

Speaker 1
00:09:28 You're looking good sticking the dress.
Speaker 2
00:04:03 Oh, can you see by the Dome?
Speaker 1
00:04:12 Hey. Hey.
00:04:16 Hey. Hey.
Speaker 3
00:04:23 Swayze the way makes God.
Speaker 1
00:05:18 Hey, hey, hey.
00:05:26 Hey. Hey.
00:05:56 Hey. Hey.
Speaker 5
00:06:38 Happy birthday, America.
00:06:42 Hope you guys are all grilling.
Speaker 6
00:06:46 Setting off your fireworks.
00:06:49 Talking about America.
00:06:53 Ah yes, America.
Speaker 5
00:06:57 1776 will happen.
00:06:59 Again, God, I hope not.
Speaker 7
00:07:02 God, I hope not.
00:07:06 All right, so let's you know 4th of July, Hooray.
Speaker 5
00:07:13 Yeah, it it used.
00:07:14 To be a holiday that I was real.
00:07:16 I, you know, really got into it.
00:07:18 And in fact, I I'm reminded of there was a study that came out.
00:07:22 I want to say it was.
00:07:23 A handful of years ago, I don't.
Speaker 7
00:07:24 Know how many years ago now?
00:07:26 Well, they talked about, you know, if a child is brought to a fireworks display.
00:07:35 Or like a 4th of July parade or something like that at an early age and I forget they had like I.
Speaker 8
00:07:43 Think they had like age cut offs and?
00:07:45 But the short version is the the more likely you were.
Speaker 5
00:07:50 To be right.
00:07:51 Wing and patriotic.
00:07:55 And it's honestly.
Speaker 5
00:08:00 It it's the.
00:08:01 Patriotic part now that I've got it.
00:08:03 It's for that reason, I.
00:08:04 Almost feel like it's probably not a good idea.
00:08:09 It's probably not a good idea and.
00:08:10 The reason I.
00:08:11 Say this.
Speaker 5
00:08:13 I don't know if you guys have.
00:08:14 Been paying attention to to telegram and Twitter and stuff, but I kind of I don't want to say I spurred out, but I did get upset and I rarely I really actually get upset.
00:08:23 Usually I'm I'm I'm being, I don't know.
00:08:27 Darkly sarcastic or something like that, but I saw that Infowars, who I've been loathed to talk **** about you guys.
00:08:38 Probably know this.
00:08:40 Posted a video.
00:08:42 With a very uh.
00:08:44 I don't know recognizable.
Speaker 7
00:08:46 Font for the on the the.
00:08:49 Thumbnail about the the 10 stages.
00:08:53 Of genocide and I.
00:08:54 Was like, oh, that sounds really familiar.
00:08:57 And infowars?
00:08:58 No strangers of ripping off my videos, some of which they've done just wholesale and post it on their site.
00:09:05 But what?
Speaker 7
00:09:06 That's for another time.
00:09:08 I was like, hey, you know.
00:09:09 What I actually look, here's the thing.
00:09:11 I actually don't care when I hear people repeat things that I say I'm actually flattered.
00:09:15 I'm not saying that to be like the bigger man.
00:09:17 I'm actually.
00:09:18 That's why I'm doing.
00:09:19 This is I want to be part of the conversation.
00:09:22 Hoping that other people that maybe.
00:09:24 Hopefully have bigger platforms than I do.
00:09:26 Are listening to what I'm saying and and if they you know, if it's good, you know, not everything I say is good, I'm sure.
00:09:32 But if it's good that they're they're spreading.
00:09:34 It to more people, right?
00:09:36 Like that's.
00:09:36 Why I'm here?
00:09:38 So that doesn't upset me in.
00:09:39 Fact it wouldn't upset me at all if.
00:09:43 I had clicked on that video which I did and if it had played and it was 100% like a rip off of what I had said in that.
Speaker 2
00:09:51 Stream because if.
00:09:53 You remember in that stream it was.
00:09:54 I was kind of ripping off someone else.
00:09:56 I told you in the beginning I was like, look, I saw this video on bit shoot talking about these different stages of genocide and they were trying to apply it to.
00:10:03 The mask wearers and, and that's kind of ridiculous.
00:10:06 And it is but.
00:10:09 When I watched that video, I was.
00:10:11 Like holy ****.
00:10:12 This lines up exactly with what they're.
00:10:14 Doing with white people.
00:10:16 So I'm all about like sharing ideas and and that.
Speaker 8
00:10:18 Sort of.
00:10:18 A thing.
00:10:20 What I'm not about.
00:10:22 Is getting those ideas.
00:10:25 And then watering them down or twisting them in a way that is not just unproductive.
Speaker 6
00:10:33 But is harmful.
00:10:35 And dare I say, working for the enemy?
00:10:41 Which is how I perceive this video because I clicked the video when I started watching it, and sure enough, you know they're going through different phase.
00:10:49 It was very well produced, you know, Infowars has good production.
00:10:54 And they get to.
00:10:57 The part about.
Speaker 9
00:10:59 Who is genocide? Who?
00:11:02 Want you know it's the globalist.
00:11:04 Which again, I'm still like I'm.
Speaker 8
00:11:05 Still, whatever globalist.
00:11:08 But the the globalists are.
00:11:12 They're genocide, ang patriots.
Speaker 5
00:11:16 You know that ethnic group, patriots?
00:11:19 Patriots, you know, critical patriot theory.
00:11:24 It it's so ******* insane.
00:11:26 It's so ******* insane.
00:11:29 And at a certain point, my patience runs thin and I and I just have.
00:11:33 To say **** you guys, which I did on.
00:11:35 Twitter it's it's it's it's it's just.
Speaker 5
00:11:40 Stupid at this point.
00:11:43 Alright, just saying, Patriots, it's it's as bad.
00:11:48 As Charlie Kirk when he's saying.
00:11:50 America is just a collection of ideas.
00:11:53 It's not a place you might have some kind of, you know, attachment to the Grand Canyon or something like that.
00:11:59 But it doesn't matter, it's just it's a collection of ideas.
00:12:01 We could get these ideas and we could go to some island somewhere and it would.
Speaker 6
00:12:05 Still be America.
00:12:09 And everyone called him on that ****.
00:12:12 And I think even Infowars saw you.
00:12:13 Know the which way the wind was blowing and.
00:12:15 And and pointed that **** out.
00:12:19 Well, same ******* patriots all the time.
Speaker 6
00:12:22 To avoid saying white.
00:12:24 People is the same ******* thing.
00:12:26 Because what you're saying is.
Speaker 1
00:12:30 It's just it's it's.
00:12:31 It doesn't matter.
00:12:32 It doesn't matter who.
00:12:32 The people are.
00:12:33 As long as they believe that collection of ideas of ideas that Charlie Kirk was talking about, they're patriots.
Speaker 10
00:12:41 Right, patriots in charge.
Speaker 5
00:12:43 Fight. Fight. Fight.
00:12:45 It's so ******* gay.
00:12:47 It's ******* gay.
00:12:51 It's cowardly and it's dangerous.
Speaker 6
00:12:57 Everyone knows.
Speaker 5
00:13:00 Who The Who? The genocide.
00:13:02 Is planned for.
00:13:04 Now your plan, like it's actively being enacted against.
00:13:10 And it's.
00:13:10 Not patriots.
00:13:14 And I don't care if if it's because.
Speaker 7
00:13:17 You know you.
00:13:18 Have family members that aren't white and you have staff members that aren't white and you have customers that aren't white or or whatever who cares.
Speaker 6
00:13:26 No one's saying that that.
Speaker 5
00:13:28 Same thing, negative about those people.
Speaker 6
00:13:32 But stand up for your *******.
00:13:34 People, for Christ's sake.
Speaker 5
00:13:37 Stop ***** footing around like a little *****.
00:13:43 It's so ******* madding.
00:13:47 ******* patriots.
00:13:50 Jesus Christ.
00:13:54 That's a globalist term.
00:13:56 It's a globalist term, Captain globalist.
00:13:59 It's a globalist idea, just like Charlie Kirk's. Well, America is just a it's just a collection of ideas.
Speaker 5
00:14:07 You know Israel, of course, is the exception.
00:14:10 Just like ohh patriots, you know.
Speaker 5
00:14:12 It's whoever believes those ideas.
00:14:13 You know, Jews of.
00:14:14 Course they're the exception.
00:14:18 Give me a ******* break, dude.
00:14:21 Stop being a little ******* coward.
00:14:23 Be a little *****.
00:14:24 You've already been to platform.
00:14:26 What's what are they gonna do?
Speaker 1
00:14:27 What are you gonna?
00:14:28 Do is it because you owe money to people that don't want you saying that or?
00:14:32 Is it you?
00:14:32 You just don't want to say that.
00:14:38 And if they, you know if there's a conflict.
00:14:40 Just ******* say what say what it is.
00:14:42 So we know where you stand.
00:14:44 Don't try to.
00:14:44 Don't try to like be.
00:14:46 Everyone don't try to be the the patriot you.
00:14:49 Know put it, put everyone in.
00:14:50 Ohh as.
Speaker 5
00:14:50 Long as you believe my ideas.
00:14:53 Again, not. No one's saying no one's saying we don't want allies of different ethnicities.
Speaker 5
00:15:03 But the gods not pointed at their ******* head.
Speaker 6
00:15:09 OK.
00:15:14 So if you're going to rip off a strain from six months ago.
00:15:18 Including the thumbnail. Captain creative.
00:15:22 And look, I think it was a.
00:15:24 It was a.
00:15:25 Contract guy.
00:15:26 I don't even think he's like a full employee.
00:15:28 I don't know.
00:15:29 I don't **** that guy, whoever he is.
00:15:31 ******* patriots.
00:15:33 Anyway it's.
00:15:36 In the spirit of of Boomer patriotism that this stream.
00:15:41 Is is going to be in I.
Speaker 7
00:15:42 Don't I don't.
00:15:43 Know if you've noticed I've I've kind of redecorated the place a little bit to to go along with that theme.
00:15:53 But it it's we got to get.
00:15:54 Past this ******* boomer.
00:15:56 View of the world.
00:15:58 And I'm sorry, like I, you know, I have sympathy for the I do.
00:16:01 I have sympathy for the boomers.
00:16:04 I don't even hate the.
00:16:05 Boomers, I get mad at the boomers a lot.
00:16:08 Sometimes I hate the boomers, but like, it's not like a like a hate hate.
00:16:12 It's just.
00:16:12 More of like when you get mad at someone.
Speaker 7
00:16:14 You hate them for like a.
00:16:15 It's like that.
00:16:16 Don't worry, boomers.
00:16:18 And look and.
00:16:20 It's funny because when I criticize boomers, you.
00:16:22 Always get those.
00:16:22 You're going to need.
Speaker 5
00:16:23 Us. No, no, we don't.
00:16:25 We need you to die.
00:16:26 We we do.
00:16:28 We need you to die.
00:16:29 We we cannot move forward until you guys die off.
00:16:34 Maybe not until even like Jen X dies off.
00:16:37 I don't know it's I mean.
00:16:38 Cause there's no.
00:16:39 You're not gonna.
Speaker 6
00:16:39 I'll tell you one thing I'm not.
Speaker 5
00:16:41 Even sure I'm going.
00:16:41 To be around when we turn this ship around.
00:16:44 So you're sure as.
00:16:45 **** not gonna be around when we.
00:16:46 Turn this **** around so we actually don't.
Speaker 5
00:16:48 Need you? We really don't.
00:16:51 And and in fact proof positive that you're making it worse.
00:16:55 You know Trump, King of the boomers.
00:16:58 That's that's his new name now.
00:17:00 He, he's the boomer king, the boomer king also has.
00:17:04 To just be gone.
00:17:07 You know, he did his rally tonight.
00:17:09 I didn't ******* watch it.
00:17:10 I can't.
00:17:11 I just can't.
00:17:11 I can't.
00:17:13 I really can't.
00:17:15 It is sick.
00:17:15 I I saw on.
00:17:16 Twitter inadvertently.
00:17:19 That he that he had mentioned actually babe it.
00:17:21 Again, that you sick.
00:17:22 **** you sick ****.
00:17:28 Isn't that something?
00:17:28 Maybe you should have mentioned while you were still in the white.
00:17:31 House pardoning Jewish gangsters.
Speaker 5
00:17:34 Maybe you sure?
00:17:34 You used your powers as president to find out who shot one of your supporters in the ******* neck.
00:17:39 Not wait until you were like in total ******* DC exile getting investigated by the the The New York DA's office with members of your organization getting indicted before you could ever indict anyone from the Clinton administration.
Speaker 7
00:17:53 Useless boomer ****.
Speaker 8
00:18:00 Ah God.
00:18:04 So yeah, it's we have to get past.
00:18:07 We have to get past Boomer nationalism is what it.
00:18:09 What it boils?
Speaker 7
00:18:10 Down to.
00:18:11 Yeah, I tweeted something out that got people little got boomers panties in a bunch.
00:18:16 At least a.
00:18:17 Lot of people, I think, agreed.
00:18:20 And when something like this.
Speaker 6
00:18:22 Boomers grilling.
00:18:25 And celebrating the 4th of July.
Speaker 8
00:18:28 Our like mind shattered.
00:18:30 Women who bake a cake and call.
00:18:33 Everyone to the.
00:18:33 Table to sing happy birthday for a child they lost decades ago.
00:18:41 And I think it resonate with some people because that puts a.
00:18:43 Picture in your.
00:18:43 Head doesn't, it looks.
00:18:45 A little bit like this.
Speaker 2
00:18:48 Can you see?
00:18:54 Right.
00:18:56 Just some weird, crazy woman.
00:19:01 Harold, the shovelled holding a birthday cake.
Speaker 9
00:19:04 Happy birthday, dear Timmy.
Speaker 5
00:19:10 That's all I.
00:19:11 See, when I see these oblivious *****.
Speaker 11
00:19:15 Celebrating it.
Speaker 5
00:19:17 It should be a.
Speaker 6
00:19:18 Day of mourning.
00:19:22 It honestly it feels like to me the reason I get personally offended is it's almost like they're they're celebrating the day my grandpa died.
00:19:33 That's that's how I I I see.
00:19:34 It when I see fireworks going off.
00:19:36 I'm like **** you.
00:19:39 My grandpa died.
00:19:40 You guys, are you guys?
00:19:41 Are celebrating.
00:19:53 I'm going to try not to be super.
Speaker 7
00:19:56 Aggro tonight but.
00:20:00 I had to get some of that unpleasantness.
Speaker 5
00:20:02 Out of the.
00:20:03 Way out of the way.
00:20:07 I was looking at a a couple of things we could do tonight.
00:20:11 There's there's a bunch of new stuff we could go over, but I kind of don't feel like I mean, the news is just, you know, it's just.
Speaker 7
00:20:17 This a stream of awful.
00:20:24 And then I was looking at like movies and and and TV shows we could review and.
00:20:33 We I think we're going to go over a TV show.
00:20:36 Simply because I found like the the perfect TV show, that lines up with exactly what.
Speaker 7
00:20:43 I'm talking about.
00:20:46 You know we've.
00:20:46 Talked about how.
00:20:48 You know, Jewish influence for just as an.
00:20:50 Example in Hollywood and media.
Speaker 8
00:20:53 Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
00:20:54 Has influenced the automatons.
00:20:59 The 80% of Americans that need to be told what to do and what to think.
Speaker 8
00:21:04 The light switch brains out there.
00:21:08 How their influence has changed the the course of America in many ways, permanently.
00:21:16 And when I found this show.
00:21:19 Given the the the episodes content, I was surprised when it wasn't.
00:21:27 I don't know it's.
00:21:27 Kind of like a gut thing after.
00:21:29 A while after watching.
00:21:30 Lots of of Jewish cinema.
00:21:33 You start to kind of get like a.
00:21:35 Feel for it.
00:21:35 You know it's it's you see, like a lot of the same things, a lot of the same hyperbole a.
Speaker 5
00:21:41 Lot of you.
00:21:41 Know and honestly, just naked white hatred.
00:21:44 You know, just hatred for Europeans.
00:21:47 And you know that just kind of loses.
Speaker 7
00:21:49 Out of the the the media.
00:21:54 You know, medium rather you know whether it's it's a, a film or a a television show.
00:22:00 It's just like a it's a a visceral thing.
00:22:03 And I'm watching this show that and you'll see I mean the the content was, it was exactly what you'd expect for trying to brainwash the robots.
00:22:14 But it didn't have that same like.
00:22:16 Meanness to it, it didn't have like that, that spiteful vengefulness to it.
00:22:23 And I was like, that's that's a little odd.
00:22:26 That's a little.
00:22:27 Weird, so I looked into.
00:22:29 The creators of this show.
00:22:32 And I found out that there's a there was a very good reason why it was totally different.
00:22:38 And it was instead of instead of a show created by European hating Jews, it was just it was just boomers, although.
00:22:50 There is a possibility of.
00:22:53 Of military intelligence involvement, and I'll explain that in a second.
00:23:01 So the the show.
00:23:04 I'm not going to just keep teasing it here.
Speaker 8
00:23:07 Although I have to, I have to look up.
00:23:09 The guy again?
00:23:10 The show is.
00:23:11 A quantum leap.
Speaker 8
00:23:12 A lot of you.
00:23:13 Guys might be familiar with that.
Speaker 8
00:23:14 It was a.
00:23:15 Sci-fi show.
00:23:16 I think it started in the 80s, I think 19.
Speaker 8
00:23:19 Well, let's take a look.
Speaker 7
00:23:21 I think in 1989, right?
00:23:27 Yeah, it went from 1989 to 1993, Syria four years, but it was a fairly well produced show hour long, high production value and family friendly, you could say.
00:23:41 The the premise of the show was a guy that was traveling through time into the bodies of people in the past, and it look and it had.
00:23:51 Like that same boomer.
00:23:54 Thing that the theme that I.
00:23:56 I've I talked about.
00:23:57 In that video I did about pleasant.
00:23:59 You know where for whatever reason, well, we know the reason, but boomers were were very much into television and and movies that depicted like the 1950s, the 1940s, the, you know, the the very culture. They engineered the destruction of.
00:24:18 It's almost like they felt.
00:24:20 You know, maybe a little bad about that because you had all these shows like happy days, the wonder years, you know, you had all these movies that would romanticize the 1940s and 50s.
00:24:33 By the way, kind of in the same way you see a lot of shows now doing that with the 1980s. I don't know if you've noticed that. I think for the.
00:24:40 Exact same reason.
00:24:42 Where people kind of miss a simpler time, a time that they help unravel.
00:24:49 Well, Quantum Leap gave you.
00:24:50 That was the perfect vehicle.
Speaker 8
00:24:52 For that.
00:24:53 Because he there was about this guy who he was traveling back in time, but I believe like one of the limitations was it had to be during his lifetime.
00:25:03 So he was as an adult, traveling back in the time into other adults.
00:25:09 But like when he would have been like, say, you know.
Speaker 8
00:25:11 Five years old or something like that.
00:25:13 Right.
00:25:15 And so anyway, I watched this, there's there's actually two episodes.
00:25:18 I don't know if we'll cover both of them the the the episodes are, like I said, they're hour long episodes, and even after I trim them down like one of them in particular, it's just like hard to trim down.
Speaker 8
00:25:27 It was just.
00:25:27 Like chalk so full of white guilt, it was like impossible to cut any of all of it out.
00:25:32 You know it was.
00:25:32 Like, oh, you got you kind of have to see this in context.
Speaker 5
00:25:36 But when I watched.
00:25:37 It I was like there this is.
00:25:41 Even when they OK, so they they cover.
00:25:43 People in the South.
00:25:46 And both episodes actually take place in the South.
00:25:50 And it was that whole.
00:25:51 You know.
00:25:52 Oh, look how bad the South is.
00:25:53 You know the evil whites and, you know being mean to blacks and sort.
00:25:56 Of that sort of thing.
00:25:58 But it wasn't.
00:25:58 As over the top like.
00:26:02 And they even humanized KKK members.
00:26:06 And I thought this.
00:26:07 Is this is a little bit weird.
00:26:10 So the creator.
00:26:13 First thing I noticed is he.
00:26:15 He doesn't have a Jewish.
00:26:16 Name it's Donald P Bella.
00:26:19 Scenario or bellisario?
00:26:21 He's an Italian.
00:26:24 But not only that, the guy he named his production company after a Roman general.
Speaker 5
00:26:32 He named it.
Speaker 8
00:26:33 Let's see where.
00:26:34 Where is it here.
00:26:35 It's uh.
00:26:39 Yeah, Belisarius productions.
00:26:42 The Roman general Belisarius was the military commander of the Byzantine Empire.
00:26:48 He was instrumental in the reconquest of much of the Mediterranean Territory belonging to the former Western Roman Empire, which had been lost less than a century prior.
Speaker 8
00:27:01 So I was.
00:27:01 Like, let's that's definitely not Jewish.
00:27:04 That's actually kind of odd.
00:27:06 And then I look into his background.
00:27:09 And he actually focused on.
00:27:12 He was in the.
00:27:13 Military he was a he was a marine.
00:27:15 And most of his actors and the even his production staff and stuff like that, he would hire ex marines and ex military guys and a lot of the shows were shows that people like like.
00:27:30 So for example Magnum Pi, which I am actually combing through.
00:27:34 Currently I'm looking through episodes and so far have not found anything too terribly offensive yet.
00:27:42 But he made Magnum Pi.
00:27:43 He made airwolf.
00:27:46 He made a Jag A, which was like a like a Navy lawyer show or something.
Speaker 7
00:27:53 Like that, he.
00:27:54 Was involved a bunch of other stuff, but those are like a Battlestar Galactica.
00:27:58 And that's a big one.
00:28:00 He was a director, writer, producer.
00:28:05 So he was involved with a lot of different stuff.
00:28:09 And so.
00:28:11 I looked into him and I looked.
00:28:12 Into the only thing that.
00:28:13 Was weird and this is pretty weird.
00:28:17 It just it casually mentions and I've tried to hunt down more information on this but like it's not.
00:28:21 There's not like a whole lot there, which is also a little makes me scratch.
00:28:25 My head a.
Speaker 8
00:28:25 Little bit is that.
00:28:27 He worked when he was in the Marines.
00:28:30 He worked.
00:28:31 It just said side by side and.
00:28:33 Knew Lee Harvey Oswald.
00:28:37 So that's when I'm like, OK, that's a.
00:28:40 Bit sketch, but Even so.
00:28:47 Lacking from his.
00:28:48 His uh subversive episodes.
00:28:51 We're going to take.
Speaker 8
00:28:52 A look at.
00:28:53 It's honestly, it's not so much as I feel like the source of the subversion, but.
00:29:00 The result of the subversion?
00:29:03 Almost like you're playing telephone, right?
00:29:06 Like you tell someone something and they tell you they're they're their version of it.
00:29:10 And he's taken the edge off of it.
00:29:14 He's like I said, he humanized the KKK members.
00:29:17 He humanized the Southerners.
00:29:19 I mean, he still had like, the hyper bullet crazy Southerners.
00:29:22 And you'll see that in a second.
00:29:25 It it was. Still, it wasn't. Like I said, it wasn't like the like the Nazis in The X-Files episode or the the Nazis in the the MacGyver episode that.
Speaker 7
00:29:38 Fonzie wrote.
00:29:40 Or produced.
00:29:40 I don't know if.
00:29:41 You wrote it or not?
00:29:44 And you'll notice that difference when we watch these.
Speaker 7
00:29:47 Clips anyway.
00:29:52 Without further ado, let's let's.
Speaker 8
00:29:54 I'm going to take a drink of water here in a second.
00:29:56 Let's take a look at that.
00:30:08 Alright, so we excuse me, we're going to go through two different episodes.
00:30:12 I think we're just going to skip through some of this stuff that I don't think we have time for.
00:30:16 All the little clips.
00:30:18 Because it'll take forever.
00:30:19 It'll be a never ending stream.
00:30:22 And apparently my voice is already dying on.
Speaker 7
00:30:24 They'll be fine.
00:30:25 I just need to.
00:30:27 Drink a little bit of this coffee here.
Speaker 8
00:30:34 Folgers alright.
00:30:40 As I talked, as I mentioned before, a lot of people are familiar.
Speaker 8
00:30:42 With this show but a.
Speaker 7
00:30:42 Lot of people aren't, especially if you're younger.
00:30:45 He leaps into.
00:30:47 In fact, you know, let's go to the other episode because that actually does the intro.
00:30:51 We'll watch the intro so you can get the whole low down and I.
Speaker 7
00:30:54 Can have a drink of water.
00:30:57 So this is the intro to quantum leap.
00:31:00 So you kind of understand the back story and and how this all works.
Speaker 13
00:31:07 Fear rising that one could time travel within his own lifetime.
00:31:12 Sam Beckett stepped into the quantum leap accelerator.
00:31:21 He'll walk to find himself trapped in the past, facing mere images that were not so and.
00:31:27 Driven by an.
Speaker 14
00:31:28 Unknown force to change history for the better.
00:31:32 His only guide on this journey is out and observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam.
00:31:40 Can see and to him.
Speaker 13
00:31:42 I'm so doctor.
00:31:43 Becca finds himself leaping.
00:31:45 From life to life.
00:31:46 Striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping.
00:31:50 Each time that his next leap.
Speaker 14
00:31:53 Will be the leave home.
00:32:00 All right, we're going to.
Speaker 7
00:32:01 Actually, switch back to the other episode.
00:32:02 I wanted to list.
00:32:03 The other one first.
00:32:06 All right, so.
00:32:07 He leaps into these bodies now there.
Speaker 5
00:32:09 Is a little bit of.
00:32:09 Tick them all. I'm kind.
00:32:10 Of Vibe going on, I'll admit that, but.
00:32:13 It honestly, I just feel like it's more boomerang.
00:32:16 It's all of the all of the white guilt.
00:32:19 Sins of the past and the boomers dream of being the.
00:32:24 The white Savior and going in and and quite literally in some cases, in fact in this instance becoming black themselves and then saving the black people.
00:32:35 As the black person.
00:32:37 And therefore experiencing.
00:32:40 The the white crimes first hand, you know taking on.
00:32:44 The the, the, the.
00:32:45 Sins of their fathers and and and and.
Speaker 5
00:32:48 Making up for them.
00:32:51 And if you notice, it's not in these two.
00:32:54 It's very racial.
00:32:55 It's about the.
Speaker 7
00:32:55 South and blacks and stuff like.
00:32:57 That, but every episode was had it kind.
00:32:59 Of had that thing going on because it was.
00:33:01 About different historical events that boomers felt bad about, you know that they they wanted to to fix.
00:33:09 Now sometimes it was a little more lighthearted, you know, kind of like back to the future, right where Marty goes and and he he ends up being the source of, you know, whatever that one, I forget what song it was, but he plays the song.
Speaker 7
00:33:21 At the end of the the of that first movie and well, was it something?
00:33:27 Barry Chuck Berry.
00:33:29 You know, or whoever was hears the song and the and the ohh look.
00:33:32 Yeah, that's where the song came from.
00:33:34 Yeah, they did little.
00:33:35 Jokes like that, you know, he goes back in time and does stuff and you know, it affects the course of history or whatever.
00:33:40 But these two particular episodes, they focus on the South and the treatment of blacks.
00:33:47 And in the second one.
00:33:49 Actually it's, it was kind of a coincidence.
00:33:52 I kind of came across some documents that line up with the second one.
Speaker 7
00:33:56 That we'll go over.
00:33:58 Because they're very relevant.
00:33:59 So anyway.
00:34:00 So here he is, leaping into the South.
Speaker 15
00:34:08 Now all I have to figure out is whose shoes I'm wearing and the path I'm walking.
00:34:13 But since I'm here and I'm hungry.
00:34:16 How about something to eat?
Speaker 1
00:34:37 Oh oh.
00:34:40 He turned into a black guy and set up the white man's counter.
00:34:43 So, you know, look.
00:34:45 It's all very.
00:34:48 Cartoonish like both these episodes are it, it lines up exactly.
00:34:54 Really, with the kinds of propaganda stories about the civil rights movement you were taught as a kid in elementary school and.
00:35:02 In fact, if you.
00:35:03 Think about it.
00:35:03 That's what this show was was geared for.
00:35:06 This show was was.
00:35:07 Really I if I had to guess the demographic.
Speaker 7
00:35:10 I mean it.
00:35:10 Was young, young boys, young boys?
00:35:12 I mean, like the the same kind of demographic.
00:35:14 Really, that would be into back to the future.
00:35:17 You know, like it's got the, the, the time travel thing, it's got the sci-fi angle.
00:35:21 And so it's not just, you know, boomers like the parents, obviously.
00:35:25 What my my parents love.
Speaker 7
00:35:26 Of this show.
00:35:27 But it was.
00:35:27 The little you know, like the the the boys.
00:35:30 That were into sci-fi and fantasy novels and.
Speaker 7
00:35:32 Whatever that like, this kind of stuff.
00:35:35 And so you're watching this and as.
00:35:37 I've talked about before.
Speaker 6
00:35:39 This is more real to you.
00:35:42 Than what happens in the classroom?
00:35:43 In fact, in a lot of ways, what your teacher is telling you about the civil rights movement.
00:35:48 Is not being retained in your brain.
00:35:52 At all, as much as a show like this.
00:35:54 It's because a show like this, I mean it's got, excuse me, a time traveler.
00:35:58 It's got.
00:35:59 Like all kinds of good production value.
00:36:02 This is way more interesting, way more grabby.
00:36:04 You it has.
00:36:05 More emotional pull than just your social studies textbook.
00:36:09 And so when you're a.
00:36:10 Little kid watching this show.
00:36:13 This is how you mean your I mean.
00:36:15 Your parents are watching.
00:36:16 They're not just disagreeing with anything that's in it.
Speaker 5
00:36:19 This is what you this.
00:36:20 Is how you feel like oh.
00:36:21 This must have been what?
00:36:22 America was like, just not that long ago, right?
00:36:25 This came out 1989 and they're saying this is 1950.
00:36:28 Five, you know, just just.
00:36:30 A lifetime not even a lifetime ago.
00:36:33 This is what it was like in America.
00:36:35 Black Guy goes and sits down at a lunch counter and the whole place is just like uh.
00:36:46 Now here's another thing.
00:36:47 This is like a little thing, but it was.
00:36:49 It was weird enough that I I noticed it, and I've I've seen enough episodes of the show to know this is not always the case.
00:36:55 In fact, it's definitely not the.
00:36:56 Case in the next episode, he seems really pleased.
00:37:01 With being in a black body.
00:37:02 In fact, even like mentions it a couple times, but every time he looks in the mirror, he's like smiling and happy.
00:37:09 Like oh wow, I get to be black like and I feel like in.
00:37:12 A weird way.
Speaker 5
00:37:13 It's boomer wish.
Speaker 15
00:37:19 There's gotta be some stick.
Speaker 17
00:37:21 Biggest mistake you'll ever make, boy.
00:37:23 Ain't that right, toad?
Speaker 15
00:37:24 Right, it's rain, Billy Joe.
Speaker 18
00:37:28 Why don't you just cut it out?
00:37:30 I don't want to spend that afternoon.
00:37:31 Cleaning up blood do.
00:37:32 I just.
Speaker 16
00:37:35 No, you.
Speaker 18
00:37:36 So why don't you just take Miss Malley's lunch and get before these boys lose what little control they have?
Speaker 19
00:37:42 Man, this lunch. Yeah, right.
Speaker 5
00:37:45 That's right, boy.
00:37:47 Alright, so he goes outside and there it is.
00:37:50 It's, you know, 19.
00:37:51 55 the.
Speaker 1
00:37:52 Color of truth.
00:37:56 And you know here.
00:37:58 Here, here again like he looks in the mirror.
Speaker 5
00:38:01 On the glass, is it?
Speaker 6
00:38:01 Ohh look, I'm finally black.
Speaker 5
00:38:04 Ah, damn it.
00:38:05 Evil white guy.
Speaker 9
00:38:07 *** ** * *****.
00:38:08 So he finds.
00:38:10 It's basically driving Miss Daisy, which I think might have come out like right before this.
00:38:16 I mean I'm I guarantee.
Speaker 8
00:38:17 You they stole the idea of.
00:38:19 Driving Miss Daisy, which is.
00:38:20 Like a whole nother.
00:38:21 That's that's.
00:38:22 I've tried tackling that movie a few times just because there's.
00:38:26 Not a lot of.
00:38:27 People know this little aspect of driving Miss Daisy.
00:38:29 Miss Daisy's Jewish so that there's like a.
Speaker 8
00:38:32 Anyway, we'll get to that some other time.
00:38:36 So he's driving around.
00:38:37 Look at.
00:38:38 Look at him.
00:38:38 Big ****, eating grand, looking in the rearview.
00:38:40 Oh, I'm ******* black.
00:38:41 I love it.
00:38:42 I ******* love it.
00:38:43 I'm black.
Speaker 20
00:38:44 OK.
00:38:45 And uh, you know, he drives her home.
00:38:48 And so this is Al, who, by the way.
00:38:51 The guy who?
00:38:51 Plays al.
00:38:52 Also an ex marine.
00:38:54 That was.
00:38:55 That's how he got the job with the the that Italian director guy.
00:39:01 I'm blowing his name right now it.
00:39:02 Doesn't matter.
00:39:03 So Al is as a hologram.
00:39:05 And for the.
00:39:06 Again, for those of you.
00:39:06 Not familiar with this show.
00:39:08 Just remember that no one else in the in the this fictional universe can see him.
00:39:13 It's only Mr.
00:39:16 or Sam Beckett here that can see this hologram guy.
00:39:22 When you.
Speaker 21
00:39:24 What do I think about?
Speaker 6
00:39:24 See. Look, what do you?
Speaker 5
00:39:25 Think he's all excited? What?
Speaker 6
00:39:26 You think I'm black? What?
Speaker 11
00:39:27 But white, I'm black.
00:39:29 You're black.
00:39:31 So if I can bounce into a black man, the possibilities are limitless.
00:39:36 So now that that was also interesting to me because this is not like the.
00:39:39 First episode, there's like a.
00:39:41 Bunch of episodes and he's he's.
00:39:42 Bouncing into like all kinds of.
Speaker 7
00:39:44 He I I'm pretty.
00:39:45 Sure he like.
00:39:47 Quantum leaped into a woman.
00:39:49 I mean, I know he did in the show.
00:39:50 But I'm pretty sure.
00:39:51 Prior to this episode, he leaped into a woman.
00:39:54 And so that didn't seem to be all that crazy.
00:39:57 But the fact that he can leap into a black person.
00:39:59 Why are you trying to say there's something different about black people?
Speaker 11
00:40:03 Don't you find that fascinating?
Speaker 21
00:40:04 Dangerous. Yes. Fascinating. Mezza medicine.
Speaker 11
00:40:07 Dangerous white dangerous.
Speaker 21
00:40:08 You're a black man in the South in 1955. Trust me, that is dangerous. I've seen things that would curl your hair. No pun intended.
00:40:20 I remember one time in Selma.
Speaker 11
00:40:22 Yeah. Oh, that's great.
Speaker 5
00:40:23 In Selma.
00:40:25 Ohh, Selma and again and I think people are starting to figure this out.
00:40:30 If there's anything that George Floyd taught us.
00:40:34 It's to be.
00:40:36 Very skeptical of the version of the civil rights movement that you've been told because we watched in real time as a man who was a who was a complete degenerate **** actor who pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant woman's belly.
00:40:55 As he robbed her high on fentanyl and and who knows what else?
00:41:01 Spurge out resist arrest.
00:41:04 And then die of a drug overdose.
00:41:06 And then turn into a St.
00:41:09 Within a day.
00:41:12 Where and to where there's literal statues of this man.
00:41:18 Like a year later, all over the world, not just the country all over the world, there's murals of him.
00:41:24 All over the world, countries all over the world.
Speaker 5
00:41:30 And almost nobody knows.
00:41:34 Some of these these very, very relevant facts.
00:41:39 In fact, I would say again 80% right at least.
00:41:44 80% the automatons, the robots out there, they.
00:41:50 Were not told this.
00:41:53 That's why we will always lose until we control the avenues that are used to deliver the firmware to the automatons.
00:42:04 So I think that those of.
00:42:05 You who are watching this are, you know, most of you, I would assume, are in the 20% of thinking people and you're aware of these facts.
00:42:15 And now that.
00:42:16 You've seen what the media was able.
00:42:18 To do in just a matter of days.
00:42:21 Just imagine what they've been able to do since 1955.
Speaker 15
00:42:25 Listen, what did the?
00:42:29 What Ziggy say I have to do to.
Speaker 21
00:42:31 Leap. This is Melanie. Elizabeth. Charlotte trapped was killed when her car was struck and demolished by a passenger train at that crossing tomorrow afternoon at 5:18.
00:42:49 So again another.
00:42:51 Part of this, the show.
00:42:53 Excuse me.
00:42:53 The way that he has to.
00:42:56 Leap to the.
00:42:56 Next person is.
00:42:58 After he's undone some.
00:42:59 Wrong in history and change the course of history by saving someone's life or you know whatever. Right then he gets to leap after he's completed his his.
Speaker 7
00:43:09 Mission that somehow is fixing the.
00:43:13 And so that's that.
00:43:16 That's what Al is here to tell them what their computer is calculating the probability of what it is he's supposed.
Speaker 7
00:43:23 To to do.
00:43:24 There and he's telling him.
00:43:26 All right, you're supposed.
00:43:27 To save miss Daisy.
Speaker 21
00:43:29 I seem to recall that some of the very first protest started right, right near here.
00:43:35 This might be where authoring.
00:43:37 Ruth came from who?
00:43:39 Authoring Ruth, she was the young black Coed that integrated the University of Alabama.
00:43:45 And of course, you know the the romanticization of the the the civil rights movement, boomers.
00:43:51 Eat this **** up.
Speaker 15
00:43:53 You know so much about this.
Speaker 21
00:43:55 One of my friends are black.
Speaker 15
00:43:57 I don't believe you said that out.
Speaker 21
00:43:59 Well, it's true.
00:44:01 Besides, I was here.
Speaker 5
00:44:01 See, don't.
00:44:02 That's something I didn't understand that I.
Speaker 5
00:44:03 Can't believe you said.
00:44:04 That, but you couldn't say that some of your friends.
00:44:07 Are black.
00:44:08 And I couldn't understand it. Was that like a weird 1989 version of? I've got a black friend like that was somehow already. Whites were programmed to not.
00:44:16 Say that here.
Speaker 21
00:44:19 Went on the marches and got arrested and beaten.
00:44:23 So a lot of good people fall, those were.
00:44:26 I wonder if those marches were anything like the marches that BLM does.
Speaker 21
00:44:30 Awful days.
00:44:32 What if that's what I'm here to do?
00:44:35 What get involved in the civil rights movement?
00:44:38 No, Sam, I don't think so.
00:44:40 Why not?
00:44:46 That's why you're here.
00:44:52 To save Miss Melody from being killed.
00:44:54 Tomorrow afternoon by the Alabama and Pacific.
00:45:00 All right, so he goes home with Miss Daisy.
00:45:04 And you know, putting the groceries away.
00:45:08 And then the the racist son comes the racist son who has heard about what what he did in town, how he sat at the counter with the white folk and he.
Speaker 5
00:45:18 Better not he.
00:45:19 Better not be acting up, but he umm.
Speaker 17
00:45:23 Because you realize you have set them near the whole town with that little business you pulled today. Don't act dumb with me, Jesse. I'm talking about you sitting down at Miss Patty's today.
Speaker 11
00:45:36 Well, it was.
Speaker 19
00:45:36 A lunch counter and I was hungry, so I.
Speaker 15
00:45:39 Going to have some lunch.
Speaker 17
00:45:44 Why would you do anything so stupid?
00:45:47 You got one of them?
00:45:48 Uppity northern Niger staying with you, Jesse.
Speaker 15
00:45:52 No, I I.
00:45:54 I don't believe I do.
Speaker 17
00:45:57 I can't figure this out.
00:45:59 I know you can't read.
00:46:01 And you say you ain't got one of them more than staying?
00:46:04 With you, how would you get such a?
00:46:06 Stupid notion in your.
Speaker 15
00:46:07 Look like I said I was hungry.
Speaker 17
00:46:10 Will you take my advice?
00:46:11 Boy, you don't get that hungry.
Speaker 9
00:46:14 10/10/10 alright, so.
00:46:19 The sun goes and tell, so apparently then.
00:46:21 Then we find.
00:46:21 Out miss Daisy.
00:46:23 Is actually the widow of the the governor of the state.
00:46:28 So she's got a lot of, I guess, power locally.
00:46:33 Everyone looks at her as like the matriarch of sorts, right?
00:46:38 And the sun is.
Speaker 5
00:46:39 Like you better not let your boy be uppity.
00:46:42 You know the people won't won't let that.
00:46:45 You got a reputation to uphold.
00:46:48 And then uh.
00:46:52 I don't know what was his name, you know?
Speaker 7
00:46:54 Anyway, the the guy.
00:46:55 That the black guy that he's turned into his knee shows.
00:46:58 Up to take him home.
00:47:01 And then we find out of.
00:47:03 Course the the Southern boys, the good old boys.
Speaker 8
00:47:06 They're they're following him because they.
Speaker 5
00:47:08 They want to teach him a lesson.
Speaker 22
00:47:11 What? Come on, Papa Jessie.
Speaker 5
00:47:15 Papa Jesse.
00:47:16 Ohh white folks, slapping their skinny lips.
Speaker 23
00:47:18 Off about you sitting down and mess.
00:47:20 White boys slapping their skinny.
00:47:22 Lips, that's that's their thing.
00:47:23 There's a lot of well.
00:47:25 I'll let you see.
Speaker 24
00:47:26 Patties today.
Speaker 19
00:47:29 That's the talk of the town.
00:47:30 So what?
Speaker 22
00:47:31 If they're like.
Speaker 11
00:47:33 Like sitting down to.
Speaker 22
00:47:37 It's about time somebody shook up.
00:47:39 The white folks in this town remind them of.
Speaker 13
00:47:42 Century we're living in.
00:47:44 You know, it's funny.
00:47:48 Because I kind of feel like there's.
00:47:49 Another group that needs to be reminded of.
00:47:52 What century we're in, when you look at their behavior on.
00:47:55 Airplanes and well anyway.
00:48:08 I'm gonna sit at that counter someday.
Speaker 22
00:48:11 And I'm a drink.
00:48:11 From the white fountain.
Speaker 13
00:48:12 And and ride in.
Speaker 22
00:48:14 The front of us and do all.
00:48:15 The things that make white folks mad.
Speaker 15
00:48:18 Is that why you want to do?
Speaker 11
00:48:19 It to make him mad.
Speaker 1
00:48:20 Yep, Yep.
Speaker 6
00:48:24 Alright so.
00:48:27 He goes to the.
00:48:28 House and uh AL's trying still trying to figure out like why he's there or whatever and and telling you know, giving him all the the the stories of the civil rights movement that he and he is so fond of, of recalling, you know, I'm sure lots of boomers in the audience were like, really connecting, you know, with this, this part of the the story.
Speaker 5
00:48:47 And at the same time.
00:48:48 Lots of young kids, little little boys like, you know, I was.
00:48:51 I was a little boy watching and stuff like that.
00:48:53 I I don't know if I saw this episode, but if I had, I'd be soaking it up like ohh well, that's that's what it was like in 1955, huh?
Speaker 25
00:49:03 Tell me what's missing.
Speaker 21
00:49:04 Are you crazy?
Speaker 26
00:49:05 Not as crazy as you are.
00:49:07 At least that's what.
00:49:07 People gonna say haha, that's the guy from the giver episode so wasn't the he wasn't the black ghostbuster, but he is this guy.
Speaker 26
00:49:16 They see you in here talking to yourself.
Speaker 15
00:49:18 Just kind of helps me think while I'm cooking.
Speaker 26
00:49:21 Maybe you're being crazy is what happened to you today at?
00:49:23 Miss patty's.
Speaker 12
00:49:25 What happened?
Speaker 15
00:49:26 Nothing happened. Nothing at.
Speaker 26
00:49:28 All nothing.
00:49:29 Say you walked right into Miss Patty.
00:49:31 Sit down at her.
00:49:32 Lily white counter.
00:49:32 Just as bold as you please.
Speaker 21
00:49:34 Sam, you didn't.
Speaker 11
00:49:37 Well, I guess I.
Speaker 26
00:49:38 Did Papa Jesse, I don't want this family harm.
Speaker 25
00:49:41 Sam, we've got to have a serious talk.
Speaker 26
00:49:42 Just because you feel it's time for a bunch of rednecks to change something they've been taught since the day they was born.
Speaker 5
00:49:49 See you again.
00:49:49 Once again.
00:49:50 No, no.
00:49:51 Sound in the beginning when the the.
00:49:55 The the evil racist son was talking to him, and every time this the evil, racist son said.
Speaker 8
00:50:00 Like he like.
Speaker 9
00:50:01 You know, got all.
00:50:02 Tense and like freaked out.
00:50:05 But this guy is like saying literally, like this redneck that the, you know, the niece is saying, you know, flapping their skinny lips and stuff that doesn't.
00:50:12 Bother them at all.
Speaker 26
00:50:18 No more sitting at lunch counters.
Speaker 21
00:50:26 Promised me you would lay low, save Miss Melanie, and then leap out of here.
Speaker 15
00:50:31 I didn't know I was black.
Speaker 12
00:50:34 And even if I.
Speaker 15
00:50:34 Did I got a right to sit at?
Speaker 21
00:50:36 That lunch counter. No, no. In 1955 you didn't. Well.
Speaker 15
00:50:40 I should have and maybe that's why.
Speaker 21
00:50:40 No, Sir.
00:50:42 I'm here. No, no, no, no. Ziggy has this Miss Melanie train wreck business computed to a 96.2% certainty.
Speaker 25
00:50:49 You're here to save her tomorrow, not to initiate the civil rights activity.
Speaker 5
00:50:53 In the South, did you notice that his.
00:50:57 Voice does not match his lips, and I'm very curious as to what that that's a edit that they made him post.
00:51:04 I don't know what he would have said that they they they thought it was important enough to make that obvious.
00:51:09 Of an edit or.
00:51:11 Even if that's an edit that they've made, maybe since it aired, maybe it aired with the original dialogue and there was a non PC thing, he said.
00:51:18 I don't know.
00:51:19 But his his lips are not matching at all.
00:51:22 What he's saying right there.
00:51:23 No, no, no.
Speaker 21
00:51:24 No, Ziggy has this Miss Melanie train wreck business computed to a 96.2% certainty.
00:51:30 Dragon, right?
Speaker 25
00:51:30 You're here to save her tomorrow, not to initiate the civil rights activity in.
00:51:34 The South well.
Speaker 15
00:51:35 Maybe I could do both?
00:51:36 Right there and plus just the wording, civil rights activity in the South that just does it just.
00:51:40 Does not roll off the tongue.
Speaker 7
00:51:42 So they made an edit there, whatever that is.
Speaker 21
00:51:46 You're out of your league, Sam.
Speaker 15
00:51:50 I sat at that counter because I was hungry and everybody went nuts because they saw me as a black man instead of as a hungry man.
Speaker 1
00:51:57 Now that's wrong and of.
00:52:02 Course the evil white guys came and burned across their front yard because.
Speaker 8
00:52:08 Papa Jesse sat at the white counter.
Speaker 23
00:52:24 Right.
00:52:28 All the white guilt again.
00:52:29 Remember, think about being a kid and watching this.
Speaker 5
00:52:33 And I think I've done a.
00:52:35 Pretty good job of demonstrating this is not like an anomaly, this is.
00:52:38 Not the only show that was pumping this out.
00:52:41 Think of being a kid and again this.
00:52:42 Is before the Internet.
00:52:44 There's not like a.
00:52:45 Whole lot of.
00:52:45 Choices and boomers love to have the TV.
00:52:48 Raise their kids.
00:52:49 So you have an entire generation of children.
00:52:53 That are all.
00:52:53 No matter what you watch like, surely you have some choices, but it doesn't really matter because no matter.
Speaker 5
00:52:58 What you chose?
00:53:00 You're you're every every single show is going to.
00:53:03 Have at least a couple episodes like this.
00:53:06 Telling you that you're bad.
00:53:08 Ohh, look at your history, it's bad.
00:53:11 The history of white people is just oh, it's not good.
00:53:15 Black people have had it hard.
00:53:18 That's going to have an effect.
00:53:19 On people.
00:53:20 You know, and then it's, you know, reinforced here.
00:53:26 Alright, he's drinking out of the white salmon fountain.
Speaker 21
00:53:31 Ohh that said.
Speaker 25
00:53:32 He's gone too far.
Speaker 12
00:53:35 Not you.
Speaker 5
00:53:37 Not yet. We'll get them.
00:53:40 So in this scene, and again this like I said, the the difference is with this and some of.
00:53:47 The other shows.
00:53:49 Is some of the white people who are the, you know, the the race, the racist problem are humanized and end up actually being part of the solution which is.
00:53:59 Not usually the case.
00:54:00 Like you know.
00:54:01 In Macgyver's case, right? Yeah. Macgyver's the good guy. Cause I mean it's it's his show, you know, in the same way that, like, obviously, Sam Beckett.
00:54:08 Here's a good guy cause it's his show, but none of the other white people and MacGyver were good.
00:54:15 None of them.
00:54:16 They were all just evil *****.
Speaker 5
00:54:19 So that's that's that's that is a difference.
00:54:21 So he's trying to explain to her that he wants to eat at her table.
00:54:27 And and share a meal with her.
00:54:29 And she's she's.
Speaker 5
00:54:30 Explaining that, Oh no, you know.
00:54:33 Black people can't eat, eat lunch with white people.
00:54:36 You can't eat at the.
00:54:37 Same table, but her reasoning?
00:54:39 For the separation.
00:54:41 Her reasoning for the segregation, and you'll see this again in the next episode, is it's they always say the exact same thing.
00:54:49 They always say, well, that's just how it's always been done.
00:54:53 As if there was never a reason for it, as if it was just like this arbitrary thing based on aesthetic, you know, like it was just.
00:55:01 You know, racist skin deep.
00:55:03 It's just that.
00:55:03 Ohh no.
00:55:04 Well, your skin is a different color.
00:55:05 And so you should sit in it.
00:55:07 Like we're really obsessed about, like having color.
00:55:10 Coded seating arrangements.
00:55:13 Like that and that's the end of it.
00:55:14 Right. And just white.
00:55:15 People have this weird thing where they they, you know.
00:55:18 No, no.
00:55:18 You have to have, you know, because you.
00:55:20 You look different.
00:55:21 You have to have a different drinking fountain.
00:55:24 You have to have a different.
00:55:25 You know table where you eat like that, that's.
00:55:27 That's the only reason it it's all aesthetic.
Speaker 15
00:55:30 Like good manners to sit with you and share your company.
Speaker 20
00:55:34 I can't have tea with you, Jessie.
00:55:36 Why not colors and whites don't eat at the same table?
Speaker 15
00:55:41 If you want to eat with me, who says you can't?
Speaker 20
00:55:43 I'll say, OK, why?
00:55:45 Well, because it's the way things are.
00:55:49 The way things have always been.
Speaker 15
00:55:51 Maybe it's time they changed.
Speaker 20
00:55:56 Answer the door, Jesse.
00:55:59 Alright so.
00:56:02 His niece goes to pick her up, but he's he's still trying to, like, subvert the old lady and the, you know, the scary white guys who who think Papa Jesse is in the car with her.
00:56:16 They're going to run.
00:56:17 Her off the road as revenge.
00:56:20 Because you.
00:56:20 Know burning the cross?
00:56:21 Wasn't enough or or wait.
00:56:23 Maybe this is retaliation for the the drinking fountain incident.
00:56:26 You know he he's getting uppity.
00:56:27 He's getting uppity.
00:56:28 They gotta do something right.
Speaker 6
00:56:32 But you'll be there.
00:56:43 Dun Dun Dun Dun so that happens.
00:56:47 So Papa Jesse is telling Miss Daisy that they need to go to the store to get something or I don't know why.
00:56:56 And then they start driving around and Miss Daisy.
00:56:57 'S like Oh my God.
00:56:59 Look, I think that's your nieces.
00:57:01 Car crashed, so he gets her and gets her in the car and they go to the hospital and uh.
00:57:07 Ohh more evil white ****.
Speaker 15
00:57:10 He's in shock, lost a lot of blood.
00:57:11 I think she suffered A temporal artery.
00:57:13 She'll need a transfusion in a.
Speaker 1
00:57:16 What are you waiting?
Speaker 15
00:57:16 For we don't accept colored here I'm.
Speaker 11
00:57:19 Sorry, but you're going to be a hell.
00:57:20 Of a lot, sorry.
00:57:21 If you don't help me.
Speaker 15
00:57:22 And I mean right now I can't.
00:57:24 Help her.
00:57:24 It's against the law.
00:57:25 The hell with.
Speaker 20
00:57:26 The law, aren't you jania Papa son?
00:57:32 Yes, ma'am.
Speaker 6
00:57:33 Well, you know.
00:57:34 Who I am.
00:57:35 Miss Trafford.
Speaker 20
00:57:38 I want you to help that child.
00:57:41 Now this one I was talking about with the the at least make this lady.
00:57:47 Not a monster, right?
00:57:50 And and and in a weird way.
00:57:52 It's like a conversion story, right?
00:57:55 She's gone from following.
Speaker 5
00:57:57 The old ways.
00:57:58 To bonding with Papa Jesse and you know, especially out of of, you know, regard for his his niece and and using her.
00:58:10 Her, like she's being a white ally, right?
00:58:12 She's using her white privilege to get her into the hospital.
00:58:25 Let's get her inside.
00:58:28 Look how ****** *** those nurses are.
00:58:31 Ah, gross.
00:58:34 Get an Indiana Crosby.
Speaker 20
00:58:41 I think you'd best stay out here, I see.
00:58:44 She's taken care of.
00:58:46 In fact, they're so ****** *** they call the cops.
00:58:49 And the cops come.
Speaker 16
00:58:53 I thought I wanted you back causing any more trouble.
Speaker 3
00:58:56 All I did.
Speaker 19
00:58:57 Was bring a girl here who needed medical assistance.
Speaker 18
00:59:01 Nick regal.
Speaker 16
00:59:04 That's breaking the segregation law, Jesse.
Speaker 19
00:59:06 What was I supposed to do, Sheriff?
Speaker 15
00:59:08 Let her bleed to death.
00:59:14 Even though the cops kind of a prick and he's.
00:59:15 Arresting him like he's not like evil.
Speaker 5
00:59:18 Right.
00:59:19 So that that's it's a significant difference.
00:59:23 And oddly, though, in a way, I kind of make it makes me feel like it's.
00:59:27 A little more.
00:59:28 I don't want to say it's more subversive, but it's certainly more effective.
00:59:31 Like this is going to.
00:59:33 Resonate I feel with white people a lot more, at least seeing that you know.
Speaker 25
00:59:38 White people humanize.
00:59:41 What are you?
Speaker 25
00:59:41 Doing you gotta get out of this.
Speaker 15
00:59:43 Look, I'm trying.
00:59:44 He's crazy as a ****.
00:59:45 Sheriff talks to himself.
Speaker 3
00:59:47 Sheriff, you just piece up here.
00:59:50 Jesse, I might have to get.
Speaker 21
00:59:51 Rough with you.
00:59:52 OK, OK, OK.
Speaker 15
00:59:54 Just on one condition.
00:59:57 All right, so basically the reason why he wants to stay there is he has to save.
01:00:01 Miss Daisy's life and that's.
01:00:03 Not really super important.
01:00:05 Cops drive him off with him and now, Miss Daisy, this is like when she gets hit by the train.
01:00:10 But now, Sam Beckett.
01:00:12 Slash Papa Jesse can't stop her.
Speaker 20
01:00:17 Where's Jesse?
01:00:18 Sheriff arrested.
Speaker 21
01:00:20 Pig **** here turned him in.
Speaker 1
01:00:22 Arrested for what?
Speaker 18
01:00:25 Bringing that Nick right here.
Speaker 20
01:00:28 Well, he's just going to have to arrest me.
Speaker 27
01:00:30 Oh, they wouldn't do.
Speaker 5
01:00:31 That, Miss Trafford?
Speaker 18
01:00:34 Sheriff Blank said you was to.
Speaker 1
01:00:35 Wait here, daddy.
01:00:37 All right.
01:00:38 So anyway, she gets in the car and the hologram hologram guy.
01:00:44 Even though no one's supposed to be able to see him somehow, like yells, and she notices the the yelling.
01:00:51 I don't know.
01:00:52 They they're kind of weird about vague about.
01:00:53 It, but whatever.
01:00:55 Long story short, she doesn't get hit by.
01:00:56 The train, so now at the end.
01:01:01 Mission accomplished.
01:01:02 He's in the jail cell, but he.
01:01:03 Hasn't leaked yet, so he's.
01:01:04 Like, oh, how come I haven't left yet?
Speaker 15
01:01:06 Why haven't I leaped?
Speaker 27
01:01:10 Well, maybe we're going to.
Speaker 21
01:01:11 Find out.
Speaker 16
01:01:15 This melody greeted me.
01:01:17 Drop shot, got you.
01:01:19 I talked to hospital this morning.
01:01:21 How's new?
01:01:22 She's fine.
01:01:23 They said she gonna be just fine.
01:01:24 Don't you?
01:01:24 What, huh.
01:01:26 She she told him how this accident happened.
01:01:31 Well, seemed like a couple of boys.
01:01:33 They sort of running off the road.
01:01:36 They didn't mean to hurt or none.
Speaker 12
01:01:38 They they mean to do Cheryl.
Speaker 5
01:01:40 Well, I suppose maybe.
Speaker 16
01:01:41 They thought you were in that car, Jesse.
01:01:43 I mean, you have been acting strange around here lately.
01:01:47 Maybe they just wanted to what?
Speaker 15
01:01:50 Maybe teach me a lesson.
Speaker 16
01:01:52 Well, ain't nobody going to be bothering you or any of yours again.
01:01:58 Give you my word on that.
01:02:01 So anyway, you know, like I said, they.
01:02:03 Make the white people.
01:02:06 At least like kind of normal.
01:02:08 And so he gets out of jail and he goes out to thank Miss Daisy.
Speaker 15
01:02:13 Thank you for doing what you.
01:02:15 Did for now at the hospital.
Speaker 14
01:02:17 I was glad to do it just.
Speaker 20
01:02:19 And she's doing fine.
01:02:20 They moved a divider this morning.
Speaker 15
01:02:22 Moved her.
01:02:23 She was in critical condition.
01:02:24 I'll move.
01:02:25 Could have killed.
Speaker 12
01:02:26 Well, I didn't.
01:02:27 And she's fine.
Speaker 20
01:02:29 And she's with her own people.
01:02:31 And that is the way it's supposed to be.
01:02:34 Let's both of us try to forget all about this horrible business.
01:02:39 And let things get back to normal.
Speaker 11
01:02:41 How can your life go back to normal after yesterday?
Speaker 15
01:02:44 Miss Miller, you can't have done what you did without it opening your eyes.
Speaker 20
01:02:48 So what?
01:02:49 But the fact that the world isn't just.
01:02:52 I knew that Jesse.
01:02:54 But mine knowing it doesn't change it.
Speaker 15
01:02:57 You changed it yesterday and you can change it today.
Speaker 20
01:02:59 If you want to go off and change the world, you're welcome to it.
01:03:04 But if you want to work for me.
01:03:07 We will close this conversation forever.
Speaker 16
01:03:11 That's right it.
Speaker 20
01:03:12 Doesn't now please go over to Miss Pattis.
01:03:17 And pick up my.
Speaker 15
01:03:21 Once you've seen the light, you cannot go back into the darkness.
Speaker 20
01:03:25 Get my egg salad.
Speaker 16
01:03:31 Yes, ma'am.
01:03:33 So you know, then we.
01:03:34 Get to the sending, which gets really predictable.
01:03:36 He goes to the same place to go pick up her lunch at the counter.
Speaker 1
01:03:46 Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 15
01:03:49 Thank you.
Speaker 20
01:03:50 Come on, Jesse, I decided to eat it.
Speaker 15
01:03:54 Good afternoon, Miss Travis.
01:03:56 Nice to see you today.
Speaker 13
01:03:58 Oh, I missed that.
Speaker 18
01:03:59 It just fine, ma'am.
01:04:01 Would you like something to drink with the egg salad?
Speaker 20
01:04:04 The need would be just fine.
Speaker 11
01:04:07 Do that again and just as long as.
Speaker 20
01:04:08 He lives.
01:04:11 Will you join me for lunch?
01:04:16 And the story arc is complete.
01:04:22 She has learned to deny the old ways and use her white privilege.
Speaker 15
01:04:32 Yes, ma'am.
01:04:32 I guess I will.
01:04:44 And racism is solved.
01:04:49 Hooray for rogue humorism.
01:05:02 So you can see how a show like this would just.
01:05:06 Totally, totally delight.
01:05:10 The people that like to say the globalists are trying to genocide the Patriots.
Speaker 6
01:05:18 All right.
01:05:21 And why and those?
01:05:22 Same people would be delighted to show.
01:05:26 A show like this.
01:05:26 To their children.
Speaker 5
01:05:29 And like I said, it's it's actually you know.
01:05:32 Compared to.
Speaker 6
01:05:32 Some of this other.
01:05:33 It's not very bad, you know, compared.
01:05:35 To like.
01:05:36 This next one we're going to.
01:05:37 Watch. Let's let's see who.
01:05:40 He leaps into next, right?
01:05:43 But again, it's just it's just the never ending.
01:05:45 Stream of of white guilt, white guilt, white guilt, white guilt.
01:05:48 White guilt.
Speaker 6
01:05:49 And if you notice, none of the black.
01:05:51 Characters were and this is.
01:05:53 Very apparent in this one.
01:05:55 None of the.
01:05:56 Black characters are unreasonable, or mad or spiteful or vengeful.
01:06:01 They're all.
01:06:02 Very meek and in fact that was.
01:06:04 That was my take away and I.
01:06:06 Do remember that as.
01:06:07 A kid.
01:06:08 Watching a lot of shows like this and you always have that exact same character.
01:06:14 It was always like the meek.
01:06:17 Patient, you know ever suffering black person that would just go along, you know, to get along, you know, just was was just silently being oppressed, you know, was just swallowing up his pride and going along with it.
01:06:33 Right. And and but that's.
Speaker 6
01:06:35 Not that wasn't just for blacks.
01:06:37 You have that exact same.
01:06:39 That's the way they depicted gay people.
01:06:40 Well, that's the way they depicted, like when they were doing feminist episodes like the housewife, right? The the long-suffering housewife that just, you know, took the abuse and and would just, you know, work herself ragged and thankless job. And just every character where they're trying to turn.
01:07:01 That demographic against the white patriarchy, while at the same time make the white patriarchy feel like ******** that's that was the that was the the program.
Speaker 1
01:07:12 OK.
01:07:13 You know that that was the the the formula that would happen in every.
Speaker 8
01:07:18 One of these shows.
01:07:19 And look, it continues well, maybe it's gotten look.
01:07:23 They've they've taken, I guess, a different strategy.
Speaker 8
01:07:24 These days, right, a little more aggressive.
Speaker 7
01:07:26 Strategy these days.
01:07:28 But the that's that was the same thing.
01:07:30 When you start having gay characters in television shows, right?
01:07:34 They were never flamboyant gays.
01:07:36 They were always just like you and me.
01:07:38 They were never bad people.
01:07:39 They never, you know.
01:07:40 Did anything wrong?
01:07:41 And so it was never like, ohh, we're both at fault type of a thing.
01:07:46 You know, there was never like, oh, there's two sides to this story.
01:07:49 Kind of a thing.
01:07:49 It was always one side.
01:07:51 To the story.
01:07:52 And the reason why there was only one side to the.
01:07:54 Story is the right.
01:07:56 Doesn't make fiction.
01:07:59 The right never makes fiction.
01:08:02 There's, like, you know, like like I.
01:08:03 Said like maybe a.
01:08:04 Handful of examples, but by and large the right does not.
01:08:08 Make any kind of fiction.
01:08:10 And so if.
01:08:11 You're consuming fiction, as all Americans do, and in fact a lot of American fiction gets exported to the rest of the world.
01:08:17 Do you think?
01:08:17 The rest of the world thought America like why?
01:08:20 Do you think?
01:08:20 They've been so quick to eat.
01:08:22 Up and believe the same ******** about George Floyd in other countries that the the slave.
01:08:30 Class in America were because they've been consuming the exact same.
01:08:34 Contact or content.
01:08:37 And in fact, if anything, they're going to be worse off because in another country they're not in America.
Speaker 6
01:08:44 So they don't have.
01:08:46 Any lived experiences to even compare it to?
01:08:49 So while you might have a lot of whites in America who don't have a lot of exposure to diversity and they get exposure to diversity through fiction, and that's like the primary source of of their experience.
01:08:59 And so that's what they have the.
01:09:00 Judged on they at least have.
01:09:02 Some exposure to it.
01:09:04 Right, like if nothing else, they pick up a newspaper, maybe or or watch the local news and start.
01:09:08 To see some patterns.
01:09:09 Right.
Speaker 5
01:09:10 But if you live in another.
01:09:12 You don't you're you're not exposed to.
01:09:13 Any of that the only?
01:09:14 Thing you're exposed to is this fiction that's being exported into your country and.
01:09:19 Your view of America is like, wow, *** **** well that that they're just like, they just hate black people.
01:09:26 These these, these docile, meek, obedient black people that.
Speaker 5
01:09:30 They just want to be free.
01:09:32 That's all.
01:09:33 They just want to be treated like everybody else.
01:09:35 And yet these white people, these white folk, they just, I don't know what is wrong with them.
01:09:39 They they just seem spiteful and angry and and scared and and and kind of evil.
01:09:47 And and I've mentioned before like there's I've watched movies from other countries, you know, the the movie I've brought before is brought.
01:09:54 Devas, the Russian movie that talks about or has like a scene where a a white guy kills a black guy and the cops are just like they let him go because he's ohh, that's he.
Speaker 8
01:10:03 Was just black. It's cool.
01:10:05 You know.
01:10:05 We don't.
01:10:05 We don't arrest white people for killing black people.
01:10:08 And that was believable to.
01:10:10 A Russian audience?
Speaker 5
01:10:13 And why wouldn't it be?
01:10:15 Why wouldn't it be?
01:10:18 So this this same global **** ****.
01:10:20 That's taking place in the United States.
01:10:23 When they export it across the world, it's.
01:10:25 I mean they just.
01:10:26 Soak it up.
01:10:28 They just soak it up.
01:10:29 All right, so this.
Speaker 5
01:10:30 Now these episodes.
01:10:32 Weren't back to.
01:10:32 Back but they, you know, they might as.
01:10:34 Well, have been so he now leaps into another body.
Speaker 8
01:10:56 Oops, I screwed that up.
Speaker 6
01:10:59 There we.
Speaker 8
01:10:59 Go. OK.
Speaker 3
01:11:11 And now, by the powers vested in me as the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux plant, I stopped the federal Klansman.
Speaker 9
01:11:33 Oh boy, I'm proud of you.
01:11:35 Alright, so now he's obviously he's he's transported into the body of someone who just got inducted.
Speaker 8
01:11:45 Into the KKK.
01:11:47 Now this is supposed to be 1965.
01:11:49 So this is 10 years later.
01:11:51 And now this is his father-in-law. You find out congratulating him on, on becoming the newest member of the KKK, that that he is the the grant or the Grand Dragon or whatever the **** that is.
Speaker 21
01:12:07 I'm proud.
01:12:07 Glad that you proud.
Speaker 9
01:12:10 Yeah, you know.
Speaker 3
01:12:11 I've always thought to use the sun and it wouldn't just cause loose man.
01:12:17 But now we we we're close and and we're family now.
01:12:24 I just called.
01:12:25 You married Lily because we got the same fight, and now I'm the same team.
01:12:34 I'm all for perhaps.
01:12:38 Working and he can't even shake his hand and so disgusted he can't.
Speaker 15
01:12:39 Wait, his Sam at least.
Speaker 9
01:12:41 Until you know.
Speaker 29
01:12:42 While you're here.
Speaker 5
01:12:45 Is the yuppie.
01:12:45 Bloomer, that's just like.
Speaker 6
01:12:49 And see it's really clad newest member of and I'd heard of the song.
01:12:50 Skin crawling.
Speaker 12
01:12:57 I'm here for.
Speaker 21
01:12:58 We don't know.
Speaker 19
01:13:03 I can't do.
Speaker 12
01:13:03 This how I can't take it easy.
Speaker 1
01:13:04 You too.
01:13:07 So he has an anxiety attack.
01:13:08 Because he's wearing sheets.
Speaker 19
01:13:18 This stands for everything my parents told me to.
01:13:20 Fight against him.
Speaker 11
01:13:24 We can't change these people.
Speaker 21
01:13:27 Well, maybe you're not here to change them.
Speaker 9
01:13:29 Look, we're going to find.
01:13:31 Out what you're here to do.
01:13:32 Then you're going to do it.
Speaker 21
01:13:33 And then you'll be history.
01:13:35 OK, so take it easy.
Speaker 29
01:13:36 Just take it easy.
Speaker 9
01:13:38 I'm going to find out.
01:13:39 What it is you're here to do and back.
Speaker 21
01:13:41 As quick as I can, alright.
Speaker 1
01:13:43 Don't lose it.
01:13:48 All right, so, you know the KKK is, you know, it's so evil.
01:13:51 He's just like, he's like.
01:13:53 Losing his ****.
01:13:55 And so he goes home and finds out he has like this hot Southern wife.
01:14:01 And I guess they've got, like, a a house lady.
01:14:11 She's she's telling.
01:14:12 Him how, how proud she is that that he finally joined her, her father's hunting club is the euphemism that they use.
01:14:22 And then his son comes out.
Speaker 28
01:14:26 Holy, how many times your father told you not to point that at anyone?
Speaker 15
01:14:31 Your son.
01:14:32 Come on.
01:14:32 Give me the gun.
Speaker 19
01:14:36 Listen, just sit down and talk.
Speaker 9
01:14:40 When you get a little bit.
01:14:40 Older I'll teach you how to shoot a.
Speaker 15
01:14:42 Gun alright.
Speaker 22
01:14:45 But you said to teach you how to shoot today.
Speaker 15
01:14:51 Well, yeah, of course I did.
01:14:52 But I'm sure that I also must have said that a gun.
Speaker 1
01:14:55 Is a weapon, not a tool.
01:14:56 Toy alright.
Speaker 1
01:14:58 Dad, daddy.
Speaker 15
01:14:59 Look, look, when you're older, I'll teach you, alright?
Speaker 22
01:15:04 But Grandpa says I should learn to shoot for protection. He says his.
01:15:08 In the woods.
Speaker 6
01:15:11 OK, so look.
01:15:16 Look, let's just be.
01:15:17 Let's just be honest here.
01:15:20 The South was not the safest place.
01:15:24 Living as look even now look in in 2021, living in proximity, living in a black neighborhood is not a safe place.
01:15:33 Now you might.
01:15:33 Not agree with the the language that the kid used.
01:15:39 That's not an insane.
01:15:44 To learn how to use a.
01:15:45 Gun for protection.
01:15:47 If you live in a dangerous place.
01:15:49 I bet there's a lot of white people.
Speaker 5
01:15:51 That we've covered.
01:15:52 On this stream that wish that they'd taught their kids.
01:15:56 To use a gun for protection.
01:15:59 And also in the context of 1965 look you could bring a rifle to high school with you. It wasn't a big deal, partially because we weren't multicultural.
Speaker 5
01:16:11 That wasn't a.
01:16:12 Big deal at all.
01:16:16 So he gets all super sensitive because he's from 1989 and his son just dropped the N bomb in front of his house lady.
Speaker 1
01:16:26 Cody want you to apologize right now.
Speaker 15
01:16:31 I want to tell you to be sorry.
Speaker 28
01:16:33 Peter doesn't mind.
Speaker 15
01:16:34 My mind.
Speaker 28
01:16:35 That entire nation's gotten into you.
Speaker 15
01:16:36 Apologize, I apologize.
Speaker 22
01:16:42 I'm sorry.
Speaker 1
01:16:51 No, I'm sorry.
Speaker 12
01:16:54 About that Aida.
01:16:55 It ain't his fault.
01:16:57 I don't about the mean.
Speaker 14
01:16:58 It he just pick it up from his grandpa.
Speaker 5
01:17:02 See once again.
01:17:02 We see that that same behavior, it's the meek.
01:17:06 Submissive, uh.
01:17:08 You know, tolerant, patient.
Speaker 21
01:17:12 Black character.
01:17:14 And they're they're always like.
01:17:15 That they never resort to violence. It's always very peaceful. It's just this long-suffering character.
Speaker 6
01:17:25 That when you.
01:17:27 Look at it like that.
01:17:27 You're like, wow, these white people have to be monsters, if that's what you're dealing with.
01:17:33 They'd have to be monsters when the.
01:17:34 Reality is.
01:17:37 The reality is when you look here, Hollywood's version of of the South.
01:17:41 And of lynchings, just as an example.
01:17:45 Is that a bunch of white?
01:17:46 Guys would would hop.
01:17:48 Excuse me, in the back of a pickup truck like the white guys in.
01:17:51 That first episode.
01:17:52 And they'd go find themselves, you know, Papa Jesse.
01:17:56 Just mind his own business.
01:17:59 And they'd just string them up in a tree, and they'd have a party they'd make.
01:18:02 They'd have, like, a barbecue, and they would.
01:18:04 They would pose for pictures and you know, and that's the picture you see right in your social studies book when you're a little.
01:18:10 Kid is.
01:18:10 Just like you.
01:18:12 Know black people hanging from a tree with a bunch of white people underneath.
01:18:16 And that what they don't tell you is oftentimes and by the way, they weren't.
01:18:20 They didn't just lynch black people.
01:18:22 White people got lynched too.
01:18:23 That was just kind of vigilante justice.
01:18:26 Happened in the.
01:18:28 OK.
01:18:29 And a lot of times that vigilante justice was in response to violent crime.
01:18:36 And the community just got together and and said you.
01:18:39 Know what?
01:18:41 That guy raped this girl.
01:18:44 And we this this violent crime that has been increasing in our neighborhood ever since.
01:18:51 Well, really, we lost the Civil War and the the we have a lot of uneducated, impoverished, low impulse control members of our community.
01:19:03 Now that we're, we we.
01:19:04 Used to, well, quite literally keep a tight leash.
01:19:10 Now that they're.
01:19:12 Enjoying the freedom where there's some unfortunate consequences to.
01:19:17 This new arrangement.
01:19:19 With the proximity and all these other factors.
01:19:25 The community chose to deal with.
01:19:27 It whether you agree.
01:19:27 With it or not with vigilante?
01:19:29 Justice that was swift and permanent.
Speaker 7
01:19:34 And it's.
Speaker 8
01:19:36 Carriage I guess.
01:19:39 And so when you see these photos, you get the George Floyd treatment.
01:19:44 Oh, it was just some boy.
01:19:45 He was just walking home from school.
01:19:47 And these white guys were just like, let's go get that black kid and just hang him from a tree cause.
01:19:53 We hate black people.
Speaker 5
01:19:55 Right.
01:19:57 That that's always.
01:19:58 That's the.
01:19:58 That's the story that you.
01:19:59 Hear about when you're an elementary school kid.
01:20:02 When your brain is just like this sponge soaking up things and you know the adults that you trust are telling you this and you're just like, alright, I guess that's what our history is.
01:20:14 And then it's reinforced with the fiction, you know, coming from coming at you.
01:20:19 From all directions.
01:20:23 So the next day.
01:20:27 He goes to his.
01:20:28 Job, which is a government job.
Speaker 19
01:20:31 I spent the rest of breakfast trying to explain to Lily that thinking All Blacks were bad.
01:20:36 Was just as.
01:20:37 Close minded as thinking all whites were good.
01:20:40 And again, I've said this, that that's.
01:20:43 That is the white supremacy argument.
01:20:47 That's the exact same white supremacy argument that we hear today, right?
01:20:53 When really it's white primacy.
01:20:57 White supremacy is ridiculous.
01:20:58 No one actually believes that every white person is better than.
01:21:02 Every black person, no one thinks that.
01:21:06 And it's this hyperbolic, cartoonish view.
01:21:10 Of race relations.
01:21:13 In particular, especially when it comes.
Speaker 8
01:21:14 To the South, right?
01:21:17 That has been repeated over and over and over in Hollywood movies, to the point where that's it's more real than than the the what actually happened, and especially if you're like, a a kid growing up in.
01:21:31 The north.
01:21:32 You're a kid in New York.
01:21:33 You're a kid in California.
01:21:34 You're a kid in, you know, anywhere that's.
01:21:36 Not the South.
01:21:37 And ****, maybe.
01:21:38 If you're a kid in the South.
01:21:39 You know in the 80s you don't know.
01:21:42 You think, wow, this is this.
Speaker 8
01:21:43 Is what Grandpa was like.
Speaker 19
01:21:45 Her response made me realize just how blind bigotry could be.
01:21:49 All I could do was hope Al could tell me what I was here for so I could get it done and leap to someplace I understood.
01:21:56 See, you just can't wait to leave.
01:21:57 So disgusted with these people.
01:21:59 Hey, why'd
Speaker 17
01:22:01 You beat me here this morning.
01:22:02 That's the first especially considering.
Speaker 27
01:22:04 He's up all night last night.
01:22:09 So now we know that the guy he works with is also a clan member because he knows that he joined the.
01:22:13 Clan last night? Excuse me.
Speaker 9
01:22:18 Hey, you boys here a.
Speaker 24
01:22:19 Little early, well says right there.
01:22:21 The registration office opens at 10.
01:22:24 Office opens when we get here.
Speaker 24
01:22:27 Thompson would like to register to vote.
Speaker 15
01:22:29 Oh, yeah.
01:22:31 OK.
01:22:31 I'll get some pages out.
Speaker 19
01:22:33 And we can.
Speaker 3
01:22:33 Get started.
01:22:34 No, you don't need to do that.
01:22:36 We can handle us.
Speaker 16
01:22:37 Right here.
Speaker 3
01:22:39 First I got.
01:22:39 A couple of questions for the boy.
Speaker 24
01:22:42 Mr. Thompson is 58 years old. He's been an employee of this county for over 30 years. I'd appreciate if you'd address. I'd appreciate it.
01:22:51 If you wash your mouth.
01:22:54 Now, who is the 19th President of the States?
Speaker 29
01:22:58 Rutherford B Hayes.
Speaker 26
01:23:01 What's the 8th amendment?
01:23:04 See, once again you have the the Blacks are.
01:23:06 They're well dressed, they're they're well behaved.
01:23:09 They're very civilized, very polite.
01:23:11 And it's the whites.
01:23:12 They're just uncivilized.
01:23:14 Ignorant and angry.
Speaker 29
01:23:16 Excessive bills shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment be inflicted.
Speaker 1
01:23:38 Read this.
01:23:41 Alright so.
01:23:43 What they're getting into here is something that honestly, I.
01:23:47 Wish we did today.
01:23:49 Now the South.
01:23:51 They were concerned and for good reason.
01:23:54 That. Oh ****. We're.
01:23:55 Going to have all these people you just gave all these.
01:23:57 People the right to vote.
01:24:00 That people that have never been a part of a civilization, quite frankly, ever like generally you can go all the way back to the caveman with these people and they've.
01:24:11 Never been a.
01:24:12 Member of a complex civilization like the one.
01:24:15 We've got created.
01:24:16 And we're going to just hand them to the.
01:24:19 Right to vote.
01:24:21 And this is this is going to be OK.
01:24:23 Things are.
01:24:23 Just going to.
01:24:24 Turn out.
01:24:25 And in fact, I mean look.
Speaker 6
01:24:26 At look at you.
01:24:27 And you can look at the writings of Lincoln.
01:24:30 You can look at the writings of of of the people responsible for ending slavery, and they had they had very, very, very strong views about this.
01:24:38 They had the same concerns.
01:24:39 That's why they didn't give them right to vote.
01:24:41 Because they knew.
01:24:42 That this would be a a nightmare scenario.
01:24:45 All of a sudden you get all these people who?
Speaker 5
01:24:48 Who have never.
01:24:48 Participated in a society like this, oftentimes can't read, and you're just going to give them a right to vote without any kind of litmus test whatsoever.
01:24:59 And in addition to that.
01:25:02 Yeah, just like, let alone.
Speaker 5
01:25:03 Like like like it's bad enough.
01:25:05 If you just have people that have no idea what they're doing, having the same say as someone who does know what they're doing in your society.
01:25:13 But now compound that with the the the the very real involvement you had from groups like well, like that, remember that.
01:25:21 Thing that I covered with or is it normal?
01:25:27 Where you had that that Jewish, the New York Jewish guy going down and trying to create unions in the South and and basically destroy the manufacturing in the South.
01:25:39 Well, you had a lot of these same kinds of.
01:25:42 I mean we call them NGOs today, but you had these same kind of nonprofits.
01:25:48 That were funded by billionaires.
01:25:51 And they would show up in town and they would organize a bunch of people that have never voted before in their lives, maybe incentivize them with with food or money or something.
01:26:03 You know, bus them into.
01:26:03 A a polling station and completely change the you know an election.
01:26:10 To put forward a progressive agenda.
01:26:14 And completely change the future of this country permanently and one of the ways that the South tried.
01:26:22 To resist this.
01:26:23 Was by having a like a a an like.
01:26:27 A literacy test.
01:26:29 In order to vote, and I think they should, honestly, I think they should do this today and not not just for black people, for everybody.
01:26:36 And in fact, that was the document I alluded to.
01:26:39 I got my hands on one of these tests.
01:26:41 That they used.
01:26:41 To give people in the South.
01:26:44 To see what.
01:26:45 Well, how bad is this test?
01:26:46 Right?
01:26:47 Because again, you read the social studies book when you're a kid in school and they make it sound like it was like some impossible.
01:26:56 And it was designed, you know, specifically to exclude black people from.
Speaker 5
01:27:02 Being able to vote.
01:27:05 Well, we'll take a.
01:27:05 Look at that test.
01:27:06 Here in a moment, the way that they they depicted in this scene.
01:27:12 Is is.
01:27:14 Well, it's, it's misleading.
01:27:16 As we'll see here in a.
01:27:17 Moment, I'll.
01:27:18 Pop out that test here in a second.
Speaker 29
01:27:26 The people of the United States.
01:27:30 In order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic trend tranquility.
Speaker 3
01:27:41 Call that reading.
Speaker 15
01:27:42 Sound like reading to me.
Speaker 3
01:27:45 Well, I clocked him at 12 words per minute.
01:27:47 Law says you got.
Speaker 24
01:27:48 To read at.
01:27:48 Least 30 words per minute.
01:27:50 What law?
01:27:52 See you again.
Speaker 5
01:27:54 Is that even a bad idea?
01:27:57 Having a literacy test that that clocks you, how many words per minute you can do?
01:28:04 I don't know.
01:28:06 Maybe that's appropriate.
01:28:08 That's not part of the test that I have.
01:28:09 I mean, maybe that was, I don't know if that was a, a law they had in the.
01:28:13 But is that so unreasonable?
Speaker 15
01:28:16 Look, he answered your questions and and he read what you.
Speaker 19
01:28:18 Asked him to say.
Speaker 12
01:28:20 You wait here a minute.
Speaker 3
01:28:25 What the hell is wrong with you?
01:28:27 We need.
01:28:32 I thought this was all over when you joined us last night.
01:28:34 Or have you forgot?
Speaker 24
01:28:34 About that oath you took.
01:28:36 Look, the man has.
Speaker 15
01:28:37 A right to vote.
Speaker 3
01:28:38 He's a.
Speaker 12
01:28:40 This isn't why you're here, Sam.
01:28:42 Talk, talk, talk, talk.
Speaker 8
01:28:43 Talk, alright.
01:28:44 So let me I'm gonna bust out that test.
01:28:47 Let's take a.
01:28:48 Look at one of these impossible tests.
01:28:53 That they wanted people to.
01:28:55 Take in order to vote I.
01:28:56 Would actually this exact test I would be OK.
01:29:00 With then using this same test.
Speaker 8
01:29:08 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:29:10 Bring this up.
01:29:16 Zooming in, let me zoom in.
Speaker 8
01:29:18 A little bit.
01:29:27 Let's see if this is a difficult test.
01:29:32 It kind of reminds me honestly, it reminds me of like the IQ test that they made us take in.
01:29:38 Elementary school.
01:29:56 OK.
01:29:59 Draw a line around the number or.
01:30:01 Letter in this sentence.
01:30:06 Did this not load up?
01:30:07 Right.
01:30:08 You know what?
01:30:08 Let me load.
01:30:09 This up somewhere else.
01:30:13 This loaded up weird.
01:30:33 Ah, maybe just saved weird.
01:30:34 That would suck.
01:30:43 Well, it kind of saved weird so well, but you'll see the kinds of things.
Speaker 8
01:30:47 That are on.
01:30:47 Here that's fine.
01:30:52 Let's go to our.
01:30:52 Alright, so here's one that actually looks normal.
01:30:57 Draw a line through the letter.
01:30:59 Below that comes earliest in the alphabet.
01:31:04 I mean is that so?
01:31:06 All you have to do is draw a line through the letter that comes earliest in the alphabet, and when one of your choices is B.
01:31:14 And a isn't there.
01:31:17 You know, like is that so hard?
01:31:21 Draw a line through the two letters below that come last in the alphabet. Well, one of them's Z. You know, they're there's, like, a big giveaway right there.
01:31:34 In the 1st Circle below, write the last letter of the first word beginning with L and I guess there's like.
01:31:44 Word somewhere.
01:31:47 Like I said, this didn't save right?
01:31:48 There's missing missing.
01:31:51 Data around here.
01:31:53 Cross out the number necessary when making the numbers below 1,000,000.
01:31:59 So there you go.
01:32:03 Draw a line.
01:32:04 From Circle 2 to circle five, that will pass.
01:32:10 That will pass below circle two and above Circle 4, so this is literally like this is honestly, this is almost identical to the IQ test stuff that we.
Speaker 8
01:32:21 Had to take in elementary school.
01:32:24 It's critical thinking is what it is.
01:32:26 It's making sure you can actually follow complex directions.
01:32:30 Little mind teasers.
01:32:33 And you could take.
Speaker 5
01:32:33 It multiple times.
01:32:35 This wasn't like.
01:32:36 You walked in there to go vote and then.
01:32:38 They handed you this.
01:32:39 And then like, if you ****** ** like you had to go home and.
01:32:42 Like you could never.
01:32:43 Vote again.
01:32:44 You have like a few times you.
01:32:45 Could fail this.
01:32:47 And then you didn't and then you were.
01:32:48 Registered and then.
01:32:49 We went to go vote.
01:32:50 You'd have to take this again.
01:32:52 I'm actually 100% OK with issuing.
Speaker 5
01:32:56 Even an even more.
01:32:57 Complex test than that.
01:33:00 You know, in fact, I'd be OK with an IQ test.
01:33:03 You know like.
01:33:04 Like have a cough at a certain point.
01:33:06 Like maybe, you know, maybe at least the average.
01:33:11 Wouldn't that be OK?
01:33:13 Take an IQ test, and if you're if you're not.
01:33:15 At least at the average.
01:33:18 You know, sorry.
Speaker 5
01:33:19 Buddy and in fact I want more I would want.
01:33:21 I'd want more regulations.
01:33:23 You for that would be one you'd have to at.
01:33:25 Least hit the average IQ right.
01:33:29 And then you'd have to also, I don't know, maybe be invest in the community somehow, whether it's you have children or owned property or both or just something.
01:33:40 But this idea that just anyone can vote, that's a terrifying prospect, especially for a.
Speaker 8
01:33:45 Community like this.
Speaker 6
01:33:46 You have a community.
01:33:47 Where all of a sudden you have instant voters just springing up out of nowhere, who again have no idea how the society works and their votes going to count the same.
01:34:02 Obviously that's going to freak you out.
01:34:05 I don't think that's unreasonable, and I don't think taking measures like having an aptitude test.
01:34:12 In order to vote like there was nothing on that.
01:34:13 Test that.
01:34:14 That that if you, if you were black, you.
01:34:17 Couldn't do it somehow.
01:34:21 You know, there's nothing racial about these tests unless.
01:34:24 Of course you.
01:34:24 Believe these.
01:34:25 You know the the communists that.
01:34:26 Are like, oh, IQ tests are racist.
Speaker 12
01:34:30 What I said he's A and.
Speaker 24
01:34:33 If we don't stop them, they're gonna.
Speaker 9
01:34:34 Have us all.
Speaker 3
01:34:35 At our jobs, they're gonna take our jobs.
Speaker 15
01:34:39 And why am I here?
Speaker 12
01:34:40 It's Nathaniel.
Speaker 2
01:34:41 So where's mine here.
Speaker 12
01:34:42 Hey, this son, the young man standing behind me.
01:34:47 They hitting him, Sam.
01:34:49 So if you didn't catch that al the hologram popped up and he's telling Sam Ohh the reason why you're here is the guy in the glasses.
01:35:01 The KKK is going to hang them.
01:35:03 They're going to lynch them and you're here to stop it.
01:35:09 So all the hologram convinces Sam that is distasteful as he might find.
01:35:16 It in order.
01:35:17 To do the right thing and save the guy in glasses, he has to go along and act like he's a racist so he can fit.
01:35:24 In hell, they're all.
Speaker 29
01:35:25 Breeding us now.
Speaker 3
01:35:27 30 years would be a minority.
01:35:29 Well, would you look at that?
01:35:33 Would you look at that?
01:35:36 Was that?
01:35:37 Was that an unrealistic fear?
01:35:41 They're outbreeding us.
01:35:43 In 30 years, we're going to be on minority.
01:35:47 Was that an unrealistic fear?
Speaker 21
01:35:52 Agree with them, Sam, no.
Speaker 1
01:35:54 Yes, I'm starting to wonder whether giving.
Speaker 3
01:35:57 You this job is such a good idea.
Speaker 9
01:35:58 If you want to stay with Daniel, you gotta get this jerk to think that you're on his side.
01:36:02 I can't.
Speaker 21
01:36:02 Can't what, Sam, it's like.
Speaker 9
01:36:05 Food behind in the line.
01:36:06 If you want to play.
01:36:06 On the enemy.
01:36:08 Enemies get the info to say the good guys, even if you have to.
01:36:11 Do something hateful. I can't.
Speaker 12
01:36:19 Register.
Speaker 3
01:36:21 Hey, what's a man have to do to get a?
Speaker 27
01:36:23 Cup of coffee.
Speaker 24
01:36:24 Around here trying to register to vote.
Speaker 12
01:36:28 You've been uppity with me.
Speaker 5
01:36:30 Being up there, boy.
Speaker 24
01:36:32 If questioning your testing methods is getting uppity, then maybe we should have a look at the registration laws.
01:36:37 Assuming you can read them.
Speaker 6
01:36:39 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 27
01:36:41 Now just hold your horses.
01:36:43 Well, there ought to be something we could do.
Speaker 3
01:36:46 I'd love to share.
01:36:49 BS passed leadership test ain't.
Speaker 5
01:36:50 That right, Clyde?
Speaker 15
01:36:52 And any line, Sam, the law is the law.
Speaker 27
01:36:58 And just what does that law say?
Speaker 19
01:37:01 Clyde, it says that you.
Speaker 1
01:37:05 It was them.
Speaker 9
01:37:08 You boys have to go home and.
Speaker 19
01:37:11 Study a little bit harder than you come back and and and try again.
Speaker 24
01:37:16 But you only got two more chances till next election.
Speaker 27
01:37:20 Why don't you?
01:37:22 Don't you show these fine gentlemen to their car?
01:37:25 It's it's a long ways and I wouldn't want to.
Speaker 24
01:37:27 Get lost.
01:37:28 You know we can find it ourselves.
Speaker 19
01:37:34 No, you you let me get you down.
Speaker 15
01:37:36 There to your car because.
Speaker 19
01:37:38 It is a long way and I'll just leave you down there, guy.
Speaker 6
01:37:42 Right this way.
01:37:43 Come on.
01:37:43 Come on.
01:37:44 Right down here.
01:37:45 There we go.
01:37:46 Right over here at the door here.
Speaker 5
01:37:51 Wait, you.
Speaker 1
01:37:54 Look, I thought you.
Speaker 24
01:37:54 Were the 1 white man, I could come on but.
01:37:57 Now you're calling us.
01:37:57 And boys, I don't understand you.
Speaker 9
01:38:00 You said us up.
01:38:01 You made us look like.
01:38:03 I set you up.
01:38:04 Ohh, come on.
Speaker 24
01:38:05 I can't believe you're gonna deny it now, who else told us to come down here?
Speaker 19
01:38:10 I don't know.
Speaker 15
01:38:12 Maybe I did but.
Speaker 9
01:38:15 And maybe you wrote me.
Speaker 24
01:38:17 All those letters in college about all men being equal, and it's time for a change so.
01:38:21 Maybe you forgot about.
Speaker 1
01:38:22 That too, listen to me.
Speaker 19
01:38:24 Everything I said up there, I did.
01:38:26 Not mean, alright.
Speaker 24
01:38:27 What if I called you a red neck white?
Speaker 11
01:38:31 But it's don't.
Speaker 24
01:38:32 Don't cracker.
01:38:34 I would laugh my *** off, but by all means carry on.
Speaker 24
01:38:40 Still stains, doesn't it?
01:38:42 Not so much.
01:38:44 We're not so sensitive about it.
Speaker 24
01:38:47 Even if I didn't mean it.
01:38:55 I spoke here, see again.
01:38:56 Actually, you know, that's another cultural difference.
01:38:59 It just is, you know, the whole one of the things that white people are perplexed by.
01:39:06 Right is the banning of language.
01:39:09 I don't just mean like ohh you can't say you have to say N word.
01:39:13 I mean like just.
01:39:15 All of the different language, that's.
Speaker 5
01:39:16 Being banned right now.
01:39:19 Or even or the.
01:39:20 Perversion of language like the perversion of pronouns right to fit someone's feelings.
01:39:27 And that's because the, or at least certainly the founding stock whites in this country, something that I learned one of the first things that you learn when.
01:39:35 You're a kid, right?
01:39:36 You chant it in the in the schoolyard.
01:39:38 Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Speaker 5
01:39:43 It's literally one of the first.
01:39:44 Things you ever learned.
01:39:47 And you learn that like the same day you learn.
01:39:49 Like, why did the chicken cross the road?
01:39:56 But that's not a part of of well, maybe any other culture?
01:40:02 Words are violence now.
01:40:11 You see, when when whites are perplexed.
01:40:14 By the behavior of these other groups, it's because they still.
01:40:18 Believe the fundamental.
01:40:19 Lie that race is an aesthetic thing.
01:40:24 The only difference?
Speaker 7
01:40:25 Really is, is, is.
Speaker 8
01:40:27 Skin color like that's it.
01:40:29 That's why the boomers in particular, think that everyone can assimilate, right?
01:40:35 That's why they're not worried about it.
01:40:36 In fact, that's why when I was a libertarian, even though I was.
01:40:39 Skeptical because of.
01:40:40 All my.
01:40:41 My anecdotal evidence in my own personal life.
01:40:45 I at least hoped that maybe I was wrong.
Speaker 6
01:40:48 They're like, yeah, yeah, I guess.
01:40:49 Maybe they could assemble it.
Speaker 8
01:40:50 Even though I signed no evidence of it.
01:40:53 There were all these people that you know, had had degrees that were, you know, supposedly much smarter than I was telling me that.
01:40:59 Ohh yeah.
01:41:00 It's just it's just going to take some time.
01:41:02 It just we just need more outreach.
01:41:05 Learning to spend millions and more, you know, billions, trillions of dollars more.
01:41:12 Hundreds of years more.
01:41:17 And eventually they'll assimilate.
Speaker 5
01:41:19 We don't even hear that anymore.
01:41:23 In fact, we're being told we have to assimilate to them.
01:41:30 And because we don't have white primacy anymore, because we've lost political power.
01:41:36 Because the the very.
01:41:37 Thing that those Southerners in that last scene were terrified of.
01:41:46 We have.
01:41:47 That's our choice.
01:41:48 Our choice is either you assimilate.
01:41:53 To the values of.
01:41:54 Of people who didn't found the country.
01:41:58 People who are either from other countries.
01:42:02 Or or people like.
01:42:04 The the guy that called the Sam Beckett or redneck, whatever the goofy name was.
01:42:15 You now have to assimilate to their values.
01:42:20 Or they will try to deconstruct and destroy and and genocide you.
01:42:24 That's the choice.
01:42:31 That was never the choice we gave them, but that's the.
01:42:33 Choice they're giving us.
01:42:43 And that's another thing that, that reason why whites aren't taking this white genocide thing seriously.
01:42:49 Because that's not the choice we gave them.
01:42:53 And because these boomer whites.
01:42:56 They still think it's skin deep.
Speaker 5
01:42:58 Think I don't know.
01:42:59 Well I.
01:42:59 Mean they they're they're.
01:43:01 Gonna afford me the same things?
01:43:02 I mean, they're reasonable people.
01:43:03 They're reasonable, rational.
01:43:05 People, right? No.
01:43:08 They don't think the same way you.
Speaker 1
01:43:09 Do they're telling you that?
01:43:14 That's what all this critical race theory is about.
01:43:21 They're telling you, hey, this society is built by people.
01:43:26 Four people, and we're not that people.
01:43:29 So we need to change that.
01:43:38 So what they're telling you they're it's in their they have academic papers devoted to this.
01:43:43 This isn't like a hidden thing.
01:43:44 And yet the boomer is still convinced.
Speaker 5
01:43:45 No, they're wrong.
01:43:46 They're wrong.
01:43:47 They're wrong.
01:43:48 Content of character.
01:43:51 My Luther King.
01:43:53 Race is skin deep.
01:43:55 There's only one race.
01:43:56 The human race.
01:44:03 Which is the same thing as saying there's only.
01:44:05 One kind of there's.
Speaker 5
01:44:06 Only one breed of dog, the dog breed.
01:44:16 We are here. We're the.
01:44:17 Only species on earth without a subspecies.
01:44:24 And if you know anything about the classification of some of these subspecies and how almost identical they are in their, yes, the classified differently.
01:44:33 And then the difference between like a, a pygmy and A and a Samoan and, and they're yet they're somehow classified the same.
01:44:47 It's almost as if race is a social construct.
01:44:52 The human race.
Speaker 9
01:44:55 Afternoon framing, frog.
01:44:56 I like that that sprinkler is kind of funny.
01:44:58 I like.
Speaker 8
01:44:59 How they put?
Speaker 19
01:44:59 That in there every black applicant that came in.
Speaker 9
01:45:03 And felt smaller and smaller with each one.
01:45:05 I even the sprinklers are racist, sent away.
Speaker 15
01:45:09 But the real.
Speaker 19
01:45:10 Hollow of the day was when I.
01:45:11 Ended up alone with Tom.
01:45:13 And found myself sitting through one.
01:45:15 Sick black joke after another.
01:45:19 Oh, the horror.
01:45:21 So he sits down with his servant lady and she's talking about how ohh.
01:45:28 She's going to go.
Speaker 5
01:45:28 Vote now too.
01:45:29 And he's like, yeah, you should.
01:45:31 You should go vote.
01:45:32 Things need to change.
01:45:34 You know, they have, like, that whole conversation.
01:45:38 And then his son comes out goodness.
01:45:44 Best as a ghost.
Speaker 3
01:45:45 Hold it.
01:45:46 Hold it, hold it.
Speaker 15
01:45:46 This off.
01:45:47 Take it.
01:45:47 Take it off right.
01:45:48 Now take this.
01:45:48 Off ada.
01:45:52 Now this is another theme that resonates.
Speaker 9
01:45:55 With boomers, I've I've.
01:45:56 Told this story.
01:45:57 I won't tell the whole story then, but I'll basically.
01:46:00 Yeah, I.
01:46:00 Think you guys?
01:46:01 Know what I mean when I say?
01:46:03 I mean.
01:46:03 Boomers were very concerned about that, having solved racism like they wanted to be.
01:46:08 The generation that solved racism, and they believe very firmly that, you know, racism stops with me and I'm going to raise my kid not to be racist, and then it'll be gone, right?
01:46:17 Because racism is learned, it's learned.
01:46:20 Learn from your parents.
01:46:21 And that's like a thing you'll see.
01:46:23 Over and over again, not just in this.
01:46:25 It's very much in.
01:46:25 This episode but.
Speaker 8
01:46:26 Like you, you see that?
01:46:27 In a lot of different anti bigotry, anti prejudice, you know, fiction.
01:46:34 Where they say like, oh, you know, like, you know, because I mean, look, because if you're understanding of racial difference, it really is that it's an aesthetic.
01:46:42 It would have to be that, right?
01:46:44 Like it would have to be coming from some weird outside force such as, you know, the the driving Miss Daisy lady.
01:46:50 That's just how.
01:46:51 It's always been, you know, it it it's just out of some.
01:46:53 Weird outmoded hate filled tradition of white people.
01:46:58 It's literally it's critical.
01:46:59 Race theory is what?
01:47:00 This is this is what I mean when I say that the Boomers and the Conservatives all over Twitter saying they're all we can't let.
01:47:08 We can't say that critical race theory is anti white because if we do that, it'll turn.
01:47:13 Whites into super Nazis.
01:47:16 That's what critical race theory says.
01:47:19 So they're saying that ohh we we need to oppose critical race theory in a different way because we actually believe it.
01:47:27 That's what they're saying.
01:47:31 That's what they're saying.
01:47:34 And so the boomers were very much they they were convinced they were, you know, they were the age of Aquarius.
01:47:41 You know, new woke generation of humans and they were going to in the same way.
01:47:47 Look, I'm just telling you the last stream that, that journalist that was saying and celebrating the fact that pride.
01:47:54 The kink uh, we need to make sure that we don't get rid of kink at pride I, and in fact I want my kids.
01:48:01 I want to bring my kids to pride parades and I want them to see the king.
01:48:09 Now that's a.
01:48:09 Totally different objective, but it's for the same reason, right?
01:48:12 They want to.
01:48:13 Normalize kink in their children for because they're evil.
01:48:17 And boomers, they they had good intentions. I guess they thought they could end racism by doing the same thing by, you know, stopping it at early age, you know, no one's born racist, it's learned. And they're right, it is learned, but not the way that they think it is.
01:48:36 So their their delusion was if we just simply teach our kids that everyone's the same.
01:48:42 It's literally just an aesthetic.
01:48:45 Racial tensions will just evaporate overnight.
01:48:50 And so that's what this scene is is the the boomer fantasy of how you solve racism with your children?
Speaker 19
01:48:59 Look, son, you know what it means.
Speaker 9
01:49:00 To be in the clan.
Speaker 22
01:49:02 It means we're going to stop the colors from taking over.
Speaker 9
01:49:06 Taking over what? Baltimore, Detroit.
Speaker 22
01:49:13 I don't know.
Speaker 19
01:49:16 You like it, don't you?
Speaker 22
01:49:17 Yeah, she's nice.
Speaker 5
01:49:22 Would you ever hurt her?
Speaker 6
01:49:24 Well, we don't want her.
Speaker 19
01:49:26 Maybe because her skin is a different color.
01:49:30 Some people are afraid of things that are different.
01:49:34 See, it's it's it's her skin.
01:49:35 Is a different color.
01:49:36 That's the only difference.
01:49:39 Now you have the.
01:49:41 The southern wife comes out, and here's the the talk that her her husband has been acting strangely is giving her son.
Speaker 15
01:49:51 It's not just skin color, could be religion or.
Speaker 22
01:49:54 But then why?
01:49:54 Didn't God just make it the brother the same?
01:49:57 They didn't want it matter.
01:49:59 Yes, well, it also wouldn't matter if you live in a homogeneous society.
Speaker 3
01:50:03 You don't need God to do that.
Speaker 21
01:50:05 No, that's exactly the point, collie.
Speaker 19
01:50:07 It doesn't matter unless we make it matter.
Speaker 22
01:50:10 But Grandpa says.
01:50:11 See, it doesn't.
01:50:12 It doesn't.
01:50:13 You're the one.
01:50:14 You were the one that's making it matter.
01:50:17 If you just don't care.
01:50:19 About racism.
01:50:22 Then racism won't be a thing.
01:50:29 Isn't that how it works?
01:50:35 You got a file here.
01:50:37 Trying to find.
01:50:47 See if.
Speaker 6
01:50:48 Only that kid had just.
01:50:56 My kids, what's up?
Speaker 5
01:51:04 Not believe that there's a boyfriend.
Speaker 1
01:51:10 For you.
Speaker 6
01:51:18 Why would it fight fight?
01:51:19 Right.
01:51:33 All these kids is the color of their skin.
01:51:48 That's the only difference, boy.
01:51:51 That's the only difference.
Speaker 19
01:52:01 His Papa told him and his Papa before him told him.
01:52:05 Yeah, that's all it is.
01:52:07 It's just this useless tradition.
01:52:08 Like all of your other traditions.
01:52:10 White Christian, male.
01:52:13 There's no reason for any of these traditions.
01:52:17 There's no reason for this transmission of information from generation to.
Speaker 5
01:52:21 Generation it's just it just died.
01:52:23 Just useless hate.
01:52:24 It all just came from hate.
01:52:26 Because why?
01:52:28 Because critical race theory is true.
01:52:31 Whites really are just evil races.
01:52:36 It's whiteness, boy.
Speaker 5
01:52:39 You have to get over your whiteness.
01:52:46 It's literally boomers.
01:52:48 The boomer take on race is.
01:52:51 Critical race theory.
01:52:57 That's why that's really.
01:52:58 Why they can't say it's anti white?
01:53:03 Because they agree with it.
01:53:14 That's just the way it is.
01:53:17 That's why they can't say it.
01:53:19 They they agree with.
Speaker 15
01:53:20 It nobody thought to say stop.
01:53:24 Yeah, whites were just too evil.
01:53:26 They just never.
01:53:27 They were never rational enough to think to themselves.
01:53:30 Why are we doing this?
01:53:31 I mean, these black people seem very submissive and and nice and and we just keep torturing them for generations for no reason.
Speaker 19
01:53:42 See, it's up to you and me.
Speaker 15
01:53:45 Say stop.
Speaker 22
01:53:50 I thought this was over.
01:53:52 So the wife gets mad because her husband.
01:53:54 Believes in critical race theory.
01:53:57 And she sends the the sun into the house so he doesn't have to hear anymore critical race theory.
Speaker 12
01:54:05 Every generation has to learn it anew.
01:54:07 See, it's literally critical race theory.
01:54:11 Every generation has to learn it anew, because you're born with whiteness.
01:54:17 You're born with that evil.
01:54:19 Every generation.
01:54:21 Has to be.
01:54:22 Taught not to be evil.
01:54:25 Because just something white people are born with.
Speaker 6
01:54:28 Please cloud, I don't want to feel in his head that things.
Speaker 19
01:54:31 Are untrue, but it is true and you know it.
Speaker 3
01:54:35 Come get your roll.
01:54:37 We got some work to do.
Speaker 5
01:54:38 And there's the proof, see.
01:54:41 In comes her father, his father-in-law.
Speaker 5
01:54:45 He's like, get your gun.
01:54:47 It's KKK time.
Speaker 9
01:54:50 This is when they grabbed.
Speaker 21
01:54:50 Nathaniel, what are?
Speaker 3
01:54:51 You talking about?
01:54:52 I'm talking about club fitness.
01:54:54 That's what I'm talking about now.
Speaker 21
01:54:55 Let's go.
01:54:56 Nathaniel leaves the March, right?
01:54:58 Through the center of town tonight.
Speaker 9
01:54:59 And Grand Dragon breath.
01:55:01 This boys form with guns and.
Speaker 15
01:55:03 Bats, this is where.
01:55:04 They do.
01:55:05 This is by Nathaniel.
01:55:06 See, they're going to.
01:55:08 The black guys.
01:55:09 Who all they want?
01:55:10 They just want to vote and they're going to have a peaceful March through the town because they just want to vote.
01:55:18 And the evil white people who are born evil.
01:55:22 And they pass it on from generation to generation because it's in their blood.
Speaker 5
01:55:27 They're going to get a bunch of.
01:55:28 Guns and bats.
01:55:30 And they're going to teach them them.
Speaker 5
01:55:32 Uppity boys. A lesson.
01:55:34 Maybe maybe I could go.
Speaker 3
01:55:35 Talk to him.
01:55:36 We're doing that.
01:55:37 Time to talk.
Speaker 18
01:55:47 And they have.
Speaker 9
01:55:47 The scary music and the scary KKK running through the forest scene.
Speaker 19
01:56:12 Terror, like the mate, knows no boundaries.
Speaker 1
01:56:16 By the.
Speaker 12
01:56:16 Time we had our.
Speaker 19
01:56:17 Robes on it was dark and instead of being taken to a.
01:56:20 Confrontation with Nathaniel.
01:56:22 I found myself running towards some new conflict.
01:56:26 One that I feared could only end in disaster.
01:56:42 But then it turns out it's actually a party.
01:56:45 For the new.
01:56:49 But the The Mary, meant to short lived because then.
01:56:54 They find out they really are.
01:56:55 Going to lynch those guys.
Speaker 3
01:56:58 Gentlemen, brothers.
01:57:00 Brother Tom has just given me some very disparaging news. Nathaniel Simpson and some of his friends are going to demonstrate tonight violently in town because of unfair voter registration.
01:57:16 Are we gonna stand for this?
01:57:19 Are we gonna let these people define our great White City?
01:57:24 Gentlemen, let's exercise our duty as clansman.
01:57:27 Let's go to town.
Speaker 1
01:57:31 Need to borrow your car?
01:57:33 You can drive to.
01:57:33 Me, I don't.
Speaker 11
01:57:34 Know I gotta. I gotta.
Speaker 15
01:57:35 I gotta go home and.
01:57:36 All right, so he get the keys to the guys car because he's going.
01:57:41 To go warn the black people that the.
01:57:44 Evil whites are coming.
Speaker 24
01:57:47 Injustice anywhere is a fool.
01:57:50 Who, by the way, obviously they're very well dressed, very clean cut, very meek and orderly and non violent.
Speaker 24
01:58:00 Went to justice everywhere.
01:58:03 And so I'm.
Speaker 5
01:58:03 Asking you now.
Speaker 24
01:58:04 Don't forget our sacrifices on Bloody Sunday.
01:58:07 Let us follow the brave footsteps of those who March from Selma to Montgomery.
Speaker 9
01:58:15 Selma. Selma. Selma.
Speaker 12
01:58:23 They're waiting for you at the courthouse.
Speaker 29
01:58:25 How do you know?
01:58:25 That because he's in the clan and that's how.
Speaker 1
01:58:28 That's right where you should be.
Speaker 19
01:58:32 Yeah, #3 to one. We got guns and God.
Speaker 24
01:58:35 Knows what else we're going to tell the townspeople.
01:58:39 And we're not afraid of.
01:58:40 Them that we won't stand for injustice.
Speaker 9
01:58:44 This isn't working, saying he still gets hand.
01:58:47 I'm asking you.
Speaker 12
01:58:49 To trust me.
Speaker 26
01:58:51 I did remember.
Speaker 19
01:58:53 I was wrong.
Speaker 29
01:58:55 You come back.
Speaker 9
01:58:56 Tomorrow I'll make all.
Speaker 24
01:58:57 That right, like you did this morning?
01:58:59 No, thank.
Speaker 25
01:59:00 You you're just trying to mess up again.
Speaker 5
01:59:01 You did at the courthouse.
Speaker 19
01:59:02 Yeah, I'm not trying to.
01:59:05 Set you up.
01:59:05 I I just want.
Speaker 9
01:59:06 To see anybody.
Speaker 24
01:59:07 Get killed.
01:59:07 It'll be a peaceful.
01:59:09 Mark, no it won't.
Speaker 15
01:59:11 Clams not going to let.
Speaker 3
01:59:12 It be well, maybe we got a few surprises.
01:59:16 No, if you're.
Speaker 3
01:59:17 Gonna go.
01:59:17 Hey, guys.
Speaker 5
01:59:20 You got to go through me.
Speaker 1
01:59:25 Take us all off Mr.
01:59:39 Ohh the self-control.
Speaker 6
01:59:41 Let it go.
01:59:46 OK, so he goes home.
01:59:48 After warning them not to do their March.
01:59:52 And uh.
01:59:54 His wife is.
01:59:57 Well, you'll see.
Speaker 22
02:00:00 Cody is asleep.
Speaker 1
02:00:05 Yeah. Yeah. Listen, Lily.
02:00:12 How do you?
Speaker 19
02:00:13 Feel about ada.
Speaker 28
02:00:16 Please cloud, I don't want to argue about.
02:00:17 The clan right now.
Speaker 19
02:00:20 I really think we need to talk about.
Speaker 28
02:00:21 This why are you so concerned about the colors anyway?
02:00:25 Why are you more concerned about us?
Speaker 5
02:00:27 Oh, snap it, snap it.
02:00:31 Let's hear that again.
Speaker 28
02:00:34 I'm so concerned about the colors.
Speaker 19
02:00:37 We need to talk about this.
Speaker 28
02:00:38 Why are you so concerned about the colors anyway?
02:00:41 Why you're more concerned about us?
02:00:44 Good question, good question.
Speaker 28
02:00:47 The colors? They got that.
02:00:48 NAACP's white surrounding all by ourselves.
Speaker 6
02:00:52 Good point.
02:00:54 The clad is the only thing we got.
Speaker 19
02:00:55 Fighting for us.
02:00:56 What are you so afraid of?
Speaker 28
02:00:59 I don't want colored sitting in my restaurant.
02:01:02 I don't want them living next door, destroying the neighborhood, marrying whites, taking our jobs.
02:01:12 Well, hold on, hold on.
02:01:15 Why doesn't she want them in?
Speaker 6
02:01:16 Her neighborhood?
02:01:30 What a racist, racist *****.
02:01:46 I can't understand that she's just.
02:01:50 This irrational hatred she has.
Speaker 15
02:01:53 Listen to me, Lily.
02:01:56 The people.
Speaker 19
02:01:58 They're just like you and me.
02:01:59 They're just like you.
02:02:01 Where have we heard that?
02:02:03 Every single.
02:02:04 That's another line that gets played in every one of these episodes, and every one of these movies.
02:02:10 They're just like.
Speaker 29
02:02:11 You and me.
Speaker 19
02:02:14 And all they want is.
02:02:15 To be treated.
Speaker 15
02:02:16 Like we are.
Speaker 6
02:02:17 That's all they.
02:02:18 They just want to be treated equally, they just want to get married.
02:02:23 They just want.
02:02:24 It's always they just want X.
02:02:28 And then you give them X.
02:02:31 Well, that wasn't enough.
02:02:32 Now they.
Speaker 8
02:02:32 Want why?
02:02:34 See give him why.
02:02:37 Oh, that wasn't enough.
02:02:38 Now we want Z.
02:02:42 And you just keep seeding ground and seeding ground and seeding ground until you become a minority in your own country.
02:02:50 And you're assimilating to them.
02:02:57 Because of the constant appeasement.
Speaker 19
02:03:04 Now they shouldn't have to die to get there.
Speaker 3
02:03:08 Kind of strange you didn't show up at the courthouse.
02:03:12 Did your March happy, cool friend?
02:03:15 I guess that means.
Speaker 18
02:03:15 You told him?
Speaker 28
02:03:21 How's that? It's not true.
Speaker 1
02:03:22 I couldn't stand by will be murdered.
Speaker 3
02:03:26 You defined the hope one of the motherland.
Speaker 28
02:03:28 He was just.
Speaker 9
02:03:29 Worried that that someone was.
Speaker 28
02:03:30 Going to get hurt.
Speaker 3
02:03:32 He's a spy for the naggers of the feds.
Speaker 28
02:03:35 Say something.
02:03:36 Tell him it's not.
Speaker 3
02:03:37 True, he joined us.
02:03:39 Lily was to take us down.
Speaker 15
02:03:42 I had to try and stop one night of violence.
Speaker 24
02:03:46 So now we got to do something drastic.
02:03:49 We got to do something so that your colored friends will understand.
02:03:51 And this is a white man's world.
02:03:55 Yeah, that's what it's about, right?
02:03:58 We got to teach them colors a lesson.
Speaker 5
02:04:01 They didn't do anything.
02:04:03 But we got to do something drastic so they know they know they better not do anything.
Speaker 22
02:04:11 Daddy, what are?
Speaker 12
02:04:12 You gonna do to blow up to church?
02:04:15 We're going to blow up a church.
02:04:18 We're going to blow up a church in case they want they're if.
02:04:22 They're fixing to do something.
Speaker 5
02:04:24 They'll know.
Speaker 9
02:04:27 50 little skits in there.
Speaker 5
02:04:29 With 15 kids in it, we're gonna blow up a church with 15 kids in it.
02:04:34 Because black.
Speaker 3
02:04:36 And two adults, including Ana, were killed.
02:04:42 Alright, so this is the.
Speaker 3
02:04:43 Church that they.
02:04:45 Put dynamite in.
02:04:52 See once again like again.
02:04:54 There's never even like there's there's.
02:04:58 Not even like a hint.
02:05:01 Of anything negative with any.
02:05:03 Of these characters ever. Ever.
02:05:07 I not even have to even, like, make them humanized a little bit like make them maybe a little more relatable.
02:05:16 They're just they're they're literally the they're the perfect human beings.
02:05:21 So they tie him up.
02:05:25 And act like super aggro white racist.
Speaker 24
02:05:29 You know, you worsening Niger?
Speaker 1
02:05:32 Niger and the penalty for that is death.
02:05:41 All right.
02:05:41 So they threaten him and then his.
02:05:42 Father-in-law.
02:05:44 Now again it's this is when it it sort of sort of sort of humanizes or at least.
02:05:53 Makes it sound.
02:05:53 A little less cartoonish.
Speaker 3
02:05:56 My grandson, they love you.
02:05:58 Great deal now.
02:05:59 But I just tried to show you what I was doing to protect my part of the world and my family.
02:06:07 That's all I did.
Speaker 19
02:06:12 If you love your family, don't do this to them.
Speaker 3
02:06:15 I'm not doing it to them.
Speaker 12
02:06:18 Keep on the church.
Speaker 9
02:06:20 They'll put you away for that, and if you kill me, who's going?
Speaker 19
02:06:23 To take care of your daughter.
02:06:25 Raise your grandson.
Speaker 3
02:06:28 I'm not going to kill you.
Speaker 9
02:06:31 You don't know me at all, do you?
02:06:34 I don't know any man who dynamite at church.
Speaker 3
02:06:37 I'm not just chilling, man.
02:06:42 Don to Don, alright, so.
02:06:45 They leave him.
02:06:48 And there's another one of those weird parts of.
02:06:51 The show that doesn't make any sense where suddenly someone can see the hologram like the kids can magically see the hologram, so he tells them to get out of the church.
02:07:01 They get out of the church, his son.
02:07:03 You know this is.
02:07:04 This is like the part of the show where they have to wrap up a bunch of stuff.
02:07:07 That's kind of all these loose.
02:07:08 Ends everywhere, so it's pretty abrupt and weird.
02:07:11 The sun just magically shows up where they have them tied up and unties them and stuff.
02:07:17 Then he goes to the church to try to stop the bomb.
02:07:25 As the evil clan begins to surround the church for some reason, the the church they planted a bomb at you think they wouldn't want to be anywhere near?
02:07:32 It, but you know.
Speaker 28
02:07:47 I tried to stop my.
Speaker 1
02:08:03 Thank you.
Speaker 29
02:08:03 Sam, I got all the children out there safe.
Speaker 6
02:08:07 Come on, come on.
02:08:09 So all the kids are safe and the.
Speaker 5
02:08:13 The upper Ebola with.
02:08:14 Glasses gets all ****** ***.
Speaker 5
02:08:25 And now it's lynching time.
02:08:28 Because because that's what that's what happened.
02:08:31 That's what lynchings were always about.
02:08:33 Just just some.
Speaker 5
02:08:34 Guy, he just wanted to vote.
02:08:35 He just wanted to vote.
02:08:37 So they blew up.
Speaker 5
02:08:37 His church and then hung him.
Speaker 9
02:08:40 You hold the baby straight.
02:08:43 Please take care of this.
Speaker 6
02:08:44 Beautiful boy.
Speaker 17
02:08:49 It's a tapeworm.
02:08:53 And again, like I said, think about being like a little boy in America, white boy watching this.
Speaker 5
02:09:04 And being told this is by your parents.
02:09:07 This is realistic.
02:09:12 I mean as.
Speaker 5
02:09:12 A boy, you.
02:09:13 Don't you don't have to.
02:09:14 Believe in the critical.
02:09:15 Race theory at that point, right?
Speaker 3
02:09:22 Friends, I stand before you in the name of justice and of the Holy White Place.
02:09:30 This man has tried to destroy our way of life, and now he must pay the ultimate penalty.
Speaker 15
02:09:42 While we're at it.
Speaker 19
02:09:45 I think you should hang.
02:09:46 Me too.
Speaker 6
02:09:47 Sam and you?
Speaker 15
02:09:48 Go completely crazy.
02:09:51 See in in a weird way.
02:09:53 See once again and like instead of like the other episode.
02:09:55 It was the boomer dream of.
Speaker 8
02:09:57 Being the black man, right?
02:09:59 Being the black.
02:10:00 Man experiencing the oppression for himself, right?
02:10:06 Like, actually feeling the pain that his forefathers had dealt and in a weird way, it's kind.
02:10:13 This is kind of that same thing, right?
Speaker 9
02:10:17 Because I don't want.
Speaker 24
02:10:18 To live in a world where.
Speaker 19
02:10:19 Fear and hate.
02:10:21 Hide behind a call for justice.
Speaker 24
02:10:26 Were men, women and children.
Speaker 3
02:10:31 Born as free as you and me.
Speaker 15
02:10:35 Were denied among.
Speaker 19
02:10:35 Other things, the right to vote.
02:10:39 And if they try to do anything about it.
Speaker 3
02:10:42 You hang them.
02:10:46 Because that's what was happening.
Speaker 5
02:10:51 Boy, you trying to vote string them up.
Speaker 1
02:10:54 And you blow them up in the church.
Speaker 3
02:10:56 They're so proud of what they're doing.
Speaker 11
02:10:58 These dispensers of justice.
Speaker 3
02:11:02 They have to hide behind.
Speaker 1
02:11:03 Masks to do it, Cody.
Speaker 3
02:11:11 Go to you.
02:11:11 Look at me, son.
Speaker 9
02:11:15 This is not justice.
Speaker 19
02:11:20 This is merely a desperate.
02:11:23 See, look, don't think that this is.
02:11:27 Just to coincide, remember I I said earlier, what do you think this is doing to little boys watching this show?
02:11:34 Why the focus on?
02:11:35 The little boy in this show.
Speaker 5
02:11:39 Who's the little?
02:11:40 Boy, watching this show, connecting with in this show.
Speaker 7
02:11:50 You know, I I I.
02:11:52 Heard it explained once.
02:11:54 Why men can watch heterosexual men?
02:11:59 Can watch lesbian **** and it doesn't gross them out.
02:12:05 Like it does if they watch gay ****, right?
02:12:10 And that is.
02:12:12 Men project and especially like men that watch sports.
Speaker 5
02:12:19 When you want men.
02:12:20 When they watch, and probably not just men, but not speaking as a man.
02:12:25 Men when you watch.
02:12:27 Television watch a TV show.
02:12:29 Watch sports men will often project themselves.
02:12:35 Into the shoes.
02:12:37 Of one of the characters.
02:12:40 Or in sports that you.
02:12:41 Know one of the players.
02:12:43 Or in video games.
02:12:45 You know, obviously that one's that one's.
Speaker 8
02:12:47 A lot easier to figure out, right?
02:12:50 And so even when they're watching lesbian ****, they can they can insert themselves in that scene and still be aroused.
02:12:57 But if you're watching 2 dudes bang and it's just like you, you, your brains got nowhere to go like you, you ended up having to like, picture yourself doing something that's beyond disgusting.
02:13:09 So you, you know, you.
Speaker 8
02:13:10 Have like a.
02:13:11 And Physical grossed out reaction to it.
02:13:14 Unless you're gay.
02:13:15 Right?
02:13:16 And so.
02:13:18 When a little boy is watching this scene.
02:13:23 You're projecting well, I mean, I guess maybe some of little boys are projecting themselves onto the, you know, whatever that the the Sam Beckett's character's name is in this.
02:13:37 Or the little boy.
Speaker 19
02:13:41 To hang on a shameful.
02:13:43 Past a shameful past.
02:13:45 See, it's.
02:13:46 It's literally critical race theory.
02:13:49 Whites have a shameful racist past.
Speaker 19
02:13:55 The camera.
02:13:57 And should never be restored.
Speaker 9
02:14:01 So go ahead.
Speaker 3
02:14:05 You hang us now.
02:14:09 But you cannot stop the future.
02:14:13 You cannot stop the future.
02:14:15 It's inevitable.
Speaker 19
02:14:17 Because you cannot kill everyone who was here tonight.
02:14:21 And they will never forget what they saw.
Speaker 3
02:14:25 And I say if he wants to hang, let's get.
Speaker 6
02:14:27 It over with.
Speaker 1
02:14:48 What? You heard me.
Speaker 6
02:14:52 He betrayed us.
02:14:53 He deserves to die.
Speaker 3
02:14:55 Take him down and now find your tooth.
Speaker 1
02:14:58 No, man, if you ain't got it.
02:15:00 It takes.
02:15:01 Maybe there's another man.
Speaker 3
02:15:02 You're better to get the job done.
02:15:05 Hello I don't tend to lose another.
02:15:09 See him again.
02:15:10 You know he's still an evil prick, right?
02:15:11 But they humanized him at least a little bit in this, like a little bit.
02:15:17 And and thanks to the time traveling, boomer racism is solved again.
Speaker 9
02:15:31 I don't believe it.
02:15:32 You said it's.
02:15:32 I'm so proud of.
02:15:33 You look so much.
02:15:37 I am too.
02:15:38 Oh, Sam, on all this thing.
02:15:40 Lyndon Johnson passes the Voting Rights Act and Nathaniel becomes one of the first black mayors of Alabama.
Speaker 5
02:15:47 Look at that one.
02:15:49 Of the first black mayors in Alabama.
02:15:58 See, we can put our differences behind us.
02:16:02 Just put your faith in the.
02:16:05 In the power of love and leave hate behind.
02:16:14 Sir say if the time traveling boomer.
02:16:17 And so because he, you know, solved racism in the South, he gets to leap into the next character.
02:16:24 So anyway.
02:16:26 This is the kind of **** I'm talking.
02:16:27 About this is the.
02:16:32 This is the kind of stuff that you were.
02:16:33 Just inundated with.
02:16:37 No matter what you watched on television.
02:16:42 And this was just the.
Speaker 5
02:16:43 Fiction. The think.
02:16:44 About the fiction that you were watching in the.
02:16:46 Media like think about the news the way.
02:16:48 That they, I mean, look at the way.
Speaker 5
02:16:49 That perfect example, what did you hear?
02:16:52 Today, did you hear today?
02:16:56 That the police had a standoff.
02:17:00 With a militia.
02:17:03 What was it in Massachusetts?
Speaker 5
02:17:08 Did you hear about that?
02:17:10 Oh yes, it was very scary.
02:17:13 And we've been hearing about, you know, the the possibility of white supremacist terror, right, right around the 4th.
02:17:19 So this was the beginning of it, the Jerusalem Post.
02:17:24 You know, they tweeted out a photo of this white supremacist.
02:17:30 And white supremacist, who the press ruined his life, actually.
02:17:34 Because he went to unite the right and uh.
02:17:38 He's actually he has since committed suicide, but they still used his photo.
02:17:44 For this story.
02:17:46 A man they drove to suicide.
02:17:53 Turns out this militia was black supremacist.
02:17:59 That tweet is still up last I checked.
02:18:02 With that photo still in use.
02:18:08 Again, that's just an example of something.
02:18:10 That's happened today.
02:18:11 And most people will not have will not have.
02:18:14 Heard of that story?
02:18:15 That black supremacist this happened today, or I guess, maybe technically yesterday now, but.
02:18:23 Something like 12 armed black supremacists blocked.
02:18:27 A freeway.
02:18:28 Said that they were seceding.
02:18:31 That they they.
02:18:32 They were not under the jurisdiction of.
02:18:34 The federal government.
02:18:37 The press went wild and and reported it as a bunch of white supremacists.
02:18:46 The 2nd that the the facts came.
02:18:48 Out and video.
02:18:50 I wish I.
02:18:51 Don't have handy, but you can find it.
Speaker 5
02:18:53 I mean, it's not on the news.
02:18:55 But you can find it probably on.
02:18:56 Twitter somewhere?
02:18:57 I mean like you know.
02:18:58 I'll try to find it.
02:18:59 Why not?
02:19:02 Saying just saying I'm not full.
Speaker 8
02:19:03 Of ****.
02:19:11 Let's see here.
02:19:18 I wonder if they they might have censored this ****.
02:19:27 Oh, Vincent James has maybe he's got the video.
Speaker 7
02:19:29 Of it.
02:19:33 Yeah, he does. That's good.
Speaker 8
02:19:47 I've got.
02:19:47 I'll just download it for you guys.
02:19:48 Real quick.
02:19:50 So Vincent James tweeted this out.
02:19:55 Here's the but here's the Jerusalem Post, Dave Riley tweeted out.
02:20:02 Screen captures.
02:20:03 I'm not sure if they still have it up, but I'll show you this is the uh, this is what they used.
02:20:16 Again, this is just one day.
02:20:18 It just happened like I the The funny thing is, doesn't matter when I stream.
02:20:23 I don't need to find like I don't have to dig up every.
02:20:25 Have you noticed that I?
02:20:26 Don't have to like dig up weird examples.
02:20:31 This is.
02:20:31 It's so often now it's just well, today's horrific anti white ****.
02:20:37 Well, there it is.
02:20:40 That's the Jerusalem Post photo residents and a suburban Boston neighborhood were asked to shelter in place early Sunday as an armed standoff between 8:00 to 10:00.
02:20:51 Militia members and police forced the closure of the Interstate Highway.
02:20:58 And that's the photo they used.
02:21:02 A photo of.
02:21:02 Unite the right, featuring a man that.
02:21:04 They drove to suicide.
02:21:14 You want to see the real?
02:21:15 People that did this.
02:21:19 And if they had done even like a tiny bit of of of looking they.
02:21:24 Would have known this.
02:21:25 Because they were posting it to social media as they did this.
02:21:31 Here's your white supremacist.
02:21:45 Question everything they ever told you about the.
02:21:47 Civil rights movement.
02:21:50 Question everything they ever told.
02:21:52 You about the the the treatment.
02:21:54 Of blacks in the South.
02:22:01 Question literally everything these ************* told.
02:22:04 You about anything?
02:22:06 People want to know why?
02:22:07 Why, why people?
02:22:09 Are vaccine hesitant?
02:22:11 Well, I don't know. Maybe.
02:22:12 It's **** like this kind of makes it kind.
02:22:14 Of seems like you want us dead.
02:22:20 So forgive me if I don't want to inject myself with some mystery.
02:22:24 Juice that you invented.
02:22:28 Because I'm I'm kind of getting like some some pretty heavy wanting me dead vibes.
02:22:39 You want to see more of these white supremacists?
02:22:42 Hope you're watching this FBI.
02:22:43 I'm sure you are.
Speaker 5
02:22:50 There they are.
02:22:52 Or some more white supremacists.
02:23:00 But the Jerusalem Post.
02:23:03 Nope, it's this white guy.
02:23:06 We drove the suicide.
02:23:08 Because we lied about that rally too.
02:23:13 And we had.
02:23:14 Destroyed a bunch of people's lives.
02:23:16 And you know what, *******?
02:23:19 You win.
02:23:24 When people read about unite the right in the history books, what's?
02:23:27 It going to say it's going to.
02:23:28 Say your your lies.
02:23:33 When people read about George Floyd in the history books, it's.
02:23:36 Going to say your lies.
02:23:47 And there's not.
02:23:48 Going to be a popular TV show.
02:23:52 Showing the the the white perspective.
02:23:55 There's not going to be a blockbuster movie and there's not gonna be like.
02:23:58 A schindler's.
02:23:59 List style movie.
02:24:05 Making everyone else feel bad for the way that whites are treated in this society.
02:24:12 None of that.
02:24:14 Not going to happen.
02:24:26 Fact that stuff we watched about, you know this.
02:24:29 Quantum Leap stuff is relatively tame compared to the way that they do it.
02:24:33 Now it's like I was saying like at the very least.
02:24:37 They don't make the the even the KKK, you know, grand.
02:24:40 Master or drag whatever.
Speaker 8
02:24:41 The **** that guy's called.
02:24:43 Even he's not a monster.
02:24:46 You know, he he does have whiteness.
02:24:48 And he was born with.
02:24:49 The the demon.
02:24:50 Of whiteness right critical race theory is in full effect.
02:24:55 Boomer race theory is what it should be called.
02:25:05 But at least he's not an absolute ******* monster.
02:25:10 Now you watch the.
02:25:12 You know the the same version of that episode we just watched.
02:25:16 I mean, the guy is just like.
02:25:18 Might as well be possessed by the ******* devil.
02:25:21 Or be the devil.
02:25:34 And that's because.
02:25:35 You didn't say anything when they were making this.
02:25:36 Stuff that we watched today.
02:25:40 You accepted that and what have we learned about the Communists?
02:25:46 You give them an inch, they take a mile.
02:25:51 And you've been given them miles.
Speaker 8
02:25:58 Why? Because you.
02:25:59 You didn't want to be.
02:26:01 You didn't want to be that guy.
Speaker 5
02:26:05 You're ******* I'll.
02:26:06 Be that I'm that guy, I guess, right?
02:26:09 I'm that guy.
02:26:14 You're right, I don't get sponsorship.
02:26:15 You're right.
02:26:16 I get kicked off of bigger platforms.
02:26:20 But I'm not a *** **** *****.
02:26:23 I don't say patriots.
02:26:27 Because I'm a ******* coward.
02:26:29 I don't say globalists.
02:26:34 Because I'm a little ******* girl.
02:26:43 I use grown up words.
02:26:53 Ohh no, that comes at a social.
02:26:56 God forbid a white person has to pay a social cost.
02:27:01 To avoid genocide.
02:27:11 There are so many ******* out there that would rather live as a second class citizen.
02:27:18 Just demeaned and hated by everyone.
02:27:22 And that we are so hyper civilized.
02:27:29 There there's, like, there's something in the mind of so many white people where it doesn't matter what the rules are, they just.
Speaker 8
02:27:34 Feel like they have to follow them.
02:27:48 Happy birthday, America.
Speaker 3
02:27:54 1776 will commence again. Yeah, right.
02:28:01 Yeah, or or or.
02:28:02 You'll leave a whole bunch of cute tars of the capital and one of them will get shot in the neck while you're drinking.
02:28:08 Whiskey at your hotel room, right?
02:28:15 Something like that.
02:28:35 I'm going to leave these.
Speaker 8
02:28:36 Guys up.
02:28:39 There's your white supremacist.
02:28:50 And it's ridiculous. It's.
02:28:53 I just like I said, I I can't.
02:28:56 When I see people celebrating the 4th of July.
02:29:00 Acting like the this.
02:29:01 The country they were told about when they were children.
02:29:06 Like that's real.
02:29:09 Like I all I can see it's like a shell shocked woman cradling.
02:29:13 A dead baby.
02:29:15 Just rocking it back and forth.
02:29:18 You know, wild eyed.
Speaker 6
02:29:20 Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
02:29:24 You know, like just ******* crazy town.
02:29:29 Just smearing like BBQ sauce, smearing all over their face.
02:29:35 Giggling like ******* schoolgirls about M 80s.
02:29:40 And freedom.
Speaker 5
02:29:44 This should be a.
02:29:45 Day of ******* morning.
02:29:59 All right, I'm going to talk to Chad just for like a little tiny bit.
02:30:03 Because we're already 2 1/2 hours here.
02:30:07 And then uh.
Speaker 7
02:30:09 I'm going to bail.
Speaker 5
02:30:12 And then I'm gonna go.
02:30:12 Sit on some fireworks and grill some BBQ.
02:30:24 Come back to discord.
02:30:25 No, it's not about behaving.
02:30:27 I just had.
Speaker 5
02:30:28 I'll, I'll, I'll.
02:30:31 I'll probably share more about this later.
02:30:33 I I've had some ****** things happen to my life that I I have to take care of.
02:30:39 It's not, not the inner world, and it's not law enforcement.
02:30:42 Related, I guess it's.
Speaker 5
02:30:43 ****** **, I have to say that right?
02:30:45 Nothing like that.
02:30:47 It's just it's it's, it's stuff I got put.
02:30:52 Energy into so it's.
02:30:54 That's why it's just bad.
02:30:55 It's bad timing.
02:30:56 It's been bad timing and I hopefully I can tell you more about that hopefully next week actually not not not the other world not a big deal.
02:31:11 How do you place the South's odds at facing what's?
02:31:14 Coming, we do have a.
02:31:17 Persecution narrative.
02:31:19 Yeah, I don't know.
02:31:19 I'm not.
02:31:20 From the South.
02:31:22 I'm a Yankee.
02:31:23 You know what I mean?
02:31:24 So it's like.
02:31:26 I don't know what the culture I mean.
02:31:28 I know Southerners and I've heard stories and I kind.
02:31:31 Of you know, I can.
02:31:33 You know, just based on that, my interactions with Southerners, I kind of have an idea of sort of how it's like, but I don't know.
02:31:39 It's the same.
02:31:40 Way that I don't like.
02:31:42 I don't.
02:31:43 I don't have like, a huge opinion on some of this European stuff because I've never lived there and it's.
02:31:47 Hard for me.
02:31:47 To get a read on what it would you know what the I can tell you what how the American public reacts to fiction.
02:31:53 And propaganda cause I've I've been in the business of American propaganda pretty much my.
Speaker 8
02:31:58 Whole life.
02:32:00 So I know that the South.
02:32:02 Is a different animal.
02:32:04 It is a different culture, not as much as it was.
02:32:07 I'll say that like.
02:32:09 The the South isn't because.
02:32:10 There's, I mean really there's.
02:32:12 Not more and more.
02:32:13 There's not as many regions because of the Internet because of television, because of movies, because.
Speaker 8
02:32:17 Of the propaganda.
02:32:18 That's one of the things that television especially did.
02:32:22 Is it kind of eroded the local?
02:32:27 Pictures you know, because it got everyone on the same page, like it didn't.
02:32:31 Matter. I mean if.
02:32:31 You lived in Alabama, or if you lived in California or Massachusetts, you guys were all watching the same ******* TV shows.
02:32:39 Well, pretty much the same part of your day, right?
02:32:42 Like they would, you know, they would push it so it matched up for each time zone.
02:32:47 So I mean, your fictional world, which has been increasingly larger part of people's lives, has been relatively the same.
02:32:55 And then once it went to the Internet, you know, then everyone was using the same Internet playing the same video games, you know, multiplayer games like, oh, like, right now I'm talking to.
02:33:05 People all over the world.
02:33:06 So the world's getting smaller and smaller in that respect and like the that's kind of.
02:33:12 You know, melting the.
02:33:14 I mean, it's like a melting pot, I guess of of of American culture.
02:33:17 Certainly there are some.
02:33:19 There's obviously some differences.
02:33:20 I mean, there's still differences a little bit regionally, but.
02:33:23 The other thing too is people are moving around like **** I'm.
02:33:27 I've moved all over the ******* place I've lived in.
02:33:30 I mean, like what 5 different states just in the.
02:33:35 I don't know that last ten years or so.
02:33:38 And that's not, I don't think that's super unusual.
02:33:40 Lots of people move around for jobs and and, you know, especially I mean.
02:33:46 Like everyone's got a bunch of Californians in their state now, too.
02:33:49 You, you know, you got that thing too.
02:33:53 And that's been happening a long time.
02:33:55 White flight or whatever you want to call it out of California, that's been going on since I was a kid.
02:34:00 I was born in California.
02:34:01 You know my parents left.
02:34:03 Because it was already bad.
02:34:06 It was.
02:34:07 It was bad when I was there.
02:34:08 I remember there was.
02:34:09 There were gang fights on my school bus in elementary school.
02:34:17 That's that's just how it was.
02:34:19 And it was a very diverse part of town.
02:34:21 We lived ours.
02:34:22 Our house was the last house before it was project housing.
02:34:26 It was like these duplexes that they was government housing.
02:34:31 And my house was like the last actual house.
02:34:33 And then it was government, and then it it was like pretty much like under a freeway.
02:34:36 It was it.
Speaker 6
02:34:37 Was it was not like the.
Speaker 5
02:34:38 Good part of town it was.
02:34:42 It was bad.
02:34:42 We got.
02:34:43 I got so many bikes stolen and **** like that.
02:34:45 It was it was like it was *******.
02:34:48 And so we left.
02:34:49 You know, my parents moved because there was just.
02:34:51 It wasn't.
02:34:52 Safe for white kids.
02:34:53 Anymore and that was.
02:34:56 What was it like the the 90s?
02:35:01 You know, so that's.
02:35:04 That's been going.
02:35:05 This has been going on a.
02:35:06 Really long time.
02:35:11 Have I seen the film Black Klansman?
02:35:18 But I'm gonna write that down.
02:35:20 I forgot I I'm blanking on.
02:35:23 Let me see.
Speaker 8
02:35:23 If I can pull up the trailer.
02:35:28 I remember the name.
02:35:33 There we are.
Speaker 8
02:35:44 I'll download it and we'll play it.
02:35:49 I just got to change.
Speaker 8
02:35:50 The settings to.
02:35:55 Hopefully I don't start dropping frames.
02:35:59 When I start downloading this.
02:36:05 We'll watch it.
02:36:07 Yeah, I I.
02:36:11 I don't remember that.
02:36:12 One about Speaking of Klansman though, so The X-Files thing. When I was looking at The X-Files episodes about race.
02:36:20 One of The X-Files episodes was involved KKK people, and I was looking at it. It ended up just being really silly and it ended up.
02:36:29 Like the alien was in the KKK and also the KKK was in Roswell in Mexico, which would not have ever happened like New Mexico.
02:36:40 Didn't have black people for like the longest time and wasn't like.
02:36:45 The South, I mean everything about that episode was wrong.
02:36:48 Found out later. It's because.
02:36:49 David, the company actually wrote and directed that episode.
02:36:52 But it was.
02:36:53 Just more of a a mess like it was.
02:36:56 Not it wasn't a fact of propaganda at all.
02:36:57 It was just like the bad storyline.
02:36:59 It was mostly about baseball, but anyway, they had an alien KKK guy, and I thought that was kind.
02:37:04 Of funny.
02:37:05 Alright, so here is the black Klansman trailer and let.
Speaker 7
02:37:08 Me see this?
Speaker 1
02:37:15 There's never been a black cop in this city.
02:37:17 You think you might be the man open plain jumper.
02:37:20 On where's the video?
Speaker 1
02:37:25 Down here.
Speaker 24
02:37:38 Hello, this is Ron Stallworth calling.
Speaker 27
02:37:41 Who am I?
Speaker 10
02:37:41 Speaking with this is.
Speaker 19
02:37:42 David Duke, Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
02:37:45 That David.
Speaker 5
02:37:45 This is.
02:37:46 God, last time I checked.
02:37:48 OK, yeah, this is the movie where they defame David Duke.
02:37:55 Oh yeah, I will watch this.
02:37:57 I'll track this one.
02:37:58 Down and I'll watch it.
02:38:01 I'm sure this is full of garbage.
02:38:11 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:38:19 And they call them freeways in Texas, too.
02:38:23 Well, the whole last.
02:38:25 Apparently it's a West Coast thing.
Speaker 5
02:38:29 I I didn't.
02:38:31 Know that was a weird thing to say until.
02:38:32 I moved to.
02:38:32 The East Coast and people thought it was.
Speaker 7
02:38:34 Weird that I said freeway.
02:38:35 I also had.
02:38:36 Never seen.
02:38:36 A toll.
02:38:37 Road before, until I moved to.
02:38:39 The East Coast.
02:38:40 I didn't know what to do because like I.
02:38:41 Was just like what I.
02:38:42 Have to pay to.
02:38:43 Be on the road.
02:38:45 Kind of ******* nonsense is this.
02:38:48 I pay taxes.
02:38:51 So many ******* tolls on the East Coast.
02:38:54 It starts in like Oklahoma.
02:38:57 I mean that was like the first one and then it just.
02:39:00 Gets increasingly.
02:39:02 More totally.
Speaker 7
02:39:11 Alright, let's see here.
02:39:18 Are we meant to make a community when everyone is a normy?
02:39:22 They're in bored to the point that the government is bad and trying to **** us up but can't cross the line and wake up.
02:39:32 To the why it's so far.
02:39:34 Like, honestly, I think that like, we're just going to be around for part of the decline.
02:39:38 I think that.
02:39:39 When when I talk.
02:39:40 About building these communities and trying to strengthen local communities, I'm I'm I am talking about kind of a fall back position.
02:39:49 I'm just trying to be realistic, you know.
02:39:51 If something look, it's one of those things where if an opportunity presents itself or going another way, that's good too.
02:39:59 But right now, given the course that we're on and given the people we have on like that are in power that are even nominally on our side, it's not looking like any kind of actual resistance is taking place.
02:40:11 That could change.
02:40:12 That could change, but going to a fall back position and trying to strengthen your home and making it and get just getting getting away from the immediate danger I feel.
02:40:22 Is should be the top.
02:40:24 Priority and then if something, some other kind of movement or you know something happens to where you can you know or looks like some other options are making themselves available then you can cross that bridge when you.
02:40:36 Come to it, but right.
02:40:37 Now I think the the smart thing is just to get away from the immediate danger.
02:40:42 And and just be prepared for Plan B.
02:40:47 I mean, it sucks, I mean, JFK said on Twitter.
02:40:49 I think today, like something about white people being the next diaspora and it's like, yeah, I I hate.
02:40:55 I hate the the.
02:40:56 Thought of that, but I mean.
02:40:58 That's that's a possible outcome. The way things are going, that's a possible ******* outcome that I see Ramsey Paul's tweets in the Canadian natives unmarked graves and stuff going to Canada, and it's all I knew.
02:41:10 It was all ********.
02:41:11 Look it.
02:41:12 I didn't see his tweets, but.
02:41:14 The Catholic Church put out a.
02:41:16 Big thing.
02:41:18 About how it was.
02:41:19 Yeah, they didn't.
02:41:19 I mean, it was it.
02:41:21 Of course it was ********.
02:41:23 There was also even one of the tribe, like one of the tribal leaders out there, put out this thing.
02:41:28 Saying yeah, we've.
02:41:29 Known about those graves for, like, ever.
02:41:31 We just haven't maintained them.
02:41:34 Of course it was ********.
02:41:37 And the infuriating thing about that is.
02:41:41 You have a fake genocide.
02:41:46 In Canada, like it's, that's how they're framing it like, oh, look, the white people, the white people, genocide and the the what they call McCann or like First Nation, I don't care.
02:41:56 I'm call them engines.
02:41:57 The the white people genocide the engines and and ******* Canada.
02:42:02 And and so now we're going to burn down Catholic churches and deface all these churches and stuff.
02:42:09 So when an actual white genocide is taking place.
Speaker 5
02:42:13 The the this.
02:42:14 Is the problem because you don't have.
Speaker 6
02:42:17 Because you don't have like.
02:42:18 I've been saying 80% of the population are robots, and I'd say that number is a lot higher when it comes to women, because here's some ******* white women, right?
02:42:30 Like they hear ohh.
02:42:32 White people did something.
02:42:35 I'm going to go to this Catholic Church and vandalize it because of a fake genocide, right?
02:42:42 They get real worked up over a fake genocide.
02:42:47 These white women.
02:42:50 Are doing doing this activism?
02:42:52 If you want to call it that, right?
02:42:56 To protect the the the fake genocide victims.
02:43:02 And they wouldn't do ****.
02:43:03 They wouldn't do ******* ****.
02:43:05 These these women right here wouldn't do ****.
02:43:08 To help white people.
02:43:09 And it's because they're already programmed.
02:43:11 They their their firmware has been flashed and we're never going to get to people like these ******* morons until we have access to those avenues of that.
02:43:21 Those firmware updates are delivered on.
02:43:25 These ******* morons aren't going to do their own research.
02:43:30 And look, there's and there's look, there's even the possibility these are fellow whites.
02:43:33 I don't know.
02:43:34 I don't know who these people are.
02:43:36 I mean, she's blonde.
02:43:37 But they're not Indians.
02:43:39 You know what I mean?
02:43:39 They're not.
02:43:40 This isn't Indians doing this ****?
02:43:43 It probably wasn't even Indians burning down the Catholic.
02:43:46 Churches and stuff.
02:43:51 It was probably ******* white people.
02:43:55 And until you have.
02:43:57 Your hands on the remote control to.
Speaker 5
02:43:59 The robots, they're not.
02:44:01 Going to do what you say.
02:44:03 It's not really.
02:44:03 You can't reason with something that's.
02:44:05 Being remote controlled.
02:44:09 You just can't.
02:44:12 It's easier to reason with a Roomba.
02:44:19 The whole native genocide on Mark Graves BS is going on in Canada right now, reminds me of coach Red Pills channel intro video where he talks about how the media in the 80s pushed the mass graves story implying there were mass killings going on in Pinochet's Chile which.
02:44:37 There, we're not.
02:44:38 No, exactly.
02:44:39 Look, that's.
02:44:41 It The same look, it's the same same thing.
02:44:45 And tell we're the ones when I talk about Jewish influence, that's because they don't have to control a whole lot of ****.
02:44:53 They control the media and that controls people.
02:44:59 Ask South Africa how happy they are about the Jewish influence when it comes to the world's perception of what was going.
02:45:05 On during apartheid.
02:45:08 It was there that everything that the world heard about an apartheid was just as real as everything they heard about George Floyd.
02:45:19 Until you get control.
02:45:22 Of these media mass media outlets.
02:45:26 You won't control the robots.
02:45:31 That's just the way it is.
02:45:33 At the very least, you should at least.
02:45:35 Wrestle control away from the people that are trying to end you.
02:45:44 Have you seen the 7G lies about democracies and?
02:45:51 Being massive faggs, I don't know what that is.
02:45:54 7 G.
02:45:56 Is that like extra 5G?
Speaker 5
02:45:58 5G plus two.
02:46:00 On patriotism, I remember Emmanuel Macron saying that the OR nationalism and patriotism were opposites and then define patriotism as cooking to global right.
02:46:12 That's pretty much right, right.
02:46:14 He's not wrong.
02:46:16 Nationalism and patriotism are two totally different things.
02:46:21 Patriotism is essentially.
02:46:25 Maybe not cooking the global hollow, but cooking.
02:46:28 To the system.
02:46:30 You're basically saying that you support the system.
02:46:36 That's why when you.
02:46:37 Have people that use that language.
Speaker 5
02:46:39 They they.
02:46:40 They always work within the system.
02:46:42 All their solutions have to do with the.
02:46:45 You know, like when? Uh.
02:46:47 You know, you know when when a particular angry pennis cell pill cells, men starts yelling and and he starts to talk tough, right?
Speaker 5
02:46:55 But then he immediately follows it with, of course legally, I mean legally we're legally and and and and politically destroyed.
02:47:01 We're defeat like he'll go all crazy like.
Speaker 5
02:47:03 We're going to defeat, we're going to smash early.
02:47:05 Going to destroy.
02:47:06 Him politically.
02:47:07 Politically and legally, and you know, because.
02:47:13 I would just say, just don't say.
02:47:15 That ****, if if you're going.
02:47:17 To you know, if you have to like, put a disclaimer if you're worried about it getting in trouble, then just.
02:47:21 Don't say it because you don't mean it.
02:47:25 Just say what you really.
02:47:26 Mean and what you mean is just?
Speaker 5
02:47:27 We're gonna vote harder next time.
02:47:29 This time, Trump will actually do things.
02:47:34 Conservapedia might actually have a stronger violinist, Leninist bias than Wikipedia.
02:47:40 Wikipedia at least admits IQ is heritable.
02:47:43 Well, I didn't know.
Speaker 8
02:47:43 Wikipedia would even do.
02:47:44 That thoughts on doing a stream with all the hype, discussing biological reality of race and false.
02:47:51 Yeah, he's a smart guy.
02:47:52 Be down with that, I.
02:47:53 It's just my Internet limitations would probably make that impossible.
02:47:58 I mean it, maybe they'll be we.
02:48:00 Could probably record it.
02:48:02 But streaming it would probably be impossible.
02:48:05 If you notice, when I do when.
02:48:06 I go on.
02:48:07 Other people?
02:48:08 Well, that's the thing too.
02:48:09 If they're the ones streaming, I can usually kind.
02:48:11 Of do it not very.
02:48:12 I mean because I can use like my phone and then it'll use up all the data for the month.
02:48:16 Doing that one string but I.
Speaker 8
02:48:17 Can do like a string.
02:48:18 A month that way, but I can't be streaming and.
02:48:22 Doing you know I.
02:48:23 Can't connect to their stuff at the same time.
02:48:27 People that cry, they white savior narrative because it is condescending to non whites.
02:48:31 But the real problem is the subversive purpose of making white people suicidally self sacrifice for non whites to their.
02:48:39 Yeah, I mean.
02:48:41 The the white Savior complex is.
02:48:45 I mean, it's real white people.
02:48:47 Do want to be.
02:48:49 You know they.
02:48:51 They want to be the white savior.
02:48:54 UM, it comes from a good place. It's just it leads to lots of awful ****.
Speaker 6
02:49:00 Do you believe?
02:49:01 A 90 IQ voter limit would be acceptable.
02:49:04 I don't know that's so, I mean.
02:49:08 That's much lower than my IQ, and so it's hard for me to know what that means cognitively.
02:49:13 You know, like, 90 sounds.
02:49:17 I don't know.
02:49:19 It doesn't sound very high to me.
02:49:21 I I would be more comfortable.
Speaker 8
02:49:23 With like 100.
02:49:26 UM, but.
02:49:30 I don't know.
02:49:30 I mean 90 would.
02:49:33 I don't know, I guess.
02:49:37 I mean, this is all hypothetical anyway.
02:49:38 I guess it doesn't really matter.
02:49:39 I guess hypothetically 90 would be fine.
02:49:41 I'd be I'd I think, Hunter.
Speaker 8
02:49:42 Would be better.
02:49:48 Uh. Let's see here.
02:49:51 I made some headway of building a community today at a 4th of July event.
02:49:55 We had a date set for a community meeting to.
02:49:58 Form it cool.
02:50:01 That's that's good to hear.
02:50:03 Catholic churches in Europe that have stood for hundreds of years are being used as skate parks.
02:50:09 Well, I mean, look, that's the other part of it too.
02:50:11 Burning down these churches, but I mean.
02:50:13 Or anyone even going to the churches.
02:50:16 Right.
02:50:19 I mean I when?
02:50:20 I I I I put a video of on telegram of one of the Catholic churches burning and collapsing and I think the caption was something along the lines of, you know, they're burning churches to the ground in Canada.
02:50:31 And literally no one cares.
02:50:32 And that's.
02:50:34 Pretty much true.
02:50:36 The amount of people that actually care that that church burned down is pretty small.
02:50:41 That's why nothing's going to happen, because literally, almost no one cares.
02:50:46 There's not even, you know, even the people on the right.
02:50:48 They'll pretend to care when they're watching the video.
02:50:51 They care.
02:50:53 A week later, they forgot they forgot it happened.
Speaker 7
02:50:56 You know.
02:50:57 And there's no institutional power that gets involved.
02:51:00 I mean, you'd think that Catholic Church would would be upset, but they don't seem to care either.
02:51:05 I mean, they probably side with the Indians, right?
02:51:09 Even though they're the ones.
02:51:10 That are getting **** on.
02:51:12 Do I believe American independents to be a loss for the Saxons?
02:51:17 I'm asking.
02:51:19 Oh, you mean like.
02:51:21 If we remain colonies.
02:51:23 I don't know.
02:51:24 I mean the the.
02:51:25 The British Empire kind of collapsed anyway, right?
02:51:29 I don't know.
02:51:30 I I like.
02:51:32 I like.
02:51:33 I don't.
02:51:34 I don't like a centralization of power because, well, I mean, it's kind of like the problem we're experiencing here in America, where you have a centralized power that's.
02:51:45 That's kind of.
02:51:47 Well, I mean anti white and out of control and I'd rather have many different smaller states.
02:51:55 Operating in competition with one another so that if one of.
02:51:58 Them goes rogue.
02:51:59 You can move or something.
02:52:01 The problem is now because the globalism it's like they're all going rogue in unison.
02:52:07 So there is no like safe.
02:52:08 Haven Plus, I hate to say it.
02:52:12 The UK is way more **** than.
02:52:14 The United States is, I mean, service Canada.
Speaker 5
02:52:19 Can you say the name of the?
02:52:20 People in sharp before answering them.
02:52:23 OK, I guess I'll the the pill dispenser.
Speaker 3
02:52:26 Can you see?
02:52:27 The other people that you have for answering them.
Speaker 1
02:52:29 You will learn.
02:52:29 The regulars and it will create a sense of community.
02:52:32 I'm sorry.
02:52:33 It's just getting.
02:52:35 The hang of.
02:52:37 Doing this has been different based and plus some of you guys have weird.
02:52:43 Names like that I should be able to say this word, but I'm tired.
02:52:47 Concrete the door, Nick Fontes says.
02:52:50 Happy 4th of July to the gay country that stole.
02:52:53 My money and put.
02:52:55 Me on a no fly list and banned me from.
02:52:57 Processing credit cards for my business and banned me from using social media.
02:53:01 That right?
02:53:02 I think he's.
02:53:03 I'm thinking.
02:53:03 I think he's starting to.
02:53:06 You know, be black pill, I mean.
02:53:08 I think that they I think a lot of those people have.
02:53:11 A an aversion.
02:53:13 I mean they want to stay put.
02:53:16 Right. No one wants to admit the party's.
02:53:18 Over before they.
02:53:19 Even arrive.
02:53:20 And so I get it and.
02:53:22 Plus, like there's nothing wrong.
02:53:24 With being up the Mystic to a certain degree.
02:53:28 And look, I my personality, you know, there is a.
02:53:32 My my default.
02:53:33 Position isn't like pessimistic, but it's I have a dark sarcasm about me that maybe not everyone enjoys.
02:53:41 But I think you know.
02:53:42 He's for as young as he is.
02:53:44 He's he's getting.
02:53:45 He's taking some lumps and I think he's going to come.
02:53:48 Around to at least.
02:53:50 Not being as optimistic as he was.
Speaker 8
02:53:53 Which I thought was.
02:53:58 German American something I'm assuming grouper, but I wouldn't say.
02:54:04 She has strong R strategist features, looks dye blonde and kind of ugly, IE spiteful mutant.
02:54:14 Can't say I'm too surprised the time of the girl, that's.
02:54:17 With the paint.
02:54:19 Yeah, well, she, like I said.
02:54:20 She could be a fellow.
Speaker 8
02:54:21 White even.
02:54:22 I don't even know.
02:54:25 Here's another weird name.
02:54:26 Her vaski hig, her betsky hig.
02:54:30 Nobody has been arrested yet for the burning of the churches, but the engines are not like blacks.
02:54:35 They usually don't chimp out.
02:54:37 Well, look, they're probably if you're.
02:54:40 A Canadian? You think the Canadian government's going to be focused on who's burning down the churches or you think going to be focused on who burned up that totem pole and retribution?
02:54:49 Which, by the way, no I.
Speaker 7
02:54:50 Can't say it.
02:54:53 Not happier. 69, Do you think 5G is bad for your health, or do you think that it's all BS? I mean, skeptical I, you know.
02:55:01 I I don't know.
02:55:02 I I blast myself with radio waves all the time, but not really tiny microwaves like that.
02:55:09 That's what they're concerned about.
02:55:11 It's the the shortness of the waves.
02:55:13 You know, like a ham radio wave and some of them are 160 meters long. I mean, they're huge *** ******* waves.
02:55:21 Whereas you're talking about like millimeters or or smaller in 5G and so they penetrate solid objects differently and excite different molecules.
02:55:35 I mean so.
02:55:35 It's not crazy town, but it's also I don't.
02:55:37 Know the the thing I'll tell you.
02:55:39 This, they haven't studied it.
02:55:43 And they they.
02:55:44 Never do that.
02:55:45 That is a problem is the technology is moving faster than the examination of the the effects on humans, and so and a lot of that's because.
02:55:59 You know, let's say China.
02:56:02 Which they have.
02:56:02 They've released 5 GL over the place.
02:56:04 So America is like, well, we can't be behind, we have.
02:56:07 To have 5G, you know.
02:56:08 And plus, there's other reasons they want to do.
02:56:10 It they want to.
02:56:10 Do it because it will enable a lot of the the spying, the electronic spying.
02:56:13 They want to do.
02:56:15 You know, like if they want to have facial recognition going off on on all of your phones all the time and tracking everything as much as they want to track everything, you have to have fatter pipes for that.
02:56:30 And if you have long lasting batteries and devices.
02:56:35 And you have high bandwidth connections to devices it.
02:56:41 Really opens up.
02:56:42 A lot of doors to the kinds of surveillance you can do on a large scale.
02:56:46 And what you can.
02:56:47 Feed an AI.
02:56:49 Did you see the uh.
02:56:51 This is your little zoomer.
02:56:54 Did you see the videos of the Catholic churches in Europe that have stood for hundreds of years of being used as skate parks?
02:57:02 No, I didn't see it, but.
02:57:05 I'm not surprised I've seen I mean.
02:57:07 There's I've seen Catholic churches that have.
02:57:10 Been converted into bars.
Speaker 8
02:57:12 That I mean.
02:57:13 There's one in DC that I've been to.
02:57:16 I don't know if it's still, I mean, it was years.
Speaker 8
02:57:18 Ago but.
02:57:22 Than German American, I'm guessing, grouper said.
02:57:27 Or sent me.
02:57:27 The Wikipedia link for the IQ being heritable.
02:57:36 The pill dispenser, though I know my IQ.
02:57:39 I knew what it was.
02:57:40 When I was, I mean, I don't know what it is.
02:57:42 I haven't taken a a real test in many years, but I know what it was when I was a kid.
02:57:48 It wasn't low.
02:57:50 I'll just put it that way.
02:57:54 German American grouper.
02:57:58 90 IQ is being her tear.
02:58:00 I I don't know, 90 IQ is.
02:58:03 I I said I don't know what.
Speaker 8
02:58:04 That would be like.
02:58:06 It's because isn't like.
02:58:08 I used to think of like.
02:58:11 Like they had, they didn't.
02:58:12 They have to change what ******** was to accommodate certain demographics.
02:58:18 I mean I I'm pretty sure they did.
02:58:20 I used, I think it used to be like 70 or 80 was ********.
02:58:26 And then they changed it to like 60.
02:58:28 Because if they didn't, it would make.
02:58:31 Especially because of education budgets, it would make certain demographics like half of them would be ********.
02:58:37 So you'd have to have like special Ed for like a billion kids.
02:58:41 So they literally lowered what it meant to be ********.
Speaker 8
02:58:44 UM.
02:58:46 So I don't but 90.
02:58:47 I don't think it's ********.
02:58:49 I just.
02:58:50 It's certainly not.
02:58:52 I mean, I wouldn't want them operating on me.
Speaker 1
02:58:55 UM.
02:59:01 Conrad, Conrad, Kingston.
02:59:04 It all seems to start with empathy.
02:59:06 We need a lot to survive in the caucus mountains.
02:59:10 Yeah, that it's a double edged sword.
02:59:12 I don't know how compatible it is with.
Speaker 8
02:59:16 With the modern world.
Speaker 6
02:59:18 Or maybe it is in the modern?
02:59:20 World, but just not.
02:59:21 Like in a multicultural society, right?
02:59:25 Like if we were.
02:59:26 All just if we because if.
02:59:28 Everyone's got the same empathy.
02:59:29 It's not a problem.
02:59:35 Love the most high?
02:59:36 What's your secret to keeping in good health while rarely sleeping?
02:59:41 I don't know, I'm.
02:59:42 In good health, but UM.
02:59:47 I don't know.
02:59:47 Like just you.
02:59:48 Don't have.
02:59:48 To, you don't have to.
02:59:50 I've never slept a lot my whole life.
02:59:52 I've never been a big sleeper.
02:59:55 It's harder as you get older.
02:59:56 It's harder, I.
02:59:57 Do have to sleep more than I.
02:59:59 Did when I was like, you know 19.
03:00:06 Yeah, I don't.
03:00:06 Know I there's some people that just don't sleep that much.
03:00:08 There was that one woman.
03:00:09 She was the oldest woman alive.
03:00:11 For us, at a certain point.
03:00:13 And I think she was Italian.
03:00:15 And this was an interview I saw like like 10 years ago.
03:00:20 So I don't remember all the details, but one of the things that stuck out to me was she only slept like 4 hours a night or something crazy like.
Speaker 8
03:00:26 That, like her whole life.
03:00:33 Her vets.
03:00:35 Her vets her veski Hig.
03:00:38 So you guys got to make easier.
03:00:39 Names going to church was a family thing.
03:00:42 Women would March everybody there, but now since women work, the churches are dying.
03:00:48 Yeah, that that is a good point.
03:00:50 My mom was definitely the the drill Sergeant when it came to get everyone getting everyone to go to church.
03:00:56 And that seems to be a fairly common thing, but is that really?
03:01:00 Is that a common thing just because that was a boomer thing?
03:01:05 You know like.
03:01:07 Or because that kind of seems like kind of weak of men, right?
03:01:11 Shouldn't men be the one that's that's bringing everyone to church?
03:01:15 As the father, I don't know.
03:01:17 Maybe that was never really the thing, but because you're right in my household, it was my mom.
03:01:23 But maybe just men need to step it up if that's what you want to do.
03:01:28 And D&D and then DJ, do you think there's a solution or are we just doing at?
03:01:34 This point in time.
03:01:36 It's never doom, it's just not going to be.
03:01:39 What people think it's going to.
03:01:42 The black pill isn't.
03:01:44 We're all going to die.
03:01:45 The black pill is we're never going to be leave.
03:01:47 It to Beaver ever again.
03:01:50 Like the country's lost.
Speaker 5
03:01:53 You know the the optimum, let's.
03:01:56 Put this way.
03:01:57 All the optimism, all the optimism.
03:01:59 Of the 90s is dead.
Speaker 5
03:02:02 That's all.
03:02:03 Like in the 90s when you used to like watch Star Trek and think about what the future would be like, that's.
03:02:09 All not going to happen.
03:02:11 And you know, in the 90s when we thought, oh, we're past racism, you know, like everyone gets along.
03:02:17 That's that.
03:02:18 That was a lie.
03:02:19 It was like a short.
03:02:20 Lived lie.
03:02:23 There was a lot of optimism in the 90s that ended well, conspicuously with 911 and not that they're necessarily tied, but that's the black pill. The black pill is knowing that the the same people that did 9/11 are still in charge.
03:02:41 Like, not just the like, the same kind like some of.
03:02:43 The same people.
Speaker 5
03:02:45 That did not.
03:02:46 Here's another black pill.
03:02:47 Trump is friends with some of them.
03:02:52 So suck on that.
03:02:53 I mean that's, that's the black pill, the.
03:02:55 Black Pill is knowing.
03:02:57 That the guy that's supposedly on your side, which he's not.
03:03:00 You know, King Boomer, King boomer.
Speaker 5
03:03:04 That was that was about 911, he knows.
03:03:06 About a lot of this ****.
03:03:08 And well, I mean.
03:03:10 They're so far removed from us.
03:03:13 You gotta think about the way that morally, how, how.
03:03:16 King Boomer has to think about this.
03:03:18 OK to you.
03:03:19 And me, this is like horrific, you're.
03:03:20 Like, holy ****, they they they.
03:03:23 Killed like 2000 of their own people.
03:03:26 To start a war, well then they then killed like 1/4 of a million of someone.
Speaker 7
03:03:31 Else's people.
03:03:34 Now think of it in terms of how they think of it, more like cause.
03:03:37 If they thought of it like.
03:03:38 That they won't be able to sleep at night.
03:03:40 But they sleep fine.
Speaker 21
03:03:43 Well, if if.
03:03:45 You don't think of us as people?
03:03:48 And they don't.
03:03:49 It's not that big of.
03:03:50 A deal.
03:03:51 Like I'm trying to explain like this like think, think of it like you're playing a game like StarCraft or command and conquer.
03:03:57 Like one of those games, right?
03:03:58 Like for what?
03:03:59 It's called, but you know.
03:03:59 The top down, whatever and you.
03:04:02 You build factories and you build like a bunch of soldiers, and you have a strategy right where you're going to send a whole bunch of these guys that you spent a lot of your resources.
03:04:12 Building to go attack like your opponents base, but it's gonna be like a distraction and you know, they're all going to die, right?
03:04:19 But you're just doing it so that you can.
03:04:21 He'll move all of his tanks and all this heavy duty stuff to go deal with it.
03:04:24 And then, while he's doing that, you're.
03:04:25 Going to go attack.
03:04:26 Some other part of the base right.
03:04:27 Do you feel bad?
03:04:29 For those those pixels.
03:04:32 That you send off to their death, like when you drag a big square over those pixels and then right click on their target knowing they're all going to like all of them are going to die.
03:04:41 Maybe not all of them pretty much all.
03:04:43 Are you?
03:04:44 Does it?
03:04:44 Do you get choked up?
03:04:47 Do you wonder about, like their wives and their kids?
03:04:52 You don't give a ****.
03:04:53 That's how they feel.
03:04:56 The people that did 9/11.
03:04:57 That's that's how they feel.
03:05:00 That's the black pill is understanding.
03:05:03 It's a different universe.
03:05:05 So many people, because you gotta realize the people that are are alive today, especially if you're found in stock or something like that.
03:05:12 You're highly domesticated.
03:05:14 I mean, you're.
03:05:14 You're like, you've been bred to live in civilization as as a as a wage slave.
03:05:19 I mean, you've been very carefully designed over over generations to be compliant and to not think like that.
03:05:28 And think of well, think of what?
03:05:30 What kind of a mess this society would be if everyone was, you know, thought like that.
03:05:36 And in some ways, at the top, you know credit where credits due you kind of need a little bit of that in your ruling class.
03:05:45 The problem is we have a lot of that in our ruling class and the the slave class doesn't get it.
03:05:52 I mean they, they they can't fathom people you know behaving now it's so foreign.
03:05:59 Their their proximity to power, it's.
03:06:01 Like they've never been.
03:06:04 You mean you can't relate to them in the same way like when you think of, like, think of it this way, when you think of like, wow, like Pelosi is really at a touch or like you see one of these people and they talk about and you can tell they're just, they have no ******* concept of what it's like to be a normal person.
03:06:20 You're the same way to them.
03:06:21 You have no.
03:06:22 ******* idea what it's like to be them.
03:06:25 You live in two totally different universes.
03:06:29 And part of the black pill is realizing that that that one of the big lies is that.
03:06:35 Ohh yeah, just anyone can become president, right?
03:06:37 Like the we're all the same.
03:06:39 We live in like this, this equal society and anyone, no matter who their parents are, no matter what, you know how much money you have.
03:06:48 If you just work hard enough, son, you can become president.
03:06:52 What the black pill is acknowledging that that is a lie.
03:06:56 A well crafted lie that is there specifically to keep people from wanting to overthrow the government and keeping them, you know, to work hard.
Speaker 8
03:07:07 Like ohh I've.
03:07:07 Got something? It's a carrot.
03:07:10 Right.
03:07:11 And it also gives you a.
03:07:17 And very incorrect, but beneficial to the ruling class.
03:07:21 View of them like you'll project.
03:07:24 Your morality unto them.
03:07:30 What else are you going to do, right?
03:07:32 Like people have to borrow from their own their own experience in the same way like like we talked about all night tonight, the boomers.
03:07:39 Project white morality, white rationality, white culture, white concepts.
03:07:46 They project it onto non whites.
03:07:50 And they just assume oh.
03:07:51 Well, they're.
03:07:52 I mean, they just have different color skin.
03:07:55 It's it's a very normal thing for humans to do to just project how you see like you, you just assume other people.
03:08:06 Have to see the world the way that you do, and that's just wrong.
03:08:08 It's just it's.
Speaker 8
03:08:09 A huge.
03:08:10 That's if you can learn anything from this.
03:08:14 This stream learn that like no, that's hugely wrong.
03:08:17 That's very wrong.
03:08:19 You know.
03:08:19 Other other people think way different than you do.
03:08:23 And that makes the world makes a whole lot more sense once you understand that, because and once you understand that you can start analyze.
03:08:30 OK, well, how do they see the world?
03:08:33 It gets really dark.
03:08:34 When you start examining how the ruling class sees.
03:08:36 The world. But you know.
03:08:39 You can make sense of it.
03:08:40 At least and that.
03:08:42 Way you stop.
03:08:43 You know, you don't sound like one of these cute cards that project all these, like very simplistic, stupid things on the Trump right.
03:08:54 Like like they because they.
03:08:55 Have no frame of reference either, so they're either projecting **** from their own boring *** life, or from fiction.
03:09:01 You know.
03:09:01 The you know what?
03:09:02 What did some character in a movie do?
03:09:05 Oh, it must be.
03:09:05 Like that, right?
03:09:08 So anyway, hopefully that made sense.
03:09:12 I'm going back.
03:09:13 I'm going to bail out here pretty quick here because we're.
Speaker 7
03:09:15 Over 3.
Speaker 8
03:09:15 Hours now I think I'm.
03:09:18 Probably gonna miss some of you guys.
03:09:19 Sorry about that.
03:09:23 Love the most high with so much evidence that Trump is a charlatan.
03:09:28 Why do I keep seeing so many posts and gab that he's executing?
03:09:31 The plan was.
03:09:33 Because 80% of the people are *******. They're just they're they're just regurgitating the programming. And you know what?
03:09:43 Some of that programming.
03:09:44 We do have a little bit of access.
03:09:46 To look at the trending page on bit shoot, that's you know it's.
03:09:51 Not a very big.
03:09:54 Platform, but it's a platform for programming.
03:09:57 And so some of the people are getting their programming from from like X-22 report and all that stuff. Right? Like these Q psychos.
03:10:06 And just look at it also.
03:10:09 No one wants.
03:10:10 Especially boomers.
03:10:12 No one wants to hear that.
03:10:19 You don't want to hear that you were the last ones that had it.
03:10:21 Good because.
03:10:22 There there's certain.
03:10:23 Implications that come with that right kind of implies that you ****** it up, right?
03:10:30 You don't want to go to your grave knowing that that you ****** it up, that you, you're the one that dropped the ball.
03:10:37 And so they would.
03:10:38 They want, like, a tiny little happy ending.
03:10:43 To this.
03:10:44 Before they die.
03:10:47 Because if they don't get that, it kind of implies that.
Speaker 5
03:10:52 They funked up.
03:10:53 So they're they're willing to believe this fantasy.
03:10:58 And plus it's some of it's too. It's just it's you can't teach an old dog new tricks. So a lot of this stuff that I'm talking about, like a lot of this stuff's been hard for me to rewire my brain.
Speaker 8
03:11:07 Right, a lot.
03:11:07 Of this because.
03:11:09 I believe I believe the fantasy of America too.
03:11:13 You know, I believe that the fantasy of the boomers.
03:11:15 Told me.
03:11:15 You know when they're raising me.
03:11:19 And it took a lot.
03:11:19 Of deprogramming, and just when you get to a certain.
03:11:21 Age it just you can't really, you know.
03:11:26 You can't. You just can't.
03:11:27 Deprogram someone that's 75.
03:11:31 Or maybe you could but like.
Speaker 7
03:11:32 Probably not very many people.
03:11:38 Alright, I'm going to bail.
03:11:42 Someone said something about using Odyssey.
03:11:44 I will.
03:11:45 I will use Odyssey.
03:11:46 I've used odyssey before.
03:11:48 It was kind of glitchy.
03:11:49 Part of the reason I'm not using is like the chat.
03:11:51 Was kind of a a a mess.
03:11:55 Like it was just anarchy, which?
Speaker 7
03:11:56 It is good and bad.
03:11:59 But I think they they're improving stuff I it's been months since I used it.
03:12:03 I suspect they'll have to use it anyway, whether I want to or not, because even tonight, when I was setting up the the trouble thing, I have the trouble window open because sometimes every once in a while it actually gives me the option to send people notifications.
03:12:15 And so I leave it open just.
03:12:16 In case it does that, which it does.
03:12:18 But half the time it didn't do.
03:12:19 It today but instead.
03:12:20 It did a message saying.
03:12:22 Are you sure you want to watch this stream?
03:12:24 It's dangerous.
03:12:26 You know, and I was like, oh, great.
03:12:28 So you know.
Speaker 5
03:12:30 They stopped.
03:12:31 They did that for a while.
03:12:32 Stopped doing it, but they're doing it again.
03:12:33 Apparently, especially now that Facebook is doing it, they probably think, oh, it's OK for we don't seem like we're the weirdos anymore since Facebook's really gone extra. They've they've kicked the the Overton window over so hard, and the censorship department, though this seems rather rather tame, right? So I suspect they'll end up on Odyssey or something like that eventually anyway. So.
03:12:54 Anyway, with that, nothing that I've said about the 4th of July means that you can't have a nice family time and you can't have a, a, A community building experience.
03:13:09 I'm just saying just be realistic about what you're celebrating.
03:13:16 Which are not celebrating.
03:13:19 And just, you know, just take it to heart, maybe it.
Speaker 5
03:13:21 Should be like.
03:13:22 And this isn't just like a thing that this isn't like a hot take this.
03:13:25 Isn't like something just to say, maybe, just maybe.
03:13:30 It should be a day of mourning.
03:13:35 For black pilled.
Speaker 12
03:13:37 I'm Devin stack.
Speaker 10
03:13:54 What's so crowd?
Speaker 23
03:14:01 At the twilight.
Speaker 10
03:14:05 Last and bright stars through the last fight.
Speaker 2
03:14:22 Or the rain.
Speaker 10
03:14:26 We watched.
Speaker 23
03:14:29 We're so glad.
03:14:45 First thing.
03:14:51 Gay through the night last night.
03:15:09 Bad Star spangled banner.
Speaker 2
03:15:24 For the land of the free.
Speaker 23
03:15:43 Love, love.
03:15:56 Let's play some basketball.