01/28/2023Speaker 2
00:13:08 Toby bobs.00:03:29 Kylie Minogue and the number one single but.
Speaker 1
00:03:31 Before all that.Speaker 4
00:05:02 They have one night trees, man.Speaker 1
00:05:07 When I dream.Speaker 5
00:05:18 And when?Speaker 6
00:05:42 I don't want this.Devon
00:06:06 Welcome to the insomnia stream.Speaker 1
00:06:11 Hi I'm your host dipstick.Devon
00:06:15 This is the brains and cranes addition.00:06:20 Brains and cranes edition.
00:06:21 What could that possibly mean?
00:06:23 I don't even know.
00:06:24 I don't even know.
00:06:26 I don't even know.
00:06:27 I know that the.
00:06:28 Brains might have to do well.
00:06:31 I don't even know so.
00:06:33 Many of you by now have probably seen the the Nancy Pelosi's husband.
00:06:40 Hammer friend that this is the if you haven't, this is the footage of Nancy Pelosi's husband hanging out with his buddy when the the cops show up, it's.
00:06:53 It's one of those like, what are you, what?
Speaker 8
00:06:54 Are you guys up?00:06:55 To what?
00:06:55 What's going on in here?
00:07:01 Hey guys, how are you?00:07:02 How you doing?
Speaker 2
00:07:04 What's going on, man?Speaker
00:07:05 Everything's good.Speaker 8
00:07:08 Hi drop the hammer.Speaker
00:07:10 Nope. Hey, hey, hey, hey.Speaker 8
00:07:12 What is going on right now?Speaker
00:07:13 Now we're not getting it.Speaker 5
00:07:15 Hammer time.Speaker
00:07:28 This is crack.Speaker 4
00:07:36 Smoking crack. Hammer time.Speaker 2
00:07:42 This is so addictive.00:07:43 This is.
00:07:44 From every dollar you have and.
Speaker 4
00:07:45 Still not get enough?Speaker 5
00:07:55 Can't touch this.Speaker 10
00:07:57 Hello, mom.Speaker 9
00:07:58 Jewish demo.Devon
00:08:01 So yeah.00:08:07 That was the.
00:08:08 That was the Nancy Pelosi husband footage.
Speaker 11
00:08:12 Ah man.Devon
00:08:14 What a weird phone.00:08:15 You know the weirdest part about this?
00:08:16 See this?
00:08:17 Is the. This is what?
00:08:18 Doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 8
00:08:20 If you was if.Devon
00:08:21 This was like a home intruder that he's trying to stop.Speaker 1
00:08:25 Why is he holding a drink he's got?Speaker 8
00:08:27 A drink in his hand.Devon
00:08:31 He's gonna drink in his hand.00:08:33 And no pants on.
00:08:38 Explain that one which you won't have to, of course.
00:08:41 And look his days, you know.
Speaker 8
00:08:43 Like, hey, what's going on, buddy?Speaker
00:08:45 What's going on, man?Speaker 2
00:08:48 We already know.Devon
00:08:49 Her husband gets blackout drunk and racks his car.00:08:53 Like literally a few months ago, he did that like around Napa Valley, right?
Speaker 8
00:08:58 So it's, you know.Devon
00:09:00 He and and look, I used to live in the San Francisco area.00:09:03 Homeless people would follow you around.
00:09:06 And in fact, I had this weird gay homeless guy following me around like to two different clubs.
00:09:12 I think because he thought that I had money.
00:09:15 And that I would, I would hire him as a prostitute or something because it was just like, dude, get away.
00:09:21 And he didn't speak English.
00:09:23 He kept ******* following me everywhere I went.
00:09:25 It was ridiculous.
00:09:27 So my guess is and look, there's homeless people in every ******* neighborhood.
00:09:31 It's even possible this guy was just like, yeah, I'm gonna **** the homeless guy today.
00:09:36 I'm drunk.
00:09:37 So anyway, yeah, nothing.
00:09:40 Yeah, nothing will happen.
00:09:42 Nothing will happen at all, obviously.
00:09:46 But, and we all know why, obviously this is.
00:09:50 This is why.
Speaker 9
00:09:51 Jewish Democrats were instrumental and Democrats winning control of the House, Senate and the White House in 2020 in the midst of COVID miss JD, CA, leading the way, Jewish voters will be our path to victory again this November. The stakes could not be higher. Every value and freedom we cherish.00:10:11 As progressives and patriotic Americans is at.
00:10:13 Stake in this election.
00:10:20 If this capital crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid, our cooperation with Israel.
00:10:31 That's fundamental.
00:10:33 When my eye.
00:10:33 Before I was even born, my father was in the Congress of the United States, Thomas Dalessandro junior.
00:10:40 He was a OK let's hear it for Dad.
00:10:47 He was, as a little teenager, a shot by boy, so he spoke Yiddish.
00:10:54 So as he grew up in that and he was an art tour, he was a great speaker and all the rest.
00:10:59 And he had a love for the idea of Jewish state in what was then called.
00:11:07 So he was older and he went to Congress.
00:11:13 So yeah, the pelosis have been sucking judic for a long time, so nothing's going to happen. Absolutely. Nothing's going to ******* happen. And that families get been getting rich off of insider trading for decades. Nothing will happen about that. No, nothing will happen.00:11:32 Yeah, it it's kind of funny, I.
00:11:34 I don't know why I.
00:11:36 I don't know why.
00:11:37 I don't know if this was like because I don't watch Tucker and I.
00:11:40 So I don't know if this was like a new episode, but I think it was because it showed up in my one of my social media feeds.
00:11:47 And it was Tucker talking about Jeffrey Epstein.
00:11:50 Like it was some kind of new breaking story.
00:11:53 And I'm thinking like.
00:11:56 What? What's the point of this now? Like, is it because there's so many things now where nothing's going to happen?
00:12:04 That we have to, we have to go back to the one with where something definitely won't happen, but Tucker can at least act like he acknowledges that.
00:12:11 Yeah, there's lots of **** out there. Nothing's going to happen with any of this stuff. Yeah, so he first he brought up, like JFK, of course, starts talking about the CIA. Totally doesn't mention Israel. Obviously not.
00:12:24 And and and now he's talking about Epstein like, oh, yeah, and again doesn't doesn't mention the Jewish connection with that.
00:12:30 The fact that Bill Barr is Jewish, the fact that Epstein was not just Jewish but funded by Jewish billionaires, all part of a Mossad op you know, by the way, coincidentally, just like, you know, the JFK assassination.
00:12:44 All part of a Mossad up.
00:12:48 But yeah, none of this stuff.
00:12:49 None of this stuff.
00:12:50 Will go anywhere.
00:12:52 Nothing's going to happen with. I'm gonna. Pelosi was asked to step down, but like, she can barely even talk anymore.
00:12:57 Right, like listener.
Speaker 9
00:12:58 2020 in the midst of COVID, was JCA leading the way. Jewish voters will be our path.Devon
00:13:05 She can't even say Jewish, Jewish, Jewish.00:13:09 So she was on her.
00:13:10 Way out.
00:13:10 Anyway, how old is she?
00:13:13 How old is that ******* hoe?
00:13:15 Let's see here.
00:13:22 How was this old *****?
00:13:27 She was born in.
00:13:30 19401940 so she's what 83?
00:13:41 Good Lord, these ******* people.
00:13:44 These ******* people, man.
00:13:47 These boomers just refused to die.
00:13:51 Refused to ******* die.
00:13:54 And she's been well.
00:13:55 She was the.
00:13:58 Speaker of the House for how long from?
00:14:03 2019 but before that she was uh.
00:14:10 2007 to 2011.
00:14:14 She took over for Dennis Hastert, a.
00:14:18 A Goya pedophile.
00:14:21 So yeah, good old Dennis Hastert.
00:14:26 All right.
00:14:28 He was he was Norwegian astert.
00:14:34 I made this thing the other day.
00:14:38 This is my H I'm hustler 5000.
00:14:43 This is where the cranes come in.
00:14:45 Honestly, this is the cranes.
00:14:47 This is the cranes and the and the brains and cranes.
00:14:50 So I've had this issue with I I I've got these.
00:14:53 I've got all these beehives that I put way too.
00:14:56 Claus or Klaus got ******* Klaus Schwab on the mine on the brain.
00:15:01 I put way too close to the pillbox.
00:15:05 And it's fine unless you know they get Africanized.
00:15:08 And even when they're not Africanized when they're getting robbed or when they're stressed out because of a storm or something like that.
00:15:14 They're just, like, not friendly, and it's kind of obnoxious walking back in and and doing stuff, you know, with the cactuses and then all of a sudden there's a bee passed off of you because you used a power drill.
00:15:23 And in addition to that, Churro likes to jump on the beehives and which which has been fine in the winter because there's not a whole lot of, you know, whole lot of activity.
00:15:35 But today it was.
00:15:35 A little warmer.
00:15:37 And they were being kind of feisty.
00:15:38 I had to.
00:15:39 I had to run from.
00:15:39 The Hive a.
00:15:40 Couple of times and.
00:15:43 I I was.
00:15:44 I just need to I.
00:15:45 Just need to get.
00:15:45 Him off.
00:15:46 The the immediate proximity from you know where I'm working in the garden and working on the pill box using power tools and stuff like that.
00:15:55 So I've been moving them to like another apiary and these things because I'm doing this by myself.
00:16:02 These things can weigh.
00:16:04 You know, up to or not right now they don't because it's the middle of winter and they've been eating a lot of their stores, but a lot of like this hive right here, you know, it could be like around £300 or so. It's probably not quite that. It's probably less than that, but Even so.
00:16:20 So the problem with these beehives when you're trying to move them, even if it's it was only like £50, which it's a lot more than that.
00:16:27 They're not.
00:16:28 The boxes are are are held together by gravity and be goo.
00:16:33 Propolis is what it's called, but it's basically be good or.
00:16:36 Be glue I guess.
00:16:39 And that's it.
00:16:40 And so if you're trying to lift this box up and you accidentally tip it too far or whatever, and it breaks to pieces, now you just have, like, a mess of bees everywhere, stinging you and dying.
00:16:52 In the cold.
00:16:54 And so it's just, they're big, they're awkward.
00:16:57 They weigh a ton.
00:16:59 And so by myself, I was like, well, how am I going to move these things?
00:17:04 And the thing.
00:17:05 Is they actually make these little hive movers, but because it's some you know it's like a rare thing that not everyone has to buy and you know.
00:17:12 Supply and demand, I guess.
00:17:14 They're like they're like $2000 for. It's basically just a. It's so obnoxious, obnoxiously expensive, because it's it. It is just like a Dolly with.
00:17:25 Like a little hook on it that hooks onto the hive and then you you turn a crank.
00:17:31 It's it's hooked up to like a.
00:17:34 One of those things called.
00:17:37 There's things that you put on the front of a truck that I need to get, actually one of those.
00:17:41 Anyway, you guys don't talk about.
00:17:42 So it lifts it up onto the Dolly and then whatever.
00:17:45 Like but it you know, parts wise it's not that expensive. I'm not going to spend. I don't have $2000 to spend on something that's going to move hives for me. So what I did was I got my farm cart.
00:18:00 And I got my my David Crane that, you know, used to lift up things in the back of a truck and stuff.
00:18:07 Precariously screwed that onto some pieces of wood and then strap the wood to the cart.
00:18:15 And I know what you're thinking.
00:18:16 I know what you're thinking.
00:18:17 Those of you who are good with, with physics.
00:18:21 When when you see this invention of mine, the first thing that comes to mind is probably this, you know.
00:18:41 And you're right, you know, like when.
Speaker 10
00:18:43 I was when I was.Devon
00:18:45 When I was putting this together, I was like test them.00:18:47 It was stuff and and you know, my going through my head every time I was.
00:18:51 I was thinking about actually using it I kept.
00:18:54 Thinking about this.
Speaker 4
00:18:54 So the device don't motion is still.Speaker 12
00:18:59 Right.Devon
00:19:04 But I had hives to move.00:19:06 OK.
00:19:09 I had hid hives.
00:19:10 I had to move.
00:19:12 And I realized like, look, look, I I can stand on the side that that needs the counterweight.
00:19:18 I can, I can manhandle it.
00:19:20 They're not that heavy, you know, if they were totally full, it might be a little.
00:19:24 Trickier, but you know I can.
00:19:26 I can finesse it a little bit, so I ended up being more like this when I actually started using it.
00:19:58 Yeah, like I, I had to, you know, I had to understand the balance of things and where things were going, but it worked out really great.
00:20:05 I was actually kind of surprised.
00:20:07 Like a A I was able to move.
00:20:11 Two hives very easily.
00:20:13 They were the two that were right.
00:20:15 In the middle of my way.
00:20:16 And I'm gonna be moving some more because it works so well.
00:20:20 Just get them out of the way, cause once I start, you know, using power tools and hammering and stuff, even if you know, like I said, even if they're they're not Africanized, if there's just like a dearth, they're not busy enough.
00:20:35 The weather has been bad.
00:20:36 They get cranky for some reason, and next thing you know, you're getting stung in the eyeball and and so.
00:20:42 You know, it just kind of sucks for that.
00:20:44 The one thing that sucks for those of you who are getting the beekeeping.
00:20:49 Something you have to understand if you.
00:20:50 Move a hive.
00:20:52 Is because of bees, their sense of direction, their navigation system, I guess.
00:21:00 If you move a hive, the rule is they say 3 feet or three miles.
00:21:05 In other words, you have to move a hive less than three feet or more than three miles, because if you move it less than or three feet, it's not a big deal.
00:21:15 They can figure it out.
00:21:16 It's almost like you didn't move it at.
00:21:19 And if you move it more than three miles, that's farther than they usually fly.
00:21:24 And so when they get out of the the hive, they're really confused.
00:21:28 They're like, oh, this looks totally different.
00:21:30 And they reset their GPS.
00:21:34 And you know, and then they're good to go.
00:21:36 The problem is, if it's within their flying radius less than 3 miles, they'll fly out of the hive and then kind of like.
00:21:47 Yeah, if you ever had to commute to the same job, sometimes you'll end up you.
00:21:53 You make it, you know, you drive home and it's like, well, I'm home.
00:21:56 You don't.
00:21:57 You don't even remember driving home.
00:21:58 You're just there, like, oh, wow.
00:21:59 It's spaced out now I'm home.
00:22:01 That's pretty much how it works is they they fly out of the hive and then they go back to the old spot and there's no hive and they're like.
00:22:07 What the **** is this?
00:22:08 And they get confused and and stay there.
00:22:12 So there is a way around that because I was in that little window of in between 3 feet and three miles and.
00:22:21 What I did was I.
00:22:23 Closed. I had multiple entrances.
00:22:26 On these hives and cause I have robbing screens on the front and they have two entrances on them, so I made sure to only use one for a really long time, so I get used to that one and then when I moved that I closed the one they normally used, open the one they don't use and then I covered it with a bunch of plants so when they would come out the.
00:22:46 The new hole.
00:22:47 They'd be like.
00:22:47 What the **** is this Bush like in the way?
00:22:50 And they?
00:22:50 Would reorient seems to.
00:22:52 Worked seems to have worked, so they might have lost a few foragers or whatever, but who cares, you know, at least it wasn't something like this.
Speaker 8
00:23:17 The funny thing about this footage, like when I was.Devon
00:23:19 Looking at these these clips.00:23:22 They're almost.
00:23:22 I mean, not that there's never crane accidents in America, but it seems like there's an awful lot of crane accidents in, in, in countries, not America.
00:23:32 And with with with a.
00:23:34 A sharp uptick in crane accidents when it's not a white country.
00:23:38 Although Russia, Russia seems to have a lot of of crane accidents.
00:23:46 But uh yeah, I guess that's what happens when you, you know, you're in a third world country that's using technology that you guys didn't develop.
00:23:53 Lots of accidents are are bound to happen, right? So anyway, the high, the high hustler, the high Hustler 5000 was a success.
00:24:07 I will be using that in the future when I need to move things by myself, so that was pretty cool.
00:24:13 Little little bee pill.
00:24:15 I guess there for you.
00:24:17 In dystopian future news.
00:24:21 They're they're they're working hard at making Terminator 2A reality.
Speaker 8
00:24:28 The scientists have created shape shifting metal.Devon
00:24:34 Made using Jelenia enriched with magnetic particles.00:24:38 Able to rapidly and reversibly shift between being a liquid and a solid.
00:24:50 Ascending and alternating magnetic field through the material.
00:24:56 It's able to move, melt and reform.
00:25:09 Oh yeah, I'm sure they'll see this is the part where, like.
00:25:11 Oh, don't worry, it's not scary.
00:25:13 Going to use.
00:25:13 It for medicine.
00:25:15 We should.
00:25:16 That's that.
00:25:17 That's what should scare you the most, though these days.
00:25:20 Every time they've tried to use technology for medicine right, people die.
00:25:28 Oh boy.
00:25:29 And there's more, you know, also in dystopian future future news, there's yet another fire at another egg supplier.
00:25:42 Yeah, almost as if this is how many is this now, how many?
00:25:46 How many egg farms are going?
00:25:49 To catch fire.
00:25:56 Let me get to the this was hillendale farms.
00:26:03 Hillandale Farms in Connecticut on the afternoon of Saturday, January 28th, 2023. Many fire units are responding to large three alarm fire that has broken out.
00:26:17 At an egg farm in Basra, the fire was confirmed to have occurred in the Basra Volunteer Fire Company, which stated that it took place on 17 Schwartz.
00:26:29 Road I was on Schwartz Road at Hillendale Egg Farm. The Norwich fire fires Local 892, responded blah blah blah.
00:26:42 Blah. They also stated that there were there was an incident on arrival Engine 126. Report that the structure is a chicken coop.
00:26:49 That is 150 by 400 feet.
00:26:53 So basically a giant.
00:26:57 A giant chicken coop.
00:27:00 In a factory farm style chicken coop.
00:27:03 Went up in flames.
00:27:07 So there you go.
00:27:12 And what's crazy is this exact same farm.
00:27:15 I guess last year in July.
00:27:19 They had a a huge.
00:27:22 Building collapse.
00:27:25 And it killed a couple of.
00:27:26 People. So I don't know what the Hell's going on over at the chicken farms, but it seems like it's a.
00:27:33 It's a very dangerous job these days.
00:27:38 If if you're an insurance company, are you going to, are you going to insure a a chicken farm?
00:27:43 That's the that's the big question.
00:27:46 Probably not, probably not.
00:27:51 All right.
00:27:56 And and also in dystopian future news.
00:28:03 Homeschool your kids.
Speaker 6
00:28:04 Tackle berries today.00:28:07 I wanted to introduce you to a new friend in our class.
00:28:13 Well, this huckleberry is is my friend Nash.
00:28:17 It's their first day in our class.
00:28:19 They're just looking around at all of you.
00:28:22 And they're so curious to know who you all are.
00:28:26 Today was fun.
00:28:29 It was really interesting though knowing going in, being like.
00:28:34 I don't know what questions kiddos are going to have or what they're going to say.
Speaker 1
00:28:39 Look at that.Devon
00:28:39 Look at that representation of who's teaching the kids.00:28:44 You have a Butch ****.
00:28:47 Some angry POC.
00:28:50 Some Asian chick and I don't know what that thing on the end is.
00:28:54 I have no idea.
00:28:56 I don't.
00:28:56 I can't.
00:28:57 It's like I don't know what that is.
00:28:58 And then some like mystery Bean.
00:29:02 That's who's teaching the kids.
00:29:05 You have you have a Butch ****, a black lady, some Asian with a big hole in her jeans, cause she's punk rock and then some.
00:29:18 Some other bipedal animal.
Speaker 6
00:29:25 Which is both like nerve racking but also kind of exciting.00:29:29 It's that place of.
00:29:32 Not knowing as a teacher and just being OK with that, and the friend likes to ask the question, are you a boy or a girl?
00:29:42 And Nash answers.
00:29:44 I'm just a kid.
00:29:46 But a kid.00:29:47 But kids can be boys.
Speaker 6
00:29:49 They can be boys or girls.Speaker
00:29:53 Maybe not buy.Devon
00:29:57 I mean, holy ****.00:30:01 The fact that the kid that age.
Speaker 8
00:30:04 Is is is saying.Devon
00:30:07 Or maybe non binary?00:30:13 Homeschool your kids. Like how?
00:30:17 That this is what's happening when you this is what happens when you don't homeschool your kids.
Speaker 8
00:30:23 Maybe non binary like?Devon
00:30:25 How old are these ******* kids like 6?00:30:30 And they already know that cause.
00:30:31 Look, they might not be teaching your kids, you know, reading, writing and arithmetic, but they're they're teaching about about their weird sex fetishes.
Speaker 12
00:30:43 It was just like.00:30:46 Non binary.
00:30:46 Yeah, that's just something that we know.
00:30:48 And this is something.
00:30:50 I mean it's like.
00:30:52 They're four and five years old and they just didn't make a big deal out of being a boy.
Speaker 13
00:30:56 Or a girl.00:30:57 And I think it was a huge testament to how much we've been talking about in the classroom that you never mentioned the term non binary it was.
00:31:08 Yeah, I'm sure that kid just.00:31:11 Pulled that out of nowhere.
00:31:17 Homeschool your kids.
Speaker 13
00:31:20 A child who brought that up because it's constantly in conversation.Speaker 6
00:31:25 Yeah, just like me.00:31:26 So, Nash, just like me is non binary, so they.
00:31:34 Wow, what a coincidence.00:31:35 The kid the kid brought it up and knew the term.
00:31:38 And and you never mentioned it even though you're non binary, but it it obviously didn't come from you, right?
00:31:46 This was this was all just that that kid just somehow divined it out of thin air.
Speaker 6
00:31:54 Aren't sure if they're a boy.00:31:56 Or a girl.
00:31:57 So when people ask them, are you a boy or a girl?
00:31:59 Right now, they just feel like saying.
00:32:02 I'm a kid.
00:32:03 They're figuring it out.
00:32:06 Why does he like?00:32:08 Does he like stars?
Speaker 6
00:32:10 They like stars.Devon
00:32:17 Yes, repeat after me.00:32:19 The pronoun is they.
00:32:23 So yeah, there's there's, there's, there's the dystopian.
00:32:29 Present not even future, not even future.
Speaker 8
00:32:37 So the queen of the Apes?Devon
00:32:40 In the World Economic Forum Davos stuff, I think it's isn't winding down, it's winding down or maybe it's.00:32:45 Still going on?
00:32:46 I don't know how long those those *****.
00:32:50 Plan different ways that they can.
00:32:53 Control the planet, but they have the the ape lady.
00:32:59 Jane Goodall, the ape lady.
00:33:02 As a speaker.
00:33:04 Because, as I've said many times in the past, well, maybe it's an upgrade.
00:33:08 It maybe you could think of it as a compliment.
00:33:10 They usually look at you guys as cattle, but now?
00:33:12 They're now they're they're they're thinking maybe.
00:33:15 You're more like apes.
00:33:18 Let's have the ape lady.
00:33:19 She's an expert on the apes that we're.
00:33:21 In charge of.
00:33:23 And this is what she had to say.
Speaker 14
00:33:24 We cannot hide away from human population growth because you know, it underlies so many of the other problems. All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there were. If there was the size of population, that there was 500 years ago.Devon
00:33:42 Ohh well we just need to to to cool the population so that we're down to what the population was 500 years ago.Speaker 3
00:33:51 Well, what was?Devon
00:33:51 The population 500 years ago, let's see how many people she's she's saying that we need to kill. So 500 years ago would be we'll just say make it easy, say 1500.00:34:05 World population.
00:34:09 And by the way, something tells me.
00:34:13 That this population culling.
00:34:16 They could easily be be be tackled by just going by, just not by just not giving aid to Africa.
00:34:24 You know what I mean?
00:34:26 That would have fixed.Devon
00:34:27 It, but now that that that's not uh.00:34:31 That's not at all what they care about.
00:34:34 Alright, let's see here so.
00:34:38 Population of the millions, this is a weird graph.
00:34:41 Why don't they just?
00:34:42 Give me like a.
00:34:43 A real number.
00:34:44 Why are they doing it this way?
00:34:45 Hang on.
00:34:49 Historic estimates of world population.
00:34:54 OK, 15115 hundred says the.
00:35:00 OK. Upper and lower 1500, they're guessing around 500 million, is that millions? I think that's in millions.
00:35:12 So if the population of the of the.
00:35:18 Was 500 billion 500 years ago.
00:35:22 That's probably not too much more than the population in the United States.
00:35:26 I know that, they say.
00:35:27 It's like.
00:35:28 Well, what is the population?
00:35:30 What's what's the official population?
00:35:35 I know they say it's usually like 300 and something million 400 million.
00:35:40 But there's a lot of illegal immigrants not being counted in that.
00:35:44 But even if we'll, we'll say, OK, let's say.
00:35:46 That we'll we'll buy it.
00:35:48 The population of United States is 330 million.
00:35:53 And then let's mix that with what's what's another country that would make up the difference.
00:35:59 How about just North America?
00:36:02 Canada is not very populated, is it?
00:36:08 Population of Canada is like 40 million, so that gets us closer to 400. What's Mexico?
00:36:17 Population of Mexico.
00:36:18 OK.
00:36:18 There we go.
00:36:18 That puts us over the edge.
00:36:20 So basically what she's saying is the population of North America.
00:36:25 So that would include Canada, United States and Mexico.
00:36:28 And then everyone else would have to die.
00:36:33 And like I said, you can, I guarantee you what they won't focus on are the I don't know the most populated countries in the world like India.
00:36:43 You know what's the population of India?
00:36:44 They know.
00:36:45 They just went to number one, they they just beat out China.
00:36:49 And yeah, they're at 1.4 billion.
00:36:54 1.4 billion.
00:36:58 But that's not that's not where the population problem is.
00:37:03 In fact, if anything that they're going to get those people and then replace you.
00:37:08 With those people.
00:37:10 That's one of the things that's especially infuriating when you have these Indians that come over with the H1B1 visas. They a lot of them have a chip on their shoulder about colonialism and whatever.
00:37:20 Else and.
00:37:22 There's 1.4 billion of them on a subcontinent.
00:37:29 They have no concept whatsoever.
00:37:32 Like, not even a little bit.
00:37:36 What genocide might might feel like.
00:37:40 Because you you can't you even if.
00:37:43 You if the whole world got together.
00:37:46 And tried the genocide India 1.4 billion people.
00:37:52 That's a hell of a lot of cookies.
00:37:55 That would be that would be almost.
00:37:57 Possible without just, you know, carpet nuking the entire subcontinent.
00:38:03 There'd be.
00:38:04 There's no.
00:38:04 Way to take so they.Devon
00:38:06 Don't even know what that's like.00:38:07 They don't know what it's like to have any sense of an existential threat, and not only that, the colonialism that they're ******** about.
00:38:16 In no way, in no way.
00:38:19 Attempted to replace them, I mean again because it would be impossible, but they didn't even attempt to replace them demographically.
Speaker 1
00:38:25 I'm I'm I'm so.Devon
00:38:26 Sorry, Indians that it didn't take a whole lot of us to dominate your 1.4 billion people or whatever it was back then. It was probably, you know, close to a billion.00:38:36 I'm sorry.
00:38:37 Like like it only took like a few thousand of us to like.
00:38:41 Own the **** out of you, OK?
00:38:44 I really am.
00:38:45 Trust me, I actually really AM.
00:38:48 Because we wouldn't be worried about this kind of replacement, you know, **** going on.
00:38:54 If if we had never given you electricity and plumbing and stuff like that, you would still.
00:39:00 Be in the dark ages.
00:39:02 But it is what it is.
00:39:05 It's kind of like slavery.
00:39:06 All these things have bitten us in the ***.
00:39:10 Yeah, they're not. They won't talk about removing the 1.51 point 4 billion Indians off the planet. What's the population of Africa?
00:39:22 Because that, that's that's what skyrocketed so.
00:39:26 You know, they they have to work off.
00:39:29 They have to work out estimates.
00:39:31 But one of their estimates right now is 1.1 billion. Ohh no, I'm sorry. That's an old estimate. 1.2 billion.
00:39:41 And they give you an.
00:39:42 Idea of of how much that's skyrocketed.
00:39:46 1.2 billion.
00:39:48 In 1893.
00:39:53 So about, you know.
00:39:53 A little over 100 years ago.
00:39:56 It was 200 million.
00:40:01 200 million.
00:40:06 And now it's one point, almost 3 billion. In fact, it probably is, cause this is from 2/20/18.
00:40:13 In 2018, it was 1.275 billion, so it's probably 1.3 billion now.
00:40:27 What about white people?
00:40:30 What share of the population do we have?
00:40:33 Now versus what we used to have, I don't have the exact numbers, I'll I'll try to find it here, but I know it's somewhere in the neighborhood of we used to be 37.
00:40:40 And again, this is like within the last couple centuries or or?
00:40:43 Maybe in?
00:40:43 The last just century we used to make up something like 37% of the world's population. Now we're down, I think around or below 10%.
00:40:55 And all these population explosions around the world.
00:40:59 That were largely guided by the these these hidden hands, right?
00:41:03 They go to the World Economic Forum and.
00:41:05 Since the 1960s, have been crying about population control. Well, why is it they're they're so focused?
00:41:15 On controlling white population and decimating white population while at the same time diverting resources from white people to other populations around the world.
00:41:29 And look, I know there's a lot of these people that say, well, Bill Gates, you know, he's trying to get the those numbers down in Africa.
Speaker 8
00:41:37 Not doing a very good job.Speaker 4
00:41:39 You know like.Devon
00:41:41 If that's what he's if that's what he's trying to do.00:41:43 And look, he said it.
00:41:44 Mean I I've seen him in in.
00:41:46 In clips where he kind of says that right.
00:41:49 That in Africa we can get these numbers down if you know through vaccination or vaccines and and and education and then what you know whatever by giving them AIDS.
00:42:01 It's not doing a very good job.
00:42:04 You know, if we've gone from look, we'll just in a in a couple of years in 2016 in Africa they were at 1.2 billion.
00:42:13 And now are a 1.3 billion.
00:42:16 So that's a that's an extra 100 million.
00:42:20 An extra 100 million people, so Bill Gates's plan of of knocking people down in Africa not working out so well.
00:42:30 And and same thing with, you know India's.
00:42:33 Population China might as well we have before we go to the white people, let's see how many ******* Chinese people there are, right?
00:42:41 Yeah, 1.4 billion.
00:42:43 1.4 billion.
00:42:51 So even if even if.
00:42:54 If China went on some crazy suicidal, you know, demographic suicidal pact like the West has done.
00:43:03 There's 1.4 ******* billion of them.
00:43:09 White Americans, I mean, we can just do the rough math math, right. If if America is roughly at this point, 50% white, that's probably about right.
00:43:20 Then there's only about 180 million white Americans.
00:43:27 180.
00:43:37 You know, that's like.
00:43:40 China's like a fat, you know, times 10 or times 9 that you know.
00:43:45 Like that's that's.
00:43:50 That's not a good number.
00:43:52 I mean, look at.
00:43:53 Let me see if I can find that the world.
00:43:57 Let's see world demographics.
00:44:00 Or how about world?
00:44:04 How would you find that?
00:44:12 Historic world demographics, maybe.
00:44:24 Here we are.Devon
00:44:26 Well, that's that's the well, that's where the population let me see if I can find by race.00:44:42 Yeah, it's not, it's.
00:44:43 Not easy finding this kind of information.
00:44:49 Let's do.
00:44:54 White share of population.
00:44:58 I don't know if that's how they would word it.
00:45:01 White share of population.
00:45:05 Yeah, I can't find it.
00:45:07 I'll find it sometime though, but the the bottom line was it was it was around 37% not that long ago, maybe like 100 years ago. And Ohh is this where is this the graph here? No, I'm still looking for it.
00:45:22 But I'll find that and.
00:45:23 Pull it out, but bottom line, it's just, uh.
00:45:27 You know the the ape woman here.
00:45:30 Maybe that's why they got.
00:45:31 Her. Yeah, she.
00:45:33 Because that's what that is, what they're going.
00:45:35 To be dealing with.
00:45:37 So anyway.
00:45:45 Alright, so right now.
00:45:48 Everyone's a buzz.
00:45:50 Everyone's a buzz.
00:45:52 Because of the Atlanta cop, we're not Atlanta.
00:45:56 Memphis, right.
00:45:57 Memphis cop beating.
00:46:07 So this is what happened.
00:46:09 Let's see if I can.
00:46:11 I actually haven't watched this.
00:46:14 I was downloading it, took for ******* ever for some reason.
00:46:17 So I'm going to watch this with you guys.
00:46:18 For the first time.
00:46:19 Here, but my understanding is all the cops, the guy that they beat to death, that is black, I've seen clips.
00:46:25 I haven't seen the whole thing.
00:46:26 I've seen clips and if you just look at the clips, it looks like a bunch.
00:46:32 Of black cops.
00:46:33 Got ****** *** at some black guy being black.
00:46:36 Cause you know, like all black guys getting arrested for like.
00:46:40 They can't just get arrested, they can't just be like, ohh, I'm arrested.
00:46:44 They all think they can get away.
00:46:47 I don't know how.
00:46:49 They think that maybe they do.
00:46:50 Sometimes, I don't know.
00:46:52 Maybe we're just seeing the footage of them not getting away.
00:46:55 Maybe it's for us.
00:46:56 It seems like.
00:46:57 No, that's insane.
00:46:58 You should have known you couldn't get away from six cups.
00:47:00 Maybe what's really going on out there is guys like that have gotten away from cops.
00:47:04 Like like already like 7 or 8 times.
00:47:07 So he's just like I'll just, I'll just run away again.
00:47:09 It's fine.
00:47:10 But they always think they can get away.
00:47:13 And so here's let let me let me shrink this down.
00:47:16 So we get the whole screen here.
00:47:25 All right, so this is and the traffic stop.
00:47:27 I'm not exactly sure what the traffic stop was for.
00:47:31 Let me see if I can find what the traffic stop was for here.
00:47:34 So this is.
Speaker 1
00:47:36 Tyree tyrene Nichols. Tyrene Nichols.Devon
00:47:45 Let's see what we got.00:47:48 All right.
00:47:52 It just says that's The thing is they all just say traffic stop. No one's ever no one saying, OK, well, what? You don't just get pulled. I've never been pulled over and had the cops say.
00:48:02 I'm just doing a traffic stop routine traffic stop.
00:48:05 How you doing?
00:48:06 Just doing a routine.
00:48:07 No, there's always.
00:48:08 What does that mean exactly?
00:48:09 Was he driving on the wrong side of the road?
00:48:11 Was he running people down?
00:48:13 Was he?
00:48:13 You know, what was he doing?
00:48:16 There is not really a.
00:48:20 Yeah, just OK.
00:48:21 I finally found something.
00:48:22 Says reckless driving.
00:48:24 So what is the reckless driving entail that could be anything reckless driving is he again?
00:48:29 Is he driving the wrong side of the road?
00:48:31 Is he driving on the curb?
00:48:33 Is he?
00:48:33 Is he endangering people?
00:48:35 What's the deal?
00:48:36 No, it's reckless driving.
00:48:37 That could be pretty bad, but anyway.
00:48:39 So his, which one is?
00:48:40 That's his car, right?
00:48:41 He's on the.
00:48:42 Right side of the road at least.
00:48:44 So let's see what happens here.
Speaker 1
00:48:54 Damn, I didn't do anything.00:48:58 Alright, alright, alright.
00:49:00 All right.
00:49:05 You don't do that, OK?
Speaker 4
00:49:07 On the.Speaker 1
00:49:11 Hey, Joanne.Devon
00:49:14 See, this is another thing where like I'm I'm kind of interested.00:49:18 I don't think they went and look, I know black people get really excited and they go from zero to Niger, sometimes in like 3 points in whatever 5 seconds, you know, right.
00:49:29 I know that happens.
00:49:30 I know that happens, but these guys seem really ****** *** at him.
00:49:34 Like already like out the gate.
00:49:36 And this is coming.
00:49:37 This isn't like the raw.
00:49:38 This is all I could find before the show started.
00:49:40 Was this is this is from NBC.
00:49:43 And I feel like they might have left out some important detail here because they've already got, like, one cop blocking them.
00:49:48 They don't even bother when they're just yanking them out of the car like I feel like something led up to this, but I don't know.
00:49:54 Maybe not.
00:49:55 Maybe not.
Speaker 1
00:50:01 You don't do that.Speaker 5
00:50:05 Get on the ground.Speaker 1
00:50:10 Alright, I'm on the ground.00:50:12 Yes, Sir.
00:50:23 OK, dude, Dan.
00:50:28 Put your hands on your back.
Speaker 5
00:50:30 I would knock your.Speaker 1
00:50:31 Hey, you guys are really doing a lot right now.Speaker 5
00:50:33 Bro, lay down.Speaker 1
00:50:34 I'm just trying to go home.00:50:34 If you don't.
Speaker 15
00:50:37 Lay down.00:50:37 I'm on the ground.
Speaker 1
00:50:40 I got.00:50:44 I'm not doing it.
00:50:48 See again it's like.Speaker 8
00:50:50 You're not getting away.00:50:52 You know, you're not getting away.
00:50:54 What's going through your mind when they're just like, dude, roll on your stomach?00:50:57 Like maybe it was a little unclear at first.
00:50:58 You're getting roughed up.
00:51:00 You know what?
00:51:00 The hell.
00:51:00 'S going on, but they made it pretty clear.
00:51:03 Just go on your stomach.
00:51:04 He starts, you know, starts to and then he's like, Ohh psych getting up because I'm black and I can't just follow simple directions for some reason.
00:51:25 Ah, so this is what really ****** him off.
00:51:27 He's making the cops run after him.
00:51:30 Anytime you make cops run after you, black or white doesn't you might die.
00:51:35 That's that's when you might that's when you're entering the.
00:51:38 I might die zone.
Speaker 8
00:51:39 Everything was fine up until then.Devon
00:51:42 But then you start running, because now they're going.00:51:45 To he might have.
00:51:46 A weapon they have that excuse now.
00:51:47 And nothing you know.
Speaker 8
00:51:50 Look, with this go either way, like I said, I haven't seen this in.Devon
00:51:52 Full so this go either way.Speaker 11
00:52:12 2938.Devon
00:52:14 He sure ran out of breath.Speaker 1
00:52:15 Quick like he didn't.00:52:18 He didn't even go one block he ran.
Speaker 8
00:52:21 Like, not even a block.Devon
00:52:22 He's like, alright, this is.00:52:24 I'm **** this ****.
00:52:28 Alright, well, at least think Fast forward.
00:52:30 This part he he he gives up on on pursuing the guy after like maybe.
Speaker 3
00:52:35 Maybe I was right.Devon
00:52:36 Maybe that is why the cop or the black people run, because they do get away so many they.00:52:40 The one probably left this car behind, so it's not like they're not gonna be able to figure who he is.
00:52:46 Maybe they, maybe they do get away.
00:52:47 The cops are just like I ran half a block.
00:52:50 **** this guy.
Speaker 3
00:52:52 Cars right in front.Speaker 4
00:52:54 If my car got my own Emma.Speaker
00:52:56 Hang on.Speaker 4
00:52:57 In the wrong direction.Speaker
00:53:01 Where's your water?Speaker 8
00:53:07 Look at all these cops.Devon
00:53:08 All like coughing. Like what?00:53:12 They don't look like they've already run a marathon, and they haven't.
00:53:15 They didn't really do anything.
00:53:22 That's they're all getting water like ohh God, I'm so thirsty after all that yelling.
00:53:28 He lived there.
Speaker 11
00:53:30 Right.Speaker 1
00:53:33 Why are they tired?00:53:35 They yell at a.
00:53:35 Guy for a few minutes.00:53:40 Meanwhile, where is it like?
00:53:42 Where's the beating going on?
00:53:43 Why is all this included?
00:53:50 Alright, there's more cops, I guess showing up.
00:53:51 That way.Speaker 11
00:53:54 Thin male, black blue jeans and a Plaid jacket.Devon
00:54:06 Alright, so what's this?Speaker 8
00:54:21 OK, so this.Devon
00:54:22 Is the.00:54:22 This is the the not out of shape cop, the Super cop that tackle them, I guess.
Speaker 1
00:54:43 Everybody likes you.00:54:46 Watch out.
00:54:46 Watch out.
00:54:54 Alright, well this is come on.Speaker 8
00:54:57 Show us show.Devon
00:54:58 Us. What the Hell's going on here?00:55:02 There's another cop that's running up, I guess.
Speaker 10
00:55:38 You know.Speaker 5
00:55:42 Give me.Speaker
00:55:51 Get your hands.Speaker 1
00:55:52 Give me your hand.00:55:53 Turn it round.
Speaker 3
00:55:57 All right.Devon
00:56:10 Alright, so it doesn't seem so violent that it just seem incompetent.00:56:14 Like there's three of them there.
00:56:18 And they they just can't get cops on him like I. And it's not the guy's not, like, super strong or anything. I think these cops are just like, like, super out of.
00:56:26 Shape or something?
00:56:28 They can't just ******* cuff him. This guy's like walking away like.
00:56:31 Look this guy.
00:56:32 Whoever, whoever has this body Cam on, he's like.
Speaker 8
00:56:35 I'm. I'm just. I'm tired.Devon
00:56:37 I'm gonna stand over here for a little bit, but these guys deal with.00:56:44 But they keep.
00:56:45 It's almost like it's almost like A tag team wrestling.
00:56:48 They keep tagging out.
00:56:49 Like, that's your turn, Billy.
00:56:52 You try to cuff him like he was like walking away, walking away, walking on holy ****.
00:56:56 Alright, we got to get to the next angle.
00:56:58 This guys.
00:56:59 This guy apparently is not.
00:57:01 No, wait.
00:57:02 Did he come back finally.
00:57:03 To help.
00:57:04 No, he's still.
00:57:06 Here we go.
Speaker 8
00:57:10 Are they still not having cough?Devon
00:57:23 Literally, as cops.00:57:23 Now for this one guy.
00:57:35 Quite clean over here with me.Speaker 4
00:57:37 If you're able to bring the goal here.Devon
00:57:38 I would think Memphis would have more pressing matters than just this one guy, but maybe not.Speaker 3
00:57:45 Damn man.Speaker 8
00:57:52 It's also pretty.Devon
00:57:53 Telling that, like all the cops are black, all the cops are black.00:58:02 Here we go.
00:58:02 This is the angle that we've we've all kind of seen parts of.
Speaker 3
00:58:09 Get him up.00:58:10 Get him up.
Speaker 1
00:58:12 I'm good.00:58:13 I'm good.
00:58:13 I'm good.
Speaker 5
00:58:20 In this ring.00:58:43 The old song he own song.
00:58:51 Ohh, he seems like he's still alive and finding it there.00:58:54 They got him cuffed.
00:58:58 He couldn't, he.Speaker 3
00:58:58 Couldn't he couldn't do traffic.00:59:01 Take both out of traffic, everybody.
Speaker 11
00:59:05 Man, I got some camera.Speaker 3
00:59:06 2938 this is fire department to come down to you. Or are you bringing them back down here?00:59:12 Bring him down here.
00:59:13 Down here.
Speaker 11
00:59:16 Oh my God.Speaker 8
00:59:20 In that way now.Speaker 11
00:59:23 Why you say you got?Speaker
00:59:30 Are you looking for your?00:59:31 Glasses bro.
00:59:36 That's your threat.
Speaker 2
00:59:42 About my poop.Speaker 8
00:59:45 When are they going?Devon
00:59:46 To rage mode and kill them.00:59:54 There's one white cop.
00:59:57 Last night.Speaker 5
00:59:59 You have you have.Speaker 1
01:00:04 You turn around.Devon
01:00:08 Another another possible.01:00:10 ****** style, that he's not white, he's instead of shiny hair right now, he's.
01:00:13 White. Yeah, straight.
Speaker 5
01:00:20 Ain't somebody straight like them?01:00:21 Somebody not.
01:00:27 You see.Speaker 11
01:00:33 I'm not bringing.Speaker
01:00:42 My Mama.Speaker 8
01:00:46 When do they start killing him?Speaker 11
01:00:51 My leg.Speaker 4
01:00:59 Open door.Speaker 5
01:01:06 Right here, look.Speaker 11
01:01:14 He started running like.Speaker
01:01:15 You saw him?Speaker 5
01:01:15 You watch his face and he loved his face.Speaker
01:01:21 OK, right.Speaker 4
01:01:23 I know I see y'all seeing you.Speaker 11
01:01:28 My leg right now all day, but when?Devon
01:01:28 You almost need.01:01:29 You almost need subtitles for this ****.
Speaker 3
01:01:32 Like I'm wondering if for.Speaker 11
01:01:32 I seen that boy running.Devon
01:01:34 For those of you in chat that aren't American, is it hard to understand what they're even saying?01:01:42 Like can you can you not?
01:01:43 Or is it like there's so many Hollywood movies?
01:01:46 That have been exported.
01:01:49 Someone saying he's already dead?
01:01:52 He was moving around.
01:01:53 Maybe he's maybe he was dead.
01:01:56 He was moving around like a second ago.
01:02:02 When they find out he's dead.
01:02:07 Because that, that's.
01:02:07 That's almost.
01:02:08 That's almost more ****** **.
01:02:10 They don't even know he's dead.
Speaker 5
01:02:14 No, that's it.Speaker 2
01:02:19 No, he he literally he.Speaker 11
01:02:19 My leg.Speaker 8
01:02:20 Literally just moved there.01:02:22 See, he's not.
01:02:22 Dead yet? Look.Speaker 8
01:02:26 Look at his leg.01:02:30 He just bent.
01:02:31 He just bent his knee right there.
01:02:32 So he's still alive.
Speaker 11
01:02:37 Chickens out to the ground.01:02:39 My leg right now.
01:02:41 From my heart all day.
01:02:42 But when I seen that.
01:02:43 Boy running bro.
01:02:44 Sorry, no more.
Speaker 3
01:02:50 Come on, hold over here.Speaker 1
01:02:51 Don't know.Speaker 2
01:02:56 Hey, sit up bro.Speaker 11
01:03:08 Radio brush.Speaker 8
01:03:12 They sound like a marble.01:03:23 So it was that already the beating.
01:03:31 Do we miss it?
01:03:32 Yeah, with my leg over.Speaker 8
01:03:48 These guys don't seem concerned at all.Speaker 11
01:03:59 Unless you do it one on his way running.Speaker 8
01:04:15 That's it.Devon
01:04:32 Yeah, he's still, he's still moving and ****.01:04:36 Well, I don't know.
01:04:36 That's that's like, OK, well, apparently they don't show the like the ultra violent part.
01:04:41 I saw clips that where they were punching him and stuff.
01:04:43 Let me see if let me pull up one of those clips that I've seen earlier.
01:04:47 I'm a little confused as to why you would think that that NBC would have included that in their in their version of events here, but apparently not.
01:04:58 All right, so here's what I've what I've got.
01:05:02 UM, here we are.
01:05:10 And where is this angle at?
01:05:12 They don't show very much.
01:05:21 As they got him coughed.
01:05:25 Ohh, they're just ******* punching him.
01:05:30 Yeah, those cops are ******.
01:05:35 They're just.
01:05:36 Punching the **** out of him.
01:05:44 Now we're surprised that that we didn't get to see that in the NBC footage.
01:05:51 But uh.
01:05:52 All right, well, there you go.
01:05:55 And this is one of those things where I think that the old, old conservative view, the old boomer back, the blue view would be like, well, he shouldn't have run.
01:06:05 And look, he shouldn't have run.
01:06:07 He shouldn't have run.
01:06:09 And look, this This is why white people don't run.
01:06:13 These white people know that cops are are not like accountants.
01:06:18 You know that cops are not not uh, especially when they deal with this kind of **** like every single day you might get them on a bad day.
01:06:27 They might just shoot.
01:06:28 You for no reason.
01:06:30 You know.
01:06:32 But all too often, you have conservatives, especially boomers, on the right, that'll sit there like, well, they have to, you know, they don't know if they're coming home that night, they they ***** ** that gun and put on that badge, and they don't know if they're going to see their kids ever again.
01:06:46 And when they see any kind of thing that could be a gun, they got to open fire and shoot and like most.
01:06:51 Of the time, I agree to some extent.
01:06:53 With a lot of these events, right, we're like uh.
01:06:56 You know, a a cop shoots a guy get that's holding a gun.
01:06:59 And because he started to lift the gun and, like, maybe he wasn't going to shoot him.
01:07:03 But it's like, are you gonna?
01:07:04 Are you gonna wait around to find out if you're the cop?
01:07:06 Of course not.
01:07:07 But in this case they they basically have control over him.
01:07:11 I it's hard to.
01:07:12 It seems like they don't quite have them cuffed yet, but they have control and look at that.
01:07:16 Look at that.
01:07:19 You know, I don't think that's in the training manual.
01:07:25 Now, now look at the same time.
01:07:29 You know it's.
01:07:30 It's it's a rough call.
01:07:31 It's like.
01:07:33 You know if.
01:07:35 If you're going to have cops, if you're gonna, you're basically hiring meatheads to do meathead work for your community, and that's going to be what you get.
01:07:46 You know you're going to have meathead behavior coming from the meatheads.
01:07:51 That are the that are, you know, the defense between you and people like this, this guy that ran off because he was driving around through traffic on drugs.
01:08:01 So it's kind of a tough call.
01:08:03 It is kind of a tough call I mean.
01:08:07 On one end you kind of want to live in a society where the the meatheads have rules and you know they should right there.
01:08:14 Shouldn't you know they they should definitely be, you know, regulated.
01:08:18 There should be some oversight and.
01:08:20 And I'm glad there's body cams on on most cops nowadays that that is very helpful.
01:08:25 But at the same time, it's kind of like, you know.
01:08:29 Is this?
01:08:29 Is this just what is needed?
01:08:32 We read that that green text the other day about that guy that lived in Africa because he was with the Peace Corps or whatever it was, I forget now and one of the things he mentioned about African societies that he had had witnessed when he was living there was that it was just like this violent.
01:08:49 Hierarchy and you know we you hear about it all the time, like black people talking about their moms.
01:08:56 You know, being very liberal with the corporal punishment will say, and if they, and if their fathers didn't leave, that would be the same story.
01:09:09 You know, there's there's a lot of white people that think that that because they would never beat their kids because it's so much it's it's.
01:09:18 Better to use reason.
01:09:20 Then I want to be able to reason with my kids. I don't want, you know, like Molyneux's big thing is like, well, if you beat your kids, then, you know, you're teaching them that violence is is the way to get what you want.
01:09:31 And and you're also stunting their their growth mentally because they're not going to, they're never going to learn how to negotiate or or reason with people and it's like.
01:09:40 Yeah, but what if your kids black?
01:09:43 You know, I mean that's kind of.
01:09:44 Off the table already.
01:09:45 Right.
01:09:50 I mean, not that black people are dogs.
01:09:52 But I mean, do you reason with your dog?
01:09:56 Do you reason, you know, like do you reason with people who don't have the capacity to reason?
01:10:05 You know and when reason fails.
01:10:07 What what do you?
01:10:07 Do at that point.
01:10:10 You know, the reasonable thing would be if that guy had, when he got pulled over a friend to roll over on his stomach and get the cuffs on him.
01:10:18 And he'd be alive.
01:10:22 And the dangerous mix with with this guy and and and which is often the case, you have people who who have a predisposition for impulse control, you know, poor impulse control, violence and then you add to that mix drugs.
01:10:42 Drugs that amplify that already, you know, tenuous hold that they have on on participating in, in the society.
01:10:55 That you know that you have that that drug factor put in and and just you know you don't know what to expect from these people?
01:11:04 So you know this, it doesn't look good, obviously like that's you know that's that's again that's that's not in the training manual, just a big old cold **** right there.
01:11:19 But I mean, maybe that's just what's necessary.
01:11:22 That's what's necessary when that's the problem is in the same way that that whites they they want to hold black people to the same standards academically, right, they want the, the they and and they're.
01:11:36 They're always baffled when it doesn't work, you know, like, oh, let's let's get black kids and white.
01:11:42 Kids in the same schools and let's not change.
01:11:45 The curriculum at.
01:11:46 All, let's not train the the teachers on Ebonics.
01:11:50 Let's let's just subject the kids to the exact same.
01:11:54 Curriculum and ohh why are why is there this huge difference in the test scores?
01:12:00 Why does this exist?
01:12:03 Well, it's because they're different.
01:12:05 And they're different enough.
01:12:08 Where it's not just test scores.
01:12:10 You know why?
01:12:12 Why is it that you have all these videos?
01:12:14 Speaking of schools, all these videos of black kids attacking their teachers, physically attacking their teachers?
01:12:24 You know, maybe this is maybe this kind of rough handling that you look at this and like oh wow.
01:12:30 Like like that's that's not how I want to be, you know.
01:12:33 Ohh yeah, that's that's police brutality.
Speaker 8
01:12:36 And it and and.Devon
01:12:37 You know, definitionally, yeah, it is.01:12:41 Right. Like these guys are.
01:12:42 ******, you know.
01:12:44 They're they're.
01:12:45 They're not gonna, you know.
01:12:46 They're they're not getting their pensions or whatever like these guys are ******.
01:12:51 You know, this is this is absolute police brutality.
Speaker 1
01:12:56 But you know.Devon
01:12:57 It might also just be this is.01:13:01 This is if you want to have these people in your society.
01:13:05 And you want to have a civil society.
01:13:08 Maybe this is what you're signing on for.
01:13:13 Maybe this is, you know, what you have to live with.
01:13:19 Maybe this is the correct way to police these neighborhoods.
01:13:24 And I don't mean that in some like, you know, ******* way like.
01:13:28 Oh, maybe you need to.
01:13:28 Beat up the you know, it's like no, but like.
01:13:31 Maybe you do like.
Speaker 1
01:13:35 You know, like maybe a little bit like, you know, maybe.Devon
01:13:42 Anyway, I just I think it's, uh, you know, open for discussion.Speaker 8
01:13:49 Because look, the reason.Devon
01:13:51 What we're what when we.01:13:52 Watch this little clip right here.
01:13:54 We're like, oh, God, that's terrible.
01:13:56 You're we're missing the whole long like this, this entire, you know, mess that we watched before that.
01:14:03 Right.
01:14:05 If this had been a white guy.
01:14:09 The video would have stopped.
01:14:12 You see, they're pulling out of the car, right?
Speaker 8
01:14:17 Boom. Video's over.Speaker 3
01:14:20 That he is.Devon
01:14:20 Over because the white guy knows he's caught.01:14:23 The white guy has three cops.
01:14:26 They they they have his car.
01:14:27 His car is right there.
01:14:29 You know, it's not like they're gonna not figure out who he is eventually, right?
01:14:33 But because he's white, he can think about the future.
01:14:38 And again, not being funny, this is I'm being real here.
01:14:41 He can think about the future and think Oh well.
01:14:44 If I run, even if I get away, which is unlikely.
01:14:51 They they know who I am.
01:14:54 They know who I am and they will.
01:14:56 They'll track me down and they'll charge me with even more than what I'm getting charged with right now.
01:15:03 So I'm going to have to face even more consequences.
01:15:07 I I should just acknowledge the fact that I'm at this point I'm caught.
01:15:12 And, you know, it sucks, but it's going to workout way better than.
01:15:18 Than it did for this guy who who couldn't think in this moment right here.
01:15:24 About the future.
01:15:26 Couldn't think to himself.
01:15:28 Well, if I run.
01:15:31 They have my car, they're going to have my ID.
01:15:34 They might catch me.
01:15:36 And I might get killed.
01:15:41 Because his his.
01:15:43 His uh.
01:15:45 Mine was is is only.
01:15:48 It's preoccupied with the present.
01:15:54 And in the present.
01:15:56 I'm uncomfortable right now.
01:16:00 I'm being restrained right now.
01:16:04 My solution to this problem right now.
01:16:09 Is to run away right now.
01:16:18 And look, you can even say.
01:16:22 You know this stuff.
01:16:23 This is low impulse control, too.
01:16:26 They're ****** *** because they have to chase them for a while.
01:16:28 And like I said, cops.
01:16:30 If there's something they don't like, it's it's you making them chase.
01:16:34 Chase you.
01:16:36 And so they're mad.
01:16:37 White cops would probably feel like beating the shot of them, too.
01:16:40 They just don't cause same thing they can think about the future.
01:16:45 They can think.
01:16:45 Yeah, I'll feel really good now, but I won't feel good when they're when BLM is like, burning down my city and ruining my life and putting me in jail.
01:16:58 And I'm a cop in jail. And you know jail's not good for cops.
01:17:02 These guys, they're just like, they're just mad.
01:17:06 And just like you know what?
01:17:08 **** you.
Speaker 8
01:17:16 Either way.Devon
01:17:18 The big take away? Honestly, at this point because it doesn't really matter, right? Like like I said, those cops are.01:17:23 It's not going to be a big national story because they're black.
01:17:27 They'll talk about it a little bit, but it won't be that it won't, you know, it's it's not going to.
01:17:32 There might be riots, there's going to be.
01:17:33 Antifa be a lamb.
01:17:35 A lot of people going to get some free sneakers out of this and that sort of a thing.
01:17:39 But it's not going to be like the next George Floyd.
01:17:42 All that's going to happen is you're going to have some cops that.
01:17:47 Maybe go to jail?
01:17:49 Definitely lose their jobs.
01:17:52 But the the big take away is.
01:17:54 As the demographics shift.
01:17:57 Not just in this country, but the rest.
01:17:59 Of the world.
01:18:01 This is just going to be more common.
01:18:06 And eventually, here's the thing.
01:18:08 You got to think about.
01:18:10 The only reason why like I was saying the only reason why wow, this looks like excessive force.
01:18:16 Well, that's that's except that's they don't need to be doing that.
01:18:20 Have you ever watched videos?
01:18:23 Of of black cops in Africa.
01:18:29 Like just beating the **** out of people.
01:18:33 And it's totally fine. Why?
01:18:36 Because when they're black cops in Africa.
01:18:40 They don't have white bureaucrats.
01:18:55 OK.
01:18:55 We may be back now.
01:18:58 I'm pretty sure it is.
01:19:00 I'm going to refresh the page just to make sure, but it should be good now.
01:19:07 I'm not exactly sure why that did what it did.
01:19:19 I hate it when it does this ********.
Speaker 3
01:19:22 Devin needs to fix this.Devon
01:19:24 You know what?01:19:25 **** you.
01:19:26 Like I'm like like I'm the one that's doing it.
Speaker 3
01:19:30 You need to you need to.Devon
01:19:31 Stop standing on the Internet cable.01:19:34 What do you?
01:19:34 Think how do you how do you fix this ******* ******?
01:19:41 **** you man.
01:19:43 Ohh, great.
01:19:43 Now it's at the very beginning.
01:19:45 What the **** is this ****?
01:19:48 Oh my God, this is driving me nuts.
01:19:50 It says it's fine.
01:19:51 That's the worst part.
01:19:52 OK.
01:19:53 It's finally, finally back.
01:19:54 Finally back.
01:19:56 Anyway, I don't know when it when it started cutting out my, so I don't want to repeat myself a bunch, but.
01:20:03 Bottom line is, as the country becomes more like the third world, this is just going to be how how law enforcement behaves.
01:20:12 And and as as the country becomes more like the Third world and you have less and less oversight.
01:20:18 Like I was saying before, and I don't know if they cut cut off.
01:20:21 Americans are pretty spoiled when it comes to law enforcement.
01:20:25 And I know and it it doesn't seem like that.
01:20:30 But compared to to law enforce like look, even just South of the border, you go to Mexico.
01:20:38 Mexican cops are are super, super corrupt, right?
01:20:41 And I don't just mean like the.
01:20:44 The classic you know that you got to bribe them.
01:20:47 What you do?
01:20:49 But I mean, a lot of them are in.
01:20:50 With the cartels.
01:20:52 A lot of them will escort.
01:20:53 I mean, the Mexican military even will like, escort illegal immigrants across the border.
01:20:59 I mean that we've seen this **** on video, so.
01:21:04 You know, we're a little bit spoiled and and the only thing that's preventing our law enforcement from becoming like these third world countries is just the the shrinking white population.
01:21:16 But after, you know, at A at a certain point.
01:21:19 You know it'll it'll be just like the countries these people come from.
01:21:24 So anyway.
01:21:30 Someone says the last thing it said was you ever see blacks beating the ****?
01:21:34 Out of of people in.
01:21:36 In in Africa.
01:21:39 And it's totally fine and then it stops.
01:21:42 OK, so that's why I was, I forget what else I said after that based what I was saying is you.
01:21:47 Ever watch these?
01:21:50 Let me see.
01:21:50 If I can find one of these videos.
01:21:56 African cops.
01:22:05 Let me see if I can.
01:22:07 Oh, that's kind of funny.
01:22:08 I look up African cops beats man, and it's it.
01:22:12 All the results are this incident.
01:22:23 That almost proves my point more than what I was what I was.
01:22:26 Actually looking for.
01:22:32 Oh man.
01:22:34 Alright, let me.
01:22:35 See if I can.
01:22:35 Find the videos that was actually.
Speaker 14
01:22:37 You're looking for.Devon
01:22:38 It's pages and this is what's so ******.01:22:41 About the YouTube algorithm.
01:22:43 Is they they they *******.
01:22:47 They hijack it to favor, you know, these these authoritative sources, and it ruins the result.
01:22:54 It's like it doesn't like if anything remotely like what you're searching for happens in the news, in an effort to like, you know, **** block the truth and just have their narrative.
01:23:05 They just give you, like, I'm still.
01:23:06 I'm scrolling down.
01:23:07 It's like pages and pages and pages and page like it's never ending.
01:23:11 There's nothing about Africa anywhere there's.
01:23:14 Oh my God.
01:23:16 I'll just like maybe I'll just pick an African country at random.
01:23:20 I'm just gonna do Africa.
01:23:22 Africa Cop how about Africa cop?
01:23:24 No, that same thing.
01:23:27 And like I said, it's.
01:23:29 Oh, that's kind of funny.
01:23:30 So stitched in between.
01:23:32 Ohh God this is.
01:23:33 I'm gonna.
01:23:33 I'm gonna pop, pop this up for you guys.
01:23:37 This is this is the algorithm at work right here.
01:23:48 Oh boy.
01:23:50 Alright, look at this ****.
01:23:54 So the way that pop up, where did that go?
01:24:01 Well, that's saved somewhere weird.
01:24:06 Ohh yeah, it saved somewhere weird.
01:24:07 OK, never mind.
01:24:11 Here we.
01:24:12 Are so on YouTube.
01:24:14 Look at this ****.
01:24:17 My search term.
01:24:19 Africa Cop beats man.
01:24:22 First of all, it's pages.
01:24:23 And pages of the Memphis police crap.
01:24:26 But then look what's in the middle.
01:24:28 Aftermath of a chimpanzee murder.
Speaker 1
01:24:32 And then it goes back to the Memphis stuff.Devon
01:24:40 Oh, algorithm.01:24:42 You're going to get in trouble like those cops.
01:24:49 All I was trying to find is is footage of.
01:24:53 Like there used to be tons of these videos and of course now you can't.
01:24:56 Uh, find them because of this stupid thing.
01:25:00 But there used to be tons of videos of like African cops, just like beating the ****.
Speaker 1
01:25:04 Out of people.Devon
01:25:08 In fact, there was.01:25:09 There was the there was the one with the.
01:25:13 I think no.
01:25:15 I thought.
01:25:15 I think there might have been like a COVID one.
01:25:17 I can't find.
01:25:18 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
01:25:21 I'll never I'll never be able to find this with.
01:25:23 Let me let me.
01:25:24 I'll check another search engine.
01:25:25 But the the algorithm is just so.
01:25:29 Saturated with this ******* story that besides the chimpanzee stuff.
01:25:37 Alright, Africa cop beats man.
01:25:48 Yeah, and all the algorithms are are totally pushing this story, no matter what how you word it.
01:25:55 It doesn't matter.
01:25:57 My point was, corporal.
01:25:58 Punishment in Africa is a normal thing.
01:26:01 It's a normal ******* thing. Yeah. Someone said I RIP live lake. Yeah, LiveLeak was good back in the day. I don't know what happened to it.
01:26:11 But it used to be full of African cops being the shorter people.
01:26:20 Remember when that Somali shot that blonde white woman?
01:26:23 Yeah, there you go.
01:26:23 Perfect.
01:26:24 Perfect example of low impulse cops on the case.
01:26:29 A white woman called the cops because of some suspicious purse.
01:26:33 I forget actually, why, but she thought like someone was trying to break her neighbors house or something.
01:26:37 That and, uh, the first Somali cop.
01:26:40 It wasn't even like a it was like the first celebrated Somali cop, because Somalis are two.
01:26:48 Low IQ to be cops, which is that's saying something.
01:26:50 Cops are not exactly.
01:26:51 In fact, you can have an IQ that's too high.
01:26:53 To be a cop when they test you.
01:26:55 And I'm not ************ you.
01:26:56 There's when they give you intelligence test as a police officer that the thinking is.
01:27:02 That if the smarter you are, the more able you're going to be to to be corrupt and to, you know, use the system to your advantage.
01:27:13 So they don't want you to be that smart.
01:27:15 Now that's different for like homicide detectives and stuff like that.
01:27:19 But if you're just like a beat cop, they don't want you to be too smart.
01:27:23 And this Somali guy wasn't even smart.
01:27:25 Like was was not even smart enough to to be the cop, the beat cop.
01:27:30 But anyway, they they they finally because of all the Somalis moving into.
01:27:35 The the state.
01:27:37 What was it, Michigan or no, am I it was either Michigan or or.
01:27:43 Minnesota and.
01:27:46 And so they.
01:27:47 They anyway, this white blonde lady calls him.
01:27:49 Up she she sees him.
01:27:51 The cop car pulling up.
01:27:52 So she walks out, she's on the phone.
01:27:54 She walks up to the cop car on the phone and he just.
01:27:57 ******* blows her away.
01:28:00 He freaks out and blows her away.
01:28:04 But that's just that's.
01:28:05 What it's going to be like, that's what it's going to be like.
01:28:15 She was a newlywed from Australia called the Hops because she thought someone was being raped in the alley behind her house. OK, there you go. Someone says 110 IQ to be a cop. Now, that's not even possible.
01:28:32 That's not even possible.
01:28:38 Yeah, minute is Minnesota.
01:28:41 George Floyd country.
01:28:45 Someone says Somalis live in Dearborn.
01:28:47 Well, Dearborn has a lot of Muslims.
01:28:49 It's not just Somalis though, but that's in Michigan.
01:28:53 Minnesota is very, very Somali these days.
01:29:07 Someone says can we get a second edition of the Black History Month rebute?
01:29:11 I don't know.
01:29:12 We already we already covered that one.
01:29:14 Maybe if there's new stuff that they.
01:29:15 I mean, if they start claiming they invented.
01:29:19 You know, fire or.
Speaker 4
01:29:22 I don't know.Devon
01:29:24 Yeah, someone just said 110 IQ is judge status. Yeah, high 80s.01:29:31 Yeah, 110 is is not.
01:29:34 Is not a.
01:29:36 It it has to be much less than 100 you remember in in America. And it's actually I think it's down to the double digits now the average is is like.
01:29:45 It's got like 90 or something like or.
01:29:47 Nah, it's gotta be.
01:29:47 What is the average IQ in America now?
01:29:49 Or at least, what do they say?
01:30:02 Where are we at?
01:30:04 United States.
01:30:08 98 Yep, we're now sub.
01:30:12 So you know, if you think cops are 100.
01:30:15 And 10.
01:30:17 Do you think again?
01:30:21 Yeah. Average college then is 115. Well, I don't.
01:30:23 Know if that's even true anymore.
01:30:27 I feel like that's got to be inflated.
01:30:29 You guys have seen?
01:30:29 These calls look, that's partly Speaking of diversity.
Speaker 8
01:30:32 That's the same you guys.Devon
01:30:35 Saw the the Project Veritas video like where do I find that?01:30:39 Now that it?
01:30:39 Got shut down.
01:30:41 Let me go to bit shoot.
01:30:44 But you guys.
01:30:44 Saw that video of the the Black Pfizer ****** running around and and freaking out at the restaurant.
01:30:51 Look, it's not going to just be a cops and and and thugs on the street, it's it's going to be diversity hires all the way up and down the food chain.
01:31:00 Let me look.
01:31:00 At final, see if I can find that video.
01:31:16 Project Veritas.
01:31:19 Bit shoot search engine is the worst.
01:31:23 You can't even find stuff when you when you spell out the name exactly.
01:31:28 Ah, Italy is another.
01:31:32 You know, their website probably has it right.
01:31:42 Project Veritas.
01:31:50 Where's the where's the most recent video?
01:32:00 Latest stories. Here we go.
01:32:04 Tricked evolution, right?
01:32:06 Where's the video?
01:32:07 Where's the one of him?
01:32:07 Freaking out.
01:32:08 Is that the same one?
01:32:15 Pfizer ultimately is.Devon
01:32:18 Where's the video of him freaking out.Speaker 2
01:32:20 The technology or the human toll, it's.Devon
01:32:25 Does anyone in chat have the?01:32:28 I have a link for the.
01:32:31 The gay ******.
01:32:34 That freaks out in the restaurant.
01:32:37 I can't believe their website is so bad I can't find it like their most viral video on their website.
01:32:47 Like how is?
01:32:48 How is that not like the the the number one thing on their ******* website?
01:32:53 I know, I know, YouTube took it down.
01:33:00 All right, more news.
01:33:02 How about that?
01:33:06 Featured stories, no.
01:33:13 How about recent?
01:33:16 No, I mean, Jesus Christ, their website's a mess. It's just a bunch of **** that.
01:33:21 Has nothing to do with that.
01:33:24 How do I even find that then Project Veritas.
01:33:28 Pfizer, if I look up that will.
01:33:30 That come up.
01:33:36 Let's do.
01:33:39 Bizer freak out.
01:33:45 No, someone got it.
01:33:46 Alright, cool.
01:33:47 Someone in chat has it.
01:33:53 Alright, let me see if I can download this and play it.
01:34:13 It might take a while to download it.
01:34:14 I'll pull it up in a browser.
01:34:15 Hopefully we'll be fine.
01:34:24 My official stream browser just because I know I'll never use it for anything else is is opera.
01:34:32 You have to.
01:34:33 You have to turn off an amazing amount of like, spyware and opera that which I didn't think would be the case.
01:34:40 Alright, here we go.
01:34:48 Oh, come on, opera.
01:34:51 There we go.Devon
01:34:54 Yeah. So you're gonna have **** like this. This is just going to be normal. This is going to be again, this guy, this guy's this guy makes more than probably almost everyone listening.01:35:04 This guy is, I think 2 steps away from the CEO at Pfizer.
01:35:10 He's got his boss and then his boss.
01:35:14 His boss's boss is the CEO.
Speaker 2
01:35:18 Is this seat taken?Speaker 10
01:35:19 You work for Pfizer.01:35:21 My question for you is why does Pfizer want to hide from the public the fact that they're mutating the COVID viruses question.
Speaker 3
01:35:27 Is this real life?01:35:28 I'm literally a liar.
Speaker 2
01:35:29 Yeah. Please, please.Speaker 3
01:35:30 I was trying to impress a person on a date.01:35:33 Try lying.
01:35:34 This is absurd.
Speaker 2
01:35:35 Please don't touch me.01:35:37 Anyway, don't don't tell anybody.
Speaker 3
01:35:37 What are?01:35:39 Who's just working in a company to Rudy help.
01:35:45 Really did.
01:35:46 Please bring the cross as soon as possible through very unsafely, no.
01:35:49 Can you please unlock your?
Speaker 2
01:35:52 Please unlock the door.01:35:54 Fitness are stuck.
01:35:57 Please unlock.
01:35:58 Please unlock the door marriage.
01:36:00 Leave, unlock.
01:36:01 Impulse control right there.01:36:05 I mean, he's he's acting like he's getting arrested by black cops right now.
Speaker 2
01:36:14 We're trying to.01:36:16 Unlock the door.
01:36:17 I lock the door.
Speaker 10
01:36:22 Spies are not long.Speaker 8
01:36:25 So yeah, the.Devon
01:36:25 Whole society is going to just be like this.01:36:32 It's just going to go downhill like this.
01:36:41 My favorites, the one when he got pushed by the the cameraman and and went flying like he was made out of ******* balsa.
Speaker 2
01:36:48 Wood virus is this the way the?Speaker 10
01:36:50 Virus started in Wuhan.Speaker 3
01:36:52 In here, please.01:36:53 Hey, can you?
01:36:54 Please get this on video.
Speaker 2
01:36:55 Why do you think it's OK for Pfizer to do that?Speaker 3
01:36:59 These labels have to be.Speaker 10
01:37:03 He's filming the restaurant owner right now.Speaker 3
01:37:06 Thank you.Speaker 10
01:37:07 He's filming her.01:37:07 I don't know why he's filming her.
Speaker 3
01:37:10 No, don't listen.Speaker 2
01:37:12 Would you?01:37:12 Would you like me to leave because he won't?
01:37:14 He's asking me not to leave and he's consenting to.
01:37:17 My presence, ma'am, are we allowed to just stay and ask?
01:37:20 A few questions.
Speaker 10
01:37:22 It's pretty remarkable.Speaker 2
01:37:25 OK.Devon
01:37:28 Hold on, let's get the escalated.01:37:29 Let's go.
Speaker 3
01:37:31 Wait for me.Speaker 2
01:37:33 Wait, wait.Speaker 3
01:37:33 This is insane.Speaker 2
01:37:33 Who's on?01:37:34 Who's unlock the door?
01:37:39 Please unlock.
01:37:40 Please unlock the door please unlock.
01:37:43 The door, please.
Speaker 3
01:37:44 People like that.Speaker 2
01:37:45 Lock the door, unlock the door, unlock the door, unlock the.01:37:49 Door unlock the door.
01:37:51 Unlock the door.
01:37:53 This is this is remarkable here.
01:37:56 Thank you.
01:37:59 You're trying to.
01:38:00 Unlock the door, unlock the door, unlock the door.
01:38:04 I locked the door.
Speaker 3
01:38:05 Like that it is not stop like.01:38:09 You're hurting me.
01:38:10 Where is.
01:38:11 And you cannot just.
01:38:17 See, but here's here's the here's the problem.01:38:20 It's easy for us to watch this and laugh at his behavior.
01:38:24 But the only reason why.
01:38:27 His behavior is is even viewable is we still have enough white influence on the society toward this kind of ambush and stuff.
01:38:38 Is is is OK.
01:38:40 You know, it's still considered freedom of the press, right?
01:38:43 It's still considered part of the 1st amendment.
01:38:48 Do you think that if we had a a African dictator as as president?
01:38:56 Or let's just say enough of.
01:39:00 Of that kind of a A.
01:39:06 Phenotype or I don't know if you if people like this guy, let's just put that way.
01:39:11 This guy is like a a high.
01:39:13 I mean, he works at Pfizer, right?
01:39:15 He's gotta be a higher IQ.
01:39:16 And what's he saying?
01:39:17 This is this is not OK.
01:39:18 You can't lie.
01:39:19 You can't have.
01:39:20 You can't film me.
01:39:22 Look, he's not alone.
01:39:23 He's not alone in thinking that.
01:39:26 You know, if you don't believe me, talk to, you know, Asian people about, you know, authoritarian governments.
01:39:32 They're totally OK with it.
01:39:35 And so we're African people.
01:39:39 If you look at the governments, they end up making.
01:39:42 So anyway.
01:39:44 That's that.
01:39:47 That's just what we're going to end up with in the future.
01:39:52 And close this down.
01:39:54 Take a look at chats here.
01:40:01 What's everyone's saying, 2222? What's 2?
01:40:06 I'm like way behind on here, High Priest King Terry said.
01:40:09 Obama was an African dictator and he was president.
01:40:12 Well, look, that was and that was exactly the kind of behavior you got from the the so-called deep state at the time.
01:40:20 Right.
01:40:20 He started spying on journalists.
01:40:23 Yeah, they killed Michael Hastings.
01:40:27 That was all Obama people.
01:40:31 Not to say that the before that everything was fine.
01:40:39 But yeah.
01:40:44 All right, let's take a look at the.
01:40:47 Super Chat or hyper chats from the Hyper Chads.
01:40:54 Uh, let's see here Graham playing games.
01:40:57 Jeff Tedrick is so close, yet so far.
01:41:00 If you don't know him, he's an insufferable leftist on Twitter, comes off as a total ****.
01:41:06 I don't know who that is, but.
01:41:07 I'll as long as I got opera open here.
01:41:09 Right.
01:41:10 Let's take a look.
01:41:13 Oh, by the way, nothing I was doing today.
01:41:17 You'll be happy to know.
01:41:20 You'll see.
01:41:23 I've been doing data recovery and I've been able to recover a few things.
01:41:28 Alright, So what this what you sent me is.
01:41:31 He says what kind of a shithole country?
01:41:34 Let's a tiny extremist minority **** everything all to hell for the rest of us.
01:41:41 Who's he talking about?
01:41:43 Like, who does he?
01:41:43 I I know who you're talking about.
01:41:45 But who is he talking about?
01:41:49 Is there any?
01:41:53 Based responses.
01:42:02 Yeah, I don't know.
01:42:03 I don't know who he's.
01:42:04 Talking about.
01:42:12 And then gram playing games, you don't have to play this.
01:42:14 It's for you.
01:42:15 If you haven't seen it.
01:42:17 Muhammad Ali is absolutely right.
01:42:19 It completely sane and historically normal view.
01:42:22 It's funny that even back then the white older than Boomer host is a total ****.
01:42:29 Oh yeah, and I I'm pretty.
01:42:30 Sure, I've seen what you're talking about here.
01:42:34 Well, then we'll take a look here.
01:42:38 Unless it's super, it's a Twitter video.
01:42:39 It can't.
01:42:39 Be that long, let's.
01:42:40 See here.Devon
01:42:43 It says it doesn't exist.01:42:46 It says it does not exist or it didn't pop up here for me.
01:42:53 Oh, and then you give me the link again.
01:42:57 Alright, let's take a look here.
Speaker 15
01:43:05 What is your white person watching this show or no intelligent white man and his or her right white mind want black boys and black girls marrying their white sons and daughters, and in return introducing their grandchildren as half brown, ***** headed black people.Speaker 16
01:43:19 I would.Speaker 15
01:43:19 And I'm sure.Speaker 16
01:43:19 I wouldn't.01:43:20 I wouldn't object to that.
Speaker 15
01:43:21 Well, you wouldn't, but a lot.01:43:22 Of them were and.
Speaker 16
01:43:22 But I'm sure a lot of people know it's disappointment.Speaker 15
01:43:23 What I'm trying to say is this.01:43:24 What I'm trying to say is this and you don't have it.
01:43:26 You say you don't, you don't have.
01:43:27 It you really ain't gonna have it, you don't show and you got to say that.
Speaker 10
01:43:30 No, no.Speaker 16
01:43:31 No, no, no, that's no, that's that's that's not.Speaker 15
01:43:33 True. Why would you want?01:43:34 To do that, don't you love yourself?
Speaker 16
01:43:34 Because because I don't think.01:43:35 I don't think any different from you, you see.
Speaker 15
01:43:37 And yeah, we yeah, we much different.Speaker 16
01:43:38 I mean, I think society has made.Speaker 15
01:43:39 We know we know we are different and.01:43:41 We all together, yeah.
Speaker 16
01:43:41 Society has made.Speaker 15
01:43:42 Us different and not society.01:43:43 God made.
01:43:44 Us different.
Speaker 16
01:43:44 No, no.01:43:44 We're just human beings amid all.
01:43:45 Of us.
Speaker 15
01:43:46 We all listen.01:43:46 Bluebirds fly with blue birds, red birds gonna be a red.
01:43:50 Listen, tell me when I'm wrong.
01:43:52 Pigeons wanna be with pitches.
01:43:53 But tell me when I'm like, well, we must.
Speaker 16
01:43:53 Do you have intelligence?01:43:54 Do you have an Internet?
01:43:55 They don't.
Speaker 15
01:43:55 Well, we should have.01:43:56 They don't have intelligence, but yet they stay together.
01:43:58 We should have more intelligence than them, right?
01:44:06 Birds with blue birds, they all are.
01:44:09 But they've got different cultures.
01:44:11 The Eagles like to hang out in the mountains.
01:44:12 The buzzards like to fly around the desert.
Speaker 16
01:44:14 Well, there's.Speaker 15
01:44:14 The Bluebird like to fly.01:44:15 Around the trees and the grass.
Speaker 16
01:44:16 There be certain problems a Buzzard mating with a Sparrow.01:44:18 Wouldn't there be certain it's?
01:44:20 Right. I mean.
Speaker 15
01:44:21 As we have the problems too, I don't see.01:44:23 I don't see.
01:44:24 I don't see no black and white couples in England and America walking around proud, holding their.
Speaker 16
01:44:29 That's because society.Speaker 15
01:44:30 And then going out well, well, life is too short for me to be raised catching hell for something like that, and I'd rather go with my own, have a beautiful daughter, beautiful wife, they look like.Speaker 16
01:44:31 That's that's societies full.01:44:32 I mean, we gotta educate people around.
Speaker 15
01:44:40 Me, we're all happy and I don't have no trouble and.01:44:43 No trouble ain't.
01:44:44 I ain't that much in love.
01:44:45 And no woman to go through all that.
01:44:46 Hell, ain't no one woman that good.
01:44:49 You understand?
Speaker 16
01:44:50 I understand.01:44:51 I just.
01:44:52 I do understand, I understand.
01:44:53 I think it's.
01:44:53 I think it's sad.
01:44:54 That, that, that.
Speaker 15
01:44:54 And it ain't sad because I want my child to look like me.Speaker 16
01:44:55 It's sad, it's attitude.Speaker 15
01:44:56 Every intelligent person wants his child to look like him.01:44:59 I'm sad because I want to blot out my race and lose my beautiful identity.
01:45:02 Chinese love, Chinese.
01:45:04 They love the little slanted that pretty brown skinned babies.
01:45:07 Pakistanis love that culture.
01:45:08 Jewish people love their culture.
01:45:10 A lot of Catholics don't remember Catholics.
01:45:11 They want their religion to stay the same, who want to spot up yourself and kill your race.
01:45:16 You you are.
01:45:18 He does that, that English guy, he does, I think.01:45:25 History has shown that.
Speaker 8
01:45:26 What was the what was the?Devon
01:45:28 White population in London at the time that this aired right, this looks like.01:45:33 Late 60s.
01:45:35 Late 60s, early probably late 60s.
01:45:40 And London was probably still like nineties, 95% white.
01:45:47 But yeah, that's a good clip.
01:45:50 Mark ESPY and well, and it's very relevant and you sent that in way before I talked.
01:45:56 About this stuff.
01:45:57 So there you go.
01:45:58 Nice job. Nice job there. Mark ESPY. After three years, **** Masterson's Patreon Alternative has launched, backed by.
01:46:09 Backed by is.
01:46:12 That is that what it's called?
01:46:13 Seems like the real deal.
01:46:15 Check it out.
01:46:15 We want to support you where we can.
01:46:18 Yeah, I.
01:46:18 Well, I use subscribe star when the witch has been working.
01:46:22 Just fine.
01:46:22 I don't mind opening up something somewhere else too, if that's better for people, but I think subscribe star has done a good job.
01:46:33 So yeah, that's good.
01:46:35 It's always good to have more of those.
01:46:39 I'll check it out.
01:46:40 Ohh, look at this, look at this.
01:46:43 We got *** **** money just just in time too.
01:46:48 Just in time, because.
01:46:51 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 16
01:46:58 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
01:47:00 Oh, that's right.01:47:01 We got we got Duck returning back.
01:47:09 So there we go.
01:47:10 I I thought that clip was gone forever, but it's back.
01:47:14 I'm doing data recovery on a on a drive and finding a few things.
01:47:22 Alif the nemesis.
01:47:24 Let's get this started with some *** **** money ducks and wookies.
01:47:28 Well, there you go.
01:47:29 I give you ducks and wookies and ear rape galore.
01:47:33 Let's ******* go.
01:47:34 Alright, here's some more cookies.
01:47:46 Ah yes.
01:47:49 Ah yes, I thought there should be more.
01:47:52 That that was, that was some *** **** money.
01:48:02 That's out of context, but whatever, that's a new one.
01:48:04 That that's in there now.
01:48:09 All right.
01:48:09 Well, thank you very much for supporting the show there.
01:48:12 Alaf, the nemesis.
01:48:15 They'll be very helpful.
01:48:17 It will go towards uh B stuff most likely.
01:48:24 All right, sherms.
01:48:26 Hey, Devin, I'm curious if you could find any information regarding the number of Americans prohibited from owning guns.
01:48:32 It should be an easy number to find because all the convictions are public record, but it seems a lot harder to get.
01:48:38 I think they don't want us to know.
01:48:40 Cheers, Devin.
01:48:42 Wasn't it just what, like convicted felons, right?
01:48:46 Is not all it is.
01:48:48 I mean, there might be other disqualifiers, but that's.
01:48:51 Like the big one.
01:48:57 I would just do.
01:49:11 4.6 million. That's not a lot.
01:49:14 That's not a lot.
01:49:17 I thought I thought it'd be a lot higher than that.
01:49:19 That can't be.
01:49:27 This is 8% of people. That seems a little high.
01:49:40 Nearly half of black males have been arrested at least once by age 23.
01:49:47 Wow, that's insane. That's insane.
01:49:52 Where where are.
01:49:53 We at.
01:50:01 Oh, right, look at this one. A black prisoner serving time for sexual assault is 3 1/2 times more likely to be innocent than a white convict. How does how? How would you even know that? How would you even know that?
01:50:14 That's such ********.
01:50:24 Where's that?
01:50:26 I thought I said something about 8%.
01:50:31 Well, anyway, it doesn't matter.
01:50:32 It's it's a relatively small number.
01:50:34 There's probably other disqualifiers, too.
01:50:37 The ATF is is.
01:50:39 Adding more and more rules to make people into felons essentially, you know, we went over that last stream where they.
01:50:48 They're making.
01:50:52 I I like. I guess they're pistol braces. I don't. I don't have anything that qualifies so. And I'm not, like a super gun guy, so I don't know 100% but.
01:51:01 Apparently it's a rather popular thing that is now instantly illegal.
01:51:06 And then they just passed out or or passed. No, they didn't pass the law. They they made-up another rule the other day, too.
01:51:14 I forget what it was though.
01:51:16 But yeah, they're, they're they're chipping away, they're chipping away.
01:51:22 Add up so fruitfully.
01:51:26 Lucid Nebula Lucid nebula.
01:51:37 And this is a a link to a.
01:51:42 Recent deep fake of Jerry Seinfeld.
01:51:47 I'm not sure how that's relevant, but why not?
01:51:49 Why not?
01:51:49 Let's take a look.
01:51:53 Let's let's why not?
01:51:56 Let's let's let's bring this up here.
01:52:01 As soon as I find the right button here.
01:52:03 We are.
Speaker 5
01:52:11 You read the Bible book.01:52:14 Well, there's this passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 2517.
01:52:21 The path of the righteous man.
01:52:24 Is beset side of selfish and the tyranny.
01:52:29 Of evil men blessed.
01:52:32 You know, it's funny.Speaker
01:52:32 Is Jesus.Devon
01:52:32 You can you can tell.01:52:33 It's obviously it's a it's pretty good, but he can tell say hi because he keeps looking like.
01:52:37 Nicolas Cage.
01:52:40 Like his face keeps like morphing into, like, almost like a nickel Nicolas Cage.
01:52:45 Base like this whole part right through here.
01:52:49 Like that's Nicolas Cage basically.
Speaker 5
01:52:58 Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill.01:53:03 Shepherds the weak through.
01:53:05 The Valley of Darkness, for he is truly.
01:53:08 His brother's keeper.
Speaker 1
01:53:09 And the.Speaker 9
01:53:10 Standard of love.Speaker 2
01:53:12 And I will strike down upon thee with great.Speaker 5
01:53:16 Belgians and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.01:53:23 And you will know my name is the.
01:53:26 That ************ used to follow me on Instagram because he thought I I was black pilled meant like black people pilled or something, which it kind of did in a way.Speaker 5
01:53:35 When I lay my fingers upon me.Speaker
01:53:51 You mother.Devon
01:54:14 Yeah, that technology is getting pretty good and obviously this is just what's readily available to people willing to download it and.01:54:21 And do it at home, which means that the the government contractors have much, much, much, much better stuff.
01:54:30 Much, much, much, much better stuff.
01:54:36 Ally Mair.
01:54:38 Devin, did you hear that?
01:54:40 Did you hear this deep Pape?
01:54:45 De Pape phone call.
01:54:49 Was the Pape?
01:54:52 What am I not knowing about?
01:54:53 What's the Pape?
01:54:56 I'm going to bring this up.
01:54:56 Let me see.
01:55:00 Why do I not know who do papers?
01:55:07 Ohh the papers.
01:55:08 The that's the guy with the hammer.
01:55:10 That's the hammer time guy.
01:55:16 Fox News is.
01:55:18 Make him.
01:55:21 ************, it's like, oh, you can't because, like, you need to listen to our ads here.
01:55:28 Here we go, ************.
Speaker 17
01:55:29 OK, so what's what?01:55:31 What do you want to say?
01:55:31 Cause they release as you know, they released the video earlier today.
Speaker 4
01:55:36 Yeah, I saw that.Speaker 17
01:55:38 What did you want?01:55:39 Thank you for calling me.
01:55:40 What did you want?
01:55:41 What did you want to tell me?
Speaker 5
01:55:43 Now that you.Speaker 4
01:55:44 Have seen the.01:55:44 Body component having the most.
01:55:47 Important message for everyone in America.
01:55:50 You're welcome.
01:55:53 Liberty isn't dying.
01:55:56 It's being killed systematically and deliberately.
01:55:59 The people killing it have names and addresses, so I got their names and addresses so I could pay them a little visit and have a heart to heart chat about their bad behavior.
01:56:08 The Tree of Liberty needs watering.
01:56:11 You need better bowler patriots willing to put their own lives on the line to stand in opposition to security.
01:56:17 I would also like to apologize.
01:56:20 I want to apologize to everyone.
01:56:21 I messed up.
01:56:23 What I did was really bad.
01:56:24 I'm so sorry I didn't get more of them.
01:56:28 It's my own fault no one else is to blame.
01:56:30 I should have gone better prepared.
01:56:32 I spent all my time exposing government corruption online, only to have them silence by being with speech as.
01:56:38 Quickly as they could.
01:56:39 They circumvented the Constitution private industry.
01:56:43 That the ruling class outsources the repression of your civil rights for private industry.
01:56:47 It's called fascism.
01:56:51 I have a lot more to say. I had a website of over 300 pages.
01:56:55 That's 300 pages of stuff they don't want you to hear.
01:56:58 I'm in the process of trying.
01:56:59 To set up a new site.
01:57:00 Out of the reach of tyrannical global global.
01:57:03 Fascists and their Internet centers.
01:57:06 Do we know that it's actually that guy?01:57:12 I don't know if we know that's actually that guy.
01:57:14 That was hard to hear.
01:57:15 Probably too.
01:57:16 The volume was really low and I couldn't turn it up in real time.
01:57:20 But apparently that was the the guy that the hammer guy.
01:57:25 I don't get it though, because here's the thing, he sounds relatively together.
01:57:31 In that.
01:57:33 Oh, I mean, I well.
01:57:36 Not, you know, fed posting hard, right?
01:57:39 But I mean, like, he doesn't sound like crazy, but in.
01:57:43 But in this like scene, he just seems like a weird crazy guy like.
01:57:47 Look at this.
01:57:49 Hi, how you doing?01:57:50 How are you?
01:57:51 What's going on?
01:57:52 Man, everything's good.
Speaker 4
01:57:55 Hi drop the hammer.01:57:58 Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 5
01:57:59 Hey, hammer time.Speaker 2
01:58:00 What is going on?01:58:00 We're not.
01:58:01 Getting it.Speaker 8
01:58:08 Remember, he's maybe he's.Devon
01:58:09 A little more coherent than than.01:58:11 Than it seemed like.
01:58:13 But Pelosi's husband, not coherent at all. I I think he's, like, drunk off his ***.
Speaker 8
01:58:19 It's hard to tell because this.Devon
01:58:21 This video is quality is so bad it's almost hard to tell who's saying what, but now that I'm watching it again after hearing his voice, no, maybe I think it was him that's interesting.01:58:32 Very interesting, very interesting.
01:58:39 Skip film Nauvoo, Illinois, was able to establish universities, courts, and military. They basically function as an autonomous zone. It was a thriving place with 20,000 people, which was a lot for 1838. If anything, it could be used as a good model.
01:58:57 For a mid scale society to function.
01:59:01 Well, I'll tell you what, Skip Ville.
01:59:04 The the the common denominator though the the the thing that kept that the glue that held that community together is they already had a a religious hierarchy.
01:59:14 They are they all.
01:59:16 They all had a they had a prophet.
01:59:17 They believed in that.
01:59:19 He talked to God.
01:59:21 You know, we, we we've done streams where we've talked about.
01:59:24 Different cults that have set up.
01:59:27 Functioning to some extent, communities around the United States, but that all, that's the common denominator.
01:59:34 Every time you have to have some guy who, when he talks, he's basically talking for God, you know, in the case of Nauvoo, Illinois, you know, Joseph Smith, if he said something that was he was talking.
01:59:46 For God.
01:59:48 There was that also that there was that, that cult that was in, I think it was Washington state that there was bought a bunch of land or whatever and.
01:59:56 You know, same sort of a deal where the guy that that was at the the top of that food chain, if he talked, he was talking for God and enough people believed that.
Speaker 2
02:00:06 To where it.Devon
02:00:06 Was way easier to to govern.02:00:10 You wouldn't be able to govern a society like that unless everyone was on board with the idea that you know that guy talked for God or these people talk for God or like, you know, the there.
02:00:22 There had to be faith that there was an ultimate authority.
02:00:27 And people would have to really believe it.
02:00:29 Not like, you know, we'll all kind of believe it.
02:00:31 So I can live here.
02:00:32 No, I mean like.
02:00:34 I'm sure not everyone's faith in Nauvoo was was at 110%, but.
02:00:40 And it was at least above 50.
02:00:42 So it it's.
02:00:46 That's that's why you know all these.
02:00:47 Look, it's worth studying all these things we looked at like the Amana called.
02:00:52 You know, we covered the Amana called and we covered a bunch of I I did stream after stream on this because I wanted to know what was the, what was the you know what what made these work and what made them not work, what made them work was that they all.
02:01:07 Believed in the.
02:01:10 The religious religious leader and usually what made them not work, is the religious leader would start molesting kids or do something crazy, you know.
02:01:21 So there's that.
02:01:26 Appalachia and Victa been watching since original YouTube videos back when YouTube had you in the autoplay queue.
02:01:33 Keep up the good content.
02:01:35 Yeah, that lasted about a year.
02:01:40 But I'm glad you've been around for a while, and Appalachia and Victor again and you know, let me see here.
Speaker 5
02:01:49 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.Speaker
02:02:00 Take it from these your neighbors.02:02:01 It'll pay dividends.
02:02:02 You've previously mentioned we are in a selection event and I agree, but it's crazy how stacked the deck is against young white men never had a problem dating before St.02:02:14 Floyd and the propaganda ramp up.
02:02:17 It's been incredibly hard since white women have been Big Lee Sogged beyond beliefs.
02:02:22 In a few years, really.
02:02:27 OK, I haven't heard anyone say that, but I mean.
02:02:32 That I'm not saying that's not the case, but that's.
02:02:36 That's interesting.
02:02:37 I could.
02:02:37 I could see that to some extent.
02:02:39 I could see that if you watched the footage of those those rallies, it was a lot of white women in those crowds.
02:02:46 But maybe those are the wrong white women.
02:02:49 Maybe you live somewhere where that's the majority of the white women, though.
02:02:52 I mean, if you live in a liberal city, if you live in a left, the city, maybe it's time to get out.
02:02:58 I mean, you should get out of the cities anyway, but maybe that's what you need, because that would be the case rather than San Francisco.
02:03:05 That would have been the case.
02:03:06 I mean, I don't know how it would have affected my my dating life, but it affected my I mean that that was before George Floyd, right?
02:03:13 But it affected my already just my ability to to stomach the women that were available.
02:03:20 And so that's kind of what?
02:03:23 What a might be your problem is it's just amplified now by all this.
02:03:29 Anti white rhetoric.
02:03:33 Super Brother showed a friend the video on Forrest Gump and he raged.
02:03:38 Quit a relationship.
02:03:44 It's incredible how upset and violently resistant people are to anything that will break the veil of how they interpret reality.
02:03:52 The whole fight to protect that line in the matrix gets scarier with time.
02:03:58 Yeah, well, I mean, look, I've had people spurge out at me about the the stupidest things.
02:04:04 People, be they get emotionally attached to movie.
02:04:08 Is because their life is is probably just very boring and empty, and so it becomes part of their identity.
02:04:17 And because it's part of their identity and look, a lot of Americans that think of every friend that you have or had, that is always like quoting TV shows and always quoting.
02:04:30 Movies and always, you know, making references to to some kind of pop culture garbage.
02:04:35 There's so many people like that.
02:04:37 So many people like, that's the majority of people are like that, right.
02:04:41 And so that's that's part of their identity.
02:04:44 You, you, you start to undermine that and you're they they see it as a personal attack on them.
02:04:52 You know, in the same way that.
02:04:53 If you have a devout Christian.
02:04:56 And you start telling them that Jesus isn't real.
02:05:00 They you know, you'll get a negative reaction.
02:05:02 To the cause for these people, that's.
02:05:05 That's the religion.
02:05:08 You know that's the religion, the pop culture, the the the firmware updates that they received from Hollywood and from Washington and from Israel.
02:05:23 You know it's it's religion to them.
02:05:27 But that you know.
02:05:28 That's kind of funny that he'd rage.
02:05:30 Quit the relationship over that video.
02:05:32 I mean, I didn't.
02:05:33 Know they were.
02:05:33 Yeah, I'm always surprised.
02:05:35 I'm always surprised by what people.
02:05:37 What what is sacred to them?
02:05:39 Apparently Forrest Gump was sacred to him.
Speaker 2
02:05:43 By the way, I.Devon
02:05:43 Was gonna.02:05:44 Well, I'll, I'll.
02:05:45 I'll you'll find.
02:05:47 Out the the vex, two of my favorite book series as a kid.
02:05:52 Goosebumps and.
02:05:54 In series of unfortunate events were written by quote, atheists.
02:05:58 End Quote.
02:06:03 In series of unfortunate events.
02:06:07 I don't think I ever read those books.
02:06:08 They don't sound from the Goosebumps 1 sounds.
02:06:10 I thought that was.
02:06:11 Like a girl book.
02:06:12 Though like that was like a girl mystery book or something.
02:06:16 Let me see.
02:06:22 What's a movie now, apparently?
02:06:29 Based on.
02:06:33 Oh yeah, RL Stein, huh?
02:06:37 Yeah, ARL Stein wrote a lot of stuff.
02:06:41 He wrote all the goosebump books it looks like.
02:06:48 That's a lot of them.
02:06:51 That's an insane amount of books.
02:06:55 I don't know how anyone writes.
02:06:56 This many it's like pages and page he like.
02:07:00 It's hundreds of books.
02:07:05 Anyway, I'd heard the name.
02:07:07 I guess that's why.
02:07:10 Because he wrote.
02:07:10 So it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
02:07:13 I'm I'm still scrolling.
02:07:14 There's like the the this list doesn't end.
02:07:18 Wow. All right.
02:07:22 There you go.
02:07:25 That's what happens when white people don't create culture they it goes to someone else to pick up the slack.
02:07:33 Not ******** ****** for $2.00. How about that, Devin? Out of the four women or out of, you know, out of the foreman?
02:07:40 I guess it is no surprise none of them look traditional or white except the Dylan roof wannabe teacher.
02:07:48 Oh, you were talking about the.
02:07:54 The teachers let me see if I got that somewhere.
02:07:56 Where's that?
02:07:58 Talk about these.
02:08:05 Yeah, none of them.
02:08:05 Why accept the lesbian?
02:08:07 That's the rule, though.
02:08:11 Sharp wing.
02:08:14 Just stopping to drop these bumpers I made.
02:08:17 I hope you like them working on another longer one for bigger donations.
02:08:20 Anyways, thanks for being the best streamer out there.
02:08:23 Going to catch the replay well, thank you, sharp wing.
02:08:27 I will.
02:08:30 See if I can load that up.
02:08:37 Google Drive.
02:08:38 How dare you?
02:08:39 How dare you with your Google Drive?
02:08:45 Why won't it let me?
02:08:46 Download it.
Speaker 3
02:08:53 Here we are.Devon
02:09:00 Alright, ******* hate Google Drive.02:09:09 I'll check these out I'm having.
02:09:11 My browser is spurring out on me.
02:09:18 Scanning for viruses and destroying the string probably.
02:09:22 All right, we'll check those out later.
02:09:25 But thank you very much, sharp wing.
02:09:32 Carcass picker.
02:09:34 Hi, Evan, you mentioned how you how, when you meet your wife, you'll know due to the chemistry.
02:09:41 What if she's not white?
02:09:42 Do you continue?
02:09:43 If it's messaging nation?
02:09:47 I mean, I just I I.
02:09:50 That's a hypothetical that isn't going to happen because that's that's a prerequisite for me, right?
02:09:54 Now at this point in my life, that's that's a prerequisite.
02:09:59 Just like what's his name?
02:10:03 I want my kids to look like me.
Speaker 8
02:10:05 It's it's, it's.Devon
02:10:06 Something that you don't think about because when you're when you're raised in the in the.02:10:12 You know with with the 90s man mentality, right, when you're told that.
02:10:16 Ohh no it it's you know remember the 90s when every white person was trying to find out that they were like an eighth this and or or you know 16th that just to something that would add some spice to their their bland palette of whiteness.
02:10:32 You know that's where you in fact, that's why you had so many of these people that are now, you know what?
02:10:39 Like that.
02:10:40 What's their name?
02:10:41 The the one that's that pretended to be Indian so she could get into Harvard or whatever.
02:10:47 Oh ****.
02:10:47 What blank.
02:10:47 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
02:10:49 Everyone, as I'm talking about.
02:10:50 Sorry, I'm a little tired that I I know I was tired last stream too, but I I worked all day on.
02:10:57 On Hive Hustler 5000 and **** and I'm just exhausted.
02:11:04 Ohh what is her name?
02:11:05 And it's gonna drive me a little.
02:11:06 Bit crazy now.
02:11:09 Pocahontas, you know, is what I'm talking about.
02:11:13 I mean, I'll just in fact, that's how I'm gonna find out who it is.
02:11:15 So I'm just gonna look up.
02:11:17 Trump. Pocahontas.
02:11:25 Elizabeth Warren.
02:11:26 That's how it came.
02:11:28 Yeah, so.
02:11:30 You had a lot of people, you know, trying not to be white or trying to find someone because you were basically told that if you were white in America, you didn't have any culture.
02:11:39 And the only way to have culture was to somehow find some non white source of it.
02:11:44 And I think a lot of people embrace that to the degree to where they they wanted to marry outside their race because they thought that would permanently provide their children with this, this elusive culture that white people didn't have, right.
02:12:05 You know it.
Speaker 8
02:12:06 Is what it.Devon
02:12:06 Is I I didn't really go out of my way to dating on whites at all.02:12:10 In fact, I didn't really date a.
02:12:12 Lot of non whites.
02:12:15 At all my, you know, percentage wise, if you look at you know the women I dated over the years but.
02:12:24 I never thought of it as like a as a negative.
02:12:26 In fact, in some ways I was like, well, my kids will be like really exotic, you know, and then you start to look at the research and and how the identity of the kids look just from a psychological standpoint, you know, put aside the genetic mix problems that you sometimes have.
02:12:45 With and not just like with physical.
02:12:48 Diseases, but with, you know, mental disorders and stuff like that.
02:12:51 There's a few that are common between, like when you have whites made it up with Asians and stuff like that, right, but also their identity.
02:13:01 Right.
02:13:01 You have kids that what are they?
02:13:04 You know?
02:13:04 Are they Korean?
02:13:05 Are they American?
02:13:06 You know, I mean, and.
02:13:07 And they're just kind of this.
02:13:09 In between person, you know like Tim Poole and so you end up being like this Tim Poole, Fagot.
02:13:15 And so the more that as I started to think about it and and and and do more research on the topic.
02:13:24 I just decided not.
02:13:25 I just don't want to play that game and that's just me.
02:13:29 That's me.
02:13:33 Night Nation review, a super chatter on my show the other day explained that it's hardwired for them because the continent they evolved on getting captured meant that you were dead and likely eaten by cannibals.
02:13:46 And that makes sense.
02:13:47 You know, we kind of talked about.
02:13:49 The killer beast stuff.
02:13:51 There's, you know, the reason why they Africanized bees are more aggressive than.
02:13:56 And have and have have less tolerance and and basically it sounds.
02:14:01 I mean it's very identical in terms, you know, low impulse control.
02:14:04 They they attack quicker, over lesser danger.
02:14:10 They they'll attack with more force than is necessary.
02:14:14 You know, like they just.
02:14:15 There's so many parallels, but for the same reason you know in the environment that they evolved in, there were all these predators.
02:14:21 And if if your hive was attacked by a honey badger, that's that's actually The funny thing is the Africanized bees, they're big predator is the honey.
02:14:30 And black people, which is why beekeeper outfits are white, I'm not even making this up.
02:14:37 This is going to sound like I'm making it up now.
02:14:39 The reason why beekeeper outfits are white.
02:14:43 Is because the predators of, especially with Africanized bees are are for bees or black, you know, it's either black people with black skin or it's honey Badgers, which are black.
02:14:55 And in fact, when I got buzzed by a couple of bees the day I was wearing a beanie, that's that's black and they, they attacked my beanie basically, which happened to be on my head.
02:15:11 So that wasn't fun.
02:15:15 But yeah, that's that's exactly what it is.
02:15:18 Kozlowska rocks the Memphis cop car was unmarked.
02:15:22 Dude thought it was a carjacking.
02:15:25 Ohh, there you go.
02:15:26 But if if he thought it was a carjacking at first, that would make sense.
02:15:30 But they were saying that he was.
02:15:33 He was he was driving in and out of traffic.
02:15:35 I I don't know.
02:15:36 I mean, I didn't.
02:15:36 They didn't show the the footage I've seen is after they're already pulling him over.
02:15:41 But at that point, he's.
02:15:42 But we watched the part.
02:15:43 When he's getting thrown to the ground and stuff at that.
02:15:46 Point. He knows it's cops.
02:15:48 You know, they've already identified themselves as cops.
02:15:51 They they have Tasers, there's.
02:15:54 Cop sirens.
02:15:55 You know all around.
02:15:59 He might have initially thought he was being carjacked, but at that moment when you're surrounded by cops who are in uniform and there's, you know, sirens blaring and guys with Tasers, I I doubt at that point unless you're on a lot of drugs, you think that it's anything other than the police.
02:16:21 UM.
02:16:23 Tipsy Mcstay Agger I'm.
02:16:25 I'm replay gang gang these days but I love you and your content.
02:16:29 No ****.
02:16:30 Well, I appreciate that.
02:16:31 Tipsy also get Back Tonight Nation review.
02:16:35 He has a great show and has been wanting to get you on as a guest for a while.
02:16:39 Well, I'll try to do that.
02:16:43 He's also a a Hyper Chad.
02:16:47 With the hyper chats.
02:16:57 So we'll try to make that happen.
02:17:03 Jack Handy, why don't they have a ***** Nets with which will immobilize and tire them out?
02:17:12 Or a BOLO that they can throw that wraps around the leg so they can so they can't run?
02:17:18 We should start a business of of humane *****.
02:17:21 Capture equipment.
02:17:23 Well, that's what the Taser was supposed to be.
02:17:26 But you know now when you're on fentanyl and you get tased, that's not that's bad news too.
02:17:32 Tipsy MCC stagger once again I look forward to catching your thoughts on replay also though.
02:17:37 Niger. Well, there you go.
02:17:40 Lost Angel, 33.
Speaker 5
02:17:46 Why is money management?02:17:50 That's the rest.
Speaker 9
02:17:52 Thank you.Speaker 8
02:17:54 Great work as.Devon
02:17:55 Always, Devin, I've enjoyed your content for years, still wondering about the deep dive on the Masons or on Elon Musk, Jewish ancestors and family ties to transhumanism.02:18:06 Hope all is well at the pillbox.
02:18:08 PS All jennies and mods are faggs, including yours.
02:18:11 There you go.
02:18:12 I I disagree with that though.
02:18:13 My mods are awesome.
02:18:17 But yeah, thank you very much.
02:18:20 And yeah, I mean the Masons, I'm not is.
02:18:25 I mean, it's interesting and there's probably more to it than I'll ever know.
02:18:30 UM.
02:18:32 I don't think it's the.
02:18:35 The enemy we have to worry about right now, I think we have fat or fish to fry.
02:18:40 As far as Elon Musks having ancestors that are Jewish, I would not be surprised.
02:18:45 I know people have looked into it and it doesn't seem to be the case.
02:18:51 But I still wouldn't be surprised.
02:18:54 UM.
02:18:56 So yeah, and and he definitely has connections or or historic connections with transhumanism.
02:19:04 Excuse me.
02:19:06 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:19:10 I'm thinking with the whole banking system about to collapse in Western civilization as a whole. They plan to do another 911, but 100 times worse.
02:19:18 Maybe nukes, possibly the with the Ukraine war as an exercise to bring in the reset they want because they are behind an agenda 2666 or whatever, right?
02:19:31 Sinful or not?
02:19:34 I've been trying to think about.
02:19:37 How serious of a threat?
02:19:43 Like like you know what?
02:19:45 What exactly?
02:19:47 What are we looking at in terms of, you know, Russia, Ukraine and, you know, NATO, I guess?
02:19:56 And if nukes will get into that mix?
02:20:00 And I'll say what I said.
02:20:01 I think last year.
02:20:05 I think there's.
02:20:11 There's an attitude with boomers where they, they, they, they want it, but you know, like with everything, they're not willing to wait for stuff and they don't think about future generations.
02:20:23 They just don't.
02:20:23 They don't care.
02:20:26 As far as they're concerned, you know, history began when they were born and when they die.
02:20:33 And I can see when you have a group like that in charge of.
02:20:39 Of a lot of countries with with nukes and possession.
02:20:44 Now they might want to use them like what?
02:20:46 What's the use?
02:20:47 Why have all these nukes and not not use them?
02:20:51 You know, aren't you at least a little curious?
02:20:56 And look on some level, I've I've kind of, you know, don't lie.
02:21:00 You'd watch that video, you'd you'd.
02:21:02 You'd be like dying to see that if you heard tomorrow.
02:21:07 That that the Russians had nuked.
02:21:11 Any doesn't matter an empty field.
02:21:15 You know or or you know, whatever.
02:21:18 And there was footage of it you'd want to see that you'd wanna.
02:21:20 You'd you'd wanna.
02:21:21 Watch that.
02:21:24 I think there's just like this. They're just like this mystery weapon that no one's ever used. But we've had to hear about our entire lives. Boomers, too, boomers.
02:21:34 The *******, you know, do the the get under your desk and and hold on to your *** kids because you're about to be vaporized.
02:21:41 Drill and which, by the way, turns out to be that was all part of.
02:21:50 That was they.
02:21:52 They knew that wouldn't do anything.
02:21:55 That was all Freud's nephew.
02:21:59 Bernaise telling the the government to use that fear.
02:22:05 Like to do those exercises to enhance.
02:22:09 Fear of nuclear war.
02:22:12 So they they're all psychologically damaged from that ****.
02:22:15 So maybe, I don't know, maybe that, but maybe because of that.
02:22:18 They'll be more hesitant.
02:22:20 Maybe they think nukes are a bigger deal than they really are.
02:22:24 I don't know.
02:22:25 I don't know.
02:22:27 And then you know, where does Putin figure in on all this?
02:22:29 Like I said, last stream, I think the decision to start using Abrams tanks, that's kind.
02:22:36 Of a big deal.
02:22:38 That's a big deal, although I heard now that.
02:22:43 Well, let me look into this real quick because I had heard someone mentioned something about the United States backing out of the Abrams tank thing.
02:22:56 Now that Germany was going to do it.
02:23:03 No, I mean.
02:23:05 This was four days ago.
02:23:10 Has that changed though?
02:23:12 So four days ago?
02:23:19 Is there two days ago is still legit, so maybe maybe they were wrong?
02:23:24 Because as of two days ago, it's still happening. So if they send 31 Abrams tanks.
02:23:31 And the the German sand.
02:23:35 I don't know what tank they've got.
02:23:36 Whatever tanks they've got.
02:23:39 And those tanks start.
02:23:41 Blowing up Russian tanks, which and I mean and.
02:23:45 I don't know how hard it is to train Ukrainians to to drive around the Abrams tanks, but.
02:23:50 I I wouldn't imagine it be super hard to get him to.
02:23:53 Figure it out.
02:23:56 So those tanks will probably be at least somewhat effective.
02:23:59 You're escalating, you know, I said last stream that there was a big deal to in in fact the CIA did it without any kind of press.
02:24:09 Because they knew that people would think it was a big deal if they found out that they were providing Stinger missiles to the Afghanis.
02:24:17 When Russia was was trying to take over Afghanistan.
02:24:23 And so the United States was providing mostly Intel support up until that point.
02:24:29 But then they started giving them Stinger missiles to shoot down the the MI.
02:24:34 Am I not, Mia?
02:24:36 Whatever their, you know, their big goofy looking helicopter is.
02:24:43 And it was it was really effective.
02:24:47 And it was killing a lot of Russians, and people were worried then, like oh.
02:24:50 **** like you know.
02:24:51 This this is a proxy war, still kind of but.
02:24:56 Russia is going to do the the math and realize.
02:24:58 That, you know, like the the these deaths are directly as a result of, you know, the the meddling that the United States is doing.
02:25:09 You know, Putin was alive back then too.
02:25:11 He knows the drill.
02:25:12 I don't know.
02:25:13 Who knows?
02:25:14 It's it's impossible now.
02:25:16 That's why I just live my life as if.
02:25:19 The worst case scenario is going to take place and hope that it doesn't, and I feel like that's probably like a a realistic thing.
02:25:27 It's let me put this way, if nothing else, it's realistic to imagine that nukes will be exchanged in your lifetime.
02:25:36 It's fairly that's a fairly realistic.
02:25:41 I don't know that it really was prior.
02:25:45 You know, I would say.
02:25:47 Post fall of the Soviet Union.
02:25:50 I mean, the reason I had so many movies and think of all the movies they had in the 90s, right after the Soviet Union already fell.
02:25:57 They'd have like all these weird movies with East Germans and or, you know, as terrorists nuking American cities.
02:26:05 Or or.
02:26:06 That was like the big plot that someone, some superhero.
02:26:09 Grow would would somehow stop like you know, Bruce Willis or someone would come out of nowhere and and kill a bunch of evil white people that were going to detonate a bomb in downtown Manhattan like there was all those movies because it really wasn't.
02:26:24 Really possible.
02:26:30 Or probable I'd rather I should say.
Speaker 5
02:26:32 It's a lot.Devon
02:26:33 More probable now it's a lot more probable that we get to see what these ******* things can do.02:26:40 So look, part of me a little, I kind.
02:26:44 Of I'm a little curious, a little curious.
02:26:47 And I think they are too.
02:26:56 Tim TMK, 1335.
02:27:02 Easy money.Devon
02:27:05 I used to think that devout Christian men with large families had it all figured out.02:27:10 That perception ended hearing my cousin say he would have no issue if his six daughters were to marry blacks and give them brown grandkids.
02:27:20 I was shocked.
02:27:21 He would even say that out loud so confidently.
02:27:23 What a waste.
02:27:25 Yeah, it it.
02:27:26 Christianity alone is is not.
02:27:31 It's definitely not going to save the white.
02:27:32 Race like that way.
02:27:37 Damn Bigfoot, that really shows the anti white media narrative.
02:27:41 The initial reporting of the hammer time.
02:27:45 Saying he was some right wing guy.
02:27:48 Same with the two rooftop Korean guys shooting last week.
02:27:52 I don't know.
02:27:52 I would say I mean based on that phone call, I mean he's not really, he sounds more Boomer right wing because, you know, he's talking about fascism and stuff like.
Speaker 8
02:28:07 But I mean he.Devon
02:28:08 Sounds like to the right to the right of.02:28:15 Most people.
02:28:17 So I don't know that it was totally unfair, and now that we've heard that phone call.
02:28:22 To say that he was a.
02:28:24 He was a right wing.
02:28:25 Guy because, look, there's a lot of variation on the right wing.
02:28:28 You got to remember that, I mean, we see it.
02:28:30 I mean, there's very and and the people listening to.
02:28:32 Me right now there's a lot of variation and.
02:28:35 How he could?
02:28:35 Be one of them.
02:28:36 I don't.
02:28:36 I don't know.
02:28:39 Cat hugger.
02:28:40 Coziest way to start Sunday morning greetings from Germany.
02:28:44 Alright well.
02:28:45 Thank you very much Donka Donka.
02:28:50 And welcome Chinese welcome.
02:28:55 I don't know German.
02:28:57 Big Boss $14.00 publisher book with Dave Martel. He runs Biz archives well. I think there's there's there's a few publishers that I'm looking at right now.
02:29:14 I'll let you guys know once I've got that all worked done, Jay Ray, 1981. Nothing will happen with the fad exposed by Project Veritas. Well, I think.
02:29:24 He'll lose his job.
02:29:26 Maybe. I mean, I don't know. It depends on how much, how it it really comes down to Pfizer's legal department determining, you know, what the the fallout will be by firing a black guy, a black gay guy.
02:29:45 That's when that diversity **** starts to bite him in the ***.
02:29:48 They're like, alright, well.
02:29:53 But yeah, nothing will happen like nothing will happen happen, but he might.
02:29:56 He might lose his job.
02:29:57 I don't know.
02:30:02 And then you say so.
02:30:03 Hitler was the last line of defense against the parasite.
02:30:06 They kicked his *** way back then the parasite grew into a worldwide cancer.
02:30:12 That is stage 4 in your opinion, Devin, what is the chemotherapy or do we pull the plug like I said?
02:30:21 In the past there there.
02:30:25 I'll tell you what, if you're looking at trying to.
02:30:30 Let's just use America's example to preserve America. As you were raised to believe that it was only only Leo turning back the demographic clock.
02:30:42 That's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. You're not going to have a 1950s, demographically speaking, 1950s America.
02:30:52 And you're not gonna, you know.
02:30:53 You know you're not gonna put this way.
02:30:55 It'll never.
02:30:56 The Jetsons is never going to happen.
02:30:58 Let me just put it that way.
02:30:59 The Jetsons is never going to happen.
02:31:06 That's sad because we all kind of grew up thinking that that was where we were headed.
02:31:12 And we didn't realize that.
02:31:16 That people more powerful than we are and other plants.
02:31:22 So the the options are really look the there's no, there's no turning back the demographic clock.
02:31:28 There's no, there's no going back in time and undoing something that's that's already been done.
02:31:36 So the best you can really do is try to make something new.
02:31:40 I think in the meantime until the.
02:31:43 The building it's like I always use the metaphor that the the.
02:31:48 Western civilization, but I more specifically America.
02:31:54 Is is like a building that's that.
02:31:56 That should be condemned.
02:31:57 It's not.
02:31:57 It's not safe.
02:31:59 The foundations rotted out.
02:32:01 You can't do any repair that's going to fix it.
02:32:04 You have to knock it down and build a new building.
02:32:08 It's it's. It's too far gone. It's not fixable like anything. You could say. You can make the argument. Anything's fixable if you have enough money and enough time. Well, we don't have enough money. Enough.
02:32:20 So the option.
02:32:20 Is you knock it down, you build.
02:32:22 A new one.
02:32:23 And I think we're just waiting for enough people for that to sink in it it think of everything else that you were ahead of the average people.
02:32:36 With on, on or just like, think COVID as an example.
02:32:41 Think of how many people thought you were crazy a couple years ago for your views on COVID that now that's mainstream, so I think.
02:32:52 Certain of certain data points that prevent people from seeing the inevitability of this collapse they'll that data will become more available to to more people, and eventually we will hit a a a certain, I think not without a lot of violence against white people.
02:33:12 But either either way, at a certain point, I think white people are going to notice, like, oh, I guess we, you know, this isn't, you know, Jetsons isn't Jetsons, isn't going to happen.
02:33:25 You know, we're not going to have the Jetsons.
02:33:28 And at which point?
02:33:31 There will be a shift in in how people view the future and what solutions are available.
02:33:37 I think we're.
02:33:38 We're a ways off from that though.
02:33:40 So the best we can do in the meantime, while we wait for that to happen, is to try to create our own little, you know, slice of.
02:33:50 Slice of Americana somewhere.
02:33:52 You know where it won't be bothered.
02:33:58 You know, homesteading homeschooling.
02:34:02 Trying to tie these these communities together.
02:34:06 One way or another, geographically, it's a little difficult to.
02:34:08 Do that.
02:34:11 But with the Internet, you know we can connect other ways.
02:34:18 ******** ****** for $1.00. Ohh look at that.
02:34:24 Where's ******** ******?
02:34:25 I had your thing in here.
Speaker 2
02:34:28 Do you have that much money in your bank at?Speaker 4
02:34:33 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:34:40 All right.02:34:43 I'm going to pop the.
02:34:44 Chat out here.
02:34:46 My eyes are that's how tired I am.
02:34:48 My eyes are I'm having to like squint now to see the freaking chat.
02:34:56 Alright, let's try this again.
Speaker 2
02:34:59 Now that it's popped.Devon
02:35:00 Out let me take a look here.02:35:03 Where'd you go, ******, ******?
02:35:09 Where'd you go?
02:35:13 Here we.
02:35:13 Are heard serious **** going down with Iran and Israel.
02:35:17 Iran may just may Iran may just.
02:35:21 I think we may have maybe just conducted a successful nuclear test and Israel flipped the hell out and may have launched an assault.
02:35:30 Attacked them directly.
02:35:33 I hadn't heard that.
02:35:35 I'd heard that Israel was.
02:35:39 Struggling to avoid civil war, I saw that headline.
02:35:42 I don't know how accurate that was.
02:35:45 Let me look, Iran nuclear.
02:35:48 I don't think they did nuclear test.
02:35:53 Now they haven't done any tests.
02:35:59 And this is from the AP.
02:36:02 Says Iran has enough highly enriched uranium to build several nuclear weapons if it chooses.
02:36:08 But this is, according to.
02:36:11 You know.
02:36:13 This is according to Jews, right?
Speaker 1
02:36:16 We don't.Devon
02:36:17 We don't know if that if that's even real, to be honest.02:36:21 For months, non peripheral proliferation experts, which, who by the way totally ignore the existence of of nukes that Israel has have suggested Iran has had enough uranium enriched up to 60% to build at least one nuclear weapon, although Tehran long insistence programs for.
02:36:40 So, but no, Israel has not attacked Iran that I can see.
02:36:46 I mean, unless this happened within a couple of hours ago.
02:37:03 OK, this did.
02:37:04 This is a couple hours ago.
02:37:08 Iran says drone attack targets defense facility.
02:37:14 God, I ******* hate.
02:37:19 The one thing that.
02:37:20 Sucks about.
02:37:21 I'm not going to use opera anymore.
02:37:23 Brave is good because it seems like it can block ads without.
02:37:29 These pages, knowing that they're being blocked.
02:37:32 Opera sucks, so every time I go to a page it's like ohh, I've noticed that your your your ad blockers on.
02:37:40 All right, let's take a look here.
02:37:42 Bomb carrying drones targeted an Iranian defense factory in the central city of Isfahan overnight, authorities said early Sunday, causing some damage at the plant at mid heightened regional and international tensions engulfing the Islamic Republic, the Iranian Defense Ministry offered no information on who it suspected.
02:38:03 Carried out the attack, which came as a refinery fire, separately broke out in the country's northwest and 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck nearby. Maybe do Jews control earthquakes? They might. I mean, I'm not even joking. They might.
02:38:20 So they OK?
02:38:21 Yeah, I mean.
02:38:22 It sounds like Israel opened up.
02:38:26 A few cans on, I ran over the next little over the last few hours here, so this is relatively new this.
02:38:35 Yeah, this this report that I'm reading is updated an hour ago.
02:38:40 So they.
02:38:44 Looks like.
02:38:44 Yeah, and that's, I don't know, maybe this could be more World War 3 fun maybe.
02:38:51 Maybe all all, all hell can break loose.
02:38:54 All at the same time, we can have Israel attacking Iran.
02:38:59 We can have NATO attacking Russia, you know, maybe we can get China in the mix.
02:39:05 That could be fun.
02:39:06 There was a there was a a headline today actually that some a United States military guy had had claimed that we're going to go to war with China by 2025.
02:39:21 What was that at 2025?
02:39:26 Excuse me.
02:39:28 Yeah, Air Force general.
02:39:31 You know, this was today, I believe.
02:39:35 Air Force General predicts war with China by 2025 tells officers to prep by firing a clip at a target and aim for the head.
02:39:43 I hope I'm wrong, but my gut tells me we will fight in 2025, said General Mike Minihan and a memo sent to the officers he commands and obtained by NBC News.
02:39:55 There we go.
02:39:57 We got a four-star general saying we might go to war with China in 2025. We got Israel always wanting to have war with Iran.
02:40:07 We've got.
02:40:09 North Korea just out there being North Korea, we've got Russia invading Ukraine and you got NATO sending tanks to Ukraine.
02:40:19 Yeah, like there's a lot of ways this goes.
02:40:22 **** **.
02:40:25 So This is why This is why I.
02:40:26 Like to live?
02:40:27 In the middle.
02:40:27 Of nowhere, far away from any military.
02:40:31 Target and you know.
02:40:34 Trying slowly but steadily to get self-sustaining.
02:40:38 And I recommend you guys try to do.
02:40:39 The same thing.
02:40:42 Tennis nuts.
02:40:43 I have one friend in the middle of nowhere, Tennessee, and had another in the.
02:40:46 Middle of nowhere, Georgia.
02:40:48 They both tell me the same story.
02:40:49 Fleets of expensive import cars with New Jersey and California tags drive through and asked to buy the houses in the area.
02:40:57 What's the end game?
02:40:57 Well, those might be representatives from someone like Black Rock or something like that.
02:41:01 I don't know.
02:41:03 Or it could just be people from populated areas looking for an oh **** cabin.
02:41:11 A lot of rich people are.
02:41:13 Are building shelters right now too?
02:41:18 Jay Ray, 1981. Sorry for all the annoying brain pickers, but here's one more. If you were elected president with the Jewish power around you like Trump.
02:41:27 What would I do?
02:41:29 I mean, I don't know.
02:41:30 Like if I was actually Trump.
02:41:32 In that same exact situation.
02:41:35 I would fire all of them.
02:41:37 I wouldn't hire them all.
02:41:40 I have control over that.
02:41:41 Like you're the president.
02:41:42 You control who you hire and who you fire.
02:41:46 So I wouldn't have.
02:41:47 I wouldn't have hired all the Jews.
02:41:49 First of all, that'd be the first thing I would have done.
02:41:52 And I would have declassified.
02:41:55 Look if if the the classified JFK documents point the finger at Israel and Mossad and **** like, I'm pretty sure it does, which is why he kept those things under wraps.
02:42:08 If you think that like like, look, how hilarious would this be?
02:42:12 You have all the media getting mad because you're not hiring.
02:42:16 Use cause that's all it would be, right?
02:42:17 Not that you fired very many of them because you just wouldn't have to fire them if you didn't hire them in the first place.
02:42:23 And then they start going, you know, ape ship.
02:42:27 There's not enough Jews in your cabinet and they start calling you anti-Semitic.
02:42:31 You release the.
02:42:32 JFK documents and start blaming Israel for JFK and you just over to the windowed a bunch of boomers on on Israel, OK, because if there's if there's a boomer conspiracy.
02:42:48 It's the JFK assassination and and and look.
02:42:52 Even right wing boomers, right?
02:42:55 They talk.
02:42:56 They like to quote JFK.
02:42:57 They talk about him in reverence.
02:42:59 He was well like.
02:43:00 All around you know it doesn't matter if you're a lefty or righty.
02:43:04 He and and and now especially he's he's reached this kind of like.
02:43:10 He's he's up there in terms of of.
02:43:15 I guess favorability ratings is like MLK when it comes to boomers, right?
02:43:20 So if you tell you tell boomers that Israel killed JFK.
02:43:29 You know, there you go and.
02:43:34 And look you, you just have to go in it with a game plan.
02:43:36 I just feel like Trump didn't even have a ******* game plan.
02:43:43 And yeah, maybe you don't.
02:43:45 And look, even if all you end up doing is you're the president that starts the Civil war, which he at the very least could have done that right.
02:43:54 Trump Trump had that that choice in front of him.
02:43:58 Most presidents are not even in that realm, like they're not anywhere near.
02:44:04 Having that as an option to them.
02:44:07 Right.
02:44:09 I think maybe Obama would have been able to do that. Maybe, right? But they would have lost immediately, cause most of Obama's support would have just been like the black people and stuff. And so yeah, it would have been, really.
02:44:21 Damaging, there'd be a lot of cities on the fire and you know whatever, but ultimately.
02:44:27 It would have been, actually, I think better for us cause well.
02:44:33 Let's just say that there'd be a different kind of demographic shift if.
02:44:37 If all of a sudden there was a race war, right, but like.
02:44:43 Trump had that the keys to that he could have unlocked that achievement and and and he didn't.
02:44:52 And I would have like that's honestly you want, that's that would have been a huge difference.
02:44:57 Let's say I go in there and I do everything like Trump did, right, because my hands are tied, cause whatever reasons.
02:45:06 And then they ****** me out of.
02:45:07 The election, right?
02:45:11 All my followers believe that.
02:45:14 They're on board with that.
02:45:16 Some of them are crazy and think that like I have some kind of super cute plan to save the world from.
02:45:22 From Tom Hanks and his pedo dungeons or whatever.
02:45:25 I mean, again, most presidents don't have that.
02:45:29 They don't have access to.
02:45:30 That that level of of.
02:45:33 Dog like obedience that Trump had access to.
02:45:39 And he just threw it all away so he could go golfing.
02:45:44 And it's like, look, he's it's not like he would have been in personal danger.
02:45:49 You know, that's the.
02:45:50 Thing he.
02:45:53 He easily could have.
02:45:56 Arranged for himself to be well protected.
02:46:00 And crossed the Rubicon, as they say.
02:46:05 And at least at that point.
02:46:08 The Band-Aid.
02:46:08 Would be ripped off.
02:46:11 And who knows what?
02:46:12 Who knows what the outcome would have been.
02:46:14 But it would have been better than just doing nothing and being a big ******* ***** and saying, here's the keys to the Castle of Biden.
02:46:23 And then crying about it on some gay social media site that you made because you're too much of A ****** to use the one that people are already using because they they allow they allow.
02:46:35 Criticism of Jews.
02:46:39 Anyway, hopefully that helps tennis nuts, an older couple moved in my subdivision recently.
02:46:44 The lady asked a few questions about the property taxes, then told me that she had loved in or that she had loved in New Jersey.
02:46:54 She had loved in New Jersey.
02:46:55 She was getting it on in New Jersey.
02:46:59 I think him and lived then moved to California.
02:47:03 She invited me to church tomorrow and took my number.
02:47:06 She called to verify the area code, said Massachusetts.
02:47:13 Uh, well, I don't know.
02:47:17 My my area code, I mean in the in the in the era of of cell phones, it's not that weird.
02:47:25 I wouldn't worry too much about it.
02:47:26 I mean, I don't know if you want to go to church with them, but.
02:47:31 I wouldn't worry about it if the if the reason it why is the area code of her phone number, I wouldn't worry too.
02:47:36 Much about it.
02:47:39 Dan Bigfoot, can you give us a sneak peek of the **** juice dream?
02:47:44 Really looking forward to it.
02:47:45 Since **** has been one of the biggest examples of psychological jawing of European societies.
02:47:52 UM.
02:47:54 I mean, I could.
02:47:55 I could just play a clip from this ******* guy.
02:47:59 I don't know.
02:47:59 Let me see if I.
02:48:01 Have it handy.
02:48:09 Like, really go back in time here.
02:48:22 Hold on.
02:48:23 I have like a whole folder of this ******* guy.
02:48:28 But it's kind of a mess.
02:48:32 The **** where to go?
02:48:42 Yeah, you know what?
02:48:43 Probably not.
02:48:44 I don't.
02:48:44 I don't have it.
02:48:46 Easy to access.
02:48:47 I was going to play you this clip, this interview with.
02:48:49 But I can't find it.
Speaker 8
02:48:53 Brooke assault.Devon
02:48:58 How's your neck?02:48:59 You said it hurt from leaning over your microphone for hours.
02:49:02 Can you raise your mic up?
02:49:04 Set it on some books or something, or get a headset microphone or one on, or one on an arm.
02:49:13 Invest in some good ergonomic equipment?
02:49:15 No, I've got it.
02:49:16 It's on an arm thing right now.
02:49:17 So this is what it is.
02:49:20 Is just my my setup is not very ergonomic and I'm and my eyes are not the best right now and so I'm like mostly hunched over because I'm squinting at the screen right now.
02:49:33 I've been up too long.
02:49:34 My sleep schedule has been kind of weird lately.
02:49:39 Mostly because of of.
02:49:41 I blame churro.
02:49:45 I'm only kind of kidding too, that little ******.
02:49:48 I think he's sleeping right now, isn't he?
02:49:52 Oh no, he's missing.
02:49:54 I don't know where it went.
02:49:58 Unless that's no, he's he's missing.
02:50:02 So he's he was there at the beginning of the stream.
02:50:04 I don't know when he left.
02:50:06 But he's been staying up like all night and meowing at the door at three in the.
02:50:10 Morning where he's.
02:50:11 Figured out like where my room is.
02:50:14 He'll go out on the window outside, like, if I'm not.
02:50:17 If I'm like, sleeping through his meowing, he'll go meow out my window and it's like.
02:50:23 You know, sometimes I get up and and just so he'll stop because I know that every coyote within a mile and 1/2 is going to hear that.
02:50:31 So anyway.
02:50:35 He hasn't been as bad the last few nights, but.
02:50:38 I'd be lying if I said that that wasn't like affecting my sleep.
Speaker 8
02:50:43 Part he's he's.Devon
02:50:44 He's going through like the man version of or the cat man version of being in heat.02:50:49 So hopefully that goes away after a bit.
02:50:53 Banana pilled.
02:50:54 Hey, Devin.
02:50:55 Say my name.
02:50:56 Apparently Clown world is called April fools.
02:50:59 Now what a wonderful timeline.
02:51:02 Fake and gay.
02:51:05 Hey Devin.
02:51:05 Say my name well, I said banana pilled.
02:51:10 Apparently Cloud World is called April Fools now.
02:51:15 What a wonderful timeline.
02:51:17 Faking gay.
02:51:18 I don't.
02:51:19 I have no idea.
02:51:19 What you mean by any of that?
02:51:25 There you go.
02:51:25 Banana Pilled Andromeda one.
02:51:29 Great show, Devin.
02:51:30 Thank you.
02:51:31 I appreciate it.
02:51:33 No way is away.
02:51:35 Would you rather have a based mixed race woman or a white leftist?
02:51:39 I found that when women like like you, they seem to agree with most of what you say and do anyway.
02:51:50 Yeah, I mean that's The thing is I I can't.
02:51:54 Every time I hear about these couples, where they're different politically.
02:52:00 They're almost always marriages of convenience like, remember Kellyanne Conway, the the spokesperson for Trump, Speaking of terrible people to hire.
02:52:10 Remember how her well, first of all, she was a never Trumper, so perfect person to hireright.
02:52:15 And then her husband was like.
02:52:18 Super anti Trump.
02:52:21 And then her daughter was doing the weird tick tocks and **** like that.
02:52:25 These people always just seem like they're married because it's like a business arrangement, right?
02:52:31 I can't imagine people being politically opposite and actually having a loving marriage because it's just not.
02:52:41 Possible, especially once you have, I mean, you can make it work if you just didn't talk about it, but the second you have kids.
02:52:48 Now you have to talk about it, because that goes into the the values you want to instill in your kids.
02:52:54 Unless you're just a total, you know, *****, and you just let your your, your your wife do the mom thing and you don't.
02:53:03 You know you don't.
02:53:04 You have no input on the kid whatsoever.
02:53:09 But yeah, every every woman that I've.
02:53:13 That I've been with.
02:53:16 That was.
02:53:18 More left, which I never really go, went for like the Super Lefties because it just would always be incompatible from the get go, but they they always got pulled more over to the right.
02:53:31 It's pretty easy to do if and you're right.
02:53:33 If a woman likes you, she'll just conform to your politics.
02:53:36 And if she doesn't, that means she doesn't actually respect you.
02:53:41 For real, she doesn't respect you.
02:53:43 She thinks that she has it figured out more than you have it figured out.
02:53:46 Well, that's going to translate to everything else.
02:53:49 That means that like, she's not going to defer to you, she's going to argue with you all the time because she doesn't respect your opinion above her own.
02:53:57 And that's that is a non starter for me.
02:54:00 Like, I am not going to.
02:54:01 Raise a ******* family with someone that is always competing with me to be the, you know, the head of the family.
02:54:09 Because that's what that is, you know?
02:54:11 Because if if.
02:54:14 If, if her worldview is going to be significantly different than yours, then she's.
02:54:23 It's gonna.
02:54:24 It's not gonna work.
02:54:25 It's just not gonna work.
02:54:28 Let's take a look here.
02:54:33 Slavski rocks the US ******** and power are hell bent on breaking up Russian Federation.
02:54:41 Newell Newland at all are descendants of Eastern European Jews.
02:54:47 This is payback.
02:54:49 No, they I, I I definitely get the sense that this is like a.
02:54:57 Revenge on the.
02:55:00 The cossacks.
02:55:01 Right.Devon
02:55:06 Look at the wall behind the teachers.02:55:08 They have the darkest shade ahead of the other shades.
02:55:17 Look at the wall behind the teachers.
02:55:18 They have the darkest shade ahead of the other shades.
02:55:23 I think you mean those little squares.
02:55:25 I mean, I don't know what those square.
02:55:27 Maybe those are supposed to be skin colors?
02:55:29 I don't know.
02:55:30 I don't know.
02:55:32 You might be reading too much into that, though.
02:55:34 I don't know what that is.
02:55:36 But who knows?
02:55:36 You might be on to something.
02:55:39 Internet is mind control.
02:55:42 Let's see here resurrect one of these old ones here.
02:55:47 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 15
02:55:54 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
02:55:57 Freemasonry is the source of Jewish Zionist infiltration.02:56:01 Masons worship Lucifer.
02:56:03 Their ideology is based off Kabbalah.
02:56:05 They are the Zionists.
02:56:07 They are the race traders.
02:56:09 Freemasonry has the vehicle for the Jewish usurp usurp.
02:56:13 Nation of European sovereignty in the late 18th century with commit genocide.
02:56:18 Yeah, I know it played a bigger role though.
02:56:22 In the past.
02:56:23 I don't know that it's still.
02:56:25 As relevant today.
02:56:28 I could be wrong but I don't know that it's still.
02:56:31 I don't think I don't know that.
02:56:32 And you're right about you know it's it's definitely got Jewish vibes to it.
02:56:37 Everything I've I've research which isn't a whole lot, but you know what I've seen definitely has.
02:56:43 Lots of Zionist undertones to say the very least.
02:56:49 I don't know that as a as an organization that says relevant today.
02:56:54 But I could be wrong.
02:56:55 Maybe they're just more.
02:56:56 Maybe they're they're just better at being secretive.
02:56:59 Who knows?
02:57:01 Jay Ryan.
02:57:01 Anthony one.
02:57:02 Sorry, I think I basically asked the same question three different ways.
02:57:08 Don't at me.
02:57:11 Which one was that one again, was that the you just?
02:57:13 Asked about the.
02:57:15 The race stuff with the.
02:57:20 Yes, but the president?
02:57:21 I don't know.
02:57:21 I don't know.
02:57:24 I don't think you asked the same.
02:57:25 Question Iron Pill went out drinking and got to pass on some experience to a new drinker and set up a private ride for a fallen brother.
02:57:37 I looked up to when's the black Pilled motorcycle rally?
02:57:42 Kidding unless.
02:57:44 UM.
02:57:47 Motorcycle rally I mean I.
02:57:48 Don't know.
02:57:49 I haven't ridden a motorcycle in many years.
02:57:52 Many, many years.
02:57:55 I used to have a.
02:57:57 Honda CB750 with an extended fork and ape hangers. I'm not even making that up.
02:58:07 Uh, it was a it was a.
02:58:10 A cheap, cheap motorcycle.
02:58:14 But it was loud.
02:58:16 Had straight pipes.
02:58:17 No, no mufflers.
02:58:19 The guy that had it had it before me drilled out The Jets on the the carburetor, so it ran like ****.
02:58:26 He thought it was like.
02:58:26 More gas is good.
02:58:29 It was loud as ****.
02:58:34 Lost Angel, 33, Elon Musk's grandfather, was Joshua Heideman.
02:58:39 A known Canadian Jewish transhumanist, Joshua Heileman, is the father of May. Musk, Elon Musk's mother, is Elon Musk. Jewish. Wait, hold on. Elon Musk's grandfather was Josh Joshua Heilman.
02:58:57 Our grandfather was, are we well, say what I don't.
02:59:00 I haven't verified what you're saying, but if.
02:59:03 If his grandfather.
02:59:05 Is Jewish.
02:59:07 Then yeah, he's got Jewish in him.
02:59:12 I mean.
02:59:14 I'm not going to play the little game where they're they, you know when it's convenient.
02:59:19 Ohh, no, it only goes to the mom somehow.
02:59:21 No, it means he's got Jewish genes.
02:59:23 If his grandfather is, I don't.
02:59:24 I haven't verified what you're saying, but if if that's true, then yeah, he's.
02:59:28 He's part Jewish.
02:59:31 Lost Angel 33 Internet is mind control is correct about masonry and its Jewish ties and how it helped lead to Jewish subversion within America of the Mormon Church has ties to Freemasonry.
02:59:43 Yes, it does.
02:59:44 Freemasonry has played just as big as a big big a part in American history as Hollywood, if not more.
02:59:51 That's why I want the deep dive.
02:59:54 And it's not just America.
02:59:55 I would say in in Europe as well, it had a pretty significant presence.
03:00:04 Yeah, it, I I don't know where I'd look, to be honest.
03:00:07 I mean, I've got like a.
03:00:09 Morals and dogma.
03:00:10 You know.
03:00:11 Albert Pikes Book and.
03:00:13 I've I've.
03:00:14 Skimmed through it and stuff and I've I've I've done a little bit of research but I by no means I'm a historian on masonry.
03:00:23 The and the reason why it's not easy to do a deep dive on it is there's going to be so much ******** because they're they are a secret society. And so there's going to be all these people that have already done like quote UN quote.
03:00:35 Deep dives on it where they they go with it, it'll totally contradict each other and you know and.
03:00:41 And because it's a secret society, there's no like official.
03:00:48 You know, you're always.
03:00:49 You're always having to to view it through the eyes of of.
03:00:54 Someone with an agenda, an agenda which could be a good agenda, but you know you're always you're you're.
03:00:59 There's no, there's not a whole lot of objective.
03:01:02 History, when it comes to the Masons because it is so secret, so it's just through the interpretation of others.
03:01:11 But who knows?
03:01:12 Maybe maybe I I've never really super looked really hard either, so maybe there's, like a bunch of ex Masons that have.
03:01:19 Documented it enough to where.
03:01:22 You know I can do.
03:01:23 Something that's that's worth paying attention to.
03:01:28 All I'm saying, can you say this is Devin Stack and you're listening?
03:01:35 All I'm saying.
03:01:39 Well, I just said it, I guess.
03:01:46 Glock 23, I was a police officer for 10 years in an agro infested city. 8 out of 10 times. When I attempted to arrest a *****, they resisted.
03:01:56 They either tried to run or they would fight me and officers fight me and officers.
03:02:03 It took a team of police.
03:02:05 The rest, many *******, ******* do get away sometimes.
03:02:08 Well, there you go.
03:02:10 There you go.
03:02:11 It it I.
03:02:13 You know, this is anecdotal evidence 8 out of 10 times sounds like an accurate.
03:02:17 Number though.
03:02:20 Because it seems like there's an awful, awful lot of footage of of blacks evading or or attempting to evade arrest.
03:02:30 For it to be a A.
03:02:34 Infrequent occurrence.
03:02:36 All I'm saying, can you say this or you just did it again?
03:02:39 Or I just read it, why did you send it twice?
03:02:44 Banana pilled reference to Zion Don's speech today that he hit with April fools on topics relating to clown world **** some I have no idea.
03:02:55 What you're talking about then?
03:02:57 I have.
03:02:58 To me, Trump doesn't even really exist.
03:03:01 Like he has no.
03:03:03 I mean, things can always change, but as far as I can tell, he's got zero chance of being relevant.
03:03:11 Well, ever again.
03:03:13 He had his chance and he and he passed it up. Lost Angel, 33. The only reason I asked for the deep dive is because you're amazing at your research, and I really respect it. Started to be a pain.
03:03:25 No, I get it, I get it.
03:03:26 Oh my God, enough for the Masons.
03:03:31 Uh, no, I I it's not that I don't want to do it.
03:03:36 It's just that, like I said, it's harder to have sources on.
03:03:41 You know, verifiable sources on on Freemasonry cause it.
03:03:45 It's a secret society and really the all you can go off of is people who used to be Masons, but it's one of those things where it's like, OK, well, how do I know this person?
03:03:56 Because I found like videos like I've because I've I've kind of looked into it a little bit and you find these old VHS.
03:04:02 You know, videos from like the 80s or whatever that people have uploaded and it's like some ex Mason and you know, he's like claiming I used to be a, you know, level whatever and.
03:04:13 And it goes into like all this stuff that that doesn't even sound right.
03:04:17 It just sounds like he was trying to sell VHS tapes in the 80s to people who were afraid of Masons.
03:04:23 But you don't know.
03:04:24 I mean, maybe he wasn't.
03:04:25 And and the Masons aren't going to tell you, right?
03:04:31 I think that.
03:04:33 Just like any organization like that too.
03:04:37 You're going to have a lot of these people who are members, who for them it was just like a, a, a club, like a social club, right?
03:04:45 Like they're like the low level people that that don't think that there's anything, you know, that weird going on.
03:04:53 You know they they they go to like the the social functions they do the.
03:04:57 Charity drives and stuff like that, and for them, that's like all the involvement, maybe may.
03:05:03 Or maybe it's like a a club where they look at at, you know, a way of.
03:05:09 Organized nepotism, right.
03:05:13 So that's kind of like the benefit, like the same benefits of of joining like a frat you where you have this group of men that are are relatively.
03:05:25 You know not high class but like upper middle class, at least if you're.
03:05:30 Number of of you know, an organization like this.
03:05:34 And so you know, you're going to be able to draw on the other members connections and you know whether that's for you know, your personal business or other, you know like any, any, any.
03:05:51 Instance where nepotism would come in handy.
03:05:54 You have access to.
Speaker 8
03:05:55 It and look.Devon
03:05:55 At it I.03:05:57 I think that we should have like our own little nepotism club, to be honest.
03:06:01 I mean, I don't know if we obviously we shouldn't like model it after like the.
03:06:04 Masons or.
03:06:05 Something, but I've always thought of that, that that's kind of ****** cause it wasn't just the Masons.
03:06:09 You had a bunch of other men's clubs that were like that that have kind of just they don't exist anymore, but they existed as like, an organized nepotism.
03:06:18 Where you'd have a a means of finding a job.
03:06:22 If you needed a job, you know you you would have rough people willing to vouch for you.
03:06:28 If you need references and stuff.
03:06:30 Like that.
03:06:31 And then you would have like the social aspect to it and everything else so.
03:06:36 That's the thing too.
03:06:37 So you have that when it comes to the Masons, and then you probably have dark, creepy **** going on in the same way that in frats you have some dark creepy **** going on, right?
03:06:51 But it's like like with frats.
03:06:53 Like, not every frat boy has *********** in in a coffin, surrounded by people wearing robes, you know, chanting ****.
03:07:01 But some of them have.
03:07:02 You know, so it's kind of like, how do you separate that from, you know, from the normal thing and?
03:07:11 Yeah, it it's it's it's just that's why it's hard to to do something on on the main quote UN quote on the Masons because it's just.
03:07:19 A lot of it's shrouded in in, in mystery and and and not verifiable.
03:07:26 And the other thing is like.
03:07:33 I don't know how relevant they are today like I.
03:07:35 I know that.
03:07:36 Historically, they played some pretty big roles, but I mean.
03:07:41 And maybe it's just one of these things where, uh, they just don't publish their membership.
03:07:45 Or whatever, but I don't I.
03:07:46 Don't think that a whole lot of powerful people today.
03:07:49 At least not publicly.
03:07:51 They're not Mason.
03:07:53 So in that case.
03:07:55 If you want to make the argument that they're still pulling all the strings that all these the powerful people are still Masons, well then you're gonna have to make the argument that they're all secret Masons, because they're not.
03:08:05 You know they're not openly, at least as far as I know, they're not openly saying like, oh, I'm a Mason.
03:08:12 I'm a 30.
03:08:12 Whatever degree, Mason.
03:08:15 Like, I don't think Trump is a Mason, I don't think.
03:08:18 Chuck Schumer's a Mason. I don't think Biden's a Mason. Maybe they are. I I don't know, but I don't think they are.
03:08:25 And and so now you gotta start saying that like oh.
03:08:29 Well, they're, you know.
03:08:29 What I mean so?
03:08:34 It it's worth, I mean I've.
03:08:35 I've taken a look at things.
03:08:38 You know, with the Masons a couple of times and I've just never been able to really sink my teeth into it.
03:08:43 So anyway.
03:08:48 We will, I will at some point.
03:08:53 It just might take some time for.
03:08:54 Me to find.
03:08:55 Enough solid sources, because that's the thing.
03:08:57 When I do these.
03:08:59 Deep dives on these videos.
03:09:01 It's because I'm able to find enough solid sources to do it, and Freemasonry is slippery because there's just there's a lot of noise, there's a lot of crazy people right making up crazy videos.
03:09:16 And there's a lot of just blank blank spots because it is a secret society, so it's kind of like, you know, that's.
03:09:23 That's not as easy to they're not a government agency.
03:09:26 You can't FOIA request the Masons.
03:09:28 You know what I mean?
03:09:29 It's there's not as much.
03:09:31 Hard evidence.
03:09:34 OK.
03:09:36 Log of **** poster **** is illegal in Israel, yet it is said that Israel broadcasts point to Palestinian Public TV.
03:09:45 This is a blatant example of Jews psychological warfare.
03:09:50 Yeah, I don't know if that's the exact.
03:09:54 But they have used it as a weapon during.
03:09:59 Conflicts in the Middle East, they have broadcast **** on on television.
03:10:08 Steven, work.
03:10:09 Good morning.
03:10:10 I routinely link your work in my articles on sub stack with the warnings to tighten up your ***** feely belts and jump in.
03:10:18 Keep up the good work and health to you.
03:10:20 Cats and bees.
03:10:22 God bless.
03:10:23 I'll listen to the on the replay and hope to return a duck.
03:10:28 If you have it.
03:10:30 Well, I do have.
03:10:31 A duck.
03:10:32 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 3
03:10:39 I'd like to return this duck.Speaker 1
03:10:41 Don't bomb, alright?Devon
03:10:45 Lucid Nebula Joshua Heileman is is Swiss German, just like Andy Richter.03:10:53 The Swiss German.
03:10:55 Great Norm MacDonald joke to look up.
03:11:01 Is Andy Richter Jewish?
03:11:04 I wouldn't be surprised.
03:11:15 Listen, I never, never understood why he existed.
03:11:25 Ah, doesn't say he's Jewish.
03:11:31 He was prom king.
03:11:38 And and I always thought Andy Richter was gay, but he's not.
03:11:43 But his dad is when on early life, there's nothing about Andy Richter being Jewish, but it says his parents divorced when he was four and his father later came out as gay.
03:11:55 Well, that kind of explains a lot.
03:12:02 Alright, well anyway.
03:12:04 I'm not sure you're talking about there.
03:12:09 Cross, Sam.
03:12:11 Ohh, there's some *** **** money there.
03:12:14 Let's see here.
Speaker 5
03:12:19 Money is power.03:12:20 Money is the only weapon that the Jew.
03:12:22 Has to defend himself with.Speaker 8
03:12:24 Go, Julie, this *** is.Devon
03:12:42 All right. And you just say thanks, we'll right back at you.03:12:48 Cross Sam.
03:12:51 I think or cross cross Sam.
03:12:55 Zen Master Zen, good place to start on the Masons sighted and sourced.
03:13:01 Well there you go.
03:13:03 You guys in the Masons, man.
03:13:08 It's a 5 hour long video.
03:13:12 Ohh, I've seen this.
03:13:12 I even I've posted this on Telegram once.
03:13:17 But he doesn't have like it's.
03:13:22 I mean.
03:13:23 Yeah, no, I've seen this and I've posted on Telegram.
03:13:26 I don't know that it's like a good research tool though.
03:13:28 I mean, there's maybe some of the stuff.
03:13:29 It's five hours long.
03:13:30 I don't.
03:13:31 Maybe I I don't know if I.
03:13:32 I watched the whole thing last time.
03:13:34 Maybe I'll take a look at.
03:13:37 Lost Angel, 33. Master was actually here. We go, the Masons.
03:13:46 Masonry was actually the raising the fraternities and short days started at colleges.
03:13:50 The Eagles, Elks, Odd fellows, etcetera.
03:13:53 Not sure if you're familiar with the truth stream media, but they have done some decent research.
03:13:58 No, they I, I used to watch their stuff.
03:14:00 They got kind of emo though, at like, when COVID happened, they just started seeming like they.
03:14:05 They were like depressed all the time and.
03:14:09 I mean, I get it, but like it was, it just started to.
03:14:12 Be like a real downer watching their stuff.
03:14:15 And that's saying something.
03:14:16 You know, it's coming.
03:14:17 From me.
03:14:21 Yeah, I and I could see that in the Elks Lodge and the what is it the the shiners or or or, you know, you know, talking about Shriners.
03:14:30 That's what it was.
03:14:30 The Shriners.
03:14:32 Like I said, I'm sure there's been some really seedy stuff that's going on with all the any.
03:14:37 Any secret club, right?
03:14:38 Like cause?
03:14:39 Why else would it be secret?
03:14:42 I just don't know that it it still has the the potency that it once had. Andromeda Manly P Hall was 33 degree Mason. He wrote the secret Destiny of America, the secret teaching of all ages and more.
03:14:59 That name rings a bell.
03:15:01 I'm going to have to look it up, though, cause I'm terrible with names.
03:15:06 Manley P Hall.
03:15:09 Canadian writer and Mystic.
03:15:10 OK, well, that's not who I thought it.
03:15:12 Was then see, but again, this is the same thing this guy.
03:15:16 Was born in 1901. You know, in 1901, I'm sure the Masons had a lot more sway than they do in 2001, or maybe, maybe that's just what they want me to believe. I don't know.
03:15:31 It doesn't mean it's irrelevant though, and also, you know, cause it's always interesting to see how these groups formed and and and influenced the world events, even if they're not currently doing so.
03:15:43 And I'm not saying they're not.
03:15:44 I'm just saying, you know.
03:15:46 I I I I I I'm not aware of any evidence that that's what's happening but.
03:15:51 You know.
03:15:52 Maybe they are.
03:15:54 All right.
03:15:55 Well, with that, we're going to close things down.
03:15:59 After all, the the Masonic requests.
03:16:04 Why is my ohh there it is.
03:16:07 Oh, my microphone wasn't on for a second.
03:16:08 I was like, what the ****?
03:16:10 I've been muted.
03:16:11 For how long?
03:16:13 All right, guys.
03:16:13 Well, thanks for tuning in here.
03:16:17 I might go move another beehive.
03:16:20 See if I can find Churro out while I'm out there.
03:16:24 And then crash out.
03:16:27 My shoulders are ******* sore.
03:16:31 With that, the Beehive mover thing, basically it was trying to tip over the entire time like, well, not the entire time, but.
03:16:39 Like enough of the time.
03:16:42 But it was predictable.
03:16:43 You knew, you know, if you have any sense of balance or whatever you knew, like how?
03:16:46 Much it was going to tip and stuff.
03:16:49 But that meant that you were counterbalancing like 500 pounds.
03:16:55 Sometimes urgently.
03:16:59 And you know, I tweaked, tweaked some shoulder muscles a little bit, I think.
03:17:04 But anyway, alright, one last one.
03:17:05 I, Colonel Edward.
03:17:06 I fell asleep right before the stream started, so I'll have to catch the replay.
03:17:09 Wanted to say thanks for the great content, Devin.
03:17:11 Alright, well, thank you for being out there and I'll catch you guys next time.
03:17:17 For Black pilled I.
03:17:18 Am of course.
Speaker 1
03:17:21 Driven stack.Speaker 3
03:17:23 What's the crack really?03:17:25 Crack and silver crack.
Speaker 2
03:17:27 Is so addictive, you can.03:17:28 Spend every dollar you have.
03:17:30 And still not get enough.Speaker 2
03:17:31 Crack can cost you, your family, your friends, your job.Speaker 1
03:17:34 Crack price is just too high to pay.Speaker
03:17:38 A message from the Will Rogers Institute.03:17:40 White Plains, NY.
Speaker 4
03:17:42 WTV Buffalo, 29.Devon
03:17:53 I like how I like.03:17:54 How all the I know I'm.
03:17:55 I'm I.
03:17:56 Should be going to bed.
03:17:57 I like how everyone in that video is white.
03:17:59 They have all the people doing crack anyway.
03:18:06 You guys have a good night.