

Speaker 1
00:06:08 When I wake up.
Speaker 2
00:01:27 500 miles.
Speaker 3
00:01:48 And the face.
Speaker 4
00:01:50 Comes in slide.
Speaker 5
00:02:05 Right.
Speaker 6
00:02:44 And I'm I'm.
00:02:48 Going to be.
Speaker 6
00:02:48 The man who's without you when I'm dreaming?
00:02:53 Well, I know I'm gonna dream.
00:02:55 I wanna dream.
00:02:56 About the things.
Speaker 7
00:02:57 When I'm with you.
Speaker 6
00:03:14 I'm gonna.
00:04:12 500 miles and I would walk 500 more 1000 miles down at your door.
00:04:30 OK, enough of that song.
00:04:34 And yes, that blue screen is supposed to be there.
00:04:37 I'm going to do something a little different tonight.
00:04:42 First of all got my got my awful.
00:04:46 Maxwell House coffee.
00:04:49 I'm I'm going to have to get different coffee.
00:04:52 I didn't think it was bothering me.
00:04:55 It's kind of bothering me.
00:04:57 I don't know what it is.
00:04:58 There's just something that's, I don't know, just it it's not.
00:05:01 It's just not good.
00:05:03 It's not good.
00:05:06 Yeah, I mean, like the store.
00:05:07 And look this the store that I'm talking about, I'm surprised they have a brand, OK, and they're they're OK.
00:05:18 It's good.
00:05:20 It's it's.
00:05:20 It's making me feel warm and toasty.
00:05:23 I'm going to stop ********.
00:05:24 About it.
00:05:26 All right.
00:05:26 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
Speaker 9
00:05:30 Devin Stack here for your insomnia stream.
00:05:35 Now both those songs that I played were from 1993 for a reason. Uh and.
00:05:43 That reason will become apparent shortly 1990 three, 1993, almost almost 30 years ago, almost 30 years ago.
00:05:55 I was cleaning out Carla's house today and actually, before we get into that one thing I found when because I was looking basically, I just want to look at, OK?
00:06:06 I'm gonna play some songs for, you know, from 1993, preferably annoying songs and songs done by white people, so I don't have to listen to some spurge.
00:06:17 UM and The funny thing is.
00:06:20 Well, first of all like the.
00:06:22 Top 15 songs in 1993.
00:06:25 Like all 15 of them were black artists, all 15.
00:06:29 So I had to go down.
00:06:31 You know, substantially down the list to find and then snow.
00:06:35 I just, I mean, come on.
00:06:36 I had to play it.
00:06:37 But one thing I found while looking.
00:06:39 For the snow video.
00:06:43 You know that thing?
00:06:45 I was apparently there was.
00:06:49 You guys.
00:06:50 Remember this?
00:06:51 What was it called?
00:06:52 It wasn't.
00:06:52 It was before Mad TV.
00:06:54 There was.
00:06:55 The show that Jim Carrey was on and homie the clown now.
00:07:00 Now, now it's going to eat me living color.
00:07:03 That's what it was.
00:07:04 Living color, which was like the the chintzy fox black version of Sarah Live, except for it wasn't live.
00:07:12 They had, like it was, it was.
00:07:15 I think 1993 was just.
00:07:16 Very pro black or something like that was that was the thing that was the that was.
00:07:21 The cool thing?
00:07:23 In 1993, apparently, I mean **** snow. I mean that that's he was trying to be black for.
00:07:28 His song right.
00:07:30 And they did a parody.
00:07:33 And we're not going to watch the whole thing, but I downloaded it so we could take a look here.
00:07:41 And the thing that struck me about this.
00:07:46 And we're going to see some more of this stuff in 1993, is how much in 30 years, things really haven't changed. Like this complaint that like, Ohh, we're marginalized, we're so marginalized.
00:07:56 That's ********.
00:07:58 It's been cool to be black.
00:07:59 For at least 30 years, at least 30 years.
Speaker 10
00:08:03 Really for longer.
00:08:06 Like the the propaganda coming from the mainstream has been insanely pro black.
00:08:12 For over 30 years.
00:08:15 And in fact, the you know the that the, you know, snow makes you know, he makes his little song informer trying to be black because he's trying to cash in on this idea that, like, well, apparently.
00:08:26 If you want to get a song, you.
00:08:28 Have to act like you're black.
00:08:30 And in fact.
00:08:31 What was the blame it on the rain song that was sung by white people and they used black people in the video because they thought it would sell better if we, oh, let's show these rasta guys in the in the music video.
00:08:46 And even though it's sung by white guys.
00:08:50 And so that this idea that ohh, blacks are marginalized and and and this kind of garbage is it's just certain it's just not true.
00:09:00 Now to to under score this. So in living color did a parody of that song.
00:09:07 And it was, I guess.
00:09:09 Maybe I should hide this?
Speaker 7
00:09:11 And I'll just put the video player on top.
00:09:13 Do that. There we go.
00:09:16 They when they make fun of snow in this video.
00:09:21 They're basically making fun of him for being white.
00:09:26 And they're showing him that that he's inferior to the black people.
00:09:32 And that he he's really he's just some stupid white kid that should be working at a.
00:09:36 At a Burger King.
00:09:38 And and at the end of the video.
00:09:39 Black people beat him up.
00:09:42 This was 30 years ago.
00:09:43 That's where the culture was 30 ******* years ago.
00:09:48 30 years ago.
00:09:50 I hear we'll take a look here.
Speaker 1
00:09:57 Talk to them.
00:09:58 And man, they go kick your white, they say.
00:10:02 You took something that belonged to.
00:10:03 Them and man, they go kick your white.
00:10:06 They're going to kick your white ***.
00:10:10 1993 it was totally OK to say we're going to kick your white *** on prime time television.
Speaker 11
00:10:22 So this.
00:10:24 This idea that blacks have been marginalized look white. Primacy was on the way out the door in 1993 in.
00:10:29 Fact it was.
Speaker 11
00:10:31 See, here's the.
00:10:31 The the dynamic that changed the dynamic that changed and I think the reason why white people tolerated stuff like this in 1993.
00:10:40 Was they didn't feel threatened.
00:10:44 There was, like this smugness about.
00:10:46 It, you know, like we'll let the black people have their little thing and and whatever they can.
Speaker 10
00:10:50 No. Yeah, you.
00:10:51 Know all those black comedians and def comedy jam at the same in the same same time period?
00:10:56 Right, like a what?
00:10:58 People are so funny.
00:10:59 They walk funny.
00:11:00 I remember.
00:11:00 I watched this one black comic.
00:11:02 I I don't remember.
00:11:03 He was like a.
00:11:04 He was like a ******, basically, and and a pimp I.
00:11:07 I don't remember his.
00:11:09 But he did this whole set.
00:11:10 Yeah, and it was all like how, how ******** white people were.
00:11:17 But everything that he made fun of white people for was like a positive.
00:11:21 So, for example, one of the things he splurged out about was if you call a wrong number.
00:11:29 And it's a black person.
00:11:32 They get really ******* pisssed off.
00:11:34 And hang up on you.
00:11:35 But if you call up a wrong number.
00:11:38 And it's a white person.
00:11:40 They're like, oh, hello.
00:11:42 Ohh no, I'm sorry.
00:11:43 Janie doesn't live here, but I can help you find her number.
00:11:46 And like how they're super polite and and helpful.
00:11:49 And like the joke was like, oh, those stupid.
00:11:51 ******* white people.
00:11:54 And I remember just.
00:11:55 Thinking like.
00:11:58 What are you even listening to?
00:11:59 What you're.
Speaker 2
00:12:00 Saying like, what the ****?
00:12:02 But no 1993.
00:12:04 It was already on the way out so.
00:12:05 Anyway, we're going to kick your white ***.
Speaker 12
00:12:17 In pasta and just a middle class.
00:12:20 So first of all, I don't know if you caught that. So Jim Carrey's character playing snow, he was, he was so terrified of the white or the black guys that he was hiding. He was.
00:12:30 Hiding in the ghetto.
Speaker 12
00:12:33 Single one black is bigger than money and Jimmy and yellow man.
00:12:35 But I'm not even on the radio.
00:12:39 Think I?
00:12:39 Could not be black.
00:12:45 He's really a cracker.
Speaker 12
00:12:46 I was in.
00:12:47 I should pay my base.
00:12:48 And start betting out Mary.
00:12:50 And you can criticize.
00:12:51 Ohh, a joke about blackface again 30 years ago.
Speaker 12
00:12:55 The other way to the bank, my single #1 and shabba don't rank. Time Warner kicked off the liver, just staying right.
00:13:06 See that I don't know if you caught that, it's hard to catch these lyrics. He's so fast, he said that Time Warner deep platformed a rapper because he got arrested. That's something that would never happen now, but I in 1993 there was still.
00:13:22 Well, white boomers buying records for their children, I guess that cared about that sort of a thing.
00:13:27 And he's like, oh, you know, Time Warner, they they fired this rapper for getting arrested for.
00:13:32 I don't.
00:13:32 I I don't.
00:13:32 I don't know the story behind that, but it.
00:13:33 Doesn't matter but.
00:13:35 You know, you you don't care about this guy acting black.
00:13:38 How is that the?
00:13:39 Same you don't have a.
Speaker 12
00:13:41 Oversight for the Jamaicans think I gave them a bum.
00:13:44 Steer, but everything I know I learned from.
00:13:47 The video started 7/4 this year.
00:13:52 Give me 10. I got 10/10.
Speaker 1
00:14:10 Wrapping your songs with the best of my ability, you need a black man to increase the credibility.
00:14:15 Look, and he's not wrong.
00:14:16 You did. They did.
00:14:17 Need a black guy in that song to.
00:14:20 Increase the credibility.
00:14:24 30 years ago.
00:14:25 But you know, blacks are marginalized, right?
00:14:27 But they needed a black rapper in that song.
00:14:30 For it to sell.
00:14:32 You know blacks, they're they're, you know, they're they everyone hates them.
00:14:36 For no reason.
00:14:39 But in order to.
00:14:39 Sell the song that's in a style that they they popularized, I guess.
00:14:45 You need to have a black guy in it.
Speaker 1
00:14:48 What's more on the side with the waste of the shining down with no wind?
Speaker 14
00:15:09 Would you?
Speaker 12
00:15:09 Would you like fries?
Speaker 13
00:15:10 He thought.
Speaker 10
00:15:19 Cool rub here comes.
Speaker 11
00:15:22 Here comes the.
Speaker 2
00:15:22 Black people to be afraid of.
Speaker 15
00:15:23 Come on, you would even come on with glasses with your.
Speaker 11
00:15:25 And it's funny.
00:15:26 Ohh, blast on white violence.
00:15:29 It's so hilarious you can hear the crowd laughing.
Speaker 15
00:15:29 I want him on now.
Speaker 11
00:15:34 Ohh, they're cheering.
00:15:36 Oh, they're cheering.
00:15:38 They're cheering.
00:15:41 They'd love to see.
00:15:44 The Blacks beat down on the white guy and look, you might think I'm overanalyzing or whatever.
00:15:50 But it's in the context of today.
00:15:52 It's kind of hard to look at this and not be like, what the ****?
00:15:57 What the **** this was?
00:15:58 Was 30 ******* years ago.
00:16:00 30 ******* years ago.
00:16:03 And because by and large, whites were just kind of like, oh, let's yeah, let them let them have their fun.
00:16:10 It's it's not a threat.
00:16:14 30 years later.
00:16:15 Oh ****.
00:16:17 Oh ****.
00:16:18 They weren't kidding.
00:16:21 This this they weren't kidding.
00:16:28 Alright, so anyway.
00:16:29 Back to why there's a blue screen on the screen.
00:16:35 I was clearing out Carl's house today.
00:16:37 And they're like, I've told you, there's a.
00:16:39 Bunch of **** in there.
00:16:41 But there's also just like random, like tons of just VHS tapes and tapes and CD's.
00:16:47 And just like this guy just collected just media, I guess books and, like, weird books.
00:16:54 There's not even like a theme to it.
00:16:57 You know, just I don't know where, like, like everything from, like, Martha Stewart type books to, like, photography books, lots of **** books. And like, Mr. like every kind of, oh, I told you about that book from the 1700s that was in his house. He had a book from the ******* 1700s.
00:17:16 Then when I later looked up, it was the the book that had the the the dollar sign in print for the first time.
00:17:23 It's right here in.
00:17:23 My drawer.
00:17:24 It's worth not in as much as you would think.
00:17:26 I thought it would.
00:17:27 I was like, ohh, that'll.
00:17:27 Be that's gonna that's got to be worth something.
00:17:29 It's it's not.
00:17:31 So that's why it's in my.
00:17:31 Drawer not on eBay.
00:17:34 Anyway, so I was like, you know what, I I just want.
00:17:37 I'm out of morbid curiosity.
00:17:40 I kind of want to just see what's on some of these tapes.
00:17:42 I'm sure some of them will be ****, but they can't all be **** and so.
00:17:47 I just you know.
00:17:48 Grabbed A handful of them.
00:17:51 And popped them in and just uh, you know.
00:17:54 And sure enough, like it, a lot of it was like TV that had been recorded and stuff like that.
00:17:59 A lot of TV movies.
00:18:01 With the commercials and one tape in particular from 1993 and I haven't even watched it all. I just saw that it was from 1993, watched a couple of them, was like, OK, what we're going to do is we're going to look at.
00:18:13 Some of these commercials from 1993 on an actual tape that's in a VCR right now. In fact, I should probably rewind the.
00:18:20 Tape. Or did I already?
00:18:22 Maybe I did already.
00:18:23 OK, I think I did.
00:18:24 But before we do that, so I guess I have to inject it.
00:18:34 That's right.
00:18:34 See, I'm not ******* around.
00:18:35 It's a real tape.
00:18:38 One of the tapes was ****.
00:18:42 And this is kind of hilarious.
00:18:46 This is this is.
00:18:49 We're going to play.
00:18:50 Some of it not, not not any.
00:18:51 Uh, you know.
00:18:52 No ******* or anything like that.
00:18:55 But I couldn't.
00:18:57 I couldn't.
00:18:57 I couldn't ******* believe it.
00:18:59 I put in this tape.
00:19:03 Immediately I'm like, OK, this is probably poor because it's like a.
00:19:06 It's like a a girl.
00:19:07 I would say it's either a home movie or it's ****, or maybe it's both because the way it's shot.
00:19:12 And it's like this woman on a bed. And I was like, OK, well, I but there no one's naked. There's no penises yet. So I'm like, listening and.
Speaker 10
00:19:23 What I heard.
00:19:26 Was like simultaneously hilarious and really not funny.
00:19:34 But we are going to watch it.
00:19:38 So this is this tape and I hope I cued it up right.
00:19:42 Or there will be ******* and *****.
00:19:43 On the screen.
00:19:46 OK.
00:19:51 Let's have a little look, see.
00:19:54 Oh, and by.
00:19:54 The way you can thank me later for fixing up the audio, the audio on these VHS tapes is terrible, so it's going to be it's still going to be probably kind of bad, but I did the best I could.
00:20:06 So here we go.
00:20:07 Listen carefully.
Speaker 3
00:20:11 For me.
Speaker 15
00:20:11 These days, to find new debutantes.
Speaker 16
00:20:14 What? What?
Speaker 17
00:20:16 What is your name?
Speaker 4
00:20:17 My Internet tenas.
Speaker 17
00:20:23 I can relate to that.
00:20:25 I've often said what denas I am.
00:20:28 What an ask I am what an ASSI am tenas.
Speaker 4
00:20:30 Oh, I get it.
Speaker 17
00:20:34 Is that your name?
00:20:38 What does that stand?
Speaker 13
00:20:39 For I don't know.
Speaker 17
00:20:40 What's your name?
00:20:42 What nationality are?
Speaker 18
00:20:43 You. Me. I'm Jewish.
Speaker 17
00:20:45 Hey, hello.
00:20:47 How are you, Sir?
00:20:47 Am I?
00:20:49 Did you call?
Speaker 18
00:20:59 Oh my God.
Speaker 2
00:21:03 Oh my God.
00:21:07 Look at that totally ******* random.
00:21:11 And it's not even.
00:21:12 This isn't even the beginning of the tape.
00:21:14 It was just like in the middle of the tape.
Speaker 10
00:21:17 Middle of the ******* tape.
00:21:19 And I just popped it in and and I swear to God, it was exactly.
Speaker 2
00:21:24 Where where we're at right here.
00:21:27 And I was like.
00:21:29 You gotta be ******* kidding me.
00:21:31 You got to be ******* kidding me.
00:21:37 But anyway it.
00:21:37 It gets the story, gets disturbing.
00:21:40 From there I'm going to just let it play just so.
00:21:43 You can hear it.
00:21:44 But and then we'll get to the other one, but it's just.
00:21:46 It was just like, what the ****?
Speaker 17
00:21:49 I mean is.
00:21:52 Polish Russian.
00:21:54 German, Irish, Irish and Jewish you're you're really ishy, aren't you?
Speaker 4
00:21:54 I don't know Irish.
00:21:59 Yeah, I guess so.
Speaker 3
00:22:02 Hey, what are you doing?
Speaker 17
00:22:03 Did you know that I was?
Speaker 4
00:22:04 Jewish. No, no, I do.
Speaker 3
00:22:07 Hey, yeah.
00:22:10 And now we do too.
Speaker 11
00:22:13 I think I think we all know that.
00:22:15 Yeah, usually.
00:22:16 Usually it's not Jew on Jew, though.
Speaker 10
00:22:19 I guess that's a.
Speaker 7
00:22:20 This is a.
00:22:21 A new development or an old development?
00:22:24 Maybe it was always Jew on you.
00:22:25 But imagine that too.
00:22:28 Two Jews making **** in the 90s OK.
00:22:31 At least I'm assuming this is the 90s.
Speaker 17
00:22:34 How old are you?
00:22:37 When was your birthday?
Speaker 4
00:22:39 March 23rd.
Speaker 17
00:22:41 What year?
Speaker 4
00:22:41 77.
Speaker 17
00:22:43 77.
00:22:44 So that would be.
00:22:46 Let's see here that would be.
00:22:49 Somewhere around 90 sevenish or.
00:22:51 So so that we're in.
00:22:52 The same time period of the 93 stuff.
Speaker 17
00:22:59 In 1977.
00:23:01 Do you feel 18?
00:23:02 Do you feel older?
Speaker 4
00:23:04 Hello there.
00:23:05 You do.
Speaker 4
00:23:07 I don't know.
00:23:08 Because all the **** I've gone through.
Speaker 17
00:23:10 Really. You've been.
00:23:11 You're going through that much?
00:23:13 I'm sorry, has it all been?
Speaker 18
00:23:14 Bad or no?
Speaker 4
00:23:16 It's not bad.
00:23:17 It's just been crazy.
Speaker 17
00:23:20 Why did you decide to do this?
Speaker 4
00:23:22 Why? I don't know, because.
00:23:27 I don't know why I just did.
00:23:29 Someone wanted to do.
Speaker 17
00:23:32 Do you like adult videos?
Speaker 4
00:23:34 Yeah, I guess so, yeah.
Speaker 17
00:23:40 Are you sexual?
00:23:41 Are you very sexual?
00:23:43 Do you think?
00:23:43 That has a.
00:23:44 Lot to do with.
Speaker 4
00:23:44 It yeah, probably.
Speaker 17
00:23:50 How tall are?
00:23:53 What are your measurements?
00:23:54 This is someone's Jewish mother right now by.
Speaker 4
00:23:54 My measurements. Like what? Ohh
00:23:56 The way she's got to be like 40.
Speaker 4
00:23:58 38C.
Speaker 9
00:24:00 Like or something like that.
Speaker 17
00:24:00 38 really, I've never seen your breasts.
00:24:02 Or she's dead in a ditch somewhere.
Speaker 17
00:24:04 I think I'm about to them.
Speaker 7
00:24:05 At an unmarked.
Speaker 18
00:24:06 Is this the first time you're doing this?
Speaker 17
00:24:10 Are you nervous?
Speaker 4
00:24:13 Because I never thought anything like this.
00:24:15 Before I see.
Speaker 17
00:24:16 Where are you from?
00:24:17 You have an accent.
Speaker 4
00:24:20 Well, I lived out in the country for like.
00:24:21 Five and.
Speaker 11
00:24:21 I imagine that some some country girl.
Speaker 4
00:24:21 10 years and I guess the people I hung out with all had accents and it just turns the way off on you after living.
00:24:27 Tricked into **** or country.
Speaker 4
00:24:28 There so long.
00:24:30 Welcome here was in Sydney, Ohio.
Speaker 17
00:24:33 Oh, I see. OK.
00:24:38 So tell me, does any of your family know that you're doing this?
Speaker 4
00:24:41 Everyone in my family knows I'm doing except for my brothers.
00:24:43 This is what's weird.
Speaker 4
00:24:44 I don't think they know but it.
00:24:45 Don't matter.
Speaker 17
00:24:46 You mean your parents?
Speaker 4
00:24:47 Ohh yeah.
00:24:48 My mom and my dad.
Speaker 17
00:24:49 What do they think?
Speaker 4
00:24:49 About it, my mom doesn't like the simple fact that.
00:24:52 I mean, she doesn't care that I'm doing it, but she.
00:24:54 Doesn't want me to.
00:24:54 Do movies, but she said that.
00:24:56 She can't stop me if I do.
00:24:59 And my dad, he's just so excited.
00:25:01 He he just can't wait to.
00:25:02 Get a tape.
00:25:04 Her Jewish dad.
00:25:08 Is so excited he can't wait to get the tape.
00:25:14 And her mom doesn't care that she's doing it.
00:25:19 Judeo-christian values, ladies and gentlemen, judeo-christian values. Her dad is excited to get the tape.
00:25:29 Now I want.
Speaker 10
00:25:29 You to look look.
00:25:30 If if I was making ****.
00:25:34 And I was doing this little intro or whatever to try to.
00:25:37 I don't know what get the viewer to be interested in this girl a little bit, as you know, so have some kind of, like emotional connection to augment the the sexual energy or what?
00:25:54 So whatever right these little intros they do.
00:25:59 Even in that in this scenario, this fictional scenario where where Devin is making ****.
00:26:06 If she had said if she had told me that her dad was excited and waiting to get the tape.
00:26:13 I would.
00:26:14 I would have just been.
00:26:15 Like what? What?
00:26:18 I might have had to stop recording it and cause I'd feel so gross.
00:26:21 I'd be.
00:26:22 Like I you know.
00:26:23 You've obviously been abused and this is.
00:26:26 This is not good.
Speaker 10
00:26:28 This is ****** **.
00:26:29 But now listen to listen to how.
00:26:33 The Jewish pornographer reacts.
Speaker 4
00:26:37 He's just big old pervert.
00:26:38 He just wants to.
00:26:38 See the tape.
Speaker 17
00:26:40 Well, you know it.
00:26:41 I mean, if she watches that that.
00:26:43 Genre, I mean.
00:26:45 In, in his eyes, in his opinion, you're.
00:26:47 A star.
Speaker 10
00:26:49 You're a star.
00:26:52 It's a good thing nothing weird about your dad wanting to see.
00:26:55 The tape I'm going to.
00:26:56 Send him a ******* copy.
Speaker 10
00:26:58 Nothing weird about that.
00:27:04 Anyway, it gets grosser from there so, but I just I couldn't believe that like I.
Speaker 10
00:27:09 Popped the tape in.
00:27:11 And I was just like, are you?
00:27:12 ******* kidding me.
Speaker 2
00:27:14 Like out of every.
Speaker 10
00:27:16 Place on this tape.
00:27:18 It's like.
00:27:18 A long tape, I'm.
00:27:19 Assuming it's a full tape, it's a full size tape.
00:27:24 And so like out of anywhere that because like I said, it's not, it wasn't even.
00:27:27 At the beginning it was just like in the middle.
00:27:30 For for it to be right there.
00:27:33 I was just like Jesus, this is.
00:27:36 Are you kidding me? Are.
00:27:37 You Oh my God anyway.
00:27:44 So, so that happened.
00:27:45 Thanks Carl.
00:27:48 Let's eject that tape out.
00:27:52 Oh, technology high tech stuff.
00:27:56 High tech stuff.
00:27:58 Yeah, this this is like a big *** tape.
00:28:00 Like a.
00:28:02 I don't know if it says like, how long.
00:28:04 Yeah, cause it's not like.
00:28:07 Yeah, this is, I think at the quality, it was playing, this is like ******* six hours long.
00:28:12 It's about actually it's more.
00:28:14 It's more more towards if if it winds the way I think it's more towards the end.
00:28:22 Anyway, that's ******* crazy.
00:28:24 That's ******* crazy.
Speaker 15
00:28:27 All right, so.
00:28:30 This other tape.
00:28:32 Is different this tape?
00:28:35 Is a recording of two shows.
00:28:40 We probably don't.
00:28:41 We're not probably going through both of them.
00:28:42 Because we have to do a lot of.
00:28:45 Fast forwarding and well, maybe maybe that won't take as long as I'm.
00:28:50 Thinking, but there's two made for TV movies on or actually.
00:28:55 Three made for TV movies on it.
00:28:58 Well, I guess the cool thing is it'll Fast forward really fast then, because it's on.
00:29:04 Like the.
00:29:07 The the see the way that alright.
00:29:09 So I'm gonna give it a little geek information about VHS.
00:29:13 So VHS tapes, you had different speeds because the magnetic tape that would run across the magnetic head there was writing the analog video signal to it.
00:29:26 The faster the tape would go across that.
00:29:33 That head.
00:29:34 The more tape.
00:29:38 Per second, I guess meant the higher quality than that video signal would be, right?
00:29:45 Because there's more tape to write.
00:29:46 It on.
00:29:48 And then the same exact tape could also be it could go from being an hour long for like the highest quality to something like 6 hours long if it just rolled that magnetic tape really slowly across the head.
00:30:09 And it because it took so long, there's, there's not as much tape as traveling across the head.
00:30:16 And so it has way less tape per second.
00:30:19 I guess a.
00:30:19 Way to put it, to write the information so the quality is worse.
00:30:25 Anyway, the reason why that's relevant is when I Fast forward, because it's written, it was written at a speed that was just crawling across the head.
00:30:37 It'll haul ***.
00:30:38 I think when I Fast forward.
00:30:40 At least that's the hope we'll see anyway.
00:30:44 Let's pop this ****** in.
00:30:48 So the first made for TV movie that's in here is call.
00:30:54 Of the wild.
00:30:55 And again, I'm we're not going to watch it.
00:30:57 We're just going to watch the commercials.
00:30:59 It's kind of funny because it's like.
00:31:01 This might be one of the first times in history that with a VHS tape, someone has fast forwarded the show to watch the commercials.
00:31:13 So let's have a look here.
00:31:15 And again, I haven't seen all this. I just saw that it was 93 and watched like the first commercial break because I I didn't realize that they would have.
00:31:24 That's what I was searching for.
00:31:25 I was like, well, did they let the commercials?
00:31:26 Roll. And they did.
00:31:27 So I guess that would you'd have to do that back then unless you were like Captain, Captain Pause button.
00:31:33 So here we go.
Speaker 7
00:31:48 OK, time.
Speaker 19
00:31:50 The taste.
Speaker 20
00:31:53 Building a successful company team 6:00 AM Monday.
Speaker 21
00:31:58 Good evening.
00:31:58 Whoa. Alright, hold on.
Speaker 21
00:31:59 I'm Tim Benson up.
00:31:59 It's been a violent weekend, mark.
00:32:01 Audio is way lagged on this way.
00:32:05 Lagged on this.
00:32:06 I wonder if it's because the effects I put on it, but I kind of almost kind of have to let me see if I can get that audio to not be so.
00:32:13 Behind on there.
00:32:18 Because that's going to be annoying.
00:32:21 We kind of need that though.
00:32:28 Alright, let's see if that helps it.
Speaker 21
00:32:31 And horses falling on spectators during the.
00:32:34 Last two parades.
00:32:34 Yeah, but see, the audio is so horrific.
Speaker 21
00:32:35 Killed one and injured body found tonight on the city's West side of victims. The victim had been shot to death and elderly longtime San Antonio couple is found dead in.
00:32:44 Now this might not workout guys.
00:32:47 Let me see.
00:32:50 See that that high pitch sound that will go away once the OS built in.
00:32:57 Audio cleaner upper thing catches it and figures it out, but the VST effects that I've put on it to make it sound less ****** I think are the ones lagging it out.
00:33:10 So let me let me screw around the audio just for a moment.
00:33:14 Here, let's remove that.
Speaker 3
00:33:17 And remove this.
00:33:20 And I'm going to turn off the compressor.
00:33:23 So now it's just the noise suppression.
00:33:29 And we're going to see.
00:33:31 And I'll deactivate it and activate it.
00:33:34 Alright, let's see what happens here.
Speaker 21
00:33:38 Fiesta and horses falling on spectators during the last two parades kills one and injuries 2A body is found tonight on the city's West side of victims of victim had been shot to death and elderly longtime San Antonio couple was found dead in the Northside home on northwest side side five families.
00:33:52 How do you guys feel about this?
00:33:54 I'm gonna have to turn the audio up at least.
Speaker 22
00:33:57 You know, I run into people all.
00:33:59 Oh, Men's Wearhouse.
00:34:01 All right, so let me let me do this.
00:34:03 Let me make the.
00:34:05 We might be able to live with this.
00:34:07 We might be able to live with this.
00:34:10 If I turn the audio up.
00:34:12 Let's see.
Speaker 7
00:34:18 Crank it up about that much.
00:34:22 It's going to have that annoying Buzz fair warning for a second.
Speaker 22
00:34:27 Of the shops at a Men's Wearhouse store and I say the same thing to everybody.
00:34:30 Give us one minute that come into our store for 60 seconds and you'll become a member.
00:34:32 Go away.
Speaker 17
00:34:34 All right.
Speaker 11
00:34:34 We I think we can live with that.
00:34:36 Let me turn up a little more.
00:34:43 I can get behind that, all right.
00:34:46 OK.
00:34:48 The only reason I'm rewinding it is I want you to hear what that news reports about.
00:34:51 If I remember correctly, if I heard right the 1st.
00:34:54 Time and it's, you know, it's very.
00:34:56 1993.
Speaker 20
00:35:14 Building a successful company team 6:00 AM Monday.
Speaker 21
00:35:20 Good evening. I'm Ken Benson up at 10. A violent weekend marks the end of Fiesta and horses falling on spectators during the last two parades killed one and injured 2 and that is found right on the city's.
00:35:21 It's still lag.
Speaker 2
00:35:29 Yeah, screw it.
Speaker 21
00:35:30 West side and victims of this.
00:35:34 Oh, that's like, super lag.
00:35:35 They got worse somehow.
00:35:37 Yeah, screw it.
00:35:38 You know it.
00:35:39 That's OK.
00:35:40 Because it's not like we're watching.
00:35:41 Who cares?
00:35:42 So let me do this.
00:35:44 I'm going to turn that.
00:35:47 Effect back on.
00:35:49 That I was using before that makes.
00:35:50 It sound better.
00:35:53 And I'm going to turn this back down.
00:35:55 A little bit.
00:35:57 All right. Sorry guys.
00:35:59 Let's see.
Speaker 20
00:36:02 An elderly, longtime San Antonio couple was found dead on the Northside home on northwest side fire leaves five families home with.
00:36:08 More on that now then.
Speaker 22
00:36:10 You know, I run into people all the time that have never shopped at the Men's Wearhouse store, and I say the same thing to everybody.
Speaker 9
00:36:13 Oh, now it's the same.
Speaker 22
00:36:16 Give us one minute.
00:36:18 Just come into our store for 60 seconds and you'll become a Men's Wearhouse customer.
00:36:23 I guarantee it.
00:36:24 Oh, you know what?
00:36:26 I think I know what's alright.
00:36:28 Let's try.
00:36:28 I'm gonna do one more thing.
00:36:29 And if it's not it.
00:36:30 Doesn't fix.
00:36:31 It then whatever.
00:36:33 It's not a big deal.
00:36:35 I think I know what it is though.
00:36:38 I think it's the.
00:36:40 Maybe the frame frames per second here?
00:36:48 It's disabled buffering.
00:36:49 See if that does anything.
00:36:53 And let's change.
00:37:05 Let's change frames per second.
00:37:10 Oh, I didn't like that.
Speaker 7
00:37:18 Let's do this.
00:37:20 Alright, this might work.
00:37:23 Let's see what happens.
Speaker 20
00:37:27 Medical examiners identify a victim at the cult compound near Waco a lot more tonight at 10.
00:37:32 Oh, see, there you go.
00:37:34 That's what I was going for.
00:37:36 So this is back when Waco was happening.
00:37:39 And they identified another body at Waco.
00:37:42 More at 10 anyway.
00:37:43 I just thought that was a nice little thing, but whatever.
00:37:46 I think we may have fixed it.
00:37:48 We'll find out.
Speaker 19
00:38:00 John Thornton wanted the adventure of a lifetime.
Speaker 2
00:38:03 I'm going to the adventure.
Speaker 11
00:38:04 Of a lifetime.
Speaker 19
00:38:04 He went searching.
00:38:05 For glory and gold.
00:38:06 But what he found was incredible danger.
00:38:09 You got you might quicker with.
Speaker 22
00:38:10 Your pets and your money.
Speaker 19
00:38:11 A powerful God whose courage would save his life and a beautiful woman whose blood would feel his heart in Jack London's greatest adventure premiere movie.
Speaker 2
00:38:15 This you know what, I.
00:38:20 I have a way to fix.
Speaker 11
00:38:21 This, but you're going to have.
00:38:23 To hang on for a second.
00:38:26 You know.
00:38:26 What I'm gonna do with the old fashioned way?
00:38:30 I'm gonna just hardwire the.
00:38:33 The audio into the computer and so while I go grab the relevant cable.
00:38:39 I'm going to play a.
00:38:40 Little song for you guys.
Speaker 5
00:39:30 I wouldn't do anything.
00:39:35 Run right into heaven.
00:39:41 I would do anything.
00:39:46 I'll never let you in that so.
00:39:54 The way you feel, right?
00:39:57 No, no.
00:40:00 No way and I would do anything for love will do for love.
00:40:13 I will do everything fall in love, but I won't do that.
00:40:22 No, I won't do.
00:40:34 Some days ago.
00:40:50 Some magic talking nice.
00:40:53 From nature, like nothing I've ever seen.
Speaker 11
00:41:08 OK.
00:41:11 I never understood what he meant by that.
00:41:13 Like what?
00:41:15 He won't do.
00:41:16 What like must be pretty bad I know anyway.
00:41:22 Ended up using several cables to make this happen, but this should work now.
00:41:26 Uh, alright, let's see.
00:41:28 What is this one?
00:41:31 So all right.
00:41:32 Nope, that's not it.
Speaker 7
00:41:36 That's not it.
00:41:38 Is this it?
00:41:44 Nope, that's not it.
Speaker 3
00:41:51 OK, let me do this.
00:42:03 The magic of live streaming.
00:42:08 With VHS.
00:42:10 OK, I promise this is going to work.
00:42:12 I know what?
00:42:12 I'm doing it's.
00:42:13 Just there's a lot of a lot of stupid **** I got to do.
00:42:16 Yeah, here we go.
00:42:18 This should be fine.
00:42:21 And now I just have to change the.
00:42:25 Settings here so I can hear it.
00:42:31 What's that called #3?
00:42:36 OK, this should work, but I'll probably put filters on it.
00:42:39 Again, let's let's have a listen.
00:42:42 And let me mute this here and let me mute.
00:42:48 And ****, I'll mute that too.
00:42:50 Let me just make sure this works.
00:42:53 It does, and it's got that awful sound, so.
00:42:55 I'll put the filter on.
00:42:58 Oh, so many things to click.
00:43:00 Sorry it I didn't try.
00:43:02 I I tested it out.
00:43:03 I didn't realize it was going to be out of sync like that because it didn't seem out of sync when I was trying this out.
00:43:12 We're going to just do noise suppression.
00:43:16 There we go.
00:43:17 And justice like that, I think it'll work.
Speaker 2
00:43:22 Yeah. All right.
Speaker 24
00:43:22 Tonight we have general tours invite you to enjoy the very highest and quality television the Kraft General Foods premiere movie.
Speaker 11
00:43:23 It sounds way better, so I don't need all these other effects on it.
Speaker 3
00:43:29 So here we go.
Speaker 24
00:43:31 All of the Wild starring Rick Schroeder.
Speaker 9
00:43:34 Rick Schroeder.
00:43:40 Good old Rick Schroeder.
00:43:45 Call of the wild.
00:43:50 So that the.
00:43:50 First, commercial break doesn't happen for a minute because they got to get you hooked, get you hooked on Rick Schroeder.
00:43:59 And then once you're looped in, it'll turn into commercial paradise.
00:44:06 Going to Alaska.
00:44:07 I think that's where he goes.
00:44:08 I read that book.
00:44:09 When I was like 10, yeah, there's the the.
00:44:12 Of course, the wise Indian friend that teaches the white man everything.
00:44:20 And the evil Russian characters.
00:44:24 That hate dogs.
00:44:27 And Indians ohh look there.
Speaker 19
00:44:28 We go stranger in his truck.
00:44:32 All right.
Speaker 2
00:44:35 Commercial one.
Speaker 13
00:44:40 Hey, have you heard about new Raspberry ice?
00:44:43 I can really welcome crystal light.
Speaker 10
00:44:43 Have not flavor from.
Speaker 13
00:44:46 Go ahead, taste it.
Speaker 2
00:44:47 A powderized chemical like sticking in water.
Speaker 13
00:44:49 That new Raspberry ice crystal.
00:44:51 To ruin my kidneys.
00:44:53 That sounds amazing.
Speaker 2
00:44:55 Why just drink.
00:44:55 Water boomers, we've made this powder that you can pour into water.
00:45:00 It'll taste like candy.
Speaker 10
00:45:04 It'll be amazing.
Speaker 13
00:45:06 No, it's way to turn water into wow, wow.
Speaker 2
00:45:08 We can talk.
Speaker 10
00:45:12 Water's not good enough.
Speaker 25
00:45:12 Granger and his trusty grills dirty, ready for the fight.
00:45:16 Other sauces his pulls out to see which tasted right and the pull pulls off his wheel once we have laid the waste then masterpiece.
Speaker 9
00:45:19 Well, first thing it stands out to me on.
Speaker 11
00:45:21 This one is that he's white.
00:45:25 And that he's shooting things and.
00:45:27 You know, that's as depressing as that sounds.
00:45:31 Even though he's he's shooting.
00:45:34 With a bottle of BBQ sauce.
00:45:39 Just the fact that he's pointing and shooting at things like that just seems normal.
00:45:44 Like it's not a big deal.
00:45:45 It's supposed to.
00:45:46 Be like a cowboy theme.
00:45:48 But if they made this commercial not in 1993.
00:45:52 Then he well, first of all, he'd be black, and he'd have a white woman and there'd be no shooting going on.
Speaker 25
00:46:03 Big bold taste and his Ranger had won the day with the sauce that beat the rest.
Speaker 11
00:46:04 Like all those like.
Speaker 25
00:46:08 The big little taste of moose.
00:46:09 The white woman.
Speaker 25
00:46:10 I taste the best.
00:46:11 Dribbles out honey smoke and grill with.
Speaker 26
00:46:14 The smoke see because.
00:46:16 Again, it's a it's a white male positive commercial in a way.
00:46:23 I mean, look, it's stupid.
00:46:24 It's for BBQ.
00:46:25 Sauce, whatever, right?
00:46:27 But it it's showing this tough, rugged, individual cowboy white guy as the main character.
00:46:32 He's not getting **** on at the end.
00:46:34 He's there.
00:46:35 There's no message that like ohh look and he's not as strong.
00:46:38 As the woman.
00:46:39 You know, there's no stupid thing at the end that's like, oh, yeah, and also he's gay.
00:46:45 It's just no, he's just like.
00:46:46 This white guy.
00:46:47 And he's tough and he gets the woman at the end.
00:46:49 No, that's it.
00:46:52 And I again, I know people are going to think I'm over analyzing this **** or whatever, or I'm I'm being trivial.
00:46:58 This stuff matters.
00:46:59 You wouldn't.
00:47:00 The fact that you as normal as that commercial sound it seemed.
00:47:05 As as unnecessary as it might seem to analyze it, because of how normal it seems.
00:47:13 That's precisely why you have to analyze it, because today you wouldn't be able to make.
00:47:17 That commercial, as stupid as that is you.
00:47:19 Wouldn't be able to make.
00:47:20 That commercial.
00:47:23 All right, take a look at what this white lady's gonna try to sell you.
Speaker 18
00:47:27 To introduce you to a brand new cereal.
00:47:30 But before I show you what it looks like, like to show.
00:47:33 You what it looks like.
00:47:35 Only baked banana nut bread if you'd like.
00:47:38 A slice of this, you're going to love a bowl of this three banana nut crunch cereal or real banana.
00:47:44 Actually kind of sounds good.
Speaker 18
00:47:45 Baked in the.
00:47:46 Crunchy oat clusters and crispy wheat flakes with chopped walnuts, new banana nut crunch from post.
00:47:49 And I don't know.
00:47:49 I want cereal.
00:47:54 Because why get?
00:47:55 Why give your kids?
00:47:57 A nice breakfast in the morning.
00:47:59 When you can just use what we literally use to get animals fat at a farm.
00:48:06 You know, it's funny.
00:48:06 All these people that like the diet.
00:48:09 And think that by eating oatmeal.
00:48:11 Oatmeal's good oatmeal's the good carbs.
00:48:14 Oatmeal is literally what you.
00:48:16 Give cows to fatten them up.
00:48:18 It is.
00:48:20 And all these, all these cereals, that's that's.
00:48:24 That's really what it's for.
00:48:26 It's it's, it's identical to like, it's the kind of feed.
00:48:30 It's kid feed.
00:48:31 That's what it is.
00:48:33 It's kid feed.
00:48:34 And look, I don't have a problem with having options to have something that stores well.
00:48:41 I mean, look, I mean, I got like I, I I have a year supply of.
00:48:44 Little more.
00:48:45 It's it's convenient.
00:48:47 It's nice to have that, but something that I think we're going to see in, especially because this is sponsored by Kraft, right, Kraft Foods, Kraft also owns Budweiser or the other way around.
00:48:59 I don't remember which way that goes, but anyway craft is huge.
00:49:02 You might want to check out the.
00:49:05 I'm pretty sure the early life on those people.
00:49:09 Matches up with that first tape I played, you know?
00:49:12 Find out.
00:49:13 I'm pretty sure it does.
00:49:20 Big conglomerate though.
00:49:22 I mean it's it's.
00:49:25 Oh, they've merged with Heinz now John Kerry's wife's company.
00:49:33 All right, craft foods, let's take a look here, Wikipedia history.
00:49:42 It doesn't.
00:49:45 Who was the founder?
00:49:46 Oh, there we go.
00:49:47 James L craft.
00:49:48 Well, his nose is looking suspect.
00:49:50 Let's take a look here.
00:49:53 Life and career.
00:49:53 There is no early life.
00:49:57 Oh well, here we go.
00:50:01 I mean his his house was literally his mansion was was designed by Abraham Epstein.
00:50:09 So I mean I anyway, let's go.
00:50:12 I thought that was interesting, blah, blah blah.
00:50:15 Parents too.
00:50:16 Alright, Franklin craft.
00:50:22 It doesn't say.
00:50:25 That anywhere that I can see.
00:50:30 When he was German.
00:50:33 But I don't know that he was.
00:50:35 This might be one of those things where he's German.
00:50:41 But I don't know.
00:50:42 I don't know for a.
00:50:42 Fact I.
00:50:43 Could be wrong about this I thought.
00:50:44 I'd heard something about.
00:50:45 That, but if not, Abraham Epstein still made his mansion, so whatever it is, what?
00:50:49 It is moving right along.
00:50:52 The reason we're going to see a lot of these commercials for the the way that craft foods.
00:50:57 Got and a lot of the not just craft.
00:50:59 There's a lot of these, you know, Nestle, a lot of these big come.
00:51:03 They got gigantic by because here here was the problem right.
00:51:09 Once you had the boomer women going to their jobs instead of, you know, staying at home and preparing meals for their family and, you know, being mothers.
00:51:21 Well, you had a you had.
00:51:22 A problem you didn't have time.
00:51:25 To do those things, if you were working 8 hours a day plus the commute and everything else, plus like your own personal stuff, you know, like Boomer parents were just out to lunch the entire time they were.
00:51:38 So the problem is your kids still had to eat, right?
00:51:43 I mean, even even people in prison get food, right?
00:51:47 So there became this entire industry of kid feed.
00:51:53 Where it was number different than just dumping a can of cat food into a bowl and then saying eat it and walking away.
00:52:04 Like that was it?
00:52:04 It was kid feed.
00:52:07 And that's what.
00:52:08 That's what all that's what all.
00:52:12 Of these companies make if, when it comes right down to it all these products.
00:52:18 It's it's kid feed.
00:52:20 So you don't have to actually pay attention to what your kids eat.
00:52:24 You don't have to actually prepare the food.
00:52:30 You can just in fact in many cases you don't even have to, you know, open the can of cat food and dump it in the bowl.
00:52:35 You can just say it's in the pantry.
00:52:39 Go make yourself a bowl of cereal.
00:52:42 Go pour your pour your own kid feed.
00:52:46 You're old enough to do that.
00:52:52 I'm going to be working late.
00:52:55 Get yourself something out of.
Speaker 18
00:52:56 In your stereo ball.
00:52:56 The freezer.
00:52:58 It stopped pausing apparently times up anyway.
00:53:01 We'll go to the next commercial.
00:53:02 Because apparently the VCR has.
00:53:04 Had enough?
00:53:04 It wants it wants.
00:53:05 To keep going.
00:53:07 I suspect that's what a.
00:53:08 Lot of these are going to be.
Speaker 5
00:53:15 Like never before.
00:53:18 There you go.
00:53:19 Cool web.
00:53:21 Have have fat and sugar infused fat on your food.
00:53:26 I do think it's funny that so far we haven't really seen any black people, and when they finally decide to play, have some black people.
00:53:34 It's it's for something.
00:53:36 It's a chocolate thing but.
00:53:39 Might have even been.
00:53:40 Intentional anyway, so there you go.
00:53:42 Here's here's sugar infused fat.
00:53:48 And it's non dairy.
00:53:49 So who knows?
00:53:50 Who knows where this this fats coming from?
00:53:53 It's just like.
00:53:53 This whipped up.
Speaker 2
00:53:55 Probably soybean oil.
00:53:58 With sugar in it.
Speaker 19
00:54:04 Crafts mangoes taste better because they made some sign of milk.
00:54:08 Mystery cheese.
00:54:11 Yeah, Kraft singles, it's just it's not real cheese.
00:54:14 It's just like a cheese like substance smeared between two pieces of plastic that even your kid can peel open and shove in his gullet.
00:54:25 It's it's instead of sugar infused.
00:54:29 Fat. It's just a.
00:54:31 Yellow dyed fat.
Speaker 3
00:54:33 And our rocket and then shoot it to the moon.
00:54:36 And when he gets back with you.
Speaker 19
00:54:40 Milk means better taste and every class thing was made.
00:54:43 The vibe ounces of milk.
Speaker 3
00:54:44 Ohh 5 PRA.
Speaker 19
00:54:44 Unlike imitation cheese, made mostly with oil and water, milk makes crisps, singles taste better.
00:54:52 Now when you buy special mark packages of craft singles, you get a free pop up action.
Speaker 2
00:54:55 Baseball player card.
00:54:57 Holy ****, mom.
00:54:58 We need Kraft singles.
00:55:00 No, I don't want the generic.
00:55:01 We need Kraft singles.
00:55:02 It's got like this.
00:55:04 This guy on a cardboard square.
Speaker 24
00:55:09 We now return to the craft General Foods premiere movie.
Speaker 3
00:55:10 Ohh we don't.
00:55:12 Yeah, we don't.
00:55:15 We're going to zip right past.
00:55:19 Hopefully not as long though, because now now you're into the.
00:55:21 Now you're into it.
00:55:22 Now you have to keep watching.
00:55:26 You're like, OK, I gotta see what happens with this this Indian guy and his.
00:55:31 And his dog and the snow.
00:55:35 Ohh there.
00:55:38 Looks like they're having some.
00:55:39 Trouble when it passed up up.
00:55:41 The Indian guy saved.
00:55:42 It's cool.
00:55:43 It's cool.
00:55:44 Stupid white guy.
00:55:47 Oh, now there's.
00:55:49 There's trouble.
00:55:50 Trouble for his favorite dog?
00:55:53 I forget how.
00:55:53 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 7
00:55:55 Whoa, there we go.
Speaker 21
00:55:59 It will not unpack.
00:56:01 Do it tomorrow.
Speaker 7
00:56:03 I wish we were still.
00:56:04 Gonna be on me, too.
00:56:06 Yeah, we'll take you back.
00:56:13 This reminds me of the coffee that.
Speaker 18
00:56:14 We have right do you?
Speaker 23
00:56:15 Need chocolate caffeine rich.
Speaker 11
00:56:16 That night we ******.
Speaker 23
00:56:17 Coffee with a touch of mushed chocolate.
Speaker 7
00:56:20 That was my favorite night in piano.
Speaker 23
00:56:22 But we never.
Speaker 5
00:56:22 Went out.
00:56:25 I know.
00:56:26 Ohh hey.
00:56:31 Look, I'm actually OK with that.
00:56:33 I'm OK with that.
00:56:36 I have nothing to complain about with that.
00:56:38 I'd I'd much rather.
00:56:40 That than, you know wet *** *****, OK?
00:56:44 Because kids will watch that and have no idea what it means.
00:56:47 It's fine.
00:56:48 You're using sex to sell, but not in like a gross.
00:56:50 Way and it's a product that is.
00:56:53 Not something that you're going to be dumping into.
00:56:56 A bowl for your.
00:56:57 So all right, I'm OK with this one.
Speaker 18
00:57:00 Let's make this season.
00:57:03 I'm already not OK with this and not just because the black lady.
00:57:06 Is making it.
Speaker 20
00:57:10 So much better when you make it fresh.
Speaker 11
00:57:12 Oh, and isn't.
00:57:13 That refreshing, Speaking of fresh.
00:57:16 He it's a black man, not.
00:57:17 With a white woman.
Speaker 10
00:57:20 In a commercial Can you imagine?
00:57:23 That's the most refreshing thing about this.
Speaker 20
00:57:31 Good season you make.
00:57:33 See, that's that's the big lie.
Speaker 10
00:57:35 You're making it.
00:57:37 Here get this packet of of who knows who knows what's in it?
00:57:42 It's, you know, just it's made in this giant machine that that has a bunch of chemicals that no one can pronounce on the back.
00:57:52 We'll throw in, you know, a couple of real things.
00:57:54 In there that.
00:57:56 You know, probably contain GMOs and lots of pesticides, but whatever.
00:58:00 And you, you, you can make your own.
00:58:02 You made it.
Speaker 18
00:58:03 You made it.
00:58:04 You just open this little packet and and pour in your favorite.
00:58:10 Really bad for you vegetable oil, probably soy, who knows?
00:58:13 And then pour that on your.
00:58:15 The only part of the food that's good.
00:58:18 You know what?
00:58:19 Just get the the actual the salad part here.
00:58:22 Just pour this poison.
00:58:25 That you made, you made, you made.
Speaker 9
00:58:26 The poison. It's good.
Speaker 20
00:58:30 Make it fast.
Speaker 11
00:58:31 You make it fast.
Speaker 26
00:58:32 If we were to take the shelves out of.
Speaker 11
00:58:33 Oh, this is.
Speaker 26
00:58:34 Helping the shells.
00:58:34 And cheese and have repeated.
00:58:37 You know, if Kraft singles are bad, then this is just like pure ******* cancer.
Speaker 26
00:58:41 Through our rich, creamy Velveeta cheese sauce, you know what would happen?
00:58:46 Something good try, though.
00:58:48 Vita rotini and cheese with broccoli?
Speaker 24
00:58:51 Tonight's craft General foods premiere.
00:58:53 Movie will continue in a.
00:58:54 Moment. Ohh good.
Speaker 19
00:58:57 They told her her daughter couldn't have a child.
Speaker 18
00:58:59 All my daughters have ever wanted.
00:59:01 Was to have a baby.
00:59:03 See, nowadays they'd be like.
00:59:04 What the ****'* wrong?
Speaker 10
00:59:05 With your daughter, then.
00:59:07 What the Hell's wrong with her?
Speaker 19
00:59:09 Hear what the name says.
Speaker 23
00:59:11 We've been vitro fertilization, I can be your servant.
Speaker 10
00:59:13 Entire show.
Speaker 19
00:59:14 Never been done before.
Speaker 10
00:59:15 This is where her mom is a surrogate.
Speaker 2
00:59:17 Mother for her daughter.
00:59:22 See, I got mixed feelings about that, right?
00:59:24 On one level, it's.
00:59:27 You know, it's nice that she wants a kid.
00:59:30 If it worked out the way that I think that it did, you know where it's genetically, it's their kid, you know, and everything works out fine.
00:59:37 But the problem is there's a lot of problems in, in terms of if you're a.
00:59:45 A purist on abortion.
00:59:50 Something you should know about in vitro.
00:59:53 They you end up killing fertilized eggs.
00:59:57 Because the way that they do it is they get a bunch of eggs, you know, like, especially if you're, you know, these women that freeze their eggs and stuff like that.
01:00:06 Right.
01:00:07 And then you're going to activate them or whatever.
01:00:10 What they do is they fertilize.
01:00:14 More than just, it's not just like, oh, we're going to fertilize this one egg and then implant it.
01:00:19 No, they fertilize like a.
01:00:20 Bunch and then like the so you have, you're in in a way when you do this you you're having like lots of abortions at the same time.
01:00:31 Because it's not just the one that gets fertilized, they discard some of the other ones.
01:00:38 So not a lot of people know that something to think about those of you who are women listening, who want to put your eggs on ice and think that that's that's an option, just know, know what's involved there.
01:00:52 That's that's part of it.
01:00:55 Yeah, but there's something just a little weird and unnatural about this, but I don't know.
01:00:59 I don't know.
Speaker 19
01:01:00 You're going to get too attached.
01:01:02 Julian and Tracy gold.
Speaker 23
01:01:04 Do you think I'm better mistake?
Speaker 19
01:01:05 Labor of love two weeks from tonight.
Speaker 12
01:01:08 You made America.
Speaker 19
01:01:15 After 14.
Speaker 2
01:01:16 Years 344 episodes.
01:01:22 Lovers and enemies. Oh.
Speaker 9
01:01:24 It's some kind of trashy soap opera.
01:01:37 I don't.
01:01:38 I've never seen that, but I remember the name vaguely.
Speaker 22
01:01:38 Slicing meat.
Speaker 24
01:01:41 We now return to the crack general Foods premiere movie.
01:01:47 And I told you the.
01:01:48 Story about when my mom.
01:01:50 Used to watch soap operas during the day and it actually stopped because.
01:01:57 I I was at home and I asked too many questions about what some of the things they were talking about meant, and it seemed a little degenerate to me, and I think it hit her like, oh, well, if my 8 year old knows that this is funked up, maybe I shouldn't be watching it with especially.
01:02:13 Not with him in the room.
01:02:16 Alright so.
01:02:19 Is out in the snow more in the snow.
Speaker 11
01:02:22 Ohh whoa whoa.
Speaker 26
01:02:22 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:02:23 Maxwell House.
01:02:25 I got I got something.
01:02:26 To say to.
01:02:26 You guys, come on.
01:02:31 My darling.
Speaker 19
01:02:42 High from beneath the mouth gave the length its richness, and the land gave the richness to the copy of Colombia.
01:02:50 That's why.
01:02:50 Oh God.
01:02:52 You been anyone enough?
01:02:53 Stop using volcano beans then that's the problem, the.
Speaker 19
01:02:54 Because better beings think better talking.
Speaker 10
01:02:57 Volcano beans are not good.
Speaker 19
01:03:02 He's the Maxwell blended with rich Columbia.
01:03:05 B always looked to the light.
01:03:05 Yeah, stop using that I can.
Speaker 9
01:03:07 Tell you about like this?
Speaker 11
01:03:09 Whatever volcano.
Speaker 10
01:03:11 Whatever they be.
Speaker 23
01:03:12 Because the meeting never ends when they say it well.
01:03:12 Though being it's not.
Speaker 22
01:03:15 Introducing minute recipes.
Speaker 14
01:03:17 Good practice always laughs.
01:03:19 OK, this is exactly what I was talking about.
01:03:22 This commercial is literally wow, you don't have time to.
01:03:26 Be a mom.
01:03:28 Because the meeting is going too long and soccer practice and you know and it's, I mean your day is full of all these things you.
01:03:35 Got to do and the soccer practice one.
01:03:37 That's like if your mom.
01:03:38 'S actually at least trying.
01:03:39 You know, so instead, here's here's some kid feed.
01:03:44 Or I guess in this case you can.
01:03:46 Give this to your.
01:03:46 Husband too. Here's here's.
01:03:48 Just some dried out crap food that you can pour water in and then.
01:03:53 It's it's food.
Speaker 24
01:03:57 Recipes you make in 30 minutes or less.
Speaker 7
01:04:00 Because the curtain.
Speaker 14
01:04:01 Goes up at 7:30 on the dot.
01:04:03 But I don't have time to.
Speaker 11
01:04:04 Delicious meals like stir fried pepper steak.
01:04:05 Be a mom.
Speaker 23
01:04:07 Just look on the back of the box because you cannot.
01:04:09 Yeah, we're going to look at the back of the box.
Speaker 23
01:04:15 He's one minute, right?
Speaker 24
01:04:16 Minute recipes, great meals for the time you have.
01:04:20 You know what, as unwholesome as as minute rice is.
01:04:24 Uh, what is wholesome was the fact.
01:04:27 That look at look at.
01:04:28 That family?
01:04:29 Well, I don't want to **** it up, but.
01:04:31 Let's see if it'll rewind a little bit.
01:04:33 With that.
01:04:34 Oh, no.
01:04:34 Look too fast.
Speaker 23
01:04:35 Because the curtain goes up at 7:30 on the.
Speaker 11
01:04:38 Dot delicious meals like stirred fried pepper steak just.
01:04:38 A little bit.
Speaker 14
01:04:43 Look on the back of the box because you can only get rice.
01:04:46 There we go.
01:04:48 Look, it's like a normal family.
01:04:51 There's no like black husband and and mulatto gay, you know, paraplegic kid.
01:05:00 It's just like a normal family.
01:05:05 Normal family. This is what was normal. Still kind of. Yeah, it was changing in 1993.
01:05:14 Have these.
Speaker 26
01:05:14 Great meals for the time you have.
Speaker 14
01:05:19 What are you doing, Sam?
01:05:21 You are getting sleepy.
01:05:24 You love?
01:05:25 So crab macaroni and cheese, cheese and macaroni.
Speaker 11
01:05:27 So it's kid feed.
Speaker 14
01:05:31 Cause it's the cheese.
01:05:33 I mean macaroni and cheese, that's like.
01:05:37 That's like the pinnacle of of kid feed.
01:05:40 Here, have some carbs with fat slathered all over it.
01:05:46 You know no protein at all.
01:05:50 Just just a bunch of like, I mean, I guess there's probably like trace trace amounts of of protein in the in the fake cheese they make.
01:05:58 But you know, again look and I can relate.
01:06:01 The reason I'm getting maybe a little more spergy and bent out of shape than if you this, I don't know if your parents are like this, this.
01:06:08 Is what my parents were like.
Speaker 11
01:06:10 Here's dinner.
01:06:12 Here's dinner.
01:06:14 Ohh, and and and by the way, one of us made it.
01:06:16 It wasn't.
01:06:16 Here's dinner, actually, it was.
01:06:18 Go make some macaroni and cheese.
01:06:22 And you're like, OK.
01:06:25 So you you just make this.
01:06:28 Awful space food.
Speaker 19
01:06:32 Kraft macaroni and Cheese dinner has more cheese than anyone else.
01:06:36 That's why it's the cheesiest.
01:06:42 Graph P's and macaroni the cheesiest.
Speaker 11
01:06:46 It's the cheesiest.
Speaker 24
01:06:48 Season after season, year after year, nothing.
01:06:50 Log see log cabin syrup would mean something totally different.
01:06:55 In 2020.
Speaker 19
01:06:59 Morning breakfast, rich Maple flavor and mornings to remember.
01:07:00 Log cabin syrup log cabin.
01:07:09 Craft singles taste great, or to make them 5 ounces.
Speaker 13
01:07:11 Of milk.
01:07:11 How do they do?
Speaker 14
01:07:12 That, just like, make it into a rock.
Speaker 19
01:07:13 We've seen this one.
01:07:17 That's right, kids.
01:07:20 Tell your mom.
Speaker 19
01:07:20 Get involved with a woman like Brida.
Speaker 2
01:07:22 As long as he.
Speaker 19
01:07:23 Wants to do what hell is really like evening day.
01:07:25 Then when Bob breaks his hand, will his friend take his job?
01:07:28 Well, Bob Levar was still made this.
Speaker 19
01:07:28 That these look like the hands of an illustrator.
01:07:30 No, they're the hands of an.
01:07:31 Underwear sale all new Bob Monday.
01:07:38 Get the answers to your most amazing question 15.
01:07:41 Which is at 200 miles an hour, with only a scratch on the chin. How they do that? Find out Wednesday.
01:07:48 Academy Award winner Joanne Woodward, in a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation.
01:07:53 A public figure fighting all the right fights. Now she's fighting for her daughter's life.
Speaker 7
01:07:58 I think she might get carried drugs.
Speaker 19
01:07:59 Her daughters love.
Speaker 18
01:08:02 You've seen that baby.
Speaker 3
01:08:04 She will join protected are.
Speaker 18
01:08:06 You prepared to take custody of your granddaughter.
Speaker 10
01:08:08 Crack babies.
Speaker 23
01:08:09 I'm trying to do.
Speaker 1
01:08:10 Something for you.
01:08:12 Doing things for me.
Speaker 19
01:08:14 What caused her to have a blind spot next Sunday?
Speaker 7
01:08:17 That's about.
Speaker 19
01:08:18 This is CBS.
Speaker 23
01:08:21 Wake up your skin every morning with a cleansing skin pampering experience.
01:08:26 Neutrogena rain back refreshing shower gel glide all feel silky smooth.
01:08:30 Let's this is.
01:08:31 Clearly adjusted, let's use **** to sell chemicals to.
Speaker 23
01:08:34 Feel really can't press skin.
01:08:35 Put on your body.
Speaker 23
01:08:38 Don't just cleanse your body.
01:08:40 Rapid Neutrogena rain bath for skin with a healthy Neutrogena glow.
Speaker 11
01:08:41 Rain bathroom with chemicals.
01:08:46 Ohh, is that like?
01:08:47 An enigma playing in the background.
Speaker 23
01:08:51 Special values now in the Neutrogena section.
Speaker 19
01:08:55 McDonald's has the flavored Texans crazy.
01:08:57 I'm talking fresh lettuce, tomatoes, red onions.
01:09:00 Add that special sauce to a juicy half pound of beef and two kinds.
01:09:03 Of cheese from McDonald.
01:09:05 I like the the disclaimer you can't see.
01:09:07 It oh, there it.
01:09:08 Goes weight they, he said.
01:09:10 A half pound of beef and then underneath says wait before cooking.
Speaker 19
01:09:14 Double or the double McDonald's Texas.
01:09:17 I've I've literally never seen.
01:09:19 Anything that's come out of McDonald's actually look like that.
01:09:23 Like, not even remotely close.
01:09:25 Like, not even a little bit like.
Speaker 9
01:09:28 There's no, there's no.
01:09:29 McDonald's on the planet that has ever handed someone anything that looks like that.
Speaker 19
01:09:36 With that sexy mustard that sections for firm on the lighter side tasting you grilled Chicken Deluxe with Mayo or for extra zip try the spicy Chicken Deluxe with a spicy breading and a mellow slice of Monterey Jack McDonald's tech.
01:09:49 See, because no one has time see wage.
Speaker 10
01:09:52 Slaves. It's not just.
01:09:53 The moms that don't have time to prepare food.
01:09:57 For their children.
01:09:59 It's everybody.
01:10:02 All you wages out there, you.
01:10:03 I mean when?
Speaker 10
01:10:04 When would you have the time?
01:10:07 I mean, if your mom's not doing it and your wife's not doing it.
01:10:12 You know for men.
01:10:12 Right.
01:10:14 Because this this.
01:10:15 Didn't just affect the children.
01:10:16 This affected the husbands too.
01:10:19 If you have, I mean watch watch like a movie from or even a TV show or something like that from, like the 1950s. And you'll see that often. What happens the payer like the the class, I guess of the family.
01:10:34 The wife prepares the lunch.
01:10:37 And gives it to him.
01:10:39 On his way out the door, so he takes it with him.
01:10:43 And that's after he's sat down and had the breakfast that she prepared for him.
01:10:49 And then when he gets home.
01:10:51 Dinners on the table.
01:10:55 OK, so food.
01:10:57 Is is a big part.
01:11:00 Of you know, the wife and mother's job.
01:11:04 And it's an important job.
01:11:06 And when you get her working somewhere at some stupid office making PowerPoints all day instead, so that she can.
01:11:13 Feel more important or whatever.
01:11:15 Then someone's gotta someone's got to do that, right? Someone's gotta pack your lunch, and someone's gotta cook your breakfast.
01:11:22 Someone's gotta make your dinner.
01:11:24 So what happens?
01:11:25 Well, for breakfast, you get the the kid feed the food that, like I said, is literally what they give a cattle.
01:11:32 To fatten them up.
01:11:33 For lunch, you eat this crap.
01:11:36 You know, like a half pound of.
01:11:37 Beef, which actually that in and of itself is actually.
01:11:41 That's fine, right?
01:11:43 But let's let's put lots of sugar all over it.
01:11:47 You know, that's what every sauce that is at McDonald's has just, it's just full of sugar.
01:11:52 The buns are full of sugar.
01:11:53 The the French fries will.
01:11:55 Now they're they're boiled in soybean oil.
01:11:57 That makes you gay and ********.
01:12:00 You know, so someone's got to take care of it and so.
01:12:03 And who takes care of it?
01:12:08 That's who takes care of it anytime.
01:12:10 There's a need, right?
01:12:12 There's an opportunity.
01:12:16 And when capitalism takes care of a problem.
01:12:19 How does it take care of that problem?
01:12:21 Does it?
Speaker 11
01:12:21 Take care of that problem by.
01:12:22 Saying you know what?
01:12:24 What is the best way to fulfill the nutritional needs of these people that are too busy to have someone cook for them or to cook for themselves because they're wage slaving all day, maybe at McDonald's?
01:12:40 What can we do to solve that?
01:12:42 No, that's not what they do.
01:12:45 They say how can we make the most ******* money off this problem?
01:12:51 How can we make the cheapest food?
01:12:56 With the biggest margins.
01:13:01 If there's a chemical we can spray on it that makes it delicious.
01:13:06 And it's legal.
01:13:07 Oh, let's do it.
01:13:13 If it sells, even though we we find out later that it that, that it it causes diabetes and all this other.
01:13:19 Stuff. So what?
Speaker 2
01:13:21 People buy it.
01:13:26 This is what happens.
01:13:29 When I'm a free market.
01:13:31 Is tasked with solving the problem.
01:13:36 And all you people out.
01:13:37 There that say, Oh well, it's up.
01:13:38 To the consumer, you don't have to buy McDonald's.
01:13:40 You don't have.
01:13:41 Yeah, you don't, right?
01:13:44 Obviously you don't.
01:13:46 But again, that the problem exists.
01:13:50 The reason why all these these processed food companies sprang into existence was because the wage slaves didn't have enough time to actually do anything, especially with their wife and mother's wage slaving away as well.
01:14:06 And So what did they have instead?
01:14:10 They had the Texas size sandwiches, whatever the **** these things are.
01:14:15 They had the the Kraft macaroni and cheese being very liberal about the cheese part.
01:14:20 They had the Velveeta, you know, on broccoli.
01:14:23 Yeah, let's get.
01:14:23 The one good food.
01:14:26 And pour all this bad **** on it.
01:14:31 Same thing with the salad.
01:14:32 Dressing thing.
01:14:32 Look, you made it.
01:14:33 You made.
Speaker 10
01:14:33 The poison it's better now.
01:14:38 Well, people don't have to.
01:14:39 Buy it now.
01:14:40 They don't have to buy it.
01:14:42 But now you're thinking like a sociopath capitalist.
01:14:48 You're literally saying I'm a private company in a different way.
Speaker 19
01:14:50 You're just what you want is what you get at McDonald's today.
01:14:53 Yeah, see what you want is what you get.
Speaker 2
01:14:58 Sorry, but uh.
01:15:00 The dumbed down cattle often want.
01:15:03 I mean, they want the the food.
01:15:05 Version of crack.
Speaker 16
01:15:10 Yes, we know it's the last one.
01:15:12 We're waiting for this morning ship in a pure fresh Borden milk.
01:15:16 OK.
01:15:16 Is it?
01:15:17 Am I the only one that's kind of creeped out by like, a a lady cow trying to sell me her breast milk?
01:15:24 I don't, I don't know a little bit weirded out by this.
Speaker 16
01:15:28 How's the premium quality and freshness?
01:15:30 You can always trust board milk.
01:15:32 Hey, mom, you now.
01:15:36 Isn't he a little old to be drinking breast milk?
01:15:40 I don't know.
Speaker 16
01:15:42 That's my board.
01:15:43 Milk is the milk brothers choice, and naturally it's the only brand we thousand or it's good with cereal.
Speaker 13
01:15:50 You do.
01:15:51 See if you gotta have milk.
01:15:53 You're buying the cereal, right?
Speaker 11
01:15:57 You got to have the milk.
01:16:00 And my guess that milk is.
01:16:02 Probably chock full of hormones and antibiotics.
01:16:07 Get the kid feed and pour.
01:16:09 Pour this these antibiotics and these steroids on it.
Speaker 10
01:16:14 And then just, you know, just say I don't know, I don't know.
01:16:17 Why girls are are developing breasts at age 8 now and when it didn't used to happen till you know they were like 14 or?
01:16:25 15 I don't know why.
01:16:27 It can't possibly be hormones.
01:16:30 That are put in the.
01:16:32 The milk, because again, capitalism is solving the.
01:16:35 Problem it's not.
01:16:36 Hey, how do we make the best milk?
01:16:39 No, it's how do we make the?
01:16:40 Most profit off milk.
01:16:51 The milk gross that she just she literally just sprayed breast milk all over her husband's face.
Speaker 18
01:16:57 It is Gordon.
Speaker 23
01:16:58 It's got to be.
Speaker 20
01:17:00 A horse falls on spectators at the Flambeau parade.
Speaker 21
01:17:03 More at 10.
01:17:05 Oh, I wish you'd recorded.
01:17:06 That I want to know more about that.
Speaker 24
01:17:10 Now return to the craft general foods from year.
01:17:11 Oh man.
01:17:15 Here we go.
01:17:18 More Indians and we'll do one more commercial break and then I'll.
01:17:23 Go to chat.
01:17:28 Yeah, I read this book like a million years ago.
01:17:30 I don't remember much about it.
01:17:33 I thought they.
01:17:34 Were going to go to commercial break, right?
01:17:40 Oh, here we are.
Speaker 18
01:17:41 I have a pickle.
01:17:42 Well, this looks interesting.
Speaker 19
01:17:49 So what brings you to?
Speaker 7
01:17:50 Closet I am looking to cook Pickles.
01:17:52 I'm a.
Speaker 19
01:17:52 Pickle cook Pickles are what I cook.
Speaker 10
01:17:53 I drinking cricket still space junk.
Speaker 24
01:17:55 You never don't cook, you don't cook our claws and Pickles.
01:17:57 You kidding?
Speaker 26
01:17:58 I never get. What about?
Speaker 18
01:17:59 Like what about shelf life?
01:18:00 What Pickles sit on the shelf, you sit.
01:18:02 On the shelf.
Speaker 19
01:18:03 You've got to be cooked and you've got a pickle.
01:18:04 What about taste?
01:18:06 What about taste?
01:18:07 We're just.
Speaker 22
01:18:07 Kind of picky about taste.
Speaker 19
01:18:09 I'm like actually I have.
01:18:11 Problem with Pickles, although they are.
Speaker 19
01:18:11 Bagels are never cooked, they're always cold, always, Chris, always delicious.
01:18:17 And something about the name there, Klaus and.
Speaker 13
01:18:19 Hey, can we add some wow to your water crystal?
Speaker 2
01:18:23 Right.
01:18:23 You tried it.
01:18:25 Go try it.
01:18:25 Try it.
01:18:26 Powder in your water.
01:18:28 Don't drink that.
Speaker 2
01:18:29 Stupid water that make grapefruit.
01:18:32 Now try lemon.
01:18:35 Oh, my God.
01:18:36 I can actually tolerate drinking water now.
01:18:39 About great punch.
01:18:41 And there's only 5 calories.
01:18:43 Glad only.
Speaker 10
01:18:44 5 calories that should one possible.
Speaker 13
01:18:45 So turn your water into wax.
Speaker 18
01:18:47 With crystal light.
Speaker 26
01:18:51 The shells and chief.
Speaker 11
01:18:51 Asks why play?
Speaker 5
01:18:53 Around with the powder.
Speaker 19
01:18:54 Queenies what you crave real Velveeta cheese.
Speaker 10
01:18:56 Just rip open this mylar bag.
Speaker 25
01:18:57 Sauce makes them feel smoother.
Speaker 19
01:18:58 You creamiest macaroni and cheese around.
01:19:01 So once.
Speaker 24
01:19:01 It'll for a partner.
Speaker 10
01:19:03 Why have a powder?
01:19:04 Just have a mylar.
01:19:05 Bag of goo.
Speaker 1
01:19:05 Because practice always.
Speaker 18
01:19:06 Lasts just a few minutes.
Speaker 2
01:19:08 Water for.
Speaker 10
01:19:09 You at the factory.
Speaker 23
01:19:10 Recipes you make in 30 minutes or less just look on the.
Speaker 11
01:19:12 For delicious meals like stir fry pepper steak.
Speaker 23
01:19:15 Back of the box.
01:19:17 Different the O on the same commercial.
Speaker 24
01:19:18 Great meals for the time you have.
01:19:21 But not the same theme.
01:19:23 You don't have time, you don't have time.
01:19:25 To make food.
Speaker 10
01:19:26 Buy our shed.
01:19:27 You don't have time.
Speaker 19
01:19:31 Introducing capio iced cappuccino.
01:19:35 From Maxwell House.
01:19:36 ******* a Maxwell House.
01:19:38 I swear to God.
01:19:39 Bane of my existence right now.
Speaker 19
01:19:43 Flash of chocolate flavor cambio cinnamon and unexpected twig Fabio coffee.
01:19:50 Move that refreshing.
01:19:52 So in many cases.
01:19:56 Then never mind.
Speaker 19
01:19:57 So little time you have your the thrill is this cheerful.
Speaker 10
01:20:06 You know it's in your cereal.
01:20:08 Oh, it has.
01:20:11 I had salt.
Speaker 11
01:20:14 Has sugar.
Speaker 19
01:20:17 How did fat?
01:20:20 Oh well, in that case, I guess it's fine because it's just pure grain.
01:20:29 Again, it's don't get that.
01:20:31 Don't get that.
01:20:32 Horse feed, that's that's.
01:20:34 Designed to fatten them up, the kind that's coated in sugar with with more fat on it, although like.
01:20:41 Obviously that is that is pretty.
01:20:42 ****** **, no.
01:20:44 Just get the regular horse feed and then pour the the.
01:20:48 The hormone infused antibiotic.
01:20:51 Milk onto it.
Speaker 2
01:20:55 It's healthy, we promise.
Speaker 9
01:20:58 Because we didn't, we didn't put.
Speaker 2
01:20:59 Salt or sugar on it or fat?
Speaker 10
01:21:01 So it's gotta be good.
Speaker 18
01:21:01 But there's no shredded meat.
01:21:03 It's just nature.
01:21:04 Really good.
01:21:06 It's natural.
01:21:07 I got, I got.
01:21:08 I got news for you.
01:21:09 Poison Ivy is ******* natural.
Speaker 24
01:21:12 We now return.
01:21:13 Alright, so anyway I'm hit stop here.
01:21:19 So that that's 1993, folks.
01:21:24 Let's take a look at chat here.
01:21:29 This **** hits hard. My diet as a kid was 60% hot dogs and cereal. I got spanked for not draining out the water of the Mac and powder because should I? Oops, I should have known how to cook it.
01:21:42 Boomer parents? Yeah, exactly.
01:21:48 Hey, Devin, I understand the thing about black people, but I just need you to know that they are sneakier than you think.
01:21:55 Jays want a race war to benefit themselves.
01:21:57 If, yeah, you know what?
01:21:58 I'm not.
01:21:59 I'm not going to get like, I'm not concerned about that.
Speaker 9
01:22:01 They're just trying to divide us, guys.
01:22:04 They're just trying to divide us.
01:22:06 I mean, I hate that ****.
01:22:07 I hate it because.
01:22:10 Look, I we are divided.
01:22:13 We're already divided.
01:22:14 That's the whole point.
01:22:16 And and by the way, they're not trying to divide us.
01:22:17 They're trying to mash us.
01:22:18 All together, does it look like they're trying to divide us when they have every ******* commercial as a black guy with?
01:22:24 A white woman.
01:22:25 That seems like they're trying to mix us together, doesn't it?
01:22:28 Doesn't sound like they're trying to divide us.
01:22:31 It's it's, it's just simply wrong.
01:22:34 These people that freak out about that it's it's it, it.
01:22:38 It drives me crazy because it just it, it's.
01:22:41 It's it's so pointless.
01:22:44 It's like look.
01:22:44 We are divided.
01:22:45 That's the way.
01:22:46 It is that that's the whole point.
01:22:47 This is what I'm saying.
01:22:49 Like like it.
01:22:50 Like I've said, look at look at anytime people have anytime people have the option to voluntarily segregate, they do every time, every ******* time.
01:23:00 Look at prisons, you know, there's why.
01:23:03 Why are there black churches?
01:23:05 Why is there black Twitter?
01:23:10 You see what I'm saying?
01:23:10 Like we are.
01:23:11 We're we're different.
Speaker 22
01:23:15 We're different.
01:23:17 I'm not saying start a race war because I'm pointing out that we're different.
01:23:21 I'm saying we're different and to say that, like, oh, Jews are trying to get, they're trying to trick you into thinking that black and whites are different.
01:23:29 No, they're different.
01:23:32 They're different.
01:23:32 If they were trying to trick me into thinking that that black and whites are are different, they wouldn't have like the the insane, the insane amount of race mixing commercials that they have going on.
01:23:47 Like every commercial.
01:23:48 Wouldn't be like a black guy making out.
01:23:49 With a white woman.
01:23:51 It's like I've said before, what they're trying.
01:23:53 I mean we're, look, we're.
01:23:54 Ultimately, we're cattle, right?
01:23:57 And they want to make they don't want their cattle, are easier to manage if it is just one big muddy group.
01:24:08 If it's just one group.
01:24:12 And I know there's people that.
01:24:13 Oh, no, it's easier if there's all these subgroups and they're all fighting each other.
01:24:16 If the subgroups are are powerless and weak, I guess.
01:24:21 Is that what you're saying?
01:24:22 You're you're so powerless and weak.
01:24:25 That that you can't accomplish.
01:24:27 Is it like that?
01:24:28 That snow music video, you know, like, oh, yeah, we're we're so much weaker than the black man.
01:24:38 You know, it's again, I'm not saying.
01:24:40 No, at no point if I say anything about race wars.
01:24:44 But we are different.
01:24:47 And the media has been anti white for.
01:24:51 Well, I mean, look, that was 1993.
01:24:56 There's not there, there's.
01:24:59 This whole like I said, this whole thing about like, oh, they're trying to divide us.
01:25:04 That's that's **** ****.
01:25:05 It's **** **** is what it is.
01:25:08 It's cockpit.
01:25:12 And again, like I said, like I know there's probably look and there's probably black people listening to this.
01:25:19 At least one I would find it hard to believe if statistically speaking there's not at least one right.
01:25:26 And and that's fine, right?
01:25:29 I'm not saying let's go kill the *******.
01:25:31 I'm saying they've been saying in media.
01:25:35 Let's kill the ****** for 30 years.
01:25:41 And if you just sit there and take it like a *****.
01:25:45 Like you've been doing for 30 years as a people.
Speaker 9
01:25:49 It leads to genocide.
01:25:53 And so if you can't have some kind of.
01:26:02 And who your people are.
01:26:06 You're not going to exist for much longer than that.
Speaker 10
01:26:10 What's worth what?
01:26:11 What's worth preserve?
01:26:12 I mean, if it's if, if we're all just supposed to be a a melting pot or or whatever, anyway, what's the?
01:26:17 Point of all this.
01:26:19 Why wouldn't might as well just?
01:26:20 Have voted for Biden.
01:26:24 You know that's that's what he wants.
01:26:25 He's all excited that that, you know, white people will be in an absolute minority.
01:26:32 And and probably are already.
01:26:33 Like remember when he said this? He said it was going to be happening in 2017.
01:26:41 Well, he probably knew.
01:26:42 Something we didn't when he said that.
01:26:45 It probably did happen in 2017.
01:26:53 Not be able to stick up for.
01:26:54 Yourself and not be able to to point out.
01:26:58 The like.
01:26:59 I'm just saying, man.
01:27:00 Like every time someone says they're.
Speaker 9
01:27:02 Just they're the sneaky.
01:27:03 Jews are trying to divide us.
01:27:07 We are divided.
01:27:11 Alright, look at like do I need to play the the?
01:27:14 The in living color video again.
Speaker 11
01:27:18 Look how look how look how.
01:27:20 Abrasive black people were.
01:27:22 Just because a white guy did a rap song.
Speaker 2
01:27:27 A white guy did a rap.
01:27:27 Song, if we are all inclusive and we're.
01:27:30 Supposed to be, you know, all buddy.
01:27:31 Buddy, it wouldn't bother them.
01:27:34 Who cares, right?
01:27:37 It bothered.
01:27:38 It clearly bothered them.
01:27:40 And look, it bothered white people too.
01:27:46 I guarantee you, in fact, when I was playing the video before the I even got on here and started when it was just the snow video.
01:27:52 I guarantee there's people in chat.
01:27:57 Saying like it was a wigger or you know.
01:27:59 Something like that, right?
01:28:03 We're divided. We're different.
01:28:06 It's OK.
01:28:09 Nothing to be afraid of.
01:28:15 You don't need some like Rainbow coalition.
01:28:18 To get things done.
01:28:24 Alright, let me take a look here.
01:28:27 I was at a F pack and they had a black guy get up on stage and talk about how we need judeo-christian values and lower taxes.
01:28:35 Hello, base department.
01:28:36 Yeah, well, like.
Speaker 10
01:28:37 I said they're just.
01:28:38 Look, I mean Rush Limbaugh's dead.
01:28:42 Hail the new Rush Limbaugh.
01:28:45 That's what that's all they're doing.
01:28:47 They're just replacing.
01:28:50 They're replacing the the boomer, the boomer, Rush Limbaugh.
01:28:54 With the Zoomer Rush Limbaugh.
01:28:59 They did a study on Pacific Islanders when we introduced grain to their diets.
01:29:05 Turns out it kills your stomach bacteria, which leads to a lot of mental health issues such.
01:29:10 As depression.
01:29:13 Well, well.
01:29:13 I mean, look, when we.
Speaker 2
01:29:14 Grew up is Europe.
01:29:16 And I mean we're we're not, we have different biologies, we're different and we've been eating grains for thousands of ******* years.
01:29:24 It's the same.
01:29:24 In the same way, right, if you give alcohol to Native Americans, they get drunker, faster and stay drunker longer.
01:29:34 Because the uh, they they lack an enzyme, or at least in the same amounts that we have, that helps break down alcohol.
01:29:41 So what happens is their blood alcohol level gets higher faster than someone that's whose genetics is that they've been drinking alcohol.
01:29:52 Or, you know, ever.
01:29:53 Right.
01:29:54 And because they had no, they had no.
01:29:58 Selection pressures that that involved alcohol at all for however long they were on this continent, right?
01:30:05 And so.
01:30:07 You have these people bring in this foreign stuff.
01:30:09 It's going to ****.
01:30:10 Them all up now.
01:30:12 That said.
01:30:14 Yeah, grain grain should not be.
01:30:17 The number one part.
01:30:18 Of your diet.
01:30:19 You know the whole food pyramid is, you know, South Park, you know, famously did that that.
01:30:26 Episode where they said, oh, the food period pyramid is right, it's just upside down because the food pyramid was saying if you.
01:30:33 Guys, I'll bring.
01:30:34 It up.
01:30:34 I don't know if you.
01:30:35 Guys remember the food pyramid?
01:30:39 Uh food pyramid.
01:30:43 I mean, they gave me this in school, they.
01:30:45 Were like here you.
01:30:46 Go guys and I guarantee you if you research.
01:30:51 Who funded this this food pyramid?
01:30:56 It would be a lot of these advertisers that you know would be craft, right?
01:30:59 I mean why I mean.
01:31:00 If they didn't, they should have.
01:31:03 Because this is basically a giant advertisement for craft and look, it's not just craft.
01:31:08 There's so many companies like that in America where they're huge.
01:31:11 I mean, they're ******* huge international companies.
01:31:14 That, that make people feed, they make, they make baby feed, they make kid feed, they make husband feed, they make you feed.
01:31:22 You know that's it's.
01:31:23 That's all it is.
01:31:26 That's all it is.
01:31:28 Let's take a look here.
01:31:32 This is the food pyramid.
01:31:39 That brings the.
01:31:39 Front. Yeah, so.
01:31:43 I mean, what's wrong with this picture?
01:31:45 Lots so.
01:31:47 The bottom of the food pyramid.
01:31:50 It's all green.
01:31:52 It's all grains.
01:31:56 And then Next up, even this is kind of wrong, that's the other thing that they did too is they said fruits and vegetables are are good, they're and they're like basically the same thing.
01:32:06 You know they're on the same level, right? It's it's totally the same thing. If you eat a banana that's got like 180 calories or whatever it is.
01:32:17 Versus if you eat.
01:32:19 Uh, some broccoli which will have like, you know, 10 or 20 calories and no sugar.
01:32:25 It's all this.
01:32:25 It's plants, that's all it's.
01:32:28 A plant level.
01:32:31 And so that's why you had all those.
01:32:33 The the fruit.
01:32:34 Juices, you know, like remember the the Capri Sun here?
01:32:38 Here's here's a mylar bag with sugar water in it that we we'll put like a fruit on the label, and moms will give that to their kids.
01:32:48 Moms will get a lunch box.
01:32:52 That is advertising some kind.
01:32:53 Of Hollywood propaganda on it.
01:32:56 So they'll get this plastic box that has has Hollywood propaganda on it.
01:33:01 They'll open it up and then they'll drop in.
01:33:03 This is if you're lucky, like I don't even get this half the time, or not even like I'd say. I got this like 10% of the time. The rest of it, I.
01:33:09 Was eating school lunches or some ******** like that?
01:33:13 Open up this plastic box, drop in a mylar bag full of sugar water.
01:33:19 Drop in a if you get the those kids that got the lunchables, those are like the the higher class kids, right?
01:33:26 Drop in a plastic box with, you know, Velveeta.
01:33:31 Yeah, with craft products, I think craft actually made Lunchables.
01:33:36 And then you know.
01:33:37 If your mom feels like you know I need him to be eating healthy, she'll throw like an apple in there, or a banana or something like that.
01:33:44 And then a mylar bag.
01:33:45 Full of chips.
01:33:47 So what are chips?
01:33:48 Chips are just like.
01:33:49 Grains that have been processed to all the holy hell and and boiled in in.
01:33:56 Soybean oil to make you gay and ******** and autistic.
01:34:00 And covered in salt.
01:34:03 And like that's that's lunch.
01:34:05 Growing boy needs needs his lunch.
01:34:10 And it was totally fine.
01:34:12 It was totally fine.
01:34:14 And then like.
01:34:15 The very, very, very top that's meat, right?
01:34:18 Well, I mean like at the very, very top, there's cupcakes and ****.
01:34:20 But like that, they shouldn't even be in there, right?
01:34:22 I mean, in terms of like.
01:34:26 If they're trying to describe what what's going to make you healthy like a cupcake is never going to make you.
01:34:31 Healthy, it's not going to kill.
01:34:33 But it's, you know, anyway.
01:34:36 But yeah, the meat meat.
01:34:38 They make meat look like it's the least important thing.
01:34:41 And then look at this other one that that they mix and match.
01:34:44 They're ohh look lobster is.
01:34:45 The same as as eggs and cheese like.
Speaker 10
01:34:50 What like how does that work?
01:34:53 Why is milk on the same tab as?
01:34:55 Shrimp like that.
01:34:57 That makes no sense.
01:34:59 So it was just a bunch of ******* that.
01:35:01 Didn't want you to eat meat.
01:35:04 That's what it that's what it was.
01:35:05 It was a bunch of people.
01:35:06 That that I.
01:35:08 Look, look what?
01:35:08 What is Bill Gates doing now?
01:35:10 What are they trying to do with their 3D printed meat? They have never wanted you to eat meat.
01:35:18 They don't want you eating beef.
01:35:21 And it's funny because beef is one of the few meats every meat or not every meat.
01:35:25 But most meats lack things, right?
01:35:26 So we.
01:35:28 We've talked about how I wanted to get rabbits and raise rabbits and it's the most efficient way to to crank out meat.
01:35:35 I mean, it's super.
01:35:37 It doesn't take up a lot of space.
01:35:38 They breed well, like rabbits.
01:35:41 Even their **** is like instant fertilizer.
01:35:44 Like you don't have to compost it.
01:35:46 It's ready.
01:35:46 To go you.
01:35:47 Can just you know it's and it's like really good.
01:35:51 You know they'll eat garbage.
01:35:53 I mean, they'll eat cactus pads, but if you only try to eat rabbit food or rabbits for your food, it lacks some of the the nutrients that beef has.
01:36:07 And so does poultry by the.
01:36:10 If all you did and this is real, if all you ate ever, and I mean all you ate.
01:36:17 Was was stakes.
01:36:19 You'd be fine.
01:36:21 You you could live like a long, healthy life, eating only steak.
01:36:25 And there's people that do it.
01:36:28 You'd be totally fine.
01:36:29 You'd probably get boring, but you'd be totally fine.
01:36:34 So it's it's crazy that they have that **** at the very, very top there because.
01:36:40 It was it was.
01:36:42 It worked better with their with, with what they wanted to do.
01:36:45 Like you ever see those commercials when you were a kid, where they would say they would do like it was always puzzled me as a kid, as a girl.
01:36:53 I I figured it out, but like I remember being a kid and there'd be a commercial and it wouldn't be for like craft cheese.
01:37:00 It would just be for cheese.
01:37:03 And I'd be thinking like.
01:37:05 Well, you're just telling me to buy cheese like, but you're not telling.
01:37:08 Me like.
01:37:10 It's not from a brand and at the at the end of the commercial, it would always it always say like you know paid for by and then it would be like some government entity.
01:37:20 The government was telling to eat cheese.
01:37:26 And and it wasn't just cheese they had.
01:37:27 They had commercials like this all the time for just whatever.
01:37:30 And it's because they were again.
01:37:32 It was capitalism, it was supply and demand.
01:37:35 They were trying to unload certain.
01:37:42 Products isn't the word I'm trying.
01:37:43 To think of but you.
01:37:44 Know I mean like they're trying to unload cheese.
01:37:50 On the public.
01:37:52 And tax dollars are paying to promote cheese.
01:37:58 So anyway.
Speaker 9
01:38:00 Let me hide this.
01:38:02 Look at chat.
01:38:07 Someone says it's lack of vitamin C talking about vitamin C for.
01:38:12 For beef, now you can literally you won't get scurvy.
01:38:16 I don't know if you guys are talking about scurvy, you won't.
01:38:18 Get scurvy if all you eat is beef.
01:38:21 You will literally be fine.
01:38:25 There's people that do that.
01:38:26 There are people that they only eat beef and they they don't have scurvy.
01:38:32 If you only eat fish, you'll get scurvy.
01:38:34 That's why sailors would get it all the time.
01:38:40 Do you want?
01:38:41 Do you know that bit shoot removed your hopium video?
01:38:44 Are you sure?
01:38:47 I don't think they did.
01:38:50 I would look again.
01:38:52 Because I I'm not aware of them removing any of my videos.
01:38:58 I'll look after the show if it is.
01:39:00 If it is in fact gone, I'll make I'll raise a stink about it.
01:39:03 But I'm almost positive it's there.
01:39:08 All right, well, look again.
01:39:10 There's a lot of people that tell me they can't find.
01:39:11 My videos and they're always there.
01:39:15 Look for a different name.
01:39:16 Maybe it's not the right name.
01:39:20 Because I did more than one hoping of it, I did like 3, so I'm not sure which.
01:39:24 One you're talking about.
01:39:25 My schoolmate kids pay for food so the parents could just give them cash instead of preparing even the craft foods.
01:39:32 No, that's.
01:39:33 What I had to do a lot of times.
01:39:35 And it was usually well, it was usually.
01:39:37 Worse than like some of.
01:39:39 The OR at least it tastes worse.
01:39:41 Maybe it wasn't worse.
01:39:41 I don't know.
01:39:42 At least at least with the school.
01:39:44 Maybe there there was someone somewhat concerned with the nutrition of children.
01:39:48 But I.
01:39:49 How concerned were they, you know?
01:39:50 And and you know how?
01:39:51 How bright are you or if if that's your job now like you're you're the school lunch lady.
01:39:56 Like, that's how your life turned.
01:39:58 You know what I mean?
01:39:59 Like, so I don't know.
01:40:02 But I but, but yeah, it's it's.
Speaker 11
01:40:05 I mean ****.
01:40:06 They even had.
01:40:07 There's a lot of.
01:40:08 Kids that got free lunch.
Speaker 11
01:40:10 There were a.
01:40:11 Lot for some reason a lot of Laotian immigrants.
01:40:15 When I was a kid where I was at and Cambodians and I don't know if this was because of post Vietnam or whatever, but there was just like a ton of jungle Asians, right?
01:40:26 And they all got free lunches.
01:40:28 All of them.
01:40:31 And you know.
01:40:33 Because nothing's free, someone was paying for that.
01:40:35 Right. It wasn't, wasn't them.
01:40:39 Make my own.
01:40:39 Food pyramid and post it on telegram.
01:40:42 I wouldn't have to post on Telegram.
01:40:44 Let me just do this.
01:40:47 I think someone made one already.
01:40:49 Or I'm sure one exists.
01:40:55 That's my my talking or talking.
01:40:59 Cat food thing.
01:41:00 If you guys can hear that it happens during the show sometimes.
01:41:07 Alright, this will work.
01:41:09 Yeah, you don't need.
01:41:10 You don't need a food pyramid.
01:41:13 You just need.
01:41:18 This is your.
01:41:18 New food pyramid for those of you.
01:41:20 Wondering what you should eat.
01:41:26 I'm kidding.
01:41:27 I'm kidding.
01:41:28 I'm kidding.
01:41:29 Sort of.
01:41:32 Yeah, I mean it.
01:41:32 It depends on your needs.
01:41:33 So that's the thing.
01:41:34 What we're talking about like that guy was that mentioned the Pacific Islanders that couldn't handle the grains.
01:41:39 Your your, your biology has a lot to.
01:41:43 Do with what?
01:41:44 What food you need?
01:41:46 And maybe this is an important topic to talk about.
01:41:48 So just as an example, when I first started growing cactus in the desert, I just I didn't.
01:41:55 I'd never tried to grow cactus, you know, I just thought, well, they're cactus.
01:42:00 They're like, they're like the desert.
01:42:03 And a surprising and I so I just, it was like I just got like a billion different kinds of cactuses.
01:42:09 As soon as I found out you could like root cactus pads, I got really excited and I was just like rooting all these cats.
01:42:14 And then sticking.
01:42:14 Them out in the desert and was surprised.
01:42:18 I don't know why, but I was surprised to discover that an awful.
01:42:23 A lot of these cactus.
01:42:24 Adds couldn't handle the sun.
01:42:29 And died.
01:42:32 Because they got sunburned and shriveled and just died, they couldn't handle the heat.
01:42:37 And I was like, well.
01:42:38 What's wrong with you?
01:42:38 You're a cactus.
01:42:40 Cactus should love this.
01:42:43 And then I found out that some of the cactus that loved the sun and were growing great.
01:42:47 And I was like, yeah.
01:42:48 This is perfect.
01:42:49 Then one night one night.
01:42:53 And dipped down around freezing.
01:42:55 And like a bunch of cactus that we're doing great, just all died.
01:42:59 Like immediately.
01:43:01 And then some hung in there a little longer.
01:43:03 Like they they made it, like almost all the way and.
01:43:05 Then they and they died.
01:43:08 And I'm thinking to myself.
01:43:09 But but you're all cactus.
01:43:11 This doesn't make any sense.
01:43:14 Well, I mean, yeah.
01:43:15 In fact, they're all, in fact, they're all the same kind of cactus.
01:43:18 They're they're all opuntias or opuntias or however you want to pronounce it.
01:43:23 But they're the the cactus, the kind of they have pads, right?
01:43:26 Any cactus that has pad?
01:43:27 They're they're all very.
01:43:28 They're all related.
01:43:29 I mean, you can cross breed them.
01:43:31 They're compatible.
01:43:32 You can graft them to each other.
01:43:33 I mean it's they're basically, they all come from the same source, but because they've evolved like some of these, cactuses have evolved in.
01:43:42 Uh on the?
01:43:42 On the east.
01:43:43 Coast and some of them have evolved in like swampy, humid areas, and some of them have evolved and play cold mountains.
01:43:52 And some of them have evolved, you know, on shorelines by the beach.
01:43:56 They all have different environments that they were in for, you know, thousands of years.
01:44:02 And so as a result, their biology has different requirements.
01:44:08 To survive and and by the way, it's not even just like the the environment, it's not even just the.
01:44:15 The sun and the cold.
01:44:17 It was also like how you feed them, right?
01:44:20 I had a big patch of cactus of and it was probably like 10 different kinds of cactus.
01:44:27 And when I was first doing this, I was just watering like the whole the whole thing.
01:44:32 Like, just not like flooding it.
01:44:34 But like just watering it all at once every time, the same amount of water, and especially when it was extra hot.
01:44:39 Cause I was like, you know what?
01:44:40 Cause you know you can't water cactus too much because they will, you know, develop root rot and die, right?
01:44:46 Because they're not designed.
01:44:47 To be well, it depends, right?
01:44:50 So some of the cactuses were just fine.
01:44:52 I had one or two.
01:44:54 And it was all.
01:44:55 And you could tell it was because it was that particular kind of cactus that that this happened because it happened in multiple parts of the yard.
01:45:02 You know, they had the same symptoms where if you wanted them even a little bit too much, they would rot and die like immediately.
01:45:09 And then there was some cactus you.
01:45:11 Could just leave them in mud, like at 24/7 and they would be.
01:45:15 Like they would.
01:45:16 They would be totally OK.
01:45:19 Because our biology is different, our requirements are different for nutrition.
01:45:25 You know in in the same way that you know well, look, some of the environment stuff and black people, right.
01:45:33 So black people require a lot more exposure to the sun to get an adequate amount of vitamin D.
01:45:45 Because they evolved in conditions where they had way more sun than people who with light skin.
01:45:50 That's why you have light skin.
01:45:53 You know, so if you're Asian, you know, like not jungle Asian, but if you're just Northern Asian, I guess or or European.
01:46:00 You don't have that same requirement.
01:46:03 You don't have to be in in.
Speaker 2
01:46:04 Fact the opposite if.
01:46:06 You're in the sun too much.
01:46:08 You'll burn up and get cancer, right?
01:46:11 And it's because we evolved in totally different environments.
01:46:15 So we have totally different needs.
01:46:16 And so there's a problem right now going on with all these Middle Easterners.
01:46:23 And you know, people coming from very sunny climates to Europe.
01:46:28 And that is contributing to some of the behavior you're seeing from these people.
01:46:35 Because it affects them mentally.
01:46:40 I mean it does it affects everybody mentally.
01:46:42 Like if you don't get enough sun, if you're depressed.
01:46:46 Just by the way, this might be helpful to.
01:46:47 Some of you if you're depressed.
01:46:51 Hang out in the sun for a day.
01:46:55 See what?
01:46:55 See what that does to your mood.
01:46:58 I will be shocked.
01:47:00 If it doesn't.
01:47:01 Improve your mood.
01:47:02 Even just a little bit.
01:47:10 In fact, I suspect that's part of why you have some of these people that get addicted to tanning beds.
01:47:17 Because it is, it's.
01:47:19 It's having a positive.
01:47:22 A mood?
01:47:23 It's a mood enhancer.
01:47:27 So you know.
01:47:28 Making a food pyramid just in general is is ridiculous because there is going to be no one-size-fits-all.
01:47:37 Different biologies are going to have different requirements.
01:47:42 And but because there was a problem and capitalism was there to fix it.
01:47:48 You know, you got the one-size-fits-all because that's that's the.
01:47:53 That's the way to make the most money.
01:47:56 When the objective isn't to solve a problem, it's to make money off a problem.
01:48:01 That's how your problems get solved, because you think you think if your if your whole industry exists, the whole reason why you have the money, your whole system, the whole capitalist system, profiting off of problems.
01:48:18 Creating answers to problems you think a system like that's going to care if the answers they come up with create more problems.
Speaker 2
01:48:28 Of course not.
Speaker 5
01:48:30 Why would they care?
Speaker 10
01:48:31 About that, that's just more opportunity.
01:48:35 If you find out like if your problem is what people don't have time to make food because they're all working in the factories, so you come up with like this food crack that you can give them and they eat the food crack.
01:48:50 And then they, they, I don't know, get heart disease or diabetes or cancer.
01:49:00 How much money you can make off heart disease, diabetes and cancer?
01:49:06 It's a huge industry.
01:49:09 You kidding me?
01:49:14 And then if your solutions for those cause even.
Speaker 10
01:49:16 More problems, even better.
01:49:19 See, that's the problem, guys.
01:49:21 When you leave, when you leave things up to profit, when everything, everything is left up to.
Speaker 9
01:49:27 Will supply and demand.
01:49:31 You get ******.
01:49:32 Up problems like that where you get infinite loops.
01:49:43 So anyway, yeah, they they you need to research.
01:49:47 Bottom line is look back at what your ancestors ate.
01:49:51 And then adjust.
01:49:53 Like a a high.
01:49:55 I'm all about, you know, not eating sugar.
01:50:02 Even limiting your fruit intake.
01:50:09 Grant, you know any any any bread?
01:50:12 If all you do is just don't eat bread.
01:50:16 You'll feel better.
01:50:18 They'll just feel better and then as much.
01:50:22 The problem with fish fish is good, but the problem with fish is.
01:50:26 And now you're starting to have, like, mercury and **** like that in the fish.
01:50:29 But fish is good.
01:50:31 Beef is good.
01:50:32 I mean, pretty much every meat.
01:50:33 There's not like a meat that I don't I.
01:50:35 Wouldn't eat, I don't think.
01:50:37 I mean, I can't.
01:50:38 I don't.
01:50:38 I can't think of anything off the top.
01:50:39 Of my head.
01:50:40 Where it's like banned.
01:50:41 I sometimes feel guilty about.
01:50:45 Like the smarter meat.
01:50:49 Even cows, man, cows are smarter than you.
01:50:52 Think, but it is what it is.
01:50:54 It is what it is.
01:50:56 You know.
01:50:57 And we're we're.
01:50:58 We're at the top of the food chain.
01:50:59 It's not our fault.
01:51:01 That we we have the brains to to actually analyze what it is we're doing when we kill our food.
01:51:10 Whereas animals are largely just operating off of instinct.
01:51:15 Speaking of which, like the?
01:51:18 I I shot at my first rabbit today.
01:51:21 I didn't get him.
01:51:22 I'll get him after this stream.
01:51:23 He'll probably.
01:51:23 Be out there because he that's about the time that he shows up.
01:51:29 But there's there's like a whole family of rabbits.
01:51:31 I'm going to have to to genocide because.
01:51:37 Planted like all these, all these new cactuses cause it.
01:51:40 You know, it's spring now.
01:51:42 And like first day that they were out there, one of them.
01:51:44 Got chewed in half.
01:51:46 And so it's on and I've I've I've fixed the fence as much as I possibly can.
01:51:54 And they just find.
01:51:55 I mean there's.
01:51:56 I'll keep, I keep.
01:51:57 I'll keep patching up.
01:51:58 If I find out where they get in, but sometimes it's like, hard to tell.
01:52:01 It's like, I don't know.
01:52:01 I don't.
01:52:02 I don't know how I'd get in.
01:52:05 You have to kind of catch them doing it.
01:52:08 Anyway, because they'll dig and squirm through things.
01:52:12 They're they're they're wriggly.
01:52:15 They're regularly and I will be shooting at rabbits and if I'm lucky and I can catch them, I'm going to be blasting some rabbits tonight.
01:52:24 Alright, let me take a look at that chat here.
01:52:31 Isn't deer full of some brain eating parasite now?
01:52:34 I don't know.
01:52:35 Haven't had any venison in a while.
01:52:40 Let's see here.
01:52:41 Hope you have crisis video taken down from bits you confirmed not on Odyssey at all.
01:52:47 Hopium crisis taken down from Bitchute confirmed.
01:52:51 Are you sure?
01:52:52 Let me take a look.
01:53:07 I'd be surprised.
Speaker 9
01:53:09 No, it's there.
01:53:12 Or maybe someone else posted it.
01:53:13 It's on bit shoot, just not under.
01:53:15 Let me see.
01:53:21 And here's the trailer for it on.
01:53:30 Let's see.
01:53:43 This video has been blocked for breaching community guidelines and is currently unavailable.
01:53:52 Well **** then shoot is uh.
Speaker 10
01:53:56 All right, good call.
01:54:00 Let's see here.
01:54:04 I did not.
01:54:05 I did not realize that that would happen.
01:54:12 I'm going to at them hard right now.
01:54:19 Well, their days are numbered anyway.
01:54:21 Odyssey is so much better.
01:54:24 I guess I'll have to move it to Odyssey.
01:54:50 Alright, that is, that's.
01:54:53 That's too bad.
01:54:54 I had high hopes for bit shoot.
01:55:01 I bet a bunch of custards *******.
01:55:05 Flagged it.
01:55:36 Very interesting.
01:55:40 Very interesting.
01:55:42 I have to find it.
01:55:43 I don't know what hard drive that would be on.
01:55:45 I mean, I've got everything that I've made.
01:55:47 I don't.
01:55:47 I don't delete it.
01:55:49 But it might be somewhere weird because my storage situation is kind of.
01:55:55 I guess a nice way of putting.
01:55:56 It in it's decentralized.
01:56:00 Yeah, that's pretty ****** ** for those of you who don't know, it's like, here's the.
01:56:07 When you get a.
01:56:13 This is the message you get.
01:56:22 And it's real.
01:56:30 Community guidelines starting to sound a lot like YouTube there, little bait and switch I think.
01:56:37 Starting to think that ***** shoot.
01:56:40 It was like, Oh yeah, come over here.
01:56:42 Come over here.
01:56:42 We're going to be free.
01:56:44 And now that they've got a bunch of boomers there watching custard ****, they're going to just.
01:56:50 Be like Nah.
01:56:52 Never mind.
01:56:55 Never mind.
01:57:03 Never mind.
01:57:04 Yeah, I don't know.
01:57:05 They didn't they.
01:57:05 I mean, maybe they sent me an e-mail I didn't see.
01:57:10 I don't know how long it's.
01:57:11 Been like that.
01:57:14 Crazy. Crazy.
01:57:18 Well, let me.
01:57:19 Click the appeal button.
01:57:19 I wonder what will happen.
01:57:22 It will actually, if it will be like YouTube.
01:57:24 Uh, nothing happens when you click appeal.
01:57:32 Yeah, you literally click appeal and nothing happens.
01:57:36 That's ****** **.
01:57:41 Yeah, it it it it like the mouse over when you put the mouse over it, it gives you a little.
01:57:45 Hand like you can click it.
01:57:46 But if you look down where like the link should be, there's no, there's no, it does it literally.
01:57:51 There's no man.
01:57:53 This is ****** **.
01:57:53 At least you two makes.
01:57:54 You pretend like you can appeal it.
01:57:57 *** **** ******* bit shoot.
01:58:01 ******* bit.
01:58:03 Well, I guess that'll have to go to.
01:58:06 Odyssey, I mean, it's kind of irrelevant now, right?
01:58:09 So I guess.
01:58:11 I don't know why I would need to.
01:58:14 To move it there, it's just it was about.
01:58:17 People like box day pushing.
01:58:20 Q Anon.
01:58:21 And how stupid Q Anon was.
01:58:25 My guess is it got it got flagged by a bunch of Q cards that were angry about it.
01:58:32 But yeah, it was not.
01:58:33 That's not.
01:58:34 Uh, wasn't expecting that.
01:58:37 We got the settings here.
01:58:43 Yeah, it's it's blocked.
01:58:46 Let's see. Raise appeal.
01:59:09 Yeah, it doesn't say what it is.
Speaker 10
01:59:28 You know, I wonder what it.
01:59:29 Might be.
01:59:30 Which is ****** **.
01:59:31 Because not even YouTube does this.
01:59:33 They might say.
01:59:37 Because there might have been a copyrighted song on there.
01:59:42 So maybe they're going to start blocking, which would basically all my streams will get blocked.
01:59:45 Right.
01:59:46 So they might be saying.
01:59:50 Any any, any content that's got a copyright written song.
01:59:56 And it is going to just get blocked.
02:00:00 Which is ****** **.
02:00:02 I mean, YouTube doesn't even do that, but I think the way that YouTube.
02:00:09 That is, they monetize the video to.
02:00:13 The copyright holder.
02:00:19 And I guess bit shoot can't do that because they can't monetize videos.
02:00:23 So look, it might look I don't want.
02:00:24 To get.
02:00:26 I don't want to go on a rampage.
02:00:30 With bit shoot until I know more about this but.
02:00:35 Yeah, even if that's the case, that's not.
02:00:37 That's not.
Speaker 9
02:00:39 That's not cool, bro.
02:00:41 It's not cool.
02:00:44 Well, good to know.
02:00:46 Good to know.
02:00:46 I just sent like I had to go to this other page and then like the appeal button magically worked.
02:00:51 Bit shoot ISM.
02:00:52 Either way bit shoot needs like.
02:00:55 They need, I don't know, their dev team needs to.
02:00:58 Step it up a notch, because I mean, look the difference between bit shoot and odyssey, which is much newer, is night and day.
02:01:06 And the other thing is too bit bit shoot was trying to say that they were decentralized and all this and they're.
02:01:13 Really, they're really not.
02:01:14 They're not.
02:01:15 At least not in the way that they make it sound and.
02:01:20 Odyssey is.
02:01:23 As far as I know, it's all in the back of a blockchain, right?
02:01:25 That's why you can't censor it as easily.
02:01:29 So anyway, good call there my dude.
02:01:34 It is what it is.
02:01:37 Let's go to chat here.
02:01:41 You have so.
02:01:42 Much copyrighted songs and videos.
02:01:43 Trust me, I have to cut them out.
02:01:45 Almost every stream.
02:01:46 Now there's a ton of them.
Speaker 10
02:01:48 You know you have.
02:01:48 To cut them out there like like it'll just.
02:01:50 Not monetize.
02:01:52 And they're and if you're putting them on YouTube, they're.
02:01:54 Going to be well, I guess.
02:01:56 Make money while you can.
02:01:57 They're going to demonetize you eventually, though.
02:02:02 Google what Space movie was made in 1992?
02:02:06 What space movie was made in 1990? Two 1992 what space movie was made in 1992?
02:02:27 Ohh Yep.
02:02:28 Yep, I've heard of.
02:02:29 This movie before.
02:02:35 So yeah, I I can't play that obviously, but it's kind of like the dinosaur, it's.
02:02:43 Only worse.
02:02:44 I actually saw part of this someone was streaming this on.
02:02:47 I want to say D live at.
02:02:48 Some point.
02:02:49 And I thought I was like, there's no way.
02:02:52 This is like an actual movie.
02:02:55 And it just keeps going.
02:02:57 Like I watched like 10 minutes of it before.
02:02:59 I was like, OK, this is actually.
02:03:01 Like a ******* movie.
02:03:01 I'm I'm not.
02:03:03 Like, oh wait, no. Well.
02:03:05 This says it's only 6 minutes long.
02:03:08 Is it?
02:03:08 Like a let me see.
02:03:10 No, it's it's 26 minutes.
02:03:11 Long, I thought it.
02:03:12 Was it's like a real thing.
02:03:19 All right.
02:03:19 Well, anyway, that's interesting.
02:03:25 That's very interesting.
02:03:33 All right.
02:03:36 I found that the healthiest black pill diet is coffee, cigarettes and stress contempt.
02:03:43 On occasion, at alcohol for clarity.
02:03:46 And digestion?
02:03:47 Well, that's that's not a very healthy.
02:03:50 Healthy diet there, especially the alcohol.
02:03:54 Alcohol is fine.
02:03:55 Every once in a while.
02:03:58 But it's it that, that, that it's definitely and well, I guess some of the to some degree that's the same thing, right?
02:04:05 Like the biology thing like if you're Native American you know.
02:04:08 Almost never drink but.
02:04:11 Yeah, if.
02:04:14 In small amounts, it's not like a big deal.
02:04:17 The cigarettes, you know, that's the risk you're taking.
02:04:22 I don't know.
02:04:22 It depends on who you ask.
02:04:23 And as long as it's not Maxwell House, it's probably OK.
02:04:27 Stress and contempt.
02:04:29 You don't want stress.
02:04:32 You do not want stress.
02:04:34 Contempt is OK.
02:04:37 I have a lot of contempt sometimes.
02:04:40 Be going to be stressed out about it.
02:04:43 Stress will make you not live as long.
02:04:49 OK.
02:04:54 I saw black jogger from outer space.
02:04:57 It's very anti woman, is it?
02:05:00 I didn't watch the thing, I just.
02:05:02 I was just.
02:05:03 I was.
02:05:03 I I couldn't believe what I was watching.
02:05:07 I was just sitting there.
02:05:07 Watching this and thinking like.
02:05:10 How is this a thing?
02:05:11 Like how how does this exist?
02:05:14 And I, like I said, I watched it long enough cause I thought I was like, there's no way that like they this.
02:05:18 Is an actual movie.
02:05:19 Like they just this must be like a skit off of something that I've never heard of and it wasn't.
02:05:25 It just kept going.
02:05:25 So I was like, alright, like it wasn't.
02:05:27 It wasn't interesting enough for maybe I should sit down and watch the whole.
02:05:29 Thing that'd be kind of that'd be a video to do.
02:05:30 Maybe funny?
02:05:34 Let's see here.
02:05:41 Yeah, gay N words from outer space. That's if you look up what movie was what science fiction movie was made in 1992 or space movie.
02:05:50 If you look up what space movie was made in 1992, it'll come right up. I mean, I didn't even I didn't use.
02:05:55 Google I used DuckDuckGo and it came right up.
02:06:03 One of the tags for it is hero kills a woman alongside racial slur and title.
02:06:11 So I guess is it just like anti white woman or just anti woman or what?
02:06:16 I mean, who?
02:06:18 Who actually made this movie?
02:06:21 Let me look who actually made.
02:06:26 This movie.
Speaker 10
02:06:30 Director Morton Lite.
02:06:35 Morton lindbergh.
02:06:46 Let me look at who wrote it here.
02:06:54 If it ever loads up.
02:07:00 Per Christensen, I don't know if that's like a.
02:07:05 Like it's like a Swedish name, but I can't.
02:07:07 There's no.
02:07:10 They didn't really do anything else.
02:07:12 They wrote that movie and some movie called Spectrum.
02:07:18 And the spectrum.
02:07:22 Yeah, same.
02:07:26 Same director, same Morton, Morton Lindbergh.
02:07:34 Well, yes, they're both Danish.
02:07:37 Yeah, they're both Danish.
02:07:41 I don't.
02:07:41 Maybe Lindbergh is just janish Danish and I I don't think so, but.
02:07:46 Is Morton is.
02:07:47 Kind of a.
02:07:49 Dead giveaway too.
02:07:51 Let's look and see you ******* Danes.
02:07:54 You guys are you guys are ******* weirdos.
02:07:56 I'll give you that much.
02:08:00 Wait, he has a new name.
02:08:01 His new name is Master Fat Man.
02:08:06 Alright, well, this is the guy I gotta show this picture just because.
02:08:13 Regardless of who this guy is.
02:08:19 Here is the director.
02:08:22 Of space.
02:08:30 1992 film.
02:08:35 By this guy.
02:08:38 He goes by master Fat Man now.
02:08:43 Let's see here.
02:08:44 Is there an early life?
02:08:47 There's no early life on him.
02:08:51 I don't know though, the rest of his everything that says about him really makes me feel like.
02:08:57 He's not just Danish.
02:09:04 Oh, let's see here.
02:09:06 Oh, that's.
02:09:09 Oh, he's dead already.
02:09:11 He died two years ago. He died. This was him in 2007. He died in 2019.
02:09:18 After marrying a a woman from Mozambique.
02:09:22 This guy's like the ultimate cook and then adopting her last name.
02:09:29 Look up his wife if there's.
02:09:30 A picture of her.
02:09:36 Now this took a weird turn.
02:09:42 Alright so.
02:09:46 Armenia mabunda.
02:09:50 He married Herminia Mabunda.
02:09:55 This guy got this guy, got Kim dot compat.
02:10:00 Alright, here they are.
02:10:04 So he married this chick.
02:10:08 After making Negers in space or space.
02:10:15 Or gate, what is what's what's it called?
02:10:22 Game from outer Space in 1992.
02:10:27 And then married this chick and took her last name.
Speaker 1
02:10:27 Thank you.
02:10:33 I don't know, man.
02:10:34 I don't know.
02:10:36 There's a bird there.
02:10:39 And there's no early life, but it says stuff that sounds very burgy.
02:10:43 So, for example, Lindbergh was involved with underground performance art.
02:10:47 All right, then, do I need?
02:10:48 To keep going.
02:10:50 And entertainment for many years, his stage name Master Fat Man, was first chosen during a performance of his March 1987 attempt to channel and Incarnate Liberace's soul into his body.
02:11:06 Limber also used other stage names and alter egos, but master Fat Man eventually emerged.
02:11:12 As the most popular.
02:11:13 One Lindbergh has a very broad range of interests and engaged with magazine writing, publishing and editing, theater, film, TV, radio, usually with the see the Burg, usually with a good deal of humor and subtle irony, but also out of genuine artistic interest and curiosity.
02:11:32 Who wrote this?
02:11:34 And early 90s.
02:11:40 Let's see here.
02:11:43 Here this might might lead.
02:11:48 He started the political party.
02:11:52 Ohh never mind, it just.
02:11:53 Seems like a meme party cosmic party.
02:11:58 He was a self styled guru.
02:12:04 That's crazy.
02:12:04 This guy existed.
02:12:06 I've never heard of this guy.
02:12:09 He was in the Eurovision 1995.
02:12:19 And some some other European **** I've never heard of.
Speaker 10
02:12:24 All right, well, that's weird.
02:12:27 There's no early life, but.
02:12:29 I'm just guessing here.
02:12:31 I'm just guessing you know there's the burg and like the the.
02:12:35 Entertainment industry and the taking her last name.
02:12:43 Very interesting, very interesting.
02:12:50 Let's take a look at Chad again.
02:12:57 He is.
02:12:57 He's wearing Jewish movie producer sunglasses that he is that he is he.
02:13:03 I mean he definitely looks like a **** producer with it with his like shirt on a button like that and the weird chops he's got.
02:13:17 I have a gold membership with bit shoot recommendations, wait or cancel.
02:13:20 I sent them a message asking them why they don't support the 1st amendment.
02:13:24 Should I send their response?
02:13:26 Yeah, like I said, wait and see.
02:13:28 Because look, this could be a situation I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt for right now, I I'm pretty sure there's that song.
02:13:37 Take me down to the Paradise city where the.
02:13:40 That one's pretty sure that there's a copywritten song in there, and so perhaps because they're the Nazi platform, they're under attack by the copyright cabal and they have been forced to put in some kind of a.
02:14:00 Eye that looks for copy, which is easy to do, you know, like they've had that phone app, right, that it just needs to hear 4 seconds of a song.
02:14:07 It can find it.
02:14:08 So I mean the server side, that's easy, right?
02:14:11 They just have something that just analyzes all the the everything and if it's got 5 seconds of a copywritten song, they can say it's copywritten and it it shuts it down and then that way, if like a company like the record company.
02:14:28 That owns the copyright to that song is saying, oh, you're, you know, we're going to sue these guys.
02:14:33 It's law fair, right?
02:14:35 And so it could be a situation where and.
02:14:38 I don't know but.
02:14:39 It could be a situation where they are being forced to do this to avoid lawfare.
02:14:46 And because they can't monetize like YouTube can monetize because you know.
Speaker 9
02:14:53 Jews just be honest, you know.
02:14:57 That, you know they can't.
02:14:59 They're not allowed to keep the video on and then just transfer.
02:15:02 They can't make a deal like that, like YouTube did.
02:15:06 Because the deal between YouTube and the record companies was amongst friends, if you know what I mean.
02:15:12 It was within the tribe, if you know what I mean.
02:15:17 And so it wasn't, you know, that it wasn't a combative, you know, they probably they probably make money.
02:15:24 They probably like it now, right, because they're getting royalties.
02:15:27 Imagine every ******* YouTube video that's got a stupid song in it.
02:15:30 That and if you're getting like, you know, even if it's just a couple of cents every time someone watches.
02:15:36 In fact, it was kind of funny.
02:15:37 I had videos that got demonetized and then they remonetized it because they had copywritten material so they could pay someone else, like they wouldn't pay me right for the video.
02:15:48 But once they figure out they could pay someone else, then they they remonetized it.
02:15:55 So anyway, it it could be a situation like that, so.
02:16:01 Don't go to war with them yet.
02:16:03 Let's see what they say.
02:16:09 When are you getting your helicopters license?
02:16:12 I don't know.
02:16:13 I actually talked to someone about that today.
02:16:15 That's a weird question to ask, considering I actually talked to someone.
02:16:18 About that today.
02:16:20 In a in a serious way and talked to a pilot today about that.
02:16:26 And he said that the only problem with getting your helicopters license is that it's the most fun kind of flying you can possibly do.
02:16:36 And it's as addictive as as, like a drug.
02:16:40 And like it's real expensive because, you know, most people can't afford their own helicopter.
02:16:44 So you got to like, rent your time anytime you go up in a helicopter.
02:16:48 And so it just becomes like this money suck because you're just always having to pay for time and helicopter, which isn't cheap.
02:16:59 He's got to pay for fuel and maintenance and you know, like the even if you bought your, even if somehow you had like the I don't even know what it costs.
02:17:08 Like $1,000,000. I'm like I don't know for a for a helicopter it's probably more than $1,000,000 actually.
02:17:16 Well, it probably depends on what helicopter.
02:17:18 There's maybe cheaper ones, but then you got to have.
02:17:21 A place to put it.
02:17:22 You got to keep it within FAA guidelines, so there's like all these stupid things you got to do.
02:17:28 There's look, I've been in helicopters and it's also kind of complicated like, you know, like they.
02:17:36 They literally will put sandbags.
02:17:39 In at least the helicopter, I used to go.
02:17:41 Up in they would.
02:17:43 The pilot would move sandbags around in the back of the helicopter to like, make sure there was like a good balance to everything.
02:17:50 And I mean, I guess it depends on what kind of helicopter it is too.
02:17:54 The helicopters I've been in are just the.
02:17:58 Like those, the new news, Chapter 4 News Chopper 4, stuff like that, right?
02:18:03 I I almost got to go into Huey.
02:18:05 I almost got to go.
02:18:06 Into Huey.
02:18:08 But was not able to get.
02:18:10 Was not able to score.
02:18:12 If I'd stayed at that job.
02:18:13 A little bit longer.
02:18:14 I'd be able to.
02:18:15 Get into healing.
02:18:16 I almost I almost stuck stuck with it a little bit longer, but I had to.
02:18:21 I had to go on anyway.
02:18:22 Yeah, I would totally do it.
02:18:24 It's just it's it's money.
02:18:25 I earn money.
02:18:26 I'm poor and.
02:18:30 You know, I'm not going to be sinking money.
02:18:32 Into into helicopter lessons and just to get your license, it's like 80 grand.
02:18:38 Or something.
02:18:39 That's what it was last time I checked into it.
02:18:41 I mean, yeah, there's probably cheaper options, but.
Speaker 7
02:18:45 Let's see here.
Speaker 11
02:18:49 UM.
02:18:53 Yeah, you could do ultralight.
02:18:55 You could do ultralight and they don't require.
02:18:58 A license and all that stuff.
02:19:00 But I don't know.
02:19:01 Is that really safe?
02:19:02 The only thing I've thought about doing because it it's and look if an ultralight helicopter is cheap to build, and I doubt that.
02:19:09 And if I had a hangar, that's the other thing too.
02:19:11 I I don't even know where I would put it right.
02:19:14 If I had to place a place to put it, and it was.
02:19:17 Cheap to build.
02:19:18 And if I didn't have a million other projects that I already have to take care.
02:19:23 I I would.
02:19:24 I would.
02:19:24 I would really think about it.
02:19:26 A cheaper alternative though, and it's not as cool, like, not even a little bit.
02:19:31 But they have those, what they call Paracels, and it's basically it's like a go Kart with a parachute on the back.
02:19:37 And, you know, it's got, like a fan.
02:19:39 And so you can.
02:19:42 You can fly around in those things.
02:19:43 They're cheap as hell.
02:19:44 They're like.
02:19:45 I don't know.
02:19:46 I've seen used ones for like a.
02:19:47 Couple of grand.
02:19:49 And they look fun.
02:19:51 I mean, it's dangerous and you got to do it.
02:19:53 When there's, like, pretty calm, pretty calm air like you.
02:19:57 You get like the wrong movement of air in that thing, and I've seen it happen.
02:20:01 There's videos in fact.
02:20:02 Let's find that.
02:20:04 You want to see what I'm talking about here.
02:20:07 And see if I can.
02:20:08 Download this.
02:20:10 Yeah, I think they're called Paracels or paraglider.
02:20:14 Or something like that.
02:20:16 I'm going to look up paraglider.
02:20:22 But I've seen them.
02:20:23 Their parachute just gives out like.
02:20:28 Uh, no apparent glider I guess is when you don't have.
02:20:32 Paramotors or?
02:20:35 Oh, here's a crash comp compilation.
02:20:39 Let me.
02:20:42 Let's download that.
02:20:43 Let's see if it'll let me.
02:20:45 Been having problems getting YouTube videos lately.
02:20:48 I think they updated something.
02:20:51 Oh good, it's going to.
02:20:52 Let me get it.
02:20:57 Alright, this is going to take just.
02:20:58 A second to get.
02:21:11 Oh, that was fast.
02:21:14 I guess I got it already.
02:21:15 Let's have a look.
02:21:43 Oh ****.
02:21:51 The guy like jumped out into a ******* tree.
02:21:56 I wonder why that oh, these guys, I guess they do have the fan.
02:22:00 Oh ****.
02:22:03 Yeah, that's that's.
02:22:04 I don't want the fan one though those.
02:22:05 Look a little.
02:22:07 More ghetto.
02:22:09 I want the one that's got like the whole like the car thing at the bottom.
02:22:15 But something that works off the same principle.
02:22:18 But yeah, they're not.
02:22:19 I mean, they they're more dangerous.
02:22:21 Like, way more dangerous.
02:22:24 Hey, look at this guy.
02:22:25 He's just like, running.
02:22:30 This should be.
Speaker 18
02:22:34 See that? Just.
02:22:34 That just seems, I mean, I'm sure he's gonna crush, but like that just seems cool.
02:22:39 For like a couple grand, you can.
02:22:41 Be doing this?
02:22:44 And as long as you ooh, see.
02:22:47 See weird air conditions and you just drop like a ******* rock.
02:22:53 Oh, he doesn't.
02:22:54 He does not look OK.
02:22:57 He is not OK.
02:23:01 Yeah. So that's.
Speaker 11
02:23:02 That's the.
02:23:03 That's the drawback with these things.
02:23:07 And that's.
02:23:09 That's pretty funny.
02:23:11 Yeah, but like all all that has to happen is like the air changes a little bit, and then you just drop, like, a ******* rock.
02:23:17 Like, oh, I think it's happened to this guy or I think this.
02:23:20 Guy just steered around wrong.
02:23:26 I want a video.
02:23:27 There's there's.
02:23:28 There's got to be.
02:23:28 A video of these.
02:23:30 Just dropping out of the sky, I've.
02:23:31 Seen him before?
02:23:36 What's up with this guy?
02:23:39 The Hell's he driving?
02:23:48 And he got stuck to another one.
02:23:49 That's pretty funny.
02:23:53 Yeah, I don't know these just look like as dangerous as they are.
02:23:57 I feel like if you if you as long as you're not doing it with weird wind.
02:24:03 You know, you check the weather.
02:24:05 I'm sure there's things you can look into to make sure it's going to be a little bit safer, you know, and you're going to be.
02:24:12 OK.
02:24:13 Or maybe not.
02:24:16 But what's life without a little bit of danger?
02:24:18 You got to have a.
02:24:19 Little bit of danger.
02:24:21 And for two grand, I don't know if you can build me an ultralight helicopter for two grand.
02:24:28 I'll think about it.
02:24:30 But I suspect ohh that.
02:24:33 Yeah, that's not good.
02:24:35 All right anyway.
02:24:37 I've wanted to get one of these.
02:24:38 Since I was a kid.
02:24:46 Let's see here.
02:24:48 I'd fly these around.
02:24:49 God, understand thermals or dynamics and basic level.
02:24:52 Don't be a ****** and try banking hard.
02:24:54 Exactly like a lot of these guys, you can tell when they're going to crash because.
02:24:57 Of what they do but but.
02:25:01 A lot of these, like there are crashes.
02:25:03 I've seen where the guys just going in a straight line and then all of a sudden just drops like a like a rock cause the air changes.
02:25:14 You're a political.
02:25:15 Dissident and you want to go in the air, dude.
02:25:17 You're going to die if you do that, you're not.
02:25:18 Going to even crash, you're going to explode me there?
02:25:22 Well, if I if it's my time to go.
02:25:25 What is your opinion on Bill Cooper?
02:25:29 I think Bill Cooper stretched the truth a little bit when he first was doing his thing.
02:25:36 I think it was more of a like a spectacle, kind of a thing when he was talking about aliens and some of this other.
02:25:44 Like if you look at his earlier work, it's not his based, it's kind of alien any and you know.
02:25:51 But I think that once he got involved in that arena.
02:25:59 And once he got involved in that.
02:26:03 In the Patriot movement or whatever, I think that he shifted gears because he realized.
02:26:11 That there was actually real things to be worried about, and the more that he researched, the more interesting and.
02:26:21 And realistic his.
02:26:23 His material gut.
02:26:26 I think his book is really good.
02:26:29 There's people that complain about him because you know he he doesn't.
02:26:34 In fact, he actively would would push back against people who would mention Jewish power and Zionism and all that stuff.
02:26:42 He also had some like, really goofy ideas about.
02:26:49 Like some of his stuff about, like the royal family, there's some stuff that he just it.
02:26:55 It's a little out there.
02:26:57 But you don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
02:26:59 Like, oh, yeah, the other thing his his JFK stuff is ridiculous.
02:27:04 When he gets into the esoteric, a lot of it's pretty ridiculous.
02:27:08 But his book is pretty right on.
02:27:12 His book is pretty right on, and it's it's worth a read, absolutely.
02:27:19 And you can find it audiobook version of it narrated by him.
02:27:24 And his show's pretty good. And look, they did kill him after he predicted 911, and it happened pretty much exactly how he said it would.
02:27:32 Ah, they killed him.
02:27:34 And he did.
02:27:36 He was an amazing broadcaster.
02:27:38 I've I've talked at length about how he had to broadcast because he was getting kicked off.
02:27:43 He was getting the platform.
02:27:45 Back before it was cool.
02:27:47 And he got around it.
02:27:48 I mean, he's a smart, smart.
02:27:50 Really smart guy.
02:27:52 And he got around it by broadcasting over satellite to volunteers who would build their own FM transmitters and retransmit his satellite signal to their local areas.
02:28:08 I mean.
02:28:09 That's insane.
02:28:11 The amount of of the fact that that, that, that he was even they had to start putting him in the ratings in some.
02:28:20 Areas because the the pirate radio stations were outperforming the commercial radio stations in those areas because of him.
02:28:30 So I mean, the guy the guy was uh.
02:28:35 He was a smart dude, but yeah, he, I mean just like.
02:28:39 He had some blind spots and he got some things wrong.
02:28:42 And like I said, I think in the beginning he was maybe.
02:28:45 Maybe stretching the truth a little bit trying to.
02:28:50 Trying to get attention, I don't know.
02:28:54 I don't know.
02:28:54 It's hard to know why people do the things that they do, but if you watch, like I said, it's real early stuff and you could find.
02:29:01 It where if he if he if.
02:29:04 He has the more hair that he has, the.
02:29:06 Earlier it is.
02:29:08 But if you can find some stuff like, there's this one talk he does.
02:29:13 You know, it's like in a church like in.
02:29:15 The 80s somewhere.
02:29:16 Right.
02:29:16 And the video is really ******.
02:29:18 But he talks.
02:29:18 About aliens and stuff like that, it's just, you know.
02:29:22 It's kind of just like whatever, dude.
02:29:27 Let's see here.
02:29:30 Well, I think of Swiss people, I don't really have a.
02:29:33 Strong opinion.
02:29:35 I don't know a lot of.
02:29:35 Swiss people.
02:29:45 Is Eric Prince and Blackwater mercenaries a based organization, or are they controlled by?
02:29:51 I don't know who controls them, but they're not based.
02:29:54 No, no mercenary.
02:29:56 Force is based.
02:29:58 I'll tell you what.
02:29:59 I mean, they promoted Trump ********, so either he got.
02:30:03 Fooled like like the rest of us.
02:30:05 Or not everyone, I guess.
02:30:06 But like like me and and.
02:30:08 A lot of other people.
02:30:10 Or, you know, he's in that whole club.
02:30:12 I suspect the latter because I think he was also involved.
02:30:17 There was not that long ago when when the Trump administration was trying to start a civil war in Venezuela.
02:30:26 Venezuela caught a bunch of mercenaries that I'm pretty sure came from Blackwater.
02:30:32 So I think it's it's all part of that, that same click.
02:30:35 I think he's in that.
02:30:36 Club, you know, he talked a big game about Weiner's laptop.
02:30:40 That's yet another yet.
02:30:42 Another thing we'll never know the we'll never know the the answer to we'll never get to the bottom of, you know, just like everything else, because.
02:30:52 You know.
02:30:53 That's not for you.
02:30:55 That's not for you, boy.
02:30:57 Alright, answer one more question.
02:30:59 I gotta I'm going to bail, right?
02:31:00 Cause I got some stuff I gotta finish doing.
02:31:01 Like, kill some rabbits.
02:31:06 Let's see here.
02:31:07 The Democrats thought they could easily defeat him, so they want him as a candidate.
02:31:12 Talk about Trump.
02:31:13 Yeah, I thought.
02:31:14 I think they genuinely thought that he would.
02:31:16 They I think they were generally.
02:31:17 Surprised at how he performed.
02:31:20 David Irving Shook hands with many people close to Hitler and those David Irving?
02:31:25 Ohh, that's the that's that historian guy and he's pretty.
02:31:29 He's pretty.
02:31:30 He that's not the way you can tell how truthful someone is is how much they sacrifice to say what they're saying.
02:31:37 And David Irving, my understanding is he lost pretty much his all his prestige because of what he said about the Holocaust, how many emails have you got?
02:31:46 Have you have you go and respond to?
02:31:50 How many?
02:31:52 How many have I responded to?
02:31:54 No, I've only responded to a couple I've got.
02:31:55 Like I've got like 100.
02:31:59 But yeah, that's going to be happening.
02:32:01 That's going to happen.
02:32:01 On my days off.
02:32:03 That's going to happen.
02:32:04 I'll have.
02:32:04 I'll have.
02:32:05 Gotten everyone by.
02:32:11 Even if and look, I might just because of the sheer number, I might just, it might just be something quick.
02:32:16 Don't get, don't get annoyed if it's something quick, because I'll just know I'll I've read it.
02:32:21 I'll respond everyone by after my days off, which is so Tuesdays, right?
02:32:30 We'll have everyone responded to.
02:32:35 Ernst Zondo, black pilled. David Irving. Yeah. Zondal's pretty base or was based before they killed him.
02:32:44 How did my night night go?
02:32:46 It actually went pretty awesome.
02:32:47 I found some more discarded cactuses.
02:32:54 I actually went.
02:32:57 There were so many of them, I went back.
02:32:58 I got my.
02:32:59 Truck and went back into the desert with my truck.
02:33:02 And because I you know, there's just no way.
02:33:04 Plus the kind of cactus.
02:33:06 It was like the spines were, it was so much like it there there.
02:33:09 It was extremely spiny, so there was no.
02:33:11 Way I was going to be able to.
02:33:13 I mean I I.
02:33:14 One of the reasons I carry my rucksack and I literally do this I'll I'll fill it up with Cactus.
02:33:20 I don't care.
02:33:20 I've got one of my I've talked.
02:33:22 The the large Molly rock sack.
02:33:25 All sometimes if I'm not doing a rock March, I'm just doing a hike.
02:33:29 I'll just carry the large Molly rucksack empty.
02:33:32 And that way if I come across because it's it's shocking how frequently I do, if I come across discarded cactus junk that I want, I can throw it in.
02:33:44 I've got a ****** one that's got like holes in it and stuff, and I don't really care about it because you know, those those needles will poke, right.
02:33:50 Through that.
02:33:51 That whatever that I guess.
02:33:53 Nylon or whatever it is, and so I'll just load it full of cactus pads.
02:33:58 But the kind of cactus this.
02:34:00 Was was so neatly and.
02:34:06 And awkward to like.
02:34:08 I I could maybe put like 1 little piece.
02:34:09 So I filled up the back of.
02:34:10 My truck with cactus that night.
02:34:14 In fact, I I didn't get to bed until like noon the next day.
02:34:17 Because what happened was.
02:34:19 I went out and did my hike because I did the stream.
02:34:21 The stream went until.
02:34:22 Like I don't know.
02:34:24 Like 3 in the morning or whenever it you know it was.
02:34:27 It's usually pretty late, right?
02:34:28 And then I.
02:34:31 Got back or like you know, I went out and did my thing.
02:34:34 I got back.
02:34:35 And the sun was already starting to.
02:34:37 Come up, right?
02:34:39 And then I drove my car or the truck back, loaded it up, came back in, and by the time I had everything planted and cause, you know, like the cactus cuttings, time time is of the essence.
02:34:50 Although you'd be surprised.
02:34:51 Some of these are pretty Hardy.
02:34:52 I've had cactus pads I've thrown into my.
02:34:58 Compost pile and they because they look, they look kind of raggedy and you know, maybe I already got like 10 and ten of those already or or whatever.
02:35:07 And so I just throw it in the in the compost because cactus pads make excellent compost also, and I've had some of them, like actually come alive and start sprouting out of the ******* compost pile.
02:35:18 So they're they're surprisingly Hardy.
02:35:21 There's most cactuses, at least, there's some that don't like do so well when you.
02:35:26 Transplant them, but for the.
02:35:27 This part because a lot of what I'm finding out there is just like landscapers cutting.
02:35:34 I'm assuming it's people that are they have like a giant ask cactus and they chop a bunch of it off and then go throw in the desert and I might find it a couple days later.
02:35:47 And then I go and and and look.
02:35:48 There's no roots.
02:35:49 Sometimes they have roots, but like most of the time, there's no roots on it or anything.
02:35:53 It's just like a branch, you know, with, with pads on it or or maybe just a pad, you know, a singular pad or or whatever.
02:36:00 And I just take it home and.
02:36:03 And root it and it's a whole new cactus.
02:36:06 I mean I I I wish they would just bring the cactus.
02:36:09 If you're going to throw away a.
02:36:10 Cactus, just bring it to.
02:36:11 The bunker, you know, but of.
02:36:12 Course then I'd have to.
02:36:15 I put up, I don't know.
02:36:17 I've and plus I I was actually talking to my neighbor today that I'm starting to have more cactus than I have place to put them.
02:36:25 Carla's Carl's property is going to have to start getting loaded up full of cactus. Is the problem with that is because.
02:36:32 It's it's like animal food, right? So if I if I just put like a cactus pad in the ground at Carl's house, it'll just be eating down to the ground by you.
02:36:41 Know especially cause I'm not there ever, you know?
02:36:44 So you have to find cactuses that the animals don't eat and which is there are a couple.
02:36:49 But they they they.
02:36:51 Pretty much anything with moisture in it so.
02:36:53 You have to get.
02:36:54 They're not like the cooler cactuses, and they're not very useful.
02:36:58 Cause that's the reason why I'm growing cactus out here.
02:37:02 Because I can eat.
02:37:05 You know, I can eat their fruit.
02:37:06 I can eat their pads.
02:37:08 So it's not just like decoration for me.
02:37:11 I'm this is part of my self-sustaining thing and I can feed them to.
02:37:15 So anything that I can use like that is something that animals.
Speaker 7
02:37:18 Will eat.
02:37:20 So any cactus that I could plant somewhere else anyway, so someday maybe I'll do like a tour.
02:37:28 A limited tour.
02:37:30 Of my my massive amounts of cacti, because I do have a crazy amount.
02:37:38 Anyway guys.
02:37:40 All that.
02:37:40 Oh, you know what?
02:37:42 I have a funny cactus story.
02:37:44 That's not just me rambling about Cactus.
02:37:47 So I got this for classified cat.
02:37:57 I was like, oh.
02:37:58 That looks kind of cool.
02:37:59 You know?
02:37:59 It'll like, match the house and.
02:38:02 And it'll be neat.
02:38:06 Uh. Let's see here.
02:38:10 Why did the picture change when I did that?
Speaker 7
02:38:13 Whatever this is, good enough.
02:38:21 Alright, so I got this for classified cat.
02:38:26 And some anyone who owns a cat knows.
02:38:29 There's a lot of times you get your cat something.
02:38:32 And especially anything that you spend a lot of time and money on to try to get your cat excited about something.
02:38:39 They usually hate it.
02:38:41 Like usually they like the box that whatever you've got came in more than they like.
02:38:47 Whatever it is you've got.
02:38:51 But I got him this.
02:38:54 And he liked it.
02:38:55 And I was like, oh, sweet.
02:38:56 That's great, you know, because it looks cool.
02:38:59 It kind of like fits in here and and, you know, it's just kind of it's nice to get something, you know, stupid like this every once in a while.
02:39:07 And then I realized, well, now I really can't let them outside.
02:39:15 Because now he thinks that that's a good.
02:39:17 Place to rub his hands on.
02:39:23 Well anyway.
Speaker 11
02:39:25 It's like a cool little thing, you know.
02:39:29 It's I.
02:39:31 It's something you could make if you had some PVC pipe.
02:39:34 I was thinking it'd be like a fun thing to make.
02:39:37 Just you just need PVC pipe, PVC pipe, carpet scraps and like rope and some green dye.
02:39:45 And you can make that for next to nothing.
02:39:47 I mean it costs next to.
02:39:48 Nothing I guess.
02:39:48 So it wasn't like a big deal, but.
02:39:51 The construction of it, I mean I'm pretty.
02:39:52 Sure, that's what they.
02:39:53 Did is it was just like cardboard?
02:39:56 Version of PVC pipe but anyway.
02:40:00 Alright guys.
02:40:01 Well, I was going to leave you just as a.
02:40:03 Joke with that.
02:40:07 That I can do.
02:40:08 I would do.
02:40:08 Anything for love song?
02:40:11 And I already played it for you guys.
02:40:15 I don't want to do that as long as we're we're ******* up copyrights, right?
02:40:19 Because this is, this is going to guarantee.
02:40:23 Supposedly that this is going to get taken off from bit shoot.
Speaker 9
02:40:30 Let me see here.
02:40:32 What can I do?
02:40:36 What can I play?
02:40:40 That might not give me a copyright strike.
02:40:49 I got nothing.
02:40:58 Well, maybe this, and if whatever, we're moving to Odyssey anyway.
02:41:03 So if they, if they hate this.
02:41:06 Whatever. It's OK.
02:41:08 So bear with the ending a moment it's going to be.
02:41:12 A little bit janky for a second, but also someone asked me about secret messages.
02:41:20 Like, oh, how come you're not doing them anymore?
02:41:22 What makes you think that I'm not?
Speaker 15
02:41:25 Dun Dun Dun I.
02:41:27 Might not be, but yeah, I'm just saying and you never know.
02:41:31 All right for black pilled.
02:41:33 I am of course.
02:41:36 Devin stack.