

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Look at their.
Speaker 2
00:02:26 That's the way to do it.
00:02:28 Play the guitar on MTV working.
00:02:33 That's the way you do it.
00:02:35 Money for nothing.
00:02:39 No, that ain't working.
00:02:40 That's the way it works.
00:02:42 Let me tell you.
00:02:50 Baby, get up the stone also.
Speaker 3
00:02:53 We got to.
Speaker 2
00:02:54 Install microwave.
00:03:02 Especially realized we've got to move these colors.
00:03:11 Little ****** with the earring in the meat.
00:03:15 Yeah, buddy, that's his old hand.
00:03:18 That little ****** got his own plane.
00:03:23 He's a million.
Speaker 4
00:03:25 We got.
Speaker 2
00:03:32 He got some movies.
Speaker 5
00:04:14 Oh yeah.
Speaker 2
00:04:16 Learn to play the guitar.
00:04:22 Look at that, Mama.
00:04:27 You can have some and he's up there.
00:04:30 What's that?
00:04:31 Hawaiian noises.
00:04:33 You banging on and bundles like.
00:04:36 Ohh, that ain't looking.
00:04:38 That's the way.
Speaker 6
00:04:38 The way.
Speaker 2
00:04:39 You do it. Get your.
00:04:40 Money for nothing?
00:04:41 Get your checks free.
00:04:44 We got to install microwave oven.
00:04:48 Custom kitchens delivery.
00:04:51 We got the movie refrigerators.
00:04:55 We've got to move.
00:04:56 Please call.
00:04:56 Let's see.
00:05:15 Yeah, there.
00:05:16 That ain't working.
00:05:17 That's the way you.
00:05:18 Do it. You play the guitar on the MTV's working.
00:05:24 That's the way you do it.
00:05:27 For nothing money for nothing.
Speaker 7
00:05:38 For nothing.
Speaker 2
00:05:42 Look at this.
00:05:43 Look at this.
Speaker 6
00:05:58 You're a rich girl and you're gone too far cause you know it don't matter.
00:06:04 You can rely on the old man's money.
00:06:07 You can rely on the old man's.
00:06:10 It's a ***** girl.
00:06:11 But it's gone too far because you know, it don't matter.
00:06:14 Anyway, I won't get you too far.
00:06:19 Get you too far.
00:06:31 Well, that is wrong to take what?
00:06:35 Is giving you.
00:06:50 And they're going to fall because, you know, it don't matter anyway.
00:06:55 You didn't rely on the old man's money.
00:06:58 You can rely on the old man money.
00:07:01 It's a ***** girl and it's gone too far cause you know it don't matter anyway.
00:07:17 It's so easy.
00:07:21 Just when you can't feel pain and don't you know, let alone can't throw.
00:07:43 Man's money because you know it don't matter anyway.
Speaker 9
00:08:03 And use.
Speaker 6
00:08:11 Rich girl.
00:08:22 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
Speaker 1
00:08:25 I got your money.
00:08:27 Edition I am your host, Devin Stack, and tonight we're going to be talking about something.
00:08:34 Well, I don't know.
00:08:35 I I haven't seen so many black pills packed into one documentary.
00:08:42 Maybe that's overstating.
00:08:43 It a little bit.
00:08:44 Before we get started, though, there's another.
00:08:46 Way we can.
00:08:46 Keep it.
00:08:47 We're going to keep with the theme of.
00:08:49 Of of of Ohh you got your money.
00:09:00 Got your money?
00:09:01 All right, so.
00:09:02 First off, let's get some stuff out of the way.
00:09:05 Tonight, what you might not have heard of, although you've probably heard of all the Canadian trucker garbage.
00:09:14 You probably didn't hear that Antifa had some kind of protest as they always do in Portland, and four people were shot and one person was killed.
00:09:24 So here's here's some footage of that.
Speaker 6
00:09:28 What's going on?
00:09:33 And once again, I just want to point out.
00:09:37 No one's going after the bank accounts of Antifa. There's no Rico case.
00:09:43 Being put together.
00:09:46 Because the left is better at governing.
00:09:50 They're better at using power.
00:09:52 They're way better at using power.
00:09:56 That's why when this sort of thing happens in Canada.
Speaker 1
00:10:01 I don't like the horses trampling over a woman in a mobility scooter.
00:10:06 Yes, trampling over a woman in a mobility scooter.
00:10:11 There she is, and there's another person getting trampled by the the the police horses.
00:10:17 And these are horses that are specifically.
00:10:19 Trained to not trample over people.
00:10:22 But if you tell a horse, even if.
00:10:23 It's been trained.
00:10:25 To trample over so it'll do it because it's been trained to.
00:10:29 We see it prioritizes things.
00:10:30 Priority one do what the writer says.
00:10:34 Priority two don't trample over old ladies.
00:10:37 On mobility scooters.
00:10:41 And yes, the the police, this has been leaked.
00:10:46 It hasn't been verified, but it looks legit to.
00:10:48 Me to be.
00:10:48 Perfectly honest.
00:10:49 These are these are internal chats.
00:10:54 Supposedly. Yet this hasn't BeenVerified it just seems legit to.
00:10:59 Me and I'm just going to.
00:11:01 Go ahead and say it's probably true.
00:11:02 How about that?
00:11:03 It's probably true.
00:11:05 Leaked internal chats from the the the police there in Canada and they're excited about this video.
00:11:14 Here, here's some of the the chatter going.
00:11:17 Looks like the more leg into the hand.
00:11:21 I guess it's going to be an.
00:11:23 O33.
Speaker 12
00:11:23 O AM wake.
00:11:25 Up time for me.
00:11:25 I'll see you.
Speaker 13
00:11:26 Guys at OO.
00:11:27 54-O departure better go to bed and then they start sharing the video and saying.
00:11:34 Just watched the horse video.
00:11:36 It was awesome.
00:11:37 We should practice that maneuver.
00:11:41 I have a second gas mask size medium, never used it, blah blah blah.
00:11:45 I'll take it.
00:11:45 Thanks blah tie for the protesters to hear our Jack.
00:11:48 Boots on the ground.
00:11:52 But back the blue right guys?
Speaker 14
00:11:54 Back to blue.
00:11:57 Here is the the police.
00:11:59 I believe this is the police chief in Ottawa talking about the arrests that are going to.
00:12:03 Take place again.
00:12:04 No one got shot like in Portland tonight.
Speaker 1
00:12:09 At least not yet.
Speaker 15
00:12:11 It's going to be.
Speaker 16
00:12:11 Sort of actively.
00:12:13 Let me turn the audio for this.
00:12:15 I just realized it's 9.
Speaker 16
00:12:16 You're going to be sort of actively pursuing the people that you've been sort of documenting and filming who are still out there protesting.
00:12:23 What are your plans after this after the protest is over?
Speaker 8
00:12:27 Thank you.
00:12:28 It's a great question and the simple answer is yes.
00:12:30 If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges.
00:12:38 Absolutely we will.
00:12:40 This investigation will go on for months.
00:12:42 To come, it has many, many different streams, both from a federal financial level, from a provincial licensing level, from a Criminal Code level, from a municipal breach of court order, breach of court, injunction level.
00:12:58 It will be a complicated and time consuming.
00:13:02 Investigation that will go on for a period of time.
00:13:05 You have my commitment that that investigation will continue and we will hold people accountable for taking our streets.
00:13:15 So they're going to basically do like a January 6 kind of thing and uh arrest people not in Portland, definitely not in Portland, not here in America.
00:13:25 And as far it's not just arresting people, they're going to start trying to freeze your assets.
Speaker 17
00:13:31 We are broadening the scope of Canada's anti money laundering, laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowd funding platforms and the payment service.
00:13:43 Providers they use.
00:13:45 These changes cover all forms of transactions.
00:13:49 Including digital assets such as cryptocurrencies, the illegal.
00:13:57 Look at the sounds that crowdfunding crowd work and the.
00:14:01 Some of the payments scissors providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing.
00:14:09 Act financial institutions are already.
00:14:14 Report to the financial transactions and reports Analysis Center of Canada or FINTRAC.
00:14:22 As of today, all crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use must register within track, and they must report large and suspicious transactions to Finn track this.
Speaker 18
00:14:33 My fish that had my mush.
00:14:43 So yes, they're going to start cracking down on cryptocurrencies and just your bank accounts, so.
00:14:53 Yeah, this is all stuff that and a lot of people got upset when I said this.
00:14:58 But I mean, you know.
00:15:01 Kind of true.
00:15:02 This is a gab.
00:15:03 I put out the most embarrassing thing for Americans.
00:15:06 If Justin Trudeau effectively removed the truckers from Ottawa, will be that Trudeau will have proven himself more effective at governing than Trump.
00:15:16 He basically already has by going after their money, something the trumpet man was too incompetent to accomplish with BLM or Antifa as they burn down cities for an entire summer.
00:15:29 And I don't want to hear this, this gay ****, but Trump's hands were tied. Trump couldn't do this. Really. It's weird how it's only the Republicans that their hands are tied, right?
00:15:41 For some reason, it's only the Conservatives and their hands are tied.
00:15:45 My hands are now.
00:15:46 We just can't figure it out.
00:15:47 Let's let's be real for a second.
00:15:50 Let's be real for a second.
00:15:52 The reason they didn't go after BLM is because things like Bank of America were the ones giving them 100.
00:16:00 Million ******* dollars.
00:16:03 Amazon and that by that was real.
00:16:06 Bank of America gave.
00:16:07 Them a hundred $100 million.
00:16:11 And Amazon, Twitter, all these big companies.
00:16:15 And if they tried to do a Rico case against Antifa, there'd be some powerful Jews.
00:16:21 That would be a little bit caught up in a Rico case.
Speaker 1
00:16:23 So it's not going to happen.
00:16:25 It's not because Trump's hands were tied. It's because Trump's a *****, and he's beholding the Jewish interests that's just.
00:16:31 The way that it is.
00:16:33 That's just the way that it is.
00:16:36 All right, so moving right along, we'll get to.
00:16:39 Wait, the stream hasn't even started.
00:16:41 This is not the start, there's just stuff I have to gather away.
00:16:46 So a Speaking of of big tech.
00:16:51 A Facebook or I guess Meta Community Community guidelines director I think was his title.
00:17:01 We'll say here in a SEC.
00:17:02 I'm not going to play this whole video.
00:17:03 This is like if.
Speaker 1
00:17:04 You want.
00:17:05 To see the whole thing, it's.
00:17:05 On my telegram got busted trying to have.
00:17:09 Sex with a 13 year old boy.
Speaker 19
00:17:12 He said Dang, what are you trying to say?
00:17:13 I don't make you *****.
00:17:14 You said not what I'm saying at all.
00:17:17 So you're telling this 13 year old boy?
00:17:19 That he makes you *****.
Speaker 21
00:17:23 Could be perceived as such.
Speaker 9
00:17:24 Yeah, quit the.
Speaker 22
00:17:25 ********, bro. I'm I'm sick.
Speaker 9
00:17:27 Of your ******** could be, could be.
Speaker 20
00:17:30 I mean.
00:17:31 Perceived as so maybe I don't know.
Speaker 2
00:17:34 Quit the ******* ********.
Speaker 21
00:17:36 OK.
Speaker 2
00:17:37 OK, OK.
Speaker 21
00:17:39 OK, well.
Speaker 19
00:17:41 You said he's you said that's all I'm trying to say, he said.
00:17:44 Then what are you trying to say?
00:17:46 You remember what you said after that?
Speaker 21
00:17:48 You don't remember.
Speaker 19
00:17:49 Because this this statement right here is probably the most troubling out of everything, even the one that you just sent me just now.
00:17:57 This one, it's really it resonates with me.
00:17:59 You said I won't have any restraint around you if I'm *****.
00:18:05 What does that mean?
Speaker 21
00:18:07 It means I was flirting.
00:18:09 I was talking to him.
00:18:10 Throughout all of this, I'll let you know there was never any intention of ever.
00:18:16 Meeting up with him.
Speaker 19
00:18:19 But you did set to meets with him.
Speaker 21
00:18:22 That I never intended to go to.
Speaker 13
00:18:25 He never intended to.
00:18:26 **** the teenager.
00:18:27 He just.
00:18:28 He just arranged to meet him.
Speaker 19
00:18:31 Another casual conversation, just fun talking about eating.
00:18:36 Talk about Christmas break.
00:18:38 So this is where we're leaning up to because you were coming home for Christmas.
00:18:42 And Corey was too.
00:18:44 And so you guys talked about possibly meeting up, correct, correct.
Speaker 13
00:18:53 All right, so.
00:18:54 That, that and that's the that's the guy calling you a Nazi.
00:18:57 That's the guy saying that you can't.
00:18:59 Which look it makes total sense.
00:19:02 Hell, if I was a a ****** pedo I, certainly.
Speaker 23
00:19:04 Wouldn't want Nazis around.
00:19:07 You know what?
00:19:07 You know what Nazis did to Fagot pedos.
00:19:11 You know, so.
Speaker 1
00:19:13 Yeah, like you say, you want to.
00:19:14 Watch the full thing.
00:19:16 It's it's on my telegram.
00:19:18 I've seen a few other places too.
00:19:20 I'm not.
00:19:20 The one that.
00:19:20 Found it and and props to whoever.
00:19:22 Set this up.
00:19:24 And I I wasn't able to track that down before the show.
00:19:28 That's again, that's not why we're here today.
00:19:32 That's not why we're here today.
00:19:36 Every once in a while.
00:19:39 I watched something.
00:19:42 And I'm I'm.
00:19:45 You know, it's just there's, there's, there's just.
00:19:49 There's just so many things to it.
00:19:51 This and this is a documentary.
00:19:53 This is a documentary that just came out on Netflix.
00:19:57 I'm a few days late.
00:19:58 I guess you get 6.
00:19:59 I think it came out of 15.
00:20:01 But I think I haven't seen anyone talk about it around in our in our circles, and hopefully none of you guys have Netflix anyway, so you haven't seen it.
00:20:10 But it did go viral a few days ago.
00:20:13 And I managed to watch it and I was just.
00:20:14 Like holy ****, but.
Speaker 1
00:20:16 But not for the same reasons that most.
00:20:17 Of the Internet was.
00:20:20 The name of this.
00:20:22 Netflix documentary and many of you probably.
00:20:24 Have heard of it?
00:20:26 Is the Tinder swindler.
00:20:30 The Tinder swindler.
00:20:34 So let's let's have a little look.
00:20:37 At the Tinder.
00:20:39 Swindler. Shall we?
00:20:43 And I don't have my little my scroll, but I'm going to just say it this.
00:20:47 Is fair use.
00:20:50 I am commenting on this for the purposes.
00:20:52 Of criticism and educational purposes.
00:20:58 And so **** your copyright.
00:21:01 My right to.
00:21:03 Comment on this.
00:21:05 Supersedes all of that legally.
00:21:08 So here we go.
00:21:10 Now the Tinder swindler.
00:21:11 It's it's.
00:21:14 I'm not going to.
00:21:15 Don't ruin it for people in the chat, OK?
00:21:17 You haven't, if you.
00:21:18 Don't know if there's people that probably haven't seen this.
00:21:21 If you if you know.
00:21:22 What it's about?
00:21:23 Hold your horses. We're going.
00:21:25 We're going to step, we're going to walk.
00:21:26 Through this a little bit and like I said.
Speaker 1
00:21:29 I'm not going to go the same way.
Speaker 23
00:21:31 And a lot.
Speaker 1
00:21:31 Of people are going, or maybe a lot of.
00:21:33 You think I'm going to go with this?
00:21:35 So the Tinder swindler.
00:21:38 Opens up talking to this young woman about her experiences on Tinder.
00:21:46 So let's have let's have a listen to what she.
00:21:48 Talks about.
Speaker 24
00:21:49 I think everyone would love to just meet someone in a bar or in a grocery store, but nowadays the best way you can meet someone is on a.
00:21:58 Dating app I.
Speaker 25
00:21:59 Think life is about love so.
00:22:05 She says that everyone would like to meet someone in person.
00:22:08 It's just that in the modern world, the only way that you can do this is is through Tinder.
00:22:14 It's through a or a dating app.
00:22:16 And you know, there's no.
00:22:18 Of course they don't talk about why that is.
00:22:20 They don't talk about.
00:22:21 Well, that's because our communities have been smashed to bits.
00:22:25 It's because that there are no more religious institutions, or even really institutions that people enjoy being.
00:22:33 A part of anymore.
00:22:35 The only institutions that exist are really institutions that are there to try to control you.
00:22:41 And not not for your, not.
00:22:44 For your sake, not for your benefit, but for theirs.
00:22:49 And because we've been so deracinated because we've been so atomized.
Speaker 8
00:22:55 We are.
00:22:56 All because most of.
00:22:57 Us, especially if you live in a city.
00:22:59 Like she does.
00:23:00 You don't even know your neighbors because of the diversity.
00:23:04 You have.
00:23:04 Not even if you did know your neighbors, you wouldn't have anything.
00:23:06 In common with them.
00:23:09 So you're forced to go to.
00:23:10 The Internet to try to find random.
00:23:14 So she says, you know, I have to start, you know, this is what I do to try to find people and then.
00:23:18 She starts to talk about.
00:23:20 What it is she's looking for, what it is she thinks she's going to.
00:23:24 Find on on Tinder.
Speaker 25
00:23:27 I think life is about love because the most happiest times I've had is when I've.
Speaker 26
00:23:32 Been in love?
00:23:34 The happiest time she's ever had is when she's in love.
00:23:37 Now she's going to go a little further into this because just by looking at her, I'm like, well, OK, well, how many times have you been in love real?
00:23:46 You're at least 30.
00:23:48 And uh, you're still on Tinder?
00:23:52 Are Are you sure it's love that you're looking for?
00:23:58 How, how?
00:23:59 How would you describe love?
00:24:00 Are you sure that maybe what you mean isn't?
00:24:04 Maybe, just maybe, because you seem to think that the many times.
00:24:08 You've been in love.
00:24:10 Maybe what you're talking about is that that giddy feeling when you have someone new.
00:24:16 That goes away no matter who it is, even if it's.
00:24:19 Someone that would you would would make a perfect husband.
00:24:23 It goes away because it always goes away.
00:24:26 You know, honey, honeymoon phase is a honeymoon phase.
00:24:31 It the the fire never burns that hot forever.
00:24:34 And it it shouldn't, because if it did, there.
00:24:36 Would be no more fuel left for it.
00:24:38 It would burnout.
00:24:41 So how how does she define this?
00:24:44 That she's what she's talking.
Speaker 23
00:24:46 About here.
Speaker 24
00:24:47 And that's what I think is most amazing about love is that no matter how many heart breaks you've had, you still go after it.
Speaker 11
00:24:54 Oh, kind of like it's a.
00:24:55 Drug so it.
00:24:57 Does sound like you're chasing that high.
00:25:00 You know you have that that high of that, that new new relationship.
00:25:06 And everyone does.
00:25:07 It's not just women.
00:25:08 Men get the same high, that same excitement if.
00:25:11 Someone new and the.
00:25:12 The stimulation you get from learning about this new person and and trying to and and because you are new to them, you are trying.
00:25:22 To present the best.
00:25:23 Version of yourself and it's, you know, it's intoxicating.
00:25:25 It's like a drug.
00:25:28 But it wears off like a drug.
00:25:32 And so it sounds as if.
00:25:35 Once that happens, she's back on Tinder looking for more.
Speaker 24
00:25:41 I love dating.
00:25:43 The moment I get nervous, then I know that there's something special here and.
00:25:47 I love being nervous.
00:25:48 That's the thing.
00:25:52 That's the feeling she's talking about.
Speaker 1
00:25:54 She loves being nervous.
00:25:56 She's not articulating it like that, but that she's literally talking about the dopamine rush of someone new.
00:26:03 That's that's the drug that she likes.
Speaker 24
00:26:07 The first memories that I have about.
00:26:09 Love is Disney.
00:26:11 The first memories that she has about love.
00:26:16 Are not from her family.
00:26:19 Not from her parents.
00:26:22 And no surprise, we later find out, you know, that I don't know if her.
00:26:26 Dad's dead. I.
00:26:27 Don't think so.
00:26:27 I assume that her dead, her.
00:26:30 Parents are divorced.
00:26:34 Which might be why this is the always talk about when people don't have.
00:26:40 Good experience.
00:26:42 Hands on experience with things, they fill it in.
00:26:46 They fill in the magic box.
00:26:49 With fiction.
00:26:52 Well, it's sad, but it's true with her.
00:26:54 That love is a magic box.
00:26:58 She doesn't have any real experience.
00:27:01 With love.
Speaker 1
00:27:04 So, she says with her first.
00:27:08 Her first experience with love came from Disney.
00:27:14 It came from ******* Disney.
Speaker 24
00:27:29 I had memorized the entire beauty and beast cassette.
00:27:33 I knew all the songs.
Speaker 25
00:27:36 I just love.
Speaker 26
00:27:38 This is small town girl like me, hoping for something bigger.
00:27:42 She's literally saying that she's a Disney Princess.
00:27:47 I just love Belle.
00:27:49 She's a small town girl just like me.
00:27:53 I'm literally a Disney Princess.
00:27:59 And as you'll see, and she'll she keeps describing what she thinks love is.
00:28:02 And she keeps referring back to movies.
00:28:07 It's like she can't.
00:28:09 She literally never uses an example from real real life.
00:28:13 It's all from movies.
00:28:18 It's not just the cute people that that are delusional and think that life is like a movie.
00:28:22 It's the modern Western population.
00:28:28 That think life is like a movie.
Speaker 24
00:28:33 She meets this person, then she saves them in a in a sense, or he saves her as well, like to go into a different life together.
Speaker 26
00:28:42 It just sticks with you, like the feeling of a Prince coming to save you.
00:28:47 There's going to be a Prince that comes to save her.
00:28:52 That's what she thinks.
00:28:55 That love is.
00:28:59 That's why, and I forgot she already said her.
00:29:01 If she's going to say it a few minutes here.
00:29:02 She said she's been on Tinder for 10 years.
00:29:07 Expecting to find a literal Disney Prince.
00:29:12 Because she sees herself as a literal Disney Princess.
00:29:19 And while the film doesn't say.
00:29:20 Whether or not it's because her parents are divorced or.
00:29:23 Dad's dead or whatever.
00:29:25 They she does talk about when she gets in trouble later on in the film that she goes to her moms house, not her parents house, her moms house.
00:29:36 So she has no real world example of what a relationship should look like.
00:29:42 What love is?
00:29:44 Her mom probably doesn't understand it either.
00:29:51 And so she's been on Tinder for 10 years.
00:29:55 Looking for something that doesn't exist?
00:29:57 She she loves dating though.
00:30:01 She's definitely been on the **** carousel as we're about to see.
Speaker 24
00:30:08 I've been on Tinder for seven years.
00:30:10 Uh, seven years.
00:30:11 Sorry, I thought.
00:30:11 It she said 10.
00:30:14 UH-6 of 1/2 a dozen other.
Speaker 16
00:30:17 How many matches have you had?
00:30:19 How many matches have you had?
00:30:21 She asks.
00:30:23 So yeah, you ready for this?
Speaker 5
00:30:24 One, what did it say?
00:30:30 1024 matches.
00:30:32 1024 matches.
00:30:38 Now for the women listening, that is an abnormal.
00:30:42 Amount for men.
00:30:44 For any man.
00:30:47 1024 matches.
Speaker 13
00:30:53 That means.
00:30:55 That out of that sample.
00:30:57 Size for her to not have found true love.
00:31:03 That that's that's that's 1000 *******.
00:31:06 People she's gone through.
00:31:09 And none of them lived up to our expectation.
Speaker 13
00:31:11 Well, none of them, but.
00:31:13 HM or did they?
Speaker 24
00:31:15 You want a guy that have ambition, but it's like Marilyn Monroe.
00:31:20 She wants a man that has ambition, and as we're about to find out, what that really means.
00:31:27 Is money.
00:31:31 That's what that really means.
Speaker 23
00:31:38 Out of all.
Speaker 1
00:31:38 Those thousand guys, I bet that was the that was.
00:31:41 The main problem.
Speaker 23
00:31:41 With them, right?
00:31:44 They weren't Disney princesses.
00:31:47 Notice how none of the Disney Princess are poor.
00:31:51 They're they're all Princess.
00:31:53 They're all.
00:31:53 They're all literal princesses.
00:31:57 Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, all of them princes.
00:32:01 They all end up with with with witches.
00:32:04 None of them.
00:32:05 None of those Disney movies.
00:32:07 Do they live happily ever after?
00:32:12 They're always living happily ever after, ruling some Kingdom.
Speaker 24
00:32:21 In the movie, gentleman prefers blonde and then she has this quote where she.
00:32:25 Says don't.
00:32:28 She her her idea of what love is and what her relationship should look like.
00:32:33 She's referencing a movie she has no real life examples.
00:32:38 It's all from ******* movies.
00:32:39 This is why I do my thing.
00:32:42 So many people are in that boat.
Speaker 1
00:32:44 Maybe not quite as.
00:32:45 Delusional as this woman is.
00:32:47 But so many people are in this boat where they they're most of their quote UN quote, life experience isn't life experience at all. It's experiencing life through a screen.
Speaker 15
00:33:00 Do you know?
00:33:01 That a man being rich is like a girl being pretty.
00:33:04 You might not marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?
Speaker 24
00:33:10 It is a very true quote like you want the full package.
Speaker 11
00:33:14 It is a very true quote.
00:33:17 You want the full package, meaning you you want rich.
00:33:21 Marilyn Monroe, said rich.
00:33:25 Not stable, not nice.
00:33:29 Not even handsome, just rich.
00:33:32 And look at that look on her face.
00:33:36 There's dollar signs in those eyes.
00:33:45 She gets matched up with a guy.
00:33:48 Who looks super rich?
Speaker 1
00:33:51 Sure, he's only.
00:33:52 Like 5 foot nothing but he looks really rich.
Speaker 27
00:33:58 And of course, you Google everyone that you were.
00:34:01 Supposed to go?
00:34:01 And this is some other.
00:34:03 Other woman that matched with him, but we'll.
00:34:05 Talk about her in a second.
Speaker 27
00:34:06 On a date with.
00:34:14 He's a billionaire son.
00:34:17 He's a billionaire son.
00:34:21 His Instagram has photos of him.
00:34:24 On a on a jet.
00:34:29 He's got all these exotic cars.
00:34:34 He's rich again.
00:34:35 He's like 5 foot nothing.
00:34:39 But he's rich.
00:34:44 So she messages him.
00:34:47 And I think a.
Speaker 1
00:34:48 Lot of people have seen this meme.
00:34:49 I wish I had now that.
00:34:50 I I didn't think to get it but there.
Speaker 1
00:34:52 Was a guide.
00:34:53 Even idea of of how much this of.
00:34:56 How funked up Twitter is and and the way that women interact with people based on on looks and and money.
00:35:04 And in this guys case money.
00:35:09 Well, as a guy a couple years back pretended to be like he put like some male model photos up and literally in his profile said that he was had been arrested for.
00:35:20 Being a pedophile.
00:35:22 And when women would message him, he would reiterate.
00:35:27 That he was into like 12 year olds and stuff like that and it wasn't a big deal.
00:35:33 And many of the women.
00:35:34 Still wanted to meet him.
00:35:37 Like that day we're giving.
00:35:39 Him his giving him their address.
Speaker 1
00:35:46 And this is the same sort of thing she.
00:35:48 Messages this guy.
00:35:52 And he says, I'm leaving the for London.
00:35:55 You want to meet at my hotel?
00:35:58 I have to.
00:35:59 You you got to be quick though.
00:36:03 And so, you know, she's like, well, I mean.
Speaker 1
00:36:05 He works. He's.
00:36:05 The son of a of a diamond tycoon.
00:36:13 So she goes and ohh and.
00:36:15 Then she meets what?
00:36:16 Meets with this guy at the at the Five Star Hotel.
00:36:20 Turns out he's also a single dad.
Speaker 1
00:36:24 Alright, so he's short.
00:36:27 He's a single dad.
00:36:30 He doesn't seem to have any time for her.
00:36:31 He's just like, yeah, I I don't travel all the time.
00:36:35 You're going to come, like, right now.
00:36:36 And then we.
00:36:37 Can hang out.
00:36:39 Well, that's that's perfectly OK with her because he's a billionaire son.
00:36:45 And she once again starts talking about movies.
00:36:49 And how it's just like this movie, the yellow Rolls Royce.
00:36:52 Oh my God, because he a Rolls Royce pulled up and he said, you know, I have to go.
00:36:58 I forget what kind of it's like.
00:37:00 I think they were going to maybe was like Prague or something like that.
00:37:03 And you know, if you want to come.
00:37:05 With me, she just met the guy.
00:37:08 Literally just just just met the guy.
00:37:13 And he's saying.
00:37:13 Get on a plane with me and fly.
00:37:15 To another country.
Speaker 1
00:37:22 And he's a single dad.
00:37:25 But because he's a billionaire.
00:37:28 She's like, OK, why not?
00:37:31 She goes home and she packs.
00:37:34 She brags to her friends that she's going on a private jet.
00:37:42 And she gets on the jet with him.
00:37:48 And this is again they just met.
00:37:53 Already kisses him.
00:37:57 Like they literally just met.
00:38:01 Literally just met, but she wants true love, right?
00:38:04 She wants the Disney Princess true love.
00:38:11 And she talks about movies again.
00:38:12 She references another movie.
Speaker 24
00:38:19 Together. Yeah, we sleep together.
00:38:22 They have sex immediately, she just.
00:38:24 Met him. Just met him.
00:38:27 Yeah, we sleep together.
00:38:30 And then she says she notices a.
00:38:33 Mark on his back.
00:38:36 And she's like, what's what are these what are?
00:38:38 These marks on your back.
Speaker 24
00:38:39 Like ohh it.
00:38:41 Didn't exactly know how to say it, but.
00:38:43 It was like.
00:38:43 They had been in jail in in South.
00:38:46 Africa and I.
00:38:47 Was like what?
Speaker 28
00:38:48 Just trust me once.
00:38:50 He's been in jail.
Speaker 1
00:38:52 So now he's he's short.
00:38:55 He's not that great looking.
00:38:57 He's a single dad.
00:38:59 He's been in jail.
00:39:02 None of that matters, though, because he's a billionaire son.
Speaker 1
00:39:08 And it's like a it's.
Speaker 6
00:39:09 Like a movie.
Speaker 24
00:39:12 He had a deal going on.
00:39:13 There and they had.
00:39:14 Turned their backs against him and betrayed him.
00:39:17 So he had gone in prison on false pretences.
00:39:20 He was innocent.
00:39:24 He had been manhandled in prison because he was Jewish.
00:39:28 Because he was Jewish.
Speaker 6
00:39:32 Oh my God.
Speaker 1
00:39:34 He was Jewish.
00:39:38 It was all it was another shower.
00:39:44 Oh, people in the chat, some of the chat.
00:39:46 Said this is getting fake.
00:39:47 Sounding Oh no, it gets it.
00:39:49 It's if I'm glad you haven't seen this.
00:39:51 It it's gets.
Speaker 23
00:39:52 So much better than you can even imagine.
00:39:55 This gets so good.
00:39:58 This gets so good.
Speaker 13
00:40:02 OK.
00:40:04 And again, she's just like, Oh my God.
00:40:07 He's a billionaire.
00:40:09 He's got ties with Putin.
00:40:17 But then he starts getting.
00:40:18 Kind of weird.
00:40:20 And and says he has to travel and he's not calling her as much.
00:40:25 And she's just so.
00:40:26 In love with him, right?
00:40:27 Because they hung out for, like a day.
00:40:30 For like a day.
00:40:32 And she's upset because he's still on Tinder and some of his photos are still changing, which means he's updating his profile, but he keeps telling her that he loves her.
Speaker 13
00:40:46 He's like, oh.
00:40:46 No, no, I love you.
00:40:47 I love you.
00:40:49 You're the only one for me.
00:40:52 You're the only one for me.
00:40:56 So then we get to this.
00:40:57 Lady here.
00:41:00 This lady matches with him.
00:41:02 I forget what country she's in.
00:41:05 But somewhere else in Europe?
00:41:08 So while he's telling that other girl that he's in love with her and they're going to start a family and it's it's so funny.
00:41:15 They show screenshots of the I I'm I'm already showing like a lot I had to cut out.
00:41:19 You know.
00:41:20 I can't show everything this thing.
00:41:22 But it was so.
00:41:24 Like not a a poetic let me just put it that way.
00:41:29 He was not wooing her.
00:41:31 He was not having to woo her.
00:41:32 That that hard?
00:41:34 It was just.
00:41:34 Basic I love you.
00:41:37 I want I see a future with us and maybe children.
Speaker 13
00:41:41 You should be my.
00:41:42 Wife like it wasn't.
00:41:43 It was not poetic.
00:41:45 It was not smooth it.
00:41:47 It didn't have to.
00:41:49 Be because he's a billionaire.
00:41:52 When you're a billionaire, you don't.
00:41:54 Have to be ******* smooth.
00:41:56 So this chick matches up with him.
00:41:59 And let's let's she's she's also a.
Speaker 23
00:42:02 Veteran of Tinder.
Speaker 27
00:42:05 I'm a very independent woman.
00:42:07 She's an independent woman.
Speaker 23
00:42:12 Why am I not surprised?
Speaker 27
00:42:14 I always have been.
00:42:15 I've done that since the age of 16, so I don't need a man to take care of me.
00:42:20 I don't need a man.
00:42:26 So yeah, she matches with him.
00:42:30 And they hang out.
00:42:31 And she's like, wow, he's like a billionaire.
00:42:33 She googles him and finds out that he's in.
00:42:36 The diamond business and all this other stuff.
Speaker 27
00:42:39 Started to Google because you always Google everyone you're supposed to.
00:42:44 Go on a date with.
00:42:46 His father is this diamond tycoon.
00:42:51 So she's all excited.
00:42:55 And the hangout.
00:42:56 But because he's so short, because this lady.
Speaker 1
00:42:59 Is kind of.
00:42:59 Tall there is no there at.
Speaker 1
00:43:01 Least for her, there was.
00:43:02 Like a limit, she didn't.
00:43:03 Want to have sex with him?
00:43:05 But she wanted to hang out with.
Speaker 1
00:43:07 Him because he's a billionaire.
00:43:09 So the next day, even though they didn't have sex, she's like, I really miss you a lot.
00:43:12 I want to hang out with you and they start.
00:43:14 Essentially having like this.
00:43:17 Emotional thing, right where they're always texting back and forth, but it's like the same ****.
00:43:22 You look at the, the and all.
00:43:24 This is done on WhatsApp.
00:43:25 Apparently, Europeans really love WhatsApp.
00:43:28 And so they're all.
00:43:30 She's he's like, same basically the same ****.
00:43:33 To her, minus the cause, you know he got kind of shot down.
00:43:36 So minus the getting married, having babies thing.
00:43:39 But it's it.
00:43:40 He's not saying much.
00:43:42 And they keep talking about what a wonderful person he was, how charismatic he was and it's like.
00:43:47 I don't see it, and we'll watch some footage of this guy.
00:43:50 You won't see it either.
00:43:51 Like if you if you don't know well.
00:43:53 Especially once you know what you'll know.
Speaker 1
00:43:55 About this guy.
00:43:58 So meanwhile, he tells that first chick.
Speaker 13
00:44:01 Move in with me.
00:44:04 Now again, they've been on like 2 dates.
00:44:10 The the entire length of her relationship with this guy.
Speaker 13
00:44:13 And this is all done.
00:44:15 The time frame for this is ridiculously, it's crazy.
00:44:19 It's like a month total, like it's crazy how how much time?
00:44:24 They don't spend together.
00:44:27 And so she's like, sure, you're a billionaire.
Speaker 1
00:44:34 Why not? I'd love to.
00:44:37 We've mostly only texted.
00:44:39 We've only hung out like a couple of times.
Speaker 23
00:44:42 Why shouldn't we move in together?
00:44:43 You're a billionaire.
00:44:46 Ohh, I'm jumping the gun here so he tells her to find an apartment.
00:44:53 And and and to rent it.
00:44:56 And he'll get her back like he's a big.
Speaker 5
00:44:58 Been there.
00:44:59 So she finds this expensive apt.
00:45:01 I forget where it doesn't matter and moves in and gets all set up there.
00:45:06 And after she has it all squared away, he sends her this picture.
00:45:16 And is like, Oh my God.
00:45:18 Someone attacked me. This is a picture of my bodyguard's head.
00:45:23 Someone tried to attack me.
00:45:26 It's my enemies.
00:45:28 When you're in the diamond business, it's really dangerous.
00:45:33 And you have enemies that try to try to take over.
00:45:36 And get you.
00:45:38 Let me see if I.
00:45:38 Put in.
00:45:39 Yeah, here's.
00:45:40 So here's the.
Speaker 7
00:45:44 It's OK that it's OK that I told you when we were we need to be strong.
Speaker 24
00:45:49 I didn't know what to.
00:45:50 Do and he just says we're safe now.
00:45:53 We're being taken care of.
00:45:54 And you just need.
00:45:54 To go to sleep.
Speaker 20
00:46:00 Because of the situation, the security and everything they told me I'm not allowed to use my credit card.
Speaker 24
00:46:07 He can't use his cards.
00:46:09 OK, so now there's billionaire.
00:46:14 Is telling her you know what, because of this, you know the situation with the someone's trying to kill me.
00:46:22 I can't use my credit cards and I.
00:46:24 Can't use any of my own money.
00:46:27 Because my enemies, my, my, my super secret enemies.
00:46:31 We'll be able to track me if I do that.
Speaker 24
00:46:34 Cards anymore because the security team has set these enemies.
00:46:37 They're tracing his end and where he is based on.
00:46:41 His credit card use.
Speaker 20
00:46:42 I wanted to ask you a favor.
00:46:44 If you have an American Express credit card, I can link it to my account.
Speaker 24
00:46:50 You're just wondering if you could use.
Speaker 13
00:46:52 Let me just.
00:46:53 Let me just you know, use your American Express card.
00:46:58 I'm a billionaire.
00:47:00 But my security team has assured me that the only way that I can get by is if you give me your American Express card.
Speaker 24
00:47:11 It's my cards for some time.
00:47:13 It would just help him a lot.
Speaker 20
00:47:17 And it just temporary, just like for.
00:47:20 Two weeks or something.
Speaker 24
00:47:22 I'm his girlfriend.
00:47:23 Of course you would ask me like you trust me and I trust you.
00:47:27 So of course you can help each other.
00:47:29 It's wasn't even a like a question.
00:47:35 Bring it down.
Speaker 24
00:47:40 He wants me to come to Amsterdam and bring some cash to him 25,000.
00:47:46 $25,000.
00:47:49 This billionaire is saying you know what?
00:47:53 Because someone attacked Peter.
00:47:55 My my bodyguard.
00:47:59 You need to bring me 25,000.
00:48:01 Dollars in cash.
00:48:04 Bring it to Amsterdam.
Speaker 1
00:48:07 So she does.
Speaker 24
00:48:10 I took out a loan.
00:48:13 Which I then took out in cash.
00:48:16 So she takes out $25,000 in cash.
00:48:21 Flies to Amsterdam again.
Speaker 1
00:48:23 She's only hung out with this guy.
00:48:24 Like a few times.
00:48:27 Is renting an apartment now that he's not hasn't been paying her for.
00:48:33 Has now taken out a loan for $25,000.
00:48:42 Tells her.
00:48:43 And then tells her she needs to delete.
00:48:46 Her her Tinder account, her Instagram account?
00:48:49 Like basically.
00:48:51 Trying to disconnect her from anyone that's going to tell her, like, hey, this is crazy.
00:48:56 Or also get her to delete any account that might be able to see.
00:49:01 That he's still using Instagram and still using Tinder because she's not the only one that.
00:49:06 This is happening to right now.
00:49:10 And then that security guard Peter calls up.
00:49:15 And he's like, boss, it's extra bad.
00:49:19 The enemies the enemies are coming again like and it was such.
00:49:23 It was so nonspecific and gay that it's it's just it's shocking on one hand.
00:49:29 And look, there's.
00:49:32 There's a lot of people, and I understandably so.
00:49:36 That gets stuck on this.
00:49:40 This perspective.
00:49:43 This perspective of you're you're a gold digging *****.
00:49:47 You saw this billionaire guy.
00:49:50 You have these thousand matches.
00:49:51 None of those guys were good enough.
00:49:53 But the billionaire, the.
00:49:54 5 foot 2.
00:49:56 Goofy looking billionaire?
00:49:57 That sounds like he's.
Speaker 23
00:49:58 Very low IQ.
00:50:01 With these ridiculous stories about needing cash like you're just going for it.
00:50:08 You're going for it.
00:50:09 Right.
00:50:14 But what you're not paying attention to?
00:50:16 The fact is, she's very high trust.
00:50:22 It gets a little.
00:50:22 Deeper than just this, but look, this is a a a Jewish guy from a low trust society.
00:50:30 Taking advantage.
00:50:32 Of a high trust European woman.
00:50:34 What did she say?
00:50:35 Well, of course.
00:50:36 Like he's my boyfriend.
00:50:40 I would do anything for him.
00:50:43 And look.
00:50:45 We should make fun of her for chasing the dollars and and being a product of that deracinated society does not excuse you from being a ******* ******.
00:51:02 But it's easier to understand.
00:51:03 You live in a society.
00:51:06 That has been destroyed by.
00:51:09 The multiculturalism.
00:51:13 It's been deracinated.
00:51:16 It's been atomized.
00:51:20 And you still have that instinct, that instinctual high trust.
00:51:27 That in past generations would have been a benefit.
00:51:30 But now it's a liability.
00:51:32 Because that's how evolution works.
00:51:37 You're the casualty.
00:51:38 Notice how you haven't reproduced.
00:51:43 That's because you're a casualty of a quick change in the environment.
00:51:51 You're the dead weight that's getting cut out of the herd.
00:51:58 You're the one that didn't adapt to the new environment.
00:52:05 And this guy is a predator.
00:52:08 That has been introduced into the environment.
00:52:12 That the prey didn't didn't previously have.
00:52:16 To defend against.
Speaker 13
00:52:25 So this woman.
00:52:27 Here the one that didn't want to have sex with them.
00:52:31 She after this guy, you know, cause like Ohh Peter says we have.
00:52:35 I have to leave the country.
00:52:37 Thanks for the money.
00:52:38 And then he just leaves, right.
00:52:41 He he leaves and calls her up.
Speaker 1
00:52:45 And says, hey, I've got all this money.
Speaker 13
00:52:51 Let's party.
00:52:53 And so she hangs out with him and he's got all these girls and everyone's super drunk and she's a little bit older and she's already done that and doesn't feel like she wants to hang.
00:53:04 But she says it's basically like it's like a *******, you know it.
00:53:08 It's like it's what what you'd expect.
00:53:11 The guy who just got handed.
00:53:13 $20,000 and now he's spending it all on hookers and alcohol and drugs and.
00:53:18 Stuff like that.
00:53:23 So then he maxes out.
00:53:26 The American Express card.
00:53:30 And he says, hey.
00:53:33 I need you to up the limit on the American Express card.
00:53:37 My enemies are trying to get me.
00:53:40 And I can't have the American Express card stop working.
00:53:45 While my enemies are trying to get me.
00:53:50 And so, she says, why don't make enough money?
00:53:53 To up the limit.
00:53:55 So I was like, oh.
00:53:56 Don't worry, I'm going to give you a job at my diamond company.
00:54:03 And she's like, well, what job he's like, so it won't be like a real job. I'm just going to send you these documents that say that you get paid $94,000 a month.
00:54:15 And when American Express sees that.
00:54:18 Oh, you better believe they'll up your limit.
00:54:22 Because you get paid, you're working for this big diamond conglomerate and you're getting paid $94,000 a month.
00:54:29 So she sends this into American Express and.
00:54:32 Sure enough, they're like, wow.
00:54:33 Holy ****.
00:54:34 We're going to.
00:54:35 We're going to raise the **** out of your limit.
00:54:39 And he's like, OK, good.
00:54:42 And then he says, oh, and don't worry, I'll wire you. I'll wire you some money to to pay. I'm going to send you $250,000.
00:54:54 Cash without explaining that like how is he able to wire all this money around to people?
00:55:01 And yet, somehow, he needs your American Express card.
00:55:05 He needs you to give him cash.
00:55:08 Like none of that seems to like sink in, she thinks that this is all just.
00:55:13 And and and like in a way it's a.
00:55:15 Magic box, right?
00:55:18 In a movie, I guess this might make sense because like movies, lots of stupid **** that they don't explain happens, right?
00:55:27 So she thinks she's helping.
00:55:28 She's like, OK, go good.
00:55:30 I'm glad you're sending me.
00:55:31 $250,000.
00:55:34 What he's really doing.
00:55:36 Is he spending her money on the upper limit of the American Express card with a Russian model?
00:55:45 In Crete.
00:55:47 I think it's create somewhere in Greece.
00:55:51 And he's he's this is all like all this is what's going on.
00:55:55 This is who he's with while he's still telling her.
00:55:58 Oh, yeah.
00:55:58 Don't worry, babe.
00:55:59 I love you.
00:56:00 Of course I love you.
00:56:03 I need you to up the limit because my enemies are trying to get me.
00:56:07 My enemies are definitely trying to get me.
00:56:11 This is the room he stayed in. It's our $5000 a night.
00:56:18 And look at this.
00:56:19 Look at the cactus on the behind the headboard there.
00:56:21 That was actually kind of cool.
00:56:24 Little cactus sculptures there.
Speaker 24
00:56:32 $20,000 is a lot of money and that was spent in three days.
00:56:39 That was spent in three days.
Speaker 18
00:56:44 My ***** better have my money.
00:56:48 He spent $20,000 in three days.
00:56:52 So of course he needed her to.
00:56:54 Get more loans.
00:56:56 And send her more money.
Speaker 24
00:56:59 He maxes out the credit card again, so he told me to.
00:57:03 Get more loans.
Speaker 1
00:57:16 So she.
00:57:19 She does.
Speaker 1
00:57:21 She does.
Speaker 13
00:57:24 And again.
Speaker 1
00:57:26 The insane thing is.
00:57:27 We learned later that the receipts for her American Express card list the people on the airplane with them because, you know, when you buy the tickets or whatever.
Speaker 1
00:57:38 Right.
00:57:39 So it shows that he's flying around.
00:57:40 With other women.
Speaker 24
00:57:42 I take out a loan for $40,000.
00:57:46 $40,000.
00:57:49 $40,000.
00:57:54 This morning.
00:57:58 $40,000.
Speaker 24
00:58:04 Each time he.
00:58:05 Maxes out the car.
00:58:06 I have to.
00:58:07 Take out a new loan.
00:58:09 $50,000 in the.
00:58:10 Bank $50,000.
Speaker 18
00:58:15 My ***** better have my money.
00:58:18 $50,000. That's we're.
Speaker 11
00:58:22 Almost up to 1/4.
00:58:23 Of $1,000,000 already. Again they've.
00:58:25 Only been out a couple of times.
Speaker 24
00:58:29 $12,500 DNB.
Speaker 1
00:58:31 $12,000.
Speaker 24
00:58:42 10,000 for a credit card.
00:58:45 And the whole time he's with a Russian model.
Speaker 24
00:58:55 $20,000 money back $15,000, no doubt.
00:59:01 We're now beyond 1/4 of $1,000,000.
00:59:09 Which one did you take them?
Speaker 24
00:59:10 $250,000.
00:59:16 So there you go.
00:59:18 She's sending this guy ridiculous amounts of money.
00:59:23 They've only been out a few times.
Speaker 7
00:59:29 And all you have done too much for me for us, for everything.
00:59:35 And I know you're tired and I know you want to be together, which of course I do want as well.
00:59:39 I understand that.
00:59:40 But everything will be alright.
00:59:42 Everything is going to be alright, he says.
00:59:46 So she now has she can't make any payments.
00:59:50 She has no money.
00:59:51 She's stuck in this apartment.
00:59:52 She can't pay.
00:59:53 The rent on.
00:59:55 She she calls him as like I I can't get anymore loans and I can't even buy food.
01:00:02 So he says, OK, I'm going to fly you out to.
01:00:07 I think he was in Amsterdam or somewhere at that at this point.
01:00:10 And I'll give you a check.
01:00:13 For, you know, $500,000.
01:00:19 And so he and the guy is barely literate.
01:00:22 They show a letter that he wrote, he wrote later on in this the guys barely literate.
01:00:28 Like he it he misspells everything, he he everything's a capital letter. He can barely write.
01:00:36 And so he writes this fake check.
01:00:39 She's like, oh, thank God.
01:00:43 And of course.
01:00:45 She gets home and it bounces.
01:00:51 And she she's not answering the phone.
01:00:55 And then these people from American Express show up.
01:00:59 And she hasn't heard from him for a while, so she's just.
01:01:02 She just says she just finally just tells him like this.
01:01:05 Is what's going on.
01:01:06 And she shows him a picture of the guy.
01:01:09 And they say, oh, that guy.
01:01:17 They don't want to.
01:01:18 They can't.
01:01:18 They say they can't elaborate.
01:01:20 They say they have investigations going on.
01:01:23 And she's like, what the ****'* going on here? I don't understand.
Speaker 29
01:01:27 What happened to my $100 Joe did?
Speaker 19
01:01:30 You take my money.
01:01:34 So she's just now just now.
01:01:38 Thinking that maybe maybe she isn't 100% sold.
01:01:43 But thinks that maybe she's been had.
01:01:46 See again, this goes to.
01:01:50 This also kind of it relates to just a lot of what we talk about with you know with.
01:01:54 The queue tarts right, like what they were.
01:01:57 Willing to believe so much ******* ******** **** for so long.
01:02:00 Some of whom still believe it even now.
01:02:04 Even now.
01:02:06 Because people hate.
01:02:09 Admitting that they've been tricked.
01:02:14 They hate it.
01:02:16 They will believe some ridiculous ****.
01:02:20 To avoid thinking that they've been tricked, they would rather.
01:02:25 Stay in the fantasy.
01:02:28 Because it's too painful for them to get out of the fantasy.
01:02:35 And that's kind of what we see happen here.
01:02:38 And I know it's it's real easy to just kind of really hate on this chick.
01:02:42 And look, she kind of deserves it, right?
01:02:45 She she kind of does.
01:02:47 But again.
01:02:50 This is a woman.
01:02:52 Who's evolved for a high trust society?
01:02:55 Who's dealing with a low trust predator?
Speaker 5
01:03:01 I don't understand how someone can be so ******* evil.
01:03:05 I thought that he knew me.
01:03:08 I don't know how you would.
01:03:09 Think that though.
01:03:13 You guys literally only hung out a few times.
01:03:19 And I'm sorry, but it's the reason why it is kind of hard to.
01:03:22 Feel bad for this woman.
01:03:26 Is because what she was saying earlier.
Speaker 5
01:03:29 How many matches have you had?
01:03:33 What did it say? Yeah.
01:03:36 1024 matches.
01:03:38 1024 matches.
01:03:49 And you picked.
01:03:50 The five foot two.
01:03:53 Predator. Scumbag.
01:03:56 That you knew had been.
01:03:56 In jail.
01:03:58 That you knew was a single father.
01:04:02 That was barely literate.
01:04:06 That told you obvious lies.
01:04:12 That left you high and dry.
Speaker 23
01:04:14 After somehow ****.
01:04:17 Convincing you to take out.
Speaker 13
01:04:20 Over 1/4.
01:04:21 Of $1,000,000 in loans and.
01:04:22 Credit card debt.
01:04:28 You think those other thousand matches would have done anything even remotely that bad to you?
01:04:39 But they weren't billionaires, were they?
01:04:47 Right.
01:04:49 Like your like your little Marilyn Monroe quote.
01:04:55 A man being rich.
01:04:58 Is like a woman being pretty.
01:05:03 You don't marry a woman just because she's pretty.
01:05:06 But it helps.
01:05:10 I want a man that has ambition.
01:05:14 Code word for money.
01:05:18 Well, now you're over a.
01:05:19 Quarter, $1,000,000 in debt.
Speaker 13
01:05:30 So she.
01:05:33 Tells him that hey, I think.
01:05:38 I think something's fishy here.
01:05:40 Finally, finally.
01:05:43 And he gets a little aggressive, so she blocks him.
01:05:48 And goes to her mother's house.
01:05:52 Again, no father in the picture.
01:05:55 And probably at a young age, look at that photo that's on the next.
01:05:59 To the phone it's it's.
01:06:00 Not a family.
01:06:01 It's a mom with.
01:06:02 A daughter.
01:06:05 Not not.
01:06:06 There's no father in that.
Speaker 13
01:06:07 In that photo.
01:06:10 That's why she was using Disney cartoons to model relationships.
01:06:20 So she's at.
01:06:21 She's at her moms house.
01:06:23 And tells her.
01:06:24 Mom, what happened?
01:06:27 And this Simon guy freaks out because.
01:06:31 He thinks that she's.
01:06:32 Going to go to the authorities.
01:06:35 Because she's blocked him.
01:06:38 And he has all of her mother's information.
01:06:42 Because he made her send all her her passport information.
01:06:45 All this information when he gave her the fake job at the at at his diamond company.
01:06:53 So he calls and leaves a threatening message.
Speaker 20
01:06:57 Reason and try to reach you.
01:06:59 You don't want to talk anyway.
01:07:01 I want tell you something.
01:07:02 Take my advice.
01:07:04 So the audio is kind of bad and is Israeli accents terrible?
01:07:10 But he says, I don't, I didn't.
01:07:11 Want to talk?
01:07:11 To you anyway.
01:07:13 But take my advice, just watch out.
01:07:22 Every action will have a reaction.
01:07:29 So she freaks out.
01:07:32 She becomes suicidal.
01:07:35 And again, she should she acts surprised that he's a bad person.
Speaker 24
01:07:38 Like they had been in jail in.
Speaker 1
01:07:42 She knew he'd been in.
Speaker 24
01:07:43 Jail in South Africa and I was like what?
Speaker 13
01:07:48 Yeah, but not.
01:07:49 Enough to leave because he was a billionaire.
Speaker 24
01:07:54 He had gone in prison on false pretenses.
01:07:56 Yes, it was all a lie.
01:07:58 You why wouldn't you believe someone that just said ohh yeah, I was in jail but.
01:08:02 I was innocent. You.
01:08:03 Always everyone that's in jail says they're innocent.
01:08:08 I know there's a whole lot of people in jail that that say they're guilty.
Speaker 24
01:08:11 He had been manhandled in prison because he was Jewish.
01:08:14 Ohh it's cause he was Jewish of course.
01:08:18 And sorry ladies.
01:08:20 But that should be a red flag too, and we'll get into that here in a second.
01:08:26 So this woman.
01:08:30 Gets a call from Simon.
01:08:35 And even though they're not like in a relationship.
01:08:38 He tells her that it's literally the exact same story.
01:08:42 He sends her literally the exact same photo.
01:08:46 Says, Oh my God, Peter.
01:08:48 My bodyguard was attacked.
01:08:50 My enemies are trying.
01:08:51 To get me.
01:08:54 My enemies are trying to get me and I don't have any money and I can't use my billionaire money because of reasons.
01:09:02 So I need you to fly to wherever and give me $30,000 cash.
01:09:11 Because look my.
01:09:12 Look these these totally real photos that I've already sent other people.
01:09:17 Look, I I narrowly got away.
01:09:19 Look at my my Jewish nose.
01:09:21 There's no way I'm lying.
01:09:22 You can tell.
Speaker 13
01:09:24 I don't I.
01:09:25 Don't have the phenotype of a of a scam artist at all.
Speaker 13
01:09:30 At all.
Speaker 1
01:09:33 So she believes him.
01:09:35 She takes out her life savings.
01:09:39 Flies to again, I forget what country it was.
01:09:41 Another country gives them 30 grand in cash.
01:09:46 And then the 30 grand.
01:09:49 Ends up going to 50 grand and eventually ends up 150 grand like it was the same.
01:09:54 Literally the same ****.
Speaker 23
01:09:56 My enemies, my enemies.
01:09:57 Oh, I promise I'll get you back.
01:10:03 So the other girl contacts.
01:10:09 American Express.
01:10:11 And says like, look this guys disappeared.
01:10:14 Now I I don't they all be able to pay you guys, can you at least I mean you you said when you said the investigators that you had you know that they recognized to this was can you at least tell like give me a.
01:10:27 Name or something?
01:10:29 And they gave them this name, Shaman Yehuda Hayut.
01:10:37 Ah yes.
01:10:40 So she starts looking this guy up.
01:10:45 Finds out he's from Tel Aviv.
01:10:49 Finds out that he was arrested in Finland.
01:10:54 For doing literally the exact same thing to three other women.
01:10:58 And that's probably why he was in jail.
01:11:01 And that's probably why they he got manhandled in jail because he.
01:11:04 Was a 5 foot two Jewish guy that was scamming Finnish women and he was in a Finnish prison.
01:11:13 And so she goes to some journalists.
01:11:17 And they they think, wow, this is a crazy story.
01:11:21 Uh, we're going to go try to find him in Israel, so they.
01:11:23 Go to Israel.
01:11:26 And they because they they find an address for them.
01:11:30 And they talked to his mom, and his mom is, of course, like very unhelpful and says that he's, you know, he changed his name and she doesn't care about him anymore or whatever.
01:11:44 Leave me alone.
01:11:45 He doesn't live here.
01:11:47 They go to the Israeli police.
01:11:50 And they're like, oh, yeah, this guy's wanted in Israel. He was. He scammed his boss and then fled the country before going to court.
01:12:03 He's got all these different passports.
01:12:06 With all these different names.
01:12:14 And so they get this girl to run like a sting operation because she's still in contact.
01:12:22 With with Simon, now she knows something's up, but she doesn't quite know how deep the rabbit hole goes, so that first girl, the one that that that has been on Tinder and has the thousand matches that girl. She finds this girl's name on one of the airplane ticket purchases I was telling you about.
01:12:42 So when you buy airplane tickets, it puts your name and puts the name of the passengers, right?
01:12:47 And she finds this girl on Instagram and messages her and says, hey, do you know this Simon guy?
01:12:52 And she's like, oh, yeah, he's one of my friends.
01:12:54 And she's like, well, he stole a bunch of money from me, and she's like.
01:12:57 Oh ****, I've been.
01:12:58 Loaning him like a hundred $150,000.
01:13:03 So they the two of these two girls work with the journalists to try to meet up with them and get them to, like, admit some stuff.
01:13:14 So this is an actual photo.
01:13:18 Of her meeting him at this hotel, I forget where it was.
01:13:23 It doesn't.
01:13:23 Really matter somewhere in Europe?
01:13:25 And he gives her a watch.
01:13:27 She's like, well, I can't.
01:13:28 I don't have the cash because my enemies are trying to, you know, for some reason this billionaire can't get any cash.
01:13:34 And so he gives her this watch that he says, oh, this watch is worth $200,000. You can easily get your money out of it. So.
01:13:42 But then he sees he actually sees the journalists that were getting this photo were being captain obvious because he looks up and sees them and they jump in a sports car and drive off and and get away.
01:13:55 So they published the paper or the story the journalists do.
01:14:01 Because the authorities aren't really doing anything about it.
01:14:06 And the.
01:14:09 It gets the.
Speaker 1
01:14:09 The story goes.
01:14:10 Viral, especially in Europe, a lot of European things, they do like a a tour like a media tour, cause it becomes such a a viral story.
01:14:25 And this is this is a little funny.
01:14:27 We're about to take a little side side wrap, but first this is her being interviewed by Israeli television.
Speaker 30
01:14:37 Hi first of all.
01:14:39 I wanted to apologize and let you know that.
Speaker 13
01:14:42 I want to apologize.
Speaker 30
01:14:45 And let you know that not all Israeli men are such crooks.
Speaker 13
01:14:51 Really, let's have.
Speaker 1
01:14:53 A little chat about that, shall we?
Speaker 23
01:14:57 Let's have a little chat.
01:15:01 Yeah, human trafficking and scams.
01:15:04 Definitely not a problem in Israel, is it?
Speaker 13
01:15:08 Is that this is an anomaly.
01:15:10 I just want you to know.
01:15:12 No, no, no, no, no.
01:15:13 Is there any?
01:15:13 Men that are crooks like this.
Speaker 29
01:15:15 There are currently over an estimated 3000 sex trafficking victims in Israel. Traffickers recruit their victims via misleading, fraudulent or false offers via legitimate employment websites sanctioned by Israeli authorities, according to NGOs.
01:15:30 They are also lured into trafficking via social media, including Facebook, forums, dating apps and chat rooms. Human Trafficking network has been operating in Israel since its inception in 1948. Furthermore, many concerned with the phenomena believe that some traffickers are linked to the elite of the society.
Speaker 28
01:15:52 In early December and under the code name Operation Sodom, Colombian authorities uncovered what they claim to be a criminal network led by Israeli citizens.
01:16:03 Police raided multiple locations in several cities and rested under charges of sexual slavery of minors.
01:16:12 Drug trafficking and aggravated murder.
01:16:15 Criminal probe built over two years.
01:16:17 La Quinta.
Speaker 14
01:16:18 Israeli citizens were the ones behind this cruel, criminal and illicit practice.
01:16:23 They took advantage of the needs and circumstances of girls and adolescents identified with this network.
01:16:28 They reached Colombian youths to exploit them sexually for commercial purposes and subject them to all kinds of humiliation.
Speaker 30
01:16:34 Mr. Reid.
Speaker 28
01:16:35 This is how it works.
01:16:37 Israelis, mainly businessmen and former IDF soldiers, getting all inclusive deal in Israel for their vacations to Colombia, the package offers a room in a pre arranged.
01:16:48 Israeli run hostile troops across the country, yacht parties, drugs and the special service are highly requested.
01:16:56 One of sexual encounters with local women, many of them minors.
01:17:04 By the way, the in that particular case.
Speaker 13
01:17:08 And we're going to be revisiting that kind of thing too.
01:17:11 They fled back to Israel.
Speaker 1
01:17:14 And guess what?
Speaker 13
01:17:16 Free as a bird.
01:17:18 Three is a bird.
01:17:22 None of them faced are facing any anything for their crimes.
01:17:26 Which is an ongoing thing.
01:17:30 Almost makes you wonder if Epstein really killed.
01:17:33 Or if maybe he's somewhere in Israel, huh?
01:17:36 Or his pimp.
01:17:37 That's that actually came out. That's also my telegram. His pimp also, quote UN quote, committed suicide. I think that was yesterday.
01:17:47 Isn't that convenient?
01:17:48 Also Jewish, of course.
Speaker 13
01:17:50 So yeah, but I just want to apologize.
01:17:54 Not all Israeli men are are crooks like.
Speaker 30
01:17:57 This it is set up just like.
Speaker 17
01:18:00 A fashion show.
Speaker 30
01:18:02 In the stage.
01:18:04 Take your seat.
01:18:06 Lights go off.
01:18:08 Lights on the stage turn on.
Speaker 8
01:18:16 The girls walk on the stage.
Speaker 12
01:18:18 They look close to us.
Speaker 24
01:18:20 And start moving around.
01:18:23 Just like a fashion show.
Speaker 2
01:18:25 And knowing that when this girl is on stage.
Speaker 12
01:18:30 That guy already?
Speaker 2
01:18:31 Has the next two years of her life planned?
Speaker 13
01:18:38 Sometimes the guy that buys them demands to.
01:18:46 Test the merchandise.
01:18:48 Nobody cares about these girls, they.
Speaker 4
01:18:51 They turned into an object just like you go into the market and.
Speaker 23
01:18:57 You buy yourself.
Speaker 13
01:18:58 A pair of underwear.
01:18:59 You go into a different part of market and you buy.
Speaker 7
01:19:01 Yourself a woman.
Speaker 13
01:19:04 You just gotta do that kind of market and.
01:19:06 Buy yourself a woman.
01:19:12 And yeah, Israel, this is this is an ongoing thing.
01:19:16 This has been going on for a really even the United States State Department.
01:19:19 I should tell you something, cause the State Department in the United States is very.
01:19:24 Basically ranked Israel like with third world countries.
01:19:28 When it come when it comes to human trafficking?
01:19:32 And here's here's a news report from Israel.
01:19:36 This is an Israeli group talking about.
01:19:40 What happened to?
01:19:42 Like this is the kind of thing that happens again and again and again.
01:19:46 This is how they get.
01:19:47 A lot of the girls there.
Speaker 31
01:19:49 I'll begin by sharing.
01:19:50 Alexa's story.
01:19:53 I was raised by my grandmother.
01:19:55 Or Baba as I call her.
01:19:58 She could not afford to send me to school after the age of eight, so I stayed with her each day, selling oranges by the roadside.
01:20:07 We worked hard.
01:20:09 Often standing in the.
01:20:10 Heat for hours.
01:20:11 But I always enjoyed her company and knew it was important to help.
01:20:15 My beloved grandma.
01:20:18 It was US against the world.
01:20:20 As a teenager, I found a job in a salon.
01:20:24 One of my customers was a glamorous businesswoman I called Auntie.
01:20:29 She offered to take me to Israel, where I could work for a family and go.
01:20:33 To school.
01:20:35 My grandmother did not want me to leave, but we were struggling to make ends meet and I was so excited by this vision of a new life that I.
01:20:42 Agreed to go.
01:20:45 I was hoping I would make enough money so I could help my grandma.
01:20:53 At the airport, Auntie gave me a document that had my picture on.
01:20:57 It, but it had a different name than mine.
Speaker 27
01:21:00 It was just.
Speaker 31
01:21:01 Crowded and confusing at the airport and Auntie said.
01:21:05 Don't worry, just to trust her and follow.
01:21:08 So I did.
01:21:11 We went to a house where it was taken to a room and told to get some sleep.
01:21:17 The next morning, Auntie woke me and told me there was a problem with the family that I was supposed to work for her and they didn't need me anymore.
01:21:27 Auntie explained that I owed her a lot of money for the travel and that to pay her back I would have to work in her business.
01:21:39 My nightmare began.
01:21:44 Every day, men would come to my room.
01:21:48 Sometimes five men, sometimes 10.
01:21:54 And that's how.
01:21:54 They loop them in.
01:21:56 And that this this video I pulled this story from, there's like tons of stories.
01:22:00 Like this?
01:22:01 And what what are the the authorities?
01:22:03 Do in Israel.
01:22:07 When they find out, well, this is Israeli news.
01:22:16 It's always one side that pays the price.
01:22:19 The girls.
01:22:19 I'm going to just read the the.
01:22:23 I can make this bigger, but I'm going to read the subtitles because it's it's in.
Speaker 23
01:22:28 Jew talk.
Speaker 13
01:22:32 The this is the this.
01:22:34 Is the guy in charge of trying to get?
01:22:35 Rid of the human traffickers.
Speaker 1
01:22:37 They pay no price at.
01:22:38 All says the Captain Jew.
01:22:44 They stay here illegally to start with.
01:22:47 I mean, they should.
01:22:48 They should be so lucky they get to live in Israel.
01:22:54 They they arrived here illegally, without the state's permission. How dare they?
Speaker 30
01:22:59 Given the.
01:23:05 Nor their own in most.
01:23:06 Cases most were deceived and smuggled, says the reporter.
01:23:13 And given false promises.
01:23:16 That's not all true, he says.
01:23:17 That's not true at all.
01:23:21 Stopped falling for these girls lies.
01:23:25 The golem. They always lie.
01:23:29 They are professional liars to start with.
01:23:35 Secondly, they tend to exaggerate.
01:23:39 The goyum are always exaggerating.
01:23:46 Just before partying with Superintendent Avram.
01:23:50 We encountered this on his walls.
01:23:52 The rules of his squad.
01:23:53 Now again, this is Israel.
01:23:57 This is a low trust society.
01:23:59 These are some rules he has written on the on the wall for his officers.
01:24:07 Rules that he has.
01:24:07 Formulated and passed on to his cops.
01:24:14 One is a liar.
01:24:16 Believe no one.
01:24:22 I mean, honestly, if you're a cop in Israel, you.
01:24:25 That's probably not a bad rule to have.
01:24:32 So what?
01:24:33 Really, what happens when they bust up these prostitution rings and when?
01:24:37 And it's it's not until they get pressured by like some media outlet or some NGO or something like that.
01:24:43 They even do that.
01:24:45 Because as that Press TV thing was saying, look, look, these human trafficking rings have been going around since 1948.
01:24:53 And the elites of the the country are tied to all of them.
01:24:57 And massage tied to all of them.
01:25:01 It's it's not a coincidence.
01:25:05 That Jeffrey Epstein was into like Ukrainian women and into, like these blonde hair?
01:25:10 That's that's that's the target Golem.
01:25:14 That's who they go after.
01:25:19 It's the easy prey, and they're in closer proximity.
01:25:22 That's like it's a quick place to go to get.
01:25:26 Trusting blonde, foolish women.
01:25:32 And if only it stopped at sex trafficking.
01:25:37 Right. If all if that.
01:25:38 Was the worst of it.
Speaker 17
01:25:42 Also in the news today, Ukrainian police have smashed an Israeli run organ trafficking network.
Speaker 30
01:25:48 Israeli police have broken up an organ transplant ring.
Speaker 33
01:25:51 Police say that they have made a major corruption bust.
01:25:55 We're while awaiting a news conference following the arrest of about 30 people, including two New Jersey mayors and several rabbis.
01:26:02 Officials say some of the suspects charged they with selling human organs.
Speaker 28
01:26:07 And they're being charged for the trafficking of organs, which falls under the law of human trafficking.
Speaker 32
01:26:12 It's the first time Israel has been accused of this type of criminal.
01:26:14 You have.
Speaker 32
01:26:15 Activity last year, a Swedish newspaper published an article accusing Israeli soldiers of killing Palestinians to harvest their organs.
01:26:27 So it's that's nothing new.
01:26:31 There's a whole lot of organ harvesting that goes on.
01:26:34 Israel is literally like it's like the the.
01:26:38 If you ever watch a Mafia movie.
01:26:41 And they all have that Italian restaurant that they're that they all kind of hang out at.
01:26:47 And they can speak freely and everyone's in on it.
01:26:49 Imagine, like, an entire country.
01:26:51 That's like that Italian restaurant.
01:26:57 And that's Israel.
01:27:03 So anyway.
01:27:05 Back to the story.
01:27:08 So this story gets really big.
01:27:11 And this woman is at the airport and waiting for about she's about to get on her airplane.
01:27:17 And she sees this story.
01:27:20 And it has a picture of.
Speaker 23
01:27:22 Her boyfriend.
01:27:23 Because her boyfriend is Simon.
01:27:27 And she's like, what is this?
01:27:29 Why is my?
01:27:30 Boyfriend in this article.
01:27:33 And she reads the article she downloads, it gets on the plane.
01:27:38 Reads the article and is like holy ****.
01:27:42 He sent.
01:27:42 He literally sent me the exact same picture of Peter, his bodyguard, and saying my enemies are trying to get me.
01:27:51 And she gave him like it wasn't as much, but it was like 50,000. It was still a lot.
Speaker 23
01:27:55 It was like $50,000.
01:28:01 So she gave him 50 grand.
Speaker 27
01:28:04 I gave him 140,000.
01:28:07 Oh, never mind $140,000.
Speaker 18
01:28:14 *****, that happened.
01:28:16 $140,000.
Speaker 24
01:28:19 Dollars so much money.
01:28:23 To that guy.
01:28:32 Because my enemies are trying to get me.
01:28:37 My enemies are trying to get me Peter got.
01:28:39 Hurt in the head.
Speaker 1
01:28:42 Give me.
01:28:42 Give me hundreds of thousands.
01:28:44 Of dollars now.
01:28:51 He's freaking out because he says, oh, this is my enemies.
01:28:54 My enemies, are they.
01:28:55 They've put out this fake news article and you know it.
01:29:00 It's it's.
01:29:02 That's all this is.
01:29:03 It's none of it's true, but I can't use my credit cards.
01:29:07 My even though I'm a billionaire and you're the only one.
01:29:10 That can help me.
01:29:12 And this chick's actually kind of, like, sneaky a little bit.
01:29:16 So, you know, she kind of plays along and acts like she believes him, but only because she wants to recoup some of her money.
01:29:24 So she tells him, uh, look, I don't have any money and he's like, well, you should pawn your car.
01:29:30 You should sell your house.
01:29:32 And I no.
01:29:33 ******* shameless guy.
01:29:34 And why would?
01:29:35 Why would he have any shame?
01:29:40 Why would he have any shame?
01:29:44 It literally says not just in the Talmud, in the Torah.
01:29:49 That Jews can take slaves.
01:29:51 From the neighboring Pagan countries.
01:29:57 It literally says that, and I think it's Leviticus.
01:30:02 You're allowed to take slaves.
01:30:05 From the you can't take Jewish slaves.
01:30:10 But you can take slaves from the neighboring paging like the Golem countries.
01:30:16 They're not people.
Speaker 23
01:30:19 Why would he?
01:30:19 Why would he?
01:30:20 Feel bad at all.
01:30:22 He could be he is from an Ultra Orthodox neighborhood.
01:30:26 That neighborhood they went to.
01:30:27 In Israel, when they talked to his mom.
01:30:30 You know, she didn't look Ultra Orthodox, but then they, I mean, he wasn't.
01:30:34 He wasn't a religious Jew.
01:30:35 At one point.
01:30:43 And he could be today and it would be in line with his religion.
01:30:49 So she the the the new, the current girlfriend.
01:30:55 You know, she gets into contact with the other two girls that were in the article confirms that, you know, and says holy ****, he sent.
01:31:02 He literally sent me the exact same photos and said the exact same thing, and so she tells him that, you know, and then he says, here's my new name and this guy.
Speaker 13
01:31:14 He's this guy.
01:31:15 'S good at like finding fake identities and stuff, but I guess if you've got millions of dollars from all these insane women.
01:31:22 It's it's not that expensive.
01:31:24 Not that hard on the dark web to find this stuff.
01:31:26 So his new name is going.
01:31:27 To be David Sharon.
01:31:29 And she tricks him.
01:31:33 Into giving him because he has like 10s of thousands of dollars in designer clothing.
01:31:39 And says, well, I'm not going to sell my car.
01:31:41 I'm not going to.
01:31:41 Sell my house, but I'll help you sell.
01:31:44 The your designer clothing so she basically just takes his clothes, puts it on eBay and and.
01:31:49 Recoups some of her money.
Speaker 20
01:31:51 Believe in me.
01:31:52 I have a leap of faith.
01:31:53 And he freaks out, and then he freaks out when he discovers, like, wow.
01:31:56 She's not going to give me the money.
01:31:57 He got like again.
01:31:59 Listen to this guy.
01:32:00 Listen to this charming, charismatic.
01:32:04 You know, magnetic guy.
01:32:07 And tell me that if he didn't, if they didn't think he.
01:32:10 Was a billionaire.
01:32:12 That any woman would be attracted to this.
Speaker 7
01:32:15 Believe in me.
01:32:16 Have a leap of faith for one time do it.
Speaker 9
01:32:19 Don't send me lies.
01:32:21 I know how.
Speaker 32
01:32:21 To lie, I can teach you.
Speaker 7
01:32:22 How to lie?
01:32:23 I need this money to succeed.
01:32:29 Help me out here.
01:32:31 I don't have nobody else.
01:32:32 I have only you.
Speaker 30
01:32:34 I'm begging from you, please.
Speaker 9
01:32:39 I give you advice.
01:32:40 Choose it, you disappear.
Speaker 20
01:32:41 Nobody can see your messages.
Speaker 9
01:32:43 Not your enemy.
01:32:43 I'm not fighting with you.
01:32:45 And you will get the worst ******* enemy you have ever seen in your life.
01:32:50 For you and for your ******* family, if you will ever play with me, give it today.
Speaker 20
01:33:00 Look, I mean, I'm sorry about everything.
Speaker 9
01:33:03 I give you the last *******.
01:33:04 Warning, today you won't work.
01:33:06 You will.
01:33:06 Get ******* warning.
01:33:07 You will get ******* war.
01:33:15 And then he threatens her.
01:33:17 But he's got apparently no access to his money, or at least he pretends he doesn't.
01:33:24 He's like, oh, look at me. I'm. I'm having to try to grow a beard and to hide my face because everyone knows what I look like. Now I'm staying at some hostel. That's like $12.00 a night.
01:33:35 But then one day.
01:33:37 It says that he's offline on WhatsApp.
01:33:41 And because he's never offline.
01:33:44 She knows that he's on a plane.
01:33:46 And she knows where he's flying to.
01:33:48 I forget why, but she calls the cops.
01:33:51 I think it was in.
01:33:52 He was going back to Greece.
01:33:54 And she know she figures out what flight he's on and gives him the fake name that that she knows he's using and they arrest.
01:34:03 And you think, oh, well, he's finally going to pay the price, right?
01:34:08 He's finally going to pay the price.
01:34:15 Just like those those human traffickers in South America, right.
01:34:19 He's finally going to pay the price.
Speaker 1
01:34:24 Saying that sends to 15 months.
01:34:28 Only did 5.
01:34:33 Only get five months.
01:34:36 And he's already on Instagram.
01:34:40 Driving luxury vehicles.
01:34:44 He has a website where you can get business advice for the small price of $311.
01:34:54 His bodyguard Peter.
01:34:57 And his his.
01:34:58 Quote UN quote business partner that who knows.
01:35:00 Who the **** that guy is?
01:35:07 They're not charged with anything.
01:35:11 He lives in Israel.
01:35:14 He's a freeman.
01:35:18 He doesn't have any financial problems and in fact.
Speaker 20
01:35:24 This is the real deal.
01:35:26 The Bentley of the Ferrari.
01:35:30 He's got a Ferrari.
01:35:36 And these women are paying off the debt.
01:35:38 Still, they're still on the hook for the debts.
01:35:42 And after the article came out that it because he was spending so much money.
01:35:48 Just when he was in Greece, he spent more money than this girl gave him, and they estimate that he probably took about $10 million.
01:35:57 From several different women.
01:36:03 And he's never been charged with anything.
01:36:11 And he's back on Tinder and his girlfriend is a is an Israeli model.
Speaker 1
01:36:28 And here's here's.
01:36:30 Here's the funny part at the end.
01:36:34 She says.
Speaker 17
01:36:37 You've been on Tinder since.
Speaker 24
01:36:38 Yes, I know everybody is asking me like Tinder has nothing to do with this like.
01:36:44 I was on Tinder immediately.
01:36:47 Tinder has nothing to do with this.
01:36:50 I was on Tinder immediately.
01:36:59 I was on Tinder.
01:37:04 And As for Tinder?
01:37:05 Has nothing to do with this.
01:37:10 I wouldn't be so sure.
01:37:12 This is an article from the Jewish Journal.
01:37:14 Headline is meet the Jewish founders of Tinder.
01:37:28 Ohh yes.
Speaker 13
01:37:43 Oh ****.
01:37:45 So after this came out, he went on Instagram.
01:37:51 And said that he will share his side, his side of the story someday.
01:37:56 But again, he's not hurting for cash.
Speaker 1
01:38:00 This is from his Instagram.
Speaker 34
01:38:17 Finally, we get out.
Speaker 7
01:38:24 Yeah, it's been a very successful day with.
01:38:26 Great day everybody.
01:38:54 Just hanging out in Israel after defrauding people out of at least $10 million.
01:39:05 Around helicopters.
Speaker 13
01:39:10 Driving Ferraris?
01:39:18 With his Israeli model girlfriend.
Speaker 35
01:39:26 After only doing 5.
01:39:31 So yeah.
01:39:35 And not only that.
01:39:37 Now the the documentary is out.
01:39:41 He just got a Hollywood agent.
Speaker 9
01:39:47 Are you gonna help me solve my problem?
01:39:56 Because in Israel.
01:39:59 They don't give a **** if.
01:40:00 He runs scams on the Golem.
01:40:03 Why would they?
01:40:04 That's what they're for.
01:40:08 Be like putting.
01:40:09 An American in jail for eating a steak.
01:40:19 So yeah, anyway that is the.
01:40:21 That is the story of so far.
01:40:25 Of the Tinder swindler.
01:40:29 And perhaps that he will.
01:40:32 He will get his own dating show.
01:40:36 As he wants to get.
01:40:42 And meanwhile, those women will have to be paying off the debts.
01:40:48 The the, the, the million, the $10 million.
01:40:52 That he was able to swindle from women.
01:40:55 Because they thought they were going to be with the son of a billionaire.
01:41:00 They had 1000 matches.
01:41:02 Or at least that one girl did 1000 matches on Tinder.
Speaker 1
01:41:08 But they picked.
01:41:10 That ******* guy.
01:41:14 The Douchy 5 foot 2.
01:41:17 Jewish kid.
01:41:20 They can barely write.
01:41:22 And barely talk.
01:41:27 But because he's a sociopath.
01:41:31 And and sees them as basically just resources.
Speaker 23
01:41:35 To suck from.
01:41:38 He's rich.
01:41:41 It doesn't help or it doesn't hurt that he's got a a country that he can go.
01:41:45 Hide in.
01:41:47 That won't charge him with anything.
01:41:51 That five months he did wasn't even like had nothing.
Speaker 13
01:41:53 To do with those women.
01:41:55 It was because he he did.
01:41:57 He did.
01:41:57 He did.
01:41:58 Do the bad thing, he defrauded another Jew.
01:42:01 Before fleeing the country.
01:42:04 He stole some checks from his boss.
01:42:12 So he did five months for that.
01:42:18 And just like the the Jews that were involved with the human trafficking ring in South America.
01:42:27 You really think Israel is going to?
01:42:28 Extradite this guy.
01:42:39 Of course not.
01:42:43 Of course not.
01:42:52 He's a hero.
Speaker 23
01:42:59 He's a model of success.
01:43:04 He's a one man version of what historically.
01:43:09 Jews have been doing to the West for centuries.
Speaker 23
01:43:15 Why would they punish him for that?
01:43:23 He's a role model.
Speaker 13
01:43:38 So there you go.
Speaker 18
01:43:46 My ***** better have my money.
01:43:54 So that is the story of the Tinder.
01:44:02 Alright, I'm going to go and take a look at chat now.
01:44:07 A lot of people live. This is accurate. We got about 950 people. That's pretty good for a middle of the night.
01:44:16 Uh, let's go to tipped here.
01:44:21 Going to pop this out and that seems to make it work better.
01:44:41 Henry Ford 1488. Tonight's breaking Tonight Super chat cherry.
01:44:48 I appreciate that.
01:44:49 Henry Ford, you're a good man.
01:44:52 And a prolific author or.
01:44:54 Well, not really.
01:44:54 You hired some prolific authors, though.
01:45:00 And but this is this is.
01:45:03 There's a very poignant name, very relevant name for tonight's episode.
01:45:10 Henry Ford sensed this.
01:45:12 This kind of predatory behavior a long time ago and and tried to warn the West of it, and no one would listen.
01:45:20 Purge all pedophiles.
Speaker 1
01:45:21 At all costs.
01:45:22 A safe link short op-ed from James Lafond. I don't know who James Lafond is, but I'll.
01:45:29 I'll copy the link and stick it in my notes.
01:45:34 Let's see here.
01:45:40 Radu, in Romanian news, I hear the trucker protest is violent and the images may affect you emotionally.
01:45:47 They also say some of the truckers are Romanians.
Speaker 1
01:45:51 Well, probably some of the.
01:45:52 Truckers are Romanians.
01:45:53 A lot of the truckers in Canada are are not Canadian.
01:45:57 They're a lot of.
01:45:57 Them are are immigrants, you know?
01:46:01 And in America too.
01:46:03 I mean, I live middle of nowhere and so one of the few places actually pretty much the only place I can go in the middle of the night.
01:46:11 And I as you know.
Speaker 23
01:46:12 I'm up late nights.
01:46:14 Everything's closed unless I drive several several miles to a truck stop.
01:46:21 Which I've done in a bind.
01:46:23 A couple of times.
01:46:24 And you know, it's a big truck stop that kind of has, like, showers.
01:46:28 The truckers and everything, right.
01:46:30 And you see the truckers that I don't think almost none of them are white.
01:46:35 At least never.
01:46:35 Not when I'm there.
01:46:36 So the the trucker, the drive at.
01:46:38 Night, you know.
01:46:40 So I'm not surprised there'd be a lot of Romanian truckers in Canada.
01:46:46 I mean, not the Romanians aren't white, but you know they're they're not.
01:46:49 They're not from Canada.
01:46:51 Cringe panda.
01:46:52 Only one.
01:46:53 Only one in the AF documentary that came out OK with Nick Fuentes, and I don't even like the guy.
01:46:58 Louis Theroux basically threw you're a white nationalist and he was like, yes, Chad, mean Baked Alaska and the beard guy tried to come across that way and just look like clowns.
01:47:12 Well, they they they just ran away from it.
01:47:14 They didn't understand that.
01:47:16 That it's you can't be afraid of the label.
01:47:22 But I think that that's that's one of the problems with when that when that group of people spend so much time trying to differentiate themselves from people that are more explicitly pro white.
01:47:40 To the extent where you know they're calling them wig Nets and all this other stuff in.
01:47:46 The hopes of somehow.
01:47:47 Being more quote UN quote optical it, it makes them.
01:47:53 Look like ******* when they're doing Roman salutes and **** like that, and then they they squirm and freak out when just asked about white identity.
01:48:05 And you're you're.
01:48:06 You're right.
01:48:08 Fonte has at least leaned into it a little bit, but he's also way better.
01:48:12 I mean, he's just a better talker.
01:48:14 He, his verbal IQ is probably.
01:48:17 You know well above the other two.
01:48:21 That's just the way that it is.
01:48:23 But yeah, I agree.
01:48:23 I I ended up watching it.
01:48:27 And Nick came out looking OK and.
01:48:31 Not so much the other guys.
01:48:33 Wade Watts, $5. Appreciate it. I just want a non ******** woman. Can't find one.
01:48:41 Well, here's the thing with that.
01:48:44 Because I've thought about this before.
01:48:46 If you're on the, if you're on the upper end of the the the bell curve, you see every.
01:48:51 Here's the thing everyone wants.
01:48:54 You don't always get it's and it's maybe it's, it's.
01:48:57 Higher priority than it is for some people than it is for other people, but everyone, generally speaking, wants someone that's on the level, right?
01:49:06 You want someone you want to be with someone that's at least intellectually.
01:49:12 Close to you, right?
01:49:14 Someone that you can at least relate to.
01:49:18 And if you're on.
01:49:18 The upper end of the.
01:49:19 Male bell curve.
01:49:23 That's that, right.
01:49:25 Just that part is going to really cut down.
01:49:28 Your choices.
01:49:30 That's just the way that it is.
01:49:32 And unfortunately, a lot of really intelligent women are also very educated women.
01:49:38 And IQ's not everything when.
01:49:42 If you if you're.
01:49:42 An educated woman with a high IQ.
01:49:46 You're also kind of a ******* ****** because you've probably bought into the feminism thing and all this other stuff like there's a lot of really high IQ.
01:49:54 ******** leftist woman out there.
01:49:57 And at least that that's always been my experience, and that's probably something that you're looking at or finding too, it's, but it's way easier to find a woman if you're like, if you're dead in the middle of the the bell curve.
01:50:09 Yeah. If you're like IQ 90 or something, maybe or maybe even a little lower, but if you're like 9095, I mean you got your choices open up.
01:50:23 In fact, you probably don't want to go.
01:50:24 For the upper end of the at that point.
Speaker 23
01:50:26 Yeah, I wouldn't.
01:50:28 I honestly I wouldn't want to be with a woman that was significantly more intelligent than I was.
01:50:33 I just wouldn't want it.
01:50:34 It would just it.
01:50:34 Would be frustrating for both of us.
01:50:37 So it's yeah, it's you.
01:50:41 Know it is what it is.
01:50:43 And if you're not a billionaire, look if.
01:50:45 You're a billionaire.
01:50:46 All you need to do is be.
01:50:46 A billionaire apparently right.
Speaker 1
01:50:49 Just start pretending you're a billionaire.
01:50:52 Just Photoshop yourself in like a bunch.
01:50:54 Of private jets.
01:50:56 And you know, like a lot of travel photos, they love travel, right?
01:51:01 Just make it look like you've been all around the world and you've got lots of money and and fancy cars and, you know, make sure you're wearing designer clothes and all the photos.
01:51:10 And you're good to go.
Speaker 23
01:51:12 And then you know you you can be barely literate.
01:51:15 5 foot 2.
01:51:18 And weird looking.
Speaker 13
01:51:20 Women will go for.
01:51:23 And then you can just start telling her that that Peter your bodyguard.
01:51:27 Oh no, Peter got stabbed.
Speaker 23
01:51:31 My enemies, they're trying to hurt me.
01:51:33 You must give me $50,000 cash.
01:51:39 1488 from RJ Mac Mac ready. Appreciate it, dear TV Uncle Devin. Thank you for your diligence. What do you think about **** ***?
Speaker 23
01:51:50 With a woman.
01:51:52 I think that's that's gross.
01:51:54 I think it's it's gay.
01:51:56 There's, like, literally no reason for it.
01:51:58 It is totally homosexual.
01:52:01 And it's like there's literally no reason why you would do that.
01:52:05 Why would you want to do anything like that?
01:52:08 I've I've never understood.
01:52:12 Like you realize, it's like an inch away from the the right hole.
01:52:16 Like what?
01:52:17 There's no point to it.
01:52:19 At all. It's ******.
01:52:22 It's it's.
01:52:24 It's not even.
01:52:25 It's not even a full step away.
01:52:27 From being gay.
01:52:28 It's literally gay.
01:52:31 There are some who think it's not homosexual and like it.
01:52:34 No, it's it's homosexual.
01:52:38 You could literally.
01:52:40 Turn the lights off.
01:52:42 And replace her with a dude.
01:52:45 And how would that guy know?
Speaker 13
01:52:47 He wouldn't.
01:52:49 So it's it's homosexual.
01:52:51 *********** has definitely normalized this for many of us younger generation.
01:52:56 It's been said to be sort of a method of dominance, no?
01:53:00 Now, I mean, you could say ****** a A.
01:53:03 Little boy is is a method of dominance.
01:53:07 No, it's not.
01:53:09 It's it's literally super gay.
01:53:12 You know, it's it's gay.
01:53:15 There's, like, not.
01:53:16 It's not even a question.
01:53:17 It's gay.
01:53:18 In fact, in high school I had one friend.
01:53:23 Yeah, those guys, do we talk about sex things and stuff like that.
01:53:27 And I had one friend.
01:53:29 Who, by the way, just happened to be the same friend that was really into anime?
01:53:34 Just saying this is a true story.
01:53:38 And was always talking about ******* girls in the ***, like all the time.
01:53:42 Like a weird amount.
Speaker 13
01:53:44 Join the Navy.
01:53:46 Turns out he's gay.
01:53:52 Yeah, it's gay.
01:53:55 $4.00 for ******** ******? Appreciate it. It's Gundam has a VID.
01:54:00 It just updated, so I've got to Scroll down.
01:54:02 It's a Gundam, has avid on this once wait.
01:54:06 Has a bid on this.
01:54:08 Wants her.
01:54:09 Other to be.
01:54:12 Wants her other to be everything in her dreams while not being half what Disney.
01:54:17 Man, yeah.
01:54:18 Are you?
01:54:18 I think you've been drinking.
01:54:20 This is this is.
01:54:20 This is not easy to decipher.
01:54:24 Wants her other to be everything in her dreams while not being half what Disney girl is.
01:54:30 And people ask why I look to East Europe for a GF.
01:54:35 If W women are hyper pergamus as ****, please forward this vid to all the good white Christian men with modest income.
01:54:44 She swipe I cause.
01:54:47 I think you've been drinking.
01:54:49 There weren't good enough for her.
01:54:52 Yeah, I'm not even sure what you're getting at.
01:54:54 I don't.
01:54:55 Know who?
01:54:55 It's a Gundam is.
01:54:59 But no, it it's not just Western women.
01:55:01 It's just women in general.
01:55:03 Western women are more hypergamous, but mostly because they've they've they're in a completely.
01:55:12 Unregulated sexual marketplace.
01:55:15 Maybe for the first time in history.
01:55:19 And so again, like I was saying about that, that girl, she's.
01:55:22 Painfully, she's being selected out.
01:55:26 Because she's going to continue it, she thinks that her that, that, that, that feeling that you get when you're with someone new, she thinks that's love.
01:55:35 And that always goes that always goes away.
Speaker 18
01:55:37 OK.
01:55:38 Every time.
01:55:40 I can tell you my parents have been married for.
01:55:42 At least I mean a man that.
01:55:45 A really long time.
01:55:47 And I really doubt they feel the same way that they did when they met at that church dance.
01:55:52 Way back in the ******* 60s or 70s or whatever that was right.
01:55:58 I probably think it was probably 70s.
01:56:00 So it's uh.
01:56:04 You know that feeling goes away.
01:56:06 It always does.
01:56:07 So if you think that's what love is.
01:56:10 As she clearly does.
01:56:12 And that's because she has nothing to model her, and her parents aren't together.
01:56:16 Who knows?
01:56:16 Who knows what the story is behind that?
01:56:18 But there's no father.
01:56:21 And there's a lot of women like that, too.
01:56:22 It's not just the fact that the the culture is totally ******.
01:56:26 Their families totally ******.
01:56:30 And honestly.
01:56:32 You kind of want to avoid.
01:56:33 Women like that, anyway.
01:56:37 It is much safer and that's look, that's something that men have to worry about these days because of the high divorce rate.
01:56:46 I I wouldn't disqualify a woman that had divorced parents.
01:56:51 But man, I wouldn't think you were crazy if you did.
01:57:00 You know.
01:57:02 I don't think that's a I don't think that that's a standard that's too high to have.
01:57:09 Yeah, if she has a a, a broken home, she doesn't.
01:57:13 Have a good model for what's normal.
01:57:16 And it might not manifest itself in the same way that it has. With this, you know, the crazy lady that was sending that guy 1/4 of $1,000,000 because she thought he was a Disney Prince, but.
01:57:27 You know there's.
01:57:28 Going to be other problems.
01:57:31 So I you know.
01:57:33 And that which again that further further eliminates only other women, right, it's.
01:57:38 That's why.
01:57:39 That's why there's so.
01:57:39 Many guys out there that like they feel like.
01:57:42 Wow. ****. It's just it's.
01:57:44 The the metaphor of views in the past, it's like you, you you feel like you're.
01:57:49 You're like at a Walmart.
01:57:52 At 3:00 AM.
01:57:54 Just trying to kill time and you've gone to the big bin.
01:57:58 Of of like $1.00 DVDs.
01:58:02 And you're just sifting through them because you're just, what else are you going to do?
01:58:06 And you don't?
01:58:07 Every single one.
01:58:08 Of the DVD's.
01:58:10 Or Blu-ray or whatever it is I still do.
Speaker 23
01:58:13 DVD's, I guess sometimes.
01:58:15 It's all movies you've already seen.
01:58:18 Or movies you haven't seen because you never.
01:58:21 Wanted to and.
Speaker 23
01:58:22 You never.
01:58:22 You're never going to want to.
Speaker 1
01:58:29 Like I said.
01:58:30 I I wouldn't give up on it.
01:58:33 I haven't given up on it, but I have given up on the idea that, Oh well my I can.
01:58:39 I can arrest my development, I can postpone my personal growth.
01:58:44 Like a lot of men think like a lot of men feel as if I don't have to keep growing as a person.
01:58:50 Because I'm I'm still have to find my wife.
01:58:53 And then once I find my wife, then we can grow together and you know that's when I can mature.
01:58:58 That's when I can.
01:58:58 Stop partying all the time.
01:59:00 That's when I can do this.
01:59:01 That's when I can do that.
01:59:02 That's why I get serious about making money.
01:59:04 That's why I can get serious about getting a house.
01:59:06 That's why you know what?
01:59:06 All the.
01:59:07 All these things that a lot of men think, well, I'm just showing my wild.
Speaker 1
01:59:11 That's now as soon as I.
Speaker 13
01:59:12 Find that woman I'm.
01:59:13 Supposed to be with.
01:59:14 That's when I'm.
01:59:15 Going to get serious about my life.
Speaker 2
01:59:16 Well, you know.
01:59:17 Fast forward 20 years and you haven't found that woman.
01:59:20 You're basically stuck in this juvenile state.
01:59:25 So I think that even if you're not like super old, but even if you're just getting into your late 20s and you haven't found someone, just say like look.
Speaker 23
01:59:36 Yeah, just.
01:59:37 Keep looking.
01:59:39 Or at least keep an eye open, right?
01:59:41 But stop thinking that you need to wait to find this person before you actually.
01:59:47 Start making your your life better and start acting like a man.
01:59:54 OK, here we go.
01:59:59 Dollar 88 from Hans Rothschild under 18 can't join military because it serves Zog can't go to school without debt.
02:00:07 Our movements are led by feds and *******.
02:00:10 Seems the only option for white guys is to ride the tiger until this falls apart.
02:00:15 Good work.
02:00:16 Besides, for the boomer takes about communism.
02:00:19 In in Jesus, what about communism?
02:00:22 Are you a communist?
02:00:25 Are you a communist?
02:00:27 Because I don't like communism.
02:00:33 I mean, I appreciate the dollar 88, but if you think me not liking Communists, is is a boomer take.
02:00:41 I think you need to check yourself there and it you know and same thing with Jesus.
02:00:45 Ohh yeah having having a a moral moral framework that's been around for thousands of years in the West, that's that's such a boomer take.
02:00:56 Oh, God.
02:00:58 God help us make everyone.
02:01:00 You ever think that maybe the reason why the movements are falling apart is?
02:01:05 The reason might be in the mirror.
02:01:07 If you ever have a good look at yourself.
02:01:11 I'm just saying.
02:01:12 I'm just saying.
02:01:16 Not liking communism and thinking Christianity is OK.
02:01:21 If you think that's Boomer.
02:01:23 We're in trouble.
02:01:24 We're in trouble.
02:01:27 Uh, let's take.
02:01:28 A look here.
Speaker 13
02:01:31 Roland, hi, Devin.
02:01:32 Will you ever review V? The mini series from 1983? The movie documentary Bob Roberts 1992 might be interesting to look at. Some say it predicts the 2016 election.
02:01:50 You know.
02:01:52 I downloaded once the V series.
02:01:56 And I just it's so.
02:01:59 I mean.
02:02:00 Again, it's it's I'm sure that like.
02:02:05 I don't know.
02:02:05 It I tried watching it and it was just like.
02:02:09 It was so low budget, 80s and some of that can be endearing and some of it can just be annoying and there's it's, it's the big time investment, right, because I think there's like.
02:02:20 I mean, there's several episodes and they're long.
02:02:24 And I just I couldn't get into it.
02:02:26 So I don't know, I doubt that I'll do the V series.
02:02:30 But you know who knows that?
02:02:33 I've never heard of this other one, so I just put it in my notes.
02:02:37 Cringe pan of the tender swimmer guy is like cryptocurrency.
02:02:40 You keep putting everything into it, thinking you're going to get something out of it, but in the end all you have is aids.
02:02:48 Well, I don't think cryptocurrency gives you aids, but.
02:02:54 Uh, well, that's I'll.
02:02:56 Tell you one thing, though.
02:02:57 They the reporters in the documentary described it.
02:03:00 It was a Ponzi scheme.
02:03:02 Literally what he was doing was as he was getting money from the girl that's in this documentary, he was spending that money on the Russian model that he was in Greece.
02:03:15 And then he would get it, you know, he had all these different girls, in fact, that girl at the end.
02:03:20 Where she sees the article and you know, reads it on the plane or whatever and and gets him arrested.
02:03:27 She was with him the entire time.
02:03:31 That he was with the other girl that had sent him.
02:03:35 The $250,000.
02:03:39 And so there were three women that just, I mean.
02:03:43 Right there and there hasn't been a thorough investigation.
02:03:46 He's already driving Ferraris and **** like that.
02:03:48 The guy it like I said, it's estimated it was $10 million. Well, it's only 250 grand from that girl.
02:03:54 Another 150 grand from the other girl, another 150 grand.
02:03:57 From the other.
02:03:58 Girl, I mean, you still got like $9 million to come up with like where is, where did all that come from?
02:04:04 There's probably lots of different women and they it wasn't just the the women there were, there were guys.
02:04:10 There were guys that said that, you know, like like that he was doing the gay version of that with.
02:04:18 So this guy had apparently a laundry list of people he was scamming.
02:04:25 And I don't think.
02:04:25 We'll never.
02:04:26 We'll probably never get.
Speaker 23
02:04:27 To the bottom of it, but.
02:04:28 A lot of people after.
02:04:29 That article got published, went out and said that, Oh yeah, this is and it was all within the same time for and plus when he was in jail for doing it to three different girls in Finland.
02:04:39 So he's been doing this.
02:04:41 Been doing this for years.
02:04:44 And I'm sorry.
02:04:45 Like as much as he doesn't seem smart, he doesn't like a lot of people.
02:04:49 Their response like ohh.
02:04:50 He's such a player.
02:04:51 He's such a genius.
02:04:53 He does not seem like a genius.
02:04:57 At all, like he can barely write his his.
02:05:01 His vocabulary is complete ****, even as like I said, is what struck me was that he wasn't smooth.
02:05:10 Like when they would show the text messages back and forth, it was just like I love you, honey.
02:05:14 I want baby with you and future.
02:05:18 And that that was it like that would be the that was the the get make her panties wet like massage.
02:05:27 Because again, it's because he was a billionaire.
02:05:29 Didn't ******* matter.
02:05:30 In fact, it probably it's probably better, right?
02:05:32 So you had a billionaire.
02:05:34 It's probably better if he's stupid.
Speaker 23
02:05:36 Because you're not dating him because he's he's for his brain.
02:05:42 So yeah, it it was literally.
02:05:44 It was a Ponzi scheme.
02:05:49 Mega Tech Hot Blondie $25 for that. I don't know what you mean by hot Blondie. If you mean the girl in the in.
02:05:55 The in the show.
02:05:57 I mean, yeah, they.
02:05:57 They were all right, you know, they weren't. They weren't ugly girls. I mean, she got 1000 matches, but that's the problem. She thinks she's a Disney Princess.
02:06:06 And she thinks she's going to.
02:06:07 Find a Disney Prince on Tinder.
02:06:11 And she's not look about half those thousand guys are probably scumbags, but even if that's that's so, that's still 500 guys where there's there's going to.
02:06:20 At least be.
02:06:21 A handful.
02:06:23 Of men in there.
02:06:25 That would be perfectly fine.
02:06:28 That wouldn't be embarrassing to be with.
02:06:34 And would be good and loyal and and treat her right.
02:06:37 But you know, she would only feel the butterflies in her stomach for the first few weeks and then it would go away.
02:06:45 And she's always having the chase that high.
02:06:49 I don't think I really don't think she's ever going to be happy with anyone.
02:06:54 Unless somehow, like some millionaire billionaire sees this.
02:07:00 And it's like I, you know, it wants to white knight and then, you know, she'd probably be OK with that.
02:07:09 $5 for a cringe pan. I appreciate it. Have you seen the diverse complaints video I sent? It plays like a TikTok compilation of grievances, but it's from 1991. No, I haven't. I haven't had a chance to check it out. Weather out here has been amazing.
02:07:25 And so I've been up on the roof trying to prepare for when, well, when, when it eventually hopefully at some point rains.
02:07:33 And I got like I actually I.
02:07:35 I think I.
02:07:36 Got termites, which just sucks.
02:07:37 Which sucks.
02:07:38 I'm so I'm trying to figure.
02:07:39 Out like.
02:07:41 If they're if.
02:07:42 If yeah, that that's.
02:07:45 Yeah, it's not like a huge deal because the house isn't like, it's like I call it a bunker for a reason.
02:07:52 It's not made of wood, but.
02:07:54 The roof is.
02:07:56 And so, and because there's been leaks, you know it's been wet wood and then termites love that ****.
02:08:01 And it's just like, oh, God, one more thing.
02:08:03 Right.
02:08:05 Yeah, I I haven't been online that much.
02:08:07 Plus like during the.
02:08:08 Day my Internet sucks.
02:08:10 So I just haven't had.
02:08:12 I think I downloaded it.
02:08:13 I downloaded something.
02:08:15 I downloaded some links they had sent, but I haven't had a chance to look at it.
02:08:20 Mimetic warfighter $10.
02:08:21 Appreciate it.
02:08:23 Uh, that just updated.
02:08:25 I got to Scroll down and.
02:08:26 Find you again.
02:08:27 That's the next fix I got.
02:08:28 To get on honestly about don't make it refresh the whole thing every time someone.
02:08:33 I mean, it's not a big deal, but.
Speaker 23
02:08:35 It'd be nice if it didn't do that.
02:08:37 Magnetic warfighter $10 Speaking of our friend Simon's tribe, there is a Jay Pilled neuro scientist, streamer Doctor Kevin Mccarn.
02:08:47 I reach out to him about the possibility of streaming with you, he said.
02:08:52 He enjoys your analysis and would like to talk.
02:08:55 I can help arrange your introduction if you like.
02:08:57 I think you get along.
02:08:59 Doctor Kevin mccarn.
02:09:03 I'll like I said, I it's hard for me to do because of my.
02:09:07 Internet it's hard for me to do strings with other people because I barely have the bandwidth to do to do this, and I.
02:09:13 Have to do it at a weird time, maybe where my space Internet comes in, which I'm still waiting for.
02:09:19 $4.00 ******. ******. You make such red Pilling content dev. Ironic given the name. If your name of your channel.
02:09:27 How is it that no one clips your red pills?
02:09:30 Like with three spoons does for Nick Fuentes on Gab?
02:09:36 I don't know I.
02:09:38 I don't have.
02:09:40 Part of that is I think.
02:09:43 I haven't been able to really get to spend the time to do the community thing and and I I don't know how I I don't know.
02:09:52 I don't see the clips that I I'm sure there's lots of people that clip Nick stuff and.
02:09:58 I don't know.
02:09:59 I think there's probably there's got to be a community aspect to that is what I'm getting.
02:10:03 Yeah, I don't think he's like paying people, but at the same time, I'm I don't know that he's not.
02:10:08 Paying people.
02:10:09 I know there are streamers that pay people not a not a lot, but like just, you know, something to do, stuff like that.
02:10:16 Pill dispenser I know, was posting stuff, but again, he's not getting paid, so you know.
02:10:24 I can understand not not wanting to do it all the time when there's not especially cause he's not going to be.
02:10:30 You're not going to stay monetized on any platform making clips of me.
02:10:34 So you gotta.
02:10:35 Have like some kind of incentive there and it's just, you know, I haven't had the time to.
02:10:41 I don't know what I'm doing when I'm.
02:10:42 Doing this.
Speaker 23
02:10:44 This is not what I plan on doing with my life.
02:10:47 This is.
Speaker 13
02:10:47 Not I'll just.
Speaker 1
02:10:48 Tell you that much.
02:10:49 I you know, I this is not my.
02:10:52 This was not a road I thought I was going to be going down, so part of it's just I need it's a learning curve and and and understanding how this all should be managed is just you know.
02:11:04 And I don't think it's such a new thing, too.
02:11:06 It's such a new technology and a new way of.
02:11:08 Communicating that there's just.
02:11:10 Not everyone.
02:11:11 There's there's not a lot of resources to know, like how to do this and so, yeah, but I don't if hell if you want to do it, if you want to clip, make clip.
02:11:20 I'm OK.
02:11:21 People clipping stuff or posting it, you know, wherever you want.
02:11:24 I don't care.
02:11:25 Yeah, I'm. I'm not gonna, like, strike anyone's channel. Or of course not. You know, spread it around.
02:11:31 Uh. Let's see here.
02:11:39 Man, right, peeling alright here we.
02:11:40 Go $5 friends of Adolph.
02:11:45 Greeting from Croatia.
02:11:47 Glad you're a night owl so I can watch you live and drink gin at at 10 AM, Vaxxed.
02:11:52 People are traders, therefore should be forced fed soy and then put on ************ machines when they can't get it up.
02:12:01 Well, I I think there's.
02:12:03 Just a lot of people that haven't figured.
02:12:05 Out how bad?
02:12:06 It is again, we're like it's a high trust society.
02:12:10 I don't know about Croatia, but.
02:12:12 In the West, it's a high trust society.
02:12:15 The people are compliant because.
02:12:18 You know when it was just it's it's.
02:12:23 It's a comforting, I mean, think of it this way, as the society exists in the 1st place because generally most people assume that the people managing the society are doing it with the best interest of the society at heart.
02:12:37 And maybe when we were a majority of the same, when we were more homogeneous here in America.
02:12:44 That was the case to some extent.
02:12:46 I mean, there's always going to be a ruling class.
02:12:48 They're always going to do shady ****, but they're always going to have to rely on some kind of bureaucrat or or, you know, some kind of.
02:12:57 Hierarchy and some kind of power structure.
02:13:00 They don't have total control.
02:13:01 They're not like gods, you know.
02:13:03 What I mean?
02:13:04 So the people that they have to work with are going to be are going to feel some kind of tied to the people that they're ******* over or being asked to **** over.
02:13:14 And so there's going to be limits, right and.
02:13:17 Up until somewhat recently, I guess you could say, although not really, it's probably been.
02:13:22 A while now, but the.
02:13:25 The the the at least.
02:13:26 The you weren't safe to.
02:13:27 Assume but it.
02:13:28 Was more widely assumed that the ruling class was at least.
02:13:33 On the same page as everybody else, morally, spiritually, and, and and so forth.
02:13:42 And so while, you know, you might have some corruption, you're always going to have some corruption.
02:13:46 Then you're going to have some bad things happen, and whatever the the assumption, whether it was right or wrong was that, hey, you know, we're, I trust society.
02:13:56 I trust you because you know.
02:13:58 Why wouldn't I?
02:13:59 We all have the same background.
02:14:00 We all have.
02:14:01 We all have the same ancestors.
02:14:03 We all have this.
02:14:03 They were living in a country with the same narrative.
02:14:07 And that's just not the case anymore in, at least in America, and probably in a lot of other Western.
02:14:12 Countries you don't have, you know it's it's just a whole bunch of competing groups now.
02:14:17 It's super easy to do evil **** to each other, and it just there's a lot of older people, especially like.
02:14:23 Look, my parents got vaccinated and you know, I hope they don't suffer any any damage because of it.
02:14:30 So far they haven't.
02:14:32 But it's like.
02:14:34 They they kind of get it now.
02:14:36 I don't know.
02:14:36 I don't know.
02:14:37 If they.
02:14:37 Regret it, but they kind of get it now.
02:14:41 They at least understand that.
02:14:42 Well, OK, maybe we should have just done.
02:14:44 That, but they were like a lot of boomers, were they?
02:14:47 They were afraid of death and.
02:14:50 Look, their church told them to do it.
02:14:52 You know the Mormon church, and they're still practicing Mormons.
02:14:56 The Mormon church was all, I think, still is pro VAX.
02:15:02 So they just went along with it because they they feel like that even if you can't trust your government, they still feel like that's an institution they can.
02:15:10 And you know that's Mormons are pretty are pretty.
02:15:16 There's very it's not very often you find.
02:15:19 Like I've noticed like there's a lot of Catholics they say a lot of Catholic, but then you find out they go to church maybe on Easter.
02:15:27 And maybe you know, I mean like maybe on Christmas, they're not there every Sunday and and many of the people that identify as Catholic or or even other religions, they they haven't even been the church in years.
02:15:40 Maybe that's not the way Mormons are.
02:15:44 If you say you're Mormon.
02:15:47 Like you're going, you're at least once a week going to church.
02:15:51 That's why I don't say I'm Mormon, you know, like I haven't been to church since I was like.
02:15:56 It's been a.
02:15:56 Long time been a really long time.
02:15:58 And so they're, I mean, they're they're very practicing.
02:16:04 They go there all the time.
02:16:05 And their church told them it was OK.
02:16:08 So they, you know.
02:16:10 They went for it.
02:16:11 I don't even know if they're doing meetings like that for a long time that you couldn't even go to church like you had to do.
02:16:17 They did it like you'd watch it stream from home.
02:16:21 I I don't think they're still doing that, but they did that.
02:16:23 For a while.
02:16:27 Let's see here.
02:16:30 First, last $15. Appreciate it. Tip of the tip of the judenburg.
02:16:36 Oh, yeah.
02:16:37 Well, yeah, the yeah.
02:16:39 Like I said, Israel is, yeah.
02:16:43 If you talk about what, yeah, the.
02:16:44 Yeah, the.
02:16:45 The Tinder swindler is just like.
02:16:47 Just a a pixel of a whole photo of what's going on out in in Israel.
02:16:55 Carter, $25 appreciate that a relative 70 years old was tricked by a dating scam from Nigeria online four years ago. She sold her house and sent her savings to a Nigerian on a claim that he had a pile of gold.
02:17:11 She sent $120,000. Our family tried to stop it. It was a romance scam. She now barely lives on Social Security Jew control. No, Nigerians are just they're just *******. They're like the the Jews of Africa.
02:17:26 It's it's terrible Nigerian, the scamming that goes on in Nigeria.
02:17:32 Is next level.
02:17:34 Like I'm talking trillions of dollars have have been funneled into that country because of scams like that.
02:17:42 And yeah, that's elder abuse.
02:17:43 It's ******* disgusting and it happens more and more.
02:17:46 There's a lot of channels on YouTube where they just focus on a lot of this comes out of India too, right?
02:17:52 Like you'll see these guys on YouTube that **** with the scammers and a lot of these guys are.
02:17:56 The phone ones are in India.
02:17:59 And it's just it's disgusting that people do that, but it's.
02:18:04 You know again it's.
02:18:06 It's another.
02:18:08 Illustration of why diversity doesn't work those.
02:18:12 People think of it this.
02:18:13 Way you would probably even if you were.
02:18:15 Kind of a *******.
02:18:18 You would feel kind of sick to your stomach, even like or think of this.
Speaker 1
02:18:21 Way. Think about. Think about.
02:18:22 Like mafia movies or movies about criminals.
02:18:25 There's always like this kind of like code, right?
02:18:28 Or even like among, you know, ******** felons.
Speaker 23
02:18:32 Where you don't.
02:18:32 **** with kids or like an old man, right?
02:18:35 But that's that's a very white thing.
02:18:39 Right.
02:18:39 That's a very white thing.
02:18:42 It just is.
02:18:43 And white people don't get it.
02:18:45 You know the and and other groups don't feel the same way.
02:18:50 And now maybe they feel the same way when dealing with their own people, but they don't feel the same with dealing with white people.
02:18:57 I mean, how many videos have you seen of blacks just like cold cocking some old man like and killing them in some cases?
02:19:05 I can think of at least three that I saw in the last couple of years where, you know, an 18 year old, 18 like a young a black guy.
02:19:17 Cold *****, an old man.
02:19:20 And kills them.
02:19:21 There's been a few cases of that.
02:19:23 In the last couple of years.
02:19:25 And it's it's horrific.
02:19:28 And a white person would never think that.
02:19:30 Do that.
02:19:30 There's there's no example.
02:19:32 There's literally no examples of of like, a white guy just punching out a black old man and killing.
Speaker 23
02:19:39 Him for no reason.
02:19:41 You know, like I'm sure it's happened, but you know, it's not like with regularity.
02:19:46 And it's statistically insignificant.
02:19:48 And once you, if you, you know, account for the.
02:19:52 The difference in the populations there.
02:19:55 But it it's it's insane.
02:19:56 Like it's insane how trusting.
Speaker 23
02:20:00 White people are.
02:20:02 Well, the perfect example that there was that video before the the the trampling of the horse, there was a video that went viral of Canadians hugging the cops.
02:20:13 I don't know if you saw that.
02:20:14 I I tried to find it, but I couldn't find it.
02:20:17 But there was this video going around like all these trucker protesters like hugging the cops.
02:20:22 Like, yeah, man, you get it.
02:20:24 Yeah, man.
02:20:25 Let's hug.
02:20:26 Yeah, we all.
02:20:26 We're all one.
02:20:27 It's like you trusting fools.
02:20:29 They're going to be trampling you in like a couple of hours.
02:20:31 They don't give a ****.
02:20:34 And that's what it is.
02:20:35 There's just a lot of trusting fools on our side.
02:20:40 $1.00 cringe.
02:20:41 Panda how do you suppose an interview between you and Louis Theroux?
02:20:44 Thoreau would go or go down.
02:20:47 Thoreau is very personable and intelligent, even though I don't.
02:20:50 Agree with his views.
02:20:52 I would never.
02:20:54 I would never.
02:20:54 Grant an interview I I just wouldn't.
02:20:59 If for some reason I was forced to talk to the guy, I would just point out you got to understand his background.
02:21:08 He comes the reason why people like that.
02:21:12 Like in that part where he's talking to Baked Alaska and Baked Alaska says something about like why is it OK?
02:21:19 You know, he points out the inconsistency where it's OK to say I hate white people, but it's not OK to say I hate Jews and then he says, well, that's because white privilege and brother.
02:21:30 I would.
02:21:30 I would just call.
02:21:31 Him out on that like.
02:21:31 Dude, you are.
02:21:32 If there's someone that comes from white privilege, it's it's literally you.
02:21:37 Like you, it's not like you come from money.
02:21:39 That guilt that you feel that you can't.
02:21:42 You shouldn't project that onto an entire race of people.
02:21:47 And and you're basically ******* us all over.
02:21:50 Because you come from money.
02:21:51 You come from generational wealth that you didn't earn.
02:21:55 And to alleviate yourself of the guilt that comes along with that.
02:22:00 In the same way that a lot of celebrities don't feel like they've actually earned their millions of dollars, because, let's face it, they didn't.
02:22:06 I mean, they earned it and that they, you know, they did a job and got paid for.
02:22:10 But they they realize that what they get paid is vastly out of step with what.
Speaker 23
02:22:16 They do.
02:22:18 And so they feel guilty and to feel less guilty about it.
02:22:24 They want to spread that guilt onto an entire race.
02:22:30 You know, let everyone help shoulder the burden.
02:22:34 Of that guilt.
02:22:37 And so I would I would, I would frame conversation if I was forced to talk to him, I would just frame.
02:22:44 His, his.
02:22:46 His gay cockery with white privilege, I'd be like, look, dude, you know that This is why you feel that way.
02:22:52 Explain to me why I'm wrong.
02:22:55 Explain to me why a you know a white out of work mechanic on welfare has white privilege.
02:23:07 Explain to me how you know working class whites that you have nothing in common with.
02:23:14 That you don't interact with at all, that when you do interact with them, it's like it's like this smug ******* condescension.
02:23:26 You know, explain to me how they have had privilege.
02:23:31 Or, you know, I maybe I'll just try to **** with him.
02:23:33 I don't know, but I just wouldn't.
Speaker 13
02:23:36 I've had. I've had.
02:23:37 Media several times reach out to me.
02:23:41 And want to do interviews and stuff like that and.
02:23:48 Excuse me.
02:23:50 Well, I don't.
02:23:50 Want any?
02:23:51 All the outlets but from mainstream outlets going back for years?
02:23:56 Ever since I first started doing this stuff.
02:24:00 And I've never responded because it's just, I don't think it's useful.
02:24:06 Because it's, it's like, why give them why?
02:24:09 Why give them content?
02:24:12 You're you're basically giving them free content.
02:24:16 You're giving them free content and it's.
02:24:20 Going to be specifically designed to **** on you.
02:24:25 And the little bit, the little tiny bit of exposure you think you're going to get?
02:24:32 It is going to be a net loss.
02:24:35 It's going to be a net loss.
02:24:40 I don't think that when Nick Fuentes, for example, is looking at his analytics.
02:24:45 That there's going to be any kind of measurable increase in audience because of the documentary.
02:24:55 And he's not getting paid.
02:24:58 So what's the point?
02:25:00 What's the point?
02:25:02 Yeah, he, he, he.
02:25:03 He turned out looking OK in it.
02:25:06 But the movement as a whole looks a little psychotic thanks to.
02:25:11 Beardsman and and and little cringe, thanks to Baked Alaska, which actually it wasn't.
02:25:18 He wasn't all that bad.
02:25:20 He I thought.
02:25:21 I thought it was going to be worse.
02:25:23 That wasn't actually all that bad.
02:25:26 He seemed like a, you know, he seemed like a nice guy.
02:25:29 He didn't come Beardsman did not come across as, like a nice guy.
02:25:32 He came across as kind of.
02:25:37 And and they made and they amplified it, right?
02:25:44 And so it's.
02:25:47 There I don't see what the benefit to that.
02:25:49 Was at all.
02:25:50 I don't think that there really was one.
02:25:54 Uh. Let's see here.
02:25:57 Volks gas mask on behalf of your many German viewers, I request you give a shout out to die 44Z.
02:26:10 All right, shout out to die sports fun.
02:26:14 Germans #1 Right wing podcast.
02:26:17 I don't think I said that right, but I'll try.
Speaker 23
02:26:19 It again Dai Schwartz fun.
02:26:22 That's my best.
02:26:23 That's my best German which?
02:26:24 Probably isn't good.
02:26:27 $5 Gray state of mind when making a big economic choice. Should we look past the collapse that we are living in? Hard to motivate investment when you're folk is being raped in the street.
02:26:41 I I'm the wrong person to ask I.
02:26:44 Do not have a lot of money.
02:26:47 I'm not exactly in a position to be making investments.
Speaker 23
02:26:51 You know what, I.
02:26:52 So yeah, I'm probably not the right person.
02:26:55 I would say this.
02:26:56 Look, my strategy has always been to try to make it into physical things.
02:27:02 You know, like property if you can and uh.
02:27:09 You know, I guess that's the biggest one really.
02:27:12 Property and and and of course things that are going to last a lifetime that will never go bad like you know.
02:27:20 Firearms will always hold.
02:27:23 Their value, and in fact many of them, will increase in value.
02:27:27 They never go back.
02:27:29 Uhm, you know.
02:27:32 Anything like anything that's going to that's physical.
02:27:36 They can't.
02:27:36 That's not just a an imaginary number on a spreadsheet, or even necessarily an imaginary number in a crypto wallet.
02:27:44 Because that **** is volatile.
02:27:45 I mean, maybe it'll go up.
02:27:47 I don't know.
02:27:49 So, but yeah, I'm I'm the wrong.
02:27:51 I'm not.
02:27:51 I'm not a good person to ask for economic.
Speaker 23
02:27:53 Advice. I would just say.
02:27:56 First and foremost, prepare yourself so that if there was some.
02:28:00 Kind of collapse.
02:28:02 You should always be prepared in terms of having.
02:28:05 Like food supply.
02:28:08 You know, food communications, you know, food or water is actually #1 water, food, communications, weaponry. You know, just that kind of stuff.
02:28:20 Right.
02:28:21 And I've done entire videos that talk about what I what I would recommend stocking up on property of course.
02:28:29 And then beyond that, it's all gravy.
02:28:30 You know, it's all just anything that's after that.
02:28:33 It's just it's just.
02:28:34 Butter and then try to try to disconnect from the system as much as possible and try to get out of that money system because it's not going to.
02:28:42 I don't think it's.
02:28:43 Going to happen tomorrow, that.
02:28:44 That ghoulish 100 year old billionaire that I played, the clip from a couple streams.
02:28:50 Said that, you know that he saw the dollar going to 0, but the timeline he gave was 100 years and I think that's kind of realistic. It's not going to happen overnight.
02:29:01 It's going to take and it's not even gonna it's.
02:29:03 It's the same thing I talked about with the zooming out the graph, it's not even going to be like a linear line.
02:29:08 It's not like the dollar is going to go in a in a straight line from where it's at now to zero.
02:29:14 It's gonna go up, and it's gonna go down.
02:29:16 It's gonna go up, and then it's gonna go down.
02:29:18 But the trend will be going towards 0.
02:29:22 And different things will happen.
02:29:24 That'll that'll make it, you know, they'll print money or, like, maybe we'll go into a war or, you know, whatever there's so you can, there's going to be opportunities to make money is that.
02:29:35 That graph goes up and down, up and down, but that's.
02:29:38 Not my specialty by any means.
02:29:42 Arminius, pull up this clip from Canadian Parliament.
02:29:47 I would like to hear your thoughts.
02:29:50 I can't.
02:29:51 I'll tell you what.
02:29:52 I'll put in my notes, but the the bit shoot clips usually screw up my connection.
02:30:00 Because you can't do lower res.
02:30:03 Playback and while I'm streaming, I'm kind of using all my bandwidth.
02:30:09 But I if it's the clip I'm thinking it is.
02:30:14 Isn't it just the one where they they declare martial law or whatever?
02:30:19 Or whatever they call it.
02:30:21 I don't know.
02:30:22 I'll check it out later.
02:30:24 I returned Fagot 4 dollars. Sorry for the mess of a super chat Odyssey 300 character limit is a *****. How to get creative.
02:30:35 Whatever that word is.
02:30:39 I said Japanese for my bad, OK?
02:30:42 No problem.
02:30:44 $3 from Dan Bigfoot.
02:30:48 He was an actual son of a Jewish billionaire, they said.
02:30:51 They thought he was legit by Google.
02:30:53 No, no.
02:30:54 So he changed his name.
02:30:56 He was his real name was.
02:31:00 Well, it's, I mean it's in the video I I pop, I popped it up at one point.
02:31:04 His real name was.
02:31:13 And here's his real name.
02:31:17 Simon Yehuda hayut.
02:31:20 But because he was, he was, he's been a scam artist his whole life.
02:31:25 When he fled Israel or right just prior to him fleeing fleeing Israel, he changed his last name to the same last name of a.
02:31:33 Diamond billionaire.
02:31:36 So that would help with his scam.
02:31:40 You know, be like.
02:31:40 Me if I changed my last name to like Rockefeller or something like that.
02:31:44 You know, because I wanted to scam people into thinking that I was rich.
Speaker 23
02:31:51 Or Rothschild.
02:31:53 That'd be kind of funny.
02:31:55 I think people should just do that just to ****.
02:31:57 The Rothschilds out off.
02:31:59 Just start changing your last name to Rothschild.
02:32:03 But yeah, that this was his original name.
02:32:06 He is not a he's not related to that family at all.
02:32:11 Look, not that I'm sure that family is a bunch of scumbags.
02:32:14 If you're a diamond family, I really doubt your.
02:32:19 Your hands are clean.
02:32:23 OK, Scroll down here.
02:32:35 Yeah, someone every time someone tips it.
02:32:39 Or freaks it out a little bit.
02:32:43 There we go, 1488 from Magnus von Thiel. Appreciate it.
02:32:48 Deharo 1400 Keith Woods is doing a stream on the great replacement with Chris Langan. The 200 IQ guy who made the Coco the Gorilla post.
02:32:57 That should be interesting.
02:32:59 I heard something about that I might listen that I'm doing some stuff tomorrow.
02:33:04 Crux is some Marina.
02:33:08 I think I said that maybe right $5. Appreciate it. Love is a choice, not a feeling. The modern conception of love is centered around immediate sexual and economic gratification, right? You know, it's it's dopamine.
02:33:21 It's dopamine.
02:33:23 It's it's and and and it's not.
02:33:26 Just look, it's not just women that feel that men feel that same feeling.
02:33:30 Both people feel.
02:33:31 And you could get this you.
02:33:32 Know when you're with someone new.
02:33:34 You get all excited, you get the butterflies and and it's like, oh, it's it's very, you know, part of it is is because of all the unknowns and all the all the possibilities.
02:33:47 Right.
02:33:48 And then as you get to know them, then there's there's fewer unknowns.
02:33:51 It sort of just gets less exciting.
02:33:53 And there's fewer possibilities, to be honest.
02:33:56 And so it gets gets a little less exciting.
02:34:00 And so that goes away.
02:34:02 And that's that's normal.
02:34:05 But for a woman that doesn't know that that's normal.
02:34:08 She she like.
02:34:10 She said that her favorite times is when she's in love.
02:34:12 She's never been in love.
02:34:14 She's just been excited about.
02:34:15 New guys that she's been *******.
02:34:18 And then it gets old.
02:34:20 And then she finds another new guy.
02:34:24 You know.
02:34:25 And then she sends them 200.
02:34:26 $50,000.
Speaker 18
02:34:32 My ***** better have my money.
02:34:39 Alright, uh.
Speaker 1
02:34:42 Do Haro 1400 have?
02:34:43 You thought about going?
02:34:44 To local churches, Mormon or some other Christian denomination, just to check out things are going.
02:34:50 There and what is being preached?
02:34:52 No, I mean you got to remember, once I got out here, it wasn't long before all the lockdowns happened, and all the churches have been locked down.
02:34:58 I've thought about it, but it's just, you know.
02:35:01 I don't know.
02:35:03 And there's not like a lot of anything out here.
02:35:06 If I, no matter what, I would go to it, it would be a significant drive.
02:35:12 But not that I'm not.
02:35:13 I'm not.
02:35:14 I haven't ruled it out.
02:35:14 I've thought about it just to check it out and see if just for you know, the sake of getting to know at least somewhat like minded people in the area.
02:35:22 And that's always a good idea.
Speaker 23
02:35:26 But no, I I haven't been doing that.
02:35:29 Retired ****** $4.
02:35:31 Response to that comma?
02:35:32 Antichrist chat.
02:35:34 Some white Nat are so desperate to save whites, they reject core building blocks of the West.
02:35:40 And that sock I used to follow on gap post anti Christian rants claiming to hate Jews but made defense for commies when it's goys, push it.
02:35:49 Even the Russian Rev.
02:35:54 Jewish watch for them.
02:35:56 No, I just look, there's people that they know things are bad.
02:36:00 Look, I don't think the guy is trying to sabotage things.
02:36:04 It's just that.
02:36:05 You know things are bad.
02:36:08 And so you look at.
02:36:08 Well, well, what?
02:36:10 What have we been doing?
02:36:12 OK.
02:36:13 And what are what what, what were what?
Speaker 30
02:36:15 Were we doing?
02:36:15 Before things were bad.
02:36:18 Well, then let's do the opposite.
02:36:20 Or let's let's.
Speaker 13
02:36:22 What it is?
02:36:23 It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
02:36:25 It's it's thinking that, well, clearly.
02:36:29 Having this Christian majority that was anti common, at least in you know, in America there was a very anti Communist Christian majority right before the the fall or like the the steep drop off.
02:36:45 I mean there was always trending in the wrong direction but if you think of.
02:36:50 What was the?
02:36:51 What was the the patriarchy that was in charge like?
02:36:56 Prior to the steep fall off in the.
Speaker 23
02:36:58 In the in the 60s.
02:36:59 Well, they were anti commie and they were Christian.
02:37:03 And so I can understand how you could look at that and say, well then clearly that is not a competent system to in order that that's capable of of of keeping.
02:37:16 Being a white people safe right or or serving our interests.
02:37:22 And there are some of the criticisms might even be valid, right?
02:37:26 But I think it's throwing the baby out with the bath water and not recognizing that.
02:37:32 I mean, you got first of all, even if you are right, you got to work with what you what you have access to, you're not going.
02:37:39 To it's hard.
02:37:40 Enough to try to convince people to.
02:37:42 To be right wing and to recognize whites as a group and to to have in Group.
Speaker 23
02:37:49 Reference and.
02:37:51 And and you're going to start trying to dismantle core belief systems at the same time that you're.
Speaker 23
02:37:58 Trying to do that.
02:37:59 No, that's stupid.
02:38:00 That's like, that's, that's even like you said, even if you were right, even if if.
02:38:06 If Christianity was the reason we were in this mess, which I don't.
02:38:09 Believe, but even if that was the case.
02:38:12 Trying to dismantle that as a prerequisite to benefit, you know, to helping our people is insanity.
02:38:23 It's just insanity and that's fine.
02:38:26 Not everyone has a head for this, and that doesn't mean that their hearts in the wrong place.
02:38:30 It just means that.
02:38:33 You know.
02:38:34 It just it and look, that guy's probably young and he'll probably as he gets older.
02:38:42 Figure it out a little more.
02:38:45 UM.
02:38:48 Do person do you watch the corporate report?
02:38:52 Sometimes he's got good stuff.
02:38:54 He's very libertarian too, you know.
02:38:57 He's like the lefty kind of flavor of libertarian, and he thinks that there can be some kind of libertarian utopia where, you know, everyone has freedom and.
02:39:08 There shouldn't be any standards or or whatever.
02:39:12 And that's all cringe and whatever, but he does really good research and once and and he.
02:39:19 And he's intellectually honest, right, like he doesn't hide his personal beliefs.
02:39:25 And once you realize that all of his content is going to be colored.
02:39:30 By those personal.
02:39:31 Beliefs in the same way my content is colored by my personal beliefs and I don't lie about what you know where I stand.
02:39:38 You can disagree with me on stuff and and listen to me and and know that.
02:39:42 OK, well, it's coming from his perspective.
02:39:45 Is this right?
02:39:48 And you know that I'm not lying.
02:39:50 Right.
02:39:51 And then I think you could say the same thing about James Corbett.
02:39:53 He's not lying.
02:39:55 And he does really good research.
02:39:57 And so as long as you realize that it's through the lens of a sort of left-leaning and he probably wouldn't say that.
02:40:05 But compared to us, right, left-leaning libertarian perspective, then you realize that, OK, you know, like, you know. Yeah.
02:40:17 And can get it.
02:40:18 But but his research is gone.
02:40:20 He doesn't.
02:40:21 At least I've never.
02:40:22 I've seen a lot of his stuff over the years and he's been around a long time.
02:40:26 And I've never known him to lie.
02:40:31 $25 Cardiff really appreciate that. Is this too much?
02:40:35 To talk and.
02:40:37 Is this too much to talk and view about?
02:40:41 To talk and view about a dad having vengeance on his son's predator. Uh, true, and lawful vengeance at its best. Did you post this before?
02:40:54 In a stream, Gary.
02:40:58 Gary push something.
02:41:01 I'll Google that.
02:41:04 The Louisiana data took Heather revenge on his son's ****** on live television.
02:41:11 That sounds kind of familiar.
02:41:16 Let me look this up.
02:41:29 I don't know if you guys could hear classified, can't they?
02:41:35 Yeah, that's right, classified Kitty.
02:41:37 There's a video that came up.
02:41:38 I don't know if it's.
Speaker 22
02:41:43 As a parent in your position, dude.
02:41:46 Let me see.
02:41:46 Let me see if.
02:41:47 I can bring this up for everybody.
02:41:51 Pop this in here.
02:41:55 And while it's downloading.
02:42:04 Here's the Wikipedia Leon Gary. I want to say pleshe some Frenchy, Louisiana last name was known for the 1984 killing of Jeff. Another Frenchy, Louisiana, last name. Jeff ducey. I don't know.
Speaker 23
02:42:23 Looks like doucett.
02:42:25 Who had kidnapped, raped and molested Pluche's son, Jody. The killing occurred on Friday, March 16th, 1984 and was captured on camera by local news crew pleshey shot and killed decent and was given a seven-year suspended sentence.
02:42:43 For five years probation and 300 hours of community service for the shooting and received no prison time, the case received wide publicity because some people question whether police should have been charged with murder or let off.
02:42:59 I I feel like that sounds like a a a success in the the justice system.
02:43:07 I think that that's an appropriate.
02:43:11 Let me let me see if I can bring this up the file.
02:43:14 I don't know what this is.
02:43:15 I don't know if.
02:43:15 This is the actual shooting.
02:43:17 Or if this is an interview, but this is, it looks old.
02:43:21 It looks like it's from the 80s.
02:43:26 Let me see if I can pop this up here.
02:43:37 I mean.
02:43:39 If I was the judge in that case, I think I'd probably.
02:43:43 Be very lenient to say the least.
02:43:48 There was also that guy in Texas that did something similar and I think was also let let off easy.
02:44:00 So this must be them interviewing them afterwards.
Speaker 22
02:44:03 As a parent in your position did did.
02:44:05 You learn anything from this.
Speaker 12
02:44:08 Just how much I love my children.
Speaker 20
02:44:12 I might be.
Speaker 12
02:44:12 A little bit more protective or overprotective.
Speaker 22
02:44:20 March 1st, an emotional family reunion at New Orleans International Airport.
02:44:24 Gary June, meet Jody after his unexpected California visit.
Speaker 12
02:44:28 You know.
Speaker 2
02:44:33 Where's that gorgeous blonde hair?
Speaker 20
02:44:35 Are you looking?
Speaker 9
02:44:37 How do y'all?
Speaker 12
02:44:38 Feel now fantastic.
02:44:43 Looks good.
02:44:44 I love that.
Speaker 22
02:44:49 What do you think about this whole thing?
Speaker 12
02:44:52 I don't know.
Speaker 36
02:44:53 There's nothing right.
02:44:54 He was there.
02:44:55 He was OK.
02:44:56 He was home.
02:44:57 I finally finally knew for the first time in 10.
02:45:01 I don't know.
02:45:02 This doesn't seem to be like lining.
02:45:03 Up with the.
02:45:05 Wikipedia let me I'll look into that further.
02:45:12 But yeah, if that was, if that was something that.
02:45:15 And I was the judge in the case.
02:45:17 I certainly wouldn't throw the book at him.
02:45:20 So all right.
02:45:22 I'm going to refresh this real quick and then I'll hang out in regular chat for a second.
02:45:27 Actually, just hang on regular chat for a second.
02:45:32 So it's saying it's going to.
02:45:35 Someone said it's going to happen.
02:45:38 I'll play the rest of.
02:45:39 The video here.
02:45:44 Well, they don't.
02:45:44 Not in this clip.
02:45:45 They don't play it.
02:45:50 OK.
02:45:54 Hi French king Terry, I think it would be great if you could do a stream on Charles Lindbergh, specifically his America first committee, his Des Moines speech in 1941 is great, mentions the Jewish banking and Roosevelt Crime Syndicate. If you need help on Lynn Bird research, message me on gab.
02:46:13 Yeah, that might be a good guy to.
02:46:15 I'd like to dig into.
02:46:19 The missing baby.
02:46:22 Now I I haven't dug into it at all.
02:46:25 So my knowledge.
02:46:26 Of it is is very, I mean I know just the the bullet points.
02:46:32 But I wonder if his baby was perhaps.
02:46:36 Stolen as because he was kind of saying.
02:46:40 The wrong things.
02:46:45 That might not be a.
02:46:45 Bad thing to look into.
Speaker 13
02:46:49 UM.
02:46:54 Fascist Freddie, do you have a dirt bike in?
02:46:56 The desert? I don't.
02:46:59 I you know what I wish I had.
02:47:02 And my uncle had an old tiny.
02:47:06 It was called a tote goat.
02:47:08 It was like this real ***** ** ****.
02:47:11 Well, actually it.
02:47:11 Was it was built like a.
02:47:13 But it was basically a lawn mower engine hooked.
02:47:16 Up to a little bike.
02:47:19 And it I mean that thing was slow and but it was it was kind of a beast.
02:47:25 I mean you you would never break it.
02:47:27 It was like just.
02:47:27 It was so much metal on that thing.
02:47:30 And I never ran a guess, and so I would spend summers at their house sometimes, and I would ride that stupid thing, like, around their their neighborhood.
02:47:38 And I wouldn't mind something like that, just something that you could like, pack on some some gear to.
02:47:46 And go out in the desert, maybe like a quad or something.
02:47:51 But now I don't have a dirt bike.
02:47:55 High Priest King Terry.
02:47:57 What microphone do you use?
02:47:58 Just a a blue.
02:48:00 It's the.
Speaker 2
02:48:00 This thing is.
02:48:02 The snowball.
02:48:04 So it's just like a normal it's.
02:48:05 You know, like the cheapo.
Speaker 23
02:48:07 Blue one, it's.
02:48:09 Nothing too fancy.
02:48:12 I've never.
02:48:12 I've never understood when people spend so much money on these microphones.
02:48:17 I've never been able to hear a difference.
02:48:19 And you know, back way back in the day, I mean, I used to record voiceovers on a gaming headset.
02:48:26 And yeah, it probably wasn't as good, obviously, as, like, a real microphone.
02:48:30 And I probably wouldn't do that nowadays, but I got away with it on broadcast stuff.
02:48:35 Years ago and it never sounded too bad.
02:48:39 And I've also got like I know I've got kind of a.
02:48:42 A broadcasting voice and that kind of helps a little bit.
02:48:48 Someone says get an XLR mic set up.
02:48:50 I actually have an XLR mic and a mixer, and I've I've played around with it and I couldn't really hear a big difference in the convenience of just having it.
02:48:59 USB really didn't.
02:49:03 You know, it didn't seem to be worth the the trouble.
02:49:08 Of having all that extra stuff.
Speaker 13
02:49:12 UM.
02:49:18 Let's see.
02:49:19 Carter, $5 appreciate it. The video, 15 second ads.
02:49:26 Oh, here's that is that the video of the let me see.
02:49:31 That's the video of the guy.
02:49:41 We see it.
02:49:41 All that you guys just really want to see a.
02:49:43 Pedophile get shot.
02:49:44 I don't know.
02:49:45 I don't mind.
Speaker 1
02:49:46 Watching a video.
Speaker 23
02:49:46 Of a pedophile getting shot.
02:49:52 Why not?
02:49:55 Well, I know that that.
02:49:56 Might brighten up things a little bit.
02:50:01 It's not loading though, it's going really slow.
02:50:06 It's going really slow.
02:50:10 My internet's crap. You got to remember, it's hard for me to to play videos.
02:50:15 And stream simultaneously.
02:50:22 He's just sitting there saying it's loading.
Speaker 1
02:50:29 Yeah, I'll, I'll.
02:50:30 Check it out all the time.
02:50:31 I mean I I queued it up.
02:50:32 I have this.
02:50:33 Program that can that tries to.
02:50:36 Rip videos off of web pages and it works.
02:50:39 About half the time.
02:50:42 So I I just queued it up in there.
02:50:45 We'll see if it actually kicks in or not.
02:50:54 John Connor, I know you were busy, but can you please watch the first episode of Indivisible Healing Hate documentary?
02:51:01 It's everything you warned us about the past year.
02:51:04 I'll I'll add it to my notes here.
02:51:23 OK.
02:51:30 Fascist friend, do you think Trudeau can survive the trucker protests?
02:51:34 Or will it make him even stronger?
02:51:36 I think, yeah, I think it'll.
02:51:39 I don't think they're going to.
02:51:40 It's going to.
02:51:42 I'd be very surprised.
02:51:44 If Trudeau.
02:51:45 I mean, I don't know if he'll make him stronger, but he's not going to be ousted.
02:51:49 Will he be not reelected?
02:51:51 I don't know.
02:51:51 The I don't know the the Canadian political field.
02:51:56 Like I don't know who would be running against.
02:51:57 Him or.
02:51:57 You know, I mean, like, I don't know.
02:51:59 But I will tell you this, he's not going to get.
02:52:01 He's not going to resign.
02:52:04 He's not.
02:52:04 He's he's definitely not going to resign or something.
02:52:08 And if the Canadian elections are just as legit as here, and I don't know how many terms even they can run because he's been president for a while now.
02:52:15 Right, so I don't I.
02:52:17 Yeah, you have to ask a Canadian.
02:52:20 I don't really.
02:52:22 Canada is, to me, is just like America's hat, you know.
02:52:27 I don't really.
02:52:28 I really don't I.
02:52:29 Don't pay too much attention.
02:52:31 Because it's like it's Americans always get ****, but you look.
Speaker 13
02:52:35 You gotta admit.
02:52:37 It makes more sense.
02:52:39 If you don't live in America to know what's going on in America, cause the likelihood that that might affect you wherever you are.
02:52:48 Is is much higher.
02:52:51 Then wherever you live, having an effect on.
02:52:54 Me here in America.
02:52:56 That's just the.
Speaker 1
02:52:58 That's just the case.
02:52:59 So it's not that Americans are are ignorant and and and and and arrogant and ******** about it.
02:53:06 It's just that.
02:53:08 Why would I care what happened in ******* Canada?
02:53:10 You know, like to some extent it, you know, it's good to know a little bit and it's always good to know what's going on in the Anglosphere and and just in in European countries to some extent.
02:53:22 But it's never really.
02:53:24 Going to affect us here, it's just not.
02:53:27 I mean, they're they're not not to the same degree that things in America will affect Canada.
02:53:33 And it's not like a brag or boast.
02:53:35 It's just that's how.
02:53:36 It is so Americans tend to.
02:53:38 Not really.
02:53:40 Get wrapped up in stuff like that. I, but I would say just knowing that, I mean look, we all know that Trudeau is part of the Carl, the Karl or no Klaus Schwab's.
02:53:54 World Economic Forum.
02:53:58 You know, brigade like.
02:54:00 He's he's one of his students, basically, right? So he's got a lot of powerful backers. And look, I don't care what anyone says. ************ is Castro's son.
02:54:11 And just that, that's just that. That's just how it is. And so when you're Castro's son, when you're Castro, Castro's secret son.
02:54:21 And your fake dad is also a former Prime Minister of Canada.
02:54:26 And you're you've got Klaus Schwab on your side.
02:54:30 I don't think you got to worry about a whole lot of truckers.
02:54:32 I just don't think you got that's that's probably not even anything he worries about at all.
02:54:37 They don't.
02:54:37 I don't think they worry about.
02:54:38 The optics of it.
02:54:41 Will it blossom into something else?
02:54:45 I don't.
02:54:45 Know but I and for the time being, I don't think it's really, you know, I don't think it that's that's it's.
02:54:51 I don't think it's it I don't think.
Speaker 23
02:54:53 It keeps him up at night.
02:54:56 Don't care. 150, Congrats on getting 1000 live viewers. Well, that's that's pretty awesome for Odyssey. And thanks Odyssey for giving us a platform.
02:55:06 Where we can.
02:55:06 Have a 1000 live viewers, so that's pretty *** ***.
02:55:11 High Priest King Terry Tom Mazzaro, one of the leaders of the trucker convoy, gave a speech today that the woman who has trampled is alive also said they'll be retreating because of the police violence.
02:55:23 He did say they will only retreat if the police let them.
02:55:27 I personally think this is a loss.
02:55:29 If they do.
02:55:30 Yeah, it's like I said I look.
Speaker 1
02:55:33 And people got mad at this too.
02:55:35 Let me see.
02:55:36 I'll bring this I I said on on gab.
02:55:41 A couple of days ago.
02:55:47 And people got upset because I kind of figured, like, look, the Canadians were treating it like a party.
02:55:53 And when you treat it like a party, you you guys have been to parties, right?
02:55:57 When remember, in high school when one of your friends would throw a party and everyone would show up and there'd be a kig, it'd be kind of fun and awesome.
02:56:04 What would happen when the cops showed up?
02:56:09 People were jumping over a ******* fences and running.
Speaker 1
02:56:12 Away like they left.
02:56:15 And that's kind of, you know.
02:56:16 It's going to be a little more a little.
02:56:17 More dignified than that.
02:56:21 With the trucker thing.
02:56:22 But ultimately, these guys aren't they're they're just not.
02:56:25 They're not in it to win it.
02:56:28 They don't want it as badly as you have to want it.
02:56:31 To to get it.
Speaker 13
02:56:34 Prove me wrong, prove me wrong.
02:56:37 But I just don't think that that's where they're at.
02:56:40 And you know what I said was?
Speaker 23
02:56:43 Hmm, let's see if I can find it.
02:56:46 Yeah, this was from the 11th.
02:56:49 It's being reported the truckers not all have opened up a lane for traffic.
02:56:52 As a compromise, only way these trucker blockades can be meaningful is if the government blinks first and takes it to the next level, which is starting to happen.
02:57:02 Guys, you guys.
02:57:04 But you can't.
02:57:05 You can't just anyway.
02:57:06 If everyone just wears themselves out like a cranky kids that don't want to go to bed but eventually fall asleep mid tantrum, this will be forgotten about the second they leave the footage you want.
02:57:18 And again this is.
02:57:19 Just in terms of propaganda power, if you want this, if that's your plan, right?
02:57:26 If your plan is to try to do this through Sia Opping the normies.
02:57:30 If you want a red pill the normies, that's how we're going to.
Speaker 1
02:57:32 Get what we want.
02:57:33 We're going to red pill.
02:57:34 The normies OK.
02:57:37 Well, this is what this is what?
02:57:38 This is what it takes, if that's your plan.
02:57:41 The footage that you want is footage like the images from the 1960s where they showed us in schools and TV for the last 50 years on repeat.
02:57:53 Cops bidding people up, dragging them away in handcuffs.
02:57:57 Tear gas.
02:57:59 Hoses, the National Guard shooting in the crowds.
02:58:03 If you want to make history, things have to get historic and it all comes down to who wants it more.
02:58:13 And if that's not a sacrifice that you're comfortable with, and I would just, I would guess that's not a sacrifice that the majority of the people there are willing to to make.
02:58:24 Then it's not going to go anywhere.
02:58:28 And the leadership.
02:58:30 This is why it matters that when the leadership is a gay Jew, This is why it matters.
02:58:35 People kept.
Speaker 13
02:58:36 Telling me why does that matter?
02:58:39 This is why it matters.
02:58:42 A gay Jew who's using this to basically fundraise for other things.
02:58:47 Doesn't want to bring this into the realm of a of a conflict.
02:58:54 Because then then that's going to get.
02:58:56 Him into trouble.
Speaker 1
02:58:58 The Gay Jew at the top of this.
02:59:00 Isn't someone who wants to go to jail over it?
02:59:02 He doesn't believe in it like that.
02:59:09 Simple as that.
02:59:12 And so.
02:59:13 But that's what you need if you wanted to look a an old lady getting trampled, an old lady in a mobility scooter getting trampled by a a horse.
02:59:22 Is is kind of horrific as that is.
02:59:24 Is it really any more horrific than like the millions?
02:59:27 Like literally millions of clips?
02:59:30 Of old people getting dragged out of their cars by, you know, old white guys getting dragged on their cars by BLM rioters or getting, you know, shopkeepers getting beat up and kicked in the ******* head. Like, I can show you like, 100 clips way worse than that.
02:59:45 That didn't do anything.
02:59:48 And it won't do anything.
Speaker 23
02:59:50 You need it to be bad.
02:59:53 You needed to be so bad that even the people that hate you are kind of like uh.
Speaker 23
03:00:00 That's bad.
03:00:05 If if you plan.
03:00:09 Is to try.
Speaker 1
03:00:10 It and OK it right.
03:00:12 Like if that's your big big plan.
03:00:16 Is to do the MLK peaceful protest.
03:00:20 Well, that's what you need then.
03:00:24 That's what you need.
03:00:27 You need to make them.
03:00:29 Take their mask off.
03:00:33 You need to make them.
03:00:36 And look, they're they're kind of showing.
Speaker 23
03:00:37 A willingness to do this.
03:00:40 So it's not like you know.
03:00:42 It's not that they won't do this.
Speaker 23
03:00:44 I kind of feel like.
03:00:45 Believe it or not, the Canadian government is willing.
03:00:48 To do this.
03:00:50 You just have to make him do it.
03:00:54 And the gay Jew that's organizing this and his Obama leftist.
03:01:02 Media lady and the the other **** that that, that I.
03:01:06 Mean these aren't revolutionary.
Speaker 13
03:01:11 It's not why they're there.
Speaker 23
03:01:14 They're political operatives.
Speaker 1
03:01:17 Which means they believe in political solutions.
03:01:23 And that which this was never going to.
03:01:25 This was never going to do or cause a political.
03:01:34 You're outgunned in Canada.
03:01:38 I mean, Canada is like just like a big California, you know, politically speaking.
03:01:44 And just like California, yeah, there's tons of conservatives in California.
03:01:48 There are, believe it or not, there's tons.
03:01:52 They're just vastly outnumbered and have no political power, and if they wanted to do some big crazy protests in California.
03:02:00 It wouldn't.
03:02:00 It wouldn't move the heart of the the California governor, you know, Gavin Newsom wouldn't be like, oh, my God.
03:02:07 I feel so bad for all these farmers that came to Sacramento and you know, I mean, that's when I view, when I look at Canada because like I said, I'm not, I I don't look at Canada, Canada is America's hat.
03:02:19 And so, because I'm not Canadian, the next best thing is for me to project California onto Canada.
03:02:28 And think of like, well, what would happen if this was happening in California?
03:02:32 Because that's that's basically.
03:02:33 What it is?
03:02:36 That's basically what it is.
03:02:38 It's the big frozen California.
03:02:44 And uh, you know.
03:02:48 That that, unfortunately the only way.
03:02:52 You are going as a minority.
03:02:57 You are going to have any ability to make some kind of political impact.
03:03:05 Through peaceful protest.
03:03:09 Following the MLK playbook.
03:03:12 Is you make the authoritarian.
Speaker 23
03:03:18 You make him do it, make him make him make.
Speaker 1
03:03:22 Him walk the walk.
03:03:24 Like I said, they seem willing to to walk it.
03:03:27 Yeah. What what?
03:03:28 Are what are those? Uh.
03:03:31 One of those Canadian cops, Saab let me see.
03:03:34 Where is that at?
03:03:39 Right.
03:03:41 Time for the protesters to hear our Jack boots on the ground.
Speaker 1
03:03:49 They want to do it.
03:03:53 These guys.
03:03:53 Want it?
03:03:56 They want to do it.
03:04:02 You don't have to trick them.
Speaker 1
03:04:03 If they want to do it.
03:04:06 You just have.
03:04:07 To put them in a in a position where they have to do it.
03:04:10 And I I just don't think that's going to happen.
03:04:12 I just don't think that's.
03:04:14 I don't think that's in the.
03:04:17 The playbook of these guys.
03:04:24 Alright, well, super chats went way up.
03:04:28 I'm going to have to flip over to super chats and see what what happened there.
03:04:40 $5 the thin red line. Devin, why do you think it is the Canadian trucker videos are allowed to stay up on YouTube.
03:04:48 I don't know.
03:04:49 I mean, there was a lot of stuff during the election that was allowed.
03:04:52 To stay up for a while.
03:04:55 Maybe because it's Canada?
03:04:59 UM and so it's.
03:05:02 It's not as much of A.
03:05:06 It's not.
03:05:06 It's it's not in the interest of Susan Wojcicki.
03:05:11 Because you got to remember a lot of what they were taking down was.
03:05:16 Politically motivated to hinder Trump, right?
03:05:22 And they used other excuses like white supremacy and all this other stuff.
03:05:26 And yeah, generally speaking it's anti white.
03:05:28 But a the.
03:05:29 Trucker thing in Canada is not racially, you know, it's not.
03:05:33 Yeah, a lot of the guys there are white, but they explicitly over and over and over again, fall over themselves to make sure in the same way, like, you know, like.
03:05:42 Like the last guy in that in that documentary, they make it clear that no, we're not white nationalists.
03:05:48 We're not white nationalists.
03:05:49 We're not white nationalists.
03:05:52 So there's that.
03:05:53 But also it's Canada.
03:05:56 So you know it's I that I don't know.
03:06:01 I don't know.
03:06:02 I don't think it's like a plan, if that's what you're getting at.
03:06:05 I don't think it's like, oh, it's because they're going to do this.
03:06:07 No, I just.
03:06:07 I don't think they care as much.
Speaker 35
03:06:11 Card of five.
03:06:12 The video is 15 seconds with ads.
03:06:16 That's the one you already.
03:06:17 Already clicked on.
03:06:19 Yeah, it never loaded up.
03:06:22 Library Guide 234 takes some fake money. Appreciate it.
03:06:26 Hey, Devin.
03:06:27 Or did that one?
03:06:29 Oh, look, it kind of got, uh.
03:06:31 Did their did their.
03:06:34 Super chat thing stopped working as awesome as it was.
03:06:38 She had the famous today was her birthday.
03:06:40 I totally thought this stream was going to crap out on the Jewish lies about black history.
03:06:45 Are you still planning on that?
03:06:47 Well, I'll tell you why.
03:06:49 It still kind of is and.
03:06:52 I I have been trying to celebrate.
03:06:55 Black history.
03:07:09 By showing that the uh.
03:07:12 The the the.
Speaker 23
03:07:18 Attitudes in common.
03:07:21 That some Israelis have with the black community about.
03:07:27 Some of the similar behaviors.
03:07:32 But yeah, why do you specifically, I I haven't.
03:07:35 I just haven't had the chance.
03:07:37 I saw that.
03:07:37 I I saw that documentary, just like holy ****, I got to.
03:07:41 We got.
Speaker 23
03:07:42 To talk about this.
03:07:45 Uh. Let's see here.
03:07:48 But happy birthday, Chad, the famous.
03:07:52 Our our mole, Lucas.
Speaker 13
03:07:56 Found on YouTube.
Speaker 5
03:07:58 All right.
03:08:00 And then copy the link.
03:08:02 I'll get.
03:08:02 I'll get it downloading, hopefully it'll download.
03:08:06 Surprise, YouTube hasn't.
03:08:08 They usually don't have.
03:08:10 They won't show.
Speaker 23
03:08:17 But it's old.
03:08:19 So maybe that's why.
03:08:23 Ohh no, this is the uh, this is the uh.
03:08:29 Trudeau thing?
03:08:32 I don't know if it's like 5 minutes long.
03:08:34 I don't think we're gonna.
03:08:34 We're well, I.
Speaker 1
03:08:35 Don't know. We'll see.
03:08:37 Maybe just before we closeout.
03:08:43 Ethical box.
03:08:44 Will you ever do a face reveal?
03:08:45 And what do you think about Jehovah's Witnesses?
03:08:49 I I don't like, I said.
03:08:50 My face is out there.
03:08:53 It just means I'd have to like look nice.
03:08:58 Maybe at some point it's just easier for me to look like.
Speaker 23
03:09:00 Garbage and do it right.
03:09:05 I mean that means I have to wear pants and.
03:09:11 I don't know.
03:09:12 Maybe at some point I kind.
03:09:13 Of like I I more.
03:09:15 I like the the more radio way.
Speaker 23
03:09:17 That this is though.
03:09:18 Not not just because I have not I.
03:09:20 You know, I have to wear pants.
03:09:22 I'm wearing pants.
03:09:25 Jehovah witnesses.
03:09:28 Well, I'll tell you what I know about them.
03:09:31 They are, and this is a real statistic.
03:09:34 In in terms of Christian denominations, in America they have the lowest IQ's. That's just that. That's a real statistic.
03:09:42 The other thing is it's my understanding and I could be wrong that it's my understanding that they there's some literal translation.
03:09:52 That they are not translation interpretation that they have of some passage in the Bible that makes them believe that only 250,000 people and of all the people that have ever lived are going to make it into heaven. And if that's the case, I'm never making it into heaven.
03:10:14 No matter what I did, I mean because you.
03:10:16 Know people have lived.
03:10:19 OK, 250,000 people is a tiny, tiny percentage out of everyone that's lived.
03:10:27 Tiny, tiny, tiny percentage.
03:10:31 And if I have to make it and that that percentage of people like the.
03:10:36 Top .00000.
03:10:38 Oh oh, like million owes 1% of the people.
03:10:43 I'm not going to heaven.
03:10:45 So why, even if it is true, I'm not?
03:10:48 Gonna you know what?
03:10:50 I mean, I'm.
03:10:51 I'm not gonna.
03:10:52 I've already lost.
03:10:53 I'm already going to hell.
03:10:54 Right?
03:10:54 According to these guys.
03:10:56 Now maybe I'm wrong, but that's my understanding.
03:10:59 Of the of Jehovah's Witnesses.
03:11:02 They're nice people and some of them, weirdly enough, Jehovah witnesses came to the the pillbox like about a year ago or so.
03:11:10 They were nice.
03:11:11 I was nice to him.
03:11:13 I uh, you know, told him like, no.
03:11:15 Thanks, but uh.
03:11:17 That was was nice to them they gave.
03:11:18 Some pamphlet.
03:11:20 I think I posted the pamphlet on this back when I was on Twitter.
03:11:25 But they were nice.
03:11:28 Card of $5. Devin, you hit me right in the middle of my JQ journey with Rudolph. The Red Nose reindeer stream.
03:11:35 2017, 2018 the Jewish extravaganza of Revelation of Christmas Songs I never knew about the Jewish influence. I blame it all on you.
03:11:48 Good man for encouraging my wake up.
03:11:50 Yeah, it was shocking for me, really too.
03:11:53 And but weirdly, at the same time, I already kind of knew it only because.
03:11:57 The reason I I knew that the Rudolph part at least was back when I used to listen to because look, I used to listen to Dennis Prager all the time.
03:12:06 They were talking years ago, many years ago, his radio show.
03:12:09 I used to listen on AM radio.
03:12:11 When I'd go to work.
03:12:12 Or come home from work, actually.
03:12:14 And I all the time I listen to hours and hours and hours of that show and one of his episodes.
03:12:23 Excuse me, he he pointed out like.
03:12:24 Oh yeah, well.
03:12:26 Jews have always been.
03:12:28 Huge and and because he was saying like it was a good thing, Jews have always been huge at influencing Christmas culture.
03:12:36 And you know, Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer was written by a Jew and.
03:12:40 And so.
03:12:41 And at the time, I was like, oh, that's that's interesting.
03:12:43 I didn't know that and so I always kind of just knew that.
03:12:46 And as I started to figure out that.
03:12:48 How? How?
03:12:51 Pervasive the Jewish influence on our culture was.
03:12:55 I was like, you know.
Speaker 13
03:12:57 I remember that Rudolph the red.
03:12:59 Nosed reindeer was Jewish.
03:13:01 Let's see how many other songs are it was like.
03:13:03 What the **** do I?
03:13:04 It's like all of.
Speaker 1
03:13:05 The popular ones are.
Speaker 23
03:13:06 Written by Jews like.
Speaker 25
03:13:07 All of them.
03:13:08 It's insane.
03:13:10 So yeah, I mean it is a wake up call, right?
03:13:13 Like that was a wake up call to me too I.
03:13:15 And then you just start to realize, oh, no wonder there's so much and and think of it this way too.
03:13:21 Think I remember as a kid you would be watching a Christmas cartoon.
03:13:26 And it would say Xmas on like a box.
03:13:31 You know, like in the cartoon, they would take out like a box of Christmas decorations and on the box it would say eczemas.
03:13:37 And I remember asking my mom, like, why don't they put Christmas?
03:13:40 Why would it?
03:13:41 Why would they put Xmas and she and she didn't have a good answer.
03:13:45 I don't remember what her stupid answer was, but it didn't.
03:13:47 It didn't didn't explain it to me and I now think I now suspect that.
03:13:51 It was probably Jewish animators that didn't want to write Christmas, especially after listening to that interview with.
03:14:01 Oh ****.
03:14:02 I always free up that Jewish.
Speaker 23
03:14:03 Guy's name.
03:14:04 The the flower power guy, the.
03:14:10 It's gonna come to me later.
03:14:11 I'm terrible.
03:14:12 That name recall when I need it.
03:14:14 But the that when he was in the interview and he said that when he was a child.
03:14:19 If he said Jesus or he said Christ during like.
03:14:23 That his mom would literally hit him.
03:14:25 In that when he was in class with the Christian kids and they would sing Christmas songs.
03:14:31 Cause, you know, this was probably for him.
03:14:34 He was saying this in the 60s, so like this probably would have been like in the, you know, 50s ish or so early 50s.
03:14:42 And then when they were still able to do that.
03:14:45 He said that he would.
03:14:48 Not talk during the parts.
03:14:49 That said, Jesus, that he'd be like and he would sing the song until I got the part where if it said Jesus or Christ or Lord and then he just wouldn't say that because it was beat into him as a child not to do that.
03:15:02 I think that's probably something similar going.
Speaker 23
03:15:04 On with that.
03:15:05 And so just there.
03:15:06 And then do you think?
03:15:07 All the movies, all the movies that completely strip any mention of Jesus out of the the Christmas holiday, and it's all about Santa Claus, which I'm not against having Santa Claus.
03:15:20 In as a part of of Christmas, it's just that when there's zero mention.
03:15:28 The Nativity or anything like that, it's a little bit you.
03:15:32 You tend to find that a lot of that is is when you look at who's actually producing and directing and writing those movies.
03:15:40 There seems to be something that those people have in common.
03:15:44 A trash pin, $100. That is amazing.
03:15:49 Thank you very much.
03:15:50 Very generous.
03:15:51 Last stream you said gaming is basically like **** in the past four years.
03:15:55 I figured out how to monetize my skills.
03:15:58 Learned from gaming and made my first $100,000, so that's cool. I support my family now with a career due to competitive gaming strategy puzzles and predictive abilities.
03:16:08 OK, well, I I would imagine that is that is a minority of people.
03:16:14 That is probably a minority of people.
03:16:17 In the same way that like there are going to be, I still need degenerate, but there there's going to be some girls, right that are going to make an only fans and they'll become millionaires, right?
03:16:28 The vast majority of women that make only fans accounts are not going to become millionaires.
Speaker 23
03:16:35 Right.
03:16:36 And and that's not the only reason to tell them not to.
03:16:39 Make only fans accounts.
03:16:41 But you know, I mean like I think that you have.
03:16:43 Probably have a.
03:16:44 Very unique outcome when it comes to that.
03:16:47 And like I said, I I convinced myself that to some extent I was learning to be better at 3D animation and quicker and maybe I was a little bit a little bit.
03:16:59 But when you're spending.
03:17:02 I probably would have been even quicker if instead of spending.
03:17:07 60 hours or whatever it was a week. Probably more than that. Playing video games. I was spending that exact same amount of time just using my 3D software, right?
03:17:19 So and I think for the vast majority of people, it's not going to lead to anything, right.
03:17:24 Like, I don't think there's and there's very few jobs.
03:17:29 Well, it's going to translate.
03:17:31 But I appreciate the $100.
03:17:33 That's very generous of you, and hopefully that was due to your.
03:17:40 Your monetized skills there.
03:17:43 Mega Tech $5.
03:17:45 It just says, huh?
03:17:47 And then a link.
03:17:50 I don't know what this is so.
03:17:53 Uh, let's see what the other one, or if that other one downloaded.
Speaker 23
03:18:14 OK.
03:18:19 This is a Trudeau.
03:18:19 I don't think we're.
03:18:20 I mean, it's that's very, very, very long.
03:18:22 It's longer than any clip I.
03:18:23 Played the night.
03:18:32 But maybe we'll take a look here.
03:18:36 And here's the thing.
03:18:39 James got a.
03:18:40 Like he used to, being anti.
03:18:41 Semitic all the time.
03:18:43 So it's.
03:18:45 But maybe we'll we'll start to.
03:18:46 Watch it and we'll see.
03:18:54 And the other file you guys sent here?
03:18:59 Constantine, 2005.
03:19:04 OK.
03:19:05 Yeah, I'll, I'll maybe check that out later, but we can't just sit here and just watch clips all night long, that's all so.
03:19:12 It's not super long.
03:19:13 It's like 3 minutes, but.
03:19:16 I did see that movie a long time ago.
03:19:18 I remember that scene barely that you're talking about.
03:19:23 But maybe we'll play that in the.
03:19:24 Next one.
03:19:26 Alright, so in the interest of brevity, since we're already over 3 hours here.
03:19:33 Let's take a look at this clip.
03:19:43 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 37
03:19:47 Positive, optimistic, hopeful vision for public life isn't a naive dream. It could be a powerful force for change if Canadians are to trust their government, their government needs to trust Canadians. Those are the words of the Prime Minister in 2000.
03:20:00 15 these people, very often misogynistic, racist women haters, science deniers, the French same Prime Minister six years later as he fans the flames of an unjustified national emergency.
03:20:15 So, Mr.
03:20:16 Speaker, when did the Prime Minister lose his way?
03:20:19 When did it happen?
Speaker 35
03:20:21 The right honourable Prime Minister.
03:20:24 Mr. speaker.
Speaker 3
03:20:26 Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas.
03:20:30 They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.
03:20:34 We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, who be able to get their lives back.
03:20:42 These illegal protests need to stop and they will, Mr.
Speaker 5
03:20:49 OK.
03:20:50 Alright, two things weird one.
03:20:53 It's funny to me that Canada does the same kind of unruly.
03:21:00 Parliament style of deliberations that you see in.
03:21:07 In the UK, I mean this this is very weird to an American simply because you know all the shouting and the, you know, whatever the the crowd noise is in the background, that's just not how we govern.
03:21:21 And maybe, maybe we should.
03:21:22 I don't know, in America, so that that's right at the top, off the top.
03:21:27 It's weird.
03:21:28 But it's also weird.
03:21:29 I think he called her.
03:21:32 Speaker, unless he's addressing someone else, that's like a.
03:21:38 You know, like a go between like, I don't.
03:21:40 I don't.
03:21:41 I've never watched Canadian parliament, so I don't know what I'm looking at here in terms.
03:21:45 Of that, but yeah, that's that's just that's the very.
03:21:49 That's the kind of cocky **** you'd expect.
03:21:52 I don't know if that's Mr.
03:21:54 You know what I mean?
03:21:54 Like maybe that's.
03:21:55 The Speaker of the House.
Speaker 11
03:22:00 Say that. Come on speaker.
Speaker 35
03:22:03 The member for Thorn.
Speaker 37
03:22:10 I'm becoming. I'm becoming as a Prime Minister. It's been 48 hours that the government went from doing nothing to.
03:22:18 Also, isn't this a problem when that's the chick on your?
03:22:21 Side this is.
03:22:23 Why I was saying that Canada is kind of like.
03:22:25 A lost cause.
03:22:27 There, it's kind of like a giant frozen California because that's your that's your chick.
03:22:32 A lesbian Jew.
03:22:35 Isn't that what you're saying? That because she, I think that was the thing, right. When you sent the video that she's Jewish and he's calling her anti-Semitic.
03:22:43 And I don't know.
03:22:45 I don't want to judge someone by their haircut and their pantsuit, but.
03:22:51 When the Conservative representative is a most likely lesbian Jew.
03:22:57 That's that's what I'm talking about. That's why it's that's the problem. That's why nothing's.
Speaker 23
03:23:02 Going to work out for you guys, you know like.
03:23:05 Yeah, that's.
03:23:06 That's who you got on.
03:23:07 Your side, I mean I or at least in.
03:23:11 Nominally right is you have a lesbian Jew making your arguments for you.
Speaker 37
03:23:16 To a national emergency 48 hours into using the measures.
03:23:20 48 hours without providing parliament with the justification. So my question is simple, when will the Prime Minister admit that he's lost control of the situation, that he's lost control of his country, that he's lost control of his caucus and that he's lost control of?
03:23:33 His leadership.
Speaker 11
03:23:34 Speaker, I've never seen such shameful and dishonorable remarks coming from this Prime Minister. My great grandfather flew over 30 missions over Nazi Germany. My great, great uncle's body lies at the bottom.
03:23:46 Of the English.
03:23:47 Oh, here we go.
03:23:48 Here's here's the.
Speaker 23
03:23:49 The The oh how dare you compare?
03:23:51 Me to a Nazi.
Speaker 13
03:23:53 My grandpa fought the Nazis.
03:23:56 Ohh, we are so we're so not Nazis.
03:23:59 I'm saying this is the kind of boomer **** that you've got on your side.
03:24:04 Like this shouldn't be like this.
03:24:06 Shouldn't even be like a.
03:24:07 Thing anymore.
03:24:08 Like the Nazis are such an irrelevant thing.
03:24:12 It it's it's it's so.
03:24:15 Just some ******* cringe.
Speaker 11
03:24:17 Channel there are members of this Conservative caucus who are the descendants of victims of the Holocaust for the Prime Minister to accuse any colleague in this House of standing with the swastika is shameful.
03:24:23 Ohh good.
Speaker 11
03:24:29 I'm giving the Prime Minister an opportunity.
03:24:31 I'm calling on him to unreservedly apologize for this shameful remark.
03:24:42 The right honourable Prime Minister.
03:24:45 I keep waiting.
03:24:46 For Terrence and Phillip to come out.
03:24:48 And go. Hey buddy.
Speaker 3
03:24:50 Canadians deserve their freedoms back. Mr. Speaker, these illegal blockades that have continued to interfere with people's livelihoods.
03:24:59 To interfere with peoples peoples daily lives.
03:25:03 I have.
03:25:04 Now, now I'm reminded of, like, episode one.
03:25:07 When they like, you know, half that movie.
03:25:09 Was that boring as Senate share like?
Speaker 23
03:25:11 The blockade the blockade must not be surrounding the planet of whatever the, you know, the weird, obviously trying to be Chinese people.
03:25:21 The Chinese aliens.
03:25:23 We must have been turned on the blockade.
Speaker 35
03:25:28 Have to interrupt the honourable Prime Minister.
03:25:30 So ask everyone to calm down so we can hear the answer.
03:25:34 The right honourable Prime Minister.
Speaker 3
03:25:36 Mr. speaker.
03:25:38 The measures put forward in this emergencies act are proportional, are responsible and quite frankly are completely folded within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
03:25:50 The steps that we are taking are important and measured to restore order and freedoms to Canadians in this country.
03:25:57 That is exactly what we are doing.
Speaker 35
03:25:59 November 1st George River Parkland.
Speaker 11
03:26:01 Speaker, the lack of an apology from that Prime Minister speaks volumes.
03:26:06 I have given this Prime Minister an opportunity to retract a shameful.
03:26:11 Mark, where he would accuse any honourable Member of this House to stand with the swastika.
03:26:17 As I said before, we have colleagues who are the descendants of victims.
03:26:21 I I'm like waiting for him to say Trudeau's.
03:26:24 The real Nazi of the Hola.
Speaker 11
03:26:25 Holocaust I'm giving.
03:26:27 Ohh good.
03:26:29 OK, you know, I get to do, I get through this though.
03:26:32 Here. Here. Let's keep it.
Speaker 11
03:26:33 Playing Prime Minister one more chance will he apologize to all members of this House?
Speaker 35
03:26:40 The right honourable Prime Minister.
Speaker 3
03:26:45 Speaker, even as the members of the Conservative Party are calling to to us to take more action over the past two weeks on this, they continued to stand with and encourage these illegal blockades.
03:27:00 Speaker, Canadians are watching carefully and see exactly.
03:27:05 Where the conservative politicians who've stood with those blockades are standing, we will stand on the side of Canadians who deserve their lives, backs who deserve their livelihoods back.
Speaker 35
03:27:18 For Sturgeon River Parkland.
Speaker 11
03:27:20 My apologies.
03:27:21 Can we just say something about this guy's tie?
03:27:24 I'm kind of torn on the tie.
03:27:26 Thing, because part of me in a fancy chair.
03:27:29 That that chair is way too big.
03:27:32 Like there's no way anyone's been big enough to utilize all the padding in that chair.
03:27:38 Like I'm probably taller than this guy.
03:27:39 I'm pretty tall guy.
03:27:41 And there's no way I'd I'd be able to.
03:27:42 Use all the padding that chair.
03:27:45 See this is where.
03:27:46 The conspirators would be like.
03:27:47 That's because the ancient Canadians were 8 feet tall.
Speaker 13
03:27:52 No, but the Thai thing I oh.
Speaker 1
03:27:55 Look, look, he's got.
03:27:55 Hand sanitizer right there too.
03:27:57 Do you see on the right?
03:27:59 But the you know, part of me is like, oh, you know, tradition tradition's good. But part of me is like, it's not ******* Halloween. OK, what's what's with the ******* tie?
Speaker 11
03:28:10 Please, Mr.
03:28:10 Speaker, I didn't write these out.
03:28:12 But the fact is I don't know how any member of the government caucus can stand by this Prime Minister when he accuses honourable Members of this House of standing with the swastika.
03:28:26 I'm calling on all members of the Liberal caucus to denounce the Prime Minister.
03:28:31 I have given him two chances to apologize.
03:28:33 He has refused to apologize.
03:28:35 Prime Minister apologized.
03:28:41 This is just turning into like a A who stands Israel the most contest.
03:28:46 This is.
03:28:46 This is why you don't want gay Jews running your your, your your movement because this is all meaningless.
03:28:53 It's all me.
03:28:54 This has nothing to do with why the truckers are there.
03:28:59 It's all about who who likes.
03:29:01 The Jews the most.
Speaker 35
03:29:05 Now we have a point of order.
03:29:07 The honourable Member for Thornhill.
Speaker 37
03:29:10 Speaker, I am a strong Jewish woman and a member of this House and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, and I have never made to I've it's never been singled out and I have never been made to feel less except for today, when the Prime Minister accused me of standing with Rusticas.
03:29:24 I think he owes me an apology.
03:29:25 So assistant.
Speaker 37
03:29:26 I'd like an apology and I think he owes an apology to.
03:29:28 All members of this House.
03:29:33 See, it's it's it's just, you know, there was a time.
03:29:37 When I was more of a basic ***** Republican, I guarantee a lot of boomers.
03:29:43 Are looking at this and going oh, yeah.
03:29:46 Good thing we got that lesbian Jew because she can pull the Jew card.
03:29:50 Like remember when when Milo first was popular and a lot of the thinking was haha, he can say fagot and no one can get mad because he's a ******.
03:29:59 It's nice having this fagot our team because he can say Fagot and.
03:30:03 Fagot, fagot.
03:30:04 But at the end of the day, it's like.
Speaker 1
03:30:06 But you still you don't want like a.
03:30:07 Gay Jew like on your.
03:30:09 Side because you know it's they never they don't have.
03:30:13 They don't share your interests.
03:30:15 They just don't.
03:30:16 They have different priorities they have.
03:30:17 Different. That's fine.
03:30:19 For them, not for you.
03:30:21 For, you know and and that that that's The thing is it it spirals into this ****.
03:30:26 That's totally meaningless.
Speaker 6
03:30:45 He's not here.
03:30:47 And they cut the mic for a little.
03:30:48 Bit for some reason we go here.
03:30:58 But they're still cheering for for Jews.
Speaker 35
03:31:07 I want to encourage all Members to be as judicious as possible when using words in this Chamber on what they say on all cases.
03:31:14 Ohh judicious, huh?
03:31:15 What did you mean by that, huh?
03:31:19 What are you?
03:31:20 What are you trying to say, Mr.
Speaker 38
03:31:23 Thank you very much.
Speaker 34
03:31:24 Speaker and I just want to carry on with the point that was made by my colleague from Thorn Hill.
03:31:29 You'll know, Mr.
03:31:30 Speaker, that when comments made in the House.
03:31:33 Are so injurious, so insulting, and so unparliamentary they rise.
03:31:38 To the level of.
03:31:39 A question of privilege, Mr.
03:31:41 And as you know, you have the ability to look on that immediately what the Prime Minister did.
03:31:42 Ohh now now he's using white privilege.
Speaker 34
03:31:45 I won't even go into the hypocrisy of the man who did blackface so often.
03:31:49 He can't remember it accusing somebody else of doing anything remotely racist.
03:31:53 But his comments, made to a Jewish member of this House, are beyond part.
03:31:58 See now, now the Conservatives.
03:32:01 Or owning the libs by accusing him of using his white privilege.
03:32:09 See this is.
03:32:10 Why it matters who?
03:32:11 Who's representing you?
03:32:13 This is why it's not purity spiraling to say, look, this is totally derailed at this point.
03:32:21 Like why?
03:32:22 Why is it?
03:32:23 Why does?
Speaker 1
03:32:23 Everything have to.
03:32:24 Why does everything always have to?
03:32:25 Be about the Jews.
Speaker 1
03:32:28 Which is funny because these same people that they'll look at people like me.
Speaker 13
03:32:31 Like oh, it's always the Jews, Jews, Jews.
Speaker 1
03:32:33 It's like, look at yourselves.
Speaker 34
03:32:37 Parliamentary they are reprehensible and I would ask that you rule that this rises to the level of a question of privilege and.
03:32:42 I am prepared to move the appropriate motion.
Speaker 35
03:32:52 I will take that under advisement and return to the House.
03:32:55 And I could be wrong.
03:32:56 Sounds like the privilege thing might mean something else for them, and that some kind of parliamentary thing, but Even so that this is becoming it's it's totally nothing to do with what the truckers are actually there for.
03:33:09 And in if in a way.
03:33:12 If you're Trudeau, you kind of this, it's.
03:33:15 Not this isn't like a loss.
03:33:16 For you, because you.
03:33:18 Totally derailed the conversation.
03:33:21 You no longer have to actually address any of the concerns of the truckers now that they all they have to do is out virtue signal each other about who's not the Nazi.
03:33:30 In fact, when we were talking about that documentary with the America first people.
03:33:36 All they all that guy had to do with beard, sin and and and begged the last guy was basically say you're.
03:33:41 Like a Nazi?
03:33:44 It it spiraled from there because it was all like.
Speaker 13
03:33:47 No, no, I'm not a Nazi.
03:33:48 I'm not a Nazi.
03:33:49 I'm not a Nazi.
03:33:51 It's just, you know.
03:33:53 Who ******* cares anymore?
03:33:56 This isn't the ******* 1930s, and we're not in.
03:33:59 Germany. Who cares?
Speaker 35
03:34:01 So should I see fit?
03:34:04 We have someone else who has a point of order as well.
03:34:08 Of the same.
03:34:09 OK, we'll carry on the Honourable Minister for.
03:34:14 I'm sorry, I was going to say.
03:34:17 Families, yes.
Speaker 39
03:34:19 Our emotions are obviously running very high right now, and I think it's incumbent on all of us.
03:34:25 OK. Aren't you?
Speaker 39
03:34:30 Us to take a step.
03:34:31 Back and reflect on what?
03:34:33 The values of this House are.
03:34:35 I am also a proud Jewish woman who is the descendant of Holocaust survivors, and my family found refuge.
03:34:42 And support and life in.
03:34:42 Of course she is.
Speaker 39
03:34:44 This country, and Mr.
03:34:46 Speaker, we must listen to each other.
03:34:50 And we must assure that no one in this House is standing with those who support white supremacy, who support Nazi views, who look to contribute and enable racist views.
03:35:04 And Mr.
03:35:05 And I would ask that.
03:35:06 All of us in this House use our words.
03:35:09 Judiciously including our office.
03:35:11 Ah, there's that word again, judiciously.
03:35:15 So anti Simon.
Speaker 39
03:35:15 Visit who just yelled out something completely inappropriate because all of us have reason to be here, and I would call on the Members opposite not to stand with those who are sharing those views, because how does it feel as a person in this House seeing?
03:35:31 Always taking pictures with.
03:35:34 People who are.
Speaker 39
03:35:35 Looking to overthrow the government?
03:35:37 That's what I.
Speaker 25
03:35:37 Asked those colleagues to do.
Speaker 35
03:35:41 Run, run, run, run around the run.
Speaker 38
03:35:51 Now Kingston, Mr.
03:35:53 Speaker, I don't think we should engage in an exercise.
03:35:56 Ohh this guy.
03:36:00 It's like a ******* leprechaun.
03:36:04 What's they got Jews and leprechauns?
Speaker 38
03:36:08 In comparative victimhood credentials here, I will observe that I too have Jewish ancestors.
03:36:16 My grandfather became before the Holocaust occurred.
03:36:16 Of course, how many Jews are?
Speaker 38
03:36:20 But of the 10,000 who is?
Speaker 13
03:36:21 So so see it.
03:36:23 Canada's, like I said, it's it's California. It's frozen California.
Speaker 38
03:36:28 Residents of Bialystock when she left, only 500 survived World War Two. I would just say that it's not for the Member opposite, although I know she spoke sincerely to speak out on this.
03:36:38 It is for the Prime Minister to come back and retract his words.
03:36:41 The Prime Minister is very good at apologizing for.
03:36:43 Acts that took place before he was born by people he wasn't involved in this time.
03:36:47 For him to take responsibility for his own words and apologize for what he said.
03:36:54 And that's the clip.
03:36:55 So it.
03:36:55 Ends with the Jewish.
Speaker 1
03:36:57 Yeah, I can I.
03:36:59 Can I promise you that the boomers that are sending money to the trucker thing think this is like the best ******* own they've ever seen?
Speaker 23
03:37:07 They'd love seeing, like that's right.
03:37:09 That's right.
03:37:10 Are you? You're the.
03:37:11 Real antique semi, it's just it's ******* sad.
03:37:14 It's sad that this is what it it it's reduced to.
03:37:18 So yeah that.
03:37:19 I mean, that's just the way that's the way that it is though.
03:37:22 That's the way that it is.
03:37:23 I I don't know what the percentage of the, you know, the Jewish population is in Canada, but I would, I would imagine it's it's probably not too far out of step with what it is in America and so fancy that having so many Jewish representatives in.
03:37:37 A Anglo well, formerly Anglo country.
03:37:41 So alright guys, I'm going to look at the the final super chats here because a few.
03:37:45 More came in.
03:37:47 And then we're going to.
03:37:50 Closeout because we want to get to 4 hours of.
03:37:52 If we don't closeout of here soon.
03:37:57 UM, oh, you know, let me see what.
03:37:59 The other uh, that, that, that, that clip that you sent, that was the Constantine one, OK.
03:38:05 Yeah, like I said, I don't.
03:38:08 We'll we'll, I'll check.
03:38:09 We'll, we'll play that.
03:38:10 I'll play that.
03:38:10 Next stream. How about that?
03:38:13 Even if even if it seems like irrelevant unless it's just totally irrelevant, I'll I'll play an extreme.
Speaker 23
03:38:21 UM.
03:38:26 Hey, Devin.
03:38:27 Yesterday I saw a video, supposedly police and health workers forced vaccinating a little girl, and till now I was of the opinion that if vaccine gives aids, people deserve it.
03:38:38 Now seeing this makes me sad.
03:38:41 Well, I mean, I I don't know that there.
03:38:43 I mean, I don't know.
03:38:44 What the context of it is?
03:38:49 Let me let me, I mean it's a web M so I don't know.
03:38:51 I can just play it.
03:38:55 Let me see if I can play it here.
03:39:03 Yeah, I don't know.
03:39:03 I mean, I see with the video, I don't know what the context of this is.
03:39:10 I mean it, it's it.
03:39:11 It's clearly a little girl that doesn't want to be vaccinated, but I don't know what the.
03:39:16 You know, I'd have to know more about that.
03:39:18 It looks horrifying.
03:39:21 I mean I I can just play out real quick.
03:39:23 I mean just.
03:39:25 Like I said, I don't know.
03:39:26 What the context is?
03:39:28 I'd have to convert it.
03:39:29 It's a WebM, so it's not letting me play it right now.
03:39:34 $10 from.
03:39:38 Talaya de truth.
03:39:41 Hey, Devin, have you ever looked into how based Charles Lindbergh was and how the Jews used his baby's kidnapping as anti German propaganda for War Two?
03:39:49 Yeah, we were actually talking about that earlier, so that might be something to.
03:39:54 Do a stream on because I've always been very curious about that because, you know, it's always been kind of like a meaning all the Lindbergh baby and you know, it was missing.
03:40:02 And I remember, like, you know, shows on history channel or the Hitler Channel as I started to call it because it was just always about Hitler.
03:40:09 Now I know why they would have specials on it it.
03:40:14 Just you know, and they never, they never have any answers to it.
03:40:17 And they made it seem like it was a really big deal back in the day.
03:40:20 And and I never knew.
03:40:20 I mean, I knew he was a pilot.
03:40:22 I didn't know anything about the America first stuff until much later.
03:40:25 So it'd be it'd be nice now that we know what we know to maybe take a second look at that.
03:40:33 Daf this was far worse than that pantomime N word nonsense starts 4 seconds.
03:40:49 I'll copy these links for another time, but I can't just sit here.
03:40:54 We can't just watch a million videos right now.
03:40:59 I'm trying to trying to wrap things up here.
03:41:02 But I will paste these in my notes.
03:41:11 OK.
03:41:19 Alright guys, well this has been one of the longer streams I've done and this is definitely one of the most.
03:41:27 Most attended live stream, if not the most attended live stream we've had on Odyssey.
03:41:32 So appreciate that.
03:41:35 It's been very, very fun, I hope.
Speaker 23
03:41:37 I hope I.
03:41:37 Delivered when I said it was going to be a special edition.
03:41:40 I meant it.
03:41:41 And I hope you guys all have a great weekend.
03:41:45 I'll see you guys here.
03:41:46 Same bat time, same bat channel on Wednesday.
03:41:51 In the mean time for Black Pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 23
03:41:56 Them set.
Speaker 4
03:41:59 Fabricate limit pure.
03:42:18 And Denton.
03:42:19 Man, let us know so then I can get.
03:42:29 There are clothes.
Speaker 20
03:42:30 In the weeds. So.
03:42:31 I'm feeling.
03:43:23 All right, I'll give it to you.
03:43:24 Without reverb, I did on.
03:43:26 I had too many sources open, so one more time.
Speaker 4
03:43:36 Called the Fire Brigade because I'm about to light up your Tinder beaches, beaches.
03:43:41 A Jewish boy with my truth spa.
03:43:43 See this private jet?
03:43:45 See this sports car.
03:43:46 Eligible bachelor $1,000,000 loans sending money.
03:43:49 Some enemies don't break my bones. The Ferrari is definitely not rental. Why me 10,000? Because, baby, I'm a.
03:43:56 Until, man, let's have lunch in London.
03:43:59 Then they're back in the walls because I don't wear no Gondor spill my rooms or longer like call American Express, make the card black.
03:44:07 They are killers in the street, so I'm travelling with people.
03:44:10 Let me fly you off the.
03:44:10 Track so I can bang you in my sweet.
03:44:12 WhatsApp girl send me your new code.
03:44:14 Send me your new code.
03:44:16 Baby, you're so hot when I'm hiding from my enemy.
03:44:18 Send me your your code.
03:44:20 Send me your your goat.
03:44:21 I'll **** your my your if Peter gets an injury, send me.
03:44:24 All your goat.
03:44:28 Listen, I'm pulling some bomb, remember reaction as a reaction.