09/03/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 Don't talk about love.00:02:29 Night, please.
00:02:34 Please don't talk about being true.
00:02:40 Through all of these, don't talk about all this broken.
00:02:49 I want to go where the people dance on some action on action.
00:03:10 I've got to put.
00:03:22 On the disco.
00:03:33 Your sweet top molten.
00:03:35 Make it right.
00:03:37 Loving lies.
00:03:38 Just bring it down when you.
00:03:41 Got the women?
00:03:43 Town you can love.
00:03:54 We have.
00:04:06 I want to.
00:04:06 Get off to work.
00:04:16 On the.
00:04:25 On the.
Speaker 2
00:09:13 Better have my money.Speaker 4
00:09:21 Well, you can tell I forgot to.Devon
00:09:25 Unload all that ****.00:09:26 Alright, hang on, this is a.
Speaker 4
00:09:28 Nightmare. It's a nightmare.Devon
00:09:31 That's because I was.00:09:32 I was working right up to the I've been working all day on this on this stream because there's just so many stupid videos I had to watch and and sift through there just hours and hours long and.
00:09:42 Anyway, let me.
00:09:45 Let me get this all straightened out.
00:09:46 Anyway, Devin stack.
00:09:48 This is the insomnia stream.
00:09:50 This is going to be the last.
00:09:52 The exciting conclusion?
00:09:55 To the Pakhan series.
00:09:58 UM.
00:10:01 What an exciting conclusion it.
00:10:02 Is a lot of it actually, weirdly enough.
Speaker 6
00:10:07 Extremely relevant.Devon
00:10:10 Extremely relevant with the the recent Biden comments, and I don't just mean like the spooky, I'm the Star Wars bad guy optics.00:10:20 I mean like, just a lot of this.
00:10:22 I mean just.
00:10:23 Stuff he's been saying since he got into office.
00:10:27 It it is oddly exactly word for word what a lot of these experts.
Speaker 6
00:10:35 These these extremism experts.Devon
00:10:39 That they hired for this propaganda piece.00:10:42 That they aired several months before the the the current comments being made.
00:10:47 Out of the White House.
00:10:50 Almost as if they were trying to prepare.
00:10:54 Leftist Americans to accept the idea.
00:10:57 That they would need that much preparing.
00:10:59 At this point.
00:11:02 That anyone that voted for Trump was he was a terrorist.
00:11:07 A domestic terrorist.
00:11:11 So here we go.
00:11:13 Here we go.
00:11:17 Bop bop bomb.
00:11:18 We'll jump right into it because we got kind of a.
00:11:20 Lot to go through.
00:11:22 Kind of a lot.
Speaker 6
00:11:25 So the the **** thing is.Devon
00:11:29 In this last episode, you know, they ended the last well the episode before this.00:11:34 They ended with telling you like, Oh yeah, we put all those guys in jail.
00:11:39 We put them all in jail.
00:11:40 We're going to use law fair, we're.
00:11:42 Going to sue.
00:11:42 Them into oblivion and we're going to break their backs financially.
00:11:45 And then if we can, we'll stick them in jail forever.
00:11:50 Well, that's how this episode opens.
00:11:54 And it opens with basically a shot of Ashley Babbitt dying on the ground as they say it.
Speaker 7
00:12:06 More than 750.00:12:08 Stars have been arrested so far, the most serious charge, sedition.
00:12:16 Conspiracy to overthrow the government.
Speaker 4
00:12:21 Do ta, ta, ta, ta.Devon
00:12:24 So that's that's basically how it opens up.00:12:27 And then it moves on a little bit kind of carrying on the thing that, oh, yeah, what we're dealing with now with these people.
00:12:35 They're just a bunch of seditious *****.
00:12:37 They're all trying to overthrow the government.
Speaker 7
00:12:39 Is it possible?00:12:41 Could our country a beacon of democracy, be on the verge of civil war?
00:12:49 Yeah. Is it?Speaker 6
00:12:51 I don't know.00:12:51 I don't know if.
00:12:52 It's possible New York Times thinks it's possible, so the New York Times.00:12:58 Back on May 1st.
00:13:01 Essentially published an article echoing all of the same ideas in this propaganda piece.
00:13:10 Says they robbed an armor.
00:13:12 Might remember the.
00:13:13 Funny thing is I I wonder if this journalist watched this documentary quote UN quote documentary before writing this article.
00:13:20 Because he he talks about a lot of the same things that they they've they've mentioned in this propaganda piece they.
00:13:27 Robbed an armored.
00:13:28 Car outside a sprawling Seattle shopping mall.
00:13:31 They bombed A synagogue and Boise ID, and within weeks assassinated a Jewish talk show or talk radio host in Denver.
00:13:41 So they're talking about the order we we covered those guys a couple of strings back then a month later, they plundered and another armored car on a California Highway and a spectacular daylight heist that netted more than $3.6 million would initially seem to the FBI agents like distant, disparate crimes.
00:14:01 Turned out to be the opening salvos in a war against the federal government by members of a violent extremist group called the Order, who sought to establish a whites only homeland.
00:14:14 Out West. Oh, the horror.
00:14:17 Their crime spree played out in 1984. Fast forward to 2021.
00:14:23 Federal agents and prosecutors.
00:14:26 Who dismantled the order?
00:14:29 And actually in in many cases it's like the same ******* people like I.
00:14:32 Keep saying, see troubling echoes of its threat to the threat to democracy.
00:14:39 In the capital riot.
00:14:41 And the growing extremist activity across the country.
00:14:46 Quote When you see the country as politically and philosophically divided as it is today, what makes it more likely than somebody?
00:14:56 Or, more likely, that somebody could take advantage of these times to bring about another revolutionary concept like the order, said Wayne F Mannis, the main FBI agent on the case.
00:15:09 We stopped the order.
00:15:10 We did not stop the ideology.
00:15:12 So it's it's literally one of the guys that they've interviewed for this documentary.
00:15:18 New York Times.
00:15:20 Those who track the group say the legacy of the order can be seen in the prominent role that the far right organizations like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers play it in storming the capital on January 6th.
00:15:35 Many of the participants of these groups today come from the same sources as the.
00:15:40 Order, said Gene Wilson, the lead prosecutor who went on to become a US Magistrate Judge in Seattle.
00:15:49 See these ******* are they're they're just career anti whites.
00:15:53 That's what their job.
00:15:54 That's their their career anti whites and also another example of why you need to.
00:16:01 At least expose your children to the law, the.
00:16:05 Studying of the law.
Speaker 6
00:16:09 Quote I think they might.Devon
00:16:10 Be just as committed to totally changing democracy as we know it.00:16:16 The men who played central roles in in disbanding the order, still consider it the most important case of their lives, given the orders potential for violence and destruction, said Mr.
00:16:29 No other domestic group posed a similar threat to the United States.
00:16:33 The order collapsed after its charismatic leader, Robert J Matthews, died in a fiery shootout. Yeah, let's not talk about how that fire started with scores of FBI agents on Whidbey Island in December of 1984.
00:16:49 His followers were rounded up at a nationwide manhunt, and 23 of them faced trial on racketeering charges.
00:16:56 Funny how those kinds of charges are never brought against Antifa and BLM.
00:17:00 You know, it's funny, though.
00:17:01 You know what, this whole time we've been wondering how come this documentary hasn't mentioned the actual sedition that took place well, prior to the making of this, this documentary, right, Chaz?
Speaker 6
00:17:16 The actual.00:17:17 Then why didn't we?
00:17:19 Why didn't haven't they even?
00:17:20 They bring it up.
00:17:21 Actually, yeah, they actually bring it out.00:17:23 You'll get to see it.
00:17:24 You'll be you'll be.
Speaker 6
00:17:26 You'll be excited to see how.Devon
00:17:28 They bring that up.00:17:30 Far right groups often express anti government ideology or espouse ideas about returning the United States to some imagined idyllic form of constitutional rule.
00:17:43 What made the order so dangerous was that it set about achieving that goal, killing, robbing and planning spectacular.
00:17:50 Terrorist acts in hopes of toppling the government.
00:17:55 All right.
00:17:55 So anyway, then they they go back, they they basically talk about how.
00:18:00 They're upset because.
00:18:02 The people espousing the same kind of hate.
Speaker 4
00:18:06 That led to the order.Devon
00:18:09 They can't be prosecuted for for just talk because the 1st that that ******* first.00:18:15 The First Amendment means that people cannot be prosecuted on the basis of ideology alone, so the hurdle is figuring out which secretive individual or group, whether far right or far left.
00:18:28 Yeah, I'm sure that.
00:18:29 That happens might be turning to violence.
00:18:32 The dangerous core bent on violence is usually only five to.
00:18:36 The 10% of an extremist organization.
00:18:41 Matthews, raised among white supremacist, organized a heavily armed clandestine guerrilla force designed to spark a civil war.
00:18:50 Adherents sought to restore America to its imagined origins and considered preserving the green graves of their white forefathers a sacred duty.
00:19:01 Imagine, imagine wanting to preserve the country the way that your ancestors established it for their children.
00:19:09 The nerve, the nerve of some people to want to just maintain.
00:19:15 That their birthright?
00:19:17 It's oh, those ******* ********.
00:19:22 So they go on and keep talking about the order and then they keep trying to draw all these comparisons to the January 6th.
00:19:29 So this has been like a full on media blitz.
00:19:34 It's not, and it's not just limited to the the New York Times.
00:19:36 New York Times, just one of the bigger ones that wrote about this.
00:19:40 They also did a lot of interviews and we'll we'll watch parts of some of these, all the people that are featuring this documentary, like all that are literally.
00:19:50 Almost all ex deep state or current deep state employees you know, they're all like ex, FBI, ATF, Homeland Security, or they're people that get contracted out by those agencies or both.
00:20:06 You know they're retired and now get contracted out by those agencies.
00:20:10 And often they get they.
00:20:12 They get toured around the the media circuit every any time they they need an expert.
00:20:20 You know, it's like those professional expert witnesses.
00:20:22 That's what they are.
00:20:24 They're professional expert witnesses.
00:20:26 They get brought on to CNN to talk about extremism and they they regurgitate almost verbatim the exact same thing every time they're on there.
00:20:34 I know this because I've watched, you know, even like when there's, you know, five years separating the the, the media appearance.
00:20:40 They say almost exactly the same thing.
00:20:50 Let's see what let's see.
00:20:51 What's next?
00:20:53 Let's see what?
00:20:54 How they.
00:20:58 Tide January 6th into why they're going to want to put you in.
Speaker 9
00:21:03 Camps if you don't check the mainstreaming of extremist movements, you you end up essentially with a with a fundamental threat to democracy.Speaker 10
00:21:14 Donald Trump and the Republicans.00:21:16 Representing extremism that threatens the very foundations.
00:21:21 Of our Republic.
00:21:24 So exact same language, exact same language over and over and over and over again.00:21:30 They keep doing this over and over again, so you might be thinking yourself, well, who the **** is this *****?
00:21:38 Like out of nowhere, they're all.
00:21:40 Oh, yes.
00:21:40 Sasha have.
00:21:41 A hula whatever.
00:21:44 Well, you know, she's the founder of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
00:21:49 Oh, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.
00:21:55 What kind of work do they?
00:21:56 Do ohh what is this?
00:21:59 COVID conspiracies sparked the latest culture war over drag.
00:22:04 So basically, it's.
00:22:05 A think tank.
00:22:07 It's a think tank that tries to figure out ways of framing things like I don't know, drag Queen story hour not being demonic.
00:22:17 While at the same time trying to think of ways to frame.
00:22:21 Mag's grandmas as domestic terrorists.
00:22:27 And they do this for lots of organizations.
00:22:30 It's not just that.
00:22:31 Ohh, she's this, you know, random ***** that they stuck in this documentary and.
00:22:38 You know, has this organization that writes these articles.
00:22:40 That no one reads.
00:22:42 No, she works for the Mayor of London.
00:22:44 You know the the part and parcel guy she works for the EU.
00:22:48 She's on the board of a, you know, a bunch of organizations and NGO's. You know, that. That's.
00:22:55 And this is the kind.
00:22:56 Of **** they work on.
00:22:58 Monkey pox and groomers how Twitter facilitated a hate riddled public health disinformation campaign.
00:23:08 So they're their job is to protect pedophiles.
00:23:14 And to demonize you.
00:23:18 It's to their job is to go around on different media outlets, you know, like.
00:23:24 So here's her she.
00:23:25 Like I said, she, along with almost all of these people in this documentary.
00:23:30 Goes around on different media outlets and basically just regurgitates the kind of stuff that she's saying in this documentary.
00:23:38 You know, here she is talking.
00:23:40 I think this is in either Australia or New Zealand.
Speaker 9
00:23:45 White supremacist groups very much internationalised this conspiracy theory around the great replacement.Devon
00:23:53 The the great replacement is a big conspiracy theory.00:23:59 So is the idea that that drag Queen story hour?
00:24:04 Pedophiles are grooming your children.
Speaker 9
00:24:09 Which is about the, you know, extinction of white people as a result of migration of.Speaker 11
00:24:15 The global governments security services have taken their eye off the ball about the far right because the focus has been so much on Islamic militant groups.Speaker 9
00:24:24 They think that's right.Speaker 1
00:24:24 OK.Devon
00:24:27 And you're going to see a lot of this too.00:24:30 So a lot of what she's been talking.
00:24:32 About cause she even did work for Obama.
00:24:36 When he was president.
00:24:38 And was was talking about how how ISIS was utilizing the Internet in order to, you know, radicalize people.
00:24:47 But now they've shifted because you.
00:24:50 Know this whole.
00:24:51 Time the West was focused on radicalized Muslims, they were ignoring the the growing.
00:24:58 Tumor that was right wing extremism that was festering on the Internet.
00:25:04 And now it must be treated the exact same way that ISIS was.
00:25:12 That's the point of this this entire series.
00:25:16 That is the messaging you're getting from the White House.
00:25:19 And that is exactly the kind of thing you're hearing from, you know, people like Merrick Garland.
00:25:26 This is the exact kind of a thing.
00:25:27 You're you're you're reading the memos, getting sent to law enforcement agencies.
00:25:32 Hey, look, it's kind of like.
00:25:35 You know, our our war with Islam is over, but we still need to justify our budgets and our existence.
00:25:43 So now we're attacking white people.
Speaker 9
00:25:47 We we need to see much better concerted regulation of the wider technology ecosystem up until now, of course the focus is on the big platforms and a lot needs to be done more in relation to that.00:25:59 But actually this wider ecosystem of technology and the way in which these messages are spread hasn't been addressed.
00:26:07 So and that's the other big thing, censorship.00:26:09 Obviously we need to platform these people.
00:26:12 We need to, as she will, I think I think it was her discuss this later we need to actually even stop thinking about it in terms of censoring them we need to start going.
00:26:25 After pre crime.
00:26:27 We need to start identifying it before they can communicate.
00:26:32 Their hate messages.
Speaker 11
00:26:41 The other ring.Speaker 9
00:26:43 Of people, the dehumanization of outgroups is the precursor to mass murder.Speaker 6
00:26:52 Funny you should say.Speaker 10
00:26:53 That Donald Trump and the Maga Republicans.00:26:57 Representing extremism that threatens the very foundations.
00:27:01 Of our Republic.
00:27:04 Weird, you know and and look, I agree with you.00:27:07 I did a whole video on it.
00:27:10 Talking about, if you look at the the stages of genocide, the way it's officially recognized by you know, well, people like like her and her organization.
00:27:22 That that's precisely what's been happening to white people, not just by Joe Biden.
00:27:28 That's just like whatever, right?
Speaker 6
00:27:30 But by everything around us.Devon
00:27:33 Starting with with affirmative action laws.00:27:37 Going all the way to the, you know, the white privilege critical race theory on and on and on.
00:27:43 It's it's, it's part of the system.
00:27:48 It's part of the system that white people are are uniquely evil.
00:27:53 White people are uniquely bad.
00:27:57 Notice how there's two.
00:27:59 There's two categories.
00:28:00 There's people of color, which is literally anyone who's not white.
00:28:06 And then white people.
00:28:11 So there's some if anyone's getting othered.
00:28:16 What's what's the only group that's excluded from people of color?
Speaker 6
00:28:21 White people.Speaker 1
00:28:27 Of the ring.Speaker 9
00:28:28 Of people, the dehumanization of.00:28:31 Outgroups is the precursor to mass murder.
00:28:46 I like the happy music that's in the background.00:28:48 As she's as she's saying that.
Speaker 9
00:28:51 The growing extreme right movement, which has connected the dots across quite a wide spectrum.Devon
00:29:00 Oh, we've connected the dots, *****.00:29:07 We've connected the ******* dots.
00:29:10 But go on.
Speaker 9
00:29:12 From ideologically and has mobilized very strategically.00:29:17 Now they are extremely potent and dangerous and we underestimate them the Internet.
00:29:27 I like how she says and dangerous like alt quite they're extremely potent and dangerous and we underestimate them.Speaker 9
00:29:36 Have played a.00:29:37 Role we have been watching extremist groups migrate online and use a whole spectrum of tools, so effectively ISIS in many ways.
00:29:51 See, and now she starts making comparisons to ISIS.00:29:56 It's just what?
00:29:57 It's just like what ISIS does.
00:30:05 Good, good thing Barack Obama destroyed ISIS for us, though, so we could focus on.
00:30:11 Killing all the white people.
Speaker 9
00:30:13 Has been the standard bearer of the use of technology and social media for recruitment and radicalization in two years.00:30:22 They were able to achieve real global domination with their strategy.
00:30:27 Through a remarkable media brand, operation and and this, this bleed between.
00:30:35 The various types of problem fake news, misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, extremism.
00:30:43 If we don't connect the dots quickly in that space, we won't be responding to what the problem already looks like.
00:30:51 And if we don't quickly get ahead of the curve on the technologies that are being used.
00:30:57 And do more as in innovate to get ahead of.
00:31:01 Them we will.
00:31:02 Be completely outdone.
Speaker 4
00:31:08 Oh, you're getting out.00:31:09 Dead *****.
00:31:11 You're getting out dead right now.
00:31:15 They're very upset that we have access to technology that they have controlled since the invention of it.00:31:24 Imagine how frustrating that that is.
00:31:27 It's almost like how, how frustrating it it probably was.
00:31:32 When the the American settlers first started getting shot at by by Indians with muskets, you're.
Speaker 6
00:31:38 Like *** **** it, that's.00:31:39 Our stuff.
00:31:43 You're not supposed to have gunpowder.
00:31:45 Who the **** gave you guns?
00:31:51 Ohh, we got horses and guns now, *******.00:32:01 But yeah, she's on all these, you know.
00:32:03 Everything you would expect there to be on, you know, like talking about extremists and how to how to deal with them and and and the way that they're using technology.
Speaker 13
00:32:14 Yes, I mean the.Speaker 9
00:32:15 EU is planning regulation under the the Digital Services Act to address the harms that we're talking about, but but actually more broadly, other harms to extremism.Devon
00:32:27 See, this is what is.00:32:28 This is what happens when.
Speaker 6
00:32:29 You let women.Devon
00:32:31 Half power.00:32:35 Look at these ******* witches.
00:32:37 These actual witches.
00:32:44 Oh, I have to protect people from harm.
00:32:48 Harm avoidance is #1 because I'm. I'm a ******* dumb *****. That shouldn't have any kind of say in what happens in the world. Who doesn't understand that great things cannot ******* happen.
Speaker 6
00:33:01 When you avoid harm.Devon
00:33:09 Safety first.00:33:16 The irony is because, you know, because of these, the way these ******* ******* think.
00:33:23 I will.
00:33:24 I will I will murder.
00:33:25 Millions as long as it keeps whatever my, my, my pet group is safe.
00:33:34 I will genocide whoever I need to.
Speaker 6
00:33:36 To keep people safe.Speaker 9
00:33:45 Disinformation, threats to democracy, hate, abuse and harassment.00:33:50 Of course, which we.
00:33:52 And threats to democracy.Speaker 6
00:33:57 Abuse. Harassment. Ohh God.Devon
00:34:01 Have to protect people from being harassed.00:34:06 Even if that mean, even though we've redefined harassment to mean encountering ideas that I disagree with.
Speaker 9
00:34:16 We know happens disproportionately towards women, women of color, absolutely at the center of that bullying and so on. It's complex that the set of proposals, but just to summarize, I think #1, we're moving from a self regulatory approach and you know to a regulatory approach.Devon
00:34:35 That's right.00:34:37 See, there's a reason why.
00:34:38 We called the nanny state.
00:34:47 Because these ******* ******.
00:34:50 Want to control you like ******* children?
00:34:56 We're moving away from a.
00:34:58 Self regulatory state to a regulatory state.
Speaker 9
00:35:07 We are moving from a content only approach, so removal or moderation of specific bits of content to a A systems approach which.Devon
00:35:16 We're we're moving away from.00:35:19 From just removing your content, we don't like to deploying entire systems.
00:35:26 Designed to prevent you from.
00:35:30 Even be able to post it in the first place.
Speaker 9
00:35:33 Just I think the right, you know the right place for us to be.00:35:38 And and the.
00:35:39 Idea of thinking is we can't make Facebook or YouTube responsible for every piece of content.
00:35:43 But we can make them responsible for ensuring that their products and systems are designed to take account of risk.
00:35:52 And to ensure user safety and so.
00:35:57 Now if you want to read between the lines, what she's saying there is what we, you know, we can't force these platforms to do everything we want and and they're they're not superhuman, so they can't.00:36:11 Have the they.
00:36:12 They don't have the ability to just divine what we want.
00:36:16 Censored exactly when we want it censored.
00:36:18 But what we can do is put the fear of ******* God in them.
00:36:22 And let them know that there's a risk.
00:36:26 There's a risk attached to allowing the kinds of things we don't want on your platform, on your platform.
00:36:36 And that fear will motivate them.
00:36:41 To to try a little harder.
00:36:45 To make sure that stuff doesn't get on their platform, look, you know, face we we all we already we know now.
00:36:52 Facebook got rid of the Hunter laptop stuff because the FBI told them to.
00:36:59 That's just factual now.
00:37:03 We just, we just know that.
00:37:10 That's not conspiracy theory.
Speaker 6
00:37:12 That's mainstream fact.Devon
00:37:15 Now, now that it doesn't matter.Speaker 9
00:37:22 They envisage sort of regulated system with independent checks and balances around these risks, making sure that they're evaluated and making sure that there's a kind of safety by design.00:37:34 So it's preventative rather than reactive.
00:37:38 It's preventative.00:37:40 Rather than reactive.
00:37:45 And then it's funny because this same ***** that's like.
00:37:51 Ohh, you know the the great replacement conspiracy theory.
00:37:56 And then I find an appearance of her.
00:37:59 On the BBC.
00:38:02 You know, the British broadcasting company.
00:38:10 You know, the British brought, you know.
00:38:13 An island where, you know white.
00:38:15 People come from.
Speaker 6
00:38:21 Both the house are black.Speaker 11
00:38:24 You know what gives you hope that we can make.Devon
00:38:29 It looks like everyone in that studio has been.00:38:31 Replaced you ******* ****.
00:38:34 But anyway, let's hear.
00:38:35 That's what you have to say.
Speaker 11
00:38:37 Make the Internet a better place.Speaker 9
00:38:41 Number one that we.00:38:42 Are moving towards regulation that's going to.
00:38:45 Get us under the bonnet in terms of that data to evidence how these algorithms are impacting harm.
00:38:52 This is not a free speech environment.
00:38:54 We've gotta get away from that understanding.
00:38:58 Of it, this is.
00:38:58 A curated speech.
00:39:03 We have to get away from that.Speaker 6
00:39:07 We need to create.Devon
00:39:09 A curated.00:39:18 Which, by the way same you know Obama.
00:39:20 Was saying that.
00:39:23 Like the last year of his presidency, I think it was.
00:39:28 That they needed to turn the Internet.
00:39:32 Into a curated.
00:39:39 That not just anyone.
00:39:40 Could post to.
00:39:42 And that no one could post to anonymously.
00:39:47 That we had to essentially remake the Internet so that it more closely resembled the systems that they have controlled.
00:39:57 Since the the technology has existed.
00:40:07 What they tasted?
00:40:08 It's funny because one of the things they admit in this documentary, which we'll go back to here in a second.
00:40:17 Is that the reason why?
00:40:20 People are.
00:40:29 Is that there's now a choice.
00:40:33 In information.
00:40:39 It's not like the 90s where everyone was being told the exact same news stories and like, that's just.
00:40:46 What it was.
00:40:48 There was no fact checking for yourself.
00:40:51 The fact checkers were on CNN and they told you it was it.
00:40:54 That's what it.
00:40:54 Was so that's what it was.
00:40:59 The alternatives that were that did exist were extremely difficult.
00:41:04 To access.
00:41:13 Everyone watched the same movies.
00:41:17 Everyone does did not just or didn't just watch the same news.
00:41:22 They watched the same people reading the news.
00:41:32 Newscasters were celebrities.
00:41:38 In fact, celebrities existed.
00:41:41 The idea of celebrity, the way that it what what, what that word meant in the 90s doesn't exist anymore.
00:41:58 In fact, there won't.
00:41:59 That word will have no meaning as soon as like Tom Cruise dies.
Speaker 6
00:42:03 Like he's like the last one, right?Devon
00:42:15 And because people have a choice because people aren't just being force fed, this forced.00:42:23 American Dream, American culture.
00:42:27 Remember that stream we did?
00:42:32 Talking about the history of Hollywood.
00:42:36 Hollywood, ISM.
00:42:39 I highly recommend checking out that stream.
00:42:41 It's the insomnia stream Hollywood ISM edition.
00:42:46 It's one of the more popular streams.
00:42:50 That's how they kept the country.
00:42:52 From coming apart of the seams.
00:42:55 As they just pumped in Randos into the country.
00:43:06 That's how they kept up the illusion.
00:43:10 That there was some kind of cohesive.
00:43:11 Society going on in the North American continent.
00:43:24 As they slowly but steadily and now not so slowly demographically replaced.
00:43:30 The descendants of the founding fathers.
00:43:44 Replace them with people that had nothing in common with with with.
00:43:51 The residents of this of this nation.
00:43:58 Culturally, religiously.
00:44:05 Ethnically not.
00:44:06 I mean that nothing.
00:44:14 But the pretty.
00:44:15 Pictures on the big screen and the little screen at home.
00:44:22 Told them a different story.
00:44:30 It didn't tell them the stories about.
00:44:34 That story I talked about in another stream.
00:44:37 The story about the three black guys who.
00:44:41 Forced a bunch of young white kids who worked at A at a stereo store into the basement, tied them up, forced them to drink, drain.
00:44:49 Them and rape them to death.
00:44:53 Those stories didn't make national news, so people just didn't think.
00:44:56 That it was happening.
00:44:59 They were too busy watching movies like white men can't jump.
Speaker 6
00:45:03 And listening to def Comedy Jam and thinking like ohh yeah.00:45:11 Everything's fine.
00:45:16 We can have a sense of humor about it.
00:45:27 But now all of a sudden they can't keep those stories secret.00:45:32 Now all of a sudden they don't control everything that takes place on every screen.
00:45:42 So of course.
00:45:43 That is what they view as the problem.
Speaker 13
00:45:59 The times we live in now are deeply unsettling, particularly because we no longer live with a common set of facts.Devon
00:46:09 You see.Speaker 6
00:46:12 We no longer live.Devon
00:46:14 With a common set of facts.00:46:22 This FBI agent is telling you.
00:46:26 That the problem is we can't get everyone to believe the same ******** story that we used to come up with.
Speaker 6
00:46:36 Try as we might.Devon
00:46:39 There's all these Devon stacks out there.Speaker 4
00:46:46 If only something could happen to them.Devon
00:46:55 Again, shocking, shocking or not so shocking, how many these experts are women, right?00:47:02 They're they're almost all women.
00:47:17 Look, she does the same thing.
00:47:19 Like I said, they're they're they're basically.
00:47:22 Expert witnesses for hire.
00:47:26 She goes around on all the networks.
00:47:30 And just repeats all the same ******* ********.
00:47:33 She's been saying this entire documentary.
Speaker 13
00:47:38 Are seeing now what happened on January 6th at the capital was really a new violent mass movement.00:47:45 This it is extreme right wing, but it is not exactly the same as the rise in right wing extremism that we've been seeing over the past few years.
00:47:54 And that's largely because of the big lie, of course highly.
00:47:59 The big lie?00:48:00 I like that I like.
00:48:02 How often they.
00:48:05 They repeat that and all in unison, as if like.
00:48:09 Almost as if someone's focus group tested that.
Speaker 4
00:48:14 They did by the.Devon
00:48:15 Way, don't don't think that that wasn't tested.00:48:19 Don't think that for a second that that kind of thing is organic, that all of.
00:48:22 A sudden everyone.
00:48:24 On on the the in the deep state.
00:48:29 Everyone, that's.
00:48:32 Benefiting from the election fraud?
00:48:37 All the same time start calling.
00:48:39 It's the.
00:48:40 Big lie.
00:48:40 It's the big lie.
00:48:47 And never actually calling it by what it is.
00:48:49 The communists have.
00:48:51 Have they love this kind of they love this word game.
00:48:55 They've been doing it forever.
00:48:56 They always rebrand everything you know.
00:49:00 I'm not pro abortion. I'm pro-choice. Choice sounds not so bad. Choices are good. Freedom and stuff, right?
Speaker 4
00:49:09 The big lie.Devon
00:49:10 You never that way.00:49:11 You never have to say the words.
00:49:13 Election fraud.
Speaker 4
00:49:21 It's the big lie, the.Devon
00:49:22 Big lies driving these these ******* maggot tarts crazy.00:49:27 Yeah, well, you, you.
Speaker 10
00:49:28 Might have figured.Devon
00:49:29 That into your equation before you stole the ******* election.Speaker 13
00:49:33 Rational factor.00:49:34 But there are what I would sort of think of as parallel tracks of extremism now unfolding in the United States as we speak.
Speaker 15
00:49:45 Molly, some Republicans have falsely asserted Antifa was behind the capital assault.00:49:50 We know it was pro Trump supporters.
00:49:52 We know far left extremism and violence does exist.
00:49:56 How would you assess the threat level of domestic extremism right now compared to previous moments?
00:50:01 In U.S. history.
Speaker 13
00:50:03 Right now, the action is clearly with the extreme right.Devon
00:50:09 There you go.00:50:12 And look, I don't think Antifa, the January 6th, I think it's like a stupid boomer take.
00:50:16 I think the feds were probably on the ground doing stuff as they always seem to be.
00:50:28 But the idea that you have left wing organizations burn down the country for the entire presidency of Donald Trump.
00:50:41 That doesn't even get mentioned.
00:50:43 Oh, wait, I I I'm wrong.
00:50:45 That does get mentioned in this documentary finally.
00:50:49 I I should reserve my judgment, I should wait and see.
00:50:53 How they addressed that because they haven't yet.
00:50:57 You know they've they've had six ******* episodes.
Speaker 6
00:51:00 About healing, they hate, right?00:51:02 They're trying to heal it.
00:51:03 They're trying to bring us together.
00:51:07 So I mean I'm, I'm sure like it can't.
00:51:10 All just be about.
00:51:12 The Psycho right wing people, right?
00:51:14 There's gonna they gonna?
00:51:14 They gonna.
00:51:15 Throw us a bone.
00:51:21 I'm sure that will happen.Speaker 16
00:51:26 Our ideal America would be an America that's all white.Speaker 7
00:51:29 Jeff Scoop has a unique insight into the mind of far right extremists.00:51:35 He used to be one of them.
Speaker 16
00:51:38 The scary thing, and the unfortunate thing about is seeing these echo chambers or.Devon
00:51:44 So this ******* ****** here.00:51:50 Perfect example of why you don't want low IQ *******.
00:51:57 On our side.
00:52:00 And he wasn't just like a low IQ ****** on our side, he was.
00:52:04 A low IQ ****** leader.
00:52:12 Of a of the pro white.
00:52:13 If you want to call it then.
00:52:19 This is also the guy when.
00:52:20 We did remember when we did.
Speaker 4
00:52:22 The stream with the racist kids and it.Devon
00:52:24 Was the children of.00:52:24 That guy, that was the Christian identity.
00:52:30 Guy that was out of Idaho.
00:52:33 Then they.
00:52:34 Put them on and and just, you know, they just made them sound like psychos.
00:52:40 And then we looked up.
00:52:41 Like Ohh, whatever happened to that redhead?
00:52:44 And you find out she's living in some RV somewhere and.
00:52:51 And is trying to be a leftist.
00:52:53 Well, the string that she was on, the guy that she was talking to.
00:52:57 Is this guy?
00:53:03 Who's now also an anti racist and I'm very curious.
00:53:06 They blurred how to shirt.
00:53:09 And at first I was like, is that an Antifa logo?
00:53:13 Does he have an Antifa logo now like?
00:53:17 And that's what I thought it was and it, umm, it might be.
00:53:24 I mean, it looks Antifa.
Speaker 6
00:53:30 It's just a little weird that.Devon
00:53:31 They blurred out a logo.00:53:36 On his shirt.
00:53:37 He's he's one of their good guys.
00:53:40 Why they have to blur out?
00:53:41 A logo on his shirt.
00:53:46 It's not the only thing they blur out, by the way.
00:53:48 There's there's some absurd blurring that happens later on.
00:53:51 In the documentary.
00:53:56 Let's see.
00:53:57 What's his story?
00:53:58 He used to be a Nazi leader.
00:53:59 What happened?
Speaker 16
00:54:02 Or these these barriers.00:54:03 Being put up in peoples minds and in our society, that's how it was in.
00:54:07 The movement.
Speaker 4
00:54:07 Who's straight? Who's straight?Speaker 16
00:54:11 When I said the movement I'm talking about the National Socialist movement, better known as America's Nazi Party.Speaker 6
00:54:16 You have legal aliens coming over the border, streaming over in horns.Speaker 16
00:54:20 I was involved in the National Socialist Movement for 27 years. 25 of those years I was the national leader of that organization consistently.Speaker 14
00:54:29 The Zionist media calls also hate you.Devon
00:54:36 Thank God.00:54:39 We have smarter people involved now.
00:54:47 So what?
00:54:48 What changed?
00:54:48 I wonder what changed.
00:54:50 He went from being like captain Anti Zionist.
00:54:54 That sucked to what?
00:54:55 Like now he's now he's.
00:55:00 He's literally hanging out with black guys and telling you, like, how bad.
00:55:04 How bad racism is?
00:55:08 See if I can find one of these videos of his.
00:55:12 I had it forgot to load it up.
00:55:15 Where to go?
00:55:26 I might not have it anymore.
00:55:30 Oh no, I do have it.
00:55:34 So he went from that to.
00:55:37 Now he does.
00:55:40 Stuff like this here.
Speaker 8
00:55:52 Think of yourself as an extremist.00:55:54 Not not when I was in.
00:55:55 Not absolutely not now clearly.
00:55:58 Clearly you see it as plain as day.
Speaker 16
00:56:00 But when you're embroiled in it and involved.00:56:03 In it, you don't really see yourself as that.
00:56:05 I could tell you how I saw myself when I was.
00:56:07 In it, when I was deeply.Speaker 8
00:56:08 Right, right.Speaker 16
00:56:09 In it, I felt like I was a.00:56:10 Patriot I was a.
00:56:12 Good man.
00:56:13 I thought all this sort.
00:56:13 Of thing.
Speaker 8
00:56:14 Right.Devon
00:56:17 No, no, no.00:56:18 But I was just a mean.
00:56:19 Evil ******.
00:56:20 But that's also, by the way, that's why you shouldn't want to do this out of.
00:56:26 Age in hate like you really shouldn't.
00:56:29 You shouldn't want to.
00:56:32 Defeat the pedos.
00:56:35 Out out of some irrational hate.
00:56:39 There's very rational reasons why you'd want.
00:56:41 To get rid of the pedos.
00:56:44 There's very rational reasons.
00:56:47 That that you should be able to articulate in your head easily.
00:56:51 Why you'd want to protect your own people from the pedos.
00:56:55 And from the you know the other people.
00:57:00 And if you can't, then you're.
00:57:02 You're going to have a moment like this guy where you're like, wait a second.
00:57:05 Maybe I'm on the wrong side.
00:57:07 Because this guy never articulated which is bizarre that he's in charge of this organization for 25 years. Anyway, let's.
00:57:14 Let's see what happened.
00:57:15 What was the catalyst?
Speaker 7
00:57:16 Poop says he never really met anyone from a different race until he agreed to be interviewed for several documentaries.Devon
00:57:24 OK, I I find that hard to believe.00:57:26 He never met anyone from another race.
00:57:30 I don't know how could you.
00:57:31 Think that America was getting.
00:57:32 Overrun and then just never meet anyone from another race.
00:57:35 That's insane.
Speaker 7
00:57:37 About the far right, that's when he met Dia Khan.00:57:41 Who was of?
00:57:43 Ohh, I ******* knew it.00:57:44 I ******* alright, go on.
Speaker 7
00:57:50 Pakistani descent and was making a film called White Right Meeting the enemy.Speaker 16
00:57:57 The head of the Nazi Party is making.00:57:59 Friends with the.
00:58:00 British Muslim lady.
00:58:03 It was.
00:58:04 It was really incredible.
Speaker 7
00:58:06 As a former leading NEO Nazi who then renounced white supremacist beliefs, many disillusioned extremists come to him for help.Devon
00:58:19 Many really.00:58:24 So you want to see how many?
00:58:26 People come to him for help.
00:58:29 So I checked that his YouTube channel.
00:58:34 Uh. Let's see here.
00:58:39 Let's scale that up.
00:58:45 371 subscribers.
Speaker 6
00:58:50 Now, look, I'm not someone that.Devon
00:58:53 Likes the subscriber shame, and I don't care about clout, but I mean.Speaker 6
00:58:57 371.Devon
00:59:00 And 29 views from a video that he posted in July.00:59:04 OK.
00:59:05 I don't know if there's like tons of people going to go see him.
00:59:09 And you might.
00:59:09 Say ohh Debbie, you're being * ****, he.
00:59:11 Probably just started his channel.
00:59:12 No, not really.
00:59:15 And these are videos from two years ago.
00:59:18 And he's regularly posting 154 views.
00:59:23 You know, there's this first video got 321. Wow, that's ohh. Look, he almost he almost broke 1000 ones.
00:59:31 Two years ago, two years ago, you know?
00:59:37 So yeah, maybe maybe it's just that he's not that bright.
00:59:42 And it doesn't matter if it's he's representing racist or anti racist.
00:59:46 He's just not that articulate.
Speaker 18
00:59:56 At the end of 2021, the US got added to a list of backsliding democracies. The data shows that, on average, it takes about 9 years from the time a country gets added to that list for that country to.01:00:07 Either collapse or be restored.
Speaker 7
01:00:16 You give me.Speaker 4
01:00:16 Hope Cynthia Miller.01:00:23 I was almost out.
01:00:23 Of hope.
01:00:24 And then you told me about this figure about.
01:00:28 Collapse or restoration?
01:00:32 And I should listen to you clearly, because you're the director of polarization and extremism.01:00:42 I don't know how you get that job.
01:00:45 I don't know how you become the director of polarization and extremism, but by God, like many women out there, you found a ******* useless job that pays a lot of money.
01:00:55 Good job.
01:00:58 Good job, Cynthia.
01:01:05 Now The thing is, Cynthia is not the only one.
01:01:07 That thinks this way.
01:01:10 In fact, according to the Guardian.
01:01:13 More than 40% of.
01:01:14 Americans think Civil war is likely within a decade.
01:01:21 More than half of strong Republicans.
01:01:29 This is the Guardian more than 2/5 of Americans believe civil war is at least somewhat likely the next 10 years, according to a new survey, a figure that it increases.
01:01:40 To more than half among self identified strong Republicans and look this number like these numbers were nowhere near this.
01:01:49 Even a few years ago.
01:01:52 Amid heated rhetoric from supporters of Donald Trump, the findings and research by you Gov and the Economist.
01:01:59 Follow similar results in other polls.
01:02:03 On Sunday night, the South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, good old Lindsey Graham, predicted riots in the streets.
01:02:11 If Trump is indicted over his retention of classified documents after leaving the White House.
01:02:23 Graham earned A widespread rebuke.
01:02:26 On Monday, Mary McCourt look, he's just stating the obvious.
01:02:29 Look, I I don't even like that ******, but he's just.
01:02:32 Stating the obvious.
01:02:34 Mary McCord, a former acting deputy attorney general, told CNN.
01:02:39 Look, another woman.
01:02:40 It was incredibly irresponsible for an elected official to basically make veiled threats of.
01:02:45 No, he wasn't.
01:02:46 He he he think that ****** likes Trump.
01:02:48 It isn't like Trump.
01:02:52 He's just afraid that those riots might might involve him somehow, and not a not a nice not in a nice way.
01:03:00 He's not making threats, believe me.
01:03:07 January 6th was the result of this same kind of tactic by Trump and his allies.
01:03:17 Everything's January 6th, Lindsey Graham being afraid of riots if they arrest Trump is also January 6.
01:03:28 9 deaths, including suicides among police officers, have been linked to the capital attack on.
01:03:36 Oh, including suicides? Yeah.
01:03:45 I'd like to know how many of those were actual suicides.
01:03:48 I mean, **** if I was one of those ********, I'd probably kill myself, so I'm not exactly saying they were suicided, but.
01:03:57 You know, it's not.
01:03:58 It's not as though.
01:04:00 Ohh, I forgot to uh.
01:04:05 Let me see if I got let me see if I got that.
01:04:13 One of those brave.
01:04:17 Brave, brave men.
Speaker 10
01:04:23 Where? Where'd it?Devon
01:04:24 Oh, I thought I had that.01:04:28 That's a shame.
01:04:29 That's a shame.
01:04:30 Unless I put it here.
01:04:30 Let me see.
01:04:38 Now I didn't.
01:04:39 I don't have it there, but it's OK.
Speaker 19
01:04:42 I don't know.01:04:42 I've not had them.
01:04:43 Son of a ******* down here on my asss.
01:04:46 Come in my house here and throw their **** around.
Speaker 14
01:04:50 Who's that?Speaker 19
01:04:50 Few times. *** **** FBI.Devon
01:04:55 I was looking for the capital police guy.Speaker 6
01:04:57 That's like I'm getting squished.Devon
01:05:03 I thought I rendered that like I thought I'd trimmed a clip of that out.01:05:06 So I could play it tonight.
01:05:08 I don't know where it went.
01:05:10 At least now I got the GDF FBI guy.
01:05:13 Let me see if I can.
01:05:15 It doesn't matter.
01:05:22 Most experts believe a full scale armed conflict like the American Civil War remains unlikely, but many fear an increase of jagged political division and explicitly political violence.
01:05:36 By the way, I I think it's also unlikely, unless you get governors involved.
01:05:41 One of the.
01:05:42 Reasons why it's important to focus locally is you're never going is.
01:05:47 The order found out.
01:05:49 You're never going to.
01:05:53 America is just too ******* big.
01:05:56 It's just too ******* big.
01:06:01 And just in terms of the, the, the resources?
01:06:07 Of the federal government.
01:06:10 It's just too ******* big.
01:06:13 No matter what, how big of a you know group, you think that you're going to manage to.
01:06:21 Put together.
01:06:23 You're never going to be able to take on.
01:06:27 The the the entire even if you did where, where would the battlefield be?
01:06:34 Yeah, I mean.
01:06:40 It's so much more important to try to control.
01:06:42 Your local area.
01:06:51 That's doable.
01:06:53 And once you have people in charge that.
01:06:56 See things the way you do.
01:07:01 Like a governor for all it would take would be really all it would take would be.
01:07:05 A couple of governors.
01:07:08 To say no.
01:07:09 We're out of here.
01:07:18 I think that once, once you broke.
01:07:21 Once you broke that ice.
01:07:25 Once you normalized secession, and I don't mean just like Texas, when every time Texas always talks a big game about secession.
01:07:34 They're never going to ******* do it.
01:07:37 They'll elect Beto before they ******* secede.
01:07:42 But they talk a big game.
01:07:49 But if you could.
01:07:50 Get one state to actually try to do it.
01:07:56 That would be a game changer.
01:08:02 This month, Rachel Kleinfeld.
01:08:08 A specialist in civil conflict at the Carnegie Endowment for the International Peace told the Guardian, countries with democracies and governments as strong as Americas do not fall into civil war.
01:08:22 But if our institutions weaken, the story could be different.
01:08:34 Anyway, let's.
01:08:37 Let's let's take a look at this this *******.
01:08:40 Director of polarization.
01:08:44 And extremism.
01:08:47 I'm sure she's been on other stuff before talking about this.
01:08:50 I mean, she's the director of polarization and extremism.
01:08:54 Probably talks about all the time.
Speaker 18
01:08:58 Or experiencing here is millions of American people who now live in an alternative universe of facts they have committed fully to a complete conspiracy theory and disinformation about the election, believing that the election is invalid, believing there's mass.01:09:18 Voter fraud that the traders are actually the ones in in, in the you know, in Congress and.
01:09:33 You're just not believing the right facts, goddamnit.01:09:38 We need.
01:09:39 That's the.
01:09:39 That's the the only reason why this is happening is people are believing the wrong facts.
Speaker 18
01:09:47 And who are supporting the peaceful transition?01:09:51 And so they believe they're now called upon and being mobilized to stop it.
01:09:55 So they think they're being heroic.
Speaker 20
01:09:57 While those people that we've seen.Speaker 21
01:09:59 Going into the capital.Speaker 18
01:10:01 This is one of the most interesting things because it's a real toxic mix and we've been seeing this over the past eight to 10 months, I would say is an increasingly diverse coalition.Devon
01:10:14 Ah, see, there's that fear again.01:10:18 There's that fear.
01:10:20 Of right wing people.
01:10:23 Having the ability.
01:10:27 To unite.
01:10:30 Right wing people.
01:10:33 Who can agree to disagree?
01:10:36 While they take care of the big problems.
01:10:46 That's their fear.
01:10:48 That's what they have to stop.
01:10:53 Because all these individual groups.
01:10:58 Are laughably small.
01:11:03 Not only do they have absolutely no ability to.
01:11:07 Do anything militarily or like that.
01:11:09 Like even if they, you know, banded together, that that'd be a tough sell.
01:11:16 But they don't even.
01:11:16 Have political power.
01:11:17 They're so small.
01:11:19 Especially if they're spread out as as most of.
01:11:22 These groups are.
01:11:29 What they fear.
01:11:31 Is right wing people coming together?
01:11:34 And combining their power.
Speaker 18
01:11:36 Forming across groups within the far right spectrum, so we saw white supremacist and Neo Nazi kinds of Insignia there, and tattoos and symbols.01:11:45 We also have the Q Anon conspiracy theorists.
01:11:48 There were proud boys there.
01:11:50 There were militia groups, and then you know, of course, the wide, large number.
01:11:56 Or of of kind.
01:11:57 Of violently mobilizing Trump fans and MAGA supporters, and which is a kind of a new mobilization for them moving out of the mainstream into a real extremist act.
01:12:13 Maga extremists, as Biden likes to say.Speaker 7
01:12:23 Independent organizations that monitor elections across the globe now rate the US as a flawed democracy.Speaker 22
01:12:31 $3.Devon
01:12:35 But there definitely wasn't voter fraud, right?01:12:38 Definitely not.
Speaker 13
01:12:40 On January 6th we all saw there were people there who did not match the traditional profile of the violent far right extremist.Devon
01:12:52 That's the other thing.01:12:53 They're they're worried about.
01:12:57 See, they're used to ******** like this guy.
01:13:05 They can handle ******** like that guy.
01:13:17 What they have a hard time with is that there's.
01:13:21 There's some normal seeming soccer moms.
01:13:27 There's some normal business owner types.
Speaker 13
01:13:34 On January 6th we all saw there were people there who.01:13:38 Did not match.
Speaker 1
01:13:40 The truth.Speaker 13
01:13:41 Original profile of the violent far right extremist.01:13:47 Three of them were over the age of 35. Many were in their 40s and 50s.
Speaker 23
01:13:52 Everybody you wanna?Speaker 2
01:13:53 ****, this should be a saying, right?Speaker 4
01:13:56 Boomer waffen.Speaker 13
01:14:05 Many at the capital insurrection were white collar professionals or business owners or CEO's.Devon
01:14:14 I'm going to call out.Speaker 14
01:14:16 Fior de new blah blah blah blah, there wasn't voter fraud, the American voter.Speaker 4
01:14:21 Pool. Just browner.Devon
01:14:22 Dude, you're a ******* ******.01:14:24 You're a *******.
01:14:25 ******, you're getting high on your own.
01:14:27 *** **** supply.
01:14:29 I'm ******* tired of *** ****.
01:14:31 Nazi types like you saying.
01:14:32 Ohh yeah, no, actually, the reason Trump didn't win was because Richard Spencer voted for Biden.
Speaker 6
01:14:39 Shut the **** **.Devon
01:14:41 Like I get it, you're ******* ********.01:14:43 You don't understand statistical.
01:14:44 Look, you think I voted for Trump?
01:14:46 I stayed home and I and I'm not so ******* full of myself that I think there wasn't voter fraud, you stupid ****.
01:14:55 I'm just ******* tired of this ****.
01:14:57 I'm ******* tired of all these people that.
Speaker 6
01:14:59 Think ohh yeah.01:15:00 No, actually, we own Trump by stand.
01:15:02 He he pisssed off the white men that really.01:15:04 No, he didn't, you ******* ******.
01:15:07 You think Biden got more votes than anyone else who's ever existed?
01:15:11 You think that all the, the statistical and out like all like the bellwether?
Speaker 6
01:15:16 States everything else, like all the.01:15:18 I I I can't.
01:15:19 I'm, I'm.
01:15:19 I'm *******.
01:15:20 I'm losing my mind here.
01:15:22 I'm losing my.01:15:23 I'm going to, in fact, you're going to make me do a string just on the ******* voter fraud so I can lay it all out for.
Speaker 14
01:15:28 This dumb cuck right here in.Devon
01:15:31 I can't ******* take it anymore.01:15:33 I can't take it because these people will always just say that.
01:15:35 Like ohh.
Speaker 4
01:15:35 There wasn't fraud, we we owned him.Speaker 6
01:15:38 You don't have that kind of power, you stupid ****.01:15:43 You don't have that kind of power.
01:15:48 You didn't get Trump elected.01:15:51 You didn't get him, not elected.
Speaker 6
01:15:54 You are so insignificant.Devon
01:15:57 You have no ******* idea.01:16:02 Because a few ******* thousand people on the Internet stayed home.
01:16:05 You think that made the difference because there was just enough demographic change in a couple of places?
01:16:11 That's not even true.
01:16:13 Because Trump got the.
Speaker 6
01:16:15 Hispanic vote in most of the places that you're talking about.Devon
01:16:21 God, I I I ******* it's.01:16:23 It's the dumbest ******* take in the world.
01:16:25 It's the dumbest take.
01:16:27 It's the dumbest ******* take.
01:16:28 Because it's a bunch of people.
01:16:30 That wanted to.
01:16:30 Be like.
01:16:31 Ha ha.Devon
01:16:32 Ha, we showed Trump.01:16:34 We told people that he ****** *** the white people and that.
Speaker 6
01:16:37 He yeah.01:16:38 Look, I don't ******* love.
01:16:39 Trump I stayed home, too.
01:16:44 But I'm not ******** enough to think that like.
Speaker 4
01:16:46 That that's what did it.01:16:48 That's what did it.
01:16:55 You ******* ******.01:16:56 You serious?
01:16:57 You, you ******* ******.
01:17:01 Jesus Christ.
01:17:03 Ohh yeah, Biden Biden got more votes than than any president ever.
01:17:08 That's what makes sense to you.
Speaker 6
01:17:17 That's what makes sense to you.Devon
01:17:22 You ******* ******.01:17:27 I don't even like Trump.
Speaker 6
01:17:31 In in some ways, I'm glad he lost like this is this is.Devon
01:17:34 Working out too, you know.Speaker 6
01:17:37 I'm not.01:17:37 I'm not even like that mad.
01:17:38 About it, but I'm not a *******.01:17:40 ****** that thinks that like Oh yeah.
Speaker 6
01:17:44 It's it's because it's because uh.Devon
01:17:48 You know, 5000 white nationalists online.01:17:51 Didn't vote for him.
01:17:55 Come on, you *******.
01:17:57 Jesus Christ.
01:18:05 Ah, see you guys think I never look at Chad I look.
01:18:08 At Chad, sometimes I'm just.
01:18:09 So ******* mad about that, because.
Speaker 6
01:18:11 It's just like dude, not only.01:18:15 You know what?
01:18:16 The funny thing is it's it's these.01:18:18 It's these same stupid *****.
01:18:20 That that think that.
01:18:22 They have so much trust in centralized power.
01:18:26 This is why, by the way, people like me are suspicious of centralized power and and.
01:18:31 It's the same people that have so much trust and centralized power.
01:18:35 They believe the official COVID ****, and they were saying how that was a conspiracy theory too.
01:18:40 Ohh, it's just stupid magnetars.
01:18:42 It's just ******* stupid cute tardes that are afraid of it.
01:18:45 And now and now there's a adult Death syndrome.
01:18:50 Go ahead.
01:18:51 Trust literally.
01:18:52 Trust the institutions that you you yourself say are trying to genocide you.
01:18:58 Ohh, they're trying to genocide me, but they were totally being honest about the election and about COVID like they're, you know, it it it's they're trying to genocide me, but anything that that looks like there's a lot of evidence that there there may be up to no good.
01:19:14 That's all just crazy talk.
01:19:21 You have like the mind of a child.
01:19:26 Ah, anyway.
01:19:30 Maybe I drank too much caffeine.
01:19:35 Yeah, I'm going to have to do a string going over all the voter fraud though, because there it's it.
01:19:40 There's it's not.
01:19:43 It's not the stupid look.
01:19:44 There was a lot of stupid coutard voter fraud accusations, right there was.
01:19:49 There was a lot of this.
01:19:50 Ohh yeah.
01:19:51 Like what would that that Steve Pacheco Knik, literal Massad agent Guy say he was like Oh yeah, we got the blockchain, you know something or other like just saying blockchain is cute.
01:20:02 Didn't know what that.
01:20:03 Meant and, you know, and.
01:20:05 And Rudy's Rudy's defense was was half fast and ******** because he was literally drunk as **** the entire time.
01:20:13 Like he was drunk as **** the entire time and he had no intention of actually trying to challenge it.
01:20:21 They had no intention like they they the whole stopped the steel ******** everyone involved was just using it to make money.
01:20:30 Trump had an opportunity to cross the Rubicon.
01:20:33 He had several opportunities to cross the Rubicon.
01:20:36 And never did it.
01:20:42 And now that he thinks that they might try to throw, you know that they might try to indict him or whatever.
01:20:47 Now he's like.
01:20:48 Having having regrets.
01:20:49 Or maybe he's not.
01:20:50 Maybe he's just throwing, you know, he's just using.
01:20:52 He's just threatening.
01:20:55 The law enforcement.
01:20:57 Apparatus with the the you know, dangling the threat of of activating crazy cue.
01:21:02 Cards, I don't know.
01:21:04 I have a hard time believing Trump would actually.
01:21:08 You know, even even though he's a daylight a dollar short, it wouldn't matter now that even now he would, he would ever try to do anything.
01:21:19 But if you think that that that Biden legitimately.
01:21:23 One in the most statistically impossible.
01:21:25 Way ever Biden.
01:21:29 And by the way, that accounts for all the the the, you know, the Hunter laptop stuff being kept out of the news by, you know, Twitter banning the New York Post and by Facebook, you know, removing everyone's account that would talk about it.
01:21:44 And like all the court, like, I'm not even talking.
01:21:46 About that stuff.
01:21:50 People could consider that fraud, I.
01:21:52 Don't really, I don't.
01:21:53 I just don't.
01:21:54 I don't consider it Freddy's dirty tricks.
01:21:56 It's ****** **.
01:21:59 But that's, that's where we are right now.
01:22:02 That's the kind of **** that's going to happen.
01:22:06 And yeah, it's ****** ** that that the guy who made you know that were on Twitter during the 2016 election would tweet out a meme.
01:22:17 That said, you know you know, draft our daughters.
01:22:23 Or if you want to vote for Hillary, text this number to this number.
01:22:28 You know Ricky Vaughn?
01:22:29 I don't.
01:22:30 Know if you guys remember that guy.
01:22:32 The Justice Department's going after him.
01:22:36 And saying that it was election interference.
01:22:40 Even though that.
01:22:41 You have that kind of a lopsided.
01:22:43 Treatment of these dirty tricks.
01:22:47 Where you have just some random guy tweeting to the Justice Department goes after him.
01:22:53 But you have.
01:22:55 Huge monopolies like Facebook and and Twitter silencing.
01:23:00 Legitimate media outlets.
01:23:03 For reporting legitimate news at the behest of the FBI and FBI, who also was distributing.
01:23:11 All this ******** about, you know, Russia gate, the same FBI that.
01:23:16 Was was. Was, was.
01:23:18 They got rid of General Flynn, whether.
01:23:21 You like him or not?
01:23:21 Doesn't matter.
01:23:22 The fact that you had an FBI so hostile to the last administration that they were engaging in treason, another failing.
01:23:29 Of Trump, by the way.
01:23:35 That's Trump's fault. Trump should have dealt with that either had no interest in it or was incompetent.
01:23:41 Who knows what which is is the truth.
01:23:48 But all that stuff aside.
01:23:52 All that stuff aside, there was actual ******* fraud.
01:23:56 There's video of it.
01:24:04 There's video of it and look, I get that the the the meat headed fagots that like.
01:24:08 To say Trump lost because of the brown people.
01:24:12 I know you guys aren't.
01:24:13 Really good at ******* math and numbers.
01:24:17 But even if you didn't have the video that you have.
01:24:23 That at least suggests a fairly widespread operation.
01:24:27 The statistical data alone.
01:24:32 Makes it so improbable.
01:24:40 So insanely improbable.
Speaker 6
01:24:43 Like if that's all, if that's all.01:24:45 The data you had.
01:24:46 If all the data you had.01:24:50 Were the numbers from previous elections.
01:24:52 And then this election.
01:24:57 Like, that's all you had.
01:24:59 You could look at that data and be like there are an insane amount of anomalies here.
01:25:08 That I don't think margin of error or other things like mail in ballots and stuff can account for.
01:25:22 It's because of **** ***** like you.
01:25:27 That we even have a Biden Presidency right now.
Speaker 24
01:25:29 That's it.Devon
01:25:39 You know it's you're worse than a ******* coutard.01:25:42 If you believe that the the election wasn't rigged.
01:25:45 You want to know why?
01:25:47 Yeah, they're ******** cause they trust the ******* plan.
01:25:53 But you trust the ******* anti whites?
01:26:03 You trust the.
01:26:04 ******* man.
01:26:05 That should be your slogan. You should make T-shirts say.
01:26:08 Trust the man.
01:26:11 Whether he's talking about the election or COVID.
Speaker 6
01:26:13 Trust the man.Devon
01:26:18 You ******* stupid, silly *****.01:26:31 Yeah, I'm going to have to do.
01:26:32 I'm going to have to do a stream.
01:26:34 Just on the election.
01:26:37 I I don't.
01:26:38 I don't know.
01:26:38 Why I should have to do this but.
01:26:41 There's there's so much obvious and look in in addition to the statistical data, the fact that there's like 0 record.
01:26:50 Like, oh look, all the records by, by federal law, we're supposed to hang on.
Speaker 6
01:26:54 To you, they're.01:26:55 All just gone.
01:27:09 Don't get high on your own supply.01:27:10 That's that's.
01:27:12 I know that advice comes from a a gangster rapper.
01:27:18 But it's still good advice.
01:27:20 It's still good advice.
01:27:22 Back to the back to.
01:27:23 I don't even know where we are anymore.
01:27:24 Back to healing.
01:27:25 Hey, here we go.
Speaker 13
01:27:26 January 6th we all saw there were people there who.01:27:30 Did not match.
01:27:32 The traditional profile of the violent, far right extremist.
01:27:40 2/3 of them were over the age of 35. Many were in their 40s and 50s.
Speaker 1
01:27:44 Everybody there saying right now.Speaker 13
01:27:47 Many at the capital insurrection were white collar professionals or business owners or CEO's. That is not like the traditional right wing extremist at all. That's a real concern.Speaker 20
01:28:03 What is this ************?Devon
01:28:10 So yeah, they were upset.01:28:12 They're upset that it's it's not just, uh.
01:28:16 You know it.
01:28:17 They were upset that it's not just *******.
01:28:22 Like that guy that thinks the election was real?
01:28:28 Yeah, if if you think the election is real, you should watch this guy's channel. No one else is doing it.
01:28:33 They should go to that guy's channel.
01:28:36 He thinks the election was real.
01:28:40 So does she.
01:28:41 She thinks the election was real.
Speaker 21
01:28:50 My name is Darrell Johnson, former senior analyst for domestic terrorism at the Department of Homeland Security.Devon
01:28:59 So now they're bringing this ****.01:29:04 I've got an opinion on him here but.
01:29:07 Well, let's let's find.
01:29:09 Who is this guy?
01:29:10 You know, he used to work for Homeland Security.
Speaker 25
01:29:13 Gathering information right wing extremist activity in the United States that mean they're going to be spending sending spies to these tea parties.Speaker 20
01:29:21 Now, if you disagree with that liberal path, the President Obama's taking the country down, you may soon catch the attention of the Department of Homeland Security.Speaker 22
01:29:29 Portraying standard ordinary.01:29:31 Everyday conservatives as posing a bigger threat to this country.
01:29:35 Than al Qaida terrorists.
01:29:37 A new government report is warning that right wing extremists.01:29:41 Here in the.
01:29:43 This is this is.
Speaker 8
01:29:45 Left wing.Speaker 21
01:29:47 I'd like to tell it see where he's 6.Speaker 8
01:29:48 Oh my God.01:29:49 They're they're they're nice.
01:29:53 All right, so that guy wrote the report.01:29:57 So this guy.
Speaker 6
01:30:01 Worked for Obama.Devon
01:30:03 Worked in Homeland Security.01:30:10 I think was a closeted ****** Mormon.
01:30:12 He's a he, he, he's a Mormon.
01:30:13 In fact, he tries to make the excuse.
01:30:16 But he does it in a way that like kind of sets off some alarm bells.
01:30:20 He's like, well, I don't know what, like, he wrote.
01:30:23 So alright, So what he does, he wrote this report.
01:30:26 That said, that because the economy wasn't doing so hot in 2008 because you had the housing crisis and whatever, and because we had a black president.
01:30:36 That they needed to focus their efforts on white supremacists because that was going to be the new dangerous thing.
01:30:45 And he wrote this big, long report.
01:30:48 And it got passed around by the the Communists.
01:30:54 In the media and they were making a big deal out of it.
01:30:59 But the Conservatives at the time, the white Conservatives still had enough political power.
01:31:08 That all it took were, you know, the.
01:31:10 Boomers, you know, I think it we saw like all the examples, right?
01:31:14 Like we showed the what was it, you know, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh.
01:31:19 This is back when Joe Joe look.
01:31:22 Morning, Joe.
01:31:22 That's back when he was still right wing.
01:31:24 Kind of.
01:31:26 You know, even though he he.
Speaker 4
01:31:27 Had he had still murdered his?Devon
01:31:30 His intern. But don't worry though, that that guy that thinks the election was real probably thinks that's that's all just made-up too. And then you had you had.01:31:42 You know basically all the, you know, the Fox News people and everyone saying this is ******* insane.
01:31:49 The Obama administration is going to use this report as justification to do what?
01:31:56 Oh, I don't know what they're trying to do right now.
Speaker 4
01:32:04 And so it's not new.Devon
01:32:07 This fagot was trying to do it back then and he acts as if Oh yeah I'm I'm very shocked.01:32:13 I'm surprised cause like you know, I'm I I was a Republican and I at the top and this is this was the giveaway. He's like I you know I was Mormon and I was pro-life.
01:32:29 So it's like, oh, so you're.
01:32:31 And he sounds he sounds kind of gay, so it's kind of like I'm like, OK, So what happened was two I'll be fair, 2 possibilities.
01:32:41 One, you were just a ******* ******.
01:32:43 They didn't understand how this report would be used.
01:32:47 You were wrong about your assertions that there were all these, you know, right wing.
01:32:51 Extremists that were going to, you know, go after the White House.
01:32:55 Or I don't know what.
01:32:55 What what you thought was going to happen?
01:32:57 But because Obama was president, every, you know, everything was going to get really dangerous because of all the crazy white people if.
01:33:04 Only we lived in that ******* world.
01:33:06 And so you wrote this report either because.
01:33:11 You believe that or who knows? I can't get inside this fagot's head.
01:33:17 And then either you gave it to the administration.
01:33:21 Not knowing.
01:33:24 How the an administration like the Obama administration.
Speaker 6
01:33:29 Would use something like that.Devon
01:33:34 Now, either you were just too ******* stupid.01:33:36 To realize that.
01:33:39 Or you knew.
01:33:41 And you're pretending to be ******* stupid.
01:33:46 But then when the right conservative right was still.
01:33:51 We're still, you know, still had enough.
01:33:53 Political power at the time, weirdly enough.
01:33:58 To where all it took were people like Rush Limbaugh and and Sean Hannity and all these other Maga boomers like, you know, I guess prior to Maga.
01:34:08 To get their audiences all riled up.
01:34:12 And writing letters to Congress and and phone calling.
01:34:16 You know, the White House.
01:34:22 That they actually disbanded your unit.
01:34:28 And you got ******* so **** hurt.
01:34:32 That you have spent and he has.
01:34:34 You have spent the rest of your life.
01:34:39 Doing media tours and writing books, he's on like book #6.
01:34:45 That are just basically different variations of that.
01:34:48 Report you wrote.
01:34:50 Knowing that left wing Jewish publishers are going to publish it.
01:34:58 Of course, they're gonna publish a book that ohh you.
01:35:01 Look at the ex ex Homeland Security expert on extremism.
Speaker 4
01:35:07 Says that the right wing is getting crazy.Devon
01:35:12 So he he got so ******* **** hurt and look and that's what he's doing.Speaker 6
01:35:16 In this show right now.Devon
01:35:24 It's like, what did I say about these guys?01:35:26 They're they're literally all just professional expert witnesses.
01:35:40 Let me see if I can find, yeah.
01:35:47 He's made appearance after appearance after appearance.
01:35:52 On any show, he can get himself on.
01:36:01 That he was unjustly fired.
01:36:06 And if only if only they had listened to his report.
01:36:11 January 6 could have.
01:36:12 Been avoided.
Speaker 21
01:36:16 Six was kind of the end that it culminated in this capital insurrection.01:36:23 No, this is the beginning of a new, more dangerous phase.
01:36:39 So here's one of his media appearances.01:36:41 I got a.
01:36:41 Bunch of them, but this is one of them.
01:36:44 This was back when.
01:36:47 After he wrote his report and they disbanded, you know, due to political pressure.
01:36:52 They disbanded his unit.
01:36:56 Because that's back when Americans still were uneasy about the federal law enforcement agencies being turned loose on them.
01:37:08 That. That's that's totally.
01:37:09 Normalized now, but if you're gonna, I know you younger guys you might not.
01:37:13 You might think it's crazy.
01:37:16 But it wasn't.Devon
01:37:16 That long ago, you know 2008 or so.01:37:21 A lot of Americans are uncomfortable with that.
Speaker 6
01:37:26 In fact, there was still enough lefties.Devon
01:37:30 That used to like Assange. Yeah, I know, has been, had crazy ties back then in 2008, the lefties still liked Assange.01:37:37 Because he was what?
01:37:38 The things he was releasing.
01:37:41 We're embarrassing Bush and they hated like you think they hate Trump.
01:37:45 They hated Bush.
Speaker 4
01:37:50 And Obama hadn't.Devon
01:37:51 Been president long enough for like Assange to embarrass him, yet so they you still had, like, these civil libertarians, you know, on the left a little bit.01:38:05 So even even some lefties were like, well, I don't know.
01:38:07 I don't know if I like the fact that Homeland Security is is writing big, long reports on the on on right wing people and calling them domestic terrorists.
01:38:18 I I don't like the way.
01:38:19 You know where this is going.
01:38:23 But democracy now, you know, like a Soros funded outlet, that it is.
01:38:28 I'm pretty sure.
01:38:29 I think it's Soros funding.
01:38:33 And they're like.
01:38:33 Oh, you're unjustly.
01:38:35 You were treated unjustly.
Speaker 26
01:38:36 On, the war and peace report. I'm Amy Goodman. While many people were shocked by Sunday's massacre at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, our next guest warned years ago about the resurgence of right wing violence.01:38:48 Darrell Johnson, former analyst for the Department of Homeland Security, called attention to the threat of far right extremist groups back in 2009.
01:38:56 And sparked a political firestorm in the process.
01:38:59 He was the principal author of a report called right wing extremism, current economic and political climate fueling resurgence and radicalization and recruitment.
01:39:09 The report noted the election of the first African American president, combined with the recession era economic anxieties, could fuel the rise in far right violence.
01:39:17 It went on to say right wing extremists.
01:39:19 Will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities.
01:39:25 Johnson drew his conclusion on his 15 years of experience studying domestic terrorist groups, particularly white supremacists and Neo Nazis.
01:39:32 The report set off a maelstrom of discontent among conservatives. The Media watch group Media Matters produced a video featuring the numerous TV personalities who slammed the report, including CNN's Lou.
01:39:45 John's conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh.
01:39:48 You know, it's funny.01:39:51 That those clips, I don't know if you guys you don't hear about media matters so much.
01:39:55 Media Matters was the Soros funded left wing outlet that would attack conservative media.
01:40:07 Media Matters put together those clips.
01:40:10 It just so happens.
01:40:12 Those exact clips that they put together, I think she's going to play some of them here in a second are the exact clips I just played for you, not because I took those clips from this.
01:40:23 But because I took those clips from healing hate the documentary.
01:40:31 So healing heat was just using the exact they were just regurgitating what media Matters had already done years ago.
Speaker 26
01:40:39 Fox News is Sean Hannity, Fox News national political commentator Andrea Tantaros and Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin this.01:40:46 Is a clip.
01:40:48 A new report from Homeland Security suggests the bad economy may drive people to right wing extremist.
Speaker 27
01:40:54 Groups right wing extremist groups, Neo Nazis, skinheads, the National Alliance, racist groups, anti-Semitic.Speaker 25
01:41:03 Gathering information right wing extremist activity in the United States that mean they're going to be spending sending spies to these tea parties.Speaker 20
01:41:11 There are no Timothy McVeigh out there right now.Speaker 13
01:41:15 They're going to issue these reports for this made-up threat.Speaker 22
01:41:19 Portraying standard ordinary everyday.01:41:22 Conservatives as posing a bigger threat to this country than Al Qaeda terrorists, naming veterans groups as possible extremist groups.
Speaker 26
01:41:33 Under intense pressure from the talk show hosts and from Republican.Devon
01:41:38 Now it's kind of funny because they bail out of the clip.01:41:43 When once you have Scarborough on there, cause I think he was.
01:41:46 He was starting to go lefty back then.
01:41:49 But yeah, so they they literally just this documentary healing.
01:41:52 Hey, just took the clips from the Soros funded media matters.
01:41:59 In order to.
01:42:01 To show that like they're they're just regurgitating what they've said over and over and over again, which is the same kind of thing.
01:42:06 They've done everything.
01:42:07 In fact the, the, the.
01:42:09 The episode about the order.
01:42:11 Half of that that healing hate episode was just cuts from a prior.
01:42:18 Documentary what was it called?
01:42:20 I forget the name of.
01:42:22 Anyway, about the order that they had done in the 90s.
Speaker 26
01:42:26 Lawmakers, the Department of Homeland Security, ultimately repudiated Darrell Johnson's paper, and in June 2009, the Washington Post reported.01:42:33 The DHS cut the number of personnel studying domestic terrorism unrelated to Islam and canceled numerous state and local law enforcement briefings.
01:42:42 The DHS reportedly also held up dissemination of nearly a dozen reports.
01:42:46 On extremist groups.
01:42:47 For more, we go to Washington, DC, where we're joined by Darrell Johnson, the former Department of Homeland Security senior analyst who.
01:42:56 Who's super cereal?01:42:57 You guys should have listened to me.
Speaker 6
01:43:00 You should have listened to me.Devon
01:43:05 This ******* ****** here.Speaker 26
01:43:07 Written the book right wing Resurgence, how a domestic terrorist threat is being ignored.01:43:11 It will be published next month, now owns and founded DT Analytics, a private consultancy firm.
01:43:18 Darrell Johnson, welcome to democracy now.
01:43:20 So tell us what happened, what you were finding, what this report was and what happened to it.
Speaker 28
01:43:26 Well, thank you, Amy, for having me on on your show. Basically the the genesis of the report started as early as January of 2007, when I received a phone call from the US Capitol Police saying that a young senator from Illinois who's African American was considering running for president. And they basically wanted to know if we had seen any.01:43:47 Extremist chatter that was threatening in nature towards Barack Obama.
01:43:51 So we did a quick search of the Internet sites.
01:43:53 We did not find any threats and so we pretty much closed that request out.
01:43:59 But in the ensuing months, I sat down with my analyst and we've postulated what if an African American senator got elected to be?
01:44:08 President, what was?
01:44:10 So he's literally saying.01:44:13 They asked are there any you guys see any threats?
01:44:19 Against Obama cause we have Obamas running.
01:44:23 Do you have anyone on the Internet threatening to kill him?
01:44:25 And he said no.
Speaker 4
01:44:27 But they probably.01:44:28 Will threaten to kill him because he's black.
01:44:31 So then I got together my analyst and we cooked up this document to talk about how.
01:44:37 Yeah, there might not be threats now, but.
01:44:38 There will be.
Speaker 28
01:44:40 Would that do to extremism here in the United States?01:44:43 And so we basically put this question out.
01:44:47 We brainstormed it and came to the the conclusion that it would be a recruitment boom for these groups and coupled with the ailing economy that we were experiencing, a lot of people in in unemployment would.
01:44:59 Basically be ripe.
01:45:01 Or recruitment by these types of groups.
Speaker 26
01:45:03 And you were working on and in the Department of Homeland Security at the time under President.01:45:08 Bush as that.
01:45:09 OK.
Speaker 28
01:45:10 Yes, I have arrived there in August of 2004.Devon
01:45:15 Well, then you're part.Speaker 6
01:45:16 Of the problem.Devon
01:45:19 Homeland Security, as I tried to explain, I think last stream was a was 1000%. It was a post. It didn't exist prior to 911.01:45:30 It was a agency that was created specifically with the intent of spying on Americans.
01:45:37 It was the enforcement wing of the Patriot Act.
01:45:42 That's why it exists.
01:45:44 That's why.
01:45:47 When I, as I was saying last stream.
01:45:50 It's crazy to me that anyone listening to the sound of my voice right now would watch a show called Homeland starring the guy who's narrating.
01:46:01 This series.
01:46:08 Back to that, that very narrator, or at least I think that's what we'll be listening to.
Speaker 7
01:46:14 According to the United States Census Bureau, whites will be a minority of the population by 2045.Devon
01:46:23 Boy, I thought I.01:46:24 Thought that was a conspiracy theory.
01:46:29 I got they.
01:46:30 They got.
01:46:30 He's spreading hate.
01:46:31 He's spreading hate right now.
Speaker 7
01:46:33 According to the United States Census Bureau, whites will be a minority of the population by 2045. Today by stocking white fears of a diversifying America, the DHS says membership in white supremacist groups is on the rise.01:46:55 Yet only in the last few years has the agency put the threat from domestic terrorists on equal footing with the threat from foreign terrorists.
01:47:08 So I don't know if you understood.01:47:10 What he just said there.
01:47:13 He's saying that they, the federal government, is now using the exact same resources.
01:47:21 That were all.
01:47:23 Brought into existence.
01:47:27 Because of 9/11, right? Like all of a sudden everyone after 911.
01:47:32 Was willing to to say, well, if I have to give up.
01:47:36 Some of my freedoms.
01:47:40 That's OK because I we need to keep America safe.
01:47:46 Sure, why not?
01:47:47 Let's make this this Homeland Security.
01:47:49 Why not?
01:47:50 Let's let these.
01:47:52 Federal agencies spy on Americans.
01:47:58 We have to stay safe.
01:48:01 It's only they're only gonna be using this this stuff against the ***** ***** anyway.
01:48:07 Right.
01:48:08 It's just the goat ******* that are going to have to worry about this.
01:48:11 Not us, not red blooded Americans like me.
01:48:14 They would never use this against me.
01:48:19 You know, Sean Hannity keeps telling me about how the rank and file of the FBI.
Speaker 6
01:48:23 They're good people.01:48:32 Right.
01:48:32 The NSA, they're good people.
01:48:47 Of course, now that.01:48:50 We have Edward Snowden, we know that.
01:48:54 They're not good people.
01:48:58 They were using this weapon against us.
01:49:02 The whole time.
01:49:05 But now that's so normalize.
01:49:08 It not, it's not shocking at all.
01:49:10 No one was held accountable.
01:49:11 The same thing that's wrong with.
01:49:13 But don't worry.
Speaker 4
01:49:14 Right.Devon
01:49:14 The guy who thought that the election was.01:49:17 I'm sure it's fine.
01:49:18 I'm sure it's fine.
01:49:19 It's all conspiracy theories, right?
01:49:21 They're not spy.
01:49:23 Listen to Devin.
01:49:24 He thinks his microwave is spying on him.
Speaker 8
01:49:28 Oh no.Devon
01:49:36 People like that wouldn't use technology against their own people.01:49:45 Trust the man.
01:49:58 So basically what the narrator is saying.
01:50:01 Is now that all that shit's totally normalized.
01:50:05 Now that you know Snowden and WikiLeaks and all these revelations about how the Patriot Act has actually been used, how these FISA courts are actually.
01:50:18 Utilized how?
01:50:19 They're basically just rubber stamps.
01:50:22 How the the the?
01:50:23 Federal agencies basically get to do whatever the **** they want and up to and including, apparently rating the the guy who was president just a couple of years ago.
01:50:32 Over nonsense.
01:50:39 Oh, no, I bet I.
01:50:40 Bet the the election guy, the guy who thinks.
01:50:41 The election was.
01:50:42 Real you.
01:50:43 You probably think that it was Trump Trump was trying to get the the nuclear codes.
Speaker 6
01:50:48 He was he was going to sell the nuclear codes to the Russians.01:50:51 Oh, my God.
01:50:52 It's a good thing the FBI was there.
Speaker 4
01:50:59 You're just a crazy conspiracy theorist.Devon
01:51:13 But now that it's totally normalized because nothing happened in fact.Speaker 6
01:51:18 Part part of it's Trump's fault.Speaker 4
01:51:21 Trump could have.Devon
01:51:22 Pardoned Assange, but instead he pardoned ******* rappers.Speaker 6
01:51:30 Literally the day after.Devon
01:51:31 He got elected and he was like Assange, who?01:51:46 Hell on the Q cards.
01:51:47 They thought Assange was at some secret Black Ops site.
01:51:52 Hanging out with Seth Rich and I don't know, Jeffrey Epstein or something.
01:51:56 I don't know what the ****.
01:52:12 But no one got in trouble.
01:52:13 No one lost their jobs.
01:52:20 So why would they?
01:52:21 Why would they adjust their behavior?
01:52:29 They didn't even have to apologize.
Speaker 6
01:52:32 In fact.Devon
01:52:34 What they do?01:52:35 They went after the people that revealed their crimes and they're still doing it.
Speaker 6
01:52:42 Assange is still in ******* jail.Devon
01:52:47 And Snowden is like at some undisclosed location somewhere.Speaker 6
01:52:50 In Russia, you know.Devon
01:53:15 So now they can use all of these instruments against you and me.01:53:26 And it just rolls off his tongue like it's a normal thing.
01:53:36 All those angry, educated women we've been listening to this whole episode.
01:53:45 This is what they've been recommending.
01:53:53 You know the the the federal government has just had this big blind spot.
01:54:00 For white right wing extremists.
01:54:05 Because they were so focused on Islam.
01:54:07 Well, good thing, good thing Obama killed bin Laden, right?
01:54:24 Well, we've got all these agencies here now.
01:54:26 I mean, we haven't had any Muslim terrorist attacks in a while.
01:54:32 We can't just have these guys.
01:54:33 Clocking in and doing nothing all day.
01:54:39 Oh, wouldn't you know, we we've identified a.
01:54:41 New threat.
01:54:42 That's even more dangerous than Mohammed.
01:54:46 And his little truck bomb.
01:54:49 We've got insurrectionists that.
01:54:50 Are that are trying to overturn?
01:54:53 A totally reelection.
01:55:05 They have these vast networks.
01:55:15 And know how to use technology.
01:55:27 Certain way they start to talk about.
01:55:30 Why is that here?
01:55:31 I think it's.
01:55:31 In the wrong place.
01:55:33 Unless maybe they.
01:55:34 I never took those edits.
01:55:36 Well, let me see.
01:55:39 I don't know if I'll I.
01:55:39 Don't think I'll get to that.
01:55:42 They start to talk about Matt Shay.
01:55:48 Matt Shay was a state representative in Washington state.
01:55:57 Who was borderline Christian identity?
01:55:59 I don't know.
01:56:00 I don't know if that's the the.
01:56:02 Accurate term.
01:56:05 But he was he helped out the Bundys.
01:56:08 If you guys remember that.
01:56:15 Years ago, with the the ranchers that wanted to.
01:56:20 Use the federal land to.
01:56:23 You know.
01:56:24 To feed their.
01:56:25 Cattle, like they've been doing for generations, and then all of a sudden.
01:56:29 BLM, the Bureau of Land Management, not Black Lives Matter.
01:56:33 I told them, you know, even though they've had this arrangement for, like, again generations, they're like, Nope.
01:56:43 They had that big armed standoff anyway.
01:56:45 He was he was involved with that, that crew.
01:56:50 And I hope I got ahead.
01:56:52 Of myself, I don't know why they.
01:56:55 I feel like I had the clips of this.
01:56:58 Excuse me.
01:57:00 But anyway.
01:57:05 Got in trouble.
01:57:08 Because after Obama.
01:57:11 Got elected?
01:57:14 He met with other white.
01:57:17 Right wing people that had.
01:57:23 Either positions in government or you know, like sheriffs and stuff like that.
01:57:28 And started talking about a biblical basis.
01:57:42 Like basically not in so many words, but maybe even a biblical basis for kicking off the the race war.
01:57:54 But probably more.
01:57:55 At least that's the way they make it sound this, this documentary.
01:57:58 More accurately I I I I after reading through some of this stuff it looks more like it was he thought the race war was inevitable.
01:58:09 And it was more a what do we do in?
01:58:12 Reaction when it happens.
01:58:13 Kind of a plan.
01:58:18 Now this is another one of those weird.
01:58:20 Things they blurred out.
01:58:22 I'll go over some.
01:58:23 Of his document here in a second.
01:58:24 But the reason why we're even talking, I don't know.
01:58:26 Like I might have.
01:58:29 Edit put this in the wrong place, but that's OK.
01:58:32 They I I was looking at this and they're like look assassination to remove tyrants is just not murder.
01:58:37 Which by the way.
01:58:40 The American government seems to think that that's.
01:58:45 The American government has assassinated tyrants, or the people that they, they label tyrants.
01:58:54 You know, in fact, we might even.
01:58:58 Be able to argue that the OR at least.
01:59:01 Western powers.
01:59:04 Or those tied to Western powers assassinated.
01:59:06 The daughter of.
01:59:08 Of someone who was just tangentially related to a tyrant, or the someone they've labeled a tyrant.
01:59:17 I don't think they would call that murder.
01:59:25 But this is in his document.
01:59:27 And then underneath that, it said.
01:59:30 You know, it had a a scriptural reference and then it blurred something out and it said plot for Hitler.
01:59:35 And I was like, what the **** is that?
01:59:38 Why would they?
01:59:38 Why have they blurred that out?
01:59:44 Why would they blur something out in his evil document right?
01:59:47 Like are they protecting him?
01:59:48 I I find that hard to believe.
01:59:54 So I found this document.
01:59:57 Let me see here.
01:59:59 And in fact, it was kind of funny because.
02:00:01 The way that.
02:00:01 I found it was.
02:00:03 It was.
02:00:05 It was a.
02:00:09 That the Democrat representatives in Washington state.
02:00:14 Presented as a basis basis for to to expel him from the state legislature.
02:00:24 And when I looked to see what was.
02:00:27 Censored out of there.
02:00:29 It was a name.
02:00:35 It was a name.
02:00:38 Let me see if I got it here.Devon
02:00:49 Dietrich bonhoeffer.02:00:58 The reason they censored this out.
02:01:02 Is he listed in his document about?
02:01:08 It being just.
02:01:10 To assassinate tyrants.
02:01:13 A guy that the left has celebrated.
02:01:20 Because he was involved with a plot to assassinate.
02:01:37 So they censored out his name.
Speaker 6
02:01:41 In that it's.Devon
02:01:41 The weirdest ******* it's the weirdest autism I've ever seen.02:01:48 It's like they're so paranoid.
02:01:50 Like, first of all, I don't think most people watching their documentaries going to know the **** this guy is.
02:01:55 It's just the idea that they couldn't even have that.
02:01:58 Like they couldn't even show that.
02:02:00 Like maybe.
02:02:01 This guy was being consistent with.
02:02:06 With their own thinking anyway.
02:02:11 So he was.
02:02:11 Also, running or not running but participated in in some training camps.
02:02:18 Where they were training Christian soldiers.
02:02:21 And he called it.
02:02:27 But the document in question there was two.
02:02:30 Let's see if I got the right one.
02:02:32 So it was more of like an outline that he used while presenting.
02:02:38 A A well doing a presentation for an in person meeting with some of these people and the document got leaked up, but the outline, it's structure, kind of like what you see on.
02:02:49 The screen it says God is a warrior.
02:02:53 Is the first point.
02:02:55 Second point, when is the time for war?
02:02:57 When God says it's time.
02:03:00 #3 fight to win so you don't have to fight again.
02:03:05 #4 four things to stay within God's will, holy Cause holy leader, holy Army and holy camp. I'm not sure what the camp.
02:03:14 Thing means but.
02:03:16 #5 four ways to know when it's time to fight.
02:03:19 God reveals his will to the leader, leader and choirs of God, prayer and counsel.
02:03:25 God puts it on the hearts of the people.
02:03:27 God starts the fight.
02:03:31 Number six things for a holy army.
02:03:36 As it goes through and and lists some things, one of the weird things this guy's like. Again, this guy's more of like, a a boomer Maga boomer type because one of the things that he lists for things for the Holy Army is circumcision.
02:03:50 So I guess to be in his Christian army, you had to be circumcised.
02:04:01 Which might explain why he used the guy you know.
02:04:04 He listed the guy who was uh.
02:04:06 Supposed to have.
02:04:09 Been planning a an assassination attempt of Hitler.
02:04:13 And it's one of the reasons why they have they they why he used that guy as an example.
02:04:22 But I looked him up.
02:04:23 I looked him up now.
02:04:25 And he's basically a pastor now.
Speaker 6
02:04:29 And it's, you know, it's.Devon
02:04:32 It's like a weird mix.02:04:34 That's why I said it's not really Christian identity.
02:04:37 It's like a weird mix of Boomer, Zionism and Christian identity.
02:04:49 And in fact, I even found a clip I'm looking now to see if I saved that.
02:04:52 I don't know.
02:04:53 I don't think I saved it.
02:04:56 Maybe I did actually.
02:05:00 Yeah, here it is.
02:05:01 This might be it.
02:05:11 So he actually.
02:05:17 I don't think they covered in this, but this is like a.
02:05:21 By the way, this most people have never heard of this guy.
02:05:24 They make it sound like he was like this big.
02:05:26 Leader on the right.
Speaker 6
02:05:28 That's why they're this is their look.02:05:29 This is.
02:05:30 The end of the the series.02:05:32 They're trying to explain like ohh look this is where it leads to look.
02:05:36 Oh my God.
02:05:36 Look at this guy.
02:05:37 He's the scary.
02:05:38 He's the new incarnation of of what the right wing is going to do, you know, it's going to be this situation where you're going to have all these, right.
02:05:46 I've never even ******* heard of this guy, but.
02:05:52 He has.
02:05:53 He also has about as much influence as that ex Skinhead now, because I looked up his YouTube channel too, and his videos get his streams get like 100 views too.
Speaker 29
02:06:06 Matt Shay is no stranger to controversy, and tonight he's under fire once again, this time as the Guardian reports, he supported a group called Team Rugged, which trains young men on biblical warfare, teaching them how to use knives and guns with lessons from a racist pastor who has been known to oppose interracial.02:06:23 Full marriage 4 News now reporter Taylor Graham tracking this developing story for us tonight.
Speaker 10
02:06:26 Ohh no.Speaker 29
02:06:27 She has the latest details.Speaker 12
02:06:29 The article published today details a threat of emails dating back to 2016 between Shay and Patrick Cochran, the man who said to lead that group, according to The Guardian.02:06:39 He told Shay this group would shock most modern Christians after 11 years in office.
02:06:45 This isn't the first time she's found himself in hot water.
02:06:49 In October, the Republican Rep was criticized for defending the biblical basis for war.
Speaker 22
02:06:53 Primary source, doctor.Speaker 12
02:06:55 Four page document, which lays out requirements for a holy.02:06:58 Me and listen end to abortion and same sex marriage a couple months later, Democrats called for Shay to be expelled from his seat for allegedly discussing political violence against liberal groups.
02:07:10 Today, the Guardian claims they have emails to prove he supported team rugged.
Speaker 28
02:07:14 Live with team rugged here at Marble Washington during the God and country celebration.Speaker 12
02:07:18 Seen talking to Shay in this video on his Facebook page in 2017.Speaker 14
02:07:23 What is team rocket?02:07:24 What are you guys?
Speaker 30
02:07:25 So team rugged is basically a school of learning for young men to give them all the foundational learning and skills that they need to be effective in Christian warfare.Devon
02:07:45 You know, The funny thing is.02:07:47 This guy, he's such a boomer nowadays.
02:07:51 When patriot front.
02:07:53 Got arrested?
02:07:55 When they were going.
02:07:56 To quarter lane to protest that that gay.
02:08:02 March or whatever the **** that was.
02:08:05 And we all saw, like, the the footage of them, you know, handcuffed and all that stuff again.
02:08:11 Another group that the feds are really where where's the photos of a bunch of Antifa people on their knees on in handcuffs?
02:08:20 Doesn't exist.
02:08:21 That footage cause it never happened.
02:08:24 But this guy?
02:08:26 That's supposed he's like the big, you know, he's the big right wing extremist that everyone follows.
02:08:31 Now you know Matt Shay, many of you have never heard of him.
02:08:37 He was saying that they were.
02:08:38 They weren't.
02:08:39 They were secret Antifa.
02:08:40 That patriot front was secret Antifa.
02:08:45 So to give you an idea of.
02:08:48 Of how dissonant right this guy is?
02:08:54 So they go on and complain about him and say like, oh, yeah, that's what's going to happen.
02:08:58 You're going all these groups popping up when he's basically irrelevant at this point.
Speaker 31
02:09:05 In Seattle, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.Speaker 6
02:09:09 Oh my God.02:09:10 They're they're they're gonna talk about chance.
02:09:13 They're finally going to talk about Chaz.02:09:15 All right?
02:09:16 So just so you know, I didn't trim this.
02:09:20 This is everything they say about Chad's. You guys ready? Everything they say, like they've they've just been talking about crazy right wingers and and Oh my God, they're they're going to start the the next Civil war and then they say this.
02:09:34 And I was like, oh, is this, they're going to have a section on chance.
02:09:36 And so here's the.
02:09:37 Entire section on Chads.
Speaker 31
02:09:40 In Seattle, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.02:09:45 And it was literally an insurrectionist effort to declare a part of an American city as no longer a part of America.
Speaker 26
02:09:53 President Trump tweeted to Washington's governor and Seattle's mayor take back your city now.Speaker 31
02:09:58 I have never seen an environment more ripe for radicalization than there is right now.Speaker 4
02:10:07 That's it.Devon
02:10:10 Cut to January 6th.Speaker 6
02:10:12 That was it.Devon
02:10:15 Like if you didn't know better, you might think that was a right wing thing, cause they were just talking about a a guy, a representative from Washington.02:10:26 That's the entire section on Chaz.
02:10:32 And then they cut to a January 6.
02:10:44 There you go. There's uh.
02:10:46 That was Chaz.
02:10:54 So what are?
02:10:54 What are some more solutions we?
02:10:56 Can look forward.
Speaker 7
02:10:56 To one question, many are asking would we even be here without social media stocking the fires of rage?Speaker 13
02:11:06 The Internet was one thing.02:11:07 Social media opened the floodgates.
02:11:10 There's this real problem where we can do so much with technology algorithms that focus our attention in a way that's beyond our ability to control or predict feedback loops that reinforce certain ideas.
02:11:26 Meme culture that reduces complex idea to illogical.
02:11:30 Fallacy and a heartbeat.
02:11:33 I like how they say logical fallacy as.02:11:35 They well, first of all, the memes they.
02:11:37 Used were I don't.
02:11:38 Even know who?
02:11:38 Was those memes were so bad, like I, I've never even seen them.
02:11:45 But the thing that that's a logical fallacy.
02:11:47 You can't have a refugee crisis if you don't have any refugees.
02:11:51 That's that's.
02:11:53 Not a logical fallacy.
02:11:54 That's just logic.
02:11:57 But yes, it's clearly these platforms.
02:12:01 These all these platforms that I'm banned from.
02:12:05 They're the ones radicalizing everybody.
Speaker 7
02:12:09 Social media comes along and one of the things that happens is that these people get connected.Devon
02:12:21 It's all social medias fault for radicalizing you.Speaker 9
02:12:24 Then comes along we see the explosion of conspiracy online.02:12:28 Our research showed that.
02:12:30 It's this girl.02:12:33 And she's very concerned.
02:12:34 She's very concerned about.
02:12:37 Shutting down the uncurated part of the Internet.
Speaker 9
02:12:40 Comes along. We see the explosion of conspiracy online. Our research showed that 160% rise in conspiracy content.Devon
02:12:51 Ohh yeah, you know.02:12:52 The the guy who thinks the election was real.
02:12:55 You know, he agrees with that.
02:12:58 It's all these ******* conspiracies.
Speaker 12
02:13:02 Across Main St.Devon
02:13:03 Look, and he probably thinks that again.02:13:06 They use the stupid.
02:13:06 I don't know where they find these memes.
02:13:11 But but captain election was real guy.
02:13:14 Ohh yeah.
02:13:15 I had a CDC.
02:13:17 I trust them.
02:13:18 Trust the man.
Speaker 9
02:13:20 Stream social media platforms just in March of 2020 and suddenly you have the opening up of new audiences for extremism.Devon
02:13:33 You see, because.02:13:35 It wasn't the fact that.
02:13:39 The government lied constantly.
02:13:43 That the media lied constantly.
02:13:47 It wasn't the fact, in fact, if anything, their censorship efforts.
02:13:52 Lend credibility.
02:13:55 To the counter claims.
02:14:01 Because of you know of, I guess you could say some version of.
02:14:05 The Streisand effect.
02:14:10 You know, you have these two doctor guys who seem like reasonable guys.
02:14:14 They're actual doctors and they're they're saying that they the the the fear of COVID is well you know way overblown and that.
02:14:23 That all these restrictions are ******** and like the mask wouldn't actually do anything anyway unless it was an N95 mask and it's literally useless. And you know that that that.
02:14:34 The the the effects of of wearing the mask all the time are going to be not just to have a bad effect on your physical health, but also mental health and development of children.
02:14:50 The fact that this isn't an actual vaccine, but everyone keeps calling it a vaccine even though it's not a vaccine, it's an experimental gene therapy.
02:15:01 That that has hasn't been properly tested at all, that we don't even know what it'll do.
02:15:05 We're going to give it to everybody alive.
02:15:11 No, it's not that.
02:15:14 It was the fact that there was social media.
Speaker 6
02:15:20 What's true enough?Devon
02:15:22 Because all of those lies and tactics.02:15:26 Would have worked had there not been a means.
02:15:28 For people to communicate independent of the system.
02:15:33 If it was the 90s.
02:15:36 And you were just watching on TV.
02:15:38 That's cause that's all you could do.
02:15:41 And the TV was just telling you that you're locked down now.
02:15:48 And because of some big scary thing.
02:15:52 You'd have no ability to research it yourself, or at least very few people would.
02:16:02 And those handful of people that that have that ability.
02:16:06 Wouldn't also have the ability to communicate what they found out to very many people.
02:16:14 The system would just get what they wanted.
02:16:17 That's the real problem.
Speaker 7
02:16:23 The big tech companies that dominate social media are caught between demands that they police the content on their sites and what they claim is an obligation to allow free speech.Speaker 24
02:16:36 The poster company for that, obviously is Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.Speaker 32
02:16:41 They're popping up all over Facebook ads for guns, boasting no background checks.Speaker 24
02:16:46 The role is reprehensible, shocking, and should be sanctioned.Speaker 6
02:16:52 Well, I agree.Devon
02:16:54 I agree the fact that that Facebook.02:16:59 Shut down. Anyone and everyone.
02:17:02 That tried to share a legitimate story about the Hunter Biden laptop.
02:17:08 And now we're learning the the you know, Hunter or Biden's daughter, who he molested.
02:17:16 Her diary.
02:17:20 But no, that's not what he's talking about.
02:17:23 He's saying that Facebook is a a A.
02:17:29 Right wing extremist radicalization tool.
02:17:33 When anyone who's actually right wing has been banned.
02:17:35 From Facebook for years already.
02:17:43 So now we have this ***** again.
Speaker 7
02:17:46 Since then, Miller, Idris at American University suggests an approach that has proved successful in other countries.Devon
02:17:55 Oh, you're going to like this.02:17:58 What successful approach do?
02:17:59 You recommend.
Speaker 18
02:18:02 The approach is modeled after really the German Post World War 2 approach called.Speaker 6
02:18:08 Oh good.Speaker 4
02:18:11 Oh good.Devon
02:18:13 So you're going to treat the right wing in this country.02:18:21 The same way you treated Germany after.
02:18:22 World War 2.
Speaker 18
02:18:29 Defense of democracy, which is the idea that you can't combat effectively an extremist fringe by only looking at the fringe.02:18:38 You have to equip the mainstream with the tools to resist that propaganda.
02:18:42 That's always going to come from the fringes.
02:18:44 Other countries have that kind of set of resources for radicalization, for extremism, for propaganda.
02:18:52 They have people who are trained as youth workers as social workers, as teachers, as educators.
02:18:57 And they're the ones learning about extremism and terrorism and prevention and radicalization.
02:19:06 See, we just.02:19:06 Need to be more brainwashing?
02:19:10 That's all.
02:19:11 Look how great it's working for Germany.
Speaker 18
02:19:13 Scale of energy and investment in thinking about resilience and not.02:19:17 Just about risk.
02:19:20 It's a much.
02:19:23 See again and then they act like.02:19:34 Was Russian disinfo?
02:19:40 If only they could keep a lid on.
02:19:42 This ****.
Speaker 18
02:19:43 Hard or ask to disengage people and de radicalize them once they already believe, especially in conspiracy theories.Devon
02:19:55 So this is how it ends.02:19:57 Oddly, it ends with a story from Richard Spencer's hometown, or I, where his mom lives, I guess.
02:20:05 Where they talked about in several episodes ago.
02:20:12 They talk about this mulatto here.
02:20:18 Went to a Black Lives Matter protest.
02:20:23 And while she was there with her enormous earrings.
02:20:29 This white guy got mad.
02:20:33 Because he saw her stomping on a flag and he was ex military.
02:20:38 And so he yelled at her.
02:20:39 For like a second.
02:20:42 And that photo was taken.
02:20:46 And they shared the the left wing shared it all over the ******* Internet.
02:20:54 They doxed him, tried to destroy him.
02:20:59 But here's the ****** ** thing.
02:21:03 This is literally the end of the series.
02:21:09 The end of the series is.
02:21:13 Don't worry right wingers.
02:21:17 This can all.
02:21:17 Go away if you just apologize.
Speaker 6
02:21:25 Just apologize.02:21:32 You are clearly wrong.
02:21:39 Apologize to the poor black women that you're victimizing.02:21:47 It'll all go away.
02:21:52 Just asked the guy from Homeland, who puts the cherry on the top.
Speaker 7
02:21:58 What Samantha and Jay were able to do was to defy the stereotypes that others had of them.02:22:04 Regardless of race, gender and age, they were able to listen to each other in a way that each of them felt heard.
02:22:11 This is what is not happening often enough in America today.
02:22:15 Instead, many become trapped in an echo Chamber of a single point of view, drowning in a tidal wave of targeted disinformation.
02:22:23 The countries always had disagreements, but 250 years ago we found a way to come together to create a Republic like none the world had seen a keep.
02:22:33 I like Kelly, includes himself in that, even though his family is Eastern European Jews that came here around the turn of the century, he had nothing to ******* do with it.02:22:43 Nothing to ******* don't say we.
02:22:46 Don't say ******* we.
Speaker 7
02:22:49 A principle, the peaceful transfer of power from one President to the next.02:22:56 On January 6th, the very foundation of our democracy was put to the test when violent extremists stormed the capital, intending to attack lawmakers and block Congress from certifying a new president.
02:23:10 We must not turn away from our fears that some worry could even lead to a kind of civil war.
02:23:18 We have to try to stop the hate.
02:23:25 And for that to happen, you have to apologize.Speaker 14
02:23:29 There's literally no.Devon
02:23:30 Recognition that there's anything coming from the other side, that's it.02:23:33 This is the *******.
02:23:34 This is the series.
02:23:39 That's it.
02:23:42 The right wing is a bunch of crazy ******** that are about to start the civil war, and we have to stop them, mostly through censorship, deep platforming law, fair putting them in jail, using every organ of the federal law enforcement agencies to.
02:24:03 Surveil them. Imprison them.
02:24:10 Unless you apologize, you better apologize.
02:24:15 Apologize like all those ex Nazis that we found.
02:24:23 Just say I'm sorry.
02:24:25 No, I just like that ******.
02:24:27 And Chad, I think the election was real too.
02:24:30 I'm sorry.
02:24:32 Please, please don't.
02:24:34 Sue me and put me in prison.
02:24:38 I'm fine with white replacement.
02:24:47 So yeah, it's kind of anticlimatic.
02:24:49 Unfortunately, I think doing this whole series they did with.
02:24:54 You know all this like Oh my God, it's so terrible.
02:24:56 And then at the end, he's just like.
02:24:58 And then we have to stop.
02:24:59 The hate.
02:25:00 So you guys better apologize.
02:25:03 Like that's. That's it. That's the. That's the take away after all that.
02:25:07 You guys need to apologize.
02:25:12 So anyway.
02:25:16 Let's take a look at super chats.
02:25:22 Super chats.
02:25:28 Super Chet.
02:25:33 Da da da da da super chance.
02:25:40 Nationalist homestead two hours ago said I commented about the Fight Club last time.
02:25:46 It's a lot bigger than a local event.
02:25:49 Different organizations came from across the country.
02:25:52 Hopefully it'll be a reoccurring cultural event that will get different groups of and types of people getting along.
02:26:00 Here's the promo if you want to check it out.
02:26:04 Now the link.
02:26:07 The link didn't come through, it just says HTTPS.
02:26:13 So I don't know if I got cut off.
02:26:17 Clown world show $1.00 appreciate that get Devin a puppy fund.
02:26:23 You know, I actually.
02:26:26 I'm not going to get a puppy yet, but.
02:26:27 I will eventually get a dog.
02:26:32 I was somewhere where there were puppies the other day and I was tempted, but I did not.
02:26:36 I did not get the puppy though.
02:26:39 Nationalist homestead dollar.
02:26:43 Well, you don't.
02:26:44 You didn't put the link in.
02:26:46 The active clubs are a good place for guys who are not ready or interested in activism yet to get involved with guys who are.
02:26:55 It encourages young men to put away their digital personas for a bit and come out into the real world.
02:27:02 Glad to hear you dabbled in the fight life as well.
02:27:04 God bless, as always.
02:27:06 Well, I appreciate that you know another good thing that you that would probably work if you want to get people that that are probably going to be at least somewhat like minded is doing camping trips.
02:27:17 Not a lot of non whites like camping.
02:27:22 You're going to there's.
02:27:23 A lot of like a lot of crossover like.
02:27:25 Preppers and campers and you know, right wingers.
02:27:28 And stuff so.
02:27:29 Camping could be a fun thing to do if you wanted to just get people from your local area.
02:27:42 Reaver $10 appreciate that. How do you even going back to a recent stream where you mentioned Pierce, expressing thankfulness for other groups collecting the the?
02:27:54 The people that think that the election was real.
02:27:58 He made another comment saying that he was also glad that these same groups pulling federal attention from National Alliance, that was even more impactful to me.
02:28:08 Yeah, I mean it's.
02:28:11 It's not a bad idea to have.
02:28:15 Some goofy *******, as long as they're not associated with you.
02:28:20 It's it's not.
02:28:21 Bad to have them around to distract the feds and to distract the media and you know, like in a way it's bad because.
02:28:27 It makes you look bad.
02:28:30 You know, we we've all watched in in previous streams, those clips of 1980s and 90s talk shows where they have all the.
02:28:37 The stupid, you know, dress up.
02:28:40 Let's play dress up.
02:28:42 White supremacist types that you know like to yell.
02:28:46 **** ******.
02:28:48 And you know, the election was real.
02:28:51 And trust the man.
02:28:54 And so it's good to have those idiots.
02:28:58 So that.
02:28:59 The feds are distracted, but it's also kind of sucks because.
02:29:04 They'll use that.
02:29:06 You know, they'll they'll use that in their in their, in their opposition propaganda.
02:29:11 Yeah, they don't have those same talk shows like they did in the 80s and 90s.
02:29:14 But you know, they have the equivalent.
02:29:17 That puts you in like and.
02:29:18 And now this video or whatever.
02:29:20 The **** they're using these days?
02:29:24 Tell the truth, $10. Appreciate.
02:29:26 That Devin, did you talk about Terry Nichols?
02:29:29 If not, where did he play in?
02:29:31 Terry Nichols.
02:29:34 Which one was Terry Nichols?
02:29:40 Let me look up Terry Nichols.
02:29:44 I don't know why I'm blanking on that name.
02:30:01 Oh no, he doesn't really play into it.
02:30:06 They they didn't even meant they mentioned he was in jail.
02:30:09 In the healing height documentary.
02:30:12 He has mentioned that McVeigh was probably connected to the feds.
02:30:19 Don't know that he's.
02:30:22 Like how easy it is to communicate with him.
02:30:26 But I wasn't able to find a whole lot of information.
02:30:28 I I mean I I think that he was.
02:30:32 And I think he's really in jail and I think he really worked on making the bomb.
02:30:38 I and I think that he didn't necessarily realize.
02:30:43 What he was getting himself mixed up with, but now that they they act like he didn't even exist in this, the healing hate stuff.
02:30:53 But I think he was just caught up in the the Oklahoma City bombing.
02:30:57 Like, I don't.
02:30:58 I don't think he was like a.
02:30:59 Fed, if that's what you mean.
02:31:05 But I also I don't know. I I don't know 100% but I don't think you from what I was researching I didn't come up with or find anything.
02:31:13 Like that Falcon $25 love this series. Great work as usual. Appreciate that.
02:31:20 Rob $4.00, thank you for everything you do, Devin, your, you or you've helped me. Red pill, many friends. Here's some bass. Dubstep. If you ever happen to need it for your stream.
02:31:32 Is it based dubstep though?
02:31:36 I'll I'll copy that link.
02:31:49 Dan, the man $5 appreciate that.
02:31:52 What do you?
02:31:52 Think about the theory that Jesus Christ was not actually a Semite, but was the exiled son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra named Cesarion.
02:32:04 This would have made him an ethnic Greco-roman, the true heir to the Roman Empire.
02:32:11 The last pharaoh of Egypt and a descendant of Alexander the Great.
02:32:16 I've never heard that theory, so.
02:32:20 So I don't.
02:32:21 I don't know.
02:32:21 I don't have any thoughts on it because I'd have to see what the evidence of that is.
02:32:26 I've never heard any evidence of that.
02:32:32 Men $50. Very generous.
02:32:35 In fact, even though I'm.
02:32:37 As you can probably tell, I'm running out of steam a little bit.
02:32:40 Where's the?
02:32:53 There we go.
02:32:56 UM.
02:33:00 We need to get.
02:33:02 White women on our side, or they won't have.
02:33:06 Or they won't have to kill us.
02:33:09 If all right, we need to get white women on our side or they won't have to kill us.
02:33:14 We'll start.
02:33:15 We'll stop breeding even if we stopped all immigration tomorrow.
02:33:20 What are we going to do with the people that become citizens after being here a decade?
02:33:25 I don't see any solution other than apartheid.
02:33:28 Well, like, like I said, with America.
02:33:30 That you can't unbaked the cake.
02:33:31 The people are here.
02:33:32 You're not going to have any situation, at least nationally.
02:33:36 That's going to easily produce a a white homeland as an exam.
02:33:41 Example, my feeling is that if you want anything even resembling that, it's gonna have to come down to a state.
02:33:52 You know or a.
02:33:55 Or maybe not even in America, honestly.
02:33:59 Or long term, something happens.
02:34:00 I don't know, but it's not something that you can just be like.
02:34:04 Yeah, without without some kind of institutional support, you're never going to be able to pull off anything and you're not going to be doing nationally at this point unless there's a big, long, bloody war, which I don't even think would happen, but who knows.
02:34:19 Who knows?
02:34:21 In in terms of getting the white men on our side.
02:34:24 White women and just women in general are slaves to who they see as the most powerful group.
02:34:39 And that's not us.
02:34:41 So really, what's going to happen is, in a way, it's good, right?
02:34:49 While it's not good for those.
02:34:52 That have a hard time finding someone.
02:34:55 And it can seem impossible at times.
02:35:01 It's good because you're you're not going.
02:35:02 To get.
02:35:04 Basic ***** genes.
02:35:07 You're going to get the women that have high end group preference.
02:35:09 Those are the only women that are going to that are going to want to.
02:35:14 Joined the right wing or or women that can be persuaded.
02:35:18 But yeah, you shouldn't.
02:35:19 Just hate all women as a result of the fact that most.
02:35:22 Of them are.
02:35:25 Left wing.
02:35:29 Or yeah, they won't have to kill us all.
02:35:32 We'll just be bred out.
02:35:35 Where's that graph that shows kind of like whites?
02:35:38 It used to be the white share of the population of Earth.
02:35:43 Was pretty ******* high, and now I think we're down to something crazy low like 14% or something like that.
02:35:53 Coleman, CDA $5 appreciate that, please check out the Second American Civil War when you can.
02:36:02 All right.
02:36:08 Jay Ray, 1980 one $25. Appreciate that.
02:36:13 Very generous.
02:36:14 Do you see a false flag?
02:36:16 First, let me get you.
02:36:18 Let's do a.
02:36:19 Where is this?
02:36:22 There's your. That's what you get for the $25.
02:36:30 Do you see a false flag because they are setting the stage?
02:36:35 Uh, my friend? No.
02:36:38 I think are you just asking if?
02:36:40 I mean.
02:36:43 I don't know.
02:36:43 It sure as hell seems like either they're very confident and it could just be look, it could.
02:36:49 It doesn't have to be some complex plan.
02:36:52 These people don't seem to always.
02:36:54 Have a plan.
02:36:57 It's entirely possible that they are that ******* ****** *** about the last four years and they're selling bowling by the demographic changes.
02:37:11 That they.
02:37:15 They're just talking a lot of ****.
02:37:19 Or they could be they could do a false flag.
02:37:23 Or a a real flag could happen.
02:37:26 You know, you talk.
02:37:27 You talk enough **** you're going to.
02:37:28 **** someone off.
02:37:31 So maybe they're trying to get like a real person to pop off by just acting extra crazy all the time.
02:37:36 Like, I mean, they're acting pretty ******* aggressive.
02:37:40 Politics in America is at a level of aggression.
02:37:44 That is, is.
02:37:45 At least in my lifetime, has no even comparable comparable.
02:37:52 I I can't think of anything that's even remotely close to this.
02:37:56 All decorum is out the window now.
02:38:00 I mean, for ***** sake.
02:38:02 This kind of ****, right, like, let me see if I can find this.
02:38:11 I mean, this ***** pretty insane.
Speaker 10
02:38:15 And for those brave right wing Americans who say it's all about keeping America, keeping Americans independent and safe. If you want to fight against the country, you need an F15. You need something a little more than a gun.02:38:31 No, I'm not joking.
02:38:32 Think about this.
02:38:33 Think about the rationale we use.
02:38:38 That and that's that's not the first time, he said.02:38:41 Something like that.
02:38:47 And you also have this kind of ****.
Speaker 23
02:38:50 And again, we see majority of Americans who disagree.02:38:54 And so when you are not with where majority of Americans are, then you know that is extreme.
02:39:02 That is an extreme way of thinking.
02:39:07 You're an extremist.02:39:09 Because you don't agree with the black lesbian.
02:39:16 And most Americans agree with the black lesbians.
02:39:18 So you're the extremist now.
02:39:29 UM.
02:39:35 So who knows?
02:39:35 We'll see what happens.
02:39:37 Clown world show $1.00 appreciate that. Would you ever do a conversation with TFM or coach Red Pill that would be massively entertaining? I don't know who TFM is. What's TFM?
02:39:49 The feral.
02:39:55 I don't know what that is.
02:39:57 Red pill?
02:39:58 Yeah, yeah.
02:40:00 I mean, I I.
02:40:03 I like Gonzalo.
02:40:09 My cute little friend $25 appreciate that.
02:40:13 We'll give you the.
02:40:27 I gotta fix these.
02:40:28 I got.
02:40:28 I gotta load the new ones.
02:40:31 It's just like I said, for this for this episode, I was.
02:40:34 I was still editing up till like.
02:40:36 The second I I went live.
02:40:41 We should raise our children so they can infiltrate FBI and sabotage it within which will take longer or.
02:40:51 We can accept Islam because now we have more things in common with Islamists rather than with leftists and even Republicans.
02:40:58 I've noticed Muslims are immune to feminism, LGBT, etcetera.
02:41:03 Well, here's the thing.
02:41:04 It's not as easy as like we'll raise our kids to infiltrate the FBI.
02:41:08 Not if there's anti white policies in place to keep them out.
02:41:17 I mean, that's not crazy to think that you would have.
02:41:21 They're already doing that.
02:41:22 I mean, the the last Supreme Court Justice chosen was openly chosen.
02:41:30 Because she was a black woman.
02:41:33 The federal government can and has for my entire lifetime.
02:41:39 Discriminate against you for being white.
02:41:44 This ***** on the screen here.
02:41:46 She's only.
02:41:47 In that job, because she's a black lesbian.
02:41:50 What makes you think that they're going to let your white kid work at the FBI?
02:41:56 As far as Islam goes, I'd I'd rather not.
02:42:00 You know, I I have no problem with Muslims being Muslims, but.
02:42:04 I don't want to be a Muslim.
02:42:09 I'm not going to convert to Islam.
02:42:12 I I don't.
02:42:13 I don't need that to.
02:42:15 I mean, I didn't need that to be immune to feminism and and ********.
02:42:22 It turned out just fine without it.
02:42:26 Clown world show $1.00 appreciate that firm handshake, Sir. Keep up the great work.
02:42:32 Thank you very much.
02:42:34 The extra dimensional $1.00 appreciate that last week.
02:42:39 A man who answered the door to ATF asked if the agents had a warrant for an item they wanted to confiscate from an online purchase he made in the name of public safety.
02:42:51 The man said like Waco or Ruby Ridge, the ATF said you read too many books.
02:42:59 Uh, I don't know.
02:43:00 I haven't seen this.
02:43:06 UM.
02:43:10 I'll start downloading.
02:43:11 We might, we might take a look at it.
02:43:18 Let's quit feeding into their *********.
02:43:20 Either civil war started years ago or it simply never ended.
02:43:25 Let's not give them a feather in their cap by going along with lies.
02:43:29 **** them.
02:43:30 Do this our way or or we're there or we are their *****.
02:43:36 Are we really such *****?
02:43:37 That will let them dictate, understand the power of no.
02:43:42 Well, like I said, you're going to have more luck resisting the federal government's reach if you are in a local municipality that backs you up.
02:43:56 You know the feds, the feds have a lot of power, but.
02:44:00 They only have so much power when dealing with.
02:44:05 A disobedient local government.
02:44:12 Damn Bigfoot $1.00. This must have been made before the committee hearing or they would have 100% included the lie that Trump was choking out agents and hijacking cars.
02:44:24 That is true.
02:44:25 They would have.
02:44:27 No, they they made it well before that it it was released to time.
02:44:31 They timed it with the the hearings.
02:44:34 Jay Ray 1981 or yeah, 91.5 dollars appreciate that.
02:44:39 Do that. **** fraud.
02:44:42 Do do that.
02:44:43 **** fraud stream, dude.
02:44:46 I mean the voter fraud stream.
02:44:48 Oh, yeah, no, it it.
Speaker 4
02:44:49 Would be easy to.Devon
02:44:50 Do I kept up with it?02:44:51 For what?
Speaker 6
02:44:52 Because look, I.Devon
02:44:52 Wanted to know if it was just custards being stupid.02:44:57 And a lot of it was custards being stupid.
Speaker 6
02:45:02 But I also knew.Devon
02:45:04 There's a lot of **** that.02:45:05 Just didn't add up.
02:45:11 And so I kept up with it and and and and more than convinced.
02:45:17 That the election was a joke.
02:45:20 There's and there's.
02:45:21 Plenty of evidence.
02:45:22 Plenty of evidence.
02:45:26 Obviously there's not like.
02:45:28 You know.
02:45:29 Oh, here's the silver bullet.
02:45:30 Right.
02:45:30 Like, here's the here's a video of of Biden saying they're going to commit fraud.
02:45:36 Oh, wait, there is that.
02:45:38 I'm I'm just ******* around there actually.
02:45:40 Is that.
02:45:40 Video but yeah.
02:45:41 There there's there's like.
02:45:43 A recorded phone call of you know, Kamala Harris and Biden saying our evil plan worked, you know.
02:45:50 But there is Biden saying that they they conducted the the biggest fraud operation in the world.
02:45:57 I don't know if you guys remember that video.
02:45:59 I wonder if I can find that.
02:46:01 Probably easy to find.
02:46:02 Let me see.
02:46:14 I don't know if I can find it.
02:46:16 It's hard to find that.
02:46:20 Oh, here it is actually.
02:46:33 The downloads are going really slow.
02:46:36 It's got to play.
02:46:36 It uh, it's actually there it goes.
02:46:39 Might be able to watch it right now anyway.
02:46:43 It's such a short clip.
02:46:47 I spoke too soon.
02:46:48 The download started going slow.
02:46:51 Oh, there it is.
02:46:52 All right.
Speaker 10
02:46:57 Secondly, we're in a situation where we.Speaker 16
02:47:00 Have put.Speaker 10
02:47:01 Together and you guys did it for our administer, the President Obama's administration. Before this we put together, I think the most.02:47:13 Extensive and inclusive voter fraud.
02:47:18 Organization in the history of American politics.
02:47:23 So there's that.02:47:26 And you could say, you know, it's by and he's just saying ******** **** or yeah, or it's buying or you just actually tell the truth.
02:47:33 I don't know.
02:47:35 But it's not just it's not just like.
02:47:37 Clips like that, I mean, there's real hard evidence.
02:47:41 That there was.
02:47:41 Fairly widespread coordinated voter fraud going on, and of course there was, and there was also organic voter fraud.
02:47:48 Everyone watched the videos of.
02:47:50 Like the the people counting the votes.
02:47:55 I I think it's hilarious because the same.
02:47:57 People that hate blacks the most, right?
02:48:00 Are some of the.
02:48:01 People that are like no, but they were totally honest.
02:48:04 When they counted the votes.
02:48:07 Alright anyway.
02:48:13 Don't get high on your own supply.
02:48:19 Reverb $5.00 an extra 5 shekels as a courtesy since I'm sorry you got to deal with *******. Like the guy who?
02:48:25 Think the election wasn't rigged?
02:48:27 It's it's a tiny percentage of people that, that.
02:48:32 Look, even even you know, ******* like Sam Harris.
02:48:37 And he's OK with the rigging.
02:48:40 And he's, you know, he's limited in the scope that he's willing to admit that happened.
02:48:46 But even ****** Jews like Sam Harris are like, yeah, there was red, but who cares.
02:48:50 I'm glad.
02:48:53 Eped in a completely ignored fact around election was Biden setting new impossible record of only winning 15% of counties, a record previously held by Obama reelection of only 22% and 90% of the physical country having to accept the opposite choices of the other 10%.
02:49:15 It's not going to end well, Trump or no Trump.
02:49:17 No, it's not.
02:49:18 And that thing is.
02:49:20 No one was excited about Biden.
02:49:22 There was just massive, massive fraud.
02:49:29 Coleman, CDA $1.00 appreciate that Trump was copium for boomers.
02:49:35 Even though he betrayed us on the vaccines, with the empire collapsing under Biden, it's going to wake up more versus all this happening under Trump.
02:49:46 With the collapse, we are going to have a chance to take back power soon, but at the state level I I don't know I.
02:49:54 I mean, I don't know.
02:49:57 I think the collapse is going to.
02:49:59 Take a lot longer than a lot of people.
02:50:01 Are expecting.
02:50:02 I don't think it's just going to be like you get an alert on your phone like you do when, like, you know, like an Amber Alert that says.
02:50:10 Civil war just began.
02:50:13 It's not like that.
02:50:15 I think it's going to be slow and slow and there's not going to be like a.
02:50:20 In fact, I think when they historians research it later.
02:50:25 They'll have the hard time trying to well, when exactly was the start?
02:50:32 Yeah, and that's when they'll have all the data.
02:50:34 So it's going.
02:50:35 To be even harder for us to figure out.
02:50:38 It might have already started, we don't know.
02:50:43 ******** ****** $1.00 appreciate that. Do you think the speech Biden's handlers gave him to read?
02:50:49 And the atmosphere and set up as a sign of nervousness of the system systems part.
02:50:57 As the globalist Zionist empire is wobbling and being challenged.
02:51:01 I don't think it's wobbling.
02:51:05 I see it.
02:51:06 The opposite of nervousness, I see it as confidence.
02:51:12 They're still.
02:51:14 Have been no right wing victories in my lifetime.
02:51:20 What about Roe V Wade?
02:51:21 OK.
02:51:23 That's just rolling back to what you already had.
02:51:27 That's not a right wing victory.
02:51:30 That's a left wing victory being rolled back.
02:51:34 And don't get me wrong, it's significant.
02:51:39 But that's not.
02:51:40 Moving to the right.
02:51:46 That's moving back to the center a little bit.
02:51:52 Excuse me.
02:51:55 So I don't think I don't.
02:51:55 Yeah, I don't think they're nervous at all.
Speaker 6
02:52:01 Well, I'll tell you what.Devon
02:52:04 I think a lot of the middle management is maybe nervous after talking to these experts, they have in the you know.02:52:10 But not nervous as in like.
02:52:13 You know.
02:52:14 I don't.
02:52:15 I don't think I don't know.
02:52:16 We'll, we'll see.
02:52:18 I don't think it's nervousness, though.
02:52:19 I think that if they were nervous, they'd be trying to seem more reasonable.
02:52:25 Ask yourself this.
02:52:29 Let's say you are.
02:52:32 In a.
02:52:35 Weird confrontational situation with someone.
02:52:41 That you you don't quite know very well.
02:52:45 That you think might kick your ***.
02:52:52 Are you going to be?
02:52:54 Diplomatic, you know, are you going?
02:52:56 To let them.
02:52:58 Are you going to?
02:52:59 Like I don't know, like some people.
02:53:01 I guess it's different strategies for different people.
02:53:03 I guess some people will try to bluff and hope for the best.
02:53:07 But I think if they were nervous, they wouldn't be trying to start a fight with people that they were afraid of.
02:53:15 And honestly, what do they have?
02:53:16 What do they have to be nervous about?
02:53:20 Winter child Sam Harris just admitted an interview.
02:53:23 There was a left wing conspiracy to get Trump out, but it was worth it because it was evil.
02:53:32 It's everyone knows, everyone knows there was voter fraud.
02:53:37 Except for that ******** chat.
02:53:40 Who thinks that him staying home punished Trump?
02:53:47 ******** ******?
02:53:48 What do you think of the Bundy ranch standoff?
02:53:49 I don't know.
02:53:50 Much more than what I mean.
02:53:51 I didn't really research it, ever.
02:53:53 I just saw when it was on the news.
02:53:57 I I know people who know the Bundys and who like them a lot.
02:54:02 And from what I understand, they're pretty based and pretty awesome.
02:54:06 UM and.
02:54:10 You know I.
02:54:13 I I would side with them before I'd side with this kind of ******* federal government any day.
02:54:19 So there's that.
02:54:22 Damn Bigfoot $1.00. It's extremely autistic to believe since some random spurges in random states turning on Trump had any impact on the election, even if this entire sector lived in the same state, we would have an extremely low impact.
02:54:38 It's delusional.
02:54:39 It's people thinking that they're more important, that they are than they are, that they're more influential.
02:54:43 Than they are.
02:54:48 You know it's it's let me put it this way, it's gayer.
02:54:52 Then people like Milo in 2016, saying that they got Trump elected.
02:55:01 And I mean gayer, as in, **** **** ** your *** gayer.
02:55:06 Like homosexual, like the way homosexuals think it's more homosexual.
02:55:12 To think that like.
02:55:15 You you staying home?
02:55:19 Somehow taught Trump a lesson.
02:55:27 No it didn't.
02:55:29 That's not what happened.
02:55:31 Look, and I stayed home.
02:55:32 Too, I didn't vote for him.
02:55:36 Fields and friends $50.
02:55:39 Very generous and.
Speaker 2
02:55:43 My ***** better have my money.Devon
02:55:46 There you go.02:55:49 I'm going to better ones, I promise.
02:55:55 But thank you very much.
02:55:57 That is very generous and I appreciate that.
02:56:00 Fields and friends.
02:56:02 Is that like James Fields?
02:56:04 I had an uncle who was.
02:56:06 Killed in the Navy.
02:56:08 It was a sore subject, so I never heard.
02:56:10 Much about it.
02:56:12 Shared my parents, your liberty video, and they already knew all about it.
02:56:16 Turns out my uncle was one of the sailors who was killed.
02:56:19 Help me connect the dots in my life and red pill.
02:56:22 My parents.
02:56:23 Oh, holy ****.
02:56:26 Well, uh, that's.
02:56:29 That's uh, that's pretty ******.
02:56:33 That sucks.
02:56:36 I wonder how many families are out there that that?
02:56:40 That understand, you know, because there were a lot of casualties.
02:56:44 I wonder how many people are that lost brothers and uncles and.
02:56:55 Water weights $5. Appreciate that all of this development of similar tactics from the 90s to infiltrate white movements and communities to break them is concerning, makes you have concern for our necessary cohesion being threatened. I do wish for a positive future for the few of us willing to be.
02:57:16 Discerning, genuine and communal, I think.
02:57:20 That's another argument for keeping it local.
02:57:25 It's real easy.
02:57:27 For, especially because a lot of what I think federal agencies are going to be doing is it take just for if nothing else, for budget reasons, they're going to be focusing on what can be done remotely.
02:57:42 And they can infiltrate lots of groups remotely.
02:57:46 But they can't infiltrate.
02:57:48 They can't.
02:57:48 I mean, they could.
02:57:49 But like the budget to.
02:57:52 You know, make a undercover next door neighbor of yours.
02:57:57 You know or like move into your your neighborhood or your town.
02:58:00 And like the the amount of extra work that creates, especially if you live somewhere rural.
02:58:06 Where you should.
02:58:09 And everyone knows everyone.
02:58:12 It's a lot harder to do that.
02:58:14 If you focus on on creating local power.
02:58:19 And while still associating with people on a national level, still having conversations online, trading ideas, tactics, that sort of thing.
02:58:29 But never engage in any kind of.
02:58:32 Well, just you know, again, don't do anything illegal.
02:58:36 I know that doesn't always shield you from them, but.
02:58:42 Yeah, that's the best you can do.
02:58:47 J Ray 19815 dollars. **** the fagot fence sitters who at the time.
02:58:54 When we all knew the election was clearly being stolen, sat back and said I don't.
02:59:01 No, can't tell you.
02:59:03 Just like the clot shot killing people when at the time we were screaming from the rooftops, but yet again, the so-called based folk held the.
02:59:13 Well, you know.
02:59:14 Most people in in a feminize society, most people act the same way that I've been saying that women act, they just go with whoever they think is strongest.
02:59:22 They they they want the least amount, especially if you work for the machine.
02:59:28 If you're just a cog in the machine, your existence relies on the rest of the machine.
02:59:33 And so you're not going to go in your own direction.
02:59:38 You're not going to follow a minority, no matter how right they are, because it might jeopardize.
02:59:46 Your position in the in the machine.
02:59:52 And if you die of adult Death syndrome.
02:59:56 Then that's that.
02:59:57 That is what it is.
03:00:01 January, Anthony one.
03:00:03 Sorry, on the phone script.
03:00:04 That's alright, I got it.
03:00:06 Cat hugger, $5. Thank you for all your work.
03:00:09 Man, I wish I could send more.
03:00:11 One day we will use your videos as foundational research for the new historical books, where all the lies get put to rest.
03:00:18 Well, I I I appreciate that.
03:00:20 I don't think that will happen, but.
03:00:23 Hopefully I make a difference today.
03:00:26 You know, if I can make a difference today, I don't mind not being in history books.
03:00:32 Fewer from Persona 2103, that's that deserves.
03:00:40 Ohh why is?
Speaker 1
03:00:41 That comma get this money and watch them.Devon
03:00:44 As well as.Speaker 2
03:00:48 My ***** better have my money.Devon
03:00:52 All right. Let's see here.03:00:54 Hey, Devin, Long time viewer your content has provided me with countless hours of knowledge.
03:01:00 I found your audio book online because I refuse to own media on proprietary platforms.
03:01:05 You hold the unique honor of being the only person I've ever given money to for pirated content.
03:01:11 God bless you, Devon.
03:01:12 Well, I appreciate that.
03:01:13 And uh.
03:01:16 Part 2.
03:01:18 It probably won't be on any kind of proprietary platform because I'm not going to be allowed on any proprietary platform.
03:01:24 So it'll have to be in to some degree on the honor system, so I really appreciate that.
03:01:30 Thank you very much.
03:01:31 I work.
03:01:31 I'll tell you what I worked hard on that audio book.
03:01:34 It's hard to like, read an entire book without ******* up.
03:01:37 So I was just like, constantly.
03:01:38 ******* up and then to.
03:01:39 The edit every hour of of it's like something like it's over 5 hours of solid talking like you know, and then having to do different voices, which I'm not good at and all that fun stuff.
03:01:52 So I appreciate that I'm going to try to make it available.
03:01:55 As soon as possible.
03:01:57 It's just.
03:01:59 You know, it's I have a million things going on, but I really appreciate that.
03:02:03 Thank you very much for.
03:02:04 For keeping it honest, man keeping it honest.
03:02:08 Uncle Teddy, $5 appreciate that Dev and I found an audio book on Odyssey of Day of the Rope.
03:02:15 That sound sound like you?
03:02:17 It's probably well, it's probably me.
03:02:18 It's probably someone pirated and put it on on the scene.
03:02:21 I enjoyed it very much and I think it was well written and read.
03:02:25 Many thanks.
03:02:26 Well, there you go.
03:02:27 I appreciate that.
03:02:29 Yeah, I'll.
03:02:30 I'll have to flag that.
03:02:31 Find it and flag it.
03:02:35 But yeah, I'm sure.
03:02:37 I'm sure it's all over the place.
03:02:38 That's just what happens to stuff when you don't have Jew lawyers that can go after it.
03:02:42 And in fact, a lot of people spreading this **** are either Jews themselves who don't, you know, that are trying to hurt you financially or people that.
03:02:54 Think think that they're doing good by spreading it, but are actually kind of hurting you financially.
03:03:03 But it is it is what it is.
03:03:04 I knew that was going to happen anyway.
03:03:08 Things will happen here and I don't care which ones.
03:03:11 Cloud fare dropped Kiwi farms this afternoon after promising to not further the precedent after the Daily Stormer and eight Chan thoughts.
03:03:21 Well, of course it's just going to keep going.
03:03:25 It's going to keep going.
03:03:27 You're going to have.
03:03:30 Lots of the the platforming, I honestly think it it is going to come down to decentralized Internet.
03:03:38 You know, or something akin to Tor.
03:03:41 I mean, I don't know how all that technology works or where it's at right now, currently.
03:03:47 But you better believe.
03:03:50 That the domain registries.
03:03:53 And all that stuff it it's gonna be.
03:03:57 It's going to be used to, to.
03:04:01 In the same way that OK, just as an example.
03:04:10 Doesn't want to censor people, but they also want their app in the App Store, so they compromised.
03:04:18 They came up with is well, we won't censor you unless you're on a device that uses that App Store so that apples happy and you know our app can still go.
Speaker 7
03:04:30 In the.Devon
03:04:31 But you know the desktop version.03:04:33 You can still access it, right?
03:04:35 They'll do things like that.
03:04:38 They'll pressure companies like Facebook.
03:04:43 Not that they need much arm twisting, but they'll pressure companies, maybe even like Odyssey.
03:04:49 To censor people like me because what they'll say is, oh, no, you don't have to censor Devin.
03:04:56 But if you want to keep working.
03:05:01 You might want to censor Devin.
03:05:04 That's what they'll do, and the Obama administration handed.
03:05:10 The ICAN stuff over to to.
03:05:14 Some international body.
03:05:16 That is not beholden to the First Amendment.
03:05:23 So it even though the United States invented the Internet and.
03:05:30 Used to control it.
03:05:32 It's now controlled by an international body that.
03:05:37 You and I have no influence over, and neither does the Constitution or the 1st amendment or anything like that.
03:05:45 So there you go.
03:05:48 Clark Smith, $100.
Speaker 1
03:05:51 You better help me solve my problem.03:05:53 I'm gonna get this money in.
03:06:00 Well, I appreciate that Mega Ditto is back to you.03:06:06 I feel like such a boomer saying that.
03:06:09 I know we're saying.
03:06:10 It ironically, we are saying it ironically, right?
03:06:18 It it sounded cringe to me even when I was a kid, like my mom was listening to it.
03:06:22 And like mega dittos.
03:06:24 I'm like, what the **** is that?
03:06:26 I appreciate the dittos there.
03:06:29 ASDF ASD, $5 appreciate that.
03:06:35 Tell all these gamer **** I have been streaming this show to go or to streaming this show to on.
03:06:48 While I AFK and can Peaches.
03:06:53 Where they can go to find you.
03:06:57 OK, well I I read your thing.
03:07:00 I don't know what most of that means.
03:07:03 So but I read it, there you go.
03:07:08 Zionist harassment panda $25 appreciate that.
03:07:14 Yeah, I'll tell you, that's that's all that's worth.
03:07:16 That's worth a.
03:07:17 A Jew. There we go.
03:07:19 $25 I think someone else got the Jew.
Speaker 4
03:07:24 $25.Devon
03:07:27 Recently discovered the show and have since been binge watching.03:07:30 Well, I appreciate that.
03:07:35 Alright guys, I've got a regular chat here for a second.
03:07:39 We're basically at 3 hours.
03:07:44 Let me see if the stream's still up. I accidentally minimized it. Now I'm all paranoid that it went down.
03:07:52 No, it's still up, that's.
03:07:54 At least I think it is.
03:07:58 Are you guys talking about in regular chat?
03:07:59 Are you guys talking about the election was totally real?
03:08:03 Is that what you're talking about?
03:08:09 That's what you were talking about last time I looked at regular chat.
03:08:13 High Priest King Terry, one of these liars, was talking about how the January 6 protesters were on like.
03:08:20 Other groups, business owners and working class, basically the people who support the nation and are generally higher IQ.
03:08:28 Yet for some reason.
03:08:31 They are wrong.
03:08:32 When the bread and butter of the nation are angry.
Speaker 6
03:08:37 Well, I would say.Devon
03:08:40 They're what they're I think what they're getting at is those types of people usually didn't get off their couch.03:08:48 And that's what worries them is those the type of people that are usually so comfortable due to the the level of decadence in the nation.
03:08:56 That they're, they complain and they ***** and they call into Rush Limbaugh and they, you know, they they yell, you know, they they, they talk to their friends about, you know what they watched on Hannity the the other night.
03:09:07 And but they rarely show up.
03:09:10 And they certainly don't show up to the capital and talk about.
03:09:16 Things that they're going to do once.
Speaker 12
03:09:19 They get inside.Speaker 4
03:09:22 That's what freaked him out.Devon
03:09:31 Oh, and then extradimensional descent.03:09:33 Then I super chat about the.
03:09:35 Yeah, did it download?
03:09:37 See, here's the weird thing.
03:09:38 Your ATF video is still downloading.
03:09:40 It says it'll be.
03:09:41 I'll tell you what, I'll we will.
03:09:43 We'll try to watch it unless it's like super ******* long.
03:09:46 It's got a.
03:09:47 Minute and 10 seconds left on the download.
03:09:53 It must be really ******* long.
03:09:55 Why did you link me to something so long?
03:09:58 You know, you realize you jeopardized the entire you, you jeopardize the entire stream when you give me something that's big without warning me.
03:10:11 Uh, damn Bigfoot.
03:10:13 What do you make of the presidential text from a few years ago?
03:10:16 Why didn't Trump use that?
03:10:20 The presidential text.
03:10:24 I'm not sure what you mean by the presidential text.
03:10:29 I mean, I I honestly don't know what that means.
03:10:35 But I'll tell you what, Trump didn't take advantage of any of his powers that he had access to.
03:10:41 So I don't know why I'd be surprised.
03:10:47 Someone, you're saying it's 8 minutes long?
03:10:51 I don't know why it's taking.
03:10:52 So long to download.
03:10:57 Alright, it's about it's finally done.
03:11:03 Alright, let's take a look here.
03:11:09 This better be worth it.
03:11:13 We're not watching 8 minutes of it either.
03:11:18 I'm going to put it on mute and type.
03:11:21 We're not going to listen to that guy talk.
03:11:24 I'm going to scale this down.Speaker 4
03:11:31 Silent majority.Devon
03:11:35 Using Nixon era slogans is going to.03:11:38 Stop the deep state.
03:11:41 Now here we go.
Speaker 17
03:11:48 Hey Sir, how are you?03:11:50 Hey, what's going?
03:11:51 On man, how's going?
03:11:53 Yeah. OK.
03:11:54 I'm hearing about a.
03:11:55 Solvent trap that you ordered, OK?
03:11:57 Do you still have it?
Speaker 32
03:11:58 I'm not going to answer any questions, OK?Speaker 17
03:12:02 Well, we're actually here.03:12:03 To recover because they're being used as suppressors, I don't have a warrant if you let.
Speaker 10
03:12:05 You have a what?Speaker 17
03:12:08 I can talk to you.03:12:10 OK.
03:12:12 They're being used as suppressors.
03:12:14 Now we're just here to pick them up.
03:12:15 If you don't have it, you can sign that you don't have it anymore.
Speaker 32
03:12:18 Not going to sign anything.Speaker 17
03:12:18 OK, don't sign anything.03:12:20 So what will happen is if your call when it will prosecute you federally for an NFA item, OK.
03:12:26 You're obviously going to be on the radar now.
03:12:27 I appreciate all the cooperation.
03:12:29 We just came to pick it up and have it destroyed.
03:12:34 But since you're being such a polite person.
03:12:38 I mean, we know what you're using it for, correct?
03:12:38 At that.
03:12:42 I mean, you bought a jig with it for.
03:12:43 No, don't.Speaker 17
03:12:44 Your AR15, exactly.Speaker 32
03:12:45 I don't know what you're talking about, so.Speaker 17
03:12:47 This isn't the first time we've done this.Speaker
03:12:47 But if you want.Speaker 32
03:12:48 If you want to come back.03:12:49 With the warrant, I mean you can do that.
Speaker 17
03:12:52 OK, absolutely.Speaker
03:12:53 For me please.Speaker 32
03:12:54 I'm sorry your hand on your phone?03:12:55 On my property I can put.
03:12:57 My hands on.
03:12:58 We're law enforcement is talking to you, an official capacity, so I'd rather.
Speaker 2
03:13:00 You're on my property.Speaker 32
03:13:00 You not have your hand in your pocket so.Devon
03:13:03 Right.03:13:04 We're not trying to be be jerks here.
Speaker 32
03:13:05 You are though.03:13:06 You're mean.
Speaker 17
03:13:06 We're not.03:13:07 We're not.
03:13:07 We're we're idiots, correct?
Speaker 32
03:13:07 You're the ATF.03:13:08 Come on.
03:13:09 No, I didn't say that.
03:13:11 I said you're the ATF. Your entire job is to take away people's guns. I know everything about your job. 2nd amendment.
Speaker 17
03:13:16 I don't think you have any idea what our job is actually.03:13:19 Oh please tell me.
03:13:23 Infringed so violent.
03:13:26 Criminals with guns that we take off the street, that's.
Speaker 32
03:13:28 Like at Waco, like at Ruby Ridge?Speaker 17
03:13:31 Oh my gosh.03:13:32 Bro, you need to quit.
Speaker 32
03:13:32 Dogs, can you keep my dogs?Speaker 17
03:13:34 You need to.Speaker 32
03:13:34 In the house.Speaker 17
03:13:35 Quit reading so many books.Speaker 32
03:13:36 Give me a break.03:13:37 Yeah, yeah.
03:13:37 We watch too many.
03:13:38 Shows and that's it.Speaker 17
03:13:39 Yeah, alright.03:13:40 Well, I'm sure we'll find you again someday.
03:13:42 Well anyway, have a good one.
Speaker 32
03:13:45 Yeah, you too.Speaker 17
03:13:45 I appreciate the cooperation.Speaker 32
03:13:47 Take it easy.Speaker 17
03:13:47 Yes, Sir.Speaker 32
03:13:49 Watch out for the dogs, guys.Speaker
03:13:54 As you can tell.Devon
03:13:56 Yeah, I mean.03:13:58 That that is 1.
03:13:59 Thing you need to understand is.
03:14:03 They can't.
03:14:04 They can't do what they.
03:14:06 Were implying they could do.
03:14:08 They can't just show up and say.
03:14:11 You need to give us this thing that we think you have because we.
03:14:14 Think you're doing something bad with it?
03:14:17 In fact it in in terms of getting prosecuted federally if he was using I I didn't catch what they said he was using as a suppressor, but if if.
03:14:27 He did have something that he was illegally using.
03:14:30 As a suppressor.
03:14:32 And then he went and got it and.
03:14:33 Gave it to him.
03:14:35 Well, the next step.
03:14:36 Would be putting cuffs on him.
03:14:40 It wouldn't just be like oh.
03:14:41 We're just here to pick it up.
03:14:44 It's not illegal for them to lie to you.
03:14:46 People think that it is.
03:14:47 I don't know why they think that it's.
03:14:49 Not illegal for them to lie to you.
03:14:55 So they can they can come to your house and say, oh, yeah, just oh, we're just here to pick up that illegal thing, that federally illegal thing that you have to just go get it for us real quick.
03:15:05 And if you're stupid enough to go get it.
03:15:08 And they can slap those cuffs.
03:15:09 On you right then and there.
03:15:13 They're going to be doing this more and more.
03:15:17 This is the second video like this that we've seen.
03:15:21 In the last couple of weeks.
03:15:24 This is exactly what they're going to be doing.
03:15:29 If you've purchased something that's that's set off some kind of alarm.
03:15:35 In their database.
03:15:38 It's going to put you on a list and.
03:15:39 They're going to go through that list.
03:15:44 Especially if you're ultra.
03:15:46 Mega or Dark Maga or whatever Maga.
03:15:56 So there you go.
03:15:59 Oh, did it lock up?
03:15:59 Did chat just lock up again?
03:16:01 Uh, give me a ******* break.
03:16:02 Tell me didn't lock up.
03:16:13 OK, it's back I think.
03:16:16 OK.
03:16:21 If you are from Persona 2-3 dollars, if you're serious, I'd love a stream dedicated to you proving the election fraud.
03:16:29 I know if you open minded people that would possibly see the light if you were to do so, your streams in the past have swayed the minds of many people.
03:16:36 I know that I've shown them to yeah, I mean I think it would be worth doing.
03:16:41 Because there's a lot of crazy and stupid and unreasonable people making videos like I get why I kind of get well, I don't really get because it means that you haven't done any research yourself and this is a pretty important thing to not research yourself.
03:16:55 But I get why, like, ignore me.
03:16:58 Would not believe it if they watched like the my pillow guy.
03:17:04 You know, like the my pillow guy has done enormous damage to the idea that the election was stolen.
03:17:11 Rudy Giuliani has done enormous damage to the idea that the election was stolen.
03:17:17 All of the what?
03:17:18 Who's the the crazy ******* guy that stole the Kyle Rittenhouse?
03:17:24 The lawyer.
03:17:26 Ohh ****.
03:17:27 I don't.
03:17:27 I don't remember his name anymore.
03:17:29 He's done enormous damage.
03:17:31 That stupid.
03:17:32 The lady that was like, oh, we're going to release the crackin.
03:17:36 I get it.
03:17:37 There's a lot of stupid people.
03:17:40 That did a lot of stupid things because they were grifting off the idea and they wanted the money.
03:17:48 They made so much ******* money.
03:17:49 And you know what?
03:17:50 Trump had no intention of using that money to they met.
03:17:53 He met with his lawyers after the election and they decided they were not going to fight it.
03:17:59 Everything they did after that meeting, talking about fighting it was a lie to get more money.
03:18:07 And none of the money was used for that.
03:18:10 They raised $100 million. You think the best they could do was drunk and Rudy Giuliani.
03:18:17 Walking around like you know you know, here's the this is the ******* obnoxious thing about the right.
03:18:25 I keep I and I brought this up.
03:18:27 I think a couple streams ago about how like, you know, the reason they don't make movies or or or put money, donate money to to things that actually work is because they're a bunch of greedy fagots.
03:18:37 That's why so many of them have.
03:18:38 Turned into libertarians.
03:18:42 You know the communists.
03:18:44 Would have done with 100 million.
03:18:45 *******, but that's about what they raised for the stop the steel.
03:18:48 They raised probably north of $100 million.
03:18:53 You give me 100 ******* $1,000,000. I'm overturning the election.
03:18:57 One way or another.
03:19:04 They never.
03:19:05 They never intended to.
03:19:07 They never intended.
03:19:08 That's the.
03:19:08 That's the black pill, the.
03:19:09 Black pill is.
03:19:11 Everything about it is just as bad as you like.
03:19:13 The worst case scenario, like everything else, right?
03:19:15 It's a yes.
03:19:16 It was stolen.
03:19:18 B Trump didn't have the balls to do anything about it.
03:19:22 And see. They then ruined.
03:19:30 By allowing all these grifters to make up crazy ******* ********* about it.
03:19:39 And I I I almost wanted like that lawyer guy.
03:19:42 That southern lawyer Guy that I forget the name of now.
03:19:45 The the stopped the steel guy, the guy that also raised a bunch of money for Kyle Rittenhouse and then, like, didn't give it to him.
03:19:52 That ******* guy, especially because that guy you could just tell was was like a grifting televangelist personality type.
03:20:02 And he even sounded like a televangelist.
03:20:05 And the people sending money were the people that would usually send money to televangelists.
03:20:12 I can't ******* remember his ******* name.
03:20:15 Uh, but he got banned from all kinds of.
03:20:18 Stuff. Thank God.
03:20:24 Damn Bigfoot $1.00 when it comes to stolen elections, nothing should have been off the table for Trump. Instead, it was leaderless resistance within three hours.
03:20:35 No, as in, if you really thought it was stolen, and I think that Trump really did.
03:20:46 Even if it was because he's a narcissist, I think that he really did.
03:20:52 And probably still does.
03:20:56 Then he was he never should have had that I said that.
03:20:59 I said this back then.
03:21:02 If you're not willing to throw down if you're if you decide.
03:21:07 That the the the right course of action is to hand over the keys to the castle.
03:21:14 To an usurper, you never should have been in the a castle in the 1st place because you weren't made of the kind of stuff that that you need to be to do that job and he wasn't.
03:21:29 He wasn't.
03:21:35 And we need someone that is.
03:21:42 Andromedia says I believe stopped the steel raised over 200 million.
03:21:47 Yeah, that's possible.
03:21:51 It was a lot.
03:21:51 I know it's a lot, I know.
03:21:52 It's at least a.
03:21:53 100 million if it I wouldn't be surprised.
03:21:55 If it was, if it was 300 million, honestly.
03:21:59 And yeah, they they did.
03:22:01 **** all with it.
03:22:10 Absolutely ******* nothing with it.
03:22:27 Alright guys, well I'm going to.
03:22:33 I'll answer this regular chat.
03:22:37 Let's see here.
03:22:37 John Connor, have you ever considered putting all your black pills that you dispense in each of your streams into a book?
03:22:44 There's a real value in them for anyone that may try to build a functioning society in the future.
03:22:50 Maybe call it rules for ethno nationalist I.
03:22:53 I don't know that I would want to sit there.
03:22:56 And write a.
03:22:59 Write a a non fiction book that that would take a lot of research because you'd want to make sure you got it right, but maybe.
03:23:10 Hi, pricing.
03:23:10 Terry, are you active on gab?
03:23:12 We have a telegram server that has continued on from the Blackville discord.
03:23:17 With most of the Patreon subscriber supporters join and send you a link on gap, I'll I'll look at Gab, I haven't looked at any DM's for gab for months.
03:23:27 I've just been kind of overwhelmed with communications for other other things.
Speaker 4
03:23:33 Like my handlers my Jewish handlers.Devon
03:23:38 Banana Pilled $1.00 appreciate that.03:23:42 The black pill is that it's all theater at the world stage and there was number stolen election.
03:23:49 Now there was a stolen election.
03:23:54 Don't get me wrong, there's a.
03:23:55 Lot of theater going on.
03:23:58 But there was a there was a stolen election.
03:24:06 All right guys.
03:24:07 I am going to closeout of here.
03:24:15 I am.
03:24:16 Really tired now.
03:24:26 So it's a giant anonymous Bitcoin donation means investment from Jewish handlers.
03:24:31 Well, I haven't had any unless I got some something recently.
03:24:34 I haven't checked that in.
03:24:34 A long time so.
03:24:37 Unless I got a a giant Bitcoin donation that I don't, I'm not aware of yet.
03:24:44 By the way, Devin, can you paywall stuff on Odyssey, maybe upload audiobook for like $5? Yeah, I forgot about that. You can pay wall stuff on odyssey.
03:24:54 You know what?
03:24:55 Maybe I'll do that.
03:24:57 Maybe I will do that because I still have.
03:24:58 I mean, I got all the MP threes of it.
03:25:01 Maybe that's that's that's actually that's a good idea.
03:25:04 That's a good idea.
03:25:06 Maybe that's that's a good idea for the next one too.
03:25:09 I mean, people are gonna steal it anyway.
03:25:11 It's already stolen.
03:25:12 It's already out there.
03:25:13 That's not a bad idea.
03:25:17 So maybe I'll check that out.
03:25:20 Anyway, yeah, the Internet was good the night.
03:25:23 Fascist Freddie.
03:25:28 The Internet did not **** ** at all.
03:25:31 Alright guys.
03:25:32 Well you guys have a good rest of your weekend.
03:25:36 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 14
03:25:43 The white power music.03:25:46 Those who follow it the focal point of hate groups in America, its festivals around the country, are gatherings for fans of bands like Blue Eyed Devils, 13 knots, the Caucasoids, and Wade Michael Page's band and.
03:26:03 Punk rock with disturbing lyrics like this song from the band Definite Hate.
03:26:14 Author Devin Burgart says beyond the disturbing lyrics is their disturbing mission.
Speaker 3
03:26:20 These bands are known for their recruiting and for bringing young people into the movement they play festivals, shows and gigs around the country, which are specifically designed to bring in new young people and indoctrinate them into the white nationalist movement.Speaker 14
03:26:34 Burgard, who penned the book soundtracks to the White Revolution, says the underground music scene has hundreds of bands and generates millions of dollars.03:26:44 Wade Michael Page has lived in the world of white power music for the past 12 years.
Speaker 3
03:26:51 From what we've been able to uncover, Mr.03:26:52 Paige was intimately involved in helping to lead.
03:26:57 The white power music scene.
03:26:59 He was in a several different white power bands which played roles in recruiting A myriad of young people into the white nationalist movement.
Speaker 14
03:27:08 One thing we do know, Wolf, is this guy wasn't making a living in music.03:27:12 He had a bunch of low level jobs, most of which he was fired from, and as far as we can tell by tracking some of these websites and and festivals, his band really wasn't doing much appearances.
03:27:25 As of late.
03:27:26 But listen, this this whole.Speaker 6
03:27:28 Skinhead music phenomenon.03:27:30 That's an effective tool to try to recruit young people into this movement is.
03:27:34 That that what you're?Speaker 26
03:27:36 I think.Speaker 14
03:27:36 That's what these experts who track this some of these authors and others who have tried to study the white power music scene.03:27:43 How do they keep regenerating themselves?
03:27:45 Not necessarily growing, but getting young people involved to kind of replenish the troops.
03:27:50 It seems they've gone to this punk rock sound get getting festivals together in various.
03:27:56 The cities across the country and trying to pass on the message of hate through the music.
03:28:02 I I heard one person say, you know, it's one thing to hand out a pamphlet.
03:28:05 Most kids don't read pamphlets, but they do listen to music and they hear.
03:28:09 Those those repeated lyrics over and over again, and many believe that that's the way they can indoctrinate these these messages of hate.
03:28:34 Everyone of a lizard.Speaker 10
03:28:35 I'm a lizard.03:28:37 No, my son.
03:28:38 You're just an anti Semite.
Speaker 21
03:28:46 Don't touch me too.