12/03/2022Speaker 1
00:12:04 Have a good time.Speaker 3
00:05:13 Three days later, they dubbed me out.00:05:18 I never saw Arthur again because I'll bet wherever he's gone, he's having a damn good time.
Speaker 4
00:05:36 James Brown is dead.00:06:29 Is this?
00:08:39 James Brown is dead.
00:10:29 Hello alright, this is my backup microphone.00:10:33 Ah alright well.
00:10:34 Hang on a second, I'm trying to fix this.
00:10:37 Uh, I'm still on the uh laptop.
00:10:39 I actually have a really good uh stream plan.
00:10:42 This is uh, Dan stack.
00:10:43 Obviously there the the insomnia stream.
00:10:46 Technical difficulties.
00:10:49 One second, I'm going to plug in this.
00:10:52 Other mic in here and I.
00:10:54 Just won't have a keyboard.
00:10:56 Because they decided to only put two USB ports on this *******.
00:11:01 Expensive laptop.
00:11:04 Out of this OK, test 1-2, I'm still in the crappy microphone. Hang on.
00:11:10 Hang on. Oh.
00:11:11 There it is.
00:11:12 There it is.
00:11:13 OK, now I'm on the good microphone.
00:11:17 Here we go, so hopefully.
00:11:20 The So what happened?
00:11:21 Long story just so you guys know, we only have to put up with this for like one more stream.
00:11:25 When this crap laptop the.
00:11:28 I I I tried fixing the computer.
00:11:30 The motherboard just ******* dead.
00:11:32 And I said **** it and I bought all new parts.
00:11:35 They should be here on the 7th.
00:11:38 That's at least that's what they say.
00:11:40 So hopefully holiday shipping doesn't get in the way and I'll have a a good computer again, so that'll be awesome.
00:11:48 So anyway, one more strike or actually maybe 2?
Speaker 6
00:11:52 Maybe wait I?Devon
00:11:53 Think one more.00:11:53 After this one, we'll have to be on this on the crab top and yeah.
00:11:58 Anyway, welcome the insomnia stream.
00:12:01 Good evening.
00:12:01 Good morning.
00:12:02 Good afternoon.
00:12:02 Good night.
00:12:03 The day time might be in your.
00:12:05 Area or if you're watching the replay, it's.
00:12:07 It could be anytime it could be anytime at all.
00:12:10 This is the insomnia stream.
00:12:12 I'm your host Devin Stack and this is.
00:12:15 What is it?
00:12:16 The apocalypse.
00:12:17 Watch the Apocalypse watch edition.
00:12:20 The apocalypse watch.
00:12:23 You might be wondering what what is the Apocalypse watch?
00:12:26 What's kind of funny?
00:12:27 I I saw a clip of this movie.
00:12:32 And it was, it was so it was so.
00:12:36 Really that I that I was like, Oh my God, I have to check this movie out because it's literally about a it's, it's how the ADL sees themselves.
00:12:45 And I could tell just by the tiny clip that I had seen, and I couldn't find a copy of this movie anywhere.
00:12:50 I ended up having and I swear to God I ended up having to buy a DVD off of eBay of this movie.
00:12:57 And then rip the DVD.
00:12:59 And then.
00:13:01 That's what was on my.
00:13:02 Old computer for last stream.
00:13:05 So I redid the entire thing.
00:13:08 So we could do it.
Speaker 7
00:13:09 So we have a real stream tonight.Devon
00:13:12 And we're going to take a look at this.00:13:14 It's kind of funny in light of some of the, you know, the the the happenings lately with the Kanye stuff.
00:13:20 It just really I I think further highlights that this is how the ADL sees itself and how they're they're saving the world, even though as everyone should know by now.
00:13:32 And if you don't.
00:13:33 That the ABL was actually found.
00:13:37 And this is not a lie.
00:13:38 It is not exaggeration.
00:13:39 The ADL was actually founded.
00:13:42 To protect a Jewish pedophile murderer.
00:13:45 Oh, that's right.
00:13:45 The ADL of benign breath, benign birth is basically like the the the Masons for for Jews, although.
00:13:52 Come on the.
00:13:52 The Masons are basically the Masons for Jews.
00:13:56 Also the the benign breath, the secret society.
00:14:01 That was created to, you know, help business or, you know, help help the Jews be even more nepotistic and and more secretive.
Speaker 7
00:14:09 One of their members raped and killed.Devon
00:14:13 One of his child laborers.00:14:16 And then blamed it on black guy.
00:14:20 And then paid off government officials to get off.
00:14:24 And then the the townspeople were so ****** ***, they lynched him.
00:14:29 And then the ADL was born.
00:14:31 And the DL went on to serve that exact same purpose for well and.
00:14:36 Well, it still is.
00:14:39 You know it.
00:14:39 It began as serving as the the, the.
00:14:42 Basically like the public relations wing.
00:14:45 Of the Jewish mafia.
00:14:47 So if there was a a Jewish mafia member that was caught doing something, you know, say akin to ****** and killing one of your child workers.
00:14:58 ADL would come swooping in and start calling everyone anti-Semitic. Oh, how dare you point.
00:15:03 Out that you know this.
00:15:04 This, this Jewish businessman, this pillar of society.
00:15:09 Is doing anything wrong?
00:15:12 If you point out that Epstein is Jewish, you're.
00:15:14 Anti-Semitic noun. That's why if you point.
00:15:16 Out that the FTX Sam.
00:15:18 Bankman fraud guy is Jewish or.
00:15:20 Anti anti-Semitic there too?
00:15:23 You point out that you know Harvey Weinstein.
00:15:27 If you point out that Chuck Schumer, if you point out, yeah, the list goes on.
00:15:31 And on right.
00:15:36 So anyway, this movie is from 1997.
00:15:43 It's called the the apocalypse watch.
00:15:46 It's actually not written by Jews.
00:15:49 It was written, or at least I don't think so.
00:15:51 It's written by the same guy who wrote like the The Bourne identity movies and that sort of.
00:15:56 And it's just like, I don't know.
00:15:58 If this was one of his first books, or.
00:16:00 Something and it was just really terrible or.
00:16:02 If it's just.
00:16:03 You know, there's really if you think about it, there's very little difference between.
00:16:09 Boomer going back to the Kanye thing, right, this this isn't just the worldview in many.
00:16:17 Ways that the ADL has.
Speaker 9
00:16:19 It's kind of.Devon
00:16:20 Alex Alex Jones sees the world too.Speaker 9
00:16:23 It kind of is.00:16:25 It kind of is a little bit.
00:16:27 You know how Nazis are trying to take over the world and they're going.Speaker 10
00:16:30 They're trying to poison us all and.Speaker 11
00:16:32 Kill us all.Devon
00:16:35 Well, and Alex Jones isn't alone in.00:16:37 This view that's why so many conservative boomers are always saying stuff like you.
Speaker 12
00:16:41 Know like?00:16:41 Oh, the the the left.
00:16:42 They're Nazis.
Speaker 13
00:16:43 Everyone, everyone bad is a Nazi.Devon
00:16:46 Maybe because of the the thorough work of.00:16:48 The ADL who?
00:16:49 Knows why exactly, but boomers seem to have a lot in common with the ADL in terms of worldview sometimes, and this is one of those times.
00:16:59 But they they. I'll tell you what. What they what they didn't get in in terms of writing, they made-up for in casting.
00:17:08 So you're going to get to see Super Jew kicking some.
00:17:10 Nazi *** tonight.
00:17:12 But anyway, let's take a look here.
00:17:15 Hopefully this part works.
00:17:16 I'm I'm I'm working.
00:17:18 I ******* I hate I hate touchpads.
00:17:20 I'm gonna try not to ***** about it though, because, like you know, yeah, I'm sure you guys have heard enough about me complaining about the.
00:17:25 Computer situation over here.
00:17:27 Which will soon be solved but.
00:17:28 All the same ******* touchpads, man, I.
Speaker 12
00:17:32 Let me see if I can get.Devon
00:17:33 This to work now.00:17:35 Hopefully when I hit.
Speaker 14
00:17:36 This button.Devon
00:17:39 Something happens. Ohh no, nothing's happening. Why is that?00:17:44 All right.
00:17:44 Well, let's see here.
00:17:47 Now this is going to be.
00:17:49 This is going to be obnoxious.
00:17:55 This was just working.
00:17:56 A moment ago.Devon
00:17:59 We'll get it working again.00:18:01 This is not a problem.
00:18:03 Oh, here we go.
00:18:04 That'll fix it.
00:18:07 There we go.
00:18:08 Know why that happened?
00:18:11 Also, just kind of a funny coincidence instead of.
00:18:19 It's NP for the national stuff.
Speaker 13
00:18:21 But anyway so.Devon
00:18:23 So this is how to even a taste let me.00:18:25 Just make sure we got audio.
00:18:27 God, I hope we have audio.
00:18:29 I think we have audio.
00:18:34 And of course, we don't have.
00:18:35 Audio God, I ******* hate this ****.
00:18:40 Tell you what, Max and OS.
00:18:42 It's just a terrible mix.
00:18:43 It's a ******* terrible mix.
00:18:46 I can fix this too.
00:18:47 Hang on.
00:18:48 It's because I had to close O.
00:18:49 BS and open OBS.
00:18:51 And then all everything broke because it's a Mac and Macs don't want you to have audio working for some reason.
00:18:59 Alright, so let me change this.
00:19:05 Alright, that should be working.
00:19:09 All right.Devon
00:19:12 OK, well hopefully.Speaker
00:19:13 For me, we have a.Devon
00:19:14 Oh, I can fix.00:19:16 On it's because I had to close OB.
00:19:18 S and open OBS.
00:19:21 Off there.
00:19:22 Oh, I know why.
00:19:24 Good Lord, I can't wait to have my computer back.
00:19:29 I ******* hate this ****.
00:19:31 OK, here we go.
00:19:33 Now we will have audio.
00:19:36 So this is how the movie opens up.
Speaker 15
00:19:47 This is John Wade, WN. We have very little information at present time. Just the discovery of a suspicious looking package, a scenario becoming also familiar and the emergency services.Speaker 4
00:19:55 Well, almost clear, Sir.00:19:58 I don't know why we're bothered, though.
Speaker 10
00:19:59 Of bloody fascist footage.Speaker 1
00:20:01 Where do not have political opinions.Speaker 15
00:20:02 Farm disposal team we are away from birth.Speaker 1
00:20:02 Girls move them.Speaker 16
00:20:04 Behind the line.Speaker 17
00:20:05 What do you want?Devon
00:20:11 All right, so we got a bunch of bunch of fascists.00:20:14 You can see the building of it, the NMP, the, the new National Party in the background and all the fascist imagery the the repeated photos of their leader.
00:20:24 And there's some kind of bomb scare, and the police have been called in to find out what's going on.
00:20:30 Not happy about it helping out the fascists.
00:20:34 They probably deserved to get bombed.
00:20:36 ******* fascists.
Speaker 18
00:20:42 Say this, Harry, but you look as if your.Speaker 19
00:20:44 Theory may be right.00:20:45 Ah, it's not my theory.
00:20:45 It's my Big Brother Drews.
Speaker 15
00:20:47 He's the conspiracy expert, which his wife.Speaker
00:20:49 It's OK with you.00:20:50 I want to bring him over from Washington.
Speaker 19
00:20:51 Fine with me.00:20:52 We're going to need all the expertise.
00:20:53 We can get.
Speaker 15
00:20:54 And if Drew's right and these bombings are part of some global conspiracy, well wouldn't be the first time that a bunch of maniacs want.Speaker 20
00:20:59 To rule the world, would it?Devon
00:21:05 No, it would not, because the Nazis are always.00:21:08 Trying to take.
00:21:08 Over the ******* world.
00:21:10 ******* Nazis.
00:21:11 All right, I'm going to try.
00:21:12 To disconnect something here.
00:21:14 I wonder if I.
00:21:16 I I I just want a mouse again.
00:21:21 I don't know if I dare.
00:21:22 Disconnect there.
00:21:23 There's a drive connected.
00:21:24 There I'm not.
00:21:25 I'm going to stop.
00:21:25 I'll just use the ******* touchpad.
00:21:27 You know what?
00:21:28 **** it.
00:21:28 I'm going to this.
00:21:29 This could be a.
00:21:30 I'm going to save this.
00:21:31 Project file first.
00:21:34 This could catastrophically stop some **** from working.
00:21:39 But hang on.
00:21:40 I just need a mouse.
00:21:41 I can't be like touch screening around back and forth.
Speaker 21
00:21:47 There we go.Devon
00:21:48 That's disconnected.00:21:50 All right.
00:21:50 Nothing blew up.
00:21:52 And I got a mouse again OK here.
00:21:55 All right, so we have the the National Party bomb scare this the this Jewish guy and the Brown jackets.
00:22:01 Like, yeah, my brother, he's got a he's got a conspiracy theory about these guys.
00:22:06 I'm probably have to call him in and and have him check out what's going on over here in the guys.
Speaker 12
00:22:10 Yeah, you better call him in.00:22:11 We're gonna need all hands.
00:22:12 On deck, when it comes to dealing with these ******* Nazis.
00:22:15 Ohh, there's one of those Nazis right now.00:22:16 He just showed up here.
00:22:17 Let's see what he has to say.
00:22:18 I'm sure it's.
Speaker 12
00:22:19 Some kind of ******* Nazi ********.00:22:21 ******* Nazis.
Speaker 10
00:22:25 These days, people are.00:22:28 They are happy to give.
Speaker 1
00:22:29 Up their individual rights for protection.Speaker 10
00:22:32 They want walls to insulate themselves from foreigners.Devon
00:22:36 Ohh ******* sounds just like Trump.00:22:38 They want walls to insulate themselves from foreigners.
00:22:41 ******* xenophobic *************.
00:22:44 ******* disgusting Nazis.
Speaker 10
00:22:47 The new National Party will give this country a new chance, a chance to rid ourselves of these these these animals who threaten our freedom.Speaker 9
00:23:04 Ohh, they just blew.Devon
00:23:06 Up the the the national or the new national parties headquarters, some, some ******* terrorists did.00:23:11 But you know.
00:23:12 **** those guys, because like he's calling immigrants animals.
Speaker 9
00:23:17 Yeah, this is.Devon
00:23:17 1997, which is kind of funny.00:23:21 And this is this is oh.
00:23:22 This is all taking place in England, by the way, also.
00:23:27 So then the the the Nazi guy gets mad and he starts yelling at the Jew and his his boss and says you guys better fix this ****.
Speaker 18
00:23:37 It's very sophisticated.Devon
00:23:41 You're that restored law and.00:23:43 See what that guy needed?
00:23:44 He just needed.
00:23:44 Trump to tweet.
00:23:45 Out law and order.
00:23:47 So he's like.
00:23:49 Uh, some something, something.
00:23:50 This is sophisticated.
00:23:51 This is this.
00:23:52 This isn't just some random terrorist group.
00:23:54 Something's up here.
Speaker 19
00:23:55 Next thing you'll be.Speaker 1
00:23:56 Demanding we should all sockets on.00:23:58 Site that's.
Speaker 22
00:23:58 Right, everyone else in.Speaker 15
00:23:59 The prison and he would, if he thought it would help him, the popularity post because people like him thrive on public paranoia.Speaker 19
00:24:04 Well, it's certainly a plenty of that around.Speaker 9
00:24:08 People are keenly thrive on public paranoia.Devon
00:24:12 So a lot of the same talking points that you would hear you know today it's kind of funny how nothing's.00:24:17 Changed meanwhile at Drew.
00:24:20 Castle, which I don't even know if it's real Castle, but it's in this movie.
00:24:24 It's the Nazi ******* castle because you see the.
00:24:28 Inside of the castle on it's like Ohh ******* Nazis.
00:24:32 Like like they really believe.
00:24:34 They really believe that there's a bunch of Nazi elitists.
00:24:38 See this again?
00:24:39 This is think back to the Kanye interview and how every time Kanye would say something nice about Hitler or Nazis.
00:24:47 Alex Jones would be like what?
Speaker 20
00:24:50 The Nazis in the population.Devon
00:24:55 Well, this is basically that.00:24:56 That's basically what this is going, that this is who he's talking about.
00:24:59 It is basically these Nazis right here.
00:25:01 So this is this is the castle of the the, you know, the world population Nazis.
00:25:07 And that's like the head Nazi.
Speaker 9
00:25:09 And he's like.Devon
00:25:10 And I'm glad to see that our pan is working Nazi.00:25:18 So they start driving up and others not.
00:25:21 Why they have to have such a good car.
00:25:23 I *******.
00:25:23 I got I.
00:25:26 I love this car.
00:25:28 I love this car.
00:25:29 You know the Brits.
00:25:30 Don't do a lot of things right.
00:25:32 And they don't, actually, they still, they don't do this right anymore.
00:25:35 But there was this little there was like this phase of just really nice looking cars that came out of England, not so much these days.
00:25:44 Not, but to be fair, not really a whole.
00:25:46 Lot of slick.
00:25:48 Looking cars are coming out these days from anybody.
00:25:51 I love that car.
00:25:52 So anyway.
00:26:00 Oh no, I know this.
00:26:01 So he tells his boss he's like.
Speaker 12
00:26:03 I got a plan.00:26:05 I think I know what's going on.
00:26:07 I think the.
00:26:07 Nazis are tied to this massive chemical company.00:26:13 You know the kind of Alex Jones theory like.
00:26:19 So he's like, I'm gonna go to the chemical company and find out what's going on.
00:26:23 I'm gonna crack this Nazi conspiracy.
00:26:27 So this is kind of funny.
00:26:28 So he.
00:26:28 Goes to the chemical company.
Speaker 9
00:26:46 Did you see?Devon
00:26:47 The logo of the chemical company, like they're not, they're not exactly hiding that they're Nazis, huh?00:26:54 It's the chemical company has a slightly stylized swastika.
00:27:01 I don't know.
00:27:02 I guess this is the kind of thing it's like, I don't know, is this.
00:27:04 Is this close enough of a swastika to where, like Elon Musk would ban your Twitter account if you had that?
Speaker 7
00:27:10 We'll, we'll, we'll.Devon
00:27:11 Get a better shot of it.00:27:12 It's pretty small on this one.
00:27:13 We get a better shot of it in a second.
Speaker 23
00:27:37 Unless you got here at Kroger.Speaker 24
00:27:39 Thank you. Please.Devon
00:27:46 I mean, it might as well they, they should just call.00:27:48 It Nazi Co.
00:27:51 What is? What's the WG?
00:27:53 Corp stand for White guilt corporation.
00:27:56 I mean Jesus.
00:27:57 Christ, look at that.
00:27:58 Oh yeah, that's the secret.
00:28:00 It's the secret conspiracy.
00:28:03 Good thing you're on the case to crack the secret conspiracy of the the Nazi corporation with the swastika for a corporate logo.
Speaker 4
00:28:28 Keep up.00:28:31 Thanks. Yeah.
Speaker 14
00:28:38 Tools of the trade not loaded.Devon
00:28:53 So then he meets the.00:28:56 That the corporate, I don't know the, the, the corporation.
00:29:01 I don't know if he's like that.
00:29:02 It doesn't matter.
00:29:03 He's CEO or something.
00:29:05 Some guy.
00:29:06 Some Nazi again, look at the look at the ******* logo.
00:29:08 Where's that?
00:29:09 They walk right by it.
00:29:10 Like with the giant swastika on the wall.
Speaker 12
00:29:17 Here at Nazi Co.00:29:19 We care about diversity.
00:29:21 So they're like, alright, hey, what's going on?00:29:23 He's like.
00:29:24 Oh, guess what?
00:29:26 I'm here to sell you guys weapons because I know Nazi Co is really into terrorism and ****, right?
00:29:33 So here, buy some missiles from me.
00:29:36 And the the Nazi guys like, Oh yeah, I just found your photo and it turns out I know you're a spy.
00:29:44 And so the juice buys like.
00:29:45 **** you, dude.
00:29:47 You're not going to get me.
00:29:48 Not going to take.
00:29:49 Me alive.
00:29:50 I want all your files right now.
00:29:52 So they got to like his 90s computer.
00:29:55 And the Nazi has to, like, get all the files from the the Nazi database.
00:30:02 You know the fancy Nazi Co database.
00:30:06 And so after some like, you know, computer nonsense, he apparently can fit all of the companies files on a floppy disk.
00:30:15 So all of the companies files.
Speaker 25
00:30:17 Thank you.Speaker 8
00:30:18 OK.Devon
00:30:19 Was it was it a?00:30:21 3.14 megs or something like that? Or no, I forget I don't remember, but or maybe it's like 1.4, you know.
00:30:30 It's like less than an MP3.
00:30:35 On this floppy disk.
00:30:37 And then he's like, all right.
Speaker 12
00:30:39 I'm going to get out of here now.Speaker 26
00:30:48 Come on.Speaker 12
00:30:54 Foiled by hair Kroger hair, Kroger shot him.Devon
00:30:58 In the neck with a with a.00:31:00 Poison dart.
00:31:03 So meanwhile.
00:31:05 His brother, Super Jew.
00:31:08 We're going to call him.
00:31:10 We're just going to call him.
00:31:11 I think his name in the movie is drew, but it sounds like they're saying drew.
00:31:14 Like when they talk to him enough times to where it just makes it kind of funny.
00:31:19 And his mustache, man his **** mustache.
00:31:23 Anyway, so, so this is Super Jew with the **** mustache.
00:31:29 And of course, well, like again, this is in fact this is the ADL.
00:31:34 This guy right here, this guy is the ******* ADL.
00:31:39 So the ADL guy is is doing what the ADL does, and he's in the government office saying.
00:31:45 We have to take care of.
Speaker 12
00:31:46 All these *** **** Nazis.Speaker 17
00:31:56 And these are not random events.00:32:01 I want you to set aside your skepticism and look at all the evidence pointing to the fact that these Neo Nazis are organizing on a global level.
00:32:11 When I hand you back to Wes Sorenson.
00:32:15 Head of our CIA office in Murrieta.
00:32:16 That's literally the kind of speech that I guarantee.00:32:19 That the ADL gives.
Speaker 19
00:32:20 Ladies and gentlemen.Speaker 27
00:32:22 Thanks to Drew Latham here.00:32:23 My information from the US is kept up to date.
Speaker 14
00:32:27 Clive, Mr.00:32:29 How do you reconcile the fact that the most recent act of terrorism was directed at the new National Party, an organization sympathetic to the very people you say are behind this whole campaign?
Speaker 12
00:32:39 Clearly a false flag.Speaker 29
00:32:39 Well, what better way?Speaker 17
00:32:40 To put us off their trail.Speaker 23
00:32:43 Hi, Rick.Speaker 28
00:32:44 Do you have any knowledge of these bomber specific long range intentions?Speaker 27
00:32:48 We'll be able to answer that question more accurately within the next 24 hours when one of our operatives returns from mission in Central Europe.Speaker 19
00:32:55 But I'd like to add.Speaker 17
00:32:57 That if the theory is right, their plans are not just imminent, they're apocalyptic.Speaker 12
00:33:05 Dun Dun Dun Dun they're apocalyptic these ******* Nazis.00:33:11 Nazis depopulation. Murder. Mine. Slaves.
00:33:15 So yeah, so he's like.Speaker 12
00:33:17 My my conspiracy theory is correct, not planning to take over the whole *** **** world apocalyptic.Devon
00:33:25 So meanwhile at Nazi Co.00:33:28 Were they poison?
00:33:29 Darted his his brother.
00:33:32 They have this fancy brain scan machine.
00:33:36 And they stick it on his brother.
00:33:40 And this this is, yeah, German literal German death camp.
00:33:45 You know, Holocaust Camp scientist puts the the mind control helmet.
00:33:53 On his new brother.
00:33:55 And then he's like, he tells the the the CEO, guys like.
00:34:00 I can I can get.
00:34:01 This VHS tape.
00:34:03 And I can play, I can play.
00:34:05 A VHS tape into his brain with my magic Nazi technology.
00:34:10 And the guy's like.
00:34:11 Really, I mean that that doesn't that.
00:34:12 Doesn't sound like it would work, but but.
Speaker 12
00:34:15 No, really I can.Devon
00:34:16 Put this VHS tape into this machine here.Speaker 9
00:34:20 And we'll wipe out.Devon
00:34:21 His memory and anything that's on that, I'm still a.00:34:25 Little skeptical of.
00:34:26 How this works?
00:34:27 It's a VHS tape and.
Speaker 12
00:34:29 In his brain.Devon
00:34:30 It goes directly into his brain well.00:34:33 Well, OK.
00:34:34 Well, there is a.
00:34:34 Nazi logo on the VHS tapes them.
Speaker 12
00:34:36 It'll work. *** **** it.Devon
00:34:38 OK, so so they deal with that?00:34:41 And it works and after they ZAP his brain with like the VHS stuff.
00:34:48 They they they sneak him back to his hotel room, so they they've zapped his memory, he thinks that he got the goods that he got.
00:34:56 The right.
00:34:57 Disk or whatever and he.
00:34:59 Can go now with the fake info.
00:35:01 Back to his his spy bosses or whatever.
00:35:05 So you meet this this chick who is, of course the computer genius, because I guess they couldn't.
00:35:13 They had enough black guys, so they needed a a blonde woman to be the computer genius.
00:35:18 And she's working with the Super, you know, Super Jews.
00:35:22 And Super Jews like hey, baby.
00:35:27 Look at my mustache.
00:35:29 That's right.
00:35:30 We should ****.
00:35:32 Like it's almost.
00:35:33 It's almost that funny.
00:35:34 But then you.
00:35:35 Find out. Oh.
Speaker 12
00:35:37 You mean you've been ******* my my.00:35:38 Brother, I guess I guess there's a little competition.
00:35:41 And then.
Speaker 7
00:35:42 There's. Yeah, there's a.Devon
00:35:43 Here's here's a side thing.00:35:45 It's really not part of.
00:35:46 The movie, but it is.
00:35:47 Here's something else this.
00:35:48 Movie is like ******* three hours long, 3 hours long.
00:35:51 It's so long.
00:35:53 Like I I'm guessing.
00:35:54 It had to have.
00:35:55 Been a mini series on TV or something.
00:35:57 Is the production value is really terrible and it's really ******* long, but maybe it went straight to video, I don't know.
Speaker 8
00:36:03 But it's really ******* long.Devon
00:36:05 And I'd say about at.00:36:06 Least an hour of it, an hour of it.
00:36:09 Is this weird **** where they have like this and and they'll they'll do it?
00:36:13 They'll they keep.
00:36:14 They emphasize it for some reason.
00:36:16 It's this weird **** where it's like.
00:36:19 His brother used to be with this chick and like in a weird way, it kind of makes her like more attractive because his brother ****** her it like I I.
Speaker 30
00:36:28 Like I'm I'm.Devon
00:36:30 I don't know.00:36:31 It just there's something weird about it.
00:36:33 There's something weird about it.
00:36:34 Like he's, like, more interested in her because, like his brother.
00:36:38 Yeah, I I don't know.
00:36:40 Is it this?
00:36:40 Is something a little?
00:36:41 Weird anyway so.
00:36:43 Then his brother gets back.
00:36:45 You know, from being drugged or I guess.
00:36:47 Nazi helmet brain melted and he's.
Speaker 12
00:36:51 Like look boss.Devon
00:36:52 I got the everything on this floppy.00:36:55 And his boss is.
Speaker 12
00:36:55 Like all right, well, don't copy that floppy.Devon
00:36:59 And then so the computer genius blonde that they both want to ****, or I guess one of them is *******.00:37:06 She's looking at the data and she's like something doesn't look right.
00:37:09 This data, it looks all ******* ****** with.
00:37:12 So they go to a.
00:37:13 Meeting and she starts saying that.
00:37:16 I don't know.
00:37:16 I think you got the wrong data.
00:37:17 I think you've been had.
00:37:18 He's like, no way I got the right data.
00:37:20 I have, I.
00:37:21 Have a a perfectly not seem I mean good.
00:37:24 Memory of it, and then all of a sudden.
00:37:25 He grabs his head.
00:37:26 He's like, ah, Nazi headache and falls down.
00:37:29 And you know, so they have to they whisk him away to.
00:37:32 The hospital I want to see what's wrong with him.
00:37:35 Meanwhile, in the Nazi headquarters.
00:37:39 You guys are going to like.
00:37:40 This one, in fact, I'm going to I'm.
00:37:41 Going to try to crank.
00:37:42 Up the audio on these.
00:37:46 Is a little low.
00:37:48 I have it like maximized but here this might work.
00:37:50 This might help it but this will.
00:37:52 Be a little bit louder.
00:37:54 Alright, so meanwhile, Nazi headquarters.
00:38:09 Half expecting Mike though the Ark of.
00:38:13 The Covenant to be in.
Speaker 31
00:38:13 That box.Speaker 19
00:38:22 Cover it.Speaker 4
00:38:33 Is this the chrisland 44?Devon
00:38:37 It's it's called. It's called clayson. They just mix the letters around him. Cyclon. It's Clayson 44.00:38:48 That's the that's the the big well.
00:38:51 We'll see what they'll do in a minute, but they just they just swap some letters around instead of Zyklon B.
00:38:59 It's Clisson 44 with a skull.
00:39:02 On it anyway.
00:39:03 So they opened up the the wooden box and the the clothes on 44. Oh my God, it's so dangerous. Good thing we were able to save this from from Holocaust times.
Speaker 3
00:39:16 It's quite safe.00:39:17 It's concrete casing is very sick.
00:39:22 I was there when it was buried.Speaker 16
00:39:25 April 1945. It's raining and I remember.Speaker
00:39:31 For 50 years.Speaker 3
00:39:32 It has lain buried in the heart of a German forest now.Speaker 26
00:39:35 At last.Speaker 3
00:39:37 They bring it out into the light.Speaker 12
00:39:42 Now at last the Clayson 44 can wreak havoc on humanity.Devon
00:39:52 See this is this is how.00:39:54 Boomers and the ADL view.
Speaker 8
00:39:57 Feed the Nazis.Devon
00:39:58 So anyway we there's there's more weird **** where he's trying to **** his his brother's girlfriend, and they're on some, you know, surveillance stuff, where they start to spy on the Prime Minister or the.00:40:16 Deputy Prime Minister and find out he's having an affair or some.
00:40:19 I don't know.
00:40:20 Most of the ship's meaningless, like most of it.
00:40:22 Really doesn't matter.
00:40:23 It it's three hours long.
00:40:25 It's so much of it, is completely unnecessary and doesn't and and and then when they do have.
00:40:33 Like action scenes.
00:40:34 They go on for like 10-15 minutes.
00:40:36 And they're not.
00:40:37 I mean, they're they clearly don't have a high enough budget for this, for even like.
00:40:41 A short action.
00:40:42 And so just like watching, watching them.
00:40:44 Run around with guns.
00:40:46 So anyway.
00:40:48 I watched it so you wouldn't have to.
00:40:54 So then we have this.
00:40:55 I just.
00:40:56 I just.
00:40:56 I like this car so much.
00:40:58 There's really no reason to show this, but.
00:41:00 I just like.
00:41:00 This car just.
00:41:02 Look at that.
00:41:03 That's that is a thing of beauty like that, that is, it's just.
00:41:11 You know.
00:41:13 I just.
00:41:16 Yeah. I just.
00:41:19 I kind of want to watch it again.
00:41:23 I got that beautiful styling.
00:41:27 Look at those lines.
00:41:29 His curves.
00:41:34 Why don't they make cars like that anymore anyway?
00:41:37 So he goes to.
00:41:38 That's the brother or the.
00:41:40 That's the guy that got Nazi **** ******, right?
00:41:43 So Nazi ******** guy goes to the the Wharf for some reason.
00:41:49 And then you.
00:41:50 Found out.
00:41:50 Oh, it's to meet this Holocaust survivor.
00:41:54 He met the Holocaust survivor.
00:41:57 And the Holocaust.
00:41:58 Survivor is like I got.
00:42:00 I got some, I got some big news.
00:42:02 You know that.
00:42:02 You know Nazi Co.
00:42:05 I mean that total legitimate company that that only has secret spy has suspicions is is somehow Nazi code even though their logo is a.
00:42:13 Well, I have my suspicions about this.
00:42:15 Chemical company. That's totally.
00:42:16 Legit and I was looking at the the CEO Guy and I recognized his his face.
00:42:25 From the concentration camp, he was a he was a Nazi ******* concentration camp guy.
00:42:33 And he's like, OK.
Speaker 9
00:42:36 I'll take care of this.Devon
00:42:38 So meanwhile, back at Nazi headquarters.00:42:42 I guess what is it like, drug, castle, castle or whatever it is like?
00:42:46 So he he's on the phone again, going.
Speaker 12
00:42:50 We'll get those *******.Devon
00:42:53 And oh, he's like they're getting too close.00:42:57 Make sure you get rid of the the Nazi head **** floppy disk guy.
00:43:02 So that's this guy.
00:43:04 He answers his phone.
00:43:06 And the the Super technologically advanced Nazis.
00:43:11 With their ******** machine.
00:43:14 All they had to.
00:43:15 Do was play a little noise?
00:43:17 Out of a what looks like a pager to their their their 90s flip phone and it mine ****** him into like a Manchurian candidate mode and ordered him to go kill himself, jump off this bridge.
00:43:40 He's, you know, he's he's going to.
00:43:42 Go do it.
00:43:44 But while he's gonna go like, here's what, this doesn't make any sense.
00:43:47 He's walking to go jump off the bridge.
00:43:50 And the the Nazi that told them.
00:43:52 Like all right.
00:43:53 You have to jump off the bridge.
00:43:56 And you know, he's in zombie mode.
00:43:58 So he's just like.
00:43:58 Yes, master, we'll jump off bridge.
00:44:01 So I got a good plan.
00:44:02 Right.
00:44:02 You got a little backup plan to make him look like a suicide.
00:44:05 It'll be fine, but then the whole time he's walking towards the bridge.
00:44:10 See that red dot on him on the screen?
00:44:12 He's got like this gun trained on him and you're.
00:44:14 Like dude, what are you?
00:44:15 Just making sure he.
00:44:16 Does it?
Speaker 17
00:44:35 I think you're right.Speaker 25
00:44:37 It's a meeting.00:44:45 What's he doing?
00:45:00 And yes, the Nazis shot him in the air on the way down for some reason.00:45:05 Like, I don't know, to make sure he's dead.
00:45:07 But now it goes from like, this totally normal looking suicide to a.
Speaker 8
00:45:14 How did he have?Speaker 9
00:45:15 A bullet in him.Speaker 4
00:45:16 You know.Speaker 8
00:45:17 So I don't understand.Devon
00:45:19 What the point of that was?00:45:21 And of course, you know, that's how they're that, you know.
00:45:24 In the in.
Speaker 12
00:45:24 The lab they're like, oh, he didn't die in the fall.00:45:27 He died of a gunshot wound.
00:45:29 So meanwhile the.00:45:33 Was it the kaizan 44?
00:45:35 Or whatever the **** it was called.
00:45:38 The the Nazi doctors like I.
Speaker 12
00:45:41 Got the guys on 44.Speaker 9
00:45:43 It's really ******* scary ****.Devon
00:45:51 Or clydes on I guess.Speaker 13
00:46:25 Ah, bunch naber.00:46:27 Just in time.
Speaker 3
00:46:29 I think you will enjoy this.Devon
00:46:40 It must be like a nuclear bomb or something.00:46:41 Maybe can blow up the planet.
00:46:43 Like, what is this clayson?
Speaker 13
00:46:56 Trudy takes us to cell 6.Speaker 18
00:47:11 But who is it?Speaker 13
00:47:11 They've got a Jew already locked up.Speaker 14
00:47:13 It's does the agent, I think, courtesy of Kroger.Devon
00:47:13 To go.Speaker 16
00:47:17 He's been deprived of food and water for 12 hours.Speaker 3
00:47:27 Sir Steve, see.Speaker 8
00:47:40 Well, that's it.Speaker 9
00:47:43 He doesn't like.Devon
00:47:44 Mutate into a monster or explode.00:47:46 It's just he.
00:47:48 So you deprive them of food and water for 24 hours or whatever and.
00:47:54 A drop.
00:47:55 It takes a drop to kill like and then you find out it doesn't even kill them that.
00:47:58 They have.
00:47:59 An antidote. So it's like the most worthless poison. Like you don't eat flies on 44.
00:48:05 You could just have Botulism or something.
00:48:08 It's just.
00:48:08 It's not that.
00:48:09 Anyway, so it's not that even that cool of poison like I was expecting to be like some crazy Nazi poison.
00:48:14 It doesn't do anything, it just kills a guy, a drop of it.
00:48:17 It's like every every things a drop of will kill like a person.
00:48:21 Like it's anyway.
00:48:23 I was just frustrated.
00:48:23 I was expecting something.
00:48:26 So anyway, they give they give the.
00:48:27 Guy, the antidote for summer.
00:48:28 I don't even know why they do that.
00:48:32 Meanwhile in Prague.
00:48:36 The the Super Jew is like my brother was talking to this Holocaust survivor.
00:48:42 We have to go meet with that Holocaust survivor and see.
Speaker 9
00:48:44 What? What he knows.Devon
00:48:47 So he's with the the blonde chick.00:48:51 And they're, you know, they're super undercover in Prague and then they see the Holocaust survivor guy like, oh, there's the Holocaust survivor.
Speaker 9
00:49:00 He's here to.Devon
00:49:00 Meet my brother. He probably doesn't know my brother's dead. Let's go. Let's go talk to him.00:49:05 And then the guy who who shot the Nazi who shot his brother in mid air as he.
00:49:09 Fell from the bridge.
00:49:11 He comes back.
00:49:32 So the Nazi that that could hit a guy falling from a bridge in midair.
00:49:39 Somehow couldn't get a shot off on Super Drew.
00:49:42 And they're able to to heal them or something.
00:49:47 And they take him back to this is his mom who's also a Holocaust survivor, wouldn't you know?
00:49:54 And so, as Holocaust survivor Mom is like Oh yeah.
00:50:01 I remember that Nazi.
00:50:02 Tiger was commandant of the concentration camp.00:50:06 Yossi and I were in.
00:50:11 So he was the Commandant of the concentration camp.00:50:16 And of course, menorah in the background, everything's all Dewey there.
00:50:22 And then then then this is the the the funny part.
00:50:26 That's when the Jew is looking at one of the official documents.
Speaker 9
00:50:30 He's like not only.Devon
00:50:31 That, but I've cracked the code.00:50:34 Not only was the the head of this company.
00:50:38 The Commandant of the of of.
00:50:40 The the concentration camp.
00:50:42 If you look closely, look very carefully at this logo.
00:50:48 I know it's hard, but use your imagination.
Speaker 12
00:50:51 It looks like it's kind of like a swastika.Speaker 9
00:50:55 See, it's all.00:50:56 It's all coming together.
00:50:59 It's all coming together.
00:51:02 And they're like.Speaker 12
00:51:03 Wow. Good catch, Jew.Devon
00:51:06 So then they go to.00:51:09 The countryside, apparently the blonde.
00:51:13 She owns a house in the in the countryside, and she's also a Holocaust survivor, or, I guess her mom is her mom's a Holocaust survivor.
00:51:21 And this is her family home.
00:51:23 That the Nazis took from her.
00:51:25 And so she's on this personal vendetta against the Nazis, and she has to get the Nazis because.
Speaker 12
00:51:30 They population control.Devon
00:51:37 But then some Nazis show up in kidnapper.00:51:41 And he's like, God dammit. I was just about to **** my dead brother's girlfriend.
00:51:48 And he gets upset.
00:51:51 And so they take her to Nazi Co.
00:51:56 And then you're like, what is she, a double agent because she's all super.
00:52:01 Excuse me.
00:52:01 Friendly with the Nazis.
00:52:06 And then Super Jew goes back and finds out the Holocaust survivors.
00:52:09 They've been killed.
Speaker 9
00:52:11 And he's like, no.Devon
00:52:16 For the ADL, had had been here.00:52:19 These Holocaust survivors would have made it.
00:52:25 What kind of evil ****** ** world do we live in?
00:52:29 Well, this evil ****** ** world.
Speaker 20
00:52:31 Or unrest and rioting in the streets of London today.00:52:35 No terrorist organization has claimed responsibility and the government has pleaded for calm.
Speaker 32
00:52:41 6 strategically placed vehicles allegedly containing high explosive devices were reported to the police by an as yet unidentified terrorist group just before the early morning rush hour to.00:52:52 OK.
00:52:53 All the devices turned out to be a hoax, Sir Alex.
00:52:58 Why is the government standing by amidst?
00:53:01 This running discontent.
Speaker 28
00:53:02 Well, first let me say that I don't agree with your premise.00:53:05 The government is not standing by.
Speaker 1
00:53:07 Bob down by petty bickering and scandal in both houses, the Prime Minister must go.Speaker 28
00:53:13 Although I would personally take a stronger approach, I can assure you that the Prime Minister is doing the best he can.00:53:18 Under the sale.
Speaker 1
00:53:18 Let me tell you something about the British people.00:53:21 The British people.
00:53:22 Have had enough, they've had enough of guns.
00:53:24 They've had enough of crime and they've had enough of terror.
00:53:26 And they've had enough of a government that whinges on about civil liberties while the ordinary voters are afraid to be on the street after dark.
00:53:33 Hunt down these animals and instead of rewarding them with stays in five star luxury prisons, hang them at the end of a very long.
00:53:40 Rope. Well, that's.
Speaker 28
00:53:41 Just the relative motion.Devon
00:53:45 Wouldn't that be nice to have a have a British politician that sound like that?00:53:49 So obviously you find ohh they're they're faking all this terrorism.
00:53:52 To get the people.
00:53:54 So they want a stronger government.
00:53:56 Well, The funny thing is.
00:53:57 We now know in 2022 you don't have to fake any terrorism, it just happens and people don't seem to want, like, a a stronger, more nationalist government.
00:54:09 In response, no, they they hold up a sign saying welcome refugees and the only thing that the guy was right about his little speech.
00:54:15 Was the British people?
00:54:16 Are tired of guns.
00:54:18 Now they got tired of guns a long time.
00:54:19 That's why they don't have any and so.
00:54:24 So but anyway, in this bizarro world, you know, everyone's scared that this nationalist party is going to take hold because they've been faking terrorist attacks because you know, and then blaming it, blaming it on the immigrants.
00:54:40 Didn't you know that that's what's really been going on in in Europe is it's just it's really just the Nazis, the Nazis are are are planning all these attacks to make the governments look incompetent so they can swoop in and take and and, you know, and The funny thing is that's basically what the ADL says.
00:54:57 That's basically.
00:54:58 The worldview of.
00:54:59 Is that oh, you're just you're just blowing this out of proportion.
00:55:02 And and and this is.
00:55:04 This is how.
00:55:04 The you know these these nationalist governments pop up.
00:55:10 So meanwhile, back at I don't.
00:55:11 They're never really exactly clear what agency this is, or even what country they work for.
00:55:16 Like American, but also there's British people and Germans everywhere.
00:55:19 So I don't know if it's like.
00:55:20 The Super friends of maybe it's Five Eyes I.
00:55:23 Don't know.
00:55:24 And they're like, oh.
00:55:26 It looks like she's a double agent.
00:55:28 She's a double agent, so we're going to have to.
00:55:31 We're going to have to make sure she doesn't have access to all of our stuff anymore.
00:55:34 Can't trust that ***** anymore.
00:55:36 And Super Jews like, no, you can't trust her.
00:55:39 I know.
00:55:40 I know her.
00:55:40 You don't know where that guy know her.
00:55:44 Meanwhile, she's in the Nazi headquarters.
00:55:49 Talking to the the Nazi guy who's who's telling her his evil plans of world domination and how he's going to, he's going to make the world.
00:56:00 Come out of chaos and back into order.
00:56:05 And that's when you get.
00:56:06 To meet.
00:56:08 The Nazi elites.
00:56:10 See you in.
00:56:11 When the ADL goes to sleep at night, this is what they imagine is happening.
00:56:15 The thing is, this isn't what they imagine.
00:56:17 It's what they try to get everyone else in the world to imagine when they go to sleep at night and they think about what you know, who, who's.
00:56:23 Really pulling the strings.
Speaker 12
00:56:29 They all got the COVID shot.Speaker 18
00:56:30 No more.Devon
00:56:32 Well, it's because of these people right here.00:56:34 These are the people that these, these.
00:56:37 These boomers are imagining, like the look these this.
00:56:41 Is Klaus Schwab's club?
Speaker 16
00:56:44 Particulars preparation the precision of our planning are at last paid off.00:56:49 We are now ready to launch the next phase of our operation and assault.
00:56:53 That will plunge the population into further bewilderment and panic.
Speaker 21
00:56:59 By the way, another.Devon
00:57:00 Thing to do that I think is.00:57:01 Useful to do.
Speaker 7
00:57:03 And you know, even though.Devon
00:57:08 Like I said, the author I don't think is Jewish.Speaker 7
00:57:16 I don't know. Maybe.Devon
00:57:16 It's not fair to to say it applies here, but maybe it I haven't read the book so.00:57:21 Maybe it is.
00:57:23 Because this what we're watching is not the book, it's the the Jewish telling.
00:57:27 Of the book.
00:57:31 It's often said.
00:57:32 That you know they project right, they always project.
00:57:35 All right, well, why would they choose this story?
00:57:38 Why would they not?
00:57:39 Obviously, there's obvious the Nazi.
00:57:41 Any, any story where the Nazis or bad guys, you know, you're gonna get green lit, right?
00:57:45 But at the same time, it's kind of like.
00:57:49 Don't they usually blame?
00:57:52 Their enemy for the things that they're trying to do.
00:57:56 So just just, you know, keep that in mind.
00:57:59 As just the whole rest of the movie goes, because it has every time the Nazis talking about what they want to do and why, it's kind of just.
00:58:06 Like oh, that sounds.
Speaker 16
00:58:09 The precision of our planning.00:58:13 We are now ready to launch the next phase of our operation and assault that will plunge the population into.
00:58:19 Further bewilderment and panic in the aftermath are most carefully chosen.
00:58:24 Supporters will move firmly into positions of influence.
00:58:28 One man deserves credit for planning every detail.
00:58:31 He alone took the responsibility of placing the dream of the furer within our grasp.
00:58:37 It is upon him that the future of the plural shaft rests.
00:58:41 Our leader, Frederick Defreeze.
00:59:05 So of course it's a, you know, blonde hair.00:59:08 Blue Eyed Nazi guy, that's.
00:59:10 All dressed in black and surrounded by Nazi memorabilia that's in control of the secret Nazi club.
00:59:20 Taking over the world or whatever and.
00:59:22 Not only that, he has a Nazi layer, and if you look closely, the guy in the bottom right has a Nazi mouse pad.
00:59:33 That's that's how you know it's the Nazi layer, is he even has a Nazi mouse pad.
00:59:38 And it's it looks like it's.
00:59:40 Literally a doctor evil layer.
00:59:42 But like it's in a castle, it it looks like Mission Control like it's it's.
00:59:48 It's it's it's it's uh Austin Powers.
00:59:52 Villain lair.
00:59:54 So he goes into his little layer and he's.
Speaker 9
00:59:57 Like yes, surely.00:59:59 We'll take over the world.
01:00:01 It's like it's it's basically doctor evil.Speaker 26
01:00:10 We will instigate a series of incidents which, in the short term only will produce mass confusion and even greater political and economic chaos.Speaker 13
01:00:21 I'm not sure.Speaker 26
01:00:22 His efforts will culminate in Operation Apocalypse.01:00:27 Exercise designed to immobilise the so-called.
01:00:32 I mean, it's doctor evil.01:00:34 I I keep waiting for him.
Speaker 8
01:00:35 To say $1 million.Devon
01:00:38 I mean it's it's Doctor evil.01:00:40 Operation apocalypse.
Speaker 26
01:00:43 Operation Apocalypse Exercise designed to immobilize the so-called Democratic Western world.Speaker 10
01:00:52 Nuclear facility.Speaker 23
01:00:52 It will be devastating.Speaker 12
01:00:53 Fossil fuel mining.Speaker 26
01:00:55 An unseen army attacking one of the most vital elements of life itself.01:01:00 People will be terrified and outraged.
01:01:04 Many will die.
01:01:06 The government will be blamed for its.
01:01:08 Inability to protect the people.
01:01:10 As politicians fall, our people will take their places with assurances that they have the knowledge to prevent further loss of life and to restore stability.
01:01:20 And order Evan schnauber.
Speaker 18
01:01:22 We have already made considerable inroads into the police force, the military and government, setting the stage to destroy what little credibility remains within their ranks.Speaker 7
01:01:36 $1 million.Devon
01:01:39 So their evil plan is they're going to poison the water supply in England and then the when the all the people start dying, the people will rise up against the government and blame the government and be like you.01:01:56 You did this.
Speaker 26
01:02:01 Regulation of Great Britain.01:02:04 Is just the foundation stone in our construction of a new world order.
01:02:11 Says the New world order guys.01:02:13 The New world order.
01:02:16 But that's only the beginning.
01:02:18 After they do England, they're going to go after the United States.
Speaker 26
01:02:23 Great gentlemen, America.Devon
01:02:32 And then.01:02:34 They do their.
01:02:35 Well, because they're Nazis, right?
Speaker 4
01:02:39 Zeke, zeke.Devon
01:02:53 All right. So then.01:03:01 So super.
Speaker 9
01:03:01 Jew, he's like.Speaker 12
01:03:03 *** ****, I know what they're up to.01:03:07 And she had nothing to do with this.
01:03:10 This is a global conspiracy.01:03:11 They got something planned.
Speaker 7
01:03:14 And *** **** it, you will not say that she had anything to do with this.Speaker 12
01:03:18 Because I know her, I love her.Devon
01:03:22 And then they find her.01:03:25 And they because they they think she's a double agent now.
01:03:30 They put her in some hospital with a guard outside, so she can't get away.
01:03:40 But then she has this memory.
01:03:42 She had the Nazi helmet on too.
01:03:44 She's not a double agent.
01:03:46 Super Jew was right.
01:03:47 How could she be a double agent?
01:03:49 Her parents were Holocaust survivors.
01:03:52 There's no way she would be working for the Nazis now.
01:03:55 Now she just had the Nazi head **** helmet on, and that they've just been, you know, working around like a a radio controlled ******* car.
01:04:04 That's all it is.
01:04:06 And so they've got, you know, she's having these memories now she's figuring.
01:04:10 It out and.
01:04:11 And now that he's like, oh, we gotta get you out.
01:04:13 Of here and.
01:04:14 She's like I can't though, because like they they think I'm.
01:04:18 I'm a bad guy.
01:04:20 So she pretends to be asleep and then does ninja.
01:04:25 Massad was a Krav Maga.
01:04:26 She does some krav magav move.
01:04:29 On on the nurse and dresses up like the nurse.
01:04:34 This is Austin Powers.
01:04:36 This is Austin Powers.
01:04:38 I'm pretty sure they watched this movie.
01:04:43 And then made Austin Powers.
01:04:45 The only reason why I.
01:04:47 I'm almost, you know what might?
01:04:49 What's crazy?
01:04:50 This might have come out after.
01:04:53 Austin Powers. What year?
01:04:54 Did Austin Powers come out? I got to look at this because this was 97, right? That's. That's around the same time. I'm going to look this up. I'm going to look this up.
01:05:05 Because of this, if this came after Austin Powers, then I don't even know what to say.
01:05:12 I don't even know what to say.
01:05:15 What year?
01:05:16 Austin Powers.
01:05:20 Look it up on my phone because I don't.
01:05:22 I don't *******.
01:05:23 This came out the same year as Austin Powers.
01:05:29 So they couldn't have watched Austin Powers or vice versa.
01:05:33 This came out the same exact year as Austin Powers.
01:05:38 Yeah, same **** as Austin Powers.
01:05:41 She does.
01:05:41 Like the the Krav Maga.
01:05:42 Move dresses up like the scientist and walks out.
01:05:46 It's literally the same year as.
01:05:47 Austin Powers guys in chat, yes.
01:05:52 It's just, I don't know anyway.
01:05:54 Because great minds think alike, right?
01:05:56 So then she gets out.
Speaker 19
01:06:00 Going somewhere?Devon
01:06:03 And and and I'm driving my dead brother's car and picking up my dead brother's girlfriend. Who is this like Hunter Biden?01:06:12 Like, come on.
Speaker 19
01:06:15 Going somewhere?Devon
01:06:18 This is like the start of every bad ****.01:06:21 All right.
01:06:22 So he picks up his.
01:06:25 Look, even like these shots, they're like sneaking around.
01:06:29 They they go to the Nazi lair.
01:06:31 They're sneaking around wearing like they're it's it's.
01:06:35 It's Austin Powers, guys.
01:06:37 You know, they even they like crack the code to get inside the Nazi layer and they don't find, you know, they don't find what they're looking for, but they find some clues and they think they, you know.
01:06:46 Maybe we can.
01:06:47 I know where their base is.
01:06:50 So then, like a lot of useless movie later like I skipped.
01:06:55 Through a bunch because it's it's just.
01:06:58 Lot of pointless ****.
01:07:01 You find out.
01:07:03 That not only was she banging.
01:07:06 Super Jews, brother, but the head Nazi.
01:07:11 You know the head Nazi, they would just washed.
01:07:13 Was like 1,000,000.
01:07:15 That's her, her husband that she thought was dead.
01:07:19 This is where it's just it's it's just, it's already jumped the shark, right?
01:07:23 Like I don't even know.
01:07:24 What this is like?
01:07:24 Jumping like 8088.
01:07:27 Sharks or 4044 sharks, right?
01:07:31 Because of the the Clayson.
01:07:33 So anyway, you find out it's, she thought.
01:07:37 Her husband was dead and anyway.
01:07:40 And she's like, how?
01:07:41 Dare you?
01:07:42 I'm not going to join your Nazi.
01:07:44 Fan club thing and he's like fine then.
01:07:47 You would die.
01:07:50 And so he leaves because she's like, **** you.
01:07:54 I hate Nazis.
01:07:55 Nazis killed my parents or grandparents or something.
01:08:01 Then super Jew.
01:08:02 Of course he shows up on the scene.
01:08:05 And so he's he's he's he's down to save the *****.
01:08:09 And then, of course, they pull up in this I love.
Speaker 3
01:08:11 Switch the rock to.Speaker 8
01:08:12 The new.Devon
01:08:12 I love the car.01:08:13 I love it.
01:08:14 I do love it.
01:08:15 Still creeped out that he's driving around his dead brother's car with his dead brothers girlfriend, but again, this is again it. There's this, there's.
01:08:24 This theme of like.
01:08:26 The girly wince has has ****** like every other guy in the movie.
01:08:32 Like for real?
01:08:33 You know what I mean?
01:08:34 Like it it I don't know.
01:08:35 That just seems weird to me it seems.
01:08:37 Weird to me that like the.
01:08:38 The love interest is is.
01:08:42 Has ****** all the other guys in the.
01:08:46 I don't know.
01:08:47 I don't.
01:08:47 Know seems a little weird seems.
01:08:50 A little weird to me.
01:08:52 So they're big plan, right?
01:08:54 They're going to dump their poison and into the the water reservoirs.
01:09:00 And this is where it gets hilarious.
Speaker 8
01:09:05 The reservoir is.Devon
01:09:05 Like right there, you know, there's a bridge that goes over it.01:09:08 I mean, that's that's literally the.
01:09:09 Bridge right there.
01:09:13 All you got to do is.
01:09:16 You know, put the poison in the water, right?
01:09:20 You know, right? No.
01:09:22 Because this is Austin Powers, basically you have to do the most complicated thing in the world.
01:09:27 If you're the bad guy.
01:09:28 So the evil Nazis, this is how they they put the poison in the in in the in the reservoirs.
01:09:39 Again, there right next to it, right next to it.
01:09:42 Hearts right next to it.
01:09:45 In a car like?
01:09:46 Yeah, because if you're trying to be sneaky, make sure you drive that.
01:09:50 Make sure you drive that to the the the reservoir.
01:09:54 That doesn't look suspicious at all when you drive this military vehicle.
01:09:59 Up to the side of a water reservoir and.
01:10:01 Then wait, it gets better.
Speaker 26
01:10:10 Initializing large sequence.Speaker 33
01:10:15 One sequence they're going to put.Devon
01:10:17 Poison in the water.Speaker 34
01:10:21 What the **** is that thing?Speaker 18
01:10:23 Rod preparing for launch.Devon
01:10:27 Why does everyone have a controller?01:10:29 How many people does it take to control?
Speaker 33
01:10:30 This thing and what is it?Speaker
01:10:33 Device loaded.Speaker 16
01:10:42 Rome lodge.Speaker 8
01:10:47 They're using it.01:10:48 Why didn't they?
Speaker 13
01:10:48 Just hook it into the.Speaker 7
01:10:53 And they have a bad throwing on.Devon
01:11:05 Right.01:11:05 So they, they, they, they could just throw like it's even in the.
01:11:11 Shape of a.
01:11:13 I'm a grenade.
01:11:15 You could have just.
01:11:17 It didn't fly that far, you.
01:11:18 Could have just thrown it.
01:11:20 From a moving car.
01:11:21 I don't anyway.
01:11:22 So this drone, for some reason flies like 20 feet.
01:11:27 And then drops this into the water.
01:11:29 That's right.
01:11:29 Next to them.
01:11:32 I guess any better.
01:11:33 So you think?
01:11:34 OK, well, maybe they're being theatrical, right?
01:11:37 They if you get poison the water supply and kill thousands of people indiscriminately, why not use a drone?
01:11:43 We're Nazis, let's.
01:11:44 We, like you know, we we we always have.
01:11:46 A little bit of flair when we.
01:11:47 Do things right.
01:11:49 Why do we?
Speaker 7
01:11:51 Throw it in the river.Devon
01:11:52 Yeah, like a ******* Neanderthal, right?01:11:54 No, we're going to use a.
01:11:55 ******* drum, alright?
Speaker 9
01:11:57 But it's not.01:11:58 It doesn't stop there so.
01:12:00 You think?01:12:00 Oh, well, there it.
01:12:01 Is, I guess they they.
01:12:02 Just poison the water supply there it.
01:12:04 Is right.
01:12:28 Wait, what? So it's.
01:12:30 It's it's not releasing the poison.
01:12:37 For some reason it's just sitting there.
01:12:41 OK.
01:12:43 So I thought the big plan though was like we're gonna poison.
01:12:45 The water supply.
01:12:48 And oh, I get it.
01:12:50 I get it.
01:12:51 Because you have to poison all of them at the same time with the drone.
01:12:57 And then from your little Mission Control center.
01:13:01 Then act anyway, so they it's the most complicated thing in the world.
01:13:05 Oh, wait.
01:13:05 And then when they activate it, which they finally do, there's an 8 hour delay for some reason.
01:13:13 What kind of Nazis are these?
01:13:18 Ohh again, it's like Austin Powers.
01:13:23 It's like that scene where his son Scott, just like dude, why don't you just shoot him?
01:13:29 Why are you putting them in this in this easy to escape situation and then not looking to?
01:13:34 See if it even works.
01:13:37 This is it.
01:13:37 It's the serious version of Austin Powers, so there's an 8 hour delay on the poison bombs for no reason.
01:13:45 And so meanwhile, these guys have 8 hours to try to crack the code and figure.
01:13:49 It out and.
01:13:53 You know, so they're all working with the.
01:13:56 The computers, meanwhile, the the drones.
01:13:58 Dropping these little poison bombs and the water supplies, but they're not going off for anything, of course, because they're all on that eight hour delay for no reason.
Speaker 24
01:14:09 At 4:00 PM on the 13th of this month, Operation Apocalypse will change the world.Devon
01:14:18 Oh, and then and then he tells them.01:14:23 And then he tells him his plan.
Speaker 7
01:14:29 When there's still like.01:14:30 8 hours to go.
01:14:31 Like wait, why?
01:14:34 Anyway, so he tells them the plan, and they're like, oh, ****, we got to find out what this, you know, what's going on here.01:14:42 There's only an.
01:14:43 Hour left, you know, times ticking.
01:14:45 Time is ticking.
01:14:46 Operation status all bombs in position.
01:14:50 OK. Well then what's what?
01:14:51 Are you waiting for like like why?
01:14:55 So meanwhile and again, there's like, it's kind of funny because it when there's 8 hours left and then we just started.
01:15:02 Let this time.
01:15:03 Yeah, there's only one hour.
01:15:04 Left it almost.
01:15:05 Feels like there's seven hours of movie between, so I'm almost skipping over like 7 hours of useless moving between that that shot with the 8 hour timer and the one hour timer.
01:15:15 And in that useless part of the movie, they they kidnapped her.
01:15:19 And bring her back to the Nazi layer.
01:15:23 Oh, there's only five meds and 50.
01:15:25 Seconds left. Thank God so.
01:15:27 And he's like, yes, you will learn to.
01:15:29 Love me, you know that.
01:15:30 Kind of evil cliche, bad guy stuff.
01:15:33 And but.
01:15:34 Don't worry, Super Jew super.
01:15:36 Jew is on his way.
01:15:38 Super Jew comes in on a helicopter and and it's again it's it's so.
01:15:42 Austin Powers.
01:15:42 He you know like even the even the the Nazi guards are dressed like the the Doctor Evil henchman and he just has one pistol and is able to just take everybody out with one shot that in this pistol.
01:15:56 Never runs out of.
01:15:58 Bullets or anything and you know, they're like, this is literally a shot out of an Austin Powers movie even like they're in the they're in Doctor Evil's layer. And so he somehow.
01:16:10 Gets them to to pause like, oh, this is the best part.
01:16:14 So the timer goes out and you're like, oh, thank God.
01:16:19 You know, if something's going to happen right, it gets down to 0.
01:16:23 And then and then you find out the timer doesn't even do anything.
01:16:27 It wasn't even like a time delay that for some reason the computer was going to activate them all at the same time.
01:16:34 And so for some stupid reason, it needed to have that delay on.
01:16:38 It or whatever.
01:16:39 No, the timer goes to zero and then you still have to manually pick up this this box.
01:16:46 Box and then flip up that switch and push the button so the timer was meaningless.
01:16:52 It was just like you know, when you go to the bar around New Year's and they've got that Budweiser sign with the the countdown, the New Year, it's just that that's all it was.
01:17:00 It was just like some timer.
01:17:02 It was like an egg timer to tell them the way that it hours before pushing the button.
01:17:07 They could have pushed this entire time.
01:17:10 So he stops them from pushing the button.
Speaker 7
01:17:16 But don't worry that.Devon
01:17:17 We have this this cool fight at the end as as.01:17:20 As all the payoff.
01:17:22 Right, this is because this is.
01:17:24 So this is the big this is the big climax of the.
01:17:27 Movie all right.
01:17:30 12 hours into the movie, you finally got this.
Speaker 8
01:17:43 Only one of them went off.01:17:49 Super drew. Wow.
01:17:54 Yeah, fight scene so much.Speaker 8
01:18:01 You get him?01:18:02 Maybe I'll get that Nazi.
Speaker 29
01:18:06 All right.Devon
01:18:09 And now he's gonna push the button again.Speaker 7
01:18:10 One might go up.Devon
01:18:24 Oh, he's got, like, a a Nazi escape hatch.01:18:26 What's he?
01:18:27 Going to do.
01:18:30 I want to one door.
01:18:31 That's where they were.
01:18:32 Gassing the Jews.
01:18:34 That was the room, he.
01:18:35 Went into a gas chamber.
01:18:36 They should just wait, you know long.
01:18:38 Enough and it'll.
01:18:38 Take care of him for him.
01:18:45 Oh, he's in his Hitler room.
01:18:46 They always have a Hitler room, right?
01:18:49 All the bad guys in in, in these mermaids, they always.
01:18:51 Have a Hitler room.
01:18:54 So he runs to his.
01:18:55 Obligatory Hitler room.
01:19:03 Yeah. Yes, really.
Speaker 8
01:19:05 He he drinks.Devon
01:19:05 The clothes on 44.Speaker 9
01:19:38 Because just like Hitler, he was a coward and couldn't face the Jews.Devon
01:19:46 So here, here's.01:19:47 The Big wrap up of the movie.
Speaker 17
01:19:49 He only released 2 bombs.01:19:50 Did you monitored?
Speaker 19
01:19:51 Him. Yes, everything's under control. We managed to seal off.01:19:54 Both reservoirs in time.
01:19:56 I can't thank you both enough for your.
Speaker 14
01:19:57 Part in all of this, but.Speaker 19
01:19:59 Don't get your hopes up for any heroes, welcome or anything.01:20:02 Officially, none of this.
01:20:03 Ever happened? What about Ross?
01:20:05 Ross, well, he so mixed up in this, I think he'll be conducting any future election campaign from a prison cell.
Speaker 14
01:20:11 Though without this operation behind him, I don't think his party will last.01:20:14 More than a week.
Speaker 6
01:20:15 Well, let's just.Speaker
01:20:16 Hope this kind of thing doesn't happen again.Speaker 27
01:20:18 Well, it's always there.01:20:19 We've just gotta be on the lookout.
01:20:25 And that's the that's the take away. It's always there.01:20:29 We just have to be on the lookout. Those ******* nationalists, they're. They're always just waiting to put clothes on 44 in the water supply with drones.
01:20:40 On an 8 hour delay and then push button a bunch of times, they didn't even like make them all go off.
01:20:47 You had to keep pushing it, apparently for each one.
01:20:52 From your doctor evil layer.
01:20:56 Yeah, that's apocalypse watch.
01:21:00 That was that was the three hour movie.
Speaker 12
01:21:07 Oh God.Devon
01:21:10 Apocalypse watch.01:21:13 But now it starts to make sense, right?
01:21:15 When you hear some of these people talk about what they think you know.
01:21:19 The cloud schwabs.
01:21:21 Of the world are they think that there's really.
01:21:23 Some secret Nazi club.
01:21:26 And that the world has to be.
01:21:27 Saved by Super Jews.
01:21:30 Because if the Super Jews they let up for even half a second.
01:21:34 Nazis will come goose stepping in with their their Clayson 44.
01:21:39 And destroy humanity for no reason.
01:21:44 So there you go.
01:21:47 So yeah, that played OK, that actually worked out.
01:21:50 Alright, given our hardware limitations.
01:21:53 It could have been better.
01:21:54 It was flickering and choppy and whatever.
01:21:56 But you know, I can live with it.
01:21:59 I can live with it for right now for like one more stream.
01:22:01 I can't.
01:22:02 I couldn't do this forever.
01:22:04 But you know, whatever.
01:22:06 Hopefully you guys could handle that.
01:22:07 Hopefully it wasn't too annoying with it like that.
01:22:14 Yeah. So anyway.
01:22:17 Let's take a look at.
01:22:19 Some of your super chats here.
01:22:22 And I have not.
01:22:24 I have not loaded any animations up, but I'll I'll I'll get those on there and more.
01:22:30 When my new computer comes in.
01:22:33 I'll it'll be fast enough to actually.
01:22:35 Make more of them without.
01:22:37 You know, waiting 8 hours.
01:22:38 For it to render so that'll.
01:22:39 Be kind of nice.
01:22:43 So let me take a look here.
01:22:48 Bum, bum, bum.
01:22:51 Or if you were wondering in.
01:22:52 Case you were worried.
01:22:56 Our boy does get the girl, see.
01:23:00 At the in the end.
01:23:02 Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
01:23:05 But also super you can never.
01:23:08 You can never even sleep for you know, rest for a moment because some of the Super Nazis got away like the Super Nazi was in that castle.
01:23:18 He's still there plotting and scheming.
01:23:20 He's ready for his next move.
01:23:25 Bumble bomb.
01:23:27 Really just just, you know, uncalled for.
01:23:32 Long Kiss gross kiss.
01:23:36 There you go.
01:23:41 Let me find like a.
01:23:42 Good shot to end on here.
01:23:44 Before we just.
01:23:50 How about the drone?
Speaker 12
01:23:53 Super drone.Devon
01:23:58 All right.01:23:58 What's up with my?
01:23:59 Chat window is not loading.
01:24:05 Huh. Let me reload this.
01:24:14 There it goes.
01:24:15 There I was nervous there for a second.
01:24:16 I wasn't going to work.
Speaker 9
01:24:19 All right.Devon
01:24:23 $5 regarding Biden's message about the Holocaust to Hitler. Oh yeah, that's right.01:24:30 And pop that up.
01:24:31 Just in case you guys are wondering.
01:24:35 The Holocaust, it totally happened.
01:24:38 I you know, I'll tell you what I will tell you what.
01:24:44 As much as I, I still firmly believe there's a very high probability that this whole Kanye thing.
01:24:52 Ends up being a disaster.
01:24:54 I I use the metaphor of diamond mining.
01:24:59 I fully expect that that is a.
01:25:01 That's still a very good possibility.
01:25:04 The fact that this even happened here.
01:25:09 The fact that the President of the United States had to tweet out that the Holocaust happened and that Hitler is bad.
01:25:21 Almost worth it right there, like I said.
01:25:24 In the beginning, hey.
Speaker 33
01:25:26 This isn't all.Devon
01:25:26 Bad this could be.01:25:28 This could make things funny.
01:25:30 This has the potential to make.
01:25:31 A lot of.
Speaker 9
01:25:32 Things funny, this is funny.01:25:34 This is Greg.
Speaker 13
01:25:35 Right.Devon
01:25:36 This is funny.01:25:37 Yeah, I know.
01:25:38 Yeah, there's lots of downsides to it, whatever, but you gotta admit, this is funny.
01:25:44 The President, United States, had to had to tweet out that the Holocaust happened and that Hitler was bad.
01:25:50 That is funny. That's funny.
01:25:53 So anyway.
01:25:55 The funny and.
Speaker 8
01:25:56 And look, there's.Devon
01:25:57 There's lots of funny on the way.01:25:59 I think maybe for a little bit.
01:26:02 Because the other thing that that I think a lot of people need to think about and I and I put this set on.
01:26:06 Gab and it's kind.
01:26:07 Of funny.
01:26:08 Because it it it proved my point when I.
01:26:10 Saw some people's responses.
01:26:12 I I tweeted it or you know gabbed out or whatever.
01:26:15 A picture of Charlie Sheen.
01:26:17 And for those of you who don't remember because you maybe you were like 10 years old or whatever.
01:26:22 In 2011, Charlie Sheen had a very, very public meltdown.
01:26:29 And was doing insane amounts of drugs and was streaming and this is this is like streaming was.
01:26:37 Really ******* new at the time.
01:26:40 The streaming service I think was called you stream.
01:26:43 I don't even know if it exists anymore.
01:26:45 But streaming was that was it.
01:26:47 It was not something that was.
01:26:51 And you know 2011.
01:26:54 A lot of people didn't have.
01:26:56 The bandwidth to do it anyway, even if you if you had access to that.
01:27:00 And so he started.
01:27:01 He started doing his really long streams, where he was just.
01:27:06 Saying crazy ****.
01:27:07 And he kept talking about how he had tie your blood and kept yelling like winning, winning, winning, you know, Hashtag winning became.
01:27:15 Like this big thing?
01:27:16 Thing now the the difference was between this and Kanye was because he was pushing degenerate ****.
01:27:23 He was pushing, you know, drug use and he was pushing, you know, I mean, unprotected sex apparently.
01:27:29 Cause I think he had.
01:27:30 Aids, and it turned.
01:27:31 Out or like I don't know anyway.
01:27:33 The there were companies that were paying him like $200,000 for because he his following on Twitter, got so big because they were.
01:27:44 It was just like the.
01:27:45 People just like what the **** is this crazy ************ going to say?
01:27:49 And you know, what's he going to stream that like?
01:27:51 It was just Bizarro world watching a celebrity that everyone knew everyone recognized.
01:27:57 Just just, you know, dissolve into this cloud of weird and. And so he there, people were paying him like like $200,000 to do.
01:28:09 Tweets for their company and stuff like that.
01:28:12 And he would he would stream these conversations with his lawyer because he got he.
01:28:15 What happened?
01:28:16 He got fired from some TV show or something.
01:28:20 Anyway, the point was.
01:28:22 When I put that on Gab and said, you know, you have to at least entertain the idea that what's going on with with Kanye is going to be a similar phenomenon where yeah, you get a lot of eyeballs and everyone's super into it.
01:28:36 And in fact, Charlie Sheen started doing speaking engagements because it became such an Internet phenomenon.
01:28:43 And you know the hashtag like it became like a meme.
01:28:46 It was like he was a meme.
01:28:48 And he was selling out like auditoriums and **** like his.
01:28:52 He I guess.
01:28:53 He had a lot of free time after.
01:28:54 You know his job and money problems too.
01:28:57 So he was.
01:28:59 Doing his tours where he would just ramble like an insane person on stage sometimes only for a few minutes.
01:29:06 And sometimes, like, you know, actually every time like on lots of drugs.
01:29:11 And but after a while, like you would expect, they kind of.
01:29:14 Just went away and now no one even knows.
01:29:16 What that is?
01:29:17 Like when I put it out, there were people that commented like I don't know the reference.
01:29:21 I don't get what's.
01:29:21 What do you mean tiger blood?
01:29:22 Who's this guy?
01:29:23 Who they don't even know who the guy was.
01:29:26 And it's just like I.
01:29:27 Read that was like, yeah, exactly.
01:29:29 That could be what happens.
01:29:31 You could have a situation where, yeah, it's really intense because especially if you keep trying to.
01:29:37 They raised the like after the after the Infowars thing.
01:29:40 It's like, where do you?
01:29:41 Go from there.
Speaker 8
01:29:42 You know, like where do you go from there?Devon
01:29:45 You know, how do you up the ante?01:29:47 How you raise the bar from that without burning out?
01:29:53 So, you know, I don't know anyway.
01:29:58 Let me let me see what you're super.
01:30:00 I got on that tangent.
01:30:02 Regarding regarding Biden's message about the Holocaust and Hitler, imagine a poisoned mandating pedophile calling Hitler demonic. What does that even mean?
01:30:13 The lodging is completely inverted.
01:30:14 Yeah, we live in.
01:30:16 We live in a in, in a satanic world right now, it it really is.
01:30:19 We really are.
01:30:20 the United States really is the great Satan.
01:30:22 So why would you expect the leader of the Great St.
01:30:25 there be any different?
01:30:26 That's just, I mean that that's.
01:30:29 That's where.
01:30:30 That's where we're at.
01:30:32 Harmless cheese.
01:30:33 Did you catch these last tweet with the picture of Elon Musk?
01:30:35 The guy housing down Elon is Aria Manuel?
01:30:39 Also, are you not entertained?
01:30:42 I'm ******* entertained.
01:30:43 It's like I said, it's it's entertaining.
01:30:46 And look, nothing was going to right this ship anyway, so why not?
01:30:50 Why not?
01:30:51 Have you know?
01:30:52 It's like when the Titanic was going down, the band went out on the deck and started playing music for the.
01:30:56 People as they.
01:30:56 Got on the boats?
01:30:57 Why not?
01:30:58 Not have a.
01:30:58 Little bit of music while we all get into the boats.
Speaker 13
01:31:02 Why not?Devon
01:31:04 We're at the musicians.01:31:09 Race car now $5 just says OK well.
01:31:13 OK.
01:31:16 Has anyone noticed the account from Sesame Street is a Eastern European blood sucker with an act for counting.
01:31:23 Yeah, that's true.
01:31:24 That is true.
01:31:25 He does have a big nose too.
01:31:27 Doesn't he?
01:31:28 I feel like he does.
01:31:32 I'm trying to remember what the count looks like.
01:31:35 I don't want.
01:31:36 To I I bring it up on everyone knows what the count.
01:31:39 Looks like I'm.
01:31:39 Pretty sure he's got a big nose and a monocle or something.
01:31:42 Doesn't have a.
01:31:42 Monocle or someone else?
01:31:45 Excuse me?
01:31:47 The redundant contrarian, and then a cactus OB pizza.
01:31:53 I don't know about that pizza thing.
01:31:56 What is that?
01:31:57 Is that stars or something?
01:31:59 And then?
01:32:01 A birthday explosion.
01:32:05 Something in fire.
01:32:06 OK, much appreciated.
01:32:11 Homeland in The X-Files episode titled Dr. There's a kind of ironic Jew pill if you if you're interested.
01:32:19 The X-Files episode drive well, I did a whole thing on X-Files. They did a whole Jew episode and molders Jewish.
01:32:32 I don't know if.
01:32:35 Scully is, but I'm.
01:32:36 I'm well, make a note of that.
01:32:41 Lucid Nebula how often do you think the Fed watchers have to be cycled out to avoid individual agents from being black pilled themselves?
01:32:50 Well, I I think it's pretty easy.
01:32:52 They they've got they're low IQ government workers, so they're they're just not, you know, they're not going to get it.
01:32:59 They're not going to get it.
01:33:01 Well, I I hopefully they get it.
01:33:03 But they're not going to get it.
01:33:05 They're not going to.
01:33:05 Get it?
01:33:05 That's why they work for the feds.
01:33:10 1488 My fat little ******** toe green back to the black pills, a reasonable exchange considering inflation rates and the current hopium epidemic.
01:33:20 Yeah, inflation rates are in ******* sane. In ******* sane gases is kind of expensive and, well, just everything's kind of expensive or a lot.
01:33:32 UM.
01:33:33 Man computer parts are expensive.
01:33:34 I was a little surprised like.
01:33:37 So it was kind of funny.
01:33:40 I I was just going to get a new motherboard. I was like, **** it, I'll just get a replacement for this motherboard and that way I can still keep these processors which are, you know, give me 56 threads because it's 28 physical cores.
01:34:00 And you know the rest of the hardware is still pretty good. You know, I had 64 gigs of RAM and all this other stuff and so.
01:34:07 If I just swap the motherboard out.
01:34:09 And in fact these, because these processes are old now, you can get like a pair of them used a matched pair.
01:34:16 They say I think they're all matched pairs, whatever, but that they would even be slightly faster for like 100 bucks. I was like, oh, that's that wouldn't be too bad for some reason the.
01:34:28 What is it? The LGA 2011 motherboards?
01:34:32 Are like used are like $800.
01:34:37 I don't know why.
01:34:39 But they are.
01:34:41 And so.
01:34:43 Yeah, yeah.
01:34:44 I wasn't going to do that.
01:34:46 Wasn't going to.
01:34:47 Spend $800.00 on a ******* motherboard. That's like more than what I paid for this one new.
01:34:52 So actually this is this is another used one. I got it before the prices went crazy, but but my original one that I bought new in 2014, I think it was.
01:35:04 It was not that much.
01:35:05 I mean, it was expensive because.
01:35:06 It was a dual Xeon.
01:35:08 You know, Motherboard that that was they could handle like 3 way SLI.
01:35:18 It wasn't $800 expensive. So anyway, I don't know what happened.
01:35:25 And then video card.
01:35:26 Same thing because I don't trust my video cards anymore.
01:35:31 And so I was like, well, I'll just get a new video card.
01:35:33 I'll I'm going to get new everything that.
01:35:35 I think is broken, right?
01:35:38 And because of the crypto **** video cards cost a *******.
01:35:41 Same thing like my.
01:35:43 Video cards which I don't trust, so I don't.
01:35:46 I'm not going to sell them.
01:35:47 I I might sell them as is on eBay, but they don't even have.
01:35:53 They don't even have a.
01:35:56 Heat sinks on them because they were in a water block and you know.
01:36:01 It's just a big ******* mess, but I'll probably just sell them for a couple 100 bucks or whatever on eBay just to get rid of them and just be.
01:36:07 Honest and be.
01:36:08 Like, yeah, these probably don't work.
01:36:09 I mean, they work.
01:36:10 I mean they.
01:36:12 You know I it worked last time the computer worked, but I don't know if that's what's part of the problem or what.
01:36:19 But the even those things they are, they're tighten.
01:36:25 What were they?
01:36:27 I forget if they're tighten 980 tis or ten, I think they're.
01:36:31 1080 tis.
01:36:33 Uh, I forget, but those are like those.
01:36:37 Are more expensive.
01:36:38 Than they were when I bought those.
01:36:41 So I don't know what the ****'* going on.
01:36:43 With those prices, so I had.
01:36:44 To settle for a more modest.
01:36:47 Video card.
01:36:47 But I did go to I.
01:36:48 Went to this is.
01:36:50 All nerd talk.
01:36:50 Sorry for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.
01:36:53 I went to the benchmarking websites and I found like the cheapest card.
01:36:57 That's at least.
01:36:59 Kind of as at least at the same level as the, you know, the the cards that I got now and.
01:37:07 I wanted it.
01:37:08 What was it?
01:37:08 It's they're all different now.
01:37:10 It's it's was a because I had to get in video card too because my rendering software uses CUDA chords or CUDA cords.
01:37:18 We have like an RTX 3080 or something like that, I don't know, but it was expensive as **** anyway.
01:37:24 That's just the way computer parts have all just kind of.
01:37:29 Well, I guess everything right.
01:37:31 But they said Ohh COVID COVID, there's a chip shortage.
01:37:33 It just it just sounds like ******** to me, but whatever.
01:37:37 Abdullah Kalishnikov, a $5 high then, regardless of Kanye's motives, I think it's good that.
01:37:42 The JQ is.
01:37:43 Being mentioned, even if it has bad optics.
01:37:47 Nick Fuentes is getting some exposure and he is good at reaching Gen. ZI know. Nick has issues but he is better than most and he is one of the few dissent right people to get.
01:37:58 Well, again, like I said, we'll see where this goes.
01:38:00 But you're right about the exposure thing.
01:38:03 It wasn't that long ago that people couldn't say his name.
01:38:07 And I saw tonight, before going live, there's.
01:38:12 Like one of the.
01:38:13 Stories on Drudge is that he got in a.
01:38:15 Food fight at A at a in and out.
01:38:19 You know, and it's like, OK, well, he's now.
01:38:22 The kind of famous that if you.
01:38:24 Throw your drink at someone at an in and out your national or, you know, international news.
01:38:31 So yeah, he's accomplished that, that's for sure.
01:38:36 And yeah, we'll see.
01:38:37 We'll see.
01:38:37 What happens? I don't know.
01:38:39 I don't know.
01:38:41 I we're in.
01:38:42 We're in, like, uncharted territory in terms of.
01:38:45 Of American history and politics and media and all that stuff, we're we're just kind of winging it, it seems like.
01:38:52 But we'll see what you.
01:38:53 Know what happens?
01:38:54 Next, I'm enjoying.
01:38:56 I'm enjoying the entertainment.
01:38:57 Why not?
01:38:59 January 19, 8125 dollars. Very generous appreciate that Kanye is right about Jesus and the message he sent on Jew controlled the Fagot. She'll Alex Jones BS.
01:39:12 A lot don't see this.
01:39:16 He's right about Jesus.
01:39:17 I don't know.
01:39:18 Well, you have to be.
01:39:19 More specific about what what you mean by?
01:39:21 That, but I'll tell you one thing that did weirdly stick.
01:39:25 Out to me.
01:39:26 I don't know if this means anything.
01:39:32 But it still seemed weird to me, only because I've seen Alex.
01:39:40 I I don't want to say.
01:39:42 Dodge, the the Christian question.
01:39:46 But in a way like he's, he's always been a little loosey Goosey.
01:39:49 About whether or not he's Christian.
01:39:52 And and I mean.
01:39:54 He's embraced it a little bit more.
01:39:55 Now that it became cool.
01:39:57 Right. But the thing that was weird about that, that interview that I don't think anyone's mentioned.
01:40:04 It was when Kanye, who by the way, I this this in and of itself, cracks me up.
01:40:09 You see how mad Kanye gets when people dead named him and how quick and they are to like, lick his ***.
01:40:15 Like, oh, I'm sorry.Devon
01:40:16 I'm sorry.01:40:17 Yes, your names.
01:40:18 Yay now.
01:40:20 How is that any different than calling ******** by their *******?
01:40:23 Yeah, I'm going.
01:40:25 To dead name them and just call them Kanye.
01:40:26 **** it.
01:40:27 I don't care anyway.
01:40:28 So yeah.
01:40:31 So when Kanye was telling Alex Jones, oh, yeah, tweet from my account.
01:40:35 But then he basically just dictates dictates to Alex Jones what to say.
01:40:39 So it's like he's just typing.
01:40:42 Typing what Kanye says one of the things he says to Alex is no say.
01:40:48 I pray and he's like, OK, he's like, no, no, I I pray that Jesus Christ and Alex got uncomfortable and just.
01:40:58 Shortened it to.
01:41:00 I pray to Jesus.
01:41:04 Maybe that's not a significant change.
01:41:07 But it seemed significant to me because he seemed very uncomfortable.
01:41:12 And maybe it's just me reading body language, and I think I feel like I'm an expert at that.
01:41:17 I'm just I I really do.
01:41:18 I feel like.
01:41:19 I'm really good at reading people.
01:41:21 And that moment had like, a a level of awkwardness to it that I would say was on par with the moments that Kanye said I love Hitler.
01:41:35 I'm just saying Alex Jones seemed uncomfortable with Jesus and Christ and and especially saying I pray to Jesus Christ.
01:41:45 In the same way he looked uncomfortable when Kanye said.
01:41:50 I love Hitler.
01:41:52 Maybe and I and I'm not I.
01:41:53 Don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
01:41:54 I could be totally wrong.
01:41:55 I could be totally wrong.
01:41:56 I just picked up on something and maybe I mean it's.
01:41:59 I'm not going to.
01:42:00 It's three.
01:42:00 I'm maybe I'll pull it up next to him because it's.
01:42:02 Three hours. I'm.
01:42:03 Not going to dig through it, but if you get a chance.
01:42:05 Take a look at it and maybe you'll see what I saw.
01:42:08 I thought.
01:42:08 I don't know.
01:42:09 I thought it was a little bit odd.
01:42:12 $5 show this tweet on the stream. You should read the whole thread. Oh well, I don't know if I.
01:42:21 Can do.
01:42:21 That man.
01:42:23 Like, let me let me see it.
01:42:25 Let me see if I well, first of all, I can't even really look at Twitter because I'm I'm banned.
01:42:29 But let me see if I can.
01:42:30 Even loaded up we're we're we're really rolling the dice on this computer, keeping them going.
01:42:38 But let me take a look.
01:42:41 Let me see what this is.
01:42:54 Let me see what this is.
01:43:05 Alright, I'm.
01:43:05 I can't.
01:43:06 I'm not going to read it.
01:43:07 You're sorry?
01:43:08 I mean, like I I get.
01:43:10 This is a really long thread.
01:43:12 I'm not going to go through and read a whole Twitter thread, but I'll let me see what's how it starts off.
01:43:17 I mean I.
01:43:18 I look, I support the January 6th people but.
01:43:21 You can't just throw.
01:43:21 $5 at me like read.
01:43:23 My blog.
01:43:27 Let's see here.
01:43:31 Let's see here. Blah blah.
01:43:33 Here's unlisted 1 showing minutes of Cabal protest on.
01:43:39 I'll tell you what, everyone.
01:43:41 There's, there's a lot of stuff on here.
01:43:45 I would.
01:43:46 I would.
01:43:46 I would tell you.
01:43:46 What I recommend those of you who would like to support the J6 people and all of you should want to do that. I fully support and by the way.
01:43:59 How do you like?
01:44:00 How does?
01:44:00 That how do you guys feel about Trump?
01:44:03 Doing that half fast like I know I could have totally pardoned everybody while I was president.
Speaker 9
01:44:08 But I that's you know.Devon
01:44:09 I think it's just a shame what's happening.01:44:11 The damn deep, deep state.
01:44:14 That that gay *** video.
01:44:15 No, it is it just.
01:44:18 First of all, it was.
01:44:19 Kind of ****** from.
01:44:20 The wait this long to even do.
01:44:22 That, but is it me or does he just?
01:44:25 Sound like he's on like?
01:44:26 A lot of pain medication or something like he just.
01:44:28 Sounds out of.
01:44:29 It he definitely does not sound like 2016. And look, he's really old now.
01:44:36 But yeah, no, I'll maybe I'll do a follow up thing.
01:44:40 On January 6th, people I know people have told me that.
01:44:43 That there's a lot more to it than.
01:44:46 Even what I've talked to.
01:44:47 It, but I've covered a lot of this stuff on the string.
01:44:50 But I haven't done like a retrospective look at it, so maybe, uh, we're not even retrospective because I guess it's still kind of going on right for.
01:44:58 A lot of these people.
01:44:59 So I'll tell you what.
01:45:01 Yeah, I'll take.
01:45:01 I'll take a look at this stuff later.
01:45:06 In fact, I will copy that.
01:45:07 I'll copy that and read.
01:45:09 Read that after the stream.
01:45:11 Let me put this in my notes.
Speaker 27
01:45:15 There we go.Devon
01:45:20 All right, Ryan is cool.01:45:22 Sorry if it isn't on topic.
01:45:24 I can only swing by.
01:45:25 I just wanted to say.
01:45:27 To the audience.
01:45:27 That if you haven't looked into the rate of return in your retirement, you need to.
01:45:34 OK.
01:45:36 Uh, yeah, I don't know.
01:45:38 I don't have any.
01:45:40 I don't have any retirement.
01:45:41 My retirement is in the form of bees.
01:45:45 We'll see how that works out.
01:45:47 Oh man. Let's see here.
01:45:52 My fat little ******** toe watched a bunch of kosher YouTube **** discussed Kanye and it was entertaining that they kept accidentally coming to base conclusions and then struggling to talk their.
01:46:04 Way out of being base.
01:46:06 Yeah. Well, look.
01:46:07 It's it's a lot of conditioning to get through.
01:46:10 It's a lot of conditioning to get through.
01:46:12 And and look, I'm I I consider myself.
01:46:15 Pretty logical and open minded.
01:46:17 And it took me some some serious.
01:46:21 Self not self reflection but like personal research and investigation to come to the same conclusion when people started telling me about Jewish power, I initially thought it was like a meme, you know, like oh, you're just, you know, you're being you're being ironic.
01:46:39 You're being ironic because like.
01:46:41 You know?
01:46:41 Because because I was that convinced that it was, it was ridiculous because your whole life, you're programmed to think that that's that's preposterous.
Speaker 9
01:46:49 What do you mean?01:46:49 Jewish power?
01:46:51 And then the more I thought about it, the.01:46:53 More I was like, well, holy ****, maybe something might be, you know.
01:46:56 I don't know.
01:46:57 This seems a little possible.
01:47:01 And then after some very uncomfortable days on the.
01:47:04 Internet I was like, oh ****.
01:47:10 Now I guess all you can do is hope that these people have those handful of uncomfortable days of research.
01:47:15 But you know a.
01:47:16 Lot of people don't do that.
01:47:18 A lot of people don't.
01:47:18 Do that.
01:47:19 But look, look a lot.
01:47:20 Of people do.
01:47:22 A lot of people do like I said, and I mentioned this on on Gab and Telegram too.
01:47:26 Like whatever you think of the Kanye thing, there's going to be especially young people, like if you watched that, it was a circus.
01:47:34 It was a ******* circus.
01:47:35 It was a **** show.
01:47:37 It looked ridiculous.
01:47:39 It it it made you know.
01:47:42 Almost almost made anti-Semitism look insane.
01:47:46 But you're looking at through the eyes of, quite frankly, people.
01:47:49 That we're not going to reach anyway.
01:47:52 And by that I mean older people.
01:47:54 Because the the people.
01:47:56 Who are are going to watch that?
01:47:58 And think to.
01:47:59 Themselves like oh, crazy.
01:48:01 Oh my God.
01:48:03 And there will be a lot of people that do that and there will be people that maybe you could have convinced in a different way that are even going to.
01:48:10 Be even harder to convince now.
01:48:13 But I would, I would say, first of all, a lot of those people aren't going.
01:48:17 To be watching Infowars.
01:48:19 They're probably not even really going to be.
01:48:20 Watching the clips.
01:48:23 Of Infowars.
01:48:24 They're probably just not that political, generally speaking.
01:48:28 So a lot of this is going.
01:48:29 To go under the radar of.
01:48:30 A lot of those people, the people that.
01:48:33 Are going to be exposed to this.
01:48:37 Especially, I would say the.
01:48:38 Younger people.
01:48:40 And a lot of younger people are going to watch that and it's going to be the most entertaining live stream they've seen.
01:48:47 Maybe in their entire lives because they're going to watch because young people, it's all about fame.
01:48:52 It's all about clout.
01:48:53 It's all about, you know, the popularity online.
01:48:59 And look that that stream got more views than.
01:49:03 Almost any Infowars stream, I think Alex Jones was saying that it was second only to like the one that Trump was on or something like that.
01:49:12 And so a lot of people did ******* watch that.
01:49:15 I would imagine a lot.
01:49:16 Of those, people were young.
01:49:18 And a lot of those people or still forming their worldview and they're still trying to understand the world and they just watched it for pure entertainment.
01:49:27 And they just watched someone who's way more famous than they'll ever be and has way more clout than they'll ever have.
01:49:34 And that matters to these people.
01:49:35 It matters.
01:49:37 And they just saw him with No Fear in his voice whatsoever.
01:49:41 Say that the Nazis were cool and that he liked Hitler and that the Holocaust didn't happen.
01:49:50 That's going to leave a mark on.
01:49:51 Those soft little mines.
01:49:53 That's going to leave a mark.
01:49:55 Now lots of them are going to just dismiss it as entertainment and they're not very deep thinkers and whatever, a lot of them are going to think they're going to see the reaction that the adults are having to they're going to see the, the the huffing and puffing that's going on, that's, you know, brought to you by the ADL that's going on in the in the mainstream media.
01:50:14 And those few of the zoomers because a lot of zoomers I feel like are are way more compliant than than previous generations, but those zoomers that aren't.
01:50:24 Those zoomers who are in classrooms will have ******** and diversity and all this other ******** are going to watch that and and mimic it.
01:50:33 That's what kids do.
01:50:35 Kids copy things you do.
01:50:40 Especially the ones that don't have a whole lot of.
01:50:45 Positive role models in their life.
01:50:48 And I'm I'm trying to think of.
01:50:50 Like where is the where?
01:50:51 Are the positive role models for young.
01:50:52 People these days like.
01:50:54 Desmond is amazing.
01:50:55 I mean, give me a ******* break.
01:50:59 I suspect this is going to have not an impact now.
01:51:06 But it's going to have an impact later.
01:51:10 It's definitely.
01:51:14 And even if it doesn't.
01:51:17 It was still funny as **** to watch Alex.
01:51:21 Be the be the the guy that's.
01:51:25 Almost like an inversion of what he the character he plays.
01:51:30 Like usually when when he's on another string, it's the person the the person hosting the string.
01:51:37 That's like trying to get him on track and trying to pull him back into the center and all this other stuff while he's going off about potbelly goblins and all this.
01:51:45 Other ****, right?
01:51:48 And watch him.
01:51:49 Just try like struggling.
01:51:50 Struggling to like.
01:51:53 Keep the stream.
01:51:56 Coherent was uh.
01:51:59 Was entertaining as ****.
01:52:01 I thought it was funny.
01:52:04 Ryan is cool.
01:52:06 Part 2.
01:52:07 Invest with insurance because it isn't taxable and you don't have to wait until retirement age to use it well.
01:52:15 I don't know anything about that, so maybe that's good advice.
01:52:18 Maybe it's bad.
Speaker 25
01:52:20 I don't know.Devon
01:52:23 And that and and you who?01:52:26 Didn't that blow your mind for like?
01:52:27 A like a a split second like.
01:52:31 I watched it.
01:52:34 And I I'm not often speechless.
01:52:38 I'm not off.
01:52:39 Often just in a state of just like.
01:52:43 You know, especially these days, right?
01:52:44 Like, I feel like we've seen everything there is to see, but then something like that happens that, you know, next thing you know, Kanye West wearing a GIMP mask.
01:52:54 On Infowars pulls out a fishnet and a yoho and starts doing cartoon voice, and you're just like.
01:53:01 What universe is this?
01:53:03 What universe am I in?
01:53:06 So anyway, finally caught one of the law.
01:53:08 One finally caught one like live live.
01:53:14 OK, for once.
01:53:15 Reaching peak clown world was indeed a very funny experience.
01:53:19 The apocalypse is a fitting title for the days to come.
01:53:23 Yes, it is.
01:53:24 Yes it is.
01:53:27 Oh, we got some *** **** money.
01:53:29 Take your red exit pill.
01:53:33 *** **** money 200.
01:53:34 Dollars man, I got.
01:53:35 I wish I had.
01:53:36 Something to play here.
01:53:39 I don't have anything to play.
01:53:41 Oh, you know what I do?
01:53:46 I do.
Speaker 35
01:53:49 When they say.Devon
01:53:51 I have this this to play.01:53:54 Let me see.
Speaker 25
01:53:59 That's the wrong.01:54:00 That's the wrong folder.
01:54:05 Here we go.Speaker 4
01:54:06 Zig, zig, zig, zig, zig, zig, zig.Devon
01:54:18 There we go.01:54:19 That works, right?
01:54:23 Reimbursing for your computer fund.
01:54:25 I do look forward to these strings so it's not a problem on my end.
01:54:29 Just keep them going.
01:54:30 Well, I really appreciate that and that really helps.
01:54:34 That really helps.
01:54:36 Yeah, that computer.
01:54:38 I got a decent one.
01:54:40 I was going.
01:54:40 To go a little cheap on it, and I did go a little cheap on it, but I I found a good deal.
01:54:47 Like, thankfully, like the I missed Cyber, I should have.
01:54:50 I forgot I forgot that Cyber Monday was like a thing.
01:54:52 But I I got some leftovers from Cyber Monday and did OK but.
01:54:58 I really appreciate that.
01:55:02 It's weird how the pinnacle of edgy for boys is stuff like you have to wait.
01:55:09 To get older to watch that, it's basically just women doing drugs and being sadistic while lying and stealing, while the MK ultra your mind with the quick sound bites and quick music.
01:55:23 Wait, I'm not sure what you're saying there.
01:55:24 It's weird how the pinnacle of edgy for boys is stuff like.
01:55:29 You have to wait to get older to watch that.
01:55:35 I don't know what you're.
01:55:35 I don't I.
01:55:36 Don't know what you mean exactly.
01:55:39 UM.
01:55:41 I'll tell you what my parents.
01:55:44 I wasn't allowed to watch anything rated R.
01:55:47 And they would.
01:55:48 Here's what I didn't understand.
01:55:50 They I remember, like, for example, they played the movie.
01:55:53 Big for us.
01:55:55 Like me and my my sisters and.
01:55:58 And my brother.
01:56:00 And when it got to the scene where they ****, I mean it's.
01:56:05 They ****.
01:56:06 She ***** a kid in the movie.
01:56:09 Like everyone thinks of the movie, Big is like this wholesome little movie, but she ***** a kid in the movie.
01:56:17 And I remember my parents.
01:56:20 We're waiting, like, because they'd watched it first.
01:56:22 Because that's what they would do if they didn't know about a movie.
01:56:25 They'd watch it in, you know, in their room at night, and then they would let us watch it.
01:56:31 But they're waiting for that part.
01:56:33 They could Fast forward it.
01:56:35 And I remember thinking like.
01:56:38 Oh, you know, I wonder what that is.
01:56:39 That must be.
01:56:40 And I was so young I wouldn't have understood that scene anyway, because they don't obviously don't show it right.
01:56:45 It wouldn't.
01:56:45 I would have gone.
01:56:46 Over my head.
01:56:47 But it's like if you're having a Fast forward through kid *******.
01:56:52 Maybe, maybe, maybe.
01:56:54 Don't show the movie to your kids.
01:56:57 I don't know.
01:56:58 Maybe the whole movie is not that.
01:57:01 If there's kid ******* in it, I don't know.
01:57:03 Just, just just a thought.
Speaker 9
01:57:07 You know.Devon
01:57:08 Jay Ray, 1980 one $10 if you if only you, Devin could be Kanye's advisor. If so, what would you suggest? I don't know.01:57:21 I don't know like at.
01:57:22 This point you mean now?
01:57:24 Like I said, how do you?
01:57:25 Where do you go from there?
01:57:27 Where do you go from that Infowars stream?
01:57:29 I almost feel like you kind of have to do nothing for a little bit or people are going to get you're going to burn out too fast.
01:57:35 And I think people are already kind of getting tired of hearing about Kanye, you know, so it's.
01:57:43 You know, where do you go?
01:57:44 From there.
01:57:46 Especially if you plan on and I I don't know how realistic this is, or I mean I don't like it.
01:57:51 Look, he's not going to be President, obviously, but I don't know how realistic or how serious they are.
01:57:59 I guess the better word.
01:58:01 I don't know how serious they are about actually running a campaign.
01:58:05 And if it's, it's to me, it's.
01:58:08 Clearly a meme campaign, right?
01:58:11 So if they're going to do a meme campaign.
01:58:14 UM.
01:58:17 You know, I don't I I just I.
01:58:21 I me personally, I would.
01:58:22 Just tell him to lay low for like.
01:58:23 A little bit.
01:58:24 Let it let it.
01:58:25 Cool off and then.
01:58:27 Again, like I, I don't know where you.
01:58:29 Go from there.
01:58:30 I would say.
01:58:34 One thing I guess one thing that that does that, that he could easily do now and this would actually work with what I'm saying is just not be the one that's talking the entire time because yeah, he's entertaining.
01:58:48 In his way.
01:58:50 But there's so many missed opportunities, you know, so many, so many areas where Nick was about to explain something in a in an, in an intelligible way where he got cut off and was unable to finish what I think would be like a crucial.
01:59:09 Piece of the puzzle for a lot of people listening and and so I would have just.
01:59:15 My suggestion would be to like just don't do as much of the talking as you do, but you know, I don't think you can do that with Kanye.
01:59:22 If I've been his advisor since.
01:59:24 The beginning I probably would, I don't know.
01:59:26 I don't.
Speaker 9
01:59:28 I don't know.Devon
01:59:29 He's he's a.01:59:31 I I I.
01:59:32 Get the impression it would be difficult to work with them.
01:59:38 Because you'd have to constantly be feeding into the narcissism part of his brain.
01:59:43 You would just have to, I think, in order to to be.
01:59:46 Allowed to work with him, so even as an advisory role, you'd have to be constantly jerking him off and telling him how smart and cool he was all the time.
01:59:55 And I did I.
01:59:56 Couldn't do that.
01:59:57 I couldn't just I.
01:59:58 Couldn't do that.
02:00:02 Max with an odyssey ******* on YouTube icon.
02:00:07 Zero. I wish I had a Nazi doctor with with, with Clayson 44 Clyde. I mean, look, Clyde, on 44 the Nazi guy at the end drank like an entire vial of it. And it just.
02:00:20 Barely killed him.
02:00:22 You can probably brush your teeth with that clothes on for.
02:00:24 It probably cures COVID.
02:00:27 That's the that's the real cure. It's like horse paste. We need slides on 44.
02:00:31 J Ray 1981.
02:00:33 If you're not gay, you're racist and they killed Jesus. Our great T-shirts, great T-shirt ideas. If you're not gay, you're racist.
02:00:47 UM.
02:00:50 How about if you're not racist?
02:00:51 You're gay.
02:00:58 But you know, OK, I do have to get I.
02:01:00 Have to make.
02:01:01 New T-shirts I haven't updated those at all.
02:01:05 Skippy, oh $14.00. White lives matter. Nor Cal has been distributing Flyers for defiant and hung a banner telling people to watch defiant.
02:01:19 There is a link to the highlights.
02:01:22 Thanks for all you do.
02:01:23 Well, that's actually pretty ******.
Speaker 9
02:01:26 Let me uh.Devon
02:01:29 We'll take a look at that.02:01:32 I forgot that keyboard is not hooked up.
Speaker 25
02:01:34 Or working.Speaker 32
02:01:39 OK.Devon
02:01:43 Sorry, I'm like dealing with laptops.02:01:45 You know monitor space.
02:01:48 With almost no remaining memory, so it's kind of.
02:01:54 Everything is slow.
Speaker 36
02:02:01 This is where those disturbing.Devon
02:02:05 Oh yeah, this gap videos I think I can just save it right?02:02:15 Alright, going to play this.
02:02:21 That's something convenient about gab videos.
02:02:23 You can just right click and save it.
02:02:25 You know they're doing stupid.
Speaker 14
02:02:41 Here we go.Devon
02:02:43 I got. I got to make this real small. That movie was in standard def, so my project files is 640 by 480.Speaker 36
02:02:51 Disturbing banners were displayed right on this pedestrian walkway in the heart of Walnut Creek.Speaker 31
02:02:52 That's where the white boys there take me to the place where the.Speaker 36
02:02:57 Tonight's city leaders are strongly condemning it.Speaker 37
02:03:01 It was like.02:03:02 A gut punch to turn the corner and.
Speaker 36
02:03:04 See that my upper gutter describes.Devon
02:03:04 Holy ****, you guys like straight?02:03:07 Up. Call me up, that's.
02:03:12 Wow man, that's awesome.
02:03:16 That's pretty cool.
02:03:18 I didn't know this happened.
02:03:21 That's pretty ******* cool.
02:03:26 I appreciate that.
02:03:28 That's how's that for?
02:03:31 Viral marketing, huh?
Speaker 7
02:03:34 Look at that.Devon
02:03:37 I I'm I'm.02:03:40 I'm a little.
02:03:40 I'm a little choked up.
02:03:41 That's actually pretty cool.
02:03:42 That's pretty cool.
02:03:48 That's pretty cool.
Speaker 36
02:03:49 Tonight, City leaders are strongly condemning it.Speaker 37
02:03:52 It was like a.02:03:53 Gut punch to turn the corner and.
Speaker 36
02:03:55 See that Maya Forgetta describes how she felt seeing the pedestrian overpass near her home covered in banners with disturbing messages Saturday afternoon.Speaker 37
02:04:05 They had slogans like.02:04:07 It's OK to be pro white and white lives.
02:04:09 Matter they had.
02:04:12 Signs encouraging people to go look up videos that went to Holocaust denial and racist videos and.
02:04:20 It was very disturbing.
Speaker 36
02:04:21 For Guetta, who is Filipina, and.02:04:23 You says she was so disturbed, she posted her concerns and a photo on social media.
02:04:30 We've blurred out those hurtful messages, but they definitely caught the attention of a lot of folks.
Speaker 22
02:04:36 So when I was driving home, I saw a sign across the top of the bridge that said it is OK to be.02:04:41 Pro White thought it was really abrasive sign.
02:04:45 It's not something we really expect here in Walnut Creek.
Speaker 38
02:04:47 It's that we've seen draw from other Bay Area communities.Speaker 36
02:04:50 Just a few weeks ago, City Councilman Kevin Wilkes publicly condemned the discovery of anti-Semitic leaflets discovered in neighborhoods on the border of walnut.Speaker 31
02:04:59 Right.Speaker 36
02:05:00 Creek and conquered.02:05:02 He's equally outraged about the banners.
Speaker 38
02:05:05 But it's the exact same type of things that we've seen from the Nazis.02:05:09 These are today's Nazis.
Speaker 36
02:05:10 The mayor says police are investigating the case.Speaker 33
02:05:13 This type of messaging is not welcome in Walnut Creek Walnut Creek.02:05:19 Doesn't tolerate hate speech or hate messaging of any kind.
02:05:25 It is not who we are as.
02:05:26 A community.
Speaker 38
02:05:27 It's absolutely a hate crime.02:05:29 These are the kind of things that hate crime was made for because even freedom of speech has limitations.
Speaker 36
02:05:34 In Walnut Creek, Jodi Hernandez, NBC Bay Area.Speaker
02:05:39 That's it.Speaker 25
02:05:42 Just tell me.02:05:48 Chase somebody.
Speaker 31
02:05:52 The place where.02:05:56 Take me to the place where they run.
02:06:05 Just take me to the place where the.
02:06:06 White boy standing.
02:06:36 It's the.
Speaker 36
02:06:41 Just from the listing.Speaker 31
02:06:46 Place for the white.02:06:48 Horse to take me to the place.
02:07:00 For the white board.
02:07:09 My mic where guys my mic stopped alright.02:07:12 Is this the?
02:07:12 Right.
02:07:13 Yeah, that's right one.
02:07:15 That's pretty cool.
02:07:16 That's pretty cool.
02:07:19 Nice drone shot there. See, that's what drones are good for. Not dropping flies on 44 and an 8 hour and this ******* ***** right here. They were like saying that it's OK to be pro white. Oh, my God. That's like, terrible.
02:07:37 **** you.
02:07:41 Like that *****.
02:07:45 Very cool.
02:07:47 And this ******* guy too.
02:07:48 **** that guy.
02:07:55 Good job, good job.
02:07:57 I feel like I should super chat you.
02:08:01 Good job tennis, nuts, $1.00. I missed your reviews on movies like Bird Box. Well, hopefully, like the one on on ADL's Apocalypse Watch.
02:08:14 That was master level film review.
02:08:16 These new movies seem.
02:08:17 Too easy, I know.
02:08:18 There's only so many.
02:08:19 I guess The thing is.
02:08:20 Like if well part of it's, let me get my computer fixed that that's that's a huge.
02:08:29 Problem in terms of producing those videos.
02:08:34 I know the point is that media had was always degenerate.
02:08:37 And like I said, once I.
02:08:38 Get my I'll have all my hard drives back online.
02:08:41 I'll have the ability to edit stuff, editing stuff on on this laptop is a pain in my *** and everything takes forever to render and it's all choppy when I try to play it back.
02:08:50 Live and everything else.
02:08:53 But yeah, absolutely.
02:08:54 There's still a lot to go through, a lot to go through.
02:08:57 But a lot of it too.
02:08:59 We had, we had a lot of those documentaries to go through too, and so I think.
02:09:02 That that was.
02:09:03 A good that was a good off ramp to take for a little.
02:09:05 While go on and talk about like the.
02:09:08 The Holocaust stuff and the well, just all the other the the, the pro white stuff that was going on in the 80s and 90s and kind of how that went and what mistakes they made and what they did right and that sort of thing.
02:09:21 UM.
02:09:23 But yeah, there's there's plenty of movies that we'll be doing in the future.
02:09:28 Billy Fighter $5 appreciate that any chance you might make 5 to 10 minute videos waking people up on the JQ and watching you from the start and you were a big part of my awakening.
02:09:39 Also, what's your thoughts on posting Flyers IRL to wake people up?
02:09:44 Any ideas on what works?
02:09:46 I just think yeah, yeah, that's that.
02:09:48 Works just be just be aesthetic about.
02:09:52 You know, just be like you're marketing.
02:09:55 I guess that's something that a lot of people don't understand.
02:09:58 And I think that what we just watched was fine, you know, but that's that's kind of what I'm talking about is if you're.
02:10:05 Going to be doing.
02:10:07 You know the mistakes that we saw Speaking of the the 80s and 90s Pro white people that a lot of the Flyers and stuff that they were putting out because there was no Internet and that was pretty much all they had access to.
02:10:17 You look at their Flyers and it's like they and.
02:10:19 ****. Maybe ADL did.
02:10:20 Make some of them.
02:10:22 They were just so poorly put together they looked.
02:10:24 They looked.
02:10:26 They just.
02:10:26 They looked ugly.
02:10:28 They looked ugly.
02:10:29 And if you're trying to sell a product, you're going to catch more flies with honey.
02:10:35 You know you have to have a look.
02:10:37 A lot of people that are into this stuff just don't have that kind of an eye.
02:10:43 But or remember, they just don't take the time to research design designs.
02:10:49 Not there is a science to it.
02:10:50 There's a science to it.
02:10:52 And there now that you have the Internet, there's easy ways.
02:10:57 Look, I'll tell you.
02:10:58 What if nothing else?
02:11:01 Find Flyers or or designs or marketing that you do like that you like, that that you think are are, are put together well and and and make you want to buy their product or whatever.
02:11:15 And just copy them.
02:11:17 There's nothing wrong with that until you get good, but that's the I think that's the key thing is trying to ease people into some of this stuff and and and positivity trying to be I I know it's it's a dark subject and I know we're not always sunshine and rainbows here on the stream, but if you're trying to talk to the average person and and sell them on this.
02:11:40 I think try to try to have a positive spin.
02:11:42 In some ways you know, don't bust out like the happy merchant means and stuff like that right off the bat.
02:11:49 Yeah, things like that.
02:11:52 But yeah, that IRL stuff can always work.
02:11:57 UM damn Bigfoot $5 Nick did.
02:12:02 Nick did what I thought he wouldn't do by quoting the Talmud.
02:12:06 Media can say whatever they they can't refute fact or whatever they want, but they can't refute facts about Jewish religious sources.
02:12:16 Well, and that's the thing too.
02:12:17 Alex got really uncomfortable when, when?
02:12:20 And that's that's one of the instances where I'm saying that, you know, it's a shame Nick got cut.
02:12:25 Because he did start to really lay down some facts that in a in a intelligible way.
02:12:32 And then I don't know if it was Alex that cut him off or, you know, Kanye started talking about.
02:12:39 Something random.
02:12:42 But yeah, he got he got a lot out, but he really didn't get to get into the meat and potatoes of it.
02:12:48 He just really kind of.
02:12:51 It was like chapter one of the whole book.
02:12:53 He should not that you know, I mean the **** the stream was so long.
02:12:56 It's a shame he didn't get to.
02:12:57 Go way more into it.
02:13:01 Tennis nuts. A tweet on at Reverend Warnock's Twitter account. Once read the meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others.
02:13:20 We are able to save ourselves, he claims to be Baptist.
02:13:24 I think he's so evil.
02:13:27 I don't know who Reverend Warnock is.
02:13:31 But yeah, there's a almost every organized religion in America is super cooked and doing the.
02:13:39 I think for monetary reasons.
02:13:42 Are basically doing the.
02:13:45 Oh yeah.
02:13:46 Like I'm going to try to cater to everyone.
02:13:48 Because it's marketing for them.
02:13:53 Son of Amalek, $25 very generous. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, are any thoughts on the rise of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement here in America?
02:14:02 Blacks who believe that they are the real Jews seems like it could be used as more fuel for anti white hatred for some, but also can be used.
02:14:11 As a white neutral movement against Jews, like with yeah.
02:14:17 I don't know that it's actually rising so much as like.
02:14:23 I think that black people.
02:14:26 Because of their lack of a positive origin story, their lack of of historical achievements, quite frankly that they they like to LARP.
02:14:40 You know, it's like they remember it wasn't that long ago that, oh.
02:14:45 We were the Egyptians, we was kings.
02:14:46 We were the Pharaohs, you know.
02:14:48 Well, now they're the Jews, you know, which is the exact opposite of what they, you know, they're saying they were just a.
02:14:53 To go first, they're they're they're the Pharaohs.
02:14:56 Now they're the slaves of the Pharaohs.
02:14:57 It's like, you know, they're just looking for something.
02:15:01 They're looking for something and I just think black people do this.
02:15:05 Look in the 80s, it was some other ****, right?
02:15:07 Like it was the Kwanzaa crap.
02:15:09 And you know.
02:15:09 All that stuff and.
02:15:10 And so I just think.
02:15:11 This is the if it even is.
02:15:14 It's the passing fad.
02:15:16 Of the.
02:15:18 The the store the the real our.
02:15:20 Real history because they're.
02:15:22 Their real history is not that great.
02:15:24 So they have to be like.
Speaker 12
02:15:25 Well, actually our real history is this.Devon
02:15:28 Because they don't have a, you know.02:15:31 History at all.
02:15:33 And psychologically, I don't know what that.
02:15:36 Does to you because you know what?
02:15:39 It's like when they say we want to understand, you know, you're not black and a lot.
02:15:44 Of white people like to scoff at that notion, but it's like it's true.
02:15:48 You don't know what it's like.
02:15:49 You know, there's there's.
02:15:52 That's got to affect you, right?
02:15:54 Growing up knowing that.
02:15:56 I mean because when I grew up.
02:15:57 In this country, I grew up with the knowledge that my family helped.
02:16:02 Build what was all the impressive things that were around me.
02:16:05 And there were responsible for a lot of the culture.
02:16:09 And you know, the the positive things, you know, obviously some of the negative things too.
02:16:12 But you look at that, that there was some pride because.
02:16:16 I felt like my genealogy contributed greatly to all the things around me and.
02:16:24 That affected how I viewed what my capabilities were and my place in society.
02:16:30 And everything else.
02:16:31 And I can't imagine what it's like to grow up knowing that like you're here because.
02:16:37 You were a slave, not you.
02:16:39 But you know, in your genealogy is is.
02:16:42 You were so primitive that it was easy to just round you up and.
02:16:46 Put you in.
02:16:46 A field and.
02:16:48 You know what I mean?
02:16:49 Like I.
02:16:49 Don't know how that what?
02:16:52 How's that going to affect how you see yourself?
02:16:56 And then stack on top of that, the IQ difference between you and.
02:17:01 The majority of the people.
02:17:03 In in the society and it's like.
02:17:08 You know, so I just think.
02:17:11 That's why I think that's why they.
02:17:14 They start looking at these weird.
02:17:18 You know, that's why there's there's literal black people.
02:17:21 There's there are black people who actually think, well, Conda is real.
02:17:26 You know that there was some kind of futuristic black flying pyramid society in Africa until the whites.
02:17:34 Destroyed it.
02:17:35 The white devil destroyed it.
02:17:36 And then, you know, hid their history from them.
02:17:39 Know that kind of.
02:17:39 A thing?Devon
02:17:42 I don't know if it's gonna make.02:17:43 I don't think it's gonna make him hate white.
02:17:44 People more, though honestly, I think it'll just add some friction between black people and Jews for.
02:17:49 A little bit until they.
02:17:51 Until they go into their next delusion.
02:17:56 Are there any movies where you were rooting?
02:17:59 For the bad guys.
02:18:01 For me it was Star Wars, even as a.
02:18:03 Kid, I rooted for the empire.
02:18:07 Uh, the movie we just watched, maybe.
02:18:14 No, I don't.
02:18:15 I don't know.
02:18:19 I mean, there are.
02:18:20 I just.
02:18:21 Can't think of 1.
02:18:22 I can't think of one right now.
02:18:24 But I know that I.
02:18:25 Mean there's there are movies where the the main characters are so.
02:18:30 Unrelatable and insufferable.
02:18:32 You want the baddies to kill them?
02:18:37 Cringe Panda $5 Dev and I would love to see you either do or I would love to see you do either Pixar's Gay Luca.
02:18:52 I really don't want to watch that, but maybe, yeah, maybe.
02:18:55 I mean, I watched the *******.
02:18:58 The the, the the period.
02:19:00 One I can watch the gay one.
02:19:02 Or Disney's new gay strange world, by the way, did you watch my video about the whole cartoons? But yeah, please do Luca, for the sake of my generation.
02:19:16 I'll have to maybe take a look at that.
02:19:19 I haven't seen any.
02:19:20 You know it it it really is a shame too.
02:19:22 I used to want it.
02:19:23 That was.
02:19:23 The kind of industry I wanted to go into.
02:19:26 And you know that was that to me that was like top tier 3D modeling and rendering all that stuff, right, obviously because that's the they're the big.
02:19:33 Money companies until.
02:19:34 I found out how those operations actually work and how it's just basically slave labor.
02:19:40 But before that I used.
02:19:43 To watch all, even the.
02:19:44 Ones that I didn't like or you?
02:19:45 Know the ones for kids.
02:19:47 So I could see it that you know what?
02:19:48 The technique how the technology was changing the techniques.
02:19:51 Were changing and.
02:19:52 Stuff like that.
02:19:53 And I just stopped because they all turned super gay.
02:19:56 Like, but yeah, I'll, I'll take a.
02:19:59 Look at that.
02:20:00 I have not seen.
02:20:01 Your your cartoon one, but I'll take a look at that.
02:20:04 I'll take a look at that.
02:20:06 UM.
02:20:07 I did take a look at I I started catching up on.
02:20:10 Some of my DM's, by the way, on Gab.
02:20:14 Finally, I know it's a long list, so if I'm going back to you that I'll probably get back to you at some point.
02:20:20 And I did check out one of the links you sent me.
Speaker 35
02:20:24 UM.Devon
02:20:26 What was it called?02:20:28 The messianic panic, or something like that.
02:20:31 And I did watch.
02:20:34 Most of it.
02:20:36 And that kind of fits in honestly that.
02:20:38 Might even be.
02:20:38 Worth talking about in a future stream because it kind of.
02:20:41 In a weird way.
02:20:43 In a weird way, it kind of fits into what's going on with this Christian nationalism stuff in a in a way, in a way.
02:20:51 But anyway, yeah.
02:20:52 I'll take a look.
02:20:52 I'll check your.
02:20:54 Iron Pilled enjoyed some or enjoyed some frosted mugs of Riggs.
02:21:01 Tonight neglected the toast you didn't have a draft frosted.
02:21:05 Mug on me.
02:21:06 Well, I appreciate that.
02:21:08 I don't know what Riggs is.
02:21:12 I'm assuming that's a beer.
02:21:14 Did you drink it in a Stein?
02:21:18 I'll look up Briggs Beer.
02:21:19 Why not?
02:21:24 Type on a keyboard that's not plugged in.
Speaker 12
02:21:28 That's brilliant, Riggs beer.Devon
02:21:36 Yeah, I'm not familiar with this.02:21:41 But uh.
02:21:43 Very tasty I guess, hopefully.
02:21:48 Teha *** **** money.
02:22:07 This is for your computer Piggy Bank.
02:22:09 Well, I appreciate that.
02:22:14 That's very generous of you.
02:22:17 Thank you Teja.
02:22:19 That pays for.
02:22:21 I don't know.
02:22:22 Part of the motherboard I guess.
02:22:26 I kind of wish it.
Speaker 33
02:22:26 Could be like you know, you go to those parks.Devon
02:22:29 And on the.02:22:30 The walkways and the park, you know, they got the bricks because, like, oh, if you give $100 for the park, we'll give you a brick with.
02:22:37 Your name on it or whatever.
02:22:38 There's there's a way I can.
02:22:39 Deal with my computer just.
02:22:40 Put your guys's names on like. Oh, your name.
02:22:43 Goes on the the I don't know the the.
02:22:48 The GPU or something?
02:22:52 Your name goes on the SATA controller.
02:22:54 Alright, fewer from Persona 2.
02:22:59 What are the specs?
02:23:00 G CPU, GPU, et cetera for that new PC are getting?
02:23:03 I joined late so it's nothing fast.
02:23:06 I'd have to look it up.
02:23:07 I forget what I mean.
02:23:08 It's I got.
02:23:09 I went Intel just because I you know the software that I use works better with Intel and NVIDIA.
02:23:16 And so I went with Intel and I went to the the benchmark website and it was.
02:23:24 I'm trying to remember how many cores it is.
02:23:27 It's not a fancy, it's not as fancy as I.
02:23:29 Ago, but it was like OK, so I've got an old.
02:23:40 When I forget the model number and it's I I got like a dual 12 cores zeons in this motherboard but one of them died when when the lightning or when the power surge blew up the first motherboard before the Lightning.
Speaker 38
02:23:54 Blew up the other one.Devon
02:23:56 The one of the processors did.02:23:59 And so I've been running off 12 cores on that machine, which was fine.
02:24:02 I mean that was good and 12 cores.
02:24:04 So 24 threads. You know what I mean? And unless I was doing tons of 3D rendering, it didn't really matter.
02:24:10 Sorry wasn't.Devon
02:24:11 And it's it. The clock speeds pretty low. It was like I think it's like 2.6 gigahertz, but it had like a ton of cash.02:24:19 Jam on the chip and it still it still held its own.
02:24:24 You look at how it it stands up to even the new processors on center bench and all these other things.
02:24:31 It still was like a little little slow and single processor scores.
02:24:37 But you know, it had 12 cores.
02:24:39 What I got?
02:24:40 Destroys it on single processor mode and is within striking distance of the the multi core mode.
02:24:51 But I don't remember the exact I'd have.
02:24:54 I'd have to look.
02:24:54 It up and then I'm just going to pull my ram from this machine because I know it's still good.
02:25:00 I got so I'll steal my ram and then the, you know, like I said, I think it's an RTX 3080 video card. And then it was, it was a bare bones.
02:25:13 So it came with.
02:25:16 I think it's just.
02:25:17 Some ****** GB.
02:25:18 Motherboard or something?
02:25:19 I don't really, but it had it had the.
02:25:24 M2 slot so you can have like the you know like the stick of the SD the the little SD card that you boot to. That's really.
02:25:33 Fast. Which this?
02:25:34 This motherboard I have now has that too so.
02:25:37 I can't, you know, cause it may be like a Windows installation nightmare.
02:25:41 If I just swapped it into the new hardware, but I might try that just to see if I can get it to work.
02:25:47 But yeah, I mean it's it'll it'll do the trick.
02:25:49 It'll be it'll be for most things that I do.
02:25:52 Two, so single core mode it will be like twice as fast as this one honestly, because I don't think OBS is using multiple cores.
02:26:00 Very few believe it or not, most software does not use multiple cores.
02:26:05 That that was the frustrating thing about having all those cores is you open up your system or performance window or whatever and it shows like you know what each core is doing.
02:26:17 99% of the time it almost unless you are rendering in 3D.
02:26:22 All the all the other cores were doing nothing.
02:26:25 Because just you have the right software specifically to take advantage of that, and most people don't.
02:26:30 So for most things that I'll be doing.
02:26:33 And that, by the way.
02:26:34 Even goes for like after effects **** that you would think that should take advantage of multiple cores.
02:26:39 To some extent, sometimes does, but not even as efficiently.
02:26:44 It, you know, really never takes advantage of the of the power that I had in this thing anyway, so.
02:26:49 Most of the time it will actually be.
02:26:51 Kind of faster than this thing, which was a beast.
02:26:55 So it'll be good.
02:26:56 I'll be able to do.
02:26:57 I'll be able to render using.
02:27:00 The the ray tracing stuff, the whatchamacallit.
02:27:08 I forget the the third party.
02:27:09 Renderer that I was using that that.
02:27:13 I mean, it blows, it blows away the the built in cinema 4D renderer.
02:27:17 It's the render I was using for.
02:27:18 A lot of the the cooler animations I was doing when I was on YouTube, but that was last time I was really using this machine because then I you know, I had the power surge and then.
02:27:27 Like it got struck by lightning.
02:27:28 And it's just, it's been a nightmare, this ******* computer.
02:27:32 So I'll be back in business and able to do a.
02:27:35 Lot of cool stuff with it.
02:27:39 Jerry Ray, 1981. But yay, is Sheen, but yay is Sheen.
02:27:47 But Pro Jesus does God not use folks as a vessel, as they say.
02:27:53 I don't know.
02:27:54 I don't know.
02:27:55 Well, it it remains to be seen.
02:27:58 I'll tell you what.
02:28:00 If someone's using yay as a vessel.
02:28:03 I don't think it's God.
02:28:09 But it could be Milo.
02:28:14 Who knows?
02:28:15 Who knows?
02:28:15 I don't know.
02:28:16 We'll we'll see how this all unfolds.
02:28:18 But you know, there's definitely people.
02:28:21 Using them, I'll put it that way.
02:28:26 If Kanye was serious, he'd have had someone like Ryan Dawson instead of Nick.
02:28:31 Yet Alex Jones seems to be the connector of the whole thing.
02:28:36 So what else is there to expect?
02:28:38 Yeah, you know, I don't think.
02:28:40 He I'm surprised that.
02:28:43 What weirded me out was the fact that Laurel Loomer was calling Kanye's fault like she had his number, was like calling his phone.
02:28:51 I mean, yeah, obviously cloud chasing and all that, but like it was.
02:28:54 Just weird that.
02:29:00 There's. Yeah, you guys get.
02:29:03 Butcher bird. Kanye West is the Tila Tequila 2.0. Check out her white power video on YouTube. The Bride of Christ is the s s officer in charge of heavens army. I'm loving the clown show. Thank you, Sir, for the map of guidance through this madness.
02:29:22 And Merry Christmas.
02:29:23 Never say happy holidays.
02:29:25 Yeah, I forgot what Tila tequila.
02:29:27 I remember.
02:29:27 She kind of went nuts.
02:29:31 Really got into the.
02:29:32 Pizza gate stuff, I think at some point.
02:29:35 Or maybe it was Q.
02:29:37 Because I know that that she was making this really long, rambling videos that.
02:29:42 Didn't really make.
02:29:43 A whole lot of sense.
02:29:44 I someone made me watch one once because.
02:29:48 They thought there was something to it and I was just like, this is just like a crazy person, I'm pretty sure.
02:29:56 We're just more 1488. We'll know we're in real trouble when Terry Crews runs for POTUS. Ohh yeah. No, that's.
02:30:06 That's basically what's.
02:30:07 Happening right now.Devon
02:30:09 Williams $10 preciate that what do you think about the Balenciaga?02:30:13 Stuff going on.
02:30:15 I you know, I'm just not surprised.
02:30:17 I I.
02:30:18 Kind of just.
02:30:21 You know, I I was there with the pizza gate stuff and I pointed this stuff.
02:30:24 Out for years and years.
02:30:27 And look, I I feel like a lot of people as ****** ** as this sounds, but I think it's just that's the way it's going to happen.
02:30:35 People are just kind of they.
02:30:37 They get it now.
02:30:38 They just kind of it's almost just expected.
02:30:39 Well, of course, they're satanic pedophiles, you know, I mean, like, I kind of feel like people look at the the elites.
02:30:46 And just kind.
02:30:47 Of have accepted the fact that they're satanic pedophiles, so why wouldn't the the most elite?
02:30:56 Or one of the most elite.
02:30:58 Fashion name brands be catering to satanic pedophiles.
02:31:05 Right. Why wouldn't they?
02:31:07 When their customers are satanic pedophiles, right?
02:31:13 It's like I said earlier about.
02:31:14 The it's marketing, it's just.
02:31:17 It's, they know, their audience.
02:31:20 But yeah, I mean I.
02:31:21 Guess I guess, I guess it's.
02:31:22 Good that it?
02:31:24 It's making more people aware of it.
02:31:26 It's just for me.
02:31:26 It just wasn't that I was just, well, I was just like, yeah, well, no ****.
02:31:30 When I saw that stuff.
02:31:32 And a lot.
02:31:33 It's really ****** **.
02:31:34 I don't know if you guys.
02:31:35 Have seen like there's some of it's really bad.
02:31:40 Uhm, like I don't know if you guys saw the did I download that I might have downloaded it.
02:31:46 Let me look.
02:31:52 I keep hitting the.
02:31:53 I keep trying to use the.
02:31:54 Keyboard that's not hooked up.
02:31:57 Speaking of which, I didn't bring this up.
02:32:00 So according to Jake Tapper, this is a tweet from Jake Tapper.
02:32:07 Well, I'm looking for the other thing.
02:32:08 I'll pop this up.
02:32:18 When we asked former President Donald Trump about Kanye West, recent anti-Semitic comments, former President Trump had this. Had this to say, quote this this is Trump.
02:32:31 If I knew it was that bad, I would have put him out of his misery myself, right there on the spot.
02:32:45 There's another part, that's another possibility.
02:32:47 You got to think about when it comes to kanyang.
02:32:51 Is it it?
02:32:52 Should be more like how long until they.
Speaker 23
02:32:54 This is telepathic.Devon
02:32:55 They massaged him, you know.02:32:59 Oh, I forgot.
02:32:59 I downloaded a couple of those.
02:33:00 I was gonna play that.
02:33:01 I forgot to bring up.
02:33:03 Is this?
Speaker 36
02:33:04 This is what.02:33:04 Oh, that's that thing I just played.
02:33:07 OK, I didn't. I didn't.02:33:08 I didn't get that.
02:33:12 I'll tell I'll bring this up though.
02:33:14 Here's something to keep in mind.
02:33:20 You know, just keep it in.
02:33:21 Mind that Kanye West had a.
02:33:24 Glow in the dark tour.
02:33:31 No, I'm not saying that means anything.
02:33:33 I'm just saying, you know.
02:33:36 Yeah, that happened.
02:33:41 So you know, just keep that in mind.
02:33:51 I got one more thing we're going to we're going to talk about after Super Jets got.
02:33:57 I forgot to plant.
02:33:59 UM.
02:34:02 Tipsy McGregor you're my Devon love you long.
02:34:06 No ****.
02:34:07 Well, I appreciate it.
02:34:12 A disposable male, 1488. Appreciate that. Have you seen the movie solo or 1:20 or 120 days of Sodom or 100?
02:34:24 I don't know what that is.
02:34:26 No, I have not.
02:34:27 We seem to be living in that movie with all the ******** teaching women to be good ******.
02:34:33 Listening to ****** tell their life stories, dining on feces, satanic rituals, abject torture. It's all disconcerting. Dancing to the music style. What kind of movie is that if all that shit's in there?
02:34:45 Is it like a Brazilian movie?
02:34:46 Because that.
02:34:47 Would make sense.
02:34:51 Tell you what, I will.
02:34:52 I'll put that in my notes too.
02:34:53 That sounds horrifying.
02:34:58 OK.Devon
02:35:03 Tipsy Mic stagger return my ducks.02:35:06 I have.
02:35:08 I can't.
02:35:09 Oh, you gave me a link to it.
Speaker 35
02:35:13 Let me see.Devon
02:35:20 Let me see here.02:35:42 Well, wait, I'm waiting for slow computer.
02:35:50 Oh, why did that not come up?
02:36:11 All right.
02:36:15 Adam Green vindicated on Alex Jonesburg Muslims control the Federal Reserve.
02:36:19 Did he say that?
02:36:22 That Alex Jones saying Muslims control the Federal Reserve?
02:36:26 What a *******.
Speaker 12
02:36:27 Oh my God.Devon
02:36:33 Atticus Atlas, do you think that they want anti-Semitism to rise in the US? The the Jews become fearful of another Holocaust.02:36:42 It might compel Jews to move to the UK or move to Ukraine once it's built back better after the war with Russia as one Eastern European.
02:36:51 Jews could return to their previous homeland as conquering heroes.
02:36:57 Ah, well, I mean, there's a lot of assumptions there.
02:37:02 I I don't think.
02:37:03 That Jews want to leave where they are.
02:37:07 They have Israel.
02:37:08 They could have gone to Israel a long time ago.
02:37:10 Israel has been trying to get them to go there for a long time.
Speaker 7
02:37:14 We we want them.Devon
02:37:15 To go there and they won't go there.02:37:17 That was the whole point of letting them have Israel as we thought they were going to go there.
02:37:21 They're not going there.
02:37:24 So yeah, I just, I think we're stuck with them.
02:37:29 Until we're not.
02:37:30 Tipsy mix stagger our grocery store 110.
02:37:32 Percent volume do it.
02:37:34 No, I don't.
02:37:34 I don't have it.
02:37:36 I don't have it.
02:37:38 I don't have it on it like it's.
02:37:40 I mean, I have it on a drive.
02:37:42 It's not gone forever, but it's.
02:37:45 It's not on his laptop.
02:37:53 There, if you are, I haven't check out this video.
02:37:56 Yay supporters take to the streets to show support desk, right?
02:38:00 What a timeline.
02:38:06 I'm just going to let me just download the video.
02:38:14 I don't know.
02:38:15 This will let me just download the video.
02:38:27 It's not letting me download.
02:38:28 The video.Devon
02:38:29 Yeah, I can't play it it.02:38:30 Won't let me.
02:38:34 I have no easier way of.
02:38:35 Getting it.
02:38:37 But I will check that link later.
02:38:41 And put it mine.
02:38:44 Get a text message or text window.
02:38:52 I mean, I can play the audio.
Speaker 11
02:38:54 Because don't you feel good about that?Speaker 21
02:38:56 Why don't I feel good about what?Speaker 11
02:38:58 Both of them and Kyrie, what they got going on, right?Speaker 31
02:39:00 I'll talk mainly about Kanye.Speaker 11
02:39:02 What about Kyle saying you're half Jewish?Speaker 22
02:39:03 I'll have two wish, and he's praising.Speaker 7
02:39:07 And you praising Hitler, saying that Nazis are cool?Speaker 31
02:39:11 And saying the Holocaust.Speaker 11
02:39:18 Because Hitler was killing young people, right, Hitler?Speaker 10
02:39:20 Knew who the real Jews was.Speaker 11
02:39:22 Right.02:39:22 Hitler wasn't oppressing my people.
02:39:24 He was coming for.
02:39:25 Your next right.
Speaker 1
02:39:27 And let me get.Speaker 11
02:39:27 Let me give you a wake up call.02:39:28 Man, you're not a Jew.
02:39:30 You're not Jew, right?
02:39:31 You're the you're the seat of the.
02:39:32 Devil man, right?
Speaker 25
02:39:33 That's fine.Speaker 11
02:39:34 These brothers are all these patterns, Carrie, Carrie shaking things up.02:39:38 It's because it's a.
02:39:39 Great awakening happening.
02:39:40 Right.
02:39:41 Those are back on the.
Speaker 10
02:39:43 Streets and he said, called fake.Speaker 7
02:39:44 OK.Speaker 11
02:39:44 Jews who stole our identity are going to.02:39:46 Go into slavery.
02:39:49 Because you're not a Jew, right?
02:39:50 Did the Holocaust happen?Speaker 11
02:39:51 You are, esau.02:39:52 It did happen and we and.
02:39:54 We're glad that that happened, right?
Speaker 9
02:39:54 Did ohh God.Speaker 11
02:39:55 But that's it.02:39:56 Guess what happened as well?
02:39:57 Because because don't you feel good about that?
Speaker 21
02:39:59 Why don't I feel good about what?Speaker 11
02:40:01 Both of them and Kyrie, what they got going.Devon
02:40:04 Well, that's that's pretty direct.02:40:10 It is kind of funny a Jew discovering the.
02:40:13 The the the Black Hebrew Israelites.
02:40:16 That's always a fun experience watching that happen.
02:40:22 Uh. Let's see here.
02:40:29 Although I agree with these kids, they're just using Netflix and there's a ton of propaganda towards breaking up the family and not caring for your kids.
02:40:37 Where do they go from there?
02:40:42 Bring to the family and not caring for your kids.
02:40:45 Where do they go from there, let alone how many free websites are there so that they can watch shows where they depict edgy women?
02:40:53 Are supposed to be stronger.
02:40:59 I think you're having a hard time articulating yourself tonight.
02:41:03 Sometimes here.
02:41:05 All right.
02:41:08 There, there's a ton of propaganda.
02:41:10 Blah blah blah blah.
02:41:13 Where do they go from?
02:41:15 I don't.
02:41:15 Yeah, I'm not sure you're asking me.
02:41:18 Where do they go from here?
02:41:19 I mean, where does society?
02:41:20 Go from here.
02:41:21 I mean the pedo stops next, I mean.
02:41:24 The well, the pedo stops here, it's just the normal.
02:41:28 Here's the thing.
02:41:30 All these people freaking out about valenciaga or yeah, Balenciaga and the Peter stuff, messaging that's in their in their stuff.
02:41:40 Look at look at Christian content in the 90s.
02:41:44 They're basically doing the exact same stuff.
02:41:47 With gay ****.
02:41:49 Like they're saying.
02:41:50 Ohh look you know.
02:41:51 Look at this.
02:41:51 Ad there's they're sneaking in.
02:41:53 Little gay messages here.
02:41:54 Oh, look, they're pushing the gay ****.
02:41:56 And everyone's outraged and ****** ***.
02:41:59 But yet here we are now, now.
02:42:01 Now conservatives are gay, you know.
02:42:04 And I kind of feel like as much as it sounds, maybe unrealistic.
02:42:10 I kind of feel like the the pedophilia shift's going to go the same route, they'll push it and push it and push.
Speaker 38
02:42:16 OK.Devon
02:42:17 And you know, every once in a while.02:42:19 The people will will slap back like in this case.
02:42:23 And then they'll push it and push it and push it some more, and eventually it'll be normal, like everything.
02:42:27 Else has become normal.
02:42:31 ******** ****** for $1.00 and I don't have.
02:42:33 The ******** fagot thing.
02:42:37 How hard do you think?
02:42:39 Alex Zionist donor Alex Alex's Zionist donors and Alex himself crapped themselves during his rant. How accurate is this gab post.
02:42:52 Well, let me see what the grab host is.
Speaker 32
02:43:00 What's this game post?Devon
02:43:10 I can bring this up let.02:43:12 Me. Bring it up.
02:43:25 OK, so this says.
02:43:29 I would say Kanye at this point is something along the lines of a dumb.
02:43:33 Bomb to use the military jargon as opposed to a laser guided precision bomb, Kanye is just expending ordinance aimlessly but is causing real impact to the Jew system.
02:43:48 In that his verbal outburst, however impulsive and reckless.
02:43:53 Are drawing massive attention in exactly the direction that Jews don't want attention drawn, so my attitude is just stay out of his way, let him leash let I think, let him unleash everything he's got at whatever it lands on and exploit the effects of the damage once it's over.
02:44:13 But to some extent I could, I'd say that's accurate, but in this you could say the same thing would apply in terms.
02:44:20 Of collateral damage.
02:44:22 You know, or sometimes a lot of bombs like that don't hit their targets.
02:44:28 And blow up a school or something.
Speaker 12
02:44:30 But you didn't want.Devon
02:44:30 To blow up you.02:44:31 Know what I mean?
02:44:32 So that's that.
02:44:33 I guess the metaphor works, but you know it's all the more reason to.
02:44:39 To kind of justice be a little.
02:44:42 You know, be be ready for things to to not work out the way that people think.
02:44:49 That they they might work out.
02:44:52 Glock 23 Hitler was a genius who did many wonderful things, and the German people loved him for it.
02:44:59 Many books were written about the great achievements of Hitler, such as Hitler's Revolution, by Richard Teeter. Kanye has no clue about how great Hitler was.
02:45:08 Everything, everything people were told about.
02:45:11 Hitler is a lie.
02:45:13 Well, I don't think.
02:45:14 Kanye has ever read a book.
02:45:17 And I'm not being funny.
02:45:18 I don't.
02:45:19 I doubt he has read.
02:45:21 Like an actual book.
02:45:22 You know what?
02:45:23 I mean like, sure, he's read.
02:45:25 Pamphlets and magazines and you know, stuff like that.
02:45:28 I'm sure you can read.
02:45:30 We've seen them.
02:45:32 Read about as well as I read some of these hyper chats.
02:45:36 Butcher bird.
02:45:37 Kanye West is just.
02:45:39 Or I read that one.
02:45:41 Why is it back to that one?
02:45:45 Why did this?
02:45:47 Repeat a bunch of them here.
02:45:52 Well, that was weird.
02:45:59 I live a lift. The nemesis $25 is very generous. Appreciate that we're entering the Golden age of anti-Semitism, which will allow whites to generate culture once again.
02:46:11 Welcome to the zeitgeist.
02:46:12 Glad to have you as one of the color commentators for the end.
02:46:16 Of the world.
02:46:18 Congratulations on cementing yourself in history.
02:46:20 Devin White Lives Matter is growing nationwide.
02:46:24 Well, I appreciate that.
02:46:25 Yeah, I feel like I feel like all of us will have a legacy.
02:46:29 I mean, as much as this is kind of like a **** time to be alive.
02:46:33 It's also.
02:46:35 One of the least.
02:46:35 Boring times to be alive, you know.
02:46:38 And because of.
02:46:39 All the look and as things get crazier, it'll be more and more opportunities presenting themselves that, you know, opportunities that white people haven't had in generations and.
02:46:52 Yeah, it could also go in in a very bad way and and that where opportunities and options, you know dry up.
02:47:00 But for right now let's let's.
02:47:04 Let's keep our eyes peeled for that Black Swan event.
02:47:08 UM.
02:47:10 Gray State of Mind $25.00 is also very generous. Merry Christmas, Devin. Not sure if I'm going to catch any more strings before our folks for our folks.
02:47:21 Holy days.
02:47:22 Take care and hope you have some blessed days.
02:47:25 Well appreciate that, but no, I'm.
02:47:27 I'll be streaming.
02:47:30 I think I'm on Christmas, right?
02:47:33 Where's the?
02:47:36 Look at the what day of.
02:47:37 The week is Christmas on.
02:47:42 Well, Christmas Eve night.
02:47:43 I mean, I guess, I mean, Saturday to Sunday, it's Christmas Eve to Christmas, so I might.
02:47:50 I might bring you, you know, usher in Christmas.
02:47:53 I don't know.
02:47:54 I might.
02:47:54 I might have to spend time with other people.
02:47:57 I know, I know.
02:47:58 I know I can.
02:48:00 You believe it?
02:48:00 I have people in my personal life, but maybe not.
02:48:04 Maybe I'll do the stream.
02:48:05 Maybe I'll do the Christmas Eve the Christmas.
02:48:08 I kind of feel like doing that.
02:48:09 I kind of feel like doing because I feel like there's people that don't have anyone to be with and and it's like a nice little way that we can kind of all hang out virtually.
02:48:18 So maybe I'll do that.
02:48:21 I'll let you guys know, but you know.
02:48:24 I'm thinking I'll probably do it.
02:48:28 I might drink a little bit.
02:48:32 Not much. Not much, maybe.
02:48:34 A like a glass of wine.
02:48:35 Maybe we could do Christmas dinner.
02:48:37 You know, we could cook up some Turkey or something.
02:48:39 I don't know.
02:48:41 Some ham.
02:48:41 I don't.
02:48:42 I don't know.
02:48:44 Maybe some Christmas burritos.
02:48:48 Rock against Communism, God bless our people.
02:48:51 Yes, indeed.
02:48:54 Williams $20. Very generous of you. They are building an overpass over the busiest road near me. Maybe when it's done, I'll do this.
02:49:02 Wish I had some people who would join me might just have to hang it up in the middle of the night and leave it there for the morning commute.
02:49:12 Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
02:49:15 That's something you can do.
02:49:18 You know, there's also.
02:49:22 I've been noticing a lot of these projector things.
02:49:24 You know, you see a lot of projectors aren't that expensive, right?
02:49:29 I mean, I don't know what I haven't paid attention to projector technology in a long time, but I know you can get pretty small ones that are decently powerful that are not that expensive.
02:49:39 I wonder how useful it would be to.
02:49:43 Do some, like uh.
02:49:46 You know, projecting.
02:49:47 I don't know what you project, but like that'd be almost do like a not like an art installation but like try to project on the side of a big building somewhere busy in from a vantage point that would be very difficult for.
02:49:59 Them to take it down, you know.
02:50:05 And that maybe that's maybe that's overly complicated, maybe the banner is fine, maybe you don't need to project, I don't know.
02:50:15 We have defiant Flyers, too high quality glass gloss offset press.
02:50:21 We are able to hand out a lot.
02:50:22 Of them, here's what they.
02:50:24 Look like. Alright, cool let.
02:50:25 Me. Take a look.
02:50:41 I'll bring I'll show these up, yeah.
02:50:43 They look good.
02:50:50 OK, so this is what I'm talking about, right?
02:50:54 Like this is way better.
02:51:01 Then, like the the 1980s and 90s Flyers that we've covered on this stream.
02:51:07 You just have.
02:51:08 To you have to make it look.
02:51:12 And not something like it has to.
02:51:14 It has to be something that doesn't look like a crazy person made.
02:51:17 In their basement, you know what I mean?
02:51:20 Things look good.
02:51:25 Good job.
02:51:27 That viral marketing campaign.
02:51:34 Alif the nemesis.
02:51:38 T dot me forward slash Restorationist.
02:51:43 Has some excellent propaganda for our side.
02:51:46 You check them out.
02:51:47 They have a keen eye for design, which is something that I think yay certainly offers right wing culture.
02:51:53 If he inspires young artists and coaches E celebs on that game, did you get to?
02:52:00 Say yay instead of Kanye that I get to say hey look.
02:52:07 I don't mind.
02:52:08 Reading the word yet I don't have not like opposed the word yay but like I'm not going to be told I'm not going to be shamed into not dead naming him, you know.
Speaker 7
02:52:18 Like you know, I.Devon
02:52:19 Even I had a friend in high school that.02:52:24 You know, we call them Paul.
02:52:26 Forever because his name was Paul.
02:52:28 As far as I knew.
02:52:29 And then I guess he only went by Paul because he was embarrassed because his real name was Kelly.
02:52:35 And Kelly is like a girl's name, and then years later, I guess he.
02:52:39 Like he was like I'm I'm a man.
02:52:41 I can go by Kelly now.
02:52:43 So he was.
02:52:43 Telling I want to call him Kelly.
02:52:45 But I was.
02:52:45 Like no dude, you're Paul like.
02:52:48 I didn't really like him either.
02:52:49 That's part and I knew it drove him crazy.
02:52:50 That's why I kept calling him that.
02:52:52 But that's just, I mean, sorry, you're Paul now.
02:52:54 Like I've been calling you, Paul for ******* eight years.
02:52:56 I'm not going to start.
02:52:57 Calling you Kelly because you decided, you know, if you weren't such a *****, I would have been calling you Kelly from the get go.
02:53:04 I would have made fun of you too, but you know.
Speaker 38
02:53:07 UM.Devon
02:53:11 Devin, if you don't learn about, all right, this is Glock 23. Then if you don't learn about handsome truth on going TV, you're out of the loop. The Flyers, he's been putting up at putting out and the banners he's been.02:53:23 Putting up are great.
02:53:25 Well, I'm out of the loop.
02:53:26 I still haven't.
02:53:27 I think I.
02:53:28 Saw a clip of him floating around on some telegram channel.
02:53:33 Of him talking to a.
02:53:34 Cop, I would say.
02:53:37 I have mixed feelings about that clip.
02:53:40 I mean, it's one thing to.
02:53:44 I mean, yeah, any, any Police Department and cop that's.
02:53:49 That supporting global **** deserves to be shamed.
02:53:51 It's not that I don't have a problem with that part at all.
02:53:54 If, if, if, if.
02:53:55 If if this is the same guy, I don't know if it's the same guy.
02:53:59 But I think it's the same guy.
02:54:03 I don't know. I just.
02:54:04 Think they could have but.
02:54:05 I don't know the history either.
02:54:06 I don't know why he was there and it was out of context to me like he was mad and yelling at the cop about something that I didn't know anything about.
02:54:13 So I don't know what the context is.
02:54:15 I guess that's what it.
02:54:16 Was is?
02:54:16 It just seemed like out of context to me.
02:54:18 I was just like.
02:54:20 Why is he so mad at this Police Department?
02:54:22 But then I saw their rainbow sticker on their on their glass.
02:54:24 I was like, that's kind of reason enough to call them *******, honestly.
02:54:30 And you got if you.
02:54:31 Got that?
02:54:31 And and look, the cops like.
02:54:33 Yeah, homes are fine, you know.
02:54:35 All right.
02:54:35 Well, you deserve to get.
02:54:36 Called a ******, I guess.
02:54:41 Aliff, the nemesis.
02:54:43 Are you familiar with Tim Murdoch of White Rabbit Radio and his second decade of pro white propaganda and is a great producer of animations like anti racist Hitler.
02:54:54 Maybe one day you guys can collaborate on something for culture.
02:54:59 Would love to see your guest appearances.
02:55:01 On WWR.
02:55:08 You meant WR White rabbit radio?
02:55:12 I don't know what that is, but.
02:55:15 Yeah, maybe that'd be cool.
02:55:20 Harmless G Ben Shapiro and other prominent Jewish figures are already putting out the idea that Kanye might kill himself.
02:55:27 Well, hey, Trump put out the idea that he might kill Kanye, right?
02:55:36 Yes, they are hard. Very.
02:55:38 They are putting that out.
02:55:43 Future from Persona 2.
02:55:48 What are your thoughts on these tweets by emj?
02:55:57 Seeing Twitter doesn't always work for me.
02:56:01 Because I can't sign into it, but let me see.
02:56:08 Well, that was the problem that the thread that.
02:56:11 You had sent me.
02:56:12 The other guy is.
02:56:13 I can't even.
02:56:14 I can't Scroll down because it starts telling me to join Twitter.
02:56:20 All right, you, Michael Jones says Kanye just blew one of the greatest political opportunities in American history.
02:56:27 Instead of announcing he was going to work with Elon Musk to provide NT ADL hate speech, we platforming protection, Kanye rented about Nazis for three hours on Alex Jones.
02:56:38 Kanye is his own man.
02:56:39 That he was aided in this suicidal gesture by his campaign manager Milo Yiannopoulos, who announced that he had arranged the dinner at Mar a Lago to hurt Trump.
02:56:49 For more on Milo, see this.
02:56:53 Well, like I said, one of the possibilities in all this is that this is.
02:56:59 This is people who are bitter about Trump.
02:57:03 Getting back, that's why I said this the very beginning that that was that was a possibility.
02:57:10 And it's not like there's not **** on the record about Milo saying things that that sort of.
02:57:16 Make that a very good possibility.
02:57:21 All right.
02:57:23 As far as the other thing I don't know what he's exactly saying, honestly.
02:57:27 I don't know what he means by that.
02:57:28 What does he mean by?
02:57:30 Instead of announcing he was going to work with Elon Musk.
02:57:34 To provide anti ADL hate speech, replant forming protection.
02:57:40 I don't know what?
02:57:41 What it.
02:57:41 I don't know what that means.
02:57:44 Anti ADL hate speech replat forming protection.
02:57:50 Yeah, I don't.
02:57:51 I it's oddly worded.
02:57:54 And I'm not sure what he's getting at there and if it's what I think he might mean.
02:58:00 I don't think there was.
02:58:01 There was any opportunity for that?
02:58:03 I'm pretty sure.
02:58:04 You know, Elon is down with the ADL just fine.
02:58:10 Tipsy Mcstay Agger.
02:58:13 Well, there has been a fun night for me.
02:58:15 I hope that ***** doesn't get stuck.
02:58:18 In your ***.
02:58:19 What *****?
02:58:23 Are you are you?
02:58:23 Are you?
02:58:24 Did you think that you were watching a different show?
02:58:26 I think I know what show?
02:58:27 You think?
02:58:27 You're watching.
02:58:29 No, that's the wrong button.
02:58:32 Where to go?
02:58:33 Oh, did I?
02:58:33 Did it?
02:58:33 I didn't get rid.
02:58:34 Of it, did I?
02:58:35 I was going to bring up the Gavin loves gold photo from last stream, I thought.
02:58:39 I still had it.
02:58:39 On there.
02:58:41 Yeah, this isn't.
02:58:41 This isn't Gavin show.
02:58:44 I only look slightly like him, tipsy, Mcstay, Agger.
02:58:50 Alright, I just read yours.
02:58:52 Zero. What is the best?
02:58:56 I think 0's been drinking the night. What is the best Christmas?
02:59:01 I don't know, man.
02:59:02 Like who's it for?
02:59:04 Who's it for?
02:59:09 The best Christmas gift.
02:59:14 Being with your family, how about that?
02:59:20 I don't know, man.
02:59:22 Maybe sobriety is the best Christmas gift for zero.
02:59:26 Maybe that's what your Christmas gift can be.
02:59:30 Reply is it just me or are most these super cheddar's illiterate? These make us look ********. I don't know. Some are hard to read.
02:59:39 But you know, it's the Internet.
02:59:41 Do you expect?
02:59:43 That's just the way it is.
02:59:47 It's the Internet.
02:59:52 OK.
02:59:54 All right, guys.
02:59:55 Well, that was all the.
02:59:58 That was all the hyper chats.
03:00:00 Almost said Super chat again.
03:00:02 And we are, we just hit the three hour.
03:00:06 Mark, so that's good.
03:00:08 But here's the thing.
03:00:09 I want to play for you guys, I.
03:00:10 Told you there's.
03:00:10 Someone want to play when I got through.
03:00:13 It's not insignificant.
03:00:16 I got this from.
03:00:19 Think conspiracy hole on telegram.
03:00:28 So this is you guys might have.
03:00:30 Heard of Neurolink was doing that, you know, Elon Musk, Speaking of Elon Musk.
03:00:35 He was doing his neurolink presentation and kind of revealing the features of it and stuff like that.
03:00:43 And I think it's at least useful to hit the bullet points.
03:00:52 And this video.
03:00:55 Pretty much highlights a lot of that stuff here.
Speaker 14
03:01:04 Let's take a look.Speaker 23
03:01:04 Allopathic typing.03:01:06 So to be clear, this is the.
03:01:09 He's he's not actually using a keyboard, he's moving the cursor with his mind to the highlighted key.
03:01:18 Now technically we can't can't actually spell and.
03:01:25 So I don't want to oversell this thing.
03:01:29 Because that's that's the next version, so the But what's really cool here is is sake, the monkey is.
03:01:39 Moving the mouse cursor using just his mind moving the cursor around to the highlighted key and then spelling out what we what we want.
03:01:52 God, he's like a stuttering mess, since Elon can't, apparently.03:01:58 Explain anything without sounding like a stuttering mess.
03:02:02 Basically we I think we've seen this aspect of it already, or at least I don't know if we saw it demoed, but it was they they implied that this was already happening.
03:02:10 And this is not super impressive because this kind of technology has existed since, like the 1970s or something.
03:02:16 In fact, I think it existed in a non invasive way, whereas this is actually in chip in the head style like literal chip in the head.
03:02:27 But all this monkeys doing.
03:02:30 Is they will highlight.
03:02:32 A character on a keyboard and with his mind he is hitting that key.
03:02:37 On the keyboard.
03:02:39 And he gets rewarded with, like banana milkshake or something like that.
03:02:43 Even if when he gets it right.
03:02:46 And so that's that's what he's describing there.
03:02:48 So that's that demo that he's showing is just the monkey typing that up.
03:02:53 And he doesn't know he's typing because the the people running the software are highlighting the words for him to type or the letters for him to type.
03:03:01 So he doesn't know what it means, obviously or whatever, but they're just demonstrating that.
03:03:07 The chip in the head in the monkey brain.
03:03:10 Can control a keyboard fairly quickly.
03:03:13 It's a monkey, right?
03:03:15 And if it seems to be responding to it fairly, it's not like it's slow.
03:03:20 You know, like you would almost expect it to be kind of slow, especially with a monkey like, but he's he's quickly activating the right keys, which is, you know.
03:03:30 I don't know if impressive is the right word or or terrifying.
03:03:33 I don't know what however you think about this.
03:03:37 But this, this, this is inevitable in terms of.
03:03:42 I mean, I guess there's a.
03:03:43 Handful of Black Swan.
03:03:44 Events that would prevent it, but.
03:03:46 All things you know can, assuming that we we keep heading down the same path.
03:03:53 The the smartphone inevitably becomes.
03:03:59 The chip in the head.
03:04:01 It just does.
03:04:03 And I look, I've I've.
03:04:05 Known this since before smartphones.
03:04:08 To my shame, I used to say to my friends, I can't wait for the chip in the head.
03:04:14 I want the chip in the head because I want to be able to just think and send an e-mail.
03:04:20 Now that I was like a teenager, I didn't really think about the ramifications of what I was saying.
03:04:25 I just wanted a a a seamless interface between me and technology because I was a ******* nerd.
03:04:32 And I think that's how everyone in the audience that's cheering that loves this ****.
03:04:36 That's how they're looking at it.
03:04:37 They don't understand the like the the very dire consequences to having a direct interface between your biology and oh, I don't know, government agencies might be.
Speaker 23
03:04:50 Just fell, but and then.03:04:54 So so this is this is.
03:04:56 Something that could be used for somebody who's who's say.
03:05:03 Quadriplegic or tetraplegic human before we make the the spinal cord stuff work, is we able to.
03:05:04 Spit it out, Elon.03:05:05 Jesus Christ.
03:05:12 Alright, so this is also the way they will sell it.
03:05:16 They will absolutely sell it as oh, don't worry, this isn't scary.
03:05:20 Chip in the head.
03:05:21 This is.
03:05:21 This is beautiful spinal cord injury fix.
03:05:27 It's not chipping the head for everyone, but then he starts talking about how it is chipping the head for.
03:05:31 Everyone when he talks about how it's upgradable.
Speaker 23
03:05:35 Control a mouse cursor, control a phone and we we're we're confident that that someone who is has basically no other interface to the outside.03:05:47 Would be able to.
03:05:49 Control their phone better than someone.
03:05:52 Who has working hand?
03:05:53 That credibility is very important because our first production.
03:05:57 So to be clear, he's saying that the.Speaker 23
03:05:58 Device will be.Devon
03:06:02 The the.03:06:03 Like I mentioned, how quick like I was surprised how quick the monkey was doing it.
03:06:07 He's saying that with the results they have, they're certain that you will be able to mind control your keyboard faster than anyone could actually type, which makes sense.
03:06:18 I mean, you're cutting out the middleman in.
Speaker 23
03:06:19 A way much like an iPhone one and.Devon
03:06:23 All right, so this is where he starts talking about the upgradability.03:06:26 Well, if it's just for injuries, why would you worry that much about this?
03:06:32 He starts saying like, oh, yeah, just like you, you know.
03:06:35 And I for one, one is not as good as like the.
03:06:37 New iPhones which?
03:06:39 Borderline is true, I guess, but the.
03:06:44 You don't want to put the iPhone one in your head and then you can't get it out for the upgrade.
03:06:48 So he's saying they're going to be able to upgrade.
03:06:50 It by just snapping a new chip in your head.
Speaker 23
03:06:52 I'm pretty sure you would not want an iPhone 1 stuck in your.Devon
03:06:54 Head, by the way, that means that it's not just a digital interface that the government would have that that means a physical that means thinking this way.03:07:02 Just like like, imagine many of the the old, the the USB sticks.
03:07:08 Of death back. You know the little hacking tools you could plug into people's computers and or like the the key loggers you could plug into between a keyboard and like a a computer. And it would just log everyone's passwords and stuff like that. Like, yeah, all these little little easy to to implement hacks that you could put on a USB.
03:07:29 Rick, now imagine that on your.
03:07:31 Pain, because that's that's exactly what this would provide access for you would.
03:07:37 You would have the government, which would absolutely develop little, you know, chips in the head interfaces where they could just knock you out, take your chip out and stick their *******.
03:07:48 Chip in or you know, whatever.
03:07:50 And good luck.
Speaker 23
03:07:52 For the iPhone 14 is available be able to demonstrate full reversibility and upgrade ability.03:07:58 So you can remove a device and replace it with the latest version or if it's stopped working for any reason.
03:08:04 Replace it.
03:08:05 It's that's that's a fundamental requirement for the device at your link.
03:08:13 I think it's also important to show that sake actually likes doing the demo and it's not like share or anything.
03:08:20 I am sure he loves it.Speaker 23
03:08:22 So it's yeah, so.03:08:28 The monkeys actually enjoy doing the demos because they and and they get the banana smoothie and it's kind of a fun game, so.
03:08:37 I guess more to make is like we care.
03:08:39 A great deal about animal welfare.
03:08:44 Someone and Chad just brought up an interesting thing like, you know, when your when your kid is born, they're going to install the chip.03:08:50 And look, they convinced all Americans to chop part of their sons ***** off when they're born.
03:08:56 It's not going to be that hard to have them install the.
03:08:58 Chip in their face when they're born.
Speaker 23
03:09:02 And I I'm pretty sure like our monkeys are pretty happy.03:09:06 You know?
03:09:06 So as you can see, Creek is a quick decision maker on the fruit front.
03:09:12 The the first two applications we're going to aim for in humans are restoring vision and.
03:09:21 I think this is like notable in that even if.
03:09:25 OK, so now this has some pretty terrifying applications.03:09:30 He's talking about hacking into the the the.
03:09:36 Visual cortex of your brain.
03:09:39 So in other words, he's selling it again as.
03:09:43 Oh, no, this isn't for just, you know, hacking what you can see.
03:09:47 This is for blind people.
03:09:49 We'll be able to help blind people see well, if you can help blind people see, you can hack what I can see.
03:09:57 I mean, you're basically going to make humans as hackable as a Windows XP machine.
Speaker 23
03:10:06 Someone has never had vision ever like they were born blind.03:10:11 We believe they can.
03:10:12 They they can.
03:10:13 We can still restore vision.
03:10:17 Because the the visual part of the the visual part of cortex is still still there.
03:10:26 Yeah, even if they've never seen before.
03:10:29 We're we're confident that they could, they could see.
03:10:33 Yeah, people, someone Chester, they'll line up for.03:10:35 It, yeah, they, they won't just line up for it.
03:10:37 They'll, they'll.
03:10:38 Camp outside of.
03:10:40 The neural link store for it like they do for Apple iPhones.
03:10:44 And they'll they'll walk out with the chip in their head and and just like an Apple stores.
03:10:47 That they gave with the all the.
03:10:50 The apple nerds like.
Speaker 7
03:10:53 Yay, he got a.Devon
03:10:54 New apple that's so embarrassing.03:10:56 I I got when I got this laptop.
03:10:58 They did that and I was just like, why are you applauding me?
03:11:01 I'm buying a.
03:11:01 ******* laptop.
03:11:02 This is making me uncomfortable.
03:11:05 You're making me feel like I'm joining some kind of.
03:11:07 I just want a laptop.
03:11:09 But yeah, that's what it'll be like.
Speaker 23
03:11:13 And then the the other application being in the motor cortex where we would initially enable someone who.03:11:24 Has no ability to almost no ability.
03:11:25 Ohh good.03:11:26 The motor the motor cortex.
03:11:30 So they can control your your limbs.
03:11:38 And again, he's going to sell it.
03:11:39 Oh, yeah.
03:11:39 You know, you have a severed spinal cord, you'll be able.
03:11:42 To move your limbs again.
03:11:44 OK. But that also means?
03:11:46 You'll be able to move my limbs.
03:11:49 That means you can make.
03:11:52 Here's one awful application.
03:11:55 You can control soldiers.
Speaker 7
03:12:00 You could you could you could.Devon
03:12:02 Say **** robots.03:12:04 Robots are too expensive, they're too costly.
03:12:09 It'd be so much easier to just farm a bunch of literally brain dead clones.
03:12:16 Think about. Think about it.
03:12:18 If you if you hack the optic.
03:12:21 Or the the visual cortex and the motor motor cortex.
03:12:26 You're done.
03:12:28 You're done. You can you.
03:12:30 Could clone a bunch of of.
03:12:33 Basically, bring dead people.
03:12:38 And then just have an AI that operates them.
03:12:43 Why wouldn't you do that?
03:12:47 Why wouldn't you do that?
03:12:52 And it might be end up being way cheaper and way more efficient.
03:12:56 To do that, then to build robots, because when they're building these robots, they're all they're trying to do is replicate.
03:13:03 Our bodies, you know, like the the DARPA robots, and they're trying to make dogs or they're trying to make snakes or people, but they all, they're all.
03:13:12 They're just trying to replicate biology.
Speaker 7
03:13:15 Well, why even?Devon
03:13:16 Bother with that?03:13:17 Why not get an actual snake?
03:13:19 Or an actual dog.
03:13:21 And just put a chip in the.
03:13:23 The dog's head and.
03:13:24 Drive it around like a car.
03:13:27 You know and and and you have like a a feed a video feed.
03:13:31 I mean it would just be like.
03:13:32 A drone only be like a dog.
03:13:36 And because it would be a chip in the.
03:13:37 Head kind of a thing.
03:13:39 It would just look like a dog.
03:13:41 I mean, think of the applications for that.
03:13:44 It just looked like a stray dog.
03:13:45 Walking around.
03:13:48 But it's basically just a brain dead dog.
Speaker 23
03:13:52 Ability to operate their.03:13:55 Their muscles, you know, sort of like a sort of Stephen Hawking type situation and enable them to operate their phone faster than someone who has working hand.
03:14:07 But then, even obviously even better than that would be to bridge the connection. So take take the out the signals from the motor cortex, and let's say somebody's got a broken neck. Then bridging those signals to neural link devices.
03:14:25 Located in the spinal cord so.
03:14:30 We're confident there are no there are no physical limitations to enabling full body functionality.
03:14:40 I mean, as miraculous as it may sound.
03:14:45 We're confident that it is possible to restore full body functionality to someone who has a severed spinal cord.
Speaker 21
03:14:52 So our first steps along these dimensions for our device.03:14:56 Is what we call the N1 implant.
03:14:58 It's sizeable.
03:15:11 I think Elon might have ruined my Internet cause I was making fun of his thing whenever we load here, see if it if it's back, or if I got to reset the stream.03:15:22 Is it back end?
03:15:27 Now maybe it's a little behind.
03:15:31 Waiting to see the.
03:15:39 When you see if this catches up, or if it just starts looping.
03:15:50 Maybe, maybe he's going to come back.
03:16:03 It was just frozen there for a minute.
03:16:05 I think it might come back.
03:16:07 Alright, good.
03:16:07 It's back.
03:16:08 Sorry, guys.
03:16:09 It's just the stream is so behind.
03:16:11 There's like that weird pause now while I just sat there trying to figure out if it was back.
03:16:14 I just saw my my data rate go to 0.
Speaker 21
03:16:19 About 1/4.03:16:21 It's microfabricated on a flexible thin film arrays that we call threads.
03:16:27 It's fully implantable and wireless, so no wires, and after the surgery the the implant is under the skin and it is invisible.
Speaker 39
03:16:36 To get an N1 device, it's essentially these steps.03:16:39 Targeting and the incision.
03:16:42 Drill the craniectomy.
03:16:44 Remove the tough outer meningeal layer called the.
03:16:46 Ohh, that's all.03:16:47 All you gotta do is.
Speaker 39
03:16:48 And insert the thin.Speaker 7
03:16:49 Just bore a.Devon
03:16:50 Hole in your skull.03:16:54 See here.
03:16:55 The creepy thing is.
03:16:57 They bore a hole in your skull.
03:17:01 And then they put the the chip in the head.
03:17:04 It replaces the hole in your skull, so like you're going to.
03:17:08 Have a a.
03:17:08 Bump in your skull.
03:17:10 That's the chip.
03:17:11 And there's nothing between the chip in your brain like it's like.
03:17:17 Yeah. No thanks. OK.
Speaker 39
03:17:20 Flexible threads of electrodes place the implant into the hole we created.03:17:24 And then that's it.
03:17:25 You've got an implant under the skin.
Speaker 8
03:17:27 That's it.Speaker 39
03:17:28 No wires. Just kidding.Devon
03:17:31 Yellow and blue makes green.03:17:33 It's sealed.
03:17:34 See, it's no big deal.
03:17:36 And and to make it even better.
03:17:40 A robot does it.
03:17:42 Like it's it's such a dangerous surgery.
03:17:47 Why not automate it?
Speaker 39
03:17:49 The surgical robot does the thread insertion part.Devon
03:17:51 Ohh good.03:17:52 That makes me confident.
Speaker 39
03:17:53 This is because it would be very difficult to do manually.03:17:55 Imagine taking a hair from your head.
03:17:58 It's so hard that people can't do it.03:18:00 Trust a robot.
Speaker 39
03:18:01 And trying to stick it into Jello covered by Saran Wrap and doing this at a precise depth and position and doing this 64 times within a reasonable amount of time.Speaker 21
03:18:12 So who wants to see some insertions?03:18:19 Ohh here it is. That's our R1 robot with our patient.
03:18:24 The way they cheered does not creep you out.03:18:27 Who wants to see some insertions?
03:18:31 What do you what does that mean exactly?
Speaker 21
03:18:33 Alpha, who is lying comfortably on the patient bed. The whole process of inserting about 64 threads in our first product is going to be around 50 minutes for this robot. So yeah, there's a second one that went in and we're gonna do a third one.Devon
03:18:42 Ohh this looks fine.Speaker 33
03:18:44 This looks totally fine.Devon
03:18:52 Is a sewing.Speaker 30
03:18:52 There you go.03:18:52 And then that's gonna go in.
03:18:53 Machine in your brain.Speaker 21
03:18:53 The background and we'll come back to it in the.Devon
03:18:54 That's good.Speaker 21
03:18:56 Later, part of the presentation.03:18:59 One of the things that we did is to move our device manufacturing to a dedicated facility in Austin.
03:19:07 For scale up manufacturing, we now have a dedicated our own or in fact a double or in Austin.
03:19:16 And this is just a stepping stone.
03:19:19 Before we eventually build our own neural link clinic.
Speaker 30
03:19:23 The robot has.03:19:23 Just completed inserting all 64 threads, so let's.
03:19:27 Take a look.
03:19:36 This is a view of the insertion site similar to the one that DJ showed you earlier, but instead of the targeting reticles, if you look closely you can see that all 64 threads, each carrying 16 electrodes, have been inserted into the brain proxy while avoiding vasculature and all just within the past 20 minutes.
Speaker 23
03:19:54 We've submitted, I think most of our paperwork to the FDA and we're we're, we think probably in about 6 months.Devon
03:20:00 Well, we all know the FDA cares about.Speaker 23
03:20:01 You have the uplist you're like in a human.Devon
03:20:02 Whether you live or die.03:20:08 So yeah, skipping the heads coming anyway, I just.
03:20:11 Thought that was.
03:20:13 That was good to know.
03:20:14 I mean, it's something that's getting glossed over because of all the other madness that's going on in the news.
03:20:18 So it's it's just good to know that chipping.
03:20:20 The heat is on the way.
03:20:22 You know.
03:20:26 We got one last hyper chat at the end here. Glock 23 says know it all, Ryan Dawson.
03:20:31 Is a liar.
03:20:32 His lies can easily be debunked. Every detail of the Holocaust has been proven to be a lie, but no one defends the Holocaust fairy tale story more than Ryan Dawson. His lies about the buildings on 9/11 are absolutely ridiculous.
03:20:46 Ryan has a cult following like Alex Jay.
03:20:50 I don't know what he said about the I don't know what he said about the Holocaust.
03:20:53 Honestly, I feel like a lot of his 911 research, though, seems pretty solid. He does have a a know it all persona and I always.
03:21:05 I always I'm always suspicious of people that are like that because it's.
03:21:10 It just means that ohh so you don't you don't learn.
03:21:13 Listen to other people, and because no one's perfect, you inevitably get stuff wrong and don't correct because.
03:21:21 You have this personality type.
03:21:23 That said, I think he probably knows a lot.
03:21:26 A lot.
03:21:28 About 911 and this the video, the very long videos that I've watched.
03:21:35 Which are horribly produced, but are full of information.
03:21:39 Everything that I have fact checked and and I haven't seen like everything he's ever made, obviously, but.
03:21:44 I've seen like as well as the.
03:21:47 I know the.
03:21:47 The three hour long 9/11 video.
03:21:50 I watched that and everything that I.
03:21:52 Looked up, checked out so.
03:21:55 Yeah, but, but yeah.
03:21:57 I know it's perfect.
03:21:59 And the know it all attitude is kind of a.
03:22:01 Turn off.
03:22:02 Anyway, guys.
03:22:03 All right, I'm going to go.
03:22:04 Ahead and close her down.
03:22:07 Appreciate it.
03:22:08 You guys were super.
03:22:09 Tonight I'll tell you.
03:22:10 I'll just tell you.
03:22:11 Pretty much pretty much covered the cost of most of the hardware there.
03:22:17 So awesome.
03:22:18 I really appreciate that.
03:22:19 That's that's cool.
03:22:20 And you guys will like.
03:22:21 It you'll like it when the.
03:22:23 The animations are are coming and coming coming out again.
03:22:27 Once I'm able to.
03:22:28 Use my.
03:22:29 That's what it is.
03:22:29 I'm spacing octane, render.
03:22:32 Octane render is the the.
03:22:35 The render I use for cinema 4D, though I can do like somewhat somewhat photorealistic stuff in a relatively short period of time.
03:22:42 It probably won't render as fast.
03:22:43 As it was with my my dual or or I'm sorry triple video card setup.
03:22:50 But it'll do fast enough.
03:22:51 It'll do fine.
03:22:52 There's enough CUDA cores on that on that card that where I'm not doing anything crazy and I won't do like crazy sample rates anyway.
03:23:00 So anyway, you guys are awesome and I will see you next time.
03:23:06 Like I said, one more stream on this laptop most likely.
03:23:10 But in the mean time.
03:23:13 Enjoy the Christmas season for black.
03:23:17 Pill, dime, of course.
Speaker 12
03:23:21 Dim stack.Speaker 4
03:23:25 Zeek, zeek.Speaker 34
03:24:59 Making things is fun.03:25:01 Building the castle in the sand.
03:25:03 It's a lot like learning and going to school.
Speaker 40
03:25:05 You're building something in both cases.03:25:07 In school you build a foundation of.
03:25:09 Knowledge that will.
03:25:10 Help make the things you do later in life easier and more fun.
Speaker 34
03:25:13 Learning like building a castle over sand becomes more fun as you watch it take shape and drill into something of substance and value.03:25:21 Each bit of knowledge is like a grain of sand that must be carefully molded into the final.
03:25:25 Structure your education both.
Speaker 40
03:25:28 The same castle on learning progress in delicate stages that can easily be ruined by a careless or thoughtless act of someone else, or even yourself.Speaker 34
03:25:52 Uh oh, that ball headed straight through the window.03:25:56 A careless act I thought was moments can ruin your fun and damage school property.
03:26:05 Close call, but it could have been a.
Speaker 40
03:26:06 Disaster and always remember it's your school, so try never to do anything to damage it.Speaker 2
03:26:17 Let's go somewhere else and fly.03:26:23 Hey, what are you doing?
03:26:25 Oh, nothing.
03:26:26 If Mr.
03:26:27 Battlefield doing this, you'd be in real trouble.
03:26:30 It's just chock nobody likes to see silly things drawn on walls.
03:26:35 What if all the kids in school scribbled on the walls with Chuck?
03:26:39 That look awful.
03:26:40 Yeah, I guessed it would.
03:26:42 Come on.
03:26:43 We'll help you clean it off before you get in trouble.
Speaker 40
03:26:47 Whenever you see other students doing something wrong, try to take the time to see if.03:26:50 You can help them.
03:26:51 Straighten up their act.
Speaker 34
03:26:52 That's really important to remember when you're working in the.Speaker 2
03:26:55 Classroom look what you did.03:26:59 You still pay?
03:27:00 Ohh, we're working.
03:27:02 You too.
03:27:03 Well, then clean it up just as soon as I.
03:27:07 Finish my card.
03:27:08 I can't wait for you.
03:27:14 There and then.
03:27:16 Now I'm gonna go and show Miss Dancy that I finished first.
03:27:19 You're not finished.
03:27:21 I am Tennessee.
03:27:22 No, you're not. You're not.
03:27:25 Gonna till you've cleaned unless you left on the table.
03:27:32 How can I correct your mess in our way?
03:27:35 Come on, I'll help you clean up.
Speaker 40
03:27:38 The best way to help someone do the right thing is by setting a good example of yourself.Speaker 7
03:27:43 Never be afraid.Speaker 34
03:27:44 To pitch in and help someone if you can, but sometimes you'll find that there are students who need help and don't know it.Speaker 2
03:28:09 Larry, what in the world are you trying to do?03:28:12 I just wanted to see that look.
Speaker 7
03:28:15 But that's the sort.Devon
03:28:16 Well, now we know he's lying.Speaker 35
03:28:16 Of other grades, I don't think you.03:28:18 Could even read it.
03:28:19 Oh, I wasn't reading it.
Speaker 8
03:28:20 Ohh snap.Speaker 2
03:28:21 I just wanted to see if it had any pictures.Speaker 35
03:28:25 Oh well, the next time you want to look at a book that's too high to reach, come and ask me for help.03:28:30 And I could even probably tell you before you open if there are any pictures in it.
03:28:33 Now, come on.
03:28:34 Let's clean up this mess.
03:28:35 Because you're going to need a book with.03:28:37 Pictures in it.
Speaker 34
03:28:37 You need help, whether it's from a librarian, a teacher, a custodian, or someone in the off.03:28:42 Don't be afraid to ask.
03:28:44 It's much better than getting hurt or causing damage to school property.
Speaker 30
03:28:54 We're sorry for ruining your.Speaker 6
03:28:56 Yeah, we'll help you fix.Speaker 7
03:28:56 It thanks a lot guys.Devon
03:28:59 I'm trying to be more careful, OK.Speaker 7
03:29:04 No matter where you are whether playing.Speaker 40
03:29:06 Or at school it's always important to be.03:29:09 Thoughtful and caring when dealing with others.
Speaker 34
03:29:11 And you may be surprised to see how good it makes you feel when you.03:29:14 Take the time.
03:29:15 To correct an earlier act that was either careless or thoughtless.
Speaker 2
03:29:20 I'm sorry, Jason.03:29:21 I just wasn't thinking when I walked past you.
Speaker 34
03:29:26 Many times it's possible to correct a thoughtless mistake such as Karen did when she came back to open the.03:29:31 Door for Jason.
Speaker 40
03:29:32 And then there are times when, once the damage is done well, it's just too late to.03:29:37 Undo a thoughtless.
Speaker 34
03:29:38 There, let's watch what happens here.Speaker 7
03:29:51 Why can't they hurry a little?03:29:55 I'm gonna be most attractive.
03:29:57 I just know I am.
Speaker 34
03:30:04 A small disaster, the result of an attempt to save a few minutes.03:30:09 As it turned out, of course, Susan actually lost time and was both rude and inconsiderate in the way she behaved.
Speaker 40
03:30:16 And she set a poor example for the younger students when the cafeteria line with.03:30:20 Her and let's run.
03:30:21 Through that again and watch Susan do it properly.
Speaker 2
03:30:35 I'm almost there subtraction.03:30:36 Please let me in front.
Speaker 25
03:30:37 Of you OK there.Speaker 35
03:30:41 That was much better.Speaker 40
03:30:42 And she won't be meant for practice.Speaker 34
03:30:45 Whatever you're doing.03:30:46 Whether in the classroom, at lunch or play, it's important to be considerate to others.
Speaker 2
03:30:52 Come on, Chris, it's.Speaker 40
03:30:53 Our turn by paying attention to what you're doing, you not only show consideration, but you can have more fun.Speaker 34
03:30:59 The good habits you develop while at play will often carry over into the classroom.Speaker 6
03:31:06 Washington, DC is the capital of the United States.03:31:09 The President and Congress work there now.
03:31:13 Who can tell me what the DC in Washington DC stands for?
03:31:19 Cheryl, can you tell me what it stands for?
Speaker 2
03:31:24 I don't think so.Speaker 6
03:31:28 James, can you tell me where it stands?Speaker 2
03:31:30 For it stands for the District of Columbia.03:31:34 Very good. I knew that.
Speaker 34
03:31:37 Of course she knew the answer, but she couldn't give it because she wasn't listening to the teacher.03:31:42 In addition to paying attention to whatever you're doing, it's also important to always try to be prepared and punctual.
03:31:48 And by that I mean.
03:31:49 To be on time.
Speaker 29
03:31:50 All right guys, this is our first game this season, so let's get out there and give it our best.03:31:55 Where's my second baseman?
03:31:57 Have anyone seen Jeff?
03:32:00 You almost missed the game, Jeff.
03:32:02 Sorry, coach.
03:32:03 OK, let's get them warm up.
03:32:05 Yeah, Jeff.
Speaker 40
03:32:11 Being prepared and being on time is just as vital to learning as it is to playing baseball.Speaker 34
03:32:17 Always start the day off right.03:32:19 Make sure you're prepared and have everything you.
03:32:22 Need before you go to school.
Speaker 40
03:32:25 Things like your lunch books, pens, all the things necessary for a successful day at school.Speaker 30
03:32:34 Make sure you.Speaker 34
03:32:35 Leave early enough to get to school on time.Devon
03:32:39 Make sure bike has bike paths.Speaker 34
03:32:45 If you come prepared and on time, you'll not only do better, but school will also be more enjoyable for you.Speaker 40
03:32:55 When you get to your classroom.03:32:56 It's a good idea to get your work ready and have everything you need for the first subject of the day.
03:33:10 But if you're late, you'll have to hurry.
03:33:12 Things can go wrong.
Speaker 34
03:33:28 Always try to be punctual and prepared.Speaker 6
03:33:35 Good morning, Claire.03:33:38 Well, I hope you're all ready with your current event that you would bring from home this morning.
03:33:43 There were a lot of interesting things that happened yesterday.
03:33:46 Would you like to start first, Lori?
Speaker 2
03:33:50 Yesterday, the Space Shuttle launched 2 communication satellites to an orbit 22,000 miles above the they're designed to send telephone and television signals to Europe and Asia.Speaker 6
03:34:04 Very good, Lord, that certainly was.03:34:06 One of the more important.
03:34:07 Things in the news that happened yesterday.
03:34:10 Kevin, let's hear.
03:34:11 From you now.
Speaker 2
03:34:13 I can bring one.Speaker 34
03:34:18 Kevin really blew it when he was not only late for class, but also forgot to bring in a current event.Speaker 40
03:34:23 In addition to being prepared and on time, you should also develop good study habits.03:34:28 This will be especially important as you move into the higher grades and start having homework.
Speaker 35
03:34:33 Area lounge.Speaker 34
03:34:34 There are lots of things that can get in your way when it comes.03:34:36 Time to study at.
Speaker 40
03:34:37 Home things like brothers and sisters, friends, pets and the television set did.Speaker 7
03:34:47 Just do my homework now.03:34:49 I have to do.
Speaker 2
03:34:49 It all over again.Speaker 6
03:34:51 Last year added $4 million.Speaker 34
03:34:53 When you start receiving home off assignments, you should always try to find a quiet place to study.Speaker
03:34:55 Here's the money.Speaker 40
03:35:02 When you can concentrate fully on your studies.03:35:04 You'll not only.
03:35:05 Learn better, but you'll finish sooner.
Speaker 34
03:35:10 And then it's time to relax and enjoy yourself.Speaker 31
03:35:13 All done.Speaker 30
03:35:14 If you want to drink now, alright.Speaker 40
03:35:20 Don't be afraid to ask for.03:35:21 Help if you want.
Speaker 2
03:35:27 Dad, I think I'm doing something on my long division.03:35:31 Could you take a look at it?
03:35:32 And see what you think.
Speaker 34
03:35:34 Parents, teachers and sometimes older brothers and sisters can often help you with your homework assignments.Speaker 22
03:35:35 Well, I've never, really.Speaker 8
03:35:40 Let's take a look.Speaker 40
03:35:43 Your school library is another vascular tool to.Devon
03:35:45 Yeah, that's that's that's, that's not a.Speaker 34
03:35:46 Be used in developing good.Speaker 7
03:35:47 Study habits.Devon
03:35:47 Real boomer dad.Speaker 2
03:35:49 Wherever look to find the name of the biggest.03:35:51 City in the world.
03:36:00 This is me.
03:36:00 Jim, could you show me where I should live to find the name of the biggest city in the world?
03:36:05 I just don't know where to.
Speaker 35
03:36:07 I'd be glad to, but first I'm going to show you how to use the index files and then in the future you'll be able to find what you're looking for.03:36:14 Come with me.
Speaker 34
03:36:16 What you learn in school today will remain with you for the rest of your life.03:36:22 Unlike a castle made of sand that quickly vanishes with the incoming tide or can be blown away by the wind.
03:36:29 But like the.03:36:30 Homogeneity of your society.
03:36:33 It's like the most diverse school that 80 has ever had.
Speaker 40
03:36:37 As you grow older, you will find that your education will open up a whole new and exciting world for you.Speaker 7
03:36:46 No matter how old you are.Speaker 34
03:36:47 You'll find that learning never ends and you'll continue to build upon your educational foundation, whatever career you choose for yourself.03:37:03 After all, life is 1 long learning process.
Speaker 40
03:37:10 A good attitude in school today.03:37:12 Can ensure you success from the years to come.