I don't.
03:04:09 I don't feel bad for colonization.
03:04:12 But I I would say in retrospect, it was just like slavery.
03:04:15 It was probably a bad.
03:04:18 It was a bad idea.
03:04:20 That was I get.
03:04:23 It it's just that.
03:04:25 If you're going to do if you're.
03:04:26 Going to like I hate.
03:04:27 All the it's.
03:04:28 It's what it is.
03:04:29 It's these half measures.
03:04:30 If you're going to go conquer a place, go ******* conquer it.
03:04:36 Right.
03:04:38 Like, why do this in between ****?
03:04:40 Like, if you're gonna take over a country, ******* take it.
03:04:43 Like take it.
03:04:48 And and that's that's the problem is we tried this in between ********.
03:04:52 Like, Oh no.
03:04:53 We're going to inject our culture here and and you'll be better off.
03:04:56 Well, that's never really worked ever anywhere.
03:04:59 So that's why.
03:05:00 That's why I I I think it's.
03:05:04 It wasn't the best.
03:05:05 It wasn't the best thing that.
03:05:07 White people have done.
03:05:09 0 Have you fasted Devin?
03:05:12 I mean, you mean like before or like right now?
03:05:15 Yeah, fasting fasting is good fasting.
03:05:18 Is good for you.
03:05:21 I'm not fasting right now, but.
03:05:23 Yeah, fastings.
03:05:25 I think I think to some degree everyone should fast a little bit.
03:05:31 It's gets.
03:05:32 Gets rid of the garbage in your system.
03:05:36 What's what's the?
03:05:37 I forget the name of that process.
03:05:38 Your body goes into.
03:05:40 Starts with an A where it's your body starts eating like the the dead cells and all the garbage that's in your body.
03:05:49 When you when you're in that mode, I think get the fast for like more than you know for 24 hours for that to even begin though.
03:05:55 So you have to actually fast for like 48 hours at least or.
03:05:58 Something for?
03:05:58 It to be useful. Nazi dice. What do you get when you feed 1,000,000 starving Africans? 5 million Africans? Exactly.
03:06:09 Haywood, Jablow mean we really appreciate your content.
03:06:14 Keep it up, Sir.
03:06:15 Well, I appreciate that.
03:06:18 Hey, where did you **** ** again?
Speaker 17
03:06:20 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 15
03:06:27 I'd like to return this duck.
03:06:30 Tipped you $100 for the endeavors. I hope they work out for your benefit. Uh, I mean, like on a on a previous.
03:06:38 Well, I I appreciate that.
03:06:40 I I I don't know how that works out.
03:06:42 I think that's what you mean though.
03:06:44 But I'll tell you what.
03:06:46 If that's the case.
03:06:48 We'll give you the.
03:06:50 The *** **** money.
Speaker 12
03:06:51 Money is power.
03:06:52 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
03:06:54 To defend itself.
03:06:57 Go, Julie, this *** is.
03:07:15 Thank you for the support, Mr.
03:07:19 Alright, Nazi dice having major neck surgery in two days from injuries I received from a 5 foot.
03:07:26 Nothing beanbag flying through a stop sign.
03:07:30 Wait, hold what? Hold.
03:07:31 On having major neck surgery in two days from a.
03:07:36 Injuries I received from a 5 foot nothing bean bag.
03:07:40 Flying through a stop? You mean like a Mexican is beanbag under her bean bag? I guess you do mean Mexican flying through a stop sign like he was still in Tijuana and smashing into my driver's side missing my front.
03:07:59 My front.
03:08:01 4 door.
03:08:04 And crushing me to the death by a split second.
03:08:09 If you never hear from me again, well, I'll be in heaven.
03:08:13 Well, Nazi dice hopefully.
03:08:14 I mean, that sucks.
03:08:15 That's crazy and not not unsurprising.
03:08:18 I have I I was in a very harrowing.
03:08:21 Accident years ago myself, as the result of a illegal immigrant driving at the speed of light in a massive truck.
03:08:31 So yeah.
03:08:33 Oh, we oh, is this stream ****** **?
03:08:38 I think the screen might be ****** **.
03:08:42 Let me change the.
03:08:45 The background here.
03:08:49 It looked like it was maybe repeating.
03:08:54 I always have to wonder.
03:08:55 I always have to wonder what this.
03:08:58 With this ****.
03:09:01 And hit refresh.
03:09:10 I think it's still going.
03:09:13 Yeah, normal chat, OK.
03:09:14 Normal chat seems to know what here what I'm saying.
03:09:17 OK.
03:09:19 Yeah, but hopefully it's nothing too serious.
03:09:23 And we hope to see you again soon.
03:09:25 Nazi dice, hopefully.
03:09:28 Everything goes well.
03:09:29 Prayers for Nazi dice.
03:09:32 That he may overcome the bean bag.
03:09:36 Man of low moral fiber for anyone who is gun curious in the chat, I have thousands of hours and even more dollars into guns.
03:09:46 What matters most is training.
03:09:48 Be sure you can carry your gun comfortably or you won't carry it.
03:09:51 There you go.
03:09:51 That goes to what I was saying about not.
03:09:53 Having the big *** gun with you.
03:09:56 Everywhere because it would be kind of a pain.
03:09:57 In the ***.
03:09:59 But yeah, you sounds like you might have more experience in that area than I do.
03:10:06 Uh, hey, would you **** **?
03:10:07 I was called by a government survey and told them they could not pay me to go back to college.
03:10:17 Wait and told them they could not pay me to go back to college, of offered.
03:10:24 I was called by a government survey and they told me they I don't know what that means, but OK, thanks for the support.
03:10:33 Anyway, Teja, I have some black and frank.
03:10:39 All right, let's see what your black and Frank is.
Speaker 12
03:10:44 There you go, black and Frank.
03:10:48 Harmless G to everyone if you are. If you and your kids have IQ's above 120, you should teach them some university level statistics.
03:10:58 If above 130 also some more advanced AI machine learning and data science mathematics, well there you go.
03:11:06 I have mixed feelings about.
03:11:09 If IQ's genetic?
03:11:11 I well, you got to worry about returning the mean too. I I don't know if I if I luck out and I get kids with IQ's that are around mine.
03:11:20 Hopefully higher, but even if it's around mine, I I kind of have mixed feelings about like how.
03:11:27 How much technology I should expose them to?
03:11:31 And luckily I've got a little bit of time to.
03:11:32 Think about that, but.
03:11:36 There was a time where I would have immersed my kids in in programming and computer stuff and all that stuff, but.
03:11:43 I don't know.
03:11:44 I kind of feel like even if they're high IQ, I might immerse them in.
03:11:47 I don't know.
03:11:47 It's, you know and and other things like.
03:11:50 That I don't know, it's.
03:11:52 It's a tough one.
03:11:53 I don't like the.
03:11:53 I don't like the direction technology is going.
03:11:57 But I don't think it's all.
03:11:58 I also don't think that there's going to.
03:11:59 Be some mad.
03:12:00 Max Black Swan event that resets the clock like you know, I don't think the prepper **** storylines actually going to materialize.
03:12:08 Oh, my God, we're all knocked back into the Ice Age and whatever.
03:12:12 As much as that sounds like it would be really fun, and it would be there's a lot of people that prep because they hope and they hope upon hope that that would be the the future.
03:12:21 They're they're preparing for their fantasy.
03:12:24 I don't think it's going to happen.
03:12:25 I think that that we've reached a point now where.
03:12:28 Like knowledge like.
03:12:29 I don't think it's possible because of communications and the ability for data to be saved and and recalled so easily.
03:12:36 I don't think that we're gonna get into a position where there's gonna be another dark Age anytime soon, if ever.
03:12:41 Unless there's.
03:12:42 I mean, maybe if there was, like, some massive EMP event that emanated from the sun, right, like it was.
03:12:50 It was an act of God, kind of a thing that wiped out all electronics like the sun just started.
03:12:56 Like going nuts and toasting everything even then.
03:13:02 It would probably **** with you.
03:13:05 And a lot of people on a personal level, but there would still be a lot of.
03:13:12 High tech.
03:13:14 Billionaires like Elon Musk would probably still have his little high tech bunker and everything still going.
03:13:23 Nazi dice. I'm 80% ethnically German, so I'm seriously thinking that once I feel healthy enough I should just move to a German Nazi colony in Argentina.
03:13:33 They're at least they're they at least are left alone over there, and they even have private German hospitals well.
03:13:41 You know more about that than I do, but.
03:13:45 If they'll take you.
03:13:47 I don't think I don't see what's wrong with doing that.
03:13:51 Glock 23 make that something you.
03:13:54 Look forward to.
03:13:54 With your surgery, just like I got to make it through it.
03:13:57 So I can make it to the.
03:13:59 The the Argentina Nazi camp.
03:14:02 Glock 23, do you know who Colonel Douglas McGregor is? If not, the man is fascinating and worth listening to.
03:14:11 On YouTube, he has a quite a background. He has two YouTube channels and he is on other people's YouTube channels all the time. He's been on TV some he is very jewel.
03:14:25 He is, but he hides it.
03:14:28 I've never heard of him.
03:14:30 That sounds familiar. The name.
03:14:35 I'm better with faces than I am with names.
03:14:42 OK, yeah, I've seen.
03:14:43 I don't know.
03:14:44 I don't know.
Speaker 12
03:14:45 I don't know.
03:14:45 If he's Jew woke but hides it.
03:14:48 I don't know there's that's the problem.
03:14:53 I don't know.
03:14:53 I don't believe in these.
03:14:54 Like, no, he's secretly he he gets it.
03:14:57 I never believed that.
03:14:59 I'm look and I'm not saying that doesn't exist.
03:15:01 There are people that get it, but they're too afraid to say it or they think they're being strategic or whatever, but.
03:15:06 I just I you know, until they say it, I just don't believe it.
03:15:09 Teja, I watched the episode of Charlie X from Star Trek TOS again.
03:15:17 As I understand it now.
03:15:20 It is about putting trans people into the pit.
03:15:24 Why not do a review on something?
03:15:26 Something based for a change?
03:15:30 Charlie X.
03:15:32 From Star Wars, I don't or Star Trek, I don't think.
03:15:37 Star Trek would have something based about putting ******** in a pit, but.
03:15:46 I mean, I don't know.
03:15:47 I'd have to look into that.
03:15:50 I don't think I've seen that.
03:15:54 And then Mr. Diplomi again.
03:16:06 Check out ghost.
03:16:07 Politics might be worth a chat between two of you.
03:16:11 Well, there you go.
03:16:14 I will copy that into my notepad file.
03:16:19 I've got here.
03:16:22 But I don't know what that I'm not.
03:16:23 I'm not immediately familiar with that.
03:16:26 Nazi dice.
03:16:27 You should despise them and the madness of the modern world.
03:16:31 And that anger should fuel you to better yourself intellectually, physically and financially for you and your posterity.
03:16:39 The last thing they want is for you to be someone to look up to.
03:16:44 So do not give them.
03:16:45 The satisfaction of being anything else.
03:16:49 Who are you talking about?
03:16:50 You should despise them.
03:16:51 And the madness of the modern world.
03:16:54 Who are we talking about 3 minutes ago that I should despise.
03:16:58 I'm looking through here.
03:17:00 I don't know.
03:17:03 Who you would have been talking about.
03:17:07 UM.
03:17:11 Yeah, not sure specifically who you mean.
03:17:14 Ranger, you said you didn't know enough about it about it.
03:17:19 And Jess, so it might set off some alarm bells, but I just meant the increase the doors and the priests that came with them doing what needed to be done to civilize the savages that they encountered and spread Christianity, but were militant.
03:17:35 In the implementation, right?
03:17:37 But honestly, part of me just feels like.
03:17:41 I mean, I don't know.
03:17:44 Maybe just conquer?
03:17:45 It you know, maybe just take it.
03:17:48 Yeah, maybe.
03:17:49 Maybe don't try to convert a population.
03:17:52 Maybe just say no.
03:17:53 This is ours.
03:17:53 Get the.
03:17:54 **** out.
03:17:55 I mean, that's kind of.
03:17:56 What what we did in America, you know, we put them on.
03:18:00 Reservations or whatever.
03:18:02 But we kind of just took it, you know, we.
03:18:04 Didn't we, didn't I guess?
03:18:06 To some degree, they were probably well I.
03:18:08 Know there were there were Spanish.
03:18:09 I think it's more of a Spaniard thing because that's what the Spanish did.
03:18:13 Like all you know, the El Camino real in California, connecting all the different Spanish missions like that was the the Spanish strategy was to convert them to Christianity.
03:18:25 And rule them that way the the white Protestants were just now get the **** out.
03:18:32 And I I kind of prefer the now get the **** out strategy.
03:18:37 You know, I I just think that that was uh.
03:18:40 You know, even though now.
03:18:41 It's kind of ridiculous because we're still paying for the the reservations or whatever, and I think there should, you know, be a moratorium on that.
03:18:48 At least the finance.
03:18:49 I mean, look, they can keep the reservations.
03:18:50 I just think we should take away the the financial support.
03:18:54 I think that was preferable.
03:18:57 I think that as bad as things are now.
03:19:01 America would have been way worse had we tried to convert all the Native Americans and incorporate them into our society. The way the Spanish did with, like Mexico. In fact, I think we would be Mexico's part.
03:19:15 You right like it would just be northern Mexicans.
03:19:19 That's all it would be.
03:19:21 So this the strategy of the of the.
03:19:24 The the Spanish to intermingle and and convert and assimilate the you know, the natives in what is now Mexico and and central and and Central America.
03:19:38 I don't know that that worked out great.
03:19:40 You know, I kind of.
03:19:43 I kind of think it didn't work out so great, but I don't know.
03:19:46 Again, I don't know specifically what you what.
03:19:48 If you're talk about something.
03:19:50 Specifically, but I I just think that.
03:19:53 At least in terms of how it worked out with Mexico and and Central America, kind of not a big win.
03:20:03 Uh, but yeah, all right.
03:20:06 Well, that is that guys appreciate you guys all coming in and we made it to almost 3 1/2 hours. That's pretty good.
03:20:15 There might not be a stream Wednesday.
03:20:16 In fact, there probably won't be a stream Wednesday.
03:20:19 I'm going to be doing some traveling over the next month or so, and so streams might end up on weird days.
03:20:29 I'm going to keep streaming, but it's going to not necessarily be the same schedule and this Wednesday, for sure I will.
03:20:38 Well, not for sure, but pretty much for sure I won't be available, but I'm going to try to keep, you know, keep doing regular streams.
03:20:48 It's just it might be a little sporadic.
03:20:50 It's necessary.
03:20:51 It's a necessary thing.
03:20:54 I'm for the next month, I'm going to be just be.
03:20:59 It's just not gonna be possible to do the same schedule so.
03:21:04 Anyway, appreciate you guys all being here.
03:21:08 And sharing this Saturday night Sunday morning with me.
03:21:14 For black pilled.
03:21:16 I am of course.
Speaker 2
03:21:19 Demon stack.
03:21:22 Don't touch me.
03:21:24 Don't touch me.
03:21:26 Don't touch me.
03:21:27 Don't touch me. Ohh.
Speaker 29
03:21:46 Your sister, your sister.
Speaker 2
03:21:52 Somebody get a *******.
03:21:55 ******* teacher.
03:21:56 Get a ******* teacher.
03:21:58 Get a *******, get a teacher.
03:22:00 Get a patron.
03:22:03 Somebody get a tation.
Speaker 20
03:22:09 Get it?
Speaker 13
03:22:13 That's it.
Speaker 2
03:22:22 Thank you.