05/21/2021Speaker 1
00:05:12 Doubled up.00:00:17 Always doubled.
00:00:29 Wandering stars.
00:00:32 For whom it is preserved wandering stars.
00:00:35 What? What's up? What's up?
00:00:44 Whom it is returned.
00:01:34 Right.Devon
00:02:32 Good evening.00:02:36 Good evening.
00:02:41 White pillars are white killers.
00:02:44 White pillars are white killers.
00:02:50 They are promoters of insanity doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results.
00:03:00 Driven by ego that.
00:03:03 Deludes them into thinking they're the first ones to try this.
Speaker 3
00:03:08 No, this time it'll be different because it's.00:03:10 Me doing it.
00:03:14 Every generation before me, they were ********.00:03:19 We're the.
00:03:19 Base generation.
00:03:23 Well, the world hasn't seen anything yet.
00:03:32 Wait till they get a load of me.
00:03:36 They like Joker, right?
00:03:38 Different joker.
00:03:39 That's an older Joker.
00:03:49 No, I actually you.
00:03:49 Know I mean.
00:03:50 That white pillars.
00:03:52 All white killers.
00:03:57 Just it's a lullaby.
00:04:00 It is a lullaby.
00:04:01 It's a denial of reality.
00:04:04 It is.
00:04:05 Trusting the plan.
00:04:08 It's just a a slightly less embarrassing version.
Speaker 5
00:04:12 Of Q Anon.Devon
00:04:17 But fundamentally exactly the same.00:04:21 Q and on just took it to a more fictional.
00:04:26 Well, I honestly I think it's it's just a Q.
00:04:29 Anon was just a.
Speaker 3
00:04:32 A flare up of this same disease.Devon
00:04:37 The same infection, it just it just.00:04:40 The immune system had been so beat down by the.
00:04:45 The presence of the Trump administration.
00:04:50 That I just got got extra crazy.
00:04:54 You know, it went from Ohh.
00:04:56 We've got these these Republicans that that you know we got these Supreme Court justices and the you know and and we're gonna turn everything around and and you know we're gonna it went from you.
00:05:08 Know like building the.
00:05:09 Wall and all.
00:05:09 This other stuff because they they there there's.
00:05:12 A little bit of hope.
00:05:15 You know it had.
00:05:15 This think of it, think of like a a mold that's been growing on a on a like a rock.
00:05:22 Like there's with no food, like there's just nothing.
00:05:24 It's just barely hanging on, right.
00:05:29 And then it came into contact.
00:05:32 With a little bit of.
00:05:33 Of success like a tiny bit like.
00:05:35 Oh my God, we got trouble like that. Everything's going to change now.
00:05:40 And that mold just.
00:05:42 Exploded spores everywhere.
00:05:50 And next thing you know, it's there's some secret army in the deep state.
00:05:55 That's raiding underground tunnels and.
00:05:59 And arresting Hillary Clinton secretly and sending her to Gitmo. And Obama's gonna get the gallows and.
00:06:12 But it's the same disease.
00:06:14 It's the same disorder.
00:06:19 He was just allowed to grow out of control.
00:06:31 It was teaching the.
00:06:32 Same principles that.
00:06:33 You know, really you don't have to do.
00:06:35 Much. Well, no.
Speaker 5
00:06:36 Let's rephrase that.Devon
00:06:40 You do have to.00:06:45 You know, keep voting for Republicans.
00:06:52 You have to vote for Republicans.
00:06:54 You have to retweet Republicans.
00:06:59 You have to.
00:07:00 Have you know Republican bumper stickers?
00:07:05 In some cases, you know, like I said, it just blew out of control.
00:07:08 It went.
00:07:08 It went from that to Q Anon.
Speaker 5
00:07:10 Tattoos, same disease.00:07:15 Same disease.
00:07:21 It's the in flight movie.00:07:30 Watch this.
00:07:32 Stay in your seats.
00:07:35 Watch this.
00:07:40 We'll get to where we're going.
00:07:48 But the time will pass by a little bit more comfortably.
00:07:52 If you're watching the in flight movie.
00:08:07 You would think that after you.
00:08:08 Know years and years and years of.
00:08:11 Of no successes.
Speaker 3
00:08:14 And I mean zero.Devon
00:08:17 Because even like when you have the appearance of success, I guess you know Trump's election would be one right where there was a real euphoria because it seemed like an impossible feat.00:08:29 You know, it really did seem like the the entire apparatus was gunning for Hillary.
00:08:35 And really it didn't.
00:08:37 It seemed like a long shot.
00:08:40 And so just just having him elected.
00:08:48 Just that seemed like.
Speaker 3
00:08:51 OK. We did we actually.00:08:54 Stop losing.
00:08:56 Ground for a second.
00:08:58 Did we gain?
00:08:59 What is?
00:09:00 What did we gain?
00:09:01 We've never gained ground before, so I don't know.
00:09:03 Is that what this is?
Speaker 5
00:09:06 But no, it wasn't.Devon
00:09:14 Because Trump's presidency didn't gain any ground. That hasn't.Speaker 5
00:09:19 Already been lost and then some.Devon
00:09:28 It was an in flight movie.00:09:32 An in flight movie.
00:09:40 And The funny thing is, everyone so.
00:09:43 So trained.
00:09:45 So trained that to operate within this system of failure.
00:09:53 They can't fathom alternatives to it, they they think.
00:10:01 Well, it's kind of like you.
00:10:02 Know that that that movie war games.
00:10:08 The only way to win the game is to not play.
00:10:18 You lose by playing their game.
00:10:25 Because simply by participating in the system, you're legitimizing it.
00:10:32 You're saying?
Speaker 3
00:10:35 This system is valid.Devon
00:10:40 This authority is valid.00:10:46 I acknowledge.
Speaker 5
00:10:47 The rules.Devon
00:10:51 And I'm following the rules because it is just.Speaker 5
00:10:57 And valid.00:11:08 They laugh at you.
00:11:17 The only way to win this game is to not play.00:11:24 And there's so many people that think, well, if.
Speaker 3
00:11:26 I don't play.00:11:26 That means I lose.
Speaker 5
00:11:29 No it doesn't.Devon
00:11:36 If you go to a casino.00:11:41 And you don't play blackjack.
Speaker 5
00:11:45 You don't lose.Devon
00:11:52 It's not how games work.00:11:58 But if you're.
Speaker 3
00:11:58 Seduced by the blackjack table.Speaker 5
00:12:01 Oh, love if I don't play.Devon
00:12:03 I won't win either.00:12:06 Well, the blackjack table wouldn't.
00:12:07 Be there if statistically you were going to win.
00:12:19 I'll. I'll I'll count.Speaker 5
00:12:21 See, I'll beat the system by counting cards.Devon
00:12:26 Oh, you think they haven't thought of that?Speaker 6
00:12:36 You, you. You.Devon
00:12:36 You don't think you're going to be?00:12:37 Taken to the.
00:12:38 Backroom or ejected from the casino.
00:12:42 In spectacular fashion.
Speaker 5
00:12:46 When they can't?00:12:47 When not if, when?
00:12:48 They cash you counting cards.
00:12:52 It's this narcissism. This I'm the genius. That's no one's thought about counting cards and tell me.00:13:06 I'm going to.
Speaker 3
00:13:07 Be the one that outsmarts the casino.Speaker 7
00:13:13 The house.Devon
00:13:14 Always wins.00:13:19 That's why it's there.
00:13:21 That's how they can afford the casino.
00:13:28 The disgustingly lavish.
00:13:37 Lit up like a Christmas tree.
00:13:42 Free drinks.
00:13:46 House of sin.
00:13:54 Someone's paying for.
00:13:55 That how are they able to pay for that?
00:14:01 Well, they're able to pay for that because of all the other.
00:14:03 People that thought I'm going to outsmart the house.
00:14:07 I'm going to play their game and I'm going to beat the system.
00:14:16 It's going to be me.
00:14:19 I got it all figured out, see.
00:14:24 I got this method.
00:14:30 That no one else has ever thought of.
00:14:32 No one's tried this before.
00:14:37 This time we're going to win.
00:14:41 See and if.
00:14:41 You think of Trump's election. It's kind of like.
00:14:44 Because look you.
Speaker 3
00:14:45 Might in in in the short term.00:14:47 It might look like.
00:14:47 You're going to come.
00:14:48 Out on top right, you win a hand.00:14:52 And how many people, when they win a?
00:14:53 Hand are like.
00:14:54 OK, let's walk away now.
00:14:55 We won the hand.
00:14:55 Let's, let's.
00:14:56 I I you know, I got enough money.
00:14:59 No, most people don't have willpower to.
00:15:01 Do that.
00:15:01 No, they're like, oh.
Speaker 5
00:15:04 That that tasted good.00:15:05 That felt that.
00:15:07 Felt amazing, winning, doubling my money like that.00:15:10 For doing nothing, I just all I did is I said.
00:15:12 Hit me and then they gave me.
00:15:14 A card and.
00:15:14 Then, like my money's doubled.
00:15:18 And I have a free drink.
00:15:24 If it's this easy, I'm.
Speaker 3
00:15:26 Going to do it again.Devon
00:15:28 I knew I would outsmart the casino.Speaker 3
00:15:32 I knew it.Devon
00:15:36 They're no match for me.00:15:48 ******* suckers.
00:15:52 It won't be the they'll they're not the.
00:15:54 1st and they won't be the last.
00:15:58 The casinos will get.
00:16:00 Bigger and bigger and bigger.
00:16:04 We'll knock down the.
00:16:05 Old casinos to build bigger casinos?
00:16:11 People will keep coming again and again and again.
00:16:20 This time they're going to beat the system.
00:16:28 Now the only way.
00:16:31 To win is to not play.
Speaker 5
00:16:42 But Kevin, there's professional gamblers.00:16:52 I think you get it.
00:16:54 I think you get it.Speaker 5
00:16:55 A lot of people don't get it.Speaker
00:16:58 But I think you get it.Devon
00:17:03 All right.00:17:07 Speaking of people not getting it.
00:17:14 There's a story on
00:17:20 They're very upset.
00:17:21 They're very upset because Lori Lightfoot, who I just, you know, just the fact that she got elected to anything.
00:17:29 That's that should be the only black.
00:17:31 Pill you need really.
00:17:35 I mean, let's just, I mean, come on.
00:17:51 Going to bring up a picture.
Speaker 3
00:18:05 OK. Where are we at?Devon
00:18:16 You live in a country.00:18:23 That put.
Speaker 5
00:18:25 That thing.Devon
00:18:29 In charge of one of its largest cities.00:18:39 Some weird little ewok.
00:18:44 We are little lesbian Ewok.
00:18:49 In charge of a sitting.
00:18:51 Who, despite being.
00:18:55 Mayor Reed.
00:19:01 An old **** that looks like your.
00:19:04 Child molesting uncle.
00:19:08 Apparently Fox News is is very upset.
00:19:14 Because she will only.
00:19:16 Call on bipac reporters.
00:19:18 She only calls on.
Speaker 5
00:19:23 Bipac I still hate that I I love it and I.Devon
00:19:27 Hate it.00:19:27 I hate it because it's so awful sounding.
00:19:31 It's it's just, I don't know, bipac.
00:19:34 It sounds like it almost sounds like it's like a an insult or a disease or ah man, he came down with bipac.
00:19:42 Oh ****, it just there's nothing pleasant about bipac.
00:19:48 It just it has all the.
00:19:51 All the tones and sounds, and I don't know it just it.
00:19:55 There's nothing.
00:19:56 It doesn't roll off the tongue in a in a.
00:19:59 An attractive way.
00:20:02 But she only calls on the Bipac reporters, apparently.
00:20:07 So here's Fox News.
00:20:12 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended her controversial announcement to grant individual interviews only to journalists of color.
00:20:21 And blasted the cities media institutions for their overwhelming whiteness and maleness.
00:20:28 In an extraordinary letter on Wednesday again.
00:20:35 Chicago put this thing in charge.
00:20:43 It's not like this is some crazy person who lives in Chicago screaming on a street corner.
00:20:48 That's the person in charge of Chicago.
00:20:53 When you get to that point.
00:21:00 That that's not like a.
00:21:03 Oh, we got we can.
00:21:04 Still fix this.
00:21:06 This is a gaping hole on the side of the ship.
00:21:10 This isn't like.
00:21:11 Oh, we're taking on some water, captain.
00:21:13 No, I'll get the buckets out.
00:21:14 No, this is we're going down.
00:21:22 Upon the two year anniversary of her election.
00:21:25 Democrat Lightfoot.
00:21:28 Which is.
Speaker 5
00:21:29 Probably a fake name.00:21:31 Whatever that something else.
00:21:32 Has drawn outrage after white journalists were told by her press office they couldn't interview her one-on-one because of their.00:21:39 Skin color.
00:21:43 There's no hiding it.
00:21:44 This is not.
00:21:46 This is just open open anti white.
00:21:49 Hatred again by someone who's married.
00:21:54 To a white kind of thing.
00:21:58 And a two page letter to the media, Lightfoot, the first black woman. Is it really? As say well, as well as the first openly gay mayor in Chicago's history praised her own 2019 election for breaking barriers.
00:22:13 And took a shot at media organizations in the city.
Speaker 3
00:22:17 Do you really think?Devon
00:22:18 The Chicago media is right leaning.00:22:22 And full of white supremacy.
00:22:24 That's the other thing you got.
Speaker 5
00:22:25 To think about.Devon
00:22:27 For not adequately addressing institutionalized racism in their ranks, do you really think the Chicago, the Chicago media?00:22:37 Has institutionalized racism.
Speaker 5
00:22:40 Well, it does.00:22:43 But it's it's.
00:22:44 Like everything satanic, it's an inversion of reality.00:22:53 Her decision to temporarily speak only to black and Brown reporters, she said, was part of her lifelong battle to fight for diversity and inclusion.
00:23:06 And looking at the absence of diversity across City Hall, blah blah, actually, you know, it doesn't really matter.
00:23:11 I'm not going to read the rest of it.
00:23:12 What you gotta understand though, this is what this is what?
00:23:15 Fox News is worried about.
00:23:20 This is this is what Fox.
00:23:22 News is complain about.
00:23:24 Ah, they won't let white reporters talk to the Ewok.
00:23:34 The Democrats are the real racists.
00:23:37 They're front.
00:23:40 You're ******.
00:23:45 That's the least of your ******* problems.
00:23:52 In fact.Devon
00:23:54 Fox News and the people that watch it.00:23:56 Moreover, because Fox News, you.
00:23:58 You know, it's not like they're an ally.
00:24:00 Or something the the the idiots that.
00:24:02 Think that they are.
00:24:10 By this petty ********.
00:24:16 And not not what it represents.
00:24:19 That's the black pill.
Speaker 3
00:24:23 Ooh, I'm going to get on Twitter.00:24:25 I'm going to draw.
00:24:25 All the Democrats are the real racist hashtag.
00:24:28 Lori Lightfoot is a racist.
00:24:33 In flight movie.00:24:41 That's your in flight movie.
00:24:43 Starring the Ewok in.
00:24:46 Chewbacca's lesbian cousin.
00:24:58 You have so much.
00:24:59 More to worry about.
00:25:02 But this is also why you get the **** out of the cities.
00:25:05 This is.
00:25:05 What the cities are like?
00:25:10 This is where this.
00:25:11 Is where we're at in American cities right now.
00:25:17 And again.
00:25:18 Not just.
00:25:20 That she's there.
00:25:24 But the majority?
00:25:25 And you can.
00:25:25 Say ohh her election was rigged.
00:25:27 Doesn't ******* matter by.
00:25:28 Participating in that city and and and and allowing.
00:25:31 It to go on.
00:25:32 You're you're validating it.
Speaker 7
00:25:35 You're you're validating it.Devon
00:25:41 We'll get our next election.00:25:47 Which isn't even possible if elections were free and clear in Chicago, which that's probably a joke.
00:25:54 You wouldn't have what?
00:25:56 You're you're gonna.
00:25:57 You're gonna.
00:25:58 Who you gonna elect in Chicago?
00:26:02 You're going to find some, some Anglo-Saxon, you know, founding stock.
00:26:13 Pro white interests or just not anti white interests?
00:26:17 Right.Devon
00:26:20 No, you're not.00:26:21 And you know that.
00:26:24 But you still validate the system by participating in it.
00:26:32 You still play the ******* game.
00:26:35 Well, maybe I'll win this hand.
00:26:42 Ooh, that lower.
00:26:43 Left foot not talking to white reporters.
00:27:00 Yeah. So the.
00:27:04 The boomers are really upset about this.
00:27:08 She's the real racist.
00:27:09 They just keep proving it over and over again that they're the real racist.
00:27:14 It's all projection.
00:27:16 It's all they call us the racist good.
00:27:19 But it's really them.
00:27:27 Yeah, you know what else they call you, *******.
00:27:31 They call you genocidal.
Speaker 3
00:27:37 They call you dangerous.Devon
00:27:40 They say you want to exterminate them.00:27:54 Captain. Projection.
00:27:57 How about you listen to that ****?
00:28:08 But most people aren't sophisticated and and look, we we weren't, we didn't evolve to be that you can't have a battlefield full of generals, you just can't.
00:28:21 Most people are programmed and designed to be followers.
00:28:28 That's the way it has to work.
00:28:31 You couldn't have a society if everyone wanted to be king.
00:28:35 I mean, everyone kind of wants to be king, but.
00:28:38 Generally speaking, most people.
00:28:41 Get that? They're not king.
00:28:45 And usually gravitate towards power.
00:28:49 Rather than trying to.
00:28:52 Create their own power.
00:28:54 Generally speaking, most people are more than happy.
00:29:01 To just fall under the umbrella of someone else's power.
Speaker 5
00:29:09 Even if it's a lesbian Ewok, apparently.Devon
00:29:16 And they don't question the system.00:29:22 They look at the world.
00:29:24 Through the eyes of someone who went to public school.
Speaker 3
00:29:30 Understanding how the world.Devon
00:29:34 Works in.00:29:44 You know, one example I talked about this on telegram.
00:29:48 Is I was trying to explain to someone and look I try not to get in these conversations with people.
00:29:53 I know that it's just.
00:29:54 It's just not ******* worth it at this point, but some there's some people that you know by the time I'm I would be able to explain all this to you and and get it through your head.
00:30:03 You're going to die of ******* diabetes anyway, so it's easier.
00:30:07 It's it's more productive.
00:30:08 I mean just like.
00:30:08 Wait you out?
00:30:14 And you'll by the time I get through to you.
00:30:16 You'd be useless.
00:30:16 You already are pretty much useless.
00:30:19 But sometimes you can't.
00:30:22 You can't.
00:30:22 Avoid it because I do have principles.
00:30:27 And if.
00:30:29 Asked about certain things, I'm not going to just keep my.
00:30:32 Mouth shut.
00:30:34 And so I do find myself and arguments at times.
00:30:40 Knowing the entire time they're futile and trying to.
00:30:43 At the same time, thinking to myself, OK, well, I'm not going to convince this ****.
00:30:49 Of anything but what can I learn?
00:30:52 What can?
00:30:52 I learn about ******** right now.
00:30:55 That's all.
00:30:56 You can do.
00:30:56 You can be like, OK.
00:30:59 The Dipshit's not going to learn the two people involved in this exchange.
00:31:09 I'm going to be the one.
00:31:11 So what?
00:31:12 What am I?
00:31:12 What am?
00:31:12 I going to I'm not going to learn from anything that they like.
00:31:14 They're not going to teach me anything, at least not intentionally.
00:31:18 But let's not as.
00:31:19 Long as this is going to be kind of a waste of time, let's not have it be.
00:31:22 A complete ******* waste of time.
00:31:24 And what is it?
00:31:25 That I can maybe possibly try to.
00:31:27 Learn even if it's just what?
00:31:29 Can I learn about?
00:31:30 The behavior of ******** and how their brain thinks.
00:31:37 And that's how I approach a lot of these.
Speaker 5
00:31:40 Encounters these days.Devon
00:31:44 And I was talking to someone about COVID and and in fact it was just.00:31:48 It was one of those things where I wasn't doing most of the talking.
00:31:51 There was someone else mentioned.
00:31:53 Well, yeah, they're that the part of the reason why they're doing the pandemic is because it's, you know, they're going to get rich off the vaccine against, they're still smelling.
00:32:01 They're thinking small.
00:32:02 But whatever, right.
00:32:08 And the ******* says.
00:32:11 Less crazy.
00:32:12 I don't believe in conspiracy theories.
00:32:16 I don't see anybody getting.
00:32:17 Rich, all I see are all these companies going out of business.
00:32:23 It's not making them rich.
00:32:24 It's making everybody poor.
00:32:30 And that's when you realize.
00:32:31 What you're working with, right?
00:32:32 There because that's how a lot of people think that's that's that's as sophisticated as a lot of people get.
00:32:41 Especially if someone says I don't believe in conspiracy theories, that means they don't think that people plan things.
00:32:53 That means they don't think that people would ever conspire to harm others, so that.
Speaker 3
00:32:58 They would benefit.Devon
00:33:03 Look at it in.00:33:04 A sad way.
00:33:05 Those people are generally.
00:33:08 Nice people.
00:33:09 That's why they don't think that people would do that because they don't do that.
00:33:18 That's why I like to expose the.
00:33:20 Evil as much as possible, because until you know that.
Speaker 5
00:33:24 What's out there?Devon
00:33:26 If you come for if you're.00:33:27 A nice guy or a nice girl.
00:33:31 It's hard to wrap your head around how.
00:33:34 The evil mind operates.
00:33:37 It does sound maybe cartoonish.
00:33:41 Or paranoid to think that people would think in this way.
00:33:45 If if you're a good person.
00:34:00 that's anyway.
Speaker 5
00:34:04 I don't like.00:34:05 That name at all, but let's just let's just see what.
00:34:07 They're study.
00:34:07 Find many shoppers now swearing off big box stores after seeing beloved shop shutter.00:34:13 New York, few people have escaped the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
00:34:19 Yeah, you're right.
Speaker 5
00:34:20 Few people have escaped, haven't they?00:34:23 People like uh.
00:34:24 Oh, I don't know Bezos.
00:34:27 People like Bill Gates, Elon Musk.
00:34:31 And and then all the people.00:34:32 That are much richer.
00:34:33 Than those guys.
00:34:35 The people that don't get included on.
00:34:36 The Forbes list.
00:34:38 Because the Forbes list, wouldn't you know, they don't include generational wealth.
00:34:45 In their calculations, and probably because the people with all the generational wealth.
00:34:50 Well, they own the Forbes list.
00:34:55 It's especially true for local mom and pop shops, a new study finds half of Americans have witnessed their favorite local businesses closed down because of COVID-19.
00:35:06 A survey of 2000 people reveals 68% personally know a local business owner impacted by the pandemic.
00:35:15 According to respondents, the most commonly impacted businesses include cafes.
00:35:22 Retail shops.
00:35:24 Gaming shops.
00:35:26 And bookstores.
00:35:30 Let's face it, gaming shops and bookstores.
00:35:34 They gotta go anyway.
00:35:38 If you want to centralized everything.
00:35:42 And have it to where especially.
00:35:44 In books, you know, bookstores too, you.
00:35:46 Don't you don't.
00:35:46 You just don't want physical copies of books.
Speaker 5
00:35:49 At all.Devon
00:35:54 That's the last thing you want.00:35:56 You want everything in the cloud.
00:35:59 And that means video games.
00:36:01 Because video games that means like streaming.
00:36:04 Movies you don't want theaters.
00:36:11 You want the.
00:36:12 Ability to in real time make edits.
00:36:17 To the propaganda that's.
00:36:21 Or it's the firmware really.
00:36:24 To your MPC's in the same way that you know like operating systems like Windows will just they just tells you these days like ohh I'm restarting.
00:36:33 Yeah, putting an update on.
00:36:36 Now you have to go to great lengths to stop updates.
00:36:40 From being installed from on high.
00:36:45 And eventually, you won't.
00:36:45 You won't be you.
00:36:46 Just won't be able to accomplish it.
00:36:48 If you use their stuff.
00:36:53 They want to be able to control everything as thoroughly as possible in real time.
00:37:00 From a centralized location.
00:37:04 Whether it's video games, whether it's books, I mean people, people have told me I got.
00:37:11 Your book on audible when?
00:37:13 It was before it was banned and then it disappeared.
00:37:19 And there's other books that they have just disappeared.
00:37:29 They need that kind of control.
00:37:31 They need that.
00:37:31 Kind of power.
00:37:33 While a majority of Americans, 71%, want to see small businesses in their community thrive, nearly 2 thirds, 62 per cent have witnessed their favorite local businesses struggle to pay rent or pay employees.
00:37:48 On average, respondents can name.
00:37:51 Two locally owned businesses in their community turned down by the government after applying for a paycheck protection program grant and, well, a lot of that money went to the companies that will be gobbling these small companies up.
00:38:12 Three and five respondents said they don't mind paying more than retail value for a product that they're getting from a local business.
00:38:19 In fact, I think that's a lot of people virtue signaling.
00:38:22 I think the market shows that that's not real.
00:38:25 63% so they don't mind paying more if it's from a, that's just a bunch of people trying to sound like that. They're not just going on Amazon and sorting by price.
00:38:40 Which is what these cheap ***** are doing.
00:38:43 It's capitalism.
00:38:48 Price rules everything right? Just everything's about capital.
00:38:53 So all these people saying they don't mind driving over to a retail place, a mom and pop place and paying more money.
00:39:02 For the exact same thing that could be delivered.
Speaker 5
00:39:04 To their house.Devon
00:39:07 For cheaper.00:39:10 They're lying and we know they're lying because.
00:39:13 It wasn't just COVID that was destroying these businesses.
00:39:19 They were on the.
00:39:19 Way out before COVID is just speeding it up.
00:39:28 Still, the pandemic isn't the only reason Americans say they're deciding to shop local nearly half the poll, 49% do so because they genuinely believe locally made products are better quality.
00:39:41 Well, I mean depends.
00:39:42 If there's locally made, but let's what's locally made, everything's made in ******* China.
00:39:53 You need a locally made car, locally made computer locally made phone.
00:40:02 I mean, even your locally made food is usually.
00:40:07 Getting the ingredients not locally.
00:40:16 Small businesses are the backbone of towns and cities around the country, says Templeton Distillery co-founder Keith Kirkoff.
00:40:25 In a statement, Templeton, Iowa, is one such a small town with just over 300 people, the town continues to be.
00:40:33 Ignited by the spark of simple business ideas that can last more than 100 years, we want to celebrate the legacy of local businesses everywhere that are just as ignited.
00:40:44 While also looking.
00:40:45 Ahead to the exciting future as these businesses bounce back.
00:40:51 And look I.
00:40:54 I absolutely believe that that's what you should be doing.
00:40:57 You should be building communities.
00:40:58 You should be investing your time into local products.
00:41:02 You should be trying to make your own stuff and trading with other people that.
00:41:05 Are making their own stuff.
00:41:07 That's absolutely what you should be doing.
00:41:11 It's not what most people are doing.
00:41:17 And certainly not what they're doing in.
00:41:18 The cities.
00:41:20 How can you even?
00:41:20 Have a local like.
00:41:22 A small business in a city.
00:41:27 They make it impossible.
00:41:29 With all the regulatory ****.
00:41:32 In fact.
00:41:35 I forgot about this story and let's pop.
00:41:36 This one up.
00:41:39 This isn't even a small business.
00:41:56 That's an old.
00:41:59 Here we go.
00:42:02 Walgreens has closed 17 stores.
00:42:07 In San Francisco, due to out of control shoplifting.
00:42:13 Walgreens is not a small business.
00:42:17 And Walgreens can't maintain their stores in San Francisco.
Speaker 5
00:42:23 Because of diversity problems.Devon
00:42:30 Walgreens can't. Can't handle it.00:42:36 Thanks to the widespread and persistent shoplifting, 17 Walgreens pharmacy locations have shuttered in San Francisco during the past five years, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
00:42:48 Shoplifting did increase.
00:42:50 You think during the coronavirus pandemic it's always increasing.
00:42:54 But the police also told the news.
00:42:56 That that incidents are often under underreported and have become more violent and brazen.
00:43:03 Why, I wonder why?
00:43:05 Wonder why?
00:43:10 San Francisco supervisor?
00:43:12 Well, here's part of the why.
00:43:14 I can't even say her ******* name.
00:43:16 Asha safaa.
00:43:17 Something told San Francisco.
00:43:19 Yeah, that sounds like a good American name, right.
00:43:23 Good American name.
00:43:25 The San Francisco Chronicle that the situation is out of control.
00:43:29 Adding people are scared to go into stores.
00:43:37 Get out of the cities.
00:43:45 Long, long time Walgreens customer Sebastian Luke told The Chronicle regarding closures.
00:43:51 All of us knew it was coming.
00:43:53 Whenever we go in there, they always have problems with shoplifters.
00:43:57 Just say what you mean.
00:43:59 Every time you go in there some.
00:44:01 Non white walks and just and.
00:44:04 Pulls a Michael Brown.
00:44:07 And unfortunately doesn't have the same ending to their story.
00:44:14 They go in and just steal **** strong on their way out or ****.
00:44:18 The employees are probably told not to, you know, try to even intervene.
00:44:24 So it's just.
00:44:24 As far as anyone is concerned, it's just free stuff and then the police don't respond because they don't want to.
00:44:29 Look racist.
00:44:37 Luke also suggested that the employees at Walgreens are helpless to do anything in the face of the theft, saying I feel sorry for the clerks.
00:44:44 They are regularly being verbally assaulted.
00:44:48 He continued the clerks.
00:44:49 Say there is nothing they can do.
00:44:51 They say Walgreen's.
00:44:52 Policy is to.
Speaker 5
00:44:52 Not get involved.Devon
00:44:57 They don't want anyone getting injured or getting sued.00:45:01 By Jewish lawyers.
Speaker 3
00:45:03 I added that part.Devon
00:45:04 So the guys just keep coming in and.00:45:06 Taking whatever they want.
00:45:13 In fact, a shoplifting incident occurred right in front of San Francisco Chronicle writer Phil Meteor as he was working on the story about rampant shoplifting.
00:45:26 He reported no sooner had the clerk spoken than a man wearing a virus mask walked in.
00:45:33 Emptied 2 shelves of snacks into a bag.
00:45:38 And then headed back out the door.
00:45:42 As he walked past the checkout line, a customer called out.
00:45:45 Sure, you don't want a drink with that?
00:45:54 They're just, they're just.
00:45:55 Walking and taking what they want and why.
Speaker 3
00:45:57 Why wouldn't they?Devon
00:46:03 Import the third world, become the third world.00:46:06 While it's too late, it's it's already here.
00:46:09 That's no longer like a scary future.
00:46:13 Oh, we don't want to do that or this will happen.
00:46:15 It happened.
00:46:16 You did that?
00:46:17 It happened.
00:46:24 In order to address the ongoing problem of shoplifting at retail establishments like Walgreens, supervisor held a hearing Thursday, May 13th, with retailers, police District Attorney Chelsea or Chessa Bowden Chessa.
00:46:41 It's like it's just it's it's.
00:46:44 These these could like I could be reading a story about some third world country and these be the same ******* names.
00:46:49 Of the people.
00:46:51 You know, not just the perpetrators, but the people that are in charge.
00:46:54 Of trying to stop it.
00:46:56 It's here you imported.
00:46:57 The Third World America is the third world.
00:47:08 And listen, listen to this so.
00:47:10 At the hearing, they say professional thieves.
00:47:16 Instead of opportunity, shoplifters that are driven by poverty see it's it's it's not their fault, it's the poverty.
00:47:29 Jason Cunningham, Regional vice president for pharmacy and retail operations in California and Hawaii, reported that at the hearing that the theft in San Francisco Walgreens locations is 4 times higher.
00:47:40 That in stores and elsewhere in the country.
00:47:45 There's a lot of.
00:47:45 Things that are four times higher in San Francisco.
00:47:51 In addition, Cunningham noted that the pharmacy chain spends 35 times more on security in San Francisco than in any other locations.
00:48:03 How are you going?
00:48:03 To have a small business in the city.
00:48:09 Walgreens can't even do it.
00:48:17 If it sounds as if there's not really a.
00:48:19 Whole lot of motivation.
00:48:22 To solve this problem on the.
00:48:23 Part of the ruling class.
00:48:26 It's because there's zero motivation.
00:48:28 It's quite the opposite.
00:48:30 The sooner you realize that the interests of the ruling class.
00:48:34 Don't just conflict with yours, but include harming you.
00:48:41 They have an interest in harming you.
00:48:47 It's not that it's collateral damage.
00:48:51 Its intent.
00:48:55 It's goal oriented damage.
00:49:04 It's a success.
Speaker 3
00:49:13 This story I'm reading.Devon
00:49:16 This is a success story.Speaker 3
00:49:21 This is what they want.Devon
00:49:35 The sooner you understand that the sooner you'll realize.00:49:39 Oh, so the game is rigged.
00:49:41 Maybe I shouldn't validate it by playing.
00:49:49 Imagine showing up on the field and they're about through the coin toss and the referee looks at you and says hey.
00:49:56 Just, I mean just.
00:49:57 Saying no, this, this is all ********.
00:50:00 The other team is going to win.
00:50:02 I'm just telling you now we're.
00:50:03 Going we're going to let the other team win.
00:50:06 Imagine imagine that happens and you still play.
Speaker 5
00:50:18 White pillars or white killers?Devon
00:50:27 Oh yeah, imagine.00:50:31 Half the team still wants to play and the other half's like, well, **** this.
00:50:36 And they start to leave and the half that's that's going to stay looks at the people leave.
00:50:40 And say, oh, well, you're just going to, you're just going to roll up.
Speaker 3
00:50:43 In a ball and die.Devon
00:50:44 It's like, no, we're.00:50:45 Gonna go get beers. Do.
00:50:46 You want to come like?
00:50:47 Like we're just, why would we play like they they they.
00:50:51 They already what you want.
00:50:52 You want to prove a point.
00:50:54 You want to prove a point.
00:50:55 That you that that you could.
00:50:58 Have won if they just not ****** you over.
00:51:00 It doesn't matter.
Speaker 3
00:51:01 They're going to **** you over, they just told.Devon
00:51:02 You they're going to **** you over.00:51:06 Well, you gonna impress them.
00:51:07 You're gonna play so good.
00:51:09 They're like, oh, we were gonna **** you over.
00:51:11 But, man, you showed heart.
00:51:14 You showed heart, so we'll let you.
00:51:16 Have this one.
Speaker 5
00:51:18 You delusional *******.Devon
00:51:30 ****** ******* delusional.00:51:38 Another good news.
00:51:44 Shifting gears a little bit.
Speaker 5
00:51:49 Tie to all this.Devon
00:51:52 You know the shrinking numbers, that's The thing is your ability to win is already it's pretty much using the.00:51:59 System, that is.
00:52:01 And and and look.
00:52:02 Your your beta when using the system is 0 or the the probability.
00:52:08 Is 0.
00:52:10 Because anything's.
Speaker 5
00:52:11 Possible, right?00:52:12 But no, it's not really.
00:52:13 The probability is 0.00:52:15 And the probability of you winning.
00:52:19 Outside this system.
00:52:21 Goes down every year because.
00:52:24 Your numbers go down every year.
00:52:27 And their numbers go up every year.
00:52:32 Then there's a lot of different reasons for that.
00:52:35 But today we've got a new reason.
00:52:38 Brink of a fertility crisis.
00:52:40 Scientists says plummeting sperm counts caused by everyday products.
00:52:46 A 40 year long study.
00:52:49 So most people listening your entire lifetime.
00:52:53 Or longer.
00:52:56 Showed sperm counts have dropped by nearly half.
00:53:03 So in the last 40 years.
00:53:06 Testosterone has ******* tanked.
00:53:09 And sperm counts have gone down by half.
00:53:16 Doctor Shanna Swan, a hypothesizes men will no longer produce sperm.
00:53:23 By 2045.
00:53:28 In other words, if the current trend.
00:53:31 Of sperm loss.
00:53:34 Keeps on the trajectory where it's at right now.
Speaker 3
00:53:38 By 2045.Devon
00:53:43 Well, I guess you won't need to wear condoms.00:53:49 I guess birth control pills.
00:53:51 Will just be kind of.
00:53:57 Because there's not going to be any **** ******.
00:54:08 The journey into parenthood has been long and tedious for Sindell and Chris.
00:54:12 Sir Doval, they started trying to have a baby four years ago when they were both in their late 20s.
00:54:20 They struggled to try to conceive and resorted to in vitro fertilization.
00:54:25 They experienced several failed treatments and miscarriages.
00:54:29 When you decide you're ready to start a family and it doesn't happen, it starts to become this obsession.
00:54:35 And then you kind of just lose the joy of everyday life, Sindel sedova.
00:54:40 Was the Sir novels were diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
00:54:46 When doctors can't determine the specific reason the couple is struggling to conceive.
00:54:52 20% of the couples we see on average.
Speaker 5
00:54:54 Have what we.Devon
00:54:55 Call unexplained fertility infertility, said Doctor Celso Silva, the medical director at Shady Grove Fertility and Serto.00:55:06 Doctor, Infertility is on the rise, with at least one in 10 couples struggling to get pregnant in the United States, age is a major factor as far as the reproductive potential of any couple.
00:55:20 The age of the female partner, so of course what they're talking about is the fact.
00:55:24 That women are.
00:55:25 Waiting till they're 40 and going.
00:55:27 Maybe I should have a kid now.
00:55:30 According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Advanced maternal age refers to women of 35 and older.
00:55:40 Yeah. Once you get 35, that's.
00:55:44 You know it's.
00:55:45 You kind of you kind of.
00:55:47 Kind of screwed up.
00:55:49 Yeah, that do.
00:55:50 You want to have kids and it's 30.
00:55:51 5:00 and you're not like, at least, uh, yeah, that's whoops.
00:55:58 The term is intended to highlight the increased risk of complications that can occur, such as difficulty conceiving, miscarriage and birth defects.
00:56:11 The age factor is pretty well known, especially among women who seem to be reminded of their ticking clock from relatives, friends or strangers at some point in their lives.
00:56:20 However, new research shows infertility rates could be rising because of sperm counts are also dropping.
00:56:29 All we can say is as significantly declined with no indication that the rate is slowing down.
00:56:39 That's why they are saying by 2045 it might.
00:56:42 Be 0 sperm.
00:56:45 The even idea?
00:56:47 You know, you've seen, like at least you've.
Speaker 5
00:56:49 I hope.Devon
00:56:49 Seen if you have and you should.00:56:50 Look into it the the charts that show the decreasing testosterone in men.
00:56:57 Where, you know young men now today.
00:57:02 Men that are like 20 or their testosterone should be off the ******* charts.
00:57:06 Is like the.
00:57:08 Is like the same level as like a 90 year old man 40 years ago or lower.
00:57:16 40 years ago, like, it's plummeted.
00:57:22 If you're twenty, chances are you've got.
00:57:26 Crazy low testosterone right now.
00:57:30 In America.
00:57:32 Well, sperm counts have done the same little dance in 1973.
Speaker 3
00:57:40 There were 90.Devon
00:57:41 9,000,000 sperm per milliliter of **** ******.Speaker 5
00:57:45 99 million.Devon
00:57:49 In 2011, that's over 10 years ago, or 10 years ago.00:57:55 It was down to 47 million.
00:58:00 47 million.
00:58:04 From 1973 to 2011.
00:58:10 It dropped by over half.
00:58:17 It's not just the number of sperm they have to be shaped well, explained Swan, who described the upstream swim sperm have to travel for conception to occur in her new book, Count Down, Swan says, based on the current curve, sperm counts could be down to 0.
Speaker 5
00:58:33 By 2045.Devon
00:58:41 And she then says that some of it has to do with.00:58:46 You know, a lot of people who are smoking, drinking obesity, stress, you know, those sorts of things.
00:58:55 And then the article goes on.
00:58:58 Here is where things get a little doomsday on us, Swann hypothesizes.
00:59:03 Other factors that we aren't tracking are leading to an eventual fertility crisis eventual.
00:59:11 She said that while you can ask people how much they smoke or what drugs they take, you can't do that with environmental exposures.
00:59:20 Swann believes chemicals from plastics are getting into our bodies, impacting our hormones and ultimately interfering with our reproductive functions.
00:59:31 Phalanges are the culprit.
00:59:32 Remember that word thalatta are chemicals, and plastics are.
00:59:36 It's. I don't.
00:59:37 Know how to.
00:59:37 Pronounce that.Devon
00:59:38 It's PHTHPHTHALATES. I'm going to say because I could say H, But it's I'm going to say Thales palates are chemicals and plastics.00:59:51 That lower the body's testosterone. So these two things are tied. The drop of testosterone and the sperm count. So how do staates get?
00:59:59 Into our bodies.
01:00:01 Swan says they're everywhere.
01:00:03 Any food product that has passed through a soft tube in the manufacturing process has likely absorbed harmful chemicals that could creep into our bodies.
01:00:13 If you eat unprocessed foods, particularly if you can afford it organic food, then you are avoiding a lot of exposure.
01:00:19 However, it's not just the food.
01:00:22 Creams, nail polishes, fragrances and other health and beauty products.
01:00:26 Cleaning products are oozing with phalanx.
Speaker 5
01:00:30 Or palates, maybe I should call it palates.01:00:33 I'm gonna say palates.
01:00:34 In regards to sperm counts, much of the damage is done when a male is forming inside the mother's uterus.01:00:43 Swan said the chemicals get into a woman's body and then into the testicles of the fetus and change development.
01:00:50 When that child becomes old enough to have sperm, they'll have a low sperm count and be infant or be infertile.
01:00:57 And have low testosterone.
01:01:00 And generally just be a weak *****.
01:01:03 Who will usher in the hard times that are?
01:01:07 Rapidly approaching.
01:01:14 So that's.
01:01:16 That's going on.
01:01:17 That was uh.
01:01:21 That article is on my my telegram.
01:01:26 Moving right along.
01:01:29 Now, this one's kind of funny.
01:01:32 Funny, because.
Speaker 3
01:01:34 I don't know who they.Devon
01:01:35 Could be suckering in at this point.01:01:39 You might remember, I think it was maybe two years ago that we first started to hear about the base.
01:01:45 The base.
01:01:47 The Neo Nazi group the base.
01:01:52 Remember that they had that.
01:01:53 Here's the leader of the base, and they showed this photo that looked totally generated, like he didn't look like a real person.
01:02:01 Like it?
01:02:01 Just it.
01:02:01 It literally looked.
01:02:02 Computer generated.
01:02:03 It might have been, I don't know.
01:02:06 It didn't look like a real picture though of.
01:02:08 A real person.
01:02:10 And then and then they.
01:02:12 They it came out that like one of.
01:02:13 The guys in the.
01:02:14 Base was an FBI agent and like it's it's.
01:02:22 It's a an entrapment operation.
01:02:28 And slash false flag operation for the federal government, right?
01:02:37 I thought that was all gone.
01:02:39 You know?
01:02:39 But then, since they made those arrests.
01:02:42 Last year or whatever, right?
01:02:44 But no, apparently they're still trying.
01:02:45 To milk it.
01:02:46 This is from vice.
01:02:47 'S big *** headline neo-Nazi group the base is recruiting again despite FBI takedown.
01:02:56 Oh my God, how could they possibly be operating?
01:03:00 The base.
01:03:01 It's all.
01:03:02 You know, though we'll.
01:03:03 Never be able to.
01:03:04 It's like Cobra, commander.
01:03:06 We'll never.
01:03:06 Be able to take.
01:03:07 Him down.
01:03:10 The ******* base.
01:03:11 They're at it again.
01:03:15 Oh, they even say like.
01:03:16 The the group's founder, a former Homeland Security employee who was living in Russia, has retaken a leadership position after briefly leaving the organization.
01:03:27 Despite an aggressive 2 year old FBI crackdown, decades of prison time facing some of its members, and a founder who lives in Russia under suspicious terms, the neo-Nazi terror group the base not only still exists, but is trying to recruit again.
Speaker 3
01:03:44 Dot dot dot.Devon
01:03:47 According to sources familiar with the recent inner workings of the base.01:03:53 It has somewhat rebounded, though, as a shadow of its former self, the founder Ronaldo Nazaro Ronaldo nonzero is a white supremacist alright, 47 by his own admission, still lingers around the remnants of the group from afar, while at its height.
01:04:12 They boasted around 60 members.
01:04:14 Years, really that at its peak it had sixty members.
01:04:17 Wow, that's dangerous.
01:04:19 The base is now said to compromise of a dozen or so men nationwide and a bad reputation for being a law enforcement honeypot.
01:04:31 Because it is.
01:04:33 In an effort to reinvent itself, the base, which for a time was under the intense pressures of FBI counterterrorism agents, put together a new, shoddily written and unreleased manifesto.
01:04:46 Penned in the winter.
01:04:48 So anyway, it just goes on and on talking about how.
01:04:53 They're afraid of the base.
01:04:56 Be very afraid of the base.
01:04:59 And this goes on forever, like this article is like.
01:05:03 Page is long.
01:05:08 Pages of just be afraid.
01:05:10 Be afraid of the base.
01:05:11 The FBI just can't.
01:05:13 Doesn't seem to.
Speaker 3
01:05:13 Be able to stop them.Devon
01:05:16 You know, if only we were to give the FBI more power.01:05:20 Right.
01:05:23 That's the solution.
01:05:27 We just need to be able to stop these things before they even get started.
01:05:36 You know why?
01:05:37 Why can't we do?
01:05:40 What the Italians do, for example.
01:05:43 There's a story from Reuters.
01:05:48 Italian police seize weapons Nazi flags from far group.
01:05:53 Now The funny thing is they show a picture.
01:05:56 Of the weapons that they confiscated their ******* airsoft guns.
01:06:04 In fact, uh, they they they changed the.
01:06:07 Photo people too, people were noticing.
01:06:10 They have this.
01:06:11 I'll show you the photo and I'll show you the photo before they they.
01:06:14 ****** with it too.
01:06:16 That's pretty funny.
01:06:18 They changed it this morning and they they cropped it because it was apparently.
01:06:24 Too many people were like, why is the tip of?
01:06:26 That pistol orange.
01:06:35 Oh, they must.
01:06:37 That's weird.
01:06:38 It just display.
01:06:38 It's not displaying the whole photo on the website.
01:06:41 Maybe they didn't.
01:06:42 Crop it, but this is the photo they're like.
01:06:45 Oh, look, it's scary.
01:06:46 Look, that a Nazi flag and you know, they had a Mussolini, I think.
01:06:52 Photo there in the background and it handcuffs, you know, like the Super cheap kinds that you can get at Toys-R-Us literally.
01:07:01 They had they had phones.
01:07:04 With some old bullet.
01:07:05 Like you know, some shell casings.
01:07:07 From World War One, you know?
01:07:10 Some blanks, those are blanks.
01:07:12 For those of you don't.
01:07:12 Know you can tell because of the the tip.
01:07:16 You know, I'll show you.
01:07:16 I've I've.
01:07:17 Had guns that.
01:07:17 Shoot blanks.
01:07:19 So none of these are even real guns.
01:07:22 See the the green.
01:07:25 Tip you know there's no bullet sticking out of those shell casings.
01:07:29 There's just like this.
01:07:30 That's like.
01:07:31 A wax.
01:07:32 That's the way blanks look is they have like this green greenish blue wax on the tip and so they're they're essentially just it's fancy cap guns cause like you get one of these blank firing guns.
01:07:44 They look real, they're they're heavy and you load them like a real gun and they use them in movies, right?
01:07:49 And when you shoot, they eject the.
01:07:51 Shell and you know the the.
01:07:52 The the the.
01:07:55 The casing and everything, right?
01:07:56 So it looks like it like you.
01:07:57 Can sit there.
01:07:58 And go through a clip and it looks.
01:08:03 Or a magazine or whatever.
01:08:04 I'm sorry, I'm not like.
01:08:04 A super gun guy.
01:08:05 So yeah, anyway.
01:08:08 But you get, you know, I mean like.
01:08:09 It looks real.
01:08:12 And they're showing you.
01:08:14 And most people are *******.
01:08:15 They'll look at that.
01:08:16 And be like oh.
01:08:16 Wow, they had.
Speaker 5
01:08:17 They had guns.Devon
01:08:19 And handcuffs.01:08:20 Looking at look, they have the there's the airsoft pellets.
01:08:25 So it's an airsoft gun with the orange tip with airsoft.
01:08:30 It's, it's this.
01:08:32 That's that.
01:08:33 Looks like the same one just black.
01:08:35 It's hard to tell from this angle, but notice how they cover the tip of that one.
01:08:39 So because it's probably more obvious, right?
01:08:42 So they found two airsoft pistols.
01:08:45 They found some blanks and some like.
Speaker 5
01:08:50 Two like 1.Devon
01:08:53 Or two shell shell casings from like World War 2 probably or something.01:09:00 And that's like their big get.
01:09:02 It's kind of like.
01:09:03 When you see those.
01:09:03 Photos when the the UK cops will be like, oh we, we raided this home and we found all these weapons and it's like a a butter knife, you know, a butter knife and a ******* spork.
01:09:19 But wait, wait till you hear about this.
01:09:21 See the fight?
01:09:21 Is this.
01:09:22 This is enough.
01:09:23 And we're ****** in America in a totally different way. But Europe's ****** just because, like.
01:09:28 Right.
01:09:28 Because of this ****.
01:09:29 Right.
01:09:30 And you can't even have, like, this is scary to them.
01:09:33 Like you can't have AR fifteens and **** like that.
01:09:36 But why?
01:09:37 Why say here?
01:09:38 How did this even went down?
01:09:40 Italian police said they found weapons, Nazi flags and pictures of dictator Benito Mussolini in the.
01:09:46 Homes of the members.
01:09:47 Of a white supremacist movement who were trying to build a new fascist party.
01:09:52 They were just trying to do.
01:09:54 A political party.
01:09:58 Alright, officers searched the homes of 25 people belonging to the quote Last Legion Group on Thursday on suspicion.
01:10:06 See and check.
01:10:07 This out.
01:10:07 This is what this is.
01:10:09 Where we're headed and this is what?
01:10:12 Already is going on in Italy.
01:10:14 They were able to.
01:10:15 Search their homes.
01:10:17 On suspicion of spreading hatred on the Internet.
01:10:21 Against Muslims, homosexuals and Jews.
01:10:29 OK. So in Italy apparently.
01:10:32 If they suspect.
01:10:35 That you don't like Jews.
01:10:38 They can bust into your house and search it and try to find something to arrest you.
01:10:45 For that same **** is it's just.
01:10:48 A breath away here.
01:10:53 It's a breath away.
01:10:57 Investigators seized knives, ammunition, guns and fascist memorabilia stored by members who openly defined themselves as fascists.
01:11:05 Oh my God.
01:11:07 And advocated violence as a way.
01:11:09 To solve political conflict.
01:11:12 I always have rings on my fingers and a.
01:11:17 I don't know what that is with.
01:11:18 Me now I also.
01:11:20 Have a machete, not a machete.
01:11:24 Read a message sent by one last Legion member to another.
01:11:28 Intercepted by police.
01:11:29 So they're spying on their text messages, too.
01:11:32 Here's the thing.
01:11:35 We know that look just by looking at the fact that the oh, they had a picture of Mussolini and Nazi flagging some airsoft guns.
01:11:44 These guys weren't the real deal.
01:11:49 But they're still going to ******* pay the price.
01:11:53 The black pill is guys.
01:11:55 There is no real deal.
01:11:58 There is no secret club of based people that are going to swoop in.
01:12:01 And save everybody.
01:12:09 And these guys were just Larping around.
01:12:12 As that.
01:12:14 In the same way.
01:12:16 The Q Anon people.
01:12:18 We're larping around.
01:12:21 And admittedly, much gayer way.
01:12:37 There is no secret army that's going to come swoop in and save you.
01:12:43 And you can't use the system, that's.
01:12:45 Going around crushing.
01:12:48 People that are even Larping.
01:12:53 As the secret army.
01:12:57 You can't use that system.
01:13:00 It's designed to destroy you.
01:13:02 It's goals.
01:13:04 It's not collateral damage.
01:13:06 It's not friendly.
01:13:08 Its goals are your destruction.
01:13:22 That's their intention.
01:13:28 These guys were just trying to start a fascist party.
01:13:30 It was going to go nowhere.
01:13:33 They could have just left the, but no.
01:13:38 Because they hate you.
01:13:46 Remember, it was just a few.
01:13:47 Years ago, when everyone thought, oh, and it's the rise of the royal boss, now he's turning the boats away.
01:13:55 Oh yeah, and then.
01:13:57 You'd show him pictures of him bowing before the.
01:14:00 Wailing wall in Israel.
01:14:03 Ohh, ignore that Devin, he's based.
01:14:06 This is the it's the populist uprising.
01:14:15 How that workout?
01:14:20 White pillars or white killers?
01:14:27 Fantasy fantasyland.
01:14:28 ******* fairy tale ********.
01:14:46 So that's what was going on in Italy.
01:14:49 And based Italy.
01:14:53 Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Speaker 5
01:15:04 All right, moving right along.Devon
01:15:15 So I'd like at this point.01:15:20 I would like to do a public service announcement.
01:15:26 Especially for those of you who have managed to somehow get children.
01:15:31 Despite the obstacles and making that happen.
01:15:35 The growing the growing.
01:15:42 Ever intensifying obstacles.
01:15:48 In making that happen.
01:15:50 But if if somehow somehow you've managed to make that.
01:15:53 Happen good on you.
01:15:56 But make sure your kids.
01:15:59 See this public service announcement.
01:16:01 It's very important.
01:16:08 It's very important.
01:16:10 I can resize this.
Speaker 1
01:16:29 We're gonna get it soon.Speaker 8
01:16:33 And then we can play together.01:16:37 I'm so excited.
01:16:38 We will get to play together when it's done.
01:16:41 That shot we will get to play together when it's done.
01:16:46 The shot we will get to play together.
01:16:49 We will get.
01:16:50 To play together, we will get to play together when it's done the shot.
01:17:01 Speaking of obstacles.01:17:08 There's one staring right right into your soul right there.
01:17:14 Ah boy.01:17:21 Oh boy.
01:17:25 There's one more.01:17:27 News story I wanted to show you guys.
01:17:30 Actually, there's a few.
01:17:31 More I want to go over.
01:17:34 Before we do that.
01:17:39 I'm going to show you another.
01:17:41 Awesome video.
01:17:42 Because here's the thing.
01:17:46 You might say to yourself, well, my kids.
01:17:52 Again, want those of you who have somehow navigated the the modern world successfully enough to have them, my kids.
01:18:02 They're not going to get the shot.
01:18:05 **** that.
01:18:08 They're not going to get the shot.
01:18:12 Well, not so fast.
Speaker 6
01:18:12 Well, you need the.Devon
01:18:14 Not so fast.01:18:16 Especially if you live in Canada.
Speaker 6
01:18:22 Well, they need their parents permission to get vaccines.01:18:25 And in terms of, I guess just capacity and vaccination sites will.
01:18:29 Those students will.
01:18:31 Those youth be able to have their their parents a guardian, accompany them in to get their vaccines.
01:18:36 How will that look once children start being vaccinated?
Speaker 9
01:18:39 So we don't actually require for even our our.01:18:42 Or routine grade 7 vaccinations.
01:18:44 There they don't actually have to have parental consent, it's on the judgment of the immunizer whether whether the child they the youth is determined to be able to make their own decision around vaccine and that will carry through.
01:18:59 For this for COVID vaccination.
01:19:01 You got that?01:19:04 It's not up to you whether or not you're.
01:19:07 Your kid gets vaccinated.
01:19:10 It's up to the person holding the syringe.
01:19:14 They get to evaluate whether or not your kid.
01:19:16 Should be.
01:19:17 Stuck with said syringe.
01:19:25 If you live in Canada.
01:19:27 And coming soon to a western country near you.
01:19:43 Canada is basically America only, just slightly gayer.
01:19:47 I don't want to say they're.
01:19:48 Like ahead of the curve.
01:19:50 In terms of like global **** ****, because there's some things that they.
01:19:54 Do lag on.
01:19:58 Like, we're not completely parallel.
01:20:05 They're certainly gayer.
01:20:06 So if you want to know what like?
01:20:07 A gay or America?
01:20:09 Will look like and you look at the trend lines, America is going to be gayer.
01:20:16 So look at look at Canada.
01:20:23 And the same thing can be said about a.
01:20:25 Lot of really almost every other country in the Anglosphere.
01:20:32 I'd say every other English speaking, formerly white country.
01:20:41 Is gayer than America.
01:20:42 You know, if nothing else, it's it's still gayer than America.
01:20:48 Right?
01:20:49 It's gay as **** here.
01:20:55 But I don't know.
01:20:56 There's probably pockets of based in, in, in all these countries, just like in America, there's there are pockets of based.
01:21:04 But it's mostly just fagot **** at this point.
01:21:07 So uh, that's uh.
01:21:11 That's Canada for you.
01:21:22 Homeschool your kids.
Speaker 5
01:21:26 Homeschool your kids.Devon
01:21:32 And if you're worried about.01:21:35 Oh, I can't homeschool my kids.
01:21:37 I can't.
01:21:38 Can't have a homestead.
01:21:39 I can't try to build, build a community that way, Waco, Waco, Waco, Waco, Ruby Ridge.
01:21:49 Again once again.
01:21:54 Here's who you're afraid of.
01:22:00 And by the way.
01:22:01 This is this is also it's a good illustration of of how much Trump's.
01:22:08 You know what little gains you thought you you got out of Trump, how they're obliterated months after he's gone.
01:22:16 Air Force Academy Academy kicks off transgender working group hopes to achieve a smooth rollout of new White House and Department of Defense Policy.
01:22:33 ******** in the Air Force.
01:22:44 We we're you're going to have because like I said, not just because I mean for.
01:22:49 No other reason.
01:22:52 You have no one else to pick.
01:22:57 Zoomers are gay as ****, like off the charts.
01:23:00 Gay, the gayest generation.
01:23:06 Certainly in modern times.
01:23:09 So they have to.
01:23:14 For recruiting, they have to.
01:23:17 They don't have enough people as it is.
01:23:19 Because who the **** wants to like, really, like.
01:23:24 Who wants to fight for America?
01:23:29 Because a you're not even really doing that.
01:23:31 You're usually fighting for Israel or something else, right?
01:23:34 But even if you were fighting for America.
01:23:37 Why the **** bother with that ****?
01:23:42 The same America that that is undermining you and your family at every *******, you know, at every turn, trying to literally trying to exterminate you and replace you.
01:23:54 You're going to fight their wars too.
01:23:55 You're going to be their tax cow and and fight their wars.
01:23:59 Why the **** would you want to do that?
01:24:05 Who would want to do that?
01:24:07 And the answer is, you know.
01:24:09 It's less than fewer and fewer people.
01:24:12 Want to do that?
01:24:15 So this is what they're reduced to.
01:24:19 They have to accept trainings, they have to accept or accept degenerates.
01:24:33 Because they have no one else.
01:24:40 So even if it wasn't part of some.
01:24:43 Woke agenda, you know, to normalize that it's it's it's already normalized.
01:24:52 When you see stuff like this, this isn't like, oh, they're trying to normal.
01:24:56 No, it's normalized.
01:24:57 Dude, wake up.
01:25:00 This is just marketing to the the demographic that exists now.
01:25:05 As a result of it already being normalized.
01:25:08 This is them advertising the normal people.
01:25:12 You're not normal.
01:25:21 You're gonna ignore me, right?
01:25:26 Normies are **** now.
01:25:27 Normies are.
01:25:29 This is this is what appeals to normies.
01:25:38 You lost the culture war.
Speaker 3
01:25:42 Without ever without.Devon
01:25:43 Even without ever firing a shot.01:25:46 The war was lost.
01:25:48 It's over.
01:25:57 And now this is just normal advertising.
01:26:06 And acting like.
01:26:07 Oh, this is just this is they're trying to inject wokeness, no?
Speaker 3
01:26:13 It's already injected.Devon
01:26:26 And now they must crush any and all.01:26:30 Potential opposition.
01:26:37 Chinese spy ****** Eric Swalwell said on Twitter.
01:26:43 Or announced on Twitter rather.
01:26:45 We just voted 252.
01:26:48 To 175 to create an independent.
01:26:53 I'm sure bipartisan, actually accurate.
01:26:58 Wake up and is accurate.
01:27:01 January 6, the Commission.
01:27:05 35 Republicans had the courage and decency to join us.
01:27:17 That's all right.
01:27:17 We're going to vote them all.
01:27:18 Out right.
01:27:19 And then we'll win.
01:27:20 We'll get those rhinos.
01:27:23 We'll get the names of those rhinos and we'll primary them and then and then.
01:27:33 ******* pathetic.
01:27:36 Tied as already turned.
01:27:40 So what this is going to boil down to is they're they're going to investigate why this was allowed to happen, and why supremacy, and you know.
01:27:49 And it'll be used to justify more funding to.
01:27:53 Further erode what little appearance of privacy that you have.
01:28:03 You used to lock you up for having airsoft guns and pictures of Mussolini.
01:28:11 Sir, we must search your house.
01:28:13 We suspect you don't like Jews.
01:28:19 Remember I said you better live like a criminal.
01:28:26 Because you're going to be a criminal, whether.
01:28:28 You want to be or not.
01:28:38 It has.
01:28:39 It has nothing to do with.
01:28:43 Morality or?
01:28:51 Your existence.
01:28:57 Is an offence to them.
01:29:00 You're like an odor.
01:29:04 In the air, they can smell you.
01:29:14 They're not going to be happy till they.
01:29:15 Get rid of that smell.
01:29:37 I'm going to play a random video.
01:29:45 Sprint to the bathrooms I.
Speaker 5
01:29:47 Don't think it's a very long one.Speaker
01:29:53 Let's see here.Devon
01:29:56 Did I play this?01:29:57 I don't I.
01:29:58 Don't think I played this before.
01:30:03 It's it's it's, it is random.
01:30:05 There's not really a whole lot of context or anything you're going to get.
01:30:08 It's just random.
01:30:11 In fact, it's.
01:30:12 The funny thing is, this isn't what your future is looking going to look like.
01:30:16 It's what your past already looks like.
Speaker 5
01:30:17 This is what I'm.01:30:18 Talking about, it's already done, it's.
01:30:19 Already happened, this is just.
01:30:20 It this is this is the comedy.01:30:23 The comedy that you live in now.
01:30:27 What's your tone?
01:30:29 I wish you.
01:30:30 Would try to kill me.
01:30:31 Don't look at that thing.
01:30:33 I'm talking to you.
01:30:36 I don't like you telling her to shut up.
01:30:38 And don't you ever tell me to shut up because I checked out my ready.
01:30:42 Mad about you and I said anyway.
01:30:47 Now see, I have filed.
01:30:51 Under, that's official confirmation.
01:30:53 Eighteen 6/18/63.
01:30:56 Y'all are violent.
01:30:58 You you saying that you you would.
01:31:00 Like even Fuller, please.
01:31:05 Greta Bella.
01:31:08 I'm upset.
01:31:10 I told you all about the school closes too.
01:31:13 You know, you're not fighting.
01:31:14 Wanted to dream like a Malcolm X said no more friends.
01:31:20 I've got a lot of you criminals.
01:31:21 You know.
01:31:24 What's her name?
01:31:26 She went to.
01:31:27 And I told you I like you know, I want.
01:31:29 To go to prison.
01:31:31 Larry Taylor Turner at Rainier Beach.
01:31:37 You know, now there's nothing but criminal.
01:31:40 And I will tell I will.
01:31:42 I will.
01:31:42 I will say nothing against your glass or salary, but you, darling, you just like a what's his name?
01:31:51 She don't like, you know, you you little sneaky too.
01:31:55 But you gonna slide either.
01:31:58 But you know what?
01:31:59 Whatever I do, I will not let this.
01:32:04 And you got a brother.
01:32:06 You need to step down.
01:32:08 Doctors and engineers, my friends.
01:32:11 Future leaders.
01:32:17 The funny thing is, this is this is someone that had the.
01:32:19 Wherewithal to even go.
01:32:20 To like a school board meeting.
01:32:26 Anyway, there's a random video that has nothing with anything really well.
Speaker 5
01:32:32 In a way, I guess it does.Speaker 3
01:32:37 But anyway.Devon
01:32:44 Well, that's about.01:32:45 All the news I think that I feel like covering.
01:32:47 I think there was there might have been one more story.
01:32:49 I guess we can kind.
01:32:50 Of go through it.
01:32:50 It's not.
01:32:52 I don't.
01:32:52 Know let me.
01:32:52 Look and see.
01:32:53 It's not really that big of a deal.
01:32:57 Oh well, you know the.
01:33:01 Yeah, there's.
01:33:02 There's two more stories, actually I wanted.
Speaker 5
01:33:04 To cover.Devon
01:33:10 South, there's this one.01:33:13 Forgot about this one.
01:33:37 Here we are.Devon
01:33:52 OK, where is that?01:33:57 Marriage is going to look different.
01:34:02 After the pandemic.
01:34:05 Oh, that's weird.
01:34:07 What would the pandemic have to do with?
01:34:10 With marriage.
01:34:13 The two seem unrelated, but are they really?
01:34:17 The pandemic exposed the pitfalls of the pitfalls.
01:34:23 Of traditional marriage and some couples are turning into or turning to.
01:34:33 To meet their needs.
01:34:39 As the old nursery rhyme goes, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes dot dot dot.
01:34:49 Even more lovers.
01:34:51 All living together in harmonious polycule.
01:34:58 To notice that they didn't, they they cut out the children part.
01:35:02 And yet, despite its existence since the beginning of time.
01:35:08 Polyamory, wherein a person has more than one partner, has yet to infiltrate the mainstream in a way that doesn't imply a laugh about swingers or sister wives.
01:35:23 The two see this is.
01:35:25 They won't be happy until they've they've they've got everything.
01:35:29 Pedophilia is.
01:35:31 Well, the two person monogamous union has long reigned as the prototypical relationship in the US and reminder it took two centuries for the the American definition of marriage.
01:35:46 And even include.
01:35:48 Same sex partners. It took him 200 years, guys. But don't worry, you'll roll it back next week if you can just get rid of those rhinos.
01:35:59 But now post pandemic ethical, non monogamy.
01:36:04 Could be getting a long overdue pop culture rebrand.
01:36:08 Pop culture rebrand is just another way of saying firmware update.
01:36:16 Society's view of Poly relationships has already come a long way since showtimes and TLC's shook or shocked value based reality shows.
01:36:29 What was once largely stereotyped as an alternative lifestyle full of reckless promiscuity and commitment phobias.
01:36:38 Has begun earning more mainstream attention.
01:36:41 As a practical way to live, you know, kind of like in brave new world.
01:36:49 This acceptance is owed in part to greater awareness.
01:36:54 It's it's greater awareness.
01:36:57 From Jada Pinkett Smith's Facebook.
01:37:02 The show red table talk.
01:37:05 Which recently aired an episode on the subject with 4.3 million views so far. See, these are firmware updates.
01:37:15 To the polyamory subreddit, with 200,000 members and counting.
01:37:22 Where people talk out the practicalities of going Poly.
01:37:29 There are also podcasts.
01:37:32 Making polyamory work?
01:37:35 Normalizing non monogamy.
01:37:38 And articles and mainstream publications.
01:37:42 Spreading the word.
01:37:50 We've got a little video here.
Speaker 10
01:37:52 Could you imagine being in?01:37:54 A group.
01:37:56 I'll play this for you guys.01:37:57 How about that?
01:38:07 This is a little clip of.
01:38:12 One of their.
01:38:15 Firmware update shows.
01:38:17 Oh ****.
01:38:19 Never mind.
01:38:24 How is that 2 gigabytes?
01:38:29 Play it this way.
01:38:35 Let's see if this will work.
01:38:45 Alright, we're going to play it this way.
Speaker 10
01:38:55 And loving everyone equally, no.Speaker 11
01:38:57 It's being called the new relationship revolution.Speaker 10
01:39:03 Could you imagine being in a?01:39:04 Group and loving everyone equally.
Speaker 11
01:39:07 No, it's being called the new relationship revolution polyamory, engaging in multiple intimate relationships at the same time, with nearly half of marriages ending in divorce.Speaker 10
01:39:18 So the main reasons why divorces happen is infidelity.Speaker 11
01:39:21 Less couples are saying I do, and more young people are experimenting with a new kind of love.Speaker 10
01:39:27 How did you feel when I told you that?Speaker
01:39:29 I was playing with you.Speaker 12
01:39:30 It feels like it's really all just centered around sets.01:39:35 Don't get frustrated, Willow redefining.
Speaker 11
01:39:37 Redefining relationships already brought your boyfriend with you.01:39:42 How many other relationships?
01:39:44 Are you involved in right?
01:39:45 Rewriting the rules you consider yourself a power is traditional marriage, a thing of.
Speaker 10
01:39:51 The past, the history of.01:39:52 Marriage really irks me.
01:39:54 Stay tuned.Speaker 12
01:39:55 I love the interrupt because I I.Devon
01:39:57 Am struggling here, I am struggling.Speaker 10
01:40:03 Could you imagine being in a group?Devon
01:40:06 So there you go.01:40:07 That's the firmware update that they're deploying.
01:40:16 Or one of the one of the many firmware updates because it takes a lot to reach all the normies.
01:40:20 There's there's so many outlets now.
01:40:22 They used to just have a couple networks.
01:40:23 There was no big.
01:40:24 But now they got a lot of.
01:40:26 A lot of options to cover, like many trends that were already in progress Pre pandemic, such as working from home or only wearing a bra.
01:40:34 If you feel like it the past year of quarantine has only accelerated this mainstreaming of non monogamy.
01:40:42 According to a report by Rolling Stone.
01:40:46 As we all.
01:40:47 Know is a very credible source of information. 4 to 5% of people in the United States practice polyamory, and roughly 20% of the population has been in the polyamorous relationship in their lives. While it's too soon to gather data, some experts predict the post pandemic spike in polyamorous.
01:41:06 Relationships, especially among people who are already married.
01:41:13 Tammy Nelson, pH, DA. Sex and relationship therapist and author of the forthcoming book The New Monogamy.
01:41:23 Sees 2 main reasons for a post pandemic pecue in Poly relationships.
01:41:30 The desire for.
01:41:31 Someone new, both in the bedroom and otherwise, and the need for support, whether that be emotional or a variety of or a variety, or in running a household.
01:41:44 It's all very important you see, with increased domesticity.
01:41:51 That's kind of funny.
01:41:52 They're basically saying.
01:41:55 As you become more docile as you become these docile little puppies in your cages at the pet store, increased parental responsibilities.
01:42:06 Well, really increase stress and and decrease stress.
01:42:14 That decrease decreases desire.
01:42:17 Arousal, pleasure and satisfaction.
01:42:21 Many married people felt understandably, that at their at their wits end, she says.
01:42:26 In other words, the pandemic created the perfect storm for exposing the faults of a traditional marriage.
01:42:35 There aren't enough bodies around to ensure that everything in the home runs smoothly and the adults are getting adequate time without kids to be, so they're basically saying.
01:42:48 Because you're worked like slaves.
01:42:52 And you can't have your career.
01:42:56 And and do your family thing at the same time.
01:42:58 You better cheat on people that feel good.
01:43:02 Yeah, the weight of all this could be could take anyone's libido or add to an already stressful desire mismatch, making the idea of 1/3 partner or more start to sound not just exciting, but a relief.
01:43:26 There you go.
01:43:27 Then it goes on and on and on, like this is a really.
01:43:30 ******* long article.
01:43:33 Let's go.
01:43:34 Let's go to the the the conclusion.
01:43:38 Usually with these articles they say.
01:43:40 What they really mean towards the end.
01:43:45 Doctor Nelson points out to a study conducted by Ashley Madison, the controversial website for non monogamous people looking to cheat on their partners.
01:43:54 Which found that many of the sites users were not looking to leave their relationships.
01:43:59 Rather they were seeking something in addition to their current relationships.
01:44:05 Well, especially the women, right?
01:44:07 You don't want to put an end to the gravy train where you can just cheat on your husband.
01:44:12 It would seem, then, that the polyamory is a modern solution.
01:44:18 For a modern world, a world in which we're conditioned to believe that our partners should be our everything.
01:44:26 Not just our lovers, but our Co parents.
01:44:29 Best friends, travel buddies, therapists, intellectual equals and more.
01:44:35 Acting on attraction outside of a monogamous relationship, she continues, will be seen as more normal.
01:44:42 More reasonable, more legitimate.
01:44:46 Hear that?
01:44:48 In the future that they envision.
01:44:52 Being attracted to your secretary and just acting on that is it won't be seen as a betrayal of any kind of wedding vows because it really won't be.
01:45:03 Marriage will be reduced to just a living arrangement.
01:45:07 You'll just be roommates.
01:45:10 Roommates that **** other people.
01:45:14 And maybe sometimes each other.
01:45:15 If it's convenient, you don't have anyone else around.
01:45:22 You'll have 0, not.
Speaker 3
01:45:23 Only will you you see how to what degree.Devon
01:45:26 They want to atomize you.01:45:30 It's not enough that they've destroyed any institution that you might want to belong to that would empower you.
01:45:39 It's not enough that they destroyed any community that you might be a part of that might allow you to rally like minded people together and exert some kind of power.
01:45:55 It's not enough.
01:45:56 They they've destroyed religion.
01:45:59 It's not enough that they've destroyed culture.
01:46:06 It's not enough that they're they've locked you in your homes.
01:46:11 So you can't even have barbecues with your neighbors.
01:46:15 They are not going to be happy.
01:46:18 Until you you don't.
01:46:19 Even have a stable relationship with someone you can't.
01:46:26 Everything is fleeting.
01:46:33 And what's this going to mean for the children that are produced in these relationships?
01:46:36 Same thing.
01:46:37 No stability.
01:46:40 This will be completely like it basically is already normalized, right?
01:46:44 Like if someone tells you that this is their.
01:46:47 Lifestyle quote UN quote.
01:46:50 You act weird.
01:46:51 You probably get get sent to hour.
01:46:54 So this is already accepted normal.
01:46:58 Right.
01:46:59 Can't can't discriminate against it in global ****, it's already normal.
01:47:04 It's already here.
01:47:07 And when children are produced.
01:47:08 In this environment, they're going to be.
Speaker 5
01:47:10 Super ****** **.Devon
01:47:13 And super atomized.01:47:15 And probably in many cases passed around like ********.
01:47:20 Because it's just going to be random people in and out of these houses, right?
01:47:29 And that's what they want.
01:47:35 They want to smash you to bits.
01:47:42 They just want you to be floating particles.
01:47:51 They want to pulverize you.
01:48:01 Many Poly people stressed that opening up a relationship is not simple.
01:48:05 And it isn't a solution to all existing relationship problems.
01:48:11 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
01:48:22 Which brings us back to the concept of marriage itself, and a piece for Glamour magazine published last year, writer Liz Lenz.
01:48:32 Went viral when she explained that took a divorce to make my marriage equal.
01:48:45 They don't want you to have any kind of relationships that might.
01:49:00 They want you completely dependent on their products.
01:49:05 And services.
01:49:11 A battery in a pod that.
01:49:15 Even a steady diet of bugs.
01:49:29 And and you know, somehow somehow the pandemic.
01:49:33 Makes this more palatable.
01:49:38 It's funny, the weird things they've decided like.
Speaker 5
01:49:41 Oh well, you.Devon
01:49:41 Know now that we've had the pandemic marriage is is, is obsolete, right?01:49:48 We all know that thanks to the pandemic, like it's really revealed how much marriage is just obsolete and bad, and you should just go around ******* everybody, right?
01:49:57 Because the pandemic.
01:50:06 It makes no ******* sense, but OK.
01:50:12 So then I was looking for news stories.
01:50:20 I came across this story.
01:50:26 I'm just going to show you the picture of this guy.
01:50:28 You'll know, like where this.
Speaker 5
01:50:29 Is going.Devon
01:50:32 Look at this genius.01:50:36 Look at this guy.
01:50:41 Look at this guy.
01:50:42 Look at this winner.
01:50:46 And I knew he would look like.
01:50:47 This even though the.
01:50:48 Story I found did not include a photo of him.
01:50:52 And it'll go look for the photo.
01:50:54 Because I knew.
01:50:56 Well, if you're not showing me a photo.
01:51:00 When you tell me this horrific thing this guy did.
01:51:04 I know exactly what he looks.
01:51:05 Like and I was not wrong.
01:51:11 I was not wrong.
01:51:14 Anytime you see a headline and then and it's something horrific like the.
01:51:20 Headline. I'm about.
01:51:20 To read here.
01:51:22 If underneath the headline, there's like a stock photo of like police lights or the the police tape or something like that.
01:51:33 Just imagine that guy.
01:51:35 That's that's the guy they're talking about.
01:51:38 It's always that guy.
01:51:43 Here's the horrific headline.
01:51:47 Toddlers heart ripped in half.
01:51:52 While under care of Momma's boyfriend.
01:51:57 Indiana cops say.
01:52:02 Toddlers heart ripped in half.
01:52:08 While under care of Mommy's boyfriend, Indiana, cops say.
01:52:15 A 17 month old child.
01:52:19 Died in minutes.
01:52:22 Due to injuries he suffered while in the care of his mother's boyfriend, Indiana police say.
01:52:31 The boyfriend, 27 year old Shaquille Lowe.
01:52:36 Was charged with battery of a minor, causing death.
01:52:40 And neglect of a dependent resulting in death.
01:52:43 Court records show.
01:52:46 The boy was identified by Allen County coroner as Aiden Clark.
01:52:53 According to court records obtained by WPT A.
01:52:58 Roe told police his girlfriend left him at Fort Wayne at the Fort Wayne home.
01:53:05 With her twin children.
01:53:08 They're twins, huh? This is.
01:53:13 So there's like a twin epidemic.
01:53:17 At one point after she left.
01:53:20 Rose said he was showering when he heard one of the children crying.
01:53:27 One of them were crying.
01:53:28 You better split his ******* heart in half.
01:53:34 Aiden was wheezing and not breathing properly while he was lying on the ground, so Rose says he called 911 and attempted CPR. Yeah, right.
01:53:48 Roe was giving the child CPR when first responders arrived.
01:53:55 And the boy was taken to hospital, according the affidavit.
01:54:00 Aiden was pronounced dead at the hospital.
01:54:03 First responders found bruising to Aiden's neck and chest that they believed was indicative of some type of abuse.
01:54:13 Police said, according to.
01:54:15 Wayne, it must be some child service type thing.
01:54:19 That was confirmed in an autopsy performed Tuesday.
01:54:23 The coroner ruled 8 and died from blunt force injuries to the chest.
01:54:29 Calling the death a homicide.
01:54:32 Aiden suffered A fractured sternum.
01:54:35 And his heart was ripped in half.
01:54:39 According to the affidavit.
01:54:43 So he punched a 17.
01:54:46 Month old.
01:54:48 Hard enough.
01:54:51 To break their sternum.
01:54:55 And rip their heart in half.
01:55:02 But not just that, he also suffered a massive amount of blood loss due to his spleen kidney.
01:55:11 And pancreas.
01:55:13 Also sustaining damage.
01:55:19 Aidan likely died within 2 to 5 minutes of suffering his injuries, according to court records.
01:55:29 The boys mother declined to speak with police, only saying that she left the twins alone.
01:55:36 With Roe around 2 hours before he.
01:55:39 Called 911.
01:55:42 And he's out on bail.
01:55:47 He's a freeman and he's not worried about anything happened to him, you know?
01:55:51 Then it's not.
01:55:51 Like, he's worried that.
01:55:53 The townspeople are going to get torches and go to his house and, you know, cause trouble.
01:55:58 He's just out on bail.
01:55:59 He's probably getting ****** ** right now.
01:56:01 Maybe punching another kid.
01:56:03 And who knows?
01:56:09 This type of **** happens every day.
01:56:13 Every ****** ******* day.
01:56:20 Every ****** ******* day.
01:56:27 Now to be fair, I don't know.
01:56:32 If the mother and the kids are white.
01:56:37 I could not find a photo of them anywhere.
01:56:41 It's hard enough finding this guy's photo.
01:56:47 So who knows?
01:56:49 But the kid's name is Aiden, which is not exactly a.
01:56:53 The same name that you know it's not, Shaquille. Like this guy's name, so who knows.
01:56:59 Who knows?
01:57:01 Just Full disclosure.
01:57:06 But regardless, it's still, you know.
01:57:11 Who punches ******* baby so hard it breaks their sternum and rips their heart in half, you know?
01:57:20 But that's the price of diversity.
01:57:23 A price that we're always paying.
01:57:25 With no benefit, there's no benefit.
01:57:34 And you have to understand this, the ruling class, they're not ********.
01:57:41 You have to understand.
01:57:43 There's no benefit to you.
01:57:46 In fact, there's a lot of dangers for you.
01:57:55 And again, it's not that.
01:57:58 For the ruling class, they don't.
01:57:59 They just don't know or they're just misguided and they think, Oh well, you know the the well, you know the the, the lower class whites that aren't us, you know, maybe they'll have to suffer through some rough times while we get this all figured out and a bunch of them left to die.
01:58:14 At the hands of people like Shaquille here.
01:58:17 But you know.
01:58:18 It's it's fine.
01:58:20 It'll work.
01:58:20 It's eventually.
01:58:21 It'll work.
01:58:22 It's it's not.
01:58:22 It's not that.
01:58:28 They're getting what they want.
01:58:42 They're accomplishing this is.
01:58:44 Their goal?
01:58:52 Now we'll look at a cool.
01:58:53 Car chase video and then.
01:58:54 We'll go to chat and then we'll wrap things up.
01:58:58 All right.
01:58:59 This was in Florida.
01:59:01 I believe diversity strikes again as it always does.
01:59:06 A bunch of diversity.
01:59:11 Did a home invasion in Florida and.
01:59:14 Got in a police chase.
01:59:18 And it's actually kind of.
01:59:21 You know, like I said on telegram, I guess if we're going to get anything out of the diversity experiment, maybe we'll get some exciting.
01:59:33 Car chase videos if nothing else.
01:59:41 So here's some fancy.
Speaker 5
01:59:44 Car chase video stuff.Devon
01:59:52 Might as well get something out of it, right?Speaker 5
01:59:59 There's no audio, but.Devon
02:00:03 Still pretty cool.02:00:10 Ohh loses control. Boom.
02:00:21 And it's another one of those things where.
02:00:25 I saw the.
02:00:28 Just saw the headline car chase.
02:00:30 I knew immediately that that's what they would look like.
02:00:34 Right there.
02:00:36 I knew immediately I didn't have to watch.
02:00:38 I didn't have to watch this video and know that's who they'd.
02:00:41 Pull out of that truck.
02:00:57 That was completely predictable.
02:01:05 There you go.
02:01:15 A net loss of on society, every single one that you see.
02:01:21 Is a net loss on your society every single?
02:01:25 Black that you see in America.
02:01:32 Every single one.
02:01:36 Every single one.
02:01:37 Costs you money.
02:01:39 Your pain.
02:01:41 You're paying for the privilege.
02:01:44 Of having this.
02:01:47 In your environment and having this.
02:01:53 And your environment.
02:01:56 Having this.
02:02:00 Remember this guy?
02:02:04 They're awesome guy.
02:02:12 You're paying.
02:02:13 It's a net loss.
02:02:16 And again, just just economically wanting in every other way, but just it's.
02:02:22 Economically, going by the numbers you're paying.
02:02:30 Your taxes.
02:02:34 Are high.
02:02:36 Because they're paying for these people to be in your society.
02:02:44 And you can't cancel the subscription.
02:02:48 You can't say you.
02:02:49 Know what I I tried this out.
02:02:51 I don't think I.
02:02:52 Like this?
02:03:02 There's no way to cancel your subscription to diversity.
02:03:05 Once you let it in, it's in.
02:03:19 But the real danger is white supremacists, right?
02:03:28 Alright, let's take a.
02:03:29 Look at chat.
02:03:40 People talking about 13 does 15.
02:03:47 What's with the disclaimer? This channels broadcast may contain personal views that does not represent trovo's ideals.
Speaker 7
02:03:52 Is that really?Devon
02:03:55 That's pretty funny.02:03:56 I didn't know they were doing that.
02:04:03 I like.
02:04:03 I like that they're doing that, though.
02:04:05 That's pretty funny.
02:04:07 Was not aware that they that they were putting disclaimers on my streams.
02:04:18 Well, The funny thing is, I mean, look.
02:04:21 I'm going to have to go to Odyssey.
02:04:22 Eventually, right?
02:04:26 Hopefully they've worked out some of the kinks, so maybe sooner rather than later.
02:04:30 We move over to Odyssey.
02:04:33 It's just I feel like this is just a game where because even odyssey people think that ohh well, odyssey is block sharing your current.
02:04:39 No, it's it's not.
02:04:41 It's on the library blockchain, but it's still they, they can shift.
02:04:44 Can you anytime they want.
02:04:47 So it's it's.
02:04:51 It's just playing a game.
02:04:52 The thing is, I draw enough people to where they don't want it.
02:04:55 There's such a new kind of platform that they want users.
02:05:00 And it's I mean, D live said the same thing.
02:05:02 D Live openly said like you know, our plan is to let these streamers use our platform until they bring some users in and then we'll get rid of them.
02:05:13 I mean, they said exactly that.
02:05:14 They openly said it.
02:05:15 So I don't know why Trove would.
02:05:16 Be any different.
02:05:19 And I, you know, I knew that going in.
02:05:20 I knew that would that was the the deal.
02:05:24 I I didn't know they had they put disclaimers.
02:05:27 On the stream but.
02:05:30 That's kind of funny.
02:05:36 All right, let's take a look here.
02:05:47 Do I consider myself an ethno nationalist?
02:05:51 Look, I've always been pro white.
02:05:54 I've always talked about it.
02:05:56 It's just in America.
02:05:57 It's a complicated thing, right?
02:05:58 It's you the idea that you're going to have a.
02:06:05 Even the ability to have an ethno state.
02:06:09 In America, that's just it's not possible.
02:06:12 And what would be the ethnicity, right?
02:06:14 I mean, you're talking about, you know, like, look, everyone talks about the mutt meme when it comes to America and but it's not ********.
02:06:24 I mean, there's a lot of ******* mutts.
02:06:26 And uh, you know, even me like, you know I'm, I'm founding stock or whatever and I'm, you know, mostly the people that came here, but it was different people like I'm, you know Scottish and English and French and you know little German and you know like they're Irish or whatever.
02:06:42 There's like there's different stuff in there.
02:06:46 And generally that's categorized as white in America.
02:06:50 And uh, but it's like.
02:06:54 It's hard like you can't even get white people to go like to support their own interests in any kind of numbers here.
02:07:04 You're you're going to get enough to to somehow take over, even like a a, a state or something.
02:07:13 You know I.
02:07:13 Mean like?
02:07:14 There's no end game that that's even sort of realistic with creating an ethnostate.
02:07:19 So really what I am is I'm a a pro white really.
02:07:26 You know you can make white communities.
02:07:30 Small scale, you know, in the same way I guess you could say like the Amish ebb and.
02:07:34 Stuff like that you can do that.
02:07:37 You can find ways of being left alone, but the idea that you're at least in the short term, at least in your lifetime, right?
02:07:45 Like maybe what you do with the small community thing will down, you know, generations down the road.
02:07:50 Lead to something bigger.
02:07:51 But you got to work with what?
02:07:53 You've got and what you've got isn't much and and and that's if they weren't trying to genocide whites, which they are absolutely trying to do.
02:08:05 So another reason why you want to build communities right now is you need to.
02:08:09 You just need for safety.
02:08:14 You know you're going to have to do that just to.
02:08:18 At least try to insulate yourself from what's what's coming and and.
02:08:22 Are those communities?
02:08:24 Well, I mean, they're.
02:08:26 If what you're doing is trying to create white communities.
Speaker 5
02:08:30 UM.Devon
02:08:33 And you want.02:08:33 To be like you want a purity spiral over.
02:08:35 It that's up to you or.
Speaker 5
02:08:36 Whatever, right?Devon
02:08:38 So I don't know, it's just for me.02:08:39 It's not like I just don't see any kind of ethno state in the same way that like, say, Israel has an ethno state where they can DNA test you like they're that's just not.
02:08:51 That's not something you're going to see in our lifetimes.
02:08:55 You could maybe if there was like some kind of civil war in this country, which I think is very possible.
02:09:02 You would probably have a a whiter.
02:09:07 Part of the country that emerged from that, or at least the possibility of that.
02:09:12 But there's, I mean.
Speaker 3
02:09:13 There's no.Devon
02:09:15 There's no white cities.02:09:18 There's no, you know, I mean, like, there's no white parts of.
02:09:20 The country anymore.
02:09:22 It's, you know, this, this atomization that I was talking about.
02:09:26 That's, I mean, you know, Maine is still something or I don't know.
02:09:30 It's it's dropping fast, but it was at one point very white.
02:09:35 And they started shipping illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants.
02:09:40 People that came across the border illegally and uh, they would, they would say, oh, we don't have the facilities to house them here in El Paso or or wherever, right.
02:09:51 And they would stick them on airplanes and fly them to ******* Maine.
02:09:56 And say oh, make sure you show up to.
02:09:57 Your court date.
02:10:00 Well, you know, so you got a bunch of these ******* people getting.
02:10:05 They're doing that on purpose.
02:10:09 And look mains know.
02:10:12 Awesome Bastion of of right wing thought.
02:10:15 You know it's.
02:10:16 Maine's pretty ******* cut.
02:10:21 Which is another thing that that if you are like specific like, oh, I'm going to make this ethno state, what do you do with all the cocked whites?
02:10:30 There's a.
02:10:30 **** ton of them.
02:10:35 In fact, there's something there's more of them than.
02:10:37 There are of you that's the problem.
02:10:41 If the majority of whites thought like you.
02:10:45 You have an ethno state.
02:10:47 You know.Devon
02:10:50 But they don't.02:10:53 So when I hear ethno nationalists and it's like it's it's a different story in Europe.
02:10:58 Right.
02:11:01 Well, in parts of Europe.
02:11:04 At least that's my understanding, and you also have the the.
02:11:10 I think the the more accepted.
02:11:13 Even though there's obviously tons of cocked whites in Europe, too, we all know that's, I mean, it's ******* just as bad, if not worse.
02:11:20 In most places, there too, right in in that department.
02:11:23 But at least in Europe, you can say like, look, this is our ******* homeland. Like this is our like, look, I feel like I can say that in America my family's been here for over 400 years.
02:11:34 You know, but.
02:11:38 You know in Europe you can say my family's been here a few 1000 years.
02:11:43 You know, we're the indigenous people.
02:11:47 And whereas Americans are not afforded that.
02:11:52 That that argument because of the.
02:11:57 Record history and you know that.
02:12:01 You know it is what it is, right?
02:12:03 So I don't know.
02:12:04 I don't know if if if Europeans have a better chance of maintaining their ethno states.
02:12:11 I mean, why not?
02:12:12 They should have ethno states, right?
02:12:14 They're they're the ethnicity of that country.
02:12:17 But the problem is, the entire West has been turned into this ******** of nation of immigrants.
02:12:22 But America is the worst.
02:12:24 America kind of started that ******* ********.
02:12:28 And so there's just, I don't see that as even being remotely possible.
Speaker 5
02:12:35 In my lifetime.Devon
02:12:37 Like in the next 50 to 100 years.02:12:41 I don't see a white ethno state in America happening.
02:12:47 And I and I.
02:12:48 Barely see it even happening.
02:12:50 Maybe in Europe?
02:12:50 Maybe, but I.
02:12:54 Sorry, I mean I I don't want to burst your bubble, but it's just.
02:12:59 Let's be realistic here.
02:13:03 I'm not black pilled because I'm like some pessimistic ******* that's like, uh, I was picked on in school and now I'm just like this mean, sad person.
02:13:15 No, I just let's be realistic.
02:13:18 I don't want to make plans based on fantasies that.
02:13:23 You know, or delusion.
02:13:28 So it's.
02:13:30 I'm very worried, very concerned.
02:13:33 For white people in this world.
02:13:36 For many of the things that we talked to, you know, many of the reasons are the things we talked about tonight and.
02:13:41 We talked about here all the time.
02:13:45 Some of those reasons are on the screen right now.
02:13:51 I'm very concerned about what's going to happen.
02:13:54 To white people in the long term.
02:13:58 Now I think they're going to vanish and disappear necessarily.
02:14:02 But you know.
02:14:06 If things keep going the way they're going.
02:14:11 Why wouldn't they?
02:14:17 So in in terms of being realistic, I don't, I just don't think for as an American.
02:14:23 Like I said, it's it's different elsewhere, but as an American it's a non starter.
02:14:31 It's an well, I mean, just look, I'm not.
02:14:33 I'm not suggesting.
02:14:35 Anyone commit violence, but let's just be honest.
02:14:38 You wouldn't be able to do it without.
02:14:40 Killing lots and lots of ******* people like lots like.
02:14:44 Over half the country.
02:14:47 Because you'd have to kill like like whites are.
02:14:50 I don't know what the real numbers are, but I'm guessing it's either real. It's we're probably below 50% at this point. We're really ******* close.
02:14:59 And like I said, most the whites even.
02:15:02 Wouldn't agree with you.
02:15:03 See that the somehow kill all the.
Speaker 3
02:15:05 All the non whites.Devon
02:15:08 And then all the whites that didn't agree, you know what I mean?02:15:11 Like or if not kill like, you know, it would be violence.
02:15:15 A lot of violence.
02:15:17 To get that to happen.
02:15:21 And then you'd have.
02:15:21 The whole argument of like well.
02:15:24 Is this person wide enough?
02:15:27 What about this white persons Asian wife?
02:15:29 Or you know what I mean?
02:15:30 Like it would just.
02:15:32 It's it.
02:15:32 It's just it's not a probable enterprise.
02:15:35 You'd have to, you'd.
02:15:37 Have to start.
02:15:37 From scratch, like if there was some kind of.
02:15:41 Unsettled land somewhere?
02:15:43 And you know, that wasn't claimed by a government that wouldn't immediately go in there.
02:15:46 And kill you if you tried to settle it.
02:15:51 You have a shot.
02:15:57 This is the whole point of blackpill guys like you got.
Speaker 5
02:15:59 To be realistic here.Devon
02:16:01 All this fantasy solutions to the problem is just it's unproductive.02:16:05 It doesn't get you anywhere.
02:16:12 Someone said just give them free.
02:16:14 Plane tickets?
02:16:14 They wouldn't take them, they wouldn't take them.
02:16:18 This is fantasy.
02:16:19 I'm not saying.
02:16:21 Is is it?
02:16:22 Is it?
02:16:23 Is is there ways you could do it?
02:16:27 There's also ways you.
02:16:28 Could genocide them all right, like?
02:16:30 There's ways you could do it.
02:16:31 It's not.
02:16:32 It's physically possible.
02:16:35 But you don't understand the world.
02:16:37 If you think that.
02:16:41 You would be able to get a government.
02:16:44 To agree on that plan in the first place.
02:16:48 B that you'd get the government to then enforce it.
02:16:55 And see that they that they would there are.
02:16:57 The the people even go along with it.
02:17:00 They wouldn't go long.
02:17:01 That's why they're here.
02:17:02 They could go to Africa now.
02:17:03 They're not going.
02:17:04 They're not going to Africa.
02:17:07 Why would they go to ******* Africa?
02:17:09 They're leaving Africa in by the millions.
02:17:13 That's part of the problem.
02:17:14 Is they're they're doing the.
02:17:16 Opposite of going to Africa.
02:17:22 You're never going to get a formerly white government.
02:17:30 To implement a plan like that.
02:17:36 White pills.
02:17:39 White pillars and white killers.
02:17:43 Because they get you.
02:17:43 To believe in in in these nonsense.
02:17:51 And like I said that yeah, are physically possible.
02:17:55 But you'd never be able to get that to work.
02:18:00 And not because, oh, not with that.
02:18:02 Not with that attitude, Mr.
02:18:06 not if.
02:18:07 The only reason why we.
02:18:09 Can't get all the blacks to fly back to Africa is because you're just a here's a Debbie downer.
02:18:14 That's why it's because.
02:18:16 Devon's not trying hard enough.
02:18:19 Stop being insane, you know, like, yeah, it's it's a fun exercise to think.
02:18:25 I've even talked about this, that it would be cheaper.
02:18:28 Like if that's what I'm saying though, is that that it's.
02:18:32 If the ruling.
02:18:32 Class shares your interest.
02:18:35 It would be easy to do.
02:18:38 Because it would make the most sense, you could just do the math and say, look, we did the math and it would cost us less than the.
Speaker 3
02:18:43 Long run.Devon
02:18:44 Yeah, be expensive to, like, pay them all.02:18:46 Leave you could.
02:18:47 Pay them like a, you know, 100,000.
02:18:49 Dollars a.
02:18:50 Piece give them land somewhere like they they tried this already.
02:18:54 This was Liberia.
02:18:55 Why that exists?
02:18:57 You could do it.
02:18:58 Yeah, it you could totally do it.
02:19:01 And then you could you could enforce.
02:19:04 But first of all, you'd have to.
02:19:06 It would take a long time to just.
02:19:08 Be able to get into the like.
02:19:10 They've aren't.
02:19:11 They've diversified law enforcement at the federal.
02:19:14 Level at every level.
02:19:17 And every bureaucracy you think like what?
02:19:20 Going to like.
02:19:21 The the all the agencies that would be required to do this.
02:19:25 You'd be getting rid of half the people.
02:19:27 In those agencies.
02:19:30 More than half.
02:19:32 The government.
02:19:33 Almost exclusively hires diversity.
02:19:37 And you ain't joking, like, oh, that'd be great it.
02:19:39 Would be, but yeah, no, that's why it.
02:19:41 Will never happen.
02:19:44 Well, that's just one of the millions of reasons why it.
02:19:46 Will never happen.
02:19:48 It's it's fantasy ******* fiction.
02:19:54 And that's it's.
02:19:55 That's ******* science fiction ******** that will never happen.
02:20:01 And you can try to sell that to people who are who, who are, who want something to cling to that makes them feel happy and.
02:20:08 And all right.
02:20:13 But it's not realistic.
02:20:14 It'll never ******* happen.
02:20:16 I'll bet my ******* life on it.
02:20:24 It's just another, like I said, it's it's another in flight movie.
02:20:28 It's just, it's just a different different twist on the Q Anon genre.
02:20:36 You know, instead of some secret army inside the deep state that's going to get the pedos you're talking about some secret.
02:20:49 White uprising.
02:20:51 That's going to take place somehow and over in another vastly outnumbered and somehow convince.
02:20:59 The government that's trying to exterminate them that, oh, you know, this centuries long plan of yours.
02:21:06 Let's let's just do the exact opposite of your plan now for no reason.
02:21:15 It's just it's fantasyland.
02:21:18 It's never going to happen.
02:21:28 Let's see here.
02:21:29 Electoral College for counties.
02:21:35 I don't think it's talking.
02:21:36 About should white people just breed like crazy?
02:21:38 Also with black women if necessary?
02:21:43 And creating single mothers.
02:21:45 You talking about colonizing?
02:21:48 I don't know.
02:21:49 I don't that I don't.
02:21:50 That's a great strategy.
02:21:54 I mean, you're talking.
02:21:55 I don't think it's a great strategy, more specific.
02:21:57 I think it's a great strategy.
02:21:58 To go around and and impregnate every black woman.
02:22:02 You see, that sounds like a bad idea, especially with the legal system.
02:22:06 The way that it is.
02:22:07 But yeah, you should.
02:22:08 If yeah.
02:22:08 If you're worried about the future of white kids, you should be making more of them.
02:22:12 You know.
02:22:15 And look at obviously it's.
02:22:16 Tough right now to do that.
02:22:17 It's really hard to pull that off.
02:22:19 There's a lot of women that.
02:22:22 By the time they decide they want to have kids, they're like ******* 40 and it's like, alright, well, it's too late.
02:22:27 There's guys like that, too.
02:22:30 There's all the fertility things that we've discussed tonight.
02:22:35 There's the just the fact that it's.
02:22:38 I mean, look, it's in in the day of normalized.
02:22:41 Paula, Paula Emory and only fans.
02:22:46 I that it was already hard to get.
02:22:49 A woman who?
02:22:50 Was just willing to be a mother.
02:22:54 Right.
02:22:55 Or even just willing to have children, not even be a mother, but like, just biologically be a mother.
02:23:04 But now you Add all this other added stuff to it.
02:23:07 In the the ease of access the women have to, you know, one night stands and this Poly ******** and everything else that it'll fulfill them in that way.
02:23:18 While they chased their career and by.
02:23:22 You know, purse puppies and.
02:23:25 You know, fur babies and stuff like that to.
02:23:28 To satisfy the nurturing gene or whatever.
02:23:33 You know it's uh.
02:23:36 It's tough.
02:23:37 Look, I look, I thought when.
02:23:38 I was much younger.
02:23:41 That I would, I would have a.
02:23:45 Family right around the corner like that was my plant.
02:23:48 Like my parents.
02:23:49 They were pretty young.
02:23:50 I even by I think by their generation standards, but but not by by religious people.
02:23:56 But my mom and dad got married, like, hey, my mom.
02:24:00 Was, I think by the time the wedding happened she was 19, but she got engaged at 18.
02:24:07 My dad was like 22 or 23 or something like that.
02:24:12 And you know, before she was 20, she had her first kid.
02:24:20 And then five more.
02:24:23 You know.Devon
02:24:28 So and you know.02:24:29 And and that's.
02:24:31 That was the model I saw in my own.
02:24:33 Household. That was.
02:24:34 Like oh.
02:24:36 Alright, well sometime in my mid 20s I'll be married and.
02:24:40 And you know, have a bunch of kids and that's just.
Speaker 3
02:24:43 The way it works and.Devon
02:24:45 Look, that's the way it worked for some.02:24:46 Of my siblings well.
02:24:48 One of my siblings, I guess pulled that off kind of reasonably.
02:24:53 The rest is a little messier for the.
Speaker 5
02:24:55 Rest of them.Devon
02:25:01 But yeah, it's.02:25:08 You know, it's not from lack of trying.
02:25:10 I'll tell you.
02:25:11 That much I spent a lot of.
02:25:12 My younger years making bad decisions.
02:25:16 And a lot of it's on men, right, like a lot of us, you know, we're we're busy partying and and chasing money at different careers and stuff like that.
02:25:27 Right.
02:25:27 There's a lot of.
02:25:28 There's a lot of things.
02:25:31 That distract men as well.
02:25:34 But it's tough right now.
02:25:35 Right now it's probably harder.
02:25:39 To have white.
02:25:39 Children maybe than it's ever been like really, if you think about it, that might be.
02:25:46 That might be real.
02:25:47 It might be harder today.
02:25:50 As in this day, this moment right now.
02:25:54 To produce white children.
02:25:56 Than it has been in the history.
Speaker 5
02:25:59 Of white people.Devon
02:26:02 I don't see why that wouldn't be the case.02:26:09 So it you.
02:26:10 Know it is what?
02:26:11 It is if you have the look.
02:26:12 If you have.
02:26:15 If you, if you if you have the means.
02:26:17 To do it.
02:26:19 By all. Absolutely right. Someone's got.
02:26:21 To do it.
02:26:25 They can't. They can't leave all the the white baby making to my brother's family because they're ******* pros at white baby creation.
02:26:36 Like lost count at this point.
02:26:41 The Mormons and the Amish are doing a.
02:26:43 Good job of white baby making.
02:26:51 The Catholics used to do a good job.
02:26:53 But not so much these days.
02:26:55 Now they seem to be better at.
02:26:57 Making Mexican babies.
02:27:06 How am I going to avoid ending?
02:27:08 Up like Karl.
02:27:12 I don't talk about my my personal life.
02:27:15 But I'll tell you.
02:27:16 It's it's substantially different than than Carla's.
02:27:23 Generally, if you mean like.
02:27:24 Generally speaking though, as as someone like.
02:27:27 Other people that.
02:27:28 Don't want to end up like Carl.
02:27:33 Well, I mean.
02:27:34 Just don't be a well.
02:27:35 I mean, you don't.
02:27:40 I think people like Carl.
02:27:43 And for those of you don't know that did a video and I think a lot of you have seen it, it's.
02:27:48 One of my more popular videos.
02:27:50 I did a.
02:27:51 Video about a guy who lived in a proper trashed property.
02:27:57 That I got.
02:27:59 And the the property itself was and he was a hoarder.
02:28:04 It still has stuff.
02:28:08 Have to get rid of there.
02:28:10 But it was piled.
02:28:11 It's just **** piled to the.
02:28:14 And just **** like, just like DVD's and ******* ****. Like so much. There was a room that was like an entire room. That was all just VHS ****.
02:28:25 And justice **** magazines like cases.
02:28:30 And like so much ****, a ridiculous amount of ****.
02:28:36 And this guy was a guy that.
02:28:44 Had slowly I, you know, he'd kind of gone crazy, I think as he got older and it was and it was more and more alone, more isolated.
02:28:52 And he started hoarding **** and apparently got really into ****.
02:28:58 And his he went crazy.
02:29:05 Eventually, you know.
02:29:07 Kick the bucket.
02:29:10 By himself.
02:29:12 Surrounded by trash and ****.
02:29:17 Well, look, it's pretty easy to avoid.
02:29:20 That's an extreme.
02:29:22 It's pretty easy to avoid that.
02:29:25 As long as you have purpose in your.
02:29:28 If your purpose is collecting ****, there's a problem.
02:29:35 So you have to always have a purpose in your life.
02:29:37 You also have to have, like I said, you have to be building a community.
02:29:41 You have to have community.
02:29:42 Just because I don't have children doesn't mean I have I.
02:29:45 Don't have community.
02:29:46 You know, it's not like I'm just sitting.
02:29:48 Yeah, I am in an.
02:29:49 Isolated part of.
02:29:50 The the the country.
02:29:51 But it's not like I don't have any interaction with people and you.
Speaker 5
02:29:54 Know stuff like that.Devon
02:29:56 And I have you guys.02:30:00 But if, but if you're thinking about doing something like, you know, going out and doing the homestead thing, that's why community is such.
02:30:07 An important part of that.
02:30:14 And it's tough.
02:30:15 It's tough to get, you know, especially if you don't.
02:30:18 It's easier if you if you already have a woman that that wants to do this.
02:30:21 And look, there's a.
02:30:22 Lot of women that want to do the homestead thing.
02:30:25 There's a lot.
02:30:26 Of women that say they want to do it until they realize what an entails.
Speaker 5
02:30:31 UM.Devon
02:30:32 But there are women that want to do.02:30:35 So it's much.
02:30:36 Easier if you find your woman before you.
02:30:38 Go to do it.
02:30:39 Because once you're out in the.
02:30:40 Middle of nowhere, even it doesn't.
02:30:42 You know, I don't mean you mean you go to the desert if you go to the desert, you go to you.
02:30:46 Know the forest or whatever.
02:30:48 I guess the the the.
02:30:49 Trick is you need to.
02:30:51 Find ways that you can still socialize.
02:30:53 Now, luckily, a lot of that.
02:30:54 Will be done online, right?
02:30:56 You can meet people online.
02:30:57 Still, I don't mean like Tinder.
02:30:59 I mean, you know, three other online communities.
02:31:03 You can meet people.
02:31:05 But that's The thing is, is.
02:31:10 You have to just maintain community and and try to build communities.
02:31:13 It's tough, it's not easy.
02:31:15 There's no easy answer.
02:31:16 I guess what I'm getting at.
02:31:17 I mean, like, look, it's easier to.
02:31:19 Not be Carl.
02:31:19 Carl is an extreme case.
02:31:21 Is it easy to just not end up?
02:31:23 Like a monk.
02:31:27 I don't know.
02:31:27 I don't think that's not easy.
02:31:31 It would be easier to end up like a monk.
02:31:34 Like I think you know, see for example you see Roush.
02:31:39 Kind of molding over the same kind of thing at a certain point, you do kind of get burned out on women.
02:31:45 You know, after in, in his case, it's a little different because I feel like his whole.
02:31:54 Mission in Life was to just have a lot of sex, right?
02:31:57 And that was my mission in life.
02:31:58 I think everyone's mission in life in your early 20s and stuff there.
02:32:01 Was like a part.
02:32:02 Of my life where that was the name of the game.
02:32:07 I I've been looking for an acceptable wife and mother to children in earnest for several years.
02:32:17 You know, like when I would go out even on Tinder dates, it was with the intention of like it was like a pre interview.
02:32:23 I wasn't going to doing it to hook up.
02:32:25 I was looking for someone that I could eventually.
02:32:28 Mary and and do that whole thing with.
02:32:31 And you do get, you know, once you go.
02:32:33 Through the ringer of.
02:32:36 The online dating scene and and just everyone.
02:32:40 At your work and like once you go.
02:32:42 Through everybody and just.
02:32:43 Like you realize how ******.
02:32:46 And it's not.
02:32:46 Look, I don't want to turn this.
02:32:47 Into like a let's blame women for being.
02:32:50 It's just people are ****** right now.
02:32:53 This is what I'm.
02:32:54 Talking about with the black pill.
02:32:55 Where it's like you.
02:32:58 You say that you want to.
02:33:00 You know, save your people, protect your people.
02:33:02 Your people are ****** ** right now.
02:33:05 You know, I played that video the other day of all those white people preventing the, you know, in Scotland preventing the the immigration cops or whatever from deporting the diversity people, right?
02:33:22 And I said then, like, look if the FBI or you know the.
02:33:28 Scotland Yard I.
02:33:29 Guess in this.
02:33:29 Case were to kick down.
02:33:32 A white guys door.
02:33:33 Totally unjustified and and start.
02:33:35 To haul him off.
02:33:37 There be no demonstration.
02:33:41 There be nothing.
02:33:45 So it's just.
02:33:45 White people in general are just kind of don't have a sense of community and don't have any kind of connection right now.
02:33:52 And yeah, it's just it's tough to meet people, whether you live in the city or.
02:33:57 You live in the middle of the desert.
02:34:01 You know, I live in the city.
02:34:02 It's not.
02:34:03 Like it was that much different.
02:34:06 You know, do you if you live in a city right now, do you know your your neighbors?
02:34:10 A lot of people live in, in big apartment complex and you don't know a single ******, even though your your front door is like 10 feet away.
02:34:17 You don't know those people.
02:34:19 A lot of times.
02:34:20 You don't want to know those people.
02:34:23 You have anything in common with those people?
02:34:28 Yeah, you might be surrounded by people, but you're still alone.
02:34:37 You know, you're you're still, you're just around people that, I mean people that you wouldn't again.
02:34:41 It's not even people that you don't know because you're too shy to talk to them.
02:34:44 It's like people you don't want to know.
Speaker 3
02:34:50 And it it gets it does.Devon
02:34:52 Get harder to meet people when you're older too, because people pair off.02:34:59 You know, I I'm I've told this made this analogy at a certain point.
02:35:06 In the dating scene.
02:35:09 It's reminiscent of.
02:35:13 Being at a Walmart at 3:00 in the morning.
02:35:19 And going over to like just because you have nothing to do and so you're just in a Walmart at 3:00 in the morning.
02:35:27 And just boldly digging through a giant bin.
02:35:31 Of Blu rays.
02:35:33 You know the.
02:35:34 The three all our Blu rays that.
02:35:35 They've got.
02:35:37 And you don't want to watch.
02:35:40 Any of them.
02:35:41 Because every single one of them is either a movie you've already seen.
02:35:47 Or you never wanted to see.
02:35:51 And that's kind of how the dating scene turns it into after a while.
02:35:54 It's like after a while.
02:35:55 You're like, I've I've seen this one, I've seen this.
02:35:58 One a million times.
02:36:00 Or it's one that you oh, you.
02:36:01 You you haven't seen that one, but it's.
02:36:04 For a reason.
02:36:07 Yeah, it's tough.
02:36:08 It is what it is.
02:36:09 And I do think about like I'm just.
02:36:10 Being this is just total.
02:36:11 Honesty time, I guess like this is.
02:36:14 I wasn't expecting to.
02:36:15 Talk about **** like this, but whatever.
02:36:17 **** it.
02:36:17 I'll just.
02:36:18 I'm always open with you guys.
02:36:21 I have thought about just at a certain point.
02:36:23 Just saying.
02:36:24 Yeah, **** it, you know?
02:36:26 Uh, what?
02:36:27 Edward Dutton talks about group selection or whatever, where there's some people that you know, you are still protecting your genes.
02:36:39 Because you are what you're doing, the actions you are taking, the sacrifices that you're making are still in service to genes that are similar enough to you. So I guess in my example, like my my my brother's kids, right, which there are many.
02:36:58 I have lots of siblings and they all have.
02:37:02 Children and some of them have several.
02:37:05 So what I do?
02:37:08 I've thought about it like in terms of.
02:37:09 Like, well, you know.
02:37:12 If at a certain point because look.
02:37:14 There will come.
02:37:15 A certain point where it will be it.
02:37:17 Will be unrealistic.
02:37:20 To expect to to have have kids in my life, right?
02:37:25 And and so.
02:37:29 At a certain point.
02:37:30 There. All right.
02:37:32 Well, OK.
02:37:32 Like, like I'm.
02:37:33 I'm not.
02:37:34 I don't have kids.
02:37:35 But what I do can be in service of.
02:37:39 The my my my genes still, or at least you know, genes similar enough to mine.
02:37:45 To where? I'm still helping.
02:37:46 Out and look, there's some sacrifices you can make and some risks that you can take that you can't take.
02:37:52 If you have kids.
02:37:58 And so it's not a bad idea to have members of your group in that position of being able to take risks.
02:38:07 And take chances.
02:38:09 That you wouldn't take.
02:38:12 If you had mouths to feed.
02:38:17 So it's not.Devon
02:38:17 Even the worst thing to have some people like that.02:38:22 Is is that what I expect to happen in my life?
02:38:26 If that's how it unfolds, am I OK with it?
02:38:30 I don't know if I could say I'm OK.
02:38:32 With it.
02:38:32 But yeah, I'm at.
02:38:33 I'm at.
02:38:34 Peace with it.
02:38:39 I'm certainly a piece of that.
02:38:41 And like I said, it won't be from lack of.
02:38:42 Trying, I'll tell you that much right now.
02:38:46 I I have explored options.
02:38:50 That I never would have thought I would explore.
02:38:53 In in an attempt to compromise.
02:39:00 And it's still been a disaster.
02:39:02 It just look, people are ****** right now.
02:39:05 It is what it is.
02:39:11 So I guess what?
02:39:12 It boils down.
02:39:13 To if you don't want, here's what it is if you.
02:39:15 Don't want to be.
02:39:16 A Carl, if you see your life, if you see your life through circumstances or even just, you know, bad decisions you made or whatever it is, and you know you see yourself heading that in that direction.
02:39:26 And like I said, there will come a point.
02:39:28 In time where you will not be able to escape.
02:39:31 The the the flow of the waterfall.
02:39:35 There will come a point in time where no.
02:39:37 Matter how much you exert yourself.
02:39:39 You cannot overcome the the that.
02:39:44 Right, you'll be maxed out and you will.
02:39:47 Go over that waterfall alone.
02:39:51 If if you.
02:39:53 Understand that and and and and you've decided that oh, that.
02:39:56 That might be me and you.
02:39:58 Don't want to be like Carl the way that you're not like Carl, is.
02:40:02 You still leave a legacy.
02:40:05 The big difference between people like you out there that you know that are listening to this and and you don't want to be.
02:40:14 Like Carl and and Carl.
02:40:18 Hopefully is that Carl has no legacy.
02:40:24 Carl's legacy.
02:40:26 Is, I guess my my YouTube video that's the closest thing it's going to he's going to come to a legacy.
02:40:33 No one ******* remembers Carl.
02:40:34 He's gone.
02:40:36 He's just ******* gone.
02:40:38 Literally no one will ever visit his grave.
02:40:41 I don't even know.
Speaker 5
02:40:41 Where it is.Devon
02:40:45 He's just gone.02:40:48 He's gone and and.
02:40:52 That's it.
02:40:56 And so I guess if.
02:40:57 If you want to avoid that.
02:41:02 You leave, you make sure you leave a ******* legacy.
02:41:07 And and look go all in if if it's.
02:41:09 If you're going to leave a legacy, leave the kind of legacy that you wouldn't be able to leave if you had the responsibilities of having children.
02:41:23 I guess that's that's.
02:41:24 One way you could do that you could accomplish that you could maintain.
02:41:34 A purpose in your life, you know.
02:41:39 Yeah, I'm not concerned about that.
02:41:40 I'm not.
02:41:42 I just happen.
02:41:42 I feel like I'm a ******.
02:41:44 I I know I have a lot to contribute to my people and to my family.
02:41:48 And you know, even even if I end up not having kids for whatever reason, I'm not worried about my ability to leave a legacy and to leave my imprint.
Speaker 5
02:41:59 On the world.Devon
02:42:01 And you shouldn't be.02:42:02 So, like there's people out there where you're.
02:42:04 Again, maybe it's through no fault of your own.
02:42:07 Maybe it's through bad decisions you made and you know you waited too long to figure it out, and now you're.
02:42:12 Like Oh well, So what?
02:42:13 Are you supposed to do at that point?
02:42:14 Right.
02:42:14 Like shoot yourself in the.
02:42:16 ******* head.
02:42:16 Of course not, you know.
02:42:17 Like you still, but don't but.
02:42:21 Don't just cruise.
02:42:23 Don't just go on autopilot.
02:42:25 Leave a legacy, just leave a different kind of legacy.
02:42:29 If your legacy can't be.
02:42:30 Children make it something else.
02:42:37 Make it a sacrifice.
02:42:38 Make it.
02:42:39 Make it art. Make it.
02:42:42 Just something, something that's going to live beyond you.
02:42:46 I think that's your responsibility.
02:42:48 I think that's your responsibility to your people.
02:42:51 It's just that most people that expresses itself in the form of children.
02:42:58 I think ultimately your responsibility to your people is to leave the earth.
02:43:06 Giving them something.
02:43:08 That goes on beyond you.
02:43:16 And if you do that.
02:43:19 You know what else can people ask of you, really.
02:43:24 Alright, let's see here.
02:43:29 Uh, what are?
02:43:31 Your thoughts on the Soul Train hype?
02:43:35 I don't know.
02:43:35 The the Soul Train hypothesis.
02:43:40 I don't know what that is.
02:43:51 The other day I came across the telegram channel for a scam and I almost all of the wait.
02:43:57 And almost all the people who posted fake testimony videos weren't white shows.
02:44:03 Who has the strong moral code?
02:44:05 It's a double your money scam.
02:44:09 Well, if it's fake, people fake testimonies.
02:44:12 It's also the target audience, right is going to be low IQ people for scams.
02:44:18 And that's just, that's just to their.
02:44:21 You know, that's just that the demographics.
02:44:24 Now you live in a third.
02:44:25 World country now.
02:44:28 U.S. Marine, admittedly reserved, was telling me about he hasn't been to a rifle range in over a year and for the last year they have done 100% teledrama all where most are playing Nintendo or jacking off instead of whatever the **** they're supposed to do.
02:44:47 He's infantry. Yeah. Yeah, look.
02:44:51 The quality of people went has gone down.
02:44:54 It's just necessarily that's it's.
02:44:57 Right.
02:44:58 It's as the people get worse.
02:45:04 You know the society is made-up of the people. Everything's.
02:45:07 Gonna get worse.
02:45:17 OK.
02:45:18 We're going to wrap things up here unless there's anything else.
02:45:24 Totally off topic, but what 3D software do you use? I'm a 3D artist to.
02:45:31 Mostly cinema 4D.
02:45:34 But I use a lot of.
02:45:35 Different packages depends on what I'm doing.
02:45:38 I'm for this stuff.
02:45:39 It's because.
02:45:39 It's fast. I use cinema 4D.
02:45:43 It's nearly impossible to start a small business in San Francisco.
02:45:48 Lawyer slipping the door to sue you.
02:45:51 Guy in San Francisco tried to start an ice cream shop.
02:45:53 Pay $200,000 just for the city to tell him a competitor's lobby and said he couldn't open up right next to him. Bay Area has large open air drug markets.
02:46:03 Yeah, I would never be able to.
02:46:06 All this stuff is designed to.
02:46:09 To favor their uh.
02:46:12 You know, they're donors and stuff.
02:46:17 If you die fighting for a noble and righteous cause, you have not died in vain.
02:46:22 In fact, you still live on through your deeds, right, you know, and and look what I do.
02:46:28 Look, I don't I.
02:46:29 Don't try to act like I'm some kind of ******* superhero.
02:46:31 And I like that.
02:46:32 But what I do is dangerous.
02:46:34 What I do, it could put me away for life.
02:46:36 You know what I do is is.
02:46:37 Not the safest thing in the world.
02:46:40 And I continue to do it partially because I don't have a family that is part one of the reasons why it bothers me less than if I did have a family.
02:46:50 Now, if I had a family, I would still do it, but that's also one of the reasons why it's maybe difficult to find someone that's down for that right because it's, it's.
02:46:59 I'm not going to just stop doing this.
02:47:01 Look, it's not like I haven't had the.
02:47:02 Opportunity to put it that way.
02:47:04 But this is important to me too.
02:47:06 And when those opportunities have have.
02:47:12 Come my way.
02:47:13 They've also come with I, you know, the the necessity to.
02:47:19 Join normal world, you know, and go be a normal.
02:47:22 Again, and I'm not willing to do that.
02:47:27 So yeah, I mean there's there's.
02:47:29 Lots of things you can do that you wouldn't normally be able to do.
02:47:34 What will the oh, wait.
02:47:36 What will the Black Swan event that will happen to turn things around there?
02:47:40 Might not be one.
02:47:42 There might not be one.
02:47:44 I don't think white people are going to snap to it anytime soon.
02:47:49 I think that they've already taken a well above and beyond what should be necessary to wake people up, and there doesn't even seem to be a whiff of waking up.
02:48:00 So maybe never.
02:48:02 You got to be prepared for that.
02:48:04 You have to be prepared.
02:48:05 For the idea that.
02:48:06 Maybe never.
02:48:07 And which is all the more reason to have your own community and and start developing.
02:48:17 And close knit.
02:48:22 I don't know.
02:48:23 Just insulate yourself from the **** that's coming.
02:48:27 Notice me?
02:48:29 You have been noticed.
02:48:31 Did you manage to find a a home staying woman?
02:48:37 Like I don't.
02:48:37 I don't talk about.
02:48:38 My I don't talk specifics.
02:48:40 About my personal life, but.
02:48:43 They're harder to find than you would think.
02:48:54 From what I noticed before 2018, your videos were liberty and the rule of law, and now you care about demographics.
02:49:00 I could be wrong, but it seems like your ideology changed now from a signet to a white advocate.
02:49:07 No, I mean like, look, I've always been aware of the diversity problem.
02:49:12 I just was hoping that.
02:49:16 I didn't realize how.
Speaker 5
02:49:20 Bad it was.Devon
02:49:22 And so a lot of that during that time period was me getting red pilled on some stuff that like I always instinctively knew, but I didn't have.02:49:32 The data to.
02:49:33 Back it up stuff.
02:49:34 Well, just as an example, this is a a simple example, but this is something.
02:49:37 Most of you guys can relate.
02:49:38 To once you see.
02:49:40 The data on race and IQ.
02:49:42 It can't Unsee it.
02:49:44 And once you see stuff like 13, does 50 and just and once you see that, OK, these are this is not a statistical anomaly.
02:49:53 This is not environment.
02:49:55 This is not cultural.
02:49:57 There's a a biological problem here that's being ignored and it's huge and and.
02:50:03 And so once you realize that.
02:50:05 And oh look, and another thing too is it was also starting to realize the every single time meme was oddly accurate.
02:50:14 And that wow, why is it that every time I look into the early life of all these ******* people they have?
02:50:18 Something in common?
02:50:20 And so yeah before.
02:50:24 I wouldn't say 2018, but maybe like maybe I don't.
02:50:27 Know when it was exactly.
02:50:30 I was more I was less concerned about focusing on that and more concerned about trying because.
02:50:39 I still thought.
02:50:41 I still thought there was a chance that I didn't believe the queuing on ****, but like I thought that there was still a chance that they would actually start at least holding people accountable, you know, like locking up Hillary and and all this other stuff.
02:50:53 I thought there was a chance that that would happen and I would tolerate.
02:50:58 Some of this other ********.
02:51:00 If there was at least some kind of justice going on, but you can't have both, you can't have a system that's.
02:51:10 Implicitly hostile to you.
02:51:14 And then on top.
02:51:14 Of that not have justice.
02:51:17 Because you put those two together, you have a corrupt ruling class that wants you dead and no possibility of any kind of oversight for them or accountability or anything like that.
02:51:28 Guess what's going to happen.
02:51:31 Right.
02:51:33 And if you and at the same time you look at the number like just the, the, the, the demographic shift.
02:51:40 It's just look, it's inevitable.
02:51:44 So yeah, I've chosen to focus more on that because.
02:51:48 White people are in a danger that they most don't see.
02:51:54 And I like white people, you know, and.
02:51:56 I want them to know.
02:51:58 I want them to be safe.
02:52:04 We descendants are already dead men walking.
02:52:07 Once you understand that, you can start.
02:52:09 To live, I'm not sure you mean by that.
02:52:13 I haven't heard you talk about any rock marches lately.
02:52:16 Last I recall, you talked about it was New Year's Eve when you went out to attempt to find Mrs.
02:52:23 Black Pill.
02:52:23 Good stream tonight.
02:52:25 People need to keep up hope you find friends relationships.
02:52:29 When you don't.
02:52:29 Expect it. Yeah, I haven't.
02:52:31 Done. Any rock marches?
02:52:31 Lately I've been.
02:52:36 Just doing stuff around the house.
02:52:39 But I will.
02:52:41 I will probably doing that.
02:52:44 Part part of the reason was the weather got ****** for a little bit and then I just.
02:52:48 I got out of the habit of doing it.
02:52:50 You got to keep doing it.
02:52:51 And in fact, it's one of those things where.
02:52:54 It's going to get weird now because it's already where if if I.
02:53:00 Go out at.
02:53:00 Night there's it's already still, it's at night.
02:53:04 It's not all night long, but for a lot of the night, it's warm enough now for like rattlesnakes and ship to.
02:53:10 And every day gets warmer.
02:53:12 So sooner or later it will start being so warm that like there's scorpions everywhere.
02:53:16 And I mean like they get.
02:53:18 There's like big, big scorpions, just like all over the place, and they love hanging out.
02:53:22 Snakes, too, on the trail that I walk on because it's like a big open space, right?
02:53:28 That gets heated up and the sun.
02:53:31 And but look, that's So what I gotta.
02:53:33 I've still got to do it.
02:53:34 It's just that in fact, in a weird way, it adds a little excitement to it.
02:53:38 You know, it makes a little more interesting than just.
02:53:40 Walking through the desert.
02:53:43 Forces you to keep your eyes peeled.
02:53:47 But yeah, I'll be doing that.
02:53:49 I'll be doing that again soon.
02:53:57 Was I a normal con in 2026? That's in the future?
02:54:02 So no, once you have seen the movie Africa 80, you cannot Unsee the biological reality.
02:54:11 Still haven't watched it?
02:54:12 It is on my list.
02:54:15 Are you working on any online communities like?
02:54:17 This Gordon whatnot.
02:54:19 No, I haven't.
02:54:19 I've actually been working on sorry guys like because I don't get.
02:54:24 Look, I just don't get a ton of money doing this.
02:54:26 I still have to do some contract work from time, time to time, and I that's one of the things I've been busy with.
02:54:33 Just I I got sidetracked.
02:54:36 But I got bills I got to.
02:54:37 Pay and so I have been working on some side work that's been very time consuming.
02:54:46 That's another reason why I had time for rock marches.
02:54:51 Were you an army coming back in 2016 or when you started streaming, why didn't start streaming in 2016?
02:54:58 I wouldn't say it's ever annoy me.
02:55:00 I've worked in politics and news my whole life and I would say.
02:55:08 I would say I bought the mainstream narrative.
02:55:12 For the most part.
Speaker 5
02:55:17 I don't know.Devon
02:55:18 Like I believe the official 9/11 story, right? But I was also way younger and it took me a while to see.02:55:29 That kind of stuff.
02:55:33 But I always knew, like the Clintons were murderers and like I knew there was, like, real bad **** that happened.
02:55:38 I knew that Obamas gay lovers were execution style, murdered, you know, like that I I I looked into stuff like that.
02:55:46 I knew I knew all this stuff.
02:55:47 There was shady people.
02:55:49 I didn't realize how bad it was until, like the WikiLeaks stuff and all that stuff started to come out and then you realized it wasn't just isolated incidents, that it was just.
02:56:00 They're literal satanists, right?
02:56:02 Like they're just evil ******* pedophiles.
02:56:05 And I didn't really quite get that.
02:56:07 I don't think until like.
02:56:08 Maybe around 2016.
02:56:12 And then the the JQ and the ray stuff.
02:56:16 Like I said, I I I always had like, a instinctual idea about that stuff, but I didn't really.
02:56:23 I didn't have the data.
02:56:26 I'm a very rational person.
02:56:28 And I don't want to like just.
02:56:32 I didn't want to just follow my emotions like I had emotional responses to diversity and other things, and and I didn't want to base world views on emotion.
02:56:43 And so it wasn't until I had the.
02:56:45 Data and you know, and talk all the.
02:56:48 **** you want.
02:56:48 About Stefan Molyneux he was instrumental on that.
02:56:52 In giving out a lot of this data, then and really laying out.
02:56:56 Kind of the the.
02:56:58 The hot water we were in in terms of the demographic problem and everything else and in a responsible.
02:57:07 Rational way he did this, which is probably part of the why.
02:57:12 They they went after him like like like they did.
02:57:20 What kind of defect is it in whites that can't wake up?
02:57:23 What is it attributed to?
02:57:24 Honestly, I think.
02:57:25 A big part of.
02:57:26 It it's it's comfort.
02:57:29 We're living in a decade of time.
02:57:31 If whites didn't couldn't get food on the table if whites had to fight for what they got.
02:57:37 We wouldn't be, you know, maybe some.
02:57:40 Of it's biological.
02:57:41 But really, a lot of it is.
Speaker 5
02:57:43 Is just dopamine.Devon
02:57:46 It's just dopamine.02:57:47 It's just, it's just ease of access to to entertainment ****.
02:57:51 Food. Why? Why bother?
02:57:57 You know, even if they are aware of the problem.
02:58:00 They might just not care.
02:58:01 Who cares?
02:58:03 It's easier to check.
02:58:04 Out and mentally and, you know, just play video games all day.
02:58:09 Who cares?
02:58:15 That's what I mentality was on Trump at first.
02:58:17 But you eventually wake up if you want to.
02:58:20 You know, I thought Trump was actually going to do something and tell he.
02:58:23 Prevented the the the.
02:58:24 I'm sorry the JFK documents from being released when the JFK documents he blocked them, they were going to be released.
02:58:31 If he had done nothing.
02:58:33 By law, they would get released and he stepped in and blocked him, and then he went to Twitter and told everyone he saw JFK.
02:58:40 I knew we were ******.
02:58:42 Because if he can't tell the truth about the deep state from the the 19 ******* 60s, he's not going to tell us the truth.
02:58:48 About the deep state.
02:58:50 You know, 60 years later.
02:58:54 The mere fact that blacks aren't heavily despised, that America proves how privileged they are.
02:58:58 If there was fairness in America.
02:59:00 They would be hated.
02:59:01 Speaking for the whole West, but especially in America, well, it also shows the power of of the firmware updates.
02:59:09 You know, most people, they don't.
02:59:10 I mean a.
02:59:10 Lot of these white people that that.
02:59:13 They just they don't live in proximity to it.
02:59:15 Don't see it.
02:59:16 And so all their experience.
02:59:18 With black people.
02:59:19 Is through fiction, and fiction is telling them and version of reality.
02:59:26 So it's not their fault in terms of that.
02:59:29 It's again, they're just, they're in a they're they're living.
Speaker 5
02:59:34 In a bubble wrap world.Devon
02:59:37 And that's why they don't bother.02:59:38 It doesn't affect them.
02:59:40 It doesn't affect them, it doesn't affect their Netflix, it doesn't affect their their, you know, food delivery, their you know their Grubhub still shows up.
02:59:49 Their Netflix is still on the TV. They're in fact. They're now now they're they're recreational. Marijuana still arrives, like everything's cool.
02:59:59 All the black people, they.
03:00:00 Know about are are superheroes and ******* Netflix movies.
03:00:09 Do you think boomers have doomed us in this country to die out in the cold? Incredible. Incredible that one generation screw over 1500 years of tradition.
03:00:19 Bad specifically in this country, 200 years of stable society and one generation ****** at all. It's not, you know.
03:00:28 We'll go out some other time.
03:00:29 It's it's not just the boomers.
03:00:31 They just happen to, I think, be at the wheel when the car went off the road.
03:00:38 UM.
Speaker 1
03:00:42 OK.Devon
03:00:48 How do I give you some shekels?03:00:51 Subscribe star and there's there'll be you can go.
03:00:54 To and there's a there'll be links.
03:01:01 On the replay on this and stuff.
03:01:07 UM.Devon
03:01:11 Any plans on having entropy donations on super?03:01:14 Yeah, I keep meaning to set that up, and in fact the entropy girl was going to do like a Skype call with me at one point and show me how to do it.
03:01:23 But then that we were Deming and that Twitter account got banned.
03:01:27 So there was a while ago.
03:01:29 And I just never got around to it.
03:01:34 But yeah, I'm. I'm I.
03:01:37 I was skeptical of them at first, but after talking to people that don't, that sort of know them personally, I don't mind using their service.
03:01:47 I just need to set it up.
03:01:51 Slap that black pilled log on a coffee.
03:01:53 Mug and I'll buy some.
03:01:54 You can buy.
03:01:55 There's a store on
03:01:57 I just look, the website hasn't been updated in maybe a year, but there's a store you can buy black pilled mugs already.
03:02:05 You can buy black pilled shirts.
03:02:08 There's all that stuff there, I think so.
03:02:10 At least I I.
03:02:10 Think it still works, I don't get.
03:02:12 It no one does, so I don't get any money from it.
03:02:21 You can find what Jews have done on the Instagram account, Jewish contributions.
03:02:26 You don't need to go.
03:02:28 Deep to find subversive stuff that well, I mean, look.
03:02:30 They they celebrate a lot of it.
Speaker 1
03:02:35 UM, let's see here.Devon
03:02:41 Did I ever sort out getting my Trevor donation money?03:02:43 I think so.
03:02:44 I'm still confused.
03:02:46 I mean, I got some Trello.
03:02:49 Cash, but like it's.
03:02:51 I still don't understand the trobo thing.
03:02:56 I had a conversation with the boomer today about Tucker when exactly how you'd expect.
03:03:00 They're not going to bother with these type of conversations with boomers anymore.
03:03:03 It's tiring for no point.
03:03:05 Better ask them about ham radios, et cetera.
03:03:07 Yeah, I mean you.
03:03:08 Got to.
03:03:08 Just learn what you can from them.
03:03:10 It's not like they don't have any knowledge, it's just that they will never they grew up in a totally different universe.
03:03:18 And they're going to and.
03:03:20 They have no exposure to.
03:03:24 The the modern world, really.
03:03:27 And so the best you can do is try to brain rape them and get as much what little wisdom they have.
03:03:35 And they do. They do.
03:03:37 And look again.
03:03:38 Hashtag, not all boomers, but even even some of the most like maggots.
03:03:42 Harder boomers, they have something to offer, so it's better to try to.
03:03:46 Focus on that.
03:03:48 And try to get them to transmit that that knowledge to you before they kick off.
03:03:52 And that's the best you can hope for with.
03:03:54 A lot of these people.
03:03:57 Do you recommend Doctor William Pierce?
03:03:59 To be honest, I mean I I know who that is.
03:04:01 Haven't didn't done any deep dives on this material.
03:04:04 I hear good things.
03:04:06 But I can't.
03:04:07 I can't endorse.
03:04:10 Something I haven't read a lot of.
03:04:13 There are no products available in the Black Pilled store, so no.
03:04:16 Oh, we'll have to check out and see what happened with that.
03:04:20 I'll make that stuff available anyway.
03:04:24 All right guys.
03:04:27 We have reached the three hour mark.
03:04:31 So I'm going to wrap things up now.
03:04:36 I hope you guys.
03:04:40 And as far as the community stuff?
03:04:43 And like I said, I got sidetracked by dealings.
03:04:45 I'm still working on a project that it's it is taking.
03:04:48 Up a lot of.
03:04:48 My time, but probably what I'll do in including.
03:04:53 What I might do is I've never set up a discord server in my life.
03:04:56 I might just do one temporarily just so I hate I hate writing emails and going back and forth that stuff I'd rather just talk.
Speaker 3
03:05:02 Obviously this is what I do.Devon
03:05:05 So I might just make some shitball discord server and then that that guy that was talking about running it like it maybe just invite him on there.03:05:13 And just start like talking to some of you guys that might want to help him volunteer to do this stuff that I don't have.
03:05:19 Time to do, but the focus I wanted to be on a coordinating doing.
03:05:24 A crowdsourced movie which I think we could do but be also helping out people doing this community stuff, whether it's advice on how to find land, you know, advice on just from people that a community of people that have done these sorts of things before.
03:05:41 You know, whether it's helping out with, you know, animals, you know, if you're going to have livestock or or even if it's just financing and, you know, just just the the kinds of normal things might just be normal **** like, hey, I'm setting my solar system and I don't know what kind of panels to get.
03:05:57 Or I don't know what kind of.
03:05:58 Batteries to get or.
03:05:59 You know, whatever.
03:06:01 It might not even be like.
03:06:02 You have to sit there and be like the mentor that needs, but maybe you know what videos that people should watch or you know the.
03:06:09 I think there's enough enough of us out there doing this kind of a thing that we can be mentors and help each other out help a lot of people that want to disconnect from the system and start creating something on their own.
03:06:23 And look, if you've done it, you know that there's a lot of **** you do totally differently.
03:06:29 If you had the chance.
03:06:30 And so maybe you can help spare someone that's doing it for the first time.
03:06:34 Some of these pitfalls that you and I have done, like the first time I tried to go upgrade, it was a ******* disaster.
03:06:42 And so that's I have a whole lot of you know, I have a long list of things not to do.
03:06:47 And then just other things you know, just in terms of.
03:06:51 You know, just like home schooling, for example, what books should I get and or ham radio?
03:06:57 Like how do I set up my antenna?
Speaker 5
03:06:59 Or you know.Devon
03:07:00 So there's lots of just things like that.03:07:02 That's what I want the focus to be on.
03:07:03 I don't.
03:07:03 Want it to be?
03:07:04 Anything that if it got rated by.
03:07:07 By by members of the base you know.
03:07:10 The feds or whatever.
03:07:12 I don't want it to be anything that we get anybody into trouble.
03:07:14 I want it to be totally it could be totally infiltrated and it won't matter.
03:07:18 Because if we were going to be talking about anything shady, it certainly wouldn't be on a server that I ever mentioned on a stream, right?
03:07:26 So anything that would be happening in this, think of it as like a a public almost like a a public meeting house, that's where the doors are unlocked.
03:07:36 People could just walk in.
03:07:37 It's not a.
Speaker 5
03:07:37 Big deal.Devon
03:07:39 And but I just think it would be good to.03:07:41 Have that so anyway.
03:07:44 Freaking rambling now, so I'll wrap it up.
03:07:46 You guys have a good night.
03:07:47 4 black pilled.
03:07:52 I am of course.
Speaker 3
03:07:56 Devon stack.Speaker 7
03:07:59 That's a television era.Speaker 2
03:08:00 Well, this is a concept of the TV of the future.03:08:03 This combines two different technology, flat screen technology in terms of allowing us to make the the unit very compact in its size and also high definition TV in the sense of getting very well defined pictures.
03:08:15 The idea is that this would be a flush unit that would fit against the wall.
03:08:18 And was very.
03:08:19 Maneuverable, but you can always position it away very discretely when it's finished with and it's linked directly into the Raceway.
Speaker 7
03:08:25 Now mark with all these systems, how do we control them? Do we have a lot of these little infrared controllers like we currently do with our VCR's? And so on.Speaker 2
03:08:34 Well, we think systems are going to become very much more important in terms of the way you control the whole environment.03:08:39 Within the home.
03:08:40 Let me introduce you to Dennis Arsenal, who can talk to you a little bit more about the systems within the House.
03:08:45 Future Steel, Dennis, can you demonstrate some of the systems within the House?
Speaker 7
03:08:49 Sure. Voice command.Speaker 12
03:08:52 Good morning.Speaker 7
03:08:54 Now who is she?03:08:56 That's the voice of our computer.
03:08:57 She's tied in through the house and she recognizes only the voices of the homeowners.
03:09:02 So only your voice.
03:09:03 That's correct.
03:09:04 Well, what else I should do?
03:09:05 Let me show you evening party.
03:09:12 The evening is hardly like a mood, Kitner said.Speaker 7
03:09:15 That's incredible.03:09:16 She's dim the lights.
03:09:17 She's got music coming through these loud speakers.
03:09:21 What else?
03:09:23 Privacy mode.Speaker 12
03:09:27 Now close.Speaker 7
03:09:28 That's amazing.03:09:29 Close these blinds here.
03:09:31 Well, what else does?
03:09:31 She do.
03:09:37 Security report.
03:09:42 The security system is now disarmed.Speaker 7
03:09:45 That's amazing.03:09:45 I hope she doesn't call the police.
03:09:47 On us too.
03:09:48 Call the police.
03:09:51 The police have been called.Speaker 7
03:09:54 That's an amazing machine, but you know you can see real, practical applications for somebody who's handicapped.03:10:01 What does she cook as well?
03:10:02 Not yet.