

Speaker 1
00:00:00 We will set it up 78.
00:05:11 You won't wait to see.
Speaker 2
00:05:22 Not as close as you.
Speaker 3
00:06:17 You won't wait to see.
00:06:29 That says.
00:06:35 Hey, Nancy.
00:06:52 Describe to explain.
Speaker 3
00:08:33 Fly with you.
Speaker 6
00:09:16 Declare this.
00:11:37 Food church.
00:11:48 Come on, church. Chow down.
Speaker 7
00:11:52 Come on, George.
00:12:04 I don't finish.
Speaker 9
00:12:08 You state church.
Speaker 7
00:12:11 Hold on a second.
Speaker 10
00:12:14 God, he chewed his way out.
Speaker 11
00:12:19 Jesus Christ.
00:12:26 And we're back.
00:12:29 This is the insomnia stream.
00:12:32 I'm your host, Devin Stack.
00:12:35 This is the what a country edition.
00:12:39 And yes, churro lives churro lives.
00:12:43 He was gone for days.
00:12:46 I think that the coyote thing that I heard.
00:12:50 Was an attempted murder.
00:12:52 But then he slipped away and then was afraid to come back because of the the trauma, the PTSD.
00:12:59 But he is back.
00:13:00 And he is alive and he's featured on a new.
Speaker 13
00:13:04 Shirt that's in the description.
00:13:07 If you want.
00:13:07 To get a churro shirt.
00:13:09 So Ghost Cat, AKA churro.
00:13:12 Is alive and well.
00:13:14 Made him a cozy little house.
00:13:18 He's still outside.
00:13:18 I I've brought him inside a couple times since he's come back and it's just not going to happen.
00:13:23 He does.
00:13:23 Not want to be in here but.
00:13:26 I also have more confidence in the survival skill.
00:13:30 So we'll see what happens, but he is, he's back.
00:13:34 I was convinced.
00:13:35 He was gone.
00:13:38 But apparently apparently I'm a worrier.
00:13:41 I guess I'm just a worrier anyway.
00:13:43 Hope you guys are all doing well.
00:13:46 Some house cleaning stuff, probably no stream or no, definitely no stream Wednesday.
00:13:53 Possibly no stream Saturday just because I have some family stuff I have to take care of next.
00:14:00 And I'm going to try to get maybe some videos I can post, you know, some movie videos or something like that I can post in the meantime.
00:14:10 But definitely no stream Wednesday and probably no stream Saturday, but we'll we'll find out and I'll I'll keep you guys posted on Telegram and on on gab.
00:14:22 Just it's just family stuff.
00:14:24 I got to take care.
00:14:24 Of so anyway, tonight's stream.
00:14:29 Is not about Pet Sematary, although that would have been kind of funny, right?
00:14:36 It it it all started out because.
00:14:42 I was talking to some boomers.
00:14:45 Who we're all talking about their favorite Cold War movies.
00:14:49 You know, we're kind of in a we're a little bit in a cold, it's cold right now and it was kind of interesting because when I think Cold War movies, my brain goes immediately to, you know, Red Dawn.
00:15:03 Or war games or something like that.
00:15:08 And they were listing these movies.
00:15:09 A lot of movies I'd never even heard of before because they were before my time.
00:15:14 But one movie that kept coming up over and over and over again.
00:15:20 Red or not, Red Dawn hunt for red October.
00:15:25 Which I thought was odd.
00:15:26 I mean, I know it was kind of a a a popular movie.
00:15:29 It was one of the, well, actually it was the first Tom Clancy movie.
00:15:34 And so I was like, OK, well, I guess that makes sense.
00:15:37 I hadn't seen it in a really long time.
00:15:40 And I was like, you know, it is kind of interesting.
00:15:43 It is kind of interesting.
00:15:45 The one of the movies that was discussed was a movie called the Russians are coming.
00:15:50 The Russians are coming.
00:15:52 And the boomers?
00:15:53 Were very angry about that.
00:15:54 They're oh, that was just that.
00:15:56 Was the leftist.
00:15:57 And it was made by a it was like a a Jewish comedian.
00:16:00 I'm blanking on the guys name, but it was a movie that was supposed to make fun of a lot of the right wing people who were the ones that were championing, you know, that the Cold War, they were the IT was the the boomer survives of of the, you know, 30 years ago.
00:16:17 Or more actually, this movie came out, I think.
00:16:19 In the 50s or 60s.
00:16:21 And they were, you know, the the right wing at the time, or if you call it that, the the establishment right of America, the we're we're.
00:16:29 On brainwashed by the military industrial complex, we're full on board with escalating the the Cold War.
00:16:38 These are the kids that were trained to hide the under underneath their desks.
00:16:42 The these are the people that had a little bit of shame about Sputnik and you know.
00:16:48 That they they were.
00:16:49 Oh, we went to the moon.
00:16:50 And so that when we showed the Russians and they all, they were all traumatized by the Cuban missile crisis and this.
00:16:56 Sort of thing, right?
00:16:58 And so they were willing to sign any check for any kind of weapon system that was going to one up the Russians.
00:17:06 And it's interesting because this movie that came out, this is the movie we're going to talk about tonight.
00:17:13 But the Russians are coming.
00:17:14 The Russians are coming.
00:17:16 Is this satire?
00:17:17 It's it's basically trying to say that.
00:17:20 Oh, look at the look at how hysterical.
00:17:23 These right wing well robots for the military industrial complex.
00:17:32 Look how look how afraid they are of Russia.
00:17:35 They think Russia is like this big threat and it's just that they're not a threat at all, right?
00:17:42 And the same group of people.
00:17:46 That were behind that movie are now the same people, basically, that are the robots of the military and it's like it's totally swapped.
00:17:54 It's totally switched.
00:17:58 And so anyway, so.
00:18:00 I decided to take a look at.
00:18:01 Hunt for red October.
00:18:03 And found some pretty interesting things.
00:18:06 Some pretty interesting relevant things and it really got me thinking about why or how boomers have have looked at Russia over the years, how they view really everyone who's not a white Christian male.
00:18:24 Even if they tell.
00:18:25 Themselves, like, oh, I don't see race, and I don't see that or I should I should rephrase that.
00:18:34 White Christian male.
00:18:35 Specifically, you know, Americans American.
00:18:39 White Christian male and how they do.
00:18:43 Definitely categorize them in two different slots, but we'll go over that in a second.
00:18:50 But anyway, so let's just dive in.
00:18:51 Real quick to.
00:18:53 The movie I'm sure a lot of you have seen it.
00:18:54 It's a pretty big movie, but there's a.
00:18:56 Lot of surprising things you probably don't know about it.
00:18:59 So the movie The hunt for Red October starts off.
00:19:02 It's very Cold War.
00:19:04 Oh, no, it's.
00:19:05 I need to expand the screen here, apparently because you can't read the text.
00:19:08 Let me.
00:19:09 It's because it's the wide screen crap.
00:19:11 Hang on, let me.
00:19:12 Let me.
Speaker 13
00:19:14 They fix that real quick.
00:19:17 Come on, I hit alt.
00:19:22 There we go.
00:19:25 I'll do this one more.
00:19:27 Alright, that works OK.
Speaker 13
00:19:31 Excuse me. So it starts out in November of 1984, shortly before Gorbachev came to power, a typhoon class Soviet sub surfaced just South.
00:19:44 Of the grand banks.
00:19:47 Dun Dun Daniel.
00:19:48 The whole time like scary musics.
00:19:49 Playing, you know?
00:19:51 It then sank in deep water, apparently suffering a radiation problem.
00:19:56 Unconfirmed reports indicated some of the crew were rescued.
00:20:00 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:20:02 But according to the repeated statements by both the Soviet and American governments, nothing of which you are about to.
00:20:09 See ever happened?
Speaker 13
00:20:12 Bump, bump, bump bum.
00:20:16 And then we get to a Soviet sub base.
00:20:21 And there's this fancy new submarine that the the Russians have developed.
Speaker 13
00:20:27 The hunt for red October.
00:20:31 You meet because this is, you know, this is Tom Clancy.
00:20:35 He's one of these boomers I was talking about one of these right wing military industrial complex cheerleaders.
00:20:44 But you know, because he's he's still like, you know, conservative to some extent, the hero is actually a white male with a family.
00:20:52 So that's surprising, even if the the guy playing the white male is.
00:20:57 A murderer now.
00:21:01 And then it goes based on a novel by Tom Clemson.
00:21:04 Now here's the thing about Tom Clancy, you.
00:21:06 Don't know.
00:21:08 Did you know Tom Clancy?
00:21:11 And but this is this is.
00:21:12 His first book, The Hunt for Red October.
00:21:16 Was his first book.
00:21:19 It was his first book.
00:21:21 And it it sold 5000 copies at first.
00:21:26 Not only that, the UM.
Speaker 13
00:21:28 Let me see if I got it up here.
00:21:30 The publisher.
00:21:34 Was published by the Naval Institute press.
00:21:40 The Naval Institute press.
00:21:44 Interesting publisher. After selling 5000 copies though.
Speaker 13
00:21:50 It's so old.
00:21:52 Well, thousands and thousands more when Ronald Reagan.
00:21:57 President of the time.
00:21:59 Mentioned that it was.
Speaker 9
00:22:00 A great book.
00:22:02 You got the president yet?
00:22:04 The Naval press printing your first novel ever and again.
00:22:08 He's not government, right?
00:22:09 He's not.
00:22:09 No, he's not government.
00:22:10 At all.
00:22:11 He's an insurance salesman, didn't you?
00:22:15 He's just this insurance salesman who somehow somehow made enough money as an insurance salesman to this.
00:22:23 Before this, before you know the success with his writing and stuff, he saved up the money just to buy the insurance company he worked for somehow on an insurance.
00:22:36 Salary anyway.
00:22:38 And then he writes this book, the Naval Naval Press publishes it.
00:22:42 And then the president talks about it.
00:22:45 And then they make it into a movie.
00:22:48 Oh, this guy's lucky. Lucky as ****, you know? In fact, there's a lot of crazy coincidences when it comes to Tom Clancy, who who's no stranger to fame after hunt for in October.
00:22:59 Which was.
00:23:00 A big hit in the in the.
00:23:03 In the theaters.
00:23:05 You know, didn't you know, years later he was being interviewed on on CNN?
00:23:13 On 9/11.
00:23:16 Ohh yeah, on 9/11 during 9/11.
00:23:20 And during his interview, you know, some some strange things. This is during he just happened to show up to CNN and he's. This is why, well, this is while 911's going on.
00:23:33 And he starts.
00:23:34 Talking about how well you know the real problem, the real the reason why this happened.
00:23:41 Is that we didn't have enough CIA agents.
00:23:46 We need more CIA agents and then this happens.
Speaker 14
00:23:51 Was in a person's mind except by talking to that person.
00:23:54 And so the agency needs to increase its human it's human intelligence capability. The CIA has about 20,000 employees less than 1000 of whom are actually field intelligence officers.
00:24:05 That number should be at least doubled, but, but yeah, America as a as a nation doesn't love our intelligence community.
00:24:11 And certainly the news media does not love our intelligence community.
00:24:14 I'm going to interrupt you, Tom Clancy, I'm told Aaron Brown in New York has a development, Aaron.
Speaker 5
00:24:19 Well, Judy, another just in the last few seconds, another building, we will speculate carefully here that there was building #7, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center towers has collapsed.
00:24:33 Those of you have been with us for a while.
00:24:35 You can see indeed, that the smoke color has changed from a has gotten much lighter.
00:24:40 So we believe that yet another building. This would be the third building has collapsed, likely building #7, although we also heard that there were problems at building #5 and it's possible that one went down to.
00:24:54 His building 7 collapses during his interview right after he says, well we.
Speaker 9
00:25:02 To the sounds I.
00:25:03 Don't know if you guys heard that to the sounds of people screaming in the background.
00:25:07 Well, this horror, this all could have been a.
00:25:11 Avoided had if we just had more CIA agents.
00:25:14 We just need more CIA agents.
00:25:20 So this guy who now, who then also everyone knows Rainbow 6, those the video games, they're still making the Jack Ryan Movies Now.
00:25:29 That he's dead.
00:25:32 So this insurance salesman writes all these very pro industrial, military industrial complex books makes video games that are designed to make young men think that it's awesome to be in the military and to be in the CIA.
00:25:49 And then, while he's being interviewed on CNN.
00:25:54 Building 7 collapses.
00:25:58 And then he.
00:25:59 Was on the O'Reilly family.
00:26:01 He's again.
00:26:02 A fiction author.
00:26:06 He's a fiction author and he's on the Riley factor.
00:26:09 A week after nine, saying the same thing I was trying to find that I could find references in articles about it, but I couldn't find the actual clip, but he's on O'Reilly factor.
00:26:19 Talking about how.
00:26:21 Well, same thing.
00:26:23 9/11 wouldn't have happened.
00:26:25 If we just had more CIA agents.
00:26:28 So anyway, that's the guy who made.
00:26:29 This movie that's.
00:26:30 The guy that the that that made the movie that the boomers loved so much.
00:26:37 All right, so back-to-back to the storing.
00:26:42 So Jack Ryan, who is the main character in?
00:26:48 You know well, like I said, they're still making these movies.
00:26:51 Goes and talks to.
Speaker 4
00:26:54 The magic *****.
00:26:56 This is the I always forget this guy's name. James Earl Jones, or otherwise known as The Voice of Darth Vader. But he's he's basically a composite of colon power.
00:27:11 Like this is this is the character this is.
00:27:15 This is the guy that that basically led Americans.
00:27:18 Well, conservative Americans watching the movies that this guy was in feel good about Colin Powell all the.
00:27:23 Time like. Oh, that's.
Speaker 13
00:27:24 Right.
00:27:25 I'm I'm so glad we got that.
Speaker 4
00:27:27 The magic *****.
00:27:29 In power, he's he's got such a commanding voice.
00:27:32 So powerful.
00:27:34 And so he takes a look at this intelligence that that Jack Ryan brings him.
00:27:39 And he's like, oh, that's crazy.
00:27:42 Looks like that the Soviets are working on some new.
Speaker 13
00:27:45 Submarine. Oh, that's that's nuts.
00:27:48 And then of course, we get to the next scene, we got another.
Speaker 4
00:27:52 The magic *****.
00:27:55 You know, because it is. It is a movie from the the Nineties 1990 to be specific.
00:28:01 It is a 90s movie, so anyone that uses a computer.
00:28:06 In in 90s movies has to be black.
00:28:09 Like if they're good at technology and they're not like a main character, they're black every ******* time.
00:28:15 And so of course, not only is he black, but he's having to teach the what the stupid white guy, how to use the equipment cause he doesn't.
00:28:23 He doesn't know what, what?
00:28:23 What does he know about computers?
00:28:25 ******* stupid cracker.
00:28:30 It's buried surface clutter.
Speaker 5
00:28:34 Should go to saps.
Speaker 1
00:28:35 See man Beaumont signal algorithmic processing systems.
00:28:41 Give it a week and you'll be teaching at Caltech.
00:28:46 Like Beethoven on the computer.
00:28:50 You have labored to produce.
Speaker 15
00:28:59 A biologic.
Speaker 1
00:29:04 The whale. Beaumont a whale.
00:29:07 A marine mammal that knows a hell of a.
00:29:09 Lot more about sewing than you do.
00:29:10 Stupid white guy.
Speaker 1
00:29:12 Kill the sabs.
00:29:13 Train over to 269 and.
00:29:17 Let's try it again.
00:29:20 Got the you know the whole condescending attitude and everything, you know, so.
00:29:24 Yeah, every computer in earth and every 90s movie.
00:29:26 Is a black guy.
00:29:28 So are they here?
00:29:29 They the submarine going by and they're like, oh, what, what's this?
00:29:36 This sounds different.
00:29:38 This is a different sound.
00:29:39 Anything we've ever heard before.
00:29:42 Meanwhile, Sean Connery, which which, by the way the entire movie has a Scottish accent.
00:29:47 Still because I don't know.
00:29:49 I guess we can't get that upset because it's like Kevin Costner playing Robin Hood with an American accent, but whatever.
00:29:57 So he's Russian in this movie.
00:30:00 And he's the captain of the, you know, the fancy new submarine.
00:30:04 And then you have, you know, the good guy, the good guy from Jurassic Park. I never know this guy's name.
00:30:12 But you know, he's not just the good guy in Jurassic Park.
00:30:15 I also now associate him with a different movie.
00:30:17 I don't know it's.
Speaker 15
00:30:19 She brought me back.
00:30:21 I told you she won't let me leave.
00:30:23 She won't let anyone leave.
00:30:25 Did you really think you could destroy this ship?
00:30:28 She's defied space and time.
00:30:32 Let me shall yell.
00:30:40 So yeah, he's also the the bad guy.
00:30:42 In event horizon.
00:30:45 The reason I bring that up might seem.
00:30:47 Kind of random.
00:30:50 When I was a degenerate back in the day.
00:30:54 I had a friend that worked at the movie theater.
00:30:57 So I got to see free.
00:30:58 Movies all the time.
00:31:00 And which is partially why I've seen so many ******* movies.
00:31:04 We just, you know, you'd see like, 3 a day cause.
00:31:06 Who cares, right? It's free.
00:31:10 And one night, a friend of mine and I decided it would be a good idea.
00:31:14 We had no idea what this movie is about.
00:31:17 To do a bunch of mushrooms and then go see this movie called event.
00:31:20 It was a, you know, sci-fi movie called Event Horizon.
00:31:23 And that movie freaked me the **** out, because the whole time.
00:31:27 I'm thinking like, oh, it's the nice guy from Jurassic Park because you know my psychedelic brain at the time.
00:31:33 Just, you know, wasn't able.
00:31:35 To do the math.
00:31:36 And next thing you know, he's gouging his own eyes out.
00:31:39 And you know, after the movie, my friend and I were afraid to get in the car cause we thought it was possessed.
00:31:44 So anyway, now we always.
00:31:46 I can't see that guy without.
00:31:47 Thinking about that.
00:31:48 ******* movie.
00:31:49 So anyway, so so he's.
00:31:52 He's also on the the submarine.
00:31:54 And you can tell there's something.
Speaker 13
00:31:56 Weird, right?
00:31:56 There's some they got like.
00:31:57 Some kind of?
00:31:58 These knowing glances, right something's going on.
00:32:02 And then he goes into the captains's room. Or I don't know something. And there's a a political guy, you know, someone from the Soviet government who is there for the maiden voyage of this new technological advancement of the the USSR.
00:32:22 And then out of nowhere.
00:32:25 Sean Connery just kills him and that's, you know, oh, something weird's going on for sure.
00:32:35 The Jack Ryan.
00:32:39 Goes to a submarine company.
00:32:43 And he shows the photos the the intelligence photos they have of this new submarine to his submarine expert friend.
00:32:51 And again, you keep hearing echoes of the the Cold War.
Speaker 16
00:32:57 I helped my daddy build a bomb shelter in our basement because some fool parked a dozen warheads 90 miles off the coast of Florida.
00:33:05 This thing could park a couple of 100 war heads off Washington and New York, and no one would know anything about it till it was all over.
00:33:17 So it's the big scary.
00:33:18 Oh my God.
Speaker 13
00:33:21 Remember the Cuban missile crisis?
00:33:26 That was real scary.
00:33:27 Wasn't remember when your daddy.
00:33:29 You even said Daddy.
00:33:31 Remember, boomers are the audience for this.
00:33:33 Remember when your daddy was building building the bomb shelter?
00:33:37 Because the Cuban missile crisis?
00:33:40 Well, this is.
00:33:40 1000 times worse, literally 1000.
00:33:47 They're going to wipe us all off the ******* map.
Speaker 13
00:33:53 Dun Dun Dun Dun.
00:33:59 So then we go back to the the secret sub.
00:34:04 And you can tell.
00:34:07 You know he's he's definitely doing something like.
00:34:10 He's, you know.
00:34:11 Looks like he's he's stealing the submarine.
00:34:15 And his crew has no idea.
00:34:17 He's told the crew that, hey, this guy just slipped and hit his head on the table and died.
00:34:23 And whatever.
00:34:24 And we're just going to keep going because we're our, our orders are to have complete radio silence no matter what happens.
00:34:31 So go Stow his body somewhere and we'll deal with it when we go back.
00:34:34 We got to, we got to do this mission, though it's it's a tragedy, so.
00:34:39 So terrible that he died.
00:34:40 But it is what?
Speaker 1
00:34:41 It is.
00:34:42 And so he tells them to turn on the the Super secret silent engine thing that makes the submarine impossible to detect from the American side.
00:34:53 And they turn on the the silent drive or whatever it's called, and oh, no.
00:34:59 Oh no.
Speaker 4
00:35:01 The magic *****.
00:35:03 He's not able to.
00:35:04 Uh, he's not.
00:35:05 Able to hear it now cause the the Russians have their scary technology.
00:35:10 They could launch thousands of new nukes all over the North American continent, killing everyone you love and everyone that you know.
00:35:19 So meanwhile, back at the Kremlin.
00:35:22 A political official comes to his office.
00:35:27 Opens up a letter and it's from the the captain of the submarine.
00:35:33 And he basically is saying I'm stealing the summer ring.
00:35:37 And so they now, now Russia knows that.
00:35:40 Ohh ****.
00:35:41 He's got our our you know, he's he's stealing our secret sub.
00:35:47 So meanwhile, Jack Ryan goes to the CIA or, I don't know, White House.
00:35:52 Or something doesn't matter.
00:35:54 Somewhere where the deep state is hanging out and it starts talking about yeah, you know, they've got this this secret sub.
00:36:00 It's got a silent drive on it.
00:36:03 The captain is this this this rogue guy.
00:36:08 And you know.
00:36:10 I think that that he's actually trying to defect.
00:36:14 He's trying to defect.
00:36:17 He's not.
00:36:17 He's not.
00:36:18 You know, he hasn't gone crazy and he's not trying to start World War three.
00:36:21 He's trying to defect because he loves America.
00:36:29 Meanwhile, back in the Russian waters.
00:36:33 A another submarine is told that a they stole this submarine go.
00:36:37 Your mission is to go intercept them and and kill them before they can do something crazy.
00:36:43 And, you know, back at the American sub.
Speaker 4
00:36:47 The magic *****.
00:36:49 Is still trying to devise away.
00:36:53 That he can he can hack through their silent drive and still detect their location and also not be detected by them.
00:37:01 And so his wheels are turning.
00:37:03 You know, his super big brain is going and he starts to figure out a plan, how he can detect this super Soviet secret technology and.
00:37:13 And tail this sub before it does something crazy.
00:37:18 And then this little thing happens where the people in on what's going on because you know, it can't just be the captain that's stealing the submarine.
00:37:25 He's got to have other people on the boat that he trusts that are, well, some marine that he trusts that will go along with the program.
00:37:36 Yeah, some interesting interesting.
00:37:39 Dialogue here.
Speaker 7
00:37:50 Take him some time.
00:37:55 Before we begin, captain.
00:37:57 I'd like to know exactly what happened to Putin.
00:38:01 Wait, hold on.
00:38:02 Hold on.
00:38:03 The guys name is Putin.
00:38:06 The guy the the political guy that he killed.
Speaker 3
00:38:09 His name is Putin.
Speaker 7
00:38:16 Before we begin, captain.
00:38:18 I'd like to know exactly what happened to Putin.
00:38:26 He didn't sleep on his teeth, did he?
00:38:31 I don't think I like your tone, Slavin.
00:38:33 What the hell?
00:38:33 How's my tone got to do with it?
Speaker 16
00:38:35 We're risking our lives here.
Speaker 7
00:38:36 Look, Putin could have caused complications.
00:38:40 What did you think?
00:38:41 You just go in silk while we carried out our plans.
00:38:43 Is that what?
00:38:44 Now I don't know, he says.
00:38:45 The Putin.
00:38:46 So I don't know if that's maybe, maybe it's like a a Russian word.
00:38:50 I I'm just not familiar with.
00:38:52 But it's just, I thought that was weird.
00:38:54 That the guy they kill the the political guy that they kill so they can come to America and be fancy Americans.
00:39:02 And embrace the West.
00:39:05 His name was Putin.
00:39:08 He was the guy that was getting in the.
00:39:09 Way of of all these Soviets that that all they wanted, all they wanted was to be Westerners.
00:39:17 And then this dirty Putin was in the way.
00:39:19 So they.
00:39:20 Had to kill him.
00:39:23 Again, it maybe it could be it could be a coincidence.
00:39:26 It could be some weird Russian word I'm not aware of, but it sounds like, you know, he's saying Putin to me.
Speaker 7
00:39:31 He didn't sleep on his tea, did he?
00:39:35 I don't think I like your tone, Slavin.
00:39:37 What the Hell's my tone got to do with it?
00:39:40 We're risking our lives here.
Speaker 7
00:39:41 Look, Putin could have caused complications.
00:39:47 Again, he says the Putin.
00:39:48 But you know, I've still thought that was that was odd.
00:39:54 So Jack Ryan.
00:39:57 Then goes to a a naval ship that is trying to track down this submarine.
00:40:03 And who's in charge of the naval ship?
00:40:06 Fred Thompson.
00:40:09 An actual senator.
00:40:14 Yeah, that's right, Fred Thompson.
00:40:16 Who was a lobbyist?
00:40:18 And a senator.
00:40:21 And was also the chair of the International Security Advisory Board at the Department of State.
00:40:30 And yeah.
00:40:32 Member of the Council of Foreign on Foreign Relations.
00:40:36 And a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
00:40:41 Specializing in national security and intelligence.
00:40:47 Odd choice of actors, but.
00:40:50 Maybe not, maybe not.
00:40:54 So then Jack Ryan.
00:40:59 Tries to contact a that submarine.
00:41:02 You know the submarine where we have.
Speaker 4
00:41:06 The magic *****.
00:41:07 Who has devised a plan on how he can track the *** and that they're hot on the tail?
00:41:18 Sean Connery tells them to activate.
00:41:22 The silent drive again.
00:41:23 And and they're they're not.
00:41:24 They're totally unaware that they're being tailed by the the Americans.
00:41:31 And then we have this scene.
00:41:34 Now this is what I was talking about when I opened up the stream I was talking about how boomers they they have these.
00:41:40 These this is one of the reasons why they love this. And look, they made this movie some version of this movie like 1000 times during the.
00:41:46 80S and there was a a stand up comedian.
00:41:51 Who was exactly this character?
Speaker 7
00:41:56 You know, we could make the Labrador coast in 16 hours.
Speaker 8
00:42:01 Half of them would freeze before they were rescued.
00:42:05 Oh, it's Massachusetts or Maine.
00:42:08 And 48 hours.
Speaker 7
00:42:10 Two days.
Speaker 2
00:42:19 Do you think?
Speaker 7
00:42:19 They will let me live in Montana.
00:42:25 Oh, the silly Russian.
00:42:27 He just wants to live in Montana.
00:42:31 He just loves the West so much.
00:42:32 He just loves America.
00:42:33 He just wants to live in Montana and he has all these ridiculous ideas about what it's like to be an American because Russians are just these goofy *******.
Speaker 8
00:42:45 I would think they'll let you live.
00:42:47 Wherever you want.
Speaker 7
00:42:52 Then I will live in Montana.
Speaker 15
00:42:54 And they will marry around American woman and raise rabbits.
Speaker 7
00:42:59 And she will cook them for me.
00:43:03 And they will have a pickup truck.
00:43:09 Possibly even.
00:43:11 A recreational vehicle.
00:43:15 See deep down, immigrants are just like you and me.
00:43:19 Says the boomer.
00:43:21 They just want to live in Montana, raise rabbits and drive a pickup truck and have an SUV.
00:43:32 And obviously this this character exists in so many 80s and 90s movies.
00:43:40 In the 80s and 90s you had it like a flip from the the scary Cold War.
00:43:45 Russian depiction to the no, they're just like us.
00:43:49 They just want freedom.
00:43:50 They just want to have freedom.
00:43:53 And the guy who embodied this?
Speaker 13
00:43:55 Let me see if I.
00:43:57 Was working on this like going leading all the way up to like.
00:44:00 Hitting hitting stream basically.
00:44:06 Let's see here.
00:44:06 There he is, Yakoff Smirnov.
00:44:11 Now Yakov Smirnoff.
00:44:14 Let me get this in here.
00:44:18 Was a Russian comedian.
00:44:21 Actually it's Ukrainian.
00:44:25 Let's see here, scale up.
00:44:28 And all of his jokes.
00:44:30 We're basically making boomers comfortable.
00:44:35 With the idea that Russians just want to be like Westerners, they want to be like us.
Speaker 1
00:44:36 Right.
00:44:40 They're just kind of stupid.
00:44:43 See you.
Speaker 17
00:44:47 Hi. Hi, my name is.
00:44:51 Yakov Smirnoff, I am comedian from Russia.
00:44:56 Thank you very much.
00:44:59 I want to explain you what happened to that airplane.
00:45:06 I am actually from Russia.
00:45:07 I was born there, grew up there, worked as a comedian out there.
00:45:10 What surprises me, American people don't know we have comedy in Russia.
00:45:14 We have comedians.
00:45:15 They're there, they're dead.
00:45:20 His entire act is basically just telling boomers.
00:45:25 What they believe about Russia.
00:45:30 He's basically the well, in a way.
00:45:33 He's the.
Speaker 4
00:45:34 Magic *****.
00:45:37 Only Russian.
00:45:40 He's the boomers.
00:45:41 I've got a black friend, but he's an immigrant.
00:45:48 He's reinforcing their idea of American exceptionalism everywhere else around the world is crap.
00:45:56 It's crap and it's backward.
00:46:00 Full of these goofy people who just want to come here live in Montana.
00:46:05 And buy a pickup truck, or maybe an SUV.
Speaker 17
00:46:10 There, there, it's.
00:46:11 Very hard to do comedy in Soviet Union.
00:46:13 You have to ride out all your material and you send it to department of jokes.
00:46:19 I'm not making this up, they send it back to you.
00:46:22 You have to stay with the script.
00:46:23 You cannot improvise.
00:46:25 If someone hackles you from the audience, you can't say like your mother wears army boots.
00:46:30 Because she probably does.
00:46:34 And she will hurt you.
00:46:39 So this character.
00:46:40 In a way, you could say checkoff.
00:46:42 Is that character.
00:46:44 So this started like in Star Trek.
00:46:49 Checkoff was the silly, lovable Russian.
00:46:53 Robin Williams, there was an entire movie about he was like a Russian.
00:46:58 The defect that or something like that in the 80s.
00:47:01 Same sort of thing.
00:47:03 You know, in Russia they all lived in squalor.
00:47:06 They all lived in these, you know, tiny little apartments.
00:47:11 Eating like a piece of bread a week.
00:47:15 And they didn't have technology or they didn't know what anything was.
00:47:20 And they were just all dying to.
00:47:23 To partake in freedom.
00:47:25 Reinforcing this, this worldview that the rest of the world is just waiting, they're just, they're just standing in line bread lines most of the time.
00:47:36 For America to come and export democracy.
00:47:41 To spread democracy.
00:47:47 This is why boomers thought the Bush doctrine didn't sound crazy.
00:47:51 This is why boomers thought that, yeah, yeah.
00:47:56 If we just go to the Middle East and then the people there, they're just dying to be liberated from their their tyrannical leaders.
00:48:08 They want us to keep bombing them and and doing drone strikes because they're they're just itching to buy our blue jeans. They want to drink Coca-Cola and eat at McDonald's.
00:48:22 Shop at Walmart.
Speaker 13
00:48:24 Who wouldn't want that?
00:48:33 And they have a really hard time.
00:48:35 Really, really.
00:48:35 They have a really hard time understanding that.
00:48:39 Other countries might not want.
00:48:42 What they have, and it goes it really it goes to the egotistical.
00:48:46 Worldview that the boomer has.
00:48:51 Of course, it's the best.
00:48:52 It's what?
00:48:53 We came up with.
00:48:57 It has to.
00:48:57 Be the only way that anyone else could live.
00:49:06 And it wasn't just right wing boomers.
00:49:08 That thought this.
00:49:09 They weren't the ones making these movies.
00:49:18 That's why you see.
00:49:19 The boomers that are in charge now.
00:49:25 Completely unable to fathom.
00:49:28 There might be other nations around the world.
00:49:33 That don't want what we have.
00:49:46 I mean, why would you want what we have?
00:49:48 To this guy.
Speaker 17
00:49:49 Good thing about doing comedy in Russia, you have captured audience.
00:49:55 They're not going anywhere.
00:49:58 You got to be very selective, very careful.
00:50:00 What jokes you say?
00:50:01 If you say, like, take my wife.
00:50:03 You get home.
00:50:04 She's gone.
00:50:10 You know, The funny thing is, a lot of this stuff, a lot of this.
00:50:13 Dystopian stuff that he's saying about Russia not having freedom, specifically freedom of speech.
00:50:19 He likes to talk about that a lot or getting in trouble for telling jokes.
00:50:26 Hmm, what does that remind you of?
00:50:30 You know, back in 80, I think this is like 83 or something like that when?
00:50:34 He's doing this this set.
00:50:40 You know people, it was inexplicable.
00:50:42 You, you. You.
00:50:42 You go to jail for telling jokes.
00:50:44 You get in trouble for telling jokes, you get censored.
00:50:49 What you say has to be approved or you get censored.
00:50:54 Ah, what a dystopian nightmare you live in.
00:50:58 You should come to the West where we don't.
00:50:59 Do that.
Speaker 17
00:51:01 I realized that I wanted to get out of the.
00:51:04 Rush it's not.
00:51:04 Easy to get out because you apply for a visa, but they give you MasterCard, yeah.
00:51:10 There are no things like American Express.
00:51:12 They give Russian express.
00:51:13 Don't leave home.
00:51:17 You mean like during the lockdowns?
00:51:24 Everything he's saying.
00:51:25 About Russia in this entire set applies to the West today.
00:51:32 Everything. It's insane.
Speaker 17
00:51:37 Finally I got an answer.
00:51:39 Get out and I'm my my first stop in America was in Cleveland.
00:51:44 OH, anybody from Cleveland by chance, anybody.
00:51:48 They made me feel at home in Cleveland, so I had.
00:51:50 To escape again.
00:51:58 Speaking of Cleveland, holy ****, that is a little off topic before I got the pill box.
00:52:06 I was looking at just like really cheap property like just the like I was.
00:52:12 I wasn't even filtering my location, just like what are the cheapest places?
00:52:17 Where you can buy a house like.
00:52:19 In fact, I was specifically looking for where, where can I buy a house for four figures.
00:52:25 Like where?
00:52:26 Where are their houses?
00:52:27 For less than $10,000.
00:52:30 And a lot of them were in Cleveland.
00:52:34 And I was like, oh, that's weird Ohio.
00:52:36 That's not so bad.
00:52:37 I didn't.
00:52:38 I'd never been to Cleveland, so I didn't know.
00:52:42 And then I I looked into Cleveland.
00:52:44 I was like, oh, that's why.
00:52:46 Yeah, it turns out Cleveland's.
00:52:48 A chocolate city is.
00:52:51 As Mayor Ray Ray Nagan would say, it was a very chocolate city.
00:53:02 So back to.
00:53:06 Goofy Russian guy?
Speaker 7
00:53:09 And drive from state to state.
00:53:13 So they let you do that?
00:53:16 No papers.
Speaker 19
00:53:19 No papers straight to straight.
Speaker 18
00:53:21 All right. Commence your turn.
Speaker 7
00:53:28 Well then in winter, I will live in.
00:53:35 Actually I think I will need two whites.
Speaker 8
00:53:38 At least.
00:53:44 So now the boomers are super endeared to this character because, look, he's he's basically admiring what they've built.
00:53:53 He's admiring what is the best country in the world, of course.
00:54:01 So then we have America.
00:54:03 ****, yeah.
00:54:04 Scene where there's like this, you know, this crazy, dangerous transportation where they have to take Jack Ryan to the submarine.
00:54:15 Via helicopter during a storm and it's this ohh so dangerous.
00:54:19 But look, look at all these amazing machines that we need to to expand the budgets of the military so that they can.
00:54:27 They can keep developing these amazing machines.
00:54:31 We need to make sure.
00:54:32 That that we have the, the, the military industrial complex pumping out you know trillions of dollars worth of these things because.
Speaker 13
00:54:42 Look how ****** that looks.
00:54:45 And so then he goes down into the the submarine, and he's starting to figure out.
00:54:52 And he tells the submarine captain, like, oh, this guy, he's not trying to start world.
00:54:55 War three, he's trying to defect.
00:54:58 We're going to.
00:54:59 We can communicate with him using Morse code.
00:55:04 You know what it.
00:55:05 Will do is we'll have his Paris when his Periscope is up, we'll flash a light in Morse code.
00:55:11 And so he'll be able to see it through the Periscope, but no one else will be able to see it.
00:55:15 So we can we can talk directly to the captain.
00:55:20 And so they talked to the captain.
00:55:22 Find out.
00:55:22 Yes, indeed, he does want to defect because who wouldn't?
00:55:28 You know the West is so great.
00:55:30 And they come up with a plan where he's going to fake a reactor leak on the submarine so that all of the sailors on board who aren't in on it will be able to get out of the submarine and force them onto life rafts and.
00:55:50 That that gets that takes care of that problem.
00:55:53 You know that, you know, get the crew out of this secret sub.
00:55:56 Because obviously the military industrial complex in America would love to have this technology.
00:56:03 And so part of the the deal of him defecting is they have to try to preserve this technology so that we can we can reverse engineer it and use it in our.
00:56:17 Our war machines.
00:56:19 So they faked the.
00:56:21 The reactor leak and all the sailors get off of the submarine.
00:56:27 And wouldn't you know it, there's a Navy U.S.
00:56:31 Navy vessel in the area that's going to save them.
00:56:34 But then the to to make the the sailor is unaware because they, you know, they still don't know that this is just a plan to get rid of them.
00:56:42 The captain says, well, I'm going to stay on the submarine because of the secret technology.
00:56:46 We can't let it fall in the hands of the Americans.
00:56:48 The evil capitalist Americans.
00:56:51 So I'm going to scuttle the ship.
00:56:53 I'm going to scuttle the ship so they can't have it.
00:56:55 So you, you men get, you know, get to safety and I'm going to, you know, get rid of the.
00:57:01 I'm going to crash the submarines so they can't get.
00:57:05 But what really is happening is the Americans get on board and meet the captain.
00:57:13 And basically start negotiating.
00:57:17 For him to turn the the submarine over to the Americans.
00:57:22 There's a saboteur on board.
00:57:24 I'm I'm skipping over like a lot of the movie just cause it's it's a lot of.
00:57:27 It's like an action.
00:57:28 Movie so.
00:57:29 It's just it's pointless compared to, you know, as as far as what we're talking about.
00:57:35 But the saboteur, the the secret KGB agent that's on the ship, ends up killing Jurassic Park guy.
00:57:44 And his last words, his very last words.
Speaker 15
00:58:00 I would like to have seen Montana.
00:58:09 All he wanted to do was to see Montana.
Speaker 13
00:58:14 Turn, turn, turn.
00:58:17 So he doesn't get to see Montana.
00:58:20 And then they, you know, they kill the the saboteur and they they get away in the submarine.
00:58:27 And at the very end, it's just him and Jack Ryan on the submarine where they've evaded all the satellites and they're they're traveling through this river to to go hide the submarine from the Russians and stuff.
Speaker 8
00:58:39 To hide A submarine in a.
Speaker 9
00:58:43 We're 100 miles from the nearest naval base. The last place that satellites will ever look.
00:58:51 I grew up around here.
00:58:55 My grandfather told me to fish off that island right over there.
Speaker 8
00:59:03 There is one question you haven't asked me yet.
Speaker 9
00:59:12 Well, I figured you would tell me when you were ready.
Speaker 8
00:59:18 Now there are those who.
00:59:19 Believe we should attack the United States first, settle everything.
00:59:24 In one moment.
00:59:26 Red October was built for that purpose.
Speaker 9
00:59:30 When the dust settles, when this is going to be hell to pay in Moscow?
Speaker 8
00:59:34 Perhaps maybe something good will come from it.
00:59:39 Little Revolution now and then.
00:59:41 It's a healthy thing, don't you think?
00:59:50 Do you still like to fish, right?
00:59:56 There's a river not unlike this one near Vilnius or my grandfather taught me to fish.
01:00:05 And the sea will grant each man New Hope.
01:00:10 Asleep rings dreams.
01:00:14 At home.
01:00:20 Christopher Columbus.
Speaker 9
01:00:27 Welcome to the New World, Sir.
01:00:38 Welcome to the New World, in other words, welcoming Russia into the West.
01:00:46 And that is why boomers love this movie.
01:00:51 It's American exceptionalism.
Speaker 1
01:00:58 In movie form.
Speaker 15
01:01:07 I heard it.
Speaker 17
01:01:10 I was working there in Nashville and and the club owner was very nice guy, kind of a little weird, showed me around.
01:01:17 Nashville showed me his farm and he played practical joke at me.
01:01:20 He let me milk his bull.
01:01:30 There you go.
01:01:33 Yeah, golf Smirnoff.
01:01:34 You know that guy?
01:01:35 I think he bought, like a comedy club.
01:01:39 In Missouri, I think it was in Missouri.
01:01:43 And still performs.
01:01:45 He doesn't.
01:01:46 It's not all like in Soviet Russia anymore.
01:01:49 Obviously hasn't done that in.
01:01:50 A long time, but.
Speaker 13
01:01:53 He's still performing.
01:01:54 Anyway, we're going to be a little cozy tonight.
01:01:57 Let's let me hang out and chat for.
01:01:59 A minute here.
01:02:01 Excuse me.
01:02:03 I have some more.
01:02:05 Yeah, this is kind of funny.
01:02:06 Because he was real big in the 80s.
01:02:10 Let me see if I got this here.
01:02:14 Yeah, he was real big in the 80s.
01:02:16 They put him in so many ******* commercials.
01:02:19 And one of the clips I found of him was he was advertising.
01:02:25 I think this is it.
01:02:28 A dodge. This is 1988. I want you to look at the ******* price tag.
Speaker 13
01:02:32 On this car? Insane.
01:02:35 Let's see here.
01:02:38 And again, all all this American imagery like, oh, look at the Grand Canyon.
Speaker 17
01:02:46 I love discovering the Americas, Plymouth Horizon America sticker price only 5995.
01:02:55 Brand new car for less than 6 grand.
01:03:00 No, wrong.
01:03:00 That's probably a ****** car.
01:03:02 But the fact that it's a brand new.
01:03:04 Car for $6000. I mean, holy ****.
01:03:12 You guys are all wrong and cheap people guessing $7000.
01:03:18 People guessing 10,012 thousand no.
01:03:21 No, it was.
01:03:22 5995.
01:03:27 Can't even buy like a ***** ** ****.
01:03:28 Used car for that nowadays.
01:03:31 They they put them in so many commercials.
Speaker 17
01:03:38 Same price without the sticker. Then I discovered Plymouth Reliant America's best.
01:03:44 Equipped at low.
01:03:46 Well, look, you can get the fancy car. It's it's only 669-9699.
01:03:52 5 For the Reliant again.
01:03:55 Probably also should.
01:03:56 I've never driven up Plymouth, I don't think.
01:03:57 In my life. But.
01:03:59 Are they even still a company?
Speaker 17
01:04:03 Always price at any car in class.
01:04:05 Both front wheel drive both protected longer than Russian winter.
01:04:10 What wonderful.
01:04:11 Values Plymouth introduces.
Speaker 19
01:04:13 America's winners get $500.00 cash back on Plymouth Reliant America.
01:04:22 Anyways, in this here I got some.
01:04:23 A couple other commercials.
01:04:24 They put them in.
01:04:25 Let me see.
01:04:27 He was in a.
01:04:30 Ohh come on.
01:04:30 My computer has to update.
01:04:33 It always takes so ******* long to figure out.
01:04:39 Oh, one thing I thought was funny.
01:04:41 He was on Johnny Carson.
01:04:47 On this clip here.
01:04:50 Is this the one that I was thinking of?
01:04:53 No, that's him doing the exact he does the exact same.
01:04:55 That was the other thing a lot of comedians do this, but he was doing the exact.
01:04:58 Same set on Carson that he did at that, that club.
01:05:03 There was an interview he's doing though where he said some funny things about how awesome America was.
01:05:09 And how, when he got his citizenship, he he got it in front of the.
01:05:14 Statue of Liberty.
01:05:17 There is a beautiful ceremony in.
Speaker 13
01:05:20 Let's see here.
01:05:23 Yeah, here's Miller Lite, the Miller Lite commercial.
Speaker 17
01:05:34 When I came to America from Russia, I discovered many wonderful things like blue jeans on open mail and light beer from Miller.
01:05:43 When I tasted this light, I said to myself, what a country.
01:05:47 Light has great taste.
01:05:48 Lights also last filling with stored less calories than the regular beer.
01:05:52 In America, there is plenty of light beer and you can always find a party.
01:05:56 In Russia, party always finds you.
Speaker 11
01:06:00 Like beer from Miller.
01:06:02 Ohh alright.
01:06:07 Let's go to chat here for a minute.
01:06:11 Why does it stop updating when I Click to the?
01:06:13 Screen. It always does that.
01:06:18 Knight Court the black dude used a computer.
01:06:22 Yeah, well, you know.
01:06:24 There's Yakov Smirnoff.
01:06:25 Is was on night court clip of him on night court.
01:06:29 He was, you know, obviously doing it was all the same stick.
01:06:35 I I would have.
01:06:36 I would have a downloader, but it was, it was super **** quality.
01:06:42 People say fake accent well, he has a real accent, but he would purposely.
01:06:48 Exaggerate it for comedic effect.
01:06:54 Can everyone please shut the **** about George Carlin?
01:06:57 Right now? Well.
01:06:58 I don't know much about what you guys are talking about, but I will say George Carlin was was not exactly our guy.
01:07:08 I mean he, he, he.
01:07:10 He called out some stuff, but he hated white people.
01:07:22 Harry Pink Plinkett's night court.
01:07:26 Carlin and Kaylin are wait, Carlin and Carlin.
01:07:31 On the list of 3500 Jewish names I downloaded. I don't know if he was Jewish, but he hated white people. He hated white people.
01:07:50 Alright, let's go.
01:07:50 Super chats here.
01:07:56 Have you seen this?
01:07:56 Yet, well, I don't know what that is.
01:08:00 Let me take a look.
01:08:01 It's a YouTube link.
01:08:05 Should I just download it?
01:08:07 Should I?
01:08:08 Uh, it's Howard Stern.
01:08:11 You know, Howard Stern just left his house for the first time in two years the other day.
01:08:18 He's so afraid of COVID.
01:08:19 He didn't leave his mansion for two years.
01:08:23 At least I think it was two years.
01:08:24 Let me take a look.
01:08:32 Let's see here, Howard Stern.
01:08:35 Yeah, two years.
01:08:39 So let's see here.
01:08:42 Stern, the infamous Germaphobe, attended a dinner at Laser Wolf in Williamsburg with a slew of celebrities, including his close friend Jimmy Kimmel, Jennifer Aniston and Jon Hamm.
01:08:55 Oh, Justin Theroux and James Bateman.
01:08:59 Yay, I don't know why everyone's celebrating the fact that he left this house.
01:09:02 I wouldn't mind if he stayed in his *******.
01:09:06 Let me see what this clip is that you sent me.
01:09:10 Yeah, literally like hit in his house for a *******.
01:09:15 Two years because he was afraid.
Speaker 13
01:09:17 Of the the VID.
01:09:19 Well, this looks interesting already.
01:09:21 What the hell is this?
Speaker 2
01:09:26 The game where contestants guess who's Jewish and who's not.
01:09:30 And now here's the host of guess who's the Jew?
01:09:34 Half Jew himself?
01:09:36 Howard Stern.
01:09:37 OK.
Speaker 18
01:09:43 Thank you, Robin.
01:09:45 No, that is yes, Howard, yes.
Speaker 2
01:09:47 You have sort of a 60s thing going there.
Speaker 18
01:09:49 Well, thank you, Robin.
01:09:50 Thanks for taking a look at my outfit tonight and I love to play.
01:09:53 Guess who's the Jew I wanna welcome everyone tonight.
01:09:56 We're gonna find out if our contestants know a Jew when they see one.
01:10:00 Now, Kurt.
01:10:01 Bold time.
01:10:02 You're a well known Nazi.
01:10:03 Do you actually know any Jews?
01:10:05 Yes, many now.
Speaker 18
01:10:07 You, you know, Jews, what do these Jews say to?
01:10:10 You, well, they say.
Speaker 19
01:10:12 No. Stop please.
01:10:15 Don't do something like that.
Speaker 18
01:10:18 Hey, that's a lot of fun.
01:10:19 Now let's say hello to Daniel Carver.
01:10:21 Daniel Karver is a member of the Ku Klux Klan and Daniel very good that you're taking off your hood.
01:10:26 You are dressed in your full uniform.
01:10:27 It is very good to see you tonight and welcome to guess.
Speaker 3
01:10:29 Ohh God.
Speaker 18
01:10:30 Who's the Jew?
01:10:32 Now, Daniel, do you know any Jews?
01:10:34 No, you have never met a Jew.
Speaker 21
01:10:36 Probably have, but I didn't.
Speaker 18
01:10:38 Know it.
01:10:38 Now I understand that you put out a phone message every day, every day you have a different phone message for all of the different clansmen who call you on a regular basis.
01:10:47 Now, what is your message for today?
01:10:48 Can you give the audience at home a?
01:10:50 Typical message.
Speaker 21
01:10:51 Well, the message today is the white people need to organize and stay away from the naggers. We've got to keep the white race pure. A race war is coming. When it comes, you're going to have to depend on other white people because the are going to stick together. And if we don't?
01:11:07 If the white don't stick together, the negatives are going to kill us off.
01:11:10 They're going to rape our women, make slaves out of our.
01:11:12 Children, you laugh all you want to, but it ain't going to be.
01:11:15 Funny when they start.
Speaker 18
01:11:18 Well, now how did you learn how to hate black people?
01:11:21 I mean, was this a learned thing?
01:11:24 So I take it he's he's the he's the guy that they, they played a trick on him, right?
01:11:29 They they told him you're going.
01:11:30 To be.
01:11:30 On TV, dress and your and your goofy outfit and everyone else on the panel obviously is going to be.
01:11:39 In on it, and then we'll make fun of you mercilessly.
01:11:43 I I haven't seen this, by the way.
01:11:45 I'm just assuming that's what it is just based on how this is playing out so far.
Speaker 18
01:11:50 Come from do.
Speaker 21
01:11:51 You think of 130 years ago were slaves 200 years ago, they were swinging from trees and living in caves. When the Bible was written and Jesus were here, they were the beast of the field. The Bible says they were beasts that wore clothing. The beast that cried the beast with hands. That's what he's talking about the.
Speaker 18
01:12:11 Hell no.
01:12:11 No, you don't feel like that.
01:12:13 Do you believe any?
Speaker 15
01:12:14 Of these things, no.
Speaker 6
01:12:16 So were you seeing me hanging from a?
Speaker 18
01:12:18 Tree Daniel, it seems to me that there's a little.
01:12:20 Tension between the two of you?
01:12:21 Do you feel that at?
01:12:21 All in the room.
Speaker 2
01:12:22 You think it's sexual, Howard?
Speaker 18
01:12:22 No is.
01:12:23 There a sexual tension between the two of you.
01:12:25 Or not.
01:12:26 Absolutely not, Dan.
Speaker 6
01:12:26 It's attention, yeah.
Speaker 18
01:12:27 You would never make.
01:12:28 Love to a black woman, am I?
01:12:29 Correct, you're.
Speaker 21
01:12:29 Correct, I am correct.
Speaker 18
01:12:31 Have you ever made love to a white man?
Speaker 6
01:12:31 Why? Why?
Speaker 18
01:12:33 Marie, have you ever made love to a white man?
Speaker 21
01:12:35 So as it would be based validity.
Speaker 6
01:12:35 Just like Daniel.
Speaker 21
01:12:37 What it would be beastality?
Speaker 6
01:12:39 Why would it be?
Speaker 21
01:12:41 For a human to go with an.
01:12:42 Animal it's beastality.
Speaker 6
01:12:44 What do you mean an animal?
Speaker 18
01:12:45 Well, he thinks of you as.
Speaker 6
01:12:45 Do I do like an animal to you?
Speaker 18
01:12:47 Yeah, I tell you, she seems like a.
01:12:48 Very lovely woman, Daniel.
Speaker 6
01:12:49 Do I look like an animal to you?
01:12:51 Can you answer that?
Speaker 21
01:12:53 Yeah, you've got you've got.
01:12:55 Wool instead of hair you've got a.
Speaker 6
01:12:57 What do you think?
Speaker 21
01:12:57 Big white nose, you've.
Speaker 6
01:12:58 You look like.
Speaker 21
01:12:58 Got animal colored skin and you smell like an animal.
Speaker 6
01:13:01 Well, I think I smell pretty good.
Speaker 18
01:13:03 Alright, when do too Marie?
Speaker 6
01:13:04 I smell better than you.
01:13:05 So what do?
Speaker 21
01:13:05 Well, if you don't want my answers, answer your own questions.
Speaker 6
01:13:06 You think you are.
Speaker 18
01:13:09 All right.
Speaker 6
01:13:09 I think you just something out the back.
Speaker 18
01:13:11 Of the woods.
01:13:12 Well, you know, we got to remember it's a game show and everyone's.
01:13:14 Supposed to be happy on this.
01:13:15 OK, now.
01:13:17 Now let's get into it.
01:13:18 Daniel, did you bring any special products?
01:13:20 With you tonight.
Speaker 21
01:13:21 Sure, I've got.
Speaker 18
01:13:22 Alright, let's see what the Klansman brings with him.
01:13:24 He has special paraphernalia of various products to sell.
01:13:27 Let's everybody deserves a plug on the show, because, yes.
Speaker 2
01:13:28 Howard, let's go shopping.
Speaker 18
01:13:31 Let's go shopping.
01:13:32 Very good, Robin, you're absolutely right.
01:13:35 Is this a stupid tape or what?
01:13:38 This is the stupidest tape I ever made.
01:13:41 Alright, let's take a look and see what we have here.
Speaker 21
01:13:43 I have a T-shirt here that says warning 9 of 10.
01:13:47 Are polluted with AIDS.
Speaker 18
01:13:48 Now, what about that?
01:13:49 Explain that to me.
01:13:50 I don't understand that you're saying that most of the black people have.
Speaker 6
01:13:51 Filled with aids.
Speaker 18
01:13:53 Aids, sure.
01:13:53 See now this again.
01:13:54 This is.
01:13:55 This is the the the cringe fest that was very I don't know what year they made this, but judging on what Howard Stern looks like, it looks like 90s.
01:14:04 It's four by three, so it's probably 90s, right?
01:14:07 And this is this is this is no different than what you would see on Ricky Lake and Donahue and Jerry Springer and all that.
01:14:15 This is a.
01:14:16 Perfect example of all this other stuff and the and look, you can't get that mad at your enemy for for doing this because.
01:14:24 There was enough of these guys that were willing to dress up like this and bring their cringe memes.
01:14:31 Now obviously he's not representative of of everyone that was worried about immigration or demographics and everything like that.
01:14:39 But the fact that he doesn't, he's still he's.
01:14:41 Still going with.
Speaker 13
01:14:41 It he's still like.
01:14:43 No, look at my cringe memes.
Speaker 21
01:14:45 There's probably more than nine out of 10, but we went.
01:14:48 Light on it came.
Speaker 18
01:14:48 What else he got there?
Speaker 21
01:14:49 From you, they're watching out.
Speaker 18
01:14:50 What else you got?
01:14:51 I'll tell you Kurt Waldheim. This guy's.
01:14:52 Got you beat.
01:14:53 By a mile.
Speaker 22
01:14:54 Do you take MasterCard?
Speaker 18
01:14:59 By the way, do these come in all sizes?
01:15:01 Yeah, they come in all sizes.
Speaker 21
01:15:01 They coming outside, everybody seen the movie.
Speaker 2
01:15:03 100 all cotton T-shirts.
Speaker 21
01:15:06 Everybody seen the movie?
01:15:07 The boys in the hood, which was a bunch of jungle niggles running around killing each other.
01:15:11 This is the original boys in the hood.
Speaker 18
01:15:13 Those are the original boy.
Speaker 5
01:15:14 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 18
01:15:14 Where's the hood of the Ku Klux Klansman?
01:15:16 Thank you there, Daniel, by the way, Kurt, Voltaire, have you brought any products?
01:15:19 With you tonight, I know that.
Speaker 22
01:15:20 As a matter of fact, I have.
01:15:21 I brought with me my.
Speaker 20
01:15:23 New BBQ sauce, right bald times.
01:15:26 Own BBQ sauce.
Speaker 18
01:15:27 Is the sauce really any good?
01:15:29 Let's quickly try that cause we're running.
01:15:30 Out of time for the game.
Speaker 11
01:15:31 I'll let you be the judge here as.
Speaker 18
01:15:32 Alright, now wait a second.
01:15:33 Hold it.
01:15:34 There is a.
01:15:34 If you notice, there is a finger.
01:15:36 Robin, I don't know if you can see this.
Speaker 2
01:15:37 Ohh my goodness.
Speaker 18
01:15:38 There is a finger in this sauce.
Speaker 6
01:15:40 Damn it, those stinking ********, there is a finger in the sun.
Speaker 18
01:15:45 Now you must be embarrassed by this.
Speaker 8
01:15:47 I would say that's.
Speaker 18
01:15:47 Aren't they?
01:15:47 They're supposed to be 3 fingers and.
Speaker 23
01:15:49 A toe heads will roll.
Speaker 18
01:15:49 Now all right.
Speaker 23
01:15:51 Promise you ohh boy.
Speaker 18
01:15:52 Very good.
01:15:52 Alright, well, I'm covered with sauce.
01:15:54 Daniel, you say the Jews are the worst race now.
01:15:57 Our beautiful assistant.
01:15:58 Marianne Levinson.
01:15:59 Marianne, are you here?
01:16:01 Marianne Levinson is now going to bring out.
01:16:03 A board with.
01:16:04 All of the various races written on and Daniel, I'm going to.
01:16:07 Ask to help us.
01:16:08 You know one thing that that is interesting to me, honestly.
01:16:11 And it's not like the production value is, is is fantastic with this at all.
01:16:17 Obviously it's it's.
01:16:19 Pretty ****** and cheesy, but you can remember for the time this would still be.
01:16:24 Very expensive to produce.
01:16:27 This would have been really expensive to produce.
01:16:29 You had to have studio time.
01:16:31 You had to build the set, you had to get, you know, like the giant Star of David, stuff printed up and all that.
01:16:37 It wasn't cheap to to to produce this.
01:16:41 And it's it's just interesting that this this kind of there's so much of this stuff that was produced during that decade, so much of it that was produced during.
01:16:49 That decade.
Speaker 18
01:16:51 Out sort of get things straight.
01:16:53 We have the if you don't mind coming up here and taking a look at the board on.
01:16:57 The board.
01:16:57 Come on up, Daniel, just so we.
01:16:59 Get this straight now.
01:17:03 There's different ethnic groups here.
01:17:05 Would you mind putting them in order for us to tell us who is higher and lower than the other ethnic groups, if you don't mind taking a look at it over here?
01:17:12 Now you've got different ethnic groups, goofs, kites, Eskimos, gays, mulattos you have ****** and Mexicans in the vernacular of the KKK now would you say this is?
01:17:23 The proper order.
01:17:25 Who is the lowest?
Speaker 21
01:17:28 The Jew is the lowest.
Speaker 18
01:17:30 The Jew would be the lowest, so would it be fair to?
Speaker 2
01:17:31 So that goes all the way down to the bottom.
Speaker 18
01:17:32 Would it be fair to put that?
01:17:34 Down on the bottom, yeah, alright.
Speaker 21
01:17:36 And I'd I'd put a gay right under him, man.
Speaker 18
01:17:38 You would put a gay right?
Speaker 21
01:17:38 Right, right on top of.
Speaker 18
01:17:39 Under him.
01:17:42 All right.
01:17:43 Now, what about the Mexicans?
Speaker 21
01:17:45 Well, it will go.
01:17:46 The Niger next.
Speaker 18
01:17:47 Now hold it.
01:17:47 I gotta question this.
01:17:48 You're saying that the black man is better than the gay?
01:17:53 I thought that the black man was an.
Speaker 21
01:17:54 Animal. Well, they are animals, but according to the Bible, the gays should be put to death. Just should be with.
01:18:00 Their own animals, OK.
Speaker 2
01:18:02 Well, there's a rationale to all that.
Speaker 18
01:18:02 Fair enough.
01:18:04 Well, at least is a reason.
01:18:05 Robin, now what about the Mexicans?
01:18:08 Where would they go?
Speaker 2
01:18:10 They go there.
Speaker 18
01:18:10 Right.
Speaker 21
01:18:11 Put the mixed up.
Speaker 18
01:18:13 Now you say you put the mixed.
01:18:14 Up people right here.
Speaker 2
01:18:15 You, your mud babies happen?
Speaker 18
01:18:16 Mud babies.
01:18:16 Is that correct?
Speaker 21
01:18:18 That's why she is mud mud.
Speaker 18
01:18:19 Who is a mud baby?
Speaker 21
01:18:20 Robin there?
Speaker 18
01:18:21 Robin is a mug.
Speaker 21
01:18:22 She's not a full blooded Niger.
01:18:23 She's half, she's half Niger and half.
01:18:23 Ohh geez.
Speaker 18
01:18:25 Something else is that right?
01:18:27 So is there?
01:18:28 In other words, you're saying that?
01:18:29 She's what very civilized.
Speaker 21
01:18:32 I don't know if you civilized or not, probably not when the war.
Speaker 18
01:18:35 Starts Robin, is that true that you are?
01:18:37 Half black and.
Speaker 2
01:18:38 He knows something I don't have.
Speaker 18
01:18:40 Well, that's interesting.
01:18:41 I always thought Robin was Indian myself.
01:18:43 All right, now you're saying the books are worse than the ******.
Speaker 21
01:18:47 Well, they could be.
01:18:48 Put on top of each other.
Speaker 18
01:18:48 Goods and chicks are the same.
01:18:50 And Eskimos would be highest on the list with with Jews being on the bottom is that?
01:18:54 Correct. I'll say.
Speaker 8
01:18:55 Right.
Speaker 18
01:18:55 It's very very confusing this whole pecking order.
Speaker 2
01:18:58 Now pick the Jewish celebrity.
Speaker 18
01:19:03 I want you to guess which of the following.
01:19:04 Celebrities is Jewish.
01:19:06 Now study our choices carefully, Robin.
Speaker 2
01:19:08 This is former go go.
01:19:10 Belinda Carlisle.
01:19:12 This is pop psychologist Dr.
01:19:14 Joyce brothers and this is JFK * Sally Kirkland contestants.
Speaker 18
01:19:21 Now it's time to.
01:19:23 Guess who's the Jew?
01:19:27 All right, we're going to go to Mary.
01:19:28 First, Marie, this is really an intense game. Marie Bronson, which one is Jewish? Belinda Carlisle, doctor Joyce. Brothers or Sally Kirkland? Number one. You're gonna say #1 Belinda Carlisle? Daniel Carver, KKK guy. Who do you say?
01:19:46 I actually.
Speaker 21
01:19:47 I don't have any.
01:19:47 Yeah, your.
Speaker 18
01:19:48 Well, you gotta take a guess.
Speaker 2
01:19:48 Reputation is a.
01:19:50 This is riding on the line.
Speaker 18
01:19:51 This is your whole thing.
01:19:52 Identification of the races is a very important part of the game.
Speaker 21
01:19:57 Take a guess, #3.
Speaker 18
01:19:59 #3, you'll say that Sally Kirkland is the Jew, alright and.
01:20:02 I'm going to guess #2 cause.
01:20:04 It's a psychologist.
Speaker 18
01:20:04 Kurt Waldheim, junior.
Speaker 8
01:20:05 It's a piece of strudel, #2. Doctor. Joyce Brothers is the he.
01:20:08 Or they'll do it all.
01:20:09 Three of them are.
Speaker 18
01:20:10 Doctor Joyce Brothers is the heat.
01:20:12 All right, now let's find out.
01:20:14 Who is the Jew?
01:20:16 Why look at that? It is #2 doctor Joyce brothers.
Speaker 2
01:20:19 And get hurt ball time.
Speaker 18
01:20:20 Yes, doctor. Joy.
Speaker 2
01:20:21 Gets the 1st.
01:20:22 It's the not pretty one anyway.
01:20:24 This goes on for a little bit longer, but yeah.
Speaker 8
01:20:25 OK.
01:20:30 I have not seen that but now.
01:20:31 I have I guess.
01:20:33 All right.
01:20:38 Oh my God, so much, Jew.
01:20:42 Jack Burton, $5, can we get everyone to donate at least a dollar each please?
01:20:47 For the bees.
01:20:48 Please for the bees.
01:20:49 Yeah, the bees are doing good.
01:20:51 In fact, they suck down.
01:20:53 I'm trying to beef them up for the winter because I don't, you know, this is my first winter.
01:20:57 And I gave him a gallon of each hive.
01:21:00 I gave a gallon of sugar water.
01:21:02 And I was like, well, I'm gonna go check on them.
01:21:05 Yeah, like a week later they'd all drank it dry, so I put another gallon in there.
01:21:10 And I think they're.
01:21:11 I mean, they're all their.
01:21:12 Hives are real.
01:21:13 ******* beefy.
01:21:14 So I think they're all going to make it so that'll be nice.
01:21:18 Sharp Wing, $5 what is your go to meal on the pill? The pill box?
01:21:24 Ah go.
01:21:25 To mil.
01:21:26 I don't know like steak.
01:21:29 Carne asada.
01:21:31 As they say in these parts.
01:21:34 That's probably my go to meal, actually.
01:21:36 It's carne asada.
01:21:40 Florida man $1.00 would love to catch this live, but this East Coast Niger doesn't have insomnia. Good night, Devin. Don't spend it all in the grocery store.
01:21:50 You're $1.00. I definitely will not. I will not spend at all the.
01:21:59 All right, all right.
01:22:00 That's the only way you.
Speaker 13
01:22:01 Getting the stream.
01:22:04 Harmless G Today I learned that the main villain in the birth of a nation is a mulatto who uses his post civil war political power to screw over white and southerners was played by a Jewish actor wearing black face.
01:22:16 Yeah, I've seen.
01:22:19 I mean, it's been a long time, but I've, I've I've I've scrolled through birth of a nation, I think I've ever said it's long.
01:22:25 It was like 3 hours long and it's.
01:22:27 So you know, I don't think I've actually sat through the whole thing, but there are a lot of Jewish actors and.
01:22:33 Black face in that movie.
01:22:37 Then we got drifting timelines.
01:22:41 Drifting timelines.
Speaker 15
01:22:44 Money is power.
01:22:45 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
01:22:50 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Speaker 24
01:23:06 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 10
01:23:13 I'd like to return this duck.
01:23:17 All right, drifting timelines are the *** **** money.
01:23:22 And he just said for cat food.
01:23:24 Well, I'm glad you know, it's kind of funny.
01:23:28 Churro when he first appeared, I had like this.
01:23:32 I bought this classified cat as a picky eater, and he's just picky in general, and I bought this cheap cat food that he didn't like, so I just store it away because I was like, well, you might not like it now, but when the revolution comes and.
01:23:47 You this is like the.
01:23:48 City prepper food.
01:23:50 And when Churro showed up, I.
01:23:52 Was like, alright, I'll give him the Kitty prepper food.
01:23:54 Since you know he's I can see his ribs.
01:23:57 He'll eat anything.
01:23:58 He loves that.
01:24:00 And so I bought a bunch of it like I bought like like 4 cases of this stuff.
01:24:04 And then I thought it was dead and I was.
01:24:06 Like oh ****.
Speaker 13
01:24:06 Now I got 4 cases of this stuff.
01:24:10 And then he's back and he's eating it.
01:24:11 So that's good.
01:24:13 But yeah, thanks.
01:24:14 I appreciate that and that's churro.
01:24:17 Will appreciate that as well.
01:24:19 I'll, I'll tell you what, I will use some of that money and.
01:24:22 Buy him fancy treats.
01:24:25 I actually was building him kind of like a cat house in the back.
01:24:28 Yard today.
01:24:30 Build him a cat ladder so he can scamper away from enemies.
01:24:36 But no, thank you very much for that.
01:24:38 That's that's really appreciated.
01:24:41 That *** magic ***** will save the day.
01:24:45 Well, he did in that movie.
01:24:49 That's the only way that they were.
Speaker 4
01:24:51 Able to find it the magic *****.
01:24:54 He he.
01:24:55 All in a matter of hours.
01:24:58 Was able to thwart this this crazy technology that the Soviets had unleashed upon the world.
01:25:04 Like it it basically was obsolete within within 10 minutes of the.
Speaker 4
01:25:09 Magic *****.
01:25:11 Just like listening to it for a while.
01:25:15 Reclaim your neighborhood. Have you ever heard an old fashioned candy called babies? My grandmother told me that it was his. Wait. Ohh, grandfather. Sorry.
01:25:25 Told me that it was his favorite candy as a kid back in the 1940s.
01:25:31 It was something in the style of an old fashioned minstrel show *****.
01:25:36 I haven't heard of that.
01:25:37 Let me look.
01:25:38 Let's let's look it up.
01:25:39 Why not?
01:25:41 You know, it's funny.
01:25:44 Speaking of things like that.
01:25:49 I I fix up old radio as some of you guys know and there are when you fix up old electronics at all, you have to.
01:25:58 Swap out the electrolytic capacitors and the paper capacitors, and there's another kind of capacitor that's in a lot of these old electronics that were called black beauties.
01:26:09 There were these Sprague capacitors and the the the.
01:26:18 Name that they used.
01:26:19 Let's just say in radio repair shops.
01:26:22 Was not black beauties. They call them toes.
01:26:27 And I learned this because I was watching some boomer video.
01:26:31 The guy was telling you like, yeah, because that's who picks his old radios.
Speaker 13
01:26:34 And so I was.
01:26:34 Like all right?
01:26:35 And he's he's talking about like, you know, whatever he's doing.
01:26:39 And he and then he's like and then.
01:26:41 You got these.
01:26:43 Capacitors here we we kind of call them.
01:26:47 Something and and like I knew as soon I knew.
01:26:49 As soon as he got weird about like the name of like he was about to call him something else.
01:26:54 And then he changed gears, like remembered where he was or something.
01:26:58 And I knew just by looking I was like, I bet he.
01:27:00 Called him toes.
01:27:02 So I looked it up.
01:27:03 It's like.
01:27:05 Uh, no, I don't see.
01:27:09 I I see there is candy. There's boy, licorice cigarettes.
01:27:14 Well, let's see here.
01:27:18 This is kind of interesting.
01:27:19 I'm going to pop this up.
01:27:23 There's, like, there's an amazing amount of products.
01:27:27 That were named or something, you know, like this that so here's.
01:27:35 In fact, let's let's do a tour of of some foods that you could get.
01:27:40 Back in the day, yeah, so this is.
01:27:46 Boy liquor cigarettes.
01:27:53 Here's another one, this one.
01:27:54 Is see I see all.
Speaker 13
01:27:56 Right.
01:27:57 This is I can understand when you know when black people got mad and got you know about.
01:28:03 Not Mrs. Butterworth's, the other one and Jemima. Like I couldn't understand why they got mad at that, because there was nothing.
01:28:10 Negative about Aunt Jemima.
01:28:13 Like I didn't think Aunt Jemima.
01:28:16 You know, therefore black people bad.
01:28:19 But you look at something like this.
01:28:24 Let's see here. Look at this. First of all, I don't even know why this would be why you'd want to advertise. It's called for those. Just listen. It's called Niger head shrimp.
01:28:35 I wouldn't want to buy that.
01:28:37 Look at that.
01:28:38 Who would want to buy?
01:28:39 That like this is like the worst marketing campaign I've ever seen.
01:28:45 Like, wouldn't wanna buy that ****.
01:28:49 And there's lots of stuff like this there.
01:28:51 Let's see here.
01:28:54 Well, I thought I thought I found it.
01:28:58 There's oh, now this is interesting.
01:29:03 No, that's not it.
01:29:05 I thought I found there's a bunch of licorice brands.
01:29:12 Yeah, I don't see any other more.
01:29:21 Anyway, well, that's kind of funny.
01:29:25 We go back to chat here.
01:29:29 Jack Burton, many of us have seen the hunt for Red October, starring Alec Baldwin, but did anyone see the newest sequel, The Hunt for Miss Hutchins?
01:29:40 I heard it was a killer movie, with Alec Baldwin being the Center for the entire production.
01:29:47 Is that a is?
01:29:49 Was that the name of his victim, Hutchins?
Speaker 13
01:29:58 Yeah, that's the that's.
01:30:00 The woman he murdered.
01:30:07 Homeland, the US could end up like the former Yugoslavia, with a war between competing predatory primates.
01:30:13 Once laws are meaningless, ethnic hatred will fuel it.
01:30:17 Blacks don't last long ******* have fentanyl.
01:30:20 They have fentanyl.
01:30:25 Fentanyl and drones from China.
01:30:27 How do how do ******* have fentanyl and drones from China?
01:30:32 OK.
01:30:33 Well, you know, actually, you know what?
01:30:36 George Floyd had fentanyl.
01:30:38 I think it worked out for him.
01:30:41 J Ray Knights, anyone?
01:30:43 Remember when Gatorade was in glass bottles and tasted way better than it does today?
01:30:48 I can confidently say I've never had Gatorade in a glass bottle.
01:30:53 So no, I do not you.
01:30:55 Must you must be.
01:30:56 Older than me because I've I've never even seen Gatorade in a glass bottle. Seen Coca-Cola.
01:31:03 In a glass bottle, you still see it occasionally.
01:31:06 Mexican Coke is still in a glass bottle for some reason.
01:31:10 Iron Pill, Devin, if you'd like a comedy from this era to watch with propaganda and you haven't seen it.
01:31:16 And Joy Robin Williams, Moscow on the Hudson.
01:31:18 That that's the one.
01:31:18 I was talking about.
01:31:20 Moscow and Hudson I was remember the name of it I'd seen.
01:31:23 I've seen it like a long time.
01:31:25 Ago, but it's it's literally the same thing.
01:31:27 It's the exact same propaganda.
01:31:29 In fact.
01:31:31 Let me get the trailer for it, I guarantee you.
01:31:35 It's indistinguishable from that Jurassic Park actors character, the enaku of Smirnoff.
01:31:43 In fact, he's even dressed like, you know, they they have his beard and everything like Yakov.
01:31:49 Alright, let's download this.
01:31:52 I did see it many years ago though.
01:31:55 Look, I'll be honest, some of this affected me.
01:31:58 I remember reading an article.
01:32:01 I think it was.
01:32:01 It was either I read an article or someone in an interview was talking about this.
01:32:05 This would have been like in the 90s.
01:32:08 And they were talking about rocky, the movie where he fights the Russian guy.
01:32:14 And it was one of the movie, you know.
01:32:16 Like the director or the I don't remember.
01:32:19 And I guess they had done a screening in Moscow and the, I don't know, who would.
01:32:28 I don't remember what year that one came out, but they were saying that the the President of Russia at the time.
01:32:35 Maybe it was Gorbachev.
01:32:37 I don't.
01:32:37 Know had watched it?
01:32:40 And he knew that he was there and he was kind of nervous because in the movie, obviously Rocky wins.
01:32:47 UM and.
01:32:50 Afterwards, he had said.
01:32:53 Well, I really like this movie.
01:32:55 Because you didn't make us look like like.
01:32:59 Like animals, you didn't make us look evil.
01:33:01 You made us look kind of ******, in fact.
01:33:07 We really appreciate that.
01:33:09 And I remember thinking to myself in kind of a bloomery way.
01:33:15 That I really liked the fact that he liked.
01:33:19 The American movie.
01:33:22 It was kind of like.
01:33:24 You know, this is this is.
01:33:25 Another aspect I didn't really talk about.
01:33:29 The same reason.
01:33:30 Remember, those movies are not those videos on YouTube where it's like a black guy watching boomer music for the first time.
01:33:37 And you know, they're all staged.
01:33:39 But that's like the title like Ohh Black Kid listens to Led Zeppelin for the.
01:33:42 First time and all it is all it is.
01:33:45 Every ******* single time.
01:33:47 It's just like some black guy.
01:33:50 Nodding his head to the music and then making like, you know, minstrel show smiley faces during the song going, Oh my.
01:33:57 And then pausing it occasionally and going.
01:33:59 Ohh damn damn, I'm looking and singing.
01:34:02 Ohh ****.
01:34:03 And these videos have millions and millions of ******* views, and they're making tons of money because obviously they're all monetized and they're pausing it just often enough.
01:34:13 Right. So like the the.
01:34:14 The song doesn't doesn't take the money away.
01:34:17 And so it's just, it's just a way black people can.
01:34:20 Can make a ton of money by saying, Oh no, we like your culture.
01:34:24 Boomer, we like what you did.
01:34:27 And boomers love those ******* channels.
01:34:30 Love those ******* videos because, well, at stroking their ego that anything that we did is is really good.
01:34:37 But really it's the it's, it's the affirmation.
01:34:42 From the exotic.
01:34:44 And that's why that, that same attitude, that same like, of course they like, they like it.
01:34:50 We're the best, we're the best.
01:34:53 But deep down, there's like an insecurity, right.
Speaker 13
01:34:56 That maybe we're not the best.
01:34:58 But when foreigners or black people who you know are seen on some level, I think by.
01:35:03 Everyone as foreigners.
01:35:05 Approve of your culture of your society or of your political views.
01:35:11 Or that's why there's the the magic ***** and all the movies.
01:35:14 That's why Candace Owens exists.
01:35:17 That's why everyone freaked out about Kanye West.
01:35:20 Because anytime an outsider.
01:35:23 From your group approves in some way of the way that you think.
01:35:28 When you're this kind of when you have this kind of mindset, it it's like a relief.
01:35:34 Right, because they have this insecurity well.
01:35:38 I feel like we're the best, but maybe we're not.
01:35:42 But when a black person says no.
01:35:44 No, you are the best.
01:35:45 This is good.
01:35:46 It's like this. Ah.
01:35:48 Thank God.
01:35:50 Thank God.
01:35:53 And I remember when I watched that interview.
01:35:57 I have to admit there was a version of that happening in my mind where I was like ah.
01:36:03 I'm glad the Russians like our our game.
01:36:06 Arcade Hollywood movies for some reason I don't know.
01:36:08 Why I like?
01:36:08 That, but I did alright.
01:36:10 Here's the.
01:36:14 The trailer for that.
Speaker 11
01:36:16 Robin Williams is Vladimir Ivanov.
01:36:20 He led a fairly normal life in Moscow.
01:36:23 He lived with his family.
01:36:26 He earned a good living.
01:36:28 With the Moscow circus, he had friends.
Speaker 13
01:36:32 Let's practice our.
Speaker 23
01:36:32 English OK.
01:36:35 Kiss me. Beautiful. Beautiful.
Speaker 11
01:36:38 And he had his hopes and his dreams.
01:36:41 Then the circus went to New York.
Speaker 20
01:36:45 What then?
Speaker 11
01:36:46 And on the last day of their tour.
01:36:49 See right there.
01:36:50 That's the smiling black guy right there.
01:36:53 That's the smiling black guy video.
Speaker 13
01:36:58 The doors are ******* amazing.
01:37:03 Wow, The Doobie Brothers.
01:37:05 They can really.
01:37:06 They got, they got some pipes on them.
Speaker 11
01:37:11 And on the last day of their tour, something happened to.
Speaker 23
01:37:13 I am looking for blue jets.
01:37:18 And then this obsession with blue jeans.
01:37:22 I don't know what what that was all about, but you would always hear about that.
01:37:25 Like, Ohh Russians can't get enough.
01:37:26 ******* blue jeans.
01:37:29 I don't know why, but you would hear that all the ******* time from everybody, all the like you, just, you and I don't know who started this, this idea that Russians have this craving for blue jeans, but you would hear.
01:37:41 It all the time.
Speaker 11
01:37:42 Vladimir Ivanov.
Speaker 20
01:37:46 Effect itself support team.
01:37:50 I had a defector.
01:37:51 We're between empty ladder and Pierre Cardin.
01:37:54 These men cannot be committed to defect.
Speaker 8
01:37:56 Hey, this is New York City.
01:37:59 A man can.
01:37:59 Do whatever he wants.
01:38:03 Yeah, this is America.
01:38:04 We got freedom here.
01:38:07 He can do whatever the **** he wants.
01:38:09 He can even be a trans kid if he.
Speaker 13
01:38:11 Wants to, yeah.
Speaker 23
01:38:15 Dear beloved Family America is strange and wonderful.
01:38:20 I'm living with a nice family.
Speaker 20
01:38:23 Good morning.
01:38:23 The most strange and wonderful thing about America that they're showing is black people and gay people.
Speaker 1
01:38:32 Good morning.
01:38:33 Glad how you doing.
Speaker 23
01:38:34 Good, I feel fine. Thanks.
01:38:38 Oh yeah, I forgot.
01:38:39 Look, look, that's who takes him in.
01:38:42 That's who takes him in.
Speaker 4
01:38:44 The magic *****.
01:38:47 It's like a 2 Fer.
Speaker 23
01:38:49 I feel fine.
01:38:51 Thanks to my Cuban lawyer.
01:38:53 You have a friend in Orlando, Ramirez.
Speaker 23
01:38:55 Thank you.
01:38:56 You don't have to thank.
Speaker 8
01:38:58 You have to pay me.
Speaker 23
01:39:00 I already have job.
01:39:01 OK, Mr.
01:39:06 You smell very good.
Speaker 3
01:39:07 Yeah, it's Charlie.
Speaker 23
01:39:08 I see nice Italian girl.
01:39:11 Who is helping me become more American fries?
Speaker 3
01:39:14 Wait, wasn't he married?
Speaker 23
01:39:15 2 chocolate milkshakes come back.
01:39:17 Soon, New York is very exciting and everyone here is free, sometimes too freakish.
01:39:24 Give me the money.
Speaker 3
01:39:25 Man. Yeah, isn't isn't that?
Speaker 23
01:39:25 But I think I'm finally adjusting to my new life everybody I meet.
01:39:30 From somewhere else, life.
Speaker 3
01:39:33 Liberty. Happiness.
01:39:37 Like good commentary, everyone I meet is from somewhere else.
01:39:44 Even when this movie came out, which I don't, I don't remember exactly.
01:39:46 What year? But it's 80s.
01:39:50 Everyone I meet is from somewhere else, So what the **** is America then?
01:39:55 Aside from just some hotel that everyone's staying at.
Speaker 23
01:39:59 Kiss the bears for.
01:40:00 Me, love Vladimir.
Speaker 13
01:40:05 Love, Vladimir.
01:40:08 So that was the other movie I was talking about that.
01:40:12 That basically had the exact same character in it.
01:40:16 Where did my odyssey window go?
01:40:20 Did I accidentally close it?
01:40:21 No, it's still here.
01:40:22 OK.
01:40:25 All right.
01:40:28 Tennis nuts?
01:40:29 I thought about joining the fun at Telegram, but it asked for a phone number to make an account honeypot.
01:40:34 Well, Speaking of Russians, it was made by Russians who I think.
01:40:39 I mean, I don't.
01:40:40 I don't think they defected to the West, you know, but they.
01:40:42 They now live in the West, so it is what it is.
01:40:47 You know the.
01:40:49 If you think you're anonymous on the Internet, you're the one that's being spied on the hardest.
01:40:54 There's there's no way to be anonymous on the Internet.
01:40:58 I mean, you can.
01:40:59 You can be anonymous on the Internet.
01:41:03 From other.
01:41:05 People on the Internet that aren't state actors who aren't, you know, Fortune 500 companies, but.
01:41:13 You know.
01:41:15 Every any any, any company with any kind of money has that data and any kind of government that's not like a third world country.
01:41:24 And that's not us yet.
01:41:26 They have your information.
01:41:29 Reaver 25.
01:41:33 Let's see here.
01:41:34 Let's do this one.
Speaker 19
01:41:37 Why is money management?
01:41:43 Thank you.
01:41:46 All right.
01:41:47 Hey, Devin, thank you for your service to the Irish people with the constructive bullying.
01:41:53 Yeah, I mean, it was necessary.
Speaker 1
01:41:55 Hold on.
01:41:56 What's up?
01:41:56 Sup. Stop. I'm gonna.
01:41:57 Potato. Niger. Big shot.
01:41:59 Always have to be lucky, charmed.
01:42:06 Can we do Polish people next every time you make a poll on a Polish joke, I think you mean you'll get lots of Pollock shouting. We was hussars or something similar. The Perogy Naggers AK, Western Russia need their turn.
01:42:21 You know, my grandpa told me a Polish joke and because this is kind of cozy, I'm going to tell you the Polish joke that.
01:42:27 My grandpa told me.
01:42:29 And I don't know why so many grandpas.
01:42:31 New Polish jokes.
01:42:32 I don't know if it was a world.
01:42:33 War Two thing or what?
01:42:34 But a lot of grandpas.
01:42:36 In my back in my.
01:42:37 Day new Polish jokes.
01:42:41 And it was.
01:42:41 Also, another example of.
01:42:43 For some reason it was always OK to make fun of Polish people like no one ever got mad.
01:42:49 There was no like Polish ADL and the other thing about the Polish jokes is they never actually.
01:42:57 They were never specific to like you.
01:42:59 You could have swapped it out with anybody you know, like it was never like a a thing about their polishness.
01:43:05 It was just like a a joke about *******.
01:43:07 Like, that was always, you know, like the the, the, the easy one, you know.
01:43:13 Like what's why did the Polish submarine sink?
01:43:17 Because they put a screen door on it.
01:43:19 You know, stuff like that.
01:43:20 In fact, my dad.
01:43:22 Because he knew that my grandpa liked Polish jokes for some reason.
01:43:25 One year for a a birthday present.
01:43:31 My dad got a hacksaw and you know the kind that you can screw the blade into.
01:43:37 It's got the, you know, the little metal blade.
01:43:39 Then when it goes bad, you unscrew the little wing nuts and take it out.
01:43:42 He got one of.
01:43:43 These hacksaws took the the blade out and welded a a chain where the.
01:43:51 The blade was.
01:43:52 He then built a crate like a wooden crate.
01:43:56 And filled it up.
01:43:58 You know, like it was a big ******* think like that movie Christmas.
01:44:02 I think it's called, you know, the the A Christmas story.
01:44:04 The one where you'll shoot your eye.
01:44:06 Out that one. You know, in that scene where he gets the the lamp with the the, the, the woman's leg lamp and it comes in this giant ******* crate and he opens it up and, you know, same sort of thing, right.
01:44:17 My dad builds this big wooden crate he puts made in Poland like all over this ******* crate, and when my grandpa opens it up, he's just like, what the **** is this my dad?
01:44:28 Goes it's a Polish chainsaw.
01:44:30 Ha ha ha.
01:44:33 Yeah, that was my dad.
01:44:36 So that's not the joke.
01:44:38 All right, so.
01:44:39 The joke was.
01:44:42 My my grandpa would say say it this way.
01:44:45 Said there's a Polish guy.
01:44:49 And he was driving around in Germany.
01:44:52 In his in his ****** Polish car.
01:44:57 And he's on the autobahn.
01:45:00 And he's and he doesn't know what he's doing.
01:45:03 And he kind of drives like a crazy person because all.
01:45:06 These all these fast cars are whizzing by.
01:45:09 On the ******* autobahn.
01:45:11 And so he's very nervous.
01:45:14 And he accidentally swerves and he hits this brand new Porsche.
01:45:20 And he's like, ah ****.
01:45:22 So it pulls over to the side of the autobahn.
01:45:26 And the guy in the Porsche, you know, the German guy and the Porsche pulls over.
01:45:31 And the the German guy walks out and he looks at the damage to his Porsche.
01:45:36 And it looks.
01:45:37 At the Polish guys car, there's like almost no damage, whereas the Porsche has like this funked up Fender.
01:45:46 And the German guy gets really ****** ***.
01:45:50 And he says to the Polish guy, you better you wait right there.
01:45:55 And he walks in and goes to his car.
01:45:58 And he comes back with a stick of chalk.
01:46:01 And a baseball bat.
01:46:04 And he gets the stick of chalk.
01:46:06 And he draws a circle on the on the the asphalt.
01:46:13 And he tells the Polish guy you better stand in that ******* circle.
01:46:18 And so the Polish guy stands in the.
01:46:20 Circle and the German guy says you better not ******* get out of that circle no matter what happens, you better not ******* leave that circle.
01:46:31 And the Polish guys like damn.
01:46:32 Alright, you know you got a.
01:46:33 Baseball bat.
01:46:34 I guess I'll listen to you, right?
01:46:36 And then the German guy walks up to the Polish guys car with the baseball bat and just starts beating the ****.
01:46:44 Out of the Polish guy's car.
01:46:48 And the German guy?
01:46:50 Wants to enjoy himself, but he can't.
01:46:53 Because behind him he's.
01:46:54 He hears the Polish guys is laughing.
01:46:57 His *** off.
01:46:59 And the German guys like, what the **** is wrong with this guy?
01:47:02 And so he smash.
01:47:03 He smashes all the windows the whole time.
01:47:05 The Polish guys just laughing smashes the blinkers.
01:47:08 The Polish guys laughing, he smashes the headlights, smashes the door panels whole time.
01:47:17 Polish guy is laughing like a madman.
01:47:20 Finally, the German guy walks up to him and.
01:47:22 Goes dude, what the ****?
01:47:26 I'm destroying your car right in front of you.
01:47:28 And you're laughing.
01:47:29 What the Hell's wrong with you?
01:47:32 And the Polish guy goes, yeah.
01:47:36 But I stepped out of the circle like 10 times and you didn't see me.
01:47:41 Bump, Bump, bump, bump.
01:47:43 I didn't say it was.
01:47:43 A good joke.
01:47:45 That's that's the thing about Polish jokes.
01:47:47 They never that good.
01:47:48 It's just.
01:47:49 You're just like, OK, thanks, grandpa.
01:47:53 So yeah, you're welcome, guys.
01:47:55 You you are now.
01:47:56 You've been you've been gifted.
01:47:59 You've been gifted the.
01:48:01 The the grandpa joke.
01:48:04 All right, so here we go.
01:48:09 Moving right along.
01:48:12 Ah, let's see here.
01:48:14 I lost my place.
01:48:18 Oh, here we go.
01:48:20 Mike Hunt when I saw your first video, I thought you sounded a lot like Alec Baldwin.
01:48:27 Also, will you keep churro inside?
01:48:31 Well, I've I've tried to keep churro inside and classified.
01:48:35 Can't tries to murder him the entire time.
01:48:38 Like it it it, it's increased.
01:48:40 The violence has actually been increasing, and churro just seems like an outside cat.
01:48:45 And he's a lot less.
01:48:48 You know, he's a lot more spurt, like a cautious than.
Speaker 13
01:48:51 I thought he was originally.
01:48:54 In fact, the neighbor walked by with one of her dogs.
01:48:59 While I was on the back porch hanging out with Churro, this happened.
01:49:03 Yesterday actually.
01:49:07 She walks.
01:49:08 She's walking by and one of her dogs is with her before I even notice that she's there.
01:49:12 Or the dogs there, chiro leaps out of my lap and goes like 6 feet into a tree.
01:49:19 And I'm like, what the **** is?
01:49:20 And then I noticed, you know, then she comes around the corner.
01:49:23 With the dog, so he had sensed the oh ****, the dogs coming up in a tree.
01:49:30 So he's got a little more sense than I initially thought.
01:49:35 He's very affectionate and likes people, but he's a lot more sketch than I thought he was, which is, you know, for a cat to.
01:49:41 Live is a good thing.
01:49:46 So you know it is what it is.
01:49:50 Let's see here and I and I don't.
Speaker 13
01:49:52 Think I sound like Alec Baldwin.
01:49:54 Harmless G in an interview discussing Schindler's List, Steven Spielberg said the German cast and crew members all made tearful apologies for the Holocaust to the Jew or to the Jewish cast and crew members.
01:50:08 I've never brought up World War 2 with the Germans I've met, but I can only imagine how PSYOP they must be.
01:50:14 Yeah, they're all insane.
01:50:16 Like they're all insane about about that.
01:50:21 I worked on a a video that had to deal with World War 2 veterans in Germany and stuff like that, and I I had had it in My Portfolio of projects that I worked on.
01:50:34 When I applied for a job and the the creative director was a German.
01:50:40 And just because I.
01:50:42 She interviewed me.
01:50:44 I don't think she would have interviewed me had I?
01:50:45 Not had that in there and she apologized.
01:50:49 For Nazis.
01:50:51 Because for I don't know why, like it was really weird actually, but yeah, they're they're psychologically ******* broken from that whole thing.
01:51:03 Winter child the story Russians tell themselves about World War 2 is actually pretty similar to that of America.
01:51:10 They also see themselves as the heroes who liberated Europe from the Nazis and established Israel.
01:51:16 Well, that's interesting.
01:51:19 But it would make Putin's rhetoric about, you know, denazification in Ukraine, make a lot more sense. I couldn't figure out if that was kind of like a **** you to the West because he.
01:51:28 Knows that you know so much of our rhetoric in mainstream media is anti Nazi right?
01:51:34 So all he had to.
01:51:35 Do was say well actually.
01:51:37 I'm I'm getting rid of the knots, you know, I mean, like, I couldn't tell if, like, is this is this him trying to play to the.
01:51:42 Western propaganda worldview or or, you know what is this?
01:51:48 But that would make more sense.
01:51:50 That would make more sense.
01:51:52 I mean, obviously Russia versus the Nazis happened.
01:51:55 But yeah, I never knew like how, like, how do they, how do they view that?
01:52:00 Today, but it would make sense that they would see it that way.
01:52:04 I think even England.
01:52:07 Thinks that like they won World War 2 and they would have, you know, they didn't need anyones help, they would have won anyway.
01:52:14 So every country has that, you know, some kind of heroic narrative.
01:52:18 And if they don't, what happens to them is they.
01:52:21 End up like the Germans.
01:52:24 Jay Ray, 1981. I feel like there will be a bombing us into war scenario again.
01:52:31 Only now.
01:52:35 Only now it's to take out Putin, like the Jew LED U.S. government did to Gaddafi, Saddam, et cetera, this time under the guise of nuclear war. Pelosi bought into 10,000 anti radiation pill shares. Makes you think.
01:52:51 I well, I I I don't think they're going to actually set off any nukes, but.
01:52:58 You know who who?
01:53:00 In 1999, thought they'd fly airplanes into into the World Trade Center, you know what I mean?
01:53:07 Or in or in 1939, thought they would.
01:53:11 Bomb Pearl Harbor? I don't.
01:53:12 So you never know, I guess.
01:53:15 Pelosi knows.
01:53:16 Either way, Pelosi knows that.
01:53:18 In fact, she might even be part of, you know, she knows that that's going to be propaganda, going to be pushing, right?
01:53:23 So she knows that the demand for that kind.
01:53:25 Of stuff is just going to go up.
01:53:27 So it's it's, I think more than anything else, it's like an insider trading thing, but doesn't necessarily mean it's insider trading to the degree that there's going to be a war that starts, it's.
01:53:35 Just that she knows she might be.
01:53:37 In fact, she might even be in.
01:53:39 Charge of some Appropriations Committee that's going to start setting aside billions of dollars to buy the pills that she owns.
01:53:48 You know what I mean?
01:53:48 It could be something like that.
01:53:51 ******** ****** for $1.00?
01:53:54 Where is that at?
01:53:56 I have too many ******* videos in here now.
Speaker 16
01:54:00 Do you have that much money?
Speaker 8
01:54:02 In your bank at home.
Speaker 22
01:54:05 I'd buy that for a dollar.
01:54:13 There we go.
01:54:16 Another night, another awesome stream.
01:54:19 Thank you, Devin.
01:54:20 PS Sorry about the weapons thing from last stream.
01:54:23 I didn't.
01:54:23 I didn't know it was violating OPSEC and felt bad since many apologies.
01:54:31 And then words not in English.
01:54:34 Devon San Pontoni gunman.
01:54:38 I don't even know.
01:54:38 What that is?
01:54:40 OK.
01:54:40 No, it's not a big deal.
01:54:41 I'm just not going to tell people.
01:54:43 What weapons I have?
01:54:47 Curl N word definitely going to be getting a churro shirt well.
01:54:52 I hope you guys like them.
01:54:54 I made that today.
01:54:57 Splitter trace Ubisoft is still milking the Tom Clancy brand with its games now, instead of being Neo con dribble, it's now global homography.
01:55:06 Well look, it's it's still CIA though, either way, right?
01:55:10 It's just that the CIA has shifted objectives.
01:55:13 But it's still CIA.
01:55:16 And and look that and the.
01:55:17 Same thing with the movies.
01:55:18 Right.
01:55:19 He's dead.
01:55:20 They're still writing books.
01:55:23 And he's dead and he's been dead since, like what, 2013 or something like that. And they're just having other people write his books.
01:55:32 And it'll be kind of like, I think it'll be it'll end up being like, well, it's a franchise, right?
01:55:37 It's going to be like like James Bond.
01:55:39 It's like the American James Bond basically.
01:55:41 At this point.
01:55:43 So pretty soon Jack Ryan will be a.
01:55:44 Woman, a black lesbian woman.
01:55:48 And that's not hyperbole, like Jack Ryan will most likely at some point become.
01:55:53 A black lesbian woman.
01:55:56 Or a trans or something.
01:55:58 You know something?
01:55:59 But it's already.
01:56:00 It's no longer, you know, it's even if look, even if he was personally conservative and I don't know, I I never met the guy.
01:56:08 I don't know how much he was, how much of his motivation was just pure shill, and how much of it was, you know, he was happy to, to serve what he thought was his country in some way.
01:56:20 I don't know.
01:56:21 But it's all out of his hands now.
01:56:25 Black lesbian woman incoming.
01:56:29 Zero the greatest story ever told to protocols of Zion. The protocols almost play by play. What they're doing, I highly suggest to check Robert Zeffer's book 1666 redemption through sin. The first video I've watched was.
01:56:49 Handmaidens tale talking about the first of my video.
01:56:54 Well, thank you.
01:56:55 I'm glad you liked it.
01:56:57 I have not heard of that book.
01:57:00 And yeah, the protocol.
01:57:01 Like I've always said, even if they are a.
01:57:04 Forgery. And I don't know, like I know there's some questions about like, what the origins were. It doesn't matter the fact that if you could, I mean, let's say let's say it's 100% fake, it's still old like it's, you know, it's still like over a.
01:57:18 100 years.
01:57:19 Old and the fact that someone could.
01:57:23 Write up a, you know, like let's say it's fictional, right?
01:57:28 Someone could write up a fictional scenario about how Jews plan to basically subvert the West.
01:57:39 And have it and then it happens exactly how this person said, right?
01:57:44 Well, either it's real or it's real.
01:57:48 You know what I mean?
01:57:49 Like, either it was real because that meeting actually happened and these were the actual notes from that meeting or whatever, right?
01:57:56 Or it's real because the behavior back then was so identifiable and so quantifiable.
01:58:04 And it was so easy to see where that was headed that someone was able to predict it with stunning accuracy.
01:58:11 So either way, it's real.
01:58:14 Let's take a look here.
01:58:16 Indoor chicken farm.
01:58:18 $25.
Speaker 24
01:58:19 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 10
01:58:26 I'd like to return this duck.
01:58:29 Hey, David.
01:58:29 Long time listener here.
01:58:31 Just letting you know.
01:58:32 Yours and Vertigo politics videos really help shape my worldview in my later teens.
01:58:39 Keep up the good work.
01:58:40 And all the best.
01:58:42 Well, I'm glad that I'm glad that I was able to help there and thanks for the support there.
01:58:48 Yeah. Whatever happened, that guy.
01:58:51 I feel like he stopped making videos.
01:58:54 If it's the same guy I'm thinking of like the high production value, like good editing, decent animation stuff, good aesthetic.
01:59:06 I think it went.
01:59:07 I don't know, maybe it's still a room.
01:59:08 I don't think so.
01:59:10 Is he on on auto scene now?
01:59:12 Maybe I should look.
01:59:12 For him on auto scene.
01:59:15 ******** ****** again?
Speaker 8
01:59:18 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 22
01:59:23 I'd buy that for a dollar.
01:59:30 Any chance you were able to watch Mr. Medicure's first Odyssey Stream? No. Hearing him finally. Say, make fun of autistic ******** and name the Jew was a breath of fresh air. Leans learned, I think, meant something new. That stream, apparently.
01:59:47 Moon Crickets is an old way of saying moon cricket.
01:59:54 Trying to trying to piece together in my head why that would be.
02:00:00 I don't know moon crickets.
02:00:01 I don't know.
02:00:02 That's odd.
02:00:03 No, I didn't catch his stream.
02:00:06 I don't.
02:00:06 Know he was on Odyssey.
02:00:09 Does that mean that he did he finally got kicked off of YouTube?
02:00:12 I guess it happens to everybody.
02:00:14 Damn Bigfoot.
02:00:15 $1.00, since you lived during Cold War, do you feel people around you actually hated Russians? Or were they just indifferent?
02:00:25 Uh. Well, I'm not like a boomer like that. I think Boomer's legit hated Russians.
02:00:29 And I think that when I was a kid, you know, well, like when this movie came out, right.
02:00:38 They had shifted gears from Red Dawn type movies, but even Red Dawn, if you remember, if you've seen Red Dawn, which it's a good 80s movie, you know Scott Patrick Swayze shooting Russians in it.
02:00:52 It's what's not to like, right.
02:00:54 But the at the at the end.
02:00:59 When the teenagers are attacking the Russian base that's been set up in America.
02:01:05 And they're blowing up like trains, and I don't know, all kinds of shit's exploding. There's this moment where the the Communist, who I don't think is actually Russian. The guy who is the commander of the base. Yeah, I think he's Cuban.
02:01:20 But he comes out and he sees, you know, the, the, the white kids blowing stuff up and getting away.
02:01:26 And there's, like, this, like, sympathetic moment, where it's like.
Speaker 13
02:01:30 Ah, war is hell.
02:01:33 We're all just at the end of the day.
02:01:34 We're all just.
02:01:35 People you know, there was that kind of a thing and.
02:01:40 That's where it started.
02:01:41 I think that that was like the beginning of the shift, right?
02:01:44 Where the whole idea was like, oh, be afraid of the scary Russians and you know.
02:01:49 But then at the very end, like, oh, but they're just people too.
02:01:54 And the next thing you know, you got like that Robin Williams movie, which might have come out a little before or after, I don't know exactly what the timeline would be, but.
02:02:00 It was around the same time.
02:02:02 And you would have more and more.
02:02:04 It was like, oh, no, Russians are just like goofy circus performers with with babushkas and.
02:02:11 And there was a lot of, very comical.
02:02:15 Like Russian commercials before the act of Smirnoff, or maybe during where they wouldn't have actually Yakov Smirnoff in the commercial, but I I still remember that I don't even know what it was for, but just the line is always stuck in my head because it just sounded.
02:02:28 Like a funny word to Americans, it was like I want to say it was like.
02:02:32 A Wendy's commercial or something like that?
02:02:34 And in in like they it's.
02:02:38 And again like this is this is like a fuzzy membrane so.
02:02:40 I might be getting parts of this wrong.
02:02:42 But like this old, this old Russian lady goes to like Wendy's for the first time and gets like hamburgers or whatever.
02:02:50 And at the very end, this is the only one I remember clearly.
Speaker 13
02:02:53 If someone goes hello, my little babushka.
02:02:56 And there was just like stuff like that.
02:02:58 And then next thing.
02:02:59 You know the Berlin, you know the.
02:03:02 Wall Falls and all this other.
02:03:03 Stuff and I think it's because I like I I think it was.
02:03:07 All a CIA up.
Speaker 13
02:03:08 Right.
02:03:09 The CIA was trying to recondition Americans to view Russians as these sweet, lovable, happy people.
02:03:19 Because their plan was to absorb them into the West.
02:03:24 That was 100% the plan.
02:03:26 And what they resent most about Russia right now.
02:03:32 Is that they are no longer wanting to be absorbed into the West.
02:03:39 And because in in the same way.
02:03:44 The the boomers like watching the Black People watch Led Zeppelin videos and and make, you know, monkey faces at it and say, oh, this is so great.
02:03:54 It would have an opposite effect.
02:03:56 Like imagine if you showed that same boomer.
02:04:00 A YouTube video of a black guy just.
02:04:03 ******** on boober music.
02:04:06 They get real racist real quick.
02:04:09 They like, well, what does that ******* like in their head?
02:04:12 They wouldn't say it, but in their head like.
02:04:13 What was that? *******? No, you know what I mean.
02:04:16 And so that that's because that's.
02:04:17 What they.
02:04:19 You're you're you're no longer telling them how.
02:04:21 Great they are.
02:04:24 If you want to understand Boomer psychology that at the end of.
02:04:27 That's all it is.
02:04:30 If you're not flattering them, they hate you.
02:04:34 If you're not telling them how great their.
02:04:36 Generation was they hate.
02:04:37 You, if you're not telling how great their culture, their society, their car is, they hate you.
02:04:47 The pill dispenser, a long time no see.
Speaker 18
02:04:51 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 20
02:04:53 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 21
02:05:02 Take it from these gym neighbors.
02:05:03 It'll pay dividends.
02:05:06 Hi Devan, the anti White Summit edition.
02:05:08 The political provoked offer you to go on their show.
02:05:12 Out of curiosity I watched one episode with bass Jared Taylor.
02:05:15 He was incredibly white pilled, and the cast was agreeing with him, Tucker getting close to the race question, thinking there is a political solution.
02:05:24 Does he genuinely think we are winning?
02:05:26 Or is he on other psychic?
02:05:30 Or is he another?
02:05:33 Psychic from Miss Cleo edition.
02:05:36 Since you like long since are you high man?
02:05:43 Since you like long string.
02:05:45 Me like a long stream.
02:05:47 I have two recommend Alt hype about the religion.
02:05:51 He answered some issues you put on the table several streams ago.
02:05:57 Meeker with Josh from Kiwi farms.
02:05:59 It's a good stream to learn to know Josh.
02:06:02 Most entertaining stream on the Internet right now.
02:06:06 I made some bumpers for you.
02:06:08 All right, cool.
02:06:09 Let me copy that link.
02:06:12 Comfy chair beat me to it. You win this round, but let's settle round two by doing a bumper for 1488.
02:06:22 Alright, let me.
Speaker 13
02:06:24 We download this.
02:06:32 One of these weird weed transfer things.
02:06:38 Where is the file.
02:06:44 Oh, it's another.
02:06:44 It's another ******** ****** one.
02:06:48 And he's going to get 2.
02:06:50 Well, I want to let me download it.
Speaker 19
02:06:54 Here we are.
Speaker 13
02:07:01 Let's see here.
02:07:08 I'll put it here.
02:07:15 Let's load this.
02:07:16 Let's see what you've come up with.
Speaker 13
02:07:27 You zipped it right here we are.
02:07:31 There's a bunch of these files.
02:07:33 Why is?
02:07:33 There so many.
02:07:37 All right, I don't know.
02:07:38 Should we play all of them?
02:07:40 There's a lot.
02:07:41 Are they all the same or are?
02:07:42 They just different lengths.
02:07:46 OK.
02:07:47 I mean I got to resize these.
02:07:52 I think right.
02:08:01 Then there we go.
02:08:02 OK.
02:08:04 We're going to play them all.
02:08:05 Let's see.
02:08:10 Let's see how these how these look here.
02:08:14 After I.
02:08:16 Resize the mall.
02:08:23 Returned packet $1.00.
Speaker 3
02:08:24 Mani Mani Mani Mani.
02:08:27 Let's do it for ******** ****** with.
02:08:28 $1.00.
02:08:32 ******** ****** $1.00. There we go. Look ******** fagot. You know what? We'll give you the the money. Money.
02:08:35 Money, money, money, money, money.
02:08:40 Money for the dollar.
02:08:44 ******** fagot for $1.00.
02:08:48 Not everyone here is a poor ******** ******.
02:08:55 Hail ******** ******.
02:09:02 Look at that ********.
02:09:03 ******. You've become a meme.
02:09:06 It's almost like watching him get stupider.
02:09:10 I like those.
02:09:14 You'll have to love those in.
02:09:17 Good job. That's awesome.
02:09:20 What face are these?
02:09:21 The same faces?
02:09:22 No, they're.
Speaker 13
02:09:30 Nice, nice.
02:09:33 Nice look at that ******** ******.
02:09:35 You have become a meme.
02:09:40 Nice work, nice work.
02:09:43 Yeah, as far as the.
02:09:47 As far as the Jared Taylor thing, I haven't seen that stream.
02:09:50 I do.
02:09:51 I do need to talk to.
02:09:53 Maybe that's something I can do actually via phone or something maybe I can't.
02:09:59 Alright, so I probably can't stream.
02:10:02 Next Saturday.
02:10:04 And like I said, I'm not gonna be able to stream Wednesday at all, but maybe I can.
02:10:09 Phone it in to someone else on Saturday.
02:10:12 Maybe I can be on a different.
02:10:13 Stream I don't.
02:10:13 Know I'll figure it out.
02:10:14 I'll figure it out.
02:10:18 Yeah, OK.
02:10:19 I'll check out those links.
Speaker 13
02:10:23 That's the rest of it.
02:10:24 Donation the rule is simple. We use the anti-Semitism intensified sound bite. Yeah, that reminds me. I wanted to cut that out. Antisemitism intensified.
02:10:38 Sound bite as iron pills suggested, you can find the audio in the burns libel part one at oh look at that, you can get the timestamp 12447 chat vote for the best one. There you go.
02:10:52 We can do so.
02:10:54 Are you suggesting that we have a?
02:10:58 Like a.
02:10:59 Like a contest that could be good, I think we should use all of them that aren't garbage.
02:11:05 I mean, these are all good, but if people want to just make garbage, I'm not going to play garbage, obviously.
02:11:12 But the more the merrier.
02:11:15 I don't know if it's if it's for ******** Faggin, it's garbage.
02:11:18 Maybe it may.
02:11:18 It'll it'll make it better.
02:11:23 Let's say donate the rule alright blah blah.
02:11:28 Thanks to Mick, Muppet and Jack from the Black Pilled official telegram for helping me.
02:11:33 You are real Internet friends.
02:11:34 There you go.
02:11:34 Look at that.
02:11:36 Look at that.
02:11:38 You guys, are you guys?
02:11:39 Are building a community without me even being there?
02:11:42 That's awesome.
02:11:43 That's awesome.
02:11:44 And I do.
02:11:44 I need to pop in.
02:11:45 I know.
02:11:46 I've just been.
02:11:48 The home studying is not is not as easy as you might think.
02:11:53 I feel like I have no time to myself, it's insane.
02:11:55 And then I got ******* I.
02:11:57 Well, I got family garbage I gotta.
02:11:58 Do this week.
Speaker 3
02:12:00 I'm not looking forward to it.
02:12:03 Actually I am.
02:12:04 I'm actually really.
02:12:04 Looking forward to it.
02:12:08 But it doesn't make it any less stressful.
02:12:11 Another genre, all right.
02:12:13 Harmless G Another genre of videos I see getting millions of views on YouTube are white people and sometimes black people too.
02:12:22 Going to China and speaking fluent Mandarin.
02:12:24 Yes, actually, I've seen exactly what you're talking about.
02:12:28 What game are they trying to play with the Chinese?
02:12:31 Also, what's the effect of Chinese elites sending their kids to Western universities?
02:12:36 Yeah, I've seen these videos.
02:12:38 There's a lot of them, a lot of them, and they have so many ******* views and because of that, that's why I've seen so many of them, because they always get stuck in the algorithm.
02:12:49 Right.
02:12:49 So like I I don't look at Chinese stuff.
02:12:52 I don't even look at language stuff.
02:12:54 There's no reason for the YouTube algorithm to think that I'd want to watch some white guy.
02:12:58 Speaking Chinese and a Chinese restaurant, and like all the.
02:13:02 Chinese people going.
Speaker 19
02:13:03 Oh, oh, guillo really nice talk.
02:13:06 Talk the the cheeky talk good.
02:13:09 You know, like I don't understand it like I I, but they're and they make it's the same video every time.
02:13:14 It's not like there's a twist at the end, Ray bangs, one of the you know, like one of the Chinese waitresses or something.
02:13:19 It's just like the same ******* thing every time, I actually think.
02:13:24 A lot of those views are Chinese people watching it.
02:13:27 I think to them it's like a novelty.
02:13:29 It's it's in fact, it's the opposite thing.
02:13:31 You know, in fact, so we're the we're the bigger the white guy in the video is is the the one giving them all.
02:13:40 Ohh finally finally we're getting guillos giving us affirmation.
02:13:46 Guillo respects us enough to where he's he's learned.
02:13:49 He doesn't just expect us to speak English.
02:13:51 He's, you know what I mean?
02:13:52 It's for them.
02:13:54 It's the it's the black guy listening to Led Zeppelin video.
02:13:59 As far as the Western universities, things I was actually talking to someone about this the other day, I've never in the same way that I don't think foreigners should be allowed to own property in America.
02:14:09 It's insane that they do.
02:14:11 Mexico even has this figured out.
02:14:12 You can't buy property in Mexico.
02:14:14 You have to go through some ******* lawyer and they can just.
02:14:16 Take it whenever they want.
02:14:18 That you shouldn't be selling.
02:14:22 Vast swaths of American farmland, even.
02:14:26 To foreign entities and we are like crazy. There's an insane amount of foreign investment, quote UN quote.
02:14:32 Into our our food production in this.
02:14:35 Country in the same way I think that should be banned.
02:14:39 I don't think we should be taking on foreign students.
02:14:44 Because you're basically giving away your trade secrets.
02:14:47 Imagine, just as an example.
02:14:48 I mean, they're competitors, right?
02:14:50 The only way they're not competitors is if you're a globalist so that you think that you're all playing on.
02:14:55 The same team.
02:14:58 And boomers like it because of the same thing we've been talking about all night.
02:15:00 Oh, yeah, of course.
02:15:01 I want people from other countries coming to our universities.
02:15:04 So they.
02:15:04 Can tell us how great we are?
02:15:06 Of course, obviously they're dying to come to our Western universities because they're, you know, what are they gonna do there?
02:15:11 Hang out with some goats and some, you know.
02:15:13 Like they they they they love it.
02:15:15 It strokes their ego that other countries want to send.
02:15:18 Their students to America.
02:15:19 But I've always thought of it like this.
02:15:21 We are competitors.
02:15:23 Imagine if I worked at Pepsi and I was going to work.
02:15:26 You know, my dad worked at Pepsi like everyone was going to keep working at Pepsi right cause.
02:15:32 You know, we're we're a Pepsi family, right? And then I want to call up Coca-Cola and say, hey, I want to come and in turn over at Coca-Cola for four years and then I'm going to go back to Pepsi.
02:15:49 Like, do you think Coke would be flattered to?
02:15:51 Be like oh.
02:15:52 That's amazing.
02:15:53 Come on in.
02:15:54 And we'll teach you all of our trade secrets.
02:15:56 Then go back to Pepsi.
Speaker 13
02:15:59 No, of course not.
02:15:59 They wouldn't go for that.
02:16:01 In fact, even if you wouldn't got a job there, that'd make you sign an NDA and you wouldn't be able to bring it legally.
02:16:06 At least bring your trade secrets back to Pepsi.
02:16:09 It's insane that we do that.
02:16:11 So if you want to know why foreign people send their students to American colleges for some of it, it depends what part of the world they're in.
02:16:18 It might be their education system sucks, like where they're at, cause they have to suck pretty bad and it will depend on the school they send them to, right some American schools, depending on what you're studying, still have some kind of.
02:16:30 Value to it, not if they are taking gender studies classes and crap like that.
02:16:34 But I don't think a lot of these guys.
02:16:36 That's what we're doing.
02:16:37 The other motivation would be.
02:16:41 I mean.
02:16:42 You're going to be doing a lot of trade with America, especially if you're Chinese.
02:16:46 So having people that know the language know the culture that's going to be very important for your country to succeed.
02:16:55 And so you're going to send students to America.
02:16:57 And so that you can create those that network and and everything or even, you know, from a state actor kind of viewpoint.
02:17:06 What better person to have as a?
02:17:10 And I think there's a lot of Chinese students as an example.
02:17:12 That are spies.
02:17:14 We all know that there's a lot of Israeli art students that were spies, right?
02:17:19 They weren't actually here to learn about ******* Picasso.
02:17:22 So there's a lot of that **** going on, too. All right? ******** ****** $1.00. Well, I just play like 1000 bumpers for you.
02:17:29 You're not getting another one.
02:17:33 Thoughts on John Bolton officially calling for regime change in Russia?
02:17:39 You know.
02:17:41 Neocons going to Neo con and look that Trump Trump had him in his administration.
02:17:50 So you know the idea and there's so many people that have.
02:17:54 This stupid idea that if you know if Trump was president, things would be.
02:18:02 The official stance on the Ukraine Russia would be identical if Trump was in office because.
02:18:12 He he wouldn't clearly wasn't running the show.
02:18:17 And so the fact that he had John Bolton in his cabinet tells you everything about who was running the.
02:18:25 Him calling for it doesn't matter and he doesn't have any power.
02:18:28 He's he's well out of the, you know, he he won't be in another cabinet again.
02:18:35 He'll work for think tanks and stuff like that and push his his war mongering ideas and some people will listen that are trying to.
02:18:44 Climb the social ladder in certain circles in DC.
02:18:48 And whatever but.
02:18:50 You know.
02:18:52 He that's just what he does.
02:18:54 He calls for regime change.
02:18:56 That's John Bolton.
02:18:57 Does anyone who doesn't want to have democracy spread to them?
02:19:04 He wants to.
02:19:05 Have regime change.
02:19:08 Drifting timelines, proof of life churro pictures post them well.
02:19:13 The well.
02:19:15 You know, I might go have one.
02:19:18 I'd have to find it.
02:19:20 I have video of him.
02:19:22 But I'll give you a.
02:19:24 Let me see if I still.
02:19:25 Have it here somewhere.
02:19:29 OK.
02:19:30 You want to see him?
02:19:32 Oh, this is.
02:19:32 Pretty cute.
02:19:35 Let me see if I can.
02:19:37 It's wet Kitty.
02:19:41 He is.
02:19:44 He's so cute.
02:19:45 Alright, let me let me.
02:19:49 Let me find my screen grab thing.
02:19:56 This was today.
02:19:57 This was this morning.
02:20:04 Let's save this.
Speaker 23
02:20:11 All right.
02:20:15 All right, this is this morning.
02:20:19 He came in.
02:20:21 For a smidge.
02:20:31 So there you go.
02:20:31 There's your proof of life.
02:20:37 Soils master $25.
Speaker 24
02:20:40 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 10
02:20:47 I'd like to return this duck.
02:20:49 I'm so sick of this propaganda and ******** corporate life.
02:20:53 How did you escape it?
02:20:55 Corporate life.
02:20:56 Look, I started just doing contract work out of necessity.
02:21:01 I kept working for major corporations, consultant firms and stuff like and you make a lot of money and you get good health benefits and there's a lot of.
02:21:12 Positives, but it just soul sucks you.
02:21:15 And I did the kind of the kind of work I was doing for these companies.
02:21:18 I was doing primarily at home on my computer anyway, so I was just like, why?
02:21:23 Have the middle men.
02:21:24 You know, like why work for a consulting firm that's taking the majority of the money that I I'm billing to the federal government in that case, right?
02:21:34 Or the the the company I worked for after that.
02:21:39 The guy who was.
02:21:40 Basically renting me out to Silicon Valley companies was making more than I was and he wasn't doing any.
02:21:48 And I had.
02:21:49 I knew I had.
02:21:50 I knew enough people that I had been doing work for, that I just decided **** it.
02:21:55 I I let him know I said, hey, look, I know you're usually contract through these companies, but just.
02:22:01 Here's my e-mail.
02:22:02 I'm going solo and not all of them took the bait because they couldn't.
02:22:09 You can't do work for the federal government, for example, unless you have all these stupid things, and obviously that's something that these consulting firms have lobbied for so that they don't have any competition.
02:22:20 Because if they did, I mean, they'd have to actually charge normal rates instead of the the insane rates that they charge.
02:22:27 But they make it impossible for someone like me to do business directly with the federal government.
02:22:32 But I did have some nonprofits and some other people.
02:22:34 I did work for start.
02:22:37 Contracted me out and it sucked at first.
02:22:40 I was freaked out.
02:22:42 I thought I was not going to be able to.
02:22:44 I thought I was.
02:22:45 Going to be homeless a couple of times.
02:22:47 And so I just lowered my bills as much as humanly ******* possible.
02:22:52 And then I just.
02:22:53 Worked like a maniac.
02:22:55 And I finally got to where I was making.
02:23:00 I was living paycheck to paycheck.
02:23:01 Right?
02:23:02 But I was still, like, making enough to where, like, the my account wasn't just going down every month, right?
02:23:08 Like, I was breaking even, finally.
02:23:11 And then I just kept pushing and pushing.
02:23:13 And just you have to do good.
02:23:14 Like, if you do good enough job, you'll just start getting other, you'll get referrals.
02:23:20 You only have to ask people.
02:23:21 I didn't.
02:23:22 I never asked a single client.
02:23:24 Oh, tell your friends I never said that.
02:23:26 I would get emails out of the blue or phone calls out.
02:23:28 Of the blue.
02:23:30 Oh, I was talking to Sharon from blah blah blah and she said to come to you, you know, stuff like.
02:23:35 That and you just have to know with every time you get a new customer, you basically have to knock it out of the park every you know.
02:23:42 Especially the first impression, right?
02:23:45 And eventually it built up and built up.
02:23:48 And then I was actually kind of making money.
02:23:51 But it's it's tough, it's tough.
02:23:55 You have to be able and look a lot of people can't do that, right?
02:23:58 Like if you've already kind of.
02:24:00 Especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck and you have one of these corporate jobs and you have a.
02:24:04 Family it's like man.
02:24:05 Like all I can say to you is just start saving.
02:24:09 Because just like a lot of people will say, if you want to start like a restaurant or even like a lot of businesses, they don't make any money.
02:24:16 The first or maybe the first five years, you know.
02:24:21 Some of these companies, I mean look even like the big guys, right?
02:24:24 Twitter didn't make any money for, like *******.
02:24:27 15 years or something insane like that.
02:24:31 YouTube didn't make any money at all until Google.
Speaker 13
02:24:34 Just bought them.
02:24:38 So it's it's it's not easy to do.
02:24:43 UM.
02:24:44 But if you have a talent, if you have something that you can do.
02:24:49 Better than most people.
02:24:51 And you can find a way to get paid.
02:24:54 To do that.
02:24:56 You know it's.
02:24:58 You can make it happen, it just takes a lot of ******* work, a lot of ******* work. Postmaster Trump is being set up as the second coming Messiah by the system to bring about the Noahide laws, to persecute Christians that believe that Christ is the second coming. Just saying, schizopolis #48.
02:25:19 Yeah, I don't know if that's if that's what's going on.
02:25:22 I don't think Trump is.
02:25:24 Coming back, I don't think he's coming back.
02:25:27 I think that he will run.
02:25:31 I don't think he's coming back.
02:25:33 I don't know, unless there's enough Maga boomers.
02:25:36 And maybe there are.
02:25:37 Maybe there's enough Maga boomers to get them back in, but I I just don't.
02:25:41 I don't think he's coming back.
02:25:45 Jay Ray 1981 trafficking is getting ridiculous, getting ridiculous.
02:25:51 Not their best coming in, just got busted with fentanyl and tamales in tamales.
02:25:58 You can't make this **** up.
02:26:00 Chat back me up.
02:26:02 Is that the ****** thing, the fentanyl tamales?
Speaker 13
02:26:10 Let me look.
02:26:19 Thousands of fentanyl pills found in tamales, Arizona, Mexico border.
02:26:25 Drug smugglers try to hide narcotics and all sorts of things to get them in the US from Mexico.
02:26:29 This time they tried using a popular Mexican dish.
02:26:34 The US Customs and Border Patrol said on Wednesday officers were at the Nogales, AZ, Port of entry when they noticed something unusual.
02:26:44 They found a cooler with tamales inside after they checked the food, they found.
02:26:50 2100 fentanyl pills inside the tamales. Officials said that each Tamale contained a baggie of blue pills hidden inside.
02:27:00 Fentanyl tamales, huh?
02:27:04 You know, it's kind of funny the.
02:27:05 Photo they use.
02:27:08 Let me see if I can save this.
02:27:10 I'll pop it up here.
02:27:12 The photo they use.
02:27:15 Looks kind of like the blue crystal meth in Breaking Bad.
02:27:25 And this is the.
02:27:28 This is the blue crystal meth.
02:27:33 It looks like a Heisenberg Tamale.
02:27:44 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:27:45 What do you think about the esoteric Nazism?
02:27:48 To me it sounds schizophrenic, like Nazis and UFOs on Antarctica.
02:27:52 Very cute.
02:27:54 I'm not super familiar with it, but I kind of get what you what you're talking about and that that was my the vibe I was getting to.
02:28:02 You know.
02:28:04 Esoteric anything is usually kind of.
02:28:05 Like that.
02:28:08 Postmaster, the pill dispenser better than Saturday night movies.
02:28:13 I think you're talking about the ******** ****** things.
02:28:18 Full fingers, 4 fingers four.
02:28:22 I don't know.
02:28:22 That is 4 something.
02:28:24 $1.00 tarted.
02:28:25 Fagot for $1.00. Well, you know, I played some alright, you know.
02:28:29 What? You know what?
Speaker 16
02:28:34 Do you have that much?
Speaker 8
02:28:35 Money in your bank at.
Speaker 22
02:28:39 I'd buy that for a dollar.
Speaker 5
02:28:44 Are we talking ******?
02:28:46 Wearing a Bullwinkle shirt.
02:28:49 Blood stained olivey movie recommendation Marie Antoinette 2006. Were you watching? After many years, I noticed that the depiction of decadence was more on making the elite childlike rather than hedonistic. Is decadence A controlled demolition?
02:29:09 Or natural occurrence in the West. I think it's part of a cycle. I haven't seen that movie though, so I'm not 100%. I know what you're talking about.
02:29:18 You know, movie, I did see that was really ******* weird.
02:29:24 Well, I don't, I might.
02:29:24 Do a video on it actually.
02:29:27 It's just that.
02:29:30 Yeah, I made the mistake of watching a new movie.
02:29:33 And it was just like it was worse than I thought it would, which is saying something.
02:29:40 Jay Ray 1981. Think a lot of folks know who this who this man is. But I would like to give a shout out to foundering. He is a based pianist. Very talented. Check him out on Odyssey and Telegram. Yeah. Well.
02:29:56 Maybe they kicked him off of YouTube, but he was on YouTube at some point too.
02:30:01 He has fun songs.
02:30:03 I like his his olivey song is really good.
02:30:08 And I've played on the stream before, Mr.
02:30:13 Massachusetts, I appreciate the connectedness of your streams.
02:30:18 I appreciate the connectedness your streams bring.
02:30:21 Like a little window into reality every week.
02:30:25 Well, I appreciate that and I and I appreciate my Internet staying connected this the last few streams.
02:30:31 I shouldn't have said that.
02:30:32 I just ******* jinxed it.
02:30:35 National Socialist International did you see Israel getting busted for poisoning wells in Palestine?
02:30:43 I wonder what other canards are actually true?
02:30:46 Is that something that just happened recently?
02:30:55 I mean saying.
02:30:57 I mean, obviously I don't know how much.
02:31:00 Well, this is from I guess they've done it a lot. This is from 2005.
02:31:10 Yeah. So unless.
02:31:11 They did it again, but it's 2005.
02:31:14 Last week, heavily armed settlers from the settlement Yitzhar, near Nablus.
02:31:20 Vandalize and sabotage the water supply on which the nearby village Madama depends.
02:31:27 The latest poisoning is the 7th of its kind.
02:31:31 During the past three years, according to village officials.
02:31:34 An Israeli army spokesman said the military is looking into the matter.
02:31:39 So yeah, this is.
02:31:42 Not surprising, and it's not I'm.
02:31:45 I'm guessing they probably did.
02:31:46 It again, right?
02:31:48 So but I I didn't see that headline anymore, obviously.
02:31:50 Well, where would I?
02:31:51 See it.
02:31:52 You know what I mean.
02:31:53 Tipsy Mctaggart, her $8.80.
02:31:58 Was your OCD?
02:32:02 Like picking up so you had to like even up a number on the Super chance or that's an odd number.
Speaker 19
02:32:09 Why is money management?
02:32:13 That's the rest.
02:32:15 Thank you.
02:32:16 Have a beer on me in celebration of Ghost Cat survival.
02:32:20 Also return my duck from last week.
02:32:22 Oh, I should have read it before I played it.
02:32:24 Want to give you the return?
02:32:25 My duck one.
02:32:27 Ah, **** it, I think this.
02:32:29 Is the.
02:32:29 Is this the right one?
Speaker 24
02:32:30 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 10
02:32:37 I'd like to return this duck.
02:32:39 I'm glad I got that right.
02:32:43 ******** ****** growing up, my Mama always told me that I could never be a meme when I'm an adult.
02:32:49 Well, look at me now, Mama.
02:32:51 I love you, moon crickets.
02:32:54 Yeah, I still don't understand the moon cricket thing.
02:32:57 I'm trying to put it together like some of them make some of the things make sense.
02:33:00 Like you'll hear one of these goofy terms and they.
02:33:02 Make sense?
02:33:02 But Moon cricket, I can't put that together.
02:33:06 A postmaster. My heavily ******** lefty wife of 35 years, can't read news from mainstream media anymore as she has finally woke up. Well, that's nice. That's that's probably a relief.
02:33:18 She's passed the fight me stage and I consider this a win for positive, mid, mid or midichlorians.
02:33:28 Yeah. No, that's that's a.
02:33:30 That's a good development, but that makes marriage life a lot more comfortable knowing that.
02:33:37 You're not married to ******** ******, so there you go.
02:33:43 Congratulations on that armless G thoughts on the mouse utopia experiments and how the mice in their paradise eventually became homosexual females abandoned their young population collapse after losing required social skills to mate.
02:33:59 Analogous to our current situation and our populations being too comfortable and sedated.
02:34:06 Yeah, what he's talking about is the Calhoun experiments.
02:34:09 Where a guy I think a lot.
02:34:11 Of people are.
02:34:11 Familiar with this, but a guy put a bunch of mice in a.
02:34:17 Well, in captivity where they had everything they could possibly want.
02:34:21 And at first.
02:34:23 The population exploded, right?
02:34:26 Because, oh, we have all these resources and and so and we don't have to do anything and there's no illness or, you know, it was a very clean, carefully crafted environment to be very mouse friendly.
02:34:39 And then I don't how many generations it took.
02:34:42 But slowly, the population declined, and then you start having all these.
02:34:49 Degenerate behaviors and eventually they went extinct.
02:34:55 And yeah.
02:34:58 Yeah, I think anyone that sees that study would be crazy to not be able to draw significant parallels to what's happening in the West today.
02:35:08 All right, guys.
02:35:09 Well, with that, I'm going to go ahead and split because.
02:35:13 Well, you know, hang out a regular chat.
02:35:14 Just for like a minute, but.
02:35:17 I gotta split and take care of some stuff.
02:35:21 Because I've got a busy week.
02:35:23 Very busy week this week.
02:35:26 Especially if I'm going, I'm going to.
02:35:27 Try to upload.
02:35:28 A video so that you.
02:35:29 Guys have something on web?
02:35:30 Day, but no promises.
02:35:32 I am going to try to make that happen though.
02:35:35 And then maybe I can call into another stream on Saturday and I'll let you guys know on Telegram and on Gab.
02:35:43 Someone says bring in the cats.
02:35:46 Well, I can't bring in.
02:35:51 I'm trying very hard.
02:35:52 To keep Churro alive and doing what I can, and I just think that Churro likes to live dangerously.
02:36:00 So I hope he I hope he's fine and I hope that I have confidence that he'll be OK.
02:36:05 I mean, I don't know where he came from.
02:36:09 But he's lived this long, right?
02:36:12 Jay Ray says let's see classified he's in the he's in the.
02:36:21 The Cactus pill intro.
02:36:24 That I don't think is on this computer.
Speaker 13
02:36:29 Let me see.
02:36:34 Or maybe it is actually let me see.
02:36:39 Let me see.
02:36:39 Is this it?
02:36:47 Yeah. So he's in this.
02:36:52 Why did that not do?
02:36:53 What I thought OK, here it is.
Speaker 13
02:37:05 Well, then, let's do this.
02:37:06 ****, do this ****.
02:37:24 So there you go.
02:37:27 I actually have a bunch.
02:37:27 Of cactuses I'm. I'm planting.
02:37:30 That it's, you know, it's amazing to me.
02:37:33 When I have these wind storms that rip off chunks of cactuses, the more cactus I get, the harder it is to get to all of them and stuff.
02:37:39 And plus, doing the bees and everything else.
02:37:42 There have been chunks of cactuses that got ripped off in a storm in August.
02:37:50 That I have gone out to go.
02:37:53 I went to that part of the the property thinking like I was going to be cleaning up, you know, just like trash.
02:38:02 That's still alive.
02:38:04 And it's like, totally alive and it's just been this giant chunk of cactus.
02:38:09 And there's no roots.
02:38:11 It's just been languishing in the sun.
02:38:14 For three months.
02:38:15 And it's just, I mean it doesn't look great, but it's not but.
02:38:18 Like it'll it'll live.
02:38:20 In fact, there was a cactus pad that I trimmed off of a cactus and threw like in the mulch that was on the ground underneath it.
02:38:28 Thinking like, oh, have some more mulch.
02:38:31 A year ago.
02:38:33 And it's still alive, like it's not rotting.
02:38:35 It's still.
02:38:36 Green. It doesn't look great.
02:38:39 And I and I haven't like moved it.
02:38:41 I'm assuming there's got to be some kind of roots or something coming out of the bottom, you know, underneath it or something.
02:38:47 But yeah, cactuses are crazy that way.
02:38:50 They just don't.
02:38:51 They're survival.
02:38:53 In fact, I had a cactus pad that the bottom of it.
02:38:59 It was in this pot that I didn't water forever and so it started to die.
02:39:04 The bottom died and the top of it fell off and landed outside the pot that it was in, and the part that touched the ground.
02:39:14 Grew roots and then it started sprouting new pads.
02:39:18 It's crazy.
02:39:19 I'll do a cactus pill about that ****.
02:39:22 Those things are ******* insane.
02:39:24 Like how sturdy they are.
02:39:28 Alright, let me take a look here.
02:39:32 Soils master.
02:39:33 I've been listening to you since your YouTube days.
02:39:36 I wish you would do a full stream on.
02:39:37 The Calhoun experiment.
02:39:40 Yeah, I can do that.
02:39:41 I could do that.
02:39:42 I I think the reason I haven't done that is so many people have talked about it, but maybe there's not a lot of people who know.
Speaker 13
02:39:48 About it.
02:39:50 They just.
02:39:50 I feel like a lot.
02:39:51 Of people have covered it.
02:39:53 But it's worth, it's worth, it's.
02:39:55 Worth checking out.
02:39:58 High Priest King Terry.
02:40:00 I knew ghost Cat would return.
02:40:02 Q predicted it in the latest drop I picked up at the Flat Earth Society meeting.
02:40:06 Yeah, I was genuinely shocked.
02:40:10 I was so convinced he was dead.
02:40:13 I I picked up his dishes and all the stuff because.
02:40:17 Like it it it?
02:40:19 I was starting to really warm up.
02:40:20 To this.
02:40:20 Guy and every time I walked by.
02:40:23 Like the the you know the.
02:40:24 Dish just sitting there.
02:40:25 I was just like.
02:40:29 And I just kept picturing my head like coyotes like.
02:40:33 Carrying his limp body off into some Bush to go eat him and **** like I was.
02:40:37 Just like uh.
02:40:40 And he didn't show up.
02:40:40 Like I said it was.
02:40:42 It was a.
02:40:43 It wasn't like, ohh, he's he. You know, I heard a coyote. He must be dead. No, it's I heard a coyote and then he was just gone for 48 hours. For the first time since he showed up, he was just gone.
02:40:55 And then he was magically back after actually was longer than 48 hours.
02:41:01 And didn't look too bad, didn't wasn't.
02:41:04 Didn't have any like coyote wounds on him or anything like that.
02:41:06 Well, you guys saw the picture of him.
02:41:07 It looks fine.
02:41:09 But I was shocked that he was alive.
02:41:11 I was.
02:41:13 It's so surprised, but I'll tell you one thing and this might.
02:41:15 Sound ****** **, but it's just the.
02:41:17 Truth I've now because I went through that thinking he was dead and whatever.
02:41:23 I'm now like at Pete.
02:41:24 I I don't.
02:41:24 I don't worry about him now.
02:41:25 I'm actually.
02:41:27 100% at peace with the idea that.
02:41:29 OK, he's an outdoor cat.
02:41:32 He might get eaten by coyotes, and I'm going to try to make sure that.
02:41:36 Doesn't happen.
02:41:37 But if it happens.
02:41:39 I've already like gone through the.
02:41:42 You know, the thought process of of.
02:41:44 Thinking he was dead and everything.
02:41:46 And look, I'll still be sad, obviously.
02:41:48 But I feel like less.
02:41:51 Worried about him out there now you know.
02:41:55 So because I already feel like I've already done the emotional rollercoaster so.
02:42:02 I think he'll be fine.
02:42:03 I think he'll be he's he's tough.
02:42:04 He's a tough cat.
02:42:06 He's got a.
02:42:06 House he mostly, apparently, except for that 40 hours.
02:42:10 I don't know where he went.
02:42:11 He mostly stays in the property line, like doesn't go to the other side of the fence as long as he does that, he's fine.
02:42:19 And so, you know, and look, he came from some, I don't know where it came from but it.
02:42:24 Came from.
02:42:24 Somewhere far away and he survived, you know not to get out unless someone threw him out out here, which is possible.
02:42:37 Let's see here.
02:42:37 That's how cats get you, man.
02:42:40 No, he's super cute and super nice.
02:42:42 And now he gets to live off me for free.
02:42:48 You're becoming a cat lady, says the person with a.
02:42:52 Anime avatar.
02:42:55 Are you kidding me?
02:42:57 You can't say anything to anybody.
02:42:59 You have an anime avatar.
02:43:01 Are you ******* kidding me?
02:43:05 Oh, good Lord.
02:43:13 Oh man.
02:43:16 I've lost a lot of cats to predators, though.
02:43:19 I get a little sadder when they die.
02:43:20 It doesn't affect me as much anymore.
02:43:22 Yeah, you know, it's just it's part of life.
02:43:24 I see him as more.
02:43:25 He's like a wild animal that eats at my house, you know?
02:43:30 And one day he might just not come back.
02:43:32 You know, that's just that's part of nature.
02:43:37 Hey, Devin, can you do anything with ground nesting bees?
02:43:41 Ground nesting bees.
02:43:45 I don't know what groundnut nesting bees are, unless it's some kind of.
02:43:52 I don't know.
02:43:52 Like, well, like bumblebees.
02:43:55 I think bumblebees have weird hives.
02:43:58 No, I European bees are the best bees.
02:44:02 The only bees that are even remotely close are Japanese bees, but they suck because you basically they have scone constantly and so you can't ever open their hive until it's time to harvest.
02:44:13 They don't make as much honey.
02:44:15 European bees are the best bees.
02:44:22 Oh, like solitary bees now.
02:44:24 Like, there's tons of.
02:44:26 Look, there's, there are so many bees that live out here.
02:44:29 I don't even.
02:44:29 There's so many different varieties I don't even know what they all are, but I have a lot of pollen.
02:44:36 I don't know what you call blooming plants right now and you go out there and I'll see all this bee activity and think, oh good, my bees are eating.
02:44:45 You know the pollen.
02:44:46 And then I walk up to it and there's none of them are.
02:44:48 My bees.
02:44:50 They're all just different random local species.
02:44:55 And yeah.
02:44:58 It is what it is.
02:45:00 Well, I put shiro's picture back up.
02:45:02 Alright, alright, where is it at?
02:45:05 Let's see here.
02:45:09 There he is.
02:45:16 Tipsy midstage or $5 Hail ghost cat. He's stronger from the close encounter with a with a savage that wanted to kill him.
02:45:24 I think so.
02:45:25 I think he learned not to relax.
02:45:27 See, this is the way I I'm looking at the same.
02:45:29 Way I think he was a little friendlier before and now he's had a little he's had a little encounter with danger and he knows not.
02:45:36 To relax now.
02:45:39 Winter Child ghost cat of the Midwest took out 100 coyotes in a.
02:45:43 Day it's true.
02:45:45 Yeah, he might have been out murdering coyotes that whole time.
02:45:50 So all right, well, I'm going to take up once again.
02:45:55 You can get Churro cat T-shirts. The link is in the description.
02:46:00 I'm probably not going to keep them up for long just because it's kind of a gay shirt, but if you like.
02:46:05 Gay things.
02:46:06 And so I know.
02:46:07 I know the guy with the anime angry goy.
02:46:10 Jay, you're going to buy like seven of these shirts because we.
02:46:13 Know you like.
02:46:14 Gay stuff.
02:46:15 So those will be available soon and.
02:46:20 Brando asking for black pilled honey when?
02:46:22 Well, I don't.
02:46:23 I haven't even had any honey yet.
02:46:24 My bees.
02:46:24 This is the first year.
02:46:25 So my bees are keeping all their honey so they can survive the winter.
02:46:29 But maybe this time next year I'll have a ton of it.
02:46:31 I don't know.
02:46:31 Unless they all die.
02:46:33 We'll find out.
02:46:34 All right, guys.
02:46:36 Ohh, let's see here.
02:46:37 Gasman tic.
02:46:39 But maybe it's because I've also had to shoot dying goats that I raised, and it's not that easy to shoot and kill a goat.
02:46:46 You have to shoot them in the top of the back of the head, so I've always had to get very close and hold a horn and then take aim with a revolver.
02:46:54 **** sucks.
02:46:55 No living, living a living.
02:47:00 On a.
02:47:02 Living on a homestead, you see a lot of life and death, a lot of life.
02:47:06 Speaking of which.
02:47:09 Churro murdered this, like murdered a mouse last night in, like, a very sadistic way.
02:47:17 It took a long time for that mouse to die.
02:47:19 Let me just put it that way.
02:47:20 I do have video of it that I will maybe I'll maybe I'll post that on Telegram or something like that.
02:47:26 For you guys because.
02:47:29 Yeah, he was.
02:47:30 I think he was showing me that.
02:47:31 Hey, you don't have to worry about me, Devin.
02:47:34 I'm a killer.
02:47:36 All right, so you guys have a good night.
02:47:39 For black pills, I am of course.
Speaker 13
02:47:43 Devastating yell at each other.
Speaker 6
02:47:48 That's to ask him.
02:47:49 He's been married for how?
Speaker 4
02:47:50 Long look at him though.
02:47:53 He looks mad.
Speaker 5
02:47:57 You don't look happy, brother.
02:47:59 You don't look happy.
Speaker 24
02:48:08 He's very happy.
Speaker 25
02:48:09 Chairman Chow, a former TV show, bailiff and current Harris County deputy charged with his wife's murder, now ordered not to attend her funeral. Renard Spivey appeared before a judge today. He's facing very specific rules for his bond.
02:48:24 David Gonzalez.