00:00:00 My favorite.Devon
00:02:23 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.00:02:27 And I hope you guys are, this is going to be, I don't know this is going to be kind of an intense 1.
00:02:33 It wasn't going.
00:02:34 To be and then it kind of.
00:02:37 Just went that way.
00:02:38 It was it.
00:02:39 Was it was, it was a little unexpected.
00:02:42 It was one of those things where you just start, you start peeling back layers.
00:02:47 And you just, you're just like, whoa, what?
00:02:50 This goes to what this rebel leads to.
00:02:52 Where? What?
00:02:53 And and you just keeps going and it.
00:02:54 Doesn't stop, you're just like.
Speaker 4
00:02:55 What the ****?Devon
00:02:57 I mean, it's not that crazy.00:02:59 I'm overselling it a little bit, but it's it's still kind of crazy.
00:03:03 So yeah, yeah.
00:03:06 Yeah, and it.
00:03:08 Kind of ties into what we're what's going on.
00:03:10 Today, but the story begins.
00:03:14 A lot earlier.
00:03:16 A lot earlier.
00:03:18 Before my time before, probably most of you.
00:03:21 Guys were around.
00:03:23 Unless there's a much older demographic I'm not aware of that.
00:03:28 That watches the show back in the early 70s.
00:03:35 Back in the early 70s, a man by the.
Speaker 5
00:03:37 Name of of.Devon
00:03:38 Norman Lear and we've talked about Norman Lear before.00:03:42 Let's see if I can bring a picture of a good old Norman Lear.
Speaker 4
00:03:49 Norman Lear, where you at, Norman?Devon
00:03:53 Normanly. There he is.00:03:57 This is Norman Lear accepting some kind of gay award.
Speaker 4
00:04:02 Or being a super gay.Devon
00:04:05 Jewish TV producer Norman Lear.00:04:11 Who is responsible for?
00:04:13 Well, we talked about all in the family, right?
00:04:18 Still, you know one of the funniest things about me making the the video and all in the family was someone like lost their **** like that must have been their favorite show and it happens, right?
00:04:27 You go after someone's favorite propaganda and they lose their ******* minds like.
Speaker 6
00:04:32 That's it's it can't possibly be propaganda because I like it so much.Devon
00:04:38 Just like you ****, you utter ******.00:04:41 You're why propaganda works.
00:04:44 Anyway, it was just a weird thing like.
00:04:46 All in the family.
00:04:47 Like out of everything to like, lose.
00:04:48 Your **** about.
00:04:49 Anyway, I I guess.
00:04:50 I was just saying, like I didn't.
00:04:51 Realize old people watch the show.
00:04:53 Maybe that's.
00:04:53 What it?Devon
00:04:53 Was anyway, he's 98. He's still alive. This guy still kicking 98. Wow, that's impressive. Norman Lear. He's known for.00:05:05 All in the family.
00:05:07 You're going to hear, you'll hear a little bit of a theme going and after all in the.
00:05:11 Family, The Jeffersons.
00:05:15 Sanford and Sons.
00:05:17 Good times.
00:05:20 And the show we're.
00:05:21 Going to talk about tonight, mod.
00:05:24 So he made the show about the stupid racist white guy, while at the same time he made shows for black people showing you, like, oh, look, it's not so bad.
00:05:37 So, like, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, good times.
00:05:40 And then mod.
00:05:41 Well, what's mod?
00:05:42 Well, you might ask because you know it's highly unlikely that anyone remotely young has has watched Maud. It stopped airing, I believe in 1978. Well, let's see. Here. Maud is an American.
00:05:57 Sitcom television series that was originally broadcast on the CBS network.
00:06:02 From 1972 until 1978.
00:06:07 Mod stars be Arthur as Mod Findlay, an outspoken middle-aged, politically liberal woman living in suburban Tuckahoe, Westchester County, New York, with her 4th husband.
00:06:22 Household appliance store owner Walter Findlay Maud embraces the tenants of women's liberation, always votes Democrat, and it advocates for civil rights, racial and gender equality.
00:06:40 So there you go.
00:06:41 And the show it was tied to all the family because she was apparently the this mod character was a character.
00:06:50 And on the family.
00:06:52 As as Archies's wife's.
00:06:57 Cousin or something like that.
00:06:59 So there we go.
00:07:02 Now the the episode we're going to take a.
00:07:05 Look at it. It's famous.
00:07:08 It's very groundbreaking, much like the other episodes we've talked about in, in television history from the.
Speaker 6
00:07:14 Golden age of TV.Devon
00:07:16 When there was only a handful of networks and there was number TiVo, there was no anything there.00:07:21 Was no on.
00:07:21 Demand you watched when everyone else watched.
00:07:26 And everyone was on the same page, culturally.
00:07:29 And guys like Norman Lear here were the ones writing that culture.
00:07:36 They wrote.
Speaker 6
00:07:36 Every word on that page that everyone was on.Devon
00:07:38 The same page of.00:07:41 So when you went into work the next day.
00:07:46 Hey, did you see that? That episode of Marwell? Probably since 65 ******* million people watched it.
00:07:54 I don't remember the exact number, but it was crazy high.
00:07:56 Something like that.
00:08:02 So this this.
00:08:02 Episode the reason why it's so groundbreaking?
00:08:05 We'll see.
00:08:06 Let's pop.
00:08:06 Let's, let's have a little look.
00:08:11 And then and then.
00:08:11 We're going to go down some rabbit.
00:08:13 Hole ****, alright?
00:08:16 There we go.
00:08:17 You know what's funny about this show and every other show like it?
00:08:22 As liberal and progressive as this mod character is funny how they have a a black slave working.
Speaker 6
00:08:29 At their house.00:08:32 They got their own nanny.
00:08:35 And they do like that's that's the character, that character, you know, obviously she's supposed to be paid.00:08:41 I'm sure it's.
00:08:41 A whole lot too, right?
Speaker 2
00:08:44 But and it's not even.00:08:45 See this is how good.
00:08:47 The boomers had it.Speaker 6
00:08:48 This is this was normal.Speaker 2
00:08:51 It was just like the in the description they.Devon
00:08:53 Said she's a middle class woman, middle class lady who's been divorced four times, just living in some suburban area of of New York, and she's got.00:09:02 A A servant.
Speaker 6
00:09:05 And and look, this is this is.Speaker 2
00:09:06 Pretty normal if you.Devon
00:09:07 Think of think about stuff like the Brady Bunch right.00:09:10 They had Alice.
00:09:10 The living.
00:09:12 ******* made.
Speaker 6
00:09:13 I mean, there's.Devon
00:09:15 In the 60s and 70s or even like in cartoons, you know, like the Jetsons, you know, it was a robot, but still, same character.00:09:22 A lot of these sitcoms, it would include some kind of servant that.
00:09:25 Lived in the house.
00:09:27 Because middle class you could do that.
00:09:33 So it's still funny that this character exists because the the whole time it's it's super condescending mammy ****.
00:09:39 Like I I cut out most of it because unlike the the other two parter that we zoom got to zoom through like there wasn't really a whole lot there's it's so this one has so much.
00:09:52 So much to it.
00:09:53 Like the the right.
00:09:54 It's very dense, like the amount of.
00:09:57 That's in this.
00:09:58 And I don't mean that in this in designing women, it was like the writing was awful in this.
00:10:03 I mean, I guess the.
00:10:03 Writing still.
00:10:04 Awful, but it's just, it's so *******.
00:10:06 Disgusting, but had it not been so.
00:10:11 You know, had I not had the trim out, most of the stuff, it would have been kind of funny just to.
00:10:15 Watch the mammy.
00:10:16 Parts of this character.
00:10:17 But but because I trimmed.
00:10:19 It we're only going to watch the part of the first one because it kind.
00:10:22 Of intros you to the.
00:10:24 Gives you the feel.
00:10:26 The feel of this show.
00:10:29 So without further ado.
Speaker 4
00:10:32 Let's see.00:10:32 Here, let's hit play here.
Speaker 7
00:10:43 Phil must be feeling better.00:10:45 Flora here.
00:10:45 2 helpings of ice cream and he kept them down.
00:10:49 They gave mail.
00:10:51 All right. So that's Maude's daughter.00:10:54 Who's also divorced?
Speaker 2
00:10:57 So this was like.Devon
00:10:58 Modern Family before Modern Family.00:11:01 This is this is when the this is.
00:11:03 When you first started to see.
00:11:06 The attack on the what was traditionally seen in sitcoms right in the 19, the 70s.
00:11:15 It was such an awful ******* decade for so many reasons.
00:11:20 And this is where you saw a lot of this happen.
00:11:23 You know, all the sitcoms went from being like, oh, here's this normal nuclear family.
00:11:28 And, you know, the the dad works the mom.
00:11:31 Stays at home like leave it to Beaver type stuff, and then it changed into, oh, you're including the Brady Bunch, right?
00:11:37 The Brady Bunch was technically a little more wholesome, but what?
Speaker 8
00:11:40 It what was?Devon
00:11:40 It it was a mixed family, right?00:11:43 It wasn't even like a normal family, and both parents worked.
00:11:46 And you know, I mean so.
00:11:48 It it's the all the.
00:11:50 Whole normal family.
00:11:51 Thing went out the ******* window.
00:11:53 And they replaced it with just these.
00:11:57 Awful ******* situations.
00:11:59 And so in this case, again it's the the, the four, the four times divorced.
00:12:07 Woman in her 40s with her, you know, 4th husband, I guess not four times divorced then like her three times divorced and then her daughter, who's also divorced, living with her and and her kid.
00:12:22 And and all.
00:12:23 And they're made and they're black.
00:12:25 Mammy made.
00:12:26 And they're all super liberals and the entire show, what they do is they they essentially push liberal propaganda openly.
00:12:34 It's it's it's not disguised at all.
00:12:36 It's pretty horrific.
00:12:37 So anyway, here we go.
Speaker 10
00:12:42 It's none of my business.Speaker 1
00:12:44 But I got most.Speaker 11
00:12:44 Of your letters have Ms.00:12:46 in front of your name.
Speaker 7
00:12:48 That's the result of women's Lib. You know, all men are called Mr. So we can't tell if they're married or single. But with women, we're either miss or misses. So, you know, if they're married or single or not.00:13:00 Anyway, to make things equal, we have this new designation in front of our names, Ms.
Speaker 6
00:13:05 Well, that'll show them we.Devon
00:13:11 Ohh that that.00:13:12 ******* smug, like look on her face.
00:13:14 So anyway, that's.
00:13:16 That's the show, right?
00:13:17 This kind of stupid gay **** over and over and over again.
00:13:22 But I wish it stopped at that.
00:13:23 I wish it was just as as you know, innocent as that.
00:13:27 But no, no, it gets gets kind of horrifying.
00:13:31 And remember this is 1972.
00:13:35 Well, and and I'll, I'll tell you the rest of that here in a second.
00:13:37 Remember in 1972?
Speaker 12
00:13:39 Each other 22 years we've been doing an awful lot together. 6 husbands, your two, Michael.Speaker 9
00:13:40 22 years months.00:13:44 Hold on.
00:13:48 Right.
Speaker 11
00:13:49 For 22.Speaker 12
00:13:50 Years, Vivian, we've been.00:13:51 We've been everything to each other.
00:13:53 I mean, there wasn't that confidence that we couldn't.
Speaker 13
00:13:55 Share we've we've.00:13:56 Been like sisters, Vivian like sisters not.
Speaker 12
00:14:00 And can I trust you to keep a secret?Speaker 11
00:14:06 Don't look at me, baby.00:14:17 I'm pregnant.
Speaker 14
00:14:30 You're a.Speaker 9
00:14:31 Kid, aren't you?00:14:34 You're pulling my leg.
00:14:38 Mod mod.
00:14:41 Please pull my.
Speaker 15
00:14:42 Leg Vivian, at age 62, I'll be the mother of an Eagle Scout.Speaker 9
00:14:52 I don't believe it.00:14:54 No, they made a mistake.
00:14:55 Laboratories made me.
00:14:56 There's no mistake for the and the rabbit died.
Speaker 15
00:15:02 Laughing, no doubt.Speaker 9
00:15:04 Lord, you're a grandmother with an 8 year old.Speaker 13
00:15:09 Grandson Vivian, do you know what that means?Speaker 1
00:15:13 Do you know?Speaker 14
00:15:14 What that means?00:15:15 That means that I live in.
Speaker 11
00:15:17 A house where an uncle is about to inherit his nephew's potty seat.00:15:26 I was just coming into.
Speaker 14
00:15:27 The prime of my life, I mean Carol is.Speaker 15
00:15:30 Bound to get married again I was even.Speaker 12
00:15:32 Thinking about.Devon
00:15:33 All right, so look.00:15:37 Her life this is.
Speaker 2
00:15:39 Apparently, the worst news.Devon
00:15:40 She could have ever have heard.00:15:45 Oh, my God, I'm so blessed to be in my 40s.
Speaker 2
00:15:49 And actually still be able to to to conceive.00:15:54 Most women you know, they.
Speaker 6
00:15:55 They go through menopause.00:15:56 This would be impossible.
00:15:57 There'd be.00:15:58 There's women that are dying for this opportunity.
Speaker 2
00:16:02 But now my.00:16:02 Life is over.
00:16:04 My life is over.00:16:06 My fun is over.
00:16:10 I'm not going to be able to to have as much pleasure seeking comfort seeking.
00:16:18 I'm going to be raising this.
00:16:19 Kid into my 60s.
00:16:23 I have been cursed.
00:16:29 Now this goes.
00:16:30 This goes in a much darker place, much darker place.
00:16:34 So this, here we go.
Speaker 11
00:16:37 About having the the sofa recovered and getting new carpeting, I was even toying with the.Speaker 12
00:16:41 Idea of.Devon
00:16:42 Ohh, she was going to get new car.00:16:45 They ******* kids getting in the way of carpeting having.
Speaker 15
00:16:48 My eyes done.Devon
00:16:51 And her plastic surgery.Speaker 12
00:16:53 Just Spock and.Speaker 15
00:16:54 Spit up and.Speaker 7
00:16:58 Your mother, you're.00:16:59 47 years old. Walters, 49. This is no time to be.
00:17:02 Having a baby give me this.
00:17:05 All right.00:17:06 So obviously I I trimmed out some stuff there.
00:17:10 So immediately she tells her her super liberal daughter.
00:17:16 I mean, like everyone, everyone.
00:17:17 In the show is super liberal, so I don't need to really say that, I guess.
00:17:21 Tells her daughter that she's pregnant and 1st not the first thing her daughter says.
Speaker 2
00:17:27 Is you don't need to have this kid.Devon
00:17:31 Now, once you had no understand.Speaker 6
00:17:35 The decision on Roe V.Devon
00:17:36 Wade hadn't been made yet.00:17:40 This was prior.
00:17:43 To Roe V Wade.
00:17:45 And abortion was still technically legal.
00:17:49 In New York, because the way they they got abortion was the same way they get everything they get right.
00:17:54 They just wore everyone down, wore, you know, like, like with gay marriage, right.
00:17:59 They kept wearing you down in TV shows and movies and everything else.
00:18:02 And then, like, you know, Massachusetts or some, I think it's Massachusetts passed it and and, you know, and and then like, conservatives like, you know.
Speaker 6
00:18:09 Well, our noise.00:18:10 Oh, we're gonna amend the Constitution, make sure it protects.
00:18:13 Marriage and you know, of course, nothing ******* happens.00:18:15 And they just keep wearing it down.
00:18:17 Wear it down.
00:18:17 Fast forward.
00:18:18 If you few decades.
00:18:19 And conservatives are waving the gay flag.
00:18:22 So same thing with abortion, right?
00:18:24 Like it was just they were they were trying to sell it, trying to sell it, trying to sell it, wear it down, wear it down.
00:18:30 Then, you know, states would would pass laws making it legal.
00:18:35 And then it was working.
00:18:36 Sway of the Supreme Court, you know, and Roe V Wade would be what you know, a case based on a lie would be what eventually gave the baby killers what they wanted.
00:18:49 But this was prior to the decision in that case.
00:18:54 I mean it gets.
00:18:54 Way worse, that's not the that's.
00:18:55 Not the rabbit hole.
00:18:58 So anyway, just just listen.
Speaker 2
00:19:00 To some of this dialogue.00:19:01 And now the ****** ** thing is again this.
00:19:02 Is A2 part?00:19:03 Episode the first part, they never say the word abortion.
00:19:08 You know what they're talking.
00:19:09 About but it's like it was.
00:19:11 Such a dirty word.
00:19:12 They couldn't.
00:19:13 They didn't think they were going to even get away with what they did.
00:19:16 In part one, without getting into a lot of trouble and and and they did, they got, like the FCC got something like 20,000 complaints or something like that. Nothing happened, of course, because nothing ever.
00:19:28 Does and you know, conservatives have always been toothless ******* *******.
00:19:33 So basically this continued on like everything else the.
00:19:36 Leftists have wanted.
00:19:37 And but listen to the dialogue again.
00:19:41 They they never they the the first part.
00:19:43 I mean they they end up saying it but the first part they they they.
00:19:46 Don't even say it.
00:19:48 But they make it clear and it's and it's not even like they're tiptoeing around.
00:19:52 They're trying to be, like, sensitive about it.
00:19:55 I mean, this is ****** ** ****.
00:19:58 For, especially for the first time, television ever talks about abortion.
Speaker 7
00:20:03 You don't have to think that way anymore.00:20:04 It's legal now.
Speaker 9
00:20:05 You know, she's right.00:20:06 It's legal.
00:20:07 In New York State, you.
00:20:08 Better give that a thought.
Speaker 11
00:20:08 I have given it a thought.Devon
00:20:10 So they just say it's legal.00:20:11 They never say what, what the IT is, but everyone knows.
00:20:16 No, I don't know I.Speaker 13
00:20:17 Don't know.00:20:17 I just don't know.
Speaker 7
00:20:19 Mother, I'm so sorry.Devon
00:20:21 See her daughter's first reaction to finding out that ohh, you might have a brother or sister.Speaker 7
00:20:26 Give me this.00:20:28 You don't have to think that way anymore.
00:20:29 It's legal now, right?
Speaker 9
00:20:30 You know, she's right.00:20:31 It's legal in New York State.
00:20:32 You better.
00:20:33 Give that a thought.
Speaker 13
00:20:34 I've given it a thought.Devon
00:20:35 You don't have to think like.Speaker 2
00:20:39 Baby killing is legal now.Speaker 15
00:20:41 Give me this.Speaker 7
00:20:42 You don't have to think that way anymore.00:20:44 It's legal now.
Speaker 9
00:20:45 No, she's right.00:20:46 It's legal in New York.
00:20:47 State you better.
00:20:47 Give that a thought.
Speaker 11
00:20:48 I've given it a.Speaker 13
00:20:49 Thought oh, I don't know, I.Speaker 5
00:20:51 Don't know. I just.Speaker 7
00:20:52 Don't know, mother.00:20:54 I'm so sorry.
Speaker 9
00:20:55 Ohh save it Carol, you need it more later.00:20:57 Saying about six months when she looks like a water Buffalo and one of those little flowered tents.
Speaker 6
00:21:04 Oh, no, ladies, you don't want.00:21:06 To get fat.
Speaker 2
00:21:08 You want to get fat.Devon
00:21:12 They will.00:21:13 They're going to basically nothing positive about having having children.
00:21:17 It's quite the opposite.
00:21:19 And they're attacked from both sides.
00:21:21 This is just a right now.
00:21:23 They're going after the female side of of of procreation.
Speaker 11
00:21:27 Thanks Vivian.Speaker 15
00:21:28 I really needed that.Speaker 9
00:21:30 Mod you haven't told Walter yet, hey.00:21:34 Yeah, I think you'll.
00:21:35 Be pleased.
00:21:36 Well, let me put.Speaker 11
00:21:36 It this way, Vivian, you know how pleased I am, Walter.00:21:39 Will be twice as pleased.
Speaker 9
00:21:43 Fly one thing I don't understand about.00:21:46 All this.
00:21:47 Weren't you using the?
Speaker 11
00:21:48 Pill no, it gives me migraines.Devon
00:21:51 You know, pushing birth control it like the whole episode they're talking about and how you need.00:21:56 To get used.
00:21:56 Birth control and.
00:21:59 Yeah, it keeps going.
Speaker 1
00:22:02 What did?Speaker 7
00:22:02 You do when you cross your fingers.00:22:11 But you're not gonna tell me you were using?
00:22:13 Some old fashioned.
Speaker 11
00:22:14 Method bingo.00:22:15 When the old fashioned thing happened, I got pregnant.
Speaker 9
00:22:20 Al. Wait a minute. There's no such thing as old-fashioned Hippocrates described the the IUD thing over 2000 years ago.Speaker 7
00:22:27 Well, it's so unfair.00:22:28 They can put a man on the moon.
00:22:29 The women are using the same birth control method.
Speaker 5
00:22:31 Ohh, come on girls.00:22:32 Let's play my bed.
00:22:39 Anyway, yeah.00:22:41 Like it, it doesn't.
00:22:43 It doesn't stop.
00:22:43 It's just it's.
00:22:45 And I did cut out some of it just to make it a little more concentrate because we don't want to sit here and watch.
00:22:50 Two full episodes, but it just never stops.
00:22:53 It's just constant.
00:22:54 Like you don't want to have this baby.
00:22:55 Why would anyone want to have babies?
00:22:57 They're terrible.
00:22:58 Bad baby bad.
Speaker 5
00:22:59 Come on, I grant you that the autumn years of life is not the ideal time to be.00:23:04 Raising a baby.
Speaker 11
00:23:06 The autumn years aglio.00:23:11 Arthur, leave it to you to sound just like a hallmark card.
Speaker 7
00:23:15 How can you be so insensitive?00:23:17 Not just to my mother, Arthur?
00:23:19 When are men gonna take some responsibility for birth control?
Speaker 5
00:23:23 It's happening.00:23:23 It's happening the sectomy for example, more and more men are talking about vasectomy all the time.
Speaker 6
00:23:29 Ah, look at that.00:23:31 See, it's not just.
00:23:33 You can get these days, kids.Speaker 12
00:23:36 You can get.Devon
00:23:38 You ever thought about getting a vasectomy?00:23:41 You should maybe get a vasectomy.
00:23:44 Stand by for that.
Speaker 11
00:23:46 World has been talking about it for two years.00:23:48 Take it from the art.
00:23:49 They're talking about.
00:23:50 It doesn't work.
Speaker 9
00:23:52 Harry Adams just had a vasectomy.Speaker 5
00:23:54 Good man, Adams. Good man.Speaker 7
00:23:57 That's on for one man's vasectomy is not the answer.00:23:59 Look, the way things are going, if it's even older, people like my mother-in-law, just start behaving like rabbits.
00:24:06 Well, we're all going to end up living like sardines.
00:24:12 That's starting to sound like she's talking about the weird overpopulation ********.00:24:17 More on that later.
Speaker 9
00:24:20 Beautifully put, I mean it's.Speaker 11
00:24:23 Not every mother that gets to be called.00:24:25 A rabbit.
Speaker 15
00:24:29 Mean it?Speaker 10
00:24:30 Hi everybody.Speaker 13
00:24:33 Arthur, in 13 years, I'll be the 62 year old.Devon
00:24:39 So that's obviously that's the the father.00:24:41 Of the kid.
00:24:42 Father of an Eagle Scout.
Speaker 14
00:24:49 You can see it.00:24:50 I knew we'd do it.
00:24:54 This flashing in front of me and you're laughing.
Speaker 7
00:24:56 Ohh, never mind about him, Walter.00:24:58 How are you to?
00:24:58 Get upset. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You're not the one that has to.
00:25:02 Carry this baby.
Speaker 11
00:25:03 She's right.00:25:04 I am the one.
00:25:05 Who's going to have to?
Speaker 15
00:25:06 Sit in that doctor's office with.Speaker 11
00:25:08 All those pregnant 25.00:25:09 Year olds.
00:25:17 Better make me a.Speaker 15
00:25:20 I'm drinking for two, you.Devon
00:25:21 Yeah, cause drinking while pregnant totally.00:25:24 OK.
00:25:24 You know.Speaker 16
00:25:27 Well, I don't know what to say.Devon
00:25:31 I know it's crazy.Speaker 12
00:25:32 But I'm excited about this and if I'm.Speaker 16
00:25:34 Excited about it?00:25:35 I should be happy about.
00:25:37 It, But I'm not more and I'm not.
Speaker 15
00:25:39 I understand.Speaker 2
00:25:42 He's not happy.Speaker 17
00:25:43 At all.Devon
00:25:44 And the thing about this guy, this his character, he doesn't.00:25:48 Have any kids?
00:25:50 All right. He's he's like.
00:25:52 About the same age, late 40s or.
00:25:54 So I forget what?
00:25:55 How old?
00:25:55 He is also no kids.
00:26:00 And he and he's not happy at all about the idea that maybe he he lucked out and got a kid, right.
00:26:05 Like when when it was seemingly impossible.
Speaker 11
00:26:11 I mean, it's not going to be any fun having a.00:26:12 2 year old.
Speaker 15
00:26:13 Who can beat you up the stairs?Devon
00:26:17 But the time will come Ward when?00:26:19 We'll be free again.
Speaker 16
00:26:21 I mean the child.00:26:21 Grows up.
Speaker 14
00:26:23 Goes to college, meets a girl or a.00:26:25 Fella and gets married.
Speaker 16
00:26:28 Ben gets a.Devon
00:26:29 Divorce moves back into the house, probably with an.00:26:31 8 year old kid.
Speaker 11
00:26:34 God will get you for that.Speaker 16
00:26:37 I think you already has.Speaker 7
00:26:43 Phillips asleep.00:26:45 You know, I've been thinking.
00:26:46 There is no earthly reason for you to go through with this at your age.
00:26:50 You know it.
00:26:51 I know it.
00:26:52 Walter knows.
Speaker 11
00:26:52 It want you to talk just.Speaker 12
00:26:54 Don't ever talk about.00:26:55 I didn't say anything, but now that you.
Speaker 16
00:26:56 Mentioned it.00:26:57 It's legal in New York now, isn't it?
Speaker 7
00:26:59 Of course it is, Walter.Devon
00:27:01 See, they still can't say what it is.00:27:03 It's still too dirty of a word to.
Speaker 2
00:27:05 Say what it is.Devon
00:27:07 But it's legal in New York now.Speaker 7
00:27:10 Mother, I don't understand your hesitancy when they made it a law.00:27:13 You were for it.
00:27:14 Of course I.
00:27:15 Wasn't pregnant then?
00:27:17 Father, it's ridiculous my saying this to.
00:27:20 You we're free, we.
00:27:22 Finally, have the right to decide what we can do with our own body.
Speaker 9
00:27:25 All right then.Speaker 11
00:27:25 Will you please get yours into the?Speaker 7
00:27:29 You're just scared.00:27:30 I'm not.
00:27:31 Scared you are.
00:27:32 And it's as simple.
00:27:33 As going to the dentist.
Speaker 11
00:27:35 Now I'm scared.Speaker 2
00:27:37 See, it's as simple as going to the dentist.Speaker 6
00:27:42 This is a commercial for abortion.Speaker 8
00:27:46 This is a two-part commit like like full.Speaker 2
00:27:51 Television show length commercial.Devon
00:27:54 For abortion.Speaker 7
00:27:58 Mother, listen to me.00:28:00 It's a simple operation.
00:28:01 Now, when you were growing up, it was illegal and it was dangerous.
00:28:06 And it was sinister.
00:28:07 And you've never gotten over.
Speaker 2
00:28:09 Oh, it was sinister before.00:28:11 No, it's not because it's legal.
00:28:15 Don't you know the morality is defined by the state?
Speaker 7
00:28:18 With that.00:28:20 Now you tell me that's.
00:28:21 Not true, it's not true.
Speaker 11
00:28:24 And you're right, I've never gotten over.Speaker 7
00:28:30 It's not your.00:28:31 Fault when you were young, abortion was a dirty word.
00:28:35 Ah, there, they finally said it.Speaker 7
00:28:38 It's not anymore.Devon
00:28:40 Abortion is not a dirty word anymore.00:28:43 It's it's fine.
00:28:44 That's why we've been not saying it this whole time.
Speaker 7
00:28:47 You think about that?Speaker 4
00:28:57 How touching.Speaker 16
00:29:03 You know more.00:29:04 You got one hell of a daughter.
Speaker 13
00:29:09 Ohh Walter, it's so silly.00:29:13 It's really dumb.
00:29:14 I mean it's.
Speaker 12
00:29:16 It's not just that I'm scared.Speaker 9
00:29:17 And it's.Speaker 11
00:29:17 Like deep down inside me, there's a.00:29:20 Teeny part of me that feels guilty for.
Speaker 12
00:29:23 Even thinking about it.Devon
00:29:25 Ohh, you mean there's a a still small voice?00:29:31 In your head telling you that maybe maybe thinking about killing your baby is.
Speaker 2
00:29:37 Is maybe kind of bad.00:29:38 Maybe you should feel.
00:29:39 A little bad.00:29:40 For for thinking about that.
Speaker 2
00:29:43 I don't know.00:29:43 Maybe you should.
Speaker 17
00:29:45 Listen to listen to the voice.Speaker 2
00:29:47 That voice is there for a reason like.Speaker 4
00:29:52 Oh God.Speaker 16
00:29:54 Well, I'll tell you this mode.00:29:56 Whatever you decide is going to be alright.
00:29:58 With me.
00:30:00 Thank you.Speaker 16
00:30:03 I'll tell you something else too.00:30:06 To make sure this doesn't happen again.
00:30:10 I'm going to have that vasectomy.
Speaker 1
00:30:13 You really mean that?00:30:14 Why not?
Speaker 16
00:30:16 To simple operation.Speaker 12
00:30:19 Like going to the dentist.Devon
00:30:23 It's like going.00:30:24 To the dentist.
00:30:26 Everyone's getting vasectomies.
Speaker 16
00:30:33 Well, maybe I ought.00:30:34 To think about it.
Speaker 15
00:30:39 I don't know.00:30:40 I don't know.
Speaker 19
00:30:43 I guess I'll just have to think about it too.Speaker 16
00:30:50 Whatever you decide.Speaker 6
00:30:53 And that right?Devon
00:30:54 There is another big ball of poison.00:30:58 Whatever you decide, honey.
00:31:05 When men start saying that, that's when.
00:31:08 **** started to really hit the fan.
Speaker 2
00:31:13 Whatever you decide, honey, whatever you want.Devon
00:31:18 I'm just.00:31:19 I'm just here.
00:31:20 I just exist.
Speaker 6
00:31:22 I'm just along for.Speaker
00:31:23 The ride.Devon
00:31:25 Here, honey, you drive.Speaker 17
00:31:28 This will be this.Devon
00:31:29 Will work out, I'm sure.00:31:34 ******* pathetic.
Speaker 11
00:31:41 Nine months of having you tell me.00:31:43 I don't look.
Speaker 7
00:31:43 Well, eight months.00:31:45 Mother, you're already 4 weeks.
00:31:46 Pregnant. Ohh look.
00:31:48 Mother, you're not going to.
00:31:49 Go through with this.
00:31:51 She's already 4 weeks pregnant, 4 weeks pregnant.00:31:57 Pretty sure you have a heartbeat at that.
00:31:59 Point, right?
Speaker 11
00:32:01 I keep forgetting.00:32:02 Is black coffee good or bad?
00:32:04 For women in my condition.
Speaker 7
00:32:06 Well, it keeps you.00:32:07 Awake. Bad. That's.
Speaker 11
00:32:08 What got me in my condition?Speaker 7
00:32:13 No, that you don't have to have the.00:32:15 Baby, look, I've told you.
00:32:16 Before there's no reason to feel guilty, and there's certainly no reason to be afraid.
Speaker 6
00:32:20 There's no reason.Devon
00:32:21 To feel guilty, I mean, this daughter is like a Satanist.00:32:25 It's like she she's demanding a child sacrifice.
Speaker 7
00:32:33 You're like talking to a stone wall.Speaker 11
00:32:35 A pregnant Stonewall Carol honey honey.00:32:40 I really have been listening.
00:32:41 To you, and I've done a.
00:32:42 Great deal of soul searching.
00:32:44 Believe me, you're going to have the.
00:32:47 Baby. That's right, Carol.
Speaker 7
00:32:49 Please you can look, you told me yourself, Doctor.00:32:51 Tarpon said for you to have a baby.
00:32:53 Your age could be very risky.
Speaker 11
00:32:55 You know doctor Toppin?00:32:57 He's an old fuddy Duddy.
00:32:58 Look, Lucille Granger had a baby just last year and she.
00:33:01 Was 49.
Speaker 7
00:33:02 Yes, and she.00:33:02 Looks 59.
Speaker 11
00:33:03 And feel 71 now. The point I'm trying to make honey is that I am.00:33:08 Going to have this baby because Walter wants.
Speaker 7
00:33:12 Walter once said he told.Speaker 11
00:33:13 You that he didn't come right out and.Speaker 9
00:33:15 Say it, but he.Speaker 11
00:33:16 Was up half the night, tossing and turning.00:33:18 Honey, I'm sure Walter wants the baby.
Speaker 7
00:33:21 How do you know he wasn't tossing and turning because he doesn't want the baby?Speaker 13
00:33:24 Honey, I know the.Speaker 11
00:33:26 Man, look, when you were married, didn't you know what was on your husband?Speaker 7
00:33:29 'S mind if I'd known what was on his mind, I would have divorced him six months sooner.Devon
00:33:35 Oh man, they're so terrible.00:33:39 So she decides that she thinks that the heart has been guy wants the baby, and so she's going to.
Speaker 6
00:33:46 Basically, what is she?Devon
00:33:47 She's she's fighting guilt.00:33:48 She doesn't.
00:33:49 Want to get an abortion because she feels guilty?
Speaker 11
00:33:52 Well anyway I.Devon
00:33:53 Know Walter like a.00:33:56 And then next we see her neighbor.
00:33:57 Her neighbor is the same age or, you know, roughly thereabout and has a bunch.
00:34:02 Of kids and I cut out.
Speaker 4
00:34:03 Some of it because it was just long and annoying, but.Speaker 12
00:34:06 The the.Devon
00:34:07 Stick is.00:34:08 Oh, uh, you know, look.
00:34:10 Her kids are so rambunctious and rowdy.
00:34:12 And you.
00:34:13 Know they're crawling all.
00:34:14 Over the place and and mods just, you know, glaring at the the kids who are off camera.
00:34:20 You just hear them, right?
Speaker 4
00:34:21 That's part of why I cut.Devon
00:34:22 It out.00:34:22 It's kind of poorly.
00:34:24 Put together, but she's just.
00:34:26 Glaring and just you know.
00:34:29 Does not respect this woman at all for for.
00:34:32 Her decision to have.
00:34:33 Children at her age, right?
00:34:35 And so she's looking at this woman as the contrast.
00:34:37 Like Ohh that's that's how my life is going to be if I actually have this kid.
00:34:42 And of course this is this is communicating this to the audience as well.
Speaker 7
00:34:45 Come on.00:34:46 I almost forgot.
00:34:50 I understand you're cranky.
Speaker 11
00:35:00 Oh, yes, Carla, you see?00:35:02 On top of everything else, I'm preggy.
Speaker 17
00:35:08 I'll let you, not a little secret.00:35:11 I am too.
00:35:12 You're kidding.
Speaker 9
00:35:14 Of course, you can't tell.00:35:16 I mean, I'm not showing yet.
Speaker 7
00:35:22 Actually, we had planned at stopping up door.00:35:25 Was a nice family.
00:35:26 Lorraine, why didn't you?
Speaker 17
00:35:28 Couldn't you?Speaker 2
00:35:28 Why didn't you stop at 4, you ****?00:35:30 Why do you keep having kids, don't you?
00:35:32 We're going to be living.
00:35:33 Like sardines, if you keep acting like rabbits.
Speaker 17
00:35:38 I mean each to his own but.00:35:40 I could not I.
00:35:41 Don't think it's right for me to.
Speaker 9
00:35:42 Make that kind of a decision.Speaker 17
00:35:45 Besides, why didn't you?Devon
00:35:46 Abort it. Well, because.00:35:48 That would that.
Speaker 2
00:35:48 Would make me funked up an evil.Devon
00:35:50 But no, that's not what she says.00:35:52 She says, well, it's it's their.
00:35:53 Own I mean, if you want to.
00:35:54 ******* kill your baby.
00:35:55 That's up.
00:35:55 To see that it that limp wristed ******* ******** that that libertarian view of.
Speaker 6
00:36:00 Like, oh, what are you doing?00:36:01 The the privacy.
00:36:02 Of your own that that *******.
00:36:04 Sickness has been in this country a long time.Speaker 13
00:36:06 What's one more kid? Good.Speaker 7
00:36:09 By the way, Mark, are you?Speaker 11
00:36:11 No, I was just having coffee.Speaker 17
00:36:16 I'll lend you my copy of.Speaker 9
00:36:17 The art of.00:36:17 Breastfeeding. You'll love it.
Speaker 11
00:36:24 Yeah, the breasting do you realize, Carol, now it's an odd like French cooking?Speaker 5
00:36:32 The operation what's it like per second?Devon
00:36:35 Alright, so this is uh.Speaker 8
00:36:38 The the the.Devon
00:36:39 The potential father and his doctor friend talking about vasectomies, which again is very heavily featured in this show.Speaker 5
00:36:50 Ohh, very simple procedure.00:36:52 He's done right in the doctor's office.
00:36:54 Snip, Snip, Snip and it's over.
00:36:58 Double wow. Easy.Speaker 5
00:37:01 You're responding to some kind of a primitive fear.00:37:03 It's irrational.
00:37:04 You should know.
Speaker 16
00:37:05 Better I do know better, but that doesn't help.00:37:07 Not when you were brainwashed as a child.
Speaker 5
00:37:10 Well, how's the breast being sensational.00:37:13 That's great.
00:37:14 How do you like your vasectomy?
00:37:22 This speed off of very discreet.Speaker 5
00:37:24 Welder here is planning to have.00:37:25 One too good to you?
00:37:29 Tell about it, you'll.
00:37:30 Really love it, Walter.
00:37:32 Takes the worry out of being close.
00:37:38 That's a little joke.
Speaker 16
00:37:40 You're happy you had it done then.Speaker 14
00:37:42 Happy isn't the word for it.00:37:44 Best thing you.
Speaker 18
00:37:44 You did.Devon
00:37:45 And see that vasectomy.Speaker 2
00:37:47 Is the best thing he's ever done the best thing?Speaker 16
00:37:51 And everything's fine.Speaker 5
00:37:53 Fine. Everything's better. It's better.Speaker 2
00:37:57 Sex is better when your balls don't work.Speaker 15
00:38:01 Better sure helps my wife too.00:38:04 She's like.
Speaker 11
00:38:05 A kid again.Speaker 2
00:38:07 Your wife will turn into some sex crazed teenager again.00:38:12 It'll be fantastic.
00:38:14 Snip snip. That's all.
00:38:17 The only trouble is, she forgets I'm nuts.Speaker 2
00:38:20 See, it'll be.00:38:21 It'll be too much for you.
00:38:22 To even handle.00:38:25 You'll be great.
Speaker 5
00:38:27 Well, the important thing is he was psychologically prepared for vasectomy.00:38:30 See, some guys are, and some guys aren't.
00:38:33 You're an ideal candidate for.
00:38:34 See how they they framed that too.00:38:39 Well, the vasectomy worked out great for him because he was psychologically.
00:38:44 Competent or what? What what?
Speaker 6
00:38:45 Was the phrase in here.Speaker 5
00:38:47 Well, the important thing is he was psychologically prepared for vasectomies, he.Devon
00:38:50 He was psychologically.00:38:51 Prepared and he's going to make it.
Speaker 2
00:38:52 You know like.Devon
00:38:53 It's a superiority thing too.00:38:55 It's it's not just that like, oh, he he understood the risks and decided to go with it.
00:38:59 No, it it's cause of his mindset is, is a superior mindset.
Speaker 5
00:39:03 These some guys are and some guys aren't.00:39:06 Now you're an ideal candidate for vasectomy.
00:39:08 Oh, you're an ideal candidate.00:39:09 Why is that?
Speaker 5
00:39:10 Easygoing double.Devon
00:39:12 Easy going.Speaker 5
00:39:13 Call Mike here.Speaker 2
00:39:15 The devil may care. Ah.Devon
00:39:17 Interesting choice of words.Speaker 2
00:39:19 You know it's it's it just seemed.00:39:20 To be this.
00:39:21 Easy going.
00:39:22 You're not uptight, are you?
00:39:26 You're not uptight.
00:39:29 Are you afraid?00:39:29 You afraid of a little snip?
Speaker 5
00:39:30 Snip, you're just with the doctor order.Devon
00:39:34 I gotta make a couple of.Speaker 5
00:39:35 Calls on the way home.00:39:37 And you better be getting yourself over to Doc mingle, yeah.
Speaker 16
00:39:40 As soon as I finish.Speaker 5
00:39:40 This drink well, lots of luck, old buddy.00:39:44 And remember be for vasectomy.
Speaker 16
00:39:47 Would it disappoint you too much?Devon
00:39:50 All right, so he chickens out and doesn't get the vasectomy he was supposed to get, goes home, and they're in bed and decide to talk about whether or not they're they're going to have the abort.00:40:05 And he tells her look.
00:40:08 I don't want to.
00:40:08 Have the kid.
00:40:10 And so your reasoning for keeping it, thinking that I want it is is wrong so.
Speaker 16
00:40:16 Much to learn that becoming a father was never one of my life's ambitions.00:40:21 I I don't know why.
00:40:23 For years I used to feel.
00:40:24 Guilty about it?
Speaker 10
00:40:27 For years, people told.Speaker 16
00:40:28 I was not so selfish.00:40:29 How can I not love kids?
00:40:31 Well, I do love kids, but they.
00:40:32 Don't have to be mine.
00:40:35 That's probably the worst confession I'll ever make.
Speaker 18
00:40:39 Do you hate me?Speaker 11
00:40:41 Course not, darling.00:40:43 I love you.
00:40:45 I love you and I love my life.
00:40:50 And I don't want some ******* kid.Speaker 4
00:40:54 To get in the way of our plans.Speaker 16
00:41:00 I think it would be wrong to.00:41:01 Have a child at our age.
Speaker 13
00:41:04 Oh, so Walter.00:41:06 Oh, Walter.
00:41:07 So do what?
00:41:10 Impatient, irascible.
Speaker 16
00:41:13 It's just not our time of life.Speaker 13
00:41:15 For other people it might be fine, but for us I I don't think it.00:41:18 Would be fair to anybody.
00:41:20 To hold me closer.
Speaker 16
00:41:22 Are you frightened more about the operation?Speaker 12
00:41:24 That don't be ridiculous story.00:41:26 Why should I be frightened?
00:41:31 And notice.00:41:32 Notice how you know I I saw some people on chat comments about the the laugh track.
00:41:37 You know, laugh tracks are when you watch these old shows, it's.
00:41:42 It it makes it almost impossible to get through a lot.
Speaker 4
00:41:45 Of that.Devon
00:41:46 But you got to remember how that was.00:41:48 Perceived back in 1972 and if you?
00:41:51 Notice the engineered.
00:41:52 Response to what's going on in these scenes.
00:41:55 Is very deliberate.
00:41:57 There was even.
00:41:58 A couple like they made it real subtle in.
Speaker 2
00:41:59 The background just kind of like an ease.Devon
00:42:01 The tension, kind of.00:42:02 A thing they they peppered in.
00:42:04 A couple of giggles and and.
00:42:05 Laughs when they made.
Speaker 2
00:42:07 The decision to kill the baby.Devon
00:42:10 You know the the the course that wasn't, like thunderous applause.00:42:17 But it was there was.
Speaker 2
00:42:18 Some laughter there like ohh.Devon
00:42:20 They're going to kill the baby.Speaker 11
00:42:23 Just tell me whether that I'm doing the right thing.00:42:28 Not having the baby.
Speaker 16
00:42:33 View mode for me.00:42:37 And the privacy of our own lives.
Speaker 6
00:42:39 On the Privacy mode home.Speaker 2
00:42:44 You see where this ******* poison comes from?Speaker 18
00:42:48 Hey, look what?Devon
00:42:51 Consenting adults want to do in the.Speaker 6
00:42:53 Privacy of their that's.Devon
00:42:55 Fine with me.00:42:57 It's just not OK.
00:42:58 I just don't want it in my I just don't want to have abortions.
Speaker 6
00:43:03 If you if you want to rape.Speaker 14
00:43:04 Kids, that's cool.Speaker 6
00:43:07 Rape kids all day long in your garage.00:43:10 Just don't come into my garage.
00:43:12 That's my garage.
00:43:16 That's what happens if if you frame every moral issue as whatever the **** you.Speaker 6
00:43:23 Want to do is fine.Devon
00:43:25 Long as it doesn't affect me.00:43:30 You get everything.
00:43:31 You lose every every ******* battle.
00:43:34 Every ******* battle, every every kind of degenerate thing will become normalized at some point.
00:43:40 Because you've you've.
00:43:41 Already you've given up any kind of argument.
00:43:47 The second you.
Speaker 6
00:43:48 Say what people what conservative adults want to do?00:43:51 OK. Well then literally everything's OK. What's not?
00:43:53 OK at that.00:43:54 Point then.
00:43:55 If that's your logic, that can be applied.
00:43:57 To literally anything.
Speaker 6
00:44:01 Because if you're going to.Devon
00:44:02 Oversimplify the impacts that that the that this kind of behavior like even in the case of the abortion.00:44:09 That doesn't just affect them.
00:44:12 It doesn't even just affect.
00:44:14 The baby.
00:44:14 They're going to kill.
00:44:17 It affects society as a whole.
00:44:22 Why does it affect the scenario as?
00:44:23 A whole.
00:44:24 Well, let me see here.
00:44:29 Excuse me.
00:44:32 Probably should mute the mic there.
00:44:34 That's OK.
Speaker 4
00:44:35 I'll show you.00:44:43 Soon as I can load this.
00:44:44 Stupid picture up that.
Speaker 18
00:44:47 There we go.Speaker 2
00:44:57 All these stupid.Devon
00:44:58 In the privacy of your own home issues.00:45:01 Have wider far reaching implications.
00:45:06 That it doesn't take a genius to ******* figure out.
00:45:13 OK.
00:45:16 If if your next door neighbors are crackheads.
00:45:20 The damage that that's doing to society does not end.
00:45:24 At the end of their crack pipe, it doesn't.
00:45:26 End with those two crack heads.
00:45:32 Has repercussions throughout the entire society.
00:45:35 And guess what?
00:45:36 Fagots leftists understand this and use that argument and you let them win.
00:45:42 Like when as an example, when leftists say you have to wear seat belts by law, legally you have to wear seat belts.
00:45:52 And if you don't, we can.
00:45:55 We can give you a ticket and.
00:45:56 Fine you because because.
00:46:00 You know, because when the right tries to make.
00:46:01 Use that logic.
00:46:02 What I do with the privacy.
Speaker 6
00:46:03 Of my car is my business.Devon
00:46:05 No, the left says no.00:46:06 No, no, you see it has.
00:46:08 It has effects on the community because if you get hurt then that increases the cost to the infrastructure of the the locality.
00:46:19 You know they're going to pay for.
00:46:21 You know, whatever happens to you and it just it it the cost is too high.
00:46:28 And because conservatives?
00:46:29 Can't ******* fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Speaker 6
00:46:33 I guess you're right.Devon
00:46:36 ******* fagots complete ******* *******.Speaker 16
00:46:48 You're doing the right thing.Speaker 13
00:46:53 I love you, Walter. Fine.Devon
00:47:00 And apply.Speaker 2
00:47:04 Applause For bonding.Devon
00:47:07 Over abortion.00:47:12 Whole lot of Jewish last names in that story editors list right there, huh.
00:47:17 Yeah, that's a reoccurring theme.
00:47:19 That's not the the rabbit.
Speaker 6
00:47:20 Hole so I mentioned.Devon
00:47:24 I mentioned things got a.00:47:25 Little bit weird.
00:47:28 I I had just planned on showing this episode and pointing.
00:47:31 Out the obvious.
00:47:33 Subversive nature of this show.
00:47:36 This episode is particularly bad, but most of the episodes are have some kind of version of this.
00:47:42 This is not.
00:47:42 Quite as obscene.
Speaker 8
00:47:45 But it's, you know, cause the whole show.Devon
00:47:46 Is it's essentially and it's.Speaker 6
00:47:48 Funny, because the way that they frame.Devon
00:47:50 You know, same same guy made the the all in the family right with Archie Bunker, same, same creator, but yet the conservative, he's this bumbling idiot that.00:48:04 Known wants to be she, however, is a strong, independent woman and her daughter same way strong independent woman.
00:48:14 And if you want to look at it a little bit wider, right, the just the entire family.
00:48:18 Yeah, their families kind of dysfunctional.
00:48:20 She's on her 4th husband.
00:48:22 You know her friends on her, like, apparently, you know, second husband.
00:48:26 Her daughter is divorced.
Speaker 16
00:48:29 What do you?Devon
00:48:30 Notice aesthetically between her daughter and, like, say, the bunker's daughter, right? The the bunkers aren't just stupid people. They're also not the most attractive people, right?00:48:45 Now obviously be Arthur is no ******* prize, but.
Speaker 6
00:48:49 But I'm just.Devon
00:48:50 Saying right, like there the the the contrast.00:48:54 Between the two families and how they.
00:48:56 Live the class.
00:49:00 It's very the difference is very obvious.
00:49:04 And same creator same time.
00:49:07 You know, she was a character.
00:49:10 From that show.
00:49:13 So they had two shows, one about a conservative family.
00:49:16 There was a bunch of ******* *******.
00:49:20 And a show about a.
00:49:21 Liberal family that was strong and independent and awesome.
00:49:27 And decided to bond over getting an abortion to the sound of applause.
00:49:36 And there's and they're.
00:49:37 Still ******* that don't.
00:49:39 That can't see that this is propaganda.
00:49:46 But anyway, so I decided I was like, OK.
00:49:51 I'm going to try to find like a review.
00:49:55 Of this episode, back when it first aired, you know, maybe I can find from the 70s some some, you know, TV writer talking about how shocking it was or just so I could get some kind of perception of how this was received.
00:50:12 And I looked around, I looked around and.
00:50:14 I couldn't find anything.
00:50:17 But what I did find?
00:50:21 Was an article written in the 90s.
00:50:26 On the 20th anniversary of the show.
00:50:32 Celebrating the show because of how progressive this episode was.
00:50:41 And I'll read a little bit from the article, but there's one part in particular that was a little bit weird.
Speaker 16
00:50:47 All right.Devon
00:50:49 So this is this is this is specifically about the episode we just watched clips from.00:50:55 She was a 47.
00:50:57 Year old grandmother with a dilemma. An unexpected pregnancy. It was 1972, the year before Roe versus Wade made abortion the law of the.
00:51:04 Land, even though she lived in New York State, where the procedure was legal, the decision, the decision on whether to carry the baby to term wasn't easy.
00:51:12 She thought her husband wanted the child, he thought.
00:51:15 He did.
00:51:16 Then they realized that their ages, they didn't want to raise a second family.
00:51:20 20 years ago this month, Maud Finlay, the lead character on one of the TV or TV's most popular shows.
00:51:27 Chose to get an abortion today. Mao's decision stands as a watershed in TV history, an event that brought the battle over choice into the prime Time Arena.
00:51:43 And so the the the author keeps gushing about it.
00:51:46 In fact, at one point they meant that because this you.
00:51:49 Know this 1990?
00:51:50 Two the the year this was.
00:51:51 Written the author laments that, oh, you couldn't.
00:51:55 Even you, because the these ******* you know, conservatives these days, you probably couldn't even do do their abortion.
00:52:02 The same way if if Murphy Brown, you know, she'd have to actually have the baby and and funny thing, as Murphy Brown end up having being a single mom that, you know, they push that whole thing, maybe that's something we'll get into another time.
00:52:15 But you keep going down the article and you read it.
00:52:21 They start talking about the like, where they got the idea, like the writers, like why they wanted to do it.
00:52:33 And then we see this.
Speaker 4
00:52:37 Dun Dun Dun.00:52:38 Dun where'd it go?
00:52:47 Nowhere to go.
00:52:51 The political economy all right.
00:52:54 OK, here we go.00:52:56 The Group 0 population growth.
00:53:00 This is what the.
00:53:01 The the producer of the show said.
00:53:03 He said the reason?
00:53:04 They decided to go with this storyline was the Group 0 population growth announced they were giving a $10,000 prize for comedies that had something to do with controlling population.
00:53:21 And I was like, wait, what?
Speaker 5
00:53:21 OK.Speaker 6
00:53:24 What is this zero population growth thing?Devon
00:53:30 You speak of.00:53:34 All right.
00:53:35 So then the the plot thickens.
Speaker 4
00:53:40 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
00:53:44 So then I look up 0 population growth like what is it what?Speaker 4
00:53:47 Could this possibly be?00:53:53 And they have a.
00:53:54 Website They've they.00:53:56 No longer call themselves zero population growth.
00:54:01 Now they call themselves population connection.
00:54:06 Because I guess that sounds a little less terrifying.
00:54:10 They still use the acronym, though.
00:54:13 It's on. This is on their website. This year marks ZPG's 30th anniversary.
00:54:19 Looking back, what can we report?
00:54:21 Well, ZPG has grown and grown. It's been 200 years since Thomas Mathis run his famous first essay on population in 30 years since Doctor Paul Eric's path breaking.
00:54:33 The population bomb.
00:54:37 The population bomb.
00:54:39 What's what's the population bomb?
00:54:50 What's this and who wrote this?
00:54:56 Who wrote the population bomb?
00:54:58 Let's take.
00:54:58 A look see if we can find out.
00:55:00 Who wrote that?
00:55:02 The population bomb and and if he maybe has anything in common with the the shows creator Norman Lear, let's just let's just see if maybe maybe they might have.
00:55:14 There might be some coincidences.
00:55:15 Going on there he is.
00:55:17 There he is.
00:55:22 Paul R Ehrlich.
00:55:27 All right, American biologists, best known for his warnings about the consequences of population growth and limited resources.
Speaker 2
00:55:37 OK, so far so good.00:55:42 Taught at Stanford.
Speaker 8
00:55:45 Yeah. All right.Devon
00:55:46 Wrote the book The population Bomb.Speaker 2
00:55:48 Go to early life.Devon
00:55:51 He was born in Philadelphia, PA, the son of William Erick and Ruth Rosenberg.Speaker 13
00:55:59 Every single time.Devon
00:56:02 Every single time.00:56:06 Ah, every single time.
00:56:14 And just like a lot of these people, you know, it was now it wasn't at the turn of the century cause a lot of these.
00:56:19 Guys, they're they're from Eastern Europe around.
00:56:23 The 1900s, right, like right around 1900.
00:56:26 His family came a little bit before that. From Germany, they came from Germany in 1840. But yeah, it was part of this migration of Jews.
00:56:35 Into the American Society that produced awesome things like the population bomb, which would then inspire groups like the Zero Population Group.
00:56:52 Who would then fund other Jews who are making television shows so they would write stories specifically telling white people not to have children?
00:57:07 Almost like there's some kind of.
00:57:09 Coordinated plan here to get people to stop reproducing.
00:57:15 It's a little weird.
00:57:16 Huh. Now it turns out.
00:57:19 They actually even made a movie.
00:57:22 Called 0 population.
00:57:27 But I wasn't able to get it.
Speaker 4
00:57:30 Let's see here.Devon
00:57:31 Or zero population growth was the name of the movie.00:57:35 Which is the same name as the that group.
Speaker 4
00:57:37 I thought it was group it's growth, I guess.Devon
00:57:41 Now this is a movie from 1972, so the same year the same ******* year that they did this episode.00:57:50 They made an entire dystopian film about the world being overcrowded.
00:57:56 Remember, remember the daughter in the in that scene said oh, you can't keep having babies.
00:58:00 We're all gonna be packed in here like sardines.
00:58:05 You better stop having babies.
00:58:11 Well, that's what that movie is about, that.
00:58:12 Movie's about that's what happens right that.
00:58:17 People have too many people are kids.
00:58:20 And the government steps in and says.
00:58:25 No more babies.
00:58:26 You're not allowed to have babies.
00:58:27 Instead of a.
00:58:27 One child policy, they have a zero child policy.
00:58:32 And again, I haven't watched the movie yet.
00:58:35 I was trying to find a copy of it and I couldn't find.
00:58:37 A copy of it because.
00:58:40 I watched the trailer and we'll watch that here in a second.
00:58:43 And when I again watching it, not in 1972, I see it. What I see is like, wow, this movie almost sounds like.
00:58:53 It's against these groups, you know, like it's it's saying, look how dystopian it would be if the government said you couldn't have children anymore.
00:59:01 But I don't think that's how the movie frames at all.
00:59:03 I just think that's how it.
00:59:04 It's perceived now.
00:59:08 Or maybe that's like the way it's framed is, oh, you better stop having kids, because if you don't, the government's going to have to do this, you know, I mean, I I don't know. I haven't seen the movie yet.
00:59:19 But because that group who funded that episode that was tied to this guy because they mentioned that movie on their website, I hardly think that it's anti.
00:59:35 Population growth.
00:59:37 Or rather pro population grow.
00:59:41 So let's watch the trailer.
00:59:43 It's a little puzzling.
00:59:44 Like I said, out of context, it's just seems a little little.
00:59:47 Kind of weird.
00:59:48 But you know, and it's.
00:59:49 It's what I got.
00:59:50 It's what I.
00:59:50 Was able to find, so we're gonna watch anyway.
Speaker 4
00:59:54 Let's see here.Devon
01:00:09 And again, this is this is.01:00:10 The shame.
01:00:11 Because it has been agreed.
01:00:13 By the nations of the world.
01:00:16 But the earth can no longer sustain.
Speaker 4
01:00:24 Video players freaking out.Devon
01:00:27 Because it has been agreed by the nations of the world.01:00:32 But the earth can no longer sustain A continuously increasing population.
01:00:39 As of today.
01:00:42 The 1st of January, we join with all other nations of the world.
01:00:48 In the following edict.
01:00:50 Child bearing is here with forbidden.
01:00:57 The child shall be the graver.
01:00:59 See, now it's hard to tell.
01:01:02 In this shot, everyone's wearing masks and the air is filled with smoke because that's part of the whole overpopulation thing.
01:01:11 You know, the whole global warming thing.
01:01:13 You know.Speaker 6
01:01:13 Like none. None of this stuff's changed.Devon
01:01:15 It was just way more ridiculous in 1972, so.01:01:18 It was easier to spot.
01:01:19 Right.
01:01:20 But in this movie as.
01:01:22 Far as you can tell.
01:01:24 You have to walk around with like a a beach ball on your head because of smog.
01:01:31 You know they didn't.
01:01:32 Call it global warming.
01:01:33 Yet it was called.
01:01:34 Smog, smog, and.
01:01:35 Acid rain, right?
01:01:36 The same thing though.
01:01:42 See you.Devon
01:01:42 See the smoke at the bottom of.01:01:44 The screen that's, that's just, that's all.
01:01:45 The pollution.
Speaker 17
01:01:48 Almost all.01:01:51 The end of the 20.
01:01:52 And all the all the animals are extinct, cats are extinct rabbits.01:01:56 Extinct wolf.
01:01:57 So you have to go to like this this weirdo museum to see the animals.
01:02:01 Cause they all.
01:02:02 They're all extinct now.
01:02:04 Cause you had too many babies.
Speaker 17
01:02:08 Many of the fascinating animal life may appear frightening to children.Speaker 10
01:02:18 Why did they pick that cat?Devon
01:02:25 It's like the most.01:02:27 It's like the most.
01:02:28 Evil cat I've well.
01:02:30 Yeah, it's a stuffed cat.
01:02:31 On top of that.
Speaker 6
01:02:32 Means the guy who stuffed.Devon
01:02:33 It did this on purpose.01:02:34 I don't know.
01:02:35 Anyway, I don't know why I find that.
01:02:36 Hilarious but.
Speaker 2
01:02:38 That's what cats were like, kids.Speaker 17
01:02:40 But we assure each there is no cause.01:02:43 For alarm.
01:02:48 But kept the domestic.
01:02:52 For 20.
01:02:53 And three children.
01:02:55 These animals and what the house is the largest collection of flowers.
01:03:02 On this country.
01:03:04 These athletic objects have been hydropolitics held in them.
01:03:08 And hence we feel impossible to recreate their former.
01:03:17 Or gasoline.Speaker 12
01:03:20 Into this car.Speaker 5
01:03:21 Which is also from the 1970.Speaker 10
01:03:24 And that's all there.Speaker 11
01:03:25 Was to it.Speaker 17
01:03:26 Physical source of sweet substances caused great disorders of fatigue and remedial surgery had to be conduct.01:03:37 Need merchants by call ganking.
01:03:41 However, the true cause of our present atmospheric condition was the unrealistic and erect policies of the leaders of industry.
01:03:50 The crimes committed by them were further.
01:03:52 Perpetrated by the political.
01:03:53 And religious leaders, who irresponsibly allowed the.
01:03:56 Easily devastating crime of over culture, the.
01:04:00 Did you hear that?Speaker 8
01:04:02 That that the.Devon
01:04:03 Big evil that caused all of.Speaker 6
01:04:04 This to go away.Devon
01:04:05 Because. Right. That's for us. You. You were looking at this stuff and it looks like we're 1970 shift, right?01:04:11 But you watched this in 1972. They're basically what they're trying to get across to the audience is like, oh, look, every everyday things, everything, the, the the kinds of things that.
01:04:21 You take for granted.
Speaker 16
01:04:23 Right.Devon
01:04:24 All gone.01:04:25 It's all going to be gone.
01:04:26 It's all going.
Speaker 4
01:04:27 To be gone.Devon
01:04:28 And if you listen to what the the woman said in the voice over there, she was saying ohh because of the rise of a religious leader.Speaker 2
01:04:37 The rise of a religious leader.Devon
01:04:41 Who allowed overbreeding?01:04:44 And overpopulation.
01:04:47 That's what caused the dystopia that they live in now.
01:04:51 It was the rise of a religious.
01:04:52 Leader who who?
01:04:55 Couldn't control the population.
Speaker 10
01:05:01 Typed the time is 1355.Devon
01:05:06 Through all, museum officials report to their designated posts.Speaker 17
01:05:10 Nothing was done.01:05:12 And humanity, such as the great and the small blanket age.
01:05:16 See the The Great Famine?01:05:19 And the small what age?
Speaker 17
01:05:21 Was it and the small flank age?Devon
01:05:24 The small something I didn't hear.01:05:25 What she I couldn't understand what she was saying, but it'd be funny if she said small ice.
01:05:29 Since you know global, it's global warming now.
01:05:32 Recognizes you.Speaker 17
01:05:35 Thought you were one of his.Speaker 18
01:05:36 Babies who brought you into the world?01:05:39 We conquered cancer.
01:05:43 And then heart disease.Speaker 18
01:05:47 And all the rest.01:05:48 Of it.
01:05:54 If this is living.
01:05:57 #9.Speaker 6
01:06:07 You know the.Speaker 2
01:06:08 Funny thing is, it's kind of like.Devon
01:06:11 He he's kind of making the argument against being pod people that eat the bugs and now Fast forward.Speaker 19
01:06:19 40 years and.Speaker 2
01:06:21 Now that's what they're selling now.01:06:24 They're selling us.
01:06:25 Hey, get your ******* pod.
01:06:28 And eat the ******* bugs.
01:06:31 But in 1972, they're like.
01:06:32 Oh, no, no.
01:06:36 The the religious leader who's going to let.01:06:38 You have too many babies.
01:06:40 He's going to create this dystopia.
01:06:44 Or you have.
01:06:44 To live in a pod and eat the bugs.
Speaker 2
01:06:49 Well, it turns out. Uh.01:06:52 Turns out their little.
01:06:53 Projection might have been going.01:06:54 On there, which is, which is often the.
01:06:56 Case with these people.
Speaker 18
01:06:58 You will never have a baby.01:07:01 We didn't know, we just didn't know.
01:07:05 And she'll never have a baby.01:07:07 Like so many white women.
01:07:14 There was an article.
01:07:18 That was tweeted out when I retweeted it.
Speaker 4
01:07:20 Let me see if.Devon
01:07:21 I can pull it up.01:07:22 It was actually promoted.
01:07:24 It's one of those promoted tweets.
01:07:26 I usually block those things.
01:07:28 But it was New York Times, and as much as they're awful, I kind of have to be able.
01:07:33 To see their Twitter page.
01:07:37 They did a their promoted tweet was a story.
01:07:43 That says a photographer in Berlin.
01:07:46 Is capturing the lives of women who chose not to have children in a portrait series called We are child Free.
01:08:00 We are child free.
01:08:05 Now I looked that up.
01:08:06 There's actual.
01:08:07 There's a whole organization.
01:08:13 There's a whole organization called we are child free, they've they've got a podcast.
01:08:20 They're making a movie.
01:08:24 I mean.Speaker 6
01:08:26 You go to the web page.Speaker
01:08:28 Let me pull.Devon
01:08:29 It up.01:08:41 The more voice is out there saying.
01:08:45 This is normal.
01:08:46 There's nothing wrong with you, the better.
01:08:51 Isn't that interesting?
01:08:56 Why would?
01:08:56 Why would that be a motivation you would have?
01:08:58 I get it.
01:08:59 All right, so you didn't have.
01:09:00 Kids or whatever.
01:09:02 You know, that's fine.
01:09:04 What the what?
Speaker 6
01:09:06 Doing the privacy of your home right?01:09:08 No, that's that's.
01:09:09 Not what they're saying here, they're saying.01:09:11 The more people.
01:09:14 This lifestyle choice reaches the better.
Speaker 2
01:09:21 That's weird.Devon
01:09:27 If you have some curiosity.01:09:29 If you want.
01:09:30 To experience something different, it's nice not to have so many ties.
01:09:37 And I wanted to see the world.
01:09:40 Said Monica in Berlin.
01:09:44 Oh, Monica.
01:09:45 She wanted to see the world.
01:09:49 Oh, ****.
01:09:51 Hold on.
01:09:52 Snake has.
01:09:52 Been brought into my house.
Speaker 14
01:09:54 Hey, snake.Speaker 4
01:09:57 Let me try it.01:09:58 Nope, Nope, no.
01:10:03 Leave it alone, cat.01:10:13 Alright, this is going to take a.
01:10:14 Second guys, hold on, have some intermission.
Speaker 1
01:11:01 Everton, where the funding?Speaker 17
01:11:37 You're gonna and I gotta stay.Speaker
01:12:48 My favorite.Speaker 15
01:13:28 You're gonna.Devon
01:14:47 OK, I'm back.01:14:51 That was unexpected.
01:14:54 I actually got video.
01:14:55 I'll send it to you as soon as it's it's done doing its thing.
01:15:00 It was a classified camp, brought me a thread snake.
01:15:07 A thread snake is the smallest species of snake.
01:15:12 Known to, well, humans.
01:15:16 It looks like a worm.
01:15:18 It's so small.
01:15:19 And I'd seen one like.
01:15:22 I want to say two years ago.
01:15:23 When I first came.
01:15:24 Here, and no one believed me that I.
01:15:27 Saw one because that there there's been no reports of of thread snakes in this area or I don't even think in in North America.
01:15:35 If I remember correctly, and in fact.
01:15:38 The species was only.
01:15:38 Discovered like 1020 years ago or something.
01:15:41 And I was like, no.
01:15:42 I know I saw it.
Speaker 2
01:15:44 No, I know it's ******* real.Devon
01:15:46 And I wanted to see I want again and classified cat just dropped one on my.01:15:52 And so I had to save it and I got video of it and put it in the backyard.
01:16:00 And I will play that video for you actually.
Speaker 4
01:16:04 If I can get it to download, here we are.Devon
01:16:15 So yeah, you never know what's going to happen.01:16:18 At the insomnia string.
01:16:22 That was unexpected.
01:16:23 That was unexpected.
01:16:25 Alright, it's it's still downloading it.
01:16:26 It's just going to be a second because I had to upload it to a place and then download it to a place alright.
Speaker 4
01:16:30 Here we go.01:16:32 Cause of my stupid Internet.
01:16:34 Where to go?
01:16:40 OK, cool.
01:16:42 Where we have a timeline on this One South, I can go back to it about three to 10, OK.
Speaker 8
01:16:51 All right, this is a thread snake.Speaker 4
01:16:54 Uh, well, it went somewhere else.Speaker 8
01:16:55 And for scale, here's a.01:17:00 He's tiny.
01:17:01 He is really, really tiny.
Speaker 4
01:17:02 Hang on.Speaker 8
01:17:04 It's the tiniest kind of snake in the world you can see.01:17:06 A little tongue whipping.
01:17:07 Out in the middle of the focus.
Speaker 4
01:17:07 And it's not playing because it crashed.01:17:10 The video player crashed, hang out a SEC.
Speaker 18
01:17:10 Non focus.Speaker 8
01:17:19 Little tiny tongue.01:17:21 So he is an actual snake.
01:17:23 He's not a worm.
01:17:25 Anyway, I just want to get video evidence that this existed because I saw one of these a.
01:17:29 Little while back.
01:17:32 Yeah, I I can't.01:17:33 I can't stop it from playing, but it's not playing anywhere, so I can't.
01:17:37 It just has to keep going, apparently.
Speaker 6
01:17:38 This is a.Speaker 19
01:17:39 Red snake.Devon
01:17:42 And for scale, oh, now it's repeating apparently too, so I have no way of.01:17:48 Stopping that from playing.
Speaker 4
01:17:52 What's the process called?01:17:55 There we are.
01:17:59 OK.Speaker 4
01:18:01 Now let's try to get.01:18:02 It to work.
01:18:16 All right, this is.01:18:17 There we go.
01:18:18 All right.
Speaker 8
01:18:24 Thread snake and for scale, here's a.Devon
01:18:31 It's ******* tiny.Speaker 8
01:18:31 He's tiny.01:18:32 He was really, really tiny.
01:18:35 It's the tiniest kind of snake in the world and you see.
01:18:37 The little tiny whipping out.
01:18:38 And if it'll ever focus.
01:18:41 Non focus.
01:18:51 Crazy though, huh?Speaker 8
01:18:52 So here's an actual snake.01:18:53 You want a worm?
01:18:55 Anyway, I just want to get video evidence that this existed because I saw one.
01:18:59 Of these, a little while back.
01:19:02 There you go, thread snake.01:19:04 I made a scientific discovery, or rather rather the.
01:19:07 Classified cat did.
01:19:12 Which is more than what you did, Paul Erlich.
01:19:17 Some biologist you are.
01:19:19 I'm out here ******* discovering snakes.
01:19:24 You're just trying to get.
01:19:25 Us to kill all our babies.
01:19:28 Alright, so back to you.
01:19:32 Where where were we?
01:19:33 Where's the?
01:19:35 Now I got to find where.
01:19:36 That stupid file was again.
01:19:41 All right, back to that.
01:19:55 Alright, so blah blah.
01:19:56 All right.
01:19:56 We were back to this, so.
01:19:58 They basically we're saying be afraid of having to live in the.
01:20:02 Pods because we're going to have too many ******* people, we're going to have to live in the pods.
01:20:07 Well, now.
01:20:07 They're making us live in the pods.
Speaker 18
01:20:21 Did you just have a?01:20:22 Baby never have a baby.
Speaker 13
01:20:23 No, we didn't know.Speaker 18
01:20:25 I just didn't know the society.01:20:31 Surveillance. To remind you, 21 days.
01:20:37 You know, live in this nightmare surveillance state.01:20:40 So this is what they were saying.
Speaker 2
01:20:42 Was going to happen.Devon
01:20:44 If you didn't listen to them.01:20:48 And now they're saying this is what's.
Speaker 2
01:20:49 Going to happen.Devon
01:20:51 And you better listen to us and like it.01:20:55 From the dawn of the Cordic.
Speaker 17
01:20:57 They're being activities coinciding with the winter solstice.Speaker 10
01:21:00 Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian sublimation, all worshipping the nation.Speaker 13
01:21:07 Celebrated the priestly sacrifice.Speaker 18
01:21:09 Baby, baby, you got another one.Speaker 6
01:21:20 Alright, found a baby.01:21:21 You better kill the baby.
01:21:28 Look at all the pollution that ******* baby made.Speaker 10
01:21:41 Public execution square.01:21:50 The examination favorite do not.
01:21:59 Security officers.
01:22:06 Pension pension.
01:22:09 Citizens Thomas and Alice Johnson, according to the Zero Earth edict, you have been found guilty of the most devastating crime.
01:22:21 You understand why I hate the 70s like just.01:22:24 Video production, especially in this set it was.
01:22:26 Just so bad like.
01:22:28 It was.
01:22:32 It was.
01:22:32 Just bad like.
01:22:33 Every it was just the technology was changing, but it wasn't good enough to start using it.
01:22:38 But they decided to like.
01:22:39 Use it anyway and it.
01:22:40 Just it just.
01:22:41 It's just it's so bad.
01:22:43 Plus you had all these boomers that had zero ******* discipline.
01:22:48 You know, in charge of a lot of.
01:22:49 These productions and you.
01:22:52 Know. Plus they're they're ******* high off their, you know, off their *** 99 if not 100% of the time that they're producing this stuff.
01:23:00 So it's just a bunch of, like, stoned, ******** boomers with cutting edge technology that no one knows how to use.
01:23:09 Blundering through telling everyone that they need to kill their babies because.
01:23:13 Of overall, you know like.
01:23:15 The survey is just like a ******* nightmare decade.
01:23:20 Like if the 70s just hadn't happened.
01:23:22 The world would be such such a better place.
Speaker 6
01:23:25 Like, not not.01:23:26 Not not a ton better.
01:23:27 I would still be bad, right?
Speaker 2
01:23:29 But God.Devon
01:23:32 It's like not even mentioning disco.01:23:38 So that's that's kind of like the rabbit hole.
01:23:40 I went down.
01:23:40 It was just like, holy ****, this was like, actually like a coordinated.
Speaker 2
01:23:44 Thing going on.Devon
01:23:45 Like this wasn't just ohh they did some episode on a popular TV show about abortion and getting vasectomies and.01:23:53 Stuff this was.
Speaker 2
01:23:53 Like a whole thing.01:23:56 This was a whole ******* thing.
01:23:59 Brought to you by the the you know the the usual players.
01:24:03 You know, people like that guy.01:24:09 You know, everyone involved in this ****.
01:24:14 And and what did that ended up like?
01:24:15 What, what?
01:24:16 What kind of women did that produce?
01:24:19 Well, I mean, look, I've played this clip before.
01:24:23 Hopefully it doesn't crash my computer again.
01:24:25 Try to just ******* play a.
Speaker 4
01:24:27 Clip like it might.Devon
01:24:29 There we go.Speaker 1
01:24:30 Oh, my God. OK.Devon
01:24:35 I would say mission accomplished.Speaker 1
01:24:38 Freaking out.01:24:43 What are we gonna do?
01:24:48 I'm just kidding.Speaker 9
01:24:48 I already scheduled the appointment.01:24:52 I am what conservatives feel.
01:24:59 There you go. Mission accomplished.Speaker 6
01:25:06 You know, they got what they wanted and now?Devon
01:25:08 You still have to eat the.Speaker 13
01:25:09 Bugs and get in the pod.Devon
01:25:17 Alright, so let me take a look at.01:25:19 I gotta open up trovo again.
01:25:24 That snake thing throughout my throughout my whole rhythm has been snake afield.
01:25:34 The trouble crash.
01:25:35 What happened there?
01:25:37 I'm still streaming, right?
01:25:39 OK.
Speaker 4
01:25:41 There we are.01:25:43 I'm going to turn that down.
01:25:50 Do I have any Ant hills or termite nests near the pillbox thread?01:25:56 Snakes are are gathered near those I I got tons of *******.
01:26:03 Hills. Termites. No.
01:26:07 At least I.
01:26:07 Hope not, I haven't run any termites yet, but there's like lots of, in fact, that's what when I when I first saw.
01:26:13 That thread snake when I first came out here, I was walking around.
01:26:18 At night and, you know, using my flashlight cause I always have to be careful because you know there's snakes and scorpions and all this kind of **** and so.
01:26:27 And and because I'm me, I like to walk around wearing flip flops.
01:26:31 Half the time that I'm outside.
01:26:33 So I'm yeah, I'm just cruising around asking to get bit, I guess.
01:26:38 And I saw this little thing moving around.
01:26:41 And I was like, oh, weird.
01:26:43 What is that worm doing?
01:26:45 Because it's moving.
01:26:46 It's not moving like a worm.
01:26:48 And then I got really in close and saw like, oh ****, it's.
01:26:52 That's like a little snake.
01:26:54 There's no way that's a snake.
01:26:55 It's so small.
01:26:56 But that's what it was doing is it was ramming its head.
01:27:00 Down an Ant hole and like eating the ants out of the.
01:27:05 Which I thought was pretty awesome, but I didn't have my phone with me.
01:27:08 I didn't have any way of taking a picture.
01:27:10 I just.
01:27:11 I'd never even heard of anything like that.
01:27:13 I was just like, wow, this is crazy.
01:27:15 And I went.
01:27:15 On the Internet.
Speaker 4
01:27:16 And read up.Devon
01:27:18 About oh, it's it's a thread snake.01:27:20 And and I told people.
01:27:23 And that lived around here.
01:27:24 And they're like, no.
01:27:25 I've never seen one of those.
01:27:26 It must have been like a worm or something.
01:27:28 Like no, there's no way this was a worm.
01:27:30 That was like it.
01:27:31 Moved just like a snake.
01:27:32 Its head like it had like.
01:27:33 Snake eyes on it.
01:27:36 It was just really, really, really, really small.
01:27:38 So I'm glad that happened.
01:27:40 Especially because classified cat has brought me.
01:27:44 Much larger snakes.
01:27:46 Just randomly I I don't know how they get in.
01:27:48 I mean this one I can figure how he got in.
01:27:50 He's so small, but there's he, I've I've been.
01:27:54 Brought full size snakes.
01:27:55 Before and had them dropped at my feet and.
01:27:59 Luckily not rattlesnakes, but that's that's the thing I'm hoping doesn't happen.
01:28:05 Because it could.
01:28:06 And he's brought me lizards and.
01:28:09 And mice and stuff too.
01:28:14 I went out to Arizona last week and I'm pretty sure I had an encounter with some killer bees.
01:28:19 Well, in Arizona, you probably would.
01:28:21 Pretty much all of Arizona, all of I think New Mexico, most of Texas.
01:28:33 All of Southern California, I mean probably Nevada.
01:28:36 Anywhere that that, that's that's.
01:28:38 Warm. Really. In America, you're going to have. It's almost 100% killer bees.
01:28:49 The only places in America that haven't.
01:28:52 Got the killer bees?
01:28:54 Are the colder climates, they can't survive in because when in the in the process of Africanized ING the bees they they lost the ability to to survive the the winters that the European bees.
01:29:07 We're able to do so.
01:29:09 That's why Canadians don't have to worry about.
01:29:12 Killer bees.
01:29:13 But if you.
01:29:14 Yeah, anywhere.
01:29:16 Anywhere in the southwest part of America, it's you, you.
Speaker 6
01:29:20 If you see bees.Devon
01:29:22 They're not always going to be aggressive.01:29:23 In fact, they're usually not aggressive unless you get near there high, and even then it's kind of a rolled the dice because they've been inbreeding now so much with the local populations and everything else.
01:29:34 Now they do have the dominant genes.
01:29:36 So you just, you should assume that they're going to be aggressive, but there's instances where they're not.
01:29:42 There's a hive that's near me that I was going to destroy.
01:29:46 And then when I walked up to it in my bee suit, they didn't attack me, so I was just like.
01:29:51 Well, maybe you guys are cool then and.
01:29:53 Uh, because they would have attacked.
01:29:54 Me and I set up swarm traps near and then they've never gone to him.
01:30:01 And I'm hoping they will at the end of the season because they they.
01:30:04 Usually swarm in March, but we had.
01:30:06 Like a weird.
01:30:07 Weird winter.
01:30:10 And so they're they didn't have the I don't think they have the resources.
01:30:13 To swarm and they.
01:30:14 Normally would have.
01:30:15 So I'm hoping they swarm at the end of the season so I can grab some of those genetics.
Speaker 8
01:30:20 But yeah if.Devon
01:30:21 You're in Arizona and New Mexico probably.01:30:24 Even most of.
01:30:25 Well, I don't know.
01:30:26 Colorado gets cold.
01:30:27 You know any?
01:30:28 That's not it doesn't get snow.
01:30:31 It's killer bees pretty much.
01:30:35 Why is Trump colt still a thing? And how long will this Griff last forever? I mean, at least till 2024, even if he doesn't run.
01:30:46 They'll use him to to fundraise until 2024. I don't know if you guys watched the speech. I watched the speech and it was horrific how ******* completely it was exactly what you'd expect it to be.
01:31:01 You know, it was like watching a speech written by a producer at Fox News.
01:31:08 You know, all you got to stop cancel.
01:31:11 You know, the Democrats are the real racists now, I.
01:31:14 Think someone might.
01:31:15 Have told him not to say black unemployment and he almost did it anyway because he said he was like, oh, when I was president we had super low unemployment, you know, like like all kinds of unemployment and and and like you can't you could tell you wanted to say like?
01:31:30 He wanted to start naming the groups like he always does.
01:31:33 And uh, I I think someone told him.
01:31:35 Like, dude, that's just people are tired of.
01:31:37 Hearing that.
01:31:40 But you watched it and.
01:31:42 It was.
01:31:42 It was just, it was so ******* lame.
01:31:47 For someone, you're.
01:31:48 Uber think of put yourself in his position.
01:31:54 A guy who?
01:31:56 Who the election was stolen from you.
01:32:02 You're you're talking about how Biden is is doing a bad job at the border and the economy is not as good.
01:32:10 And you did a better job.
01:32:11 With the vaccine.
01:32:13 Like that was the.
Speaker 6
01:32:14 That was the other big thing.Speaker
01:32:16 Oh I I.Devon
01:32:17 I did the vaccine.01:32:18 You're lucky I was present when the vaccine was man, you know, by the president in the vaccine, the vaccine vaccine.
01:32:23 Alright, I'd still be October would have the vaccine.
01:32:25 You know, the vaccine vaccine.
01:32:29 You wouldn't shut him about him.
Speaker 8
01:32:31 I mean, it's like, you know over.Devon
01:32:33 The last couple of speeches?01:32:34 Pathetic ******* weak *** speeches.
01:32:37 He he gave on the way out.
01:32:40 I mean like the one on January 6th, but the.
01:32:42 Ones after that like like the.
01:32:44 The last couple speeches, he.
01:32:45 Gave you know, there was that one of the border and and maybe like there there was there was one on a tarmac.
01:32:51 Somewhere or something like that.
01:32:53 And it was it was not.
01:32:55 The speech of a fighter.
01:32:58 It was not the speech of a leader, really.
01:33:00 It wasn't.
01:33:01 It was the speech of a grifter who was trying to stay in the club that he now had membership to by not rocking the boat and not talking about how the ruling class had decided that, you know, he wasn't going to be present anymore, you know, like he had to stop talking about that and he was going to play ball and.
01:33:21 And you know, hopefully and and you know, they they won't prosecute his family or what whatever deal is going on in the background with all that bull.
01:33:32 But yeah, that was it was.
01:33:34 That's how his speech was.
01:33:35 It was just ******* lame.
01:33:37 And you gotta make sure you go and vote harder and you know that the ********* thing he said that whole speech.
01:33:43 Is he?
01:33:44 He said.
01:33:45 How great of an election we had.
01:33:47 Like, he's talking talking about the election where he where he got robbed of the presidency.
01:33:53 He was saying, I know we had some problems.
01:33:56 We had some problems, there was.
01:33:58 A great erection.
01:34:03 You know at that point you you.
01:34:05 You just got to call it.
01:34:07 In on it.
01:34:08 You know at that point.
01:34:10 You're either such a ******* *****, like such a ******* *****.
01:34:16 That you might as well, I mean or actually, no, not you.
01:34:18 Might as well you are on in on it, just maybe not in the same way that people think. When you say someone's in on something, right?
01:34:24 But you're you're in on it, just in a different way.
01:34:28 You know, you're maybe not like.
01:34:30 And excited participant.
01:34:32 But you're willing, you're a willing participant.
01:34:35 So you're in on it.
01:34:38 But yeah, there was definitely saying, you know, telling people and make sure you go vote, make sure you vote.
Speaker 6
01:34:42 Yeah, we got to get the Republicans elected you.Devon
01:34:45 Know 2020.01:34:45 Four, he kept talking big.
Speaker 6
01:34:47 About 2024. Ohh yeah 2024.Devon
01:34:54 And it was ******* awful.01:34:56 It was awful.
01:34:58 It was.
01:34:59 It was bad because.
01:35:02 In a way, it it kind of was, it was kind of the same guy that that seemed so.
01:35:10 Like promising.
01:35:12 Right.
01:35:13 Like when you see these kinds of speeches.
01:35:16 Look, it wasn't.
01:35:18 It wasn't the same guy in in that he was lying a lot more, being a lot more grandiose back in, like 2016, right when he was saying, you know, lock her up and all this ****, right?
01:35:32 You know all that, all that is gone.
01:35:34 You know, the second he got, he got into.
01:35:36 The club all that **** disappeared.
01:35:39 Never to return.
01:35:41 But he still has, you know, he still has his charisma, I guess, but it's it's, it's it, you know, I.
01:35:49 Used to be able to.
01:35:50 Watch even when I didn't like him, you know.
01:35:52 I used to be.
01:35:53 Able to watch like his rallies and.
01:35:55 Stuff and think to myself.
01:35:58 Yeah, he's charismatic, all right.
01:35:59 And now it's.
01:36:00 Like I I don't feel it.
01:36:02 I don't feel it like it's it's annoying like it's it's.
01:36:07 Like all of his trumpisms that used to be.
01:36:09 Kind of endearing.
01:36:11 It's just like it makes me hate him.
01:36:14 It's kind of like if you've ever.
01:36:16 Been in a relationship?
01:36:18 And there's all these little things about someone you know, everyone has got their little quirks that they do and and whatever.
01:36:24 And and when you're really like it when the relationships going really well.
Speaker 2
01:36:29 A lot of.Devon
01:36:29 These things that that might be annoying under different circumstances are you it makes you like them more, you know, because it's it's part of who they are and and you're in love with them.01:36:39 So you know it makes.
01:36:40 Up it's part of the full picture.
01:36:43 And then if that relationship goes S right, especially if it's like a long, slow death kind of a thing, these things start to ******* annoy you, you know, like the things that used to be cute.
01:36:53 Are kind of like eh?
Speaker 8
01:36:55 You know.Devon
01:36:55 What I mean that's kind of like how I I think it's kind of changed with Trump and and I don't think it's just limited to me, I I.01:37:02 Think there's a lot of people?
01:37:04 Especially because these are the kinds of things that these quirks, these personality traits, are the kinds of things that you forgive because you're getting, like in the case of a relationship, right?
01:37:18 If it's a a woman that she does, these quirky little things, but at the end of the day, you know she.
01:37:24 She she loves you and she she follows through with the things she's supposed to be doing while you're at work, you know, or whatever, right?
01:37:32 Like whatever the deal is for your relationship to.
01:37:34 Work. You know, she's holding.
01:37:36 Up her end of the bargain and.
01:37:37 So all these little.
01:37:39 Things that she does it's it's it's not like actually annoying it's it's.
01:37:44 Again, it's.
01:37:45 It's part of who she is, but.
01:37:47 When when the relationship starts to die?
01:37:51 And and it's it's.
01:37:53 No longer fulfilling for whatever reason.
01:37:56 You know?
01:37:57 Maybe she's she's.
01:37:59 She's no longer putting up the act that she did when you first started dating.
01:38:03 You know, you start to see who she really is and all.
01:38:05 These little things are they start to just instead of remind you of good things.
01:38:12 It just kind of it just starts to *******.
01:38:14 Add up to like the annoying aspect of their personality.
01:38:18 You know, like the the stuff.
01:38:19 That's how it is with Trump.
01:38:20 Like I, I watched that speech and all his little trumpisms and all.
01:38:23 His little you know, everything he would do, right down to his ******* terrible hair it was.
01:38:32 You know this ******* guy?
01:38:34 Like, why is he?
01:38:35 Why am I still watching this guy?
01:38:39 This, this ******* loser.
01:38:41 This complete ******* ***** ** **** chomp, who's probably ****** underage girls with Jeffrey Epstein.
01:38:51 And who, by the way, still can't shop about Israel?
01:38:55 You know, that was the other.
01:38:57 That was his other criticism of like, maybe he knows his audience.
Speaker 10
01:39:03 I don't know.Devon
01:39:04 You know, because a lot of these MAGA types, they ******* want Israel to, to be all up in their *******, you know?01:39:11 And you know that.
01:39:13 Was a big criticism.
01:39:15 Was like, oh, budding Biden.
Speaker 6
01:39:17 Doesn't love Israel the.01:39:18 Way I like Israel, it's just.
01:39:19 Like what the **** do you?01:39:22 Why? What?
01:39:23 What's this obsession?
01:39:26 Well, maybe that obsession was acquired when he was ******* underage girls with Jeffrey Epstein.
01:39:31 They got some photos taken.
01:39:36 You know why not?
01:39:40 I can't think.
01:39:41 Think about.
01:39:43 I mean, look, it was Jeffrey Epstein. Whatever happened to him whether he was disappeared back to Israel, killed whatever it happened under Trump's watch. And it happened with Trump's head of Trump's DOJ going down to the jail the day before.
01:40:00 So whatever happened, whether he was killed or disappeared or whatever Trump was in on that, for sure, 1000% Trump was instrumental in that.
01:40:11 And so you have to ask yourself why.
Speaker 8
01:40:14 If it you.Devon
01:40:14 Know if you're able to excuse everything else that that all these ******* Maga ******* excuse.01:40:19 About Trump and try to.
01:40:21 Oh well, no, actually, he kicked Epstein out of his ******* club and you.
01:40:26 Like, which is, by the way, no.
01:40:28 Everyone says that it's it's some lie that's been repeated by everyone.
01:40:32 There's actually no, like original source for that.
01:40:34 Some random ******* Trump supporter said that once and then it became like this thing.
01:40:38 No, no one look.
01:40:41 Alan Dershowitz.
01:40:43 Was ******* little girls with Epstein. And who? Who's Trump's lawyer? Alan Dershowitz. OK, it's a big club. And you.
01:40:52 Ain't in it, but Trump is.
01:40:54 So whatever happened to Epstein?
01:40:56 Trump had something to do with that, OK?
01:41:00 And if if you still love Trump, knowing that, or if you're too ******** to accept that.
01:41:06 **** you.
01:41:08 OK, **** you.
01:41:10 Like I'm.
01:41:10 I'm making it personal.
01:41:11 You personally.
01:41:13 **** you.
01:41:16 Because you're one of the people.
01:41:17 We have to essentially.
01:41:19 **** ******* to doing the right thing because you're too ******* ******** to to handle the responsibility on your own.
01:41:25 So you're just.
01:41:27 You've just added more work for me.
01:41:29 So **** you.
01:41:33 We'll sign off you into doing the right thing eventually.
01:41:38 All right guys.
01:41:42 Let's see here.
01:41:43 I stopped supporting Trump after he thanked Hillary after the election when he said he wanted the highest numbers of immigrants and was when I finally saw him as the enemy.
01:41:54 Yeah, I mean it, it's.
01:41:58 The second he was in.
01:42:00 All of his rhetoric about.
01:42:01 All the things that we thought he was going to do disappeared.
01:42:04 It didn't take long.
01:42:06 He did literally nothing that was going to drain the swamp.
01:42:09 Literally nothing.
01:42:12 Not a single ******* thing.
Speaker 10
01:42:15 And on his way out.Devon
01:42:18 Who did he pardon?01:42:22 Did he? Pardon Assange?
01:42:25 Did he pardon Snowden?
01:42:29 Really part in a bunch of Jewish gangsters, literally Jewish gangsters.
01:42:35 Jewish gangsters that defrauded the taxpayer and, you know, just ****** ******* people. Just disgusting people, including Kushner's dad.
01:42:47 That's who we pardoned.
01:42:49 Well, they left everyone else out to dry.
01:42:55 Awful ******* president.
01:42:56 Worst president.
01:42:57 Probably in in, in, in history.
01:43:01 And I mean that not that's not hyperbole.
01:43:04 I mean that he's probably the worst president in history.
01:43:11 And the fact there's people.
01:43:12 That think the opposite of that.
01:43:13 Shows you just how ******.
01:43:14 We are and that's the black pill.
01:43:18 Is that there's there's a significant portion of people that should.
01:43:21 Be our allies.
01:43:22 Who see the worst president we've ever had as the best president.
01:43:25 That's why we're ******.
01:43:27 That's the black pill.
01:43:30 And I mean.
01:43:31 That that's that's 100, that's what.
01:43:32 I keep telling.
01:43:32 You about the, you know the normies?
01:43:34 They're not going.
01:43:35 To wake up.
01:43:35 And all of a sudden, you know, they're they're.
01:43:37 No, and all these.
Speaker 2
01:43:38 Stupid things, that's.Devon
01:43:39 The fun that check this **** out.01:43:42 I mean, just think of it this way.
01:43:44 Think of all the ******* Maggie Boomers.
01:43:47 Who love Trump?
Speaker 18
01:43:47 OK.Devon
01:43:48 Love Trump any.01:43:49 I'm sure you've got an uncle or a friend, or maybe even a there's a Internet personality, a pundit, you know, TV Daddy.
01:43:59 Right.
01:44:00 Just think of all you know, all the people that love them, some Trump, right?
Speaker 2
01:44:06 Every single one of them, every single one of them.01:44:10 Still thinks it's funny to say Epstein didn't kill himself.
01:44:17 With no understanding of the.
01:44:20 Irony of what?01:44:20 They're what they're saying.
Speaker 6
01:44:24 Like no ******* clue.Devon
01:44:26 That they're supporting the guy.01:44:30 That was instrumental in Epstein not killing himself.
01:44:35 Like, that's their favorite guy.
01:44:37 Like, that's how ******* **** ****** they are.
01:44:40 That's how ******** that's.
01:44:42 How ******* fooled they are.
01:44:44 That's the black pill.
01:44:46 That's that's what I've been saying that the normies aren't going to wake up and and you're going to have to.
01:44:51 And like, they're they're slaves.
01:44:52 Right.
01:44:53 Those people are ******* slaves.
01:44:54 They're Trump slaves.
01:44:59 They're they're his slaves.
01:45:01 They're his.
01:45:01 They're his disciples.
01:45:03 Whatever you.
Speaker 6
01:45:03 Want to call.Devon
01:45:03 Them, they're his.01:45:04 Followers, but they he owns them.
01:45:06 He owns them.
01:45:10 And are the kind of people.
01:45:11 That need to be owned.
01:45:14 They're the kind of people that can't be left to their own devices and and actually self govern.
01:45:21 They're the kind of people that have.
01:45:23 To be told.
01:45:23 What to do?
01:45:25 They need leaders.
01:45:26 They need to be led.
01:45:29 Which, by the way, that's most people.
01:45:35 And so the challenge is.
01:45:38 And the frustration is, and the black pill is, we're coming to this situation where you necessarily if you want to change things, you want to change the course of history and whatever, right.
01:45:53 You need to take.
01:45:54 You need to wrestle.
01:45:56 Trump's slaves from him.
01:45:59 And make them your slaves.
Speaker 6
01:46:01 You're never going to red.Speaker 2
01:46:02 Pill them.01:46:03 You're not going to wake them up and they're going to see the world the way.
01:46:05 You that's not.01:46:06 Going to happen.
01:46:07 You're going to have to enslave them.
01:46:10 The way Trump has enslaved them.
01:46:14 Using probably some of the same tactics that Trump did.
01:46:19 To enslave them.
01:46:22 And that's not an easy thing for people who value truth.
01:46:30 That's not something that's going to come.
01:46:31 Naturally to you.
01:46:32 I mean, that's that's yet another black pill.
01:46:36 Is the people that I would trust.
01:46:39 To lead these people that need to be enslaved are the kinds of people who don't have the.
01:46:48 The ability fakely.
01:46:50 Or not.
01:46:51 Just because the logistics, just the temperament.
01:46:53 Really, to to enslave them?
01:46:58 Excuse me.
01:47:04 Ah, thrust dry.
01:47:12 Yeah, it's that's, you know, that's, but that's just.
01:47:16 That's a reality we have to deal with.
01:47:20 And and and.
01:47:21 The the other thing too is it's one of those things where.
01:47:25 It's just even if.
01:47:27 Even if we had like a A well laid out plan that we could execute and and try to achieve some of.
01:47:32 This stuff.
01:47:34 And the resources to do it, I mean, ****, that's that's really one of the big hang ups, right when we're talking about the the groups that came to America like this guy on the ******* screen.
01:47:47 We're talking about people with access.
01:47:51 People with money.
01:47:53 You know this guy? You know? By 1972, these people were already they already had, like their tentacles.
01:48:00 Into the system you know, he was already a professor at Stanford.
01:48:03 He was already writing these books that were getting, you know, pushed around the mainstream.
01:48:08 I'm sure he got interviewed on, you know, all the Jewish media outlets that he wanted to.
01:48:14 I'm sure they all.
01:48:14 Gave them good reviews.
01:48:18 And then if that wasn't enough, they made entire TV shows, you know, and movies.
01:48:24 We don't have anything like that.
01:48:27 We don't have any kind of infrastructure like that.
01:48:30 At all.
01:48:30 And even if, like you just had the money, which we don't have the money either.
01:48:36 But even if we had the money, you're talking about something that would take.
01:48:41 Several decades to build up.
01:48:46 Several decades to build up and then I mean again, like I've been saying, like, if you raise kids, you have to raise kids that don't have to unlearn all the the slave education.
01:48:58 You know you have to get people if you want true believers, they're going to follow through beyond your lifetime because it's not going to happen in your lifetime.
01:49:06 Nothing that you want to accomplish big picture wise.
01:49:09 We're not getting you that **** in our lifetimes.
01:49:12 OK.
01:49:13 You got to think multi generational.
01:49:16 And you're going to have to get people that are going to be capable of being true believers that you can trust to carry.
01:49:20 The torch after you're gone.
01:49:23 And you might have to manufacture those people yourself.
01:49:27 Yeah, like I said.
01:49:28 You might have to be you have.
01:49:29 To might, you might have to make your own John Connor.
01:49:35 But that's because that's what these.
01:49:37 People did.
01:49:41 And still do.
Speaker 8
01:49:46 You know as.Devon
01:49:47 Birth rates are plummeting all throughout the West. It's kind of funny because you keep hearing from all these supporters of Israel how Israel's like part of the West. Right, somehow.01:49:59 Well, weird how?
01:50:00 Just like, I mean, nothing is they're not part of the West, but so it should be no surprise they don't suffer from the.
01:50:06 Same drop in.
01:50:09 Birth rates that the West does.
01:50:13 They're well above replacement in Israel.
01:50:18 All this, this Jewish propaganda that's telling you.
Speaker 2
01:50:21 Though I better not have kids.01:50:23 Oh, that's going to be the end of the world if you.
01:50:24 Have kids.
01:50:25 Oh, it's so bad.01:50:26 Yeah, they're not pushing that **** where they live.
01:50:28 They don't **** where they eat.
01:50:32 That message isn't for them.
01:50:34 That message was tailor made for you.
01:50:49 That's just, that's just the way it is.
01:50:51 That's just facts.
01:50:56 So now I'm going to wrap this up.
01:50:58 Pretty quick here.
01:51:02 OK.
01:51:03 So, so Norman Lear himself had six kids.
01:51:05 There you go.
01:51:08 Norman Lear where to go?
01:51:10 I unload his image.
Speaker 4
01:51:18 Let's see here this guy, this ******* clown.Devon
01:51:22 Come on, obs.01:51:23 Why do you have to do this?
01:51:24 So fun.
01:51:25 So ******* ********.
01:51:28 So there's gotta be a plug in.
01:51:29 I'm gonna have to look into seeing if OBS has an image plug in.
01:51:32 I I ******* hate the way it handles images.
01:51:36 Yeah, he's got six kids.
01:51:42 Doesn't want you having kids.
01:51:43 Let's see if the this other guy, I I suspect he might not.
01:51:49 Yeah, he's got one kid.
01:52:01 He's a fellow of the Royal Society.
01:52:07 The Royal Society is an award granted by the judges of the Royal Society of London to individuals who have made a substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering, science and medical science.
01:52:25 He's part of the elite.
01:52:27 So that's The thing is.
Speaker 2
01:52:30 You're what when people.Devon
01:52:33 Think that they can just stop.01:52:36 This train in its tracks.
01:52:39 You understand there.
01:52:40 There is a very complicated, well oiled machine that's been at work doing this for decades, if not longer.
01:52:49 We don't even have a version.
01:52:51 Of this.
01:52:52 We don't have a a dissident right TV producer that has, like we have a version of either one of these guys and we couldn't.
01:53:03 Because the the whole system is is rigged against you.
01:53:06 Even being able to accomplish having a guy.
01:53:09 Like that.
01:53:11 That's why you have to create your own system.
01:53:13 You're never going to be allowed to use their.
01:53:16 You cannot use the system to defeat the system.
01:53:22 You can't vote away voter fraud.
01:53:27 For whatever reason, there's a lot of people that think you can and Trump seem to be promoting exactly that idea, but you can't vote away voter fraud.
01:53:38 And you're ******* ********.
01:53:39 If you think you can.
01:53:42 So you you really don't have a.
01:53:43 Whole lot of choices.
01:53:46 You have kinetic choices.
01:53:49 Which no one seems to have the stomach for.
01:53:52 That would just be in, you know, just generally speaking, it would be difficult to initiate and difficult to organize and just difficult in enough ways to where it seems kind of.
01:54:04 Improbable, at least any kind of large scale.
01:54:08 Anything that you wanted to do.
01:54:10 Genetically would would probably drag on for decades too.
01:54:13 Right.
01:54:13 They wouldn't just be like oh we.
01:54:15 Do this this and this, and then you know.
01:54:18 We run the White House.
01:54:20 All you have to do.
01:54:21 Is just take over this place and.
Speaker 4
01:54:23 This, you know.01:54:23 No, that's not at all.
01:54:25 It's not that simple.01:54:28 It would be something that would take decades.
01:54:31 And look, you could say, look, look, the look at the Muslims as they they went into Europe.
01:54:36 And uh, you know, you had a bunch.
01:54:38 Of these.
01:54:39 Young men with.
01:54:40 Nothing to do.
01:54:42 You know and.
01:54:43 They were essentially they were in cells, right?
01:54:45 Arabian cells.
01:54:48 And they'd spurge out and go all *******.
01:54:55 And you could make the argument that those jihadi attacks.
01:55:01 In the long run worked out I mean you at the time it seemed like bad optics, right?
01:55:07 Like, why would?
01:55:07 Why would you want?
01:55:08 I mean, this is just going to make people hate Muslims because they're letting you win the country and you seem to be getting everything you want.
01:55:15 You blowing yourselves up.
01:55:16 This is stupid, right?
Speaker 6
01:55:19 Well, now everyone's afraid to make fun of Mohammed.Devon
01:55:23 They're not going to make fun of Mohammed the same.01:55:25 Way they're gonna make fun of Jesus.
01:55:28 If you show up outside the school and protest gay education and your your, your bunch of people, a bunch of you're a bunch of Muslims and not a bunch of Christians.
01:55:38 You get what you want.
01:55:43 You know, so I mean.
01:55:49 You can make the argument that that that ended up in in a way.
01:55:53 Working for them because it did transmit an element of fear.
01:55:59 In people I don't know, but you have that option, but the other option is.
01:56:07 Really it's just building your own.
01:56:11 Society in the same way that like.
01:56:14 These people, when they first came to America.
01:56:18 Yeah, it it didn't happen overnight.
01:56:21 We're just seeing the, the, I mean, look, look, this guy on the right.
01:56:28 His family came here in 1840.
Speaker 8
01:56:32 Right.01:56:33 So it took them a couple.
01:56:34 Of generations to fully.01:56:39 Implant themselves into the the ruling class.
01:56:43 And what about this other guy?
Speaker 4
01:56:47 When did his family get here?01:56:49 They usually say.
01:56:55 You know younger sister or brother.
01:56:58 Jewish household.
01:57:03 So, OK, he's one of those Hollywood years.01:57:05 Where you know like.
01:57:06 I've said that that they all.
01:57:07 Came they all seem to have come here, like around the.
01:57:10 Same time his mother was from.
01:57:13 And they came here around the 19 before 1925.
01:57:20 Because he was.Devon
01:57:20 Born in 1925 in Connecticut, so you know.01:57:28 It didn't take long, but it took.
01:57:31 It took an infrastructure already existing, you know.
01:57:35 The the one thing that the Jews have the.
01:57:39 Just whites don't have.
Speaker 8
01:57:42 Is they've got that.Devon
01:57:44 That nepotism going on, you know, it's not like he was the first Jew to show up in Hollywood from or not even the first Jew to show up from Ukraine.01:57:53 Right, that's where Steven Spielberg's family's from. They're from Ukraine. That's where the guy who gave Steven Spielberg his first job. His family was from Ukraine, Jewish guy from Ukraine.
01:58:04 You know, this guy shows up Jewish guy from Ukraine.
01:58:07 He's basically.
01:58:10 No wonder he he ended up doing the job that he did.
01:58:14 You know.
01:58:16 So that's that doesn't really seem to exist.
01:58:21 Because, quite frankly, because people like that guy guilted white people out of any kind of in Group preference, they any lingering remnant of it, they might have had.
01:58:32 You know there, there is, in fact there's an entire episode.
01:58:34 We'll watch where we've touched on briefly on that episode of Growing Pains where Mikey.
01:58:40 Mikey has given this big lecture about how if the his boss wants to give him special favors because.
01:58:47 His boss is white and he's white.
01:58:49 He doesn't want Mikey to be some white kid working the the graveyard shift because he might get shot by diversity.
01:58:57 That that's that's Mikey.
01:58:58 They, I mean, they didn't call it privilege back then, but that's what it was.
01:59:02 And they were like, oh, it's, you know, it's check your white privilege.
01:59:06 I mean, they called it something else, like bigotry or something like that, but it was.
01:59:10 It's what it was.
01:59:11 And again, that's not a new invention.
01:59:13 They just they just got more specific about it.
01:59:23 But we don't have.
01:59:26 We don't have any kind of infrastructure like they do.
01:59:28 They they were fully embedded in the.
01:59:30 I mean the same like look the guy on the left.
01:59:34 You think it was hard for a Jew to get a job in Hollywood?
01:59:38 When he was looking for a job in Hollywood, no, the guy on the right academia.
Speaker 8
01:59:43 Think it was.Devon
01:59:44 Hard for a Jew to get a job in academia when he was looking for a job in academia?01:59:49 Of course not.
Speaker 8
01:59:52 What can you say?01:59:53 What field can?
01:59:54 You say that about pro white people.02:00:00 I can't think of anything.
02:00:06 Is there is there like some Pearl white?
02:00:09 Industry that would be helpful.
Speaker 6
02:00:14 Of course he could get a.Devon
02:00:15 Job doing that?02:00:15 He's worried that that doesn't exist.
02:00:18 In fact, there's laws preventing that from even happening.
Speaker 2
02:00:21 That white people voted for.Devon
02:00:24 Because they listen to people like the guys on the screen here.02:00:28 Trusting fools.
02:00:30 That's another black pill.
02:00:31 Most people are trusting fools.
02:00:36 Trusting fools. All right, guys.
02:00:40 So this is going to be a short one.
02:00:43 Because I had to get back to work doing.
02:00:45 Some other stuff.
Speaker 6
02:00:47 But I hope you enjoyed the.02:00:48 Show I hope.
02:00:49 You enjoyed the weird thread snake intermission thing that happened.02:00:55 I'm glad I got video.
02:00:56 Of that, I'm glad I.
02:00:57 Could share that moment with you.
02:00:59 So I probably will not have a stream on.
02:01:06 Tuesday, again, I'm trying to I might change the days around, but for right now, let's just say it's still going to be Thursday, Saturday, but I'm probably going to change the days around to where maybe it's like Wednesdays and Saturdays and just do 2 days for like a little bit until I catch up with some stuff.
02:01:22 And then also I'm working on a video that's kind of like like the videos I used to do on movies just because it's it's not, it's.
02:01:34 I mean, I could do it as a stream, but it would take way too long like it's the kind of thing about to sit down and write and at it because.
02:01:42 I saw the most Jewish ******* movie.
02:01:46 I mean, I'm not.
02:01:48 It's like the it's I couldn't.
02:01:50 I I still can't believe that it's real.
02:01:54 And and that I hadn't heard of it before, and the no one seems to know about it and I'm not.
02:01:59 Trying to be like.
Speaker 8
02:02:01 Tell you, but yeah, but maybe a little.Devon
02:02:05 I haven't got tease a little bit.Speaker 6
02:02:07 But I'm not, but I'm not you.Devon
02:02:08 Know like I'm not lying.02:02:10 They're exaggerating.
02:02:10 It was like ******* hell.
02:02:12 Like like the whole.
02:02:13 Movie was just.
02:02:15 Like just when you thought it couldn't get more.
02:02:17 Jewish it did, it did.
Speaker 6
02:02:19 And and and in fact, there were times.Devon
02:02:21 Where I was like.Speaker 2
02:02:21 Oh, no, no, don't do it.02:02:23 Oh, they did it.
02:02:24 Oh, my God.
02:02:26 Oh, ****.
Speaker 6
02:02:27 If the only way this could get more Jewish is if it did happen again.Devon
02:02:35 Ohh ****.02:02:36 It's so Jewish.
02:02:37 It's like I don't even know how.
02:02:40 I don't even know how they allowed the it's it's.
02:02:45 Anyway, that will be coming out soon, and maybe maybe even like before Thursday, because it's not going to be hard like it's not.
02:02:55 It just it's it speaks for itself.
02:02:57 It's just.
02:02:58 One of those things that you got.
02:03:00 I have to share with the world.
02:03:01 Have to show you this.
02:03:03 This awful thing I found.
02:03:07 Anyway, so that'll be coming out soon, maybe before Thursday, but no, no promises, but so no, no stream on Tuesday.
02:03:17 I'll pick up again on Thursday.
02:03:20 And I might I might have time.
02:03:22 To hop into that, that.
02:03:23 Discord server that you guys emailed me about and.
02:03:26 Get that thing rolling.
02:03:28 It all depends on what hours I end up working and working with people that are kind of.
02:03:33 All over the planet right now so.
02:03:36 I'm up at.
Speaker 6
02:03:36 Odd hour I'm.Devon
02:03:37 Already up and out on hours, but now I'm really up at odd hours, so anyway.Speaker 6
02:03:43 You guys have a wonderful evening.02:03:48 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 19
02:03:53 Devil's Tag we we became the ventilator factory of the world.02:03:58 We were making them for everybody, and we had.
02:04:01 And our cupboards were bare.
02:04:03 The federal cupboards were bare and the state cupboards were bare.
02:04:06 And we've done a tremendous job.
02:04:08 We never got the kind of credit that we deserve for that.
02:04:11 One thing we do get.
02:04:11 The credit for.
02:04:12 From everybody, even the other side, although they try and disparage it as much as possible, was the vaccine coming up with the vaccine, but.
02:04:20 We did something else.
02:04:22 That people don't talk about it.
02:04:23 I made a bet and I shouldn't call it a bet because maybe you say speculation as opposed, but it was somewhat of a bet.
02:04:30 We bought billions and billions of dollars worth of vaccine in all forms of.
02:04:35 Getting that vaccine into your body, the needles, the bottles, the whole thing.
02:04:40 We bought millions and billions, actually, of dollars worth of the vaccine.
02:04:45 And we saved a period of a year, maybe more.
02:04:49 You wouldn't have the vaccine right now this.
02:04:51 Room would be empty.
02:04:53 Because they would ask me to.
02:04:54 Be here and I would say no thank you.
02:04:56 And you would say the same thing.
02:04:58 This would be an empty room right now, and your state would be in a lot of trouble, and the country would be in a lot of trouble because you wouldn't have the vaccine until probably October.
02:05:06 It might have even been later than that, and one of the things I'm most proud about is we did the vaccine, developed the vaccine, and I pushed the FDA.
02:05:16 They have never been pushed, would you say Mark Meadows?
02:05:18 They have never been pushed like that.
02:05:20 He was there at a lot of those meetings.
02:05:21 Those were not nice meetings.
02:05:23 They do not like.
02:05:23 Me too much that I can tell you.