

Speaker 1
00:00:00 I he.
00:01:46 Each time I see you again.
00:01:54 Hi pieces.
00:02:03 How can I be just your friend?
00:02:11 You help me to.
00:02:21 Forget pretend we've never met.
00:02:28 And I've tried, but I haven't yet you.
00:02:59 Peaces each time someone speaks your.
00:03:12 Hi to pieces.
00:03:21 Time only to the flame.
00:03:29 You tell me to find someone else to love.
00:03:37 Someone who?
00:03:38 Love me to.
00:03:39 Love me the way you.
00:03:42 Used to do, but each time.
00:03:48 Am I go out with someone new?
00:03:54 You are my way to pieces.
00:04:06 And to be safe.
Speaker 2
00:04:40 Sometimes, like a motherless child.
00:05:11 A long, long way.
00:06:03 And I knew.
00:06:19 It's not.
Speaker 4
00:06:55 And I'm.
Speaker 5
00:08:26 I'm a crowd with death.
00:08:37 Take that.
Speaker 2
00:08:58 I've got nobody to squeeze me.
00:09:01 I'm just.
00:09:16 Good evening.
00:09:18 Good morning, good afternoon, good, all that stuff.
00:09:22 How dare you not like this song?
00:09:24 Whatever your name was.
00:09:27 This song was.
00:09:28 It's it's, it was sung.
00:09:30 It was.
00:09:30 From the heart, man, it's Tom Jones.
00:09:33 Tom Jones.
00:09:37 It's the black man stole Tom Jones from.
00:09:40 The white man.
00:09:43 Just want you to know that.
00:09:46 OK.
00:09:47 So anyway, Saturday night, right?
00:09:49 Got all kinds of stuff going on.
00:09:51 This is Devin stack.
00:09:52 You're watching the insomnia stream.
00:09:56 Over the Rainbow Edition because you know what?
Speaker 7
00:09:59 We're over the ******* rainbow.
00:10:02 We're over the ******* rainbow.
00:10:06 But before we get into that.
Speaker 2
00:10:16 What's this? What?
Speaker 1
00:10:21 Spooky, spooky cloud ****.
00:10:27 We're going to talk about some spooky cloud stuff.
Speaker 7
00:10:35 If I if I could find the.
00:10:36 ******* tab with that story in it, all right.
00:10:41 Unique atmospheric site over Alaska ignites wild social media speculation.
00:10:50 Thursday morning footage of.
00:10:53 Alright, I gotta stop where it's.
00:10:54 Gonna start playing different stuff.
00:10:58 OK.
00:10:58 There we go.
00:10:59 Now I gotta.
00:10:59 Go back to the tab.
00:11:00 There we go.
00:11:01 So apparently this was this.
00:11:03 Weird cloud formation or whatever was.
00:11:07 Who knows what it was?
Speaker 7
00:11:08 Don't know.
00:11:08 I don't know if.
00:11:08 I've ever seen.
00:11:09 A cloud like that was spotted over Alaska.
00:11:14 Over Alaska's lazy mountain.
00:11:17 OK, I guess that's the name Lazy Mountain.
00:11:21 The Russians?
00:11:23 A plane crash.
00:11:24 People were stunned by the vortex, like cloud posted on Twitter and all across social media platforms.
00:11:32 I think it's UFOs.
00:11:34 It has to be UFOs.
00:11:36 The mysterious cloud went viral, forcing the Alaska State troopers and the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center release a public advisory step.
00:11:45 There have been no reports of overdue aircraft or ELT activations indicating an aircraft crash.
00:11:53 A rescue team on a helicopter flew a mission around the Lazy Mountain area this morning and located nothing suspicious and there were no signs of crashed aircrafts.
00:12:03 That's because the UFO.
Speaker 7
00:12:05 The cloaking device.
00:12:07 Stupid Alaska State troopers.
00:12:11 So anyway, I thought that was kind of neat, kind of interesting, whatever the.
00:12:14 **** it is.
00:12:16 I don't know if that's.
00:12:17 A cloud, I mean, you never know, right?
00:12:19 It could be.
00:12:19 A cloud, but it's.
00:12:22 That's some cloud.
00:12:23 If it's a cloud.
00:12:26 Though we're having other we have a couple of spooky stories throughout just to to spice things up, liven things up.
00:12:34 All right.
00:12:35 Meanwhile, yeah, I kind of feel like.
00:12:37 Playing the the music again for this next thing.
00:12:41 Only it's real.
00:12:44 Or we think it's real, so here.
00:12:47 There's a lot of videos coming out of China.
00:12:50 And I I played one, I think a couple streams ago the the drone flying around telling everyone to to.
00:12:56 Chill out like.
00:12:57 It's fine that you're locked up in your house.
00:12:59 Cool, because in Shanghai, they're doing lockdowns again.
00:13:03 And I was watching these videos and they're starting to pop up like a lot of pretty horrific.
00:13:06 We'll watch a couple here in a second.
00:13:08 But then it occurred to me, wait a second.
00:13:12 What happened last time?
00:13:14 We had crazy videos coming out of China.
00:13:19 Remember, last time we had crazy videos coming out of China.
00:13:24 What happened immediately after that?
00:13:25 Ohh, we got lockdowns and stuff like that.
00:13:27 So I I don't know.
00:13:30 So here's here's supposedly this is footage of people screaming from their from their high rises because they're ****** *** about being locked up still.
Speaker 8
00:13:44 Because it's gonna hurt you all.
00:13:47 OK, there we go all.
00:13:54 COVID-19.
Speaker 10
00:13:57 What don't you do? I'm.
00:14:11 Doesn't really get any exciting.
00:14:12 That's just.
00:14:12 Whereas that's pretty much all that is.
00:14:14 And we don't know.
00:14:15 The **** he's saying.
00:14:16 Then we get videos like this where they're throwing.
00:14:19 Food because, like, uh, people can't get food, it's crazy.
00:14:37 Of course, I've I've China loves that this it gets.
00:14:40 Way more dystopian after the next clip is.
00:14:42 The worst?
00:14:43 Yeah. Like look at that.
00:14:53 I don't know what they're saying uh, but this this.
00:14:58 This is the **** one because this one.
00:15:02 This is the ****.
00:15:03 One like this is.
Speaker 7
00:15:06 The cats. Really. Really.
00:15:09 Like there's there's.
00:15:11 It's bags of cats.
00:15:21 Again, the Chinese.
00:15:24 Not known for their humane.
00:15:26 Treatment of Animals the Chinese.
00:15:29 So yeah, bags of cats, bags of cats.
00:15:34 To be euthanized, I like how they just they literally.
00:15:37 Just throw them in *******.
00:15:38 It reminds me of there was that video.
00:15:41 Well, when the first round of videos that were coming out of China, like all the horrific ones where they were like spraying, oh, we're spraying the outside, we're putting Lysol on in the air and shape where they were, they were bulldozing.
00:15:53 Live pigs into a giant pit.
00:15:57 Like, just bulldozing live pigs into a pit like thousands of them, it was, you know, again.
00:16:06 Not not not.
00:16:07 The most humane Treatment of Animals, the Chinese.
00:16:11 So we got these videos kind of starting to trickle in again.
00:16:16 Makes you wonder if this is going to be.
00:16:19 This is the.
00:16:21 Ohh get freaked out.
00:16:22 Get freaked out.
00:16:24 The the new variant is out.
00:16:27 And the the vaccine doesn't work and oh ****.
Speaker 12
00:16:32 Better watch out.
00:16:36 And of course, this bumbling idiot's the one that's going to be in charge of whether or not you're all locked down.
Speaker 13
00:16:44 America is a nation that can be defined in a single word.
00:16:48 As a 14 foot excuse me, the photos of the Himalayas.
Speaker 7
00:16:52 What? What?
00:16:58 Oh God.
00:17:01 Ohh God yeah, more people voted for Biden than any other president ever.
00:17:08 Certainly wasn't.
00:17:10 Certainly wasn't any any fraud.
Speaker 13
00:17:11 America is a nation that can be defined in a single word.
00:17:20 All right. Well, anyway.
00:17:23 I think American can be defined by this.
00:17:25 Photo right here.
00:17:27 A dying white majority with, you know, mystery meat to the right and shanique with the left over there, ready to ready to just pounce and and pick up the reins.
00:17:43 And and and why is that taking place?
00:17:44 Honestly, and this is like an older story, but we've seen a lot of stories like this, right?
Speaker 7
00:17:50 This is why.
00:17:52 This is why.
00:17:54 The aging boomer ruling class.
00:17:59 Doesn't give a **** what happens when they're gone.
00:18:03 They don't give a ****.
00:18:04 What happens when they're gone?
00:18:06 For those of you just listening this.
00:18:08 Is it's an older?
00:18:08 Story it's about a millionaire.
00:18:13 That's a millionaire boomer who's going to give away all his money to charity instead of his kids.
00:18:17 It says I'm worth £130 million, but I won't leave a penny of it to my kids. British hospitality.
00:18:25 Tycoon Will bequeath his entire fortune to charity, so his children fend for themselves when he's gone.
00:18:32 How many Jews do that?
00:18:42 I wonder why we don't have generational wealth, why we don't have the the same kind of institutional power.
00:18:49 Things cause, look and I get.
00:18:51 I get the sentiment.
00:18:52 I get it right.
00:18:53 Oh, I want my kids to.
00:18:54 Make it on their own.
00:18:58 But it's it's it's like this denial of.
00:19:01 How ******* lucky you were.
00:19:07 It's almost like they want their kids to fail because if their kids fail, it makes them more special for succeeding.
Speaker 7
00:19:17 When I was your age, I was doing bread in the bread and I owned a.
00:19:20 House in like 5 cars.
00:19:22 That must mean I'm that much better than my kid.
00:19:25 It's almost like they're competing with their ******* kids.
00:19:36 And instead of worrying about the kind of world their kids are going.
00:19:39 To have to live in.
00:19:42 They don't give a ****.
00:19:45 That's why ship bags like.
00:19:47 That are still at the wheel.
00:19:57 That's why they they they're clinging to power until they they have to be resuscitated several times a day.
00:20:06 I mean, they, they, they'll, they'll they'll be trying to.
00:20:08 Run the world from Hospice care.
Speaker 7
00:20:13 And then when they.
00:20:13 Die and their money just goes.
00:20:14 To you know, some random charity that's run by a ******.
00:20:21 Who cares?
00:20:21 **** it.
00:20:22 They won.
00:20:22 They won.
Speaker 7
00:20:29 They they they defeated their children.
00:20:34 They outcompeted their children.
00:20:47 Speaking of younger people.
Speaker 7
00:20:50 This is this is a, you know, it's good to.
00:20:52 See this kind of.
00:20:57 Behavior I guess from a lot of younger guys and I think this is a growing sentiment.
00:21:02 I think a lot of younger white guys especially are nutting up a little bit.
00:21:08 I mean, not a lot.
00:21:09 I mean like at.
00:21:10 Least enough to.
00:21:12 Where we get clips like this every.
00:21:13 Once in a.
00:21:13 While and it's a.
00:21:14 Little bit of a white pill.
00:21:15 I mean, it doesn't go hard.
00:21:17 As hard as.
00:21:17 Obviously I think he should, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.
Speaker 16
00:21:23 Hi, thank you for coming.
00:21:24 My name is Christopher Phillips.
00:21:26 I'm a first year at the college.
00:21:28 My questions for Mr.
00:21:30 You've all spoken extensively about Fox News being a purveyor of disinformation, but CNN is right up there with them.
00:21:38 They pushed the Russian collusion hoax, they pushed the Jesse Smollett hoax, they smeared.
00:21:43 Justice Kavanaugh as a ******, and they also smeared Nick salmon as a white supremacist.
00:21:48 And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation.
00:21:54 With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is it time to finally declare that the the Canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative?
00:22:08 All the mistakes of the mainstream media and CNN in particular seem to magically all go in One Direction.
00:22:15 Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence, or is there something else behind it?
Speaker 17
00:22:22 It's too bad time for lunch.
00:22:25 And you know, of course, Brian Stelter just doesn't really even try to answer the question at all, and it's whatever.
00:22:31 It's not even worth watching, but it's.
00:22:34 Too bad and.
00:22:34 When he said coincidence there wasn't like an echo effect on the microphone.
Speaker 16
00:22:38 Some coincidence or is there?
00:22:40 Coincidence. Instance.
00:22:45 Yeah, but I'm glad he used that word.
00:22:51 All right.
00:22:55 Now we have for our next spooky story.
00:23:03 What is this?
00:23:06 What is this?
00:23:06 This looks crazy.
00:23:09 Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions.
00:23:18 Induced changes to hearing both apparent direction and volume and sometimes even content.
00:23:25 What is the?
00:23:26 What is the?
00:23:26 What am I looking at?
00:23:27 What is this graphic here?
00:23:28 I'm looking at sudden violent itching inside eyelids.
00:23:34 Forced manipulation of Airways, including external controlled forced speech, forced speech.
00:23:43 Reading and broadcasting thoughts.
Speaker 7
00:23:47 Controlled dreams.
00:23:50 Forced waking visions.
00:23:52 Some seemed with body motion.
Speaker 7
00:23:56 Microwave hearing.
00:23:58 Transparent eyelids.
00:24:02 Artificial tinnitus.
00:24:05 Forced movement of jaw and clacking of teeth.
00:24:11 Forced muscle quaking of the large muscles on the back.
00:24:17 Wild Racing heart without cause.
00:24:21 Remotely induced violent.
00:24:23 No rash, itching with preference for hard to reach areas often during delicate or messy work.
00:24:32 Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing injury or spills.
00:24:38 What am I looking at here?
00:24:40 This this is this is weird.
00:24:45 Alright, So what we're.
00:24:47 What we're looking at here.
00:24:49 Is apparently there was.
00:24:51 Someone submitted a Freedom of Information.
00:24:54 Act request.
00:24:58 Let me get the story up here.
Speaker 18
00:25:03 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:25:06 A journalist who requested documents using the Freedom of Information Act received additional files on remote mind control and effects of psychoactive weapons.
00:25:19 A journalist working for the nonprofit organization Muckrock made a bizarre discovery after requesting documents from the US government through the FOIA.
00:25:30 Indeed, as part of an ongoing investigation about Antifa and white supremacist groups, the journalists sent a request to the Washington state.
00:25:39 Fusion Center, a Department of Homeland Security, or.
00:25:45 Wait, OK, part of the Department of Homeland Security, which specializes in counterterrorism detecting criminal activity, disaster planning, cyber security and other threat assessments, along with the standard documents such as such as emails, intelligence briefings and bulletins, the journalist.
00:26:04 We saved a bizarre file named EFX on human.
00:26:07 Body dot zip.
00:26:14 One document describes the effects of psychologic weapons, including forced memory blanking, forced rigor mortis, and even forced O dash dash, dash M so it's censored.
00:26:32 All right.
00:26:35 Here's another fine graphic look at this.
00:26:39 Let's zoom this one in so we can read this.
00:26:41 This looks neat.
00:26:52 Mass and individual remote mind control via the mobile phone network and mobile phones.
Speaker 7
00:27:00 Well, I mean the 5G guys are starting to.
00:27:03 Seem a little less crazy.
00:27:04 At least right now, and this that this was a a poison pill, putting that FOIA.
00:27:10 And it has a diagram showing cell phone towers, like zapping people.
00:27:19 And then it shows, you know another another little graphic individual remote mind control via mobile psychotronic weapon carriers disguised as communications vehicle.
Speaker 7
00:27:33 Well, that's good. That's good.
00:27:37 And there's another one with the helicopter zapping people on the ground, individual and group, remote mind control via black helicopter carrying psychotronic weapons.
00:27:52 Oh, individual remote mind control via transportable psychotronic weapons.
00:28:01 An example of ELF brain stimulation.
00:28:05 Motor control cortex 10 Hertz.
00:28:09 Auditory cortex 15 Hertz.
00:28:12 Visual Cortex 25 Hertz.
00:28:15 Some some somatosensory, 9 Hertz thought center.
00:28:20 20 Hertz.
00:28:23 So yeah, that's that's a little bit bizarre.
00:28:28 Not sure, not sure what that's all about.
00:28:31 But I'll tell you what for those of.
00:28:33 You who think that.
00:28:36 The mkultra.
00:28:38 Is overblown or just some kind of ********?
00:28:42 I mean it.
00:28:43 It's it's super well documented the I don't know how much of this we want.
00:28:47 To watch but.
00:28:50 I wanted to watch maybe the 1st.
00:28:52 Part just because it kind of goes over mind blanking like like basically what they were trying to do was erase people's brains and and then get them to do whatever they wanted after, you know, like.
00:29:05 Basically after.
00:29:06 Essentially, think of it they.
00:29:07 Wanted to reformat people's hard drives and install a different operating.
00:29:11 System on it.
00:29:12 As they control assets and stuff like that.
00:29:18 The Canadians.
00:29:20 Let's see here.
00:29:22 The Canadians had some.
00:29:26 Is it this one?
00:29:28 Yeah, I think it's.
00:29:29 This one alright, I gotta load the file up.
00:29:31 I loaded the wrong one up so just going to take it a second.
00:29:34 But the.
00:29:38 The Canadians actually had some pretty good investigative journalism going on in like the 80s and 90s, you'd be.
00:29:44 Surprised, like even like the the.
00:29:48 The the babies or when when we had the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter.
00:29:55 Before Congress talking about the Iraqis throwing the babies out of incubators and and and acting as if she was some just some innocent Kuwaiti woman who witnessed this happened herself.
00:30:08 And then it it turned out that no, she it was a script written by a.
00:30:14 Like a media outlet that worked with the Bush administration and she it was all an act, it was literally all an act.
00:30:21 It was all the whole story was made.
00:30:23 Up and it.
00:30:24 Was used to get Americans ****** *** at the Iraqis and want to go to war in Iraq, and in fact, the, you know, President Bush.
00:30:33 Repeated the lie.
00:30:35 And and it didn't.
00:30:36 No one in American media.
00:30:38 Checked this out at all like at all.
00:30:41 But the Canadian.
00:30:43 The Canadians had some investigative.
00:30:45 Journalism at the time that actually went over that.
00:30:48 It's just that we had no Internet, so no one could find out, you know, no one over here could find out anyway.
00:30:53 This is a.
00:30:57 This is a show that briefly.
00:31:00 Goes over some of this this mind erasing ******** that they wanted to do and yeah.
00:31:08 I just need to fix the audio real quick.
00:31:11 OK, here we go.
Speaker 19
00:31:13 Ago there were some startling revelations about the.
00:31:16 Of the CIA in Canada, the American Intelligence Agency had paid for a series of brainwashing experiments under a project code named MK Ultra.
00:31:27 The tests were conducted in secret in the United States and in Canada at a mental hospital attached to McGill University.
00:31:34 Experimental drugs, including LSD, were administered to human Guinea pigs.
00:31:39 The patients were never told that their treatment was part of a CIA experiment.
00:31:44 9 Canadians are now suing the US government.
00:31:47 For $1,000,000 apiece, they charge that their lives were disrupted forever as a result of the.
00:31:55 Despite the fact that the CIA operated secretly in Canada to fund these medical experiments on Canadian citizens, the federal government in Ottawa has joined hands with the government in Washington to hold back vital information which might at last reveal all the sorted details in Winnipeg's thou Orlaco spends a lot of time.
00:32:16 Attending her plants, it's one of the few hobbies she has left.
00:32:21 She used to devour books and write long letter.
00:32:25 Now she can't concentrate on a book for more than a single page, and writing a letter is beyond her.
00:32:32 She's on medication 24 hours a day. If she wasn't married to David Orlaco, an NDP member of Parliament, she might never have learned the full story of what happened to her.
00:32:46 I better.
Speaker 9
00:32:46 Get out the tomatoes and the green pepper.
Speaker 19
00:32:49 In 1956, suffering from depression after childbirth.
00:32:53 Mrs. Orlaco was referred by.
00:32:55 Her Winnipeg doctor to a top psychiatrist in Montreal.
00:32:59 Unknowingly, she was about to become part of a cruel CIA experiment, code named MK Ultra.
00:33:10 In Langley, Virginia, outside of Washington, stands the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency, protected by walls of secrecy as high as the trees.
00:33:21 Stored inside computers like this one is what's left of the CIA files on the MK Ultra project.
00:33:28 Convince the Soviets and Chinese had perfected brainwashing during the Korean War, the agency sought to perfect its own techniques, both to protect its agents and to use as a weapon.
Speaker 4
00:33:41 Who did you meet with in the?
Speaker 19
00:33:42 Safe house, the CIA man overseeing the project was John Gittinger.
Speaker 8
00:33:48 There was continued pressure put upon anybody within the agency and connection with trying to explain or understand the brainwashing.
00:34:00 So we were charged with rather elaborate attempt to try to find out chemical.
00:34:06 Psychological any kind of means that people could use to influence the behavior of the people.
Speaker 19
00:34:14 In Montreal on the.
00:34:16 So again, they've been doing this for.
00:34:18 A really, really, really long time.
00:34:23 And it's not crazy to think that maybe they've got some something working.
00:34:27 Don't know who knows.
Speaker 19
00:34:29 Side of the mountain overlooking the city stands in ancestral home, bearing a name worthy of an Edgar Allan Poe horror tale.
00:34:37 Ravenscrag, donated to McGill Ravens.
00:34:41 Craig became the Allen Memorial Institute.
00:34:43 For the treatment of mental illness here the CIA channeled money for MK Ultra Subproject 68, which became a real life horror tale.
00:34:55 The project chief in Montreal was Doctor Ewen Cameron, World renowned chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at McGill and director of the Allen Memorial Institute.
00:35:08 The CIA secretly funded the medical experiments through a front in New York City called of all Things the Society for the Protection of Human Ecology.
00:35:17 Documents show that the agency had been impressed with earlier work done at McGill in sensory deprivation work that was useful in designing sophisticated torture techniques later on.
00:35:28 But at the time, brainwashing looked even more promising, and Dr.
00:35:32 Cameron was the perfect one to carry out the work.
00:35:35 An American citizen with a world class.
00:35:37 Reputation operating outside of the United States.
00:35:42 Doctor Cameron certainly had the credentials at various times.
Speaker 21
00:35:44 I suppose it could be said to have originated.
Speaker 19
00:35:46 President of the Canadian, the American.
00:35:49 And even the.
00:35:50 World Psychiatric association.
Speaker 21
00:35:53 These are the days and hours are the occasions.
Speaker 19
00:35:57 In an addressed colleagues from around the world, Cameron showed that he certainly knew the potential of the human mind for good and bad.
Speaker 21
00:36:07 And it is his mind.
00:36:09 No less, which may destroy mankind.
Speaker 19
00:36:14 Val Oracle came to the Allen for her postpartum depression.
Speaker 9
00:36:18 Everybody in the hospital was very much in awe of Doctor Cameron and he strode the halls like a giant.
00:36:26 And people would say ohh there, but for God goes God and to me I thought how could he possibly ever take me for a patient?
00:36:35 Who am I?
00:36:36 I mean, this great man who's done all these marvelous things.
00:36:40 And boy, I better work hard and I better do everything that he tells me to do.
00:36:46 You know I.
00:36:47 Don't want to lose this opportunity to get well?
00:36:51 Sound familiar?
00:36:53 Sound sound familiar?
00:36:55 Trust the science.
Speaker 19
00:36:57 Like Mrs.
00:36:58 Orlaco, Mrs.
00:36:59 Jeanine Huard Of Montreal came to doctor Cameron, depressed after childbirth.
00:37:05 The depression was made worse by a hearing problem that coincided with the birth of her child.
00:37:11 She, too, was in awe of Doctor Cameron.
Speaker 22
00:37:15 It was a very, very impressive man.
00:37:19 And I was told it was the best doctor in North America, so.
00:37:25 It would do.
00:37:27 Look at you a few minutes.
00:37:28 Ask you a few questions and then proceed with the the treatments.
Speaker 9
00:37:33 But I never saw him once in all the times that I saw him that I wasn't afraid.
00:37:40 Every time I went down to his office, I would shake with fear.
00:37:44 And every time I'd see him coming down the hall, I'd shake with fear.
00:37:48 But I adored him.
Speaker 19
00:37:49 Doctor Elliot Emmanuel knew Cameron.
Speaker 21
00:37:52 He was an authoritarian.
00:37:58 Power hungry?
Speaker 24
00:38:01 Nervous, tense, angry man.
Speaker 25
00:38:06 Not training, right?
Speaker 21
00:38:07 Sounds like doctor Fauci.
Speaker 19
00:38:07 At Ravenscraig, Dr.
00:38:09 Cameron went further with drugs.
00:38:11 And electric shock.
00:38:12 Treatments than any of the US researchers in the MK Ultra Project Dairy.
00:38:17 His aim was to wipe the mind clean.
00:38:20 Then he would implant new messages by forcing the patient to listen to a hypnotic repetition.
00:38:26 As many as 1/4 of a million times.
00:38:29 This was called.
00:38:30 Psychic driving.
00:38:33 Most of the drugs used in the program were experimental.
00:38:36 And some dangerous there was the tranquilizer Artane, a paralysis inducing and necktie, and curare, which Pygmies tip their arrows with to paralyze victims.
00:38:50 Bubble Capman, another experimental tranquilizer, and lysergic acid diethylamide, the hallucinogen LSD.
00:39:01 In her room at Ravenscraig, Mrs.
00:39:05 I mean it's called Ravenscraig.
00:39:08 And it looks it looks like it.
00:39:10 Should be called Ravens Craig.
Speaker 19
00:39:14 Oh, waited for her first treatment.
Speaker 9
00:39:17 Well, I saw Trey with hypodermic.
00:39:22 With a needle, a syringe and the card on it had my name, so I looked a little more closely and it was lysergic acid diethylamide, and my husband was a druggist.
00:39:33 And I knew a lot of drugs, but I've never heard of that one.
00:39:36 And so I phoned a friend and who was a psychiatric nurse.
00:39:41 And I said, do you know what it is?
00:39:43 And she said, I never heard of it.
00:39:45 But she had a friend who was a psychiatrist, so she phoned her friend and she called me back and she said he said that this stuff causes a poisonous cycle.
00:39:59 She said he said not to take it.
00:40:03 Well, I thought, you know, he's a very Freudian psychiatrist and doesn't believe in any medication of any kind.
00:40:08 And after all, here's Doctor Cameron.
00:40:10 I mean, he's.
00:40:11 The Big doctor and he's, you know, he's known all over the world and he wouldn't do anything that would harm me, et cetera and so.
00:40:19 Just like doctor Fauci.
Speaker 9
00:40:21 I took the injection but I didn't like it and it really did create a poisonous psychosis.
Speaker 19
00:40:31 LSD, with all its frightening mental images, was scarcely known at the time.
00:40:36 But the CIA secretly brought some in from Switzerland, where it had just been developed.
Speaker 9
00:40:44 The room became very distorted and I thought my bones were all melting.
00:40:54 You know it's crazy and and I don't.
00:40:56 I don't know if we'll play it, but there is a CBS.
00:40:59 CBS Basically did a kind of a knock off of this of this show a few years later, I got a copy of that here too, but they thought they they also talked about magic mushrooms, and it's kind of funny.
00:41:16 I mean, if you look at this objectively, if nothing else, it's impossible to argue that the introduction of LSD and psilocybin into the public in the 1960s was only possible because of the CIA.
00:41:36 Even if it wasn't like like an on purpose.
00:41:38 Kind of a thing.
00:41:40 Which it probably was.
00:41:41 I'm I'm not saying.
00:41:42 It wasn't.
00:41:42 I'm just saying at at at best.
00:41:46 They brought LSD to the United States to play around with.
00:41:53 And then when they talk about the magic mushrooms under this same project, the MK Ultra Project they sent scientists to Mexico because there were, there were native tribes that used magic mushrooms in their.
00:42:10 Rituals, and they had heard they'd heard some, you know, like it was like this legendary thing is again, it was before the Internet, before there was a whole lot of mass communication.
00:42:21 They just heard rumors.
00:42:22 Others this tribe, you know, in in Mexico.
00:42:25 And they use these mushrooms or whatever.
00:42:26 So they sent this.
00:42:28 Mushroom expert to go find magic.
00:42:30 And he's the one that brought the United States.
Speaker 9
00:42:37 I just wanted to scream that I wanted to get out of there and I saw the squirrels outside and I thought they're not the squirrels.
00:42:44 I'm the squirrel.
00:42:45 I'm in this cage and I can't get out and I started to throw myself from side to side in.
00:42:49 The room.
00:42:51 And I couldn't write.
00:42:53 They had given me a pencil and paper and asked me to write down.
00:42:56 You gotta love those those these motion graphics.
00:43:01 In fact, there's a I wish I should have downloaded that I forgot the name of it.
00:43:04 There's this.
00:43:06 It was like the first motion graphics machine and a lot of people don't care about this, but like.
00:43:11 As someone that's in video, you know that used to work in view all the time.
00:43:14 That was really fat.
00:43:15 There's it's like it takes.
00:43:16 Up the entire room.
00:43:18 There's only one operating in in the world, and there's this, this old boomer guy that just he has the last working one.
00:43:25 And it's it takes up an entire room, and it does these kinds of special effects.
00:43:29 And it was really expensive, so that the CBS version of this episode, they actually reuse this, this same animation.
Speaker 26
00:43:36 But I couldn't write, I couldn't do.
00:43:37 Look at that. Wow. Fancy.
Speaker 9
00:43:38 Anything I couldn't focus, I couldn't.
00:43:41 I don't know.
00:43:42 It was like some kind of funny hail I'd fallen into.
00:43:45 And I.
00:43:46 Couldn't get out.
00:43:48 And I don't how long that went on.
00:43:50 It was just a terrible nightmare and I just felt that my life was.
00:43:58 Threatened I could never go back to what I'd been.
Speaker 19
00:44:03 Robert Logie, of Vancouver, was 18 when he came to the Allen complaining of trembling and severe leg pains.
00:44:10 Diagnosed as psychosomatic, like Missus Orlaco and Missus Huard, he had no inkling he was to be part of a CIA experiment.
Speaker 10
00:44:22 Alice Steamers so very horrifying, and they gave it to me for about 12 or 15 times.
00:44:29 One minute I would see the doctor there and explain.
00:44:31 I wouldn't see him there and they were asking me all kinds of questions and I remember them telling me that I was getting smaller and smaller and I really felt myself getting smaller and they were bringing me back in time.
00:44:47 Way back, you know.
00:44:49 At one point I almost felt like it was.
00:44:50 Just about to be born.
00:44:53 Really, that far back in memory and they're really, really probing and asking all kinds of questions and.
00:45:03 I felt I didn't have any control or I had to answer.
00:45:05 I didn't feel I had any control.
00:45:07 I was completely like they had complete control over me.
Speaker 19
00:45:14 Howard, like the others, was forced to pay for the so-called treatment.
00:45:20 That's the best part.
00:45:21 They they made them.
00:45:23 Pay for it.
00:45:28 Come on.
00:45:28 Your MK Ultra budget couldn't handle giving them this **** for free.
00:45:33 But anyway if.
00:45:34 You want to watch this full thing.
00:45:37 It's called the the 5th estate.
00:45:40 Let's see if there's a title thing here.
00:45:43 Yeah, it's called the 5th estate.
Speaker 7
00:45:45 There's actually there's a there's a handful.
00:45:48 Of decent episodes of this show.
00:45:50 I I'm not Canadian, so I don't know how popular it is or was over there.
00:45:54 I don't.
00:45:54 I doubt it's.
00:45:56 But it looks kind of like they're 60 minutes.
00:45:59 The CBS one.
00:46:01 Like I said, it's very similar.
00:46:03 Oh, there's the animation.
00:46:04 I was saying that they reused.
Speaker 12
00:46:08 To perfect mind control, some of those engaged in that search have agreed to talk about it for the first time.
00:46:20 One said, I think every last one of us felt sorry to attempt this kind of thing.
00:46:24 We knew we were crossing the line.
00:46:27 The search would be endless from brothels, an agent says.
00:46:30 We learned a lot about human nature in the bedroom, to the mystical rites of the magical mushroom ceremony performed by an Indian shaman.
00:46:39 There was Spanish bowling.
00:46:41 The bullets had electrodes implanted in the brain and is controlled by a scientist.
00:46:55 One intelligence agency tried to peel this man's mind back to reveal its deepest secrets.
Speaker 24
00:47:02 Lived through it.
00:47:03 I lived through it.
Speaker 12
00:47:04 This man worked on some of these programs.
00:47:07 He would write of his work.
00:47:08 It was.
00:47:08 Fun fun fun.
00:47:12 This is the story of the.
00:47:13 Search for mind control.
00:47:17 ABC News close up Mission mind control.
00:47:20 I guess it was ABC, ABC Mission mind control. If you want to check that out, maybe if we have time, we'll check out, we'll go back to that a little bit later, but they they basically just talk about the same stuff. You know, the giving, Ellis. Oh, and this one's.
00:47:34 Got commercials.
00:47:38 Like this?
00:47:41 This is the you're gonna *** ****.
00:47:42 In the air.
00:47:43 You can you can already tell this is this aired in 1979.
00:47:47 And all the commercials are in it.
00:47:50 You can almost.
00:47:50 Learn more from the commercials than the actual show like this is the very beginning of of women being being the the the.
00:47:59 The strong, powerful woman.
Speaker 28
00:48:03 217 now boarding and and.
Speaker 17
00:48:07 It's been ages.
Speaker 29
00:48:09 Can I buy it?
Speaker 27
00:48:09 Allow me to make lights.
00:48:12 Makes a light.
Speaker 24
00:48:12 Beer for a good taste of Michelob light.
00:48:16 Don't just compare it to other light beers.
00:48:19 Compare it to your regular beer.
00:48:20 It's that good.
Speaker 12
00:48:22 You always did go first.
Speaker 1
00:48:23 Class San Francisco.
Speaker 9
00:48:24 Your ticket to San Francisco.
00:48:25 Thank you.
00:48:26 You too.
Speaker 8
00:48:28 Runs in the family.
00:48:31 We're totally gonna ****, alright.
00:48:33 So anyway.
00:48:36 Back to our regularly.
00:48:38 Schedule program.
00:48:50 Done. Done.
00:48:53 And they say they're not groomers.
00:48:56 They say they're not groomers.
00:48:58 Understanding resilience strategies among minor attracted individuals.
00:49:05 By Alison Walker, PhD.
00:49:09 Don't call them groomers, though.
00:49:10 Definitely do not call them groomers.
00:49:14 Kind of makes you wonder if this this all this trans stuff is related to it.
00:49:18 So this is a a ****** kid.
00:49:24 I'm going to fix the audio on this real quick.
Speaker 24
00:49:27 There we go.
00:49:28 Who's defying the new Florida law?
Speaker 11
00:49:34 So the Stonewall uprising.
00:49:37 Essentially, people were fed up with.
00:49:38 The abuse and.
00:49:39 Stonewall was the tipping point.
00:49:41 There was a moment where a cop was forcing this lesbian woman into a van and knocked her out, knocked her over the head, and she became unconscious.
00:49:51 And that was the moment that people started throwing objects.
00:49:57 It started with pennies and whatever you could find, but then it became bricks from stone walls in.
00:50:06 OK, the reason why we have this ****.
00:50:09 And we have this **** right here.
00:50:23 And the reason why we have this ****.
Speaker 14
00:50:25 I'm just trying to buy my baby some books.
00:50:28 Look at this ****.
00:50:30 As for Allie, B is for buy, C is for coming out, D is for drag.
Speaker 22
00:50:33 Coming up.
Speaker 17
00:50:36 Look at these little people.
Speaker 14
00:50:36 These are children books, guys.
00:50:39 These are children, books, ML web.
00:50:41 Disrespectful, bro.
00:50:43 My kids are just trying to learn, OK?
00:50:45 They just trying to learn why are you writing books like.
00:50:48 Can't they just be kids and learn their regular Abcs?
00:50:52 What is going on?
Speaker 9
00:50:54 If it's still for family, though.
Speaker 14
00:50:55 What is going equality like we?
00:50:57 Got gay, like, Gee, it's for gay.
00:51:01 Like we got a lot going on.
00:51:03 Non binary non would.
Speaker 28
00:51:06 What the?
Speaker 14
00:51:06 Listen, this is picture books.
00:51:08 This is picture books.
00:51:09 My 4 year old don't.
00:51:10 Know what the **** non binary is.
00:51:13 Lesbian, but they don't know what.
Speaker 14
00:51:14 Lesbian is why are you?
00:51:16 Ohh, but he will, he will.
Speaker 28
00:51:18 OK.
00:51:20 And the reason why we have this shift.
00:51:21 Here this is a woman talking about there.
00:51:28 We'll bring the story up here in a second.
00:51:30 There, there. This is in Idaho. They haven't. Well, because Idaho's changing a lot of people from California and other parts of the country heard that. Oh, we haven't ruined.
00:51:40 Yet let's go to Idaho.
00:51:42 So a literal satanist?
00:51:44 ********** groomer. Satanist.
00:51:47 Is getting a job working with kids and she's gone down to the City Council to protest that and you'll see why here in a second.
Speaker 30
00:51:55 My question is, is this artwork really reflective of artwork that Coeur d'Alene represents and that Abbey light, their influence, and her mindset is going to be bringing to our our city?
Speaker 20
00:52:00 You saw this?
Speaker 30
00:52:11 Is this really what we want in the?
Speaker 26
00:52:15 OK, we've seen that you can.
Speaker 30
00:52:16 Put it down. I'm sorry.
Speaker 18
00:52:18 You you can put it down.
Speaker 30
00:52:19 I just want to make sure that the camera is able to see it for the public that may be watching and are concerned.
00:52:24 Obviously the the public, especially with children, are going to be very concerned about images like this.
00:52:31 Study after study.
00:52:32 Shows the damage that's done to a child's mind when they're exposed to sexual images at a young age.
00:52:37 Men today battled **** and sexual addictions in a way that they have never had to address before.
00:52:43 It starts with small things like naked, overweight ****, comic art being elevated to the level of inspiring and edifying artistic beauty.
00:52:52 You just proclaim this the week of the young child.
00:52:55 Are we going to turn around and approve?
00:52:57 A woman like Abby light to this art Commission.
00:53:01 When we're on the same night that we're doing the week of the young child.
00:53:06 Tonight's prayer was all about the fear of the Lord and the wisdom that comes from that.
00:53:12 I ask you.
00:53:13 Is this going to be beneficial to our city?
00:53:17 Do you like how the the person operating the camera has zoomed away from that so that no one can?
00:53:22 See it.
Speaker 30
00:53:23 Asking you to please not approve Abbey light to the Arts Commission.
00:53:27 Thank you.
00:53:30 This is what is being presented.
00:53:32 This is the artist that they want.
Speaker 20
00:53:34 You're done.
Speaker 31
00:53:37 I am tonight I am denouncing that kind of behavior toward a private citizen who's stepping up and trying to volunteer for a position.
00:53:45 I think it's outrageous that.
00:53:48 See and.
00:53:48 That's why you shouldn't have.
00:53:51 That's why you shouldn't have women in positions.
00:53:52 Of power right here.
Speaker 31
00:53:55 Anybody would attack someone personally in a manner who is just trying to volunteer to serve on an arts Commission.
00:54:01 So I'm denouncing those awful statements that took place, not just this spinning book before.
00:54:09 Say goodbye, Idaho.
00:54:11 But anyway, the reason why we have that the reason why we have this.
Speaker 32
00:54:18 Is it normal to watch ****?
Speaker 23
00:54:22 Hashtag ask me.
Speaker 32
00:54:27 Yes, it's normal. Lots of.
00:54:31 People watch ****.
00:54:32 After all, it's right there and it's.
00:54:35 And anyway, many people are curious about the sex stuff.
00:54:40 But and it's a big ****.
00:54:43 Remember, **** is not real.
00:54:46 Just a fantasy like like, superheroes, movies, bodies don't look like those in **** movies.
00:54:54 In general, everything is exaggerated in sex, it often looks.
00:54:59 Very different in real life.
00:55:01 So don't expect your own body or sex life.
00:55:04 Once you have one to look, anything like what you see in **** or to sound like it either.
00:55:16 Find out.
Speaker 1
00:55:17 More. Hi kids.
Speaker 17
00:55:17 About **** right here on a maze.
00:55:21 And the reason why we have **** like this?
Speaker 13
00:55:24 It's possible to be like me and be happy.
00:55:31 In fact, it's great to be like me and to be happy.
00:55:34 It's OK to like dresses to like sparkly things to be a little it's OK to be a little different than what people want you to be.
00:55:45 Than what people expect you to be.
00:55:48 And I'm old and I grew up without any examples of of people like me.
00:55:53 And so I really, really wanted to tell you it's possible to be like me and then grow up and be happy.
00:56:03 It's possible to be like me and grow up and be surrounded by wonderful friends.
00:56:09 To be really, really fulfilled in your life, to have a good, long happy life.
00:56:18 Yeah, be joyful.
00:56:24 The reason why we have all that stuff.
00:56:29 Is because of this.
00:56:35 It's because of this.
00:56:38 It's because and I remember it happening. I remember in 2016.
00:56:42 Remember, we had we had Milo, the dangerous ****** going on tour.
00:56:47 Hell, I didn't work for him.
00:56:49 I I was. I was.
00:56:52 Slightly uncomfortable with it, but I was I I made the same ******* what I thought was a pragmatic decision.
00:57:00 Well, we've got we got fatter fish to.
00:57:02 Fry, we can worry about the faggs later.
00:57:06 We need to get Trump in there.
00:57:08 We need to get Trump in there because he's actually going to clean up, he's going to lock him up, he's going to, he's going to, you know, turn this country around.
00:57:17 He's going to build the wall, he's going to stop the mass immigration.
00:57:20 We can worry about the faggs later.
00:57:26 And that was that was that was wrong.
00:57:27 And that was stupid of me and of everyone else.
00:57:34 I remember when I on the Donald on on, on Reddit in 2016, anytime a ******.
00:57:43 Wearing a MAGA hat would post a selfie.
00:57:46 It would get artificially promoted to the top.
00:57:50 Look, look, we got ******** voting for Trump too.
Speaker 7
00:57:56 We're not homophobic.
00:58:01 Bass ******.
00:58:05 You have Blair white.
00:58:07 Being promoted Blair White.
00:58:10 Interviewing all the the MAGA people and doing more than just interviewing them, from what I understand.
00:58:22 You had Trump waving.
00:58:23 The the gay flag and look it was.
00:58:25 Nothing new for Trump.
00:58:29 Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn.
00:58:34 Was not just gay.
00:58:38 He was probably the Epstein before Epstein.
00:58:43 He specialized in sexual blackmail from Assad.
00:58:53 Instead of justice owning it and saying, yeah, we don't like ****.
00:58:58 A lot of people do the same thing.
00:59:02 That Republicans have been doing ever since they first got called racist.
00:59:06 Oh no, we're not racist.
00:59:08 Look, black unemployment.
Speaker 7
00:59:10 Yeah, we're always talk about, you know, what the you.
00:59:13 Know the the bad thing about.
00:59:14 Critical race theory is it?
00:59:15 It hurts black people.
00:59:20 Please stop calling me a racist.
00:59:24 Instead of justice ******* owning it.
00:59:30 Instead of saying yeah, actually.
00:59:33 I do prefer my people.
Speaker 7
00:59:35 I do prefer.
00:59:36 Living in a country that was designed by my people for my people.
00:59:43 That's the whole point of a nation in.
Speaker 7
00:59:45 The first place.
00:59:49 So no, I don't want it to be more inclusive.
01:00:00 That's like having a recipe.
01:00:03 Let's just say it's it's it's strawberry milk, right?
01:00:08 I was going to say chocolate milk, but that's.
01:00:09 Probably a bad.
01:00:11 Better, better for right now.
01:00:13 You get the the strawberry quick.
01:00:16 And you get some milk and you pour it.
01:00:17 In and that's the recipe.
01:00:19 And someone says that's not a very inclusive recipe.
Speaker 7
01:00:24 It's not.
01:00:25 What about the soy sauce?
01:00:27 You don't let the soy sauce be involved.
01:00:31 Well, if you pour the ******* soy sauce in.
Speaker 2
01:00:33 There you ruin it.
Speaker 7
01:00:39 You ruin it for the soy sauce too.
Speaker 17
01:00:41 By the way.
Speaker 7
01:00:43 No, it's it's it's.
01:00:45 No longer a concoction that everyone wants to drink.
01:00:51 But people white people just couldn't say that.
01:00:54 They can't just say that.
01:00:58 They can't just say yeah, this is a white country.
01:01:02 My kids are white.
01:01:06 I want them.
01:01:06 To have white privilege in a white country.
01:01:13 But instead we'd use code words.
01:01:14 Right, like in the 90s.
Speaker 7
01:01:17 Ohh, we just want we.
01:01:18 Just want the immigrants to.
01:01:20 That's not even like that.
01:01:21 That's not even talked about now.
Speaker 2
01:01:25 That's probably hate speech now.
Speaker 7
01:01:31 When what you should have said is like look.
01:01:35 We don't want so many immigrants.
01:01:38 From another area to where it's going to dilute.
Speaker 7
01:01:43 The the.
01:01:45 Monolithic. Homogeneous.
01:01:55 They won't assimilate.
01:01:56 Maybe you can absorb a.
01:01:58 Little bit here and there.
01:02:04 You know if I put.
01:02:05 A drop of soy sauce.
01:02:08 And a 32 ounce cup of the the strawberry milkshake stuff.
Speaker 7
01:02:13 I'm I'm probably not even going to notice.
01:02:17 I'm probably not even going to notice.
01:02:21 You start putting more than a teaspoon in, though it's going to get real gross real quick.
01:02:34 But people were too afraid, too afraid to just say yeah, sorry.
01:02:40 It's like the Dave Rubin thing like we talked.
01:02:42 About last string.
01:02:45 Oh, look, it's.
01:02:45 A based ******.
Speaker 7
01:02:47 Look, he like he likes free markets.
01:02:52 We're owning the libs by becoming the libs.
01:02:58 We can't have standards anymore.
Speaker 7
01:03:03 Because it's just about winning.
01:03:07 It's OK for Trump to wave that gay flag around.
01:03:12 Because it's.
01:03:12 About winning.
01:03:15 And look how great that turned out.
Speaker 7
01:03:27 When you throw your support.
01:03:28 Behind people that don't have any principles, don't be surprised when they don't do anything for you.
01:03:39 And look how well it worked out for Trump.
01:03:44 Waving that gay flag around.
01:03:47 We're doing this **** here.
Speaker 4
01:03:51 Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom.
01:03:55 You would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses.
01:03:59 That is correct.
Speaker 33
01:04:00 Appearing at a live town hall meeting on today show.
01:04:06 Caitlyn Jenner.
Speaker 1
01:04:13 She can go.
01:04:14 In the Trump Tower and use the girls bathroom.
01:04:24 Again, this is 2016 and.
Speaker 7
01:04:25 People saw this.
01:04:29 And they were like, oh, he's being pragmatic.
01:04:33 He's being strategic.
01:04:38 He knows the.
01:04:39 Media will will.
01:04:40 Crucify him if he doesn't say that.
01:04:45 Yeah, how'd that workout?
01:04:48 And by the way, I don't think.
01:04:50 That's what he was doing.
01:04:56 The ruling class conservatives quote UN quote obviously don't give a **** because Caitlyn Jenner is now a Fox News contributor.
01:05:21 And it's not just that.
01:05:25 It doesn't just stop there.
01:05:34 And and it's, it's still going in.
01:05:36 Fact. So this is.
01:05:42 I think this was today.
01:05:44 Or sometime this week.
01:05:54 Has put his support behind.
Speaker 12
01:05:56 Doctor oz.
01:06:00 Because it's about winning.
01:06:03 It's about having as many people as possible with.
01:06:06 Ours next to their name.
01:06:08 Because you know that always works out for us, right?
01:06:12 And doctor Oz, he can win.
01:06:14 He's a Republican that can win in California.
01:06:22 Well, Doctor Oz supports transgender surgery for kids.
01:06:33 And that's who Trump is supporting.
01:06:44 The talk show host ran a program about transgender children in 2010 that led to the creation of a gender identity Center for kids as young as four.
01:06:59 Pro LGBT talk show host Mr.
01:07:02 Mohamet Oz.
01:07:06 Announced his candidacy for hotly contested Senate seat in Pennsylvania next year.
01:07:10 I'm sorry it was it was Pennsylvania, not California.
01:07:15 Running as Republican despite a history of transgender activism and support for other liberal causes.
01:07:24 The celebrity doctor and host of the Doctor Oz Show made the announcement Tuesday.
01:07:30 And has been quickly embraced by several high profile Republicans.
01:07:36 Including Senator Lindsey Graham, that's a big that's a big surprise, right?
01:07:42 Gay Senator Lindsey Graham.
01:07:48 And Kevin Cramer of of North Dakota.
01:07:54 Top and well on Donald Trump now.
01:07:57 Top GOP strategist isn't that great?
01:08:00 The GOP strategists have already joined his campaign.
01:08:06 Which appears to be gaining traction with President Donald Trump as well.
01:08:13 A decade ago, Oz emerged as a critical early backer of the transgender movement.
01:08:20 Running as special about transgender children during his shows first season on the air in 2010.
01:08:28 The hour long program promoted a 15 year old girl who had undergone a double mastectomy and words cut off her **** at age 14.
01:08:40 And an 8 year old boy being raised as a girl named Josie.
01:08:49 The episode transgender kids too young to decide.
01:08:53 Also featured transgender activist Robert Garofalo.
01:08:59 A Chicago pediatrician.
01:09:03 Who advises hundreds of children and their families about gender transitions?
01:09:15 But it's about winning.
01:09:23 I'm going to see if I can find that episode.
01:09:25 I probably should have.
01:09:25 Looked for it earlier, but I.
01:09:35 I don't see.
01:09:36 It readily available, but I did find.
01:09:44 An ABC News thing.
01:09:47 That might be talking about it.
01:09:49 Let me see.
01:09:55 OK, I might have found it.
01:09:57 Let's see.
01:10:09 Hopefully this doesn't kill the the stream.
01:10:14 We'll try.
01:10:15 We'll try to get it here.
01:10:31 OK, it's downloading now.
01:10:45 OK, well, that's downloaded.
01:10:47 We'll take a look at the the ABC thing.
01:10:55 The bottom line really.
01:10:57 You know, conservatives have no one to.
01:10:58 Blame but themselves.
01:11:03 They let the left define something that's bad.
01:11:06 That's not bad.
01:11:10 But they did that with Christianity too.
01:11:12 All all throughout the the 70s, eighties, 90s and and and still because they haven't killed it.
01:11:17 All the way yet, right?
01:11:22 Countless movies.
01:11:26 About the crazy Christians.
01:11:33 I mean, it's so it's so burning everyone's head.
01:11:37 Since since like I said, say like the 80s or 90s, anyone who's going to tell a racist joke or say something racist?
Speaker 7
01:11:46 What would they always say first?
01:11:50 But they always say first one.
01:11:52 They're racist, but.
01:11:58 I'm not a racist, but here's some racist ****.
01:12:05 Just say you're racist.
01:12:14 So this is from Good Morning America.
01:12:22 About eight years ago.
01:12:24 I haven't watched this, so let's just.
01:12:25 See what they got here while we're waiting for the other one.
Speaker 27
01:12:28 Well, coming up next.
01:12:29 On the heat.
01:12:30 Index this morning, a stirring video that is being shared by millions, a couples decision to allow their young child born female to become male. ABC's Mara Schiavocampo has more on their emotional journey.
Speaker 33
01:12:44 It's 1 child's story that has many people talking.
01:12:48 Last week, California parents Jeff and Hillary Whittington posted a video to YouTube about their six year old transgender child, violent a 7 minute clip that now has more than 3 million views and counting.
01:13:01 The video explains how.
01:13:03 So this was eight years ago.
01:13:09 This didn't just like jump out of nowhere.
01:13:17 The pitchforks should have come out eight years ago.
Speaker 33
01:13:20 Violent, who was born a girl, began insisting she was actually a boy as soon as she could speak.
Speaker 32
01:13:27 She's my sister, baby.
01:13:29 Goodnight, little brother.
Speaker 33
01:13:33 The Whittington say, after consulting with professionals like gender therapist Darlene Tando, they soon realized this was more than just a tomboy phase.
Speaker 34
01:13:41 With phases, they just kind of come and go, but with gender identity, when a child is transgender, typically.
01:13:47 Nothing fades in or out.
Speaker 33
01:13:48 The family says they made the controversial decision to change their child's identity, referring to Ryland only as he cutting his hair and sending a letter to family and friends about the change.
Speaker 34
01:14:01 There's huge benefits of doing this earlier in life.
01:14:03 It's really just like they've been handed this gift that everyone around them all of a sudden start seeing them for who they really are.
01:14:14 The pitchforks should have come out.
01:14:18 And once again.
01:14:21 Women in positions of power.
01:14:23 Bad idea.
Speaker 34
01:14:24 Canada's gift that everyone around them all of a sudden starts seeing them for who?
Speaker 33
01:14:27 They really are.
01:14:28 The video has struck a chord.
01:14:30 Apeople.com article drawing more than 1500 comments in just three days. I commend these parents for doing what is right for their child, writes one. But one reader commenting, I would never do this to my child.
01:14:44 Another adding I find it disturbing.
01:14:47 Last month, Ryan spoke about his transition at an event honoring the family.
Speaker 32
01:14:51 My name is royal.
01:14:54 They had an event honoring the family.
01:15:00 Eight years ago.
01:15:09 This wasn't in the shadows.
01:15:13 They were holding events and in huge ballrooms.
01:15:20 Spending God knows how much money.
01:15:25 In fact, they probably spent more money on this event honoring these parents.
01:15:33 Then then like a F PAC has.
01:15:34 For a budget to do their event.
01:15:41 And they didn't have to do it.
Speaker 24
01:15:42 In secret.
Speaker 22
01:15:46 Michael, I was trying to make it.
01:15:50 The happiest I've ever been in.
01:15:52 My whole life.
Speaker 7
01:15:53 And we all know we all.
01:15:54 Know the kid must have written that himself, right or herself.
Speaker 1
01:15:59 To my parents.
Speaker 33
01:16:00 The video ends with Ryan's words, but for so many, the conversation is just beginning for Good Morning America, Mara Schiavocampo, ABC News, New York.
Speaker 27
01:16:10 And joining us now is ABC Chief Health and medical editor Doctor Richard Besser.
01:16:14 A lot of people have very strong feelings about this story and the big question I think a lot of people are asking is this child is just six and you hear him use the term transgender.
Speaker 35
01:16:16 Very strong.
Speaker 27
01:16:25 Is it too young for a child to know or to be?
01:16:28 Able to distinguish gender.
Speaker 35
01:16:29 Yeah, I mean that's that's the big question that everyone has.
01:16:32 You know, the more we're learning about gender, the more we're learning that this is really hard.
Speaker 7
01:16:36 The more we're learning about gender.
01:16:47 We were still learning about gender eight years ago.
Speaker 35
01:16:51 Hard wired.
01:16:52 It's hardwired in the brain and from very early from the first couple of years of life, children will recognize gender and then start to.
01:16:58 Identify with gender.
01:17:00 So here you had a child who from the beginning she felt that she was not aligned with her anatomic gender.
01:17:07 Her parents brought in experts and they felt that truly this was a child.
01:17:11 Who was transgender and that the earlier they transitioned her, the better.
01:17:15 Now, more experts trust the science.
Speaker 3
01:17:15 In terms of her son.
Speaker 12
01:17:26 I just want.
01:17:26 To point out also, it was also good.
01:17:28 Morning, America.
01:17:28 I remember when ABC.
01:17:31 Used to be, they used to think of or or advertise ABC.
01:17:35 Oh, that's the family network.
01:17:38 In fact, isn't that the the network that Disney owns?
01:17:45 I think that it is.
01:17:48 I know they were affiliated at some point.
01:17:49 Let me look this up real quick.
01:18:01 So it was ABC Slash Disney.
01:18:07 That also gave us Desmond is amazing.
01:18:15 Remember when Desmond is amazing?
01:18:17 Came on Good Morning America and they were saying ohh wow, you're so you're so brave.
01:18:23 You're so brave to dress up all like, like a ****** girl and go to gay bars and dance for dollar bills yourself.
01:18:31 ******* brave.
01:18:32 You're so brave to to be drugged up with ketamine and raped by fagots.
01:18:38 So brave.
01:18:43 This was Disney eight years ago.
01:18:48 People have just been asleep at the wheel.
Speaker 7
01:18:52 Or avoiding it.
01:18:53 Or looking the other way.
01:18:56 Because they don't want to be called homophobic or transphobic or racist.
Speaker 35
01:19:01 Self esteem and development.
Speaker 23
01:19:03 We heard in Mary's piece and this is something that people also have been asking.
01:19:06 How do you know the difference between saying you're a tomboy or you're a boy that likes to play with dolls?
Speaker 36
01:19:11 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 23
01:19:11 I mean, how do you know it's not a?
01:19:13 Phase that you're just going through, it's going to pass.
Speaker 35
01:19:14 That's a big question.
01:19:15 Being transgender is extremely rare, but going through phases of being a topic.
01:19:21 Maybe it was extremely rare eight years ago.
01:19:30 Doesn't seem so extremely.
01:19:31 Rare, now that you've normalized at Disney.
Speaker 35
01:19:34 Some boy or being a boy who likes to play with dolls is so incredibly common, and that doesn't reflect whether you are going to align with with the opposite anatomic gender.
Speaker 7
01:19:47 Not anymore.
01:19:53 If you've got one of the many mothers with.
01:19:57 Borderline personality disorder.
01:20:04 And she sees you playing with a toy.
01:20:06 Truck when you're a girl.
01:20:09 I hope you like having a leg penis.
Speaker 35
01:20:12 That has something to do.
01:20:13 Maybe with your interests which may persist, or may may, may fade and and and change and it's very different.
01:20:19 The connection between gender identity and sexual orientation.
01:20:22 Yeah, and this is this is a little tricky, so.
01:20:26 Well, you should now step Stephanopoulos, you ******.
01:20:31 You, you ****** fagot.
01:20:33 Sexual orientation.
Speaker 25
01:20:34 Yeah, and this.
Speaker 35
01:20:34 Is this is a little tricky, so gender identification is whether whether you align with being male or female and transgender, whether that lines up with what you are anatomically when it comes to whether you're gay, that's sexual orientation.
01:20:47 So are you attracted?
01:20:49 To someone romantically and sexually who is of the same.
01:20:53 I like how they're talking about being attracted sexually, and so they they cut to a little kid as he's talking about that.
01:21:10 I'd like to know who the technical director was in that show when they who made that call.
Speaker 35
01:21:16 Gender or not?
01:21:17 And though you can be transgender, straight transgender by transgender gay, so no, no necessary connection there.
Speaker 27
01:21:24 OK, but what can parents do?
01:21:26 What should they know if they have questions about their own children?
Speaker 35
01:21:29 Yeah, I mean, this is this is really difficult for for people to deal with.
01:21:33 So you know the first thing your child needs from you is unconditional love, compassion.
01:21:38 They need you there, not judging.
01:21:40 Get some help.
Speaker 7
01:21:41 By the way, I want.
01:21:42 I want to talk about this for.
01:21:43 A second the concept of unconditional love is ******* ********.
01:21:50 It's ******* ********.
01:21:54 Love should be conditional.
01:21:59 Look, I love my mom to death.
01:22:01 But there are.
Speaker 7
01:22:02 Things my mom could do.
01:22:04 That would that would end that.
01:22:09 And one of those things.
01:22:12 Is if she were to become transgender or she.
01:22:14 Would have **** with you know, my.
01:22:16 My kid brother in this way or something like that.
01:22:22 This idea that, oh, no, we're we're supposed to just love people no matter what.
01:22:31 That's a poison, by the way, that the Christians are really susceptible to.
Speaker 7
01:22:38 Love the Sinner, hate the sin.
01:22:44 First of all, that's.
01:22:45 Nowhere in the Bible.
Speaker 7
01:22:49 That's literally not.
01:22:50 In the Bible.
01:22:53 I don't know where that ******* poison pill came from.
01:23:00 But that mine virus enables this kind of ****.
01:23:16 That's right, classified cat.
01:23:24 Anyway, this thing's still downloading. This is like the longest download ever. It's not even that big. Watch. And now we're gonna watch it. They won't even be like the right thing.
01:23:33 It still says it.
01:23:34 It says.
01:23:35 It still has like.
01:23:35 A minute and a half before it's gonna be done.
01:23:40 And I'll finish watching this.
01:23:41 It's almost done.
Speaker 35
01:23:42 Help on this talk to your child's pediatrician if they have expertise or any experience in gender issues, go with that.
01:23:48 If not, ask them to refer you to someone who does.
01:23:52 Ask them to.
01:23:53 Refer you to some Jew that'll say oh.
01:23:56 Yeah, definitely your.
01:23:57 Kid is transient.
01:23:58 No conflict of interest there, right?
01:24:02 Like if you're a specialist like your whole business model.
01:24:06 Is mutilating children.
01:24:08 Something tells me you really don't have any any incentive to not mutilate the children if that's where your money like.
01:24:18 Just imagine that that's your job.
01:24:20 Imagine your job is I'm a a transgender kid.
01:24:32 You're you're basically.
01:24:35 A demon at that point.
01:24:36 Let's just let's just.
Speaker 7
01:24:37 Say what it.
01:24:37 Is you're that chick in the beginning here?
01:24:43 Right there, demon.
01:24:45 Straight up ******* demon.
01:24:50 How many kids do you think?
Speaker 7
01:24:52 Parents bring to her.
01:24:54 And she says, Oh no.
Speaker 7
01:24:57 No, that's it's just.
01:24:58 A tomboy phase.
01:24:59 Don't worry about it.
01:25:06 Ohh no, your kids.
01:25:08 Your little.
01:25:08 Boy is not a girl just because he played with Barbies a couple of times.
01:25:12 How much you wanna bet she's?
01:25:14 Literally never said that.
01:25:25 Where's our demon photo?
01:25:29 Well, that that's basically another demon, but.
01:25:32 There it is.
01:25:34 There's the global Pomo demon.
01:25:48 That other one.
01:25:49 And downloaded.
01:25:49 Let's take.
01:25:50 Let's take a.
01:25:50 Look at what doctor?
01:25:52 Oz, I believe this.
01:25:54 This is the Doctor Oz show.
01:25:56 It's not the whole thing, but there's a clip from the.
01:25:57 Doctor Oz show.
01:26:01 Doctor Oz, who Trump is supporting.
Speaker 37
01:26:23 Female there.
01:26:26 All right, looks like I think this is the right one.
01:26:29 Here we go.
Speaker 3
01:26:31 Joe, what if your son told?
Speaker 24
01:26:32 You he was meant to be a she.
Speaker 38
01:26:34 She always knew that she is a girl.
Speaker 8
01:26:37 Would you let your child become the opposite sex?
01:26:40 No, because I'm not a demon.
Speaker 37
01:26:43 Talk to me about why you decided to have a double mastectomy.
01:26:46 At age.
01:26:47 Inside the lives of transgender kids this.
01:26:50 It's gonna be controversial for a lot of people challenging your beliefs about what it means to be male or female.
01:26:57 The word you'll hear today is transgender, transgender.
01:27:02 It describes people who.
01:27:03 Sex on the.
01:27:04 Outside doesn't match who they are on the inside.
01:27:08 Now imagine your child is transgender.
Speaker 24
01:27:10 What would you do?
Speaker 7
01:27:12 Our lives is well, he's so conservative, right?
Speaker 37
01:27:12 Why is this?
01:27:17 Hey, whatever it takes to have another Republican.
Speaker 37
01:27:21 Parents are first defined by the words.
01:27:24 It's a girl or it's a boy.
01:27:26 Could you make a decision to let your child live as the other sex even alter their body?
01:27:32 It's an area of intense debate.
01:27:34 Today you'll meet families coping with this astonishing reality.
01:27:39 What does it mean to be a boy?
01:27:41 What does it mean to be a girl?
01:27:44 And well, now he's starting to sound like our new.
01:27:46 Supreme Court Justice.
01:27:54 I guess, I guess the science isn't settled yet.
01:27:59 You know the whole the whole chromosome thing.
01:28:01 You you were taught in school.
01:28:04 No, that's all ******** again.
Speaker 37
01:28:07 Those two simple questions are infinitely complex and gut wrenching for parents of children who are born transgender.
Speaker 28
01:28:16 And I have a penis.
Speaker 37
01:28:20 8 year old.
01:28:22 I'm a girl and.
01:28:23 I have a penis.
01:28:33 This was 2010.
01:28:38 This was his first season.
01:28:45 He came out the gate swinging with this ****.
Speaker 7
01:28:55 And he's considered mainstream.
01:28:59 People love doctor oz.
01:29:04 Almost almost as much as they used to.
01:29:06 Love lesbian Ellen.
Speaker 37
01:29:09 Josie was born Joseph physically.
01:29:12 She's a boy, but from the time she could talk, Josie knew she was a girl.
01:29:17 Her sex on the outside didn't match how she felt on the inside, and that's how every transgender child feels.
01:29:25 Children like Josie may start showing signs of transgender as early as two.
01:29:29 Or three, this extraordinary condition is not as rare as you might think.
01:29:34 It's estimated that 3 million.
Speaker 7
01:29:37 Oh, it's not.
01:29:39 The other guy was saying it was rare.
01:29:42 How many looking?
01:29:44 I'm being serious here.
01:29:46 How many trans kids do you think, Doctor?
01:29:48 Oz is responsible for just from aside from everything.
Speaker 7
01:29:52 Else he's done.
01:29:53 With with this subject, just from this stupid show.
01:29:59 How many ******** ******* moms?
01:30:02 Were sitting at home.
01:30:03 Stuffing their face with gay Oreo cookies.
01:30:09 Watching Doctor Ross feeling like their life isn't very exciting.
01:30:15 No one thinks they're special anymore.
01:30:21 No one thinks that they're cool or unique anymore.
Speaker 7
01:30:29 If only there was something they could do.
01:30:35 That would make them that cause no one likes their photos on on Instagram or on Facebook anymore.
01:30:42 They're they're just this fat mom stuff in their face with ******* gay Oreos.
Speaker 7
01:30:51 If only there was something.
01:30:53 They could do.
01:30:57 That when they would post photos on social media, people would like them and share them and comment and make them.
01:31:04 Feel special again.
Speaker 7
01:31:11 How many?
01:31:12 How many psycho moms?
01:31:17 Do you think and there there I guarantee you there's it's more than you can count on both hands.
01:31:27 How many do you think watch this ******* episode?
01:31:31 Glanced over at little Billy.
01:31:40 And said, hey, do you feel like maybe you're a girl, Billy?
01:31:46 Hey, Sally.
01:31:49 I noticed you play with the Ken Dolls sometimes and not just.
01:31:52 The Barbie doll.
01:31:54 Do you feel like a boy?
Speaker 37
01:31:58 Americans believed they were born the wrong sex.
01:32:01 Transgender shakes up all of our ideas about what makes us male or female.
01:32:06 Does gender come from our anatomy or from our thoughts and feelings?
01:32:11 While science looks for answers, what our parents of transgender children to do more and more?
01:32:18 Parents like Josies are allowing their children to live as the opposite sex.
01:32:23 In some cases, they're going as far as providing hormone blockers to prevent the onset of puberty, to buy their children, more time to figure out the next step.
01:32:35 Others heed the warning of psychiatrists who cautioned that children who may be transgender don't always grow up to be transgender adults.
01:32:44 There's no easy answer with science and psychology only starting to.
01:32:50 There's no easy answer.
01:32:56 Well, I'm sorry.
01:32:57 I guess you're right, I didn't.
Speaker 7
01:32:58 Go to medical.
01:32:59 I'm not a doctor like you, doctor Oz.
Speaker 12
01:33:05 I guess I just don't.
01:33:06 Understand all the complexities of gender.
Speaker 37
01:33:13 Explore this complex subject what's the right way to nurture a transgender child?
01:33:21 Let's be a family living.
01:33:22 With that very question, every day Vanessa is here with her daughter.
01:33:26 Welcome to the show.
01:33:28 Vanessa, your your husband, Jose is the military.
01:33:30 He's not able to join.
01:33:31 Us today.
01:33:32 OK.
01:33:32 You know, early on, you probably had a sense that Josie was.
01:33:36 Different and when?
01:33:37 Did you recognize that Jose was transgender?
Speaker 38
01:33:40 It was during a regular well baby exam.
01:33:43 The pediatrician was looking at her.
01:33:45 He got really quiet, just sort of watched.
Speaker 17
01:33:47 Her for a.
Speaker 38
01:33:48 While and he brought up a term gender identity disorder.
01:33:53 Excuse me, what's that?
01:33:54 He said.
01:33:55 You know, like transgender was like, could you spell that for me?
01:33:58 I had no idea what he was saying.
Speaker 37
01:34:00 That's what we learned.
Speaker 26
01:34:01 About it.
Speaker 37
01:34:03 How are you?
01:34:05 She has a lot of spark to her.
Speaker 38
01:34:07 She does indeed.
Speaker 37
01:34:09 Do you remember?
01:34:09 When your parents thought you were a boy.
01:34:12 Little bit.
Speaker 37
01:34:14 Talk to me about that a little bit.
01:34:18 When you remember.
Speaker 38
01:34:19 Like, how did it make you feel?
01:34:20 When I used to take you and get your hair.
01:34:22 Cut off at the Barber shop on base.
Speaker 32
01:34:25 They were very angry.
Speaker 38
01:34:27 You did not like your haircut.
Speaker 28
01:34:28 OK.
Speaker 38
01:34:30 Why not?
Speaker 39
01:34:31 Because I'm a girl, not a boy.
01:34:35 Yeah, because little boys never hate getting their haircut.
01:34:41 Yeah, I can't.
01:34:42 I I can't think of a single little boy that I've ever seen crying in.
01:34:46 A barber's chair.
01:34:52 You guys got that.
01:34:53 If you're, if you're little, see again.
01:34:55 If you're the psycho mom at home.
01:35:00 That's weird, cause little Billy.
01:35:03 He hates it when I go to take.
01:35:04 Him to get his hair cut.
01:35:07 He must be one of.
01:35:08 These one of these transgender.
Speaker 37
01:35:13 How do you do the basic things?
01:35:15 I mean, how do you decide how to dress?
01:35:16 Josie, how do you decide how to talk to people?
01:35:19 What's going?
Speaker 17
01:35:20 Right.
Speaker 38
01:35:21 Yeah, those are great questions and they were really.
01:35:23 Big struggles for us.
01:35:25 I had no idea.
01:35:25 Here I am trying to put her into, you know, the little GI Joe outfits to go to school like all the other little boys on base.
01:35:31 And she was fighting me and crying and having fits and and demanding that she wear the pink leggings and the denim little skirts that she.
01:35:42 OK.
01:35:43 Where did those come from?
01:35:48 Because, I mean, I was a little boy once and yeah, I used to not want to get.
01:35:53 Ready for school?
01:35:56 But I didn't have pink leggings and denim skirts in my.
Speaker 7
01:36:06 Where where, where are they like?
01:36:09 Did you just buy both as an option?
Speaker 7
01:36:18 Thus had to have come from somewhere.
01:36:26 ******* psycho moms, I swear to God.
Speaker 26
01:36:30 I think I've.
01:36:30 Told this story before, but there was a a guy I knew, a gay guy I knew.
01:36:35 That I worked.
01:36:36 With and I was telling him my.
01:36:39 This was years ago, years and years ago.
01:36:42 About how?
01:36:43 Yeah, I think most.
01:36:45 If not all gay guys you know were molested.
01:36:51 And you're gay, I mean.
01:36:53 Are you are you molested?
01:36:56 And I was like.
Speaker 7
01:36:56 Oh no.
01:36:57 I was never molested.
01:36:58 And I was like, oh, huh?
01:36:59 Well, you're.
01:37:00 The first one.
01:37:03 And then like 2 weeks later or something.
01:37:06 He's talking to me and he's like, yeah, my.
01:37:08 Mom used to dress me up.
01:37:10 Like a little girl and tell every all of her friends that I was a girl.
01:37:18 And I'm like ohh you, you kind of left that out like OK, maybe that's not really molested, but let's.
Speaker 7
01:37:26 That's not normal.
01:37:29 That might have had some influence, don't you think?
Speaker 38
01:37:33 Wanted to where when we'd go to the store or she'd go to that gravitate towards the girls section.
01:37:37 That's the Little boys section that I wanted to put on her and here and and type on their website there are other parents allowing their children to do this, allowing their children to.
01:37:49 To match the outside of their body to be congruent to who they are inside, it was a new concept to me.
Speaker 37
01:37:55 Thank you very.
01:37:56 Much Robert Ruffalo was joining us today.
01:38:00 He's an expert in this.
01:38:01 He's a pediatrician at Howard Brown Health Center and Children Memorial Hospital in Chicago treats a lot of transgender.
01:38:07 Kids and and.
01:38:08 So this story is not foreign to you.
01:38:10 You deal with in your practice all the time.
01:38:12 And what I would like to have everyone really understand crisply is the difference between transgender, which I guess the criteria is, is and the and the term that was used.
01:38:21 And Vanessa means herself as gender identity disorder.
01:38:24 Just explain that for.
Speaker 15
01:38:26 Yeah, I mean, I think there's some controversy in the community about whether to use the term disorder, first of all, because I think many people are more comfortable with the term condition because as Josie put it, this is who she is.
01:38:37 You know, she she's a girl, you know, so the criteria.
01:38:42 Become really important in terms of just making sure that you know there is some discordance or discomfort with the gender that she was assigned at birth.
01:38:53 That's probably the most important.
01:39:01 They make it sound like.
01:39:03 Like humans are all just these, these exactly the same.
01:39:09 Beings which?
01:39:10 By the way.
01:39:11 The whole I don't see race thing.
01:39:15 Don't act like this isn't related.
01:39:17 Don't act like denying 1 biological difference isn't going to lead to denying more biological differences.
01:39:29 This is what happens when you don't put your ******* foot down.
01:39:32 This is what happens when you don't have any principles.
01:39:39 It's like last spring when I was talking about Dave Rubin.
01:39:41 He was like, Oh yeah, like all these conservatives who have always loved us and, you know, not had a problem with me and my husband.
01:39:48 Now, some of them are they.
01:39:49 Feel a little squeamish because we have babies.
01:40:00 And I said, yeah, they.
01:40:01 Should have felt squeamish that you.
Speaker 7
01:40:02 Were a ******.
01:40:06 Then they wouldn't be in this awkward position.
01:40:18 You start denying biological differences like race.
01:40:21 Inevitably, you're going to be forced to the thy biological differences like sex.
01:40:27 Why not?
01:40:29 Why not?
01:40:38 Same thing with feminism.
01:40:43 If you can't say.
01:40:46 Men and women are different.
Speaker 35
01:40:49 They have different.
01:40:50 Roles in society.
01:40:53 And these differences are biological and hardwired.
01:40:57 If you can't say that.
01:41:01 If you can't say.
01:41:03 The the bio that the differences between races are biological and hardwired.
01:41:10 Why can't this be a little girl?
01:41:17 See, Republicans are just graduating from saying I don't see race to saying I don't see gender.
01:41:37 This is why you should have seen race.
01:41:43 This is why you should see gender.
Speaker 37
01:42:00 So just so I'm clear on this and I'll help the audience as well.
01:42:03 So it's not so much who you like.
01:42:05 It's who you.
Speaker 15
01:42:05 Think you are right?
01:42:07 You know, sexual orientation is, like you said, you.
01:42:10 Know who you're attracted.
01:42:11 To whereas gender identity disorder is who these people.
Speaker 37
01:42:13 Are and the 2nd criteria is.
01:42:16 You don't like your.
01:42:17 Your gender?
01:42:17 You don't like genitalia.
01:42:18 You don't like the clothes you don't like doing the things that you know me would want to do.
Speaker 15
01:42:22 If you're that gender, yeah.
01:42:24 And you know, and it can, it can be pretty extreme.
01:42:25 I've had a patient present to a sort of self injured, you know, as cut their penis because they've been so uncomfortable with the anatomy that they were born.
01:42:35 Yeah, that's called insanity.
01:42:39 There's also a disorder.
01:42:41 There's a rare disorder.
01:42:42 Look at that ******* psycho mom.
01:42:43 But anyway, there's a rare disorder where people are afraid of their own limbs.
01:42:47 Not not just their, their their *****.
01:42:49 I mean, like, their arms, their legs.
01:42:55 There's a whole.
01:42:55 Community of these people.
01:42:58 And they look for doctors that will perform unnecessary amputations.
01:43:05 To try to ease their insanity.
01:43:10 Because they're afraid of.
01:43:11 Their ******* elbow or their ankle, like swear to.
01:43:13 God, there's these people exist.
01:43:24 Why don't we, and honestly, there's at this point?
01:43:28 You literally cannot make an argument.
01:43:31 Why that unnecessary amputation shouldn't be covered by insurance at this point.
01:43:53 But I don't want to be called the transphobe.
Speaker 37
01:43:56 And the third criteria is the this the the duration of.
01:44:01 The the transgender feelings and how do you know for sure that choice is not just going through a phase?
Speaker 38
01:44:09 Once we allowed her to express herself authentically, once we allowed her to live in her normal role without trying to force her into a mold that didn't fit her, then she just blossomed.
01:44:21 You know the she was on.
01:44:23 She took 17 doses of medication a day, 14 different medications to try and get her to fit into this mold for depression anxiety.
Speaker 7
01:44:36 You had your little boy.
01:44:39 On 17 different medications.
01:44:49 And you're surprised that he's ****** **.
01:45:00 This ******* psycho mom.
01:45:03 Whose husband is out fighting wars for Israel.
01:45:09 She literally is one of those women I was describing that would be.
01:45:12 Watching this show.
01:45:19 My husband's away dying for Israel.
01:45:24 I'm at home getting fat.
01:45:27 No one thinks I'm cute anymore.
01:45:29 No one thinks I'm pretty.
01:45:36 My little boy has behavioral problems.
01:45:39 I've been buying him ******* pink leggings and denim skirts.
01:45:44 And I've put them on 17 different medications.
01:45:54 And then some demon tells me.
Speaker 7
01:46:02 Give them hormone blockers.
01:46:10 Let them wear dresses.
01:46:11 Oh, he hates haircuts.
01:46:14 He's definitely a girl then.
01:46:17 Only girls don't like haircuts.
01:46:21 And look now she's special.
Speaker 7
01:46:23 Now she's on doctor Oz.
01:46:40 People share her social media posts now.
Speaker 38
01:46:45 ADHD she was, you know, Tourette's went in there at the end, just all kinds of things, just to try to get her to fit into this.
Speaker 37
01:46:51 Imagine that.
Speaker 38
01:46:52 And, you know, all of those medications went away.
01:46:55 Every single one.
01:46:56 She is on no medications now.
Speaker 7
01:47:02 Well, I guess that means he's all fixed then, huh?
01:47:11 ******* demon.
Speaker 38
01:47:13 She's you see?
01:47:14 She can't stop smiling and giggling, and you know she's just a happy little girl.
01:47:19 That wasn't her.
Speaker 37
01:47:21 Decisions about their kids.
01:47:24 Sometimes these decisions, especially if you've got a transgender child as they approach puberty and so I'd love to understand.
01:47:32 A bit more about how you think through this process and by the way, you know, doctors now can pause puberty, which is another point of controversy.
01:47:39 So let me just show an animation so everyone understand what we're talking about. When your child's growing.
01:47:45 You have hormones and they're released from the hypothalamus, which is down here in the middle of the brain and they stimulate the pituitary gland to release chemicals, knows how it's rhythmic, and it's pulsing stimulating.
01:47:56 Now those hormones come down, and if it's a female child, they'll stimulate the ovaries down here and the uterus and and other female.
01:48:04 Organs and organs.
01:48:07 Female organs.
01:48:09 I didn't think there was such a thing.
Speaker 7
01:48:12 This is a little girl with a penis.
Speaker 37
01:48:16 To create hormones, but you can give a chemical that actually mimics what would happen is if the if this part of the brain was constantly releasing a high dose of that hormone, which actually inhibits the pituitary gland from doing what it normally does, and for that reason you can actually hold back on what normally would happen if the child matures and when the child therefore doesn't grow breast.
01:48:36 Buds and develop hairs at this at the right time you can actually stall you can the way the deep voice that a boy might get.
01:48:43 Biological girls won't get the curvy hips, they won't get menstruation.
01:48:46 That's Gruffalo.
01:48:47 This is a question that I'm sure you're.
01:48:49 Actually struggles with all the time.
01:48:51 How do you advise parents about whether to take this medication or?
Speaker 15
01:48:54 Not, you know, I think this is a really difficult decision and and my job as a pediatrician is to tell families what we know and what we don't know.
01:49:01 But the reality is we don't.
01:49:03 Now your job as a pediatrician is to first do no harm.
01:49:10 That's the that's that's.
01:49:12 The your, your.
Speaker 2
01:49:13 Number one job.
01:49:18 You ******* demon.
Speaker 15
01:49:20 Necessarily know the long term consequences of taking these medications.
Speaker 37
01:49:26 Thank you. Next steps for a transgender teen can be fairly dramatic. I want you to meet Isaac and his parents and see how they handled Isaac's decision to take control of.
Speaker 39
01:49:35 His body, I'm Isaac, 15.
01:49:40 I was born a girl.
01:49:43 But I'm a boy.
01:49:45 I was always a boy.
01:49:46 Everyone always saw me as a boy, even strangers in the street.
01:49:50 Ohh, what a cute boy you have.
01:49:51 And my mom would say no.
01:49:52 It's a girl.
01:49:54 When I was little, I would ask my mom can I can I have a penis?
01:49:58 You know?
01:49:58 Can you make me one or can you buy me one?
Speaker 7
01:50:04 When you were a little kid.
01:50:08 You would ask your mom.
01:50:11 If she could buy you a penis.
01:50:14 And you're going to try to tell me that this kid hasn't?
01:50:17 Been ******* molested or ****** with somehow.
01:50:27 If if.
01:50:30 If a little girl.
01:50:36 Asked me to.
01:50:36 Buy her a penis.
01:50:40 I'd go to the police station.
01:50:46 That our case closed on.
01:50:50 This one already.
Speaker 39
01:50:52 And she's like you.
01:50:53 You can't buy that in 6th grade.
01:50:55 Everybody knew I was different.
01:50:57 I started growing breasts when I was 11.
01:51:00 Then I felt like I was in the wrong body, that I didn't know how to react to all the changes that were happening to me, or how I could still be myself.
01:51:10 So when I started menstruating, it was a shock.
01:51:13 It made everything real.
01:51:15 I'm a girl.
01:51:17 Me and my mom both decided that I should go on.
01:51:20 Hormone blockers.
Speaker 1
01:51:21 They knew that.
01:51:24 Look at that.
01:51:24 *******, dad.
01:51:25 That ******* impotent ******* dad.
01:51:33 Letting the letting the *******.
01:51:35 Crazy *****. Mom, do everything.
01:51:39 And, you know, he knows.
01:51:43 You know, he knows.
Speaker 36
01:51:46 Without treatment, he was going into depression.
01:51:51 I was really scared about suicide.
01:51:55 Ohh no my my teenager is depressed.
01:51:59 My teenagers, depressed, must be transgender.
01:52:07 My my teenager thought about suicide.
01:52:10 Must must be transgender then.
01:52:13 No teenagers ever think about suicide or get depressed.
01:52:20 We better.
01:52:21 We better cut off her ****.
Speaker 39
01:52:24 I wasn't getting the changes I wanted with the hormone blockers.
01:52:28 They stopped my period, but I really wanted physical change, so I started on the testosterone to start getting the facial hair and the deeper voice.
01:52:37 Then I made the choice for my double mastectomy in 7th grade.
01:52:43 It was a very easy decision for me.
01:52:46 It was just like taking off.
01:52:48 The big tumours.
Speaker 36
01:52:49 As soon.
01:52:50 He wake up from the surgery.
01:52:51 He asked me if my chest flat and I said yes and the smile was up to here.
Speaker 39
01:52:58 I feel like I am supposed to be this person, the double mastectomy and the hormones have helped, but I've always been.
Speaker 1
01:53:07 Me, I am so proud of him.
Speaker 36
01:53:11 It's a privilege to be his mom.
Speaker 37
01:53:16 Isaac and his parents are with us today.
01:53:19 The best part was.
01:53:20 That one clap in the audience.
01:53:22 See, because this was 2010.
01:53:24 People weren't buying it yet.
01:53:26 Listen to it.
01:53:26 Listen, that one.
01:53:27 One clap.
01:53:28 There's one person like you.
01:53:30 You usually watch these shows these horrible, horrible, horrible housewife shows.
01:53:37 And they do like the inspirational story.
01:53:40 Oh, I have overcome the adversary adversity in my life and and at the end of the segment, they're out.
01:53:46 Yeah, you'll hear one clap.
Speaker 39
01:53:50 Wounds have helped, but I've always been me.
Speaker 36
01:53:56 I am so proud of him.
01:53:58 It's a pleasure to.
01:53:59 Be his mom.
01:54:06 That one little loan.
01:54:08 Oh, oh, I'm the only demon in the audience.
Speaker 37
01:54:15 Isaac and his parents are with us.
01:54:16 Today, thanks for joining.
01:54:17 The show.
01:54:18 So is your parents love you dearly?
01:54:20 Comes to me very clearly through that video and I'm sure you sensed that in your own life and you've made some very.
01:54:25 Big decisions.
01:54:26 But as a dad, as a surgeon.
01:54:30 I know that when I get patients to sign consent forms, I have to.
01:54:33 Have them be 18 years of age to do.
01:54:34 It by themselves do.
01:54:35 You have any thoughts in your mind about?
01:54:38 Whether you could have coped.
01:54:39 For four, for four more years.
01:54:40 And by the way, I'm only asking this question because I think it's something we're all struggling with.
01:54:44 As you look as.
01:54:45 We hear your story, yeah.
Speaker 39
01:54:48 I feel that I have very supportive parents and honestly I do feel I could cope for four more years.
01:54:55 I was very I would have been very sad and I don't think I would have had the same.
01:55:00 High school experience, but.
Speaker 37
01:55:02 I could help you.
01:55:03 Understand what you were feeling with this difficult decision.
01:55:06 About whether to allow.
01:55:08 So I think they have the surgery.
Speaker 41
01:55:12 I couldn't change the mind, but I could change the body.
Speaker 7
01:55:16 It's like the dad's.
01:55:17 Not even there.
01:55:23 And notice how she said it's like I could.
Speaker 7
01:55:26 Change the mind.
01:55:28 But I couldn't change the body.
01:55:33 Little slip of.
01:55:34 The tongue there, huh?
01:55:35 ******* psycho, *****.
01:55:39 Overbearing psycho ***** with the.
01:55:45 Castrated or husband?
01:55:49 Hey, if her daughter wants * ****, just take it.
01:55:51 From the dad, he's not using it.
01:55:56 Listen more, she said.
Speaker 37
01:55:59 What you were feeling with this difficult decision about?
01:56:02 Whether to allow.
01:56:03 I think to have this surgery.
Speaker 41
01:56:07 I couldn't change the mind, but I.
01:56:09 Could change the.
01:56:10 Body I want.
01:56:11 I want him.
01:56:12 I wanted him to have in agreement everything mind and body.
Speaker 37
01:56:18 No, I understand you.
01:56:19 You can't change the mind, but you can change the body.
01:56:22 I've never thought of.
01:56:22 It that way, yeah.
01:56:25 Never thought of it that way.
01:56:34 *******. Look. Look, the dad's not even there.
01:56:40 Leaning away.
01:56:45 Hasn't said a word yet.
01:56:50 I wonder if they'll even ask him a question.
Speaker 37
01:56:52 About whether to allow.
01:56:54 So I think to have this surgery.
Speaker 41
01:56:58 I couldn't change the mind, but I.
01:57:00 Could change the body.
01:57:02 I want.
01:57:02 I want him.
01:57:03 I wanted him to have in agreement everything, mind and body.
Speaker 37
01:57:09 No, I understand you.
01:57:10 You can't change the mind, but you can change the body.
01:57:13 I've never thought of it that way.
01:57:15 How does Isaac changed in your?
Speaker 18
01:57:16 Eyes after the surgery, yes.
01:57:22 And who is more happy when he come back from San Francisco, where the operation was she?
01:57:28 Better than San Francisco, you ******* impotent ****.
Speaker 18
01:57:34 He's been a big son and his room.
01:57:38 That makes.
01:57:41 It makes sense to me.
01:57:42 Yeah, yeah, I I.
01:57:43 Can tell you're a real assertive guy.
Speaker 18
01:57:45 The the change that he's been been through.
Speaker 37
01:57:51 Almost understand a little bit what the standards are, and I know this is cutting edge stuff, but at what age?
01:57:58 Did most parents who want to make this decision to surgically change the gender of their child start to move forward?
Speaker 15
01:58:04 You know, there are some guidelines out there.
01:58:06 The Pediatric Endocrine Society recently published some pretty good guidelines that talk about 16.
01:58:12 And that's where the age of consent for making some of these decisions.
01:58:15 But what you're hearing here is that this is truly like a family and a patient decision.
01:58:19 Like if you were a parent sitting with a child and you're worried about self injury or harm or depression or suicide.
Speaker 37
01:58:25 Would you wait?
Speaker 15
01:58:26 You know, until someone became 14151617 to make a decision to do something that in your heart.
01:58:32 And in your minds, you know is correct and I think that's what these families are sort of.
Speaker 37
01:58:36 Doing I heard Monica say that that, you know, you're worried about Isaac's life.
01:58:40 Isaac, let me ask.
01:58:41 You this if the.
01:58:42 Law had prevented you from having surgery until you're 18.
01:58:45 That was just.
01:58:46 The rule you couldn't change that.
01:58:48 What would you have?
Speaker 39
01:58:49 I would have.
01:58:50 I would have had a totally different experience.
01:58:53 My, my life, the way I talked to others and the way I I just, I wouldn't want to meet new people.
01:58:59 I I felt like I wasn't good enough to meet other people like I was trapped in my body and I didn't know how to be myself, so it would have been a depressing.
01:59:10 I'm depressed in high school.
Speaker 37
01:59:11 Yeah, I can see that.
01:59:13 That's that's rough.
01:59:15 I I just love.
01:59:16 To hear your advice.
01:59:17 For the the folks out there watching who are transgender or their families.
Speaker 15
01:59:22 You know the what the, the families that you have here are at one end of the spectrum.
01:59:25 And these parents should be applauded for being truly amazing.
01:59:29 But what I really focus on, or what I try to focus on with families.
01:59:33 Not us out, not us.
01:59:34 No one the plotted.
01:59:40 Remember, daytime tells the whole reason why that audience is there is is to to give social feedback to those ******* moms at home.
01:59:49 So a line like that is acute.
01:59:51 To the audience, they're supposed to be like.
01:59:53 They're not.
01:59:54 They're not.
01:59:54 Not yet.
01:59:57 You have this exact same show today. This was 2010 not.
02:00:00 That long ago.
02:00:03 You better believe.
02:00:05 The second, the doctor said.
02:00:08 Mom, I'm sorry, the demon said.
02:00:11 They at least parents should be applauded that whole audience.
02:00:14 Would have been.
Speaker 15
02:00:21 And kids are sort of core universal issues that are true for anyone's child development, which is self esteem, mental health safety.
02:00:29 I mean, those are the things that are universal to making a child and a young person grow up healthy and happy.
Speaker 37
02:00:34 And that's what you should focus on.
02:00:35 The happy is the operative word, doctor Rob Rafael.
02:00:37 Thank you for joining us.
02:00:38 Thank you, Vanessa.
02:00:39 And Josie, thank you for being so cute.
02:00:41 And telling your story, Artura, Monica and Isaac, thank you again for coming forward.
02:00:47 Doctor Oz, Trump's newest pick.
02:00:54 For Republican ruling class member.
02:01:02 Well, yeah, we need the votes.
02:01:04 We need the votes so we can stop people like.
02:01:08 Like that person that.
02:01:10 Got confirmed as the new Supreme Court Justice.
02:01:17 No, you need to vote for the Republicans.
02:01:18 We just need to.
02:01:19 We need to.
02:01:20 We need to.
02:01:20 Vote so we can we can reelect Trump.
02:01:25 Now we we need the vote so we can reappear, Obamacare.
Speaker 7
02:01:33 We need the vote so we can.
02:01:35 Build the wall.
02:01:39 Now we we need the vote so we can stop Obamacare.
Speaker 7
02:01:45 We need we need the vote so we can.
02:01:47 Stop the DREAM Act.
02:01:54 We need the vote so we can have immigration reform.
02:02:03 And so on and so on and so on and so on.
Speaker 7
02:02:20 We we need to vote, so we.
02:02:21 Can have conservative judges on the.
02:02:23 Supreme Court.
02:02:25 That's the biggest joke.
02:02:35 Ohh good Lord.
02:02:37 There was 1 white pill tonight.
02:02:39 Let me see if I can find it.
02:02:43 I thought I had loaded it up.
02:02:56 Was it this?
02:03:00 Ohh that it just downloaded audio that's gay.
02:03:04 That's why it didn't work.
02:03:06 Oh, sorry, I'll read the story.
02:03:08 Let me see if I can find it.
02:03:13 So you guys.
02:03:14 Might remember the FBI.
02:03:18 Faked A kidnapping plot.
02:03:22 Of the Michigan governor.
02:03:25 Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
02:03:30 Women should not be in power, but, but kidnapping them is not a good idea.
02:03:35 Which most people.
02:03:36 Know which is why the FBI had to.
02:03:40 Fake a plot.
02:03:42 Two kidnapped the governor.
02:03:46 Well, as of today, I believe, right, that's today.
02:03:49 Or I guess?
02:03:54 Federal jury failed to convict 4 men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whom they despised, for the restriction she this is from NBC News, right?
02:04:07 So they're leaving out like the the whole FBI faked it thing.
02:04:11 Who they despised for the restrictions she ordered.
02:04:14 Early in the pandemic.
02:04:15 Like, oh, that's.
02:04:16 Is that what it was?
02:04:18 The the panel in Grand Rapids considered charges against Daniel Harris.
02:04:22 24 Adam Fox 38 Barry Croft Junior, 46, and Brandon Caserta, 33, all charged with conspiracy all but Concerta, are also charged with knowingly conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction.
02:04:36 Against persons or property.
02:04:38 In an alleged plot to slow responding police, Croft and Harris were also charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device.
02:04:48 You know a bomb that that the FBI probably gave him.
02:04:52 Harris was charged with possession of.
02:04:53 A semi automatic assault rifle that the FBI probably gave him.
02:04:57 Harris was found not guilty of of all four charges, but the jurors could not reach verdicts in the charge against Fox and Croft.
02:05:05 The judge declared a mistrial in those counts.
02:05:12 The FBI did not get what they want.
02:05:14 I think they're gonna.
02:05:16 Let's see here.
02:05:22 We have two defendants that are awaiting trial.
02:05:24 We'll get back to work on that.
02:05:25 So they're they're still, they're still trying to make something stick.
02:05:32 Concerned, his defense lawyer Mike Hill celebrated his clients acquittal and blamed overly aggressive FBI informants.
02:05:37 I think what the FBI did is unconscionable, hills told reporters outside the court.
02:05:41 I think the jury just sent them a message loud and clear.
02:05:47 Whitmer's chief of staff Joanne Holles decried the normalization of political violence, of course, blah blah blah January 6th. We're all white supremacist Nazi domestic terrorists.
02:05:59 All right, let's take a look.
02:06:04 At the Super chads.
02:06:10 Now that we have that little tiny wipe actually there.
02:06:11 Was another white pill, I thought.
02:06:14 Let me look at my stuff here.
02:06:18 Oh, kind of.
02:06:19 There's one little mini.
02:06:20 White pill.
02:06:21 Actually it's related.
02:06:22 What we were talking about tonight.
02:06:25 There was in Alabama.
02:06:27 They passed.
02:06:30 A law to stop psycho moms.
02:06:34 Where is that at?
02:06:39 And here we go.
02:06:43 So psycho parents like the parents we were just watching.
02:06:48 Have been stopped in Alabama.
02:06:52 Here's a a raging angry ******, a dark day for ******.
02:06:57 Alabama passes SB184, which forcibly medically detransition all trans teens. It's not as based as it sounds.
02:07:08 It's not like I I know I got excited when.
02:07:10 I first read that I.
02:07:11 Was like what?
02:07:11 Really, that's wow.
02:07:14 But no, it's just training rage.
02:07:17 For UM, no longer giving them poison.
02:07:23 It will withdraw youth from gender affirming care.
02:07:26 It will force trans teens to go through the wrong puberty in front of all their peers.
02:07:33 I cry for these kids.
Speaker 17
02:07:38 Final passage today of the transgender meditation Dan, what is your reaction to getting final passage on that?
Speaker 26
02:07:45 Well, it's been a.
02:07:45 Lot of hard.
02:07:46 You know, 3 consecutive years of introducing that bill.
02:07:49 And you know, we're we're glad that the bill received final passage and is headed to Governor Ivy's desk, and it's about protecting these minors.
02:08:00 See again the mistake was and look I'm I'm.
02:08:03 You know, good job doing this, I guess, but that show on Doctor Oz was 2010, he says.
02:08:12 He's been trying to get this bill passed for three years.
02:08:15 They should have been trying to get that Bill passed back when that audience had no one that wanted to clap.
02:08:26 When you're always ******* playing defense.
02:08:32 You're going to be up against the ropes.
02:08:34 All the time.
02:08:39 The reason why I described this as a culture rape and not a culture war.
02:08:45 Is the right is always up against the ******* ropes always.
02:08:51 They're always reacting.
02:08:55 They're never aggressively seeking out these ******* demons.
02:09:00 And exercising them.
Speaker 7
02:09:07 They see a little fire on the curtains.
02:09:10 A little fire on the carpet.
02:09:14 Maybe the couch is on.
02:09:15 Well, it's not a big deal.
Speaker 7
02:09:17 It's not a big deal.
02:09:20 Until the whole house is consumed with flames and then I'm going to look.
02:09:23 For a fire extinguisher.
Speaker 26
02:09:29 And it's not about adults, but it's about those matters and about, you know, their their minds are not fully developed to make these decisions on these medications and surgeries.
02:09:38 And that's what.
02:09:38 The bill is about to protect.
02:09:40 And see, he's afraid of being he's he's afraid.
02:09:43 Of being called the trans folk.
02:09:45 His problem isn't that.
02:09:47 Ohh, this is evil satanic ****.
02:09:50 That we need to get rid of our remove from our society.
02:09:54 No, it's that.
02:09:55 They're not old enough yet.
02:09:56 They're not old enough yet.
Speaker 7
02:10:08 Because he doesn't want to be.
02:10:09 Called a transphobe.
Speaker 7
02:10:19 He's not saying.
02:10:20 That this is evil.
02:10:22 This whole **** is evil.
02:10:26 We need to give actual treatment to these psychos.
02:10:37 And in prison.
Speaker 7
02:10:41 The the the demons that are prescribing this ****.
02:10:46 And causing this mental illness.
Speaker 7
02:10:48 No, he's just saying ohh no, they're just.
02:10:51 Not old enough yet.
02:10:52 To be demons.
02:11:04 I'm not a transphobe.
02:11:09 You just have to be.
02:11:09 Old enough to be a transphobe.
02:11:12 Or trainee.
02:11:17 Again, because this same guy guarantee you can't say.
02:11:23 That he thinks being gay is wrong.
02:11:25 He might not even believe that.
02:11:31 That's why ****** laws weren't.
Speaker 7
02:11:35 Ohh you can **** each other.
02:11:37 In the *** after the age.
02:11:38 Of 18 then.
02:11:39 You're old enough to be be gay.
Speaker 7
02:11:48 ****** laws were no.
02:11:50 You can't **** each other in the.
02:11:52 *** in our society.
02:12:05 But he's playing defense.
Speaker 29
02:12:10 Do you do?
02:12:10 You believe these miners are making these decisions on their own?
Speaker 26
02:12:14 Well, we listen.
02:12:15 We we want to make sure we protect these kids.
02:12:17 There's there's a lot of reasons, a lot of things we do in the state to make sure that they can't have alcohol, can't have tobacco, can't have vaping.
02:12:24 We want to protect them because their minds are not ready and fully developed and make these.
02:12:27 Decisions about long term.
02:12:29 Yeah, it's just like alcohol and vaping.
02:12:36 They're just not old enough yet to cut.
02:12:38 Off their **** and ****.
Speaker 26
02:12:40 About these long term decisions.
Speaker 1
02:12:42 Do you believe these miners are making these decisions about their gender identity?
Speaker 3
02:12:46 On their own.
Speaker 26
02:12:46 I'm going to stay home.
02:12:48 Yeah, I believe that they are definitely making decisions about about these transgender issues.
02:12:56 Look, and he couldn't even say no.
02:12:59 It's the crazy moms.
02:13:02 The reporter asked.
02:13:03 Do you think it's the kids making these decisions?
02:13:05 And he's like, yeah, I think it's the kids making the decisions and that's fine.
02:13:08 They're just.
02:13:09 Not old enough yet.
Speaker 17
02:13:12 First, say that lawmakers are inserting themselves and saying they know better than parents and teams of doctors.
02:13:18 What you have?
Speaker 17
02:13:20 Why do lawmakers know more?
02:13:22 On this issue.
Speaker 26
02:13:24 Listen, this is a.
02:13:24 Big issue that we've seen and we want to make sure that like I said before, miss.
02:13:28 Kim, we protect these children.
02:13:30 From making these decisions that can have long term lasting ramifications.
Speaker 39
02:13:32 Right.
Speaker 26
02:13:35 These medications have side effects, and we heard some testimony from a young lady that they wished that she had made.
02:13:43 Accepted those cross sex hormone and puberty blockers.
02:13:47 And then she regrets those decisions.
02:13:52 Ah, so anyway, I guess it's like again kind of a white pill, but still, it's just like these ******* *******.
02:13:58 I mean, the reason why Republicans are easy on fagots because I think like half of them are actual ******* fagots is.
02:14:05 It's so frustrating to watch this.
02:14:07 **** anyway.
02:14:09 All right, so let's go.
02:14:10 To super chats.
02:14:14 Now that we've now that you've seen the.
02:14:18 Yeah, we're over the rainbow.
02:14:21 But also see how I snuck in doctor Oz.
02:14:25 See a little double double meaning there with the the string there.
02:14:34 But yes, I'm over the ******* rainbow.
02:14:36 ******* deal with this ****.
02:14:39 No, no more saying.
02:14:40 Yeah, but he's a based ******.
02:14:41 No, he's still a ******* ******.
02:14:48 End of story.
02:14:54 All right.
02:15:02 Let's take a look here.
02:15:07 Purge all paedophiles at all costs, large comet C217K2 to.
02:15:13 Pass earth in.
02:15:14 July of 2022, Hope Blue comment.
02:15:21 I think you meant comp comet legend.
02:15:27 OK.
02:15:28 Well, I guess there's a big comet.
02:15:29 Maybe it'll maybe it'll hit the earth.
02:15:35 In July.
02:15:38 And if not, yeah. If you have a telescope, it could be fun. The Food bar nation, $5, Devin, some of US Eastern USA listeners, can't participate when you're live in the middle of the night, 1 to 3:00 PM Eastern standard with a 7:00 PM Pacific Start time at least.
02:15:57 You could cover the entire USA during the leisure hours invoking Uncle Adolf.
02:16:02 He believed the best time to communicate ideas was in the evening.
02:16:08 I don't know, man.
02:16:09 If you can't stay.
Speaker 7
02:16:10 Up if 1:00 AM's past your bedtime.
02:16:15 Hey, it was.
02:16:16 It was the insomnia stream for.
02:16:17 A whole year.
02:16:17 I was up.
02:16:18 I I didn't even start streaming until it was like midnight.
02:16:24 I don't know.
02:16:24 I like the time to wait where it is right now.
02:16:27 I like being the late night.
02:16:28 Show you know.
02:16:30 But you know, maybe someday, maybe someday we'll change it, but I like.
02:16:34 I like being the late night show.
02:16:37 I don't have a problem with it right now.
02:16:41 But thanks for the appreciate the donation there.
02:16:44 Al Bundy, $1.00 greetings from Brazil. Today I traveled to the countryside of Sao Paulo and visited a farm with a restaurant.
02:16:54 I saw a picture on the wall of the farms founder White family in 1924. Everyone was well dressed. I think I was born at the wrong time.
02:17:04 Good customs and family unity no longer exists.
02:17:08 Well, you're in Brazil now.
02:17:10 I've never been to Brazil, so I'm not.
02:17:12 I'm just going off what I've heard.
02:17:16 And what I've seen on the Internet.
02:17:21 Well, I'll tell you what I don't.
02:17:22 I feel like we're not that far behind.
02:17:24 So I.
02:17:24 Really can't talk ****.
02:17:27 I think I think that's what people.
02:17:29 Will be saying in.
02:17:29 The United States, or I guess you.
02:17:31 Could do that now.
02:17:33 You know, it's like I.
02:17:34 Mean **** you.
02:17:35 Look at it.
02:17:35 You look.
02:17:36 At a TV show. Just.
02:17:37 From like the 1980s, it's like you're looking at a completely different universe.
02:17:43 You know it's it's.
Speaker 7
02:17:46 It's bizarre.
02:17:48 How the how?
02:17:50 Quickly, the demographics changed in in this country and I don't know how quickly they changed in Brazil, but in in.
02:18:00 I mean.
02:18:01 That's already what it's like I.
02:18:02 Mean you watch a black and.
02:18:03 White movie or?
02:18:04 It doesn't have to be black and white, you know, you watch a movie from.
02:18:08 Like I said, the 70s or 80s.
02:18:11 One of the things I.
02:18:12 I'm I might do for a future stream I.
02:18:15 I toyed with the.
02:18:15 Idea of going over some of the some of the Jetsons episodes right to see, you know, talk about like what the Jetsons got wrong and and whatever and you know, not just like the flying car stuff, but like.
02:18:28 And not even just like the technology, but just the way that they interacted and stuff.
02:18:32 And the first thing, if you look at the Jetsons, is everybody in the Jetsons's wife?
02:18:42 And the Jetsons is white.
02:18:45 And they got that part way wrong, you know.
02:18:50 But that was the expectation, right?
02:18:54 And that's that's just, you know, it is what it is.
02:18:57 It's like in fact, there was even a there was some leftist that wrote a an article in response to a lot of this AI that they're running old, like really old black and white footage through from like the, you know like the 19.
02:19:14 20S and stuff like the silent film type stuff.
02:19:17 They're running the AI through it and it's colorizing it and and stabilizing it and making it seem more real.
02:19:25 You know, it doesn't seem like this, almost like it's a like a.
02:19:32 It doesn't seem like it's it's documentation.
02:19:35 It seems more like it's art.
02:19:37 You know, when you watch this old film because it's just got this look about it that's that's so.
02:19:44 It's so analog and it's so disconnected from the present.
02:19:50 That it, it seems, almost magical or mystical.
02:19:54 And when anyway, when you run it through this AI stuff that stabilizes it and colorizes and and you see these this more like it's it's footage, right?
02:20:05 I mean it still doesn't look obviously perfect, but it looks a lot closer to.
02:20:12 Footage that you would see from a.
02:20:16 It makes it seem more real.
02:20:19 And this leftist that wrote this article was saying, oh, this is real dangerous.
02:20:24 Because people are going to see.
Speaker 37
02:20:28 How white?
02:20:30 Everything looks.
02:20:32 And it's going to create problems.
02:20:38 I forget how they they tried to word salad it up to where they went.
02:20:43 Just you know what they were.
02:20:44 They weren't just pointing out the obvious.
02:20:46 That like, oh, white people are going to be.
02:20:47 Like what the ****, right?
02:20:49 But that's basically what the article was saying.
02:20:53 So yeah, I mean and that's that's and it's not just America that, that, that it's all across the.
02:20:59 The West.
Speaker 24
02:21:01 I mean.
02:21:01 Every major white.
02:21:04 City really, I mean, and throughout the entire West.
02:21:08 There's a lot of people that saw this coming, in fact.
02:21:12 I think Emily Yuccas actually put this on her telegram.
02:21:16 I mean I a lot.
02:21:17 Of people have seen this before, but this was not let me see if I can pull it up.
02:21:23 This was Nazi propaganda.
02:21:27 I think she posted it cause of the Le Pen thing all right.
02:21:32 Nazis were pointing out back in.
02:21:36 I thought it was on her telegram.
02:21:37 Maybe I'm.
02:21:39 I bet I can find it somewhere.
02:21:43 But the Nazis were pointing out that France was demographically changing.
02:21:48 Let me see if.
02:21:48 I can find this.
02:22:06 Yeah, here it is.
02:22:12 I mean this, this is exactly what you're talking about.
02:22:15 Essentially this is the.
02:22:18 And pull it up here.
Speaker 10
02:22:23 Where to go?
02:22:24 There it is.
02:22:26 So a lot of.
02:22:27 You guys have probably seen this.
02:22:33 There we go.
02:22:35 So this first listen, it's a cartoon that depicts.
02:22:41 2 white French people at a zoo.
02:22:45 That black people are going to.
02:22:48 And uh.
02:22:52 Let me see if the I don't know if there's a translation I.
02:22:59 I don't know the.
02:22:59 Exact translation, but the basic translation is.
02:23:04 Or the idea is that France is going to be black in the future?
02:23:09 And they will go to special exhibits to see.
02:23:12 What the old French people?
02:23:14 Used to look like.
02:23:15 Like the ancient French used to be white.
02:23:20 So this was.
02:23:20 Something that a lot of people saw coming.
02:23:24 Almost 100 years ago.
02:23:30 You know, it was already happening.
02:23:37 Alright, let me take a look here.
02:23:45 The foodborne nation, by the way, the only stream I see at this time of night is when I get up to **** back to bed seeing Kyle.
02:23:58 By the way, the only stream I see at this time of night is when I get up too **** back to bed.
02:24:06 Seeing Kyle, I don't know.
02:24:11 What you mean but?
02:24:13 OK. Again, thanks for $5. Well like I.
02:24:18 Said yeah, I.
02:24:18 Mean look, it's it's a Late Show.
02:24:20 Know it is what it is.
02:24:24 There's lots of people that stay up late.
Speaker 7
02:24:27 And plus, I just feel like even.
02:24:28 Though I mean, look, a lot of people watch.
02:24:29 The replay a.
02:24:30 Lot of people.
02:24:30 Don't see this live late shows.
Speaker 7
02:24:33 It's like if you.
02:24:34 Go to a well, I mean, these days I probably wouldn't go to a comedy show these days, but.
02:24:39 If you go to a comedy show back when there were funny comedians, you would I at least I would you always.
02:24:46 You always see the 10:00 show or the later one if there's one later than.
02:24:49 That cause it's always funnier.
02:24:51 The later shows are always funnier.
02:24:53 They're always better.
02:24:57 Because even though, like you know, it doesn't really matter because it's the Internet and some of you guys, this is like in the middle of the morning or you're watch the replay or whatever for.
02:25:05 Me. It's the night.
02:25:09 So you're getting me after I've already been.
02:25:11 Working out in the Sun all day.
02:25:13 I'm kind of like a little more.
02:25:14 I don't know if I'm relaxed as much as exhausted the last few times.
02:25:18 But maybe it's the same thing you get me while I'm all punch drunk and you know.
02:25:23 Who knows?
02:25:25 But we'll see.
02:25:27 But I I I don't know.
02:25:28 I think I like.
02:25:28 The late night later time.
Speaker 7
02:25:31 Didn't do nothing. 1984 or $1.00 appreciate it before.
02:25:35 Years end.
02:25:36 I'll quit my wage slave job when I submit my two week notice to them.
02:25:41 I'll also send your stream of super chat.
02:25:43 It'll be the corporate e-mail address and mobile phone of the office ******.
02:25:49 See the fact that you have an office.
Speaker 14
02:25:55 I did not even.
02:25:57 Encounter a ******?
02:26:00 Until I started doing contract.
02:26:02 Work with the federal government.
02:26:07 On the East Coast.
Speaker 7
02:26:09 I went my whole life without.
02:26:10 Actually, I mean, I'd seen.
02:26:12 Him on TV I looked like.
02:26:13 My whole life, without ever seeing the actual training.
02:26:17 Until I worked at a a office building that had it government offices in it.
02:26:24 Uh, and now everyone's got the I.
02:26:27 You know I look.
02:26:28 There used to be like the office fad.
02:26:30 Every once in a.
02:26:31 While you know cause in the business I was in of course right.
02:26:34 There was a lot of faggs.
02:26:36 But there was never the office training and now there's that now.
02:26:39 Now the the there there's like.
02:26:40 Half the office is ****.
02:26:44 And now there's the office training, as everyone was afraid of being homophobic, they were racist and everything else.
02:26:50 Stinky. What you say about me, white boy? I said nothing.
02:26:56 Blood stained $1.00 appreciate that you should compare Shin Godzilla versus legendary Godzilla, since it's basically it got updated since. It's basically the difference between collectivist.
02:27:11 Ingenuity versus individualist culture.
02:27:17 OK.
02:27:18 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:27:22 I don't know that this.
02:27:24 Well, actually I'm.
02:27:25 I'm almost positive this is not what you're talking about.
02:27:29 However, it reminded me of this, so I'm going to pop it up anyway.
02:27:38 Let me see.
02:27:39 If I I just had it.
02:27:48 You mentioned Godzilla.
02:27:51 This is what popped into my head here.
02:28:04 So anyway.
02:28:07 I don't even know what.
02:28:08 That's from.
02:28:13 I just found that it was.
02:28:14 Like oh, that's uh.
02:28:16 That's something else, huh?
02:28:21 So anyway.
02:28:26 But I'll take down our advisement Reaver $10. Have to deal with a forced video call with a low IQ *****. IRS agent today had my Confederate flag in the background, and her attitude tempted me to call her a well, she's works, the IRS. I probably wouldn't. Wouldn't do that.
02:28:45 I would try to avoid that.
02:28:48 If at all costs, but I appreciate.
02:28:52 The 10 bucks.
02:28:53 Let's Lord God for a $1.00 appreciate that I could have sworn I've seen those documents before floating around image boards.
02:29:02 Besides that, MK Ultra has definitely been in effect.
02:29:05 VMS, media inflect and inflict mass trauma via mass media, and you could get people ready to inflict.
02:29:13 Mass casualties.
02:29:15 Yeah, I mean, I don't.
02:29:16 I don't know what they are and you know, it could be a case.
02:29:18 I mean, he's talking about the.
02:29:22 The weird mind control stuff this stuff.
02:29:26 It could even be.
02:29:27 A case just to be perfectly honest.
02:29:31 This FOIA request got a bunch of e-mail like sometimes right, the FBI will do like a document dump, and in that document dump is just like an e-mail.
02:29:44 Attachment and it's just someone that they were surveilling sent someone else something like a.
02:29:50 It might even just be like a goofy e-mail forward or something like that.
02:29:54 And people will will.
02:29:55 Run with it, because they're like oh.
02:29:57 The FBI. Just.
02:29:59 Declassified this and it's like, well, I mean, yes and no, they released it, but it it does, we don't know.
02:30:08 We don't know where this came from.
02:30:09 We just know it's ******* like, what the hell is this all about?
02:30:12 Right.
02:30:13 But yeah, we we.
02:30:15 So I don't know, we don't.
02:30:16 It was so out of context from the rest of the stuff.
02:30:19 It's a.
02:30:19 Little weird and.
02:30:20 Look, they've done stuff like that before too.
02:30:23 They have.
02:30:24 They've done document dumps like in the they did.
02:30:29 What was it?
02:30:30 I don't.
02:30:30 I want to say it was.
02:30:31 When they they released some stuff completely.
02:30:36 It was. It was.
Speaker 7
02:30:37 Either they were releasing stuff.
02:30:39 About the finders or or or maybe it was about the Mcmartin school or something like that.
02:30:44 But they they ended up.
02:30:45 They threw in some added stuff that really didn't have to deal with the rest of the document dump, and it was.
02:30:50 Just kind of like, what the **** is this?
02:30:52 So they they do.
02:30:53 Do that every once in a while is who knows why it's categorized like that, or or who makes these decisions or whatever.
02:31:01 And look, it could even be a poison pill. It could have been like, oh, you know, you're trying to figure out what we're doing with Antifa and the, quote UN quote, white supremacist domestic terrorists, et cetera.
02:31:13 So now we're we're going to throw in this this random creepy, you know.
02:31:22 X-Files Y thing.
02:31:26 Just to throw you off, but you know, I don't know.
02:31:30 I don't know that we we don't know, but yeah, obviously the MK ultra stuff was real.
02:31:36 It was 100% real.
02:31:38 And we don't even know even.
02:31:39 We just know the tip of the iceberg because they destroyed all the records.
02:31:43 The only reason why we have like the tiny amount of information that we have is because they they neglected to destroy like a box.
02:31:52 It was like a box of of and it's because it wasn't digital, right?
02:31:56 It was literally they they accidentally forgot.
02:31:59 To burn a box.
02:32:01 But the FBI or I'm sorry, the CIA director.
02:32:05 Ordered all of the records for that that entire operation.
02:32:09 To be destroyed.
02:32:11 So we don't.
02:32:12 Even know how bad it gets?
02:32:15 Imagine that. Imagine how much.
02:32:17 Worse, it has to be.
02:32:20 If all we have is like.
02:32:22 A sliver and that little sliver is is all kinds of awful.
02:32:30 Avtomat Kalash in of Kalashnikova $10 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Have you heard of Bar Kochba revolt? The Jews murdered 10s of thousands of Christians in this historical event.
02:32:49 I do not know about that.
02:32:54 I don't think let me do a search here for that.
02:33:07 OK, so that was.
02:33:10 That's ancient history. That's like.
02:33:14 The year 132.
02:33:19 UM known by the Romans as the Jewish expedition, was a rebellion by the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon Barr Kakka against the Roman Empire.
02:33:33 And it was the last of three major Jewish Roman wars.
02:33:37 So is known as the Jewish Roman War or the Jewish revolt.
02:33:45 Well, that could be interesting sometime.
02:33:49 We'll take a look at it.
02:33:50 Maybe sometime Ministry of Truth $5 appreciate that the year 6000 wiki article I mentioned last stream under the Talmud section says that 6000 years the world will exist and 1000.
02:34:06 This the 7th millennia, I guess it shall be desolate.
02:34:13 Also, I enjoyed the B pill last drink keep.
02:34:17 Up the good work.
02:34:19 You know, hopefully the bees are.
02:34:21 Surviving the windstorm.
02:34:23 I I haven't.
02:34:24 I had to.
02:34:25 Ratcheted down the.
02:34:31 The hive, so it should be fine, but it was some crazy wind out today.
02:34:37 Excuse me.
02:34:41 Let's take a look here.
02:34:43 But yeah.
02:34:44 Oh, and also, yeah, there there's there's.
02:34:46 A lot of.
02:34:49 I think there's other really the Mormons.
02:34:51 Believe in like.
02:34:52 A Messianic age kind of a thing too.
02:34:55 But it's not like I don't think it's like a.
02:34:57 I don't think it's like a millennia of desolation.
02:35:00 It's like a millennia of, like, Jesus being around and and baptizing people and stuff.
02:35:06 I I don't, I don't.
02:35:06 Remember, it's, you know, but there's other religions that believe in.
02:35:09 Like that era, I I have to.
02:35:12 I have.
02:35:12 To I don't know much about.
02:35:15 The the Talmudic version of that but.
02:35:19 I'm not surprised they think that the the world will be desolate for 1000 years.
02:35:25 They seem to be wanting to make that happen.
02:35:26 Lots of religions, including the, you know, the evangelicals.
02:35:30 Sadly, that's why we keep getting into all these ******* Jewish wars.
02:35:36 They they and look and even Muslims, right?
02:35:39 The Muslims want the what is the?
02:35:41 I think it's the.
02:35:42 Isn't that the 6th 2:00 or is it the night the the the 60 mom or the 90 mom or whatever like they're.
02:35:48 Their end days guy shows up and then every.
02:35:53 Every every religion has their end day scenario and and there's always a substantial number of their members that want to facilitate that happening.
02:36:05 So I wouldn't be surprised if Jews were trying to facilitate a 1000 years of desolation.
02:36:14 Uh. Let's see here.
02:36:18 Al Bundy, $5 appreciate that. Watch this trailer about politicians creating a law to deport blacks to Africa, but it is an anti white film. There are even old white lady boomers trying to say and it got updated. Hang on.
02:36:38 Trying to say that also suffered from racism with their hair.
02:36:45 It's depressing, does not need translation to understand.
02:36:50 The symbolism.
02:36:54 Well, I'll, I'll see if.
02:36:56 The that link will download it's.
02:36:57 I don't.
02:36:58 I don't recognize that site.
02:37:01 Let's see if it will.
02:37:04 Download with my fancy download, I mean oh, by the way, thanks to the whoever recommended Jay down letter, I got that again.
02:37:12 And it it's uh.
02:37:16 It is not like your link though, it mostly works.
02:37:20 There's a couple like with Twitter, it gets a little stupid, but it mostly works.
02:37:27 So that's what I've been using.
02:37:28 It also doesn't give you the option to change the resolutions, so when you download from YouTube you have to do the full resolution.
02:37:36 I'll check that out later.
02:37:37 I'll stick.
02:37:37 That in my notes.
02:37:42 Open up my notes file.
Speaker 10
02:37:46 Where is that?
Speaker 24
02:37:52 Show notes. Here we are.
02:38:02 OK.
02:38:08 My fat little ******** toe 100.
02:38:11 Dollars. Very generous. Appreciate.
02:38:13 That, hey, Devin, haven't caught the last couple lives, so here's some petrol dollars spending before they're worthless.
02:38:21 I know your plate is very full, so I'll just try or I'll just.
02:38:25 Say hi, mom.
02:38:26 And let you get on the.
02:38:28 Next person paying for your attention.
02:38:32 Hi mom.
02:38:33 Am I saying hi to your mom or are?
02:38:35 You calling me your?
02:38:36 Mom, I don't even.
02:38:37 Know, but I appreciate the very generous super chat there.
02:38:44 Secularist, $1.00 appreciate that mind control is obviously real, but like usual, I think the feds realized it was cheaper and more effective to make people docile in large numbers with ****, video games, and calories, the voice of God **** is for the reality for the really bad going.
02:39:03 Right.
02:39:04 Yes, can't wait to get swallowed up by the earth.
02:39:07 Yeah, I mean, like I look when I I don't think like this graphic that's on the screen.
02:39:12 I don't think that this is like vaccine related or you know, like they're going to start operating people like they're controlling a robot or something like that.
02:39:21 You're right.
02:39:22 Like it is.
02:39:22 It is super easy.
02:39:24 And not only that, you can get the cattle.
02:39:26 I mean, the cattle will do it themselves.
02:39:30 You know, like it's real easy to train animals, especially when when food's involved or, you know, any kind of dopamines involved and you, you can get any animal.
02:39:42 To be really.
02:39:44 I don't know satisfies the right word, but I mean they they I guess docile like you said is the right word to be very docile as long as they're getting.
02:39:53 As long as they're comfortable just and there's, like a threshold, right, there's a there's like, a minimum comfort zone.
02:40:00 And you know these factory farms, that's what they do.
02:40:02 They look for what's the minimum comfort zone and and, you know, and and honestly in some of these factory farms, it's like, what's the maximum torture zone like, some of these *******?
02:40:13 And that's, you know, and that's what.
02:40:15 They go with.
02:40:17 It's capitalism.
02:40:18 The only thing that figures into the equation is profit.
02:40:25 ******** ****** $1.00. Appreciate that holy crap **** faggs. **** ******** and **** this Jewish LED regime for spreading this sooner. God punished this once good country the better may John.
02:40:40 May John money burn in hell.
02:40:45 OK.
02:40:46 And then you have a link, but like I said, I'll.
02:40:50 I'll put that in.
02:40:51 My notes.
02:41:01 Water rates.
02:41:02 Devin, have you ever tried psychedelics?
02:41:05 I used to think they were based in red Pilling, but honestly think they just override your natural rationality and logic, giving you the perception you've learned something profound but really just damaged your brain.
02:41:18 Five years experience.
02:41:20 Yeah, I mean, I've, I've done.
02:41:22 I've done psychedelics when I was younger and I I thought it was making me ********.
02:41:29 So I I didn't do it because that's what it does.
02:41:32 It makes you temporarily insane.
02:41:34 That's what it's doing.
02:41:35 You're just it, you.
02:41:38 I remember what because I confused.
02:41:41 I was confusing numbers with colors and just like like things that like insane people do and I was like, this isn't good.
02:41:48 I can't.
02:41:49 I can't be doing this.
02:41:52 UM, yeah, it's not. In fact, I've known people that.
02:41:57 Were never the same in a bad way after they did psychedelics like they were always.
02:42:04 They're always kind of maybe like a little bit weird.
02:42:06 But you know, they managed it and then they have a bad.
02:42:10 Trip on shrooms and then they're just never.
02:42:12 They're never who they were before, you know.
02:42:17 It's not something that should be recreational at all, and there's people that say that micro dosing is good.
02:42:25 It's just, I don't know, I think it's a bad idea.
02:42:27 It's medications in general, whether it comes from a fungus or a a laboratory or China, or, you know, whatever.
02:42:38 It's just.
02:42:40 It's the mind is a terrible thing to waste.
02:42:42 Like I hate the is the the old 80s anti drug thing, but it's true.
02:42:47 You only get one shot at this.
02:42:48 You know, brain damage doesn't heal.
02:42:51 So if you're anything like me, I.
02:42:53 Mean I've got precious.
02:42:54 Precious few brain.
02:42:55 Cells left.
02:42:56 I don't.
02:42:57 I want to gamble with them just so I can feel like.
02:43:00 Like a an insane person for a few hours.
02:43:04 And possibly have lasting damage.
02:43:06 As a result, you know you never know.
02:43:10 And you're right, the only thing that that cause I never thought I had any profound experiences ever until I was coming down.
02:43:17 And usually the profound experience was like.
02:43:20 Wow, I shouldn't be doing.
02:43:21 It's like there'd be that moment of clarity when you start to come off of it and you start to actually regain rationality.
02:43:29 You'd have that moment of like, oh, this is what?
02:43:32 Everything that's wrong in my life.
02:43:33 This is what I have to do to.
02:43:34 Fix it and.
02:43:35 One of those things would be to not.
02:43:37 Be doing those ******* drugs anymore.
02:43:40 And then all the all the everything, and then that moment's gone and all that important stuff that you thought was so deep is gone.
02:43:49 And there's people that chase that and like, oh, I gotta I gotta do the shrooms again or I got to take acid again so I can so I can have that moment of clarity again.
02:43:57 And and I can, you know.
02:43:59 But you never get it.
02:44:00 It's it's an illusion.
02:44:02 And it's really like if you ask me, it's a product more of you.
02:44:07 Regaining your sanity.
02:44:10 Then it is a product the other way around of you going and saying with.
02:44:13 The with the drugs.
02:44:20 Hot pockets.
02:44:23 Even the ******** identity is just a product to consume, something to swish around in their mouths, or some novelty to sample.
02:44:31 They are the children of corporations, and everything is a transaction.
02:44:35 Even themselves is arguably peak capitalism.
02:44:39 Yeah, I it it absolutely is a product.
02:44:42 It's just they're selling a lifestyle.
02:44:44 You know a lot of.
02:44:47 Advertising is about selling you, not the product.
02:44:50 That's why you know so many people.
02:44:52 They they see the stone toss meme.
02:44:56 The reason why that's so accurate is even before they were pushing the global home OS stuff and advertising.
02:45:03 Think about how many ads you watch, like that Michelob ad that we were watching.
02:45:07 Right, that was, that was included in that.
02:45:10 ABC or or whatever that news report was from.
02:45:15 It had nothing to do with the bed.
02:45:17 They were selling you an emotional experience.
02:45:20 They were selling you the idea that you're like this.
02:45:23 Either you're the the powerful, you know, young woman that's got some kind of corporate job and you get to fly around to exciting places and you're hanging out in, like, airport bars because you're, you're strong, independent woman.
02:45:36 Or they're selling that, you know, a similar vision to the guy that's like, oh, yeah, you're the cool, handsome guy with a good, important job, and you're going to meet this, this sexy independent woman in an airport bar, like nothing has anything to do with Michelob.
02:45:54 Has nothing to do with like what their beer tastes like, or you know how many calories are in it because it was like.
02:46:00 A little light or whatever it has.
02:46:02 Not. And that's most commercials. Most commercials are not actually talking about the product, even in when we watch like some of those old ones, the 1950s and 60s ones.
02:46:14 When they were talking about the product, like, remember that one about, I think what was it like the coffee one where the guy shaving and he's like oh beautiful wife, how?
02:46:24 How could such a beautiful wife make such terrible coffee and she gets all upset and.
02:46:28 Runs to her mom and her mom's like.
02:46:30 Oh, give him.
02:46:31 Folders or whatever the ****.
02:46:33 Like they're not.
02:46:35 Selling the coffee so much as they're selling the idea that her husband is going to be happy and and and and satisfied with her ability as a homemaker, right?
02:46:48 It's not really anything to do with the coffee, and that's most advertising.
02:46:53 Going all the way.
02:46:53 Yeah, it's it's selling you a lifestyle or an experience or an emotional experience.
02:47:00 So those Oreo commercials we watched last stream where it was.
02:47:03 Just like, oh, look your your.
02:47:05 Fagot sons coming out or your lesbian daughter is coming home with her girlfriend or whatever.
02:47:10 They're just trying to sell that as a positive experience.
02:47:14 And it's look and and.
02:47:18 I guess maybe it's an evolution.
02:47:21 In that it it's no longer trying to appeal to fantasies that people already have.
02:47:28 Rather, it's trying to encode new fantasies and emotional experiences on people because, you know, think back like the.
02:47:38 He's, you know, famously the the the long distance commercials in the 1980s like AT&T especially would do these, like, really sappy like.
02:47:48 Oh, I haven't heard. I haven't seen grandma. And like when she's never met the kids or or whatever and so many years. And ohh we get to talk to him on Christmas because AT&T.
02:47:58 Long distance or, you know, back when that was like.
02:48:00 Thing you know, before you know Skype and everything else and and so like.
02:48:07 They were selling you an experience that people could relate to and maybe had had.
02:48:13 A version of.
02:48:14 Or would want or or.
02:48:16 You know, even if they, you know, didn't have that kind of relationship with their family, that that was like a positive thing.
02:48:23 So instead of doing that, they're just selling this ******* horrific demon experience and then making you feel weird for not thinking it's positive, right?
02:48:35 Like you it it's it's a way of socially twisting your arm.
02:48:39 It's making you feel like I must be the weirdo because this is like apparently.
02:48:44 This I mean I can tell by the music that's playing in the background and everything that this is supposed to be like this really ******* positive thing.
02:48:51 So yeah, they're, I mean, and they're so they are.
02:48:53 Selling the this.
02:48:54 The global **** as a product and as a lifestyle, absolutely.
02:48:59 D 1225 dollars. Very generous. Appreciate that I ******* hate these people. Well, I don't. I I can.
02:49:08 I can guess there's probably a lot of different people that you that we've talked about tonight.
02:49:14 D12 one dollar I am the biggest supporter of LGBT. That's a quote from Trump. Yes, it is a quote from.
02:49:22 D12 again $1.00 conservative ******** are hotter than the liberal ********. Donald J Trump junior. Yep, I remember that as well.
02:49:32 He did say that on or, you know, something similar to that on Instagram a couple years ago.
02:49:39 And I think in I think he was promoting.
02:49:43 Bruce Jenner implying Bruce Jenner was hot, and comparing Bruce Jenner's hotness to the hotness of the.
02:49:52 What was the HHS secretary?
02:49:54 Or or?
02:49:55 Whatever that demon does.
02:49:58 Secularists, $1.00 appreciate that you put it perfectly in 2015. I still thought there was a way to turn this ship around with Trump.
02:50:08 Now, I realize both teams play for the same side, and this battle was over before I was even born.
02:50:14 I live in the southwest, slowly becoming a desert nomad, trying to preserve the last relics of our race.
02:50:21 Yeah, you know, I I look, there's a lot of us that we were thinking that we were being smart and pragmatic by bending our values to to win.
02:50:34 And that was that was the first mistake and and it didn't get us anywhere.
02:50:39 So we compromised our values.
02:50:42 And got nothing for it.
02:50:45 That's the rewards you get when you.
02:50:47 Compromise your values.
02:50:51 The left doesn't compromise their values.
02:50:53 When do they compromise their values?
02:50:56 They come, they come *******.
02:50:59 You know, they they come at.
02:51:00 Us hard all the time.
02:51:03 They don't.
02:51:04 They don't compromise, they don't flex.
02:51:10 So it's it's stupid to try to.
02:51:13 It's stupid to try to compromise with them and it'll get you nowhere.
02:51:19 Petro groundwater. I'm sorry, Vivian, $15 appreciate that.
02:51:24 Peter Groundwork Computing Forever's recent VID was a quote from The Who. The authorization of consent of Parents should not be required before abortion. States must recognize children's and adolescents evolving capacity and their associated ability.
02:51:43 To take decisions that affect their lives, right, well, and also the I I couldn't find the clip, but.
02:51:55 Biden's press.
02:51:56 Secretary, what is her name?
02:52:00 Sackie or Jens?
02:52:01 Whatever the redhead anyway.
02:52:04 She said that these states passing these, these these transphobic laws will be held accountable, implying that they might use the force of the federal government to sue these states.
02:52:17 You know.
02:52:19 Why not right?
02:52:20 And they they they probably will.
02:52:22 The the DOJ will probably have lawsuits against these like against Florida and stuff like that because that's that's the that's the.
02:52:30 New normal.
02:52:31 There's also there's a I'm still reading through it.
02:52:36 The World Economic Forum had a.
02:52:39 They released a.
02:52:41 What was it called?
02:52:42 I'll well, I got.
Speaker 16
02:52:44 It on here.
02:52:45 Somewhere, but they were basically it was talking about inserting trans and gay people into media and how that was part of their part of their agenda.
02:52:57 They had a whole thing about, you know, the the importance of having inclusivity.
02:53:03 In entertainment and like it was and they were just basically celebrating all the stuff that that we were a lot of stuff we were talking about today.
02:53:13 So yeah, it's absolutely.
02:53:16 It's absolutely part of the part of the.
02:53:19 Agenda you got.
02:53:19 To think about it, that it it's a way of getting the the population to neuter itself.
02:53:28 And yeah, we see these horrific, really horrific.
02:53:33 Instances where the ******** are having kids and stuff like that, but I mean, come on, you're you're permanently harming the reproductive capacity of.
02:53:41 A lot of.
02:53:41 White people, when you when you run these syops.
02:53:45 Whether it's homosexuality training or or whatever.
02:53:51 Dear Rapole, $5 appreciate that I found your day through audio recording on chirpbooks.com. Are you getting paid for this? I had to pay 1699.
02:54:03 Maybe I'll have to look that up.
02:54:09 I thought it was banned from everything again because it.
02:54:12 Got taken off Walmart.
02:54:14 I don't even know what chirp is, but it is possible.
02:54:18 I will look into that.
02:54:23 Yeah, but thanks for letting me know that.
02:54:29 Oh, let's see here.
02:54:29 I'm going to scroll.
Speaker 25
02:54:30 Back down because it updated.
Speaker 26
02:54:36 There we go.
02:54:40 Here we go.
02:54:42 D12 one dollar.
02:54:44 In Ohio, there is an Indian named Neil Patel.
02:54:49 That can barely speak English running for U.S.
02:54:52 Senate as a Republican, he was a Democrat his entire life, and his son or daughter is an immigration lawyer to help bring in more third worlders.
02:55:02 He won't win, but he was allowed to participate in the debate.
02:55:07 Yeah, well, you know, diversity is our strength.
02:55:11 D12 one dollar appreciate that outside of the streaming, how has the how has the space Internet been? It's about the same right where it hiccups every once in a while.
02:55:22 I discovered in the wind it does not work so great.
02:55:26 So if it's really windy during streaming time, we might have some issues.
Speaker 28
02:55:26 OK.
02:55:32 Because we had, we had some pretty significant wins today and the the Internet was not.
02:55:39 It wasn't terrible, but like for streaming, it probably would have been terrible.
02:55:43 So because it I'm, I'm assuming it's cause it's shaking the dish.
02:55:46 I have it mounted pretty good but the the head of the dish is on it.
02:55:51 It's got like this gimbal that has like a motor that swivels it around and points it at the.
02:55:58 At the satellite.
02:55:59 Right.
02:56:00 And so it's not rock solid.
02:56:04 Yeah, I'm sure it has some play in it when it's getting whacked.
02:56:07 Whacked with like 40 to 50 mile an hour.
02:56:12 But that I mean, I've I've been impressed like.
02:56:14 It's honestly better than I thought it would be.
02:56:17 It's actually a lot better than I thought I would.
02:56:19 I thought I was going to get it and.
02:56:20 Be like, well, I'll keep.
02:56:22 It cause it's good for downloads and like but it's and I know there's been some hiccups and stuff like that.
02:56:27 It's not perfect, but you know it's.
02:56:31 It's so much better than what?
02:56:32 I was doing before.
02:56:35 Pebble in the pond $5 appreciate that keep up the.
02:56:38 Great work. Devin will do.
02:56:41 Based race mixer $25. Appreciate that I don't care what whoops that it updated.
02:56:49 Come on, odyssey.
02:56:52 I wonder if I can submit like a ticket or something like going off.
02:56:56 I don't care what race you are or if you're a Nat sock or a commie.
02:57:00 At what point do we?
02:57:02 Collectively say no to the pedophile **** being normalized.
02:57:07 Well, I mean, they're kind of tied together.
02:57:10 You know, I'm I'm guessing by your name that you know you're you're in a mixed race relationship, you know, whatever.
02:57:16 I'm not going to shoot on you for that.
02:57:19 But it does complicate things right like it's.
02:57:23 One of the reasons why you want to have.
02:57:28 That homogeneous society is that that usually comes with with the same value system, right?
02:57:36 Or at least a good starting point.
02:57:38 And as soon as you start bringing in all these other cultures and and and peoples it gets.
02:57:44 Really difficult to have any kind of consensus and therefore to create coalitions to fight this kind of stuff, right?
02:57:54 Not impossible, right?
02:57:55 It's not impossible, but it is way more difficult.
02:57:59 You know?
02:57:59 Like, if you if you were to ever, if you were able to maintain.
02:58:03 I mean, just as an example.
02:58:06 Like Utah, when it was when it was founded by Mormons it.
02:58:09 Was like.
02:58:10 Like based 100% Mormon.
02:58:11 And then, like, even up until like the like, it was still like 50% like up in up until like the 70s or 80s or something like that.
02:58:20 And because of that, you had weird ****.
02:58:22 And just in that state.
02:58:24 So, like, you know, nothing was open.
02:58:26 On Sundays, because Mormons weren't supposed to work on Sunday.
02:58:29 And you know, you couldn't just there, like, there weren't normal bars, right?
02:58:35 You couldn't just walk into a bar, you had to be like, they made it really difficult.
02:58:39 And before that, you couldn't even.
02:58:40 There weren't even bars.
02:58:42 And as it became less and less Mormon, you had, it became more and more like any other state, right?
02:58:49 And you can argue that's good or bad or that, but it doesn't matter.
02:58:52 The point is that the more you dilute.
02:58:59 You know well in.
02:59:00 In the case of America, the founding stock Americans who have a genetic connection to the people.
02:59:04 Who wrote the constitution?
02:59:07 And design the country to to for their their their descendants the the harder it is to preserve and maintain that.
02:59:18 So in the case of the pedophile stuff, right, like you would think, well, that's something everyone can agree on.
02:59:24 It's really not.
02:59:24 You'd be surprised.
02:59:26 You know, like in in Mexico, their idea of of of pedophilia is a little bit different.
02:59:31 Just as an example, right, like the age of consent there is like, I mean, I don't know, it's not like 9, but it might as well be.
02:59:38 Like there's a.
02:59:39 Lot of you know, you know and.
02:59:43 That's just one example.
02:59:45 And then as you just as you have different religions and just the way that you treat it and and just like the overall overall attitude and like well and obviously Jews are a good example, you introduce Jews into your society, they their idea of sexual degeneracy is wildly out of step with what was the.
03:00:04 Norm in America for, you know, many, many, many, many years.
03:00:10 And so it's it's they are it is kind of like it is tied together I'm not you know like I said I'm not I'm not throwing shade at you at all.
03:00:18 I'm just saying that.
03:00:20 They are.
03:00:20 I mean, as we talked about tonight, it's they are connected.
03:00:24 You can't have a multicultural society and have a strong populist.
03:00:31 Uprising that they can get anything meaningful done.
Speaker 7
03:00:36 Look, basically what you can.
03:00:38 Do is what the the trucker rallies did right?
03:00:42 Because that that was a multicultural.
03:00:44 We don't see race, you know, whatever gathering.
03:00:49 And what?
03:00:49 What results?
03:00:50 Did they get out of it?
03:00:52 You know, Maga same thing, right?
03:00:55 You know, like Trump didn't care what race you were.
03:00:57 He just wanted you to vote for him.
03:00:58 He was all about black unemployment and all this stupid **** and.
03:01:02 You know, like as a result, nothing got done like nothing, nothing meaningful got done.
03:01:09 And anything that got done has.
03:01:11 Already been undone? Like immediately.
03:01:14 So it's they are tied and because there are so many different factions who are all preoccupied with their own interests, a lot of this, this peto stuff flies out of the radar.
03:01:28 You know and and look Muslim is another example that like when you're when you're prophet and look I know people are gonna argue about this but when your prophet is married to a nine year old, you know like there's just a lot there it's just.
03:01:42 When you have this many different people.
03:01:45 Involved trying to have some kind of cohesive.
03:01:49 Idea as to how to deal with the problem.
03:01:51 Any problem, not just the pedo stuff.
03:01:53 Any problem, it just becomes untenable.
03:01:57 And So what do you do you you start electing the people that say they're going to do it for you and they don't get it done because they're trying to the same thing.
03:02:05 Trying to please all their constituents.
03:02:09 It's no longer just like this big monolithic block that they all have the same values, and so you know what you're there to represent.
03:02:15 You're representing like all these.
03:02:16 You're trying to get reelected with all these ******* different people.
03:02:22 Excuse me.
03:02:23 So yeah, I mean that's what and and in.
03:02:26 Other words, that's why a lot of this stuff's.
03:02:29 Going to just keep going.
03:02:32 And that's why eventually we'll get to a point where it's.
03:02:36 I mean, that's not the only reason why, but that's a big part of why we'll get to a point where it's just.
03:02:42 You know it's normalized.
03:02:44 We'll have the first Peter president.
03:02:46 Well, maybe we'll have a ****** president first.
03:02:48 I don't know.
03:02:48 Is there any difference?
03:02:55 Simba 1488 appreciate that when I was very young, my mom and I met her friend and her friend's child.
03:03:03 Who was also about my age?
03:03:06 The other child's hair was very short, so I asked.
03:03:09 Are you a boy or a girl?
03:03:11 Years later, my mom saw her friend again and found out her daughter grew out her hair after that.
03:03:17 Never short hair again.
03:03:19 Right.
03:03:20 Well, that's the other thing too, you know, like.
03:03:27 I mean you you were probably inadvertently bullying.
03:03:30 Her into correcting a behavior.
03:03:34 There's lots of things like, especially if your kid you don't know that you're doing something that makes you look like a **** *** and tell your friends call you a ******* for doing it.
03:03:43 And yeah, your feelings are hurt for like a day.
03:03:46 But then for the rest of your.
03:03:47 You don't look like a *******.
03:03:49 So it's kind of a good trade off.
03:03:52 But we've we've removed bullying in any kind of any form whatsoever.
03:03:57 So all these behaviors that would have been corrected with with you know.
Speaker 14
03:04:01 Oh, but my.
03:04:02 But then my little.
03:04:03 Boy would be crying for a day.
03:04:06 OK, well, you avoided him crying for a day, and now he's going to cry and commit suicide, you know?
03:04:11 In like 5 years.
03:04:14 When all that.
03:04:15 Had to happen was he got made fun?
03:04:17 Of like during lunch, one day at school.
03:04:21 And then and.
03:04:22 Then that would have been it.
03:04:25 Because just like, just like when?
03:04:27 Like when, anytime that you've.
03:04:30 If you ever hurt yourself doing something right, like hurt yourself bad doing something physically, I mean.
03:04:38 You next time you have to do that thing, your brain, it's like it rewires the pathways like it.
03:04:46 It's extra cautious.
03:04:47 You're like, oh, last time I did this thing, I got, really.
03:04:49 Hurt bad.
03:04:49 So I gotta be extra careful.
03:04:52 And like you can go too far and be paralyzing.
03:04:55 But you know most people don't.
03:04:57 You know.
03:04:57 It's not like if you touch a hot pan, you're not going to touch a pan again you.
03:05:00 Just be extra careful, right?
03:05:02 Same thing with social shame.
03:05:04 Those those social.
03:05:06 Wounds that pain that you feel socially does the same exact thing.
03:05:10 If you're doing something that's really obnoxious or that makes you look stupid or whatever, and your friends like call you out on it and it's really embarrassing and it hurts, you're going to be, you're going to.
03:05:19 Correct it and we just we've removed that from the equation.
03:05:22 That's why part.
03:05:23 Of why we have all these *******.
03:05:28 Based race mixer with a bit shoot link.
03:05:33 And I will add that to my notes or my notes go.
03:05:44 Well, you know what?
03:05:44 I'll, I'll.
03:05:45 I'll look, let me see what the.
03:05:46 It's a bit shoot.
03:05:47 Those sometimes don't screw everything up.
03:05:49 Let me.
03:05:49 I'll just look and see what it is first.
Speaker 1
03:06:02 This is.
Speaker 39
03:06:02 Hi it's autoplane.
03:06:09 OK, I'll check this.
03:06:10 Out later, this is a little long.
03:06:16 But it looks interesting.
03:06:17 I thought I saw a cartoon Hitler in there somewhere.
03:06:25 I think you have a Murdoch Murdoch telegram link.
03:06:32 This explains the pedo transparent in 2 minutes.
03:06:41 You guys keep saying all these links.
03:06:44 Let me see.
03:06:45 Let me see if it's really 2 minutes.
03:07:13 Alright, it's really two minutes.
03:07:14 We'll see.
03:07:15 We'll see if it.
03:07:17 The downloads.
03:07:21 That looks like it might.
03:07:23 Alright, let me load it up here.
03:07:27 I think I remember this one.
03:07:35 If it ever finishes, why is it taking so long?
03:07:43 Alright, well, while it's downloading Veruca Salt.
03:07:48 $10 appreciate that a lot of these mothers of trans children have Munch monk. I can never say that.
03:07:57 I know you're.
03:07:57 Talking about munchausen.
03:07:59 By proxy, they grotesquely abused their children with hormones and surgeries because they are narcissists addicted to attention.
03:08:08 When kids do it against their parents wishes, it's typically them wanting to control, like with cutting or eating disorders.
03:08:15 No, you're absolutely right.
03:08:18 And yeah, I mean, what she's talking about is like the like, there's been a couple cases where the psycho mom starts telling everyone that their kid, like their kid, doesn't have cancer, but they start telling everyone like, they'll shave their kids head.
03:08:34 They'll start giving their kid like, like, maybe poisoning their kid to make them look unhealthy.
03:08:39 Pulling him out of school and then start posting on social me.
03:08:42 Oh my, my poor kid has cancer.
03:08:44 They'll start trying to like, they'll add, like go fund me if they're, you know, real ******* evil about it.
03:08:50 I've seen lots of cases like that and this is just look, I don't know why women have this.
03:08:56 This this.
03:08:59 Capacity for evil. Not all, but like some do, but absolutely. Absolutely. That's what it is. And you're right. And in the kids that self harm same, you know, it's it's really what it comes down to. There's that famous TikTok of all the ******** and faggs reading.
03:09:18 Off the from a list that says I can tell you're gay if.
03:09:23 Or no, you you you cannot be gay and also have all these things. And like the second thing is a good relationship with your father and every single one of them's like, oh, damn it, they got.
03:09:35 And that's that's just the way that it is.
03:09:36 Most of these people do not have a positive male role model or any male role model.
03:09:44 That's not a complete ******* **** like that guy that was in the Doctor Oz thing.
03:09:51 I think I think it downloaded.
03:09:53 Yeah, there it is.
03:09:57 And we'll take a look at this real quick.
03:10:00 I'm sure I've seen this.
Speaker 25
03:10:13 All right.
03:10:13 First I just want to say thank you everybody for coming out tonight.
03:10:18 And without further ado, I'll explain why I brought you all out.
03:10:23 Well, last Friday, Andy.
03:10:25 Ah, baby boy was playing ball while I was washing the dishes.
03:10:29 So he hits the.
03:10:31 Ball over and it rolls over to my pink shoes.
03:10:34 And he looks at me and he gives me this face.
03:10:38 And I know he's telling me something.
03:10:42 He's telling me.
03:10:43 Mommy, I'm not a little boy.
03:10:47 I'm a little girl and my name isn't Andy. It's Mandy. So next week we'll be beginning mandya's gender reassignment transition.
Speaker 5
03:11:01 Assignment so progressive. Very progressive.
Speaker 42
03:11:07 Oh yeah, well, I've decided that I'm not even going to reproduce because that's just me perpetuating the system of oppression against non whites and gender fluid other can.
Speaker 43
03:11:17 Oh, yeah?
03:11:18 Well, I'm so progressive.
03:11:19 I'm dating a twice convicted child of ****** because I believe everyone deserves a second chance.
Speaker 25
03:11:25 Or a third chance.
03:11:27 Oh, yeah.
03:11:28 Well, I'm.
Speaker 20
03:11:29 So progressive that just Jared, you can come.
Speaker 29
03:11:32 Over tonight and sleep with my son.
03:11:35 In his own bed.
03:11:36 Well, I leave out a jar of mayonnaise.
03:11:38 The counter because I know you won't use that mayonnaise as a lubricant to puncture his tender ******* because you're not a monster.
03:11:47 You're a man, a strongman.
03:11:50 How about fourth chances?
Speaker 5
03:11:53 OI, Faye, well, I'm so progressive. I'm going to allow my 12 year old daughter to sexually explore our Cocker spaniel Sparky.
Speaker 20
03:12:01 Oh, oh, yeah. Well, I'm so *** **** progressive that I've just smothered my 5 year old because post trauma portions are a woman's, right. My body, my choice. Hillary 2016.
03:12:27 By the Hillary Clinton administration.
03:12:30 Yeah, yeah, I thought it was an older one.
03:12:33 That's a.
03:12:33 Good one.
03:12:37 And that's what it is.
03:12:39 Psycho ******* women.
03:12:42 And weak weak men.
03:12:46 Pig and bear.
03:12:47 This makes me want Islam.
03:12:50 If we could maintain a white country but cleanse it with or it cleanse it with Islam I would we need the kind of action and horror that offers the the right.
03:13:02 We need the kind of action and horror that offers the left that offers the left.
03:13:08 I'm not sure you mean by the offers.
03:13:09 The left?
03:13:10 No, we just need like look the.
03:13:13 We just need Christians to grow a pair.
03:13:16 You know, like if if all the if all the cut.
03:13:20 Christians converted to Islam.
03:13:23 They would just be cooked Muslims, you know, like it's not going to magically change them.
03:13:30 It's like there's a lot of pagans that, you know, all you Christ cooks, Christ cooks.
03:13:34 If you worshipped Odin, then all of a sudden all this.
03:13:36 Would be fixed, no?
03:13:38 They would just be cooked pagans.
03:13:41 You know.
03:13:43 It's just people need to ******* grow a pair and start having some priorities, but.
03:13:50 You know, easier said than done.
03:13:51 I don't think it's going to happen.
03:13:54 Doctor Oz or I'm sorry, DD 12-5 dollars. Appreciate that doctor Oz has visited Israel and understands how critical of an ally they are to the United States.
03:14:06 Now more than ever, our dear ally needs partners in the Senate.
03:14:10 It's etched into the bedrock of our shared values and our common belief in the freedom, equality and human rights.
03:14:19 The Oz Senate page wow.
03:14:22 I thought you were actually just being funny.
03:14:23 That's legit.
03:14:24 Ruddy set aside his page, huh?
03:14:30 Well, no wonder Trump likes him.
03:14:34 Christos Rex $5 appreciate that a trans kid is like a vegan cat. We both know whose choice that is exactly.
03:14:43 Hypocrisy enthusiasts $5. Appreciate them. I wrote about this on Gab a few days ago, but have you ever noticed that they will celebrate people like Harry Styles for breaking gender norms when he wears a dress and never suggests he's trans, but then turn around and demand a young boy playing with dolls?
03:15:03 Should be put on HRT immediately.
03:15:07 That was part one. Part 2 is another $5. Appreciate that they can't even stay consistent with their own insidious logic because they are only focused on doing whatever is necessary.
03:15:23 To secure that incentive, to secure that incentivize progressive social.
03:15:30 That is, even if it means damaging their children's bodies, this is not misguided.
03:15:36 It's selfish greed and this is evil.
03:15:41 Right. Well, it's it's just, it's evil. They have, they they have their moral compass is 100% guided by.
03:15:54 Social feedback.
03:15:56 Which is a bad thing in a in a global homeless society, because they're going to be socially rewarded for.
03:16:04 Horrific ****.
03:16:07 John 6, Eric.
03:16:09 I hope these things are actually worth something.
03:16:13 Well, what you.
03:16:14 Gave me is worth about $0.60 so so it's worth it's not. You know, it's not bad.
03:16:19 $0.60 is $0.60, right? Did 12.
03:16:26 With with 100 of them. So that's I guess that's $5.00, so that's good.
03:16:31 Doctor garofalo.
03:16:33 He has been the principal investigator on five National Institute of Medicine and two centers of the Disease for Disease Control and Prevention.
03:16:44 Garofalo served as a committee member for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender health issues.
03:16:50 And research.
03:16:52 Yeah, no, he's he's basically a demon.
03:16:55 Like, I mean that he's a.
03:16:58 Based race Mixer $5 appreciate that LGBTQ IBS is a religion. They have infiltrated local schools, but most importantly, Christian churches.
03:17:10 Hey Devin, check out the OR check out Republic Broadcasting network.org Super based radio station. They just had on Doctor Duke.
03:17:19 With Ryan Dawson last Friday.
03:17:22 Good stuff.
03:17:23 It's true.
03:17:23 Free, true free speech radio.
03:17:26 Is it actually broadcast?
03:17:29 I mean, I'll.
03:17:31 I'll check it out, but.
03:17:33 If it's actually broad, I'd be really surprised if if it's actually a broadcast over the air and.
03:17:38 They're having David Duke and Ryan Dawson on there.
03:17:45 UM.
03:17:47 Ryan is cool $5 appreciate that.
03:17:50 I have at least two friends whose wives have openly said that they wouldn't care if their kids became trans with very little resistance from the husband.
03:17:59 Both of them send their kids to public school and can't see what's happening and won't listen to me.
03:18:05 It's one of the most madding experiences.
03:18:07 Yeah, it it.
03:18:08 Just look, it's yeah.
03:18:09 I mean, you can't save everybody.
03:18:13 It's just one of those things where and I hate.
03:18:15 I don't want to be like the the guy that's like Stefan Molyneux and saying ohh cut everyone that's bad out of your life.
03:18:21 But yeah, I mean why not?
03:18:23 I mean, there's.
03:18:24 Some people you should.
03:18:25 Look, you should try to influence people to the degree that you can, but at a certain point they're dead weight and they're holding you down.
03:18:34 And it's like people on here or just in these circles often complain, like, oh, we don't have any communities and and oh, it's so hard to find people.
03:18:42 But then you you talked about their friends and.
03:18:44 And their that's.
03:18:48 You know if if those are the people that you and I'm not saying these, I don't know your situation or or these people personally like that.
03:18:55 I'm not even saying that this applies to you necessarily.
03:18:57 I'm just saying.
03:18:59 If you have people in your life that are like this.
03:19:03 It's that's that's going to have, it's going to hold you back, it's going to drag you down.
03:19:09 You know it's like.
03:19:10 Because everyone's got a threshold, right?
03:19:12 Like you wouldn't hang out with a pedophile, right?
03:19:15 So you have a line.
03:19:16 That so I I just think that a lot of people your line is getting watered down because you are.
03:19:23 You're trying to, I mean, as much as you think that.
03:19:26 Oh, I'm not down with the new normal.
03:19:28 I'm not down with global ****.
03:19:30 Because you think that.
03:19:33 That's still the norm, and that you're the anomaly.
03:19:36 You don't socially shame these people and you tolerate this kind of behavior from them and associate with them.
03:19:44 Where again, I'm not saying this applies to you personally or but, but I think get people get what I mean.
03:19:50 If you're.
03:19:51 If you're have people in your life and you're tolerating behavior, then you're essentially condoning it.
03:19:59 Which is why you wouldn't.
03:20:00 Hang out the pedophile, right?
03:20:01 Cause you'd be like, oh, I don't want to be associated with that.
03:20:03 Cause that I it would look like I condone ******* pedo ****.
03:20:06 It would disgust me.
03:20:08 I maybe maybe work on your disgust response.
03:20:11 Make it a little more sensitive is all I'm saying.
03:20:14 And again, I don't know about.
03:20:15 I don't know about what you're saying specifically, but.
03:20:20 I don't know if I had friends that had wives that that would.
03:20:23 I mean, I can't.
03:20:24 I let me just put this way.
03:20:25 I don't have friends that have wives.
03:20:28 That would be OK with their kids being trans.
03:20:33 That I I don't.
03:20:34 I don't.
03:20:35 I don't know.
03:20:35 Women that would.
03:20:36 Be OK with their their kids being trans at all.
03:20:42 I wouldn't want to know those people.
03:20:44 I mean, I know of them, but I don't in any way.
03:20:48 You know, socialize with these people or or even talk to them because.
03:20:53 In the same for the same reason.
03:20:55 That I wouldn't.
03:20:56 Talk to or hang out with a pedophile.
03:21:01 So like I.
03:21:02 Would make it known I would make it clear.
03:21:08 But yeah, anyway I think I.
03:21:10 Think people get what I mean.
03:21:14 Stephen Campbell, $10 appreciate that. I think it was body integrity identity disorder you were referring to.
03:21:21 I think you're right.
03:21:22 I've heard of doctors who perform surgeries for those folks in ******** both, but cannot confirm without doing some more digging.
03:21:30 Not surprised, but not surprising **** **** removal and arm removal are the same 2 ******* demon doctors.
03:21:36 It's just.
03:21:37 A paycheck. They don't care.
03:21:39 They literally don't care.
03:21:41 Or they're like.
03:21:42 Libertarian extremists, which often you know libertarian extremists, are basically just degenerates that don't want you to judge them.
03:21:49 Warsteiner 890 one $10 per share that in the process of becoming black pill, how does one control their inner rage without becoming consumed by it?
03:22:00 Having a sense of humor helps, but what are some ways to channel that growing rage into self into non self-destructive?
03:22:10 I don't know you.
03:22:11 Do what I did and just start.
03:22:12 Doing a stream.
03:22:14 I don't know.
03:22:16 Uh, look, you just what it is is you start doing things that are going to.
03:22:24 No, you realize that, OK.
03:22:27 The reality that I live.
03:22:28 In there's a lot of things outside my control.
03:22:31 There's there's some things inside my control.
03:22:33 So you focus on the things that are inside your control.
03:22:36 You focus on provide, do what your what many parents.
03:22:41 I don't know if.
03:22:41 Yours did but.
03:22:42 What many parents didn't do and and think about.
03:22:47 What your kids are going to have to live through because it's going to be.
03:22:50 Worse than what you did.
03:22:52 You know, in the same way that what we had to live through was way worse than what the Boomers had to, right.
03:22:57 And look, just don't be.
03:23:00 Be this ******.
03:23:02 You know.
03:23:04 And focus on that focus on like saying hey, look.
03:23:08 I'm gonna have to make some sacrifices in my life that I'm going to have to live through this ****, but I'm going to do what I can to make sure my kids don't have to.
03:23:16 Or if you don't have kids, or if there's.
03:23:19 You know, like they're grown up or or whatever.
03:23:24 Try to find someone to mentor.
03:23:26 Try to find someone that you can help be more productive, because helping people usually makes you feel good.
03:23:37 You know, like and I'm saying do it, do it like, selfishly or, but in a way, why not, you know?
03:23:43 Do helping helping other people and providing for other people and being productive always makes.
03:23:51 People feel good.
03:23:53 So that would be my my recommendation.
03:23:58 And justice realize there's some things you don't have control over and just feel, feel, feel fortunate that you at least will see it coming.
03:24:06 You know, like, if you're, let's say you're on an airplane and you know it's.
03:24:10 Going to crash.
03:24:12 But you also know that you've got time to go and find the parachute that no one else is looking for, because no one else seems to know that it's going to crash or ****.
03:24:22 You know, you might think, hey, we got enough time.
03:24:24 Where if I can't find one, I.
03:24:25 Can start going through luggage.
03:24:28 And start selling one together.
03:24:31 So Phil, fortunately you're one of.
03:24:32 The people that actually sees what's coming.
03:24:35 So that's the way I would look at life.
03:24:39 Spring leaf $25 appreciate that our daughter has claimed to be a boy for a few years now.
03:24:45 Neither of US support it.
03:24:47 We're firmly against it.
03:24:49 No affirmation, no drugs, no nothing.
03:24:52 We've always been opposed and always will be.
03:24:54 They can get it from the world, too.
03:24:56 Not just parents.
03:24:58 It's a nightmare.
03:24:59 Public school only made it worse.
03:25:00 Homeschool your kids.
03:25:02 Public school will make it worse, and in fact, depending on where you live, they might even take your kid from you because you don't support it.
03:25:10 And that's just.
03:25:11 That's how it is and they will, they will do that.
03:25:15 I mean, there's been many cases of that popping up.
03:25:17 Again, it depends on where you live.
03:25:21 But their peers will reinforce it.
03:25:23 Their teachers will absolutely reinforce that ****.
03:25:27 That is, you need to.
03:25:29 You need to do more than just not reinforce it.
03:25:32 You need to actively.
03:25:33 Fight it or or it will.
03:25:36 Or it will cause problems.
03:25:40 Major problems like I said maybe up into the.
03:25:43 Point where they take your kid away.
03:25:45 Romel $5 appreciate that Devin, thank you for all your work or all the work you do. Thank you.
03:25:53 Orto Temple Atlantis reject out of Africa theory, embrace out of Atlantis.
03:26:02 Fast rabbit Alex Jones is right when he called this a prison planet.
03:26:10 Yeah, I mean to some extent, we're all basically prisoners.
03:26:15 I mean, you know, we're we're all at the very least serfs.
03:26:20 Big tuna, $25. Appreciate that very generous great show as usual.
03:26:27 Noble prowess, whatever happened to group the group Anonymous?
03:26:32 Sorry, I haven't figured that out.
03:26:33 This tip thing well yet?
03:26:36 That's OK.
03:26:37 The anonymous was always.
03:26:39 Kind of a meme, really.
03:26:41 I mean.
03:26:42 It was never like an organized thing.
03:26:45 It was some.
03:26:46 Sometimes it was.
03:26:48 Randos from 4 Chan ******* with people and sometimes you know I don't know it the the people who claim to be anonymous now are like insanely left wing like all the the existing anonymous account accounts that are out there are basically ********.
03:27:06 At this point.
03:27:10 Exercise prime translation for the picture.
03:27:14 The last non colored French people are the great attraction of the Paris Zoo.
03:27:20 OK, he was talking about the.
03:27:25 The Nazi propaganda photo.
03:27:27 Where was that?
03:27:28 Where do I put it?
03:27:29 I don't know where I put it.
03:27:31 But you guys remember it.
03:27:35 Ruka sell $5. Appreciate that. Hi, Devin. In the context of depopulation, vaccines cause contribute to autism. Many ******** have autism.
03:27:44 ******** can't procreate severe.
03:27:47 Severely autistic people won't procreate.
03:27:50 Also, I've noticed that many mass murderers and serial killers are autistic.
03:27:56 Yeah, I I I I wouldn't, I mean.
03:27:59 I wouldn't be too surprised if if they a lot of these because there's a laundry list of required vaccines.
03:28:06 When you go to different school districts, even I know when our my my parents moved us from California to New Mexico, I had to go get more vaccines.
03:28:17 For some reason, even though I was I don't remember how I was like, what, like 12 or something like that?
03:28:22 And they just went.
03:28:23 And did it, you know, like, oh, OK.
03:28:25 You know, trust the science.
03:28:29 Fast rabbit.
03:28:30 If the elites destroy the third world through war and famine, most of the POC populations will be decimated.
03:28:37 Whatever are left in the first world will be the last.
03:28:41 I don't know, man.
03:28:42 Look at the look at the African population explosion, you know, and yeah, a lot of that's being propped up and kept alive by Western foreign aid.
03:28:53 But there's still a lot of those.
03:28:55 There's more of them than there are of us.
03:28:59 Hyperborean would you share with us your must read book list if you have any except yours?
03:29:06 Of course, thoroughly enjoyed day of the rope.
03:29:07 By the way, I've read a few similar books like Brigade and Turner Diaries, and yours definitely compares and tends to be better in a few aspects.
03:29:16 Well, thank you for that.
03:29:18 I I'm I need to do that people have asked for like a reading list and unfortunately most of the books that I read are either like audio book fiction.
03:29:27 That isn't all that awesome.
03:29:28 It's just so I can zone out while I'm doing night hikes and stuff.
03:29:32 Like that, or if I'm actually reading a book, they're like electronics manuals, yeah.
03:29:38 So unless you want to know about Ohm's Law or about how you know six, you know 6 Volt filament tubes work, you know, like.
03:29:54 I yeah, I lot of what I.
03:29:58 A lot of what?
03:29:59 I read right now is not wouldn't be relevant.
03:30:04 But I'll I'll try to come up with a.
03:30:06 A reading list.
03:30:08 I'll work on that.
03:30:12 Well, I'll tell I'll tell you.
03:30:13 Guys, next stream, I'll tell you guys next stream.
03:30:16 Yeah, like I'm gonna.
03:30:17 Do a big it's not like that.
03:30:18 Big but like kind of a revealing.
03:30:20 Thing next, next stream.
03:30:23 It's not to do with books, it's something else.
03:30:25 Though they remind I don't.
03:30:26 Know why it reminded me of that.
03:30:30 Mars supple laming.
03:30:34 Any thoughts on the book, not the movie Gone with the wind?
03:30:38 Many parallels to today, BLM Evil Politics, Midtown.
03:30:43 I never read it, never read the.
03:30:45 Book I have seen the movie.
03:30:48 But I've never read.
03:30:49 The book, I think it's pretty long, isn't it?
03:30:52 Yeah, maybe I'll maybe I'll get that audiobook and I'll power through that on.
03:30:56 A couple of night hikes.
03:30:58 I never thought to to read it, but I guess it would be pretty long because the.
03:31:02 Movie is long.
03:31:04 And it seems like there's a lot room for a lot of room for them.
03:31:08 It's like the.
03:31:09 You know, like the Lord of the Rings books.
03:31:11 A lot of.
03:31:12 Lot of places.
03:31:13 They probably cut things out.
03:31:16 Electric cap.
03:31:18 $15 appreciate that.
03:31:21 Battle truck.
03:31:22 Hey, Devin.
03:31:23 I sent you a link to my music a few weeks ago.
03:31:26 I'll send again.
03:31:27 Send it again.
03:31:28 Now, as you may not have had time to check it out, I hope these hope the B project is successful.
03:31:35 It fascinates me.
03:31:36 God bless you and stay safe.
03:31:38 All right, yeah.
03:31:41 I don't know what you're saying to.
03:31:42 You I think my.
03:31:43 Mailbox is still full.
03:31:47 I just want to check that all right.
03:31:51 Yeah, maybe hold off on saying until I have time to clear that that mailbox out.
03:31:58 I'm 20.
03:31:59 I've been talking to a redhead girl that I think is wife material, but she's responding infrequently.
03:32:05 Do I ask her to meet me for coffee or just give up?
03:32:08 She's clearly empowered by feminist ********, but has perfect genes.
03:32:13 How do you find a wife?
03:32:16 Well, I mean, there's not enough information there for.
03:32:19 Me to really give.
03:32:21 Awesome advice, I guess it depends on how you know this person.
03:32:26 If you don't know her and you're just talking on the Internet and she's not responding frequently, that's a bad sign.
03:32:36 Yeah, you definitely want to meet people as soon as possible, if if.
03:32:42 Yeah, I don't know.
03:32:43 There's not not enough information there for me to go on.
03:32:47 But uh.
03:32:49 Yeah, I mean, look, if I knew how to find a wife exactly.
03:32:52 If I found a few fiancees over the years, if I could find a wife easily then.
03:32:59 I'd keep her for myself.
03:33:05 It's tough, it is tough.
03:33:06 Look, it's just tough.
03:33:10 Because I do think.
03:33:12 It's very important like look there are there with.
03:33:14 Especially if you're.
03:33:15 Younger, if you're like 20, it's a.
03:33:16 Lot easier to to to.
03:33:20 Well, I don't know.
03:33:21 Maybe it isn't because.
03:33:23 It's easier in that.
03:33:25 At that age.
03:33:27 Women are not as entrenched in their right old people.
03:33:30 Just generally speaking, are not as entrenched in their ideas.
03:33:33 And so it's a lot easier to steer them towards your politics when they're younger.
03:33:38 As they become older and more cat ladylike.
03:33:41 It's just, it's like a cancer that's metastasized and it's it's not, not really a.
03:33:45 Whole lot you can do about it.
03:33:49 So you have that advantage.
03:33:51 The disadvantage is if she's if she's like 20.
03:33:55 I mean, look, zoomers have have lived in a new normal that's way more degenerate.
03:34:01 So she your your starting point is going to.
03:34:03 Be you know way different than anything I've had to deal with, or maybe not because it's some of the places I've lived.
03:34:09 You know?
03:34:11 Yeah, not enough information there.
03:34:12 I would just say don't, I'll tell.
03:34:14 You what? Just.
03:34:16 The the best advice I can I can give.
03:34:18 You is.
03:34:20 Yeah, absolutely.
03:34:21 Try to meet IRL.
03:34:24 Try to make it happen IRL.
03:34:26 And if it doesn't, don't obsess about it and move on.
Speaker 5
03:34:31 The the.
03:34:33 I think the worst.
03:34:35 The worst relationship?
03:34:38 Stuff I ever did, aside from choosing some of the wrong girls to pursue, was the the aftermath of some of those terrible women that I I pursued being hung up on someone right for no reason.
03:34:52 Because you always, inevitably looking back after a while, once you have perspective.
03:34:58 Every single time.
03:34:59 You're like, good Lord, how was I ever hung up on that ****?
03:35:02 You know, like oh, my God, that was terrible.
03:35:04 In the moment it's not so easy to see that, so I would just that would be, I guess if the only advice I could think of that would be general enough to apply to anything that you're talking about here is that, hey, yeah, go for it and if it?
03:35:18 Doesn't work out.
03:35:20 Just don't.
03:35:21 Don't get hung up on it.
03:35:22 Just go to the next one.
03:35:24 And no one.
03:35:25 'S got perfect jeans and I'll tell you what.
03:35:29 If she's if she thinks she's, like, super hot ****, that can be more trouble than it's worth.
03:35:38 The key is to find a beautiful woman that.
03:35:40 Doesn't know that she's beautiful, rare, but they exist.
03:35:44 Electric cat $5 appreciate that.
03:35:48 And then you sent.
03:35:49 Me a link.
03:35:51 Which I will pop into my notes.
03:35:54 It's a band camp.
03:35:58 Oh, that's the that's probably your music.
Speaker 8
03:36:01 All right.
03:36:05 Volks gas.
03:36:08 Mask fun fact.
03:36:11 The Antichrist, according to Muslim prophecy, is supposed to be a Jew.
03:36:16 Really the Antichrist?
03:36:17 According to Muslim prophecy.
03:36:21 Very interesting.
03:36:25 It's too bad it's not.
03:36:26 That's not the case.
03:36:27 Well, is it?
03:36:28 I don't know.
03:36:28 Maybe it is.
03:36:29 I don't know enough about theology to know if that's the.
03:36:31 The case.
03:36:32 For Christians, I don't.
03:36:34 Think it's specifies, but that would have been.
Speaker 15
03:36:35 Helpful huh?
03:36:38 Lynch Lord Godfrey $1.00 appreciate that the Muslims who believe as you, as you say.
03:36:44 Are, as far as I know, the Wahhabists unpopular but very well funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel. Notably, their influx into Chechnya forced the Chechens to reconsider their independence from Russia in the 90s and early 2000s.
03:37:04 Al Bundy, $1.00 appreciate that another link is short URL. This is the full length on YouTube.
03:37:12 Name of the movie is Madeira Provisory area.
03:37:19 OK.
Speaker 17
03:37:21 I'll pop that here.
03:37:28 Our cake weighs 1488. Appreciate that. Have you ever looked into the theory?
03:37:33 That the white race originates from Atlantis.
03:37:36 Ancients around the world speak of a giant of giant white gods, bringing them civilization and prehistoric time.
03:37:44 I'm I have been into independent archaeology, anthropology for 12 years.
03:37:52 It is pretty compelling and worth a dive in my opinion.
03:37:55 I've I've looked at some of that stuff, look, and there are a lot of ancient peoples in South America.
03:38:04 What that talk about?
03:38:07 You know, like redheaded white people and stuff like that, that come and.
03:38:11 And help them establish, you know, their civilizations and then leave or whatever.
03:38:17 I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind.
03:38:20 And look, there's even, like, there's Barry.
03:38:21 They they found a.
03:38:24 Burial sites that predate the Native Americans in North America that that are white people, you know?
03:38:32 And I don't.
03:38:33 I mean, I don't know about Atlantis or whatever, but there's definitely been.
03:38:40 Many, many legends that that have archaeological.
03:38:46 I guess or cooperating evidence that has to do with.
03:38:54 The possibility that white people had visited these lands prior to some of the native populations, but I've yeah, I've never really dug too deeply into it.
03:39:04 You know I.
03:39:04 Guess there be.
03:39:06 What was the name of that Channel?
03:39:12 I'll if I remember it, I'll say it, but there was a channel that that kind of dealt with that.
03:39:17 Mighty mouse.
03:39:19 Hey, Devin.
03:39:20 You ever seen the guy who killed the 2nd Kennedys interview?
03:39:25 People say mind control or insanity.
03:39:28 Sir Han.
03:39:29 Sir Han.
03:39:30 Yeah, he says he doesn't remember doing it.
03:39:33 He's a Palestinian.
03:39:35 I mean, look, I think it's pretty clear that Jews were involved in killing of JFK.
03:39:43 Jack Rubenstein killed, you know Lee Harvey Oswald Zapruder was a Israeli Jew.
03:39:53 The even the FBI declassified papers make a couple mentions of Jews and Israel.
03:40:02 Being suspected.
03:40:04 I would not be surprised if Israel, Mossad, had some kind of ******* Manchurian candidate style.
03:40:14 Assassination going on or or at least some participation, because there's also theories that there was more shots fired than what he shot and you know whatever.
03:40:23 But yeah, that I'm, I.
03:40:27 And isn't he free now, isn't he?
03:40:31 Didn't he get released or was that the guy? I'm thinking of? The guy who shot Reagan? No, but I think Sirhan sirhan's out too.
03:40:40 Well, look.
03:40:43 I thought he got out of jail already.
03:40:46 Weird name too, isn't it?
03:41:11 No, he's.
03:41:13 And he's still in jail.
03:41:16 I think.
03:41:20 Yeah, his last bid for parole was January 13th of this year, actually, and Gavin Newsom denied his latest bid for parole.
03:41:32 He wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times stating that even though the state parole board had recommended Sir Hunt for parole, the severity of the crime and sirhan's current refusal to accept responsibility for it.
03:41:45 So I guess he's still still locked away.
03:41:50 Excuse me, I'm going to Scroll down because it updated.
03:41:55 UM.
Speaker 10
03:42:07 Here we go.
03:42:11 It leads to snoring.
03:42:15 There's a lot of super chats tonight.
03:42:16 I gotta.
03:42:17 I mean, it's awesome, but scroll through.
03:42:19 All this stuff.
03:42:22 Where are we at here?
03:42:25 Here we are.
03:42:26 Let's Lord Godfrey.
03:42:28 I should clarify that the Chechens hate the wahhabists.
03:42:33 Yeah, I've never.
03:42:34 I've never dove into that.
03:42:35 I'd have to take a closer look.
03:42:46 Yeah, there there's well, just like Christianity or in Jews, there's always a.
03:42:52 Different flavors of each religion, with competing to some extent value systems.
03:43:01 Postmaster, $25. Appreciate that. Do you have traffic shaping on your router with space Internet? For my customers on low speed bonded DSL or just DSL? I have to traffic shape the egress and ingress to keep open a little bandwidth for any device.
03:43:22 Not let one device take up entire, up or down.
03:43:27 That's above my pay grade.
03:43:29 I'd have to.
03:43:30 I mean, I'll copy and paste that and and research it later.
03:43:38 I'm still waiting for that stupid.
03:43:41 Wired dongle.
03:43:42 I'm still running off the my crap Wi-Fi, which is part part probably part of the problem.
03:43:48 I ordered it weeks ago and it just you go check on it.
03:43:51 It's like preparing for shipment, which means they just don't have any right now.
03:43:56 Patriot of the north.
03:43:58 How do you plan to harvest your?
03:44:00 Honey, I'll probably do the scrape and filter method once I get.
03:44:05 My bees going.
03:44:06 I don't know.
03:44:07 I I I've thought about that.
03:44:09 The first year.
03:44:10 You kind of don't have to worry about it because it takes them a while to.
03:44:12 Really get going.
03:44:15 So I'm probably not going to harvest any honey this year unless they go crazy.
03:44:20 Directive which I I am not anticipating, so I have some time to think about it.
03:44:25 A honey extractor is pretty expensive, so probably not.
03:44:28 That I've seen different methods.
03:44:31 Probably what you're talking about right is that where you uncap it with like a butter knife or something and then stick it in some cheese cloth and do it that way, I don't know is there, I don't know if the the honey extractor preserves the drawn comb or if.
03:44:50 Because I think that if you do the the put it in the cheese cloth and strain it method, you're basically you ruin all the cone and that's that would which adds to the production time to the bees when they try to fill it because they got to rebuild all.
03:45:04 The comb and stuff, but I don't.
03:45:06 Like like I said, I got like a year to think about it. So I have. I've looked at different methods and yeah, I don't, I don't want to drop like I think a honey extractor is like 500 bucks and I'm not ready to drop 500 bucks for something that you just that just spins around a a ******* frame, right? Like that just seems.
03:45:23 Seems like a waste, but you.
03:45:25 Know. Who knows? Maybe I'll.
03:45:26 Turn into like the Honey King.
03:45:30 Maybe it'll be that.
03:45:31 It'll be black pill.
03:45:32 The Honey brand will.
03:45:34 Be in all the stores, I don't know.
03:45:38 But yeah, I I have no idea.
03:45:42 I got time to.
Speaker 28
03:45:42 Think about it.
03:45:44 Page of the north how do you?
03:45:46 Oh wait, that was the I just read that one.
03:45:49 SPQR I just figured out this hyper chat.
03:45:53 Here's what I got.
03:45:55 Little sugar for the bees enjoy.
03:45:57 Keep up the the always exciting work.
03:46:00 Well, I appreciate that.
03:46:02 Base Race makes her $5 appreciate that. Sorry. Go on. Archives to the Michael Rivero show last Friday, April 8th on RBN epic broadcast with Duke and Ryan.
03:46:16 OK, I think I added that to my notes Paul.
03:46:18 I'll add that again.
03:46:19 I thought you already told me about that.
03:46:22 But I will take a look.
03:46:23 Again WD41 just want to say thanks for the streams.
03:46:30 Well, I appreciate that I'm going to refresh this just to make sure I didn't miss one.
03:46:36 I'm going to close it out because we're getting.
03:46:37 Close to 4 hours here.
03:46:40 Which is pretty long, which I don't mind.
03:46:45 It was a good stream.
03:46:46 I feel like tonight.
03:46:49 Yeah, I think we got everybody.
03:46:52 Alright guys.
03:46:53 Well I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
03:46:58 And on Wednesday, like I said.
03:47:00 I I think I'll have a little surprise for you.
03:47:03 So that'll be fun.
03:47:07 Until then, you all behave.
03:47:12 Make sure you.
03:47:18 Don't ever.
03:47:19 Don't ever bend your principles because you think you're being pragmatic.
03:47:25 We're over the ******* rainbow.
03:47:27 We don't, we don't need to tolerate **** because, oh, but this will help us win if I embrace ********, then we'll have another Republican in office.
03:47:36 Well, that doesn't seem to ever help.
03:47:37 Us and and look, I don't know that it's God punishing us for for compromising our our values but.
03:47:48 If it is, we deserve it.
03:47:50 And with that for black pilled.
03:47:53 I am of course.
03:47:57 Devon stag.
Speaker 2
03:48:05 Ohh someone there.
03:48:12 What? What do you want?
Speaker 20
03:48:18 Go away.
03:48:18 Wait, I'm watching.
Speaker 3
03:48:31 Right.
03:49:08 Much like. Yeah, like.
Speaker 28
03:49:28 Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.
Speaker 3
03:49:34 Well, well, well, well, well.
Speaker 28
03:49:40 Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
Speaker 2
03:49:50 Have a bad connection.
Speaker 41
03:50:25 What's the word?
Speaker 40
03:50:25 Let the door.
Speaker 1
03:50:26 What is?
Speaker 40
03:50:27 The door is everything.
03:50:29 All that once was and all that will be the door controls.
03:50:32 Time and space, love and death.
03:50:35 That door can see into your mind dark and see it to your soul.
Speaker 37
03:50:42 Really, the the door can do all that.
Speaker 3
03:50:48 Right, right.
03:50:50 Right.
03:50:50 Right, right.
03:50:52 Right, right, right, right.
03:51:01 It's just.
03:51:15 Like like like like yeah.
Speaker 5
03:51:16 Finish coding.
Speaker 3
03:52:07 Yeah, right.
03:52:33 Can I go home, Dad?
Speaker 20
03:52:36 Ohh yeah, when it happens they took my freaking Kindle.