

00:00:56 A lot of people out there in Streamy land.
00:00:48 Good morning, good afternoon, good.
00:00:50 Evening. Good night.
00:00:55 It's a good day today.
00:00:56 It's a good day.
00:00:57 Today we have a.
00:00:57 Lot of stuff.
00:00:58 To go over, welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:01:01 For those of you who are new, we have a an initiation that goes on and shed you will get.
00:01:09 Hazed if you are new you.
00:01:10 Will be hazed, and it's just a part of the.
00:01:13 Process. It's all part of.
00:01:16 The insomnia stream experience.
00:01:20 So the before we get into some of the news.
00:01:25 And we're going to do much because we.
00:01:26 Have a lot.
00:01:27 Of stuff to go through in terms.
00:01:28 Of some other.
Speaker 3
00:01:29 Fun stuff.
Speaker 4
00:01:30 Like I said, I.
00:01:31 Don't like?
00:01:31 I don't like doing news every day.
00:01:33 Everyone already knows the news usually, and it's it's there's not usually a lot of good news and I like to.
00:01:40 To balance it out so.
00:01:42 Before we get into some of.
00:01:43 The news there is.
00:01:44 At least one thing we need to.
00:01:45 Talk about the movie or the video I played.
00:01:51 Prior to the the intro animation thing, the.
00:01:54 The warm up song I.
00:01:56 Guess was the gambler, so if you if you're watching the.
00:01:59 Replay you, you miss out you miss.
Speaker 3
00:02:01 Out on the warm up.
00:02:02 Song is Kenny Rogers.
Speaker 3
00:02:06 The gambler.
00:02:08 And I played it for a specific reason.
00:02:13 And it's because the lyrics I think are very.
00:02:17 Very relevant to what we'll talk about afterwards.
00:02:22 And I just want to talk about or.
00:02:23 I just want to read maybe some of the some of the lyrics here.
00:02:28 So that you can.
00:02:30 Maybe, maybe.
00:02:31 I get a sense.
00:02:33 Of how this might apply.
00:02:36 To the world we live in, right?
00:02:37 Now, but before we do.
00:02:39 That, of course.
00:02:41 Don't ask why I'm I'm.
00:02:43 I've been drinking the white trash coffee diet.
00:02:46 Mountain Dew.
00:02:47 I just damn.
00:02:48 And you can listen to it, do you?
Speaker 3
00:02:50 Hear that?
00:02:51 You hear the bubbles?
00:02:52 You know, I was thinking there day.
00:02:55 With all these big corporations getting behind this green ********, I've actually never liked the carbonation that comes in soda I've.
00:03:04 Never liked it.
00:03:06 And if everyone's so worried, think about how much soda.
00:03:12 Or pop for those of you.
00:03:13 Who are faggs?
00:03:14 Think of how much soda.
00:03:17 Around the world is consumed every day.
00:03:22 It's completely pointless, carbon.
00:03:26 Inject it into liquid.
00:03:28 You don't even really drink it.
00:03:31 And if you do that, you know it it comes out.
Speaker 3
00:03:33 One way or the other, right?
00:03:36 Think of the carbon footprint.
00:03:39 That soda has.
00:03:42 And it's totally unnecessary.
00:03:45 Completely unnecessary.
00:03:48 They just get CO2 and they jam it into Coca-Cola and you know all these other big corporations, these products.
00:03:55 That they make and they.
00:03:56 They oh.
00:03:57 Here are Coca-Cola, you.
00:03:59 Know well, get a second.
00:04:01 But they they they.
00:04:02 They promote all these green things they're trying to, you know, we're going to start using electric.
00:04:06 Trucks or I don't?
Speaker 3
00:04:07 Know whatever the **** they're doing.
00:04:09 But they ignore the obvious thing.
00:04:12 That they're pumping ******* CO2 into aluminum cans.
00:04:18 And well, just big canisters.
00:04:20 You know anyone that's.
00:04:21 Worked in a restaurant. You know, talk about there's giant ******* CO2 canisters.
00:04:25 In the back.
00:04:27 So they can inject it into.
00:04:28 The syrup, right as they they pour it out.
00:04:33 All around the world, all these little bubbles.
00:04:39 It's got to be a massive amount.
00:04:42 And it's completely pointless.
00:04:44 Like I said, I've never really liked it.
00:04:46 I don't.
00:04:47 It's not.
00:04:47 I don't hate it.
Speaker 3
00:04:50 But I don't really like it I.
00:04:51 Got a roommate?
00:04:53 And he would buy a 2 liter of coke like all the time.
00:04:56 And it's not because he was always drinking 2 liters of coke, but.
00:04:59 He would drink like.
00:05:00 Like a coke?
00:05:01 I don't even know.
00:05:02 Why he would buy it in such?
00:05:03 Large quantities because he would just buy.
00:05:07 A2 liter of coke and then drink like a.
00:05:09 Cokes worth of.
00:05:10 It and then put it in the fridge.
00:05:13 And then lay a couple days later, complained that it.
00:05:15 Had gone flat.
00:05:17 And then go buy another two liter.
00:05:21 And that's when I would drink the flat.
00:05:23 Two liter of coke because.
Speaker 3
00:05:24 I didn't give a ****.
00:05:27 But yeah, I mean so.
00:05:29 I don't know.
00:05:31 Yeah. Coke. Coke is. Uh.
00:05:34 When I was working at an NBC affiliate, we had to play the Today show.
00:05:44 During our morning newscast.
00:05:46 Or rather, we were putting our local.
00:05:48 News into the Today show.
00:05:51 So for example, when Al Roker would say, and here's what's happening, you know, neck of the woods, that's when Devin would have to hit a.
00:05:58 Button real fast.
00:06:00 And queue someone on.
00:06:02 On FB to tell them.
00:06:03 All right?
00:06:04 Well, like I think, I think we.
00:06:05 Had like a minute and 1/2.
00:06:08 So that we.
00:06:08 Could do a a local weather report real quick and then try to squeeze in a commercial.
00:06:14 If we could.
00:06:15 And then we go back to the satellite feed coming from NBC, New York and one is and it was, you know, it's just it was just fluff, right.
00:06:24 That whole show was just garbage fluff.
00:06:27 Garbage fluff for like housewives.
Speaker 1
00:06:29 And old people.
00:06:32 And learned it and.
00:06:33 They would just.
00:06:33 They shamelessly just promoted these billionaire corporations.
00:06:37 They would.
00:06:38 It would just be.
00:06:40 It was so obvious.
00:06:41 It was like you're just watching a really long commercial. Like that's what most of the stuff was. You know, you're watching a really long commercial for someone's new book.
00:06:50 Or a new restaurant chain or whatever.
00:06:54 But it with.
00:06:55 Like a little bit of propaganda.
00:06:58 Slash news kind of, you know, peppered in there.
00:07:04 And one day they had coke because you know, no one knows what coke is.
00:07:09 So they had this representative.
00:07:11 From, you know, coke.
00:07:13 I think we were.
00:07:14 Celebrating like, I don't know, some stupid like.
00:07:16 Oh, it's 100 years.
00:07:17 Of coke.
00:07:20 Some anniversary or something like that.
00:07:23 And I still remember the representative from Coke.
00:07:29 Just you know the.
00:07:29 The kind of woman that that traded.
00:07:31 PowerPoints for children wearing a power suit.
00:07:36 You know, with shoulder.
Speaker 3
00:07:37 Pads and you know the whole deal.
00:07:40 And I remember her saying like.
Speaker 3
00:07:43 Bluebell. I forget the guy's name. The founder of coke.
00:07:46 Had a vision and his vision was to quench the thirst of the nation.
00:07:53 I was like, no, no.
00:07:55 Was it his vision was to to get off of cocaine or not?
00:08:01 Opiates with using cocaine like that was.
00:08:05 That's how coke got invented.
00:08:06 He was addicted to opiates and he was in heroin.
00:08:10 Well, I guess that's kind of an opiate, right?
00:08:12 And he was trying to get off it.
00:08:13 So he invented a cocaine drink.
00:08:15 To help ease.
00:08:16 Him off of heroin.
00:08:20 And then he showed it as, like, a medicine.
00:08:25 Yeah, it's there was no quenching that anyway.
00:08:31 The mythology of our country and of these big corporations, it's it's all fake and gay.
Speaker 3
00:08:40 It's all fake and gay.
00:08:43 But anyway, let's get to the lyrics.
00:08:44 Of of the gambler.
Speaker 3
00:08:46 The gambler.
00:08:48 And it goes a little something like this.
00:08:51 And I'm not going to sing it.
00:08:53 On a warm summers evening, on a train bound for nowhere, I met up with a gambler.
00:09:00 We were both too tired to sleep.
00:09:03 So we took turns asteron at the window at the OR out the window at the darkness.
00:09:09 The boredom overtook us, and he began to speak, he said.
00:09:13 Son, I've made a life out of reading people's faces.
00:09:18 No one that.
00:09:19 What the cards were, by the way, they held their.
Speaker 5
00:09:23 So if you.
00:09:23 Don't mind me saying I can see you're out of aces for a taste of your whiskey.
00:09:30 I'll give you some advice.
00:09:33 So I handed handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow.
00:09:38 Then he bummed a cigarette and he asked me for a light and the night got deathly quiet and his face lost all expression.
00:09:47 Said if you're going to play the game, boy, you got to learn to play it right.
00:09:51 You've got to know when.
Speaker 3
00:09:53 To hold them.
00:09:54 Know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run.
00:10:00 You never count your money when you're sitting at the table.
00:10:04 There will be plenty of time for counting.
00:10:07 When the dealing is done.
00:10:11 Every gambler knows.
00:10:12 That the secret to surviving is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
00:10:19 Because every hand's a winner and every hand's a loser.
00:10:24 And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.
00:10:29 And when he finished speaking, he turned back toward the window, crushed out his cigarette, and faded off to sleep.
00:10:37 And somewhere in the darkness, the gambler he broke even, but in his final words, I found an ace that.
Speaker 3
00:10:44 I could keep.
00:10:48 It's very important to know.
00:10:51 When to hold them know when to fold them, no one to walk away and no one to run.
00:10:58 These are all very important things.
00:11:04 And I think there's a lot of people.
00:11:06 Who don't understand.
00:11:09 When it's time to throw something away.
00:11:15 But that's all right.
Speaker 4
00:11:17 That's OK.
00:11:19 Now you might ask yourself and and me or chat or something?
00:11:24 Well, wait a second.
00:11:25 You said this was going.
00:11:26 To be tied.
00:11:29 This was going to be tied to something.
00:11:31 In the news.
Speaker 4
00:11:37 And it is.
00:11:40 So I'm sure most of you by now, except for maybe those of you just waking up on their part of the planet.
00:11:46 Nick Fuentes.
00:11:48 Is on the no fly list, the same list they put terrorists on and.
00:11:54 And I don't know.
00:11:56 I guess now ex Youtubers streamers.
00:12:01 That talk about things that.
00:12:04 The ruling class doesn't like.
00:12:08 And yeah, he's on the no fly list.
00:12:10 And he was very upset by that.
00:12:13 As you know, as he should be.
00:12:18 I don't know if he was surprised by it, but a lot of people were and I don't understand why.
00:12:24 It it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because this is something.
00:12:30 Something I see over and over and.
00:12:32 Over and over again.
00:12:35 By the people who think that there's a political solution because they don't know when to hold them and they.
00:12:40 Don't know when.
Speaker 3
00:12:40 To fold them and they don't know.
00:12:41 When to walk away and they don't know when to run.
00:12:47 A lot of these people were surprised and shocked.
00:12:53 And you, you hear this, this refrain over.
00:12:56 Oh, well, this time, you know, people are going to wake up.
00:13:00 This time this is going to this is.
00:13:02 Going to red pill, a lot of the.
00:13:03 Normies, I hear you know, I hear that sentence.
00:13:07 All the time.
00:13:08 Hear it or see.
00:13:09 It printed on a post or something.
00:13:11 It's there's.
Speaker 3
00:13:13 It it's it's.
00:13:14 Just repeated over and over and over.
00:13:16 Again, and it's funny.
00:13:17 Because it never does.
00:13:20 It never read.
00:13:21 Pills the normies.
00:13:23 And then something worse happens.
00:13:27 And then they say it again.
00:13:29 You know, remember when when Trump getting banned off off of Twitter was going to red pill the normies?
00:13:40 Remember when Epstein didn't kill himself, was going to red pill the normies?
00:13:51 Remember when Seth Rich was going to red pill the normies, the WikiLeaks was going to red pill the normies.
00:14:01 Building 7 was going.
00:14:03 To red peel the normies.
00:14:09 They will never red pill the normies, that's why they're normies.
00:14:14 Normies don't get red pilled.
00:14:21 By definition, they just don't.
00:14:27 And you're never going to.
00:14:29 Have until you have the.
Speaker 1
00:14:34 The buttons.
00:14:37 That the powerful have access to that they can push.
00:14:42 To flash the firmware of the normies.
00:14:45 Until you have access to that.
00:14:51 You don't have access to the normies, the normies.
00:14:55 We've talked about how women generally speaking like someone once asked.
00:15:00 Why is it that a lot of people in the movement have trouble finding women?
00:15:08 And I talked about how, you know, some of it's just it's it's it's kind of a there's some residue of when.
00:15:17 Whites first started realizing what was happening and how it it affected the lower class whites first, so they were the lowest and you know, they kind of.
00:15:25 So there's this stereotype that if you're, if you're racist.
Speaker 3
00:15:30 That you're a low.
00:15:31 Class and and that sort of thing, but moreover.
00:15:36 Because that that.
00:15:36 That you know that's not going to last forever.
00:15:39 I mean, I'm sure the stereotype will, but I mean, that's not true anymore.
00:15:44 You know this is affecting people.
00:15:46 All the way up.
Speaker 3
00:15:48 Well, not all the way up, but you know.
00:15:52 Through up through middle class, a lot of these people, there's lots of people not getting jobs because of their race and having to work under people that are there because of their race.
00:16:03 And you know people.
00:16:04 'S children being.
00:16:06 Killed because of their race.
00:16:07 And I mean.
Speaker 3
00:16:08 You know it.
00:16:10 It affects all of us.
00:16:14 But women?
00:16:19 They go with the tyrants, they go with.
00:16:23 Well, they go with where the the power is.
00:16:26 It's a survival mechanism.
Speaker 3
00:16:32 So in addition to my white trash diamond view, I'm drinking out of a gallon of water.
00:16:41 They go where the power is because.
00:16:45 I mean for since the beginning of time.
00:16:48 That's how you survived.
00:16:50 You know, if an invading tribe came in and and killed all your men off, you could either go with.
00:16:55 The new guys who were in charge.
00:16:59 Or get raped to death or you know.
00:17:00 What would happen?
00:17:04 So that's that's how it happened.
00:17:05 Since the literally the.
00:17:07 Beginning of time.
00:17:08 You know, century after century Eon after Eon, women are programmed to be like that.
00:17:14 Now you're going to have some outliers.
00:17:16 It's not.
00:17:16 Nothing applies to every member of a particular group.
00:17:23 But this is a this is a pretty big one.
00:17:25 This is a pretty big one.
00:17:29 And it's not just.
Speaker 3
00:17:32 The women.
00:17:34 That go with the winner.
00:17:37 It's all normies.
00:17:43 It's all normies.
00:17:46 For the exact same reason.
00:17:49 You know, just as an example, if a country goes I.
00:17:52 Mean in in more.
00:17:53 Modern times, you know, when the they usually in.
00:17:57 In more recent times.
00:17:59 I mean, there's obviously atrocities, but usually.
00:18:02 You don't go in now.
00:18:04 When you take over a country and kill.
00:18:06 All the men.
00:18:09 You kill all the problem men.
00:18:11 But you don't kill all the men.
00:18:15 You kill off.
00:18:16 The people that don't.
00:18:19 Go with the power.
00:18:23 And that that's been true.
00:18:24 For quite some time.
00:18:27 So you kind of have the same effect generally speaking humans.
00:18:33 Have been subjected to the kinds of selection pressures that would create.
00:18:41 A populace that's going to go with whoever has the power.
00:18:48 And you don't have the power.
00:18:53 I'm not happy about that, obviously.
00:18:58 And I, you know, I'm just telling you.
00:19:04 Now I pointed this out today.
00:19:09 That there's a lot of people that that still haven't figured this out.
00:19:14 And that as you see, the ruling class deprive people that, you know, like Nick, for example, deprive him of the the ability to fly on an airplane.
Speaker 3
00:19:31 You know to.
00:19:31 Use banking institutions.
00:19:33 I mean this applies to a lot.
00:19:34 Of people you know.
00:19:35 A lot of people have been the.
00:19:36 Platform from using banks.
00:19:41 Using Airbnb.
00:19:45 Using services that increasingly are becoming centralized and so it's not like you know, Nick can't go create his own airline.
00:19:56 Can't make your own bank?
00:19:58 Make your own YouTube.
00:20:00 You know, we're in this weird, obscure website.
00:20:02 For a reason.
Speaker 3
00:20:04 No offense, trobo, but.
00:20:09 I wouldn't be here if.
00:20:12 This this.
00:20:14 This didn't exist.
00:20:18 If the powers that be couldn't.
00:20:21 Force me into the situation.
00:20:23 So I I just pointed out that.
00:20:26 You know, even the people that don't like what?
00:20:30 I've been saying.
00:20:32 That you got to leave the cities and you got to start working on creating.
00:20:38 Your own communities.
00:20:40 That you're never going to rollback the clock.
00:20:44 And make.
00:20:46 The, well any metropolitan area at all look like the 1950s.
00:20:52 You're never going to be able to demographically change San Francisco or or Austin.
00:20:59 Or LA or Las Vegas.
00:21:03 Seattle, New York, I mean Chicago.
00:21:11 So what are your options?
00:21:15 If you want to live in the.
00:21:16 Kinds of communities that you.
00:21:19 Fantasize about that you display in your memes and in your propaganda.
00:21:24 If you want to even taste.
Speaker 1
00:21:29 A version of that.
00:21:33 The only way?
00:21:36 You will be able to create that.
00:21:38 As if you.
00:21:39 Create that you're going to have to build it yourself.
00:21:47 And so I was just saying there's a.
00:21:49 Lot of these people that.
Speaker 6
00:21:49 That I.
00:21:51 Maybe they're slowly figuring it out.
Speaker 3
00:21:52 I don't know.
00:21:55 But whether they like it or not, that's.
00:21:58 That's the eventuality is you're going to be.
00:22:01 Unable to function.
00:22:04 In their society, and yes it is their.
00:22:14 It's their society and they control the immune system.
00:22:19 And the immune system is found a foreign.
00:22:21 Body and that is you.
00:22:24 So you can try to stay there.
00:22:29 While they just deep platform you and make it impossible for you to function within that society and you might get killed not, maybe not even by someone targeting you just by the the increased violence and increased crime that's happening in these societies or.
00:22:45 Or who knows?
Speaker 5
00:22:47 You won't be able to.
Speaker 3
00:22:47 Get a job.
00:22:48 You won't be able to make money.
00:22:57 Your only choice will be.
00:23:00 To try to build it yourself.
00:23:04 And it's a better idea to try to build it yourself.
00:23:09 While it's still relatively easy to do.
00:23:14 Now, I'm not saying that buying us some time and participating politically, I've never said that is a bad idea and I'm not.
00:23:21 I'm not saying that the people trying that are fools or or.
00:23:27 You know, anything negative?
00:23:30 I'm just saying.
00:23:33 You got you.
00:23:34 You gotta put the this this fantasy that you're going to somehow.
00:23:40 Unbaked the cake.
00:23:43 It it it, it is a, it's a fantasy.
00:23:45 It's impossible.
00:23:46 What you want, you can't get.
00:23:50 Doing that, doing political solutions.
00:24:00 And people got very upset when I.
00:24:02 Said this on Twitter couple.
00:24:03 Of people, at least.
00:24:06 And the thing that I hear a lot, right?
00:24:10 Oh Oh yeah. So.
00:24:13 Just go do your own community.
00:24:14 And because because, like Waco.
00:24:24 When anyone says that.
00:24:27 I know automatically.
00:24:30 That they think like a slave.
00:24:33 I know automatically.
00:24:35 That they are the kind of person that propaganda works on perfectly.
00:24:42 They're the kind of person.
00:24:44 That thinks.
00:24:46 That the system.
00:24:47 Is the only way things can be accomplished that if the king doesn't grant you something, *** **** it, you.
00:24:53 Can't get it.
Speaker 1
00:24:58 I can't build some.
00:24:59 Are you ******* crazy or not, Waco?
00:25:02 Ruby Ridge.
00:25:06 Oh, so the federal government killed?
00:25:09 You know, don't get me wrong, it's it's something.
00:25:12 To be aware.
00:25:12 Of but they killed you know.
00:25:15 Relatively, A handful of people in the.
00:25:17 Last 30 years.
00:25:18 And so now you can't.
Speaker 3
00:25:19 Do anything.
00:25:27 You can't homestead because Waco.
00:25:38 You can't try to create your own community because of Ruby Ridge.
00:25:51 Are you insane or just a ***** or or like, I don't know.
00:25:57 How has your mind arrived at this conclusion?
00:26:07 Doesn't make any sense, does it?
00:26:12 Really what they're saying is.
00:26:14 When I like the city.
00:26:19 But I like playing Fortnite.
00:26:22 I like playing Minecraft.
00:26:27 I like going to the store and.
00:26:30 Buying fancy jeans with all.
00:26:32 The the glittery pockets.
00:26:47 There's a reason.
00:26:49 When you go to the country?
00:26:53 You know a rural area the the demographics change.
00:27:02 I mean, if you're a.
Speaker 3
00:27:05 Parasitic immigrant.
00:27:08 Or just a parasitic person in.
00:27:10 General, the only been an immigrant.
Speaker 3
00:27:12 And your family could have been here.
00:27:14 For hundreds of years.
00:27:17 But if you don't want to work.
00:27:20 And you want dopamine?
00:27:25 Any way you can get it?
Speaker 3
00:27:28 You're going to go to.
00:27:28 Where they serve it up.
00:27:36 So if you're addicted to the city.
00:27:40 You have to ask.
00:27:41 Yourself is there is there an element of that in you?
00:27:50 Like, what's the real reason?
00:27:53 I've already told you it's it's easy.
00:27:54 To do what I'm doing.
00:28:00 As long as you don't mind.
Speaker 3
00:28:03 Foregoing some of the dopamine?
00:28:07 There's there's something that a lot of people, especially young people and this.
00:28:11 Applied to me when.
Speaker 3
00:28:11 I was younger to.
00:28:13 There is a very real difference between pleasure and happiness.
00:28:20 And a lot of people mistake.
00:28:23 Pleasure for happiness.
00:28:33 And you if.
00:28:34 You want to live in the city and enjoy pleasure.
00:28:40 It's it's, it's not going to lead to happiness.
00:28:50 If your goal is pleasure, then by all means.
Speaker 3
00:28:53 Stay in the city.
00:28:55 And ride the roller coaster of white pilled.
00:28:57 Black Pilled again, white pilled black pilled again white pilled black pilled again.
00:29:05 But if you want happiness.
00:29:08 You just have to come to the realization.
00:29:10 See, this is The funny thing.
00:29:13 Being black filled names being happy.
00:29:24 These people, these people.
00:29:25 They're like, I can't.
00:29:26 I can't homestead.
00:29:32 There the black pill.
00:29:38 They're the black pill.
00:29:42 Because it's realizing that people that.
00:29:45 You know, ideologically should be on your side.
00:29:51 Think like slaves.
00:29:55 Think like NPCS.
00:30:05 They still think.
00:30:08 That you can fix.
00:30:11 A tyrannical system.
00:30:16 By using the tools.
00:30:19 The tyrants make.
Speaker 3
00:30:20 Available to you.
00:30:23 Within the tyrannical system.
00:30:27 And if these tools were effective enough to be.
00:30:29 Used in such a way.
00:30:32 That you could get rid of the tyranny.
00:30:36 It wouldn't, it wouldn't.
00:30:37 Be a tyrannical system.
00:30:51 One of the reasons why I've been trying.
00:30:53 To get people to stop.
00:30:55 And and look, I'm guilty of.
00:30:56 This but to stop focusing on ******** on boomers and and stuff like that for the past mistakes.
00:31:03 Is I feel like it gives you an overconfidence about your generation.
00:31:08 Like somehow you're going to be immune to all the things that that the boomers did wrong.
00:31:19 Which is precisely what the boomers thought.
00:31:26 When you think that you're thinking like a boomer.
00:31:35 Not even not like, kind of, that's exactly what they said.
00:31:39 It trust no 1 / 30.
00:31:42 We are the youth.
00:31:46 We're going to make a new paradigm, man.
00:31:54 So I mean, if you're just doing some right wing version.
Speaker 8
00:31:57 Of that good luck.
00:32:06 It will only be a matter of time before the the billionaires find it on some.
00:32:11 Of them already have.
00:32:12 They find a way to make money off.
00:32:14 Of it like they did the hippies.
00:32:25 And they'll just turn you into a different flavor of consumer and you can stay in the city and.
00:32:31 Keep buying their products and.
00:32:34 Working at their their corporations.
00:32:38 And loaning, or rather borrowing their money.
00:32:45 Be a debt slave.
00:32:46 The rest of your life.
00:32:49 But think that it's OK.
00:32:53 Because you get it, you're not an NPC.
00:32:57 You're not a normie.
00:33:00 And you know what?
00:33:04 I'm sure that that.
00:33:05 Thing in the news I just watched that's going to red pill the normies.
00:33:09 Then that's that's now.
Speaker 4
00:33:10 Things are going to change.
Speaker 3
00:33:20 You gotta know when to hold them.
00:33:31 So yeah, it's it's, I mean, I don't have.
00:33:34 To keep going, you guys, you guys got.
00:33:36 It it's.
Speaker 4
00:33:37 It's nothing new like I don't know how many times I can ******* explain this, it's.
00:33:43 Sadly it's, you know, I'm not.
00:33:45 It's not going to be much longer.
Speaker 3
00:33:46 Before I don't have to anymore.
00:33:51 You know it's it's, uh.
00:33:55 It does escalate.
00:33:56 It does escalate quite quickly.
Speaker 3
00:34:03 So anyway.
00:34:06 We're going to do some fun stuff.
00:34:08 I've got some things for your viewing pleasure.
00:34:14 We're going to look at some videos.
Speaker 3
00:34:15 That I have dug up.
00:34:17 I'm very good at digging up videos.
00:34:22 Very good at.
00:34:22 Digging up videos for your viewing pleasure.
00:34:28 First, we're going to watch a fun one.
00:34:31 We're going to watch a fun one.
00:34:34 And it's not very long.
00:34:37 But I found this while looking for other stuff.
00:34:41 And let's see.
Speaker 9
00:34:42 His father is fuming mad because he sells a cartoon, slipped A racial slur into an episode, and it's gone decades without notice.
00:34:44 Oh, come on.
00:34:47 Stop playing.
00:34:48 Damn it.
Speaker 3
00:34:51 There we go.
Speaker 10
00:34:55 OK.
Speaker 3
00:34:57 Let me get this ready.
Speaker 1
00:35:04 Did it.
00:35:09 Is Fraggle rock racist?
00:35:14 You might be surprised.
Speaker 9
00:35:18 Texas father is feeling mad because he says a cartoon slipped A racial slur into an episode, and it's gone decades without notice.
00:35:21 Could ever play?
Speaker 11
00:35:26 CW33 Giselle Phelps is live tonight in the studio with this story, Giselle.
00:35:30 Amanda and Walter, I spoke with a father in Bedford today who says a racial slur in an episode of Fraggle Rock has gone.
00:35:37 Unnoticed until now, we've got the sound from the episode and the script.
00:35:42 And we're going.
00:35:42 To play it so, you can judge for yourself 2 year olds or Ryan loves to watch Fraggle Rock reruns.
Speaker 6
00:35:50 It is her favorite show.
Speaker 11
00:35:52 But her dad says he recently heard a disturbing racial slur on the.
Speaker 6
00:35:57 Show my reaction was the keep replaying it.
00:36:02 See see if that's what I really heard, and that's what I heard and that's what.
00:36:06 I hear this is the clip.
Speaker 11
00:36:08 He's talking about.
Speaker 10
00:36:09 How can I possibly write the glory song with with all this singing going on?
00:36:14 But we're sorry.
Speaker 6
00:36:15 I'm saying jiggle Boo.
00:36:17 That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 11
00:36:20 We showed it to the DFW chapter of.
00:36:22 The Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Speaker 7
00:36:24 And I agree with him it it does say.
00:36:28 ******** I mean.
Speaker 10
00:36:31 There's no.
Speaker 7
00:36:32 If and that's about it.
Speaker 11
00:36:33 But the Hub network says there is no slur and sent us the episode script written in 1984.
00:36:40 They say the characters name is Gobo and his friend is saying quote, Gee, Gobo.
00:36:46 We're sorry, End Quote.
Speaker 7
00:36:48 I think it's a little misleading for them to say what's in the script is what is being heard.
Speaker 11
00:36:54 Rev Tatum and Soraya's.
00:36:59 It's it's.
00:37:00 It's a little misleading for them to say what's in the script.
00:37:04 This is what you're dealing with.
00:37:07 And this is before it got that bad. This is from like 2014.
00:37:17 You know, these are the normies you're trying to red pill.
Speaker 11
00:37:21 Father say what's on paper and what the ear hears are two different things.
Speaker 7
00:37:26 Whether that was a floating and slip, whether it was a mishap or whatever, it doesn't add up.
Speaker 6
00:37:33 Is it an inside joke or a?
00:37:37 Is it a mistake?
Speaker 11
00:37:38 The Hobbs says they do plan to edit Gobo's name out of the sentence to prevent viewers from making the mistake again. The Jim Henson Company the shows.
00:37:49 And they they're going to edit it out.
00:37:52 Or they did I guess already.
00:37:58 The normies get their way, not you.
00:38:03 This will keep the wages happy.
00:38:06 Because this is the kind of.
00:38:07 **** that they'll the pitchforks come out for not white genocide.
00:38:11 It's this stuff.
00:38:11 This is what the normies get mad about.
Speaker 11
00:38:16 Original creator said they agree with the hubs interpretation of the scene and their actions in this matter, but Julia's family says they're standing by what they hear.
Speaker 6
00:38:28 Why would you edit it?
Speaker 7
00:38:28 If it's a mistake, why are you?
00:38:30 Gonna edit it out.
00:38:32 Are you hearing the same thing?
Speaker 11
00:38:35 Keith White says Gobo is also wearing what appears to be a Jamaican roster hat in this episode that he doesn't normally wear.
00:38:43 The script the network sent us says the episode is supposed to teach viewers how it's always best to be yourself and how all types of life are interrelated.
00:38:59 That's that's the level of of human.
00:39:02 You're dealing with.
00:39:05 This is what the news you think you're going to get the the local news to, to feature the things you're worried about.
00:39:16 But if you're some low IQ's ******.
00:39:20 That thinks that.
00:39:21 Oh, they said ********.
00:39:22 They said ******** on a.
00:39:24 Fraggle rock.
00:39:24 There you get the whole news out there.
00:39:32 You're not going to change that.
00:39:43 It's it's just as impossible.
00:39:47 For you to change that as it is for Nick Fontez to sprout wings and fly down to Florida.
00:39:55 For the same exact reason.
00:40:04 This is the.
00:40:05 **** you're dealing with.
00:40:11 I mean, that's fine.
00:40:12 You don't have to live in the cities where ******* like that.
00:40:15 Sit around on and probably.
00:40:17 Collect I mean.
00:40:18 Your wage slave money so that he can pop out more kids and watch Fraggle rock, thinking you know hallucinating.
00:40:27 That Fraggle Rock is calling him a ********.
00:40:39 You're never going to change that.
00:40:44 We are never going to change that.
00:40:57 Ah, anyway, I thought that was funny.
00:41:01 See this thing is you have to find the humor in it.
00:41:07 You have to just be like you up.
00:41:10 They're ******* ********.
00:41:13 I'm out of here.
00:41:17 Out of here doesn't mean I'm going to go Burrow into the sand.
00:41:22 And die.
00:41:26 If you want the kinds of communities that you fantasize about that you tell people about that you think about, that you dream about, you got to ******* make them.
00:41:36 No one else is going.
00:41:37 To make them for you.
00:41:41 Anything else is trusting the plan.
00:41:43 Literally trust to it.
00:41:44 Makes you a custard.
Speaker 1
00:41:53 Like this was.
00:41:54 In 2014, it's infinitely worse now.
00:42:10 And it's been a pretty sharp decline.
00:42:14 I mean.
00:42:14 Just you want to contrast that with.
00:42:18 I mean that that, that.
00:42:21 That episode, obviously, they weren't saying ******** they were saying, Gee, Gobo.
00:42:32 Who? ******* even says ********.
00:42:44 Now alpha, on the other hand.
00:42:45 That's a totally different story.
00:42:48 Thank you.
Speaker 10
00:42:50 That company is doing bad things and I say we pick up their gauntlet and nail them through **** so.
00:43:01 Thank you very much.
Speaker 7
00:43:07 Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
00:43:18 Oh, boy, oh, boy.
00:43:19 Niger, Niger, Niger.
00:43:23 Alf is a racist.
00:43:29 But not the fraggles.
00:43:33 So get your get your ******* puppet racism right, you ******* ********.
00:43:40 So yeah, I just thought that was.
00:43:42 See, you got to have fun with this, you.
00:43:43 Got to have fun with this stuff.
00:43:47 Just don't have so much fun that you're being delusional.
00:43:51 Don't, don't, don't have the kind of fun that comes from denial.
00:43:56 Because again, that's the difference between pleasure and happiness.
00:44:04 Pleasure is what you get when you ignore the danger outside.
00:44:12 Happiness is what you get when you're aware of the danger outside.
00:44:16 You know it's it better ******* stay outside, because if it.
00:44:19 Comes in.
00:44:19 You're going to **** it up.
00:44:29 So yes, Alpha is a ******* crazy ******* racist, apparently.
Speaker 4
00:44:39 All right.
00:44:43 So that was a.
00:44:44 That was a fun little clip.
00:44:47 But now we've come a long way.
00:44:51 We've come along, we've, we've.
00:44:53 You know the the white primacy thing is.
Speaker 3
00:44:57 Is completely gone.
00:45:00 I mean, if if Alf did that now?
00:45:02 Well, I mean we know, I mean, ****, I don't have to know.
00:45:05 I don't have to think like if all did that now they cancelled Kramer.
00:45:12 You know, when was this?
Speaker 10
00:45:22 Shut up.
00:45:40 Oh my God.
00:45:47 All right, you see, then stop.
Speaker 10
00:45:49 Let's see.
00:46:07 Ah yes.
00:46:11 So now we got based Alf and based Kramer apparently.
00:46:21 Yeah, if alpha is still.
00:46:22 A thing, I mean, I don't even know.
00:46:23 Who voiced Alf? I don't.
00:46:25 Know who that guy is.
Speaker 3
00:46:27 Like who played Alf?
00:46:31 But he'd be cancelled in a.
00:46:33 Heartbeat or ****?
00:46:35 Who knows?
00:46:36 Maybe one of these.
00:46:38 These outfits that that monitor that monitor the.
00:46:43 The insurrectionist white supremacist online, maybe I just made.
00:46:48 Maybe I just ruined Alfy's career, if he.
Speaker 3
00:46:50 Still has one.
00:46:52 Ohh no, they're going to cancel, Alf.
00:46:58 I just let them know about the the racist Ralph Alpha rant.
00:47:02 That's hard to say.
00:47:03 Racist alpha rant.
00:47:13 But honestly, this right here, right?
00:47:16 That's when you knew.
00:47:19 Then no one was.
00:47:19 Safe, like, not even Kramer with all of his Jewish friends.
00:47:29 I think this was 2008.
00:47:36 Seems like only yesterday.
Speaker 3
00:47:46 Oh boy.
00:47:50 But this what I'm getting at is this.
00:47:51 Is this has been going on a really?
Speaker 4
00:47:53 Long time.
00:48:01 This this whole.
00:48:02 Cancel culture.
00:48:03 It's not cancel culture *********, it's culture.
00:48:08 It's the culture, the prevailing dominant culture and has been for many years.
00:48:20 And it changed exactly.
00:48:23 With the demographics.
00:48:26 When Alf was on the set.
00:48:29 Doing his little.
00:48:32 You know shenanigans in front of the I mean, you hear people laughing in the.
00:48:36 Background they think it's.
00:48:37 Hilarious. And this?
00:48:38 Is in Hollywood.
00:48:44 Probably most of them were white or Jewish.
00:48:46 In that room.
00:48:50 You could do that and it wasn't.
00:48:52 A big deal.
00:49:02 There were no speech police because.
00:49:06 With white majorities.
00:49:08 Or at least recently.
00:49:12 Part of that package is.
00:49:18 That you can't.
00:49:20 You know, sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt.
00:49:23 And it it's like the first thing you.
00:49:26 Learn when you're a kid.
00:49:30 No other culture on Earth.
00:49:34 Had anything even resembling that?
00:49:41 And even a lot of other white.
00:49:43 Cultures, it was a very specific.
00:49:47 Very specific group that came up with.
00:49:51 Freedom of speech.
00:49:53 And we're able to implement it.
00:49:59 For a short time.
00:50:11 And so when you lose the the.
00:50:17 Of these rights, you lose the rights.
00:50:25 And you should have known as.
00:50:26 Soon as.
00:50:27 The IT wasn't just Kramer, there was also.
00:50:30 The oh what?
Speaker 4
00:50:31 The **** was that guy's name?
00:50:32 It was some old.
00:50:34 Radio show host.
00:50:37 I never listened to him.
00:50:37 That's why I can't.
00:50:38 Think of his.
00:50:38 I know he looked like Imus.
00:50:41 Don imus.
00:50:43 All he did is he said that.
00:50:45 Some female basketball player, he called them nappy, headed hoes.
00:50:49 And a funny I'm an old white guy and me saying nappy headed hoes sounds hilarious because I'm an old white guy saying.
00:50:57 It like that was the joke.
00:51:02 He'd been on for decades.
00:51:06 And he wasn't exactly a right winger.
00:51:11 It happened right around when this happened.
00:51:15 They cancelled his ***.
00:51:19 It's not cancel culture, it's ******* culture.
00:51:22 You lost the culture war.
00:51:23 You just.
00:51:23 Don't know it yet.
00:51:28 You lost it a long time ago.
00:51:34 It's over.
00:51:43 Now again, I know there's.
00:51:44 A lot of people that get upset with me when I talk about.
00:51:46 It this way but.
00:51:48 I'm just going to remind you I'm I'm talking specifically about America.
00:51:51 There's other places that I I would imagine are probably like this.
00:51:55 I don't know.
00:51:56 I don't live there.
00:51:57 If you live somewhere where it's not like this, OK?
00:52:02 In America, it's over.
00:52:05 White primacy is done.
00:52:09 For your lifetime, at the very least.
00:52:13 Not coming back? Not.
00:52:15 In the form that America is in now.
00:52:21 Now if that changes you might you might get.
Speaker 3
00:52:23 What you want?
00:52:27 But in America's current form.
00:52:30 With its current system, current government current population.
00:52:35 That you're not going to you can't change.
00:52:39 Alright, this isn't like some video game where you can just.
00:52:43 Drag and drop.
00:52:46 Little people from 1 village to the next.
00:52:51 They're here and they're breeding.
00:52:53 They're out.
00:52:54 Breeding you.
00:52:57 And they keep coming.
00:53:00 And they're not going to stop coming or breathing.
00:53:07 And I'm sorry I'm not.
00:53:08 Happy about this.
00:53:20 Today, it's you can't fly on planes.
00:53:28 It doesn't stop it not be on the fly on planes.
00:53:31 It didn't stop with getting banned off YouTube.
00:53:33 It didn't stop with getting banned from banks.
00:53:38 Getting banned from other services.
00:53:40 That doesn't stop.
00:53:54 Without removing.
00:53:58 The power structure itself.
00:54:01 You do not change this.
00:54:08 And you're not in a position to remove the power structure.
00:54:11 I mean, especially when like, what are you?
00:54:12 Going to do vote.
00:54:15 Like he did with Trump.
00:54:18 I mean, let's just imagine.
00:54:20 Let's just be delusional for a second and imagine that that Trump actually gave a **** about white people, right?
00:54:25 Like, that was like that.
00:54:26 He was his based as a lot of people, including myself.
00:54:29 Thought he was in 2016.
00:54:34 Let's just imagine that that's true.
00:54:37 Well, you tried to vote for him.
00:54:38 What happened?
00:54:40 You know the results are coming out of Arizona and they're pretty clear that's.
00:54:43 Exactly what everyone knew.
00:54:44 I mean, anyone with with half a brain knew it would be.
00:54:50 There was already proof by.
00:54:51 The way of this stuff, it's just now it's, I guess.
Speaker 3
00:54:52 It's ohh, it's official now.
00:54:55 Yeah, the election was stolen and it's pretty official now.
00:55:00 That's not going to change anything.
00:55:02 You think they're going to just?
00:55:04 Take Biden out.
00:55:05 Of office and put in Trump?
00:55:06 Of course not.
00:55:14 That tells you everything you.
00:55:16 Need to know.
00:55:21 You're going to use that system.
00:55:25 That's the system you're going to use the system that just picked a president.
00:55:31 Right in front of you.
00:55:34 There's video of them.
00:55:36 Committing the fraud, there's now an official examination of the ballots in Arizona that shows that there was fraud on a massive scale.
00:55:46 And that's just one state.
00:55:47 We know this went on all over the place.
00:55:51 And there's, yeah, there's a lot of fake stupid Q, anani, uh, ******** about the fraud.
00:56:00 You know Steve Patchett? Nick's like, oh, yeah, there's like, a blockchain watermarking. That's obviously all ********.
00:56:10 But at this point, come on. Are you? Are you still no one's no one. No one. That's that's not biased by something by like a hatred of Trump.
00:56:23 Or some other thing.
00:56:25 No one can look at the evidence now.
00:56:27 And say there wasn't fraud.
00:56:28 There was obviously fraud.
00:56:29 And look, Trump knew it.
00:56:37 And he handed over the keys anyway.
00:56:42 You think your chances of getting another Trump or like another or a version of Trump that that aligns with the media's description of Trump, you think that that you're going to get someone like that?
00:56:57 When every year.
00:57:00 Even if the voting wasn't all ********.
00:57:03 Every year you're outnumbered more and more, you barely got Trump in there, and then they just took it from you.
00:57:10 Because you you you were going to barely.
00:57:12 Do it again.
00:57:17 Not that it would have really mattered that much.
00:57:24 It would have slowed some things down, but I mean, how many things?
00:57:29 Trump, just the other day was telling people to get the ******* vaccine.
00:57:33 That and.
00:57:33 That not so many words.
00:57:35 But pretty much that if you.
00:57:36 Didn't you were an idiot.
00:57:42 Operation warp speed.
00:57:50 So he was playing the game where he was too incompetent to realize he was getting played either way and it's.
00:57:57 Doesn't really matter, right?
00:57:58 The results are the same.
00:58:03 But as I said, it doesn't really matter anyway because your vote doesn't count.
00:58:15 Your vote doesn't matter.
00:58:20 You'll you'll have better luck at the local level, but that's.
00:58:23 Exactly what I'm talking about.
00:58:28 You want these communities to live and you better ******* make them.
00:58:37 You're not going to be able to get a bunch of guys with AR fifteens throw them in the back of a pickup truck and go take the capital capital back.
00:58:45 I mean, look what happened when just.
00:58:47 Unarmed protesters went and like, broke a couple of windows and made a couple of people cry.
00:59:02 I mean, how many hundreds of people have they arrested already for that?
00:59:25 I don't know how.
00:59:26 More obvious, it has to get, but you know.
00:59:30 I'm in luck.
00:59:30 It will get more obvious.
00:59:45 It will definitely get more obvious alright so.
00:59:48 We'll take a look at another video it's video day.
00:59:52 Video clips day.
00:59:54 You know, I was thinking about.
00:59:56 I was thinking about like stretching some of these clips out, you know.
00:59:59 Use them across like a few different strings.
01:00:02 Be lazy.
01:00:03 Nah, I'm not going to do that.
01:00:04 I'm going to blow my ******* load and you're going to like it.
01:00:11 So this next video we, we've, we've, we've spent a lot of time with the bloomer propaganda.
01:00:18 And I'm trying to find more and more Gen.
01:00:21 X millennial propaganda.
01:00:25 One reason so that you can see what many of you were subjected to and maybe uh.
01:00:35 The environment, how it changed a little better.
01:00:37 But also how?
01:00:39 The propaganda evolved.
01:00:42 You know what the what? The boomers were told is completely 100% different than what you were told. And what? And.
01:00:51 That's 100.
01:00:52 Percent different from what people growing up now.
Speaker 3
01:00:53 Are being told.
01:00:57 But I found this interesting little clip.
01:01:02 From a popular television show.
01:01:08 That some of you might remember, and it's pretty old.
01:01:11 So it it's from.
01:01:14 Not everyone was around when this was a show.
01:01:17 I don't know what year it is, but I.
01:01:20 80s, I mean I it's, I'm.
01:01:22 Going to say mid to late 80s maybe.
01:01:26 But it was called growing pains.
Speaker 10
01:01:29 Manage it.
01:01:32 You might might remember this show Kirk Cameron, who I think is now like a a born again Christian guy.
01:01:40 I don't know.
01:01:42 Last time I heard, that's what.
Speaker 3
01:01:43 He was doing.
01:01:49 I used to watch.
01:01:51 This show from time to time.
01:01:55 As a as a small boy.
01:02:00 So this was growing pains tackling racism.
01:02:07 Tackling racism and going the extra.
Speaker 3
01:02:11 Mile with it a little bit.
01:02:17 You know what?
01:02:17 Because what happens invariably is they run out of.
01:02:20 Things to ***** about.
01:02:22 Because the propaganda takes.
01:02:25 Right.
01:02:26 And ultimately what they want is that what they're saying they want ultimately what they want.
01:02:29 Is for white people.
01:02:31 To be gone.
01:02:34 So their first ask is of course, it sounds reasonable like, oh, just, you know, just judge people by who they are.
01:02:42 Don't judge them.
01:02:43 By how they look.
01:02:47 Don't charge them by what church they go to.
01:02:53 Charge them by.
01:02:56 The content of their character.
01:03:00 And so white people are like, alright, well, we're pretty.
01:03:05 We're pretty much like that already, so OK.
01:03:12 And then so that happens.
01:03:15 And they're like, well, you know what?
01:03:16 That's that's actually that that's not enough.
01:03:20 That's not enough.
01:03:24 Now we have to do things to actively favor.
01:03:29 These other groups.
01:03:32 And that actively.
01:03:35 Codified into law disadvantage you.
01:03:39 And for some insane reason, white people went along.
01:03:42 With that too.
01:03:45 You know, affirmative action has.
01:03:47 Been a reality my entire life.
01:03:54 My my childhood and my my adult life has been affected by that.
01:04:00 In many ways, has has all.
01:04:02 Of you know anyone here listening in America?
01:04:06 All of your lives.
01:04:09 In some obvious and some not so obvious ways.
01:04:13 And you know, white people went along with.
01:04:16 That, but that wasn't enough.
01:04:19 That wasn't enough.
01:04:23 And so in this episode, you'll see that.
01:04:26 That there's there's a lot more to this racism thing that we're never it will never be solved, guys.
01:04:36 You'll never get rid of it.
01:04:37 So here we go.
Speaker 10
01:04:44 Ohh great.
01:04:45 What's for dinner?
01:04:46 I'm starved.
01:04:47 Burritos I.
01:04:48 Can I really should watch my saturated fats?
01:04:50 And Mike, shouldn't we finish that conversation we started before you left for?
01:04:54 Work about what?
Speaker 12
01:04:55 Well, we're fairly.
01:04:56 Sure, it wasn't about girls, right, Jason?
01:04:59 More sure than I've been about anything.
Speaker 10
01:05:00 In my life.
01:05:02 And it turned out to be nothing.
01:05:02 Turn down 3 now.
01:05:03 But you.
01:05:03 Have you ever just opened?
01:05:04 Up your mouth made.
01:05:05 A complete fool.
01:05:06 Out of yourself, Jason?
Speaker 10
01:05:12 So, Mike, what did you say?
01:05:13 Who did you say?
01:05:14 It to well see, I just thought that I.
01:05:16 Was getting special treatment at work because I'm white.
Speaker 10
01:05:19 Excuse me.
01:05:21 Yeah, see?
01:05:21 So I asked Nick about it.
01:05:22 He's the manager.
01:05:23 And he explained that he was just taking care of his own kind.
01:05:26 And I shouldn't get excited.
Speaker 1
01:05:27 About it, because that's the way the world works.
Speaker 10
01:05:30 Wait, wait, wait a minute.
01:05:31 Wait a minute.
01:05:31 How's the way the world?
01:05:32 Works well, you know.
01:05:34 I mean, just because he's white and I'm white and he gave.
01:05:36 Can you fight?
01:05:37 Me a break doesn't mean that.
01:05:38 He's prejudice, but.
01:05:39 Doesn't Mike.
Speaker 12
01:05:40 What do you think prejudice mean?
01:05:43 Omar, I mean like not letting certain people into.
01:05:46 Your schools or or spraying them?
01:05:48 Down with fire.
01:05:48 Hoses, you know stuff you see.
Speaker 1
01:05:50 On the news.
01:05:50 My prejudice means giving somebody special.
Speaker 10
01:05:54 Treatment. Any special treatment?
01:05:56 See, you can't help white people.
01:06:00 You can't have in Group preference.
Speaker 3
01:06:02 How dare you?
01:06:09 There's no way you can help people of your same group, especially.
01:06:14 And remember, think of the context of this you have the.
01:06:20 Affirmative actions in full swing when?
Speaker 3
01:06:22 This is going on.
01:06:24 So you have the government doing the exact opposite.
01:06:29 Helping all ever.
01:06:30 Grew **** white people, but some manager at some Rinky ****.
01:06:33 Whatever business this kid works at tries to help out a white kid.
01:06:37 The parents are all up.
01:06:38 In arms the same parents.
01:06:41 Who probably love affirmative action.
01:06:47 And listen to them and they're just, they don't.
01:06:49 They don't understand the contradiction.
01:06:53 Hold on.
01:06:53 Hold on there, Mikey.
01:06:56 Don't you know what that means?
01:06:58 Prejudice means giving special treatment no matter what it is.
01:07:02 OK, well, then, affirmative action is clearly, clearly a moral thing.
01:07:16 Affirmative action is is evil and.
01:07:18 Wrong, but no, no.
01:07:21 Not only because, as I said before, only because.
01:07:26 That's not the real goal, the real goal.
01:07:29 Is get rid of ******.
01:07:30 Well, they're confused.
Speaker 12
01:07:31 How could you be?
01:07:33 Where did we ever give you the idea that it was all right to?
01:07:35 Be a little.
01:07:36 Bit prejudice.
01:07:37 No, no, no.
01:07:38 My mom.
01:07:38 It's like that at all.
01:07:39 I mean, Nick, Nick has got awards and all his other employees are minorities.
Speaker 1
01:07:43 You know what?
01:07:44 But but you said you got this shift change.
01:07:46 Because you were white.
01:07:48 Well, then, what's the confusion?
01:07:51 Oh my God.
01:07:51 A shift change.
01:07:55 You can't possibly accept that, Mikey.
01:07:59 Think of all the minorities you're disadvantaging.
01:08:03 Because of your shift change.
01:08:11 Because some old white guy was looking.
01:08:13 Out for you.
01:08:15 I was like, yeah, you're like me.
01:08:16 I'm gonna.
01:08:17 Hook you up?
01:08:17 Why not?
01:08:18 It's not.
01:08:18 A big deal.
01:08:20 I had to hire all.
01:08:21 These other minorities, because of affirmative action, might as.
01:08:25 Well, give you a shift change.
01:08:27 No, I'm not like confused.
Speaker 10
01:08:29 Well, let me just straighten it out for.
01:08:30 You then, Mike, you go to this guy, Nick.
01:08:32 And you say I don't accept any special treatment.
01:08:35 I want my old shift back.
Speaker 10
01:08:36 Right, Maggie.
01:08:38 Jason, you and I should.
Speaker 12
01:08:39 Talk about this later.
01:08:41 We can.
Speaker 10
01:08:41 Talk about it in front of Mike.
01:08:43 This is about Mike.
01:08:44 Well, it's important, Maggie.
Speaker 12
01:08:49 I don't want my son shot at 3:00 in.
01:08:51 The morning over a pack.
01:08:52 Of gum.
01:08:55 Well, So what?
01:08:55 He should take advantage.
Speaker 10
01:08:56 Of this guy.
01:08:57 'S Bridget and no.
Speaker 10
01:08:58 What the what are you saying?
01:09:00 See, listen to the boomer dad.
01:09:04 Listen to the boomer dad.
01:09:10 And they'll hammer it out of the boomer.
01:09:12 Mom, by the end of it, I I don't have the full episode.
01:09:14 I don't know if it's.
01:09:15 I have actually.
01:09:15 Haven't even watched this full.
01:09:17 So I don't know, but I can tell you that.
01:09:20 By the end of that.
01:09:20 Episode the moms like I'm sorry.
01:09:22 I guess I was prejudice too.
01:09:26 Because I was willing to let my son, who apparently works somewhere in the ghetto, like at a a Circle K because I don't want him to get shot at.
01:09:36 3:00 in the morning.
01:09:38 Because he's the white kid working the counter.
01:09:40 At 3:00 in the morning.
01:09:44 But because Boomer bill, or you know, whatever the **** this guys name is.
01:09:50 He's trying to virtue signal about how not racist.
01:09:53 He is.
01:09:55 He wants to raise his son, right?
01:10:02 Can't accept a shift change.
Speaker 1
01:10:05 Seeing the rush, you.
01:10:05 Get shot at 3:00 in the morning.
Speaker 12
01:10:08 I am not and I'm against anybody being shot at any.
01:10:13 Hour of the day or night.
01:10:14 And who?
Speaker 11
01:10:14 The hell is?
01:10:15 Raj, this is about unfair.
Speaker 12
01:10:19 You want him working at 3:00 in the morning with a.
01:10:20 Gun under the counter.
Speaker 7
01:10:21 No, of course I don't.
01:10:22 That's not.
Speaker 11
01:10:23 What I'm talking and Jason.
Speaker 12
01:10:24 I hate prejudice, but.
01:10:25 What's it really changed to send our son?
01:10:27 Back to the graveyard shift.
01:10:32 This is wrong.
01:10:32 You're right.
01:10:33 Yes, I am, yes.
01:10:36 You know something else?
01:10:38 So are you.
01:10:41 Once you're close, everything right up for me.
Speaker 12
01:10:46 I wish this had been about girls.
Speaker 1
01:11:01 Somebody unscrewed this.
01:11:03 This was no accident.
01:11:06 Wait a minute.
01:11:08 You didn't get too busy and forget, did you?
01:11:14 Look, do you know that?
01:11:15 You're prejudice.
01:11:16 Are you just kidding yourself.
Speaker 1
01:11:18 Rude, smart asss.
01:11:20 What are you trying?
01:11:21 To prove here.
01:11:22 Try it.
01:11:23 I just proved it.
01:11:24 You white bread.
01:11:25 Suburban punks really get to me.
01:11:28 Someday you'll figure out what the score.
01:11:30 Is. Yeah, I just did.
01:11:32 You know, you've got a lot to learn.
01:11:33 Not the real world, yeah.
01:11:35 Well, I won't be learning it.
01:11:36 From you, I quit.
Speaker 1
01:11:39 You know something?
01:11:39 You're one confused little kid.
01:11:43 Based convenience store manager, so I wish I had this full episode now.
01:11:48 So what I'm assuming happened here.
01:11:51 As he did little tricks to see if he'd get punished or or if the minorities would and he was getting off.
01:11:57 But the minorities weren't.
01:11:59 And then he busted.
01:12:00 Ohh you.
01:12:01 You are a prejudice.
01:12:03 That was the word back in the 80s.
01:12:05 And and part of the 90s, I guess, I guess the 70s too based on some of the propaganda I've watched and then it turned back to racist.
01:12:13 Even though even if you, you know just it replaced the word but you.
01:12:17 Know because ultimately it is a race issue.
01:12:19 It's an anti white issue.
01:12:22 So I guess it was more accurate but.
01:12:25 He's right.
01:12:25 You're going to learn.
01:12:26 You're going to learn how.
01:12:27 This world works.
01:12:30 But not the way you want.
01:12:35 You're going to learn it from Tyrone instead of.
01:12:39 This nice.
01:12:41 In Group preference having.
01:12:44 Convenience store owner.
01:12:51 But that's the you.
01:12:52 Know that was.
01:12:52 The thing is.
01:12:54 It was now it was now an attack.
01:12:58 You you got to police. You got to make sure that no one's actually trying to be nice to.
01:13:02 You because you're white.
01:13:05 That's just as bad as if they're.
01:13:07 They're stringing a black man in in a tree.
01:13:15 Look at that ******* pixelated, smug look on.
01:13:19 Kirk Cameron's face.
01:13:22 So ******* woke.
01:13:27 I just proved it.
01:13:33 Now I wish I had this full episode.
01:13:34 This is the.
Speaker 4
01:13:35 The the whole clip, that's all I got.
01:13:40 But this is the kind of.
01:13:41 Message I remember getting as a kid.
01:13:47 And I've seen, I've seen this a similar message to this.
01:13:52 Insert it into other TV shows.
01:13:54 That's usually what happens anytime that the the ruling class is trying to get something done across the board, you will see a the same exact message being repeated in all the major television shows across the board.
01:14:12 Which is exactly why you should be a little nervous about some of these shows about hunting white people, but.
Speaker 4
01:14:16 Just you know, just saying.
01:14:18 And it's not really like that old Batman serial we watched the last stream where they they were Uncle Sam the wise govern.
01:14:27 The Wise government decided to get rid of the shifty eyed jets.
01:14:32 And that wasn't the only thing saying that.
01:14:37 In fact, I remember in.
01:14:40 Back in the day when they were trying to get Obamacare passed.
01:14:47 The show, the office that an entire episode the name of the episode, is Healthcare.
01:14:57 Entire episode promoting Universal health care.
01:15:01 And once you know it.
01:15:05 Four or five that shows the time because.
01:15:07 At the time, like.
01:15:09 I was watching some of these shows.
01:15:15 And four or five of them at least.
01:15:18 That I'm aware of.
01:15:22 Had the exact same kind of episode, same kind.
01:15:25 Of theme like.
01:15:26 Oh well, if only little Jimmy had healthcare.
01:15:31 But apparently we live in a country with all this wealth and we can't afford to.
01:15:49 And a lot of people might think to themselves, oh, but I actually like universal health care that.
01:15:53 Sounds like a good thing.
01:15:55 Do you really want healthcare to be in the hands of the same people that want you dead?
01:16:07 There was a story out last week.
01:16:11 About American hospitals prioritizing.
01:16:16 Services based on race and you can guess which race is on the bottom of that list.
01:16:36 And if you think that these other races.
01:16:41 Are going to.
01:16:45 Look at that in the same way that they're trying to.
01:16:48 I mean, look at this.
01:16:49 Episode right the big.
01:16:50 Deal the big racist benefit that they were getting.
01:16:54 Was he?
01:16:55 He was not having to work the the graveyard shift because he was a white kid.
01:17:00 Now we're talking about.
01:17:01 Giving black people operations because they're black and not.
Speaker 3
01:17:04 The white people.
01:17:07 You think black people are going to say, well, hold on, that's racist.
01:17:15 Of course they're not.
01:17:20 Because we don't control.
01:17:23 The propaganda machine that produced this episode.
01:17:29 Of growing pains.
01:17:32 And that's the only way.
01:17:35 To get the normies.
01:17:37 To change their firmware.
01:17:46 And it doesn't.
01:17:47 And it's it's much larger than that.
01:17:48 It's not just.
01:17:50 Oh, well, then all we need.
01:17:51 Then is a television network, you know?
01:17:59 They control every institution.
01:18:08 Every institution.
01:18:18 You know, it's funny.
01:18:20 Even you know the the people that that got upset when I talked about this, they're even their favorite TV daddy agrees with me.
01:18:30 They asked Tucker Carlson in an interview.
01:18:33 I think it wasn't even as bad as it is now.
01:18:36 Is like last year sometime.
01:18:38 What he would be doing?
01:18:42 If he was like, instead of being 50, he's like 50 something.
01:18:47 If he was 22 and starting out.
01:18:51 And he literally said he would move to Idaho.
01:18:55 And and try to start.
01:18:57 His own community.
01:19:00 Even your TV daddy.
01:19:02 Agrees with me.
01:19:10 If you don't believe me, I'll.
01:19:11 Look it up.
01:19:12 I'll look it up.
Speaker 3
01:19:41 It's going to be a little hard to find because.
01:19:42 There's so much.
01:19:45 Tucker Carlson garbage.
01:19:52 I thought I had saved it somewhere.
01:20:09 And I'll tell you what, if I can't find it, I will.
01:20:12 Post it to.
01:20:17 I'll post it to my telegram.
01:20:26 OK, here it is, I found it.
Speaker 3
01:20:48 Well, I thought I found it.
Speaker 4
01:20:50 Then it has a paywall.
01:21:03 There we go.
01:21:04 This might be it.
01:21:10 Here we go.
01:21:15 They're just taking little clips out.
01:21:17 Of it.
01:21:17 But anyway.
01:21:21 Here, here's here's some here's a shortened version of it.
01:21:24 So it's you.
Speaker 3
01:21:25 Know it, it gets the point across.
01:21:30 He said he wished he hadn't gone to college. He said he pushed all four of his children to skip college and none of them done so asked what he would do if he was, if he was 30 years younger. The 52 year old said he would move to Idaho or Montana to start his own newspaper instead of becoming a part of the system based on lies or leave the country.
01:21:49 Altogether, I love America. But if I were 22, I might look to see if there's another place that's going to treat me as an individual and not as.
01:21:58 A member.
Speaker 3
01:21:58 Of a tribe well.
01:22:01 I wish I was getting treated like the member of the tribe.
01:22:03 But you get what he's saying.
01:22:07 Now he has no.
01:22:09 Nothing to complain about. The guy's a good jillionaire.
01:22:14 But even your TV daddy.
01:22:17 He's telling you. Hey.
01:22:23 We're ******.
01:22:37 All right.
01:22:38 Now one more funny video to.
01:22:41 To lighten the mood, because like I said, it's it really is about happiness and you can be happy doing all this.
01:22:50 You don't have to keep riding the white pill, the black pill, the white pill, black pilled roller coaster.
01:22:57 You just have to be sober and be like, OK, I know she's ******.
01:23:02 How do I achieve happiness and move the football?
01:23:07 A little bit.
01:23:10 A little tiny bit.
01:23:13 While while being happy in this environment.
01:23:23 And it's not by thinking that, like De Santis for example.
Speaker 4
01:23:27 Is going to.
01:23:30 Somehow turning it back into the 1950s? That's just ******* ********.
Speaker 3
01:23:35 So here's another funny little clip.
01:23:39 The issue is you don't teach a child to hate because she hates.
01:23:43 Changed my evil and.
01:23:46 She will grow up in this world, Sir.
01:23:47 She will eat you up in.
01:23:48 This world, Sir, with everybody here.
01:23:56 All your.
01:23:56 Family and all.
01:23:57 Outs that that Holocaust cost myth that you're teaching all these children innocent children in the in the cesspools you call universities, indoctrination centers, my grand.
01:24:09 Myth come.
Speaker 8
01:24:11 OK.
01:24:12 OK.
01:24:12 OK, I know you're trying to get my goat, but let's set your goal.
01:24:15 Yeah. Let me let me.
01:24:16 See what you said you asked me a question I.
01:24:17 I got.
01:24:18 Got your mom in the trunk of my car?
01:24:21 Peter one.
01:24:24 You wanted.
01:24:25 You got what I'm looking for?
01:24:30 One of them lamp shades.
01:24:31 I I couldn't.
01:24:32 Find 1 yet.
01:24:34 OK.
Speaker 8
01:24:34 What you say what you say is to get me angry and all that OK, right.
01:24:37 Yeah, you're right, you're right because.
01:24:40 We you know, we both know that it's a myth.
Speaker 8
01:24:40 Wait again.
01:24:40 Let me finish.
01:24:41 Are you gonna let?
01:24:42 Me. Finish. OK, sure.
01:24:45 The reality of the show is not about whether we know that the 6 million people died.
01:24:50 Trust me, they're not.
01:24:50 No, you don't know.
Speaker 8
01:24:51 They're not.
01:24:51 That I know about 30 minutes.
Speaker 8
01:24:51 They're not.
01:24:52 Shut your face right now.
01:25:02 Ohh the carnival.
01:25:05 So yeah, that was a funny clip, but like, it's not that funny.
01:25:08 If you really think about.
01:25:09 It like this is.
01:25:11 This is how.
01:25:14 This is how they would paint.
01:25:17 Anyone talking about that?
01:25:19 Oh, you know, some of some of the things I've heard about the Holocaust.
01:25:22 Don't actually make a lot of sense.
01:25:25 Oh then, if you think that.
01:25:29 You must be this guy.
01:25:31 Look, they they dressed him up like they made sure.
01:25:34 That, you know, he's a white Christian.
01:25:41 Because this is the enemy.
01:25:46 That's the enemy.
01:25:52 And we'll get this diverse crowd.
01:25:53 Let's see if there's a wide shot of the crowd.
01:25:57 Oh, hate this player actually.
01:26:01 It was so long ago it wasn't.
01:26:03 It wasn't diverse.
01:26:05 So we get all.
01:26:06 These cuts.
01:26:10 All these white cucks.
01:26:15 The cheer and cheer.
01:26:18 This guy, don't be this guy.
01:26:29 Don't be this guy.
01:26:39 And when we talked about you.
01:26:41 Know when.
01:26:43 You know, going back to the whole why is it that people in the movement know?
01:26:46 They have trouble.
01:26:47 Finding women because they they, you, they.
01:26:49 Think you're that guy?
Speaker 3
01:26:57 That's why.
01:27:04 Because the people installing other software updates tell them you're that guy.
01:27:18 Now again, this guy might just be.
01:27:22 An inarticulate based guy.
01:27:28 Who doesn't understand persuasion?
01:27:34 And doesn't understand the role he's playing in this situation.
01:27:38 Or he could be.
01:27:39 A plant he could be a.
01:27:41 Total ******* fraud made-up actor.
01:27:45 Jerry Springer was known to do that.
01:27:48 And just you know.
01:27:52 The entire apparatus has been known to do that, but specifically, Jerry Springer.
01:28:06 Who I believe, wasn't he the mayor of Chicago?
01:28:08 At one point.
01:28:17 Imagine living in Chicago and not understanding.
01:28:22 Like how outnumbered you are.
01:28:26 And they they went.
01:28:27 From I I think he was mayor let.
01:28:29 Look, I think Jerry Springer was mayor of Chicago or.
Speaker 1
01:28:32 He was something.
01:28:37 And now they got like, some weird ******.
01:28:40 ******* lesbian.
01:28:53 Let's see here.
01:29:01 Oh, this is kind of funny.
01:29:04 Springer was elected to Cincinnati City Council.
01:29:06 He might have been Mayor of Cincinnati.
Speaker 4
01:29:07 We'll find out in.
01:29:08 A second in 1971, he resigned in 1974 after admitting to soliciting a prostitute.
01:29:15 Springer, Springer and see back in 74.
01:29:20 You still had. You haven't lost the culture war 100% it was. It was raging pretty hard and.
01:29:25 You were losing.
01:29:28 But police politicians still had to resign if they were getting a prostitute.
01:29:33 Now they can go to Kitty.
01:29:35 Island and nothing happens.
01:29:37 And again zoom out the graph.
01:29:39 Guys zoom out the graph.
01:29:42 Springer came clean at a press conference long time since Sandy news man uh, something pronounced uh.
01:29:48 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
01:29:53 In 1977, he was chosen to.
01:29:55 Serve one year as mayor.
01:29:58 Sorry. So you was mayor.
01:29:59 Of Cincinnati. Not not Chicago.
01:30:09 So there you go.
01:30:19 I kind of want to find I doubt.
Speaker 3
01:30:21 You can find it.
01:30:22 I'm going to look, I'm going to see if.
01:30:24 I can find.
01:30:25 The press conference where he admits to.
01:30:30 Getting the prostitute.
Speaker 3
01:30:32 That might be kind of funny.
01:30:53 Well, I mean, it was a Cincinnati city.
01:30:55 Council might not even be on video.
01:31:07 But yeah, he was.
01:31:08 Part of the machine.
01:31:14 He was playing his role.
01:31:21 Don't be that guy.
01:31:25 Lots of audience feedback to inform the audience home at home how they should feel about what they're seeing.
Speaker 3
01:31:46 All right.
01:31:47 Let's take a look at chesak.
01:31:59 Someone said Springer paid for the ******.
01:32:01 No, he, he he got busted.
Speaker 4
01:32:07 UM.
01:32:12 Someone says the only clip from Jerry.
01:32:14 Remember, I don't know what clip.
01:32:15 You're talking about.
01:32:22 Women should be treated like children.
01:32:24 You love them and take care of them, but you must have authority over them to ensure reciprocity.
01:32:29 There's some.
Speaker 3
01:32:30 Truth to that.
01:32:31 If you're going to red pill people, you need to be attractive.
01:32:35 Well, but again.
01:32:38 Even then, you you can't red.
01:32:41 Pill the normies. You can't.
01:32:44 That's why they're normies.
01:32:45 You can red pill people who aren't normies, who just maybe.
01:32:50 Haven't been paying attention somehow.
01:32:52 I don't know. I don't.
01:32:52 Know how at this point?
01:32:54 You don't feel strongly, at least you know at this point with, with, with how things have escalated.
01:33:00 If you still don't get it, I don't think.
01:33:02 That you're going to.
01:33:04 Like, maybe young people, right?
01:33:05 That just you.
01:33:06 Don't know yet.
01:33:08 You know all you know.
01:33:09 Is what?
01:33:10 Your parents have told you and what the government schools told you and.
01:33:14 So if you're young.
01:33:15 Then then I OK.
01:33:19 But when people talk about red Pilling the normies, they're not talking about the the people who are just beginning to get to the age where they start looking at this stuff.
01:33:33 And that's in.
01:33:33 A way that's why it's still worth it to to talk about this stuff because you're still going.
01:33:37 To be reaching.
01:33:39 The new crop of non normies, but you're never going to red.
01:33:43 Pill the normies and the normies vastly outnumber the non normies, that's why they're called normies.
01:33:49 They're the norm.
01:33:53 They're normal for what's in your your society.
01:33:58 You're not normal.
01:34:15 You get the normies by being normal.
01:34:17 And red pills disguised with humor.
01:34:19 Again, that it's no.
01:34:23 I mean, you're talking about one way of effective persuasion.
01:34:28 But you will never override.
01:34:32 The basic programming.
01:34:36 There's a reason why all the there just as an example, there were people tweeting about, you know, Maga people tweeting about, Nick getting put on the No fly list, but very obviously not mentioning his name.
01:34:56 Because the normies.
01:35:00 Are under the spell of those guys the normies are the ones that watch Ben Shapiro and and and stuff like that.
01:35:11 They're just being told that, oh, well, instead of wearing the blue shirt when you watch the political theater, you wear the red shirt.
01:35:21 But you still watch the political theater.
01:35:25 And that's all you.
01:35:25 Do goddamnit is you only watch it.
01:35:29 You're not allowed on the field.
01:35:37 You're you're supposed to just sit.
01:35:39 In the stands and cheer.
01:35:42 I mean don't.
01:35:43 You we created a whole industry to train you to know how this works.
01:35:46 How do you not know how this works?
01:35:48 You been?
01:35:48 To a ******* sports ball game.
01:35:53 You're supposed to buy the merchandise.
01:35:57 Wave the flag.
01:36:01 You can be mad at the players.
01:36:02 You can scream at them if you want, but *** **** it, you better.
01:36:06 Stay in the stands.
01:36:09 Better yet, stay at home and watch.
01:36:10 It on TV.
01:36:13 Have you seen the new flat screens?
01:36:15 They're so lifelike.
01:36:19 You can watch them from the safety of your living room.
01:36:23 You don't have to go outside where there's COVID lurking behind every corner.
01:36:28 The Invisible enemy, as Trump called it.
01:36:42 Stay at home.
01:36:44 Put on your jersey.
01:36:46 Have a few beers.
01:36:48 Watch the commercials for the new Lexus whatever.
01:36:53 You know they're going all electric by 2030.
01:37:01 Do you know Honda?
01:37:05 Is going all electric by 2030.
01:37:13 Interesting year they've chosen.
01:37:19 According to Honda, they will not make any product that includes A combustion engine.
01:37:25 Which is curious because I wonder if that includes.
01:37:28 I mean they make.
01:37:29 Honda makes gasoline generators.
01:37:30 Are they going to stop making those?
01:37:37 At least for you.
01:37:41 They might still make some industrial products.
01:37:45 But they won't be available to you.
01:37:54 Honda is going to go full gasoline by 20-30 GM. I forget what I mean, they said.
01:38:01 They're going to go like.
01:38:03 90% electric by 2020, something like 2028.
01:38:11 Gasoline cars will not.
01:38:13 Be a thing in your lifetime.
01:38:22 And again, you want to, here's the thing.
01:38:25 Here's here's this is a good moment to to help people understand.
01:38:30 Why or what you're up against?
01:38:34 Like the the the complete difference between what you're.
Speaker 3
01:38:37 Able to do.
01:38:39 In terms of social change and political change and and justice, changing the normies and.
01:38:46 What they're able to do?
01:38:50 They're going to be able to get rid.
01:38:51 Of gasoline cars.
01:38:55 And they'll be able to do it.
01:38:59 At first, they'll stop making them.
01:39:03 Because they can do that.
01:39:06 You can't do that.
01:39:07 You can't do anything analogous to that.
01:39:12 I mean, you can't even.
01:39:13 Get on an airplane right now, you know.
01:39:18 Once they stop making the cars.
01:39:21 Then they'll start jacking up the price.
01:39:25 Of gasoline.
01:39:30 They'll start penalizing you when you register your car.
01:39:35 If it's a gasoline car, well, you have to register.
01:39:39 Your electric card will cost 100 and.
01:39:41 $50 a year or whatever.
01:39:44 And to register your gasoline card will be.
Speaker 3
01:39:46 Like $500 a year.
01:39:52 Then slowly, gas prices will start creeping up.
01:39:59 It'll get to a level that you're.
01:40:00 Not going to be able to.
01:40:07 Maybe they'll be nice and do kind of like a cash for Clunkers, kind of a thing.
01:40:12 And if you trade in your gasoline car?
01:40:17 Then you'll be able to use it as a credit towards.
01:40:20 Your new electric car.
01:40:24 And you might think to yourself, well, Devin, what's wrong with electric cars?
01:40:27 I don't see a problem with that.
01:40:30 Well, if that's all it was.
01:40:34 I don't even know if I would necessarily even oppose that change because.
01:40:41 You can and.
01:40:41 There's ways of generating your own electricity that are way easier than generating your own gasoline.
01:40:49 So in a way, it would make you more independent in some ways in some ways.
01:40:56 But it's not that the car will be powered by an electric motor.
01:41:03 Instead of a combustion engine, it's what that car will include.
01:41:15 That car is going to.
01:41:16 Have more to it than just an electric motor powering.
Speaker 3
01:41:21 The proportion.
01:41:24 It's going to come with.
01:41:26 All the tracking devices that they want for the.
01:41:32 The management of the cattle.
01:41:38 And you won't be.
01:41:38 Able to remove them.
01:41:42 And still operate your car.
01:41:46 And then eventually.
01:41:50 Quicker than I think anyone really can imagine.
01:41:56 Won't be able to own a car.
01:41:59 They will restrict.
01:42:03 Who's allowed to go on the road?
01:42:05 They'll eliminate a lot of these like truck driving jobs.
01:42:08 There's a lot of there's a lot of private operators.
01:42:12 There's a lot of guys, they they serve up a lot of money, they buy a big truck.
01:42:17 And they make their money hauling.
01:42:20 Ship across the country.
01:42:21 They're just a contractor.
01:42:25 Well, all those.
01:42:25 Guys will be out of a job.
01:42:28 Not just because of the expense of.
01:42:31 Gas and all that stuff.
01:42:32 But I mean.
01:42:33 They're going to.
01:42:34 Everything will become self driving automated.
01:42:43 And then instead of Deplating forming you from an airplane.
01:42:48 They can do platform you from driving.
01:42:58 It's not that difficult.
01:42:59 The technology ought exists.
01:43:02 For them to even have a.
01:43:05 As part of the software in these electric cars.
01:43:09 The ability for it to identify the occupants.
01:43:19 Even if you don't.
01:43:21 Take your phone with you the the facial recognition stuff is.
01:43:24 So good now I mean.
01:43:29 They have them in phones they unlock when.
01:43:31 You look at them, you.
01:43:32 Don't think they're going to have cars that start.
01:43:35 On using the same concept.
01:43:42 I'm surprised they don't already, I mean.
Speaker 4
01:43:44 They might.
01:43:49 The the car will.
01:43:52 I can totally see a car saying, you know what?
01:43:56 You have an unauthorized occupant in the car.
01:44:00 The car will not start until this person.
01:44:02 Exits the vehicle.
01:44:11 Don't take it up a level.
01:44:13 I can't identify.
01:44:16 This occupant in the car.
01:44:22 So I can't start.
01:44:30 I think the.
01:44:31 Thing to worry about with 5G isn't so much like the the radiation, although that might be I I don't know it that could. I guess we'll find out.
01:44:42 To me, the the danger of 5G is is just and the reason they want it so bad, even if it does have radiation, health risks and all this other stuff.
01:44:51 Is it makes it gives them the bandwidth.
01:44:54 To have this kind of a system working.
01:44:57 Right now, that's.
01:44:57 One of the hold ups is you.
01:44:59 The software exists, the hardware exists, you know do this stuff.
01:45:03 But to really have the kind of management.
01:45:07 Where they're getting this amount of data flowing in.
01:45:12 You know 24.
01:45:13 Hours a day.
01:45:14 They need more bandwidth for that.
01:45:19 If you're going to have an AI that's analyzing where everybody's going all the time.
01:45:25 And not only that, like.
01:45:26 It's not going to just stop.
Speaker 3
01:45:27 At that.
01:45:28 And your phones are listening to you all the time.
01:45:30 They want your refrigerator.
01:45:31 They want everything.
01:45:32 Listening to you all the time.
01:45:34 And to really utilize that data you need.
01:45:37 You need a fatter pipe.
01:45:42 And so and it won't, I mean 5.
01:45:45 G is just the next level.
01:45:46 It'll obviously it will increase from there.
01:45:49 But that's to me, that's.
01:45:51 That's the thing that's concerning, it's.
01:45:54 And this is someone that.
01:45:55 Looked in a way I kind of wish I.
01:45:56 Had five G because.
Speaker 4
01:45:57 It would make my Internet work better, right?
01:46:00 So and there's not gonna be a lot of resistance.
01:46:02 Like who's gonna be.
01:46:02 Like no, I.
01:46:03 Want slower?
01:46:05 So that's just, that's an inevitability that's just going to happen.
01:46:09 And it's going.
01:46:10 To enable a lot.
Speaker 3
01:46:11 Of this stuff.
01:46:16 I'm just telling you guys.
01:46:17 This is where we're.
01:46:18 Headed and with every passing day.
01:46:25 Resistance to it.
01:46:27 Gets more and more impossible.
Speaker 4
01:46:34 Or maybe not impossible.
Speaker 3
01:46:35 Improbable that way.
01:46:47 And again the perfect example.
Speaker 4
01:46:48 Of that is.
Speaker 3
01:46:49 The the stolen election, the fact that.
01:46:52 At last count, I think the last poll I saw.
01:46:56 It was a big number. It was like ******* 40% there. Or maybe it was in the 30s, but still like a huge ******* portion of the United States.
01:47:04 Now, as the election was stolen and nothing happened.
01:47:14 So what's I mean, what has?
01:47:15 To happen.
01:47:20 And one of the reasons why.
01:47:22 Nothing happened.
01:47:23 In addition to like the obvious stuff.
01:47:28 Is the people are kind of justice atomized and.
01:47:31 And unable to organize, people are afraid.
01:47:36 They're afraid to organize online.
01:47:38 If you talk about.
01:47:39 Creating your own community in Waco, Ruby Ridge.
01:47:49 Well then I guess in that case.
01:47:51 Put on your red jersey.
01:47:52 And cheer for your team.
01:48:01 Enjoy the game.
Speaker 3
01:48:12 I'm going to take a look here.
01:48:16 We have a lifetime of Pedro corpses as our current president.
01:48:20 I am not optimistic.
01:48:23 We have guns, but don't.
01:48:24 Have the balls to use them.
01:48:26 And soon you might not have guns.
01:48:32 We should invest in mechanical skills to build houses, weapons and cars.
01:48:37 Well, that's the kind of thing.
01:48:38 What do you think I'm doing out here?
01:48:47 If you see where the trend lines are going.
01:48:56 The funny thing is I'm I'm the.
01:48:58 One being optimistic here.
01:49:02 If I if I thought it.
01:49:03 Was all just going to go.
01:49:04 To ****.
01:49:05 And there was literally nothing I could do about it.
01:49:07 And I was just going to get genocide it.
01:49:09 Someday or or, you know.
01:49:13 I wouldn't be out here doing this.
01:49:15 I might not even leave the city.
01:49:19 I might just ride that ******* pleasure train all the way down.
01:49:21 Why not?
01:49:25 If I thought there was no possibility to.
01:49:29 Survive it and get out of it and fight back against it.
01:49:31 I would just say **** it.
01:49:34 Been making a **** ton of money and.
01:49:37 Playing video games all the time and.
01:49:41 Why not be a wage slave?
Speaker 3
01:49:42 Right.
01:49:50 They make it easy.
01:50:00 Try to play this video of a guy who runs his.
01:50:02 Dirt bike on.
01:50:04 Wood gas from crawfish?
01:50:06 Yeah, no, I've seen that stuff.
01:50:08 And you can make biodiesel and stuff like that, but it's.
01:50:13 It's it's infinitely easier to generate your own electricity.
01:50:17 In fact, you only need like.
01:50:20 You don't even like the solar panels and stuff like that.
01:50:22 You can get like a ******* old ceiling fan and make a wind generator.
01:50:25 You know it's this isn't.
01:50:28 This isn't like a or the same thing.
01:50:30 You can same concept.
01:50:32 You can make a.
01:50:36 If you got a river, you can generate electricity from the river.
01:50:38 I mean there's.
01:50:41 General electricity is not a new technology.
01:50:46 The people who were doing.
01:50:47 It 100 years ago didn't need to order solar panels from China, you know, like you can.
01:50:55 You can turn an old exercise bike into a generator if you want to.
01:51:01 So in that respect, electric cars, the the.
01:51:04 Problem with that is.
01:51:06 The and and and by the this.
01:51:09 This is also how.
01:51:09 You know.
01:51:11 But they don't.
01:51:11 It's not about.
01:51:12 The environment, right?
01:51:14 The they want, they they.
01:51:16 The electric car is the big issue is the battery.
01:51:20 Well, lithium mining.
01:51:23 The way that it I mean because of the the carbon.
01:51:26 Footprint of lithium mining.
01:51:29 And justice, the manufacturer just of the battery.
01:51:33 Just the battery.
01:51:36 In order to offset that, you'd have to drive your car all the time.
01:51:42 For like 10 years.
01:51:45 And just to offset that part of it.
01:51:50 And then you still have like this giant.
01:51:52 Box of poison in your car.
01:51:53 You know the the battery.
01:51:54 When it's all done.
01:51:59 So it's.
01:52:03 It's all ******** that but that.
01:52:04 That would be the hold up you couldn't.
01:52:07 You know, with you unless.
01:52:07 You had like a lithium mine.
01:52:08 You're not.
Speaker 3
01:52:09 Going to be able to make your own batteries.
01:52:17 Electric cars require petroleum products to be made, yeah.
01:52:20 And and they still use.
01:52:22 Oil and and you know lubricants.
Speaker 3
01:52:28 And stuff like that.
01:52:33 Can you review rules for rulers?
01:52:35 Yeah, I I have that in my notes.
01:52:36 I actually was going to look.
Speaker 3
01:52:37 At that today and just didn't get a chance to.
Speaker 4
01:52:41 But that that is in my notes at least I.
Speaker 3
01:52:42 Think it's in my notes.
01:52:44 Oh, and that other guy, Dan, the.
01:52:50 I was going to e-mail you.
01:52:51 I had it open.
01:52:52 I hit reply.
01:52:54 And then I got distracted.
01:52:59 But I got your link and yeah, I'll be responding to you.
01:53:02 I I I'll.
01:53:03 So we'll get that discord thing going.
01:53:05 Sorry, I.
01:53:07 If you knew the amount of **** I was doing over here.
01:53:09 Oh, I had cactus pills to give you guys too.
Speaker 4
01:53:14 I could well.
01:53:16 We'll see him for next time.
01:53:18 I went out and took some more cactus.
01:53:26 The biggest black pill is the next generation, not the zoomers, but the kids in.
01:53:30 Middle school, right?
01:53:31 Now they are facing the brink of full scale.
01:53:33 Training global homa.
01:53:35 Yeah, you just you.
01:53:37 Saw the graph.
01:53:37 The spindle is you only have.
01:53:38 The graph I mean.
01:53:40 Every generation is gayer than the one before it.
01:53:44 By like a significant margin to the point where, like zoomers are like what was it 18 times gayer than boomers?
01:53:53 I mean, yeah, I mean it's.
01:53:56 You got to think of it this way.
01:53:58 The boomers raised a bunch of nihilists.
01:54:04 You know with every.
01:54:09 That fails to transmit good values and like I said, the culture war is over. You lost and so the the prevailing culture, if any culture gets passed down, it's not that 1950s culture in the black and white food.
01:54:26 You know it's it's drag Queen story hour.
01:54:29 That's already normal.
01:54:32 It's normal they had.
01:54:35 Desmond is amazing on Good Morning America.
01:54:38 It's normal.
01:54:42 What kind of kids do you think Desmond is? Amazing's generation's going to raise?
01:54:47 This is why, again, it's not about.
01:54:53 Cry me a ball and cry and.
01:54:56 No, it's it's again.
01:54:57 It's like the gamble.
01:54:58 You gotta know when to hold them.
01:55:00 No one to fool them.
01:55:02 No one to walk away.
Speaker 3
01:55:04 Know when to run.
01:55:08 You just got to know you got to.
01:55:09 Know what kind of hands?
01:55:10 You're you. You got.
01:55:12 You got to know how to play it.
01:55:15 You gotta shoot hand right now.
01:55:28 Boomers didn't raise a bunch of nihilist boomers.
01:55:30 Let TV and schools raise their kids, and still and still values, nobody raises the kids anymore.
01:55:37 Well, kids are raised by the state increasingly.
01:55:41 I would say yeah, I mean TV1 funny movie that points this out, not in the way that I guess we're talking about it, but the movie cable guy, right and it's.
01:55:55 It's kind of a I don't know. I haven't seen it in a billion years. I thought it was funny at the time, but I think I thought it was funny, like in 1997.
Speaker 3
01:56:02 Or whatever it came out.
01:56:03 So it's.
01:56:05 And it's got Jim Carrey, so it's probably not funny, but at the end you find out that he's this ******* weirdo because.
01:56:12 His parents plopped him in front of.
01:56:14 The TV.
01:56:16 Instead of raising him.
01:56:20 And he was raised by television that that's how.
01:56:22 My household was.
01:56:26 I would come home from school.
01:56:28 And my mom would be watching TV.
01:56:33 And the rest of my family that they were home, many of them were either watching TV or with within earshot.
01:56:41 Of the TV.
01:56:44 And and most of the fights that took place in my house were were related to, you know.
01:56:51 I want to use the remote.
01:56:53 I want you to, I mean like TV played like a a prominent.
01:56:56 Role in my family and and.
01:56:59 And in a.
01:56:59 Not atypical way.
01:57:04 This was this was going on all over the.
01:57:05 Place it wasn't just uh.
01:57:09 It wasn't just that my family were obscene couch.
Speaker 4
01:57:11 Potatoes, I mean they.
01:57:13 You know, they watched way too much TV, but I don't think it was an abnormal amount for that time.
01:57:20 And now it's tablets and phones and whatever, but it's it's the same thing.
01:57:26 You know, parents are letting their phones raise their kids now, so they're going on on Snapchat and and and whatever.
01:57:34 And they're seeing the normalization of literal demons.
01:57:41 You know the same sort of thing was, I mean, it was.
01:57:43 Trending that.
01:57:44 Way when I was a kid.
01:57:48 It was normalizing.
01:57:49 Horrific ****.
01:57:50 Unlike MTV and stuff like that.
01:57:54 And that stuff seems pretty.
01:57:57 Wholesome in comparison to what's going on now.
01:58:05 But it seemed very shocking at the time because.
01:58:08 We hadn't built up.
01:58:10 A tolerance to it.
01:58:15 You know, I've talked a lot about tolerance.
01:58:20 If you've never done a specific drug or, you know, drink alcohol or even smoked a cigarette.
01:58:27 And then you you do it.
01:58:30 Just as an example of the cigarette.
01:58:32 The first time you ever smoke and actually inhale or dip or vape or, you know.
01:58:37 Anything with nicotine?
01:58:39 The first time it hits you.
01:58:43 It hits you like a ton of bricks.
01:58:48 I remember the first time I.
01:58:49 Dipped, I had to sit down.
01:58:51 I was getting dizzy.
01:58:55 But it doesn't take long before you don't even notice the effect.
01:59:00 Like you're still.
01:59:01 Doing it.
01:59:03 But you don't, you don't.
01:59:05 Feel anything?
01:59:06 If anything, it starts to have like a.
01:59:09 Reverse effect it's.
01:59:10 Just like you do it to feel normal.
01:59:12 And then you.
01:59:13 Feel ****** if you don't do it.
01:59:18 Well, that's what this tolerance movement.
01:59:22 Did to Americans.
01:59:26 They told you you had to be tolerant.
Speaker 3
01:59:29 Of all the.
01:59:29 Diversity and all the degeneracy and whatnot.
01:59:33 And so that's what happened.
01:59:35 You did.
01:59:36 You built up a tolerance to it.
01:59:39 And think of it from the from the point of view of the people where.
01:59:43 It is like a drug.
01:59:46 You know the people that that.
01:59:47 Virtue signal and and such, right?
01:59:51 The first time they do it, they feel really good.
01:59:55 The first time they yelled a white lady and call her a Karen, and the first time they they tweet, you know, Black Lives Matter or change their profile picture to all black or Neil before a a Black Lives Matter person or, you know, whatever it.
02:00:10 Feels really good.
02:00:14 But then after a while they just.
02:00:15 Kind of have to do it.
02:00:19 Or they'll feel.
02:00:25 And then what happens right that that rush is gone?
02:00:28 You really like that rush?
02:00:30 That's why you did.
02:00:31 It in the first place.
02:00:34 Well, I guess I gotta up up the either up the dosage.
02:00:39 Or trying to find another drug.
02:00:45 And then the process repeats.
02:00:52 I mean and and.
02:00:53 You physically will tolerate a lot there.
02:00:57 There are heroin addicts that take.
02:01:00 Enough heroin that if you were to take that, you.
02:01:02 Would die like.
02:01:03 Your heart would stop.
02:01:10 But those same people, if they stop taking heroin.
02:01:14 They might die. They may.
02:01:15 Literally have a seizure and die Alcoholics.
02:01:19 Same thing.
02:01:25 I was talking to this lady.
02:01:27 She was this.
02:01:28 Born again Christian.
02:01:31 She simply swapped her addiction to alcohol to an addiction to Jesus.
02:01:37 Which I guess is healthier, but UM.
02:01:40 Not not the brightest bulb in the drawer.
02:01:45 But she was talking about the just the quantities that she would drink, and it just. I couldn't imagine she would have 1/5 of vodka down by lunch.
02:02:01 She was drinking like over a handle.
02:02:03 Of vodka a day.
02:02:07 And still and and still had a job.
02:02:17 Because their tolerance was so high, and if she had just gone from that to just not drinking at all, there is a very good chance that she would seize.
02:02:25 Out and die.
02:02:27 If she just tried to go.
02:02:28 Cold Turkey.
02:02:37 And that's The thing is you have all these normies.
Speaker 3
02:02:42 If you will.
02:02:45 Their tolerance is so high they can't stop.
02:02:53 It's who.
02:02:54 They are now.
02:03:02 Now the other way is going to kill them too.
02:03:08 But at least they'll feel good on the way.
02:03:10 Down right.
02:03:21 But that's what tolerance does.
02:03:25 My tolerance to caffeine is pretty high.
Speaker 4
02:03:38 Alright, let me look at Chad again here.
02:03:42 I'm going to buy two or three older cars as part of my future prep Audi drive cars like.
02:03:47 That anyway.
02:03:48 Yeah, I got.
02:03:49 I got two or three.
02:03:51 I got yeah, I got about two or.
02:03:52 Three cars, I.
02:03:53 Got to fix up.
02:03:54 They're older cars.
02:03:58 I wish.
02:03:59 I wish it would just stop breaking around here.
02:04:03 That's the thing.
02:04:03 I I would be a lot.
02:04:05 My mistake was.
02:04:07 It's not that I overestimated my ability to fix things.
02:04:10 I think I overestimated or underestimated the the time commitment and in retrospect, it would have been a little choosier.
02:04:20 In in some of the things that I purchased, including just everything.
02:04:26 I think the only thing that you can.
02:04:29 Well, just you got to be mindful of all everything that you look at, whether it's, I mean the house included, if I if I the other house that was telling you guys that that was cheaper in this place it was way bigger, way nicer, way cooler looking.
02:04:42 It was on the side of.
Speaker 3
02:04:43 A ******* mountain.
02:04:44 I mean, not for long.
02:04:45 It was about to fall down.
02:04:47 But it was like really cool.
02:04:49 Like it was way cool.
02:04:51 In the bunker, but it would have.
02:04:54 Like it was it.
02:04:55 Was in the process of falling down.
Speaker 4
02:04:57 The mountain.
02:04:58 And the the amount of work.
02:05:00 I mean, I might still not be living in it.
02:05:02 Know and the money just.
02:05:04 From materials would have been a nightmare.
02:05:10 And so you got to look at when you.
02:05:13 Purchase these things.
Speaker 4
02:05:15 UM.
02:05:17 You just have to evaluate all those things and that applies to anything, whether you're getting a used, UM, you know, gas generator or something, you know you, you gotta look at it in terms of.
02:05:31 What's this going to cost me in parts, but also in time?
02:05:35 Because in parts.
02:05:36 You know like.
02:05:37 With my vehicles just as an example, there's not like the parts aren't even all that expensive.
02:05:43 The parts I have to get.
02:05:44 It's just the uh.
02:05:45 The time now, if I if I was like a seasoned mechanic, I'd probably wouldn't.
02:05:50 And that's the thing.
02:05:51 I guess you gotta weigh your your abilities.
02:05:55 Most people have the ability to look.
02:05:56 Stuff up on the Internet and figure it out.
02:05:59 If you're mechanically minded at all, there's not much.
02:06:01 You can't fix.
02:06:03 If you're able to just look stuff up, that's one of the great things about the.
02:06:08 But you have to realize that anything that that you're going to fix yourself is going to take way longer and not be as good as if someone that was an expert did it.
02:06:23 But yeah, all depends on what?
02:06:26 What you're what you're talking about.
02:06:28 But I mean, I've I've seen you say that.
02:06:31 You're good at cars.
02:06:33 So for you it's.
Speaker 3
02:06:34 Probably a good thing.
Speaker 4
02:06:38 Let's take a look here.
02:06:46 Someone saying even blacks don't want to live around blacks, well, they're certainly not moving to Africa.
02:06:55 That's how you know it's it's not about.
02:06:59 Anything other than?
02:07:07 Being parasites because.
02:07:11 If given like it's, it's the same thing I talked about with the the Native Americans, where everyone ******* about the Native Americans, you know, we, oh, you put them on reservations.
02:07:19 That was so.
02:07:20 Mean if you made white people reservations white.
02:07:23 People would love it and they'd move.
02:07:24 There, and in fact, eventually.
02:07:27 Everyone else would want to move there too.
02:07:33 Because they'd end up being really awesome.
02:07:40 Just explain that that is if you want to try to again, you'll have a red pillow.
02:07:45 More me.
02:07:46 But if you have someone that's just starting to pay attention to this stuff and trying.
02:07:49 To figure out the.
02:07:51 That's the one of the best ways to explain differences and competence among groups.
02:07:57 Because everyone knows what I just said is exactly true.
02:08:02 That if you made white people reservations in the same way that you made Indian reservations and instead of the way that we did Indian reservations where.
Speaker 4
02:08:10 You, you know, we we.
02:08:11 Still give them free healthcare, free education, free, like almost everything you're paying for that.
02:08:17 And if you made the white people reservations.
02:08:21 And didn't even give them anything.
02:08:23 You just like, gave them a state.
02:08:25 Like you can have this state or not even a state like you can have this ****** lamb in the desert.
02:08:30 You can have this part in Nevada that no one ******* lives on.
02:08:35 Get a bunch of BLM land in Nevada or something, and and there's there's.
02:08:40 Your white topia.
02:08:42 It would be an awesome place in in fairly short order.
02:08:48 And people would want to go there too, and they'd get mad.
Speaker 4
02:08:51 Because you wouldn't let him in.
02:08:54 Whereas Indians have had reservations now that have been subsidized.
02:09:00 For over 100 years.
02:09:03 And they're shitholes.
02:09:12 Also, you just have to.
02:09:13 Think about.
02:09:15 Who would accept it, right?
02:09:17 If you said here's here's the white people reservation.
02:09:21 White people would want to do it.
02:09:22 Because they know what would happen if you said we're going to ship all the black people.
02:09:27 To this.
02:09:28 Barren desert land in Nevada.
02:09:30 They'd be like you're.
02:09:31 Just trying to kill them all.
02:09:34 Because they know what would happen too.
02:09:41 So if you've got a.
02:09:42 Young person in your life that's that's just starting to try to figure this out.
02:09:48 That's a it's a very quick and.
02:09:50 Easy thought experiment that.
02:09:54 It's impossible to to deny what I just said.
02:09:58 And then there's other groups you could probably put in the desert.
02:10:01 They would be successful too.
02:10:06 I'm not saying whites are the older ones capable of making something out of nothing.
02:10:10 I'm just saying.
02:10:12 There's differences. There are certain groups where that's, that's what we've done for over 100 years and subsidized them and they haven't made something. They've made casinos that they don't even themselves.
02:10:23 Really run.
02:10:32 Not exactly.
02:10:33 Not not a whole.
02:10:33 Lot of Native American software companies.
02:10:40 Because there's just differences in in.
02:10:43 In groups.
02:10:52 So in saying creators, maintainers, destroyers.
02:10:57 I don't know if you're if you're building on something else you said.
02:11:00 But I mean.
02:11:01 Yeah, there are.
02:11:01 There are people that.
02:11:03 That just don't aren't don't have a.
02:11:05 Lot of creation going on.
02:11:08 I was just talking to a boomer relative about Sequoia, New Mexico story you relayed to us. We agreed. It's interesting how even in the 1950s people were quick and excited to secede through USA and other states. California 5 state plan Greater Idaho, etcetera. Also why white reservations won't happen.
02:11:26 Yeah, it it.
02:11:27 Was it wasn't that's because globalism wasn't inevitable.
Speaker 3
02:11:33 And they've kind of breached that.
02:11:35 There are. There's a lot of people that don't realize that in the 1950s, there weren't 50 states.
02:11:41 There's a lot of people that don't realize that prior to the 1970s, there was no Department of Education.
02:11:48 You know, like this, this top down centralized governing from Washington.
02:11:56 Is pretty ******* new.
02:11:59 And that's because it wasn't possible without the the technologies that we have today.
02:12:09 You know if.
02:12:11 They didn't have the kind of communications.
02:12:14 That they have available to them today, they wouldn't.
02:12:18 A lot of this stuff would be impossible.
02:12:20 In fact, imagine trying to pull off the COVID thing you know prior to like radio in the newspaper.
02:12:31 I mean, you could kind of deal with the newspaper, but because people would be able to just look around and see that it was ********.
02:12:38 Because people weren't just dropping dead.
Speaker 4
02:12:40 And and and whatnot.
02:12:42 It wouldn't last very long.
Speaker 3
02:12:45 And you.
02:12:45 Could scare them.
02:12:46 With a couple of headlines and stuff like that and you could influence them.
02:12:50 With the radio.
02:12:51 You could do a little better of a job because then you could do constant broadcasts and you could broadcast to. It'd be hard. That's the thing too. Is most people's families and their their the people in their lives.
02:13:06 They interacted with.
02:13:07 We're pretty local too.
02:13:10 And so when they're you could lie about an entire state, you know, you could tell the people living in New Mexico that, oh, yeah, there's this big outbreak in in Montana and people are dying left.
02:13:24 And how would you know, like, you wouldn't really know anyone in Montana.
02:13:28 And if you did, you couldn't easily talk to them.
02:13:31 Maybe you could write a letter and see.
02:13:37 But you didn't have this instant communication.
02:13:43 So it does work both ways in a way.
Speaker 3
02:13:48 I don't know it it's.
02:13:51 Like I said though.
02:13:53 You need to have those local.
02:13:54 Communities are important because.
02:13:58 When everyone's just this person with no connections.
02:14:06 And no.
02:14:09 No real loyalties.
02:14:10 You know, like cause.
02:14:12 I I've talked about how I moved around the country.
02:14:15 Chasing money, you know, just going from one job to the next, and I never really felt like I was part of any of those places that I lived.
02:14:23 It was just like this is the hotel room I'm in while I do this gig.
02:14:27 Like, that's how.
02:14:28 I looked at it.
02:14:29 So I didn't even watch local news, didn't get involved with local politics.
02:14:32 It didn't it?
02:14:32 Wasn't my home, you know?
02:14:36 And so it's important to get your home.
02:14:40 And unfortunately, there's not a lot of there's some, but there's.
02:14:43 Not a lot of suitable homes.
02:14:45 And that means that we're going.
02:14:47 To have to create those.
02:14:50 And just on a different scale and that's what our ancestors did.
02:14:55 They just had the advantage of.
02:14:59 The Wild frontier existed, and that just doesn't exist.
02:15:10 So you have to do it in a in.
Speaker 4
02:15:11 A on a.
02:15:11 Smaller scale and it's also going to be different because of the time the ruling class wanted expansion into the wild frontier.
02:15:21 And they were willing to tolerate not having full control over some of these remote communities because.
02:15:27 The you know, manifest destiny.
02:15:29 You know, they, they, they.
02:15:30 Realized that at some point they were in.
02:15:33 They were going to fill it all in.
02:15:35 And so you were your little rogue community of the middle of nowhere.
02:15:40 It was a necessary evil because you were.
02:15:42 At least you were establishing.
02:15:45 That part of the world.
02:15:48 Well, now you can't really do that, and if.
02:15:50 You try doing that.
02:15:53 I mean, you're right, the federal.
02:15:54 Government's not going to like it.
02:15:59 And they'll do things to make it more difficult.
02:16:01 They're already doing that.
02:16:02 They're trying to make it to where it's harder to live rurally.
02:16:06 But that's all the more reason you have.
02:16:08 To get involved.
02:16:10 With local politics local.
02:16:13 Community building.
02:16:15 Because that's where a lot of this stuff.
02:16:17 Starts, you know, a lot of these.
02:16:20 Regulatory things that go into effect.
02:16:24 That come that are handed down really from the UN.
02:16:32 And just just as an example, the the mask mandate thing it that's not that's not the.
02:16:37 Federal level I.
02:16:38 Mean it will be stuff like that.
02:16:40 Well, and the the power of the federal government is exercising now is dramatically more tyrannical than it was.
02:16:49 Even just ten years ago, really.
02:16:53 So they then it's not that they that that will last forever but.
02:16:59 Right now all this.
02:17:00 The you know, depending what state you're on in that that changes completely.
02:17:08 How the the COVID nonsense is being handled?
02:17:14 And you're going to have more influence.
Speaker 3
02:17:17 At the local level.
02:17:18 You don't even have, even if the the ruling class, the the people in Washington, they did represent you.
02:17:27 Which they don't, but if they.
02:17:28 Did and if you know.
02:17:30 Elections were real and all that stuff.
02:17:32 Most of these guys, they barely spend any time at home and they they don't read the letters you send them or you know, I mean like you don't.
02:17:39 Have access to these people.
02:17:43 You still have access to your local government.
02:17:47 You can walk in and talk face to face with your local government.
02:17:56 No one cares if you have a protest.
02:18:00 Outside of some.
02:18:01 Federal building that's surrounded by National Guardsmen.
02:18:08 But you better believe if you're some.
02:18:11 City manager or something like that.
02:18:14 Some low level local official and you bring down 30 guys outside their office.
02:18:18 It's going to make them ******* nervous.
02:18:25 Fear rules the world and you don't have the ability to make the federal government afraid.
Speaker 3
02:18:34 But you can make the the local government afraid.
02:18:50 Have you heard of the social gospel movement of the late 19th and early 20th century which popularized Christ, **** version of Christianity over the based and red pilled Christianity?
02:19:01 Social gospel movement?
02:19:03 No, but I'll.
Speaker 4
02:19:07 I'll write that down.
02:19:18 The right was discouraged for years to get involved in local politics, big presidential elections and governor elections are more entertaining than running for school board.
02:19:27 Except school board has more direct impact, for example.
02:19:33 That's The thing is is.
02:19:37 You can.
02:19:41 And Trump?
02:19:42 Well, Trump did a lot of that, honestly, whether it was intentional or not by being this.
02:19:48 Larger than life, everyone knew his name, reality TV show host Guy.
02:19:55 It became entertainment and the way he behaved on Twitter and and in press conferences and everything else, it became entertainment.
02:20:11 And of course, that's going to be way more interesting.
02:20:17 Then whatever is going on in your local.
02:20:23 You'd be surprised though, like.
02:20:24 If you're halfway normal smart person.
02:20:28 You could probably run in a local election.
02:20:33 Then maybe even win.
02:20:38 I mean, James.
02:20:39 Also did that.
02:20:40 I mean they kicked him out.
02:20:42 But I think officially he had to resign because they just said like we're we're going to exclude you from everything.
02:20:47 But I don't remember exactly what his title was, but it wasn't.
02:20:51 I mean, there's certain things that were they can exclude you, but there's certain things that can't.
02:20:56 I mean, there's things that you can run for and get, and you'll have you.
Speaker 4
02:20:58 Know some?
02:20:59 Power be small.
02:21:03 But everything starts small.
02:21:07 I thought about doing exactly that.
02:21:11 And we'll see that, that, that could end up happening.
02:21:16 Sometime in the future, but that's.
02:21:20 That's the kind of stuff.
Speaker 4
02:21:21 That you can be doing.
02:21:22 And it's going to be more meaningful because as it's also harder to rig a local election like that.
02:21:33 I mean, is it physically harder?
02:21:34 No, but I.
Speaker 4
02:21:35 Mean is.
02:21:35 The the apparatus, the ruling class tentacles.
02:21:39 Are they going to be concerned about your local election?
02:21:41 Probably not as much.
02:21:44 They're not.
02:21:44 Going to.
02:21:45 Use as many resources to change the outcome of your local election as they're going to use to change the outcome of the presidential election.
02:21:53 Which we now know that they can.
02:21:55 And will do.
02:22:00 And if you think this is the first time.
02:22:05 They were ******* with.
02:22:06 I see a lot of people.
02:22:08 They they wonder about the the, you know.
02:22:10 Well, does that mean that Trump was chosen to win?
02:22:14 I don't know.
02:22:15 I guess there's no way to really know, but I actually think that it it's it's very possible.
02:22:21 Just because you saw signs of this, like, remember election night, when Broward County was like taking forever to give their results and they they had that ******* ***** in charge that had already been busted for election fraud.
02:22:35 I think they just miscalculated the.
02:22:40 The amount of votes that Trump was going to get.
02:22:43 And so they.
02:22:44 Didn't flaunt it enough to make up for it.
02:22:48 I don't know why they miscalculated it, because you it was easy to see.
02:22:51 All your the when you look at the.
02:22:53 The footage of Old Hillary rallies and it and it's like.
02:22:58 I mean it was.
02:22:58 Like Biden, rallies really.
02:23:00 And COVID wasn't even happening yet.
02:23:04 I mean, she couldn't even.
02:23:05 Fill her room.
02:23:06 Clinton President Clinton couldn't fill a high school gymnasium.
02:23:17 I mean it this this wasn't.
02:23:21 I think he won legitimately won in a landslide, so who knows.
02:23:27 Who knows?
02:23:28 There's no way that like, that's the problem is there's no way to really know everything.
02:23:32 So ****** now.
02:23:35 That there really is no way to know whose.
Speaker 4
02:23:39 On the up and up, and here's not because.
02:23:42 Even the well, I I guess the.
02:23:44 Other way to put this is none of them are on the.
02:23:46 Up and up, but it's hard to tell to what degree that they're ******* you over.
02:24:00 Tell us some groupie stories.
02:24:03 Enough black pills for a SEC.
02:24:05 Groupie stories.
Speaker 4
02:24:09 I don't know what you mean by groupie stories.
02:24:12 I don't have any groupies.
02:24:23 They don't need to hide it anymore.
02:24:25 Yeah. Well, they they realize.
02:24:26 Now that nothing is going to happen.
02:24:29 Thinking of the election fraud, it was only possible because leftist groups and NGO's are the only people who mass volunteer the work polls. Our side doesn't mobilize for these types of things. If poll workers look less like BLM rally.
02:24:42 And more like white privacy.
02:24:45 And they won't look.
02:24:46 That's the mistake.
02:24:48 Like I said, that's the mistake that I think a lot of people who think.
02:24:52 That we could.
02:24:53 Politically, get out of this are making.
02:24:59 That term, silent majority was coined by ******* Nixon.
02:25:07 The right wing.
02:25:08 Does not achieve their goals the same way.
02:25:12 The left does.
02:25:15 Never have.
02:25:17 Never will.
02:25:26 Even if you had this.
02:25:37 I guess gene on the right wing and the same way.
02:25:40 That you do on the left.
02:25:42 It's more than that.
02:25:43 It's not even just the organizing, it's the amount of fraud and that's the other problem is a lot of the right wingers, they're.
02:25:49 Not they don't want to play dirty.
02:25:56 It's I talk about this in my book, I say.
02:26:01 There's a part that.
02:26:04 One of the characters says.
02:26:07 Something along the lines of, you know, I used to think that when people would say if you can't beat them, join them, that that was a cowardly saying.
02:26:20 Right.
02:26:22 Because, oh, like, kind of like we've talked about before, where people, it's like the normal thing we go through.
02:26:28 The winter is.
02:26:33 But then he says.
02:26:33 But then I started.
02:26:34 Thinking about it in a different way.
02:26:37 Like what might?
02:26:38 Another interpretation of that that saying be.
02:26:45 And one interpretation.
02:26:47 Might be.
02:26:50 Not that if you think that you're losing to your opponent, that you go and join your opponent.
02:26:58 But rather you start using the same tactics.
02:27:05 That your opponent is using only up.
02:27:08 The ante a little bit.
02:27:11 Like if you're losing.
02:27:12 Fights all the time because every time you show up, someone pulls a knife and stabs.
02:27:18 You know you or one of your guys or whatever and you think that using a knife is a ***** move so you never use it.
02:27:25 You're going to lose every time.
02:27:29 But if you.
02:27:30 Taking a gun to a knife fight.
02:27:33 You're going to win.
02:27:40 If you get over like this this stupid, you know the the conservative.
02:27:48 Principally, you know, losing with your principles intact right when we know they don't even have principles.
02:27:55 So it's it's just that they they virtue signal in a different way, right.
02:27:59 It's not that they have principles that they want to maintain.
02:28:02 Because if you really had deeper principles, the principle wouldn't be to be the gracious loser.
02:28:08 Because at least I didn't lie.
02:28:10 No, your principle would be to actually conserve what you're talking about, and you would do it by hook or by crook.
02:28:15 You would just ******* do it.
02:28:17 You'd get it.
02:28:18 That would be your principle.
02:28:21 Not to look, not to look.
02:28:24 Like you were the.
02:28:25 The bigger man as you lose.
02:28:29 But to win?
02:28:35 And the silent majority.
02:28:39 Has never done that.
02:28:44 And has never been able to get it in their head that that's what it.
02:28:47 Takes to.
02:28:48 Win to really understand what you're up against.
02:28:52 You're up against people who, without losing a ******* second of sleep.
02:29:00 Will kill thousands of people.
02:29:03 So they can start a war and kill.
02:29:04 Hundreds of thousands of people.
02:29:09 That's how committed they are.
02:29:16 Your side is not even remotely close to that committed.
02:29:23 Not even like kind of.
02:29:28 In fact.
02:29:30 One of the reasons why I.
02:29:32 Think so many of these normies quote UN quote.
Speaker 1
02:29:36 Don't believe.
02:29:39 In the the atrocities that the ruling class has committed.
02:29:47 Isn't so much that they don't want to believe.
02:29:50 People wouldn't be capable of doing that.
02:29:57 It's just that I think that that it would shine a light.
02:30:02 On how completely outmatched they are.
02:30:06 And unprepared mentally.
02:30:09 To even participate in the ******* game.
02:30:14 Because if you had to accept the types of **** that the people who actually get things done.
02:30:22 Are willing and able and do commit.
02:30:31 And you knew in your heart.
02:30:34 I'm not willing to do that.
02:30:38 You're gonna lose.
02:30:45 So it's easier for them to just pretend like well.
02:30:48 They're not doing that.
02:30:52 Because if you have, if you believe that that's what they do to win, how would you ever think in a million?
02:30:57 ******* years you would ever win.
02:31:03 If it's too much.
02:31:07 To get out of your couch.
02:31:11 When they steal the presidential election.
02:31:13 In front of you.
02:31:21 And and this this is every step of the way, every step of the way it's been like this for.
02:31:25 Like 100 ******* years or more.
02:31:28 Maybe forever.
02:31:30 Maybe that's, you know, that's and again, that's there's selection pressures behind that too.
02:31:35 You know, there's the you can't have, everyone can't be a general.
02:31:42 You know, we didn't evolve as people that were.
02:31:45 We were supposed to all be kings of our own little tiny domain.
02:31:48 We evolved as members of groups, subservient to the stronger, powerful members of our group.
02:32:00 And we're just in a situation now where those stronger, more powerful members of our group.
02:32:07 Do not have your best interests.
02:32:10 Even kind of.
Speaker 4
02:32:12 At heart.
02:32:14 Because they don't have any connection to you.
02:32:18 Multiculturalism is dangerous not just because of the obvious, not just because of the the the crime that you encounter on a day-to-day basis, not just because of the loss of trust in your society, not because of all those. I mean, those are those are big things, but they are dwarfed.
02:32:39 By the disconnection between you and your ruling class.
02:32:46 Think of it, if you get a small.
02:32:48 Tribe of humans.
02:32:50 And you've got the big alpha human.
02:32:52 That's like the chief and whatever, and everyone's kind of afraid of him.
02:32:57 But he's like half of the the, you know, half of the tribe is like, related to him, if not everybody.
02:33:05 And so yeah, he might **** you guys over a little bit, but.
02:33:11 Your family.
02:33:16 He doesn't want to do something that's going to destroy people he's related to.
02:33:24 In the same way that the modern ruling class.
02:33:29 Has not.
02:33:30 Not not only they're not related, they have nothing in common with you.
02:33:35 They don't share your culture, they don't share your religion.
02:33:41 They don't share your worldview.
02:33:43 They don't share your DNA.
02:33:49 You're just a number in a ******* spreadsheet.
02:33:55 They care as much about you as you do when you're playing, and I this is going to date me a little bit.
02:34:02 But when you when you would play those games like command and conquer and you would drag over a bunch of soldiers.
02:34:09 And you would tell.
02:34:10 Them, you'd.
02:34:11 Put on a suicide mission.
02:34:12 Right.
02:34:13 You'd go send them to go attack something.
02:34:16 To keep your enemies think.
02:34:18 StarCraft, you know, same thing.
02:34:19 I guess it's still old, but more people still play it.
02:34:22 StarCraft, you play StarCraft, you select a whole bunch of people that you know.
02:34:26 Are all going.
02:34:27 To die and you send them to go attack your opponents base to distract them.
02:34:33 While you do something.
02:34:34 Else they care as much about you as you do about.
02:34:38 Those pixels on the screen.
02:34:43 You don't give a ****.
02:34:47 About they're not real to you because they're not real.
02:34:50 You're not thinking about what?
02:34:52 Oh, but if I send this soldier to go attack the base like his wife's going to be sad when.
02:34:56 He doesn't.
Speaker 3
02:34:57 Come home, you know.
02:34:59 They won't even have that thought in your head.
02:35:02 They're exactly the same, but with real people.
02:35:09 Exactly the same.
02:35:15 Because as things get more centralized and as the population grows and as the
02:35:22 Power increases in Washington.
02:35:27 They don't have to face.
02:35:30 The families of the people that they hurt and kill, ever.
02:35:44 I mean, worst case scenario they have to like do a photo op with one of them or something like that. One of the one of the ones that's still drinking the kool-aid.
02:35:52 And wearing your jersey.
02:35:58 But you're certainly not afraid of the family.
02:36:03 What are they going to do to you?
02:36:06 In many instances, they don't even really.
02:36:08 Know your name because the people pulling the strings.
02:36:12 A lot of people don't even know who they are.
02:36:16 So if if if someone somehow did pay a price, it would be like 10 levels down on the hierarchy, it'd be somewhere it'd be it'd be another person you don't even know, and it's just a number in a spreadsheet.
02:36:33 That's what.
02:36:33 That's what you're dealing.
02:36:34 With and the the rights inability to understand this pretty basic but very important truth.
02:36:46 Is why?
02:36:48 You lose.
02:36:51 That's what you're up against.
02:37:01 And it gets more every year.
02:37:03 If you look at.
02:37:05 Congress 50 years ago.
02:37:09 Can you look at it today?
02:37:12 Are those people more like you?
02:37:13 Or less like you.
02:37:16 They get less like you every ******* election, every ******* year.
02:37:25 You think Kamala Harris?
02:37:28 Feels a connection.
02:37:29 To you.
02:37:32 **** you think Joe Biden feels a connection to you.
02:37:35 Think Obama felt the connection you think?
02:37:37 Trump felt a connection to you.
02:37:48 And if you felt like this real admiration, this real love for Trump.
02:37:53 How is that?
02:37:54 Any different than simping for an E thought.
02:37:57 Who doesn't even know your name?
02:38:00 But you keep sending her money, so.
02:38:02 You can see her.
02:38:03 And she doesn't even know you exist.
02:38:06 And every night you go to bed and you fantasize about her as you.
Speaker 3
02:38:09 Fall asleep.
02:38:12 And that's as far as that relationship will ever go.
02:38:18 And a lot of people, that's the.
02:38:20 Relationship they have.
02:38:22 With Trump and the, you know the.
02:38:23 People like him.
02:38:38 Trump forgot about you when he stepped on the golf course.
02:38:41 Well, I I don't think he ever had you in mind.
02:38:43 He was saying, you know, they got data.
02:38:46 They knew.
02:38:46 What to tell you?
02:38:51 The Cambridge Analytica stuff.
02:38:54 Is real.
02:38:56 They data mine the **** out of your Facebook accounts and your parents.
02:38:59 You know the boomer face, you know, that's who's.
02:39:01 Using Facebook these.
Speaker 4
02:39:02 I guess it's Boomer book now.
02:39:04 They they brain raped the boomers.
02:39:09 Figured out what they were mad about.
02:39:12 And he just.
02:39:15 Read the talking points.
02:39:26 Did you hear that the 20 retired French generals wrote a letter to the French government writing about a coming race war and that the French military may need to take action against Islamists, etcetera?
02:39:37 I heard something about that, but.
Speaker 3
02:39:38 I didn't read the.
02:39:40 I didn't read it.
Speaker 4
02:39:42 So I don't know the.
02:39:46 I don't know all the specifics thoughts on the opinion of TF monkey and coach Red Pill that Alaska is the best state to ride out the coming hard times, and if not Alaska, then some other harsh place.
02:40:01 Unlike California, Alaska is not like what it used to be.
02:40:05 But there are still kind of kind of frontier areas.
02:40:10 There was a time not that long ago.
02:40:11 I think it was like in the seven, I want to say like the 70s maybe when this expired you could still get free land like a home like real homesteading free land in Alaska.
02:40:23 You just had to go apply and go.
02:40:27 Claim some land.
02:40:29 And there's boomers that did that.
02:40:32 I mean, in terms of speed of opportunities, they have that you won't, but they they that expired I think in like the 70s or something like that.
02:40:41 There are still some very remote places in Alaska, but more and more I'm hearing that.
02:40:49 The bigger cities are becoming more metropolitan.
Speaker 4
02:40:54 UM.
02:40:55 But it might be.
02:40:55 A good spot.
02:40:56 I've never been to Alaska.
02:40:59 I have an uncle that lives there.
02:41:00 I think at least I think he still does.
Speaker 4
02:41:03 He moves around a lot, but he.
02:41:07 He he said it was he liked it.
02:41:09 He's pretty based.
02:41:10 He's actually probably one of my more based relatives.
02:41:15 Into guns lay a crazy person into guns and he.
02:41:21 He likes it, but I've never been there.
02:41:25 But that could be.
02:41:25 Cool like you said.
02:41:27 On a small scale, there is still frontier.
02:41:30 You can go to.
02:41:31 I chose a little patch of desert.
02:41:33 There are a lot of practical reasons behind it, but I also just, you know, like the desert.
02:41:39 But there's there's Alaska would probably probably.
02:41:42 I mean, it's Big, Alaska is bigger.
02:41:44 Than a lot of people think it's *******.
02:41:45 Big and the population is really ******* low.
02:41:50 And you could.
02:41:51 I mean, there's.
02:41:54 The problem with that, I guess I don't know.
02:41:56 I have to live there, but just you know, you wouldn't run out of water.
02:41:59 There's tons of water there.
02:42:01 I don't know about the winters.
02:42:04 It probably depends a lot on what elevation you're at and stuff like.
02:42:07 That I, you know, I don't.
02:42:08 I don't know.
02:42:10 But I'd be concerned about your ability to grow food, like enough food to if the winters are really long.
02:42:18 But you would run out of firewood and you wouldn't run out of water.
02:42:23 And you know, there'd probably be at least a growing season.
02:42:27 I don't know that you could keep animals in the same way you know like are.
02:42:32 Your chickens going to.
02:42:33 Survive a ******* winter like that.
02:42:35 Probably not.
02:42:36 So I mean, unless you, I mean, I'm sure there's people that do it, but what's required is it like a huge pain in the ***?
02:42:45 I don't know.
02:42:45 There's a reason.
02:42:46 Not a lot of.
02:42:47 People live there.
02:42:51 But that's it.
02:42:51 I would imagine it's doable, that might.
02:42:54 Yeah, look into it.
Speaker 3
02:42:56 Look into it, it could be good.
02:42:59 You'd certainly probably if you.
02:43:01 Got in a remote place.
02:43:04 In Alaska, you probably wouldn't be ****** with for the rest of your life.
02:43:10 You could probably accomplish that.
02:43:13 So maybe if you get enough people you could establish something out there.
02:43:18 That's really what I think it it's it's going to boil down to.
02:43:23 If you want, like I said, you want a.
02:43:25 You're going to build it.
02:43:27 You have to pick out a place.
02:43:30 And bring people there.
02:43:31 That all that's the tough part though.
02:43:34 One it's going to be tough just to find find like minded people two it's got to be tough to find like even tougher to find like minded competent people.
02:43:47 And then three.
02:43:49 You're going have to find like minded competent people that also have the resources.
02:43:54 To do to do that right?
02:43:57 Like if we just use Alaska as an example and you find like a bunch of ******* land.
02:44:04 It's not impossible, but, and that is the sort of thing you should be thinking about, but that it doesn't come without it's.
02:44:14 It's difficulties.
02:44:20 The Amish and the Hasidic Jews have their own parallel societies, with fertility rates of seven.
Speaker 4
02:44:24 Kids per woman.
02:44:26 We should study them.
02:44:27 They have canceled culture and that they shine and dissociate.
02:44:30 Those who take it.
02:44:31 And yeah, yeah, like that's it.
02:44:33 It's it's not cancel culture.
02:44:35 It's just culture.
02:44:35 That's our culture.
02:44:37 Is you get every culture does shunning?
02:44:41 And right now the dominant culture is shunning people who say white lives matter.
02:44:52 Russians are white. Why aren't y'all moving there? They don't have no. Russia is not all of Russia's white.
02:45:02 I mean, Russia's got that whole state, you know, whatever that's called in Russia, that's Muslim.
Speaker 4
02:45:08 And there's there's.
02:45:09 A bunch of Russia, that's Asian and.
02:45:13 And look they.
02:45:15 They, I mean, there's probably parts that are whiter than others, but they have their own kind of version of multiculturalism going on and they.
02:45:24 They don't want you.
Speaker 3
02:45:25 There they don't.
02:45:27 I don't think, I don't think.
02:45:30 Russia is the answer.
02:45:35 There might be.
02:45:36 Look, I don't know though I've never looked into, like, moving to Russia.
02:45:40 There it's possible.
02:45:45 But here's the difference though.
02:45:47 If you do that, your ability to go create your own community in Russia is pretty much 0.
02:45:53 If you think that that's the community, you.
02:45:56 Want to join?
02:45:58 Then that's something else.
02:46:03 That's something totally different and that's that's.
02:46:06 That's a option too.
02:46:09 I don't know that.
Speaker 3
02:46:10 I'd want to do that.
02:46:16 Yanni snail.
02:46:23 We can't fly anyway.
02:46:27 Yeah. I mean, that's just that's just the beginning. You mentioned the COVID thing. Yeah, I mean, look, Nick's the one that's on the.
02:46:34 No fly list today.
02:46:36 But is it really going to be that long before?
02:46:39 It's not just people who went to the Trump protest?
02:46:44 They get on their fly list.
02:46:47 It's just people who won't get the vaccine.
02:46:54 And once you've submitted to that, what won't you submit to really?
02:47:00 I mean, realistically if you submit to letting them inject mystery juice into your arm.
02:47:07 To solve a problem that doesn't exist.
02:47:10 So that you can fly on an airplane.
02:47:13 What won't you submit to?
02:47:20 And because I know people and I know most people.
02:47:24 Will do exactly that.
02:47:28 That's what I mean by.
02:47:31 Being realistic about what you.
02:47:33 What you can accomplish out there.
02:47:38 That's the power level.
02:47:40 You're you're up against, you're up against a group of people who can do exactly that.
02:47:44 They can say, well, if you don't put this mystery juice in your arm to.
02:47:47 Solve a problem that doesn't exist.
02:47:50 You can't fly.
02:47:51 On airplanes and then they.
02:47:53 Get the result they want.
02:47:56 And that's that's who you're that's who.
02:47:57 You're competing against.
02:48:05 So I'm just saying, be realistic about your expectations here.
02:48:20 That feeling when you realize the whitest country in the Americas is Uruguay.
Speaker 3
02:48:27 Is it?
02:48:27 I don't know much about Uruguay.
02:48:32 What do you think the end game is with?
02:48:34 The vaccines and the long one, I don't know.
02:48:36 I know everyone asked me.
02:48:39 About that all the time.
02:48:40 And it's like, I don't know.
02:48:44 I have.
02:48:46 I have a lot of friends that.
02:48:47 Have a lot of.
02:48:49 Varying opinions about that and we just don't have the information.
02:48:55 It's hard to say.
02:48:57 I mean, there's a lot of stuff coming out now about, like, oh, it affects fertility, you know?
02:49:03 And it could, I don't know.
02:49:05 I don't know.
02:49:07 It's hard to know right now.
02:49:09 I think we'll know a lot better in, say, five years.
02:49:13 But right now, it's hard to know.
02:49:17 But like I said, it's.
02:49:20 So many people are just lining up to go get it.
02:49:27 It's uh.
02:49:31 I've got a lot of most.
02:49:32 Of my family members have already got the vaccine.
02:49:37 And that and look again and these are right wing people, you know, nominally.
02:49:46 And that's what I mean.
02:49:47 You know, it's funny.
02:49:48 The leftist criticism, like, there's always that insult when you see, you know, anywhere where right wing people congregate online.
02:49:57 And they start talking about stuff freely.
02:50:01 You always get like that leftist that pops in and says you guys need to go outside.
02:50:08 They're not wrong about that.
02:50:12 Now they I don't.
02:50:13 They're not right in what they.
02:50:16 Like their ideology isn't correct, but they're correct and that you are wildly out of step with the norm if and if you don't get that.
02:50:25 I mean, lot of people get it.
02:50:26 I get it.
02:50:27 Like a lot of right wing people get it.
02:50:29 That. That's that they're.
02:50:31 Not in line with the norm.
02:50:35 But I don't think a lot of because we're meeting online so much and not in real life.
02:50:41 So you're not getting exposed to random people.
02:50:45 You're able to curate who you have interactions with.
02:50:49 Online, you know you can block the people you don't want to talk to if it's like on a public site or you just go to, like private places where not everyone or you know, places where just lefties don't go.
02:51:02 And that's usually what people do, right?
02:51:04 They self segregate online in the same way that they would in, in real life if.
02:51:08 It was legal.
Speaker 3
02:51:09 You know like.
02:51:10 They and what happens is when you start to.
02:51:14 Hang out in the white ethno state online, you get a perverted view of what Americans think.
02:51:25 Because the Americans you're interacting with?
02:51:29 They're just like you.
02:51:31 But they're not concentrated geographically in one place.
02:51:36 And they don't have a lot of power.
02:51:40 And when this goes?
02:51:41 Forward, I mean, I think even a lot of the right wing commentators, they get.
02:51:44 A little.
02:51:47 They get a big head about this ****, thinking that they're very influential because they are in in a very specific demographic.
02:51:57 And but they're failing to notice that.
02:52:01 In comparison to the 330 million people that live in America, it's a tiny, tiny sliver of the population.
02:52:12 And they don't have any power, and in many instances they.
02:52:15 Don't even have any like, you know, money or anything, you know, like.
02:52:19 You don't have the.
02:52:23 The ability and and you don't.
02:52:24 Have you don't have, like you said the the.
02:52:26 Fact that you're.
02:52:26 Spread out through the throughout the entire world like and just the people on chat, you guys.
02:52:30 Are probably all over the place, right?
02:52:33 You know, if we all lived in.
02:52:34 The same town you'd be able to get things done.
02:52:38 You'd be able.
02:52:39 To change the culture of that town.
02:52:43 And change the government of that town.
02:52:45 And you could really affect change.
02:52:50 But that's not.
02:52:52 That's not the case.
02:52:53 We're just we're all.
Speaker 3
02:52:53 Over the ******* place.
02:52:56 And I I don't.
02:52:57 I think a lot.
02:52:57 Of people they they because of that.
02:53:01 They it would do them good to go outside.
02:53:05 And just interact with randos and see how ******* wildly out of step they are with the rest of the country.
02:53:15 There's a reason why the GOP throws every one of us under the bus.
02:53:24 They're doing a calculation.
02:53:27 You just don't like the math.
02:53:29 The math doesn't lie.
02:53:31 These people are experts at at public opinion.
02:53:37 They're experts at at getting elected.
02:53:39 That's how they got elected.
02:53:40 The first time.
02:53:44 And they're not perfect and.
02:53:45 They might make mistakes, they might underestimate people like Trump as an example.
02:53:51 There might be upsets or whatever, but.
02:53:54 And they don't always they don't always correct.
02:53:57 You'll correctly read the public, but.
02:54:04 You're not.
02:54:05 It's it's wildly unpopular.
02:54:08 To be like us.
02:54:11 Like I said, you can't even say white people the the America first caucus.
02:54:16 They just didn't even they weren't even saying white people.
02:54:19 They were saying they were still pussyfooting around the subject by saying something.
02:54:23 About like the.
02:54:24 Anglo-Saxon tradition, or something like that.
02:54:29 Now, there's no America first caucus, and even if there was, it would.
02:54:34 Have been like.
02:54:34 A tiny wouldn't have.
02:54:36 It would be tiny, even compared to like the.
02:54:39 The Black Caucus.
02:54:41 Which funny looking like they're allowed to have a racially.
02:54:44 It's called the Black Caucus.
02:54:52 So if you if you want to really do it right, you would call.
02:54:56 It the White caucus.
02:54:58 Why ******* lie?
02:54:59 Well, I'll tell you why you're wildly outside the norm.
02:55:02 If you think that that would work.
02:55:07 You can't even say in one of your internal documents that you should preserve Anglo-Saxon tradition.
02:55:18 You won't even stand up to that because you know.
02:55:23 That you have no power and the people that oppose that.
Speaker 4
02:55:25 Are in power.
02:55:29 That's all I'm saying, man.
02:55:31 You gotta just wake the **** **.
02:55:34 Stop saying.
02:55:34 Stop thinking that this is some kind of.
02:55:38 You know all we're going to do, you know, is red pill the mornings.
02:55:42 This time this will.
02:55:43 Definitely red pill the normies and it never does it never will.
02:55:56 All right, I'm going to wrap things up pretty quick here.
02:55:59 Let's see here.
02:56:02 Don't encourage or help people homestead unless they are of an ideology and phenotype with whoops.
02:56:10 We're serving keep all the undesirables in the city.
02:56:13 I mean, we have anger preference.
02:56:18 I think it's more sinister than infertility.
02:56:21 They're talking about two shots a year, forever.
02:56:23 I think they're about to change humans genetically into something more robot like that could be.
02:56:28 True too, I don't know.
02:56:31 I don't know.
02:56:33 It's one of those things.
02:56:34 Where I don't want to find out the.
Speaker 3
02:56:36 The hard way, you know.
02:56:40 I'm not going to play that game.
02:56:42 I'm not afraid of catching COVID or whatever.
02:56:47 I'll take my chances.
02:56:48 I'd rather take my chances with a disease with a virus that may.
02:56:52 Or may not.
02:56:52 Even exist?
02:56:54 Than with people I know who demonstrate on a regular basis that they want me dead.
02:56:59 I'm not going to get something that that people who want me dead and and openly celebrate my peoples's erasure from the earth. I'm not going to get something that those people make and then inject into my ******* arm.
Speaker 3
02:57:15 Call me crazy.
02:57:21 Some Amish are trying to establish communities in Bolivia and Argentina and decades past they tried to and and failed to establish communities in Mexico and Honduras think the new communities will.
02:57:32 I don't know.
02:57:34 I don't know.
Speaker 3
02:57:35 I've never been to either one.
02:57:37 Of those countries.
02:57:40 A lot depends on you know what it's like over there.
02:57:43 It's the common cold.
02:57:45 We branded it.
02:57:45 Enslave people.
02:57:46 That's, that's the other thing that so many people don't realize.
02:57:49 The common cold is a coronavirus.
02:57:51 That's why there's no vaccine for it.
02:57:57 Because coronaviruses, by their very nature mutate all the time, so you can't, I mean.
02:58:03 Even the flu.
02:58:05 The flu shots, which I've never even got a flu shot.
02:58:08 I I just don't.
02:58:11 I I that's not how I I would rather let my body deal with **** than some laboratory that I don't have a lot of confidence in.
02:58:20 But the flu shots change every year because they're just simply giving you an immunity supposedly to the flu virus of the year prior in the hopes that that's the the one that will still be in circulation.
02:58:36 But even the flu virus mutates.
Speaker 3
02:58:38 All the ******* time.
02:58:40 So that's why.
Speaker 4
02:58:41 The flu shot changes all the ******* time.
02:58:44 And the common cold the the coronavirus behind that mutates even more frequently.
02:58:52 And so that's why there's no.
02:58:55 There's no vaccine for that.
02:58:58 So how did the how the suddenly they fixed that and not only fixed it, but they fixed it with like 3 different.
02:59:06 Companies using three different strats.
02:59:09 Like for, for years and years.
02:59:11 We can't have a vaccine for the.
02:59:13 Common cold but then.
02:59:14 Thanks to Trump's operation warp speed, we get.
02:59:17 Three of them in like.
02:59:18 A year?
02:59:19 I don't buy it.
02:59:22 And look and and and and even they're saying like, oh, look, there's this. That's COVID 21. There's like this new strain. Well, yeah, we knew that was going to happen if this.
02:59:31 Is even real.
Speaker 1
02:59:38 It that that?
02:59:39 That none of this ******* **** makes sense.
02:59:44 But like I said this.
02:59:46 The only reason I don't talk about.
02:59:47 It is I I.
02:59:50 Like I'm smart enough to like read about.
02:59:57 Viruses and stuff like that and and kind of, you know, use my my logic.
03:00:04 To determine certain things about that, but I'm not a scientist.
03:00:11 I don't, and I and I also don't know anyone directly, like I don't have a a source.
03:00:17 Within this whole COVID medical community, they can they can say that they have or haven't looked at COVID under a mic, you know, I mean, like I know the virus hasn't been ice lid.
03:00:28 So but I don't know.
03:00:29 I don't know any first hand people a lot of what I'm I'm regurgitating here is stuff that I've heard, you know, so but probably the same stuff.
03:00:37 You saw.
03:00:38 So it's just not my area of expertise and another reason why is I just it doesn't.
03:00:46 Affect me out here.
03:00:47 That's another reason why.
03:00:48 Doing what I'm doing is a good.
03:00:49 Idea is, I wouldn't even.
03:00:51 Know what was going on?
Speaker 3
03:00:54 If I didn't.
03:00:55 You know, if I look at the Internet, if I didn't have the Internet, I wouldn't even know what happened.
03:01:01 This whole time.
03:01:03 Nothing would have really changed for me.
03:01:07 Like it would just be.
03:01:09 It would be weird to see people wearing masks like at the post office and stuff like that.
03:01:15 And so maybe I'd figure out something was weird, but like other than that, like nothing.
03:01:19 Really has changed.
03:01:22 I like no, there's one store that I don't go to anymore because they require masks.
03:01:26 I don't know if they still do, but I'll never.
Speaker 3
03:01:28 Go back there again.
03:01:34 But I mean other than that it's like.
03:01:37 You don't have to deal with.
03:01:38 That ****.
03:01:41 You don't have to deal with the.
03:01:43 Crazy if you don't live in the asylum.
03:01:47 All right.
03:01:48 With that, I'm going to roll on out of here.
03:01:51 Hope you guys had a nice.
03:01:54 Nice time hanging out.
03:01:58 Enjoyed the the family ties video?
03:02:01 I wish I had.
03:02:02 Like I said, now I kind.
03:02:02 Of watch that full episode.
03:02:05 I'm sure it's full of cockery if you know of any episodes of shows like that, send them my way.
03:02:13 Because that's kind of what I was looking for.
03:02:15 I found all this other **** when.
03:02:16 I was looking for it.
03:02:19 Including based Alf.
03:02:22 Should we play based A1 last time?
03:02:27 Alright, here's a.
03:02:29 Or based algo.
Speaker 4
03:02:32 He was based.
Speaker 10
03:02:33 Thank you.
03:02:35 That company is doing bad things and I say we pick up their gauntlet and nail them through ****, so.
03:02:45 Niger. Niger, Niger. Thank.
Speaker 10
03:02:46 You very much.
Speaker 9
03:02:52 Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
03:03:03 Oh, boy, oh boy.
Speaker 10
03:03:09 We're doing a good job.
03:03:15 Ohh boy.
03:03:16 That OK.
03:03:20 Hold on. Hold on.
03:03:26 For black pilled.
03:03:28 I am of course.
03:03:30 Devon stack.
Speaker 13
03:03:34 Welcome to the Museum of Tolerance.
03:03:36 Here we try to educate you on the dynamics of racism and prejudice in America.
03:03:43 Now, did you know that words we use can show intolerance?
03:03:46 Let's begin our tour with a walk to our tunnel of Prejudice to show you what it can feel like to be discriminated against.
03:03:56 Bayner ching.
Speaker 10
03:03:59 Heap.
Speaker 13
03:04:03 Cracker. Ah man.
03:04:08 Now you know how it feels.
03:04:10 I wanna ride again.
03:04:11 I wanna ride again.
Speaker 13
03:04:12 We are now entering the hall of stereotypes.
03:04:15 These wax figures represent how some intolerant people have labeled minors.
03:04:21 Here we see a black person eating chicken and watermelon, a stereotype that hurts the African American community.
03:04:26 What other stereotypes?
03:04:27 Do you see here?
Speaker 5
03:04:29 Ah, here's the Arab as a terrorist.
Speaker 13
03:04:31 That's right.
03:04:32 But of course we know that not all Arabs are terrorists, don't we?
03:04:35 Well, there's a nation there with.
Speaker 10
03:04:36 A calculator.
Speaker 13
03:04:37 That's right, not all stereotypes are negative, but even a +1, like all Asians, are good at math, is harmful to society.
03:04:44 Yeah. Covetous you.
03:04:46 Very good young man.
03:04:47 The idea that Jews are only interested in money is very old indeed.
Speaker 5
03:04:51 Ah, here's a good one.
03:04:52 It's the stereotypical sleepy Mexican.
03:04:54 Well, what?
03:04:55 Ohh man, what time is it?
Speaker 5
03:04:56 Oh, I'm sorry.
03:04:57 I thought you were.
03:04:57 A wax sculpture?
03:04:58 No, man.
03:04:59 I'm the.
03:05:00 I'm supposed to be cleaning, but I'm so.
03:05:01 Tired. I'm so sleepy.
Speaker 13
03:05:04 This is our discovery wing.
03:05:06 Take your time at the computer displays because you see being tolerant.
03:05:09 You must also learn to respect people who are small people who are disabled, even people who are overweight, like this young man here, you.