11/27/2021Speaker 1
00:00:00 No. Hey, I got Penny.00:00:58 Become the time and if it grows life and she surely gotta ask yourselves time to ask yourself, is she ready to be going?
00:01:03 Fetty, don't.
00:01:05 Can't get away.
00:01:06 But I honestly believe that one month enough.
00:01:13 And one day, John asked his next step.
Speaker 2
00:01:18 Important rules for breaking up.00:01:20 But don't put off breaking.
00:01:21 Up when you start your.
00:01:21 Wants find the situation only makes it worse.
00:01:25 Tell them honestly.
00:01:25 Simply kindly but firmly so, make a big production.
00:01:29 Don't make up an elaborate story.
00:01:30 This will help you avoid a big tear.
00:01:32 Jerking scene.
00:01:33 If you want to date other people, say so.
00:01:35 Be prepared for the Board of field.
00:01:36 And rejected, even if you've gone together for only a short time and haven't been to.
Speaker 3
00:01:41 There's still a feeling of protection when someone says she prefers a custody of others to your exclusive company, but if you're honest and direct and avoid making a flowery emotional speech when you break the news, the butter respect you feel famous.00:01:52 And honestly, you'll appreciate the kind straightforward manner in which you told him your decision, unless he's a real jerk or cry baby, he'll make friends.
Speaker 4
00:02:08 Monsters on the trash.Speaker 5
00:02:15 I got it.Speaker 2
00:02:20 Being attractive is the most important thing there is.00:02:23 If you want to catch the biggest fish in your pond, you have to be as attractive as possible.
00:02:27 Make sure to keep your hair spotlessly.
Speaker 4
00:02:29 Clean. Wash it at.00:02:30 Least every two.
Speaker 3
00:02:31 Weeks once every two weeks, and if you see.Speaker 4
00:02:34 Johnny Football hero.00:02:35 In the hall?
00:02:35 Tell me, playing a great game, telling you like.
00:02:37 This article.
00:02:43 I've got my own.Speaker 6
00:02:44 Car. I'll never get car.Speaker 5
00:02:53 I make football first.00:02:56 I'm the teacher.
Speaker 2
00:03:01 I propose we support a one month limit on going steady.00:03:05 I think it with two people who are able to deal with weird situations and get to.
00:03:09 Know more people.
00:03:10 I think if you're ready to go.
Speaker 3
00:03:11 Out with Johnny now's the.Speaker 2
00:03:13 Time to tell him about.Speaker 3
00:03:14 Your one month limit, he won't mind.00:03:16 He'll appreciate your freshness on.
00:03:17 Dating and once.
00:03:18 He's dating someone else.
00:03:19 You can date him again.
Speaker 4
00:03:21 Sure, he'll like it.00:03:22 Everyone will appreciate it.
00:03:23 Here's some novel.
00:03:24 What a good idea.
00:03:25 You can kick your time yourself.
00:03:27 You don't need data insurance.
00:03:28 You could.
Speaker 6
00:03:29 Go out with whatever you want.Speaker 4
00:03:30 Every boy, every boy in the whole.00:03:33 World could be.
00:03:34 Yours listen to my plan.
Speaker 3
00:03:54 The last kid.Speaker 5
00:03:56 I'm cheering.Speaker 7
00:03:59 The party starts.Speaker
00:04:03 I got my own car.Speaker 3
00:04:09 Never again.Speaker 4
00:04:13 And the teachers?00:04:14 Parents make football.
Speaker 8
00:04:38 Mark, you got with Sharon, Sharon, got Sherrie as she was sharing Sharon's outlook.Speaker 9
00:04:42 On the topic of the Mike.Speaker 8
00:04:44 He had officials car and Bobby was a racist, they.00:04:46 Were all in love with dying they.
00:04:48 Were doing it.
00:04:50 Tommy play piano like a kid out in the rain.
00:04:52 And then he lost his leg and tales he was dancing with the.
00:04:55 Train they were all.
00:04:56 In love with dying, they were drinking.
Speaker 2
00:04:58 From the fountain that was.Speaker 8
00:04:59 Pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain.00:05:21 Just how to look through peoples eyes.
00:05:44 Some will die in hot pursuit.
00:05:45 Fiery auto crashes.
00:05:47 Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes.
00:05:50 Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain.
00:05:59 Because it shows.Speaker 8
00:06:06 My clothes.Speaker 1
00:06:11 Softly spoken.Speaker 8
00:06:38 There's another.00:06:39 He took a knife while.
00:06:40 Arguing in traffic and flipper died and.
00:06:42 Actual death, he.Speaker 8
00:06:43 Caught a nasty virus and then there was the ever present football player ******.00:06:47 They were all.
00:06:47 In love with Diane, they were.
Speaker 9
00:06:49 Doing it in Texas.Speaker 8
00:06:50 Holly caught a bullet, but it only hit his.00:06:52 Leg while it should have been a better.
Speaker 4
00:06:54 Shot. Got him.Speaker 8
00:06:55 In the head.00:06:56 They were all in love with dying.
00:06:57 They were drinking from a fountain that.
00:06:59 Was pouring like an avalanche.
00:07:01 Coming down the mountain.
Speaker 1
00:07:03 And the sun sometimes near me.Speaker 8
00:07:08 I can taste you on my lips and smell.Speaker 1
00:07:12 You in my clothes.Speaker
00:07:17 And softly spoken.Speaker 8
00:07:19 Light. You never know. Just.Speaker 6
00:07:23 Do weather.Devon
00:09:07 Oh well, that's interesting.00:09:10 The wipe didn't work and the the microphone is not automatically muted this time.
00:09:15 All right, well.
00:09:18 Welcome to the insomnia strain, ladies and gentlemen.
00:09:22 I'm your host.
00:09:24 Devin stack.
00:09:25 Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
00:09:28 Hope you did family stuff, or at least attempted to.
00:09:33 Unless of course, you have a horrible evil family, in which case I hope you made.
00:09:37 Them feel bad.
00:09:39 Hope you made them.
00:09:40 Feel real bad.
00:09:43 You know, I always wish that there was articles.
00:09:46 Well, you always see those articles before Thanksgiving.
Speaker 5
00:09:50 How to how to deal with your Trump supporting grandma?Devon
00:09:54 You know how to be a a.00:09:55 Total ***** Thanksgiving dinner.
00:09:59 I always thought that we should have our own.
00:10:01 Versions of those stories.
00:10:04 But of course it wouldn't matter.
00:10:06 It wouldn't matter.
00:10:07 Most people hide their power level and I get it.
00:10:09 I get it.
00:10:10 But you shouldn't.
00:10:10 Really shouldn't.
00:10:13 You really shouldn't, especially around family.
00:10:16 Now we talked about last.
00:10:17 String and how you need.
00:10:18 To, you know, ease people into it.
00:10:21 But never hide your true feelings.
00:10:25 From your family, you're doing them no service at all.
00:10:29 All right.
00:10:30 So we've got a special edition of the insomnia stream tonight.
00:10:35 It's a triple feature.
00:10:37 It wasn't going to be a triple feature, but it turned out to be a.
00:10:41 Triple feature and I'll explain why as we go.
00:10:45 Before that, though, I I would like to to what's the?
00:10:48 Opposite of think.
00:10:52 Someone. Someone. I.Devon
00:10:53 Don't know who was?00:10:54 I don't know which one of you guys it was, but I missed you guys.
00:10:57 I missed you guys Wednesday.
00:10:59 I thought about doing a a quick and dirty stream Thursday, but I just like technologically couldn't make it happen.
Speaker 5
00:11:06 Anyway, what are you guys?Devon
00:11:09 What do you guys asked me to take a look at?00:11:11 A movie called Edmund.
00:11:17 We're not going to talk.
00:11:18 About that I.
00:11:18 Don't know if we if we'll ever.
00:11:20 Talk about that movie.
00:11:22 Ohh but it was.
00:11:23 Just oh God, it was just.
00:11:24 Yeah, I.
00:11:26 Mean it made sense because of when it was made.
00:11:28 It was during that time in Hollywood where they were just.
00:11:31 Green lighting any?
00:11:32 Indie ***** ** **** they could because you know, Weinstein was out, you know, banging actresses and and Miramax was was just making all this like indie style.
00:11:42 Right, because that's where the money was.
00:11:45 You know, they they.
00:11:45 Wanted to get away from you.
00:11:47 Know let's stop making the the.
00:11:49 Movies that have a a predictable you know, story arc and a moral of the story.
00:11:53 Let's start doing this.
00:11:55 You know, Arts, Art house type ****.
00:11:58 You know, have all these up and coming actors that that bankrolled their own low budget films or the technology is changing.
00:12:06 So we need to cash, we need to start, you know, green lighting these projects.
00:12:11 And it was.
00:12:12 It was, it was one of those projects.
00:12:16 And it was horrific.
00:12:17 It was horrific.
00:12:18 But anyway, that's not why we're here.
00:12:20 We are going to take a look at a different movie because in.
00:12:23 Order to to wash my eyeballs.
00:12:26 From that film.
00:12:29 I decided you know what?
00:12:30 I haven't seen something new in a really long time, and I usually try to avoid it.
00:12:35 Because the the the star, it's everything.
00:12:38 First of all, I've talked about this bunch of times.
00:12:40 It's it's not as productive because the the messages and the newer films are not subtle.
00:12:47 They're not subtle.
Speaker 5
00:12:48 At all.Devon
00:12:49 They hit you over the head with with the subversion, and in fact it's hardly subversion at this point because the audience has already been subverted.00:12:57 So it's just reinforcement.
00:12:59 It's just reinforcement of of the subversion that's already taken hold.
00:13:04 And but I was.
Speaker 11
00:13:05 Like you know.Devon
00:13:08 I I I want to.00:13:09 See something new?
00:13:11 Want to see something new?
00:13:12 And despite the the other problem with the newer.
00:13:14 Films is they're just, they're just for stupider audiences.
00:13:19 That's just the way it is.
00:13:21 Is the IQ declines in a in a country, even if they're, you know, you're not making a propaganda piece, even if it's just a product of the culture.
00:13:28 It's just a piece of art.
00:13:30 Naturally, it's going to be stupider as people get stupider.
00:13:36 And so I've noticed a lot.
00:13:37 Of that.
00:13:39 So I decided in order to to choose.
00:13:42 The movie to watch.
00:13:44 I would go to the dreaded Rotten Tomatoes.
00:13:49 You know, I actually used to use Rotten Tomatoes as like a reliable source of like.
00:13:53 You know young Devin.
00:13:55 That was there was I'm going to.
00:13:56 Be a filmmaker.
00:13:57 You know that.
00:13:58 Still had like stars in my eyes and.
00:14:01 And you know, yeah.
00:14:04 I used to trust that website, it's.
00:14:06 Been around a long time.
00:14:08 So I decided to go to this website.
00:14:10 I hadn't visited a really long time knowing full.
00:14:12 Well, that they you.
00:14:13 Know the the pool of critics.
00:14:14 That they choose.
00:14:16 They choose from or always these you.
00:14:18 Know they're just these awful people.
00:14:19 So usually if if it's certified fresh or like whatever.
00:14:22 Stupid rating they used.
00:14:24 It it's almost guaranteed to be.
00:14:25 Awful, but I still was like, you know, I'm.
00:14:28 Going to just.
00:14:28 Pick like a.
00:14:30 New film that's really highly rated.
00:14:34 On Rotten Tomatoes.
00:14:37 And I chose.
00:14:39 Because apparently most movies I was actually kind of shocked at how many films.
00:14:44 Are not even like produced.
00:14:45 By the Old Hollywood studios.
00:14:47 A lot of these movies are produced by Amazon, by Netflix.
00:14:52 I think even Hulu.
00:14:53 I'm not sure I, you know, I don't.
00:14:56 I don't pay for streaming services, so I've kind of lost track of.
00:15:00 Who? Who's relevant these days?
00:15:04 And there was a film produced by Amazon.
00:15:08 By the name of.
00:15:09 I care a lot.
00:15:12 I care a lot.
00:15:14 And rave reviews.
00:15:17 Rave reviews.
00:15:20 And I watched it.
00:15:23 Horrified every moment it was, it was like torture.
00:15:29 And at the end of it.
00:15:33 I was reminded of and we'll get into this.
00:15:36 Why later?
00:15:37 But I was reminded of.
00:15:40 Past films, the films that really the storylines.
00:15:43 Are way different.
00:15:45 But they had something in common.
00:15:50 Yes, the subversion was.
00:15:51 In your face.
00:15:53 And this is not a new thing, but they.
00:15:55 They used an old tactic.
00:16:00 The tactic of glorifying.
00:16:03 And making a ****** awful person an anti.
00:16:06 Hero, as some people like to say.
Speaker 5
00:16:09 Seem really cool.00:16:12 Really cool.
00:16:14 So you relate, you connect with this.00:16:15 Really bad person.
00:16:17 You root for this really bad person.
00:16:22 Then at the end.
00:16:24 You know, they try to to wrap it up, they they.
00:16:26 Try to make it seem like, oh, it's OK.
00:16:27 Because in the end, you know they they got theirs.
00:16:30 Karma caught up.
00:16:31 With them or or or whatever, right?
00:16:34 But the damage has already been done.
00:16:37 Now, usually this tactic doesn't work on well adjusted people.
00:16:40 In fact, in a weird way, it's a way to.
00:16:42 Slip this version.
00:16:44 Under the noses.
00:16:45 Of normal people.
00:16:47 Because they'll sit there and watch the awful messages being pumped into their head.
00:16:52 They'll squirm and their their theater seats as they they watch.
00:16:58 And this this person that you wouldn't you shouldn't like, but they, you know the the the film makers have tried to.
00:17:04 Make them cool and likable.
00:17:07 So you deal with this discomfort of.
00:17:09 Like oh, I don't know.
00:17:12 But then that discomfort is relieved at the end because again, your karma catches.
00:17:17 Up with them.
00:17:18 And they get there, so it's OK.
00:17:21 It's OK that there.
00:17:22 There were these awful, terrible.
00:17:24 People because the.
00:17:24 Moral of the story is, you know, bad things happen to bad people.
00:17:33 The problem is.
00:17:37 Not everyone's well adjusted.
00:17:40 Not everyone understands or.
00:17:43 Cares about that little bookend of and it's OK because.
00:17:48 Bad things happen to them.
00:17:51 And I learned this.
00:17:52 At a very early age.
00:17:55 I learned this.
00:17:57 Oddly enough.
00:17:59 From two of the worst women I probably was ever involved with.
00:18:06 And just by weird coincidence.
00:18:10 In both cases.
00:18:12 The first giant red flag.
00:18:16 That wasn't just like, uh, that's a little weird.
00:18:19 Or uh, she's a little crazy, but like a her.
00:18:21 Brain is broken.
00:18:23 Red flag.
00:18:26 Was after watching.
00:18:29 A movie like this.
00:18:31 After watching a movie.
00:18:34 And then leaving the theater.
00:18:36 And as people often do, starting a conversation like.
00:18:39 Oh, what did you think of the movie?
00:18:43 And then being horrified.
00:18:48 Because their take away.
00:18:49 From the film.
00:18:51 Wasn't that?
00:18:53 Oh, but at the end the bad person.
00:18:56 Had the bad thing happen to them.
00:18:58 So I should discard all the advice of this bad person.
00:19:01 I should.
00:19:02 I should not emulate this bad person.
00:19:04 I should not look it up to this bad person, no.
00:19:09 No, in in a stunning, stunningly similar situation.
00:19:14 In both cases.
00:19:17 These women.
00:19:19 Had soaked up.
00:19:21 All of the bad bits.
00:19:24 And had completely either ignored or were oblivious.
00:19:30 To the bad consequences to that that happened to.
00:19:33 These people at.
Speaker 8
00:19:33 The end of the film.Devon
00:19:38 And it's because of this.00:19:39 I would also.
00:19:40 I'm also theorizing right now, and I'll admit this is just anecdotal evidence that.
00:19:45 I have to work on.
00:19:46 Or how many studies to back up this hunch?
00:19:50 But after especially watching this newer film.
00:19:54 I think.
00:19:56 This is a tactic that works especially well on women.
00:20:02 Women who.
00:20:05 Well, let's face it.
00:20:08 By and large, don't.
00:20:09 Always think about the consequences.
00:20:11 You know, there's that famous line Speaking of movies.
00:20:14 There's that famous line and.
00:20:17 As good as it gets.
00:20:20 Jack nicholson's.
00:20:21 Character is a writer of of women's novels.
00:20:26 And a fan runs up to him and says how do you write women so well?
00:20:31 And he says, I think of a man.
00:20:34 And then I take away reason and accountability.
00:20:41 And with that, let's get started.
00:20:49 So our first film and this triple feature.
00:20:58 Is devil's advocate.
00:21:01 Now lots of people have seen devil's advocate.
00:21:04 As I mentioned that it was my first real serious girlfriend.
00:21:09 We watched this film and movie, I mean it.
00:21:11 It wasn't like.
00:21:12 A secret what the movie's about. The movie is about the devil.
00:21:16 It's in. It's.
00:21:17 In the name.
00:21:21 The last person I would think that a normal.
00:21:25 Human being would want to relate to in the.
00:21:27 Film would be the devil, but you know.
00:21:29 We'll get into that in a second.
00:21:32 So the Devil's advocate is about.
00:21:35 The devil, and he's a lawyer and.
00:21:40 He's he's trying to create the Antichrist, you find out later.
00:21:44 But let's let's just get it.
00:21:45 Let's just breeze through it.
00:21:47 We're not gonna spend a whole lot of time on the.
00:21:48 1st 2 movies here.
00:21:51 But just so you get an idea as to what we're dealing with here, so in.
00:21:56 The opening scene.
00:21:59 You have a girl who's in the witness stand in a trial, and it's obvious that she's been molested.
00:22:06 She's crying.
00:22:08 Her math teacher apparently molested her.
00:22:12 And Keanu Reeves?
00:22:15 And the guy who who looks like a pedo straight from central casting because he's basically a pedo straight from central casting to the right of him.
00:22:22 There, that's his client.
00:22:25 And his client.
00:22:27 As the woman or the young lady.
00:22:31 Is describing what happened to her.
00:22:33 He starts being super creepy pedo guy and like touching himself while in court, and Keanu Reeves realizes in that moment.
00:22:43 That his client is guilty.
00:22:46 And he goes to the bathroom and he's having this.
00:22:48 Crisis of conscience.
00:22:50 And he's like, you know.
00:22:52 I don't know if I can represent this person.
00:22:56 But then he decides he doesn't.
00:22:58 Want to lose a case?
00:23:00 He doesn't mind so much.
Speaker 12
00:23:04 Well that.Devon
00:23:05 He is defending a pedo.00:23:08 He cares more.
00:23:09 About winning the case.
00:23:11 So he wins the case they celebrate.
00:23:15 And while they're celebrating.
00:23:17 A mysterious man shows up.
00:23:20 And gives them an offer to come work at this big law firm, and they're going to give him a a fancy apartment and all kinds of money and all of his wildest dreams will come true.
00:23:34 And so he.
00:23:35 Goes there.
00:23:35 He meets the head of the the law firm.
00:23:39 And it's Al Pacino who's playing the devil as a lawyer.
00:23:46 And he meets all the other high-powered people.
00:23:51 And there's a weird line always.
00:23:53 I put this clip in.
00:23:54 Here is.
00:23:57 It's just anytime you watch it's weird how anytime and think of, I'm not going to comment on.
00:24:02 On why this might be.
00:24:03 But it's weird how if you watch anything made in the 90s and I think this movie was.
00:24:07 Probably made in like.
00:24:09 Like 97 or something like that.
00:24:13 If you watch any movie from the 90s or early 2000s, it's shocking how often.
00:24:20 Donald Trump gets mentioned.
00:24:22 So Donald Trump has just randomly mentioned, like, totally random at this party.
00:24:28 Donald Trump was.Devon
00:24:32 Turn that up, I guess.Speaker 7
00:24:37 Donald Trump was supposed to be here, video business marketing.Devon
00:24:42 Yeah, just totally random.00:24:43 It was just there to like intro.
00:24:45 The scene and they.
00:24:45 Walk in, never hear about it again.
00:24:47 And that that's the kind of thing it's weird.
00:24:49 Like there's a lot of movies for that it.
00:24:50 That's the case where.
00:24:51 He just walks by, they.
00:24:53 Just mention him anyway.
00:24:55 So then Keanu Reeves.
00:24:58 Defends a guy who's guilty of murder and he not just any murder.
00:25:03 He murdered his wife, his kid, his his maid.
00:25:06 So like a triple homicide, including a child, and he he gets the, he gets the murderer off.
00:25:13 Meanwhile his his wife is completely depressed in this new city and.
00:25:19 Is losing her mind slowly goes crazy, ends up killing herself at a certain point.
00:25:28 And he starts to realize he finds out that the the Devil is his dad, and most of the stuff doesn't matter.
00:25:35 OK.
00:25:36 All you have to know is Keanu Reeves.
00:25:39 Is a lawyer working for the devil and?
00:25:42 This is the.
00:25:42 End where he goes to talk to the.
00:25:45 Devil and find out what, like what's going on?
00:25:49 And the devil gives his big monologue his big This is why the devil is cool monologue.
00:25:59 And here we go.
Speaker 5
00:26:03 You were right about one thing, Kevin.00:26:05 I have been.
00:26:07 I couldn't help myself watching.
Speaker 6
00:26:12 Holding my breath.Speaker 5
00:26:15 But I'm no puppeteer, Kevin.00:26:19 I don't make things happen.
00:26:21 Doesn't work like that.
00:26:22 Free will.
00:26:24 It's like butterfly wings once touched.
00:26:27 They never get off the ground.
00:26:29 No, I only set the stage.
00:26:33 You pull your own strings.
Speaker 7
00:26:35 What do you want from me?Speaker 5
00:26:37 I want you to be yourself.00:26:39 You know, I'll tell you, boy guilt.
00:26:42 It's like a bag of ******* bricks.
00:26:44 All you gotta do.
00:26:46 Sit it down.
Speaker 7
00:26:51 I know what you've gone through.00:26:53 I've been there.
00:26:55 Just come here.00:26:56 Come here.
00:26:57 Yeah, let it go.
Speaker 7
00:27:01 I can't do that.Speaker 5
00:27:05 Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway?00:27:09 God, is that it?
00:27:14 Well, I tell you, let me give you a little inside information about God.
00:27:19 God likes to watch.
00:27:21 He's a prankster.
00:27:23 Think about it.
00:27:24 He gives man instincts.
00:27:28 He gives you this extraordinary gift and then what does he do?
00:27:32 I swear for his own amusement.
00:27:35 His own private cosmic gag reel.
00:27:40 He sets the rules in opposition.
00:27:43 It's the goof of all time.
00:27:44 Look, but don't touch.
00:27:48 Touch, but don't taste.
00:27:54 Don't swallow.
00:27:56 And while you're jumping from 1 foot to the next, what is he doing?
00:28:00 He's laughing.
00:28:01 His sick ******* *** off.
00:28:04 He's a tight asss.
00:28:06 He's a sadist.
00:28:08 He's an absentee landlord.
00:28:11 Worship that never.
00:28:14 Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.00:28:16 Is that it?
Speaker 5
00:28:18 Why not?00:28:19 I'm here on the.
00:28:20 Ground with my nose in it.
00:28:22 Since the whole thing began, I've nurtured every sensation.
00:28:27 Man has been inspired to have I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him.
00:28:34 Because I never rejected him in spite of all his imperfections.
00:28:38 I'm a fan. Amen.
00:28:42 I'm a humanist.
00:28:44 Maybe the last humanist.
00:28:47 Who in their right mind Kevin could possibly deny the 20th century was entirely mine?
00:28:54 All of it, Kevin.
00:28:57 All of it.
00:29:02 I'm peeking, Ken.
00:29:04 It's my time now.
00:29:09 So he does his big.00:29:11 Uh, let me put this, uh, fancy TV up.
00:29:15 He does this big monologue, essentially selling.
00:29:20 Satanism do what thou wilt.
00:29:24 It's my time God hates you.
00:29:27 I'll give you what you want.
00:29:31 Now, at the end, of course, that's not the end at the.
00:29:34 End counter Reeves decides not to join the devil.
00:29:38 And and and and.
00:29:40 And there's this weird thing where he shoots himself but magically transports back in time.
00:29:44 I don't know.
00:29:44 It's all stupid, but.
00:29:45 Doesn't matter which, which it actually reinforces my theory here.
00:29:51 That the ending is kind of.
00:29:52 Just like you know, like a.
00:29:54 Throw away ending.
00:29:56 This is the real message.
00:29:59 This is the real message.
00:30:00 Delivered powerfully by Al Pacino.
00:30:04 Who is a?
00:30:05 Very gifted actor.
00:30:08 And I walked out of the theater after watching this film.
00:30:13 And I was like, oh, what do you think?
00:30:17 And my date said.
00:30:19 I think he's right.
00:30:22 I said who?
00:30:24 Well, I think the, the the devil's right.
00:30:29 God is just he.
00:30:31 He's he's a evil, evil God.
00:30:33 He gives us all these.
00:30:35 Desires and these lusts.
00:30:37 And then he tells us not to, to to use them, not to embrace them.
00:30:49 And this wasn't.
00:30:49 Just a casual comment made by a a stupid young lady.
00:30:54 I mean, she was a stupid young lady.
00:30:56 Wasn't just she was.
00:30:58 She was seriously disturbed because she realized she was agreeing with the devil, but she was still agreeing with the devil.
00:31:11 And that was the moment I realized.
00:31:12 OK.
00:31:13 This ***** is crazy.
00:31:14 She's got.
00:31:14 To go but.
00:31:17 If only I had back kind of willpower at the time anyway.
00:31:21 Movie #2 that does a similar thing.
00:31:27 It's called up in the air.
00:31:30 George Clooney again.
00:31:33 If you put George Clooney in a movie, especially I think when this came out, which would have been, I think, around.
00:31:38 2000.
00:31:40 9 ish.
00:31:43 You know you're.
00:31:43 You're you're you're basically trying to attract women.
00:31:47 To your movie.
00:31:49 And attract women, they did.
00:31:53 And if you watch the film, there is also a young woman.
00:31:56 In there's well, it's, it's.
00:31:58 It's not a, it's.
00:31:59 Not a chick flick.
00:31:59 It's definitely not a chick flick.
00:32:02 But it's I I guess I guess I I wouldn't say it's feminine either.
00:32:06 I would say it's it's unisex.
00:32:11 Is that even a term anymore now that with all the stupid gender stuff I don't even know?
00:32:16 But anyway this.
00:32:17 Film came out in 2009. Same story. I went out with this woman to the theater.
00:32:24 And you know, this is this is about 10 years, 10 years later.
00:32:30 And we watched this film.
00:32:33 And what in this case?
00:32:36 The film is about a permanent bachelor, a permanent bachelor played by George Clooney.
00:32:47 Who works for an odd kind.
00:32:49 Of a company.
00:32:51 Now this company, what they do, and this was very appropriate for the time.
00:32:55 This is the kind of stuff that we were seeing left and right.
00:32:57 And I guess now it's it's an OverDrive.
00:33:01 But as companies get really large, they start outsourcing everything, including things like firing people.
00:33:10 So instead of nutting up and firing their own employees when they're going to lay them off, they would hire a consultant and consulting firm.
00:33:20 And the consultants would come in and do.
00:33:23 All the firing.
00:33:26 And Sir George Clooney's character works for one of these consulting firms.
00:33:31 So he got the.
00:33:32 Movie opens up.
00:33:33 He's going in there, you know, he he fires some people.
00:33:37 You start to see that his life is spent almost entirely at airports and in hotel rooms.
00:33:46 He packs light.
00:33:49 He's obsessed with collecting miles like airline miles.
00:33:56 Because that's that's his entire life.
00:33:58 He has no family.
00:33:59 He has no hometown.
00:34:01 He just has.
00:34:04 Airline miles.
00:34:07 He's he's gotten really good at getting through security.
00:34:11 It's like second nature to him.
00:34:14 But also he has a side hustle.
00:34:18 He does motivational speaking.
00:34:22 Where he sells his philosophy, his life philosophy.
00:34:28 And his life philosophy is that you don't want to have connections.
00:34:34 You don't want to have people in your life weighing you down.
00:34:38 You don't want to have.
00:34:40 A community.
00:34:42 Because it's just going to.
00:34:43 Slow you down.
00:34:46 You want to be able to be free of all liabilities commitments.
00:34:54 And so now.
00:34:55 I'll play a little.
00:34:56 Clip of him explaining his philosophy.
Speaker 9
00:35:07 Which is your life way?00:35:11 For a second that you're carrying a backpack.
00:35:14 I should feel the straps on your shoulders.
00:35:19 I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life.
00:35:23 Some of the little things, the things on shelves and drawers and knickknacks, collectibles feel the weight as that adds up.
00:35:32 You start adding larger stuff clothes.
Speaker 6
00:35:35 Appliances, lamps, linens. The TV.Speaker 9
00:35:41 Getting pretty heavy now and you go bigger.00:35:44 The couch bed.
00:35:46 Your kitchen table.
00:35:47 You stuff it all in there, your.
00:35:48 Car, get it in.
00:35:50 Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house, I want you to stuff it.
00:35:56 All into that.
00:35:57 Backpack. Now try to walk.
00:36:03 It's kind of hard, isn't it?
00:36:06 This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis.
00:36:08 We lay ourselves down until we can't even move.
00:36:11 And make no mistake in his living.
Speaker 6
00:36:15 Now I'm going to set.Speaker 9
00:36:17 That backpack on fire.00:36:18 What do you?
00:36:18 Want to take out of photos?
00:36:21 Photos of the people who?
00:36:22 Can remember threesome GEICO with the photos burned.
00:36:26 In fact, let.
00:36:28 Everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with no.
00:36:34 It's kind of exhilarating.
00:36:39 So at first, that's the first clip they show of his his philosophy.00:36:44 So at first it doesn't sound so bad.
00:36:47 It sounds maybe even something akin to the scene.
00:36:51 In Fight Club, where the main character.
00:36:55 Played by Ed Norton is talking about you.
00:36:57 Know, you know we.
00:36:59 There are things we have all this stuff.
00:37:01 We don't need you.
00:37:02 Know we have all this IKEA furniture and all this stupid stuff and we're just consumers.
00:37:08 So you you watched that first?
00:37:10 And you're like, yeah, you know you.
00:37:11 Know we aren't our stuff.
00:37:12 We don't need stuff.
00:37:13 Why do we have all this stuff all?
00:37:15 This stuff weighs me down.
00:37:18 But then he realized later in the film that this extends to far more than just stuff, far more than just the the photos, he says that you don't need.
00:37:28 Now in his travels, going from airport to airport and hanging out in Hotel bar to Hotel Bar, Lounge or restaurant.
00:37:38 He meets a.
00:37:39 A woman.Devon
00:37:40 Who seems as if she's got a a similar job.00:37:43 So she's traveling all over the place they compare.
00:37:48 Airplane miles and stuff like that.
00:37:51 And they end up, you know, having sex in his hotel room and decide, you know what, that was fun.
00:37:59 Let's let's compare schedules.
00:38:04 And and so the next time we're in the same city, we can hang out.
00:38:09 And so they.
00:38:09 Do that.
00:38:12 And then I forget what this clip is.
00:38:13 Well, I guess we'll have.
00:38:14 To play it, find out.
Speaker 9
00:38:16 Last year I spent 322 days on the road, which means I had to spend 43 miserable days at home.Devon
00:38:24 So I guess that's just to illustrate further.00:38:27 He doesn't like being at home, his home is this ****** apartment with nothing in it.
00:38:37 And then he gets raised.
00:38:38 He's at home as he gets called to the office.
00:38:41 They've called everybody in.
00:38:42 All these traveling people that fire.
00:38:45 You know the.
00:38:46 The the the firing consultants from around the country to come to their home base because.
00:38:49 They've got a big announcement.
00:38:51 So he comes in for the big announcement and finds out they've hired A consultant.
00:38:57 The consulting firm has hired a consultant.
00:39:01 I am just.Speaker 13
00:39:02 I'm thrilled that everyone's back under one roof. Welcome home, boys. I know there's been a lot of whispering about why we're here, so let me jump right in. Retailers are down 20%.00:39:11 Auto industry is in the dump housing market, doesn't have a heartbeat.
00:39:16 It is one of the worst times on record for America.
00:39:21 This is our moment.
Speaker 11
00:39:26 If there's one word.00:39:26 I want to leave you.
00:39:27 With today it's.
Speaker 6
00:39:28 This global our.Speaker 11
00:39:37 Global must become local. This company keeps 23 people.00:39:42 On the road at.
Speaker 7
00:39:43 Least 200.Speaker 11
00:39:44 And fifty days a year.00:39:46 It's expensive and it's inefficient.
00:39:49 When I came to Craig three months ago with this, he told me I'm quite astutely it's only a problem if you have a solution.
00:39:56 Well, today I stand before you with just that.
00:40:01 You all know Ned and reception today.
00:40:03 I'm going to fire Ned.
00:40:06 Sorry Ned, I'm sure.
00:40:10 I just want to.00:40:10 Pause right here and just mention this is 2009 serving of the technology obviously existed. It wasn't as normal as it is today in in, in today's global economy, global as she says.
00:40:27 To have this work from home work remotely zoom call kind of ********.
00:40:34 And so this was, this was cutting edge, but it was also a harbinger of things to come.
00:40:40 And he's the old school.
00:40:41 Guy who likes to fire people in person.
00:40:44 And he's he doesn't.
00:40:45 He does.
00:40:46 He's a little terrified by this, this remote work.
00:40:50 That's going to stop him from collecting all of his airplane miles.
00:40:54 Not going to be able.
00:40:55 To travel anymore, he's going.
00:40:56 To be stuck.
00:40:58 On a computer.
Speaker 11
00:41:00 Jim will hire you back this afternoon.Speaker 13
00:41:02 We'll see about that.Speaker 11
00:41:04 Now Ned could be any employee in any one of our clients locations worldwide strategy packets will be shipped in advance.00:41:11 That would be given a seat and find one of our transition specialists.
00:41:13 Waiting for him.
00:41:16 M last.
00:41:17 The reason we're having this conversation is your position is no longer available.
00:41:21 I don't understand fire.Speaker 11
00:41:23 Hearing the words you've been let go is never easy.00:41:26 Change is always scary, but consider the following.
00:41:28 Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you.
00:41:31 Are now and it's because.
00:41:32 They sat there that they were able to do it.
Speaker 9
00:41:35 My ******* line.Speaker 12
00:41:37 Well, what happens now?Speaker 11
00:41:38 This is the first step of a.00:41:40 Process that will end with you in a new job that fulfills you.
Speaker 12
00:41:42 Yeah, but how does it work?Speaker 11
00:41:44 Way to take the packet in front of you, review it all the answers you're looking for inside start filling out the necessary information and before you know it, you'll be on your way.00:41:53 To new opportunities.
00:41:54 Now, Ned, I need you to go back to your desk and start putting together your things as a favor to me.
00:41:59 I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet.
00:42:02 Panic doesn't help anyone.
00:42:04 I understand.Devon
00:42:10 So he's he does not like this this new technology, this young woman that's that's entered his industry and is trying to, you know, turn everything around.00:42:20 But I also want.
00:42:21 To point something out.
00:42:23 Now I've again, I'm working off of a a very limited data pool, but I am of the opinion after really thinking about it and I've got some theories as to why it will maybe talk about.
00:42:33 It after the at the end here.
00:42:35 But I I.
00:42:37 My theory is my my, my well it's not even a theory the.
00:42:42 Fact is this kind.
00:42:46 Of messaging injection.
00:42:50 Works better on women.
00:42:52 It works better on women.
00:42:56 And in this movie.
00:42:58 Especially not so much in devil's advocate, which you know was a there was a male protagonist.
00:43:03 The If anything, the the woman, his wife, you know, it looks like she's having a terrible time.
00:43:09 But in this movie especially, you're starting to see that, you know, it's 2009. So we're ten years later, 10 year, 12 years later, after the Devil's Advocate.
00:43:18 So you're already starting.
00:43:20 To see a lot of movies you know you had, like the James Bond, his new boss is now a chick.
00:43:24 And you know that kind of.
00:43:25 Stupid **** was just starting to creep.
00:43:27 In and this is.
00:43:28 This is that sort of a thing happened in this movie too.
00:43:31 We're the old man, the old white man.
00:43:33 His his days are over.
00:43:35 The young you.
00:43:36 Know lively young woman who's going to come in here.
00:43:39 She's well educated and she's strong and independent.
00:43:42 And she's going to, you know, change everything.
00:43:45 So there's definitely an element.
00:43:46 Of that.
00:43:48 Now, and that's also and I guess the the movie gets more into it too with the the woman that he had sex with at the hotel, same kind of a story.
00:43:57 You know, she's very, very old business.
00:44:02 So they get.
00:44:03 To the airport because she needs to learn.
00:44:07 How to do?
00:44:08 The firing, he thinks that she needs more experience in the field before they can roll out this remote firing software stuff.
00:44:16 So he he shows her again.
00:44:18 You shouldn't have all this stuff.
00:44:20 You need to downsize the stuff that you have.
00:44:23 Let's throw away all this stuff.
00:44:25 You only need.
00:44:26 One suitcase and of course you know they they make a little over the top, but it's.
00:44:30 A metaphor for the.
00:44:31 Rest of the film that you need to downsize your life, you need to cut everything out.
00:44:37 Including, he sees that her boyfriend drops her off at the airport and he's very disgusted by that because she has.
00:44:43 Some kind of human connection?
00:44:48 And then again.
00:44:50 We we kind of see some sociopathic traits.
00:44:56 Being maybe comically, but also definitely not negatively.
00:45:02 Exhibited by this young woman.
Speaker 11
00:45:05 I'm building a workflow of firing techniques, questions and responses, actions and reactions.00:45:11 So script taking you through the steps of firing someone.
Speaker 9
00:45:14 Who's it for?Speaker 11
00:45:16 Well, theoretically you could put it in hands of anyone and.00:45:19 They'd be downsizing immediately.
00:45:21 All you have to do is.
00:45:21 Follow the steps.
Speaker 1
00:45:23 This is.Devon
00:45:26 So she's just heartlessly creating.00:45:29 You know this this algorithm essentially that will **** **** people on their on the day that they're getting fired and have an answer for all their questions in this real cold calculating way.
Speaker 9
00:45:43 How I start?00:45:44 Every day of my life.
00:45:48 Now this is.
00:45:50 So this is this is the much further into.00:45:53 Into the film.
00:45:55 This is where he goes into more detail about his philosophy.
00:46:00 And in his philosophy.
00:46:04 He's he's he's.
00:46:05 Now including people, it's no longer, you know.
00:46:08 You have your house and your.
00:46:10 You have your your car you have.
00:46:12 Your furniture, the.
00:46:13 Stuff that you know a lot of people.
00:46:14 Could probably relate.
00:46:15 To, but now he takes it a.
00:46:17 Step further.
Speaker 7
00:46:18 It's going to.Speaker 9
00:46:19 Be a little difficult, so stay with me.00:46:21 You get a new backpack.
00:46:23 Only this time.
00:46:25 I want you to fill it with people.
00:46:27 Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office, and then you move into the people that you trust with your most intimate secrets, your cousins, your aunts, your uncles.
00:46:39 Brothers or sisters? Your parents?
00:46:43 And finally, your husband, your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend.
00:46:49 You get into that backpack.
00:46:53 Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to.
00:46:55 Light it on fire.
00:46:58 Feel the weight of that bag.
00:47:01 Make no mistake, your relationships are the heaviest components.
00:47:04 In your life.
00:47:07 If you have the straps.
00:47:09 Cutting into your shoulders.
00:47:12 All those negotiations and arguments and secrets and compromises.
00:47:21 You need to carry all that weight.
00:47:24 Don't you set that back down?
00:47:29 Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically for a lifetime.
00:47:35 Star crossed lovers.
00:47:36 Monogamous Swans.
00:47:37 We are not those animals.
00:47:42 Slowly, we move.
00:47:43 The faster we die, we are not Swans.
00:47:48 We're sharks.
00:47:55 And so there you see the rest of his philosophy.00:47:59 Not only should you.
00:48:00 Cut out all these material things that are weighing.
00:48:02 You down.
00:48:02 You should cut out people.
00:48:05 Your relationships are your are the heaviest things.
00:48:08 In your lives.
00:48:10 All your commitments, your family, your parents, your wife.
00:48:18 They're all just weighing you down.
00:48:22 And of course they they had that slow zoom of the girl.
00:48:27 Internalizing all of that as he's talking about it.
00:48:32 Learning from a mentor and that's literally what she's doing on this business trip.
00:48:37 She's doing a mentorship with the king.
00:48:42 And watching his little seminar and taking it all in.
00:48:50 And you can tell that she's that some of this is.
00:48:53 Resonating with her.
00:48:59 Next you find out.
00:49:02 She's, she says, well, you you never.
00:49:05 Wanted to have a family.
00:49:06 Why don't you?
00:49:06 Want to have a family?
Speaker 9
00:49:09 Never want kids?00:49:10 Not a chance.
00:49:14 Is that so bizarre?
Speaker 11
00:49:15 Yes, yes it is.Speaker 9
00:49:19 I just don't see the value of it right.00:49:23 Sell it to me.
00:49:25 Sell me marriage.
Speaker 11
00:49:28 OK, how about love?00:49:32 Stability somebody you can count on somebody to talk to, somebody to.
Speaker 9
00:49:34 How many stable marriages do you know?Speaker 11
00:49:39 Spend your life with.Speaker 9
00:49:40 Founded by people to talk to, I doubt that's.00:49:42 Going to change.
Speaker 11
00:49:45 How about just not dying alone?Speaker 9
00:49:48 Stabbing when I was 12, we moved each one.00:49:50 Of my grandparents into a nursing facility.
00:49:52 My parents went the same way.
00:49:53 Make no mistake, we all die now.
00:49:57 Those cult members in San Diego.
00:49:59 With the kool-aid and the sneakers.
00:50:01 They didn't die alone.
00:50:06 We all die alone.00:50:09 So why bother having a family?
00:50:11 Why bother having children?
00:50:13 Why bother including anyone else?
00:50:15 In your life.
00:50:19 You should be as atomized.
00:50:20 As possible and never have children.
00:50:26 So he he meets up with that woman that he met at the airport a couple more times and they have sex and whatever.
00:50:33 And they roll out the the software that she's developed to start firing people remotely.
00:50:46 Then he convinces because his little sister.
00:50:49 Is getting married.
00:50:50 He convinces this woman that he's met at the air or at the hotel to come be his date.
00:50:55 At the wedding.
00:50:59 And we find out his older sister is, of course, because marriage.
00:51:02 Is all they.
00:51:03 Never last.
00:51:04 She's getting divorced.
00:51:06 Her relationship.
00:51:07 Is a mess.
00:51:08 I guess he was the smart one for never getting involved.
00:51:13 And then he meets his younger sister, who's getting married to a *********.
00:51:18 You know, the guy is a complete tool.
00:51:21 The sister is very unsophisticated.
00:51:23 They're just really simple people.
00:51:27 And there's this real condescension.
00:51:30 This, this, this, it's dripping with condescension.
00:51:35 Like, oh, look, let those.
00:51:37 Silly bumpkins. Get married.
00:51:39 And pop out kids.
00:51:40 We're the sophisticated, smart people.
00:51:43 We're going to be world travelers.
00:51:46 We're going to go.
00:51:46 Around and see the world and.
00:51:49 Not be held back by all of these things, our backpack.
00:51:56 And then one day.
00:51:59 He's not.
00:52:00 He does start to feel lonely.
00:52:03 He does start to question his own philosophy.
00:52:08 He goes up and starts doing his speech.
00:52:13 He has all this money he's selling.
00:52:15 A book.
00:52:17 It looks like things are looking up.
00:52:20 But then he decides you.
00:52:21 Know what?
00:52:22 Maybe maybe a ****** **.
00:52:25 Maybe I did something, maybe I have.
00:52:26 This all wrong.
00:52:30 See this is this is the part of the movie where they've already delivered the message, the horrifying, terrible message.
00:52:38 But they need to make it OK at the end so that people aren't picketing outside the movie theater.
00:52:44 They've already given you the poison.
00:52:49 It's already in your system.
00:52:51 And so now they're just going to give you some sugar.
00:52:55 To get that terrible after taste out of your mouth.
00:53:00 So he decides you.
00:53:01 Know what? Screw this.
00:53:03 And he runs to the airport.
00:53:06 Goes to Chicago, where that woman that.
00:53:08 He's been banging.
00:53:10 Lives decides to surprise her at her house.
00:53:18 Hey, you forgot to give me your.00:53:19 Hertz #1 gold card.
Speaker 9
00:53:57 So I was in the neighborhood.Speaker 6
00:54:04 Wait, wait.Devon
00:54:13 Uh oh, she's got a family.00:54:14 She didn't.
00:54:15 Tell him about.
00:54:20 He was the.
00:54:23 The mistress, as it turns out.
Speaker 13
00:54:29 Hey, honey.00:54:30 Who's at the door?
Speaker 14
00:54:31 It's just somebody who's lost.Devon
00:54:44 And this is the part.00:54:48 That's supposed to make it all better.
00:54:51 Oh, look, now he's alone.
00:54:54 Now he's alone.
00:54:57 His stupid philosophy.
00:54:58 Got him nowhere.
00:55:03 Now he's all by himself.
00:55:07 This woman that he's with, she has a family now.
00:55:11 And now he has nothing.
00:55:16 And that's kind of the.
00:55:16 End of the film.
Speaker 12
00:55:20 And once again.Devon
00:55:21 We walked out of the theater after watching this movie.00:55:25 I was with another serious girlfriend, or so I thought.
00:55:32 And I said yeah, so well.
00:55:34 You know what, what do you think?
00:55:39 And that giant red flag started waving.
00:55:44 And she said, you know, he's.
00:55:45 Got a point.
00:55:47 He's got a point.
00:55:50 I should cut all these people out of.
00:55:51 My life.
00:55:53 I should cut everything out of my life.
00:55:55 Every all these connections.
00:55:57 In my life, this community, it's weighing me down.
00:56:00 Having a family?
00:56:01 That just sounds like it would.
00:56:03 It's a disaster.
00:56:05 We all die alone anyway.
00:56:14 Because the poison was already in her mind.
00:56:19 Didn't matter.
00:56:20 This cup of sugar here at the end didn't.
00:56:22 Might have washed the the after taste out of her mouth.
00:56:25 Or maybe not.
00:56:29 The injection.
00:56:32 The vaccination had already been administered.
00:56:40 And I was once again shocked.
00:56:44 Shocked that two people.
00:56:47 Could sit down and watch the same movie.
00:56:51 At the same time.
00:56:56 And have completely different takeaways.
00:57:06 Which leads us to tonight's main feature, the main event.
00:57:13 Now The funny thing is, as we've we've watched these old these clips from the older films.
00:57:18 The subversion or the bad messaging, if you will.
00:57:23 Was, I think, more intelligently delivered.
00:57:28 It wasn't hitting you over the head.
00:57:31 The the characters were even the devil and the Devil's advocate was a entertaining person.
00:57:38 Unlikable in away person.
00:57:42 You know George Clooney's character as much as he had this awful, terrible philosophy on life.
00:57:50 Was a likable person.
00:57:53 He was a nice person.
00:57:55 He made fun of his family and was condescending, but ultimately he you could tell that he still.
00:58:01 Cared about them and.
00:58:02 And at the end you know.
00:58:04 He he well, he doesn't really seem.
00:58:07 To really take to heart the the.
00:58:10 Error of his ways.
00:58:14 At the very least, you can tell he's emotionally disappointed about how things worked out.
00:58:23 He doesn't think that he's he's as successful as he did.
00:58:29 Or as he was when he first.
00:58:31 Started doing his little.
00:58:35 He probably feels a little bit foolish.
00:58:40 In this film.
00:58:42 I don't know if you should still call it a film because I doubt.
00:58:44 Any celluloid was was was harmed in the making of this movie?
00:58:53 There's none of that.
00:58:55 Or at least.
00:58:57 I'm struggling here.
00:58:59 I was thinking to myself because there was a part of me thinking, you know, this character is not even likeable.
Speaker 5
00:59:05 This character isn't someone like.00:59:08 Maybe it's not so.
00:59:09 Bad because this person isn't likeable at all.00:59:11 And then I realize, no.
00:59:15 She's just not likeable to you.
00:59:19 The scary thing, much in the same way that they dumbed down movies that appeal to a Dumber audience.
00:59:27 These horrific people.
00:59:31 These characters in these films, they are they.
00:59:34 Are appealing to the audience.
00:59:39 Of course they're appealing to.
00:59:40 The audience.
00:59:43 Someone's got to be watching Stephen Colbert on TV, right? Someone has to be watching this stuff.
00:59:52 And they are.
00:59:54 Now we could all lie to ourselves and say, oh, the left can't mean and go go broken, yeah.
Speaker 12
01:00:01 Nope. Nope.Devon
01:00:04 That's a cope, people.01:00:06 Are watching this stuff.
01:00:09 People are patronizing their advertisers.
01:00:17 All those stupid makeup tutorial videos on YouTube.
01:00:23 All those really ****** videos that.
01:00:25 YouTube puts on the.
01:00:26 Trending page people are watching that.
01:00:31 Is, as I've said before.
01:00:36 Are now the subversion.
01:00:41 Are now the disease.
01:00:48 We are not the norm if.
01:00:50 We were the norm.
01:00:51 Why would why?
01:00:52 Why on Earth did we call them normies?
01:00:58 So keep that in mind as you watch this, this next horrific, horrific clip.
01:01:05 Where she introduces right off the bat.
01:01:07 This is how.
01:01:08 The film opens.
01:01:15 She explains her philosophy on life.
01:01:18 You see, she's a strong, independent lesbian woman.
01:01:26 Who has found?
01:01:27 A glitch in the system that she is going to exploit.
01:01:34 This movie.
01:01:37 As hard as it might seem.
01:01:38 To believe for you and I.
01:01:41 Makes elder abuse look cool.
01:01:47 And we'll get into that in a.
01:01:48 Second, here we.
Speaker 7
01:01:48 Go look at you sitting there.01:01:55 These things, you're good people, trust me.
Speaker 12
01:01:59 You're not good.Speaker 7
01:02:03 There's no such thing as good people.01:02:09 I used to be.
01:02:10 Like you thinking that working hard and playing fair would lead to success and happiness?
01:02:20 It doesn't say is a joke invented by rich people to keep the rest of us poor.
01:02:33 And I've been poor.
01:02:37 Now, much like up in the air, this starts out with something that's slightly relatable until you realize what she's talking about.01:02:47 You might think to yourself.
01:02:50 Oh yeah.
01:02:50 You know that's true.
01:02:53 They've made-up all these rules, they.
01:02:55 Want us to behave?
01:02:56 They want us to jump to the hoops they want us to be part of the machine.
01:02:58 They want us to try to be alpha slave.
01:03:00 I've said some of these sort of things myself.
01:03:06 And then you find out what she's actually talking about.
Speaker 7
01:03:13 I'm good with me.01:03:17 Because the people.
01:03:18 Two types.
01:03:18 Of people in this world.
01:03:23 And those predators and prey.
01:03:34 My name is Marla Grayson and I'm Mataram.
01:03:40 Ah, I will. ******* lioness.
01:03:48 Ah yes.01:03:50 Sleigh queen.
01:03:52 So you have this obvious feminist stuff already starting up. You don't know quite as the viewer. What the Hell's going on?
01:04:00 She she sounds like.
01:04:01 She's this very.
01:04:03 You know, determined strong willed woman and then.
01:04:07 You have this greasy Red Hat wearing guy.
01:04:10 Don't don't think that slipped by anybody.
01:04:13 Don't think that that.
01:04:14 Guy doesn't just scream Trump supporter.
01:04:16 We all know this guy is supposed to be.
01:04:20 We all know.
01:04:20 Who that guy is supposed to be?
01:04:24 So you find out.
01:04:27 This guy who gets tackled by hospital employees.
01:04:34 Is there because?
01:04:36 This woman.
01:04:40 Has a grift.
01:04:42 Her grift is.
01:04:45 Talking to her friend, who's also a strong independent woman.
01:04:48 Well, I guess I'll show.
01:04:49 Her in a second who was a doctor?
01:04:54 Who files emergency orders to the court?
01:04:59 For guardianship of her elderly patients.
01:05:04 This woman swoops in.
01:05:07 Because she's a professional caregiver.
01:05:12 She has legal guardianship.
01:05:15 They do research to make sure there's not going to be family.
01:05:17 It's going to be a problem.
01:05:18 Like this guy?
01:05:19 Because that's what's happened to this guy.
01:05:21 His mother has been deemed unfit to take care of herself and she is taking control of his mother's estate.
01:05:30 She puts them in a home somewhere and then slowly bleeds them dry, keeping them away from any family or anyone else that might try to get a.
01:05:39 Hold of the estate.
01:05:41 And she tricks diversity.
01:05:43 Hire judges.
01:05:45 Into going along with it.
01:05:49 So he gets really ****** *** because the the the judge is low IQ and charmed by this, you know this go get her lesbian chick.
01:06:00 And we see once again she doesn't take **** from no one.
01:06:03 He runs up.
01:06:05 Yells at him like I want to see my mom.
01:06:07 Not letting me see.
01:06:08 My mom. You've locked her.
01:06:10 Up in a home, you're selling her house, you're selling.
01:06:12 All of her stuff.
01:06:13 What the Hell's?
01:06:14 Going on.
01:06:16 But then she tells him.
01:06:17 Exactly the kind you don't **** around with her.
Speaker 14
01:06:23 They sting role because I know one that you got so soundly beaten there by someone with a vagina.01:06:29 Having a feminist doesn't automatically make you worse.
01:06:31 Scary to me.
01:06:32 Just the opposite.
Speaker 7
01:06:34 You may be man, if you ever threaten, touch or spit on you again, you understand?Speaker 5
01:06:43 I will ride.Speaker 7
01:06:43 **** **** and balls and clean up.Devon
01:06:51 Don't mess with her, guys.01:06:53 She's tough.
01:06:55 She doesn't care if you.
01:06:56 Have a penis.
Speaker 5
01:06:58 In fact that.Devon
01:06:59 Makes her even less afraid of you.01:07:03 And look at him.
01:07:03 He he knows his place.
01:07:05 He's like, whoa, I'm scared of that Lady.
01:07:08 Holy ****, I got put in my place.
01:07:12 This strong, independent woman certainly showed me.
01:07:17 And notice how.
01:07:17 He, like many of the men and some in extreme cases, we'll soon see.
01:07:23 The men she interacts with are always.
01:07:25 Shorter than she is.
01:07:30 There's a lot of little visual.
01:07:31 Things they do in this movie.
01:07:33 That they do in lots of movies, you know, hero.
01:07:36 Movies there's there's.
01:07:37 Little subtle things you can do with cinematography.
01:07:41 To make the viewer.
01:07:43 Feel certain things about certain people.
01:07:47 And this is a perfect example of of that she's looking down at him.
01:07:52 It's obvious.
01:07:52 That he's looking.
01:07:53 Up at her.
01:07:56 She's looming in the frame.
01:07:58 And he seems like he's shrinking in the.
01:08:00 Right.Devon
01:08:03 So then you.01:08:03 Go to her office and you see that she's got all these different old people that she's.
01:08:09 Bleeding dry.
01:08:13 And she has an opening at.
01:08:15 One of the facilities that she stores.
01:08:17 The old people at.
01:08:19 So she goes to her doctor friend.
01:08:22 Another strong, independent woman, of course.
01:08:26 And this strong independent woman.
01:08:30 Decides. Oh yeah.
01:08:32 I think I have just the client.
01:08:36 I've got a patient.
01:08:37 She's really old and.
01:08:39 You know even.
01:08:40 Though, like she's.
01:08:42 Totally with it and could take care of.
01:08:43 Herself, she's rich.
01:08:48 She drives a nice car.
01:08:50 She has really expensive insurance.
01:08:54 She would be of a prime candidate.
01:08:59 Now in addition to like just.
Speaker 5
01:09:01 The both of us.Devon
01:09:03 Yeah, we all know, right?01:09:04 If we were to watch.
01:09:06 The the showdown on the street, right, like this showdown where the guy runs up and he's.
01:09:10 Yelling at her.
01:09:13 No woman would.
01:09:14 Face off with this guy.
01:09:16 Not that this guy is particularly intimidating or anything like that.
01:09:20 But we've seen this sort of thing.
01:09:21 Happen in real?
01:09:22 She might get hysterical and start screaming.
01:09:25 Or something like that, but you wouldn't have this.
01:09:27 Very cold, emotionless, sterile, threatening tone.
01:09:34 And every woman in this movie.
01:09:38 Has that exact presence.
01:09:42 Every single woman.
01:09:44 Has this sociopathic?
01:09:48 Cold, sterile, threatening.
Speaker 5
01:09:52 Vibe about them.Devon
01:09:56 Whether you're talking about her, her, her lesbian lover.01:10:01 And some of the other women we'll get.
01:10:02 Into later the doctor here.
01:10:08 0 nurturing.
01:10:11 Zero emotional thinking.
01:10:15 Just cold calculating *******.
Speaker 12
01:10:22 Now part of Maine.Devon
01:10:24 Again, I go back and I think about this and I'm.01:10:27 Like part of me thinks that this is.
01:10:28 This is very.
01:10:30 This sticks out.
01:10:32 It sticks out to a degree.
01:10:34 Where it's highly unrealistic and it is I still.
01:10:37 I still think it's highly unrealistic, right?
01:10:39 But to the point where it's unrelatable.
01:10:42 It's inaccessible to most women.
01:10:44 Most women can want.
01:10:45 Will watch this and it just doesn't.
01:10:46 I mean, it wouldn't compute.
01:10:49 But I don't think that's the.
01:10:50 Case anymore.
01:10:54 I don't think that's the case anymore.
01:10:59 No longer are we dealing with women that were slowly acclimated to the culture of abortion, you know, ignoring their.
01:11:08 Instincts to such a degree.
01:11:10 That their nurturing has been replaced with just steely eyed murder or celebratory murder.
01:11:18 Think about that in the West right now.
01:11:21 And of course, obviously there's many exceptions.
01:11:25 But again, we're not talk.
01:11:26 About the exceptions we're talking about normies.
01:11:30 In the West right now, whether you're talking about the United States, you're talking about Britain, you're talking about even.
01:11:36 Eastern Europe to some extent.
01:11:42 If you are pro.
01:11:43 Life as a woman.
01:11:45 You're the anomaly.
01:11:50 The norm.
01:11:52 Four women in the West right now.
01:11:55 The norm.
01:11:58 Is killing your your your children the norm?
01:12:02 Or not having them.
01:12:03 Or both.Devon
01:12:05 That's the norm.01:12:10 Which means that this aversion has gone that far.
01:12:13 If it's gone so far.
01:12:16 That not only have women shifted.
01:12:20 You know in their in their views.
01:12:22 Of about children.
01:12:23 And if you have like 180 degrees away from what?
01:12:25 They're genetically programmed to feel.
Speaker 5
01:12:32 To be part of the norm.Devon
01:12:35 And once it's part of the norm, it's almost, especially with women, it's almost impossible to.01:12:40 To reel it in.
01:12:44 Because women feel social pressure much.
01:12:47 More than than men.
01:12:51 For a variety of reasons we've talked about.
01:12:53 Million you know, million times on this, I.
01:12:55 We don't have to get into it.
01:12:57 So anyway this this these.
01:13:00 Evil women who seemingly have no problem with.
01:13:03 Elder abuse much?
01:13:05 In the same way, they probably don't.
01:13:06 Have a problem with killing infants.
01:13:09 She goes to court and tells the judge you.
01:13:11 Know I got.
01:13:12 This patient, and she's a danger to herself and others, and you have to do an emergency order to to grant this other evil ***** the guardianship.
01:13:21 And the diversity judge says sure sounds good.
Speaker 12
01:13:26 By the way.Devon
01:13:27 In looking for this, as an aside here.Speaker 5
01:13:30 In looking.Devon
01:13:31 For a modern movie to watch.01:13:36 I did breeze through like click through real quick.
01:13:40 A couple other movies made.
01:13:42 In the last two years.
01:13:43 Holy God, are there any movies that don't have?
01:13:47 Are are there any movies with white people anymore?
01:13:49 I guess is what I'm getting.
01:13:50 That that aren't that like I I get the cliche right?
01:13:53 Like if this was this already started.
01:13:56 Like in the 90s but.
01:13:57 It's at a point now where you.
01:13:58 You can't even have like, a movie with white people that are good.
Speaker 5
01:14:02 You just can't.Devon
01:14:04 I'm not exaggerating.01:14:07 I think I clicked through like 5 or 6 movies.
01:14:13 Just real quick, just like blip, blip, blip.
01:14:15 You know superhero black guy saves the day.
01:14:18 Superhero black Guy saves the day.
01:14:20 Evil white guy trying to harass black family.
01:14:23 Black family wins, you know, like.
01:14:26 Not even joke in the last two years that just seems to be like the that just seems to.
01:14:29 Be the average anyway, and of course in this case.
01:14:33 They don't make him.
01:14:34 Look stupid.
01:14:35 You know, he's he just, you know, he really cares about the old people.
01:14:37 He just doesn't know.
01:14:38 He doesn't know.
01:14:39 He doesn't know any better, but he's a judge.
01:14:41 Right. The person of authority.
01:14:43 Is of course, a black man.
01:14:46 So she goes to the woman's house.
01:14:49 Now that she's got the the court order.
01:14:52 And takes custody of.
01:14:54 Her, even though she seems completely with it.
01:14:59 Doesn't have any dementia or anything like that.
01:15:02 It's all a scam.
01:15:05 They take her to the care.
01:15:06 Facility against her will.
01:15:11 And then she immediately goes to the woman's house and starts having everything in the house appraised.
01:15:17 So they can start auctioning off all of our belongings.
01:15:22 And again, it's all done in this real cold, calculating way.
01:15:27 There's never a moment that this woman thinks for a second.
01:15:30 Maybe I'm doing something horrible.
01:15:33 And again, she's she's the cool protagonist that Someone Like You and I, we watch this movie and we hate her immediately.
01:15:43 But not the whole audience.
01:15:45 Oh, no, not the whole audience especially.
01:15:48 If you read the.
Speaker 5
01:15:49 Movie reviews.Devon
01:15:51 Not even all the.01:15:52 Critics hated that character.
01:15:53 A lot of them liked her.
01:15:56 So she's stuck.
01:15:57 In the care facility, they won't let her out.
01:16:02 They go into her bank and they find a safety deposit box.
01:16:06 They find some diamonds.
01:16:11 And then.
01:16:13 While they're repainting the house and selling off the house.
01:16:18 A strange man shows up.
01:16:21 Asking to pick her up.
01:16:24 And when she or.
01:16:26 When he's told that she now.
01:16:28 Lives in a care facility.
01:16:30 He gets very alarmed and runs.
01:16:34 And then you find.
01:16:35 Out again, like the short thing is, for real that he's involved with the the Russian mafia.
01:16:42 And the the ****** from.
01:16:46 Game of Thrones is some kind of crime boss, and that's his mom, right?
01:16:54 And you know, of course, the gun is.
01:16:56 Aimed at *** ****.
01:16:59 But he's the.
01:16:59 He's the only he's the powerful adversary.
01:17:03 Of the woman.
01:17:03 And he's he's literally a tiny little man.
01:17:09 And meanwhile, his mother.
01:17:11 Is still stuck in the care facility.
01:17:15 So he decides to.
01:17:17 To handle things.
01:17:20 Nice at first by sending a crime like a mob boss type lawyer to try to bribe her.
01:17:28 And when she doesn't take the bribe because she's a strong, independent woman, she's got her hustle.
01:17:33 He then tries to.
01:17:34 Threaten her and says you know, oh, you know, it's.
01:17:36 You know you're gonna.
01:17:37 Think back on this day and and you're.
01:17:39 Not gonna, you know you're gonna.
01:17:40 Wish you you would agree to this because that that pretty face of yours is going to be, you know, it's not, you're not.
01:17:46 Going to have it.
01:17:47 And you know, you might not, you know, be alive.
01:17:50 So you know that maybe you should take the money, but she's not.
01:17:54 Terminated at all.
01:17:56 You know, if anything, she's, she's uh, courageously tells the man with his, with his evil penis to go **** himself.
01:18:09 And she's still an evil *****, she.
01:18:10 Goes she tries.
01:18:11 She wants to know what's going on.
01:18:13 Who are these people?
01:18:15 So she goes to.
01:18:16 The care facility and starts threatening the old woman.
01:18:19 So she can find out who these people are.
Speaker 7
01:18:22 I control your drugs, your food.01:18:26 Your comfort.
01:18:28 Everything me, not you, me and I can make.
01:18:33 Things very bad for you.
Speaker 14
01:18:36 You hear me?Speaker 7
01:18:36 I want you to adjust Jennifer Peterson's routine, take arthritis and pain meds down the minimum.01:18:43 Push your physical exercise to grade 4.
01:18:46 Give her an upper at 9:00.
01:18:47 At night and set it up.
01:18:50 And again, like it's it's every shot.01:18:52 Notice how he's sitting down, she's standing up.
01:18:55 She's looking down at him.
01:18:56 He's looking up at her.
01:18:57 It's these little subtle things, but they're it's every single time.
Speaker 7
01:19:03 In the day, put on the basic food package, no salads, just oatmeal and soup.01:19:08 No games, no TV, and only 30 minutes.
01:19:12 A day out of her room.
01:19:17 I'm sure as ******* sure.
01:19:21 So she starts torturing the old lady because she.01:19:24 The old lady won't tell her.
01:19:26 Who these people are that are threatening her?
01:19:30 The the ****** guy.
01:19:33 Finds out the.
01:19:34 Diamonds are missing from the safety deposit box.
01:19:39 And the lawyer tries to get the judge to rescind the order, and that fails because he can't prove that he's retained by her because it's like catch 22 because he can't go see her and he can't go see her because he's not the lawyer, but he can't be the lawyer officially until he goes.
01:20:00 To see her, that kind of a thing.
01:20:03 And so the Russian mafia people decide to do it.
01:20:06 The Russian mafia way.
01:20:08 And they send in the goons to just go shoot their way out.
01:20:12 And you know what?
01:20:13 They almost.
01:20:14 Get it out. They almost.
01:20:15 Get her out and tell, wouldn't you know it?
Speaker 3
01:20:30 Ohh there.Devon
01:20:32 The the the She's not such a.01:20:34 Strong, independent woman.
01:20:35 She's like a ******* superhero.
01:20:36 Who can beat up?
01:20:38 Russian mafia gangsters with her lesbian lover.
01:20:45 Again, you know.
01:20:47 Laughably ridiculous, but not to a lot.
01:20:50 Of critics or audience members.
01:20:53 Because she's a ******.
01:20:58 So they arrest that guy and he goes and sees another strong independent woman, also a lesbian.
01:21:05 And at the police station she's in fact this.
01:21:08 This movie has so many lesbians in it.
01:21:10 It's ridiculous.
01:21:12 And the the lesbian cop tells the other lesbians you know about how he's in the.
01:21:18 Russian mafia and so forth.
01:21:24 And then another strong independent woman.
01:21:29 Is the hit woman?
01:21:30 I guess not a hit man, the hit woman.
01:21:33 Is hired by the Russian Mafia, cause apparently the men can't get it done.
01:21:38 If you want it done right, you better send a woman.
01:21:40 Don't send a woman or don't send a man to do.
Speaker 7
01:21:42 A woman's job.Devon
01:21:45 So I sent the woman in to go.01:21:46 Kill the the Doctor that wrote the OR, I guess, requested that the the judge have an emergency.
01:21:55 Change in guardianship or whatever that's called.
01:22:00 And the strong independent woman sees what happened on TV.
01:22:05 So she and her lesbian lover freak out and decide to go hide in one of the many houses that they've conferenced getting from the old people that they're ******* over.
01:22:16 And then she goes again.
01:22:18 To threat.
01:22:20 And again this is this is the protagonist.
01:22:24 This is the strong, independent woman that critics loved.
01:22:29 At the care facility threatening an old lady.
Speaker 7
01:22:34 Jennifer, listen to me carefully.01:22:39 I don't lose.
01:22:40 I won't lose.
01:22:44 I'm never letting you go.
Speaker 12
01:22:49 I own you.Speaker 7
01:22:52 And I will drain you of your money, your comfort and your self-respect.Devon
01:22:59 Because she's a strong.01:23:00 Independent woman.
01:23:03 So she goes back to the judge because she's afraid that the Russian mafia people are going to try to kidnap her.
01:23:09 Again, and has her sent to a high security psych ward.
01:23:15 She gets the diamonds, takes it to, takes them to another lesbian.
01:23:19 I'm not.
01:23:19 I **** you not.
01:23:24 And this lesbian, of course, is like a a jewel thief expert and can find a fence for the.
01:23:30 Jewels and you know whatever.
01:23:35 And then the the hit woman lesbian shoots her with a poisoned dart.
01:23:42 And shoves are in the trunk.
01:23:45 And takes her to the tiny man, the tiny man that doesn't scare her at all because he's just a tiny ******* man.
01:23:53 Even sitting down, she's taller than him.
01:23:55 He's just a tiny ******* man.
01:23:57 He doesn't.
01:23:57 Scare her at all.
Speaker 9
01:24:04 Do you recognize that woman, Marla?01:24:07 That's your mother, isn't.
01:24:12 After I destroy you, I will destroy her.
Speaker 7
01:24:17 Go ahead. I don't.01:24:18 Give a **** about that ******* sociopath.
01:24:21 She doesn't care at all.01:24:22 She can't be intimidated.
01:24:24 She's a strong, independent woman.
01:24:27 You'll never scare her, you man.
Speaker 6
01:24:30 Stupid but.Speaker 7
01:24:33 Well, to make it in.01:24:33 This country you need to be brave.
01:24:36 And stupid and ruthless and focused with playing fair, being scared that gets you nowhere.
01:24:44 That gets you beat.
01:24:46 You know that I may want to be rich.
01:24:49 Looney, if I want to be very.
01:24:53 ******* rich. And my bet is that $10 million, that's not such a big deal for you. But for me, that's a start. That's enough to be able to use money as a weapon.
01:25:07 Like a bludgeon, the way we all rich people do.
01:25:12 That's what I want.
01:25:16 And once again, we're treated to a.01:25:18 Rare but honest monologue.
01:25:22 From our heroine.
01:25:24 The strong, independent woman who fleeces old people for a living.
01:25:29 To support her extravagant lifestyle with her lesbian lover.
01:25:35 Facing down the Russian mafia with No Fear at all.
01:25:40 Even when tied to.
01:25:41 A chair and a gun pointed at her. She's still asking for $10 million because you know what? That's how this world works.
01:25:49 You have to be ruthless.
01:25:54 You have to have enough money to use it as.
01:25:57 A weapon.
01:26:02 Now again, there's elements of truth to this.
01:26:05 There always is to anything that's going.
01:26:06 To sell well.
01:26:11 But do you want the kinds of?
01:26:13 Women that this character.
01:26:17 Is or rather the this character is going to connect with with a I would say a much larger portion of the population than most people want to admit.
01:26:27 Is this the kind of message you want being pumped into their brains?
01:26:35 The already sociopathic child murdering strong, independent women.
01:26:45 Is this the road view you want?
01:26:46 Them to have.
01:26:51 Is this art imitating life or is this life imitating art?
01:26:58 So they go to killer, but you know, of course, because she's they they roll her, they they drug her and roll her car into a, like a quarry or something like that, full of water.
01:27:10 And of course, because she's like a ******* ******.
01:27:14 She gets out, no problem.
01:27:17 And uh goes home and finds that they beat up her lesbian lover.
01:27:21 But you know, she saves the lesbian lover everything because she's like this total ******.
01:27:26 And she's such a ****** that she's still not going to take no for an answer.
01:27:32 She dresses up in a disguise.
01:27:34 And then talks her way past all the stupid men that are in charge of security at the building that the Russian mafia runs.
01:27:43 And then she finds the.
01:27:45 Little man, the little tiny man with his tiny penis, probably.
01:27:50 And drugs him and then drives them out to the middle of nowhere, strips him naked and leaves them there.
01:28:00 So that when the police find him.
01:28:03 They know that because he's a John Doe cause he has, he's had to wipe his identity.
01:28:09 In order to be this, this Russian mafia.
01:28:15 That because he's a John Doe.
01:28:17 And she's a professional guardian.
01:28:20 Once he's at the hospital.
01:28:22 She becomes his legal guardian, so she's out smarter than outsmarted the stupid man once again.
01:28:33 And so she has them committed.
01:28:37 And while they're sitting together in the home and she's boasting that she's once again.
01:28:46 How smart are these?
01:28:47 These evil, dirty men?
01:28:50 They want nothing but to oppress her.
01:28:54 He says, you know what?
01:28:57 You might be a crazy *****, but you're my kind of crazy *****.
01:29:02 Let's go into business together.
01:29:04 Even though you kidnapped my mom and tortured my mom and almost killed me, and now you're torturing me?
01:29:13 Let's be business partners.
01:29:15 You win.
01:29:16 Oh hell, the great feminazi.
01:29:24 And so she agrees.
01:29:27 And we're treated too.
01:29:29 Another one of her monologues at the end of the film.
01:29:35 During a montage showing off all the success that she's now had that she now has, because with the resources of this tiny little ****** man, she's able to really shine.
01:29:47 As a woman.
01:29:49 And really get what she always wanted.
01:29:51 Have enough money to.
01:29:52 Use it as.
01:29:52 A weapon?
01:29:53 She's a predator, not the prey.
Speaker 7
01:29:58 Every fortune ever accumulated started.01:30:01 With a leap of faith.
01:30:05 But before you take that leap, first take.
01:30:10 Long hard. Look at yourself.
01:30:18 Who? Who you are?
Speaker 14
01:30:22 Ask yourself.Speaker 7
01:30:25 Am I an insider or am I an outsider?01:30:41 And we have predator.
01:30:45 Only pray.
01:30:50 And I just want to mention the least those those weird little cuts are there is there's.01:30:53 Like a lot of lulls in their monologue where they play the music and show more montage, you know, shots of her being interviewed by the press and driving around in fancy cars and having all kinds of money and just for time sake, I, you know.
01:31:07 Cut a lot of that out.
Speaker 7
01:31:10 And I'm good at money.01:31:14 Or am I good at people?
01:31:18 What am I?
01:31:19 Willing to sacrifice to achieve my dreams.
01:31:23 Marla Grayson, CEO.
01:31:27 What line do not cross?
01:31:35 Don't try to be anyone else.
01:31:37 Just know who you are.
01:31:39 And use that to your advantage.
01:31:49 And so there you go.01:31:55 That's the that's the message of the film.
01:31:59 Just be this ruthless ****.
01:32:02 That doesn't care about anybody, just yourself and money and power.
01:32:10 And you'll get everything that you ever wanted.
01:32:14 But wait, Devin, wait.
01:32:15 What about the thing at the end that makes it?
01:32:17 All better. Ah.
01:32:18 Yes, the end it makes it all better.
01:32:21 The literally like the last 10 seconds in the movie because.
01:32:25 They try even less hard at that part.
01:32:27 Of these films now.
01:32:29 Like everything else, you know, the subversion. It becomes more and more obvious and more and more heavy-handed.
01:32:36 And the thing at the end that's supposed.
01:32:37 To ohh no, but it's OK right?
01:32:43 Gets quicker and quicker and less of the story.
01:32:47 And they managed to throw in like a different you could again, especially if you're a stupid leftist woman watching, which is the exact kind of.
01:32:54 Person that would love this movie.
01:32:56 It's they've.
01:32:58 They've given you an alternate reality.
01:33:00 To live in.
01:33:01 They've given you your mind not only not only can you be like those girls that I went.
01:33:08 To the theater with.
01:33:10 Who sat in that theater, watched the exact same movie.
01:33:13 That I watched.
01:33:16 And their minds completely shut off when it got to the consequences.
01:33:24 Their minds completely went blank.
01:33:28 When it got to.
01:33:30 Cause and effect.
01:33:33 That we're focused solely on.
01:33:36 The subversion and not the thrown together, but it's, but really you.
01:33:41 Shouldn't be like that because of blah blah blah at.
01:33:43 The end their minds just totally checked out.
01:33:49 See with this this new audience.
01:33:53 This new movie, they probably both those women would.
01:33:55 Love this movie?
01:34:02 They've given your mind an easy.
01:34:06 Escape hatch.
01:34:07 So you can watch this because the the ending of course, that they can't they.
01:34:11 Can't let her get away with it, right?
Speaker 5
01:34:14 What about karma?Devon
01:34:17 It can't just end like that.01:34:19 Because even these women, even though that part is getting bread out.
Speaker 13
01:34:23 Of them quickly.Devon
01:34:25 They have that little voice saying.01:34:30 She can't just get away with it.
01:34:31 Can't let her get away with it.
01:34:34 So what happens?
01:34:36 Well, while she's speeding around her sports car with her lesbian lover.
01:34:42 That ******* Trump supporter from the beginning of the movie.
01:34:46 That ************.
01:34:49 He shows up.
01:34:51 And screams at her because his mom died and he wasn't.
01:34:54 Wasn't able to see.
01:34:55 Her she just died.
01:34:56 Rotted away.
01:34:57 In that care facility.
01:35:00 He wasn't even able to say goodbye to her.
01:35:04 And he pulls out a gun and shoots her.
01:35:08 And she dies.
01:35:11 And he's taken away.
01:35:14 And then that's the end, that's like.
01:35:15 The last that they they don't they.
01:35:18 Really, they only spend.
01:35:19 Say like 20 seconds on that whole thing.
01:35:27 And at the same time, while this is happening.
01:35:31 The voiceover is still.
01:35:33 Her reinforcing this ideology, she's been pushing the entire film.
01:35:43 This is simply a.
01:35:44 Risk this isn't karma.
Speaker 7
01:35:46 OK.Devon
01:35:47 This isn't a the.01:35:48 Universe making right?
01:35:50 What was wrong with her behavior?
01:35:54 This wasn't the inevitable consequence.
01:35:57 To the evil that she put in the world.
01:35:59 Wasn't good finally triumphing over evil?
01:36:02 Of course not, not.
01:36:03 How could it be?
01:36:04 You think a Trump supporter could be?
01:36:07 A representative of good, of course not.
01:36:10 No, no, no.
01:36:12 It's presented more as this is a risk.
01:36:19 You know, if you go around, Daniel, what's yours risking it?
01:36:24 All and rolling.
01:36:25 The dice and.
01:36:26 Doing what has to be done right?
01:36:28 It's what has to be done if you want to be a winner.
01:36:33 There's there's of course, some risk.
01:36:38 Some dangerous crazy gun toting Trump supporter.
01:36:41 Might get in the way.
01:36:43 Watch out for those guys.
01:36:45 Has nothing to do with with any of your actions.
01:36:48 This is not a consequence of your bad behavior.
01:36:54 It's that ******* man that Trump supporting man.
01:37:06 And I could totally see I could totally see.
01:37:10 If this movie had been in a theater and I had been with one of.
01:37:13 These women, or some version of them?
01:37:16 Walking out in the parking lot, looking over and saying well.
01:37:20 So what?
01:37:20 What'd you think?
01:37:21 Of course I would.
01:37:22 I'd probably.
01:37:23 I wouldn't even get to that part.
01:37:24 I would just be and I probably would have walked out or.
01:37:27 Be raging.
01:37:29 At this point.
01:37:30 But if I'm.
01:37:31 Imagine imagine it's not me.
01:37:32 It's maybe just some.
01:37:34 Whatever beta ****.
01:37:35 That you know that she.
01:37:36 Managed to get to pay for dinner and a movie.
01:37:40 And he's like, well, So what?
Speaker 5
01:37:41 Do you think?Devon
01:37:45 Those women just saying she's got a point.01:37:48 She was ******.
01:37:51 She did what?
01:37:52 It what it took.
01:37:55 You know, she abused old old people and and just ****** everyone over and and and stood up to.
01:38:03 The evil men.
01:38:09 Totally ignoring the fact that she's now dead on the ground in the parking lot.
01:38:21 Because in the words of Jack Nicholson.
01:38:25 In response to the question how do you write women so well?
01:38:31 I think of a man.
01:38:34 And then I take away reason and accountability.
01:38:45 And I was going to say hashtag not all women.
01:38:47 But you know, if it's funny.
01:38:50 There's a woman that gets upset with me when I.
01:38:53 When I make these generalizations.
01:38:57 Who also told me that.
01:39:00 You shouldn't use qualifiers, so I'm going to.
01:39:02 Take her advice.
01:39:05 She'll be enraged, but yes, no qualifiers.
01:39:10 No qualifiers.
01:39:19 My wipes are not working for some reason.
01:39:21 Obs is being a ***** ** ****.
01:39:23 Lately I need to figure out.
01:39:24 What's going on?Devon
01:39:27 So I'm going to take a look at some of the Super chats here.01:39:30 It looks like you guys have.
01:39:31 Sent a few here.
01:39:40 Alright, we got a 1488 from my fat little ******** toe.
01:39:46 It's interesting name you got there. Hey, Devin, whenever or whenever you get to reading tipped comments, check out Christ or I think it may have some good resources for that religious community quandary. You're in. Bristol, Genia, huh?
01:40:07 All right.
01:40:07 I'll open it up in another tab.
01:40:11 And see.
01:40:16 Yeah, I'll look through this later.
01:40:18 This is a lot of lot of text there.
01:40:22 But thank you for the the 1488 there good little glory.
01:40:26 $20 gotta sleep. Good night, gentlemen. We'll watch the replay tomorrow. Devin, I need more copies of your book for Christmas gifts. Let me know when I can.
01:40:33 Get some more.
01:40:35 Thank you for all you do.
01:40:37 Yeah. Hmm.
01:40:40 That probably I don't know.
01:40:42 With shipping everything else I.
01:40:43 Don't know if.
01:40:44 That will happen well, but I'm.
01:40:45 Trying to get it out there.
01:40:46 As quickly as possible.
01:40:51 Postmaster, the billionaire accused of murder in the Devil's Advocate 1997, lives in Donald Trump's penthouse at Trump Tower in in Manhattan.
01:41:01 You know, I I noticed that I noticed that when they were doing the the interview with the guy, that character.
01:41:07 In fact, let.
01:41:07 Me see if.
01:41:07 I can pull that.
01:41:08 Up it? I thought it was Trump's.
01:41:10 It looked like Trump's ******* house.
01:41:14 Like, I wasn't sure if it was Trump's house, but there's a lot of gold for it to not be.
01:41:18 Trump's house.
01:41:20 Let me see if I can find this here.
01:41:23 I'm going to mute the.
01:41:28 Mute this doesn't make much of noise while I'm finding it.
01:41:34 OK, you're right.
01:41:36 So here it is.
01:41:36 Let me pop.
01:41:37 This on the screen.
01:41:44 So when they're, they're talking to this guy the murderer.
01:41:49 There they shot that scene in in Trump's house. I thought that was Trump's house. I just wasn't positive.
01:41:55 Because there was, there was *******.
01:41:56 Gold everywhere.
01:41:57 And I was like.
Speaker 5
01:41:58 There's a lot of gold.Devon
01:42:00 That that looks like kind of like Trump's house. So I guess it.01:42:03 Was Trump's house and the.
01:42:06 He he's supposed to be a real estate developer.
01:42:10 Let the conspiracy gear start turning.
01:42:12 They mentioned Donald Trump.
01:42:15 They shoot the scene in his house.
01:42:19 And the man accused of murdering his wife and child and maid.
01:42:24 Whose house is Donald Trump's house is also a real estate developer. So.
01:42:36 The real estate developer whose lawyer is the devil.
01:42:42 Ah was was, was, uh Dershowitz.
01:42:47 Trump's lawyer at the time, or are we? Is this pre dirt? Is this back when Dershowitz was just keeping Epstein out of prison?
01:42:57 And well, and OJ out of prison.
01:43:02 Roy Cohn was, I think, still alive in 97, right?
01:43:06 Ah, interesting.
01:43:08 The plot thickens.
01:43:10 The plot thickens.
01:43:14 Caged rage women in positions of power are part of the problem.
01:43:18 Change my mind.
01:43:20 Yeah, I would say look.
01:43:23 I I I don't think that's like.
01:43:25 100% of the problem, I think that's a symptom of the problem.
01:43:33 And it's the kind of problem I.
01:43:34 Don't know I it's.
01:43:37 I don't know how you get rid of it, honestly.
01:43:39 It's it's one of.
01:43:40 These things where?
01:43:42 We've we've talked about this before, when?
01:43:44 You gave women the vote.
01:43:46 There was no thought.
01:43:48 No thought whatsoever.
01:43:50 Maybe there was but it.
01:43:50 Wasn't the winning thought.
01:43:53 About the the.
01:43:54 I mean, let's say let's say in good faith you were like.
01:43:57 Hey this is a.
01:43:58 Good idea.
01:43:59 Let's give women the vote.
01:44:04 Wouldn't you think that such a radical change to your country?
01:44:09 Should maybe have a trial period or an undo button.
01:44:15 You know in case.
01:44:16 It didn't work out.
01:44:18 Because you you'd be.
01:44:19 Fundamentally, creating a problem you would not be able to undo by virtue of the system that you are changing.
01:44:27 Because they're not going to vote themselves to not have the vote once you give.
01:44:30 It to them.
01:44:35 Yeah, it's, uh, yeah, it is what it is.
01:44:39 But absolutely, I I believe that that women's suffrage, which was a very Jewish movement and a lot of you know, you just don't know.
01:44:46 You're talking about.
01:44:46 If you don't know what I mean when I say that it's, it's not even, like, arguable at this point.
01:44:53 That was in many ways.
01:44:55 The beginning of the end.
01:44:58 But look, men, men.
Speaker 2
01:45:01 They voted for it.Devon
01:45:04 You know, so it's.01:45:05 Not like, really.
01:45:06 I think the problem.
01:45:09 Might be democracy.
01:45:14 There might be a a, A.
01:45:16 I mean there's a reason why democracies have an expiration date.
01:45:22 And we're way past ours.
01:45:26 You know is.
01:45:26 Isn't that what the?
01:45:28 You know has a.
01:45:29 Democracies have a 200 year shelf life.
01:45:33 Well, 1976.
01:45:37 It was quite a while ago.
01:45:40 We're way past due the.
01:45:43 The best by date.
01:45:49 A ******* leaf.
01:45:51 Says I hate you so much.
01:45:53 It's unreal.
01:45:58 I'm not going to do qualifiers tonight so.
01:46:01 I would just tell you that that.
01:46:08 Think think less about hating them and more about how we're going to survive.
01:46:15 They've done to.
01:46:15 Us again without qualifiers, I'm not gonna do qualifiers tonight.
01:46:24 Iceberg 123 you should analyze the movie Ferris Bueller. It was made by the same guy.
01:46:29 That did breakfast club, yeah.
01:46:37 Yeah, I might.
01:46:38 It is kind of like a it it's definitely like.
01:46:41 The the Gen. X.
01:46:45 I don't know what you call it.
01:46:46 I was going to say Holy Grail that doesn't make sense.
01:46:49 It it is like the anthem, I guess of of Gen.
01:46:52 X in a lot.
01:46:53 Of ways.
01:46:53 I mean find me a.
01:46:55 X that doesn't like that movie.
01:46:58 I think it would be.
01:46:59 It would be very difficult.
01:47:04 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:47:08 What did the Dragon Queen say?
01:47:10 Kill the masters?
01:47:13 I'm not sure what that's a reference to.
01:47:16 Based race mixer $25 just received day of the rope. Thanks bro. By the way, I suspect you're near Vegas where I live. How much time do we have left with water running out and A and a mortgage?
01:47:34 And a mortgage.
01:47:37 UM.Devon
01:47:39 If you're talking about water running out, I think you're talking about the the Hoover Dam, right, the Hoover Dam.01:47:44 A lot of the water just in the American Southwest is a lot of the especially California and the Yeah, Nevada, the Colorado.
01:47:56 River isn't it doesn't have quite as much water like like Havasu, for example, is is, is low.
01:48:04 They're all these.
01:48:05 All these man made water ways that were created by dams and stuff like that.
01:48:09 Well though I, but you know, I don't know that it's a long term problem.
01:48:14 I don't.
01:48:14 Think it necessarily is it.
01:48:15 Could be it could be.
01:48:18 You know, just because I think you know and I do, I think climate change is largely not man made or man cause I think.
01:48:26 It is.
01:48:27 It doesn't mean that those cycles aren't going to last a long time and.
01:48:30 Maybe some damaging effects in the meantime and droughts could be one of those effects.
01:48:36 So it's hard to say.
01:48:37 It's hard to say with the mortgage thing, I don't know.
01:48:40 What you mean?
01:48:40 By that running water running out of.
01:48:44 And a mortgage.
01:48:45 I would just avoid a mortgage and.
01:48:48 Mortgage literally translates to death agreement.
01:48:53 That's what it means.
01:48:54 It's you're paying bankers until you die for the privilege of having a place to live.
01:49:01 That's that's what it means.
01:49:04 And if that means that you can't live in a fancy place, which it does.
01:49:09 I mean, unless you have a.
01:49:10 Lot of money that, that's what.
01:49:11 It means don't live in a.
01:49:13 Fancy place?
01:49:16 Usery is a sin, but moreover, Usery is slavery.
01:49:24 You don't own your house.
01:49:26 Why do you want?
01:49:27 Why would you want to have some medieval arrangement with a landlord?
01:49:35 Where the majority of your income.
01:49:39 Goes to some random Jewish family.
01:49:43 Or Bill Gates's family.
01:49:48 Reasons you know? Because they were there first, because someone you know 700 years ago.
01:49:55 Was really good at collecting gold pieces or?
01:49:57 Whatever the ****, right?
01:49:59 With a lot of these banking families, that's.
01:50:01 The way it is.
01:50:03 You have people that have been generationally wealthy.
01:50:06 They didn't do anything that they they they.
01:50:09 Just have.
01:50:09 They just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
Speaker 5
01:50:13 1000 years ago.Devon
01:50:15 And acquired so much.01:50:17 Wealth that you really can't lose it.
01:50:19 And then you mix that in with the nepotism of the ruling class, and it's nearly impossible to fail.
01:50:26 And as long as they watch each other's back, that's why they don't prosecute each other.
01:50:31 That's why Trump's not going to get thrown in jail. That's why Hillary wasn't thrown in jail. That's why Obama won't be thrown in jail.
01:50:37 That's why you know none of these people ever pay the ******* price because they're all part of the same club and there's an understanding.
01:50:46 There's an understanding.
01:50:47 That's why we don't execute bankers like there are some based countries that actually do that, I think well.
01:50:52 Was it Singapore or someone did that?
01:50:57 But that's not the case for the West.
01:50:59 The West has had a elite banking class that is largely Jewish, but not entirely.
01:51:06 That has been pulling.
01:51:08 All the strings for.
01:51:09 A really long time.
01:51:13 And there really is no political mechanism to address it, because in the case of the Federal Reserve, the world's reserve.
01:51:20 Currency the the.
01:51:21 Organization that literally controls the economy of the planet.
01:51:25 You're not allowed to know.
01:51:28 Who the shareholders are.
01:51:31 That's right.
01:51:33 You don't know who.
01:51:34 The interest is getting paid to.
Speaker 5
01:51:37 You just you're not allowed to know.Devon
01:51:39 And you're not allowed to audit them or anything.01:51:45 It's just this magical, secretive group of people.
01:51:52 That control all the money and the.
01:51:53 What could go?
01:51:54 Wrong. What could possibly?
01:51:55 Go wrong with that arrangement.
01:52:00 Oh boy.
01:52:03 Oh wow.
01:52:03 A bunch of things came in here.
01:52:06 Oh, but thanks for.
01:52:06 The based race mixer, thanks for the $25 and again I will try to make the book available as quickly as.
01:52:14 Possible returned fagot.
01:52:16 What would it take to get you to try attack on Titan?
01:52:21 Is that a is?
01:52:21 That a anime?
01:52:23 I don't think I'm going to watch it if it's an anime.
01:52:28 I don't know.
01:52:28 I'll tell you.
01:52:29 What more of a super chat than what you sent?
01:52:33 You said you said .1 of the little cryptocurrency things, and one of those currency thing is is $0.05. So you sent me like less than a cent.
01:52:44 And ask me what it would.
01:52:45 Take and it is.
01:52:47 It is an anime, I think, right?
01:52:49 Yes, it is an anime.
01:52:50 More than that.
01:52:55 OK, retired fagot.
01:52:59 What organization?
01:53:00 Or charities are there that we can donate to help support white interest?
01:53:05 I you know, that's a good question.
01:53:07 That's maybe something that we need to start.
01:53:10 We need to start.
01:53:11 Coming up with networks because there aren't look, there are actually believe it or not.
01:53:15 There are organizations that are kind of based and there's maybe organizations that are based enough to where we should target them for full baseri.
01:53:24 And what I mean by that, that there are organizations that already exist that have, you know, nonprofits even and NGOs and stuff like that, that are nominally Pro White but not really explicitly that, you know what?
01:53:35 It'd be a shame if a lot of pro white people start infiltrating those organizations, wouldn't it?
01:53:41 We have to start thinking like that.
01:53:43 We are now the subversive force.
01:53:45 And so perhaps that's that's something we need to look at, that's not something I've done.
01:53:50 Any research on but I do.
01:53:52 Know of.
01:53:53 I don't want to name them.
01:53:54 Right now, but there.
01:53:54 Are there are a?
01:53:55 Couple of organizations that I know have based people working there.
01:54:01 I think that that might be something that.
01:54:04 That because, you know, think.
01:54:07 This is a new movement.
01:54:08 A lot of what we've been doing here, a lot of what I've been doing specifically is just trying to get people to understand.
01:54:14 The problem?
01:54:15 Like you get all these.
01:54:16 People say, oh, we have to have solutions.
Speaker 5
01:54:17 All you do is complain about it.Speaker
01:54:19 Blah blah, blah blah blah.Devon
01:54:20 There are so many ******* people that still don't get it.01:54:23 Then what?
01:54:23 What's your big ******* solution?
01:54:24 There is no people want that.
01:54:26 They want to they want to solve the problem before they fully understand it.
01:54:32 And and guess what? That's.
01:54:33 How you end up with people like Trump?
01:54:38 We're still trying to fully understand the problem, and now there's things we can be doing in the mean time and there's things that people are doing in the meantime.
01:54:47 But we're you gotta realize we're we're overcoming at least a century of propaganda and lies.
01:54:54 And the total loss, the total demographic loss of our country.
01:54:59 A very unstable future that's unstable to the the extent where look.
01:55:05 You do have.Devon
01:55:06 To I mean, before we start looking at big picture like ohh, what can we do?01:55:09 What kind of organization?
01:55:10 There there is a an urgency to the.
01:55:14 Problem where you need to get.
01:55:16 Things in order for your.
01:55:18 You need to get in a position.
01:55:20 To where if the system comes?
01:55:22 At you like it like it did.
01:55:24 Well, I mean, you know Carl Rittenhouse, for example, I know he's been kind of a **** lately.
01:55:30 You know, I think there's reason other reasons for that, but the.
01:55:35 And by the.
01:55:35 Way Fox News wouldn't wouldn't Tucker wouldn't have him.
01:55:38 On there's no.
01:55:39 Way Tucker would have him if he if he.
01:55:42 Was even remotely based, so you should have just.
01:55:44 Known that was going to.
01:55:44 Happen anyway, but the system will.
01:55:47 Come at you like that?
01:55:49 Like the people, the Charlottesville people, I.
01:55:51 Mean that the absurd amounts of money that they're trying.
01:55:55 To I mean.
01:55:57 People that don't have money either, you know, like.
01:55:59 Very few of the people that they're that the.
01:56:02 The Charlottesville case.
01:56:05 Gave punitive damages to have any kind.
01:56:07 Of money like.
01:56:08 That right, I think altogether the amount like and this includes I think all the different defendants, but it was something like $5,000,000 or something crazy it might be.
01:56:17 More than that.
01:56:19 In punitive damages.
01:56:21 Which is just like a giant find that the.
01:56:23 Ruling class can.
01:56:24 Give you it's basically it's blood money.
01:56:27 They can say you need to give us this money.
01:56:29 Or we'll send guns to your house.
01:56:32 That's literally what.
01:56:33 Happens, you know.
Speaker 5
01:56:35 So you, you.Devon
01:56:35 Better pay it.01:56:37 Because the the crime family that runs the the country will send their thugs to collect if you don't.
01:56:45 So there's things like that that you got to you got to be thinking about in the short term and I think we're a ways off from where we can start any kind of offensive, you know, I mean I think at this point it's circled the wagons.
01:57:01 Kind of a situation. So that's where my head's been at and I haven't really been able to expand and I don't know that I would even be the right person.
01:57:10 I don't even know I'd.
01:57:11 Be the right person to to.
01:57:14 I mean, I I would love to be part of that conversation, but I don't think I'd be the guy that would be.
01:57:18 Designing, you know?
01:57:21 Institutions that would, that would that are meant to replace centuries old institutions, you know, like that's not my sadly, I think a lot of that does come with a we need a level of.
01:57:35 I don't want to say.
01:57:40 But to some extent, that is true.
01:57:42 You're going to have to get.
01:57:44 Maybe lower level?
01:57:46 I don't know.
01:57:47 You'd call, but maybe like lower level ruling class people that have access to get a little bit more on our side.
01:57:53 And I think culturally.
01:57:53 We're maybe we're at least moving the football A.
01:57:56 Little bit.Devon
01:57:58 In the meantime, if you, I mean, if you really want to give money to organization.01:58:01 And if you've got extra cash that you can spare, I mean there's, I mean, I don't want to be like that, that guy, but I'll whatever.
01:58:07 **** it.
01:58:07 Yeah, you can always, you know.
01:58:09 Send money. What?
01:58:09 My way, I'm not going to ***** about it.
01:58:10 Right.
01:58:12 But you could also give the charities that you know are where the money is.
01:58:16 Actually, you know, you gotta research charities.
01:58:18 It's so much charity money goes to just administrative costs.
01:58:21 And it's just all.
01:58:21 A scam.
01:58:22 But if there's like a religious charity and or you know, or a local church or something like that, that that'd be one.
01:58:28 Way to go.
01:58:29 But I would, I mean I you know, if you got extra money, maybe just invest in in trying to insulate your family from what's coming.
01:58:41 Uh. Let's see here.
01:58:43 Eric Blood X $5.00 do you think Western women are a lost cause or is there a way back to traditional living past, living past them by?
Speaker 6
01:58:54 Wait, do you?Devon
01:58:55 Think less women are lost cause or is there a way back to traditional living?01:58:59 Pass them by.
01:59:01 I'm not sure you mean by that part, but.
01:59:03 No lost cause, just a lot of our lost.
01:59:05 Cause look a lot.
01:59:05 Of Western men are lost cause.
01:59:08 I mean, there's a lot.
01:59:08 Of these, these ******* for all these you know.
01:59:11 You could argue that the women are a bigger problem, but only because.
01:59:15 They aren't being.
01:59:16 Honestly, I think the biggest reason why they're it's more of an annoying problem aside from just like the the fact that just all the things that that make patriarchies ideal.
01:59:28 Or at least more ideal than what we've got.
01:59:30 Going on now, you know all all the.
01:59:32 The the general.
01:59:34 Reasons that make the genders different and have different roles.
01:59:39 But in addition to that.
01:59:41 White women, while they do see these news stories, come up from time to time.
01:59:46 I mean, I think I put one up on my telegram just this week.
01:59:50 I'm gonna bring that up real quick.
01:59:53 Where's that at?Devon
02:00:11 So we're starting to see this kind of a thing.02:00:16 Yeah, that this shows a for.
02:00:19 If you're just listening, it's the headline is Kyle Rittenhouse is proof that white women birth white supremacy while black mothers.
02:00:26 Birth its victims.
02:00:28 And the photo is a white woman wearing a mask that literally says I can't breathe.
02:00:35 Like the George Floyd ******** and holding a sign that says if Kyle Rittenhouse had been black and then a gravestone.
02:00:48 Those types of women, they think that.
02:00:51 They are safe.
02:00:53 Because they do this kind of virtue signaling, and they think that it will insulate them.
02:00:58 They're they're basically.
02:01:01 The signaling to the the.
02:01:03 The aggressors, the people, they fear that.
02:01:06 I'm on your side.
02:01:07 I'm on your side.
02:01:09 So it's a fear response.
02:01:10 And by the way, this is more proof.
02:01:12 That no one actually fears white Christian.
02:01:14 Men, not even this *****.
02:01:16 She might complain about them on Twitter, on Facebook, and do her friends at the office and and and whatever and and and discriminate them on dating apps and whatever.
02:01:27 But at the end of the day, she's not really afraid.
02:01:30 Like physically afraid of white Christian men.
Speaker 7
02:01:34 She's not.Devon
02:01:36 So she's signaling to the people that she is afraid of.02:01:39 I'm on your side.
02:01:42 So you have you have a little bit of that going on, but you know the target of white women will increase.
02:01:48 And I think as that happens, they will, I mean just in the same way that the normies, right, like a lot.
02:01:54 Of normies that would have been.
02:01:56 Very uncomfortable.
02:01:58 If you even started mentioning white people in the context of politics or demographics or anything.
02:02:03 Like that, even just a couple of.
02:02:05 Years ago, they.
02:02:05 Would have been, you know, really uncomfortable started, you know, like getting.
02:02:09 Nervous twitches and maybe called you a racist or.
02:02:12 Said like, like dude, I don't want, you know, I don't know.
02:02:14 You're a racist.
02:02:15 I know you're a.
Speaker 5
02:02:16 But I have a black friend.Devon
02:02:18 You know, like that kind of ****.02:02:20 I mean, these Tucker are watching people, even, right?
02:02:23 They're having to at least address.
02:02:26 They're having to at least address it because the threat is that real.
02:02:30 It's real enough to where even the normies are feeling the heat a.
02:02:34 Little bit.
02:02:35 Not enough, but a little bit.
02:02:38 And in the same way, I think White women will start feeling that same heat and.
02:02:44 Look and.
02:02:49 Some of them are lost gods, but just like everyone's seen the videos of the the bug men on on YouTube splurging out because the new Star Wars toys or movies or whatever, you know, those kinds of people will are also a lost cause in many cases.
02:03:05 You know, there's a lot of these guys that.
02:03:07 Are just you know that that that.
02:03:09 That's that.
02:03:12 UM.Devon
02:03:15 It's just as Western men.02:03:17 I think that we we tend to be angrier about the failures of Western women and because you know of the whole, the, the, the establishment, that is our in, in opposition to us.
02:03:33 Has been embracing women and exacerbating the woman problem for decades.
02:03:39 And because they can get away with their crazy.
02:03:41 In fact, if anything, it's looked like this movie.
02:03:44 That's all that.
02:03:44 That movie is trying to amplify the worst traits of women.
02:03:52 That's exactly.Devon
02:03:53 What it's trying to do?02:03:55 It's trying to glorify and amplify the worst.
02:03:58 Traits of women.
02:04:02 And because that's socially acceptable, that movie is totally socially acceptable.
02:04:07 That movie is is mainstream.
02:04:10 That's the kind of movie you could go to work and tell your boss.
02:04:12 That you watched?
02:04:13 And and and talk about how awesome it was.
02:04:22 So one of the reasons why, excuse me?
02:04:27 Excuse me, the water is.
02:04:29 The way they are, the way they are.
02:04:32 Is it socially acceptable?
02:04:39 And people tend to.
02:04:44 To want to deal with socially acceptable.
02:04:47 And especially women, I think women are.
02:04:49 More sensitive to.
02:04:50 That absolutely, but there are lost cause there are lost cause and look, there's still there's tons of based women.
02:05:00 I I know that that sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
02:05:03 They're hard to find, and a lot of them you need.
02:05:06 To take them to like.
02:05:07 A lot of them are.
02:05:08 Are almost there.
02:05:10 Like, let me put this way.
02:05:11 There's tons of.
02:05:13 Women who are receptive to to based ideology.
02:05:19 But you need to hold.
02:05:20 Your hand through some of it.
02:05:23 And that's up to you.
02:05:24 That's just the way it.
02:05:24 Is that's just the way it is.
02:05:27 You know.
02:05:29 Uh. Let's see here.
02:05:32 D12 I don't know how you could sit through that last movie. I was getting ****** and I never.
02:05:38 Saw it in regards to what purge stated the quote.
02:05:42 Kill your masters is from Game of Thrones.
02:05:44 OK, you know, I never.
02:05:45 I never I saw a couple episodes.
02:05:47 Of Game of Thrones.
02:05:48 I never watched the whole thing.
02:05:50 Guy in Japan.
02:05:53 Red beard.
02:05:54 I don't actually care about the religious stuff.
02:05:58 Christ of Genias coverage of history is good.
02:06:03 Oh, that's the website, OK.
02:06:07 Cookie counter $601.00. Hey, Devin, if for a week you could only hang out with white ****, not Jews. Or which would it be? Also, when are we getting the Second Simpsons video?
02:06:27 UM.
02:06:29 Ah, that's a good question.
02:06:32 All both those are good questions.
02:06:35 I wouldn't want to.
02:06:36 Hang out well.
02:06:37 I mean, like, I don't know what's the IT depends on the situation, right?
02:06:41 I've had to.
02:06:42 Work in a lot of environments where it's.
02:06:45 Very gay, very gay.
02:06:48 If you work in any kind of entertainment, or even just art at all, that's just, you know, I mean thought, especially now I don't even I can't.
02:06:56 Even imagine how bad it is now.
02:07:01 It really depends on the context really.
02:07:05 UM, and then in terms of, I know you're getting trying to say is race more important or is is ********, I don't know, I kind of feel like.
02:07:16 It's one of the it's a Gray area.
02:07:18 There's not like a black and white answer to that question.
02:07:21 It really would depend like.
02:07:24 Who are these?
02:07:25 Who are these?
02:07:26 Magical gentlemen, you know.
02:07:32 And then the the Second Simpsons video.
02:07:34 I don't.
02:07:34 Know man like.
02:07:35 I I guess they're finally ending that series.
02:07:38 Their final in the series, at least I saw something.
02:07:41 I mean, I think they're eventually they have to, right?
02:07:43 The voice actors have been doing it for 30 ******* years.
02:07:46 I'm surprised they could even sound the same.
02:07:47 I don't know.
02:07:48 How much post processing has to go on so that at least that doesn't sound like an old lady, but more Bart for that matter, doesn't sound like an old lady.
Speaker 6
02:07:58 Right.Speaker 13
02:07:59 I don't know. I don't.Devon
02:08:00 Maybe, maybe, maybe when they officially.02:08:02 End it.
02:08:02 They do the last episode.
02:08:05 I'll do another one.
02:08:06 I just you know.
02:08:08 I've seen I got.
02:08:09 I'm so burned out on Simpsons.
02:08:11 Even just the color palette of that cartoon makes me ill.
02:08:15 Iceberg 123 and our Holy Grail to Gen. X is Dirty Dancing.
02:08:20 I ask more women.
02:08:22 I don't know a lot of guys.
02:08:23 That like Dirty Dancing.
02:08:26 I don't think that.
02:08:27 And even that might be a little.
02:08:29 I don't know what's Gen.
02:08:31 What's the cutoff?
02:08:32 Maybe, maybe Dirty Dancing.
02:08:37 And that that might be a good.
02:08:38 One, because that is about.
02:08:39 Isn't that like about?
02:08:40 The young Jewish girl and.
02:08:43 Is it my thing about the right one?
02:08:47 Maybe that might be worth taking.
02:08:48 I have I I think I saw it like a really long.
02:08:51 Time ago based race mixer $1.00. For the record, I have a mortgage in.
02:08:59 On Las Vegas but.
02:09:01 Yes, Lake Mead is ******* done.
02:09:04 And it was more or less the question.
02:09:06 I have the book.
02:09:08 Yeah, the.
02:09:11 The the water thing.
02:09:12 I don't know.
02:09:13 I I do believe it's cyclical.
02:09:15 And I also believe that there is some weather modification that goes on.
02:09:18 We already know about that.
02:09:19 I'm not saying that like all the weather is controlled or whatever, but we, you know, it's in the mainstream news, you know, China is always modifying the weather.
02:09:26 You think that?
02:09:27 We're not doing it, of course we're doing it.
02:09:28 We probably did it first.
02:09:29 We we're probably still doing it.
02:09:31 And so that might have something to do with it that especially if they're, if they're trying to manage remote areas and getting people to live in other area, you know more urban areas.
02:09:41 That I don't.
02:09:42 Know maybe that could even factor into how they.
02:09:44 Decide rainfall.
02:09:45 You know what happens with all that?
02:09:46 I don't know.
02:09:48 But yeah, I.
02:09:50 Always have a Plan B if you're.
02:09:51 Going to live in the southwest?
02:09:52 The American.
02:09:53 Southwest you better not.
02:09:55 Be relying on.
Speaker 7
02:09:58 You know.Devon
02:09:59 Municipalities to provide water for you.02:10:03 Which makes it tough.
02:10:04 In fact, in you probably shouldn't just have one if you're living in a desert, you probably shouldn't just have one source of water.
02:10:11 You should have a couple solutions to that problem.
02:10:18 $25 by Wade Watts.
02:10:22 This donation is long overdue.
02:10:24 Thanks for everything you do.
02:10:25 Well, I appreciate that.
02:10:26 And you rhymed.
02:10:27 Good job, Wade watts.
02:10:30 D12 it was around 24 million or so for Charlottesville. Ohh damn, they literally find James Fields 6,000,000 two times.
02:10:41 Well, and you know that he's he's in jail for the rest of his life, so I don't know whether where they think that money is going to come.
02:10:48 Greens anger attack on Titan is kind of base, but if you decide to watch any anime at all, watch death.
02:10:55 Note it's like day of the rope.
02:10:57 The anime protagonist gets the power to kill people by writing their name, uses the power to change the world, kills criminals and black male politicians for peace.
02:11:07 Yeah, yeah, I just, you know, I just don't like anime.
02:11:11 I'm I'm not saying like I'm sure there's animes, just like there's look, there's probably like comic books that aren't gay.
02:11:18 But, you know, it's just not my thing.
02:11:20 Maybe maybe if I can't do.
02:11:21 Anything else? Maybe we'll see.
Speaker 6
02:11:25 UM.Devon
02:11:28 Cookie counter $601.00. I think white women get too much of the bad Rep in our circles.02:11:34 Right.
02:11:35 Well, here's the thing.
02:11:37 The reason for that is very obvious.
02:11:39 It's that what we do is socially acceptable, and it makes us social pariahs.
02:11:44 And women do not want to be with social pariah.
02:11:48 That's just the way it is.
02:11:49 And so as a result, the men in this movement have difficulty and.
02:11:55 Look, there's a there's.
02:11:56 A cornucopia of other problems, right in terms of trying to find women that aren't just complete.
02:12:03 ******** right with the with the only fans and tender and just everything else that's happened to the.
02:12:09 The sexual marketplace in the last 20 years especially, look, it's a ******* mess out there, but then you add on.
02:12:16 Top of that.
02:12:17 The fact that you're this, you know this evil person, that that none of the famous people in the glamour magazines would be caught dead hanging out.
Speaker 5
02:12:26 And it you know.Devon
02:12:27 Kind of affects your ability to to have a healthy dating life.02:12:35 It's just so I understand the frustration.
02:12:37 I think a lot of.
02:12:38 Men lash out at women because of that, and look, some of the some of the criticism is is warranted.
02:12:44 It just is.
02:12:46 But you know, some of their some of the complaints that you hear from the trap thoughts about men, some of the criticism are also valid.
02:12:56 It's just that.
02:12:57 You know, we're we're not.
02:12:58 We're we're we're.
02:13:00 Living through a decline, this is what declines are like.
02:13:03 You know, surprise.
02:13:06 It's not easy to reproduce in a in an era where reproduction, if you're smart and and the conditions are such that it's difficult for smart people to reproduce, guess what?
02:13:20 It's going to be hard for you to reproduce.
02:13:23 It doesn't have to be anyones fault.
02:13:26 It just you know it is.
02:13:29 There's done around, there's plenty wrong with them, but I was looking at a statistic and white women are the group least likely to race.
02:13:35 Makes even less so than white men. As of 2017 and look and white women came out and forced to look, it's Trump. I get it. But they white women did vote.
02:13:48 In in fairly large.
02:13:49 Numbers in some areas for Trump.
02:13:52 It it it really?
02:13:53 Isn't white women are not.
02:13:54 That's not the problem.
02:13:56 White women.
02:13:56 That's not the problem.
02:13:57 That's not what I'm getting at.
02:14:01 It's a problem, but certainly that's that's it's.
02:14:05 It's shockingly low on.
02:14:06 The list.
02:14:08 ******** ******?
02:14:10 Would we be better off getting a wife from the USSR or other places?
02:14:15 They seem to be much more traditional and sane than the ones here in the West.
02:14:20 If you think that Eastern European women are sane.
02:14:23 You have never dated an Eastern European woman.
02:14:30 I'm just saying, look, we're.
02:14:32 We're here's lots of generalizations tonight.
02:14:34 All right, so here's another one.
02:14:36 You think Western women are materialistic?
02:14:44 Ohh you.Devon
02:14:46 You haven't seen anything.Speaker
02:14:50 But yeah, I mean.Devon
02:14:51 Like why not?02:14:52 I'm not saying don't do that.
02:14:53 I'm just saying don't think that.
02:14:55 You're going to get off.
02:14:56 I mean like.Devon
02:14:57 It's culturally different.02:14:58 Everywhere is culturally different.
02:15:00 So what you're looking for, it might be easier to find than another country and and if if it is.
02:15:05 Go for it. Why not?
02:15:07 But the grass is.
02:15:08 Always greener.
02:15:09 Let me just put it that.
02:15:12 Spiderman 12848.
02:15:16 Play William Lister pierces piece where he says if there's anyone in America who deserves to suffer, it's the white middle class or Mosley speech.
02:15:27 I don't want a white pill.
02:15:28 I just want to be reminded that not all of them were *****.
02:15:34 OK, I'll tell you what, I'll.
02:15:35 I'll look into that for next.
02:15:38 For stream, we'll do something.
02:15:40 I'll do something like that.
02:15:41 I'll try to find.
02:15:42 Some like motivational.
02:15:46 It's speech that we.
02:15:47 Can go over.
02:15:48 That's not a bad idea.
02:15:50 Varicocele, a white woman $5 and Dutton, was on Tim Kelly's podcast our interesting times to discuss our interesting times.
02:16:02 I guess the name of the.
02:16:03 OK, to discuss his new book on how feminists are today's modern witches, it's fascinating.
02:16:10 He makes a great argument for it.
02:16:12 He said suffragettes were mostly violent lesbians, right, and if you've seen I've talked about this before, I think I might even play clips from it if I haven't.
02:16:21 Maybe that'll be something I should play the next string.
02:16:23 You, uh.
02:16:24 His speech at the scans.
02:16:25 A forum?
02:16:26 I'm pretty sure.
02:16:27 I have played a clip of this, at least.
02:16:29 His speech at the scans, a form about that same topic about women being or, I'm sorry, feminists being witches, modern day witches, and how the patriarchy used to deal with them and perhaps similar solutions might be in.
02:16:43 Order is an excellent speech.
02:16:46 And I I would assume that.
02:16:47 His book?
02:16:47 I don't know.
02:16:48 That's I didn't know.
02:16:49 That was a new book.
02:16:49 I thought that been out for a while.
02:16:51 It's I.
02:16:52 I'm very curious.
02:16:53 I'd like to.
02:16:53 I don't read.
02:16:55 Nonfiction books or.
02:16:57 Really, I mostly do audio books these days.
02:16:59 If at all.
02:17:02 Maybe that well, maybe.
02:17:03 That audio book is available, it might be.
02:17:04 Something worth looking into.
02:17:06 Ed does just like anybody, there's no I agree with.
02:17:10 100%.
02:17:11 But he's a he's a he's a.
02:17:13 Definitely a smart Anglo.
02:17:17 TK1352.
02:17:21 Desert fox.
02:17:22 OK, I'm going to mess.
02:17:22 OK, that's.
02:17:23 For someone else.
02:17:24 I don't know why you sent me.
02:17:27 Purge all pedophiles at all costs, Gen. X 65 to 80.
02:17:34 65 to 8080.
02:17:35 385 ish. No, I think I think the cutoff is 80 because millennials are now turning 40.
02:17:40 Uh Red Dawn is Gen.
02:17:42 Yeah, no Red Dawn is definitely Gen.
02:17:47 $1.00 Cookie counter 600. You should do modern South Park. They did a COVID special and they go fold. You get the vacs going or you are selfish. I actually watched that.
02:17:59 I actually watched that.
02:18:02 And it drove me crazy.
02:18:04 They did that because these are ******* libertarians who one of their books is literally called the virtue of selfishness.
02:18:14 Their entire ideology is based on personal choice and selfishness.
02:18:22 And because it doesn't go along with the party line that they have decided to start marching along to.
02:18:31 And maybe, perhaps they always did.
02:18:33 That might be worth examining.
02:18:35 You know, a lot of times people would look at at South Park and myself included as a sane voice.
02:18:42 Like ohh, they're.
02:18:42 They're making fun of leftists.
02:18:45 Right, they were making fun of leftists, but they were making fun of leftists.
02:18:48 In a very libertine way.
02:18:51 Right.
02:18:52 Think of all the degenerate **** that was in every South Park episode that you.
02:18:57 You consumed.
02:19:00 And I don't mean like a little degenerate like the most degenerate.
02:19:03 Probably stuff on television.
02:19:06 But it was OK because they were making fun.
02:19:08 Of the leftists.
02:19:09 Right.
02:19:11 It's that whole seduction of the the the libertarian right.
02:19:16 Oh, no, no, no.
02:19:17 We're fiscally conservative.
02:19:21 We're just, we're we're socially liberal.
02:19:22 We have something to offer everybody.
02:19:27 And in retrospect.
02:19:29 South Park might have been some of the most potent poison on television.
02:19:34 And it just became more obvious because as.
02:19:36 They've gotten older.
02:19:38 And justice, everything's gotten more obvious.
02:19:41 It's easier to see.
02:19:42 I mean, just like everything else, what you know, talked about like the the subversion became way less subtle over the last few years.
02:19:49 And why would South Park being different?
02:19:52 When they went orange man, bad cliche.
02:19:56 For the last four years.
02:19:58 But yeah, I watched that and it was very it.
02:20:00 Was very annoying.
02:20:02 In in terms of them turning Cartman into a jewel or whatever I was, I I yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:20:09 I don't.
02:20:09 Know what that's all about?
02:20:13 I was on the impression honestly, watching it there had to be a.
02:20:15 Part 2 because it.
02:20:16 Just ended abruptly, like it didn't seem to have like.
02:20:21 A logical conclusion like I thought for sure there would be.
02:20:23 A Part 2.
02:20:24 I don't know.
02:20:24 Maybe there's not a Part 2.
02:20:28 But I kind of feel like if there's not.
Speaker 13
02:20:31 Yeah, they're.Devon
02:20:33 You know, they've they've shown their cards.02:20:37 OK. Well, that's all that.
02:20:41 Go to regular chat here.
02:20:46 Hi priest King Terry says South Park woke me up to the JQ.
02:20:48 Honestly, right now there's things about South Park that seemed really based and really cool and they, you know, they addressed some of the more offensive leanings.
02:20:57 Of the left.
02:20:58 And in a in a way that was irreverent.
02:21:00 And cool and whatever and and look.
02:21:03 Might be hard to say if it was a.
02:21:05 Net gain or a net loss?
02:21:08 But you can't say that they weren't the most degenerate show on television.
02:21:12 A lot of times.
02:21:14 A lot of times.
02:21:16 And you can't say that you are willing to embrace that simply because it was sitting on the leftist right.
02:21:23 Like oh, it's.
02:21:23 OK, that you're you know, you've got a cartoon where, you know, we're ******** on Jesus because they're making a point.
02:21:29 With it.
02:21:31 You know it's.
02:21:32 Like, yeah, but there's they're still ******** on Jesus.
Speaker 7
02:21:36 You know that's.Devon
02:21:38 They don't have to do that.02:21:39 To make this point.
02:21:42 Funny how they chose to do it that way.
02:21:43 You know what I mean?
02:21:46 So yeah, it is what?
02:21:47 It is, but yeah, certainly the last few years it's it's just been awful to the.
02:21:51 Extent like I used to, I used to.
02:21:52 Watch, like all the episodes, pretty much.
02:21:56 One new new a new one, and yeah, nothing else to watch.
02:21:59 I'd watch South Park for sure, and that that stopped like.
02:22:02 Several years ago.
02:22:06 You know, it is what?
02:22:07 It is.
02:22:11 ******** ******?
02:22:12 Why does Alex Jones, trying to avoid the JQ of everything he complains about, comes from them?
02:22:18 Well, not everything.
02:22:19 He he complains about us, but a lot.
02:22:21 Of it does.
02:22:21 And he's married to a Jew.
02:22:22 His kids are Jews.
02:22:24 I don't.
02:22:24 Well, I don't.
02:22:24 Know if all of them.
02:22:25 Are because he he's been married.
02:22:27 Twice, so I don't know if they were both Jews or.
02:22:29 Or what?
02:22:31 That's part of that's part of.
02:22:32 Why and plus, I mean the guy is still mainstream.
02:22:36 I mean, obviously he's, you know, he's banned off YouTube and stuff like.
02:22:39 That, but I mean he.
02:22:41 Owns like a big company, and that's, well, that's going to have to pay a lot of money to the the Sandy Hook people because he lost that lawsuit.
02:22:50 But you know, he's still he's running a big company, you know his, his infowar store.
02:22:56 He's got suppliers and all that stuff.
02:22:57 He's playing the game.
02:23:00 There are certain things.
02:23:01 There are certain topics that if you talk about you aren't just banned from YouTube, you're banned from getting loans.
02:23:09 You're banned from distribution from certain outlets.
02:23:12 You're banned from getting deals like, just as an example.
02:23:15 Like his.
02:23:16 I mean, I don't know that this would happen, but like his toothpaste, right, like his fluoride.
02:23:20 Three toothpaste, like he doesn't make that ****.
02:23:24 It's made by like Tom's or you know, whatever that company is.
02:23:27 And then he just really it's it's just he's relabeling this stuff.
02:23:31 He's not producing this stuff.
02:23:33 And if you **** *** the guy and I don't, I don't know who you know.
02:23:36 I don't know that they're Jewish.
02:23:37 Or whatever.
02:23:38 But like you know, if you say things.
02:23:40 That are outside the norm enough to where it could potentially cost you money.
02:23:47 He's not going to do it, but moreover.
02:23:52 Like I said, he has family.
02:23:54 That's Jewish.
02:23:56 He's got a lot of friends that are Jewish.
02:24:00 I've always said, look, it's it isn't every Jew. It's not like Alex Jones's Jewish wife or whatever is like in on some plan or whatever. But every Jew is.
02:24:14 Is programmed to believe that the next Holocaust will happen.
02:24:17 The second white people talk about that.
02:24:20 There's not very many Jews that you can talk about the JQ with and have them not become hysterical messes.
02:24:27 Right.
02:24:30 So anyway.
02:24:37 Oh yeah, someone said thoughts about the ***** killing the kids in Wisconsin.
02:24:43 Yeah, we're already like, that's a whole another thing.
02:24:47 Now that's a whole nother thing.
02:24:49 I'll just, I mean, look, it's.
02:24:51 We already know, right?
02:24:52 We already know that a he did it on purpose, B he did in response to the Rittenhouse thing.
02:24:59 Seeing he had done anti white rap songs.
02:25:02 In the past.
02:25:04 D the media.
02:25:05 'S covering up.
02:25:06 Look the the.
02:25:07 ****** ** thing is.
02:25:10 The ****** ** thing is.
02:25:12 That type of **** happens every day.
02:25:15 And now it was more theatrical, and because there were more cameras.
02:25:20 You know you had a car driving through a parade, running people down, and there were lots of cameras.
02:25:27 You think that that's.
02:25:30 That's it's statistically atypical of of black on white crime.
02:25:37 You think that at the end?
02:25:38 Of the year.
02:25:40 The statistics on black on white crime are even going to look like an anomaly.
02:25:45 Because of that, no.
02:25:53 Now obviously it's going to be forgotten because the media is.
02:25:56 Never going to talk about.
02:25:57 It again but.
02:25:58 It's also going to be forgotten because it's not unusual.
02:26:04 The only thing unusual about it was the theatrical nature.
02:26:07 Of it.
02:26:13 That's the only thing.
02:26:18 Black people are.
02:26:18 Killing white kids all the ******* time we see the videos on a fairly regular basis.
02:26:26 And it's not an isolated incident.
02:26:30 If only it were.
02:26:32 And it's also not.
02:26:34 Look, it's funny because you see, this is what's frustrating.
02:26:38 You see all these people?
02:26:40 That are like see media you.
02:26:42 See, like you know, people like Tucker, mainstream people like what?
02:26:45 What's the mainstream people that are just barely sticking their toe into the race thing because they have to, right?
02:26:52 What do they say?
02:26:53 What do they ******* say?
02:26:54 All of them say the same thing.
02:26:56 You know, the media is ripped or they whip people into a frenzy.
02:26:59 You know, they whip people into a frenzy that.
02:27:01 They hate white people and.
02:27:03 Now they're.
Speaker 7
02:27:05 You think this should?Devon
02:27:08 Needs the media.02:27:10 For it to happen.
02:27:15 There are.
02:27:15 It's not like it's not.
02:27:16 Like there's no influence there, right?
02:27:18 Obviously there's influence there.
02:27:23 But there's there's they're shifting.
02:27:26 They're shifting the blame.
02:27:29 From the guy.
02:27:30 Who did it to the, quote, UN quote the media?
02:27:41 Which just so happens to have a a racial component that keeps coming up in the Super chats tonight.
Speaker 5
02:27:45 Right. Who's who's this media.Devon
02:27:50 As we're talking about race, Tucker.02:27:54 And as long.
02:27:55 As it was the the media that did this, it was the media that whipped black people.
02:27:59 Up into a frenzy against whites.
Speaker 5
02:28:01 Who's the media, Tucker?Devon
02:28:08 Who is this? The media?02:28:18 Do they wear kabala bracelets on air?
Speaker 12
02:28:20 Like you do, Tucker.Devon
02:28:31 Yeah, it's that kind of deflection really kind.02:28:33 Of ****** me.
02:28:34 Off you see.
02:28:35 A lot.
02:28:36 A lot of ******* people play that.
02:28:37 That that angle.
02:28:41 These guys, they're not stupid.
02:28:42 These are.
02:28:43 Some clever *************.
02:28:52 But yeah, it's not.
02:28:53 It's nothing new.
02:28:54 It's nothing new.
02:28:55 It's nothing shocking to me.
02:28:56 It's nothing surprising.
02:28:58 This is the kind of **** that literally happens all the time.
02:29:01 And and and.
02:29:03 You know, like I said, it just this one happened to have a lot of footage and happened in a theatrical way.
02:29:13 G gog, I am a new user and have been recently ******** red pilled.
02:29:16 A few months ago.
02:29:18 How much worse would you think it would need to get before this evil communist global **** jewelry regime is done for, if ever it could be stopped also.
02:29:30 **** you, alphabet agencies watching listening.
02:29:34 Yeah, well.Devon
02:29:37 Well, say this, I'll say this.02:29:41 Maybe not in your lifetime.
02:29:44 You know we're we're we're not even at the we're.
02:29:47 Not at the end of the decline.
02:29:49 People think that, oh, things are about.
02:29:51 To turn around now.
02:29:52 Now people thought that during Reagan.
02:29:56 OK, people thought that during Bush.
02:29:59 And they thought that during Trump, every time a Republican gets elected, the right falls asleep and it keeps it keeps listening to the left and never stops.
02:30:10 Right.
02:30:10 It didn't stop under Reagan or or Bush or or Trump.
02:30:16 And it's certainly not going to stop if DeSantis wins or or Trump wins again or.
02:30:22 Or or whoever.
02:30:25 You got to zoom out the.
02:30:26 Graph and realize we got a ways to go.
02:30:28 We got ways to go.
02:30:29 You listen to the accounts of other empires that have fallen and the type of the generate **** that's going on in the open.
02:30:37 And in the in.
02:30:38 Public that is an indication of where we'll be.
02:30:44 You know, people make the joke.
02:30:45 Oh, it's like Weimar.
02:30:46 Germany not.
02:30:47 Not yet.
02:30:49 Not yet.
02:30:58 No, not not.Devon
02:30:58 Not at all yet.02:31:02 Power is the ability.
02:31:07 The the ruling class is power I guess is is the ability to sedate the public.
02:31:14 To keep them in fear.
02:31:18 Which really, if you think that's the?
02:31:19 Same thing because it's the fear of losing your sedative, right?
02:31:25 As long as they can keep the sedatives flowing, they're I mean, like, literal sedatives.
02:31:29 Like a pill.
02:31:30 I mean just.
02:31:30 The the the.Devon
02:31:31 The the entertainment, the **** and the the drugs, the.02:31:35 The well.
02:31:36 So I guess in.
02:31:36 Some cases the actual sedatives.
02:31:38 You know the antidepressants, the Cheetos.
02:31:44 The stimulus checks.
02:31:48 The EBT cards.
02:31:52 As long as that keeps flowing.
02:31:57 The system will continue to go.
02:32:01 There are too many people that profit from the maintaining of the the status quo.
02:32:12 The only way I think you're going to have an opportunity to change that.
02:32:16 Is if the system becomes so corrupt that.
Speaker 5
02:32:19 It will it.Devon
02:32:20 Will I mean, at least historically, it always has.02:32:25 To where they they become it, it becomes.
02:32:29 Difficult for them to even just deliver on the.
02:32:33 The basic sedatives right now, I think that their hope is and the danger to us.
02:32:38 Is that they will be able to solve this.
02:32:43 This up and coming.
02:32:47 Black Swan event.
02:32:49 By deploying automation and AI that will make up for the decline in IQ and all the other factors that would make a the the crack the the crash of a civilization take place.
02:33:02 They think that they can.
02:33:03 Somehow outrun the inevitable with technology?
02:33:12 And so, well, I guess we'll find.
02:33:14 Out right.
02:33:15 I guess we'll find out.
02:33:20 I'm not so certain, but it is possible.
02:33:25 Excuse me.Devon
02:33:27 And take a little more I.02:33:28 Think there's some more?
02:33:30 The tipped ones.
02:33:36 Let's see here.
02:33:38 24,000,000.
Speaker 6
02:33:42 White women blah blah.Devon
02:33:51 Iceberg 123 you once said you dated Jewish women in the past. What was or what was?02:33:58 Particularly Julie about them.
02:34:00 Well, I'll tell you what, that the one that went and saw devil's advocate with me was was.
02:34:03 One of those Jews.
02:34:08 The one that was like you know.
02:34:09 See, it makes a lot of sense.
02:34:13 Ohh I don't know this this Satan guy.
02:34:14 He sounds like he's got it all figured out.
02:34:23 Yeah. Yeah, she was a.
02:34:27 A close relative of a of a famous Jew.
02:34:38 No, she.
02:34:38 I mean, what was Julie about her?
02:34:39 I mean I.
02:34:40 Don't know that was a long time ago.
02:34:42 I wasn't really thinking in terms of that back then, certainly.
02:34:48 I mean, look, she.
02:34:49 Was high IQ and and neurotic.
02:34:53 And I guess that's that's attractive or was to me.
02:34:59 Because there, that's that seems to be that.
02:35:01 That was the repeating pattern, right?
02:35:04 I was.
02:35:05 I would date high IQ neurotic.
02:35:09 I guess that's the thing, too.
02:35:10 They're they're they're high IQ, neurotic and amoral.
02:35:17 Yeah, I mean, I don't know why I don't.
02:35:19 Know why?
02:35:20 But if I had to sum up the.
02:35:24 I mean, I I don't know.
02:35:26 I mean, that's obviously not exclusive to Jews, but if I had to stereotype them, I'd say that those were the three.
02:35:33 The three things.
02:35:35 You know that smart, funny.
02:35:38 Crazy as ****.
02:35:40 And amoral.
02:35:46 So and and.
02:35:47 Along with the amoral I.
02:35:48 Guess there's not a lot of nurturing there either.
02:35:52 You know, like there's not the.
02:35:55 There's not like the.
02:36:00 And I guess this probably goes with the amoral part.
02:36:02 It's just there's not like the same level of empathy there.
02:36:05 Or it's a different I don't.
02:36:06 Know it's.
02:36:07 Just whether it's genetically.
02:36:08 Or culturally different, I don't know, but it's different.
02:36:12 So all right.
02:36:18 People talking about Ben Shapiro's sister. No, I don't. I don't know why people think she's attractive. She's not.
02:36:24 She's not pretty.
02:36:26 Just because she has has big ***** doesn't mean that she's she's attractive.
02:36:32 I don't I I don't.
02:36:33 I don't see it.
02:36:34 I don't see it at all.
02:36:36 I just don't see.
02:36:37 I've never thought she was pretty, like even a.
02:36:39 Little bit.
02:36:40 I thought it was like an ironic meaning of her when it first started, I started seeing this **** on the Internet.
02:36:45 But no, there's people that are genuinely they think.
02:36:47 She's hot. I.
02:36:48 Don't get it.
02:36:49 I mean, she looks like Ben Shapiro with a wig and ****.
02:36:52 Like that's.
02:36:54 I don't know how you don't see that.
02:36:56 So, but yeah, there's a lot of people that let.
02:36:59 Her into.
02:36:59 Her she is not an attractive woman though.
02:37:02 High Priest King Terry.
02:37:03 Some say to avoid a mortgage.
02:37:06 However, if you think that the US isn't going to last 30 years.
02:37:10 And the banks collapse.
02:37:11 Then the 30 year mortgage is going to go away.
02:37:13 Something to think about.
02:37:14 I'm not against a mortgage if you can easily afford it.
02:37:18 And it gets you property sooner.
02:37:20 Yeah, I I.
02:37:21 I disagree.
02:37:22 I'm against it.
02:37:23 I I would rather.
02:37:25 Not be paying my.
02:37:27 Money to those people that are seeking to destroy me, it's a principal thing.
02:37:30 For me, doesn't matter like we we got to stop being.
02:37:34 We got to stop playing the pragmatism game.
02:37:37 I mean, there's look.
02:37:39 To some extent, there's always some level of pragmatism that has to go into your strategy, but this is, I don't think this is unnecessary evil that anyone needs to take on.
02:37:49 I think it's an uncomfortable thing that you have to take on, and I'm willing to be uncomfortable so they don't get half my earnings.
02:38:02 Let's see here.
02:38:03 I'm going to do just one more here, and then we'll get out of it.
02:38:10 Spiderman 12848 Abby had a miscarriage after taking the VAX. Don't look into it. It's a conspiracy theory. Is that her name? Yeah, I think that is right. Abby Shapiro.
02:38:24 Well, I mean, look, she's not the only one.
02:38:26 There's lots of reports of that, you know.
02:38:33 It is what?
02:38:33 It is.Devon
02:38:34 So all right, guys.02:38:36 Well, thank you to the Super Chatters.
02:38:39 We almost got 100 bucks. We got $98.88. So that's kind of nice. Kind of nice to have. Like, I'm glad I I activated that feature.
02:38:49 It's kind of.
02:38:50 That takes care of the Internet, you.
02:38:51 Know for the month.
02:38:53 So I appreciate that guys and hope you guys once again you had a good Thanksgiving.
02:38:59 Hope you enjoyed the show.
02:39:05 For black pill, I am of course.
Speaker 5
02:39:14 Devin Stern.Speaker 12
02:43:05 So this is the universal hot crazy matrix. It's everything a young man needs to know about women. I've developed this on my own over 46 years of living on the Earth, so this is how it works. You have your crazy access.02:43:24 And your hot access hot is, as usual, measured from zero to 10.
02:43:30 We're all familiar with that.
02:43:33 Crazy is measured from 4:00 to 10:00, because of course there's no such thing as a woman who's.
02:43:37 Least four crazy so.
02:43:39 You got.
02:43:41 4 to 10 this is your hot crazy line right here.
02:43:46 Very important that you keep in mind where the hot crazy line is.
02:43:51 As a rule.
02:43:54 This is your no go zone.
02:43:55 We do not hang around and date and marry women who are not, at least in our mind, of five.
02:44:04 So this is your no go zone.
02:44:06 You don't go here.
02:44:07 We just rule this out.
02:44:09 Life is better this way.
02:44:11 That's the.
02:44:11 Way it is all right.
02:44:14 Above A5 and to about an 8.
02:44:19 And below the crazy line.
02:44:22 This is your fun zone.
02:44:24 You can hang out here and and and meet these girls and spend time with them.
02:44:30 That's your fun zone, but keep in mind when you're in the fun zone, you want to move out of the fund zone to a more permanent location.
02:44:38 OK, so that's the fun zone above the five hot below and eight hot and below the crazy line.
02:44:47 This means these are most of the time, not crazy, OK?
02:44:51 Above the danger zone above the above the crazy line, we have the danger zone.
02:44:59 This is your redheads?
02:45:00 Your strippers.
02:45:01 Anyone named Tiffany?
02:45:04 This is hairdressers.
02:45:06 This is where?
02:45:07 This is where your car gets keyed.
02:45:08 You get a Bunny in the pot, your tires.
02:45:11 Get slashed and you wind up in jail now.
02:45:15 Now we have some of the chart fulfilled and we got a couple more pieces to put in, but at this point understand something.
02:45:22 This is not a static environment.
02:45:24 This is a situation where you have got to.
02:45:28 Use this matrix overtime to develop some reliable data.
02:45:33 It's like a dope chart, OK, you ought because at any moment in time, any woman that you have previously located on this chart can vanish from that location and appear anywhere else on the chart.
02:45:46 So what you have to do is over time.
02:45:48 Collect some data and once you have a cluster of data points, you can begin to consider that reliable.
02:45:56 Now moving on, you have this zone here.
02:46:01 This is below the crazy line.
02:46:03 Above and eight.
02:46:04 Hot but still.
02:46:07 You know about a 7 crazy.
02:46:09 This is your date zone.
02:46:13 You can stay in the date zone indefinitely.
02:46:15 These are women that you introduce to your friends and your family.
02:46:19 They're they're good looking and they're reasonably not crazy most of the time.
02:46:24 OK, so this is.
02:46:25 You can stay here indefinitely.
02:46:33 Above and eight.Speaker 12
02:46:34 Hot and between about a 7 and.02:46:36 A5 crazy.
02:46:38 This is your wife zone.
02:46:41 OK, when you meet this girl, you should consider a long term relationship.
02:46:47 This zone is not scaled to size.
02:46:50 This this is a.
02:46:51 This is a representation and not an actual.
02:46:54 If this is not a pie chart showing you how many of these people are out there, this is simply.
02:46:58 A representation of what you're after.
02:47:01 You want to be 5 to 7, crazy above an 8 hot.
02:47:05 That's your wife zone.
02:47:07 OK, now.
02:47:09 Below 5 crazy.
02:47:12 And above and eight hot.
02:47:14 This is your Unicorn zone.
02:47:15 These things don't.
02:47:20 If you find a Unicorn, please capture it safely.
02:47:23 Keep it alive.
02:47:24 We'd like to study it and maybe look at how to replicate that.
02:47:28 OK, so I was explaining this to a guy one time.
02:47:31 And he said, wait a minute.
02:47:33 I met this.
02:47:35 And she's like smoking hot.
02:47:36 She's like, at least a nine and she's chill.
02:47:39 She's totally cool.
02:47:41 She's like, not even a three crazy.
02:47:45 I said.
02:47:45 You're telling me you've met a girl.
02:47:47 She's a nine hot and she's like a two or a.
02:47:50 3 crazy, he said.
02:47:51 Yeah, man, I like her.
02:47:52 A lot, I said. You.
02:47:53 Should be careful.
02:47:54 That's a dude you're talking.
02:47:56 To a ******.
02:47:59 So you got your, you got to be careful.
02:48:01 Because down here below 4.
02:48:03 Crazy and above an 8 high, you're probably.
02:48:06 Talking to a dude.
02:48:08 That is the universal hot crazy metrics.
02:48:11 All right, man, that was pretty good now.02:48:13 Let me ask.
Speaker 12
02:48:14 You like for the for the women watching.Speaker
02:48:16 Is is there a?Speaker 12
02:48:17 Male version of that.02:48:19 Would it also be?
02:48:20 Oh yeah, it's a little.
02:48:21 If a dude is super hot, OK, yeah, it's a little simpler, but.
02:48:24 We can do it real quick.
02:48:25 It doesn't.
02:48:25 Take very long at all for women.
02:48:27 This is your.
02:48:28 This is your matrix.
02:48:29 You got your cute access and you got your money axis, OK.
02:48:34 Right.
02:48:35 And if you have, there's only three sections.
02:48:38 Women have a very large no go zone.
02:48:42 This is for dudes who are neither hot nor have a lot of money.
02:48:46 You'll notice over here this is the husband section.
02:48:49 Once you cross a line and have sufficient amounts of money, it is no longer relevant.
02:48:54 How hot you are?
02:48:55 And then women have a fun zone here.
02:48:57 Where a dude.Speaker 12
02:48:58 Is broke but hot.02:49:01 That that is the that is the.
02:49:03 Cute versus rich matrix for women.
02:49:05 'S hoops.