

00:09:04 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:00:09 Good night.
00:00:14 Lord, I'm tired, OK?
00:00:18 Getting my caffeine ready here.
00:00:22 Just woke up not that long ago.
00:00:28 This has been a week of technical difficulties for me.
00:00:34 Technical difficulties.
00:00:35 Some of them brought.
00:00:36 On by rodents.
00:00:40 I have discovered that.
00:00:43 I'm pretty sure rats.
00:00:46 Enjoy chewing on wires.
00:00:50 The animals have started to infiltrate.
Speaker 3
00:00:53 The pillbox I woke up the other day.
00:00:59 Boiling hot, boiling hot and I don't just mean because you know.
00:01:02 Half the country.
00:01:03 Right now is boiling hot.
00:01:05 Which, if by the way, if you're.
00:01:07 In the Pacific North West.
00:01:11 I I in a way I feel for you.
00:01:14 In a way I feel for you.
00:01:17 But in another way I'm just kind of like.
Speaker 4
00:01:19 Suck it.
Speaker 5
00:01:22 Welcome to my world.
Speaker 4
00:01:24 This is this is this type of.
00:01:26 **** happens every day.
00:01:29 So anyway, I woke up woke up.
Speaker 4
00:01:31 The other day.
00:01:34 In a pool of.
00:01:36 It felt like that.
00:01:37 It was terrible.
00:01:38 And I was just.
00:01:39 Like what the?
00:01:41 How is it so hot?
00:01:42 It's all.
00:01:42 So weirdly quiet.
Speaker 3
00:01:44 We're eerily quiet.
00:01:48 And then I realized the AC is not on.
00:01:52 What's going?
Speaker 5
00:01:52 On here. What?
Speaker 4
00:01:53 What is this nonsense?
00:01:55 The AC usually turns on around mid June and then doesn't turn off really I mean.
00:02:02 Depending on the day.
00:02:05 Until uh, you.
Speaker 5
00:02:06 Know September, maybe October.
00:02:11 Come to find out that the the power going to the AC, the wiring to it, has been chewed through.
00:02:20 And not a big deal for me, of course I'm handy with a soldering iron and I've got extra wire laying around, so not a big deal.
00:02:28 I had it.
00:02:28 I had it up and running.
00:02:32 And then I found out that maybe the same.
00:02:36 Same rodent, maybe it's friends, I don't know.
00:02:39 Had decided that I didn't need headlights anymore.
00:02:46 Because uh.
00:02:48 They had chewed through the headlight wiring.
00:02:51 In my car.
Speaker 5
00:02:53 They also tune up some like I guess in.
00:02:55 A way I got lucky on that one.
00:02:57 You know the.
00:02:59 Wiring harness isn't cars getting screwed.
00:03:02 Up. That's like a bad.
00:03:04 Annoying thing to troubleshoot and fix, especially like on a more modern car which this one is.
00:03:10 And that's all they did was the headlights.
00:03:13 Now they chewed, they chewed up other parts, but, like, not all the.
00:03:16 Way through so it sucks.
00:03:18 But it's not as you.
00:03:19 Know it's not as quickly.
00:03:20 The car drives, so I'm thankful for that, but not at night.
00:03:25 So I have yet to fix that that I still need to fix but not the end of the world.
00:03:31 There's going to be a.
00:03:32 Project that takes half a day, I guess.
00:03:36 Remaking some cable connections and such, I asked you guys on Twitter and Gab if you had any suggestions and you came up with a lot of stuff.
00:03:48 I was finding it's just tough to.
00:03:52 Keep them out.
00:03:54 Especially because I don't.
00:03:55 Have a sealed garage is what it comes down to.
00:03:59 So any any measures you might take, like, oh, let's.
00:04:04 Let's put.
00:04:06 Like mint smelling things or, you know, try to put chili peppered.
00:04:12 Flavoring on the wire.
00:04:14 Apps or I I?
00:04:15 Guess Honda is doing that now.
00:04:16 You know, this is such a.
00:04:17 A problem I?
00:04:18 Yeah, I I had never experienced anything like this in my life.
00:04:21 I didn't really.
00:04:21 That rodents love to eat wires, but apparently it's a big enough deal to wear Honda in researching how to combat this, I discovered that Honda developed some fancy wire wrap that tastes like chili pepper, so that rats and mice don't want to eat it.
00:04:40 So anyway, yeah, so that was fun.
00:04:44 So I'm going to have to deal.
00:04:45 With that also.
00:04:46 Have a I was thinking this might actually be kind of fun. There's a new bird nest, new bird's nest.
00:04:56 Inside this little.
00:04:58 I don't know how to.
00:04:59 Describe it, but it's like uh.
00:05:01 It's a little overhang, kind of like a broom closet, outdoor broom closet outside, and there's little baby birds in there.
00:05:11 And it's really inconvenient.
00:05:13 I'll end up getting rid of that nest.
00:05:14 I'm not, obviously.
00:05:15 I'm not going to do it while the baby birds are in there, but I was thinking because of where it's at.
00:05:20 It might be fun to even we could have a a bird Cam I could set up a little bird Cam that observes the the little nest there.
00:05:31 So that could be kind of fun.
00:05:33 I'm not sure if that'll freak out the the Mama bird.
00:05:37 You know, I don't have to get it too close, but I think it'd be kind of fun.
00:05:40 It would be easy to do because because of the location, so I might try to do that and then we can have like a little security Cam to check on the Mama and the the baby birds.
Speaker 6
00:05:53 In fact, we could even do like.
00:05:54 A live shot.
00:05:56 If I do it right and then have it, it'll be like the black and white night vision stuff, but still we.
Speaker 5
00:06:04 Like, how's Mama bird doing?
00:06:06 Check the check the bird Cam.
00:06:08 I don't.
00:06:08 Know that's something we might have.
00:06:10 To do.
00:06:12 So yeah, it's getting really.
00:06:13 Hot and it's getting really.
00:06:17 Yeah, just hot.
00:06:19 Really hot.
00:06:20 Lots of animals.
00:06:22 Almost shot another squirrel today as well.
00:06:26 When I was going around the.
00:06:29 The pill box checking everything out right after I discovered the.
00:06:34 The new bird's nest.
00:06:36 I came across a squirrel that I hadn't seen a squirrel a while, which is why I didn't have the.
00:06:42 I usually have my pellet gun with me when.
00:06:44 I go out there so.
00:06:45 I can for the Sir, for, for.
Speaker 7
00:06:46 A very for.
00:06:48 This very kind of moment.
00:06:51 And unfortunately, no pellet gun.
00:06:56 And I was surprised how close the scroll on the gun I got like 3 feet away before he.
00:07:01 Decided to leave, so lots of wildlife.
00:07:05 Happening out here.
00:07:08 But yeah, summer is in full swing.
00:07:11 I guess the day was also for all you ham radio people.
00:07:15 Today was a.
00:07:16 Field day.
Speaker 5
00:07:19 Right field day.
00:07:22 Lots of for those who don't know what that.
00:07:24 Is Field Day, is the day that that hams all over the country.
00:07:30 At least I don't know.
00:07:31 Maybe all over the world.
00:07:33 They get all their ham radio gear and they.
00:07:36 They go to like a.
Speaker 4
00:07:36 Park or you know, a.
00:07:40 Maybe a church parking lot or something.
00:07:43 And they set.
00:07:44 Up an impromptu ham shack and they test out their gear out in the field.
00:07:53 As the name suggests.
00:07:55 And it's surprising how.
00:07:57 Many people actually get involved with that.
00:07:59 A lot of times it seems as though there's maybe not as many people.
00:08:05 Operating Ham radio as you would think, given that there's an entire industry behind the equipment and whatnot.
00:08:14 But on days like Field Day, you get a better picture as to.
00:08:18 How many people there?
00:08:19 Really are because the airwaves were just.
00:08:22 Run with these.
Speaker 8
00:08:23 CQ Field Day CQ CQ.
00:08:25 Field day.
00:08:27 Calls going all over the place, so if you participated.
00:08:31 In that I hope you.
00:08:31 Had a good time.
00:08:34 I did not participate in that.
00:08:37 I you know, honestly I.
00:08:38 Still don't know how to participate in that.
00:08:40 Like every time they do those contests, I'm.
00:08:42 Not I I.
00:08:44 You know, I don't participate in the contests just because I think it's a little silly.
00:08:48 I've never understood the point of of I mean, there's people that are very OCD about, like, winning these contests and.
00:08:57 Yeah, I'd rather actually have conversations with people than just exchange.
00:09:03 Call signs as quickly as humanly possible, kick them off, and then get on to the next one.
00:09:08 But that's what.
00:09:10 That's what some people are.
00:09:11 Into that's what some people are into.
00:09:14 So anyway.
00:09:17 It's been a long week.
00:09:19 A lot of news stories.
00:09:22 I guess.
00:09:25 I don't really want to talk about it because I just feel like I'm giving it energy when.
00:09:28 I do this.
00:09:30 But Trump had a rally today.
00:09:34 Trump, who I really it's.
Speaker 4
00:09:37 You just, you know.
00:09:38 I just wanted to go away.
00:09:40 Like so many people, I just want.
00:09:42 Them to go away.
00:09:46 He had another rally today.
00:09:50 Very disappointing.
Speaker 6
00:09:53 You know the the.
00:09:54 The the the same kind of rally he's been having, you know this, the same kind of talk that you've been hearing out of this guy.
00:09:59 It's just you.
00:10:00 Know just basic ***** Republican.
00:10:03 You know, he, he he knows better than.
00:10:05 Right, right to the.
00:10:06 To over he knows better than to over promise.
00:10:08 And under deliver now.
00:10:10 He just under delivers.
00:10:12 He no longer says, you know, lock.
00:10:14 Her up or drain the swamp?
00:10:16 Or in this?
00:10:16 Stuff he just he just tells.
00:10:18 You to vote Republican and that everything is going to be fine if you vote Republican.
Speaker 6
00:10:24 And and and.
00:10:26 It's it's just bizarre.
00:10:27 It's bizarre that so many people are still trusting the plan.
00:10:33 So many people are still trusting the plan, in fact.
00:10:38 That leads us to one of our stories.
Speaker 4
00:10:44 Which I will bring up here.
00:10:49 Homeland Security.
00:10:52 Highly concerned.
00:10:55 Theory Trump will be reinstated in August will spark violence, top counterterrorism officials tell Congress staff have ramped up monitoring extremists online communities.
00:11:10 Gee, I wonder who they could possibly be talking about.
00:11:15 I wonder if there's one of them in chat.
00:11:17 Right now, very possibly.
00:11:19 John Cohen expressed his fears to the House Committee on Homeland Security.
00:11:26 The top counterterrorism official said that his staff were monitoring online activity.
00:11:33 He said there were no credible threats of violence linked to the conspiracy theory, of course, because they.
00:11:39 All trust in the plan.
00:11:43 New York Times Maggie Hagerman or Haberman rather.
00:11:48 Said Trump was telling aides he would be reinstated.
00:11:54 Well, that's weird because at his speech.
00:11:55 He said that. Uh.
00:11:58 What was his line?
00:11:59 His line was something along the lines.
00:12:01 Of we won two.
00:12:02 Elections and I guess we'll we're going to have.
00:12:04 To win three.
Speaker 3
00:12:06 Now I don't know.
00:12:07 If that means he's going to run again in.
00:12:11 2024.
00:12:13 Or if he's talking about there, there's talk that he's going to try to run for.
00:12:18 For Senate, I don't even know what state it would be. I mean, I guess I mean what Florida, NY you know where where would you be running from? Who knows?
00:12:30 People were saying he wants.
00:12:31 To be speaker of the.
00:12:32 Right.
00:12:33 You know, it's it's The thing is.
00:12:36 He's so old now.
00:12:39 That even if he was based, which he's not, he's just not.
00:12:44 You know he's he's a Zionist.
Speaker 5
00:12:47 Puppet at best.
00:12:50 And a a complicit *******.
00:12:52 At worst.
00:12:52 I mean, I don't I.
00:12:53 Don't know you.
00:12:53 Know whatever it is, it doesn't matter.
00:12:55 Whatever it.
00:12:56 Is it's not based.
00:12:57 OK.
00:12:57 He's not our guy.
00:13:00 And just because he brain raped people in 2015, 2016 using Cambridge Analytica to find out exactly, you know, what is it that white conservatives are talking about, what it is that they're concerned about? What is it that they want to hear? Let's rape all of their private conversations on Facebook.
00:13:21 And use that data to design A campaign.
00:13:27 Which is what they did.
00:13:28 That's what they did.
Speaker 6
00:13:30 I mean, if if you.
00:13:31 If you're wondering why, Trump said, literally all of the right things.
00:13:37 And then.
00:13:39 Miraculously turned out to be nothing like that.
00:13:43 It's because they brain raped white conservatives.
00:13:48 Using their Facebook data.
00:13:51 And then told them what they wanted to hear.
00:13:58 I mean this is this is all on the record.
00:14:00 This isn't like I'm just guessing this or something like that.
00:14:03 This is.
00:14:05 Doesn't take.
00:14:06 You don't have to look far to find.
00:14:08 This information OK guys.
00:14:11 That's what happened.
00:14:14 And more and more, this is the kind of thing that's going to happen.
00:14:17 That's one of.
00:14:17 The problems with big data.
00:14:20 And more and more, it's going to get there.
00:14:22 To get better at this sort of a thing.
00:14:25 And look, it's not like here.
00:14:26 Here's the real issue really.
00:14:28 The real issue is this technology is evolving and improving.
00:14:35 And NPCS are staying exactly the ******* same.
00:14:46 Alright, so they're it's just going to get better.
00:14:49 It's just going to get more effective.
00:14:53 And the predictability of the MPCS is going to remain a constant.
Speaker 3
00:15:01 OK.
00:15:05 It's not something that the technology has.
00:15:07 To keep up with.
00:15:11 It's not like it's this ever evolving.
00:15:18 Aspect to their problem.
00:15:22 That they have to keep updating and addressing.
00:15:28 Maybe it'll be cultural shifts and things like this that you know, like they'll have to tweak here and there. But for the most part, NPC's.
Speaker 5
00:15:39 Are not evolving.
00:15:41 Or certainly not at the same.
00:15:42 Rate that the technology is.
00:15:48 So they're going.
00:15:49 They have an easy ******* job.
00:15:53 Easy ******* job.
00:15:57 I mean, I would, I would even argue that NPC's, by and large are.
Speaker 6
00:16:01 Identical like the the NPC's of today.
00:16:06 Are identical to the MPCS.
Speaker 4
00:16:08 Of 100 years ago.
00:16:11 And the the the technology.
00:16:12 That we're seeing emerge now.
00:16:15 Using stuff like Peter Thiel's, you know, Palantir and all this other stuff.
00:16:21 I just, I think that's just an evolution.
00:16:25 Of the kinds of things that you know Bernaise was doing.
00:16:31 I mean, this propaganda technology is just it's just.
00:16:36 As effective as it was, I mean think about.
Speaker 5
00:16:38 Think of how effective.
00:16:39 It was before they had even computers.
00:16:43 It was still a technology.
00:16:45 It was a manipulation technology that was being developed.
00:16:51 In the early 20th century.
00:16:57 And this whole time.
00:17:00 The the technology has evolved.
00:17:02 The technology has been able to build upon their experiences.
00:17:06 Their, you know, the trial and error of the the, the, the past rollouts and and they've got lots and lots that.
00:17:13 They they're able to zoom out the.
00:17:14 Graph on their end.
00:17:18 But what doesn't change is the NPC's.
00:17:22 If anything, maybe they get easier to manipulate, right?
Speaker 3
00:17:28 And and and that could.
Speaker 5
00:17:30 Even be why there a lot?
00:17:31 Of this stuff that we're seeing here, the atomizing of the culture, the breaking up of communities and all this other stuff that that could even be like, you know what? We need to make the NPC's easier to manipulate and we've, we've, we've studied the NPCS extensively.
00:17:49 And we've discovered that the when NPCS disobey the programming, right when we send out the programming.
00:18:00 The updates to the NPCS.
00:18:03 The only time it doesn't, it's not accepted or you know, like anytime that the the the programming gets rejected is when there's something else there, you know like when you know for example we get a flash the firmware.
00:18:19 But there's already.
00:18:20 Like an incompatible version, there's an existing version because they're their firmware was flashed by, say, a religious organization.
00:18:30 Or fraternity.
00:18:32 Or, you know, some other community.
00:18:37 But someone else with access to their chip.
00:18:42 Has already gotten in there.
00:18:44 And occupy that place in memory.
00:18:48 Where we want to install this firmware update, so and now we can't.
00:18:55 So if we can just.
00:18:57 Destroy these competitors, remove them from the equation.
00:19:02 Our firmware updates will go a little smoother.
00:19:12 Back to this article.
00:19:13 So basically.
00:19:18 What's happening is.
00:19:21 SP of NPCS Q chords are like the model ******* NPC.
00:19:27 The DOJ and the FBI and the entire by administration, really.
00:19:35 They are using Q Anon.
00:19:38 And and in fact.
00:19:39 I have reasons to suspect.
00:19:43 More so now than than ever that Q Anon might have been a.
00:19:49 A state-run endeavor.
00:19:53 Simply because so they're using qna now as an excuse to increase the budgets of these so-called domestic terror.
00:20:06 Organizations, agencies and teams within agencies and.
00:20:14 Well, let me.
00:20:14 Let's read the article and then I'll explain why I believe there.
00:20:19 At least there's evidence to suggest.
00:20:23 Then when it comes to queuing on the FBI themselves.
00:20:26 Might be involved.
00:20:28 The Department of Homeland Security is concerned by the theory Donald Trump will be reinstated as.
00:20:34 President in August.
00:20:35 And is monitoring extremist online communities for threats of violence, the agency's top counterterrorism officials said Thursday. Assistant Secretary for counterterrorism John Cohen, Cohen Cohen Cohen.
00:20:51 Told the House Committee on Homeland Security that he was worried the heightened claims of election rigging and beliefs.
00:21:00 Trump will be, you know, the beliefs that Trump will be back in office will lead to violence.
00:21:08 I read that wrong. What?
00:21:12 Well, Politico reported.
00:21:13 Anyway, I'm still.
00:21:16 Waking up a little bit have not had all my caffeine.
00:21:18 Yet he was responding to the conspiracy theories sparked by reports from the New York Times, Maggie Haberman and the National Review.
00:21:29 Earlier this month that Trump is telling his aides.
Speaker 3
00:21:34 He could be back in.
00:21:35 The Oval Office by August and look, that's something we've also seen the my pillow guy say often.
00:21:44 In the last few weeks, my pillow CEO, Mike Lindell has also been spreading the theory publicly and claims he is the source.
Speaker 7
00:21:55 Of these ideas.
00:21:58 A Wyoming consultant.
00:22:02 And political poll from earlier this month showed 29% of Republican voters.
00:22:09 Believe Trump will be returned to the Oval Office at some point this year.
00:22:16 Now they actually did a they did a a wider poll.
00:22:19 They didn't pull, just Republicans.
00:22:21 They pulled a a whole bunch of.
00:22:27 Eligible or not eligible registered voters.
00:22:31 And Democrat voters too.
00:22:33 And then the numbers that came out of that were kind of shocking and I put it on my telegram.
00:22:39 I'm going to go ahead.
00:22:39 And bring that up here.
00:22:42 Uh, let's see.
00:22:43 Where did it go?
00:22:45 I guess back a little further.
Speaker 1
00:22:52 There we go.
00:23:10 These are the numbers right now.
00:23:14 23%.
00:23:18 Of Americans.
00:23:20 Or at least registered voters.
00:23:23 Think that Trump is going to be reinstated?
00:23:27 At some point.
00:23:28 This year.
00:23:31 So approximately 1/4 of the United States.
00:23:37 Is still trusting the plan.
00:23:48 So anyway.
00:23:52 Get back to that.
00:24:01 Mission Michigan Democrat.
00:24:04 Elissa Slotkin asked Cohen, Cohen, Cohen, Cohen, how his department was handling the spread of disinformation.
00:24:13 Conspiracy theories.
00:24:16 And the way they can spark violence, according to a Politico.
00:24:22 Funny thing, you want to know?
00:24:23 Actually, we'll.
00:24:23 Get to that later.
00:24:24 But the FBI has apparently discovered a a way that they plan on handling disinformation that will they could.
00:24:31 Very well directly affect us.
00:24:36 Cohen insisted that he was.
00:24:38 Not aware of any specific threats based on the Trump theory.
00:24:43 But his staff were still watching online activity.
00:24:49 The briefing on domestic terror also covered the surge.
00:24:53 In violent crime in 2020.
00:24:57 Did it now.
00:24:59 In 2021, following the president following President Biden's announcement of the that's really following President Biden's announcement of the of the crackdown on gun dealers.
Speaker 5
00:25:13 The surge in violent crime.
00:25:16 Because Biden announced a crackdown on gun dealers.
00:25:22 That's what the surge of violent crime has been, guys.
00:25:26 It's been white supremacists that are angry about, you know, racist, obviously, but they're just angry about Biden's gun control.
00:25:36 All the more reason we need.
00:25:38 To have more gun control.
00:25:42 Conservative commentator Charlie Sykes wrote for MSNBC that the conspiracy theory.
00:25:48 That Trump will be.
00:25:49 Reinstated in August is based on guesswork.
00:25:54 Sykes wrote that there is also a belief that an election audit in Arizona will uncover election fraud and there will are delusional hopes the Supreme Court will invalidate.
00:26:06 Biden's win.
00:26:08 Now look, my understanding is the Arizona audit stuff actually gets released tomorrow.
Speaker 6
00:26:18 You know, I'm, I I look I.
00:26:20 I'm one of those people, I I 100%.
00:26:23 Believe that there was election fraud.
00:26:26 I don't think that part.
00:26:27 It's crazy.
00:26:28 I think what's crazy is to think that someone like Biden, you know, broke the world record for ******* votes.
00:26:37 For present.
00:26:39 You know, we we all watched the campaign.
00:26:41 There was no enthusiasm whatsoever.
00:26:43 And not only that, we saw the shenanigans on election night and well, and the the footage and and they came out after afterwards and and just some of the the statistical anomalies that are quite frankly impossible.
00:26:58 I mean, even if that's all you had or the the the statistical data alone shows that Trump.
00:27:06 Had to have won that election unless there was some serious shenanigans.
00:27:12 And so I suspect.
00:27:15 That the Arizona audit, if if carried out.
00:27:20 Honestly and.
00:27:25 We'll reveal some.
00:27:28 Well, I mean some obvious fraud.
00:27:31 But look, there's it doesn't really matter. There's been evidence of fraud like like, again, like the reason I believe 100% that there was fraud in this election is there's already lots of evidence of fraud in this election.
00:27:45 And that didn't change anything.
00:27:48 So these these people that are that are hanging on to.
00:27:50 This hope that.
00:27:52 Oh, once the Arizona thing happens, then magically, no.
00:28:00 You know, it's like the same people that think, well, well, now, now they have to lock Hillary up.
00:28:06 Now, this is the smoking gun.
Speaker 5
00:28:09 It never happens.
Speaker 3
00:28:11 Never happens.
00:28:14 So yeah, it's.
Speaker 5
00:28:18 I mean, it would be good to know.
00:28:19 I'm glad.
Speaker 3
00:28:20 That people did the audit.
00:28:21 And you know, that's something that.
00:28:26 It would be good to have that.
00:28:27 Data I guess.
00:28:28 But it's just it's not to.
00:28:29 Think that that that's going to actually change the ruling class.
00:28:32 I mean, that's the same level.
00:28:35 Of thinking as you're going to vote.
00:28:37 Your way out.
00:28:37 Of this, you're going to.
00:28:39 In a system that's, that's.
00:28:42 Supported by voter fraud, you're going to vote your way out of it.
00:28:46 Right.
00:28:47 It's it's ludicrous.
00:28:48 It's never going to happen.
00:28:51 Trump has railed against false claims of election fraud since his last.
00:28:56 In November? Well, that's.
Speaker 3
00:28:57 Little out daily because today he.
00:29:00 Seem to be.
00:29:03 Saying that he was uh, he was cheated, he said.
00:29:07 That he won.
00:29:08 And that they cheated.
00:29:09 I don't remember his exact warning, but he's back to saying that he got cheated.
00:29:13 Earlier this week, he slammed the Republican run investigation that found no irregularities in Michigan. He also celebrated Georgia, taking 10,000 names of.
00:29:25 The States electoral of the States electoral register.
00:29:30 But I guess they that's a typo.
00:29:32 I'm assuming they mean.
00:29:33 Off, but questioned why it had taken them so long.
00:29:37 And that's just like the, you know, dead people registered to vote and.
00:29:40 Stuff like that.
00:29:41 And that's not going to make any difference.
00:29:43 10,000 you think that that was the?
00:29:45 The the level of fraud.
00:29:46 Was just 10,000 dead people.
00:29:48 Registered to vote?
00:29:48 Give me a *******.
00:29:50 10,000 in in most elections, and certainly in his election, 10,000 is not a significant number enough.
00:29:59 To do anything.
00:30:01 The by administration has also made the crackdown on domestic.
00:30:04 Terrorism, a priority in the aftermath of the capital riot.
00:30:11 The capital riot that we.
00:30:12 Now know the FBI engineered.
00:30:15 And we all kind.
00:30:16 Of thought that there was probably some involvement, but apparently it started to look as though.
00:30:20 It was.
00:30:20 There was a lot of involvement.
00:30:25 In the revolver news piece that I think.
00:30:29 A lot of people are now familiar with.
00:30:32 Or they discuss all these unindicted Co conspirators.
00:30:37 All these, all these.
00:30:39 Mystery people that the FBI, in addition to that, not charging them for anything.
00:30:46 They're not even looking for these people.
00:30:50 You know I'm I'm sure.
00:30:51 You've all seen, like the FBI's Twitter accounts and and, you know, other outlets that they show videos of.
00:30:58 You know some grandma or someone walking around in the capital and with the the caption like if.
Speaker 5
00:31:04 You if you have any information.
00:31:07 That can lead to identifying this this individual, this terrorist.
00:31:12 This domestic terrorist let us know, but these people that are these unindicted Co conspirators, these people that instigated a lot of this violence for.
Speaker 5
00:31:22 Some reason the?
00:31:23 FBI doesn't seem interested at all in.
00:31:25 Identifying those people.
00:31:32 In the.
00:31:34 What a lot of people are extrapolating.
00:31:36 From that is because.
00:31:38 They're working for the FBI in.
00:31:40 One capacity or another, they're either informants.
Speaker 4
00:31:45 Or agents.
00:31:49 In the same way they they continue to refuse to identify the man who shot rather the the black man who shot.
00:31:59 Ashley Babbitt through the ******* throat.
00:32:03 Killing her.
00:32:04 While she was unarmed.
00:32:07 A white woman.
00:32:09 Also a custard.
00:32:13 A lot of people don't.
00:32:16 Know the identity of this man because they refused.
00:32:19 Well, actually pretty much most of us, most of the world doesn't know the identity of this man.
00:32:26 Because they refuse.
00:32:27 To identify him, they're they're not identifying any any of these.
00:32:31 Unindicted Co conspirators.
00:32:35 Now, the way that this relates to Q.
00:32:41 The FBI released a A threat assessment.
00:32:48 Which is this is part.
00:32:49 Of what they're talking about here, right?
00:32:52 Talking about the the Q Anon conspiracy.
00:32:56 And the the, the Qatar, the IT was basically like the the the Qatar threat level.
00:33:06 And nowhere in this threat assessment was any mention of any investigation into the identity.
Speaker 3
00:33:16 Of Q.
00:33:20 And you would think that if you're the FBI.
00:33:24 And you're trying to determine.
Speaker 5
00:33:28 What kind of threat?
00:33:32 Online movement poses to the deep state.
00:33:40 That you would at the very least investigate.
00:33:45 The person leading this movement was.
00:33:51 And yet there's no mention anywhere.
00:33:54 In this and this is coming from senators that have seen the classified version.
00:34:01 There's no mention anywhere.
00:34:05 Anywhere about even an investigation.
00:34:10 Into the identity of Q.
00:34:16 Isn't that curious?
Speaker 5
00:34:20 Why would that be?
00:34:29 And they have some.
00:34:29 Caffeine here.
00:34:35 Well, you know, one obvious reason.
00:34:38 Is that they they know who it is.
00:34:48 On Thursday, Nancy Pelosi announced a Democrat LED Select Committee that would investigate the January 6th attack on the capital after Senate Republicans blocked the bid to set up a 9/11 style Commission last month. See I look, that's another interesting thing.
00:35:06 Right.
00:35:11 Why wouldn't you want A and look, obviously, the 9/11 Commissioner report was nothing more than a cover up and I get that right some and and and so you could argue that the A 9/11 Commission style investigation into the six would would just simply do the same thing.
00:35:31 Right.
00:35:32 It would just manufacture evidence.
00:35:34 It would obscure the truth and it would serve as a.
00:35:41 Official smokescreen.
00:35:45 To protect the people that engineered what happened on the 6th right, I get it.
00:35:51 But that would only be the case if Republican, well wait, they are incompetent.
00:35:56 So I guess maybe this is.
00:35:57 A good thing?
00:35:58 They blocked it.
00:36:03 So we'll have to see what comes out of this investigation.
00:36:06 I don't know.
00:36:06 It's apparently it's more watered down the.
00:36:10 The investigation that Pelosi will be doing.
00:36:12 And I I.
00:36:13 Would imagine it's going to be the same kind of a thing.
00:36:16 Just going to.
00:36:17 Be another, clearly, clearly this is all because of.
00:36:21 Trump enraging the custards, which you know that's partially true whether you like it or not.
00:36:36 So anyway.
00:36:39 The Q cards are doing exactly what we've been saying for the last three years.
00:36:44 They're just giving the.
00:36:46 Intelligence community and the law enforcement apparatus of the deep state. The excuse they've always wanted to kick down your door and throw a flash bang in your wife's face and shoot your dog in the ******* ****.
00:37:05 They're just they're they're, uh.
00:37:09 And the worst part is they're being the boogeyman that they've always wanted, right?
Speaker 4
00:37:15 Well at the.
00:37:15 Same time being completely passive and not actually doing anything.
00:37:19 So it's like we.
00:37:21 They get their cake and eat it and eat it and eat it too.
00:37:24 It's like they have the the the scary, cute hard threat.
00:37:28 That won't ever actually do anything.
00:37:32 And uh, we get ****** both ways.
00:37:34 Like, we don't even get.
00:37:35 The well, I can't really you.
00:37:37 Know you get what I'm saying.
00:37:43 Oh, ******* cute hearts.
00:37:53 Moving right along.
00:38:03 So a lot of people.
00:38:04 Accuse me of ruining their childhood.
00:38:15 And I I would submit to you.
Speaker 4
00:38:19 It was already ruined.
00:38:22 Sesame Street creates family with two gay dads.
Speaker 3
00:38:25 During Pride month.
00:38:28 We all saw this.
00:38:29 Come on.
00:38:30 It's been normalized.
00:38:33 It's been normalized.
00:38:34 How quick did that happen?
00:38:37 We went from it being taboo.
00:38:41 For Democrats, in a presidential primary.
00:38:47 To even openly support gay marriage.
00:38:54 Just a handful of years ago.
00:38:57 Less than 15 years ago.
00:39:00 To Sesame Street.
00:39:02 Featuring gate ads.
00:39:09 Explicitly gay dads.
00:39:17 So this is again, it's just more evidence that we are.
00:39:22 Not in a culture war.
00:39:26 But in a culture rape.
00:39:30 And if you had any other question.
00:39:33 Here's a photo.
00:39:36 To take your kid to a bookstore.
00:39:39 During this Pride month, for those of you who are not locked inside your homes for some kind of stupid lockdown.
00:39:47 These are the kinds of books.
00:39:48 You're going to see.
00:39:53 Books promoting transsexuals.
00:40:02 You know, like this book, the girl with two dads.
00:40:06 I'm a girl.
00:40:09 I'm sure you're not really a girl.
00:40:12 Love is love.
00:40:14 Bodies are cool.
00:40:19 That's how quickly.
00:40:20 It went down.
00:40:29 Again, zoom out the graph.
00:40:30 I mean it's not hard to predict where this will take us another in another 15 years.
00:40:34 Where is this going to go?
00:40:35 There's there's only so many taboos.
Speaker 5
00:40:40 In fact, what's a?
00:40:41 Taboo in this society right now.
00:40:43 Like what?
00:40:54 I mean not not getting vaccinated.
00:40:57 Like what's?
00:40:58 What's what's a taboo there?
00:40:59 There's there's.
00:41:01 There are people.
00:41:03 There is a group of people.
00:41:05 That have been trying to shatter trying to breakdown trying to destroy any and all standards.
00:41:13 That the white Christian founding stock in this country and justice throughout the West, generally speaking.
00:41:20 Destroy all of their values and their entire community and and just every aspect.
00:41:26 Everything that that, that inform the values of the population.
00:41:37 By the and they've been they've this has been systematically breaking down these taboos and we're at a point now there are.
00:41:43 No more taboos.
00:41:47 What do you think is going to be next?
00:41:48 You know this idea that, oh, they'd.
00:41:49 Never normalized pedophilia. Why not?
00:41:56 And for ***** sake, we've got, like, dudes in the in the, you know, like this guy.
00:42:07 We live and look, this isn't just limited to the West now.
00:42:09 This is something that's being accepted in the entire world.
00:42:15 You know, we have the Olympics.
00:42:19 And globalist organization.
00:42:22 That all the countries participate in.
00:42:26 That all the countries.
00:42:28 Compete to countries compete to have the Olympics hosted in their country.
00:42:34 This is like a big thing.
00:42:38 And they are all now accepting.
00:42:43 Stuff like this New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard is set to become the first transgender athlete to.
00:42:50 Compete in the Olympic Games.
00:42:52 After he was selected for the national team on Monday.
00:42:57 So we're.
00:42:58 Living in a reality.
00:43:02 Where this dude, like a big fat dude is allowed to.
00:43:07 Be on the women's.
00:43:09 Weightlifting team.
00:43:17 And I saw all over Twitter people responding to.
00:43:20 This story like Oh well this.
00:43:23 This is going to red.
Speaker 4
00:43:24 Pills, so many of the normies.
00:43:26 Oh my God.
00:43:28 When they see this, when they see this on their TV screens, when they're watching the Olympics.
00:43:35 They're gonna be like *** **** **** has gotten bad.
00:43:39 We need to.
Speaker 4
00:43:40 We need to fight back.
00:43:41 This is fun.
00:43:42 This is.
00:43:42 Gonna red pill the armies?
Speaker 5
00:43:46 No, it's not.
00:43:48 No, it's not quite the opposite.
Speaker 8
00:43:52 This is going to.
00:43:53 Normalize it to them.
00:43:58 Something you have to understand.
00:43:59 The normies are normies.
00:44:03 Because they accept the norms.
00:44:08 Handed to them by the.
00:44:09 Elites, that's that's what makes them normies.
Speaker 3
00:44:14 Their morality, their worldview.
00:44:18 Is written by someone else.
00:44:22 And this the.
Speaker 5
00:44:23 Same people writing that we'll view and.
00:44:26 That the value system.
00:44:28 Are the people casting this character?
00:44:32 In the movie of their lives.
00:44:46 This is just normal now.
00:44:50 You lost.
00:44:52 The culture war.
00:45:06 Now this this.
00:45:09 Video I'm sure you've seen by now.
00:45:11 I posted on telegram it I think it's like been my most watched Telegram video.
Speaker 6
00:45:18 Of all of my.
00:45:19 Telegram videos and then I saw it on on Infowars.
00:45:24 So I feel like.
00:45:28 You know it's.
00:45:29 Times like that that I feel like, OK.
00:45:32 You know what you're doing is is worth it.
00:45:34 Like I'm I'm.
00:45:36 I am getting little bits of information out there.
00:45:41 But this video was seen by.
00:45:43 81,000 people.
00:45:48 And what it is, it's a clip.
00:45:51 And I'll actually tell you this guy's job.
00:45:55 After we watch the clip.
00:45:57 Because at first if it's just some random, you know technocrat, it's not that alarming.
00:46:03 Well, maybe it is.
00:46:05 No, it still is.
Speaker 12
00:46:08 But once you know.
00:46:09 Who he is.
00:46:09 It's just like, oh, my God, we're ******.
00:46:12 We're so ******.
Speaker 5
00:46:15 And by the way, we don't have.
00:46:16 To be when I say this stuff, I'm just.
00:46:19 Saying on our on.
00:46:20 Our current trajectory.
00:46:22 We're ******.
00:46:25 Alright, let's pull this up.
Speaker 1
00:46:36 Here we are.
Speaker 9
00:46:46 And so I'll give 2 examples.
00:46:56 So I'll give 2 examples.
00:46:57 So one is that people eat too much meat, right?
00:47:01 And if they were to cut down on their consumption on meat, then they would.
00:47:05 It would actually really help the planet.
00:47:08 But people are not willing to give up meat.
00:47:10 Yeah, you know, some people will be willing to, but other people, they may be willing to, but they sort of they have a weakness of.
00:47:16 Well, they say, oh, this this steak.
00:47:17 Is just too juicy.
00:47:18 I can't do it.
00:47:19 I'm one of those, by the way.
00:47:21 You know, but so here's the thought, right.
00:47:23 So it turns out that we know a lot about.
00:47:25 So there we have these intolerance to.
00:47:28 So I for example have milk intolerance some, and they're some people are intolerant to crayfish, so possibly we can use human engineering to make it the case that we're intolerant to certain kinds of need to certain kinds of.
00:47:41 Moving bovine proteins and there's actually analogs of this in light.
00:47:45 There's this thing called the Lone Star tick, where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat.
00:47:50 I can sort of describe the mechanism, so that's something that we can do through human engineering.
00:47:55 We can kind of possibly address really big world problems.
00:48:02 They want to engineer you to be allergic to beef.
00:48:08 I keep telling you guys, you need to.
00:48:10 Eat more beef.
00:48:13 They want to.
Speaker 4
00:48:13 Engineer you.
00:48:19 To be allergic to beef, he actually goes on and on and on.
00:48:22 There's like a whole thing, this guy, this guy talks about engineering people to be smaller.
00:48:29 Oh, imagining how many people we get fed on airplanes if we made them all smaller.
00:48:35 It would be better for the environment, you know, our carbon footprint would go down because it takes a lot of jet fuel.
00:48:44 To fly someone who's 6 foot 3.
Speaker 7
00:48:49 But imagine it, you know.
00:48:52 Of course, it's an Asian guy saying this.
00:48:54 Right.
Speaker 5
00:48:56 Imagine if we could make everyone smaller.
Speaker 7
00:48:58 Than me, he says.
00:49:00 Imagine if we made everyone a.
00:49:02 Bunch of uh, you know.
00:49:03 3 foot tall people.
Speaker 5
00:49:06 We could engineer.
00:49:07 Now look if this if this was just the mad.
00:49:10 Ravings of some random ******, you know.
00:49:13 Like it wouldn't be a big deal, but this is this is a well respected bioethicist.
00:49:21 These these are the people.
00:49:25 Who are determining?
00:49:27 The ethical practices of scientists.
Speaker 5
00:49:38 And you got to.
00:49:39 Remember, it wasn't that long ago.
00:49:42 That the ethical standards of scientists.
00:49:47 Were informed by religion and they were informed by their Christian beliefs.
Speaker 6
00:49:55 You know even.
00:49:56 If they were atheists personally.
Speaker 6
00:49:58 They were.
00:49:59 They were, you know, almost.
00:50:01 Without exception, raised in a Christian home and many.
00:50:05 Of them were Christians.
00:50:06 It's not like a scientists were all atheists.
00:50:12 And this is a fairly recent phenomenon that you have this level of atheism in.
00:50:18 In science.
00:50:21 And so one of the the self policing mechanisms when it comes to the the ethics of.
Speaker 3
00:50:28 What they would and wouldn't do.
00:50:31 Was Christianity was was there.
00:50:35 Their religious beliefs.
00:50:38 But now Jesus has been replaced by this ****.
00:50:47 That's what happens.
Speaker 8
00:50:50 When you remove.
00:50:54 Something as significant and important.
00:50:59 As you know, like Jesus God.
00:51:03 From someone's operating system, it creates a vacuum.
00:51:10 And something's going to fill that vacuum.
Speaker 4
00:51:14 And congratulations, *************.
00:51:16 It's that guy.
00:51:18 That guy is replacing God.
00:51:21 In the minds of scientists all over the world.
00:51:36 And looked at meme from Jurassic Park.
00:51:41 Or that that the the the character that's dubious.
00:51:46 Of the value that.
00:51:48 Bringing these dinosaurs back to life.
00:51:52 Might have.
00:51:56 Saying that it creates a dangerous situation.
00:52:03 And critiquing the scientists by saying.
00:52:07 The famous line.
00:52:11 They are so focused.
00:52:14 On whether or not they could.
00:52:17 They never thought to sit and ask themselves if they should.
00:52:37 All these stupid social engineering things that the social scientists.
00:52:43 Have been doing to.
00:52:44 The public for centuries really.
00:52:47 But it's it's really increased over the last few decades with disastrous effects.
00:52:56 Those same personality types are now going to.
00:52:58 Be the ones.
Speaker 4
00:53:01 Not just, you know.
00:53:02 Doing their their their gay OPS.
Speaker 6
00:53:06 On the the.
00:53:08 The psychology of the people.
00:53:10 They're going to be doing it to the biology of the people.
Speaker 5
00:53:13 They're going to be.
00:53:14 Creating people who are allergic to ******* beef because they don't want them eating beef.
00:53:24 They're going to be engineering people smaller and probably gayer.
00:53:33 And they're going to have no value system informing the the the ethical decisions.
00:53:44 I mean, just today I tweeted out or retweeted this story from let me take a look here.
00:53:55 And this is just today.
00:54:01 ABC News embryos older than 14 days can't be used for research scientists.
00:54:08 Want that changed?
00:54:12 They want to start.
00:54:13 I mean, I'd.
00:54:13 I'd look, I don't even think they should be experimenting on human embryos in, in the in the ways that they're.
00:54:19 Doing it now.
00:54:21 But because we had ethicists that, even if they look, even if they themselves were atheists, they at the very least had to contend with.
00:54:31 With people with Christian values.
00:54:33 And so they put the this 14 day rule.
00:54:38 On human embryo experimentation.
00:54:42 You know, so that it would at least somewhat align with their.
Speaker 5
00:54:46 Oh, it's not a baby.
00:54:47 It's just a, you know, it's a clump.
00:54:48 Of cells like that whole line, right?
00:54:51 You know, 14 days.
00:54:53 Well, you know, because if we've learned anything in the last decade or so.
00:54:58 It's that the.
00:55:00 Slippery slope fallacy is not a fallacy.
00:55:03 Scientists want the rules governing the use of human embryos to change.
00:55:09 Saying they are stopping potentially, potentially life changing research, life changing research, you know, like the kind of life change that would, you know, make you allergic to beef.
00:55:22 For decades, the 14.
00:55:23 Day rule has been a guiding.
00:55:25 Principle. Oh, there is a.
Speaker 4
00:55:27 Principle for researchers using.
00:55:29 Embryos and has shaped legislation worldwide, including in Australia.
00:55:35 It bans the use of an embryos older than 14 days in scientific research, but in a major shift, the International Society for stem cell research, representing more than 4000 scientists worldwide, has changed its guidelines to allow for more flexibility.
00:55:58 Around embryo use.
00:56:02 They recommend that the proposals be reviewed on a case by case basis.
00:56:08 By independent ethics and scientific committees.
00:56:12 You know, like the kind of.
00:56:14 Emphasis that this guy is.
00:56:17 Rather than be subject to.
Speaker 4
00:56:19 A blanket ban?
00:56:21 Yeah, why have.
Speaker 5
00:56:23 Why have universal morality?
00:56:27 Everything's relative, don't you know?
00:56:33 We want to start a conversation, says Megan Muntzing.
00:56:37 An Australian stem cell scientist who is also on the Iscr task force.
00:56:50 This is what happens when you.
00:56:51 Don't have any principles.
00:57:01 And look, it only makes sense.
00:57:06 If you had, if you shared.
00:57:07 The world view of these ******* people and these.
00:57:10 These ******* monsters.
00:57:16 It would be hard to argue with their logic.
Speaker 5
00:57:20 Right.
00:57:28 If you want to make an omelet, you're gonna.
00:57:30 Have to break a few eggs.
00:57:48 Speaking of breaking some eggs.
Speaker 7
00:57:56 So there's a new movie coming out.
00:58:01 That that was maybe a bad segue.
00:58:04 I'm still tired.
00:58:06 It's been a rough week.
00:58:07 It's been a rough week.
00:58:08 I can't tell you everything of why it's.
00:58:11 Trust me.
00:58:11 It's nothing super bad, I guess.
00:58:13 But it's it's just it's been a.
00:58:16 It's been a.
00:58:16 Rough week? That's.
Speaker 11
00:58:17 All I'm going to say.
00:58:20 Anyway, we're gonna watch a movie trailer anyway.
00:58:24 No segue, no good segue.
00:58:30 So we we've covered on this well.
Speaker 6
00:58:32 We've covered on.
Speaker 7
00:58:33 This channel, like a lot like a lot.
00:58:36 A lot of the the programming that goes on in Hollywood, whether it's on television or movies or or just in the media, right.
00:58:45 Where there seems to be a a central theme that's been going on for decades.
00:58:49 You know, white people are evil and this sort.
00:58:50 Of a thing.
00:58:51 And look, I said this back when I first saw this meme deploy.
00:58:57 And I saw conservatives trying to jump on the bandwagon thinking that, oh, yeah, let's we can use this meme too, not understanding that it was anti white, that it was explicitly anti white.
00:59:09 The Karen meme when I saw people like like Paul Joseph Watson for example calling people Karens.
00:59:17 And leaning into this Karen meme.
00:59:21 I said then, which has been.
Speaker 6
00:59:23 Proven right now.
00:59:25 That this was an anti white.
00:59:28 This was a meme that was targeted even though, like The funny thing is, of course, most of these women.
00:59:34 And you can look into this is true.
00:59:36 Like most of these women, especially the ones that got this whole thing going, we're Jewish women.
00:59:43 That these women in New York and these cities that were tattling on black men that were being aggressive and and look that were I, I don't think they did anything wrong.
00:59:54 I never thought they.
00:59:55 Did anything wrong?
Speaker 5
00:59:57 Most of them were Jewish.
01:00:02 But that was not the narrative.
01:00:03 The narrative was oh.
01:00:04 Look, white women are trying to get black.
01:00:06 Men killed by calling the cops.
01:00:10 Because we all know that comps just want to execute black people.
01:00:16 And so white women are essentially calling the the white supremacist shock troops in to execute the black people in their proximity.
01:00:28 And I saw so many conservatives lean into this and calling people Karens and trying to like own the libs by being the libs and it was just like you ******* *******.
01:00:38 Do you not see what?
01:00:39 This is what this is.
01:00:41 This is anti white woman.
01:00:46 And sure enough.
01:00:49 They made an entire movie.
01:00:52 Called Karen.
01:00:57 And who do you suppose?
01:01:00 You suppose is behind this movie.
01:01:04 We'll watch the trailer here in a.
01:01:07 I think it's downloading still.
01:01:24 I think it's.
Speaker 1
01:01:29 Here we are.
01:01:34 Coke Daniels.
01:01:38 Is the writer and director Coke Daniels?
01:01:40 Imagine having your first name being coke.
01:01:44 Let's see who this guy is.
01:01:51 Coke Daniels.
01:02:00 Well, they've, they've.
01:02:01 That's weird.
01:02:02 His entire Wikipedia is blank.
01:02:05 All we have is this filmography.
01:02:19 Ohh but he you know what he did?
01:02:20 Is he?
01:02:21 He made that movie blast.
01:02:23 From the past.
01:02:26 That's that movie I was talking about that.
01:02:31 Had a Brendan Frasier in it.
01:02:33 Where he's stuck in the bomb shelter.
01:02:38 From the 1950s.
01:02:40 And then he comes out and it's the 90s and.
01:02:45 They normalize some of sexuality and all this other stuff.
01:02:47 It's a super degenerate movie and it was designed for, to for like the the Christian audiences.
01:02:56 It was designed to normalize homosexuality and degeneracy to to people that were that wanted to go see, like a A rated PG movie, you know.
01:03:12 But his Wikipedia appears to have been.
01:03:15 Scrubbed, so I cannot look at his early life.
01:03:20 He looks mixed race.
Speaker 6
01:03:23 I I would, I would, I would guess that it's.
01:03:26 At least at the very least possible that he's mixed race in the same way Drake.
01:03:31 Is mixed race.
01:03:38 Let's see this.
01:03:42 This is downloaded now.
Speaker 1
01:03:51 Where did this go?
01:04:08 Alright, I got it.
01:04:09 It has download.
01:04:11 I just have to find it.
01:04:15 Come on.
01:04:23 Windows sucks so bad at this media management, we're just.
01:04:30 Keeping files.
01:04:32 Organized. Here we go.
01:04:35 So here we go.
01:04:36 This is the the Karen.
Speaker 13
01:04:47 I guess this.
Speaker 12
01:04:48 Is a long way from this point.
Speaker 1
01:04:50 Baby, you just got to give it a chance.
01:04:57 Tell me about your new neighbors.
01:04:59 They're black.
01:05:00 I'm keeping it down if.
01:05:02 You don't comply?
01:05:03 I'll tell the manager.
01:05:07 You might have taken home security serious.
Speaker 6
01:05:09 Hi I am Karen drexler.
01:05:11 I'm your neighbor.
01:05:12 You need to be taking your trash cans off the curb right when the trash is.
01:05:16 Picked up. Is she nice?
Speaker 1
01:05:19 She's nice.
01:05:20 Wait a minute.
01:05:21 We have a white entitled neighbor named Karen.
01:05:25 Yeah, OK, enjoy yourself.
Speaker 12
01:05:27 If she is slaving away in the kitchen.
01:05:30 I've come across some very suspecting.
Speaker 1
01:05:35 This is sad please.
Speaker 12
01:05:35 Acton, can you please hurry?
01:05:37 Yeah, please. I see you.
Speaker 5
01:05:39 You're very aggressive. Yep.
Speaker 11
01:05:40 Left my wallet with.
Speaker 12
01:05:41 My ID at home.
Speaker 8
01:05:43 We were slow.
01:05:43 We didn't do anything.
Speaker 10
01:05:45 The heck did you end?
Speaker 9
01:05:46 Up moving to this neighborhood, next thing you know.
Speaker 12
01:05:49 We have criminals.
Speaker 5
01:05:50 And take care of him and I.
Speaker 1
01:05:52 Will take care.
01:05:53 Of her, my office is uncovered, some disturbing information on her and her brother.
Speaker 9
01:05:53 Would you mind stepping out of the car?
Speaker 1
01:06:02 She doesn't like black people.
01:06:04 Never search.
Speaker 1
01:06:05 Well, I'm black.
01:06:08 I know she.
Speaker 12
01:06:09 Doesn't like you either.
Speaker 1
01:06:13 I want to sell the house.
Speaker 8
01:06:15 What do I do?
01:06:16 You can't tell me, huh?
Speaker 13
01:06:17 We are living next door to.
Speaker 1
01:06:21 You went in her house.
Speaker 11
01:06:25 I was not stating please procedure back there.
Speaker 8
01:06:27 What do we have here?
Speaker 10
01:06:28 But you gotta hammer everything.
01:06:30 Looks like nails.
Speaker 12
01:06:32 You people are very angry.
Speaker 11
01:06:35 Shut your mouth.
Speaker 1
01:06:41 Bad things happen.
01:06:42 Your people that don't comply.
01:06:46 So there you go.
01:06:53 This is it's pretty obvious.
01:06:55 What they're doing here, this is the the dehumanization of of whites, the systematic from every direction, dehumanization of whites, and there's only so many reasons you do that.
01:07:09 In fact, there's one reason you do that.
01:07:12 And that is to condition the NPCS who are.
01:07:15 Look, there's there's ******* conservatives that are gonna pay money.
01:07:22 To watch this movie, they're going to buy tickets at the movie theater or they're going to pay a subscription fee to whatever, you know, Netflix or where the **** this shit's on.
01:07:32 Or they're gonna look.
01:07:33 They might even pay the to watch it, you know, rent.
01:07:36 It from Amazon or iTunes or whatever the ****.
01:07:43 These same conservatives.
01:07:46 They will then ***** and moan about critical race theory or.
01:07:49 Whatever they're going to fund it.
01:07:52 They're going to ******* fund it.
01:07:57 Because NPCS, that's the movie we should be making, right? Not Karen's NPC would be a much better ******* movie.
01:08:06 And The funny thing is, NPC's would go ******* see that.
01:08:08 ****, too.
Speaker 11
01:08:11 As long as we have.
Speaker 7
01:08:12 The ability to to.
01:08:13 As long as we have the same distribution avenues that the the people that made this have.
Speaker 4
01:08:18 As long as we knew all.
01:08:19 The right people.
01:08:20 As long as our last name ended in.
01:08:22 Stein or something, or bird or something.
01:08:25 Then go watch NPC.
Speaker 5
01:08:33 Didn't they watch the?
01:08:34 Or I guess this was more.
01:08:36 Low budget they then they.
01:08:37 They made that movie ****.
01:08:38 Remember that.
01:08:40 God, I never watched that.
01:08:42 Maybe I should go watch that now.
01:08:45 I just couldn't stomach it.
01:08:46 I mean it was called ****.
01:08:53 But no, that was.
01:08:54 Pretty low budget.
01:08:55 That was a low.
01:08:55 Budget thing this is but this is.
01:08:57 A big deal this movie.
01:08:59 Lots of whites will go see this.
01:09:02 And they will call other whites carons.
01:09:07 There's that.
01:09:07 There's that video.
01:09:08 Like I'm not able to find it now.
01:09:09 I'm gonna post on my telegram like a year ago.
01:09:11 At this point.
01:09:12 It's been so long, there's this hysterical teenage white girl who, during the BLM riot ****, was standing in the middle of the street and a middle-aged white woman when her car was just trying to get to her neighborhood. It was like it was like in the suburbs it.
01:09:27 Wasn't even like in some.
01:09:29 Urban BLM rally.
01:09:30 It was some stupid ******* zoomer, *****.
Speaker 5
01:09:34 That wanted The Wanted to be wanted, the.
Speaker 4
01:09:37 BBC she wanted to she.
01:09:39 Wanted to pay the ******* toll.
01:09:41 And she wanted to virtue signal on Snapchat and justice.
01:09:44 Be a ******* ****.
01:09:46 And so she stood in the middle of the ******* St.
01:09:48 Because I you know.
01:09:49 Because George Floyd, I don't know, right?
01:09:54 And then a white woman in like a a Subaru or some stupid **** like that pulls up.
Speaker 4
01:10:00 And she spurges the **** out and starts screaming.
01:10:03 Karen, you're a ******* Karen.
01:10:06 Losing your ******* mind.
01:10:10 Full on MPC.
01:10:11 Spurge out.
01:10:16 This **** works.
01:10:19 This programming ******* works.
01:10:25 These people most especially have PC.
Speaker 5
01:10:28 'S they're not the.
01:10:29 These people are not experiencing life in real life.
01:10:36 Their life experience, if you want to call it that, is coming from movies like Karen.
Speaker 6
01:10:48 When you.
Speaker 5
01:10:48 Go out in public.
01:10:54 What are people looking at?
01:10:58 Are they looking at the world around them?
01:11:01 Or are they looking?
Speaker 4
01:11:02 At a little screen in their hand.
Speaker 5
01:11:16 What's more?
01:11:16 Real to these people at this point.
Speaker 6
01:11:32 I mean.
01:11:38 It's frustrating because look, I I think the temptation that the conservative, yeah, I've talked about how, you know, like the conservative response to this right, if there even would be one there, which there won't be because like I said, they're gonna be the ones.
01:11:52 ******* watching.
01:11:53 This *** **** movie.
01:11:55 The conservative response, if there was one, would.
Speaker 5
01:11:57 Be like.
Speaker 9
01:11:58 Well, what if we made?
01:11:59 A movie called Tyrone, and it's tempting to.
01:12:02 Do that.
01:12:03 It's it's, you know, I you know, that's the that's the white ******* thought process, right.
Speaker 6
01:12:09 Is you, you.
01:12:11 You want to point out the danger or the hypocrisy, or just you want to be a rational human and say, look, if you flip this around, this is bad.
01:12:24 This is bad.
01:12:25 You want them.
Speaker 5
01:12:26 To see what they're doing.
01:12:28 Because as I've said.
01:12:29 Before, if they if you were wrong about.
01:12:32 Your beliefs.
01:12:34 If you are being irrational because you're a rational person.
01:12:41 And you were just reacting emotionally and for whatever reason, you.
01:12:45 Lost sight of reality.
01:12:48 And someone were to reframe.
01:12:51 Because your perspective was ****** because of emotion or or whatever, they would reframe the situation from a different perspective.
01:13:03 And it would clarify things.
Speaker 7
01:13:05 For you, you'd be like.
Speaker 3
01:13:06 Oh ****.
01:13:10 Oh ****.
01:13:13 You're right, I was.
01:13:14 I was being irrational.
01:13:19 You're never going to get that reaction out of these people because they're lying about their objective.
01:13:25 This fits in with their objective.
01:13:29 It's like I said the other night.
01:13:30 If someone breaks into your house and starts ****** your wife.
Speaker 5
01:13:34 If you tell.
01:13:36 Hold on there, buddy.
01:13:38 What if I broke?
01:13:39 Into your house.
01:13:39 And raped your wife.
Speaker 4
01:13:41 They're not gonna be like oh.
Speaker 5
01:13:42 My God, I never thought of it.
01:13:43 That way and just stop.
01:13:45 ****** your wife?
Speaker 3
01:13:48 They don't care.
Speaker 5
01:13:52 They know what this movie is doing.
Speaker 4
01:13:54 They're not doing this because they don't know.
01:13:58 They're doing this because they do know.
Speaker 3
01:14:11 But we.
01:14:12 Look and and instead of saying instead of like literally instead of saying, well what?
Speaker 5
01:14:16 If it was.
01:14:16 A black line.
01:14:18 No, we should just do it.
01:14:19 We should.
Speaker 4
01:14:19 Just make a movie called Tyrone.
01:14:25 We just make.
01:14:26 A movie.
01:14:27 See, that's The thing is, if conservatives.
Speaker 3
01:14:31 You you have.
01:14:34 Fooled yourself into thinking the.
Speaker 5
01:14:35 Left can't meme the left.
01:14:38 Can't meme, really.
01:14:40 This is this is seems like a pretty ******* powerful meme to me.
Speaker 4
01:14:46 I mean, this is like millions of dollars.
01:14:49 This is a mean that's.
01:14:50 Going to be profitable.
Speaker 5
01:14:54 This means going to make money.
01:14:56 Many memes.
Speaker 5
01:14:56 That you have.
01:14:57 Have you made that that?
01:14:58 Make millions of dollars.
01:15:03 Would 0 means be the answer to that question?
Speaker 6
01:15:11 And not only that, you think that.
01:15:12 You think the the official Twitter?
01:15:14 Account of this is going to get banned.
Speaker 5
01:15:21 No, it's get promoted.
Speaker 12
01:15:26 This will be.
01:15:27 On like the the the pre roll.
01:15:31 Of videos I'm.
01:15:32 Like ******* YouTube and ****.
Speaker 5
01:15:41 It doesn't have to go viral.
01:15:43 They'll just pay for it to be put on everyone's phones and tablets and TVA's.
01:15:50 So people have to watch it.
Speaker 4
01:15:58 They don't care if it's cheating.
Speaker 5
01:16:01 And they don't even care.
01:16:02 They have to pay money for.
Speaker 4
01:16:03 It because you are paying for it.
Speaker 5
01:16:07 It's profitable.
01:16:08 They're not losing money by doing it.
01:16:10 They're making money.
01:16:11 In fact, they'll make more money.
01:16:15 By marketing it.
01:16:17 That's how it works.
Speaker 5
01:16:19 So the more money they spend.
01:16:21 Putting this ******** in front.
Speaker 6
01:16:23 Of the the the the.
01:16:24 Faces of NPCS.
Speaker 5
01:16:27 The more money the NPC's will give them.
01:16:30 To make more.
01:16:40 And meanwhile, the Conservatives can't even.
Speaker 4
01:16:43 Make a single ******* movie to.
01:16:44 Save their lives.
Speaker 7
01:16:45 At this point, literally.
Speaker 4
01:16:47 That's how you should be thinking about it.
01:16:51 To save your ******* life.
01:17:00 Remember that *********** Atlas Shrugged.
01:17:03 They tried to make.
Speaker 5
01:17:04 The libertarians.
01:17:06 That didn't make any money.
01:17:08 That lost millions of dollars and it was ******* terrible.
01:17:15 I could even.
01:17:16 I couldn't even make it through like a few minutes of that ****.
01:17:24 It was frustrating to watch.
01:17:25 I I.
Speaker 5
01:17:26 Knew I could have done.
01:17:27 A better job.
Speaker 5
01:17:29 Any. Well, **** anyone could.
Speaker 4
01:17:31 Talk about her. Job it.
01:17:31 Was so bad.
Speaker 5
01:17:39 These people have been doing this for.
01:17:41 Hundreds of years.
Speaker 5
01:17:42 We're not well, I.
01:17:43 Don't know if.
01:17:44 I mean, I mean.
01:17:44 Not the film aspect of it, but.
01:17:50 When there were different mediums.
01:18:08 The left absolutely can meme.
01:18:12 I don't know what else to say, I mean.
01:18:13 This is a meme. That's.
01:18:18 This is this.
01:18:18 Is a well oiled machine meme.
01:18:22 Look at that.
01:18:25 Nothing more dangerous than a white person with a gun, right?
Speaker 7
01:18:36 Is isn't the right you.
01:18:37 Know don't they like to say?
01:18:38 Don't let your memes be dreams.
01:18:41 Well, ****.
01:18:42 They're meme is is.
01:18:44 Not just manifesting itself in.
01:18:46 The form of the movie.
01:18:49 Their memes become policy way, but more than yours do.
01:18:58 How many of your memes actually materialized?
01:19:01 Under the the Trump administration.
01:19:04 Once again with.
Speaker 4
01:19:04 0 means be the answer to that.
01:19:12 The Trump lock her up.
01:19:15 The Trump drained the swamp.
01:19:23 Was the Epstein thing ever resolved?
01:19:28 Did we ever find out what happened with Seth Rich?
01:19:34 Are Epstein and Seth Rich hanging out in?
Speaker 4
01:19:36 Tel Aviv, somewhere together.
01:19:38 I who knows.
Speaker 5
01:19:39 We'll never know.
01:19:53 I mean, **** if you, I mean.
01:19:54 We could even say Q Anon it was it.
Speaker 6
01:19:56 Was a right wing meme nominally right?
01:20:00 And that's been turned against you.
01:20:13 You know, memes like Karen materialize into things like this.
Speaker 11
01:20:17 Our experience on the ground confirms this.
01:20:19 The number of open FBI domestic terrorism investigations this year has increased significantly.
01:20:27 According to an unclassified summary of the March Intelligence assessment, the two most lethal elements of the domestic violence extremist threat are racially or ethnically motivated.
01:20:37 Violent extremists and militia violent extremists in the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from.
01:20:46 Racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.
01:20:56 The March assessment concluded that the that the militia violent extremist threat, which is describes as those who quote take over steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the United States government in support of their belief that the United States government is purportedly exceeding its constitutional authority.
01:21:15 Also increased last year and will almost certainly continue.
01:21:20 To be elevated throughout.
Speaker 12
01:21:23 But America is unique.
01:21:26 All nations in the world, we're the only nation organized based on an idea.
Speaker 14
01:21:33 That I have loyalty to ideas and of course I love the Grand Canyon.
01:21:37 I love the Rocky Mountains and I love Boston.
01:21:40 I love Chicago, but if all that disappeared and all I had was ideas and we're on an island, that's America, that's Israel.
Speaker 8
01:21:47 Every other nation you can define by their ethnicity.
01:21:55 For religion.
01:21:58 Except America.
01:22:02 America is born out of an idea.
Speaker 14
01:22:05 And that that's what people have to realize, that America is just a placeholder for timeless ideas.
Speaker 8
01:22:11 We hold these truths to be self-evident.
01:22:14 All men and women.
01:22:15 Are created equal endowed by their creator.
01:22:19 There's certainly valuable rights, including life, liberty, etc.
Speaker 14
01:22:24 If you fall too in love with, you know all the specific place and all this, that's, you know, that's not what it is.
01:22:30 Israel would be the exception because there is a holy connection.
01:22:34 Israel, of course, is the exception.
Speaker 5
01:22:40 Do you get it?
01:22:43 I refuse to believe I used to think.
01:22:47 And I think it's because I I I got this from Dennis Prager.
01:22:51 I've told you, I used to watch or listen to his radio show all the time.
01:22:57 And something he used to always say, and maybe he still does, I don't know, but.
01:23:00 Listen to his show in years.
01:23:02 Is there is the?
01:23:06 I forget the exact wording now, but it was something along the lines of.
01:23:10 There's the part, there's the evil party, and then there's the stupid party and I belong to the stupid party.
01:23:17 And he was always promoting this, this idea that the reason the Republicans never got anything.
01:23:25 The reason that you know.
01:23:26 That nothing that they.
Speaker 4
01:23:27 Would ever run on whatever.
01:23:29 Materialize was because they were just stupid.
01:23:37 Not that they were in.
01:23:37 On it, they were just stupid.
01:23:42 Of course, his.
01:23:43 Solution was to keep voting for them.
01:23:46 Because maybe eventually they would stop being.
01:23:48 Stupid, I don't know.
Speaker 5
01:23:53 But that's a lie.
01:23:56 I refuse to believe that they're that ******* stupid.
Speaker 7
01:24:02 And if they?
Speaker 4
01:24:02 If they are that ******* stupid, they don't.
Speaker 5
01:24:05 They don't belong anywhere near power.
Speaker 4
01:24:11 And you still see this ****.
01:24:13 You still see all these people like, oh.
01:24:15 Well, there's a news report that came out.
Speaker 7
01:24:17 The other day.
01:24:18 Oh, it turns out, you know, base Trump's base Trump, he wanted to use the National Guard against BLM.
01:24:28 But Kushner, his advisers, talked him out of it.
01:24:31 Oh, that damn that Kushner or Kushner.
01:24:46 Doesn't that just mean that Trump's.
01:24:49 In ineffectual ******.
01:24:55 How many?
01:25:01 You can only make so many excuses for.
01:25:03 These ******* people.
01:25:16 I mean, I've said time and time.
01:25:17 Again, it doesn't matter if they're incompetent or if they're.
01:25:20 In on it if.
01:25:21 The result is exactly the ******* same.
01:26:10 And by the way, Speaking of which?
01:26:17 All these people that are.
Speaker 7
01:26:23 That are that are.
01:26:24 For some reason, saying that Trump has no responsibility.
Speaker 3
01:26:28 For what happened?
01:26:29 To his supporters on the 6th.
Speaker 7
01:26:33 Even now that they they.
01:26:34 Know, look, look these people.
01:26:36 They love Tucker, right?
01:26:37 A lot of them.
01:26:37 Oh, bass, Tucker bass.
01:26:39 Tucker told us about the revolver article talking.
01:26:42 About how the.
01:26:43 The feds were were embedded in the protesters on the 6th.
01:26:47 Those were Trump's ******* feds.
Speaker 5
01:26:52 Who was the president?
01:26:54 On the 6th.
Speaker 3
01:26:56 And then he just embed him that day.
01:27:03 Who time and time again refused.
01:27:07 To say that Q is ******** when confronted about Q.
01:27:10 In press conferences, Trump. Why?
Speaker 7
01:27:14 Doesn't matter.
01:27:18 Does it matter?
01:27:19 Does it matter if he didn't do?
01:27:20 It because he thought he would lose votes.
01:27:26 Or because he was just.
01:27:27 Some incompetent ****.
01:27:28 Who really didn't know what Q was?
01:27:33 Doesn't matter.
01:27:35 Or even that he was in on it doesn't matter.
Speaker 5
01:27:43 Christopher Wray was put there by Trump.
01:27:47 These investigations were all started under Trump.
01:27:52 Doesn't matter if it if, if they took place right under his nose without his knowledge.
01:28:03 You know, I got a.
01:28:03 Lot of **** from back in the day.
01:28:05 Saying Trump appears.
01:28:06 To either be in on this **** or have 0 control over his own intelligence agencies.
01:28:19 And now these same ******* that were.
01:28:21 Telling me that oh, really?
01:28:23 Trust the plan, Devin.
01:28:27 They're they're now saying he had no.
01:28:29 Control over his intelligence agencies.
01:28:35 Saying people that thought the intelligence agencies.
01:28:37 Were all secretly based.
01:28:47 So I'm sure you guys saw this.
01:28:51 US blocks websites linked to Iranian disinformation source.
01:29:00 The United States seized a bunch.
01:29:02 Of Iranian news outlet websites.
01:29:10 Specifically, the FBI for spreading disinformation.
01:29:23 Now, if the the excuse they're using to do this.
01:29:27 Is that it's going to promote terrorism or or whatever.
01:29:34 And they're calling you a terrorist.
Speaker 5
01:29:42 What do you think's going to happen?
01:29:57 You absolutely will be seeing this.
01:29:59 There's a lot of things we're.
Speaker 4
01:29:59 Not going to see in.
01:30:00 Our lifetime you.
01:30:02 Know when I say that you know.
01:30:03 That we we have a long.
01:30:05 Way to fall, we're not.
01:30:06 Going to we probably won't even live.
01:30:08 Long enough to see the.
01:30:08 Bottom of this, I don't think.
01:30:12 At least I ******* hope not.
Speaker 5
01:30:15 Because it does.
01:30:16 It does get pretty dark before it, uh.
01:30:19 It rebounds.
01:30:22 I think we'll see this.
01:30:23 I think we'll see.
01:30:23 This fairly soon.
01:30:40 And you want to know why?
01:30:41 We'll see this.
01:30:45 All these people, all these.
01:30:46 Queue people that want they want to back the blue.
01:30:52 All these boomers that are still.
Speaker 4
01:30:54 Delusional because they think.
01:30:55 That they live in a white primacy world.
01:30:58 They don't want to call it that.
01:31:00 They probably can't even articulate that that's what they what they.
Speaker 4
01:31:04 Believe in.
Speaker 3
01:31:06 But that's what they believe in.
01:31:11 They think back to high school.
01:31:12 They didn't have any trans kids in their classrooms.
01:31:17 They didn't even.
01:31:18 Have any diversity in their classrooms?
Speaker 7
01:31:22 Many of them.
01:31:23 Didn't even have any diversity in their workplaces.
01:31:28 Most of it, as we've talked at length.
Speaker 6
01:31:32 They're, they're.
01:31:36 Exposure to diversity.
01:31:39 Was through their screens, their television screens.
01:31:45 They didn't actually know any black families they but they knew the cosbys.
01:31:54 They knew The Jeffersons.
01:32:00 They knew The Fresh Prince.
Speaker 4
01:32:01 Of Bel Air.
01:32:08 So when they think of the law enforcement.
01:32:14 That they still think is serving and protecting.
01:32:16 Them you got to.
01:32:17 Think of it a lot of times this this knee jerk.
01:32:24 Desire to back the blue to back the blue to support law enforcement is because a lot of these people view law enforcement.
01:32:35 As the force field protecting them from diversity.
01:32:45 You know, serve and protect.
01:32:51 And in a white primacy world, that's that's precisely, you know, that's.
01:32:54 What they're there for?
01:32:58 And that's the.
01:32:58 World they grew up in well now.
01:33:09 We live in a completely different.
01:33:12 Reality. Let me see here.
01:33:19 Hey twinky. Ohh hey girl.
Speaker 13
01:33:22 That's my job, Daddy, right?
Speaker 10
01:33:25 We're Pew force.
01:33:26 We're the first queer agents.
Speaker 13
01:33:27 In the field ever, that's called an entrance by the.
01:33:34 Way the Best Buy is in the world.
01:33:37 Hit me hard right now.
Speaker 11
01:33:46 Alright, praise.
Speaker 13
01:33:47 The room's empty.
01:33:48 I wasted all that masculinity on.
01:33:50 Not nothing, my little **** hole went.
Speaker 6
01:33:55 Damn it, you can't pander to the gays.
01:33:56 They can smell it.
01:33:57 You're acting like Citibank at pride.
Speaker 4
01:34:02 That's the intelligence community now.
01:34:13 That force field isn't around you anymore.
01:34:19 That force field is now protecting.
Speaker 3
01:34:24 From you.
01:34:29 You are now the infection.
01:34:47 And it's funny because there's.
01:34:48 So many people, even people watching this right now.
Speaker 6
01:34:51 That that might might agree.
01:34:52 With everything I'm saying, who still have Netflix.
01:35:01 You're funding this.
01:35:05 Because you have no self-control.
01:35:09 Because look at this point, look, you're.
01:35:12 You're an NPC.
01:35:21 If you're still, if you're still paying for this programming, it's called programming.
01:35:25 They literally call it programming.
01:35:27 They've always called that programming.
01:35:31 It's a television program.
Speaker 6
01:35:41 And you have a.
01:35:42 Subscription to it.
Speaker 3
01:35:45 What does that make you?
01:36:22 So another video that that was bouncing around the the.
01:36:25 Internet this last week.
01:36:30 And I saw a lot of people that.
01:36:31 Kind of.
01:36:34 Agreed with this and I think not because.
Speaker 7
01:36:40 They're foolish that I think that in a.
Speaker 6
01:36:42 Way that like they're.
01:36:43 Black Pilled in the way that.
01:36:44 I get accused of being black pilled.
01:36:50 But Biden?
01:36:51 Biden went to the podium and said this the other day.
Speaker 12
01:36:57 The Second Amendment from the day it was passed limited to type of people, could only and what type of weapon you could own.
01:37:04 You couldn't buy Canon, it was just, say, the blood of the the blood of Patriots, singers and all this stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government while the Tree of Liberty is not one with the blood of patriots.
01:37:17 What's happened is that there are never been.
01:37:20 If you wanted to think you need to have weapons to take on the government.
01:37:24 And we'd have 15 to maybe some nuclear weapons.
01:37:28 The point is that there's always been the building, the limit rationally limited the type of weapon that can be owned.
01:37:34 And look fifteens and maybe some nuclear weapons, fifteens and maybe some nuclear weapons.
01:37:44 Now I hear this all the time from people.
01:37:51 No, your, your, your weapons are are no match for the government.
01:37:54 You're just gonna get.
01:37:55 Droned or whatever.
Speaker 7
01:37:59 Well, if that was the case.
01:38:00 I mean, we would have won.
01:38:03 Every conflict we've been in.
01:38:05 Overseas, right, like overnight.
01:38:08 Has the US really won?
01:38:11 I mean, can you really say that?
01:38:12 We've decisively won any war.
01:38:19 In the last 50-60 years.
01:38:33 The moreover, the, the, the the interesting.
01:38:35 Thing about that.
01:38:36 What he's saying.
01:38:37 Here, first of all, he's lying.
01:38:39 You could buy cannons.
01:38:40 In fact, a lot of the.
01:38:41 Were used during both the revolutionary and civil wars.
01:38:45 They were privately owned.
01:38:54 You could buy cannons.
01:38:57 And because the the the Second Amendment is not there.
01:39:03 To protect you against Tyrone.
01:39:06 It's not.
01:39:06 I mean, I guess.
01:39:07 Maybe that's part of it.
01:39:10 But the Second Amendment is there to protect you against tyranny.
01:39:17 And so really, what Biden?
01:39:18 If he understood that, then I'm.
01:39:20 Sure, he really does.
01:39:22 But if the people that are agreeing with him, like on the left saying Oh yeah, haha.
01:39:28 You're no match for F fifteens and nuclear weapons.
01:39:32 That's an argument for legalizing F fifteens and nuclear weapons in the hands of private citizens.
01:39:41 More than anything else.
01:40:00 This guy is unhinged.
01:40:05 I mean, he's obviously.
01:40:06 Suffering from dementia, he couldn't even really even get that.
01:40:10 You could even deliver those lines.
01:40:16 You know, I'm sure you guys.
01:40:17 Have seen this like this, this this.
01:40:19 Guy's deteriorating at an alarming rate.
Speaker 10
01:40:23 I got them $1.9 trillion relief so far. They're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential.
01:40:32 I wrote the bill.
01:40:35 On the environment, pay them more.
Speaker 12
01:40:40 This is an employees.
Speaker 10
01:40:43 Employees bargaining chip now.
Speaker 5
01:40:55 Because I'll tell you one thing.
01:41:01 Let's say Trump did want to use the.
01:41:03 Military against BLM.
01:41:07 And he was.
01:41:07 Talked out of it by Kushner in the military.
01:41:11 That guy's not going to be.
01:41:12 Talked out of it.
Speaker 7
01:41:15 By the military.
01:41:17 Or by Kushner.
01:41:44 Anyway, let's take a look at take a look at chat.
01:41:51 As far as the discord stuff, so.
01:41:56 I'm still working out.
01:41:57 I'm trying to smooth this out.
01:41:58 So right now we've got two discord servers going and look, I just want I want to personally thank everyone involved with both.
01:42:08 Honestly, everyone's been putting a good effort in in trying to get going, but we need.
01:42:13 To consolidate this, everyone on the same.
01:42:16 Discord server and I just haven't able to get a hold of because.
01:42:19 There's people in.
01:42:19 Different time zones and my sleep schedules all over the place, and I've just had weird **** happening.
01:42:25 But I'm trying to get the people involved with both discord servers in the same.
01:42:30 Room at the same time, so we can discuss it and work everything out and figure out what's going on, but at least it is.
01:42:37 It does appear that we're getting kind of a community off the ground, which is good.
01:42:44 UM.
01:42:46 And the discord stuff will be a good place.
01:42:49 There's some things I want to do that.
01:42:50 Aren't worthy of of.
01:42:52 A stream because it's not going to really interest everybody.
01:42:54 Like one thing for example my and this.
01:42:59 This also shows you how easy it is.
Speaker 5
01:43:01 My boomer parents.
Speaker 6
01:43:04 Who are?
Speaker 5
01:43:07 No, they're getting they're getting.
Speaker 6
01:43:08 On in years, let me just say.
01:43:11 They got licensed for they they they became licensed hams just the other.
01:43:16 Day they finally got their general.
01:43:18 I was actually pretty surprised.
01:43:19 My mom pulled that off, but if my boomer mom.
01:43:23 Can get her general.
01:43:24 You guys can do.
01:43:25 It and so I'm sending them a a radio that that they can use.
01:43:32 And just as an example of things that I was thinking it would be good for.
01:43:35 The Discord server I made a video to show them how to tune up a tube radio.
01:43:44 That's the video I I feel like I could probably post the discord because it would be useful to people in the community that want to get involved with stuff like that, but it I don't think I'd have.
01:43:55 I don't know, maybe it would.
01:43:56 Maybe you guys would like to see it.
01:43:58 As well, but stuff like that and stuff like, you know.
01:44:03 Maybe a little little.
01:44:04 Thing like little cactus, growing tips and things like.
01:44:07 That, but also just going back to what I was talking about earlier in the stream about making movies that can actually be memes that compete with this and look, look, just.
01:44:18 Being realistic here guys.
01:44:21 I think we can make a movie that's good.
Speaker 5
01:44:25 But it's not going to be at the.
01:44:28 Level that even the movie Karen is.
01:44:30 It's just not we don't.
01:44:31 Have those resources.
01:44:33 We don't have millions.
01:44:33 Of dollars to throw at this stuff.
01:44:37 And so it's not going to and certainly we don't have the millions of dollars to for the marketing and stuff like that.
01:44:42 It's not going to be seen.
01:44:43 As even if it.
Speaker 4
01:44:44 Even if it ends up being better than Karen.
Speaker 6
01:44:48 It it won't get in in front of.
01:44:49 As many people, just because we don't have that kind of.
01:44:53 But it doesn't mean we don't try, so we need to get cooking on.
01:44:57 That as well.
01:45:00 Oh, and also one more thing before I go to chat I spent.
01:45:06 Actually like 5-6 hours.
01:45:09 Talking to James Alsop yesterday.
Speaker 6
01:45:13 So I'll be in fact, he.
01:45:15 Might have already posted it.
01:45:16 I don't.
Speaker 6
01:45:16 Know when he.
01:45:16 When he posted or when I'll try to get the link.
01:45:19 If he hasn't yet, when he does post it, I'll post it to my telegram.
01:45:24 So I'll be on his his thing NTN.
01:45:28 I think it's called.
01:45:31 The the the first hour is free and I think the second hour is behind a paywall.
01:45:35 The first hour is like 2 hours though, and we went pretty long and like the second hour is also about two hours.
01:45:42 So and we had some really good discussions in that.
01:45:47 It's not really a stream.
01:45:48 I mean, it was live when we did it.
01:45:51 You know, but it's recorded.
01:45:52 So I'll send you guys a.
01:45:55 Link to that.
01:45:56 FTN people are saying that's what it is.
Speaker 3
01:46:00 UM.
01:46:02 Yeah, my brain's a little.
Speaker 1
01:46:04 Little foggy right now.
01:46:07 People are saying it's up on TRS already, OK, so that's up.
01:46:10 But that was that was a really good discussion.
01:46:13 So if you guys want to.
01:46:14 Check that out, I'll.
01:46:15 Get the link, I'll post it to telegram.
01:46:19 But the first hour, like I said, was like it's like 2 hours.
01:46:22 If I mean, I don't, maybe he added it down.
01:46:24 I don't know.
01:46:24 I don't think.
01:46:25 He did though it.
01:46:27 Was, but it was really good.
01:46:31 OK, people in chat, what became of John Mark?
01:46:34 He got raided by the feds.
01:46:39 He well, he's got a family.
01:46:42 And the feds came to his house and intimidated him, essentially.
01:46:48 They thought that he was starting a revolution.
01:46:54 Questioned him and that scared him.
01:46:56 I mean, that's the official.
01:46:57 Maybe something else happened.
01:46:58 I don't think so though.
01:46:59 Believe him.
01:47:00 I think that's what happened is, you know, you got a wife and kid and the FBI comes to your door and look what the, you know, look.
01:47:07 What the FBI's doing?
01:47:10 They're locking up grandmas for taking a selfie.
01:47:12 Not ******* around.
01:47:15 And now, certainly that happened before.
01:47:18 You know, this kind of stuff escalated a little bit.
01:47:22 But I don't know what you know, we don't know.
01:47:24 He didn't really say the specifics of what that conversation was about, but look, that's that's scary stuff.
01:47:31 We've seen the FBI raid a bunch.
01:47:33 Of different people.
01:47:35 One story that came out just I think today or yesterday was the fact that the FBI star witness.
Speaker 6
01:47:44 Is it the FBI?
01:47:45 It might just be DOJ.
01:47:46 But there I.
01:47:47 I guess it would, maybe it's probably DOJ, right, because it's the extradition of Julian Assange, their star witness was coerced.
01:47:56 Into lying about Assange.
01:47:59 To give them.
01:48:01 Fake evidence.
01:48:04 In order to get him.
01:48:05 Extradited to the United States.
Speaker 7
01:48:08 And look, I mean, come on, like everything we know about the.
01:48:11 FBI, especially over the last four or five years.
01:48:15 But really going well beyond that.
01:48:16 But I mean a.
01:48:17 Lot of people who maybe weren't necessarily paying attention, you guys know.
01:48:21 Just from the last four or five years.
01:48:24 That we're not dealing with an honest organization here.
01:48:30 And they do.
01:48:30 They will.
01:48:31 I mean, look, what?
01:48:31 What did Chuck Schumer say?
01:48:33 You know, that the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday to to **** you over.
01:48:37 And he was saying that in terms.
01:48:38 Of in regards to Trump.
01:48:41 You know, the intelligence community had ways of ******* the president over and getting what they want out of the President.
01:48:46 So of course, you know, if you're.
01:48:47 Someone like John Mark, you're just some.
01:48:49 Guy, I mean I.
01:48:50 Think I really do think I don't think.
Speaker 9
01:48:52 He was like a.
01:48:52 I think he was just some guy.
01:48:55 That was the life propertarianism because he wanted.
01:48:58 He saw the same problems that.
01:49:00 A lot of us see.
01:49:02 I don't think that propertarianism is.
01:49:04 A good way to address them, I think it's there.
01:49:07 There's just too many fatal flaws and just you know.
Speaker 6
01:49:11 The I mean just the the the fact that.
Speaker 5
01:49:14 11 even.
01:49:15 If it was, let's just say Propertarianism was the the ultimate solution to.
01:49:21 Our problems.
Speaker 6
01:49:23 And this is, you know, I think one of.
01:49:24 The problems John Mark was trying.
01:49:26 To remedy is optics do still matter.
01:49:31 And one of the reasons why they matter is because.
01:49:35 People need to be led, I.
Speaker 6
01:49:37 Mean look, look at.
01:49:37 That Trump rally that happened today.
01:49:40 The Trump rally that happened, there's still people wearing their mask.
01:49:43 I mean, you know, legions of people.
01:49:46 Wearing Maga hats wearing Trump capes.
01:49:50 Probably a lot of cute T-shirts still in that crowd, right?
Speaker 3
01:49:55 People need to be led.
01:49:57 People need to be manipulated into action.
01:50:01 You know this is.
01:50:02 This is something a lot of people on the right.
01:50:04 Are uncomfortable with.
01:50:08 They're uncomfortable with the idea that you you essentially need to manipulate people into doing.
Speaker 3
01:50:12 The right thing.
01:50:15 The left knows this on that we've spent most.
01:50:17 Of the stream talking about it, how they do it, the right doesn't do it.
01:50:23 The right doesn't do it because the right has focused so heavily on individualism, right?
01:50:32 And and avoiding collectivism every possible way that they can.
01:50:36 But that's you're not going to win.
01:50:39 You're not going to win in a.
01:50:41 Fight against a a collective force.
01:50:45 As an individual.
01:50:48 And you're just simply not going to get everyone on the same page.
01:50:50 You think that the people on?
01:50:51 The left are on the same.
Speaker 5
01:50:52 Page on ****.
01:50:53 You think that the the, the Muslims.
01:50:56 Have anything in?
01:50:57 Common with the the the alphabet people.
Speaker 6
01:51:01 The LGBTQ whatever the ****.
01:51:03 It is now.
01:51:06 No, but they're on the same team.
01:51:12 And they're and and they they're not, they're they.
Speaker 5
01:51:14 Agree on on.
Speaker 14
01:51:15 Not a whole lot.
01:51:18 Other than that, they agree on their.
01:51:20 Hatred of the white.
01:51:22 Founding stock people in this country.
01:51:24 Or just the white, you know, white.
01:51:25 Europeans worldwide, right?
01:51:27 They have a common enemy.
01:51:31 But moreover, they're they're all being manipulated as groups.
01:51:36 Into collectivizing.
01:51:40 And that's why they're winning.
01:51:43 And the problem with propertarianism is.
01:51:47 There is no charismatic leader.
01:51:51 I mean, as Trump's proving, you don't even have to deliver on your promises or even.
01:51:56 Make at this point he's not even making promises that.
01:52:00 That I would give.
01:52:01 A **** about.
01:52:03 What's he going to do?
01:52:04 Lower black.
01:52:05 Unemployment some more.
01:52:06 I mean, you know, I.
01:52:06 Mean like what?
01:52:07 What are his promises now?
01:52:09 He's not even promising to drink the swamp or locker up, or, you know, I mean like.
01:52:14 It's no longer a matter of.
01:52:17 Over promising and under under delivering, he's under promising.
Speaker 13
01:52:21 And under delivering.
Speaker 4
01:52:26 But it doesn't matter. He's.
01:52:27 A charismatic leader.
01:52:28 That's that's why it's so disappointing to see what happened, because it this doesn't it.
01:52:33 That's a rare quality.
01:52:34 That's not something that a lot.
01:52:35 Of people are able to pull off.
01:52:42 It's very few and far between it's it's like.
Speaker 6
01:52:45 You know you.
01:52:45 Think you know Scientology?
01:52:47 Just as an example.
01:52:48 You know Elon Hub, I still don't know how that ******* guy did it cause I watch videos, this guy, because I was just you.
01:52:52 Know just you're fascinated by, like, how did this?
01:52:55 This very unattractive, you know, fat guy, this, you know, mediocre science fiction writer managed.
01:53:03 How did he do this?
01:53:05 I still don't get it on I I've you.
01:53:06 Know there's not.
01:53:07 A ton of video of him, but like the video I've watched, I'm just like I don't get it.
01:53:11 And so some of it's just context, right, right, place in the right time.
01:53:17 Certainly with Trump, that has a lot to.
01:53:18 Do with it right?
01:53:20 Trump was responding to, you know that there's this.
01:53:26 There is a fear among whites on the right.
01:53:30 And and they a lot of, you know, especially the Christians they.
01:53:34 They want a savior to come.
01:53:36 Swoop in and and fix the problem for them.
Speaker 4
01:53:39 But that's just most people.
01:53:41 And so and he, you know, he played the part of of Savior.
01:53:48 And again he didn't deliver on anything, but they're they're.
01:53:51 So thirsty for that?
01:53:55 They just need someone that's going to.
01:53:57 At least.
01:53:59 Provide the illusion.
01:54:02 Of representation in places of power.
01:54:07 But Propertarianism doesn't have anything even like even remotely like that, like their leader.
01:54:13 Ohh ****.
01:54:15 Why am I blanking?
01:54:15 On his name right now.
01:54:17 UM.
01:54:20 Anyway, I mean.
01:54:22 Look, he's a smart guy, but like no one think not.
01:54:25 I mean, I don't think anyone, even, maybe, probably not even him, would say that he's charismatic.
01:54:30 And that's something that John Mark was trying to I think bridge that gap and try to like distill it down to something that sounded good using you know kind of like if you looked at his videos, it was very it just reminded me kind of like of infomercials in a way right like it was.
01:54:46 Just very vague, very light on the details.
Speaker 6
01:54:50 Very light on the details.
01:54:52 But that's why it was so successful.
01:54:54 I mean, Trump, you think?
01:54:55 He got into the details of.
01:54:56 How he was going to.
01:54:57 Do any of this stuff?
01:54:58 Of course not.
01:55:00 And people don't need that.
01:55:02 You know it's good for us to have these discussions and talk about the intellectual side of stuff and actually talk about details here.
01:55:08 But if you want to get things done.
01:55:11 If you want.
01:55:12 To manipulate MPC's, that's just going to.
01:55:14 Confuse people. It's like.
01:55:17 OK, so this is kind of maybe a weird example of this, but of the psychology of it.
01:55:22 But the more choices people are given, they've done study after study on this, whether you're talking about menu items at a restaurant.
01:55:32 Or even movies at a.
01:55:34 Movie theater.
01:55:36 If you overwhelm people with choices.
01:55:40 You actually make less money at your business like you will make more money at your restaurant.
Speaker 3
01:55:48 If you have.
01:55:49 Fewer choices on the menu.
01:55:53 You know, because people don't want to have all these choices.
01:55:57 It's they they they have a finite amount of decision making power.
01:56:06 And if you overwhelm them with all these different decisions, they have to make, because each choice, that's a decision.
01:56:14 And if you've got one.
01:56:15 100 items on your menu. That's 100 decisions they have to make.
Speaker 5
01:56:20 Well, no debit, it's just one.
01:56:21 No, it's.
01:56:22 Not just one, because you.
01:56:23 Yeah, you're selecting.
01:56:24 One. But you're saying no to 99 others?
01:56:30 And so you need to make things as simple as humanly possible for people.
Speaker 5
01:56:34 That's the way people like.
01:56:35 The the cause the whole light.
01:56:37 Switch brain thing, right?
01:56:39 That's why the left versus right, you know.
01:56:42 The red team versus the blue team.
01:56:44 That's why that works so well.
01:56:47 Because it's it's.
01:56:48 That's the fewest amount of choices.
01:56:50 Can give a.
01:56:50 Human is 2.
01:56:52 This or this?
01:56:57 And that's, I mean unfortunately given the.
01:57:01 The state of NPC's these days, right?
01:57:06 You're going to have the most success by limiting the choices down to two.
01:57:12 So when you're explaining your ideology and and and trying to get people on board with whatever it is, you're.
01:57:18 Doing you want to keep it simple.
01:57:23 You want to.
01:57:23 Keep it as simple as humanly possible and not give them a lot of things to think about and.
01:57:28 Not give them a lot of choices.
01:57:35 But no, the propertarianism.
01:57:36 Like I said, it's it's it's fatally flawed.
01:57:39 Just in so many ways.
01:57:41 And it's in the same way that a lot of these most ideologies have this problem where it would.
Speaker 7
01:57:47 Work really good.
01:57:48 If humans were.
01:57:48 Robots, you know?
01:57:50 Or, you know, in fact, let me just.
01:57:52 Put this way.
01:57:52 The thing that gets in the way.
01:57:54 In fact, I had someone respond to a tweet.
01:57:56 I criticized capitalism.
01:57:57 I don't remember what it was at this point.
01:57:59 It was like a week ago or so I said something about capitalism and someone responded.
01:58:05 Well, that's not a problem with capitalism.
01:58:07 That's a problem with people.
Speaker 6
01:58:10 Well, I mean.
01:58:13 If your system that's designed for people is incompatible with people, it's a bad system.
01:58:21 It doesn't matter if, like it would, it would work great if we were all like communism, right?
01:58:26 Communism would be great if we were all just robots.
01:58:31 But we're not robots.
01:58:33 We are people.
01:58:35 And so if human nature gets in the way of your ideology working.
01:58:39 It's a bad ideology.
01:58:41 I mean not.
Speaker 6
01:58:41 Because it's yeah.
01:58:43 If everyone's like a clone.
01:58:44 Of you, it would be great, right?
01:58:46 But they're not.
01:58:48 And that's kind of the problem.
01:58:49 Propietario ISM it's making assumptions about humans that I.
01:58:52 Mean you would never be.
Speaker 4
01:58:53 Able to get it off the ground.
01:58:58 Do I think the government will crash the economy again over Delta COVID and use it to mask the inflation, knowing the people are dumb cattle who will follow along or not?
01:59:08 Because Biden is now president that, you know, I don't know what's going to happen with the economy.
01:59:13 I'll tell you what, though, the, the, the.
01:59:14 Inflation **** is real.
01:59:17 I mean, everything is getting more expensive.
01:59:20 Everything is getting more expensive, you know, talking about not eating or they're trying.
01:59:25 You should not eat beef.
01:59:26 Beef is getting.
01:59:26 Like way more expensive.
01:59:30 Especially in places like Canada.
01:59:32 I mean, that's like kind of a meme now, like the the food prices in Canada, but it's yeah like.
01:59:41 Food, building materials, gas, everything is getting more expensive.
01:59:45 The inflation is is we're we're not like it hyperinflation levels and because it's just all fake and gay anyway.
01:59:53 I don't know.
01:59:54 I feel like it's not.
Speaker 8
01:59:57 If we.
Speaker 6
01:59:58 Weren't the.
02:00:02 If we weren't the world power, right?
02:00:04 Like if we didn't have the the muscle because the dollar a lot.
02:00:08 Of people like to say the.
02:00:09 Dollar is backed on, you know, on oil.
02:00:11 Or whatever but.
02:00:12 It's really backed on the military.
02:00:15 When people have tried.
02:00:16 To use something else, like Gaddafi wanted to use gold.
02:00:20 And he ended up with a bayonet.
02:00:21 Up his ***.
02:00:25 And that is what's preventing the the economy from crashing.
02:00:31 It's because the people that in in positions of.
02:00:34 Of power.
02:00:37 They're they look, they control how much money is print they they control the economy.
02:00:45 The economy is not like some organic thing that they have no control over.
02:00:51 And if and if in some ways I guess you know because it's dynamic and there's so many moving pieces, it's hard to control and there might have, there might be unexpected outcomes like hyperinflation and stuff like that.
02:01:04 But there's, I mean, there's ways of of of addressing that.
02:01:08 Now they're they're faking gay ways, right.
02:01:13 But who cares?
02:01:14 I mean, they can still do it.
02:01:15 The only the only way I feel like.
02:01:17 That it would.
02:01:20 Spin out of control like be out of their out of their hands as if we weren't the.
02:01:26 The top dog.
02:01:27 As it were.
02:01:30 Which might you know, might even be an argument for letting China become.
02:01:34 The dominant force.
02:01:38 You know, because if if right now, China, if we you know we say the dollar is worth this to China they just.
02:01:44 Have to accept it, right?
Speaker 5
02:01:50 UM.
02:01:54 Do you believe the economic policies of communism can be beneficial to our people?
02:01:58 Nationalizing most of the economy to prevent domestic and foreign subversion?
02:02:03 Do you support universal healthcare, or at least cheaper health insurance for the poor?
02:02:07 Even if the deductions are subsidized?
Speaker 7
02:02:11 I I don't think that I don't think that.
02:02:16 No, I mean I don't want centralized power of any kind really or at least not to the degree that communism would require.
02:02:26 Yeah, let me rephrase it that way.
02:02:28 I do want some centralized power, but not not to the degree that communism.
02:02:31 Would want in terms of cheap health, healthcare, a lot of the problems with healthcare really are the regulatory aspects of it.
02:02:41 The fact that you have to you know there's so many.
02:02:46 This is one of those.
02:02:47 Maybe this is because you know it's.
02:02:48 A throwback from when I was a.
02:02:51 But I do feel like.
02:02:53 That if you were to deregulate to some extent the medical industry.
Speaker 3
02:03:00 You would have cheap healthcare.
02:03:02 You'd be able to go see.
02:03:03 A doctor and it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg, you know, because right now the system that we have, they call it health insurance, but it's it's not health insurance.
02:03:14 You know, that's like saying if what we have now is health insurance, that would mean that your car insurance would would basically pay for gas and everything else, right?
Speaker 7
02:03:27 Like you would just have.
Speaker 3
02:03:28 A copay for for gas.
02:03:30 And you could use up as much.
02:03:31 Gas as you wanted, you know and.
02:03:33 You would just have.
02:03:34 To pay the copay.
02:03:35 And because that's the.
02:03:36 Way the healthcare system works, right?
02:03:39 I mean, when I had health insurance through one of my employers that the copay was like 40 bucks or something, I I could have gone and done had you know.
02:03:48 Thousands and thousands of dollars worth of tests and whatever done.
02:03:52 And I only had to.
02:03:53 Pay 40 bucks.
02:03:54 And there's people that do that in the, you know, and there's doctors that know this and so they.
02:03:58 They'll over prescribe.
02:04:00 Things and whatever and just.
02:04:01 There's tons of corruption, plus you have all these Medicare subsidies and stuff like that, they get abused and.
02:04:09 And I feel like if it was just offered up like any other service.
02:04:14 That you'd have the price go down.
02:04:16 You know, if you didn't have to be.
02:04:20 Approved by the government in order to give medical care, and especially now right like especially now because.
02:04:28 You'd have the ability to to look at the the background of these people.
02:04:32 So like let's just say one day some guy by not going to medical school necessarily, but by, you know, doing a lot of research on his own and watching YouTube videos or whatever in the same way a lot of people can self educate to do lots of other.
02:04:51 I mean, thanks to the Internet, they self educate themselves into being a doctor and they open up a practice because there's no nothing telling them that they can't do.
02:05:01 That and people decide to roll the dice because he's cheap and they go see this doctor and he does a good job.
02:05:10 You know, there's, he's on Yelp.
02:05:11 Or whatever, right?
02:05:12 He's got reviews.
02:05:14 And you can look and see and you know what you're.
02:05:16 Getting into, you know, OK.
02:05:19 This is it's just some guy who thinks he knows about medicine and and he's the cheapest in town.
02:05:25 To go to that guy.
02:05:28 I feel like if you had a system like that, that would.
Speaker 3
02:05:30 Be way better than what we've got now.
02:05:34 You know it's it's like if you had food insurance, right, and you just had a copay.
02:05:39 And you went to the supermarket and it didn't.
02:05:41 Matter what you got.
02:05:43 You just said, you know, no matter.
02:05:44 What was in your cart?
02:05:45 You paid 40 bucks.
02:05:47 And that was it.
Speaker 5
02:05:48 You would get all kinds of.
02:05:49 Stupid ****, you.
02:05:50 Didn't need to get.
Speaker 4
02:05:51 Why wouldn't you?
02:05:54 And that's the system we have.
02:05:55 Now and you, you.
02:05:58 Have all these people like myself.
02:05:59 Included I don't have.
02:06:00 I don't have.
02:06:02 Good access to healthcare.
02:06:03 It sucks.
02:06:07 So yeah, I don't know.
02:06:08 I mean, look, there's been times I've thought about it would be kind of nice to have maybe something like Canada or you know, something like that, right?
02:06:17 But then you'd have a lot of abuses with that too.
02:06:20 You'd have the same kinds of problems.
02:06:22 I guess that you see in in countries like that, and you'd have fewer problems if we were in a homogeneous.
02:06:27 Society with they had shared values and people didn't want to abuse the system because they saw it as taking advantage of their their family.
02:06:35 Right.
02:06:35 So I mean, you still have people like that, but you'd have.
02:06:38 Fewer, right?
02:06:39 But in this whole individualistic everyone, every man for himself, worldview that most people have these days in these multicultural societies, you know, you have tons of people abusing the system and that creates the long lines and all this other stuff.
02:06:56 So I don't know.
02:06:58 It's a tough one.
Speaker 6
02:07:02 UM.
02:07:03 I know you grew up Mormon.
02:07:05 I'm not, I'm I'm non denominational Christian and the Bible seems to lay out exactly what what's happening now.
02:07:14 If you read Revelations, is it possible that you might rethink your stance on religion and come back to Christ?
02:07:22 If I didn't care, I wouldn't ask.
02:07:29 It's not.
02:07:29 I'm not like an atheist.
02:07:31 I'm kind of agnostic on the issue in terms of revelations.
02:07:38 Laying out exactly what's happening now, people have been saying that for hundreds of years they they have.
02:07:46 So you got to realize some of this stuff.
02:07:52 Because of the way it's.
02:07:53 Written and I'm not saying it's the same thing, but like.
02:07:57 Like horoscopes, right.
02:07:58 They're written in a way that you can apply it to.
02:08:02 Anyone can read it and be.
Speaker 3
02:08:03 Like, oh, that that totally predicted my day today.
02:08:07 And it didn't, it just it was written in such a way that anyone can interpret it that way.
02:08:11 And a lot of.
02:08:12 The language of the Bible is is written that way.
02:08:16 So it's.
02:08:19 I don't think that that you can say if you read revelations that it proves.
02:08:24 That the Bible has it right.
02:08:27 But yeah, there's.
02:08:27 There are a lot of things that, and these might just be things that people have always been concerned about, right, like the mark of the beast type things they might have just understood that the the end game of the ruling class might have.
02:08:37 Always been the same.
02:08:39 You know, managing us like cattle.
02:08:41 I mean, I don't.
02:08:42 Think that's a new idea?
02:08:44 And so that maybe there was just really insightful people that.
Speaker 3
02:08:48 Knew the ultimate aim.
02:08:51 And maybe the technology didn't exist, but people had the imagination to know, you know, this is where this goes.
02:08:59 And they were just talking about it in the.
02:09:01 Same way we talk about it here.
02:09:03 But I don't know.
Speaker 3
02:09:06 Do a review of friends and.
Speaker 5
02:09:08 That might not be a bad thing, I.
02:09:09 Hated friends, friends was kind of a girl.
02:09:11 Show the way.
02:09:12 I saw it and so when it was on back in the day, I didn't watch.
02:09:16 It because it was.
02:09:18 You know all the girls I knew liked it.
02:09:22 It's a girl.
02:09:23 It's kind of a girl show, but maybe that's why I should watch it and see how it was.
02:09:27 You know what it.
02:09:27 Was telling white women because that's.
02:09:29 Primarily the audience.
02:09:31 As far as I could tell.
02:09:36 I'm working on a guide to help people cram for the HAM radio exam with memorization techniques.
02:09:43 Also answering questions on what to purchase when starting.
02:09:48 I have a partial guide on the GAB page.
02:09:51 The four one will be.
02:09:53 On the discord where a ham chat has been made.
02:09:57 Well, that's good.
02:09:58 Yeah, like.
Speaker 6
02:10:00 Again, this is.
02:10:04 I think it's a good.
02:10:05 Thing for people to get into even.
02:10:07 If it's, you know, like the what, what are the the probability that you're going to need your ham radio to save your life or something like?
02:10:14 That it's kind of kind of low, but it's also kind of low that you're gonna need your.
02:10:17 AR15 for that.
02:10:18 Same purpose it's probably.
02:10:19 More likely, you'll need your AR15.
02:10:22 In fact.
02:10:25 But it's still, it's still, I think it's an important thing to have.
02:10:28 It's an important safety net to have, but it's also just a good way of communicating with people with new people.
02:10:39 That are like minded in some ways.
02:10:45 Reject the false dichotomy and embrace the third position.
02:10:49 Yeah, you know, I don't think there's just.
02:10:52 I don't think it's even a a trichotomy.
02:11:00 And again, I've always.
02:11:01 Said I'm not like a policy guy.
Speaker 5
02:11:02 I'm not.
02:11:03 I'm not the guy.
02:11:04 I'm not the guy.
02:11:05 That's going to design the new building.
02:11:07 I'm the guy. I'm.
02:11:08 The building inspector.
02:11:11 Speaking of you.
02:11:12 Know with the we had that building collapse in Florida.
02:11:16 I don't want to talk too much about.
02:11:18 That because I don't think all the facts are in.
02:11:19 I don't want to sit there and.
02:11:21 And opine on what I think.
02:11:23 About that and tell more facts here and I will tell.
02:11:25 This all that stuff you may or may.
02:11:27 Not be seeing.
02:11:29 About ohh, you know, McAfee had a first, yeah.
02:11:32 I mean, I think everyone's seen this.
02:11:34 Right.
02:11:34 Let me just download it.
02:11:36 I think everyone's seen it, you guys.
02:11:37 Have seen everyone knows.
02:11:38 About that building that collapsed in Florida, right?
02:11:44 Now why is?
02:11:44 That a GIF.
02:11:48 OK, that's weird.
02:11:58 We're in the video go.
02:12:06 God, I hate. I hate.
02:12:08 You know, you would think that just sorting by by date.
Speaker 3
02:12:13 Would be an.
02:12:13 Easy thing for Windows to do and it just it doesn't.
02:12:19 And it used to.
02:12:21 I mean, I don't know if this is like a diversity related problem with software getting worse.
02:12:26 The software has gotten worse in my lifetime, it's gotten less usable.
02:12:35 Where'd that ******* video go?
02:12:43 I mean, you guys have seen it.
02:12:46 What's it called?
02:12:49 And do that sort by name.
Speaker 1
02:13:04 Where we go, here we go.
02:13:06 I mean, you guys have seen, that's right.
02:13:12 That's that Florida building that.
02:13:16 Collapsed like it was.
02:13:19 Especially imploded.
02:13:20 That's like some building 7 **** right there.
02:13:25 So yeah, it's, you know, it's interesting.
02:13:27 It's interesting.
Speaker 6
02:13:31 But I don't know.
02:13:33 I don't know what to make of it yet.
Speaker 5
02:13:36 I don't know what.
02:13:36 To make of.
02:13:36 It yet but.
02:13:37 The the stuff that you're hearing about McAfee having.
02:13:39 Like an apartment. All that.
02:13:40 Stuff's ******** that hasn't that.
02:13:42 That's not real.
02:13:44 There's a whole lot of.
02:13:45 This info going.
Speaker 6
02:13:45 On the thing that that.
02:13:47 Is just as curious as just watching that video and seeing, oh, that looks kind.
02:13:51 Of weird.
02:13:52 Is just the location of the building.
02:13:54 It happens to be in the part of the.
02:13:56 Country that there's a lot of Mossad and stuff.
02:14:00 I mean, this is the same part of the country that Trump and Epstein and all these people, you know, live in so.
02:14:06 I don't know.
02:14:06 I'm waiting For more information to come out about this.
02:14:10 Yeah, and it could honestly because of where it's at and because of the, it could just be a result of Third World building inspectors.
Speaker 3
02:14:19 But back to my point.
02:14:22 I don't see myself as the guy who's going to design the new.
02:14:25 Building I'm more the guy that looks at that building and goes this. This ship's coming down, you know. Don't don't.
02:14:32 Be asleep in your condo.
02:14:35 When this **** comes down, cause this ship's coming down.
02:14:41 What is your preferred way to receive donations and how much for a few minutes of your time?
02:14:46 Second, if price was no object, what ham?
02:14:48 Radio would you get?
02:14:50 I don't.
02:14:50 You know, I don't like selling my time, you know, like I don't.
02:14:54 You know, I'm not like a prostitute.
02:14:56 You know like.
Speaker 6
02:14:58 You know, if you you can just.
02:14:59 Ask me here like you're doing now.
Speaker 6
02:15:01 And I'll talk to.
02:15:02 But I don't want to do that.
02:15:05 Feel weird doing that.
02:15:07 If you want to donate, you can send me crypto or do the Patreon thing or subscribe star or whatever.
Speaker 6
02:15:13 But yeah, I mean, I know I I'm not an.
02:15:16 E girl, you know.
02:15:17 I don't want to give you like like the.
02:15:19 The private one I want.
02:15:21 Chat and like, like I said, if you go to the discord server and stuff.
02:15:24 Probably pop it in there from time to time.
02:15:28 So it's not like you can't interact with me, it's just I don't want to do like a A.
02:15:33 Just feels weird to me.
02:15:36 What are your thoughts on fascism overall as an ideology, I I see a lot of.
02:15:40 Problems with that in that.
02:15:45 That because in some ways it's what we have now.
02:15:49 It's just that we're not the people in charge of.
02:15:51 It and that anytime you have a an ideology like that where it centralizes a lot of power, you're ******.
02:15:58 Unless you're the.
02:15:59 One at the wheel.
02:16:00 Now, if you're the one at.
Speaker 3
02:16:01 The wheel, you know if if you.
02:16:03 Already had like, let's just say.
Speaker 7
02:16:05 We already.
02:16:06 Had the majority, the Super majority, you know we were, we were a homogeneous society and everyone had relatively similar values and and and similar culture.
02:16:18 And you know all these other problems that are.
Speaker 3
02:16:21 You know, eons from being fixed.
02:16:25 Maybe, maybe, maybe.
02:16:28 Maybe that would be.
02:16:29 A way to go.
02:16:32 Especially if it was designed in.
02:16:34 Such a way that it would prevent.
02:16:38 The the demographics from changing it would keep your interest at heart, but the problem too is a lot of fascism relies heavily on the idea, just with, as with any ideology that centralizes power like that, it relies on this idea that the.
02:16:56 The ruling class or the elite class is going to always have the best interests of the people at heart.
02:17:01 And how do you how?
Speaker 3
02:17:02 Do you police that?
Speaker 7
02:17:04 How do you you know?
02:17:05 Let's say that, like I said, let's say.
02:17:07 We did attain all this stuff.
02:17:08 Like we did find somehow a home.
02:17:11 We made a homogeneous society and we were able to get rid of all the the subversive elements in our society, and then we created a fascist state or whatever.
02:17:22 What mechanism is going to?
02:17:25 Guarantee that the that like like if you started out with people that were genuinely trying to protect your interests and and further your your the the the well-being of your people.
02:17:40 People, how are you going?
02:17:42 To guarantee that that is going to continue.
02:17:46 You know, how are you going to prevent that ruling class from becoming just self interested *********?
02:17:55 So if if someone can tell me how you.
02:17:57 How you do that then you know, maybe I'm a.
02:17:59 Little more on board, but.
02:18:00 I just see that as a problem with anything that centralizes power like that where you have.
Speaker 6
02:18:08 I mean, you're.
02:18:09 Going to just have nepotism and you're going to have a degradation.
Speaker 7
02:18:13 Of the the.
02:18:15 The ruling class to some degree as a result.
02:18:18 And I you know, if there was if.
02:18:22 There was a mechanism somehow.
Speaker 7
02:18:23 In place that.
02:18:26 Prevented that from happening, and I'll also I think if there was a way that it it that the and this is I I you'd have to find a way where.
02:18:40 There wasn't this.
02:18:43 Right now we have a huge divide.
02:18:46 Between the ruling class and the ruled class, you know financially and and otherwise, like everyone's familiar with the graphs that show that since like 1975 or whatever the the pay gap between the CEO and their lowest paid employee has just.
02:19:07 Widen to the to like Grand Canyon levels, right?
02:19:11 And you know this divide between the ruling class and the, I mean.
02:19:17 It's there's not even a real.
02:19:18 There's not a middle class, and there really isn't a middle class anymore because the divide between what?
02:19:24 What you I guess people would consider the middle class and someone like, say, Trump.
02:19:30 I mean, that's so wide and there's just no, it's just a different universe.
02:19:35 And so if you had, like a fascist state, part of that, you'd have to.
02:19:40 I feel like you'd have to have also have a mechanism that prevented that from happening so that the people at the top that were making all the decisions, your elites, they weren't so removed.
02:19:53 From the lived experiences that you know the the the standard of living that the general public was experiencing, that they would make these kinds of decisions that would just be completely self interested and out of touch.
02:20:09 And I don't, I don't know.
02:20:10 And maybe I just don't know enough about fascism.
02:20:12 Maybe there's people that have ways of remedying this.
02:20:15 I just don't.
02:20:16 I'm not aware of 1.
02:20:23 Turd flinging Monkey and his friends were debating whether the government will crash the economy over Delta COVID, as Biden is now president.
02:20:31 Either way, we talked.
02:20:31 About that and what the dumb cattle.
02:20:36 Yeah, I don't know if they're going to do it, but.
02:20:39 And and to as you're asking, if the public will just go along with it.
02:20:45 Yeah, the public.
02:20:45 Will go along with anything right now.
Speaker 3
02:20:48 They really will.
02:20:51 I mean, I haven't seen the public push back if by the public you mean well either side.
02:20:56 You know, if by the public you mean the people that are.
02:20:58 Kneeling before BLM.
02:21:00 Or the public that is showing up the Trump rallies.
02:21:04 I don't see anyone that's rejecting.
02:21:10 The direction coming to the OR you know the the instruction sets.
02:21:16 Being programmed into them by their their ruling class.
02:21:21 It's kind of what I.
02:21:21 Was talking about earlier.
02:21:23 I don't think the public ever.
02:21:27 The authority.
02:21:30 But at least not to.
02:21:31 A degree that it matters.
02:21:32 Certainly not in modern time.
02:21:35 I don't know that Americans have it in them.
Speaker 3
02:21:37 To do that.
02:21:38 Maybe not.
02:21:39 Maybe not.
02:21:39 For generations, I don't.
02:21:40 Know things would have to get.
02:21:42 Usually if you look at when these things when when we have dramatic shifts in power usually.
02:21:51 It's engineered by someone else that's delivering.
02:21:56 New instructions to the MPC.
02:21:59 It's very rarely organic.
02:22:02 And when it is organic?
02:22:04 Think it's because things have gotten so bad that the ruling class has lost their grip and the ruling class is nowhere near losing their.
02:22:13 Grip right now.
02:22:14 So if if I mean look they want lockdown starting tomorrow, they'll be lockdown starting.
02:22:18 If they they could tomorrow, Biden could go on TV tomorrow.
02:22:23 And say everyone's locked in their house.
02:22:26 Until I say they're not.
Speaker 7
02:22:28 And you'll have.
02:22:29 Like little pockets of people that maybe you know, like that gym, right, remember during the lockdowns last year, there was that gym that was like we're.
02:22:37 Going to stay open.
02:22:37 And and what?
02:22:38 What happened to them?
02:22:39 You know, their bank account got confiscated.
02:22:41 I don't know what's going on with that.
02:22:42 Now, you know, they, they, they got into some legal fight or whatever.
02:22:47 You'd have little things like that.
02:22:49 Happen, but by and large.
02:22:50 People would just, you know, even the, you know, even the Trump people, even the custards, would stay in their house.
Speaker 3
02:22:57 They'd go along with it.
02:22:59 You know you'd have.
02:23:00 You wouldn't have a significant enough of a pushback to where it would matter.
02:23:06 So if they want to.
02:23:08 Destroy the economy and and whatever.
02:23:12 What choice do people have?
02:23:14 Well, we all know, but they're not.
02:23:16 Going to make that choice.
02:23:17 As they've proven time and time again.
02:23:24 Uh. Let's see here.
02:23:28 So regulating healthcare industry to prevent usury?
02:23:31 Yeah, I guess that's the way to put it.
Speaker 3
02:23:33 That's a good way to put it.
Speaker 6
02:23:36 You could that, I mean that's.
02:23:37 Because that is I guess in.
02:23:39 A way that.
02:23:40 The health insurance industry is.
Speaker 6
02:23:41 Kind of a a form of use.
02:23:45 Yeah, that's that's a that's a good.
02:23:46 Way to put.
02:23:47 It you just make it.
02:23:48 So that you're paying for a service.
02:23:50 Like you pay for anything else, you.
02:23:52 Know and you.
02:23:53 You don't make it to where you have.
02:23:55 To go in debt for with no.
02:23:56 Because that's the thing too, is if.
02:23:58 You're a doctor that's providing a service, like a lot of these.
02:24:03 Like if, let's say you just totally got rid of insurance.
02:24:05 The reason why people have to get insurance.
02:24:07 And there's procedures and stuff that costs, you know, millions.
02:24:10 Of dollars or or.
02:24:12 Or at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.
02:24:13 Right.
02:24:14 And no one can afford that ship.
02:24:16 And in fact, if you don't have insurance and you have to pay for this stuff, you can't even go you if you declare bankruptcy, it doesn't get rid of.
02:24:26 Healthcare bills.
02:24:28 Which is crazy, but it doesn't.
02:24:31 And if they were forced to, if you were forced to actually pay for what you got, like with.
02:24:35 Anything else?
02:24:37 The prices would necessarily.
02:24:38 Have to go down or like no.
02:24:40 One would you know who?
02:24:41 Who would be?
02:24:41 Buying the procedures.
02:24:42 And you could say, Oh well.
02:24:43 That, that, that would just stifle.
02:24:45 Innovation no, wouldn't.
02:24:47 You know that's the same stupid stuff about like when we need immigrants or, you know, we won't have food.
02:24:53 It's like.
02:24:53 No, no, you know like.
02:24:57 Things will work itself out.
02:25:00 And look, would we and if we had slightly slower innovation, who ******* cares?
02:25:07 I would rather have slightly slower innovation.
02:25:10 And and and have like a system that's not.
02:25:13 As ****** ** as this.
02:25:19 When a leftist says it's not a baby, it's a fetus.
02:25:21 Remember to ask her what fetus means, and Latin answer offspring.
Speaker 7
02:25:26 They don't care.
02:25:28 They really don't care.
Speaker 6
02:25:30 They you, you.
Speaker 3
02:25:32 Think they don't know?
02:25:35 They they know.
02:25:38 They don't care.
02:25:41 They don't.
02:25:41 They'll kill babies all day long.
02:25:43 How could you possibly?
02:25:45 I mean, there's people that that support, including the what was the the Governor of Virginia that supports post birth abortion.
Speaker 5
02:25:56 They don't care.
02:25:59 He's still he's still.
02:26:00 He's still the governor he's supporting.
02:26:04 Literally killing a baby.
02:26:06 Like there's no argument for that.
02:26:08 I mean, that's not a.
02:26:09 That's a big, that's a gigantic clump of cells of that's a.
02:26:13 In that case, I'm a clump of cells, right?
02:26:17 At that point.
02:26:19 And they don't care about that.
Speaker 6
02:26:24 They they've never.
Speaker 7
02:26:24 Cared about that?
Speaker 6
02:26:27 You know it.
02:26:28 That's that's always.
02:26:29 Been like everything and they they don't have any principles that you're assuming they have principles.
02:26:35 That's that's the same thinking like you're looking at it from.
02:26:40 Like, what would convince me as a rational person with principles, what would convince me?
02:26:45 They don't.
02:26:45 They're not rational and they don't have principles.
02:26:49 So you can't.
Speaker 7
02:26:49 Think of it like that like you're.
Speaker 6
02:26:51 Never this this.
02:26:52 Is what I'm trying to get at.
02:26:53 You're never.
02:26:54 Going to red pill the.
02:26:55 Normies and you're never going to convert, leftists.
Speaker 5
02:27:01 They're just.
02:27:04 The real black pillow, I said.
02:27:07 I think on Twitter or something, but I mean it like the real black pill is understanding.
Speaker 3
02:27:12 That where you are on on on the on.
02:27:15 The the bell curve.
Speaker 3
02:27:17 And how how? How?
02:27:18 Outnumbered, that makes you.
02:27:21 I would like to think that my audience is probably on the the upper end of.
02:27:24 The bell curve.
Speaker 7
02:27:26 If you're in.
02:27:27 Even just the top 80, you know, 80% of people or I'm sorry, the top 20% of people, so that that's 80% of the people.
02:27:36 Are and look, you guys know what a bell curve looks like.
02:27:41 Let me bring this up.
02:27:52 Because part of it is aptitude.
02:27:54 It's not just.
Speaker 12
02:28:01 Let's see.
02:28:06 It's it's the same thing, like just a.
Speaker 5
02:28:07 Lot of people have a.
02:28:08 Problem with this, they have a lot of they.
02:28:10 They assume that because something is clear to them, smarter people think this way.
02:28:15 You know, it's like the conservative thing, right?
02:28:17 Like a lot of conservatives, the reason why they think.
02:28:21 Oh, all we have to do is explain to blacks this or explain to you know, they think this **** because they think that everyone thinks the same way they do and they don't.
02:28:32 Alright, let's see here.
02:28:33 Bring this up.
02:28:50 What the **** does that image?
02:28:53 I hate obs.
02:28:54 Alright, image apparently is off the ******* screen so I.
Speaker 1
02:28:59 Load this up again.
02:29:09 The vast majority of people.
02:29:11 In the middle.
02:29:15 Are significantly separated from people like you and me.
02:29:21 And justice, their ability to reason.
Speaker 8
02:29:24 So some of this.
02:29:25 Is ability.
02:29:26 If you're up here on the top.
02:29:28 1% or 2%.
02:29:31 Of people.
02:29:34 Which I think a lot of people listening are.
02:29:37 Even if you're in the top, you know 10% of people, you're vastly outnumbered.
02:29:45 You're vastly outnumbered.
02:29:47 And now look, if you and this is just showing a bell curve and I'm sure you've seen the bell curve when it includes.
02:29:55 Let's do this.
02:30:17 Alright, so if you're a white person.
02:30:21 And you're in the top.
02:30:23 5 or 10% of white people.
02:30:27 You're also contending with this.
02:30:38 So expecting people to to just magically get it because it makes sense to.
02:30:43 You it's just not.
02:30:44 Going to happen.
02:30:46 And this is just in terms of their ability.
Speaker 7
02:30:48 To get it.
02:30:49 That's not even factoring in like whether or not they have principles where they would care, because there's a lot of people that.
02:30:56 That get.
02:30:56 It and that do understand it rationally.
02:31:00 Intellectually, but don't care.
02:31:14 What are your thoughts on Lutheran?
02:31:16 I don't have any.
02:31:17 I don't.
02:31:17 Know anything about Lutheran orthodoxy?
02:31:23 Could you put the discord link on an image and communicate the image to us via SSTV?
02:31:30 Yes, I will do that.
02:31:36 That would be fun.
Speaker 5
02:31:37 I do have access.
02:31:38 To those files again, I got that computer working again, I just haven't.
02:31:41 Had time to, really.
02:31:43 Use it.
02:31:43 I have like these project files where all I.
02:31:45 Have to do is.
02:31:47 You know, insert the SSTV audio and it'll just do it.
02:31:52 I just haven't done it.
02:31:54 Have you watched the South Park episode of Whale Wars?
02:31:57 The portrayal of Paul Watson in that episode reminds me of Trump as he's mostly talk, talk and no action.
02:32:07 Whale wars.
02:32:08 I don't know if I've seen that one.
02:32:10 Is that an older one?
02:32:10 If that's a newer 1?
02:32:11 I haven't seen it, I haven't seen.
02:32:13 A A.
02:32:13 New South Park in well maybe.
02:32:16 A couple of years, really.
Speaker 3
02:32:20 Yeah, in fact.
02:32:23 Probably a few years, quite a few years.
02:32:25 I used to watch it all the time, but like you.
02:32:27 Know maybe like 10 years ago, I.
02:32:30 Whale Wars, I thought.
02:32:31 Wasn't that the one where the the Japanese were killing the whales?
02:32:35 And it was like whales versus cows, like the Americans were mad because the Japanese killed whales.
02:32:42 But they didn't care like they were making the argument that like, why do you care about the Japanese killing whales when we massacre cows and or something like that?
02:32:50 I don't.
02:32:52 Ohh, I I don't know.
02:32:53 I I don't look into that.
02:33:07 Let's see here.
02:33:12 Scroll through a lot of stuff here.
02:33:16 Off topic, but my mom listens to the fat chick from the Shadowgate documentary.
02:33:22 Oh, God, no.
02:33:24 Get her to stop that.
02:33:26 That chick's a fraud and she goes by Tori and she's a sweater or pseudo coutard and I think you called her a total fraud at one point.
02:33:37 If you could give me some ammunition to give.
02:33:39 My mom to stop it's.
02:33:41 Not that hard.
02:33:42 Honestly, you could just Google it.
02:33:44 Google that chick.
02:33:45 There's so many.
02:33:47 You know people that have done extensive research on, like all of her lies.
02:33:52 She's full of ****.
02:33:55 She's full. She's 100% a fraud.
02:34:03 Jesse Smollett is half black, half Jewish.
02:34:05 According to Wikipedia, his Jewish father would have killed you if.
02:34:09 You called him white.
02:34:15 There's a lot of half black, half Jewish famous people right now.
02:34:19 What's the youngest person I've talked to on him?
02:34:22 I don't know.
02:34:23 There's not a lot.
02:34:25 Not a lot.
02:34:25 I'm not on ask people, but.
02:34:27 If just.
02:34:28 There's some people that tell you that's usually like the really old people that tell you.
Speaker 5
02:34:32 How I'm I'm nine to five.
02:34:34 I'm 87 or whatever people.
Speaker 7
02:34:37 Usually don't say I'm 32.
02:34:38 Or you know what I mean?
02:34:39 So who?
02:34:39 Knows just going on off the.
02:34:42 Age of their voice, like how it sounds, I don't know.
02:34:45 They all sound.
02:34:46 Older than me.
02:34:47 I mean, not all of them, but a lot.
02:34:49 Most of them sound older than me.
02:34:54 Can you watch almost any TV show or movie online for free if you?
Speaker 3
02:34:58 Know where to look.
02:35:00 Or no, you're saying you can watch almost any TV show or movie online for free if you know where to look.
02:35:06 Subscribing to any services ******** that is true.
Speaker 7
02:35:16 Although I do not condone.
02:35:18 Breaking the law and.
02:35:19 That's another example.
Speaker 7
02:35:20 By the way of of.
02:35:21 How the FBI ***** people kim.com.
02:35:25 Like, that's his whole thing, right?
02:35:27 Was the copyright infringement.
02:35:29 It was copyright infringement that his users were doing.
02:35:33 It wasn't even what he was doing.
02:35:35 But that's the excuse they used to ******* raid his his compound.
02:35:39 In another country.
02:35:44 Heavily centralized power is the only way to prevent another ZOG.
Speaker 6
02:35:49 Well, but how are you?
Speaker 7
02:35:50 Going to get that?
02:35:52 You know.
02:35:53 How do you get to that level?
Speaker 7
02:35:58 How do you get a?
Speaker 6
02:36:02 Like I mean.
02:36:07 And then how do you prevent that centralized power from becoming ZOG?
02:36:12 You know, like let's say, let's say you did that, right?
02:36:14 Let's say you made that centralized, heavy, centralized power.
02:36:18 They were good people, good intentioned people.
02:36:20 And then in two generations that heavily centralized power was subverted.
02:36:27 They were seduced like, let's say they **** something up because no one's perfect, right? Like maybe they **** something up financially or whatever.
02:36:32 And that's because that's, that's what happens, right?
02:36:35 Like, that's what happened to Europe is the with the user and all that stuff they they banned Usery.
02:36:41 But then they ****** ** the ruling class funked up and they had to borrow money from Jews, and it was all over after that.
02:36:48 So what what happens when that happens?
02:36:50 Because something.
02:36:51 Like that could easily.
02:36:52 Happen there's nothing preventing that from happening.
02:36:54 So maybe be good.
02:36:55 For you for like.
Speaker 3
02:36:57 If you can.
02:36:57 Even get that off the ground, right?
02:36:59 It'd be good for you for like a generation, but then who knows after that?
02:37:09 I'm about to file a lawsuit.
02:37:10 I think you would be interested in.
02:37:12 In fact, I could use your help to get it get.
02:37:14 It to work I have one going now you would be interested in.
02:37:18 I have finally cleared up a bunch of money based.
02:37:23 Based ones to free time.
02:37:26 But I have finally cleared up a bunch of money based ones to free time for one or for more creative ones to bring.
02:37:35 Like I don't know what you're saying there.
02:37:37 I have finally cleared up a bunch of money based ones to free time for more creative ones to bring light to certain topics.
02:37:46 You need to reword that.
02:37:51 Return the USA to the Articles of Confederation with parts of.
02:37:57 The Bill of Rights.
Speaker 6
02:38:00 Possible, but like I said, I think.
02:38:02 All this shifts.
02:38:03 Are non starter until you fix the demographic problem.
Speaker 5
02:38:10 Do you believe that?
02:38:11 Those who don't have responsibility in the government shouldn't get a say.
02:38:16 Do you believe in democracy but with merit?
02:38:18 I mean, I believe in some kind of meritocracy, like something that rewards.
02:38:27 Right.
02:38:28 Isn't that ultimately, no matter what system you end up with?
02:38:32 You should be rewarding people that are the best of your people with positions of of if you're going to.
02:38:42 Give power to anyone.
02:38:43 They should be people that can demonstrate that they're able to wield that power successfully.
02:38:49 OK.
02:38:50 And there.
02:38:50 But there's also needs to be accountability, because right now, there's no accountability.
02:38:54 There's zero accountability.
Speaker 6
02:38:55 What's the what's?
02:38:57 What's to prevent you?
02:38:58 OK, so.
02:38:58 There was that journalist.
02:38:59 Just the.
Speaker 3
02:39:00 Other day that was killed by.
02:39:04 I mean like look probably killed by the Clintons.
02:39:07 Allegedly, right?
02:39:08 There's the the journalist that was that called that called out the the tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and the Clintons, which by the way, led to nothing, right.
02:39:20 Nothing happened.
02:39:22 Did Loretta Lynch get go to jail?
02:39:25 That the Clintons going.
02:39:26 To jail did.
Speaker 7
02:39:27 Anything happen to?
Speaker 6
02:39:28 Him. No.
02:39:29 But it was.
02:39:30 Used as propaganda to hurt Hillary Clinton in an election.
02:39:35 And this journalist, like so many people tied to the Clintons.
02:39:39 Committed suicide after saying often and publicly that they wouldn't commit suicide because they knew exactly the danger that they were in.
02:39:49 And what happened?
02:39:50 What's going to happen?
02:39:52 You think the Clintons are ever going to have to face a?
02:39:54 Trial no.
02:39:56 No one really believes no one.
02:39:58 Well, no one.
02:39:59 It's not.
02:40:00 Maybe the quintard still think that somehow, but no one with a couple of brain cells to rub together actually believes that, and and they don't believe it.
02:40:09 So why?
Speaker 7
02:40:10 Why would you care?
02:40:11 You know, there's no accountability.
02:40:13 There's zero accountability.
Speaker 7
02:40:15 In the ruling.
02:40:15 Class. What happened to comedy?
02:40:18 What happened to Peter struck?
02:40:20 What happened?
02:40:20 I mean, we're talking treason.
Speaker 5
02:40:23 Actual treason.
Speaker 6
02:40:25 Punishment you should be.
02:40:28 Hung till you're dead right.
02:40:32 It's important to have these.
02:40:35 These consequences.
02:40:37 Because if you.
02:40:38 Don't have these consequences.
02:40:39 You get this.
02:40:40 Kind of behavior.
02:40:42 And now ****, we've basically advertised to people within these communities where they have power, that there are no consequences.
02:40:52 And you can get caught and there's no consequences.
02:40:56 I mean, there's probably at least before a fear of getting caught.
02:40:59 And now there's why would you even be afraid of getting caught?
02:41:04 You know, like when you see.
02:41:05 The FBI, overstepping its bounds in order to combat white supremacy as you you're going.
02:41:13 To see a lot more of that.
02:41:15 They're not going to even care.
Speaker 7
02:41:17 They're not.
02:41:18 They're not even a, you know, they're not even a a care.
02:41:21 If they're there's, like, video.
02:41:22 Like, if there's video of.
02:41:23 Them like doing, you know, putting their their knee on the head of a of.
02:41:27 A 78.
02:41:28 Year old grandpa you.
02:41:30 Know George Floyd style in his driveway in front of his grandchildren.
Speaker 7
02:41:36 And it's on video.
02:41:37 They're not going to *******.
02:41:38 Eric is what's going to happen.
02:41:40 Nothing's going to.
02:41:41 ******* they don't care if they shoot.
02:41:42 Ashley Babbitt through.
02:41:43 The ******* throat.
Speaker 6
02:41:46 Because what's going to happen? Nothing's.
Speaker 5
02:41:47 Going to ******* happen.
02:41:51 Nothing's going to happen.
02:41:54 And that's like the.
02:41:55 Low level people. Nothing's going to happen.
02:41:58 You know, I thought at least.
02:41:59 Under Trump, we'd get like they'd.
02:42:01 Burn like some low level people that like.
Speaker 7
02:42:03 Try to pacify they.
Speaker 5
02:42:05 Don't have to do that.
02:42:08 McCabe, nothing.
02:42:12 You know, Peter struck nothing.
02:42:18 You know, Christopher Rays, big solution to the corruption the FBI was.
Speaker 5
02:42:23 Well, clearly we need more training.
02:42:26 So why they had to go to sensitivity training?
02:42:30 Don't commit treason, guys.
Speaker 3
02:42:36 OK.
Speaker 5
02:42:37 You know I.
Speaker 6
02:42:38 Mean like it's?
02:42:40 That's why you see we're we're living.
02:42:43 Why you don't centralized power?
02:42:45 Because the 2nd that the people that the power is centralized with.
02:42:50 No longer represent you.
02:42:51 You're ******.
02:42:54 The only way it works, the only way centralized power works.
02:42:59 Is if you're.
02:42:59 Like part of a family unit like so.
02:43:01 OK, like in your family, right?
02:43:03 The dad.
02:43:04 You're centralizing power.
02:43:06 The power is centralized with the father.
02:43:09 And you know, and even in that case, there's instances where that's a bad.
02:43:12 Right?
02:43:12 Because the bad, the dad.
02:43:13 'S like a ship bag.
02:43:15 But generally speaking, that's a good idea because the dad cares about his wife and his children, and he's going to make decisions.
02:43:24 Hopefully that are going to benefit his wife and his children.
02:43:29 And it's because he has a strong, very strong genetic connection to his wife and his well, maybe not to his wife, but to his children.
02:43:36 And so.
02:43:40 You can trust.
02:43:41 Him with that power.
02:43:44 But there's zero connection.
02:43:45 You have no connection to the people.
02:43:47 What connection do you?
02:43:48 Have even to ******* Trump.
02:43:50 You've got no connection to Trump.
02:43:51 You don't have a genetic connection to most of the people.
02:43:54 In power.
02:43:55 You don't have a cultural.
02:43:56 Connection to the people in power.
02:43:57 You don't have a financial interest together like you have nothing.
02:44:01 He doesn't give like I know these people.
02:44:03 Give a **** about you.
Speaker 3
02:44:07 Zero. Why would they?
02:44:10 And as I.
Speaker 3
02:44:10 Said that would be at.
02:44:13 Least not even I don't know.
02:44:15 It's not acceptable.
02:44:16 But it would.
02:44:16 Be workable if there was some kind of oversight so that when they did **** you over, cause it's going to just happen because they have, you know.
02:44:23 Connection to you, right?
02:44:25 If something happened in response.
Speaker 3
02:44:26 To that now.
Speaker 5
02:44:27 There's not even nothing happens.
Speaker 3
02:44:31 So inevitably.
02:44:35 They're going to **** you over.
02:44:36 Why not?
02:44:38 Why not?
02:44:39 And and as you.
02:44:40 Know the first.
02:44:41 The first one of.
02:44:42 The first things I played, the being of.
02:44:43 The stream here was.
02:44:44 That, that bioethicist guy, right?
02:44:48 That's the thing.
02:44:48 There's not, there's not.
02:44:49 Even like a self governing.
02:44:51 Aspect to this.
02:44:54 Not only do they not share any of.
02:44:55 Your values or your genetics or anything else?
02:44:58 They don't even.
02:44:59 Have like a self governing ethos.
02:45:02 They don't, they don't.
02:45:03 They don't have a religion, a theology, nothing.
Speaker 7
02:45:09 Or, you know in.
02:45:10 The in the movie The most.
02:45:11 Jewish movie ever made my the movie review I.
02:45:13 Did of the movie The Believer?
02:45:16 Nothingness without end.
02:45:20 Right, that's the ultimate goal.
02:45:22 Nothingness without end, that's what they believe in.
02:45:26 Nothingness without end.
Speaker 4
02:45:31 So that's that's.
02:45:33 The problem with centralizing power cause you know we're living it.
02:45:36 We're living it right now.
02:45:37 We're living the problem.
02:45:39 Of centralizing power now look like I.
02:45:41 Said I don't have.
02:45:42 I can't tell you it's a tough problem.
02:45:45 I mean, and and no, no.
02:45:47 Solution is going to be perfect.
02:45:48 You're going to.
02:45:48 Have flaws no matter what you deploy.
02:45:51 And and even if you don't like we've talked about before.
02:45:53 Humans have flaws, so even if your system is good, the humans aren't, so nothing's gonna be perfect.
02:45:59 And it's always going to be.
02:46:01 I think just necessarily these systems always have to be changing, evolving as people change and evolve.
02:46:08 And maybe part of that process is what we're living right now, where it becomes tyrannical and then eventually, hopefully it's toppled or it collapses or whatever.
02:46:19 And then it has to rebuild again and you know, and so maybe that's just what it is, right?
02:46:24 It's just this.
02:46:24 Constant ebb and.
02:46:25 Flow and unfortunately, we're living in in the.
Speaker 6
02:46:29 The ebb.
02:46:29 You know.
02:46:30 We're yeah.
02:46:31 The boomers got to ride.
02:46:33 If you think of.
02:46:34 It as a sine wave, right?
02:46:35 Or, you know, like if you look.
02:46:36 At this bell curve, that's part of the sine.
02:46:39 Wave kind of, you know the.
02:46:41 The boomers got to live on the top of that roller coaster like the incline.
02:46:45 And they got to be.
02:46:45 At the very.
02:46:46 Top and unfortunately, we're on the the scary ride down on that roller coaster ride.
02:46:52 And we don't know how far it goes.
02:46:54 I don't know.
02:46:54 It goes much further down though it.
02:46:57 Goes a lot.
Speaker 3
02:46:57 Further down.
02:46:59 And who knows what has to.
02:47:01 Happen before we bought them out.
02:47:04 And we have to go back up.
02:47:05 It's just.
02:47:06 Like with you.
02:47:07 Know any attic, right?
02:47:08 They have to hit rock bottom.
02:47:09 They have to get to a point where it's just like.
02:47:13 It's so bad, like everything's like they're they're waking up in like, a ******* puddle of the of **** blood and ****.
02:47:21 And just like they've lost their job and every, you know, like it had, like with some of these people, right?
02:47:26 It's it's got to be so ******* bad, like so bad that heroin doesn't seem seem all that great anymore.
02:47:34 And you know, that's pretty bad.
Speaker 5
02:47:36 Gonna be really bad for heroin.
02:47:38 And not seem great anymore because.
02:47:40 Probably seen.
02:47:41 I've never done heroin so.
02:47:43 I'm assuming it's pretty great though.
02:47:46 And you know the ruling class and the people that are are plugged in the, you know, the they're plugged into their Netflix methadone trip.
02:47:55 Drip or whatever.
02:47:58 They have to they they have to get to a point where **** so bad that it's they.
02:48:04 It's no longer tolerable.
02:48:07 It's no longer tolerable going to their job.
02:48:10 You know, grabbing their Starbucks on the way to work.
02:48:13 And, you know, stuffing their face with Chipotle, you know, around noon, and then, you know, picking up, you know, some Chinese food or whatever on the way.
02:48:25 Home and then.
02:48:27 Watching Kardashians or whatever the *******, you know, popular trash is right now while playing Candy Crush on their ******* phone, you know?
02:48:37 And then doing it all over again the next day, people seem perfectly content to do that.
02:48:44 And until that, the.
02:48:46 The system gets so ****** ** that that these these dopamine dispensers dry up.
02:48:54 You're not going to have anyone react to it.
02:49:03 Nobody ever went broke underestimating the underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
02:49:15 You know, Sucker born every every minute or whatever.
02:49:18 That that saying is.
02:49:19 Do you believe in democracy with merit?
02:49:21 Meaning the voters have merit if they have to prove they understand politics and civics.
02:49:29 I mean, I feel like there, I mean like there was there was a barrier to entry to voting when the country was founded.
02:49:34 You know, it wasn't like this, everyone.
02:49:36 Gets to vote thing.
02:49:38 That's ridiculous.
02:49:39 The guy, I mean.
02:49:40 Does that happen again?
02:49:42 Let's go back to the family unit.
02:49:43 Is that how a families run?
Speaker 6
02:49:45 Do you do you that you give the two?
02:49:47 Year old in the.
02:49:48 Corner, who is who's sitting in in.
02:49:50 A ****** diaper, a equal say.
02:49:54 And what your family is.
02:49:55 Going to do.
02:49:57 Of course not.
02:49:58 That's ********.
02:49:59 And that's what democracy is.
02:50:01 It's ******* ********.
02:50:04 And this idea that that.
02:50:06 We're a democracy.
02:50:07 We never were a democracy.
02:50:10 That was never the plan.
02:50:13 And in the same way you don't give a 2 year old with a.
02:50:16 Dirty diaper. Any kind?
02:50:17 Of, say, in what your family is supposed to do for money, or even a vacation or anything.
02:50:24 I mean, he's a *******, you know, he's has no concept of what what's going on.
02:50:30 You don't give some illiterate criminal an equal say to someone like.
Speaker 3
02:50:35 You and me.
Speaker 5
02:50:37 Why would why would you?
02:50:40 That is something you should have to earn it.
02:50:42 Not only should you have to earn it, you should have.
02:50:44 To have some skin in the game.
Speaker 3
02:50:46 Right.
02:50:48 No, I don't know what that would be, maybe.
02:50:50 Maybe you'd have to have children.
02:50:53 That might not be a bad idea.
02:50:57 You know you have to have children.
02:50:59 You have to be invested somehow in the future of the country.
02:51:05 And that would.
02:51:06 Just be part.
02:51:06 Of it you know there I think there there should probably be other things.
02:51:10 If you've ever watched the undercover boss, you can see the Gorgie anair CEO's work, wage cut jobs, and just how disconnected they are from those below them truly is a different universe. I always say that you really cannot truly use your First Amendment without lots of money.
02:51:33 Yeah, they're out of touch.
02:51:34 I don't like I said.
02:51:34 I've said this lots of times and it's not because I think they're bad people necessarily, but it's hard for me to trust anyone that comes for money and they and I don't mean like, like Bezos.
02:51:47 I mean, just.
02:51:50 Upper middle class or what's considered?
02:51:53 Upper middle class like.
02:51:54 Or maybe a little bit above.
02:51:56 That you know it's.
02:51:57 Hard for me.
02:51:58 To trust someone like that because they are.
02:52:00 Disconnected from reality.
02:52:01 In the same.
02:52:02 Way that like a a hot girl.
02:52:05 There's just you guys know what I'm talking about, right?
02:52:07 The hot girl that everyone's nice to.
02:52:10 And maybe she's a super nice.
02:52:11 Person right and and and and why wouldn't you be like, right?
02:52:16 If everyone's treating you like a Princess your entire life and and doing favors for you all the time and and look, maybe you're not like a **** and you don't take advantage of it.
02:52:25 But at the same time, you don't know what it's like to be everybody else.
02:52:30 And everyone knows that you know that with interacting with these people that are completely out of touch with reality because their life experience doesn't line up with the rest.
02:52:38 Of their humanity.
02:52:41 And that's the that's.
02:52:43 Unfortunately that's the case with the ruling class right now, the ruling class is a bunch of tyrannical *****, tyrannical, nepotistic ***** that didn't actually earn their positions.
02:52:56 And have zero connection with reality zero connection.
02:53:07 Under fascism, the elites can be stripped of their power by the leader if needed.
02:53:12 Also instilling financial or fanatical devotion to God and blood and soil through in every trial would ensure the future.
02:53:22 Elites don't betray the fatherland.
02:53:23 I mean, I don't know, I I feel it's a little idealistic.
02:53:26 And plus that the the leader that you're talking about could be the one that gets corrupt.
02:53:30 And then then he gets rid of all the under liens that maybe that are on your side, you know like.
02:53:35 It's again, would it work?
02:53:37 Maybe for like a generation or so maybe?
02:53:42 And maybe that's the best you can really help, you know, hope to get out.
02:53:45 Of any system I don't know.
02:53:48 I mean, certainly the system that, that, that my ancestors helped put into place here, I mean it's it's failing or has failed I guess at this point, right?
02:53:58 So and so, how?
02:53:59 Many years really.
02:54:00 Did they get out?
02:54:00 Of it, I would say by World War 2 that that that system had already.
02:54:06 You know, catastrophically failed.
02:54:09 And or you could even say by the by the time that the Federal Reserve was put into place, that it was over, right?
02:54:17 So how long did it really last, like 100 years or so?
02:54:20 So maybe that's.
02:54:21 All you can really hope to get.
02:54:23 Maybe, maybe fascism would.
Speaker 6
02:54:25 Work, I mean.
02:54:26 The thing is though I.
02:54:28 There's not really a whole.
02:54:29 Lot of.
02:54:29 Examples of it that you can point to.
02:54:31 And say, oh look there's.
02:54:33 Here's this example of fascism working great, you know, so and even.
02:54:39 If you were to pull it.
02:54:40 Off in practice, what it work?
02:54:43 We don't know.
02:54:47 And don't say Hitler's Germany cause.
02:54:51 I mean, how much data do you have from that, you know like 5-10 years?
02:54:57 And that that catastrophically failed.
02:54:59 And it doesn't matter why it still failed.
02:55:05 Correction filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy wipes out all medical bills.
02:55:08 The only thing bankruptcy does not dissolve is back taxes.
02:55:13 Are you sure about that?
02:55:14 Are you sure about?
Speaker 7
02:55:15 That uh, because.
02:55:18 I was talking to someone that works in the.
02:55:21 Medical field and.
02:55:23 She was telling you.
02:55:25 Could be right?
02:55:25 I haven't researched it personally, but she was telling me that because she deals with people that can't pay their bills and stuff, that the medical bill debt still followed them.
02:55:37 Maybe you're right though.
02:55:44 OK.
02:55:47 You ever look into political?
02:55:49 I know I don't know what that is.
02:55:53 What are your thoughts about all these influencers like Max Kaiser pushing?
02:55:58 How all these governments are making cryptocurrency like it isn't a big deal.
02:56:04 If it was a good thing, why isn't the military showing up to their doorsteps like El Salvador?
Speaker 6
02:56:11 Yeah, I don't know.
02:56:12 I mean, I don't know.
02:56:16 I'm very curious as to how it will unfold.
02:56:19 I know ultimately that that that's.
02:56:21 I mean what's what they want, right?
02:56:22 The why the globalists absolutely want digital currency and I don't know.
02:56:27 And look, there's enough question marks.
02:56:30 Tied to the the birth of Bitcoin like no one really knows.
02:56:35 Who made it?
02:56:36 And that's kind of a big, big deal, but no one knows who actually made it.
02:56:43 And so.
Speaker 6
02:56:46 It's it's, you know.
02:56:49 Yeah, it's hard to say.
02:56:50 It's hard to say if they're if Bitcoin is kind.
02:56:54 Of like the the beta test like.
Speaker 7
02:56:56 Let's let's make for all we.
02:56:58 Know bankers made it, really.
Speaker 7
02:57:00 For all we know, the.
02:57:02 Rothschilds made it.
02:57:04 You know, for all we know, they they made it and then set it, you know, let it loose in.
02:57:10 The in the wild to just see.
Speaker 3
02:57:14 How it work?
02:57:16 You know, let's see how this will will work and then maybe adopt it or maybe make something like it, who knows.
02:57:25 I don't know.
02:57:25 I don't think anyone knows.
02:57:29 But it's it'll certainly be an interesting thing to watch.
02:57:32 And look, there's there's practical uses for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for us right now.
02:57:37 You know right now and maybe that's part of it.
02:57:39 Right. Like maybe?
02:57:41 Deep platforming people from banks and forcing them to use cryptocurrency and and then in the case of El Salvador, where they're just.
02:57:48 Their economy is not exactly ******* awesome.
02:57:50 You know what I mean?
02:57:51 Incentivizing countries like that.
02:57:53 Maybe that's part of a plan to to get to increase adoption of a digital currency, but ultimately the the powers that be, they want, whether it's Bitcoin, I don't know.
02:58:06 But like they want digital currency and just look who's backing Bitcoin.
02:58:11 The Dev team and like the Lightning network stuff that's backed by companies like MasterCard.
02:58:18 That's look into it.
02:58:19 Look who's funding that ****.
02:58:21 It's companies like MasterCard and and now PayPal is getting into it as soon as you see these big companies adopting.
02:58:30 A digital currency and pay attention.
02:58:38 What's your opinion on hebephilia sexual relations?
02:58:41 With 14 to 17 year olds.
02:58:44 It was feminist who pushed for 18 year age.
02:58:48 I don't know, man.
02:58:49 It it kind of creeps me out.
Speaker 6
02:58:51 I I I.
02:58:53 In in the society we live in right now, I I'm totally OK with with 18 age of consent law.
02:59:06 Yeah, it creeps me out.
02:59:10 Have I talked to a Holocaust survivor?
02:59:12 On on ham radio?
02:59:14 No, I have not.
Speaker 5
02:59:20 I'll tell you in a different going back to.
02:59:21 Your the the, the 14 year old thing, it depends on the context, right?
02:59:26 Like if you go back in time and you have like more of a an agrarian society and plus like also if you have a close knit society, right where like.
Speaker 7
02:59:38 It's not like.
02:59:40 You're not ******* some 14.
02:59:42 Year old you met on the Internet?
02:59:43 But it's like you.
02:59:44 Know the the the girl's parents.
02:59:46 You're, you know, you're married.
02:59:47 You're providing for her.
02:59:49 Like when you back.
02:59:50 Well, like you said it was.
02:59:51 It was more normal for.
02:59:54 Maybe like a 20 year old to marry a 14 or 15 year old and and then have like a homestead.
03:00:00 And whatever like that.
03:00:01 Wasn't that doesn't creep me out?
03:00:02 It's a little weird.
03:00:03 Like, it's weird to me.
03:00:04 Just because I don't come from that world, but it's less gross to me.
Speaker 3
03:00:08 You know what I mean?
03:00:10 But we don't live in that world anymore, so it's another one of those things where in the context of the day, it still grows.
03:00:19 Devin, what's your thoughts on copyright and IP laws?
03:00:24 Should it be kept the way that it is?
03:00:25 I don't know.
03:00:26 I think that some of the.
03:00:27 Patent stuff is stupid.
03:00:29 I also think the intellectual property with in terms of copyrights, stupid.
03:00:34 I mean the fact that because it used to be 50 years you had like.
03:00:39 A long time it was like.
03:00:40 50 years after the death of the the original copyright holder, it became public domain.
03:00:44 But then Disney got upset because Mickey Mouse was going to become public domain.
03:00:51 You know, cause Walt Disney had been dead for so long and so they had the laws changed.
03:00:55 That's ridiculous.
03:00:57 You should never.
03:00:57 Because think about that Disney is basically never going to go away.
03:01:00 They've got enough IP now where they'll never go away.
03:01:04 They can just keep recycling the **** forever and make money off of it forever.
03:01:10 And that's stupid.
03:01:11 That's just plain ******* stupid.
03:01:14 That that's the equivalent of, you know, like the descendants of ******* Mozart owning Mozarts music.
03:01:26 That's just, that's.
03:01:27 In the same way, it's like I hate generational wealth.
03:01:32 I just hate it.
03:01:34 Anything you can do to prevent generational wealth?
03:01:37 I'm all about that and that this is one way of preventing generational wealth is preventing the the heirs to these these properties from profiting them on them.
03:01:50 Well, infinitely.
Speaker 7
03:01:59 OK.
03:02:02 I missed the middle of the stream because I was working.
03:02:04 Did you cover the capital protest granting Indiana, who was made to read Schindler's List and Wounded Knee by her defense attorney?
03:02:13 No, I I didn't know about that.
03:02:18 That sounds kind of funny.
03:02:27 Praise elohim.
03:02:28 I never knew how cool Mormons were until I found out their beliefs about blacks.
03:02:33 Well, they're for, I mean, I guess you would say former beliefs about blacks.
03:02:37 I failed to elaborate when I asked the question about have affilia.
03:02:40 I asked as the age of consent laws in America a century ago were significantly.
03:02:44 Or and according to Wikipedia, it was feminists who advocated for what we have now in many European countries.
03:02:51 The age of consent is 15 and 16.
03:02:53 Yeah, I mean, like I said, in the context of me in America today, it would creep me out if a 30 year old was ******* a 15 year old.
03:03:00 I would think a lot less of that person because it would be.
03:03:05 Easy to take advantage of that because 15.
03:03:09 Year old girls are *******.
03:03:11 And you know, so you you would basically have men.
03:03:17 Which is look.
03:03:18 Which is why feminists probably wanted to do that.
03:03:22 And you know as much as I hate feminism, obviously, like, that's that's not everything is going to have.
03:03:28 Not every, not everything that.
Speaker 7
03:03:30 That, you know, broken.
03:03:31 Approximately right twice a day, right.
03:03:35 And I think in the context of the modern world that we live in right now, it's not a good idea to have our daughters vulnerable to predators that are going to easily be able to outsmart them and and and trick them.
03:03:50 And and and don't give me this **** about.
03:03:53 Like Ohh then that's your fault as.
03:03:55 A parent for no.
03:03:56 **** you.
03:03:57 You know, like I want our society to have some standards and I don't want 30 year old guys ******* 15 year olds and I don't think that's crazy.
03:04:08 A big part of the problem is the Jews were the ones who centralized power.
03:04:14 Well, I mean, but.
03:04:17 If it wasn't them, it'd be someone, but it doesn't.
03:04:20 Jews aren't the only subversive force in the universe, you know.
03:04:26 What's your opinion on Islam?
03:04:27 I don't believe it's like what many Neo cons portrayed to be the religion is much better than Talmudic Judaism as Jesus is.
03:04:36 A prophet to Muslims.
03:04:38 I don't know.
03:04:41 I mean, I I feel like they've done a better job of keeping subversive forces out of their societies.
03:04:48 They seem to be also doing a better job of conquering other societies, so in my opinion on Islam might not matter we.
03:04:56 Might all be.
03:04:58 Living in Islamic countries eventually anyway, especially if you're like Germany or something like that.
Speaker 5
03:05:04 Part of why?
03:05:05 They've been so successful though is they maintain the patriarchy.
03:05:10 I think out of anything, out of everything that's in Islam that's more than anything else.
03:05:16 That's probably what is keeping them successful is the fact that they maintain the patriarchy as.
03:05:23 Well, as they do.
03:05:24 That's something that Christianity appears to have failed to maintain.
03:05:29 You know, you talked about the Mormonism thing, Mormonism, at least so far, has maintained that, and that's probably why they they remain relatively, you know, successful religion in terms of attendance and and you know the the community and stuff like that, that they they're able to maintain.
03:05:47 You can say the family of the Amish.
03:05:49 People and.
03:05:52 That, that's that's usually like the the death nail.
03:05:56 Right?
03:05:56 Like when you see these generic Jesus off brand Christianity churches that have like female pastors and stuff like that, that's how, you know, it's dead.
03:06:06 You know that that, that, that.
03:06:08 Once the patriarchy has been eroded in any group, you're ******.
03:06:15 And so if anything, I guess Islam maintains the patriarchy, at least so far relatively effectively.
03:06:23 Who knows if it'll be able to survive the influences of the.
03:06:28 Modern world, as it were.
03:06:35 Let's see here.
03:06:36 First thing in in in the new constitution is to implement 0 tolerance for criminals.
03:06:42 No rehabilitation, no wasted resources on jails.
03:06:46 We'll push that Bell curve to the right pretty quickly.
Speaker 3
03:06:49 Yeah, I think.
03:06:50 Even if it's.
03:06:51 Just as a temporary measure and Edward.
03:06:54 He's talked about this and other people have talked about this, where one of the reasons why we see some of the traits that we see in Europeans is they were very.
03:07:02 Very liberal with the the death penalty for a really long time.
03:07:06 You know you did any kind of violent crime and you were hanging from a rope in the town square and.
Speaker 7
03:07:14 And that look that I mean.
03:07:15 That continued on in.
03:07:16 America, if you were a horse thief, they ******* killed you.
03:07:20 Like that, that that was, I mean there was a lot of things you got killed for and that weeded out a lot of these, as you say, like the the bad end of the the bell curve.
03:07:31 And unfortunately, a lot of these populations that are that are coming to our countries, one of the reasons why.
Speaker 6
03:07:39 You're you're kind of.
03:07:41 Seeing almost submissive behavior, it's disgusting, but that's what it.
03:07:45 Is, you know you're seeing these violent people come in and dominate the what I would say are more civilized people.
03:07:52 Is because the the violence has.
03:07:55 Been bred out of them.
03:07:57 And the people coming in that never took place in their populations.
03:08:01 And so it's got like, I guess, a part of it.
03:08:04 Then there is.
03:08:04 A A downside to it, you know, like it it's good if if you're able to maintain the homogeneous society.
03:08:12 If you start ******* with the I mean that's cause in a way that's eugenics, right, that's.
03:08:16 What we're talking about?
03:08:17 It's just, you know that it's not the.
03:08:20 The science fiction eugenics that Hollywood complains about, and that's, you know, when people think eugenics know what they're.
03:08:26 Thinking but that is, I mean, if you're, if you're fast and loose with the.
03:08:29 Death penalty. That's eugenics.
03:08:32 And that works great as long as you're able to maintain your majority maintain dominance in your society.
03:08:40 But as soon as you start letting in these violent people at the end of the day, we're still animals and physically dominant animals are going to be able to.
03:08:52 Cry power from the hands.
03:08:54 Of the the weaker animals.
03:08:56 And that's kind of what's taking place.
03:09:03 Isn't the best answer for white nationalists to collectivize regionally?
03:09:08 I think that's a more I think it's a very productive and realistic way to have power is to think of things on the local level.
03:09:16 And that's absolutely something that I think we should be focusing on.
03:09:19 And I think it's something that people are beginning to focus on.
Speaker 7
03:09:24 Baptism is working well.
03:09:27 Are working as well, Syria, all things considered working.
03:09:33 Is working as well, Syria, I'm thinking, I mean in Syria.
03:09:39 Yeah, I've never been to Syria, but.
03:09:43 OK.
03:09:45 Thoughts on Keith woods?
03:09:46 I've I've said it before.
03:09:47 Think he sounds like a smart guy?
03:09:54 I've never talked to him.
03:09:55 You know, I've never talked to him before, but.
03:09:57 He seems like a seems like a.
03:09:58 Smart guy and a nice guy.
03:10:06 In a traditional society, once a woman has had her first period, she could get married only when she's married.
03:10:15 Can you **** her.
Speaker 6
03:10:17 I mean, like, if you wanted, like, I don't know.
03:10:20 Why we're focused on banging the younger girls.
03:10:23 You guys are weirding me out a little bit.
03:10:25 With that but.
Speaker 7
03:10:27 If that's, if that's the way you wanna.
03:10:28 Go that would.
03:10:29 Be that would make me feel slightly.
03:10:30 Less gross about.
03:10:31 It as if you were getting married off and that because you know at that point it's no longer tricking.
03:10:38 I mean a weird way.
03:10:38 It's still kind of tricking a girl, right?
03:10:40 It's just you're not tricking her for a one night stand.
03:10:43 They're abusing her.
03:10:44 You're tricking her into getting married, and maybe that's maybe that's good.
03:10:49 I don't know.
03:10:51 Have you heard of worzel root?
03:10:55 Alexander Augustine.
03:10:57 If so, what are your thoughts on him?
03:10:58 I have.
03:10:58 Not heard of that?
03:11:02 Removing generational wealth, I think removes a lot of incentive.
03:11:06 People have to work hard at anything.
03:11:09 If you cannot pass on inheritance to your kids, build generational wealth.
03:11:12 I believe many will wonder what is the point?
03:11:15 I don't know.
03:11:16 The boomers don't seem to give a **** about generational wealth.
03:11:20 My parents don't care about generational wealth.
03:11:22 Wasn't taking the the.
03:11:26 You know, out of any ambition out of me.
03:11:29 If anything, it's it's pushed me to to to do try harder.
03:11:33 You know, I think it does.
03:11:34 The opposite, I think that if you don't.
03:11:37 If you're not relying on.
03:11:38 Your inheritance.
03:11:39 You're going to try harder.
03:11:48 Uh. Let's see here.
03:11:57 Keep going through all this.
03:12:01 Keep going.
03:12:05 We're going to wrap this up pretty quick here.
03:12:09 I'm getting too.
03:12:10 Many we've been going a long time.
03:12:12 We're up to.
03:12:15 3 1/2 hours here. It's earned eugenics, the death penalty, Sofia.
03:12:21 Well, it's it's it's it's a mixture of eugenics and meritocracy, I guess.
03:12:33 Alright, I think I finally caught up here.
03:12:38 Alright guys. Uh.
03:12:40 Let me get.
03:12:40 Rid of this.
Speaker 6
03:12:45 All right.
03:12:45 Now in terms of when the next stream will be, I'm thinking maybe.
03:12:52 The way to do it is twice a week.
03:12:55 Wednesdays and Saturdays I.
03:12:57 Don't know how you guys feel about that.
03:12:59 I'm I'm going to try it out next week.
03:13:02 I just need to do something different the my.
03:13:04 Sleep schedule. Excuse me?
03:13:07 Being like off the chart, it's crazy like it's been.
03:13:09 Lately it's killing me a little bit.
03:13:11 Especially because this isn't all I do.
03:13:13 You know, I've got a lot of other stuff I'm juggling and and there's other stuff.
03:13:16 That's going on my life that.
03:13:17 I have to take care of.
03:13:19 And just having to do.
03:13:20 Doing the three nights a week thing is is too.
03:13:23 Disruptive right now, maybe I.
03:13:25 Can go back to that.
03:13:27 But let's say the next stream will will be Wednesday.
03:13:34 I actually have.
03:13:36 A show that I want.
03:13:37 To dissect, I'm just not sure like I.
03:13:39 In fact I.
03:13:40 Was going to do.
03:13:40 It tonight I watched like 4 ******* episodes of the show and.
03:13:48 It's the normalization of trans people as early as the 70s on television, which I was not aware that was was happening.
03:13:59 To the degree that it was involving people that.
03:14:01 You may have heard of.
03:14:04 It's just that I didn't have enough time to really cut it up in a way that would be easy to digest, so maybe we'll do that Wednesday.
03:14:13 If not, we'll.
03:14:13 Do it Saturday.
03:14:15 Check out FTN with James Alsop.
Speaker 3
03:14:18 I'll top.
03:14:18 Post the link on Telegram once I find it.
03:14:23 I don't think he posts the telegram anymore because I'm pretty sure I follow him on Telegram and I don't see any updates from him.
03:14:33 Because if I see it, I'll just.
03:14:36 I'll just share it right now.
03:14:40 Yeah, I don't see anything new from him.
03:14:44 Unless he's using a different account that I don't know about.
03:14:50 But I'll find I'll track it down.
03:14:52 I'll find the link and I'll.
03:14:53 Share that that like.
03:14:55 I said we had a really good discussion and.
Speaker 7
03:14:58 The the 1st.
03:14:59 You know, hour is like 2 hours.
03:15:01 It's and.
03:15:01 And I thought it was.
03:15:02 Really productive. So check.
03:15:04 That out and.
03:15:06 As far as the discord stuff.
03:15:08 I'll get links out to I'll get new links out.
03:15:11 Like I said, I gotta I.
03:15:12 Gotta we gotta rectify this dueling discord server thing and we got to after I get that straightened out.
03:15:22 UM, I'll get some links out to more links out to the subscribe star and Patreon people, and then we'll do a secret message and I'll I'll slowly roll it out to even more people.
03:15:34 I was thinking what I'll do is I'll just give out a a link that only has X amount of spots during the stream.
03:15:42 Right in the.
03:15:43 Chat so that you guys have it the.
03:15:45 People that are come here live.
03:15:47 We'll have it and then we'll get cooking on that movie.
03:15:51 So all right guys.
Speaker 3
03:15:53 Hope you have a.
03:15:56 Especially if you're in.
03:15:57 The the Pacific Northwest.
03:16:00 A very cool stay indoor stay in the air conditioning next couple of days.
03:16:07 Enjoy your summer for black pilled.
03:16:09 I am, of course.
03:16:12 Devon stag.