

Speaker 1
00:00:00 I was looking into the mirror clearer.
00:02:26 The rocks in the city will remain.
00:02:33 I can't forget the curse of.
Speaker 1
00:02:34 Your body and when I feel a bit naughty.
00:02:39 I ride.
00:02:40 It up the flag holding sea.
00:02:43 But no one ever does.
00:02:58 Around the world and found.
00:02:59 That only stupid people are breeding.
00:03:02 The Queen is coming and feeding.
00:03:05 And I don't even own a TV.
00:03:11 Put me in the hospital.
Speaker 1
00:03:12 For nerves.
00:03:13 And then they had.
00:03:13 To commit me, you told them I was crazy.
00:03:19 They cut off my legs now.
00:03:22 *** ****.
00:03:56 And Rage Against the machine.
00:04:00 I wanna Pierce my tongue.
Speaker 1
00:04:09 I like to think.
00:04:33 Everybody's coming to get me to say you never met me.
00:04:47 Sounds like a story.
00:04:50 You poor thing, you poor baby me.
00:06:54 To the places where.
Speaker 2
00:07:03 No change that kitchen jacket change.
Speaker 3
00:07:50 Is that?
Speaker 2
00:08:22 Change that can't change, change change.
Speaker 4
00:08:40 No, no.
Speaker 2
00:09:18 Can't change, I can't change.
00:09:19 I can't change change.
Speaker 5
00:10:16 Hello and welcome to the insomnia string.
00:10:21 I'm your host Devin snack.
00:10:24 I'm going to turn this.
00:10:24 Fan off real quick.
00:10:27 Turn off fan.
00:10:28 There we go.
00:10:29 It was driving nuts.
00:10:31 All right.
00:10:33 We have a special edition tonight we'll be talking about the white houses united against White people summit.
00:10:40 Which is basically what it was.
00:10:42 I watched all four hours of it so you wouldn't have.
00:10:44 To and I've I've whittled it down to slightly less than four hours.
00:10:52 We're going to go over.
00:10:54 Everything you're going, they're going to see some familiar faces.
00:10:58 Those of you who watch the PAT Con series, you're going to see that the expert witnesses, the professional expert witnesses.
00:11:06 They get called in to talk about evil white supremacists, they.
00:11:09 Made a business out of it.
00:11:12 They basically get paid to go around in front of.
00:11:16 Deep Staters ruling class types.
00:11:23 To talk about how evil and how dangerous the threat of white people is in America.
00:11:31 And it's funny because the the name, the name of the summit was official at United, we stand.
00:11:37 And they talk about, oh, it's it's we're just here to.
00:11:39 Talk about you.
00:11:40 Know the the the violence, the violence against different groups and one group is conspicuously left out.
00:11:49 Of the entire 4 hours.
00:11:52 I don't think I have.
00:11:53 To tell you what group that is.
00:11:58 But I could sum it up by just saying this.
Speaker 7
00:12:05 Joe ******.
00:12:09 That's basically the I just summed it up now.
00:12:12 All right, streams over.
00:12:16 That was the four hours.
00:12:19 All right, let's take.
00:12:20 A look here.
00:12:21 Let me load this up here.
00:12:25 Bum bum.
Speaker 8
00:12:28 Why is this not there?
00:12:29 It is.
00:12:29 Is it all weird?
00:12:31 I'll fix that like this.
00:12:35 And like this, that's good enough.
00:12:37 Now, that's good enough.
00:12:39 That'll work.
00:12:41 OK.
00:12:44 So the the opening of the summit.
00:12:49 Is Susan Rice.
00:12:51 From the Obama?
00:12:51 Administration, who's now an ambassador?
00:12:53 Forget to what country?
00:12:55 Pretty sure she's an ambassador.
00:12:56 It doesn't ******* matter.
00:12:58 Some worthless job.
00:13:01 And she talk.
00:13:01 She does a little talk about like, oh, yeah, we're all we're here to come together.
00:13:05 We're here to come together.
00:13:06 Now watch this video and then they play this video for everybody.
Speaker 10
00:13:13 America, land of the Free, home of the Brave, founded on the idea almost 250 years ago and unique among nations that we are all created equal. Over the centuries, we've learned that our differences are our strength, that.
00:13:30 All Americans are entitled to the freedom without fear.
Speaker 11
00:13:34 To be who?
Speaker 10
00:13:35 We are, but too often that.
00:13:38 Freedom is under attack.
Speaker 9
00:13:40 You're looking at live pictures.
00:13:44 Under attack by white people.
00:13:49 And I like how they.
Speaker 9
00:13:50 They they they out of Charlottesville, VA.
00:13:53 Throughout this entire thing.
00:13:55 They keep ignoring the fact that it wasn't built for all people.
00:14:01 It's actually explicitly written that it was for the descendants of the founding fathers that that's what they were creating this country for.
00:14:09 There was no mention of and then we're going to we're to let everyone from.
00:14:12 Everywhere. Come here.
00:14:13 And live here.
00:14:16 But now we're the bad.
Speaker 9
00:14:16 Guys, this is where violent clashes have broken out between white nationalists and counter protests.
Speaker 10
00:14:22 Our nation has been rocked by a series of attacks motivated by hate fueled violence, extremist attacks.
00:14:29 On grocery stores.
00:14:31 Houses of worse?
00:14:33 Wait, did she say?
00:14:36 Did she say?
00:14:37 I think she said something.
00:14:38 Did she say?
00:14:46 Sorry I I couldn't.
00:14:47 I couldn't resist.
00:14:52 Now this file is taking forever to.
00:14:54 Start playing.
Speaker 10
00:14:54 Ship and ordinary Americans just walking down the street, the most basic and sacred parts of American life.
00:14:54 It's four hours long.
Speaker 10
00:15:01 Everyday Americans forced to live with the fear that they may be attacked just because of who they are, how they worship or whom they love.
00:15:11 This hate fueled violence.
00:15:14 Notice how in this montage, it's like, oh, all these people.
00:15:18 Walk around in fear that they.
00:15:20 Might just get attacked for who?
Speaker 8
00:15:21 They are.
00:15:22 We know who's getting attacked for who they are, and it's not the people.
Speaker 8
00:15:25 In this montage.
00:15:26 Oh, it's.
00:15:26 Oh, look, faggs faggs Jews, faggs Jews and black people, ****, Jews and black people.
00:15:33 They're they're they're every time they leave their house, they're afraid of being attacked.
00:15:36 By angry mobs of white people.
Speaker 10
00:15:42 Puts our democracy at risk.
00:15:46 And sometimes it leaves us feeling powerless.
00:15:50 But we've been tested before and we know America can rise.
00:15:57 Our history proves that America can do anything when we do it together.
Speaker 12
00:16:04 I have agreed.
Speaker 13
00:16:05 All Americans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities.
Speaker 12
00:16:09 We have never been held together by blood or background.
00:16:15 Yeah, that's ********, Bush.
00:16:18 See we we founding stock Americans used to be held together by blood and background.
00:16:23 The people who created this country, who?
00:16:25 Carved it out of the wilderness that it was.
00:16:28 We were held together by blood and background.
Speaker 12
00:16:35 We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.
00:16:42 See, and even if that was true, that doesn't make anymore any sense anymore either.
00:16:49 What do you have in common with the left?
00:16:52 What do you have in common with a leftist Manhattan Jew?
00:16:57 Do you share any ideals?
00:16:59 Do you share any common goals?
00:17:02 Do you share a vision of the future?
00:17:06 Do you have the same values?
00:17:09 See, this is what happens with multiculturalism.
00:17:13 None of that stuff is meaningful anymore.
00:17:18 That's what happens when you don't have a bond.
00:17:21 Of blood and background.
00:17:23 And then try to pretend that there's some kind of unifying national identity.
00:17:27 It doesn't exist.
00:17:29 This entire summit.
00:17:31 Is proof positive of that?
00:17:35 Because they're trying to define America as it exists today as the people who are descendants.
00:17:40 Of the founders.
00:17:42 As the outsiders that need to be destroyed.
00:17:46 And they're they're actually pretty explicit about it.
Speaker 10
00:17:52 Amazing spite of our many differences.
00:18:03 Americans of all walks of life are overwhelmingly united in condemning and opposing.
00:18:10 Hate fueled via.
00:18:12 And from tragedy, we see healing from cities and towns torn by violence.
00:18:18 We marvel at their resilience at the mending of that community fabric.
00:18:24 Ordinary Americans who turn pain into extraordinary purpose, renewing our democracy and strengthening.
00:18:32 Our communities uniters who realize we are all responsible for building our more perfect union, that when we build civic bonds, when we include everyone.
00:18:47 I like how the white that when they do show white people the occasional times, they show white people.
00:18:52 It's like the kid, it's it's the woman that can't see her mom because of COVID restrictions.
00:19:00 And like some where's where's the oh?
00:19:02 This file is going so slow.
00:19:04 And this kid in a wheelchair.
00:19:11 Every time you see.
00:19:12 It anytime there's a white person, either there's a black person helping them, like there's another white guy like old white guy that the black guy.
00:19:18 Helping him out of his car.
00:19:20 It's either it's either some, like obvious, like Antifa type.
00:19:24 Or a fellow white.
00:19:26 Or some black guys like here.
00:19:28 I'm gonna buy you a sandwich.
Speaker 10
00:19:31 Everyone, we strengthen our democracy and that freedom, including the freedom to live without fear, is America.
00:19:40 Greatest strength?
Speaker 8
00:19:42 Wait, hold on.
00:19:44 Was that like soccer playing Jews?
00:19:47 Where where did they?
00:19:48 Even get that footage hold on.
00:19:50 Like the break dancing, whatever that.
00:19:51 Guy is that makes sense.
00:19:57 Alright, you lost me on the soccer playing juice, but OK.
Speaker 10
00:19:59 Out fear is America's greatest strength. Together we can meet this decisive moment. All of us are capable of becoming ordinary heroes. Uniters, who serve each other.
00:20:16 Each other and lift this great nation.
Speaker 3
00:20:20 What makes America unique is this.
00:20:26 Anyway and then it goes on and they do all these little Skype calls or whatever from people that were probably stuck in lockdown when they're producing this.
00:20:37 Talking about and look, none of it like.
00:20:39 None of them are American.
00:20:41 There's like one guy who's a white guy.
00:20:45 Out of all the people they're like, oh, what makes America is this?
00:20:49 Oh, look at this.
00:20:50 This turbo Jew right here.
00:20:55 Oh, look, a DC staffer wonder.
00:20:59 I wonder what he thinks.
00:21:02 Oh God.
00:21:04 Yeah, on and on and on.
00:21:06 Oh, there's the white guy.
00:21:08 With the with the GW shirt.
00:21:11 I'm sure he's a.
00:21:13 He's not satanic or anything.
00:21:15 Look at.
00:21:15 Look at that.
00:21:15 That's the face of America.
00:21:17 It's funny cause a few streams ago someone said.
00:21:19 Ohh yeah bring up the 9/11. We are Americans ad and we brought it up and it's, you know it's the same sort of thing.
00:21:27 It was the exact same demographic makeup.
00:21:30 United we stand against white people, all right?
00:21:34 And again, they get more explicit.
00:21:37 So then they trot this guy out and it's kind of funny because they they keep.
00:21:41 It's almost like they had a shortage of victims.
00:21:45 And so they had to borrow from other incidents that had nothing to do with white people.
00:21:50 And then just conveniently leave out the part that had nothing to do with white people.
00:21:55 So this *** here is was a survivor of the The Pulse nightclub attack which.
00:22:02 Wasn't done by a white.
Speaker 8
00:22:03 Right.
00:22:04 And they never mentioned that.
00:22:05 And they keep bringing in.
00:22:06 So throughout the whole summit, they keep bringing in Survivor family members and stuff like that.
00:22:13 And again, it's like they have to, they have to go back like 10 years and shift for some of these people like the, I don't know you guys even remember the the Sikh temple.
00:22:20 Attack from like 15 years ago or something like that.
00:22:23 One guy was a Muslim, that someone in a I think like an Arizona shot after 911. Like, that's 20 ******* years ago.
Speaker 8
00:22:33 So they they had to.
00:22:33 Like go all, you know, 20 plus years ago and they.
00:22:36 Mentioned Emmett Till, of course.
00:22:38 Cause that that have to go like that's.
00:22:39 Like ******* 60 years ago.
00:22:42 They have to go that far back to even find victims of white people.
00:22:49 And then we have, of course our our great non white.
00:22:55 Vice president.
00:23:02 Ah, she started that Biden shift starting to rub off on her a little bit, huh?
00:23:09 Not off to a good start.
00:23:10 Are we all right?
00:23:12 So let's see what she has to say.
Speaker 14
00:23:15 On this day 59 years ago.
00:23:23 Planted Dynamo.
00:23:27 Sorry, it's the the ah the file.
00:23:30 Is so ******* big because it's four hours long.
00:23:32 It's not playing right.
00:23:34 Come on.
Speaker 14
00:23:34 This day 59 years ago.
00:23:38 4 white supremacists planted dynamite.
00:23:43 In the basement.
00:23:45 Of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL.
00:23:51 Said to go back 59 years that time.
00:23:57 So 59 years ago.
00:24:00 All right.
00:24:01 What is that to deal with this summit?
00:24:03 Do tell.
00:24:08 Oh my God.
00:24:09 Just play the file.
Speaker 14
00:24:10 Today, America.
00:24:14 Is again looking at and confronting the epidemic.
00:24:19 Of hate fueled violence.
00:24:23 It's an epidemic.
00:24:26 It's an epidemic of hate fueled violence.
Speaker 14
00:24:34 In 2020, hate crimes in the United States surged to the highest rate in over a decade.
00:24:42 Ohh, that's that's that's insane.
00:24:46 That's crazy.
00:24:47 I'm sure later on they'll tell us where these statistics come from because I'm very curious.
Speaker 14
00:24:55 Earlier this year, after speaking with families in Buffalo, I began working with leaders in our administration to identify ways the federal government can better provide coordinated and on the ground support in the wake of these tragedies.
00:25:12 I wonder what?
00:25:12 Form this support will come in.
00:25:14 I'm very curious.
00:25:16 Sure, she'll tell us, or someone will tell us in this summit.
Speaker 14
00:25:20 Out of many.
00:25:26 Out of many.
00:25:29 Oh, I cut. I accidentally cut it wrong. Well, she was saying Dennis Prager's favorite.
00:25:35 Favorite slogan?
00:25:36 One out of many.
00:25:38 United we stand.
00:25:42 So then they trot out these guys.
Speaker 16
00:25:47 During the evening Bible study, a lone white supremacist murdered 9 congregation members.
00:25:54 And they're just, they go through their, their how they're all victims of white supremacy.
Speaker 17
00:26:02 On January 15th of this year, three of my congregants and I were held hostage during services at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, in an act of blatant anti-Semitism.
00:26:15 All these anti semites and white supremacists everywhere.
Speaker 18
00:26:18 10 years ago, a man barged into my growth water.
00:26:22 The Sikh temple she would issuing supreme that ultimately ended 7 lives.
00:26:27 Later we learned that.
00:26:28 The was a white supremacist.
00:26:31 A white supremacist.
Speaker 18
00:26:35 Later, we learned that the killer was a white supremacist and that the attack was one of the worst in the American House of worship in decades.
00:26:38 Not the white supremacist.
00:26:44 10 years ago?
00:26:45 Good thing they're having the summit now.
00:26:48 So this is long overdue, folks.
Speaker 19
00:26:51 My name is Usama Hasan.
00:26:53 I am the Inman of Victoria Islamic Center in Victoria, TX about six years ago.
00:26:59 Our beloved mosque was destroyed completely and burned down to the ground as a result of a hate crime.
00:27:06 All these hate crimes.
00:27:11 So after they trot out those guys.
00:27:14 They have this spiritual leader.
00:27:17 This this is.
00:27:18 This is why you can't trust evangelicals, OK?
Speaker 20
00:27:22 I'm Reverend Walter Kim and I serve as president of the National Association of Evangelicals.
00:27:27 And today I stand along with clergy tribal leader.
00:27:31 Oh my God.
00:27:32 Just ******* play.
Speaker 20
00:27:33 Today I stand along with clergy and tribal leaders.
00:27:38 And an expression of solidarity.
00:27:41 That's that's the head of the evangelicals right there.
00:27:46 Reverend doctor Kim.
00:27:53 Oh yeah, but we're not being replaced, right?
00:27:55 We're definitely not being replaced.
00:27:58 So then Anna Navarro comes up.
00:27:59 She's the emcee.
00:28:01 After they, they all did tell their testimonies about how white supremacist white white supremacism has affected them.
00:28:09 And again, the whole theme of this is the white people have this fever dream about being replaced.
00:28:16 It's all a conspiracy theory.
00:28:18 They'll they'll say as much here in a second, and that that, this, this paranoia that white people have about becoming minorities in their own nations, it's it's all just this.
00:28:29 Fantasy and then the emcee, to this the summit that where that's the message comes up and this happens.
Speaker 15
00:28:35 Good morning, everyone.
00:28:38 And since it's the first day of Hispanic Heritage month, Buenos Dias.
00:28:48 They they have no sense of irony, no sense of irony.
00:28:51 But but do tell, can continue, Anna.
Speaker 15
00:28:54 Many of you, I felt shaken.
00:28:56 But what?
00:28:56 By what I'm seeing in our country, we've been rocked by increasing rates of hate fuelled violence grocery stores.
Speaker 7
00:29:04 Ohh no.
Speaker 5
00:29:07 Ohh no.
00:29:07 What did she say?
00:29:17 OK.
00:29:23 All right, continue, Anna.
00:29:25 You were saying something about grocery stores?
Speaker 15
00:29:28 All these tragedies have in common is that they are rooted in hatred.
00:29:32 For others others.
00:29:37 Why are there so many others?
00:29:41 I thought we're supposed to be united.
Speaker 15
00:29:44 Unity means standing with a common purpose of confronting and eradicating hate.
00:29:53 Alright, every time they say hate, just know.
00:29:56 What they're really talking about?
Speaker 7
00:29:59 Jill, ******.
00:30:06 They want to eradicate you.
00:30:10 That's what they're standing united against, and you can tell because look at the representation of the people conducting this summit.
00:30:20 And the.
00:30:22 Stunning lack of representation when it comes to victims.
00:30:28 White victims.
00:30:31 Of so-called hate crimes.
00:30:35 I would argue.
00:30:38 Are statistically even if you account for the the population difference.
00:30:42 Way over represented.
00:30:44 In the victim category.
00:30:46 So if the whole idea is to end.
00:30:52 Motivated attacks.
00:30:54 This should be mostly white people talking about the race motivated attacks against them, but that's not what this is.
00:31:02 This is about kill ******.
00:31:06 So then they cycle through a bunch of these.
00:31:10 You know, religious leaders.
00:31:13 Like this guy or no, I'm sorry. These are the civil rights leaders. So John C Yang, and then again without, without any kind of self-awareness.
00:31:25 You know they they bring in Al Sharpton.
Speaker 21
00:31:27 It's time for us to come together. A summit at the White House. A summit at the People's House to exchange our experiences, to let each other first know that we are not alone in being victimized, and therefore we must not be alone in a victory.
00:31:47 Over those that engage in hate filled violence.
Speaker 7
00:31:54 Ohh ******.
00:32:02 We must not be alone in our victory against our enemies.
00:32:08 And look, you don't have to take it for me.
00:32:09 They they make it very, very, very clear.
00:32:11 We're still early early on.
00:32:14 In in this summit here.
00:32:17 Of course they they can't not have, Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL.
00:32:23 So they have Jonathan Greenblatt on there, who they the only sound bites from him are just like we need to come together.
00:32:29 We need.
Speaker 8
00:32:30 To come together.
00:32:32 Cindy benavides.
00:32:35 Of the League of United Latin American citizens again, they're they're cycling through.
00:32:41 And once you pay attention, these are all the the leaders that they picked from different groups.
00:32:45 They pick someone that represents Asians.
00:32:47 I guess someone who represents black people. I guess someone who represents Jews again less than 2% of the population. Someone who represents Hispanics.
00:32:59 Another another guy who represents blacks because, you know, one wasn't enough.
00:33:05 And then and and they keep letting Al Sharpton talk.
00:33:08 God bless him.
Speaker 21
00:33:09 I think it is imperative that we show a united front.
00:33:17 Show a united front that people.
00:33:20 Stan, whether they are anti-Semitic anti Asian American, anti LGBTQ, anti Latino, anti Native American that we are united.
00:33:35 Again, notice how he didn't say anti white.
00:33:41 We need to stand together against people who are anti everything but anti white.
00:33:48 And I didn't edit out the part at the.
00:33:49 End where he said anti white he never says anti white obviously.
00:33:57 So they're making it clear, very clear.
Speaker 4
00:34:01 We can't confront hate crimes, white supremacy and violent extremism alone.
00:34:08 See she? She said it.
00:34:12 They're specifically talking about white people.
Speaker 7
00:34:17 Kill ******.
00:34:22 Maybe this next guy is pro white.
00:34:24 Let's see.
00:34:29 Oh no, it's still her again.
Speaker 4
00:34:30 We're all here at the United we stand summit because our power comes from working together and supporting each other against our common enemy.
Speaker 5
00:34:41 Ah, who's who's their common enemy, I wonder?
00:34:46 Kill ******.
Speaker 1
00:34:47 The key.
00:34:55 Oh, so yeah.
00:34:57 And so that's they go through this little.
00:35:01 Round of sound bites from non whites talking about how they need to.
00:35:07 Work together against white people.
Speaker 8
00:35:09 I mean, she says it.
00:35:12 She says it.
00:35:15 You hear it again.
Speaker 4
00:35:17 We're all here at the United we stand summit because our power comes from working together and supporting each other against our common enemy.
00:35:28 And she said earlier, what was the enemy?
00:35:30 Who's the enemy?
Speaker 4
00:35:33 Hate crimes, white supremacy and violent extremism alone.
00:35:41 See, she's not worried about black violence on Latino, which is.
00:35:46 At a higher rate, by the way.
00:35:48 There's way more black on Latino violence than.
00:35:54 White on Latino violence.
00:36:00 So then we go back to Anna.
Speaker 15
00:36:04 It is the greatest threat facing our homeland.
00:36:08 White supremacy is the greatest threat facing the homeland.
00:36:13 Oh, OK.
00:36:15 Well, I guess that would that would then put it under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security, huh?
00:36:19 We'll get to that, I'm sure.
Speaker 15
00:36:21 This isn't just my opinion, it's the consensus view of numerous of our country's leading experts on counterterrorism.
00:36:29 Can't even speak English, but OK, I kind of get what you're what you mean.
00:36:35 So yeah, the the the.
00:36:36 The number one threat to America.
00:36:39 According to these experts who I I feel as if you're about to introduce.
00:36:44 Is is white people OK, so again, they're making it clearer.
00:36:48 The picture is getting clearer and clearer.
Speaker 15
00:36:53 Is rising violent extremism is uniquely dangerous to the well-being of American democracy.
00:37:00 Our threat to democracy?
00:37:03 Oh, OK.
00:37:04 Heard that one before, but good again this is.
00:37:08 This is it.
00:37:09 It's exactly.
00:37:10 It's that healing hate ****.
00:37:12 And they even use the same tactics, let's call it united.
00:37:17 United we stand.
00:37:19 When really it's let's unite everyone against white people, let's unite gays, blacks, Latinos, Asians, everyone and then tell them all you're being victimized by white people.
00:37:36 And our power is uniting together against.
Speaker 5
00:37:40 The white people.
00:37:48 Just like in healing hate, right?
00:37:49 That's what they call it, healing hate.
00:37:53 The intro spends like 30 seconds every ******* episode talking about how we need to understand we need to heal the hate.
00:38:00 We need to understand what makes these white people so ****** ***.
00:38:05 And then never even attempt to explore that.
00:38:12 Not once that was never asked.
00:38:15 In the six hours of that documentary.
00:38:18 They not once.
00:38:20 They they never explored that even a little bit.
00:38:30 So then she introduces.
00:38:33 The domestic terrorist experts.
00:38:39 This is Bill Braniff, director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.
00:38:53 We we need to have fancy names like that.
00:38:58 I'm the director of the.
00:39:07 Jews and blacks trying to earn, you know.
00:39:13 See, we're just not.
00:39:14 We're not.
00:39:15 We're not as good at with these.
00:39:16 Clever ******* names.
00:39:20 Anyway, so he goes through his his data.
00:39:23 He wants to explain to you guys who aren't taking it seriously.
00:39:27 You know, a lot of you guys, you've heard about the the problem of white supremacy for the last.
00:39:32 We're about.
00:39:32 We're about an hour and a half into this summit right at this point.
00:39:35 And so you've heard from all these civil rights leaders, all these religious leaders, all these victims from 10/20/50, nine years ago, of how dangerous white people can be.
00:39:46 And I know you're still not taking it seriously. Maybe because some of the victims are from 59 years.
00:39:51 Ago, so it might not seem that urgent because you know, you.
00:39:54 Maybe you've noticed that we haven't been able to actually.
00:39:57 Any real current victims you know and and the numbers actually don't really add up and, you know, Al Sharpton's kind of, you know, if if we invited him on, you know, we're kind of reaching just in general.
00:40:09 But this guy, this guy, he's got a nice suit and he's got a fancy title.
00:40:14 Let's see what he has to say.
Speaker 22
00:40:16 Training FBI special agents and DoD special operators.
00:40:20 Ohh he well he and he trains FBI agents.
00:40:24 And DoD special operators.
00:40:25 All right.
00:40:26 So this guy, he's obviously approved by the the the ruling class, the Deep state.
00:40:31 This is the real deal, right?
00:40:32 Let's see.
00:40:33 Let's see what kind of information that he's training our our very responsible FBI.
Speaker 22
00:40:41 About international terrorism and testifying in federal terrorism cases.
00:40:46 But in 2019.
00:40:47 Drawing upon five different start databases.
00:40:51 That look at terrorism and hate crime across ideologies.
00:40:55 I testified before the Senate that over the last decade.
00:40:59 Perpetrators of domestic terrorism and hate crime were more numerous, more lethal, engaged in more plots and financial crimes, and hide A higher success rate in their violent plots.
00:41:12 And foreign terrorist groups like Al Qaeda or ISIS or the homegrown violent extremism extremists inspired by them.
00:41:21 So white people are more dangerous than al Qaeda.
00:41:25 That's how he opens his presentation.
00:41:29 He says yeah, you know, he gives off his his bona fides and says, oh, yeah, and training the FBI and the DoD and a professor of.
00:41:37 **** **** over at the University of ******** and yeah.
00:41:43 I testified before Congress the other day and let him know that the most dangerous.
00:41:48 The most dangerous thing facing our Nation Today, the biggest threat to democracy, is white people.
00:41:56 That's right.
00:41:56 You might have heard of them.
00:41:57 Before they're more dangerous than Al Qaeda.
00:42:03 Oh wow.
00:42:03 I bet you've got lots of charts and graphs for us.
00:42:07 Let's hear how dangerous.
00:42:09 You know white, white Sharia.
00:42:13 Terrorists armed.
Speaker 22
00:42:15 By early 2020, I had participated in multiple meetings with senior leaders from the.
00:42:19 FBI intelligence community, even the State Department.
00:42:22 These were the 9/11 generation of counterterrorism professionals, and they were all quietly raising the alarm about domestic terrorism. And the threat has only grown.
00:42:35 The threat has only grown, so he was he was going to intelligence agencies and briefing them.
00:42:41 I don't understand why this private guy is.
00:42:43 Is briefing intelligence agencies.
00:42:46 Aren't they intelligence agencies?
00:42:49 Isn't this the work that they are supposed to be doing?
00:42:52 What are they doing if they got to bring in this guy to brief them on domestic terrorism?
00:42:59 And better yet, where does this guy get his funding, I wonder?
00:43:05 Well, you might be surprised later.
00:43:07 We'll find out where a lot of this funding goes to.
00:43:09 You might often we've even talked about on the show.
00:43:12 It's like, man, we I wish we had our own billionaires.
00:43:14 It's not just that they have billionaires.
00:43:17 They have other sources of money that they will actually brag about later here in the summit.
00:43:23 So he goes over all these different graphs, talks about, you know, Oh my God, the threat is rising.
00:43:31 I can't believe it.
00:43:34 Oh, God.
00:43:35 Come on.
00:43:35 Play play for ***** sake.
Speaker 22
00:43:38 And a grocery store in Buffalo among too many others.
Speaker 5
00:43:41 What? What did he say?
00:43:44 I don't know if.
00:43:45 I heard that.
Speaker 22
00:43:47 And a grocery store in Buffalo amongst.
Speaker 5
00:43:48 Ohh no, no, you said it.
00:43:49 Many other.
Speaker 5
00:43:52 He said it. Ohh no.
00:44:01 OK, sorry.
00:44:08 So he goes over all these graphs, showing them out like Oh yeah, look, we got all these fancy dots on the map showing you look, every one of those yellow dots.
00:44:16 That's a that's a white supremist.
00:44:19 That's a white supremacist who has has done a terrorism.
00:44:23 The funny thing is, he doesn't say that.
00:44:26 When he's doing his presentation and he's showing these infographics with these fancy yellow dots.
00:44:32 He's implying that it's all white supremacist terror.
00:44:37 But he never says that.
00:44:38 He says domestic terror.
00:44:41 So all of these could literally be al Qaeda, like, literally, al Qaeda.
00:44:45 Speaking of al Qaeda.
00:44:47 And there's no way to differentiate it.
00:44:49 Looking at his map, which is.
00:44:50 Probably 100% ******** anyway.
00:44:53 And they keep doing this throughout.
Speaker 8
00:44:55 They speak in.
00:44:56 Generalizations when they talk about domestic terror, but then when they talk about solutions.
00:45:03 They're very specific about who it is.
00:45:06 So they use this broad brush.
00:45:08 They include probably black lives Matter, antifa incidents with some of these statistics.
00:45:16 They they showed Steve Scalise in the opening.
00:45:21 Steve Scalise, the guy who got shot playing softball with the the other senators.
00:45:28 That wasn't a white supremacist.
00:45:30 That was a Bernie bro.
00:45:34 So they include all these other attacks that have nothing to do.
00:45:37 With the the target.
00:45:40 So they can pump up their numbers and make it sound like a scarier problem than it is because it's a non problem.
Speaker 22
00:45:47 Hate crimes in.
00:45:48 The US are at the highest level in 12 years, with over 8000 hate crimes reported to the FBI in 2020, affecting over 11,000 victims.
00:45:57 Approximately 90% of hate crime perpetrators are motivated by biases consistent with white supremacy, male supremacy, or both.
00:46:06 You notice how the how specific he got there.
00:46:09 It's not just white supremacy now, now it's male supremacy.
00:46:13 He's saying it.
00:46:20 The enemy isn't just white people.
00:46:26 They can handle the white women.
00:46:31 90% of the attacks.
00:46:34 Or by white supremacists, male supremacists, or both.
00:46:38 Now The funny thing is.
00:46:41 I would suggest to you one of the reasons why one of the reasons they use that terminology is you can lump in any any Islamic attack.
00:46:50 With male supremacy.
00:46:54 I guarantee you that's part.
00:46:56 Of why?
00:46:56 He said said it that way.
00:46:58 Even though they keep, they continue to beat.
00:47:00 On this drum.
00:47:05 Oh oh, it's the in cell terror.
00:47:07 It's the rise of the in cell terrorist.
00:47:09 That's the implication.
00:47:14 But that's OK, I'm sure.
00:47:15 I'm sure this guy has good data.
00:47:17 I'm sure he's not trying to be misleading in any way, shape or form.
00:47:23 I'm sure he'll tell us where some of his data comes from, if if we just wait long enough through his presentation.
Speaker 22
00:47:28 Hate incidents targeting people because of their race are the largest category of hate crimes and over half are motivated by anti black racism.
00:47:42 Over half.
00:47:43 Did you guys hear that?
00:47:46 Can you imagine?
00:47:48 Can you imagine the universe that you'd have to live in?
00:47:51 To think that over half.
00:47:54 Of interracial crime or racially motivated crime was anti black.
00:48:05 Again, I'm sure.
00:48:06 I'm sure he'll.
00:48:06 He'll tell us where these statistics come from.
00:48:09 Because he can't possibly just be pulling this.
Speaker 8
00:48:11 Out of his ***.
Speaker 22
00:48:16 Anti-Semitic incidents are at an all time high according to the anti defamation.
00:48:19 League oh.
Speaker 5
00:48:22 It all makes sense now.
00:48:29 Anti-Semitic incidents are at an.
00:48:31 All time high.
00:48:32 According to Jews.
00:48:36 According to Jews self reporting.
00:48:41 On their victimization.
00:48:46 The attacks on them.
00:48:48 On A at an all time high.
00:48:53 You know, I have this clip just to kind of break up the the monotony of this guy's voice here.
00:49:00 It's only it's only somewhat related.
00:49:02 I couldn't figure out a good place to to put it to fit it in to fit it, fit it into the the presentation, but I think this is probably a good place to fit it in.
00:49:13 So I'm going to fit.
00:49:13 It in here it kind of it.
00:49:15 Kind of.
00:49:16 It's it's funny in two ways.
00:49:18 One, it kind of illustrates, possibly psychologically, why you have this, this victim complex.
Speaker 24
00:49:24 That Jews have.
00:49:27 But it's also funny.
00:49:30 To watch them suffer from some of the same effects.
00:49:34 That their actions have led to in the West.
00:49:39 In their home country.
00:49:40 Well, some would say it's not really their home country, but the the country they call home in Israel.
Speaker 25
00:49:48 I look at the Arabs and I'm jealous.
00:49:51 Arabs can just walk down the street.
00:49:55 They're men.
00:49:56 You know what I mean?
00:49:57 They come to our neighborhoods and they.
00:49:58 Behave like that.
00:50:01 They take a lot of our women.
00:50:03 I have to say I'm.
00:50:04 Sorry to say a.
00:50:05 Lot of Jewish women go with Arab.
00:50:06 Men nowadays.
Speaker 5
00:50:15 Oh, no diversity at home.
00:50:21 I just thought that was funny.
00:50:22 I just couldn't.
00:50:22 Figure out a way to weasel that in there.
00:50:25 So here we go.
00:50:28 More than one in three mass casualty hate crime perpetrators targeted the Jewish community.
00:50:35 They're always.
00:50:36 They're always the victims.
00:50:40 Let's see what else this guy.
00:50:41 Has to talk about here.
Speaker 22
00:50:44 Xenophobic conspiracy theories aimed at perceived immigrants and foreigners are driving hate fueled violence as well.
00:50:51 So he's obviously talking about the the conspiracy theory of the great replacement.
00:50:58 Implying that the great replacement is isn't taking place, even though this is.
00:51:04 This is a White House summit.
00:51:06 This is the capital of the United States.
00:51:09 And he's the only white guy I've seen so far.
00:51:12 And for all I know, he's a fellow white.
00:51:16 But we're certainly not being replaced, right?
00:51:19 When everyone at this summit so far.
00:51:22 Hasn't been white.
00:51:24 There's been no mention of the well-being of whites, the interests of whites, the victimization of whites at the hands of others.
00:51:34 But it's all a conspiracy theory, right?
00:51:38 It's all a conspiracy theory, even that intro.
00:51:40 In the beginning, the voiceover, the the obnoxious video they played was the voiceover was read by.
00:51:46 An Asian woman.
00:51:50 But let's continue.
00:51:52 Now look more graphs.
Speaker 22
00:51:54 Hey, and especially violent hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ plus community have spiked, as highlighted by by recently by the thwarted white supremacist violence at an.
00:52:03 Idaho Pride parade.
00:52:07 He's literally talking about Patriot front.
00:52:10 And they're bringing this up a couple times.
00:52:13 So those of you guys aren't remember, like a month or so ago, Patriot front was going to go protest at a Flag pride parade.
00:52:21 And as they all always do, they packed up in the back of like a U-Haul truck or something like that.
00:52:27 And were, you know, so that they they could show up, deploy, do their March, that they always do where they March around flags and you know whatever and then pile back into the truck.
00:52:38 Boom. Get out of there.
00:52:42 But somehow, uh feds or someone?
00:52:46 Caught wind of it.
00:52:47 And they got arrested for I don't even know what I don't know what the charge was, unless maybe it's illegal to ride in the back of one of those trucks.
00:52:54 It honestly could.
00:52:55 Be something as simple as that.
00:52:58 And the photo that went around.
00:53:01 Well, the world.
00:53:03 Was the photo of them in handcuffs?
00:53:06 And the narrative was, of course, the narrative.
00:53:08 This guy.
00:53:09 And by the way.
00:53:10 If he was an honest.
00:53:16 He would know.
00:53:18 I mean, if this, if that's all he studies all day long, right.
00:53:20 All he does is study white supremacists all day long.
00:53:25 Then he should have.
00:53:26 He should have the knowledge of of at least a a basic knowledge of patriot front and know that they're not a terrorist group.
00:53:34 You know, they they weren't armed.
00:53:37 The truck wasn't full.
00:53:38 Of weapons and bombs and ****.
00:53:41 It was it was full of flags and probably some Shields.
00:53:45 And khaki pants.
00:53:49 But he literally cites that as a thwarted terrorist attack.
00:53:55 That's that's how these experts.
00:53:58 And terrorism.
00:54:01 Frame the reality.
00:54:09 We're all terrorists now.
00:54:12 If you don't go along.
00:54:14 With the global homolo agenda.
00:54:18 If you don't go along.
00:54:21 With white genocide.
00:54:24 If you don't go away quietly in the night.
00:54:29 You're a terrorist or a DVD.
00:54:32 As the new term is domestic, violent extremist.
00:54:43 Doesn't matter if you were just there to exercise your First Amendment right.
00:54:52 As they will continue to.
00:54:55 To mention or start to mention and really kind of bolster.
00:55:02 Your speech is terrorism.
00:55:07 Especially the speech online.
00:55:17 They don't get shy about that at all.
Speaker 22
00:55:24 And we've seen repeated male supremacist attacks against women.
00:55:28 Repeated male supremacist attacks against women.
00:55:40 I honestly, I had never heard the term male supremacist.
00:55:45 Until I watched this stupid summit thing.
00:55:51 They're being extremely specific.
00:55:55 It's white males.
00:55:57 They want to get rid of.
00:55:59 Our women, they want to **** them, so they I.
00:56:01 Guess they want to keep them.
Speaker 22
00:56:03 And we've seen repeated male supremacist attacks against women, such as at a Florida yoga studio and the targeting of a federal judge in New Jersey.
00:56:14 Male supremacist attacks.
Speaker 26
00:56:17 All right.
Speaker 22
00:56:19 As domestic violent extremists use hate fueled violence to drive wedge issues deeper and deeper into our social fabric and hateful narratives and conspiracy theories get absorbed into our partisanship and our culture wars, hostile foreign governments throw gasoline on the fire.
00:56:39 You might wonder why are they introducing foreign governments getting involved?
00:56:47 Well, there's this little thing called.
00:56:50 National security.
00:56:53 We've talked about this in previous streams.
00:56:57 National security.
00:57:01 That's the magical term.
00:57:04 That the government can say.
00:57:06 To a judge.
00:57:08 To anybody.
00:57:10 To an oversight committee.
00:57:14 They can simply say national security.
00:57:19 And then all of a sudden.
00:57:22 Nothing that they do has to be transparent.
00:57:25 Nothing that they do has to follow any kind of laws.
00:57:31 Because it's the.
00:57:32 It's in the interest of national security.
00:57:42 They can say.
00:57:44 Oh, you're a white supreme.
00:57:46 You're a male supremacist.
00:57:47 You have to be white.
00:57:48 I guess you're a male supremacist.
00:57:53 And you're being funded by.
00:57:56 Maybe, maybe, maybe all it takes is.
00:57:58 A super chat from another country.
Speaker 5
00:58:00 Ohh there it is.
00:58:03 Putin sent you a super chat.
00:58:09 Now it's all about national security.
00:58:17 All we need to do is.
00:58:20 Get that FISA court to rubber stamp our.
00:58:23 If they even bother with that **** at this point.
00:58:27 That's assuming they even like.
00:58:29 Try to have like.
00:58:30 The the appearance.
00:58:31 That's The thing is they used to try to avoid situations that were maybe even technically legal, that they could do to avoid the appearance that what they were doing.
00:58:43 Might be slightly.
00:58:52 There's a problem.
00:58:54 When your population.
00:58:56 Ceases to recognize the validity of your authority over them.
Speaker 5
00:59:03 You see, you might not know this.
00:59:06 But there's no magical force field.
00:59:09 Surrounding Washington, DC.
00:59:13 There's no magical amulet.
00:59:16 That these people wear that make them invincible.
00:59:21 They don't have more experience points.
00:59:28 Just like the dollar.
00:59:32 The dollar that only has value because people believe.
00:59:37 Then it has value.
00:59:41 They only have power.
00:59:44 Because people believe.
00:59:46 They have power.
00:59:51 And it used to be.
00:59:54 They would try to avoid situations even though.
00:59:56 Look it's it's been corrupted a really long time.
00:59:59 In fact, you're going to hear a stunning admission from Merrick Garland himself.
01:00:02 Who makes an appearance at this anti white?
01:00:05 Of course, it wouldn't be an anti white summit without him.
01:00:12 But he explains to you.
01:00:15 What he thinks the DOJ is for.
01:00:20 But these corrupt institutions they used, they used to at.
01:00:23 Least try to avoid.
01:00:27 Things that might at least appear underhanded and they.
01:00:31 Don't even do that now.
01:00:35 Now the cute ***** would say, oh, it's because they're panicking.
01:00:39 They're panicking.
Speaker 8
01:00:42 They know that the.
01:00:45 The rope is tightening.
01:00:48 But that's not it at all.
01:00:51 They're just confident.
01:00:56 They're just confident.
01:00:58 You think that they didn't?
01:01:00 Want trans kids 20 years ago?
Speaker 8
01:01:04 Of course they did.
01:01:07 They just weren't confident enough to do it.
01:01:13 That would reveal who they really were.
01:01:18 It's kind of like if you start dating a crazy person.
01:01:24 They're able to hold in the crazy.
01:01:28 For a little while.
01:01:31 But little by little the crazy comes.
01:01:34 Dripping out.
01:01:39 As they get more comfortable.
01:01:44 They're doing the same thing as you grow accustomed to their crazy.
01:01:51 They'd let a little more out.
01:01:58 And it doesn't take much research.
01:02:01 Much knowledge of history to know where this eventually goes.
01:02:07 Their aims are literally civilization ending.
Speaker 22
01:02:21 As domestic violent extremists use hate fueled violence to drive wedge issues.
01:02:27 Our social fabric and hateful narratives and conspiracy theories get absorbed into our partisanship and our culture wars.
01:02:33 Hostile foreign governments throw gasoline on the fire, stocking us with righteous anger towards one another, manipulating and dividing us through hate, and weakening our democratic institutions.
01:02:50 You also have to appreciate the amount of projection.
01:02:53 That goes on here.
01:02:59 Who's being demonized?
01:03:02 What narratives?
01:03:06 Are more popular.
01:03:10 What narratives are being broadcast?
01:03:14 On mainstream platforms?
Speaker 22
01:03:26 Hate field violence is a national security issue.
01:03:29 There it is again.
01:03:30 He actually just.
01:03:31 Says it this time.
01:03:31 He doesn't imply it.
01:03:35 It's a national security issue.
01:03:40 National security.
Speaker 22
01:03:51 There's roughly one print news story for every 10 hate crimes reported to the FBI.
01:03:56 We barely acknowledge them in our national discourse.
01:04:00 Again, what kind of fantasy ******* world is this guy living in?
01:04:05 I know you might not.
01:04:06 I know you.
01:04:06 You probably think you misheard that.
01:04:08 I'll play it again.
01:04:10 You probably think you meant.
01:04:11 You're like what?
01:04:11 Well, hold on, hold on.
01:04:13 Even you can't expect people to believe this.
Speaker 22
01:04:16 There is roughly one print news story for every 10 hate crimes reported to the FBI.
01:04:22 We barely acknowledge them in our national discourse.
01:04:25 We barely.
01:04:27 We're here at the White House.
01:04:30 Doing a White House summit.
01:04:35 And we barely acknowledge them in our mainstream media.
01:04:38 The mainstream media is always going around covering.
01:04:41 Up hate crimes.
01:04:43 White supremacy, with its long white tentacles.
01:04:49 Controlling the media, as whites do.
01:04:53 Always trying to obscure the truth about the evil white supremacist hate crimes that are plaguing our nation.
Speaker 5
01:05:06 It's amazing that that they.
01:05:08 Even went there, but then again, not so much.
01:05:12 So he ends on that, and then, oh, look, it's her from the healing hate stuff.
01:05:17 Doctor Cynthia Miller.
01:05:22 The literal witch from healing hate.
01:05:25 The one that's super big on censorship and wants to put down the hammer and stop our ability to use technology because all this, all this golem control was way easier.
01:05:40 When you had to go through all the major networks.
01:05:45 This ability that white people have now to leverage technology to communicate with each other, that's that's what's that's the problem.
01:05:52 We have to stop that.
01:05:55 So of course she starts talking about, you know, all the all the current threats to American democracy, like the Ku Klux Klan.
01:06:03 Right.
01:06:07 It's like I said, it's funny they don't have any examples.
01:06:11 They have to really dig.
Speaker 8
01:06:12 Deep to come up with some of this stuff.
Speaker 27
01:06:20 We've had repeated bombings and attacks on synagogues and mosques and other forms of lethal intimidation against Jews.
01:06:27 Again, talks about all the the lethal intimidation against Jews.
01:06:36 You know, it's funny.
01:06:37 I I've been seeing a lot.
01:06:39 Of these videos.
01:06:40 Getting passed around lately.
01:06:44 Of kids getting assaulted.
01:06:47 In in high schools.
01:06:52 Let me let me pop this one I I think I.
01:06:54 Saw this one last week.
01:06:57 I didn't know that this kid was a Jew.
01:07:11 It's that.
01:07:28 I didn't know that was a Jew.
01:07:32 Those white supremacists were really giving that Jew the business wasn't, weren't they?
01:07:38 This is a serious threat.
01:07:40 Tell us more.
Speaker 27
01:07:44 But hate fueled violence, as bill just described has recently surged.
01:07:49 This growth has been driven by many factors, including the reactionary backlash to demographic changes.
01:07:56 Wait, wait, wait.
01:07:57 Just like like literally a few minutes ago.
01:08:00 That was a wild conspiracy theory.
01:08:04 But now it's real.
01:08:07 Wow, you guys sure Flip Flopper a lot, but I mean, you are the experts.
01:08:11 So I guess it's real.
01:08:12 OK, so.
01:08:15 White people are being replaced and and this is a a reaction to that, OK.
Speaker 27
01:08:19 And a rising belief in conspiracy theories, especially conspiracies that falsely claim there is an intentional plan orchestrated by national or global elites to replace white, Christian or European civilizations and populations with non white non.
Speaker 5
01:08:35 Wait, hold on.
01:08:37 Now it's a conspiracy theory.
01:08:39 Again, I'm getting a little dizzy.
01:08:41 You can't keep changing it up like this.
01:08:50 So it's a conspiracy theory.
01:08:52 That they're reacting to.
01:08:53 That's totally fake.
Speaker 27
01:08:55 Hate groups quickly exploited social media and new online channels to share hate and propaganda, helping extremism seep into the mainstream.
01:09:04 Meanwhile, law enforcement and intelligence services focused almost exclusively on the international threat, while making missteps in counterterrorism efforts that occasionally violated civil rights, especially for Muslims.
01:09:18 So there's two things funny about this one.
01:09:23 She's blaming.
01:09:26 Federal law enforcement.
01:09:29 For looking at terrorist attacks.
01:09:32 From Muslims.
01:09:34 Focusing on the international threat.
01:09:37 And ignoring the brewing thread at home.
01:09:41 But then she says, like, what?
01:09:43 The the implication, of course, is, oh, they should be all these things, all these efforts that they had been doing for the, you know, the combat, the international terrorists, those should have been focused.
01:09:56 On Americans.
01:09:59 But then she talks about how the civil rights.
01:10:03 Of these international terrorists.
01:10:06 For being violated.
01:10:09 Without mentioning that perhaps.
01:10:13 In an effort.
01:10:14 To attack this boogeyman that you're trying to materialize.
01:10:21 That the civil rights of Americans.
Speaker 8
01:10:25 Will most certainly.
01:10:26 Be violated if you get what you want.
Speaker 7
01:10:37 Kill ******.
01:10:46 They're blinded.
01:10:47 If there's any hate going on, it's it's they're blinded by it.
Speaker 27
01:10:56 There was a time when hate was a destination.
01:10:58 You had to seek out by signing up for a racist newsletter or going through formal initiation rights to become a member of a NEO Nazi group.
01:11:08 See, this is what really bugs them right here.
01:11:13 Weitz had a hard time.
01:11:16 Communicating what was happening to them.
01:11:19 As early as ten years ago.
01:11:23 Because as I've said time and time again, the 1st whites that were affected by the immigration.
01:11:30 Were of little means.
01:11:34 The immigrants weren't coming over here and taking the jobs.
01:11:39 Of the people living in Washington or in Manhattan or in Los Angeles or in San Francisco, they weren't.
01:11:47 They are now, but they weren't when they first got here.
01:11:51 In fact, you used to hear.
01:11:54 Is as recently as the early 2000s.
01:11:58 Famous people on TV.
01:12:01 Make comments like.
01:12:02 Well, if we get rid of all these illegal immigrants, who's gonna mow?
Speaker 13
01:12:06 My lawn.
01:12:11 Who's gonna watch my kids?
01:12:15 Who's going to clean my pool?
01:12:22 Those were the jobs that they.
01:12:23 Thought were in jeopardy.
01:12:27 Those are the sorts of things that.
01:12:29 Their children, if they had any.
01:12:34 Would never have to worry.
01:12:35 About it was going to be this permanent underclass of illegal immigrants.
01:12:40 That didn't affect them.
01:12:43 And if you were a white and you said it affected you, that that automatically pigeonholed you.
01:12:49 In this underclass, you're just a hillbilly or James.
01:13:00 You're just some dumb white trash ************.
01:13:04 Learn to code.
01:13:16 And so these whites of little means did not exactly have the access.
01:13:24 To mass communication.
01:13:26 So what do they do?
01:13:27 They, they they.
Speaker 5
01:13:28 Did what they could.
01:13:32 In most cases.
01:13:35 Making Flyers.
01:13:39 Aching scenes forming little groups.
01:13:46 But really their reach was very limited.
01:13:55 There is a class system here in America.
01:13:59 And when you're in the class that many of these people were in, you hit the.
01:14:03 Ceiling pretty quick.
Speaker 27
01:14:16 The broad landscape of Internet communications has changed all of this.
01:14:20 In the digital world, hate is commonplace.
01:14:26 See now with the Internet.
01:14:31 I can have a show.
01:14:36 You can have a show.
01:14:41 I don't have to go through.
01:14:44 Jewish producers.
01:14:50 Go through whatever.
01:14:54 Ritualistic hazing takes place for that to happen.
01:15:00 Be beholden to sponsors.
01:15:12 Now someone like me can talk to thousands of people all across the world.
01:15:19 I don't have to be some shifty eyed Nazi in the back room with a printing press mailing.
01:15:25 Poorly designed Flyers.
Speaker 8
01:15:29 To my mailing list.
01:15:36 So of course.
01:15:38 She knows the drill.
01:15:39 She can't just come to an audience like this and present just a problem.
01:15:44 She's going to have to present some solutions as well.
Speaker 27
01:15:49 The Center for Countering Digital Hate tracked 500 of the most viewed anti LGBTQ plus tweets this year and found they were seen at least 72,000,000 times in a matter of months.
01:16:07 Oh my God.
01:16:11 I wonder what she's talking about.
01:16:13 These tweets.
01:16:17 You know, it's funny because.
01:16:19 These tweets that I see that you see that go viral.
01:16:24 That she's categorizing as anti LGBTQ plus.
01:16:30 What are they usually?
01:16:33 Aren't they really just?
01:16:35 LGBTQ plus people in their own words, like today, many of you have probably seen this.
01:16:47 This guy, that's a guy.
01:16:50 Is a high school shop teacher.
Speaker 8
01:16:55 There he is.
01:16:59 High school shop teacher.
01:17:03 Is this one of the anti LGBTQ tweets?
Speaker 8
01:17:08 That reaches millions of people.
01:17:17 I mean, there's not.
01:17:18 I don't even need commentary.
Speaker 5
01:17:20 All I have to do is look.
01:17:23 Look at this guy.
01:17:26 This guy is teaching your kids shop.
01:17:32 This ******* guy.
01:17:38 But of course there does need to be some commentary and I can't take credit for this.
01:17:43 I saw this before going live.
01:17:45 Here's the commentary.
01:17:53 Oh, I wish there was some music they went.
01:17:55 Along with this.
01:17:57 But yeah, this is this is what we all.
01:18:01 That's that's what we all when we started seeing this clip, this is.
01:18:04 What we were all hoping for.
01:18:10 Oh boy anyway.
01:18:13 Is this what she's talking about?
01:18:14 Is this the anti LGBTQ?
01:18:24 Oh boy.
01:18:33 By the way, those aren't implants.
01:18:37 He's wearing this giant ******* **** shirt.
01:18:44 And the administration is defending them.
01:18:49 This guy shows up to work to teach children.
01:18:55 And the administration defends him.
01:18:59 You're the bad guy.
01:19:07 You're the evil white supremacist.
01:19:12 You're the evil male supremacist.
01:19:20 Uh to give you an idea, this is what this is.
01:19:22 This literally is what she's taught her little Research Center this.
01:19:25 Is the kind of **** they include.
01:19:29 No ******* doubt about it.
01:19:34 Let's go back to her.
01:19:35 Her nonsense.
Speaker 27
01:19:46 Even with the vast resources at their disposal, the tech sector has not sufficiently responded to the high levels of online hate.
01:19:54 Major social media platforms failed to take action on 84% of posts containing anti-Semitic conspiracies or abuse.
01:20:03 There it is.
01:20:07 Even with the vast resources that the tech sector has.
01:20:12 They are not shutting it down.
01:20:18 They are not shutting down the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
01:20:24 That exist only in the minds of crazed lunatics.
01:20:29 That think.
01:20:30 Shop teachers like this.
01:20:34 Shouldn't be teaching their children?
01:20:46 I told you she can't just tell you problems.
01:20:48 She's got a, you know, as a government consultant.
01:20:52 Your job is providing solutions.
01:20:58 Because you're that's what you're selling.
01:20:59 You're selling the solution, coming up with the problem is just getting the government.
01:21:05 The reasoning behind spending the money on your solution.
01:21:12 I've played this game before I.
01:21:14 Know how it works?
01:21:17 You walk into a room full of government.
01:21:22 Political appointees and bureaucrats, unelected bureaucrats.
01:21:28 That have all this money to spend, and in fact they get rewarded.
01:21:32 The more money they spend with even more money the next year.
01:21:37 So they have to spend it.
01:21:38 If they don't spend it, their budget will get cut.
01:21:43 So they're looking for new, creative ways.
01:21:45 They can spend their budgets.
01:21:49 So the government consultant swoops in.
01:21:54 And says.
01:21:55 Did you know you have this problem?
01:21:59 Oh yeah, it's super bad.
01:22:01 Luckily, I've come here with this solution.
01:22:07 It will cost you hundreds of millions of dollars, but.
01:22:11 You've got it.
01:22:11 We know you've got it.
01:22:15 Just sign on the dotted line here.
01:22:18 And we'll fix this problem for you.
Speaker 27
01:22:22 It isn't only.
01:22:23 The online world, that's a problem, reports.
01:22:27 Propaganda for Flyers, posters, banners and stickers in places like dog parks and college campuses more than doubled recently, hitting an all time high of more than 5000 incidents.
Speaker 15
01:22:27 OK.
01:22:41 So it cut out there for a second, but what she was saying?
01:22:48 Was it's not just the online hate speech that they need to get rid of.
01:22:52 It's the Flyers, and by that you get, you know, as much as the anti LGBTQ tweet is the, you know, super **** trans guy.
01:23:03 The anti-Semitic.
01:23:07 White supremacist banners and Flyers.
01:23:13 Are sheets of paper that simply say it's.
01:23:15 OK, to be white.
01:23:18 That's all it takes.
01:23:22 Then over 5000 incidents we got to put a stop to that too. So look, it's not just a crackdown that she's proposing.
01:23:31 On your ability to to speak freely on the.
01:23:34 Well, that that's absolutely a target.
01:23:39 They want legislation.
01:23:42 That will put you away simply by putting a flyer up that says it's.
01:23:46 OK, to be white.
01:23:48 And that is not even a little.
01:23:50 Bit of an exaggeration.
01:23:54 They want to put you in jail.
01:23:57 For posting a flyer that says it's OK for.
01:24:00 You to exist.
01:24:14 No, it didn't play.
01:24:16 Damn my computer, my overloaded computer.
01:24:30 What can we do about it?
01:24:34 Lots of censorship is what we.
01:24:35 Can do about it.
01:24:38 Censorship and legislation.
01:24:41 That makes it a hate crime to put up a poster that says it's OK to be 1.
01:24:46 So then they bring on this this the new MC.
01:24:49 For a little while is another non.
01:24:52 Who introduces an ex white supremacist?
01:24:57 Who's Italian?
01:24:58 So it's kind of a stretch.
01:24:59 But you know what I mean?
01:25:00 And it's kind of funny because she so she brings him on stage.
01:25:05 This white supremacist.
01:25:10 Well, I'll just let let let him explain.
Speaker 11
01:25:13 So I don't know if you all know this, but Christian was once a leader in a white supremacist organization fueled by pain.
01:25:25 And I wonder, Christian, if you could just briefly tell us about.
01:25:29 How that path started?
01:25:30 What propelled you onto it?
01:25:35 How did that path start, I wonder.
01:25:38 I bet there I bet there's a crazy story.
01:25:42 Of hate.
01:25:45 This rabbit hole of hate that she went down.
01:25:50 That will explain how you as a nice young Italian boy.
01:25:57 Went down the the wrong path.
01:26:00 Please tell your story.
Speaker 28
01:26:03 In 1987, it was two months before I was 14 years old.
01:26:08 And I was standing in an alley smoking a joint, and the man with a shaved head walked up to me, pulled the joint from my mouth, looked me in the eyes and said that's what the Communists and the Jews want you to do to keep you docile.
01:26:28 ******* based.
01:26:31 He was sitting in an alleyway smoking a joint.
01:26:34 And his skin had walked up to him and pulled his joint out of his mouth through on the ground and said this is what the Jews want.
01:26:40 You to do to be docile.
01:26:45 That's ******* hilarious.
01:26:48 So that that's how his his and look, The funny thing is, that's like the most horrible story that the the people that Oh my God.
Speaker 8
01:26:56 That's so terrible.
01:26:59 Some Skinhead wanted you to stop smoking pot and being worthless.
01:27:03 Ohh, that's that's ******* all the.
01:27:06 The fascist.
Speaker 5
01:27:07 Oh my God.
Speaker 11
01:27:09 Been a long time since you were actively engaged in in the white supremacist organization, and we've been hearing all morning about the astronomical increase in the number of people who are seeking it out to what do you attribute that increase and what role do you think media and social media has had on that?
01:27:31 What do you attribute that increase to?
01:27:35 Probably a conspiracy theory, right?
01:27:39 What role does social media play?
Speaker 28
01:27:50 Yeah, well, when I was recruited in 1987, we didn't have the Internet. We didn't have access to social media.
01:27:56 It was really, you know, something that you found in a dark alley like I did or in the back of a magazine or in a photocopied newsletter or at a small meeting.
01:28:05 You know it's some kind of dark, you know, place nowadays.
01:28:09 All we have to do is look at our phones or our computers to have access to the same type of hateful propaganda that recruited a 14 year old me.
01:28:19 We also today have.
01:28:20 Of technology that didn't exist.
01:28:23 So extremists are learning to use and leverage that technology.
01:28:28 To further their goals.
01:28:32 Uh oh.
01:28:34 There it is again.
01:28:35 It's that damn technology.
01:28:37 You see, back when he was a white supremacist.
01:28:40 It was harder.
Speaker 8
01:28:42 He had to go to these dark.
01:28:44 Alley meetings and.
01:28:46 Get on these newsletter mailing lists.
01:28:50 But the ******* Nazis today?
01:28:52 Ohh yeah they're they're high tech Nazis.
01:28:54 ******* super Nazis.
01:28:57 So then they bring in more victim family members and again it's the same thing.
01:29:01 It's the same story, like a lot of them.
01:29:03 It's like, Oh yeah, 15 years ago, my brother this and 20, in fact, one of them is 22 years ago, my brother this and you know.
01:29:15 25 years ago, my son, that they also have someone from the the again the the Pulse nightclub. They keep bringing that up and they keep acting as if like if you.
Speaker 8
01:29:25 Didn't know better.
01:29:27 And a lot of people don't know about that.
01:29:29 That was a while ago and people have the memory of a goldfish anyway.
01:29:33 You don't know what that is.
01:29:35 You don't know that it wasn't a white supremacist.
01:29:37 And the implication?
Speaker 5
01:29:38 Is that it was.
01:29:39 So if you if you're watching this summit that never mentions Muslims, like never mentions Muslim, it only mentions whites.
01:29:48 In terms of who's who's perpetrating any kind of crime ever.
01:29:53 You wouldn't know.
01:29:53 You would just think like ohh yeah.
01:29:56 It's it's those ******* techno Nazis, those high tech Nazis leveraging the Internet to spread their hate.
01:30:04 And it's funny, this Jew, like none of them say anything interesting that they're mostly it's appeal to emotion kind of stuff, just like, oh, yeah, it's it's so, you know, my brother or my son or whoever that died and and.
01:30:14 Look individually, some of them are probably tragedies.
01:30:18 I don't know.
01:30:19 I don't know, don't really care, has nothing to do with me.
01:30:22 Lots of people get killed all the time.
01:30:24 The fact there's not a single ******* mother of a white man that was murdered by a black.
01:30:29 When that happens with such frequency that people are numb to it.
01:30:35 I don't give a **** about these people.
01:30:37 I don't give a **** about these people.
01:30:39 **** them and **** their dead family.
01:30:41 I don't give a ****.
01:30:45 That's just the way it is.
01:30:48 You want me to be numb to when my own people are victims, when my own people bleed out and die in the streets all.
01:30:54 The time because look.
01:30:55 I'll admit it, I'm kind of.
01:30:57 Numb to it now, like most of us.
Speaker 5
01:31:00 Then why the?
01:31:02 Should I have any kind of feeling for you people?
01:31:11 And then it's funny because they.
01:31:12 Asked the Jewish guy.
01:31:14 Oh, what's your solution?
01:31:16 Look at his weird twitch at the end.
01:31:18 I don't know what to make of it.
01:31:19 It's just it's so.
01:31:20 The way he like he, like, turns away.
01:31:22 Like like after but this is again it's this repetition, this repetition.
01:31:29 The solution is always like, oh, we got to shut them down there.
01:31:32 We got to.
01:31:32 Shut them down.
01:31:33 We got to get rid of them.
Speaker 29
01:31:35 And really just we have to start holding people accountable for.
01:31:44 Accountable for rhetoric, hateful rhetoric, whether it's against Jews, Asians, Muslims, any orientation, sexual imitation, ethnicity, race, anything.
01:31:53 I mean, freedom of speech.
01:31:56 Once again, of course, white people, conveniently.
01:31:58 Left out of his list.
01:32:00 But let me play the clip and it gets ******* up because like I said, my computer is struggling.
01:32:04 This is a four hour long video and apparently.
01:32:06 Even though it's all clipped up in little clips that makes it freak out, so I apologize.
Speaker 29
01:32:11 And really just we have to start holding people.
01:32:14 Accountable for hateful rhetoric.
01:32:17 Whether it's against Jews, Asians, Muslims, any orientation, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, anything.
01:32:22 I mean, freedom of speech is freedom of speech, but not when you're threatening or attacking other individuals and infringing on their ability to have a.
01:32:31 Of life, of freedom and enjoyment.
01:32:37 Freedom of speech is freedom.
01:32:38 Of speech.
01:32:38 But we got to hold people accountable for this.
01:32:41 I turn away.
01:32:42 Weird, twitchy.
01:32:43 Turn away thing.
01:32:50 So it's just this repetition we have to shut them down.
01:32:53 We have to shut them down.
01:32:54 We have to shut them down.
01:32:56 They're using the Internet.
01:32:58 We have to shut them down.
01:33:03 *** story, listen to me *** story.
01:33:06 My brother died.
01:33:07 Whatever I was beat up by Nazis.
01:33:09 Shut him down.
01:33:13 So then we get to the.
01:33:16 The Deep state panel Susan Rice with our our favorite attorney General, Merrick Garland, the head of Homeland Security.
01:33:26 And then two token minorities that are just literally just there to to diversify the panel because they have literally nothing to say.
01:33:36 They pop.
01:33:37 Up and let's.
01:33:38 Let's let's hear what they have to say.
Speaker 30
01:33:43 Few of our exceptional leaders from across the federal government who are tirelessly pursuing this work.
01:33:49 Attorney General Merrick Garland, leading our Department of Justice.
01:33:54 Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, leading the Department of Homeland Security.
01:33:59 Shelly Lowe, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, and CEO Michael Smith leading our AmeriCorps.
Speaker 8
01:34:11 All right.
01:34:13 So what?
01:34:14 What have we got?
01:34:14 Here, what does Merrick Garland have to say?
Speaker 3
01:34:19 I have often said, and I say often.
01:34:22 By the way, if you, if you pay attention to anything in this stream.
01:34:26 Pay attention to this clip.
01:34:32 He listen.
01:34:33 He listen to what he's saying.
01:34:35 The the, the, the, the.
01:34:36 Department of Justice exists for.
01:34:39 This is the entire purpose.
01:34:42 All these people saying I can't understand why the FBI is acting like this. I can understand why the DOJ's acting like this.
01:34:52 The head of the DOJ, this is how he views.
01:34:57 The purpose of his agencies.
01:35:04 Listen very carefully.
01:35:05 We've heard we've seen a lot of clips.
01:35:07 From this guy.
01:35:11 This Jewish guy that's that's the top ranking.
01:35:15 Law enforcement.
01:35:19 Officer or?
01:35:22 What have you in in the United States and therefore pretty much the world?
01:35:28 Listen to what he says about the purpose of his agencies.
Speaker 3
01:35:35 I have often.
01:35:36 Said, and I say often that the Justice Department was founded in 1870 with the first principal purpose of protecting the rights of Black Americans under the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment, and in particular fighting against the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists who are trying to deprive them.
01:35:56 Of the right to vote.
01:35:58 Now, 152 years later, the task of confronting hate fueled.
01:36:04 OK, he is saying that the point.
01:36:09 The entire point of the DOJ.
01:36:12 Which includes the FBI.
01:36:15 Is to protect black people.
01:36:19 And fight white supremacists.
01:36:22 He's not implying that he's saying that.
01:36:27 Listen carefully.
01:36:28 Cut out when he said black.
01:36:29 But it's he.
01:36:30 Hopefully it plays.
01:36:31 Normally this time.
Speaker 3
01:36:32 I have often said, and I say often, that the Justice Department was founded in 1870 with the first principal purpose of protecting the rights of Black Americans under the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment, and in particular fighting against the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacists who are trying to deprive them.
01:36:53 Of the right to vote.
01:36:56 That's the primary purpose.
01:37:00 Of the Department of Justice.
01:37:05 And so you might think to yourself, wow, maybe he has some ****** **, you know, revisionist history, viewpoint of its founding, that it doesn't mean that that's what it's for today, right.
01:37:17 I can't possibly be.
Speaker 3
01:37:23 Now, 152 years later, the task of confronting hate fueled violence remains central to the mission of the Justice Department.
01:37:33 Yes he does.
01:37:39 Yes he does.
01:37:46 That's what he thinks the central mission.
01:37:51 Of the FBI and the DOJ is.
Speaker 3
01:38:03 Over the past year and a half, the Justice Department has sharpened its tools to help us prevent, deter, investigate and prosecute hate crimes.
01:38:15 Earlier this year, we secured the convictions of three men who targeted and killed Ahmad Arbury just because he was a black man.
01:38:24 Jogging on a public St.
01:38:28 Just because he was a black man jogging.
01:38:37 Look in the audience.
01:38:39 Actually, I cut it off.
01:38:40 Let me let me let me extend it out.
01:38:41 So you can hear the the audience applaud.
01:38:44 He's bragging about that that he used the full force of the federal government.
01:38:51 To prosecute and convict.
01:38:54 White people who were trying to protect their.
01:38:56 Neighborhood. Excuse me?
01:38:59 From a black criminal that was known in the community.
01:39:02 They call them the jogger because he would show up in, in gym clothes, steal **** and run away.
01:39:11 He'd been doing it for a long time.
01:39:12 People knew about this guy.
01:39:17 And when white people, who, by the way, coordinated with local authorities first.
01:39:27 Trying to protect their community.
01:39:33 Ended up shooting him because he got violent.
01:39:39 Well, the.
01:39:41 The agencies.
01:39:46 That were founded, and whose whose central goal is to protect black people from white supremacists.
01:39:53 They spun into action.
Speaker 3
01:39:55 Earlier this year, we secured the convictions of three men who targeted and killed Ahmad Arbury just because he was a black man jogging on a public St.
01:40:12 He was just jogging.
01:40:17 He was just jogging.
01:40:22 Now we go to Part 2 of.
01:40:27 Of what is so nefarious?
01:40:31 About this focus, you know, I've talked about a bunch I mentioned earlier in this dream about how they're going to talk about some of the funding.
01:40:39 Where we say well, where?
01:40:40 Do they get all this ******* money?
01:40:42 You know where where all the white billionaires?
01:40:43 It's not just the billionaires funding it.
01:40:46 You're actually funding some of this stuff.
01:40:48 So they go to the the head of Homeland Security to talk about it.
Speaker 30
01:40:52 Thank you very much, Mr.
01:40:53 Attorney General for the work that you and your colleagues at the Justice Department do every day on these critical issues.
01:41:00 Secretary Mayorkas, you and your team at DHS are doing all you can to prevent targeted violence, and your work is is critically important.
01:41:12 And I'd love you to share the latest with the group here.
Speaker 23
01:41:16 Today, thank you.
01:41:21 So we got this guy, Alejandro Mayorkas.
01:41:24 Sounds like a nice Anglo-Saxon founding stock guy, right?
01:41:28 Let's see what his what? His primary goal is at his agency, the Homeland Security Agency that was created after 911 by the people who perpetrated it in order to.
01:41:39 Well, keep going in line.
Speaker 23
01:41:42 Today, we in the Department of Homeland Security are announcing $20 million in grant funds to fight against targeted violence. We are.
01:41:57 20 million in grant funds.
01:42:05 So some of this money isn't coming from billionaires.
01:42:07 It's from your tax dollars.
01:42:13 You're paying for your own extinction.
Speaker 23
01:42:25 We are we are providing those funds to 43 local communities, local community organizations to either build the capacity or to strengthen their existing capacity.
01:42:39 To carry on that fight, it is very important to know that in all of our grant programs, including this program that we're announcing today, we are seeking to achieve equity and to reach otherwise.
01:42:57 That's code word for.
01:42:59 If you're white, you're not getting any of that $20 million.
Speaker 7
01:43:08 Kill ******.
Speaker 23
01:43:18 Underserved communities and for the first time, these grant funds are reaching historically black colleges and universities as well.
01:43:29 Notice how it's OK to.
01:43:31 Have a black college and a black university.
01:43:38 That you're funding.
01:43:40 Your tax dollars are funding.
01:43:44 But you can't have your own school.
01:43:46 In fact, if you do have your own school, that same DOJ will sue you out of existence.
Speaker 23
01:43:53 As a service providers that reach the LGBTQ plus community and it's something we take from.
Speaker 5
01:44:03 Ohh look.
01:44:05 They're also giving this guy grant money.
01:44:13 He's part of an underserved community.
01:44:21 So now he's got access to $20 million.
01:44:26 So I guess some.
01:44:27 White people, huh?
01:44:28 Can get some of these grants.
Speaker 23
01:44:36 Could also add that you know President Biden.
01:44:41 Paris, in their stalwart support for this cause that we've devoted this summit to have really also invested in the nonprofit security grant program. That program was funded at $180 million under this administration.
01:44:58 $180 million in grants.
01:45:04 So for those of you thinking, well, 20 million is not that much, uh, 20 million + 180 million.
01:45:11 Numbers are getting a little bit bigger here.
01:45:15 Again, all your money, your tax dollars.
Speaker 23
01:45:18 It is now funded at $250 million.
01:45:21 Oh, now, now we're up.
01:45:22 To 250 million.
01:45:25 Again, these are grants.
01:45:27 That means they don't pay it back.
01:45:28 It's not a loan.
01:45:30 That means that their anti white organizations.
01:45:35 Are being given.
01:45:37 $250 million.
01:45:41 Explicitly anti white organizations.
01:45:47 Are being given.
01:45:49 $250 million.
01:45:53 Most of which.
01:45:55 Out of those dollars.
01:45:58 Originated from white working class people.
01:46:01 That their programs are designed to displace and eliminate.
Speaker 23
01:46:07 And the president's budget that was submitted to Congress calls forth $360 million.
01:46:13 360 million though the number.
Speaker 5
01:46:15 Just keeps going up.
01:46:22 $360 million.
Speaker 23
01:46:27 So a tremendous increase in that.
01:46:33 So if you're wondering where all this money comes from, that's where it comes from.
01:46:36 And look, the Obama administration.
01:46:38 Really refine this process.
01:46:40 What they would do is the DOJ would essentially extort.
01:46:43 Money from companies.
01:46:45 And in fact, a lot of the the banks and **** that got caught doing skeevy deals instead of putting the bankers in jail, all because, you know, that would never happen.
01:46:55 Instead of putting bankers in jail or is, what was it what?
01:46:58 What country was that in in East Asia, where they they just executed the bankers?
01:47:04 Is that like Indonesia?
01:47:05 I forget.
01:47:05 Country. That was.
01:47:09 But that's what we should have done.
01:47:11 But no, instead of doing that, instead of having any kind of criminal charges against people.
01:47:17 They would just have criminal charges against corporations.
01:47:22 You can't put a corporation in jail.
01:47:25 But you can find them.
01:47:27 Hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:47:30 And then when you get those?
01:47:31 Hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:47:33 You then create a grant program with all those hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:47:39 And then in the interest of equity.
01:47:43 You grant.
01:47:46 These anti white organizations, hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:47:55 The Obama administration did that for eight years straight.
01:48:02 And in fact, a lot of that practice was was probably still.
01:48:05 Going on under Trump.
01:48:07 Because he didn't clean house, a lot of the same people.
01:48:11 That worked for Obama.
01:48:13 In these bureaucracies continued to work under Trump.
01:48:22 I don't know if you really, you know, noticed this or not.
01:48:25 Biden didn't have to do a bunch of mass firings because a lot of them worked for him when he was.
01:48:31 Vice president.
Speaker 30
01:48:36 Very pleased to turn it over to Shelley Lowe, who's chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, for the to share her remarkable.
01:48:47 Now this this was just funny because it just it just.
01:48:52 It just reminded me of, like, the so she's Navajo, right?
01:48:56 And she has no real reason to be.
01:48:58 There, other than that, she's Navajo.
01:49:00 And and and and as if to.
01:49:02 To really illustrate this for anyone who's not mesmerized by the fact that she's Navajo, this is how she.
01:49:11 This is her contribution.
Speaker 30
01:49:14 Shelley Lowe, who's chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities for the to share her remarkable vision for the ways in which the arts and humanities can contribute to our ability to to recover and rebuild from trauma.
Speaker 27
01:49:29 Thank you, ambassador.
01:49:30 Ice, Shea, Shelly Lowe and Asha.
Speaker 18
01:49:34 And honestly, touching the bus chain.
Speaker 27
01:49:36 But we're gonna does it.
Speaker 11
01:49:46 White man come.
Speaker 5
01:49:48 Bring many pain.
01:49:50 Give us fire water.
Speaker 21
01:49:52 Take our land kill Buffalo.
01:49:55 Give us job and federal government.
01:50:04 So yeah, that that was her big contribution and and you know.
01:50:06 You know that like all the.
01:50:09 All the comedies and the audience were just like ohh, so powerful.
01:50:12 Such a beautiful language.
01:50:15 It's like it's like poetry when they tell you so wise.
01:50:19 So wise.
01:50:24 That's her.
01:50:26 That's her contribution.
01:50:31 So then they trot on some more victims.
01:50:34 And again, many of these victims were from like 50 years ago and such.
01:50:41 Some of them are a little more recent.
Speaker 32
01:50:45 Doctor Ansari.
01:50:46 Salam alaikum.
01:50:46 So nice to be with you today.
01:50:49 So you are a citizen of the comma.
01:50:53 I'm sorry, but like.
01:50:56 I should have had a seizure warning.
01:50:59 I apologize for not having a seizure.
01:51:01 Warning now and in a in a couple of moments from now.
01:51:05 But there should be a seizure warning.
01:51:09 For this woman.
01:51:10 There's no real reason that she's in the thumbnail other than she.
01:51:13 Looks like that.
01:51:16 Anyway, let's see what let's see what?
Speaker 32
01:51:19 So you are a citizen of the community of Buffalo, experienced an enormously ugly hate crime at the Tops grocery store.
Speaker 5
01:51:28 Oh, no.
01:51:29 Oh, no, he said it.
01:51:31 Ohh no.
01:51:33 I can't believe you said hello.
Speaker 21
01:51:43 Ohh I.
01:51:53 So anyway, let's see what let's see.
01:51:55 What this.
01:51:58 Let's see what this genius has to say.
01:52:00 She looks very articulate.
01:52:09 Here we go.
Speaker 31
01:52:14 We are not prepared for domestic terrorism.
01:52:17 So I'm going to move us to racial justice.
01:52:21 I've been doing this work a long time.
01:52:27 Domestic terrorism has to be part of racial justice.
01:52:35 How do we?
01:52:38 How do we have our most vulnerable communities?
01:52:43 And we have no transparency of what the data looks like with white supremacy around us.
01:52:50 Eyes for interconnectedness.
01:52:51 All of us in here, and all the all the conversations we had this morning.
01:52:56 We're not connected.
01:53:00 Now she's, you know, not really easy to understand.
01:53:05 She's not the most articulate.
01:53:09 Being on the planet, but what she's there to really try to sell?
01:53:16 Is this idea that the intelligence agencies?
01:53:21 Need to start sharing their.
01:53:25 Their data.
01:53:27 On white supremacists?
01:53:30 With these same NGOs that they're funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to.
01:53:38 You see, because there are some things that.
01:53:41 Private organizations can do.
01:53:45 That the federal government.
01:53:50 Can't do.
Speaker 31
01:53:57 Community investments.
01:54:00 I want to say Community investment means to me, sharing control.
01:54:06 And believing in people of power that can manage money.
01:54:12 And that's all I'm going to say.
01:54:20 You like how the people weren't sure if they were supposed to clap to that that really all she was saying was you.
01:54:26 Need to give black people more money?
01:54:29 But she couldn't think of like a smooth way of saying that, but that that that was what she was saying.
01:54:33 You need to give us more, more information on the white supremacists and more money.
01:54:39 So a lot about this, a lot of this was just about like give us give us that those hundreds of millions of dollars you keep talking about.
01:54:45 So I can buy and buy.
01:54:46 More clothes like this that.
01:54:48 Induced seizures.
01:54:52 So then, of course, they bring out a bunch of mayors.
01:54:54 I'm not gonna like.
01:54:55 They went on and on and.
01:54:56 On and on and on, and at this point in in the the summit, I was just getting burned out.
01:55:04 But they have of.
01:55:05 Course and this guy's been doing the rounds.
01:55:09 This guy's been doing the rounds all week promoting the summit, because why?
01:55:13 Because he's the mayor of Oklahoma City.
01:55:17 Just like in healing hate, the Oklahoma City bombing, right?
01:55:21 Remember the the white supremacist domestic terror attack on Oklahoma City?
01:55:27 The attack that that led to all the legislation that people like Joe Biden wanted to get passed.
01:55:34 Getting past.
01:55:39 That eventually, after 911 morphed and mutilated itself into the Patriot Act.
01:55:52 So let's see what he has to say with these other mayors from across the country.
Speaker 24
01:56:03 We we worked again on on a project we had done a few.
01:56:06 Years ago.
01:56:08 With the Anti Defamation league and we have Jonathan Greenblatt right here.
01:56:14 Oh well, this will be good if you work together.
01:56:17 With the Anti defamation league.
01:56:21 Notice how there isn't any consortium of mayors around the country.
01:56:27 Working with pro white groups.
01:56:33 But you have.
01:56:35 The ADL.
01:56:37 The Pro Jewish group, the Anti White Group.
01:56:43 Working hand in fist.
01:56:46 With federal agencies.
01:56:49 And politicians from the national level all the way down to the local level.
01:56:55 Getting them to sign packs that they wrote.
Speaker 24
01:57:04 In the front row and we brought mayors together to recreate a compact we once had, and we've now refreshed it and added the mayors of 2022. And so I can present today here at the summit that we now have over 150 mayors that have signed on to the Mayor's compact to combat hate and extremism.
01:57:30 There are there are 10 action items here.
01:57:33 I won't read them all.
01:57:34 I know we're we're we.
01:57:35 We're rushed on time, but I we certainly invite you all to go to the US Conference of Mayors website to see what we've each committed to.
01:57:47 Well, they don't say what it is.
01:57:49 So I did go to the.
01:57:50 Website to see what they've committed to.
01:57:54 The best part about it is the.
01:57:55 Giant ADL logo.
01:57:58 Again, try to imagine Mayor signing a big, you know, a mayor's compact.
01:58:06 With a black pilled logo on it.
01:58:11 So here's the 10 action items on the compact.
01:58:22 Number one.
01:58:23 Expressly rejecting extremism, racism and all forms of bigotry.
01:58:29 Mayors will use the bully pulpit to speak out against racism, extremism, xenophobia and all forms of bigotry.
01:58:38 Those who espouse such ideas or and those who espouse such ideas, so they're basically getting down to the local level, they're getting mayors.
01:58:48 To be expressly anti white.
01:58:53 #2 denouncing all acts of hate whenever they occur, mayors will publicly denounce specific acts of hate. I wonder what which specific acts those are. Support efforts to address bias, motivated violence, and provide comfort and assistance to victims of hate crimes.
01:59:09 And discrimination.
01:59:12 Whether the Act occurs online.
01:59:17 Or offline.
01:59:21 Well, so.
01:59:23 Hate crimes are going to.
01:59:26 Take place online, are they?
01:59:29 #3 ensuring public safety while protecting free speech. Yeah, I'm sure that will happen.
01:59:36 I wonder whose free speech that they're worried about.
01:59:43 #4 calling for fully resourced law enforcement.
01:59:48 And civil rights investigations of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.
01:59:58 Mayors will work to ensure that local police departments have the financial resources necessary to prevent, respond to and investigate domestic terrorism and hate crimes.
02:00:08 And work with federal authorities when appropriate, to ensure that the interests of justice are served.
02:00:15 They will also work to build trust between law enforcement and communities affected by hate and extremism.
02:00:20 Blah blah blah.
02:00:21 So in other words.
02:00:23 Mayors will make sure that the local law enforcement.
02:00:27 Plays ball with Merrick Garland.
02:00:31 #5 elevating and prioritizing.
02:00:36 Anti bias and anti hate programs in our nation's schools I.
02:00:40 Wonder if that would include.
02:00:45 Holocaust education.
02:00:50 I like how it says here.
02:00:52 Mayors will encourage schools to provide and enhance civics education, anti bias, anti hate content in their curricula.
02:01:01 Anti hate organizations such as the ADL.
02:01:06 Have materials and training programs that can help educators, parents and other community leaders to mitigate hate online.
02:01:19 So in other words.
02:01:20 The ADL.
02:01:22 Will be responsible for coming up with this.
02:01:26 This propaganda that will be taught in the schools.
02:01:32 Number six supporting communities and bringing together civic and community leaders to build trust, in other words, funneling cash at the local level.
02:01:41 In the same way, the federal government is funneling cash.
02:01:46 At the national level.
02:01:49 #7 celebrating diversity, fostering inclusivity and challenging bias.
02:01:56 In other words, funding.
02:01:59 Pride parades.
02:02:03 Drag Queen story hour.
02:02:05 Funding Black lives matter.
02:02:10 #8 promoting professional development for law enforcement on responding to reporting hate crimes.
02:02:18 And domestic terrorism.
02:02:21 So again.
02:02:23 Making workshops.
02:02:25 Anti white workshops.
02:02:27 For local law enforcement and getting them to play ball with federal law enforcement.
02:02:36 Just an inner words.
02:02:38 What you're looking at is.
02:02:41 What you saw in Portland with Chaz or Chop?
02:02:46 Or whatever the **** it was called.
02:02:50 They want all of your cops to behave that way, where if if it's black people rioting, then they're inclusive and understanding.
02:02:57 If it's white people rioting, they're going to come down like a ton of bricks.
02:03:03 Or if it's just white people protesting, they don't have to be rioting.
02:03:07 They'll handcuff you and do a photo op with you, handcuffed and say that they thwarted A terror attack.
02:03:17 #9 encouraging residents in their communities to report hate incidents and crimes.
02:03:23 Including using hot lines.
02:03:27 So that's another tool you might wonder.
02:03:29 Well, what's so?
Speaker 8
02:03:30 Bad about that?
02:03:32 That's literally just a tool to to bolster the numbers of the ADL gives the FBI.
02:03:38 When the FBI and like that consultant guy that we saw earlier in the stream talks about, well, you know, according to the ADL.
02:03:49 Because The funny thing is, and that guy actually said it after he said, well, according to the ADL, there's all these *******.
02:03:55 Hate crimes against Jews like 8000 of them just last year and that's that number is probably even higher.
Speaker 8
02:04:01 Because so many of them go unreported.
02:04:07 So this is just to bump the numbers up.
02:04:10 That will then validate these programs, validate this spending.
02:04:15 Oh well, we.
02:04:16 Have to I mean, geez, like in fact.
02:04:19 That this will be a way that they can be like, oh, look, because they these hotlines didn't exist before, right?
02:04:25 And you're going to have, like, every every Jew who gets a dirty look is going to be calling these these ******* numbers up.
02:04:31 And like a white supremacist, you know, looked at me and I could tell he wanted to Holocaust me.
02:04:35 Oh, God.
02:04:38 That gets that that that's listed as a hate crime.
02:04:41 So then the following year they can be like, Oh my God, it just went up 800%.
02:04:47 Saul Rosenberg was was was assaulted by a white supremacist.
Speaker 7
02:04:51 Oh God, I totally was.
02:04:57 #10.
02:04:59 Maintaining civil rights enforcement.
02:05:02 In improving hate crime laws when necessary.
02:05:07 So again, passing a lot of these laws at the local level.
02:05:14 Hate crime law, that all that really means.
02:05:19 Is if you're white.
02:05:22 You're going to do more time.
02:05:24 It's it's.
02:05:24 It's always been an equity thing.
02:05:26 It's literally equity is not like a new idea.
02:05:31 They wanted to find a way to put white people in jail longer.
02:05:39 And so if you are involved in an incident.
02:05:44 And even if it's completely random.
02:05:48 The victim, whether they're a real victim or just the way that the state views it.
02:05:56 Is not white.
02:05:58 Like if you get in a bar fight, you know and and you punch a black guy.
02:06:05 You know the the, the, the before equity.
02:06:08 The judge might have said, oh, that's not a big deal.
02:06:10 It's a bar fight, but now?
02:06:13 Now he's going to throw the ******* key away.
02:06:19 That's what this is for.
02:06:20 That's that's what hate crimes were always for.
02:06:25 But because ***** white boomers didn't want to be called racist.
02:06:28 They went along with it.
02:06:31 Or they did the limp wrist, the defense.
02:06:33 They're like, oh, well, this is actually.
Speaker 5
02:06:34 Bad for black people.
02:06:42 How many black people do you think get prosecuted under hate crime laws?
02:06:48 You know, we see these videos not just of the kids getting beat up in schools, but like the random white grandma walking down the street getting ******* cold cocked.
02:07:00 Are those black people?
02:07:01 If they're even arrested, ever?
02:07:04 Are they charged with hate crimes?
02:07:10 You know, it's funny because you don't have to be yelling, die, die, die.
02:07:16 If you get in a fight with a black guy in order to.
02:07:18 Get charged with a hate.
02:07:21 But if you're black, it seems like.
02:07:23 Look, even those kids, those kids that.
02:07:27 That burned.
02:07:31 Kidnapped a ******** white kid.
02:07:35 We all saw that video backflow. Was it 2017, a group of black kids kidnapped a a white ******** kid.
02:07:45 Duct taped him up.
02:07:47 Burned them with cigar.
02:07:48 All on video they streamed it on ******* Facebook.
02:07:52 Burned them with cigarettes.
02:07:55 Cut his head open with a knife on video.
02:08:00 They weren't charged with hate crime.
02:08:09 Hate crime simply means.
02:08:15 It simply means we're putting white people in jail.
02:08:21 Because they don't. Ever.
02:08:23 Commit crimes.
02:08:24 So when they do, we're going to really make.
02:08:26 Sure, they serve time.
02:08:34 So then they had, like some other, I think pulse mom or I forget something some worthless.
02:08:41 You know, pull your heartstrings, kind of a a speaker, come and introduce.
02:08:47 The Walking corpse, that is.
02:08:50 The president.
02:08:53 Big asterisks.
02:08:59 And he's the big closer, right?
02:09:02 4 hours in.
02:09:05 4 hours into this summit.
02:09:09 The big closer comes in.
Speaker 33
02:09:14 Evil will not win.
02:09:17 It will not prevail.
Speaker 19
02:09:23 And what?
Speaker 33
02:09:23 White supremacists will not have the last word, and this venom and violence.
02:09:30 Cannot be the story of our time.
02:09:35 You will not win.
Speaker 33
02:09:41 I decided to run for President, as Susan knows, after Charlottesville, literally not figuratively.
Speaker 10
02:09:42 Right.
02:09:51 Well, I guess now we know why Richard Spencer was at Charlottesville and then voted for Biden.
02:09:59 It was all a plan.
Speaker 8
02:10:05 Man, they're they're they're they're going.
02:10:07 To beat that to death when really it's the stupidest ****.
02:10:09 This is the this.
02:10:10 It's another example.
02:10:14 Of what?
02:10:14 It's another slip of the mask.
02:10:18 Because if you compare Charlottesville to literally in knee.
02:10:23 In knee.
02:10:25 Of the several BLM riots that took place all across the country.
02:10:32 Let alone combined.
02:10:33 You take Charlottesville and compare it to.
02:10:36 Even just one of those.
02:10:38 A less deadly.
02:10:41 Be a whole lot less like actual terrorism.
02:10:49 But you know what the difference is, Republicans?
02:10:53 They won't talk about it.
02:10:56 They won't talk about it.
02:10:57 They don't name the victims of.
02:10:59 Of black violence.
02:11:02 They won't even say black violence.
02:11:06 In fact, when you have BLM riots, what do Republicans say?
02:11:09 Oh, this is bad for blacks.
02:11:11 Because look, they're hurting their own neighborhoods.
02:11:25 This is why voting.
02:11:26 For Republicans, is the stupidest **** ever.
02:11:38 They don't care about you.
02:11:40 Many of them agree with everything we've heard tonight.
02:11:48 Including Trump.
Speaker 33
02:11:52 Most folks came out of those that feel carrying torches.
02:11:56 the United States of America carrying torches, chanting the same anti-Semitic bile that was chanted in Germany in the early 30s, accompanied by white supremacists holding Nazi flags.
02:12:12 And I thought to myself.
02:12:14 My God.
02:12:16 This is the United States America senator.
02:12:18 How could it happen?
02:12:21 You need if you want to be a serious right wing candidate.
02:12:26 A serious white right wing candidate.
02:12:32 You need to sound exactly like this.
02:12:34 You need to say I watched those ******* riots.
02:12:39 And it reminded me of the riots in LA.
02:12:44 In the 90s.
02:12:47 The riots in Detroit.
02:12:49 And in Washington, DC, in the 60s, the right, the right, you know, there's so many riots.
02:12:55 Start naming victims.
02:13:01 My God, what kind of country is this?
02:13:07 But they won't do that.
02:13:09 Because they agree with Uncle Joe.
Speaker 33
02:13:12 No, I I I really mean it.
02:13:16 As my friends in the movement civil rights movement and I got involved in policy because of civil.
02:13:20 Rights as a kid.
02:13:22 But the idea?
02:13:24 The idea.
02:13:26 That in the first quarter of the 20th century.
02:13:30 We had people coming out of fields carrying torches.
02:13:34 Nazi flags and banners.
02:13:37 Chanting the bile accompanied by white supremacists.
02:13:42 David Dukes and his crowd.
02:13:46 And an innocent young woman.
02:13:49 Is killed.
02:13:56 When the last guy was asked.
02:13:59 What do you think?
02:14:00 He said he thought there were some fine people on both sides.
02:14:05 See, that's the best.
02:14:06 That's the best.
02:14:07 You ever got?
02:14:08 Trump saying there was maybe some.
02:14:10 Good people on both sides one time, he said then.
02:14:17 And they taught him.
02:14:18 You can't.
02:14:18 That's not acceptable.
02:14:21 Because they know what would happen if you had a white right wing politician that was explicit and did say not just.
02:14:28 Well, there was some fine people on both sides, no, if they said.
02:14:34 There's a trend, all right.
02:14:36 And it's black on white violence.
02:14:40 And it's not really a trend so much.
02:14:41 As a reality of living in America.
02:14:48 I've hired these economists to work it all out.
02:14:51 This is how much it's cost just to have black people in our country.
02:14:55 Over the last 100 years, the price would be the price tag on that would be astronomical.
02:15:00 There's been people that have calculated that.
02:15:03 The the cost and this is not including any of these riots and the, you know, the the billions of dollars in damage that takes place when that happens. I'm just talking about, like, regular, everything's somewhat normal.
02:15:15 You calculate the cost of having black people.
02:15:19 In your country.
02:15:20 Right.
02:15:21 And that so that includes the cost of you know whether it's welfare, healthcare, you know, education, the law enforcement, that's a big one to not only police their neighborhoods.
02:15:37 But to conduct the investigations, to do the convictions and another big one, to keep them in jail.
02:15:46 When really we should be bringing back hangings, you know the Old West.
02:15:51 The part of the country that my my family settled.
02:15:56 If you stole the horse.
02:15:59 If you stole the horse.
02:16:01 You were hanging from a ******* noose.
02:16:03 If they caught you.
02:16:10 That's that's what we should be returning to, and you need candidates that actually ******* say that.
02:16:19 Weren't very many horse thieves after the few hangings?
02:16:33 And it's not just a scare tactic.
02:16:35 Let's be real.
02:16:35 Let's think about this on a long enough timeline.
02:16:38 You're removing these ******* people from the gene pool.
02:16:51 They're not getting released after not paying bail, going home ******* someone that they don't know is is literally their half sister because their dad was just impregnating everyone in the neighborhood.
02:17:04 Making more ******** criminal babies.
02:17:10 You take that ****** out of the gene pool.
02:17:16 White or black?
02:17:17 Who gives a ****?
02:17:20 You want to be a SIV net and say hashtag not all black.
02:17:23 So I got a black friend hashtag.
02:17:27 OK, well, there's no.
02:17:30 There's no racial part of the law.
02:17:33 It will disproportionately affect a certain group, that's for sure.
02:17:40 But think of it as a breeding program.
02:17:45 We're breeding for traits that we like.
02:17:54 And we're getting rid of.
02:17:55 The traits that we don't like.
02:17:58 The same way I would euthanize an Africanized beehive.
02:18:05 I don't want those genetics in my yard.
02:18:11 And again, there's no racial component to the law.
02:18:14 I'm just saying there needs.
02:18:15 To be a whole lot more hangings.
02:18:21 We want to talk about what America was built on.
02:18:25 It was built on hangings.
Speaker 33
02:18:33 Standing together against hate, racism, bigotry, violence.
02:18:36 Have long, haunted and plagued our nation.
02:18:40 Another core value wise is standing united.
02:18:46 This ******* guy can barely talk.
02:18:54 I mean, it's it's embarrassing.
02:18:56 It's ******* embarrassing.
Speaker 33
02:19:02 Every other nation is based on ethnicity, geography in America.
02:19:07 We're based on an idea.
02:19:10 Oh look.
02:19:11 He agrees 100% with conservatives like Charlie Kirk.
Speaker 13
02:19:17 I reject this idea of dual loyalty.
02:19:19 I have loyalty to ideas and of course I love the Grand Canyon.
02:19:23 I love the Rocky Mountains and I love Boston.
02:19:26 I love Chicago, but if all that disappeared and all I had was ideas and we were on an island, that's America.
02:19:31 That's Israel and that that's what people have to realize, that America is just a placeholder for timeless.
02:19:38 And if you fall too in love with you know.
02:19:40 Ohh the specific place and all this.
02:19:42 That's you know that's not what it is.
02:19:44 Israel will be an exception because there is a holy connection to this.
02:19:50 Israel would be the exception. But look, Charlie Kirk agrees 100% with Biden.
Speaker 33
02:19:54 Every other nation is based on ethnicity, geography in America.
02:19:59 We're based on an idea.
02:20:05 See turning point us gay.
02:20:13 And so rambling, Grandpa has to say next.
Speaker 33
02:20:20 The combination of January the 6th.
02:20:24 What they saw in Charlottesville.
02:20:29 Not America.
02:20:38 I finally got the the January 6th guy.
Speaker 5
02:20:41 Oh, no. January 60. The horrors it was, it was a nightmare.
Speaker 33
02:20:56 Not who we are.
02:21:00 The idea of America.
02:21:04 Is guaranteed that everyone? Everyone.
02:21:07 Is treated with dignity.
02:21:10 And equality.
02:21:12 An idea that ensures.
02:21:15 And inclusive multiracial democracy.
Speaker 5
02:21:19 Wait, what?
02:21:22 He's saying America was founded on the idea of a multiracial society.
02:21:28 Benjamin Franklin didn't even want Italians or slaves to come here.
Speaker 33
02:21:35 This guarantees that everyone everyone.
02:21:39 Is treated with dignity and equality.
02:21:43 An idea that ensures.
02:21:46 And inclusive multiracial democracy.
02:21:51 This is the rewriting of history.
02:21:53 That they want to do.
02:21:55 This is This is why white people.
02:21:58 Even though to many it seems inconsequential.
02:22:02 When you see.
02:22:04 Black hobbits.
02:22:06 In Lord of the Rings movies.
02:22:09 When you see a black Little Mermaid.
02:22:14 When you see.
02:22:19 Appropriation, as you might say.
02:22:25 That repulsion that you feel.
02:22:29 That to some might seem trivial.
02:22:35 It's because it's one of the more recognizable in your face.
02:22:40 Representations of a much wider.
02:22:44 Problem that's not easy to point to and articulate.
02:22:51 That's not as visual, and we live in.
02:22:53 A visual society now.
02:22:57 It's a visual representation.
02:23:00 Of the conspiracy theory that you're being replaced.
02:23:07 That they're literally rewriting the history books and **** ABL.
02:23:10 They'll do it for you.
02:23:13 The ADL will write the books for you.
02:23:21 Raise your white kids to believe.
02:23:24 Their people had really just a small role.
02:23:29 When it came to.
02:23:32 Western civilization.
02:23:35 Well, they.
02:23:36 Really, they were just spectators.
02:23:39 All the people of color are the ones that.
02:23:41 Did the hard work.
02:23:43 They're the ones that really built these countries.
02:23:49 Even in European countries that don't have any kind of history of slavery, which by the way slavery if anything, was.
02:23:56 One of the most, if not the most damaging thing that America ever.
02:24:00 Took part in.
02:24:07 They'll tell you the same things you know with England, it's like, oh, wow.
02:24:10 Are you ******* colonizers?
02:24:14 You got your prosperity on the backs of the Indians.
02:24:19 The Indians who didn't have plumbing or mass transit or civilization, really.
02:24:24 Until it was imported from England.
Speaker 33
02:24:40 Too many people fearful just walking the streets in America.
02:24:44 Jewish high holidays approach.
02:24:46 Families will gather for reflection under the shadow of the rise of anti-Semitism.
02:24:52 Yeah, it's Jews that are afraid to walk the streets at night.
02:25:01 It's Jews that are afraid to walk in black neighborhoods and getting kidnapped while going for a jog and then raped to death.
02:25:14 Again, so far this entire summit.
02:25:18 And he's the he's the closer.
02:25:20 So nowhere.
02:25:22 In this entire summit.
02:25:25 Was there in me and I listened for it.
02:25:29 Even just a throwaway line or even like you know them trying to play the same stupid game that conservatives do when the Conservatives try to mask their inner racism, when conservatives try to insist that no.
02:25:40 Really I've got.
Speaker 5
02:25:41 A black friend and this is bad for blacks.
02:25:45 Why? Because look.
02:25:48 They're just as racist as anyone else.
02:25:51 But they're ashamed of it.
02:25:52 That's the only difference.
02:25:54 It's not that.
02:25:55 They don't see it.
02:25:56 They're just ashamed that they see it.
02:26:02 That's the only difference.
02:26:06 The reason they hate people like us.
02:26:10 Is we're making a lot of white people feel less ashamed.
02:26:16 For having normal feelings.
02:26:26 But no, there was not a single throwaway line there.
02:26:28 Was number like.
02:26:30 Ohh, and you know whites too, or you know, a long laundry list of of you know, including Eskimos and then white people thrown in there somewhere.
02:26:43 White people.
02:26:45 We're clearly the devil in this, this summit, ******.
02:26:53 That was the thing.
Speaker 33
02:26:54 Just four years after the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, the deadliest act of anti-Semitism in our nation's history, this summer, 31 white supremacists in Idaho, we're.
Speaker 31
02:26:54 And this morning.
02:27:10 Again, he's talking about Patriot front getting arrested on their way to a protest.
02:27:15 Listen to how he's talking about it.
02:27:17 They're they, they're they're really framing it like they stopped some kind of mass casualty event.
Speaker 33
02:27:24 This summer.
02:27:26 31 white supremacists in Idaho were stopped from unleashing hateful violence just before they reached the Pride celebration.
02:27:35 A threat following a record year of violence against transgender Americans.
02:27:42 Oh yeah, you got to make sure you.
02:27:44 Protect those transgender Americans.
02:27:49 Like that massive **** shop teacher.
02:27:53 He's the real victim.
02:27:56 Not the children in that classroom.
02:28:01 It's that guy.
02:28:12 This it gets this bad when you feel ashamed for having normal feelings.
02:28:19 When you are afraid to call evil evil.
02:28:22 When you consent to.
02:28:23 Evil by voting for the lesser.
02:28:25 Of two evils, which is still evil.
02:28:39 When you don't want to be like those low class whites that have a problem with immigration because they're getting replaced first.
02:28:54 The irony, of course, they felt safe.
02:28:57 As I said before, they felt safe because they were racist.
02:29:01 They couldn't imagine that the Guatemalan mowing their lawn would ever produce children that would compete with their children when it came to college admissions or anything else.
02:29:18 The difference is, once again, they're embarrassed by it.
02:29:21 And because they're embarrassed by it.
02:29:24 They have to overcorrect.
02:29:28 It's like I remember.
02:29:31 Just at a high school.
02:29:34 We were at some party somewhere.
02:29:36 I think it was one of these, like warehouse parties where you never understood like who has access to this warehouse like.
02:29:41 Why are we here?
02:29:45 And one of these guys that I was hanging out with.
02:29:50 We were smoking pot and just talking about random **** as people.
02:29:54 As people do that are smoking pot.
Speaker 8
02:29:59 And he said something about.
Speaker 19
02:30:01 He, he said.
02:30:02 Something ************ and I forget what it was, but he made some comment about jerking off.
02:30:07 And with the assumption that everyone in the the circle would be able to relate to what it was that he, I honestly forget because that wasn't the important point.
02:30:16 The point was there was one kid.
02:30:21 Who got really uncomfortable and freaked out.
02:30:27 And kept insisting he didn't.
02:30:29 Know what it what?
02:30:29 What you're I don't.
02:30:30 Know what we're talking about?
02:30:31 I never jerked off.
02:30:32 Which I'm sorry.
02:30:35 Everyone, everyone is jerked off.
02:30:37 I'm not saying it's good or to do it, just the opposite, but everyone has.
02:30:42 OK, every guy has.
02:30:45 There's probably women that haven't because it.
Speaker 8
02:30:47 It's not as easy, but still.
02:30:51 And it what?
02:30:52 Stuck out to to everyone in the group.
02:30:54 Was like wow.
02:30:56 You're, like, really like acting it like, if you couldn't relate to it, you would have just kept your mouth shut or whatever.
02:31:03 But like the amount that you're protesting that you would have any understanding of what this guy's talking about makes me think you **** *** all the time.
02:31:11 Like you're constantly ************ and you just have this crushing guilt about it.
02:31:16 And so you're overcorrecting.
02:31:20 And that's how conservatives are.
02:31:24 They're afraid to let anyone know that they've *********** before because they don't think anyone else does, and they feel like this super deep shame.
02:31:30 About it.
Speaker 33
02:31:45 It's about power and profit.
02:31:48 Too much?
02:31:49 Well, you got that right.
02:31:50 It is about power and.
Speaker 33
02:31:51 Profit violence.
02:31:53 That's been allowed to fester and grow.
02:31:57 You know, as a result, our very own intelligence agencies, our own intelligence agencies in the United States of America.
02:32:06 Have determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat to our homeland today.
02:32:17 More dangerous than al Qaida.
02:32:18 Remember the other guy said it was more dangerous than Al Qaeda.
Speaker 33
02:32:23 I've been around a while, I never thought I'd hear that or say that.
02:32:28 We need to say clearly, and fortunately, white supremacy, all forms of hate fuelled by violence, have no place in America.
02:32:37 Failure to call it out is complicity.
02:32:40 My dad would say if your silence is complicity.
Speaker 7
02:32:46 Ohh ******.
02:32:55 I wonder if his dad was a child molester too.
02:32:57 That stuff usually runs in the family.
02:33:02 Does your dad tell?
02:33:03 You that while he was uh.
02:33:05 Playing hiding the hide the snake with you there, Joe.
Speaker 33
02:33:08 I'm gonna say it again.
02:33:10 I am not going to stop till we ban assault weapons.
02:33:14 We have to ban assault weapons.
02:33:16 I mean it.
02:33:18 We did it once before.
02:33:21 And when we did?
02:33:24 Mass crimes plummeted.
02:33:28 My first day in office.
02:33:30 I directed.
02:33:34 Now the reason they want to do that is look.
02:33:37 They are confident, they're confident they got this.
02:33:41 But there's always that specter of armed.
02:33:46 Right wing al opposition.
02:33:51 The right wing is very docile and domesticated and doesn't really pose any kind of immediate threat.
02:34:00 But it's just, it's just the the possibility it's the option.
02:34:03 It's the idea that they have guns.
02:34:06 That's the unknown.
02:34:15 Don't ever let them take your guns.
02:34:21 Even if you know all these Second Amendment ******* are are massive ******* and would never actually use them, it doesn't matter.
02:34:29 It's the idea that you've got, em.
02:34:33 That at least affords you.
02:34:35 A little bit of breathing room.
Speaker 33
02:34:40 My national Security and Homeland Security team to develop a first ever national strategy for countering domestic terrorism.
02:34:48 The goal is to improve and enhance our understanding of this growing threat within our country, prevent people from being mobilized to violence to counter the relentless exploitation of the Internet, to recruit and mobilize domestic terrorism.
02:35:04 And there's more we have to do.
02:35:06 Together for the whole of government approach and a whole of nation approach.
02:35:10 That's why today.
02:35:12 We're launching a new White House initiative on hate motivated violence.
02:35:17 We're going to use every federal resources available to help communities counter hate fuel violence.
02:35:25 So a lot of that's going to be the money pumped into local municipalities.
02:35:29 Another reason why fighting a lot of this battle at the local level is going to become increasingly important because they are doing exactly that, they know.
02:35:39 That is one of your only options right now.
02:35:43 Establishing a strong local.
02:35:48 Or community.
02:35:50 That can resist some of this stuff at.
02:35:52 The local level.
02:35:56 That's that's one of the few options.
02:36:01 We have we have available.
02:36:08 People with these Grand National aspirations don't realize how.
02:36:13 Outnumbered they are.
02:36:15 And they're either delusional or they're lying.
02:36:17 So they can drift you from money.
02:36:19 That's just the way that it is.
02:36:24 Biden knows it, or at least the people that have their hand up his *** controlling him like a puppet.
02:36:30 They know it.
02:36:40 So they're going to start pumping a lot of money into these local municipalities.
02:36:48 Oh, you have to you have a underfunded.
02:36:52 Police Department.
02:36:53 I bet you'd love a new police cruiser.
02:36:55 Maybe some new guns and some.
02:36:58 Body armor, huh? Well.
02:37:01 We'll we'll happily fund.
02:37:03 You with that stuff, you just have to take this training.
02:37:06 Maybe fire that guy.
02:37:07 That seems a little too right wing.
02:37:12 Meet these racial quotas for equity equity.
02:37:16 It's got to be equity.
02:37:25 And we'll throw a little.
02:37:25 Money your way.
02:37:34 Tell the government gets what they want with local jurisdictions.
Speaker 33
02:37:44 And whole social media platforms accountable for spreading hate and fuel violence.
02:37:51 Now this is this is big this was.
02:37:53 The big ending, right?
02:37:55 He got more applause, significantly more applause.
02:38:00 On this point, then, even the banning of guns.
02:38:07 I want you to listen.
02:38:08 To the applause he got.
02:38:12 For, because again, this was the repetition throughout.
02:38:14 The whole summit.
02:38:16 Tech sector is not doing enough.
02:38:19 Tech sector is not doing enough Nazis using the Internet, Nazis using the Internet.
02:38:24 This isn't like the old days when Nazis didn't have the Internet.
02:38:27 They're using the Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, tech sector not doing enough.
Speaker 33
02:38:33 And whole social media platform is accountable for spreading hate and fuel violence.
02:38:51 And I'm calling on Congress to get rid of special immunity for social media companies and impose much stronger transparency requirement.
02:39:00 On all of them.
02:39:14 This is what happens when Trump is monitoring the situation and not being proactive when dealing with social media companies who were censoring, who were doing too much to deal with this supposed boogeyman.
02:39:30 The white supremacist hiding under the bed.
02:39:37 He had the opportunity to the to address the.
02:39:40 Problem he ended up getting banned from Twitter because he didn't.
02:39:50 So now there's going to be reform, all right.
02:40:03 But those reforms will be written by guys.
02:40:07 Who think it's totally fine that this guy's teaching shop at your kids high school.
02:40:24 So anyway.
02:40:27 That was the summit.
02:40:30 The big the big conclusion was we need to censor even more on the Internet.
02:40:36 And we need.
02:40:36 To do pre crime, investigate.
02:40:38 It's more of the.
02:40:39 Same a lot.
02:40:40 Of look, we're just seeing it.
02:40:41 This is.
02:40:42 How it progresses?
02:40:45 I know some of this can seem a little bit repetitive, but I want you to see how this goes because we're going to watch it in real time.
02:40:52 We're going to watch all this stuff unfold.
02:40:57 It starts off with propaganda.
02:41:07 And then it slowly.
02:41:09 Turns into reality.
02:41:18 You know Abby Kaufman.
02:41:20 The flower power Jew.
02:41:24 And he said that's what a good propagandist does.
02:41:28 He doesn't show how the world is.
02:41:33 He shows how he wants the world to be.
02:41:37 And like a type of magic.
02:41:40 It happens.
02:41:52 All right.
02:41:58 Let's take a look at Hyper chats.
02:42:01 I'm going to stop saying super chat because we're at least try to because that's a.
Speaker 8
02:42:06 That's a Jewish term.
02:42:10 In the same way that like it took me a while to try to and I still, you know, like the what's the, what's the word I I say yadda yadda yadda, I used to say that a lot and I'm like I didn't know that was Yiddish.
02:42:27 Reclaim my my English language here, so we're going to say hyper chats.
02:42:35 Alright, so let's see here.
02:42:38 Pebble in the pond.
02:42:40 $5. Good show. Devin, I'll have to catch the replay skull.
02:42:45 Well, scold to you too.
02:42:47 You must be in some kind of.
02:42:50 European country.
02:42:52 What does that?
02:42:54 Do polls say that or forget?
02:42:55 Who says that?
02:42:58 Reaver $10? Well, I'm going to do.
02:43:01 Some of these money ones.
Speaker 1
02:43:04 Easy money.
02:43:07 Howdy, Devin.
02:43:08 My buddy liked the idea of a DVR shirt, so he made a logo.
02:43:12 Feel free to use it.
02:43:13 Here's the link.
02:43:15 I'll take a look at I actually I I fiddled around with making a DVD logo in Photoshop not that long ago.
02:43:23 Well, I'll take a look at that one.
02:43:26 UMI don't know.
02:43:28 Maybe it would be good because on one end I was kind of like, well, no one's going to know what that means. But then I was like, oh, yeah, well, that's kind of the point.
02:43:34 Right.
02:43:34 A lot of these shirts that we do.
02:43:35 That's why we do it, because no one knows what they mean.
02:43:38 It's like a little.
02:43:40 So maybe that's not a bad idea.
02:43:42 And then it has double the same thing. Mark, SB $1.00 appreciate that when you make your election fraud video, don't forget that HBO made an entire documentary just a few months before the election about the unreliable unreliability of voting machines.
02:44:02 OK.
02:44:03 Yeah, that's going to take a while.
02:44:05 I'm I'm just cause like I want it to be good.
02:44:08 I want it to be.
02:44:13 Because I know there's a lot of people that don't believe it and I want to make sure that I don't put anything in there that's fake and there's so much.
02:44:22 Look, I'll give you this.
02:44:23 Like the people that that think it was real.
02:44:26 One of the reasons they think it was real is because of so much ******** queue stuff is involved, you know, with that?
02:44:33 Yeah, I mean, all the my pillow crack and garbage.
02:44:37 Right.
02:44:37 Like that's.
02:44:39 That's really what made it worse is.
02:44:42 All these, I mean, all the crazies that were getting rich off of it.
02:44:48 But I'll take a look at that. I mean, they look, the voting machines are the most insecure things. They're like ******* like Windows 98 machines and.
02:44:54 **** like maybe XP.
02:44:55 I don't.
02:44:56 Know, but they have like no security patches half the time.
02:45:00 They are connected to the Internet even if it's like even if they weren't.
02:45:04 Like I said it.
02:45:05 Doesn't have to be like some evil plan.
02:45:07 Some of the times it could just be like the grandma that's setting up the stupid voting machine wants to look at her Pinterest page or something like that, right?
Speaker 8
02:45:15 How how do I connect to the Wi-Fi?
02:45:19 And now your voting machines on the Wi-Fi, as many of them were.
02:45:25 And the security updates are not performed on those things, and in fact.
02:45:30 A lot of very odd updates were pushed to some of the voting machines the night of.
Speaker 26
02:45:37 Well, let's see here.
02:45:41 Harmless G The pause I recall from from Breaking Bad is the cancer doctor being black, Skyler preventing Saul from calling an ice raid on the car wash, and the villains in the last season being Neo Nazis.
02:45:57 What pause do you recall?
02:45:59 Also, I haven't seen better.
02:46:01 Call Saul.
02:46:04 I mean, I don't remember I.
02:46:07 The you know the the Nazis being the bad guys, obviously, but the.
02:46:12 You got to.
02:46:12 Remember, it was the show was created by the same guy who did X-Files and he did like the Nazi bad guy thing and X-Files. You know too it's it's.
02:46:23 He's not a Jew himself.
02:46:24 In fact, he's I think he's Catholic or something.
02:46:28 Vince, Gillian or whatever the **** his name is.
02:46:32 And he also remember he didn't write all the episodes.
02:46:36 A lot of these shows, especially the ones that go on and on like that, did.
02:46:40 You'd be surprised at how many writers are involved, even though the the storyline seems like it's pretty.
02:46:47 You know, you look at the episodes and they're written by different writers and directed by different directors.
02:46:52 And so it's it's kind of interesting that those shows are able to still seem rather.
02:47:01 With that, that kind of changing that's going on.
02:47:05 But yeah, I mean, I'll tell you what though.
02:47:09 Is that really paused that the?
02:47:11 The white woman told him not to call immigration.
02:47:14 Or is that just realistic?
02:47:15 You know what I mean?
02:47:17 And you know the they.
02:47:20 The black guy being the.
02:47:23 The heart surgeon that's a little bit obviously unrealistic, but you know.
02:47:29 Compared to what?
02:47:30 A lot of things have, I think it's fairly minor.
02:47:33 I'm sure there's a lot I haven't watched in a really long time.
02:47:35 I'm sure there's lots of.
02:47:36 Stuff I'm forgetting tipsy?
02:47:38 Make stagger $5 bring back the DOTR hoodie for book 2 release.
02:47:44 When I went to buy the original A while back, your store was down and it's not there anymore.
02:47:48 Yeah, I got shut down.
02:47:50 UM.
02:47:53 I guess I could put up a day of the rope stuff, but I I'd have to do on on a different account because that that's just it's a banned.
02:47:59 Phrase now you can't even say it on Twitter or you you can get your account banned if you get.
02:48:04 I don't know if it's automatic, but.
02:48:06 That's why they banned my account, they said.
02:48:08 Cause I said day of the rope in my bio.
02:48:11 Because I was telling people the name.
02:48:13 Of my book.
02:48:15 So and well, and that that ******* Indian ***** that works for Twitter on Joe Rogan literally said day of the rope was a banned term.
02:48:27 I think she said it twice.
02:48:33 Let's Lord Godfrey $5 appreciate that the NJP is not exactly a political party, but a pro white activist organization.
02:48:41 They've been protesting black murderers on of whites who were set to receive lenient sentences or none.
02:48:48 Check them out on Odyssey around the time they started doing this, shills came out for the woodwork to ship.
02:48:54 On them?
02:48:55 Yeah, I don't I.
02:48:56 I mean, I only kind of know about them.
02:48:58 I don't really.
02:48:59 No more than.
02:49:02 I don't know actually.
02:49:03 I probably know less than a lot of people about them because I've only seen like a couple of videos.
02:49:09 But you know, but yeah, that kind of activism is good.
02:49:14 Because it it normalizes it as long.
02:49:17 Here's the thing.
02:49:18 It normalizes it as long as when you're protesting, you don't look like the kinds of people that we went over that were caricatures in healing hate.
02:49:28 And I'm not saying that that that they do that.
02:49:30 I don't know.
02:49:31 I'm just saying if you're going to protest this stuff, you have to look.
02:49:35 As socially acceptable as possible, because what's the point of a protest?
02:49:43 What's the point?
02:49:43 Of the protest.
02:49:46 The point of the protest is to influence society, right?
02:49:51 If you show up looking like a bunch of white trash Nazis, and I'm not saying they do, I I don't know.
02:49:58 I'm just saying if that's what you do.
02:50:01 You're you're persuading people.
02:50:04 In the opposite direction that you want to, the only reason why the left can get away with looking like a.
02:50:10 Bunch of drug.
02:50:11 Addicts and psychos, when they do their.
02:50:15 Their protest is the media isn't going to show.
02:50:20 The Cringiest people in their crowd.
02:50:23 They will show the cringiest people in your crowd.
02:50:27 You're also appealing to a different kind of person.
02:50:32 The the Antifa types and the BLM types.
02:50:36 Are appealing to the drug addicted ********.
02:50:40 That actually attach a cool factor to degenerate.
02:50:46 Psychos like the kinds that show up to their.
02:50:51 And that appeals to the old cat ladies who who think that there's like a cool factor attached to it, because that's what the mainstream media is saying.
02:51:02 Oh, look, it's so cool.
02:51:03 They're fighting fascism.
02:51:06 But anything you do is going to be framed as evil and bad.
02:51:11 But you can make the people calling you evil and bad look ridiculous by looking very normal and relatable.
02:51:18 And the people that see you on the street?
02:51:21 Which won't be as many as the people that see you online and on TV and stuff, but still.
02:51:26 You want to look as clean cut and normal as possible.
02:51:30 So hopefully that's what they're doing, I don't know.
02:51:36 Right of the Bell curve, $50. Oh, $50.
Speaker 26
02:51:40 Why is money management?
02:51:44 That's the rest. Thank you.
02:51:49 So Devin, I've been a listener from the very beginning.
02:51:52 Not everyone here is a poor, ******** fagot.
02:51:56 No offense to remember ******** ******.
02:51:59 By the way.
02:52:00 Get it? He's.
02:52:01 Like a a movie star.
02:52:02 I don't think he's he's.
02:52:03 Even Hyper chatted in a while.
02:52:07 Let's here, by the way, get a dog before you become a classified cuck.
02:52:11 Oh, come on, cats are awesome.
02:52:13 I am going to get a dog though, but it's just that dogs require more supervision and cats don't require so I can leave here, which I have to do sometimes for multiple days at a time.
02:52:25 And I if I had a dog, I couldn't just be like.
02:52:28 Hi Doug for days at a time.
Speaker 3
02:52:31 You know that that, that.
02:52:34 Would be cruel.
02:52:35 I I feel bad doing it with a classified cat, but he's not going to like have some big complex.
02:52:42 If I do that.
02:52:43 Harmless Gee.
02:52:46 Amusing thing in Breaking Bad was that the Walter White's former Gray Matter business partners were clearly Jewish, as were the actors of the liberal elite kind that you find in places like Marin County, California, or Aspen, Co.
02:53:00 In the shows case, the wealthy neighborhood of of Santa Fe, NM right now, and they totally viewed him.
02:53:06 Which is kind of funny.
02:53:07 He was Schwartz, right, that the the guy.
02:53:11 Screwed him out of his.
02:53:13 Not of his.
02:53:14 Partnership and the woman that.
02:53:17 I mean it's.
02:53:18 It's implied you.
02:53:19 Don't know 100% what happened, but it seems like the.
02:53:22 The Jewish basically left him for his friend.
02:53:29 Mighty Mouse, $5. Appreciate that never forget about our Naturalization Act of 1790 brothers.
Speaker 3
02:53:39 There you go.
02:53:41 Splitter trace $25. Oh, let's see here.
Speaker 34
02:53:47 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 3
02:53:49 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 34
02:53:58 Take it from these young neighbors.
02:53:59 It'll pay dividends.
02:54:01 Yes, I will.
02:54:04 Regarding hate crimes, did you ever hear about literal fagots bombing a church last year in El Monte, CA? The media tried to focus on the church's anti fat views instead of the literal terrorist attack by Faggs not. I never.
02:54:18 Even heard about?
02:54:19 That see that shows you.
02:54:22 That shows you how.
02:54:24 Powerful the media machine is.
02:54:26 I don't even remember hearing about that.
02:54:27 Maybe I did hear.
02:54:27 About, I just.
02:54:28 Forgot about it, but I feel like I would remembered that.
02:54:33 Tell the truth, $5. Appreciate that I know this is old news that everyone on here probably knows, but did you ever Google search Happy Black woman and then happy Asian woman? And then finally happy white woman?
02:54:46 I showed that to a liberal millennial at work and he was more concerned of how I found that than what it showed.
02:54:54 Yeah, I know you're talking about like, where it's with a black guy or whatever, right?
02:55:00 Same if you happy white couple.
02:55:02 There's like the white couple with the black kid and stuff like that.
02:55:04 Yeah, I know what you mean.
02:55:06 Yeah, there's just some people you're never going to reach because they're ashamed.
02:55:11 Of their feelings.
02:55:13 That's just the way that it is.
02:55:15 The The Conservatives and the Liberal whites deal with their shame in different ways.
02:55:21 The conservative white reacts.
02:55:24 Like the kid that was caught ************.
02:55:27 And you know, denies it.
02:55:29 Says you're crazy.
02:55:30 Don't believe you're lying eyes.
02:55:31 Why would I ******* do that?
02:55:33 You're insane.
02:55:34 Only a psycho would do that.
02:55:38 And then the left.
02:55:40 They find a way to rationalize the disparities away and then try to solve it like they don't.
02:55:47 They don't.
02:55:48 They don't deny the disparities exist.
02:55:50 That's The funny thing.
02:55:52 The the right wingers are actually.
02:55:56 More in denial of reality in this particular instance.
02:55:59 Yeah, very.
02:56:01 They act as if it's not even like, like there is no difference at all in the races.
02:56:07 Whereas the leftists at least admit there's a difference, they just come up with ******** reasons.
02:56:12 And blame it on themselves.
02:56:13 Cause they they.
02:56:14 Feel so bad that it that it exists and that they noticed it.
02:56:18 It makes them feel better if it's their fault that it exists.
02:56:22 It's a different funked up kind of psychology, but it's, you know.
02:56:27 Slightly more honest, I guess.
02:56:32 Land of the fake $5 per share that how much go back to Africa? Or how about, I guess then they'll be safe from the big bad whites. Well, you know, we all know that that wouldn't work. We also know that that wouldn't even work if.
02:56:47 You gave them not.
02:56:48 Not Africa.
02:56:49 Like if you gave them.
02:56:50 Like I don't know.
02:56:52 You know Michigan or something?
02:56:53 I don't know.
02:56:54 So you just give them some **** like Alabama?
02:56:57 Find some state that's like mostly black already and just.
02:56:59 Like it's yours.
Speaker 19
02:57:01 And they wouldn't they?
02:57:02 Wouldn't do it.
02:57:04 ****, or even the other way around if we just said OK, you can have the all the rest, but whites want Nevada.
02:57:09 Like find like the most worthless big.
02:57:11 State that you could fit everyone.
02:57:12 In they still wouldn't let you do it.
02:57:17 Super Brother, $5 will the next day of the rope book be available as a physical copy? Also, thanks for the grocery store really made my day. I appreciate that.
02:57:27 I won't.
02:57:28 I won't torture everyone with with yet another one, but I am tempted.
02:57:34 So it will be.
02:57:35 It'll be available as a physical book.
02:57:38 Because I'm a big believer in physical books.
02:57:41 Get yourself an old encyclopedia. I even started getting the the farmer's Almanac.
02:57:48 Which is in my opinion, one of the more accurate predictors of weather and I'd always known this even as a kid.
02:57:55 I remember people saying like, oh, the Farmers Almanac, which does these, like, super long term predictions of weather and they were right this year about where I was and I was like, oh, yeah, they're just farmers.
02:58:09 They must, you know, they must have really good meteorologist or something.
02:58:12 And I never knew why.
02:58:15 They were so good at predicting the weather, I went to go research that fairly recently like about like, right, because the new one just came out and I wanted to subscribe to it.
02:58:26 So I'd start getting it and I looked into it and they say, oh, it's a secret formula, but it it uses sun cycles.
02:58:35 The secret formula that they've been using, they've been using it since the 17 ******* hundreds because that's how long it's been around.
02:58:43 And it takes into account sun cycles and I was like ohh well, that's why it's ******* accurate.
02:58:48 It it it, it includes the the giant thing, the giant burning ball of fire in the sky.
02:58:56 That all these global warming *****.
02:58:59 Act as if it doesn't exist.
02:59:03 When they make their computer models, so I was like, oh, no ****.
02:59:03 What do you mean?
02:59:06 But anyway, big big believer in.
02:59:09 Physical media.
02:59:11 Lich Lord Godfrey, $5. Appreciate that the KKK bombing of that Black Church was done by Gary Thomas Rowe, a FBI agent who infiltrated the clan.
02:59:21 Nobody else wanted anything to do with him and viewed him as a crazy the news of the of the time played the hell out of it to humiliate whites and break the back of the clan support.
02:59:30 Yep, Yep.
02:59:32 I yeah, that's my understanding.
02:59:35 I've never deep dived on that, but I I had heard people talk about that and let's face it, based on the behavior of federal agents going back since the beginning of federal.
02:59:45 Which according to Merrick Garland, exists specifically to protect blacks from whites.
02:59:50 I mean he.
02:59:51 Said that.
02:59:54 So you know, before you suck the FBI's ****. I mean, that's why they exist.
03:00:00 So yeah, I've said it. Totally positive. Jay Ray, 1980. One $5 per shade. That did you see the groid that shot the Paget even after he said the pijet gave him the money at, I think a 711. I haven't seen that specific one, but that's the kind of thing that happens all the time.
03:00:19 There's video of there was a black guy that.
03:00:22 That held up a.
03:00:24 Convenience store and look this is.
03:00:26 All on video.
03:00:28 He held a convenience store that was being manned by it.
03:00:31 Well, it should have been manned, but it was manned by two white women.
03:00:35 He tied them up behind the counter, poured an entire bottle of lighter fluid on them.
03:00:40 This, after he'd already had the money, they were already tied up.
03:00:43 Poured lighter fluid on and lit them on fire.
03:00:51 You know, not surprised not exactly shocking behavior.
03:00:55 But really what we need to worry about is white supremacists, right?
03:00:58 Knight Nation review.
03:01:00 You should put more LBC behind your streams so they will become more discoverable.
03:01:05 I usually put 5000 LBC behind my strings myself. I would just move at least a fourth of your accounts LBC to whatever the stream file of the night.
03:01:17 Yeah, I've never really played around with that.
03:01:18 I know you're talking about.
03:01:21 I've never understood like how that all works.
03:01:25 But I yeah, I think I'm gonna have to go because right now.
03:01:29 Half of it.
03:01:30 At least when I go to like the.
03:01:33 Because I haven't tried to cash any of it out.
03:01:35 When I when I go to like the way he's talking about is the little Odyssey coins.
03:01:39 When I go to see the balance or whatever it says on that screen, half of it is being used to promote content, but I don't even know how that works.
03:01:48 I haven't been.
03:01:49 Paying attention to like how any of that works, but maybe I'll research that.
03:01:53 And maybe that's a good idea.
03:01:55 But I kind of feel like.
03:01:56 A lot of what I do.
03:01:57 Here is word of mouth.
03:01:58 That's why a lot of people are probably.
03:02:00 There tipsy Macs stagger $5 appreciate that. How much do I need to donate to stream book one the day or so before book 2 without feeling guilty? Well, don't stream it.
03:02:14 You know, don't stream it.
03:02:18 Why you know?
03:02:20 You should always feel guilty if you're if you're streaming.
03:02:25 Is when book 2 comes out, book one will be available once again.
03:02:29 They'll be available at the same time.
03:02:32 Harmless G Stefan Molyneux famously tweeted a while back that he found it hard to trust people who weren't both white and Christian.
03:02:42 I agree with that statement.
03:02:44 Both white and Christian.
03:02:46 If you look at Africa or Latin America, you can see different races.
03:02:50 Don't practice Christianity the same way.
03:02:53 Well, even if they did, they just have a ceiling.
03:02:56 Right, like even if the people in Congo, which everyone likes to to cite, which is, I believe true is something like 98% Christian.
03:03:08 Even if they practiced it exactly the same theologically dogma want everything you know to AT what I don't know, Catholics or Baptist, or, you know, whatever, some kind of Western denomination that's fairly large or even Mormons, whatever. Who cares.
03:03:28 Right.
03:03:29 You'd they'd still hit the same ceiling.
03:03:33 Right.
03:03:33 So and their their their ability to understand some of the more complex aspects of the theology.
03:03:41 Is never going to be there.
03:03:43 It's never going to be there.
03:03:44 A lot of the reasons why you see these more primitive versions of Christianity in these other countries, you know, or even like in Mexico, we got Santeria and like all that clearly influenced by Aztec, you know, culture type **** going on is.
03:04:03 You just have.
03:04:05 A lack of ability to understand Christianity the way that Europeans interpret it.
03:04:11 And look, Europeans injected their own paganism into it too, right?
03:04:16 Like the the fact that there's a Christmas tree every every very few Christians, there's some out there that are so Christian.
03:04:22 They're like, oh, I I'm not going to have a Pagan tree in my house.
03:04:26 Christian most Christians have Christmas trees and have the Easter Bunny and and all this kind of nonsense right?
03:04:33 Like, but that's that's from their their heritage.
03:04:36 It's part of it's.
03:04:37 It was a melding of the the previous.
03:04:43 Set of values.
03:04:44 And I'm sure a lot of that happens everywhere Christianity is gone.
03:04:52 Speaking of Steph, Molly Stefan who I mean.
03:04:56 Whatever happened to that guy?
03:04:59 Tipsy McGregor $1.00 hit the fire button, you *******. It's the least you can do to show appreciation.
03:05:06 That's right. You know, there's there's 569 of you guys right here right now, and there's only 194 ups.
03:05:14 Come on.
03:05:15 I don't have in real time.
03:05:16 It updates if I say that and try to shame you if I can watch it actually go up or whatever it happens.
03:05:22 So let's let's see if we can get up to 200. Can I? Shame at least.
03:05:25 Six of you to hit the little fire button.
03:05:28 Do you guys even know what that is?
03:05:30 Are you listening so far from your computer?
03:05:32 It's just not worth it.
03:05:33 You're like, oh, not worth it.
03:05:34 I can't.
03:05:34 I can't.
03:05:34 Going to walk all the way over there.
03:05:38 If we can.
03:05:38 Get up to 200. I'm not going to sit here and and and telethon it, but let's try at least get 6 more.
03:05:45 Let's see if that happens.
03:05:48 Land of the fake $1.00. Well, land of the fake home.
03:05:52 Of the gang.
03:05:53 What about Jewish mafia, family collusion and corruption?
03:05:57 Isn't anyone going to investigate?
03:05:59 Well, who's going to investigate it?
03:06:01 Merrick Garland, whose family is probably like tied into that.
03:06:06 Yeah, I doubt it.
03:06:09 Tips him's stagger $1.00 grocery store one more time at Max volume, though anyone that gets caught off guard deserves it, and it's not worthy of the ethnicity.
03:06:19 Well, I've I've already beat.
03:06:21 You said that 2.
03:06:21 Hours ago I've done.
03:06:22 It like a lot of times.
03:06:26 Tennis nuts, $1.00. Maybe you have seen it in the news. The number one Christian song on Bill on the Billboard was by Eminem. If you watch the video, they even have a black a black full face covering.
03:06:43 They even have black full face covering masks that don't even have holes for eyes.
03:06:50 Lots of evil imagery and they listed it as the I.
03:06:53 I mean, I haven't pay attention to.
03:06:54 M&M and well I never. I literally.
03:06:57 Have never liked his music.
03:07:00 And I and I was.
03:07:01 I was one step away from being a Wigger.
03:07:03 For a while I used to really like 90s hip hop back in the day, but mostly white Canadian.
03:07:09 Oddly enough, like you know, Canadian and stuff like anti con and you know like soul an idea and all that.
03:07:20 Rap I, but I never liked Eminem.
03:07:22 It just seemed like he was.
03:07:24 He was more, he was too whiggery for me.
03:07:27 If that makes makes sense.
03:07:29 And his movie was gay.
03:07:32 But yeah, I'm.
03:07:33 I'm not surprised.
03:07:33 Weird that they would put it in the Christian.
03:07:35 Charts harmless.
03:07:37 Gee, I like to study Latin America to get an idea of where the USA is going from the Mexican Revolution to La Violencia and in Colombia to the economic rise and fall of Argentina and Venezuela.
03:07:51 Yeah, you know, that's probably not the worst thing to pay attention to just given the demographic shift and the.
03:07:58 You know the way that's going to influence probably the direction that some of this stuff will go.
03:08:04 Then you continue Venezuela and Argentina received lots of immigration from Spain, Italy and Germany, and those people ruled and managed.
03:08:12 They managed the country during a period of economic prosperity in the mid 20th century, and then the leftist movements replaced those rulers with more ethnically.
03:08:22 Amera Indian and African well and then they.
03:08:28 Their their countries began to reflect that, didn't they?
03:08:33 Politically provoke $25. Appreciate that.
Speaker 35
03:08:36 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 20
03:08:43 I'd like to return this duck.
03:08:46 Yes, I would.
03:08:47 Your anti white video compilation has been my favorite thing ever.
03:08:51 Might be called defiant.
03:08:53 Would love to get you on our show sometime for an interview.
03:08:57 Politically provoked.
03:09:00 I don't know what that is.
03:09:01 But yeah, I mean, if you can work around ****** Internet.
03:09:05 I'm usually down.
03:09:07 I, you know, like as everyone knows, I'm impossible to get a hold of and and.
03:09:12 And not online that much.
03:09:14 While I'm.
03:09:17 Doing a mixture of normal homestead upkeep.
03:09:22 Trying to fix a place that's falling apart as I fix it.
03:09:27 And becoming a beekeeper all at the same time.
03:09:33 But yeah, yeah, I need to get.
03:09:36 I need to.
03:09:36 I need like a.
03:09:38 I need a minion.
03:09:39 I need like a.
03:09:40 Like a an assistant or something, I don't know.
03:09:46 But you know, I'll, I'll look you up.
03:09:49 I I I I don't mind going on peoples even if it's small.
03:09:52 I'll go on small streams.
03:09:53 I don't care.
03:09:54 And maybe it's not small, I'm just maybe you have a huge stream.
03:09:58 I don't know.
03:10:00 Because you're not a.
03:10:01 I'll go on your stream.
03:10:05 Gee, I see Brittany from politically provoked is.
03:10:10 Oh, there we go.
03:10:11 Is is that who you're talking to?
03:10:14 Is multi stream both on cozy and on Odyssey, while she watches your stream.
03:10:20 She's alright.
03:10:20 She hosted both Nick Fontez and Alt height before.
03:10:23 She's only half Jewish.
03:10:25 Ah, she's half Jewish.
03:10:28 Oh, yeah, I have.
03:10:29 I have.
03:10:29 I think I never mind.
03:10:30 I think I have looked at.
03:10:33 If you're on cozy because someone someone sent like a big super chat recently, I was like, oh, I'm going to bribe you to go on this.
03:10:40 So I was like, well, at least see what this is.
03:10:42 And I did check out a part of a stream and I was confused by it because there was.
03:10:45 I didn't know who was the host because there was, like, so many people on.
03:10:48 It I only watched it for like a few minutes, but yeah, if it's what I think it is.
03:10:55 I think one of the.
03:10:56 People was some girl in a.
03:10:59 And a cowboy hat that might have been named Brittany.
03:11:02 Should I look it up now?
03:11:05 Is that what we're talking about here?
03:11:09 Uh, let's see.
Speaker 26
03:11:21 Look it up.
03:11:26 This might be what I saw.
03:11:30 Yeah, I think it is.
03:11:31 OK.
03:11:34 Yeah, I'll, uh.
03:11:35 I'll go on that show.
03:11:36 I I I checked it out.
03:11:37 I just, it slipped my ******* mind because I've been.
03:11:39 Doing all this other stuff.
03:11:42 Yeah, like like I only watched a few minutes of it.
03:11:45 I was just like, I don't.
03:11:46 Like, who's in charge here?
03:11:51 I only had a few minutes.
03:11:52 To spare.
03:11:52 So I was like, oh, OK.
03:11:55 It doesn't look bad.
03:11:58 So all right.
03:11:59 Yeah, I'm down to.
03:12:02 I'll hop on there.
03:12:04 I'm trying to think.
03:12:05 Of like how to arrange it.
03:12:09 Telegram usually.
03:12:11 Hit me up on telegram or on on gab.
03:12:15 And I'll try to. I know I've been saying this. I still have. I have like 200 unread gab messages.
03:12:21 Just because I'm terrible at that stuff.
03:12:26 I get into like this mode where I'm just researching and working on videos and not socializing much.
03:12:33 Anyway, but yeah, all right.
03:12:37 Jay Ray 19815 dollars appreciate that or by male supremacy they mean blacks. You know the 6% as well. ******* silver tongue devils.
03:12:48 Well, I mean, just male supremacy could.
03:12:51 Yeah, it could mean literally anybody, but they can lump it in there and make it sound like it's the.
03:12:55 Rise of the in cell terrorists.
03:12:59 ******** ****** $1.00 there we.
03:13:01 Go look. You know what?
03:13:04 You know ******** ******?
03:13:10 We'll give you we'll.
03:13:11 Give you the the money, money, money for the dollar.
03:13:14 Is there any Pearl white propaganda?
03:13:17 That we can look at or dissident right wing stuff to analyze this stuff or what this kind of stuff gets depressing.
03:13:26 Is there any pro white?
03:13:27 Oh, I see what you're saying.
03:13:37 I think you've you've pinpointed why it's.
03:13:39 It's not that depressing to me, honestly.
03:13:42 I just want to make it clear that this is what's going on in, in, in the White House right now.
03:13:47 This is the thinking in the White House.
03:13:48 They're telling you this a lot of people aren't covering this.
03:13:51 It happened Thursday and I didn't see a lot of noise about it.
03:13:55 I'm sure it was covered by some people, but I didn't.
03:13:57 I didn't.
03:13:57 See a whole lot of noise about it, which I was a little surprised by because I was waiting for it.
03:14:02 The mainstream covered it in a lot of you know, with a lot of different commercials and stuff like that in in little snippets.
03:14:11 But I I I I don't know that there was a whole.
03:14:14 Lot of people that.
Speaker 8
03:14:15 On the bright?
03:14:16 Side let me put this one on the bright side.
03:14:18 It probably didn't get.
03:14:18 A lot of views just in general.
03:14:22 I'd have to look at the.
03:14:23 I didn't.
03:14:24 I didn't look when I was downloading it.
03:14:27 How many views it got on YouTube, but it probably just didn't.
03:14:29 Get a lot of views just in general.
03:14:32 So you can take take take that as you will.
03:14:36 I don't know.
03:14:37 There's just not a whole lot of pro white stuff.
03:14:38 And what would?
03:14:39 I do you want me to just sit there and praise it or I I could critique it?
03:14:45 I don't know.
03:14:47 I don't know.
03:14:47 I wouldn't get depressed, though.
03:14:49 There's nothing depressed about knowing that this is what's happening.
03:14:53 I mean, I get it, I get it.
03:14:55 I I I understand being disappointed in the way in the direction that the country and the world is going.
03:15:03 But just know that.
03:15:05 Good times are always fleeting, and they're always temporary.
03:15:10 Whether it's in your personal life.
03:15:13 Or in the macro.
03:15:18 And look, bad times are fleeting and temporary too.
03:15:23 This too shall pass.
03:15:27 So I wouldn't sweat it. Super Brother $5. A cool show idea might be aliens. Since you are going to do a stream on ******** **** people go say opt into like believing the 2020 election was fair and totally.
03:15:43 I've seen people go down the most ridiculous rabbit holes just to avoid addressing the fact that we're ruled by a bunch of psychopaths.
03:15:50 You mean people that think that actual lizard people are controlling?
03:15:55 The government.
03:15:56 I don't, I kind.
03:15:56 Of feel like people like.
03:15:57 David, Ike you.
03:15:58 Know who really promoted the the lizard thing.
03:16:01 I kind of feel like he was doing that to avoid having because at the time, you know, he couldn't.
03:16:07 You couldn't publicly say it was Jews, so I think he used it as a metaphor.
03:16:14 Or maybe he didn't.
03:16:15 It's hard to know because he seems like.
03:16:17 He believes in lizard people sometimes so.
03:16:21 I don't know.
03:16:27 But yeah, I.
03:16:27 Mean you don't hear so much about aliens it come.
03:16:30 It comes and it.
03:16:31 You know, there's, like, the the Air Force will do like a release, a bunch of videos.
03:16:35 You'll have that guy from Blink 182 and Podesta believe it or not, they're like they do these conferences and **** like that.
03:16:43 UFOs and aliens haven't been as in vogue as they were. You know, during when X-Files was a thing.
03:16:55 Damn Bigfoot 3.
03:16:56 Dollars Speaking of creepy things like aliens.
03:17:00 Who is this even for? I saw like 5 minutes of this on the official White House YouTube and only had and only 300 were watching.
03:17:07 Well, there you go.
03:17:08 I guess that answers that question.
03:17:09 I I kind of assume there won't be a.
03:17:11 Whole lot of people watching this thing.
03:17:13 No, but it's still important to analyze because it's they're telling you what they're doing.
03:17:21 They're they're whether you want you or not.
03:17:23 They're telling you what they're going to do.
03:17:29 That's what it's for.
03:17:31 And there are a select few members in the audience.
03:17:35 Look, this wasn't a big event at the White House.
03:17:37 Right.
03:17:38 Like, imagine you're a a leftist donor and you're and you're one like, you're a Jewish donor.
03:17:44 And you wanna know, like, what's the White House doing to?
03:17:46 To get rid of the Nazis?
03:17:48 This is the kind of thing you get invited to.
03:17:50 You feel special because you get to go to the White House and you get to hear a bunch of experts tell you that that white supremacists are trying to kill you and do another Holocaust.
03:18:01 And so it just reinforces everything you already believe.
03:18:04 And then you feel good about donating more money.
03:18:09 So that's one of the that's part of the audience is going to be donors.
03:18:13 It's in fact, certain points during the the summit they they made reference, they didn't call them donors, they called them philanthropists, you know.
03:18:22 But they made reference to people in the audience that they were speaking directly to.
03:18:28 It's also paying lip service to a.
03:18:30 Lot of the.
03:18:31 Groups that you want political support from during the midterms that you can say, oh, because the people that asked for this.
03:18:39 This summit were, you know, all the anti white minority groups.
03:18:46 And the administration was happy to oblige because it just goes right in line with Merrick Garland's.
03:18:53 View of why the DOJ exists and Biden's view of January 6, you know.
03:19:01 I mentioned January 6.
03:19:08 There was the violence of January 6.
03:19:13 Jay Ray 19815 dollars appreciate that nine out of the 10 hate crimes are ********, but the FBI still records them amazing.
03:19:23 Well, the FBI, the ADL records them and then gives them to the FBI.
03:19:28 It's not just that consultant guy that was like.
03:19:31 According to the.
03:19:32 I've heard FBI agents who do speaking engagements or press conference conferences, quote ADL statistics.
03:19:43 Now, maybe they have their own statistics.
03:19:45 I'm sure they do, right?
03:19:47 But the ADL's numbers are always higher, so they're depending on what they're talking about. They're going to use the adls.
03:19:58 Nationalist homestead, $5 appreciate that.
03:20:01 Would you be interested?
03:20:02 Would be interesting to see a deep dive into the Fatina miracle from your perspective.
03:20:08 The Virgin Mary spoke of the errors of Russia spreading.
03:20:13 The errors of Russia spreading, which would coincide with those Eastern European Jews and their diaspora, also fashions that would displease God.
03:20:24 God bless this is the only stream we watch.
03:20:29 The errors of Russia, I'm not sure what you mean.
03:20:32 Like the errors like the.
03:20:35 The heirs of the.
03:20:38 The Romanovs, I mean I.
03:20:39 I don't know what you mean by that.
03:20:42 Yeah, I I know very little about.
03:20:43 It I just know what has been in pop culture.
03:20:48 Cause it it's my understand is like a Catholic thing, right?
03:20:51 I could look I could look.
03:20:53 Into it. I don't I.
03:20:53 Don't know much more beyond just it was some something that some Catholic thing where the Virgin Mary appeared to some kids or you know that I don't know anything beyond that.
03:21:06 Stephen work, $25, appreciate that.
Speaker 26
03:21:10 Why is money management?
03:21:14 That's the rest.
Speaker 15
03:21:16 Thank you.
03:21:18 Thank you.
03:21:20 What is being done by Western Christian Virtue based society destroying forces, anti logos, ruling families throughout the?
03:21:30 Government welfare destroying families? Fatherhood.
03:21:33 Wait, hold on.
03:21:35 What is being done by Western?
03:21:38 Virtue based society destroying forces throughout the West government welfare, destroying families.
03:21:46 Fatherhood, employment, small businesses, drugs.
03:21:50 Was first tested in the 1960s.
03:21:54 Tight black communities.
03:21:56 You have a link?
03:21:57 I have to look at your link cause I I'm not sure I follow.
03:22:00 100% what you're getting at there.
03:22:05 Jay Ray, 1981.
03:22:08 Check this out later and get a Western chauvinist link.
03:22:11 I'll check that out.
03:22:14 Split or trace $1.00 should the fact that white supremacists had to meet in dark alleys or secret places be indicative that whites have no ruling class power? Exactly.
03:22:27 The very fact that white supremacists, as they define it in this symposium, had to meet in dark alleys and use printing presses and and mail out, you know, mailers to, you know, newsletters out to.
03:22:42 People that signed up for it, that's exactly it, disproves their premise that there are that there's this culture of white supremacy that's always existed.
03:22:50 But they don't care.
03:22:54 They don't.
03:22:54 They don't care.
03:22:56 You know, it's like, you know, Ben Shapiro says, you know, facts don't care.
03:23:00 About your feelings.
03:23:01 Well, their feelings don't care about your facts.
03:23:05 You know, they, they they literally don't care.
03:23:09 So when you catch them in these little, you know, inconsistencies, they don't really, they don't care.
03:23:15 Guitar Dude 1356 one dollar. I asked this in the last stream, but one what do you consider white?
03:23:22 IE oh, is this probably one of the ones that got chewed up by the last string when the stream went down?
03:23:28 I do you consider Persian?
03:23:30 Sicilians, Turks, Spanish Moors and Arabs?
03:23:34 What percentage of white would you consider someone to be white?
03:23:37 Where exactly can I find your merch?
03:23:40 Have been looking online, can't find it.
03:23:43 The merch is in the description of this stream right now I do.
03:23:51 I do it based on scarcity.
03:23:52 There's it's a limited time that it's up, although that limit time sometimes is longer.
03:23:57 If I if I take too long to make the new designs.
03:24:01 But yeah, there's I I have a couple up at a time.
03:24:05 As far as.
03:24:05 Whether or not they're white, I mean, I don't.
03:24:07 Know it's it's.
03:24:09 You can.
03:24:09 I mean, look, you can literally graph.
03:24:11 You can get genetic tests and it's a gradient.
03:24:15 It's not like a yes or no.
03:24:16 Like oh, he's definitely white, but he's not, you know, like there is some genetic distance.
03:24:21 Just as an example, between Western and Eastern Europeans, is it dramatic?
03:24:26 Not really.
03:24:26 Is it?
03:24:27 And especially compared to like the distance between, you know, a Western European and like.
03:24:32 West African, you know, or or or even like East Asian or, you know, whatever.
03:24:37 But like Finnish people, as an example, right, or Finnish people white, even though they have some Asian admixture.
03:24:44 Like it.
03:24:44 It's a gradient.
03:24:45 It's not that.
03:24:46 It's just that I would say.
03:24:50 When I say when I talk about white people, I'm just being practical in America.
03:24:55 It doesn't matter to them.
03:24:57 And in America, there's there's been a lot of mixing of these people too, right? There's a lot of white people in America that are like 1/4 Italian and a quarter, you know, English and 1/4.
03:25:10 Spanish and you know, quarter or whatever, you know German will say and you know you look at them and they're white and that's really what's only that's what matters to our enemies.
03:25:20 Right.
03:25:22 And so Americans are kind of different.
03:25:23 We're kind of like we're we're we're like a a mix of a bunch of.
03:25:28 We're like, you know.
03:25:30 A blended A blended, A bouquet of Europeans.
03:25:35 Many of our white people.
03:25:36 Right.
03:25:37 So UM.
03:25:39 You know, it's it's, I don't think it's like an on.
03:25:44 Or off switch.
03:25:48 Look, I'm I'm also not going to pretend that different ethnicities, different versions of white people, don't think differently.
03:25:54 They totally do.
03:25:56 They totally do, and it was more apparent when they lived in their own neighborhoods.
03:26:01 I mean, look, I don't take it as far as, like, remember.
03:26:04 What was it?
03:26:05 What's his name?
03:26:08 The the Jewish revolutionary spirit Guy, E Michael Jones.
03:26:12 You know, he does like the whole and I hate I I hate it when he does this or when anyone does this.
03:26:15 Like, oh, what is white?
03:26:16 What is white?
03:26:18 We know what white is because.
03:26:19 Our enemy knows what White is, right?
03:26:21 Just like we know what black is, but black doesn't mean like or people of color that they'll say.
03:26:26 I mean, that means that.
03:26:26 So many people, right?
03:26:28 If people of color.
03:26:29 Could be a thing.
03:26:29 Then white can be a thing.
03:26:30 The way I see it.
03:26:33 But yeah, it's it's.
03:26:34 You can genetically look at it and and it's not even just that.
03:26:39 I think there's also in terms of of who you can have a society with is evidence in their their civilizational past.
03:26:49 Right.
03:26:50 Like you look, we don't have a lot in common with, say, East Asians, for example, culturally.
03:26:56 But if you.
Speaker 20
03:26:57 Look at.
03:26:58 Their ability to make functioning civilizations and you compare that to, say, W Africans ability to create functioning civilizations.
03:27:08 I mean, I'd much rather have have you know, if I had to, if I had to pick, you know, which which civilization to live in.
03:27:16 It wouldn't be the one in in West Africa, right?
03:27:20 And so there's there's a lot of factors that come into play when you're talking about a country, is is demographically ****** as America, it gets a lot more complicated than just who's white and who's not.
03:27:33 But right now, because I'm white and mostly almost 100% Anglo, I think there's a little bit of a German in there somewhere, but pretty much 100% Anglo and and.
03:27:51 Because I am the target of the people that were holding this summit and and many of their their allies, their people of color, allies.
03:28:03 I I I look at making more.
03:28:07 Having more in common with other white people than having less in common, I don't try to like focus on.
03:28:12 On what?
03:28:13 Yeah, I joke.
03:28:14 Right.
03:28:14 Like, I'll joke about Italians not being white and stuff like that.
03:28:17 But I mean, come on.
03:28:19 Right in the context of America.
03:28:22 They're American too, right?
03:28:24 They're white Americans, too.
03:28:25 Now, in the context of Europe, an Italian is not an Englishman.
03:28:30 You know.
03:28:32 So it's it's.
03:28:34 It's a little more complicated than just like you're white.
03:28:36 You're not white.
03:28:43 Which Lord Godfrey $5 preciate that The funny thing about the Pulse nightclub shooting? He's the Muslim who did it was going to hit a normal nightclub, but it was closed.
03:28:54 He picked another at random, and when he got there he asked where the women were as he was confused and reality.
03:29:01 It was an anti white.
03:29:02 Tag gays were unlucky.
03:29:08 Well, I didn't know that.
03:29:09 If that's true, then.
03:29:12 It just it just adds to the dishonesty of.
03:29:14 This whole summit.
03:29:16 But you can never hold our our enemies.
03:29:21 To account when you know you can never expect them to be honest.
03:29:26 And by the way, we got 275 fires up, so that's good we we exceeded.
03:29:34 The well I only asked for six.
03:29:38 See you guys.
03:29:39 You guys did.
Speaker 8
03:29:39 A good job. Very good.
03:29:43 Let's see here.
03:29:46 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:29:47 Do you believe there was a shift from Muslims to whites on the priority list for Jews going after?
03:29:53 Or were whites always the target?
03:29:56 I just think it's.
03:29:57 It's all competing groups.
03:29:58 It just whoever they think poses the most immediate threat.
03:30:02 And I think that, paradoxically.
03:30:07 While and it depends look just like you can't be like.
03:30:11 It's hard that in America to just say, you know, he's white, he's not white, saying they have Muslims, Muslims, not a race, right?
03:30:20 There's a lot of different kinds of Muslims.
03:30:22 The Saudis are actually pretty tight with Israel, so really it's, you know, the Saudi versus the Palestinian.
03:30:31 Totally different, right?
03:30:33 UM.
03:30:35 So I don't know.
03:30:36 I think that a lot of that terrorism was manufactured.
03:30:40 And I think that it was manufactured because Jews wanted us to fight wars for them in.
03:30:44 The Middle East.
03:30:46 So it wasn't that they wanted the FBI to address some terrorist problem in the United States because they were afraid that their mosque was or another mosque their Jewish temples were going to get blown up, which if?
03:31:00 If you think about it, none of them were right.
03:31:03 Isn't that?
03:31:03 Isn't that funny?
03:31:05 You have a bunch of these crazy Muslim terrorists that that hate our freedom.
03:31:08 And you know, they never seem to get around to, you know, mass murdering Jews ever.
03:31:14 And when they do, their mass murder attack on 9/11, what was it like, one Jew? And this is an attack that took place like in the financial center of New York. And one Jew is dead from that attack. I think it's. It's literally like one Jew.
03:31:32 So, you know, make of that what you will.
03:31:35 So the yeah, I think that was more about us dealing with Israel's problem in in the Middle East once their problems in the Middle East were neutralized and they pretty much all have been except for, you know, I guess you could say they still want Syria and Iran to go down.
03:31:52 Time to look at the.
03:31:53 Problems that that.
03:31:55 Were because literally it was.
03:31:58 White people were a.
03:31:59 Threat in America, while they were going along with their diversity problem, you know program and and cheering on.
03:32:06 A lot of.
03:32:06 Like a lot of the right wingers.
03:32:08 That would have been upset about diversity and all these other things that were going on.
03:32:13 We're cheering on the wars in the Middle East, myself included.
03:32:16 I saw it more as like an expression of our dominance, really.
03:32:22 Stupidly, I didn't realize that we were being manipulated.
03:32:26 I thought **** Saddam.
03:32:28 Let's get cheap gas.
03:32:31 Like a lot of people.
03:32:32 And that was stupid.
03:32:35 Damn Bigfoot.
03:32:36 Everyone, either consciously or subconsciously knows that the main reason to not commit crimes is that they would be put in jail with blacks.
03:32:47 I I I've never really thought.
03:32:49 Of it that way.
03:32:50 But you know it's.
03:32:52 You know, I don't think anyone wants to get raped by Tyrone in prison.
03:32:56 Iron pilled.
03:32:58 $5 ******** ****** for $1.00. Look at that ********.
03:33:01 ******. You've become a meme.
03:33:05 Split or trace $1.00 so once these anti white institutions get rid of the white taxpayers, that fund them.
03:33:13 How will they keep society running AI?
03:33:16 Are they willing to rule over a third world shanty planet?
03:33:19 Yeah, I think.
03:33:20 I think they are.
03:33:21 I think that they're they're willing to they look.
03:33:25 Look, think of it this way.
03:33:26 They look at countries well, like like, like Saudi Arabia, where you have a a.
03:33:36 Not just a ruling class, but like a super ruling class.
03:33:38 You know, everyone's seeing the videos of the Saudi princes and the excesses and stuff like.
03:33:44 That ruling over A and not super high IQ in many cases population that is funded by.
03:33:54 You know their their oil money and.
03:33:58 I think that they they imagine themselves ruling over a third world population in kind of the same way that there will be this permanent underclass that will be easier to manage and easier to dispose of once technology catches up with.
03:34:11 Performing the kind of tasks that will automate them out of relevance and make them obsolete.
03:34:18 It's a long term plan.
03:34:19 I don't think they think this is going to happen tomorrow, but I don't think that they, I mean the plan of white genocide isn't a short term plan either.
03:34:26 It's not like there's going.
03:34:27 To be 0 white people in 20 years.
03:34:30 You know, this is like a.
03:34:32 A very long term plan.
03:34:35 Jay Ray, 1980 one $25.
Speaker 26
03:34:38 Let's see here.
03:34:41 Why is money management?
03:34:45 That's the.
03:34:45 Rest. Thank you.
03:34:50 Uh, what's scary is does Garland, AKA Garfinkel.
03:34:55 Yeah, that's right.
03:34:56 His real name is something like maybe it is Garfinkel, but it's something like that if.
03:35:02 Really believe the things he says, like so many others?
03:35:06 If so, that's way more dangerous, Devin.
03:35:09 I mean, I think that a lot of Jews actually do believe their own persecution narrative.
03:35:15 I don't know if he does, but I I know a lot of them do.
03:35:22 Two based for you two $1.00. Hey, Devin. Loving the stream. As always, I need milk and eggs. Where do I go?
03:35:29 Where do you go for milk and eggs?
03:35:33 The store.
Speaker 3
03:35:36 I don't know.
03:35:37 A farmers market.
03:35:39 You want to make milk and eggs if you want to make milk and eggs.
03:35:43 Eggs are easy to make because you just get chickens and they just start popping out eggs.
03:35:49 If you would want milk, that's a little trickier because you need a little bit more land, but you can do goats milk with less land.
03:35:58 Or you can do a zebu.
03:36:01 I think they have zebus that make milk zebus are like these little mini mini cows.
03:36:05 I don't.
03:36:05 I think you can milk.
03:36:06 Them I don't know.
03:36:08 Desert fox $25.
Speaker 34
03:36:11 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 3
03:36:13 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 34
03:36:22 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
03:36:25 Yes, I will.
03:36:27 You should read Hunter by William Luther Pierce.
03:36:29 It's more similar to your book than the Turner.
03:36:32 Calculated political violence, blackmail, propaganda. The deep state. It's pretty good. Here's Nadia book for when you're outside. Yeah. Someone's already recommended that.
03:36:41 I I it's on my list of things to listen to.
03:36:43 I tried listening to Turner Diaries and like I said, I got a little tedious.
03:36:45 So I I kind of took a break from it, but.
03:36:49 Yeah, I'll check out Hunter, if it's, especially if it's better.
03:36:53 Ryan is cool $5, Speaking of Hanes. Most people don't know that in the post war S the main reason for hangings was cattle theft, and groups like the KKK hung every kind of people provide, provided they did something worth being hung for, just mostly blacks.
03:37:12 Because of obvious reasons right now, when they talk about lynchings in the South, what they don't tell you about is it wasn't a white on black thing.
03:37:20 It was a community crime.
03:37:26 I don't know.
03:37:26 Not prevention.
03:37:27 I guess it was law enforcement.
03:37:30 It was community, law enforcement, and that's they lynched white people.
03:37:33 They didn't just lynch blacks, they lynched white people, they lynched blacks, they lynched Jews, they lynched everyone.
03:37:41 If you deserved it, hopefully look there are probably people that didn't deserve it.
03:37:46 They got lynched.
03:37:47 I don't.
03:37:48 You know, I I would prefer a system where there's some kind of trial so that you at least know that you're not lynching the wrong guy.
03:37:56 But yeah, it's not.
03:37:59 It's not what it was.
03:38:00 It's not the way it's portrayed, is it?
03:38:02 Some is if it was some kind of like whites going around ganging up on black people that never ******* happened.
03:38:11 Canine friend $25.
Speaker 35
03:38:13 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 20
03:38:20 I'd like to return this duck.
03:38:23 You can also get ducks if you want eggs.
03:38:26 Great stream possible to do a documentary on 2000 mules by Dinesh D'souza. Well, I'll tell you what. In the the voter fraud thing that I'm doing, I am. I'm going through what he put together as part of it.
03:38:44 He has some.
03:38:45 I mean, look.
03:38:45 I hate Dinesh D'souza, but.
03:38:47 He has some good stuff in the oops, just kicked a big metal thing.
03:38:51 He has some good stuff in there, so I'll be using some clips.
03:38:55 The funny thing about that too is.
03:38:58 I I I watched like 5 minutes.
03:39:00 I didn't watch the whole thing, but I just watched it to make sure that like the quality was OK that I got.
03:39:06 And Dennis Prager is in it.
03:39:08 In the opening scene, along with a couple other talk radio people that are in his little, you know, click.
03:39:16 And they sit down and Dinesh D'souza says something about voter fraud.
03:39:22 And Dennis Prager, like, gets visibly angry at the notion that they should even be talking about voter fraud and that we can't prove it.
03:39:30 And and it's just a debt issue.
03:39:32 We need to move on.
03:39:33 And I'm like, interesting, why is Dennis Prager so loathe?
03:39:38 To take a look at voter fraud.
03:39:40 But anyway, I thought that I just found that a bit bizarre.
03:39:44 UM Butcher bird $5. Appreciate that.
03:39:48 You know I've.
03:39:49 Been I've been skipping you $5 guys just cause I don't be playing these so much, but.
03:39:57 You get you gave $5 twice, so that's why you get that.
03:40:02 Thanks, Devin.
03:40:02 I've had the opportunity to listen to all your streams live this year.
03:40:05 It helps keep my sanity.
03:40:07 I lost my corporate job of 17 years because I didn't want to get.
03:40:12 Yeah, that sucks.
03:40:13 It happened a lot of people in that situation.
03:40:16 Major Corporation and people that I talk with at the company have been getting sick.
03:40:20 It was all for the best, I guess.
03:40:22 I wish your listeners all the best.
03:40:25 At some time.
03:40:27 We have to fight back, but it sucks to live in limbo that we are in at times.
03:40:33 Was the M RNA jab meant as the death for European people?
03:40:38 No, I don't think so, and I hope not.
03:40:40 Like I said, my parents got it and they're still alive and fine.
03:40:46 They don't.
03:40:46 They haven't been getting boosted cause.
Speaker 19
03:40:49 They they didn't they.
03:40:50 Thought I was being crazy when I was saying, yeah, I'm not going to get it.
03:40:54 Don't get it.
03:40:54 So they went and.
03:40:55 Got it.
03:40:55 Because they they were told.
03:40:57 I think by their church leaders, even I think the Mormon Church was kind of pushing their members to do it.
03:41:03 And so they got it.
03:41:04 And then.
03:41:06 Which was disappointing.
03:41:07 And then my mom, who's kind of the conspiracy theorist of the.
03:41:10 Of the two.
03:41:12 Started seeing like all the, you know, the boomer memes on Facebook or whatever and was.
03:41:15 Like, Oh my God.
03:41:16 It's bad.
03:41:17 It's poison, and now they're not getting boost.
03:41:19 They're like that.
03:41:20 I I don't know, I think honestly.
03:41:24 I think a big part of it was.
03:41:29 Testing and you're going to realize what mRNA can be used to do.
03:41:36 Can be used to alter your DNA.
03:41:41 And it had never had a a huge, you know, broad study done.
03:41:48 And this this was like the about the broadest kind of study you could possibly do.
03:41:54 I think.
03:41:57 That that is probably, if there's some nefarious ****.
03:42:01 I don't think it's it's, you know, beyond that there is some talk, though, about different states getting different batches.
03:42:11 And and it not being random.
03:42:14 Right, so I I haven't deep dived into that, but I have heard that that is confirmed that there does seem to be some kind of.
03:42:27 Like the different areas were given different lots and it's not, it wasn't distributed the way you would think like a a product that's supposed to just be given to everyone would be like there seems to be some kind of intention behind who got what lots.
03:42:44 Now I don't know.
03:42:45 I don't know how true that is, but.
03:42:47 I've heard that from multiple people that that aren't custards so, but I'd have to look into it more I, but I'm I don't think it's like some kind of.
03:42:57 You know, you don't think going to drop dead if you got it, I think you might.
03:43:01 You know, I think that the blood clot thing is real.
03:43:04 Obviously it's real and I think you might, I think that there's a risk of.
03:43:08 That I don't think it's, you know, to the to the degree that.
03:43:13 Where I'd be wiping out all of white people.
03:43:16 I also think that there's a good chance your fertility would be ****** if.
03:43:19 You're a woman and you got it.
03:43:22 How much of?
03:43:23 That's intentional.
03:43:24 It's impossible to read their minds, so I don't know.
03:43:31 But yeah, good luck.
03:43:33 You know.
03:43:33 Well, first of all, congratulations to sticking to your guns.
03:43:35 I wouldn't feel bad at all.
03:43:37 I would never want to work for a company that thought they had jurisdiction over my body like that.
03:43:41 **** them.
03:43:44 The extra dimensional $1.00. Did you know going postal is the expression derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which U.S. Postal service workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public, and acts of mass murder.
03:44:00 Sure, it was dubbed Workplace Rage.
03:44:03 Yeah, disgruntled workers.
03:44:05 They used to talk, yeah.
03:44:06 It used to be like a thing for a.
03:44:07 While the oh another disgruntled worker.
03:44:10 Ohh, another mailman just like, but I don't then it just stopped happening.
03:44:13 I don't know.
03:44:14 Who knows.
03:44:14 Maybe that was an experiment, right?
03:44:16 They're federal employees, so they're basically property of Uncle Sam.
03:44:20 He can put whatever he wants into it into their heads.
03:44:24 Butcher bird, $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, recommend to you and people in the chat buy a hard copies of David Irving books. Best historian of our time. Yeah. That's a good recommendation.
03:44:38 Colonel N word $1.00 appreciate that my girlfriend stole my movers and shakers shirt after I.
03:44:43 Explained what it meant.
03:44:47 She got ****** at me when I took it back to where on 9/11, so I had to buy.
03:44:52 A new one for her.
03:44:54 Oh, you mean she wanted to wear it too?
03:44:56 Well, that's good.
03:44:58 At least I thought she was like your Jewish girlfriend or something.
03:45:04 All right, let's take a look here.
03:45:07 Knight Nation review, $10. Appreciate that let's give you a.
03:45:17 I would still like to get you on to jump onto or jump on to Devin.
03:45:25 I had asked before in a super chat, but I don't know how to get a hold of you to arrange the date and time.
03:45:30 I'm lately I'm on late, usually like you.
03:45:33 I'm in the black pill telegram group now, wood.
03:45:40 Would that work?
03:45:40 To contact you don't need much time.
03:45:43 Yeah, I'll.
03:45:44 I'll still have gotten that chat.
03:45:46 I'll get in that chat.
03:45:47 I'm sorry, guys.
03:45:48 I, I've.
03:45:50 I I know it's just I.
03:45:52 I feel like I'm.
03:45:52 I'm kind of.
03:45:54 I'm like butter that's being spread across.
03:45:57 You know, too much bread, as Tolkin said, I feel like I'm.
03:46:01 I'm stressed, pretty thin these days.
03:46:02 I got a lot going on over here and it's it's I'm getting pulled in a lot of different directions but.
03:46:10 I will.
03:46:11 I will.
03:46:11 I I would say try Gab DM and I'll try to.
03:46:16 I'll try to go through the gab DMS.
03:46:18 I've got so many of them, but like at least that puts it all in the same place.
03:46:22 I'll get in the Telegram group, but it's just like I don't even know how that works yet.
03:46:26 So I.
03:46:26 Have the link for it, I just need to go to it.
03:46:29 So I'll get that set up too, and then maybe that'll be an easier way to contact me in the future once I'm in there and stuff.
03:46:37 Again, I apologize for being.
03:46:39 It's not that I'm aloof.
03:46:42 I think I'm better than everyone.
03:46:43 Like I just like I don't.
03:46:45 I don't get a whole lot of time to myself.
03:46:47 Let me just put that one.
03:46:49 But yeah, I don't know.
03:46:50 I wouldn't mind going.
03:46:51 Like I said, I'll go on shows even if they're.
03:46:53 Kind of small or whatever.
03:46:55 UM D12. I give that Summit 2 whaling policemen out of five, yeah.
03:47:04 There we go.
03:47:06 And $25.00 so.
Speaker 35
03:47:08 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 23
03:47:16 I'd like to return this duck.
03:47:18 You can never return that duck.
03:47:22 Best of the best.
03:47:25 $10.
03:47:28 Easy money.
03:47:31 June moved to Poland in 1350. Poland disappeared from the map a few 100 years later, mid to late 1700s.
03:47:39 I have been meaning to do a deep dive on this to keep or to check the early life on all the people who sold out Poland in the partition at the time, Poland was one of the major powers in Europe.
03:47:52 And now they're just the **** of weird old man jokes.
03:47:56 Yeah, I don't know why every grandpa in America likes to tell Polish jokes, but maybe it's because they're like, that was the one kind of racist joke that was always OK for some reason, was like Polish jokes and like.
03:48:11 I don't know.
03:48:11 They were always like, really long and not super funny.
03:48:16 Maybe I'll maybe I'll tell a Polish joke.
03:48:18 A little bit.
03:48:21 Mr. Johnny and on 1488.
03:48:28 Hey Devin Stack, I've been seeing a lot of stickers in my area representing certain ideas we all agree with, like the Revolutionary War, et cetera.
03:48:37 I was wondering if you're still interested in getting the black pill decals made. I think it could be very profitable for you and I support you 100%. Cheers.
03:48:48 Like I said, if I do it, I'll probably just go off some one of these things that has the ability to ship them off to people automatically so I don't have to, you know, have.
03:48:58 Stack of stickers somewhere and have to deal with mailing them all out and all that fun stuff.
03:49:04 But yeah, that's just one more thing on the list.
03:49:08 Very long list.
03:49:09 I need I need I need.
03:49:11 I need a minion.
03:49:12 And even like a a ******** little brother that can that can just that, that does everything I say.
03:49:19 Glock 23 five dollars.
03:49:21 I have friends at the Unite the right rally in Charlottesville.
03:49:25 Only ******* think it was scripted and fake when Jews were unable to prevent the rally they brought in bus buses.
03:49:32 Full of Antifa and BLM to attack those at the rally.
03:49:35 The Jewish mayor of Charlottesville ordered the police to stand down.
03:49:38 Yeah, I know.
03:49:39 I remember it happening.
03:49:40 I remember watching it in real time.
03:49:43 They loved it, though, and that's.
03:49:46 The problem is you should have had.
03:49:50 Trump defended more vigorously and right wing people instead of them going being aghast that Trump said that there might have been good people there and distancing themselves.
03:50:00 They should have supported.
03:50:00 It too, but they didn't.
03:50:02 Because ultimately we are in the minority.
03:50:05 We don't have any representation.
03:50:09 Plasma $2.00 appreciate that. Can you dedicate this picture to Hasbro at Lee Lebon for me? I'd like to thank you for the stream and him ******* me off enough to pay to share the image. Oh, this is the? Yeah, the six million for those who don't know, are just listening.
03:50:30 It's all the day.
03:50:31 Print headlines and stories over the several years that 6 million Jews in the Holocaust were cited happening in various parts of the world, reported by the Jewish New York Times before the the newest Holocaust.
03:50:46 With the six million was reported in the.
03:50:50 Aftermath of World War 2.
03:50:54 The R Connor or the R corner $3 I just caught you. I will watch it on replay. I watched Seinfeld again with my wife and from a show I liked, I went. It went to a show I dislike.
03:51:08 Back to the back to the I never realized how Jewish it was. I think this is normal for non-us people. Yeah, the.
03:51:20 You know.
03:51:21 Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm and all those extremely Jewish shows that for whatever reason, seemed very quirky and funny.
03:51:31 And ohh look.
03:51:31 At the adorable neurotic Jew that was kind of the viewpoint in the late 90s, early 2000s.
03:51:37 And that's how a lot of.
03:51:38 People, if they're being honest, that's how you.
03:51:40 Viewed it, it was like oh.
03:51:42 Look at the funny, neurotic Jew.
03:51:44 And then once you realize that these.
03:51:48 When you realize that behavior isn't just some kind of funny behavior in a sitcom, but that behavior is behavior that exists.
03:52:00 Among people that have a lot of power over you, that kind of neuroticism and that kind of paranoia exists in a population that has a great deal of influence and control over Western nations.
03:52:14 It's not so funny anymore.
03:52:18 It's not so funny anymore.
03:52:20 It's funny when it's just like the, you know, when you think of it in in terms of, oh, it's just like this goofy, crazy old man, like, you know, Curb Your Enthusiasm, right.
03:52:30 Oh, he's got all these quirks and he's really kind of a psychopath in a lot of ways and like, really, and a sociopath in every way.
03:52:38 And you know, he's very, you know.
03:52:41 Neurotic and and and degenerate.
03:52:47 Right.
03:52:47 But it's OK, because he's just like, he's just some guy.
03:52:50 He's just some old guy, you know?
03:52:53 He's just some old guy.
03:52:55 You know, weird, a clean freak, kind of a guy.
03:52:59 And it's non threatening in that way, right?
03:53:02 You can you can see the quirks and.
03:53:05 And there's there's.
03:53:08 I don't know.
03:53:08 It's not like it's adorable, but like, there's, like, an endearing aspect to it.
03:53:12 If it's just some random weird guy.
03:53:15 But when you realize that he's just, it's just a reflection of how people that want you dead.
03:53:23 How they how their brains work?
03:53:25 You're just like.
Speaker 5
03:53:25 Oh my God.
03:53:27 It goes from being funny to kind of.
03:53:31 You know concerning.
03:53:37 There you go.
03:53:39 Canine friend, big money.
03:53:42 That's the the *** ****, $100. Let me see. I don't. I don't have like, a super *** **** money one.
03:53:48 Unfortunately, so let's do.
03:53:52 Let's do.
03:53:55 Here we go.
03:53:57 What did you run?
03:54:00 While we do your super chat.
03:54:02 And let's see here.
03:54:03 I think this is.
03:54:05 One of the longer ones.
Speaker 17
03:54:07 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 26
03:54:09 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 34
03:54:18 Take it from these Jim neighbors.
03:54:19 It'll pay dividends.
03:54:24 There you go.
03:54:26 Now that Denmark is dropping under 50 year old jab mandates.
03:54:31 Alright, now that Denmark is dropping the under 50 jab mandates, think the jab mandate insanity will stop here soon.
03:54:40 I don't know like this winter is going to, I think inform a lot of that because out here they're still they keep the administration the by administration, the same one that thinks that there's a white supremacist.
03:54:53 Every bed, they also think COVID vaccines under every bed.
03:54:58 That said, at the summit, I didn't see a lot of people wearing masks either.
03:55:03 So maybe it's gone.
03:55:05 Maybe it's finally gone away, or maybe it'll turn into, like, some weird you need a shot every year.
03:55:10 Kind of a thing which I've heard that being.
03:55:12 Talked about too.
03:55:15 I think they learned a lot about human behavior.
03:55:19 It wasn't just an experiment to see what M RNA would do to a lot of people.
03:55:24 It was an experiment to see how people would.
03:55:25 React to being locked in.
03:55:26 Their homes, if they would actually.
03:55:28 Do it.
03:55:30 And I think they got more compliance than maybe they expected, maybe less, who knows, I don't know what.
03:55:37 But I would say I don't see it.
03:55:39 I don't see them lifting a lot of these.
03:55:43 The the existing like so for example.
03:55:48 One of the the problems right now if you can't come to America unless you've been vaccinated.
03:55:54 Like if you try to fly in from well from your fear in Denmark, if you tried to fly in here from Denmark.
03:56:01 You wouldn't be able to.
03:56:04 Get off the plane.
03:56:05 They wouldn't let you into the country without a vaccine in America, so that's still crazy.
03:56:12 It might be different for American citizens.
03:56:14 I'm not sure, but they're still stupid rules like that and so.
03:56:21 I don't know.
03:56:21 I think we need to wait and see what happens this winter.
03:56:24 I don't.
03:56:24 Think they're going to violently ramp it up?
03:56:28 But I think that it might.
03:56:30 They might ramp it up.
03:56:30 Who knows, though?
03:56:31 You know, who knows?
03:56:33 And it might have to.
03:56:34 Do with the election too.
03:56:37 They might want to lock everyone up like they did the last election so they can have the vote by mail stuff and make it less obvious when they ******* cheat.
03:56:49 OK.
03:56:52 Where to go?
03:56:52 Oh, there we go.
03:56:55 But yeah, thank you very much, canine friend.
03:56:58 For the the *** **** money there.
03:57:02 Politically provoked.
03:57:03 Just because I don't want to let.
03:57:05 You end the stream now $25, alright?
Speaker 35
03:57:09 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 23
03:57:16 I'd like to return this duck.
03:57:18 I would like to return this duck.
03:57:23 So the stream is not added yet and we have not returned that duck.
03:57:28 Mr. Johnny Anon $1.00 appreciate that.
03:57:32 Shout out to Assange and Operation Payback.
03:57:35 The old **** still live the old faggs still live mates.
03:57:40 This is true, and Assange is still kind of alive for the time being.
03:57:46 Let's see how that goes.
03:57:48 Never forget Julian Assange.
03:57:50 I think a lot of people forget him.
03:57:52 And including Trump, the day he was elected.
03:57:57 And what's happened to him?
03:57:58 Is just full on shift.
03:58:00 He's got a weird background, by the way.
03:58:03 Weird enough to like set custards off on these crazy tangents because his his parents are like part of some cult and like some other weird stuff.
03:58:11 I mean, I I honestly just think.
03:58:13 They were in some boomer cult and I don't think there's anything crazier than that, but you know.
03:58:19 Thin Red line, $5. Appreciate that. Do you think that some of the people sowing religious divisions among pro whites are feds?
03:58:27 Feds or like Judith?
03:58:32 I would do that.
03:58:34 I would look and I don't.
03:58:35 I don't mean that they planned it.
03:58:37 They probably looked for existing rivalries and existing divisions.
03:58:42 And then they try to amplify it.
03:58:45 They don't want white unity.
03:58:48 The reason why unite the right is as used as a sledgehammer.
03:58:53 And repeated over and over and over again, as if it was like the worst thing that ever happened ever in the history of America.
03:59:00 Is because it did exactly that.
03:59:02 It united the right.
03:59:03 There was a lot of different kind of right wingers all the same place, all for the same purpose.
03:59:09 And it scared the **** out of him, because if you if that was like the beginning of a.
03:59:12 Trend. They'd be ******.
03:59:15 Now, lucky for them, right wing people find lots of reasons to hate each other, and so it didn't really.
03:59:19 Last last very long.
03:59:23 So you know, that's what I would.
03:59:26 Do honest, that's.
03:59:26 What I would.
03:59:27 Do look, I'm not saying every Pagan or Christian that, like brings it up is a fed.
03:59:32 But like if I was a.
03:59:34 I'd be doing that.
03:59:34 Why not?
03:59:37 I'd be calling everyone a Jew.
03:59:38 I'd be calling everyone a Christ cook.
03:59:40 I'd be calling everyone like a.
03:59:42 I don't know what do they call Pagans.
03:59:43 I don't even know.
03:59:44 They're like a a funny Pagan name if.
03:59:46 Not we should make one, but.
03:59:52 The tree.
03:59:53 A tree worship.
03:59:54 I don't.
03:59:54 Know I have nothing.
03:59:56 I don't know enough about like.
03:59:58 That's The thing is, there's, there's, there's.
04:00:00 There's not like a defined a well defined enough Pagan thing.
04:00:03 There's not enough consistency among pagans where you can't really.
04:00:07 Find something that will get get their goat.
04:00:09 You know what I mean?
04:00:10 Get their sacrificial goat.
04:00:13 UM.
04:00:16 Andrew Matt, the man with two first names, $5. Appreciate that great show. I'm looking forward to seeing you on politically provoked with Brittany and Mayo.
04:00:25 All right.
04:00:26 Well, I'll like I said, I'll make an effort.
04:00:30 I'll make an effort to do that.
04:00:31 And then politically.
04:00:32 Provoked. Nope, not yet $3. And I'll tell you, I'll.
04:00:35 Give you guys a.
04:00:36 Money. Money.
04:00:40 Alright, let's get rid of this new guy.
04:00:44 What do you mean?
Speaker 5
04:00:44 By that, get rid of this Jew guy.
04:00:47 How you going to get rid of him?
04:00:50 All right, we've been live for over 4 hours.
04:00:54 We just hit four hours.
04:00:57 So I'm going to go and.
04:00:57 Shut her down.
04:00:59 And I'm going to upload this very big recording to bit shoot.
04:01:03 Notice the Internet worked.
04:01:06 You do not work this entire time.
04:01:09 That's shocking.
04:01:10 Now, of course now is when it will **** ** because I mentioned that.
04:01:13 This is why I'm saying like every time I start to think that like space Internet is not the way.
04:01:19 We have a good night.
04:01:21 So hey, you know.
04:01:24 I guess I guess you guys want.
04:01:27 Some good news the good news.
04:01:28 Is the Internet worked?
04:01:31 So thanks for being here with me on this wonderful Saturday night slash Sunday morning.
04:01:38 You guys all have a great rest of your weekend.
04:01:40 I'll see you again on Wednesday.
04:01:43 For black pill, I am of course.
Speaker 8
04:01:48 There was that.
Speaker 21
04:02:19 What's next?
04:02:29 You know, I never do this, but another another super check came in right at the end. Best of the best $5.
04:02:37 I thought Trump got controlled and played by the deep state once he was in power, as Putin said.
04:02:44 I don't think presidents have the same power they used to.
04:02:48 When the evil?
04:02:49 Abbey was in power.
04:02:52 Or evil Abe is what you meant.
04:02:53 Like Abraham Lincoln was in power.
04:02:55 That's why Trump didn't move his agenda forward.
04:02:58 I would disagree like to do is is look at his family and know that and and look, he was just a Zionist, he was a Zionist and he didn't.
04:03:08 He hired other Zionists.
04:03:11 So I think if anyone got played, it was us.
04:03:17 You guys have a.
04:03:19 Good evening.
Speaker 7
04:03:43 Kill ******.