12/21/2022Speaker 1
01:10:09 Makes you want.00:01:23 Makes you small.
Speaker 2
00:01:25 And the ones that mother.Speaker 3
00:01:27 Gives you don't do anything.Speaker
00:02:29 I think.Speaker 4
00:02:45 Is smoking backward?Speaker
00:02:50 With the.Speaker 5
00:03:17 How about everybody said about the bird?00:03:22 The winner, the winner winner, Winner.
00:03:31 The bird is a weirdo.
00:03:32 Winner, Winner, winner, winner.
00:03:42 Don't you?
00:03:43 Now everybody knows that the bird is the bird.
00:03:54 However, everybody's winner, Winner, Winner, Winner.
00:04:12 The bad, bad, bad, bad.
00:04:16 Don't you know everybody talking about the?
00:05:20 Now when I don't, you know that's very well.
00:05:23 Everybody knows that the bird is away.
00:05:40 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:05:43 I am your host Devin Stack.
00:05:46 I hope you enjoyed all the hippie music that we opened up with.
00:05:49 We're gonna learn about the hippies.
00:05:51 That opened up a.
00:05:52 Portal to hell.
00:05:55 Ohh actually I'm sorry the Jews.
00:06:00 That opened up a portal to hell and worked really hard to make sure that the the Boomers were possessed by literal demons.
00:06:09 Now I know that sounds a little bit crazy.
00:06:12 So well, you think to yourself, oh, absolutely.
00:06:14 That's crazy.
00:06:15 Look, look how cute.
00:06:16 Look how cute churro is.
00:06:18 Before we start time out, demons.
00:06:21 Cause churro's an Angel.
00:06:24 That's a live that's a live camera in his little tub.
00:06:26 That's where he sleeps in the in the backyard, basically.
00:06:33 I just wanted.
00:06:34 I just wanted to to to have some way of seeing you.
00:06:36 Know his comings?
Speaker 7
00:06:37 And goings.Devon
00:06:38 And so, yeah, I I had some old old analog wireless camera stuff, so I hooked it up.00:06:46 And so that's the live live shot of Churro.
00:06:49 I was thinking maybe maybe next year we can have a couple of these.
00:06:52 Set up inside of beehives.
00:06:54 So you can see bees during the stream, which should be.
00:06:56 Kind of cool, right?
00:06:58 But anyway, back to the portals to hell and demons.
00:07:05 So we're moving, we're going through, it's the century of self series once again and I was a little surprised, I mean I guess I wasn't cause like what have I been saying I've been saying since I started doing this stream that.
00:07:17 It it almost seems as if.
00:07:21 Eastern European Jews that whose families came here around the turn of the century.
00:07:26 Slowly took over the country and then literally opened up a portal to hell sometime in the late 70s.
00:07:34 Well, I wasn't expecting to find in this documentary was.
00:07:39 Like kind of a basic outline of of exactly that of exactly that not kind of like that, like, oh, I can make this fit my twisted, bigoted world.
00:07:50 No, exactly that.
00:07:53 Exactly that.
00:07:54 So yeah, I mean, there's going to be some, this is not confirmation bias, it's just it's.
00:08:02 It's confirmation, so let's dive right in.
00:08:07 Yeah, you don't.
00:08:08 You don't believe me?
00:08:09 You doubt me?
00:08:11 Doubt what I say.
00:08:13 You think that perhaps I'm exaggerating?
Speaker 8
00:08:16 Nah, Nah, not at all.00:08:18 Not even.
00:08:18 I'm in fact, if anything, I'm underselling this.00:08:23 So let's have a little look.
00:08:25 Let's have a little look.
00:08:26 For those of you, those doubting Thomas is out there, which?
00:08:30 Who might not believe me?
00:08:32 So let's let's have a little.
00:08:33 Look, let's just see.
00:08:36 So this is how it opens up.
Speaker 7
00:08:38 I'll speak showed how Fry's ideas spread throughout America.00:08:42 In the 1950s.
00:08:44 They were promoted by his daughter Anna and by Fry's nephew, Edward Bernays, who invented public relations he brought.
00:08:55 Theories into the heart of advertising and marketing, but the frauds were about to be toppled from power by opponents who said they were wrong about human nature.
00:09:06 See, The funny thing is, at at first I'm watching this and I'm like, yeah, OK, so they're talking about the last.00:09:11 The last two episodes of this documentary, it was about Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays, and based so basically two Jews.
00:09:20 Who's who? Basically were my well and and Freud's daughter. Of course the, the, the Demon lesbian. So it it's a little it.
00:09:30 It was a little interesting to watch the the last few episodes basically lay out how Eastern European Jews whose families came to the West.
00:09:40 Around the turn of the century, systematically **** ****** Americans.
00:09:45 And tried to turn them into mindless consumers.
00:09:50 Especially after World War 2, in order to.
00:09:53 You know.
00:09:53 Stop, stop another Holocaust.
00:09:57 And so you watch this and you see the, the, the, the way that it opens like Oh well, they they figured out that, you know, Freud's whole thing was was nonsense.
00:10:08 Right.
00:10:08 And so because, you know, it was nonsense.
00:10:11 They were.
00:10:12 They're going to go a different way, right.
00:10:13 The way that they're going to try to sign up people.
00:10:17 And whatever they're going to go a totally different.
00:10:19 Correction and something like OK, well, now that we now that we've picked on the the Eastern European Jews that came to the West and ****** everything up, there's probably some other group, right.
00:10:29 It it can't possibly be more Eastern European Jews, right?
00:10:33 Cause that this is an opposing view.
00:10:35 So I was like, alright, well, you know we.
00:10:38 Got fair is fair.
00:10:39 Right.
00:10:40 I'm not.
00:10:40 I I'm.
00:10:41 I'm wedded to the truth, not to some, some narrative.
00:10:44 So let's see, what do we.
00:10:45 Got here.
Speaker 7
00:10:49 The inner self did not need to be repressed and controlled, which should be encouraged.00:10:54 To express itself.
00:11:00 Out of this will come a new type of strong human being and a better society.
00:11:11 So alrighty.00:11:11 I'm like, oh, good.
00:11:13 OK.
00:11:13 We're going to.
00:11:13 Find out about the boomers.
00:11:15 This looks very boomer, just people violently acting out their emotions.
00:11:21 OK, so this is kind of like I guess the opposite of the Freud stuff, right?
00:11:25 The, the, The, you know, the fear, the irrational.
00:11:28 Inside of us, you know that.
00:11:29 So we have to suppress it with this mind *******.
00:11:33 OK, so now they're gonna go the other direction.
00:11:35 With it I guess.
00:11:36 And let's embrace the irrational and the crazy and the emotional.
00:11:40 OK, that that kind of sums up boomers a little bit.
00:11:43 So let's let's see how this goes.
Speaker 7
00:11:46 But what in fact emerged from this?00:11:49 Was the very opposite an isolated, vulnerable and above all greedy self, far more open to manipulation by both business and politics than anything that had gone before.
00:12:03 Those in power would now control the self, not by repressing it, but by feeding its infinite desires.
00:12:18 So yeah, so it again kind of describing the boomers, people that were so obsessed with individualism and and themselves that it.00:12:31 Basically ruined society.
00:12:34 So this is part three.
00:12:35 There is a policeman inside all of our heads and he must be destroyed.
00:12:41 In other words, that it lets you know there's still small voice the the conscience as as you as it were.
00:12:48 You know, Pinocchio, the little Jiminy cricket.
00:12:51 And always let your conscience be your gun.
00:12:55 So that the the whole theme of the boomers was kill your conscience.
00:13:02 Kill your instincts.
00:13:05 Ignore your conscience.
00:13:10 And you'll be a little bit shocked at the amount of of work that went into doing this.
00:13:15 Like it wasn't just like, oh, let's let's let's promote being selfish and promote like they did that too.
00:13:22 But it goes so far beyond that.
00:13:24 I mean it, it's a literal, literal portal into hell anyway.
00:13:29 So they open up with this, this psychiatrist.
Speaker 2
00:13:38 The liberation of feeling those feelings, not just memories that have been suppressed.00:13:45 For example, screaming, crying, anger.
00:13:48 You get persons really angry.
00:13:50 And they're going to love it.
00:13:52 No, no I could.
00:13:55 Hear you.
00:13:57 I'm I'm.
00:13:58 I'm old man.
00:13:59 Listen, I can't get all the strength into this that that young people would get if.
Speaker 3
00:14:03 They had those feelings.Speaker 7
00:14:06 In the 1950s, a small group of renegade psychoanalysts began a new form of therapy.00:14:12 They worked in small rooms in New York City and encouraged their patients to express their feelings openly.
Speaker 2
00:14:17 I want help I do it was.Speaker 7
00:14:21 A direct attack on the ideas of the Freudian psychoanalysts who have become rich and powerful tissue Americans.00:14:27 How to control their feelings.
00:14:35 So yeah, I'm like, OK, well, so who is this guy?00:14:38 This guy that we just talked to?
00:14:40 That's like, oh, yeah, it was great.
00:14:41 I had all these.
00:14:42 I was just telling people to to embrace their their most emotional feelings.
00:14:47 Like just just just, you know, irrationally embrace them, do the opposite of what Freud said.
00:14:54 That's this guy, Alexander Lowen.
00:14:57 And uh, yeah, born born in new.
00:15:00 York to Jewish immigrants.
00:15:03 So yeah, literally E European Jews immigrated here around the turn of the century, gave birth to this guy.
00:15:08 Now it's our problem.
00:15:11 But wait, there's more.
00:15:12 Cause it's not just this guy.
00:15:13 He wasn't even that big of a.
00:15:15 He wasn't even like a top dog.
00:15:16 He's just one of the guys they they decided to interview for this.
00:15:20 Where did he get his inspiration from?
Speaker 7
00:15:23 The leader of this group was a man hated by Freud and his family.Devon
00:15:27 Ohh, he's hated by Freud, so it's it's probably not yet another Jew, right?Speaker 7
00:15:32 He was called Wilhelm Reich.Devon
00:15:34 Ah, ****, that's doesn't that.00:15:36 Yeah, both.
00:15:37 Parents were Jewish.
00:15:43 Boy, this guy, this guy, he's, he's a even bigger nut case than than.
00:15:47 Well, we'll get a little more into that.
00:15:49 So this this guy.
00:15:52 As it turns out, because people always say things.
00:15:55 Like Oh well.
00:15:56 You know it can't just be the Jews, cause there's Jews on both sides.
00:16:04 Isn't it crazy how on both sides of this ********, they're both Jews?
00:16:08 They're both ******* Jews.
00:16:11 Thanks Jews.
00:16:13 How about next time stay the **** out of our societies, huh?
00:16:16 That'd be nice.
00:16:18 That'd be ******* nice cause.
00:16:19 Let's see where this led to.
00:16:21 Let's just see.
00:16:21 Let's see.
00:16:23 Let's see what kind of Jewish worms you opened up, huh?
00:16:27 Let's have a little look.
00:16:30 They're so they're so focused on education and they they punch above their weight.
Speaker 7
00:16:36 Right. Lived and uttered.00:16:39 In a house he had built for himself in remote mountains near the.
00:16:46 Reich originally had been a devoted disciple of Freud's in Vienna in the 1920s, but he had challenged Freud over the fundamental basis of psychoanalysis.
00:16:57 Freud argued that at heart, human beings were still driven by primitive animal instincts.
00:17:03 The job of society was to repress and control these dangerous forces.
00:17:09 Reich believed the complete opposite.
00:17:12 The unconscious forces inside the human mind, he said, were good.
00:17:16 It was their repression by society that distorted.
00:17:20 That was what made people dangerous.
00:17:26 So if you look at it this way.00:17:29 They're kind of hitting they're they're both an axe, Freud and this guy, they're both an axe chopping down the same tree.
00:17:38 And Freud, smack in one side of the tree.
00:17:42 Gets like about halfway through it hands the axe to this guy and he starts smacking the other side of the tree.
00:17:49 Until it comes falling down.
00:17:55 And his family convinced everyone.
00:17:58 OK, we need to ****.
00:18:00 **** everyone.
00:18:03 Turn them into good little consumers.
00:18:06 Turn them into, you know, erase their culture.
00:18:10 Make consumerism their culture.
00:18:14 Remove any remnants.
00:18:19 Of the founding stock culture and replace it with just this capitalist.
00:18:24 Money making.
00:18:25 Culture of of consumerism and identifying with brand names and products.
00:18:36 And then this guy comes in and says Ohh that's especially after look everyone started to realize this is this is ********.
00:18:41 This is mind control.
00:18:45 So in swoops this guys ideas.
00:18:47 Look, we'll see who implemented his ideas.
00:18:51 And and it's like, OK, let's do the exact opposite then.
00:18:55 Let's not just stay in the center.
00:18:57 Let's not just do what was working before Jews showed up.
00:19:00 Let's now that we tried this experiment on the Golem. Let's go 180 degrees out of phase.
00:19:08 Now let's tell them no, actually, it's all about you.
00:19:11 It's not about the society.
00:19:12 There shouldn't be any societal controls.
00:19:17 Your identity is whatever you want it to be.
00:19:20 You don't have to conform to to whatever brand name the capitalists are pumping out.
00:19:24 You can just be whatever that you can be a ******* dragon.
00:19:29 You can be whatever you want.
00:19:34 But how?
00:19:34 How did this?
00:19:34 How did this come to pass?
00:19:36 How did we go from Freud to someone who's the exact opposite of Freud?
Speaker 9
00:19:43 Reich and Freud had two fundamentally differing views about what was essential human nature at its core.00:19:54 Floyd saw and uncontrolled, violent, warlike.
00:20:02 Raging inferno of emotions, rights that these things are not the way human beings are originally destined to be.
00:20:11 They are the result of.
00:20:14 Not permitting the original impulse to express itself.
00:20:21 We shouldn't have impulse control.00:20:23 All right, well, let's.
00:20:24 Let's hear again, let's.
00:20:26 It's all well and good, so, but where'd this guy come from?
Speaker 7
00:20:31 The underlying natural impulse, Reich argued, was the libido sexual energy.Devon
00:20:42 Funny how how Jews always obsess about this, huh?00:20:46 So it's that.
00:20:48 That's how we get control over people instead of controlling them with brands.
00:20:54 Because that syrup failed, let's control them through sexuality, OK?
00:21:00 By the way, that hasn't failed yet.
00:21:01 Has it?
Speaker 7
00:21:03 If this were released, then human beings would flourish.00:21:07 But this idea brought him into direct conflict, not only with Sigmund Freud, but Freud's daughter Anna, who believed that the sexual forces in humans were dangerous if not controlled.
Speaker 10
00:21:17 My father thought that you should liberate the libido and have freedom, and he developed the theory rather early that neuroses were due to lack of good orgasm or any orgasm.Devon
00:21:32 Just *** ****, *** **** in cells.00:21:38 I mean, Can you believe it that this is this is this was the big, this was the big idea of the time.
00:21:47 Oh, you just need to have more orgasms.
00:21:51 And and The funny thing is you find out it's it. It comes down to the fact that he didn't like Freud's daughter.
00:21:58 Because she was a frigid lesbian.
00:22:02 Like, that's literally what all.
00:22:03 This this is about.
00:22:04 Because two ******* psychoanalyst, Jews, had some had some little private war.
00:22:11 They decided to experiment on the on the Golem to see who was right, like that's really what it boils down to.
00:22:17 Is he hated Freud's daughter. Who is this frigid lesbian? And he knew that she she had never ****** a guy. So he he basically said. Well, everyone, that's crazy is cause they're not. They're not getting ******.
00:22:30 Like the most jewy thing in the world, right?
00:22:32 Just to **** her.
00:22:32 Off and now we have this ****.
Speaker 10
00:22:35 And that was, I'm afraid, you know, was a virgin.00:22:40 I mean, this is very important because she never had a sexual relation with a man.
00:22:45 And here was this man preaching that the way the health was through orgasm.
00:22:50 And here was this woman who had been analyzed by her father.
00:22:54 She was ************.
00:22:57 So here's this woman who's opposed to sexuality.
00:23:00 And here's this man who who's preaching sexual freedom.
00:23:04 I mean, it was bound to the the class wasn't.
00:23:10 So it's it's literally it's it's, it's over some he was.00:23:13 One of Freud's students.
00:23:15 And he didn't like the frigid lesbian daughter.
00:23:18 And so he made it into, like, something personal.
00:23:21 And like it really.
00:23:22 I don't think it's anything more complex than that.
00:23:25 And by the way, he wasn't able to institute these ideas.
00:23:30 And when I say these ideas, I mean these ideas.
00:23:34 This is where all this ****.
Speaker 11
00:23:35 Came from.Devon
00:23:37 This is where all this **** came from.00:23:41 But it wasn't instituted by him.
00:23:44 He became like this, this crazy person.
00:23:48 He moved to America.
00:23:50 Like all you know, all these other *******.
00:23:51 Jews, they can't just leave us alone.
00:23:55 He moved to America and became like this crackpot scam artist.
00:24:03 Start acting like he could get orgasmic energy.
00:24:08 From space, I'm not.
00:24:10 I'm not exaggerating.
00:24:11 He thought he could get an orgasmic energy from space and shoot it at at clouds and create weather and do weather control, and that he could get the orgasmo energy and and cure cancer with it.
00:24:24 He was selling orgasmo energy.
00:24:27 Pills to cure cancer.
00:24:31 And the feds arrested him.
00:24:34 So, so this guy, this ******* psycho had no way of of implementing his ****.
00:24:40 I mean, look at him.
Speaker 7
00:24:43 Reich fled to the United States and built his home and a laboratory.00:24:48 His ideas became grandiose to the point of madness.
00:24:52 He was convinced that he had discovered the source of libidinal energy.
00:24:57 By the way, this is another reason why that's his look.00:25:00 That's his ******* house.
00:25:01 So there's just this guy who believes in orgasms, curing all all neuroses and getting orgasmo energy from space.
00:25:12 And they they make it just sound like, oh, yeah, and then he just he just.
00:25:16 He just came to America and built a house in a laboratory and stuff and it's.
00:25:20 Like with what money?
00:25:23 With what *** **** money all these ******* people that you know this story that, oh, they're just these poor Jewish immigrants and they come here and they just worked hard and they just worked their way up into the society they just worked their way up the societal ladder guys.
00:25:36 Look at me.
00:25:37 I'm a nerdy Jew.
00:25:38 I study hard and I get good grades and that's why I'm at the top of the ******* hierarchy.
00:25:43 Really, you just showed up and built this ******* that and your job is thinking that organic orgasmo energy is coming from.
00:25:51 That's your job.
00:25:54 Like, your job is telling people that orgasmo energy is coming from space.
00:26:01 And you have the money to build a laboratory.
00:26:03 And this, like, where is this money coming from?
Speaker 10
00:26:07 Where is it coming from?Devon
00:26:09 Where'd your money come from?00:26:10 Ben Shapiro.
00:26:11 Look, they're all the ******* saying.
00:26:12 They didn't earn it.
Speaker 7
00:26:14 He called it organ energy and Wright brought a giant gun, which he said could capture this energy from the atmosphere and concentrated onto clouds to produce rain.00:26:26 He also said that the gun could be used to destroy UFOs, which threaten the future of the world.
00:26:34 He made an orgasmo gun.00:26:37 That can shoot down your foes.
00:26:41 That's his job.
00:26:44 That's his job.
00:26:46 Choose just punch above their weight.
00:26:49 Yeah, that's punching way above your weight, dude.
00:26:53 Your job is is making fake.
00:26:56 Orgasmo machines that can battle the UFO.
00:26:58 Where's your money coming from?
00:27:02 Where is your money coming from?
00:27:06 So anyway, so this guy again?
00:27:09 He hasn't.
00:27:09 He's not implementing these ideas yet.
00:27:12 He's just some ******* psycho Jew that comes to the West like all these other psycho Jews that come to the West and spouts off a bunch of ******* nonsense.
00:27:21 And then is eventually arrested by the feds for trying to sell fake orgasmo cancer pills.
Speaker 7
00:27:28 In 1956, Wright was arrested by the federal authorities for selling a device that he said used organ energy to cure cancer.Devon
00:27:37 So yeah, so.00:27:40 Anyway, why are we surprised?
00:27:44 Why are we ******* surprised?
00:27:49 So anyway, Speaking of of influencing or Jews influence on on the public at this point in time, you had a lot of Jewish political leaders rising up like Abby Hoffman. You know, the whole flower power ****, the hippie stuff. That's all ******* Jews, 100% like.
00:28:08 All the top guys are ******* Jews, the Yippie party, all that stuff, it's.
00:28:12 All ******* Jews.
00:28:14 So they swoop in and they start, you know, getting the the boom boomers all riled up.
00:28:20 And especially now that the the Freudian ideas have backfired, the the young boomers think, oh, they've been trying to mind control us into being consumers.
00:28:31 **** the man.
00:28:32 That's where all that came from, right?
00:28:35 It was it, in a weird way.
00:28:37 It was a rebellion against Jewish interference in the West.
00:28:42 And so who took control of it?
00:28:43 Because they play both ******* sides, Jews.
00:28:48 And I don't just mean like the people on the ground, like Gabby Hoffman and stuff like that.
00:28:52 No, the the big influencers.
Speaker 7
00:28:55 In the mid 60s, a protest movement began on Americas campuses.00:28:59 One of the students main targets was corporate America.
00:29:03 They accused the corporations of brainwashing the American public.
Speaker 13
00:29:06 Shut down.Speaker 7
00:29:08 Consumerism was not just a way of making money.00:29:11 It had become.
00:29:12 The means of keeping the masses docile.
00:29:14 While allowing the government to pursue a violent and illegal war in Vietnam.
00:29:20 The students mentor was a famous radical philosopher called Herbert Marcusa.
00:29:27 Herbert Marcuzzo, huh?00:29:30 How look at that.
00:29:32 Early life, upper middle class Jewish family.
00:29:35 So the guy who's influencing the pushback against the Freudian **** *******.
00:29:42 Is another Jew.
00:29:46 I mean, this one's from.
00:29:47 Germany. But it's another Jew.
00:29:51 On the other side.
00:29:55 Get ready for the just get used to this.
00:29:57 This is the this all night.
00:29:58 This is going to keep happening.
00:30:04 So anyway, this other Jew.
00:30:07 Starts leading these movements with the help of Jews on the ground, like Abby Hoffman, et cetera, and the the Youth of America, the Boomers, the young boomers start rebelling against the social controls that were put in place by the other.
00:30:22 And it because they're they're going to go fully 180 degrees out of phase with this.
00:30:29 They start, you know, looking for different philosophies.
Speaker 7
00:30:34 Following the logic of.00:30:35 Marquez's argument the new student left set out to attack this system of social control.
00:30:42 It was summed up in the.
00:30:43 Slogan There is a policeman inside all our heads.
00:30:46 He must be destroyed.
00:30:49 And that policeman was going to be destroyed by overthrowing the state and the corporations that had put him there.
00:30:55 One group, the weatherman, began a series of bomb attacks on companies that they said both controlled people's minds through consumer products and made the weapons being used in Vietnam.
Speaker 1
00:31:07 There's no way to be committed to nonviolence in the middle of the most violent society that history has ever created.00:31:12 I'm not committed to nonviolence in any way.
00:31:18 And another Jew.00:31:22 Bernadine Dorn, her father Bernard D Ornstein, changed the family surname to Dorn, his middle initial plus the first letters of his last name when burning, was in high school.
00:31:35 Her father was Jewish, although the name change was intended to obscure that.
00:31:45 I wonder if Jordan Peterson would think that was cowardly, cowardly.
00:31:52 Yeah, but bernadine door.
00:31:53 These are the people look.
00:31:54 These are the *******.
00:31:55 Jews that literally bombed the US capital.
00:31:58 All these, all these hysterical people talking about the insurrection.
00:32:03 Jews literally burned the OR bombed the capital.
00:32:08 They set off bombs of the capital, you know no one talks about it though, because why it was Jews.
00:32:17 It was Jews that went that when let out I believe, but I think Clinton pardoned was something Rosenberg. I forget the woman's name.
00:32:29 I think the Clintons pardoned.
00:32:31 She got out of jail.
00:32:33 And started working for Black Lives Matter.
00:32:37 Because it's always the same fox, it's always the it's literally every single time.
00:32:45 And these are the people they got the the Weather Underground people.
00:32:48 They're the ones that got Obama elected.
00:32:56 And she just said we don't believe in non violence.
00:33:02 So what happened was they they tried to overthrow the government, like Antifa style, right?
00:33:09 And like Antifa style, they were wildly.
00:33:15 I don't know.
00:33:15 Like they're just they were.
00:33:16 ******* like they were.
00:33:18 You know they.
00:33:18 They they flew.
00:33:19 Up a few bombs hurt some people, killed some people whatever.
00:33:22 At the end of the day, there there was.
00:33:23 No way they're going to overthrow the government.
00:33:26 So then they came up with this new strategy, and sadly, I hear a lot of people on the right kind of say this sort of thing.
00:33:32 And look, I think it's up for debate in terms of its effectiveness, cause you could argue, well, I mean, hey, it kind of worked for them, right?
00:33:40 It kind of did.
00:33:42 In a ****** ** way.
00:33:46 But what they decided was OK, we are not strong.
00:33:49 And again you hear people on the right making this.
00:33:52 Exact argument.
00:33:55 The Weather Underground and the the people associated with them, like the Abby Hoffmans of the world, all the hippies and stuff.
00:34:03 They decided that they were outgunned by the federal government.
00:34:08 They decided that there was no possible way they could overthrow them, you know, with force.
00:34:14 And they didn't really have enough power to subvert them, you know, directly.
00:34:20 And So what they thought they could do was, well, all we have to do is take politics completely off the table.
00:34:29 For right now.
00:34:30 And make it really like do a social movement, do like a a cultural movement where if we can't turn the the the government into communists maybe we can turn the boomers just into natural.
00:34:50 You know communists?
00:34:52 And so that by the time they grow up and they start getting jobs and power and stuff like that, because we've made this cultural shift.
00:35:01 It'll just naturally happen.
Speaker 2
00:35:09 I don't know.Speaker 14
00:35:13 People who have been politically.00:35:15 Active were persuaded that if they could change themselves.
00:35:20 Ohh look, another like they're all Jews another Jew.Speaker 14
00:35:27 Cells and be healthy individuals, and if a moon grew up just aimed at people changing themselves, then at some point all that positive change going on, well, you could say quantity would become quality and there would be a sort of a spontaneous transformation of society.00:35:47 But political activism was not required.
Speaker 15
00:35:51 It's about making a new you that if enough people change the.00:35:55 Way they were.
00:35:57 That the society would change.
Speaker 7
00:35:59 So the personal became political.Speaker 15
00:36:01 Yes, the personal became political.00:36:04 Without changing the personal.
00:36:07 You didn't stand a chance of changing the political coming up against the state power.
00:36:13 Of the United States.
00:36:15 Was not an option.
00:36:18 They outgunned us.
00:36:23 Again, you hear people on the right say this, but here's what you don't hear people on the right understanding.00:36:29 Yeah, the left.
00:36:30 The left was basically made the same argument back in the they were like, yeah, we're gonna do this.
00:36:34 But they had.
00:36:35 They had Jews that could just move to America and build laboratories out of nothing, somehow.
00:36:41 And not just laboratories.
00:36:43 They had other Jews that could move to America.
00:36:45 And build a.
00:36:47 Build entire.
00:36:50 Well, you're they they could.
00:36:53 They could open portals to hell.
00:36:54 Let's just.
00:36:58 They they.
00:37:01 I'm telling you, this is I I can't believe.
00:37:04 I can't believe this is exactly what happened.
00:37:07 It really is Eastern European Jews.
00:37:10 Them whose families moved here around the turn of the century.
00:37:14 Some who trickled in after World War 2.
00:37:18 Who who then subverted the country ****, ****** everyone and then open up a portal to hell and Demon possessed as many boomers as they could in the in the lace.
00:37:28 I'm that.
00:37:29 That's that.
00:37:30 That's only going to sound like.
00:37:31 Hyperbole for a few more minutes, I promise you that.
00:37:35 So yeah, let's let's So what they do?
00:37:38 What what they did to to self improve everyone.
00:37:41 So that because you know the federal government was too much.
00:37:44 Of a A A.
00:37:47 Monolithic power to to take down.
Speaker 7
00:37:52 We turn to the ideas and techniques of Wilhelm Wright.Devon
00:37:59 OK, so these are the guys that decide to get the orgasmo.00:38:02 Ohh, look at this.
00:38:03 This crazy Jew friend of ours who who had all these orgasmo power energy ideas.
00:38:10 Let's use let's use his.
00:38:13 Let's use his philosophy.
00:38:15 OK, alright.
00:38:16 Well, it doesn't sound you.
00:38:18 Still, you promised a portal to Hell, Dev.
00:38:21 Oh, it's coming.
00:38:23 It's coming.
Speaker 7
00:38:25 Since his death, a scrutiny.00:38:27 For psychotherapist, have been developing techniques based on Reit's ideas. Their aim is to invent ways that would allow individuals to free themselves from the controls implanted in their minds by society.
00:38:41 Their centre was a tiny old motel on the remote coast of California.
00:38:46 It was called the Epsilon Institute.
00:38:49 The dominant figure at Eslin was a psychoanalyst called Fritz Pearls.
00:38:54 Pearls have been trained by Reich.
00:38:59 Early life check yet again.00:39:01 Another Jew, so.
00:39:05 Every, every single one.
00:39:06 I'm just.
00:39:07 I'm gonna warn you now.
00:39:08 They're literally, they're all Jews.
00:39:10 They're all Jews.
00:39:12 OK, so a a student.
00:39:16 A student of Friedrich Reich.
00:39:20 Was one of the ones that said, hey, yeah, let's use my, my, my old mentors ideas of orgasmo energy to fight this system.
00:39:30 And I'll somehow have the money.
00:39:33 To build this this center.
00:39:38 On the the coast of California right off of Hwy.
00:39:41 1, you know.
00:39:42 Property now worth hundreds of millions of dollars, right?
00:39:46 Near Santa Cruz.
00:39:48 I don't know where this money, this Jew money keeps coming from, but I've got the money to do it.
00:39:53 We'll build this huge center.
00:39:55 And then we'll invite invite all these boys to stay at this wonderful, serene environment.
00:40:07 And then we'll teach them how to.
00:40:11 Embrace demons.
00:40:16 We will, we will walk them through demon possession.
00:40:21 Ohh yeah, you think I'm you're ohh.
00:40:25 Come on.
00:40:26 You're gonna make a sound.
00:40:27 Crazy def.
00:40:29 I am, huh? Hold.
00:40:30 On to your ***** guys.
Speaker 7
00:40:33 And had developed a form of group encounter in which he pushed individuals to publicly express the feelings and sold them that society had said were dangerous and should be repressed.Devon
00:40:45 OK, alright, it's a bad idea.00:40:47 But don't worry, the demons show up so already the idea is.
00:40:52 I'm gonna bring boys to this center that I was somehow the money to buy and my entire philosophy is going to be.
00:41:02 Everything that your conscience is telling you to suppress all of these bad.
00:41:10 Instincts or impulses that you have no embrace them.
00:41:16 Do what thou wilt, you might say, is another.
00:41:19 Way of putting this.
00:41:21 Do it.
00:41:21 Thou wilt just literally anything.
00:41:26 That you would normally suppress.
00:41:29 Ah, **** it. Embrace it.
00:41:32 Oh, that's still not demonic, though.
00:41:34 Devin, you're that.
00:41:37 That's just, you know, that's just it's just, you know, he's.
00:41:39 Telling people to be ********.
00:41:40 Ohh really?
Speaker 13
00:41:43 It's a basic fear of.00:41:46 Inside me like a little demon in there it.
00:41:49 Doesn't come out very off.
00:41:51 It's really hard to get.
00:41:52 A basic fear of that thing inside me like a little demon in there.
00:41:58 It doesn't come out very often.
00:42:01 It's a basic fear of that thing inside me, like a little demon in there it.
00:42:06 Doesn't come out very often.
00:42:09 Oh, we're going to let it out.00:42:11 We're going to let it out.
00:42:12 Don't worry.
00:42:14 We'll let it out, Billy.
00:42:17 I'll hold your hand the whole way.
00:42:19 Don't be afraid of that demon inside you.
00:42:22 Let's let the demon out.
Speaker 13
00:42:26 It's a basic fear of that thing inside me, like a little demon in there.00:42:31 It doesn't come out very often.
00:42:33 It's really hard to get it out.
Speaker 2
00:42:38 Now put the thing inside you.Speaker 18
00:42:40 On that, she talked to it.Speaker 4
00:42:43 Proceeds to call us getting on the hot seat.Devon
00:42:49 First of all.00:42:49 He used to call it getting on the.
00:42:50 Hot seat, but anyway, yeah, let's let's.
00:42:52 Talk to that demon that's in you.
00:42:56 Let's talk to that demon.
00:42:58 This sounds like.
00:42:59 That sounds good.
00:43:01 Oh, they're they're just using metaphors, really.
00:43:06 Oh, so you're one of those satanic panic people?
00:43:08 OK, let's let's let's continue.
Speaker 4
00:43:12 In front of.00:43:12 A group this if this were the hot seat and you were pearls and you would guide me into this process of self enactment self revelation.
00:43:27 Of staying present to all the parts of yourself and noticing it, and then taking ownership of this.
00:43:38 OK.00:43:38 That was another Jew.
00:43:39 Just giving you gobbledygook.
00:43:40 Like here.
00:43:41 I'm just going to say a bunch of words.
00:43:43 What does that really mean?
00:43:44 Let's have a look.
00:43:46 Let's have a look.
00:43:46 Remember the the demon thing?
00:43:48 That's just a, you know, just a metaphor, right?
00:43:50 He's he doesn't really mean it.
Speaker 13
00:43:53 As the demon, yes, I can come out.00:43:57 I can write out of him.
00:43:59 And I can.
00:44:01 Push him aside.
00:44:03 You say you push, I can.
00:44:05 Fewer side.
00:44:05 Push you. Yeah, yeah.Speaker 2
00:44:08 You're the demon.00:44:08 With each one of us.
Speaker 13
00:44:11 I can make you all cry.00:44:14 And can make you all feel terrible.
00:44:18 Maybe even forever I can.
00:44:25 The mouth and this mouth here do things and say things I can almost destroy anyone.
00:44:31 Each one of you.
00:44:33 If I get out.
00:44:37 There isn't one of you that I would spare.
00:44:41 Not even you.
00:44:46 It's, but it's it's just a metaphor.Devon
00:44:50 I think that you can't.Speaker 8
00:44:54 OK, it's just.Devon
00:44:54 One weirdo guy, right?00:44:55 That's just one weirdo guy.
00:44:58 It it wasn't.
00:44:59 They didn't all go down like this, right?
00:45:01 There's there's no way that there was this entire place full of people where this Jewish guy was was trying to tease out the demon inside them and tell him that this was the way to go.
Speaker 8
00:45:13 There's no there's no way right that that's just that's that's just like a one off.00:45:17 That's just a.
Speaker 2
00:45:19 I'm pregnant.Speaker 20
00:45:23 When I have my power, I am frightening.Speaker 21
00:45:27 Say I flied you with my power.Speaker 13
00:45:29 I frighten you with my power?Speaker 21
00:45:34 Now, where do you feel power?Speaker 18
00:45:37 The methods.Speaker 21
00:45:39 Rid of.Speaker 20
00:45:44 My God.Speaker 21
00:45:50 *** **** you, OK.Speaker 2
00:45:53 OK, OK.Speaker 21
00:45:57 You it was not phony movement.00:45:59 That's what I wanted to.
00:46:00 Do and I.Speaker 7
00:46:01 Did it what pearls and others working at Esselen believed was that they were creating ways that allowed individuals to express their true inner selves?Speaker 9
00:46:13 They were.Devon
00:46:14 They were demon possessed.00:46:17 He made a demon possession factory.
00:46:22 Thanks Jews.
00:46:26 We, you know, we just we just wouldn't be the same without you.
00:46:33 But they have.
00:46:34 It they imply out.
00:46:34 Of course, there's no way that it went beyond this.
00:46:36 It's just it's one little place in California.
00:46:44 Ohh strapping boys, the right is just beginning.
Speaker 7
00:46:57 In the late 60s and early 70s, thousands flocked to Escalon.00:47:01 Only a few years before, it had been an obscure fringe institute.
00:47:05 Now it became the center of a national movement for personal transformation.
00:47:10 The human potential movement.
Speaker 4
00:47:14 So it became magnet.Devon
00:47:17 What I mean, even that look, this guy looks like a ******* demon.00:47:27 Thousands of people were going to this place and and embracing their inner demon.
00:47:35 They started building new locations they franchised.
00:47:42 They franchised out.
00:47:43 They had hundreds of these centers all across the country.
00:47:51 They start having celebrities.
00:47:56 And famous singers.
00:47:58 Visit these centers.
Speaker 7
00:48:05 In the late 60s and early 70s, thousands flocked to Escalon.00:48:09 Only a few years before, it had been an obscure fringe institute.
00:48:13 Now it became the center of a national movement for personal transformation.
00:48:18 The human potential movement.
Speaker 4
00:48:22 So it became magnetic. People wanted to join this stream of exploration within seven or eight years. There were about 200 of these centers in America, looking mainly to eslin for the leadership.Speaker 17
00:48:36 So liberated. It's fantastic.Speaker 4
00:48:41 And it took on a big political agenda. You could not separate personal transformation from social transformation, the 2GO together.Devon
00:48:53 Yes, the two do go together.00:48:57 Isn't it odd that these wacky satanists?
00:49:02 Embracing their inner demons would would seek to.
00:49:11 Everything that made America great in the first place.
00:49:16 So it's funny, they decide.
00:49:19 One of the political here's where it's kind of funny.
00:49:24 They decide they they need to team up with black people.
00:49:28 They need to team up with black people and show them that that they can release their inner demons and and they decide to have these these little meetings with with black, you know, the pro black nationalists and you know, like the Black Panthers and stuff like that.
00:49:47 And they, they they.
00:49:50 Well, I'll just.
00:49:52 I'll let you see how how that went down.
Speaker 7
00:49:55 The organ.00:49:58 Group for white and black radicals.
00:50:00 Various groups would be encouraged to express their inner racist feelings, which had been instilled in them by society.
00:50:06 By doing this, they would transcend those feelings and encounter each other as individuals.
Speaker 3
00:50:12 I started a series of encounters called Racial Confrontation.00:50:17 As transcendental experience.
00:50:19 We thought that we wanted to get that kind of black, white confrontation.
00:50:22 So you could really get down to see what was between the two races not by backing off and trying to be polite, but by going right into the belly of the beast of this beast of.
00:50:32 Of racial prejudice, and these were extremely dramatic.
00:50:36 These were the toughest workshops ever convened at Aslan Institute.
00:50:43 So spoiler alert, all that happened was the black people basically got genocidal on the white people and the white people were were just so.00:50:51 Shocked that they they didn't know what to do.
Speaker 12
00:50:59 I'm looking at you.00:51:00 Why did you got you got you got it?
00:51:03 You're just so sure looking.00:51:04 At me, huh?
Speaker 12
00:51:05 Got damn police in the neighborhood.Speaker 7
00:51:08 Really, they're not my person.Speaker 12
00:51:09 You got a government.00:51:10 You got a mail.
Speaker 7
00:51:12 Oh really?Speaker 12
00:51:12 You got the president.Speaker 18
00:51:13 You can vote too.Speaker 12
00:51:13 You got ambassador, you got jets in Vietnam.Speaker 18
00:51:14 You can vote too.Speaker 12
00:51:17 That's the benefits of slave labor.00:51:19 You got building skyscrapers that you dominate and control economically and politically, and tell me that it's not yours.
Speaker 20
00:51:27 It's yours too.Speaker 3
00:51:29 Then the black sargas together and attacked the whites.Speaker 12
00:51:32 Don't give me no **** that you've got.00:51:34 Damn lie.
00:51:35 You white, pink *** ** * *****.
00:51:37 I don't know what you came down there.
00:51:38 For you want a.
00:51:39 Black buck, huh?
00:51:41 You're looking for a step, huh?
00:51:46 What did you come here for?
00:51:47 You're sitting there with your legs all gap wide open, showing the drawers.
00:51:51 What'd you come here for?
Speaker 7
00:51:52 The black white encounter groups were a disaster.Devon
00:51:57 So yeah, that that ain't go over the.00:52:00 Way they want.
00:52:05 But you know, because they're on this eternal mission to kill ****** and and even though they're like, oh, we thought these guys would want to be along on this ride, that this seems to be right up the.
00:52:15 Well, Oh well.
00:52:17 Oh, well.
00:52:17 Well, we still need to get rid of Western civilization, and that means trying to destroy whites and Christianity.
00:52:23 And you know it it OK?
00:52:25 It didn't work out with with trying to team up with the Black Panthers.
00:52:29 Let's go another route with this.
Speaker 7
00:52:33 So the human potential movement turned to another social group who they believed would benefit from personal transformation.00:52:42 And this time they were more successful.
00:52:46 The convent of the Immaculate Heart in Los Angeles is one of the largest seminaries in America.
00:52:52 A group of radical psychotherapist approached the convent.
00:52:56 They wanted to try out their techniques for personal liberation on individuals whose identities were defined by a series of external rules which they had deeply internalised.
00:53:06 The convent, anxious to appear modern, agreed to the experiment.
00:53:12 Anxious to appear modern.00:53:17 Agreed to the experiment.
00:53:22 I think you guys probably well, I mean it's it's probably worse than you think, but I think you you can guess where this is headed.
00:53:29 So these Jews that are releasing demons into people.
00:53:34 Go to a convent and somehow.
00:53:38 Like you know.
00:53:39 I guess you know Lucifer is really convincing.
00:53:42 Convince them that, yeah, sure.
00:53:44 Experiment on our nuns.
00:53:48 Oh, you're releasing demons and people?
00:53:50 Yeah, sure.
00:53:52 We'll give you full access to our nuns.
00:53:55 We want to be modern.
00:54:00 Isn't that a perfect example of every western Christian?
00:54:06 Denomination right now.
00:54:09 But we want to be modern.
00:54:11 Sure, we'll have trans kids.
00:54:13 Why not?
00:54:14 I want to be modern.
00:54:17 **** what the Bible says that's not modern.
00:54:19 You realize this books like hundreds of years old.
00:54:27 Times have changed.
00:54:31 But anyway it's it's like I said, it's worse than you think.
Speaker 22
00:54:38 And we did, we can encounter workshops for several 100 and make that hard nuns.00:54:45 Nuns who were reserved and they tended to be more reserved than other normal people, were told.
00:54:51 Don't be so reserved.
00:54:53 Let it all out.
00:54:53 You're a good person.
00:54:54 You can afford to be who you really are.
00:54:57 You don't need to.
00:54:58 Play the role of a nun.
00:55:00 You don't need to keep downcast eyes.
00:55:03 Prudence is an oversold virtue.
Speaker 23
00:55:06 You're trying to assert yourself trying to find out who you are, who you're becoming at the same time you're trying to live a life of dedication of service, and you're trying to make all these things fit into who you are and you're just, you know, it's just it's such a turmoil at.00:55:20 Times that you.
00:55:21 Just you, you just.
00:55:22 Blow a gasket and do silly crazy things.
00:55:27 So this is one of the nuns during during the experiment.00:55:32 And she sang them all that the the pressure of being in non.
00:55:34 It's so hard that sometimes I just blow a gasket and do a really crazy thing.
00:55:38 What are.
00:55:39 What are these?
00:55:39 What are what?
00:55:40 What's a crazy thing to a nun?
00:55:43 Is she like, going around burning down buildings?
00:55:45 Like what?
00:55:46 What exactly does she mean by this?
Speaker 23
00:55:49 Running around the orchard and stealing.00:55:52 And taking Cokes out of the refrigerator.
00:55:54 Oh, so that was it.00:55:56 So she feels guilty.
00:55:58 For for stealing oranges out of the orchard and and some Cokes out of the refrigerator.
00:56:03 Like that's her big crime.
00:56:05 That you know, that's her big blow off of the steam.
00:56:09 Well, then we should definitely invite some Satanic Jews over to fix this, because this is this is out of control.
00:56:17 These ******* nuns.
00:56:20 So what?
00:56:20 So how do you think this?
00:56:21 Ends up.
00:56:23 That's that was the big problem.
00:56:25 The big problem was the nuns were getting fed up.
00:56:28 And look, I'm.
00:56:29 I'm not, by the way.
00:56:30 Just just saying I'm not pro none.
00:56:32 I think none.
00:56:33 Should I not.
00:56:34 I I think it's it's a waste of a womb this woman.
00:56:39 To just.
00:56:40 Not, you know, just to I I think vows of chastity are are.
00:56:45 Are just inhumane, quite frankly, and I don't understand why the Catholics do it.
00:56:50 But that said.
00:56:52 That said, her big issue was well, it's real tough being a nun, so sometimes I I eat oranges.
00:56:58 I'm not supposed to drink Cokes.
00:56:59 I'm not supposed to.
00:57:03 Like, that's her big thing.
00:57:05 Well, how does it end up?
00:57:06 How did this?
00:57:06 How did this all work out with the the Satanic Jews coming in to fix things?
Speaker 24
00:57:16 Things I felt like I was being a hypocrite and I wanted people to respect me for what I was, not for what I was wearing.00:57:22 And so I'm glad for the change.
Speaker 7
00:57:25 You feel frightened.Speaker 9
00:57:25 But you'll go on.Speaker 24
00:57:26 Oh yeah, I'm scared to death, but.Speaker 23
00:57:28 But it's worth it.Speaker 7
00:57:30 The experiment began to transform the convent.00:57:33 The nuns voted to discard their habits in favour of ordinary clothes.
00:57:38 But the psychotherapist found they had awoken other forces.
00:57:43 You mean uniforms actually serve a purpose?00:57:47 You mean once you start letting the women dress like thoughts, they're there might be some problems.
00:57:53 So you know the first thing they do is.
00:57:56 Get rid of the.
00:57:58 The the nun.
00:58:00 Out or the habit, or whatever it's called the nun costume.
00:58:04 But it's a UU serve a purpose.
00:58:11 And so they get rid of it.
00:58:12 They get rid of it, cause it's all about hyper individual.
00:58:14 How can you express yourself as an individual if you're dressed like all the other nuns?
00:58:19 It's all about you.
00:58:23 It's not about the group.
00:58:24 The group is irrelevant.
00:58:28 It's all about what you want at that moment.
00:58:31 It's all about your inner demon that you need to release.
00:58:35 So that's how it starts.
00:58:36 It starts off like, OK, well, we're not gonna wear the uniform anymore, OK?
Speaker 22
00:58:42 One of the things we unleashed was sexual energy, the the kind of thing that the church had been very good at.00:58:48 Restraining was no longer to be restrained.
00:58:52 One sister who was a member of the community.
00:58:55 She got the idea that she could be freer than she had been before, and she seduced one of her classmates and then seduced the mistress of novices, who was an older woman, very reserved and her program of freeing this older woman was sexual.
00:59:16 So they turned into ****** like immediately.00:59:20 And some of them turn into lesbians.
00:59:24 And some of them started sexually assaulting.
00:59:27 The other nuns.
Speaker 22
00:59:32 She drove her to the store and when they drove back and drove into the garage, she leaned over and gave her a big kiss on the lips.Devon
00:59:43 So what ended up happening?00:59:46 You know, after the the Satanic Jews did their experiment, how did how did it all end up?
00:59:52 You know, apparently you turned a bunch of women to lesbians and and ******.
00:59:56 So what?
00:59:57 What was the?
00:59:58 What was the, you know, cause they and it's it's fine though, right?
01:00:01 Because they really they wanted to be perceived as modern.
01:00:04 They really wanted to be perceived as modern.
01:00:08 So they they said, yeah, come on in, Satan. Satan's cool right now. Right. We want to be cool. How'd it work out?
Speaker 7
01:00:16 The effect of the experiment on the convent was cataclysmic. Within a year, 300 nuns, more than half the convent, petitioned the Vatican to be released from their vows, and six months later the convent closed its doors.01:00:31 All that was left was a.
01:00:32 Small group of nuns.
01:00:34 But they have.
01:00:34 Become radical lesbian nuns.
01:00:37 The rest gave up their religious life.
01:00:42 The satanic Jews.01:00:45 Destroyed an entire nun convent.
01:00:50 With one little experiment.
01:00:55 And now they knew they were on to something.
01:00:58 I mean, they turned.
01:01:00 They turned a nun convent into a group of radical lesbians.
01:01:12 So that's how powerful this this demon.
01:01:16 **** they were doing.
Speaker 7
01:01:27 By the late 60s, the idea of self exploration was spreading rapidly in America.01:01:32 Encounter groups became the centre of what was seen as a radical alternative culture based on the development of the self free of a corrupt capitalist culture.
Speaker 13
01:01:43 We just want the freedom to be ourselves and that's for love for.Devon
01:01:50 We just want to be individuals.01:01:53 You ever wonder why?
01:01:54 And I think you know I talked a little bit about this on the.
01:01:58 The Millennial interview you know about boomers being so obsessed with, you know, being individuals and how everyone's an individual.
01:02:12 I think you're you're seeing.
01:02:18 This is this.
01:02:18 Didn't come from nowhere.
01:02:27 This was a systematic.
01:02:32 Well funded.
01:02:34 Well executed syop.
01:02:40 That worked hand in hand with literal demonic possession.
01:02:44 And it gets more look.
01:02:46 It goes on from there.
01:02:47 Like it's not just ohh these little centers here.
01:02:50 Now we have hundreds of centers where we're releasing demons and the boomers and then letting them out in public.
01:02:57 Which they did.
01:02:57 You know they were doing.
01:02:58 They were, yeah.
01:02:59 And they they took down an entire nun convent, you know, with using the same techniques.
01:03:06 So this is all going on and you're starting to get this hyper individualism infecting the society.
01:03:14 And insurance companies.
01:03:16 This is kind of funny because it describes the boomer like a lot of people.
01:03:20 Well, another reason people get upset at the boomers, they say, like they they don't ******* care about their kids.
01:03:26 Right.
01:03:27 They're they're just gonna spend it all until they they go in the grave.
01:03:30 They don't care if they leave their kids nothing.
01:03:32 And on a personal level or a societal level?
01:03:35 They don't care if at all they they consume every last drop of it before they, you know, they die, they don't care.
01:03:43 And this started to emerge early on.
01:03:46 It used to be a normal thing that once you graduated college.
01:03:50 You would get life insurance.
01:03:54 And the reason you'd get life insurance is if you, you know, died.
01:03:59 You wouldn't. You would.
01:04:00 You wanted your family.
01:04:02 To be able to take care of the expenses your wife, you know, wouldn't be out on the street.
01:04:07 You know, your kids would have maybe some money for college and stuff like that.
01:04:11 So people got life insurance.
01:04:13 It was a pretty normal thing that everyone did.
01:04:16 Well, the boomers weren't getting life insurance.
01:04:18 Because they didn't.
01:04:19 Give a **** what happened after they died.
01:04:22 Why would they?
01:04:24 It's all about.
01:04:25 However they and their demon feel at any given moment.
01:04:30 And when they die, that's all over.
01:04:31 So who cares?
01:04:32 **** it, let it burn.
01:04:37 I mean, it's gonna be plenty hot where they end up anyway, right.
01:04:39 So what's the difference?
Speaker 7
01:04:45 The life insurance industry in particular, is concerned that fewer and fewer colleges.01:04:51 Life insurance when they left university.
01:04:54 They asked Daniel Yankelovich, American's leading market researcher, to investigate.
01:04:59 He had studied psycho.
Speaker 18
01:05:01 The life insurance business, more than any other business at the time.Devon
01:05:07 Now I I don't know if he's a Jew, but I yeah, I I have.01:05:10 I have a suspicion he's a.
01:05:14 Just based off his name, he's either a Russian or Ukrainian Jew, but I don't know for sure.
01:05:18 I couldn't find a lot of information on this guy, but not he plays a minor a minor role anyway.
01:05:23 He's just like a researcher into this stuff, so he starts researching to find out.
01:05:27 You know what the Hell's going on here with all these people that that don't want to identify with, with, with brands anymore and they're not buying life insurance any.
01:05:37 And he does a bunch of research and and figures out.
01:05:41 They're into this hyper individualism **** now.
01:05:46 But that's OK, because we can still make them into consumers.
Speaker 18
01:05:53 The core event had to do with self expressiveness.01:05:59 At this preoccupation with the South and the inner S, that was what was so important to people, the ability to be self expressive.
Speaker 12
01:06:08 Ah, what a pillow.Speaker
01:06:11 300 miles.Speaker 7
01:06:13 To go what he told the corporations was that these new beings were consumers, but they no longer wanted anything that would place them within the narrow strata of American Society.01:06:26 Instead, what they wanted were products that would express their individuality, their difference in a conformist world.
01:06:34 The very things that US corporations did not make.
Speaker 18
01:06:39 Products have always had an emotional meaning.01:06:42 What was new was individuality.
01:06:46 The idea that this product expresses me and whether it was a small European car, the particular music system.
01:07:02 Your presentation of self, your clothing.
Speaker 1
01:07:06 For immediate energy from our muscles.Speaker 18
01:07:10 These become ways in which people can expend their money in order to say to the world who they are.Devon
01:07:19 I swear to God this footage just makes me hate boomers, so *** ****, much like it's just like, like everyone and every every person in this footage you just like, I want to run them over.01:07:28 With a car like you know it's it's just like uh.
01:07:33 How was how?
01:07:34 Was this the norm?
01:07:38 Anyway so.
01:07:41 They they figure out that, oh, we can sell them ****.
01:07:44 They we just had to sell them ****.
01:07:45 That, you know, it's kind of like this, this kind of thing happened.
01:07:49 Kept going in the 90s, right?
01:07:51 Everyone's trying so hard to be different.
01:07:52 They all like hipsters.
01:07:53 Even just a couple of years ago.
01:07:55 Everyone's trying so hard to look different.
01:07:56 They end up looking the same.
01:07:58 You know, they they all end up buying the exact same hipster outfit and they think that, oh, they're they're being original and new now.
01:08:04 They're all buying it from the same ******* corporations that's doing it.
01:08:07 They're doing the focus groups and find out what ******* hipsters want to look like.
01:08:14 Anyway, then we get this guy.
01:08:17 This guy comes in and he he looks at the demonic possession technology that thinks to the Jews is spreading all across America and he decides, you know what, I could mass produce this.
01:08:30 These guys aren't doing it fast enough.
01:08:32 They're not releasing enough demons.
01:08:35 Into America, they they've only got a they've got a few hundred few 100 centers that are, you know, they're doing it, you know, a few 1000 people a year each that that's that's chump change.
01:08:48 I'm going to take.
01:08:48 This show on the road.
01:08:52 I'm going to I'm going to release demons all across the country.
Speaker 7
01:09:02 Go because an entrepreneur had invented a way of mass producing this new independent cell.01:09:15 He was called Werner.
01:09:17 Some of the stuff that.01:09:21 Oh, Werner.
01:09:22 Werner earhart.
01:09:23 Oh, that that's.
01:09:24 That's not that.
01:09:24 Can't possibly be a Jewish name.
01:09:27 Right?
01:09:27 Well, you know, at least at least a gory was helping out with this, right?
01:09:31 You know, definitely not a Jew, not a Jew.
01:09:33 All right.
01:09:36 We traditionally think of as being in your mind is actually in the world because you're moving to that too.
Speaker 7
01:09:44 Erhard had invented a system called EST Erhard Seminar training.01:09:49 Hundreds of people came for weekend sessions to be taught how to be themselves and asked were soon copied by other groups like exegesis in Britain.
01:09:59 Many of Erhardt's techniques came from the human potential movement, but he criticised the movement for not having gone far enough.
01:10:07 Their idea that there was a central core inside all human beings was, he said, just another limitation on human freedom.
01:10:15 In reality, there was no fixed self, which meant that you could be.
01:10:19 Anything that you wanted to be?
Speaker 17
01:10:22 The thesis of the human potential movement was that there was something.Devon
01:10:29 Ohh snap.01:10:31 You mean this guy?
01:10:34 Who goes by the name Werner Earhart.
01:10:38 His real name is John Paul Rosenberg, God dammit.
01:10:48 Yeah, yeah, it's all of them.
01:10:50 It's ******* all of them.
01:10:53 Literally all of them.
01:10:57 But yet again, the descendant of Jewish immigrants that came here around the turn of the century, it's ******* all of these ******* people.
01:11:07 What are the chances?
01:11:08 Right.
01:11:08 What are the chances that literally all of them are Jews?
01:11:12 All of them?
01:11:17 You know, Jews, especially at the time, may made-up less than 2% of the population. What what are the chances?
01:11:31 So, Mr. Rosenberg.
01:11:34 He decided to take it a step.
01:11:35 You know, the the other demon guys weren't taking it far enough, right?
01:11:39 He wanted a room full, like, you know, auditoriums full of twitching, demon possessed boomers.
01:11:48 And he wanted to break them down even further.
01:11:53 Wait till you hear what he says.
01:11:56 Wait, you hear what he says he's doing to these demon possessed boomers?
Speaker 17
01:12:04 Really good down in there.01:12:06 And if you took these layers off what you were going to wind up with was a kernel, a something that was innately self expressive.
01:12:17 That was the.
01:12:19 Yeah, definitely not demons, right?01:12:21 I know it.
01:12:22 I know the video is kind of playing like ****.
01:12:23 That's just the this programming using this being choppy.
01:12:26 But like, look at this.
Speaker 17
01:12:28 That was the true self that was going.01:12:30 To be a wonderful thing.
01:12:34 And they're all.01:12:34 They're all demon possessed.
01:12:38 But he say yeah, instead of instead of wearing down and and embracing some kind of core version of yourself, get wait, wait for it.
01:12:47 Get get this ****.
Speaker 17
01:12:50 In actuality, you found people who had gone to the last layer and took off the last layer and found that what was left was nothing.Devon
01:13:03 He wanted to breakdown people until there was nothing.01:13:07 There was just the demon.
01:13:12 That's what he's saying.
01:13:19 He went to auditoriums around the around the country.
01:13:24 Did these huge sessions with boomers.
01:13:30 Taught them to embrace the demon inside them and erase themselves.
01:13:37 But it's just the satanic panic, right?
Speaker 7
01:13:52 These sessions were intense and often brutal.01:13:55 The participants signed contracts agreeing not to leave and to allow the trainers to do anything they thought necessary to break down their socially constructed identities.
01:14:08 If I push harder than you do, I'm going to squash you so you better push fast now hard.01:14:13 Do it.
01:14:14 That's it.
01:14:14 Do it.
01:14:16 Good, good again.
01:14:29 Wow, that's that's some therapy, huh?
01:14:35 We're gonna.
01:14:35 We're gonna push you and push you and push you until you release.
01:14:38 That ******* demon.
Speaker 17
01:14:44 The real point to the S training was to go down through layer after layer after layer after layer until you got to the last layer and peeled it off.01:14:57 Where the recognition was that it's really all meaningless and empty.
01:15:21 I mean, holy ****, how is that not like a demon possessed guy right there.01:15:41 Wonder how the Boomers ended up.
01:15:42 Like they did, this is how.
Speaker 22
01:15:45 This is how.Devon
01:15:48 This was normal.01:15:51 This was a normal thing in American Society.
01:15:56 If you weren't a boomer that went to one of these things.
01:16:01 You probably knew one that did.
01:16:05 And it wasn't like ohh Wow, Jimmy is really going out the the crazy town cause he went to that demon position.
01:16:10 No, it was it was it was self he.
01:16:12 Was self actualizing.
01:16:22 So this this Jew could get rich destroying you.
01:16:29 Erase you until nothing was left of you and all that was left.
01:16:32 Was the ******* demon.
Speaker 17
01:16:38 That's one step further.01:16:40 In that.
01:16:41 People began to recognize that it was not only meaningless and empty.
01:16:45 But it was empty and meaningless that it was empty and meaningless.
01:16:49 And in that, there's an enormous freedom.
01:16:52 All the constrictions, all of the rules you've placed on yourself.
01:16:59 Are gone.
01:17:00 And what you're left with is nothing.
01:17:03 And nothing is an extraordinarily powerful place to stand.
01:17:14 I mean.01:17:16 I I don't have.
01:17:17 He he said everything that there it is, he just said it.
01:17:30 Once again, thanks, Jews.
01:17:31 You're always you're you contribute so much to Western societies, don't you?
01:17:39 So, so they they put such a high value in education.
01:17:45 Entrepreneurship and this guy, he look, he's just he's just a go getter.
01:17:49 He just knows how.
01:17:49 To make a buck, that's all.
Speaker 20
01:17:55 What Earhart did?01:17:57 Was to say that only the individual matters.
01:18:01 That there is no societal concern that you living a fulfilled life is all you need to be concerned about.
01:18:12 Asked people came out of those trainings feeling that it wasn't selfish to think about yourself.
01:18:18 It was your highest duty.
01:18:21 Sound like a a generation you, you know.01:18:25 It's not selfish to think about yourself.
01:18:28 In fact, it's your highest duty.
01:18:32 There is no society.
01:18:35 There are no traditions.
01:18:38 There's just you and whatever you and your demon wants.
01:18:43 In fact, there's not even you.
01:18:45 It's just your demon and whatever he wants.
01:18:58 Nothing makes a difference, but even the even the New York Times journalist, of course, is.
01:19:02 Jewish, like everyone, everyone in this is Jewish.
01:19:06 It's insane that literally everyone in this is Jewish.
01:19:13 So yeah, the then they go back to the the guy that was hired by the insurance companies to try to figure out what.
01:19:19 The hell is going on out there?
01:19:25 And the more he researches it, the more he realizes this, this thing, that kind of started out as a fringe movement.
01:19:35 Has saturated.
01:19:37 Boomer culture.
01:19:40 By when?
01:19:43 Well, I don't know.
01:19:45 By the late 1970s, when the portal of Hell was opened.
Speaker 18
01:19:52 In 1970, it was a small percentage of the total population maybe 3 to 5%.01:20:01 By 1980.
01:20:03 It had spread to the vast majority of the public, up to 80%.
01:20:13 There you go.01:20:17 It's not just it really isn't just a coincidence.
01:20:24 That just by analyzing culture.
01:20:28 I came to the conclusion that, huh, something real bad seems to have happened in the 70s.
01:20:35 And by the late 70s, it was like the the.
01:20:37 Gates of Hell were opened.
01:20:40 They literally were.
01:20:43 You had groups of Satanic Jews.
01:20:52 Performing demon possession sessions.
01:20:58 On boomers.
01:21:01 For like a decade.
01:21:06 And by the end of the 1970s.
01:21:09 It had penetrated to about 80% of the population.
01:21:22 And the culture reflects that.
01:21:23 It's it's so easy to look at culture and realize and and see like ohh that's why.
01:21:30 That's why they they had mainstream movies with child ****.
01:21:34 Because who cares?
01:21:41 Literally, who cares?
01:21:43 There's no society.
01:21:47 Just as long as there's enough.
01:21:48 Hey, what?
01:21:49 As long as there's there's enough boomers that want to buy it.
01:21:56 Then why not make child ****?
Speaker 7
01:22:03 A psychologist called Abraham Maslow.Devon
01:22:08 OK.01:22:08 Obviously, yes.
01:22:12 Another another Jew.
01:22:14 But go on.
Speaker 7
01:22:17 Through observing the work at places like Escalon, Maslow had invented a new system of psychological types.01:22:24 He called it the hierarchy of needs, and it described the different emotional stages that people went through as they liberated their feelings.
01:22:32 At the top were self actualization. This was the point at which individuals became completely self-directed and free of society.
01:22:43 So yet another Jew starts categorizing boomers into different categories, and then these research centers start getting involved because they're trying to understand these new satanic individualist boomers.01:22:59 And you know how to how to do this.
01:23:02 We're getting to like the 80s now, right?
01:23:05 And how to continue to to make money off the, turn them into consumers, keep them as consumers.
01:23:12 You know, how do we, how do we keep these these very self-centered Satanists that are Americans? Now how do we keep them buying our ****?
01:23:24 And so they they established a Research Center, I think at Stanford and this, I thought this was funny.
01:23:31 They talked about how they they sent.
01:23:32 Out one of their their first questionnaires and they were surprised by the response.
Speaker 19
01:23:41 We were trying to find out what people really felt like, so we asked these really penetrating questions and we hired a a company that administers surveys, you know, to do them.01:23:53 They said they've never seen anything like it.
01:23:55 Usually you have to send out a postcard 6 weeks and then another postcard, and then you got to call the people up, you know, to get the return rates up.
01:24:03 We had an 86% return and they only sent out one postcard. People love filling out this questionnaire.
01:24:12 You mean boomers like talking about themselves?Speaker
01:24:16 No way.Devon
01:24:18 That's what it was.01:24:20 That's what it was.
01:24:22 They sent out these.
01:24:23 Uh, you know these?
01:24:24 These personality tests basically right?
01:24:28 And and all these narcissists were like.
01:24:30 Ohh yeah well.Devon
01:24:31 This is I've always wanted to express myself in in this in this way.01:24:38 And so they had like an 86% return rate on their their little gay personality test ****.
01:24:44 And so that technology developed into new ways of analyzing and predicting behavior because they they could, based on on the the survey questions, they could rather than I I guess that what they did is they they said the technology switch from like back in the Bernays Day.
01:25:04 They would try to.
01:25:06 They would look at behavior.
01:25:08 They would look at behavior and then have that inform how they were going to try to to do the **** **** how they're going to the sign up and now.
01:25:16 They are.
01:25:17 Based on this, categorize these categories that that Satan Jew guy came up with.
01:25:27 They were able to start predicting behavior instead of trying to chase behavior.
01:25:36 And so this is when they started using computers for the first time to analyze all the and start to look for the patterns.
01:25:43 And so this is when the the IT was no longer just you know the this really you know time consuming predictive modeling it was it was you know slow computers, simple computers and whatever but it was able to at least eliminate a lot of the the busy work.
01:26:03 So they did that for a while and that seemed to work and and and.
01:26:08 The Satanic, you know, demon possessed boomers.
01:26:11 We're we're back to being good little consumers.
Speaker 2
01:26:15 While the new beings.Speaker 7
01:26:16 Felt liberated.01:26:18 They had become increasingly dependent for their identity on business.
01:26:23 The corporations had realised that it was in their interest to encourage people to feel that they were unique individuals and then offer them ways to express that individuality.
Speaker 2
01:26:34 The world in.Speaker 7
01:26:35 Which people felt they were rebelling against.01:26:37 Conformity was not a threat to business, but its greatest opportunity.
01:26:50 And then I love, I love how the so this is this is towards the end of the the documentary.01:26:57 And then they get this Jew.
01:27:00 Because they're all Jews.
01:27:03 To comment on like, what's the conclusion of of you know, the all of this advertising and and siop and demon possession and this is this is his.
Speaker 21
01:27:15 It was the triumph of a certain self indulgence, a view that.01:27:21 Everything in the world and all moral judgment was appropriately viewed through the lens of personal satisfaction.
01:27:33 So it's all about.01:27:35 It's literally all.
01:27:36 About personal satisfaction.
01:27:38 Do what thou wilt.
01:27:39 It's literally he's he's it's he's a satanist.
01:27:44 But continue.
Speaker 21
01:27:46 Indeed, the ultimate ending point of that logic is that there is no society.Devon
01:27:54 The ultimate endpoint of that logic is.01:27:57 There is no society.
01:28:02 See is this is this starting to maybe explain the boomers a little bit.
01:28:06 There is no society, there's just you.
Speaker 21
01:28:12 There was only a bunch of individual people making individual choices to promote their own individual well-being.Devon
01:28:23 And that's the boomers.01:28:27 There is no society, there's just individuals.
01:28:30 Everyone's an individual.
01:28:33 I can't want people into.
01:28:34 Groups because we're all individuals.
01:28:45 You know, once again, thanks Jews.
01:28:51 Well, yeah, I can't imagine what our our society would be like without them.
01:28:55 Actually, I I dream about it all the.
01:28:57 But you know it's it's hard to know what it would be like.
01:29:00 How good it?
01:29:00 Would be is there a limit?
Speaker 8
01:29:04 I don't know.Devon
01:29:07 Only one way to find out anyway so.01:29:15 So yeah, that, that that was the part three of the century of self and I was just I was.
01:29:21 Like I said, I was just.
01:29:22 I was a little bit shocked that there was mass, satanic Jew demon possession sessions going on that I'd never heard of.
01:29:30 I I had never heard of that.
01:29:32 I've literally never heard of that ****.
01:29:35 And apparently it had a penetration of about 80% according to.
01:29:41 You know that research guy?
01:29:42 You know how accurate is that?
01:29:44 I don't know.
01:29:44 But I guarantee you it was.
01:29:46 I mean, look, the anecdotal evidence that I have leads me to believe it's pretty ******* accurate.
01:29:53 Oh, look at Churro.
01:29:54 He's you finally get to see his.
01:29:56 Face he's see.
01:29:59 He he, he he would never hurt anybody.
01:30:01 He he would never possess people with demons.
01:30:14 So let's take a look at the the hyper chats here.
01:30:17 Holy ****.
01:30:18 Right?
01:30:19 I mean, ******* ******* nuts.
01:30:21 ******* nuts.
01:30:24 Can't wait till.
01:30:25 The the last episode of this actually I'm almost afraid most afraid of where it goes from here.
01:30:32 But that explains the that explains the boomers in a way that I never would have.
01:30:38 Never would have understood otherwise.
01:30:42 All right. Let's see here.
01:30:54 Technique $25.
01:30:59 YouTube baby back the bus.
01:31:02 Merry Christmas, Devin.
01:31:04 It's not much, but I appreciate the dedication.
01:31:06 Hey, well, hey, I appreciate it.
01:31:09 That's that's very generous, actually.
01:31:11 A harmless Gee.
01:31:12 I saw your gab post.
01:31:14 Yellowstone was always pause from the beginning.
01:31:17 It pushed.
01:31:17 Did you notice out?
01:31:18 Alright, So what he's talking about in on Gab, I post posted a article I think in variety talking about the first gay kiss that was going to be in Yellowstone.
01:31:27 I had people.
01:31:28 Telling me Oh no.
01:31:30 It's it's actually, it's a really based show which.
01:31:32 I knew was a lie.
01:31:33 Because there's no such thing.
01:31:35 You have satanic Jews, green lighting everything.
01:31:38 You think they're a green light, something based.
01:31:41 I I I don't understand these people and their addiction to the electric Talmud, I I really don't understand why they they can't find something productive to deal with their time.
01:31:51 But a lot of people can't.
01:31:52 I guess there's just a lot of people who aren't very interesting and they need to watch fake stories that Jews write for them on the TV screen.
01:32:02 And and and convince themselves that they're that they're based.
01:32:06 It was always pause from the beginning.
01:32:07 It pushed anti white narratives regarding engines.
01:32:10 Also the female lead is the most insufferable **** imaginable, and her main grievance is that she can't have kids because an abortion she had as a teenager left her sterilized.
01:32:20 Well, at least at least there's a little justice there.
01:32:26 I don't know 1428. What's your take on the new comment delete feature on GAB?
01:32:36 You know, I saw that.
01:32:37 I don't I.
01:32:38 I think it's a bad idea.
01:32:40 No, it's one of those things where if it's not broke, don't fix it.
01:32:43 No one was asking for that, and if there was someone asking for that, that's kind of suspect, I'd like to know who that someone was.
01:32:52 I hopefully it's just a bad idea that go that gets what?
01:32:57 What he's talking about.
01:32:58 My understanding is I saw the the post briefly and I just in fact it's kind of amazing that I saw it cause I'm not on.
01:33:05 Gab very often, especially the last few days.
01:33:08 But I did see the post from Andrew Torba saying that.
01:33:11 Oh, we have this new feature where you can delete comments on your own.
01:33:16 Posts right?
01:33:17 And I'm thinking to myself well.
01:33:18 You can just.
01:33:19 You can block people and that takes care of it, right?
01:33:22 Like that.
01:33:24 You're, you're.
01:33:25 You're coming up with a solution that that doesn't have a problem.
01:33:30 And unless I just don't understand what the problem is, cause I I don't see where that would ever be a necessary feature unless it's to.
01:33:40 You know, I guess.
01:33:43 Give a false representation as to what people think about what you said.
01:33:48 I I don't understand why you would want anyone that.
01:33:53 Because like I said, you can just block if if someone's ******** all over your posts all the time.
01:33:58 And look, I've done it.
01:33:59 I've I haven't blocked very many people, but I've blocked a couple people where it's.
01:34:02 Just like, OK, you're just autistically.
01:34:04 Commenting nonsense on everything I post and so you're.
01:34:09 And and that and they're gone.
01:34:10 It's done.
01:34:11 You know, like in fact, it's it's easier to do that than to delete their individual.
01:34:15 So I don't see why that feature was added and hopefully it's.
01:34:20 He realizes it's a bad idea.
01:34:23 But if not, whatever you know.
01:34:25 It is what it is.
01:34:30 Aladdin $25.
01:34:36 You stole the show on millennial a fantastic show.
01:34:39 Thanks for playing the the trashman.
01:34:43 Ohh, the bird.
01:34:44 Bird is the word.
01:34:45 Right.
01:34:47 Well, thanks.
01:34:47 I'm glad you checked it out.
01:34:50 Yeah, I think we did.
01:34:51 Do I think we did awesome numbers on that.
01:34:57 It's uh.
01:35:00 It was easy, it was easy peasy.
01:35:02 Like I said, it was.
01:35:03 Kind of like.
01:35:03 When I when I'm on other people's.
01:35:05 Streams that kind of.
01:35:05 Feels like there's a load off right?
01:35:07 Like I don't have to come up with the ideas.
01:35:10 They just have.
01:35:10 I just have to show up.
01:35:14 And he said to show up and respond to whatever someone else thought of, you know, so it's.
01:35:20 But I appreciate that.
01:35:21 I'm glad.
01:35:22 Glad you guys enjoyed it.
01:35:23 And yeah, share it around, share it around.
01:35:27 UM.Devon
01:35:29 Lucid Nebula how do you get around the tremendous amount of censorship when doing research into past events?01:35:37 I'm not great at research, but I still thought I would be able to find more on Jewish slave trade than just a book from the Nation of Islam.
01:35:45 Given the time I spent, any resources would be appreciated.
01:35:50 I mean, I I don't know.
01:35:53 I mean, a lot of that's probably not going to be on the Internet.
01:35:55 I I would start by using multiple search engines.
01:35:58 I would not use Google for anything unless it's something that's not controversial and and even then it's you're kind of asking for trouble because you're Google is.
01:36:09 Is is going to try to guide you towards some product or something stupid.
01:36:14 Anyway it's it's.
01:36:14 They're their search engine is just trash now.
01:36:17 Brave is getting better.
01:36:21 But there's Yandex, which is like the Russian one.
01:36:27 I don't know if.
01:36:30 I I'll occasionally use Yahoo when looking for videos because it seems to do a better job of finding videos on on multiple platforms.
01:36:40 I'll use some time even though you know DuckDuckGo is run by Jews.
01:36:44 And so you're you're, you know, good luck.
01:36:46 Maybe that that's one of the ones that things they censor.
01:36:49 UM.Devon
01:36:51 Yeah, you just have to use a lot of different things. And another thing I would do is go to Just because there's a lot of stuff that won't show up in a web search.
01:37:03 That will show up on and look, there's a lot of garbage on in the same way. There's a lot of garbage on.
01:37:10 You know 4 Chan, right?
01:37:11 Like you have to sift through a lot of garbage to find like the Nuggets.
01:37:14 And it's the. So it's the same kind of game. It's it's, you'll find a lot of but crap. But like the cool thing is, with, you'll find some sperg. Maybe that uploaded like some crazy, stupid, Illuminati, whatever video, but a lot of times.
01:37:31 You'll also find these posts where they actually reference everything.
01:37:34 And they'll give you other, you know, keywords to look for.
01:37:38 And it's.
01:37:39 Yeah, it's just it's a process that, that one thing that would be amazing.
01:37:45 Is if I think like if I had an account or access to LexisNexis.
01:37:53 But I think it's like and and it's like it's something crazy.
01:37:55 It's something.
01:37:56 It's almost like like 50 grand a year or something like it.
01:38:00 It's it's literally insane because they it's a search engine that I think not only does it search like.
01:38:08 Like pretty much all books ever written, all articles ever written, even I think they've transcribed.
01:38:16 Like almost all footage ever aired on TV and movies.
01:38:20 Like it's just it's insane search engine that can that that connects you to everything, but they make the cost of it so much that.
01:38:28 You know, it's impossible to a normal person.
01:38:31 To afford it.
01:38:33 So it's more just brute forcing it.
01:38:37 And in those books, look, if you find a book like the Nation of Islam Book.
01:38:42 Look and see if they reference things which I'm sure they do.
01:38:45 I'm sure like you know it's Nation of Islam, but I'm sure they still reference something and then you track down those, you might end up having to go to the library.
01:38:54 You know, for some of this stuff.
01:39:00 Let's see here.
01:39:01 And then you say sorry for the small tip.
01:39:03 Money won't be so tight starting next year, you rock.
01:39:06 That's not a big deal.
01:39:07 I appreciate whatever you can do.
01:39:11 And and good luck with next year.
01:39:13 Whatever it is that's going to get you lots.
01:39:14 Of money? That sounds awesome.
01:39:16 Truth 1621 recently watched Pat Con 6. The J6 gaslighting is unbelievable. Capital PD killed two more than an hour before protesters went inside.
01:39:30 They're hiding the true cause of the chaos, police, incitement and brutality.
01:39:37 No, I I I believe that and I will copy that.
01:39:43 I think that you've sent me this before, but.
01:39:46 On my old computer where all my notes and crap is dead.
01:39:49 So let me let me.
01:39:52 Let me put this in my new note file.
01:39:59 It's too bad Trump can't well.
01:40:04 It's it's.
01:40:05 It's such a waste.
01:40:07 He's such a waste.
01:40:08 There's so many things.
01:40:13 I mean, not very many.
01:40:14 People get the chance, right?
01:40:17 Not very many people get the chance to be.
01:40:20 Someone great.
01:40:22 And he had that chance, and he just ******* blew it on baseball cards.
01:40:26 It's just like, what the ****?
01:40:31 Trying to find my note file.
01:40:33 Sorry, there it is.
Speaker 11
01:40:36 OK.Devon
01:40:40 Natural Selectionist American workers and your name so long I can't. I can't see the whole thing, but $25.01:40:52 YouTube baby back the bus.
01:40:54 All right.
01:40:58 If you want to know how controlled both sides are, the GOP and progressives are both Golem of Prague references Golem of Prog reference references.
01:41:11 Well, they're both golems.
01:41:12 I don't know what the prog references means.
01:41:16 But yeah, no, it is.
01:41:16 They control both sides.
01:41:18 They control both sides.
01:41:20 You're going to be on Red Team going to be on Blue team.
01:41:24 And in this case, like look they, they they **** ****** Americans in two polar opposite directions.
01:41:30 And in both cases it was.
01:41:32 It was.
01:41:34 Actually, it was exclusively Jews.
01:41:38 Very little going participation.
01:41:43 It's insane.
01:41:43 To me.
01:41:44 It's insane to me that they were able to do this.
01:41:48 That within just a couple generations, they had this kind of power.
01:41:52 And like I said.
01:41:53 It makes you wonder.
01:41:54 They're almost.
01:41:57 I mean, I don't have any evidence of it other than just circumstantial, but it almost seems like it had to have been coordinated in some way.
01:42:02 The fact that these people are just showing up, they have enough money to just build up these institutions overnight with nothing like where is this money coming from?
01:42:10 They all seem to be working towards the same goal. They all they, you know, and again 2% of the population.
01:42:16 Miraculously, they're all like they're all Jewish.
01:42:19 Everyone involved in this **** **** ****, they're all Jewish and they're all working towards the same end.
01:42:27 How is?
01:42:27 How is that a coincidence?
01:42:34 I just at a certain point.
01:42:38 You know.
01:42:41 Your suspension of disbelief.
01:42:43 Can only be suspended so much before you're like this is a bad movie.
01:42:47 This is.
01:42:49 There's no there's.
01:42:50 No way that could happen.
01:42:52 There's no way.
01:42:54 And that's when you cease to be a spectator.
01:42:58 01 Dollar Thank you for all your work. You make me laugh even in this Dark World. I thank my friend chance for showing me your channel. Well, thank you and thank you to chance.
01:43:12 Appreciate it.
01:43:15 Graham playing games Canada is upping the immigration to insane levels on top of the extremely high levels up to up to now.
01:43:24 Canada is essentially a massive tenement block.
01:43:28 It's not a nation.
01:43:29 Sure, it's a country, a really foolish one.
01:43:32 It means nothing now to be Canadian.
01:43:35 Look more into Canadian problems in history.
01:43:37 Lots to see yet Canada is ******.
01:43:40 Canada is is is because.
01:43:44 Even though it looks big on the map, people forget that the population of Canada is not.
01:43:49 It's like when when I was talking about island the other day, there was the guy on, you know, on millennial that said that, yeah, islands.
01:43:56 Really got.
01:43:57 You know, 7 million people.
01:44:00 And this is what's crazy.
01:44:02 There's more Irish people in America.
01:44:05 Then there are in Ireland.
01:44:08 And and look Canada it it looks huge on the map, but their population isn't what it is, you know, you know, what is it like? We've got close to 400 million at this point.
01:44:19 Let me look at the population of Canada.
01:44:23 And it's it's it's like 50%.
01:44:26 Not Canadian at this point.
01:44:30 Holy ****.
01:44:31 I mean, it's 40 million.
01:44:33 That, that's that's that's nothing.
01:44:36 You know, that's basically like what New York State or the the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
01:44:42 You know what I mean?
01:44:43 So it looks big, but there's no one that ****. It's like Australia's the same way, like no one ******* lives there. And so it's way easier to wipe them out as a people.
01:44:53 And they're wrong.
01:44:54 It's it's apparently we're easy to do it in America, too.
01:44:59 But it's gonna happen so much faster in places like Ireland, Canada and Australia.
01:45:07 Harmless G.
01:45:08 Did you check out the Mark Collette string with JF Gariepy?
01:45:13 I can never.
01:45:13 I don't know how you really say his name.
01:45:15 Don't say JFK and David Duke.
01:45:17 Great discussion on evolutionary history of the Jews.
01:45:21 I is that a recent one?
01:45:23 I I didn't see that pop up.
01:45:25 I haven't seen anything with JF and Mark Collette in a while.
01:45:29 I didn't know that Jeff was was even going on.
01:45:33 It seems like every time he goes on to.
01:45:35 The stream, it's that.
01:45:35 Horrible debate.
01:45:37 YouTube channel with the Psycho.
01:45:44 Well, anarcho communists like it doesn't make any sense.
01:45:47 Like you can't, you can't.
01:45:49 Be both man, but yeah, it could be interesting.
01:45:54 I could check that out.
01:45:55 I mean I have an idea of probably how the you know I I I I.
01:45:59 Probably know how it goes, but it when you know it's, it's probably interesting to check out.
01:46:04 The same.
01:46:05 Truth it's truly a it's truly wild how the country mourns in unison for dead criminal blacks but ignores the four protesters murdered by cops on J.
01:46:16 Six more proof on how fake and gay everything in the MSM is.
01:46:21 You are right.
01:46:22 We need to venerate our martyrs instead of we're too busy.
01:46:25 Optics cucking and losing at every turn.
01:46:28 Yeah. Well, it's because look, they're playing both sides. Look at who's funding the the quote, UN quote, MAGA movement. It's literally like all **** and Jews like it literally is more fat. Jews like, like sometimes it's but.
01:46:43 And you know it's.
01:46:46 They're not there to win.
01:46:48 You know these satanic Jews that were doing mass demon possessions of of, of the boomers.
01:46:54 They weren't really trying to undo the damage Freud did.
01:46:57 Are you kidding me?
01:46:59 Of course not.
01:47:01 Like I said, it's just it's just an axe hitting both sides of the tree.
01:47:06 That's all it is.
01:47:09 So yeah, they're not going to.
01:47:11 It's not even like optics cooking because I I think, well, there's probably some well meaning people that really are like, ohh yeah, I don't want to talk about that.
01:47:19 Because you know.
01:47:20 I learned about this 90s political consultant term called optics and you know, I don't want it to, you know, don't have.
01:47:29 You know, there's probably some of that, but ultimately there's people that don't want to talk about it because.
01:47:36 They they want to maintain the status quo.
01:47:38 They're a part.
01:47:39 Of it, and it's profitable for them.
01:47:42 Why would you want to rock the boat?
01:47:44 It's like, you know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
01:47:46 Kind of a thing.
01:47:48 You can make they can make these people can make a ton of money.
01:47:52 From the the the donors that that would certainly dry up the second they did start talking.
01:47:58 About some of this stuff.
01:48:00 They'll make more money.
01:48:01 They can rationalize in their head.
01:48:03 They're like, well, it's it's it's, it's fine because, you know, I'm reaching more people like that argument, right.
01:48:08 No, it's fine that I water everything down and lie and talk in code word.
01:48:12 And and just and I can't have any kind of real discussion about anything.
01:48:18 Because I'm reaching more people, reaching them with what?
01:48:23 You know, but it is what it is.
01:48:27 Ohh let us Linus thoughts.
01:48:30 With some *** **** money, I gotta find the *** **** money thing.
01:48:37 Oh, where is it?
01:48:38 Oh, here it is.
Speaker 11
01:48:39 Money is power.01:48:41 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
01:48:45 Go, Julie, this *** is.01:49:08 Ah Landis.
01:49:10 I've been listening to you for many years.
01:49:12 Since the end of your YouTube days, I can't thank you enough for exposing the propaganda they subject us to on a daily basis.
01:49:20 I've shown your I've shown your show to my sister and she is now aware of.
01:49:26 The JQ.
01:49:27 Thank you, God bless and have a Merry Christmas, Devin.
01:49:29 Well, Merry Christmas to you.
01:49:30 Really appreciate the generosity there.
01:49:33 And hello to your sister.
01:49:34 If if you're out there.
01:49:36 Uh, yeah, just doing my duty.
01:49:38 Just doing my duty.
01:49:39 OK.
01:49:40 So, but I really appreciate the generosity.
01:49:45 It makes it easier to do.
01:49:47 But yeah, I'm just doing it.
01:49:48 I I think everyone should identify something that they can do.
01:49:52 And that helps helps the community, helps dig us.
01:49:55 Out of this hole.
01:49:58 That the the Boomers pranced and twitched into while self actualizing.
01:50:04 And you know.
01:50:07 And you know, try to help as many of your fellow.
01:50:11 Hello, brothers and sisters, out of this hole with a with with you.
01:50:15 So I mean, I don't know.
01:50:16 I really appreciate the generosity and and the kind words.
01:50:21 Looking glass happy Solstice Devon longtime replay listener, first time sticking around for a whole stream potato naggers can rest assured that Mormons are just mountain Jews.
01:50:32 Have a chuckle.
01:50:36 What is this link you sent me?
01:50:40 I'll try it it better.
01:50:41 Not hard.
01:50:42 Lock my machine like some often this **** does.
Speaker 26
01:50:45 Hey, what the?Devon
01:50:47 Oh, that someone.01:50:51 All right.
01:50:51 Well, I don't know.
01:50:53 I don't know if this is going to be, is this really going to?
01:50:55 Be funny or is it going to be funny?
01:50:58 How do I how do I not?
01:50:59 Why won't it let me download this file?
01:51:04 I can't play in the browser.
01:51:06 And streamable's not letting me just download it for some reason.
01:51:12 Oh, that's annoying.
01:51:16 And see if Jayden letter will will get it. Jayden Leonard's been acting like garbage since I got my new computer.
01:51:21 And I don't know if it's cause it's some Java problem or what.
01:51:30 Alright, let's see if this works.
01:51:39 So this looks like a parody of that CIA woman.
01:51:47 Let's see if it plays.
Speaker 26
01:51:58 Hey, what the **** is up?01:52:00 My name is Lupe Moreno and I'm in the ******* CIA.
01:52:04 I make 6 figures to listen to Muslim guys Alexis all day.
01:52:08 I can't believe I got this ******* job.
01:52:11 I filled out my.
01:52:11 Application in a pink jail pin in the cafeteria of my Community College, where I was a felon.
01:52:17 Summer class.
01:52:18 And I got ******* mail all over it.
01:52:20 But the CIA didn't give a ****.
01:52:22 They said I was an important voice and asked me how soon I could start.
01:52:26 I said I don't want that job yet.
01:52:28 I have nine more weeks of unemployment and they said OK and waited.
01:52:32 I have three kids, but they do their own thing when they're being ******* loud, I give them.
01:52:37 Incomings and put a.
01:52:38 Aculus playing euphoria on their head and put them to bed with a weighted blanket too heavy for them to lift.
01:52:44 They ******* love that show.
01:52:46 I'm an ethnic mom and a Bara secret.
01:52:50 The CIA told me an.
01:52:51 Intersectional and I said, **** you.
01:52:54 I was born a girl and they said that's.
01:52:56 Not what we.
01:52:57 Mean and I said, are you calling these stupid?
01:52:59 And they said that was a teaching moment for them.
01:53:02 I am.
01:53:02 Confident in who I am.
01:53:04 I am a chonga.
01:53:06 I've had seven abortions.
01:53:08 I am a wild ***** who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.
01:53:12 I caught it from this guy who bought my groceries.
01:53:15 He tossed out my ******* fruit.
01:53:17 I'm not supposed to tell you this, but the Kremlin weaponized that shirt.
01:53:20 You can catch it in the ******* air.
01:53:22 Now you need to wear masks around.
01:53:26 I like my job, but sometimes I get sick of listening to Hockin Abubakar Ramadan Arabic phone calls because I don't ******* speak that ****.
01:53:34 So I go.
01:53:34 To the bathroom and take us a box.
01:53:36 On and rub.
01:53:37 My ***** for a hour.
01:53:38 No joke, last week I hacked into this bueller's living room nest camp and his kid was watching TV.
01:53:44 So I just sat there and watched 4 episodes with them.
01:53:48 I can't believe I get paid a.
01:53:50 110.
01:53:50 Grand to do this ****.
01:53:52 Before I was an officer at CIA, I did collections for Blink Fitness and sold peels off Facebook marketplace.
01:53:59 Now I've called it draw strikes on 6 weddings.
01:54:02 I am proud to be crazy as **** and do whatever I want all the.
01:54:06 Time though your words.
01:54:08 Command your space ninja.
01:54:11 You're worth it.
01:54:15 It it was, it was funny.01:54:18 Funny ish.
01:54:20 Funny ish.
01:54:28 It was too long as what it was.
01:54:32 They should have condensed it down to like 30 seconds.
01:54:37 Get you get you get your funniest 30 seconds.
01:54:41 Or maybe I'm just, you know, I'm AD.
01:54:45 But thank you all the same looking glass, Graham, playing games, the kept aquas people.
01:54:52 People could be considered their own ethnic group. They almost won separation of Quebec in 1995 through a vote they lost by a few percent. How much you want to bet that that vote?
01:55:07 Was manipulated.
01:55:08 I yeah, I don't.
01:55:09 I have no no evidence of that at all.
01:55:11 But I just there's just there's so much on the line for in a case like that, the, the, the last thing that you know Canada wants is for Quebec to leave.
01:55:21 I bet there's some shenanigans that took place anyway due to a mass or due to mass immigration into Quebec by not non cequa who didn't give a **** about Quebec's unique people's history and their sovereignty. Yeah, well, I mean, like I said, I.
01:55:39 It's entirely possible that vote went to different way.
01:55:45 I mean, voter fraud's not new in the West.
01:55:48 You know, this whole Western democracy and we're just, we're so pure.
01:55:52 It's ********.
01:55:53 There was even there was even voter fraud in like, the Kennedy Nixon elections.
01:56:00 I mean, the voter fraud has.
01:56:01 Been around a long, long *******.
01:56:03 Time look that movie gangs in New York and and or even the.
01:56:08 That that Jewish cartoon comment or what is it?
01:56:13 About the the mouse that comes in from Ukraine, the the Ukrainian Jewish mouse that comes to America around the turn of the century.
01:56:20 But you know to to **** ** America.
01:56:23 So the what's the first thing they do?
01:56:25 They show, like, how there's all kinds of voter fraud, like, right off the bat.
01:56:29 And the same thing.
01:56:30 You know, gangs in New York, there was tons of voter fraud around the turn of the century.
01:56:34 There's always been voter fraud.
01:56:37 So I wouldn't be surprised if that vote actually went a different way.
01:56:43 Friendly neighborhood fascist.
01:56:45 The Gateway really opened in 1945 as Doctor Goebel said, humanity would sink into eternal darkness. It would fall into a dull and primitive state where the Jews to win this war and really the ball got rolling in the 1960s and they planted the Holocaust seed. Right now it's it's.
01:57:06 Yeah, I mean.
01:57:09 Yeah, you know, it's.
01:57:13 Yeah. I mean, it's hard.
01:57:14 It's hard to deny reality, right?
01:57:16 It's hard to deny what you see around you.
01:57:20 Oh, we got Christ pilled.
01:57:23 With with more *** **** money, where is the?
01:57:26 Where is it?
01:57:28 Where is it?
01:57:31 I got to reorganize all this stuff.
Speaker 11
01:57:35 Here we are.01:57:36 Money is power.
01:57:37 Money is the only weapon that the Jew.
01:57:39 Has to defend himself with.
01:57:41 Look how Julie this *** is.01:58:01 Here's your Christmas present.
01:58:02 Devin, you are way better than the ****** on millennial and my friends and workmates are looking forward to the other hope too.
01:58:11 We love you.
01:58:11 Well, I appreciate that.
01:58:13 Yeah, it's.
01:58:14 Yeah, I know it's writing books too hard.
01:58:21 I'm trying.
01:58:21 I'm trying.
01:58:22 I'm trying to get done I I have a million other things going on, but I'm trying to get done.
01:58:26 I really appreciate that.
01:58:27 Merry Christmas to you as well, and I appreciate the kind words.
01:58:30 And I'm I like I said, I'm, I'm glad everyone seemed to like like that stream.
01:58:38 Pebble in the pond $25.
01:58:49 There we go.
01:58:50 Without context, Pebble in the pond.
01:58:54 I hope you had a wonderful winter solstice.
01:58:57 I really enjoyed your appearance on lineal this year.
01:59:00 Well, I appreciate that.
01:59:01 And yes, I did.
01:59:03 I'm I you know the.
01:59:04 Funny thing is.
01:59:06 Days are supposed to.
01:59:07 Start getting longer now, right and.
01:59:10 But I'm pretty sure like this is.
01:59:13 It gets it keeps getting colder for like another month.
01:59:15 I could be wrong, but you know the worst is not over in terms of winter all it.
01:59:21 Hasn't been that bad of a winter out here.
01:59:23 It's been surprisingly.
01:59:26 Surprisingly, surprisingly tolerable.
01:59:29 Given my my lack of central heating.
01:59:32 I rely on basically a a chinci space heater and look, you know, Churro looks nice and cozy in his little tub.
01:59:44 So yeah.
01:59:47 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:59:50 The Ministry of Truth.
01:59:53 I appreciate you playing my song a couple of strings back.
01:59:56 I usually prefer the unsettling ambient ending to bass drops like the Aphex Twin.
02:00:02 However, I will make you a saw with a bass drop next time, hopefully sometime in January or February.
02:00:08 Since I'm in the process of moving well, yeah, no problem.
02:00:11 Good luck with your move.
02:00:13 There and yeah, yeah, just like.
02:00:18 I just like the bass drop.
02:00:19 Maybe it's the Wigger in.
02:00:20 Me, I don't know.
02:00:21 But yeah.
02:00:25 I do like a good bass drum.
02:00:28 Ohh yeah, we.
02:00:29 Pretty good donation there goy boy goy. Boy 1488. I want to do something unique here. I don't know if I have one.
02:00:44 How do I do 2?
02:00:52 There we go.
02:00:55 That's why I mix.
02:00:55 It up, I got to get.
02:00:56 More of those things loaded in here.
02:00:59 But yeah, *** **** money. I have shown the day Liberty died to many of my family, and some have started taking the first step in seeing through the JQ. Will you make a single comprehensive and condensed overview video to help convert those who are close but still partly brainwashed? Ah, no. I mean, people have asked about that.
02:01:18 I just think I don't know that you can really do that.
02:01:22 I don't.
02:01:24 I mean, I don't know.
02:01:24 Maybe I'll tell you what.
02:01:26 Never say never, right?
02:01:27 But I I I don't I.
02:01:30 Think that it would be.
02:01:32 It'd be hard to just be like here.
02:01:34 Here's the video that's going to chew pill and ignore me.
02:01:36 I don't think you can do that because that video didn't even exist.
02:01:40 For me.
02:01:41 What did it for me was was kind of like weeks, maybe even months of researching and just watching these compilation videos of, you know.
02:01:52 From their of Jews, saying it themselves right and.
02:01:59 You know, a lot of those channels got banned.
02:02:01 Like, I think, like Johnny Gap was a big one and a lot of these channels that that would just have these compilation videos of Jews basically admitting to wanting white genocide to happen, you know, and and helping it happen.
02:02:15 Happily admitting to it.
02:02:19 And you know in, in, in the like, right?
02:02:24 That's what did it for me.
02:02:25 That and just paying attention, you know, like I had that friend that said, hey, look, just next time there's some scumbag in.
02:02:31 The news just look.
02:02:33 You know whether whether it's an Epstein or a Weinstein or a or a Stein this or a Berg that you know, like the bacon fried.
02:02:41 Yeah. Why? Why? Why are they all Jews? 2% of the population. How come they're all these super scumbags?
02:02:49 Bankman fried being a good example.
02:02:52 Why is it they're always Jewish?
02:02:54 Why is it that everyone in in in what we just watched every single one involved in in the mass demon possession, the almost the industrialization of demon possession in America to mass demon?
02:03:08 You know, demon possessed boomers?
02:03:10 Why were they all Jewish?
02:03:12 And they were.
02:03:14 Why were the people that say often **** brain ****** the people before those people, all Jewish?
02:03:21 And they were.
02:03:24 You know it.
02:03:25 It it's.
02:03:25 I just think it's it I.
02:03:26 Don't think you can do that in.
02:03:29 In in a short, it's almost like saying, hey, you should make a 5 minute video.
02:03:33 That turns anyone into a Christian I.
02:03:34 Mean you can't really do that, right?
02:03:37 But you know, maybe, maybe maybe making more normally friendly stuff.
02:03:42 I just.
02:03:42 For me, it's hard for me to do that now because I'm not in that mindset anymore.
02:03:46 When I was making the more normally friendly videos, it's cause like I myself was still kind of grappling with it right.
02:03:52 And so I knew I knew my reservations.
02:03:57 You know, when I was, I guess not holding back so much as I guess that's what it was, is I wasn't holding back in those those older videos I just was wasn't fully.
02:04:07 Comprehending how big the problem was, yet and as I did it just my ability to hold back.
02:04:13 Just kind of, you know, you wrote it.
02:04:17 It's real hard that it's almost like.
02:04:21 If your kids in the street.
02:04:23 And a cars coming at them.
02:04:25 Some you gotta you gotta.
02:04:27 You're going to scare the kid, but you need to grab them and pull them out of the way.
02:04:30 Of the car.
02:04:31 Right.
02:04:32 And yeah, you might hurt the kids arm and and you're going to freak the kid out or whatever, but it's.
02:04:36 It's either that or they get hit by the car.
02:04:39 And I kind of feel like that's where we're getting to that point now where.
02:04:42 It's kind of like, look, I can't be nice.
02:04:44 I can't do it like some gentle like.
02:04:46 Come on, Billy.
02:04:47 Get out of the street.
02:04:48 No, the ******* the bus is right there.
02:04:52 You know what I mean?
02:04:52 So you know that's just how I feel about it.
02:04:57 But I do appreciate the support and I appreciate the kind words and yeah, yeah, that's a good video.
02:05:02 I've sent that to a lot of.
02:05:03 People, myself and it does open up a, especially with boomers who who have like a.
02:05:10 You know, like the the support our troops mindset that rubs them the wrong way when they see stuff like that and most of them hate.
02:05:23 Who I I think I'm.
02:05:24 I'm pretty sure he was, wasn't he?
02:05:25 Present at the time.
02:05:26 So it it kind of works in that way too.
02:05:31 Barry, $40. Let's see here.
02:05:37 I thought I had more than that in here.
02:05:40 What is this?
02:05:46 We're gonna.
02:05:46 You're gonna get a kill, ******.
02:05:47 If it after that driveways up.
02:05:51 Come on, drive.
02:05:52 Oh wow.
02:05:54 OK, ******.
02:06:01 There we go.
02:06:09 Barry here.
02:06:09 Here you go.
02:06:10 Dying of pneumonia right now.
02:06:12 For your stream.
02:06:13 Off brand day, quill painkillers and moose anax overdose are helping me get through this tonight.
02:06:20 Here's $40.00 for my first time watching live. Well, get better. But Barry, what I used to do is, you know.
02:06:29 I'm not tired and this is not medical advice and it might.
02:06:32 You might.
02:06:33 This might sound only you will know if this sounds like a good idea.
02:06:36 I I would just turn the shower on, you know, get extra ******* steamy and just sit in the shower until like, you know I could.
02:06:44 Clear out my my passages.
02:06:47 I don't know what your fever is like.
02:06:49 That could be a bad idea if you've got a high fever or whatever.
02:06:51 But yeah, pneumonia sucks.
02:06:54 Yet another reason, by the way, to move out of the cities.
02:06:58 When you leave the cities, you'll it's it's crazy how often you don't get sick.
02:07:04 When I lived in in a very metropolitan area, I got sick constantly.
02:07:08 I felt like I was always getting exposed to like some some new ******* version of pneumonia like I was.
02:07:15 I was.
02:07:15 I had the flu like I had, like every kind of flu is so annoying because you're just getting on these, like, sweaty.
02:07:22 Little trains underground full of people from all over the world.
02:07:26 That was just disgusting.
02:07:29 But yeah, get well quick, Barry, in fact.
02:07:40 That was not the one I was gonna play.
02:07:42 This is the one.
02:07:45 You thought baby?02:07:46 Back the 1st.
02:07:47 Harness the power of the little baby platypus.02:07:50 And you will get better.
02:07:52 Friendly neighbourhood fascist look into Kinsey reports is that the is that the?
02:07:59 The pedo guy.
02:08:02 I think it's the pedo guy that was Don Indiana in the late 40s.
02:08:06 Yeah, that's the pedo guy.
02:08:08 Used a flawed science to convince people that sexual deviants was the norm. They molested children in their experiments. Babies, even the gates of hell, were open in 45 speed up in the 60s and now hell is almost upon us.
02:08:21 Well, I don't know because.
02:08:22 I I don't think the gates hell were opened then I honestly think.
02:08:26 There's always evil in the world, right?
02:08:28 And that was some big time evil.
02:08:30 I know you're talking about.
02:08:30 In fact, they even.
02:08:32 I don't remember if it was him or his assistant, but his daughter later came out and said yeah, I have memory.
02:08:38 They molested me as part of the research.
02:08:42 But yeah, he was.
02:08:43 He was writing.
02:08:44 He had conversation.
02:08:46 He had, like, correspondence was the was like correspondence with active serial pedophiles.
02:08:53 And he was clinically asking them, you know, if the babies were orgasm, like babies, they they were molesting babies.
02:09:01 Yeah, super funked up.
02:09:02 I know what you're I know you're talking about.
02:09:04 I've I've started on a couple of streams on that guy, and it's just it gets so dark so quick.
02:09:09 It's really hard to.
Speaker 2
02:09:10 Like that.Devon
02:09:13 It's hard to research that **** honestly for me.02:09:15 Like I have a.
02:09:16 Limit you know.
02:09:17 At a certain point, just like good Lord, one way it might be worth doing that there was like this 80s kind of on VHS passed around before the Internet, kind of a thing documentary that I've seen.
02:09:32 That I need to find again.
02:09:34 That that summarizes a lot of this stuff that.
02:09:38 Maybe that would be a way to do it.
02:09:43 Look at this.
02:09:43 All these very generous hyper chats tonight.
02:09:47 I guess everyone's full of the Christmas spirit.
02:09:50 We have the Rogues Tavern $50 you.
02:09:53 Know. Here you go.
02:09:56 You too, baby.
02:09:57 Back to bus.
02:09:58 Little baby platypus is all around.
02:10:01 I TM Devin finally caught a live show.
02:10:05 Here is some value for value your your content completely or completed.
02:10:09 My wake up.
02:10:10 Thanks for continuing to produce great content.
02:10:13 You helped me black pill, so many people, especially those close to me.
02:10:18 Awesome live cat Cam.
02:10:19 You guys like the churro Cam?
02:10:23 He keeps wriggling around.
02:10:24 It's kind of funny.
02:10:25 Remember, the Jews eat their own.
02:10:27 We are nice until we're not.
02:10:29 Yes, we are.
02:10:30 Nice until we're not.
02:10:33 And not just in Minecraft paladin $25. You should do an episode where you read the star bellied sneeches the star bellied sneeches.
02:10:49 I don't know what that is to your audience.
02:10:51 I'm over 50, but your audience has probably never even heard of the simple story that explains so much.
02:10:57 I've never heard of that at all.
02:10:59 I so I will put that in my notes.
02:11:04 The star bellied sneeches.
02:11:09 Is it a long story?
02:11:12 Is it longer than that Mexican CIA video?
02:11:20 I don't know.
02:11:20 I'm gonna look this up.
02:11:21 Like just.
02:11:22 It's got such a weird name.
02:11:26 Is this something I'm going to recognize?
02:11:28 Probably not, right?
02:11:29 Let me see.
02:11:39 Is this this is a doctor Seuss?
02:11:42 Isn't Doctor Seuss a Jew?
02:11:45 His real name is Ted Geisel.
02:11:48 Right, isn't it? I don't know if he's Jewish, though. No, because they thought they thought he was anti-Semitic, right?
02:11:56 Doctor Seuss not going to find out now.
02:12:02 Ah yeah, I just remember his name is Ted Geisel for some reason.
02:12:05 Alright, his name is Ted Geisel.
02:12:07 Early years and he's from Massachusetts.
02:12:13 His dad managed a brewery.
02:12:29 No, he's Lutheran.
02:12:31 All right.
02:12:31 Well, that's good.
02:12:33 All right, so he was a Lutheran.
02:12:35 I was gonna.
02:12:36 I was going to say I thought I remembered something about Jews getting mad at him for something.
02:12:42 Alright, this the snitches.
02:12:45 And other stories.
02:12:51 Alright, well, I'll.
02:12:51 Look into that.
02:12:52 I'll look into that.
02:12:53 I don't know if that's the same thing cause you're saying the starry something snitches.
02:12:57 The star bellied sneetches is that the same thing?
02:13:03 Is there a star bellied sneeches photo?
02:13:06 Yeah, it is a.
02:13:07 It is a doctor Seuss.
02:13:09 Alright, well I'll checking it then.
02:13:14 Merry Christmas one and all.
02:13:16 Words of Saint Paul.
02:13:18 Women shouldn't be in charge of anything, for they were tempted by Satan.
02:13:23 Jews have been persecuting Christians.
02:13:26 Excuse me, since the.
02:13:29 Time of Christ saw before he was Paul tortured and murdered Christians.
02:13:33 Get out and celebrate midnight mass.
02:13:36 Good love.
02:13:37 Ah you all.
02:13:42 Or no God loves you.
02:13:43 All I think you meant.
02:13:44 To maybe I just read that weird.
02:13:47 Thank you very much.
02:13:49 Gee, I was talking to an evangelical Christian girl who disapproved of the Amish for not opening themselves up to the world.
02:13:57 I told her the Amish are protecting themselves when churches open up to the modern world.
02:14:02 In practice, it doesn't gain ground for Christ.
02:14:05 Put seeds to Satan well and just ask those nuns how, how, how it worked out for them.
02:14:12 The vexed I fell for the individual lies because growing up in the 2000s, society was already screwed. I'll never understand how boomers growing up in a stable Christian society fell for this.
02:14:23 Well, I, you know, to be fair, I don't think they did grow up in a in a stable society.
02:14:28 They grew up with a bunch of World War 2 vets.
02:14:32 Who had seen some of the most horrific **** that anyone had ever seen because of the mechanization of war, they were coming back flush with cash because our infrastructure wasn't hurt at all and all of Europe was so guess who got all the contracts?
02:14:49 I mean, guess who rebuilt and got rich rebuilding?
02:14:52 You know Japan and and Germany, or at least, you know, half of Germany.
02:14:57 And so you had a ton of money pouring into the country, but you had a bunch of these, you know.
02:15:05 Post war syops you know the the Freud psyop, the the Edward Bernays psyop.
02:15:11 **** going on.
02:15:13 And you know that whole mind control ********.
02:15:17 And I I just think that they.
02:15:23 I don't think that they had quite the.
02:15:28 I think honestly, they were just spoiled brats.
02:15:33 That's what it is, and it's hard to, especially if you're a.
02:15:37 Child of a.
02:15:37 Boomer, it's hard to know what that's like because not many of their children got spoiled.
02:15:44 Quite the opposite, right?
02:15:47 And so it's real difficult to understand what it's like to to grow up in a generation or full of spoiled ******* brats.
02:15:53 But, you know.
02:15:56 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:15:57 I'm I'm trying to make excuses for.
02:15:59 Them it's just.
02:16:00 They did have armies of Jews trying to do mass demon possessions on them, so at least we don't have that I I well.
02:16:13 Homeland demons tremble at the name of Jesus and his Blessed Mother Mary, but they seem very cozy with Jews.
02:16:20 Don't they?
02:16:22 Fiscal Renegades.
02:16:24 Hey, brother.
02:16:25 Long time listener.
02:16:26 First time tipper.
02:16:27 We wanted our tippers.
02:16:28 I guess you're using this plural.
02:16:31 We wanted you to hit the ground.
02:16:32 Running with Davinci, so we created a mega dot IO cloud folder for you which contains all the Davinci video tutorials we've needed for our own work.
02:16:43 It's over 2 gigabytes, so it should cover.
02:16:48 Most of what you need are you talking about?
02:16:52 Resolve. Yeah, I'm still using. I'm not super solo. I'm not 100% sold on it.
02:16:57 Though it's it's a little kludgy.
02:17:01 Forgot to mention, check your gab we included the link to Davinci share tutorial folder then via private message it's all yours.
02:17:08 Merry Chris.
02:17:08 Yeah, I'll probably check that out.
02:17:11 I still haven't got all my my billions of gab messages, but.
02:17:16 I I I.
02:17:17 I get the basic idea.
02:17:18 I mean all, all.
02:17:19 Editors are fundamentally the same, right?
02:17:21 It's not like a huge.
02:17:23 I've been editing video for longer than maybe some of you guys.
02:17:27 Have been alive so.
02:17:29 I mean, I've been editing video so long that my first experience in editing video is on, you know, VHS tapes with a camcorder hooked up to a VCR.
02:17:39 You know, as a kid doing that but, but yeah, I'll check it out.
02:17:43 I mean I I.
02:17:46 I get the basic idea of it though.
02:17:48 The big thing is I kind of wish that.
02:17:50 In fact, it might even solve this problem where it's kind of choppy.
02:17:54 Is when you have the free version, it doesn't let you output to a, a a monitor.
02:18:00 A dedicated monitor in the same way that like.
02:18:04 You know premiere will let.
02:18:04 You do, which would I think, I don't know, but I think would alleviate the choppiness the way that I'm capturing it because then I could just capture that display.
02:18:14 Which would, I think be more efficient than the way it's doing it now, but anyway, that's all technical garbage.
02:18:19 Yeah. Thanks. I'll. I'll check that out. My fat little ******** toe $50. Look, you guys are definitely.
02:18:27 Definitely in the the Christmas spirit.
Speaker 2
02:18:29 Hold on.02:18:29 What's up?
02:18:30 Stop, stop.
02:18:30 Stop. Stop. I'm a potato.
02:18:32 Bigger big shot.Speaker 7
02:18:32 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
02:18:36 There we go.02:18:41 Thank you for being here.
02:18:42 My entire adult life, my mom is still my mom, still catches all of the replay.
02:18:47 She says hi, keep up the good work.
02:18:50 Well, my fat little ******** toe.
02:18:53 Hello to your mom.
02:18:56 It almost. Almost.
02:18:57 Sounds like a A A.
02:18:58 Tell your mom I said hi.
02:19:03 But yeah, I appreciate that and Merry Christmas.
02:19:06 A ******** ******? Ohh, we got it ******** fagot for $1.00.
Speaker 9
02:19:10 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 5
02:19:15 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:19:22 ******** ****** for $1.00?02:19:26 Quote But I still have hope we can get enough votes to make effective change, even though I know that last election was stolen, End Quote part of me ******* died that day.
02:19:37 Ohh wait, I'm sorry I missed the first part what you said.
02:19:39 The first part of what you said was when I was in Florida to close the deal on the property, I meet a boomer cab driver on the way to the siding had a great talk where we talked about politics and how bad the state of things were was going great till he said I know what I know that the election was stolen.
02:19:59 But and then you know the.
02:20:00 Part that I just read before.
02:20:02 Yeah, I mean that's.
02:20:05 It's it's because here's the thing.
02:20:08 Once you acknowledge that.
02:20:11 Voting is not going to fix it.
02:20:13 What are your options?
02:20:16 You know what I mean?
02:20:18 Your the the options at that point start to jeopardize your access to.
02:20:24 Entertainment and calories.
02:20:27 So you're going to have a lot of people not willing to.
02:20:29 Make that sacrifice.
02:20:32 It it's look that's.
02:20:36 It's it's not easy.
02:20:38 It's not an easy.
02:20:41 It's not an easy leap for people to make.
02:20:44 People are too comfortable.
02:20:46 I mean, look, in order to, if you want to dominate and rule people, as long as you keep the slaves comfortable enough, they won't revolt.
02:20:54 Bottom line, that's what it is.
02:20:58 If you can just keep, you can keep them just comfortable enough to where they don't revolt.
02:21:03 You're good.
02:21:05 That's all that's really required of of any ruling class is to keep everyone just comfortable enough to where they.
02:21:11 Don't they don't revolt.
02:21:14 And I think they're doing that.
02:21:16 Apparently people are perfectly happy the way with the way they they look.
02:21:20 Look that people like to complain.
02:21:23 They'll complain and be like, oh, ******* trans kids and blah blah blah.
02:21:27 But the other day.
02:21:27 They're OK with it.
02:21:30 Right. I mean.
02:21:33 That's what the evidence shows.
02:21:37 You're OK with it?
02:21:38 It's like, I mean, think of it this way.
02:21:39 Lots of people complain about their jobs, right?
02:21:41 But they don't quit.
02:21:44 I mean, they wish it was better, but they're like, yeah, but you know, and they find this best job I can get or, you know.
02:21:50 I hate looking for jobs and you know that's just a job, right?
02:21:55 So it's it, that's what it is.
02:21:57 There's just a lot of people that they, they ***** about it like they ***** about.
02:22:00 Their job.
02:22:00 But then they go into work the next day.
02:22:04 And unfortunately, that's just how most people.
02:22:05 Are are wired.
02:22:10 Radu, I wanted to say this on your stream with woes in my country, Romania, all my dogs were aggressive around gypsies.
02:22:22 And in my years of working as a web developer, I saw a lot of useless employees that drained resources.
02:22:30 Well, yeah.
02:22:31 I good.
02:22:32 Yeah, I I think it's funny.
02:22:34 I'd love.
02:22:34 I'd love to see you.
02:22:36 The the Gypsy intolerant dog.
02:22:41 That's kind of funny, but yeah, any, any, any look, any place that's got cubicles has tons of dead weight.
02:22:49 It's just that everywhere I've ever worked that has been a Fortune 500 company.
02:22:55 The It's just astounding the amount of waste.
02:22:59 That's where I came up. The 8020 rule like 80% of the people.
02:23:02 Are just dead weight at almost any major organization and 20% are are doing all the, you know, heavy lifting.
02:23:14 But Merry Christmas to to Romania there.
02:23:18 Poly frog 64. Merry Christmas. I hate the hell world. The Jews and the Antichrist. Well, I don't know if the Antichrist is.
02:23:24 Around just yet, but.
02:23:26 I'm sure he's on his way.
02:23:32 But yes, Merry Christmas.
02:23:33 Let's focus on the Merry Christmas part.
02:23:35 Yeah, I know.
02:23:36 I know.
02:23:37 It's hard to do sometimes, but let's.
02:23:40 Let's try to.
02:23:42 Be into the Christmas spirit here.
02:23:44 Andromeda, $25. Let's do.
02:23:54 You'll never decode it.
02:23:56 Devon, why wouldn't they have caught people to or wait, why wouldn't they have caught?
02:24:02 People suppress their demonic side and bring out their good, wholesome side.
02:24:09 Just a little thought.
02:24:11 Thank you for all you do.
02:24:12 Merry Christmas.
02:24:13 Wait, why wouldn't they?
02:24:14 Why wouldn't?
02:24:16 They have caught people.
02:24:19 I don't know why like I'm picturing like a giant like insect net people like capturing.
02:24:24 Haha, we got.
02:24:25 You and now we will suppress your demonic side.
02:24:28 Look, that's what.
02:24:29 Religions in the West are claiming to do it's just that so many of them were more concerned about appearing modern just like that non comment that.
02:24:38 They all went to ship.
02:24:41 They they look the the.
02:24:43 Invention of PR public relations thanks to Bernays.
02:24:48 It wasn't just these big businesses.
02:24:51 These manufacturing, you know, outlets that were that we're looking at, how can we, how can we **** **** people into buying our products.
02:25:00 This interested a lot of the religious groups too.
02:25:03 And they fell for the same kind of ********, you know, let's we just need to modernize.
02:25:10 You know like.
02:25:13 A lot of it wasn't just, you know, people that spent a lot of time complaining about Vatican 2, but that that it was.
02:25:19 Pretty much felt throughout the entire Christian world. You know, Mormons did this, you know, in the 1970s, made a bunch of changes.
02:25:27 Dropped a lot of the the the racial stuff like you couldn't have. You weren't allowed to have the priest, and if you were black up until the 70s, like 1978, right around when they were opening this gateway into hell.
02:25:40 You know the when the Satanic Jews were doing their demonic hell Gateway tour.
02:25:46 Buy your tickets today.
02:25:50 But yeah, they've just failed.
02:25:53 All the institutions that should have been doing that and should have been combating this were.
02:25:59 Thought it was cute to participate.
02:26:01 So it is what it is.
02:26:03 JQR code.
02:26:07 Last week on David Duke's radio show, he said that the tenacity for racial Jewish supremacy.
02:26:13 He said that the tenacity for racial Jewish supremacy.
02:26:17 That they have literally made a relief.
02:26:23 I'm not sure it's worded weird.
02:26:24 I think what you mean is.
02:26:26 They've made they're they're, they're.
02:26:29 Ethnocentricism is a core part of their religion, and if that's what you mean, I would I would fully agree with you.
02:26:36 And and Doctor Duke on that on that topic.
02:26:41 Looking glass.
02:26:42 Eastern standard.
02:26:43 More like every single time.
02:26:46 Brevity is the soul of wit.
02:26:51 You write now. Hold on.
02:26:55 For every the soul of wit, you right now that all right.
02:26:59 All right.
02:27:00 You right.
02:27:02 This is.
02:27:02 I don't know if it's if it's structured as weird as it is or just because the way it's.
02:27:06 Lining up on this with the word wrap.
02:27:09 Now that we've uncovered just how much of our daily lives.
02:27:13 Is a Jewish construct.
02:27:15 How do we fabricate a new culture of our own?
Speaker 8
02:27:18 Yeah. Like like.Devon
02:27:19 I said there's a lot of people and and I said this early on in the stream when they they, you know, the Weather Underground and all those people before they started to adopt the.02:27:29 The the new technology of demon possession.
02:27:35 Before they unleashed the the Jewish demon possession machine.
02:27:39 They came to the conclusion they wouldn't be able to fight the machine, that they weren't powerful enough to fight the machine, and So what they could do instead was try to culturally change the people, and then that would necessarily end up changing the machine because eventually those people will grow up and get positions of power.
02:27:57 And they did.
02:27:59 And now we're run by satanic pedophiles.
02:28:04 That's that's really what happened right now.
02:28:06 You want to know why we're run by satanic pedophiles?
02:28:10 After tonight's stream, you should at least have a better understanding of them.
02:28:16 I the reason I don't think it would work for the people on the right is 1.
02:28:22 The homogeneous society that existed when they started this project.
02:28:29 Doesn't exist anymore.
02:28:32 You know, so that for a starter, we're already kind of outnumbered. Even if you were to magically wave a wand and get some insane amount of white people on our side and by insane amount, I don't mean like 100%.
02:28:45 That's like a that's utopian insane. I mean, like and and insane, but maybe still kind of realistic number, right? So like 60% of white people.
02:28:54 In America, suddenly or like, oh, I'm racially conscious now and ohh ****.
02:28:59 You know, the diversity is bad.
02:29:01 You're still talking about a minority of of the population.
02:29:05 And and it's nowhere near 60% of the white people. It's something like maybe.
02:29:11 I don't know and and this is me pulling the numbers out of my *** admittedly, but I'm guessing it's between 5 and 10%.
02:29:21 So I don't know that that strategy works and plus we don't have the ability to be like, oh, I'm just going to build this *******.
02:29:28 You know, on the coast of California this, this center where we're going.
02:29:32 To, you know, push.
02:29:34 Thousands of white people in and out the.
02:29:38 You know, obviously we wouldn't want to have them Demon possessed, but like, you know, have have some kind of like seminar.
02:29:46 You know something, right.
02:29:47 Have something positive?
02:29:49 Like or you know.
02:29:50 Like you were saying, like some way of suppressing your demon and embracing your good side.
02:29:58 We we don't have the resources for like something like that, I just think.
02:30:01 That there's a lot of people that want to know, well, how do you stop a building that's collapsing mid collapse?
02:30:09 It's like you don't.
02:30:12 You know, like you don't, and it sucks.
02:30:15 Especially if you're in the.
02:30:19 But you know you don't.
02:30:22 You you try to survive it.
02:30:26 You try to survive the fall and you know, I think if you have enough time enough.
02:30:31 Enough of a a warning in advance, then.
02:30:35 Yeah, you can survive it.
02:30:36 Easy and I'm just trying to be that that alarm that's going off and letting you know like, hey, get.
02:30:41 Out of the way.
02:30:42 This thing is this.
02:30:42 ******* going down.
02:30:45 Truth forge.
02:30:47 I was thinking about how much you might make your cat's bond if you put them in a room together and show them a single mouse.
02:30:54 They might enjoy the visceral excitement of living out their own hierarchical biological struggle on the mouse or each other.
02:31:03 Most important, though, Merry Christmas.
02:31:07 Yeah, I've, I've you know, I I keep trying to get.
02:31:10 In fact, even tonight, I brought churro in and classified.
02:31:13 Cat attacked him.
02:31:15 So it's.
02:31:17 Yeah, classified cat is is not having the refugees.
02:31:19 Refugees are not welcome in the in the pill box.
02:31:24 But I I still try almost every day I bring him in.
02:31:26 For a little bit and it's.
02:31:28 You know, it is what it is.
02:31:31 I I don't know if that would work.
02:31:34 If I had someone else here that could handle classified cat.
02:31:40 And then have some kind of shared activity kind of a thing, I think that might work cause I feed them on either side of a screen door and while they're eating that's, you know, there's no classified cat is.
02:31:51 Is not trying to to kill Churro, but it is what it is.
02:31:54 Cats are just stupid like that.
02:31:56 They just don't get.
02:31:57 I mean, it's almost like at random, because sometimes cats will just be totally friends and right off the bat and you know, sometimes they just, they're just not having it.
02:32:11 Vegas, Vegas.
02:32:14 Ohh Vegas little Cutie I think.
02:32:17 Devin, I was wondering if you remember this jam of a movie being pushed in elementary schools.
02:32:22 My teacher used to have a have the record on replay.
02:32:28 It seems to be the kid version of boomer therapy.
02:32:35 Let me see.
02:32:44 I don't know what link this is.
02:32:49 Free to be you and me.
02:32:55 I do not remember this.
02:32:59 So this is a gay a pro gay movie from 1974, huh?
02:33:05 Well, it's on the the.
02:33:06 Entire movies on YouTube it looks like, so maybe I'll take.
02:33:09 A look at that.
02:33:12 I'll put that on my notes.
02:33:15 Free to be you and me.
02:33:20 I yeah, I never was.
02:33:22 I've never seen that, though.
02:33:23 I've never heard of it.
02:33:28 Tennis nuts.
02:33:29 And then you just have a YouTube link.
02:33:30 You can't just do a YouTube link and not give me any context.
02:33:36 Let me see what happens when I go to this is it.
02:33:41 Yeah, it's a song.
02:33:42 You can't send me a song.
02:33:44 Or wait, is this the song that you were talking about you?
02:33:47 Were gonna make.
02:33:51 I'll save this for I'll check it out after the show and I'll save it for.
02:33:57 Next, next stream. Well next.
02:33:59 Stream is Chris.
02:34:00 The Christmas stream too, by the way guys.
02:34:05 Are the Christmas Eve the Christmas?
02:34:07 So hopefully you guys are all there.
02:34:12 Their big donation by John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
02:34:19 Where is the big one?
Speaker 11
02:34:23 Money is power.02:34:25 Money is the only weapon that that you has to defend itself.
02:34:29 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:34:53 Merry Christmas, Devin.
02:34:55 Are you still working on the found footage movie of of Day of the Rope? What projects do you have planned for 2023?
02:35:02 Thanks for all that you do.
02:35:04 Appreciate you, brother.
02:35:05 I still want to do that and it's just, you know, it's one of those things that like.
02:35:11 That, like I said, I put on the back burner and and it kind of gets.
02:35:16 Lost the noise, but it's I definitely want to do that.
02:35:20 It's just, I know it's going to be a lot of work and so I I haven't been really talking about it because I want to get in a place where I can actually.
02:35:27 Do that, but yeah, maybe that's something we can do in 2023. Hey, at least I didn't do something. At least that ain't do like something I don't want. I don't want to. I don't want.
02:35:40 I don't want to throw throw.
02:35:41 It's Christmas.
02:35:43 It's Christmas time.
02:35:44 I'm not going to throw shade.
02:35:47 But yeah.
02:35:50 Some of you probably put that together.
02:35:52 Truth forge.
02:35:54 And by the way, thank you for the very generous.
02:35:57 Hyper chat there.
02:36:00 And Merry Christmas to you.
02:36:03 Truth forge.
02:36:04 If the slave has to hate, excuse me, its own situation enough to hate the slave.
02:36:12 Wait, if the slave has to hate its own situation enough to hate the slave.
02:36:18 I'm not sure I mean that how do they become the slaver that lets cats clean their own box?
02:36:26 Merry Christmas to classified cat, wooo and y'all and all y'all's loved little animals. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
02:36:37 Not sure what you mean by the.
02:36:39 If the slave has to hate its own situation enough to hate the slave, I think it maybe you mean slave master.
02:36:45 How do they become the slaver that lets the cats clean their own box?
02:36:51 I have no idea.
02:36:51 Maybe you're making a joke about cats?
02:36:55 I don't know.
02:36:56 I don't.
02:36:57 Yeah, I don't.
02:36:57 That's something structure on that one is.
02:37:02 Is a little bit iffy, so I'm going to pass on on responding to that one, but Merry Christmas to you and your small animals as well.
02:37:11 And then John, Jacob.
02:37:15 What is it John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?
02:37:19 I feel like I need to do something different and we got that.
02:37:24 That's always a fun one.
02:37:31 What's the?02:37:32 Hold on. What's up? Sup.
02:37:33 I'm a potato.02:37:34 Big shot.
Speaker 7
02:37:35 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
02:37:44 If the white ruling class wasn't just tricked into working for Israel, but instead blackmailed, would it change your opinion of the ruling class from stupid to weak?02:37:53 Would it make a difference?
02:37:55 I think it's probably both.
02:37:57 I mean, but look, if you're.
02:38:02 I mean, they're they're probably there's carrot and stick, right?
02:38:07 But no, they're all.
02:38:08 They're all scumbags.
02:38:09 They all deserve the same fate.
02:38:10 Quite frankly, I don't care if you're doing it for cash or you're doing it for the absence of of public shame at the end of the day you're doing it.
02:38:19 You're being a self interested demon possessed.
02:38:23 And I have no respect for for people like that.
02:38:26 And and people like that are the kinds of people who destroy and end civilizations.
02:38:34 And those are the people we have at the top.
02:38:37 Unfortunately, we don't have anyone that sympathizes with us.
02:38:41 We don't, you know, Trump will talk about black unemployment all day long and won't even say white people.
02:38:48 Right.
02:38:48 And it's not just Trump.
02:38:50 I mean, Trump.
02:38:51 Trump is, you know, basically a Jewish shill.
02:38:54 So he was never going to say that.
02:38:55 That at all.
02:38:56 It's depressing that that Trump still felt like the closest thing to a representative that we.
02:39:03 Because that's how far removed the establishment, quote UN quote right wing is.
02:39:13 They're they're demon possessed.
02:39:23 And something has to be done.
02:39:28 The kinds of things that have to.
02:39:31 Take place to unseat these people is.
02:39:35 It's, you know, it's.
02:39:37 Complicated business.
02:39:39 It's complicated business.
02:39:45 And I have no sympathy.
02:39:46 I have no sympathy for these folks.
02:39:48 No sympathy for these *****.
02:39:54 The kinds of leaders that we.
02:39:56 Need and maybe we don't deserve.
02:39:58 I don't know.
02:39:59 Maybe we.
02:39:59 Don't deserve it.
02:40:01 Because they you know, you do kind of get the the the government you deserve sometimes, right.
02:40:05 And we're in the minority.
02:40:07 But the government that that we need is we need the represents.
02:40:12 We need people that are right or die.
02:40:13 We need people that are that are ready to ******* die for you. They're not ready to ******* die for you. They're not even ready to to lose a few few $100,000 for you.
02:40:27 They're not willing to be embarrassed.
02:40:31 In a in a New York Times article for you.
02:40:35 They're not willing to stand up to Jewish interest groups that will remove their their financial support from your campaign and possibly support a another candidate to primary you.
02:40:52 They they have so little courage.
02:40:57 I mean, it's the opposite.
02:41:01 They they they have an abundance of cowardice.
02:41:14 And they're and.
02:41:15 They're they're demon possessed, like they're literally demons.
02:41:23 It's not hyperbole when you say you.
02:41:25 Know ohh it's.
02:41:26 We're ruled by *******.
02:41:29 Satanic pedophiles.
02:41:31 They are satanic pedophiles.
02:41:37 So I yeah, I've.
02:41:38 I've got no *******.
02:41:39 It does not change my opinion at all.
02:41:41 If if they're doing it for the carrot or they're.
02:41:43 Doing it for the stick.
02:41:44 **** them.
02:41:53 **** them.
02:41:59 Remember their names.
02:42:02 Teach your children their names.
02:42:06 And on that note.
02:42:15 Did I forget someone that that total looks way too high for like how many I read.
02:42:20 You guys were really generous tonight.
02:42:22 Let me just pop this out and make sure I didn't.
02:42:24 Because sometimes you have the pop.
02:42:25 Out chat for it to work right?
02:42:28 Because holy ****.
02:42:29 Did I forget somebody?
02:42:34 Let me scroll through here.
02:42:44 Maybe I didn't.
02:42:45 Maybe there's a lot of a lot of you guys are, uh.
02:42:48 Really coming through tonight.
02:42:50 That's awesome.
02:42:54 Yeah, OK, maybe this is legit.
Speaker 18
02:42:57 All right.Devon
02:43:01 Let me hang out regular chat just for a.02:43:03 2nd and then we'll I'll.
02:43:06 I'll blow this Taco stand.
02:43:12 We are.
02:43:14 You're saying we never forget?
02:43:17 More concerned about the Christian hijacking the riot and crashes into the wall.
02:43:21 I wouldn't be worried about that.
02:43:25 I wouldn't be worried about.
02:43:26 That there here's something that you need to understand.
02:43:28 I and A lot of people who are who are.
02:43:32 Very upset about, I guess the.
02:43:35 The Christians involvement on the right is there needs to whether whether it's Christian or not, doesn't matter.
02:43:43 It there needs to be a religious component because this is a religious war.
02:43:48 It is.
02:43:49 It's a religious war.
02:43:54 And you know you want to effectively fight.
02:43:58 Satanic, you know?
02:44:00 Demon Summoners, which is what?
02:44:04 We just watched the video of.
02:44:07 You need to have a religious component to that battle or you'll lose.
02:44:12 You'll lose.
02:44:15 I I think it's easy to look at at the last 40-50 years and say.
02:44:20 That like if Christianity was was such.
02:44:24 You know the obstacle, right?
02:44:26 Then why did they?
02:44:27 Erode it first.
02:44:29 Why did they get rid of it before they ushered in all this other **** ****?
02:44:32 You know, if it was such that it was, if it was such a boon to Jewish control, why did why did they try so hard to get rid of it?
02:44:40 You'd think they'd be promoting Christians everywhere and look just cause there's a handful of of ******* psycho Zionists.
02:44:47 I mean, how many?
02:44:47 How many ******?
02:44:48 If you're an atheist, right?
02:44:49 Many ****** atheists are there.
02:44:51 Is it?
Speaker 24
02:44:51 Well, not all atheists.Devon
02:44:53 Yeah, it's really easy to play that game.02:44:57 And there's just look nothing against Pagans.
02:44:59 There's just there's no, I mean, you think Christians don't have any institutional power?
02:45:03 I mean, **** pagans have zero, I mean.
02:45:06 Not even a little bit.
02:45:08 And no continuity.
02:45:10 That's the other thing too, at least at least with Christians.
02:45:13 You're working with a a known quantity.
02:45:16 You know there's differences, and they'll argue about the Trinity or this or, you know, these little, all these little details that end up just not really mattering that much in the big picture.
02:45:26 But you're working with a known quantity, you.
02:45:28 Know the basic values.
02:45:29 Of you know, a Christian, regardless of.
02:45:33 Of what denomination they're in.
02:45:35 And sure, like I said, there's details that are different, but ultimately, you know what you're dealing with and and look, it's, it's.
02:45:44 It's something that.
02:45:47 Like anything good can be used for bad.
02:45:51 And it doesn't mean you throw the baby out with the bathwater.
02:45:54 It's almost like saying.
02:45:56 I I live in this House with Windows.
02:46:00 And these ******* these.
02:46:01 These Jewish thieves broke into the window and stalled my gold.
02:46:10 It's the ******* Windows fault.
02:46:12 I'm going to live in a house with no windows now.
02:46:15 It's like, really you wanted to?
02:46:18 I mean, that won't even necessarily work.
02:46:23 And I don't know.
02:46:25 I think this this paranoia that some people have of Christianity, I think it's just people like it's, you know, before, but you know separate to this.
02:46:36 It's like growing up.
02:46:37 I would from time to time encounter other, you know, ex Mormons, right, people that had gone and and I was always surprised when I would encounter one that was wasn't just like Oh yeah, you know, I used to be Mormon, whatever.
02:46:51 But the people that were avidly anti Mormon like you could tell that.
02:46:55 Something happened to him, you know.
02:46:58 You know, they, they, they, they were.
02:47:00 They lived to destroy.
02:47:01 Hey, the Mormon church like you could tell like it was almost like, you know, those annoying people that would quit smoking.
02:47:09 And then you had to hear about how they're not smoking anymore, like they just wouldn't shut up ******* about it.
02:47:14 They couldn't just let it go, you know?
02:47:16 And I think there's some people like that now with Christianity, where they had an unpleasant experience with Christianity.
02:47:24 And so it it, it's they, they they see it as more of a problem than.
02:47:30 It actually is.
02:47:33 And I would just say, look.
02:47:37 If you were to wave a magic wand and everyone in the ruling class that we're just talking about, who are satanic pedophiles and Jews, and whenever I repeat myself, if you wave a magic wand and they would all suddenly turn Christian, would the would the country get better or worse?
02:47:53 It would obviously get better.
Speaker 11
02:47:56 It would if.Devon
02:47:57 Hollywood was suddenly run by Christians would would the would the **** movies suddenly get better or worse?02:48:03 They'd get better, obviously, if they'd always.
02:48:06 If Hollywood had always been run by Christians.
02:48:09 Would the how would that be a positive?
02:48:11 Like if you go back in time and then all and change all the studio heads to Christians instead of Jews?
02:48:19 What kind of changes would would you expect to see, right?
02:48:24 In society, I mean just if you if you imagine.
02:48:29 That the over the last 100 years every movie was produced by Christians.
02:48:33 Instead of Jews.
02:48:35 What would just that change?
02:48:37 How would that impact things?
02:48:42 So anyway, I just think it's silly to be as aggravated with Christians as a lot of people seem to be, and I.
02:48:49 Think it's.
02:48:50 I think it's emotional thinking and I think it's, you know, and another thing is too is you need to find the and the fight.
02:48:58 The ironic thing is that it's a lot of people.
02:48:59 I think they need to find the easy fix.
02:49:01 Well, if we just do this.
02:49:02 One thing it will fix everything first of.
02:49:04 All good luck.
02:49:06 You're not you, even if that.
02:49:07 Even if you were right.
02:49:09 Even if you're 100% right in the off, we could just get rid of Christianity then. Then we could defeat the Jews or whatever. It's.
02:49:15 Like good luck.
02:49:18 Good luck.
02:49:19 Good luck finding.
02:49:20 Good luck erasing the the religion of most of the people that are.
02:49:25 On your side.
02:49:27 And what are you going to replace it with?
02:49:31 We're going to replace it with.
02:49:34 You can't replace it with nothing, or you're basically that satanic demon Jew guy that we just watched.
02:49:40 Right.
02:49:40 Isn't that?
02:49:41 Wasn't that his whole thing?
02:49:43 Going to break all these traditions that you have in your head until there's nothing left.
02:49:49 In fact, I'm going to do it so severely.
02:49:52 You'll be the fact that it's nothing is nothing to you.
02:49:56 Is that what you want?
02:50:00 I think he's still around.
02:50:01 You can look him up.
02:50:02 Maybe you can hire him, do some seminars.
02:50:08 So anyway.
02:50:11 I'm we got one last one, the VAX $1.00. Devin, are you hunkering down in the desert for the long run?
02:50:17 I'm thinking about moving to Nevada.
02:50:19 Or is Arizona slightly worried about crime, though?
02:50:22 You know, I don't know.
02:50:24 I I honestly this was my my choice was heavily influenced by money.
02:50:32 The desert is cheap and I'm comfortable with it because I've lived in.
02:50:35 The desert for many years.
02:50:37 So I knew what I was dealing with.
02:50:40 Is it ideal? No.
02:50:43 Well, I live here forever.
02:50:45 I don't know.
02:50:48 I don't have any plans of leaving.
02:50:51 But it's you never know.
02:50:53 You never know.
02:50:56 If you've never lived in a desert before, you probably wanna at least try it.
02:51:00 Try it out.
02:51:03 Before just living in the desert.
02:51:08 But yeah, it's as far as crime, I mean.
02:51:11 I don't know if you're middle of nowhere.
02:51:13 There hasn't been a lot of crime out where I'm at.
02:51:17 It does happen though.
02:51:20 But usually.
02:51:22 Everyone understands to some extent.
02:51:25 That everyone out here is armed, so it's not as it's not as bad as.
02:51:30 You might think.
02:51:31 There's not even really a whole lot of property crime or anything like that.
02:51:37 It's mostly just like weirdos drugged out in the desert, but even that's not very often that you encounter something like that.
02:51:46 Nevada is huge and so is Arizona.
02:51:51 In fact, Arizona is not all.
02:51:54 And I guess neither is Nevada.
02:51:56 They're not just desert.
02:52:00 You can find.
02:52:01 A lot of different ecosystems.
02:52:04 Mostly it's based on elevation, but in both those places in fact, ****.
02:52:11 There's even there's desert in Idaho.
02:52:13 You can go if you want to live in the desert.
02:52:15 You can live in the desert in Idaho.
02:52:17 I don't know if I'd recommend that.
02:52:18 Because the the desert in Idaho is cold in the winter.
02:52:24 But you know anyway.
02:52:26 Finkelstein says Merry Christmas.
02:52:29 Well, Merry Christmas to you.
02:52:30 And with that, I'm going to go ahead and check out guys.
02:52:34 Thanks for coming out here and like I said, I'll see you on Christmas Eve.
02:52:37 For those of you who want to join me, it'll be a pretty cozy stream.
02:52:41 We might just watch.
02:52:43 It's a wonderful life.
02:52:44 Or maybe some other Christmas movie.
02:52:45 I haven't decided I might mix it up.
02:52:47 I've got.
02:52:48 Some other ideas?
02:52:50 But it'll be pretty casual.
02:52:52 Maybe listen to some some hymns.
02:52:55 I don't know.
02:52:56 Like every time I want to listen to Christmas music at at the research at first.
02:53:01 Because of. Yeah, well anyway.
02:53:03 Alright guys, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night for black pilled.
02:53:07 I'm of course.
Speaker 5
02:53:10 You have a mistake.Speaker 25
02:53:12 I think really elves.Speaker 27
02:53:13 Of our shoes.02:53:14 Mean like you know, there's no Christmas with.
02:53:16 Jews like.
02:53:18 Every Christmas song you love is Jews.
02:53:21 Wrote it like every single one.
02:53:23 It's crazy.
02:53:24 These Jews I just made it other like.
Speaker 16
02:53:25 Yeah, I mean this is not.02:53:27 That's not, but that's a very true thing.
02:53:29 That like this, you're not just making something up about these Christmas songs are are a lot of, like, famous Jewish songs, right?
Speaker 27
02:53:34 Every Christmas song you love is written by a Jewish person.02:53:39 And then Christmas specials and.
Speaker 25
02:53:42 Hey, deck.02:53:42 Let's get off the ******* car.
02:53:46 Hey, **** suck.
02:53:47 Get your slippery ******* *** off the car.
02:53:50 Listen to me.
02:53:51 Get off the ******* car with your *******.
Speaker 12
02:53:54 *** shut that ***** mouth or I'll come over there and ****.02:53:56 Start her head.
Speaker 25
02:54:08 You're gonna wish you never ******* got up this morning, *******, because my boyfriend's going to **** you up.02:54:14 And then after.
02:54:15 That while he's ******* up your ******* gay uncle.
02:54:18 Over there, I'm going.
02:54:19 To ******* cut off your **** and mail it to your mother, you ******* ******.
02:54:23 Gaylord ******* *****.
02:54:25 Do you like that?
02:54:26 You like that a lot.
02:54:27 You ******* fagot.
02:54:29 You like to ask?
02:54:30 **** fontanella.
02:54:31 ******* baby head ****.
02:54:34 You like to?
02:54:35 **** baby heads you like to **** boys.
02:54:38 He's going to **** you in the ***.
02:54:39 How do you like that?
02:54:40 He's not even gay, but.
Speaker 27
02:54:41 He'll do.Speaker 8
02:54:41 It just to ****.Speaker 16
02:54:41 Right.Speaker 8
02:54:43 She's she's got a big mouth.02:54:45 But she's not kidding.
02:54:46 I'm going to whip you silly.
02:54:47 And I'm going to **** you stupid.
02:54:49 You want do the man dance first dance is yours.