

Speaker 1
00:10:25 Please don't go.
00:00:15 Kathy, don't go to the supermarket today.
00:00:22 Cathy, don't go to the supermarket today.
Speaker 2
00:00:28 Well, there's a.
Speaker 1
00:00:29 Very gappy don't go to the supermarket today without a computer ID.
00:00:29 Man at the checkout stand.
00:00:32 And there's a laser.
00:00:33 Scanner where you put your hand?
00:00:44 There's no way to pay.
Speaker 3
00:00:46 Don't go, please.
Speaker 1
00:00:49 I know there's a sale and a special on Rice supermarket today.
00:00:52 And you can buy beans at a giveaway price, but that's just their way to get you down there.
00:00:59 What you don't know is that they're everywhere.
00:01:09 Don't go to the supermarket today.
00:01:15 They had a special program on the TV last night explaining call me why these things must be done right.
00:01:22 They say they do computer.
00:01:25 For what?
00:01:27 Space that it cost you.
00:01:28 Go to the supermarket today without a computer ID.
00:01:38 There's no.
00:01:39 Way to pay.
00:01:43 Very strange.
00:01:46 And there's a laser scanner.
00:01:47 Where you put your hand.
00:01:49 Cathy, don't go to the supermarket today.
00:01:56 Walk out and you see what they're trying to do.
00:02:03 Just a new crazy.
00:02:06 They want to make us better.
00:02:25 Go to the supermarket today.
00:02:33 There's still time to get away.
00:02:38 Honey, don't worry.
00:02:39 Just take my hand.
00:02:41 And we can make it even.
00:02:42 If we not to live off the land.
00:02:45 We don't go to the supermarket today, go to the supermarket today.
Speaker 4
00:03:28 Make him the cutest that I've ever seen.
00:03:31 Bum, bum, bum.
00:03:33 Give him two lips like roses and Clover.
00:03:37 Then tell him that his lots and.
00:03:39 Nights are over.
Speaker 2
00:03:45 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
Speaker 4
00:03:49 Bum, bum, bum.
00:03:50 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:03:50 Turn on your magic.
00:04:07 Mr. T.
00:04:09 And bring me 3.
00:04:12 Make him the cutest thing I've ever seen.
00:04:21 And that is not tonight.
00:04:29 Nobody to call my own.
00:04:33 Please turn on your magic bean.
00:04:49 Mr. Simon? Yes.
00:04:54 Give them up.
Speaker 1
00:04:58 Givable lonely.
Speaker 4
00:05:16 So please turn on your magic.
00:05:22 Please, please, please, please, Mr.
00:05:38 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Good night. I'm on my backup computer, so hopefully everything's working. My main computer is doing the same thing it was doing before with the power supply just randomly shutting off.
00:05:55 So and then the backup computer was randomly rebooting until I yanked all the the backup computer used to be a crypto mining machine, so it has like 6 video cards in it.
00:06:07 So I yanked all those out and then put one of the ones in the.
00:06:12 The main computer in the back anyway.
00:06:14 Long story short, I think it's working, but it might not be perfect and it might look it's kind of funny I I.
00:06:22 I spell this time.
00:06:25 I spent all this time making a fancy heart animation.
00:06:29 Not gay at all.
00:06:32 For the Valentine's special.
00:06:34 And I couldn't couldn't play it.
00:06:36 But weirdly enough, the back of computer was being used last Valentine's Day.
00:06:43 And so we get last year's rotating heart thing.
00:06:50 So you're welcome.
00:06:52 Anyway, Devin stack here.
00:06:53 This is the insomnia stream.
00:06:57 We're going to.
00:06:58 Talk about a couple of things tonight.
00:07:04 The the main thing I was going to talk about.
00:07:07 Was a was a movie, but in trying to dissect it and then having it reboot.
00:07:16 About every 20 minutes, I didn't really get into the meat and potatoes of it as much as I would like.
00:07:21 Now we we might still use it.
00:07:24 To to have some conversations about some of the elements of the film.
00:07:30 But I don't think I can do.
00:07:32 A proper review, as it were, but.
00:07:36 Since it is Valentine's Day.
00:07:39 I want to talk about something else too.
00:07:42 If this works, we're about to.
00:07:44 About to find out if playing if playing.
00:07:46 Videos work. Let's see.
Speaker 6
00:07:57 Our relationship in the beginning.
00:07:59 Thing was fun, exciting.
00:08:02 We would go on little adventures all.
00:08:03 The time passion.
Speaker 7
00:08:04 Lots of having making out, making out in secret places that you're not supposed.
Speaker 8
00:08:09 To be yet.
Speaker 9
00:08:10 It was romance and passion and constant compliments and.
00:08:16 Promises of the future and everything that I ever wanted.
Speaker 10
00:08:21 By our 4th date.
00:08:22 He told me that he loved me and that like.
Speaker 8
00:08:24 He wanted me to be his wife.
Speaker 6
00:08:26 Time went by.
00:08:26 He kind of started being more distant, but at the same time.
Speaker 10
00:08:30 He didn't want to let go.
Speaker 8
00:08:32 I just.
00:08:33 I just felt the shift and and then it became to the point where.
00:08:38 You know, it's been 3 weeks and we haven't seen each other.
Speaker 7
00:08:42 That change made me feel a mixture of angry disbelief, shocked mad at myself, that I didn't trust my intuition because I knew it was all just feeling way too good to be true.
Speaker 11
00:08:55 If any of this sounds.
00:08:56 Familiar to you?
00:08:58 Then I'm making this video for you, cause today we're talking about love for me.
00:09:02 Why do men love bomb?
Speaker 6
00:09:07 Are you being loved bombed by a narcissist?
00:09:10 What do the signs of love bombing actually look like?
Speaker 10
00:09:14 Love Feeling is the nice part of our relationship with a narcissist.
00:09:17 It's where they're idealizing you.
00:09:19 They're putting you on a pedestal.
Speaker 12
00:09:21 Hey, guys. Welcome back. Thanks for joining me for another video. So in this week's video, I wanted to go over love bombing and the reason why I wanted to make this video was I think it's really important to educate yourself.
00:09:37 Women are paranoid about being love.
00:09:40 Bombed is what we're going to talk about a little bit.
00:09:43 And part of that is because and there's, like, a million ******* videos.
00:09:46 I I would have downloaded more of my computer would have stayed on for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
00:09:52 They there are thousands of videos on YouTube.
00:09:56 About love bombing it it's this.
00:09:58 You know, it's it's I'll tell you what I'll give you the the the explanation.
00:10:03 They'll they'll tell you.
00:10:04 And look, there's it's not total ********, but then I'll tell you why it it pretty much is total ********.
00:10:10 The explanation they give you is you meet someone.
00:10:15 And right away, they're really ******* into you.
00:10:18 Like, really into you.
00:10:19 Like a weird amount into you.
00:10:22 And it's hot and heavy and everything's going great. It's amazing.
00:10:29 And then one.
00:10:29 Day they withdraw.
00:10:32 They withdraw.
00:10:34 And it's a narcissist tactic, right?
00:10:37 They give you all this attention.
00:10:40 And they take it away.
00:10:42 And the reason why they take it away is so that you can try to recreate that good feeling that you had in the very beginning.
00:10:51 And it's a control mechanism.
Speaker 13
00:10:56 Now there is there, this happens.
00:11:00 I've I've I've had this happen.
00:11:03 I've dated women where it's like that and there's, you know, there's the.
00:11:05 Saying oh quick to fall in quick to fall out in terms of love.
00:11:10 Politicians do it all the time.
00:11:12 I mean, Trump is like a perfect example, right?
00:11:15 And how how much do you think that all the maggot people that are still Maga people somehow on gab and Twitter?
00:11:23 All over the place, how much of that is just they're trying to recreate the feeling.
00:11:27 Of 2006.
00:11:28 Team, right.
00:11:30 That's all they're trying to doing or trying to.
00:11:32 Do they just want to have that good feeling again of of owning the libs and you know?
Speaker 13
00:11:39 And fake news and ohh lol.
00:11:42 The Russians and and all this ********, they want to recreate.
00:11:46 That good time.
00:11:48 And they're willing to ignore all the bad times.
00:11:53 And look this this is totally true.
00:11:56 But because.
00:11:58 The vast majority of Americans.
00:12:01 Or on some level, narcissists like.
00:12:06 It just, that's just the way that it is.
00:12:09 Blame it on social media, blame it on modernity.
00:12:13 It on whatever you want.
00:12:15 But the vast majority.
00:12:18 Of Americans are narcissists.
00:12:21 People have become extremely gun shy.
00:12:26 And extremely suspicious.
00:12:31 When people.
00:12:33 Are nice to them.
00:12:36 Now this can be confusing.
00:12:37 For a lot of men.
00:12:39 A lot of men who might have watched too many romantic comedies or listened to the advice of their mothers or anything like oh, you, you.
00:12:48 Want to be really nice to them and.
Speaker 13
00:12:54 And a lot of women.
00:12:55 Are very suspicious of this.
00:12:59 They're very suspicious of people being nice to them.
00:13:03 Which is weird because.
00:13:05 They seem to thrive on that stuff, paradoxically.
00:13:13 Now one of the things that they talk about in these videos is how it's it's this control mechanism.
00:13:20 It's this.
00:13:21 Oh, it's the and look.
Speaker 2
00:13:24 That does exist. There are.
00:13:26 People and and honestly I.
00:13:27 Don't think the people that except for politicians, obviously the politicians are doing on purpose.
00:13:31 But I think in day-to-day relationships, most people that that behave this way aren't even necessarily aware that they're doing it.
00:13:39 I don't think that the guys that that go all in and then.
00:13:45 Change gears quickly or women that do the same exact thing.
00:13:49 I don't even think that it's.
00:13:50 It's like some plan in their head.
00:13:53 I just think that this is what they they default to.
00:13:57 But a lot of guys, and probably women too, they are mistaken for using this controlling behavior by going all in.
00:14:07 And maybe not.
00:14:08 All in like, you know, like I love you right away and you know, not like, crazy.
00:14:12 All in, but being nice, like the whole time.
00:14:16 And then they withdraw.
00:14:17 If it's not reciprocated.
00:14:23 And the the person on the receiving end of the the love bombing, or the perceived love bombing is like.
00:14:29 Oh, you're love bombing?
00:14:32 You're you're withdrawing, you're taking it away.
00:14:35 It's like, no, this is just a two way St.
00:14:38 It's a two way St. and eventually it's it's it's not not worth it, it's not worth all the energy, you know, like why why would I keep complimenting you and tell you nice things and being supportive you're not. You know, if nothing's coming back.
00:14:52 So anyway.
00:14:55 The movie that we're we're going to take a look at.
00:15:01 Kind of.
00:15:01 It kind of takes a look at two different narcissists.
00:15:06 In a kind of a bizarre relationship.
00:15:10 In a bizarre scenario that is actually based on a true story.
00:15:18 Well, kind of.
00:15:18 It's based on a book.
00:15:20 That is based on a true story.
00:15:23 So, you know, take that for what it.
00:15:26 What? What you will. It's a film by Nicholas. Rogue. Nicholas. Rogue. I believe it's from 1984.
00:15:36 Let me take a look here.
00:15:37 I forget what?
00:15:41 This is well, this is the where this is where the video stuff gets weird because it's not set up correctly.
00:15:47 Let me see.
00:15:54 861986.
00:15:57 Now Nicholas Rd.
00:15:59 Before you ask, I don't think is a Jew, but.
00:16:05 His dad was in the diamond trade.
Speaker 13
00:16:12 You know, this is this is what?
00:16:13 This is what if you learn anything.
00:16:17 About what?
00:16:17 How the Internet has totally upended.
00:16:22 The the media landscape and why this censorship is coming like so hot and heavy is up until very recently.
00:16:33 If you were making anything that anyone.
00:16:35 Was going to see.
00:16:37 You were of a particular tribe.
00:16:41 Or you came from money in a big way, like the diamond trade.
00:16:47 If you were just.
00:16:47 Some regular guy.
00:16:50 You did not have the ability to reach anybody.
00:16:55 And you look the the.
00:16:57 The best chance you had, you could sit there and and try like, you know, borrow and scrape together some money and try to put together some ****** short film and then put that into a festival but a.
00:17:10 It's a short film, so no one's going to see that unless they're at the festival, and B that short film is not going to turn into a feature film unless you were approved by the people.
00:17:21 The good people at Sundance or or I don't know if Sundance is quite as important as it used to be.
00:17:29 But the judges that sound like I think I've said this before, I had a friend that went.
00:17:32 To Sundance and ended up talking to Nancy Pelosi's daughter.
00:17:39 Who had a film there?
00:17:40 And it's it's those kinds of people that are getting.
00:17:44 Getting funded and getting bankrolled, but anyway.
00:17:50 So the movie starts out with this guy.
00:17:55 And this guy's a writer.
00:17:58 He has a an idea for a book.
00:18:04 And has worked out a deal with the publisher.
00:18:07 Where he's going to go.
00:18:09 To an island.
00:18:11 He's going to go to an.
00:18:12 Island for a year.
00:18:14 With a woman and justice live off on a dessert like Gilligan's Island style.
00:18:20 Live on this island.
00:18:22 So he puts an ad in the paper.
00:18:26 Asking for a woman that will be his wife on a deserted island for a year.
00:18:34 And it was kind of funny because I thought I'd, again, this must have been one of.
00:18:38 The times that rebooted.
00:18:40 So I don't have that clip.
00:18:42 But it was just funny to see that back in.
00:18:44 The day you know before there was, there was.
00:18:46 Internet dating or anything or Internet.
00:18:50 The only way that you had to.
00:18:52 Do this sort of a thing to meet some rando to do something like this.
00:18:55 There wasn't Craigslist or anything.
00:18:58 You had to mail in this form that you would write out.
00:19:02 You know, like you had a very it was almost like a tweet.
00:19:06 You had a limited amount of characters you could you could put in there.
00:19:10 And it would get published in newspapers and magazines.
00:19:13 Or, you know, wherever you put it.
00:19:16 And you would just leave a phone number and then weirdos would.
00:19:18 Call you up.
00:19:20 So anyway, this is the the woman.
00:19:25 Who sees the ad?
00:19:27 And she has a boring job at the the IRS.
00:19:31 Or it's it's a British film.
00:19:33 So it's like, whatever the British version of the IRS is, you know, cubicle spreadsheet sheet, kind of a job.
00:19:41 You know, again, it's 1986, the uh, the whole women in the workplace thing was was.
00:19:47 Really getting going.
00:19:49 You know, the boomers were very liberated and you know it wasn't. You didn't have any women CEO's and just 10 years prior to this.
00:19:57 In fact, I think women still, I think up until like 1978, women needed their husband's permission to get a credit.
00:20:06 So it was it was.
00:20:07 Still like you know, at the beginning.
00:20:09 But like this is in England and we see not just women, but diversity already in 1986, although this is very white by today's standards.
00:20:20 You then see the kind of lifestyle and the world that the the writer is living in, where it's just, you know, getting drunk.
00:20:32 And and partying with with his friends at the bar.
00:20:37 At the bar you start to see other things that are a little more normalized today.
00:20:44 And here's a headline sex swap father is a mother now.
00:20:49 So this is the first trans kind of stuff.
00:20:52 But it's basically.
00:20:53 Showing you kind of like, oh, wow, look.
00:20:55 How ****** ** the world's getting?
00:20:58 The world's getting really ****** **.
00:21:02 You know, there's a guy with an earring.
00:21:05 Again, no one would even think twice today.
00:21:09 But in 1986, kind of a big deal on the news. It's just all this violence and, you know, political violence and bad stuff.
00:21:22 You know more, more bad headlines.
00:21:27 And so he calls up his messaging service.
00:21:30 Another thing that's weird from that we wouldn't have today since the invention of voicemail.
00:21:37 And gets the people that responded to his ad.
00:21:42 And meanwhile, the girl that responded the age, same thing, you know, she's at home.
00:21:48 Looking at TV and it's it's all horrific stuff, all crime and bad stuff.
00:21:56 And she sees the ad.
00:21:59 And calls up.
00:22:02 And they decide to meet.
00:22:06 And so after talking for a.
00:22:09 While she makes it clear that, Oh yeah, I'm.
00:22:12 I'm very interested in this.
00:22:13 This this sounds like a great idea, you know?
00:22:16 And and in the end, he says he's looking for a wife, you know, so the the arrangement is pretty clear, you know?
00:22:25 He wants someone that's going to be romantically involved with him.
00:22:29 While he's on this deserted island.
00:22:36 And she does exactly.
00:22:40 She does the love bombing.
00:22:42 She wants some.
00:22:43 This sounds exciting.
00:22:45 This sounds like a a cool thing.
00:22:47 You know, if there was Instagram back then she would definitely want to post this all of her Instagram page like Oh my God, I got to go live on this island.
00:22:55 This, this, this tropical island.
00:22:57 Every year it's going to be fantastic, so she starts being really flirty.
00:23:07 You know, does like the hand on the knee.
00:23:08 Kind of stuff.
00:23:10 And eventually has sex with him.
00:23:15 And so he's like, yeah, alright.
00:23:17 Well, out of everyone I've interviewed, you seem like the the girl to go with.
00:23:24 So they.
00:23:24 Chicken Island that's outside of Australia.
00:23:32 And then you see another weird scene she's already in.
00:23:36 And the the affection is already beginning to dry up.
00:23:42 And there's two things going on here, which is a little bit weird.
00:23:46 They go to the.
00:23:49 The to get the visa they cause it's, you know it's it's I think it's under Australian jurisdiction this island so they have to get permission to go live there for a year and whatever and the Australian consulate or or whoever you know they had to work it out with.
00:24:06 They said that the only way they would allow it is if the the couple was legally.
00:24:13 And so it was a weird just because of that, because they they actually care.
00:24:19 They didn't want to single people just shaking up on an island.
00:24:23 And again 19861986 the Australian government.
00:24:28 Thought it would be too scandalous to allow two single people to live on an island and that the the requirement would be that they were you.
00:24:37 Know they would.
00:24:37 Be married.
00:24:38 Like a lot of motels back in the day.
00:24:40 You know, two single people of the opposite sex couldn't stay in the same room.
00:24:46 And that's weird, but the other thing that's weird about this scene.
00:24:53 If this was a modern day movie.
00:24:56 And you knew it was a mayor.
00:24:58 In fact, there's entire romantic comedies.
00:25:01 Centered around a marriage of convenience.
00:25:05 You know whether it's they're getting married because someone needs a green card or because it's, you know, whatever.
00:25:12 But it it's it's seeing these days as just it's just paperwork.
00:25:17 It doesn't actually mean anything.
00:25:20 And this woman who's already had sex with this guy and knows that she's going to live on a deserted island with him for a year, loses her **** when she finds out that she's gonna have to marry him in order for it to be legal.
Speaker 14
00:25:36 ******* unbelievable. You have a.
00:25:39 Oh no, no problem.
00:25:40 The hell with it, which is find.
Speaker 16
00:25:41 Another island, Lucy.
00:25:42 We have been looking for three.
00:25:44 Months, my darling.
Speaker 14
00:25:44 I'm not getting married just because some crapping as old Australian.
Speaker 3
00:25:47 Cure that.
Speaker 15
00:25:48 Problem I was it.
00:25:49 Sorry Jill is.
00:25:50 Money, my dear.
00:25:52 My company advanced the advanced.
00:25:56 Since we're a poor publishing house.
00:25:58 They had to insist that.
00:26:00 It was repairable if the little adventure.
00:26:02 Was called off.
00:26:03 Now we did discuss insurance.
00:26:05 Do you remember that you decided against it?
00:26:07 OK.
Speaker 15
00:26:09 No need.
Speaker 14
00:26:18 How much have we spent?
Speaker 16
00:26:22 I mean, Lucy, there were the airline tickets for.
Speaker 14
00:26:25 Not Manning in general, but for some out of date immigration law, and especially not just to.
00:26:30 Get us out of debt taxi.
Speaker 1
00:26:33 Lucy, Lucy.
00:26:43 So the first when I was watching this, I was like.
00:26:46 Wow. Is she upset.
00:26:48 Because she thinks marriage is such a special thing and she doesn't want to devalue it by marrying this guy that that she's going to shack up, that she's already shacked up with.
00:27:00 But she's going to shack up with for.
00:27:02 Like a year.
00:27:04 On an island like what's?
00:27:06 Why is the what's the hang up here?
00:27:08 It just seemed conflicting until I realized no.
00:27:11 This is just post women's Lib.
00:27:14 This is probably it.
00:27:16 Just seems weird to us now because it was in this weird.
00:27:20 Zone, where it's just falling.
00:27:22 Off a way to where you know 1986, I don't know what it was like in 1986.
00:27:27 But I honestly think that it was more.
00:27:29 A feminist thing?
00:27:31 Like so, the audiences in 1986 would take it as, oh, she doesn't want to get married.
00:27:37 It's not that.
00:27:38 She doesn't want to get married to him.
00:27:40 She doesn't want to be married, she doesn't want.
00:27:42 To be owned by a man.
00:27:45 And as the movie goes on, and that seems to reinforce.
00:27:50 That view of of things.
00:27:54 So as I said, these guys are both boomers.
00:27:56 And both narcissists.
Speaker 2
00:27:59 Yeah, the guy that.
00:28:01 He's looking forward to a year on a deserted island with a beautiful woman.
00:28:08 That he can have sex with and that he can.
00:28:12 You know, have fun on a desert island for a year.
00:28:15 You know, camping for a year in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
00:28:21 And she is using him for this experience, and she wants to have this experience.
00:28:27 And she's decided that she also she gets it in her head.
00:28:32 She also wants to write a book.
00:28:35 And she wants to be the star of this story.
00:28:41 So she's very upset, but she decides.
00:28:44 That in order for her to.
00:28:46 Obviously she has to do it.
00:28:49 So they get married.
00:28:51 She's very cold and ****** *** about it.
00:28:57 But then once they're on the boat and they see the island and the photographer from the publishing company is there, she's very affectionate, you know, very, very warm with him smiling for all the photos.
00:29:14 They get to the island.
00:29:18 After everyone leaves one and there's a lot.
00:29:20 Of there's.
00:29:22 There's a lot.
00:29:22 Of nudity.
00:29:23 In this movie I had, it was hard.
00:29:26 It was hard just to like have clips and and screenshots and stuff.
00:29:32 Because she's naked, I'd say about like 80%.
Speaker 2
00:29:36 Of the movie.
00:29:38 And I mean, like, just completely naked.
00:29:40 Like it.
00:29:40 You know, it's a European film.
00:29:42 So it they, you know, they didn't have to worry about rated R they like it was.
00:29:46 This was like skinemax level of nudity.
00:29:49 So the second they leave, she immediately takes off all of her clothes.
00:29:55 And the guys like, Oh yeah, but she withholds the affection.
00:30:02 Like even after like the first day, first day.
00:30:05 He thinks he's going to get it on.
00:30:07 Like, alright, let's you know we're finally here.
00:30:09 We got all of our stuff unpacked.
00:30:11 Let's do this.
00:30:12 And she says no.
00:30:14 I don't feel like it.
00:30:16 And again, the whole time, whole time she's walking around naked.
00:30:21 And the whole time he's just being sexually frustrated.
00:30:26 Because she got what?
00:30:28 What she wanted.
00:30:32 Now at the same time.
00:30:34 You could say, well, the guys kind of.
00:30:37 Guy is kind of a scumbag because he just wanted someone.
00:30:41 To have sex with for a year.
00:30:43 And there's there's definitely some truth to that.
00:30:46 But he starts to get bitter.
00:30:49 And he starts to lose motivation.
00:30:53 And this is something else that you see in in a lot of relationships.
00:30:59 Where the second I don't think women understand.
00:31:04 How batshit crazy they seemed to us.
00:31:07 How intolerable, at times they are to us, how the reason why men are so driven by sex is that if they weren't, the species would have died out.
00:31:19 Because without sex.
00:31:22 It almost seems preferable to not engage with women for men, generally speaking.
00:31:29 I'm just saying, like, I think that's.
00:31:33 Maybe a little hyperbolic, but I mean not really.
Speaker 2
00:31:37 And so he immediately loses.
00:31:41 All of his motivation to be the provider.
00:31:46 To be the man who's going to, you know, protect her in the jungle and and and whatever.
00:31:52 And every time she shows affection.
00:31:57 It's it's something like this.
00:32:08 Where she was just afraid.
00:32:10 Protect me.
00:32:12 But then a second.
00:32:13 The second she realizes she's.
00:32:14 Even being a little bit warm.
00:32:17 She withdraws again.
00:32:23 So he pretty much loses all interest.
00:32:27 In this endeavor.
00:32:29 Now he begins talking to lobsters.
00:32:32 And I mean not not like all the time there's there's just one scene where.
00:32:36 He's he finds it more interesting to talk to a dead lobster and show the lobster photos because she's that intolerable to be around.
00:32:46 He tries to get her to loosen up a little bit by he makes a dance.
00:32:51 Floor on the.
00:32:52 Beach and tells her to.
00:32:54 Hey, come dance.
00:32:56 And she refuses.
00:32:57 So he ends up just dancing with a a stick.
00:33:01 And then later he catches her dancing by herself.
00:33:06 And he's like, *****, what the ****, like.
00:33:10 Why are you even here?
00:33:11 Why are you even here?
00:33:15 And he does indeed freak out on her once he never, you know, never gets all full on rape motoring.
00:33:22 Like that. But he's like.
Speaker 13
00:33:24 You lied to me.
00:33:26 You know, you, you, you, you.
00:33:28 Hoard yourself out acting like that's.
00:33:30 The way it was going.
00:33:31 To be.
00:33:33 And then as soon as the deal was sealed and as.
00:33:35 Soon as we were on the island, you changed.
00:33:38 I didn't change.
00:33:39 It's not like I you know, I.
00:33:40 I got fat or.
00:33:42 Or boring or something like that.
00:33:44 I'm I'm, you know, I'm still the guy that I'm.
00:33:47 Still, the reason you're here?
00:33:50 And you, you're just being this cold cucumber.
00:33:56 And eventually.
00:33:58 He gets really ****** *** and marches through the jungle to the other side of the island.
00:34:05 And gets his legs all cut up and infected.
00:34:11 And uh, they they, they they kind of.
00:34:15 You know, she freaks out.
00:34:16 Again, she she gives him a hug.
00:34:19 Because she gets.
00:34:20 Scared being off in uh, you know.
00:34:23 While he was on the other side of the.
00:34:24 Island. She gets scared that.
00:34:26 That no one's there.
00:34:28 But then immediately it goes back to.
00:34:31 What it was.
00:34:33 And again, this guy's got no motivation.
00:34:42 Here, here's the vicious cycle.
Speaker 2
00:34:45 That I have witnessed.
00:34:48 And sometimes it's the Guys's fault. Sometimes it's the woman's fault. Sometimes both are equally at fault. But there there is a A.
00:34:57 It's kind of like UM.
00:35:01 To get an engine started like, think of like an old timey.
00:35:07 Model A Ford at the front of the the car.
00:35:11 You had that big crank you had the turn right to get the engine going.
00:35:17 And until you did that, the engine would.
00:35:18 Just sit there.
00:35:22 In a lot of these relationships.
00:35:26 It takes someone to turn that ******* crank and get things going.
00:35:32 In the meantime.
00:35:34 If no one's.
00:35:35 Turning the crank.
00:35:37 The man is is is thinking themselves all you're not.
00:35:41 You're not worth my time.
00:35:44 You're not.
00:35:45 You're not being affectionate with me.
00:35:48 You're being cold and distant.
00:35:50 And I and I.
00:35:50 Why would I be supportive?
00:35:52 Or why would I try?
00:35:53 Hard or why?
00:35:53 Would I work for, you know, to impress you and?
00:35:57 I don't.
00:35:58 I'm not getting anything.
00:35:59 You know, while at the same time, the woman is thinking to herself.
00:36:04 Well, I'm not attracted to you because you're not doing anything.
00:36:09 You're just sitting there.
00:36:11 You don't seem motivated.
Speaker 2
00:36:16 But what a lot.
00:36:17 Of women don't understand is there's a reason why.
00:36:22 Companies pay.
00:36:27 Even for like the first.
00:36:29 Couple days.
00:36:30 It's not like you have to show up to a job.
00:36:33 Show them what you can do for like a week.
00:36:35 I mean, there's some jobs, I guess, that are like that.
00:36:37 But **** that.
00:36:39 Mostly they're art jobs, and mostly they don't end up, you know, most of the time, that's a that's a ******* scam and doesn't.
00:36:46 And it doesn't lead to like paying gigs.
00:36:50 But there's a lot most there's a reason why jobs.
00:36:54 Pay you.
00:36:56 When you first show up and then you start working for them.
00:37:01 And that's how men are designed.
00:37:03 Men are designed to get the thing.
00:37:08 That that to get the reward as they're as they're doing it not not to.
00:37:13 Do it for free forever.
00:37:15 In the hopes that someday, maybe they'll start getting paid.
00:37:21 Again, the the the few jobs that are like that nightmares, at least in the like in in my world.
00:37:27 I'm sure there's like interns and stuff, internships and stuff like that, that that makes sense, but generally speaking.
00:37:34 That's just how it works.
00:37:37 You want to see the fruits.
00:37:39 Of your labor.
00:37:42 And she's not doing that, but.
00:37:44 And his legs are also kind of ****** ** because he his little freak out.
00:37:49 So he's being kind of lazy.
00:37:52 And she's getting ****** ***.
00:37:55 And having to do not a whole lot, to be honest, because there's.
00:38:00 You know, they have like, a whole bunch of food supplies.
00:38:02 It's not like they're they're like immediately, like, oh, my God, we got nothing.
00:38:06 They've got like a like they're only going to be there a year and they've got at least at least half.
00:38:11 A year's food supply.
00:38:15 Increasingly, he gets more bitter.
00:38:19 As the months go by.
00:38:21 And she's just cold and ******.
00:38:28 And uh.
00:38:30 She seems.
00:38:33 She seems again she has contempt for him.
00:38:37 But at the same time, it's.
00:38:38 Like you're he's while you're here.
00:38:43 And then there's this scene where he gets he see the other thing too is he gets increasingly, this guy's kind of a scumbag.
00:38:49 That's why it's kind of in a way, it's a little bit of a bad example just cause.
00:38:52 This guy's such.
00:38:53 A scumbag.
00:38:54 He's always.
00:38:56 At the same time, I don't know. It's hard to put yourself in this guy's shoes. He's always talking about, like, towards the end of the movie, he wasn't like this in the beginning, but the other movie he's like always.
00:39:05 Talking about sex like all the time, like everything ends up being like a story about how like oh.
Speaker 2
00:39:09 And we should get.
00:39:11 You know, we should have.
00:39:12 Sex and.
00:39:15 I can kind of understand that on some level, if you're honest.
00:39:18 The only other person that's around you all the time is a naked *** *****.
00:39:24 It would probably be a little frustrating, but I don't know.
00:39:26 I think I would just get desensitized after a while and so he tells like this story.
00:39:33 It's kind of creepy.
00:39:34 I was gonna play it.
00:39:35 I don't know.
00:39:35 I don't think I'm gonna play it.
00:39:36 But he he's telling like or like all these stories.
00:39:39 But like yeah.
00:39:40 And that's why I need to *** **** and she's just ignoring him.
00:39:43 And when she does respond, she's just basically saying.
Speaker 16
00:39:48 And all those secret fleshy places.
Speaker 14
00:39:51 Jerry, when are we going to start on the proper shelter?
00:39:54 And that tint is driving me crazy?
00:39:58 So it's just always well when when are you going?
00:40:00 To build me a house.
00:40:04 So it's been some months now, I'd say probably they don't really say, but it seems like probably about halfway through there, their stay at the island.
00:40:14 And then the young Chad shows up.
00:40:18 A representative of the the Australian government shows up.
00:40:23 And he's there to, I guess the Australian government sent them there because they need to fill out census forms.
00:40:30 And he's like, yeah, I know it's ridiculous.
00:40:32 But, you know, you got to fill this out and and we brought you some food and stuff while we're here.
00:40:39 And while and immediately, this guy is immediately suspicious of them and jealous and kind of like, OK.
00:40:47 This isn't good, and rightfully so, because she's very flirty.
00:40:52 She sneaks off into the jungle with one of them.
00:40:57 And makes out with him like.
00:41:01 Immediately and then I leave.
00:41:06 The guy who's been on the island with her for six, six months and hasn't had any affection.
00:41:13 Her excuse now of like, well, he's not doing anything for me is is now invalid because these guys showed up for a day and she made out with one of them and possibly more.
00:41:24 That movie leaves it open.
00:41:29 So now he's extra ****** ***.
00:41:35 And they fight all the time.
00:41:38 Their crops aren't aren't doing so hot because the rain season isn't coming.
00:41:45 Uh, she gets sick and.
00:41:50 He he starts to take care of her and.
00:41:55 Then they both start really.
00:41:58 Getting sick of malnutrition.
00:42:02 And before they they they die.
00:42:06 Some nuns show up from one of.
00:42:09 The other islands.
00:42:12 And immediately you see a change in his personality.
00:42:14 This guy, they're probably about eight months in at this point.
00:42:19 And this guy, who's had affection withheld from him this entire eight months.
00:42:24 But the only other person that's that's in his life, the.
00:42:27 Only other person.
00:42:30 And immediately now, just because a nun comes in and she's she, obviously she's not a sexual character.
00:42:37 She's just a female who's being affectionate and nice and treating his wounds on his legs.
00:42:47 The the Islander guy, he needs his boat engine.
00:42:52 Has something wrong with him.
00:42:53 He's like oh, I know about engines.
00:42:54 I'll help you fix them.
00:42:55 And the boat guy is like, nice and affectionate, you know.
00:42:58 And and obviously in a in a.
00:43:00 In a a man kind of a way, but like it's still it's, it's not just this icy cold cuntiness that's been his entire life for like 9 months.
00:43:11 And immediately, just because of this exposure.
Speaker 2
00:43:14 To these other people.
00:43:17 He gets super motivated and he builds the house and he builds all kinds of other things.
00:43:23 He creates a a power generator.
00:43:25 He starts going to the the nearby island where this guy lives to help him fix an engine.
00:43:31 Every once in a while and trade for supplies and and parts to make the the House even better.
00:43:39 And she gets ****** *** about this.
00:43:42 And says like, why do you keep leaving me?
00:43:44 You're leaving me here all alone for like 2 days at.
00:43:46 A time and and I and I hate it.
00:43:51 And he basically loses his ****. And here's again, this guy's not. He's not an admirable guy. He's crass, he's he's kind of, you know, kind of got, like, the Ron Jeremy Vibe a.
Speaker 2
00:44:03 Little bit but.
00:44:07 Here's an example of of kind of the the schizophrenic.
00:44:12 Behavior of the.
00:44:13 Woman and this guy who his only focus at this point.
00:44:19 Now that they've been there almost the full year is to just *** **** once.
Speaker 16
00:44:29 When I walk.
00:44:31 For supper.
Speaker 14
00:44:39 Who am I?
Speaker 16
00:44:42 Oh, Lucy.
00:44:45 I have been working hard on Badu.
00:44:47 And I am tired.
00:44:49 I'm very, very happy.
00:44:51 To be back here with you.
00:44:52 OK, Lucy having this.
Speaker 6
00:45:00 See ****.
Speaker 14
00:45:02 Lucy Kingsland, if you.
Speaker 4
00:45:03 Like go.
Speaker 14
00:45:07 Woman adventure Daughter, Survivor, even John. The one thing I'm not. One thing I really am not is a mechanic's wife.
00:45:21 See she's she's an adventurer.
00:45:25 She's a survivor.
00:45:28 She's a a powerful woman.
00:45:31 But she's not a mechanic's wife.
00:45:35 How dare he bring her a frozen chicken to cook?
Speaker 14
00:45:44 And that's what you're making me.
00:45:47 Didn't we came here to survive, Gerald?
00:45:49 Didn't we, I mean, you know, live off the.
00:45:51 Island and use our wits and.
00:45:53 Our skill and.
00:45:54 Our ingenuity, George, is not even here any longer.
00:45:58 You're on bardo getting ****** or laid or something.
Speaker 16
00:46:01 Lucy, I have been over there three or five times.
Speaker 14
00:46:04 When you, when you are here.
Speaker 3
00:46:06 What have we got?
Speaker 14
00:46:07 We got a bloody garden suburb where people bring their.
00:46:10 Lawn mowers to get fixed?
00:46:12 No, Gerald, you've reduced.
00:46:16 It's over, talked about and.
00:46:20 Planned them, hoped for and.
00:46:23 Tried to leave his finished.
00:46:25 Finished with.
00:46:26 The frozen sodding.
00:46:32 This is cold.
Speaker 16
00:46:36 I like that, Mister.
Speaker 14
00:46:39 It's wonderful, right?
Speaker 3
00:46:47 I'm so sorry.
00:46:48 It's just two.
Speaker 14
00:46:50 Days alone last week.
00:46:51 As well I.
Speaker 16
00:46:53 Yeah, that too.
Speaker 14
00:46:56 I mean, it's as if two in an island.
Speaker 16
00:46:59 It is not like that, Lucy.
Speaker 14
00:47:02 Sorry, I got so angry.
Speaker 16
00:47:04 Well, maybe.
00:47:05 Maybe it is like.
00:47:10 So what you're about to see?
00:47:14 Is once again what I was talking about the beginning.
00:47:16 This of this stream.
00:47:18 Where a lot of women don't understand, the only thing that's keeping the the species going.
00:47:27 The only thing that that makes a man like this put up with the crazy you just saw.
00:47:33 Is the fact that.
00:47:36 You can have sex and it's like OK, alright, alright.
00:47:41 And again, he's going to be kind of a scumbag about it and crass and whatever.
00:47:44 And it's.
00:47:45 You know it's.
00:47:47 A British film from 1986 and you know, whatever but uh.
00:47:54 You know, there's some truth to what he's saying.
Speaker 16
00:47:56 Maybe up here on this island, I.
00:47:59 You and I.
00:48:00 Maybe it's worse.
00:48:01 Sex here and I wouldn't have to keep.
00:48:03 On bugging off like that, would I?
Speaker 14
00:48:09 That's what you want.
Speaker 16
00:48:12 Ohh do excuse my hollow laughter, won't you?
Speaker 3
00:48:16 That's what you'd like to see.
Speaker 16
00:48:18 It was what I would like to see right now.
00:48:22 There's nothing better than you lying flat on your back with your hands behind your head being given one like every other woman in the world, including some members of the royal family.
00:48:31 Do you understand?
00:48:41 Does that mean yes?
00:48:49 Yes, takes comply.
00:48:54 And so she keeps withholding.
00:48:59 And she finally starts to figure it out.
00:49:03 When he's like, alright, well, I'm just gonna go.
00:49:06 I go back to that island and fix engines and and whatnot that you know the the even though you, you know, you don't want to be left.
00:49:14 Alone here for a couple of days.
00:49:17 So she finally figures it out.
00:49:24 There we go.
00:49:25 That's it.
00:49:27 Damn this thing.
00:49:30 And she dresses all ****** and finally lets him have sex with her like one time.
00:49:36 Before they.
00:49:38 Before it's over.
00:49:42 And then one thing or is I pause this?
00:49:47 Is I wanted to see.
00:49:47 I wanted to look up this book because she's reading this book called the Criminal History of mankind.
00:49:53 And I couldn't find a whole.
00:49:55 Lot about the book and I obviously didn't.
00:49:57 Have time to read.
00:49:57 The whole book.
00:49:59 What I did find out though was the author was a A Mosley guy or praised Mosley and was called a fascist. So he was an author in the 1950.
00:50:10 And so take whatever you will of that.
00:50:15 I have no idea what to make of that.
00:50:18 Having not read that book.
00:50:19 I guess it was a lot more popular back then.
00:50:21 That would be something that maybe would mean something to.
00:50:24 You if you had.
00:50:25 Been around back then?
00:50:28 And then at the end, when it's all over.
00:50:32 And they've only had sex.
00:50:34 Assume you know, presumably, that one time.
00:50:38 Uh, she said.
00:50:40 She said this whole time she's been a miserable **** to this guy.
00:50:44 He's been miserable.
00:50:45 What it reminds me of.
00:50:46 Honestly, what this entire movie is about.
00:50:50 It's like a year long bad date.
00:50:53 It's like a year long bad date.
00:50:57 A bad date that'll never ******* end.
00:51:00 Like neither one of them is into each other.
00:51:04 The guy is not even really getting lucky.
00:51:05 I mean, out of the whole year, I guess one time or I guess if you count the times before they.
00:51:10 Went out, I don't know.
00:51:13 But she's sad.
00:51:15 She's sad that it's.
00:51:16 Going to be over.
00:51:19 And she complains.
00:51:22 And they leave.
00:51:24 And that's the movie.
00:51:25 And then she wrote.
00:51:26 And then in real life.
00:51:27 So because this is based on a true story.
Speaker 2
00:51:30 She wrote a book.
00:51:32 About there they bought me.
00:51:34 I think that he wrote a book too, because that was the whole point, right?
00:51:36 He was the author that got the Commission to go do this.
00:51:39 Or it might have been through a magazine.
00:51:40 I'm not exactly sure, but she did write a book.
00:51:43 It's her book that the movie is based off of.
00:51:47 In in her book it's it's.
00:51:50 It's not as.
00:51:54 Well, it's not her behavior is, is, is, uh, even though it's her writing, it is like a lot more cunty and and she just writes about him being lazy and not wanting to do anything ever.
00:52:04 And just being completely unmotivated.
00:52:08 And and just and.
00:52:09 All he wanted was to have sex with her.
00:52:11 And again, I.
00:52:12 Was like.
Speaker 13
00:52:14 Right. That's someone's gonna turn that crank for the.
00:52:19 Motor to start.
00:52:21 That's the way that it works.
00:52:25 So anyway, like I said, if if the computer hadn't been rebooting constantly, I probably would have to do a better job of this.
00:52:32 But it was just a little bit rough to make it through.
00:52:35 In fact, I'm a little surprised the computer that it's still working.
00:52:38 I was I.
00:52:38 Was a little I was kind of curious.
00:52:40 I was like.
00:52:40 Is it it hasn't rebooted since I put the.
Speaker 13
00:52:43 New video card in.
00:52:45 But that doesn't mean anything necessarily.
00:52:48 So one thing that other thing I.
00:52:50 Wanted to bring up here.
00:52:52 Let me pop this up.
00:52:57 Only because.
00:53:05 Let me see if I can save this video.
00:53:06 I think I'm going to have to save it.
00:53:14 Let me see if this will work here.
Speaker 17
00:53:17 You can never.
00:53:24 I'm going to start it downloading or maybe you already downloaded that?
00:53:26 Would be kind of crazy.
00:53:30 Yeah, already downloaded.
00:53:31 All right, cool.
Speaker 13
00:53:37 Someone shared.
00:53:40 Someone I didn't think they would share something like this and I'm not talking ****.
00:53:44 I haven't had a chance to talk to someone.
00:53:45 Like that and you know whatever.
00:53:47 But I'm seeing that more and more, and this is totally off topic for the Valentine's Day stuff.
00:53:51 But just before I forget.
00:53:55 And I.
00:53:55 Those of you who follow me on gab.
00:53:58 Probably I've already seen something about this.
Speaker 13
00:54:01 But more and more.
00:54:03 I'm seeing.
00:54:07 What I think Edward Dutton would would describe as the beginnings of the coming Dark Age.
00:54:14 On the right.
00:54:16 That basically that essentially what's happening is, yeah, the right is going to outbreed.
00:54:23 The left, but it's not going to be the high IQ, right?
00:54:27 Like it's not because the high IQ right is basically is.
00:54:31 I guess this kind of works with Valentine's Day is just as fertile, will say as the.
00:54:41 The high IQ left to some extent.
00:54:43 And so the people that are breeding are basically custards.
00:54:51 And as a result, he predicts that that the West will become eventually.
00:54:56 I mean, I don't know.
00:54:57 That he has a.
00:54:58 Timeline, but eventually it's going to.
00:55:00 Basically, be a new dark.
00:55:02 Page where you're going to get more and more of just because of who's reproducing, you know, very religious, very conservative, but also very superstitious and not very technical people in terms of the white people that will.
00:55:20 Be around in the West.
00:55:22 While at the same time all these Western countries are importing not exactly the best people.
00:55:30 And so that's just going to compound it and you're going to have, you know, just a bunch of low IQ people in the West, whites include it.
00:55:38 And when I see stuff like this shared.
00:55:43 In the right wing.
00:55:46 Sphere and I hear people talk about Flat Earth and justice all this. It's it. I'm sorry. It's stupid ****. It's stupid. I don't know how the universe works. So everything's magic.
00:55:58 You know, I see the lightning bolt in.
00:56:00 The sky it's.
00:56:01 Because Thor is mad because I'm a caveman.
00:56:06 It it's it's caveman conservatism.
00:56:09 And and that's what it is, this, this whole I don't understand it.
00:56:13 So therefore it's magic.
00:56:14 The reason I did that stream about how you should understand how things work.
00:56:19 Some of that was practical.
00:56:20 But some of it is related to this too. If you don't know how things work, if, if you, if everything's a magic box to you and it's funny because you use zoomers are.
00:56:31 Even more like this.
00:56:33 And you know, you know, zoomers don't think of themselves like that because they'll.
00:56:37 Say, what are you talking about?
Speaker 13
00:56:38 I've I've grown.
00:56:39 Up with technology I've had this, you know, phone and or this tablet my whole life, even when I was a baby.
00:56:45 Yeah, but you don't know how.
00:56:46 It ******* works.
00:56:48 You don't know how.
00:56:48 It's just, I mean, some do right, small percentage of them do, but for most of them it's just a magic ******* square, a magic square where pretty pictures pop up and that's it.
00:57:02 And unfortunately.
Speaker 13
00:57:04 More and more.
00:57:06 That Magic Square is is actually amplifying this because so much of of what would normally have to be done.
00:57:13 The thinking that would have to be done.
00:57:15 By you is being outsourced to the Magic Square.
00:57:22 Not just like normal, you know, technical things and and like I've talked about how like, you know, programming like no one's programming any program from scratch. Everyone's just programming using libraries that have been created for decades.
00:57:38 Yeah, it's just that's that's the way it is.
00:57:40 I mean, even the the process of writing code is becoming visual.
00:57:44 And look, there's, there's some good aspects to that.
00:57:46 You could say that, hey, it gives more, it makes it more accessible to people who wouldn't necessarily have the mind for programming, but might have the mind for a good app to exist.
00:57:56 And and, you know, might understand, you know, might.
00:57:58 Create something good, right?
00:58:00 But for the vast majority of people, it's making them stupider.
00:58:04 It's it's creating people that don't know what the **** they're doing.
00:58:08 They just know they've memorized a few steps and that's all they know.
00:58:12 They don't actually understand what's happening when they they perform those step.
00:58:18 And more and more, we're just seeing people that are being kind of ******* ********.
00:58:22 That's why this queuing on stuff it took off in the first place.
00:58:25 It's people that don't understand power, they they are so powerless and that they're so disconnected from how the world actually works.
00:58:33 Their all their knowledge about how the world works comes from movies.
00:58:38 And so when something that sounds like.
Speaker 2
00:58:40 Would be a good movie.
00:58:42 Is presented to them, and because they've outsourced all of their their thinking to the Magic Square, and that includes.
00:58:49 The the the Q and on people.
00:58:51 The people pushing Q and on that they would watch on their magic square.
00:58:56 They just believe it.
00:58:58 Because they don't understand it.
00:59:01 So they just take whatever explanation pops up.
00:59:05 Well, this video got shared.
00:59:07 And this is a perfect example of this.
Speaker 17
00:59:12 You can never find truth.
00:59:13 All you can do is find false, drop it and get rid of it, and eventually when you can't get rid of any more false what you're left with is the truth of how much false can you find.
00:59:22 And there's lots in history, and I was looking around the Internet and came across the images of the 1893 Chicago World Exposition.
00:59:33 OK, so for those of you don't know.
00:59:37 The Chicago World's fair.
00:59:42 They put together a bunch of buildings.
00:59:47 That were made-up of basically.
00:59:51 Paper mache.
00:59:53 They weren't supposed to last very long.
00:59:55 It was like a movie set.
00:59:56 A movie set is supposed to look really cool.
01:00:03 For like a little bit.
01:00:05 And then and then they tear it down.
01:00:08 And it doesn't take them years and years and years to put it together.
01:00:12 Because it doesn't have to be functional.
01:00:15 You know the the sitcom sets are are hilarious if you ever actually seen one when they run upstairs like that staircase is not like even a normal staircase.
01:00:31 If you're watching a sitcom and they walk out into the hall like it's all fake, everything's fake.
01:00:39 There's even an episode of Seinfeld when they're in a a parking garage.
01:00:44 And they didn't.
01:00:45 They didn't even bother to shoot that in a parking garage, and they didn't have room to build out a full parking garage.
01:00:52 So they put mirrors.
01:00:53 So if you watch closely the background, the people walking in the parking garage, in fact, I might be able to.
01:00:59 Bring this up.
01:01:01 Let me see.
01:01:02 Oh, no, I can't because I'm.
01:01:03 On the backup computer.
01:01:05 Anyway, so if you look at the, if you pay attention closely now that it's in HD.
01:01:12 You see the people in the background are repeated because they're reflections are walking around.
01:01:17 It was all it was, you know?
01:01:19 It looked good on camera.
01:01:24 And this stuff looks really good on camera.
01:01:28 I guarantee you if you if you were to look up close to a lot of this stuff, it wouldn't look so awesome as it does on a on a camera from 18 *******, you know, 90, whatever.
01:01:41 But another thing that you'll notice just this is one thing that that that drives me crazy.
01:01:45 So much of this was cast out again.
01:01:48 It was like it wasn't paper mache, but it was like a.
01:01:51 It was like made a plaster and and like wood chips.
01:01:54 And like it was, it was garbage.
01:01:56 It was something that was never gonna hold up.
01:01:59 And one thing that you'll see in all the architecture that looks really impressive.
01:02:05 Is repetition.
01:02:09 There's a lot of repetition.
01:02:14 I'll tell you what, if I was a, you know when I was 3D modeling, if someone gave me this to 3D model, you might think, wow, that's so complicated.
01:02:24 Let me get let me get.
01:02:25 A higher res photo here of something.
01:02:38 OK.
01:02:40 Fine, maybe this is a good.
01:02:46 Trying to find a high res 1.
01:02:51 Images size.
01:02:58 OK.
01:03:01 This is a good one.
01:03:02 I guess this is good enough.
01:03:12 Oh my God.
01:03:13 Computer, stop being such a ***** ** ****.
01:03:21 OK.
01:03:29 I can't get rid of that image.
01:03:30 I was going to replace this image.
01:03:33 Do you guys remember that stream?
01:03:34 I remember that stream.
01:03:37 OK, let's see.
Speaker 18
01:03:42 There we go.
01:03:46 So I leave the 40 on there.
01:03:51 All right, you see a lot of repetition.
01:03:55 Right.
01:03:57 Why? Because just like if someone asked me to 3D model that building.
01:04:02 As intricate as that looks.
01:04:05 And it would be hard to do if you were doing it in like say, marble.
01:04:10 That's really easy to produce.
01:04:13 In 3D software for the same reason, it's really easier to produce.
01:04:19 If you have a mold and you're pouring molds.
01:04:23 In 3D software, you don't have to model that entire ******* building.
01:04:28 You model one pillar.
01:04:31 And then you clone it a bunch of times.
01:04:35 That's all they did.
01:04:38 They they made one pillar, made a cast of that pillar.
01:04:43 And then poured a billion.
01:04:44 Pillars. They made one arch.
01:04:47 Cast a mold of that arch.
01:04:49 And poured a bunch of arches.
Speaker 2
01:04:53 But moreover not.
01:04:54 Only is it just the the technical.
01:04:59 I kind of want to keep this up.
01:05:00 There we go.
01:05:02 I'll keep the 40 point on there.
01:05:05 Actually, in fact, that makes sense.
01:05:07 We're having the the 40 is being poured.
01:05:09 On this display.
01:05:11 Because that's the last time that will happen.
01:05:16 You shouldn't be looking at scenes like this.
01:05:19 And saying what these guys are saying, which is ********.
Speaker 4
01:05:22 And it.
Speaker 17
01:05:23 Blew my mind because it looked like ancient Rome in the middle of downtown Chicago.
01:05:27 It was supposed to.
Speaker 17
01:05:28 And as I looked at it further, well, here's another one in Philadelphia.
01:05:31 Here's another one in Saint Louis and Buffalo in San Francisco.
01:05:34 And then as.
01:05:34 Soon as they were done, they tore them.
01:05:36 All down and.
01:05:36 Threw them in the garbage that just told me there's something wrong.
01:05:40 Why does it tell you there's something wrong?
01:05:42 There's pictures of them tearing it down.
01:05:44 You can see it's not solid marble, even in the photo you chose for your gay video.
01:05:50 You can see it splitting up like a ******* cardboard box.
01:05:56 You can see at the top the.
01:05:57 Boards that came off because it wasn't *******.
Speaker 13
01:06:02 Stone it was, it was wood.
01:06:06 With like plaster over it.
01:06:10 You shouldn't be looking at this and saying ohh that's crazy.
01:06:13 I don't know how that could have been made so it must have been magic.
01:06:20 No, you should be saying holy ****.
01:06:23 How far have we fallen?
01:06:29 Look how awesome.
01:06:31 We were 100 years ago. Look at the **** that we made 100 years ago.
01:06:41 Look at the amazing aesthetics we were producing 100 years ago.
01:06:48 Look at the amazing spectacle.
01:06:51 We were producing 100 years ago. Now look some of this.
01:06:55 You know the.
01:06:56 Good always comes with some bad, right?
01:06:59 Some of this was just straight up ruling class.
01:07:03 By today's standards, billionaires.
01:07:07 Doing * **** measuring contest.
01:07:12 They were not exactly paying the people building this stuff a lot of.
01:07:15 Money and a lot of people died building this stuff.
01:07:21 And it was a lot easier to sweep that **** under the carpet.
01:07:23 Back then.
01:07:23 There was no OSHA.
01:07:25 There was there was no regulations.
01:07:31 But at the same time, you should be proud.
01:07:35 That your people produce this and not only that, just the ingenuity of making something temporary and awesome.
01:07:46 And yeah, like there there wasn't totally mindless workers.
01:07:51 There were some very skilled tradesmen working on this stuff.
01:07:54 And those are your people too.
01:07:57 This is what was possible.
01:08:01 At the pinnacle of Western civilization, because really, it's all downhill from there, right?
01:08:07 Like shortly after that, we have World War One and the World War 2, and it just it just gets worse after this.
01:08:16 But this was the pinnacle.
01:08:22 And you have people on the right saying or at least promoting the idea.
01:08:26 Oh, these are ancient cities, ancient cities that no one else wrote about or took photos of, right.
01:08:33 There's only photos of it during during this festival.
01:08:39 And then there's all these photos of them tearing it down.
01:08:44 But I'm going to come to the conclusion because.
Speaker 13
01:08:46 I'm a moron.
01:08:48 Then it's all magic.
Speaker 17
01:08:49 With all of these, the story of the expositions.
01:08:52 Is is a gigantic lie and I.
Speaker 13
01:08:53 It's all a lie, guys.
01:08:57 Everything's a lie.
01:09:00 They lie about one thing. Therefore everything's a lie.
01:09:07 All the way down to the shape of the ******* earth. Everything is a lie. Nothing's true.
01:09:13 I mean at the same time, though, your people are worth preserving, right?
01:09:17 Because they're big, fat ******* liars.
01:09:24 Why wouldn't you want to preserve a people that were just evil and ******* lied and blew up ancient buildings and just or or the the flip side of that were just completely ******** and and just totally.
01:09:36 Got that 100 years ago, that there were these huge cities that.
01:09:41 All their minds just went blank and everyone forgot about it.
01:09:45 No one was smart enough to write about it.
01:09:47 Like, hey, well, we found this ******* crazy city.
Speaker 17
01:09:54 I think it's so huge of a lie because I think they're right at a bridge point when so many things about the 1800s that seem strange and weird, right, as this sort of period ends, of unbelievable strangeness and all of a sudden, these fairs spring up all over the world with impose.
01:10:11 Yeah, no specificity required with any of those statements, you know and all the things were like strange and weird.
01:10:17 And like you know the, there's all this strangeness and weirdness, and then all of a.
01:10:20 Sudden there's these fears.
01:10:25 What are you ******* talking about?
01:10:30 I think I saw one reply to this.
01:10:32 Someone posted the the South Park Ghost hunter.
01:10:39 For those of you who have seen, I'm sure everyone I've seen, like the ghost hunting shows.
01:10:47 Where everybody?
01:10:47 What was that?
01:10:48 What was that?
01:10:48 Oh my.
Speaker 13
01:10:48 God, it's a ghost. Ohh.
01:10:51 They're a spooky ghost.
01:10:55 Just another show for ******* primitive Cavemen.
Speaker 13
01:11:04 Scared of literally afraid of bumps in the night.
Speaker 17
01:11:14 Stable buildings, buildings we're talking about, which are colossal structures. Chicago built 700 acres.
01:11:22 Yeah, it was ******* awesome.
01:11:26 Look at that ****.
01:11:30 We're not doing that anymore.
01:11:31 You know who is China?
01:11:35 China built a mini version of Paris, including complete with the Eiffel Tower.
01:11:41 And no one even lives there.
01:11:43 Was that magic?
01:11:43 Was that like already?
01:11:45 There were the Chinese.
01:11:46 Is that why no one lives there?
01:11:48 Right?
01:11:48 The Chinese.
01:11:49 Were just like, Oh my God.
01:11:53 We were going to have rice farms here, but we found this ancient city with an Eiffel Tower and everything.
01:12:06 Have you seen the buy and how big you realize the Empire State Building was built in?
01:12:10 Like 2 years.
Speaker 13
01:12:12 And that's that's still there.
01:12:15 That wasn't just.
01:12:16 You know, made made to be used for.
01:12:18 A couple of months.
Speaker 17
01:12:21 Up there and supposedly less than two years, Saint Louis built 1200 acres of exposition building.
Speaker 13
01:12:28 Oh my God.
01:12:31 And saying you mean at a time when there was no television or no real radio to speak of and the only entertainment the only way?
01:12:42 To to impress people with with visuals.
Speaker 13
01:12:49 Sights and sounds.
01:12:51 Was to have them actually there at this impressive thing that you had to draw them to.
01:12:57 Because mass transit was just barely kind of a thing.
01:13:03 You mean they made something cool?
01:13:06 That's impossible.
01:13:07 My ancestors couldn't have done that.
Speaker 17
01:13:10 One of the buildings in Chicago, the manufacturers building would house 300,000 people, where there's a giant statue in the middle of the lagoon.
01:13:17 It was called the Golden Lady.
01:13:18 And it was known as.
01:13:19 The statue of the Republic it was.
01:13:21 65 feet.
01:13:22 Tall they.
01:13:22 Say it was.
01:13:23 Covered in gold leaves that have copper underneath but other speculators.
01:13:26 But others speculate it was solid gold.
01:13:30 They say, but that's.
Speaker 13
01:13:31 All a lie.
01:13:32 They say it was a copper statue that's not even like the biggest copper statue because the Statue of Liberty is a billion times ******* bigger but and and they just covered it with gold leaf, which is really cheap.
01:13:43 You can buy like sheets of gold leaf for not a lot of money.
01:13:46 Look it up.
01:13:49 It's it's not expensive.
01:13:51 And and they just say that they just say that, well, some speculate really who who?
01:13:59 Wow, OK, that it was solid gold.
Speaker 17
01:14:01 They're speculators actually made out of solid gold.
01:14:04 So you're seeing.
01:14:04 65 foot high.
01:14:06 Potentially solid gold statue.
01:14:07 We're talking giant structures and.
01:14:10 Potentially solid gold.
01:14:22 We're entering a dark age.
01:14:29 And part of me wants to say this is what happens.
01:14:31 Ruling class.
01:14:33 This is what happens when you lie so much.
01:14:36 You know that that people don't trust literally anything coming from the institutions.
01:14:41 But then I thought about it was like.
01:14:44 They like that.
01:14:47 Why wouldn't they like that?
Speaker 17
01:14:51 Looking like ancient Rome with towers and domes and columns and the most fine ornate pieces to them.
01:14:59 Fine, ornate, repetitive pieces.
01:15:02 Again, look at this building.
01:15:05 Lot of repetition.
01:15:08 Lot of repetition you make one you can crank out a whole bunch of them.
01:15:11 On a Tuesday.
Speaker 17
01:15:14 In these record unbelievable times.
01:15:16 Then, as soon as they're done, Chuck them.
01:15:17 In the garbage.
01:15:18 That's what you do to buildings that are made out of ******* cardboard.
Speaker 17
01:15:22 Like Jackson Park is a swamp, so supposedly they had to drive down 10s of thousands of wooden stakes in order to support the weight of everything.
01:15:30 They dug out massive lagoons, lakes.
01:15:32 They had a canal system that ran through the entire exposition.
01:15:35 They also had an above ground electric train, an electric train.
01:15:39 Where's the electricity coming from?
01:15:40 This running around the park, they had a moving.
01:15:42 Walk away down by the shore.
Speaker 13
01:15:44 Oh my God I'm moving rockway.
01:15:48 Where would that technology come from?
01:15:52 You realize at the time.
01:15:54 Everything, first of all.
01:15:57 Everything was high voltage like we had electricity.
01:16:02 Everything was kill you, voltage.
01:16:06 There wasn't a problem.
01:16:07 We don't have enough power.
01:16:11 I mean, you realize how much power that is being drawn today?
01:16:15 From an average city, it was not like that.
01:16:17 Most people didn't have.
01:16:18 Like any electricity.
01:16:21 One generating station could handle.
01:16:25 You know, a billion light bulbs and and a moving sidewalk.
01:16:29 Oh, you mean like a couple big electrical motors?
01:16:32 Cause everything was big too.
01:16:33 Everything was big and efficient and high voltage.
01:16:38 I got a radio from the 1920s and pretty much everything on that thing will ******* kill you if you touch it, cause it's just like high voltage all over the place.
01:16:50 It just sucks.
01:16:51 It just ******* sucks power.
Speaker 17
01:16:55 Other people are asking where does this technology come from?
Speaker 18
01:16:58 To frame it, I'm not mistaken, the Chicago Fair was the first time people had seen electric light.
Speaker 17
01:17:04 Tesla's the one who got the electricity contract for the Chicago Exposition, and it was certainly more than all of the lights anyways that were in new.
01:17:12 York City at the time were.
01:17:13 Which wasn't a.
Speaker 2
01:17:14 Whole lot.
Speaker 17
01:17:15 At the Chicago Exposition.
Speaker 18
01:17:17 That must have been mind blowing for most.
01:17:18 Of those people who?
01:17:20 Had only seen.
Speaker 2
01:17:21 Right.
01:17:23 That was the point.
01:17:26 That was the whole point.
01:17:27 Hey, look, we got this new thing called electricity.
01:17:33 And these things called light bulbs. You want everyone to buy them. You know, electricity was so uncommon, even up in the 1920s. It's being 20s that 1920s radio.
01:17:44 Has a model that is like the sister model.
01:17:49 That ran only, in fact, all all the original radios.
01:17:55 AM radio is like the first radios you could buy, like the radios being produced by, you know, Atwater, Kent and RCA and Edison and a couple of other companies that don't exist anymore.
01:18:09 They were all run on batteries.
01:18:12 Because no one had electricity in their house.
01:18:15 So they they run on ******* like car batteries.
01:18:19 Like you, you can't plug them in.
01:18:22 And they're massive.
01:18:23 It's like the size of, like, a a beer cooler.
01:18:27 Made of wood.
01:18:28 With a car with like more than one like 2 car batteries in it.
01:18:41 This is why they did the fair.
01:18:43 They were trying to get people on board, electricity.
01:18:47 Their light bulbs all over the place.
Speaker 18
01:18:54 Gaslight or candlelight at night to see that city lit up in such.
01:18:59 A way, again countless 19.
01:19:00 01 we are told whether it's true or.
01:19:03 Not the idea of.
01:19:04 Being able to electrically do anything hasn't.
01:19:06 Been around that long.
Speaker 17
01:19:07 And this fair is.
01:19:08 Bizarre. This is supposed to be Tesla's fair.
01:19:11 Ohh, spooky Tesla.
01:19:14 You want.
01:19:15 You want to get a conspirator like panties in the bunch.
01:19:17 Just say just say Tesla.
01:19:20 Ohh, yeah.
01:19:21 He was going to have that free energy.
01:19:24 Everyone has all these like crazy ooh Tesla.
Speaker 13
01:19:27 They're like, I don't know.
01:19:28 From what I can tell, the more I've.
01:19:29 Learned about electronics in the last few years.
01:19:32 He, you know, he did some cool ****.
01:19:35 But there was no fancy free energy thing, and in fact his idea.
01:19:39 His idea for wanting to move energy without power lines.
01:19:45 Would basically make most technology we use today.
01:19:50 Including your cell phone.
01:19:54 Look up spark gap.
01:19:59 You want to create like a little because you're basically be creating little mini EMP or not just mini.
01:20:05 If you're sending electricity without wires, any kind of distance.
01:20:10 You're blasting. You're making EMP's.
01:20:12 All over the ******* place.
01:20:15 Nothing would work.
01:20:17 Your entire continent would just be covered in emps.
01:20:22 It would just be destroying everything.
01:20:27 It would make radio communications impossible.
01:20:32 If you've listened to ham radio ever, and you hear a lot of crackles, it's because like the lightning storms or whatever, but you might hear a buzz just because of a plasma TV that the next door neighbor has.
01:20:41 Well, if there's a ******* Tesla coil on every street corner, you're not going.
01:20:45 To hear ****.
01:20:48 Your phone's not going to work.
01:20:50 Nothing that uses radio, which is a lot of ******* ****, is going to work.
01:20:57 So a lot of this stuff about Tesla is just overblown, spooky ********.
Speaker 17
01:21:04 Where he managed to somehow move electricity from Niagara Falls to Buffalo for the fair, no one really explained how he actually did that.
01:21:12 Power lines.
01:21:15 There you go, explained it.
01:21:17 Power lines.
01:21:19 How how do you think the the electricity makes it from Hoover Dam to Las Vegas?
01:21:27 Was Hoover Dam already there too?
01:21:31 I mean, you want to talk about something impressive that was hard to build.
01:21:35 That's still around.
01:21:37 That wasn't torn down after six months.
01:21:39 Look at ******* Hoover Dam.
Speaker 17
01:21:44 And at the middle of the fire is a 395 foot high electrical tower on top of which of course is a female golden statue called the goddess of light. And this thing was lit up by some suggest half a million.
01:21:55 Electric light bulbs.
01:21:57 Some suggest I like that.
Speaker 13
01:22:00 But even if it was.
01:22:03 Not a big deal.
01:22:05 Not a big deal.
01:22:05 What you're looking at is, is essentially less.
01:22:10 It's like 1 St.
01:22:11 in Vegas, actually, probably less.
01:22:14 Because it's just light bulbs and a moving sidewalk.
01:22:17 That's it.
Speaker 17
01:22:19 Again, when you look at the photos of this thing, it's just where do they?
01:22:22 Really. Get the power from.
01:22:23 I mean, think of what?
Speaker 18
01:22:24 It would take today if you had a place with no electricity and.
01:22:27 No way to pipe it in the generators that.
01:22:29 Would have to be built for.
01:22:31 You mean the the the massive hydroelectric generator at Niagara Falls?
01:22:36 You were just talking about?
Speaker 17
01:22:39 Example, there's a building that went up to the Barcelona Exposition in 1888. It was claimed to be the fastest built building in the world, 5000 square meters capacity for 2000 guests, 600 rooms, 30 apartments and was supposed to be built in 50-3 days.
01:22:53 This is supposed to be a time of horse and buggy.
01:22:56 The two year building times are actually impossible.
01:22:58 Unless the two most likely theories would be either a they had a technology that they're not supposed to have, and it really was built in that time.
01:23:06 Frame, even if they built.
01:23:07 It was aliens.
01:23:09 It's not possible that your people are amazing and did something amazing.
01:23:16 That's the only way.
01:23:18 I don't understand it personally.
01:23:20 So it's got to be magic or aliens.
01:23:24 That's the only choice people, because I don't personally understand how it could be done because I don't understand anything.
01:23:30 In my world, nothing I I outsource literally everything.
01:23:34 I don't fix my own car.
01:23:36 I don't.
01:23:36 I don't build anything on my own property.
01:23:39 I don't fix my own computer, I.
01:23:41 Don't know how.
01:23:41 Anything. Everything's just magic to me. So when I see stuff like this, I'm just like.
01:23:45 Holy ****, it's magic or aliens.
Speaker 17
01:23:48 And they had to build them out of marble and stone in record time, or the buildings were already there.
01:23:53 Had been there.
01:23:53 Or or or ancient.
01:23:55 Civilizations that somehow could make it, but not the white people.
Speaker 2
01:24:00 No, no.
01:24:02 They just stole it like they steal everything, those ********.
Speaker 17
01:24:06 Therefore, hundreds or thousands of years, thousands.
Speaker 13
01:24:17 There's there's these buildings that are there.
01:24:19 For thousands of ******* years.
01:24:22 And then we have a.
01:24:23 And then tear them down in like a couple days.
01:24:28 If if we didn't have the technology to build them.
01:24:31 How do we tear down these thousand year old buildings in like a?
01:24:34 Couple of days.
01:24:37 These are so these are such impressive buildings.
01:24:43 How the **** did us like these people?
Speaker 13
01:24:45 Who couldn't possibly have built them?
01:24:47 How do we tear him down so fast?
01:24:50 Because the white man only knows how to destroy.
Speaker 17
01:24:52 Fixed up refurbished, repainted, hence the term whitewashed, which is the term that was used for the Chicago Exposition, which was paint all the buildings with this brand new spray paint that they had just developed to spray paint all the buildings in record.
01:25:04 Time. So you couldn't.
Speaker 13
01:25:05 So you're explaining how part of it was done.
01:25:07 And you're like oh.
01:25:08 But they they could have done it.
01:25:09 But here's the way they did it.
01:25:13 And the term whitewash wasn't invented then.
01:25:17 Whitewash is a thing.
01:25:19 Ever heard of Huckleberry Finn?
01:25:20 Where he's having to paint the the fence is white.
Speaker 17
01:25:26 And tell if anything was.
01:25:27 Old or anything was new.
Speaker 18
01:25:28 How long did these?
01:25:28 Things tend to stay open when they built these things.
01:25:31 Supposedly over 2 years, which is the narrative.
01:25:33 How long were they there for?
Speaker 2
01:25:35 Of six month.
Speaker 18
01:25:36 Six months for the public to.
Speaker 17
01:25:38 Come and then what was amazing?
01:25:39 For example in Saint Louis?
01:25:41 Two days after.
Speaker 17
01:25:42 The fair ended they brought in a demolition team from Chicago with explosives and blew the thing up.
01:25:47 They actually used dynamite to blow it up and they say through it landfills, the things that the world.
01:25:55 Not possible.
01:25:59 How could they have done that in in just a few weeks?
01:26:04 Says the same guy who probably thinks that a directed energy weapon somehow took out.
01:26:10 It's just.
01:26:10 Come on, dude.
01:26:12 We can't be like this.
Speaker 17
01:26:14 Fairs shows there was a time in our past and even not that far in our.
01:26:18 Past where humans seem.
01:26:20 To be at a completely higher level.
Speaker 13
01:26:25 That's the whole point.
01:26:27 How are you missing this?
01:26:29 How are you getting this confused?
01:26:33 100 years ago, the West was at a higher point.
01:26:38 Than where we are now, not because there was some crazy ancient alien buildings that.
01:26:46 People decided to dynamite for no reason, but because we had the ability to design and build those buildings.
01:26:57 And yes, that's gone.
01:27:00 And yes, it's a testament.
01:27:05 Of of how far gone?
01:27:07 It's not because the magic box stuff that's a, that's almost, that's a big chunk of it.
01:27:12 That's most of it.
01:27:15 But the other part of it is.
01:27:18 And what actually I I guess would even I would say exacerbates the magic box.
01:27:25 The whole reason why to him it is a magic box.
01:27:29 Why he can't figure it out.
01:27:33 Is because that is how far down.
01:27:35 We've fallen.
01:27:42 This is how far we have fallen.
01:27:47 You will never see.
01:27:50 Something like that.
01:27:55 In two years, five years, 10 years.
01:28:01 Not because it wasn't possible.
01:28:04 Around 1900.
01:28:08 But because we are no longer the same people that we were.
01:28:13 In 1900.
01:28:22 Because what happened or right right after 1900 like look.
01:28:26 I've pointed out a bunch.
01:28:28 In a lot of different streams at the turn of the century.
01:28:32 Spielberg's family showed up. Weinstein's family showed up a whole bunch of people showed up from Eastern Europe.
01:28:39 People from a particular tribe.
01:28:43 Who quickly began defining what it meant to be American.
01:28:51 Using this new technology that was just coming out.
01:28:54 Called the motion picture.
01:29:06 We had World War One destroy a lot of our warrior class all throughout the West, not just, you know.
01:29:13 In the English speaking parts.
01:29:17 Right after that, you had World War 2 do the same thing.
01:29:23 Decimating our people.
01:29:26 But good news guys.
01:29:28 Making room for all these new Americans.
01:29:34 While at the same time, those people that took over the.
01:29:39 Motion pictures.
01:29:41 And the radio and the television took over education.
01:29:48 I guarantee you.
01:29:50 If you want to travel back in time to this world's fair.
01:29:55 And you were to talk to just one.
01:29:58 Of the randos there?
01:30:01 Not even like the ruling class people, which a lot of the attendees would probably, you know, talk about upper to middle class.
01:30:09 Or upper middle class to high class.
01:30:12 But if you were to just talk to some.
01:30:13 Of the randos that were there?
01:30:17 You'd be surprised at how educated they were.
01:30:23 Sure, they they might not know **** ***** the Internet or an iPhone.
01:30:28 But all you need to.
01:30:29 Do is look if you don't believe me.
01:30:33 Just, what, 40 years prior to this?
01:30:37 You had the civil war you ever read?
01:30:41 The letters that soldiers were riding home from the civil War that PBS did that whole series on it, right?
01:30:50 Way back in the day.
01:30:56 And it's like poetry.
01:30:59 The vocabulary is insane.
01:31:09 This progressive idea.
01:31:12 That we are progressing.
01:31:15 Is a fantasy.
01:31:20 We've been degenerating for a long ******* time, and when you act like stupid **** like this as real, you are part of the process.
Speaker 16
01:31:33 Booga booga.
01:31:35 Lightning Storm 4 angry.
Speaker 13
01:31:44 ******* Cavemen. ******* Cavemen.
Speaker 17
01:31:53 Human living and human knowledge were constructed into the buildings using cymatics using sacred geometry these fair.
01:32:02 No, there's no secret Johnny.
01:32:03 Spooky doopy.
Speaker 17
01:32:04 Because they're so important to study, because the history that we know right now is history was invented at the time these fairs were going on.
01:32:11 Yeah, just they just had a big meeting and like, no one knew anything about history, right?
01:32:15 All these people at the fair, they're all ******* *******.
01:32:22 Right that here.
01:32:23 Here's The funny thing.
01:32:24 We didn't have the technology somehow to build, you know, temporary buildings.
01:32:28 But we had the technology to brainwash entire continents.
01:32:34 Into forgetting.
01:32:36 Everything that happened for like the last hundred years or so.
01:32:45 They act as if there was no history prior to ******* movies.
01:32:56 It's not like Chicago didn't exist before this.
01:33:02 It's not like there weren't.
01:33:03 It's not like there weren't even like photographs.
01:33:05 There's photographs.
01:33:13 But no people like.
01:33:16 People like to.
01:33:19 Yell at the the scary lightning.
01:33:28 And the worst part about these **** *****?
01:33:32 What the lollies say.
01:33:33 Ohh clearly you haven't done your research.
01:33:43 Like a turd flinging ******* monkey.
01:33:56 I'll tell you one thing.
01:33:57 Research to the people on the screen right there meant the whole health a lot different things than than we.
01:34:03 See his research because you outsource your research like you outsource everything else.
Speaker 13
01:34:12 To the Magic square in your pocket.
01:34:17 By research they mean watch that video.
01:34:20 Of some random guy saying that's impossible, it must have been space aliens or.
01:34:27 1000 year old, you know, and it's so funny cause all these *************, all these *************.
01:34:34 Right.
01:34:35 They won't.
01:34:35 They won't tell you that the what it is.
01:34:38 Notice how it's like, well, I don't know what it.
01:34:40 Is, but it's not that.
01:34:44 Well, of course you know that's the same reason why the flat Earthers don't have a model of what?
01:34:48 OK, OK.
01:34:50 You're saying it's flat.
01:34:51 Describe it to me.
01:34:54 With specificity.
01:34:56 So I can I can test your theory.
01:34:59 Ohh, you mean you don't even have?
01:35:02 You don't even have any kind of model that would work at all, like even a little bit, huh?
01:35:09 Funny that.
01:35:13 What about all this research you're doing?
01:35:24 It's a ******* pet peeve of mine.
01:35:26 I'm sorry.
01:35:26 Just like I can't.
01:35:28 It ****** me off because there's you get there's so much ****, first of all.
Speaker 13
01:35:34 A. It wouldn't matter.
01:35:38 It wouldn't matter.
01:35:39 It wouldn't.
01:35:39 That's the the worst part about all this ****.
01:35:42 Is it wouldn't matter.
01:35:44 It wouldn't matter if all this ******* **** was like 1000 year old space temples.
01:35:51 That the Scientologists were actually right, they were like Xeno himself, came down like and helped Jesus and Buddha.
01:35:59 Like the Super friends, like ******* build these with.
01:36:03 Graviton space ray guns.
01:36:09 Wouldn't ******* matter.
01:36:11 Doesn't change a.
01:36:12 *** **** ******* thing.
01:36:17 Same thing with the Earth being flat.
01:36:18 It's not and you're ******** if you think so.
01:36:20 Sorry, but you're ******* ********.
01:36:25 You don't understand the universe around you.
01:36:30 In to any degree and you believe?
01:36:35 Speaking here's the irony of those guys.
01:36:38 They're like you just believe the lie.
01:36:40 It's like, oh, ****, man.
01:36:44 Wow, the irony is just totally lost on you, isn't it?
01:36:49 Remember last string of talk about cognitive dissonance?
01:36:51 That's the thing.
01:36:53 Right.
01:36:55 They get no reward from it.
01:36:58 They're paying to make they they like the persecution.
01:37:00 That's what it is.
01:37:02 They'd love it.
01:37:04 They'd love being called Flat Earthers.
Speaker 16
01:37:07 They love it.
01:37:11 Ah man, they just don't get it, man.
01:37:14 They'd love it cause it makes them feel.
01:37:16 Like ******* victims.
01:37:24 Makes them feel special.
01:37:30 I'm the only one that gets.
01:37:31 It it's like it, it's it's like the it's exactly like the ******* custards.
01:37:35 No ******* different.
01:37:38 And I'm sorry, but the right has this tendency.
Speaker 2
01:37:43 To go off the *******.
01:37:44 Rails and believe this stupid ****.
01:37:50 And it's only going.
01:37:50 To get worse as the as the DYSGENICS continue.
01:38:08 Oh God.
01:38:10 Anyway, sorry.
01:38:11 It's just this is a pet peeve of mine.
01:38:14 When I when I see this ****.
01:38:17 Getting spread it's like.
01:38:22 This makes you look stupid.
01:38:25 Ain't crazy.
01:38:27 That's the thing that I was talking about too, even.
Speaker 13
01:38:28 If it was real.
01:38:30 Which it's not.
01:38:31 It's not.
01:38:32 It's not.
01:38:32 It's not.
01:38:33 It's not.
01:38:33 Oh my God.
01:38:34 It's not, but even if it was.
01:38:38 You still look ******* crazy.
01:38:41 You literally look like the guy that we did the string about a couple streams ago.
01:38:45 The guy with the KKK outfit, the bit the four on like the the the Grand Dragon or whatever with the the pointy hat.
01:38:52 Doesn't matter if he has a right to wear.
01:38:54 That doesn't matter if, like in his culture, that looks really cool.
01:38:57 You look like a ******* insane person to everyone else, and it doesn't help you to wear it.
01:39:04 So why are you ******* wearing it?
01:39:05 Unless it's to sabotage your own side or you're a ******* ******.
01:39:16 You want two options.
01:39:17 The two options aren't.
01:39:18 Ohh it's either space aliens or they were there for thousands of years.
01:39:22 The two options are you're either trying to sabotage us or you're a ******* ******.
01:39:35 So just don't be.
01:39:36 A ******.
01:39:36 That's it, that's all.
Speaker 13
01:39:40 I'm gonna calm down.
01:39:42 We get all worked up.
01:39:46 You know what?
01:39:46 It's not even this.
01:39:47 It's it's the computer thing that's driving me nuts.
01:39:51 I'm all stressed out now.
01:39:54 I've been trying because like the the longer it was taking to get the computer working, I was just getting closer to the.
01:39:59 Stream time I was.
Speaker 13
01:39:59 Like, oh God, I get this to *******.
01:40:03 Rip like a computer.
01:40:04 Parts like screwing all over the ******* place.
01:40:06 Like it's like it's a mess dropping screws that just, you know, vanish.
01:40:11 Speaking of like Alien space magic, like dropping the here's this tiny little screen like tighten the ******* heat sink on and poop because you don't even hear it at the ground.
01:40:21 It's just gone.
01:40:22 Just *******.
01:40:22 On who knows where it went?
01:40:26 Through a ******* wormhole.
01:40:34 Alright, alright.
01:40:35 I'm gonna calm down.
01:40:45 Alright, let me see.
01:40:47 Let me take.
01:40:47 A look at that chat here.
01:40:52 I'm not to pop it out.
01:40:53 It's not, it's not.
01:40:53 You're working again.
01:40:56 ******* not working again.
01:40:57 ******* chat.
01:41:00 Alright, now it's working.
01:41:10 So here we go.
01:41:13 I'm going to.
01:41:22 All right, so I'm going to go.
01:41:27 Go do a a little trip to the.
01:41:31 The bathroom.
01:41:36 I'm going to try to find some.
01:41:39 I'm on.
01:41:40 See, I'm on this other computer.
01:41:42 I could torture you guys with something horrible.
01:41:44 There's like, something really bad.
01:41:46 **** I could play.
01:41:49 This is worse than what I just played.
Speaker 13
01:41:54 You know what I'm going to I'm.
01:41:56 Going to play it.
01:41:58 Not because I'm a bad person.
01:42:03 And I won't play the whole thing because it's longer than.
01:42:06 It needs to be.
01:42:09 Let me see if I got it here.
01:42:11 Yeah, I got it.
01:42:13 I'm gonna play it just to just keep in mind this lunatic is saying this is the **** that couldn't possibly have happened.
01:42:23 It couldn't have happened.
01:42:25 And uh.
01:42:27 You know, back in 1900 or whatever, right?
01:42:31 Right there is.
01:42:32 1890 something, right? So just think you think we haven't fallen.
01:42:38 This is from 100 years later.
01:42:44 This is from 100 years later.
01:42:49 And I'll tell you.
01:42:51 What you're about to see, and it's horrifying.
01:42:54 Would never in.
01:42:55 A million years be tolerated at that fair.
01:43:04 Never in a million ******* years.
Speaker 17
01:43:13 You're watching USA America's favorite cable network.
Speaker 4
01:44:09 Right.
01:45:30 I I think I'll leave it on this frame grooming.
01:45:38 It keeps going.
01:45:39 That's not even halfway through it.
01:45:40 It's just it's just, it's just, yeah, someone says they.
01:45:43 Don't get it.
01:45:44 You're not.
01:45:44 It's that you're not supposed to get it.
01:45:46 It's literally a bunch of ******.
01:45:47 Jews just it's totally *******, just weird random ****.
01:45:52 Welcome to 1990.
01:45:58 That is why we can't build that **** anymore.
01:46:02 Because we were too busy building this ****.
01:46:09 And Speaking of electricity, that's the thing too, is it's not like people got really smart when electricity came out, and then all of a sudden we have all these wondrous machines.
01:46:19 It's just that electricity.
01:46:22 Allowed us to use that smart to make all those machines.
01:46:29 We were limited.
01:46:30 By in the same way that like you know, AI is about to unleash.
01:46:36 A whole lot of other horrific things.
01:46:42 But all of our energy just went into things that could be.
01:46:45 Done with electricity.
01:46:48 Before that, people built stuff with their hands.
01:46:58 No space alien ****.
01:47:02 Chat looks like it's still up, or I'm going to tip first.
01:47:05 Let's see if it uh.
01:47:08 Yeah, it's still doing the gay **** where it.
01:47:10 Goes by amount so.
01:47:15 I'm gonna go and try to do this here.
01:47:19 4269 appreciate it, my fat little ******** toe. Hope all is well. I come bearing a small white pill. Just got back from a white Lives Matter demonstration at the Montana capital.
01:47:32 About 70% of the feedback was positive, which was impressive since the signs were literally keep Montana White. Wow.
01:47:41 Well, that's.
01:47:42 That's good.
01:47:43 That's very good.
01:47:44 That's very cool.
01:47:45 I don't think it's going to, you know, I mean the thing the, the, the things.
01:47:51 They make these things positive.
01:47:53 The more you are out there being optical is, some would say is and friendly and normal, right not we're not wearing the the KKK outfit not you know but looking like a normal reasonable person that the average normally could.
01:48:10 Relate to is you're normalizing the message.
01:48:15 Because they're the normies, idea of people that have those beliefs.
01:48:21 Are literally a guy in the KKK outfit.
01:48:23 That's what they think of you.
01:48:26 So that's I'm glad that it was positive.
01:48:30 Be curious to know the kind of turnout.
01:48:32 You had there.
01:48:35 I would assume probably not a huge crowd.
01:48:37 I mean just guessing.
01:48:39 Although it is Montana, so who knows?
01:48:42 $10 from Let's Lord Godfrey. These vary out their hypothesis on history, moon landing two and such are one copes for realizing that we are degenerating, and two copes for never talking about Jewish power or how they rewrote history on everything, especially race 2. The positive Whig theory of history was always false.
01:49:05 Or, I'm sorry, positivist weak theory.
01:49:08 Of history was always false.
01:49:11 Yeah, the the.
01:49:14 Like it's just it's it's just.
01:49:15 Stupid people.
01:49:16 It's people that don't.
01:49:18 People that find that insanely you could just, I can tell you've never made anything complicated.
01:49:25 I can just tell that you've.
01:49:26 Never made anything complicated.
01:49:29 And I'm not. I'm not.
01:49:32 Saying everyone has them know how to make complicated things, but you should at least.
01:49:36 Have a basic idea.
01:49:37 You should try to eliminate as many magic boxes in your life as possible.
01:49:42 Hammer thorazine, $10. Have you seen the Super old footage from late 1800s, early 1900s that has been enhanced in color?
01:49:50 Eyes with the eye.
01:49:51 A guy on YouTube called dentist.
01:49:53 Whatever does this and it's incredibly profound.
01:49:56 The flying train on his channel might be a good outro fits with the aesthetic.
01:50:01 Well, you know, let's watch let's.
01:50:04 Let's watch that right now.
01:50:05 I don't know what that is, or at least let me get it downloaded this stuff.
01:50:12 Yeah, you got to remember, just everything was just built better the the 1920s.
01:50:18 Radio that I've got was handmade.
01:50:21 And every part of it, it's a mahogany box and all the parts on the inside are handmade.
01:50:27 And it's just the the build quality is better than.
01:50:31 No, I mean anything that you'd buy today anything.
01:50:38 OK, yeah, this looks really cool. Yeah, this is Germany 1902. Did they was this space alien technology too?
01:50:45 I'll get this downloaded.
01:50:46 It might take a.
01:50:47 Minute for it to do it.
01:50:54 See if it'll do it right away.
01:50:57 Yeah, you gotta remember you this was.
01:50:59 It was a.
01:51:00 It was the perfect.
01:51:03 Cross section between.
01:51:06 It was when you still had all the the skilled, highly motivated people who weren't lazy because of all the automation, right?
01:51:15 These are people that had 0 automation in their life and they worked like they had 0 automation in their life.
01:51:22 And then all of a sudden there was automation.
01:51:25 And so it was before they got lazy from the automation.
01:51:30 All they had was brand new automation and brand and old school innovation, and they made some really wild, like cool ****.
01:51:43 And to deny that and to try to make it sound like, oh, that's impossible.
01:51:47 They could never have married that because I couldn't do it.
01:51:50 It's narcissist ********.
01:51:53 I mean, speaking about, you know, love bombing and Narcissus and all that stuff, that's that's really what it is.
01:51:58 It's somewhat well, if I couldn't do it, it's not possible.
01:52:02 No, you just couldn't do it.
01:52:05 There's, there's and and get used to that.
01:52:07 There's probably if you think this is space alien magic ****, there's probably a lot of **** you can't do.
01:52:15 So don't go **** on my ancestors because you can't figure it out.
01:52:22 Alright, this is about to be downloaded.
01:52:24 Let me get it real quick here.
01:52:27 I mean, take the groomers off the screen.
01:52:47 OK.
01:53:00 So this is what you're talking about.
01:53:06 So this is Germany.
01:53:08 1902.
01:53:10 19 So just a couple years later.
01:53:13 Oh oh, I got to make it bigger.
Speaker 1
01:53:15 15 minutes later.
Speaker 13
01:53:17 However, I've been muted for.
01:53:23 *** ****, how long have I been needed for?
01:53:26 Then I mute and then not notice.
01:53:28 For like a really long.
01:53:29 Time I've been answering super chats muted.
01:53:33 I think so.
01:53:35 Let me see.
01:53:36 Let me go to regular chat here.
01:53:38 That sucks.
01:53:40 Oh my God, really.
01:53:44 Oh my God.
01:53:49 That's ******* ridiculous.
01:53:53 For 15 ******* minutes, Jesus Christ.
01:53:59 Oh, that sucks.
01:54:00 I answer all these super chats.
Speaker 13
01:54:02 I meant to do it.
01:54:03 All over again.
01:54:07 Man, that sucks. It's sorry, guys. It's the new computer. It's everything's labeled differently, and I got.
01:54:14 It all set up weird.
01:54:17 Well, that means I'm gonna have to, like, ******* edit it out.
01:54:20 What the **** was I even?
01:54:21 Talking about before.
01:54:24 Man, that's that's insane.
01:54:26 I can't believe I.
01:54:27 Did that? Well, that sucks.
01:54:30 Sorry guys, that's at least that's like the first time I've done that, I'm pretty sure.
01:54:37 That sucks.
01:54:40 Holy ****.
01:54:41 All right, well, let me.
01:54:42 Take a look here.
01:54:45 Let me look at the the the train right. Let me see the soup. At least. Now I know if I if I starting muted during the train video, I know what super chat I left off on. So Hammer throws $11.00 muted. OK, see, I don't get these. I don't get these until.
01:55:03 Now I have to edit that out.
01:55:04 For the whatever.
01:55:07 That sucks. Sorry guys.
01:55:10 Well, at least a bunch of.
01:55:11 You stuck with it. That's really crazy. Still got like 700 people here. That's awesome.
01:55:17 Uh, where is?
01:55:22 Where is the last one I was on.
01:55:24 Well, I'll just go through this here and see the ones I missed up.
01:55:27 Until that one.
01:55:31 Alright, here we go $25.
01:55:33 Worth Steiner 891 good to have you back. Yeah, it's good to be back.
01:55:36 I guess I've been talking to.
01:55:37 Myself for 15 minutes.
01:55:40 You know, I there were so many golden moments too.
01:55:45 I can't believe that.
01:55:47 I can't believe that that's that's frustrating.
01:55:50 There should be obs and maybe there's like an option for this.
01:55:54 There should be like a a master level output that's easy to see that would that would solve all this.
01:56:00 All these problems.
01:56:02 I can't believe I ******* did that ****.
01:56:05 OK.
01:56:08 So first, last laugh too much today.
01:56:11 Appreciate that I already appreciated that speak the Hoover Dam.
01:56:16 What your thoughts on Caesar's Legion from Fallout New Vegas?
01:56:20 They seem very based and I, you know, I don't play video games.
01:56:25 So I don't know, never, never played that game.
01:56:30 First, last LOL, what a stream, especially the 15 minutes of silence, right?
01:56:35 That was that was a a very long moment of silence to honor our ancestors.
01:56:46 Uh. ******** ****** $5. I think it's possible, bill. Cool stuff like castles and stuff. Seeing fudge of a castle being made with modern tech on Gab that has the West is in decline.
01:56:56 Ashamed of itself, there is less of a will to build it here, and it makes me sad, right?
01:57:02 Well and yeah, it's just that the the.
01:57:06 There's less of a will.
01:57:08 But there's just less of a talent for it, too.
01:57:13 It's just because every look I see it in myself too. I mean, it's so much easier for me to build something in in 3D.
01:57:20 Than it is to physically build something.
01:57:23 And I'm a lot sloppier.
01:57:25 Sometimes when I'm building something in real life, then when I'm being super autistic, building in 3D and it just comes.
01:57:31 Down to it's easier.
01:57:34 And you're talking about people that didn't know what the easier was like.
01:57:41 They only they didn't exist in any means digital.
01:57:44 They existed only in the physical world, so they made all the beauty that they that they exhibited in the world had to exist in the real world.
01:57:51 All their expressions had to exist in the real world.
01:57:55 OK, let's see here.
01:57:57 Jake, you want a bridge?
01:57:58 As far as.
01:57:59 It may be.
01:58:01 Speak to your family and other white people that we are under foreign occupation. Prove it's the Jews. It's all the CEO's of like.
01:58:09 And what I said already, like 10 minutes ago that you didn't hear because I was muted was basically.
01:58:17 The way I explained to my mom was there are fewer Jews in the world than there are Mormons.
01:58:25 And here's all these Jews in positions of power.
Speaker 2
01:58:29 Now you probably don't know that.
01:58:32 But you'd better believe you would hear about it all the time if all the heads of all the media outlets were Mormon here all the time, you'd always ohh, that's the Mormon perspective.
01:58:42 That's because they're they're a cult, and they're polygamists.
01:58:45 And you know what you'd always hear?
01:58:47 You would never hear the.
01:58:48 ******* end of it.
01:58:49 If all the the heads of every media company and most of Hollywood, and almost all of Joe Biden's cabinet were Mormons, you would never hear the end of it. And it's more it's statistically more likely that they would be Mormon.
01:59:07 And so you just got to explain it in a way that's that makes more sense or that's that's not like Jew Jew.
01:59:13 It's not going to freak more, you know, just say it in.
01:59:16 A way that's.
01:59:17 Not from a place of hatred, because it's not.
Speaker 13
01:59:19 Look, you gotta understand that it's it's just another.
01:59:21 Group trying to out and doing a good job to outcompete you.
01:59:27 All right.
01:59:29 That's one thing you got to.
01:59:30 Start to understand is.
01:59:32 If you just get mad about that and start hating them.
Speaker 4
01:59:36 Then you're not, you're not.
01:59:38 Going to be thinking straight.
01:59:40 You're not going to be thinking about how you can.
01:59:42 You're not going to learn from what they do.
01:59:45 You know, it's like it's.
01:59:46 Like when I remember I was playing video games.
01:59:49 Back in the day and you'd see some new cheap tactic, right?
01:59:54 Like some would figure out a exploit in the game.
01:59:59 And they would start using it all the time.
02:00:01 And at first you'd be like *** **** it.
02:00:03 But then you'd start doing it, cause you'd have to do it to just, you know, to to get by in the game.
02:00:08 Well, that's how.
02:00:09 That's how real life is too.
02:00:11 Is you can get mad and look, there are people that did that right.
02:00:14 They're like, oh, you're being cheap.
02:00:16 Why are you being cheap?
02:00:16 Using that cheap tactic and those are the people that they.
02:00:20 They would just sit there and moan about it because they couldn't ******* do it.
02:00:24 So we can sit there and moan about the cheap tactics that the Jews are doing, or we can evolve.
02:00:32 We can we can adapt.
02:00:37 You know, they're just, they're just out competing you on some levels.
Speaker 2
02:00:41 Not every level.
02:00:43 A lot of levels, a lot of important level.
02:00:47 And until you start looking at it like that, you know you're just going to be like the.
02:00:56 Demoralized sports team that has to play against like the Champions that always win.
02:01:02 Oh, that's cheap.
02:01:03 That was cheap.
02:01:04 The ref didn't.
02:01:04 See that like. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2
02:01:05 Alright, but what's your option lose?
02:01:11 Or play harder, try to beat them at their own.
02:01:14 Game in some ways.
02:01:17 Uh in Toto, Devin, if you don't fix my or fix your mic in 5 minutes, anime becomes honorary Arian art.
02:01:25 Well, I'm pretty sure I fixed it.
02:01:28 Before 5 minutes.
02:01:29 Maybe that's why I fixed it is I I that somehow.
02:01:33 Got to my brain.
02:01:36 Based Gray.
02:01:37 Any updates, thoughts on Russia, Ukraine.
02:01:40 You know, I talked to someone in Ukraine.
Speaker 13
02:01:45 Not the most.
Speaker 2
02:01:49 Not the most with it when it.
02:01:51 Comes to politics.
02:01:52 I I don't want to say she's a normie.
02:01:56 She's pretty smart, but she's kind of a normie when it comes to politics.
02:02:00 I asked her about it and she said that.
02:02:04 The only thing that that seems, she said that foreign press is being hysterical, but no one in Ukraine actually is worried about anything.
02:02:13 Now that could mean that doesn't mean it's nothing's going to happen. It could just mean that Ukrainians have no idea what's about to happen, right?
Speaker 2
02:02:20 But that's all.
02:02:22 I really know is Ukrainians seem to think nothing's gonna happen. Or at least that's her impression.
02:02:28 And I think that if anything does happen, it won't be.
Speaker 2
02:02:33 It's not going to be.
02:02:33 A war with like that involves the West in any significant way.
02:02:38 It might involve arming Ukraine.
02:02:42 But Ukraine versus Russia in any kind of real military conflict is not going to go in Ukraine's favor, most likely.
02:02:51 And who knows, right?
02:02:52 I mean Afghanistan.
02:02:55 But you know who knows?
02:03:02 It's impossible to know.
02:03:03 The mind of Putin, you know.
02:03:05 What I mean?
02:03:10 Thanks for that.
02:03:10 That was the best laugh I've had today by Rab the kelp.
02:03:14 Well, I appreciate that.
02:03:16 Cringe panda at 4:50 in the castaway, Gerald sees a non binary person mirroring his dying manhood. I thought that was gold.
02:03:26 I also loved the last line.
02:03:27 Be kind of my mistakes and then she wasn't, she wrote.
02:03:30 The whole feminist book about him.
02:03:32 The studio picked her book over his for filming because of the feminism.
02:03:37 Right.
02:03:37 But even in the movie that that's based on her book, she kind of looks like a ****, like it just seemed like a it seemed like.
02:03:45 And look, the guys the guys portrayed as kind of a scumbag the whole time.
02:03:49 So I it would be interesting to see his side of the story.
02:03:53 But she does make it seem like he's just obsessed with sex.
02:03:56 But my point is.
02:03:58 That was part of the deal.
02:04:01 That was specifically part of the deal he made that clear before you guys went to the island.
02:04:06 That that was part of the deal.
02:04:08 And you agreed to it and you had sex with him before to just kind of, like, sell them on the idea.
Speaker 13
02:04:13 That you were OK with it?
02:04:15 And then you were a frigid **** the whole time you were there.
02:04:19 So you know.
02:04:23 Not that I approve of any of it in the 1st place, but I'm just saying that just from the point of.
02:04:27 View of a man.
02:04:29 In that situation, if that's the deal.
02:04:34 It's going to be demoralizing for that guy and he's not.
02:04:38 Why would he be?
02:04:39 Why, of course he's going to be lazy and not work hard.
02:04:41 What's he working for?
02:04:46 $1.00 unification, not gay heart animation. Computer said. Nope. Well, apparently my microphone said no.
02:04:53 Glad you covered the bullcrap towards in this stream.
02:04:55 These vids I'm sure are annoying.
02:04:57 Yeah, it's that's it's an understatement of the year.
02:05:03 Tatari tarnation is a blend of hyper normalization and Dugan ISM.
02:05:08 It's bad for us and we need to address this ****.
02:05:11 I'm so happy about this stream.
02:05:13 Well, I appreciate that.
02:05:16 I think I've.
02:05:17 Almost caught up to where like I've realized.
02:05:19 That Mike was.
02:05:20 This is all.
02:05:21 This is all the **** that I already addressed that whole time Arts King.
02:05:25 Much love from an old zoomer or older Zoomer.
02:05:28 Thanks a lot for being the largest contributor to frame my framing from groupthink.
02:05:32 Was a libertarian Chuck who thought racism was a meme.
02:05:37 But uh, what an eye opening five months.
02:05:40 It's been much happier being black pilled than any other point in my life.
02:05:44 Keep up the good ****, Mr.
02:05:46 And as I said before, when you couldn't hear me.
02:05:51 Yeah, it's.
02:05:52 It makes it much.
02:05:53 It's much better than the bipolar.
02:05:56 Oh, I'm white.
02:05:57 Pilled ohh I'm black pilled.
02:05:58 Ohh I'm white pilled.
02:05:59 Ohh I'm black pilled and I'm sorry different different people can have different definitions of the word black pill.
02:06:05 But I'm pretty sure I get to have a say in what that means and what I have to say is it doesn't mean slitting your wrists and just giving up on life.
02:06:12 It's just understanding that the conventional means of taking care of problems are out the ******* window, that all the conventions are wrong and all the institutions are gone.
02:06:24 And we can't talk about the unconventional ways of solving these problems until we get on the.
02:06:30 Same page with that ****.
02:06:33 So it's it's crucial that we get people to stop thinking that, like Trump's going to like, you know.
02:06:41 Do anything, it's just it's it's ******* off.
02:06:45 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
02:06:46 Here's the key to long term love relationships with females have a good little go love relationship with her.
02:06:52 If you're not in conflict, down the 20% of the time depends on the female. Just be * **** when all is good out of the blue, fight them and then.
02:07:01 Make up.
02:07:02 I don't agree with that, I would say.
02:07:04 I've been in.
02:07:05 Relationships where everything's mostly pleasant and in fact.
02:07:14 I don't know if anything that might have been part of the problem is in terms of for me that like it was boring, but excuse me, I don't.
02:07:21 It's necessary to have conflict.
02:07:23 For some women, it is.
02:07:26 For some women, there's a lot of women that recoil from that.
02:07:30 It really comes down to how ****** their childhood was.
02:07:34 Honestly, I think if you're dealing with damaged people.
02:07:38 That were treated like that as kids.
02:07:40 You're absolutely right.
02:07:42 But anyone that was from like a secure, loving environment that's going to repel them.
02:07:49 But a lot of women are damaged, so.
02:07:50 You know, who knows?
02:07:51 I guess.
02:07:52 Do Haro 1400 is looking through my parents old university textbooks.
02:07:56 And it seems the people who wrote these books are at least 30 IQ points above those who wrote the textbooks of today.
02:08:04 Dysgenics diversity and more people going to post secondary.
02:08:10 Making university education less yeah.
02:08:13 If you have a degree and I answer this one hard, I feel like I'm stuck in.
02:08:18 In fact, almost.
02:08:19 I think we're almost there.
02:08:21 If you have a degree and.
02:08:22 It's not because.
02:08:23 You need it because you know you're if you're a doctor or a lawyer.
02:08:28 Something where you need it like you can't.
02:08:31 Practice that profession without it.
02:08:35 If you're like art or tech and you're leaning on some ******* degree, you know it it.
02:08:41 It just makes my experience is in both those fields.
02:08:49 I would recommend not like the more education they had, the less I wanted to hire them.
02:08:55 Because they felt like that they.
02:08:56 They learned everything wrong.
02:08:58 You know, they and they, but they.
02:09:00 Had a lot of confidence about their wrong ideas.
02:09:04 And so I just didn't want to deal with that.
02:09:05 I wanted someone that that learned by doing.
02:09:09 So which was me?
02:09:11 I mean, part of it was bias, right?
02:09:13 That's just.
02:09:13 How I learned so?
02:09:16 But it also meant that.
02:09:20 They were.
02:09:21 They were more conventional.
02:09:23 And I'm not a very conventional person.
02:09:26 OK.
02:09:26 And I think this is where I realized that the, uh, the MIC didn't work.
02:09:31 The cringe Panda says try the I Love Lucy trendy clip.
02:09:34 I want to see people's heads explode and that's where I was starting to log when I realized wait a second.
Speaker 13
02:09:40 My mic's not on.
02:09:43 And so I'm going to play that horrific ****, and then I'm going to remember to turn my.
02:09:47 Mic back on.
Speaker 13
02:09:56 Ricky, what's playing at the movies?
02:09:58 Ohh, you know, Lucy, the usual heterosexual cliches.
02:10:03 Just a minute, local Santa Castro.
02:10:06 What's playing there?
02:10:07 Honey, the 19 San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.
Speaker 4
02:10:11 Lesbian. I'm gay, Baba.
02:10:21 Just kidding.
02:10:22 I was gonna act like I didn't.
02:10:23 Know my mic was off again, but I want to.
02:10:25 Edit that out too.
02:10:28 That's why we don't have nice things.
02:10:32 That's why we don't have this.
02:10:34 Because our ruling class is too busy making this.
02:10:41 Don't you see?
02:10:42 That's The thing is, people like, oh, look at that.
02:10:44 Look how much money would have been cost to make all this?
02:10:50 Really, class doesn't care.
02:10:51 Bottomless pit if it's something they're trying to get done.
02:10:54 Bottomless pit.
02:10:56 They don't.
02:10:57 They only understand how much money they got.
02:10:59 They can throw endless amounts of money at **** like this in the same way.
02:11:03 When you say like I don't understand, like stuff like this isn't profitable.
02:11:07 How can they have?
02:11:07 So much money.
02:11:10 This doesn't matter.
02:11:12 This is what they're trying to get done.
02:11:16 They're not trying to get this done anymore.
Speaker 2
02:11:19 So this.
Speaker 4
02:11:23 All right.
02:11:26 Then I'm all paranoid about my mic being.
02:11:28 Off do horror 1400. If you watch talk shows from the 60s and 70s.
02:11:35 And compare them to today.
02:11:37 It's like the hosts and the guests back then are at least 20 IQ points higher than those of today.
02:11:44 Yeah, no, it's it's.
02:11:46 It's obvious that people are stupider.
02:11:49 The man on the street **** is a perfect example of.
02:11:55 Anytime anything now on the street, it's painful to watch because it's it's shocking.
02:12:01 And look, people, I've talked to people about this and they're like, oh, that's just a select.
02:12:05 They're they're cherry.
02:12:07 Yeah, but you wouldn't be able to find those *************.
02:12:11 Not that long ago I've watched other men on the street stuff from not, not just like the game show, but man on the street show stuff where they're talk interviewing.
02:12:20 Remember that that we played that clip of like, Ohh we're gonna go to this this grocery store in the South and interview all these races and none of them sounded stupid.
02:12:31 Like none of them sounded stupid.
02:12:33 They sounded ****** *** about the forced integration, but none of.
02:12:36 Them sounded stupid.
02:12:42 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:12:49 Cringe panda.
02:12:49 When I sent this moving review, I had no idea just how much you'd end up explaining my parents relationship.
02:12:55 I understand them a lot more now and can't Unsee them as Gerald Lucy.
02:13:01 Really. OK.
02:13:06 Are you sure?
02:13:10 I'm not gonna say anything about it.
02:13:16 I hope on Valentine's Day your mom's a little more affectionate. Do how 1400 and Peter San Santanos videos on his Hasidic Jews.
02:13:32 He learns.
02:13:32 They make their own movies, which they sell exclusively at their community stores.
02:13:37 Lots of Yiddish language, low budget Holocaust movies.
02:13:40 Yeah, every cult does that, though.
02:13:43 I mean, the the music video I play in the very beginning was actually from a cult run by a Jew.
02:13:48 Actually, I think I'm almost positive his last name was Berg.
02:13:52 But I'm not positive he's Jewish.
02:13:54 But he ran a cult called UM.
02:13:57 The family and it's not, not not, it's not the Manson one, but it was.
02:14:01 But it was.
02:14:02 It's called.
02:14:02 I think it's still around.
02:14:05 And that was a video they put out in 1980. Fourish or something.
02:14:11 And the video at the end of the stream is also it's the it's the same.
02:14:17 It's not the same song, but it's the same kind of a song that they made for their Japanese audience.
02:14:23 So yeah, Mormons do it to Mormon ever.
02:14:27 I would assume Catholics probably do it too.
02:14:29 Everyone does it.
02:14:31 They make their own little, I mean, Mormons used to make little short films and air on TV.
02:14:37 They were called Mormon ads.
02:14:39 They would be like a musical or a little story or something like that.
02:14:43 But they're also, you know, make little short films that they'd have us watch in Sunday school.
02:14:48 And a lot of churches do that, maybe.
02:14:51 If I understood.
02:14:54 If I understood, getter should probably be really funny some of those.
02:15:00 Not happier, 69 got a new dentist. Turns out he is a Jew to a new dentist after the dentist my back started hurting and I think it might be June magic. Well, unless he's a chiropractor too, you're probably OK.
02:15:17 Perjure all pedophiles at all costs.
02:15:19 Can't listen past the hour.
02:15:20 Fire truck.
02:15:21 Keep up the good work, Sir.
02:15:25 Fire truck?
02:15:26 Well, hopefully nothing is on fire.
02:15:29 Reunite muted based Gray.
02:15:32 You're muted Remicade dev and you're talking to yourself.
02:15:36 Audio muted.
02:15:38 And Toto, you're muted.
02:15:40 Reject the degeneracy mic muted first, last mic, muted mic, muted mic and so forth.
02:15:48 Monkey make fun.
02:15:49 ******** Cactus Gang still with you.
02:15:51 So I'm assuming that.
02:15:52 Some people dropped off during the mute.
Speaker 13
02:15:56 Oh, man, oh man.
02:15:57 Oh man.
02:15:58 All right.
02:15:59 Well, hopefully I didn't miss any.
02:16:01 Uh, I'm going to swift, swiftly go through here.
02:16:06 Just because it does randomly shuffle you in there.
02:16:10 Just based on amount and then I'll hang out in regular chat for a little bit and then I'll close it off and then we'll.
02:16:19 UM.
02:16:22 We'll and I'll edit that silence out.
02:16:25 Of it.
02:16:27 Alright, let's see here.
02:16:30 There we go.
02:16:31 Devin, what's your thoughts on Bernie goats?
02:16:34 A Jew that got it?
02:16:36 I don't have Bernie goats.
02:16:37 He's off the top.
02:16:38 Of my head.
02:16:39 Who was that?
02:16:42 Any four New York subway shooting Bernie goats.
Speaker 2
02:16:52 Bernard Hugo goats.
02:16:56 Is an American who is best known for shooting four young men intent on mugging him.
02:17:01 As a result, he was convicted for illegal possession of a firearm.
02:17:05 Goats came to symbolize New Yorkers frustrations.
02:17:08 With high crime rates in the 1980s.
02:17:11 The incident occurred on 7th Ave. Two Express subway train in Manhattan in 1984. It sparked an I remember this.
02:17:21 I mean not not it happening, but I remember this incident being talked about.
02:17:25 I didn't know he.
02:17:25 Was Jewish.
02:17:26 It sparked a nationwide debate or nationwide debate on.
02:17:31 Vigilantism, blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
Speaker 2
02:17:39 Well, I mean, look, I think.
02:17:42 You know, I believe in stand your ground.
02:17:45 I don't know what the laws are.
02:17:47 I mean, probably in New York that wasn't a good idea.
02:17:49 I mean, they they threw the book at him, it seems like.
02:17:52 Now let's see what he was sentenced for.
02:17:56 Where's the?
02:18:01 Grand jury criminal trial.
02:18:05 Alright, so the criminal trial.
Speaker 13
02:18:16 And he did eight months.
02:18:19 And then on the civil trial.
02:18:22 Because they only got 8 months, right?
02:18:24 So they.
02:18:24 Had to sue him.
02:18:26 In fact, here's The funny thing that.
02:18:30 The lawyers that sued him have suspicious last names.
02:18:34 One of them's William Kunstler.
02:18:41 Let's see what they got out of him.
02:18:42 That's always that.
02:18:43 What happens, right?
02:18:43 If they can't get you in?
02:18:44 The league in the Criminal Court.
02:18:47 It's only a matter of time before some thirsty.
02:18:51 Jewish lawyers get, you know, punished you monetarily.
02:18:55 Yeah, here it is. So they awarded, they got 43,000,000 + 18,000,000 + 20. Yeah, there's no way.
02:19:04 So he just filed for bankruptcy.
02:19:13 Man, but up?
02:19:14 Up until he was still making payments, even though they filed for bankruptcy.
02:19:20 So he had to.
02:19:20 He basically had to pay people the rest of his life.
02:19:24 I don't know.
02:19:24 At that point, no, I can't say it.
02:19:31 I don't know.
02:19:31 Maybe that'd be a good stream.
02:19:32 Go over that case.
02:19:33 I'm sure there's lots of.
02:19:34 News reports about it.
02:19:36 Hammer Thors in could you review the remarks on the train video by the way, that train survived both world wars and is still in use today.
02:19:45 You can find modern ride videos of it online as well.
02:19:49 Review, can you review your remarks?
02:19:52 Oh that I that I was unmuted when I played the train video.
02:19:59 I don't know.
02:20:00 I muted myself during the training video.
02:20:02 I guess I might have.
02:20:03 I must have.
02:20:04 I'm muted now.
02:20:05 See, I'm not.
02:20:06 I know I'm paranoid about.
02:20:06 It no, I'm not muted now.
02:20:10 Yeah, my whole setup is different.
02:20:11 Usually I can see.
02:20:14 My, you know, my voice thing moving around and not I'm, I'm sure to monitor right now as part.
02:20:21 Of the problem.
02:20:24 No, I was saying was just like, look at this, you know this this is something to be proud of.
02:20:30 This isn't space magic.
02:20:31 This isn't ******* aliens.
02:20:33 This is just.
02:20:35 This is good engineering.
02:20:39 And good architecture in the background.
02:20:44 We've we've been making really cool ****.
02:20:46 For a long time.
02:20:52 Well, maybe this isn't we me.
02:20:54 I'm not German.
02:20:55 I got a little bit of German in me, but you know, so does probably most Americans but.
02:21:02 I'm mostly Anglo.
02:21:07 But this is.
02:21:09 Yeah, this is just good ****.
02:21:10 This is just.
02:21:11 This is it was that that critical moment when you hadn't lost the skilled manual laborers that had.
02:21:21 That had generations.
02:21:24 Of talent.
Speaker 2
02:21:28 Ready to go?
02:21:30 That had not been.
02:21:34 Augmented with technology.
02:21:38 And and because of that, they didn't have the the deck, not they didn't have a drop of the decadence.
Speaker 2
02:21:45 And then.
02:21:48 At that same moment that you had all those skilled workers, you had automation to some extent that they could use.
02:21:56 So it was like instead of of people that were raised with the the easy automation.
02:22:02 It it was.
02:22:03 It's almost like if you were to give like a.
02:22:05 Hunter, like, Imagine going back in time and giving like the most skilled spear fisherman.
02:22:13 You know, like a.
02:22:15 Like a harpoon gun.
Speaker 2
02:22:18 You know, I mean.
02:22:19 Like that's, that's what.
02:22:20 That's why it's so awesome.
02:22:23 Is they had the best of both.
02:22:25 Worlds at that time and we don't have that anymore.
02:22:30 Alright, let me take a.
02:22:31 Look here.
02:22:39 March 24th, 2020, Trump says on video. You can't compare this to 1918.
02:22:45 We're close to 100 million people died December 21st, 2021, Trump said to Kenneth Owens. The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind. We would have had a 1917 remember the Spanish flu killed perhaps 100 million.
02:23:05 Yeah, that's that's I've heard.
02:23:07 That number get thrown around by people I I don't think that's accurate.
02:23:12 I don't think there was 100 million people that died of the Spanish flu, but a lot of that's estimated and they estimated worldwide it's it's like it's computer models, right? Only worse.
02:23:26 It's it's Jewish models.
Speaker 13
02:23:27 That's what that is.
02:23:32 Based Gray, what do you think about the idea of a warrior code that unites Christians, atheists, and pagans against degeneracy?
02:23:39 I don't think it's going to work.
02:23:42 I think that if there's a common enemy, that's very.
Speaker 13
02:23:45 Obvious. That's why I.
02:23:47 Said look and people don't like it.
02:23:49 I said on gab.
02:23:53 Let me pull this up here.
02:24:00 I said.
02:24:05 It's being reported that the truckers in Ottawa have opened up a lane for traffic as a compromise, and apparently they did it even much earlier than I.
02:24:13 Said they open up in a lane lane for emergency services or whatever.
02:24:18 That's not how you play hardball.
02:24:20 The only way these trucker blockades can be meaningful is if the government blinks first and takes it to the next level.
02:24:28 If everyone just wears themselves out like cranky kids that don't want to go to bed but eventually fall asleep.
02:24:34 The tantrum this will be forgotten about the second they leave.
02:24:39 The footage you want, and this is where.
02:24:41 People get a little.
02:24:44 But this is just the truth, if you.
Speaker 13
02:24:46 Want to win this?
02:24:49 The footage you want.
02:24:51 Is footage like the images from the 1960s that they showed us in schools and in TV for the last 50 years on repeat.
02:25:00 Cops beating people and dragging them away in handcuffs, tear gas.
02:25:06 The hoses.
02:25:08 National Guard shooting into crowds.
02:25:11 If you want to make history, things have to get historic.
02:25:16 It all comes down to who wants it more and that's it.
02:25:19 It really has to come down to you have to make them.
02:25:25 You have to make them reveal themselves.
02:25:33 You have to put.
02:25:33 You have to make him put.
02:25:34 Up or shut up.
Speaker 13
02:25:39 And once they do.
02:25:44 Well, then, the party's getting started.
02:25:49 I don't know if you've you've.
02:25:52 Researched revolutions but.
02:25:57 Just saying, it's just, you know.
02:25:58 Like I'm just saying.
02:26:02 OK, let me get to the next one here.
02:26:07 Where we at?
02:26:13 Legal Latino for Valentine's.
02:26:16 What are your thoughts on the Jezebel spirit in a narcissist in narcissist women?
02:26:21 Am I wait, the Jezebel spirit?
02:26:26 In a narcissist women, it might let her to run for.
02:26:32 It might let her to run, I don't know.
02:26:34 What you're asking there?
02:26:37 The Jezebel spirit is that a person?
02:26:39 I don't think it's a.
02:26:40 Person, you know, the Jezebel is.
02:26:44 But like, what's the?
02:26:51 What's the who's running for Congress?
02:27:02 Yeah, I don't.
02:27:02 Know, I mean I guess.
02:27:03 I guess Kamala Harris, you could say, has the Jezebel spirit.
Speaker 4
02:27:08 Uh, let's see.
02:27:10 Here they already do this one.
02:27:12 It's hard to know if I did this one.
02:27:14 I don't think I did.
02:27:15 I think I did that one.
02:27:18 Alright, let's see here.
02:27:19 Alright, give that one.
02:27:21 It's hard for me to know which ones I did now because I've done some of these twice.
02:27:25 Alright, here we are.
02:27:26 Here we are moving.
02:27:30 OK.
02:27:32 OK.
02:27:33 I think we got it.
02:27:33 I think we got it.
02:27:34 They were good.
02:27:37 Right here's.
02:27:38 Here's maybe a couple here.
02:27:40 Any tips to how to pill my family?
02:27:43 My father is a millennial who idolizes tyrants like the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Rothschilds.
02:27:49 And my younger brother and mom just don't like to think about bad things.
02:27:54 I brought up cuties with my brother and he just said I don't.
02:27:57 I just don't like to think about that stuff.
02:28:05 You know, I don't know how.
02:28:06 Old your brother is.
02:28:09 That's gonna that's gonna play into it if you're if your brother is like an adult and that's what.
02:28:13 He's saying.
02:28:15 He's just a head in the sand.
02:28:16 Normie, if your dad is worshipping the Rockefellers and stuff like that, then he's money driven.
02:28:24 And that's not, you know, he's not gonna sorry if if it if his I don't know the guy but like just based on what you're saying.
02:28:31 If his principles are.
02:28:33 Or, you know, you know, money first.
02:28:37 Then it's just he might as well.
02:28:39 He might as well be a rapper at that point.
02:28:41 Like, I'm not going to be able to.
02:28:43 Nor are you going to get a hold of him.
02:28:45 I just.
02:28:46 Like I said, the only tips I can say is just try to meet.
02:28:49 Them where they're at.
02:28:49 Try to be relatable.
02:28:52 Don't try to shock them because what you're what you're going to say is going to be shocking already.
02:28:56 It's almost like you have to.
02:28:58 Tell them like you're telling.
02:28:59 Them some really bad news.
02:29:02 So you got to.
02:29:02 Ease them into it.
02:29:04 And there's, you know, you're.
02:29:06 Not going to reach everyone and.
02:29:07 That's fine.
02:29:08 That's fine.
02:29:09 And look, people get really get really dug in and this in the American Civil War, there was brother versus brother.
02:29:15 You have to just know that if you're alive when it comes to the boiling point, there exist.
02:29:24 I know, like, again, I don't your family, so maybe this isn't your family, but there are going to be some families that are, you know, brother versus brother.
02:29:30 That's just the way that it is.
02:29:33 Actually, but it was our Kent State and we're, and we're all still ******.
02:29:36 It wasn't.
02:29:37 It wasn't, though.
02:29:38 It wasn't.
02:29:40 It wasn't because the right doesn't not doesn't.
02:29:43 Not a.
02:29:43 You had so many people on.
02:29:45 The right.
02:29:46 Calling her a stupid coutard and like look, she was but like I didn't call her that for a reason because we need a martyr and not enough people went with it.
02:29:55 It just didn't.
02:29:55 Take off.
02:29:56 And it there was enough.
02:29:59 Ambiguousness about it.
02:30:02 In terms of, you know, she was breaking.
02:30:05 Through a window.
02:30:07 She was, I mean.
02:30:08 That's I don't care.
02:30:09 And that's not what I'm going to focus on, obviously for obvious reasons.
02:30:14 But there was just enough.
02:30:19 You know, and the fact that like for us, it makes a lot of sense that like, oh, she was shot by diversity hire should be perfect, right.
02:30:25 Well, not even to, you know, like the the the mainstream right wing people that turns it into radioactive they're not going.
02:30:34 To touch that.
02:30:36 It has to be horrendous.
02:30:37 It has to be so horrendous that even the biggest ******* cuckservative is just like Jesus.
02:30:43 That's what I'm talking about.
02:30:44 It's got to be bad.
02:30:46 You have to make them be bad.
02:30:48 I mean, they're bad.
02:30:48 You just have to make them do it.
02:30:51 It's in their hearts.
02:30:52 It's in their souls.
02:30:53 They want to do it.
02:30:54 They're waiting for an opportunity to do it.
02:30:56 Some of these guys.
02:31:00 Give them that opportunity.
02:31:02 And yeah, people are going to get hurt.
02:31:04 People are going to die.
02:31:07 I'm I'm not.
02:31:08 I'm not saying to do this, I'm just saying if that's your goal, that's what is necessary.
02:31:15 And yeah, you're not going to play it the same way the left was able to play it with Kent.
02:31:18 State and all that stuff because.
02:31:21 You don't own the media.
02:31:23 That's why it's got to be bad.
02:31:25 It's got.
02:31:25 To be so bad that like.
02:31:28 It's just everyone has to be like, damn.
02:31:32 So if that, if that's your game, if your game is.
02:31:37 If your game is to like somehow do this with peaceful protest, right?
02:31:43 That's that's, that's the that should be objective.
02:31:47 It's not because it's run by gay Jews, it's it's literally run by gay Jews and now look.
02:31:54 The the the other organizers that were in the in the the press conference the other day, there's a a former Obama Canadian, but she she had she had, she ran a Canadians for Obama.
02:32:11 And she's like this total lefty activist that's now like their press person.
02:32:16 The the main organizer is a gay Jew who, who created LGBT Tories.
02:32:23 Then the the other guy is, I forget the the thing with him, but no, it's it's.
02:32:29 Not people you want.
02:32:33 If you want things to to go your way, it's just they're cashing in, they're they're fundraising and what they'll say, they'll say the same thing that the Red Cross does, right.
02:32:42 So the Red Cross after every time that there's like some kind of disaster, they're like, oh, we gotta raise money and and and get blood donations for Haiti all.
Speaker 2
02:32:51 The the earthquake.
02:32:53 People in Haiti and whatever or whatever it is, right, whatever the disaster is, they fundraise off that.
02:32:59 But the fine print is, it doesn't.
02:33:01 Go to that.
02:33:04 And they'll say, well, no, we need this blood for we always need to maintain this blood Bank of, you know, millions of gallons of whatever it is.
02:33:14 Right.
02:33:15 And so of course, it didn't just go to Haiti and oh, we need the the funds for all of our administrative fees.
02:33:20 And you know.
02:33:22 That's basically what's happening with this trucker.
02:33:24 Thing in the fundraising that that $10 million is not just getting spread to.
02:33:30 The people that are actually there on the ground, right, that's going to consultants and the organizers and, you know, special interests and a lot of it will go into a war chest and they'll say, well, we need this for future.
02:33:43 Proof. You know it's.
02:33:45 This is what happens with.
02:33:46 That **** the second you get like these professional politician types, you know, the gay Jew types in your organization weaseled into the the movement.
02:33:56 That's what they exist for.
02:33:59 That's that's the air they breathe.
02:34:06 UM.
Speaker 2
02:34:07 All right.
02:34:10 Well, I think that's it.
02:34:13 I'm I'm I'm going to try to do one more thing here.
02:34:26 You know, maybe maybe no.
02:34:28 No, I thought for a second that I was able to filter by time.
02:34:33 But it's not.
02:34:42 Here's one last one. I saw my neighborhood in Florida is mostly Western European immigrants. They freely discussed the JQQ and are not Jew fans, but they are also happy to give up their AR fifteens and cancel any hate speech.
02:34:59 Yeah, yeah.
02:35:01 Lot of Europeans don't understand the gun thing and or the free speech thing.
02:35:07 That's a very Anglo American thing.
02:35:12 And I don't, I don't mean anglos and American.
02:35:14 I mean Anglo American.
02:35:16 It's a very Anglo American thing.
02:35:23 All right guys.
02:35:26 Well, I apologize if I if I missed your.
02:35:29 If I missed your thing.
02:35:31 You got to remember this is the way that this pops up is just asinine.
02:35:36 Obviously needs to make it so it it sorts by.
02:35:45 By time, instead of by money.
02:35:48 And it's so stupid that they would do it by money.
02:35:51 And I kind of get why they do that.
02:35:52 But it's still.
02:35:53 Super stupid.
02:35:55 Let me get a regular chat here.
02:35:57 For a second.
Speaker 2
02:36:01 Right now I'm in.
02:36:01 The Nosebleed seats hang on for a second.
02:36:05 High Priest King Terry to reiterate on how far we have fallen.
02:36:09 Tuck Queensville, a French philosopher, traveled America in 1830s to study the culture many frontier people had books, Shakespeare being one of the.
02:36:21 Most common.
02:36:22 Just basic education.
02:36:24 Is down.
02:36:24 People barely read books today or work on things right?
02:36:30 People are always saying, well, they have computers, they must have been stupid.
02:36:33 It's like no.
02:36:33 You're stupid because we have computers.
02:36:37 This is the way.
02:36:37 It is Kohler. Please check out security guard #42 on bit. Shoot. He's a militia man who makes videos on military tactics.
02:36:46 But also generic survival stuff and occasionally rant videos he's kind of based and shares interesting infos.
02:36:53 Alright, I'll copy and paste that.
02:36:55 Well, my all my notes are gone too I forgot about.
02:36:57 That my notes are on the other computer.
02:37:00 And I can do it here.
Speaker 4
02:37:03 All right.
02:37:09 All right. Let's see here.
02:37:12 John Connor, have you watched this series?
02:37:15 Invisible Healing Hate first episode perfectly sums up everything you've been saying for last year during.
02:37:20 The streams how they frame us and the tribe.
02:37:25 The tribe victimhood status under the guise of healing hate.
02:37:29 It would be great to see her analysis on it.
02:37:31 All right, I'll.
02:37:31 Copy and paste that too.
02:37:38 When will we do another South Africa apartheid edition?
Speaker 13
02:37:43 You know.
02:37:45 Yeah, I should check back in with that.
02:37:46 I know there's a lot of South African people.
02:37:48 In the audience and once things kind of cooled down, we kind of stopped focusing as much on that.
02:37:54 Plus, we kind of had some crazy **** happen over here that was distracting, but yeah, it might be a good idea to check back with the.
02:38:05 With the South African landscape, see how it's going on there.
02:38:10 I found.
02:38:10 You know, it's funny.
02:38:12 Speaking of the South African stuff, you know this is we'll play this and.
02:38:14 Then I'll get out of here.
02:38:16 This is from, like I said, this computer is from.
02:38:22 Like a year ago was when I.
02:38:23 Was using this.
02:38:25 And so when I was going up.
02:38:29 Going through all the videos.
02:38:35 Oh, why'd that not work?
02:38:43 Oh, that's why.
02:38:45 I found this clip you guys might remember.
02:38:51 Where did that go?
02:38:55 Oh, that's a screenshot. ****.
02:38:58 Never mind, I thought I had a clip of the South African.
02:39:00 The Bay.
02:39:01 South African chick.
02:39:03 Remember this check here.
02:39:09 That's got to be on this computer though.
02:39:17 I just thought that was the video I saw the thumbnail and thought it was.
02:39:20 The video, but it was.
02:39:22 Just a screenshot.
02:39:24 UM, unless it's it might be in the same folder.
02:39:27 I'll look real quick.
02:39:31 Because she was based.
02:39:39 It's a pretty it's kind of weird.
02:39:41 It's like a time machine.
02:39:42 Like all the videos and pictures I have on this.
02:39:45 It's like I have, like tons of January 6 stuff.
02:39:49 Because I was on this computer during the January 6 stuff.
02:39:52 So I got like all these January 6 videos and all these interviews and.
02:39:59 Trump calling them terrorists.
02:40:02 You know, I have Trump calling them a terrorist.
02:40:04 Like, if you want to say, you know, base Trump, in fact, how about that?
02:40:09 I'll do that.
02:40:10 I can't find the South African chick, but I think I can find.
02:40:15 Trump basically saying that all the January 6 people were terrorists and everyone forgot that ****.
02:40:30 I can't.
02:40:32 I thought I had it here.
02:40:34 I got him talking about trans bathrooms being OK.
02:40:44 I got a.
02:40:48 Bunch of the riot footage, which is kind of fun.
02:40:56 And I got that meme.
02:40:58 Remember when they they edited out Trump out of?
02:41:02 Here I'll play.
02:41:03 This real quick, they edited Trump out of.
02:41:07 Out of home alone.
02:41:09 And so as a joke, I said.
02:41:10 This is.
02:41:13 This is this.
02:41:14 Is what they how they edited it back in or what they did to.
02:41:18 Cover them up.
02:41:28 Yeah, I thought I had.
02:41:29 I thought.
02:41:29 I had thought I had her in here.
02:41:31 I don't see her in here.
02:41:32 I mean, it's got to be on this computer.
02:41:34 I just don't know where it's at.
02:41:36 So all right guys.
02:41:37 Well anyway.
02:41:39 I'm gonna go and call tonight.
02:41:40 If I missed your super chat, I apologize.
02:41:43 I try my best to to go through all of them.
02:41:45 It's just it's really stupid the way that it filters them out.
02:41:49 But thanks for everyone for stopping by and I will now edit out my 15 minutes of silence.
02:41:55 And reupload, so it'll probably take it a minute before it's.
02:41:59 Before it updates on the replay.
02:42:02 So anyway you guys all have a good evening for black pilled time, of course.
Speaker 2
02:42:08 Devil stack.
Speaker 17
02:42:45 Down, down, down.
Speaker 3
02:42:58 Replacing bad with machine.
Speaker 4
02:43:08 Far away.
Speaker 3
02:43:08 From where?
02:43:15 By the impulse of that computer.
02:43:41 Can you understand me?
02:43:47 What can I do when I am from me to you?
02:44:01 It's time that we can live without you.
02:44:56 It's time that.
02:45:13 Can't live without you?
02:45:20 In any.