

00:00:00 And here.
Speaker 1
00:02:19 And here I go.
00:02:30 And there I go.
00:06:05 Welcome to the insomnia stream murder Fantasy edition.
00:06:14 Ah, it's not my murder fantasy, actually.
00:06:17 I'm your host, of course.
00:06:18 Devin stack.
00:06:21 This is actually this is from a hyper chat I think last.
00:06:26 Hyper Chad, I must start calling you guys.
00:06:28 Hyper chads this.
Speaker 1
00:06:30 Is from a Hyper Chad, it's hyper Chad.
00:06:34 Last uh last stream?
00:06:38 We're going to go over this.
00:06:40 This film, this this filthy film, this dirty murder fantasy film.
00:06:48 Ohh, it's kind of funny.
00:06:50 Yeah, the the weirdest thing about this movie is how how quickly it became even.
00:06:56 It's it's a ridiculous movie.
00:06:59 But how quickly it became?
00:07:03 Even more ridiculous than than probably.
00:07:06 Anyone could have imagined that when it came out, I believe in 2011?
00:07:12 2011.
00:07:14 But anyway.
00:07:16 The the movie, of course, is God Bless America, God Bless America and you know, we have the the comedy genius.
00:07:30 The comedy genius of of Bobcat.
00:07:34 Gold weight.
00:07:36 You know this guy?
00:07:37 The guy that got famous?
00:07:40 For for doing this, act over and over and over again, by the way.
00:07:43 This is like this, isn't it?
00:07:45 Seems spontaneous.
00:07:48 But now he did this act.
00:07:49 This this is how he would open his act.
00:07:52 Night after night after night, Club after club, after club, year after year after year.
00:07:58 And why wouldn't he?
Speaker 4
00:08:06 Thank you very much.
00:08:11 Thank you very much.
00:08:12 Thank you very much.
00:08:13 Thank you.
Speaker 1
00:08:18 Thank you.
00:08:22 Thank you very much.
Speaker 4
00:08:23 And feels good to me.
00:08:24 Thank you very.
00:08:25 Much it feels good.
00:08:36 So you can expect this to be a quality movie because he is the writer and the director.
00:08:46 Now I know what you're wondering.
00:08:49 I know what you're wondering right now.
00:08:53 He's got to be Jewish, right?
00:08:54 I don't think that he is.
00:08:56 I think ethnically it's possible.
00:08:58 Just cause he's got gold in his last name and I'm not being funny.
00:09:01 That's just the he's.
00:09:02 Got gold in his last name and that knows that.
00:09:06 Knows that face.
00:09:09 But according to you know, according to and and.
00:09:12 He's from New York.
00:09:14 According to Wikipedia, I think his dad might be is what this.
00:09:18 What what this boils down?
00:09:21 Because he's the son of of Robert Goldthwaite.
00:09:26 And uh, his mom was Kathleen and Welch.
00:09:34 A A Catholic, but it's.
00:09:36 According to Wikipedia, he was raised Catholic.
00:09:40 So I don't know, who knows.
00:09:43 But anyway, the comedy genius.
00:09:46 Of old bobcat here.
00:09:49 He decided to try his hand at at writing and directing films.
00:09:54 Not the only one he's done.
00:09:59 In this movie.
00:10:01 It starts out.
00:10:04 With a white family, a white conservative family, first thing you see is a white conservative family in suburbia.
00:10:13 Watching a you know a a very thinly veiled Fox News, there's American flags anytime there's a character you're supposed to hate.
00:10:22 In fact, throughout the movie we'll see this.
00:10:24 There's an American flag.
00:10:26 Somewhere in the shot.
00:10:30 So these people are ******** because they've, they've they're reproducing.
00:10:34 They've got a child and the, the the baby's crying.
00:10:39 And the their neighbor on the other side of.
00:10:41 The wall the.
00:10:42 Dialogue is real terrible in this movie.
00:10:45 So you won't have to hear a whole.
00:10:47 Lot of it because I'm.
00:10:48 Not gonna.
00:10:49 I wanted to play a taste of it just to get to give you an idea of how bad the writing is.
00:10:55 It's basically it's like.
00:10:57 Works where you have, oh, the Kevin Kevin Smith is is really trying to to sound, you know, impressive and smart.
00:11:07 So he's having these two cashiers at a a quickie Mart or whatever the **** speaking ways that that no cashiers ever do.
00:11:16 And this is the kind of the same thing where it's just like, OK, this looks like.
00:11:19 Someone owns a thesaurus, and so you cut from the other side of the wall because he lives in the duplex.
00:11:27 This guy we're about to meet and the the evil conservative white family lives on one side of the wall and he's trying to get some sleep.
00:11:33 But they're just, they're just, they're baby's too loud.
00:11:38 And this is.
00:11:38 His inner monologue.
00:11:39 This is our introduction to the movie.
Speaker 5
00:11:42 I hate my neighbors.
00:11:44 The constant cacophony of stupidity that pours from their apartment is absolutely soul crushing.
Speaker 6
00:11:50 You know what?
00:11:52 I as the constant the Picasso any of stupidity that emanates from.
00:11:58 OK.
00:11:58 So anyway, so all the writing is bad.
00:12:01 All the dialogues bad, but again, you know, what would you expect from this?
00:12:06 You know, from this genius here.
Speaker 1
00:12:11 See you there.
00:12:14 Yeah, not not exactly Shakespeare, right.
00:12:19 You, you, you get the idea that he hates the the family next door.
00:12:23 Obviously cause he says he does.
00:12:26 And then they have a right away.
00:12:28 They open up.
00:12:29 There's a murder fantasy.
00:12:31 He immediately fantasizes about murdering.
00:12:35 The family and the baby.
Speaker 5
00:12:37 I hate that baby.
00:12:39 I had.
00:12:40 That stupid face.
00:12:45 Hey buddy, what's wrong?
00:12:50 So yeah, they he goes and he kills the baby.
00:12:54 And the the husband and the and the wife is covered in blood and screaming and.
00:13:02 That's that's that's we're like less, I think less than.
00:13:05 5 minutes in the movie.
00:13:09 It then cuts to him watching television.
00:13:13 And wouldn't you know it, it's all.
00:13:15 It's more of these evil conservatives.
00:13:18 More of these evil conservatives, they're everywhere.
00:13:22 And they're holding up signs.
00:13:24 See, there's another reason why you might think that he's Jewish, holding up signs that says God hates Jews.
00:13:31 God hates ****, see?
00:13:33 Obviously, it's supposed to be, you know, the those that that well, I forget the name of them now, right?
00:13:39 The The Something Baptist, whatever.
00:13:41 Who cares?
00:13:42 But they I don't.
00:13:42 Think they ever held up signs saying?
00:13:44 That God hates Jews.
00:13:45 Not even.
00:13:46 And those guys would go there.
00:13:49 But he felt compelled to.
00:13:51 Make that front and center, but.
00:13:52 Anyway, so they'll have sides.
00:13:54 God hates Jews.
00:13:57 And he's watching TV and just thinking, oh, this world's going to ****. All these conservatives everywhere.
00:14:05 No longer is this.
00:14:07 Character loosely based on on Bill O'Reilly.
00:14:12 Again, this this came out in.
00:14:14 2011.
00:14:16 And uh, he's such an *******.
00:14:18 He's so pompous.
00:14:20 Ohh, look.
00:14:21 And they're they're making Obama because Obama was president, right?
00:14:25 They're making Obama look like Hitler.
00:14:28 Is this your president?
Speaker 6
00:14:30 And we have a press that just gives him a free pass because he's black, so he doesn't have to work hard.
00:14:36 Like the rest of us, who play by the rules.
00:14:41 Oh yeah, it's so terrible these these evil, white, white supremacist conservatives that anyway.
00:14:49 So the next morning.
00:14:51 He's late for work.
00:14:53 And his ******* conservative neighbors.
00:14:58 Have blocked him in.
00:15:01 And of course, when he goes to move the car, he's, you know, he's got the the yellow ribbon 911.
00:15:09 Bumper sticker.
00:15:12 He drives through town, ironically, passed a a united we stand mural.
00:15:19 On a wall.
00:15:21 While listening to talk radio and of course all the talk radio hosts are these racist, insensitive ******.
00:15:34 Then, as he's walking into work.
00:15:36 He calls up his ex-wife.
00:15:41 And his ex-wife again say there's an American flag in the background every time. There's someone, there's there's people you're supposed to hate every time.
00:15:50 There's an American flag in the background.
00:15:55 His wife is now getting married to this cop.
00:15:59 And you know, because cops are bad, even though he's like a super nice.
00:16:03 Guy in the movie hates him.
00:16:07 Then he walks in to his office and.
00:16:12 Tries to hit on the receptionist.
00:16:16 Walks by the ****** ****.
00:16:17 Again, look, there's you can't see it as much it's getting.
00:16:20 Trimmed on.
00:16:21 Let me let me.
00:16:22 Move this over.
00:16:24 I forgot that this window is trimming.
00:16:26 Some stuff here.
00:16:29 If you look at the left side of the screen.
00:16:31 American flag.
00:16:34 The ever present American flag.
00:16:39 Anytime there's there's someone evil.
00:16:44 Not subtle.
00:16:44 At all.
00:16:46 And again, he has another murder fantasy.
00:16:50 He fantasizes about pulling out a gun and just killing everyone in his office for for no reason.
00:16:58 But you know, the Conservatives are the bad ones.
00:17:01 They're the.
00:17:01 They're the insensitive, violent ones.
00:17:03 But he's sitting there constantly fantasizing about murdering everybody.
00:17:10 And then his douchey cube mate, which, you know, American flag, it's got the American Flag Cup.
00:17:17 American flag sticker on his desk.
00:17:22 And of course.
00:17:24 This is where it gets funny.
00:17:29 Listen to how they're talking about free speech. Mainstream. Who gets censored? This is 2011.
00:17:38 It's kind of funny because it wasn't that long ago the left was all, you know, against censorship and and they they literally thought that and they a lot of people still do.
00:17:47 Right.
00:17:47 You'll encounter these these psychos on the Internet occasionally.
00:17:50 These red tuber types that think that really do think that the mainstream media is somehow right wing.
00:17:57 And that they're the ones that are under attack and, you know, delusional people, right?
00:18:05 But in 2011, everyone on the left, everyone on the left was anti censorship because they hadn't won yet. They hadn't won yet.
00:18:14 So they're anti censorship because they haven't won.
00:18:17 That's how you know who's winning.
00:18:23 That's how you know the right's not winning.
00:18:28 Because they were in no position to do any censoring.
00:18:32 So he starts talking about the the evil talk radio hosts.
00:18:39 So you're against freedom of speech now.
00:18:41 That's in the Bill of Rights, man.
Speaker 5
00:18:45 I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy.
00:18:50 I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted ******* gay bashing racists, and rape jokes all under the guise of being edgy.
00:18:59 But that's not the edge.
00:19:00 That's what sells.
00:19:02 They couldn't possibly pander any harder, be more commercially.
00:19:08 Did you hear that? To be commercially mainstream in 2011?
00:19:14 Bobcat thought that, you know, telling gay bash bashing jokes.
00:19:19 Being racist.
00:19:22 You know those?
00:19:23 Those are the people that are that are least.
00:19:26 In danger of being censored, apparently.
00:19:31 And people believed that in 2011.
00:19:34 That somehow, if you were you were extreme, right?
00:19:36 Wing then that you're the.
00:19:37 Last one that's going to get censored.
00:19:41 So it's we're already in Bizarro world.
00:19:49 So he keeps telling his his cube mate that, you know, basically the right wing is making the the world go to ****, go to hell in a handbasket.
00:19:59 He gets called in to.
00:20:00 His boss's office, and at this this part, it's kind of funny too.
00:20:05 Because it's, it's just it's real.
00:20:10 Because he ends up getting fired.
00:20:13 Because he was hitting on the receptionist.
00:20:18 Who was never, never refusing his advances, and it was all very rated G he wasn't being a scumbag, so it's like it's trying to be a commentary on.
00:20:30 On I guess the like this is this is pre me too but it's trying to be a commentary on relations between the sexes and the workplace being weird because of HR departments or something like that, but being completely oblivious as to like what side that's coming from.
00:20:52 So he gets fired.
00:20:54 And then of course, the same day he finds out he has a brain tumor.
00:21:02 And that he's going to die because they can't operate on the brain tumor and.
00:21:08 So it's just it's a ticking time bomb.
00:21:15 So he goes home and he's watching more.
00:21:17 TV that night.
00:21:20 And he sees one of these MTV brattier just 16 year old birthday monster whatever shows, right?
00:21:30 To fix my mic over here, I don't know.
00:21:32 How I got all jacked?
00:21:33 Up there.
00:21:36 And of course she's Christian.
00:21:40 And she goes to Holy Cross High School, home of The Crusaders.
00:21:45 This This is why, again, there's all these like hints that he's.
00:21:49 But it says he don't know.
00:21:54 I don't know.
00:21:57 You know the parents are.
00:22:00 Are out of touch rich white people.
00:22:05 He decides he's just going to end it all he's going to.
00:22:07 Commit suicide.
00:22:11 But then he decides before he kills himself.
00:22:16 He's going to have a little bit of fun.
00:22:18 He's going to kill.
00:22:21 The woman the the white woman, the the spoiled white Christian woman on TV.
00:22:29 Before he kills himself, he's gonna rid the world.
00:22:34 Of this, of this Christian blonde chick.
00:22:40 So he steals his neighbor's car.
00:22:44 And he's scoping out the the high school, waiting the killer.
00:22:50 And this this other high school chick walks up to him.
00:22:55 Now this woman.
00:22:58 Is her real name.
00:23:01 Is where to go.
00:23:05 Tara Lynn Barr.
00:23:07 I'm pretty sure she's Jewish.
00:23:08 There's nothing about it this.
00:23:09 But I mean Barr spelled the same way.
00:23:11 Roseanne Barr.
00:23:12 Bill Barr.
00:23:13 You know, it's a Jewish last name.
00:23:15 And she's not pretty, so it all adds up.
00:23:20 But I don't know for sure, and I doubt that it means anything in the movie, right?
00:23:24 I don't think that Bobcat purposely decided to cast her character as the Jew, but it, you know, if he did, it would have made a.
00:23:33 Lot of sense as well.
00:23:35 As we'll see here in a moment.
00:23:40 So he goes and he uh, he murders the.
00:23:44 The Christian check.
00:23:47 And the the Jewish girl?
00:23:49 Well, I don't know.
00:23:51 We're gonna.
00:23:51 Well, just for the purposes of the rest of the stream, we're just going to assume that if her last name is bar.
00:23:58 I'm not going out.
00:23:59 On much of A limb, am I so?
00:24:03 So the Jewish girls excited and thinks it's it's awesome that he just murdered a Christian girl right in front of him or right in front of her.
00:24:13 So then he goes.
00:24:14 To the a hotel room that night.
00:24:16 Having murdered the Christian girl.
00:24:20 And he decides now he's going to end it.
00:24:22 Now he's going to end it.
00:24:23 He's fine.
00:24:24 You know, he's he's made the world a little bit better.
00:24:26 And now he's going to kill himself.
00:24:30 But then the Jewish girl shows up.
00:24:34 Or the the the possibly?
00:24:35 Jewish. I don't know.
00:24:37 She just she doesn't.
00:24:37 Look Jewish.
00:24:38 She's got a weird nose, but not like a Jewish nose, but anyway.
00:24:43 And she says not only should you not kill yourself.
00:24:50 You're just getting started.
00:24:54 You should kill more people.
00:24:56 Because there's so many bad.
00:24:59 People in the world that need to die.
00:25:02 You know, for example.
00:25:06 Ohh, Mormons and other religious ******** who won't like gay people be married.
00:25:12 Ohh so.
00:25:17 People that are against gay marriage need to die.
00:25:24 So she convinces him.
00:25:27 To not kill himself yet.
00:25:29 Because he needs to go around killing more Christians.
00:25:37 Now The funny thing is.
00:25:40 Apparently they this is another reason.
00:25:43 Why the movies dated?
00:25:45 You know, back in 2011, I guess Christians and Mormons, you know, they they didn't want gays to get married, but the Mormons kind of.
00:25:55 ****** ** the other.
00:25:56 You know what?
00:25:56 Just a few weeks ago, by supporting that, that bill that essentially federalizes gay marriage in the country and the Pope is saying how awesome faggs are as of just.
00:26:09 I think this was today.
Speaker 5
00:26:10 See who they use.
00:26:17 I forgot alright.
00:26:19 He's he's speaking.
00:26:20 Made-up language, so I'll I'll I'll the translate for you.
00:26:23 We are all children of God and God loves.
00:26:27 Loves us as we are.
Speaker 5
00:26:28 To see who they use.
00:26:34 And for the strength that each of us has to fight for our dignity, being homosexual is not a crime.
00:26:46 So yeah, based based Pope Francis.
00:26:51 Always looking at a way to undermine.
00:26:59 You know his followers.
00:27:04 Agendas so 2011 though.
00:27:10 Gay marriage was still opposed by by most Christian groups, so.
00:27:16 She wants to go on a killing spree of people who oppose gay marriage and and just, you know, conservatives generally.
00:27:26 So he's like, yeah, that sounds like.
00:27:27 A good idea?
00:27:32 And she says, why don't we start with the parents of?
00:27:34 That girl that you murdered.
00:27:39 So he says, OK, why not **** it?
00:27:44 But then he says, well, I.
00:27:45 Don't know.
00:27:46 You're like this high school girl.
00:27:49 Maybe I shouldn't be.
00:27:50 Taking you along on these murders.
00:27:53 And she says, oh, well, I I I have a terrible home life.
00:27:56 I live in a trailer and.
00:27:57 My stepdad rapes me all the time and so he's like, OK, fine.
00:28:03 In that case, you should.
00:28:04 Be a murderer with me.
00:28:07 So they go to the home of the the high school girl that he killed killed the dad.
00:28:14 And then she kills the mom.
00:28:18 So now they're both murderers.
00:28:21 They decide to team up and go on this killing spree that that she has thought up, and then there's this weird, creepy scene.
Speaker 7
00:28:29 I mean.
00:28:30 Because already you're starting to get like this vibe that they're a couple, you know, like that kind of like your natural born killers, right?
00:28:40 They're this couple that's going to, you know, that's going.
00:28:44 To go around.
00:28:45 Terrorizing the world, but it's also going to be this weird love story, but it is kind of.
00:28:51 You know, a little pedophilic. You know, it's a little weird because this guy's like 40 something and uh, she's like 16 or 17.
00:29:00 And so the movie has to address that.
00:29:04 By doing this this pay attention though like the the reason why this matter.
00:29:09 Well, I'll tell you the reason the the whole reason this conversation takes place.
00:29:15 And I want you to remember this, because this comes this comes back in the at the end of the movie.
00:29:20 Uh, she said she's mad because she says, you know, would you have sex like she for some reason, right.
00:29:27 This this young girl really wants this 40 year old man like has to have him.
00:29:33 And so she's like, well, why, why?
00:29:34 You know, why won't you?
00:29:35 Why aren't you attracted to me?
00:29:38 You know, like I I don't.
00:29:39 I don't want to have a platonic murdering duo and can't you at least tell me if I'm pretty and he says no, I can't tell you that you're that you're pretty because that would.
00:29:51 Make me a pedophile.
Speaker 5
00:29:54 I'm not a pedophile.
00:29:58 And so they do this weird thing where it's kind of like.
00:30:03 Have your cake and eat it too.
00:30:06 Because what is this movie?
00:30:07 What is?
00:30:07 What are most movies?
00:30:10 Of this nature, it's wish fulfillment.
00:30:15 Right.
00:30:16 The people watching this movie are people.
00:30:18 That want you dead.
00:30:21 And this is a way for them.
00:30:22 To blow off.
00:30:24 It's people that want people like you and me to be murdered violently at their hands.
00:30:30 Or by their hands rather.
00:30:32 And this is a murder fantasy.
00:30:35 For those people.
00:30:38 Well, you know Bobcat, he might not be much of A writer, but I think he knows his audience.
00:30:44 He knows they're pedos.
00:30:47 But he can't make the guy a pedo.
00:30:50 Because, you know, in 2011, at least, that was still taboo.
00:30:57 So they have this awkward exchange where she really must have him.
00:31:03 But he's like ohh no, I'm.
00:31:05 I'm definitely not gonna bang the 16 year old girl.
00:31:08 I'm not a pedophile.
00:31:10 But you still get this sense that there are a couple in there and they they keep.
00:31:16 They keep adding to that as the movie goes, but right now, because this is wish fulfillment for the psychos that want you dead.
00:31:26 They get to feel like ohh yeah, I'm not a pet.
00:31:27 Oh, I just have this, you know, 16 year old girl that's going around murdering.
00:31:31 All the Conservatives with me.
00:31:35 So they get matching outfits.
00:31:39 They get on a movie together like a lot of this it's it's like I said, it's they're.
00:31:46 They they put this this throwaway line in here.
Speaker 5
00:31:49 I'm not a pedophile.
00:31:52 And then they go, they play love music almost like it's a romantic comedy, you know, during the part where the the two main characters are going on dates, it's like a montage.
00:32:03 You have all this romantic music playing in the background.
00:32:06 Yeah, they're getting matching ******* outfits.
00:32:10 They're going to movies.
00:32:11 Together and.
00:32:14 They're killing people together.
00:32:16 Because this is a a murder fantasy.
00:32:20 So again, other kind of funny instance.
00:32:24 I don't know, if you guys have.
00:32:25 Been to theaters before?
00:32:27 But who's usually the people that talk in movies?
Speaker 1
00:32:33 It's not the white people.
00:32:41 They go to a movie and of course.
00:32:44 The white people are talking and being rude and being loud and throwing popcorn.
00:32:50 And so Bonnie and Clyde here.
00:32:54 Freak out.
00:32:56 And just start killing everybody in the theater.
00:33:04 He decides to take her out to the forest.
00:33:07 And teach her how to.
00:33:08 Shoot because she did a ****** job at killing people in the theater.
00:33:15 They can then get a hotel room.
00:33:19 And they're trying to figure out who to kill next.
00:33:21 And of course.
00:33:23 Again, this is kind of funny in the the post Trump world, because we all saw lots and lots of footage of older white conservatives being brutalized by young Antifa.
00:33:37 Young diversity at Trump rallies and this sort of a thing that was it became a regular thing.
00:33:44 I mean.
00:33:45 That, that's it.
00:33:46 It was just guaranteed if there.
00:33:48 Was a Trump rally.
00:33:50 Some old white guy was gonna get beat up.
00:33:52 In fact, some old white guy might get pulled out.
00:33:55 Of his car and.
00:33:56 Beat up, but in 2011.
00:34:00 And because this is murder, **** for *******, Bobcat is written the exact opposite of reality and made it so that tea party members are attacking elderly Parkinson's disease people like they.
00:34:14 They literally, and they had.
00:34:15 They could just be an old guy.
00:34:18 You know the Tea Party people punch out an old guy?
00:34:20 No, it's it's literally like it's on the screen.
00:34:22 Elderly Parkinson's sufferer.
Speaker 5
00:34:29 Tea Party members continued to taunt the Parkinson's sufferer after he was shoved to the ground.
Speaker 1
00:34:37 Just like God gives some.
00:34:45 They decide.
00:34:46 We gotta kill those guys.
00:34:47 We definitely gotta kill those guys.
00:34:52 And then you have this weird sexual tension because they're in.
00:34:55 The hotel room.
00:34:57 He doesn't want, he doesn't want to sleep on the bed with her because remember, he's he's definitely not a pedophile, but she because she must have him convinces him to sleep on the bed.
00:35:08 But they'll, uh, they'll they'll they'll sleep head to toe.
00:35:12 So it's it's it's still a rated G but slowly surely.
00:35:17 They're escalating. They're escalating.
00:35:22 But that's OK.
00:35:24 Because maybe, maybe he's just on the spectrum.
00:35:27 He's not a pedophile, right?
00:35:29 He's just on the.
Speaker 8
00:35:30 Spectrum the tax on the boundary is not arbitrary, meaning it's out there in nature and it's it's it's sort of in air quotes.
00:35:38 Find it.
00:35:41 So with pedophilia, there are three main.
00:35:45 Options or.
00:35:47 Possibilities I should say for latent structure.
00:35:50 It's a dimension, which means I'll say this say this true.
00:35:55 Very controversially, that means everybody in the room has some amount of sexual interest in children.
00:36:01 That's what a latent dimension means.
00:36:03 Some of us will have very little.
00:36:05 Most of us will have very little.
00:36:06 Then some people will have.
00:36:07 Quite a bit of the sexual attraction to children.
00:36:10 And there are two main possibilities for a taxonomic latent structure.
00:36:16 One is dichotomous, so there are two taxa people are pedophiles or they are not pedophiles, and that's it.
00:36:23 There's no variation, and then there's a third option, a trichotomous taxonomic latent structure.
00:36:31 Where there are actually 3 taxa and I'm kind of burying the lead that well.
00:36:36 What are these three tax, if that's?
00:36:38 If that's the case, but that's the idea that there are three categories of people in terms of their sexual interest in children.
00:36:45 So you know he's not.
00:36:46 He's he's just.
00:36:47 On the spectrum like this guy's explaining.
00:36:50 So again they they, it's.
00:36:53 Very slow.
00:36:54 It's a very slow drip.
00:36:56 Having them sitting closer.
00:36:59 You know she's wearing.
00:37:00 Fewer and fewer clothes.
00:37:01 They're getting a little bit more like right now.
00:37:03 There's still, like, a pillow wall separating them, right?
00:37:09 And then they they're watching Fox News together.
00:37:11 They just watched the tea parties, you know, the attacking the old man with Parkinson's.
00:37:17 And they see.
00:37:19 An episode of of The O'Reilly.
00:37:22 Well, you know, it's supposed to be the.
00:37:23 O'Reilly factor, right.
00:37:26 And that's when they decide, oh, we definitely to kill him and again, listen, listen to what they're talking about.
00:37:32 This is 2011. They're trying to base this on what they think a conservative media show would be about.
00:37:40 And and listen to what he's saying. Listen to what he's saying. In 2011, this made any kind of.
00:37:45 Sense at all.
Speaker 9
00:37:47 Play the freedom of speech here on my.
00:37:48 Show OK, OK.
00:37:50 Let me explain something to you.
00:37:51 I would much rather lose my rights to freedom of speech than ever.
00:37:55 Have the ACLU defend my right to freedom of speech and another thing you pinhead the ACLU take heat.
00:38:01 America, I think, is more dangerous to the United States than al Qaeda.
00:38:06 I'll give you a chance to respond if you have anything articulate to say, right.
00:38:09 After this.
00:38:13 The the so in 2011.
00:38:18 It sounded insane.
00:38:21 That a conservative.
00:38:23 Would be berating the ACLU.
00:38:26 And saying that.
00:38:27 Ohh, yeah, yeah, I'd I'd rather lose my freedom of speech than have you guys defend me.
00:38:32 They won't defend you now.
00:38:36 When was, when was the last time the ACLU tried to defend a right winger getting D platformed?
00:38:45 Or getting shouted down at A at.
00:38:47 A live event.
00:38:49 Being like, obviously they don't, right?
00:38:54 Because they're winning now.
00:38:57 See, when they weren't winning back in the 90s, the ACLU, the reason why, that's how they had this, this fake segment like it's supposed to sound crazy to you, right?
00:39:07 Because in the 90s, you know, last time Bobcat, whatever the ****, was relevant.
00:39:13 The ACLU.
00:39:16 Would defend Skinheads that wanted to March.
00:39:22 Because they weren't defending the skinheads, they were defending themselves.
00:39:29 They just had to try to look consistent because they weren't winning yet.
00:39:32 Well, now they're winning.
00:39:34 So now they're like, yeah, **** you.
00:39:42 So they go to the park where, you know, fake Bill O'Reilly is jogging.
00:39:47 And they murder him.
00:39:51 They then go to the Tea Party rally.
00:39:56 And they murder the Tea Party people.
00:40:02 And then.
00:40:04 This part I don't, I don't quite get like why they did this.
00:40:09 But they act as if like they they start popping these headlines up.
00:40:14 Like Tea party members murdered godless liberals to blame like they act as if that would be.
00:40:22 Any headline.
00:40:24 Like as if the mainstream media once again like the mainstream media, is somehow right leaning.
00:40:30 And would immediately go and blame the Liberals.
00:40:38 Then we get to this again the.
00:40:42 The Westborough. Westborough Baptist.
00:40:49 Protesters that they've again they feature they feature God hates Jews.
00:40:54 That's like the big sign that gets all the the screen time.
00:40:59 God hates Jews.
00:41:02 So of course they gunned down all the Westborough Baptist people and the preacher.
00:41:10 And then they do you like that stupid?
00:41:13 Headline thing again, religious leader slain work of Obama death squad.
00:41:20 Again, like who's this supposed to be?
00:41:24 Is this supposed like the New York?
00:41:26 Times like what?
00:41:27 What what news outlet is is supposed to sympathize.
00:41:33 With the Westboro.
00:41:33 Baptist Church, like even in 2011, this was insanity.
00:41:38 To think that any mainstream or any.
00:41:41 Media like outlet.
00:41:43 It's not like Fox News was.
00:41:46 In support of the Westboro Baptist Church.
00:41:51 You know, and now now like that, that's 2011 now, just barely over 10 years later.
00:41:59 You got Tucker right.
00:42:00 He's the big firebrand fascist on the right.
00:42:04 Telling everyone that, hey, we don't have a problem with gay marriage.
00:42:11 So that's all it took.
00:42:13 Maybe you know all it took was was Bobcats.
00:42:16 Movie here, right?
00:42:18 That's all it took was Bobcat had to make a movie threatening conservatives with mass murder.
00:42:24 And because they're all *******, they they immediately folded in and started supporting gay marriage.
00:42:33 I'm going to pull that clip up here.
00:42:37 For those of you who haven't seen it.
00:42:43 Where are we at?
00:42:43 Where are we at here?
00:42:50 Here we are.
Speaker 7
00:42:57 It's pretty interesting when you think about it.
00:42:58 So this is a bill signing affirming the legality, legalizing once again gay marriage, which most people support in this country.
00:43:07 Should people get married if they love each.
00:43:08 Other yeah, they should.
00:43:09 That's why.
00:43:10 Fine, not that controversial point at this stage.
00:43:15 It's fine.
00:43:18 It's fine, it's totally fine.
00:43:26 So in 10 years and 10 years, we went to, we're going to murder them all because they won't support gay marriage to the right going.
Speaker 7
00:43:37 We support.
00:43:37 It's pretty interesting when you think about it.
00:43:39 So this is a bill signing affirming the legality, legalizing once again gay marriage, which most people support in this country should people get married if they love each other?
00:43:49 Yeah, they should.
00:43:49 That's fine.
00:43:50 Not that controversial point.
00:43:54 Not that controversial.
00:43:59 See you see why you see.
00:44:00 I say you have to zoom out the graph.
00:44:08 It didn't take long. Like, remember, Tucker's the big fascist on the right, right?
00:44:17 He's telling it's not even controversial.
00:44:21 Of course, of course.
00:44:27 Who doesn't?
00:44:28 Who doesn't support little gay marriage?
00:44:33 But in 2011, you know?
00:44:36 So this is where it.
00:44:37 Starts to get, you know, creepier and creepier.
00:44:41 They go on on.
00:44:42 What can only be described as a date?
00:44:45 He's dancing around with her.
00:44:50 They're hanging out in bed together.
00:44:54 He gets a little uncomfortable because she gets undressed and is taking a shower, but again he's he's not a Peto, he's not a Peto, he's just he's just on the Peto spectrum.
00:45:13 But then he gets a call from his doctor.
00:45:19 And his doctor says hey, good luck or good news, I actually mixed up the paperwork.
00:45:24 You don't have a brain tumor.
00:45:26 You're totally fine.
00:45:30 And he's like, ohh, holy ****.
00:45:32 I'm not going to die.
00:45:33 That's amazing.
00:45:35 I can move to France.
00:45:37 With with my girlfriend because that's the discussion that's going on between the two of them in that shot.
00:45:42 Right.
00:45:43 There moving to France and living.
00:45:45 And so they can't get extradited and and starting up a family.
00:45:51 And they don't really say it, but pretty much right.
00:45:54 And he's like, sweet, I can go.
00:45:56 I can go to France now.
00:45:59 But then he sees on the TV that her parents aren't the trailer trash.
00:46:05 Rapists that she had described.
00:46:08 And that they're they're they're missing their daughter.
00:46:11 And they look pretty normal and he feels bad.
00:46:14 And he feels like a pedo.
00:46:19 So he decides to leave because he's he's he's all grossed out that that he was going to move to France with the the teenage girl.
00:46:31 And you see that she goes back to her family.
00:46:40 And so he still wants to go the bang.
00:46:42 He's got nothing to lose.
00:46:44 And one of the things he had a problem with so early on in the in the, in the movie, when he's watching TV and can't sleep and he's having all these murder fantasies about conservatives.
00:46:58 One of the things that rubs him the wrong way is there's a obvious it's like, you know, not America.
00:47:06 Got what is Americas?
00:47:08 Got Talent or whatever those I don't even know what those ******* shows are, but you guys know what I'm talking about those.
00:47:16 Those talent shows that were big and I don't even know if they still have them. Around 2011 we had Simon Cowell and and the judges that would make fun of the bad singers and stuff.
00:47:29 Remember, there was a time where there was that Asian guy, that that was terrible at singing, that they turned into a meme for a while.
00:47:36 So they have they have that, basically they're they have like a fake version of that.
00:47:41 And this is called American superstar.
00:47:43 And there's this guy who's mildly ********, and they made a big deal out of his his rehearsal being really or not rehearsal.
00:47:52 That audition being really bad.
00:47:54 And he's obviously kind of ********.
00:47:56 So they make fun of him.
00:47:58 And now they've they've they're exploiting him because he was so bad, and it was so funny.
00:48:05 They've put him on the show and they keep him on as a joke.
00:48:11 The pedophile guy or I'm sorry, the guy who's totally not a pedophile.
00:48:16 Has decided that this is like the ultimate representation.
00:48:23 Of American.
00:48:27 Degeneracy in a way like commercialism and and meanness and bigotry and and hate speech.
00:48:38 And monetizing hate.
00:48:42 So he decides he's going to go to American superstar with a high-powered rifle and kill a bunch of people.
00:48:51 So he indiscriminately kills a bunch of people.
00:48:56 To sneak onto the show.
00:48:59 And gets a AK47.
00:49:03 Walks out onto the stage.
00:49:06 Shoots the the fake Simon character kills a bunch of the like frat boys that are making fun of the ******** kid.
00:49:16 All white people, right?
00:49:17 Of course.
00:49:18 In fact, everyone, everyone they kill in the movie is White.
00:49:21 Every single one.
00:49:24 So he kills a bunch more white people.
00:49:31 You know that.
00:49:32 That black guy has nothing to worry about.
00:49:34 I would think cause.
00:49:37 So far, all the people he's killed in white.
00:49:41 Actually, I think that black guy might get it.
00:49:43 In the end, I don't.
00:49:44 Wanna rode it?
00:49:44 I don't wanna hear right at the end.
00:49:46 I don't want to ruin it for you.
00:49:48 Maybe 1 black guy in the whole movie might might actually get it.
00:49:55 He starts doing some some.
00:49:59 Lecture to the judges about ohh.
00:50:00 You're just you're making fun of the ****** kid.
00:50:04 Why are you making fun of the ****** kid?
00:50:07 What's wrong?
00:50:07 I'm on TV.
00:50:08 What's wrong with America?
Speaker 5
00:50:12 Become a nation.
00:50:14 Of slogans saying bile spewing hate mongers.
00:50:19 We're a bunch of hate mongers.
00:50:22 I've been mass murdering people I don't agree with for a week.
00:50:28 But you're the hate mongers.
00:50:33 But then he finally snaps because the ****** guy says.
00:50:37 No, I actually like it.
00:50:40 I wasn't sad.
00:50:43 I wanted to be on TV.
00:50:46 That's what was important to me.
00:50:54 And so that makes him lose it.
00:50:57 But then, out of nowhere, his teenage like, you know, because it's lazy, terrible writing.
00:51:04 His his teenage girlfriend just is magically all of a sudden there she runs up on the stage.
Speaker 5
00:51:19 You are.
00:51:21 A pretty girl.
00:51:25 Now this is where this is the the this is the little cherry on the creep cake.
00:51:30 OK, earlier in the movie, remember I told you?
00:51:32 Remember this cause it would come in at the end, he said.
00:51:35 I can't say that you're a pretty girl.
00:51:37 Because that would mean that that I'm attracted to you and that.
00:51:41 I'm a **********.
00:51:43 And at the end.
00:51:45 The last thing he he does is he looks at her when she runs up on stage.
Speaker 5
00:51:54 You are.
00:51:56 A pretty girl.
00:52:01 Thank you, Frank.
00:52:20 The music swells.
00:52:22 They opened fire.
00:52:26 He kills the ****** kid.
00:52:28 Because he just wanted to be on TV.
00:52:31 She kills a bunch of people.
00:52:37 They've wiped out pretty much everyone on the stage, so maybe that black guy dies.
00:52:42 I guess the ******** guy, some kind of not.
00:52:44 Not exactly super white.
00:52:46 So very.
00:52:47 And I guess some non.
00:52:48 Some non whites got it.
00:52:53 Then the cops show up and kill them both.
00:52:59 And that's the movie.
00:53:01 That's the murder fantasy.
00:53:02 The murder fantasy is at the end.
00:53:06 You can admit you're a pedophile.
00:53:08 And then die with your.
00:53:11 Lonely Girl, lonely girlfriend.
00:53:15 In a hail of bullets.
00:53:19 And that is, God Bless America.
00:53:26 Well, yeah. It's uh.
00:53:29 So that was it.
00:53:30 That was, uh, you know.
Speaker 4
00:53:35 Thank you very much.
00:53:36 Thank you very much.
Speaker 1
00:53:37 Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker 4
00:53:46 Thank you very much.
00:53:47 It feels good to me.
00:53:48 Thank you very much.
00:53:49 It feels good to.
00:53:53 So there you go.
00:54:04 What a ******* **** show of a movie.
00:54:08 So anyway, can I just give?
00:54:10 Me a little short.
00:54:15 We're not gonna do.
00:54:16 The four hours we did last time.
00:54:20 Unless, unless there's a lot of hyper chads out there because, like, holy ****.
00:54:26 But yeah, so I'm.
00:54:28 I'm going to do the I'm still, I'm still researching **** Jews.
00:54:31 And again, I almost.
00:54:33 I almost have like ****.
00:54:34 Well, Jew fatigue at this point.
00:54:39 So anyway.
00:54:45 Yeah, we're probably not going to see Churro on churro Cam tonight.
00:54:49 He's gone. Let me see.
00:54:49 If I can bring up.
00:54:51 His his thing.
00:54:53 That's not it.
00:54:54 That's not the right one.
00:55:00 That's not the right one.
00:55:01 Where is this?
00:55:02 Was there a black baby?
00:55:05 Oh no.
00:55:07 I guess he's uh.
00:55:10 There he is.
00:55:11 Look at that.
00:55:12 That's weird.
00:55:14 Wasn't expecting that he he's been leaving.
00:55:18 He he's got a girlfriend.
00:55:19 I think he's got a black girlfriend.
00:55:24 But Chiro's churro's been leaving all night, which is the worst time for him to leave, because that's when the Coyotes are out and then coming back.
00:55:33 At at at like 3 in the morning.
00:55:37 All hungover.
00:55:38 Sometimes I'll cut up and **** like he came back last night.
00:55:44 Like around I forget what time it was.
00:55:47 But he he just had like this 1000 yard stare.
00:55:50 His eye was bleeding.
00:55:51 He was all cut up.
00:55:53 He was dirty and you know, cats sound like being dirty, so he went through some.
00:55:56 ****, I don't know what?
00:55:58 Happened. And then he slept.
00:56:01 In his little tub.
00:56:02 This is why I didn't expect to see him there because he slept for like like 12 hours in that ******* thing.
00:56:07 And I was like, holy ****.
00:56:09 And he didn't wake up that long.
00:56:11 He woke up not that long ago, and then frolicked around in the backyard for a bit and then ran off.
00:56:16 And I didn't.
00:56:16 I didn't expect to see him.
00:56:17 For another like 5 hours, but there he is.
00:56:20 So there, Cheryl came back.
00:56:23 Anyway, let me tell you look at Hyper Hyper chats from the hyper Chads.
00:56:28 But yeah, he's he's definitely got a black girlfriend.
00:56:33 I seen her.
00:56:37 Alright, here we go.
00:56:40 Nail Bender.
00:56:42 Years ago, my neighbors were the parents of one of the Girl Scouts.
00:56:46 Murder at the Locust Grove.
00:56:48 Holy **** wonderful people.
00:56:50 They didn't want to talk about what happened, but the news would still ask them for interviews, which really disturbed the mother.
00:56:59 The father found.
00:57:03 Well then it just updated him. ****** everything up. Found out my daughter was in Girl Scouts. And up until that point, I had no idea what had happened to their daughter. In 1977, I got an earful from the father. My wife and I took our daughter out of Girl Scouts. It's lefty ******** anyway.
00:57:23 Can't stay.
00:57:24 Just want to say hey.
00:57:25 Well, appreciate that.
00:57:27 My understanding is Girl Scouts is is just.
00:57:30 Well, I mean, Boy Scouts is funked up now too.
00:57:35 Girl Scouts was always, you know, just the concept of Girl Scouts was just like, we can have it.
00:57:41 We can have one too.
00:57:46 But you know, they're all cooked now.
00:57:48 We need to have.
00:57:49 We need to have, like a little.
00:57:50 Hitler youth type.
00:57:51 Program or something, something that some of the places Boy Scouts makes kids tough.
00:57:57 It's a shame what happened to boy.
00:57:58 I was in Boy Scouts.
00:57:59 It was pretty cool.
00:58:00 The camp outs were mostly the only thing it was worth anything.
00:58:03 All the merit badges were kind of gay, but.
00:58:06 You know.
00:58:08 Now we don't even have that.
00:58:10 Proud to be.
00:58:10 White, what do you think of those guys?
00:58:14 Lasering Anti Jewish information on buildings seems like a great way to get out information, but very risky.
00:58:23 I've seen what you're talking about.
00:58:24 I don't.
00:58:24 I haven't seen any of that.
00:58:25 That has information I've just seen.
00:58:28 Pictures and maybe I'm just not watching the right thing.
00:58:30 I've all I've seen is pictures of of people projecting like swastikas on buildings and stuff like that, and I don't think that that's not going to, you know, people are going to get.
00:58:41 The wrong idea because like what?
00:58:42 What's a boomer gonna think when a boomer sees that, you know a boomer is?
00:58:46 Gonna be like ohh yeah.
00:58:48 Those fascists?
00:58:50 You know, it's going.
00:58:51 It's not.
00:58:51 It's just not a clear message.
00:58:54 And some if I don't know if there's something more to to it than what I've seen.
00:59:01 Is it is it effective?
00:59:03 I mean I don't know it's, you know what?
00:59:05 What's most effective about doing something like that?
00:59:07 It's like protests, right?
00:59:09 It's not a fact.
00:59:10 It used to be more about actually physically being there and, you know, letting your presence known.
00:59:17 But now that's not what protests are about.
00:59:18 Protests are about the footage that you.
00:59:20 Yeah, like you know, you can have a protest that lasts 10 minutes.
00:59:25 You get the right footage, you distribute it on the Internet, and people don't have to know that.
00:59:29 It was just everyone showed up for 10 minutes for a photo shoot and then left.
00:59:33 Right.
00:59:35 And that's that's probably what I'm thinking about these projecting stuff on buildings in the moment.
00:59:41 It's not that big of a deal like how many people are going to see it?
00:59:44 Is it, you know, is it going to make an impact?
00:59:46 Probably not, but if you get footage of it, it's interesting enough.
00:59:51 You know, it's something.
00:59:53 It's something that happened IRL.
00:59:55 It's it could be grabby, depending on what's.
00:59:57 That is it.
01:00:00 I don't know how.
01:00:00 It's risky.
01:00:00 You're not breaking any laws, or at least not in America.
01:00:03 You're not.
01:00:04 You can shine.
01:00:06 You can projection on buildings all day long. It's not, you know, nothing's going to happen to you unless there's some kind of weird local law about it.
01:00:13 But there's there's as far as I know, I don't think any.
01:00:16 Of that exists, so it's only effective in so much that you can turn into something that can be distributed online.
01:00:24 I guess the short answer there.
01:00:28 Skeeter mcgeever.
01:00:36 Any suggestions on beekeeping literature? Looking to start a homestead in West Virginia this year? Also, did you know that they used honey to heal wounds during the medieval period? Yeah, Honey's been used for lots of stuff for thousands of years, I would say.
01:00:57 It depends on what you you know.
01:00:58 What you want to do?
01:01:01 You know, I'm.
01:01:02 I didn't really read any books on it.
01:01:03 Like I have a couple.
01:01:04 Of books on it.
01:01:06 But more than anything, I just watched a ton of YouTube videos.
01:01:10 There's a lot of beekeeping Youtubers that will walk you through the whole process.
01:01:18 There are there's websites, depends on what.
01:01:21 And again, it depends on what you're wanting to do.
01:01:24 Michael Bush has a ridiculous amount of information online. If you just look up Michael Bush beekeeping, he he has like all these e-books for free.
01:01:35 I've read through all those he he doesn't do treat, he's treatment free.
01:01:39 He's been beekeeping since, like the 70s.
01:01:43 And he's gone through all the different, you know, mites and diseases and has come to some conclusions.
01:01:52 But not everyone.
01:01:52 That's the thing too.
01:01:53 Is with beekeeping. It's like.
01:01:56 You're going to it.
01:01:57 It depends on who you.
01:01:58 Ask. You'll get totally.
01:01:59 Different answers to the same question because it's not.
01:02:05 I mean, it is a science, but it's also not really a science.
01:02:09 It's more of an art than a science.
01:02:12 And so there's a million different kinds of hives.
01:02:14 What I always thought to myself was I'm just going to do a mixture of what commercial beekeepers do because you know that that for them it it's about the bottom line.
01:02:23 They want to be productive.
01:02:25 But also keeping in mind that I don't want to treat so and and and I want to have and I'm not going to have like 5000 hives of it.
01:02:33 Right, so I can afford to do things a.
01:02:36 Little bit differently.
01:02:38 But I would, I would suggest looking at YouTube stuff and then look into Michael Bush's stuff. And and there's a brother, Adam, it's there's the Buckfast Abbey.
01:02:50 He was the first one to really and he was a guy.
01:02:54 It was a monk in England who was breeding queen bees as a result of some of the diseases that made it into England and wiped out a lot of his bees.
01:03:05 But he wrote a book.
01:03:07 I think it's beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey or something like that.
01:03:12 Has a lot of good information.
01:03:13 He was he's considered like, you know, Captain B.
01:03:17 In fact, I think that he got knighted or something over there for for his B adventures.
01:03:26 But yeah, yeah, good luck with that.
01:03:28 Good luck with that.
01:03:29 West Virginia should be OK.
01:03:30 Depending on your elevation, it should be pretty OK for raising bees.
01:03:35 If you get too much snow, you're gonna have to do things totally different than how.
01:03:39 I do it.
01:03:43 Cold flames, some interesting talking American jewelry on a 35 through 6.
01:03:50 And Hon.
01:03:52 Or no and honorable. I think Emmanuel seller on a three seven, but check out the Communist Goals 20 through 28 on.
01:04:04 Alright, that's just a lot of stuff.
01:04:07 I'll I'll look at that later, but that's a lot of.
01:04:11 Yeah, that's a lot of references there.
01:04:13 That's a very long PDF.
01:04:15 I'll check it out sometime.
01:04:18 Cole flame again. Have you seen Henry Ford's court case and later apology to the Jews?
01:04:25 No, I have not.
01:04:26 I have not.
01:04:28 But I will.
01:04:29 I'll add that to the.
01:04:31 That will be another PDF I'll have.
01:04:33 In my list here.
01:04:35 Log of **** poster.
01:04:36 Have you ever had your throat clogged by a creamy, dreamy, steamy log of ****?
01:04:41 No, I have not.
01:04:43 No, I have not.
01:04:46 But thanks for asking I guess.
01:04:49 Jay Ray, 1981.
01:04:51 So supposedly Crowder didn't take the Jew deal, but he always has been a coward when it came to telling his normies about Judeo Luciferian, **** that ******.
01:05:04 No, it's the idea that there's going to suddenly be based crowders insanity.
01:05:11 He he's just as Zionist as them.
01:05:14 He just didn't get them.
01:05:15 It's it.
01:05:15 Look at it wasn't it was about money.
01:05:18 Maybe control over his brand too, but like, it wasn't about like uh, I'm fighting the good fight.
01:05:24 So like, you know, people not as big as me, they don't have to be gatekeepers for the daily wire.
01:05:31 He doesn't give a **** about all that ****.
01:05:33 He got ****** *** because the the contract that they sent him he thought was egregious.
01:05:38 He thought that he deserved a lot more money.
01:05:41 He thought that.
01:05:44 He deserved ownership of his brand.
01:05:46 He was a personally offended by it when he pushed back.
01:05:50 He didn't get what he wanted and because you know, he's he's an egomaniac.
01:05:55 He he started recording his conversations with them with the intention. Look, he registered that domain. His stop big conorwhatever.com.
01:06:06 He registered that back in December, way before he was even talking about this stuff.
01:06:11 He started recording his conversations with Jeremy Boring and all those guys.
01:06:15 Like look I I.
01:06:18 I think it's funny that he's doing it, but let's not act like he's some kind of crusader of truth.
01:06:24 He's still a ******* ******.
01:06:26 That is is.
01:06:28 He's just **** hurt because he didn't get a deal that he wanted.
01:06:34 That's really what it boils down to his objection to it was was.
01:06:39 Ohh, but I would.
01:06:40 It's so funny because he starts off when he went when he first started talking about this.
01:06:44 He's like, look, it's not.
01:06:45 I thought we were in a war.
01:06:46 We were all on the same side.
01:06:48 And and I was really surprised to find out these people at the top that they don't agree.
01:06:52 With us at all, which first, first of all, that's ********.
01:06:55 If he, if he's surprised by that, if he's surprised that Jewish billionaires that fund the daily wire, and specifically to keep people in line with the the Israeli Mossad messaging.
01:07:10 Come on.
01:07:11 He's not.
01:07:11 He wasn't.
01:07:12 He's not surprised by that.
01:07:13 He knows that.
01:07:15 There's no, he's not that ******* ********.
01:07:19 So he's just, you know, he's just playing a part to his audience.
01:07:23 He's trying to hurt the daily wire because his his feelings got hurt.
01:07:28 That's really what it boils down to.
01:07:30 So anyway, yeah.
01:07:35 Poopy stinky turd ****?
01:07:37 How about a review on The Exorcist?
01:07:40 It has a Jewish director, is borderline pedophilic.
01:07:43 Having the 12 year old main actress in her underwear half the time in revealing poses and is obviously satanic and anti Christian propaganda.
01:07:53 Love your work.
01:07:53 Keep it up.
01:07:55 Well, that's not all.
01:07:56 You know.
01:07:56 It's not just.
01:07:57 I mean, she's.
01:07:58 She starts trying to **** herself with a crucifix.
01:08:01 I mean, that's.
01:08:03 It's pretty explicit stuff in that movie.
01:08:07 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, I I just, it's one of those movies.
01:08:10 It's so obvious that it's like, are people going to be surprised that the maybe they would be, I don't know, I guess maybe that's the weird thing.
01:08:18 Is there are people that watch these kinds of horror films that are obviously trying to make?
01:08:30 Well, you know what?
01:08:31 I honestly, here's The funny thing is, I think I remember there was an interview.
01:08:36 With uh father.
01:08:39 Well, is it?
01:08:40 Father Malachi, Malachi Martin or something like that?
01:08:44 There was an interview with him and and According to him, and who knows right because he was a he, he worked for the Catholic Church as an exorcist.
01:08:54 And or no like maybe I'm mixing it up with the Amityville house is what he worked on.
01:09:01 Not anyway, he made some reference to that movie in the interview.
01:09:06 It was.
01:09:06 It was an old coast to coast episode with Art Bell and Art, Bell said.
01:09:10 Something along the lines of like oh, is it really that bad like?
01:09:13 And and yeah, he he didn't seem to be offended by that film at all.
01:09:19 And I think that's what it is.
01:09:20 Is there's. There's so many.
01:09:25 People that do watch those movies and think they they get, I don't know.
01:09:29 I don't.
01:09:30 I it's it's so obvious to me.
01:09:32 I don't know how it would be not obvious to other people that it's that it's obviously and it's obviously promoting the power of Satan.
01:09:39 All those movies are.
01:09:44 I don't know.
01:09:45 I don't know.
01:09:45 Let's see here.
01:09:48 You ever look into the food industry?
01:09:51 I know the food pyramid with bread at the base was directly funded by Onder Way back when modern day foods in America are packed of high fructose corn syrup and vegetable oil, both of which are closer to poison than they are.
01:10:08 Food might make for a good episode. Yeah. I mean, we kind of talked about it once because I found that VHS tape at Carla's house that we.
01:10:16 And and all of the commercials were just going slot commercials.
01:10:21 I mean it, it was just I called it kid feed like, cause every commercial was like, oh, crap macaroni and cheese.
01:10:28 Hey, look, Boomer parents.
01:10:29 All you got to do is buy this and add water and throw it in the ******* table and say, eat away, kids.
01:10:35 And it was every ******* ad, every ******* ad.
01:10:38 And I remember seeing this, this kind of garbage food in my house.
01:10:44 A lot of lot of boomers that's, I mean cause especially if you had households where both parents were now work.
01:10:51 You know the the, the, the working mom, the new career mom, boomer.
01:10:55 You know, she didn't have time to or the single mom boomer for that matter, right?
01:10:59 The single mom boomer, she was too busy at the office.
01:11:02 She couldn't come home and have dinner ready for the kids, so she would just buy boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese and say, just microwave it and.
01:11:11 Make it yourself kids or have like a pantry full of of cookie crisp like ohh yeah, it's literally cookies that you pour milk on Yum.
01:11:26 And it's it's.
01:11:28 Yeah, there's a reason why there's so many fat people.
01:11:35 Beach Boys.
01:11:51 Beachgoers with the *** **** money, some shekels for the content creator that I looked forward to every Wednesday and Saturday.
01:11:57 Well, I appreciate that Beach Boys.
01:12:01 And thanks for the support there.
01:12:03 See Crowder could have just got an odyssey.
01:12:05 He'd be fine, right?
01:12:07 Bring his mug club over to here.
01:12:09 So worried about getting censored by big tech.
01:12:13 The one that I've never understood that the people that complain about censorship on YouTube but but then they stay on YouTube.
01:12:21 It's like, OK, so really.
01:12:24 You're not mad about being censored.
01:12:28 You're mad that you can't make as much money.
01:12:31 That's that's what it is, right?
01:12:34 Because you don't have to be censored.
01:12:37 You can go to a different platform where you're not censored.
01:12:40 You just won't make as much money.
01:12:44 So if you're not leaving and that bothers you this much, it's it's over the money.
01:12:51 Looking glass. Hey, slim, it's me again. Collarbone is doing better. They said six months. It'll be 100%. What's with the physiognomy of the **** cop? Megan.
01:13:05 And the FTX chick.
01:13:09 **** cop Megan.
01:13:12 Are goblins real?
01:13:14 Same with Fetterman.
01:13:16 He's a literal ogre.
01:13:18 He's the 70s hell portal or spawning these, or what?
01:13:23 Pet churro for me.
01:13:26 Well, I think is oh.
01:13:27 Wait, I know you're talking about the **** cop.
01:13:29 Was she Jewish?
01:13:30 I thought I heard something about that, but I I never confirmed that.
01:13:34 FX Chick is just that's just bad genes.
01:13:39 And better man, I'm not sure who you mean by that.
01:13:45 If I just look up Fetterman, who's going to come up like no name is?
01:13:49 Springing to mind.
01:13:53 Oh, that.
01:13:54 OK, that guy, John Fetterman.
01:13:58 Yeah, it's just bad genes.
01:14:00 You get a lot and there's a lot of inbreeding.
01:14:02 There's a lot of inbreeding in that tribe.
01:14:04 It for real and has been for generations, so that's kind of what that's what you're seeing, I think.
01:14:12 But glad the collarbone is is mending there.
01:14:16 Calypso hand Jack.
01:14:18 Like you, I was living in Nova DC area, went to GW U after getting out of the military.
01:14:26 And yes, the women are demons.
01:14:28 Tons of Jews got out of Nova DC in 2019, right before COVID NIT knew something bad was happening. Before you warned us, I saw what you saw.
01:14:39 What you mentioned the in in the previous.
01:14:43 Yeah, that that whole area is just, it's just it's horrible.
01:14:47 People think that San Francisco is the homosexual capital of America.
01:14:52 It's not Washington, DC has has more faggs per capital or for per capita.
01:14:59 Then San Francisco.
01:15:02 And they had look.
01:15:03 They had ******** way before everyone else did.
01:15:06 They had *******, you know, all this.
01:15:07 I identify as a, you know, whatever.
01:15:10 And these are people working in the federal government.
01:15:14 These are people that that have that are in positions of power, they're bureaucrats that will never get fired, regardless of of, you know, especially if if Trump's in office and he's he's afraid of firing anybody, apparently. But these people last no matter who gets elected, I mean.
01:15:32 They they are.
01:15:33 The deep state.
01:15:34 But not in like AQ Anon way, but like as in they're part of the permanent state.
01:15:41 And they're the most vile people you can imagine.
01:15:46 Most degenerate people you can imagine, and they're in control of, of, of not just, you know, the the usual suspects.
01:15:54 Like a lot of people think.
01:15:56 Like ohh yeah, just like it's it's just a couple agencies that that draw the the Lefties.
01:16:02 It's like, no, that might have been the case at some point, you know, but it it's, it's that whole city.
01:16:07 I mean, what better place to work if you don't?
01:16:10 If you've got a big degree in in no skills and that's where you go.
01:16:15 And then?
01:16:16 They just contract all their work out to to like Booze Allen and Deloitte and.
01:16:23 So they don't.
01:16:23 Have to actually ever do any work.
01:16:28 But yeah, good, good job on getting the **** out of there.
01:16:31 Harmless G, What's the deal with the with these Irish?
01:16:35 The lead actor in this movie is Irish, Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden and George Carlin are Irish by ancestry.
01:16:43 The Irish back in Ireland cursed the English for not being more paused.
01:16:48 And not importing non whites even faster.
01:16:52 Some are alright though.
01:16:54 #Not all potato.
01:17:02 That's not the right one.
01:17:03 Hold on.
01:17:04 What's up?
01:17:04 Up, up.
Speaker 8
01:17:04 Up. Up. I'm a potato.
Speaker 1
01:17:06 Bigger big shot.
01:17:07 Always have to be lucky child.
01:17:11 There we go.
01:17:15 Yeah, I don't know.
01:17:16 I don't know.
01:17:21 I don't know what to tell you.
01:17:26 Graham playing games. I have this movie on Blu-ray. I got it early 2000 tens or so. I don't like it.
01:17:34 It's low budget vibe, but it goes beyond that.
01:17:38 I think that it's message or I think that it's message it.
01:17:44 Generally muddled, because that is the leftist worldview, it is muddled and incoherent like you're super Chad, muddled and incoherent.
01:17:57 Why do you have that movie?
01:17:59 Why did you get it?
01:18:00 Why did you get?
01:18:00 Are you a big Bobcat fan or?
01:18:02 Something is.
01:18:03 Is this your your hero?
Speaker 4
01:18:09 Thank you very much.
01:18:10 Thank you very much.
01:18:12 Thank you.
Speaker 1
01:18:18 How do you own that movie?
01:18:20 How do you on that movie?
01:18:22 I think art design are a window into the.
01:18:24 Soul of what creates or adopts it?
01:18:26 Whether it is the soul of an individual culture or subculture ideology, look at the design of that flat global **** art.
01:18:35 Everywhere current leftist art and is soulless and its vacuum poles at one's own soul.
01:18:45 Yeah, but here's the problem though.
01:18:46 There's just not.
01:18:47 There's the reason why all of art and culture are out of your hands.
01:18:53 Is right wing.
01:18:55 People don't see the value in it and don't put money towards it.
01:19:00 They don't, and then they and then they ***** like, how come all these movies are are degenerate?
01:19:05 I don't know.
01:19:10 Because you're not making any and you're paying to watch those movies you're paying for Netflix, and you're paying for this, and you're you're complaining about it, but you're paying for it still.
01:19:21 It's like going into like a drive through.
01:19:25 Shoving a a hamburger down your throat and then saying.
01:19:29 God, I hate why.
01:19:30 Do they always make these hamburgers?
01:19:32 They make me feel sick.
01:19:33 And then you go and buy another one the next day.
01:19:36 It's like, well, that's why they make them.
01:19:37 Because you buy them.
01:19:41 So yeah, there's just no there's no right wing art that has any kind of financing.
01:19:51 Art costs money.
01:19:53 But for the longest, at least in America, the the the establishment right, in other words, the right that has any money.
01:20:00 They they're they're so capitalistic that they've never seen the value of it.
01:20:05 If it's not.
01:20:06 If they can't see the profit.
01:20:09 On a spreadsheet immediately, it's just not worth doing.
01:20:14 Especially with boomers, right?
01:20:16 Where everything has to be an economic argument.
01:20:21 Let's see here.
01:20:26 Investigatej6.org.
01:20:30 I'll give you a Wookie.
01:20:38 That's the Wookie with fibromyalgia. Check out this new 62nd footage of J Sixers getting attacked and killed show on stream, please.
01:20:49 Getting attacked and killed.
01:20:53 Ohh let me see what.
01:20:54 This is, I don't know.
01:20:56 Is that for real?
01:20:58 They attacked and killed.
01:21:01 Let's see. Let's see.
01:21:10 Why is it not downloading?
01:21:14 Hang on, I'm trying.
01:21:15 I'm trying to get it.
01:21:18 It's just sitting there.
01:21:21 Not doing it.
01:21:26 Let me try to load it up in.
01:21:28 And my.
01:21:29 My stream browser of opera.
01:21:37 Let's see here.
01:21:51 Let's see, I'm getting killed.
01:21:52 But let's let's.
01:21:57 Why is this not?
01:21:59 There we go.
Speaker 6
01:22:20 That hurt.
01:22:45 I was wrong.
01:22:45 I thought that guy was causing problems but.
Speaker 8
01:22:47 He's not. Ohh.
01:22:52 I think that man probably died.
01:22:54 I hope they.
01:22:54 Saved his love.
01:23:03 Yeah, I mean.
01:23:05 I'm not surprised.
01:23:06 I mean, I hadn't seen that specific footage before, but.
01:23:10 You know, it is what it is.
01:23:12 They're they're they're they were throwing flash bangs and stuff like that.
01:23:17 I saw the footage of that before.
01:23:21 Yeah, it is what it is.
01:23:23 Look, I.
01:23:26 I wouldn't expect anything to ever come out of this like I I'm not.
01:23:30 I'm not trying to rain on your parade.
01:23:31 It's just that.
01:23:34 They're not going.
01:23:36 Look, the narrative has already been written and the people on the left and the right who in Washington.
01:23:44 Both agree with the narrative.
01:23:46 You have like a handful of Republicans that that are are sort of not agreeing with the narrative.
01:23:54 But you don't have anyone that's in charge of investigations that you know no one's.
01:23:58 Going to they did their little show trial.
01:24:02 They they they put a little ribbon on on that, that black capital police guy that murdered Ashley Babbitt.
01:24:14 Just I'm just being straight with you.
01:24:16 It's not a priority for anyone in power.
01:24:21 To to look into this.
01:24:23 In fact, it's the, it's.
01:24:24 A priority for.
01:24:27 Pretty much everyone empowered to not look into it.
01:24:30 So I understand your frustration and I'm and this is when people get mad at.
01:24:34 Me like, oh, you're just a black pillow.
01:24:36 But it's like no.
01:24:38 I'm just a realist.
01:24:40 You don't have any representation.
01:24:43 And you haven't for I don't know.
01:24:47 Maybe ever, but certainly not in the last several decades.
01:24:52 The right has not made any gains in the last 50 years.
01:24:57 And so either they're they're that bad at.
01:24:59 It, which I don't believe.
01:25:02 Because they've won lots of elections, right?
01:25:05 The Republicans have had the the House, the Senate and the Presidency like they did after Trump got elected, right?
01:25:10 They could have.
01:25:11 They had two years.
01:25:16 They didn't get anything ******* done.
01:25:20 They're always telling you ohh we need to we.
01:25:22 Need to win these elections and then you know they win the election and.
01:25:26 Nothing happens.
01:25:28 So I'm just saying like look.
01:25:32 It's like expecting to get the to the bottom of the the Vegas killings or or anything like that. And look, I'm not saying there's not value in what you're doing, trying to inform people, but nothing's going to happen. Nothing's going to happen with this.
01:25:50 Dear fiore.
01:25:51 Hi, Devin.
01:25:52 There's a new Lucifer statue in New York.
01:25:57 All right, let's take a look.
01:26:10 Wants me to.
01:26:11 Once been subscribed to, look at the ******* Lucifer statue.
01:26:16 I'm not going to subscribe to look.
01:26:17 At the ******* lizard statue.
01:26:24 Is there a cash burn list?
01:26:33 Sorry if I seem grumpy tonight.
01:26:35 I'm just cranky.
01:26:36 I'm just tired.
01:26:39 Alright, here's here's the archived version of it.
01:26:45 Move over Moses and Zoroaster.
01:26:48 Manhattan has a new female lawgiver, the artist Shazia San Sikander calls the 8 foot sculpture she has placed atop a New York courthouse an urgent form of resistance.
01:27:04 Who the **** is this?
01:27:18 She's Pakistani.
01:27:24 She's a Pakistani boomer, it looks like.
01:27:31 She studied at the National College of Arts.
01:27:35 In Pakistan.
01:27:45 Well, I don't know.
01:27:46 I don't know if it's Lucifer.
01:27:47 I think it's.
01:27:48 Just some.
01:27:48 Stupid feminist packing garbage.
01:27:52 But yeah, there you go.
01:27:56 Good thing art like this is.
01:27:59 But that's The thing is, it's because lefties were willing to fund it.
01:28:03 You don't have a right wing statue because no one's paying money for it.
01:28:09 Church of Morata?
01:28:12 Church and Morata just now, Black Pilled web image converter as a plug in for brave Chrome, which converts.
01:28:20 Web P files to JPEG blah blah blah blah.
01:28:23 No, I have.
01:28:24 I have, I have that add on in brave now.
01:28:30 What do I use?
01:28:31 J downloader?
01:28:31 I use J downloader for.
01:28:34 Downloading YouTube videos and Twitter videos and stuff like that.
01:28:39 I used to use it back in.
01:28:40 The day to get rapid share links.
01:28:44 ******** ****** for one.
01:28:45 Dollar, where are we at?
01:28:47 Where are we at?
01:28:48 Where's the ******** ******?
Speaker 1
01:28:52 Do you have that much money in your?
01:28:54 Bank at home.
Speaker 1
01:28:57 I'd buy that for a dollar.
01:29:05 Do you think that the fact that every country, including the US sending their tanks, US sending Abrams tanks, the most advanced tank in the world to Ukraine, is a sign of desperation?
01:29:18 I don't have the sign that you guys should prepare for the worst.
01:29:23 I mean, look, we're we're kind of, we're going beyond the whole.
01:29:28 Old fashioned proxy war ****.
01:29:32 It was.
01:29:33 Look, they give you an idea.
01:29:34 It was considered a little taboo, a little edgy to be giving well.
01:29:39 And Speaking of Afghanistan and well, and Russia for that matter, when Russia was in Afghanistan and America was in Afghanistan with the CIA giving aid to the Afghans, to.
01:29:53 Basically the.
01:29:55 The thwart the.
01:29:58 The the ambitions of of the Russians.
01:30:01 They were giving.
01:30:03 In fact, that Osama bin Laden was involved with all this.
01:30:08 They were giving the Pakistanis Stinger missiles and it was kind of like this big deal.
01:30:14 You can watch the old news reports about it.
01:30:16 They was like this big deal and let's.
01:30:18 Just sting our missiles.
01:30:19 They were.
01:30:20 Like oh.
01:30:20 I don't know.
01:30:21 We we're giving these these.
01:30:22 These these primitive people, these Stinger missiles and and it's it's really we're kind of getting close to you know we're kind of crossing the line this is no longer just giving military aid and support to.
01:30:40 To Pakistan, you know we're we're giving them access to this technology that's going to kill a lot of Russians, and this is going to be looked at as, you know, maybe us getting more into the realm of of, of being at war with them.
01:30:57 And that was just Stinger missiles.
01:30:59 So look, you have the German chance, not Chancellor.
01:31:04 Who was that?
01:31:05 She was the.
01:31:07 I'm gonna look it up.
01:31:08 She was.
01:31:09 The German something.
01:31:12 I thought isn't like the German version of Secretary of State.
01:31:20 Yeah, Minister of what?
01:31:26 Let's see here.
Speaker 2
01:31:37 We are fighting a war.
01:31:40 So this was just what yesterday or today?
Speaker 2
01:31:47 We are fighting a war against Russia.
01:31:50 So it's the German Foreign minister.
01:31:52 I I think I don't know.
01:31:53 I think that might be like the German Secretary of State.
01:31:58 But she's even if she just misspoke.
Speaker 2
01:32:02 We are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.
01:32:10 I mean, she's outright.
01:32:13 Saying it's no longer a proxy war at this point.
01:32:16 So I.
01:32:18 I would just you know, I'd prepare for the worst.
01:32:21 I'd I'd prepare for.
01:32:23 **** to get real.
01:32:25 I I I'm still not leaning in that direction.
01:32:28 If you were to ask me gun to the head.
01:32:30 Do I think it's?
01:32:31 Going to happen.
01:32:31 I still think that.
01:32:33 I mean, these are people that they're crazy and they're full of hubris, but at the end of the day, they don't want to jeopardize their empires.
01:32:42 And so I I find it hard to believe that they.
01:32:44 Would go all out.
01:32:47 At war with Russia, but it's starting to seem like it so.
01:32:51 Just be prepared for that that possibility.
01:32:57 The Vaxxed, hi, Devin, do you ever or have you ever been to Disneyland?
01:33:03 What is your favorite ride minus Pirates of the Caribbean?
01:33:08 Yes, I was at Disneyland, but I was like a real little kid.
01:33:14 And my I was with my sisters who sucked and, like, made it made the whole thing suck.
01:33:18 Cause like we had to.
01:33:20 You know, stand in line for three hours to go do some baby ride.
01:33:24 They wanted to do so.
01:33:26 I never got to do any of the cool ****.
01:33:28 Pirates was OK.
01:33:30 I I I I don't know if it's the same as it was, but I remember thinking the animatronics were impressive to me.
01:33:38 But again, this was.
01:33:40 Like a billion years ago.
01:33:42 I'm sure it's totally different now.
01:33:49 O'war, commandant.
01:33:52 $25.
01:33:59 What happened to Christianity?
01:34:01 Why can't we have the Chad Christianity from the Crusades, putting Jews and Arabs to the sword?
01:34:08 Uh, it's a complicated question.
01:34:10 It's a complicated question.
01:34:13 With the with, with.
01:34:14 Complicated answers.
01:34:15 That's also one of those things where it depends on who you ask.
01:34:22 Seed love your show, Devin. Long time. Watch your first time live. I've recently been fired from a good paying job because I said that the Holocaust was exaggerated. Kind of sucks. However, I may be going back to my old job, which is cool because I read pilled the supervisor and can say whenever I want.
01:34:42 Yeah, you know.
01:34:43 There'd be some people that would say, oh, you should have hit your power level.
01:34:47 I you know, I'm so beyond that now at.
01:34:49 This point, if you're walking around in fear of of talking about things because you're you're not.
01:34:54 You're Steven Crowder at that point.
01:34:57 Dear Steven Crowder at that point.
01:35:02 You you might as well be signing a contract with the Daily wire.
01:35:11 I'm just saying.
01:35:13 Iron pill, as far as these anti government movies go, the Rampage trilogy is going to be more up your alley.
01:35:21 You know, I I saw that and like a million years ago, like it was a real like the first one.
01:35:28 And it just wasn't.
01:35:29 It wasn't a movie so much as it was.
01:35:31 Just like.
01:35:32 There's no story.
01:35:33 It was just.
01:35:34 This guy goes crazy and kills a bunch of people.
01:35:36 The end.
01:35:39 There was no resolution to it.
01:35:41 There was no story arc.
01:35:42 It was just like watch a bunch of people get.
01:35:45 Killed the end.
01:35:48 So I mean that's how I remember.
01:35:49 At least I again I.
01:35:50 Saw this.
01:35:52 Many years ago, I mean it's it's old, they're old Movies Now.
01:35:56 I I didn't see all of them.
01:35:57 I saw the first one though.
01:36:01 A colt prime. Cheers. Well.
01:36:04 Cheer or no Oculus Prime, Oculus Prime, not a cult prime.
01:36:09 Cheers. Right back at you.
01:36:12 Graham playing games.
01:36:15 Narcissistic girl at gym.
01:36:18 Random man doing sets, looking around after sets, catching his breath, offers to help her move heavy weight.
01:36:27 She acts like he's some weirdo and insults him online.
01:36:32 Mental she apologized by saying it was a joke.
01:36:38 UM.
01:36:41 Alright, let's take a look at it.
01:36:45 Let's see.
01:36:56 Let's pop this back up here.
01:37:02 This is how to not.
Speaker 5
01:37:03 Approach girls at the gym.
01:37:06 He's a.
01:37:06 ******* ****.
01:37:06 I hate this.
01:37:07 I hate.
01:37:07 This I hate when those sweet he's he's so uncomfortable.
01:37:12 Feral, feral, feral, feral.
01:37:14 Like ******* Ferrell.
01:37:18 There's mirrors everywhere, so it's like.
Speaker 2
01:37:20 You can easily catch.
Speaker 1
01:37:21 People act.
01:37:23 It was just nothing.
01:37:29 OK, we're going to move on to the 35. Now. I want you to watch.
01:37:42 5-5 pounds.
Speaker 2
01:37:53 Excuse me.
01:37:55 You don't have to do that.
01:37:56 It's OK.
01:37:57 No, no, it's OK.
01:37:57 I got it.
01:37:58 Thank you though.
01:38:09 See what I mean?
01:38:12 I'm bored already.
01:38:13 I'm bored already.
Speaker 6
01:38:15 We have bigger problems to worry about.
01:38:17 Then some Jim Ho be mad about so.
01:38:22 I'm not impressed, sorry.
01:38:30 Come on, Graham.
01:38:32 Come on, Graham.
01:38:34 You got to be better than that.
01:38:35 You got to do better than that.
01:38:39 I'll tell you what game we aren't playing is watching this ******* ***** do her little weird workout anymore.
01:38:47 Seed mechanic, electrician.
01:38:50 I specialize in industrial equipment.
01:38:53 I have a traditional home making wife who has pair bonded to me and hates Jews, especially since I was fired by a Jew for trivial trivializing the Holocaust.
01:39:05 How are we supposed to have kids in this environment?
01:39:08 Pray that I get my old job back?
01:39:11 Well, I would just say don't work for Jews.
01:39:15 I've often I've often said I I don't want to live in a in a country where Jews are in, are in charge of a well, anything.
01:39:22 So why would you want to work at a company where Jews are in charge of everything?
01:39:26 Right.
01:39:28 So you might make a little less I I I find it hard to believe you can't find.
01:39:32 A guy to work for.
01:39:36 Yeah, it's just you just got to, you got to make sacrifices.
01:39:40 Just ask Steven Crowder.
01:39:43 But yeah, that still sucks.
01:39:45 Not you don't want to trivialize.
01:39:47 Your your your problem there.
01:39:52 But at the same time, it's.
01:39:54 You know.
01:39:57 You got to stand up for what you believe in.
01:40:00 Damn Bigfoot.
01:40:01 What's your thoughts on income tax systems?
01:40:03 Feels like a lot of sophisticated, nerdy Jew types can write **** off and get more back.
01:40:08 While now armed IRS show up for your *** if you write off anything.
01:40:15 Yeah, well, I mean.
01:40:15 That's The thing is, it's the tax system is the the the so-called progressive tax system.
01:40:22 Well, first of all, income tax was supposed to be a temporary thing, which obviously it never was intended to be.
01:40:28 But they that's how they sold it to the people. They said the top 1%, we're going to pay 1% or something like that.
01:40:35 And and then it just ballooned from there to what we have today. It's it's unconstitutional. And but again, it's one of those things where you can say it's unconstitutional all day long, but then if no one's willing to do anything about it.
01:40:49 And nothing happens.
01:40:53 And yes, the IRS will kick down your door.
01:40:56 And because you can't afford Jewish accountants, that can make it look as if they they can create a foundation and and make it so that you don't actually have a salary that all of your income comes from untaxable.
01:41:14 No, it's it's total ********.
01:41:15 The people that pay the the most taxes or the OR the middle class, it's not the rich people.
01:41:21 So it's it's it's a system designed to **** the the pay pigs.
01:41:26 It's it's it's a system designed to **** over the.
01:41:31 The serfs.
01:41:34 Is the answer though like cause I guess I I'm wondering are you asking this because they're talking about a A consumption tax?
01:41:40 They've been trying to push the national sales tax since the.
01:41:44 The 90s really it, which would be similar to like a VAT tax in Germany, just be like a sales tax on everything.
01:41:55 I you know, I've got my questions about how well that would work because I kind of feel like they're that rich people would get around.
01:42:01 That too.
01:42:02 They would just find other ways of purchasing it, right, because that tax only applies to the end user.
01:42:08 It doesn't.
01:42:09 The the products don't get taxed like every step of the way through the distribution chain, right?
01:42:14 So in other words.
01:42:15 If you don't have Apple.
01:42:17 Or maybe apples are bad?
01:42:20 Example because they have their own stores, but like you don't have a people manufacturing a product selling it to the the distributor and and they're not, you know, the distributors wouldn't be paying the tax.
01:42:33 The distributor would then distribute it to the end user, who then pays the tax.
01:42:38 And so if you're rich.
01:42:39 You would find ways of of somehow inserting yourself in that chain without having to actually pay any tax on it.
01:42:47 It's there's no, there's.
01:42:49 There's no way.
01:42:50 Look, rich people run this country.
01:42:52 There's no way rich people are going to have their pets vote for something that ***** them over.
01:42:58 Simple as that.
01:43:00 It's just never going to happen.
01:43:06 Yeah, Beach Boys.
01:43:08 $50.00 with the *** **** money.
01:43:12 Couple *** **** monies tonight, huh?
01:43:27 All right.
01:43:30 ******* **** money, you say?
01:43:32 I don't know.
01:43:33 ******* **** money.
01:43:33 You can get Devil's audio book.
01:43:35 Day of the rope on Nook audiobooks.
01:43:41 You sure?
01:43:41 I don't think you.
01:43:42 I don't get paid for that.
01:43:48 Is it?
01:43:48 It might just list it, but you can't get it.
01:43:51 I don't know.
01:43:52 You could at one point.
01:43:54 Uh, I gotta look into this because I had it listed on this service that was supposed to put it on a bunch of different things like Walmart and all this stuff, and it worked for like a few.
01:44:03 And then I stopped getting paid for it.
01:44:06 I'm probably just going to host it somewhere like odyssey as someone suggested where you can just.
01:44:12 Pay to it'll be like a paid content thing, so you pay to to get it.
01:44:17 But I'm not going to worry about that till book 2 is that which will be coming soon.
01:44:22 Veruca salt.
01:44:25 Speaking of horror movies from the 1970s, Stephen King's Big breakout novel and sub subsequent movie was carry a very anti Christian satanic movie that's not by accident. That's what it takes to get a hit or to hit the big time in this world.
01:44:45 Right.
01:44:46 Stephen King.
01:44:47 Ohh, that's not exactly limited to just carry Stephen King.
01:44:51 If there's anything that that's that's.
01:44:55 I don't know constant throughout all of his Christian characters are evil, and there's a lot of pedophilia in his books, like in in it.
01:45:07 And yeah, it's I mean.
01:45:10 That's that's that's that's who gets promoted, absolutely.
01:45:15 Tennis nuts.
01:45:16 One thing I miss about 80s actors, comedians and movies was everyone acted coked up like Bobcat, Michael Keaton, Chris Farley and Jim Carey.
01:45:25 The movies got boring when the Ben Affleck style of acting became popular, standing there and delivering sober lines.
01:45:34 I'm at.
01:45:35 I'm at there.
01:45:35 A big disagree.
01:45:37 Are you?
01:45:38 Are you trying to tell me?
01:45:40 That you can now look, maybe if you were young back then, that seemed like the case.
01:45:47 But now with the separation between you and the the release of.
01:45:53 Of Ace Ventura Pet Detective, are you telling me?
01:46:00 That ace Ventura, ace Ventura pet detect.
01:46:04 Is just as funny now as it was the first time you saw it.
01:46:12 Or the mask or or.
01:46:16 I don't know, like even Chris Farley movies like Tommy Boy is pretty good.
01:46:21 Tommy Boy still holds up.
01:46:27 But that's about it.
01:46:27 Honestly, the, the, the one they did right after that, that was just to try to cash in on the success of time boys, not very good.
01:46:35 And yeah, a lot of those movies are.
01:46:37 Not very funny anymore.
01:46:40 Not very funny anymore.
01:46:43 It's just that you were probably a kid when.
01:46:45 They when they came out and it seemed funnier than it really was.
01:46:51 Ethical blocks, Devin, you mentioned we shouldn't coordinate over social media, but how could some of us that are more disconnected find each other?
01:47:00 I for example, moved to Mexico to escape the collapse. Most EUR I have come across here are, at best NPC's and at worst comments.
01:47:10 I I I don't know.
01:47:11 It depends on on what you're talking about.
01:47:13 I I just think that if you.
01:47:14 Want to start a community somewhere in America? You you shouldn't talk about it on a stream that 30,000 people to listen to. That's all I was saying.
01:47:26 It doesn't mean that you can't communicate with people on social media, just you have to have the understanding that.
01:47:33 Anytime you talk on electronically really at all, it doesn't have to be on social media, there's ears and eyes that you are not inviting to see and hear what you're saying, watching and listening to what you're saying.
01:47:47 And so you just have to be aware of that.
01:47:52 And yeah.
01:47:55 Yeah, I mean.
01:47:57 It's but like you say, like it's.
01:47:59 I'm not saying you can't.
01:48:01 You can't talk to people online.
01:48:03 I'm just saying, be aware, be aware of.
01:48:07 The the people that are always listening harmless Gee thoughts on Pixar movies, best or worst, the 2009 Pixar film up as a villain based on Charles Lindbergh and an old man.
01:48:21 And an old man and Asian kid story that I think similar to Gran Torino.
01:48:29 Yeah, yeah.
01:48:31 Yeah, I mean, look, I used to watch all the Pixar movies when I was a 3D modeler slash animator and.
01:48:39 Because I was always impressed with the new technology, every time they came out.
01:48:43 With a new.
01:48:44 It was interesting to see, like, oh, wow, look at this new texture.
01:48:47 Oh, look at this new you know, ray tracing or whatever, right?
01:48:50 Oh, wow.
01:48:51 The subsurface scattering on this is amazing.
01:48:54 Stupid nerd **** and I, but I still appreciated.
01:48:59 That because it did cost so much money and it did take so much time for them to produce these movies.
01:49:04 Look at the credits and these movies and it's just, you know, it's almost as long as the ******* movie itself.
01:49:08 They were usually pretty good, like the writing.
01:49:11 Let me just put it this way.
01:49:12 The writing in those movies at the very least, whether it was degenerate or not, was always way better than this.
Speaker 1
01:49:22 Say you're there.
01:49:25 Right.
01:49:26 So at least they they they but.
01:49:30 And it wasn't outright.
01:49:32 Horrible. It was just. It was just slipping stuff in in this, like what you're talking about was up, like, what year did that come out that was that had to been like a like what, 2010 ish or some some time around there?
01:49:49 At that point, you know everything that was coming out had some kind of.
01:49:54 Liberal, I mean, in fact, really any everything that's come out.
01:50:01 Since Pixar has been in existence.
01:50:04 Has had some kind of.
01:50:07 Liberal and you know, liberal agenda injected into it, even Toy Story to some extent.
01:50:12 Especially well the later toy stories especially.
01:50:16 But yeah, I don't.
01:50:16 I don't really have a favorite.
01:50:17 I only watched it cause I was looking at the the technology.
01:50:21 I never thought like ohh this is a good movie.
01:50:23 This is my favorite.
01:50:23 I really like up.
01:50:27 Damn, Bigfoot.
01:50:28 Did you ever finish the audio book of Turner Diaries or Hunter?
01:50:31 I listen to them both and can say Hunter was a lot more thought out, but still incredibly unrealistic.
01:50:37 No, I still haven't.
01:50:38 I still haven't had a chance to.
01:50:41 I I haven't even started Hunter.
01:50:44 But yeah, that was The thing is it was, it was wildly unrealistic, and it was more just look, it was murder.
01:50:49 **** instead of the this movie we just went over instead of murder **** for pedophile lefties, it was just murder **** for those white militia guys.
01:51:00 Back in the 80s and 90s.
01:51:04 Andromeda. Andromeda.
01:51:08 I'll give you a Wookie.
01:51:09 Why not?
01:51:16 Please look into Major Jordan's Diaries. He exposed the betrayal from within our government during World War Two. He documented. He documented that we gave the Soviet Union our most advanced weapons, including uranium.
01:51:34 He testified before Congress. You can listen to one of his presentations on YouTube, Major Jordan's Diaries.
01:51:42 OK.
01:51:46 It's my understanding that there was a lot of.
01:51:50 Technology shared with the Soviet Union from the beginning.
01:51:59 OK, I've got it.
01:52:00 I've got it open.
01:52:00 I'll check it out after.
01:52:05 Church of Morata.
01:52:07 If you use J, download just for videos and are having problems with it.
01:52:11 Try clip grab.
01:52:14 Alright, I will.
01:52:15 I will check out clip grab.
01:52:22 Ali Mir Devin, how many fence sitting Fagots are out there that a mediocre talent like Crowder is worth 50 or $100 million? That's a lot of mugs.
01:52:35 Yeah, this is all right.
01:52:41 When I tell you guys.
01:52:46 When I tell you that we're the fringe.
01:52:49 That we're in the vast minority.
01:52:52 That the normies aren't waking up.
01:52:54 That were not red Pilling the normies.
Speaker 1
01:52:59 This is what I'm talking about.
01:53:06 This is what I'm talking about.
01:53:09 OK.
01:53:11 That's that's that's that's just.
01:53:13 The way it is.
01:53:15 Trust me, I know.
01:53:17 I've had opportunities to play that game and be part of.
01:53:20 That crowd and.
01:53:22 And I said **** no, the the the moment that opportunity presented itself.
01:53:28 But not everyone says **** no, because a lot of people like having.
01:53:33 100 hundred $20 million or whatever the **** I I I don't know. I don't think Crowder makes quite that much of mug club right now, but I guarantee it's it's in the 10s of 1,000,000.
01:53:45 Now some of that he has some overhead.
01:53:48 You know, he has to pay a crew and he doesn't have.
01:53:51 To, but he does.
01:53:54 They were saying something like every time he does one of those videos, those changed my mind.
01:54:00 Videos right where he sets up the table and goes to a some college campus and owns the libtards for a day.
01:54:08 Everyone of those videos costs $50,000. The budget for those videos. I mean, it shouldn't, right? But the budget for those videos is if he's paying 50,000 ******* dollars for each one of those videos.
01:54:22 And that is so he can have, you know, a crew there to do all the work.
01:54:29 Basically, he just has to show up, sit down at a table and and own own the libs for a little while.
01:54:37 He doesn't have to edit anything. He doesn't have to shoot anything, so the $50,000 goes into flying out the crew.
01:54:44 The hotel the you know everything and the editing afterwards.
01:54:50 But when you have that kind of money coming in, you can do stuff like that.
01:54:54 And when you're bringing in that kind of look.
01:54:57 He has a relationship.
01:54:59 I guaran ******* to you.
01:55:01 It's probably not the best relationship.
01:55:02 It's not the same relationship that, say, the daily wire would have, but he still has a relationship with his representative over at YouTube because he's a he brings in enough people.
01:55:15 Yeah, I mean it's it's.
01:55:17 It's a whole different.
01:55:19 It's a whole different world over there, and yes, some of that's going to be bots and some of it's going to.
01:55:26 Be fake and some of it's going to be because he's artificially promoted in the algorithm.
01:55:33 You know people that that, that stick to the narrative are going to be.
01:55:38 It's like when you watch.
01:55:40 Anything even remotely like you.
01:55:41 Let's say you watch a Tucker clip on on YouTube.
01:55:45 What always comes up on the right hand of the screen.
01:55:48 Right.
01:55:49 Ohh, it's Crowder.
01:55:50 It's Ben Shapiro.
01:55:53 You know it's lobster boy.
01:55:55 It's the same ******* people over and over and over again.
01:55:59 And it's because they have partnerships with YouTube and and relationships with people over at YouTube and because they've they've agreed to follow the rules and play play the game.
01:56:12 So and that gets you that gets you the look.
01:56:17 80% of the population.
01:56:21 Just goes with what's popular, what they perceive is what's popular.
01:56:26 And that goes for the left and the right.
01:56:30 You know all the lefties that that go along with with trans kids story hour, all that ****.
01:56:38 They're going along with it, maybe not even because they necessarily agree with it.
01:56:43 They I can guarantee you they haven't thought it through.
01:56:47 It's just they've been told.
01:56:49 Ohh OK.
01:56:49 They got a firmware update.
01:56:51 Ohh, so apparently drag Queens are are really good now.
01:56:56 And so, because I'm the kind of person that in the wild.
01:57:03 Right.
01:57:03 If if left left to myself.
01:57:05 Like if if it was up to me you were to drop me off in the wilderness, I would instantly die because I'm.
01:57:12 I'm that incapable.
01:57:13 I I'm pretty much useless and less.
01:57:16 I'm a cog in the machine.
01:57:18 The only value that I have, the only in fact the only ability.
01:57:22 I have to provide for myself and if I have a family, my family is to be a cog in the machine and so if the the machine says that drag Queens are cool now and that gay marriage, there's the the debates done right, no one has a problem with gay marriage anymore.
01:57:41 It's not even controversial as Tucker.
01:57:44 Then you're going to go along with it.
01:57:48 And the rights no different.
01:57:51 Right, the the the people that watch Steven Crowder and and look there was someone the other day that said that that Steven Crowder was a a stepping stone that led to more, you know, stuff like what I do, right.
01:58:06 And you know, I maybe for a small amount of people that will be true, but I kind of feel like those people would.
01:58:12 Find this kind of content anyway.
01:58:16 Because you know.
01:58:18 That you're the kind of person that I mean you if definitionally if you're listening to this, you.
01:58:23 Had to look for it.
01:58:25 Right.
01:58:25 You had to find this.
01:58:26 I'm not being promoted by some kind of YouTube algorithm or something like that.
01:58:30 So you're the kind of person that's going to be looking for stuff on the Internet.
01:58:34 And so, you know, seek and you shall find.
01:58:37 But the people that watched Crowder and Ben Shapiro are the kind of people that don't look for stuff.
01:58:42 They're the kind of people that just have auto play.
01:58:46 And that's just the vast majority of people they did.
01:58:49 What was it they were doing analytics showing the promotion of daily wire?
01:58:58 Was it?
01:58:59 Daily wire content on on Facebook.
01:59:02 You know, Ben Ben Shapiro is has has had dinner on multiple occasions with Mark Zuckerberg.
01:59:09 I mean, they're both of the tribe.
01:59:14 That, that, that kind.
01:59:15 Of support matters.
01:59:18 I mean, it's almost amazing that my my show exists at all.
01:59:24 You know, with the with the uphill battle that we have to fight just to just to put it on.
01:59:29 It's kind of amazing you.
01:59:30 Guys are are here at all.
01:59:32 And look, I'm super thankful because of that but.
01:59:37 Yeah, these guys.
01:59:40 You got to think of it this way.
01:59:43 It what it is is it's it's funny because.
01:59:48 Crowder thought this was a lowball, but just think of it this way.
01:59:52 The daily wire and maybe it was, I don't know, but the daily wire.
01:59:57 Thought that it would, it made financial sense.
02:00:02 They made financial sense.
02:00:06 To to pay Steven Crowder.
02:00:09 Over $10 million a year.
02:00:14 So they could try to monetize his show.
02:00:17 With advertisers.
02:00:19 Right.
02:00:20 It wasn't there.
02:00:21 In other words, they're not paying Steven Crowder so that he can have his show because they're conservatives.
02:00:26 Yeah, you go conservatives.
02:00:28 You know, like they're paying Steven Crowder and making money off of it.
02:00:33 It's a business.
02:00:35 So that means they did the math.
02:00:38 And they were confident.
02:00:40 That by paying Steven Crowder over $10 million a year.
02:00:46 That they would make.
02:00:48 Much more than $10 million a year.
02:00:52 Just through ad revenue through, I don't know, probably promoting maybe certain candidates promoting certain events.
02:01:05 You know, like Israel.
02:01:10 That they would make enough money.
02:01:13 With advertisers, you know from my pillow guy to Birch gold to, you know, the sheets or whatever that they sell.
02:01:25 I mean, that's.
02:01:26 There's a lot of money in that.
02:01:28 Lot of money in that.
02:01:30 And look, you got to think of it this way too, as increasingly fewer people are listening to talk radio because that's what talk radio did.
02:01:40 That's how a lot of that, they would fund their operations, right?
02:01:43 Like, so Rush Limbaugh.
02:01:46 You wouldn't like if you were the the radio station.
02:01:51 And you decide to pick up his show you didn't like.
02:01:54 You didn't pay.
02:01:56 To have.
02:01:57 Russia show on your.
02:02:00 On your radio station, the way that that they made money, Rush Limbaugh would make money is he would do the same kind of stuff that that Ben Shapiro does, like he'd sell.
02:02:12 You know, like, well, like Hannity. Does it still like, you know, one 800 flowers or whatever the ****, right?
02:02:18 And he would make enough money cause he could charge.
02:02:21 He could tell these advertisers.
02:02:24 Ohh, look, look at all, you know, every time a new radio station would pick up his show, he could be like, look at all these markets I'm in.
02:02:30 You know your your ads being heard by X amount and then the local radio station would make money by inserting their own ads.
02:02:37 During certain agreed upon ad blocks during the show.
02:02:41 Right.
02:02:42 So that's why if you listened on a local radio station, some of them would be like Rush Limbaugh reading the ad and then some of them would be like some local, you know, roofing company or something, right?
02:02:54 And that that's that was the radio station was selling that ad space.
02:02:58 So that's kind of like that's it's just the evolution of that model because fewer and fewer people are listening to these these syndicated talk shows on the radio and more and more it's becoming about streaming.
02:03:12 They're just doing the same **** they're just.
02:03:14 Selling the same garbage.
02:03:17 Only on the Internet.
02:03:19 But they were confident they were confident that they could make enough money and look, some of that money, it's not.
02:03:26 You think of the overhead too.
02:03:29 They weren't going in that deal.
02:03:31 They weren't going to be paying like they pay the 50 million, right.
02:03:34 And that was just the fee that was for these shows.
02:03:38 So that 50 million.
02:03:39 Was supposed to cover whatever expenses Crowder had that would come out of that 50 million, right?
02:03:47 What wouldn't come out of that 50 million was advertising.
02:03:52 You know, they they would that in an effort to increase like that was part of the deal, right, that in an effort to increase viewership and or to maintain at the very.
02:04:02 Least you know all these pre video ad rolls and all this, all this stuff that you know, probably placement in the algorithm is up for sale, I don't know.
02:04:12 But yeah, it's it's all a ******* business with these people.
02:04:15 It's it's they don't have a like they really don't.
02:04:17 You really think that any of those people are right wing at?
02:04:21 All of course not.
02:04:23 That's why that's why any.
02:04:24 That's why none of the mainstream people.
02:04:29 Here's here's I think what what happens.
02:04:30 I think a lot of people think back to when, you know they before they really understood the source of a lot of these issues.
02:04:38 Right.
02:04:38 They understood.
02:04:38 You know, before they understood Jewish influence in in, in the United States before they understood race and IQ before all this.
02:04:44 And that's because you were getting your information from these people.
02:04:49 Then don't talk about this stuff.
02:04:51 And you were you were being safely corralled into your little part of the the the meat packing company right?
02:04:59 Until it was time for the slaughter.
02:05:02 And uh, but once you Start learning this stuff, you would maybe give the benefit of the doubt to people like Crowder and think like, oh, well, maybe he just doesn't get it yet.
02:05:11 Cause like I've I've been listening to a show for years and he never mention.
02:05:13 Is it and so maybe he's just.
02:05:15 He's just now figuring out, like, or maybe, you know, he it's it's he's trying to.
02:05:19 He's trying to, you know, get.
02:05:21 People based, he's trying.
02:05:23 To like he's like a double agent, right?
02:05:25 Like he's trying to to flip him from the inside, you know, he's he knows he can't talk about these subjects.
02:05:31 But, like, secretly he knows, and he's going to.
02:05:33 All this, all these mental gymnastics people do to try to justify what they do and the bottom line is now they just don't give a ****.
02:05:40 Just a business to them.
02:05:42 It's just a business then, like there's obviously that, you know, especially with the daily wire there is that other motive where it's keeping conservatives safely away from all the danger topics and but, you know, just like.
02:05:59 Hollywood, right? Their best propaganda.
02:06:03 Makes money too.
02:06:06 You know their best.
02:06:06 Propaganda makes **** tons of money and.
02:06:10 And spreads their message.
02:06:13 That's all they're doing.
02:06:15 I mean, they're just, they're just the Jews on the other side.
02:06:17 Of the coin.
02:06:19 So anyway.
02:06:22 Forget what who was even responding to at this point.
02:06:30 Ah, let's see here.
02:06:33 Ethical box.
02:06:34 Devin, what do you think about examining the history of Russia and the Jewish influence?
02:06:39 I personally find many parallels in the trajectory of the US with pre Soviet Russia also shout out to log of ship poster for throwing some of the.
02:06:49 Library coins at me to allow me to hyper chat.
02:06:54 Yeah, you know I that that's something we can take a look at, I mean.
02:07:00 It would be nice to know.
02:07:02 How that played a role in all these Eastern European Jews coming to America as well.
02:07:07 White Tiger Kingdom.
02:07:10 We can't have a Chad Christianity because of the Scofield, subversion and the tainting of the theology with Zionism that infiltrated based churches in America before World War 2.
02:07:22 Yeah, I mean that's possible with with some.
02:07:26 Versions of Christianity, but you have the same problem with, you know, Catholics.
02:07:31 They don't use the school filled Bible.
02:07:34 Mormons don't use the school filled Bible.
02:07:37 You know they both use or.
02:07:38 I don't know if with Catholics it's exclusive, but with Mormons it's exclusively the King James version of the Bible.
02:07:46 So this other version shouldn't have played any role whatsoever.
02:07:50 It's just that look, Christianity has a lot of opportunities.
02:07:55 The way it's written for it to be exploited by Jewish interests, it just does.
02:07:59 And if you don't have a a.
02:08:03 A leadership that's that's looking out for your best interest.
02:08:07 Then this is what happens.
02:08:10 UM.
02:08:15 Where, where do we go?
02:08:19 And just I lost my place here.
02:08:22 Here we go.
02:08:25 Church of Murata I have one of your original black pilled T-shirts with your logo on it from blackpill.com and a hard copy of day of the rope.
02:08:34 Suck on that newfags.
02:08:35 There you go.
02:08:35 Look at that.
02:08:36 That deserves A wookie.
02:08:39 Not that one.
02:08:39 We just.
02:08:42 There we go.
Speaker 6
02:08:43 Round of what?
02:08:43 Do you what do you?
02:08:53 Beach Boys, I have day.
02:08:54 They're up downloaded from Nook.
02:08:56 It should be there.
02:08:58 Would like to get some paperbacks for myself and gifts.
02:09:03 OK.
02:09:03 Well, I'll have to look and see what.
02:09:05 What's going on with that?
02:09:08 Because I don't think I get that money.
02:09:14 But all the same things Beach Boys.
02:09:19 It's good to hear your confirmation that it's better to be honest.
02:09:23 I don't want to work for some white hating Jew anyway.
02:09:26 Maybe this really is for the better.
02:09:29 Just goes to show never trust a Jew.
02:09:31 I was hired by Mr.
02:09:34 Then later found his name was really Berkowitz.
02:09:39 I truly hate these people.
02:09:42 There seem there does seem to be a lot of name changing going on in that community.
02:09:46 Do you think the Overton window is being pushed further right?
02:09:50 Even Crowder had to pretend to address the JQ in the most ***** way possible.
02:09:59 I mean, I don't know.
02:10:00 It's hard to know.
02:10:01 I it's just that every time.
02:10:04 I mean.
02:10:06 Not really.
02:10:07 I mean, I'll tell you what.
02:10:11 The Overton window on Jews has shifted dramatically since, say, the 90s.
02:10:18 There is a slow and steady push.
02:10:21 Especially the the the further, the more time that that occurs between the present and.
02:10:29 And World War 2.
02:10:32 It it, it becomes less and less of a taboo and partially because of diversity.
02:10:38 Honestly, diversity doesn't give a **** about the Holocaust.
02:10:45 But yeah, it's not.
02:10:45 I wouldn't I?
02:10:46 Wouldn't you know?
02:10:50 It's one of those in your in your lifetime sort of things, not not next week, kind of a thing.
02:10:56 Glock 23, get some sleep. Devin, you also need to get your cat to the veterinarian so he can be fixed.
02:11:03 He's out fighting boys to mate with his black girlfriends.
02:11:06 Kittens are wonderful, but he should not be going out at night and making food for coyotes.
02:11:13 I don't know.
02:11:13 I kind of want I I.
02:11:14 Kind of want to let him keep his balls.
02:11:18 I think those balls are going to keep him.
02:11:21 Keep him.
02:11:22 ******, you know he's not going to turn all.
02:11:25 Turn off *****.
02:11:26 But yeah, he's definitely.
02:11:28 He's definitely chasing the black girlfriend.
02:11:32 Hey I do need some sleep.
02:11:33 Well, we're almost done here.
02:11:35 We're almost done here.
02:11:36 Sorry, guys.
02:11:37 I'm exhausted.
02:11:37 I'll show you why I'm working on a a beat.
02:11:40 Video, but I'm I'm moving hives that weigh like 300 pounds and the most ridiculous way possible because I'm by myself.
02:11:49 I can't exactly just start picking up beehives.
02:11:53 I'm not like Hercules over here, so I had to devise a way of moving beehives without breaking the, you know?
02:11:59 You know, without killing all the bees and all this other stuff.
02:12:01 And it's been kind of convoluted.
02:12:03 Have not gotten a lot of sleep today.
02:12:08 I think Vox Devin that you know that you and your cowboy outfit show up on right wing watch.
02:12:15 Cowboy outfit.
02:12:18 I don't have a cowboy outfit.
02:12:21 Let me see what this is.
02:12:28 Oh, that's not a cowboy outfit.
02:12:29 Yeah, I know I'm on right wing watch.
02:12:32 It's more like it's more like a waiters jacket.
02:12:41 But I do have a I I think I still have that jacket.
02:12:47 Son of Amulek, looking at the comments section of Crowder videos and other conservative channels, I have noticed more and more people trending towards our side.
02:12:56 I am seeing increase in comments calling out Jews and anti white rhetoric that receive decent reception.
02:13:03 We are getting traction.
02:13:06 All right.
02:13:09 Like I said, it's.
02:13:12 Yeah, I mean, compared to the 90s maybe.
02:13:15 But by no means are we are we?
02:13:18 We're not.
02:13:18 We're not headed toward towards a moment of.
02:13:22 Of of wrestling power from these people, it's not like that's right around the corner by any means.
02:13:30 Mine comfy chair will never see Crowder's contract, but I'd be shocked if there weren't any shekel shackles like daily wire did with Jordan Peterson who went full blown Shabbos goy Israel or Israeli shill immediately after getting signed? Not that Petersen or Crowder.
02:13:49 Would ever be Jew pilled otherwise?
02:13:52 No, they they're playing the game.
02:13:53 It's for, for.
02:13:55 Jordan Peterson too.
02:13:56 This is a business.
02:13:58 This is 100% of business for for well for all those people you mentioned.
02:14:04 It's a business.
02:14:07 And I've just, it's not a business for me.
02:14:10 I mean, I gotta.
02:14:10 I gotta make enough money to get by, but like.
02:14:13 This isn't like a I'm I'm not trying to.
02:14:17 Like this isn't?
02:14:18 That's not what's.
02:14:19 Motivating me, and that's what's motivating them, absolutely.
02:14:25 You said nebula.
02:14:27 Thanks for another great stream.
02:14:28 See you Saturday.
02:14:29 Goodnight.
02:14:30 Alright, look at that.
02:14:31 Very last.
02:14:31 One yeah, sorry guys.
02:14:34 If I've been kind of.
02:14:36 Short and sweet.
02:14:39 Excuse me?
02:14:40 We're not even that sweet tonight.
02:14:44 Oh, I've just been a little.
02:14:46 I am a little tired.
02:14:47 A little cranky, I admit I'm a little cranky tonight.
02:14:50 Little cranky.
02:14:53 But you'd be cranky too, if you had to sit there.
02:14:55 Uh, you know, listening to this all day.
Speaker 4
02:15:01 Thank you very much.
02:15:02 It feels good to me.
02:15:03 Thank you very much and.
02:15:04 Feels good to.
02:15:07 Not necessarily. No one's even laughing like.
02:15:13 And I I'm telling.
02:15:14 You that that was that was, that was his gig.
02:15:16 That was his.
02:15:17 That was his whole thing.
02:15:19 Oh, not his whole thing.
02:15:19 But like, that's how he intro every *******.
02:15:21 Show for years.
02:15:25 Anyway, alright guys.
02:15:28 I'm going to bail on out.
02:15:28 Of here and go right to bed.
02:15:32 So you guys all have a wonderful evening.
02:15:35 I will see you on Saturday.
02:15:36 Maybe we'll do the point to you.
02:15:37 I can't guarantee you though.
02:15:40 I can't guarantee it'll be the **** Jew.
02:15:43 On Saturday.
02:15:46 For black pill, I am of course.
Speaker 10
02:15:57 Hello, I'm Nicholas Thompson, I'm CEO of the Atlantic and I will be your moderator.
02:16:01 Today we are going to have an incredible session.
02:16:05 Star of the show is Nita Farahani.
02:16:07 She is a futurist and legal ethicist at Duke, and she's so smart and so interesting.
02:16:12 You going to learn time?
02:16:12 This is.
02:16:13 How it's going to work?
02:16:14 We're going to watch a short video.
02:16:16 She's going to come on stage and talk and then we're going to do a little Q&A questions from the audience and that'll be a rap. And you'll leave enlightened.
02:16:24 And excited.
02:16:25 So First off a video.
02:16:27 It's going to make you see the future and understand a wonderful future where we can use brain waves to fight crime, be more productive and find.
02:16:35 Love that's role.
Speaker 11
02:16:37 You're in the zone.
02:16:39 Even you can't believe how productive you've been.
02:16:42 Your memo is finished.
02:16:43 Your inbox is under control.
02:16:46 And you're feeling.
02:16:46 Sharper than you have in a decade.
02:16:49 Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song, sending chills up your spine as the music begins to play.
02:16:57 You glance at the program running in the background on your computer screen.
02:17:01 And notice a.
Speaker 11
02:17:02 Now familiar site that appears whenever you're overloaded with pleasure.
02:17:07 Your state of brain wave activity decreasing in the temporal regions of your brain.
02:17:12 You mentally move the cursor to the left and scroll through your brain data over.
02:17:17 The past few.
02:17:18 Hours you can see your stress levels rising as the deadline to finish your memo approached, causing a peak in your beta brain wave activity right before an alert popped up telling you to take a brain break.
02:17:32 Well, what's that unusual change in your brain activity when you're asleep?
02:17:37 It started earlier in the month.
02:17:39 You send a text message to your doctor with a mental swipe of your cursor.
02:17:44 Could you take a quick look at my brain data?
02:17:47 Anything to worry about?
02:17:49 Your mind starts to wander to the new colleague on your team whom you know you shouldn't be daydreaming about.
02:17:55 Given the policy against intra office romance, but you can't help fantasizing just to.
02:18:02 But then you start to worry that your boss will notice your amorous feelings when she checks your brain activity and shift your attention back to the present you breathe a sigh of relief when the e-mail she sends you later that day congratulate you on your brain metrics from the past quarter, which have earned you another performance.
02:18:22 Bonus you head home jamming to the music with your work issued brain hunting earbuds still in.
02:18:30 When you arrive at work the next day, a somber cloud has fallen over the office, along with emails, text messages, and GPS location data.
02:18:41 The government has subpoenaed employees brain wave data from the past year.
02:18:46 They have compelling evidence that one of your Co workers has committed massive wire fraud.
02:18:52 Now they're looking for his Co conspirators.
02:18:55 You discover they are looking for synchronized brain activity between your coworker and the people he has been work.
02:19:03 While you know you're innocent of any crime, you've been secretly working with him on a new startup venture.
02:19:09 Shaking you remove your earbuds.