

00:06:25 Hello everybody, Devin stack here.
00:00:04 I wanted to just add a little bit to the stream that will follow this, the lint TRO and that is in the stream.
00:00:12 I repeatedly assert that Tucker Carlson's book the ship of fools was named after the 1965.
00:00:22 Film, Ship of fools and someone in chat tonight mentioned.
00:00:27 Well, perhaps it was named after Plato's Ship of Fools, which I think is.
00:00:33 Probably more possible, although we'll never know, because, I mean Tucker Carlson grew.
00:00:39 Up in Hollywood, so who knows, right?
00:00:41 But that was, I think, a a presumptuous assertion for me to make.
00:00:47 So I just want to clarify that.
00:00:48 You'll hear me make that.
00:00:49 Assertion throughout the stream and just in the interest of.
00:00:54 Being open and honest, because that's what's important to me.
00:00:57 I'm going to say I am not as confident that is the case, but it's irrelevant to the point that I make in the stream and so it's.
00:01:08 It's, but it's still something I feel like I should say so, you know, in the interest of Full disclosure and whatnot.
00:01:16 So anyway, enjoy the stream.
Speaker 3
00:02:23 British application, pencils and.
00:02:29 Shader stumbling, Converse, wondering some crazy.
Speaker 2
00:02:52 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:02:55 Good Lord.
00:02:56 It is the insomnia stream.
00:02:59 Live and direct from thee pillbox.
00:03:04 Thousands of feet beneath the earth.
00:03:07 'S surface.
Speaker 2
00:03:09 And an undisclosed abandoned mine shaft.
00:03:14 I'm your host, Devin Stack here.
00:03:18 And that was a clip.
00:03:20 From a movie, we're going to discuss tonight.
Speaker 2
00:03:25 But before we discuss sad movie.
00:03:30 We're going to talk.
00:03:30 About why we are going to discuss.
00:03:34 Sad movie.
00:03:37 And that is.
00:03:39 Well, I'll tell you what it has to do with Tucker Carlson.
00:03:42 Let me turn this fan off.
00:03:44 I always forget to.
00:03:44 Turn this fan off.
00:03:46 And then I start streaming and then I'm like, what is that noise?
00:03:49 It's driving me crazy, OK.
Speaker 4
00:03:53 I've mentioned a few times in my well, I don't know I.
00:03:56 Don't say yeah.
00:03:57 Pretty much somewhat regular warnings of Tucker Carlson.
00:04:04 That he has mentioned that he him that he has described his book as a warning to.
00:04:11 The ruling class.
00:04:13 That that they need to ease up a little bit or the pitchforks are going to come out essentially describing himself as a pressure valve.
00:04:26 And I try to be look, I'm not for infighting and I and I try to support anyone that's on the side of not genocide and white people, since that list seems to be getting shorter and shorter.
00:04:38 But at the same time I want to be realistic about who the actual allies are and not just fall for anyone that says a couple talking points that I agree with and is paid millions of dollars by giant billionaire corporations.
00:04:57 And I referenced a couple of times, I'm sure more than a couple of times an interview that he has done with what?
00:05:06 What's what's Adam Corolla?
00:05:09 Where he basically says exactly that.
00:05:13 And I was reminded once again.
00:05:16 Of that interview he did with Adam Corolla in his book and all these other concerns that I have when I watched.
00:05:23 The bass Tucker interview with Victor Orban.
00:05:28 That's right, Hungarian.
00:05:30 Victor Orban, the based Victor Orban, for that matter.
00:05:35 The President of Hungary.
00:05:38 Oh, look, you know, compared to the other.
00:05:41 European states, I suppose, is is rather based and is making decisions that I certainly wish more European states would.
00:05:54 But there's always, you know, there's always that thing.
Speaker 4
00:05:58 There's always that. Ah, why?
Speaker 5
00:06:04 Why? Like always?
Speaker 6
00:06:06 It's always there.
Speaker 4
00:06:08 Why is it always there?
00:06:09 And I think you'll know what I'm talking about.
00:06:11 If you saw the interview, and if not, I'm going to refresh your memory a little bit.
00:06:25 So here's the interview.
00:06:26 I guess I should have made it bigger, huh?
00:06:29 That's what she said.
00:06:31 I can't.
00:06:32 It's too, too early for me usually.
00:06:37 When I do these streams I've been up for.
00:06:39 Several hours.
00:06:41 This is not one of those times.
00:06:44 Alright, there we go.
00:06:49 Make sure the rest of them are also.
00:06:53 Also good here.
00:06:57 OK, so this is the interview.
00:07:02 Of Tucker.
00:07:04 And based based Tucker and based Victor Orban, and we're going to discuss some things, I'm not going to.
Speaker 6
00:07:09 Just jump down.
Speaker 7
00:07:09 Anyone of you?
Speaker 6
00:07:10 Know either one.
00:07:10 Of their throats.
00:07:12 But I I think this will stand out as it did to me, especially now that it's been edited down, so you can.
00:07:17 See it. Here we go.
Speaker 8
00:07:21 Your opponents are a coalition of former communists and anti Semites.
00:07:27 Is it strange to see the American left rooting for a coalition that includes anti Semites?
Speaker 9
00:07:35 Let's say if.
00:07:37 You would have asked me several years ago whether could it happen.
00:07:41 That the ex Communist political forces and the anti Semite.
Speaker 4
00:07:47 Ah, why does it matter?
00:07:49 Why? Why Tucker?
00:07:55 They're an ex coalition of communists and anti Semites.
00:08:01 Anti. Ohh God why?
Speaker 7
00:08:03 Why? Why? Why?
Speaker 4
00:08:05 Why does this?
00:08:06 Why does this always have to?
00:08:07 Come up.
00:08:09 How many Jews?
00:08:10 Are in Hungary.
Speaker 7
00:08:14 Is it at?
Speaker 4
00:08:14 Least as many as how many Jews are in America, which isn't very many.
Speaker 9
00:08:20 Right is forming A coalition and running together the election against a pro Israeli and Pro American pro NATO.
Speaker 7
00:08:28 OK, pro Israel.
00:08:30 Why again?
Speaker 4
00:08:33 Why is that so important?
00:08:35 This is an American journalist.
Speaker 2
00:08:39 Coming in to talk to you about your relationship.
Speaker 7
00:08:42 With the EU.
Speaker 4
00:08:43 Why do you have to throw in?
00:08:46 What does Israel have to?
Speaker 6
00:08:47 Do are you is Hungary also pro Brazil pro Antarctica?
00:08:54 I mean, what?
00:08:54 What I don't?
00:08:57 Maybe you know what, maybe there.
00:08:59 Maybe it's inseparable.
00:09:00 Maybe you can't talk about United States without talking about Israel.
Speaker 9
00:09:03 Or Western oriented government as we have as we are, my answer would have been no.
Speaker 8
00:09:08 It's impossible.
00:09:09 Hungary, which is a small nation, 10 million people.
00:09:13 Had two big nuclear armed allies, the United States and Israel.
Speaker 7
00:09:20 Ohh again why? But alright.
Speaker 8
00:09:23 You were probably Netanyahu's closest ally in Europe. You were close to Donald Trump.
Speaker 4
00:09:29 And then this time.
00:09:31 Tucker is mentioning Netanyahu first before Trump.
00:09:34 Oh, OK.
Speaker 9
00:09:36 With Bibi, with Netanyahu, who was a good friend of the Hungarians, and when he was in Pablo, he always invest a lot of energy to have a good relation with the Central European countries.
00:09:46 We respect it very much, but he lost.
00:09:48 Also, so the Hungarian conservative Christian judeo-christian Democratic.
Speaker 4
00:09:55 Hungarian judeo-christian.
00:10:01 What's going on here?
00:10:03 What the **** is going on here?
Speaker 2
00:10:06 Hungarian judeo-christian.
00:10:11 Ohh God.
00:10:16 Alright, alright, alright.
Speaker 9
00:10:18 Tick sinking lost to major international supporter and the opponents came into power.
00:10:26 So this is a totally new circumstance.
Speaker 4
00:10:29 That's as anti Semites.
Speaker 2
00:10:32 Versus the judeo-christian.
00:10:36 Super best friends, hungry Israel and America.
Speaker 2
00:10:42 They form like Voltron and.
00:10:44 Israel is the head.
Speaker 5
00:10:47 All right.
Speaker 6
00:10:48 So it got.
00:10:48 Me thinking about.
00:10:51 Let me see if I can.
00:10:52 You know this will probably just do.
00:10:54 The same thing.
00:10:57 It got me thinking about the this interview that I've often brought up, but I've never shown clips from.
00:11:05 So today I.
00:11:05 Thought I would show clips.
00:11:08 To underline what it is I'm talking about.
00:11:13 You guys know I'm not being crazy?
00:11:16 Not being crazy.
00:11:19 Alright, let me just do this real quick.
00:11:28 Fix the audio.
00:11:29 Alright, so this is Tucker Carlson.
Speaker 4
00:11:32 While he was on his book tour.
Speaker 2
00:11:36 He was on his book tour promoting his newest book.
00:11:40 Ship of fools.
00:11:43 Ship of fools.
00:11:46 Interesting name.
00:11:48 Ship of fools.
00:11:49 We'll get.
00:11:49 Into that in a moment.
Speaker 4
00:11:52 But ship of.
00:11:54 According to him, it's a book about the ruling class.
Speaker 6
00:11:58 Telling them that.
00:12:00 You know.
Speaker 7
00:12:02 If you don't, you know, maybe throw a a.
Speaker 2
00:12:05 Little bit of this wealth.
Speaker 4
00:12:07 The way of these clubs, they're going, they're freaking out.
00:12:12 They are freaking out.
00:12:15 They're freaking out, and they might bring the pitchforks out.
00:12:18 And me, you know Tucker Carlson?
00:12:22 I don't like the idea of that happening because I come from big money.
Speaker 2
00:12:27 Big money.
00:12:30 I am the heir.
00:12:32 To a substantial fortune, I am the heir to the Swanson fortune.
00:12:38 And I know, I know that if the pitchforks come out, they can end.
00:12:43 Up in my driveway.
00:12:48 And so you other rich people who are heirs to other fortunes.
Speaker 2
00:12:53 Heed my warning.
00:12:55 We need to throw.
Speaker 4
00:12:56 Over the ******* bone.
00:12:58 They're they're getting.
00:13:00 This isn't looking good.
00:13:02 So he writes this book ship of fools.
00:13:04 And goes on Adam Corolla.
00:13:05 And talks about it, and here's what they say.
00:13:08 During that interview.
00:13:09 Just a couple.
00:13:10 Of quick clips.
00:13:11 So this is I think.
00:13:12 Him intruding the book.
Speaker 5
00:13:14 Glad to be here.
00:13:15 Thank you.
00:13:16 I enjoy your show very much.
00:13:19 I enjoy your book very much.
00:13:20 Ship of Fools is the name of the book.
00:13:22 How a selfish ruling class is bringing America to the brink of revolution.
00:13:28 I listened to the audio version of it.
Speaker 4
00:13:30 How a selfish ruling class?
Speaker 2
00:13:34 As bringing us to the brink.
00:13:37 Of revolution.
00:13:38 Obviously revolution not being a desired consequence.
Speaker 8
00:13:46 And why don't we talk about you and and where you started?
00:13:49 Well, that's where my politics come from.
00:13:51 I mean, being from I'm from Southern California, I was born in San Francisco, but moved to LA to Studio City, not far from here.
00:13:59 And then.
Speaker 5
00:14:00 Where did you live?
00:14:01 In Studio City?
00:14:02 Just on a personal note, cause like I grew up right up in there too.
Speaker 8
00:14:06 Lol Terrace at well terrace.
00:14:07 So it's kind of up.
Speaker 5
00:14:09 Yeah, little Canyon.
00:14:11 Hebrew Heights is Hebrew heights.
00:14:16 Adam Corolla asked him what what part of?
Speaker 7
00:14:19 The valley.
00:14:20 Do you live in?
Speaker 4
00:14:23 You know the place that that just moments ago, Tucker Carlson said.
00:14:26 Yeah, well, it's interesting story.
00:14:28 That's where I.
00:14:29 Got my politics?
Speaker 4
00:14:30 I got from old terrace.
00:14:31 He's ohh Hebrew.
00:14:32 Heights. That's here, it's getting.
00:14:33 OK.
Speaker 5
00:14:34 In and why don't we talk about you and and where you?
Speaker 8
00:14:37 Started well, that's where my politics come from.
00:14:39 I mean, being from I'm from Southern California.
00:14:42 I was born in San Francisco but moved to LA.
Speaker 10
00:14:45 To Studio City.
Speaker 8
00:14:46 Not far from here and then.
Speaker 5
00:14:48 Where did you live?
00:14:49 In Studio City?
00:14:50 Just on a personal note, cause like I grew up right up in there too lol.
Speaker 8
00:14:54 Terrace, terrace.
00:14:55 So it's kind of up.
00:14:57 Yeah, little Canyon.
Speaker 5
00:14:58 Yeah, Hebrew heights is.
00:15:00 It's now.
00:15:02 That's where all the Jewish kids went to North Hollywood high.
00:15:05 They lived up.
00:15:05 In Hebrew high.
Speaker 8
00:15:06 The eagle, if you're not making.
Speaker 4
00:15:09 OK, that's interesting.
00:15:13 Yeah, that's that's.
Speaker 4
00:15:13 Where he gets his politics from.
00:15:16 Let's continue.
Speaker 8
00:15:20 If you're not making real money, then you have children like you have to leave.
00:15:25 And that's.
00:15:26 I mean, that's Latin America.
00:15:27 It's not Latin America demographically.
00:15:29 It's not a racial observation.
00:15:30 That's the Latin American economy.
00:15:35 Then he's talking about the change in California and the demographic.
Speaker 4
00:15:41 Shift that's.
00:15:41 I mean it's it's.
00:15:42 It's not about, it's not about race.
00:15:45 It's not about race, it's just that we're getting the Latin American economy.
00:15:49 Well, how does that?
Speaker 8
00:15:50 Happen, Tucker, if you're not making real money, then you have children like you have to leave.
00:15:56 And that's, I mean that's Latin America.
00:15:58 It's not Latin America demographically, it's not a racial observation.
00:16:01 That's the Latin American economy.
00:16:03 It's not a racial observation.
00:16:05 OK, well, that's interesting.
00:16:08 Let's see what else I mean, see.
Speaker 4
00:16:09 Again, once Tucker will point out.
00:16:12 The exact problem.
Speaker 4
00:16:15 Walk you almost to the conclusion and then.
00:16:19 Take a U-turn.
Speaker 8
00:16:21 Middle Class place is multiracial, by the way.
00:16:23 It's a race thing.
00:16:23 It's just like normal people live there.
00:16:26 It's not a race thing, he says.
00:16:28 For the second time.
00:16:31 These segments on the show all.
Speaker 8
00:16:33 The time are like, look, just to be clear.
00:16:35 Racism is wrong because judging people on things they're not responsible for is wrong and group punishment and collective guilt are wrong.
00:16:43 They're the opposite of everything that makes this America.
Speaker 4
00:16:46 That he seems like really.
00:16:49 Really, really worried about being perceived as a racist.
00:16:54 Not unlike the that episode of King.
00:16:56 Of the hill.
00:16:58 Not unlike that episode or all these things I've been showing you.
00:17:02 He's no different than your average boomer.
Speaker 8
00:17:06 So it's actually not a race.
00:17:07 Thing it's not.
Speaker 4
00:17:08 A race thing, in case you haven't heard the other four ******* times I've said it.
Speaker 5
00:17:14 About I'm not on the left, but I consider myself liberal.
Speaker 8
00:17:18 Yeah, me too.
Speaker 4
00:17:19 Ohh Tucker 2.
Speaker 5
00:17:23 Dennis Prager is a liberal.
00:17:25 Dershowitz is a liberal.
00:17:26 You're a liberal.
00:17:27 I'm a liberal.
Speaker 4
00:17:28 Not ohh. Weird.
00:17:31 Dennis Prager is a liberal.
00:17:32 Alan Dershowitz is a pedophile.
00:17:35 I'm sorry, a liberal.
00:17:37 Yes, says Tucker.
Speaker 4
00:17:40 Me too.
00:17:42 Me too.
Speaker 8
00:17:46 I mean, I hired Rachel Maddow, that's why.
00:17:47 And this part I just threw out because you know.
00:17:50 It was. It was in.
Speaker 2
00:17:50 There it was. Just a.
00:17:52 Fun fact that.
Speaker 4
00:17:54 Rachel Maddow exists because Tucker hired her.
Speaker 8
00:17:59 I mean, I hired Rachel Maddow.
00:18:00 That's why she's on MSNBC because I worked there and I had a show and I wanted the most capable, most cat, like quickest.
00:18:09 Debate partner I could find and I got her.
00:18:11 And she was, I mean.
00:18:12 That she's smart like, no.
Speaker 7
00:18:14 All right, so anyway.
00:18:19 Again he he.
00:18:21 He's pushing a book that the whole point of.
Speaker 2
00:18:23 The book is.
00:18:26 Watch out guys.
00:18:29 Watch out ruling class.
00:18:31 The natives are getting restless.
00:18:35 And he names it.
Speaker 4
00:18:35 Ship of fools.
00:18:39 That is actually the name of an old movie from the 1960s. That's where he.
00:18:45 Got the title from.
00:18:48 He got the title from an old movie about a bunch of ruling class members on a boat.
00:18:56 And they do have peasants.
00:18:58 Hispanic peasants.
Speaker 7
00:19:00 In the the hold of.
00:19:03 The ship.
00:19:04 They're migrant workers.
00:19:05 They're returning to Spain, they have been working in, in, I think, Cuba.
00:19:13 In the sugar cane fields.
00:19:17 While the very fancy ruling class members were in the upper deck.
00:19:25 Sitting at the captain's table and dining.
00:19:31 And I thought, you know, this seems to be it's an important enough movie to where he chose this film to name his book.
00:19:41 I wonder if there's any insights or any correlations between the things that we just watched.
Speaker 4
00:19:50 And the movie.
00:19:55 And were there ever?
00:19:58 Were there ever?
Speaker 4
00:20:01 This movie came.
00:20:02 Out in 1965.
00:20:05 There was another film I.
00:20:06 Watched just because in the Wikipedia entry about this book, they mentioned that some of the critics.
00:20:12 Didn't like it because they said it was too much like the Grand Hotel from the 1930s and it was 1933. Greta Garbo or something like that. I actually finally got that ******* movie.
00:20:24 And and I didn't watch all the way through.
00:20:27 Just because I I.
00:20:29 Speed through it and it didn't seem like it.
00:20:32 I mean I it it just it didn't seem like the criticism was was accurate enough for me to keep watching it.
00:20:37 So I cut that out of.
00:20:39 The what we're going to be.
00:20:41 Looking at.
00:20:42 And we're just going to look.
00:20:43 At this as a.
00:20:45 As a whole piece, but again, why did Tucker choose this movie?
00:20:52 To name his book his book about warning the ruling class that the natives were getting restless.
00:20:57 So this movie starts off.
00:21:01 With a ******, which is, I guess that's that's fun times.
00:21:04 I don't always get to see a ****** when I.
00:21:06 Watch these old movies.
Speaker 2
00:21:08 So the ****** is going.
00:21:10 To intro the film for us.
00:21:12 And we're going to go from there.
00:21:14 So here's the very beginning of the film.
Speaker 10
00:21:24 My name is Carl Glocken.
00:21:26 And this is a ship of fools.
00:21:30 I'm a fool.
00:21:32 You need more fools as we go along.
00:21:33 This tub is packed with them.
00:21:37 Emancipated ladies, ball players.
00:21:40 Lovers, dog lovers.
00:21:43 Ladies of Joy, fellow Jews.
Speaker 4
00:21:48 Tolerant Jews.
00:21:53 Ah, what is this?
Speaker 6
00:21:59 OK, now once again the the the movie.
Speaker 2
00:22:03 Is much like Tucker Carlson.
00:22:04 'S book there's there is a reason.
00:22:08 Tucker Carlson chose to name his book after this movie.
00:22:13 This book is also, I'm sorry this movie is also a film about hubris in the same way that.
00:22:20 Tucker's book.
00:22:21 Is a book about hubris, and it is targeting.
00:22:25 The ruling class, in the same way this movie is targeting the ruling class.
Speaker 2
00:22:34 And this movie.
00:22:38 Goes out of its way.
00:22:41 To speak directly.
Speaker 5
00:22:44 To a part of the.
00:22:45 Ruling class that we.
Speaker 2
00:22:46 All know and love.
Speaker 10
00:22:50 Ladies of Joy, fellow Jews.
Speaker 4
00:22:54 Tolerant Jews.
00:23:04 The movie intros it's a German ship you discover.
00:23:10 And the German ship this is this is.
Speaker 4
00:23:13 Just before world.
00:23:14 War 2. This is the 1930s. That's the that's not when the movie was made, but that's the setting.
00:23:21 Movie was made 1965 once again, but the the setting is like 1933 ish.
00:23:30 And the ship.
00:23:31 Is taking some ruling class members from North America.
00:23:36 Back to Germany.
00:23:39 But on the way, they're making a pit.
00:23:41 Stop in Cuba to pick up Spanish migrant workers.
00:23:47 Who are going to board the ship and be brought back to Spain?
00:23:53 Because the sugar cane conglomerate that's growing the sugar cane in in Cuba.
00:24:02 They didn't get the price that they wanted on the world market for their sugar cane, and so they burned the fields.
00:24:09 So as to keep the price from dropping.
00:24:15 And so they had a whole.
00:24:16 Bunch of out.
Speaker 2
00:24:16 Of work.
00:24:18 Migrant workers that needed to go back to Spain.
00:24:23 And they also are taking back a Cuban like a political prisoner.
00:24:34 But we're not going to focus too much on the Cuban political prisoner or the migrant workers, or even a lot of the members of the ruling class that sit at this table. This is the captain's table.
00:24:48 Because while they do have their own little stories.
00:24:52 You have the American.
00:24:55 Who is very presumptuous and loud and stupid.
00:25:00 He's like an oil tycoon.
00:25:02 He's just going around the world trying to **** anything that moves.
00:25:06 Thinking he can.
00:25:07 Just buy any woman he encounters and he's.
Speaker 6
00:25:10 A big buffoon.
00:25:13 You also have another couple that cares more about their dog than they do human life.
00:25:23 And then you have another couple that that is fighting and wasting their youth on on political extremism.
Speaker 7
00:25:35 And just you know, it's they're all.
00:25:37 Little caricatures of of.
00:25:41 Aspects of the affluent.
00:25:45 And they're all somewhat.
00:25:46 Relatable even today.
Speaker 4
00:25:49 But there's particular.
00:25:50 Focus in fact, a substantial amount of focus, and you can even say just the look the movie itself given the destination of the boat and the year and everything else.
00:26:02 The main focus.
00:26:06 Is on this man right here on the screen.
Speaker 5
00:26:10 This German Nazi.
00:26:14 This German Nazi and his young Fraulein.
00:26:20 As well as the as the ****** put it, the tolerant Jew.
00:26:27 That's on board the ship.
00:26:31 And so this is how we're introduced.
00:26:33 To the German.
Speaker 3
00:26:38 It is good to be on a German boat.
00:26:40 With German people going.
00:26:41 Home savour, Joel.
00:26:43 There's a feeling when German people get together.
00:26:46 I cannot explain it.
00:26:48 Should camaraderie here, which exists among?
00:26:50 For the people at least, I have found it nowhere else.
Speaker 11
00:26:53 You know what they say in.
00:26:55 Mexicans lost.
00:26:56 The Americans hate the Spaniards distress the English admirers of friendship.
00:27:00 Love the dreams.
Speaker 3
00:27:02 That is all very nice.
00:27:03 I'm glad that they say those things, but as far as I am concerned, after a few weeks in Mexico, you can keep the Mexicans too.
Speaker 2
00:27:12 But on being.
00:27:14 So he's not fond of Mexicans.
00:27:18 Can you blame him?
00:27:21 He continues.
Speaker 3
00:27:22 I have invited talented writers from all over the nation to contribute on one topic.
00:27:26 How we can expunge foreign influences and restore Germany to its national greatness?
00:27:32 Not foreign influences.
00:27:38 And there is the tolerant Jew.
00:27:41 When the ship's doctor asks the German what foreign influences are you talking about? When you say that your publication is warning the German people about foreign influences.
00:27:55 He points to thee tolerant Jew who.
00:27:58 Has been seated away from the captain's table.
00:28:01 Because he's a Jew.
00:28:04 As they talk about later on in the film, they won't allow him to sit at the captain's table because he's a Jew.
00:28:17 Now the.
00:28:20 The interesting thing about just that it's.
Speaker 7
00:28:22 Look, it's, it's.
00:28:23 Not really that different.
00:28:25 Notice what they gave him as an.
00:28:27 Occupation the the.
00:28:28 Evil Nazi once again, what was it?
00:28:31 He was a publisher.
00:28:34 He was a publisher.
00:28:37 He wasn't a politician.
00:28:40 He wasn't uh, a, an s s officer or anything like that. No, he was a publisher.
Speaker 2
00:28:51 The great danger.
Speaker 4
00:28:53 Right under the nose of this tolerant Jew.
00:28:59 Was the publisher.
00:29:03 Just like we've seen in all these 80s television shows, right when they the the scary Nazis, the scary, you know, caricature of the scary Neo Nazis, they all have print shops in their.
00:29:13 In their back room.
Speaker 4
00:29:17 Printing up.
00:29:18 Things that sound identical to what this guy.
00:29:20 Says that he prints up.
00:29:22 Warning of foreign influence.
Speaker 4
00:29:28 And then again this 19.
00:29:29 65 it's.
00:29:30 Always been the same.
00:29:32 This monopoly on information.
00:29:37 They know is is a prerequisite.
00:29:42 To getting their narrative solidified.
00:29:48 So they demonize anyone and and everyone.
00:29:54 That has access to putting out information.
00:29:58 So what's going on now with the Internet censorship?
00:30:00 This is like this is an ongoing battle that's been going on for, well probably since the the the medium itself it has existed.
00:30:11 A constant battle to corner the market.
Speaker 4
00:30:15 Of course you want to corner.
00:30:16 The market on influence on mass influence.
00:30:22 So it was number different in 1965 the.
00:30:24 Big Evil guy is a guy who?
00:30:26 Does Nazi propaganda right?
00:30:31 So now we meet the the tolerant drew.
00:30:35 When the ******, because he's lesser than right.
00:30:41 He also is.
00:30:42 Forbidden to sit at the captain's table.
00:30:46 And so they seat him.
00:30:48 Because he's nothing but a circus freak.
00:30:52 They seat him with the tolerant Jew.
Speaker 12
00:31:01 Good afternoon, good afternoon.
00:31:08 The herring is very good.
Speaker 10
00:31:12 I'll have that and a couple of hard boiled eggs.
Speaker 13
00:31:19 I beg your pardon.
00:31:22 You aren't Jewish, are you?
Speaker 10
00:31:25 No, I have my own minority.
Speaker 13
00:31:27 Group they usually given you a table of.
00:31:30 His own on a boat like.
00:31:32 This why do you think they put this together?
Speaker 10
00:31:35 It's their way of being friendly.
00:31:37 Perhaps they thought we might.
Speaker 9
00:31:48 You are sure you are not Jewish?
Speaker 10
00:31:53 Reasonably sure.
Speaker 13
00:31:55 You resemble the brother in.
Speaker 4
00:31:56 Law of mine in Stuttgart.
Speaker 10
00:31:59 That's the way it is.
00:32:00 People are always mistaking me for someone else.
00:32:06 So the tolerant Jew is is very charming and and is not offended that they sat this ****** at his table.
00:32:15 In fact, they they joke about it.
00:32:19 There, he's.
00:32:20 Very accommodating.
00:32:22 In contrast to the angry Nazi propagandist, right.
00:32:29 So here we see the ship.
00:32:32 Arriving in Cuba.
00:32:35 Picking up the Mexican migrants.
00:32:38 Or the Spanish migrants rather, but.
00:32:42 Is it really that big of a difference?
00:32:47 And so they pick them up.
00:32:49 And then this is the political prisoner.
00:32:52 And they pick up.
00:32:53 She's like, think of her as like a labor Union Leader of the time.
00:32:59 And then of course the.
Speaker 5
00:33:02 The Nazi guy is stuck.
00:33:05 Bunking with thee, the tolerant Jew.
00:33:08 He's just a ***** **** ***** it.
00:33:12 Whereas the tolerant Jew is nice and tries to be again accommodating and well as the ****** called him tolerant.
00:33:32 You see that the warning.
00:33:35 Again, what is this movie about the movie?
00:33:37 This movie is the same thing.
00:33:39 That that Tucker's book is about.
Speaker 7
00:33:42 This movie is a warning.
00:33:44 To the ruling class.
00:33:45 If you ignore these things, don't be a fool.
00:33:49 If you ignore these things, these are going to be your destruction.
Speaker 2
00:33:54 For each character in.
00:33:54 The movie it's there's some fatal flaw that they're totally oblivious to.
00:33:59 And it's what's destroying them.
00:34:03 And again the focus.
00:34:05 The main focus.
00:34:08 Out of this ensemble cast is the tolerant Jew.
00:34:14 And what he's ignoring?
00:34:16 And what he's tolerating.
00:34:18 Is this Nazi propagandist?
00:34:23 Every time the the Nazi propagandist acts like an ******* like in this scene where he's knocking his his items off the.
00:34:33 The counter he comes over and he's and he's.
00:34:37 Ohh, you know you don't have to like it.
00:34:38 I don't.
Speaker 4
00:34:39 Like it either.
Speaker 6
00:34:39 But let's be.
00:34:40 Civil and and you know we can, all we're all.
00:34:43 German. It'll be great.
00:34:47 You know, meanwhile, that we meet some.
00:34:49 Of these other characters.
00:34:51 That's the American the guy on the right is the American that just tries to **** anything.
00:34:55 That moves.
00:34:56 And the guy on the on the bottom left.
00:34:59 You know and and the.
00:35:00 American guy his fatal flies.
00:35:02 The one woman that is interested in him, he doesn't see because he thinks that he deserves better.
00:35:08 So there's this perfectly age appropriate, you know, good looking.
00:35:11 Woman that does want to be with.
00:35:13 But he's so he's such a fool.
00:35:15 He doesn't see he's he's after these.
00:35:17 Younger women that don't want him.
00:35:19 And the guy at the bottom sitting at the bottom.
00:35:21 He's a fool because he's with his.
00:35:24 His fiancee.
00:35:27 But he's so obsessed with his work.
00:35:28 He's an artist.
00:35:29 He's a painter, and he's so obsessed with his work, he doesn't see what's really important in life.
00:35:33 And that is is his true love that he has has found.
00:35:39 And so they each have like this fatal flaw and.
00:35:44 It's it's window dressing for the main character.
00:35:50 This guy on the right, the tolerant Jew.
00:35:55 Which the focus is squarely on throughout the whole movie.
Speaker 12
00:36:00 Are you in some sort of?
Speaker 13
00:36:01 I'm in the jewelry business.
00:36:03 Shocker. He's in the.
Speaker 13
00:36:05 Jewelry business.
00:36:06 The special part I sell.
00:36:08 Religious trinkets.
00:36:09 Any religion, you name it.
00:36:11 I got it.
00:36:13 See, he's he's multicultural.
00:36:17 He sells religious trinkets in any religion.
00:36:20 He doesn't care.
Speaker 13
00:36:23 I said Nick chains, bracelets, anklets.
Speaker 12
00:36:26 It sounds like good business.
Speaker 13
00:36:27 Or it's a very good business.
00:36:29 People feel better when they wear these things.
00:36:32 I feel good too with.
00:36:33 All this stuff on me, I feel like an African I met in Paris.
00:36:37 He bought from me a crucifix, Buddha and Meza all on one chain.
00:36:42 Do you know what he.
00:36:43 Said he said it may not help, but it can't hurt.
Speaker 2
00:36:50 See he, he.
00:36:51 He likes that the goyem all find comfort.
00:36:56 In their silly little religions, and he doesn't mind making an extra buck off of them selling them religious trinkets.
00:37:03 And in fact.
00:37:04 Don't you know he'll?
00:37:05 He'll even do business with Africans.
00:37:09 That he meets in France because he's.
00:37:11 A world traveler.
Speaker 12
00:37:12 They seem to get along very well with.
00:37:12 It seemed.
Speaker 13
00:37:15 I like people.
00:37:16 If you look for it, you can find something good in anybody.
00:37:20 Ah, but this here's.
00:37:22 His flaw?
00:37:23 This is how he's a fool.
00:37:25 And he's complimented well, you seem to get.
Speaker 4
00:37:27 Along with everybody.
00:37:28 You're a world traveler.
00:37:29 You're a merchant.
00:37:31 Remember this?
00:37:31 This this tolerant Jew.
00:37:33 He's a stand in for.
00:37:35 World Jews ruling class Jews.
00:37:41 Oh, you're this, you're.
00:37:42 This world traveler going around selling religious trinkets to all these multicultural people and and and and have you know, the world's better for it, right.
00:37:54 You're happy.
00:37:55 They're happy, everyone's happy.
00:38:00 And then he says Ohh, you seem to you.
Speaker 4
00:38:02 Know you seem pretty happy.
00:38:03 Like, yeah, you know.
00:38:05 I love people.
00:38:06 I see the good in people.
00:38:08 And now we're starting to see this is how.
00:38:10 He's a fool.
00:38:15 He enjoys his cosmopolitan lifestyle.
00:38:18 He enjoys.
00:38:21 Well, I guess not. Jet set at the time because it's supposed to be the 1930s, but his, I guess ship set.
00:38:29 His his ship set lifestyle where he's he's boating around from one continent to another, doing his deals, seeing only the good in people.
Speaker 12
00:38:40 It must be difficult sometimes. For instance, doesn't it bother you that you and that little man are the only two Germans who aren't at the captain's table?
00:38:50 And they asked.
Speaker 4
00:38:51 You know, I'm sure you offended.
00:38:55 That they made.
00:38:56 The Jew and the ****** sit at that little table and you weren't allowed to sit at the captain.
00:39:00 'S table.
Speaker 13
00:39:05 Do you think that bothers me?
00:39:07 Besides I.
00:39:08 Like that little man.
00:39:10 What kind of a salesman do you think I would be if I couldn't deal with a situation like that?
00:39:16 The salesman is supposed.
00:39:18 To deal with a difficult situation and overcome it.
00:39:22 Listen, it's not a new story.
00:39:24 White men hate black men.
00:39:26 Muslims hate Buddhists.
00:39:28 The way it goes.
00:39:30 See white men hate black men.
Speaker 4
00:39:33 Muslims hate Buddhists.
00:39:36 But not the Jews.
00:39:37 We love everybody.
00:39:39 We love everybody.
Speaker 13
00:39:41 That spread Aries everywhere.
00:39:43 It does no good to give it back.
Speaker 4
00:39:46 Prejudice everywhere.
00:39:50 But not for us, I.
Speaker 4
00:39:51 Mean, not us tolerant Jews.
00:39:55 We're totally oblivious to all these things.
Speaker 2
00:40:00 We'll be friends.
00:40:00 With everyone and we don't see danger anywhere.
00:40:04 Even if we're on the same boat as a Nazi.
00:40:06 Propagandist because we are fools.
Speaker 13
00:40:10 You have got to use your local.
00:40:14 Alright, so there's like a little mini rebellion that kind of goes on in the ship.
00:40:20 And they, you know, they keep drawing the contrast of, like, look at the the conditions that these migrant workers are living in the they're basically living on the.
00:40:28 Ship's deck.
00:40:29 Having to get hosed down in order to get, you know, clean, you know it's like 1,000,000 degrees and stuff and everyone's just sweating.
00:40:37 And it's just nasty.
00:40:38 And then up here, it's all fancy.
00:40:40 You know, everyone's wearing the little stupid hats and you know, they're they're having their celebration.
00:40:46 You know the.
00:40:46 The one Mexican that's not, you know, in in the whole is this rich Mexican guy who's.
00:40:52 Basically, they show him it's almost like a gypsy because he's kind of a pimp pimping out his dancers to the the rich people, and they're all oblivious to what's going on down below.
00:41:04 They're all enjoying there.
00:41:06 They're fancied good time up top while the peasants.
00:41:12 Begin to grow restless.
00:41:15 Again, the the movie is very similar to the book and of course.
00:41:18 This is why he.
00:41:19 Why he named his book after this movie?
00:41:23 Ah, now we have the costume party.
00:41:26 Where wouldn't you know?
00:41:27 It the Nazi decides to dress like the Devil's.
Speaker 2
00:41:32 Real subtle there, huh?
Speaker 5
00:41:35 Real subtle.
00:41:39 And he decides to explain.
00:41:42 His ideology for all to hear.
00:41:45 But you know the tolerant Jew.
00:41:49 He's still not going to notice.
00:41:51 It's right there under his nose just as much as the working class people that are rebelling down below or right.
00:41:58 Under their feet.
Speaker 13
00:42:02 He's going.
Speaker 7
00:42:02 To be completely.
00:42:03 Oblivious to the danger that's right in front of him.
Speaker 3
00:42:07 As a publisher, my aim is to direct the minds of readers to the vital issues of our society.
Speaker 8
00:42:13 I have lately got the.
Speaker 3
00:42:13 Doctor to begin a series of articles advocating the extermination of all the unfit.
Speaker 11
00:42:20 The way it's thinking of.
Speaker 3
00:42:25 All this will be accomplished.
00:42:26 Painlessly, of course.
00:42:27 Painlessly not only defective or useless children, but the old 2.
00:42:33 Or persons over.
00:42:34 60 or 60.
00:42:36 Five, perhaps.
00:42:37 The same measures will be taken with Jews, of course, and any illegitimate mixtures of race white with the colour of any kind.
00:42:45 Chinese *******, and for any white man convicted of a serious crime.
00:42:53 So his big his ideology is basically we're going to kill.
00:43:00 Anyone that's unfit as an infant exterminate all the Jews.
00:43:06 Exterminate all the Asian people.
00:43:09 They exterminate all the old people.
00:43:11 Exterminate all the *******, all the mixed race people you know.
00:43:17 He just wants the genocide.
00:43:19 Everyone except for the.
00:43:21 You know the master race, Arian, so he's the, you know, he's the very stereotypical straight out of a propaganda movie from World War 2 Nazi.
00:43:32 While wearing a devil's ******* hat.
00:43:36 Again, it's not super subtle.
00:43:39 Not super subtle.
00:43:47 In fact, it's it's just as as subtle.
00:43:51 As the the maniacal dancing he does with his perfect blonde Aryan woman.
Speaker 7
00:44:36 I mean, it's again, it's not subtle at all.
00:44:38 This is the focus of the movie.
00:44:41 While they do have other characters that.
00:44:43 Have their own little problems.
00:44:46 This is absolutely the focus of the.
00:44:49 Film and the target audience.
00:44:53 If this is a message to the ruling class, there's a specific demographic in the ruling class.
00:44:59 They're targeting.
00:45:02 So eventually we find out.
Speaker 4
00:45:06 That this man.
00:45:08 Has been moved to the Jew table.
00:45:13 Because he let it.
00:45:14 Slip that his wife was Jewish.
00:45:19 And once the the Satan guy found out that this guy's wife was Jewish, he talked to the captain and said we can't have this guy sitting at our table.
00:45:28 And so they moved him.
00:45:30 To the Jew table.
Speaker 12
00:45:33 My wife is Jewish.
00:45:36 I told that to American woman.
00:45:39 She must have told.
Speaker 10
00:45:40 Him now come have some wine near Steiner Donka.
Speaker 13
00:45:46 Why be upset the companies?
00:45:48 Much better at this table.
00:45:49 I can assure you.
00:45:51 When blocking isn't smoking one of his foul smelling cigars.
00:45:56 See and once again the.
00:45:59 Tolerant Jew guy.
00:46:00 He's he's happy.
00:46:02 He's pleasant.
00:46:03 He's not offended.
00:46:04 He's like, oh, whatever.
00:46:06 He's totally oblivious to the danger looming at the table next to him.
00:46:11 The the literal Satan that's at the table next to him.
00:46:14 He's like, oh, let's just let's make let's you know, let's make light of this situation.
00:46:19 Let's enjoy our own company.
00:46:20 Do we really want to be sitting at the same table as that Satan guy anyway?
00:46:25 You know clearly this is this is the real cool kids table.
00:46:29 You know this, this, this.
00:46:30 And then by the way, you see this kind of a thing in in a lot of movies when that movie.
00:46:34 Saved that I.
00:46:35 Did a.
00:46:35 Video on where?
00:46:37 You know, it's literally, oh, with we're the outcasts.
00:46:40 We're the ones.
00:46:40 That sit at the outcast table.
00:46:42 You know the.
00:46:43 The Christians have have made the the Jewish girl and her and you know, and her friends.
00:46:51 Same exact thing.
00:46:53 Oh, it's fun.
00:46:54 Fun being the outcast.
Speaker 10
00:47:00 No, I don't mind not being.
00:47:03 Seated at a captain's table.
00:47:05 Because I was never invited in the.
00:47:07 First place.
Speaker 12
00:47:09 Those pious hypocrites.
00:47:13 Why do you take it?
Speaker 13
00:47:16 I have been taking it for a.
00:47:17 Long time.
Speaker 2
00:47:19 Why do you?
00:47:19 Take it.
00:47:20 I've been taking it for a long time.
Speaker 4
00:47:24 I'm a tolerant Jew.
Speaker 10
00:47:26 Oh yes, he has. He has 2000 years of suffering behind.
00:47:32 2000 years of suffering, says the ******.
Speaker 4
00:47:37 They're always persecuted.
00:47:42 Just getting kicked out of.
00:47:44 Country after country up till like I think at this point it would have been 109, maybe 108.
00:47:53 It's 1933.
00:47:58 They're just, he's just used to it.
Speaker 4
00:48:00 It's all you know, it's all just part of.
00:48:02 Being a Jew.
Speaker 12
00:48:05 Well, I am not going to take it.
Speaker 13
00:48:08 A little patience, a little understanding.
00:48:11 See, it's it's.
00:48:13 You just have to have patience and understanding.
00:48:15 And when the Goyum decides to hate you.
Speaker 4
00:48:19 You don't see the danger.
00:48:21 You just have to have.
Speaker 7
00:48:21 Patience. See that?
00:48:22 Again, it's ship of fools.
00:48:25 It's a movie about hubris and the hubris on display from the tolerant Jew is tolerance.
00:48:33 It's that when you see danger.
00:48:36 Don't act like this guy.
00:48:39 This guy does not see the danger.
00:48:40 That's right.
00:48:41 Under his nose.
00:48:45 There's this Nazi over there making Nazi propaganda, and he's just tolerating it.
00:48:51 He's just sitting back.
00:48:53 And relaxing.
00:48:59 He's taking it.
00:48:59 He's not taking it seriously.
00:49:04 You know, it's in fact, I mean, if you want to make a comparison to like maybe the kind of person they're trying to aim this at, that you might be able to relate to, think of how many conservatives.
00:49:19 What do they do when they see the crazy?
00:49:21 Leftist **** in the.
00:49:22 Media what do they do when they see?
00:49:24 Trans kids and all this awful stuff they make.
Speaker 4
00:49:26 Jokes about it and.
00:49:27 Uh, it's funny.
00:49:29 Look at these *******.
00:49:33 And they don't see the real danger.
00:49:36 They don't take it seriously.
00:49:40 They don't think it's an existential threat.
00:49:44 They think that white genocide is is an exaggeration.
00:49:49 Right.
00:49:52 So this would.
Speaker 7
00:49:53 Be the the.
00:49:56 Picture that they're painting.
00:49:59 For this Jew.
00:50:02 As he's on this ship.
00:50:06 And he's trying to be tolerant of all these new, different ideas, even though they're clearly genocidal towards him.
00:50:19 And he doesn't see the danger.
00:50:21 That's right in.
00:50:21 Front of him.
Speaker 13
00:50:23 The world's getting better.
00:50:24 All the time.
00:50:26 Is my Andrew Becker used to say?
Speaker 2
00:50:28 I don't give a time with your Aunt Rebecca.
Speaker 13
00:50:29 Used to say.
Speaker 12
00:50:39 Do you think any of you are any better German than I am?
00:50:53 Yes, I have a Jewish wife.
00:50:57 She's Jewish.
00:50:59 Let me tell you about her.
Speaker 12
00:51:02 She never hurt anyone in her life.
Speaker 2
00:51:14 You good, middling people.
Speaker 3
00:51:18 You ain't fit to be.
Speaker 12
00:51:18 In the same world as her.
00:51:22 I saw some of you in the Chapel.
00:51:24 You kneel there and pray to pretend that you are good people.
Speaker 2
00:51:30 Good people.
Speaker 12
00:51:33 You can't even exist without your prejudices.
Speaker 2
00:51:38 And the worst thing about you is.
Speaker 4
00:51:41 That you don't even recognize what you want.
00:51:43 Very nice.
00:51:52 Now and this is where we see.
00:51:54 The warning extending to the rest of the ruling class.
00:51:58 And it's a different kind of warning.
00:52:02 The warning to the Jew and the ruling class is that, oh, you better.
00:52:05 You better keep an eye on this anti-Semitism.
00:52:08 This anti-Semitism that's boiling up, it's a danger, the danger coming.
00:52:14 Well, the danger to the other, the other members of the ruling class, maybe it's not the the genocidal danger of this movie is warning the the Jewish member of the ruling class about.
00:52:26 No, it's it's in.
00:52:26 A way it's far more important.
00:52:28 They're losing their souls.
00:52:32 Because they are accepting the anti Semite, they are accepting these ideas.
00:52:39 They are standing idly by while he spouts his hate speech.
00:52:51 And here's the American at the table.
00:52:55 I just thought this was kind of funny.
00:52:58 They just had to.
00:52:58 They had to throw this in because he's a, you know, he's the American, he's the big racist and you know, he he hates black.
Speaker 4
00:53:04 People, what do they got against the Jews?
Speaker 3
00:53:11 Back home, we don't have anything against the Jews.
00:53:14 Caroline even saw it through the last 15.
Speaker 11
00:53:18 Maybe you were too busy at lynching ******* to take time out.
Speaker 12
00:53:21 For the Jews.
Speaker 6
00:53:23 Maybe you are?
00:53:24 Too busy lynching the ******* to take time out.
Speaker 3
00:53:28 For the Jews.
00:53:33 All right, so just another, you know?
00:53:36 And they're kicked to the.
00:53:39 The Americans. So Mexican migrant again. Of course. This it's from 1965, but all the themes are exactly the same because a lot of America's problems are very similar. The Mexican migrant dives into the ocean.
00:53:57 When the the rich couples dog that you might have seen briefly their their big bull Mastiff jumps into the ocean.
00:54:05 And he goes and saves the dog.
00:54:09 And he dies saving the dog.
00:54:11 You know the very honorable valiant.
00:54:16 Migrant worker that is demonized by the the ruling class is dirty and unfit to be around them.
00:54:24 They're the other ones that really.
00:54:26 Have a soul.
00:54:28 And we see this when he dives in and saves the dog and dies doing it.
00:54:33 And when the dog is returned to the owners, they don't care that a man died saving their dog.
00:54:39 They're more concerned about their dog.
00:54:46 And then later we find out there's a.
00:54:51 From this guy, that's the same guy that said his wife was Jewish.
00:54:56 Where he mentions that.
00:54:59 Not only is his wife Jewish.
Speaker 7
00:55:02 Uh, but uh.
00:55:04 It's, it's again, it's, it's another lesson.
00:55:07 For the ruling class.
00:55:08 This is this whole thing.
00:55:09 Is it's about anti-Semitism and it's about Jews.
00:55:15 He says that actually, you know, because an old woman walks up and says.
00:55:19 Wow, you must really love your wife.
00:55:22 To have stood up for her like that, like you did at the captain's table.
00:55:27 And he gets really ashamed.
00:55:29 And he says no, actually, uh.
00:55:32 I'm going back to Germany to try to patch things up because when I noticed that people started not liking Jews.
00:55:40 I decided to separate myself.
00:55:42 I was a coward.
00:55:43 I couldn't stand with the Jews.
00:55:46 I couldn't be courageous and stand with the Jews.
00:55:50 I was a dirty naughty goyem and I ran away like the coward that I am.
00:55:56 And now I realize what I've done and I'm going back home to go stand with the Jews in solidarity and take whatever punishment I.
00:56:06 Get, but I I cannot be considered a courageous or brave man.
00:56:11 Or even an honorable man.
00:56:13 Because I deserted my Jewish wife and I hope she forgives me.
00:56:24 And then we have this again this underlining.
00:56:30 Of the problem.
00:56:32 That this guy's ignoring towards the end.
Speaker 6
00:56:36 His problem?
Speaker 7
00:56:40 Not only is he.
00:56:41 Ignoring the anti-Semitism that's boiling up around him.
00:56:46 His other problem is that he sees himself as German.
00:56:52 He's very proud of of the German culture.
00:56:58 He was born in Germany.
00:57:05 He sees that as his home country, but again this he's a fool.
00:57:09 He's a fool on the ship of fools.
00:57:16 He doesn't understand that he's he's not a German.
00:57:19 He'll never be a German.
00:57:23 And it's foolish for.
00:57:24 Him to think of himself as a.
00:57:27 Citizen of his host country, he's always going.
00:57:30 To be a Jew first.
00:57:34 You'll always be a.
00:57:35 Jew first and a German 2nd.
00:57:37 And if he doesn't understand that?
00:57:38 He's a fool.
Speaker 13
00:57:43 I remember being thousands of miles from home in a movie theater in New York.
00:57:47 They put on a picture of the funeral of the Kaiser in Victoria, that good woman.
00:57:54 How much she meant to all of us.
Speaker 10
00:57:59 You are German, aren't you?
00:58:02 You are the most.
00:58:03 German person I have ever met.
00:58:07 He's the most German person.
00:58:11 That he has ever met.
Speaker 13
00:58:15 Oh, I want to show you something I take.
00:58:19 It out every once in a while and.
00:58:21 Look at it when I want to feel good.
Speaker 10
00:58:26 With the order of the Iron Cross.
00:58:29 Look easy.
00:58:30 This Jew is even a German war hero.
00:58:34 He's got an iron cross from.
00:58:35 World War One.
Speaker 10
00:58:40 Second class.
00:58:43 And the war hero besides.
00:58:47 You may be the biggest fool on this whole boat.
00:58:53 And the ******, who is also the narrator of the film.
00:58:59 The man that's that's uh.
Speaker 2
00:59:03 Stuck between worlds.
00:59:05 He's got a foot inside the moving world and a foot.
00:59:08 Inside the theater.
00:59:12 And he bridges that gap for the audience and says.
00:59:16 This Jew.
00:59:20 Who doesn't see the anti-Semitism boiling up around him?
00:59:24 Thinks of himself as German, is proud of being a German.
00:59:31 Is the biggest fool.
00:59:34 On this entire ship.
00:59:40 He doesn't see the danger coming his way.
00:59:44 And he doesn't realize.
00:59:46 He will never be a German.
00:59:49 He is always.
00:59:50 A Jew first.
Speaker 13
00:59:55 Why do you say that?
Speaker 10
00:59:58 Where have you been during this voyage?
Speaker 13
01:00:01 Do you think this board is a cross?
01:00:03 Section of the German people.
01:00:06 No you.
Speaker 4
01:00:07 Don't know the average German.
Speaker 13
01:00:09 The way I know him.
01:00:10 The people that produce the good.
01:00:12 The Beethoven and the.
01:00:13 Back are not to be sneezed at, you know.
01:00:17 See and still.
01:00:20 Even when it's pointed out to him, he doesn't want to believe it.
01:00:25 He wants to be as they the the the narrator called him at the beginning of the film.
01:00:29 He wants to be the tolerant Jew.
01:00:36 Tolerant Jew.
Speaker 10
01:00:38 50% of the people who produced a Gerta are Beethoven at the Backward Paribas Party last week.
Speaker 13
01:00:43 44%.
Speaker 10
01:00:46 You are blind.
01:00:47 You're absolutely blind.
01:00:50 And the ****** guy is telling him, aren't you paying attention?
01:00:53 Then back home, the Nazis are getting elected.
Speaker 6
01:00:57 You're in big.
01:00:57 Trouble that the guy with the devil hat.
01:01:01 His party is going to be in charge.
Speaker 4
01:01:02 You're going to get.
01:01:05 And you don't see it coming?
Speaker 10
01:01:07 You can't see what's going on.
01:01:09 In front of your own face.
Speaker 2
01:01:10 What do you mean?
Speaker 13
01:01:12 Ah, you mean this business about the Jews?
01:01:16 You don't understand us.
01:01:18 The German Jew is something special.
01:01:21 Are Germans first and June 2nd?
01:01:25 Ohh, did you hear that the German Jews?
01:01:27 Weird special we're we're Germans first and and June 2nd nothing could ever happen to us.
Speaker 13
01:01:34 We have done so much for Germany.
Speaker 4
01:01:37 We've done so much for Germany.
Speaker 13
01:01:47 Germany has done so.
01:01:48 Much for us, a little patience, a little goodwill.
01:01:52 It works itself out.
Speaker 9
01:01:55 There are nearly.
Speaker 13
01:01:55 A million Jews in Germany?
01:01:57 What are?
01:01:58 They going to do.
01:01:59 Kill all of us.
01:02:02 And then the music stops.
01:02:06 And that's the big moment in the film.
01:02:09 The big dramatic pause.
Speaker 2
01:02:19 What are we going to do?
01:02:22 Kill all of us, all 6 billion of us.
01:02:30 Says the look.
01:02:32 On the ******* face, that's precisely.
01:02:35 What will happen?
Speaker 2
01:02:39 You fool.
01:02:43 So the ship eventually arrives in Germany.
01:02:49 And uh.
01:02:51 No, that's what are we seeing.
01:02:54 We see that the the Nazis.
01:02:56 Are in charge now.
01:02:58 And everyone's happy.
01:03:00 Because they're all.
01:03:01 Fools that don't see what's right around the corner.
01:03:06 And that's the end.
01:03:08 And that's the movie that Tucker Carlson named.
01:03:11 His book after.
01:03:19 Interesting, isn't it?
Speaker 7
01:03:30 Now again while.
Speaker 4
01:03:32 Making this.
01:03:37 I decided not to go hard at Tucker because no one can.
01:03:41 Know the mind of another man.
01:03:46 What motivates him?
01:03:49 We can make educated guesses.
01:03:55 But again, it's just it's interesting.
01:03:58 This focus.
01:04:02 This focus on 2% of the country.
01:04:12 You know, they made this movie ship of fools back in 1965, which essentially the message and look, we've seen lots of movies with a very similar message.
01:04:21 But the message is quite explicit.
01:04:26 That you don't want to be a fool if you're Jewish.
Speaker 2
01:04:29 You need to be very, very.
01:04:31 Careful when you start to see.
01:04:34 Anti-Semitism boiling up, you know the specter of anti-Semitism, they usually come in the form of publishers.
01:04:43 You usually get these these these evil.
01:04:45 Voices spreading misinformation.
01:04:50 As they call it today.
01:04:55 And that's when it starts.
01:04:57 That's you.
01:04:57 Know that's where the Canary in.
Speaker 4
01:04:58 The coal mine.
01:05:03 Every time me.
01:05:06 European people becomes.
01:05:09 Totalitarian the Jews are the first to die.
01:05:16 They are the Canaries in the.
01:05:17 Coal mine of democracy.
01:05:21 Dennis Prager spends a lot of time using that metaphor on his radio show.
01:05:27 Saying that the reason why all Americans should care about what happens to the Jews.
01:05:34 Is they're always the first victims.
01:05:39 No matter where you look at history, Jews are.
01:05:42 Always the first victims.
01:05:46 By some crazy coincidence, anytime a ruling class is overthrown.
01:05:53 One of the first.
01:05:54 Targets of the new government.
01:05:57 Is the Jews.
01:05:58 The two are not connected, of course.
01:06:00 It's just random that when a new ruling class overthrows the old ruling class, they target Jews.
01:06:11 For no reason.
01:06:13 And it's because.
01:06:14 They are the Canary in the coal.
01:06:15 Mine and in.
01:06:16 Fact that this goes beyond Dennis Prager.
01:06:18 They've got that organization called the You know, Canary mission.
01:06:22 That's where the name comes from.
01:06:24 Canary mission because they're the Canaries.
01:06:29 In the coal mine of democracy.
01:06:35 And so you have film after film and TV show after TV show, and now Tucker Carlson's.
Speaker 2
01:06:40 Book warning the Jews that.
01:06:43 If you don't.
01:06:44 See what's happening right underneath your nose.
01:06:49 You're going to be facing some very real dangers unexpectedly.
01:07:01 The tolerant Jew was the fool.
01:07:03 You don't want to be the tolerant Jew.
01:07:07 What's the opposite of tolerance?
01:07:09 Obviously it's intolerance.
01:07:13 What would be the inverse of what?
01:07:15 What's the lesson here, right?
01:07:19 If it's foolish for this guy to try to live side by side by the devil Hat Nazi guy.
01:07:26 Who's publishing this misinformation?
01:07:32 If that's the.
01:07:32 Foolish way, then.
01:07:33 What's what's the smart way to deal with this?
01:07:38 Well, obviously the smart way is to not tolerate it.
01:07:41 The smart way is to react, maybe in the same way that that German, who was ashamed of his Jewish wife, acted after.
01:07:49 He grew a pair.
01:07:58 You know, stand up to fascism.
01:08:00 Fight fascism.
01:08:04 Shut it down.
01:08:12 If you don't.
01:08:16 You're going to face real.
01:08:19 Quantifiable danger.
01:08:25 How did he put it?
Speaker 13
01:08:32 I'm nearly 1,000,000 Jews in Germany. What are they going to do?
01:08:37 Kill all of us.
01:08:43 That is the fear.
01:08:49 If you're tolerant, they will exterminate you.
01:09:01 So again, just interesting that.
Speaker 4
01:09:04 Tucker Carlson.
01:09:06 Decided to name his book after this very Jewish centric movie.
01:09:15 With the exact same themes.
01:09:25 If you don't watch out, the peasants are gonna get mad and.
01:09:28 Just you know, spurge out and exterminate.
Speaker 4
01:09:31 All the Jews.
Speaker 5
01:09:59 And why don't we talk about you?
Speaker 8
01:10:01 And and where you started?
01:10:02 Well, that's where my politics come from.
01:10:04 I mean, being from I'm from Southern California, I was born in San Francisco, but moved to LA to Studio City, not far from here.
01:10:12 And then.
Speaker 5
01:10:13 Where did you live?
01:10:14 In Studio City?
01:10:15 Just on a personal note, cause like I grew up right up in there too lol.
Speaker 8
01:10:19 Yeah, look.
Speaker 5
01:10:19 Terrace Terrace so.
Speaker 8
01:10:20 It's kind of up.
01:10:22 Yeah, little Canyon, yeah.
Speaker 5
01:10:23 Hebrew Heights is it?
01:10:28 Hebrew heights.
01:10:41 So the place where Tucker gets his politics where he grew, that's he just finished saying this is where I get my politics.
01:10:50 I lived in this area to which Adam Corolla responds.
Speaker 2
01:10:53 You mean?
01:10:54 Hebrew heights.
01:10:58 Hebrew heights.
Speaker 5
01:11:01 As it's now known, yes, that's where all the Jewish kids.
01:11:04 When I went to North Hollywood high, they lived up in Hebrew Heights.
01:11:07 The eagle.
01:11:12 So there you go.
01:11:16 Fancy that.
01:11:24 Fancy that.
01:11:38 Alright, so now.
01:11:42 We're going to go ahead and.
01:11:47 Talk with a couple of things that happen in the.
01:11:50 And then we'll go to uh chat for a little bit.
01:11:57 Up, up, up, up, up, bottom.
01:12:00 The biggest thing actually, honestly, that I wanted to talk about.
01:12:05 OK.
01:12:05 There's a lot of the stuffs kind of the.
01:12:07 Same the big one for me that I don't think is getting the proper attention that it needs to get.
01:12:15 Is right now.
01:12:18 See if I can bring up the article.
01:12:20 UM.
01:12:22 Right now, apple.
01:12:24 Is deploying some new technology on their devices.
01:12:46 All right, the headline, this is the headline that you've seen and in fact there's.
01:12:49 A response from Apple in an internal memo where they call people like me screeching, screeching minority.
01:12:58 I think that's the actual term that they use in their internal memo.
01:13:02 But the the headline here in the AP is Apple to scan iPhones for images of child sexual abuse.
01:13:10 Well, isn't that nice, you know, on its face that sounds.
01:13:12 Pretty cool.
Speaker 5
01:13:14 Ohh well, Apple is going.
01:13:15 To stop child ****, that's a good thing.
01:13:19 Well, first of all.
01:13:20 We know they're a bunch of Kitty *******.
01:13:24 Satanic Pedos seems like a weird priority.
01:13:28 For a bunch of Kitty ******* satanic pedos to want to stop child ****.
01:13:35 And it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.
01:13:39 How are they supposedly stopping child **** these?
01:13:44 Kitty ******* satanic pedos.
01:13:47 Well, they're going to scan the local folders, the local because you know, it's not not enough people are storing their data on the cloud.
01:13:57 Too many people are buying those. Those 128 gig iPhones or or iPads or this would probably.
01:14:07 Also, extend to you know their laptops and other devices that don't.
01:14:11 Know for a fact.
Speaker 7
01:14:13 But they.
01:14:15 They have these images locally.
01:14:20 And So what Apple is going to do, of course, in the name of fighting child ****, the you know, the Satanic pedophiles that that are definitely concerned about the problem of child ****.
01:14:32 They're going to deploy some new technology that's in effect going to destroy their own encryption.
01:14:42 So that when you send messages and justice, maybe when you just store images locally on your device.
01:14:52 There will be an algorithm.
01:14:55 That runs.
01:14:57 A process that runs.
01:15:00 And takes a look.
01:15:02 At the hash or at identifying markers.
01:15:08 Of this image file and it compares it.
01:15:13 To a database that it has that presumably it's getting from law enforcement or someone.
01:15:19 I mean, I don't know how they're getting the the database.
01:15:21 Of child ****.
01:15:23 But it compares it to this database of child ****.
01:15:28 And if it matches.
01:15:31 A known child **** image in their database.
01:15:37 It notifies law enforcement.
Speaker 7
01:15:43 Now again.
01:15:47 Who's going to say, well, wait a second, I don't want to.
Speaker 4
01:15:50 Stop child ****.
01:15:52 Right, you'll sound.
01:15:54 You'll you'll sound like.
01:15:56 The Peter if you say that.
01:16:01 But that's not why.
01:16:02 People don't like this technology.
01:16:04 It's because it can be easily used to ban literally anything.
Speaker 4
01:16:15 You're literally creating a technology.
01:16:19 That will detect.
01:16:21 Anything that's in this database, I mean.
01:16:26 How do we know what's in that database?
01:16:30 Whoever maintains that database.
01:16:34 Well, they can say, well, right now it's just child ****.
01:16:37 But maybe tomorrow it's a PDF that we don't want people to have.
01:16:45 Maybe it's a WikiLeaks document.
01:16:49 That we don't want people to have.
01:16:54 Maybe it's video.
01:16:55 Evidence of a crime that we don't want.
Speaker 4
01:16:57 People to have.
01:16:58 Maybe it's a viral.
01:16:59 Video we don't want people.
01:17:01 To have.
01:17:08 No, it's easy peasy.
01:17:09 We just stick it in this database.
01:17:13 And every eye from on the planet and every iPad on the planet.
01:17:18 Every iMac and.
01:17:23 Whatever the hell else they still have.
01:17:30 It's to work looking.
Speaker 9
01:17:31 For that, uh.
Speaker 2
01:17:33 For Biden file.
01:17:41 And when it finds it.
01:17:48 It notifies law enforcement.
01:17:56 Not just too.
01:17:57 Long. I mean, that thing that thing's got your location. Everything that your that's your phone.
01:18:04 So if to put it simply, if you have.
01:18:09 Not just child ****.
01:18:11 Literally any file the government doesn't want you to have.
01:18:16 On an Apple device.
01:18:19 The technology they're rolling out.
01:18:22 Will allow them.
Speaker 6
01:18:24 To to to know exactly where you are.
01:18:30 And that you have that file.
01:18:38 And we know we know, we know it'll be abused because every single ******* time it is.
01:18:47 Every single ******* time.
01:18:52 And The funny thing is, look, no one even seems to care about this **** anymore.
01:19:00 It used to be.
01:19:00 If you had this kind of a.
01:19:03 Roll out from a major company like Apple and don't think it's going.
01:19:12 But if you had this kind of invasion of privacy because.
01:19:15 That's what it is.
01:19:17 You used to have people like NBC and and like the big names would come out against this.
01:19:25 They would say this is crazy.
01:19:26 This is an invasion of privacy.
01:19:30 And they would have to.
01:19:31 Do that because Americans care about privacy.
01:19:35 Americans don't care about privacy anymore.
01:19:37 They just don't.
01:19:40 I mean, many of them are posting their life frame by frame. Up to, you know, to Instagram or TikTok or, you know, whatever they're broadcasting, everything they do.
01:19:49 All the time voluntarily.
01:19:52 For enjoyment.
01:19:56 Privacy isn't something that really computes with a lot of, you know, these modern Americans and a lot of these new Americans don't exactly have the the aptitude to see how the, you know, the dangers in it.
01:20:11 You know, one of the reasons why you wanted to replace the founding stock Americans.
01:20:17 With more docile cattle.
01:20:21 That can't quite work.
01:20:22 This this you know these three steps ahead, kind of thinking that you got to do.
01:20:30 It's for this exact reason.
01:20:34 You know the.
01:20:34 Same thing with.
01:20:35 Look at the obedience.
01:20:36 To all the.
01:20:37 Uh, the COVID restrictions.
01:20:39 Same thing.
01:20:45 They don't want cattle that are going to have a Stampede.
01:20:52 When they see the danger.
01:21:00 And they can handle a couple of the cows in the herd freaking out as long as the Stampede never starts.
01:21:10 In fact, the only danger that a herd of cattle presents is a Stampede.
01:21:16 That's the only defense hernia cattle has.
01:21:24 Until a herd of cattle becomes a Stampede, it's literally just a buffet.
01:21:42 And multiculturalism makes stampedes.
01:21:46 Near impossible.
01:21:55 Mission accomplished.
01:21:57 So this will roll out.
01:22:00 This will roll out and.
01:22:04 Even if there's some.
01:22:07 Push back and maybe they they dial it back.
01:22:10 For now, it'll be right back out.
01:22:11 This is in the same way that we talked about, I think last stream.
01:22:19 Is it this one?
01:22:19 Let me see.
01:22:21 Yeah. OK.
01:22:23 So we I talked about this tweet, I think last spring or maybe the one before it about this you know someone needs.
01:22:30 To create **** for.
01:22:30 Kids and they were talking about the same way that you needed to.
01:22:35 They're going to do it anyway.
01:22:38 They're going to do it anyway.
01:22:39 We might as well make **** for kids to ease them into **** so they don't just go straight to the hard stuff.
01:22:46 The equivalent of.
01:22:50 What they told us about.
01:22:52 You know.
01:22:54 The the the condoms for kids in high schools in the 90s, right?
01:22:58 They're going to.
01:22:58 **** anyway, you might as well give.
01:22:59 Them condoms.
01:23:00 You know, this sort of thing.
01:23:02 It didn't stop.
01:23:03 With this tweet.
01:23:05 You know that tweet had a lot of blowback and she deleted it.
01:23:13 But I was shocked.
01:23:14 Even there's people that follow me that I posted this.
01:23:17 They were trying to rationalize this.
Speaker 4
01:23:19 Whoa, I don't see.
01:23:20 What the problem is?
01:23:21 Maybe we should be making **** for kids.
01:23:25 I mean, there's look.
01:23:26 People are ******* ********.
01:23:31 So that's something got to realize about when you, when you're when you're judging our side, how many people are actually?
01:23:36 Oh well this.
01:23:37 Clearly, like you look at a video, right? Well, there must be a lot of us because this video got 100,000 views.
01:23:44 You know, there's a lot of those people that are ******* *******.
01:23:49 A lot of those people that like, you know, maybe they're influenced a little bit by that video or whatever, but then they they're just as easily influenced by this ******* stupid tweet.
01:24:02 You know, because they don't have any principles themselves, and they're just wandering.
01:24:08 They're wandering through like the Walmart of ideology, you know, and they just happen to be in your aisle for a while.
01:24:17 But this this progressed further I want to say it was the AP or maybe.
01:24:23 It wasn't the AP.
01:24:25 But there were a couple of news outlets after this simmered down.
01:24:27 People had stopped talking about this for a couple of days.
Speaker 7
01:24:30 That that brought up they they wrote articles.
01:24:33 Or, you know, who knows if they wrote them or already had them ready to go?
01:24:38 But they, you know, waited till everyone stopped ******** about it, because everyone's got the memory of a goldfish.
01:24:45 And they slowly eased it out.
01:24:48 They said well, wait, wait a second.
01:24:50 Just like some of the replies in my.
01:24:53 In my tweets about this.
01:24:56 Let's not let's not just discount this idea right away.
01:24:59 I mean, I know it sounds bad.
01:25:02 I know that your instincts are telling you that this is bad, but let's let's think about this rationally.
Speaker 4
01:25:09 What's so wrong with this kids, really?
Speaker 7
01:25:11 Are going to need their own ****.
01:25:20 And you don't think they're going to do it?
01:25:27 Of course they're going.
01:25:28 To do it.
01:25:36 After all, that's what that's what child abusers do, right?
01:25:38 That's what molesters do, is they show kids ****.
01:25:41 To try to normalize it with them before they start.
01:25:45 Abusing them.
01:25:50 So if your goal end.
01:25:51 Goal is to start abusing children.
01:25:55 Which is precisely their end goal, then.
01:25:58 This is a necessary step.
01:26:02 And you can use the the ****** ** reasoning, but no.
01:26:06 This is for this is to help the children.
Speaker 2
01:26:11 We need to make.
01:26:12 Special you know, not not so bad ****.
01:26:16 For kids.
01:26:19 They're going to do it anyway.
01:26:22 We might as well control it.
01:26:30 So if you think that this thing with Apple is going to end even if they get the pushback, I don't even think that the.
01:26:38 I don't think it's going to slow down in the case.
01:26:40 Of apple.
01:26:43 And a lot of that's because.
01:26:46 Let's see if I can find the internal memo.
01:26:54 But it's a private company, right?
01:26:57 And they're sitting on like a *******.
01:27:01 Trillion dollars.
01:27:06 Or it might have been more than that.
01:27:07 But they're, I mean, they they have.
01:27:10 A ridiculous amount of money.
01:27:20 So Edward Snowden tweeted out.
01:27:26 Let's see here.
01:27:39 I think he tweeted out the the memo.
01:27:41 I'm just trying to find it here on his on his wall, which is.
01:27:46 Very busy.
01:28:18 And he, he points out.
Speaker 6
01:28:21 That the.
01:28:23 Disclaimer on all Apple products as Apple reserves the right anytime and from time to time to update revised supplement and otherwise modify this agreement and to impose new or additional rules, policies, terms or conditions.
01:28:38 On your use.
01:28:39 Isn't that nice?
01:28:40 The terms of service?
01:28:42 The the flexibility that these companies have, I mean that that essentially means that it's it's a useless contract.
01:28:50 Apple reverse reserves the.
01:28:52 Right.
01:28:53 At anytime.
01:28:55 And from time to time.
01:28:57 So they're basically saying not only can we do this, we're going.
01:29:00 To do this.
01:29:01 To update, revise, supplement, and otherwise modify this agreement.
01:29:09 So they're saying that you know what we're going to do is we're going to change this agreement.
01:29:16 In non specific ways that we're not going to define here and to impose new or additional rules, policies, terms or conditions on your use.
01:29:29 What is?
01:29:30 What's the point of that contract?
01:29:35 That's a useless *******.
01:29:37 Contract for as far as you're concerned.
01:29:47 That's a contract that, that.
01:29:50 That doesn't benefit.
01:29:53 You at all.
01:29:54 In fact, that's like the kind of contract that it's.
01:29:56 Like a slavery contract.
01:29:59 Alright, so here's the.
01:30:03 Here's the letter.
01:30:05 This is a memo.
01:30:08 From Marie to Rodriguez over at Apple Marie to Rodriguez, Nice American name.
01:30:16 She's the executive director of strategic partnerships at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
01:30:22 And she's right on on, on board with Apple.
01:30:27 I wanted to share a note of encouragement to say that everyone.
01:30:33 And by the way, I don't know if you guys are aware of this.
01:30:36 The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
01:30:42 Has been accused for many, many, many, many, many many, many, many years.
01:30:49 Of existing.
01:30:52 Almost entirely for the purpose of covering up for the kidnapping of children.
01:30:59 I mean their track record for recovery is like, why do they exist?
01:31:04 I mean, it's so pointless if the if if you're trying to measure them on their results, it's ridiculous.
01:31:10 But if you're, if you look at this organization in terms of covering up for ruling class people who are acquiring children for illicit purposes, it's a perfect organization to have.
01:31:23 They decide they they're the ones that define these databases that Apple is going to be using, apparently.
01:31:31 To spy on your phone.
01:31:33 And so if you have, you know, let's say there's some ruling class Kitty **** that accidentally slips up, no one's going to know about it because you control the database.
01:31:44 You are.
01:31:45 You're like this and now you're not even a governmental agency.
01:31:48 And the ****** ** thing is is a lot of these laws about, I mean to have that database, right?
01:31:53 You're you're essentially admitting that you're in possession of a lot.
01:31:56 I mean, not just a.
01:31:57 Lot of child ****.
01:31:57 All of the child ****.
01:32:00 But because they have partnerships with law enforcement in the same way that the ADL has partnerships with law enforcement.
01:32:09 They're allowed to do these sorts of things, but they're not a they're not a government agency, so you can never.
01:32:15 You don't.
01:32:15 You can't get a Freedom of Information Act request out of these people, so you have just this random nonprofit.
01:32:24 That's defining what child **** is, and that law enforcement is relying on heavily for the, you know, the the keeping records on missing children and this sort of a thing.
01:32:36 And like I said, for decades, decades.
01:32:41 There have been many, many, many accusations that it's essentially a cover up operation for those that that are exploiting children.
01:32:52 And they are apparently instrumental in this this technology being deployed.
01:32:58 And Apple is is circulating this memo.
01:33:03 From the.
01:33:05 From marida Rodriguez.
01:33:08 The executive director of Strategic Partnerships.
01:33:13 Wonder how much she gets paid, right?
01:33:16 Team apple.
01:33:18 I want to share a note of encouragement to say that everyone at NCMEC is so proud of each of you and the incredible decisions you have made in the name of prioritizing child protection.
01:33:33 It's been invigorating for our entire team to see and play a smaller role in what you have unveiled today.
01:33:42 I know it's been a long day that many of you probably haven't slept in 24 hours because of the people that were upset by this technology.
01:33:52 We know that the days to come will be filled with the screeching voices of the minority.
01:33:59 That's people like you and me.
01:34:01 Our voices will be louder.
01:34:04 Our commitment to lift up kids who have lived through the most unimaginable abuse and victimizations will be stronger during these long days and sleepless nights.
01:34:15 I hope you take solace and knowing that because of you many thousands of sexually exploited, victimized children will be rescued and will be at.
01:34:24 Chance at healing.
01:34:28 The childhood they deserve.
01:34:29 Thank you for finding a path forward for child protection while preserving privacy, a ******* joke.
01:34:39 Another way that this technology could be used, let's let's imagine for a moment that some of these accusations about the NCMEC is they're they're they're accurate.
01:34:50 What if you did have an Epstein photo just as an example that they got out into the?
01:34:55 Wild A photo of say I don't know Trump getting sucked off by or, you know, double timing.
01:35:03 A 10 year old girl with Alan Dershowitz.
01:35:07 Well, that this NCMC could.
01:35:10 Effectively delete it from every device that has.
Speaker 5
01:35:13 It on.
01:35:16 So they could just remotely remove it, it just goes away.
01:35:21 It just goes away.
01:35:22 It's kind of like in.
01:35:23 My book right.
01:35:24 This is the technology I talked about in my book.
01:35:29 Where if a abuse video gets out onto the Internet.
01:35:36 They're able to instantaneously see where it's at and get rid of it.
01:35:41 This is the technology, it's already it already exists.
01:35:45 And in fact, there's versions of this I'm sure that already exist that are run by the government.
01:35:51 But this is they're being open about it.
01:35:54 Now try to normalize it.
01:35:58 So they'd be able to effectively scrub, and it doesn't matter.
01:36:02 And here's The thing is they try to say, oh, well, your messages.
01:36:04 Are still encrypted?
01:36:06 Well, not really.
01:36:09 Not really.
01:36:11 And they're using the same justification that the NSA is using, right?
01:36:16 They say, well, it's not spying if we don't look.
01:36:18 At it right?
Speaker 7
01:36:20 If we are not.
01:36:21 Physically looking at it, we just have an algorithm looking at it.
Speaker 4
01:36:25 Your privacy is safe and.
01:36:27 That's what they're saying here.
01:36:30 They're essentially saying that, oh, no, it's fine that we have this.
01:36:33 Software looking at literally every message that you send.
01:36:37 Because we're not looking at it.
01:36:40 It's an AI.
01:36:41 It's not a real person.
01:36:45 If you have nothing to hide.
01:36:47 Then this shouldn't bother you.
01:36:49 What are you, some kind of child **** dealer?
Speaker 2
01:36:58 This is where.
01:36:59 We're getting into the next level of censorship is what I'm getting at.
01:37:03 Getting to a level fairly fairly quickly.
01:37:08 Like I said, most likely Apple will deploy this even if there's a lot of pushback.
01:37:15 Maybe they'll they'll they'll walk it back a little bit, but this is coming back.
01:37:19 This is just too powerful a tool.
01:37:21 There's just way too many things that powerful people.
01:37:24 Would get out of this to just.
01:37:26 Give up on the idea.
01:37:28 And like I said, it's probably something that's already being done on some level in the background.
01:37:35 And so it's this is this is definitely coming your way and you're not safe if.
01:37:40 Like, well, I have an Android phone.
01:37:42 Well, it doesn't really matter.
01:37:44 If you think that that they're not going to incorporate this in Android and you're crazy town, the second Apple actually gets this rolled out and it's in use and people have again, but they they acclimated to it.
01:38:01 In other words, what they'll do is they probably won't actually publicly use it in any kind of significant way.
01:38:09 Because the last thing they would want is to give the the critics what they want and and produce a false positive or something like that, right?
01:38:17 The last thing they want is a new story about how this technology, you know, ruined the life of some grandma that was texting naked baby pictures of her grandkids.
01:38:27 To some, you know what I mean?
01:38:29 So they probably won't use it.
Speaker 7
01:38:32 They'll just get the public.
01:38:35 Comfortable with it being there and then maybe even greatly publicize, they could even make it up a story about, oh, look, we caught this, this white supremacist.
01:38:50 That's probably what they would do.
Speaker 2
01:38:51 Right.
01:38:52 They, they, they they cop.
01:38:54 This, this pedophile.
01:38:55 White supremacists sending child **** of immigrant children and thank God for this software.
01:39:06 And how?
01:39:06 Why not right?
01:39:07 Like if it's reading your messages, why wouldn't that be a good way to get rid of dissonance?
01:39:11 And we already know they they've.
01:39:13 Done that.
01:39:13 Look, The funny thing is, the left was worrying about this ****.
01:39:16 Don't remember when Trump was president and he had all these articles coming up like ohh did you know that you know hackers can plant child **** on your computer?
01:39:24 And it was obvious to everyone why they were releasing these stories.
Speaker 7
01:39:27 They were worried.
01:39:29 That some of the the hopes and dreams of Trump were actually.
01:39:35 They were worried that that Trump was actually going to drain the swamp and some of that swamp draining might involve using the NSA's mini tools to find ruling class people. That that did have child **** on their computers.
01:39:51 And so they were responding by, you know, getting ahead of it.
01:39:55 And saying ohh you know they're hackers hackers can put.
01:39:58 Child **** on your computer.
01:40:02 But of course, that's.
01:40:04 It's not something that Trump did.
01:40:06 So they didn't have anything to worry about.
01:40:11 And that is it.
01:40:12 It's very easily a a tool.
01:40:14 I mean look, are you trying to tell me cops don't plant stuff on people all the time?
01:40:19 Of course they do.
01:40:21 And that's just like small time cops will throw a ******* dime bag in someone's car if they think that that's going to help them.
01:40:29 You know, we have Robert Mueller, the ex FBI director, on the record, talking about how they try to reverse engineer probable cause.
01:40:41 Meaning that they would use the legal means to actually acquire information on a suspect and then try to reverse engineer how they would have legally acquired that same information so they could use it in court and not have to admit that they had obtained that information illegally.
01:41:00 And that was the the great, well respected by both sides of the aisle, Robert Mueller.
01:41:11 Of course, it's gotten worse.
01:41:16 The drain the you know the swamp drain did not.
01:41:18 Happen at all.
01:41:21 So anyway, I just think that's an important thing to keep in mind is increasingly it kind of sucks because what's going to happen, probably something that I should even start even start looking into is you can get.
01:41:37 You can get open source versions.
01:41:41 I mean I think Android in of itself is open source.
01:41:45 And so you can get security versions of it.
01:41:52 I think there was even wasn't Red Hat working on like a phone OS at some point, so there might even be other projects I'm not even aware of.
01:42:03 Ubuntu I think was working on a phone project.
01:42:05 I don't know if.
01:42:06 They still are.
01:42:08 But it might be time to start looking at things like that and it sucks because it does drain your resort.
01:42:15 Right, in the same way that I've talked about how a lot of normies will outsource their political ideology to someone, like well, Tucker Carlson as an example, because they just simply don't have the time, right?
01:42:30 They don't have the time to sit there and and pay attention to everything that's going on in the news.
01:42:34 Try to research everything and and try to stay up to date so they outsourced the Tucker Carlson. They instead only have to watch like you know like 1/2 hour of Fox News a night and now they know everything that they think they need to know and they're good to go, right?
Speaker 7
01:42:51 Well, a lot.
01:42:53 Of us, we.
01:42:54 Outsource our technology, right?
01:42:56 We don't want to have to sit there and and have to figure out the most secure OS and and all this stuff.
01:43:03 And you just want to, you just want a phone that works.
01:43:06 You just want to get the phone.
01:43:07 It downloads the ******* updates, and you're good.
01:43:11 You think?
01:43:13 And that's why a lot of people use, you know, iOS or Mac OS or Windows or Android or Chrome or all these.
01:43:25 All these.
01:43:28 Products by these big companies because you're you're just outsourcing that to someone else because the amount of time it takes to to learn and acclimate and continuously updated, it's almost like you have to become like your own IT guy.
01:43:44 It's just adding another job that you're already busy schedule.
01:43:49 Just to perform normal functions.
01:43:54 And that's another reason why they do it.
01:43:58 You know, it's not that it's impossible to get away from the privacy violations in the same way, at least for right now, it's not impossible to avoid the vaccine.
01:44:09 They just make your life really difficult.
01:44:12 If you do it that way.
01:44:22 So, increasingly, that's going to be an issue.
01:44:25 You know, honestly, it's one of the reasons why I'm so because I like technology.
01:44:30 You know, I like technology.
01:44:33 But one of.
01:44:33 The reasons why I've got this fondness for technology that doesn't have software is because of **** like this.
01:44:42 You know.
01:44:42 It's unhackable.
01:44:45 Well, I guess you could hardware hack some of this stuff, but that requires.
01:44:48 A lot more.
01:44:53 And it makes it requires physically being somewhere.
01:44:59 So it's.
01:45:01 But that's increasingly going to be what you know what's going on and and look, ultimately there's not going to be local storage anyway.
01:45:09 They're already releasing a version of Windows that's going to be entirely on the on the cloud.
01:45:15 Like your computer isn't going to physically exist, it's going to in a lot of ways, it's like they've been trying to make this transition for a really long time, like with the Chromebooks, for example.
01:45:27 A lot of people I don't know if they still make them.
01:45:30 It's been a long time.
01:45:31 So I've looked at laptops but Google has been selling Chromebooks, which are these really, really, really, really cheap.
01:45:40 Old laptops that don't have a whole lot of hard drive space or any kind of hardware spec.
01:45:46 And so they're really cheap, and the way they they get away with that is they say well.
01:45:52 We're going to offload all the processing power, or at least to some extent, and the storage power absolutely to our Google servers, right?
01:46:02 So yeah, you don't have like a really a hard drive or, you know, a solid-state drive or.
01:46:06 Anything like that?
01:46:07 But you you save everything to the cloud to try to get you.
01:46:11 Used to them.
01:46:16 I mean, look, I've been predicting honestly since the 90s because it just makes so much more sense.
01:46:21 If you want to.
01:46:21 Control it just and just in terms of of piracy, right?
01:46:27 I mean that's that's how computers started too.
01:46:29 Is computer started as a bunch of terminals.
01:46:33 It was literally just a monitor and a keyboard.
01:46:36 That was connected to 1 computer for like the whole library or the you know the the that department and the university or whatever you would go into like there was some back room with a giant *** ******* computer.
01:46:49 And if you were in the library using a quote UN quote computer, you were just.
01:46:55 Using the exact same computer that everyone else in.
01:46:58 The library was using.
01:47:00 In fact, if a lot of people were using it, it was really super slow because they had to sit there and wait for it.
01:47:05 You know, you would take turns essentially.
01:47:09 And now at the virtual server stuff that they've got going on and they've had it going on for a really long time, they're just trying to make that.
01:47:16 They're trying to normalize that.
01:47:19 And they'll use it by reasoning that, well, it cuts back on waste.
01:47:23 You know, instead of having all these individual users that are having to upgrade their hardware constantly, we can do it centralized.
01:47:31 We can do it in a much more manageable way.
01:47:33 You know it'll save money.
01:47:35 It's good for the consumer, it's good for us.
01:47:37 It's good for the environment.
01:47:39 Because we're not shipping off like all these different video cards and stuff like that, everything's it's like the the the game streaming service.
01:47:50 Where you can stream games you don't actually have to have a super good video card.
01:47:54 That's because it's not.
01:47:56 Your video card is not really doing some of the all the processing you know a lot of this stuff's being done off site.
01:48:05 And that's ultimately where they want everything to go.
01:48:08 And then you won't have this.
01:48:11 Technology will be obsolete.
01:48:13 Because if you're sending any photos, they're going to just be going, they won't be going anywhere.
01:48:18 They're going to be stored on that server that everyone else stores.
01:48:20 They're ****.
01:48:21 On, or at least that server farm.
01:48:24 And they'll just get a notification.
01:48:27 To look at it.
01:48:33 Everything is getting centralized.
01:48:34 It doesn't matter if it's technology.
01:48:38 It doesn't matter if it's governments.
01:48:42 What we're living through right now is the solidification of control of power.
01:48:50 Into the handful of.
01:48:54 Into the hands of a handful of people.
01:49:00 That have bought and sold the West.
01:49:08 The same people that I guess Tucker Carlson.
01:49:10 Wrote his book to warn.
01:49:17 That if you don't watch out.
01:49:21 They're going to rise up.
01:49:23 And strike you down.
01:49:31 That's really and there's a lot of other stuff going on, but I you know.
01:49:38 Let's talk.
01:49:39 Let's talk a little bit in the chat and then we'll.
01:49:42 Wrap things up here.
01:49:47 If my chat is still updating is.
01:49:49 It still updating.
01:49:52 Yes, it is finally.
01:49:54 Someone says look into graphene OS.
01:49:57 I guess epigenetic force says I.
01:50:00 Got to remember to say the.
01:50:01 Names here look into graphene OS, which is an open source OS for various Google Pixel phones.
01:50:09 Yeah, there is a.
01:50:12 I don't know if that's the one.
01:50:13 There's been a few projects like that because, you know, as far as I know, Android is open source, or at least much of it is.
01:50:20 And so there's people that have taken it and altered it and stuff like that and.
01:50:24 But like I said.
01:50:25 It's just, it's just it's one more thing.
01:50:27 And if you're, if you're spending your time doing that, you're not spending your time, you know, for me.
01:50:32 For example, I'm not spending time making these videos or preparing for these streams.
01:50:38 And so it's it's at a certain point you got to just pick your battles and say.
01:50:42 Well, I just have to assume, and I've been saying this for.
01:50:47 All year long at least, and longer that if it's digital communication.
01:50:51 For me at least, it's just easier for me to assume it's spied on.
01:50:55 Then try to like try to avoid it.
01:50:58 Because even if let's say you start using one of these OS's that are more secure, you don't know when a.
01:51:03 Zero Day is going to come out.
01:51:08 And they will. Nothing's 100% secure. Everything is vulnerabilities.
01:51:17 High Priest King Terry, Ship of Fool as the German was portrayed by a Puerto Rican actor, the Jewish actor was portrayed by a German actor.
01:51:25 That was the a favorite actor of Hitler or, or wait portrayed by a German actor.
01:51:32 That was a favorite actor of.
01:51:33 Hitler and Goebbels.
01:51:35 I did not know that.
Speaker 6
01:51:38 I did not.
01:51:39 Know that.
01:51:42 One out of many will the 10th planet bring about the great reset, and if so, is the vaccine just helping cull the herd beforehand?
01:51:51 I don't know what you mean.
01:51:52 By the 10th planet.
01:51:56 But probably no.
01:52:02 Coffee shock, an actual German NS book about racism.
01:52:08 Wrote that all.
01:52:09 Pure races should be considered sophisticated and complete.
01:52:13 Even the most remote whoops drama thing, Pygmy tribe in Africa.
01:52:20 Right.
01:52:21 Well, yeah, it's the whole.
01:52:22 Separate but equal.
01:52:29 So it's.
Speaker 7
01:52:31 Yeah, I mean like I.
01:52:32 Don't think I don't know.
01:52:33 I'm not a Nazi.
01:52:34 But like I.
01:52:34 Don't know what the.
01:52:36 I don't know anyone that's pro white that.
01:52:40 That wants to.
01:52:43 Exterminate all the races and I don't think that's what the Nazis wanted, you know.
01:52:49 I don't think that that was.
01:52:50 I think this is what you're.
01:52:52 I think that the the.
01:52:53 View of Nazis that Americans have especially is born of anti Nazi propaganda that was designed specifically to get people to go to war and to stay at war with their German.
01:53:09 You gotta remember when we went to world?
01:53:11 War Two. A vast.
01:53:13 Not majority, but like a huge number of Americans were German, of German descent, or the the two major groups in America at the time were, you know, people of British descent and people of German descent.
01:53:28 And so you were asking a sizable portion of the the country to go to war.
01:53:33 With their mother country.
01:53:36 And so there was a lot of propaganda, a lot of propaganda and look, in most instances that propaganda was being.
01:53:43 Produced by Jews.
01:53:44 Who obviously had.
01:53:46 Had their own iron in the fire, right or dog in the fight or whatever you want to say.
01:53:55 Logical extremists. I would be curious if you could deconstruct the cringe propaganda, why I made wait the cringe propaganda, why I made 20,000 from a particular stunt when I had ****.
01:54:10 For a case in a suit.
01:54:13 What you talking about?
01:54:15 I I would be curious if you could deconstruct the cringe propaganda, why I made $20,000 from a particular stunt when I had **** for a case in a suit. Lawsuits due do still work if you work them right, watch the video search.
01:54:33 Searching for Crow Wing clown lawsuit in news.
01:54:39 Or in news.
01:54:40 OK, I don't know what what you're talking.
01:54:42 About, but I'll.
01:54:44 I'll look into that.
01:54:49 Oh ****.
01:54:49 I just let go.
01:54:50 Where'd it go?
01:54:54 Hakan 7733, Speaking of extremism, have you heard of Moon man? No. Everyone's heard of moon man.
01:55:04 Bear trap, how's the health?
01:55:06 Take care of.
01:55:06 Yeah, I'm just a little tired tonight.
01:55:11 I was I I tried to.
01:55:13 I I slept at a weird time and.
01:55:14 I tried.
01:55:15 To sleep before the stream and I only got like an hour in.
01:55:18 So it's not a big deal.
01:55:20 High Priest King Terry. Some estimate that the FBI that the FBI hosts the largest database of CP's, hard to find info on this, but agents have been arrested for taking parts of the database home. The FBI routinely has.
01:55:40 Hosted the largest sharing sites.
01:55:43 These people don't care about children's safety, bait for for efficient well.
01:55:48 Look, the Pentagon, while in the the the State Department.
01:55:55 Back when Hillary Clinton was the head of the OR was the Secretary of State, there was this huge scandal that went nowhere and no one got in trouble.
01:56:05 You know, they always say Obama was a scandal free president because, like, every single one of these things was a headline one day and ghost town the next.
01:56:13 But there was a a substantial amount of child **** traffic coming from the State Department and the Pentagon.
01:56:22 And then the story just went away, like so many stories.
01:56:27 So it's, I mean, obviously they mean they're literally satanic pedophiles.
01:56:31 Like, that's not hyperbole.
01:56:33 People think that's hyperbole.
01:56:34 Like the people think that, oh, you're.
01:56:36 Just you're trying to dehumanize or depersonalize opponent?
01:56:40 No, they're just literally not humans.
01:56:44 They're not people and they don't think you are either.
01:56:47 So I mean it's like we're just being fair.
01:56:49 You know, they think you're cattle.
01:56:51 I think they're ******* demons.
01:56:54 So I mean you've decided which one of us is right?
Speaker 6
01:57:02 One out of many.
01:57:04 If you had to fight a cactus or a rattlesnake, which would you choose?
01:57:09 All right, all snakes easy to kill, especially if you have a shovel.
01:57:14 Ride the tiger.
01:57:15 Look at Plato's allegory called Ship of Fools, about the declining competence among heads of state.
01:57:21 I think that's what are you simping for?
01:57:22 Tucker, are you seriously?
01:57:24 Simping for Tucker.
01:57:27 Are you really simping?
Speaker 4
01:57:28 No, no, no, no.
01:57:29 It's potatoes, right.
01:57:30 And look, maybe you're right, maybe you're right.
01:57:33 But don't simp for Tucker.
01:57:36 Don't sypher Tucker.
Speaker 4
01:57:38 Now guys, I swear he's based.
01:57:42 UM, lint Lichter Tucker Carlson is the elder son of **** Carlson, a former director of the Voice of America, president of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting.
01:57:52 U.S. ambassador to.
01:57:53 Yeah, his dad was literally CIA, which is why.
01:57:56 You shouldn't SIM for.
01:57:57 Tucker, his dad, was.
01:57:59 CIA and like the head of.
01:58:01 The largest propaganda Operation America runs, which is the Voice of America.
01:58:06 And this isn't like hard.
01:58:07 This isn't like hard to find.
01:58:09 And Tucker himself has admitted in interviews that he he tried to go.
01:58:13 The official story is right.
01:58:16 He went to go work for the CIA and they turned him down.
01:58:20 Even though his dad was who he fit the profile exactly, he's exactly who the CIA would want.
01:58:26 And they they turn, but they.
01:58:28 Turned him down and then all.
01:58:29 Of a sudden he got into, even though he has.
01:58:31 No degrees in media all of a sudden he rose to the.
01:58:35 Top you know.
01:58:39 Let's take a look here.
01:58:44 Zig won't die any updates on.
Speaker 7
01:58:45 DOTR.
01:58:46 Two, no, not right now, unfortunately.
01:58:51 Rise them. I saw on YouTube ad that apparently 70% of America is vaccinated.
01:58:59 How much of that do you think is true?
01:59:01 Also, I will never get.
01:59:02 The thanks.
01:59:03 Yeah, I could see it.
01:59:04 Could be it could be true.
01:59:06 It could totally be true, you know.
01:59:15 Look, look, there's not.
01:59:17 There's not.
01:59:17 A whole lot of opposition to this stuff in America.
01:59:20 In fact, so today I tweeted out something about.
01:59:28 The like there was a story.
01:59:31 It's kind of like someone asked, I think verrucas all asked about fighting.
01:59:37 Critical race theory in.
01:59:40 UM.
01:59:42 School systems and if there were any arguments that I thought would work, and I basically landed on, not really.
01:59:49 I mean you could use some MAGA arguments, but like, that's those are ineffective but nothing else would be acceptable.
01:59:55 So like, it's kind of a losing battle and at the end of the day, why?
01:59:59 Why expend your energy trying to fight this system that you're not?
02:00:05 Make any headway with when you should just focus on not having the government raise your kids and raise your kids yourself.
02:00:14 And then who gives a **** what the school system does?
02:00:18 And there was a story that came out the.
02:00:21 Day that I saw on Twitter, I think it might.
02:00:24 It was NBC News or someone tweeted out or it was Washington Times.
02:00:28 I don't forget.
02:00:28 But a story came out about.
02:00:31 A teachers union.
02:00:34 Who is now suing a parent who is fighting them on the deploying of CRT?
02:00:42 And I just, I retweeted it and just said, you know, just ******* right, you know, just ******* homeschool your kids.
02:00:51 And a shocking number of people.
02:00:52 Well, maybe not like a shocking number, but like a few people.
02:00:56 Uh responded to the tweet saying stuff like.
02:00:59 Oh yeah, because that's so easy.
02:01:03 Those are the people that get vaccinated.
02:01:07 Those are the people that go to the path of of of least resistance.
02:01:12 Most people have.
02:01:14 It's not that they don't fight for their principles as that they don't have the same principles as you.
02:01:22 Their principles are competing with the Joneses.
02:01:25 Fact the matter is, and I said this on Twitter too.
02:01:27 If if you have to, if both parents have to work, like have to.
02:01:33 You're living above your means.
02:01:39 You're you're living in a house you can't afford, or you're paying a car payment you can't afford.
02:01:45 Or maybe you're paying off student loans you can't afford, or you're eating out with food you can't afford.
02:01:51 You can't afford it.
02:01:53 You are living outside your means if.
02:01:57 Both parents are working.
02:01:59 Or if they have to work, let me rephrase that.
02:02:02 If you can't imagine, like, oh, how would I?
02:02:04 How would I be able to afford this lifestyle?
02:02:07 If the mother stay at home and raise the kids.
Speaker 7
02:02:10 Well, then you're like you, you.
02:02:12 Have the wrong lifestyle.
02:02:17 This is why we're getting bred out and look a lot of this is white women.
02:02:21 Honestly, it's white women that don't want to be poor.
02:02:25 Because a lot of guys don't have a problem.
02:02:27 With being a little.
02:02:27 Bit poor and making these kinds of.
02:02:30 Decisions, but a lot of.
02:02:32 White women do.
02:02:36 You know, because it is a lot about status, right?
Speaker 7
02:02:40 And yeah, you won't. Maybe.
02:02:42 You won't be able to afford.
02:02:43 The Mcmansion in the Good school district, but that doesn't even really matter if you're not.
02:02:47 If your kids aren't.
02:02:48 Going to school?
Speaker 7
02:02:51 Because is there is.
02:02:52 There really any such thing?
02:02:53 Is this good school?
02:02:54 District these days.
02:02:57 And yeah, maybe you can't afford, you know, the HOA payment.
02:03:01 And like, you know, like you're going.
02:03:02 To have to live somewhere else.
02:03:07 And it's not going to be as nice or somewhere smaller.
02:03:13 And yeah, you're not going to have the car that.
02:03:15 You want.
02:03:16 You're going to have to get.
02:03:17 A used car. Ooh.
02:03:20 Buy used cars anyway.
02:03:21 It's ******* stupid to buy a.
02:03:23 Brand new car.
02:03:29 You're not going to be able to just order whatever you want on Amazon Prime.
02:03:33 You shouldn't have Amazon Prime anyway.
Speaker 7
02:03:37 So it's not that that, that people.
02:03:42 Do the right thing.
02:03:43 It's just that people just choose not to because it's too hard.
02:03:47 That's where we're at, that's why.
02:03:48 We're losing and because this is such a pervasive problem.
02:03:54 We're not winning.
02:03:55 Like when you when I say I'm black pilled.
02:03:57 I'm not saying like again.
02:03:59 I'm not saying, oh, let's just crawl into a ball and cry.
02:04:03 No, but let's not be ******* *******.
02:04:05 Let's not deny the reality that's around us.
02:04:10 And people like that of the black pill.
02:04:12 And there's a lot.
Speaker 9
02:04:13 Of them.
02:04:15 There's people that would rather have a new car.
Speaker 7
02:04:19 Or a a big TV.
02:04:22 Or an Xbox or or whatever the ****.
02:04:25 They'd rather have things.
02:04:27 Than raise their own children.
02:04:29 They'd rather go on vacations.
02:04:32 They'd rather go out dining.
02:04:34 They'd rather pay for leftist memes coming out of Hollywood in the form of of movie tickets or on demand stuff.
02:04:42 Or, you know.
02:04:43 Subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime.
02:04:50 So no, it's not that they can't afford.
02:04:53 To homeschool their kids.
02:04:54 They just don't want to.
Speaker 7
02:04:58 They don't want to make the.
02:05:00 Reasonable sacrifice for their children, and that's why we're doomed.
02:05:05 These are people that are supposed to be.
02:05:06 On our side.
02:05:09 But they they give themselves this convenient excuse.
02:05:12 Well, there's no way if Nancy and I if if me and Nancy aren't both working, we'll never be able to afford our car payments.
02:05:20 Well, then you have.
02:05:21 Why do.
02:05:21 You have a ******* car payment.
Speaker 7
02:05:26 Why do you have a five year loan?
02:05:29 On a ******* car.
02:05:39 That's Usery first of all.
Speaker 2
02:05:45 We'd never be able to afford all of our bills.
02:05:47 When you have too many ******* bills.
Speaker 2
02:05:54 Learn to be poor.
02:05:55 Look, it is.
02:05:57 It is the same.
02:05:58 Thing you can either learn it now or learn it when.
02:06:00 They did platform you from all this ****.
Speaker 6
02:06:03 Better you learn it.
Speaker 4
02:06:04 Now when it's.
02:06:05 On your own terms, kind of.
02:06:09 And ladies.
02:06:16 Your thirst for status is.
02:06:20 Quite possibly going to be.
02:06:21 The end of us.
Speaker 4
02:06:31 You know, it's funny.
02:06:31 People keep complaining.
02:06:33 Oh, yeah.
02:06:33 The blacks and the Mexicans.
Speaker 2
02:06:35 They're using up all the welfare.
02:06:39 Yeah, cause you're the sucker.
Speaker 4
02:06:40 You're the.
Speaker 7
02:06:41 Sucker wearing with.
Speaker 2
02:06:42 Both parents working to pay for their free money.
02:06:47 Because why?
02:06:48 Because of the sin of pride.
02:06:56 Because Nancy's not going to be happy if our house isn't as big as her.
02:07:00 Friend Bridget's house.
02:07:04 If her, if her engagement ring isn't bigger than her friend Stacy's, and you know.
02:07:08 What I mean?
02:07:14 Useless ****.
02:07:21 Useless **** you don't need.
02:07:24 That's what's become of white culture.
02:07:29 Yeah, I don't.
02:07:29 I don't even blame, like when you hear these minorities.
02:07:33 Well, I mean soon to be the majority minorities, if not already the majority.
02:07:38 When they talk **** about white people and say white people don't have a culture.
Speaker 4
02:07:44 Because in America.
02:07:46 White culture has just become consumerism.
02:07:56 It's just become keeping up with the Joneses.
02:08:00 And you're literally just being boomers.
02:08:02 You're being yuppie ******* boomers.
02:08:06 You don't want to raise your kids.
02:08:09 Just like the yuppie ******* boomers.
Speaker 6
02:08:13 And you're benching mode about how, oh the.
Speaker 4
02:08:15 Boomers destroyed the country, and then you'll.
02:08:16 Do exactly what they did.
02:08:28 The real fight is not going.
02:08:30 To be with.
02:08:30 The school board.
Speaker 2
02:08:33 The real fight.
02:08:34 Is going to be raising John Connors instead of.
02:08:37 Desmond is amazing.
02:08:41 That's the real fight.
02:08:46 I mean people that say ohh if you if.
Speaker 2
02:08:50 If you raise a home school.
Speaker 4
02:08:51 Kids, they're going to be weirdos.
Speaker 2
02:08:53 I want my kids to be around people.
02:08:55 Have you?
Speaker 4
02:08:56 Seen the ******* people?
02:08:57 Out there lately you have.
02:08:58 You want them.
02:08:59 Around people, huh?
02:09:01 You want your your son hanging out with with with the trans kids, huh?
02:09:04 Is that what you want?
02:09:05 Is that the ******* people?
02:09:06 Are you ******* kidding me, have you?
Speaker 4
02:09:08 Seen these people?
02:09:14 They're gonna be weird if they don't hang out with these people.
02:09:20 I mean ****, like, just speaking from personal experience.
02:09:24 Even me as a kid in the 90s.
02:09:30 I stopped being a nice little Mormon boy.
02:09:33 Not because of any influence other than the other kids that I was.
02:09:38 Hanging out with.
02:09:38 At school.
02:09:45 In the world that we have today, I wouldn't mind having a kid that's a weirdo.
02:09:50 Because compared to what's considered normal.
02:09:54 Couldn't be worse.
02:09:58 All these ******* excuses.
02:10:00 That people have because they don't want to raise their.
02:10:02 Own kids. It's disgusting.
02:10:12 You have the choice.
02:10:13 You just don't want.
02:10:14 To make it.
02:10:25 Look, there's, and there's no shame.
Speaker 4
02:10:27 Mean you ever you ever hear, see these stories?
02:10:31 On like the the Hasidic Jews in New York.
Speaker 7
02:10:34 How? Like they're they?
02:10:36 Live almost entirely off the system.
02:10:38 Some of these folks like literally.
Speaker 4
02:10:40 Like they don't have jobs.
02:10:43 And they just collect money and pump out kids and live entirely off the system.
02:10:48 And people get so mad and they say, oh, they're just, they're just like vampires.
02:10:53 No, you're just a sucker.
02:10:57 You're a sucker because you got pride.
02:11:01 Your sin is pride.
02:11:10 You know, it's funny.
02:11:11 People are like, ohh, the the collapse is inevitable.
02:11:13 Then what's the?
02:11:14 What's the ******* shame?
02:11:17 And extracting.
02:11:20 What little you can, because it is very it's going to be very little, but what little you can.
02:11:24 On the way down.
02:11:27 Haven't your ancestors been paying into this ******* system for like generations?
02:11:33 Well, here's your chance to get.
02:11:35 A little bit of that back before it goes away.
02:11:43 You'll never end up homeless.
02:11:46 I mean, isn't that one of the problems is that that that we are a dysgenic society because we are supporting all these people that aren't supporting themselves.
02:11:55 Get in on that ****.
02:11:56 Why not **** it?
02:12:00 Suck it dry while you can.
02:12:05 And prepare for the inevitable collapse. Get self-sufficient. Certainly this should be your main goal, but in the mean time.
Speaker 4
02:12:11 Suck that ****.
02:12:12 Dry if you can.
02:12:17 You're trying to tell me that the acidic Jews in New York are smart enough to game the system?
02:12:21 And you can't.
02:12:21 You're too dumb.
02:12:23 You're too much of A sucker.
02:12:25 You'd rather be their cash cow.
02:12:28 You'd rather be.
02:12:28 Their ******* pinata?
02:12:29 That they just slam with a Louisville slugger over and over again while Candy comes rattling out of your ******* mouth.
02:12:36 That's what you'd rather do because you get to own a a big TV that makes it.
02:12:42 That somehow puts honor in it.
02:12:47 But my car has that new car smell.
02:12:49 Ohh that case you're not a sucker.
Speaker 4
02:12:59 I get same day shipping and it's free.
02:13:08 In that case, you're not a sucker.
02:13:23 Yes, I want to chats that apply for food stamps.
02:13:25 Seriously, do it. Why not?
02:13:28 Like literally, why not?
02:13:30 You might not have you.
02:13:31 Know maybe you don't qualify.
02:13:32 For him, but I would.
02:13:33 Apply for everything.
02:13:35 Melt this ****** all the way down.
Speaker 4
02:13:40 Because there there is.
02:13:42 Absolutely going to come a time when you can't.
02:13:47 Milk it for everything.
02:13:49 Get on every ******* program.
02:13:51 You can extract all the value you possibly can out of the system.
02:13:55 Why the **** not?
02:13:57 What are you trying to prove?
02:13:58 Into who?
02:14:09 Who are you trying to impress?
Speaker 4
02:14:19 I think a lot of people will.
02:14:20 Be shocked to find.
02:14:23 Then most people don't give a ****.
02:14:31 They really don't give a **** that you have a fancy, you know, 4000 square foot Mcmansion with, you know, 5 car garage and a swimming pool.
02:14:40 No one really cares.
02:14:43 It enters their mind like 0 * A.
02:14:45 Day. That's all you buddy.
02:14:50 You're the only one that's self absorbed about that ****.
02:14:54 Because anyone that does care about that ****.
02:14:58 They're not really your friend.
02:15:03 So you don't have friends.
02:15:07 You have other psychopaths.
02:15:12 They care more about that **** than they do.
02:15:14 Their own children.
02:15:14 In fact.
02:15:17 A lot of people are such psychopaths.
02:15:19 They obsess about their neighbors stuff more than they think about their children.
02:15:26 Oh, sure. Wish we had a TV. A hundred 120 inch TV like.
02:15:31 Like the Joneses.
02:15:36 It was 6K.
02:15:42 It's all **** you don't need, and it's all, in fact, the funny.
02:15:45 Thing is, it's all **** that distracts you.
02:15:48 From from raising your children.
02:15:54 And all **** that invites the Satanic forces into your home to take the place.
02:15:59 Of of the parents.
02:16:01 You know, like like I said.
02:16:02 You're being the ******* boomers.
02:16:05 You're literally being the boomers.
02:16:11 Yeah, their tvi's were smaller.
02:16:18 But you're being the ******* boomers.
02:16:21 You're falling for the lie.
02:16:23 That that's what life is.
02:16:24 It's a big competition.
02:16:25 It's like a game show.
02:16:27 It's a ******* game show.
02:16:29 Whoever comes home with the the nicest bedroom set and the brand new car that's who won.
02:16:40 It's ******* ********.
02:16:47 And that's why they say you have no culture.
Speaker 4
02:16:55 Because you don't.
02:16:59 That's why you have this compulsion to buy.
02:17:01 You're trying to fill that ******* hole in your soul with.
02:17:09 And you don't really have friends.
02:17:10 That's why you're trying to get the praise of strangers.
02:17:14 People that say well, Dan.
Speaker 4
02:17:17 This is a nice house.
Speaker 3
02:17:20 Wow, I really.
02:17:21 Like the tile that you have in this bedroom.
02:17:23 This is nice.
02:17:25 Oh, is that is that real hard wood or is that that new ceramic flooring that looks like hardwood?
02:17:32 Either way, I'm sold.
02:17:33 Looks good.
02:17:35 Wow, a gazebo.
02:17:36 Well, that set you back.
02:17:40 You don't have friends.
02:17:47 You're just desperate for praise from anybody.
02:17:58 And so you buy it.
Speaker 7
02:17:59 Like you buy everything else.
02:18:09 And that's how you justify staying at the office.
02:18:11 All the time.
02:18:11 Well, I gotta.
Speaker 2
02:18:12 Provide for my family.
02:18:21 He says as he works late hours because.
02:18:24 Deep down, it's to stay away from his family.
02:18:30 Well, honey, you're gonna get.
Speaker 4
02:18:31 Mad at me because I'm doing.
Speaker 8
02:18:32 This for you.
Speaker 4
02:18:33 I'm doing this for the family.
02:18:41 I know some of you guys are feeling that.
02:18:50 They're ******* liars.
02:18:54 You're doing it for you.
02:19:02 You're doing it so that you.
02:19:04 Can accessorize and.
02:19:08 Decorate your family the same way you decorate that Mcmansion.
02:19:28 But yeah, that's.
02:19:29 I mean that's I guess the really long version addressing the the original question was about vaccines.
02:19:34 Look same thing.
02:19:37 You think someone like that I I just described a lot of America.
02:19:41 I just described a lot of America that voted for Trump.
02:19:51 I mean, they're not willing to give up their.
02:19:55 Their jobs.
Speaker 2
02:19:58 To raise their own children.
02:20:01 You think for a second they're going to give?
02:20:03 Up their jobs.
02:20:05 To avoid taking a shot.
02:20:11 Of course not.
02:20:16 Most people are going to just do it.
02:20:20 It's about status, look and look.
02:20:22 And like I said, ladies, a lot of this is you.
02:20:29 They're it's very much a reality that this, this disease I'm discussing, it certainly is not limited to just men.
02:20:37 And there are lots of men that would be totally content.
02:20:41 Without all these things, and they simply see all these things as a means of maintaining their relationship.
02:20:48 With their wife.
02:21:00 So it's it's a.
02:21:03 It's been it's a commodity now, right?
02:21:06 Your love is a commodity with a price.
02:21:08 Tag on it.
02:21:24 Yeah, there's not going to be a lot of.
02:21:25 Resistance, the culture.
Speaker 6
02:21:26 War is over.
02:21:28 It's over.
02:21:30 It's been over.
02:21:33 The the new fight is not against the system.
02:21:38 And look, that could change.
02:21:40 Things could change.
02:21:41 I'm not saying it's never fight the system in the current environment for most people.
02:21:48 It's stupid.
02:21:49 It's like standing in front of a ******* train and then after it runs you over thinking to yourself.
Speaker 2
02:21:56 Well, at least I slowed it down.
02:22:01 You really didn't.
02:22:04 There's a lot more.
02:22:05 There's many more useful things.
02:22:07 You could have been doing.
02:22:13 I mean the the in the minuscule amount.
02:22:16 That you slowed that train down is almost.
Speaker 7
02:22:19 I mean.
02:22:20 Like like, it's almost like impossible to.
02:22:23 To even quantify it, such a small amount.
02:22:35 And again you.
02:22:36 Have all this time to fight the.
02:22:39 The school boards.
02:22:42 But you don't have time to raise your own kids.
02:22:45 You have all this time to fight.
02:22:49 The government on on a lot of these things.
02:22:53 That there's literally no point because you're not going to.
02:22:56 Have we just simply don't have the numbers?
02:23:12 And look if you have extra time afterwards right after take care and taking care of your family and.
02:23:20 And look, if you're not working around the clock so that you can be.
02:23:23 You know, someday.
02:23:24 I'm going to be a manager and I can get the the fancy parking space and park my Lexus in it.
02:23:29 You know, like if you're not being that ******.
02:23:33 UM.
02:23:36 You know, maybe you will have the free time.
02:23:39 Or if you have a wife that's at home instead of working and take care and you know a lot of the administrative.
02:23:44 **** around the house.
02:23:46 You might have some.
02:23:47 Free time.
02:23:48 Or you might be the wife that's staying at home, and now you're not having to stress out about like.
02:23:53 The the six different PowerPoints from six different bosses.
02:23:57 And once you get into the rhythm of raising the kids.
02:24:00 And stuff.
02:24:01 Or they get to a certain age to.
02:24:03 Where they don't.
02:24:03 Require as much you know, constant attention.
02:24:08 OK.
02:24:08 At that point, you might have some time.
02:24:13 But for a lot of people.
02:24:16 They're going about this all wrong.
02:24:24 I just showed you like, again the only mainstream voice.
02:24:30 That's even remotely on your side.
02:24:34 We this is what I've talked about, the beginning of the stream is Tucker.
02:24:37 Carlson, right.
02:24:38 And he's not even on your side.
Speaker 4
02:24:42 He's not.
02:24:44 He's made it quite obvious.
02:24:49 Who he's focused on.
02:24:58 The boy, from Hebrew Heights.
Speaker 7
02:25:06 He actively you know.
02:25:08 It openly admits.
02:25:11 His book is a warning to the ruling class.
02:25:14 It's not an instruction booklet for you, it's not advice to you.
02:25:18 It's a warning.
02:25:21 To your slave masters.
02:25:24 Telling them that you are going.
02:25:26 To be a problem.
02:25:28 If they don't change things.
02:25:31 It's not an instruction book on how you change things.
02:25:45 His objective isn't to help you with a revolution.
02:25:48 His objective objective is to help his rich friends avoid a revolution.
02:25:58 And that's the closest thing you have.
02:25:59 To a voice in the mainstream.
02:26:08 And look, I said, look, things can change.
02:26:14 But you just got to be realistic.
02:26:16 About the situation you're living in.
02:26:25 And the lack of institutional power that you have, you think that just as an example, I mean, look, look, I think we all everyone listening here or at least the vast majority would agree that.
02:26:39 Jews have a a high level of influence in the West, right?
02:26:44 For being such a small part of the population.
02:26:52 That didn't happen overnight.
02:27:00 Jews didn't just show.
02:27:01 Up and then magically, we're running everything.
02:27:05 Because they fought, they fought the system.
02:27:11 No, of course not.
02:27:19 And they came here with a lot of money.
02:27:20 We just don't have.
02:27:21 We don't have even the economic resources.
02:27:46 Anyway, yeah, so I guess.
Speaker 2
02:27:49 The really short.
02:27:50 Version is no.
02:27:51 People are going to take the vaccine, they're going to whittle it down little by little by little.
02:27:56 You know, at first they're going to say stuff like right now, right.
02:27:59 They're saying if you're especially FDA approval FDA approval.
02:28:02 Supposedly is coming any day now.
02:28:06 And so if FDA approval comes out, then all bets are off.
02:28:14 Then they'll absolutely mandate it.
02:28:17 In fact, once it's FDA approved, I wouldn't even be surprised.
02:28:22 If you didn't have governors at least attempting this, I don't know how it would shake out in the courts, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if governors just mandated it for statewide.
02:28:32 Say everyone.
02:28:35 Has to have the vaccine.
02:28:38 And people will do it.
Speaker 4
02:28:41 There's a lot.
02:28:42 Of unjust things that people just do because they don't want.
02:28:45 To fight.
02:28:47 You know, again, talk about fighting the system.
02:28:50 That's where your fight should be.
02:28:56 Why does someone just do something I'm telling?
02:28:58 You how you can do stuff.
02:29:01 Doing something isn't trying to convince the.
02:29:03 School board that to not.
02:29:05 Teach people to hate white people, and that's just gonna happen.
02:29:08 That's just.
02:29:10 I mean, you might as well say, well, I'm going to go in and stop the Holocaust education that's in my state.
02:29:16 OK, good luck with that.
02:29:20 You got to pick your ******* battles.
02:29:30 And it's easier to make some of these metals irrelevant by bypassing them.
02:29:36 Like both those examples you homeschool your kids.
02:29:39 Who cares if there's Holocaust education?
02:29:41 Who cares if there's critical race theory?
02:29:43 I mean, yeah, it still affects you because you know the kids around you are going to be taught this garbage.
02:29:49 It's going to happen.
Speaker 7
02:29:50 You're on the you're on the.
02:29:55 The the the inertia.
02:29:58 That's behind this.
02:30:00 And because of where you are in in this the wave the sine wave.
02:30:06 Of history.
02:30:10 You're just, you know, you just didn't win the lottery.
02:30:12 When it comes to prosperity for your people.
02:30:18 You're on the downtrend.
02:30:25 And there's just more productive uses of your time.
02:30:30 And like I said.
02:30:31 There's lots of minority groups that don't have a whole lot of political power that.
02:30:35 Have showed they've already showed you.
02:30:36 How this is done?
02:30:47 I doubt the I don't know what do Amish believe in vaccines?
02:30:51 That sounds like something they would they would oppose, right?
02:30:57 So I doubt the Amish will have will be forced to do it.
02:31:03 Because they've already built up their infrastructure.
02:31:09 They've already built up these these communities.
02:31:12 That we don't have.
02:31:16 So it's much easier for them to say.
02:31:19 While we have a religious exemption.
02:31:23 And because there's thousands and thousands of us.
02:31:27 We have political power.
02:31:31 Because we're organized.
02:31:34 We're an institution.
02:31:36 We don't have any of that.
02:31:40 You got to focus on that before you start doing all this.
02:31:43 Like you know.
02:31:44 Lone crusade ****.
02:31:59 German American Gripper the vaccine and COVID are just distraction from white genocide.
02:32:03 I I don't know, I think.
02:32:04 It's more than that, but.
02:32:06 I'm sure it plays into that base.
02:32:10 Increase the door thoughts on Edward Dutton and.
02:32:14 Anatoly Carlins's hypothesis that there is.
02:32:18 Hope for white people.
02:32:20 And groups high fertility segments of the white population that eschew the modern world, while the liberal status seeking urbanites are selected out, career women are being selected.
02:32:39 Yeah, I mean, but like, that's what I'm saying, like how?
02:32:41 Do you want to wait for that?
02:32:43 That's great.
02:32:44 I mean, like I said, you're just it's a sine wave.
02:32:50 The sine wave will go back up.
02:32:52 That's why when I say in black pill, that doesn't mean.
02:32:54 Like, oh, we're doomed.
02:32:56 We're doomed.
02:32:56 Forever slit your wrists.
02:32:57 We're all going to die.
02:32:59 No, but it's you gotta recognize where you are in that sine wave.
02:33:03 So recognizing that's going to go back up.
Speaker 7
02:33:05 Isn't really a whole.
02:33:06 A lot of it's not.
02:33:07 A lot of comfort to.
02:33:08 A lot of people because it's it's.
02:33:12 That's probably not going to happen in your life.
02:33:15 It's good to know that that will likely happen, and I agree that's probably a good possibility, right?
02:33:20 I don't know what I haven't.
02:33:21 Look, I don't.
02:33:22 I haven't seen the video you're talking about, so I don't know the specifics.
02:33:28 But if, but he's right, and if if you're describing this correctly, that obviously high fertility segments of the white population are going to have.
02:33:39 More kids than these, you know, status seeking urbanites.
02:33:42 Right.
02:33:43 But look, there's there's also a downside to that.
02:33:46 In that, unfortunately, a lot of the status seeking urbanites are higher IQ.
02:33:53 Than the people that aren't status seeking urbanites.
02:33:57 And yeah, IQ is not everything, but it's not nothing.
02:34:02 So a lot of high IQ whites are selecting themselves out is the way it boils down to and look you could kind of include me in that there's a lot of people in, in similar situations.
02:34:15 Look, I like I said, I'm not saying this like I'm.
02:34:18 I'm the I'm the one.
02:34:19 I get it.
02:34:20 And you guys are all ********.
02:34:22 I felt for a lot the.
02:34:22 Reason I'm speaking from experience.
02:34:28 I was chasing.
02:34:29 I had dollar signs in my eyes.
02:34:30 I was chasing that stupid **** my whole life.
02:34:33 I know what I'm talking about.
02:34:40 I was excited for next product.
02:34:44 I was trying to outdo ever all my coworker.
02:34:46 I I get it.
02:34:51 It's ******* gay.
02:34:55 But it's it's seductive.
02:34:58 People get caught up in.
02:34:59 The company look cause we're we're competitive people.
02:35:06 And they know this.
02:35:07 That's why they're gamifying life.
02:35:09 That's the Social credit score system.
02:35:12 That's what they're going.
02:35:13 To be doing.
02:35:14 It's just it's.
02:35:15 Gamifying life.
02:35:17 That's why people like.
02:35:18 That's why our people.
02:35:19 Like video games so much.
02:35:24 I mean, it's very it's reducing.
02:35:26 This instinct of competition to like a.
02:35:30 Meaningless task.
02:35:33 But that's what it's that's what it's tickling.
02:35:35 That's that part of the brain.
02:35:37 When I was like #1 on the server and you know my my kill death ratio was off the charts, I felt like a king. It was totally gay and stupid and and wasted.
02:35:50 A lot of ******* time.
02:35:53 But that's not what my brain was, and that's not how it was stimulated.
02:35:59 And that's the same feeling you get when you got like that.
02:36:02 That hot *** girlfriend hanging on your arm and you walk into that restaurant and all the guys and all the girls are all looking at you guys.
02:36:10 And you got that ******* trophy on your arm.
02:36:14 We get that.
Speaker 7
02:36:15 Part of your brain.
02:36:18 Going 1,000,000 miles an hour just pumping all kinds of dopamine into your body.
02:36:23 Telling you that you.
02:36:24 You won some big competition.
02:36:34 But it's all gay and stupid.
02:36:41 But unfortunately, a lot of the more intelligent people in your society are going to fall for that stupid gay ****.
02:36:56 Because it does, it rewards them more that stupid gay game.
02:37:04 Intelligence with dopamine.
02:37:08 Not, not exclusively.
02:37:09 And there's a lot of people that, you know, nepotism and all this other stuff, right, heavily come into play.
02:37:15 But you at the very least.
02:37:17 If you're a smart guy.
02:37:19 And you enter the job market.
02:37:22 Especially if you're like you know.
02:37:24 Decently smarter than the average.
02:37:27 You'll at least get a taste.
02:37:30 And it's intoxicating.
02:37:42 You're going to want that feeling all the time.
02:37:45 And you'll work nights and weekends to get it.
02:37:51 Never see your ******* kids.
02:37:59 I'll never have kids.
02:38:11 And it's funny because a lot of guys.
Speaker 4
02:38:12 Including myself. Look, I.
02:38:14 The way I picture things, just to be honest, like my parents got married real young, right?
02:38:20 Like my mom, I think was like 19.
02:38:24 And my dad was like, 22 or something like that. Right. So they got married pretty young.
02:38:30 And immediately started having kids.
02:38:34 And they were poor.
02:38:36 They were poor.
02:38:38 They start out in a an actual, not like a trailer like a trailer like like a like a double wide kind of, you know, trailer, like a literal like a camping.
02:38:48 Trailer they start out like in a trailer in my.
02:38:54 Dads, parents, backyard.
02:38:58 I mean, they had a ranch like, not a huge ranch, but they had like, this ranch.
02:39:02 And they lived in a trailer in the backyard while they saved up money for a down payment on a house and.
02:39:08 And all this other stuff, right?
02:39:13 But the timeline that was set in my head was like, OK, well, apparently right after right out of high school or, you know, pretty close after that.
02:39:21 You you marry someone and you start, you know, even if you got to be poor for a little bit, you start that family.
02:39:27 You got it going and then you, you know, you chase those dollars and you know, I barely know my dad because he was chasing those dollars.
02:39:36 He was working.
02:39:38 He would leave for work before I got.
02:39:40 Up for school?
02:39:41 And he would oftentimes not be back by the time I went to bed, I wouldn't see him for like weeks.
02:39:47 I mean, he was living at.
02:39:47 The house.
02:39:48 But I wouldn't see him.
02:39:53 As he was chasing that money.
02:39:56 And I just thought that was normal.
02:39:57 OK.
02:39:59 But that was a different time in terms of the age.
02:40:02 I mean by the.
02:40:02 Time like.
02:40:04 And it wasn't just me.
02:40:05 Like none of my friends were married at 18.
02:40:08 None of my friends are married by 25.
02:40:12 Like, well, maybe like one, right, but like.
02:40:14 Not very many.
02:40:17 A lot of them got married, like around 30.
02:40:19 Or not a lot, but I'd say.
02:40:21 Like the ones that got married, there's still.
02:40:22 Like a bunch that aren't married.
02:40:37 And seeing a lot of guys too, what they'll do is they'll put off, they'll put off being a grown up, right, because they think in their head, especially if your parents got married young and or you just believe media because a lot of media just kind of paints a picture like this, right, where you're you're not when you're single.
02:40:53 It's like this wild and crazy time, and, you know, don't worry.
02:40:56 Like when when you find your woman, that's when you settle down.
02:40:59 Right, that's when you settle down and that's when you start thinking about the future and getting ready and preparing for a family and all this other stuff.
02:41:06 But in the.
02:41:07 Meantime, you're just out there to ******* party, *** **** and get drunk and.
02:41:11 You know whatever, right?
02:41:14 So there's a lot of guys that just.
02:41:15 Do that and then if you don't find someone.
02:41:20 You know, next thing you know, it's like, wow, we're the last ******* 10.
Speaker 4
02:41:23 15 years ago.
02:41:28 Been ******* drinking and smoking all that time away.
02:41:34 And you never bothered to grow up because you always thought for some reason because again, they lie to you, right?
02:41:39 They don't realize it's putting the cart before the horse.
02:41:41 They tell you that?
02:41:42 Ohh well, it's the woman that's going to make you settle down.
02:41:46 Not realizing that.
02:41:47 No, the kind of.
02:41:47 Woman that you want.
02:41:49 Is the woman that wants a guy who settled down.
02:41:53 You know it's.
02:41:56 Almost no woman wants to put in the time.
02:41:58 To settle a guy down.
02:42:02 And the women that don't care that you're not settled down, it's because they're not settled down.
02:42:09 You know the same kind of thing happens.
02:42:10 With women, right they were.
02:42:11 Told Oh no, put your career first.
02:42:13 Have a career and then have a family.
02:42:16 Like that?
02:42:16 Makes any ******* sense.
02:42:19 So they then they they get to be like 3540 and.
02:42:22 They don't have any kids.
Speaker 4
02:42:24 It's ****** **.
02:42:25 I mean, like, I don't think.
02:42:25 I'm saying new everyone.
02:42:26 Knows all this **** like this is.
02:42:28 This is, I'm just, you know, I'm just observing a problem that's right in front of everybody.
02:42:40 And the solution is.
02:42:43 We've got to start focusing.
02:42:45 On on creating these establishments and it's just not and.
02:42:50 And that sounds like a that's like a tall order.
02:42:52 It is.
02:42:53 And look, I don't a lot of us don't know like, well, how do you even start with that?
02:42:57 And it's tough.
02:42:57 We're going to make mistakes.
02:42:59 Along the way, and it's not going to be the.
02:43:02 It's not an easily.
02:43:03 Look, it's it's.
02:43:04 It's not even like an achievable goal in the short term.
Speaker 4
02:43:08 Which makes it.
02:43:09 Even harder, right knowing that like, well, even if this goes really well, this is likely something that isn't going to benefit me in the way that I'd like it to.
02:43:19 But hopefully I'm laying down the groundwork for people in the future.
02:43:23 You know, that sort of thing anyway.
02:43:25 Kind of feel like I'm just rambling at this.
02:43:27 So I'm gonna wrap it up.
02:43:30 I am tired. I've had.
Speaker 4
02:43:34 Only about an hour of sleep in the last.
Speaker 7
02:43:36 28 hours.
02:43:41 But the the one thing I will reiterate.
02:43:45 The reason I played that Orban.
02:43:49 Interview with Tucker, where he immediately starts talking about anti-Semitism. As if that has any ******* relevance whatsoever.
02:43:57 Is you have to realize that that's just.
Speaker 7
02:44:01 That is the ruling elite.
02:44:05 And that if Tuckers aim is to communicate that all your hubris, your hubris, is going to be dangerous to your ruling elite, that's who you're going.
02:44:15 To be talking to.
02:44:18 In the same way that movie, you know whether whether Tucker named it after that.
02:44:22 Movie or Plato?
02:44:23 It doesn't matter that movie was also talking to the ruling class with the exact same.
02:44:28 Message of of his book.
02:44:31 Tell him that you know.
02:44:32 Hey, you better.
02:44:33 Watch out all these peasants.
02:44:37 Down to lower decks, they're going to cause a problem, and none of you guys see the problem, that's.
02:44:42 Right in front of your face.
02:44:44 You're also blinded by your.
02:44:51 That you don't see the problems and and who do they specifically target?
02:44:54 They specifically targeted the tolerant Jew as the movie said.
02:45:07 That's the that's the context that you have to realize is there is a, there is a foreign, non Christian, non European group that.
02:45:19 At the very least.
02:45:22 Heavily, heavily, heavily. Heavily. Heavily.
02:45:28 I would say directs.
02:45:31 Our societies right now.
02:45:35 And you don't really have a lot of influence or really any.
02:45:40 Over them.
02:45:45 And so even when you get people like Trump.
02:45:51 Or, like Tucker, or whatever the people that you think like, oh, they're an outsider.
02:45:55 Oh, they're fighting the man when you really, when you peel back.
02:45:58 Even like the first layer, you realize that's not true.
02:46:02 And so rather than like I said, standing in front of a freight train and then being proud of yourself when it.
02:46:08 Runs you over because.
02:46:09 You slowed it down a molecule.
02:46:14 You know there's.
02:46:14 More productive things you can be doing.
02:46:16 And should be doing.
02:46:18 Anyway, I repeat myself.
02:46:20 Hopefully you guys have had a good Saturday night.
Speaker 2
02:46:27 For black pills, I am of course.
Speaker 4
02:46:33 Devin stack.