

Speaker 2
00:00:00 Man, what a swine telling you this.
00:02:06 I said shut up.
00:02:07 It went bang, I said wrap up.
00:02:10 The guy must do his work.
00:02:14 I said, he said.
00:02:15 Captain, I said what he said, Captain.
00:02:18 I said what?
00:02:34 It's a lifetime.
00:02:35 Twice a day if you don't work.
00:02:38 You get no pay.
00:02:40 I've been to.
00:02:41 The West, with the guzzle like Monster, the once on trips.
00:02:44 Well, how are you?
00:02:51 Put your.
00:02:54 Captain, I said what he said, Captain.
00:02:57 I said what he said, Captain.
00:02:59 I said what he said, Captain.
00:03:02 I said what you want.
00:03:13 And captain, I said what he said, Captain.
00:03:16 I said what he said, Captain.
00:03:19 I said what he said, Captain.
00:03:21 I said what you want.
00:04:01 He said.
00:04:02 Captain, I said what he said, Captain, I said what he said, Captain, I said what he said, Captain, I said what you want.
00:04:21 Send cats in, I said what he said, Captain, I said what?
00:04:27 What he said, Captain, I said what you want.
Speaker 4
00:05:07 I don't want no foreign bricks to take my job away from me.
00:05:13 My tax dollars pay their ransom.
00:05:15 Would they do the same for?
Speaker 3
00:05:17 Me now.
00:05:18 I don't.
00:05:19 I don't want it in my home.
00:05:21 I don't.
00:05:22 I don't want to buy me.
00:05:27 Sat here with some person.
00:05:34 They got nowhere to go, so let it.
00:05:37 I don't want them around.
00:05:38 So let them go.
00:05:40 I don't want to be the best.
Speaker 4
00:05:48 Paying on the deep blue sea pieces here.
00:05:53 And they're from them.
00:05:54 Far from my country now.
00:06:00 That you want to find you.
00:06:08 Thank you.
Speaker 3
00:06:12 They got nowhere to go.
00:06:21 Let's meet the fish.
00:06:25 Beat the fish.
00:06:27 The fish beat the fish and take that ******* flesh to the fish.
00:06:38 I was very surprised to learn.
00:06:41 That band was Canadian.
00:06:46 How relevant that song is now for those of you who didn't hear the lyrics.
00:06:52 He's talking about foreigners coming into Canada.
00:06:57 And he says let's bomb the boats, feed the fish.
00:07:05 Pretty based for.
00:07:06 Canadian I think they came out in uh I.
00:07:08 Don't know.
00:07:10 80s back when Canada was salvageable.
Speaker 6
00:07:18 Ohh alright.
00:07:22 So we have a we got a.
00:07:24 Little bit of a.
00:07:26 We have another movie to review.
00:07:29 Last time.
00:07:31 I'm sorry.
00:07:31 Well, First off, Devin Stack here in 70 string.
00:07:34 Yeah, yeah.
00:07:35 I almost said.
00:07:36 Yadda yadda can't do that.
00:07:37 I gotta.
00:07:38 I gotta deprogram that Jewish subversion from my brain.
00:07:42 The yeah, I didn't have a.
00:07:44 Stream Wednesday.
00:07:46 Because I was driving thousands of miles and I mean there was multiple thousands. It wasn't just 8000, it was multiple thousands of miles.
00:07:56 Nevada is a big state.
00:07:59 That's all I'm going to say.
00:08:00 Nevada is ******* huge.
Speaker 6
00:08:03 It's like it never ends.
00:08:05 That never ever, ever ever ends.
00:08:09 Oh God anyway.
00:08:12 So last time I streamed, we went over the one of the gayest movies in the world, certainly the one of the gayest movies I've ever.
00:08:21 Seen, if not the gayest.
00:08:24 This time.
00:08:26 I don't know.
00:08:27 I don't know.
00:08:28 I don't think it's like any one.
00:08:29 Thing, there's a little bit of this.
00:08:32 And a little bit of that.
00:08:34 But it was also a movie that one of you guys suggested.
00:08:37 And I took a look.
00:08:38 At it and.
00:08:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:08:45 Well, let's just, let's just hop right into it.
00:08:47 All right, shall we?
00:08:54 An American Carol.
00:08:56 Now I actually remember when this came out. This came out, I think 2007, 2008.
00:09:02 And I remember thinking.
00:09:05 This is going to be cringe.
00:09:09 This is going to be super gay and lame because every time conservatives try to.
00:09:15 Make a movie.
Speaker 6
00:09:16 It's terrible.
00:09:18 And I didn't even bother watching it because everything about it, it just you could tell it was going to be bad.
00:09:25 So first of all, it was 2008.
00:09:28 And it was done by the same guy who did, like the airplane movies and the the what was it the?
00:09:40 The slapstick stuff with what's his nuts now.
00:09:44 See now and I should have brought.
00:09:45 Let me bring this back up.
00:09:47 I should have had this ready.
00:09:54 Let's just put.
00:09:55 It this way.
00:09:56 It's made by this guy.
00:10:04 David Zucker.
00:10:07 David Zucker, who, yes, early life check obviously Zucker do we even have to look?
00:10:14 But the thing about David Zucker?
00:10:17 And assuming, let's just assume for a second, let's assume for a second.
00:10:23 That he was really trying to make a right.
00:10:25 Wing let's not just let's not be judging guys.
00:10:29 Let's not be judgy.
00:10:30 Let's let's ignore for a moment that his his latest credit is working on the movie literally called Mossad.
00:10:37 All right, let's let's hold on for.
00:10:39 A second, OK.
00:10:43 Let's ignore that.
00:10:44 Pretend we don't know that.
00:10:46 Pretend we're back in 2008.
00:10:49 Before we you.
Speaker 7
00:10:50 Know we we.
00:10:51 Know any of?
00:10:51 This stuff OK.
00:10:55 And justice think it's David Zucker, David Zucker, who's made, you know, movies against this 2008, and he's made such great movies like airplane, Kentucky Fried movie.
00:11:10 The naked gun that was the one.
00:11:11 I was trying to think of.
Speaker 6
00:11:14 You know, those weren't even funny.
00:11:15 When they came out.
00:11:17 And then to top it off.
00:11:20 You realize?
00:11:22 That they cast.
00:11:26 Kevin Farley.
00:11:29 You know Chris Farley's, you know, the dead, Chris Farley's brother.
00:11:36 Hollywood's already tried to do this.
00:11:41 When John Belushi died and they tried Jim Belushi.
00:11:47 It's it's like when Kermit, like when, when, when Jim Henson died and Kermit started sounding wrong.
00:11:57 So I already knew it was going to be bad in the very beginning.
00:11:59 I was like.
00:12:00 OK, it's going to be a conservative movie.
00:12:01 It's done by.
00:12:02 A guy who's done a bunch of movies that weren't really that funny.
00:12:05 When they came out 20 ******* years ago.
00:12:09 They got dead Chris Farley's brother.
00:12:13 Like no one's gonna notice, no one's gonna notice that. It's not Chris Farley. He looks close. He's close. It's almost Chris Farley.
00:12:23 And then, because it's overtly right wing, because right wing people don't know how to make ******* subtle content at.
00:12:30 All, they just don't know.
Speaker 6
00:12:31 How to do it?
00:12:33 They don't know how to do it.
Speaker 6
00:12:35 No one's going to ******* watch it.
00:12:40 And no one did.
00:12:41 The budget was 20 million ******* dollars.
00:12:44 And to this.
00:12:44 Day and this is including like all the.
00:12:47 You know any money that might have made from streaming services and and it's it's they've only made 7,000,007.
00:12:54 Off of a $20 million budget in 2008.
00:13:06 Conservatives don't know how to make media.
00:13:09 That's not so overtly conservative that no non conservative would even think about watching it.
00:13:19 You know you're reminded of.
00:13:20 You want a perfect example of this kind of a thing.
00:13:25 There's, you know, you guys are going to.
00:13:27 Be familiar with this.
00:13:31 I am just going to pull up.
00:13:34 A random.
00:13:37 Ben Garrison.
00:13:39 You know Ben Garrison, the conservative.
00:13:42 Comic book or comic artist, right?
Speaker 6
00:13:47 And look.
00:13:48 His art's.
00:13:49 Not that bad.
00:13:51 His cartoons aren't even that bad, but what does he do?
00:13:54 What does he do?
Speaker 6
00:13:57 And bring this up here.
00:14:00 What does he do?
00:14:03 He ******* labels everything.
00:14:07 He labels everything.
00:14:11 He can't let the picture tell the story.
00:14:19 He labels every single ******* person, every single ******* thing.
00:14:24 In the comic.
00:14:28 Right.
00:14:28 Let me let me try.
00:14:29 Let me zoom this crap in here.
00:14:40 Look at that.
00:14:42 9th Circuit Schiff, Hillary.
00:14:45 Oh oh, crazy old Cortez Acosta struck Mueller.
00:14:51 Maxine Waters impeach Omar Rosenstein.
00:14:55 It's like.
00:14:59 If you have to label every ******* thing.
00:15:02 You're smashing A sledgehammer over the head.
00:15:05 Of the viewer.
00:15:06 And this is what conservatives do when they try.
00:15:09 When they try to do art.
00:15:12 Again, people say the left can't mean no, the right can't mean.
00:15:17 Now the fringe right, right.
00:15:20 The the dissident right.
00:15:21 Whatever the people that that we're the people that are banned from going to.
00:15:26 Mainstream white events.
00:15:29 Yeah, we can meme.
00:15:31 That's why they ban us from everything, so no one can see it, but anyone that actually has the ability to reach audiences.
00:15:39 They ******* suck. So anyway.
00:15:41 Again, that's that's assuming that's assuming.
00:15:46 And Mr. Zucker here.
00:15:50 Mr. Zucker.
00:15:54 That's assuming we we we think he's.
00:15:55 Really trying to make a right wing movie, right?
00:15:58 And that his his latest project.
00:16:02 Literally called Mossad.
Speaker 6
00:16:05 Then we don't know that then we we.
00:16:06 Don't know that.
00:16:08 We don't know that that you know it's.
00:16:10 Just you know, it's just.
00:16:11 It's a coincidence.
00:16:12 No big deal.
Speaker 8
00:16:14 All right.
00:16:16 So let's hop into it.
00:16:20 So this movie opens.
00:16:21 Up and it's it's so again it's.
00:16:23 So ******* heavy.
Speaker 9
00:16:24 Send it.
00:16:26 In the background you got sweet home, Alabama playing.
00:16:30 You have all these white conservatives hanging out.
00:16:33 The token black kid in.
00:16:35 The back riding his bike.
00:16:36 You know, just to make sure you know that they're not racist.
00:16:38 There's there's like a.
00:16:39 Couple black people peppered in there.
00:16:43 Everyone's having a good time.
00:16:44 They're grilling.
00:16:47 Growing like the like, boomers are are known to do.
00:16:51 They got the kids all happy.
00:16:54 And Grandpa comes over to tell them a story.
00:16:59 As you might be able to tell.
00:17:00 From the title of the film.
00:17:03 It's structured just like a A Christmas Carol.
00:17:08 And it's just.
00:17:10 You know, it's just really super gay. Instead of the Christmas Carol. So he starts telling the story and the story starts out in Afghanistan again, 2008.
00:17:25 The the very few people who rush.
00:17:27 To go see this movie.
00:17:29 Had no idea.
00:17:32 In 2008 that we were going to be in Afghanistan another 13 years and then?
00:17:37 Flee with nothing to show for it.
00:17:41 Now the same there, there there is it's.
00:17:44 It's interesting that they do jokes in this film that look, they weren't that funny then.
00:17:51 And the only reason why they might be even kind of amusing now is you.
00:17:56 Wouldn't be able.
00:17:56 To do this joke, even in a crappy conservative movie, and have it play at any theaters.
Speaker 9
00:18:09 The only moment, Sir?
Speaker 7
00:18:11 Yes, of course.
00:18:12 Stuff like that.
00:18:13 So it's a lot of.
00:18:14 It's like Boomer, dad jokes the.
00:18:16 Kinds of you.
00:18:16 Know like look.
00:18:21 Again, mainstream conservatives also can't be funny.
00:18:25 So they they rig up a suicide bomber.
00:18:30 And they make a joke.
00:18:31 About him ******* up and and.
00:18:33 And then you get to this little gem.
00:18:36 The terrorists walked down and you know, because the Americans, they're spreading democracy.
Speaker 6
00:18:42 The Americans are spreading democracy to Afghanistan.
00:18:45 It's just going so well.
00:18:48 And they hate they hate.
00:18:50 They hate the.
00:18:50 Freedom that the Americans are giving the Afghan people.
Speaker 10
00:18:55 What's going on here, huh?
00:18:57 What are?
Speaker 11
00:18:57 You people doing?
Speaker 2
00:18:59 Why are you voting in this infidel election?
00:19:01 Because we want democracy.
Speaker 9
00:19:03 Freedom elect the president, who will be accountable enough.
00:19:12 Oh, it's so kind of stings.
00:19:15 Kind of stings, doesn't it?
00:19:17 They want democracy, so they have a president that's accountable.
00:19:21 There's so many ways that this just.
Speaker 9
00:19:25 What in the name of Allah?
00:19:26 Are you doing?
00:19:26 Don't worry, I'm not voting for president, but I do feel strongly about.
Speaker 13
00:19:29 Proposition 12A.
Speaker 7
00:19:30 Marriage should be between a man and a woman.
00:19:34 Oh, it also hurts. It also hurts knowing that in 2008.
00:19:39 That was something that was an issue in America.
00:19:43 And uh, yeah.
00:19:45 Wasn't decided by a vote, was it?
00:19:49 So that an immigration we need the guest worker program so that the Mexicans can do the.
00:19:53 Job the Taliban won't.
00:19:58 Oh yes.
00:20:00 The days of talking about a guest worker.
00:20:02 Program instead of justice.
00:20:05 Opening your borders and justice, letting everybody in.
00:20:10 Oh, those are simpler times, right?
Speaker 10
00:20:16 We must resist them at every turn.
Speaker 9
00:20:18 Leader, we're not strong anymore.
00:20:20 Ever since the Americans came, people have hope.
00:20:22 Now they are voting, women owned businesses.
00:20:25 Ohh, the the Taliban's not strong anymore.
00:20:30 Ever since the Americans came, everyone's voting Afghanistan's just going great. There's women owned businesses, guys.
00:20:45 And it gets so much worse.
00:20:47 This is just.
Speaker 6
00:20:48 This is just like the opening scene.
00:20:50 All right, so basically what happens is these terrorist guys say that they need to find a better propagandist like their propaganda movies aren't very good, and so they need to find a director that will direct a good Taliban movie for him.
00:21:09 And they decide on.
00:21:14 Dead, Chris Farley's brother.
00:21:17 Who's playing Michael Moore, who they rename in the movie to Michael.
00:21:22 Monroe for some reason.
00:21:25 And they do a bunch of, you know, boomer conservative jokes about like, oh, look, he's in Cuba.
00:21:30 Oh, he's in Cuba, he thinks the.
00:21:33 The health care system so much better in Cuba, but really, I look right behind them.
00:21:38 Oh, they're they're shooting people.
00:21:41 They're just they're that's that's that's, you know that it's it's evil Cuba.
00:21:45 Ohh we're trying to get on his boat.
00:21:47 He's just.
00:21:48 No he doesn't want to get he's just oblivious.
00:21:50 Oh that Michael Moore.
00:21:53 Now he's he's accepting the award.
00:21:56 But you know, it's not like a real award because for a documentary, not a feature film, and that really gets him ****** ***.
00:22:04 So anyway, so here's this Michael Moore, played by fake Chris Farley.
00:22:14 Going to try to abolish the 4th of July.
00:22:18 And so he's, he's he's organizing with all these leftist organizations to, you know, real subtle, right, like, real subtle.
00:22:28 There's all these all these left wing people in the audience who are sure to flock to this movie, right, that you're you're going to just sneak these spots right into their brain.
00:22:38 Right.
00:22:38 It's just they're not even going to see it come.
00:22:42 So they're going to they got this, abolish the 4th of July thing and his nephew shows up and his nephew is like we'll into dying for Israel and he's real into America.
00:22:55 And he's like uncle.
00:22:58 I don't know why you want to get rid of the 4th of July.
00:23:00 It's the Merck is the greatest country ever.
00:23:04 And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:23:06 I don't know.
00:23:07 I'm not going to go to your 4th of July.
00:23:08 Party that you're inviting me to.
00:23:11 So then he goes to an award show.
Speaker 15
00:23:16 We are gathered here tonight because we all share the same goals, redistribution of wealth, freedom from the chains of materialism and of course, ending world hunger.
Speaker 1
00:23:24 Here's your one point.
Speaker 13
00:23:27 Hi miss.
00:23:28 Ohh get it cause like cause like they're rich.
00:23:33 Wow, it's like Ohh text the rich.
00:23:39 It's like owned ******* owned liberals.
00:23:44 Yeah, take that libtards.
00:23:46 Jesus Christ.
00:23:46 Like it's.
Speaker 6
00:23:47 It's not, it's never changed.
00:23:50 It's literally never changed.
00:23:52 It's the same ******* jokes decade after ******* decade after ******* decade.
00:23:58 And again, it it didn't, it's not going to trick anyone to seeing your way of thinking back then. It's not going to **** with anyone's head today.
00:24:09 The left is totally OK.
00:24:13 With with being hypocrites 100%.
00:24:18 Pointed out has never worked.
00:24:21 Will never work.
00:24:23 But you know the.
00:24:25 Limp wristed, ineffectual mainstream right wing, so-called.
00:24:32 They'll keep doing it.
00:24:34 Because they're paid to ******* lose.
Speaker 8
00:24:39 All right.
Speaker 15
00:24:43 As Germany's most famous documentary filmmaker.
Speaker 6
00:24:45 Ohh what what's this?
00:24:49 They're already talking about Hitler, Lenny.
Speaker 15
00:24:51 Riefenstahl celebrated the incredible rise of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, becoming a tireless promoter of his campaign for change.
Speaker 6
00:25:00 Her pioneer cause?
00:25:01 The left, they're.
00:25:01 The real Nazis.
00:25:04 They're the cause that that's working right?
00:25:09 Right. You're the real Nazis.
00:25:14 It was cringe then.
00:25:16 It's cringe now.
Speaker 15
00:25:18 Use of the wide angle lens to capture the scope of massive formations paved with succeeding generations.
00:25:22 Ohh Hitler's such a silly goose.
Speaker 15
00:25:24 Of film makers.
00:25:25 Through the creative manipulation of truth, she was able to influence history demonstrating.
00:25:30 The power of film.
00:25:32 Although unfortunately results.
00:25:33 In a death of over 60 million people.
00:25:35 In World War.
00:25:35 Two could place in any cinematic hall.
00:25:37 Of fame secure.
00:25:39 Oh yeah, those anti-Semitic lefties, right? They're the real Nazis.
00:25:47 All right, so he gets an award.
00:25:50 But none of the women at the party?
00:25:53 Of them are into him.
00:25:55 Because he's a documentary filmmaker.
00:25:59 And they're more interested in directors to.
00:26:02 Make feature films.
00:26:04 So he bumps into these terrorists.
00:26:07 Who are looking for a director for their?
00:26:11 Taliban film.
00:26:14 And he's like.
Speaker 6
00:26:15 I don't know.
00:26:17 Maybe I'll do it.
00:26:20 So he goes home.
00:26:22 And while he's.
00:26:24 Watching TV.
00:26:27 JFK comes out, crawls out of the TV.
00:26:31 And he basically said it's, you know, it's like A Christmas Carol.
00:26:34 So he's like, hey, you know, you're going to.
00:26:35 Be visited by three.
00:26:36 Spirits and also, by the way, talks about how awesome war is and and sometimes you just have to go to war and war is good and.
00:26:49 Die for Israel?
00:26:50 Well, no, actually he doesn't say that.
00:26:52 But that that comes.
00:26:53 That's coming.
00:26:57 And so yeah.
Speaker 13
00:26:59 So he rushed to Columbia University to lead a demonstration against the troops.
00:27:04 Let's demonstration.
Speaker 13
00:27:06 Well, in this case, it's when students show how much they don't know by repeating it loudly.
Speaker 6
00:27:22 What's that?
00:27:25 What's that?
00:27:28 Now there's there's there's something.
00:27:30 That's going to come up a lot.
00:27:33 They're going to keep bringing up how crazy 9.
00:27:38 11 conspiracy theories are.
00:27:42 And that's also left wing.
00:27:43 Don't you know you can because you remember?
00:27:45 You remember.
00:27:46 Who's we already established?
00:27:48 Left wing people are never going to go to this movie.
00:27:53 In fact, most people are never going to go to this movie.
00:27:58 But especially left wing people will never.
00:28:02 Go to this movie.
00:28:04 So who is this movie for exactly?
00:28:09 Is this movie really a failure?
00:28:13 Of a right wing Jewish director.
00:28:18 Whose latest movie is.
00:28:19 Literally called Mossad.
00:28:21 Is it really?
00:28:24 Is it really a failure?
00:28:28 Of this director.
00:28:30 To try to reach.
00:28:32 Left wing audiences with this 20 million.
00:28:35 Dollars and his.
00:28:38 Discount Chris Farley.
00:28:41 And cast of washed up actors.
00:28:46 Or do they just know?
00:28:48 Do they know only right wing people?
00:28:52 Are going to see this movie.
00:28:59 Now I think, look, they're not stupid.
00:29:03 Especially that I think I've been in the business.
00:29:04 A really long time.
00:29:07 You think when they make movies?
00:29:10 With a black comedian.
00:29:14 Who dresses up like his fat mom?
00:29:18 They think white people are going to go.
00:29:19 To that movie.
00:29:23 Like you guys all.
00:29:24 Know like the kind of movies I'm talking.
00:29:25 I can't even.
00:29:26 I don't.
00:29:26 They don't even stick in my head.
00:29:28 The names of them.
00:29:30 There are movies.
00:29:31 You see the trailer.
00:29:33 And you know, oh, that's that's for black people.
00:29:39 Like literally, no white people are.
00:29:40 Going to go to that movie.
00:29:44 No one's going to. No one's going to think that that's funny at all. Unless maybe you're black.
00:29:52 You can you can look.
00:29:53 It's not even just that you can watch a trailer.
00:29:56 And now.
00:29:57 Oh, well, that's for girls.
00:30:00 That movie.
00:30:01 Was specifically designed for girls.
00:30:04 That's a chick flick.
Speaker 15
00:30:06 Right.
00:30:14 I'm pretty sure.
00:30:16 Someone that's been in the business as long as Zucker has would know.
00:30:22 There's no way left wing.
00:30:25 People are going to go.
00:30:26 See this movie.
00:30:34 So who's the audience?
00:30:41 Well, boomer conservatives.
00:30:44 Right.
00:30:46 But also your, your, your Bush voting.
00:30:51 Rush Limbaugh listening.
00:30:55 Israel dying for.
00:31:06 And look, everyone's thought that 911 was ****** ** since it happened.
00:31:12 There's a lot of question marks.
00:31:15 Around 9:11.
00:31:21 Lots of people were raising questions about that.
00:31:25 And it kind of undermines the whole reason.
00:31:29 For us to still be in.
00:31:36 Something that's that's heavily featured.
00:31:39 In this movie.
00:31:49 So it's something that they reiterate over and.
Speaker 6
00:31:51 Over and over again.
00:31:53 Like look because look at these other signs, right?
00:31:58 All this stupid stuff.
00:32:00 Oh, and disease medicine is not the answer.
00:32:03 It's too dark outside.
00:32:05 The sun is not the answer.
00:32:07 I don't really even get the jokes.
00:32:08 I mean, they're not funny, but.
00:32:12 Gay marriage is the answer.
00:32:15 And then 911 was an inside job.
00:32:20 And of course, if you go down, oh, look, they're all wearing tinfoil hats.
00:32:31 Massad indeed.
00:32:35 So here's where they they ratchet up the ****** upness.
00:32:40 So the first ghost to visit.
00:32:44 Fake Michael Moore, who's played by fake Chris Farley.
00:32:49 Is General Patton.
00:32:52 Played by Frasier.
00:32:54 Well, Kelsey grammar.
00:32:59 And he tells him.
00:33:02 You're a *****.
00:33:03 Unless you like war.
00:33:06 Unless you like dying for Israel.
Speaker 14
00:33:12 Hey, where am I?
00:33:14 And he takes him back in time.
00:33:17 To another protest.
00:33:22 And Michael Moore is like.
Speaker 6
00:33:24 Who are all these people?
00:33:25 Looks weird.
Speaker 1
00:33:28 Ourselves, we will not support the United States.
00:33:32 In any war.
00:33:36 So what's going on here?
00:33:37 Damn peace demonstration.
Speaker 11
00:33:39 Just like yours, I mean this.
Speaker 12
00:33:40 Is 1940. They don't want.
00:33:42 Us to fight them.
00:33:43 They don't want us to fight Hitler.
00:33:54 We'll get a little more into that.
00:33:55 In a second pattern.
00:33:56 Does uh Patton?
00:33:58 Seems like he really wants to kill Nazis, huh?
00:34:02 That's interesting.
Speaker 6
00:34:06 OK, where are we?
00:34:07 Now, who's the guy dressed as a?
Speaker 16
00:34:08 Butler, Germany, September 1938. That's Neville Chamberlain. We gassed Prime Minister of England.
Speaker 11
00:34:16 He's getting a signed agreement.
Speaker 15
00:34:18 Right, this gives you.
Speaker 17
00:34:20 Dayton Land, Austria and a couple of other countries I can't pronounce, and we'll throw in Czechoslovakia. So that's some CHTZ.
00:34:29 Ohh let's make it.
00:34:32 And of course, the patents very upset.
00:34:37 Thinks Chamberlain's a big *****.
Speaker 1
00:34:41 All right, let's let's let's have a little.
00:34:43 Look at.
00:34:43 I might have to move this around.
00:34:45 Let me get rid of this thing here.
00:34:49 Where is that at?
00:34:53 Let's let's have a.
00:34:54 Look at some things Patton really didn't have to say.
00:34:59 After the war.
00:35:01 These are actual quotes.
00:35:04 Some are are are from his journal, some are from letters they wrote prior to his mysterious death.
00:35:15 This is after the war and he was he was upset with the treatment of Germans, he said.
00:35:18 I'm frankly opposed to this war, criminal stuff.
00:35:22 It is not cricket and is Semitic.
00:35:26 Which what by that he means.
00:35:29 It's not Anglo-Saxon, it's Jewish.
00:35:33 I am also opposed to sending POW's to work as slaves in foreign lands where many will be starved to death.
00:35:44 He says I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference.
00:35:49 If what we are doing is liberty, then give me death.
00:35:54 I can't see how Americans can sink so low.
00:35:58 It is Semitic and I'm sure of it.
00:36:01 Of course.
00:36:02 Semitic meaning Jewish.
00:36:04 And again, he's talking about the treatment.
00:36:06 Of the Germans after the war.
00:36:10 Another quote.
00:36:12 I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the Communists and the Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me, and practically every other commander.
00:36:26 In my opinion, it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier, vote from the commanders because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic and they fear what 11 million votes could do.
00:36:43 So what he's saying is that the Jewish press is smearing him and other World War 2.
00:36:53 Because they're not going along with, or at least they're not happily going along with the the post war rape of Germany.
00:37:04 And some of them might have political aspirations, maybe even him after the war.
00:37:11 And there the Jewish press is afraid that the veterans of World War 2 would vote for Patton or some of his.
00:37:22 And so they're getting smeared in the press.
00:37:27 This is this is months before his mysterious death.
00:37:31 There's another quote today.
00:37:33 We received orders in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations.
00:37:39 If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc.
00:37:43 See patients starting to notice things.
00:37:48 Another quote, there's a very apparent Semitic influence in the press.
00:37:54 They're trying to do 2 things.
00:37:56 First, implement Communism and 2nd see that all the businessmen of German ancestry and non Jewish and descendants are thrown out of their jobs.
00:38:10 They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he's a Nazi.
00:38:25 I'm starting to like this guy.
00:38:28 Sound also sound familiar?
00:38:33 Oh, OK, here's another quote.
00:38:38 Berlin gave me the Blues.
00:38:40 We have destroyed what could have been a good race.
00:38:44 And we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages.
00:38:49 And all Europe will be communist.
00:38:58 There's another quote I will probably be in the headlines before this is a letter to his wife.
00:39:03 I will probably be in the.
00:39:04 Headlines before you.
00:39:05 Get this as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis.
00:39:13 I can't tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany.
00:39:17 We will ensure that Communism takes America.
00:39:22 And then he died in a mysterious low speed car crash.
00:39:30 Just a few months later.
00:39:35 Which that's that's its own thing.
00:39:37 That's its own thing.
00:39:39 But there have been.
00:39:42 There have been claims there have been several claims.
00:39:45 That he was.
00:39:48 He was gotten rid of.
00:39:50 For obvious reasons.
00:39:55 So anyway.
00:39:57 Back to movie pattern.
00:40:02 Who is?
00:40:04 Tony loves Jews.
00:40:09 And uh hates Nazis a lot.
00:40:14 You know.
00:40:19 He tells him.
00:40:22 Oh, look, we went back in time even further.
00:40:25 Or I'm sorry we went forward in time.
00:40:29 And Lincoln never fought the South, and because Lincoln never fought the South.
00:40:35 You and Michael Moore are fake.
00:40:37 Michael Moore, played by fake Chris Farley.
00:40:41 You now have slaves.
00:40:44 And they try to do some funny slave jokes and whatever, and then they go to the Lincoln Memorial.
00:40:53 And patents talking about how awesome Lincoln is and and what if Lincoln had never, never fought the South, then we wouldn't be the the diverse nation that we are today.
Speaker 8
00:41:07 Right.
00:41:10 Well, I'm going to bust out a quote.
00:41:15 That's the wrong one.
00:41:16 I wanted to hide.
00:41:18 From Lincoln.
00:41:22 Here's Lincoln again, also prior to his death.
00:41:29 I have urged the colonization of.
00:41:31 The ******* now, what that means is for those who.
00:41:33 Don't know his.
00:41:34 His plan was to no one talks about this.
00:41:37 His his plan was was to ship the freed slaves either to Central America or to Africa like they did.
00:41:45 Like, that's why Liberia exists.
00:41:47 Liberia was a bunch of African Americans that went back to Africa, right.
00:41:53 And so ***** colonization is the term for.
00:41:59 Sending blacks out of the country to either Central America or Africa, just somewhere, not America, right?
00:42:08 I have urged the colonization of the *******.
00:42:11 And I shall.
00:42:12 In you my Emancipation Proclamation was linked with this plan.
00:42:19 There is no room for two distinct races of white men in America.
00:42:24 He means, like the north and the South.
00:42:26 Much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks.
00:42:31 I can conceive of no greater calamity.
00:42:35 Than the assimilation of the ***** into our social and political life as our equal.
00:42:43 We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed of, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us whose assembly action is neither possible nor desirable.
Speaker 6
00:43:00 That's Lincoln.
00:43:03 That's Abraham Lincoln.
00:43:09 You see how much?
00:43:14 And the education the the government education system.
00:43:18 Has lied to you about these people.
Speaker 6
00:43:25 Regardless of what you think of this.
00:43:28 That's not the the version of Link, can you?
Speaker 6
00:43:30 Ever hear about right?
00:43:34 OK.
00:43:35 So then they go into.
00:43:38 I'm going to leave that TV.
00:43:39 Thing off they go into.
00:43:43 Columbia University.
00:43:46 Where Michael Moore is supposed to have a talk.
00:43:50 And there's this really obnoxious cringey musical number.
00:43:58 That again, it has some truth in it.
00:44:01 It would appeal to especially like the Gen.
00:44:05 Xers in the audience.
00:44:07 Where it depicts the professors as a bunch of aging hippie boomers.
00:44:15 And the aging hippie.
00:44:16 Boomers are like dancing around and and and singing the song where the the chorus is just like 1968.
00:44:25 We're going to do it just like 1968, like they're trying to relive the glory days they never had, right?
00:44:31 And they're trying to, you know, force the students.
00:44:35 To be like the, you know, the have the the same energy and and movements.
00:44:44 Of the of the of the 60s.
00:44:48 You know the the crazed ******* boomer hippie and look.
00:44:52 There is an element of truth to that.
00:44:56 But once again.
00:44:58 Something that Zucker leaves out?
00:45:02 Is who exactly?
00:45:06 Was behind this hippie shed.
00:45:11 You know who were these hippies?
00:45:15 People like Otto Jerry Rubin.
00:45:20 Jerry Rubin, I wonder.
00:45:21 I wonder what, what his ethnicity is, or Abby Hoffman.
00:45:28 You know, Abby Hoffman, the the, I.
00:45:30 Did a a whole video.
00:45:32 On it's actually the number one viewed video on my bit shoot channel is a video called viral video and it's actually about the pandemic and some other stuff.
00:45:41 But this guy, this guy is involved with that kind.
00:45:45 Of stuff too.
00:45:47 And I do a whole bunch of give a whole bunch of information on Abby Hoffman.
00:45:53 And how he was the essentially the pioneer, the leader of the the flower power movement.
00:46:02 The the in fact I mean so much so.
00:46:07 That's in Forrest Gump.
00:46:09 When Forrest Gump does his big speech.
00:46:12 The guy with the American flag shirt, who's screaming and stuff that's supposed to be Abby Hoffman.
00:46:25 So no mention of that being a completely Semitic as patent would have said.
00:46:33 So you can check out.
00:46:36 That's I didn't resize, that should have resized it.
00:46:42 It's called viral video.
00:46:45 If you want to check out more information on him.
00:46:48 Also, and Keith Woods did a video on I think it's on Odyssey that was I think it was today.
00:46:56 About the the Frankfurt School.
00:47:06 What's it called the making of the modern right?
00:47:09 So that's on Keith Woods channel.
00:47:12 That's worth checking out and he talks about how that was another thing after World War 2.
00:47:18 The reason why.
00:47:20 We had these hippie teachers.
00:47:25 The reason why we had them trying to brainwash their students.
00:47:30 The reason why they were.
00:47:31 Professors in the first place.
00:47:37 Was because after World War 2.
00:47:41 And some of them.
00:47:42 Before World War 2, but many after.
00:47:45 World War 2.
00:47:47 A lot of Jews.
00:47:49 Jews that had been expelled from Germany.
00:47:52 Move to America.
00:47:55 And set up shop in America.
00:48:01 So so far we have this movie blaming.
00:48:07 Everything, including Hollywood movies like it blames Hollywood films for being being like the the Degenerate, one of the big degenerate forces.
00:48:17 In American Society, without saying who's behind it, right?
00:48:23 They talk about the the professors without saying why they're like that.
00:48:31 They talk about having to go to Afghanistan.
00:48:35 Without saying why we're really out there.
00:48:40 And the director is their latest project.
00:48:42 The last film he.
00:48:43 Worked on, it was called Mossad just.
00:48:44 Throw, just throw it.
00:48:45 Out there anyway. So they.
00:48:48 They they dance around some more.
00:48:51 And it's it's again, it's really it's hard to watch.
00:48:55 That's why I'm not even playing a clip of it.
00:48:56 It's just the.
00:48:57 Song. Just it's grating.
00:49:03 Moving right along, we get to the terrorists.
00:49:08 Now they have come across the border illegally through the Mexican border.
00:49:14 And they're talking about what they're going to do is blow up a freedom concert.
00:49:22 And so they're they're they're planning to to do that and and again they re.
00:49:30 They reiterate.
00:49:32 The 9/11 narrative.
Speaker 1
00:49:37 Ohh damn.
Speaker 17
00:49:38 A thread.
00:49:39 Right before the interview.
Speaker 10
00:49:40 Allow me.
Speaker 11
00:49:46 Ohh thanks there Alibaba.
00:49:48 See, it was it was terrorists with box cutters.
00:49:55 Terrorists with box cutters.
00:50:00 So then we.
00:50:01 Have Bill O'Reilly.
00:50:03 Oh, Bill O'Reilly, King of the boomers.
00:50:08 Bill O'Reilly does a cameo.
00:50:11 Where they do like.
00:50:12 A fake interview.
00:50:16 And of course, they've got now they've got fake Michael Moore and fake Rosie O'Donnell, who they call Rosie O'Donnell.
00:50:24 And they do.
00:50:26 A little clip that could have been funny a.
00:50:28 Little bit.
00:50:30 Where they talk about how all these security measures that we have to do, it's not because of Christians.
00:50:42 It's not the Christians that did this.
Speaker 7
00:50:50 A civilized world bases itself.
00:50:52 Finance, slaughter, death and destruction brought on by radical Christians as they attempt to spread their ideology through terror throughout the world.
Speaker 17
00:51:10 Praise Jesus.
Speaker 1
00:51:13 Hail Mary, full of grace.
00:51:15 It's those questions.
Speaker 7
00:51:20 They all pay the price for the increased security needs caused by the actions of radical Christians.
00:51:27 And I hate having to take these off every single time.
Speaker 15
00:51:29 Yeah, yeah, ever since.
00:51:31 That Christian had explosives in the bottom of his shoes.
Speaker 18
00:51:34 Sorry, you can't take this on the plane.
00:51:35 I'll have to confiscate this.
00:51:36 A tube of.
Speaker 18
00:51:38 No liquids.
00:51:38 Ever since the Christians tried to bomb that plane with smuggled nitroglycerin.
00:51:42 Take this as well.
00:51:43 Thank you.
Speaker 19
00:51:45 Remove all articles of under clothing.
00:51:47 Ohh well there.
Speaker 9
00:51:49 Ever since the underwear bomber.
00:51:50 The radical Christian underwear bomber.
Speaker 12
00:51:52 All issues of under clothing must be placed flat in the trays.
Speaker 19
00:51:55 Damn those Christians.
Speaker 11
00:51:57 Yikes. My God.
Speaker 1
00:51:59 Ma'am, if you add extra bleach, you might.
Speaker 6
00:52:01 Have a shot of getting.
00:52:02 Those stains out hey.
Speaker 19
00:52:03 Man, have you considered?
00:52:04 Change in diet.
Speaker 6
00:52:06 Honey wouldn't hurt.
Speaker 14
00:52:10 Ever since the Suppository bomber, the Episcopal Suppository bomber.
Speaker 12
00:52:17 So Paul, that's not a documentary.
00:52:19 That's the flintstones.
Speaker 18
00:52:20 Now, using reenactments to prove points is a sign of a great documentary, and that's what we do right, Michael.
00:52:26 But you know who you would?
00:52:27 You know, we wouldn't be at war, you know, we.
00:52:30 So then they make Rosie O'Donnell look, you know, crazy, she says a bunch of crazy ****.
00:52:37 But see, this is the misdirection.
00:52:40 This is the misdirection you get.
00:52:42 The Christians who clearly this movie.
00:52:44 Is designed for, right?
00:52:46 I think we've established that that there's no way anyone's actually expecting a left wing anything to be in the audience.
00:52:55 So you make the Christians mad and.
00:52:57 Be like.
00:52:57 Yeah, that's right.
00:52:59 They're trying to say the left wing is.
Speaker 6
00:53:01 Trying to blame us?
00:53:04 But then you sneak this in.
Speaker 18
00:53:07 You know, we wouldn't be at war at all if we didn't overreact to that phony.
00:53:10 9/11 attack. You can't be serious.
Speaker 16
00:53:13 Well, and I rest my.
Speaker 11
00:53:14 Can we please talk about the anti?
Speaker 18
00:53:15 War demonstration.
00:53:16 Patronize me.
00:53:17 You think those towels were brought down by planes?
00:53:19 No hidden explosives.
00:53:22 So again, 9/11, definitely there's nothing fishy about it.
Speaker 12
00:53:27 Simply idiotic.
00:53:28 No sane human being.
Speaker 18
00:53:29 It's the first time in history fire ever melted steel.
Speaker 15
00:53:31 Ah, Rosie, please.
Speaker 9
00:53:33 I've heard that claim, and it's only been made.
Speaker 1
00:53:34 By complete morons, now that our peace demonstration is.
Speaker 18
00:53:37 Don't call me names.
00:53:38 We weren't even invaded.
00:53:39 By a nation, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Speaker 1
00:53:40 She's a little star.
00:53:42 See, it's you don't want to be like her. She hates Christians. You better believe the the 9/11 story. Or you're like Rosie O'Donnell.
Speaker 16
00:53:55 At least nobody believes Rosie.
Speaker 18
00:53:56 Yeah, well, your people didn't even believe.
00:53:58 That Elvis is still alive.
00:54:00 She thinks Elvis is still alive.
00:54:02 She is crazy.
00:54:07 So now we get to the defense of the Patriot Act.
00:54:13 They go for the low hanging fruit, the easy target that is the ACLU.
00:54:19 Now look the.
00:54:20 ACLU is a a *******, largely Jewish organization that has never actually given a **** about civil liberties and has been there to advance communism.
00:54:32 You know this for a fact because not a single anybody from the ACLU has ever been even expressed any kind of alarm.
00:54:42 That people like us are getting censored, right?
00:54:45 You think they'd be all over that?
00:54:47 Don't care.
00:54:50 Don't care at all.
00:54:53 But that said.
00:54:57 Back when this stuff was going on and now you could argue is because the the Bush administration was the one at the wheel.
00:55:06 And so that they they their their privacy concerns about the Patriot Act were just really in opposition to.
00:55:14 To Bush, right?
00:55:17 But that's the that they're the easy boogeyman to make you.
00:55:20 No, I like the Patriot Act.
00:55:22 You know who?
00:55:22 Who doesn't like it?
00:55:24 Those ******* commies over at the ACLU.
Speaker 3
00:55:28 What's going on?
Speaker 11
00:55:29 Guns, *******.
00:55:30 Get the hell out of this courtroom.
00:55:32 You can't just shoot people on people in the ACLU.
00:55:36 You can't just.
Speaker 1
00:55:44 Horrible boys. What's going on?
00:55:50 Here, ACLU, they come around every now and then.
00:55:54 No listening in on terrorist calls.
Speaker 2
00:55:56 Be nice to al Qaeda.
00:55:57 Read them their rights separation.
Speaker 7
00:56:00 Of church and state.
00:56:03 See the ACLU hates Christians.
00:56:07 So they also hate the Patriot Act.
00:56:10 That means the Patriot Act must be good.
Speaker 12
00:56:12 After you.
00:56:13 One thing about the young.
Speaker 15
00:56:14 Dad, they are relentless.
00:56:18 Gun control.
00:56:19 That gets a little riled up too.
Speaker 1
00:56:23 I think we could use a.
Speaker 11
00:56:23 Little gun control right about now.
00:56:39 I'll need to see you.
00:56:40 Back please.
00:56:49 Says we can't search their bags.
00:56:53 The 4th amendments cringe, guys.
00:56:58 You shouldn't have any right to privacy.
00:57:00 Because the ACLU likes that.
Speaker 6
00:57:04 You don't want to be like.
00:57:05 Those ******* zombies and notice how none of them look Jewish.
00:57:16 And Carlos to the ACLU.
Speaker 3
00:57:18 Ohh, now you've got.
Speaker 1
00:57:19 Too far you're against privacy rights.
Speaker 11
00:57:21 Too only when they interfere with survival rights.
00:57:25 Privacy rights are lame guys.
00:57:29 Again, who's the audience?
00:57:32 Who's the audience?
00:57:34 They're not here to convince any left wing person of anything.
00:57:39 They're just reinforcing.
00:57:41 The kind of *******, the kind of die for Israel, *******, that would go see this movie. Yeah, privacy rights. That's so ******* pre 911.
Speaker 11
00:57:57 Enjoy your privacy rights in hell.
00:58:00 Enjoy your privacy rights in hell.
00:58:09 So next the.
00:58:12 The Zionist version of patent.
00:58:14 Takes the.
00:58:17 Dead Chris Farley.
00:58:19 Fake Michael Moore.
00:58:21 Whatever guy to his.
00:58:24 His nephews, 4th of July and again this is like Christmas Carol.
00:58:30 So kind of like when Scrooge is taking to go see Bob Cratchit's.
00:58:37 Home what it's like there and he sees little Tiny Tim.
00:58:41 It's, you know, the same kind of stupid.
00:58:42 And they make a bunch of jokes about it that aren't funny.
00:58:46 And then they go to Afghanistan.
00:58:48 And again, who?
00:58:49 Who is this for?
00:58:50 Who is this for?
00:58:53 And and he says, well, we're here because of 911. We're here fighting the good fight. Yeah.
00:59:00 The good fight that's.
00:59:00 Totally going to end well.
00:59:04 Look how proud look how proud Patton is of the Americans.
00:59:09 In Afghanistan.
Speaker 3
00:59:20 Raise my hands.
00:59:26 Patriotic music as they pray.
00:59:29 And go fight the the jihadis.
00:59:35 Patton so proud.
00:59:41 So next.
00:59:45 Fake Michael Moore.
00:59:47 Fat guy.
00:59:50 He goes and talks to George Washington.
00:59:54 I'm sure George Washington thinks right to privacy is cringe, too.
00:59:59 He probably loves the ******* Patriot Act and wants everyone to go die for Israel.
01:00:06 Let's see what he has to say.
Speaker 8
01:00:10 I'm here to talk to you about freedom.
01:00:13 The greatest gift man has freedom.
01:00:16 Very precarious gift, easily misused, and when it is misused.
01:00:21 Easily lost.
Speaker 12
01:00:24 And freedom from pompous spirits.
Speaker 8
01:00:26 Like freedom of speech, which you abuse.
01:00:29 We're abusing freedom of speech, guys.
Speaker 8
01:00:32 Like freedom of religion, this is Saint Paul's Chapel, where I worshipped every Sunday. When New York was the capital.
01:00:41 I sat right here in the morning.
01:00:42 My normal.
01:00:44 Pray for guidance and leading this nation.
Speaker 1
01:00:49 This place is so.
Speaker 12
01:00:49 Important while they clean it once in a while.
Speaker 1
01:00:53 It's four dust.
Speaker 8
01:00:58 Across the street.
Speaker 15
01:01:04 Oh my God.
Speaker 8
01:01:06 It was the World Trade Center.
01:01:08 And this is the dust of 3000 innocent human beings and the great heroes who perished trying to save them.
01:01:15 Well, I guess we better die for Israel then.
Speaker 11
01:01:18 Why did you bring me here?
Speaker 1
01:01:19 Not responsible for this was our.
01:01:21 Foreign policy.
01:01:23 It's our military bases overseas.
01:01:25 It's globalization.
01:01:26 It's the CIA.
Speaker 8
01:01:27 Is that what you're going to say on judgment?
01:01:30 Well, I've already been judged.
Speaker 12
01:01:32 And I won an Oscar.
Speaker 8
01:01:34 For a documentary.
01:01:38 When you meet the almighty Michael.
01:01:41 I'm afraid that won't do.
01:01:44 Only the truth will do.
Speaker 15
01:01:48 I gotta get out of here.
01:01:52 Yes, you did.
01:01:53 Just see that.
01:01:54 So anyway, next of course is the the Angel of Death.
01:02:00 Who happens to be a?
01:02:04 Country music singer.
01:02:07 I think his name is Trace Adkins.
01:02:12 Who I thought was.
01:02:13 Possibly Jewish.
01:02:14 Just because Doctor Atkins of the Atkins diet is Jewish, I was like.
01:02:18 Oh, no way.
01:02:21 But he's not so.
01:02:26 So he comes in.
Speaker 16
01:02:30 I'm an Angel of freaking death.
01:02:32 You turd head boy.
01:02:35 You do not.
01:02:36 Want to mess with the Angel of Death?
01:02:38 Listen, punk, there are consequences for what you do.
01:02:42 Let's go.
Speaker 15
01:02:44 Ohh good.
01:02:45 We get another field trip.
01:02:46 Can we go someplace cool this time, like Paris or?
Speaker 16
01:02:48 Hollywood, now that's a good idea.
01:02:53 And what's going?
Speaker 11
01:02:53 On here.
01:02:56 So get this ****.
01:03:00 This movie says again 2007, 2008 is when this was out and.
01:03:06 Being produced and all that stuff.
01:03:08 If we don't.
01:03:10 Go and invade countries in the Middle East if we.
01:03:14 Don't do it.
01:03:17 There's going to be Muslims walking around everywhere.
01:03:21 And hijabs.
01:03:25 That's right.
01:03:27 If we don't go bump the **** out of the Middle East, if we.
01:03:31 Don't do it, guys.
01:03:34 The Western countries are just going to be.
01:03:36 Rotten with Muslims.
01:03:43 Yes, that's Yep.
Speaker 6
01:03:45 Where are we?
Speaker 16
01:03:45 Hollywood, just like you, wanted only.
01:03:48 Now it's called Bin Laden city.
Speaker 6
01:03:53 If we don't go bomb the ****.
01:03:55 Out of the Middle East.
01:03:56 I mean, first of all, the irony right of the fact that that's exactly what caused.
01:04:03 Muslim refugees to flood into the West, right?
01:04:07 But just the idea.
01:04:11 The the idea that that's what would happen.
01:04:14 Oh, yeah.
01:04:15 Oh, yeah.
01:04:16 The these third world countries.
01:04:19 These ******* goat farmers, right.
01:04:22 If we don't just go bomb the **** out.
01:04:24 Of these, these third world countries.
01:04:27 We're such a ***** country.
01:04:30 That they'll be able to invade the United States.
01:04:35 And rename Hollywood bin Laden city.
01:04:40 Like that?
01:04:40 That's that's, that's the the likely outcome.
Speaker 12
01:04:45 My God.
Speaker 16
01:04:46 Yeah, they kept all the buildings.
01:04:47 Just change the signs.
Speaker 13
01:04:49 Ohh Nope.
01:04:54 This is the ****.
01:04:55 That happened because we went to the Middle East.
01:05:01 And bomb the ****.
01:05:04 Out of everything that moved and didn't move.
01:05:16 OK so.
01:05:18 Fat fake.
01:05:20 Chris Farley slash Michael Moore wakes up.
01:05:25 And he's like, Oh my God.
01:05:28 Today's the day that I have to do my abolish the 4th of July rally.
01:05:35 And he goes to his abolish the 4th of July rally.
01:05:40 And that in his terrorist friends are there.
01:05:43 And then there's this weird clip.
01:05:46 That didn't make sense to me at first.
01:05:50 There's this weird clip.
01:05:52 Of Jimmy Carter.
01:05:55 Telling people that Israel is an apartheid state.
01:05:58 Just out of nowhere, they just threw him in there.
Speaker 3
01:06:01 Thank you for President, Jimmy.
Speaker 14
01:06:02 Carter Israel is in a pot top state of Texas are good.
01:06:09 And I'm like, huh?
Speaker 6
01:06:12 What's that all about?
01:06:15 But then I found out in 2007 and again you remember. Like who?
01:06:21 Who made this movie?
01:06:28 This came out.
Speaker 19
01:06:33 Welcome back to hardball. We're back with the 39th president of the United States, Jimmy Carter. His new book is called Palestine Peace Not Apartheid President Carter.
01:06:42 Why did you use the word apartheid in the books title?
Speaker 20
01:06:45 Well, let's look at the entire title, if you don't mind.
01:06:48 The first word is Palestine.
01:06:50 Which involves the land that belongs to the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
01:06:54 I didn't refer to Israel because there's no semblance of anything relating to apartheid within the nation of Israel.
01:07:01 And also emphasize the word not that is peace and not apartheid.
01:07:06 That's what I hope to accomplish with this book is so move toward that goal.
01:07:10 But there's no doubt that within the occupied territories, Palestinian land, that there is a horrendous example of apartheid, the occupation of Palestinian land.
01:07:22 The confiscation of that land that doesn't belong to it.
01:07:24 Israel, the building of settlements on it, the colonization of that land and then the connection of those isolated but multiple settlements, more than 200 of them with each other by highways.
01:07:37 On which Palestinians can't travel, and quite often where policies cannot even cross.
01:07:41 So the persecution of the Palestinians now under the occupying territories is, you know, under the occupation forces is one of the worst examples of human rights deprivation that I know and I.
Speaker 19
01:07:53 Think it's even worse though than.
01:07:55 A place like Rwanda.
Speaker 20
01:07:56 Yes, I think yes.
01:07:58 You mean now?
01:07:59 Yeah, yeah, I think.
Speaker 19
01:07:59 So just just an impression now of the Israelis of the Palestinians by the Israelis is worse than a situation in Africa, like the oppression of Rwandans and the and.
01:08:07 The civil war.
Speaker 20
01:08:09 I'm not going back in the ancient history about Rwanda, but right now the the persecution of the Palestinians is one of the worst examples of human rights abuse.
01:08:16 I know because the Palestinians.
Speaker 19
01:08:18 We're not talking about.
Speaker 20
01:08:19 Say about 18 years ago.
Speaker 19
01:08:22 It wasn't ancient.
01:08:22 History was just a.
Speaker 20
01:08:23 Few years ago you you could talk about Iran, Rwanda, if you.
01:08:25 Want to?
01:08:26 I want to talk about a Palestine.
01:08:29 And that is why your entire life one.
01:08:33 Of the reasons why.
01:08:35 All you've heard is how awful ******* Jimmy Carter was.
01:08:43 Jimmy Carter, one of the only presidents that I know of who after going out of office.
01:08:50 Dedicated his life to public service like in a.
01:08:54 Real way like.
01:08:56 He literally people make fun of it, but he builds houses for.
01:09:01 Like homeless people.
01:09:04 I mean, he's getting he's I.
01:09:05 Mean he's almost dead now.
01:09:06 He's too old to go.
01:09:07 Do that now, but like, that's what he did.
01:09:10 And he was the only president that didn't start like a new war in, like, the last 10 presidents or some ****.
01:09:22 It's because he didn't want to be.
01:09:26 And look, he he probably had to shift economic policies and and whatnot, right.
01:09:31 I don't know.
01:09:33 I don't know how much of that was actually real, though.
01:09:37 And how much of that was?
01:09:39 Oh, I I don't know.
01:09:41 Maybe financial interests that didn't like him, perhaps manipulating the economy.
01:09:51 To get him the **** out.
01:09:52 Of there I I'm I'm.
01:09:53 Just saying like you know.
01:09:59 So it was.
01:09:59 Just weird.
01:09:59 They're like, oh, and.
01:10:00 And now we have to call Jimmy Carter.
01:10:02 A ****** *** and.
01:10:05 Because he hates Israel.
01:10:10 And everyone else, that's our greatest ally.
01:10:15 He must he must be on the terrorist side.
01:10:20 Jimmy Carter likes the terrorists.
01:10:30 So we're and Michael Moore, Chris Farley look alike.
01:10:38 Has a freak out.
Speaker 11
01:10:42 Whatever you just do, they're gonna kill me.
01:10:45 Spineless ******* act like a man.
01:10:48 Why did you do?
Speaker 1
01:10:49 That I was going to do something.
01:10:51 I just.
Speaker 14
01:10:51 Don't know what?
01:10:53 You can't sit here on the sidelines.
01:10:55 It's time for you to take action.
Speaker 1
01:10:56 You know, I'm seriously considering getting another hero.
Speaker 11
01:11:00 Hey, what are you doing here?
Speaker 12
01:11:03 You're not a spirit.
Speaker 16
01:11:04 I know.
01:11:05 I just enjoy slapping you.
Speaker 11
01:11:09 We are facing the greatest evil since autism.
01:11:12 I hear that.
01:11:13 There, there's the Super I hate Nazis patent again.
Speaker 11
01:11:17 We are facing the greatest evil since Nazi has ever.
01:11:22 When Patton really would have been concerned about communism.
01:11:28 But we can't have that.
01:11:33 So Michael Moore, Chris Farley, whatever this guy.
01:11:38 Knows that he decides.
01:11:39 You know what I I do like America now.
01:11:44 They're right.
01:11:45 And I have to tell people that they they should give up their privacy rights and they should go die for Israel.
01:11:54 And listen to country music.
01:11:58 Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker 1
01:12:00 I know what you all think is important.
01:12:04 Government run healthcare.
01:12:07 Global warming, no handguns allowed in your home, and these things are wrong.
01:12:16 Bite them, but they'll come second to the.
01:12:21 Most important thing.
01:12:22 Of all, we're in a real war.
01:12:25 These terrorists want to kill us.
01:12:26 All and you guys are.
01:12:28 Like in September 10th.
01:12:38 So they hate him.
01:12:41 And he gets saved by soldiers because this is the part where you see you're starting to see who the audience is on this part.
Speaker 14
01:12:48 Ohh please please.
Speaker 6
01:12:51 I mean one of your secrets.
Speaker 11
01:12:52 Your presence but change.
Speaker 1
01:12:53 We're just trying.
Speaker 14
01:12:54 To protect you.
01:12:55 Ohh you are ohh.
01:12:56 Thank you for.
Speaker 20
01:12:56 Being here, you'll thank us.
Speaker 14
01:12:58 Thank the recruiter that came to our college campus.
Speaker 1
01:13:01 Guess what? The college.
01:13:03 The troops save him, so they take him into the the Country music concert where the the terrorist earlier in the movie where.
01:13:12 We're planning on blowing up.
01:13:14 The terrorists don't the the goofball terrorists that you know the the literal.
01:13:21 Children's comedy terrace.
01:13:24 I don't want to.
01:13:26 You know suicide bomb themselves, so they they go and find Michael Moore and.
01:13:30 Say oh our.
01:13:31 Our boss is going to blow up the place and he's like, oh ****, I better do something.
01:13:36 So he runs up on stage.
Speaker 1
01:13:38 Well ohh.
Speaker 3
01:13:40 What are you doing here, human?
01:13:42 Where you.
Speaker 1
01:13:43 Probably all hate.
01:13:45 Hello, what's this again?
01:13:48 This is interesting because they know their audience.
01:13:52 This is a joke about the show 24.
01:14:04 You ever seen the show 24?
01:14:07 The entire season was supposed to take place.
01:14:11 In a 24 hour stretch.
01:14:15 And so every every episode was supposed.
01:14:17 To be like real time, right?
01:14:19 And the the way that they would.
01:14:21 Pace the episode.
01:14:23 Was have a clock at the on the screen that would make that exact sound like.
Speaker 6
01:14:27 That boop beep boop beep.
01:14:30 And so you would know exactly where you were in the 24 hour period that was that season.
01:14:36 That entire show.
01:14:40 Was 100% designed to get Americans OK.
01:14:45 With the.
01:14:46 Patriot Act.
01:14:48 And abuses of power.
01:14:50 100%.
01:14:55 I remember when that show was on.
01:14:58 The IT was weird because I listened to a lot of talk talk radio at the time, whether it was Rush Limbaugh or even Sean Hannity sometimes.
01:15:11 It was on.
01:15:11 The you know, whatever was on when.
01:15:13 I was driving around.
01:15:15 And I thought it was odd.
01:15:18 That these.
01:15:22 Television producers and directors.
01:15:26 Would make the rounds on conservative talk radio.
01:15:31 And they did.
01:15:34 The creator of this show.
01:15:41 Joel, Sir, now.
01:15:44 Who early life, of course, early life.
01:15:46 Check is of Jewish descent.
01:15:52 He made the rounds all the conservative.
01:15:54 Talk radio shows.
01:15:57 And they were always promoting.
01:16:01 24.
01:16:02 On conservative talk radio show on Fox News.
01:16:07 I'm almost.
01:16:07 I'm almost certain that he went on on Hannity show on Fox News.
01:16:15 And probably probably other shows on Fox News.
01:16:22 And that show is 100%.
01:16:25 Just to find the Patriot Act.
01:16:29 It's 100% telling the the the American public the same audience, the same target audience.
01:16:37 They would like this movie.
01:16:39 No, it's cool.
01:16:41 It's cool because Jack Bauer.
01:16:44 Jack Bauer.
01:16:45 And you know, this is probably with the stream on of itself.
01:16:48 Jack Bauer, this super secret agent guy, he's stopping the terrorists from blowing up New York City or or whatever, right?
01:17:00 It's OK if he's going to torture a few people and and totally ignore habeas corpus and all that stuff he is stopping you from getting blown up by the evil brown people from the the desert.
01:17:18 That was the whole.
01:17:19 That was the whole show.
01:17:22 It was there 100%.
01:17:25 To justify the abuses of the deep state.
01:17:30 And frame it in this heroic.
01:17:33 Patriotic light.
01:17:36 Yeah, he might break, you know, bend the rules and break a few skulls and and and do this this horrible ****.
01:17:45 But it's it's all in the name of national security.
01:17:50 It's all in the name of freedom.
01:17:56 You can't handle the truth.
01:17:59 This is just what real men have to do.
01:18:04 To protect our freedoms.
01:18:07 Sometimes to protect your freedoms, you have to.
Speaker 6
01:18:09 Give them up.
01:18:13 That's just how it works.
01:18:15 Just ask Joel surnow.
01:18:26 So anyway.
01:18:29 So he rushes on stage and.
01:18:33 You know, they just, they just need to end it.
01:18:35 They don't know how to end it.
01:18:36 So it's just like this ridiculous.
01:18:40 Stupid way that he tricks the terrorist guy from revealing where he is in the audience.
01:18:46 And then the.
01:18:47 Goofy goofball terrorist guys disarm the bomb or something.
01:18:52 And yay.
01:18:55 Hey, guys.
01:18:56 Just just imagine the the the Boomers.
01:19:00 Orgasmically enjoying the this big crescendo of of freedom.
Speaker 14
01:19:08 This is the greatest country in the whole wide world, the fastest horses and the prettiest girls. We got the army, the Navy, Air Force and Marines, the finest fighting force the world's ever seen.
01:19:21 We're the kind of people that get things done, no doubt about it.
01:19:26 Folks will still no more.
01:19:28 We got the nerve.
01:19:30 We got the will.
01:19:31 We are all together and you know that we are still America.
01:19:43 Die for Israel?
Speaker 12
01:19:47 Die for Israel?
01:20:02 I mean that that's not parity.
01:20:08 I mean, the whole movie is.
01:20:09 Supposed to be parodying satire and this is like the one.
01:20:11 Part that's not.
01:20:13 And it's the only time they actually succeeded.
01:20:17 Because in order for you to have parity and satire.
01:20:24 There has to be some honesty to it.
01:20:27 And this movie is just dishonest through and through.
01:20:32 And that's because mainstream conservatives are dishonest through and through.
01:20:36 They're living a ******* lie.
01:20:39 Everything they ******* say they believe in is a ******* lie.
01:20:45 Which renders it.
01:20:47 It makes it.
01:20:48 It's impossible.
Speaker 8
01:20:51 To be funny.
01:20:52 When you can't tell the truth, all these people.
01:20:55 Like the the the.
01:20:56 Irony is all these conservatives like.
01:20:58 Oh, comedians aren't funny anymore because they can't tell the truth.
01:21:03 Well, you've never been funny, *****.
01:21:09 Because you've never been able to tell the truth.
01:21:14 You lie about ******* everything.
01:21:26 You might you, you say, oh, I I want.
01:21:29 I want immigration.
Speaker 6
01:21:31 But it's not because they're they're different.
01:21:41 Why I don't?
01:21:42 I don't want gay marriage, but not because I don't have a.
01:21:44 Problem with gay people.
01:21:52 The Democrats are are the real Nazis.
01:22:00 There's not a genuine bone in your ******* spineless body.
01:22:16 And that's why you can't be funny.
01:22:31 He goes and finds his nephew, who is.
01:22:34 About to go deploy and.
01:22:35 Die for Israel?
01:22:38 And you know, they make up. And he's like, oh, I'm sorry. I guess you were right. Dying for Israel's awesome.
01:22:47 You know, I I learned my lesson.
01:22:50 We shouldn't have right to privacy.
01:22:53 And you should definitely die for Israel.
01:22:57 I I'm I'm sorry.
01:22:58 I I.
01:22:58 Ever doubted you?
01:23:05 The end.
01:23:14 But you know.
01:23:15 Not not before, not before the director.
Speaker 9
01:23:20 Oh God.
01:23:22 They just, they just can't.
01:23:24 You know when Jews don't like someone?
01:23:27 They just can't let them, even in death.
01:23:31 They just can't stop.
01:23:32 They just can't stop.
01:23:36 You know, they they just had, they just had to add this little piece in.
01:23:42 You wanna grab a?
Speaker 11
01:23:43 I'd love to.
01:23:44 You still get?
01:23:44 A good pastrami back in.
Speaker 14
01:23:45 Manhattan before you got T boned by that.
Speaker 1
01:23:47 Car the spinal cord injury.
Speaker 12
01:23:49 Right. Boy, that was a.
Speaker 16
01:23:50 Tough day didn't see that coming.
01:23:53 Didn't see that coming.
01:23:59 Didn't see that coming.
01:24:03 Did you guys catch that?
01:24:07 Patents probably another day, and in fact maybe the movie patent, I don't know.
01:24:12 But for those of you who know.
01:24:14 You'll get why this is.
01:24:17 Good Lord.
Speaker 11
01:24:18 You wanna grab a sandwich?
01:24:19 I'd love.
Speaker 17
01:24:20 To just to get a good pastrami back in.
Speaker 14
01:24:21 Manhattan before you got T boned by.
Speaker 15
01:24:23 That car.
01:24:24 It's a spinal cord injury.
Speaker 4
01:24:25 Right.
01:24:26 Boy, that was a tough day.
01:24:27 Didn't see that coming.
01:24:29 Weird way to end that, huh?
01:24:31 Weird way.
01:24:33 Wonder why they that oh, that's why.
01:24:41 Ohh yeah, I guess.
01:24:43 I guess that's why, huh?
01:24:48 That's why.
01:24:54 Now I got to see this movie too.
01:24:56 I'm sure it's terrible.
01:24:59 Well, according to MDB it's 5.9 out of 10.
01:25:02 It's probably pretty bad.
01:25:09 So yeah, that's that's.
01:25:12 It it's it's it's proof positive that like even if we ignore, even if we ignored what we know.
01:25:22 About this guy and this and just all the all the ******** and just assumed it was.
01:25:29 It was just it was just directed by.
Speaker 6
01:25:31 A boomer, right?
01:25:33 It was just it.
01:25:33 Was a boomer trying trying to make a funny movie?
01:25:38 Then it's this.
01:25:40 It's this.
01:25:46 They lack subtlety.
01:25:52 Now, on the bright side.
01:25:55 This is happening on the left too.
01:25:58 I mean that movie we reviewed.
01:26:00 Last stream is it's proof of that right?
01:26:03 But even with that?
01:26:05 Even with that, it was.
01:26:06 Way more ******* subtle, even that that the.
01:26:10 The Super **********.
01:26:13 Anti white movie.
Speaker 1
01:26:15 Was still way more subtle than this.
01:26:24 In fact.
01:26:25 Because of the post apocalyptic nature of it.
01:26:29 You're it.
01:26:29 You'll you'll at least trick.
01:26:31 Some conservatives or right wingers or or whatever into watching it.
01:26:37 You watched the trailer of this ******* train wreck.
01:26:39 There's not a chance.
01:26:50 Conservatives are the worst ******* memers to ever exist.
01:26:58 That's why they're not in.
01:26:59 Hollywood because they suck at it.
01:27:09 They don't fund it the the, the, the right wing people with money don't fund it.
01:27:13 And when they do, they make ******* ********* like this that loses money, $20 million brought in 7 million. That's they lost $13 million on this ******* train wreck.
01:27:36 And it's because they lack subtlety.
01:27:48 They lack subtlety.
01:27:49 And I I don't know is it?
01:27:51 Like a lack of talent.
01:27:54 Is it because of the way that the right wing brain works?
01:27:59 I don't know.
01:28:00 I don't think that that's the case.
01:28:03 But I think in in decades past there, there have been people you would consider right wing that are good authors.
01:28:13 Where the messaging is subtle.
01:28:21 But that's because an author.
01:28:24 Well, at least I mean to some extent you are but an author.
01:28:28 Typically doesn't need to be funded by a billionaire.
01:28:33 To get his ******* project off the ground, you can write a book.
01:28:37 Now, of course, if you're like me, Amazon will ban it.
01:28:40 And then Barnes and Noble will ban it.
01:28:49 But you could, at least.
01:28:49 Get it done.
01:28:51 We don't have people that are that are willing to put the money into it and we just maybe we just don't have.
01:28:57 Have the people.
01:28:58 That are.
01:29:00 Talented in that area.
01:29:06 I just I I don't think that's the case.
01:29:08 It's just.
01:29:10 I think that the people that are talented in that area, again, you have to be.
01:29:14 Able to tell the truth.
01:29:16 For it to be good.
Speaker 6
01:29:18 To be.
01:29:19 Subtle. You have to.
01:29:19 Tell the truth.
01:29:24 You know, even when you watch this leftist garbage.
01:29:29 There's more honesty in it than what?
01:29:30 We just went over.
01:29:38 Now they twist it.
01:29:40 They twist the truth.
Speaker 6
01:29:42 But conservatives, they there's there's.
01:29:44 Not even a truth to twist.
01:29:55 It's ******* horrifying.
Speaker 2
01:30:10 OK.
01:30:15 Let's take a look at chat.
01:30:17 For a little bit.
01:30:19 I was going to go over some news stories.
01:30:21 I know there's some bunch of stuff going on, I just haven't had time.
01:30:24 I was like I said I was.
01:30:26 Driving for.
01:30:28 Literally like 2 days straight.
01:30:30 While we're not straight like one day like all day.
01:30:35 And then another day, all day after some other.
01:30:37 **** in between.
Speaker 6
01:30:40 I might.
01:30:41 I didn't sleep for so long.
01:30:48 Eyes are burning.
01:30:51 If you I don't know if you.
01:30:51 Ever done this where you drive?
01:30:54 You drive at night, but for like the entire night in the middle of nowhere where there's no like street lamps.
01:31:04 What happens is.
01:31:06 You you start that it.
01:31:09 Because all you see, especially if it's like in the middle of nowhere, kind of a Rd.
01:31:13 Like your eyes for like 10 hours.
01:31:16 All you're really seeing.
01:31:18 Is that dotted line like?
01:31:20 Going boom. Boom. Like just.
01:31:21 These these ******* dots coming at you.
01:31:24 Like you're like you're.
01:31:25 Playing ******* asteroids for for 10 hours?
01:31:31 Hell, man.
01:31:34 Hurts your head anyway.
01:31:40 We're going to take a.
01:31:41 Look at Chad here.
01:31:58 Someone says.
01:32:02 In the 20th century, it's really just hurting.
01:32:06 Coolidge, Hoover, and Carter, who didn't start beef internationally.
01:32:11 Guess what?
01:32:12 We're told that all of them were awful presidents.
01:32:16 Yeah, well.
01:32:22 Have you watched?
01:32:23 You will be happy short animation I mentioned in previous stream.
01:32:28 No I have not.
01:32:30 I think I looked for it.
01:32:31 I didn't, I didn't.
01:32:32 Find it or something.
01:32:35 I'll open another tab and see if I.
01:32:49 Yeah, it doesn't come.
01:32:49 Right up. But.
01:32:52 Maybe I'll that's that's why I didn't watch it.
01:32:54 Maybe I'll look into.
01:32:55 It more.
01:32:58 The main character, Kevin Farley, is the brother of the late degenerate actor Chris Farley, who Oded on crack while screwing a.
01:33:06 ******. Yep. No, I know.
01:33:11 Yeah, that that was, you know, honestly that was the first sign that the movie was going to be terrible again.
01:33:17 I remember when they they, I I saw a trailer for this this movie.
01:33:22 And as soon as I saw that they they dragged in fake Chris Farley.
01:33:29 I knew it was going to be terrible no matter what it was before I even.
01:33:32 Knew it was a Conservative movie.
01:33:34 That never ******* works.
01:33:36 Oh, this big famous actor died while his brother looks kind of like him a little bit.
01:33:46 They've tried it before.
01:33:47 It never ******* works.
01:33:53 High Priest King Terry I saw this movie in theaters or in theater because Michael Savage recommended it.
01:34:01 Yeah, Jewish Michael Savage recommended it.
01:34:05 I wonder why.
01:34:10 Here's the link to the animation.
01:34:12 Alright, let me see.
01:34:18 I'll pause it.
01:34:22 I'll check that out later.
01:34:33 Let's look at some of these.
01:34:42 The DST 1488 says I keep getting told how bad I am. I'm tired of it.
01:34:49 Well, as am I chief's original, Baywatch was full of Arians.
01:34:56 I don't think I ever watched Baywatch.
01:34:58 Honestly, I don't think I ever saw like a a single episode.
01:35:01 Of of Baywatch.
01:35:04 Monkey make fire.
01:35:06 Give any more thought about getting to Alaska.
01:35:09 I'm thinking about building a ballista.
01:35:12 Trying to harpoon a moose.
01:35:15 I'll give you half.
01:35:17 I yeah, I still.
01:35:19 Haven't looked into Alaska?
01:35:22 I I haven't, like, dug into Alaska.
01:35:25 At least.
01:35:26 Crypto life, Jack Leandre Mining Corp says hi Leandre mining Corp.
01:35:36 I'm not sure what that is, but OK.
01:35:40 We're back to chat here.
01:35:44 A monkey makes fire.
01:35:46 What do you?
01:35:46 Think of Don Hertzfeld.
01:35:51 I'm not sure I think anything of that.
01:35:53 Let me look that up.
01:35:54 Don Hertz felt.
01:35:55 Is that something I looked up?
01:35:56 Already I've been real busy guys.
01:35:58 I haven't had a chance to look up everything that you guys have sent me.
01:36:04 Which one was that?
01:36:05 Don hertzfeld.
01:36:08 Is an animator.
01:36:12 Yeah, I don't know.
01:36:13 I don't know what are the animate.
01:36:27 The animation show the meaning of life.
01:36:31 Everything will be OK, I've.
01:36:37 Heard of any of this stuff?
01:36:40 World of tomorrow.
01:36:44 Yeah, I don't know.
01:36:44 I don't think, I don't know anything about this guy.
01:36:46 I have to look into him later.
01:36:54 Chad, the famous have you heard that there is a town for sale in Tennessee, $724,000?
01:37:02 They want you to keep certain buildings up, but maybe promising.
01:37:06 Yeah, that happens from time to.
01:37:07 Time like there.
01:37:08 There's sometimes you see these towns for.
01:37:10 Sale problem is.
01:37:11 Well, First off, I don't have.
01:37:13 Close to $1,000,000, anywhere near.
01:37:16 That kind of.
01:37:18 And the other thing is, there's usually lots of strings attached to those towns.
01:37:24 So like, there's some towns you'll you buy and then you find out, Oh well, there's like some big environmental hazard because it was a mining town and and because of federal regulations, you have to pay for this big cleanup or something like that.
01:37:39 You know Tennessee?
01:37:41 I don't know.
01:37:43 Much about I've driven through it, I think is the extent of my exposure to Tennessee, pretty sure it's a blue state though, right?
01:37:49 And I I could.
01:37:50 Be wrong about that.
01:37:54 Those, those those.
01:37:55 Pop up from time to time.
01:37:57 I don't think that's the way to go unless there was some like.
01:37:59 Real sweet deal, because I think remote is the way to go.
01:38:04 I think that because what are you really getting when you get one of?
01:38:08 These towns. What? What you.
Speaker 6
01:38:09 Get is.
01:38:09 You get some old ****** buildings.
01:38:12 They usually need a lot of repair.
01:38:15 And sometimes those repairs are so extensive it's like you might as well just start from scratch, and especially if you're trying to make a self-sustaining town, there's there's something to be said for.
01:38:27 Like I I told you like, years ago, I tried doing the Earthship thing right?
01:38:32 One of the reasons I was trying to do that.
01:38:34 Because I wanted to eliminate any and all.
01:38:39 Well, I.
01:38:40 Wanted to be.
01:38:40 Off the.
01:38:40 Grid in a very permanent way.
01:38:44 Like right now, one of the things I'm I'm working on right now is getting a solar water heater.
01:38:50 Now typically I don't have to worry about a water heater because in the summer the water is just hot anyway, like it just it's just.
01:38:57 Hot like the the.
01:39:01 It never cools off at night, right?
01:39:03 And so the well pumps up the water into the tank and it just never gets cold.
01:39:10 And so even though.
01:39:11 It's pumping it.
01:39:12 It's the the well.
01:39:14 Is not even super close to like you know, my shower or whatever it's, you know, quite a ways away.
01:39:19 It doesn't cool off.
01:39:20 So you there's like no Cold War.
01:39:25 That's no longer the case.
01:39:27 It's cold.
01:39:28 All the time now.
01:39:29 And and yeah, I don't have a functioning water heater at the at the moment, so I decided, you know, I'm just going to make a a solar water heater, but there's that.
01:39:40 My point is, if you buy one of.
01:39:43 These old towns.
01:39:45 You're basically going to be stuck on the grid in some way.
01:39:48 You're going to be limited by whatever the you know, the rotting.
01:39:53 Architecture is like it sounds fun, right?
01:39:55 Like, oh, we're going to buy this town.
01:39:57 And we just have a town.
01:39:59 But I think it would be better and maybe even cheaper in some instances to just buy some land and then have a a.
01:40:08 Have your homes designed in such a way to where they have these kinds of things in.
01:40:13 Mind where you you're.
01:40:15 You're designing it.
01:40:16 Specifically to not need to be on the grid.
01:40:21 You know you're you're designing homes specifically to have, you know, like the, the solar water heater?
01:40:29 Solar power, wind power, and so you're trying to design the buildings to be very insulated.
01:40:38 You know, maybe even somewhat underground, not just for the.
01:40:46 But also, you know, just look for I guess.
01:40:48 For bunker purposes.
01:40:50 But you know you'd want to design if you want to have the least amount of reliance on the grid.
01:40:57 It's better to design around that idea than it is to try to force some old ****** building that's probably not insulated well at all.
01:41:07 That probably is is is not at all designed to.
01:41:12 Run off of of anything other than the grid.
01:41:16 And then like I said then you got to make all the.
01:41:17 Repairs that usually.
01:41:20 Especially with building materials, the way they are right now.
01:41:22 I mean.
01:41:23 So I don't know.
01:41:25 I don't think that's like, the best way to go unless they're, you know, and that's something really amazing.
01:41:29 Popped up and again I don't have.
01:41:31 I just don't have money.
01:41:32 I don't have hardly any money right now.
01:41:35 Shane Lantern, did you read about the Alec Baldwin murdering a woman last week?
01:41:39 Surprise, surprise.
01:41:40 You never got charged with manslaughter.
01:41:42 Yeah, the he won't.
01:41:45 He obviously.
01:41:48 And there's a lot of stupid **** with that. I mean, and that's if you even if you just believe the official story, the, the Armory woman, which already there's a problem, right, it was some 24 year old woman that had said publicly, like in an interview that she didn't feel ready.
01:42:08 To do her job, her job is is gun safety and she's saying in interviews that she doesn't feel ready for it.
01:42:18 And that's who they hired.
01:42:23 That's who they hired.
01:42:29 You know, look.
01:42:31 So at best it's negligence.
01:42:35 At best, it's negligence.
01:42:37 And look, he's the producer.
01:42:39 He's not just an actor in that film.
01:42:41 He's the producer.
01:42:42 He's the guy.
01:42:43 That's the guy who calls.
01:42:43 The shots.
01:42:46 That's the guy who signs off on the 24 year old girl that that doesn't feel ready.
01:42:56 Who has no, I mean haven't much.
01:42:57 Experience. Could she have? She's 24.
01:43:02 And you're out like ******* balling.
01:43:04 You don't have the money for like you know anyway.
01:43:07 And look, he's been in a lot of movies with guns.
01:43:09 It's not like this guy hasn't handled prop guns before.
01:43:13 It doesn't even sound like it was.
01:43:14 It was a prop gun.
01:43:15 It sounds like it was he actually shot someone, then the other stuff that doesn't make any sense is like, well, why are you ******* shooting?
01:43:23 Like how good of a shot, how good of an accidental.
01:43:26 Shot is it?
01:43:28 That you shot the DP.
01:43:31 And then the bullet went through the DP.
01:43:34 And into the director.
01:43:37 Like you managed to somehow shoot.
01:43:38 Two people with one shot.
01:43:41 An accident?
01:43:43 I'm not saying he did.
01:43:44 It on purpose.
01:43:45 I mean, maybe he did.
01:43:46 But it.
01:43:46 Just that doesn't make any sense.
01:43:48 Like what shot like if they're shooting like a scene and they weren't according to what I was reading, they were saying they were rehearsing.
01:43:58 So I can imagine a scenario where he was ******* around on set and then just.
01:44:02 You know was.
01:44:03 Like oh haha.
01:44:04 And then shoots him.
01:44:05 Or that's the way it's supposed to look.
01:44:08 And and it's a murder.
01:44:09 I don't know.
01:44:09 **** Alec Baldwin.
01:44:12 Right.
01:44:12 He's probably a ******* murderer.
01:44:14 You know, if if if he's not a murderer.
01:44:16 In this case, I'm sure he's ******* killed somebody and he's got that.
01:44:20 That ******* personality type where I would not be surprised if he hasn't killed like lots of people.
01:44:24 By now.
01:44:26 He's a ******* psycho.
01:44:28 And yeah, and and.
01:44:32 Either way.
01:44:34 We should hold them up to.
01:44:37 To his own standards, he he's a ******* murderer.
01:44:39 Just call him a murderer.
01:44:41 Even if, even if, like technically it was an accident or whatever, he's still a murderer.
01:44:46 That's what he'd call you.
01:44:47 So he's a ******* murderer.
01:44:52 Let's see here.
01:44:56 Review blazing saddles and **** all over the boomers favorite comedy boomers talk about it a lot because it makes fun of everybody's reality is it's a bunch of Jews making fun of.
01:45:06 White people.
01:45:07 Yeah, I I.
01:45:10 I feel like I've never, I don't think.
01:45:11 I've ever seen it.
01:45:14 But I you know, if isn't that like a?
01:45:18 Oh, who made that?
01:45:19 That ******* Mel Brooks.
01:45:20 Mel Brooks.
01:45:21 All Mel Brooks movies are just ******* awful.
01:45:25 I ******* hate Mel Brooks movies Mel Brooks movies.
01:45:29 Postmaster found the problem with the town for sale.
01:45:32 County officials would handle the infrastructure such as roads.
01:45:38 Yeah, exactly.
01:45:39 There's always a catch like that.
01:45:40 It's better to get just a big.
01:45:43 Private like big lot of land, that's not in any kind of county or I mean it's in every all lands in the county.
01:45:51 It's not like in in any kind of city limits somewhere.
01:45:55 And and then try to incorporate it as your own town that you control, or try to make it far enough away from any city that it won't ever get annexed, because sometimes it's better to not be your own town. Sometimes it's better just to be within a county if the county's got good regulations.
01:46:15 And then you can make it far enough from it, because the problem is if you don't incorporate.
01:46:20 What can happen is a nearby city will just annex.
01:46:24 They'll just say that you're now part.
01:46:25 Of the city, right?
01:46:27 And then you're just ******.
01:46:30 But if you find.
01:46:31 A plot of land that's in the middle.
01:46:34 There's trust me.
01:46:35 And in Nevada, there's got to be.
01:46:41 There's got to be land.
01:46:43 That's that's not that.
01:46:45 There's that's not close to anything.
01:46:52 And so if you could find like.
01:46:54 A spot there.
01:46:55 Or, you know anywhere or Alaska you know there.
01:46:57 There's lots of places like that where there there, there's just a lot of area and there's no nearby city and.
01:47:04 And then just don't.
01:47:05 Don't worry about.
01:47:06 It at least not at first.
01:47:09 And it's all private property so.
01:47:11 You can keep everyone out.
01:47:12 Of it.
01:47:14 That way.
01:47:14 That's the thing too, is if you incorporate and make a town, then you have public roads and you can't like ban people because it's public roads.
01:47:22 Well, if it's if it's all your private property and it's private roads, you can build a ******* wall around it.
01:47:29 You know, you could build a wall around it and.
01:47:32 And ban anybody.
01:47:36 But if it's, if it's an actual city or town with public property.
01:47:40 Then you know.
01:47:42 Then you're kind of ****** and you got to.
01:47:43 Also, there's you'd have to collect taxes and look, maybe eventually you would get to that where that would make sense, but certainly not at first.
01:47:54 High Priest King Terry.
01:47:55 Alec Baldwin I think is close to broke.
01:47:57 He hasn't had a big movie in a while.
01:47:59 Career is in the.
01:48:00 Toilet for sure.
01:48:01 Yeah, I don't know.
01:48:02 If he just maybe he's terrible with money and I think he's been divorced, maybe at least once.
01:48:08 But you got to remember, these guys get paid.
01:48:13 On all these movies, it's not like they just get their salary for the movie and then that's it.
01:48:18 I mean, think of how many ******* movies.
01:48:20 Alec Baldwin's in.
01:48:22 And now think of all the streaming services and and look, it adds up.
01:48:26 Every time anytime you watch a movie with Alec Baldwin in it or an episode of him on, Sorry at live, well, I don't know what his deal is with NBC or whatever, but or that's all the TV shows that he's in.
01:48:43 He gets he gets a little check.
01:48:46 He gets a check every time that gets played.
01:48:49 So unless he, I mean, maybe he was a complete ******* with money that, I mean I I could, I could.
01:48:54 See that?
01:48:55 But I don't I doubt that.
01:48:57 I doubt he's broke.
01:48:58 I mean, maybe he is.
01:48:59 Maybe he's.
01:49:00 Got like, you know, the divorce and a gambling problem.
01:49:04 And and who knows but.
01:49:06 You you'd be surprised at how much ******* money these guys get.
01:49:10 Based race mixer. Even the 88 sensor you on telegram, they're no better than Twitter, just laughable. Even the 80 eights. What's the 80 eights?
01:49:24 I don't know what the 80 eights is.
01:49:30 Glock 23, have you seen handsome truth? And the Golem Defense League on Gotham TV. They are in Texas right now protesting Jews like they did this summer in Florida.
01:49:42 It's awesome.
01:49:43 They are going to protest at another ADL location again and go to Infowars and protest Alex Jones.
01:49:51 I have not seen that, but I I mean, I don't know.
01:49:56 I'd have to see it before I comment on it.
01:49:57 Actually I would, I don't want.
01:49:59 To say anything unless I see it.
01:50:01 I I I I have a hard time believing that it's.
01:50:06 That's effective.
01:50:07 I mean maybe it's.
01:50:09 See what you.
01:50:09 Want to avoid doing is what this movie did.
01:50:13 You know you want to avoid making something that's literally not going to convince anybody of anything.
01:50:19 That's just made for people that and I guess to some degree it's it's useful to do that to to to make content or whatever that's good for people that are on your side already to keep them, you know, to remind them you know why and stuff like that.
01:50:37 But it it's just.
01:50:39 I don't know.
01:50:40 I think it's better to try to make stuff.
01:50:42 I haven't seen what these guys do so.
01:50:44 I don't know, but I just think it's important that you do stuff that's more that's that's accessible to.
01:50:52 To most people as much as possible.
01:50:55 Zen Master Zen Tennessee is a red state.
01:50:58 My area is very low crime, no state income tax, constitutional carry, et cetera.
01:51:02 Well, that's.
01:51:02 Good to hear.
01:51:04 Yeah, that's something you got to think about when your funding a state is gun laws are kind of screwy in in certain places, especially the coastal states.
01:51:13 Hammer of thorazine.
01:51:15 The only way to not be a part of the city is to have a ton of money like Nike does in.
01:51:21 Their HQ is surrounded by a major Portland suburb, but they are able to maintain unincorporated county status because they've got billions in weight to throw around.
01:51:31 Yeah, but if you're far enough out there.
01:51:34 Uh, well, I mean, like, where I'm at right now, I'm not in any kind of city.
01:51:39 I'm an unincorporated land and there and there's lots of it out there and there's lots and lots of.
01:51:44 It out there.
01:51:46 But yeah, you can't be anywhere near a city like Portland and not be Nike or they'll they'll annex you.
01:51:54 Angry goy.
01:51:55 Jay, what do you think about Israel vaccine?
01:51:57 All their population and they are one of the most sick countries right now.
01:52:03 It doesn't seem to make sense.
01:52:04 Yeah, I don't know.
01:52:06 I don't know.
01:52:08 I really don't know.
01:52:10 The like I said, I don't have the expertise.
01:52:15 And no one's.
01:52:17 I don't or the trust of of anyone in the mainstream that claims to have the expertise.
01:52:23 I'm just my stance has always been the same.
01:52:25 Like look, I don't feel like I need it.
01:52:26 Like, even if the official story is true, I don't really need it.
01:52:30 You know, like it's not going to kill me.
01:52:32 Most likely it maybe, you know, knock on wood, right.
01:52:36 And uh.
01:52:38 So I'm not worried about it and.
01:52:41 It seems a little weird, like they're just acting weird about it.
01:52:44 I already don't trust them.
01:52:47 You know, I already don't trust these people.
01:52:50 And I already know they don't want me to be alive.
01:52:54 And so I.
01:52:54 Know that them.
01:52:56 Really wanted me to take the vaccine.
01:52:59 Has nothing to do with them wanting me.
01:53:01 To be alive.
01:53:03 Now, is it possible that they they really believe their own ******** that my vaccine doesn't work unless you have your vaccine?
01:53:11 I don't know.
01:53:11 Maybe for like the mid middle management ruling class bureaucratic fagots like that's possible.
01:53:16 They believe that **** and that's why they're splurging out so hard, I don't know.
01:53:22 But I feel like there's probably something.
01:53:24 More to it.
01:53:26 Caged. Raged. Have you seen computing forever? His video about Ireland's March towards the tall Terry ISM.
01:53:33 Is that a new one?
01:53:34 I mean, he's done a bunch of videos like that.
01:53:38 That's all throughout the West, though it's not limited to to just island.
01:53:42 But he does good stuff, yeah.
01:53:45 I don't know if I've seen the one you're specifically talking about, but all the videos I've seen by him are good.
01:53:51 Dave Cohen, his good stuff.
01:53:52 I gotta re message him.
01:53:54 He's like messaging my old account, I think.
01:53:57 Because I've had to change some things around.
Speaker 14
01:54:01 Let's see here.
01:54:05 Sheen Lantern Alex's brothers are are boomer. Yeah, actually, that's kind of The funny thing. That's another example of of the the the ****** brother version of someone, Alec Baldwin. He's the famous one. And then, just like with Chris Farley, he was the famous one.
01:54:24 And then Kevin Farleys like the the Conservative ******* version of Chris Farley.
01:54:30 And Stephen Baldwin is the the conservative ******* version of Alec Baldwin.
01:54:35 Like, not as good looking, not as good at acting.
01:54:40 You know, it's it that every time you try to use like the brother.
01:54:44 You know, I maybe there's maybe there's a an instance out there where like the brother or the sister is just as good.
01:54:51 I'm not aware of it.
01:54:52 Well, I guess you can say the Olsen twins, I mean.
01:54:54 They're exactly the same.
01:54:58 But you know.
01:55:05 I also notice most actors become conservative after they're washed up.
01:55:08 Well, I I feel like.
01:55:11 Maybe once they have their money and and they're not, you know, no new works coming in.
01:55:18 They they can be a little less.
01:55:21 **** because they don't have to play that game anymore.
01:55:27 Chad, the famous.
01:55:28 Have you seen any Joe Biden cornholio memes?
01:55:31 Sticks was going on them today that CNN Town Hall where he.
01:55:40 It's just it's so.
01:55:41 ******* gay.
01:55:42 Like it's so gay.
01:55:43 Like I.
01:55:43 Yes, I saw.
01:55:44 I know what you're
01:55:45 Talking about.
01:55:46 But it's just like Biden.
01:55:48 Means. Come on guys like.
01:55:50 We have.
01:55:52 Oh, let's go, Brandon.
01:55:56 Guys, it's so funny.
01:55:59 You know, I mean it's just it.
01:56:00 I I can't.
01:56:01 I just ******* can't.
01:56:03 I just ******* can't.
01:56:04 Alrighty, alright it's it's.
01:56:07 I don't know who.
01:56:08 That's funny too.
01:56:10 Biden has his arms straight.
01:56:14 That, that's.
01:56:15 That's what we're going to talk about his arms.
01:56:20 We're we're talking about Biden's arms.
01:56:26 Like, we're not worried about all the.
01:56:28 Other **** that's going.
01:56:28 On it's it's Biden's arms.
01:56:31 That, that's.
01:56:32 That's what we should focus on, right?
01:56:34 His his arms.
01:56:45 I'm *******.
01:56:49 I'm not surprised Styx was doing that.
01:56:52 OK.
01:56:55 I mean, literally all sticks does what are what are boomer ******* ******* talking about on Twitter?
01:57:02 I'll make a ****** video, but I'll just I'll just regurgitate.
01:57:07 With the magnetars on Twitter said the day so that it can reinforce it, that's all it is.
01:57:13 I can I can reinforce they're they're already.
01:57:19 Surface you know 2 dimensional view of.
01:57:22 The world to them.
01:57:31 Ferocious Chihuahua, have you heard?
01:57:32 About the all or heard about all the.
01:57:36 Non VAX related plane crashes.
01:57:42 No, I have not.
01:57:43 I don't.
01:57:43 Know you're talking out there.
01:57:45 ******** ******?
01:57:47 I'm hearing that Nick Fontez is OK with the idea of having you stream on his new platform of Cozy TV.
01:57:54 Says he's trying to put out as many based right wingers as he can.
01:57:57 Any idea if you're willing to stream over here too?
01:58:01 I've never heard of Cozy TV, but I will possibly check it out.
01:58:12 Not right now, though.
01:58:13 That'll take.
01:58:14 I don't want.
01:58:16 Clog up the string here, but I'll let me write that down and I'll open it up another tab.
01:58:23 Unless it's a.
01:58:26 A **** site that you're tricking me into going to.
01:58:31 Cozy TV?
01:58:31 No, it is a sight.
01:58:35 That's like a whole site, huh?
01:58:38 Oh, look, it's got a based black guy on it.
01:58:45 And there's already a boomer.
01:58:47 There's already a boomer account.
01:58:52 Looks like some game stream.
01:58:53 I don't know, I'll.
01:58:54 Look at this later.
01:59:09 Let's see here.
01:59:11 Lost bits everyone should read.
01:59:15 200 years together.
01:59:17 By Social Nation I can.
01:59:20 I can never say that guys ******* name right souls.
01:59:23 Zenit Shen meitzen.
01:59:26 I don't know.
01:59:27 No one can really say it.
01:59:28 They're just like they just rammed the syllables together and see they.
01:59:31 I've always had the same methods to abuse high ethics and moral.
01:59:35 Yeah, that's that.
01:59:36 I have not read it, but.
01:59:41 In fact, I'm going to open that.
01:59:42 I know a book you're talking about, and I will.
01:59:46 And it's long, isn't it?
01:59:47 ******* long as ****.
01:59:48 How many pages is this?
01:59:51 Yeah. And it's like 770 pages. I don't know. I'll not anytime soon.
01:59:58 Be great if I had that on audiobook when I was driving 7000 miles.
02:00:06 Let's see our postmaster.
02:00:08 It's very easy to see that the country that Baldwin killed or the county.
02:00:14 Wait, hold on.
02:00:16 It's very easy to see.
02:00:18 That the county that Baldwin killed someone in is an NWO center.
02:00:24 The corporate address is a green.
02:00:27 Charging station and is a posse for the sheriff that on their websites.
02:00:35 On the website specified, I think you meant they are not an official agency yet controls all companies.
02:00:44 All right, that, that, that's down further down the rabbit hole than I've been.
02:00:49 I just thought I was at some ranch in New Mexico where they do a lot of shoot.
02:00:53 I mean shooting as in shooting movies, not necessarily shooting DPS, which apparently.
02:01:01 Like Alec Baldwin, the murderer has been doing caged rage.
02:01:06 Just an aside.
02:01:07 Have you considered coiled black PVC pipe on your roof as a means of heating water?
02:01:12 Well, I'm doing something kind of like that, so I'm doing a Pex pipe.
02:01:17 And I'm building a box with a coil of Pex pipe in it, and then also having a water tank so that you know there's.
02:01:28 So it's not just like, oh, I've got a gallon of water better.
02:01:32 I don't want to, like, shower.
02:01:33 Like I'm gonna ******* submarine.
02:01:34 You know.
02:01:34 What I.
02:01:35 Mean and so I want to have a tank that it circulates through.
02:01:40 Nothing big.
02:01:41 You know, I don't need like a you know, I I don't need to take like hour.
02:01:43 Long showers or like that and so.
02:01:48 Right now I've got all the parts.
02:01:49 The only parts I don't have is the tank I'm looking for, like a cheap tank.
02:01:53 That I can.
02:01:54 Use and.
02:01:55 It's just hard to find like a cheap tank that.
02:01:57 Can handle pressure. I don't.
02:02:00 Not that I have a ton of pressure, you know, I'm on a well.
02:02:02 It's not like I'm on city water and the pressure I've got is not super crazy.
02:02:07 But it needs to at least be able to handle some pressure and and have like the connectors for that.
02:02:13 I can, you know, hook up to from the Pex pipe, but I'm I oh, I also need the the large piece of glass.
02:02:22 Because ******* glass is expensive and and plexiglass is expensive now, especially because of this.
02:02:28 You know the stupid COVID stuff.
02:02:30 All these people, all these you know, everyone was buying plexiglass like every time you go to a restaurant.
02:02:35 Now they've got this stupid plexiglass in the way.
02:02:38 Or anytime you go anywhere and they got the ******* plexiglass.
02:02:42 All over the place because of the that's going to stop the virus.
02:02:45 This, this plate of plexiglass right.
02:02:48 They, you know so.
02:02:49 Many people bought.
02:02:50 Up all that ******* plexiglass.
02:02:51 That the price is kind of all jacked up now and I kind of want like a big piece of plexiglass to to cover the box that I'm building.
02:03:03 High, pristine Terry, Southwest Airlines and others have basically gone on strike or sick out of a VAX mandates delta.
02:03:09 I think reversed their VAX mandate possibly, but not entirely certain.
02:03:14 A few accidents crashes lately related to VAX seizures heart attacks.
02:03:18 Too early to tell on those accidents pilots, pilots are mad.
02:03:23 I mean, it's too early to tell.
02:03:24 A lot of this stuff.
02:03:25 It's too early to tell that we're we're going to have, like I said, it's this winter is going to, there's going to either either I think this winter we're going to either see a lot of deaths.
02:03:36 Because this is when if you if there are immune system, a lot of people have been saying, oh, you know, this vaccine is going to make you addicted to the vaccine essentially you're.
02:03:44 Going to have a A an immune system or a problem because the vaccines give your immune system a it it ***** it up like it makes you dependent on the vaccine.
02:03:57 In some ways, right.
02:03:58 I'm just.
02:03:59 I'm oversimplifying it.
02:04:00 But that's the basic idea, right?
02:04:01 That people are saying.
02:04:03 If that's the case, when flu season rolls around.
02:04:08 That means a lot of people will start dying the flu, so we'll see what happens this winter.
02:04:13 UM and then in terms of the plane crashes, I don't know what you're talking about. And that's part of like I said, I.
02:04:18 I was on the road for a long time.
02:04:20 I was basically out of the loop for several.
02:04:23 Days this week and I'm I'm just barely getting back into the saddle last night and today.
Speaker 14
02:04:32 UM.
02:04:34 The pill dispenser I've been banned from the discord like everyone else, I guess.
02:04:38 Where is the next place for the Devon?
02:04:41 It's black pilled fans.
02:04:47 We should probably figure.
02:04:48 Something out that's maybe not discord.
02:04:51 That's maybe like the matrix stuff that people were talking about.
02:04:56 It's just the problem.
02:04:57 The reason I've stayed away from that is it's just, you know, at night.
02:05:01 It's good because you know you manage it, but it's bad because you have to manage it.
02:05:07 UM.
02:05:08 And I just like I said, I haven't had.
02:05:10 I don't, I don't have the time.
02:05:12 I just won't have the time just to be honest to you guys, I will not have the time to manage.
02:05:16 A server like that I already have too many things going on.
02:05:25 You know, if someone wants to start one up and then let everyone know, that would be good.
02:05:34 What I'm saying is you.
Speaker 6
02:05:35 You're on your own on that?
02:05:36 One for right now, like you know.
02:05:38 I I just don't.
02:05:39 I got.
02:05:39 I got too many.
02:05:40 Spinning plates right now.
02:05:45 Oh, someone's got an audio book of 200 years together. All right.
02:05:50 I'll open that in a new tab that's good to have, I.
02:05:53 Will I will check that out.
02:05:55 I will check that.
02:05:56 Out as long if it's robot voice, I might not listen to it.
02:06:01 I you know, it's just.
02:06:03 There are quality, just so you guys know the people making robot voice audio books.
02:06:09 There are good text to speech.
02:06:13 Programs out there that don't sound like a ******* 1993 Macintosh.
02:06:20 OK, use those. Don't use the 1993 Macintosh voice.
02:06:26 Because I can't handle that.
02:06:29 Like I can handle it for a little bit.
02:06:31 Or I can handle it when it's like kind of funny, you know, like if it's.
02:06:36 Someone, if it's ironic, you know, but can't can't handle it for for ******* 770 pages.
02:06:49 Dark Early entertainment Alex Jones wants to recruit you for Operation victory as they rebuild the Trump campaign 2.0 that is why for the past few streams, you get spammed with Cozy TV.
02:07:03 Is that is that an Alex Jones thing?
02:07:08 I don't know.
02:07:09 I'll look in.
02:07:10 I don't.
02:07:10 I don't know anything about Cozy TV.
02:07:13 And I I will not.
02:07:15 I will not campaign for Trump.
02:07:17 Trump was a epic failure.
02:07:20 And I mean, there's, there's not a whole lot in the world that would make me campaign for Trump.
02:07:28 He would have to let go.
02:07:30 Full 1488.
02:07:32 Which he will never do.
02:07:34 Base race mixer.
02:07:35 Do you believe the various numbers on the VAX deaths?
02:07:39 It must be more even.
02:07:41 Nurses complain it takes 30 plus minutes to fill.
02:07:43 Out the claims.
02:07:45 In the US, we are at 17,000 deaths, according to the ruling class. Yeah, I don't know. I have, I I I know what you're talking about. Kind of. But I don't. I don't know. I haven't looked into it.
02:07:56 I I just would assume that anything in terms of official numbers related to.
02:08:02 The COVID nonsense.
02:08:04 Is going to be.
02:08:06 Literally anything that they say.
02:08:10 I pricing Terry, why the need for solar water heater cold shower is washed away.
02:08:14 The estrogen, soy and boost testosterone.
02:08:17 Yeah, like within reason.
02:08:20 You know, like I don't want to be taking ice cold showers every time I I shower.
02:08:28 I mean the whim, Hoff.
02:08:30 Thing I don't know.
02:08:31 I don't know if I'd buy into the whim Hoff thing, and I've been taking cold.
02:08:34 Showers and it sucks.
02:08:38 I do not like it postmaster. The average American shower uses 17.2 gallons and lasts for 8.2 minutes.
02:08:49 Yeah, I I would imagine that I use a lot less than that.
02:08:52 My water pressure is not very much.
02:08:55 And and honestly, I'd be OK if I got.
02:08:59 I'd be OK with doing like the military shower operation if I if I just had, like, a a 10 gallon tank.
02:09:06 I think that'd be good.
02:09:08 I'd be good with that.
02:09:12 Alright, I'm going to go to the end here and wrap.
02:09:14 Things up here.
02:09:18 Let's see if there's anybody here.
02:09:20 Chad, the famous what do you think of the new Trump media platform?
02:09:23 People already invested billions into it.
02:09:25 You mean the one that got hacked immediately?
02:09:27 You mean the one that says like, oh, we.
02:09:29 Like free speech.
02:09:30 But but it's you can't talk ****.
02:09:34 About the platform on the platform.
02:09:36 You can't talk.
02:09:37 **** about the people affiliated with the platform.
02:09:39 On the platform, by the way, that might mean Trump.
02:09:42 You can't.
02:09:42 To sailing out Jews on.
02:09:44 The platform? Oh, but.
Speaker 6
02:09:45 We believe it's free.
02:09:47 No, it's ********.
02:09:48 It's complete ********.
02:09:50 Like it like you knew it would be.
02:09:52 Right?
02:09:52 Of course it's got.
02:09:54 There's a reason they never backed gab.
02:09:57 Gab already solved the problem.
02:10:00 If Trump had just put even a tiny bit of support behind Gab, if he had just said, if he.
02:10:05 Had just gone on to gab.
02:10:09 He wouldn't have to.
02:10:10 Worry about it.
02:10:10 But no, Trump's little ****** that like needs to squeeze every cent he possibly can out.
02:10:18 Of the boomer bucks.
02:10:20 He's going to get every last boomer buck he can get his grubby little ******* hands on.
02:10:25 And also they want to data mine the **** out of you and they want to censor you just as bad, just as bad as Twitter does.
02:10:34 Just about different things.
02:10:39 That's just the way it is.
02:10:41 That's just the way it is.
02:10:43 And I'm glad it got hacked immediately and it's been a giant embarrassment.
02:10:49 I mean basically Trump's.
02:10:51 Trump's ******* platform. You know what Trump's platform is, is literally.
02:10:58 It's it's this.
02:11:01 It's that movie.
02:11:03 It it it's it's.
02:11:06 The platform version of that movie.
02:11:09 That's what it's going.
02:11:10 To be.
02:11:11 Trump's Trump's platform.
02:11:13 Is going to be the American Carol.
02:11:15 You'll be allowed to talk about how 911 totally wasn't an inside job, how it was. Definitely the Muslims with box cutters that did that and that.
02:11:25 That's why you need to die for Israel and how Patton totally would want you to die for Israel.
02:11:33 And the Democrats are the real Nazis.
02:11:36 Like that's.
02:11:39 That's that's the platform.
02:11:41 It's an American Carol, the platform.
02:11:45 Nothing more, nothing less.
02:11:52 High Priest King Terry.
02:11:53 The plane crashes.
02:11:54 I was referring to are not huge crashes or even deadly crashes, just situations that most pilots.
02:12:01 Should not have been in and are fairly uncommon.
02:12:03 Real head scratchers pilots in these situations were likely bagged recent too.
02:12:08 Unsure of major airlines affected, I heard about some.
02:12:13 Some weird plain thing the other day.
02:12:17 I I don't remember what it was.
02:12:18 But I'll you know, I'll look into it.
02:12:22 High Priest interior Telegram set up in place of the discord.
02:12:27 Well, I wouldn't be telegram.
02:12:28 They've already they already banned.
02:12:32 We did like a chat on Telegram and.
02:12:34 It got.
02:12:35 It got acts pretty quick.
02:12:39 UM element dot IO. Yeah. Yeah. Looking at it again, I think I looked at that a little bit. Easiest way to get it get it is probably asking on.
02:12:50 Less than 30 bucks to set up a burner phone if you want to use.
02:12:55 Element matrix requires no phone.
02:12:58 Yeah, the I'm I'm thinking probably.
02:13:01 The element slash matrix thing is going to be the.
02:13:04 Way to go.
02:13:05 And honestly, yeah, it's.
02:13:06 Going to make it a little harder for some.
02:13:08 But maybe that's a good thing.
02:13:11 Dark entertainment.
02:13:12 Come on, Devin.
02:13:13 Don't you want to help that system as these two party two party Jew party bots spam US?
02:13:19 Absolutely not.
02:13:20 I do not want to.
02:13:22 Yeah, support stuff like that.
02:13:24 UM Postmaster COVID tracks back to Biden Pilgrim Society Credit Suisse.
02:13:32 Saint Gallons St.
02:13:34 Gall nurses hold the baby's life and death.
02:13:37 Fascism flag.
02:13:38 Looks like OK.
02:13:40 I don't.
02:13:40 I don't know what.
02:13:40 That stuff is I'll.
02:13:42 If I remember, I'll look into that.
02:13:47 John's channel element view element.
02:13:51 Alright, so your vote is for Alan Brooke assault.
02:13:53 What did you listen to on your long drive and audio book?
02:13:56 Podcast The pillbox rave.
02:13:59 And that will be my last question before we roll out of here.
02:14:03 Funny you should ask.
02:14:08 I tried to do and I successfully did it.
02:14:10 I was like, you know what?
02:14:11 I'm going to listen to just radio.
02:14:15 And I didn't bring ham right?
02:14:16 I just, I mean, like FM and AM radio.
02:14:19 And there are parts.
02:14:21 Of nowhere land where you there's not even 1 radio station you.
02:14:25 Can pick up.
02:14:26 Like 9:00 and 1:00.
02:14:28 And by the way, I'd almost have to listen to just radio because there's a lot of places where there's no Internet at all.
02:14:35 Like no Internet, I was actually thinking I was like, you know what I can stream because I was driving during what I was going to be streaming Wednesday night.
02:14:42 I was driving middle of nowhere.
02:14:48 When I messaged.
02:14:49 At the telegram and and Gab that.
02:14:52 There was going to be no stream.
02:14:53 It's because.
02:14:54 I knew by the.
02:14:55 Time it was going to be stream time, I'd be in a dead spot where there was absolutely no Internet.
02:15:02 And so, because I was thinking, you know, it wouldn't be the same but.
02:15:06 It would be something, right?
02:15:07 Like I could put a headset on while I was driving and and just kind.
02:15:11 Of do like it.
02:15:12 You know, it wouldn't be anything visual, but I could just do like a something.
02:15:18 But yeah, there was no, there was no Internet.
02:15:21 There was no ******* way I was able to stream anything.
02:15:24 So I just tried listening to radio.
02:15:25 I listen to a lot of NPR listen to a lot of weird boomer rock and and just random stuff.
02:15:33 And I really wished like the whole time I was like, I should have, I should have brought like a ******* at least, like a shortwave radio with me.
02:15:41 You know, if not a ham.
02:15:42 Radio just to it would have been way more interesting.
02:15:47 Because if it was a ham radio, I.
02:15:49 I wouldn't have the antenna.
02:15:51 I don't have like a mobile antenna, so maybe I should.
02:15:53 Do that.
02:15:55 But at least like a shortwave radio because at night that's when you get a.
02:15:58 Lot of decent like even like a little cheaper shortwave radio. Like I'm talking like, just like a $10 shortwave radio.
02:16:06 You can usually get.
02:16:07 Some stuff at night, I mean especially way out there.
02:16:11 There's not going to be any interference.
02:16:13 There's like nothing out there.
02:16:14 Like, literally ******* nothing out there.
02:16:16 But yeah, I just listened to listen to the radio the entire time.
02:16:20 I never once listened to anything Internet related and that was partially intentional too, like even if I'd had good Internet, I don't think I.
02:16:29 Would have just because it was nice to.
02:16:33 To just, even though like I never, I never just chill out to to music.
02:16:37 The other weird thing about the radio was it was interesting to see because I don't know who listens to the ******* radio anymore.
02:16:42 I don't even know who.
02:16:43 Who's listening.
02:16:44 Studio so it was kind of interesting to see like what what kind of ads are on the radio, like who's the like, cause you could kind of tell like who they think's listening to the radio by what the ads are. And you can tell that.
02:16:56 They think that it's it's old people.
02:16:59 And because you know, because of the kinds of, you know was, you know, life insurance, you know, stuff like the things that old people would buy, right.
02:17:07 But the other thing that stuck out.
02:17:10 Was just how saturated?
02:17:13 The COVID PSAS were.
02:17:17 And I don't know.
02:17:17 If that's because they're not selling, they, I mean they they're not selling ad time because no one.
02:17:21 'S listening to.
02:17:21 The ******* radio anymore?
02:17:23 Well, what?
02:17:24 But the the amount of COVID propaganda on FM and AM radio is like, intense.
02:17:32 Now I don't watch TV, so maybe on TV it's it's the same way, but it's ******* intense on the radio.
02:17:38 It's like every every commercial break is like half.
02:17:42 Get the jab.
02:17:43 Make sure you get the jab.
02:17:45 Oh, you got to get the jab.
02:17:46 Did you get the jab?
02:17:47 Did you get the 2nd jab? Oh yeah, Covid's tough, but we're all going to make it through it as long as you get the jab.
02:17:52 Jab, jab, jab, jab, jab like it was like none.
02:17:54 ******* stop and and even like so you know, like the the light up construction signs at the side of the road.
02:18:03 That that usually say like, oh, there's going to be construction from Sunday to whatever on this road there.
02:18:09 There was ******* those signs of the like in the middle of ******* nowhere.
02:18:12 A sign like that.
02:18:13 Just set up saying make sure you get vaccinated.
02:18:18 It was ******* weird.
02:18:21 So anyway with that.
02:18:24 Hope you guys all have a awesome weekend.
02:18:29 For Black pilled, I'm of course.
Speaker 6
02:18:33 Damn, it's Jack.
Speaker 12
02:18:39 The United States of America is home to over 330 million people.
02:18:45 We are a country known for freedom, justice and opportunity.
02:18:52 The American dream draws people from across the globe, bringing different cultures, traditions and ideas to the fabric of our great nation.
02:19:05 At the same time, there are individuals in the United States who seek to carry out acts of terrorism and violence against our communities and our country.
Speaker 10
02:20:15 Listen, I don't know if this is anything, but what I just saw looked really suspicious.
02:20:19 Definitely out of the ordinary.
02:20:22 I was in the parking garage underneath the federal building.
Speaker 1
02:20:24 On 3rd and Jay St.
Speaker 12
02:20:29 It's not easy to put all the pieces together and we don't expect you to.
02:20:34 That's the job of law enforcement and intelligence analysts.
02:20:38 But Homeland Security is a shared effort and responsibility for each of us.
02:20:44 When you see things that just don't seem right that seem somehow out of the ordinary reporting what you observe can be invaluable to the work of law enforcement and intelligence analysts.
02:20:55 In this shared effort.
02:20:57 Acts of terrorism against the United States can be large or small, and we've all seen their horrific images on television or in newspapers.
02:21:07 But terrorist acts don't happen spontaneously.
02:21:10 Many require some form of planning.
02:21:16 Before they strike, many terrorists watch and study their targets, gather information.
02:21:27 Test security.
02:21:36 Acquire funds and supplies, often through criminal activities.
02:21:42 And reverse or walk through their plans.
02:21:48 To do this, they may create or change identity documents or badges and seek to obtain information about their targets.
02:21:57 These changes or unusual interest in facilities or procedures can be indicators of terrorist planning.
02:22:04 Any of what we call these features or activities might be observable and reportable by a vigilant member of the public.
02:22:13 You are in the best position to spot these precursor activities as you go about your everyday activities in your community.
02:22:26 Hey, security.
Speaker 12
02:22:29 Now, it's important to carefully consider what you observe.
02:22:34 Reporting suspicious activity should not be based on a person's race, religion or gender.
02:22:42 But rather on.
02:22:42 Behaviors that seem suspicious or out of the ordinary.
Speaker 18
02:22:46 Where's your band?
Speaker 12
02:22:48 So if you see something that just isn't right, report your observations to your state or local authorities so they can analyze it to identify broader trends.
02:22:58 You should also know that the law enforcement personnel who receive and respond to these reports are trained to recognize trends, behaviors, and indicators.
02:23:08 Related to specific terrorist threats and related crime, while respecting privacy and civil liberty safeguards.
02:23:17 State and major urban area fusion centers are focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering and sharing of threat related information.
02:23:28 Fusion centers have the unique capability to gather and receive information shared by both the federal government and state, local and tribal stakeholders within their areas of responsibility.
02:23:40 Further, through the standards, policies and processes of the nationwide suspicious Activity Reporting initiative, fusion centers can share information that has been determined to have a potential Nexus to terrorism or other criminal acts.
02:23:54 Activity partners at all levels of government work together to blend national intelligence with local, regional and state information as appropriate, to provide state and local context.
02:24:07 This work often takes place at fusion centers facilities where state and local governments can receive intelligence and information.
02:24:15 From the federal government and in turn share their information and intelligence with federal partners assisting all Homeland Security partners in identifying and addressing emerging threats.
Speaker 8
02:24:26 Well, so we're trying to see if there's ties.
02:24:36 There were.
Speaker 12
02:25:09 If you observe something that might be a precursor to criminal or terrorist activity, take the next step and report it.
02:25:17 Yeah, I I just saw the weirdest thing I worked.
Speaker 7
02:25:19 On at Ferguson Self Storage and there were.
02:25:22 These two guys, unit 1021.
02:25:52 Can I help you see your badge?
Speaker 19
02:26:05 Hi, I'm up here in the nuclear.
02:26:06 Medicine department.
02:26:07 There was a person.
02:26:07 That I didn't.
Speaker 20
02:26:08 Recognize trying to access our radioactive materials.
Speaker 12
02:27:17 Never take unnecessary risks or try to act as an official investigator when observing or reporting what you've seen.
02:27:31 Your observations and reports can and do make a difference in helping to protect our country from terrorist activity and other crime.
02:27:39 When you share them with the right authorities.
02:27:42 Which you've seen here are only a few examples of events of how people like you can notice something you feel as suspicious or out of the ordinary, and report it to their local authorities.
02:27:54 Remember, if you see something, say something.
02:27:59 Homeland Security starts with home.
02:28:02 Town security and we all have a role to play.
02:28:06 Working together we can all help secure our country.
02:28:11 If you see something, say something.
02:28:15 Always contact local law enforcement whenever you observe suspicious indicators or behaviors.