

00:09:09 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:00:34 I'm your host Devin Stack, stack, stack tackling.
00:00:40 I don't know if you'll think that after you see I I.
00:00:43 Well, I'll tell you the reason I feel a little Jewish.
00:00:46 Is I had to take on a sponsor.
00:00:50 Yeah, I know.
00:00:50 I know.
00:00:51 Right.
00:00:51 You never thought I'd sell out, but I had to take on a sponsor.
00:00:55 So I I'm going to play their ad.
00:00:57 Cause that that's what you do, I guess, huh?
00:01:09 Wait a second. The Audio's not working, yeah.
Speaker 2
00:01:14 Damn it, I thought this might happen.
00:01:17 Ohh God am I got to close it and say I might have to do that.
00:01:20 Let me see.
00:01:20 Let me see.
00:01:21 Let me see.
00:01:23 Totally ruined everything all right.
00:01:34 Will this work?
00:01:37 There we go.
00:01:38 All right, let's try this again.
00:02:24 I'm back to flipping high.
Speaker 3
00:02:29 The necessity.
00:02:38 One of those stunning graphics.
Speaker 5
00:02:41 I'm gonna. I'm gonna go.
00:02:48 I'm sure they love that.
00:02:50 I'm sure on real likes of their their logos all over this ******* thing.
00:02:56 For those of you with no sense of sarcasm, for the the deeply autistic no, I'm not.
00:03:01 I'm not getting paid to.
Speaker 2
00:03:03 To put any ads in.
00:03:05 This is just a.
00:03:06 It's funny because people were.
00:03:08 Saying like, oh, you know what, maybe we should.
00:03:09 Make based video games well, the terrorists beat you.
00:03:12 To it.
Speaker 7
00:03:33 Take that, Jews.
00:03:40 I like how they keep.
00:03:40 Putting these little things in the middle.
00:03:43 Like how about how mad the Jews are that this game exists?
00:03:47 It's like, come on, Jews, there's like a there's, like thousands of games you guys have this, in fact.
00:03:53 How many?
00:03:53 How many kill the Nazis games are there?
00:03:55 Can't there be like one?
00:03:56 Shoot the Israelis?
00:03:58 Out of all the games out there, you can't have one really shittily made one.
00:04:03 Is really Justice Minister Gideon Sahar contacts YouTube requesting to remove the video game first son Al Aksa from its network.
00:04:13 But YouTube refuses.
00:04:18 Hello everyone.
00:04:26 That's quite the Knights today.
00:04:28 Look at that, bam.
00:04:32 That's right.
Speaker 8
00:04:32 Zionist look one.
00:04:38 Here's the other thing.
00:04:40 The reason why?
00:04:41 Why do you think?
00:04:42 Just ask yourself think.
00:04:43 Think about this for a second.
00:04:44 Why do you think YouTube, which is you know, operated by Jews?
00:04:49 Why do you think?
00:04:49 They allow this to be on.
00:05:16 Now, this part's the best. They're like most.
00:05:25 Hi just at.
00:05:27 Let's take a poll from chat.
00:05:30 What do you think happens to this guy?
00:05:33 What do you think?
00:05:33 They think they gonna throw a knife like a.
00:05:35 Mile at him.
00:05:36 Maybe crash a helicopter into him.
00:05:39 Set him on fire.
00:05:41 Let's look at Chad.
00:05:42 Who thinks they know what happens to him?
00:05:47 Maybe Allah.
00:05:48 Maybe Allah comes from the clouds.
00:05:51 Ah, some of you guys have seen it.
00:05:52 All right.
00:06:06 I'm not working.
00:06:08 I'm not working on.
00:06:15 Ohh, the graphics are so good.
Speaker 2
00:06:19 Oh good.
00:06:21 So yeah, this goes on for a while.
00:06:23 It's a really long.
00:06:27 He's got the baby.
00:06:30 That that they have like magic power like Allah Power saves them from bullets like what?
00:06:36 I got the baby.
Speaker 10
00:06:39 Our all our power saving the baby.
00:06:42 Do you have a?
00:06:47 So anyway, this goes on and on and on.
00:06:51 Is there a big finish?
00:06:52 No, not really.
00:06:56 You guys got to learn how to finish big.
00:06:57 There's got to be a.
00:06:58 Big finish.
00:06:58 There's no big finish.
00:07:01 OK, anyway.
00:07:07 In other news, the White House is very upset.
00:07:12 That you you are not you're.
00:07:14 Not allowing trans kids to get the medications they desperately need.
Speaker 11
00:07:19 Political games and harsh and cruel attempts.
00:07:25 At laws or?
00:07:25 Laws that we're seeing in some states, like Florida, that is not a reflection of the country moving to oppose LGBTQ plus communities.
00:07:34 That is not what we see in data.
00:07:37 You know, and she's right.
00:07:41 It's not. It's really not.
00:07:45 It it's not even it's it's.
00:07:47 It's what conservatives always do.
00:07:50 It's that we're going too fast.
00:07:52 Pump the brakes.
00:07:54 Pump the brakes, but by and large it's not like a movement like you know, the groomers have the upper hand, make no mistake.
Speaker 11
00:08:03 That is not.
00:08:04 Factual and that is not where things stand.
00:08:07 This is a political wedge issue and an attempt to win a culture war.
00:08:12 And they're doing that in a way that is harsh and cruel to a community of kids.
00:08:18 Especially I'm.
00:08:19 I'm like, gonna get.
00:08:20 I'm gonna get emotional about this issue because it's just it's horrible.
00:08:26 She's going to get emotional because you're trying to stop the groomers.
00:08:32 From my mutilating children.
00:08:36 This is who you're up against.
00:08:39 Look and and it's not like an act.
00:08:43 That's just how ******* perverted these people are.
00:08:47 That's the reality they live in.
00:08:50 You are the monster, you know.
00:08:52 We talked about this for a long time.
00:08:55 That you're the infection now.
00:08:59 You know at a.
00:09:00 Certain point.
00:09:02 When the the infection spreads so dramatically, the healthy cells are now what what are under attack.
00:09:10 You're the foreign body.
00:09:13 That must be removed.
Speaker 11
00:09:16 You know it's it's like kids who are bullied and they they just like all these leaders are are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families.
00:09:27 And you look at some of these laws in these States and he was going after.
00:09:30 Parents who are in loving relationships, who have kids, it's completely outrageous.
00:09:36 But it is.
00:09:36 It is a wedge issue.
00:09:38 And this this is an issue that makes me completely crazy, but it is an issue that is a political wedge issue.
00:09:45 It is not a reflection of where.
00:09:46 The country is.
00:09:50 And again, she's right.
00:09:56 That's just that.
00:09:56 I mean, there's probably pockets, there's pockets, absolutely.
00:10:01 But by and large?
00:10:03 It's not the country you grew.
00:10:04 Up in well, it depends on how.
00:10:06 How old you are, I guess.
00:10:08 Meanwhile, Elon Musk is, you know, there there goes any hope you might have had that he's gonna he's going to.
00:10:15 Make Twitter free speech.
00:10:18 Because who do you think that?
00:10:19 That extreme 10%.
00:10:21 On the right is.
00:10:25 Yeah, by the numbers.
00:10:26 That's. That's everyone listening.
Speaker 9
00:10:31 So yeah, is it will it be?
00:10:35 Satisfying that now, I guess like the the people pushing the trans kids stuff.
00:10:41 Well, I don't know because we just talked about that. That's not the extreme 10%.
00:10:45 Of the left anymore.
00:10:49 It's not trans kids we're featured on, you know Netflix.
00:10:55 And you know the Desmond is amazing, was featured on Good Morning America.
00:10:59 You don't think they do their research like some of that, obviously, is designed to push.
00:11:03 The Overton window.
00:11:06 But they don't.
00:11:07 They don't just jump in and hope for the best they they do the the, their their research and see if people.
00:11:13 Are going to go for it.
00:11:15 So I mean, I don't know who this extreme 10% on the left would include, but you know, does that really help us if well, we're still banned, but now some of the really crazy lefty like, I guess the pedophiles maybe like the open for now.
00:11:30 Right.
00:11:33 So that's going on.
00:11:36 By the way, the meat and potatoes of this we'll get to in a second.
00:11:41 It has nothing to do with.
00:11:42 I'm just going over some quick news stories here first.
00:11:47 In terms of financial news, Israel is dumping.
00:11:52 Lots of dollars.
00:11:54 Lots of dollars.
00:11:57 This is the.
00:11:59 Let's see if.
00:11:59 I can find it here.
00:12:01 Oh, that's that's come on.
00:12:02 Where's the real story here?
00:12:10 They're trying to make me pay for it now.
00:12:12 *** **** it.
00:12:13 Anyway, the short version is.
00:12:15 Israel dumped what is I can.
00:12:18 Find the number.
00:12:18 Let me see the numbers.
00:12:26 Yeah, $206 billion. They added $206 billion in yen to.
00:12:34 Hedge their bets.
00:12:37 Because they think the dollar and the euro are not quite the safe bet they used to be, I wonder why that is.
00:12:46 So that's something to pay attention to.
00:12:48 And then in other news, people have, I mean, like I've played a lot of clips from this account, people are probably familiar with the account.
00:12:58 Libs of Tip or yeah libs of TikTok, right?
00:13:03 Lives of TikTok. That account got docked by a Washington Post.
00:13:09 Reporter who's a massive ****.
00:13:16 Here's the problem with conservatives.
00:13:24 And by the way.
00:13:24 I'm pretty sure lives of Tik.
00:13:26 TikTok ended up being a female Orthodox Jew. I I'm not even ********. I think that's what it was.
00:13:34 But there you go.
00:13:36 See, this is when when.
00:13:38 When Jen, Saki, or whatever the **** her name is.
00:13:42 Is saying that, oh, this is not representative.
00:13:45 Of of the nation as a whole.
00:13:47 It's not even representative of the Conservative Inc.
00:13:52 A lot of conservatives, especially in DC I guaran ******* tea.
00:13:55 You you go to a dinner party in DC where the left and the right mingle as if they have no differences because they don't.
00:14:02 That I guarantee you.
00:14:05 The conversations between the people on the left and the right.
00:14:09 Side of the.
00:14:10 Aisle are very much they sound exactly like what Jen Saki sounded like on that on that interview.
00:14:17 Oh, it's just cruelty.
00:14:19 It's it's just cruelty.
00:14:20 It's too, I mean, cause I heard similar conversations all the time.
Speaker 2
00:14:25 All the ******* time.
00:14:28 That was one of.
00:14:28 The most black Pilling things ever.
00:14:30 When I found out that basically they were all.
00:14:33 Full of ****, but anyway.
00:14:38 This is an old news report.
00:14:40 And it'll become clear why I'm playing.
00:14:42 It here in a second.
00:14:47 Let me fix that up here. Make sure my stuff's on, OK.
00:14:56 This is a well, I'll just play it.
Speaker 5
00:15:01 I just remember him always watching over me.
00:15:03 I want to make sure I didn't get in trouble and.
00:15:06 Just she's always caring for me.
Speaker 13
00:15:08 Dalton Roby wasn't even 2 years old when his brother Derek was brutally murdered.
00:15:14 But in the short time they had together, he knows his Big Brother was always there for him.
00:15:19 A little boy full of energy.
00:15:20 Derek loved animals and playing practical joke.
Speaker 14
00:15:25 Well, he knew that the the older ladies would be walking to church, and so he took his rubber snake out and laid it on the sidewalk, and then watched out the window.
00:15:36 As people walked up the sidewalk.
Speaker 13
00:15:38 Derek was just shy of starting kindergarten and turning 5 years old when he was killed by 13 year old Eric Smith on August 2nd.
00:15:47 1993 Derek was walking to a day camp just up the street from his home. Smith was riding up the street on his bicycle. He lured Derek into a nearby field where minutes later.
00:15:59 He was dead.
Speaker 15
00:16:01 And then, of course, as more details came out, I mean it was just kind of hard to fathom what he did.
00:16:07 You know how he led people away, how he drove by Derek on his bike turned around, saw the other kids going into the park and then he came back and approached it.
00:16:18 I mean, it was so calculated.
Speaker 13
00:16:20 Smith was convicted of second degree murder in 1994 and sentenced to 9 years to life in prison.
00:16:27 Now he's 32 years old and up for parole 1/5 time an opportunity he gets every two years.
00:16:35 Dale and Dory say it's their mission to make sure he stays behind bars.
Speaker 15
00:16:39 So it's very, very important.
00:16:41 We do what we can and that's all.
00:16:43 We can do for Derek.
Speaker 13
00:16:44 Dalton, Dory Dale and members of the community submitted.
00:16:47 More than a.
00:16:48 100 letters to.
00:16:49 The parole board.
00:16:50 Fighting to keep Smith in prison, afraid he might someday hurt someone else.
Speaker 14
00:16:55 And if I didn't do that.
00:16:57 I didn't fight every two years and he was released.
00:17:03 And then he did something to somebody else.
00:17:06 I could never forgive myself, Dale.
Speaker 13
00:17:08 Dale also makes a video for the parole board, a montage of Derek's short life.
Speaker 10
00:17:18 Was my.
Speaker 13
00:17:22 Even though Derek's time with Dalton was cut too short, he says there's lessons to be learned from.
00:17:28 Derek's life.
Speaker 5
00:17:30 Live your life.
00:17:31 He lived into the false he could.
00:17:34 It it shows we all need to.
Speaker 12
00:17:35 Do that, Smith.
Speaker 13
00:17:36 Took away Dalton's Big Brother, his protector, the person who would have been Dalton's best man at his upcoming wedding.
00:17:45 OK. So just to recap.
00:17:50 This 13 year old boy.
00:17:55 Rode his bike.
00:17:58 Didn't even really know the kid.
00:18:01 Spotted a kid that was by himself.
00:18:04 Let him into the woods.
00:18:08 Strangled him.
00:18:10 Until he passed out.
00:18:12 And then bashed his head in with rocks.
00:18:16 He then did.
00:18:17 Other things to the body, I'm not going.
00:18:18 To go over.
00:18:22 But as you can imagine, it was pretty horrific.
00:18:27 13 year old boy at the time.
00:18:31 And this news report is from I, you know, obviously it's quite some time because it's a four by three.
00:18:40 Aspect ratio.
00:18:41 I forget the date on it.
00:18:43 But they were.
00:18:44 Worried. Well, I think they said it was before 2002, right? Because they're talking about, oh, he's going to be eligible for parole in 2002. And this happened in 19.
00:18:56 93 I think it was.
00:19:03 They were trying to fight.
00:19:06 To keep this kid behind bars.
00:19:11 And they were successful for a little while.
00:19:16 But then they passed a law.
00:19:20 That says basically, if you are a juvenile.
00:19:25 And you murder someone.
00:19:28 Then, regardless of sentence.
00:19:32 You can be eligible for parole.
00:19:35 After 15 years.
00:19:46 So just think of that about that for a second. Here's a part we'll just watch. Part of this is Part 2 of this report from the I I believe 2001 ISH.
Speaker 13
00:19:56 Derrick will be on August 2nd, 1993. This week. He's eligible for parole for the 5th time.
Speaker 15
00:20:02 You know, our sentence is life.
00:20:07 I think his needs to be longer until he can either not hurt anybody, not be a threat to society, whether that's 85 years old.
Speaker 13
00:20:15 The Robbies have been dealing with this for several years now, but this year was different.
00:20:20 It's hard celebrating holidays, birthdays and milestones when each passing 1 means it's closer to the time.
00:20:28 Eric's killer comes up for parole again.
Speaker 15
00:20:30 A little tired rundown and I think this year, myself.
00:20:33 Being a little angry.
00:20:36 We've done it, you know, for.
00:20:37 So many years.
00:20:39 Let's help somebody else.
Speaker 13
00:20:41 Dale and Dory say they came up with the idea to push for legislation that would extend the amount of time between parole hearings for people convicted of heinous crimes.
Speaker 14
00:20:51 So I would like to see.
00:20:53 Something done to give.
00:20:57 An opportunity to do more than two years for extreme cases such as ours.
Speaker 5
00:21:02 People spend more time in jail for, I guess not so sensitive crimes.
Speaker 13
00:21:10 Dalton Roby wasn't even 2 years old when his brother Derek.
00:21:15 So anyway, Fast forward to just last year.
00:21:24 What do you think is?
Speaker 7
00:21:24 Going to happen.
Speaker 5
00:21:25 Right.
Speaker 7
00:21:27 So you find the defendant guilty of murder in the second.
00:21:30 Degree. Is that unanimous? Yes.
Speaker 18
00:21:35 Eric Smith was only 14 years old when he was given a sentence of nine years to life in prison.
00:21:41 Smith had been convicted of murdering 4 year old Derek Roby.
00:21:46 I just want to point out too, I mean.
00:21:48 This is.
00:21:50 Not only is the the coverage of this.
00:21:55 Really *****.
00:21:57 I guess you guys can guess what, what, what's going to happen in this news report?
00:22:01 I'll play it anyway.
00:22:02 But I want.
00:22:02 I want to point this out too.
00:22:04 It's it's really, it's the vice voice phenomenon.
00:22:09 And what I mean by that is I go through a lot of historic footage.
00:22:14 I watch news reports going back, you know, as long as there have.
Speaker 2
00:22:18 Been news reports.
00:22:20 And a relatively new phenomenon that I have found.
00:22:24 Is that the the news readers, the narrators, you know, like the narrator in this in this video.
00:22:33 They just sound like **** now.
00:22:36 Like I don't know if it's tied to the.
00:22:39 I know it's a little bit of a, you know, detour but.
00:22:43 I don't know.
00:22:44 It's tied to the the dropping testosterone in men, which is is hugely plummeted.
00:22:51 But it was it was most most our most noticeable by me when I would watch a vice.
00:22:57 Video and just like holy ****, like whoever's narrating this is like a massive ******* ******.
00:23:04 And it would be some, you know, and you know, sure enough, you they'd show the the guy and he'd he'd weigh, like 80 pounds if he was soaking wet and, you know, metrosexual super Fagg.
00:23:19 And I thought to myself, well, you know, like no one's gonna take this **** seriously because it's just, you know, a bunch of these **** with money to produce these videos.
00:23:28 But I've noticed more and more now.
00:23:30 That this is just the case across the board.
00:23:34 You know, like, if you're, if even, like, **** even just that woman's voice from that old news report from 2001 or whatever it was, she sounds more ******* masculine than this guy.
00:23:44 But anyway.
00:23:46 Not, not just the it's not just the voice.
00:23:48 Listen to how it's characterized also.
Speaker 18
00:23:51 But before his arrest, many residents in Savona, NY, thought it might have been the work of an evil.
Speaker 19
00:23:57 Adult late in the afternoon.
Speaker 12
00:24:01 The body of Derrick Roby was found.
Speaker 19
00:24:05 It was just a a brutal, brutal killer.
Speaker 18
00:24:08 When police found Derek, they discovered that he had been lured into a wooded area not far from his home, strangled and beaten with rocks.
Speaker 12
00:24:18 You know, this terrible thing was done.
00:24:20 I think everybody, including myself, was an adult and how.
00:24:27 Could anybody do such?
Speaker 17
00:24:28 A terrible, terrible thing.
Speaker 18
00:24:30 But Smith had walked into the police command center four days after the murder, offering to help police solve the crime.
00:24:37 Smith said that he had seen Derek that day with a white T-shirt on holding a lunch bag.
00:24:42 Investigators felt like Smith knew something but didn't realize the killer was sitting right in front of them.
00:24:49 Then, two days after Derrick Robbie's funeral, Smith confessed.
Speaker 14
00:24:58 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 12
00:25:00 I was sent.
00:25:02 I was 30 when my grandson confessed.
00:25:09 It was.
00:25:11 It's time.
Speaker 18
00:25:14 Investigators and community members tried to understand why a 13 year old boy would do such a thing.
00:25:20 They learned that Smith had a history of being picked on as a young child.
00:25:25 All right. He was bullied.
00:25:29 I wonder why they were bullying the murderer.
00:25:34 Almost as if there was something innate.
00:25:37 In the other kids like they knew like.
00:25:39 This person. There's something.
00:25:41 Wrong with them.
00:25:51 See now that and now that we're not bullying these people just grow up and start turning, you know, start creating trans kids.
Speaker 18
00:25:59 His bright red hair and freckles made him a.
00:26:02 Target for bullies.
Speaker 17
00:26:03 I don't know why he did it.
Speaker 19
00:26:05 I asked him why he did it.
00:26:07 His words, almost verbatim were, I don't know.
00:26:10 I just saw this kid, this blind kid, and I wanted to hurt him.
00:26:17 How many? How many?
00:26:20 Well, including her other redhead, right?
00:26:26 Let's see here.
00:26:30 Here's another redhead.
00:26:33 Who just sees a blonde kid?
00:26:35 And she wants to hurt him.
00:26:48 Our society we're witnessing it now is literally what happens when.
00:26:51 You get rid of bullies.
Speaker 19
00:26:55 His words, almost verbatim were, I don't know.
00:26:58 I just saw this kid, this blind kid.
00:27:01 And I wanted to hurt him.
Speaker 18
00:27:04 After he was convicted and sentenced, Smith was sent to Brookwood Juvenile Detention Center.
Speaker 8
00:27:15 When Eric Smith was sentenced, was there a sense?
00:27:18 Now we can get on with our lives.
Speaker 20
00:27:22 You hear the nine years to life and I think back then everybody was focusing on the life side of it.
Speaker 18
00:27:31 For Derrick Robbie's parents, Smith's prison sentence did not give them the closure they had expected. They were forced to deal with the harsh reality that their son's killer would be eligible for parole beginning in 2002.
Speaker 14
00:27:44 Decide that wow.
00:27:46 And he's done his time and we're going to.
00:27:48 Let him go.
Speaker 4
00:27:51 That scares the hell out of me.
Speaker 18
00:27:54 In 2002, Smith's parole was denied, but every two years Smith appeared in front.
00:28:00 Of the parole board.
00:28:01 Hoping to prove that he had changed and was no longer a danger to society.
00:28:06 The frequent hearings took a toll on Derek's parents, who were forced to relive the horrors of their sons.
Speaker 8
00:28:14 Must have felt like.
00:28:14 A weight hanging right over your.
Speaker 21
00:28:16 Head yes, there's all of these really happy times that are supposed to happen throughout your life.
Speaker 14
00:28:23 But there's always that.
Speaker 18
00:28:25 In 2009, as Smith approached his 30s, he said he had changed. In an interview with WENY TV.
Speaker 17
00:28:33 Neither one is.
00:28:34 I'm not the same person.
00:28:41 Look, people change a little bit.
00:28:44 But I'm I'm basically the same guy I was.
00:28:47 When I was 13.
00:28:50 You know, obviously I'm not.
00:28:52 I'm not as.
Speaker 2
00:28:53 As 13 as I was.
00:28:55 But when I was 13.
00:28:58 I was not capable of luring a.
00:29:00 Kid into the forest.
00:29:02 Strangling him and then bashing him with rocks and sodomizing him with sticks.
00:29:11 I wasn't.
00:29:15 That's not something that changes.
00:29:24 See not only is this a problem.
00:29:27 Oh, it's because he was bullied.
00:29:28 Or whatever the other problem is.
00:29:32 That guy should have been swinging from a ******* tree.
00:29:38 I don't care if he was 13.
00:29:54 Liberalism is synonymous with this genics.
Speaker 17
00:29:59 You're not.
00:30:00 David goes by in some way, shape or form that I'm like, forced to remember what I did.
00:30:07 I'm automatically thinking I killed there.
00:30:10 And the pain that I caused Dale Dory.
Speaker 18
00:30:13 In 2010, the Parole board turned him down again, but as the years went by, clinical forensic psychologist Joni Johnston says he seemed to be changing.
00:30:24 Oh, and then a white woman came in.
00:30:26 And said he seems to be changing.
00:30:30 I think he's going to be fine guys.
Speaker 4
00:30:33 Passion from him for other people.
00:30:36 So I'm seeing a little bit of hope from him.
00:30:41 Ah, this ******* dumb *****.
00:30:43 She's a.
00:30:43 Little hope for him.
00:30:45 So that's all it takes.
00:30:51 So all it takes.
00:30:57 Some stupid ***** in a pantsuit.
Speaker 18
00:31:05 Years passed and the parole board didn't budge until October 2021, when his parole was granted, but Smith could not be released just yet.
00:31:15 So yes, he's got Pearl now.
Speaker 18
00:31:20 He still needed to find approved housing.
Speaker 15
00:31:22 Rick Smith, who gained national attention almost 3 decades ago for killing a four year old, has been set free.
Speaker 18
00:31:29 On February 1st, 2022, after spending 28 years behind bars, Eric Smith walked out of prison.
Speaker 3
00:31:36 Why after so many years they decided to give him a chance?
00:31:42 That's fine.
00:31:44 You know, for him and his family.
Speaker 18
00:31:48 Smith has moved to Queens, NY and says he has plans for his future.
Speaker 17
00:31:52 I want to, you know, get married.
00:31:55 Raise a family.
00:31:57 You know all done like, you know, a job.
00:32:02 Pursue the American dream.
00:32:05 He wants to get married and have kids have a family.
00:32:11 Pursue the American dream.
00:32:20 As a society, we need to start thinking about removing genes.
00:32:25 From the society.
00:32:36 The gingers, they're not really people anyway.
Speaker 18
00:32:39 Smith says he.
00:32:40 Wants to counsel kids who have been bullied.
00:32:42 Just like he was.
Speaker 8
00:32:43 It is will Eric Smith be a success story?
00:32:48 He's gonna count. He's.
00:32:51 He's going to, oh, God, he's going to count.
00:32:53 Oh my God.
00:32:55 Anyway, so this story came.
00:32:57 I was I was.
00:32:59 Actually researching completely different.
00:33:01 This story came up.
00:33:04 And you know, obviously I was appalled.
00:33:09 By the fact that he's, I mean, he's out now.
00:33:12 He's out.
00:33:14 And let's just want to, you know, there's so many other cases similar to that, right?
00:33:20 But one of the things that.
00:33:21 That stuck out to me.
00:33:24 Was that he confessed that have any evidence?
00:33:29 No one thought a kid did it.
00:33:33 But he confessed.
00:33:35 And I was reminded of how I've mentioned first 48 a couple of times that show where they they have 48 hours to find the killer, because if they don't, you know, get a confession out of someone in the first 48 hours.
00:33:51 Nine times out of 10, that just goes unsolved.
00:33:55 And when you watch it, it's pretty, pretty black Pilling cause you see like just how.
00:33:59 How much the cops rely on?
00:34:06 That that almost all these people on the show are just tricked into saying, yeah, I killed them.
00:34:12 And if they hadn't said that, they would have been free, even if the cops, like, knew he did it.
00:34:18 They usually don't go to trial if they because you know, having a hunch and just knowing someone did it, that's not enough evidence, right?
00:34:27 And so I started looking at.
00:34:32 Other cases kind of like this.
00:34:34 And how can fashions?
00:34:36 Played a role in how the interrogation process.
00:34:42 And wondering how that could, how that applies to?
00:34:45 Maybe how?
00:34:47 You know, one of the big problems we have right now, right, is we have a lot of a lot of our ruling class, they're criminals.
00:34:54 Well, how are we gonna get them to confess?
00:34:56 If that's?
00:34:56 If that's like the the standard, right.
00:34:58 You have to get them to confess.
00:35:02 How how would we ever get them to confess?
00:35:06 And I found that there is kind of like a formula for police interrogations.
00:35:14 And it's not always an order.
00:35:15 In fact, the next case we're going to.
00:35:17 Take a look at.
00:35:19 It doesn't really 100% follow this order, but all the.
00:35:22 Components are there.
00:35:24 And you'll see this on 1st 48 or I watched several confessions that all kind of line up with this. It's weird how?
00:35:34 It's like a a process that's it's the psychological game that just I I guess after years of of interrogating horrible people.
00:35:46 They've come.
00:35:46 It's it's a science at this point of how to get how to ****.
00:35:49 **** people into confessions.
00:35:53 So the the first element.
00:35:57 Is isolation, so anytime you watch one of these, you know, confessions or interrogations, it's it's.
00:36:06 Always a small room.
00:36:08 You know there's no.
00:36:08 Windows the the chairs are uncomfortable.
00:36:15 Usually not always, but usually.
00:36:19 The interrogator.
00:36:21 Is physically blocking the door.
00:36:26 So there's this idea that you're all by yourself.
00:36:30 You're trapped in this room.
00:36:33 You know it's it's soundproof, so you can't hear what's going on outside.
00:36:39 There's maybe like 2 way glass to make you feel like.
00:36:42 Oh, there's, you know.
00:36:44 Other people looking at me that I can't see.
00:36:48 The next step is building a rapport.
00:36:55 And that this you'll see this every single time again.
00:36:59 The cop?
00:37:00 We'll start asking just normal questions.
00:37:02 Questions that have nothing to do.
00:37:05 With the crime.
00:37:07 They almost seem casual, as if oh, like, even if this cop knows you just murdered a family or something, right?
00:37:15 And that at first, like a lot of people watch these things, and if you know about the history of the case, you'll sometimes know, like, oh, that cop totally knows this guy just is like a super murderer, right?
00:37:28 But he's sitting there talking like, oh, yeah, you know.
00:37:31 Oh, did you see the?
00:37:31 Game. Oh, where'd you?
00:37:33 Grow up.
00:37:33 Oh yeah, I went.
00:37:34 To high school there and they're just.
00:37:37 Building a rapport.
00:37:38 They'll offer them food.
00:37:41 You hungry?
00:37:42 You want me to get you some candy out of the machine?
00:37:44 You want me to get you a coke?
00:37:47 Anytime that they can find where there's something similar like, Oh yeah, you know, oh, you you shop there.
00:37:54 I shop there too.
00:37:55 I know.
00:37:56 We're like buddies.
00:37:57 We're like the same.
00:37:59 And one of the reasons why they're doing this is they want to calm the person down.
00:38:06 Get them talking about normal ****.
00:38:11 Because when they're.
00:38:12 Talking about normal ****, they're not stressed out about.
00:38:16 Their body language.
00:38:18 Is at a baseline.
00:38:21 It establishes A baseline like OK, when I'm talking to this person about grocery shopping.
00:38:28 And so he has no reason to lie.
00:38:31 He has no reason to be stressed out about this question.
00:38:34 He has no reason to not be, you know, forthcoming about this.
00:38:40 In fact, he's probably relieved to be talking about something that has nothing to do with this case or whatever.
00:38:45 And so I can start taking notes.
00:38:49 Of body language quirks in your speech.
00:38:55 Just you know any nervous ticks you might have.
00:38:58 I'm establishing A baseline so that later when I am talking to you about the bad stuff.
00:39:05 I can contrast that with this baseline.
00:39:09 That I'm establishing.
00:39:12 The next phase is after you've kind of created this.
00:39:16 Oh yeah, we're buddies.
00:39:18 It's the waiver of rights because.
00:39:20 Again, 9 times out of 10.
00:39:23 If they haul you in.
00:39:27 Almost no matter what it is, it seems like.
00:39:30 If all you do is say I'm not going to talk to you, I just want my lawyer.
00:39:37 And you give them nothing.
Speaker 9
00:39:39 You get off.
00:39:42 Like with this first 48 stuff, if these guys they're hauling in.
00:39:47 Just didn't talk.
00:39:49 That's all they did.
00:39:50 If that's the only thing that they modifying, their behavior is just like I'm not going to talk to you.
00:39:56 They'd get off if they can hold out.
00:39:58 For two days.
00:40:01 So the cop needs to get you talking.
00:40:05 And so now that you're friends, they'll say, oh, yeah, you know, I just need you to sign this thing real quick.
00:40:11 I mean, because, you know, we're we're just talking.
00:40:13 We're just talking.
00:40:14 We're just.
00:40:14 Having a conversation right?
00:40:15 Like you know, we're just, you know, I'm sure you got some you want to clear your name, right?
00:40:21 That's all.
00:40:21 This is.
00:40:22 So just sign here.
00:40:23 Waive your rights.
00:40:26 We just need to take care of some paperwork real quick.
00:40:28 I just need you to sign right here.
00:40:33 Once they've done that.
00:40:35 And you got them on the record.
00:40:39 The next phase is open-ended questions.
00:40:43 So don't ask them anything that they could just say yes or no to.
00:40:49 Get them talking.
00:40:52 Because now that you have that baseline established, you can start noticing, OK, well, when he started talking about this, he seemed like something, you know, he was being a.
00:41:02 Little weird about this.
00:41:07 The next phase?
00:41:10 And again, these aren't always in order, but they're all they're all there.
00:41:13 Almost always, every, every interrogation.
00:41:15 I watched, at least, and the one that we're going to watch here in a second.
00:41:20 Is assumptive.
00:41:25 So I'm sure people have always, always heard, you know, the example of how often do you beat your wife?
00:41:33 You know, the assumption is that you beat your wife and you're just asking how.
00:41:37 Do you do it right?
00:41:40 So cops will do start doing that, like, once they once they think that they've got an idea as to what the real story is, they'll just start asking you as if it's already been established.
00:41:53 That you've.
00:41:55 Confessed essentially.
00:41:57 So if you've been hauled in for for a bank robber.
00:42:02 And the conversation, the whole conversation.
00:42:05 You've never said anything about robbing the bank, and you've never placed yourself at the scene or anything like that.
00:42:12 The cop might say stuff like.
00:42:15 Oh well, well.
00:42:15 What color was the note that you handed the?
00:42:17 Bank teller.
00:42:19 You know, stuff like that.
00:42:22 Because if you're stupid, you might trip up.
00:42:25 And actually answer the question.
00:42:28 Or or something like that.
00:42:33 The next component is.
00:42:37 Never allow the, the, the, the person being interrogated to finish.
00:42:43 A denial.
00:42:45 So if they start saying look, man, I didn't.
00:42:49 It's better to cut them off.
00:42:50 Never even let them vocalize.
00:42:52 The the the denial.
00:42:55 Because if they start repeating it out loud, they start hearing themselves say it over and over again.
00:43:02 It will get them more entrenched.
00:43:05 In the idea that they didn't do it.
00:43:11 The next phase and this is.
00:43:12 Totally legal, by the way.
00:43:15 It's false evidence.
00:43:18 Now, sometimes they have evidence, sometimes they don't.
00:43:22 And cops are allowed to lie.
00:43:25 Cops are allowed to say, look, your friend Billy's in the.
00:43:30 Other room.
00:43:32 And he told me that that this is the way things went.
00:43:37 So which is it?
00:43:39 Is it your story or his or?
00:43:40 Oh, yeah, actually, we got this.
00:43:43 Why are your fingerprints on the murder weapon?
00:43:46 Like they can lie like that.
00:43:47 They can literally say.
00:43:50 Well, what?
00:43:50 What if I told you that we we got your fingerprints on?
00:43:53 The murder weapon.
00:43:56 Even if your fingerprints are on the not on the murder weapon.
00:44:02 So they'll start presenting.
00:44:04 False or sometimes real.
00:44:10 In a way that that makes you feel.
00:44:12 Like Ohh, I'm ******.
00:44:14 Even though you haven't confessed, even though you're not really ******.
00:44:18 They'll just say you're ******.
00:44:20 And so you think, wow, the jig is up.
00:44:23 I guess I gotta.
00:44:25 I gotta tell you.
00:44:29 Now the next phase, once they got you kind of teetering.
00:44:36 Unconfessed right.
00:44:38 They kind of feel like, alright, you know you're ******.
00:44:41 I know you're ******.
00:44:43 But you don't know how to like.
00:44:44 You're still looking for a way out.
00:44:48 You know it's it's like the art of war, you know, always give your enemy an escape.
00:44:52 Route kind of a thing.
00:44:54 And so that's, that's what they do.
00:44:57 They start creating.
00:44:59 Contrasting narratives.
00:45:03 So they'll start saying stuff like look, it's fine.
00:45:07 You know, I'm sure it was an accident, right?
00:45:10 You didn't mean to kill her.
00:45:13 It was just an accident, right?
00:45:17 And then you contrast that with.
00:45:21 The the other option?
00:45:23 Well, you're evil.
00:45:24 You ******* you want it's it's kind of like a a version of good cop, bad cop, like a linguistic good cop, bad cop.
00:45:31 Where you present them with two narratives.
00:45:34 Either it was an act like again, both imply that you're guilty.
00:45:39 But one sounds.
Speaker 2
00:45:40 A little better.
00:45:41 One was like, oh, you know, even though all your evidence says it's not, and this, you know, this is just really our way to get you to admit that your involvement and then we'll whittle you down from there.
00:45:53 It was just.
00:45:53 An accident, right.
00:45:54 Like you didn't mean to kill her, but you killed her, right?
00:45:57 You killed her.
00:45:58 Because that sounds better than oh, you're a ******* total evil ************.
00:46:02 And you, of course you kill her cause you're evil.
00:46:04 We don't want.
00:46:04 In fact, they'll even sell you.
00:46:05 Don't want people to think that that you're a liar and you did this on purpose, right?
00:46:09 So might as well just tell people I.
00:46:11 Mean that it was an accident.
00:46:12 It was fine, right?
00:46:15 And they'll beat them down.
00:46:17 Until they start to get.
00:46:20 What is called a surrender position?
00:46:24 And you'll see this.
00:46:25 You'll see this in in confession tapes over and over and over again, where they they kind of freeze up.
00:46:31 They look, they they look like a deer in headlights.
00:46:34 They know they're fun.
00:46:36 And they're just emotionally stressed out by the interrogation.
00:46:41 They're worn out.
00:46:42 It's probably been going on a long time, and they they're basically losing the will.
00:46:47 To resist.
00:46:50 And at that point in the interrogation.
00:46:53 The cops start to praise you.
00:46:57 Don't worry, man, you're doing the right thing.
00:47:00 You're doing the right thing.
00:47:03 You know this is, you know, the the the courts treat people that tell the truth way better than they.
00:47:08 They treat people that lie, you know, so you're doing the right thing.
00:47:12 Plus, isn't it just better?
00:47:14 Isn't it better for everyone involved?
00:47:17 You know, I mean, we already know you didn't.
00:47:20 Won't this just clear your consciousness?
00:47:23 You know your conscience and and and and help the family.
00:47:28 I mean, you're you're.
00:47:29 You're the type of you're you seem like a smart kid.
00:47:34 You'll hear cops say that all the.
00:47:36 Oh, you.
00:47:36 You're a smart kid.
00:47:38 I can tell you're a good kid.
00:47:41 So I just do the right thing.
00:47:45 And then inevitably.
00:47:48 The confession.
00:47:51 And I and I started.
00:47:53 Like I said, I watched.
00:47:55 A few confession videos, which they're usually pretty long if they're not from the first 48. Those ************* seem to confess, like immediately, but.
00:48:05 But I watched a few famous cases.
00:48:08 In fact the.
00:48:09 One, we're going to look at is very similar to the one we just watched.
00:48:13 And you see the psychology.
00:48:17 In action.
00:48:20 So we're going to take a look at one of these cases.
00:48:25 Bring up my notes here real quick.
00:48:32 So in October, October 21st.
00:48:36 2009.
00:48:40 Elizabeth olton.
00:48:43 Who was a nine year old girl?
00:48:48 And her neighbor Slash friend.
00:48:52 Who was another girl about the same age?
00:48:56 Came to her house.
00:48:59 And said, you know, I want you to come over to my house and play.
00:49:04 And her mom didn't want her to go play and said, well, you know, dinner is going to be ready soon.
00:49:10 And the the girl begged and begged and begged. So she finally said, OK, you can go to your friend's house and play, but you need to hurry up because it's going to be dark soon. We're going to have dinner.
00:49:22 So you better be home before dark.
00:49:29 Night fall came.
00:49:31 And she was nowhere to be found.
00:49:36 So she started calling the little girl's cell phone.
00:49:41 And little girl cell phone rang and rang and rang and rang and no one ever.
00:49:45 Picked up.
00:49:49 So then she called up the house.
00:49:51 Where she was supposed to be.
00:49:53 Hanging out with her friend.
00:49:56 And the the grandmother.
00:50:00 And we'll get.
00:50:01 It a little bit in here in a second.
00:50:05 Said Oh no, I don't think I've seen her today.
00:50:08 I don't think she's even been over here.
00:50:14 So they called up the the police.
00:50:18 The police put out a search.
00:50:24 They couldn't find her anywhere.
00:50:34 This is.
00:50:38 Alyssa bustamante.
00:50:45 The emo girl.
00:50:47 Who is the older sister?
00:50:50 Of the little girl that asked.
00:50:53 If Elizabeth Olton could come over and play.
00:51:01 While searching the forest.
00:51:06 The cops.
00:51:08 Found what appeared to be a grave site.
00:51:13 And it was a big hole that had been dug into the ground.
00:51:18 And they overheard her saying, oh.
00:51:20 I dug that hole.
00:51:25 And they were immediately suspicious.
00:51:33 So the little girl lived in the house on the right.
00:51:37 And Bustamante lived on the House on the left.
00:51:41 And there's a whole lot of woods.
00:51:44 In between them.
00:51:47 And where they found the hole.
00:51:50 That's them searching.
00:51:51 Where's the hole?
00:51:52 So that's a picture of.
00:51:53 The hole.
00:51:57 There's the map.
Speaker 2
00:52:01 There it is.
00:52:07 Or rather, this is when so they pinged the little girl's cell phone.
00:52:12 And it pinged.
00:52:14 Right between their houses and the woods, by the whole.
00:52:22 So they they asked to search her house.
00:52:26 And then this is one of those funny things too, is that when you look at the process, it's amazing that anyone ever gets arrested or convicted, really.
00:52:36 They had to get permission to search the house.
00:52:39 Well, that the grandmother who we find out, this is the grandmother.
00:52:43 'S house.
00:52:46 And we find out that.
00:52:49 Alyssa bustamante.
00:52:53 This check.
00:52:58 Father is a A a felon.
00:53:02 Her mothers like some psycho.
00:53:05 And so they're living with her and her, her little sister.
00:53:08 And I think her two brothers.
00:53:11 Are living at the grandparent's house.
00:53:17 So the grandparents are like, yeah, you can search the house.
00:53:20 We don't have anything to hide.
00:53:24 Well, when they searched the house.
00:53:31 They find some creepy stuff.
00:53:35 You know things that I don't know, you might say.
00:53:37 What what should have.
00:53:38 Been signs that your grandkids are not OK.
00:53:43 They found well, like the whole her entire room had drawings.
00:53:48 Some of the drawings were in blood.
00:53:51 Like weird notes.
00:54:03 And uh, they got our diary.
00:54:08 Because that had some weird stuff in it that will go over in a second.
00:54:13 But then the cops began.
00:54:17 The interrogation process.
00:54:21 They thought something was up with this girl because she said she'd dug this grave shaped hole right where they were looking for this little girl.
00:54:30 There was no one in the in the grave shaped hole.
00:54:35 But there was, you know, she why is she digging graves in the forest where this girl goes missing?
00:54:42 From her house.
00:54:46 She also, her little sister, mentioned to the police.
00:54:51 Ohh yeah.
00:54:51 Alyssa had blood on her.
00:54:54 But she said that she was having her period and so to not to tell anyone because it was embarrassing.
00:55:01 So the cops are like, OK, this seems like it's.
00:55:06 It's a little weird.
00:55:10 So they bring her in.
00:55:12 The first phase?
00:55:14 Small room, no window.
00:55:16 Fixed chair.
00:55:23 This loads up ever.
00:55:24 Why is it not loading?
Speaker 2
00:55:29 There we go.
Speaker 6
00:55:34 Do you want to sit here?
Speaker 7
00:55:35 By her mute.
00:55:36 OK where?
00:55:39 And we've got us in the.
Speaker 22
00:55:39 Small group here so.
00:55:44 This is where they used the fingerprints.
Speaker 19
00:55:45 Stuff so.
Speaker 22
00:55:47 And then here's square.
00:55:50 He's not coming.
Speaker 22
00:55:54 That's great.
00:55:54 That's for you, so.
00:55:58 So the woman on the bottom left is the grandmother.
00:56:04 Who doesn't look that old because Alissa's mother, in addition to being like a total ******* crack head, whatever married to a felon.
00:56:13 I think her mother was like 15 when she had her.
00:56:18 So that's why that the woman on the upper left is the child advocate person.
00:56:26 That the state provides in situations like this.
00:56:31 The guy sitting down is the cop, obviously.
00:56:36 And the girl in the upper right is Alyssa.
Speaker 7
00:56:48 Church here.
Speaker 22
00:56:51 OK, my name is.
00:56:52 David and just call me Dave.
00:56:55 And so as you can see.
00:56:58 We got the small room, no window.
00:57:02 Uncomfortable chair.
00:57:05 He's already kind of.
00:57:06 Hey, you can call me Dave.
00:57:10 They kind of chitchat for a little while before they get into it, and you know and again.
00:57:16 The grandmothers agreed to this because she's kind of like, yeah, whatever.
00:57:19 You know, we got nothing to hide.
00:57:21 Where we we won't help find this kid.
00:57:24 So everyone's kind of in a good mood because they think this is.
00:57:27 Just you know, it's just you're going to come in and have a chat.
00:57:31 Yeah, don't worry, this is not this.
00:57:33 We do this with everybody.
Speaker 22
00:57:36 Happened. It would have been Wednesday the 21st.
00:57:42 I'm going to go through some basic information just.
00:57:45 To make sure that I understand a little bit about.
00:57:47 The house there and where you all live.
00:57:53 So he's asking safe questions.
00:57:57 That that won't stress anyone out.
00:58:01 Just basic mundane questions.
00:58:04 To try to start establishing a baseline.
00:58:08 And I want you to take.
00:58:09 A look at our body language too.
00:58:11 Right now, she looks relaxed.
00:58:14 She's not totally relaxed.
00:58:16 There are some signs that she's under a little bit of stress, but nothing out of the out of the ordinary.
00:58:23 The grandmother looks totally relaxed.
00:58:24 She's joking around and drinking a coffee, thinks that this is all just routine.
Speaker 22
00:58:33 Who all lives in the house there with?
Speaker 6
00:58:35 You, my two brothers.
00:58:36 Your names, please.
00:58:38 Daniel Joseph.
00:58:44 OK.
Speaker 6
00:58:49 OK, Emma.
00:58:55 And the cop obviously already knows the answers to all these questions.
00:58:59 It's not like he's he's not going to research who lives at the house before he has a suspect.
00:59:06 That he's interrogating.
00:59:08 So he has all this information.
00:59:10 He's just asking her questions that are totally OK to answer without feeling like you need to deceive anyone, or you need to be worried about the answer.
Speaker 6
00:59:21 OK. And my grandpa.
00:59:26 And then my Aunt Catherine and her husband Ryan.
Speaker 22
00:59:39 What's his name?
00:59:40 Right.
00:59:41 OK.
00:59:41 I'm sorry.
00:59:43 And unclog and keep up with the.
00:59:50 OK, so moving right along.
00:59:56 All right.
Speaker 22
00:59:57 We're going to start from.
01:00:00 Wednesday morning.
01:00:00 Let's just kind of start there.
01:00:02 OK.
01:00:02 Walk me through from the time you woke up in the morning, woke up in the morning and walk.
01:00:09 So Wednesday is the day.
01:00:12 That's the October 21st, the day that.
01:00:18 Elizabeth Olton went missing.
01:00:21 At approximately 6:00 PM.
Speaker 22
01:00:27 Me through exactly what happened.
Speaker 6
01:00:29 We didn't go summary, I did right.
01:00:30 And notice again.
01:00:35 He's already built the rapport and some of this.
01:00:38 This continues to go.
01:00:39 On throughout and that woman, that's the the the patient advocate or whatever.
01:00:44 I don't know.
01:00:44 You call the.
01:00:45 You know that Lady of the left?
01:00:46 She does the she plays that role as well.
01:00:51 She's already in isolation.
01:00:53 You know, she's in the small room.
01:00:55 With, you know she's.
01:00:56 She's the furthest from the door.
01:00:58 She's, you know, physically blocked by the the guy who's physically, you know, compared to her physically intimidating.
01:01:06 They've he's already asked her a bunch of mundane questions.
01:01:11 He's offered her food.
01:01:14 They've talked about like, oh, you know, oh, we're from the same area, stuff like that.
01:01:19 He's established the baseline.
01:01:22 And you know, we can assume that the paper, I don't think that this happened on camera because I didn't.
01:01:28 See it, but we can assume if she's in this room with her grandma the you know, the technical aspects have been taken care of.
01:01:36 You know, they've signed zip papers.
01:01:40 And now he's asking very open-ended questions.
01:01:45 Because now he has the baseline.
01:01:49 And now he can start looking for her to act weird.
01:01:53 Answer things weird, describe things weird.
01:01:58 Just anything that looks out of the ordinary in contrast to when she was talking about just normal everyday **** just a second ago.
Speaker 22
01:02:11 All right, we're going to start from.
01:02:14 Wednesday morning.
01:02:15 Let's just kind of start there.
01:02:17 Walk me through from the time you woke up in the morning.
01:02:20 Woke up in the.
01:02:21 Morning and walked me through exactly what happened.
Speaker 6
01:02:24 We didn't go.
01:02:25 Somewhere that day.
01:02:25 Right.
01:02:26 OK.
01:02:27 So I woke up.
01:02:31 Got ready.
01:02:32 And I went out to go get the bus, but have missed the bus because it doesn't usually pick me up.
01:02:37 OK, so I went back to the house and my.
01:02:39 Grandma gave me right to.
01:02:40 School. So I went.
01:02:42 To school OK.
01:02:46 I was there all day and then I came home on the bus and I got home around 3:00.
01:02:54 No, 433334.
01:02:58 I get home around there.
01:03:00 And I just hung out my room for.
01:03:01 A little while.
01:03:02 And then I went for a walk around.
01:03:07 435 something like that and.
01:03:11 I was just.
01:03:12 Walking around in the forest for a while.
01:03:14 And I was supposed to take my little.
01:03:15 Sister with me.
01:03:16 But I ditched.
01:03:17 Her since she's annoying.
Speaker 17
01:03:19 OK.
Speaker 6
01:03:20 And I was just walking around in the forest and then for about an hour, I came back.
01:03:28 536.
01:03:31 And I went up in my room and I heard, like, Emma yelling.
01:03:37 So I went outside and I like she was down and.
01:03:43 So now at this point, he's kind of.
01:03:47 Giving her a enough rope to hang herself, essentially.
01:03:53 Letting her talk all she wants.
01:03:56 And just if you're listening to the recording here, it did disconnect.
01:04:00 Which is a little it.
01:04:01 Really kind of bums me out.
01:04:02 Because I I finally got the the land cable. You know adapter for the space Internet so it's not using Wi-Fi.
01:04:11 And now it's not reconnecting.
01:04:14 What the ****?
01:04:15 It usually reconnects right away.
01:04:18 Why is it not reconnecting?
01:04:24 I'm going to try this.
01:04:31 What if Odyssey went down?
01:04:32 This might be an odyssey problem.
01:04:37 Because my internet's working.
01:04:46 That honestly eat ****.
01:04:53 Failed to connect to streaming service.
01:05:03 Alright, I'm gonna tell people in chat.
01:05:16 Alright, let me try this again.
01:05:21 Well, now it's working OK.
01:05:34 Our michaelus just type the rest of the stream and chat.
01:05:44 All right.
01:05:45 Well, we're back, guys.
01:05:49 I'm just going to keep playing this.
01:05:50 Basically what I was saying.
01:05:53 When it disconnected.
01:05:55 Is that he's giving her enough rope to hang herself.
01:05:58 Notice how he doesn't really interject that often.
01:06:01 He just lets her go and go and go because imagine, just psychologically, what that does is if you know, like you don't know what this guy knows.
01:06:12 You have no idea what he knows.
01:06:14 You suspect that this.
01:06:16 I mean, it's kind of serious if you, you know, if you've done something horrible and you're in the police station and they're asking you questions about the day that you did that horrible thing.
01:06:27 And then they just say, what does Tom?
01:06:29 Describe your day.
01:06:32 And then.
01:06:32 Just leave it open.
01:06:35 Look, and I've been interrogated by police.
01:06:39 Hey, I told you when I was 13, I wouldn't being a kid to.
01:06:43 Death with rocks but.
Speaker 2
01:06:45 Doesn't mean I was an Angel.
01:06:51 They do this **** and it ***** with your head.
01:06:57 So anyway, I'll let that keep going here.
Speaker 6
01:07:01 Like ditch area and she was stuck in Bourges somewhere down there and I helped her out.
01:07:09 And she asked me why I was waiting.
01:07:13 Because you know.
01:07:14 But on my period and like, yeah, don't tell me what that.
01:07:15 OK.
01:07:19 So this is where she tells the lie that oh, you know, first I walked around, I just, I walked into, I got home from school and I just walked into the forest and just walked around.
01:07:32 And then, because she knows kind of the timeline. Right, she says. Ohh. And then I came home. Like ohh like 6:00. And you know, you could establish that I was there because then my little sister.
01:07:46 Uh said that.
01:07:49 You know, she started screaming because she was stuck in, like, some briar patch.
01:07:53 I don't know.
01:07:54 There's some thorny Bush or something.
01:07:56 So I went downstairs to help her and and then she, you know, so she saw that I was there at 6:00.
01:08:03 And then she saw the blood.
01:08:05 But I said it was, you know, I was saying my periods don't tell anyone.
Speaker 6
01:08:09 So we went.
01:08:09 Up there.
01:08:11 And my brother Anthony were asking about Elizabeth.
01:08:16 Because these she was supposed to be at.
01:08:18 Home or something?
01:08:19 OK.
01:08:20 And I didn't really.
01:08:22 Think much of it?
01:08:23 So we just went back to the house and.
01:08:25 Then started to get ready to.
01:08:26 Go to church cause we have Wednesday night activities.
Speaker 9
01:08:29 OK.
Speaker 6
01:08:30 And Anthony came and he's like he was head on the door and.
01:08:34 He was like, do you know Elizabeth is cause?
01:08:36 Couldn't buy.
01:08:37 And that's when they started to get, you know.
01:08:39 People were like, ohh what's going?
01:08:41 On like, where is she?
01:08:43 But we ended up going to church and.
01:08:47 So then she went to church.
01:08:52 This will this will be important later.
01:08:56 So, you know, she said.
01:08:57 Oh, yeah, my little brother came and said that we can't find this little girl.
01:09:02 She was just here, and now she's missing.
01:09:03 You know where she is?
01:09:04 No, no, but we're we're go to church.
01:09:06 I'm sure it's fine.
Speaker 6
01:09:09 A lot of stuff happened while we were there because it's from 7:00 to 8:15 Ish.
01:09:14 And when we came back, it was.
01:09:17 3 shared cars in our property and those.
01:09:20 People out.
01:09:21 So then when she gets back home from.
01:09:23 Church because that was a Wednesday night activity night.
01:09:27 Then she realizes that it's serious.
01:09:30 Can't find the little girl?
01:09:35 All right, once again. So we're still, we're in the open-ended questions.
Speaker 22
01:09:48 So you're thinking it was last week?
01:09:49 When you did that, yes.
01:09:53 OK.
01:09:54 So then he's like, well, you know.
01:09:58 We know you dug this weird hole.
01:10:03 And let me show you the picture of the hole again.
01:10:12 You just you dug this grave shaped hole.
01:10:16 I mean, you said you did it.
01:10:19 And again, the cop is he's playing.
01:10:22 He's playing stupid.
01:10:24 We're not at the phase where you start accusing them yet.
01:10:29 You're you're you're still doing open-ended questions like oh, oh, so you just you just dug this hole out there? OK, you just dug that hole. Alright, that sounds kind of normal.
Speaker 22
01:10:42 So you're thinking it was last week when you?
Speaker 6
01:10:44 Did that, yes.
Speaker 22
01:10:48 Why did you dig that hole?
Speaker 6
01:10:51 Because I was bored.
01:10:53 And I felt like doing something.
Speaker 9
01:10:55 The most.
Speaker 22
01:10:56 Tell me about that hole.
01:11:00 She just dug it because she was bored and she felt like digging a hole.
Speaker 22
01:11:06 Though is a very specific hole, I mean very.
01:11:10 Is a very unique hole I should say.
01:11:12 Are all of your holes?
01:11:13 Like that, no?
01:11:20 Are all of your holes like that?
Speaker 2
01:11:28 Ohh boy.
01:11:40 So to give it some context, I cut like this.
01:11:43 This interview is like 3 hours long, so I chopped out a whole lot of it obviously.
01:11:48 But she she earlier is saying, hey, I just I dig holes all the time and the grandma verifies this is kind of an interesting and you'll see.
01:11:59 Well, you'll see a change.
01:12:01 But another interesting thing to observe here is the grandmother sees nothing weird about this yet, like nothing.
01:12:10 The the grandmother seems nothing weird about, well, a girl went missing.
01:12:16 That was at my house and uh, my granddaughter, whose parents are are.
01:12:22 Awful and probably should be euthanized.
01:12:26 Which is why I'm having to take care of their children.
01:12:30 You know, she she's out in the forest digging graves.
01:12:35 And that sounds totally normal to me.
01:12:39 No, I bet she the grandma's even, like oh.
01:12:41 Yeah, I've seen.
01:12:42 Her dig holes.
Speaker 9
01:12:45 You're the grandma.
01:12:46 That doesn't notice that on the walls of of her granddaughters bedroom, there's like weird emo poetry literally written in blood.
01:12:57 That you know.
01:12:58 No, no, no alarm.
01:12:59 Bells going off there.
Speaker 22
01:13:03 You dug the whole so you know you know.
01:13:05 What I'm talking.
01:13:06 About yes, that was a very, very unique hole.
Speaker 6
01:13:13 I guess.
01:13:15 I was digging, I mean whatever shape comes to mind, I was just.
01:13:22 Entertaining myself.
01:13:26 See, this is where you start seeing the the stress response.
01:13:30 Where she's she's now rocking back and forth in the chair very rhythmically.
01:13:36 She keeps flipping her hair.
01:13:40 And her head to the side.
01:13:42 Her hands are gripped in front of her really tightly.
01:13:48 The grandma doesn't seem to to be processing this yet.
01:13:55 Even though her grandfather was like, yeah, just, you know, I just sometimes I dig holes, you know, whatever shape, I don't know, just whatever.
01:14:02 I feel like digging, you know, none my holes are not all the same.
Speaker 10
01:14:09 The reason I'm.
Speaker 22
01:14:10 Asking I just, it just seems like.
01:14:13 And you can understand why, as if people were out and was looking for if looking for a person, if they were lost or, God forbid, looking for, or if they thought it was a, you know, God forbid a body, why they would be alarmed by that whole because they're.
01:14:30 You know.
01:14:31 Come along a hole.
01:14:35 So anyway.
01:14:37 Yeah, they find this hole.
01:14:41 That she has admitted to digging for no reason.
01:14:46 But another thing he's starting to do is he's giving her notice how excited she gets when he this is.
01:14:54 It's not a part of what he's what he's doing with the the the ultimate interrogation in terms of creating narratives, but in it, in in a minor way it is.
01:15:03 Where you give them an option like.
01:15:06 OK, well, you've dug the hole, but I mean, you can understand why people might think it's a grave, right?
01:15:12 I mean, they're looking for this little and look how she relaxes immediately and agree he's like, oh, yes, yes.
01:15:17 You know, like I could, of course, that makes sense.
01:15:20 I, but I know I.
01:15:21 Know it, it looks weird.
01:15:24 It looks weird and obs just disconnected again.
01:15:29 Man, it's reconnected and it's disconnected.
01:15:33 Yeah, it's reconnected.
01:15:34 This is a fun game and it's disconnected and it's reconnected.
01:15:37 Jesus Christ.
01:15:41 Is it?
01:15:42 Are you done?
01:15:43 Are you done?
01:15:45 All right.
01:15:46 Nope, we're not done yet.
01:15:49 Are we good now?
01:15:52 I guess we're good now.
01:15:54 This, by the way, I'm I'm.
01:15:56 Not 100% sure, I think this is.
01:16:00 This is odyssey because my Internet was still working when it wasn't working before.
01:16:05 But anyway anyway.
01:16:11 Enough of holes.
01:16:15 Let's move on into further in.
01:16:19 The interview.
Speaker 6
01:16:21 Just digging I mean.
01:16:24 Whatever shape comes to mind, I was just.
01:16:28 Entertaining myself.
Speaker 9
01:16:32 Add twitch.
Speaker 22
01:16:32 The reason I'm asking, I just.
01:16:34 Entertain myself head twitch.
Speaker 22
01:16:37 So think a perfect rectangle about 3 feet by about four and a half 5 foot straight shallow marks down about as you described.
01:16:47 When I talked to you out there.
01:16:49 About that deep.
01:16:53 Straight down the first few inches of dirt you know up until you get to that real hard packed dirt, almost as if somebody were digging down.
01:17:03 Got to the point to where you got to those roots and that hard dirt and.
01:17:06 Realize it's too hard to dig.
01:17:08 Do you see?
Speaker 6
01:17:09 What I mean, yeah.
Speaker 22
01:17:11 And so that's why so many people I think were alarmed by that hole because that's the kind of hole.
01:17:17 That we as investigators.
01:17:20 Typically see when when we find a body under.
01:17:24 So I think that's why there were so many people alarmed by that.
01:17:29 So that's the reason I was asking you.
01:17:32 Most people, if they were just going to bury a body.
01:17:34 Or something out there.
01:17:36 You know they did.
01:17:37 I'm digging a hole, but I can just dig hole, but for a 15 year old girl to dig a perfectly rectangle.
01:17:46 Three by 4-5 square rectangle hole.
01:17:51 It just caught a lot of people as.
01:17:56 Very odd.
Speaker 6
01:17:57 Yeah, makes sense it.
Speaker 22
01:17:58 What do you think about that?
Speaker 6
01:18:01 Well, I guess you know the timing for digging that hole was definitely not.
Speaker 22
01:18:07 Have you ever done the whole like that before?
Speaker 6
01:18:13 I've buried animals, Sir, up in behind the house.
01:18:16 There's like a little hill that goes up and there's trees and there's, like, a little gravish site.
01:18:21 We dug holes for.
Speaker 3
01:18:22 And cats, OK.
Speaker 22
01:18:24 I mean, did you?
01:18:25 Because what I'm trying to do is so that I can go out.
01:18:29 You know, be able to tell some of these other agents that look this, you know, this wasn't, you know, she wasn't digging a grave side.
01:18:35 She's dug holes like this before.
01:18:37 So are there other sides?
01:18:40 Now you can see.
01:18:42 This narrative that he's spinning right, giving her out.
01:18:47 Is working on the grandmother behind him.
01:18:49 You'll see her nodding.
01:18:51 Her head like.
01:18:51 Ohh yeah, because she's probably starting to figure out like this is a little.
01:18:55 This is a little weird.
01:18:56 I guess that my granddaughter was digging this grave shaped.
01:19:00 Hole behind her house.
01:19:03 And you know.
01:19:04 But now, because she she's she doesn't move at all.
01:19:08 She's like, locked in her chair.
01:19:10 But the second.
01:19:12 The second he start like like pay attention to her head bobbing like up and down the second he starts building this narrative.
01:19:21 Mother. **** OBS. We're not OBS, but Odyssey doesn't matter. I'm still going to keep.
01:19:27 Killing the 2nd that he starts creating this alternative possibility.
01:19:33 That you know, there was, you know, I just need to be.
01:19:37 I just need to be able to go outside the room and tell the experts the whole experts.
01:19:42 That we've got.
01:19:44 No, no, it's not a problem.
01:19:47 It's not a problem guy.
01:19:48 She's not digging graves.
01:19:51 It's just, you know, it's just that she likes to dig holes.
01:19:55 And the second he does that, the grandmother starts to nod her head.
01:20:04 Now I'm going to stop the stream and start it because that seems to.
01:20:09 Maybe it worked better.
01:20:13 ******* hell, I was all excited because I had my cable thinking like God, no more disconnects.
01:20:21 We're kind of streaming now.
01:20:27 Well, tell everyone chat back again.
01:20:30 I think maybe Jesus.
01:20:35 OK.
01:20:38 Now that we're now that people are back.
01:20:43 Watch the grandma's head bobbing as soon as he creates the alternative theory that I just I just need to go out.
01:20:51 I need to tell people outside that you're not a grave digger.
Speaker 22
01:20:55 I mean did.
01:20:55 You because what I'm trying to do is so that I can go out here.
01:21:00 You know, be able to tell some of these other agents that look this.
01:21:02 You know this?
01:21:03 Wasn't, you know, she wasn't digging a grave side?
01:21:05 She's got holes like this before.
01:21:08 So, are there other sites you could show us that would be perfect?
01:21:08 See now the grandma's nodding her head.
01:21:11 Not here.
01:21:11 Like Ohh thank God my.
01:21:13 Yeah, that that sounds that sounds good.
Speaker 22
01:21:14 Rectangle like this?
01:21:15 Or is this the only time you dug a hole just like that?
01:21:18 Because if there is another hole like that you could show.
Speaker 6
01:21:20 Us I think that's only a hole that's not.
01:21:22 Filled in.
Speaker 22
01:21:23 That's like, well, it doesn't matter if it's filled in or not.
01:21:25 We have experts out there that can look at.
01:21:27 That, and I mean these guys.
01:21:29 So now this is borderline.
01:21:44 The false evidence where he says, well, we've already got the evidence, it's better to tell us this is a a version of that where he's saying, Oh well, no, it doesn't matter if it's filled in.
01:21:56 We have experts that can go in and find all your filled in holes look.
01:22:02 Whether or not he does doesn't really matter.
01:22:05 He's trying.
01:22:05 He's trying to say that if you don't tell us the truth.
01:22:11 We have this other means of obtaining the truth.
Speaker 22
01:22:17 This the only time you dug a hole just like that, because if there is another hole like that, you could.
Speaker 6
01:22:22 Show us either that's only a hole that's not built in.
01:22:25 That's like.
Speaker 22
01:22:25 Well, it doesn't matter if it's filled in or not.
01:22:27 We have experts out.
01:22:28 There that can.
01:22:29 Look at that.
01:22:29 And I mean these guys can.
01:22:32 It doesn't matter if it's a year old, they can.
01:22:35 They have some or they can run right over it and they can tell you the shape, the depth, the whole thing.
01:22:40 And these we're talking about guys that have.
01:22:43 The FBI, they have instruments that can do just about everything.
01:22:49 So I mean, if there is one that you can point out, we can show love.
01:22:52 This is, you know, this girl loves to dig holes in certain shapes and that way they they'll calm down and that you know, nobody will think.
01:22:58 You know it's it's different.
01:23:01 See and again the grandma is grasping to this, this other, this other theory, this other narrative that he's he's spitting to get her just to talk about it in the context of like, oh, I'm just a weirdo that digs holes.
01:23:15 Anyway, moving right along.
Speaker 22
01:23:20 I want to ask.
01:23:20 You just some opinion questions here and what?
01:23:24 What do you think happened to Elizabeth?
Speaker 6
01:23:29 I really don't think she would run away.
01:23:33 Because she's 9.
01:23:38 They've been searching for two days, never bought any sign of her.
01:23:42 So I I think that maybe someone kidnapped her or something.
01:23:48 Whole thing.
01:23:49 I don't know what else to do.
Speaker 14
01:23:54 But she had easily been lured into a car.
01:23:57 I mean, was she that kind of girl?
01:23:59 Don't. I don't know.
Speaker 16
01:24:01 When she I mean.
Speaker 21
01:24:02 When she been like it with a kitten.
Speaker 6
01:24:04 Mean maybe you'd.
01:24:08 Have to ask her mom, sure.
Speaker 22
01:24:10 Do you?
01:24:11 I mean, do you?
01:24:11 Think somebody did something to her.
01:24:14 You said.
Speaker 6
01:24:15 That seems most likely because I don't.
01:24:17 Think she'd be the.
01:24:18 Kind of person.
01:24:19 That would like hide.
01:24:21 Or stay out all night or anything like that.
Speaker 22
01:24:25 OK.
01:24:27 So that was a failed attempt.
01:24:30 At getting her to, to again asking this open-ended question where you can't say yes or no, you just say, well, what do you think happened to her?
01:24:40 Because if she starts describing a murder scene that you know only the murderer would know, you know some detail or something like that, then that would be that.
Speaker 22
01:24:53 Is there anybody in that area you can think?
01:24:55 Of that would.
01:24:57 I mean the comes.
01:24:58 To mind that you would think.
01:24:59 That that would.
01:25:01 That would do that.
01:25:03 Is there anybody that knowing your neighbors that you?
Speaker 6
01:25:05 Would know that.
01:25:07 There is a lot of cars to drive down.
01:25:09 That highway, OK.
Speaker 22
01:25:12 A couple, just a few opinion questions to just ask in your opinion because.
01:25:18 What type of person do you think would do this?
01:25:20 Sort of thing.
01:25:21 To a nine year old girl.
01:25:27 Now this is another trick that I don't have in my interrogation techniques list.
01:25:35 It's basically a.
01:25:38 It forces them to psychologically.
01:25:44 What they have done.
01:25:46 Right.
01:25:46 Like the cop thinks she's.
01:25:48 She's done it.
01:25:49 But there's there's there's two things that I mean.
01:25:53 If they're dumb.
01:25:55 Yeah, there's like the old the old saying, where or the old tactic, it's almost as as old as, like reverse psychology, which is why it doesn't really work on anyone that's, you know, triple digit IQ but.
01:26:09 If you asked someone like, what do you think should happen to the person that does this to the person who did it?
01:26:15 You know, they might say like, oh, I think you should be understanding and, you know, try to like, you know, be easy on them.
01:26:20 And and if they say Oh no, that you should, you should hang.
01:26:23 Them you know.
01:26:25 Depending on how they answer that question, you can.
01:26:28 Learn a lot about.
01:26:29 You know where their heads at, but in addition to that, it forces them to psychologically face themselves.
01:26:37 Because they're having they know who did it.
01:26:40 So they're, but they're having.
01:26:42 To right in front of you.
01:26:44 Confront the fact, even if it's internally, that they've done it.
01:26:51 Now this girl isn't completely stupid, so she doesn't fall for it, but.
Speaker 6
01:26:55 That's a sick person, like someone that.
01:27:03 Put down all their morals.
01:27:05 And just take a 9 year old girl.
Speaker 22
01:27:10 Whenever we find out what happened to her, if.
01:27:12 Somebody did something to her.
01:27:15 What do you think should happen?
Speaker 6
01:27:20 I think they should.
01:27:22 OK.
01:27:27 Well, yeah, because all the.
01:27:30 Trouble that they caused him so.
Speaker 22
01:27:34 I'm gonna ask you because I ask everybody.
01:27:39 Did you do anything to Elizabeth?
01:27:42 Did you cause her disappearance?
01:27:45 Did you kill her?
01:27:47 Do you know where she's at right now?
Speaker 4
01:27:53 I I may have, I may have.
01:27:55 I'm new to this like.
01:28:00 So Elizabeth was playing with Emma.
Speaker 22
01:28:03 That's my understanding.
01:28:06 And when was that?
Speaker 6
01:28:10 Ohh they were.
01:28:11 Sometime after I had gone in divorced cause I guess I'ma just decided to go over the Olympics.
Speaker 10
01:28:16 After you ran away.
01:28:18 She went to find somebody new to play.
01:28:23 OK so.
01:28:25 They clearly don't believe her.
Speaker 22
01:28:30 We, as law enforcement, you know, we're we're obviously, we don't know everything that's going on yet because we haven't.
01:28:38 Now this is an example of.
01:28:41 It's kind of false evidence, but it's actual evidence and we'll I'll show it.
01:28:46 The actual evidence is pretty ****** **.
Speaker 22
01:28:50 We, as law enforcement, you know, we're we're obviously, we don't know everything that's going on yet because we haven't.
Speaker 3
01:28:57 Found it yet.
Speaker 22
01:29:01 So we're looking at all avenues with this right now and.
01:29:08 We talked to a lot of people and and and I can tell you though we there's some people that we have talked to that we don't feel we're telling the.
01:29:16 Full truth yet?
01:29:18 And that's why we go around.
01:29:20 We collect a lot.
01:29:20 Of stuff because we don't always know what.
01:29:23 Is the evidence and what isn't.
01:29:26 So sometimes we collect things that we don't.
01:29:28 We don't know if they're evidence or not.
01:29:30 So we collect.
01:29:31 Things just in case.
01:29:33 And that's why they go to your house and they, you know, just in case, because that sort of thing.
01:29:38 So they collect a lot of things.
01:29:42 Such as your diary.
01:29:45 Such as your diary.
01:29:50 She was not aware that they had collected her diary.
01:29:56 The grandma knows, but she's oblivious.
01:30:01 Now the reason why.
01:30:03 She might be concerned.
01:30:07 That they collected her.
01:30:12 Her diary.
01:30:13 Well, I'll show you what her diary had.
01:30:17 And now some of you might remember this case.
01:30:22 Her diary had an entry.
01:30:25 That she had.
01:30:27 And it was the.
01:30:28 Day of the murder.
01:30:30 Which spoiler alert the little girl got murdered.
01:30:36 She had crossed out completely this entry in her diary.
01:30:42 As if you know forensic people can't just, you know, figure that one out.
01:30:47 Well, this is what her diary said.
01:30:52 I just ******* killed someone.
01:30:55 I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them.
01:30:59 Now they're dead.
01:31:01 I don't know how to feel at the moment.
01:31:03 It was amazing.
01:31:06 As soon as you get over the.
01:31:08 Oh, my God, I can't do this feeling.
01:31:11 It's pretty enjoyable.
01:31:13 I'm kind of nervous and shaky though right now.
01:31:16 OK, gotta go to church now lol.
01:31:28 So some of you might remember this case.
01:31:33 From a little bit ago.
01:31:37 OK. Again I just.
01:31:38 ******* killed someone again.
01:31:40 There's a nine.
01:31:41 Year old girl.
01:31:44 I just ******* nine is a seven.
01:31:47 I think she's 17.
01:31:48 Or maybe she's 15.
01:31:51 15 year old or you know 1516 or somewhere in there, emo girl.
01:31:57 Just killed a nine year old girl.
01:32:00 Writes in her diary.
01:32:03 I just ******* killed someone.
01:32:06 I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them.
01:32:09 Now they're dead.
01:32:11 I don't know how to feel, and she's even using, like, annoying Twitter.
01:32:17 Abbreviations or Reddit abbreviations in her diary.
01:32:22 I don't know how to feel at the moment.
01:32:24 It was amazing.
01:32:27 As soon as you get over the.
01:32:28 Oh, my God, I can't do this feeling.
01:32:30 It's pretty enjoyable.
01:32:33 I'm kind of nervous and shaky, though.
01:32:34 Right now Kay got to go to church now lol.
01:32:46 So she knows they have that.
01:32:50 No, because he just told her.
01:32:54 That they have that.
01:32:55 So that to give you some context.
01:32:59 She didn't know they had her.
01:33:02 Her diary until that moment.
Speaker 22
01:33:09 It's just in case and that's why they go to your house and they, you know, just in case because that sort of thing so.
01:33:16 They collect a.
01:33:17 Lot of things.
01:33:19 Such as your diary and the shovels.
01:33:20 And the shows.
Speaker 22
01:33:25 Do you think they went through your diary?
Speaker 6
01:33:28 If they collected it, then most likely.
01:33:40 That's the uncomfortable stare of.
01:33:43 You know you're ******.
01:33:44 I know you're ******.
01:33:48 So it fits under the false evidence, but it's it's real and she knows it's real.
01:33:54 We've already got the evidence.
01:33:57 You better just tell us.
01:33:58 But I'm not gonna accuse and.
01:33:59 And the grandma still seems like oblivious.
01:34:06 So they talk about that.
01:34:08 He keeps trying to get her to, to explain why, why he might be bringing up her diary and she's acts like, I don't know, it's like how I dig holes everywhere, I don't know.
Speaker 22
01:34:19 Even if you write something down.
01:34:23 It doesn't matter.
01:34:24 Let's say you write it.
01:34:25 Down in pencil.
01:34:28 And then you take the pen.
01:34:32 And try real hard.
01:34:35 To scratch it out.
01:34:38 That doesn't make.
01:34:39 It go away.
01:34:42 It's still there.
01:34:48 And forensically and actually you don't even need a.
01:34:52 Whole lot of friends, it's.
01:34:54 If you hold it up to a wall.
01:34:56 You can see what was written.
01:35:00 And then when that's processed.
01:35:06 Every word.
01:35:07 Every stroke.
01:35:09 Is still there.
01:35:15 Can you hear me?
01:35:21 Seeing the grandma still just.
01:35:24 Rocking back and forth and the chair seems totally at ease.
01:35:27 Oh, he just must be saying this to.
01:35:30 Try to get her to say something.
01:35:34 And then you get another really long and comfortable stare.
Speaker 22
01:35:38 We've read your diary.
01:35:41 Including the last entry.
01:35:45 We've read your diary, including the last entry.
01:35:51 And now Grandma starts to starts a little bit to figure it out.
01:36:26 It's a long pause.
01:36:40 Notice how grandma's not laxie daisie Kelly.
01:36:44 Swiveling in her chair anymore?
01:36:47 She's like, OK.
01:36:49 Something's definitely weird now.
Speaker 22
01:36:55 We both know what we're talking about.
01:37:00 So now she kind of.
01:37:02 She's given the first foot in the door.
01:37:06 We both know what I'm talking about here, and she goes.
01:37:17 So now he's going to continue on that strategy of that I can.
01:37:20 Find this anyway.
01:37:22 But we're going to start to move into.
01:37:26 The the contrasting narratives.
01:37:29 Because now now it's on.
01:37:31 It's out in the world now.
01:37:33 Come on.
01:37:33 We both.
01:37:34 Know you did this.
01:37:36 But I still need more details from you.
Speaker 22
01:37:41 Tell us what happened.
01:37:43 OK.
Speaker 22
01:37:46 If this was an accident, that's fine, but we need the truth.
01:37:50 If this was an accident.
01:37:54 It's fine.
01:37:55 We just need the truth.
01:38:00 You haven't said anything.
01:38:01 See, that's The thing is, if it was an accident.
01:38:04 Well, what's it?
01:38:05 She hasn't said anything.
01:38:12 But he's going to get her to confess now.
01:38:16 Simply again, he hasn't said what's in the diary.
01:38:22 He just says we have your diary.
01:38:25 If it was an accident.
01:38:30 He's leaving it all up to.
01:38:31 Her to say it.
Speaker 22
01:38:32 Tell us what happened.
01:38:37 If this was an accident, that's fine, but.
01:38:39 We need the truth.
01:38:43 We have to know the truth.
01:38:45 That's all I'm asking for is whatever happens.
01:38:49 I have to know the truth.
01:38:52 This is not going to go away.
01:38:54 All I'm asking for is the truth.
01:38:59 I don't know what's in the diary.
01:39:01 Another tree.
Speaker 22
01:39:05 That's what I'm asking.
01:39:07 Tell us what happen.
01:39:16 If this isn't, if this was an accident, that's fine.
01:39:20 We can deal with that.
01:39:23 If it was an accident, it's fine.
01:39:26 We can deal with that.
01:39:29 See you giving the opponent the escape route.
Speaker 22
01:39:37 But I have to know what happen.
01:39:40 I have to know what the truth is.
01:39:50 Let's start at the beginning.
01:39:54 Is this something that was planned out or was this just an accident?
01:39:59 Seeing now, that's the competing narrative.
01:40:03 I've already offered you this narrative that.
01:40:05 It was an accident.
01:40:09 So and again, she hasn't confessed anything yet.
01:40:12 He hasn't even really said that he has any evidence yet.
01:40:18 But he's saying.
01:40:20 All right, well.
01:40:21 If this is an accident, this is fine.
01:40:23 We can deal with that.
01:40:24 And he does this for a while.
01:40:25 She's not taking the bait.
01:40:27 So then he gives her the alternative, the contrasting narrative.
01:40:32 I need to know was this an accident or did you plan it?
01:40:36 Did you plan it all?
Speaker 22
01:40:42 Let's start at the beginning.
01:40:46 Is this something that was planned out or was this just an accident?
Speaker 6
01:40:53 It was an accident.
01:40:57 It was an accident.
01:41:00 So she is now.
01:41:03 At least so far confessed.
01:41:08 To having done something with the girl, even if.
01:41:12 It was an accident.
Speaker 22
01:41:16 OK.
01:41:18 That's this.
01:41:19 This is a starting.
01:41:22 Alright. And then **** gets.
01:41:25 Kind of ****** ** and the grandma.
01:41:29 Finally learns that her granddaughter is a psycho.
01:41:38 So she starts to breakdown and he keeps pushing.
Speaker 6
01:41:53 We're just.
01:42:05 She go.
01:42:17 I didn't know what to do.
01:42:22 OK, so now because you provided that alternative narrative, she's now admitted.
01:42:28 To at least being present while the girl who up until this moment was just missing.
01:42:34 That she is now dead because they haven't, by the way, they haven't found the body anything.
01:42:38 Like that at this point.
01:42:41 So by giving her that that other narrative.
01:42:46 She said.
01:42:47 Ohh yeah, it was an accident.
01:42:49 She fell down.
01:42:50 She died.
01:42:50 Alright, well now.
01:42:51 We got her.
01:42:51 Admitting that that the little girl's dead.
Speaker 6
01:44:04 So I burned your body.
01:44:08 So now you get what all these people usually do when they're caught and they they realize, well, I've already started confessing.
01:44:19 The best I can do now is start to try to lower my culpability somehow.
01:44:25 So I'm going to say, you know, because she clearly doesn't know what it takes to burn a body that if the if the girl went missing at 6:00 and there was a search party in the in the forest like an hour later, they would notice like a burning ******* body, right?
01:44:43 But she wants to.
01:44:47 Try to hide evidence as much as possible.
01:44:50 Salvage the situation.
01:44:52 So she says.
01:44:53 Yeah, like, I don't know, she got her.
01:44:55 She died somehow in an accident.
01:44:56 And then I burned her body.
01:45:02 Which doesn't make any sense at all.
Speaker 22
01:45:10 How did she kill her?
01:45:13 See and now we have the assumptive.
01:45:19 How did you kill her?
01:45:22 How often do you beat your wife?
Speaker 22
01:45:26 How did she kill her?
Speaker 6
01:45:29 I didn't. She died.
Speaker 22
01:45:33 How did she die?
01:45:34 Nine year old.
01:45:35 Girls don't just die.
Speaker 6
01:45:37 We were messing around.
01:45:40 Go back.
Speaker 22
01:45:46 What's your throat cut?
Speaker 10
01:45:51 Yeah. Ohh.
01:46:04 Emma finally gets it.
Speaker 22
01:46:10 I'm not going to ask any questions, right?
01:46:11 Now until we get.
01:46:34 Take your time.
Speaker 23
01:46:40 Do you want?
Speaker 22
01:46:40 To drink water.
01:46:53 OK, so now grandma's gone.
01:46:57 Maybe you should, maybe you should have read the.
01:47:01 The writing on the wall literal writing on the wall in your home.
01:47:06 You know the writing written in blood on your wall.
01:47:13 So anyway, she goes on and they slowly whittle her down and she admits.
01:47:24 She wanted to know what it was like to kill someone.
01:47:28 She wanted to know what it was like.
01:47:30 To kill someone.
01:47:33 So she lured.
01:47:35 A little girl.
01:47:39 Into the forest.
01:47:42 She had already dug the grave.
01:47:45 The reason they found that empty grave was she started digging that and couldn't dig it deep enough.
01:47:53 So she gave up, moved to another location.
01:47:57 And dug another grave.
01:48:00 She didn't like the body on fire.
01:48:01 That was just some ******** that she said for no reason.
01:48:08 Trying to again salvage the situation somehow.
01:48:13 But she admits that yeah, she.
01:48:17 Choked the little girl, slit her throat and stabbed her.
01:48:25 And then threw her into the grave.
01:48:32 100% just to see.
01:48:34 What it was like?
01:48:41 And according to her, it was amazing.
01:48:51 Well, the thing that this thing, well, obviously there's multiple things this has in common with the the previous story, right.
01:48:59 Kids killing kids.
01:49:12 The National Organization of Juvenile Murderers.
01:49:15 I can't believe that's even a thing.
Speaker 8
01:49:17 But it is.
01:49:24 Alyssa will be eligible for parole in July of 2024.
01:49:33 Because of the same law.
01:49:36 That's a lot of letting a lot of these child killers out.
01:49:51 That was signed into law last year.
01:49:54 Senate Bill 26.
01:50:03 Senate Bill 26.
01:50:09 So she'll be paroled, or at least it's very possible.
01:50:17 Now another bit of evidence.
01:50:20 That uh.
01:50:23 He doesn't mention in the interview and you'll see why.
01:50:28 Yeah, here's the thing.
01:50:29 This girl was she had you know.
01:50:36 Obviously there was some neglect for her grandma to not notice the the the writing and blood on the wall type ****, right?
01:50:44 But she had her, you know?
01:50:46 Obviously she was fed.
01:50:47 She had a place to be.
01:50:49 She had friends at school.
01:50:51 She had like a AB average, they said.
01:50:56 She had a boyfriend.
01:51:00 And this is the boyfriend.
01:51:03 It's more in here for Comic Relief than anything else just because of what he says at the end.
01:51:09 But she told the boyfriend.
01:51:13 That yeah, I.
01:51:14 Killed the little girl.
01:51:22 And this is some excerpts from that.
01:51:25 So for all you men out there thinking about dating an emo girl.
Speaker 19
01:51:32 What did she?
Speaker 7
01:51:32 Tell you.
Speaker 23
01:51:41 Called you.
Speaker 22
01:51:43 That she killed.
Speaker 7
01:51:46 She told you that?
01:51:47 She strangled her.
01:51:49 And what else?
01:51:51 Cutter, that's the detail that she just said.
01:52:02 She's scared. Of what?
01:52:05 Once you found out that.
01:52:09 I gave away information that got unlocked up.
01:52:13 When when she like adding up, failing and.
01:52:18 She comes, she finds out where I live because she's obsessed about it and kills everybody.
01:52:28 Get their own bill and she finds out.
01:52:31 Now they get take off their ankle bracelet and she comes and kills me in my sleep and my long.
01:52:38 And then finds.
01:52:39 Out where?
01:52:43 Sister wives and children.
01:52:49 Her and.
01:52:51 If I'm going to have any more.
01:52:53 Girlfriends like this?
01:53:00 Well, yes, I thought all crazy.
Speaker 22
01:53:04 I guess that's understandable.
01:53:08 So, so, there you go.
01:53:12 I'm scared.
01:53:13 If I'm never going to.
01:53:14 Have any more girlfriends like this?
01:53:16 Well, if you keep dating emo girls.
01:53:19 Entirely possible.
01:53:22 Entirely possible.
Speaker 2
01:53:28 Oh boy.
01:53:35 Look, look how cute she is, guys.
01:53:38 You know, and The thing is, you know.
01:53:41 If she gets out on parole.
01:53:44 They'll be they'll be someone willing to take care of that.
01:53:52 More so than that, that ginger ****.
01:54:00 So anyway.
01:54:03 Now I mentioned earlier.
01:54:08 That if you look at these these.
01:54:11 Interrogation methods.
01:54:16 That it would be interesting to look at this and say, well, how could we maybe apply?
01:54:20 I mean look, because our entire ruling class.
01:54:24 It's criminal.
01:54:25 I think it's safe.
01:54:25 To say you know.
Speaker 9
01:54:26 Clothes like you.
01:54:27 Know, I mean we we know we know the corruption is on both sides of the aisle and we know it's almost total.
01:54:34 And that anyone that's even a little bit of an anomaly and isn't corrupted either they get corrupted or they get kicked out.
01:54:42 Of the system.
01:54:43 And that rule of law is gone.
01:54:46 I did an entire video about it called rule of law is dead.
01:54:49 Highly recommend checking that out because literally nothing has changed.
01:54:55 It's still dead.
01:54:58 And so as as a public, you know how do we is, is there a way?
01:55:05 That we can use these strategies and methods.
01:55:10 Against the ruling class.
01:55:14 Look, the answer is no.
01:55:15 But let's let's.
01:55:16 Go over why?
01:55:17 All right, now lot.
01:55:20 It's got to be metaphorical, right?
01:55:21 Because it's not like we we're going to be in a position to to snag these people and and and throw them in an interrogation room, right?
01:55:29 Well, what's the first thing?
01:55:34 How how can we isolate them?
01:55:37 They've isolated us.
01:55:39 With lockdowns.
01:55:42 While they they continue to go to their parties.
01:55:47 So you have no power to isolate them.
01:55:52 To make them feel trapped.
01:55:54 To make them feel like the the the spotlight is on them.
01:55:59 Build rapport.
01:56:01 Well, that's impossible a because they have, they feel.
01:56:07 No necessity.
01:56:10 To ingratiate themselves to you because you're you're, you're just, you're not even people.
01:56:18 So you can't bid.
01:56:19 Rapport with them.
01:56:21 You're not even people.
01:56:24 And what could you offer them?
01:56:28 You can't offer them for eggs.
01:56:29 You could offer them bribes.
01:56:31 If you've got a ton.
01:56:32 Of money.
01:56:34 You can't highlight similarities because you have nothing similar.
01:56:41 And because of this, finally This is why they get away with it.
01:56:45 It's impossible to establish a baseline.
01:56:51 It's like the old saying.
01:56:52 How do you know if a politician is is lying?
01:56:54 His lips are moving right?
01:57:01 It's impossible to.
01:57:02 Know how creepy, creepy Joe is?
01:57:05 Cause you never get any other version.
01:57:09 Because they feel no need to hide it.
01:57:15 Waiver of rights.
01:57:18 Well, where is your authority for that?
01:57:21 Where's your jurisdiction for that is, is that cues job?
01:57:24 It's queuing on that going to take care of that part for us.
01:57:32 And the open-ended questions stuff, right? The same thing. It's like, well, it doesn't matter. You can't establish a baseline in the first place.
01:57:38 And you know.
01:57:40 They they don't put themselves in any kind of position where you can't ask them open-ended questions. Sorry, the good old days where you could literally just walk down to your congressman's office.
01:57:48 Like walk inside.
01:57:50 They put a stop to that.
01:57:59 Now a lot of people just jumped right to the accusations.
01:58:05 But doesn't matter.
01:58:06 They never have to answer for.
01:58:11 The reason why centralized government?
01:58:15 It is such.
01:58:15 A bad idea in a country this large.
01:58:19 Is you have no access.
01:58:22 To these people.
01:58:25 You are never put in situations.
01:58:27 Where you can go through any of these processes.
01:58:39 Representative government used to be the people that actually represented your community.
01:58:47 People who held normal jobs.
01:58:50 In your community.
01:58:53 And simply had to go to Washington.
01:58:56 Almost like it was a pain in the ***.
01:59:03 In fact.
01:59:06 I think the system would work better.
01:59:09 Well, if we were still homogeneous now, it would be kind of who knows, it might be the same or I don't know how to get worse.
01:59:14 Actually, it's probably still be better.
01:59:17 If you just drafted politicians like there was a draft.
01:59:22 Like jury duty.
01:59:24 You know, like, ah damn it, I gotta be senator.
01:59:28 God dammit.
01:59:29 I gotta call into work.
01:59:30 I can't go into work this year.
01:59:34 I'm senator.
01:59:35 That's I've got the notice in the mail.
01:59:37 I have to be the the senator.
01:59:41 I feel like that would actually be better, even though you'd get like with the people in our society now.
01:59:46 You'd get some real *******.
01:59:47 That might be a.
01:59:48 Good thing.
01:59:49 Because everyone else would be getting ******* too.
01:59:51 Nothing would get.
01:59:52 Done. Be perfect.
02:00:00 Yeah, it sucks because we're at the we're at the accusations phase.
02:00:04 But deep down.
02:00:07 Deep down, we all want to be in that, looking for the surrender position phase.
02:00:17 But we have no mechanism to do that.
02:00:21 I mean, our law enforcement apparatuses are just as corrupt as anything else, I mean.
02:00:26 Christopher Wray, who by the way was put there by Trump.
02:00:31 Christopher Reyes solution to the literal treason going on the FBI as well.
02:00:38 Maybe we need more training.
02:00:42 All the OIG reports that detail, again, literal treason, nothing happened.
02:00:49 Peter struck's not.
02:00:50 In jail.
02:01:02 But what you.
02:01:03 Can learn from.
02:01:04 This is if you ever have any kind of.
02:01:08 Confrontation with law enforcement or something like that.
02:01:11 Really, the best the best advice is just to never literally never talk to.
02:01:16 Even if you're innocent, innocent, don't talk to him.
02:01:24 You never ******* talk to him.
02:01:29 You never volunteer your your time your words.
02:01:37 You never talk to them.
02:01:38 You never let them in your home.
02:01:50 That's, I guess that's the best lesson that we can take away from this.
02:02:01 And the other lesson, of course, is.
02:02:06 Stay away from girls like this.
02:02:26 I just like digging holes.
02:02:32 All right, take a look at.
02:02:33 Super chats and then uh.
02:02:40 Bail out here.
02:02:41 The Internet was.
02:02:43 I don't think it like.
02:02:44 I don't think it was space Internet too.
02:02:47 A is what I was.
02:02:48 Saying when I was disconnected so no one could hear me until you listen.
02:02:51 To the replay, I actually finally got the the the Wired connection adapter, so it's not over Wi-Fi today.
02:03:00 So I was like all excited like.
02:03:01 Oh ****, yeah.
02:03:02 We're not going to have any Internet connection problems and I what?
02:03:05 My actual Internet seem to be working much better.
02:03:08 I mean not that it worked crappy before but.
02:03:11 There were times where it would like it seemed to like not freeze, but kind of stall out a little bit and it didn't do any of that all day.
02:03:18 And I thought, oh sweet, perfect, cool.
02:03:23 And then so I think it was obviously especially as they.
02:03:29 Was trying to reconnect.
02:03:31 And I was able to talk.
02:03:32 And chat.
02:03:33 So I mean I.
02:03:34 Was clearly, you know, on the Internet.
02:03:37 It just wasn't connecting.
02:03:39 Oh, another thing. Just just.
02:03:42 This isn't for everybody, but for those of you.
02:03:46 I did.
02:03:47 I was playing around.
02:03:48 I'm going to say I was playing around a little bit radio fun.
02:03:53 And free banding is not dead. You know C's not even dead with this new solar cycle ****.
02:04:00 I heard people on CB and now obviously they were.
02:04:04 Probably using massive amplifiers or something.
02:04:09 I was hearing people on the like thousands of like on the other side of the country.
02:04:15 Like Florida?
02:04:17 Which is far away from me.
02:04:22 So with this solar cycle and for those of you who just want to like, maybe dip your toe.
02:04:27 And into the the radio thing.
02:04:30 You see these worthless in terms.
02:04:32 Of like the people you'll be talking to, right?
02:04:34 Like it's more like it'd be good for prepper comes to some extent for, you know, you know, in some cases.
02:04:42 But free banding, free banding, you know, not bad.
02:04:45 But yeah, the CB is chock full of people that I don't think have left CB like they've probably been on CB since the 70s and they've got their own weird language and lingo.
02:04:56 And whatever.
02:04:57 But yeah, I was hearing people all over the country.
02:05:00 It was kind of crazy anyway.
02:05:04 Purge all pedophiles at.
02:05:05 All costs.
02:05:07 Derek Chauvin is found guilty.
02:05:11 Of all charges, Columbine, ice SO420 Columbine High school massacre, Adolf's birthday, Waco purge, failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, 20 Jewish children used the medical experiments at new and gum.
02:05:31 Are killed in the basement of the Bullen Hooser dam.
02:05:35 And Chuck weed day.
02:05:39 There you go.
02:05:40 I know what that Jewish thing, though.
02:05:42 Sounds like possible propaganda.
02:05:47 It is 4/20 it is.
02:05:49 Well, it was. No, it's.
02:05:50 Not it is or was, dude.
02:05:52 Weed bro day and Uncle Adoff's birthday and all those other things.
02:06:00 Beach Boys, $10. Appreciate that. Hey, Kevin, love, your work. Just wanted to let you know that they put your cold weather mask on the Riddler in the new Batman. Did they really?
02:06:14 That's funny if they.
02:06:15 Did I want to see this ****?
02:06:19 For those of you don't know what he's.
02:06:20 Talking about.
02:06:21 I didn't want to wear a mask.
02:06:23 And briefly, it was weirdly only brief.
02:06:27 The When Biden said that you had to wear a mask inside of federal buildings that included the post office, which only enforced it for like a couple of weeks, and then they realized no one wanted to do it.
02:06:41 But I had to get my mail and I thought, well, if I'm going to wear a ******* mask, I'm going to wear the most terrifying mask.
02:06:50 I can find.
02:06:51 And so I wore a army surplus, extreme cold weather mask, which looks made me look like a psycho, which was great.
02:07:02 I have not seen the.
02:07:03 Let me see here.
Speaker 2
02:07:06 New Batman?
02:07:16 Oh yeah, he is wearing a.
02:07:21 World War 2.
02:07:23 Yeah, I've got this mask.
02:07:25 Oh, I should probably sell it on eBay.
02:07:26 All the nerds are going to want it.
02:07:30 Let me pull up a picture of it.
02:07:35 They're all grainy, there's no good pictures of it.
02:07:43 Why is every picture of this like really ******?
02:07:52 Is there no press photos of this?
02:08:01 Yeah, there's no there must be.
02:08:03 Is there, like, a teaser trailer or something where everyone got this image from, I don't know.
02:08:09 Yeah, they're so blocky.
02:08:11 It's like if I show you on the stream, I don't even like.
02:08:13 You can't even really tell what I mean.
02:08:14 I can tell because I have that mask.
02:08:17 You can't really see how creepy it is, and these photos are terrible.
02:08:23 Well, I'll, you know, whatever.
02:08:25 I'll still bring it up because I've been talking about it, but this is.
02:08:38 So that's the mask he's talking about.
02:08:43 Let me get a picture of just the mask.
02:09:07 Yeah, it's a terrifying.
02:09:08 It's a terrifying mask.
02:09:11 You get some funny looks when you wear it.
02:09:21 I'm not having a look with with images that I just trying to.
02:09:24 Find like a.
Speaker 2
02:09:26 Here we go.
02:09:39 So this is the mask.
02:09:51 Look at.
02:09:52 Look how look how base that guy looks.
02:09:58 That's me getting my mail.
Speaker 2
02:10:07 All right, that's pretty funny.
02:10:09 Good to know.
02:10:11 Cyanide pilled like your stuff.
02:10:13 Nice to have someone that talks about the things that you do and not be a spurge or ***** ** ****.
02:10:18 Well, I try not to be either one of those things.
02:10:23 Which, by the way, was true when I was 13.
02:10:26 Maybe I was slightly more of.
02:10:28 A spurge when I was 13.
02:10:30 But point being.
02:10:32 Yeah, if you're 13 and you're murdering toddlers.
02:10:36 There's no reason for you to remain alive if you're 15 and strangling and stabbing 9 year.
02:10:42 Old girls to death.
02:10:45 We shouldn't be talking about parole.
02:10:47 We shouldn't be talking about.
02:10:48 You at all.
02:10:50 And you're so good at digging holes.
02:10:53 You sure have dug your own grave.
02:10:59 Darius, $10 appreciate that. Thanks for the streams. I TuneIn. Any chance I get. Can we get a tribute for Uncle Adolf tonight for his birthday? I don't really have anything.
Speaker 2
02:11:15 I don't know what is this.
02:11:18 Well, let let me see.
02:11:20 I actually had something that uh.
02:11:29 Uh, I had some funny stuff.
Speaker 2
02:11:32 Let me see.
Speaker 12
02:11:39 UM.
02:11:48 OK, how about this?
02:11:49 This will work.
02:11:58 Well, that's not that awesome.
02:12:00 Let me find something else here.
02:12:09 OK this will work.
02:12:10 I got one.
02:12:19 Does that work for you guys?
02:12:25 OK.
02:12:31 Beach Boys, $10. Appreciate that. What do you think of Owen Benjamin? Does he fall into your category of conspiratard?
Speaker 9
02:12:38 Uh, I mean I.
02:12:39 Don't know.
02:12:39 I really kept up with.
02:12:43 With what he's been up to.
02:12:45 UM.
02:12:48 You know.
02:12:49 Like I said, I I don't, I don't like.
02:12:54 I don't like punching right or punching, you know.
02:12:58 He, as far as I know and like I said, I haven't kept up with this stuff, but.
02:13:02 As far as I know, he.
02:13:04 Is on our team, so you know there's stuff that he believes that I think is irrational, that I think is disconnected from reality.
02:13:15 But I, you know.
02:13:17 That is what it is.
Speaker 9
02:13:19 UM.
02:13:22 Identitarian have a tip, king?
02:13:24 Well, I appreciate that.
02:13:26 Even if it is only a $0.05 tip.
02:13:30 Molyneux's five cents. How?
02:13:34 You might as.
Speaker 2
02:13:35 Well, just keep it.
02:13:35 If it's just five cents.
02:13:40 Stribog can't wait for the West to start holing rubles, going to make me read Cyrillic.
02:13:50 I haven't done this for a while.
Speaker 2
02:13:56 It drives oh God, that one's going to be tough.
02:14:02 It drove.
Speaker 2
02:14:15 Ohh God, I haven't had a red Cyrillic in so long.
02:14:20 CLD 8.
02:14:29 No, I'm saying this all wrong.
02:14:32 Throat. Chest.
Speaker 2
02:14:34 What would that be?
02:14:40 I the TB one, I can't.
02:14:42 I don't remember how you.
02:14:43 Passed that or chest something?
02:14:47 Yeah, I tried.
02:14:48 I gave it a shot or chest vom right throw.
02:14:53 I don't know.
02:14:54 I'm sure I I'm sure I got that totally wrong.
02:14:56 But that was close.
02:14:58 Hopefully I sound like a ******** 2 year old Russian kid. Speaking of ******* ******** ****** $1.00. Appreciate that.
02:15:06 Are you going to be watching Nick Fontez versus Mr.
02:15:08 Medicor debate this Friday?
02:15:11 PS Coach Red Pill is still missing.
02:15:13 Please pray for him.
02:15:15 Yeah, I don't have a good feeling about the the coach red pill thing.
02:15:18 There's that ******* awful ****** that works, I think works for The Daily Beast.
02:15:25 That was basically.
02:15:27 Claiming responsibility.
02:15:30 For what happened there, for him being missing.
02:15:35 **** I.
02:15:35 I was gonna pull that video clip down.
02:15:37 It's so ******* awful.
02:15:39 I wonder if I can, I don't know.
02:15:40 Where I would find it though.
02:15:45 Let me see if I can find it real quick.
02:15:47 I mean it's it's it makes your blood boil.
02:15:49 If you want your.
02:15:51 If you want to feel like Fed posting.
02:16:09 I don't know if I'll be able to actually find this here.
02:16:15 Yeah, this thing I don't know where you would.
02:16:28 Let me see if I am I found it.
02:16:30 What is this?
02:16:48 Yeah, it's this monster right here, I think.
Speaker 9
02:16:49 Sarah Ashton Cirillo in harkov, Ukraine.
02:16:53 It's a dude going by the name of Sarah Ashton.
02:17:02 He posted it to his Twitter.
02:17:05 Let me see if I can find.
02:17:09 The video.
02:17:14 Twitter doesn't let you ******* just look at.
02:17:19 Twitter sucks so bad.
02:17:20 I ******* hate Twitter so much.
02:17:25 Yeah, if you want.
02:17:26 If you want to know, you know, at least somewhat responsible for him being missing.
02:17:39 It's this ******.
02:17:43 Named Sarah Ashton Cirillo.
02:17:47 Because diversity is our strength.
02:17:50 Where is this?
02:17:51 The video is ******* horrifying.
02:18:02 23 hours ago.
02:18:05 This was like a couple of days ago.
02:18:07 I don't know if I'm able to find it.
02:18:09 God, I *******.
02:18:10 His face is so punchable.
02:18:13 It's one of those ******** that think they're cute.
02:18:16 So it just looks like a monster that thinks they're cute.
02:18:25 Where is this?
02:18:26 I'm actually surprised that the Ukrainians haven't noticed.
02:18:34 Where is this from?
02:18:35 That's from 17th.
02:18:41 Maybe they took it down.
02:18:52 I don't see it anywhere.
02:18:54 If anyone in chat, do you guys have a link to this?
02:18:57 You know, I'm talking about the video the the.
02:19:01 The Sarah Ashton Cirilla ****** ****** that.
02:19:07 Made this big long video basically saying how awesome it was that and and the proud boys couldn't keep me down like mentioned proud boys as if somehow this was.
02:19:19 This was somehow relevant to Ukraine.
02:19:35 I don't see it.
02:19:37 I don't see it on this demons ******* Twitter feed.
02:19:42 Literal ******* demon.
02:19:43 Does anyone have that link?
02:19:46 Is chat not updating now?
02:19:48 What the ****?
02:19:48 Come on.
02:19:52 Nobody's got the.
02:19:53 Link anyway I'll link.
02:19:55 I mean this is.
02:20:01 This is the link to this ******* demons.
02:20:12 And this literal ******* demon basically made a video making fun of the fact that Coach Red Pill is missing.
02:20:23 And I cannot find it anywhere.
02:20:30 But that's that's that's.
02:20:31 That's what I mean when I.
02:20:32 Say that the White House is right when they say that.
02:20:38 The trans agenda **** is mainstream and that we're the weirdo outliers.
02:20:43 It's true you've got news organizations literally sending ******** out as news reporters now like it's.
02:20:49 No big deal.
02:20:53 I mean our.
02:20:54 Military has ******** in it.
02:21:02 Yeah, I can't find it.
02:21:03 The video itself.
02:21:07 I'll do one search on on Twitter, but I don't want to waste any more time on this.
02:21:11 I thought I'd be able to find this ****.
02:21:37 Yeah, I my guess is you know, they took down that video or.
02:21:43 Or something happened because I don't see it now.
02:21:48 If you guys find it, let me know and I'll play it, but I can't find it.
02:21:51 Anyway, yeah, I I I don't think that.
02:21:55 It's good news.
02:22:08 Did someone sent a link?
02:22:09 Let me see.
02:22:10 If this is it.
02:22:19 Well, that's that's like the whole stream, dude.
02:22:21 That's going to *******.
02:22:22 I can't play that.
02:22:25 But yeah, you're right.
02:22:26 That's the clip.
02:22:34 Let me try to, you know, let me try it.
02:22:42 Uh, someone might have got it here.
02:22:46 Let me see.
02:22:56 No, that's that's not a link, that's.
02:22:58 Yeah, there's people.
02:22:59 Claiming that they've got him and and that they've executed him and all, and and who knows, we don't know.
02:23:06 We don't know any of this stuff until.
02:23:10 You know, until they find a body, if that's what they find.
02:23:14 Or don't find a body I guess.
02:23:25 And that's it.
02:23:26 No, that's it.
02:23:27 Anyway, we've we've wasted enough time on that.
02:23:30 Let me go back to super chats here.
02:23:35 OK.
02:23:54 Sorry guys, I'm going to find out where I was now because Odyssey can't just stay in one place with the Super chance.
02:24:04 Two bays for you. Two $1.00. Happy birthday to Uncle Adoff. Took the advice on staying focused on my personal goals to be a bit more positive.
02:24:11 It's been working a little bit funny thing happened was running at running the register at work and my earbuds died.
02:24:19 And you played on the phone speaker loudly ranting about gay.
02:24:24 Shoes customers heard.
02:24:28 Well, you know, you know.
02:24:31 Maybe try to be a little more careful about.
02:24:33 That at work.
02:24:35 Hammer authorizing $5. Appreciate that regarding Vice voice, can you discuss why actors and old films vice voice like I was talking about the all the?
02:24:47 The reporters in new well.
02:24:48 I mean, ****, in this case a little.
02:24:50 It's a little ******* ******.
02:24:52 See, I was just saying they started sounding like **** now, but now they're ******* ********.
02:24:58 He discussed why actors and old films like 60s and earlier had much deeper masculine voices.
02:25:04 This low T voice thing never existed in older media.
02:25:07 Slavic narrators today still maintain more of a masculine tone more often than just an observation.
02:25:13 That's what I'm saying after reviewing all this stuff, I.
02:25:17 I think that.
02:25:17 There, there's just, I think testosterone is just lower, which will change your voice.
02:25:26 I mean, look, not everyone.
02:25:28 Sounded like ******* Rambo back in the day.
02:25:32 But the ratio of high, even just the threshold, right?
02:25:38 Like people sound.
02:25:39 Like **** compared to what they sounded like even 40 years ago.
02:25:45 So it's yeah, no, I.
02:25:48 I I do think it's it's actually testosterone.
02:25:51 I really do.
02:25:51 Because what happens when you give these ******* ******** testosterone?
02:25:55 Their voice lowers.
02:25:59 That just happens.
02:26:01 So in the absence of testosterone, you know, I mean, well, I guess that happens too when the when the ******** take hormone blockers that block the testosterone, what happens?
02:26:13 They sound like that.
02:26:15 That Sarah *****.
02:26:18 OK.
02:26:21 Let's see here.
02:26:25 Bobo jam at $25. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, have you ever watched the sitcom series King of Queens?
02:26:31 It's essentially about a fat guy who lets his Jewish wife and her Jew dad push him around.
02:26:38 They portray him as too scared to take control of his own batshit insane wife.
02:26:43 Yeah, I I've never watched.
02:26:45 I've seen that.
02:26:45 I know what you're talking about.
02:26:47 I've seen like, an episode or whatever.
02:26:49 It just reminds me and it's normal vision like that was just a.
02:26:52 It was a normally friendly TV show that.
02:26:54 Was it was just.
Speaker 9
02:26:55 A really long.
02:26:58 Advertisement like any advertisement from the era, while that was on right, like, oh, the dad's all stupid, I can't do anything. The wife is the smart one and yeah.
02:27:08 That's what it is.
02:27:12 There and look that's that's.
02:27:16 And it's probably worse now.
02:27:17 I've just.
02:27:17 I've literally never seen.
02:27:18 I've only seen like a episode.
02:27:20 I think I just know what I know you're talking about.
02:27:22 It was so promoted.
02:27:23 For a while.
02:27:26 Adolf didn't do nothing.
02:27:27 RIP Gonzalo lira.
02:27:30 CRP is wisdom and workout.
02:27:32 Many of us.
02:27:32 The Daily Beast Jew **** Mark Hay knew what he was doing with that hit piece article on CRP.
02:27:40 Yes, there's also mark.
02:27:42 Hay is responsible.
02:27:46 For drawing attention the the.
02:27:50 The Ukrainian Government's attention to him?
02:27:56 Excuse me.
02:27:57 I'm calling him a Putin apologist.
02:28:02 Hammer authorizing $5. Appreciate that South Carolina is scheduled to execute a black murderer by firing squad soon as he opted for that instead of riding the Lightning.
02:28:14 But South Carolina Supreme Court is delaying it to rule on its legality. The crime was in 1999. Why do we allow these demons?
02:28:22 Believe even with a death sentence, it's infuriating.
02:28:26 Well, it's it's unconstitutional.
02:28:27 That's not.
02:28:31 Not speedy trial, but that's not a.
02:28:36 I forget, but the the the prior Constitution that basically says that you get swift justice and.
02:28:42 Even for him, it's not really fair.
02:28:43 Technically, that's the that's that's whose rights are being violated, right?
02:28:47 They should have.
02:28:48 They should have thrown the switch.
02:28:50 The 2nd that.
02:28:52 That he got the death penalty.
02:28:53 But really, what?
02:28:54 It's the appeals process.
02:28:55 The appeals process drags on and it's it's basically Jewish lawyers.
02:29:01 You, you. You.
02:29:02 Want to know?
02:29:03 What's ****** ** with our our legal system?
02:29:05 It's it's, you know, largely it's Jewish lawyers.
02:29:09 We have the appeals process goes.
02:29:11 On and on and on and on.
02:29:13 I mean, look, that guy, the, the Satanist guy that helped kill those three kids in that stream, I did about the, well, the the Satanic Panic edition.
02:29:25 I think it was called.
02:29:29 He got he got the death penalty, but now he's he's walking around.
02:29:34 Because the appeals process let him drag it out for so long and he was able to fight it with again Jewish lawyers.
02:29:41 Until now, he's doing podcasts about magic.
02:29:45 So you know it is what it is.
02:29:50 Poop poopy stinky turd **** $1.00. Appreciate that. I remember watching the first 48, and there was a hardened criminal who wasn't saying anything, came back from commercial, and he was singing like a bird. I was like, what the ****? And went back to the still of him.
02:30:06 And it's going on.
02:30:19 And it went back to the still shot of him talking. And there was a cave C and grape vests on the table. No joke. Have you seen a Ninja Turtles 1990 yet? No, I have not watched that yet.
02:30:34 UM.
02:30:36 But like I said before I I don't know that it would have a lot of.
02:30:40 Material in it.
02:30:40 But you know who knows?
02:30:43 Yeah, that that's actually one of the.
02:30:45 That's another thing you can do.
02:30:47 Is just.
02:30:48 That's, I mean, that's the first part, right?
02:30:50 That's the first.
02:30:53 Or is it?
02:30:59 Ask normal questions. Offer food. There you go. Offer food's a big one.
02:31:13 This interrogation technique is called read.
02:31:17 Yes, it is Cantor.
02:31:20 The base.
02:31:21 I'm going to sleep now.
02:31:23 Goodnight and God bless you all.
02:31:24 Friends also have a shekel.
02:31:27 Appreciate that ******** ****** $1.00. Heard of the of the Alissa case? As a team? People ******* simp for her because she's mildly.
02:31:37 Active Nut job reminds me of the recent Tokyo Yander stabbing, where another mildly hot nut job stabbed her boyfriend in his apartment lobby.
02:31:51 Sentenced to three years with men wanting to give her money after she leaves.
02:31:56 Right.
02:31:57 Like I said, there will be people that want a child murderer because she's she's better looking than most girls right now, which isn't saying much.
02:32:10 But that that ginger guy, right?
02:32:12 He's a child murderer too, but he's not going to get.
02:32:15 Well, look, neither one of them should.
02:32:16 I'm not saying that either one, I'm sure, but yeah, men.
02:32:20 Look, cause men are weak.
02:32:22 If men weren't weak.
02:32:25 You know, I mean, can you?
02:32:27 Blame her.
02:32:28 I just got to prison for killing some kid and all these guys want to give me money and and and security.
02:32:33 And why wouldn't she want that?
02:32:37 It wouldn't be a problem if men.
02:32:38 Didn't do it.
02:32:41 I mean, there's nothing making men give this psycho.
02:32:50 And she's not even that cute.
02:32:54 Peugeot penthouse at all cost super glitchy tonight.
02:32:57 You must be over the target.
02:32:58 Yeah it I think.
02:33:00 Odyssey is just having issues.
02:33:02 I don't know what the deal was tonight, but it was pretty intense.
02:33:06 I was excited.
02:33:06 I thought, like we had it solved, but whatever.
02:33:09 Blood stain, $3. Appreciate that is intellectualism a waste of time by way of its track record. A lot of the intellectuals on our side still submit, like getting vaccinated, still played by the establishment rules. Is it insecurity or cowardice? I think that there's a lot look, it's.
02:33:29 It's important to have intellectuals on your side right, and while they are usually disappointing and.
02:33:37 Not particularly courageous, and they are you also.
02:33:44 I don't know as a product of their intellectualism, but a lot of the a lot of times these.
02:33:47 Guys trust systems.
02:33:50 There, there are a lot of people that will they they dismiss the.
02:33:58 They'll dismiss out of hand any quote UN quote conspiracy theory without even a research. I've noticed that a lot of quote UN quote intellectuals are very quick to dismiss anything that remotely starts to sound like.
02:34:17 Something that could be characterized by anyone mainstream as a conspiracy theory.
02:34:26 And they do it without even researching it.
02:34:29 They'll dismiss it out of hand and and and and won't even discuss it.
02:34:33 And and then few instances that they are confronted with, the facts are often surprised.
02:34:43 That to me is usually a sign that look a lot.
02:34:47 Of these guys.
02:34:49 Like a lot of people, they get very specialized, right?
02:34:53 And so they get very.
02:34:57 They get very they still suffer honestly, as much as they have disdain for the normies, they still suffer from a lot of the things that that are problematic when it comes to normies, and that normies tend to outsource a lot of their worldview.
02:35:19 To authorities and I think a lot of intellectuals fancy themselves.
02:35:26 As either authorities or prospect like, they're not the ruling class, but but maybe maybe if their side wins, they'll be they'll be welcomed into the you know what I mean.
02:35:37 Like, they'll be the the groundbreaking intellectuals that that are brought into the the upper echelon of the society.
02:35:46 Once their ideas are finally realized, you know I mean.
02:35:49 And so they have.
02:35:50 They don't want to attach themselves to anything low class and.
02:35:57 Because of phenomenons like you know like Q Anon, right?
02:36:01 Because the low class does tend to believe in stupid ****.
02:36:07 That are characterized by the mainstream as conspiracy theories.
02:36:12 They have a natural fear.
02:36:17 Of being associated with that.
02:36:20 So I think it's more, it's like a class thing like they think they're too classy for conspiracies and in many ways because they want to, I think.
02:36:28 And I'm not saying this isn't universal.
02:36:31 I'm I know I'm generalizing a lot, but I don't think I'm being inaccurate here.
02:36:35 I think in many ways that there is a a.
02:36:40 There's a envy of the ruling class.
02:36:44 These are people that wish they were the ruling class.
02:36:48 Right.
02:36:49 They wish they were the the smart intellectuals that were being invited on all the the popular shows and getting all the good book deals and.
02:36:58 And we're putting in charge of all these important think tanks and and whatever, right and they're not.
02:37:08 They're not.
02:37:09 But they they want to fake it until they make.
02:37:14 And they know that they will be instantly rejected by polite society, and by that whole.
02:37:25 If they start agreeing with.
02:37:29 Anything that that can be considered fringe, right.
02:37:33 And because they don't take the time.
02:37:36 To rigorously inspect.
02:37:41 These conspiracy theories with the same.
02:37:47 Vigor that they would whatever, you know, whatever specific area of study that they're in, they just write it all off.
02:37:55 This crazy town.
02:37:57 So you know.
02:38:00 Hopefully that that covers it.
02:38:03 Now I'm going to Scroll down a bunch.
Speaker 23
02:38:13 Uh, there we go.
02:38:16 ******. ****** $1.00 appreciate that public service announcement. Cozy TV runs much better and doesn't experience these hiccups like here on Odyssey.
02:38:25 And with a larger audience base and is considered in beta, just saying, ah, well, you know.
02:38:32 It is what it is.
02:38:38 Bare singe torix.
02:38:41 Another ginger and then he sent me a link.
02:38:49 Are you saying that she's a ginger?
02:38:52 Ah, she might be.
02:38:56 She might be.
02:38:59 I mean.
02:39:01 It's hard to say.
02:39:06 I mean, it's ginger ree.
02:39:11 That's possible.
02:39:12 It looks kind of reddish.
02:39:14 Hard to say.
02:39:19 Could be could be.
02:39:23 Oh, so 5671 dollar. Appreciate that crowd autocracy is real democracy in our understanding.
02:39:35 OK, not sure what you mean by that.
02:39:39 Unless you mean like mob rule, which you know that is democracy.
02:39:46 Clark Smith, $25 appreciate that Devin, are you related to Robert Stack, the actor? Also someone suggested in a past string that you do a stream on the evils of ****.
02:39:56 I second that motion also would like to see you do a stream or documentary on the JFK assassination.
02:40:04 You know I'm not.
02:40:06 I'm not related to Robert Stack.
02:40:09 Talk about unsolved mysteries, guy right unsolved Mysteries was a a fun show that I used to like that.
02:40:17 The JFK assassination.
02:40:20 Well, I did one of my very first dreams.
02:40:25 I talked about the JFK stuff.
02:40:28 Some of the new documents that had come out.
02:40:33 I don't know.
02:40:33 The JFK assassination is so ******* messy.
02:40:37 And there's so much disinfo.
02:40:39 The the key points the key takeaways for me is, well, Jack Rubenstein, who no one in America even knows, is named Jack Rubenstein.
02:40:52 Killed the guy that was in custody for it.
02:40:54 That said that he was a Patsy.
02:40:58 And then everyone just called him Jack Ruby with no recognition that that it that he was a Israeli mobster and that he was running guns to Israel.
02:41:08 The only footage that exists of the JFK assassination, the Zapruder film.
02:41:16 No mention that that's an Israeli, that that shot, that footage, right?
02:41:20 No one seems to care.
02:41:23 Or that the.
02:41:23 The newly released documents, you know the ones that made it past Trump, that the ones he didn't block.
02:41:30 And then lie about blocking.
02:41:32 Uh, there were mentioned.
02:41:35 In the FBI investigative files that people suspected Israeli involvement.
02:41:45 So I mean, I don't know.
02:41:47 It's one of those things we'll never know.
02:41:49 We'll never know.
02:41:50 It's like the Vegas shooting that everyone.
02:41:51 Already forgot about.
02:41:54 Now it's like all this stuff.
02:41:55 We'll never get to the.
02:41:56 Bottom of any of this stuff.
02:41:59 Unfortunately, so there's just some things that at a certain point, it's like, all right, this doesn't help our cause.
02:42:06 Just keep going.
02:42:07 You know it's a loss.
02:42:08 It's a loss.
02:42:09 They won.
02:42:10 They won.
02:42:12 You know the the fantasy that we're going to get some kind of based person in there that's going to finally release the the file.
02:42:19 Like maybe after everyone that you could possibly punish is dead, which I would think would already be the case, but apparently it doesn't matter because Trump still blocked the documentation.
02:42:30 So it's, you know.
02:42:33 It's the kind of thing that historians might figure out.
02:42:38 Once you can't punish anyone for it.
02:42:42 Or might not. Who knows.
02:42:47 Dieter Pulley, $10 appreciate that what are your thoughts on Black Pilled stream site?
02:42:53 What do you think it would cost?
02:42:57 Uh streaming is expensive.
02:43:00 But I don't.
02:43:00 Know I think it's better to use another platform.
02:43:03 I think that once you start using like your own website, you get kind of.
02:43:08 I mean, you're only getting the people who are actively looking for you, at least on Odyssey.
02:43:13 And look, there's some of that still real, right.
02:43:16 But I get people like that just find me on bit shoot or find me on Odyssey.
02:43:20 I don't think they would just find me on blackpill.com and it would be substantial enough.
02:43:28 To where it would be, it's not worth it for me.
02:43:33 If I had like and look, it's the kind of thing I'd probably have to start charging right for some kind of subscription fee to to maintain.
02:43:40 I don't want to do that.
02:43:41 I'd rather someone.
02:43:43 Pay for the streaming bandwidth and if we have some problems we have some problems.
02:43:47 You know, I always talk about how I see this is kind of like a radio show.
02:43:51 It's a modern version of an old radio show and look.
02:43:54 Sometimes when I was a kid listening to it like, you know, in my bed, like listen to AM radio on this little crappy radio I had listen to coast to coast or whatever sometimes the reception.
02:44:03 It's bad.
02:44:05 It's the same thing.
02:44:06 You know, when there's dropouts and whatever, it's just, uh, sometimes the the reception is bad.
02:44:12 It's all part.
02:44:12 Of the magic of radio, you know, or in this case it's all part of the magic of live streaming.
02:44:18 Same thing.
02:44:23 Dieter Pollard $1.00 appreciate that.
02:44:27 Best. Ah.
02:44:31 What is that?
02:44:33 Is that Adolf?
02:44:34 Hitler. I don't know. It's.
02:44:35 It's from the KKK stream with The X-Files and all that.
02:44:41 With the Jew who died with the Nazi heart that was actually really.
02:44:45 Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.
02:44:47 Well, that one's on my other computer. That one. I think that that one that one might have been what killed that.
02:44:54 I still got to get the computer resurrected.
02:44:55 It's just every time I I fix something on it, something else burns up on it.
02:44:59 So it's just been really frustrating.
02:45:02 Rob hates $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, love the streams. Just getting off work. So I'm glad I could catch.
02:45:07 Some of it.
02:45:07 Live thoughts on Israel adding Chinese yen to their holdings while reducing their holdings in the US dollars?
02:45:13 Yeah, we went over that earlier in the stream.
02:45:15 It's just, you know, they're.
02:45:16 Look, they're.
02:45:18 They they're they see it.
02:45:20 They're hedging their bets.
02:45:21 They don't see the dollar or the euro as quite the.
02:45:25 You know, solid currency that it once was.
02:45:30 Yeah, just like everything else. This too shall pass two base for you two $1.00. Hey, maybe this might lighten the mood a bit after being after stuff we talked about.
02:45:41 Tell me what it is.
02:45:42 You can't just send me a bit.
02:45:43 Shoot link.
02:45:44 And then expect that they're not destroying my Internet while I try to download it and not even know what it is.
02:45:51 But I don't know.
02:45:53 I'll maybe look at maybe look at it.
Speaker 5
02:45:58 Let me see.
02:46:05 All right.
02:46:05 This ruins the connection.
Speaker 2
02:46:06 You know how to blame.
02:46:10 Ethical rocks.
02:46:13 Could you review the old Disney version of Treasure Island, Davy Crockett, Huck Finn?
02:46:19 Well, that's like 3 movies.
02:46:21 I don't know.
02:46:23 I don't.
02:46:24 I don't know that I ever saw.
02:46:25 Listen, David Crockett like a TV show.
02:46:28 I don't even know if it's a.
02:46:30 If that was a movie.
02:46:33 But yeah, maybe you know, maybe some of the old Disney stuff might be fun at some point.
02:46:38 Ethical box, could you please give American crogan a shout out?
02:46:41 He's done another great piece.
02:46:42 Well, there you go.
02:46:43 He's got a shout out.
02:46:44 I haven't seen it, but I'll take your word for it and maybe I'll check it out later.
02:46:49 Usually he does stuff on video games.
02:46:52 Let me see what this link was.
Speaker 2
02:46:54 That you sent me.
02:47:18 Wait, you sent me a video?
02:47:19 That's just a screenshot that's too low res to read.
02:47:25 Come on, man.
02:47:33 There's a.
02:47:34 Unless you're talking about the song.
02:47:36 I mean, I don't know if.
02:47:36 I want to listen to a song right now.
02:47:38 Let me see.
02:47:42 The video itself, though, is a screenshot and I can't.
02:47:47 It's the rez is too bad to read it.
02:47:52 Let me see what this is.
Speaker 10
02:48:01 Is typhoid disgusting to the next?
02:48:21 They look just like a Sir.
Speaker 10
02:48:27 There's an ex mood in their parents.
02:48:30 They just can't.
02:48:37 Just just.
02:48:40 On the Internet or on the playground?
Speaker 5
02:48:44 When no one is around.
02:49:08 Ah, good try.
02:49:16 Doesn't quite do it for me.
02:49:20 I don't know partially cause I hated Animaniacs.
02:49:27 But good try.
Speaker 2
02:49:29 Keep trying.
02:49:31 Not saying it's.
02:49:33 Not sad.
02:49:33 It's bad, not sad.
02:49:34 It's great.
02:49:40 OK.
Speaker 2
02:49:44 Let's see here where we at here.
02:49:53 Alright, already got that one already.
02:49:54 Got that one revert again.
02:49:58 Alright, that's you already sent me that one.
02:50:01 Dieter Pulley $1.00 appreciate that thanks to hammer Thorazine and contributors for the pill box playlist on Spotify, I still have not listen.
02:50:11 That'd be it, would.
02:50:12 Be perfect for me, right?
02:50:14 That should be the playlist I listen to when I do stuff around the house.
02:50:18 By the way, the bees are still still doing OK.
02:50:21 I'm getting more feeling like I'm going to kill the African hive that only because.
02:50:30 I don't know.
02:50:30 I might not kill it.
02:50:31 I don't know.
02:50:33 Only because I have like this, this fear that they're going to taint my European genes.
02:50:38 They're just so friendly.
02:50:39 These bees like they just.
02:50:40 I cannot.
02:50:41 They've never even tried to stain me.
02:50:43 They're productive.
02:50:45 They're actually doing.
02:50:46 They're ahead of schedule.
02:50:47 I stopped feeding them.
02:50:49 Which they say don't do, but like they're just they're so productive, I feel.
02:50:54 I don't know.
02:50:54 I'd rather wean them off the.
02:50:57 The sugar water now.
02:50:59 But yeah, the more productive the European bees are, the more I'm like, maybe I just murder the African bees.
Speaker 2
02:51:07 Uh. Let's see here.
02:51:10 Electric cat, $5 appreciate that. Hi there having a small white pill, a fagot production in UK called the family sex show.
02:51:22 Has been removed from theaters due to a petition signed by 39,000 same people, including me. The company blamed threats of violence, BS and a few extremists.
02:51:33 The show featured full frontal nudity and was aimed at kids.
02:51:41 Well, I mean, you know.
02:51:44 I wonder if.
02:51:45 It's one of those things where they'll just wait till.
02:51:46 Everyone forgets about it and then they'll put it back in.
02:51:50 What's it called?
02:51:51 The family sex show.
02:51:53 Well, if I if I search for that, I'm going to find horrific ****.
02:51:56 So I'm not going to.
02:51:57 I'm not going to.
02:51:58 I'll take your word for it.
02:51:59 It was probably bad.
02:52:01 Glock 23 Jews have turned the war in Ukraine into a proxy war between Iran and Russia. Putin is anti **** and a Jew said that the rainbow flag must fly in Ukraine.
02:52:15 Jews have made them of sexuality.
02:52:17 The number one value of the West, and Russia is now fighting global **** and Neo Nazis are fighting for global **** and Jews.
02:52:27 I'd say it's more complicated than that.
02:52:31 I I think that.
02:52:33 People tend to think that Putin's like some anti global **** guy.
02:52:38 It's not, and it's not.
02:52:39 That's not what it is.
02:52:40 It's just that.
02:52:45 I mean, look, he he knows how poisonous that is, and so he doesn't want that in his country.
02:52:50 But I think that that's just part of it.
02:52:53 It's just.
02:52:55 His motivation, I don't think, is to defeat the evil.
02:52:58 You know, the great Satan or whatever it's to outcompete the the West.
02:53:04 And it's which is getting increasingly easy to do because of global ****.
02:53:07 So I just think it's, you know, it's.
02:53:09 Yeah, he doesn't want that **** in his country because he sees what it's doing to the West.
02:53:14 And what it's doing to the West is making the West easy to outcompete or easier.
02:53:19 Which let's be, let's be real.
02:53:21 Russia is very far from out competing the West on any measure right now.
02:53:25 That's just the way it is.
02:53:27 But I mean, if the West keeps this **** up, that's not going to last very long.
02:53:35 Yeah, he's just look, he's just he.
02:53:38 He what?
02:53:39 I think what it is.
02:53:40 The West is just they're they're baffled at at his behavior and and and his stance because.
02:53:49 He's acting in the interest of his country and Western leaders don't do that.
02:53:57 So they're just like, wow, it must be super based.
02:53:59 I don't know, I mean.
02:54:01 He's got connect.
02:54:02 Look, he's been to the wailing wall.
02:54:04 He's got connections to Israel like everybody else, and he went to or at least according to Karl, you know Klaus Schwab.
02:54:11 He was a student of that same ******** that.
02:54:15 Trudeau went to, and Merkel went to and all that stuff.
02:54:18 So like.
02:54:20 You know, I don't think he's like.
02:54:23 This super bass guy or anything, but it's just when you compare his actions and motivations to most Western leaders, it's there's a contrast you could say.
Speaker 2
02:54:38 Uh. Let's see here.
02:54:43 Two base for YouTube $1.00. Yeah, I didn't expect it to play so loud after my earbuds died. You could only imagine the confused looks from the boomer shoppers I got after gay ******* Jews blared through my phone. Thankfully, I didn't get in any.
02:54:56 Trouble. Yep.
02:55:03 Super Brother, $5 appreciate that. I hope everyone remembered to fill up their gas tank in remembrance of their favorite uncle yesterday.
Speaker 2
02:55:15 That's right.
02:55:17 Gas up your vehicle.
02:55:20 Oh, so 5675 dollars. Appreciate that. What do you think about ending special status for Disney World?
02:55:27 Yeah, I think it's insane that they they have their own jurisdiction.
02:55:34 I mean, that was always insane.
02:55:36 But it was it was obviously.
02:55:38 I mean it fits right in with in, in a capitalist country, let's bend over backwards for profit.
02:55:44 Let's and look, there's there's some version of that happening in in major cities.
02:55:49 All over the.
02:55:50 Who do you think pays for the stadiums?
02:55:53 For sports ball owners.
02:55:57 The owners of of sports ball teams, which, by the way you want some early life checks, look out, look out who owns the sports ball teams.
02:56:06 You might be super.
02:56:07 Well, you probably aren't, but some people might be surprised at the over representation.
02:56:12 In that group.
Speaker 5
02:56:14 They don't, they.
02:56:15 Don't pay for their own stadiums.
02:56:17 They're making money hand over fist.
02:56:19 No, they make you do it.
02:56:21 They make the local residents, who many of whom don't want a ******* stadium in their neighborhood, but a lot of the stupid normies that love sports ball do.
02:56:31 They increase like.
02:56:32 A sales tax or something.
02:56:34 Or you.
02:56:34 Know whatever it is, but they.
02:56:36 That money is is going to a billionaire so he doesn't have to pay for a ******* stadium, all because of some stupid ******** lie they're like, oh, no.
02:56:46 But it's going to bring tourism.
02:56:48 And just like with Amazon, right, anytime Amazon wants to build a facility in some Shitsville town, that's.
02:56:54 Like, Oh my God, think of the tax base.
02:56:56 Well, you.
02:56:57 Know every decision in a capitalist society at this phase in capitalism is every 100% it's decided by prop.
02:57:07 And that's what the the locals in Florida you.
02:57:10 Know that's that's how they viewed it.
02:57:13 It was just like, yeah, we'll let Disney have literally whatever they want because Disney.
02:57:20 Disney will be here.
02:57:23 But yeah, it's insane that it's even there, that they have they they literally have their own jurisdiction.
02:57:29 Oh, so 5671 dollar. Appreciate that search movie about space 1992.
02:57:39 I think we've watched this already talk about from outer space.
02:57:47 Or no gay from out of space.
02:57:49 Isn't that what it is?
02:57:53 Yeah, that's what you're talking about.
02:57:59 I've never actually watched the whole thing I've watched.
02:58:01 Part of it.
02:58:03 Reverted Gyan traded commentary.
02:58:07 You were looking for right at the 19 minute mark.
02:58:09 Yeah, I just.
02:58:10 I can't play an odyssey video.
02:58:12 That's three hours long.
02:58:13 Wall Stream and odyssey.
02:58:15 We saw what happened.
02:58:18 When I was doing was playing record interviews.
02:58:22 But look, since we're wrapping things up and.
02:58:24 That's the last super chat I will.
02:58:26 Try to play it.
02:58:26 Let me see if I can get it to work.
02:58:29 Because it is rage inducing.
02:58:42 Let's see if I can get 17.
Speaker 2
02:58:45 What is this?
02:58:47 19 minute mark you said.
02:59:03 OK.
02:59:17 Hold on.
02:59:19 Chrome isn't wanting to load up.
02:59:23 Here we are.
02:59:46 Yeah, there's that ****** **** right there.
Speaker 9
02:59:48 Right, just a few minutes.
Speaker 23
02:59:52 What Sarah Ashton Cirillo has to say about?
02:59:56 The possible abduction and murder of Gonzalo Lira, also known as coach Redpill.
03:00:05 Remember 1 if you can.
03:00:06 Hear two if you can.
Speaker 9
03:00:07 Good evening.
03:00:08 Sarah Ashton Cirillo, Harkov Ukraine were to night just a few minutes ago.
03:00:19 Were felt.
03:00:21 Around this.
03:00:23 Moonless, cloudy.
03:00:28 It's something we've all come to know and understand as a part of.
03:00:32 Being heard in Archiv during the course of the Russian invasion during the chorus.
03:00:37 Of Putin's attempt at genocide against the Ukrainian people.
03:00:42 But tonight was also interesting for another reason.
03:00:47 The fragile egos.
03:00:50 Of those worshipping at the cult of Vladimir Putin.
03:00:55 Of Kadyrov.
03:00:57 And of all others.
03:00:59 Who are enemies of freedom and democracy?
03:01:02 Who are enemies of all that is true and good in the world?
03:01:07 Became very upset with me.
03:01:09 They became upset for me doing my job as a journalist and reporting on the fact.
03:01:15 That a.
03:01:16 Pro Russian.
03:01:19 Blogger not a credentialed journalist.
03:01:22 Not in any way someone who is reporting any new news like.
03:01:27 This demon.
03:01:28 Right.
Speaker 9
03:01:33 Was picked up by the one of the security services.
03:01:37 That's all I reported doing my job as a journalist.
03:01:40 And So what do they do?
03:01:41 They docked me and they're trying to get me killed.
03:01:44 But I'm standing outside in the middle of a war zone.
03:01:48 Well, you all are behind your keyboard.
03:01:51 Making threats against me, making sexual remarks because you can't have women on your own.
03:01:57 So you have to lash out at trans people and.
03:02:02 Because of your own insecurities, just like Vladimir Putin.
03:02:06 Has to make up for his own insecurities.
03:02:09 And so as I'm here in harkov.
03:02:11 Looking and laughing, seeing people making YouTube videos over the fact that I'm apparently in cahoots with The Daily Beast.
03:02:19 And yes, hey everyone, guess what?
03:02:23 Well before The Daily Beast ever ever went ahead and profiled your guy.
03:02:30 They profiled me.
03:02:32 For infiltrating.
03:02:34 The MAGA movement.
03:02:37 And getting information on your beloved proud boys.
03:02:42 Washington Post did too.
03:02:45 And the proud boys threatened me.
03:02:49 Others last year.
03:02:51 And I'm still here.
03:02:54 So whether it's the Russians or the proud boys or anyone.
03:03:00 That is the sound of war.
03:03:03 And this is the face of somebody who does not feel fear.
03:03:07 Not in the face of war.
03:03:09 The threats of anyone.
03:03:11 Because I'm driven by truth.
03:03:14 And I am driven by the notion that as a reporter, as a journalist.
03:03:18 Everything we hold dear, everything we believe in.
03:03:23 Will truly guide us.
03:03:25 In the path of.
03:03:26 What is fair, what is right and what is just just like?
03:03:32 The Ukrainian Patriots, the defenders of these same beliefs.
03:03:37 Are being guided in that same notion to fight.
03:03:42 Against a pathetic and weak.
03:03:50 I believe that's the sound of Orcs dying.
03:03:55 A pathetic and weak army sent over.
03:03:58 By Putin to try to make up for the useless nation state that he.
03:04:05 So if you guys want to play.
03:04:07 Them your keyboard.
03:04:09 Play dress up and cosplay and have your meme wars and try to weaponize your autism.
03:04:19 Do it because no matter what.
03:04:24 You'll still be in your mom's basement.
03:04:27 And I'll still be reporting on a war.
03:04:30 From glorious Ukraine.
03:04:33 A war that will end.
03:04:35 In the history books.
03:04:37 As the greatest upset.
03:04:40 In the history of wartime, this is Sarah Ashton Sarella reporting live from hockey.
03:04:49 Yeah. So that's your enemy.
03:04:54 That's that's the insane person.
03:04:56 Yeah, that was that was the clip I was looking for.
03:04:58 And it looks like it played without ******* up, so that's good.
03:05:02 That's the.
03:05:05 That's what I'm talking about.
03:05:07 That's normal now.
03:05:09 That's a war correspondent now.
03:05:18 You think if I went back ten years ago?
03:05:22 And said that, like, that's what a war correspondent would be like.
03:05:26 To someone that's a conservative, they would think that they were winning the culture war.
03:05:34 You think they'd still think that?
03:05:40 The culture rape, as I call it.
03:05:47 Yeah, that's that's just.
03:05:48 Where we're at now, that's just.
03:05:49 That's normal.
03:05:50 Now, that's not normal, Devin.
03:05:53 We got the santis and and there's there's parents standing up and going.
03:06:00 What did I remember?
03:06:01 I was saying about the the trucker convoy thing.
03:06:05 I said in a month they'll be forgotten.
03:06:09 Sorry, forgotten, you know?
03:06:12 Nobody remembers that happened.
Speaker 23
03:06:15 It's gone. It's ******* gone.
03:06:22 0 lasting impact.
03:06:25 0 successes.
03:06:27 In the culture war, Zero, literally 00 wins.
03:06:36 So that's just the way that it is.
03:06:39 OK, let me just look at the last, I think 11 more Pop 10 right at the end here.
03:06:48 Glock 23 not only is the West sending arms to Ukraine, but a few Western countries have their special forces uncovered or undercover in Ukraine.
03:06:58 The West is at war with Russia now.
03:07:00 The Rothschild article about Ukraine was real.
03:07:03 The Jews will do nothing or will do anything that the Jews.
03:07:08 Will do anything to not lose.
03:07:11 I think you mean control over Ukraine.
03:07:15 Well, we'll see.
03:07:15 We'll see how.
03:07:16 It all goes down.
03:07:17 I like I said, I'd be very surprised if it escalated into a anything beyond a proxy war.
03:07:24 It's already a proxy war, but yeah, we'll see.
03:07:27 We'll see.
03:07:30 All right, guys.
03:07:30 Well, I think I'm going to wrap it up.
03:07:32 We've been going for over.
03:07:33 Three hours now.
03:07:35 I do want to say thank you for those of you who got the.
03:07:40 The what I.
03:07:41 Will probably be a limited edition cactus piled shirt.
03:07:46 For those of you don't know what I'm talking about the the link I think is in the description of this probably.
03:07:50 Of this one too.
03:07:52 At the very bottom.
03:07:54 But I appreciate you guys getting that a bunch of.
03:07:56 You guys got it.
03:07:56 I was surprised.
03:07:58 And I'll have more up soon.
03:08:00 I just.
03:08:00 I've been a busy little bee over here the last.
03:08:05 Well, last few weeks.
03:08:07 Really as I try to get stuff done before the the heat which is slowly climbing up.
03:08:16 Oh, I I almost hooked up my air conditioner today.
03:08:19 It's like.
03:08:21 Now I got to hold out as long as.
03:08:22 I possibly can.
Speaker 2
03:08:24 So I don't know anyway.
03:08:26 You gotta install a an attic, fan, attic, exhaust fan.
03:08:30 That'll be fun.
03:08:31 All right guys.
03:08:32 Well, hope you guys all had a good, good evening.
03:08:35 I'll see you next time.
03:08:38 Same bat time, same bat channel.
03:08:43 Since I have the Riddler now, apparently.
03:08:46 For black pill time, of course.
Speaker 16
03:08:56 So much for that question.
03:08:57 I use the term minor attracted person or math in the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons.
03:09:03 1st of.
03:09:04 All because I think it's important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them, and map advocacy groups like before you act have advocated for use of the term.
03:09:17 They've advocated for it primarily because it's less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile.
03:09:24 So much for that question.