

Speaker 1
02:04:04 We sailed away.
00:01:20 And then we had slipped away.
00:01:26 So hard.
Speaker 2
00:01:29 But couldn't.
Speaker 1
00:01:31 Is what the world is for now we know.
Speaker 3
00:02:30 And they want us all.
Speaker 1
00:02:34 Make it so that we don't fall.
00:02:41 So far.
00:06:00 To San Francisco sure to wear some flowers in your head.
00:06:14 Francisco, you're gonna need some chanting people.
00:07:14 All those who come, Francisco.
00:07:27 In the streets of San Francisco.
00:08:36 Welcome to the insomnia string.
00:08:41 I'm your host.
00:08:43 Devon stack.
00:08:45 This is the insomnia stream, zebra killers edition.
00:08:50 Zebra Killers Edition is actually a suggestion from one of you guys.
00:08:56 And after looking into it, the reason why I thought it would be a.
00:08:59 Good one to go over.
00:09:01 Is there was a video being passed?
00:09:04 Around on Twitter.
00:09:06 Few days back.
Speaker 5
00:09:08 About a woman.
00:09:10 On TikTok, which I think is is the reality is now questionable about whether about what exactly happened.
00:09:18 But there was a video of a woman saying how unsafe it was and it created this controversy.
00:09:23 There was all these people, some people saying ohh you.
00:09:26 Know she voted she she voted for.
00:09:28 The the dangerous conditions.
00:09:31 In San Francisco, and so I feel no remorse and other people saying.
00:09:34 No, no, she's white.
00:09:39 White women are going to keep running.
00:09:40 To the left.
00:09:42 If they keep hearing that the right wing men don't care about them.
00:09:50 There's a lot of friction between these two different factions after viewing.
00:09:55 This video here.
Speaker 6
00:10:00 I'm literally shaking right now.
00:10:01 I was just getting groceries and I live in San Francisco and I never really feel fully safe.
00:10:06 If you live in San Francisco, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
00:10:09 And I just got groceries.
00:10:10 I'm walking out of the store, and this guy is walking.
00:10:13 Past me and.
Speaker 7
00:10:14 Says move, you stupid ***** and he.
Speaker 6
00:10:16 Spits in my face, spits all over my face.
Speaker 8
00:10:19 When I say excuse me, did you just spit?
Speaker 7
00:10:21 In my face and he says.
Speaker 8
00:10:22 Move or I'll rape you.
Speaker 6
00:10:24 There's also people everywhere and.
00:10:25 Everyone's just walking by because.
00:10:26 They're like I can't handle something else.
00:10:28 In San Francisco, it's always.
00:10:29 Something else I don't know even know I'm.
00:10:31 Posting this if you.
00:10:32 Live in San Francisco, do you feel this way all the time?
00:10:34 I don't feel safe ever.
00:10:36 I literally never feel safe.
00:10:37 It's better when it's.
00:10:38 Daylight, but night time.
00:10:39 No, not leaving my house.
00:10:46 Now the reason why I said it came into question later, if this was all ******** is, you know, this was a TikTok video and I guess.
00:10:54 One of the people in her comments said let.
00:10:55 Me. Guess he was black.
00:10:58 To which she replied no.
Speaker 9
00:11:01 You're blocked.
00:11:03 And by the way.
00:11:05 He was a well dressed white man.
00:11:10 You know, kind of like.
00:11:13 When the Joker movie came out and the bad guys on the subway pushing people around with a with a well dressed white man.
00:11:23 They I wonder if they, they yelled.
00:11:25 This is Maga country.
00:11:27 After they or after he spit on her and whatever, but who knows?
00:11:32 Who knows, right, who knows.
00:11:37 But people were talking about this and saying, yeah, she voted for these kinds of conditions before she went out.
00:11:42 And said it was a well dressed white man.
00:11:47 And the other people that were kind of angry about this response?
00:11:55 I don't understand why they would be angry about.
00:11:57 This response like I kind of get it.
00:11:59 I kind of understand the exasperation.
00:12:01 It's not even towards women in particular.
00:12:04 It's towards San Francisco in particular.
00:12:08 Because this isn't like a new thing.
00:12:11 This isn't a new thing.
00:12:13 This is something that's been going on for a really long time.
00:12:16 I don't know if you guys remember the stream I did on the guess who's coming for dinner or.
00:12:21 Or look who's coming.
00:12:22 Whatever, though, I think was guess who's coming for dinner with Sidney Poitier.
00:12:26 The movie that.
00:12:27 Was pushing race mixing before?
00:12:30 Well, just right before the year before they made it legal in America.
00:12:36 With a dubious Supreme Court case, not a vote.
00:12:44 Now is supposed to have taken place in San Francisco.
00:12:48 19 What was it 67? Somewhere around there?
00:12:52 And I pointed out in that stream when they drove to a ice cream shop.
00:12:57 How everyone was white.
00:12:59 And it looked rather.
00:13:04 And these sorts of scenes.
00:13:07 Are not the kinds of scenes you see in San Francisco today.
00:13:11 Because rapidly after that movie was made.
00:13:15 There was a sharp decline like there were in many cities around the country.
Speaker 10
00:13:19 We've we've followed the.
00:13:20 Stories of what happened to Detroit.
00:13:24 What happened to lots of these cities that were far away from the South, far away from where the black populations were?
00:13:31 But after the civil rights movement and you had the great ***** migration into other parts of the country.
00:13:39 With the subsequent white flight.
00:13:43 You had a systematic deteriorate deteriorate.
00:13:48 I can't.
00:13:48 Why can't I *******.
00:13:49 Talk today.
00:13:51 Things were deteriorating.
Speaker 11
00:13:54 I can't say that word.
00:13:55 Right now anyway, they were getting bad.
Speaker 11
00:14:01 Oh, it's been a long day.
00:14:03 Things are getting real bad.
00:14:06 Things bad in city.
00:14:08 No good, no more.
00:14:11 And so you had this white flight and.
00:14:15 In the wake of this white flight, the conditions were getting worse.
00:14:19 It wasn't just cities like Detroit.
00:14:22 It wasn't just.
00:14:22 Cities, like all across the eastern seaboard, like Baltimore, like Philly.
00:14:31 It stretched out to the West Coast as well, especially especially the major cities like San Francisco, LA We what we talked about Watts and another stream.
00:14:47 And this led to one of the most uh not talked about.
00:14:55 Serial killings in American history.
00:15:02 A rash of killings that took place in San Francisco that never gets talked about.
00:15:07 No movies were made.
00:15:08 Actually, there was one really cheesy black exploitation movie.
00:15:11 You know, blacks like it's it's.
00:15:14 It I don't even know why.
00:15:15 Like I I watched a clip of it thinking like, oh, maybe there's something.
00:15:18 Well, I might.
00:15:19 The clip of it it's it's horrendous this movie.
Speaker 10
00:15:23 But like that?
00:15:24 That came out in the 70s, but no serious movie about.
00:15:29 The killings?
00:15:32 Everyone's heard of the Zodiac killer.
00:15:35 Everyone's heard of son of Sam.
00:15:39 But including me, I had never heard of.
00:15:40 The zebra killings.
00:15:45 Now, recently it was the 40 year anniversary of the the zebra killings.
00:15:50 Just to wet your appetite a little bit, this was a portion of a news report that was played remembering the zebra killings.
Speaker 13
00:15:58 Suspects roaming San Francisco streets mutilating, torturing and killing.
Speaker 14
00:16:03 They eventually decapitated her.
Speaker 13
00:16:05 Luke Calabro was the patrol Sergeant during that first Zebra attack.
00:16:09 A young couple kidnapped while walking in their Telegraph Hill neighborhood in October 1973. The killers were tied to a militant black Muslim group known as the Deaf Angels.
Speaker 15
00:16:21 And in order to be initiated into this very murderous group, they had to kill a white person.
Speaker 13
00:16:29 By Christmas, more than a dozen people were butchered or shot. One night, five people were shot in two hours, including a 45 year old woman who was just doing her laundry here on Silver Ave. that's when the gunman walked in, shot and killed her.
Speaker 16
00:16:43 People were scared to go out at night.
Speaker 13
00:16:45 Today, 40 years later, the case is rarely discussed.
00:16:49 Almost forgotten.
Speaker 15
00:16:50 This was such a racially tinged, sensitive issue.
00:16:56 A radical sect of the black Muslims killing white people.
00:17:00 It's something that this country is not comfortable discussing or remembering.
00:17:09 I I don't.
00:17:09 I don't think that's true.
00:17:11 I think that's something that the media.
00:17:14 Is not willing to talk about.
00:17:17 And most people don't know about.
00:17:19 People that were born, you know, people like myself who were born, you know, long after this was, was done taking care of.
00:17:26 Case closed.
00:17:32 So let's talk.
00:17:32 About how this how this all went down.
00:17:38 Now the the first murder.
00:17:41 Took place on October 20th.
00:17:44 1973.
00:17:48 Richard Hague.
00:17:50 He was 30 years old.
00:17:52 He was with his wife, who was 28.
Speaker 10
00:17:57 They were.
00:17:58 Kidnapped at gunpoint.
00:18:01 By three black men.
00:18:04 LED into the back of a van.
00:18:11 They were tortured in the back of the van.
00:18:17 Mrs. Hague was.
00:18:19 Essentially, she was essentially decapitated.
00:18:24 They threw her.
00:18:25 Her body in the street.
00:18:29 They tried to beat her husband to death.
00:18:33 He somehow survived.
00:18:36 They found him bound and gagged.
00:18:41 Trying to to free himself.
00:18:45 Just a few yards away from where his wife's body was in the street.
00:18:53 And this wasn't even this was their first successful attempt.
00:18:59 The first real attempt.
00:19:03 Had taken place.
00:19:05 A few days earlier.
00:19:08 When they had attempted to kidnap 3 boys, ages 11 to 15.
00:19:14 But they had they managed to run away and and not be tortured and and murdered.
00:19:23 So here's a news report talking about that incident.
Speaker 12
00:19:28 50 to 60 yards from the corner of 25th and Minnesota. This is the area where police found the young woman.
00:19:38 Lying in a pool of blood.
00:19:40 They don't know much about the killing, except that sometime around 10:00 last night the couple was walking down the.
00:19:46 Street in the North Beach area.
00:19:48 And they were abducted by three men at gunpoint, forced into a car and brought here.
00:19:56 The women's throat was cut. The man was hit several times over the head with what police described as a large bladed object.
00:20:05 He was left for dead, but he managed to walk back up to the roadway where he flagged down a motorist who took him to the nearest police station.
00:20:14 He remains in serious condition.
00:20:15 Tonight at a local San Francisco hospital, this is a puzzling murder for San Francisco police because it was almost execution like.
00:20:25 Call it an isolated incident.
00:20:27 But the investigation remains undercover and police will.
00:20:30 Say nothing more.
00:20:32 Channel 4 News.
Speaker 8
00:20:34 And Richard Haig left their chestnut St. home around 9:00 for an evening stroll, when two neatly dressed men approached the young couple a night of terror which left the 28 year old woman the victim of.
00:20:44 A vicious murder had begun.
00:20:46 The Hagues were posted at gunpoint and were band driven by.
00:20:49 A state man.
00:20:50 Richard Hayes was struck unconscious and when he came to his wife was lying dead beside him as his wife took the bleeding, incoherent man to the nearest police station.
00:21:00 When police returned to the scene at 25th in Minnesota St. They found the body hands tied.
00:21:04 Behind the back.
00:21:06 That's completely true.
00:21:08 Homicide inspectors can offer no explanations.
00:21:11 Money was not the motive.
00:21:12 If the Hayes had only a.
00:21:13 Few dollars between them.
Speaker 17
00:21:16 We certainly feel that in San Francisco, our streets are safe and we've been certainly striving for this and this is the first attack of this type we have had in the city.
00:21:26 And of course, we've signed more patrols and also have more men assigned in the investigation, in this case, to determine actually what is behind it.
Speaker 8
00:21:38 Police are seeking witnesses who might have been in the neighborhood of Chestnut St.
00:21:41 and Columbus Ave.
00:21:42 around 9:00 Saturday evening, or who might have seen the light colored Dodge van driven by the assailants.
00:21:48 Please call the homicide detail if you have any information.
00:21:54 So that was the the first murder.
00:21:58 10 days later.
00:22:01 On October 30th, 1973, Francis Rose.
00:22:06 28.
00:22:08 Was shot repeatedly in her car.
00:22:12 Near the University of California extension.
00:22:18 Things started to heat up around town.
00:22:22 People were freaked out by this because it just seemed like people were randomly being executed.
00:22:27 There was no burglary motive or anything like that.
Speaker 18
00:22:33 The shootings began last night around 7:30 in the Haight Ashbury district. By 10:00 PM, four persons lay dead, all white, another victim.
00:22:42 This is.
00:22:45 I'll get more there, I guess.
00:22:46 I'm kind of jumping the.
00:22:47 Gun. Here, let me let.
00:22:48 Me. Let me hop ahead.
00:22:49 Here before I get into the.
00:22:51 That part.
00:22:55 So this is interviewing people on the street, asking what they think of what's going on.
Speaker 19
00:22:59 I will not come out at night.
00:23:03 Because we have too many bad experiences.
Speaker 18
00:23:06 You don't walk around here at night.
Speaker 8
00:23:10 As I say, when my husband was in the hospital, I took a taxi home and I lived just two blocks.
00:23:16 Away where we were planning on moving anyway.
00:23:21 So we are now.
Speaker 2
00:23:24 It's gotten to be pretty rough, I think.
00:23:29 And I do. I am out late at night because I go out for a paper around 9:00 at night and I know it's rough down this area anyway, but after that, I mean, you're afraid when anybody walks up to you, you know, some guy walks up to you like that one girl high and then blasts you. What are you going to do?
Speaker 20
00:23:46 What do you think it's dangerous?
Speaker 21
00:23:50 Will you be going out at night?
Speaker 7
00:23:52 No, I'd be kind of afraid, really.
00:24:01 So next we had this case.
00:24:06 November 9th.
00:24:09 1973 Robert Wayne Stockman.
00:24:13 27.
00:24:15 Was shot by Leroy doctor.
00:24:17 That's one of the guys that they they later identified but they didn't know who at the time.
00:24:22 Yet who he was just before the shooting.
00:24:27 He was a field clerk for PG&E and he was picking up some paperwork.
00:24:32 When a well dressed black man asked him for directions.
00:24:36 And he gave him the directions.
00:24:39 And then he shoved them over the the the black guy shoved him over a.
00:24:42 Fence pulled out a 1/3 a 32 caliber revolver.
00:24:48 And started shooting him.
00:24:50 Shot him.
00:24:50 In the neck.
00:24:52 He survived.
00:24:53 He took the gun away like this ******* guy is a Chad.
00:24:56 Took the ******* gun away and shot and shot him back.
00:25:00 That's how they arrested that one.
00:25:03 The incident.
Speaker 22
00:25:04 I just pulled that onto the street and I'm getting out of my truck to.
00:25:09 Lock the gate behind me.
00:25:10 At this point a a black well dressed black man came walking down the street.
00:25:16 He asked me for directions to the nearest service station, which I gave him. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. People at your directions several times a night. You work for PG&E.
00:25:28 At this time, I.
00:25:30 Went into the yard to an unlatched gate so I could lock it behind me.
00:25:36 I had just entered the yard when he appeared around the corner of the gate.
00:25:41 I turned as it startled me and he was right there on top of me, and at that point he pushed me with one hand and pulled the gun out with his other hand and aimed it at my head and fired.
00:25:51 The gun flew off across the yard and I was able to beat him to it and at that time I turned around.
00:25:56 And he was still advancing on me, and I shot him once, and he showed no effects.
00:26:01 I shot again, and he showed no effects.
00:26:03 And it was the third shot before he finally went down.
00:26:08 So that guy.
00:26:10 Took one of them out, but the killings continued.
00:26:18 Next we had November 25th.
00:26:22 Also 1973.
00:26:25 Now this is the only case.
00:26:26 Where it wasn't a white.
00:26:27 Person it was an Arab.
00:26:30 And I almost wonder if it was even related to their.
00:26:34 We'll get into a little bit like the the the reasoning why they were doing this and how much it was.
00:26:41 It was just the same people just committing more crimes.
00:26:44 Because this was also the only case where they they stole money.
00:26:49 But on November 25th, Salim a rat cat.
00:26:54 Was found dead in his store across from the San Francisco Civic Center.
00:26:59 His body was found near an empty cash register. They stole about $1000, shot him in the head. His hands were bound with his own necktie.
00:27:11 Then on December 11th.
00:27:13 1973 also Paul Dan kick.
00:27:17 26 was standing with a friend near.
00:27:20 A telephone booth.
00:27:22 The friend told police that two young black men in Navy pea coats approached them and began shooting him.
00:27:28 Without saying anything.
00:27:31 They killed Paul Dancik same same caliber pistol.
00:27:38 Was used.
00:27:41 I guess it wasn't.
00:27:42 It wasn't a revolver cause it says here the the shell casings were left at the scene so.
00:27:47 Probably not a revolver.
00:27:49 I was thinking 38 for some reason.
00:27:53 So all this is going on you're having.
00:27:55 All these different shootings.
00:27:59 Next, you had a A.
00:28:05 A man who would later become the mayor of of San Francisco, actually, he worked in local government.
00:28:09 The time forgot.
00:28:10 What? His his.
00:28:12 Official position was at the time, but this is.
00:28:15 Where you start to get the the anger.
00:28:18 Not because of what's going on. Obviously. You know you don't want black people go around executing white people for no reason, but this is the kind of response you see when illegal immigrants go and and kill someone's daughter. And then the the first thing they say in the press conference is.
00:28:30 Well, I I just don't want.
00:28:32 I just don't want this.
00:28:33 To reflect that on it.
00:28:35 This is why people have this angst, this anger towards people in San Francisco ******** about violence.
00:28:41 His name is Art Agnes.
00:28:45 He was the top aide.
00:28:47 To the San Francisco assemblyman.
00:28:49 Leroy, or I'm sorry, Leo McCarthy.
00:28:53 He was attending a meeting on childcare centers.
00:28:58 And then after the meeting ended.
00:29:00 While he was talking to two women.
00:29:02 Outside of the meeting.
00:29:04 A black man walked up to him.
00:29:07 Fired two shots into his chest.
00:29:09 And just ran away.
00:29:12 He survived the attack.
00:29:15 But less than 90 minutes later.
00:29:18 Another rando.
00:29:20 Marita digerolamo. I don't know. It's hard. Some Italian last name 31 was standing in the doorway alongside another word divisor. Dario street. Or maybe just Spanish. I.
00:29:36 Can't read the night?
00:29:38 When a black man wearing a long leather jacket, shot her three times at close range.
00:29:43 And they also found 32 caliber shell casings.
00:29:47 At the scene this is.
00:29:52 An interview with the first man that was shot that evening.
00:29:56 Again, this guy later would become mayor.
00:29:59 And this is his response.
00:30:02 2A.
00:30:05 A black gang.
00:30:07 Who is racially targeting white people?
00:30:10 And trying to execute and as you'll see later, torture them.
00:30:16 And and kill as many white devils as they possibly can.
00:30:21 This is this is where the anger comes from.
Speaker 23
00:30:24 And fired me twice and the shot.
Speaker 24
00:30:29 Did you see the man shooting?
Speaker 23
00:30:31 I didn't see him shoot at me because my face was turned, turned towards the women, and the man came from my left side and.
00:30:38 I was facing this way.
00:30:40 After hearing the gunshots, I thought that there were firecrackers going on because I didn't see anything and the women started running away to protect me and asking me to come with him.
00:30:50 I started chasing him to calm him down and reassure him that no one's going to hurt him, and at that point they told me that the the man was trying to kill me and I wheeled her on quickly to see.
00:31:00 What they were talking about and that's when I saw the one for the first time.
00:31:03 Standing about 8:00 or.
00:31:03 10 yards away with the gun in his hand, looking at it with his bike.
00:31:08 There probably was trying to figure out why I didn't fall, mainly because I didn't know I had been shot until the woman came back and told me what you're seeing.
00:31:17 Things are continuing every conference at the police are doing the best they can.
00:31:22 It's just such a baffling kind of process.
00:31:25 These indiscriminate murders all over the city that it's hard to get.
Speaker 12
00:31:29 I guess.
Speaker 21
00:31:30 It's not going to put you off the street.
00:31:32 I can tell.
Speaker 23
00:31:32 No, not at all.
Speaker 21
00:31:32 That from the way you talk.
Speaker 23
00:31:33 Not at all.
00:31:34 If anything, it's going to just put me back on the street, working as hard as I can to continue developing programs that the community thinks they need so that we can establish the services that people need to to put an end to the kinds of conditions that would lead a man or two men or a group of men to hate somebody so much to do this.
00:31:52 Kind of thing.
00:31:55 See, that's all we need.
00:31:57 We just need more programs to help these people so they don't feel the need to go out and just.
00:32:01 Burn a random white people.
00:32:06 His response?
00:32:07 And he's one of the lucky ones.
00:32:10 To being shot twice.
00:32:13 During a murder spree.
00:32:17 From from black supremacists targeting white people executing and torturing the deaf white people.
00:32:24 Is that we need more programs?
00:32:27 To stop the circumstances.
00:32:30 That, that, that create these things.
00:32:36 I think it's too late for that, buddy.
00:32:38 The circumstances that create these things are those people in your neighborhood.
00:32:44 And no amount of of social programs are.
00:32:47 Going to fix it.
00:32:50 This is why people get ****** ***.
Speaker 25
00:32:53 This is why.
00:32:54 People don't have a whole lot of sympathy.
00:32:56 When people in San Francisco who?
00:32:58 Probably think a lot along these lines.
00:33:02 Like I don't know.
00:33:03 Maybe it was a well dressed white guy.
00:33:05 I'd be very surprised if it was.
00:33:09 But I suspected that woman was so.
00:33:10 Afraid of being called a Karen?
00:33:16 That the second she realized.
00:33:17 There might be a racial component to this that this might.
00:33:19 That this went viral.
00:33:22 And people were going to start.
00:33:23 Saying ohh look what?
00:33:24 The black people were.
00:33:25 Doing she freaked the **** out.
00:33:27 And went full 180 on whatever it was. Now I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.
00:33:36 But if you want to know why?
00:33:37 People are are aren't that sympathetic towards people.
00:33:39 Like that. This is why.
00:33:42 This was 1970 ******* 3.
00:33:45 This isn't a new problem.
00:33:47 San Francisco has just.
00:33:49 Gotten much, much, much worse since then?
00:33:56 Because like that blonde chick in the beginning with the sunglasses.
00:33:59 That said Ohh, we've been thinking about moving away a long.
00:34:01 Time and I guess we're moving away now.
00:34:04 They did move away.
00:34:06 Lots of people like that moved away.
00:34:09 And diversity filled in the gaps.
00:34:20 So the cops weren't sure what to do.
Speaker 18
00:34:23 The shootings began last night around 7:30 in the Haight Ashbury district. By 10:00 PM, four persons lay dead, all white.
00:34:31 Another victim lies critically wounded in San Francisco General Hospital. Police have labeled the manhunt operation Zebra. All the victims were shot with 32 caliber bullets, which came from 2 and possibly.
Speaker 25
00:34:43 Three weapons, or 180 sevens and an attempted 8187A series of 462 Slender bill, short to medium length here. Unless there is possible goatee wearing a bottle.
00:34:55 And all instances no more than two suspects were seen by witnesses and two different oils have been described as being at the same scenes.
Speaker 26
00:35:02 Looking at the time and knowing the locations.
00:35:06 It was possible.
00:35:08 For one vehicle containing any number of suspects to have committed all these shootings.
00:35:17 And by all accounts, it was one vehicle.
00:35:23 We'll get into that maybe in a little bit here.
00:35:27 So Next up we had.
00:35:30 Ayro Bertuccio another they must have really hated Italians.
00:35:36 He was 81.
00:35:38 He was shot four times as he walked across the street while on his way home from his.
00:35:48 Just over 2 hours after Bertuccio was killed.
00:35:52 Teresa, there's another.
00:35:53 There's another Italian, Therese de.
00:35:56 De Martini 20.
00:35:59 She barely survived being shot several times.
00:36:01 Near her apartment.
00:36:03 While parking her car after returning home from a Christmas party.
00:36:10 December 22nd.
00:36:12 Neil Mahan, 19.
00:36:17 Was shot three times while walking near Market Street. Within a few minutes and a few blocks of Moynihan's murder. Mildred Hosler, 65.
00:36:28 Was shot four times at point blank range.
Speaker 18
00:36:38 Attempting to attempting to.
Speaker 20
00:36:40 Murder, on the other hand, if we are going to have a system of justice that works, the need to get the layman, the lay woman to come on in and tell us everything they know is important.
00:36:53 My recommendation is that people be careful when they're on the street.
Speaker 21
00:36:58 Be alert and of course, as the mayor said.
00:37:04 People have information.
00:37:06 Any information regarding any of these incidents.
00:37:09 Please contact us, give us something to work on.
00:37:12 Perhaps we can locate these persons and put them out of business.
00:37:20 So the cops were puzzled.
00:37:23 They said they had.
00:37:24 No idea what was going on.
00:37:26 One of the odd aspects of this.
00:37:29 Is a lot of this was coming.
00:37:30 It was happening in black.
00:37:31 Maybe that's why the Italians were were taking it so hard because there was a lot of it was happening.
00:37:37 In the black neighborhoods, or really close to the black neighborhoods.
00:37:41 And maybe that's just that was also the the Italian part of town.
00:37:46 Or, you know, really close to it or something.
00:37:50 And so one of the problems they had with the black people that witnessed these killings, they weren't talking.
00:37:59 They weren't going to snitch.
00:38:02 Probably cause they didn't care that much that it was happening.
00:38:07 A lot of black people.
00:38:09 We're using this.
00:38:11 We're we're justifying this.
00:38:14 As revenge for racism.
00:38:18 Saying that these people deserved it.
00:38:23 They weren't cooperating with police.
00:38:27 In fact, police attempted to make a all black task force of of black police officers to go into black neighborhoods and try to get information out of people.
00:38:36 And it just, you know, they weren't getting anywhere with it.
Speaker 24
00:38:45 No, I don't think money is entirely the the answer to it, but I think in a case like this that every vehicle available to us should be utilized so that we can say later that something wasn't done.
00:38:59 I think everything has to be done to bring the killers to justice.
00:39:03 I wouldn't begin to speculate as to how much money.
00:39:06 Would be necessary to break the case and I cut over the years I've broken cases where it took nothing which were serious cases and some went up to $50,000, which actually did break the case.
Speaker 19
00:39:23 Because some of them must know, must have some identification of this murder, if you will take your mind that after each murder.
00:39:36 A police car has been there within 2 1/2 to 3 minutes at the longest, yet they cannot get a declared description of the.
Speaker 26
00:39:45 Murder, unless we catch them right in the act or so-called and police talking on video pinch.
00:39:53 That's the way we'll solve these crimes.
00:39:58 So they started something called Operation Zebra.
00:40:02 Now a lot of people, because they started making a a racial.
00:40:06 Thing over this for obvious reasons.
00:40:09 They thought that that was why it was called Operation Zebra, because black and white, you know, that sort of thing.
00:40:14 But it was actually.
00:40:15 Because they they were worried that.
00:40:18 People were using police scanners that this was a sophisticated operation.
00:40:23 That they were using police scanners to try to figure out where the cops were, and that's how they were planning where they.
00:40:28 Would do the executions.
00:40:30 And so they used a a different frequency on their police radios that on their on their radios, it was marked as channel Z.
00:40:39 And so that was why they called it Operation Zebra.
00:40:44 Another reason why they were using using channel Z.
00:40:48 Is with the black task force that they had put together.
00:40:52 There were worries and they the reasons to be worried that some of these black police officers were actually leaking information to the Nation of Islam.
00:41:05 Because that's where a lot of these these killings were starting.
00:41:09 They were starting to think that they.
00:41:10 Were originating from the nation of I.
00:41:13 They started to think that that because of the the tight lipped behavior of the blacks, especially the the members of the Nation of Islam that were in the area and because of the the racial nature of the crimes, that this was a Nation of Islam thing and that some of the black officers were tipping them off.
00:41:32 And letting them know where suspects were being held and and endangering the investigation.
00:41:45 January 28th.
00:41:50 1974.
00:41:54 We have five more shootings.
00:41:58 Four were fatal.
00:42:02 We had Tanna Smith. She was 32. She was shot on, shot on the sidewalk.
00:42:08 Only six blocks from her home.
00:42:11 10 minutes later and eight blocks away, Vincent Woolen, who was 69 at the time, was shot twice in the back.
00:42:19 While digging through trash cans for items to repair and sell, he was like a homeless guy.
00:42:25 And supplement his Social Security checks.
00:42:29 He died just a few feet from his home.
00:42:31 I guess he.
00:42:31 Wasn't a homeless guy, he was the poor guy.
00:42:37 John bambic.
00:42:39 87.
00:42:42 Was shot twice in the back.
00:42:44 Just an hour later, he died immediately.
00:42:48 Jane Holley, 45.
00:42:51 She was doing her laundry.
00:42:54 When a gunman, a black obviously gunman, ran through the door of the laundromat.
00:43:00 Shot her twice in the back and then ran back out.
00:43:04 She died just before she could celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary.
00:43:11 Just minutes later.
00:43:13 Roxanne McMillan, 23.
00:43:16 She actually survived.
00:43:17 She was shot twice.
00:43:20 While she was taking clothes out of her car.
00:43:23 By the same man.
00:43:25 The moments before she had greeted.
00:43:28 Friendly like on the street.
Speaker 14
00:43:43 The Zebra killer has struck 18 Times Now on the streets of this city.
00:43:47 His death toll stands at 12.
00:43:49 Mayor Joseph Alioto describes the situation.
Speaker 20
00:43:52 And one of the problems we're having every time you have a mindless thing without.
00:43:57 And when the victims themselves are selected at random, the only situation being that they be white and that they be at or around at or around certain communities in San Francisco.
00:44:07 When that kind of a thing is there, you can't really investigate it as you would a regular murder.
00:44:11 There's no.
Speaker 14
00:44:11 Way of doing it.
00:44:12 Alioto also had a message for the people of.
00:44:15 His city.
Speaker 20
00:44:16 I think extraordinary situations like this call for extraordinary measure.
00:44:20 And those extraordinary measures are going to involve stopping a number of people in San Francisco who fit a certain profile and the very nature of things we are going to be stopping a.
00:44:30 Lot of innocent.
00:44:31 People, everything will be done will be done within constitutional limitations, I.
00:44:35 Assure you of that.
00:44:38 So what he's talking about is something that you can never do in America and probably will never be able to do ever again in America today.
00:44:49 And that is, he's like, look.
00:44:52 The only thing that's connecting these victims is they're all white people doing, you know, minding.
00:44:56 Their own business.
00:44:58 And the thing that connects all the murderers is they're all black guys.
00:45:03 So we're going to institute as part of Operation Zebra.
00:45:08 A stop and frisk.
00:45:14 If you're black.
00:45:16 In fact, what they did again, this is you can never do this today, right?
00:45:22 If they stopped you and frisked you.
00:45:24 And checked you out and and you know wrote your name down and.
00:45:28 Everything adds you to the list.
00:45:30 They would even give you a card.
00:45:33 That said, hey.
00:45:34 I've already been stopped or whatever, so if cops stopped you again to prevent you from being stopped over and over and over again, you could just be like, look, here's my card.
00:45:43 Shows that you guys already did this.
00:45:46 So they tried to get around, you know, people that would complain saying it was going to harass black people.
00:45:53 And this was like a tactic.
00:45:54 That what else are you supposed to do?
00:45:58 Right, what else you this was San Francisco, remember? This is San Francisco, 1974.
00:46:07 They were able to do this so 50 years ago.
00:46:11 In San Francisco.
00:46:15 You were able to.
00:46:17 Stop and frisk black people to try to find black murderers.
00:46:21 Mass murderers.
Speaker 18
00:46:24 All the same pattern, white people shot down by a black gunman for no apparent reason.
00:46:30 I mean that's that's what they were trying.
00:46:33 To stop.
00:46:36 White people just minding their own business, getting shot.
00:46:40 And wouldn't you know it?
00:46:44 Because it's San Francisco.
00:46:49 Even though a lot of the white people, the older people at least.
00:46:54 We're OK with this.
Speaker 14
00:46:58 The Zebra killer has shot down 18 people on these streets.
00:47:01 All of those 12 so far are dead.
00:47:04 The people who must walk the streets here definitely react.
00:47:07 Does it keep you off the street at?
00:47:09 Are you worried about it?
Speaker 27
00:47:09 Well, yeah, certainly.
Speaker 14
00:47:10 I'm worried about it.
00:47:11 How do you think the police are doing?
00:47:13 Are you?
00:47:13 In favor of their stop and search program.
Speaker 27
00:47:14 Well, certainly I am.
00:47:16 I was just saying it's in Arizona, so I stay clean.
00:47:18 And I'm staying in tonight.
Speaker 14
00:47:19 That's the thing.
00:47:20 What do you think about the polices attitude of stopping searching the blacks?
Speaker 19
00:47:24 I it's a great idea.
Speaker 14
00:47:24 You think that'll work?
Speaker 19
00:47:25 Yeah, sure.
Speaker 14
00:47:27 No, stop stopping the.
00:47:28 Do you have any suggestion on what they?
00:47:30 Can do.
Speaker 28
00:47:31 Well, not really.
Speaker 14
00:47:33 Have they stopped you?
00:47:34 Not yet.
00:47:35 Do you think?
Speaker 21
00:47:35 They will might be.
00:47:37 Who knows I'm black and.
Speaker 14
00:47:38 I don't think it's a good call.
00:47:40 Telling the police like this kind of action, I think the police want this kind of action so they can have an excuse to stop the blacks police reaction to public outcry against the so-called stop and search.
00:47:50 So all the older white people.
00:47:54 We're like, yeah, hell yeah, that's that's exactly.
00:47:57 What you should do?
00:47:58 Right. If if the people doing the the killing are black and the black people in neighborhoods where it's taking place aren't talking, no one's cooperating with police.
00:48:07 I mean, we're just none of these.
00:48:09 There's no pattern to it.
00:48:11 So people don't know how to stay safe.
00:48:13 I mean you some one minute.
00:48:14 You're just doing your laundry the next minute, some guy just busts him and shoots you.
00:48:18 You know, in.
00:48:18 The back twice.
00:48:19 You're dead.
00:48:19 It's over.
Speaker 25
00:48:21 What are you supposed to do?
00:48:24 What's the number one?
00:48:25 Thing government supposed to do.
00:48:26 It's supposed to keep.
00:48:27 The people safe.
00:48:32 But the black people are like ohh, I thought.
00:48:34 The cops they they wanted this to happen.
00:48:37 The cops wanted there to be black mass murderers of white people so they could harass black people.
00:48:47 You see why diversity isn't our strength.
00:48:58 But it gets worse.
Speaker 14
00:49:00 Church program has been definite and quick and also to the point police now have 150 more men on the streets of San Francisco.
Speaker 11
00:49:15 You see.
00:49:17 A bunch of fellow whites.
00:49:20 And younger whites, the kinds.
00:49:22 Of people that you would.
00:49:23 See at Black Lives Matter.
00:49:27 Joined with black people and started protesting.
00:49:31 These searches.
00:49:33 Remember, nothing. Nothing.
00:49:34 Bad's happening to these people getting, getting stopped and searched.
00:49:38 They're just looking for people that are walking around with guns that fit the description.
00:49:42 They're not even stopping, just everyone that's black, by the way.
00:49:44 They weren't stopping like black grandmothers and **** like that.
00:49:47 They were searching black people that looked kind of like the composite drawings that they had.
00:49:55 Now that was going to fit the a lot.
00:49:57 Of you know.
00:49:58 Young black men were going to fit that description.
Speaker 10
00:50:02 But who cares?
00:50:03 It's for the safety of the people of San Francisco.
00:50:07 And if you're a young black person in that community and you feel like you're part of that community and not some subset.
00:50:14 You would have said, yeah.
00:50:16 I want it to be safe.
00:50:19 But that's not how they see it.
00:50:20 That's not how they see it.
00:50:21 That or how they saw it then.
00:50:22 That's not how they're going to see it now.
00:50:25 That's not how they ever see it.
00:50:26 They're they're a different.
00:50:27 Community they even use.
00:50:28 The word right.
00:50:29 He's a member of.
00:50:30 The black community.
00:50:33 Notice how that's that's never.
00:50:35 They never say that about whites.
00:50:36 That's never.
00:50:37 He's a member of the white community.
00:50:39 He's a white community leader.
00:50:40 That's a white Community Center.
00:50:44 But there's Hispanic community leaders, there's Asian community leaders, and there's certainly black community leaders.
00:50:54 Because that's just the way societies divide themselves.
00:50:57 Up by race.
00:50:59 You don't believe me?
00:51:00 Go to prison sometime.
00:51:03 You don't believe me?
00:51:04 Look at churches anytime when integration is not being forced by the government, segregation naturally takes place.
00:51:20 And when you don't feel like you're part.
00:51:21 Of a wider community.
00:51:24 Like like, let's.
00:51:25 Obviously let's flip this around.
00:51:27 If there was some white guys going around murdering random black people.
00:51:32 And they made a policy of searching white guys that that fit the description.
00:51:37 Pretty sure the black community and the fellow white community, the Jews.
00:51:42 Wouldn't be up in arms and protesting.
00:51:44 In front of the the the.
00:51:46 The mayor's office.
00:51:49 But that's precisely what happened.
Speaker 7
00:51:52 The noon rally was sponsored by the Committee Against Racism, which claims the zebra stop and search operation is an attempt to start a race war in San Francisco.
00:52:01 They say it's a move which will inspire fear of blacks and justify even more harassment of minorities.
00:52:08 Maybe what?
00:52:09 What's causing the fear of blacks?
00:52:12 Is blacks going around executing white people for no reason?
00:52:17 Maybe that's what's causing the fear of blacks.
00:52:22 In fact, if anything the the search policy.
00:52:27 Should make you.
00:52:28 Less afraid of blacks because you think the cops are out there checking them out so you don't have as much to worry about?
00:52:39 And as far as starting a race war?
00:52:43 Is that a threat?
00:52:45 That kind of sounds like a threat.
00:52:51 Oh, you keep doing this.
00:52:52 We're going to riot.
00:52:54 You, you know, we have it in us.
00:52:58 Look, look, just down the street and watch.
00:53:00 You saw what happened there.
00:53:08 You don't want a situation like that do.
00:53:10 You San Francisco.
00:53:14 So this nonprofit, run by Jews and these black people.
00:53:20 And yeah, young, young white people.
00:53:23 That wanted to be cool.
00:53:26 You know that wanted to have a a black power fist on their on their profile.
00:53:33 They went in and protested against this policy.
Speaker 18
00:53:39 The workers.
00:53:52 Right.
00:53:53 It's nothing has changed.
00:53:58 Nothing has changed, but is he just listening?
00:54:00 There's a.
00:54:01 I I don't know if she's Jewish.
00:54:03 She could be.
00:54:05 A woman walking around with a sign.
00:54:09 Saying Alioto all these people with last name I I can't pronounce the night.
00:54:13 It's insane.
00:54:14 It's like everyone's got too many ******* vowels in their last name.
00:54:18 But that was the mayor.
00:54:20 Carries out Nazis, racist programs.
00:54:29 They've been calling everyone a Nazi since the Nazis.
00:54:35 So again this.
00:54:37 Things were infinitely.
00:54:38 Better in San Francisco, by the way.
00:54:40 In 19, even with all this **** going on, things were still infinitely better in 1974 than they are today.
00:54:51 So they're out there protesting, calling everyone Nazis and fascists.
00:54:57 For trying to keep white people from being murdered randomly.
Speaker 27
00:55:08 We feel it's very clear that it's a racist attempt, that people are being stopped and given.
00:55:12 Yeah, she's Jewish.
Speaker 27
00:55:14 ID cards and arrested and intimidated, and it's simply building up fear and building up the idea among white people that they need to be fearful of black people trying to build a base for us to attack on.
Speaker 20
00:55:18 That one.
00:55:31 Again, Nope, I'm pretty sure.
00:55:34 The reason why white people were worried.
00:55:38 Is because they were getting murdered indiscriminately for no reason.
00:55:44 Decapitated in some cases.
00:55:56 On April 1st, 1974.
00:56:00 Tom Rainwater, 19, and Linda story, 21.
00:56:05 Both Salvation Army cadets were shot while on their way to grab something to eat at a restaurant.
00:56:13 Only story survived the attack.
00:56:16 April 14th, Terry White, 15.
00:56:20 Who is waiting for a bus and Ward Anderson, 18, who was hitchhiking just a few feet away.
00:56:27 Were each shot twice.
00:56:30 Luckily, both of those teenagers survived the attack.
00:56:35 Two days later, in April 16th.
00:56:40 Nelson Shields, 23.
00:56:43 Was making room in a friend's car for a rug he had just purchased.
00:56:48 When he was shot in the back three times.
00:56:51 And he died.
00:56:58 But meanwhile, right, the big problem is the effect it's having on the black community.
Speaker 3
00:57:05 The calls that we have received and the responses that we've received since yesterday indicate to us that there are people who are not only being stopped once but twice and as many as three and four times and a lot of black people are incensed and very angry.
00:57:23 And put out.
00:57:24 And upset about this kind of police state that exists in the black community, the condition of the police state.
00:57:33 Creates a greater possibility of what I would view as a racial war.
00:57:40 It's very, very possible that.
00:57:45 That people will become so angered and frustrated that we will see taking place in San Francisco, a condition that we've never had to happen before, that relates to whites and blacks at war with each other.
00:58:02 So again, while blacks are murdering white people, white teenagers, young boys randomly.
00:58:10 They're the.
00:58:11 Real victims.
00:58:13 And if you keep searching us, we're going to start a race war.
00:58:20 That was the response.
00:58:24 This would make a fascinating movie.
00:58:30 I know why Hollywood never made this movie.
00:58:33 How come you're not making this movie?
00:58:35 Ben Shapiro.
00:58:37 How come you're not making this movie?
00:58:39 Glenn Beck?
00:58:42 How come nobody's making this movie?
00:58:43 This is a a fascinating story.
00:58:49 So many villains.
00:58:54 That guy in the beginning that that fought off the attacker took the gun and shot the guy back.
00:58:59 Pretty that's that's a.
00:59:00 Awesome scene right there.
00:59:11 Lots of sympathetic characters, lots of victims.
00:59:16 Completely innocent.
00:59:18 You could shoot it easily, have like a slice of life type of thing.
00:59:21 You know, follow one of these victims through the last moments of their life.
00:59:24 Just doing normal everyday things.
00:59:31 And then, blam, they're ******* dead.
00:59:36 How come no one's making this movie? How come you've never?
00:59:38 Heard of this?
00:59:39 How come I've never heard of this?
00:59:51 Well, you've heard of it now.
00:59:56 And you know.
00:59:56 That with all these white people being murdered indiscriminately.
01:00:01 Black people were the real victims.
01:00:06 And you know what?
01:00:06 Today's Conservatives would probably agree.
01:00:12 Today's Conservatives that tell you that when they're teaching critical race theory, that the.
01:00:16 Real problem with.
01:00:17 Critical race theory isn't that it's bad for whites and that it's promoting white genocide.
01:00:21 Now it's bad for black people, somehow.
01:00:24 They said the same thing by.
01:00:25 The way about affirmative action.
01:00:27 For ******* decades.
01:00:29 They couldn't just say, hey, **** you.
01:00:31 This is ******* over white people.
01:00:34 No, no, no.
01:00:35 No, no, no, no.
01:00:39 The most poetic way that it was put was Bush.
01:00:42 Of all people.
01:00:43 Well, he didn't write it, I'm sure.
01:00:46 Saying it was the the soft bigotry of low expectations.
01:00:54 Insinuating that by lowering the standard for black people that was being the real racist.
01:01:01 The Democrats are the real racists.
Speaker 25
01:01:06 The most one of the most.
01:01:07 Mind boggling only stupid things to say because first of all you should have lower expectations.
01:01:16 That's the problem is.
01:01:17 That you don't have lower expectations.
01:01:21 At least the Democrats were realistic about what to expect.
01:01:26 You just don't like their solution, but you.
Speaker 25
01:01:28 You won't just say why?
01:01:30 So you have to do some kind of ******* mental gymnastics.
01:01:33 Tie yourself into a pretzel.
01:01:36 To come up with some reason why giving black people preferential treatment is somehow.
01:01:41 Worse for them.
01:01:45 Because God forbid you stand up.
01:01:47 For your own ******* people.
01:01:53 Look at this guy.
01:01:54 His people are going around indiscriminately, murdering white people, and he's still sticking.
01:01:59 Up for him?
01:02:09 And the white Magnetar will.
01:02:10 Say ohh the balls on.
01:02:11 That guy?
01:02:12 You're saying you're saying.
01:02:13 You don't have any ******* balls.
01:02:20 You wish you.
01:02:21 Had balls like that guy.
01:02:27 He doesn't care what his people are doing.
01:02:29 He's still sticking up for him.
01:02:36 He's he's managing to flip the narrative.
01:02:41 From black people.
01:02:42 Are going around targeting whites and killing them randomly to Oh my God, it's so bad.
01:02:48 What the police are doing to black people and it's working.
01:02:59 They took the city to court.
01:03:04 And one.
01:03:10 They got rid of the policy because.
01:03:15 Being a murderer isn't as bad as being a racist.
Speaker 26
01:03:26 I haven't informed.
01:03:28 But he may have hinted or alluded to that this may be racially inspired.
01:03:34 This speed check looking for suspects.
01:03:38 I want to repeat now I don't know this for a fact, but it was said that pretty strongly that he did that and that it was strictly harassment of black people, while nothing is further from the truth.
01:03:57 But black people don't care.
01:03:59 They're the real victims.
Speaker 11
01:04:02 It's unfair because of the fact that we already oppressed, you know, banning staple type taxes at the police perpetuates against the blacks anyway, and this is just another form of expanding that perpetuation, you know, of the violent oppression that we go through over there.
01:04:19 What about the violent oppression that leads to you being shot in the back twice while trying to move a rug or doing your laundry?
01:04:32 I wonder who taught him the word Gestapo.
01:04:37 Wonder who was whispering in his ear.
01:04:43 See, whites get mass murdered black people, the real victims.
Speaker 29
01:04:50 I will stop last night behind this apparent attitude that has been laid down behind the recent killings, and I'll state emphatically that if this is Mayor alioli's attitude and I feel that me and a few others who are in the Community and have done a lot of work in the Community, he need not come to the Community.
01:05:12 So they're they're threatening race war.
01:05:15 Making sure he's not reelected.
Speaker 5
01:05:20 For two days, attorneys for two civil rights groups had argued that the sweeping stop and question program used by police to find the zebra killer violated the rights of black men.
01:05:30 Finally, a decision federal judge Alfonso Zoelly ruled that the search tactics were unconstitutional and issued a temporary injunction against them.
01:05:39 The decision came one day after Charles Barkley, head of the police department's so-called Operation Zebra, revealed that the search program had already been drastically scaled down.
01:05:49 That new guidelines would allow only for selective stops of persons resembling a sketch of the killer and acting out of the ordinary, and Mayor Joseph Alioto hearing of the judges.
01:06:00 Decision said that police would abide by.
Speaker 20
01:06:03 Simple will obey the injunction.
01:06:05 I hope the injunction has some guidelines as what can be done, and that's all we're looking for is, you know, we invited this litigation.
01:06:13 We raise the questions, talk very openly with the Civil Liberties Union about it and leaders of the black community, and we simply follow his injunction.
01:06:21 There's no problem about that.
Speaker 14
01:06:23 All units in the northern 2524.
Speaker 5
01:06:28 Meanwhile, police officials indicated that the restricted search operation initiated before the court decision would continue before the decision police cruising the city's now 10th streets had started to question and in some cases searched, nearly 600 young black men in six days. But neither that nor anything else.
Speaker 3
01:06:34 2101.
Speaker 17
01:06:41 11.
Speaker 5
01:06:47 Has so far produced a major lead to the man or men who have now killed 12 white persons and wounded six others in a motiveless spree of St.
01:06:56 David Dow, CBS News, San Francisco.
01:07:02 So they throw it out in court.
01:07:04 They're not allowed to do it anymore because.
01:07:08 Blacks are the real victims here.
Speaker 14
01:07:11 The total amount of reward money now offered for the zebra killer totals $30,000, but neither the mayor nor police are making any predictions as to when or how an arrest will be made. This is Larry Wall at the Hall of Justice San Francisco.
01:07:28 So they bumped the reward money up to $30,000.
01:07:33 And The funny thing is.
01:07:36 That's what ends up.
01:07:38 Getting someone to come forward.
01:07:42 In fact, it was one of the killers.
01:07:45 One of the killers.
01:07:47 Sold out the other killers.
01:07:49 For $30,000 and immunity.
01:07:53 So even though he was involved with mass murders, he's actually still he's still in, or if he's still alive, he's in witness protection right now.
01:08:00 To this day, he got out and he got paid.
01:08:03 He got paid.
01:08:06 April 28th.
01:08:08 1974 Anthony Harris attended a secret meeting with the mayor.
01:08:13 That led to the arrest of seven men on May 1st.
01:08:18 Just six months after the killings began.
01:08:21 The men were identified as JC Simon, 29, Larry Green, 22, Manuel Moore, 23, Dwight Stalins, 28, Thomas Manny, 31, Edgar Burton, 22, Clarence Jamieson 27.
01:08:43 And they unfortunately.
01:08:46 Kind of botched the operation.
01:08:49 And had to release.
01:08:50 Not only did they, did they pay Anthony Harris?
01:08:54 To go into witness protection and give them money.
01:08:59 But they had to release those last four.
01:09:02 That I just named.
01:09:03 So Dwight stallins or no.
01:09:06 I'm sorry.
01:09:07 Manny, Edgar Burton, or?
01:09:09 Dwight stalins.
01:09:10 Thomas Manny.
01:09:10 Edgar Burton.
01:09:11 Clarence Jamison.
01:09:13 We're all allowed to walk, even though they they all worked kind of in the same with with the same group of people.
01:09:21 There's a moving company.
01:09:22 It was like a black self help group that was tied to the Nation of Islam and they found the the gun that was used on the premises and they all they I.
01:09:32 Mean they all were.
01:09:33 Close associates, but they apparently didn't have enough evidence for those four guys for some reason.
01:09:37 So they got to walk too.
Speaker 26
01:09:44 We have an ongoing continuing investigation. In this case there is a possibility of further arrests. First of all, we have made the six arrests so far on a JC Simon 29 years of age.
01:10:00 The other is a Larry Seagreen 22 years of age. Both are charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and one of two charges of assault with deadly with a deadly weapon.
01:10:15 Because of the people who were shocked but survived.
01:10:19 In addition to that, I don't have all the details on these arrests at this time, but we've also arrested the White Stallings.
Speaker 8
01:10:23 Hi, Gary.
Speaker 26
01:10:28 A Tom Manning and Edgar Burton BORTON.
01:10:35 And they see the one that I just got a flash of manual, more manual, more.
01:10:44 And that's all we can say at this time.
Speaker 22
01:10:46 They all San Francisco.
Speaker 26
01:10:47 Thank you.
01:10:48 Yes, that I can say they were all they are all.
01:10:51 From San Francisco.
01:10:52 And they were all arrested in San.
01:10:53 Francisco, thank you.
01:11:04 The mayor tried not tried really hard to make sure.
01:11:06 That this wasn't.
01:11:09 This wasn't looked at too racially.
01:11:11 He was still afraid of that race war and ******* out the blacks.
Speaker 20
01:11:16 All deaf angels.
01:11:19 The local group appears to be a division of a larger organization.
01:11:24 Dedicated to the murder and mutilation.
01:11:26 Of whites and dissident blacks.
01:11:29 The mode of killing.
01:11:31 Yeah, I like, Kelly added.
01:11:32 Dissident blacks, even though like.
01:11:34 That there's no evidence of that.
01:11:36 But they were called the Death Angels.
01:11:39 They were part of the Nation of Islam.
01:11:43 Part of the initiation was killing a white person.
01:11:48 A white devil, a grafted snake.
01:11:53 Blue eyed devil.
01:12:00 They had a point system.
01:12:03 Based on the age, if you got a young boy that was worth more than a.
01:12:08 An older person.
01:12:14 Young women were worth a lot of money or a lot of points.
01:12:27 And again, the no movie about this.
01:12:30 No movie about the Death angels.
01:12:35 No, after school special about the Death Angels.
01:12:40 Going around targeting random white people.
01:12:42 For no reason.
01:12:45 There was no perceived racism going on in San Francisco.
01:12:51 They just ******* hated ******.
01:12:55 The Death Angels believed in in literal, explicit white genocide.
01:13:01 They were trying to start.
01:13:03 White genocide.
01:13:07 And there was reason to believe this was not.
01:13:09 An isolated case.
01:13:12 That they were not the only chapter of.
01:13:15 The death angels.
01:13:19 You know, they weren't just a a handful of young men that spontaneously decided, let's start a cool group called the Death Angels and start killing white people.
01:13:30 There were ties to the Nation of Islam mosque #28.
01:13:36 That was the name of it, I guess.
01:13:38 In San Francisco.
01:13:41 That there was an imam inside this mosque.
01:13:45 That was coordinating a lot of this stuff and trying to set up chapters in other parts of the state.
01:13:49 And other parts of the country.
01:13:54 The guy who wrote the book.
01:13:55 On this estimated that there's probably it's probably closer to like 75.
01:14:00 People that were murdered.
01:14:03 Because a lot of the people that were killed.
01:14:06 That were overlooked.
01:14:07 It was like homeless people, like in the same way serial killers kill hookers and stuff like that because they get overlooked.
Speaker 20
01:14:23 All deaf angels.
01:14:25 The local group appears to be a division of a larger organization.
01:14:30 Dedicated to the murder and mutilation of whites and dissident blacks.
01:14:36 The mode of killing is by random St.
01:14:39 shooting or hacking to death.
01:14:42 With Machete, Cleaver or knife.
01:14:47 Decapitation and other forms of mayhem brings special credit from the organization for the Killers.
01:14:52 Hitchhikers are a particular prey.
01:14:56 Our intelligence indicates that the national leader of this organization is apparently located outside the state of California.
01:15:03 And that he determines the levels of promotion in the local division.
01:15:09 The deaf angels, who use wings as an Insignia.
01:15:14 Literally earned their promotions upon presentation of proof of the number and the nature of the murders committed.
01:15:25 Again, where's why haven't you heard of this?
01:15:28 Why haven't you heard of the Death Angels?
01:15:32 This sounds like.
01:15:33 A big deal.
01:15:36 Now, upon the arrest of these the the four that they actually were able to hang on to.
01:15:43 The Nation of Islam came in and paid for the lawyer fees of three of them.
01:15:47 In fact, the only reason why they didn't pay for the lawyers.
01:15:50 For the 4th.
01:15:53 Was because he pled guilty to one of the charges.
01:15:57 And they they the Nation of Islam, said that that was basically cooperating with the enemy.
01:16:03 And so they shunned him.
01:16:04 And they wouldn't pay for his for his lawyer.
Speaker 28
01:16:13 Those who are Muslims, yes, we will defend them.
01:16:17 Because we don't believe at this time.
01:16:21 That these men.
Speaker 18
01:16:23 Are guilty.
Speaker 3
01:16:25 We will support them.
Speaker 28
01:16:30 If we find that these men.
01:16:34 Are guilty.
01:16:36 We will not support them, nor will we back them, but we don't believe these men that is locked up or guilty.
01:16:47 These men did his right.
01:16:52 So yeah, so nation is of Islam funds their defense.
01:16:57 And again this it it's thought that to be a larger conspiracy, a nationwide thing.
01:17:04 And that these kinds of murderers were taking murders, were taking place all across the country.
01:17:10 And this was just one chapter of it.
01:17:12 They stopped.
01:17:14 And it just kind of went away after this.
01:17:18 There was no widespread investigation.
01:17:24 There was number taking down of the the top guys that were coordinating this kind of stuff.
01:17:31 This was it.
01:17:35 For all we know, it's still going on today.
01:17:38 Might explain the murder rate a little bit, right?
01:17:44 And here's just a clip.
01:17:47 I couldn't find the full interview.
01:17:48 I could just find like this little snippet.
01:17:52 I think this.
01:17:52 Is the the an author of A?
01:17:55 A book on the topic just talking about.
01:17:58 How they they kind of swept it under the carpet.
Speaker 16
01:18:02 That was the channel they used.
01:18:03 They had to use a secret code because their intelligence was getting penetrated by the black Muslims.
01:18:08 There were cops.
01:18:09 And the and.
01:18:10 The police force they were tipping off the black Muslims.
01:18:14 And as all these crimes, this is what they're they all they all explode because one snitches.
01:18:21 You can't live with himself.
01:18:23 He's got pressure at the cops leaning on him about stuff he they just crack, right?
01:18:29 And they they give up the other ones.
01:18:31 So they put the one guy up in a hotel and the and the black Muslims went looking for him in that hotel.
01:18:38 So they need it there with The Dirty cops helping the black Muslims that trying to get this guy whack the witness against the guy, the witness against the other four black Muslims.
01:18:47 And you know what?
01:18:48 There's other.
01:18:49 There's other guys that were involved that were never charged and all those guys are still in Clinton.
Speaker 32
01:18:55 We we had a couple of.
Speaker 16
01:18:57 More pretty low intelligence.
01:19:00 Yeah, I mean it was, it was a panic.
01:19:03 There was nobody walking the streets in San Francisco at night.
01:19:06 Everybody was petrified.
01:19:07 There was almost a race war.
01:19:11 Former police chief writes a book about the zebra killers and he gives you inside dope on the cop who the black cop who was with the black and white tipping off the black Muslims and stuff and victims of the Super killers still meet every year at City Hall to commemorate the victims.
Speaker 8
01:19:27 Because it's one of those big crimes, you know, people know the name, but you, you.
Speaker 16
01:19:31 Really don't hear that.
01:19:32 Much about it, it's it's covered.
01:19:34 Yeah, yeah, totally.
01:19:38 Don't want to hear about it?
01:19:40 Nobody wants to hear about that kind of.
01:19:42 OK, so the zebra killers now?
Speaker 29
01:19:44 How many people do you?
Speaker 25
01:19:45 Think we're in the organization?
Speaker 16
01:19:48 Unless there's no telling, I mean, it could have been hungry guys. I mean, there could have been a hundred 200 people, but the only guys I thought were like the five guys.
01:19:57 Not the one guy.
01:19:58 What's his name?
01:19:59 I'm Archie ship.
01:20:00 I don't know what his name is, but he caught him down down in the height, the lower hate.
01:20:06 And he caught him with a gun.
01:20:08 But he didn't give up any of the other ones.
01:20:10 When the other guys gave up all the other ones, he says he wasn't involved in the one who gives up all the other ones says he wasn't involved in that.
01:20:16 She had any of those shootings and the killings.
01:20:18 But that's dubious.
01:20:21 So it could have been a is wide reaching as as hundreds of members.
01:20:27 Performing these killings across the country.
01:20:30 And you've never heard of it?
01:20:32 You never heard about that?
01:20:33 Remember that one time.
01:20:35 Those black supremacists.
01:20:37 Called the and we just got disconnected.
01:20:48 And we're still disconnected.
01:20:54 We might be back.
01:20:58 OK.
01:20:58 I think we're back now.
01:21:01 I'm going to refresh here.
01:21:04 I don't know why it's doing this.
01:21:05 Again, this is kind of frustrating.
01:21:10 Let me change the.
01:21:12 Thing here is it looping.
01:21:20 OK, we're back.
01:21:21 People are saying.
01:21:25 So as I was saying, it could have been.
Speaker 29
01:21:28 Could have been hundreds of people.
01:21:29 We don't.
01:21:29 We'll never know.
01:21:30 We'll never know.
01:21:32 Because they never investigated it, they never no one.
01:21:35 Knows about it.
01:21:38 What did it go back to the beginning?
01:21:40 What the ****?
01:21:44 Ah, no.
01:21:50 Come on, odyssey.
01:21:55 There, we're back.
01:21:56 We're back now.
01:21:59 I'll tell you guys in chat.
01:22:07 It's odyssey being a ***** ** **** now.
01:22:11 But that's all right.
01:22:12 We just finished.
01:22:13 We kind of finished up there, that's.
01:22:15 That's pretty much the zebra murders.
01:22:22 That's the zebra murders.
01:22:24 That you've never heard about?
01:22:28 All right.
01:22:29 Well, with that, let's take a look at.
01:22:33 The hyper chats.
01:22:46 All right.
01:22:53 Here we go.
01:22:57 John Skywalker surprised you didn't do a stream called Riverfront Brawl Edition, would you think that you would have have a lot to say and analyze about that?
01:23:07 You've seen the footage, right?
01:23:08 It appears those drunk white folks kicked the nest of African murder bees and got a violent reaction.
01:23:16 You would expect or get the violent reaction you would.
01:23:19 In fact, I you know, I I saw the story in the timeline.
01:23:24 I just again it's it's it's just all that stuff is is small potatoes to me it's like that's just what you need to expect to happen.
01:23:33 Right.
01:23:34 Like I don't know all the details.
01:23:35 I just I saw that like some white people actually stood up for themselves and now they might go down for hate crimes.
01:23:42 That's just what happens.
01:23:44 Right.
01:23:44 Like, remember the jogger?
01:23:46 You know that there was a guy going around stealing.
01:23:48 From people and.
01:23:50 And everyone.
01:23:51 Everyone in town knew that.
01:23:53 That's what he did.
01:23:54 It wasn't like, you know, a secret that this guy would, you know, stole from the local convenience store.
01:24:01 He'd stole **** all the time.
01:24:03 They they went to the proper channels.
01:24:05 They even got, I think it.
01:24:06 They even got deputized or something like that.
01:24:09 And you know, now they're all in jail.
01:24:12 Now they're on jail because they.
01:24:14 Tried to defend their.
01:24:14 Own community it separation is the only way.
01:24:18 The separation is the only way you're going to have to just not live around these people.
01:24:22 So when I see these stories, I I'm I'm equally as exasperated with the people that are still living in proximity with, with, with these, with these people as I am with the people living in San Francisco and saying like, oh, it's so dangerous now, I don't understand.
01:24:40 How do you not understand by now?
01:24:42 You should totally understand by now.
01:24:44 This isn't like rocket science.
01:24:47 You know, this is this is.
01:24:48 Pretty easy to figure out.
01:24:50 If you live in an area, an urban area with a lot of black people in it, it's going to be dangerous, period.
01:24:58 I mean, in a way, I did stream.
01:25:00 About it tonight, just on.
01:25:02 A much more like a much darker level.
01:25:05 Right it I I guess at least.
01:25:07 They weren't visited by the the Death Angels.
01:25:11 Right.
01:25:11 Maybe at least they're just going to jail instead of being shot in the back while doing their laundry, because the death angels.
01:25:19 Right.
01:25:23 So it's just when I see that stuff, it's not really worthy of a stream.
01:25:27 Like, that's the stuff like I'm not ******* sticks hex and hammer, you know, I'm not going to just sit there like, oh, what's big on Twitter today?
01:25:33 I'm going to talk about that.
01:25:35 Yeah, I'm.
01:25:36 I'm just gonna.
01:25:36 I'm gonna.
01:25:37 Give you my hot take about, you know, whatever headline is.
01:25:40 It's not what I do.
01:25:42 Because if you know your history, if you know things about things like the death angels, all this other **** just makes sense.
01:25:50 That's why we talk about history here.
01:25:51 This is why we talk about what happened in the past.
01:25:53 So you can.
01:25:54 Understand the present.
01:25:55 And expect to and predict rather what what?
01:25:58 Will probably be happening in the future.
01:26:02 I mean it's.
01:26:05 There's no excuse like, like I said, I'm.
01:26:07 I'm just as exasperated with people that that find themselves in these situations.
01:26:13 And like, but by no look by no fault of their own right on on one.
01:26:17 Level just like that woman in the very beginning.
01:26:20 Right.
01:26:20 Let's assume that it wasn't.
01:26:21 The well dressed white guy?
01:26:23 OK, maybe it was alright.
01:26:25 I I some I I.
01:26:27 I doubt it.
01:26:28 But let's say it was right, you know.
01:26:32 Even so.
01:26:33 Or or either.
01:26:34 Or actually, either way, it doesn't matter.
01:26:36 She didn't really do anything necessarily to make.
01:26:38 That happen, right?
01:26:40 But she did. She's.
01:26:42 She's living in San Francisco, you.
01:26:44 Know what I mean? Like.
01:26:46 I I I know that like that's not fair.
01:26:49 But life isn't fair.
01:26:52 Life isn't fair.
01:26:55 And so when people get upset, they're like.
01:26:58 Oh, why?
01:26:58 Why are you retreating?
01:27:00 Why are you retreating?
01:27:01 Out of the cities and.
01:27:03 You know, we gotta take our cities.
01:27:04 Back. Yeah. Good luck buddy.
01:27:07 Good luck.
01:27:10 Sometimes you got you gotta know when to hold.
01:27:12 Them, but you gotta.
01:27:12 Know when to fold them.
01:27:14 You know when to walk away, know when to run, all right.
01:27:19 It it's common ******* sense.
01:27:27 Unfortunately, we are on the downtrend.
01:27:31 And have been for quite some time.
01:27:32 Another thing that I'm trying to demonstrate when I talk about these these historic events.
01:27:38 You know, zoom out the graph, look where we're at.
01:27:40 I mean, the fact that in San Francisco, the mayor was saying, hey, let's, let's just start stopping and frisking black people.
01:27:47 And he could do it.
01:27:49 I mean, sure, he got fought by Jews and the courts and lost because.
01:27:52 That's just what happens.
01:27:54 But at least you.
01:27:55 Still have the ability to to.
01:27:57 To try to do it.
01:27:59 You don't even have the ability.
01:28:00 To try to do something like that anymore.
01:28:04 And when you zoom.
01:28:05 Out the graph it and and realize how different the conditions are.
01:28:12 It's it's pretty easy to predict where.
01:28:14 That trend line is going.
01:28:19 So yeah, when I and look, I don't know all the details.
01:28:22 I I just don't I I it's one of those things where I.
01:28:24 Was like oh.
01:28:25 Look another another one of these kinds.
01:28:27 Of cases, right?
01:28:29 And it just wasn't that surprising to me.
01:28:32 And and and that kind of thing just isn't surprising to me.
01:28:41 If you want to be safe, if you want to raise a family, you're just going to have to take yourself out of proximity to these people.
01:28:51 Doesn't mean you have to go to the.
01:28:52 Desert. I mean, there's.
01:28:53 Lots of places you can go.
01:28:56 Right.
01:28:58 That's just where I went.
01:29:02 And I do think at some point there needs to be some cohesion.
01:29:05 There needs to be some kind of community built and that's why, honestly, that's why.
01:29:09 But on on.
01:29:10 Twitter over the last few weeks.
01:29:11 A lot.
01:29:11 Of people are puzzled.
01:29:12 By that, purging the *******.
01:29:16 That's the one thing.
01:29:17 That's the one thing that has always.
01:29:22 I think a lot of online communities from wanting to go IRL.
01:29:26 I mean, there's a multitude of other things you gotta worry about, but like one of the big ones, quite frankly, is the *******.
01:29:37 There's just *******.
01:29:38 There's a skitzo listening to the sound of my voice, you might be.
01:29:41 That skip not, not.
01:29:42 You, Johnny Skywalker or whatever.
01:29:45 What is it?
01:29:46 Yeah, John John Skywalker, but.
01:29:48 You know, I mean like there's.
01:29:49 If someone listening to the sound of my voice right now, who's a.
01:29:52 ******* full on ******.
01:29:53 I can't ******* see it.
01:29:56 And so we need to strip away the *******, purge the *******, get down to like the normal, reasonable people.
01:30:05 And start talking about solutions, but it's a process.
01:30:11 And the first step in that process is to keep your family safe.
01:30:18 And you're not going to keep your family safe living in a big city in proximity to black people, that's just not going to happen.
01:30:26 Even like like you know, like I just.
01:30:28 Like this tonight's.
01:30:29 Stream, even if you're just doing your laundry.
01:30:33 Or in in these dock workers.
01:30:34 I don't know what the story is there, but I'm sure they were just.
01:30:36 I don't think they they.
01:30:37 Woke up that morning saying let's let's get.
01:30:39 In a fight with black people today.
01:30:43 And end up going to jail and possibly face hate crimes.
01:30:49 So you just take take that, take that situation out of the the the bag of possibilities.
01:30:57 People always say, oh, but it's so dangerous in the desert, there's always rattlesnakes and all these things trying.
01:31:02 To kill them like I, you know, I'd feel.
01:31:05 I'd feel like a way way.
01:31:07 Less of a sucker.
01:31:09 Getting killed by a rattlesnake than just doing my laundry in the middle of the night and.
01:31:14 Getting shot in the back for no reason.
01:31:21 I got like a snake hook.
01:31:24 And a snake grabber.
01:31:29 We'll start.
01:31:29 I'm going to start.
01:31:32 Instead of justice indiscriminately murdering the snakes like I've been doing.
01:31:38 I'm going to start.
01:31:39 I'm going to attempt to relocate.
01:31:41 It might be a bad idea.
01:31:44 If you never hear from me again.
01:31:49 I might have got snaked.
01:31:52 But I figured, hey, you know.
01:31:55 Most people don't do the bee thing because they're scared of bees and they think bees are gonna kill them and.
01:31:59 They can.
01:32:00 You know, they, you know, like, if you're not careful, right.
01:32:03 And I seem to be.
01:32:05 You know, taking that just fine.
01:32:06 So maybe maybe the next level is like snakes.
01:32:09 I don't know.
01:32:11 Maybe maybe that I'll become a snake handler.
01:32:14 How about that?
01:32:20 Simba regarding last stream I was so thoroughly disgusted by the outcome of the 2008 election.
01:32:26 Then I turned off the TV and never turned it.
01:32:28 On again I did not want to see or hear Obama for the next 6 years.
01:32:33 I ignored the outside world.
01:32:35 My votes for McCain and Romney, or votes against Obama.
01:32:42 And unfortunately it's like, you know.
01:32:45 It's not like we had any options.
01:32:49 It's kind of funny because if you think about what was the whole, you know, no taxation without representation, right?
01:32:55 Like that was the whole thing behind the Revolutionary War, you know, 1776, all that stuff, right. Oh, we don't want to be taxed by King George and and at least that was like the the cover story, right.
01:33:09 Was that we didn't.
01:33:11 We didn't like the taxes.
01:33:13 And now you are you really think that that your your government represents you?
01:33:22 I mean, give me a ******* break.
01:33:24 What I mean, I don't even think that there's.
01:33:27 I mean, I'm sure there's a handful, but like.
01:33:30 There's not even very many candidates, certainly not presidential candidates.
01:33:35 That represent you.
01:33:38 That you even could vote for.
01:33:39 I mean, let alone that they'd win.
01:33:46 I mean, ******* McCain.
01:33:55 I mean before that I mean, like what, George Bush?
Speaker 17
01:33:58 Bob dole.
01:34:04 I mean, even Reagan.
01:34:08 Obviously Bush senior, you know Bush CIA senior.
01:34:15 When was the last time we had a based president?
01:34:17 I mean, maybe Nixon.
01:34:18 But he took us off the gold standard.
01:34:21 I don't know how much of that was.
01:34:24 Was up to him.
01:34:27 But he also that it's so annoying cause like all these people like what?
01:34:30 What's the big accomplishment like, even like all the all the people that hate Nixon because Nixon bad, which is almost is what leads me to believe that he was.
01:34:39 Probably not bad.
01:34:42 But they'll say ohh he.
01:34:43 Opened up trade with China.
01:34:45 Ohh how that how's that working out for us?
Speaker 25
01:34:49 Good thing he did that.
01:34:50 Good thing he instead of leaving China in the ******* Stone Age.
01:34:59 He shipped, you know, not him personally, but he he made changes to.
01:35:05 Our trade policy and our economy in such a way that that that's what ended inevitably what would happen right?
01:35:11 All of our manufacturing gets shipped over to China.
01:35:13 They're now rolling in the dough.
01:35:20 And we're a shell of the ******* empire.
01:35:27 At least Nixon opened up trade.
01:35:31 With China.
Speaker 30
01:35:33 Puppy thief the.
01:35:34 Woke communists are evil and I'm sick of being terrorized by them.
01:35:37 There's no justice.
01:35:38 They have destroyed my business.
01:35:41 What should I do?
01:35:42 I pray every day.
01:35:44 Thank you, Devin.
01:35:45 Ah, well, I'd have to know.
01:35:47 We're talking about.
01:35:48 I know your business is or how they destroyed it or what.
01:35:51 Yeah, it's tough.
01:35:52 That's that.
01:35:52 That's that's another hurdle, right?
01:35:54 It's real easy for me to say, go out and, you know, leave the big cities.
01:35:59 If you're in a situation where you work for a company and you can't work remotely, I luckily a lot of people that that work for these big companies, you have the option to work remotely or at least find a position that you could.
01:36:12 Work, you know, do remotely.
01:36:14 You know, a lot of people have skills.
01:36:15 This is another reason why I'm I'm kind of railing against the I ******* hate science.
01:36:21 It's really ******* annoying.
01:36:22 It's like you're going to raise a bunch of people who are going to be redundant.
01:36:27 I mean, you're basically raising a generation of people that that this, this is the great irony.
01:36:35 OK.
01:36:36 The great irony is all these people, the I ******* hate science crowd, right.
01:36:41 They're like, oh, well, science, you know, all the scientists are liars.
01:36:45 And they they, you know, they they they're they're lefties and and.
01:36:51 Pieces of ****.
01:36:55 Well, I wonder.
01:36:55 Why that is?
01:36:57 And I wonder if you're.
01:36:58 You're just basically making that a perpetual thing.
01:37:02 By dissuading people that agree with you to get involved with science.
01:37:09 Right.
01:37:12 Like Knock knocking, the ******* toy rock out of little Timmy's hand. I mean, the space is fake.
01:37:18 Now Timmy's not going to be a scientist.
01:37:25 So now, now all the scientists are going to keep being lefty ******* lying sacks of.
01:37:30 ****, good job.
01:37:34 I'm all about homesteading and whatever, but I think that I we need to find, you know, maybe, like techno homesteading is the way to go.
01:37:44 All this magic box thinking ******** drives me nuts.
01:37:56 And don't think they're not going to come after us if we go out to the rural areas.
01:38:04 There's easy ways they can legislate you out of your rural area.
01:38:10 You got it?
01:38:11 Oh well.
01:38:13 Too bad.
Speaker 3
01:38:15 Water rights.
01:38:17 There's already places lots of places you're not even legally allowed to collect rainwater.
01:38:27 There's lots of ways they could legislate, chew out of your place.
01:38:31 And and look.
01:38:37 Abandoning science is not going to it's not going to make things any easier or.
01:38:41 Any better for anyone else?
01:38:43 But that not just science, like in the abstract, but high tech jobs.
01:38:49 It's kind of tough, right?
01:38:50 It's a tough thing.
01:38:51 I I've thought about this myself.
01:38:53 Well, you want to protect your kids from.
01:38:55 The the the Internet.
01:38:58 You don't want your kids like being raised on a ******* tablet and.
01:39:01 Being one of these psychos.
01:39:03 I don't know if you guys have seen that video going.
01:39:05 I wish I had it where like the the baby's like asleep.
01:39:08 And dreaming and and moving his hand around like he's swiping on a ******* tablet.
01:39:15 I mean, you don't.
01:39:15 I mean, that's ******* psycho ****.
01:39:17 You don't want that.
01:39:20 But you also don't want your kid to not understand technology.
01:39:27 Even even in a rural setting, there's a lot.
01:39:29 Of uses for technology.
01:39:42 I don't know.
01:39:42 Maybe that guy the other night that was.
01:39:43 Saying that we should make part of our mission, you know?
01:39:46 Colonizing the stars or whatever.
01:39:48 You know that.
01:39:49 Because there is no, there's no more place to to run to on the Earth, right?
01:39:53 There's no let's go to the new world.
01:39:55 Let's you know, take our wagons West.
01:39:57 Let's you know what?
01:39:58 Where are we going to go?
01:40:01 And yeah, that's not going to happen in our lifetimes. Maybe not even our children's lifetime. Maybe not even our grandchildren's lifetimes.
01:40:12 But eventually it's going to happen.
01:40:19 If we can.
01:40:19 Survive the coming Dark Age.
01:40:21 Eventually it's going to happen.
01:40:27 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:40:31 Ah, night train.
01:40:33 88 with the *** **** money.
Speaker 30
01:40:37 Money is power.
01:40:38 Money is the only has to defend itself.
01:40:42 Go, Julie, this *** is.
01:41:01 Night Night train 88.
01:41:05 Here's a little fun activity.
01:41:07 Check out the Section 8 public housing in your area or previous town on Google Maps and read the reviews.
01:41:16 At least in my case, it's always ***** ******** complaining about all the gunshots and the office not doing enough for them.
01:41:24 Yeah, see remove yourself from those areas.
01:41:28 I don't there.
01:41:29 There's nowhere near me that I can I can.
01:41:31 Even do that.
01:41:33 I'd have to go over 100.
01:41:35 Miles to find reviews like that.
01:41:39 So that's, that's again, maybe it'll take time, maybe it.
01:41:44 Here's the thing though.
01:41:45 I feel like most people can make the transition if it just might take time.
01:41:49 You know, it's not something you can just do.
01:41:50 Next week, right?
01:41:52 If you don't have a job that you can do remotely and you can't change to a job that you can do remotely.
01:41:59 Maybe you?
01:42:00 You work in the trades.
01:42:02 You know, maybe you're an electrician.
01:42:03 Maybe you're a plumber.
01:42:04 I mean, those sorts of things.
01:42:07 Are are things that people need in rural areas too?
01:42:11 And maybe maybe you need to take a pay cut.
01:42:14 Maybe you need to downsize your life a little.
01:42:17 Bit maybe you've collected a lot of toys that maybe you need to sell off.
01:42:24 Maybe need to drive a used car instead of a new car with a car payment.
01:42:34 Yeah, the sacrifices.
01:42:37 Will certainly have to be made.
01:42:40 But I think long term solution is just not live in proximity to these people.
01:42:46 It's only getting worse.
01:42:47 It's only going to get worse.
01:42:54 I think I finally figured out the code on the shirt that took me forever.
01:42:59 I get it.
01:43:00 I don't want to give it away, but it's about Mexicans right now.
01:43:02 Did you just?
01:43:03 Are you kidding me?
01:43:04 You just now figured out the.
01:43:08 Yeah, yeah.
01:43:10 Are you?
01:43:11 You figure it out.
01:43:12 You figure it out.
01:43:14 Yes, yes you did.
01:43:16 But let's see, I guess.
01:43:17 That's good then right cause I wanted it to be something that you could wear in public and no and no one would send you home.
01:43:23 You know you wouldn't. You wouldn't get in trouble at work or at school, maybe at work because people are smarter at work, but you can probably get away with this in a lot of places and no one's going to think twice about.
01:43:33 I try to deal with all the all the shirts.
01:43:35 I don't want to be something that if you wear out in public you you look like, you know, like a a terrorist or a psycho or something, you know, just.
01:43:45 You just you cruise right under the radar, right?
01:43:50 So yes, yes, you have figured it out.
01:43:54 White man got problems, I think or it?
01:43:57 Just says problem.
01:43:58 Expand it.
01:43:59 No it just it just says problem.
01:44:01 With the with some *** **** money also.
Speaker 30
01:44:03 Money, power, money is the only weapon that defendants.
01:44:09 Look how Julie this *** is.
01:44:28 All right.
01:44:29 Thanks for all you do, Devin.
01:44:30 Your content helps me understand how we got to the point that we're at, in particular the burns libel videos helped in helped in bringing these things up to friends and family to help them connect the dots, keep up the great work brother.
01:44:44 Well, I appreciate that and that's why I do it.
01:44:46 That's what I was just talking about.
01:44:47 This is it's important to understand history because you're not going to.
01:44:50 They're not going to teach you this in school.
01:44:52 Obviously, they're not teaching you about the Death Angels in school.
01:44:57 And you're not going to encounter that in.
01:45:01 In pop culture.
01:45:02 I mean, bring up the Death angels or the zebra murderers and pop culture.
01:45:05 Everyone's just going to stare at you blankly.
01:45:07 I've never ******* heard of it.
01:45:13 So that's why I do it.
01:45:15 But yeah, I definitely appreciate it that you you find it value.
01:45:19 And thank you for the support there, Graham.
01:45:21 Playing games really enjoy your streams.
01:45:23 Really listen live because they're late, but like to when driving to work or out places.
01:45:29 I listened to George Nori coast to coast Friday Open lines in the 2000s, sometimes more effectively creepy than horror movies when listening in bed in the dark.
01:45:38 At night.
01:45:40 I mean, I'll tell you what though, it's really gone Hill.
01:45:42 I, I I hadn't listened to coast to Coast AM in a long.
01:45:48 I I tuned it in because you can still, it's a lot of people don't realize this because a lot of people don't listen to AM radio anymore.
01:45:54 But you can get AM radio stations from all over the country at night.
01:46:00 In fact, I have to.
01:46:02 I mean, there's no AM radio station near me.
01:46:04 I can pick up AM radio stations.
01:46:09 All over the southwest, like in fact, I I can get radio stations as far up.
01:46:13 I hear there's a an AM station, Wyoming that I pick up pretty good from time to time and they have coast to Coast AM.
01:46:21 And one night when I was driving in the desert.
01:46:25 I turned on and I was like, oh, it's actually coming in.
01:46:28 OK, you know, a little buzz, whatever, but you know.
01:46:31 And he had some guy on on as a guest trying to explain to him.
01:46:38 What AI was?
01:46:42 And it was the most boomer **** I've ever heard in my life.
01:46:45 Because this guy is like trying to explain, like, yeah, I built this AI that does this.
01:46:48 And you know, you ask you these questions and it does, and he's just explaining kind of like, almost like a basic kind of chat bot sort of thing.
01:46:56 And George Nori goes.
01:47:00 The AI is it in the computer?
01:47:04 Yeah, like that was his question.
01:47:06 I was like.
01:47:07 What is it in the computer?
01:47:10 Like we.
01:47:11 No, it's it's sitting next to me like.
01:47:15 Is it in the?
01:47:15 What do you?
Speaker 24
01:47:16 Mean is it in the computer?
01:47:18 So I mean it's kind of George.
01:47:19 Nori was never as good as as our bell and they.
01:47:22 Didn't like each other.
01:47:24 But yeah, they're the spooky. I mean, look, they're all kind of obviously 90% of that show is just crazy people calling up or what? But that's that's half the fun.
01:47:32 Is listening to these crazy people call up and and telling the ghost stories and the spooky stuff, but more and more it's turning into like this crappy like self help like psychic.
01:47:43 Like every time I've I've I've tuned in at random, admittedly, so maybe it's not always like this.
01:47:50 It's like some ******* stupid, literally, always Jewish.
01:47:54 By the way, Jewish psychic that is taking calls and just doing like psychic readings, basically like it's the most.
01:48:02 Not entertaining.
01:48:03 In fact, it just makes me angry.
01:48:05 Because I'm just listening to some Jew lie to, like, some lonely old lady somewhere.
01:48:09 You know, in Middle America, calling up coast to coast and asking what you know why her life is unsatisfying and you want to just scream at her because because you're you're talking to psychics.
01:48:19 How about that?
01:48:19 For starters, you're trying to get a a psychic reading to figure out what's wrong with your life.
01:48:23 That's what's wrong with your life.
01:48:26 But then you know, just like just it.
01:48:28 Anyway, it's not.
01:48:29 It's not what it used to be.
01:48:31 You go back and find the old archived recordings from like the 90s and stuff like that.
01:48:37 Again, like a lot of it's kind of hokey, but some of it's fun just because.
01:48:42 It's interesting to see what the these people would talk about, and you had more callers cause more in in the 90s, more people listened.
01:48:50 To AM radio.
01:48:51 So it wasn't just like some weird old radio old lady in the Midwest, it was just like, you know, normal teenagers listen to it like, you know.
01:49:00 Me and and just normal people listen to.
01:49:03 It so the.
01:49:04 People calling in were of higher quality.
01:49:06 The guests were of higher quality the the host was of higher quality.
01:49:11 The the spooky Halloween ones are good.
01:49:13 It's you know, it's it's nice little.
01:49:15 I don't know.
01:49:16 I enjoy.
01:49:17 I enjoy.
01:49:20 And I think that's a good.
01:49:23 Good thing to pass the.
01:49:24 Time when you're doing long.
01:49:27 That's what I.
01:49:27 That's why I listen to it.
01:49:28 I used to do a lot of.
01:49:30 Because I had a long commute and I also just stayed up really late at night, working on even. You know, when I first got into video, I taught myself everything I know about video and 3D animation and stuff like that.
01:49:42 And especially when there wasn't a lot of YouTube comment content yet that would teach you this stuff, a lot of it was.
01:49:49 It was slow moving.
01:49:50 Trying to figure out, you know, pirated versions of software that you had downloaded with no instructions and.
01:49:57 And trying to figure out the hardware to get it right.
01:49:59 It wasn't.
01:50:00 It wasn't easy.
01:50:00 Back in the day, digital video was actually difficult to just figure out, and I would just stay up late at night, you know, listening to.
01:50:10 To ghost stories and goofy alien **** and whatever.
01:50:14 It's kind of funny now that that the.
01:50:17 In at at the time.
01:50:18 I would listen to these.
01:50:19 Stories about, you know, the government hiding, you know, covering up the aliens at area.
01:50:23 51 and all this.
01:50:24 Other stuff and I was like, yeah.
01:50:26 And I'm just like.
01:50:28 ******* aliens.
01:50:32 There's a lot of people that feel that way.
01:50:35 Colonel Edward. Anyone know of counties in Texas with? No. I'm looking to relocate there. I mean, look, Texas is, is now it's no longer majority white.
01:50:46 As of probably longer, but like officially, it's no longer majority white, so I don't even know if Texas is the right place to go.
01:50:53 I'm sure there's counties.
01:50:55 Like you're saying that.
01:50:57 Are more white than others, but.
01:51:02 I mean, it's tough.
01:51:03 It is getting tougher.
01:51:04 That's why that's why we should maybe look.
01:51:05 Towards the stars, right?
01:51:08 Look towards the stars again.
01:51:10 This is nothing that we'll see in our lifetimes, but.
01:51:14 It's fun to dream, right?
01:51:17 Graham playing games, I learned of an American general named George Van Horn Mosley.
01:51:24 He he retired before World War 2 and became controversial by being very anti immigration, anti communist and anti-Semitic.
01:51:33 He was also convinced the Japanese were being intentionally provoked to war.
01:51:38 His son was a founder of Hewlett.
01:51:41 Packard, I've never heard of him, but there was.
01:51:45 There were a lot of people who had a lot of suspicions about Pearl Harbor.
01:51:51 It's it's false.
01:51:53 Flags are not a new thing, and they're they're not necessarily even what a lot of people think.
01:52:00 Oh, it's everyone's fake.
01:52:01 It's crisis actors.
01:52:02 It's all just no.
01:52:03 Why go through the trouble of doing all of that?
01:52:06 There might be situations where that's appropriate, but why do that when it's just as easy to influence?
01:52:11 Kill people into killing each other, you know.
01:52:14 And then it's real.
01:52:15 And then you don't have to worry.
01:52:16 About it and if.
01:52:18 I think what it is.
01:52:20 Is there's a lot of people that can't wrap their head around the fact that the people at the top are willing to sacrifice their own people to, you know, like they they think it.
01:52:30 It sounds more realistic that they would use actors and fake a bunch of stuff because they can't conceive of of just.
01:52:40 The level of.
01:52:44 Or or.
01:52:45 Not even not, not even difference, I guess.
01:52:47 Like contempt.
01:52:49 That they have for the average person, and that why waste all those resources with actors and like that's just that's just that's just liabilities.
01:52:59 You know, like every one of those actors is a liability.
01:53:01 Why not just really do it?
01:53:03 You know, why not just really kill the people and then and then act like you didn't know it was going to happen and be?
01:53:09 Like, oh, we better get those Japanese.
01:53:12 So I I've never deep dived on that.
01:53:15 So I don't know you know how how realistic that is, but.
01:53:21 It's more than 0 realistic.
01:53:22 I'll tell you that much.
01:53:26 Uh, let's take it here.
01:53:28 Ohh man.
01:53:28 Other Clark Smith.
01:53:31 With the *** **** money.
Speaker 30
01:53:33 Money is power.
01:53:34 Money is the.
01:53:35 Only weapon that that you.
01:53:36 Have to do.
01:53:39 Look how Julie this *** is.
01:53:57 Clark Smith just says thanks for the midweek.
01:54:01 I wasn't going to.
01:54:02 Do them but.
01:54:04 I just felt like, why not?
01:54:06 Like I I I was.
01:54:07 I had already finished all my stuff.
01:54:10 That I was going to do today and it just felt weird to just do nothing when I could be streaming.
01:54:15 And so I decided to.
01:54:17 To stream and I and I looked into that zebra thing and and something just clicked with that woman that, you know, already explained all that.
01:54:25 So I decided that yeah, you know.
01:54:29 Maybe stream, although I am still trying to workout.
01:54:32 Interviews. In fact, there's a.
01:54:35 You guys have been requesting.
01:54:37 Or at least some people have that I team up with a particular someone and do a stream and I will say that I am in initial talks with this someone who I will not reveal just yet, but.
01:54:49 It's going to be.
01:54:50 A big stream.
01:54:51 It's going to be a long stream and it's going to **** a lot of people off.
01:54:56 It might not be the stream that you want, but it'll be the stream that you need.
01:55:01 And that's all I can say.
01:55:02 It's not going to be in the immediate future because it's going to require a lot of research.
01:55:07 And planning and logistics, but the the other party has, at least for now, agreed to do this.
01:55:18 And I think it's.
01:55:18 Going to be.
01:55:20 The most epic, uh.
01:55:23 Insomnia stream to date when it when it comes.
01:55:27 When it comes to pass.
01:55:29 So I'll have more details on that when I get them all together.
01:55:34 Like I said, it's not.
01:55:35 It's not gonna be like next week or more the week after.
01:55:37 It's probably like a month or so.
01:55:39 Uh, but it's it is happening.
01:55:42 So thank you very much, Clark Smith. Rooster had a meeting at work today where a 66 year old white Episcopal boomer bragged about his family supposedly getting a cross burned on their lawn by the KKK.
01:55:57 Because they employed blacks, had to battle to keep my mouth shut.
01:56:02 It's so sad that they're like this.
01:56:05 Imagine making up such a faking gay tale.
01:56:08 Yeah, just to.
01:56:10 Yeah, like the right.
01:56:11 Virtue signal is just as hard as the left, if not harder, and it's they're just not very self aware when they do it.
01:56:21 Two sides of the same coin.
01:56:24 Marvin Heemeyer hope you're doing well, Devin.
01:56:27 I've learned a lot from your content and really appreciate your loyalty, hard work and unrelenting commitment to our cause.
01:56:34 Well, that's that's high praise.
01:56:35 I appreciate that.
01:56:37 I've been sending your videos to many people I know IRL that have the potential to join us.
01:56:42 You are very appreciated for that.
01:56:44 God bless.
01:56:44 Well, I appreciate you supporting the cause and it's always good to hear those things.
01:56:49 You know, it makes it.
01:56:50 Makes it all worthwhile.
01:56:53 To know that you guys are out there and it's and it's and it's useful for to you.
01:56:59 White Mormon unified identity.
01:57:02 That's kind of funny.
01:57:05 Is that a thing? You.
01:57:06 Better watch out man. So.
01:57:10 First of all.
01:57:11 Someone asked me to like kind of give them the rundown of, like, the Mormon story recently.
01:57:17 You know, like what they like.
01:57:18 What their.
01:57:19 You know what their narrative is and everything like that.
01:57:21 And I had really thought about it in a long time because I've been in church in so long.
01:57:25 And so I had to.
01:57:26 Like you know, dust off the.
01:57:29 The brain cells that got filled up during seminary and all that stuff.
01:57:33 And as I'm telling, kind of like the story of the and this won't make sense to people who aren't Mormons.
01:57:38 But you know.
01:57:39 The fact that you have Nephi identity as your telegram thing, that's why I'm saying this.
01:57:45 The short version is for those who don't know, there's like a good guy tribe and a bad guy tribe in the Book of Mormon that they fight.
01:57:53 Back and forth and the the the good guy tribe, they're called neophytes, and they're white.
01:57:59 And and the bad guy tribe, they're brown like God literally curses them and turns them brown to.
01:58:04 Like so that.
01:58:05 The the good white people will see will see them and be like, oh, be careful around that guy.
01:58:11 And as as.
01:58:13 I'm like remembering this because I'm trying to explain it to.
01:58:15 This person I'm like.
01:58:18 Holy ****.
01:58:18 Like it is so racially based like.
01:58:21 It so was.
01:58:22 For so long, it wasn't until again like 1978, when everything else went to hell in a handbasket in this country.
01:58:28 And that that you know that they they changed their ways and and started allowing.
01:58:35 Everyone to join and and have all the same rights and everything.
01:58:39 UM.
01:58:41 It's so interesting that, like, how how, racially?
01:58:47 How white centric the Mormon church was up until the late 70s?
01:58:52 But anyway, you gotta watch out.
01:58:55 I happen to know that the church in the same way that the FBI is expanding their their.
01:59:05 They're anti white squads basically I for lack of a better term.
01:59:09 You know they're they're expanding all these programs that are specifically.
01:59:13 To hunt out white supremacists and all this other.
01:59:16 It's my understanding I've heard from people who are involved to some degree that they are expanding their investigations into apostasy.
01:59:27 So they're trying to find people who are strained from the narrative.
01:59:33 And getting a little, I don't know if they're just gonna start excommunicating people or whatever, but just.
01:59:39 Apparently, apparently they're looking into stuff like Mormons going off script.
01:59:45 So anyway, what's your thing here?
01:59:48 Black terrorism.
01:59:50 This is one of three black terrorism has been relentless a a relentless threat of American life since the civil war.
01:59:59 For example, August 15th will be the anniversary of the the talent Taliesin.
02:00:07 Uh, from 1914.
02:00:10 I will.
02:00:12 Open that Wikipedia link and take a look at that later.
02:00:18 At Howdy would you say that tally?
02:00:21 Talisen, I'm going to say talisen at talisen, A disgruntled African employee kills a white mother and her 11 year old son with a hatchet, chased down her eight-year old daughter, burned their bodies, then sat a nearby building on fire with six other white people inside, striking them down as they tried to escape.
02:00:43 Who would have heard of this massacre if not for the fact that a famous architect happened to be connected to the slaughter?
02:00:51 How many horrors like this one are now lost to history because the victims were just regular everyday white people?
02:00:58 It's insane what they've put us through, absolutely.
02:01:03 And like I said, there's.
02:01:04 I mean the fact that there's no movie about the ******* and even the name, right, the zebra killers.
02:01:10 I mean everything about it.
02:01:11 I mean, I I'm, I could even imagine like the the graphic treatment like the the opening credits like you, the whole black and white thing with the zebra.
02:01:20 I mean, there's so many ways you could you could make that visually interesting and make it a I mean really good story.
02:01:27 And you wouldn't have to be you the the great thing.
02:01:30 About this.
02:01:32 You wouldn't have to embellish anything.
02:01:34 You wouldn't even have to like, add stupid like they always do with Hollywood movies.
02:01:38 You know where, like they they go over the top with like the, you know, the the white racist with the Southern accent that's like, oh boy, you know, and just dragging some random black guy behind their truck or whatever.
02:01:50 You wouldn't have to like add any ********.
02:01:52 Stories or characters you could just tell what happened.
02:01:56 You could just literally tell the story exactly.
02:01:59 As it happened that it would be.
02:02:01 People would think it was fake.
02:02:02 That it it it would be so brutal.
02:02:04 They'd be like this is kind of unbelievable.
02:02:07 Yet here it is.
02:02:09 But yes, you're absolutely right.
02:02:11 Appreciate the support there.
02:02:13 My cute.
02:02:14 Little friend Democrats.
02:02:16 Are the real pedophobia?
02:02:18 Yes, absolutely.
02:02:20 That is, that will be that will be part of the look you.
02:02:23 Don't believe me?
02:02:26 It's happening faster than I thought.
02:02:29 I posted this on telegram.
02:02:31 Probably many of you have seen this.
02:02:34 Let me.
02:02:37 Let me pop this up here.
02:02:53 I mean, I didn't.
02:02:54 I didn't.
02:02:54 Think first of all that it would be Dennis Prager, of all people, that would go this hard at.
02:03:00 At normalizing pedophilia so fast, especially you know AI pedophilia, which is of course, you know, that's how they're they're going to, that's the that's the 1st way that they'll that's how.
02:03:10 They'll get their foot in the door.
02:03:14 Because the argument for for *******.
02:03:18 Against child *********** is that well, it's abuse of the children.
02:03:24 They can't just say no.
02:03:25 You're a ******* pedo getting the pit.
02:03:28 They say, Oh no, it's the so alright.
02:03:30 Well, that's easy.
02:03:33 Luckily, Jews are are are well equipped to perform the necessary mental gymnastics to fight their way out of that wet, wet paper.
02:03:42 And they have. This is Dennis Prager's take.
02:03:47 On whether or not it's bad to **** *** to.
02:03:53 AI child ****?
02:03:54 Because there's no, it's.
02:03:55 It's a victimless crime.
Speaker 24
02:03:58 Would you, would you?
Speaker 18
02:03:59 Use the word evil of animated child ***********.
02:04:01 Because I certainly would.
Speaker 14
02:04:01 No, I can't.
02:04:02 I no, I would use evil only with behavior.
02:04:05 That's where we might differ.
02:04:06 Forgetting the sex.
Speaker 8
02:04:07 This issue you can't be evil.
02:04:10 You didn't do evil.
02:04:11 If you thought evil, you did evil.
Speaker 3
02:04:12 If I'm ************ to animated pictures of *********** I'm not doing.
Speaker 18
02:04:12 If you've committed.
Speaker 12
02:04:15 Something evil that's.
Speaker 14
02:04:16 Yeah, I think that's, I think that's despicable, yeah.
Speaker 15
02:04:19 Really. Yes, of course.
02:04:37 So yeah, it's already happening.
02:04:39 It's already the Democrats are the real pedophiles.
02:04:43 Already happening?
02:04:47 And and Conservative, Inc is it?
02:04:49 That's that.
02:04:50 They've they've taken the first step.
02:04:53 Into that eventual.
02:04:58 Oh, it's fine.
02:04:59 You're not hurting anyone.
02:05:03 So that's that's going to be the angle they take.
02:05:05 They're going to say that generating AI child **** at first, they might even say I I feel like that the way they'll reason that they're, you know, through the legal process and and.
02:05:16 Get it to where?
02:05:20 Get on board with this because the the all they need is like the the the legal explanation as to why it's totally fine and the I think what they'll do is they'll they'll come at it with the angle of it's it's preventing child abuse.
02:05:34 You know, because what you're doing now is you'll have all these pedophiles that that now, instead of victimizing children, they're just jacking off to AI child ****. And no one's getting.
02:05:48 And so it's totally fine.
02:05:50 It won't have any negative impact on society that you'll have your next door neighbor regularly jacking off to AI child ****.
02:06:01 And I'm sure that won't generate any safety issues for your children, that your next door neighbor.
02:06:08 Is regularly jacking off to AI child ****.
02:06:11 I'm sure that that no negative effects on society, as Dennis Prager said, it's just thoughts.
02:06:18 It's just thoughts.
02:06:25 So yes, it's already it's it's, it's.
02:06:27 Arriving faster than I would have thought.
02:06:30 And I suspect that it would come pretty quick.
02:06:33 My cute little friend, have you seen the animated movie Sausage Party 2016? The plot resembles exactly what Jews did to white people. You know, I saw parts of it.
02:06:44 And not sure I was back ******* Cheryl.
02:06:47 Oh my God.
Speaker 16
02:06:49 What do you what?
Speaker 14
02:06:50 Do you want churro?
02:06:55 Yeah, I'm a let him in.
02:06:56 I've been letting them in.
02:06:57 And just if if he fights classified cat, which happens often, then you know it happens.
02:07:04 So hang on one SEC.
02:07:05 I'm going to go just so he stops ********.
02:07:09 Let me let me do this.
Speaker 17
02:07:37 Thank you.
02:08:04 Radio. Alright, I'm back.
02:08:07 OK.
02:08:10 And of course, the second I let him in classified the cat came in.
02:08:13 He's in attack mode.
02:08:14 He's got, like the anyone who knows cats knows the the the up to no good angle of the ears.
02:08:22 It's almost like they're like a jet that's about ready to get a mock speed, and the the wings fold back kind of a thing.
02:08:28 So if you hear a can't find, you'll hear a can't.
02:08:31 I'm just I'm trying to.
02:08:32 I'm trying.
02:08:32 To make this work.
02:08:35 OK. Where are we at?
02:08:38 Sausage party.
02:08:39 I saw clips of it, and it just looked degenerate and it.
02:08:43 Kind of looked.
02:08:45 Like they were trying to make a like because I look obviously they say it's rated R it's not for kids, but it's clearly designed to where you know a lot of kids are going to want to watch it.
02:08:57 And there's a lot of ******* sex jokes.
02:08:59 And just just it's just degenerate Jewish nonsense.
02:09:03 All the stuff that.
02:09:04 I saw.
02:09:05 Then it's going to appeal to children and I.
02:09:07 And so it's just, you know, I didn't watch the whole thing.
02:09:11 I just assumed that the whole thing was.
02:09:12 Had, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do like a a white genocide theme.
02:09:19 Somewhere in there, Boggle says.
02:09:22 Finally, listen to your romance edition.
02:09:24 Your comments on flat Earthers and cute tarts could just as easily be applied to Christianity or other religions in general.
02:09:30 I'm not saying I don't believe in a creator, but.
02:09:33 Young Earth miracle magic, talking snakes and other Jewish supernaturalism is.
02:09:39 Well, here's the difference though. The difference is Christianity and and European identity. Whether you like it or not, has gone hand in hand for centuries, and you can say, yeah, if you go back, you know, 1000 years or more than we were pagans or whatever it a lot of white excellence was a product of.
02:09:59 Christianity and it's not incompatible with being a logical reasonable person.
02:10:05 A lot of these scientists that have had these great breakthroughs and created these great technologies and done many of the great things that our people have accomplished were Christ.
02:10:18 You know, in fact, a lot of our best architecture or our architecture is a is Christian architecture.
02:10:28 You know the, the, the.
02:10:29 The great cathedrals and everything else.
02:10:31 And you know it's it's not the same thing to say.
02:10:40 I believe in this Mystic like let's say it's.
02:10:42 All made-up.
02:10:43 Right.
02:10:43 I believe in this mysticism that that.
02:10:49 Gives me a set of values.
02:10:51 A simple, easy to understand set of values that I can pass on to my children.
02:10:57 I can break down these very complex.
02:11:03 Social issues and you know the just the the way I should behave and and and I can break them down into a into these into these parables that are easy to understand even for low IQ people.
02:11:17 The other important thing you know is that.
02:11:21 Feeling there's some kind of authority attached to it, right?
02:11:24 That it's not just like, oh, this is the way I should live, because some philosopher guy.
02:11:28 No, it's that a God, you know, like a an all powerful being came up with these rules and that's gonna that that matters a lot more to people than just oh, I I wrote.
02:11:39 I wrote this philosophy.
02:11:40 You know, like Stefan Molyneux, I wrote this philosophy of what?
02:11:44 And so that sort of a thing.
02:11:46 It doesn't bother me.
02:11:47 I don't.
02:11:48 And I don't see the the connection like other than like you said, there are some Christians that are exactly what you're talking about that deny everything that's scientific whatsoever because it conflicts with their understanding of of of, of the.
02:12:04 Their interpretation of Christianity conflicts with science, even though, like I said, like a lot of these scientists that have come up with these theories that they're so upset by have either been come up, have have been developed by Christians, or wholeheartedly embraced by Christians for a long time.
02:12:22 And it's never been a problem.
02:12:24 And so yeah, when you get these people who these fundamentalists that read the Bible as if it's it's, you know, literal then yeah, you, you you run into people that have a hard time interfacing with with the modern realities that conflict with a lot of the things that are literally written.
02:12:48 So anyway I I I don't.
02:12:51 I don't.
02:12:52 I don't **** on Christians or anyone that has a belief system if they really believe it, that isn't anti white.
02:13:00 You know, if they practice it in a way that's anti.
02:13:02 White and I think Flat Earth is anti white and I think Q Anon is anti war.
02:13:09 Then yeah, then, then there's a problem.
02:13:12 You know, there's a.
02:13:12 Problem and the.
02:13:13 Reason why flat.
02:13:14 Earth and Q Anon is anti white is I guess is different for each one Flat Earth.
02:13:21 Just to really boil it down to something really basic is it's it's purposely ignoring.
02:13:29 Basic realities?
02:13:31 Well, I guess it's not different than you and not in that respect.
02:13:33 It's pretty much the same thing.
02:13:36 And and and so and it's also like I said, with the science stuff, you're basically guaranteeing that the left will have a monopoly on science because you're telling your kids that science is fake and gay.
02:13:47 So they're not going to grow up to be scientists and you know some ******* atheist ******* that wants to genocide whites is going to be in charge of, you know, the next Anthony Fauci isn't exactly going to be some right wing guy.
02:14:03 You know, I mean.
02:14:04 So uh.
02:14:07 That's that's my issue with it and queuing on is the same thing.
02:14:10 It's it.
02:14:10 It just teaches you to be delusional.
02:14:12 It teaches you to be passive and wait for some kind of Superman to take care of all your problems, and you be like, oh, that's Chris.
02:14:19 You gotta.
02:14:19 No, absolutely not.
02:14:21 Christianity tells you that God helps those that help them.
02:14:25 Right.
02:14:26 Like God isn't there to like, swoop in and and like again.
02:14:29 There's there's certain Christians where that's.
02:14:31 That's correct.
02:14:31 And I've always thought that that's not like a new thing.
02:14:33 I've always thought, like the prosperity pastors, you know, like the the, the Mega Church types that those guys have always been a ******* cancer and they've been around forever, right, that that those people have.
02:14:46 Always been a ******* cancer.
02:14:48 All the, all these ******* low IQ people that are, you know, sending checks into some televangelists and and, you know, the the modern versions of that, which are a little bit different but.
02:14:57 Much, it's those people have always been a cancer, but that doesn't mean that there's something intrinsically wrong with with Christianity.
02:15:08 And so I I just, I reject that, that that they're similar like that.
02:15:12 I hope they explain that that in a way that made sense.
02:15:18 Ramel, thanks for your work also fagots he says.
02:15:23 Yeah, there weren't a whole lot of fagots.
02:15:24 In the stream fagots.
02:15:27 But there should be the.
02:15:28 Other thing too is just.
02:15:29 It's not even that.
02:15:30 Like you know.
02:15:31 You wanted to be a scientist in the next crop of scientists, going back to the last guy.
02:15:35 Just basic things, right?
02:15:37 Like I know, like not everyone understands why I think Ham radio is important in a grid down type situation.
02:15:44 It should should make sense to to most people though.
02:15:48 But that's something that you're not going to be very capable at if you think the earth is flat, you're not gonna be.
02:15:52 To do it.
02:15:53 Because you're, you know, you're not going to be able to point your antenna anywhere useful and and just some of the basic things but understanding propagation.
02:16:01 And it's not looking.
02:16:02 That's not just that it's there's all kinds of things that are tied to to all, all kinds of disciplines that are tied to just basic physics.
02:16:10 And if you're ignoring the the.
02:16:12 The tenants of like, if you're, if you're saying gravity isn't real and you know it's just magic hocus pocus ****, then I mean, come on.
02:16:21 Like like how can you be expected to even be a reasonable person?
02:16:24 And moreover, you're going to if you're if you're so bad at interpreting the world around you.
02:16:30 That you're that you're miscalculating something as basic as the shape of the earth based on your observations, because that's the thing.
02:16:38 That's the big hang up.
02:16:39 They always.
02:16:39 Say, oh, well, I don't trust.
02:16:41 The scientists you think I'm trusting scientists to figure out if the word world is around, you know? No, this is my own personal observations that have led me to.
02:16:51 To that understanding, and so if you have the access to the same observations that I do and you're coming to a ludicrous.
02:17:02 Position like that, you know, like if you're ignoring all kind and they do like when you when you refute whatever stupid meme that they post in response to your argument and and and they don't acknowledge when when you show them how they're wrong, they don't even they they just move on to the next meme like they they never say.
02:17:21 Like, oh, I guess I got that one wrong, but what about this?
02:17:24 No, it's.
02:17:24 Never that they they.
Speaker 10
02:17:25 Just without.
02:17:26 It without blinking an eye.
02:17:27 They're just.
02:17:28 Like Oh yeah, well.
02:17:28 What about this video and you're like?
02:17:31 So OK, I get it.
02:17:32 So random YouTuber doesn't fake videos or get it wrong, but like all the videos NASA makes are fake because reasons, you know like.
02:17:39 Like for, for some.
02:17:41 For people that claim to be skeptical.
02:17:44 They they sure aren't very skeptical of random people on the.
02:17:48 So it's just there's there's a whole lot.
02:17:50 Of things that go along with that.
02:17:51 And just being able to navigate.
02:17:55 You know the world, and if you like the basic like, what's the first step of that is?
02:18:00 That's understanding at least the.
02:18:03 The size and shape of it, you can't even figure out then how can I expect you to to have a good grasp of.
02:18:08 Anything else?
02:18:10 Whereas if look if you believe in in Christianity and that's your, you know that I don't feel like that's.
02:18:18 I don't feel like that's a problem anyway, Ramel thanks.
02:18:22 Or did that one?
02:18:23 Abra commandant.
02:18:24 Hey, Devin.
02:18:25 Blacks in general are just dysfunctional and an evolutionary dead end.
02:18:29 Funny how the black problem only got worse after the end of the Second World War.
02:18:34 The West importing these savages on a mass or on mass.
02:18:38 In the 50s, here in Europe and now they just invade European shores and American borders.
02:18:45 Yeah, you know, here's the I don't even think they're.
02:18:47 They're not like an evolutionary dead end.
02:18:48 They're just they.
02:18:50 Their evolution has been.
02:18:54 Right.
02:18:55 Because what?
02:18:56 Uh, see, This is why I understand evolution.
02:18:59 Not just being like, one of these people that thinks that, you know, God waved the magic wand and and suddenly we just existed.
02:19:07 You have, like, these.
02:19:08 These are the sorts of things that you're preventing.
02:19:11 You're prevented from understanding.
02:19:13 It's not that they're an evolutionary dead end, it's just that all the pressures have been taken away.
02:19:19 Right.
02:19:19 They're basically all the things that would have made them evolve and and become smarter and and and better and more effective human beings.
02:19:30 It it was.
02:19:32 It was, you know, those pressures have been taken away as they enter modern society, so they still have all those savage attributes.
02:19:39 Let me.
02:19:40 Hold on.
02:19:40 ******* sure.
02:19:41 Oh, God dammit.
02:19:43 Hang on buddy. Ohh Jesus.
02:19:46 Yeah, I I got to put.
02:19:48 Hang on.
02:20:04 How much money?
02:20:17 Much money.
02:20:17 OK.
02:20:20 Man, he's he.
02:20:22 What are those cats called the true looking cats?
02:20:26 And they they are talkative cats, they he does not shut up.
02:20:29 It doesn't matter if he's happy or mad or whatever.
02:20:31 He's always.
02:20:34 Anyway, he decided he didn't want to be in here anymore, so I had to put him back outside or not outside.
02:20:38 But his little.
02:20:39 ******* cage thing.
02:20:42 Where are we at?
02:20:46 That end, yeah, if.
02:20:47 They if we'd left them alone, you know, like the the Star Trek Prime Directive.
02:20:52 If we'd left them alone and allowed them to to to go on their evolutionary path, I don't think they would.
02:20:57 Just stop evolving.
02:20:59 They would just evolve way differently, maybe much slower because of the environmental factors.
02:21:06 But yeah.
02:21:08 I think it's been artificially ****** with, and so they're going to be, you know, 50,000 years behind or so.
02:21:17 Let's take a look here, Radu, where the death wish movies inspired by this kind of events.
02:21:24 Have you seen them?
02:21:26 And do you think they have anti white propaganda in them?
02:21:30 Are you talking about?
02:21:31 The well, what was that guys name?
02:21:36 He was like an action movie guy in the 80s and.
02:21:40 I know, I know what you're talking about.
02:21:43 Like Charles Bronson.
02:21:45 Is that his name?
02:21:45 I think that's what I think.
02:21:46 That's right.
02:21:48 The guy that looked, I mean, his hair cut and mustache were very 80s looking.
02:21:54 I you know, I.
02:21:55 I remember them being on TV.
02:21:58 When I was younger and.
02:21:59 My dad liking those movies.
02:22:03 But they just looked old and kind of low budget to me, so I never really.
02:22:07 I never really paid attention to my dad.
02:22:09 My dad, like Charles Bronson movies.
02:22:12 That's, you know, who knows?
02:22:13 Maybe that.
02:22:14 Would be something to.
02:22:14 Take a look at.
02:22:16 I could see I could see it being or wait.
02:22:19 Are you talking about that?
02:22:19 Are you talking about the Clint Eastwood?
02:22:23 Clint Eastwood, the the move those movies were based on.
02:22:26 No, I think you're talking Charles Bronson, but the clean E 1 ones that were based in San Francisco, those were more about the Zodiac killer than than than this.
02:22:37 Radu videos from Mr.
02:22:41 Imhotep were suggested to me by YouTube.
02:22:45 This guy believes that the Nubians are at the root of all civilizations.
02:22:51 His videos are all very annoying, but more annoying are comments like.
02:22:55 They should make a movie Netflix show about this African.
02:23:00 Those guys deserve the pit.
02:23:02 Yeah, I'm not sure who you're talking about, but I do know I'm pretty sure the hoteps at least, are very much.
02:23:08 We were.
02:23:09 We was kings.
02:23:11 They think that they they were the Egyptians and and everything else.
02:23:19 Yeah, a lowly scribe in God's army.
02:23:22 I hope you were able to do a series about the Freemasons, or are able to do a series on the Freemasons some.
02:23:28 Today it's interesting that they self segregate by race.
02:23:32 The black Masons join the Prince Hall Masons.
02:23:37 Yeah, I I know very little about Masons and.
02:23:43 I I I maybe that's the thing, maybe I'm that's the that's the whole point, right?
02:23:48 I can never figure out is is it, are they really still influential like they used to.
02:23:53 Be, or at least how people view them.
02:23:56 You know, having been influential and and maybe they're just so good at being secretive that no one really thinks about them being.
02:24:05 As influential as they are, I don't know.
02:24:08 I don't know.
02:24:08 I don't have the answer to that.
02:24:09 And I it that because it is a secret society, it's really hard to get real, you know, realistic information about them.
02:24:17 You can get certain things about it.
02:24:19 You know you can get, you know, people have snuck cameras into some of the.
02:24:24 The rituals and things like that and and you can get morals and dogma by Albert Pike.
02:24:31 And in fact I got that on the bookshelf behind me.
02:24:34 And so you can kind of read up on.
02:24:37 How they view the world and and some of this stuff is is is in the in the public now, but it it's much harder to determine.
02:24:49 How that?
02:24:50 Plays out in real in the real world, right?
02:24:53 Like, OK, they have all these beliefs and secret handshakes and whatever, but how much of that's actually still going on?
02:24:59 I don't know.
02:25:00 Maybe it is.
02:25:02 Maybe it is.
02:25:05 Paleo Trad paleo trad.
02:25:10 Uh, you got you.
02:25:11 Got three there.
Speaker 8
02:25:13 Cash flow checkout.
02:25:20 I'd like to return this duck.
02:25:23 The anti Jew Catholic St.
02:25:25 of the week is Saint John of Capistrano, the scourge of the Jews who, when it was learned that the Jews killed Christian children and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament, put some 40 Jews to death by burning at the stake.
02:25:44 One even hanged himself rather than face.
02:25:48 I think you can face it or face good St.
02:25:51 John's wrath.
02:25:53 Let us pray.
02:25:55 Good Saint John of I don't.
02:25:58 I don't want to read.
02:25:59 I feel weird about.
02:25:59 Reading a prayer.
02:26:01 Like that's.
02:26:02 I feel like that's almost like I'm reading like.
02:26:04 Some magic spell or.
02:26:05 Something like, but I'll tell I'll tell.
02:26:07 I'll read it this way, quote.
02:26:11 We implore thee to protect us from the perfidious Jew, the enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, as the agents of the Devil, have gained control of our country, we implore thee to pray for us, for protection against the.
02:26:27 Jew and put.
02:26:29 To flight all other enemies of Christ.
02:26:34 So there you go.
02:26:35 Linked to Jew Encyclopedia giving a biased version.
02:26:38 Of it, there you go.
02:26:39 Yeah, I I think that's that's another thing like the the previous guy that was mentioning the the role of Christianity.
02:26:46 And I think that.
02:26:47 The the bad rap that it gets because of a lot of.
02:26:51 Well, because of the direction that Christian well the I guess the current state of Christianity in the West and.
02:26:56 The direction that it's going in.
02:26:59 Is is not good, but they forget the the historic Christian figures throughout the years that have actually been very beneficial and and in service of their people.
02:27:13 I don't know anything about this guy you're mentioning, but he sounds like maybe he.
02:27:17 Was one of them.
02:27:19 Banana pilled police use Zulu for Z in the phonetic alphabet, but not zebra.
02:27:26 There's been cases, but Zulu is universally used.
02:27:32 Yeah, they were.
02:27:33 It wasn't like a radio call.
02:27:36 They just called it.
02:27:37 They had to pick up a name for it and they were like, well, we're using the Z channel, it's called Zebra.
02:27:42 But they weren't like, it's not like you.
02:27:44 Know alpha zula.
02:27:44 Beta, you know, like it wasn't like that.
02:27:46 It was just.
02:27:50 Because the channel started with AZ.
02:27:53 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:27:55 Have you ever done or will you ever do an OJ Simpson breakdown?
02:27:59 Interesting case all together where blacks went full out saying he's not guilty?
02:28:07 I've talked about it, but I've never gone over the case in detail that might that might be worth it.
02:28:12 I mean, I don't know.
02:28:14 I don't even.
02:28:15 I wasn't really old enough to follow it when it was happening.
02:28:18 So I mean, I I remember it being on because like, how could you know it was on everything like that's all all the adults were talking about all the time.
02:28:25 So there's, you know, as a kid, you didn't really know it was.
02:28:28 I didn't know.
02:28:28 Honestly, I didn't really know who OJ was.
02:28:31 And I just knew ohh some black guy and like a white Bronco. And you know, I mean, I didn't know what the **** was going on, but I remember the response. And I remember enough about it. I remember like, you know, ohh Mark Furman bad because he said or something like that. And you know, I know like all the pop culture type things because it was just so repeated over and over and over again.
02:28:52 But I've never really looked at the facts of the case because.
02:28:55 You know, I think it was like in grade school or something when that was happening.
02:29:00 Uh, where are we at here?
02:29:04 Jenny, I think.
02:29:07 I was living in San Francisco about 15 years ago when I first read about the Zebra murders, I thought it was crazy that I had never heard about them before since I read a lot about true crime, the gritty San Francisco of the 1970s reminded me of The Dirty Harry movies.
02:29:23 Yeah, well, that again that that's also the Zodiac killer type stuff.
02:29:28 That's why dirty hair.
02:29:30 There was a lot of just ****** ** **** in the 70s, I.
02:29:32 Am not I'm this is not a metaphor.
02:29:35 I'm this is really not a metaphor, I really think.
02:29:40 Something happened in the 70s that that opened up the gates of Hell.
02:29:46 Something happened in the 70s where everything just like.
02:29:51 Like the tolerance for evil was just tuned down.
02:29:54 To a minimum.
02:29:56 And evil was just kind of allowed to enter the world unopposed.
02:30:01 And now, well and now it it's running things.
02:30:05 So yeah, it's it's.
02:30:08 I'm surprised I've never heard of it either.
02:30:10 You again.
02:30:11 That's make a great movie.
02:30:12 Make a great book.
02:30:14 I'm sure that book was really interesting if you read a book.
02:30:16 About it.
02:30:17 Damn Bigfoot.
02:30:18 Why weren't blacks giving Jewish slave owners last names?
02:30:22 Was it because they wanted to hide their involvement by handpicking Anglo names for them?
02:30:28 You never hear of a Jamal Goldstein.
02:30:31 Why weren't blacks right?
02:30:34 Why weren't blacks given Jewish slave owners last names?
02:30:39 I don't know.
02:30:40 Yeah, I don't know how that process went down.
02:30:43 I would imagine to some extent.
02:30:46 They would be.
02:30:48 They would be.
02:30:50 It wouldn't.
02:30:50 Not so much that it would.
02:30:52 I don't think that it would be so much that Jews wouldn't want you to know that they owned slaves.
02:30:57 I think it would be more along the lines of.
02:31:00 How dare you have a Jewish, you know, because the Jewish narcissism, right, like they like they would. How dare a try to take a Jewish last name, you know, I mean like, I feel like it'd be more like that. It'd be it'd be more of a thing where they they wouldn't want you to have their and look a lot of Jews. I don't think there was a lot of gold stains that stayed.
02:31:20 Old stain when they when they came to America, so maybe they did and they just dealt their last names that were were anglified and who knows.
02:31:30 Yeah, I I don't.
02:31:31 I don't know how all that went down.
02:31:32 I've heard, you know, I remember as a as a kid being told something along the lines of a lot of slaves took their their masters last names when they because they didn't have last names or whatever.
02:31:42 So when they.
02:31:43 Were freed, but I don't know how much truth there is in that and I don't know if that's just like a.
02:31:50 You know, like an old wives tale kind.
02:31:51 Of a thing or not?
02:31:54 Andromeda, thank you for another great show.
02:31:56 I appreciate that, Rying HH, he says HH I can't figure.
02:32:03 Like is that Hulk Hogan?
Speaker 3
02:32:04 I'll Hitler, *****.
02:32:07 Banana peeled.
02:32:07 Hey, Devin.
02:32:08 Have you seen that fake alien invasion in Peru?
02:32:11 There's videos on Twitter coming out and they're.
02:32:14 Yeah, I look, the accounts that are that are pushing that are are.
02:32:20 Are ********, OK?
02:32:25 Uh, I mean, I cause I saw something and I looked for news reports about.
02:32:31 An alien invasion in Peru I was like, are they?
02:32:33 Is there?
02:32:34 Are they really trying to fake an alien?
02:32:36 I I mean, it sounded ridiculous they would try to fake an alien invasion in Peru.
02:32:40 And I I'm coming.
02:32:40 Up with nothing.
02:32:41 It's all everything that I'm seeing about this are are from these, these engagement, farming Twitter accounts that are that just we don't Q level nonsense.
02:32:51 All the time I haven't seen anything about.
02:32:56 You know anything on the news that's that's even remotely mainstream.
02:33:03 I'm not a pancake ****, but I'm trying to get more perspective on this ********.
02:33:09 I can find the link, but I'm sure you are someone who.
02:33:13 Can provide it.
02:33:14 Without me posting, but what about the alien stuff?
02:33:18 I mean, I don't know.
02:33:18 And if I just search Twitter for.
02:33:21 For aliens in Peru, I'm sure stuff.
02:33:23 Would come up.
02:33:25 Well, is there like is there like video?
02:33:27 Like like I said I just saw.
02:33:29 I saw people tweeting about it, but the accounts I saw tweeting about are are the kinds of accounts that tweet about all kinds of nonsense.
02:33:35 So I just figured, OK, well, it's probably not even.
02:33:38 It's just, you know, some telegram channel or someone started posting stuff about aliens in Peru.
02:33:47 Peru aliens.
02:33:50 Here we are.
02:33:57 Yeah, this is honestly.
02:33:58 This just looks like chupacabra type.
02:34:00 ****, you know.
02:34:03 Like this is just.
02:34:08 This is just ********.
02:34:11 Third World country ex file type stuff.
02:34:19 I'm trying to find just like a basic.
02:34:33 Yeah, I don't know.
02:34:34 That's The thing is all these videos have like, no source.
02:34:38 These videos are just like look.
02:34:41 Alien in Peru.
02:34:42 Look guy with a skull face.
02:34:45 OK, there's a.
02:34:49 The skull face thing.
02:34:51 Has a reader's note saying that the this video originated on Reddit, surprised about two months ago, and is not related to the recently reported events in Peru.
02:35:03 I can't.
02:35:03 I can't find like the.
02:35:07 Is there any, like news report that's in English?
02:35:09 What's this?
02:35:13 Why is there no audio here?
02:35:16 OK.
02:35:17 See, this is a problem is none of these things have audio.
Speaker 33
02:35:19 Breaking news.
02:35:20 There are multiple reports and videos coming out of the country of Peru in which villagers are stating their village was attacked by aliens.
02:35:29 This is footage from one of those villagers who claims to have captured an alien on film.
02:35:35 Take a look and tell me what you think.
02:35:45 They sound like ******* Ewoks, man.
02:35:48 Like angry ******* Ewoks.
02:35:52 Yeah, I mean, I don't know should.
02:35:53 I play the footage.
02:35:56 I have to download it here.
02:35:58 I think someone zoomed it in or something.
02:36:03 Alright, let me let me try.
02:36:04 To get this footage here.
02:36:07 I mean, I think it's fake and gay, and I don't.
02:36:08 I think that this sort of thing.
02:36:11 I don't think this is related to what you're seeing going on in Washington.
02:36:14 This sort of a thing just pops up from time to time at a third world countries, all of a sudden they think that like there's the chupacabra or aliens or or something's attacking them, you know.
02:36:25 And it always ends up being, you know, ******** or something.
02:36:30 But let's take a look.
02:36:31 Let's take a look.
02:36:39 You download this.
02:36:43 So I can play it.
02:36:47 See if we got Peruvian.
02:36:52 Peruvian aliens taking over the world.
02:36:58 I wish there was a Peruvian pan flute version of this.
02:37:03 *** **** it only.
02:37:03 Do it.
02:37:07 The old fashioned way.
02:37:15 The truth is out there.
02:37:19 Alright, let me see if this will play.
Speaker 16
02:37:24 Here's video footage of the alien or aliens that are attacked.
02:37:28 I like that voice.
02:37:29 Alright, let me let me make.
02:37:30 This pop up here.
02:37:39 Alright, why is that not working?
02:37:47 And there's the spooky alien guys.
02:37:53 Blurry, spooky alien footage in Peru.
02:38:05 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:38:13 For all I.
02:38:13 Know it's just.
Speaker 28
02:38:16 I mean.
02:38:16 It could even just be.
02:38:18 Psychological like.
02:38:21 Yeah, you.
02:38:22 You always.
02:38:22 We always find out about these PSYOPS that the intelligence agencies deal and other third on Third World countries to test out their weapons and stuff.
02:38:30 It could even be something like that.
02:38:31 It could be some weird like.
02:38:33 Psychological slash holographic I don't know, but what I don't know.
02:38:38 Stuff like this comes out from time to time.
02:38:40 It usually ends up just becoming, you know, goes away.
02:38:42 It's a hoax or something.
02:38:46 Dork Tron.
02:38:48 Why doesn't someone make a movie about this?
02:38:50 How realistic would it be to set up a decent studio with talented like minded people?
02:38:55 Able to put out a music to put out music shows, movies, etcetera.
02:39:00 Hosting monetization would be possible with crypto.
02:39:03 We need good entertainment, lots of base people can't get work except gay ****, you know, even for like a low budget movie.
02:39:11 You're talking multiple millions of dollars to make it good.
02:39:15 And that's that's just the way that it is.
02:39:17 And then the the hardest part is going to be.
02:39:21 Trying to find actors like actually talented actors, actors will make or break a ******* movie.
02:39:27 That's why they get paid so much.
02:39:28 As much as we hate them, that's why they get paid.
02:39:31 So much because you know if if if you.
02:39:34 Get bad actors. It's *****.
02:39:36 Without the *******, and no one wants to watch that, it's just.
02:39:39 Like, you know, bad.
02:39:41 Acting well, I mean, in fact, if good acting.
02:39:45 You can get away with having.
02:39:46 Bad production.
02:39:47 If you've got good acting.
02:39:49 You know that that's that's the that's I think what a lot of people overlook, especially film students.
02:39:55 You know they they go way over the top with the cinematography and you they usually get it wrong but you know they get super artsy whatever.
02:40:01 And then the acting so *******, painfully bad I can't even pay attention to the shot because I'm just like.
02:40:07 And staring in disbelief at how bad the acting is.
02:40:12 So that's The thing is you need to find people that can actually act and you have to have the money because anyone that's actually good at acting is going to not want to be participate in your project.
02:40:22 And because it'll, it'll make it so they can't get work.
02:40:25 In Hollywood.
02:40:26 So that's that's the problem is you have to have a big enough right wing.
02:40:31 Film industry to where you'll attract good actors.
02:40:37 And you know that's that's going to be tough.
02:40:40 That's easier said than done.
02:40:43 But if you had a few million, you could do it if you.
02:40:45 Had a few million.
02:40:46 You could do it.
02:40:49 Paleo Trad for the guy that wanted demographic data, a heat map.
02:40:54 There's a couple links.
02:40:56 Also, greatschools.com will give demographic data by school districts, so there you go. The guy that was looking for a good county in Texas.
02:41:06 There is best neighborhood.org/race dash in Dash, Texas.
02:41:13 And demographics.texas.gov/geographies/maps/interactive old.
02:41:23 Sterling hello from Scotland.
02:41:26 Land of the Muslim leader who hates white people.
02:41:30 One minute long.
02:41:32 Where have?
02:41:33 Where have you visited?
02:41:34 In Europe, what was your?
02:41:35 Experience keep up the good work.
02:41:38 Is this?
02:41:38 I mean, is this that Scottish Prime Minister or, you know, Muslim Prime Minister guy, that's?
02:41:47 I'll pop it up.
02:41:47 Why not?
02:41:47 We already got it.
02:41:48 Kind of playing over here.
Speaker 10
02:41:51 That 99% of the meetings I go to, I'm the only non white person.
02:41:55 In the room.
02:41:56 Yeah, this.
Speaker 10
02:41:57 Why are we so surprised when the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by those who are white?
02:41:58 We've all seen this.
Speaker 10
02:42:05 Take My Portfolio alone.
02:42:07 This is the guy that's in charge of your country now, Scotland.
Speaker 10
02:42:09 What Lord Justice Clark?
02:42:11 White every High Court judge white, the Lord Advocate White.
02:42:16 That's Lister, General White, the chief constable white.
02:42:19 Every deputy chief Constable white.
02:42:22 Every assistant chief Constable White, the head of the Law Society, White head of the Faculty of Advocates, White every government.
02:42:26 How dare you?
Speaker 10
02:42:32 Not just justice.
Speaker 14
02:42:47 Problem solved.
02:42:51 Devin, where?
02:42:53 Uh, where am I visiting Europe?
02:42:55 I've been to Germany barely.
02:42:58 I've been to London.
02:43:00 I've been to other parts of England and I've been to Scotland.
02:43:04 My dad lived in Scotland for a couple of years.
02:43:09 Before I was alive.
02:43:12 In fact, he he used to, I don't.
02:43:14 I doubt he knows a.
02:43:15 Lot of it now.
02:43:15 He used to know Gaelic.
02:43:19 I've been to Ukraine, which I mean is kind of Europe.
02:43:26 And I've been.
02:43:27 Where else would I have been?
02:43:28 I think that's all.
02:43:30 You know, I haven't.
02:43:31 Done a lot of Europe.
02:43:33 You know, most of my travels have been in the United States, Canada.
02:43:38 And you know this part of the world.
02:43:40 So Mexico, you know, so I haven't done a lot of.
02:43:44 Yeah, I haven't.
02:43:45 I haven't been across the Atlantic that much.
02:43:48 I've never gone across the Pacific.
02:43:52 Arbor commandant.
02:43:53 Hey, Devin.
02:43:54 At least affirmative action got overruled.
02:43:56 Liberals say it's a tragedy because if we don't have the affirmative action, then no black man can make it in university because they don't have the capability.
02:44:05 It's funny how you can see a glimpse that even the liberal knows Blacks can't succeed.
02:44:09 Yeah, of course they know they're more honest about it than the right has ever been.
02:44:13 Or at least you know the mainstream.
02:44:17 Now of course they they only admit it in these contexts.
02:44:23 And and if you were to actually confront them with it, they would come up with something about.
02:44:27 No, no, they're not.
02:44:28 It's not that they're not succeeding because they're black, they're not succeeding because of oppression.
02:44:32 You know they would come up with some nonsense dogma that they had memorized, that that in the same way that, you know, the right wing Maga, people have their own little mental gymnastics that they do.
02:44:44 But at least they're somewhat honest and and pursue policies that they think will will even the playing field, so to speak, cause that's that's that's their obsession, right?
02:44:54 Their obsession is equality of outcome.
02:44:57 And and so that, you know, they see the inequality there, that of outcome and they might not.
02:45:05 You know, on a conscious level recognize the whys of that, but I think on on the level they get it and I don't think that it's really 100% going away. I guarantee you universities will find.
02:45:19 Ways of sidestepping this and you know there'll be more court cases and whatever, we'll see.
02:45:25 Pheno Hungarian imperialist one time I saw an ad ad on BitTorrent of all things for an upcoming Seth Rogen project.
02:45:34 I couldn't tell you what the project was because the entire 10 minute video was taken up by Rogan telling people to smoke weed and not have kids.
02:45:44 I've not seen that video so, but I'm not surprised at all.
02:45:49 Damn Bigfoot Bible says blacks receive curse of ham.
02:45:55 Hopefully that's not the curse of Ham radio, so if you believe in Bible or evolution, they're right. Either way is dumb. Well, look.
02:46:09 Yeah, and Mormons.
02:46:10 Believe in that too.
02:46:11 Like they thought that the like blacks were black because.
02:46:15 It was the mark of Cain or or something, right?
02:46:18 Like God was, like, literally marked them so that you would know.
02:46:22 Oh, stay away from those guys and quite.
02:46:24 Frankly, I think that when things like that are written in the Bible.
02:46:30 Look at you think that it was any different back then?
02:46:34 You think 2000 years ago that the people living in the Middle East when they encountered black Africans didn't have similar problems that you have today?
02:46:47 When you're in proximity to black Africans.
02:46:50 I mean, so the cautionary tale.
02:46:55 Of of God, marking them as a warning to others.
02:47:00 You know.
02:47:05 It makes sense, right?
02:47:08 All right.
02:47:08 We got uh.
02:47:10 Arch Stanton.
02:47:13 Arch Stanton.
02:47:16 Let's see here.
02:47:17 Where'd it go?
02:47:18 Where we go.
Speaker 18
02:47:21 Why is money management?
02:47:25 That's the rest.
02:47:27 Thank you.
02:47:28 Our stint that I probably missed it, but did you ever do a stream on American history?
02:47:32 X saw it again recently, and the story is so ridiculous black guy in prison goes out of his way to befriend Neo Nazi and he suddenly cool with blacks and Zog.
02:47:43 Yeah, I I've never done a stream.
02:47:45 On it just because I didn't think it was really.
02:47:47 And there was a time when I was doing a lot of these.
02:47:50 Movies from the 90s and stuff, and I think like four other ******* YouTube tubers.
02:47:56 Like covered it and either did videos or did streams and I just.
02:48:01 You know, I I I don't want to make yet another one.
02:48:05 And I never saw what.
02:48:07 I didn't watch theirs.
02:48:08 I try not to watch.
02:48:09 Other people doing that cause.
02:48:14 I just don't I.
02:48:15 Just don't like.
02:48:15 To watch other people are doing that.
02:48:18 And so the.
02:48:20 The It's just it's one of those movies.
02:48:23 They just feel like it's so obvious that, I mean, it's it's directed by what?
02:48:27 Isn't it like 2?
02:48:28 Like Jewish brothers that that made that movie.
02:48:31 It's like the.
02:48:33 The one thing that does irritate me is everyone that tries to make memes out of that movie.
02:48:38 As if it's some kind of based movie and it's just like, no, this is very I I saw when I was younger and it.
02:48:44 ****** me off.
02:48:45 I've always been Pearl white.
02:48:47 Right, like not to the maybe the extent and maybe not the way that I I understand it now, but I've I've never for a moment hated my own race.
02:48:58 And I've always been very sensitive to when a movie is, is, uh.
02:49:06 Subtly jabbing white people.
02:49:09 I've always been very sensitive to that and when I watched that movie many years ago.
02:49:17 In fact, it might have been so long ago that I saw it on VHS or something like that.
02:49:21 I I remember hating it for that very reason.
02:49:24 Colonel Edward the Death Wish movies are definitely anti white.
02:49:29 The bad guys would always be a multiracial gang of rapists and their leader would always be a white guy in every movie.
02:49:37 Well, there you go.
02:49:39 Kozlowski rocks, Suffolk County, New York, 82%. White is playing up the happy ***** Police commissioner who rode into town 1 1/2 years ago to solve the decades old Gilgo beach serial killer murders. He and the DA have done several interviews.
02:49:58 Where the theme is that the corrupt cops of yore failed, and this black man is a hero.
02:50:07 I don't.
02:50:08 I'm not familiar with that case.
02:50:10 So I'd have to look into that, the Gilgo beach serial killer murders.
02:50:16 Yeah, I'm.
02:50:16 I'm not familiar with that case.
02:50:20 Comfy chair Blacks picked their own surnames when they were freed and in typical black fashion they picked the surnames of the most prominent Americans, AK, mostly the most popular presidents at the time, AKA Jefferson, Washington, Jackson.
02:50:36 Yeah, that would make sense and that's why they name their kids, like Porsche and Mercedes and things like that.
02:50:41 That makes sense, checks out.
02:50:44 Hammer thorazine.
02:50:45 In case it wasn't mentioned, it has been five years already.
02:50:48 Today, EFS in the chat for Richard Sky King Russell.
02:50:56 That's true.
02:50:58 That is true.
02:51:00 Rest in peace, king.
02:51:02 Let's have a moment of silence.
02:51:05 For Richard Sky king.
02:51:15 All right, in fact.
Speaker 2
02:51:19 You know a.
02:51:19 Lot of people don't realize why they call them Sky King.
02:51:24 Sky king.
02:51:27 Got his name from 4 Chan and 4 Chan used the term Sky King.
02:51:35 Because there used to be, well, there still are actually.
02:51:40 Periodically there on on shortwave radio, there have been military broadcasts that no one has quite over the years like they're kind of like number stations in a way, but we know they're originating from the United States military in some way, shape or form.
02:51:58 And the way that the broadcast start.
02:52:00 As it goes, Sky King, Sky King and then they read off a bunch.
02:52:03 Of numbers or whatever.
02:52:06 And when that would happen?
02:52:08 There would be all these threads started on 4 Chan saying ohh Sky King you go to this web SDR in the Netherlands or whatever and you can listen to the Sky King and all these, you know autistic ******* would be sitting there trying to decipher the sky King stuff.
02:52:24 A lot of people have no idea that that's that's how the name.
02:52:28 So you know when this guy came up, it was it was already a term that was used.
02:52:34 I'm trying to find.
02:52:37 Trying to find a recording of it so you can hear what the hell I'm talking about, Sky King.
02:52:46 Yeah, here we go.
Speaker 9
02:52:50 Sky King Sky King Janet answer MB5 time 3/8 authentication UG I say again.
02:53:01 Sky King Sky King do not answer MB5 time 3/8 authentication UG. This is main sell out.
02:53:15 So there you go.
02:53:17 That's Sky King on.
02:53:19 8.992 megahertz.
02:53:23 Upper side band.
02:53:25 That was from.
02:53:28 March 6th or 16th of 2015. So these these kinds of threads were were always popping up because they they, you know, the the idea was when when you'd get these kind of broadcast.
02:53:42 Then something was going down.
02:53:43 **** was going down.
02:53:45 And nothing ever went down South.
02:53:49 What those broadcasts are, I have no idea.
02:53:52 I have no idea.
02:53:55 So alright.
02:53:58 There you go, guys.
02:53:59 I think we've come to the end of tonight's.
02:54:03 Broadcast hope you enjoyed the the Death Angels.
02:54:10 I'll have a stream on Saturday and I'm going to be doing.
02:54:14 An interview with someone this week.
02:54:16 I just still haven't been able to figure out the I haven't.
02:54:20 Got all you know, we haven't got the the dates all squared away and in the times and everything, but that'll be coming out soon and I'll let you guys know when that's going to happen.
02:54:30 And then, like I said, there's a.
02:54:32 Big one coming up.
02:54:33 Very much.
02:54:36 Very much requested.
02:54:38 As a guest, but this is going to be A tag team kind of a.
02:54:43 Stream and like I said it it's gonna make it's gonna make some people mad.
02:54:47 It's going to make it, but it has to happen it.
02:54:49 Has to happen.
02:54:52 And that's all I'm going to say about that.
02:54:53 All right, guys, hope you all have a a good evening.
02:54:56 Thanks for showing up here and and supporting me.
02:54:58 I really do appreciate that more than you know and I'll see you guys.
02:55:01 Next time for black pill.
02:55:03 I am of course.
02:55:05 Ohh wait, hold on, big Man said he got charged for super chats, but they didn't show up.
02:55:12 Let me look.
02:55:18 I don't see a big man anywhere in here.
02:55:29 Not see it.
02:55:35 Still scrolling still scrolling still scrolling.
02:55:39 Tell you what, big man.
02:55:41 I know there's a delay.
02:55:43 Just say it, just say whatever.
02:55:44 It is.
02:55:44 I'm I'll.
02:55:45 I'm watching the chat.
02:55:48 And I'll see if.
02:55:50 I said I know there's a delay, so just say whatever it is that you're.
02:55:54 I'll take your word for it.
02:55:59 In the meantime, let's listen to.
02:56:01 Sky king.
02:56:03 Ready for some sky king?
Speaker 31
02:56:06 All stations, all stations.
02:56:10 This is woodland, woodland breaker or upper crust 4 upper crust.
02:56:21 Come on, big man.
Speaker 31
02:56:22 3EUJ.
02:56:22 We're waiting.
02:56:28 Yeah, we know.
02:56:28 We know you don't see.
02:56:29 This it's fine.
02:56:30 Just say it.
Speaker 31
02:56:31 R3EUJD stand by.
02:56:43 I don't care if it was over.
02:56:44 Just say it, dude.
02:56:45 If it's.
02:56:47 What is it?
02:56:47 He said it was over an hour ago.
02:56:49 I don't care.
02:56:49 Just say what it is.
02:56:51 I believe you.
02:57:02 Come on, big man.
02:57:09 Run out of time.
02:57:10 I'm just going.
02:57:11 To close her out.
02:57:16 OK, here we go.
02:57:17 Nazi Dice asked us to pray for him a couple of months ago was asking if anyone had heard from him.
02:57:26 Oh, that's right.
02:57:28 There's a couple.
02:57:28 Of people missing.
02:57:29 Have you noticed ******** ****** hasn't been around for?
02:57:31 $1.00 lately.
02:57:34 Nazi Dice did say something.
02:57:37 About that it wasn't super long ago, and he did say he'd be gone for a while, didn't he?
02:57:49 Anyone in chat know the answer to that?
02:58:04 OK.
02:58:04 People say he's he's still around.
02:58:06 All right, cool.
02:58:07 Well, we have confirmation.
02:58:08 The Nazi dice is fine.
02:58:10 Alright guys.
02:58:11 Well with that, I'm going to go ahead and take out or take off here.
02:58:14 Hope you have a good rest of your week and I'll see you here on Saturday.
02:58:19 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 25
02:58:24 Devon stack.
Speaker 9
02:58:25 Sky King Sky King cannot answer MB5 time 3/8 authentication UG. I say again Sky King Sky King do not.
02:58:37 Answer MB5 time 3/8 authentication.
02:58:44 UG, this is main sell out.
Speaker 32
02:58:50 Anthony Harris informed San Francisco PD of a radical Muslim sect called the Death Angels.
02:58:57 They attained heaven by killing whites.
02:59:00 They had their own point system for each type of white they killed.
02:59:06 The death Angels called whites blue eyed devils and grafted snakes.
02:59:12 They believed that whites had been created by a black evil scientist named Yako.
02:59:17 Some people even think that nationwide, that black on white jihad camp numbers in the hundreds and.
02:59:22 May still be going on.