10/08/2022Speaker 2
00:20:32 Keeps on raining is gone.Speaker 1
00:03:28 The king.Devon
00:03:35 When the levees breaks have no place to stay.Speaker 3
00:03:59 It's got what it takes.Devon
00:06:11 Now I will help you.Speaker 2
00:06:33 Last night.Devon
00:09:12 And 20/05.00:09:13 Katrina, the letter take the dead aim at the coast of Mississippi causing death and devastation like no one had ever seen, and anger and frustration in the town of New Orleans.
00:09:22 And they blame George Bush, and they blame the head of FEMA.
00:09:25 They told everybody that would listen to him.
00:09:28 They blame them.
00:09:29 Player and they blame Governor Blanco because nobody came to get their sorry ***** out.
00:09:33 And the levies didn't hold.
Speaker 5
00:09:34 The water started coming.Devon
00:09:35 Up and all that once they realized that they were all took refuge in the Super Dome.00:09:38 Look pair of tennis shoes stole guns, DVD's for coach Colby stole some stuff that they couldn't even use.
00:09:41 It didn't take them long to make themselves right at home. Well, they stole TV's and they stole fine jewelry. Everybody got a new.
00:09:54 The water now deeper than their thighs, they just bringing them supplies.
00:09:54 And the started.
00:10:00 Then when the army happens.
00:10:01 To the fire back the river, Jesse Jackson said.
00:10:04 It's cause that they were blind.
00:10:05 Think of all said they did some things that you can't even mention with the only attention.
00:10:05 They craft in the streets, they raped young women.
00:10:08 They committed every time.
00:10:14 To get on.
00:10:16 Now the water went down and they all went home.
00:10:18 Now they sit around and they.
Speaker 6
00:10:20 Should they mow?Devon
00:10:21 Because everything is worse than you could ever expect.00:10:23 They wonder who the hell is going.
00:10:25 To send in.
00:10:25 Their next change, and they got no jobs.
00:10:28 Who's got no money but then not away because they never they ate.
00:10:28 Taught better than there was for the.
00:10:34 And don't you know, and everything the government's fault, there's double TV's and they stole 500. Everybody got a new pair of the meeting to further close Kobe.
00:10:41 Tennis shoes stole guns.
00:10:45 They sold some stuff that they couldn't even use.
00:10:48 They blamed George Bush.
00:10:48 They blamed the head of.
00:10:50 He told everybody that would listen to him shout.
00:10:53 They blamed them there.
00:10:54 They blank got their blank over because nobody came to get this already ***** out.
Speaker 6
00:11:13 Posting on YouTube now it the title of it is why no looting in Japan after tsunami and earthquake of 2011.00:11:25 And in that posting on YouTube, they've taken some clips of a message I preached in 2005 after the Katrina event.
00:11:36 Pointing up the barbarism, the animal behavior of black men in a time of crisis by ******, by robbing by fighting, by looting. Also after the 2009 earthquake and in Haiti.
00:11:56 The Haitian men, the black men, were robbing and looting and ****** in the in the wake of that tragic event.
00:12:04 What black men are inescapable.
00:12:08 People, they cannot do anything else but become barbaric, that when those people went into that down, those black women and children and black men, there should have been organization.
00:12:21 The black men should have set up posts to secure food to to protect the people, the black pastors, and many of them.
00:12:29 Were very prominent with 20 and 25,000 members. They of course were able to get on their private jets and hightail it out of town.
00:12:37 And did not come back or didn't think about trying to help.
00:12:41 Their members who?
00:12:42 Had bought those private jets for them and paid for all of their living.
00:12:47 They left town as quickly as they possibly could when the flood waters began to rise.
00:12:52 I didn't.
00:12:53 I was knocked down there telling those black men to act like animals, to rape those girls.
00:12:58 To take all the food and to stink up that Dome with feces all over where?
00:13:03 The bathrooms backed up.
00:13:04 And just a nightmare they created for one another because when you leave black people unto themselves, that's how they act.
00:13:12 Pastors who should have been there trying to heal, trying to comfort, trying to give some sort of direction to all of that.
00:13:21 What was going on the midst of Katrina were hightailing it out of town on their private.
00:13:26 And taking the top floor of the Marriott Hotel in Atlanta and the Marriott and the other fancy hotels in Dallas order while they're sitting up in these fancy suites and flying around in their private jets and had their rolls royces and Bentleys flown to Dallas and Atlanta.
00:13:42 So they could ride around in their their deadlines while.
00:13:46 They were there.
00:13:47 This is the nature of the black man.
00:13:50 This is his true, unabashed nature.
00:13:54 When he is left to himself, when the Calvary didn't come, when FEMA did not respond.
00:14:01 And in the the wake of the Katrina waking of the the the levees, the black people set up a nation of killing one another, because that's who they are.
00:14:14 And they can't do anything other than that, whether they're pastors with large amounts of monies or doctors.
00:14:22 With TH or medical degrees, they cannot have a civilized unity of nation among themselves.
00:14:30 And so that's why when they were left to themselves, there the Calvary wasn't there.
00:14:34 Even the police began to look.
00:14:37 And raped and rob and shoot and mang black people.
00:14:41 And when the helicopter came, finally, after days of struggling in that Dome, the black men were beating the women trying to get on the helicopter.
00:14:50 And the police had to pull their guns on the men and save the women and children first this.
00:14:56 Is the unabashed nature of black people.
00:15:00 You get angry with me because I will not walk lockstep with the lie that black leaders and bleeding heart liberal white leaders tell about black people.
00:15:10 I speak the truth about black people and isn't because I hate them.
00:15:15 If somebody don't tell the truth, they're going to only going to get worse.
00:15:18 Now I want you to compare what happened in Katrina.
00:15:21 And compare what happened in Haiti to what's going on now with the Japanese people, how orderly they are.
00:15:27 How considerate they are of one another, how patient they.
00:15:31 Are of one another.
00:15:32 How they are responding to a disaster far worse than Katrina I did.
00:15:38 You don't see looting.
00:15:40 There is not one report of looting, of ****** or inhumanity towards man of the Japanese people.
00:15:47 One towards another, but I guarantee you if it happens in a black neighborhood, black people turn on each other like dogs in the.
00:15:56 Right.
00:15:56 It is that that is the the black man can't do any better.
00:16:01 He doesn't have the spiritual strength to do any better other than to turn on his own to destroy, to rob, to rape.
00:16:11 And to me, he doesn't have any other strength.
00:16:14 He doesn't have the integrity and the.
00:16:16 Honesty to lift himself up.
00:16:19 Is it because the black man hates the white man that he has in turn hates his own kind?
Speaker 2
00:16:24 What is it that this?Speaker 6
00:16:27 Why is it that?00:16:28 What have the Japanese people?
00:16:29 What do they?
00:16:30 Ohh, about humility and humanity.
00:16:32 What did they?
00:16:33 Know about struggle and survival.
00:16:35 What do they know that the black man doesn't know?
00:16:39 Now don't hate me for this.
00:16:42 Why do you hate the truth?
00:16:44 Why can't black leaders admit that we are barbarous?
00:16:46 At net.Speaker 6
00:16:50 Animalistic, maliakal helpless people.00:16:56 We can't do anything except destroy.
00:16:59 We can't build.
00:17:01 We cannot.
00:17:02 The only thing we can do is destroy no president.
00:17:07 No white.
00:17:10 To solve our problems, we've got something internally in our blood worse than sickle cell.
00:17:20 That causes us to.
00:17:21 Attack one another.
00:17:22 Why do you hate me?
00:17:24 Why do you hate me?
00:17:25 Because I speak the truth.
00:17:28 Look at the death of what's happening.
Speaker 2
00:17:30 Look at what's going on all around.Speaker 6
00:17:32 You look at the death, the suffering, the poverty, the brokenness.Speaker 2
00:17:38 And you wanna continue that?Speaker 6
00:17:42 Perchance the reason why you can't love what I say is because.00:17:46 You are an animal.
Speaker 8
00:17:49 And you.Speaker 6
00:17:49 Don't you don't respond.00:17:53 In the human species culture.
00:17:58 Of Human relations 1 to the other.
00:18:01 You are an animal.
00:18:06 All right, welcome to the.00:18:11 Insomnia stream I'm your host Devin Stack, this is.
00:18:16 It's the potato hurricane.
00:18:18 The potato hurricane.
00:18:20 We'll get more into the picture.
00:18:21 Hurricane in a minute.
00:18:24 For now, we're talking about Hurricane Katrina.
00:18:28 Hurricane Katrina.
00:18:32 For a number of reasons, one, we you know, we keep having hurricanes, it's just it's a feature of the North American continent.
00:18:39 You're going to get hurricanes mostly in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, a little bit off the East Coast, that sort of thing, just the way that it is.
00:18:48 The way that it is.
00:18:50 And every time there's a hurricane, there's there's a certain demographic that likes to loot that likes to loot.
00:18:58 And the reason I thought this would be a a good thing to take a look at a nice little case study is last stream.
00:19:05 People were asking, you know what?
00:19:07 What do you what do you see happening?
00:19:09 Like, what do you see happening?
00:19:10 As the demographics get changed and they shift more and more dramatically against, you know, the white majority, what do you see happening?
00:19:20 How do you see our country operating?
00:19:26 Well, I I think we have some data on this.
00:19:30 We have some data on this.
00:19:32 We have parts of the country that have already had to endure disasters and their demographics were similar to where we're headed as a nation just in general.
00:19:46 So we can see how exactly how did they handle these disasters.
00:19:54 Pastor Manning here, I think, has summed.
00:19:56 Up some of it.
00:20:00 But we're going to get up.
00:20:01 We're going to get into some of the.
00:20:02 Details of Hurricane Katrina and how.
00:20:06 That all went down.
00:20:09 So let's take a look. Let's go. Let's let's go all the way back down to 2005, 2005.
00:20:18 Do we need to?
00:20:18 Do we need to do?
00:20:19 A like a.
00:20:19 Bumper like a do I have a?
00:20:22 Oh, here we go.
00:20:26 Our traveling time.
00:20:30 2000 Miranda.
00:20:32 Alright, we're in 2000.
00:20:34 So for a lot of.
00:20:35 People who maybe.
00:20:36 Don't remember this or weren't, you know, were like 5 years old in.
00:20:39 2005 or whatever.
00:20:41 What happened with with Hurricane Katrina?
00:20:45 Is it was.
00:20:46 A direct hit basically on New Orleans.
00:20:49 And New Orleans.
00:20:51 Is below sea level.
00:20:54 And so when the.
00:20:55 Levee broke, which is why I played that song.
00:20:59 The Led Zeppelin song in the beginning.
00:21:01 There, the city flooded.
00:21:05 The city flooded.
00:21:07 They had been.
00:21:07 Told for, you know, because look, in 2005 we had the ability to forecast hurricanes.
00:21:14 And the city was warned days in advance.
00:21:17 Hey, you probably want to not be there.
00:21:20 Looks like Hurricane Katrina is going to go right on through.
00:21:26 And most people didn't take it seriously.
00:21:29 So they stuck around.
00:21:31 And by the time they realize that, oh, this is.
00:21:34 This is probably a bad idea.
00:21:37 Chaos had already ensued and.
00:21:40 I mean like.
00:21:42 Like dawn of the dead type ****.
00:21:45 You'll you'll see if you didn't live through this if you didn't watch this unfold on live television, you might be a little bit shot.
00:21:54 At how dark things got no metaphor, you know, no, no pun intended, right?
00:22:00 So this little animation will kind of explain what happened here.
Speaker 9
00:22:05 New Orleans is called the Big Bowl, a lake to the north, the river to the South, and canals on both sides.00:22:11 Most of the land in between is below sea level.
00:22:14 When Katrina breached the levees that held the water back, the bowl was swamp.
00:22:20 So there you go.00:22:21 It filled up like a bowl of.
00:22:23 Cereal, like a bowl of Lucky Charms.
00:22:27 So here we go immediately.
00:22:31 And this this started.
00:22:32 Before the the bowl filled up, if you will.
00:22:35 There was there was looting as you might expect.
00:22:39 Lots of looting, lots of violence, lots of rape, lots of murder because you got to understand.
00:22:48 New Orleans doesn't just have a lot of black residents at a black mayor had a lot of of black city workers.
00:22:58 A lot of black state workers were operating this disaster, OK?
00:23:06 So the demographic shift.
00:23:08 That existed during this disaster might be the same kind of demographic reality that you might find yourself in someday if you don't get the ****.
00:23:16 Out of the cities.
00:23:19 This might be what you experience and this is another reminder why you shouldn't rely on the federal government or the state government or city government or anything else.
00:23:29 To save your ***.
00:23:31 You know, having having prepper supplies, for example, even if it's just like a a month's worth of supplies, could save your life in a situation like this.
00:23:43 Could have saved lives in in this situation.
00:23:47 But instead we had looting.
00:23:50 Lots of looting.
Speaker 10
00:23:52 While natural disasters can highlight the best in people, it can also bring out the worst now in New Orleans and other places, looters are running free. NBC's Carl Quintanilla has that part of the story, from New Orleans. Good morning to you, Carl.Devon
00:24:06 Good morning, Natalie.00:24:07 Even with all of our television lights set up here, 3 gentlemen just climbed into the broken window of this mini Mart here.
00:24:14 Sunrise cannot come soon enough for the police.
00:24:17 They've been patrolling the pitch dark canyons of downtown all night long, trying to keep New Orleans from becoming a city of outlaws.
00:24:27 It began in plain sight.
00:24:29 Residents trying to shatter windows and climb into stores.
00:24:33 The looting broke wide open at this Walmart.
00:24:36 In New Orleans.
00:24:37 Stolen goods filled entire truckloads inexplicably in a town with no power, and none insight for weeks, armed loads of TV's.
00:24:45 Perhaps more useful in this crisis, fishing poles were also a hot commodity.
00:24:50 Oh, I got you some shoes.
Speaker 11
00:24:52 Come to bed, right?Speaker 12
00:24:53 Now try to make sure we live.Devon
00:24:55 Even some police.00:24:56 Went shopping but wouldn't talk to our.
00:24:58 Cameras. I'm doing my job.
Speaker 13
00:25:00 Like to say, say, gotta have faith.00:25:02 This is our fate right here to.
Speaker 1
00:25:03 Get it you gotta.Devon
00:25:05 Looting has long been a sad fact post.00:25:08 Hurricanes also struck this casino in Biloxi, Ms.
00:25:12 and the New Orleans Walgreens, while the one man band played on overnight police in New Orleans enforced A dusk to dawn curfew carrying automatic weapons.
00:25:24 Searching buildings and arresting suspects trying to protect businesses from a storm that has damaged everything insight and turned many customers into the enemy.
Speaker 14
00:25:35 Yeah, we got there.Devon
00:25:37 And early this morning, police say they are tired.00:25:40 They're only getting a couple hours of sleep at a time, and they likely have several more nights ahead of them.
00:25:47 We'll get into what the cops were up to in a second because the cops are the.
00:25:51 Same demographics, wouldn't you, wouldn't you know?
00:25:57 So you know, they they didn't behave quite the way that you might expect.
Speaker 16
00:26:08 Things are going to be OK, the National Guard accordingly.Speaker 15
00:26:09 So, Tony, are you telling me that there's there is no police in the area?Speaker 16
00:26:11 Go ahead.Speaker 15
00:26:14 No National Guard in the area.Speaker 16
00:26:16 Listen, I don't want to sound negative against anybody or any official, but according to them and what I saw, they left and they're there on their own.00:26:25 There's no police, there's no authority.
00:26:30 So once again.00:26:33 You might not.
00:26:33 Want to rely on the cops to maintain order and look, we've look, we have.
00:26:38 We've been witnessing this the last few years.
00:26:40 I don't think that that I I think this came as a shock to people in 2005.
00:26:47 But because that demographic demographic shift has been taking place and we watched the BLM riots and and watched what, what a great help the police were during those episodes.
00:26:58 It's not as shocking anymore. In 2005, this was a shock to the system. White Americans were just like, holy ****, what the Hell's going on out there?
00:27:09 You know that this is they don't have, they don't have electricity for like a day and it just turns into.
00:27:14 Lord of the flies.
Speaker 9
00:27:27 Downtown security is still the main focus.00:27:32 The city is an armed camp.
00:27:34 How many weapons are still out there?
00:27:36 This is the hall from one afternoon.
00:27:41 And we'll get into what happened with some white communities that tried protecting themselves from this reality.00:27:50 Again, this is this is what an American, a major metropolitan American city.
00:27:55 Turn into after one day.
00:27:57 One day.
Speaker 17
00:28:00 Wondered what really caused the damage, but the looters were worse than the storm.00:28:04 The storm was Sunday night, so you can see that whole week it was just chaos in the city.
00:28:10 The gangs were just running rampant.
00:28:12 They were shooting everywhere and I realized this is how it would be with no law and order.
00:28:17 This is this is like a third world country.
00:28:19 I can't believe this is America.
00:28:21 And what is going on here?
00:28:23 And that's something you'll.00:28:24 Hear repeated over and over and over again.
00:28:28 People shocked and saying.
00:28:31 It's like a third world country.
Speaker 7
00:28:33 I thought this was America.Devon
00:28:36 But it's like a third world country.00:28:39 And completely unable to put it together.
00:28:45 Probably not.
00:28:45 Intellectually, I think intellectually.
00:28:47 They all had the know.
00:28:50 But the social conditioning was so, so ******* strong.
00:28:53 You got to remember, Obama got elected just.
00:28:55 For being black.
00:28:57 Three years later.
00:29:00 Probably because of some of the criticism that.
00:29:02 That George Bush received.
00:29:05 When they blamed him for Katrina and look George Bush, ***** ** ****, total ***** ** ****.
00:29:13 But obviously wasn't trying to genocide blacks.
00:29:16 With a hurricane.
00:29:18 But that's what you would walk away from the thinking if you watched the mainstream media.
00:29:24 This was George Bush's plan to wipe out black people out of New Orleans.
00:29:32 Because he controls the weather now.
Speaker 18
00:29:39 And at the same time, amid a crisis that seems to be growing rather than receding, widespread looting and stealing in the face of police and military simply preoccupied with saving lives, scores of lives have already been lost.00:29:54 The counting of the dead will have to wait until buildings that are flattened or flooded.
00:29:59 Can be properly examined.
00:30:01 Tonight, there are serious questions as to whether a city can be saved.
00:30:05 And last night, Jeffrey, you talked about the the beginnings of the looting that was taking place is, I mean, first of all, is there anything left to loot?
00:30:14 And and there are people still looting and and is there nothing that can be done about it although the.
00:30:21 Is totally hopeless here.
Speaker 19
00:30:23 The things that I witnessed today, Ted, I, I, I, I, I I will never forget.00:30:27 Looting on a scale that was just so staggering, so overwhelming, it was a it was open season.
00:30:35 What we discovered is and what we've seen today is that, well, a lot of people evacuated in this city, thousands, 10s of thousands did not.
Speaker 20
00:30:43 And they are here the.Speaker 19
00:30:44 City has been ravaged by.00:30:46 The hurricane and now it's being.
00:30:47 Ravaged by some of its citizens.
00:30:51 Look at all those tennis shoes.00:30:54 And in fact, the mainstream media, of course, in the same way they said, oh, it's mostly peaceful protests, is it isn't this frustrating?
00:31:02 You know, BLM shouldn't have been a shock to the system.
00:31:05 This is the sort of thing that just happens when you have a large population of black people in your country.
00:31:10 You never know what's going to trigger it.
00:31:14 But something always does, and next thing you know.
00:31:18 Everyone's got free Nikes.
00:31:21 But CNN would try to frame this as, Oh well, they needed to.
00:31:25 They needed a loop.
00:31:26 They're they're stealing baby formula and diapers.
00:31:31 It's not what they were taking.
00:31:33 It's not what they were taking it all.
00:31:43 Yeah, there.
Speaker 21
00:31:52 In my mouth.Speaker 11
00:31:57 Cameron back inside.Devon
00:31:59 Turn into a war zone.00:32:02 And we haven't even gotten to the Superdome yet.
00:32:10 Wait till we get to the Superdome.
00:32:13 Because you have never heard of what happened at the Superdome.
00:32:19 And of course.
00:32:21 You know, CNN is race a factor.
00:32:24 Black people in New Orleans.
Speaker 7
00:32:27 It's it's.Devon
00:32:29 It's racism that's making this happen, but occasionally, just like Pastor Manning, you had a few honest black voices.00:32:36 These were the minority, of course.
00:32:38 For for every hour of of this kind of talk, if there was even an hour of it, there were thousands of hours of black activists saying that this was this was the white people genocide, and black somehow with controlling the weather.
Speaker 12
00:32:53 Black people in New Orleans should be made to understand that the whole world is watching any racism people may have as being justified every time they turn their turn on their televisions.00:33:04 Some might say that statement is racist.
00:33:06 Aren't you using a broad brush?
Speaker 22
00:33:08 When the perception is given on worldwide television that the only people who are doing the looting are black in a situation like that just need to loot.00:33:19 We've been through this before with the Rodney King riot.
00:33:22 There's just times when you need to get everybody together.
00:33:25 There are bone heads in the world that will do things.
00:33:27 And the leading the lawlessness in New Orleans set back to any.
00:33:32 Any progress that could have been made to get initial relief in there obviously is a concerted effort to make this look like it was planned.
00:33:40 Like the Bush administration just decided they were going to try to exterminate black people on worldwide television, that whole notion is absurd.
00:33:47 I think the the real story which a lot of people are being very careful to navigate around.
00:33:53 Is to find out what what was the lack of response from the local and from the state.
Speaker 12
00:33:58 Why is this sentiment out there that that many in the black community feel that this was the reason that the response was so slow?00:34:05 Because these people were poor and black.
00:34:09 And of course, the eternal white woman.00:34:13 Keeps trying to push the narrative.
00:34:16 That well, just because all the video that we have of people looting, it's 100% black and they're stealing tvi's and sneakers and things that aren't exactly associated with trying to survive a situation like this.
00:34:30 And just because it's on television, you're black and you're you're writing articles saying that, hey, you know what, you're you're justifying all the the the feelings that people have about black people because they turn on their TV's and all they see is a third world country.
00:34:47 They see a third world country they see looting, they see murder, they see rape, they see chaos.
00:34:53 Because it flooded.
00:34:56 The storm was one day.
00:34:59 Yes, the flooding went on for days after that.
00:35:02 But the reason why the rescue efforts.
00:35:06 Were hindered or because the local and state governments were incompetent?
00:35:13 It's because the people were completely, you know, unprepared.
00:35:19 Unable to handle.
00:35:20 Well, you know, look what happens in the country today when the EBT system breaks for an hour.
00:35:31 When the EBT system breaks for an hour, Walmart, which we just saw Walmart getting loaded, and we'll see.
00:35:38 We'll, we'll, I'll show you some more of.
00:35:40 That here in a second.
00:35:43 Walmart just lets black people leave with whatever they want.
00:35:47 Because they're so afraid of of what will happen if they don't.
00:35:53 So yeah, you interrupt EBT and electricity and law enforcement for 24 hours.
00:36:02 What do you think's going to happen?
00:36:04 Like that other song that I played at the very beginning, that's that's not just a joke line.
00:36:11 Some of the blacks that were in the city were shooting at the at the helicopters, the National Guard helicopters that were coming in to rescue them.
00:36:22 They were.
00:36:23 They were taking on fire from from.
00:36:27 Black gangs.
Speaker 23
00:36:36 Emergency authorities are now driving through the city, where they're picking up families in boats.00:36:40 They're then putting them in pickups like this one and driving them to the Superdome.
00:36:45 But that will be a temporary fix. The Superdome is also surrounded by several feet of water and the governor's office recognizes the more than 10,000 evacuees already inside will have to be moved.
00:37:00 Oh yes, the living hell.00:37:02 That was the Superdome.
00:37:04 So then they decided.
00:37:06 What we're going to do.
00:37:08 Is all these people now who have 0 preparedness, you know like? No, they have no supplies. They're 100% dependent on the incompetent government we're going to pack them all in this giant ******* Dome. Almost like it's like an expert. It's almost like a Stephen King.
00:37:30 Let's get the most worthless people we can find.
00:37:35 And put them in a in a Dome.
00:37:37 They can't get.
00:37:38 Out of and just see what happens.
00:37:43 Well, lots of stuff happened.
Speaker 24
00:37:47 Many disturbing images have emerged in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but some of the darkest went unrecorded inside the Superdome.00:37:55 Thousands of evacuees start refuge in that shelter of last resort, only to be subjected to an unspeakable breakdown of law and order. KTV's Ken Wayne went to New Orleans, where he talked California rescue workers who experienced the horror first hand.
Speaker 5
00:38:14 The hellish conditions inside the Louisiana Superdome were so bad, even those who were there have trouble describe.Speaker 25
00:38:20 Yet many of our Members have said it was worse than the Ground Zero experience in New York City.00:38:26 As quite quite an intense experience beyond beyond words.
Speaker 5
00:38:31 35 Bay Area men and women were sent to the Super Dome complex. They're part of a disaster medical assistance team called California 6.Speaker 26
00:38:39 When you first arrive on the scene.00:38:41 And we heard pop.
00:38:42 Pop, pop and there were gunshots fired before we even got down off the off ramp.
00:38:46 Yeah, I knew.
00:38:48 I knew my life was in danger.
Speaker 5
00:38:50 There was no power, air conditioning, water.00:38:52 Thousands were stranded in wretched conditions.
Speaker 26
00:38:55 Well, it's we're we're flowing onto the floor.00:38:58 And all of that stuff contributed to the general chaos and lawlessness.
00:39:04 It was truly apocalyptic.
00:39:06 Violence erupted, and there wasn't enough security to stop it.
00:39:09 We had rape victims, so we had assault victims, people were brought in that were beat within an inch of their life.
Speaker 5
00:39:15 After 16 frantic hours.00:39:17 California six got the word to get out.
Speaker 26
00:39:20 We had to leave the patients.00:39:22 Never done that in my life.
00:39:24 We felt awful about it.
Speaker 27
00:39:26 We really felt like we made a difference.00:39:28 For some, we wish we could have done more.
00:39:32 So why do they have to leave their relief workers?00:39:35 Why would they have to leave?
00:39:36 Well, I'll tell you, it's actually kind of interesting.
00:39:39 It's really hard to track down a lot of these stories because now you will hear if you look it up, you can look up Superdome.
00:39:46 Katrina, you'll find story after story.
00:39:50 Saying ah the.
00:39:52 The the crime that happened there was all it's all.
00:39:56 It's all hyperbole.
00:39:58 It was all overblown.
00:40:00 You know, it was.
00:40:01 It was just a a.
00:40:02 Rumor mill people were being hysterical because a bunch of black people were locked up and they just assumed they just assumed that all order would break down and it would be bad.
00:40:13 But it's just all these unsubstantiated stories.
00:40:18 And I'll tell you, it is hard to find a lot of the original reporting now part of that's because it's 2005. But sometimes if it was wasn't for the way back machine.
00:40:30 It would be impossible to find these articles that were even in major publications.
00:40:36 Not just because the original link from 2005 is dead, but because that story has been removed from their papers website.
00:40:45 But luckily I was able to dig up.
00:40:49 A lot of the stories from the original reporting, so let's take a look.
00:40:57 A lot of it, by the way, originated from foreign newspapers.
00:41:01 Foreign newspapers that you might not expect.
00:41:07 So this is a report from NPR.
00:41:12 Which is obvious, not a foreign newspaper.
00:41:15 Let me bring up.
00:41:18 So you know that I.
00:41:20 I've legit found some.
00:41:22 Of these still standing, let's see here.
00:41:25 Where is it at?
00:41:27 Alright, so here's the.
00:41:31 NPR headline more stories emerge of rapes.
00:41:35 And post Katrina chaos.
00:41:38 Maryland based nonprofit that assist victims of violent crimes received 156 reports of post Katrina violent crimes, about a third of those involved sexual assaults.
00:41:49 Lewis and others have taken refuge in the redemption elderly apartments in the Irish Channel section of New Orleans on the first night after the storm, the city lost power and she was sleeping in a dark hallway trying to catch a breeze.
00:42:03 It was there, she says, that an unknown man with a handgun sexually assaulted her.
00:42:08 She insists other women were raped in the same apartment building over the next four nights. Anastasia Petite, 25 year old hairdresser who asked that her last.
00:42:17 Name be omitted.
00:42:19 Contacted the New Orleans police in October and filed a report that she.
00:42:22 Was beaten with a.
00:42:23 Bat and raped on September 6th in broad daylight next to a flooded McDonald's.
00:42:32 Anastasia says thugs were still wandering the streets of her neighborhood more than a week after the flood.
00:42:38 Quote I didn't see any police officers.
00:42:41 I could have gotten away with murder.
00:42:44 It was that terrible.
00:42:46 So I can assume what criminals were thinking and that's exactly what happened.
00:42:53 Another story from the New York Post.
00:43:05 Children slept in pools of urine.
00:43:08 Crack vials littered the bathrooms.
00:43:10 This talking about the Superdome.
00:43:13 Blood stains smeared the walls near vending machines that had been pried open.
00:43:19 Gunfire has ricocheted down the corridors.
00:43:23 There were two reports of rape, one involving a child, three people died 1A distraught man who jumped to his death saying he had nothing to live for.
00:43:34 Quote we pee on the floor. We are like animals, Tiffany Smith, 25, told the Los Angeles time. While times while she gripped her three.
00:43:43 Week old Sun in her arm.
00:43:45 Quote this is.
00:43:47 A nut house said April Thomas, 42, with her eleven children.
00:43:52 Quote you have to fend people off constantly.
00:43:54 You have to fight for your life.
00:43:56 I wake up in the morning and the first thing I say is where are my babies as everyone here?
00:44:06 Here's a.
00:44:09 Reddit AMA from an aid worker.
00:44:12 I thought this was kind of funny.
00:44:16 He said that quote, we needed a few basic items, sunscreen, deodorant, shaving cream, coffee, toothpaste, baby wipes, etc.
00:44:26 We heard that Walmart opened up the doors for any military and 1st responders.
00:44:30 So we loaded a Humvee and drove to a Walmart.
00:44:34 They had a few.
00:44:36 New Orleans police officers and some military police guarding the place I walked in the door and everything was gone.
00:44:44 I mean everything you can see straight to the back of the store, all of the clothes are gone.
00:44:50 The grocery section is in a shame.
00:44:52 The shoe department was full of old shoes where people left their shoes and took the new shoes.
00:44:58 All of the bikes were missing.
00:45:00 It was amazing.
00:45:01 I didn't think it was possible to completely rate a Walmart.
00:45:05 I need some batteries for some of our equipment, so I walked to the electronics section.
00:45:09 No surprises here when everything is missing.
00:45:12 Here they stole the TV's off the walls, ripped open the game cages, broke all the glass on the service counter to get the to the camera, the looters completely destroyed this department. I walked around hoping to find some batteries on the floor that they.
00:45:29 I turn a corner and I see a complete aisle of CDs still there.
00:45:33 Looks like they haven't been touched.
00:45:35 It was all of the country music.
00:45:39 I don't think they stole a single CD.
00:45:41 From that row.
00:45:44 Too long didn't read.
00:45:46 Looters stole everything in Walmart except the country music.
00:45:52 Gee, I wonder why.
00:45:53 That is.
00:45:55 I wonder why that is.
00:45:58 They stole everything in a Walmart.
00:46:02 Except the country music.
00:46:05 This is from the Herald Sun.
00:46:08 This is one of the.
00:46:10 The way back machine articles I had to use because they had scrubbed.
00:46:16 2 Melbourne Women were trapped in the chaos at New Orleans Convention Center last night.
00:46:21 Quote there's a mob like tendency in here.
00:46:24 People are running around with.
00:46:26 Legs broken off chairs, threatening people, she said.
00:46:29 So like.
00:46:29 They they broke the the.
00:46:31 Table legs and we're using it like a like a club.
00:46:34 Up to 50 Australians are believed to be stranded across the Gulf Coast.
00:46:39 About 10 escaped the New Orleans Superdome yesterday after it erupted into violence.
00:46:45 They were holed up in the foyer of the Hilton Hotel last night.
00:46:49 Brisbane's John McNeil, 22, told his family he'd witnessed murders, rapes and stabbings and feared he would be killed.
00:47:00 Mr. Mcneil's father, Peter, said his son was about 60, was with about 60 other foreign tourists who had fled the Superdome.
00:47:10 Quote they couldn't stay another night.
00:47:12 The situation was so.
00:47:13 Bad, he said.
00:47:15 People were just staring at them, making suggestions.
00:47:18 They were going to kill them.
00:47:20 Now this is a a common thing.
00:47:22 There's a lot of reports in foreign newspapers talking about white Europeans or Australians in this case, who were visiting.
00:47:31 And when all this went down, they ended up having to go to the Superdome because they were just tourists.
00:47:35 Where else they were they going to go and because they were the only white people there because the white people were scents that lived in New Orleans, what few still lived there?
00:47:43 I don't know how much sense they could have.
00:47:45 They still live in New Orleans.
00:47:47 Had, you know, had fled there, I left.
00:47:48 Before the hurricane.
00:47:49 So it was pretty much all black.
00:47:51 People with almost.
00:47:52 No, white people in the Superdome.
00:47:54 And so the white people who were in the Superdome like this Australian guy, and you'll see other reports that sound very identical.
00:48:04 Were being threatened.
00:48:05 By the blacks for being the white people in the Superdome.
00:48:11 John's sister Susie, said he saw shocking acts of violence amid fierce racial tension in the Superdome.
00:48:18 It quote it's turned into a black against white thing, she said.
00:48:22 My brother has witnessed murders, stabbings, rapes.
00:48:27 It's like a third world country.
00:48:32 That's a quote you will hear.
00:48:34 Over and over and over again.
00:48:40 I wonder what they mean by that.
00:48:43 Is like a third world country.
00:48:50 So this next story is from the BBC.
00:48:55 Also scrubbed.
00:48:56 I had to use the Wayback Machine to get it.
00:49:02 Jamie Trout, 22, from Sunderland, was among 50 tourists stranded in horrific conditions in the devastated city.
00:49:10 They had joined up to 30,000 people taking refuge from Hurricane Katrina in the venue.
00:49:16 But Mr. Trott's family said the group was escorted to a nearby hotel by the National Guard after the Britons were targeted by others in the shelter.
00:49:27 Even the National Guard realized that the white people were not safe.
00:49:34 And so they escorted them out because they thought they were going to.
00:49:36 Get murdered. Quote the.
00:49:38 Group really feared for their safety because they were being targeted because.
00:49:41 They were the only white people there.
00:49:45 Quote The National Guard moved them out into the basketball stadium next door, where the very sick were being held.
00:49:52 We rode that storm out and then decided to go to New Orleans.
00:49:56 We didn't realize the storm was heading that way.
00:50:00 He said of his eventual Superdome refuge.
00:50:03 Quote, There is a lot of heat from people in there, people shouting, racial abuse about us being white.
00:50:10 The army warned us to keep our bags close to us and to grip them tight.
00:50:16 He said he saw crack cocaine being used in the filthy toilets, youngsters breaking into the soft drinks machines and men brawling.
00:50:25 You're in an excrement spilled into the corridors where they were sleeping.
00:50:32 According to the LA Times.
00:50:35 At least two people, including a child, have been raped.
00:50:39 At least three people have died, including one man who jumped 50 feet to his death, saying he had nothing to live for, corner Reuters quote.
Speaker 29
00:50:49 They hate us.Devon
00:50:51 Four young black men told us the buses were going to come last night and pick up the elderly so they were going to kill us, she said, sobbing.00:50:59 This is a white girl.
00:51:02 They were plotting to murder us and then they sent the buses away because we would all be killed if the buses came.
00:51:10 That's what the people in charge told.
00:51:11 Us this morning.
00:51:15 Other survivors recounted horrific cases of sexual.
00:51:19 Assault and murder.
00:51:24 Hoping to find safety, they set out to find a place to hide A trash can held the corpse of a 4 1/2 year old girl.
00:51:32 The mourners nearby said she had been.
00:51:34 Raped and killed.
00:51:36 A storage unit looked promising and the duo hid out for several hours listening to the chaos beyond deciding that they would get mauled if found, hiding they left.
00:51:47 The unit went down to the field where they saw army and National Guard troops.
00:51:52 The army told them they couldn't hang around for safety, so they went to where the National Guard was forming a ring.
00:51:59 The guardsmen told them they could hang around the perimeter if they wanted.
00:52:02 So they sat about 10 feet away, where two guards were posting at the entrance to the circle.
00:52:08 At some point.
00:52:09 After a man came out of the.
00:52:10 Flooded areas of the.
00:52:11 Dome with a pipe.
00:52:13 He hit one of the guards.
00:52:14 A woman on the head.
00:52:17 He then shot another guard in the leg.
00:52:20 The female guard ran screaming away, so a female Guardsman.
00:52:25 I don't know what you can call those.
00:52:28 Ran screaming.
00:52:32 That's great.
00:52:35 By Thursday, they decided to enter the lines, leaving the complex.
00:52:39 By then, it smelled so horrid.
00:52:41 Neither the friend could find a word to describe the odor.
00:52:44 They were at first glad to be on the bridge outside, but soon found themselves hot, squished and scared.
00:52:49 A woman behind the pair had two German shepherds.
Speaker 30
00:52:52 Is that OK?Devon
00:52:52 Were being.00:52:53 Violent and had nipped at one of my friends.
00:52:55 One friend finally turned around, asked her to keep her dogs away from.
00:52:58 Them, she screamed.
00:53:00 It's just because you hate black people.
00:53:03 Uh, we thought we're dead now.
00:53:06 Luckily, the crowd didn't turn on them and they were saved.
00:53:09 After 14 hours, they made it to the front line.
00:53:13 The pair got separated and one got on a bus 4 hours before the other last one on on the bus told me how the bus driver gave every seat a trash bag, asking the people to use them.
00:53:23 After arriving in Dallas Saturday morning, however, the bus was strewn with litter.
00:53:30 Or how about the London Times?
Speaker 31
00:53:34 Let's see.Devon
00:53:35 They screenshot that one.Speaker 32
00:53:39 Oh yeah, I.Devon
00:53:39 Couldn't this one?00:53:40 Was even the I.
00:53:42 Found the links to it and the.
00:53:43 Quotes to it, but even the the way back.
00:53:46 It was broken miss wheeled in from Karen.
00:53:51 I can't even say that South wall.
00:53:54 Said that, being inside the Super Dome was terrifying and that she had been sexually harassed, quote, the atmosphere was extremely intimidating, the Lancaster University student said.
00:54:06 People stared at us the whole time, and men would come up to me and stroke my stomach and bottom.
00:54:12 They would also say horrible, suggestive.
00:54:14 Things the worst time came when there was a rumor that a white man had raped a black woman.
00:54:19 Yeah, yeah, we know that didn't happen, but anyway.
00:54:24 We were scared.
00:54:25 That we would be raped, robbed or both.
00:54:28 People were arguing, fighting and being arrested all the time.
00:54:32 The internationals, as the army labeled the stranded tourists, were among the few white people in the stadium.
00:54:39 Marked out by their skin color and unfamiliar accents, they were verbally abused while their luggage made them targets for robbery.
00:54:49 And you have this in the Telegraph.
00:54:52 A musician, Mark Grayden, 26, who had called his father John at home in Essex to plead for help, is now known to be heading to safety in Dallas.
00:55:02 Mr. Graydon, who proposed to his American girlfriend Gretchen Heiserman, 23, while they sheltered in the stadium, told his parents they feared for their lives as they were.
00:55:12 Forced to hide from violent gangs for four days.
00:55:15 Speaking from his home in Stanford yesterday, his father said when they first made it to the Super Dome, they sounded OK mark even got engaged to Gretchen while they were waiting there for help.
00:55:27 But then things turned nasty and it got seriously dangerous.
00:55:32 The gang inside the Superdome looked on Gretchen as a typical American middle class white girl.
00:55:38 And they didn't like her at all.
00:55:39 Mark had to really protect her from them because she was threatened by rape and violence.
00:55:45 They had to keep their heads down and hide among the people crammed inside because they knew they could be.
00:55:49 Attacked if they became Isola.
00:55:53 The foreigners in the Superdome were snuck out in small groups, the young woman explained how the US military had to sneak her out of the.
00:56:00 Stadium and secret.
00:56:02 At the end of her terrifying ordeal, she said, quote, the military got us out of the Superdome.
00:56:08 They told us it was too unsafe to stay.
00:56:11 They got us out in groups of 10.
00:56:12 In secret, really.
00:56:14 When we were leaving, people were going.
00:56:16 Where are you going and giving us looks.
00:56:18 But the military got us out, which we're all thankful for.
00:56:22 Well, that military is just as diverse as those police officers were in 2005.
00:56:29 The US military and the Dome foresaw trouble once the electric generators ran a fuel. The 22 year old, who was met at the airport by his girlfriend, carried garlic.
00:56:38 21 said it was hell on Earth the last couple of days and the Dome became completely chaotic and it was too dangerous to even queue.
00:56:46 Up for food?
00:56:49 She said the military instructed all non-us citizens to gather together for security quote. They told us the generator lights were going to go out, told us to get with a big group because there was only six of us in our little group.
00:57:04 They told us if the lights did go out and you had a torch, that's that's British ease for flashlight not to use it because people would attack for the torch and they would attack for food and water.
00:57:17 Aside for anyone, aside for anyone who does not know British English.
00:57:21 Together there is something.
00:57:24 Up to 30 British students huddled among the thousands in the Superdome and were forced to set up a makeshift security cordon to fence, fend off abuse of locals Jamie Trout, 22, and economics students from from Sunderland kept a record of his terrifying ordeal, he wrote, quote.
00:57:44 There was something out of Lord of the Flies.
00:57:46 One minute everything is calm and civil and the next it descends into chaos.
00:57:52 A man has been arrested for ****** A7 year old in the.
00:57:55 Toilet this place is hell.
00:57:57 The smell is horrendous.
00:57:59 There are toilets overflowing and people ever.
00:58:01 Everywhere, Jamie, who had been coaching football to disabled children as part of the Camp America scheme.
00:58:08 And said that people were shouting racial abuse at the Britons because they were white.
00:58:14 They said US authorities did little to protect the innocent victims of the hurricane while they all sought refuge in the.
00:58:19 Stadium women were raped.
00:58:22 Elise Sims, 20, from Adelaide, said people were stabbed.
00:58:26 A man committed suicide.
00:58:28 Soldiers shot people.
00:58:30 It was like being in a third world country.
00:58:34 But we're in the United States.
00:58:41 There's that, there's that.
00:58:44 Quote again over and over and over.
00:58:47 It's like being in a third world country.
00:58:53 So that's why they had to get these rescue workers out of there.
00:58:56 It was even too dangerous to be a ******* rescue worker in.
00:58:58 This God forsaken place.
Speaker 11
00:59:03 This is our first look of what the roof looks like on the outside of the Dome.00:59:07 This is that outer film.
00:59:09 That waterproof layer that they're talking about that actually peeled off and exposed the tin roof underneath the tin roof that now caused.
Speaker 22
00:59:18 A hole.Speaker 11
00:59:19 In the middle of the Super Dome.00:59:22 As you know.
00:59:23 10,000 people are inside trying to seek refuge from Katrina right now. This is the second problem flooding right now. This is the street between the New Orleans Marina and also the.
00:59:37 This water is not supposed to be here, and yet this is just the beginning.
00:59:41 The backside of Hurricane Katrina that is expected to bring the floodwaters.
00:59:46 To downtown new.
00:59:51 So they were basically in a Dome surrounded.Speaker 6
00:59:53 By a Moat.Speaker 20
00:59:56 Man, it was.00:59:56 It was hectic.
00:59:58 You're in everywhere.
00:59:59 I mean, a lot of people.
01:00:01 Rape all type of violence and just water rising everywhere in the city.
01:00:05 We just glad.
01:00:06 To be out of here.
Speaker 11
01:00:07 We don't, we don't.Speaker 20
01:00:07 Want to keep you guys?01:00:09 We know you wanna go, but thank you for.
Speaker 33
01:00:11 Talking with us and good luck.Speaker 34
01:00:11 Thank you.Speaker 33
01:00:11 Thank you.Speaker 36
01:00:17 You're looking at the first incredible video from inside the New Orleans Superdome since the evacuation.01:00:23 We were the first camera crew allowed inside shafts of light from gaping holes in the roof illuminate the scene.
01:00:30 Remnants of Hell for up to 35,000 people to get here involved in incredible journey through the abandoned.
01:00:37 City, where the only traffic is army trucks.
01:00:40 We waded through floodwater that has become a toxic.
Speaker 35
01:00:43 Thank you.Speaker 37
01:00:43 Soup as we come out of the floodwaters.01:00:46 We kind of hit this ramp where as you can see, there are personal belongings all along.
01:00:52 This is where people camped out for days waiting to be rescued.
Speaker 36
01:00:56 It's not pretty. Mountains of people's belongings left behind when they were rescued litter the landscape. I met Lieutenant Colonel Scott Elliott of the Texas Air National Guard.01:01:06 You told me the real heroes at the Superdome were the evacuees.
Speaker 13
01:01:10 The real action was the people and.Speaker 19
01:01:13 What they put.Devon
01:01:13 Ohh yeah, the the the real heroes.Speaker
01:01:13 Up with and you know.Devon
01:01:20 And that was the narrative.01:01:22 That was the narrative.
01:01:24 You heard the reality.
01:01:26 The narrative was these poor black people, these poor ever suffering black people.
01:01:33 They were let down, they were let down by.
01:01:35 Whites, whites did this?
01:01:41 That was how it was reported in every major, every major.
01:01:47 Newspaper every major television CNN, of course, was just really picking up steam.
01:01:55 You were just starting to have some competitors like Fox News.
01:01:58 But even Fox News.
01:02:01 Geraldo was down there crying.
01:02:06 And holding up black, like literally holding up black babies.
01:02:11 Fact, let me I think I have this clip here.
01:02:14 Let me see if I can find it here.
01:02:15 Forgot I should have put it in here.
01:02:20 Let's see here.
01:02:23 Here we go.
01:02:24 Yeah, this Geraldo literally was swinging black babies around the front of the camera with Shepard Smith.
01:02:32 Saying like, Oh my God.
01:02:35 The horror.
01:02:39 And this is this is like shift shift quality video.
01:02:41 So I'm going to, it's going to look very blocky and sound kind of like.
01:02:45 Crappy, but you know it is what it is like.
01:02:48 There he is. There's Geraldo.
01:02:51 Oh, it's so bad.
01:02:52 He starts crying.
Speaker 38
01:02:54 Sean, I I can't emphasize what ship just said enough.01:03:00 He said it exactly right.
01:03:02 There is no earthly answer that anyone can understand why these people, after six days are still in this filthy, filthy, miserable Convention Center.
01:03:12 Why are they still here?
01:03:14 There's the freeway.
01:03:15 Here I tell you what I would have done.
01:03:17 I would what I would still do, I would say, let them walk out of here.
01:03:20 Let them.
01:03:20 Walk away from the filth.
01:03:22 Let them walk away from the devastation.
01:03:24 Let them walk away from the dead bodies in here.
01:03:27 They say they're on the 2nd floor in the freezer.
01:03:29 I've been on the first floor.
01:03:30 It's like Willowbrook in there.
01:03:32 I I'm telling you, Sean and Allen, this is this, this is.
01:03:37 You cannot deny that it's six days since this natural disaster befell New Orleans.
01:03:44 What has happened since?
01:03:46 Is is as bad or worse?
01:03:49 Than what Mother Nature did.
01:03:50 It's just I I mean I.
01:03:52 I can't understand that I've.
01:03:53 Only been here in.
01:03:55 Louisiana, for less than a day.
01:03:57 I left New York yesterday, but coming to the Convention Center, it is as if time stopped.
01:04:02 It's as if I'm back and it's Wednesday.
01:04:05 I I saw Fox News on Wednesday and people were here at this building, the Convention Center.
01:04:11 Saying get us out of here.
01:04:12 Help us.
01:04:13 Help us. And now it's 48 hours after that and the people are still here.
01:04:17 None of them.
01:04:18 None of them.
01:04:19 As far as I know.
01:04:20 Not a single one.
01:04:21 Has been bussed out of here.
01:04:23 They're all still.
01:04:23 Here, why is that I I.
01:04:25 God, I wish I knew.
01:04:26 I wish someone could.
01:04:27 Tell me where all.
01:04:28 The buses there are so many buses that could. Where are the, you know, we had a flight 159th.
01:04:35 Fighter Wing Louisiana came down and they were bringing in doctors and medical supplies and and kicking off the MRE's out of the out of the helicopters, but none of the people are there. Look at this.
01:04:41 No, there's the black baby.01:04:43 He's gonna.
01:04:43 He's gonna grab.
Speaker 14
01:04:44 Black baby.Speaker 35
01:04:48 Look at this little baby.Speaker 38
01:04:49 There's so many little babies.01:04:50 Can I here?
01:04:53 He's grabbing the black baby so he can wave in front of the camera.Speaker 35
01:04:53 15 I got a baby.01:04:57 You know, I have a baby and you see, there's so many babies here.
01:05:02 It's just not every.
01:05:05 I'm crying.01:05:05 I'm crying with the black.
01:05:06 Baby, look at the black baby.
01:05:14 So that's how it was reported.
01:05:17 You know it's.
01:05:18 All your fault.
01:05:22 This was another guy.
01:05:24 His account.
01:05:25 He was on vacation in New Orleans when it when it went down.
Speaker 39
01:05:32 Times we had a like a mass people Stampede where something would happen and you'd see hundreds of people running at you.01:05:40 There was buildings were in downtown, you know, the police were doing nothing.
01:05:44 You know, we actually saw the police driving by in, in brand new Cadillacs with no tags.
01:05:53 I want you to take note of that.01:05:55 We saw police driving around in brand new Cadillacs without tags.
01:06:03 Yes, that does mean that the police were looting, and in fact, I'll show you on video that the police were looting.
01:06:11 To the place where we're looting brand new Cadillacs.
Speaker 39
01:06:17 That's one thing that was kind of funny though, is one thing.01:06:21 There was plenty of was alcohol and cigarettes all you wanted, you know.
01:06:26 But we were forced to leave.
01:06:27 And that's when we were told to walk to the Convention Center.
01:06:31 And there was several 1000 people already there when we got there, you know, there was no plumbing there at the Convention Center was used up.
01:06:39 So it was a disaster.
01:06:41 So, you know, just had to originally go out on bathrooms out on the street.
01:06:44 The National Guard never showed up till Friday evening. The they were manning their 1660 caliber machine gun.
01:06:51 And then they had like 4 trucks of personnel come in all aiming their M sixteens at the people.
01:06:59 And you know, I'm looking at these, you know, there's this latest beside me.
01:07:02 So they're going to shoot this.
01:07:04 And I said no, it looks to me like just to show a force, you know, let us all know that law and orders returned New Orleans turned into a third world country.
01:07:12 You know, anything could have happened.
01:07:14 Well, you know like.
01:07:15 It turned into a third world country.Speaker 40
01:07:22 What? What? What do they?Devon
01:07:23 Mean by that when they.01:07:24 Say that I wonder.
Speaker 39
01:07:32 That's one thing that was kind of funny though, is one thing.01:07:35 There was Neil was alcohol and cigarettes all you wanted.
01:07:43 That was.01:07:45 Odyssey on muting itself for some reason.
01:07:47 So I got.Devon
01:07:47 A little feedback there.01:07:50 So you might ask yourself, well, what about, you know, he said the military showed up, right?
01:07:58 Surely they helped out.
01:08:01 We'll get to what they were up to.
01:08:03 In a second.
01:08:04 So a lot of white neighborhoods.
01:08:07 Knew what was going on.
01:08:11 And so they did.
01:08:16 Well, what you probably would do.
01:08:20 And they start patrolling the neighborhoods.
01:08:23 They formed little mini impromptu militias.
01:08:29 And kept people out.
01:08:32 An entire town across the the.
01:08:35 River from New Orleans.
01:08:39 Blocked off the bridge.
01:08:43 The mayor and the police chief.
01:08:46 Who, of course, would be called racist by 60 minutes 60 minutes would do like a ******* well 60 minutes worth of a show calling them racist for.
01:08:58 Barricading the bridge with cops, with shotguns.
01:09:03 Because they knew what the **** was going on.
01:09:05 In this third world country.
Speaker 42
01:09:11 August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina.Speaker 41
01:09:17 When Hurricane Katrina ripped into New Orleans, most people tried to flee in one neighborhood, however, a band of 15 to 30 people refused to evacuate.01:09:26 With the Police Department crippled, these people amassed weapons and began patrolling the streets severed from the rest of New Orleans by the river.
01:09:35 Algiers Point is an insular, predominantly white neighborhood within the larger Algiers district, which is mostly African American.
01:09:43 As word spread that Algiers point was dry, desperate people fleeing flooded ZIP codes began headed toward the West Bank.
Speaker 42
01:09:51 We're blocking both ends of the street during hurricane, whatever Katrina.01:09:56 They got they're doing looting, they're looting the businesses right now and we figure they'll eventually get around to looting the houses.
Speaker 41
01:10:03 Fearing an influx of outsiders, the gunmen of Algiers Point barricaded their streets.Speaker 1
01:10:08 Do you forsake yourself?01:10:12 You had to do what you had to do.
01:10:14 You know you had to shoot somebody.
01:10:16 You had to shoot somebody.
01:10:18 No, we we had.
01:10:18 That chipper.
01:10:21 You had no choice.
01:10:22 Was that bad?
01:10:24 Well, he said, well, he said just put him on the side because they knew they were doing well, you know.
01:10:29 Just put them to the side.
01:10:31 That's all we could do.
01:10:31 Mine is.Speaker 15
01:10:32 Tonight, an I team exclusive new video and information on the men who claim to have set up vigilante patrols in Algiers Point did the West Bank turn into the Wild West in the days following Hurricane Katrina.Speaker 26
01:10:44 You have any problems with looters?01:10:48 Not anymore.
01:10:51 Not anymore.01:10:54 So this white community actually blockaded the neighborhood.
01:10:59 And shot looters.
01:11:01 And the, uh, the local cops.
01:11:05 Basically looked the other way because they were like you know.
01:11:09 It is what it is.
01:11:12 That's the kind of community you want.
01:11:13 To live in.
01:11:15 When when I say you need to think local this.
01:11:17 Is what I'm talking about.
01:11:21 Now, of course, local law enforcement is getting.
01:11:27 I don't know if infiltrate is the right word, but corrupt by the federal system, so it's getting harder and harder to do.
01:11:34 But it probably saved.
01:11:35 A lot of lives in Algiers.
Speaker 43
01:11:39 Help has arrived from around the country.01:11:41 The National Guard moves in supplies.
01:11:44 The infantry patrol Saint Charles Ave.
01:11:47 detaining anyone who causes a problem.
01:11:51 Now here's the problem.01:11:54 When the Calvary the feds did arrive.
01:12:01 You think they like the fact that neighborhoods like Algiers?
01:12:08 We're defending their own property, the.
01:12:10 Feds don't like that.
01:12:12 The feds don't like vigilantes.
01:12:17 So no, that's not what the feds did at all.
01:12:19 The feds didn't go and say, oh, good job, guys, for protecting your your neighborhood.
01:12:24 When the feds arrived, something completely different happened.
01:12:28 Again, this is something you to know about, because if an emergency happens.
01:12:33 This might be what you're faced with.
Speaker 44
01:12:40 Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdout.Speaker 3
01:12:43 Police Department at your home.Speaker 23
01:12:45 Not only the.Speaker 44
01:12:45 Flooded areas, but New Orleans driest and wealthiest neighborhoods, too.01:12:52 The police and National Guard going street by St.
Speaker 43
01:12:57 House to house.Speaker 20
01:12:59 Will you make sure too that when open off the doors people fuse leave?01:13:02 We need to make note calling in.
01:13:06 By the way, this isn't the National Guard going around cleaning up the gangs.01:13:11 This is the National Guard going to white neighborhoods and conference, getting weapons and kicking people out of their homes.
01:13:18 People that have supplies.
01:13:22 Including old white ladies, which you?
01:13:24 Will see in a moment.
01:13:27 They were literally going to people's property.
01:13:31 Taking their guns.
01:13:33 And forcing them off their own property, telling them they had to leave.
01:13:38 Didn't matter if they had enough supplies to and weapons and ammunition.
Speaker 44
01:13:44 They say there are no orders to use force, just strong persuasion.01:13:48 Sometimes entering open houses with guns.
01:13:51 And instructions to disarm anyone inside.
Speaker 45
01:13:55 You said guns.01:13:56 Guns will be taken.
Speaker 21
01:13:57 And no one will be able to be armed.01:13:58 Sir. Yes, Sir.
01:13:58 We will take all weapons.Speaker 44
01:14:00 That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.01:14:07 Residents were handcuffed on the ground in the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
Speaker 19
01:14:13 They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.Speaker 44
01:14:17 For many of the police and guard troops it.01:14:19 Is an uncomfortable job.
01:14:20 To do this in an American city.
01:14:24 This guard unit occupied a church, using it as a base camp.
01:14:27 They had to leave a note because they could not get hold of.
01:14:29 The pastor to get permission.
Speaker 42
01:14:31 It is.01:14:31 It is surreal.
01:14:33 You just never.
01:14:34 You never expect to do this in your own country.
Speaker 44
01:14:37 Chris Montgomery says he'd rather be in Iraq than patrolling American neighborhoods.01:14:42 Walking up and down these streets you don't you don't want to.
01:14:45 The stuff you gonna have to do, somebody pops.
Speaker 21
01:14:47 Around the corner, let me shoot it in America, yeah.Speaker 7
01:14:52 Well, I don't want him here.Speaker 4
01:14:54 We're not gonna do that.Speaker 7
01:14:55 I don't want you in here, period.Speaker 20
01:14:57 But there's a mandatory evacuation.Speaker 7
01:14:59 I know all about it.Speaker 46
01:15:03 Well, Patricia Coney's protests were to no avail, and they moved her out of there. And she is now out of the city.Devon
01:15:12 They literally beat up an old lady.01:15:17 And forced her.
Speaker 14
01:15:18 Out of her home.Speaker 47
01:15:20 Patty Connie is still trying to recover physically and emotionally.Speaker 7
01:15:24 They really did a number on me.Speaker 47
01:15:26 From the day police forced her from her home.Speaker 7
01:15:29 It was traumatic all of a sudden they were banging on the front door, the side door and the back door.01:15:37 And they said let us in.
Speaker 47
01:15:39 Patty tried to explain she was on dry land.01:15:42 She had plenty of food and water and didn't want to abandon her dogs.
01:15:47 But it didn't matter.
Speaker 7
01:15:49 Six or eight police like linebackers pushing me in the.01:15:56 You're you're in shack.
01:15:58 I'm saying, look at all my food.
01:16:00 I got plenty of food.
01:16:01 They kept pushing me back, pushing me back, and ended up like this.
Speaker 47
01:16:07 Then Patty showed them a small revolver.01:16:10 She was carefully holding in the palm of her.
01:16:12 Hand a camera crew was there to capture.
Speaker 5
01:16:15 Woman on.Speaker 47
01:16:16 What unfolded next?Speaker 7
01:16:20 I said it's not even loaded and I dropped it on the floor.Speaker 16
01:16:25 You got a gun?Speaker 7
01:16:26 Well, they punched me in the face.Speaker 21
01:16:28 Left now.Speaker 7
01:16:30 Look at my black and blue marks.01:16:32 Look at.
01:16:33 Look at what they did to me.
01:16:35 They dragged me out of here.
01:16:37 I really thought they were going to kill me.
01:16:40 I really did.
01:16:43 And they might have.01:16:47 So that's what happens when.
01:16:48 The feds roll in.
Speaker 34
01:16:52 And back across the lake is when we got stopped by Coast Guard and St.01:16:57 Tammany Sheriff's Department and the National Guard by gunpoint.
Speaker 8
01:17:01 We had identification.01:17:03 We were coming back from our house that we were taking the weapons out of so criminals wouldn't break in and steal them.
01:17:10 And we've had policemen tell us that that's what they wanted us to do.
01:17:15 But not the sheriff in Saint Tammany.
01:17:17 They just wanted to confiscate them from us.
Speaker 34
01:17:19 We felt like criminals at the time when they come up to us with M16 or AR fifteens, whatever it was, but they were four of them with rifles and holding on us where the hands in the air until they got in our boat.Speaker 8
01:17:32 So they got on the boat and they they asked us, do you have any loaded weapons?01:17:36 Yes, we do.
01:17:37 They're in two back compartments.
01:17:39 Wayne went to show them.
01:17:41 Where the gun was and he screams.
01:17:44 Don't touch it.
01:17:45 Don't even move.
01:17:46 I'll get it if I.
Speaker 34
01:17:47 I thought it felt like it was unamerican and then we had been violated when they and it took like they we were shells out.01:17:55 We were just sitting around looking at each other and said we just got our guns taken away from.
Speaker 8
01:18:00 They took him.01:18:02 And they didn't have a a life to take them.
01:18:03 They didn't have a reason to take them.
01:18:05 That was the thing we did nothing wrong.
01:18:09 But they took him anyway, he said.
01:18:10 Be thankful we're taking your guns here.
01:18:13 Why should I be thankful?
01:18:16 Well, if they catch you with them on land, they're going to take.
01:18:19 You straight to.
Speaker 34
01:18:19 Jail live and prove that all they have to do is look.Devon
01:18:20 We will.Speaker 8
01:18:26 You had that feeling that you were violated.01:18:29 They took something from you.
01:18:30 They stole something from you.
01:18:32 That's the only way to put it.
01:18:34 They took something that they.
01:18:36 Didn't have a right to take is in.
Speaker 27
01:18:37 Control of who we are as.Speaker 47
01:18:39 A nation, Robert Zoss was forced to evacuate when a tree destroyed both of his family's homes.Speaker 27
01:18:47 Loaded with dogs, kids, people.Speaker 47
01:18:51 Then, as they were exiting through downtown, the unexpected happened.Speaker 27
01:18:56 These cops came out of nowhere, said stop, and actually, do we have weapons in the car?01:19:01 And I so yeah, I do, he said.
01:19:04 Get out the vehicle had us all sit cross legged in front while they searched.
01:19:08 Vehicle I had a 22 long rifle. My tenants girlfriend had a 22 Pearl handled revolver given to her by her grandmother grandfather.
Speaker 47
01:19:19 But Robert couldn't believe what he watched police do next to his rifle and his friends.01:19:25 Pearl handle revolver.
Speaker 27
01:19:26 I saw them smash her.01:19:30 Gun given to her by her grandmother, grandfather just against the curb. The other things that they busted up the 22 rifle they busted up. These were police officers that went too far.
01:19:39 We didn't have any rights, I mean.
01:19:41 They treated us like criminals.
01:19:42 They treated us like if we were in.
01:19:43 A third world country I was scared.
01:19:46 They treated us like.01:19:47 We were in a third world.
01:19:55 They all keep saying the exact same thing.
01:20:00 It's weird, huh?
01:20:03 No one else is kind of like a third world country.
01:20:06 You know these cops they're talking about.
01:20:11 Look what some of them got caught doing.
Speaker 33
01:20:14 A lot of other people here say they don't feel bad taking this stuff one because they need it, but two, they said.01:20:19 The police said it was OK and we actually saw the police.
01:20:22 They were Nile 3.
Speaker 43
01:20:24 Hold on, do.Speaker 3
01:20:25 It how you doing?Speaker 18
01:20:27 Hi what?Speaker 34
01:20:28 You doing here?01:20:28 I'm doing my job.
Speaker 33
01:20:30 Bacon choose.Speaker 34
01:20:31 No looking for losers.Speaker 33
01:20:33 But they're the looters.Devon
01:20:37 The *****.01:20:39 We're looting.
01:20:44 The third world country cops were joining in on the looting.
Speaker 17
01:20:54 And what do you do?Speaker 33
01:20:55 When you find them, because I.Speaker 29
01:20:56 Think I've seen them.Speaker 19
01:20:56 Running out the school, that's all I can do with them right now.Speaker 33
01:21:00 They're all around us, though, that's what.Speaker 21
01:21:02 I see and.Speaker 40
01:21:03 Play with you when you go out and.Speaker 33
01:21:04 I haven't taken anything, ma'am.Speaker 12
01:21:05 In the store.Speaker 33
01:21:12 They don't quite look here.Speaker
01:21:24 OK.Speaker 48
01:21:26 You know, one of the things that strikes you is, of course, a Walmart is a store that everybody knows and to walk in it and see it as a free for all like that is, well, you can't help but laugh sometimes, even though it is grossly against the law to see the police, though that was a shock.Devon
01:21:44 To see the police looting.01:21:47 That was a shock.
01:21:48 Well, I don't know.
01:21:50 I mean, they do keep saying that it was.
01:21:53 Like a third world country.
01:21:57 And that's exactly the sort of thing that you would expect to see.
01:22:03 In a third world country.
01:22:10 And this is that 60 minutes.
01:22:13 A little part of.
01:22:14 It where they're trying to rake the the mayor over the coals.
01:22:19 For defending his white town.
01:22:23 From the black, the third World country across the river.
Speaker 5
01:22:30 It was his decision of which I supported wholeheartedly.Speaker 49
01:22:34 We had to make a decision because we we did not have the wherewithal to continue and to to to evacuate thousands and thousands of more people.Speaker 28
01:22:44 Mayor Arthur Lawson is the chief of police in Gretna.Speaker 50
01:22:47 Now you.Speaker 28
01:22:48 We wanted to ask him about his decision to shut down the bridge, but he declined our request.Speaker 29
01:22:53 You're very much.Speaker 28
01:22:54 But he did speak with the CBS News reporter shortly after the.01:22:58 I said.
Speaker 49
01:22:59 You know, our job was to secure our city.01:23:01 We did our best to evacuate those that came over, but we could not continue to evacuate the entire city of New Orleans.
Speaker 28
01:23:07 You say you sealed the city because you wanted to protect the city and protect the residents of your city, your citizens.Speaker 26
01:23:14 Protect the lives of our residents?01:23:16 That's right.
Speaker 28
01:23:16 Protect them from what?01:23:18 Protect them from whom?
Speaker 5
01:23:19 You had to be there to understand and witness.Devon
01:23:24 Just say the like like that's. That's funny. Ah anyway.01:23:32 So this is how the media, the media, to make excuses for what was going on.
01:23:38 They were looking for bad guys anywhere they possibly could.
01:23:42 And you know what's funny?
01:23:43 You know what's funny just by coincidence?
01:23:47 You know, there's there's a black superhero in the right wing circles over the last couple of days.
01:23:53 Isn't that funny?
01:23:55 Isn't that funny?
01:23:57 Because once you.
01:23:57 Know it.
01:23:59 Kanye. Kanye West.
01:24:02 He had something to say.
01:24:03 About what was going on at Katrina.
01:24:07 He went off script during a telethon with Mike Myers.
Speaker 29
01:24:14 With the breach of three levees protecting New Orleans, the landscape of the city has changed dramatically, tragically, and perhaps irreversibly. There is now over 25 feet of water where there is one city streets and thriving neighborhoods.Speaker 21
01:24:28 I hate the.01:24:28 They they betray us in the media.
01:24:31 If you see a black family, it says they're looting.
01:24:35 See a white family.
01:24:36 It says they're looking for food and you know, it's been 5 days because most of the people are black.
01:24:44 And even for me to complain about, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the teacher.
01:24:49 TV because it's too hard to watch.
01:24:51 I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what's what is the biggest amount I.
01:25:00 And give and and just to imagine if I was, if I was down there.
01:25:04 And those are those are my people down as anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help with with the set up the way America is set up to help the the the poor the the black people the the less well off as slow as possible I mean this is red.
01:25:20 Class is doing everything they can.
01:25:21 We we already realized a lot of the people that could help are at war right now fighting another way, and they they they've given them permission to go down and shoot us.
Speaker 29
01:25:33 Unsettled, but in even many ways more profoundly devastating, is the lasting damage to the survivors will to rebuild and remain in the area.01:25:40 The destruction of the spirit of the people of southern Louisiana and Mississippi may end up being the most tragic loss of all.
01:25:46 George Bush doesn't care about black people.
Speaker 21
01:25:51 Please call.Speaker 16
01:25:54 In the past few days.Devon
01:25:58 So there, there's your black superhero guys.01:26:03 That's your black superhero.
01:26:06 See what you understand is well, apparently what a lot of people don't seem to understand is, is Kanye West is a media machine.
01:26:16 What used to get him?
01:26:17 Lots of attention for being really edgy.
01:26:23 Was to say things like, well, when they show a black family, they say they're looting.
01:26:28 And when they show a white family.
01:26:32 They're just saying they're trying to survive.
01:26:34 They're killing our people.
01:26:36 George Bush doesn't care about black people.
01:26:41 That's what got them headlines before.
01:26:45 I mean, look right, remember this?
01:26:48 This got him headlines too.
Speaker 7
01:26:50 Her best female video goes to Taylor Swift.Speaker 51
01:27:28 Thank you so much.01:27:32 I was dreamed about what it would be like to maybe win one of these someday, but I never actually thought it would have happened.
01:27:39 I sing country music, so thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a VMA award.
Speaker 27
01:27:47 The Cam.Speaker 3
01:27:49 I'm really happy for you unless you finish.01:27:52 But Beyoncé had one of.
01:27:53 The best videos of all time, putting the best videos all time.
01:28:09 Oh, that's right.01:28:12 Kanye going up and saying that Beyoncé didn't.
01:28:16 Win because she.
01:28:17 Was black.
01:28:19 They gave it to the white country lady.
01:28:23 When Beyoncé had one of the best music videos of all time.
01:28:31 See, that was edgy then.
01:28:35 Now it's edgy to wear a shirt that says White Lives Matter somehow.
01:28:40 Which should make you guys feel ******* pathetic.
01:28:46 That that's what's edging now.
01:28:49 It's it's wearing a shirt that says it's OK to exist.
01:28:54 So he's done that, you know?
01:28:59 But it wasn't just Kanye saying this kind of **** in the open.
01:29:04 I mean, look this this was the mayor, the mayor of New Orleans right after it happened.
Speaker 4
01:29:11 We as black people, it's time.01:29:15 It's time for us to come together.
01:29:18 It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans.
01:29:21 The one that.
01:29:22 Should be a chocolate.
01:29:24 New Orleans, and I don't care what people are saying, Uptown or wherever they are, this city will be chocolate at the end of the day.
01:29:41 This city will be a majority African American city.
01:29:46 It's the way God wants it to be.
01:29:49 You can't have New Orleans, no.
01:29:51 Other way it wouldn't be New Orleans.
01:30:00 That's the kind of **** you can you could. You could say that in 2005, of course you can say it today, but.01:30:05 You could say.
01:30:06 It in 2000 ******* 5.
01:30:10 You could get up as a mayor and say that God wants your city to be majority black after everyone makes the.
01:30:18 The very astute.
01:30:20 Without properly calculating the math, maybe.
01:30:23 But the very astute observation.
01:30:26 That it's like a third world country.
01:30:30 Uh, it's like a third world country.
01:30:31 All this violence.
01:30:32 It was like a third world country.
01:30:34 They confiscated our guns like it was a third world country.
01:30:37 People were getting raped left and right, like as a third world country.
01:30:40 The cops were looting like in a third world country.
01:30:43 God wants this to remain a chocolate city.
01:30:58 And look, it's not.
01:30:59 Just it's not just limited to Hurricane Katrina.
01:31:02 You know it.
01:31:03 It it it.
01:31:03 Like I said, it doesn't.
01:31:05 Seem to matter.
01:31:09 Like the the events that lead up to black looting, you never know what it's going to be.
01:31:15 Well, you know, a hurricane.
01:31:16 It's always going to be like hurricanes will always do it like this was recently.
01:31:20 This was like a handful of years ago.
Speaker 53
01:31:22 Was you just heard most people reacted to Hurricane Irma by worrying about the safety of their homes and their families, and by helping each other.01:31:28 It was inspiring, but some few, thankfully saw it as a prime opportunity for stealing a news crew captured group breaking into this Fort Lauderdale shoe store and making off with boxes of expensive shoes.
01:31:39 None of them look.
01:31:40 By the way, Rick Baglione is police chief of Fort Lauderdale.
01:31:43 His department has arrested at least nine looters so far, and he joins us tonight.
01:31:47 Chief thanks all for coming on.
01:31:51 So we're, I don't know if you can see the pictures that we're looking at, but they're people looting a shoe store.
01:32:02 Yeah, and and base, Tucker.01:32:05 He can't point out the obvious.
01:32:06 Right. He can't point.
01:32:07 Out the obvious that it's it's black people looting a a shoe store.
01:32:13 Look, this is a different hurricane, different state, same story.
Speaker 54
01:32:19 This madding video of looters backing their way up to a business flooded during Hurricane Harvey generated plenty of outrage.01:32:26 People were asking looters in Houston, the Harris County DA Kim Hawk promised swift action against these looters and tough sentences for those found guilty.
01:32:35 But nearly nine months later, Channel 2 Investigates discovered that many looting suspects are getting.
01:32:40 What amounts to a slap on the wrist instead of hard time?
01:32:44 That's right.01:32:48 Because the whole concept of looters will be.
01:32:51 Shot on sight.
01:32:54 Well, that's that's a white value.
01:33:02 You don't live in a white country anymore.
01:33:06 Now it looting is just equity.
01:33:15 Now if you shoot a loader, you get in trouble.
01:33:19 Now the law enforcement will take your weapon so you can't shoot a looter, and so that you are the victim because that also is equity.
01:33:30 Doesn't matter.
01:33:31 The state doesn't matter the hurricane.
01:33:34 The story is always the same.
01:33:37 So when people were asking me last stream.
01:33:43 What I saw happening?
01:33:47 When America.
01:33:51 Keeps going down the demographic.
01:33:55 Drain pipe.
01:33:59 I don't.
01:33:59 I don't need a crystal ball.
01:34:09 I just need a.
01:34:12 A rough.
01:34:14 Not even all that you have to go that far back.
01:34:17 Just a rough understanding of history to understand what what's going to happen.
01:34:24 This is why it's so.
01:34:25 Important to get out of the cities.
01:34:29 This is why it's.
01:34:30 Important to prep.
01:34:33 This is why it's important to try to form communities.
01:34:38 That will allow you.
01:34:40 The privilege of defending yourself.
01:34:49 And it will.
01:34:50 Get harder and harder to do as the federal government infiltrates.
01:34:55 With its tentacles.
01:34:57 Even the most local of local law enforcement agencies.
01:35:02 With its anti white.
01:35:05 Policies and funding schemes.
01:35:12 Because they don't want you to be able.
01:35:14 To defend yourself.
01:35:20 Now something else.
01:35:23 That people talked about last string in response to something that some stuff I was talking about.
01:35:28 Which I thought was kind of funny.
01:35:32 I thought it was kind of funny because I was just joking around.
01:35:34 I didn't realize some people were so very sensitive, very sensitive people.
01:35:39 There are some very sensitive.
01:35:41 People about certain things.
01:35:44 And you know, I anytime people are very sensitive about something I.
01:35:48 Know I'm onto something.
01:35:50 I know I'm on to something.
01:35:56 Now you might not know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 55
01:35:59 Hold on.01:35:59 What's up?
01:36:00 Sup. Stop. I'm a potato.
01:36:02 Niger, big shot.Speaker 52
01:36:02 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
01:36:11 I didn't know there were so many.01:36:12 Sensitive Irish people out there.
01:36:14 It's funny because like last stream, I was just playing that clip just happened to be from Ireland.
01:36:17 I wasn't.
01:36:18 Even making a point that.
01:36:19 Oh, look at these Irish people.
01:36:21 And I said potato, Niger, because it's funny to say potato and.
01:36:25 You know, you'd have to be a.
01:36:27 Potato Niger.
01:36:27 To not get that OK.
01:36:29 You'd have to to think.
01:36:31 There are some comments why is he doing this? He's he's being so divisive. He's why is he trying to divide people? I'm not trying to divide people. Potato. I'm saying potato Niger because it's funny to say potato. Niger.
01:36:44 How is it?
01:36:45 How how do you not understand that?
01:36:47 How do you not get that there was even someone that was spurring on the comments and I had to ban them.
01:36:52 But I'll tell you what.
01:36:53 It was for your own good.
01:36:54 It wasn't for me.
01:36:55 It wasn't.
01:36:56 It wasn't to protect my feelings.
01:36:58 It's because you were saying crazy things that were going to make.
01:37:01 You look bad.
01:37:03 You were saying that Vespas were cool?
01:37:07 You were saying that in fact, I think at one point you were like.
01:37:11 Oh vespas.
01:37:12 Are are awesome.
01:37:13 You know, you don't understand how much work it takes to keep them running.
01:37:16 And all I could think of is like ohh, so they're gay and they break down all.
01:37:20 The time that dude.
01:37:23 You're going to have to have a time out.
01:37:25 You're saying some crazy ****.
01:37:27 So I I did time you out for.
01:37:30 I don't know a few 1000 minutes.
01:37:31 I don't know what it was.
01:37:32 I just.
01:37:33 It makes you do it by the minute.
01:37:35 I'm not going to do the math.
01:37:37 So whoever you are Vespa guy and you're probably a drunken potato, you you have time to think about it for a little while.
01:37:48 But here's the thing, here's the thing.
01:37:51 If you're sensitive about me.
01:37:54 Saying potato, one of the funniest things in the world to say.
Speaker 55
01:37:57 Hold on.01:37:57 What's up?
01:37:58 Stop. I'm a.
Speaker 29
01:37:59 Potato big shot.Speaker 52
01:38:00 Always have to be lucky, charmed.Devon
01:38:05 If you're, if you're sensitive about that.01:38:08 We're going to have to work, we're going to have to work through this.
01:38:11 We're going to have to work through.
01:38:13 OK, because that means you're actually internalizing it that?
01:38:17 Means you're basically.
Speaker 22
01:38:18 Like remember, not not.Devon
01:38:20 That long ago, you probably.01:38:21 Thought to yourself, why are black people so sensitive about the word? Why can't we even say when we're talking about the word now, everyone has to say N word because black people, they just sperg the ****.
01:38:33 Now when they hear it and really what it comes down to, it's really easy to figure out.
01:38:37 It's inferiority complex.
01:38:40 That's what it is.
01:38:40 It's an inferiority complex.
01:38:42 They see it as an attack on their identity because they've internalized that they are inferior and they see you as superior.
01:38:51 That's just that's the way it is.
01:38:53 And so when you say that it, it physically hurts them.
01:38:56 So if you're experiencing the same kind of a thing, when I say potato.
01:39:00 We're going to have to.
01:39:01 It's like the kid.
01:39:04 That means you.
01:39:05 Weren't bullied enough?
01:39:07 That's all it means.
01:39:07 It means you weren't bullied enough.
01:39:10 Because the kids, the fat kid in class who doesn't think he's fat or a sense of about being fat, he gets bullied the most about being fat because he is insecure about it and because he spurges out when you.
01:39:23 Do it.
01:39:24 The fat, funny kid, that doesn't care.
01:39:26 That's been called fat so many different ways.
01:39:29 It doesn't hurt him.
01:39:30 At all, who will turn around and make it?
01:39:32 We gotta get you to that point, OK?
01:39:35 So what I've done, what I've done is I've updated all of the Super chat animations so that we can we can. It's like therapy. OK, we're going to help you. We're help you work through this, this potato inferiority complex that you have. It's OK.
01:39:55 Like I said, I'm probably part potato negger myself. I mean, there's more potato out here in America than there are in potato Niger land, so it would be.
01:40:06 Inconceivable. There's not, like at least a drop of potato in me. So we're going to we're going to help you potato out.
01:40:13 There work through this.
01:40:15 So that it just rolls off you like water off a duck's back because it shouldn't be hurting your feelings if it's hurting your feelings, that means that that you actually do feel inferior in some way.
01:40:26 And it's we gotta get you to toughen up a little bit, so.
Speaker 34
01:40:30 We're going to, we're going to work, we're going.Devon
01:40:32 To work.01:40:32 This is free therapy, by the way.
01:40:36 This is group therapy, so.
01:40:40 Let's go through the Super chats and we'll we're going to work through the potato digger question.
01:40:46 All right, let's take a.
Speaker 56
01:40:47 Look here.Devon
01:40:52 Alright the 1st.01:40:55 For postmaster $1.00, it's happening well. You know what, even though?
01:40:59 It's only $1.00. We got a lot of these to go through, so here we go.
Speaker 57
01:41:04 Come from the land of the Irish Spring dublins, the place where no bad thing on the Emerald Isle to your place in the hood and the man of green comes too.01:41:12 No good left in.
01:41:13 The hood come the do no good left in the hood come to do no good.
01:41:20 All right.01:41:22 Uh, mighty mouse $1.00.
Speaker 40
01:41:25 Told you I'm not gay, nobody understands me.Devon
01:41:33 What a timeline to be living in.01:41:35 It's going to.
01:41:35 Be a wild ride, friends.
01:41:38 That's right.
01:41:39 And then mighty Mouse $1.00 again.
Speaker 57
01:41:46 Dude, **** me.01:41:48 It's a leprechaun.
01:41:52 Get on Twitter and drop red pills and that night's tweet drop memes and docs for our people.01:41:59 Mine as well.
01:42:00 Use this well if you're talking about Kanye West.
01:42:02 I don't know.
01:42:02 **** Twitter and **** Kanye West.
01:42:04 As far as I'm concerned.
01:42:07 Uh and the mighty mouse again.
01:42:09 Well, I'll tell you what.
01:42:10 Or no, that's I read that wrong.
01:42:12 Then we got hammer. Thorazine, 1488.
01:42:36 Small white pill Oregon governor race is a three-way **** kite, mongrel versus fat boomer, Granny versus rhino **** as I call them or is far left but ours.
01:42:50 Lead in all.
01:42:50 Polls, even in the D versus our generic ballot, if organ can show cracks in leftist control anywhere, can not base.
01:43:00 But improvement is good to see.
01:43:02 I don't know.
01:43:02 I kind of feel like this might be an even, you know, Kanye might be a part of this.
01:43:09 This is the.
01:43:10 Uh, the natives are getting a little restless.
01:43:13 We're going to have to release some of this.
01:43:15 We pushed it pretty far to the left.
01:43:19 So we need to we need to.
01:43:20 Make the the right calm down a little bit.
01:43:23 I mean to make the right calm down, they're.
01:43:25 Getting a little squirrelly.
01:43:27 There there's.
01:43:28 I'm seeing articles where they're writing about.
01:43:30 How civil war is fashionable?
01:43:36 So I I don't know.
01:43:37 I'm not optimistic so much as I I feel like this is just going to get to placate a lot of people.
01:43:45 And get them thinking.
01:43:46 Ohh, sweet.
01:43:46 Yeah, we're winning, guys.
01:43:47 Kanye wore a shirt that said I can exist.
01:43:51 Good old Kanye.
Speaker 52
01:43:52 The magic *****.Devon
01:43:55 He said I can exist.01:43:57 Oh, I I can.
01:43:58 I can finally.
01:43:59 It's OK because Kanye said it.
01:44:01 And Kanye.
Speaker 22
01:44:02 The magic *****.Devon
01:44:04 If he thinks I can exist, then that means it's OK for me to.01:44:08 All righty, then we've got.
01:44:11 for $14.00.
Speaker 16
01:44:15 You're a strong man, Brian.01:44:16 I am way too.
Speaker 12
01:44:17 Strong then show.Speaker 2
01:44:18 Up with Irish spring.Speaker 19
01:44:19 Ah, the double deodorant soft.01:44:21 The very one to get a strong man.
Speaker 2
01:44:23 Fresh look and these green and white stripes are.Devon
01:44:26 All right.01:44:30 Devin, please play this clip on your stream.
01:44:33 The true story of Jan 6 and 3 minutes.
01:44:36 I'll. I'll, I'll take.
01:44:37 I'll take a look at that for the.
01:44:40 Well, maybe after we get through all these, if we have time, but I'll take a look at after the show.
01:44:44 It's only three minutes.
01:44:45 Not a big deal, but I did download and.
01:44:47 All that stuff my.
01:44:49 Might crash and burn the stream, but we'll we'll take a look here at it.
01:44:54 I'm, I'm sure it's.
01:44:56 I'm sure it's cool.
01:44:59 And the link is there for anyone who wants to click on it.
01:45:02 But I'll take a.
01:45:03 Look at it later.
01:45:04 On Homeland, $1.00 already did that one.
Speaker 29
01:45:06 You're a strong.Speaker
01:45:18 Right.Devon
01:45:20 The first five books of the OT Bible they'll mostly what's.01:45:24 The OT Bible.
01:45:25 I don't know what the OT Bible is, but deal mostly with racial purity and nationalism.
01:45:31 Also, one can glean out the Hebrews were awful neighbors.
01:45:36 I don't know what the OT Bible is.
01:45:39 But OK.
01:45:41 Not happier. 60 four $7.77. That's a.
01:45:46 Very lucky number.
01:45:48 The luck of the Irish.
Speaker 40
01:45:51 They're magically delicious.Speaker 52
01:45:52 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
01:45:55 All right.01:45:56 Hey, Devin.
01:45:56 My first born son is on the way soon and really need help with something.
01:46:01 And I don't know who else to ask.
01:46:03 My wife agrees about not getting our kid COVID Nex, but she she says she wants shots like polio and basic immunization immunization.
01:46:13 Do you think there are some I should trust or do I need to fight?
01:46:17 About it.
01:46:19 I I don't know. In my my personal belief is I wouldn't vaccinate. Vaccinate my kid for anything simply because if all these vaccines work right, like, let's just say they all work, then you're not going to and and 99.9% of kids are getting them then.
01:46:40 You know what's the what?
01:46:41 How are you?
01:46:42 How's your?
01:46:42 Kid going to get it.
01:46:45 That you know how is your kid going to if everyone else's vaccine is working? How you know how?
01:46:49 How's your kid going to get ******* polio?
01:46:52 Now that said.
01:46:55 I've never.
01:46:55 I've never sat down and like really drilled into it more than the fact.
01:47:00 I mean, look, I know that Larry Brilliant is behind the polio vaccination drive, so that doesn't make me feel super stoked about the polio vaccination.
01:47:11 I also know that a lot of vaccines contain cells from aborted fetuses, so I don't.
01:47:17 I know.
01:47:18 I don't know that all of them do.
01:47:19 In fact, I'm sure all of them don't, but I know a lot of them do, so that's probably something to look into.
01:47:26 But I would also say.
01:47:27 Look, I'm sure I'm riddled with vaccines.
01:47:30 I know.
01:47:30 My parents gave me all the whatever the, you know, the norm was for vaccines, and I don't know, maybe I'm maybe I'm extra autistic because of it.
01:47:40 I don't know.
01:47:41 There's no way to.
01:47:41 Know right?
01:47:43 But I'm also not.
01:47:45 That crazy.
01:47:46 So, so, and look, you're probably vaccinated too, right?
01:47:50 So it's kind of like, I don't know.
01:47:53 I I would say, hey, honey, maybe.
01:47:55 We should research this.
01:47:57 At the very least, I would probably avoid the vaccines that have, excuse me, dead baby in it.
01:48:03 All right.
01:48:05 Embers of light $25.
Speaker 58
01:48:08 A leprechaun, Chris O'hanrahan is suing all gay people for copyright infringement.Devon
01:48:13 You know, because rainbows?01:48:15 Because gay.
01:48:17 All right. Hey, Devin, have you seen the 2005 CBC News documentary Berlin Metropolis of Vice? It can be found on YouTube or odyssey by searching for Berlin.
01:48:30 Sin City.
01:48:32 It's about why my Republic era Berlin and it would tie in perfectly as an addendum to the Ken Burns series.
01:48:39 Yeah, that would be kind of interesting to check out.
01:48:41 I have not seen it though, so I will.
01:48:43 I will.
01:48:44 Take a look.
01:48:45 Postmaster $5.
Speaker 30
01:48:47 I only seek me magic flute.Speaker 31
01:48:51 Well, that's such a such a musical way of putting.01:48:53 It you're just the right size too.
01:48:59 This man is so based I want to cry and talk about Reverend Manning, I think.01:49:05 Yeah, he's pretty ******* based.
01:49:10 Ministry of Truth $1.00.
01:49:13 This is the black leprechaun.
01:49:22 In the Yom.
01:49:23 Kippur goat ritual one goat is selected to sacrifice to atone the Jew sins and the eyes of God.
01:49:29 The other is sacrificed to Azazel, who is who is Satan placing the sins of the Jews on the Gentiles.
01:49:38 The transfer of sins to the Gentiles is actually written in the Zohar.
01:49:43 And Midrash word.
01:49:44 Yeah, I've heard.
01:49:44 I've heard similar things, but I've never read the Zohar, so I cannot confirm, but I've heard similar thing.
01:49:50 Homeland $1.00.
01:50:09 I can't take anymore of that geisha Tulsa race riot would make a good stream.
01:50:16 It has everything you want.
01:50:17 Accosted white woman armed white men, the OK Army Guard 2 biplanes, a character named Diamond, **** Rowland and the Niger killing.
01:50:28 Time the Tulsa race riot.
01:50:31 I'm not familiar with that, but I might.
01:50:33 I might have to.
01:50:34 Take a look at that.
01:50:36 Harmless G.
Speaker 30
01:50:42 For the morning to you.Devon
01:50:45 Did you hear about the 2021 homicide numbers coming out, showing Blacks committed 60% of the murders in 2021, up from 56 in 22?01:50:57 Sweet and they're moving on.
01:50:58 Up to the east side.
01:51:02 The Ministry of Truth has $1.00.
Speaker 6
01:51:07 Lucky's gone to the jungle.Speaker 52
01:51:08 Behind me Lucky Charms.Devon
01:51:11 Uh, the Jews often equate Gentiles to donkeys, goats, or cattle.01:51:17 There are records that show ancient Greeks being sacrificed for Yom Kippur as part of their ritual.
01:51:22 That's all blood libel.
01:51:24 Then you know that's all blood libel.
01:51:28 Hema Thorazine $10.
Speaker 3
01:51:37 Of the middle tier mid levels.Devon
01:51:41 Do you recall like, one to two months ago, there was a crash in the EBT system in a bunch of states?01:51:48 I'm convinced that that was a government experiment to see how everyone react, just like the fake inbound nuke warning given to Hawaii several years ago.
01:51:57 Well, I mean, like I said and we were talking about earlier, Walmart reacted by just letting people take the **** for free because they were afraid of.
01:52:04 What would happen if they didn't?
01:52:07 Reaver 1488.
01:52:10 Hey, what's up with you, baby?
01:52:11 Hey, what's up?
01:52:12 What's up?
01:52:13 What's that?
01:52:14 This baby.
01:52:14 What's up?
Speaker 19
01:52:17 You know.Devon
01:52:18 Appreciate you helping me do my thing.01:52:25 Shamrock Shelton.
01:52:28 Just let them know.
01:52:30 Hey Kevin, my.
01:52:31 Girlfriend learned not to relax around blacks today, her Niger Lyft driver stole her bags and drove away.
01:52:38 She reported him to the cops and Lyft, and he called her, saying he didn't do nothing because he's black.
01:52:44 I'm thankful that she's safe, but also that she said she doesn't trust nights now.
01:52:48 Yeah, it's it's a.
01:52:50 It's not a, you know, it's not worth.
01:52:53 It's not worth dying over.
01:52:56 It's just it's pattern recognition.
01:52:59 You need to be.
01:53:00 You need to watch your ads, especially these days.
01:53:03 It seems like it's getting more and more socially acceptable to be.
01:53:08 Well, the victim of black crime?
01:53:11 Homeland $1.00.
Speaker 59
01:53:13 From the only black leprechaun.Devon
01:53:15 Not the only.01:53:17 Once the once the free stuff dries up, one of one, once the free stuff dries up one the US goes.
01:53:27 11 the US goes through collapse. Want the illegal Hispanic self deport? No, I don't think so. I don't think so.
01:53:35 They're here to stay.
01:53:36 There's no self deporting that's going to happen.
01:53:38 I mean, I think maybe some of them right, like the ones that come here just to.
01:53:47 The menial, like the the actual migrant workers, the one that ones that move back and forth and actually.
01:53:53 Only see this as like a temporary kind of economic zone to make money.
01:53:59 But more and more of those guys are just sticking around anyway.
01:54:02 And is it going to be?
01:54:05 Is it going to be worse than Mexico?
01:54:07 I mean, I don't know.
01:54:08 It has to get worse than.
01:54:09 Mexico for them to want to leave.
01:54:13 And we'll see.
01:54:16 Jay Ray, 1980 one $25.
01:54:25 And base Kanye at the time said Bush doesn't care about Blacks 22 or so. Years later, he made Josh Kushner. He be mad that Josh Kushner ****** him over.
01:54:40 Well, yeah, he's talking about Kushner making money and stuff like that.
01:54:45 Yeah, you know.
01:54:46 It is what it is. Like I said, I still think none of this is for any other reason than Kanye knows how to stir up media attention. The Ministry of Truth $1.00.
Speaker 32
01:54:59 Gates, gates.01:55:00 Gates, gates, gates.
Speaker 55
01:55:01 Honor, honor, honor.01:55:02 What's up?
01:55:02 Stop, stop, stop.
01:55:02 Stop. I'm a potato.
01:55:07 That's one of my fav.01:55:09 A scapegoat bearing the sins of Israel is sent off into the wilderness for the demon Azazel, similar to the Babylonian akitu ritual, a goat substituted for a human being is offered to all right.
01:55:25 OK, that's that's from the.
01:55:28 The Zohar. There you go.
01:55:32 Homeland $1.00.
Speaker 44
01:55:34 And what are those guys?Speaker 30
01:55:35 Doing ah, those are the Mcmurphy brothers.01:55:38 They've been circling that same spot for 50 years, just daring each other to throw the first punch.
01:55:43 Just you try it.
01:55:45 I'll try it.
01:55:45 Just you'll try.
01:55:46 It you'll feel it when I try it.
Speaker 3
01:55:47 I'd like to.Speaker 30
01:55:48 See how that.01:55:49 Is would you now?
01:55:55 When they brought the Katrina refugees to FT Chafe, AR, you're using, you're using too many.01:56:04 OK, I think that means Arkansas.
01:56:07 They're not Arkansas, but AK.
01:56:10 No, that's a lot.
01:56:10 I don't know.
01:56:11 They're absolutely trashed.
01:56:13 They absolutely trashed the post.
01:56:15 They I think you mean.
01:56:16 Arkansas National Guardsmen called it Operation Feed the *******.
01:56:19 Well, there you go.
01:56:22 All right, Pebble in the pond.
01:56:25 We've actually, we already blew through my thing.
01:56:28 We're gonna repeat some here now.
Speaker 55
01:56:31 Stop. I'm a.Devon
01:56:32 Potato big shot.Speaker 52
01:56:33 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
01:56:38 All right, looking forward to the replay skulls, Scandinavian equivalent to cheers, meaning good health.Speaker 42
01:56:44 There you go.Speaker 57
01:56:46 Sharp wing come from the land of the Irish Spring dublins, the place where learn bathing on the emerald out to your place in the hood, and the man of green comes too.01:56:57 No good.
01:56:59 Got it figured out.01:57:00 For those on mobile.
01:57:02 Do not keep clicking send on the Super chat, just wait for it to send.
01:57:07 That's why it sent 7 times last time.
01:57:10 Anyways, continuing from my last chat, since I wasn't able to make the live.
01:57:15 Make the lives until now.
01:57:17 Oh, I get what you're saying.
01:57:18 Thing like lives like video game lives.
01:57:22 I'll just pop over this. Your Part 2 here. My Adam mentioned in his previous super chat my desire to vote for EM and Bundy. What real change can we bring about, especially with these new leftist agenda is happening in our capital, Idaho. As for me, just want to say thanks again for all you do.
01:57:44 Give both Ghost Cat and classified cat treats for me.
01:57:48 And can we maybe get a grocery store?
01:57:52 I don't know.
01:57:53 I don't know if we can get a grocery store that I I don't know if they they had any grocery stores getting getting.
01:58:04 Unless you call Walmart a grocery store.
01:58:06 I don't think grocery stores sell.
01:58:12 Sneakers. So there you go.
01:58:18 And then Ghost Cat is still around.
01:58:19 In fact, Ghost Cat was.
01:58:22 Was in for a little bit.
01:58:23 There's still turmoil.
01:58:24 There's still a race riot every time.
01:58:26 Every time ghost cat comes inside, there's a race war between Ghost Cat and classified cat.
01:58:31 But I'm working on it.
01:58:32 I'm trying to get it.
01:58:33 I'm trying to get them to be friends.
01:58:35 It might not ever happen.
01:58:38 I think I think I think classified cat has a inferiority complex.
01:58:44 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:58:48 Johannes Brahms 3 dollars.
Speaker 40
01:58:53 I'm not gay.01:58:56 Nobody understands me.
01:58:58 How can you fight people who control history?01:59:03 Uh, you know.
01:59:08 Like literally all you can do is make your own communities.
01:59:12 You're not going to reach the people until you control the institutions.
01:59:17 You're not going to be.
01:59:18 Able to affect.
01:59:18 The the mainstream.
01:59:21 You're just not.
01:59:22 You're not.
01:59:23 You can do what you can to try to influence in little ways and, but unfortunately a lot of people get high on their own supply.
01:59:31 They think that because, well, because Kanye, for example, wears a shirt that says, you know, White lives matter or whatever, that, oh, they're they're.
01:59:40 We're changing the paradigm.
01:59:42 They're winning, guys.
01:59:43 It's like you know.
01:59:45 I look I I think that as we look at these, when we do these strings where we look back at history and we see that literally, it's just getting progressively worse.
01:59:55 I I've said like it's not like.
01:59:56 A straight line.
01:59:58 It it can't be it's it's it's going to move up and down, up and down, but the trend is pretty clear.
02:00:03 The demographic trend is pretty clear.
02:00:06 There's nothing, there's no magic wand you can wave that's going to magically wake up the normies or or anything like that, so, and that's OK, that's OK.
02:00:18 What you can do is focus on your family, your immediate sphere of influence, and try to build a community that where you have at least local power, not unlike those people that defend their their town from New Orleans.
02:00:36 You know, and that's.
02:00:40 That's really the best you can do right now, unfortunately.
02:00:43 Maybe something, maybe things will change.
02:00:45 Maybe there'll be some kind of Black Swan event or something like that, but.
02:00:49 I wouldn't count on it.
02:00:50 I would just prepare for what I think is is inevitable and that is the demographic decline of the West in general.
02:01:00 But you know more specifically America.
02:01:04 I mean, that's where I live.
02:01:05 So that's where I care about.
02:01:07 There's no there's no undoing the demographic shift that's taking place in America.
02:01:11 That's there's again, there's no magic wand.
02:01:14 You can't unbaked this.
02:01:15 Cake and there's not going to just because Kanye West is wearing a light, a white lives Matter shirt doesn't mean that, you know, oh, we we've broken the conditioning and you know now magically.
02:01:26 We, you know, whites are going to.
02:01:28 Be on top again, no.
02:01:29 No, not so much.
02:01:31 But that's OK.
02:01:32 Like I said, that's OK.
02:01:33 The best you can do is teach your kids.
02:01:39 Teach your kids like a real version of history that they don't have to unlearn, like you did when.
02:01:44 You became an adult.
02:01:46 That's the best gift you can give to them.
02:01:48 Give them the official version so they know what it is.
02:01:50 So that they.
02:01:51 Don't you know, encounter it and think Oh my.
02:01:55 My parents lied to me.
02:01:56 They gave me this crazy view of history.
02:01:58 I don't know.
02:01:58 This is what happened, I'd say.
02:01:59 Like look, this is what the rest of the world believes.
02:02:02 And This is why it's ********.
02:02:05 And that's the best you can do.
02:02:06 Hope for the best.
02:02:09 Ah, let's see here, Homeland $1.00.
Speaker 39
02:02:15 How are you?Speaker 30
02:02:16 Glad you could join us.Devon
02:02:19 During the airlift of Katrina, refugees into the Fort Smith Airport, a riot broke out on a C130 on approach, and state troopers were called out to the to surround the plane once it landed.02:02:34 Well, it's like a third world country.
02:02:38 It's like a third world country.
02:02:43 Sharp wing or wait, did I?
02:02:44 Already do this one.
Speaker 7
02:02:50 UM.Devon
02:02:53 Sharp Wing had a ******** moment and did one for 1/2 for 2-3 for three instead of 1333.02:03:02 Going to have to catch the.
02:03:03 Replay. All right, well.
02:03:05 Now you're confusing me.
02:03:06 I I I wasn't confused until you said that one so.
02:03:10 Alright, ******** ****** $1.00?
Speaker 34
02:03:13 You're a strong man, Brian.Speaker 27
02:03:15 I am way too strong.Speaker 18
02:03:17 And show up with Irish Spring.Speaker 45
02:03:18 Ah, the double deodorant sofa.Devon
02:03:21 Ah yes, the double deodorant.02:03:25 This story hits close to home.
02:03:27 I own property in Tampa, FL and thank God we were spared the worst of the storm and it makes so much it.
02:03:33 It makes so and it makes so so much happy.
02:03:38 The property is among the white people, but this could have easily been me and my family.
02:03:47 Yeah, I think I get what you're saying.
02:03:48 Yeah, I wouldn't want to live somewhere with hurricanes or any like major natural disaster like earthquakes and things like that, to be honest, unless you were in a very isolated area and you had the means to.
02:04:04 Defend yourself against the city folk.
02:04:06 Would be fleeing.
02:04:07 These kinds of natural disasters.
02:04:11 Postmaster $1.00.
Speaker 29
02:04:13 You're a strong.Devon
02:04:14 Man, I did that one.02:04:21 Uh air Jurisdiction 1917 is controlled by robots now.
02:04:28 What air jurisdiction is controlled by robots?
02:04:33 Black pilled the.
02:04:34 Fighter Jet era is over and the way we walk is how they track us, not our face from our smartphones.
02:04:41 They track us by the way we move on the ground, OK, not sure.
02:04:49 What air jurisdiction 1917, controlled by robots is sounds a little bit ****** not going to lie. Maybe I'm missing something here you.
02:05:00 The way we walk.
02:05:01 Well, look, it's just our.
02:05:03 Phones is how they track us.
02:05:05 That's, I mean, everyone's wearing a or everyone brings a tracking device with them everywhere they go.
02:05:13 It is what it is. D 12-5 dollars.
Speaker 52
02:05:20 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
02:05:22 Yes, they are.02:05:24 If you were.
02:05:24 Looking for another potential streaming site?
02:05:26 Should odyssey **** the bed?
02:05:27 Comfy dot Stream is a decent platform.
02:05:31 The owner is a big fan of your content.
02:05:32 Great stream Tony.
02:05:34 There's all kinds of stream platforms popping up.
02:05:37 Yeah, yeah.
02:05:39 Hopefully Odyssey doesn't go to ****, but you never know.
02:05:43 I will check that sign out at some point.
02:05:47 And everyone, everyone else should.
02:05:49 It's always good to have.
02:05:51 Have backups there.
02:05:54 Joanne or Johannes Brahms? I don't know. Why I I struggle with saying that $2.00.
Speaker 2
02:06:03 September yes.Speaker 40
02:06:05 Right now.Devon
02:06:15 When they show in the media black, they say they're looting.02:06:23 Kanye West, Conservative intellectual Titan.
02:06:27 That is true.
02:06:31 Colonel N word $1.00.
Speaker 30
02:06:33 I only seek me magic flute.Speaker 31
02:06:37 Well, that's such a.02:06:38 Such a musical way of putting it.
02:06:42 I'm 100% for a chocolate New Orleans. As long as the chocolate in every state goes there and stays there.02:06:50 Yeah, I think most people would be OK with that, except for the chocolate splitter. Trace $1.00.
02:07:06 You should all know that Kanye is a sick puppy that has claimed to be Jesus Christ, and even rewrote the Bible where he replaces verses that say God with Kanye.
02:07:15 He's a psychopath.
02:07:17 Side note.
02:07:17 Can you play thee?
02:07:18 Look how Julie this guy is clipped for me.
02:07:21 Ah, let's.
Speaker 43
02:07:25 See here.Devon
02:07:28 Where you go?Speaker 3
02:07:30 Money is power.02:07:31 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
Speaker 1
02:07:33 To defend yourself with.Devon
02:07:35 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:07:39 All right, we got to give another one.
02:07:41 So we.
02:07:41 Can't play the thing.
02:07:43 I can't be playing clips all night.
02:07:46 Ah, but yeah, you're right.
02:07:49 He has gone around saying that he's he's Jesus.
02:07:54 Five cents.
02:07:55 I think that is.
02:07:56 Works out to be or something like that.
Speaker 59
02:07:59 This is the black leprechaun.Devon
02:08:06 Yeah, I don't know what.02:08:06 He's saying either uh.
02:08:09 Thoughts on the rumor that Chris Kyle, the American Sniper who got 150 confirmed kills in the Iraq war, went to New Orleans to shoot looters during Katrina?
02:08:20 I I had never heard that Romer.
02:08:22 I didn't run across that when doing my.
02:08:24 Stuff I did.
02:08:25 You know what, though?
02:08:27 I did come across.
02:08:30 UM.
02:08:32 I came across.
02:08:35 Like when I was doing Katrina searches for videos.
02:08:40 I didn't click on it cause I just thought it was some weird algorithm thing, but Chris Kyle stuff was popping up.
02:08:47 Randomly, like it'd be pepper like it would be like.
02:08:51 Who is that, you know?
02:08:53 Jesse the body, Ventura that that Libertarian governor of Whatchamacallit.
02:09:00 Like there was a clip that was like Jesse, the body, says Chris Kyle is a traitor and but I was just like.
02:09:06 I didn't watch it because I just thought it was the algorithm doing something weird.
02:09:11 But yeah, so I don't know.
02:09:15 Next is.
02:09:18 About five cents or so, or.
02:09:20 The weird fake Internet money.
Speaker 30
02:09:23 Top of the morning to you.Devon
02:09:27 Hey Devin, first time supporting your content.02:09:29 I just wanted to say that the few times I've passed through New Orleans years after Katrina, there's still abandoned and unfixed parts of the city.
02:09:38 On top of that, New Orleans police is among the few PD's that recruit non-us citizens for its sports.
02:09:45 Yeah, I'm not surprised by that.
02:09:47 Not surprised by that at.
02:09:48 All deny 12/1 dollar.
Speaker 6
02:09:53 Lucky has gone to the jungle.Speaker 52
02:09:55 Hide me Lucky Charms.Devon
02:09:56 And I bet that's why you went to.02:09:57 The jungle looking.
02:09:59 I'm not sure if you mentioned this, I arrived late, but during Katrina, the National Guard went around conference, getting weapons of homeowners.
02:10:07 Yes, we did cover that.
02:10:09 Covered that in detail, they went, went around beating up old ladies and forcing them.
02:10:16 Out of their homes, Florida man $2.00.
02:10:21 Hey, what's up with you, baby?
02:10:22 Hey, what's up?
02:10:23 What's up, money?
02:10:24 Michael, what's that?
02:10:25 This baby.
02:10:25 What's up?
Speaker 7
02:10:28 You know, you know.Devon
02:10:29 You're having me do my thing.Speaker 55
02:10:30 What we gotta do?Devon
02:10:31 I was driving my battle truck to the grocery store to return this duck when I saw this guy in the parking lot.02:10:39 I asked him what he was doing.
02:10:41 He said he was looking for a dollar to give to this guy, who sells black bills.
02:10:46 So I said you're a ******** ******.
02:10:48 That's right.
02:10:50 That is right.
02:10:52 Florida man knows all about hurricanes.
Speaker 59
02:10:58 I'm the only black leprechaun.Devon
02:11:01 Growing up, I remember when Hurricane Katrina hit and all the Nola blacks flooded into the already ghetto, Houston, we were robbed 5 times and the Blacks started race wars against the Mexicans.02:11:13 When I was in school and I hate and hated me for being white, I was red pilled early on about race due to this.
02:11:19 Yeah, many such cases.
02:11:21 Many such cases.
02:11:24 Ryan is cool $25.
02:11:32 Hey Devin, hope this isn't off topic because I can't stay for long.
02:11:35 A fun topic to cover might be Sonny Liston.
02:11:38 He was a black criminal who beat the civil rights movement poster boy.
02:11:42 People hold him up as a tragic story, but in reality he was just a criminal that could, couldn't stop being one.
02:11:50 Many such cases on that.
02:11:51 As well and no, I'm not.
02:11:52 Familiar with that guy?
02:11:53 So I'd have to look him up.
Speaker 11
02:11:55 Mr. Johnny and on $1.00.Speaker 32
02:11:58 Ohh gas gas, gas, gas, gas.02:12:00 Hold up hold.
Speaker 55
02:12:00 Hold on.02:12:01 What's up?
02:12:01 Stop, stop, stop.
02:12:02 I'm a potato.
02:12:05 The Jews. Oh, look at. Look at that. We lucked out on that one. The Jews fear the potato. That is true. That is true.02:12:15 See, I feel like I'm helping people work through it already.
02:12:17 See, that's the that's the appropriate.
02:12:19 Response to being called a potato.
02:12:23 That right there.
02:12:24 See, I think we're making progress now.
02:12:26 I think people are starting to stop internalizing.
02:12:31 This, this inferiority complex, and they're embracing their inner potato and being like *** **** right I'm a ******* potato. I'm a ******* potato. Niger. That the Jews fear.
02:12:45 Ryan is cool $5.
Speaker 44
02:12:47 And what are those guys?Speaker 30
02:12:48 Doing ah, those are the Mcmurphy brothers.02:12:51 They've been circling that same spot for 50 years.
02:12:58 Also potato here we need to stop acting like potato to get treated like the rest of whites. The more we act like blacks, the worse it is. Yeah, you know what? Like I said, I was just ******* around. I didn't even pick that. That Irish clip, you know, with the goth kids, because it was Irish.02:13:16 Didn't even that wasn't even like, like part of the equation.
02:13:19 It was.
02:13:19 I was talking about the West in general.
02:13:21 And it's not like Americans American White wiggers weren't all pretending to be Irish.
02:13:26 Once you know for a hot minute when House of Pain was cool for a little bit.
02:13:32 But yeah, yeah, stop feeling insecure.
02:13:38 About your blarney, blood.
02:13:41 OK, here we go.
02:13:44 Potato is funny as ****. I'm half potato.
02:13:47 See, there you go.
Speaker 55
02:13:48 Hold on.02:13:48 What's up?
02:13:49 Stop, stop.
02:13:49 Stop. Stop. I'm a potato.
02:13:51 Big shot.02:13:55 Jack Burton, 347. All right, Devin. Here we go. Niger, Niger, Niger. Niger. Niger. Niger. Bunch of. Oh, and don't forget Niger.
Speaker 57
02:14:03 Come from the land of the Irish Spring.Devon
02:14:07 I can't.02:14:07 I can't listen to.
02:14:08 That rap anymore, it's.
02:14:09 Just that bad that the fact that that's like a series of movies.
02:14:15 You know the leprechaun movies?
02:14:17 Oh, they're so terrible.
02:14:19 I've never actually seen an entire movie of the leprechaun series.
02:14:23 I've only seen these clips.
02:14:25 It's very ridiculous clips.
02:14:28 I cannot .5 dollars.
Speaker 40
02:14:32 Georgia, I'm not gay.02:14:35 Nobody understands me.
02:14:38 My boomer dad kept pushing the movie to wait my boomer dad kept pushing the movie to Sir.02:14:49 Wants to Sir with love aunt what?
02:14:53 My boomer dad kept pushing the movie to Sir with love on me about a black man teaching a class of troubled white kids.
02:15:02 I don't know.
02:15:03 That's a jumble of words.
02:15:05 I don't think go together, but OK, based on the book of the Black Man who went to Oxford and wrote about discrimination, the ******* gall.
02:15:15 Well, I don't know that first part to Sir.
02:15:17 Is that the name of the movie to Sir?
02:15:20 That's a weird, weird title.
02:15:22 If that's the title.
02:15:26 Johnny and on.
Speaker 57
02:15:32 Dude, back me.02:15:34 It's a leprechaun.
02:15:36 You're a ******* cactus. Yes, I am proud of it. See, that's that's again. That's the proper response. No inferiority complex.02:15:47 You just you just accept it.
02:15:49 You accept it with prime harmless G.
02:15:53 Fun fact about Sicilians in the genetic clustering of ethnicities, the Sicilians which are on the periphery of the big cluster of European ethnicities, the European ethnic group that is the closest to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jew.
02:16:09 I would not be surprised.
02:16:10 I would not be surprised.
02:16:12 Ryan is cool $25.
Speaker 57
02:16:16 Glad you could join us.Devon
02:16:18 Last one might cement my status as potato, but I happen to love some jazz. Most of my Music Choice is European in nature. I just can't help but enjoy some jazz. Maybe it goes to show that we aren't really hateful and evil, just want the best for our people. I don't know how liking.02:16:36 Jazz does that.
02:16:40 I don't, I don't.
02:16:41 I don't hate jazz, but I I don't know that I like it either.
02:16:46 I can't think of.
02:16:47 I can't.
02:16:47 I can't even like name a jazz band.
02:16:51 So I don't know.
02:16:53 Jazz, to me, is always just like it just reminds me of some kind.
02:16:56 Of opium den in the 1950s.
02:17:01 Green APU 45. You're a strong man, Brian.
02:17:07 As good as.
02:17:08 50% potato I give you the potato digger pass. Use it as much as you'd like.
02:17:14 Well, I I I intend to.
02:17:16 I intend to.
02:17:18 Drifting timelines and they just gave me a YouTube link that I'll check out later.
02:17:24 Pasta. Niger. I like that name. See there. See. Look, we're venturing out $25.
Speaker 58
02:17:31 A leprechaun, Chris O'hanrahan is suing all gay people for copyright infringement.Devon
02:17:36 Thank you for addressing the potato issue.02:17:41 And it needed to happen.
02:17:42 It needed.
02:17:42 To happen I I saw a lot of **** hurt.
02:17:44 Potato diggers after last drink and I wasn't even being I wasn't even going at it hard.
02:17:49 I was just.
02:17:50 I was just like, I just like saying potato.
02:17:54 Florida, man, this was a fun one, Devin. Glad I caught it live. I'm usually. I usually have to catch the replay. Hurricanes are fun. If you've ever lived through one, it's truly a beautiful sight to behold. Not around Nogs, though. Yeah, I've never. I would imagine that it would be kind of exciting. I like. I like.
02:18:15 Stormy weather.
02:18:16 You know, when we obviously it's not like a hurricane, but.
02:18:20 And sometimes it is an intensity, just not in.
02:18:25 The desert storms.
02:18:27 That we get are super crazy like a hurricane, but like for.
02:18:32 An hour and then it's.
02:18:33 Gone. Or if if even.
02:18:35 Sometimes not even an hour, right?
02:18:37 So I think it would be kind of.
02:18:39 Exciting kind of fun.
02:18:41 Winter child $5.
02:18:51 Infectious diseases were eradicated due to massive improvements in public and private sanitations vaccines have little to nothing to do with it. Don't be A and keep yourself and your environment clean and you'll be fine. Yeah, I think there's something to be said about that. And again, like I said, I I, I personally would not want to vaccinate.
02:19:11 My kid.
02:19:12 Polar Bear odyssey, $1.00.
Speaker 3
02:19:15 This is the black leprechaun.Devon
02:19:19 To the VAX question, look at the European countries and what they recommend and where the differences are.02:19:25 The USA recommends dozens more than the common consensus.
02:19:28 Do the pharma bribes.
02:19:30 Also, MasterCard doesn't work just for your channel really.
02:19:35 That's interesting.
02:19:37 I was not aware of that.
02:19:39 Good to know, good to know.
02:19:41 Thin Red line $5.
02:19:47 Thanks, Devin.
02:19:48 Well, thank you to you.
02:19:50 Butcher bird $25.
Speaker 30
02:19:54 Top of the morning to you.Devon
02:19:57 Hey, Devin.02:19:58 Thoughts on righteous anger also being raised Mormon that it influence your analyzing of life AKA looking from the outside in on society maybe.
02:20:07 Thanks for your good work Sir.
02:20:09 Wish you and everyone in the.
02:20:11 Chat the best.
02:20:13 Righteous anger.
02:20:16 You mean like as a concept?
02:20:18 Yeah, I think it's.
02:20:20 It's OK to be righteously angry.
02:20:24 I don't know what you mean by that.
02:20:27 I don't know.
02:20:27 I get righteously angry.
02:20:28 I think I mean not I guess maybe not self righteously angry, but yeah, you should anger as a gift.
02:20:35 As Rage Against the machine once said.
02:20:39 But they're super gay, so who knows, right?
02:20:42 As far as being raised Mormon?
02:20:43 I'll tell you what it it just made me.
02:20:45 I'll I know for a fact.
02:20:47 It made me skeptical of the federal government just because of the history there, right.
02:20:51 As much as Mormons embrace, you know, America and they're patriotic and whatever, there's a.
02:20:59 Healthy skepticism baked into the history there.
02:21:03 I I I think I also noticed very early on how totally fine it was in mass media to make fun of Mormons and shoot on Mormons all day long and not other groups.
02:21:17 And I thought that was odd, and maybe that's why I've got a I've got a thick skin and I don't freak.
02:21:22 Out when?
02:21:22 Call me a potato, but like.
02:21:26 You know, like it it it was still odd to me.
02:21:28 Like it was weird that like, OK, so in a in a blockbuster film that everyone likes and it's total it, it's totally uncontroversial, apparently to **** on Mormons and a joke.
02:21:39 But if you were to swap that out with, you know, Jew, then it would be, you know, that movie would be gone.
02:21:45 I noticed that.
02:21:46 OK and.
02:21:48 I want to say it bothered me, but it was just it stuck out.
02:21:51 I was just like why this doesn't make sense.
02:21:53 Because it if.
02:21:54 You'll notice one of the reasons why you can do that is Mormons don't freak out when you make fun of them.
02:22:02 So it's kind of like.
02:22:06 You know, I guess they're just used.
02:22:07 To it or whatever.
02:22:08 But I don't know that I like that either.
02:22:10 I don't like that they, you know, maybe they they they're too humble about it.
02:22:14 I mean, it's good in a way.
02:22:15 But you know, maybe there should be some pushback for not just for Mormons, but for, you know, I think white people in general are kind of like built that way, right?
02:22:24 There's this.
02:22:28 Well, maybe the opposite of an inferiority complex, right?
02:22:31 Like a superiority complex where they're just like, it's a hubris, like oh, oh, you silly *******.
02:22:37 You can tell all the jokes you want in your def comedy jams about how we walked funny and whatever and.
02:22:43 And who cares, right?
02:22:45 And then next thing, you're getting genocide and so.
02:22:52 Butcher bird. Oh, wait. Nord already did the one Mick Cutler 2151 dollar.
02:23:07 Of the myths.
Speaker 1
02:23:07 Go to your.Devon
02:23:10 Demo trying the North Texas is getting more white, but it is whites from California.02:23:16 Yeah, that's not really.
02:23:18 I don't think that's a good trend.
02:23:24 Blood stained oil vay 3 dollars.
Speaker 19
02:23:27 Hey, what's up?Devon
02:23:28 With you, baby.02:23:29 Alright, I can't handle that guy much longer. Remember the after all the absolute screeching about Amazon's first CEO, Jeff Bezos and his business practices after he left, he was replaced by Andy Jassy and the coveting stopped to a forgetful silence.
02:23:48 What is the cause for the silence?
02:23:51 Well, I don't know that it completely stopped, but yeah, I'm.
02:23:57 I'm guessing what Andy Jassy is of the tribe.
02:24:02 I still think Amazon is.
02:24:05 Well, I don't think Amazon has really been shown.
02:24:10 I mean, occasionally, right?
02:24:12 You'll have groups saying, oh, this is inhumane.
02:24:15 Yeah, he's a New York Jew.
02:24:16 I looked him up early life.
02:24:17 Jesse is the son of Marjorie Everett Jassie, of Scarsdale, NY, Jewish with Hungarian ancestry, so Eastern European.
02:24:25 Eastern European Jews, like every single time that we look this up every single time.
02:24:32 But yeah, with him at the helm, I I would assume that there probably be even less of it.
02:24:37 There just never really was, though.
02:24:38 I mean, you'd hear about it.
02:24:39 Occasionally, but it's just not.
02:24:42 You know.
02:24:44 I think it's because Amazon has way too many contracts with.
02:24:48 Like the CIA and.
02:24:49 **** like that, to be honest.
02:24:52 Polar Bear odyssey, $1.00.
02:25:00 Ireland will be minority Irish within 30 years.
02:25:05 Yeah, I believe it.
02:25:06 I believe it.
02:25:07 And like I said, there's already more Irish people in America than in Ireland.
02:25:11 Thin Red line $5.
Speaker 32
02:25:15 Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, hold up.Speaker 55
02:25:17 Up. Hold up. What's up?02:25:19 I'm a potato.
02:25:21 The Civil War, Oregon wars in the West will start as fighting between different groups of colored people.02:25:27 In America, Hispanics against blacks and Europe, Muslims against blacks or Hindu.
02:25:32 I don't think so.
02:25:34 I don't think so.
02:25:34 I think that's just.
02:25:35 Going to be a a a natural feature of of.
02:25:41 Of diversity.
02:25:42 I don't think it's going to lead.
02:25:43 I don't think it's going to balloon into like these big race wars.
02:25:47 I just think you're going to have.
02:25:48 That's just what happens with diversity.
02:25:50 It's just that whites don't engage in that.
02:25:54 So when the diversity was whites and blacks, it was basically blacks.
02:26:00 I mean the the statistics spell it out.
02:26:02 It's blacks committing crimes against whites and whites, making excuses and being upset, but not, you know, never.
02:26:09 There's never like white gangs.
02:26:13 Fighting back or anything like that, right?
02:26:15 There's there.
02:26:16 Just never is.
02:26:16 There literally never is.
02:26:18 There's there's occasionally, you know.
02:26:22 And I mean, like, occasionally spergy.
02:26:27 Skinhead groups, which that was more, I think in the 80s and 90s, I don't even think that really even exists.
02:26:34 In really limited areas, doing stuff like that, but I mean it's by and large whites just don't engage in that where they're too domesticated.
02:26:43 And so I just think it's a natural feature.
02:26:47 Once you start to bring in more third worlders who are naturally.
02:26:53 Prone, more to violence and being uncivilized.
02:26:56 That's just going.
02:26:57 To be a part of the the.
02:27:00 The the status quo.
02:27:02 I don't think it's it's.
02:27:03 Going to lead to.
02:27:05 A civil war, though.
02:27:08 It's just gonna be.
02:27:09 Yeah, there's gonna.
02:27:10 Be like like.
02:27:13 That's always been the case too.
02:27:15 Like, if you look at.
02:27:15 New York.
02:27:16 Right.
02:27:17 Or any prison.
02:27:20 That's what it's going to be like because the West is going to slowly become.
02:27:23 More like a prison.
02:27:25 That's what prisons are like.
02:27:27 You know, prisons are very racially segregated and there's scuffles between the races.
02:27:33 But very rarely do you have a prison riot that you know is able to.
02:27:38 Overthrow the prison.
02:27:42 I just say it's gonna be.
02:27:43 Like a normal thing.
02:27:46 Where do we go here?
02:27:49 Glock 23. Two dollars.
Speaker 57
02:27:53 Track off track betting.Devon
02:27:57 At the time of Hurricane Katrina, I worked for an army.02:28:01 I'm sorry, an armed security company in Ohio.
02:28:04 The company asked for volunteers to go to New Orleans.
02:28:07 I was so excited.
02:28:08 Then I found out it was only to protect the Army Corps of Engineers and rifles and shotguns had not been authorized.
02:28:16 I was so let down.
02:28:17 Yeah, I would not.
02:28:17 Want to do that?
02:28:18 And that was the other thing I didn't really touch too much on.
02:28:21 This during the.
02:28:23 Just because it would have gone on forever.
02:28:25 But the one thing that you would see in the footage when there were white?
02:28:30 People in the footage.
02:28:31 Because there it was mostly black people in this footage, right?
02:28:34 Most of the photos we watched because we were watching the footage of the looting, the footage of like the Super Dome shift, the the footage of people needing to get rescued from rooftops and stuff like that.
02:28:44 It's all black people, but.
02:28:46 Who were the people that were doing the rescuing?
02:28:48 Who were The Who were?
02:28:49 The aid workers.
02:28:51 Who were the?
02:28:52 The engineers that were going in to fix the levies, all white people.
02:28:57 I mean, when you watched the footage and I watched a lot of this.
02:29:01 Footage to get what we.
02:29:02 Watched tonight.
02:29:05 It was insane how there didn't seem to be any.
02:29:09 Black people that were on the other end of it, you know, like Kanye talked, the big game about like, well, I'm going to talk to my business manager and see if I can give some money or whatever.
02:29:21 But like there were.
02:29:22 No black aid.
02:29:22 Workers, as far as I could see the the the handful of blacks that I saw were like guardsmen, you know.
02:29:31 Tennis nuts. ******** ****** dropped this. That's the $1.00.
Speaker 59
02:29:36 I'm the only black leprechaun.Devon
02:29:40 A good source of potato Niger video clips black people spot a leprechaun in Alabama.02:29:46 Well, you know.
02:29:47 What we're going to watch that.
02:29:50 We're going to watch that.
02:29:51 Don't think we're not going to watch that.
02:29:52 I already.
02:29:53 I already have that queued up.
02:29:55 I already have that queued up.
02:29:58 We're definitely going to watch that.
02:30:00 In fact, we're going to watch that probably right after this, this next super chat, which is hammer of Thorazine, $10.
Speaker 55
02:30:08 Hold on.02:30:08 Stop, stop, stop, stop.
02:30:09 Stop. I'm a potato.
02:30:10 Big shot.Speaker 52
02:30:11 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Devon
02:30:18 All right.02:30:19 And yes, you totally ruined it.
02:30:22 The surprise.
02:30:24 But we're going to.
02:30:25 Watch that hammer thorazine.
02:30:26 Out-of-state plates are a good way to tell if an area is strong with identity.
02:30:31 People tend to move now and never get new plates.
02:30:35 It shows that people move States and don't want to identify with the host state.
02:30:39 It's like foreign immigration, but within the country.
02:30:43 It depends where you go though.
02:30:44 It's illegal.
02:30:45 In some states, to do that, I tried doing that because I wanted my.
02:30:49 I didn't want to pay for new plates, but I got pulled over and they wrote me a ticket.
02:30:55 When I went to Maryland, Maryland was not down with that.
02:30:59 California is super not down.
02:31:01 They will, they'll.
02:31:03 Get ****** *** if you have an out of state plate or an out.
02:31:05 Of state drivers license.
02:31:08 But I guess it depends on the state.
02:31:10 You're that you're in, but you're right, people don't.
02:31:12 Want to?
02:31:14 Become it.
02:31:15 Well, it's, they're.
02:31:15 Just like I.
02:31:16 I keep using this metaphor.
02:31:18 We're not members of the same nation, we're just all guys staying at the same hotel.
02:31:23 And so just because they change hotel rooms to a different hotel room because their last one.
02:31:27 Flooded or the neighbors are too noisy or whatever, you know, I mean, like they don't.
02:31:31 Care it's still.
02:31:32 Just the *******.
02:31:33 Hotel alright and now.
02:31:36 Now that I feel like we worked through.
02:31:40 I feel like we worked through a lot of.
02:31:45 The potato issues that I think a lot of the potato out there were exhibiting the comments after last.
02:31:56 After last stream.
02:31:57 And so now that we've we've worked through it.
02:32:03 I don't actually.
02:32:04 I got nothing.
02:32:04 I was trying to set this up somehow.
02:32:06 I don't have a good segue.
02:32:07 We're just going to watch this funny thing.
Speaker 56
02:32:09 About that. That's how. That's the setup. Well, just in time for Saint Patrick's Day, crowds are coming by the dozens to get an up close view of what some say is a piece of.02:32:17 Irish folk folklore.
Speaker 14
02:32:19 Some people in the Creighton area of mobile say a leprechaun is taking up residence in their neighborhood, a leprechaun, and you see fifteens Brian Johnson has more.Speaker 45
02:32:29 Curiosity leads to large crowds in mobiles.02:32:32 Creighton community, many of you bringing binoculars, camcorders, even camera phones to take.
Speaker 21
02:32:37 Pictures to me it looked like a leprechaun to me.02:32:40 I got to look up in the tree.
Speaker 45
02:32:45 Eyewitnesses say the leprechaun only comes out.02:32:48 At night, if you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears.
02:32:53 This amateur sketch resembles what many of you say.
02:32:56 The leprechaun looks like others find it hard to believe and have come up with their own theories and explanations for the image theory is.
Speaker 59
02:33:04 Casting a shadow from the other limb.Devon
02:33:10 Here's someone tell me all about, you know.Speaker 3
02:33:13 Yeah, it's here.Speaker 35
02:33:18 That's the.Speaker 40
02:33:23 The wrong stuff.Speaker 56
02:33:25 And he told me.Speaker 40
02:33:25 Get up in a tree and play a leprechaun.Speaker 50
02:33:28 Would you buy me a joint England joint of weed to England?02:33:34 Journal week.
02:33:35 You have better language, better action, more activities and more individual parties going on and have better parties.
02:33:44 Better social life is better.
02:33:47 No fighting, no clown.
02:33:48 It's it's more enjoyment.
02:33:51 Morning job.
Speaker 59
02:33:51 We won't get down to the bottom of this.Devon
02:33:54 They're still on there, guy.02:33:55 Don't be afraid.
02:33:57 Don't be afraid, man.
Speaker 45
02:33:59 This guy helping to direct traffic says he's prepared for his encounter with the leprechaun.02:34:04 He suited up from head to toe.
Speaker 13
02:34:06 This was all snails right here.02:34:10 This is the Swedish leprechaun flute, which has been passed down from thousands of years ago from my great great grandfather who was Irish, and I just came to help out.
Speaker 59
02:34:26 I don't drink no wine.02:34:27 Whiskey is better than easy to find.
02:34:30 I don't shoot no dope.
02:34:31 Whiskey is better.
02:34:34 Don't shoot. No dope.
Speaker 45
02:34:37 Others just came to get lucky in hopes a pot of gold may.02:34:41 Be buried under.
Speaker 21
02:34:42 This tree.02:34:43 I'm gonna run a backhoe.
Speaker 11
02:34:44 Root that tree I wanna.Speaker 16
02:34:46 Know where to go.Speaker 59
02:34:47 Like I want to go.02:34:49 Give me the gold.
02:34:50 I want to go.
Speaker 45
02:34:51 This is Brian Johnson, NBC15 news.Speaker 56
02:34:55 People will do anything for a pot of gold.Devon
02:35:02 So there you go, potato.02:35:05 I'm glad we were.
02:35:06 Able to work through that together.
02:35:10 Maybe you two can get a pot of gold.
02:35:11 All right, we got another super chat right here at the end, miss.
02:35:16 With you too, you $1.00. You used to go to Pastor Manning's church. During one sermon, he emphasized that we should say Niger, Niger, Niger at least three times a day. In other words, get over it. Exactly.
02:35:31 But don't say it three times in the mirror or one will appear.
02:35:35 Behind you.
02:35:39 And with that.
02:35:42 I'm going to sign off.
02:35:44 See you guys here on Wednesday.
02:35:48 For black pills, I am of course.
Speaker 2
02:35:53 Devon stag.Devon
02:35:57 Really bad.Speaker
02:36:00 Catch him. Catch him.Speaker 2
02:36:01 Catch, catch, catch him, catch, catch, catch.02:36:06 Always catch me.
02:36:12 We're getting closer.Speaker 24
02:36:23 We're getting closer.Speaker 2
02:36:25 Always catch.Speaker 52
02:36:53 Magically delicious.Speaker 2
02:36:58 Catch a pack of Lucky Charms, charming catch your pack of Lucky Charms, Chucky charms, Lucky Charms, Lucky Charms charm.Speaker 52
02:37:08 See the rainbow.02:37:12 It's as colorful as.
Speaker 39
02:37:13 Marshmallows and me.Speaker 2
02:37:14 Like a child.02:37:21 Lucky charm.
02:37:28 People always catch me.
02:37:29 Catch me.
02:37:35 Never stop.
02:37:37 Got that right, lucky.
02:37:52 Tell me you love with lucky Charles.
02:37:56 They're magically delicious.
02:38:00 They're magically delicious.
Speaker 4
02:38:49 He has black people.02:38:51 It's time.
02:38:53 It's time for us to come together.
02:38:56 It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans.
02:38:59 The one that should be a chocolate.
02:39:02 New Orleans.
02:39:03 And I don't care what people are saying, Uptown or wherever they are.
02:39:09 This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.
02:39:19 This city will be a majority African American city.
02:39:23 It's the way God wants it to be.