

Speaker 1
02:25:13 Bill Haley and his comets.
Speaker 2
00:02:14 123 o'clock 4:00 rock 567 o'clock 8:00 rock 910 eleven o'clock 12:00 rock. We're gonna rock around 10:00 tonight.
00:02:41 Like 2-3.
00:03:12 When the chimes ring 5-6 and seven.
00:03:15 We'll be right in 7th heaven, but tonight we're going.
00:03:29 1011 two half dull and strong and so.
Speaker 4
00:04:38 Will you be mine, my darling, dear?
00:04:43 Love you all the time.
00:04:47 I'm just a.
00:04:50 Fool in love with you?
00:04:59 Joke joke.
00:05:03 I adore.
00:05:06 Love you forever and evermore, I.
00:05:16 I'm in love with you.
00:05:25 I fell for you.
00:05:28 And I.
00:05:30 The vision of your Love's loveliness.
Speaker 6
00:05:37 I open up.
Speaker 4
00:05:38 Pray that someday I'll be the vision of your.
00:05:49 Angel Angel.
00:05:53 Please be mine.
00:05:56 My darling, dear.
00:05:59 Love you all the time.
00:06:03 Just fall in love.
Speaker 5
00:06:08 With you.
00:06:15 I fell for you.
00:06:18 And then the vision of your loves loveliness.
Speaker 4
00:06:31 Let's someday I'll be the vision of your.
00:06:41 I think.
00:06:43 Please be mine, my darling dear.
00:06:49 Love you all the time.
00:06:53 I'm just a fool.
Speaker 5
00:06:56 Fall in love with you.
00:07:18 Hello to see if everything.
00:07:21 I thought my mic was.
00:07:23 Muted, and then of.
00:07:23 Course it wasn't muted.
00:07:24 I was.
00:07:25 Like ah, I'm.
00:07:26 I'm a little bit on the tired side that I've been.
00:07:28 Out in the boiling hot sun all day long, I actually got some video played for you guys with some of that.
00:07:36 I just pulled a big cactus needle out of my arm.
00:07:39 I didn't realize it was there and my air conditioner is not hooked up yet, so it is about, well, actually it's not about it's exactly.
00:07:46 88 degrees.
00:07:48 Where I'm sitting right?
00:07:49 Now, so I haven't exactly cooled off from being outside, but anyway.
00:07:54 Hope you guys caught the.
00:07:57 The what was it?
00:07:59 Guide to Cultures Film Festival thing I like when I covered American tail.
00:08:08 Thought that was a pretty good stream.
00:08:11 I think we we kind of broke the record on on the audience that showed up.
00:08:15 So thank you for that.
00:08:16 In terms of the replay, people were asking about the replay.
00:08:20 I don't know if.
00:08:22 By the way, Devin Stack here and Sonia Stream.
00:08:25 Before I forget.
00:08:27 In terms of.
00:08:28 The replay, I think that will end up on like bit shoot or something like that eventually I don't I don't know how they do that.
00:08:33 You'll have to take it up with.
00:08:35 I don't know how that works, but yeah, that was that was like a super Super Jewish movie, I.
Speaker 8
00:08:41 Had no idea.
00:08:42 I never saw it.
00:08:43 When I was a kid, but a lot of.
00:08:45 People were telling.
00:08:46 Me like, oh, it's it's a very Jewish cartoon.
00:08:49 You should and I was like I mean.
00:08:50 You know, it's a Spielberg cartoon, but.
00:08:52 Like, really how Jewish can?
00:08:53 It be.
00:08:54 Apparently really Jewish.
00:08:57 Apparently the answer to that question is extremely Jewish.
00:09:02 Get an idea.
00:09:03 People know the name, yeah.
00:09:04 Anyone that's kind of familiar with, even if you haven't seen it right, you know it's feifel.
00:09:08 Right cause the the.
00:09:09 Sequel is Feifel goes goes West.
Speaker 9
00:09:13 Did you want did?
00:09:14 You know that Feifei's last name was Moskovitz, and that's not a joke. It's really. That's how.
00:09:19 Jewish, that movie is anyway.
00:09:22 So check that out guide to cultures Telegram channel.
00:09:28 I have the links but you can look on my telegram channel.
00:09:30 I put links up there too anyway.
00:09:33 Anywho, we got a lot to go over tonight.
00:09:38 And like I said, I got some video from.
00:09:41 It's not really a cactus pill.
00:09:43 This is more of like a.
00:09:45 Well, there's like a.
00:09:46 Mini Cactus pill, a little bit of a snake pill, some killer bee pill and some beehive pill.
00:09:52 That will all be kind of mixed into mixed in with.
00:09:55 It's going to be a handful of ******* pills.
00:09:58 They're just going to shove in your mouth and.
00:10:01 And guzzle down with a a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down.
00:10:07 Anyway, let's let's jump right into this stuff.
00:10:09 Here hope you guys are all having a good Saturday night.
00:10:13 Enjoy it while you can, because coronavirus.
00:10:17 There's going to be a new wave this fall in winter. It could potentially infect 100 million people.
00:10:26 Those of you hoping that the restrictions were going to just go away, that we're over this, think again.
00:10:33 And look, it's entirely possible that the reason the reason why the reason why it's they they that it's think again isn't because ohh if fully you had been vaccinated, you're you're spreading the disease.
00:10:45 If only you've been vaccine, it's your fault.
00:10:48 It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated, right?
00:10:53 Ohh, if only that was real.
00:10:55 You know, if only that was that.
00:10:56 Was the that was the problem, right?
00:10:59 No, there are there's people that say, like, you know.
00:11:02 Perhaps this is?
00:11:04 This is this is cover for all the VAX.
00:11:06 Deaths. They're going.
00:11:07 To have.
00:11:07 I don't.
00:11:07 I'm not there yet.
00:11:08 I hope look because I got people that I loved in my life that that got vaccinated.
00:11:12 I hope that's not the case.
00:11:15 Anyway, from CNN, the by administration is issuing a new warning that the US could potentially see 100 million COVID-19 infections this fall and winter. You know, weird. That's also flu season, huh?
00:11:30 As officials publicly stress the need for more funding from Congress to prepare the nation.
00:11:37 The projection of 100 million potential infections is an estimated base or is estimated based on a range of outside models.
00:11:46 They're always so good at these computer models, right?
00:11:48 They're always so accurate that are being closely tracked by administered by the administration and would include both the fall and winter, a senior administration official told CNN.
00:12:01 So the idea.
00:12:02 That these restrictions are going to kind.
00:12:04 Of go away and and.
Speaker 10
00:12:06 Ease up.
00:12:06 And then we we we flatten the.
00:12:08 Curve right so.
00:12:10 At least we're not locked in the houses yet, but if they're saying 100 million people and look, that's not even, that's not.
00:12:17 Even including monkey pox.
00:12:19 They're talking about monkey pox.
00:12:20 Remember that a couple of months ago, the all the monkey, pox, monkey pox.
00:12:25 Well, last week or I guess kind of this week the the.
00:12:30 First confirmed case of monkeypox.
00:12:34 It's found in the UK, so if you know if you're not.
00:12:37 Scared of?
00:12:38 Of COVID, then monkeypox might rear its monkey head.
00:12:43 So here's a few things there's.
00:12:45 There's a lot of.
00:12:47 Noise being made about the Pfizer documents that were released and a couple.
00:12:53 Of key points.
00:12:55 The Pfizer COVID vaccine was not 95% effective as claimed. The data shows that it has a 12% efficacy rate for the first seven days, and then it falls to less than 1%.
00:13:10 There were no human clinical trials to determine the experimental COVID no vaccines were safe for pregnant women. They were excluded from all trials, so there's that. They didn't have any pregnant women in the trials. Instead, they tested it on 44 rats.
00:13:27 Before claiming it was safe.
00:13:30 There are a total of nine sites revealed so far as of May 2nd, 2022 of the 158 under 6.6% of the subjects are accounted for.
00:13:43 Where did the data relating to the hundreds of other subjects, trials and participants go so?
00:13:49 In other words.
00:13:49 Without our.
00:13:51 Various documents.
00:13:53 There's only like data talking about, you know, nine of the participants, I guess out.
00:13:59 Of 150.
00:14:01 Where are the 225 thousand patients or 25,000 some 106 patients missing?
00:14:08 From the Pfizer data.
00:14:11 The lipid nanoparticles were found to have distributed throughout the body in the liver, ovaries.
00:14:17 Remember when that was ohh, that's crazy.
00:14:19 They're spreading disinfo.
00:14:22 And other vital organs, 48 hours post injection. The latest release can be found, and then there's a link.
00:14:30 So it's it's 80,000 pages of of stuff. But look, it's kind of funny because there's even you.
00:14:37 Know in the in some of the parts of some parts of.
00:14:41 The world that.
00:14:42 Have been like Captain COVID.
00:14:44 Right?
00:14:44 Like the most ******** COVID parts of the Anglosphere.
00:14:48 Even they're starting to have to like.
00:14:50 Let's say uh.
00:14:51 I don't know.
00:14:51 Like maybe something's up with this ****.
00:14:55 You know having second.
Speaker 12
00:14:56 Thoughts too.
00:14:58 Just to watch this space at this stage, nothing coming out of the Port Adelaide team this.
00:15:01 Morning came over.
00:15:02 His subbing out of the game on Thursday night for nausea, slash heart reasons he spent time in hospital and yeah, it's just a it's a big unknown as to as to when he will play again.
00:15:13 It may be as soon as this.
00:15:14 Week, but nothing coming out of the club at this stage.
Speaker 11
00:15:15 There are a lot of.
00:15:15 The well in the world.
00:15:15 On in world sport.
00:15:16 At the.
Speaker 12
00:15:18 World sports.
00:15:18 Yeah, I I think one of athletes.
Speaker 1
00:15:19 Hold on.
Speaker 11
00:15:20 Have got these issues.
Speaker 12
00:15:21 And are you brownie referring?
Speaker 11
00:15:23 To the booster shots referring to the boosters.
Speaker 12
00:15:24 And tracking of COVID, yeah.
Speaker 11
00:15:25 That's obviously the word going around.
Speaker 12
00:15:28 Look, it's it's been discussed.
00:15:29 I haven't been able to get an official line on that from anyone attached to to Ollie Wines at this stage.
00:15:34 But there the question has been asked and put to me and and others, and clearly yourself by a lot.
00:15:38 Of people about a possibility of that.
Speaker 11
00:15:39 But it's not.
00:15:40 It's not just the hard issues.
00:15:41 I mean, like, you know, without delving into your private affairs, you know, you've got bells palsy at the moment.
00:15:46 Which hopefully you're on the back end of that.
Speaker 4
00:15:47 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 11
00:15:48 But there's a bit of that going.
Speaker 13
00:15:49 Around as well.
00:15:50 Yeah, exactly.
00:15:51 It's got heart issues and bells palsy has gone through the roof.
00:15:53 Ohh, just just a bit of bells palsy.
00:15:56 Going around, isn't it?
00:15:57 And just a bit of Bell's palsy going around, it's not just the hard issue. It's not just the the blood clots, it's so it's a little bit of the bill's palsy going around.
00:16:09 The worst part about that?
00:16:10 Well, you'll see.
Speaker 13
00:16:11 Since the the boosters and and and COVID issues, so no doubt and we had Michelangelo Ritchie on AW on Friday night and he said.
00:16:18 Said that, wines is it's it's a field.
00:16:21 There's a ward filled with people with similar symptoms in Adelaide to Ollie Wines so nausea, heart issues.
00:16:27 So there has to be something.
Speaker 11
00:16:28 More to it, yeah.
00:16:29 And and just we're not anti vaxxers we've.
00:16:34 This is the.
00:16:38 They just finished.
00:16:40 There's there's like this.
00:16:41 Oh, my God.
00:16:42 All these athletes are getting blood clots and having heart problems.
00:16:45 Hey, look.
00:16:45 This bill over here.
00:16:47 Whatever the *******, he's got a bit of the bills palsy, you know, and there's a little bit of that going around, just going around.
00:16:53 I like that, bill, bells palsy.
00:16:55 It's just it's just going around as it does.
00:17:00 But when but I got to make this extremely clear.
Speaker 10
00:17:05 We are not anti vaxxers.
00:17:07 No, no, no.
Speaker 11
00:17:09 Not our due diligence with our booster shots and all that.
00:17:11 Sort of stuff you did your due diligence doesn't sound like it.
00:17:17 You just finished saying that one of you has the the pit of the bells palsy.
00:17:22 Don't you think if you've done your your due diligence?
00:17:26 You probably wouldn't have.
00:17:27 A bit of the bells palsy.
00:17:32 This is this welcome to insanity.
Speaker 11
00:17:37 But there is going to have to be some study done on this, not just.
00:17:41 In a sporting.
00:17:41 Yeah, that, that's that's that.
00:17:43 Due diligence you were talking about.
Speaker 10
00:17:46 That you didn't do.
00:17:49 Maybe you should you've done that study before injecting it into your ******* veins.
00:17:53 Uh, but, you know, get your booster.
Speaker 11
00:17:55 Sphere, yet a you know like.
Speaker 12
00:17:58 A community.
00:17:58 And you're right though, because we don't wanna get into the space.
00:18:00 We're not experts in at.
00:18:01 All but but do 2 hours of.
Speaker 11
00:18:03 That every Sunday?
00:18:04 Don't we often do that?
00:18:05 But when?
Speaker 12
00:18:05 It comes to the medical side.
00:18:06 We try and stay clear.
00:18:09 Oh yeah, you don't.
00:18:10 Need to be an expert to know.
00:18:11 That you have a bit of the bells palsy.
00:18:15 Just a bit, a bit of the bells, palsy.
00:18:18 Going around as it does.
00:18:22 But yeah, we.
00:18:23 All know that a lot of this has nothing to do whatsoever.
00:18:28 With any kind of pandemic, but rather things like this, the the remarkable thing about this clip.
00:18:38 Beyond, you know, just what they're saying.
00:18:41 Is the.
00:18:43 The the the look, look at the.
00:18:46 Here's the biggest problem so far you have.
00:18:49 Those those sports.
00:18:50 Ball journalists just talking like, oh, that's OK.
00:18:54 You know, there's there's people dropping dead and and Bill here has got a bit of the bells palsy, but make sure you get your booster right.
00:19:02 That's the that's that's the sports ball.
00:19:05 And here's the journalists that are at the UN covering things that.
00:19:10 I don't know.
00:19:11 Seem like they affect.
00:19:13 Everyone, if it's at the UN and and just look how look how bored they look.
00:19:19 Well, this guy, while this guy described or tells them that the the this part of the the press.
Speaker 14
00:19:26 Release this afternoon, the Secretary General and Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, will sign him, will witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding.
00:19:34 On a strategic partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum, which outlines areas of cooperation to deepen engagement between the two institutions and to jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 agenda.
00:19:48 So they're just nonchalantly saying, oh, yeah, you know you win. And Klaus Schwab, they're teaming up with the World Economic Forum so we can accelerate Agenda 2030.
00:20:09 Let's get on to something I.
00:20:10 Look at these folks.
00:20:12 This, this, this is the the these are the authoritative sources.
00:20:15 Guys, these are the.
00:20:17 These are the people that are supposed to be keeping.
00:20:19 You informed and.
00:20:20 They're probably watching **** on their laptops.
00:20:25 But that's OK because you will be happy.
00:20:29 You will be happy living in your literal pod.
00:20:35 I'm going to bring this story up.
00:20:36 Real quick.
00:20:43 As I can.
00:20:46 Where we go, where's the literal pod story?
00:20:53 Damn it.
00:20:55 I forgot to.
00:20:57 I'll find the pod store if I accidentally closed it, I might have accidentally closed it.
00:21:01 I closed the I'd like so many tabs open before I started the stream, and then I just started closing.
00:21:05 Them like shoot like crazy and.
00:21:08 May have accidentally closed the pod one.
00:21:10 Where's the pod one?
00:21:12 Oh, no, here it is.
00:21:14 OK.
00:21:17 In California?
00:21:19 Yeah, the throne.
00:21:20 OK, a California startup is offering cocoon like, this is how they describe it.
00:21:25 Cocoon like pods.
00:21:28 To allow 14 residents to share a single house.
00:21:33 As an escape as an escape.
00:21:37 From soaring rents and real estate prices.
00:21:42 That's your.
00:21:42 That's your pod like on the screen.
00:21:44 And I like how they can't even stop with any.
00:21:46 It's like they they have to use synergy.
00:21:48 How do we how do we add 2 horrible agendas and put them together in one image right there?
00:21:56 It's the race mixing pod.
00:21:59 The white woman with the black man living in harmony in their pods.
00:22:05 Oh, good Lord.
00:22:07 As rents and home prices soar at the new Heights, One California, Co living startup is offering a novel no novel Sleeping Pod designed.
00:22:18 It's a bunk bed.
00:22:21 It's a ******* bunk bed.
Speaker 16
00:22:23 With cubicle walls.
Speaker 9
00:22:25 This isn't the.
00:22:30 Ohh boy, sleeping pod designed to fit more residents into a single family house brownstone shared housing has two locations.
00:22:41 The first is just minutes away from the Stanford University in Palo Alto and houses 14, while the second Sleep 6.
00:22:50 In central Bakersfield.
00:22:52 We started with how we or we started with.
00:22:56 How can we?
00:22:57 House as many people as possible in an existing space in a way that preserves dignity and comfort and privacy.
00:23:05 Living in a bunk bed.
00:23:07 With cubicle walls separating you from other bunk beds.
00:23:12 Somehow preserves dignity and comfort and privacy.
00:23:19 OK.
00:23:20 Said CEO James Stallworth, who co-founded this and the self financed brownstone with Christina Lennox.
00:23:31 Both houses are fully furnished with shared Co working and living spaces, along with two bathrooms and a shared kitchen.
00:23:40 Yay. So so you get 1/7 of a bathroom and 114th of a kitchen.
00:23:47 And a bunk bed.
00:23:49 With cubicle walls.
00:23:51 What makes the concept different is the fully equipped sleeping pods again.
00:23:59 The bunk bed.
00:24:01 With cubicle walls.
00:24:03 That, the company says, are 40%.
00:24:05 Larger than it did.
00:24:07 They even say it.
00:24:08 Oh my God, they say.
00:24:10 They're 40% larger than a traditional bunk bed. You mean that's 40% larger than a ******* twin mattress that you put children on.
00:24:21 That's what your that's your big innovation.
00:24:24 The the the California startup.
00:24:27 Developed a bunk bed that's 40% larger.
00:24:32 Than a than a bunk bed made for children.
00:24:36 With cubicle walls.
00:24:39 Ohh my good Lord.
00:24:42 Ah, the structure custom design don't.
00:24:44 That must have took you all day to design that by Linux is crafted by custom steel manufacturer.
00:24:50 Yeah, I'm sure some of it's custom.
00:24:53 The custom means good.
00:24:57 Before Linux installer, add the wood and electrical components themselves.
00:25:00 Oh oh goodness me so high tech it's got it's it's got a USB charger I'm sure.
00:25:08 Look you've got it USB charger for your bunk bed custom.
00:25:14 The cocoon light corners include power outlets fold down desks.
00:25:20 You mean you have to be in there that that your desk is?
00:25:23 In there too.
00:25:27 Lighting and fans.
00:25:30 And are larger than the similar capsules found in some Japanese hotels.
00:25:34 Oh good.
00:25:36 It's slightly bigger than a Japanese hotel.
00:25:41 Palo Alto's broad acceptance of multiple roommate scenarios allow HBO Silicon Valley made the city a good proving ground for the company, but the concept could face a tougher challenge in places where conventions or regulations limit the number of people who can share a single home.
00:26:02 Guess how much it costs to live in?
00:26:04 The bunk bed.
00:26:05 With a full down disk and a USB charger.
00:26:09 Per month.
00:26:10 It's only $800 a month.
00:26:13 It's only $800 a month.
00:26:17 See $800.
00:26:18 A month and it includes utilities.
00:26:21 The cost of the pot.
00:26:22 Is is less than, less than half the rent of a studio apartment in studio or in Palo Alto?
00:26:28 Well, I mean.
00:26:30 It's it's much less than half the rent if if I remember correctly. Meanwhile, the median sale price topped to $4 million in March for a single family home.
00:26:41 Yeah. So for a piece of ship house that like boomers paid literally, like probably like $20,000 for.
00:26:48 It's now $4 million in Palo Alto.
00:26:52 So, but yeah, you can rent for $800 a month. You can rent a bunk bed.
00:27:00 With a USB charger on it.
00:27:04 So fancy accelerating that Agenda 2030.
00:27:10 Ah yes.
00:27:12 Speaking of expand.
00:27:14 The we're accelerating Agenda 2030 top psychologist was 16 years experience in child mental health says over by the way, this for all of.
00:27:25 You guys who think that?
00:27:27 You know we're.
00:27:28 Going to be OK, so maybe we're not going to be saved by the zoomers.
00:27:32 But generation alpha, they're going to be the ones, right?
00:27:36 They'll be the ones that do it.
00:27:37 I mean, they're surrounded by this ****, and they're going to be like, wow.
00:27:40 **** this you.
00:27:42 Know why?
00:27:43 Why America?
00:27:44 We're going to we're going to rise up and yeah.
00:27:47 Here we go. Top psychology of 610 years experience in child mental health says over half of her patients now identify as transgender.
00:27:59 The expert wants to remain anonymous at a fear professional repercussions.
00:28:04 She saw a sudden rise in the number of youngsters claiming to be trans after the coronavirus lockdowns, all part of the plan she has currently seen, a dozen families and has helped almost 40 over the past year but has never before encountered.
00:28:19 So many young patients identifying as trans.
Speaker 8
00:28:25 Ah, I am.
00:28:28 In many cases, she said, the youngsters now coming to see her with mental anguish or suicidal thoughts.
00:28:35 Have been allowed to transition from one gender to another at a young age, sometimes even at 5 or 6.
00:28:46 Ah, there we go.
00:28:49 There we go.
00:28:51 You know, and Speaking of ********, I don't.
00:28:53 I don't have, like, a I didn't load this up, but I just.
00:28:55 I just remember the article I was reading last night.
00:28:58 Let me pull this up.
00:29:00 There was an article last night.
00:29:03 Or I don't know when it came out, maybe a couple of days ago or something like that, but I read it last night.
00:29:08 It was in Newsweek.
00:29:11 Or not Newsweek.
00:29:13 Oh, no.
00:29:13 Did I not send it to myself?
00:29:15 I'll find it real quick.
00:29:17 Basically, there was an article talking about suicides.
00:29:25 At a on a a Navy aircraft carrier.
00:29:30 I think it's on the coast of California.
00:29:33 But we've talked about how as the military.
00:29:38 Pushes diversity as well as as pretty much every every facet.
00:29:43 Of the the ruling.
00:29:47 Institutions push this kind of diversity and the trans stuff and everything else, how they're going to degrade.
00:29:55 And this is kind of a part of that.
00:29:58 Let me see if I can find this real quick.
00:30:08 And here we are.
00:30:12 So this was.
00:30:15 This was yesterday.
00:30:19 The commanding officer stood before the sailor, blah blah.
00:30:22 Blah, here we go.
00:30:31 Where is that here?
00:30:33 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
00:30:34 Long story short, there's a aircraft carrier.
00:30:38 That's being worked on and so it's kind of ****** living on this aircraft carrier.
00:30:43 The work that they were, they're retrofitting.
00:30:45 So it's it's it's, you know, an older aircraft carrier, it's the I think it's the USS George Washington.
00:30:51 And so they're they're doing, they've been doing construction to it since 2017. It was supposed to be done by now, and they're housing a lot of sailors on it.
00:31:00 And but it's it's it's ****** to live there because there's power outages and there's a lot of construction that's that's taking forever.
00:31:08 And so it's noisy and you know, there's chemical smells from like the, you know, welding and whatever the hell.
00:31:14 Else is going on there.
00:31:17 But you know, that's part of what we're talking about, right?
00:31:21 The fact that it's taking forever much longer than it was supposed to take, and a lot of that probably has.
00:31:27 It's probably tied into the fact that just diversity is is turning us slowly into a third world country where just everything, everything is just ******** and everything will keep getting ********.
00:31:38 But that the the real point of the story was, as they were saying, oh, there's been 3 suicides.
00:31:45 3 suicides on this aircraft carrier and it's it's tied to the fact.
00:31:53 That the food isn't good.
00:31:55 And it's not super comfortable and it's like what we've been talking about in terms of combat readiness.
00:32:03 You have 3 sailors.
00:32:05 Commit suicide.
00:32:10 They have to live in substandard living conditions.
00:32:17 Like suicide.
Speaker 17
00:32:22 I mean.
00:32:23 During peacetime.
00:32:26 And look, I'm sure it's.
00:32:27 I'm sure it's bad.
00:32:29 Like I'm sure it's like, really ******.
00:32:31 It's probably not as ****** as as living in the bunk bed with Tyrone.
00:32:36 Or maybe it's about the same, I don't know.
00:32:38 But three suicides, 3 suicides because.
00:32:42 They they didn't have good food like these were the complaints like that.
00:32:47 They had a they CNN interviewed sailors.
00:32:52 That that, of course they want to remain anonymous and their complaints were it was noisy, cold and the food was bad.
00:33:03 Noisy, cold and and the food is bad.
00:33:06 And and they're offering themselves.
00:33:08 So anyway.
00:33:10 Move it.
00:33:14 But that's all right, because what does it even mean to be American anymore?
00:33:17 It doesn't.
00:33:17 Seem to matter at all.
00:33:20 Right and with with.
00:33:22 With all these Americans offering themselves, they'll quickly be replaced.
Speaker 18
00:33:31 The DHS has directly released at least 836,000 the aliens into the United States since January.
00:33:36 21st then you add the 2207 thousand unaccompanied Alien children UAC's, and then your Border Patrol estimates somewhere from 200 to 400,000 got aways. In other words, encounters.
00:33:49 That are not evade apprehension.
00:33:52 And and God always have been a challenge.
00:33:54 From the beginning.
Speaker 20
00:33:55 From the beginning.
Speaker 18
00:33:56 But that that matches your numbers roughly.
00:33:58 I believe so.
00:33:58 So that's all without Title 42 in place. I mean with Title 42 in place when it's removed, you're going to see.
Speaker 19
00:34:04 With Title 42.
Speaker 18
00:34:07 More numbers.
00:34:10 So yeah.
00:34:13 It does.
00:34:14 So what does it even mean to be?
00:34:15 What are you defending exactly?
00:34:20 And obviously it further highlights how seriously that the administration really thinks that the pandemic is right.
00:34:29 I mean, you'd be freaking the **** out if you really thought there was this deadly pandemic that's going to spread to hundreds of millions of people that in, in just a few months and you were worried about.
00:34:40 Like, oh ****, you know, we're all going to die.
00:34:42 Kind of disease that's spread.
00:34:44 Doing you wouldn't have millions of people flooding into your country.
Speaker 10
00:34:50 And then you.
Speaker 16
00:34:51 Certainly wouldn't, even if they you did you.
00:34:53 Certainly wouldn't be putting them on buses.
00:34:56 And bussing them into the.
00:34:57 Interior of the country, like spraying them out.
00:35:03 That's the exact opposite of what.
Speaker 10
00:35:05 You would do if.
00:35:06 You thought there was some pandemic spreading around, killing everybody.
00:35:12 But you know, we all know it's ********.
00:35:14 So that doesn't really matter.
00:35:17 And of course.
Speaker 17
00:35:18 We all know about the.
00:35:22 The leaked.
00:35:24 Court decision or draft decision.
00:35:27 That was made by or or.
00:35:30 The leak was made available by Politico earlier in the week.
00:35:35 I made a telegram post about it.
00:35:37 If you missed it that my my take is.
00:35:41 You know, everyone knows about, you know, about Roe V Wade getting overturned, right?
00:35:46 My take is.
00:35:48 It's not well, first and foremost, it's not a ban on abortion.
00:35:53 It's simply returning the those rights to the states to decide how they're going to govern abortion.
00:36:01 And I know there's a lot of people I said this then and I'll I'll say it again.
00:36:05 There's a lot of people I keep.
00:36:06 Hearing this like, oh, that.
00:36:08 You know all the people getting abortions or it's just the black people.
00:36:11 And so if you ban abortion everywhere, the black population is going to skyrocket and get out of control and and whatever.
00:36:18 Well first of.
00:36:19 All I mean, look, you're kind of an *******.
00:36:20 If that's, like your take, like, sorry, but you're kind of an *******.
00:36:24 If, if.
00:36:25 If you're not you.
00:36:26 Look, we got to stand on at least some principle.
00:36:28 Yeah, I'm totally down with fighting dirty in some ways, killing babies is not one of those ways.
00:36:33 It's just not sorry, you know, call me a ****.
00:36:36 I don't want to kill baby.
00:36:37 Sorry, but even then, it doesn't ******* matter.
00:36:42 It doesn't ******* matter because.
00:36:44 The the states.
00:36:46 Where the blue states aren't going to ban abortion.
00:36:50 So the states where you have these high concentrations of the people using abortion.
00:36:56 They're not going to ban abortion.
00:36:58 It's not like some nationwide ban.
00:37:00 It's not even a ban.
00:37:01 It's nothing.
00:37:02 It's just again, it's giving the the states the the ability to choose for themselves.
00:37:10 What you're going to?
00:37:10 Have happen two things that are important.
00:37:14 Because you're going to have blue, like, look California's already saying it right. California is already saying like, oh, we're going to be a sanctuary. You can come here and get all the abortions you want.
00:37:26 Well, good.
00:37:27 Don't you want?
00:37:28 Isn't the part of the problem is that we're not like we're polarized as a nation, but we're not geographically polarized, that there's too much, too much mixing of the left and the right, especially in urban areas.
00:37:43 Well, this is going to drive the people that require child sacrifice to certain states.
00:37:51 And not just not just the people, the the companies.
00:37:55 There's there's several companies in the same way that you have, like North Carolina, when they did their trans bathroom law, you had companies saying, ohh, we're not gonna do business in North Carolina.
00:38:07 Well, you're going to have the same ****.
00:38:09 You're going to have companies that pull out of states.
00:38:12 Because they want their they want, you know, abortions to be.
00:38:18 Easily accessible and whatever. So.
00:38:21 You'll have you.
00:38:22 Will have and this is the beginning.
00:38:23 It's not just abortion.
00:38:25 I think you're going to see more and more polar geographical polarization, which is a good thing.
00:38:30 It's a good thing.
00:38:32 So you're going.
00:38:32 To have people start to get instead of the Californians spreading like locusts.
00:38:40 I mean for the states where they've already gone to it's kind of too late, right?
00:38:43 Because they're already kind of affecting the local governments.
00:38:48 But for the states where they haven't been overrun by by the commies, you're going to have a an opportunity.
00:38:56 To, especially now, more than ever, local government is going to be it's going to be a lot more important.
00:39:03 Start passing those ******* laws.
00:39:05 And it'll drive some of those those parasites out of your state.
00:39:10 But in addition to that, think of the.
00:39:13 Other side effect of all this?
00:39:15 In the states that do pass these bans, look, none of them are going to be.
00:39:18 Blue states, right?
00:39:19 None of them.
00:39:21 The states that do pass these bans.
00:39:24 Are going to.
00:39:25 Have higher birth rates and the states that don't.
00:39:29 Will have lower birth rates.
00:39:33 So that's how that will actually play out.
00:39:37 Like on paper, that sounds good.
00:39:38 How that will actually play out?
00:39:40 Who knows.
00:39:42 But it's a positive I think any way you look at this, again, that's assuming that this isn't you know we don't know, it's not a final decision, it's just some leaked draft decision.
00:39:51 We don't know, we don't know, right, we don't know.
00:39:56 But The funny thing is.
Speaker 2
00:39:59 CNN is worried that because of.
00:40:01 This this leaked decision.
00:40:05 Somehow right wingers.
00:40:08 Are going to some for Riot for some reason.
Speaker 21
00:40:10 And officials are preparing for potential violence in the capital and nationwide after the leak of that Supreme Court draft opinion that would strike down Roe V Wade after 50 years, capital police are warning the far right is calling for violence against the religious group plan.
00:40:27 The the the far right.
Speaker 15
00:40:31 The far right.
00:40:39 You are the danger.
00:40:40 You are the.
Speaker 21
00:40:41 Infection planning to rally for abortion rights Whitney Wilde is live outside the Supreme Court.
00:40:47 Listen, seeing fences go up there.
00:40:50 It's sort of like post January 6.
00:40:51 What are you seeing and and what specific intelligence?
00:40:53 Ohh my January 6th.
00:40:56 It's a literal insurrection all.
00:40:58 Over again see that.
00:40:59 But you know what this is.
00:41:01 This escalation of the rhetoric, this constant fear mongering that's going on at CNN that's driving the left into a hysterical fit.
00:41:14 This is all good.
00:41:16 This is all good.
00:41:19 Because it is going to make them hysterical and like, look, they're already irrational.
00:41:24 But it's gonna it's gonna really.
00:41:25 It's gonna ramp that **** up.
Speaker 21
00:41:27 Pence is worrying if police officials.
Speaker 22
00:41:30 Well, at this point, law enforcement sources, several of them tell us that they are closely monitoring social media chatter.
00:41:36 That suggests that there's a potential for violence against abortion clinic providers, abortion clinic staff, members of the judiciary.
00:41:43 That would include the justices here, as well as members of the federal government.
00:41:47 And what we know after January.
00:41:49 6 And what law enforcement knows across the country is that social media chatter can manifest into actual violence. Sometimes people really do say what they're going to do. Law enforcement, acutely aware of that possibility, and federal law enforcement officials held a call with about 150 participants all across the country to warn them about.
00:42:08 Tests that resulted in confrontations about the possibility of future demonstrations, as well As for the potential for violence.
00:42:16 So that's what's going on across the country here in Washington.
00:42:19 There is physical proof that law enforcement officials and officials, congressional officials, Supreme Court officials here are concerned about the potential that protests could erupt.
00:42:27 Just take a look at this fence behind me.
00:42:29 About 5-6 this fence is a couple feet higher than me. You've seen this fence many times. It is the same fence that went up around the Capitol following January 6th.
00:42:38 This kind of approach has become somewhat of muscle memory here in Washington following the riot also down the street, you see a concrete barrier also going up over the last couple of days.
00:42:38 January 6th.
Speaker 22
00:42:49 Jim, the bottom line.
00:42:50 Here is that while these protests, for the most part have been, you know, here in Washington at least have been peaceful, there have been a couple of confrontations, but no physical or.
00:43:00 No real serious acts of violence here because police were able to intervene.
00:43:05 They're very concerned about it.
00:43:07 MPD keeping some of those police resources at least.
00:43:10 Through Sunday, back to you.
Speaker 23
00:43:12 Whitney, while the police force.
00:43:14 Thank you.
00:43:17 So yeah, they're they're all they're all very concerned.
00:43:20 All very very worried that.
00:43:22 The right wing extremists are going to be mad.
00:43:26 Because they get what they want.
00:43:32 You know, totally, totally ignoring, of course.
00:43:36 That these are the kinds of protests going on outside of Justice Roberts.
00:43:39 Roberts has, by the way, **** him anyway.
00:43:42 **** him, I hope.
00:43:43 I hope they stay there.
00:43:44 All like.
00:43:45 I love this.
Speaker 24
00:43:47 A person. Not really.
00:43:51 A big turnout though I have.
00:43:52 To say.
Speaker 16
00:43:56 It's the it's the code.
Speaker 4
00:43:56 OK, your.
00:43:59 Yeah, it's gonna be women, you know, using coding.
00:44:02 Yeah, by the way.
00:44:05 If you if you're one of these people, like, oh, well, I I agree with abortion cause it's.
00:44:10 It's like eugenics.
00:44:11 No man.
00:44:12 The coat hanger is the eugenics.
Speaker 10
00:44:15 OK, if think about it.
00:44:19 You know, like a nice.
00:44:21 Nice sterile clinical environment where it's basically drive through abortions.
00:44:25 That's not eugenics.
00:44:27 So the the coat hanger that it takes care of.
00:44:29 Two birds with one stone.
Speaker 10
00:44:33 You people, you're right anyway.
00:44:41 And you know it.
00:44:42 It's the right wing again.
00:44:43 It's the right wing extremists that we got to.
00:44:45 Work. Watch out for.
00:44:47 Just like January 6th, because January 6th, January 6th January 6th that I mentioned January 6th.
00:44:54 Look at these fences.
00:44:54 It's like from January 6th.
Speaker 25
00:44:56 If they actually do this, yeah, that.
00:44:59 Would be the time where rioting would be.
00:45:01 OK, I got the pitchforks.
00:45:03 You get the gas and the torches.
00:45:06 Let's ******* do that ****, cause ah, you're not forcing.
00:45:11 No, no.
Speaker 8
00:45:14 There's only.
00:45:17 One solution to this to all of this, because it's all interconnected.
00:45:24 Starts with B.
Speaker 16
00:45:26 Ends with C.
Speaker 5
00:45:29 And it's not vote.
Speaker 26
00:45:30 Hey TikTok do.
00:45:32 You ever wake up in the morning and think?
00:45:33 You just want to burn.
00:45:34 It all to the ground.
00:45:36 And what I mean by burning it all to the ground is those old white men and the women who support them, who want to tell me what to do with my body.
Speaker 3
00:45:57 If Roe versus Wade gets overturned, there will be.
Speaker 23
00:46:01 Mayhem in the streets.
Speaker 15
00:46:04 You think the global protests around George Floyd were big? You just ******* wait when you launch an attack on 50% of the American population.
Speaker 27
00:46:15 Finley, if you supported the use of violence to defend abortion clinics when the state recognized abortion rights and the cops were doing it, you should have 0 problems with people outside the law now doing the exact same thing.
00:46:28 So there you go.
00:46:28 It's the.
00:46:29 It's the right wing extremist you got to.
00:46:30 Worry about?
00:46:32 Something tells me that the FBI.
00:46:35 Merrick Garland's, you know, Jewish Department of Justice is, you know, none of these guys will get investigated.
00:46:45 None of these guys will have to worry about their social media accounts being blocked or their jobs lost or.
00:46:53 No, no, nothing like that.
00:46:54 Nothing will happen by the.
00:46:56 Way conservatives in power, if you have any kind of power whatsoever and.
Speaker 25
00:47:00 You are not like putting.
00:47:05 Putting the hammer down on.
00:47:06 Employees of yours?
00:47:07 That are like this.
00:47:09 You're part of the problem.
00:47:10 I'm above all that, though.
00:47:11 It's about the marketplace.
00:47:13 Well, **** you, dude.
00:47:15 If you're in a position where.
00:47:16 You can **** over leftist do it.
00:47:19 Do it constantly.
00:47:21 Do it at every chance you get.
00:47:24 In a way that you know that you that obviously is sneaky in a way that's not going to get.
00:47:29 You in trouble.
00:47:30 In a way that's not going to, you know, put you.
00:47:32 In any kind of.
00:47:34 Legal liability.
00:47:35 You know, you know, fine.
00:47:37 I'm look.
00:47:37 They're leftist, right?
00:47:38 There's going to be legit reasons to fire them.
00:47:41 I promise you that.
Speaker 10
00:47:45 Do it.
00:47:46 You should be doing it always, always all the time, constantly.
00:47:50 Any way you can think of.
00:47:54 Because as we're about to to see here a little bit as as part of the part of the name of the stream, we are at war, it is already begun.
00:48:05 It has already begun.
00:48:10 So don't tell yourself that we're not.
00:48:15 So here is.
00:48:18 Biden talking about it again.
00:48:19 That this is good for us.
00:48:22 It's rhetoric like this.
00:48:24 That creates those Tik toks we just watched.
Speaker 16
00:48:28 What happens if you have stage change the law saying that that that children who are LGBTQ can't be in classrooms with other children?
00:48:38 Would be ******* based.
00:48:41 That would be amazing.
00:48:45 That would be ******* amazing.
00:48:47 Which is why it.
00:48:48 Won't happen, but it'd be ******* amazing.
Speaker 16
00:48:51 Is that is that legit under the weight of the decisions?
00:48:54 No, it has nothing to.
00:48:55 Do with at all like and you know this.
00:48:58 Or whoever is writing these talking points for you knows this.
00:49:02 Has nothing to do at all at all with.
00:49:04 With that at all.
00:49:06 But honestly, in terms of is it constitutional?
00:49:12 States states had astronomy laws on the books for like what, over a century.
00:49:21 Those never got overturned.
00:49:23 Those weren't ever considered unconstitutional.
00:49:26 Now look, now that we've got a bunch of Jews, black women and all this other ******** on the.
00:49:30 Supreme Court, who knows, right?
00:49:35 But no, no, that, that, that.
00:49:37 Should absolutely be something you can do.
00:49:42 But it's not going to happen because it would be too awesome.
Speaker 16
00:49:46 What are the next things that are going to be attacked?
00:49:49 Because this mega crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history.
00:49:58 God, I wish, right?
00:49:59 Can you imagine?
00:50:01 If the maggot crowd.
00:50:04 Was the most extreme political political organization in American history.
00:50:09 I don't know.
00:50:10 They're a little extreme if you think of.
00:50:14 They're blind faith.
00:50:16 In Trump and their ******** belief in in Q Anon and stuff like that.
00:50:21 But you know.
00:50:23 I don't know if that's really what he's what he's.
00:50:25 Talking about there.
00:50:29 Speaking of talking.
00:50:32 And ****?
00:50:38 The the red headed White House press secretary.
00:50:42 Is soon to be replaced by a black lesbian.
00:50:50 So that should be fun.
00:50:51 That should be fun.
00:50:54 Can't wait for that.
00:50:57 And look, all the ********.
00:51:00 Apparently ******** are big mad about.
00:51:03 The abortion ruling talking about how ******** can.
00:51:08 Training is going to have abortions too.
00:51:11 We're not going to go.
00:51:12 There's just like a wall of text from, you know, insane people.
00:51:18 Crying about how we can have abortions too, instead of phrases like abortion patients or people seeking abortions or other warning as applicable, EG like that it's the ramblings of insane people, but you know.
00:51:36 The Trans Journalist Association.
00:51:38 Isn't that like every journalist these days?
00:51:45 Don't worry guys, based Elon is on the yeah, look, Amazon's doing this too, so this is.
00:51:51 The headline, Elon?
00:51:52 Musk, Tesla to cover travel costs for employees seeking out-of-state abortions.
00:52:00 So if you're employee of Tesla.
00:52:03 You know you work for based, Elon.
00:52:06 And for whatever reason you want to.
00:52:09 Kill your baby.
00:52:11 And you have to travel out of state because you live in a state that is has banned it.
00:52:16 Don't worry, Uncle Elon.
00:52:18 Will pay for your travel expenses.
00:52:22 Amazon has has also said that they're going to be doing the exact same thing.
00:52:31 But surely, surely we have some institutions on our side, right?
00:52:36 Like like religious institutions?
00:52:39 Right.
00:52:40 I mean, we're talking about abortion.
00:52:41 That's usually a pretty that's usually an issue all Christians agree on, right?
00:52:47 Right.
Speaker 28
00:52:58 Thank you.
00:53:02 What do you need?
00:53:20 So there you go.
00:53:28 We have no institutions.
00:53:32 We have no institutions.
00:53:41 OK.
00:53:43 Moving right along.
00:53:48 So one of the institutions, Speaking of which?
00:53:52 That kind of made news the other day.
00:53:56 Well, not on CNN and things like that.
00:54:00 But in certain corners of the Internet.
00:54:05 Is an institution whose motto is the name of the stream, or at least the.
00:54:12 The addition.
00:54:15 And that is from the 4th Psychological Operations Group.
00:54:21 Verbatim Vincent.
00:54:25 Which is Latin for rule.
00:54:29 By word.
00:54:31 Or using information.
00:54:34 To rule.
00:54:36 They tweeted out a video.
00:54:39 That is probably one of the creepiest government videos ever produced.
00:54:45 Let's see if I can scale this up.
00:54:52 I'm just going to let this play.
00:54:57 But it's almost as if they're telling you.
00:55:02 We we are engineering clown world.
00:55:07 We are producing cloud world.
00:55:12 Enjoy it.
00:55:12 There's nothing you can do.
00:55:14 We are ushering.
00:55:15 In clown world.
00:55:19 Brought to you by Pfizer and Klaus Schwab.
00:55:24 And of course, the Jews.
Speaker 1
00:55:49 As the world watches and listens in horror, the peaceful Pro Democracy demonstration in China comes to a violent and bloody end.
00:55:58 Gorbachev tear.
00:56:00 Down this wall.
Speaker 6
00:56:12 Hiding nearby, whispering will die.
00:56:41 You say your last goodnight.
Speaker 19
00:57:06 There is another very important phase of warfare.
00:57:10 It has as its target, not the body.
00:57:13 But the mind of the enemy.
Speaker 1
00:57:16 Targets and psychological warfare is against the enemy's mind.
Speaker 19
00:57:21 It is words and ideas.
Speaker 2
00:57:23 Ammunition used by sidebar.
Speaker 16
00:57:32 Its mission is to influence.
Speaker 19
00:57:33 The force of the enemy soldier.
00:57:35 And at the same time, is expected and encouraged to study foreign languages and the social sciences, such as history, economics and sociology.
00:57:44 He must have a broad and sympathetic understanding of all phases of human experience.
Speaker 6
00:57:51 At my skin, the walls of night closing.
Speaker 16
00:57:58 Of the use of this force as an.
Speaker 24
00:57:59 Integral part of combat has now taken on new form.
Speaker 2
00:58:56 These are the side war soldiers.
00:59:01 Yeah, nothing creepy about that.
00:59:03 Now, look, obviously a lot of that is directed towards China and and Russia.
00:59:11 Which is why in the beginning, I think it's funny whether they're basically implying like.
00:59:17 If your opponent looks weak.
00:59:19 Or or if your part thinks you're weak, that's good, because they'll, they'll they'll grow arrogant.
00:59:25 Yeah, we're just pretending the that's that's this is literally global **** saying we're just pretending to be ********.
00:59:36 That's literally what this is.
00:59:38 We're just pretending to be ********.
00:59:42 Don't get.
00:59:43 Don't get too cocky.
00:59:44 China and Russia.
00:59:46 This is.
00:59:47 This is all just like a a Roose.
00:59:50 So that you overplay your hand.
Speaker 2
00:59:55 Look at the dancing clown.
00:59:57 They even.
00:59:59 I like how even later in the video they they even have like the guy putting on the ******* clown makeup like it's.
01:00:06 Like that meme?
01:00:07 Or is it at?
01:00:11 Oh, I gotta find this here.
01:00:12 I'm meet it.
01:00:13 So we're not.
01:00:13 Listen to that horrible noise.
01:00:24 Think about MP4 files. You can never rewind them smoothly, quick for some reason.
01:00:32 Oh God, where is it at anyway?
01:00:33 It doesn't matter.
01:00:36 That quick shot, where is it at now?
01:00:39 I want to see it.
01:00:40 Actually it does matter.
01:00:45 But it is funny how they admit.
01:00:47 To, you know, deception.
01:00:49 Ohh, we deceive.
01:00:50 We lie.
01:00:51 Little looks scary ghost.
01:00:52 We're the scary ghost that's dressed as a clown.
01:00:55 We're just a ghost that's dressed as a clown.
01:00:57 We're not actually clowns.
01:01:00 Better watch your step, China.
01:01:02 And right wing extremists.
01:01:07 See, we didn't.
01:01:08 We might look like a clown.
01:01:11 But really, we're the we're the scary ghosts.
01:01:13 You watch.
01:01:16 Oh, look oh.
01:01:17 That's what we really are scary ghost.
01:01:21 Scary ghost.
01:01:26 Where's that ******* clip?
01:01:28 I can't even find it.
01:01:29 I know I didn't.
01:01:30 I know.
01:01:30 I didn't imagine it.
01:01:34 It is really quick.
01:01:40 Ah man, I thought it'd be a little that little part.
01:01:48 Where is it at?
01:01:49 Where is it at?
01:01:55 Oh, there it was.
01:01:56 They literally put the clown world world.
01:01:59 The clown makeup guy meme in there.
01:02:04 Ah, watch out.
01:02:06 China global homeless coming for you.
01:02:10 We're coming for you.
01:02:17 Oh boy.
01:02:20 So the the 4th Psychological Operations Group is part of the United States Army.
01:02:28 Active military information support operations.
01:02:32 And they've been involved with lots of stuff.
01:02:36 Like during Vietnam, during the counter offensive phase three counter offensive counter offensive phase 456.
01:02:47 Now we all know.
01:02:49 How how?
01:02:49 How effective that was?
01:02:52 Right.
01:02:54 We all, we all know that the your propaganda war in respects to the Vietnam War.
01:03:00 That was great.
01:03:01 You guys did a great job with that.
01:03:04 Were you pretending to be ******** then too?
Speaker 10
01:03:14 Say pretend to be ********.
01:03:18 So your enemy think oh he ********?
01:03:22 We overextend our power.
01:03:24 Oh, no, the clown is really a ghost.
01:03:28 Who could have known we?
01:03:29 Thought there was real actual ******.
01:03:37 Oh, you ******* *******, with your goofy video.
Speaker 10
01:03:43 Verbum vincet.
01:03:45 I'll tell you what, I am a little surprised that uh.
01:03:50 This got approved just because it is so.
01:03:52 So like I don't know, like, especially if you're from a psychological operations.
01:03:59 Division, wouldn't you look at this and be like, I don't know, this might make our own people be a little more creeped out of us than our enemies.
01:04:09 But who knows, right?
01:04:10 With people like this in charge?
Speaker 30
01:04:14 There's already this idea, this allegation that there is anti conservative bias on the platforms, even though there has been study after study proving in fact that often it's liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority voices on social media, so.
01:04:32 Yeah, that's that's going to be that person.
01:04:36 That's going to be the person.
01:04:39 In charge.
01:04:41 At the federal level.
01:04:44 Who's just pretending to be ********?
01:04:49 In charge of disinformation for Homeland Security.
01:05:01 So as we start to creep into.
01:05:07 A time in history.
01:05:10 Where information.
01:05:15 Is becoming criminalized.
01:05:19 And not, you know, not like.
01:05:22 Not like, oh, yeah, shouting.
01:05:24 Fire in a in a in.
01:05:25 A in a crowded theater.
01:05:28 But I don't know boycotting Israel in the same way that boycotting Israel will you get denied your your.
01:05:37 Your federal funds.
01:05:39 In Texas, after the floods and there's been many such cases like that, lots of examples of that.
01:05:45 And no, that hasn't been overturned by these, the so-called based Supreme Court.
01:05:53 You're going to have the federal government criminalizing criminalizing speech.
01:06:00 And putting people in in, in prison.
01:06:06 And this will be the woman.
01:06:09 In charge of that.
01:06:14 This this Jewish ******* training.
01:06:16 I know, I know.
01:06:17 She's not an actual ******, but I mean.
01:06:19 Come on, look at this.
01:06:27 That's that's a face, not.
01:06:28 Even a mother could love.
01:06:31 That's all kinds of *******.
01:06:33 Look, and she's got the she's got the ******* psycho.
01:06:37 Look at that.
01:06:39 And I'm I'm not even just.
01:06:40 I'm not even doing the thing where, oh, you just doing?
01:06:43 That's that's being disingenuous.
01:06:45 You're just freeze framing on like this really not attract the frame of it.
01:06:50 Look at how many of those frame it's not just one frame.
01:06:53 That's your ******* face.
01:06:55 That's the face of a ******* psycho.
Speaker 30
01:06:57 That there is anti conservative bias on the platforms even there is.
01:07:00 She's got the face of a ******* psycho.
01:07:13 Yeah, this is the *******.
01:07:17 That if I get thrown in jail.
01:07:18 She'll be the one that did it.
Speaker 30
01:07:19 Is already this idea, this allegation that there is anti conservative bias on the platforms even though there has been study after study proving in fact that often it's liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority.
01:07:39 Look at that asymmetry, huh?
01:07:44 So this is 1 instance when.
01:07:46 I would have what would have supported abortion so.
01:07:52 But don't worry, guys, right?
01:07:53 Don't worry.
01:07:54 Because we we've got.
01:07:56 We've got based politicians.
01:08:01 Like Marjorie Marjorie Taylor Green on our side, right.
Speaker 23
01:08:09 Then you're trying to blame me for anti-Semitism on the no, you are such a liar.
Speaker 15
01:08:12 I am not planning on saying.
Speaker 23
01:08:14 You need to stop.
01:08:15 Like this is amazing.
Speaker 1
01:08:16 Saying that inadvertently, couldn't you be contributing not.
Speaker 23
01:08:19 No, I'm not, not.
01:08:21 At all.
01:08:22 100% I listen. I'm a Christian.
01:08:25 I I am, I support Israel.
01:08:28 I have one of.
01:08:28 The most pro Israel.
01:08:30 Voters in Congress, so why don't you judge me by by those things instead of twisting and turning what you think I was writing in some 2018 Facebook posts, which is not at all what you're saying right now. That's not at all in.
01:08:50 I'm sure she'll.
01:08:52 She'll help us somehow.
01:08:57 So that's the news.
01:09:02 And now I'm going to show you kind of what I've been up to around here.
01:09:06 Let me see if I can.
01:09:07 Fix this audio.
Speaker 10
01:09:10 Well, that's not going to fix it.
01:09:12 That's OK.
01:09:15 So I started building, so here's my.
01:09:18 Preface this so you.
01:09:20 Know what the hell you're looking at?
01:09:23 It's already really hot.
01:09:25 It's already really hot.
01:09:30 I decided.
01:09:32 You know, we're using.
01:09:33 You know the beehives that people use.
01:09:36 Are not insulated.
01:09:39 And these beehives in in the desert were developed, or the ones that you know that I've got were developed in, you know, like 100 years ago by some guy not in a place that gets over 100 degrees.
01:09:51 And there's basically no insulation on these.
01:09:54 They're just wooden boxes, zero or value, you know, it's just a wooden box.
01:09:59 In fact, a wooden box cooking in the sun.
01:10:02 Not only is it not insulated, it's gonna get like even hotter inside than it is outside.
01:10:08 And so, in anticipation of this, I insulated.
01:10:13 My hives.
01:10:14 I'm glad I did.
01:10:14 I did an experiment where I got an uninsulated hive stuck.
01:10:18 A thermometer and a insulated hive, and stuck a thermometer in it and the insulated hive stayed 10 degrees cooler.
01:10:26 Then the uninsulated hive.
01:10:30 And during the day and like 5 degrees warmer at night so.
01:10:36 I decided, OK.
01:10:38 Well, I don't have a ton of money, but I do have.
01:10:42 Carl's property, which is full of like weird old building materials like old ****, like like old wood, lots of nails, that ************ love nails.
01:10:52 Apparently lots of nails, wood screws, old paint, old expanding foam cans, just like lot.
01:11:01 Lots of just old.
01:11:02 ****, right?
01:11:04 And I thought to myself.
01:11:06 Well, I'm going to build.
01:11:08 A horizontal hive and insulate the shed of it like I'm going to make it like the walls of the hive like 6 to 8 inches thick and.
01:11:16 And and.
01:11:17 You know, completely insulate the living hell out of it.
01:11:20 Using just materials that I have here at Carl's house.
Speaker 6
01:11:23 Right.
01:11:27 And so that's that's one of the things I've been working on.
01:11:29 And and instead of calling it trash hive, even though it's, I'm basically paying playing Tetris with trash.
01:11:35 I've got all the all this, all these scrap pieces of wood and all this weird trash, and I'm just trying.
01:11:40 To like make it into the shape of a of a beehive.
01:11:44 That'll work.
01:11:46 Well, you know, making it insulated and weatherproof and all that other nonsense.
01:11:51 So this is this is but this is this is that.
01:11:55 This is the first time that this flower has, or this cactus has ever flowered.
01:12:00 And the bees like.
Speaker 10
01:12:01 It Mega Hive, Mega, Hive, Mega, hive.
01:12:08 Who give me so much honey.
01:12:14 Mega hive.
Speaker 8
01:12:16 Mega hive.
01:12:19 So in addition to all this old paint.
01:12:22 I have all this expanding foam that I want to use for the installation.
01:12:27 The problem is with these things is once they get.
01:12:30 As anyone who's ever used these things know.
01:12:33 You're pretty much just ****** the it's never.
01:12:36 The phone was never coming out.
01:12:37 They're pretty.
01:12:37 Much use them now or never unless.
01:12:47 So how do we?
01:12:49 Get it out.
01:13:01 Like that.
01:13:09 So as it turns out, the black foam.
01:13:13 Is way more explosive.
01:13:17 It just shot like a stream of.
01:13:21 Black liquid goo it means.
01:13:23 Actually, the exact kind of snake you want.
01:13:26 On your property, because he will kill rattlesnakes.
01:13:31 And mice.
01:13:33 And lots of other stuff.
01:13:34 In fact, I was going to come out.
01:13:36 Here and paint.
01:13:38 Some hives in the back porch, but I I might have freaked them out.
01:13:46 So there you go.
01:13:48 I'm I'm building a hive using a gun.
01:13:57 So it's not done yet, it's not done yet.
01:13:59 I thought I'd have it done, but like I'm running out of pieces that will fit what I need.
01:14:04 And so I'm.
01:14:06 I'm I'm I'm having to scratch my head and like, I don't know.
01:14:09 I I need like a piece of wood that's this size and I.
01:14:12 Don't have it.
01:14:12 So what?
01:14:13 What else can I do?
01:14:15 So anyway.
01:14:19 Yeah, and that's that's that's a snake that lives on the property and and eats mice for me and stuff.
01:14:24 But anyway, I also.
01:14:28 I've been talking about how I'm worried about the the Africanized bees.
01:14:33 I've been letting them live.
01:14:35 But I finally decided you know what?
01:14:38 **** these Africanized bees.
01:14:41 I'm going to euthanize every last ****** ******* one of them.
01:14:44 And so.
01:14:46 With my plan.
01:14:49 To get rid of them out of the out of the wall that they're living in.
01:14:54 Armed with only my my ingenuity.
01:15:02 I went in.
01:15:03 The middle of the night.
01:15:05 To attack the Africanized bees.
01:15:11 OK, So what I'm going to do.
01:15:25 Alright, so I'm going to go after the killer bees.
01:15:29 And because I don't want to just seal them up inside.
01:15:33 Their whole.
01:15:35 I'm going to go with.
01:15:37 Orange oil and water.
01:15:41 In this chemical VAT thing.
01:15:46 And basically the way this is going to work.
01:15:51 Is you want to fill this thing all the way.
01:15:53 Up you want.
01:15:54 To have some air there.
01:15:56 So it has pressure.
01:16:01 The way this will work.
01:16:04 Is I'm going to walk up to their entrance.
01:16:09 Hopefully not alerting them to my presence.
01:16:14 I'm going to shove.
01:16:19 Into their hole.
01:16:22 And then I quickly seal up the space around the hole with expanding foam.
01:16:28 And then going to start spraying.
Speaker 10
01:16:33 They're home with this stuff.
01:17:27 I will say this, this is a little nerve wracking only because.
01:17:31 I had a bright light with me and bees are attracted to light and even though it's not picking up on the microphone the second I started spraying foam, that whole wall just started buzzing really loud.
Speaker 10
01:17:54 I mean you can.
01:17:55 Hear him.
01:17:58 Yeah, it's it's not picking up on.
01:17:59 Black widows.
Speaker 17
01:18:00 The mic much so.
01:18:07 You hear them a lot.
01:18:08 In here.
01:18:32 Here comes the peel.
Speaker 5
01:18:38 OK.
01:19:03 So the problem I ran into.
01:19:06 Was after I sealed up their entrance and I went on the inside.
01:19:12 Let's see if I yeah.
01:19:14 So I go inside and I realize, well, they're starting to come out of the wall.
01:19:18 On the inside, so I seal up that room.
01:19:25 We actually see a bee start to crawl out.
01:19:28 Right as I'm.
01:19:29 I'm selling it up.
01:19:34 Right there.
01:19:35 You said be sneak sneak out.
01:19:39 1B is straight.
01:19:42 But anyway.
01:19:44 So I was like, oh, I think.
01:19:45 I got him. You.
01:19:46 Know at least I heard him pretty bad.
01:19:48 And I got but went over with my super cheap off brand.
01:19:54 Thermal imaging thing.
01:20:06 Holy ****.
01:20:09 I've been very calmly.
01:20:11 So you can't see it on the video, but basically there was a huge hot spot behind that that tank.
01:20:20 And you could literally see it was probably like a a good, at least at least two feet wide and about 5 feet high.
01:20:27 OK.
01:20:29 Hot spot and it was it was probably twice that wide until I filled it up with foam, right?
01:20:35 And so I was like, oh, well, I'm pretty sure I got them all sealed up, not so much.
01:20:41 I have to go back and finish the job because as much as I'm pretty sure I I heard them bad.
01:20:48 There is still bees coming in and out of the now the.
01:20:52 Roof of that building.
01:20:54 Not quite at the same rate.
01:20:55 Like, not at all, but actually at the same rate like I I think I really ****** him up, but they are coming in and out.
01:21:02 That's kind of what happened when I had the the bees in my ceiling.
01:21:07 When I when I did the initial attack.
01:21:10 Like that pretty much killed them.
01:21:13 But they were they were still, you know, trying to trying to, you know, do their job or whatever.
01:21:19 And they get lost like the ones that come out of the roof.
01:21:22 They go like pollen and when they come back they go to the entrance that is sealed up and they can't figure out like how to get in.
01:21:27 So I think eventually they'll just, you know, they'll just die but.
01:21:33 I'm going to finish the job.
01:21:34 I'm gonna go in there and seal up wherever they're getting out of the wall on the inside and.
01:21:39 Then I don't have to worry about my, my, my.
01:21:41 My perfect European B genetics being Africanized.
01:21:46 So anyway I thought you guys would enjoy that.
01:21:49 That's part of what I've been doing in the in the increasingly hot.
01:21:57 So there we go.
01:21:59 Mirror this.
01:22:01 And let me take a look at checked.
01:22:05 Tan, tan. Tan. Tan.
01:22:10 Da da da da.
01:22:19 Mrs. Rosenberg, I think.
01:22:23 Or Eris Rosenberg stack.
01:22:25 Did you hear the PJW audio?
01:22:27 Turns out he loves whites and isn't in his heart.
01:22:30 All right.
01:22:31 Turns out he loves whites and isn't in his heart is not.
01:22:37 What and isn't in his heart is not the philosemitic he pretends to be.
01:22:44 Here's a link.
01:22:47 Are you talking about Paul Joseph Watson?
01:22:51 I mean, look, I you know, I I've, I've.
01:22:56 I've heard things.
01:23:00 But yeah.
01:23:03 I'm not going to load up a webcam, right right this second.
01:23:07 But you know, there's the link if people want to check it out.
01:23:12 Purge all pedophiles at all costs I I missed.
01:23:14 The GTK stream yesterday.
01:23:18 Is there a non paywall location for it?
01:23:20 Not that I'm aware of.
01:23:23 You have to take it up with them.
01:23:24 I'm not sure.
01:23:27 Big Cracker $1.00 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, unless I'm remembering incorrectly, I think I remember you saying something in a previous video regarding the moon landing and you having doubts about the official NASA footage.
01:23:38 If this is true, you should dedicate a string to the moon landing and your views on what did did not happen.
01:23:44 Well, it's really simple.
01:23:45 I don't if I need the whole string.
01:23:46 There's two things.
01:23:48 There's two things that are weird.
01:23:50 And the two things are NASA says that there's no sound that travels in space.
01:23:56 And that would include the surface of the moon, and they they have it on.
01:24:01 They have it on their website that ohh you can't hear sound on the moon because there's nothing for the.
01:24:06 Sound to travel through, right?
01:24:08 On that same website, there's a clip of an astronaut on the moon who, like, tosses a wrench or I don't know what it is, but some kind of metal thing.
01:24:19 And it audibly clanks.
01:24:22 On something that it.
01:24:24 So that's a question mark for me.
01:24:26 I don't know.
01:24:27 I've never been to the moon.
01:24:28 Maybe that's normal.
01:24:30 But they say it's not normal.
01:24:31 So it's an inconsistency.
01:24:33 The bigger one for me.
01:24:36 Is there is footage that came from NASA?
01:24:40 The guy doing a documentary not even like a let's debunk the moon landing kind of a documentary like it was like a normal moon landing, kind of a documentary.
01:24:48 He requested footage from NASA, one of the film reels said at the beginning, not for public consumption or whatever.
01:24:57 And so he was like, oh, I wonder.
01:24:58 What's on here?
01:25:00 And he took.
01:25:01 A look at it and it was all kind of like boring, like stuff that he'd already seen.
01:25:05 So I wasn't sure.
01:25:05 Like, why?
01:25:07 That would not be for, you know, public consumption.
01:25:12 But one of the things that stuck out to him was there was a shot.
01:25:18 Of the.
01:25:21 The astronauts in the lunar Lander.
01:25:25 And they're talking to Houston or whoever.
01:25:31 There's another audio track.
01:25:34 That's not on the version that he had seen previously.
01:25:40 I have to I have to track this down because it is weird and you can clearly hear there's three voices.
01:25:48 There's the astronauts, there's Houston.
01:25:51 And then there's, like, a third mystery transmission.
01:25:56 And that third mystery transmission appears to be queuing the astronauts on when they should respond to questions.
01:26:10 Now you might ask yourself.
01:26:12 Well, what would be the point of that?
01:26:14 Well, the point of that would be if you're only in.
01:26:17 Low earth orbit.
01:26:19 The time it takes for radio waves to travel from Houston or wherever to the lunar Lander.
01:26:28 Will be noticeably shorter.
01:26:32 That even though radio waves traveled.
01:26:33 The speed of light.
01:26:35 Like that, we're talking about distances where that's still matters, you know.
01:26:40 And so.
01:26:42 If you're answering questions.
01:26:46 Before you would have been able to hear them.
01:26:49 That would alert certainly other countries, right, that are keeping a close eye on what the Hell's going on here.
01:26:57 So I'm just saying I don't know if this.
01:26:58 Is what's happening, but I'm just saying.
01:27:01 If you're in low Earth orbit and not.
01:27:03 Really going to the moon?
01:27:07 You can't be answering questions before.
01:27:10 You would hear them.
01:27:11 And so it makes sense perhaps to have another guy on a totally different frequency.
01:27:17 Saying OK answer.
01:27:21 And that telling the astronauts OK, now, now we know that when.
01:27:26 When that transmission would have ended, right?
01:27:31 It's just another.
01:27:32 Weird thing, it's another weird question mark.
01:27:36 And there's a number.
01:27:37 Of other things that are weird about it.
01:27:40 But it it's not.
01:27:43 It's not really like.
01:27:44 A big deal to me, honestly.
01:27:47 It's not like something I obsess about.
01:27:50 I don't think space is fake.
01:27:53 I think that you know a lot of the.
01:27:55 Missions that like the.
01:27:57 Probes and **** like that that we've sent.
01:27:59 Out there.
01:28:00 I think that's a lot of that's probably a real.
01:28:05 I know that the moon is a solid object.
01:28:10 I know it's spherical, it's easy to prove it's easier with a little tiny bit.
01:28:19 Anyone can know that the the moon using just your own stuff?
01:28:24 The moon is like a solid object and and it's spherical.
01:28:27 It doesn't take like crazy.
01:28:29 It doesn't take trusting.
01:28:30 NASA to know this right?
01:28:33 So I don't.
01:28:34 I don't think like.
01:28:35 There's a lot.
01:28:35 Of Crazy moon people.
01:28:39 I just I think that there's there's some anomalies.
01:28:44 That need explaining for me to believe that.
01:28:48 And just just because of.
01:28:49 All the other **** they've lied about too.
01:28:50 It would make total sense why you would lie about that.
01:28:53 There's a lot of motivation to lie about that.
01:28:56 And look, we haven't gone back in a.
01:28:58 Really long time.
01:29:00 And that seems a little weird, right?
01:29:03 That seems a little weird to me.
01:29:04 And there might, Lou knows, maybe.
01:29:06 There's legitimate reasons for.
01:29:07 That I don't think so.
01:29:08 It seems a little weird.
01:29:09 Seems a little weird.
01:29:11 But anyway.
01:29:14 Who knows?
01:29:15 Who knows?
01:29:16 I think like, like I said, I think it's entirely possible that we've been there and just maybe not the way that we said that we did.
01:29:24 Because a lot of it, like just, I don't know, it just seems like a lot of it is very.
01:29:31 I mean, it's positive propaganda, positive propaganda, very nationalist propaganda.
01:29:36 Right back when when the demographics hadn't changed.
01:29:42 And ******** were.
01:29:45 We're still not.
01:29:47 Allow to join the military or or we didn't have black lesbian spokespeople for the White House.
01:29:57 We didn't have Jewish trains.
01:29:58 These running the the office of of misinformation at the we didn't have Homeland, Homeland Security didn't exist.
01:30:07 The Department of Education didn't exist.
Speaker 10
01:30:11 Oh anyway.
01:30:14 But I don't know.
01:30:14 I don't think it takes the.
01:30:15 Whole stream for that.
01:30:18 $5 Super Brother got a piece of apparel in displaying my preferred immigration policy. Can't wait to wear it in Nuevo Nuevo.
01:30:31 You know, wish me luck.
01:30:32 Also, you mentioned Mesquite trees in your area.
01:30:35 Do you enjoy using it to smoke meats?
01:30:39 I I don't have enough of them to be chopping them down and doing that.
01:30:44 And in fact, the bees like the Mesquite blossoms way too much for me to want to start.
01:30:52 Chopping them down.
01:30:53 I need all I need more trees.
01:30:55 So no, I I don't use the wood for anything.
01:30:57 The the little wood that I trim them because you know, they get them wheeled.
01:31:01 They don't grow like a normal tree.
01:31:02 So you have to trim them, but not enough to actually smoke anything with.
01:31:09 I just mulch whatever I whatever I do trim.
01:31:12 Proud to be white, $5. Appreciate that. Thanks for all the hours of entertainment.
01:31:17 Well, you are.
01:31:20 Falcon $5. Appreciate that. Do you get money from the Scribd app? I got your audio book from them. No, I do not. I don't.
01:31:31 The script app, I don't know that I don't even know what that is, but I definitely do not get any.
01:31:37 Money from them.
01:31:40 But appreciate the the donation there, base rate race mixer $5. Appreciate that how, for instance, with Lake Mead literally going so low that you're finding bodies from the late 70s that the amount of hold on.
01:31:59 That the amount of uh.
01:32:03 Illegals coming in using up resources aren't a problem at this point in the Southwest. Now we are facing 1818 thousand a day soon. I guess my question is here in the Southwest, can we sustain?
01:32:19 No, I mean like look.
01:32:22 Certainly not.
01:32:24 Look, California is is a lost cause.
01:32:28 Arizona is rapidly becoming a lost cause.
01:32:32 Uh Nevada.
01:32:34 I mean, look, it's a big state, but.
01:32:38 You know, Vegas is a lost cause and.
01:32:41 That's where everyone lives.
01:32:43 New Mexico lost cause.
01:32:45 I mean it's just it's.
01:32:47 It's not just the southwest, though.
01:32:49 And it's not just because of the immigration, although that has a huge look.
01:32:54 Texas is is on the way out to.
01:32:58 Rapidly on the way up.
01:33:02 Look, they're bussing them.
01:33:04 To the interior of the country, though.
01:33:07 I think that no matter where you go.
01:33:11 You're going to have to rely on smaller.
01:33:16 There's no like white state.
01:33:19 You know, there's no like refuge state.
01:33:22 The closest thing to it historically was Idaho.
01:33:25 Idaho always had a reputation for being the, quote UN quote white supremacy state, right? But look, ******* Zuckerberg is is going there now. I mean, Boise is is super.
01:33:37 Super California now.
01:33:40 So it's just.
01:33:42 At this point.
01:33:44 You know, I think we we just have to.
Speaker 9
01:33:49 I mean, look.
01:33:50 Maybe we should identify a few states to to turn into it.
01:33:53 I just that's never worked.
01:33:54 You know the best we can hope for is stuff like what happened with, well, what what might be happening with Roe V Wade will geographically polarize the country and things like that.
01:34:08 You know, but.
01:34:09 Every time, like when libertarians, I remember when libertarians were like, oh, we're all going to move to New Hampshire.
01:34:14 I mean, OK, well, that nothing happened there.
01:34:20 Because we don't have the institutions you you would need to have because look, those people got to work somewhere, right?
01:34:27 I mean, you could try, you could try to do like the when we covered that the Amana cult.
01:34:34 Where they had their own industry.
01:34:37 And they they have their own counties, essentially, and all the people in their cult.
01:34:43 Worked at their factory and did all this other stuff, but you're talking about some.
01:34:47 You're talking about some of the project that requires a lot of initial money to get going.
01:34:53 And I don't think that we we're in a position to do that.
01:34:57 And right now I don't know that it would be.
01:34:59 The smartest thing?
01:35:00 Because if we all started concentrating in one area, or at least if we did that.
01:35:09 I I think that that's just you're you're basically just gathering in one place that makes them easier to manage you.
01:35:17 Or eradicate you, depending on how things go.
01:35:20 But that is.
01:35:21 Something that's been on my mind, it is something that I've I've I am thinking very hard about in terms of.
01:35:30 Trying to create.
01:35:31 Something I don't know, like a A.
01:35:34 Place where there's.
01:35:35 Enough of us to have political power.
01:35:39 But that's easier said than done.
01:35:43 And you're right about the water in the southwest drying out based race mixer $5. My good friend got lucky enough to get a new liver because of the Pfizer jab and he's still all funked up after getting.
01:35:57 The COVID nimona.
01:35:59 ******* makes my blood boil when he says thank God for.
01:36:05 For me, getting COVID or they would have caught my they wouldn't have caught my liver problem.
01:36:12 Yeah, there's still a lot of people like I've, I've.
01:36:14 Well, I don't want to get.
01:36:15 Into it I've got.
01:36:16 A I've got a family member that.
01:36:18 Thinks that their.
01:36:21 Possibly made-up disease is was good thing. I quote the same thing. Good thing the doctor caught it.
01:36:30 ****** fagot $1.00. Appreciate that I've seen Japanese capsule hotels that look more comfortable, offer more perks and offer more privacy than these ******* pods. Good God. Have mercy. Yeah, you know what? But ****.
01:36:48 **** them.
01:36:49 Let them have all the abortions and and bunk beds they want.
01:36:57 Henry, $410, Hale, Dave and the Fed. RIP. That's right.
01:37:05 And the Fed?
01:37:09 Was a member of our community that has passed on to the ethno state in the sky.
01:37:17 OSA 567.
01:37:20 Hey Devin. Enjoyed your or $10, appreciate that.
01:37:24 Hey, never enjoyed your GTK.
01:37:28 I don't know why that's hard for me.
01:37:29 To read the, I keep thinking GTA for some reason.
01:37:33 The oh, by the way, Grand Theft Auto?
01:37:37 Not, not that you should be playing video games anyway, but just as an aside, was was.
01:37:44 Approached by some ****** collective, some anti ****** collective that goes after video games for having transphobic things.
01:37:54 And they're they're literally censoring their games.
01:37:56 They're taking out the transphobic elements of their game where you're you're literally a a A murdering psychopath.
01:38:06 But can't have transphobia.
01:38:08 GTA, alright anyway, hey Dev enjoyed your GTK.
01:38:13 That's just it doesn't roll off the tongue string.
01:38:16 The person who mentioned American pop.
01:38:18 1981 to be similar was absolutely right. I started watching and the storyline is the same and there is a boy in the movie which looks very.
01:38:27 Similar to that.
01:38:28 House down to the oversized hat.
01:38:31 You know, I started watching it too.
01:38:33 But it's that animation style I hate so much.
01:38:37 From that era.
01:38:39 That where it's just, it's they, it's they literally just shoot, they shoot film and.
01:38:43 Then they cartoon over it.
01:38:45 And they did it by hand because you didn't have computers that.
01:38:48 Would do it.
01:38:49 But it really doesn't look much better than it looks like a ******** version of that.
01:38:54 What's that movie that.
01:38:57 Alex Jones is in.
01:38:59 Where they do that?
Speaker 10
01:39:01 Ah, man. Uh.
01:39:05 That doesn't matter.
01:39:06 It's just that Rotoscoped cartoon look.
01:39:09 I don't know it.
01:39:11 And then I keep stitching in shots of actual footage.
01:39:15 Yeah, it it's just lazy animation is what it is and the guy who made the film is an Israeli Jew.
01:39:23 I might go over.
01:39:23 I started watching it.
01:39:24 I just.
01:39:25 I couldn't keep watching it.
01:39:27 I watched, like, 10 minutes of it.
01:39:31 Oh, so 5675 dollars. Appreciate that. I also liked your previous pick.
01:39:37 It's not going to say.
01:39:38 GTK alright, I got it right.
01:39:41 House of sand and fog.
01:39:42 Really hard hitting.
01:39:43 Wake up.
01:39:44 Call drama.
01:39:45 They don't make them like this anymore.
01:39:47 Ben Kingsley is always awesome in those foreign roles.
01:39:50 Yeah, he's the one that looks like he could be any race.
01:39:53 He's just like the random non.
01:39:56 He's he looks very ethnic.
01:39:58 Ethnic bloodstain, 777. Appreciate them this encapsulates the fatigue of modern advertising. On another note, have you seen Shin Godzilla? It has themes you might find interesting, like the collectivist storytelling.
01:40:16 Let's see what this is.
01:40:35 I don't know what this is, but we'll we'll download it.
01:40:37 It doesn't look too crazy.
01:40:39 Whatever it is.
01:40:40 Let's take a look at it.
01:40:52 That it will finish down a second.
01:40:55 Oh, it's already done.
01:40:56 That's crazy fast.
01:40:58 Space Internet for the win.
01:41:04 At drive.
Speaker 16
01:41:05 Time we approve.
Speaker 6
01:41:06 99% of people who apply and.
Speaker 3
01:41:08 We show you your real.
Speaker 24
01:41:09 Down payment and your real monthly payment, right?
01:41:12 So I can get approved on my phone and see my.
01:41:14 Real down payment and your.
01:41:15 Monthly payment? Yep, we.
Speaker 6
01:41:16 Got it.
01:41:16 Tim, did you get it there?
Speaker 28
01:41:18 Yes, and basically 30 seconds you can get approved.
Speaker 23
01:41:20 And see your real down payment.
Speaker 1
01:41:21 And your real monthly payment and your monthly payment.
01:41:22 And your monthly payment.
Speaker 21
01:41:24 All on your phone.
01:41:26 Wow, that's a lot.
Speaker 20
01:41:30 Down payment, monthly payment and find the card.
Speaker 4
01:41:31 You need all.
01:41:32 On your phone.
01:41:33 I don't get it.
01:41:35 Why are we watching the drive time commercial?
01:41:40 Alright, well anyway.
01:41:48 Diogenes, can I bring my Jewish mouse to my bunk bed?
01:41:52 Yes you can.
01:41:54 Falcon $1.00 appreciate that. Uh Portland ******?
01:42:00 From Andy no.
01:42:08 What am I looking at here?
01:42:23 Well, I'm not surprised.
01:42:24 There's a ******.
01:42:25 They got arrested for.
01:42:29 Looks like Kitty ****.
01:42:34 And we're thorazine, $10. Appreciate that. I've been watching some elaborate AI combat simulations lately, and the US loses nearly every engagement with China and or Russia especially.
01:42:47 Or ships because basically because ours run out of offensive and defensive missiles.
01:42:54 Because naval guns don't make Raytheon 2 million per round like missiles.
01:43:05 Well, there's a lot of like, there's a lot of issues and you know, I remember too think of if you're the the military industrial complex and you're supplying America with.
01:43:15 All of its weapons.
01:43:17 Who has America been fighting for like the last 20 or so years or longer?
01:43:23 Actually, like 30 years?
01:43:25 They're they're fighting third world country.
01:43:29 Goat herders in the desert.
Speaker 14
01:43:33 For 30 years.
01:43:35 And so all the weapons you're developing.
01:43:38 All the technologies you're developing, all of the strategies you're developing, all the training that you're implementing, all the intelligence that you're gathering, all of that **** means nothing.
01:43:53 When faced with an opponent like China or Russia.
01:43:57 Means nothing.
01:43:58 In fact, it's almost worse than if they hadn't been doing that the whole time.
01:44:04 Because now.
01:44:06 Because all of the equipment, the, the, the soldiers themselves, the leadership, the Intel, because it's all so focused and geared towards dying for Israel.
01:44:22 That's all they know how to do now.
01:44:25 Because that's all they've been doing for 30 years.
01:44:35 So even if we do have higher tech ****, it is.
01:44:39 It is a lot of it's irrelevant.
01:44:42 Because it wasn't developed to face an opponent that is unequal footing.
01:44:50 I don't know.
01:44:51 I yeah, I would.
01:44:52 I honestly don't know that I would say Russia and China on equal footing in terms of the technology.
01:44:58 I don't.
01:44:58 I don't actually believe that.
01:44:59 I don't think that the the Russian military has technology that that rivals American technology and they they they don't, and neither does China.
01:45:10 They're not.
01:45:11 They're not third world goat herders.
01:45:14 And in the case of China?
01:45:16 They I mean, even if it took nine of them to kill one of us, they still win.
01:45:20 And Russia, they're not that far behind and they probably have a few tricks up their sleeves that we don't.
01:45:26 Even know about?
01:45:27 That in fact in some cases they have things that are probably superior to some of.
01:45:33 Our stuff, right?
01:45:36 And they, if we were to get into an engagement.
01:45:41 With either one of those countries.
01:45:43 The military engagements they've been involved with with over the last 30 years.
01:45:49 Would be way more relevant.
01:45:52 To an engagement with the United States than our experience has been with an engagement with the East, but.
01:46:02 Look, though it's it's, it's.
01:46:03 It's fine though guys because.
01:46:05 They've just been, they've just, they've been pretending to be ********, right?
01:46:10 Like, where's that at again?
01:46:11 Let me see.
01:46:17 And bring that up.
01:46:20 There we go.
01:46:22 Look, we've just been pretending to be clown world.
01:46:28 They better watch out.
01:46:29 They better watch out.
01:46:33 Alright, let's Scroll down here.
01:46:42 Avtomat kalashnikova $5 when I was deployed in the Army, a flag in my unit said he was suicidal so that he could be sent back home and be with his boyfriend. They also made us do a sexual harassment awareness run. It is embarrassing.
01:47:01 Being a based white man in the military.
01:47:05 Well, they look, these guys, at least they actually did it.
01:47:08 They didn't just say, oh, I'm suicidal and got sent home.
01:47:11 They they actually off themselves.
01:47:14 The people from that story we were talking about earlier in, in the story.
01:47:17 Harmless G Sinn Fein won elections in the north in Northern Ireland.
01:47:22 Now Northern Ireland can join the Republic of Ireland in being the European country, importing the most black Africans per capita.
01:47:30 Black ghettos coming soon to Belfast.
01:47:33 This is what Irish nationalists fought for and the IRA.
01:47:37 Commit terrorism for yeah, it it's a.
01:47:40 It's a shame, but that that seems to be the way that the way of Ireland, right, you know, super cocked on the vaccines super cocked on you know the COVID restrictions super cocked on mass migration.
01:47:55 I mean, yeah, super cocked.
01:48:00 Funny how those two always match up right?
01:48:03 The same countries that embrace the vaccines the most are also the same countries that embrace immigration the most.
01:48:14 Weird how that works out, huh?
01:48:17 Almost as if bending over and taking it in the *** is is.
01:48:22 Comes natural to them harmless G also the main grievance of the Scottish nationalist parties against the English nowadays is the English don't cook and submit to global **** enough.
01:48:34 Yeah, I've seen clips that seem pretty horrifying. Makes me ashamed to have the the Anglo-Saxon blood coursing through my veins sometimes.
01:48:43 But I like, I like to.
01:48:44 I like to make myself feel better by saying, well, that's the old country.
01:48:48 My genes come from that selection event where the the best among us left and came here, but, you know still makes me feel sad.
01:48:56 Not that clown world is is well, I'm sorry.
01:48:59 We're just pretending to be ******** over here.
01:49:05 Chaos. Make babies.
01:49:09 Or you know, that's that's the.
01:49:10 Funny thing everyone's like ohh Elon Musk.
01:49:13 He's so base because he says he wants people to make babies.
01:49:16 OK.
Speaker 15
01:49:18 Womp womp.
01:49:21 But he'll pay for your abortion, your out of state abortion.
01:49:26 These degenerates are admittedly a great argument for abortion.
01:49:31 Maybe, maybe, maybe.
01:49:32 Very post birth abortion.
01:49:35 Harmless G Steve Sailor paced the posted study, showing that the legality or illegal illegality of abortion has virtually no effect on the trend of crime rates or the trend of rates of illegitimate births.
01:49:50 Right?
01:49:51 Well, I mean, here's the.
01:49:52 Thing too is.
01:49:54 Look, I I don't think that.
01:49:57 I don't think it will matter much.
01:49:58 Honestly, I don't think you're going to see a huge difference.
01:50:03 Other than the things we talked about, where you're going to have people self, you know, self select, they're going to choose to live in states like California if that's that, if it's that important to them.
01:50:14 They'll leave your state, so it's kind of a good.
01:50:19 Hammer thorazine, $10. Appreciate that. I'm opening a new clinic for my practice, and I won't hire anyone as a contractor or employee who is one of these leftist psychos.
01:50:30 Not even just a little.
01:50:32 If you have any sub subtle screening ideas, I'd be.
01:50:36 Curious to hear there's got.
01:50:38 To be ways you can do that.
01:50:41 I mean, I don't think it'd be that hard to sniff out someone that's a crazy lefty.
01:50:46 I mean, some of it, you can just tell.
01:50:48 I mean, look, 9 times out of 10, you can just tell without even like.
01:50:53 Without even trying to because they a lot of these *******, they they just they just stink.
01:50:59 They just stink of the Satanism, right?
01:51:02 It's like you know.
01:51:03 Alex Jones, they smell like sulfur.
01:51:10 But yeah, it's.
01:51:12 It's not that hard to sniff these people out.
01:51:14 I mean, I can't think of anything that, I mean, look, you just got to.
01:51:16 Know obviously that you know your liability, although I don't know.
01:51:22 I know in Canada you can't.
01:51:23 You can't discriminate based on political ideology.
01:51:27 When it comes to.
01:51:30 I don't know that that's the case in America.
01:51:33 I mean, you can't.
01:51:34 You can't discriminate based on sex.
01:51:37 And race and and a couple of other things.
01:51:39 I don't think political ideology is.
01:51:41 Is one of those things.
01:51:44 I mean it would.
01:51:44 Make sense, right?
01:51:45 Because that if that.
01:51:46 Was the case.
01:51:48 Here's here's why.
01:51:48 I'm I say this.
01:51:51 If if you couldn't discriminate based on political ideology, it would be so easy to have a like a a leftist.
01:52:03 Go and try to get a job with a right wing politician.
01:52:07 Obviously not getting hired based on ideology and then sue.
01:52:12 I think because you know anything that affects Congress directly.
01:52:16 Really, they make laws for that.
01:52:18 You know, it's like that.
01:52:20 Why do you think the insider trading is still going on it or?
01:52:22 And why do they give themselves a raise or raises?
01:52:25 Or why do you think they always exclude themselves from the most oppressive laws that they write?
01:52:30 You know that like they're they exclude themselves from Obamacare.
01:52:34 Just as an example.
01:52:38 And I so I don't.
01:52:39 I find it hard to believe that they would make it so you couldn't discriminate based on.
01:52:45 Yeah you could.
01:52:46 Do you could probably even just do one of these tests that shows where you are on the political, you know, like the.
01:52:55 The little political spectrum.
01:53:00 I'm sure you could find a test that's already made.
01:53:03 Have them take that test as part of the application.
01:53:06 Don't tell them what it's for, you know just.
01:53:08 Have them fill.
01:53:09 It out and then you run it through it.
01:53:11 Some kind of scoring thing and.
01:53:12 Then you would know from there and this look even when you apply for.
01:53:16 I mean I I applied for a job at Home Depot years ago when I just needed like a job.
01:53:21 And they make you take, like a personality test.
01:53:24 Like it's like a multiple choice test and it's has nothing to.
01:53:27 Do with.
01:53:28 Hardware or tools or paint?
01:53:31 You know, it's just it's asking.
01:53:33 It's all.
01:53:34 It's a personality profile.
01:53:36 And so you you could you can subject applicants to stuff like that.
01:53:41 I would.
01:53:41 I would double check before.
01:53:43 You, you know, implement anything formal.
01:53:46 But I think in America you can still.
01:53:49 You can still legally.
01:53:52 Discriminate based on on ideology.
01:53:55 I could be wrong.
01:53:56 I would look into it before doing anything, but to do it, to do it quietly.
01:54:00 I don't think it.
01:54:01 Would be that difficult?
01:54:03 Size them up.
01:54:04 Just have a conversation.
01:54:06 It's kind of like when you were in high school.
01:54:10 Or after high school, if you smoke pot.
01:54:12 And you weren't like you got a new job and you were trying to find.
01:54:15 The other people at work that smoke pot, so you could maybe hook it up back in the days when you couldn't just go to like Circle K and buy pot.
01:54:25 You had to do like the whole you know the the the wink wink.
01:54:30 You know, kind of a conversation trying to, oh, so do you smoke?
01:54:38 And you say that with that that way that means like and.
01:54:41 I'm not talking about cigarettes.
01:54:43 And if they don't know what you're talking about, they know what?
01:54:46 You're talking about. I don't.
01:54:47 Know I feel like this is it's not that hard to to sniff these people out.
01:54:52 But yes, absolutely filter those ******* out.
01:54:56 Imagine your sexual identity.
01:54:58 Depending on big pharma.
01:55:04 White male. Fred wanted to send you this, but he's broke, so I sent it for that bee.
01:55:11 What is this?
01:55:27 Bible history daily, huh?
01:55:31 Jews and Arabs descend from the Canaanites.
01:55:35 Yeah, actually, this came across my desk.
01:55:39 Like a week or so ago, I forget why.
01:55:45 UM.
01:55:47 I'll have to read through it again.
01:55:49 I I, I I breezed through it briefly.
01:55:54 That they're not actual Semites, which is different than Canaanites.
01:56:00 I I didn't look and see where they.
01:56:02 You know where they got their data, though.
01:56:03 I'll take a look at it.
01:56:05 Harmless G.
01:56:07 Could a male Amazon or Tesla employee claim to be a woman and pregnant and get a free paid vacation?
01:56:14 Will the companies verify asking for a friend?
01:56:18 I don't know.
01:56:18 That's something I would absolutely.
01:56:20 They try to exploit.
01:56:23 Why not?
01:56:23 Why not?
01:56:24 If you if.
01:56:25 Well, first of all, you should detach yourself from any of these in these corporations, and if you haven't yet, in the meantime, bleed them dry.
01:56:34 Bleed them dry.
01:56:37 Try to to extract as many resources as you possibly can in every way possible.
01:56:44 From these globalist corporations.
01:56:50 Or at the very least, find ways of of costing them resources.
01:56:54 That's as specific as I'm willing to get.
01:56:59 Of course, all within, you know, the confines of.
01:57:03 Of the law.
01:57:06 But uh.
01:57:08 I I bet they look.
01:57:11 Can you imagine in one of these HR ladies?
01:57:17 Like calling you out.
01:57:19 Saying, but you're not really a.
01:57:22 They wouldn't be able to.
01:57:23 They can't.
01:57:23 Of course.
01:57:23 They're not going to.
01:57:24 Do it.
01:57:25 They literally.
01:57:25 These HR ladies are part of.
01:57:27 The reason we have.
01:57:28 This **** going on.
01:57:31 Yeah, I think I think it would work.
01:57:33 I think it absolutely would work.
01:57:36 They might.
01:57:37 Maybe they request some kind of.
01:57:39 But I I don't know.
01:57:39 I feel like that would be kind of ****** **.
01:57:43 In the minds of the HR ladies, right, they might think oh, that's too personal.
01:57:47 I can't.
01:57:47 I can't possibly ask for documentation of an abortion, right?
01:57:52 And and who knows it maybe HIPAA?
01:57:54 Is involved like because of the HIPAA laws, maybe they can't.
01:58:00 That'd be an interesting experiment.
01:58:05 Diogenes, Cossacks and Nazis.
01:58:07 And the far right.
01:58:09 Oh my.
01:58:12 And that's a reference to the the stream that I did yesterday.
01:58:16 Evox $25 very generous. Appreciate that. I like the southwest, but the east has water.
01:58:24 CACI istus cache pills are cool.
01:58:30 Until you realize water matters, there's lots of land.
01:58:33 Red states with water.
01:58:35 There's water here.
01:58:36 I got water.
01:58:38 You know, it's just under the ground.
01:58:41 And and it falls from the sky all at once.
01:58:44 Twice a year.
01:58:47 You just got to be.
01:58:48 You just got to know how to manage it.
01:58:50 You just got to know how to how to roll with it.
01:58:54 Based race mixer $1.00 appreciate that. So you think she's pretending to be ******** and not just a psycho Jew? No, she is psycho. She's definitely psycho.
01:59:06 I mean, look at these eyes.
01:59:09 All right.
01:59:11 No matter what frame, I didn't choose that frame, no matter what frame you Click to.
01:59:17 She looks like a psychopath, no matter which one.
01:59:20 Look, I'm just clicking around.
01:59:25 She's a psychopath.
01:59:29 She wants all of us dead, all of us and your families.
01:59:36 Reunification $5 appreciate that you sent a link.
01:59:41 Free seminar from Cornell for new beekeepers on May 12th might be interesting.
01:59:48 I'll take a look.
01:59:48 At that, the problem is a lot of these.
01:59:54 I don't know.
01:59:54 It seems like there's a lot.
01:59:55 There's a lot of varying opinions when it comes to beekeeping.
02:00:01 Many of whom contradict themselves.
Speaker 10
02:00:08 OK.
02:00:16 Combat kangs White Boy summer chat.
02:00:21 And then you say it again, OK?
02:00:24 Epigenetic force $10 preciate that I watched Tim cast IRL yesterday. Don't judge because of a guest named Darrell Day.
02:00:34 He's known for the deradicalizing of 200 white supremacists. A lot of times, fans were excited for this, but they hated him. He may have deradicalize 200, but it looks like he further radicalized hundreds of time's centrists.
02:00:52 Uh, well, I don't know who that is.
02:00:53 Or I.
02:00:54 Yeah, I'd have to see it.
02:00:57 I I ******* hate Tim. Tim poole's.
02:01:04 And his fans.
02:01:07 Centrists are cancer.
02:01:08 Centrists are actually almost almost worse than they are.
02:01:12 Yet centrists are worse than conservatives.
02:01:15 Conservatives are bad.
02:01:17 But at least they pretend to believe in something.
02:01:19 Centrists don't even pretend to believe in something.
02:01:22 Let's Lord Godfrey $1.00 appreciate that in the early 70s, when Werner von Braun went on vacation for a month, there was a change of administration at NASA to a Jew who ****** over the German scientist, ending the cool ****. I wouldn't be too surprised.
02:01:39 But I don't know anything about that.
02:01:42 Poopy stinky turd ****, $3. Appreciate that. Did you ever play the twisted metal games growing up?
02:01:50 Twisted metal games?
02:01:52 Don't know what that is.
02:01:53 Car combat games are my favorite.
02:01:58 Any thoughts on?
02:02:00 The Nick Fuentes controversy.
02:02:03 I I don't know what controversy that is.
02:02:06 I've been, I've I've I've been doing outdoor stuff pretty much nonstop.
02:02:13 The only time I wasn't doing outdoor stuff was when I was preparing for yesterday's stream with Brody.
02:02:21 So I I don't know what that is unless any time out like that.
02:02:26 Was it any like UM?
02:02:28 Report someone or like the for like report someones videos or something I I don't know.
02:02:34 I honestly don't know.
02:02:35 I don't know.
02:02:35 I'll have to look into that.
02:02:38 They say that **** rewires how your brain thinks.
02:02:43 And you lose Gray matter.
02:02:45 How is that possible?
02:02:48 Well, I don't know.
02:02:48 I don't know if that's really what what happens.
02:02:51 That's not.
02:02:52 That's never been an argument for me as to why you don't watch ****.
02:02:57 You don't watch **** because.
02:02:59 You're watching some drug addicted.
02:03:05 You know, abused girl getting railed by some Jew and in in, in your you're killing your own sex drive by jacking off to you're basically you're literally a **** because you're you're jacking off, you're you're getting off to another guy.
02:03:22 ******* a girl that you want to have sex with.
02:03:27 And pretty much every instance.
02:03:29 When you masturbate to ****, you're ************ to another guy.
02:03:33 Banging someone that you want to have sex with.
02:03:38 So there's that.
02:03:41 But there's also the the fact that if you're if you are.
02:03:47 Getting sexual relief.
02:03:49 From watching ****, it's going to kill your sex drive.
02:03:54 It's going to stop you from making the effort.
02:03:59 To get that sexual relief.
02:04:01 By you know the old fashioned way.
02:04:06 By getting someone who's an actual woman, who?
02:04:10 Will have sex with you.
02:04:12 And not just some drug addicted ***** that's getting banged by some other guy while you watch.
02:04:21 But anyway.
02:04:24 Any thoughts on sperm donation to spread your genetics?
02:04:27 Whatever sperm donation is fine, I guess.
02:04:32 I haven't heard a good argument against it, at least.
02:04:37 Henry, $410 appreciate that. Don't know if you were doing on purpose, but.
02:04:45 The mouse was 5 Volt, not fifl.
02:04:49 Sorry for being a sperg.
02:04:50 I don't know whatever.
02:04:51 Who cares?
02:04:55 I'm still going to say feifel.
02:04:59 5 old Mouse Goetz.
02:05:02 Big tuna, $50. Appreciate that very generous. I owned an SRO and then it updated.
Speaker 16
02:05:16 Let's Scroll down here.
02:05:20 I own an SRO hotel in Chicago. Flop house. The rooms were about 100 square feet, had a big window bed, dresser and desk with bath down the hall for three hundred a month, used mainly by poor and alcoholic Mexicans. I know for a fact that they would never stay in a pod.
02:05:41 Too low class.
02:05:44 Right, right.
02:05:48 But look the the people in California working for these companies.
02:05:55 Are are, are not just used to.
02:05:58 Being dehumanized they.
02:06:01 They embrace it.
02:06:03 They embrace it, they and they lost their humanity a long time ago.
02:06:06 They don't care.
02:06:08 Veruca Salt, $10, very generous preciate that hi Devin. Have you ever seen this funny indie folk song of an Alex Jones rant?
02:06:18 It's very funny, Dave and I often joked about it.
02:06:21 They cracked this up.
02:06:22 Would you please play it?
02:06:25 I think everyone's seen that.
02:06:26 I'll tell you, I'll.
02:06:27 Play at the end.
02:06:29 I know what you're talking about.
02:06:32 But I'll let me I'll get it downloading.
02:06:38 I'll tell you what I'll do it.
02:06:38 I'll do it for Dave.
02:06:39 Have it then.
02:06:42 Where did that program go?
02:06:45 There we go.
02:06:54 OK, let's download it.
02:06:59 Ghostly Prepper Devin, what do you think is the reality of something like UN Agenda 2030? Well, no Israel, you just heard the guy at the UN.
02:07:10 Say it. It's real, like it's on the UN website. It's not made-up, it's real.
02:07:18 It's not. It's not like someone there wasn't just some guy with with the bit shoot channel that was like and then there's this thing called the Agenda 2030. No, it's.
02:07:28 You heard the guy, right?
02:07:33 Let's see.
02:07:35 Look, he, he says it. He doesn't. It's not made-up.
Speaker 14
02:07:42 This afternoon, the Secretary General and Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, will sign him, will witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding on a strategic partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum, which outlines areas of cooperation to deepen engagement between the two institutions and to jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030.
02:08:04 It's real.
02:08:05 It's like a thing.
02:08:07 It's not.
02:08:08 It's not made-up.
02:08:10 So yeah, that's that's that.
02:08:13 Yeah, that's the thing.
02:08:15 Is a lot of people think that because there's so much of this queuing on ****** noise, which is why they do it.
02:08:21 There's people that are skeptical.
02:08:22 Of a lot of this.
02:08:23 No, it's real.
02:08:24 It's real.
Speaker 18
02:08:27 Let's see here.
02:08:36 Henry Ford, $10 appreciate that Happy Mother's Day. Everyone at least call their mom today. That's right. It is officially now.
02:08:45 Mother's Day.
02:08:47 So make sure you call your mom.
02:08:50 And say.
02:08:53 Thanks for not aborting me.
02:09:00 Dutiful resistance, $5 appreciate that, glad to catch you live again. Keep up the great work, brother. Hail victory. Well, thank you.
02:09:08 Diogenes. But my my kaikias.
02:09:12 But Mikias says she is completely nonpartisan.
02:09:17 Oh, that's her name.
02:09:20 You don't want the crazy.
02:09:20 Eyes, lady.
02:09:21 So no worries that she looks.
02:09:23 Like a demon? Yes.
02:09:25 No worries that.
02:09:26 A A Jewish demon ****** is in charge of what you can say on the Internet.
02:09:32 Hammer author has aimed $5. Appreciate that I was at a bar in Portland that had all genders bathroom.
02:09:41 It looked like a normal multi person bathroom, but with several walls stalls every stall.
02:09:46 Had the seat up and urine all over the floor and the seat these psycho women and ******** clearly didn't think.
02:09:53 This through, you know, it's weird.
02:09:55 When I was in Ukraine.
02:09:59 Many are of all but.
02:10:02 Certainly, many of the bathrooms at bars and clubs were unisex.
02:10:07 It freaked me out.
02:10:09 Like it just felt like weird.
02:10:11 I don't know why, but like to walk out of a stall and there's like a chick.
02:10:15 There, you know, like brushing her hair in front of a mirror.
02:10:18 And I just was like.
Speaker 1
02:10:21 I I didn't.
02:10:21 Feel bad for me.
02:10:22 I feel bad for her.
02:10:23 I'm just like you got to come.
02:10:24 In here, while we're *******.
02:10:26 And **** like that.
02:10:28 I don't know, but I I don't know if that's an American thing.
02:10:33 To have the separated bathrooms, I mean, I don't think it's just an American thing, but I don't.
02:10:37 Know if like.
02:10:39 Or West.
02:10:40 I mean, it's a western thing, right?
02:10:43 To separate it, but yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that goes away as the the West.
02:10:49 Commit suicide.
02:10:56 Zen Master Zen Tim Poole has never been hit in the mouth.
02:11:02 You can tell.
02:11:04 Ah, yeah, I think he's been punched.
02:11:06 I think he's been punched.
02:11:07 Maybe not hard enough.
02:11:10 He's probably never been in an actual proper fight, but I think he's been hit.
02:11:16 Reject modernity.
02:11:19 $5 appreciate that Nick's former partner went on Kino Casino and pretty much exposed that he is a deranged narcissist psychopath who doesn't live out the Catholic doctrine he teaches, reminds me of what you've said about not having Internet daddies.
02:11:37 OK.
02:11:37 Yeah, yeah, I I I'll have to.
02:11:40 I'll have to catch up with this.
02:11:41 I have.
02:11:42 I have no idea.
02:11:44 What any of this stuff is?
02:11:47 Harmless gene.
02:11:49 Your hatred of centrist is in line with the Bible, saying God prefers people who are cold about his message to those who are just Luke warm.
02:11:58 That's right.
02:11:59 Fence sitting fagots are reprehensible *******.
02:12:07 Swan, you have to watch this old conspiracy documentary Ring of power.
02:12:15 OK.
02:12:18 I will put it in my notes here.
02:12:28 John, 62, Eric.
02:12:32 There is a really based Lady content creator called Little Apostate.
02:12:37 Have you ever heard of her?
02:12:38 No, I have not.
02:12:40 I have not.
02:12:42 But if it's anything like the amazing Pauline.
02:12:49 Oh man.
02:12:51 Do you guys remember I was actually so while I was getting ready for the stream?
02:12:56 I had to move some files or I started running out of space on this hard drive.
02:13:01 I don't know.
02:13:01 I don't know if this is well.
02:13:05 I don't know how.
02:13:05 This is to do, but it'll be funny anyway.
02:13:11 So I don't care.
02:13:13 You want a good memory.
02:13:16 Remember, after it was obvious that Trump wasn't secretly doing some plan with Q and, you know, Biden was going to be president and the Q cards were like losing their minds and amazing, Pauline made that video like getting pisssed off of the people making fun of her.
02:13:36 That was one of the videos I.
02:13:37 Was cleaning up and I was like.
02:13:38 Oh, those are the days.
02:13:40 These are the days of of.
Speaker 9
02:13:41 It's over.
02:13:43 This were the days of the the first insomnia stream.
02:13:47 And I was just like, oh, I remember.
Speaker 9
02:13:48 This it's over.
02:13:51 Q was a LARP real stupid.
02:13:54 How could you have been so dumb to trust in this obvious sigh up?
Speaker 28
02:13:59 I'm not going to listen to you any more, Polly, you.
02:14:02 You're a grifter.
02:14:04 You gave people false hope all this time.
Speaker 9
02:14:06 You lured in the vulnerable and the weak minded.
Speaker 28
02:14:11 All those people that came here.
02:14:15 To dance on the graves of people who had hoped that a plan was going to happen on this day to save America, all of you who come in here, to name, call and to degrade me and my audience.
02:14:33 You are some of the.
02:14:34 Worst people in the world.
02:14:42 Ohh, that was the fun times.
02:14:45 That was the fun times.
02:14:46 Ohh chat ruined itself.
02:14:47 Let me reload it.
02:14:50 Amazing Poly made Shack commit suicide.
02:14:57 Alright, there we go.
02:14:58 I fixed it.
02:15:00 Those are the good old days.
02:15:01 Those were the good old days.
Speaker 4
02:15:04 All right.
02:15:06 So I'm in regular chat now for a second, and then we'll I'll bail out of here.
02:15:14 The Earth is not flat.
02:15:15 You are some of the worst.
02:15:16 People, right, right.
02:15:19 Never trust a woman who modifies her eyebrows.
02:15:24 How do I donate to the Odyssey current to Devin?
02:15:27 I don't, I've never.
02:15:28 Done it so I'm not sure.
02:15:33 I don't think she personally, no, she does.
02:15:35 She does.
02:15:36 She still posts.
02:15:37 She still has a channel.
02:15:38 She was.
02:15:39 She was freaking out the other day.
02:15:41 Or not the other day.
02:15:42 This is like a couple months ago now.
02:15:43 I for some reason one of her videos popped.
02:15:47 I think what I was I was checking like the trending page of of bit shoot to see if it was still all queue stuff it was.
02:15:54 It was literally all cue stuff, and the one of her videos came up and for the for a big portion of the video I I think now that Q is obviously not real well obvious to even.
02:16:10 Most of the *******.
02:16:12 Not all.
02:16:13 Uh, she.
02:16:15 She was ******** that no one sends her money.
02:16:19 Anyway, so cute. Tart. Yes, she is the cute tart. Burn the wickeds 77. Hi, Devin. You should check out the bass. Christian band impending Doom sometime if you get a chance.
02:16:33 Alright, I'll, I will.
02:16:36 See, they better be based.
02:16:39 And good.
02:16:41 A lot of really bad, a lot of really bad Christian music out there, like a lot of really.
02:16:46 Bad Christian music.
Speaker 10
02:16:49 A lot of really bad Christian music.
02:16:57 Chad, the famous that Disinfo Azar was complaining that she was getting sent empty egg carton pics.
02:17:04 Yeah, I saw.
02:17:05 Something about that that was pretty funny.
02:17:08 That was pretty funny.
02:17:13 He is the B Commander, Devon.
02:17:18 I don't know who the B commander is.
02:17:22 Q ***** can always retreat to Flat Earth truth.
02:17:26 Yeah, it's it's the same mind virus, just a different flavor.
02:17:31 The same people are are there the it's the thing it it's it's it's really it's just lazy thinkers because.
02:17:39 Flat Earth.
02:17:40 You can you can just like with Q.
02:17:43 You could prove for yourself not having to trust other people not having to trust.
02:17:50 Other organizations with just a small amount of effort using.
02:17:56 Household materials.
02:17:59 You know that using things.
02:18:01 That every normal person has access.
02:18:04 To you can.
02:18:05 Prove to yourself that the earth is is round.
02:18:10 You know that it's a sphere.
02:18:12 And you know, you just like you could have proved that that.
02:18:15 Q would just just by reading queues posts.
02:18:19 And compare, you know do.
02:18:20 A little bit.
02:18:20 Of effort instead of see this thing.
02:18:23 The reason why it's the same crowd.
02:18:25 It's the crowd of people that that just they just trust someone else.
02:18:29 That's telling them ****.
02:18:30 They don't actually look into any of it themselves.
02:18:33 Right?
02:18:33 So in in the, in the case of Flat Earth, none of these guys actually perform.
02:18:39 Being experiments on their own, they don't.
02:18:42 They watch videos of someone else saying that the earth is.
02:18:45 Flat and I know it's flat because.
02:18:47 I did this thing and.
02:18:49 They just.
02:18:50 Ohh well, this guy did this thing.
02:18:52 So it must be flat.
02:18:54 And with Q is the same thing, right?
02:18:57 Of these people.
02:18:58 The vast majority of the people following Q.
02:19:02 Weren't weren't actually even reading the queue posts or like trying to to, you know, check.
02:19:08 What queue was saying versus?
02:19:09 Is reality or whatever?
02:19:12 And if anytime they did find an inconsistency, what would they say?
02:19:16 Oh well, they they have that throwaway line.
02:19:18 This info is necessary so it's OK that it's fake flat Earthers kind of have the same sort of thing, right?
02:19:24 Well, they'll just.
02:19:26 Or any any any.
02:19:27 Any time you hear conspiracy theory that involves.
02:19:30 Technology, and it's usually from people who don't understand technology.
02:19:34 They just use really generalized terms, you know, like, oh, it's energy, it's free energy.
02:19:41 OK, well, like.
02:19:42 Anythings energy.
02:19:44 You know what?
02:19:46 What's that's why you're using that term?
02:19:49 Because if you had, if you had to say free electricity, then you have to explain to me how you are moving electrons.
02:19:58 Exciting electrons.
02:20:01 Free freely like where?
02:20:03 Where is it coming from?
02:20:04 You know where?
02:20:05 Where is this electrical energy coming from?
02:20:08 But if I don't say electric, if I just say free energy, energy, well, energy could be.
02:20:12 Someone riding a bike.
02:20:14 Energy could be someone bouncing on a Pogo ball, you know.
02:20:17 Remember those ******* things?
02:20:24 All right guys.
02:20:26 I'm going to bail out of here.
02:20:28 And I'll be back Wednesday.
02:20:31 Hopefully mega hive.
02:20:34 Will be completed by then, but no promises.
02:20:39 I got a bunch of people sending super chat links real quick at the end.
02:20:46 UM.
02:20:49 I'll check those out when I get a.
02:20:53 And I'm pretty sure.
02:20:59 Because I promised, I did promise frugal salt I'd play this song.
02:21:04 We'll play this first.
Speaker 20
02:21:10 System the company.
02:21:11 The paradigm of absolute control, and that's why we're just out here doing simple things, pointing out that we're meant to be in nature and be natural.
02:21:18 And this is.
02:21:19 Where we find.
02:21:19 The source that God made to transcend the.
02:21:21 New World order and that's why they want to try to keep us out of it.
Speaker 29
02:21:36 Keeping babies alive.
02:21:42 That these people.
02:21:50 They have green skin.
02:21:54 We want babies.
02:22:03 Hillary is in the creepy, weird 6 stuff, man.
02:22:11 She sleeps in the same.
02:22:12 Room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears.
02:22:15 Her foot over her head.
02:22:18 That woman, number one, is lovely matching now that she smells.
02:22:25 Man, I've told her that Obama just stink.
02:22:43 The empire piped in the cabins.
Speaker 3
02:22:47 Round coming after us spirit gets close to that evil.
Speaker 29
02:22:58 You such self silly crap we don't even notice and self rising up against the millions of people.
02:23:14 We're gonna steal your daughter at the mall.
02:23:29 We're gonna save you.
02:23:32 Police chief is gonna say we love our Muslim all their all their.
02:23:51 4 black pilled.
02:23:52 I am of course.
Speaker 10
02:23:56 Damn sag.
Speaker 11
02:23:57 Hello I'm a.
Speaker 21
02:23:58 Mac and I'm a PC.
02:23:59 You know, I actually just finished.
Speaker 28
02:24:01 A home movie that's so funny.
Speaker 25
02:24:02 Just finished my own movie.
02:24:04 I I did it.
Speaker 21
02:24:04 On my movie was really easy. Well, my dad's as excellent.
02:24:06 As mine, but I.
Speaker 21
02:24:07 I'd be happy.
02:24:07 To take a look, yeah, that would be great.
02:24:09 Well it.
Speaker 6
02:24:10 Hi I'm a Mac.
Speaker 21
02:24:14 It looks really professional, right?
Speaker 24
02:24:15 Well, great bye.
02:24:18 What about your squeeze here?
Speaker 16
02:24:19 Please. Well, OK, sure.
Speaker 12
02:24:23 What's up PC home movie.
Speaker 24
02:24:25 Work in progress.
Speaker 3
02:24:51 Well, losing control here.
02:24:53 Going to crash into these cars, right?
Speaker 24
02:24:55 Now let's see.
02:24:57 Oh, almost hit a pedestrian right there.
02:24:59 Very dangerous.
02:25:03 The keys are out.
02:25:03 Yeah, I think that's the.
Speaker 3
02:25:05 Keys and the hands are.
Speaker 30
02:25:06 The window.
Speaker 20
02:25:07 So just like that.
02:25:09 So you know, I speculate thought maybe this person was joy riding.
Speaker 31
02:25:12 I'm waiting for you, but nothing ever happens and I wonder.
Speaker 24
02:25:13 And I think.
Speaker 31
02:25:21 I'm driving around in my car.
02:25:24 I'm driving too fast.
02:25:25 I'm driving too far.
02:25:27 I'd like.
Speaker 3
02:25:28 To change my point of view.
Speaker 24
02:25:30 That's just kind of an easier.
02:25:31 Thing to do it now.
Speaker 3
02:25:31 Feel slow. Wait for you.
Speaker 24
02:25:32 Now let's see here.
02:25:33 Let's see here the drivers getting out, the drivers getting out and running across the freeway running.
02:25:37 Across the freeway.
02:25:37 Letting the and we have two suspects running across.
02:25:41 The Northland, one of them jumps in.
Speaker 31
02:25:44 Yesterday told me about the blue.
Speaker 8
02:25:45 Oh man.
Speaker 31
02:25:46 Blue sky.
Speaker 3
02:25:47 And the yellow.
Speaker 17
02:25:48 He might be coming head to head for look at that crashing into the pickup truck face to face.
Speaker 24
02:25:52 With that bowl of boy inside the Macy's LAPD trunk?
02:25:56 An officer has tackled one of them officers look.
Speaker 31
02:26:02 I can see.
02:26:03 It's just another lemon tree.
Speaker 11
02:26:18 30 miles an hour.
Speaker 25
02:26:20 The surface St. action.
Speaker 26
02:26:21 I'm sitting right here.
Speaker 3
02:26:22 Just excited with.
02:26:23 That car. Exactly.
Speaker 17
02:26:26 It's foot pursuit and this is about to come to an end here in the next couple of seconds, another deputy taking him down on 69th St. just off of the Elbing Ave. This driver finally taken off of the street.
Speaker 3
02:26:28 There's a heavy cloud inside my head.
02:26:34 Well, nothing.
Speaker 31
02:26:38 And I'm wondering.