

Speaker 1
00:07:47 It's all nice.
00:00:21 Go to work, look to the.
00:00:23 Move with the cookies, shake it up, shake it up, shake it up, shake it up.
Speaker 2
00:00:39 It's all night.
Speaker 1
00:01:07 Shake it up.
00:01:11 Get up.
00:01:14 Shake it up.
00:01:40 Shake it up, shake it up, shake it up.
00:01:59 Good Saturday, I think night.
00:02:07 Ohh man, how you guys doing?
00:02:10 This is.
Speaker 4
00:02:11 The insomnia stream with Devon Strag.
00:02:16 Hope you guys are having fun hoping having a good evening, morning, afternoon or.
00:02:23 Whatever it is.
00:02:24 Whether you're listening live.
00:02:27 Which I have.
00:02:28 No way of.
00:02:30 I made the mistake of letting my tablet battery go dead, and now I have to wait the minimum amount of of battery to recharge for me to be able to turn it back on and see.
00:02:42 You guys are saying which is incredibly inconvenient for.
00:02:45 All of us, because tonight.
00:02:49 Tonight it's going to be kind of.
00:02:50 Just a cozy.
00:02:52 Hang out with chat, kind of a stream.
00:02:55 But it's a little hard for me to do right now since I can't see what.
00:02:58 Any of you guys are saying?
00:03:00 So we'll have to wait for that to happen.
00:03:02 In the mean time.
00:03:06 I can maybe play some some funny interesting clips for you.
00:03:11 Does that sound good?
Speaker 5
00:03:12 Well, it doesn't matter, right?
00:03:14 It doesn't matter because I.
Speaker 6
00:03:16 Have no idea if that sounds good to.
Speaker 7
00:03:17 You or not.
00:03:19 So that's precisely.
00:03:22 What we are going to do?
00:03:24 Yeah, we could talk about the news, I guess.
Speaker 8
00:03:26 But like I said, I.
Speaker 6
00:03:29 Well, I don't want to talk.
00:03:30 About the news, we'll.
00:03:31 Talk about the news next week.
00:03:32 Alright, we'll go.
00:03:33 Back to talking about.
Speaker 5
00:03:35 The news next week, how he's doing.
00:03:39 Not a whole lot's changing. Realistically, I guess one one thing that's notable.
00:03:46 One thing that's notable.
00:03:49 Is that COVID is probably reaching an official end, or at least a lull or something.
00:03:56 Either that or or or Bill Maher is totally off script, which is unlikely.
00:04:03 And I say that because, Bill.
00:04:05 Maher on his show.
00:04:08 And I'm not going to make.
00:04:09 You watch that clip.
00:04:12 Went out hard against the.
00:04:16 Anti well, you know, as hard as.
Speaker 5
00:04:18 Bill Maher ever would right against the the ruling class.
00:04:22 But he went out hard.
00:04:24 Against the the ruling class narrative of COVID.
00:04:29 And made fun of the leftists that are vastly overestimating even the the official danger.
00:04:37 The officially stated danger.
Speaker 5
00:04:40 Of COVID.
00:04:42 Calling them a bunch of brainwashed idiots.
00:04:46 Not those words precisely, but that was the tone.
00:04:52 And so I get the sense.
00:04:55 That if Bill Maher.
00:04:58 Of all people, if Bill Maher.
00:05:01 Is going to start talking ****.
00:05:04 About the.
00:05:07 Lack of danger that COVID poses.
00:05:13 That there is a shift.
00:05:15 There's a shift that is going.
00:05:17 That's going to happen.
00:05:18 I don't know what that shift is.
00:05:22 I don't know how widespread that shift will be.
00:05:26 Or even have permanent.
00:05:28 That shift will be, but I get the sense that someone like Bill Maher would not.
00:05:34 Say those sorts of things.
00:05:39 Without permission.
00:05:43 There's a lot of people involved with the production of that show.
00:05:48 And he is respected by many NPCS.
00:05:52 So if he's telling the Snooty smug in PCs the worst kind of NPC's because those NPC's actually.
00:06:04 They are super spreaders.
00:06:06 Of NPC programming.
Speaker 7
00:06:10 Because they're the ones.
00:06:11 They're the NPCS.
00:06:14 Where their NPC algorithm right?
00:06:18 Because they're they're still on PCs.
00:06:21 But they're NPC algorithm is to get programming.
00:06:27 And then regurgitate said programming.
00:06:30 In a smug way around their friends who have.
00:06:35 Not quite received.
00:06:37 The programming yet?
00:06:42 And so when they get reprogrammed with something, whether it's from Bill Maher or Stephen Colbert or, I don't know that, that, that mulatto guy that does The Daily Show now, whatever his ******* name is.
00:06:57 Their their algorithm tells them OK I consumed this.
00:07:02 And then I immediately.
00:07:04 Regurgitated around as many NPC's as humanly possible.
00:07:11 And what their purpose is in the system is not only to to spread the firmware.
00:07:19 To spread the virus.
00:07:23 But also to make the other MPCS.
00:07:27 Feel bad for not showing up to get their firmware flashed.
00:07:33 They should.
00:07:34 They should have been watching Bill Maher.
00:07:37 Why are they having to?
00:07:38 Hear this second hand from the annoying girl that in HR or whatever.
00:07:47 So they are spreading this idea that, oh, you know what, maybe COVID is not quite as dangerous as we thought.
00:07:56 Now there's a couple ways of looking.
00:07:58 At this.
00:07:59 You could say well.
00:08:03 Uh, maybe it would be better if we didn't have all these restrictions so that when the.
00:08:07 Verdict in the.
00:08:09 Trial for Chauvin comes.
00:08:11 Down, you know, so that we can have.
00:08:14 We get more people.
00:08:16 Like maybe, maybe the thing that you know, we we scared the NPC.
00:08:19 'S a little too much.
00:08:22 Little too much like last summer, you know, they were still they were willing to show it because it.
Speaker 6
00:08:27 Was still kind of weird and new.
00:08:31 Yeah, they hadn't gone.
00:08:32 Through the what?
00:08:32 The dark winter right?
00:08:35 The NPC has hadn't experienced.
Speaker 10
00:08:37 The dark winter.
00:08:41 So they were, they were willing to go.
00:08:42 Kneel in front of.
00:08:47 3rd worlders and.
00:08:50 Profess their loyalty to them and burn down buildings and steel Nikes and.
Speaker 5
00:08:54 All that fun stuff, right?
00:08:57 But now, after the dark winter.
00:09:02 They're little traumatized.
00:09:05 They're little shell shocked.
00:09:12 They've been disinfecting.
00:09:15 Everything around them.
00:09:19 Wearing 2 masks.
00:09:22 Hiding inside.
00:09:24 Peeking out the the windows through the curtains.
00:09:30 Shivering in fear, making fun of those who doubt the danger.
00:09:41 Now at the same time, it does seem a little odd because the the, the, the, the vaccine passport stuff.
00:09:52 That's like a big get.
00:09:53 If they can get that, that's a big get.
00:09:55 I don't know if they'd be willing to.
00:09:59 To stop the charade before they get something like that going.
Speaker 11
00:10:07 But who knows?
00:10:08 Maybe, maybe they're starting to feel like they've overplayed their hand.
00:10:14 It certainly makes sense because, I mean, look, it would fit.
00:10:17 Right. In like with oh.
00:10:18 Look, you know Tucker is talking about white replacement.
00:10:23 See they they, I.
00:10:23 Think that they might have.
00:10:25 They might have found.
00:10:27 That the boil the boil is starting to get.
00:10:29 A little bit too hot.
00:10:32 So maybe they simmer it down, they they release some steam, they release some pressure.
00:10:40 Take the pot off of the burner for a second.
00:10:42 Let the bubbles go back down.
00:10:46 Adjust the heat a little bit.
00:10:50 And then place the pot.
Speaker 5
00:10:54 Back on.
00:10:56 The stove.
00:10:58 And now my tablet's allowing me to use it, which is fantastic.
00:11:04 So let me load this ****** up.
00:11:08 On the right Internet connection because we can't have it connected to the one that.
00:11:13 We are streaming on.
00:11:16 It would not enjoy that.
Speaker 5
00:11:20 And it's taking its sweet time.
00:11:23 In the mean time, please enjoy.
00:11:29 Message from my sponsor.
00:11:35 The United ***** College fund.
Speaker 12
00:11:44 Are new ones.
00:11:47 It was against the law in some.
00:11:48 States to teach a black child to.
00:11:50 Read or write.
00:11:58 And change till 1863.
Speaker 10
00:12:05 You know.
Speaker 12
00:12:05 Over the past 30 years, the United ***** College Fund has helped half a million black students change the course of their lives at UNCF College.
00:12:14 Thousands have become doctors, engineers and teachers, perhaps changing the course of your life.
00:12:20 But today, there just isn't enough money, and tomorrow we're sorry.
Speaker 13
00:12:26 But this course has been cancelled.
Speaker 12
00:12:28 Please don't let this happen.
00:12:31 Support the United ***** College Fund.
00:12:33 A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Speaker 14
00:12:41 The sun has made of yellow gold so lovely that my body above the heaven shrink with blue, convinced that smiled by some mistake.
00:12:50 The world seems to smile.
00:12:55 But where how I wire things can bloom?
Speaker 9
00:13:08 But terrorism, once there, were 15,000 children, now the.
00:13:14 Nothing, because the world fell back to love.
00:13:16 But remember to hate and terrorism.
00:13:18 Many died.
00:13:20 But from my bubble that shame that hate the person lives.
00:13:25 Stand out I.
00:13:25 Leave my plight.
00:13:26 And poverty and oppression like love, my neighbors, myself.
00:13:35 If you would only listen.
Speaker 6
00:13:42 If we.
00:13:42 Would only listen OK.
00:13:44 Sorry, I do.
00:13:45 We go restart the router.
00:13:49 The apparently everything, all my technology is is having a connection connection fit right now.
Speaker 5
00:13:56 Good Lord. All right.
00:14:01 Yes, the mind.
00:14:02 I do like how because this that ad that the United ***** College Fund had that was from.
00:14:07 1975.
00:14:10 And I like how they they still they use the exact.
00:14:12 Doctors and engineers line.
00:14:15 Like I wonder.
Speaker 15
00:14:15 Like that must.
00:14:17 Have been focus group at some point in time and just either grandfathered in that just decided now that ohh anytime you're trying to discuss a demographic and suggest that they're going to be valuable to the society.
00:14:32 The two most valuable things that or at least the two things people.
00:14:36 Most value is doctors and engineers.
00:14:40 Doctors and engineers.
00:14:44 And you know, I guess doctors kind of, but I mean.
00:14:50 Hey, our engineers too.
00:14:52 I mean a little bit.
00:14:52 But I don't know.
Speaker 9
00:14:55 I don't know.
00:14:56 Is that really what people still.
00:14:57 Value these days.
Speaker 5
00:15:00 I don't know.
00:15:03 Not that it matters too much.
00:15:06 Alright, let's take a look here.
00:15:09 We should all invest in AMC before it.
Speaker 5
00:15:12 Squeezes again.
00:15:13 No, no, no, I don't play that game.
00:15:17 I do not play the stonks.
00:15:23 I sent your book to a friend of mine who is doing time.
00:15:26 You can rest easy knowing that the rope is floating around in an Eastern Oregon prison.
00:15:35 I'm honestly amazed at the guards allowed.
Speaker 5
00:15:37 It. Yeah, it's pretty fun.
00:15:39 What is your opinion of these nationalist movements starting to pop up like White lives Matter on Telegram, Thomas, Cello and Australia and New America first caucus?
00:15:50 I think there is no political solution, but I can see the value in networking and like minded one.
00:15:54 Yeah I mean.
00:15:55 Look, I I I don't.
00:15:58 Have a problem with people.
00:15:59 Doing that, I know people get the wrong impression.
00:16:03 I think people think that.
00:16:06 I think that really all you should do is pack it in, go out and and and just close yourself off to the world and and start a a beet farm somewhere.
Speaker 16
00:16:18 That that's not.
00:16:19 At all what I'm saying that's literally not at all what I'm saying.
00:16:23 What I'm saying is be realistic.
00:16:26 Be realistic and survive.
00:16:30 OK.
00:16:30 That, that's that's an important thing.
00:16:34 That you survive number one.
00:16:36 Right, number one over.
00:16:37 Everything else is survive.
00:16:40 And if you're realistic?
00:16:43 You understand?
00:16:44 In America at least, now I don't know about Europe.
00:16:47 So when I and when I talk about these things, I'm always talking specifically about America.
00:16:52 I've never lived in Australia, I've never lived in Europe.
00:16:56 I don't know what it's like there.
00:16:58 I don't know the the, I mean, I'm not.
00:17:00 It's kind of OK.
00:17:01 Hey, I don't want to.
00:17:03 Be that guy like I've seen.
00:17:07 Look, you guys have all seen this.
00:17:09 Right.
00:17:09 Where there's a someone in in Europe or or some other country they invite A and this could be mainstream, independent, whatever.
00:17:21 But they invite like.
Speaker 5
00:17:22 A an expert.
00:17:24 In American culture or pop culture or or, you know?
00:17:28 The let's get.
00:17:29 The Pulse of America by talking to this guy and they bring on some guy and the guy's a ******* moron and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and they don't know.
00:17:40 How would they know, right?
00:17:42 Because they don't live here.
00:17:45 That's that's why they brought on.
00:17:46 This guy.
00:17:47 And or or or the other way you know.
00:17:50 Well, I guess more closer to what I'm talking about when you have people from other countries.
00:17:56 You know, talking about American culture and American politics and, you know, it's obviously other countries are going to pay more attention to America than Americans are going to pay attention to other countries for, you know, obvious reasons.
00:18:12 But they still.
00:18:13 Don't quite get it.
00:18:15 Most of the time.
00:18:17 Because they're not here.
00:18:19 They didn't grow up here.
00:18:21 They don't live here.
00:18:22 They're not talking to Americans every single day.
00:18:25 And if they are, it's like like minded Americans that sort of a thing, you know.
00:18:29 So I don't want to be that guy.
00:18:30 I don't want to be that guy.
00:18:31 That's like looking at Europe and and making these.
Speaker 7
00:18:35 You know broad.
00:18:37 Predictions and or suggestions based on.
00:18:41 Really just making **** up because I don't know.
00:18:45 In terms of America, though?
00:18:48 In terms of America, look, it's.
00:18:51 You can't unbaked the cake.
00:18:54 You know, once you get all those ingredients.
00:18:57 And you put them in the mixing bowl and you mix them up and you pour them into a pan and.
00:19:02 You stick it in the oven.
00:19:04 And it turns into a cake.
00:19:06 You can't get the eggs.
00:19:07 Out of the cake now.
00:19:09 You can't take the flour out of the cake, can't take the milk out.
00:19:12 It's a cake now.
00:19:15 You can do things you can.
00:19:16 Do things to the cake.
00:19:19 Slice up the cake different way you know, like try to get the corner piece.
00:19:24 You can frost the cake.
00:19:26 But it's a cake now.
00:19:27 It's never.
00:19:27 Going to be.
00:19:28 A bag of flour anymore.
00:19:30 It's never going to be a carton of eggs or, you know, a gallon of milk.
00:19:34 It's a cake.
00:19:36 And America's cake has been baked.
00:19:41 You just you can't unpack it.
00:19:45 That's just the.
00:19:46 Way it is and so you what I'm telling Americans at least.
00:19:51 Is to just realize that realize.
00:19:54 We're never going back to some 1950s leave it to Beaver type ****. That's never gonna not. No, it's never going.
Speaker 15
00:20:00 To happen.
00:20:02 And and quite frankly, like in, in, in a lot of.
00:20:05 Ways that was, you know, that was fiction, right?
00:20:08 That was an ideal.
00:20:11 It was an ideal, and ideals are important.
00:20:15 But that you know, that's not some that's not a reality.
00:20:18 You're going to see.
00:20:19 It's not a reality that your children are going to see, but instead.
00:20:25 Instead, we're going to be facing a lot of dangers as a people.
00:20:32 And so for me at least my priorities.
00:20:37 Are to survive those dangers.
00:20:42 And So what I tell people is to pay attention to what's going on, certainly participate in an in ways that are meaningful, sure.
00:20:52 Networking is great.
00:20:54 You know, even even look, I don't even get.
00:20:56 Upset with the people that are up, I'm like I'm friends with a lot of these people that are super optimistic and think that there are political solutions and that's great.
00:21:06 That's fine.
00:21:09 I don't think they're doing.
00:21:13 And I think honestly a lot of them will come around.
00:21:17 Unfortunately, they're not necessarily well because they'll they'll come around because things.
00:21:23 Will just keep.
00:21:24 Getting worse and a.
00:21:25 Lot of these guys are young.
00:21:27 When I was young, I I didn't get it.
Speaker 5
00:21:29 At all.
00:21:30 When I was young, I supported the Iraq war.
00:21:35 You know, I I thought Bush was cool.
00:21:39 So I get it, it's.
00:21:41 A lot of these people, when you're young, you.
Speaker 11
00:21:43 Don't I mean?
00:21:43 No one wants to.
00:21:44 I mean it's.
00:21:45 Like the video I did about the parties over, no one wants to show up to the party and and it's already over.
00:21:50 No one wants to say, ah ****.
00:21:53 I missed out on all the fun.
00:21:55 And so they're they're going to try to.
00:21:58 Get the party going again.
00:22:01 Right.
00:22:01 They're going.
00:22:02 They're going to run around the party looking for the people who aren't passed out yet, you know, say, hey, come on, you know, get up and start, you know, pouring, pouring drinks and put them in their.
00:22:11 Hands like, come on.
Speaker 6
00:22:11 Wake up. I just.
00:22:13 Got here.
00:22:14 Turn the music on, cranking it up.
Speaker 6
00:22:16 All loud.
00:22:21 But eventually you realize, yeah, just Nah, it's over.
00:22:28 But you know it takes time.
00:22:29 It takes time.
00:22:33 Look at. Just because the party's over doesn't.
Speaker 5
00:22:36 Mean you die now.
00:22:38 You know.
Speaker 6
00:22:39 There's still fun to be had.
00:22:41 It's just different.
00:22:42 It's a different kind of fun.
00:22:45 It's a different kind of fun.
00:22:50 You can have a great, fulfilling life in this reality.
00:22:54 And that's why it's also.
00:22:56 Important to to not just sit there and wring your hands and Oh my God, you know, like the and just just obsess about the bad news.
00:23:03 You have to know about the bad news.
00:23:05 And you have to, you know, just keep your pulse on and on, or keep your finger on the pulse of what's going on.
Speaker 15
00:23:14 But that shouldn't be.
00:23:17 Haunting you every second of every day.
00:23:22 Because people have had.
00:23:30 And and rewarding lives during way worse **** than what we're in right now.
00:23:34 What we're.
00:23:35 In right now is actually not that bad yet.
00:23:38 The thing that makes it seem worse is that.
00:23:41 You know where it's going.
00:23:43 You know.
00:23:44 But sometimes.
00:23:47 The anticipation of the pain ends up being worse than the pain itself.
00:23:55 Right.
00:23:58 Like if you're afraid of and this may be.
00:24:00 A bad analogy I was going to say shots.
00:24:06 What's a better one?
00:24:09 If if.
00:24:11 Why don't we just say shots?
00:24:12 If you're afraid of shots.
00:24:15 And yeah, you should be in somebody, but you know, whatever you.
00:24:18 Know what I mean?
00:24:19 And you sit there and you see the needle getting closer and closer and closer and you're just like, oh, God, here it comes.
00:24:25 That's going to suck.
00:24:28 And then you know, it goes in.
00:24:30 They inject you and they pull it out.
00:24:33 And you're like, oh, that wasn't so bad.
00:24:36 Unless of course it was.
00:24:38 Some mRNA gene altering vaccine.
Speaker 5
00:24:41 Then then the ride has just begun.
00:24:43 So it's it's.
00:24:44 A bad analogy.
00:24:45 But you get what I'm saying, right?
00:24:49 Just the anticipation.
00:24:51 OK, here's a better example.
00:24:53 When I was young.
00:24:56 My dad when when we, my brother and I acted out.
00:25:02 And uh, I I don't remember what we did.
00:25:06 But he had us.
00:25:09 Get his belt.
00:25:13 And just just that part of it was.
00:25:15 Way ******* worse.
00:25:18 Then, like getting the belt.
00:25:22 OK, so that's.
00:25:26 You don't want to live your life like.
00:25:27 That you don't want to.
00:25:28 Live your life.
Speaker 11
00:25:30 Just feeling.
00:25:33 And anticipating embracing yourself.
00:25:38 For the inevitable pain.
00:25:41 Right.
00:25:42 And and by the way, you won't even, you won't even.
Speaker 6
00:25:46 The pain's.
00:25:46 Going to be less if you do things to avoid it.
00:25:51 If you prepare for what's coming, it it like like one of the reasons I think.
00:25:55 That I just don't stress.
00:25:56 Out about this **** that much.
00:26:01 In in in some ways, in fact, look, this might sound ****** **, but in.
00:26:05 Some ways I look forward to it.
00:26:07 Because I have all this stuff that I'll finally get to use.
00:26:09 You know, I'm like, oh, sweet.
00:26:11 Finally get to.
00:26:12 Use my, my, my survival, you know, gear or, you know, whatever.
Speaker 5
00:26:16 Right. Oh my. Oh, I.
00:26:18 Finally got to use my my my freeze dried chicken.
00:26:21 I always wanted to.
00:26:22 Know what that tasted like?
00:26:24 That **** like that.
00:26:26 It it it?
00:26:27 It ceases to be this, this shadow lingering in the corner, waiting to pounce.
00:26:38 Because you're ready for it.
Speaker 13
00:26:42 You're ready for it.
00:26:44 And if look, I think that if.
00:26:47 If you've prepared yourself.
00:26:48 For the inevitable.
00:26:50 And your family and you've you've insulated them from.
00:26:53 The the dangers.
00:26:56 And you've put yourself in a good place.
00:27:00 There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't, at least.
00:27:04 Engage a little bit politically.
00:27:06 Why not?
Speaker 6
00:27:11 I mean, as long as you.
00:27:13 Have the priorities right.
00:27:19 And like you said in your question, like the just networking.
00:27:25 Networking is really important now.
00:27:28 I think it's more important locally.
00:27:33 It's more important locally because you can it's just more practical, right?
00:27:39 Like anything that's going to happen to you in terms of an incoming danger or, you know, most things that are going to affect you.
00:27:48 Directly are going to happen at the local level.
00:27:52 And so it's it's better for you and I don't mean just local politics.
00:27:56 I mean just.
00:27:57 You know, if there was a disaster or whether it was a government imposed disaster or what, knowing your neighbors, knowing you know who's cool and who's not.
00:28:07 Knowing who's dangerous, where you live.
00:28:10 I mean, you can if you go to.
00:28:12 Anywhere and plant your flag somewhere.
00:28:15 That's no guarantee you're not going to be out in the middle of nowhere and have and sure there they'll be further away.
00:28:20 You know, maybe they're 5 miles away instead of, like 5 feet away, but there's going to be ******* weirdos and dangerous crazy people where you go most likely to.
00:28:32 And so you need to know where.
00:28:33 Those people are and you just.
00:28:34 Need to know you need to understand your environment.
00:28:40 And and engage in networking and engaging a little bit politically can help you determine stuff like that.
00:28:48 And it also.
00:28:49 Helps you understand politically at the local level.
00:28:52 It helps you understand.
00:28:54 The the the local power structure.
00:29:01 I mean, there's there's there might.
Speaker 6
00:29:03 Be people in your.
00:29:06 Local community that wield power and you've.
00:29:08 Never even heard of them.
00:29:11 Which is often the case.
00:29:13 Especially these days, like how many people actually?
00:29:17 I mean, I'm guilty of this mostly because I've moved around so much.
00:29:22 You know, chasing.
00:29:22 Jobs, you know, gone from one coast to the next and just, you know, moved all over the place just.
00:29:27 For a job, just like a nomad, and I think there's a lot of people.
00:29:35 You know the age of 30, a little bit up, a little bit down.
00:29:39 Well that's that's I mean since the boomers really.
00:29:42 Well that's been kind of like the normal thing, right, where you're if you're, if you're competent.
00:29:49 And you you want to move up in your career, chances are you've moved for at least one job, right?
00:29:56 And maybe several.
00:29:59 And what ends up happening is it doesn't feel like home.
00:30:02 Like where you go, you don't really have any ties there, especially if you move multiple times.
00:30:06 It's like you're in some ways, it just seems like you're.
00:30:11 You're a tourist.
00:30:13 So a lot of times you don't even pay attention to what's going on locally.
00:30:18 You don't pay attention to local politics because you don't give a **** cause for all you know, you're gonna moving again in a year for the next job.
00:30:27 Which is another reason why it's important, I think, for you to plant your flag somewhere you intend to stay for a while.
00:30:32 Get established.
00:30:38 Instead of justice living in some weird apartment.
00:30:40 In the city.
00:30:42 Working some ****** nine to five job.
00:30:44 That you really don't like anyway.
00:30:47 If there is another way that you can live.
00:30:49 Then maybe you don't get to have all the the fancy things that you have now in your.
00:30:54 Apartment. But guess what, you.
00:30:55 Also, don't get the fancy debt that comes with.
Speaker 5
00:30:57 A lot of those things.
00:31:03 But start building your community and you can't do that until you find a place you.
00:31:07 Intend to stay.
00:31:07 For a while, and most people don't intend to stay in some little ****** apartment in the city.
00:31:15 The people you've met, those people, the people that you meet in the city.
00:31:22 Where they've lived in the same apartment for.
00:31:24 Like ******* 10.
00:31:24 Years and they're like these aging hipsters and they they they, that's their community, right?
00:31:31 That's not you.
00:31:32 That's not most of you.
00:31:36 That doesn't feel like home.
00:31:42 You guys don't want to be paying paying rent for the rest of your life.
00:31:50 And then just not ever save any money.
00:31:52 Just going on vacations and justice, you know.
00:31:56 Drinking it away, smoking it away.
00:31:59 Buying comic books or whatever the **** it is that those people buy.
Speaker 17
00:32:04 That, that, that.
00:32:06 Almost requires that they live either in some apartment that's really expensive or with it.
00:32:12 Or maybe it's a condo, right?
00:32:14 So it's a mortgage, but they don't.
00:32:16 They don't even really own the.
00:32:17 Building that they're in.
00:32:18 They own like part of.
00:32:19 The building.
00:32:26 Or or not even that the bank owns.
Speaker 18
00:32:28 Part of the building.
00:32:32 Where you live in some suburb.
00:32:36 And the bank owns your Mcmansion.
00:32:46 I'm just telling you that in order to get another reason why you want.
00:32:50 To get out of.
00:32:51 The cities, I mean there's a.
00:32:52 Lot of practical reasons, right?
00:32:55 But some of it's just it's a financial thing.
00:32:57 It's if you want to be serious and not participate in usury.
00:33:02 And I'm serious about that.
00:33:05 And I think you really can't.
00:33:09 Say you really can't be someone who you can't even like.
00:33:14 Complain about Jewish power just as an example.
00:33:18 If you are participating in the usury system.
00:33:25 You know you can't be one of these guys.
00:33:26 That's like, oh, I can't believe you know the the white ruling class sold us out to the Jewish bankers.
00:33:33 And then you're you're paying some bank.
00:33:37 Have your paycheck every month.
00:33:45 If you.
00:33:46 Know if you do just.
00:33:47 You can't ask no more asking like.
00:33:50 I can't.
00:33:50 Why did they sell?
00:33:51 Us out. You're doing it.
00:33:54 You're just doing it on a smaller level.
00:33:57 But that's what happens.
00:33:58 To a lot of these guys, right?
00:33:59 Like these these.
00:34:00 The ruling class *******.
00:34:02 They get bailed out, they they **** ** their their their dads.
00:34:06 Or their grandpas, or, you know many.
00:34:08 Of these people, their bloodlines company.
00:34:15 And now all of a sudden they need to.
00:34:16 Borrow some money from the bankers.
00:34:19 Look, that's a lot of what happened with Trump.
00:34:28 Let me just part I.
Speaker 5
00:34:29 Mean there's other things involved with that whole thing, but.
00:34:32 That's that's how if you want to know like, oh, why did they sell us out?
00:34:36 I can't believe you know is there.
00:34:38 Is there some flaw in white?
00:34:39 People that makes, yeah, it's it's called greed.
00:34:46 I don't think it's specific to white people.
00:34:48 I think that's just people.
00:34:49 It's people would rather buy now, pay later.
00:34:58 You're going to buy now.
00:34:59 Pay later, huh?
00:35:05 I'd be willing to lend you some money.
00:35:14 That's, I mean, that's how it.
00:35:15 That's how it starts.
00:35:16 All these, all these and look and you could say.
00:35:18 The same thing on.
00:35:19 Politicians, right?
00:35:24 That's how they're, I mean, they're bought and.
00:35:26 Paid for, right?
00:35:32 It's greed.
00:35:33 It's wanting to live outside your means.
00:35:36 And when you want to live outside your means.
00:35:40 You are living off the.
00:35:43 The wealth of someone else.
00:35:46 And justice, like when you live at your parents house.
00:35:49 You know you're living off their wealth.
00:35:52 That automatically makes you subservient to them.
00:35:58 Look, I'm not saying.
00:35:59 Well, living your parents, I think.
00:36:00 That in fact.
00:36:02 It might be a good idea if you are in a situation where you owe money.
00:36:08 And you're thinking to yourself, well, I could never, you know, I could never afford that.
00:36:11 You can, by the way, there's, like, if you're paying rent.
00:36:14 Look, I I lived in a ****** apartment.
00:36:16 My last apartment that I ever lived in was not nice.
00:36:20 Rents are just expensive.
00:36:21 It wasn't nice.
00:36:22 You could say the location was kind of like pretty good.
Speaker 19
00:36:27 But it was the.
00:36:28 I picked it because it was the cheapest.
00:36:31 Apartment in that area.
00:36:35 And it was still like 1500, a month.
00:36:37 For one bedroom.
00:36:40 So if you're saying, oh, I can't afford some, you know, ******, $20,000 plot of land.
00:36:48 You can in less than two years of saving that that 1500 a month you're paying in rent.
00:37:00 So yeah, there's nothing wrong like move.
00:37:01 Move in with your parents.
00:37:03 And you know, get your debt.
00:37:04 Paid off and but just have a plan.
00:37:07 But again disconnect from Usery.
00:37:12 You really want to like.
Speaker 20
00:37:15 Hurt these people.
00:37:17 That's that's.
00:37:19 That's where it starts.
00:37:21 You don't participate in their little free money machine.
00:37:28 And does that mean you don't have to swallow your pride in a lot?
00:37:32 Of ways, yeah.
00:37:36 Probably for the rest.
00:37:36 Of your life.
00:37:38 You know, because it's.
00:37:41 It's you don't feel as fancy living out of your parents, garage or basement or whatever.
00:37:47 You don't feel as fancy living in a piece of ship house like the bunker.
00:37:53 You know, you don't feel as fancy with some car that needs repairs all the time.
00:38:01 You don't feel as fancy selling, selling the holes that you're wearing into your clothes.
00:38:13 But that's the problem is that the?
00:38:16 The that, that's all.
00:38:17 That's what they're exploiting.
00:38:23 A lot of what when people end up.
00:38:26 Becoming servants of the machine.
00:38:30 In some instances it's at a necessity, but most times it's not.
00:38:35 Most times it's really not.
00:38:38 You could even say that with student loan debt to some extent, lot of people didn't go to college because they needed to.
00:38:45 It was a status thing.
00:38:50 It was because it was.
00:38:52 It was a shameful thing.
00:38:53 If you if you were the.
00:38:54 Kid, that wasn't going to college.
00:39:00 You know, some people, you.
00:39:01 Know you need to go to.
00:39:02 College. You're going to be.
00:39:02 A lawyer.
Speaker 5
00:39:03 Or you know.
00:39:05 Doctors and engineers, right?
00:39:13 But especially now with.
00:39:14 The Internet, I mean.
00:39:16 I never took a single class in in.
00:39:22 You know, I taught myself all that.
Speaker 5
00:39:23 Stuff. I bought some books.
00:39:29 I bought some books. I bought DVD's.
00:39:32 Watched a lot.
00:39:33 Of YouTube videos.
00:39:38 And not every.
00:39:39 Job, you know.
00:39:40 Can you do that?
00:39:41 But most things.
00:39:44 You know, unless you have to get some weird license.
00:39:46 For something.
00:39:49 Then go to a trade school.
00:39:51 I'm just saying.
Speaker 6
00:39:53 A lot of.
00:39:53 The reason why we're in this mess.
00:39:56 Is because people want to feel fancy.
00:39:58 They want to live outside their means, and they want to live off the means of someone else, which necessarily makes you a slave.
00:40:10 If you want to have the fancy Mcmansion.
00:40:15 Because you're trying to compete with siblings or friends or enemies.
Speaker 15
00:40:24 All right.
00:40:26 But the bank owns.
Speaker 5
00:40:27 You now.
00:40:33 So you can't.
00:40:34 Complain about it anymore.
00:40:37 You're making that decision to do it.
00:40:41 You're playing the game.
00:40:49 You're working for the man.
00:40:51 As the boomers would say, I guess.
00:41:00 So it's it's just look, there's ways of there's ways of all I'm saying is you need to prioritize your life.
00:41:06 You need to get that.
00:41:06 Kind of **** taken care of.
00:41:10 And once you have that **** taken care of.
00:41:14 Then you can start.
00:41:17 With the political.
00:41:18 Stuff. Well, I mean, look.
00:41:20 Depends on what your bandwidth is.
00:41:22 Maybe you can do both.
Speaker 5
00:41:23 I don't know.
00:41:25 But it's a lot.
00:41:26 It's a lot of work, so it's hard to.
Speaker 5
00:41:28 Do both.
00:41:32 And I don't have a problem with people trying.
00:41:37 I feel like most of these people.
00:41:39 Will come around.
00:41:40 Like I said, whether they want to or not.
00:41:45 Some of them never will.
00:41:46 I think Q Anon Q Anon has proved that the the lengths at which delusion can take people you know.
00:42:00 That's not most people, hopefully, or we're really ******.
00:42:09 Hey, look, there's different guys.
00:42:10 So there's some people that know.
00:42:11 They know, it's helpless and it's it's a grift.
00:42:14 And they know it's I've talked to people.
Speaker 7
00:42:23 No, they.
00:42:24 Know it's hopeless.
00:42:27 And in fact.
00:42:28 They have plans.
00:42:32 To straight up just.
00:42:32 Leave the ******* country when it happens and their words, not mine.
00:42:36 When when it happens.
00:42:41 And they're just.
00:42:42 They're right. They're.
00:42:43 They're selling the white pills all the way down.
00:42:48 Because they there's a market for it.
00:42:53 And they might do some mental gymnastics to try to.
00:42:58 Justify what it is they're doing.
00:43:02 To themselves or others.
00:43:06 But they still know they know it's, they know it's not getting fixed.
00:43:09 They know you can't.
00:43:10 They know that.
00:43:11 You can't UN bake a cake.
00:43:21 You know, there are people like that, but you know, there's also people that just.
Speaker 5
00:43:25 Don't. They don't know yet.
00:43:28 It's hard to know and tell you because.
Speaker 4
00:43:30 Look, we are optimistic people.
00:43:34 I'm I'm actually I'm not the pessimist.
00:43:37 A lot of people think.
00:43:39 I'm I'm optimistic long term.
00:43:42 It's just that we're in that part that sucks, that's.
00:43:46 That's all I'm saying is like you just got to be aware and that part that sucks is the longer it takes for people to realize that the longer that part's going to last.
00:43:57 You you can't.
00:43:59 You can't start getting your cancer treatment or whatever if you're you don't know you have cancer or you are in the OR you know, if you're in denial about it or you know, whatever.
00:44:09 You can't fix a problem.
00:44:10 The first step is always acknowledging the problems there.
00:44:15 And so that's, I guess if anything that that is a negative in that there are some people.
00:44:21 That are maybe overly optimistic and it's preventing people from.
00:44:26 From seeing the problem for what it is and preparing for it accordingly.
00:44:32 But look that you know it is what it is.
Speaker 5
00:44:36 It is what it is.
00:44:40 Alright, let me take a look at chat again.
00:44:50 You guys getting all all kinds of conversations going down in here?
00:44:56 Our ancestors left Europe to America, our children, to leave Earth for another plant or other plants.
00:45:01 Why not leave America and buy time for space and leaving for I'm leaving and renouncing this year my future children will live and rebuild.
00:45:12 Yeah, the.
00:45:15 You know my ancestors, you know, same thing.
00:45:18 Obviously they left Europe for America.
Speaker 6
00:45:21 The The thing is.
00:45:23 You know, if you're waiting around for space colonization to start, you're waiting.
00:45:27 We wait.
00:45:27 A long time.
00:45:29 Like a really long time like.
00:45:33 So long that there there's even possibilities that catastrophic things happen between now and then that that make it even take even longer or make it so.
00:45:42 It never happens.
00:45:46 But is it?
00:45:47 Is it bad to leave like America specifically like again?
00:45:52 I think it's.
00:45:52 I think it's a different dynamic.
Speaker 5
00:45:55 In Europe.
00:45:57 It might even be a different dynamic in like Australia and other places.
00:46:00 I I just don't know.
00:46:02 I'm just saying in America that the the cake is baked.
00:46:07 So you can, you know, be stubborn.
00:46:09 Like I am and just stay here because you want to see.
00:46:12 You want to see what the cake tastes like.
00:46:15 You know, it's like, hey, if I can't unbaked the cake, I might as well see what it.
00:46:21 Tastes like.
00:46:26 But if you're, I don't know, the story is totally different for other places.
00:46:34 Or maybe it's not, I don't know.
00:46:35 I don't know.
00:46:40 But if you want to leave America.
00:46:46 Try to colonize.
00:46:47 I guess somewhere else I.
00:46:50 You know, I wouldn't be mad at you.
00:46:52 I wouldn't.
00:46:53 I wouldn't think you were abandoning us.
00:46:57 I've thought about it.
00:47:01 I've just decided I.
00:47:02 Want to know what the cake tastes like?
00:47:07 And I also and look a lot of and maybe maybe you're someone you've only been your family's only been in America a couple of generations or something like that. My, my family's been here for hundreds of years.
00:47:19 And so for me it's a little different because I just, I kind of feel like.
00:47:25 I'm feel like, OK.
00:47:28 If you want this play, if you want to steal this from.
00:47:31 You're going to have to fight for it.
00:47:34 You have to fight me for it.
00:47:38 Trend lines don't look good for me.
00:47:43 And I'm not even suggesting I'm going to win the fight, but I'm still going to make you fight for it.
00:47:51 I'm not going to just sit there and say.
00:47:56 OK.
00:47:57 You can have it.
00:48:00 You can have the cake.
00:48:01 No, I'm.
00:48:02 I'm going to take my.
00:48:03 ******* piece of the cake.
00:48:07 Even if it doesn't taste that great and I say there's a.
Speaker 5
00:48:10 Good chance it's it's not the best tasting cake.
00:48:17 Yeah, like, why not, you know?
00:48:20 I think yeah, it is frustrating cause like if if.
00:48:23 Europe wasn't so ****** **.
00:48:24 Mean that would be the best, right?
00:48:26 Like if you know my family, they're Anglo.
00:48:29 You know, we come from mostly Anglo.
00:48:32 We come from, you know, Scotland, England.
00:48:36 You know that little bit of, I think a little Irish in there somewhere too.
00:48:43 And so yeah.
00:48:43 That'd be great.
00:48:44 If they weren't.
00:48:47 In some ways worse off.
00:48:49 I think culturally they're worse off.
Speaker 5
00:48:54 UM.
00:48:57 But yeah, if it was still like, you know, if those countries were still intact.
00:49:01 And they were still white countries.
00:49:03 That'd be great.
00:49:04 In fact, that's, I think what gives a lot of white Americans some anxiety about Europe.
00:49:09 Is it it?
00:49:10 Like as America turned brown?
00:49:13 It was still like like it was annoying, but like it was still nice knowing that like there was still.
00:49:21 Like a white.
00:49:21 Part of the world, right?
Speaker 6
00:49:24 I didn't feel so.
00:49:26 It didn't feel like an existential threat to your people.
00:49:33 It felt like an existential threat to your country, but not to your people.
00:49:39 But now that, like you know it the.
00:49:41 Same melting pot ******** is going on in, in.
00:49:45 In every white part of the world.
00:49:51 You know, it definitely gives anxiety.
00:49:52 So I guess that that that creates the other question like.
00:49:55 If you're if.
00:49:55 You're saying, oh, I'm going to leave America because the.
Speaker 5
00:49:57 Cake is.
00:49:58 Baked. We're going to go.
00:50:02 I mean, not that there's no places there are places.
Speaker 5
00:50:04 You could go.
00:50:08 But where you going to go?
00:50:11 Is it going to be any?
00:50:12 Better where you go.
00:50:16 Are there going to be more whites or fewer whites?
00:50:18 Where is it?
00:50:19 Where is?
00:50:19 It trending.
00:50:25 I mean, if your whole idea is that you're going to go somewhere else.
00:50:30 And rebuild the.
00:50:32 Is that possible?
00:50:33 Where you're going?
00:50:34 Not possible in a lot of places.
00:50:43 When I say I'm black pilled it's it's you got to realize.
00:50:50 Trump was the best.
00:50:51 Trump was the best we could do.
00:50:55 And that was like a long shot.
00:50:57 That surprised everybody.
00:50:59 Including the people like me who were like, really like.
00:51:03 I was telling everyone who was going.
00:51:05 To win, but I I.
00:51:06 Still was like this is going to be amazing.
00:51:07 If we pull this **** off.
00:51:10 And look, look at how ****** ** that was.
00:51:13 Look how fake and gay that.
00:51:14 Was that was the best we could do.
00:51:17 And every and look and every day, every every year.
00:51:21 Your numbers dropped the straight.
00:51:25 We're not getting stronger.
00:51:31 Talk to you about boomers all you want.
00:51:33 But when they die off, that's going.
00:51:34 To be a.
00:51:34 Big blow to your voting power.
00:51:41 They're they're they're.
00:51:41 They're they want.
00:51:42 To vote more, first of all, and they vote more conservatively.
00:51:49 Yeah, they vote.
00:51:50 For like the stupid Neo cons and stupid **** like that.
00:51:53 And they believe in Q Anon and and whatever, right?
00:51:58 But it's a it's it's not a bad group.
00:52:01 To have on your side.
00:52:05 And they've got a lot of wealth and yeah, in fact, I'm gonna do a whole one of.
00:52:10 The reasons why I.
00:52:11 Don't have a ton of of videos and.
00:52:13 Stuff to show you tonight.
00:52:15 Is I watched a ton of movies like all day yesterday.
00:52:20 I watched movies looking for something to.
00:52:23 To dissect, I was hoping to do it tonight.
00:52:26 But a lot of them just kind.
00:52:27 Of were.
00:52:27 Like Nah, but one one in particular.
00:52:32 Was really good.
00:52:33 It was so good I couldn't just whip something together.
00:52:35 It's something that's going to take uh.
00:52:38 In fact, that's probably a good one to say for for Tuesday.
00:52:44 If I spend the next couple.
00:52:45 Of days on it that would be good.
00:52:47 But it really, I mean it illustrates.
00:52:54 It illustrates, I think, a lot of the psychology of of the aging, the aging boomers.
00:53:04 In their own words too, it's not like it's not hard to divine.
00:53:09 But but so that's that that'll.
00:53:11 Become we'll just say maybe Tuesday, but definitely.
Speaker 5
00:53:14 Next week we'll go over that.
00:53:17 But no, when they're gone.
00:53:22 I mean, they they at least have kids, right?
Speaker 15
00:53:24 You know they they.
00:53:28 And as we've talked about with the the statistics in terms of you know the percentage of of gay boomers versus the percentage of gay zoomers, I mean, it's like ******* hell.
00:53:39 I mean, they're the zoomers are eight times gayer than the boomers.
00:53:46 And in terms of, yeah, is.
00:53:48 It super cringe when you hear like a boomer.
00:53:49 Say what?
00:53:52 You know.
00:53:52 And all that stuff.
00:53:53 Yeah, obviously, right.
00:53:57 But I'd rather have that guy.
00:54:00 Then someone who's chopped ***** **** off and thinks they're a girl.
00:54:05 You know, like not that that's representative of zoomers.
00:54:09 At all, but like.
00:54:13 What I'm saying is we we have fewer people.
00:54:17 And the people, every year we have fewer people.
00:54:20 And every year, the people that we have.
00:54:23 Or more communist sympathizing, at the very least.
00:54:27 And more MC like really.
00:54:35 And stupider.
00:54:37 That's just that's just statistic.
00:54:39 Also, the IQ, not just.
00:54:43 This this is.
00:54:44 You know, if you just break it up.
00:54:46 By groups the IQ of.
00:54:47 White people is going down.
00:54:52 People are getting stupider and lazier.
00:54:55 And fatter and gayer.
00:55:00 See, I'm Blackpool because I can see.
00:55:02 Trend lines. That's it.
00:55:05 That's it.
00:55:07 And historically?
00:55:10 When you have that kind of momentum.
00:55:13 That it's like a glacier.
00:55:16 Right.
00:55:18 You have this big glacier.
00:55:21 ******* cruising through the the countryside with such force that it's making.
00:55:27 Mountains and ****.
00:55:34 And it might not be moving super fast, and it might, you know, slow down and speed.
00:55:38 Up and whatever.
00:55:41 But you can't just stop a glacier real quick.
00:55:50 You know, you got to realize the scale of what we're talking about.
00:55:53 It's like, you know, like the Titanic.
00:55:57 Once, once it got to a certain point, it was impossible to save that ship.
00:56:14 Once the structure is compromised in the way that.
00:56:19 White primacy is in America.
00:56:24 It's not.
00:56:26 If it.
00:56:27 Will fail. It's.
00:56:28 When it will fail.
00:56:36 And so that's it.
00:56:37 I'm just saying, be aware of that and there's things you can do to try to slow it down in the same way.
00:56:41 There's things you could probably do to like.
00:56:42 Make a boat sinks lower.
Speaker 5
00:56:45 You know you.
00:56:45 Can have pumps trying to pump the water out and people getting buckets and stuff like, but it's going, it's going down anyway.
00:56:54 You can make it.
00:56:55 You can buy yourself some time, but it's it's going down.
00:56:58 And again, I'm.
00:56:58 I'm just, you know, specific to America.
00:57:09 Now, that doesn't mean and when I say that, maybe that's not the best metaphor, because when I say that I'm.
00:57:13 Not talking like you know we're going.
00:57:17 To go.
00:57:17 We're gonna end up at the bottom of the ******* ocean.
00:57:19 I'm not saying that.
00:57:22 I'm saying that the the the see I can't even say the current version of America because that's even not, we don't, I mean we.
00:57:28 Don't want that.
Speaker 6
00:57:30 The previous version.
00:57:31 Of America, the.
00:57:32 The America that you think of in your in your, in your dreams, and when you're, you know, or in the in the when you watch the 1950s propaganda the you know the the leave it to Beaver stuff.
00:57:46 That that America.
00:57:49 It's gone.
00:57:49 It's not.
00:57:50 That's never coming back.
00:57:53 And so.
00:57:58 Because we know the ship is going to sink.
00:58:01 It's important you start building a new one.
00:58:04 Or at least a life raft.
00:58:10 Like what?
00:58:11 I guess this is the thing, I guess maybe there's a good analogy.
00:58:15 If you're in a ship that's sinking.
00:58:18 And you can be doing things that makes it sink slower.
00:58:23 Or you can be doing things that will.
00:58:26 Provide you with a life raft.
00:58:28 What should your priority be?
00:58:32 Should you be doing the thing that's going to buy you an extra half hour?
00:58:37 Or should you be doing the thing that's going?
00:58:39 To help you survive.
00:58:42 And live the rest of.
00:58:43 Your life.
00:58:45 Even though the ship ship is at the bottom.
Speaker 5
00:58:47 Of the ocean.
00:58:49 And that's all I'm saying.
00:58:51 Is I'm prioritizing things.
00:58:54 To where I want the life raft.
00:58:59 And then once you got.
00:59:00 The life raft.
00:59:02 You can you can maybe.
00:59:03 Help slow down a little bit.
00:59:07 Which is good for everybody, right?
00:59:10 But it's good for no one if there's nowhere.
00:59:12 To go when it eventually sinks anyway.
00:59:21 Someone says I would settle for any pre 9/11 America. Yeah. You know, the damage had already been done.
00:59:31 It hadn't tipped yet, you know.
00:59:34 Like the 90s were super ******* cut.
00:59:40 They were the precursor to where we're at now.
Speaker 21
00:59:45 But in the.
00:59:45 Now, if you're just talking about if, if you could live like the matrix right is supposed to be like the perpetual 90s.
00:59:52 According to moving.
00:59:56 It wouldn't be so bad.
00:59:58 And there's lots of things that you'd.
Speaker 5
00:59:59 Want to improve?
Speaker 6
01:00:01 But the 90s is when you.
01:00:02 Could improve it.
01:00:05 You know, I guess.
01:00:06 The cake wasn't quite.
01:00:08 Baked in the 90s, it was, you know it.
01:00:10 Was almost done.
01:00:13 I guess.
01:00:15 I guess the batter the batter.
01:00:17 Was was already mixed at that point.
01:00:22 It has.
01:00:22 10 been put in the oven yet?
01:00:27 So I don't know the 90s would be that great either because it would inevitably, unless you had some kind of.
01:00:33 You know, like the matrix, it would inevitably it could never it could.
01:00:37 The 90s could never stay the 90s.
01:00:40 That's why I didn't stay the 90s.
01:00:46 And maybe that's a problem.
01:00:48 Maybe there's a problem that we look back at these old decades and say, you know, I'd sail for the 90s, maybe we shouldn't.
01:00:55 Maybe that's why we're here, because we.
01:00:57 Did settle for the 90s.
01:01:04 Now I mean, for most of us, we were pretty ******* young in the 90s.
01:01:08 There wasn't really much we.
01:01:09 Could be doing right?
01:01:12 So I mean.
01:01:16 I think we settled for it because.
01:01:20 We were kids. Yeah, kids.
01:01:21 Will settle for anything, right?
01:01:25 But as a society, that was.
01:01:27 The problem was like you.
01:01:28 Had all these little annoying multicultural things creeping in and and people weren't they just?
01:01:35 This isn't so bad yet.
01:01:42 And I said it once, and I'll say it again.
01:01:45 In fact, it only came true only the first time.
01:01:47 I said it was like.
01:01:49 In in 2020 or where I was like, there will come a time.
01:01:55 When you look back fondly at 2020.
01:01:59 And wish it was only as bad as this.
01:02:03 Well, it's 2021 now and I think.
01:02:05 That uh.
01:02:08 I think I mean, look.
01:02:09 It's it's an easy prediction to make.
01:02:15 We see the trend line.
01:02:23 Yeah, I rewatched this video recently and maybe watch it's.
01:02:27 A little bit long.
01:02:30 But not everyone's seen it.
01:02:32 It's like 10 minutes long.
01:02:34 This college student does a report and.
01:02:39 Does a really good job of it.
01:02:42 In his class talking about white extinction.
01:02:53 I forgot I was going.
Speaker 5
01:02:54 To say about that.
01:02:57 Oh well, we can watch that video I.
Speaker 5
01:03:00 Had like a point that I.
01:03:01 Was making.
01:03:03 I forget sometimes that happens.
01:03:08 You know what?
01:03:08 Let's watch it.
01:03:10 I don't know.
01:03:11 Well, you know, let's let's I'll ask Chad.
01:03:13 Let's make this interactive.
01:03:15 Do you guys want to watch and look?
01:03:17 I'll bring up the.
01:03:19 I'll bring up the the 1st.
01:03:20 Frame of it.
01:03:21 So you for those of you who have seen it, we'll know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 5
01:03:24 Here, let me see.
01:03:27 If this video.
Speaker 5
01:03:28 Ever loads up.
Speaker 22
01:03:33 My topic is white.
01:03:37 Have you guys seen this video?
01:03:41 I'm assuming many of you have.
01:03:44 It's an older video, but it checks out.
01:03:55 Alright people, most people saying yes.
01:03:58 This is a really.
01:03:59 Well done video.
01:04:02 All right, so I'm going to play.
01:04:03 This I'm not going to interrupt.
01:04:04 It because he doesn't need any commentary, he.
01:04:06 Does like a.
01:04:07 Really good job.
01:04:09 So I'm going to just play this.
01:04:12 And this will look, oh, that's what the point is.
01:04:16 Going to make the point he makes.
01:04:20 And he'll say towards the end.
01:04:22 Is people keep asking him.
01:04:25 What's the solution?
01:04:26 What's the solution?
01:04:28 And the reason they're doing that?
01:04:31 Is it because they really want the solution?
01:04:34 It's because they know it's easier to debunk or to argue your solution than it is to debunk and argue the problem.
01:04:46 So really the.
01:04:47 Reason they're saying, well, how come?
01:04:49 Well, what's the solution then?
01:04:51 Really, the reason a lot not everyone but the reason a lot of people do that.
01:04:56 It's not because they really want you to have like some super solution.
01:05:00 It's just.
Speaker 11
01:05:00 That it's way.
01:05:01 Easier to poke holes than a solution to.
01:05:03 A problem like this?
01:05:06 Than it is to poke holes in the problem itself.
01:05:11 And most people believe it or.
01:05:13 Not have not come to grips with.
01:05:16 The problem itself.
01:05:18 And has he? Has he? Has he discussed like this guy's on the same wavelength as I am in in?
01:05:23 Terms of this.
01:05:26 You need to get people to realize.
01:05:29 That there's a problem before you even talk about solutions, and right now a lot of people don't know like you.
01:05:34 Guys might know.
Speaker 6
01:05:39 But we are.
01:05:40 We are a tiny minority tiny minority.
01:05:45 All right.
01:05:45 So let me just play this video.
Speaker 5
01:05:47 I think you guys will like it.
Speaker 22
01:05:51 My topic is white people trending towards extinction.
01:05:55 Now first question is probably extinction.
01:05:58 And for some assumptions on the background, the purposes demonstration will consider whites, non Hispanic whites for simplicity, whites to 12% of the earth population and declining to 9% by 2060.
01:06:10 And here's the extinction part white birth rate is below replacement levels in every western nation.
01:06:16 That's the fact that most people aren't aware of.
01:06:18 Worldwide, whites are at 1.8.
01:06:20 Children per women.
01:06:22 Whereas 2.1 is necessary to sustain a population, the .1 being to make up for accidental deaths.
01:06:29 Or diseases and things like that.
01:06:31 Some examples. Australia is at 1.77, Russia.
01:06:35 1.6.
01:06:36 Germany and Italy and 1.4.
01:06:39 And one fat fewer babies were born in Italy in 2014 than in any.
01:06:43 Year since the Italian state was created.
01:06:47 Here's a chart from the UN, the Orange One in particular is the most important, and that is showing that ignoring migratory trends, the population of Europe is due to decline at.
Speaker 23
01:06:59 An increasing rate.
Speaker 22
01:07:01 Starting at 740 million and by 2100 and below 540 and on the right hand side, you can see the causal factors and the majority contributing factors facility.
01:07:14 Why you should care?
01:07:16 Every race should support their own.
01:07:17 People. You want them.
01:07:18 To exist exists everyone who supports racial diversity should.
01:07:23 Support the continued.
01:07:24 Existence of all races and my people have brought some good things to the world.
01:07:30 Let's look into some.
01:07:31 Of the causes.
01:07:33 One obviously everybody knows that mention of birth control causes every reduction in birth.
01:07:37 Rates cost all races.
01:07:39 Proliferation of *********** is a more modern trend.
01:07:42 Studies show that decreases motivation and ambition.
01:07:46 It makes people less satisfied with their physical relationships, and it subconsciously normalizes your sexual partner.
01:07:53 Being with other people.
01:07:57 Another one is some aspects of feminism has overshot their target.
01:08:02 And in removing barriers to females and emphasizing the value that they bring in some areas, they've overreached into the stigmatization of males.
01:08:12 One outcome of this and other factors.
01:08:15 Is that over?
Speaker 22
01:08:16 50% of marriages in the USA fail.
01:08:18 And only 31% of.
01:08:20 Them are initiated by.
01:08:21 The land.
01:08:25 Our learning child.
01:08:26 Support are often grand women and rate equal.
01:08:28 To what is accustomed to.
01:08:30 Not necessarily what's sufficient, which can provide a perverse incentive for people to marry.
01:08:35 The richest person that they.
01:08:36 Can regardless of whether they like them, because in.
01:08:39 The event of a divorce.
01:08:40 They have a fall back plan.
01:08:44 And women are putting work before family.
01:08:47 That's not to say that they're not having both together.
01:08:51 But at an increasing rate, some are for growing family altogether, to focus on work.
01:08:55 More women are going to college, also delaying childbirth.
01:08:59 Do some of the trends.
01:09:00 That show As for undergraduate?
01:09:01 Degrees with women in blue.
01:09:03 On this chart, there's actually more women, significantly more getting.
01:09:07 Undergraduate degrees than even men these days.
01:09:10 And number of masters degrees as well.
01:09:12 I know that Doctor Deborah was saying this morning that the class that she's taught has been majority male, but the statistics show actually in recent history and the colors are reversed on this chart compared to the last one, that there's significantly more females even in the masters release than there are males.
Speaker 12
01:09:28 And you can.
Speaker 22
01:09:29 See the increasing rate of average age of mother at first birth is being delayed significantly.
01:09:37 Other causes related and Doctor Weston's class. Claire, Vonte, and Leah. And I'm not picking on you presented. Lean in women work in the world to lead by Sheryl Sandberg.
01:09:47 And the main take away was that America needs more winning CEO's and that.
01:09:51 Women need.
01:09:52 To put work before family.
01:09:54 In order to achieve this.
01:09:55 And particularly to.
01:09:56 Reach the level of.
01:09:57 EO a lot or foregoing families altogether.
01:10:01 An artist presentation.
01:10:02 Is to say.
Speaker 22
01:10:02 That there should be value by some other there as well and that sometimes it's undervalued in modern society.
01:10:10 Once we found ISM is mixed up with the model, the idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they serve their when they help their husbands move on to other causes, a childless lifestyle encouragement, there's not a lot of mainstream media TV shows, movies that had a pro family message.
01:10:30 A lot of them are.
01:10:30 Anti family and pro childless.
01:10:34 Society is of old being childless, as selfish, and so a lot of people say, well, in the olden times there's a lot of peer pressure on having children and to explain some of the background as to why people used to think that way is they felt that if you enjoy it being alive and you.
01:10:51 Enjoy the fruits that.
01:10:53 Things you know, it's only possible because two.
01:10:56 People before you.
01:10:57 Put in the work to birth and raise you, and therefore not paying that privilege forward.
01:11:03 Is can be considered selfish?
01:11:06 Also, almost every anti parenthood article is addicted with whites essentially.
01:11:13 One male disproved.
01:11:14 The myth that all women want children, of course.
01:11:16 Nobody assumes that.
01:11:17 All women want children. However, every woman's mother did want children.
01:11:22 100 and 2016 hands who?
01:11:24 Regret having children yet again showing.
01:11:27 With a white mother and a white child.
01:11:30 I'm 30 and I don't know if I want kids or if I'm too selfish.
01:11:33 What if I'm not that maternal?
01:11:35 How to figure out whether?
01:11:36 You should have kids one day.
01:11:38 With the with the movies mocking breast pumps.
01:11:42 I don't like being a mother.
01:11:44 Meet the woman who regrets having children and thinks other other women should think twice before they know what's good themselves for themselves and the world.
01:11:54 Not very Pro family, this one.
01:11:57 I found particularly offensive how?
01:11:58 Having kids can ruin your romantic.
01:12:01 Relationship rather than improve it.
01:12:05 And the child free life when having it all means not having children.
01:12:09 Now that's not to say that you there's anything wrong with people don't have children.
01:12:13 Of course there's not, but this.
01:12:14 Is talking about the stigmatization.
01:12:16 That permeates both advertisements magazines.
01:12:19 TV shows and movies.
01:12:22 Other causes.
01:12:23 Multicultural movement has in some ways overshot its target.
01:12:26 By the feminism.
01:12:27 Movement has so in the process of motivating the increasing success of non whites and white majority societies and emphasizing the value that they bring.
01:12:35 We have overshot the celebration of others and sometimes entered the territory of demonization of whites.
01:12:42 One term is the non Hispanic white, whereas other ethnicities are granted positive identities.
01:12:49 Non Hispanic white is specifically negative identity.
01:12:52 The counter would be if.
01:12:53 You called Hispanics, non European whites.
01:12:57 You could see how.
01:12:57 That might be considered.
01:12:58 Offensive well, non Hispanic white could.
Speaker 20
01:13:01 Also be considered.
Speaker 22
01:13:04 Knowing I hate white.
01:13:05 People and punching 1.
01:13:07 Isn't a hate.
Speaker 16
01:13:07 Crime Canadian judge rules.
Speaker 22
01:13:11 This one's in California. The fonts will small due to a white student percentage above 30%. Altering middle school faces layoffs increased class sizes.
01:13:22 Star Wars The Last Jedi that came out this year, JJ Abrams, the director, said.
01:13:27 We wrote those characters, but when we went to cast.
01:13:30 It one of things I had felt.
01:13:31 Bending the endings.
01:13:32 A couple of times.
01:13:33 Look around that room and you see the widest ******* room in history of time.
01:13:37 It's just unbelievably white.
01:13:39 And I just.
01:13:40 Thought we're casting the show.
01:13:42 And we have an opportunity to do anything we want.
01:13:44 Not cast the show with actors of.
01:13:46 Now I wonder.
01:13:47 If you switched the races in here.
01:13:49 And you said.
01:13:50 The widest FU or a different race?
01:13:54 Would that be acceptable?
01:13:55 Probably not.
01:13:56 But when it's whites, that becomes acceptable.
01:14:00 NBA gets an.
01:14:01 Aim for diversity.
01:14:03 Shows studies shows 77% of.
01:14:05 The NBA players are black.
01:14:06 18% are white. That's considered an A for diversity and makes you wonder if the definition itself has been mutilated to instead be.
01:14:14 An inclusion of.
01:14:15 All to be a suppression of something.
01:14:19 In the Django Unchained movie.
01:14:21 With Jamie Foxx, who is quoted.
01:14:22 Saying I kill all the white people in the.
01:14:24 Movie. How great is that?
01:14:27 You can you.
01:14:28 Replace that one.
01:14:28 The other race, a lot of people.
01:14:30 Have speech tremely offended.
01:14:32 And yet, when it's whites?
01:14:34 It seems to be more tolerated.
01:14:38 At Drexel University in Pennsylvania, which has a student body of over 26,000, so this is not a.
01:14:45 Small university.
01:14:46 One of professors wrote this past Christmas.
01:14:48 All I want for Christmas is white genocide.
01:14:51 A lot of people were confused by that and.
01:14:53 He tweeted them and.
01:14:54 Said what do you?
01:14:55 Mean like genocide?
01:14:56 Is this guy serious?
Speaker 24
01:14:58 We follow up and send to.
Speaker 22
01:14:58 Clarify when the whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution, that was a good thing indeed.
01:15:05 Now a lot of people had some problems with that and contacted the school administration, but they claimed that he did nothing wrong.
01:15:12 He served no punishment.
01:15:15 I think that you can see why a lot.
01:15:16 Of people might find that offensive.
01:15:20 That will cause pathological altruism.
01:15:23 Is the idea that whites evolved in?
01:15:25 Northern European climate, as everybody knows, that's why we.
01:15:27 Have white skin.
01:15:29 Surviving winter required high levels of attention and care towards children and neighbors, which developed a sense of about tourism.
01:15:35 But sometimes it's taken too far and can become self harmful and modern.
01:15:39 Multicultural societies with unresolved.
01:15:41 Over slavery and colonialism.
01:15:43 Some whites want so much, you have.
01:15:45 To say that you hate themselves through history.
01:15:47 And become depressed.
01:15:50 Antidepressant use rises 400% in modern years. White women being at the top.
01:15:55 For lists.
01:15:57 One finally shows that 14% of non.
01:16:00 Hispanic whites take any presence.
01:16:02 Compared to only 4% and 3% of blacks and Mexican Americans.
01:16:07 Over the past two.
01:16:08 Decades use of any presence has.
01:16:09 Skyrocketed among women in.
01:16:10 Their 40s and 50s figures 1:00 and 4:00.
01:16:14 People don't know that.
01:16:15 That's something that we should talk about.
01:16:16 Controversial, but we should talk about that.
01:16:21 Deaths of despair in mid life for white non Hispanics going from the year 2000 to 2014.
01:16:27 Significant increases, you might wonder what steps of despair it's deaths by drugs, alcohol and suicide.
01:16:33 There's another chart we can.
01:16:34 See, that's affecting both men and women.
01:16:37 Especially so amongst the less educated.
01:16:41 So in conclusion, some of the possible factors that behind the decline in white birth rate ***********, some aspects of feminism, overshooting and demonizing the family, encouragement of child with lifestyle and targeting whites, and the lack of pro family messages, multiculturalism and some aspects overshooting.
01:17:00 Mines and wives and five brothers and with.
01:17:03 That open up for.
Speaker 13
01:17:12 Are you both solid or what's your?
Speaker 22
01:17:14 So sure, I get that question a lot.
01:17:17 What's what's the solution?
01:17:19 Because people want to latch on to the solution and then debate that, rather than admitting there's a problem, I think the 1st.
01:17:25 Thing that.
Speaker 7
01:17:26 You need to do is just.
Speaker 22
01:17:27 To admit that there's a problem.
01:17:29 And so that's all I wanted to do today.
01:17:30 I'm not here to discuss solutions.
01:17:32 I just want to discuss the problems because a lot of people.
01:17:34 Say that this should be talked about Jesus.
01:17:40 And so there you go, Beast, beast beast.
01:17:46 But also I mean it's that's the trend line.
01:17:52 Now, in another question later on, there's a lot of stupid questions that goes on for like another 10.
01:17:56 Minutes of.
01:17:58 You know, you could tell the diversity students.
01:18:02 Asking low IQ questions and him just having the patience of a of a St.
01:18:08 And keeping his demeanor.
01:18:11 And it's cool.
01:18:14 But one of the questions much later on, I'm not going.
01:18:17 To subject you to.
01:18:19 All the retardedness you can watch the video.
01:18:21 I think someone chat.
01:18:21 Linked it.
01:18:23 I might even upload this video.
01:18:24 To the Telegram channel so you guys can have easy access to it.
01:18:29 But the.
01:18:32 The bottom line is.
01:18:35 I'm sorry that the question that he answers was were were whites are like 12%.
01:18:44 Of the world's.
01:18:44 Population now, but like 100 years.
01:18:46 Ago we were over 20%.
01:18:55 So that that's what I mean when I say.
01:18:57 You got to zoom.
01:18:57 Out the graph on this.
01:18:59 I'm not being black pilled because.
Speaker 6
01:19:02 Oh, we've had a bad couple of years.
01:19:10 I'm saying if we keep that, that ship sinking analogy, it's already capsized.
01:19:22 And there's we're running out of room to stand.
01:19:31 There's people that you know, he talks about the suicides and stuff like.
01:19:34 That there's people already drowning.
01:19:42 And all I'm saying is don't drown.
01:19:45 Don't jump in the water.
01:19:50 And also don't waste your time.
01:19:53 Or at least.
01:19:54 Don't prioritize trying to unsync the ship.
01:20:00 What comes next? Prioritize.
01:20:04 How to survive?
01:20:07 When the inevitable takes place.
01:20:13 And he did have a good.
01:20:14 Answer for that.
01:20:15 Now notice how the first thing it was a.
01:20:18 Sound like a black chick?
01:20:20 The first thing they asked, well, what's your solution then, huh?
01:20:24 And I get that all the ******* time.
01:20:30 Because people want to debate the solution, they don't want to debate.
01:20:33 The problem?
Speaker 6
01:20:37 And I'm not going.
01:20:38 To be the guy who comes up with the solution.
01:20:40 Sorry, I'm not that guy.
01:20:46 Now I I want to be in.
01:20:48 I I want to be involved in the conversation about the solution, certainly.
01:20:52 I think I might have some ideas.
01:20:55 But I'm not.
01:20:56 I'm not.
01:20:56 You know, I'm not the Superman.
01:20:58 I'm not your hero.
01:21:06 I'm I'm more of a Paul Revere.
01:21:09 Or at least the way that the legend, who knows.
01:21:11 What really happened?
01:21:11 Right.
01:21:13 You know, and for those of you who aren't Americans.
01:21:18 That's the according to legend, I don't know how.
01:21:21 Much of it's really true.
01:21:22 He's the guy that jumped on the horse and and warned the Americans the British were coming.
01:21:31 So they can be prepared for the inevitable.
01:21:41 But Paul Revere was not George Washington.
01:21:47 George Washington wasn't even really George Washington.
01:21:50 But you know you.
01:21:51 Get it?
01:21:55 I I'm I'm more of a.
01:21:56 Paul Revere than I am.
01:21:57 At George Washington.
01:22:03 I'm telling you what?
01:22:05 I wish the British were.
01:22:06 Coming well, I don't know what does.
01:22:10 It mean to be.
01:22:10 British now, right?
01:22:13 Spiring away.
01:22:13 You know what?
01:22:14 Since since I went down that.
01:22:20 That path I gotta.
01:22:21 I have a very relevant video.
01:22:28 Let's see here that I found while I was going through stuff for today.
01:22:33 It's it's kind of.
01:22:39 Kind of an infuriating, but here we'll play it anyway.
Speaker 11
01:22:47 If it is an obvious I'm not white, I'm brown and growing up in the Middle East.
01:22:53 I thought white people lived in places like.
01:23:00 But now that I'm a grown up in London, I realized I was wrong.
01:23:05 London is not right.
01:23:07 It turns out British white people in London are the minority and the majority Pakistan, India and Senegal.
01:23:15 People from all races and colors, this place.
Speaker 4
01:23:18 300.
Speaker 11
01:23:18 Languages spoken, a mayor of.
01:23:20 A Pakistani origin and an Indian meal of.
01:23:24 Tikka masala, considered by some to.
01:23:26 Be a national dish national fish fish.
Speaker 22
01:23:31 My name is not Ryan, right?
Speaker 11
01:23:35 Places like London.
01:23:37 Make me happy because the more colors, culture and languages you can fit in the city for the more people can call this place home.
01:23:47 I'm not right, but in London.
01:23:50 I feel at home.
01:23:57 So maybe maybe the British are coming.
Speaker 6
01:24:06 Oh boy.
01:24:12 So that's all I'm saying guys is is.
01:24:17 You just got to be realistic.
01:24:20 You got to be realistic and and prepare for.
01:24:23 What I mean?
01:24:24 I guess not even what's coming.
01:24:25 Already here, it's just what's spreading.
01:24:30 And it doesn't have to be some doomsday end of the world.
01:24:34 Kind of of ****.
01:24:36 You don't have to be some doomer staring at your shoes thinking like, oh, well, we're all.
01:24:39 Going to die.
01:24:41 We're not, we're not.
01:24:47 There's there's lots of, there's even little white.
01:24:50 Enclaves. Lots of them.
01:24:55 Now, increasingly, those enclaves are on the Internet and that is why, you know, it's important for us to have this Community and other communities that exist on the Internet.
01:25:07 Just it's a necessity, right?
Speaker 5
01:25:09 That we stick together.
01:25:12 I'm just saying try to incorporate that sort of thing like stop, don't live your life entirely on the Internet.
01:25:19 Try to find communities that you can either participate in or build yourself.
01:25:26 That are going to reflect your values and try to impact those communities directly and justice realize.
01:25:33 You gotta you gotta work in the micro at this point because the macro is we're ******.
01:25:44 But that's OK.
01:25:45 We've been ****** a long time.
01:25:49 And and it might not get to look all these things I'm.
01:25:53 Doing like like all my my.
01:25:54 My food that I've.
01:25:56 Stocked up and all this other stuff.
01:25:59 I might die in my.
01:26:00 90s hopefully something like that.
01:26:03 Hopefully not anytime soon.
01:26:07 And not have ever used any of it.
01:26:14 Who knows? It's I.
01:26:15 Doubt that I sincerely doubt that.
01:26:18 If I thought that was the case.
01:26:20 I probably wouldn't be.
01:26:22 Preparing like the way that I am.
01:26:26 But I it it's still possible?
01:26:34 Someone said the silent majority contributed to.
01:26:37 It that well?
01:26:39 That's why because they were silent.
Speaker 6
01:26:41 You know when people.
01:26:42 Got ****** *** at me for ******** on.
01:26:44 Tucker the other night.
01:26:46 They don't understand what I'm getting at.
01:26:52 Even if Tucker is not.
01:26:54 CIA or controlled?
01:26:56 Opposition or whatever.
01:26:59 The strategy if let's say he's on let's.
01:27:01 Say he's our guy.
01:27:02 I don't believe that, but let's just say he is.
01:27:07 The strategy he's employing.
01:27:10 Is the exact same strategy that every conservative has employed my entire life.
01:27:17 They don't address the problem.
01:27:21 They don't address the problem in the same way that guy in that other video I just played.
01:27:26 Took it on head on with no shame.
01:27:30 No shame.
01:27:36 When the video was playing, I think I saw someone say.
01:27:38 Oh, that guy has balls.
01:27:39 No, he doesn't.
01:27:41 That's just maybe you just don't.
01:27:43 You know, like that's how you should.
01:27:46 That's how you should be talking about this in.
01:27:48 Your day-to-day.
01:27:50 And if you're not?
01:27:53 It's because you're a slave.
01:27:57 I'm not saying that to being insulted.
01:27:58 I'm saying that in the same way I was talking about if you.
01:28:01 Have a mortgage or.
01:28:02 If you know if you're living paycheck.
01:28:04 To paycheck, if you're, you know.
01:28:06 Living off the wealth of others.
01:28:08 You are a slave.
01:28:11 And you know that there's some things you can't talk about or Massa will get mad.
01:28:17 That's one way you can tell.
01:28:19 If you're a slave.
01:28:22 Can you openly talk about things that I?
01:28:24 Mean we're not talking about just edgy memes.
01:28:27 I'm saying, like, this is this is serious ****.
01:28:31 This is an existential threat that's facing your people, and you can't talk about it.
01:28:40 If someone's running at you.
01:28:44 With a gun pointed at your head.
01:28:49 Aren't you going to make some noise?
01:28:56 I mean, like I said, you got.
01:28:57 You gotta examine that if you think like, wow, that was really.
01:29:01 I can't believe.
01:29:02 He was able to say.
01:29:03 That I can't believe you're not.
01:29:08 And This is why I focus so much on trying to get people.
01:29:12 To recognize that.
01:29:12 Their that how real, how very real the problem is.
01:29:17 Because I have.
01:29:18 To assume that most people don't get it.
Speaker 5
01:29:20 If they're not able to talk about it.
01:29:28 You know, because I would assume everyone.
01:29:33 And there's going to be like.
01:29:33 The the handful.
01:29:35 Of people that just freeze.
01:29:36 Up like a deer in headlights, but I think most people would would react very loudly.
01:29:43 If they.
01:29:45 Sensed imminent danger.
01:29:47 So I have to assume.
01:29:49 And if you're not doing that, you don't.
01:29:50 Sense imminent danger.
01:30:01 In contrast with political solution efforts like what Vincent James and Nick Fuentes are doing, what do you think about optics off types like Brandon Martinez on on?
01:30:12 I'm not sure who that it time out is that the gypsy guy?
01:30:14 No, that's not his name, is it?
01:30:16 He's not a Martinez, an amigo or handsome truth.
01:30:20 Or the founder of Glam TV.
01:30:22 Is it worth spending the time to speak frankly to normies to red pillow?
Speaker 6
01:30:26 Yeah, I mean, look you as.
01:30:28 Long as you're I, I don't.
01:30:29 I'm not familiar with most of the people.
01:30:31 You you mentioned there.
01:30:32 So I don't know about them specifically, but.
Speaker 6
01:30:35 You gotta like it. It's.
01:30:38 You have to be honest and yeah, there is such a thing as as being strategic about your honesty.
01:30:46 I mean, you're trying to persuade people, right?
01:30:48 There's ways that you can do things that aren't.
01:30:50 Going to persuade anybody?
01:30:54 And and you have to understand the context.
01:30:56 Another reason I I focused so much on the propaganda that everyone's been subjected to for years.
01:31:00 So a you can recognize it when you see it B.
01:31:05 So that you can.
01:31:06 Maybe learn from it and use it.
01:31:09 When you are trying to propagandize people.
01:31:14 But see so that you understand where the normies head space is at.
01:31:23 You know you have to.
01:31:24 Meet them where they're at, certainly.
01:31:26 And so if you do gloves off.
01:31:29 All the time, volume 11.
01:31:32 Screaming in people's faces.
01:31:35 You're not going to.
01:31:36 Get through to very many people.
01:31:41 And that's not what I do, right?
01:31:44 But I don't lie.
01:31:46 I don't pussyfoot around, you know, ****.
01:31:54 Because you know the time for that, I mean, well, I guess that's the thing going back to the whole thing, all the 90s wasn't so bad.
01:32:01 Well, it was because that's what we were doing.
01:32:06 You know, white people were watching the def comedy jam as the black people made fun of white people and we were just laughing and, you know, condescendingly.
01:32:16 You know, white suburban kids were listening to the chronic album because it was funny.
01:32:25 You know this, the whole violent black culture.
01:32:29 That was very.
01:32:30 Popular in the 90s.
01:32:32 A lot of white people.
01:32:34 Consumed it.
01:32:39 Because it seemed non threatening at the.
01:32:41 Time it was like I.
01:32:43 Said it was amusing.
01:32:46 And if there's anything Americans like, it's it's being amused.
01:32:54 And that maybe that's something.
01:32:55 You can learn too is OK so we.
01:32:57 Just unfortunately, we have to.
Speaker 6
01:33:00 We have to be amusing as.
01:33:01 We do it.
01:33:03 People like to be entertained.
Speaker 11
01:33:08 Or you not entertained.
01:33:13 So we got to.
01:33:14 Be I guess we got to.
01:33:15 Be entertaining, but we also.
01:33:17 We just can't.
01:33:17 We can't lie.
01:33:18 We can.
01:33:19 It's the time for that's over.
01:33:22 You know that that I had someone say.
01:33:26 About the Tucker thing in that same stream I talked about.
01:33:31 Cheers, right?
01:33:33 And how they were promoting accepting of homosexuality.
01:33:39 And someone said, well, I don't understand how you you can criticize Tucker.
01:33:45 With his efforts to subvert, quote, UN quote the people.
01:33:50 But then right after that, you recognize when the left is subverting the people.
01:33:59 Well, here's the big difference.
01:34:04 Didn't. Why?
01:34:06 They said what they meant.
01:34:09 It wasn't an episode about not allowing interior decorators.
01:34:14 Into the bar.
01:34:16 It was an episode about not letting gay people in the bar.
01:34:20 They said the words they they were honest about what, you know, at least about what they were trying to do.
01:34:30 Tucker was not.
01:34:31 Honest about what the actual problem was.
01:34:35 And the riders of cheers were honest about what they saw.
01:34:39 The actual problem was.
01:34:42 The problem that they were trying to.
01:34:43 Solve was straight white.
01:34:47 Americans being weirded out by ****.
01:34:52 So what they that's that's what.
01:34:54 They addressed and that's what they went after.
01:35:01 Said that, this was a voting rights issue.
01:35:05 And didn't touch the racial thing at all.
01:35:13 In fact, he said explicitly.
01:35:17 No, no, no.
01:35:18 This isn't about white replacement.
01:35:24 When it absolutely is.
01:35:36 And that's why you.
01:35:40 Excuse me.
01:35:41 That's why the you have a drink here.
01:35:46 That's why the left.
01:35:48 Get **** done.
Speaker 6
01:35:50 All the and.
01:35:51 That that goes for all the movies that.
01:35:52 I've gone through like.
01:35:54 Very rarely are they they lying about what they're talking.
01:35:57 About, you know, like the I did.
01:35:58 The there was that movie where they were promoting abortion.
01:36:02 What was it about?
01:36:03 It was about an abortion, Dr.
01:36:04 that performed abortions.
01:36:07 There it wasn't.
01:36:08 They weren't trying to make it.
01:36:09 Sound like anything else?
01:36:12 You know the the falling down right.
01:36:18 It was about the the working man going crazy and they went, but they went straight up and and showed you.
01:36:25 The Nazi now he's not a Nazi.
01:36:32 He likes diversity.
01:36:35 And in the end, when he dies, he was totally unnecessary and his daughter has a happy birthday party with his estranged wife.
01:36:44 Because at the end he was, he was unnecessary.
01:36:48 He was he was useless.
01:36:54 Even though he hated Nazis and he loved Mexicans.
01:37:01 They still don't want him.
01:37:09 And that's the problem with the right.
01:37:12 Is they're not honest.
01:37:18 They tried to find anything and everything they can to avoid talking about race.
01:37:29 Trump didn't even mention white people.
01:37:34 You mentioned everybody else.
01:37:39 He was always talking about black unemployment.
01:37:43 He was always saying we love our Hispanics.
01:37:53 He would never say he loved white people.
01:37:57 And even though that might be true.
01:37:58 Don't know, probably isn't.
01:38:01 Think he likes?
01:38:02 Fellow white people more than he likes white people.
01:38:08 And look and he said that too he loves.
01:38:10 He loves Jews.
01:38:16 But Republicans can never, ever, ever, ever say.
01:38:21 They like, they can't even say they.
01:38:22 Like white people.
01:38:28 So no, you're not subverting people by.
01:38:32 Lying about what you think the problem is because you're afraid.
01:38:38 Because you're a *****.
01:38:40 Or in most cases, because you're a slave.
01:38:52 If you think that by.
01:38:55 Standing up for your people, you're going to.
01:38:59 Have a hard time surviving because you're a slave and Massa doesn't want you talking about that.
01:39:06 Most people are going to talk.
Speaker 5
01:39:07 About that.
01:39:12 And that includes Tucker.
01:39:13 I don't know.
01:39:13 Maybe Tucker.
01:39:15 Like I said, maybe he's really based secretly, but that means he's not really based.
01:39:24 This whole idea.
01:39:27 And that's why you get Trump's.
01:39:29 That's why you get bushes.
01:39:32 When you think, Oh well, he he believes what I believe.
01:39:35 He just can't say it.
01:39:38 It wouldn't be optical or, you know whatever, right?
01:39:43 OK. Well then.
01:39:45 You're a mind reader.
01:39:53 You're just projecting your.
01:40:03 Honor these people.
01:40:06 If you're settling for or celebrating even.
01:40:10 People that are too afraid to even say that they like you, I mean.
Speaker 5
01:40:13 What the ****?
01:40:24 But that's what it's been like.
01:40:25 That's what it's been.
01:40:26 Like since World War 2.
01:40:33 As that guy said in his presentation, it's it's pathological altruism.
Speaker 5
01:40:38 In in many ways.
01:40:42 And when I did that, that movie review of that.
01:40:44 Movie next week.
Speaker 5
01:40:47 There's a lot of that in that movie.
01:40:54 The Republicans, that's.
01:40:56 The thing is.
01:40:57 The less you say as a politician.
Speaker 6
01:41:01 The more.
01:41:03 People just project what they they want you to say onto you.
01:41:08 Because if you're not really saying anything and you're just being like an icon.
01:41:13 It's kind of.
01:41:13 Like a painting, right.
01:41:15 You see what?
01:41:16 You want to see.
01:41:17 You look at a painting and some people see this.
01:41:20 And you know it's.
01:41:20 Like it's abstract art, Republican politicians are just abstract art.
01:41:37 Another video, let's play that I came across when I was going.
01:41:42 Through stuff for.
Speaker 5
01:41:43 The night.
01:41:45 Is I thought I would have.
01:41:47 Some meat and potatoes to it.
01:41:49 But it didn't, but now now that we're, that's where we're in the conversation, that's it's suddenly relevant.
01:41:56 It was a it was a highlight reel.
01:42:00 A highlight reel.
01:42:02 Of the 2012 Republican convention.
01:42:08 And it was put together, I think, by the Wall Street Journal.
01:42:11 So like by a supposedly a Republican.
01:42:14 Publication right?
01:42:20 And I was like, oh, this should this should be good.
01:42:22 I'm going to watch this highlight reel.
01:42:26 And there's probably.
01:42:27 Going to be some like.
01:42:28 Pretty funny **** in it.
01:42:32 Because of of.
01:42:33 What they'll say and what they focus on, it's going to.
01:42:35 Seem so dated now.
01:42:39 It's it's almost 10 years ago and how much things have changed in these.
01:42:43 Last 10 years.
01:42:53 And when I watched it.
01:42:57 It was shocking.
01:43:00 How much?
01:43:01 They didn't say anything.
01:43:11 They said nothing.
01:43:19 And this was.
01:43:19 The highlight reel and they said nothing.
01:43:26 There wasn't even like a sound bite.
01:43:27 Like it that would had anything.
01:43:29 To do with policy.
Speaker 5
01:43:50 Let me see if I can.
01:43:51 Find that video here.
01:43:56 No, here it is.
01:43:58 Yeah, this is.
01:44:01 This is highlights from the 2012 RNC convention.
Speaker 7
01:44:08 With Mitt Romney.
01:44:09 And Paul Ryan?
01:44:10 Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
01:44:22 10 years ago they were saying absolutely **** all.
01:44:29 In fact, there was conventions like this that directly led to Trump because at least what isn't that what people liked about Trump?
01:44:36 See, Trump will never.
01:44:37 Say white people, but he said more than ******* nothing.
01:44:43 And that's all it took.
01:44:45 All it took was the not sound like the people in this ******* highlight reel.
01:44:52 And all it will take for the next guy is to save ******* white people.
Speaker 5
01:45:10 Alright, here's the.
01:45:12 Here's the video.
01:45:14 It's infuriating, but here it is.
Speaker 2
01:45:39 Chairman and delegates, I accept your nomination for President of the United States.
Speaker 7
01:45:50 And my brother, well, I love my brother.
Speaker 22
01:45:56 Hope and change has become divide and conquer.
Speaker 8
01:45:59 This is the most critical election of our lifetime.
01:46:03 Each of us must do our part now.
Speaker 13
01:46:07 Go ahead.
01:46:13 Just like the.
Speaker 16
01:46:14 Olympics needed its leadership 10 years ago. America desperately needs Mitt Romney's leadership today.
01:46:22 But Paul?
Speaker 18
01:46:23 I still like the playlist on my.
01:46:25 IPod better than yours?
Speaker 2
01:46:30 I wish, President.
Speaker 18
01:46:31 Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed.
01:47:21 They said nothing.
01:47:24 That's the video.
01:47:25 That's the highlight reel.
Speaker 11
01:47:31 That was the ******* highlights.
01:47:34 Of the 2012.
01:47:38 RNC convention.
01:47:40 You know, at least you know, according to the the wall.
01:47:42 Street Journal.
Speaker 11
01:47:47 They said ******* nothing.
Speaker 8
01:47:53 They just cocked.
Speaker 6
01:47:55 I want President Obama to succeed because that would mean America would succeed.
01:48:01 I still like.
01:48:02 I still like my playlist more than yours.
Speaker 7
01:48:05 Paul Ryan.
01:48:07 And I like the fake *** laugh with his his plastic ******* wife.
01:48:11 Like, let's see here, where's that at?
01:48:13 And ******* Newt with his ******* second wife.
Speaker 5
01:48:16 His he was cheating on on.
01:48:18 His cancer ridden wife like look.
01:48:20 At that.
Speaker 6
01:48:21 Ohh yeah, you got me. Romney. Yeah, I know. What can I say? What can I say? Yeah, I like the R&B. And you're more of a rock'n'roll.
01:48:33 Guy, aren't you?
01:48:33 A Romney.
01:48:42 What we're dealing with, guys.
01:48:50 And these these people are still in power.
01:48:53 Don't think they're not.
01:49:00 At the very least, their their donors are.
01:49:04 You know, with a couple, I guess, couple.
01:49:06 Of them kicked off, right?
01:49:07 What didn't.
01:49:09 The casino Jew.
01:49:10 What's his name?
01:49:12 He's dead now.
01:49:13 Finally, Adelson.
01:49:16 Adelson finally kicked off.
01:49:22 But we look at this ****.
01:49:26 They might as well be ******* mannequins.
01:49:33 This ******* guy.
01:49:34 Look, we got a Mexican or or something, I don't know.
01:49:37 What the **** he is.
01:49:41 We need midst leadership.
Speaker 11
01:49:44 What does that even mean?
01:49:48 This is the most important election of your lifetime.
01:49:50 They say that every time.
01:50:00 They say that every time I love my brother.
01:50:04 You guys like Bush, right?
01:50:15 What does he say here?
Speaker 2
01:50:16 Accept your nomination for President of the United.
01:50:20 That's the only thing if substance, he said.
01:50:22 It was.
01:50:23 Everything else was just like *******.
01:50:28 It was just ******* garbage.
01:50:44 So that's all I'm saying is is.
Speaker 6
01:50:47 By by trying to be look.
01:50:50 Let me just put this way.
01:50:51 If there's one thing.
01:50:54 That these guys pulled off.
01:50:57 100%.
01:50:59 It was being optical.
Speaker 17
01:51:05 Right.
01:51:08 I mean.
01:51:09 How's this for optics?
01:51:13 You know, isn't that optical?
01:51:15 Well, that's pretty.
Speaker 7
01:51:18 All his balloons.
01:51:21 It's a very optical.
01:51:25 Candidate and they're all of their families coming out.
01:51:30 The little kids running up onto the stage to hug, hug their.
01:51:34 That's so *******.
01:51:36 That's so optical now.
01:51:38 I will have to say this.
01:51:39 Romney did have a **** ton of of.
01:51:41 White kids because he's Mormons.
Speaker 5
01:51:42 That's that's a good thing.
01:51:46 But I don't know when it.
01:51:47 Comes. I don't know if.
01:51:48 I want the Romney genetics to have to have so many branches coming from that family tree, but you know, whatever.
01:51:58 So optical isn't it?
01:52:15 And look, so Trump Trump was.
01:52:17 An upgrade from that.
01:52:23 At least now that we've had Trump, we probably don't have to sit through much more of that.
01:52:29 Well, maybe we will.
01:52:29 I don't know.
01:52:30 I guess we'll see, huh?
01:52:45 You know?
01:52:46 Yeah, this is totally well maybe.
01:52:47 I'll play in a second.
01:52:49 But basically, what with this with this kind of optical ****?
01:52:59 What that led to?
Speaker 5
01:53:03 Let me see if I can find it here.
Speaker 9
01:53:14 What was that?
Speaker 5
01:53:20 I'll just search for it here.
01:53:39 Yeah, this is what this, what this led to.
01:53:46 A while ago, we're told he called president.
Speaker 22
01:53:49 Obama and conceded period walking out onto the stage in Boston to speak with his supporters with Romney.
Speaker 18
01:54:00 Thank you my friends.
01:54:01 Thank you.
Speaker 2
01:54:02 So very much.
Speaker 18
01:54:04 Thank you.
01:54:12 Thank you.
Speaker 18
01:54:16 Thank you.
01:54:19 I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory, his supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations.
01:54:28 I wish all of them well, but particularly the President, the first lady and their daughters.
01:54:36 So optical of him.
01:54:44 Not not a hint of existential threat there.
01:54:46 See why would think it this way?
01:54:49 You know whether or not you.
01:54:50 Voted him.
01:54:51 He's the defacto leader of of.
01:54:54 White, White right wingers at the time, right?
01:54:59 I don't feel any existential threat when I hear him say that I sound. It sounds to me like everything's still OK. Alright. Well, our side didn't win, but we'll get him next time guys.
01:55:10 That doesn't sound like any kind of urgency.
01:55:19 And that's that's what lying about.
01:55:21 **** gets you.
01:55:28 So when I.
01:55:28 When I criticize people like Tucker for beating around the Bush, it's because how are they?
01:55:34 How is that?
01:55:34 Any different?
01:55:36 Then Romney wishing.
01:55:39 The Obamas and their kids well.
01:55:43 And congratulating their campaign team.
01:55:54 I like how I like him underneath him.
01:56:00 They've got the the DC vote.
01:56:05 91% Obama.
01:56:08 7% Romney.
01:56:14 How very relevant, and by the way, that's not just because DC's full of Deep Staters. It's because, and not that DC matters because their vote doesn't matter, but it's because it's super black.
01:56:26 But and by the way, their vote not mattering.
01:56:29 That could change.
01:56:30 That could change very easily.
01:56:33 Under Biden or or Harris?
01:56:49 So I.
01:56:50 Guess the problem really with Trump is.
01:56:54 I'm I'm.
01:56:57 I'm frustrated because.
01:57:00 He didn't walk the walk.
01:57:03 But there's so many people that are excited because he at least talked the talk, which was like an upgrade from this guy, I guess.
01:57:14 But is it really?
01:57:16 I mean, is this really an upgrade?
Speaker 8
01:57:20 If Crooked Hillary got elected, you would not have.
Speaker 16
01:57:23 A Second Amendment, believe me.
Speaker 2
01:57:24 You'd be handing in your rifles.
01:57:26 You'd be saying here.
Speaker 6
01:57:27 Here, here they.
01:57:28 Are you got like?
Speaker 2
01:57:34 You'd be turning over your rifles.
01:57:51 If you can't hear, they're chanting.
01:57:53 Lock her up.
01:58:00 You got.
Speaker 8
01:58:00 To speak to Jeff Sessions about that.
Speaker 15
01:58:04 Womp womp.
Speaker 17
01:58:09 Womp womp.
01:58:15 So yeah, he talked the talk.
01:58:20 But you didn't walk the walk.
01:58:23 And it wasn't because of Jeff Sessions.
01:58:24 If it was because of Jeff Sessions and what how I explained this.
Speaker 21
01:58:27 At at pretty much every rally president-elect Trump was hearing from the crowds lock her up and he said on Tuesday to the New York Times that he is not looking to prosecute Hillary Clinton when he comes into office.
01:58:42 He said he.
Speaker 24
01:58:43 Won't rule it.
Speaker 21
01:58:43 Out, but he really isn't looking to hurt the Clintons, given the fact that the base was so energized by the prospect of going after Hillary Clinton.
01:58:55 Legally, is this something that you agree with?
01:58:58 Should he be moving on from this?
Speaker 19
01:59:03 Well, the full comment that he made was he's not focused on it.
01:59:05 And he said at the New York Times and elsewhere, I'm focused on health care and immigration and and then he went on to list all the issues that he's been talking.
01:59:13 About trade, et cetera.
01:59:14 And so he said he wouldn't rule it out.
01:59:17 He said it's just not as focused right now.
01:59:18 I think he's been quite magnetic.
01:59:20 And at the same time, he's not undercutting at all the authority and the autonomy of the Department of Justice, of the FBI, of the House committees.
01:59:29 Who knows where the evidence may lead if in fact it were?
01:59:33 If the investigation were reopened somewhere, but.
Speaker 7
01:59:39 Womp womp.
Speaker 15
01:59:42 Womp womp.
01:59:46 So yeah, I mean, if you can't even walk the.
01:59:49 You'll never know to talk the talk.
01:59:50 And Tucker can't even or.
01:59:52 The other way around, if you.
01:59:53 Can't talk.
01:59:53 The talk can't walk the walk and.
01:59:55 Tucker can't even talk the talk.
01:59:58 You have to be able to state the problem.
02:00:02 You have to say it.
02:00:06 Before you, you can't even move on to fixing it, and in this case.
02:00:13 Even when they say it.
02:00:13 They don't move on to fixing it.
Speaker 8
02:00:26 So that's that's.
02:00:28 That's all I'm saying when it comes to when it comes to stuff like that.
02:00:36 So it says both those women.
02:00:37 Hit the wall at 29. Yep.
02:00:40 Since you said you're unfamiliar with Brandon Martinez and handsome truth here, they're telegram channels.
02:00:46 I'm not going to remember that, but.
02:00:48 Maybe I'll remember to look it up later.
02:00:51 Most in his movement don't really know how to go optics off with the truth, while also autism off, hence why I think.
02:01:00 Some of the.
02:01:01 Milk, toast, fence sitters like Tucker and RNC, 2012.
Speaker 6
02:01:07 Well, I mean look, that's.
02:01:10 Yeah, I mean that's The thing is you have to be like, look, there's there's Romney optical.
02:01:19 And there's just being a normal guy optical.
02:01:24 Or that that.
02:01:25 Guy that did the presentation where I was playing.
02:01:27 That that.
02:01:30 The white extinction, like this guy, was optical, right?
Speaker 22
02:01:34 My topic is white people.
02:01:37 You know that guy was optical if.
02:01:39 You want to say that.
02:01:41 That's all you got to do is just not be.
02:01:45 You got to realize.
02:01:48 You're trying to convince people.
02:01:51 And you don't have.
02:01:53 The tools.
02:01:55 To shame them.
02:01:58 Because in order to shame people.
02:02:01 Into doing what you want.
02:02:04 You have to already control the culture.
02:02:08 And you don't control the culture.
02:02:12 And so you can't shame people into conforming.
02:02:18 They wouldn't be conforming to the majority.
02:02:21 That's the only way that works when you shame people.
02:02:26 You give out them.
02:02:29 With with the the tools.
02:02:32 Of of the.
02:02:34 Of what's informing the NPC's as to what?
02:02:37 Is cool and what's not.
02:02:39 We don't have those tools, so you can't do that.
02:02:42 It's not going to work.
02:02:44 You can do that maybe like privately with friends.
02:02:47 If you're like the you can do it with little.
02:02:50 But this way you can do it privately with people who are below.
02:02:54 You in the social hierarchy, then it works.
02:02:57 If there's people that look up to you in the social hierarchy that you're in wherever you're at, you can shame.
02:03:03 People then, that's easy.
02:03:07 But in in the socioeconomical hierarchy, we're like all we're at the bottom.
02:03:13 So you can't really shame people.
02:03:19 You know, just as an example, I mean.
02:03:20 Just that video I played of the the the.
02:03:22 ***** College fund, right, that that was meant to shame white people.
02:03:27 Well, where is that coming from?
02:03:31 It was coming from people at the.
02:03:33 Levers of power.
02:03:38 You can't use.
02:03:41 Every strategy of your enemy, because you don't have the same tools.
02:03:51 And so I think when people spurge out and go too hard with the autism and try to shame people and yell at them or whatever, it doesn't work.
02:04:02 Because they see you.
02:04:06 As below them in the social hierarchy in that instance.
02:04:13 Because the pretty people on TV see when you try to convince right the normies, right?
02:04:18 I mean, I guess you can talk to people who already get it and.
02:04:23 And that's not necessarily there.
02:04:24 There's maybe a need for that.
02:04:25 So that's not like the.
02:04:27 I'm not saying it's totally useless.
02:04:29 I'm just saying if your goal is to get people to persuade more people.
02:04:39 You have to take into account.
02:04:42 The the firmware that they're flashed with.
02:04:46 And the current firmware they've got.
02:04:49 Like I told you, I had friends I had.
02:04:51 Friends that I've had for decades.
02:04:57 That stopped talking to me as soon as.
02:04:59 I brought up Jews.
02:05:03 Because that was their firmware.
02:05:11 They freaked out.
02:05:15 In every instance, by the way, these guys are exactly as the the the the slave class I described.
02:05:22 The people who are slaves to the system, the people that couldn't exist outside the system because they're in debt to, well, you know, in many cases, the Jews.
02:05:34 Don't criticize those people.
02:05:35 That's who I.
02:05:35 Pay my mortgage to.
Speaker 4
02:05:39 Max is going to get angry if.
02:05:40 He finds out.
Speaker 7
02:05:40 I'm hanging out with you.
02:05:46 So you just got to realize that.
02:05:47 It's like you know.
02:05:53 You just got to you have to be.
02:05:55 You're not going to be a shame you're not going to be shame or or the same.
02:06:02 Not even ridicule.
02:06:03 To some extent, I think the right is funnier.
02:06:06 I think the left has just become so unfunny.
02:06:09 That the right.
02:06:11 Has the ability as humor and ridicule to some degree.
02:06:19 But even then, you're going to be limited.
02:06:21 You're not going to be able to do.
02:06:22 It The same way they can.
02:06:28 And you'd better be funny.
Speaker 5
02:06:31 It's not easy being funny.
02:06:33 I mean.
02:06:33 Easier when you're not a leftist, but it's.
02:06:38 It's not easy being funny.
02:06:41 So you got to make.
02:06:42 Sure, you're being funny when you're doing it.
02:06:49 You referred to it.
02:06:51 As burn in on a CRT TTV.
02:06:55 And no matter how much disguising you do it.
02:06:57 Won't get it removed.
02:07:00 Yeah, that's that.
02:07:01 That is the case.
02:07:02 With a lot of these people.
02:07:05 The the tube is burned in.
02:07:11 There's some people you're not going.
02:07:12 To be able.
02:07:12 To, you know, like, especially like you know.
02:07:16 A lot of boomers.
02:07:17 But I'd say like, not just boomers specifically, but just the older.
02:07:20 You get right.
02:07:22 Just like with.
02:07:22 Yeah, like you're saying.
02:07:23 The the burden on the TV.
02:07:25 The longer that image.
02:07:26 Has been stuck.
02:07:28 On that TV, the more it's burned in.
02:07:34 You know, if you find like these old arcade machines that have had the insert coin blinking on it for 40 years.
02:07:42 And you know, it's burned in there.
Speaker 5
02:07:44 Never gonna get rid of that.
02:07:51 And that that's exactly what's going on is.
02:07:55 Some of these people you're not, but there are people that that haven't been flashing the insert coin for 40 years.
02:08:05 You can teach younger dogs new tricks.
02:08:08 But you just got to.
02:08:09 Be you got to be.
02:08:12 You've got to hack the firmware.
02:08:14 You know, it's kind of like a a lot of NPCS.
02:08:17 They're like iPhones, you know, where it's like this walled garden, you.
02:08:20 Know the they they they go.
02:08:23 They go to great lengths to make sure you can't change.
02:08:26 The operating system on iPhone.
02:08:29 But people still manage to.
02:08:30 Find a way.
02:08:32 But just like with the hacked iOS.
02:08:38 Operating systems that you can put on an iPhone.
02:08:43 Doing that with people is not as simple as just oh, I'm going to plug it into iTunes and then hit update.
02:08:49 And then it works, no.
02:08:52 Apple can do that.
02:08:55 You have the.
02:08:56 Ruling class can do.
02:08:57 That Hollywood can do that.
02:09:05 But if you're going to, if you're going to try to change.
02:09:08 People's firmware.
02:09:10 In a way that the the authorities don't like.
02:09:14 You're gonna have to jump through a lot more hoops and do some crazy tricks and.
02:09:18 Even then, it might not take.
02:09:21 Because the second another update comes out, it might wipe out the hack version you.
02:09:24 Put on.
02:09:30 And I've seen that happen too, because.
02:09:35 They they want to.
02:09:36 Run the official version they want to fit in.
02:09:41 I've had people that have been totally on board.
02:09:46 Or at least they say they are.
02:09:49 And then the second, it gets a little stressful.
02:09:52 They're they're back to the old programming.
02:09:58 I've seen that with a lot of people.
02:10:10 Yeah, we've, we've.
02:10:13 And like I said, this and what we're talking about here, we're not talking about you in the same way you you might be able to come up with a hacked version of iOS.
02:10:24 You can host it, give people directions.
02:10:27 But at the end of the day, what are?
02:10:28 Most iPhones going to be running.
02:10:31 They're going to.
02:10:31 Be running the official version from Apple.
02:10:36 And you might succeed in getting a small percentage of the the iPhones running your hacked version.
02:10:45 But ultimately.
02:10:48 Most people are running the official version.
02:10:52 And that's where we're at.
Speaker 5
02:10:53 Right now.
02:10:54 We're never going to make it.
02:10:56 So that the majority of iPhones.
Speaker 5
02:10:57 Have a hacked version.
02:11:01 And that's another reason why there's no political answer to this.
02:11:13 Someone said end with a sugar coated white pill.
02:11:16 I got some weird stuff.
02:11:19 I I got some.
02:11:22 I don't know if I get any white pills, but I.
02:11:24 Have like just.
02:11:24 Some random stuff that that would be fun to look at.
Speaker 5
02:11:29 UM.
02:11:34 I don't know the.
02:11:34 I don't think they're white pills necessarily.
02:11:38 What are you?
02:11:39 Making them go crazy aren't riots and mass violence good for us?
02:11:42 I don't know.
02:11:42 In some ways, it's good.
02:11:44 But just it's not good in that like in the way you think or on Earth is what you're thinking.
02:11:50 Some people think like, Oh well, it's good because it'll it'll red pill the normies the normies will see how violent blacks.
02:11:58 Are and I did.
02:12:00 It did it red pill in the armies when the LA riots took place.
02:12:04 Did a red pill and normies when the the 60s riots took place.
02:12:08 You know like this, these black riots are like just a feature of black people.
02:12:12 It's it's not like a new feature.
02:12:14 It's been installed a long time and it never seems to red pill the normies you know.
02:12:20 So it's not going to red pill.
02:12:21 The normies.
02:12:24 When people that want acceleration because they think it's going to red pill the normies faster, you're you're wrong.
02:12:33 That's not, that's not going to happen.
02:12:35 Maybe in limited numbers? Sure.
02:12:39 But not like you're not.
02:12:40 It's not like the majority.
02:12:41 It's not like the majority of whites one day are just like, oh, I didn't realize how violent black people are.
02:12:45 You know or something.
02:12:46 Like that, you know that that's not going to happen.
02:12:51 A lot of these guys, they're not going to.
02:12:55 It's not going to.
02:12:55 Hit him until it's too late.
02:12:58 Until it's at their doorstep.
02:13:00 Because that's how these things.
02:13:01 Play out.
02:13:02 That's just.
02:13:02 That's just every time.
02:13:03 That's how these things are played out.
02:13:10 And because we have a ruling class that's so insulated from it, it's.
02:13:15 And and, you know, cocked and bought off and corrupt and just ******.
02:13:23 I don't, I don't see.
02:13:25 I don't see how you you'd change that with using the system.
02:13:32 You're kind of in a situation where.
02:13:33 You need a.
02:13:36 Something else?
02:13:43 Something that works.
02:13:46 Outside the system.
02:13:49 We've had decades of black fire riots.
02:13:51 I think most people honestly just tune out.
02:13:53 Ultimately, the collapse of society will be will red pill people, but straight survival isn't exactly a red pill.
02:13:59 People will rush to the first sign of security.
02:14:03 Which could be ultimately.
02:14:05 Oh yeah, that's that is that is another possibility.
02:14:07 You know, if it could get to a point.
02:14:10 Well, first of all.
02:14:11 Right.
02:14:11 The tuning.
02:14:11 Yeah, I know people that have no idea that they were even riots over George Floyd.
02:14:19 Like they didn't.
02:14:20 Even hear about it?
02:14:20 They don't even know.
02:14:24 Like that whole summer of riots, they don't even know.
02:14:27 When that happened?
02:14:30 So there's people like that.
02:14:32 And then you're right like.
02:14:33 Those people especially, but there's many people.
02:14:37 That just go with the flow.
02:14:39 Like when they say.
02:14:42 You know, what was it that only 15% of the Americans fought the Revolutionary War? The I think a more important number is there were still a huge chunk of the population that wanted to remain British subjects.
02:15:00 But ultimately they just went with the winner.
02:15:02 That's what people do.
02:15:03 They go with the winner.
02:15:07 I'm sure a lot of you guys probably know some people, some public, some not.
02:15:14 People that that were very pro white when that seemed like it was cool for a little bit in 2016.
02:15:21 Who have since.
02:15:24 Change gears.
02:15:29 It's because they don't sense that you're winning.
02:15:33 It seemed with.
02:15:34 The momentum of Trump before Trump actually got in.
02:15:36 There and.
02:15:37 People realized that.
Speaker 5
02:15:39 Oh, you know.
02:15:44 There was a moment there where people thought.
02:15:48 Thought we had this in the bag.
02:15:51 And so they they latched on to what they.
02:15:53 Saw as the.
02:15:56 The prevailing winds.
02:16:01 And you know, like it goes both ways.
02:16:02 All those people that are kneeling at Black Lives Matter.
02:16:09 Those guys would yell at White lives Matter.
02:16:14 If they thought that's what that was, the.
02:16:17 The dominant force.
02:16:22 Not all of them, but a.
02:16:23 Lot of them would.
02:16:27 People go with the it's survival.
02:16:29 That's basic survival.
02:16:33 And just that's primitive.
02:16:38 In a way, that's you kind of have to be that way or we.
02:16:41 Probably have gone extinct.
02:16:46 You know if.
02:16:47 If every time the dominant.
02:16:50 Alpha or whatever took over the tribe.
02:16:53 The rest of the tribe.
02:16:54 Just said.
02:16:55 You know, **** him and then just wandered off.
02:16:57 And to the jungle or whatever.
02:17:00 Yeah, it's survival.
02:17:04 The survival mechanism is Oh yeah, latch on to the strong.
02:17:12 And we're just, we're just not operating from.
02:17:13 A position of.
02:17:14 Strength. That's something that that's.
02:17:17 Why all these?
02:17:18 That's why all these caveats.
02:17:21 That's why you can't use the strategies that they use.
02:17:23 You're not operating from a place of strength.
02:17:28 Our strategy would be totally different if we if we.
02:17:32 I mean, **** if we just had like.
02:17:34 30% of the population that was as based as most of.
02:17:39 The people listening right now if.
02:17:41 We're talking minority.
02:17:42 We're not even like I.
02:17:43 I don't, actually.
02:17:44 I don't want to estimate because it's it's single digits.
02:17:47 But if we were in at 30% or something like that, it'd be.
Speaker 5
02:17:50 A different story.
02:17:51 And look that you could say, well, maybe there's 30% that are the silent majority, but that doesn't matter. They're silent.
02:18:01 That's just another way of saying *****.
02:18:07 And and ******* are when it comes to like environments like we're in they're liabilities.
02:18:13 They're not help.
02:18:14 They're not helping you out.
02:18:24 You don't want a coward in your foxhole.
02:18:35 The people that I've been guiding or the people that I've been guiding them along, were Trump cards to start with.
02:18:45 Now I've brought them to start saying anti white and they accept that reactionaries like Francisco Franco and Oswald Mosley.
02:18:55 Are required to put things back in their place.
02:18:58 Yeah, you.
02:18:59 Know I actually listen to.
02:19:02 A Mosley speech today.
02:19:04 That was another thing I came across to my giant folder of random stuff.
02:19:09 Maybe I'll play that, that that will be the the white.
02:19:13 Pillow end done.
02:19:14 It's a good speech, the black.
02:19:16 Pill of it is, you know he.
02:19:19 Didn't succeed.
02:19:25 And there's there's a kind of depressing interview of him when he's in his later years.
02:19:31 I think it's.
02:19:33 It was in the 70s.
02:19:35 And he's still optimistic.
02:19:37 He's a very optimistic guy.
02:19:39 He really loved his people.
02:19:43 And he still thought there was a chance that.
02:19:46 The multiculturalism going on in in England would get so bad that him or someone like him.
02:19:55 Would be asked to help solve the problem.
Speaker 9
02:20:00 But he was very wrong.
02:20:06 And that's all I'm trying to.
02:20:07 Get at is.
02:20:09 It's OK to be optimistic in terms of your future and having control over your destiny and that sort of a thing.
02:20:15 It's just.
02:20:15 That you got to be realistic.
02:20:18 And it's OK to have ideals like.
02:20:20 I think people like him are.
02:20:24 Are very positive because they do present ideals they give you.
02:20:28 Something to shoot for.
02:20:30 It's just that you have to.
02:20:31 You just have to be honest about.
02:20:34 About the situation.
02:20:36 Or you're not going to prepare properly for it.
02:20:40 But no, that's a great that's a great.
02:20:43 That's a great white pill to end on.
02:20:44 We'll end on that here in a second.
02:20:51 Right.
02:20:51 Adam Kruger, who hosted the Tim Poole podcast, had his uncle shot and killed by a *****.
02:20:59 He said it didn't negatively impact his view of blacks.
02:21:02 Acceleration isn't very effective.
02:21:04 Well, there's a lot.
02:21:05 Of cook people and even worse than that, you see the.
02:21:14 Of these.
02:21:15 Young white women.
02:21:18 Who get raped to death by diversity?
02:21:21 And it's like they seem more concerned about how people are going to view.
02:21:26 The Mexicans that.
02:21:29 Raped their daughter to death.
02:21:33 Than they are about their daughter.
02:21:39 It's I'm telling you the firmware that's been installed on some of these NPCS.
02:21:45 It's just it's.
02:21:49 And I've got relatives like that.
02:21:51 Thankfully not in my immediate family so much, but.
02:21:58 I mean, it's pretty bad, it's.
02:21:59 Pretty bad.
02:22:01 And you just.
Speaker 5
02:22:01 There's nothing you can do about it with those people.
02:22:04 They're just lost.
02:22:05 They're lost cause.
02:22:08 See, that's the thing too is I think a lot of people that take pride in in being white and and and white accomplishment and white contributions to the the universe.
02:22:21 And want to live in a white society.
02:22:24 They will sometimes romanticize whites as as having.
02:22:34 As being as as not not having all the flaws that they do.
02:22:41 And that's only got to be.
02:22:42 You just got to be realistic about is realizing.
Speaker 11
02:22:44 You know.
02:22:45 Whites have a lot of.
02:22:49 A lot of shortcomings.
02:22:53 That you have to work around.
02:22:56 And humans do too.
02:22:58 I mean, it's not just not all this is strictly because you're white, just humans in general.
02:23:03 We we share, you know, across races, some very similar shortcomings.
02:23:19 You guys want to see some?
02:23:21 This will be kind of.
02:23:22 Funny, this isn't.
02:23:23 A white pill.
02:23:24 It's in fact.
02:23:25 It's kind of in.
Speaker 5
02:23:25 A way it's.
02:23:26 A black pill, but.
02:23:28 This is just I'll tell you what.
02:23:31 Just to get.
02:23:31 Us to get us closer to the white pill at.
02:23:34 The end.
02:23:37 And maybe.
02:23:39 Shake off some of the doom and gloom.
02:23:41 See this thing is what I'm talking about.
02:23:43 I hope that it's not coming across as doom and gloom, but.
02:23:46 I feel like some people feel like it is.
02:23:48 I I'm just like I'm just trying to be sober about it.
02:23:51 I guess that's the.
02:23:51 Better way to think.
02:23:52 Think about it.
02:23:53 So to shake off.
02:23:54 The sobriety of what we've been talking about.
02:23:57 And have a little fraud.
02:24:02 I'm going to play.
02:24:04 A random funny video.
02:24:08 Let's see here.
02:24:12 If I can find it.
02:24:15 Yeah, here we go.
02:24:18 Here's the random funny video, and then we'll wrap things up and then we'll listen to.
02:24:22 Some Mosley on the way out.
Speaker 7
02:24:26 You looking for a nice girl from new?
Speaker 22
02:24:27 Jersey, preferably up North, New Jersey.
Speaker 20
02:24:34 Looking for a nice girl from New Jersey, preferably up North, New Jersey.
Speaker 22
02:24:38 North Central Newark area be nice.
02:24:41 That's the thing.
Speaker 22
02:24:42 We'll read it.
02:24:42 Everybody's got the nails.
Speaker 1
02:24:43 On so I have to have mine.
Speaker 21
02:24:46 You got to be with the sling, you know, all you gotta do is you cut the bill, but it.
Speaker 25
02:24:50 Doesn't, and it's all fake.
Speaker 11
02:24:53 They are.
Speaker 15
02:24:55 Maybe I got two, maybe I got.
Speaker 8
02:24:57 Two real ones.
Speaker 17
02:24:59 If yes mate?
Speaker 20
02:25:00 Women always have a straight up or men.
Speaker 24
02:25:03 We've always got our bodies.
02:25:04 If you keep.
Speaker 1
02:25:05 In shape and you've always got a check to cash.
Speaker 7
02:25:10 Yes, you can come up on the boardwalk and just meet somebody like that.
02:25:14 You know, just split second and like it can turn into a serious relationship.
02:25:19 Like me and Janet.
Speaker 16
02:25:20 Which is like.
Speaker 7
02:25:20 It's different.
02:25:23 I'm not sure.
02:25:23 A couple of weeks ago, but we hooked up tonight together and like, I'm probably gonna be with her for the rest of the.
Speaker 17
02:25:30 It's different every night and every night.
Speaker 7
02:25:33 You never know what's.
Speaker 24
02:25:34 Going to happen.
Speaker 17
02:25:35 It's different.
02:25:36 You can stay together forever or it's different.
02:25:42 And whatever happens happens, but it's different every night.
02:25:49 And you meet new people.
02:25:50 It's the summer.
Speaker 25
02:25:56 Yeah, no idea where it went in the right direction.
02:25:59 When I waited, like four months later.
Speaker 20
02:26:05 That's my first.
02:26:08 I like smart guys and funny guys.
02:26:11 Like personally, I don't keep care if they're like good like that anything as long as they treat me.
Speaker 17
02:26:15 Right, OK, that works.
Speaker 24
02:26:25 For instance, five goals attempt to jump one time and it didn't work.
Speaker 19
02:26:31 I haven't been in a.
02:26:32 Fight for a while and.
02:26:35 Because my boyfriend won't like the fight.
Speaker 20
02:26:38 But I used to play.
Speaker 19
02:26:40 Once a week maybe.
Speaker 20
02:26:42 Not anymore though.
Speaker 17
02:26:43 She used to get in.
Speaker 24
02:26:43 Trouble a lot.
02:26:45 Yeah, I used.
Speaker 25
02:26:45 To get suspended all the time, I enjoyed doing it.
Speaker 7
02:26:49 That's what.
Speaker 24
02:26:52 She wanted to play me.
02:26:53 She was a grown woman, kids.
Speaker 7
02:26:57 And she had five rounds thrown over the pencil.
Speaker 24
02:27:00 He's going to tell her to.
02:27:00 Grow some library house soon.
Speaker 11
02:27:03 I was there.
Speaker 24
02:27:04 I put some girl in the hospital.
02:27:08 She's still in the hospital.
02:27:10 Now this happened like a week.
02:27:11 Ago we were walking.
02:27:14 Down the block.
Speaker 25
02:27:14 She sprayed with the eyes with Mace.
02:27:18 So I was gonna go through cards and I didn't know when he got off.
Speaker 1
02:27:30 And they.
Speaker 25
02:27:33 Outside, they came over and then we've been with them for three hours.
02:27:42 And they're nice though.
02:27:48 Right.
02:27:51 And now we like another nice.
02:27:53 And look at these faces.
02:27:57 Look at them.
02:27:59 Look at these faces.
02:28:00 Look at everybody's faces.
Speaker 7
02:28:03 Things are faces.
Speaker 17
02:28:10 Biggest thing.
Speaker 24
02:28:12 I put some girl in the hospital and.
02:28:14 She had a fine because.
02:28:16 She had a gun to.
02:28:17 My back.
02:28:19 And I beat her up again.
02:28:22 Are you every night by?
Speaker 24
02:28:23 The right person or you?
Speaker 26
02:28:24 Can get married one day.
02:28:25 You've walked out, alter, get married the next day.
Speaker 25
02:28:27 You can find a man you.
Speaker 24
02:28:28 Should said, oh, I should have married him, I mean.
02:28:30 Just never.
02:28:31 Now there was two people couple weeks ago and then a little fun because I got beat up.
02:28:37 They were broke.
02:28:38 They got beat up, they cashed out and they were thrown into a pool.
Speaker 1
02:28:41 OK.
02:28:48 Hey, Dave.
02:28:54 Ohh white women.
02:28:59 Now this is just, I don't know if it's jersey.
02:29:02 So are they really white?
02:29:07 We can't, we can't call the Irish and the and and the slaves not white if we don't throw jersey in there too.
02:29:18 So yeah, so it's not a white pillow or black it just, I guess, in a way it shows you.
02:29:24 Don't romanticize the past.
Speaker 7
02:29:28 It's not all good.
02:29:30 I don't know what year this is.
02:29:31 People wonder what year, if I had to guess, it looks late 80s ish.
02:29:37 Hard to say hard.
02:29:40 Late 80s, early 90s, someone there, but it's it's New Jersey.
02:29:44 So yeah, it's a jersey pill.
02:29:47 How about that?
02:29:50 Don't, don't.
02:29:51 Don't take the jersey pill.
Speaker 5
02:29:55 Oh my God.
02:30:00 Someone said video is degenerate, but I think it's also bad millennial zoomers are too socially anxious to interact like this.
02:30:08 Talking to a girl who's scary.
02:30:11 Yeah, I guess that is that.
02:30:12 Is pretty funny.
02:30:13 That is a I hadn't thought about that.
02:30:17 I don't think millennials necessarily though.
02:30:20 I guess maybe the younger millennials, because like when I was a kid, there was still like.
02:30:26 You still talk to girls, so the Internet really didn't take off till the iPhone?
Speaker 5
02:30:33 I guess so.
Speaker 6
02:30:33 When was the?
02:30:35 First iPhone that would have been like uh.
02:30:39 I don't know.
02:30:39 I feel like 2.
02:30:40 1005 Ish or something like that, so yeah.
02:30:43 I mean like.
02:30:45 This kind of a thing was going on.
02:30:48 Up until probably the mid 2000s and that's when it started making people weird.
02:30:56 So people said 2007 was the iPhone.
02:31:01 Yeah, that makes sense.
02:31:05 Do the movie clerks, which is.
02:31:08 Yeah, I hate I hate clerks so much.
02:31:12 I can't.
02:31:13 I don't know.
02:31:14 I I thought about doing it because it it is kind of.
02:31:16 Like supposedly, it's an iconic film.
02:31:19 I just can't handle it because the acting is so bad and the writing is so bad that it's just like I can't.
02:31:28 Uh, it looks like it got disconnected.
02:31:30 It'll reconnect, hopefully, for those of you listening to the recording.
02:31:34 It disconnected.
02:31:36 I'm going to keep talking there.
Speaker 5
02:31:38 Go and we're back.
02:31:39 I'm going to tell people to refresh.
Speaker 5
02:31:46 Ohh I can't cause chat, just locked up too, apparently as a result of that.
02:31:50 There it goes.
02:31:52 I'll just tell him refresh.
02:32:00 OK.
02:32:02 Well, I guess that's a good this is.
02:32:04 A good time to.
02:32:05 Wrap things up anyway.
02:32:08 We're at about 2 1/2.
02:32:09 Hours we'll build up.
02:32:11 I'll build back up.
02:32:12 To do in three hours.
02:32:13 I'm slowly getting there.
Speaker 5
02:32:16 Slowly getting there.
02:32:18 All right.
02:32:18 So we're going to do.
02:32:19 Some Mosley.
02:32:21 As a a nice little white pill at the end.
02:32:27 And then I'll get out of here.
02:32:31 Where did that video go?
02:32:33 I wasn't planning on playing it tonight, so.
02:32:36 I'm going to have to look for it here.
Speaker 5
02:32:53 It's a good video.
02:32:59 I don't remember what.
Speaker 5
02:33:00 It was called, though, that's going to be.
02:33:02 I know it's in this.
02:33:03 Huge folder like a billion videos of it.
Speaker 5
02:33:07 But I don't remember what.
02:33:08 It was called.
02:33:09 So having to scroll, I could start planting that.
Speaker 5
02:33:16 No, I can't play that.
02:33:26 Let's see here.
02:33:30 We're Mosley, Mosley Mosley.
02:33:34 Oh, it's not.
02:33:34 Our mouse leg that's going to make it harder to find.
02:33:40 Maybe it's under because he's talking about.
Speaker 5
02:33:42 Europe, maybe it's under Europe.
02:33:50 Videos, videos, videos.
02:33:55 Now this might be it.
Speaker 5
02:34:00 No, that's not it.
02:34:18 I will not rest until.
02:34:19 I find this video which I did promise this video.
Speaker 5
02:34:24 Sort by another type here.
02:34:30 It's too bad I can't sort by recently viewed because I watched it today while I was going through my.
Speaker 5
02:34:38 My stuff.
02:34:42 I'll tell you what, maybe while I.
02:34:43 Look for that.
02:34:44 I play something else for you, so it's not just me.
Speaker 5
02:34:47 Going, huh?
02:34:48 I can't find the video.
02:34:51 Where's the video?
02:34:54 So I'll I'll burn another one of my videos I got here.
02:35:00 And I'll try to frantically define it in the mean time.
02:35:05 Alright, now for another word.
Speaker 5
02:35:08 From our sponsor.
Speaker 16
02:35:18 Would you sit?
02:35:19 Put on a voting plan.
02:35:21 You bet that your mind are working.
Speaker 11
02:35:40 Come on, boy. Put your.
Speaker 13
02:35:42 Back into it.
Speaker 10
02:35:44 Body Plantation was one of the largest cotton plantations in the country and today I'm as very sight as a United ***** College Fund member.
02:35:51 School producing graduates have become doctors, lawyers and chemists, and your contributions to the college fund help keep tuitions low at 41 schools, so young people with potential.
02:36:00 To reap the benefits of an education.
Speaker 11
02:36:03 It took a lot.
Speaker 12
02:36:04 To turn a cotton plantation into a college, that plant with need good knowledge now.
Speaker 9
02:36:08 Let's get to work.
Speaker 10
02:36:09 You have to the United Eagle College Fund and our mind is a terrible thing to waste.
02:36:15 I still have not found it.
02:36:18 There's just so many ******* videos in this in this folder.
02:36:25 It's a good one, though it's worth the wait.
02:36:27 I promise you that much.
Speaker 5
02:36:30 Presidential debate.
02:36:40 Here I'll play some in the background. Here's some stock footage. This is Japan in the 1940s.
02:36:46 So you have something to look at.
02:36:48 1940s Japan, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaker 9
02:36:52 Let's see here.
Speaker 5
02:37:13 Where the **** did that go?
02:37:15 Maybe I won't be able to find it.
02:37:32 Yeah, I wish I'd put it aside.
02:37:34 Maybe we'll have to save this for last time or next time.
02:37:38 I really don't want to though, because it really.
02:37:39 Is a.
02:37:40 It's a good white pill.
02:37:43 But the more I hype it now, like the.
Speaker 5
02:37:45 Better it better be right?
02:37:50 Trump, Trump, Trump there's so many videos that are about Trump in.
02:37:53 This folder.
02:38:17 I'll play another PSA that has audio.
Speaker 15
02:38:23 Coming long after you can't possibly be getting, don't get.
02:38:30 Diseases like whooping cough.
02:38:44 A little rewiring the children need to be fully immunized and so many are not welcome to our.
02:38:53 Ask them.
02:38:54 Parents of us, are there children fully in life against childhood diseases?
02:38:59 Call your doctor or local health department and find out.
02:39:02 Immunize your children please and may the force be with you.
Speaker 13
02:39:09 The same for the parents guide to childhood immunization.
02:39:12 It's yours free, right?
Speaker 11
02:39:20 Of the 40.
Speaker 23
02:39:20 Three lovely girls contesting the title Miss Great Britain and welcome the judges, were getting down to a.
02:39:25 Shot list.
02:39:26 Just how from such a bevy of beauty they picked the best.
02:39:29 Even Adam Faith and John Hanson must have been puzzled.
02:39:32 To know.
02:39:33 Rosemary Franklin of Lancaster is only 17 aswell and sell world.
02:39:37 She's a famous northern beauty in the.
02:39:39 Running wherever she.
02:39:40 Enters the prestige of being beauty queen at New Brighton.
02:39:43 Played recently was John Boardman of Wallasey, Eileen Sheridan, Heat winner at Southend, comes from Walton on Thames.
02:39:49 How beautifully distributed 362236 so impressed the judges that they awarded her first prize.
02:40:00 Beauty has.
02:40:00 Always been a joy forever.
02:40:02 And no God could hold a candle to Venus before this government handicapped her. Now for Eileen, a trophy and 1000 pounds.
02:40:12 Waffles will return after these messages.
Speaker 4
02:40:17 Questions answered 1 French fry.
02:40:19 OK, what's 10 + 5?
02:40:22 How many inches in the foot?
02:40:24 Thanks for watching my book for me.
Speaker 13
02:40:26 Grandmas ohh is.
Speaker 4
02:40:26 This your book, professor?
02:40:27 The answer is yes.
02:40:29 French fry, please.
02:40:34 It's the kid powered McDonald's fast Max, racing away, twisting the weight of the finish line.
02:40:41 4 different fast Macs each for a special price with any food purchase of participating McDonald's.
Speaker 13
02:40:47 What makes these cars Ultra Hots? Speed seeker? It's Ultra Twist Flame run Ultra trick wind splitter. Ultra Rad solair CX4 ultra Ultra hot 807 with metallic paint and high speed.
02:41:04 Wheels there ultra?
Speaker 27
02:41:06 And that's what makes them ultra hot. Wheels up the hot speed seeker flame runner wins. Better solar CX4 each sold separately, some cars not being used with some sets from Hot Wheels by Mattel.
Speaker 13
02:41:19 Show and tell time another.
Speaker 15
02:41:27 Story is not included.
02:41:34 My name is Teddy Ruxpin.
Speaker 11
02:41:36 Can you and I be friends?
Speaker 15
02:41:39 I really enjoy talking to people I would like.
Speaker 12
02:41:44 The storytelling bear comes with illustrated book and cassette from worlds of Wonder.
Speaker 4
02:41:50 Ohh no, it's Mr.
02:41:52 bad like.
Speaker 22
02:41:53 Lunch time. Fun is mine.
Speaker 15
02:41:55 I've got Mr.
02:41:56 oh and great tasting Spaghettios too.
Speaker 4
02:42:10 Foiled again.
Speaker 25
02:42:29 Way beyond my workout.
Speaker 15
02:42:33 That's your honey.
Speaker 13
02:42:41 Honey Nut Cheerios, part that's nutritious breakfast.
02:42:54 They turned for Jim Henson's Muppet Babies right after Russell.
Speaker 1
02:42:59 What day?
Speaker 16
02:43:03 Yes, Sir. But we're getting less scattered individual. Everything's against.
02:43:09 Government money.
02:43:11 Press prevision.
02:43:13 All the new forces are used against.
Speaker 24
02:43:16 All the.
Speaker 18
02:43:16 Great forces all.
Speaker 16
02:43:17 The material parts of.
02:43:18 The world you say that against?
Speaker 8
02:43:23 You are quite right.
Speaker 12
02:43:26 And I.
Speaker 16
02:43:26 Don't understand.
02:43:28 But I don't usually despair.
Speaker 4
02:43:33 You like God.
Speaker 16
02:43:35 I read something of.
02:43:38 We know something of our record.
02:43:39 And the achievement of the European.
02:43:42 And dark as this hour is, it's no darker.
02:43:45 It's not as dark because some of the areas you've known any other be on history.
02:43:50 And everything but power is treachery and betrayal.
02:43:54 And when the Saudis and the Hogs and far outside.
02:43:57 That have swept right across that and bumped it and we will come on over our own, but would do if they hadn't been stopped, but they didn't know they happened once.
02:44:05 It's happened more than once.
02:44:07 Small Mens and men came together.
02:44:10 Resolution in absolute determination, giving themselves completely.
02:44:16 I'm saying you're the truth and the man based on ministerial, which values its civilizations but glory of its achievement in mortal danger.
02:44:28 And this.
02:44:30 They skip. They came together.
02:44:32 And more and more ready to.
02:44:34 The standards and those horses was going back.
02:44:38 Again and again and again.
02:44:48 And again.
Speaker 16
02:44:50 Against us.
02:44:51 Well, those particular bosses.
02:44:54 Honey press in some.
02:45:00 Material forces which governments wield the dead forces of corruption and oppression than other leading the hands of government, the.
02:45:07 Ball but despite.
02:45:09 All that power and freedom, as we were no well.
02:45:13 Political struggle against us.
02:45:17 Then bring together with us enough.
02:45:19 For people like.
02:45:20 Ourselves, not only in Britain, but as we are doing in our countries of Europe and regulate that first month and the other strength live wins today just as much as in the bus, we can meet the.
02:45:41 We can run in those forces.
02:45:43 And in the end, we can prevail.
02:45:46 And we can try.
02:45:48 It's been done before and it can be done.
02:45:51 Our task is to do what we are doing.
02:45:54 And we began.
02:45:54 And finished, we need some 20 months ago as I speak tonight, the bringing together the best that we saw.
02:46:00 Them there, the Europeans.
02:46:02 They get them to take decisions together.
02:46:05 They decide on the policy which I have described tonight.
02:46:08 That they would.
02:46:09 Act and do these things.
02:46:11 Together, first break, step off or.
Speaker 2
02:46:14 Left the usual.
Speaker 16
02:46:15 Trouble the difficulties of struggle to move forward, always in human affairs.
02:46:19 The same story.
02:46:24 Faith and belief.
02:46:27 Nothing matters.
02:46:30 Our own people in our land into this immense concern which.
02:46:39 Is going to be Europe.
02:46:40 And he's going to save mankind.
02:46:42 My friends.
02:46:43 It's an immense responsibility.
02:46:45 We're living in a historic art.
02:46:47 Do you remember that?
02:46:48 Live in that.
02:46:49 Sense, I beg of you of history and of destiny, when the period this period comes to be written, and then look back.
02:46:57 If we did right, if we stood firm, if we stood correctly, it will be a matter of honour and our generation for generations to come.
02:47:07 I could not us deliver any other moment of history than this, because never as mankind, others of human species, being confronted with such possibilities.
02:47:17 With such choices that disaster, or even greater heights and greater glories, my friends who live in that sense that you are Englishman, that you are European.
02:47:28 That you come from people who face.
02:47:30 The members odds again and.
02:47:31 Again, that that is against you.
02:47:33 But your government in you, that will that spirit above all faith in that belief, which will lead the generations to come in the history with the the reason for Britain.
Speaker 6
02:48:04 So there's your Mosley pill.
02:48:05 Brought to you by Cheerios.
02:48:10 That that's a very good.
02:48:12 That's a very good.
02:48:12 Speech and he's got he's got quite a few of them interesting character to look up if you can still find his content.
02:48:21 Some of it's been.
02:48:23 Kind of removed from more the more mainstream platforms.
02:48:28 Luckily, with platforms like Odyssey and Bit Shoot though, we'll be able to preserve some of this stuff a little bit longer.
02:48:38 Someone asked to be on the stream.
02:48:40 If I'm going to stream in Odyssey again.
02:48:42 Yeah, I just got to.
02:48:43 Workout the kinks and they gotta workout some kinks and so it just trouble.
02:48:48 Works a little better right now for me.
02:48:52 And for the chat, because the chat's kind of a.
02:48:54 Mess over at Odyssey.
02:49:00 I suspect that will change very soon, very soon.
02:49:04 All right guys, hope you had a good Saturday or Sunday or whatever day it is that you're listening to this.
02:49:13 I'll see you again soon for Black Pilled.
02:49:15 I am, of course.
02:49:18 Devon stag.
Speaker 26
02:49:20 People always ask me how I like America.
02:49:24 My great grandfather was born there.
02:49:26 Like most Americans, we've been American for a long time.
02:49:30 Some of us follow Asian traditions.
02:49:33 My family is at American many bikes football, lots of time.
02:49:40 Asian Americans and no more alike than any other kind of Americans.
02:49:45 You don't all look.
02:49:45 Alike do we?
02:49:48 Well, do we.