

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
00:00:40 Walking home from our house.
Speaker 2
00:00:42 Christmas Eve and we begged her not to go.
Speaker 1
00:00:44 You can say there's no such thing as Santa.
00:00:49 But As for me and grandpa, we believe.
00:00:54 She'd been drinking too much eggnog.
00:01:02 But she forgot her medication and she staggered out the door into the snow.
00:01:11 When we found her Christmas morning.
00:01:15 At the scene of the attack.
00:01:19 She had footprints on.
00:01:21 Her forehead and incriminating claws marks on her back.
00:01:27 Grandma got run.
00:01:29 Over by a reindeer.
00:01:32 Walking home to my house Christmas Eve.
00:01:36 You can say there's no such thing as Santa.
00:01:41 It's for me and grandpa.
00:01:42 We believe now we're all so proud of Grandpa.
00:01:50 He's been taking this so well.
00:01:54 See him in there watching football, drinking beer and playing cards with cousin.
00:02:00 Now it's not Christmas without grandma.
00:02:07 All the families dressed in black.
00:02:12 And we just can't help but wonder, should we open up our gifts or send them back?
00:02:20 Grandma got run over by a reindeer walking home from our house.
00:02:26 Christmas Eve.
00:02:28 You can say there's.
00:02:30 No such thing as Santa.
00:02:34 Grandma, we believe now the goose is on the table.
00:02:42 And the pudding made of fish.
00:02:45 Ah and.
00:02:47 The blue and silver.
00:02:48 Candles that would just have matched the hair in grandma's wing.
00:02:55 I've warned all my friends and neighbors.
00:02:59 Better watch out for yourself.
00:03:04 They should never give a license.
00:03:07 To a man who drives a flag.
00:03:09 And plays with elves.
00:03:13 Got run over by there.
00:03:16 Walking home from our.
00:03:18 House Christmas Eve.
00:03:21 And you can.
Speaker 3
00:03:21 Say there's no such thing.
Speaker 1
00:03:22 As Santa.
00:03:25 But As for me and grandpa, we believe grandma grandma.
Speaker 2
00:03:30 I ran over my reindeer walking home from our house.
00:03:38 You can say there's no such thing as Santa.
Speaker 1
00:03:43 As for me and Grandpa, we believe.
Speaker 4
00:03:52 Merry Christmas.
Speaker 2
00:04:42 While I love my possibilities.
00:04:48 I was so look around.
00:05:08 What you got planned?
Speaker 5
00:05:11 Carry it.
00:05:24 My friend.
Speaker 1
00:05:33 That you can.
Speaker 2
00:05:37 Look around, seasons change with the scenery.
Speaker 1
00:05:42 Time of my life.
Speaker 5
00:05:52 The streets won't be stopping.
Speaker 6
00:06:14 And sky.
00:06:42 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:06:45 Good night.
00:06:47 This is the insomnia stream.
00:06:52 What is a consent engineers edition?
00:06:57 I'm your host Devin snack.
00:06:58 Hopefully the connection works better than last time.
00:07:02 That was a.
00:07:03 The reason the replay took so long to post.
00:07:06 Is I didn't record locally cause I got out of the habit of doing that when I was on my crap.
00:07:11 Years and I was just relying on downloading the string file that Odyssey had, which was usually not a problem.
00:07:18 Apparently it becomes a problem when you disconnect or reconnect the billion times because it downloaded a four hour long file of the same.
00:07:28 Basically like randomly, it would just loop the same 20 minutes for a while and then it would go back to normal and so I had to go through.
00:07:34 And edit forever.
00:07:35 By the time I finished editing it and rendering it out, like which?
00:07:38 Look, you know several hours.
00:07:41 Then I went and uploaded it and went.
00:07:42 To bed woke up.
00:07:45 And it was still at like 30% and then I went backwards. I walked away and I came back and it was at like 16%.
00:07:53 I was like, what the ****'* going?
00:07:55 On so, yeah, I'm I'm recording locally this time in case we have problems, but I don't know what what was going on.
00:08:02 With that.
00:08:03 I've noticed that it doesn't seem to.
00:08:06 Lower the quality. I've got that setting activated so I don't. I'm not sure. What if something changed on Odyssey's end or what? Or if I just I'm missing that check box I could click or whatever so.
00:08:18 But anyway, hopefully hopefully that doesn't matter.
00:08:22 We'll let's just jump right into things.
00:08:25 So lots of lots of little things in the news.
00:08:28 Lots of little things in the news.
00:08:30 Yeah, of course.
00:08:31 Everyone was waiting with bated breath last string.
00:08:34 Now what?
Speaker 3
00:08:35 Is Trump's.
00:08:36 Major announcement.
00:08:38 Going to be.
00:08:39 You know it was.
00:08:40 He he, he said.
00:08:41 Oh, it's going to be this major announcement.
00:08:43 The world needs a superhero.
00:08:47 He was saying that the world needs a super the cute tarts were, well, their their panties were so ******* wet they were ready to.
00:08:54 They were chopped, they're like.
00:08:55 I finally, finally.
00:08:59 You know, 2 1/2 years later he's he's got to cross the Rubicon we we knew he was going to do it. He just, you know, 40 just takes time.
00:09:08 It takes time.
00:09:10 He had to make sure that that, you know, Pence had exposed himself, that like all the whole, isn't that great, like every time.
00:09:19 You know, one of one of Trump's horrible cabinet choices would get fired. That was the excuse. Well, Trump needed to have that horrible person in his in his administration so he could expose himself like that ******* matters, like anyone would care.
00:09:36 But you know, they they had to.
00:09:37 They had to rationalize it some.
00:09:39 Well, why does it keep picking all?
00:09:40 These ****** people.
00:09:41 Ohh that's right.
00:09:42 Because of this whole exposing.
00:09:44 Themself thing that.
00:09:45 Has to happen somehow for some reason.
00:09:50 And so anyway these guys.
00:09:53 They're all excited that this new this announcement is going.
00:09:56 To come out.
00:09:58 And here is the announcement that comes out.
Speaker 8
00:10:07 Hello everyone, this is Donald Trump.
00:10:09 Hopefully your favorite president of all time.
00:10:11 Better than Lincoln.
00:10:13 Better than Washington, with an important announcement to make.
00:10:16 I'm doing my first official, Donald J Trump NFT collection right here and right now they're called Trump digital trading cards, these cards.
00:10:25 Features some of the really incredible artwork pertaining to.
00:10:29 My life and my spaceman travel.
00:10:35 You know what it you know, that is that's the, that's the to Infinity and beyond Trump, you know, now that he's he's embracing faggs just like what was that Buzz Lightyear that's that was the name of this.
00:10:48 Buzz Lightyear Trump.
Speaker 8
00:10:50 Incredible artwork pertaining to my life and my career.
00:10:54 It's been very exciting.
00:10:55 You can collect your Trump digital card.
00:10:58 Just like a baseball card or other collectibles, here's one of the best parts.
00:11:02 Ohh, this is an amazing announcement.
Speaker 8
00:11:03 Each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes like dinner with me.
00:11:09 I don't know if that's an amazing prize.
00:11:11 Ohh you you could win dinner with.
00:11:12 With Trump so.
00:11:13 He can disavow having dinner with you.
00:11:16 For like a week straight.
Speaker 8
00:11:18 That's an amazing prize, but it's what we have or golf with you and a group of your friends at.
00:11:24 One of my beautiful golf courses and they are beautiful. I'm also doing zoom calls A1 on one meeting autographing memorabilia and so much more.
00:11:34 We're doing a.
00:11:34 Lot, my official Trump digital trading cards are $99, which doesn't sound like very much for what you're getting.
00:11:41 Ohh yeah, that doesn't sound like much at all when you have already $140 million from these ******* people that you've been grifting.
00:11:52 You have 140 million.
00:11:54 Dollars that you collected.
00:11:57 Because you are going to stop the steel.
00:12:02 You're going to stop the steel.
00:12:03 You need to know this, actually.
00:12:05 It's actually more.
00:12:05 It's more like a.
00:12:06 170 million.
00:12:08 But that's not enough. That's not enough. You gotta pay him 100 bucks more for a for a Trump baseball card.
00:12:16 And maybe if you're lucky.
00:12:19 You'll get a zoom call with him.
Speaker 8
00:12:22 Buy one and you will join a very exclusive community, our community, and I think it's something you're going to like and you're gonna like it a lot.
00:12:26 Oh yeah.
Speaker 8
00:12:30 They also make perfect gifts so you can buy them with your.
00:12:33 Oh, God, please no one give me one of these, please.
Speaker 8
00:12:40 Your credit card or crypto, all you need is an e-mail address. Go to collecttrumpcards.com and buy your Trump digital trading cards right now before they are all gone and they will be.
00:12:53 Don, this is my first official Trump trading card in FT collection and you get a chance to meet me, go to collecttrumpcards.com right now and remember Christmas is coming and this makes a great.
00:13:12 Like, they're not even that good.
00:13:16 Yeah, they're they're really bad photoshops of his face pasted onto clip art.
00:13:23 You know, like, look, the whole thing is beyond, like, even for Trump, like in bad taste.
00:13:32 It it's it's it's beyond anything when when the other night people were asking me.
00:13:38 What do you think is his big announcement's gonna be the last thing on my mind was that he was gonna try to sell you Beanie Babies or pogs or magic the gathering cards. Actually, those things are better like these aren't even real.
Speaker 9
00:13:57 But if you're going to do it, like at least puts, I mean put.
00:14:00 Some effort into it.
00:14:02 Look at that.
00:14:05 That's it's it's it's clip art.
00:14:08 It's they, they look they.
00:14:09 For that one right there, they looked up businessman.
00:14:14 And then they just put his face on it.
00:14:18 Like these aren't even that good.
00:14:22 They're not even that good.
00:14:27 I mean, I can't.
00:14:29 I couldn't believe it.
00:14:30 I couldn't believe it when I saw this.
00:14:32 I was like, no, no.
00:14:35 And The funny thing is.
00:14:37 I thought, OK well this if.
00:14:39 Anything's going to **** *** the cue cards like.
Speaker 4
00:14:43 This is pretty.
00:14:43 Bad like even for.
00:14:45 Trump this is pretty bad.
00:14:49 And there was some.
00:14:50 Guy on get like this is the the level.
00:14:53 This is the level.
00:14:55 Of of religious, religious loyalty, you know Trump.
00:15:00 Loyalty is really important to me.
00:15:02 You know that loyalty only goes one way.
00:15:06 But you're even then you're.
Speaker 6
00:15:07 Squandering it for for a.
00:15:10 $100 baseball cards. You're you're wasting it.
00:15:14 To make a few bucks and not even that much.
00:15:18 I think they sold.
00:15:19 What was it?
00:15:19 45,000 of.
00:15:21 Them at 100 bucks a pop.
00:15:26 That's what his dignity is worth.
00:15:33 And anyway, so I made fun of this on gab and there was ******* cute cards in the ohh.
00:15:40 You you fell for it, just like the fake news media.
00:15:45 His real announcement was something.
00:15:53 Is that why in his announcement video he he teased the ******* Trump cards?
00:15:58 Was was this his real announcement?
00:16:02 When he was talking the Jews telling him how awesome they are.
00:16:06 Let me fix the audio unless I just realise it's going to be it's going to be kind of craptastic.
00:16:10 But you know we have to deal with it.
00:16:16 Let me see if I can.
00:16:20 That'll make it slightly better.
Speaker 11
00:16:23 Have to treat.
Speaker 8
00:16:23 Your friends with dignity and you have to be loyal to those friends because.
00:16:28 Your friends are.
Speaker 8
00:16:29 You know, like things to me, there's a group that's very much opposed to Israel and frankly, to Jewish people.
Speaker 12
00:16:36 And you just can't let that happen.
Speaker 13
00:16:39 When you have an ally and I.
Speaker 1
00:16:41 Believe the best.
00:16:42 I like you.
00:16:47 Yeah, there's people that they don't.
00:16:48 They're starting to be people that don't like Israel anymore.
00:16:53 And and frankly, they're they're getting sick of Jews.
00:16:56 So that's why I need to vote for Trump because I'm the opposite of that.
00:17:00 I'm the best friend that you will ever have.
00:17:10 See again if if if there if there are people.
00:17:15 Out there.
00:17:17 Who, for whatever reason, fantasize that by pushing the Overton window and using, you know, Kanye, et cetera, as a means of manipulating Trump and pushing him into announcing his his people, his daughters, people.
00:17:37 His grandchildren's people, it's a it's never gonna happen. He was always a Jewish shill. He's always gonna be a Jewish shill.
00:17:46 He's not going to magically start working for white people's interests. In fact, who did he finish talking to after after talking to Jews, he went straight to ****.
00:18:05 He met with a A.
00:18:06 Room full of 500 groomers.
00:18:14 Quote we are fighting for you.
00:18:17 We are fighting for the gay community community.
00:18:20 What has he ever said?
00:18:21 He's fighting for the.
00:18:22 White community or?
00:18:23 When has he ever even acknowledged that one existed?
00:18:31 President Trump delivers remarks to a room full of 500 gay Republicans.
00:18:37 At his house, he invited half 1000 ******* to his house.
00:18:47 Tell me one more time that Trump is not the most pro gay president in American history.
00:19:00 You know Carrie Lake, the.
00:19:02 The woman we talked about.
00:19:03 I think was last stream the.
00:19:05 The one that's trying to win.
00:19:10 In Arizona still.
00:19:15 She was there.
00:19:24 And see if I can pop this clip in.
Speaker 14
00:19:26 For some reason it didn't want to.
00:19:28 Oh, that's not the right one.
00:19:31 Damn it. Where to go?
00:19:34 She's super comfortable with the groomers too.
Speaker 15
00:19:42 Here it is.
00:19:57 God dammit, why is it not downloading?
00:20:06 Well, anyway, it doesn't matter.
00:20:08 Oh, there it is finally.
00:20:13 So this is her talking at that same event.
00:20:16 It's just a big, hilarious joke these groomers.
00:20:21 Whoever thought it was a good idea to invite?
Speaker 14
00:20:23 500 gay.
Speaker 6
00:20:24 People into a lavish mansion.
Speaker 2
00:20:27 With two bowls, two pools and a live moose moose.
Speaker 6
00:20:32 We're going to need the Secret Service tonight.
00:20:37 Just, you know, be careful with that, Linda.
00:20:40 I know there's people in this.
Speaker 16
00:20:41 Who would love to be?
00:20:42 Would be love.
Speaker 17
00:20:43 To be tackled and 1st by the Secret Service.
Speaker 18
00:20:51 We need to keep them on point.
Speaker 6
00:20:53 Protecting our favorite President Donald judgement.
00:21:01 You have the most gay president of all time, right?
00:21:06 But you know, it's not just, it's not just Trump.
00:21:08 This is just, you know, like I was showing Kerry Lake.
00:21:11 Here, just this.
00:21:11 That's maga.
00:21:13 Maga is gay now.
00:21:15 Or always was.
00:21:16 It's just more and more.
00:21:18 Comfortable with it.
Speaker 17
00:21:20 It's pretty interesting when you think about it.
00:21:22 So this is a bill signing affirming the legality, legalizing once again gay marriage, which most people support in this country.
00:21:30 Should people get married if they love each other?
00:21:32 Yeah, they should.
00:21:35 It's fine.
00:21:38 It's fine.
00:21:41 And as I said on on gab and on telegram.
00:21:45 If it's OK.
00:21:48 For **** to get married.
00:21:51 And to raise children.
00:21:55 Why is it not OK?
00:21:58 For them to read stories to kids in a library.
00:22:06 Is it because they're wearing a dress now?
00:22:13 Is that is, is it the dress that you?
00:22:15 Is it you don't like?
00:22:15 Their makeup.
00:22:19 You don't like their wig?
00:22:21 That's not much of an argument, is it?
00:22:28 That makes it really hard for you to, uh.
00:22:31 Have any kind of?
00:22:33 Opinion about that.
00:22:35 If if **** are if it's totally fine.
00:22:40 For Dave Rubin.
00:22:42 To get fake married to some other fad.
00:22:48 And then make babies with surrogates.
00:22:54 And raise them in in a *** home.
00:23:00 That sounds infinitely worse.
00:23:04 Then a fad reading a story for a couple of hours.
00:23:09 To some kids in a library on one day.
00:23:13 Because it is infinitely worse.
00:23:18 But you have now created a situation.
00:23:22 But because you can't, because you can't condemn that right, you can't condemn Dave Rubin.
00:23:31 Peter Thiel wouldn't like it if you started condemning faggs he.
00:23:34 He's a a gay fan.
00:23:36 You know *******.
00:23:36 *** uh funding a lot of these people.
Speaker 4
00:23:42 So you.
00:23:42 Can't condemn that.
00:23:45 How can you possibly condemn?
00:23:47 Drag Queen story out.
00:23:53 It's like when we watched that clip of that.
00:23:57 That congressman from Texas last spring.
00:24:06 Asking questions of that literal demon.
00:24:09 Who said that? Parents.
00:24:12 Cannot be involved.
00:24:16 With the decision on whether or not their kids get transed.
00:24:23 He's sitting there talking to a smiling ******* demon.
00:24:28 Who's telling him?
00:24:30 That she's going to trans kids without their parents knowledge starting at age 12.
00:24:38 And he's being polite.
00:24:46 Maybe the reason a lot of these magnetars.
00:24:50 Don't have a problem with Faggs cause.
00:24:51 They are ******* ****.
00:25:07 This is why you can't.
00:25:08 You can't go.
00:25:09 There's no half measures.
00:25:17 A little bit of Sonny's fine.
00:25:31 Then where?
00:25:32 Where where?
00:25:32 When's it too much?
00:25:34 Who determines it?
00:25:43 Once you open up that.
00:25:45 Floodgate of coming ****, you're going to be covered and coming.
00:26:01 It's like the immigration ****.
00:26:03 If it's OK for.
00:26:05 100,000 people to show up. Why?
00:26:07 Not a million.
00:26:12 You know what's what's the exact number?
00:26:29 We are ******* in charge, fagots in charge.
00:26:35 But I guess you know, at least we don't live in.
00:26:37 New Zealand yet?
Speaker 20
00:26:40 Our Secret Service is launching an initiative to help us identify people who may have been radicalised.
Speaker 21
00:26:45 Know the signs details dozens of indicators that a friend or family member could be planning a terror attack.
00:26:52 As Adam Hollingworth reports, the move comes as our spy chiefs identify a new and worrying type of terrorism.
Speaker 19
00:26:59 Time was when the intelligence services were never seen, never heard, but now they're loudly proclaiming your country needs you to keep an eye on those you know, and if necessary, drop them in.
Speaker 14
00:27:10 Recognising a potential warning sign and then alerting NZSAS or police.
00:27:16 Could be the vital piece in the puzzle that ultimately saves lives.
Speaker 19
00:27:20 To that end, they're publishing a guide called know the science to help us all identify potential terrorists in our midst.
Speaker 14
00:27:27 To pay attention if they are and to be alert so that if they see or hear about something that seems off, that worries them and concerns them.
00:27:38 They might have a look at this information to say does this indicate to me?
00:27:43 Is it me or do they do?
00:27:44 They all look like ******* demons.
00:27:49 There's a lot of smiling demons out there.
00:27:59 So yeah, they're they're taking it to the next level and and in in New Zealand, they're going to start, you know, just arresting people for.
00:28:06 For a thought crime, I mean, after, after you watched how they behaved during COVID, I think I would have if I was in New Zealand during that should I would have got the **** out.
00:28:17 There's no way.
00:28:18 There's no way I'd stay there after that ****, man.
00:28:25 But anyway, it's Christmas time, you know, right, we we should.
00:28:30 We should be talking about happy things.
00:28:34 Happy things, Logan. Paul.
00:28:37 Jewish Logan Paul.
00:28:40 Has a Christmas message for you.
00:28:42 Because I'll be honest with you, bro.
00:28:44 Jesus Christ *****.
Speaker 22
00:28:46 Genuinely, I know people that hate me, that treat me better about my faith.
00:28:51 Than you and you're my best.
Speaker 17
00:28:53 So like one that really hurt me is you told.
00:28:55 Me, I need a therapist because.
Speaker 23
00:28:56 I believe in Jesus.
Speaker 17
00:28:57 I just am definitely questioning why.
00:29:00 We have.
Speaker 24
00:29:00 To perpetuate a.
00:29:01 Belief that is.
Speaker 17
00:29:02 ******* I silly, I I.
00:29:04 Think it's?
00:29:04 I think it's a.
00:29:05 Silly practice to engage it.
Speaker 17
00:29:07 And I think it's, I think it deserves satire.
00:29:14 Ah, yes.
00:29:15 Ah, yes.
00:29:16 Anyway, Merry Christmas.
00:29:19 So what? What the?
00:29:20 Stream is really about.
00:29:21 That's just like the news things that popped up before I.
00:29:26 We got the real stream together.
00:29:27 What we're going to be talking about is kind of how.
00:29:29 We got here and maybe a little bit about who's responsible.
00:29:35 Who's responsible now?
00:29:37 Last stream you guys brought to my attention the existence of more episodes.
00:29:43 Of the the century of self.
00:29:44 I'm so glad you did.
00:29:45 Because I thought I.
00:29:46 Was just that one.
00:29:47 I had no idea that that anyone would have.
00:29:50 Now, of course you watch it and then they put a little spin here and there as to be expected, but just the the, the amount of.
00:29:59 You know, they they obviously don't mention that everyone is Jewish, that they're talking about, but it's it's still it's, you know, it's a little surprising that this amount of honesty came out.
00:30:12 I think it's because.
00:30:14 At the time, you know that they they were, they felt very secure.
00:30:20 I don't know what what it when exactly this documentary came out.
00:30:23 It's hard to tell with British stuff because they're.
00:30:27 I mean, it's gotten better now, but you know, with a couple decades ago, especially all of their production value looked ******.
00:30:35 So it's like American stuff.
00:30:37 You can pretty much look at it and tell the decade because of the technology, like the color grading and and you know the sound quality and stuff like that.
00:30:45 But the British stuff always looks like it's about.
00:30:48 20 to 10 to 20 years.
00:30:49 Older than it really is.
00:30:53 Until recently, they they they've kind of cleaned up their act a little bit, I think now.
00:30:56 That everything went digital and got more affordable or whatever.
00:30:59 But but yeah, so I don't know when exactly this came out, but I would assume it's probably like, you know, 80s and 90s ish.
00:31:08 So that's right about when.
00:31:10 Yeah, they were feeling totally, totally confident.
00:31:13 That they had crushed it.
00:31:15 And partially because of what we're going to watch too.
Speaker 23
00:31:17 Right.
00:31:18 And it was it was.
00:31:19 Only a few years later that Seinfeld would come out.
00:31:22 And you know, they felt super comfortable embracing their Jewishness in Western countries.
00:31:30 They no longer had to hide.
00:31:33 So why?
00:31:33 Why wouldn't why wouldn't they be honest about?
00:31:35 Some of this stuff.
00:31:37 Anyway, so this is the the new episode of the century itself.
00:31:41 We're going to go over.
00:31:42 It's it's about manufacturing consent.
00:31:45 This is how it opens up.
Speaker 25
00:31:47 Let's see. What about dreams?
00:31:49 We all have thoughts which we never knew we had.
00:31:52 They are too uncomfortable, too incompatible with our adult self to be remembered.
00:31:58 Yet they are often disturbing, rumbling under the surface like lava in the volcano.
00:32:04 The dream is the Royal Rd.
00:32:06 to these salts.
00:32:09 The Royal Rd.
00:32:10 To the unconscious.
Speaker 23
00:32:12 This is the story of how Sigmund Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind were used by those in power in post war America to try and control the masses.
00:32:24 I mean, they just outright say it.
00:32:26 Basically, they talk about this in this episode, the first episode, the 1:00 we we covered, I guess like several strings back.
00:32:34 It was about Bernays and his his.
00:32:39 Using the technology that his uncle Sigmund Freud had developed to manipulate consumers into buying products they didn't want.
00:32:48 And his his working closely with American corporations to develop things like planned obsolescence so that products would go bad.
00:32:59 They would.
00:32:59 You would no longer get a product.
00:33:01 That would be, you know, serviceable if it broke.
00:33:06 It was just like, you know, like iPhones.
00:33:08 Start today.
00:33:09 Where it just it, it works for a little bit and then they purposely make it suck.
00:33:14 So you're having to constantly consume.
00:33:17 About building up.
00:33:18 Your identity around products which they'll dive into a little bit more in this episode.
00:33:25 It gets a lot darker and a lot deeper than just turning Americans into mindless consumers.
00:33:33 And it's like I said, it's funny.
00:33:35 People always want to know.
00:33:36 Like, how did, how did we get to this point in the West?
00:33:40 How do we?
00:33:42 Go from the founding fathers to a bunch of mindless consumers.
00:33:50 Chopping their ***** off.
00:33:56 I think this this documentary does a good job of explaining a very.
00:34:01 Very big part of that.
00:34:04 That puzzle.
00:34:07 That this, this new technology, this this Jewish technology called psychoanalysis.
00:34:17 Pioneered by Floyd.
00:34:19 Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna Freud.
00:34:23 How it was weaponized?
00:34:26 Against people, especially after World War 2.
00:34:30 Because they feared because Jews specifically.
00:34:34 Feared that there would be really what's maybe well.
Speaker 23
00:34:41 I got to.
00:34:41 Say that I'll put it.
00:34:42 I'll phrase.
00:34:43 It this way that they they feared.
00:34:46 What happened in Germany?
00:34:50 The Jewish paranoia.
00:34:52 Over a large population of whites noticing Jewish influence on their society.
00:35:01 And deciding to do what white societies had done for centuries over 100 times in the past.
00:35:09 And expel.
00:35:11 The Jews, they were living within their society because it it appeared to many as though it was a a bad deal.
00:35:20 It was a bad deal for the host country.
00:35:25 So a lot of these powerful, influential Jews armed with this new technology.
00:35:33 Got to work.
00:35:35 Trying to prevent.
00:35:37 Something like that happening in America right after World War 2.
00:35:43 And they attempted to brainwash.
00:35:49 Into mindless consumers.
00:35:53 Who identified with with brand names and products.
00:35:58 More so than.
00:36:01 Any other?
00:36:03 Culturally significant thing, where in fact there would be no culturally significant thing that didn't have a trademark logo after it.
00:36:14 And that's, that's where we are today.
00:36:17 That's where we've been my entire life.
00:36:21 And look, many of you listening.
00:36:25 This probably brands you feel very emotional about and feel as if it's part of your identity.
00:36:32 Whether you're willing to admit it or not, I'm sure if you think hard enough, you'll come up with something.
00:36:39 And that's all part of this.
00:36:41 That's not how.
00:36:42 That's not how Americans thought or behaved or perceived the world at all.
00:36:47 Until this technology was deployed.
00:36:50 In mass.
00:36:51 To control the people who they saw.
00:36:57 Unable to manage to to self govern.
00:37:02 Unable to manage themselves, they had to be manipulated.
00:37:07 Into making the right decisions.
00:37:10 In other words, the decisions that the Jews had made.
00:37:14 The Jews and the other elites.
00:37:17 Because there were certainly certainly a lot of Wasps that went along with this.
00:37:25 Who, after seeing the success?
00:37:28 Of people like bernaise.
00:37:31 Wanted to research this technology even further.
00:37:38 And propelled a lot of these people like Barney's.
00:37:42 Two positions of power.
00:37:45 Because they coveted.
00:37:48 The influence that they wielded.
00:37:53 So anyway.
00:37:56 Don't take my word for it.
Speaker 23
00:38:00 At the heart of the story are Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew Edward Bernaise, who had invented the profession of public relations.
00:38:11 Their ideas were used by the US government business.
00:38:18 And the CIA.
00:38:22 To develop techniques to manage and control the minds of the American people.
00:38:28 Those in power believe that the only way to make democracy work and create a stable society.
00:38:34 Was to repress the savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of normal American life.
00:38:51 And that's how they viewed it.
00:38:56 Left to their own devices.
00:38:59 The white Americans.
00:39:01 Would give in to these these irrational animal instincts.
00:39:06 That leads to expelling Jews from a society.
00:39:11 That's how they viewed it.
00:39:15 Unless we manipulate them and shape them and brainwash them.
00:39:19 They're going to give in to this irrational thing called anti-Semitism.
00:39:25 You know, just the same irrational thing.
00:39:28 You know the the there one day for no reason at all.
00:39:35 They wanted to avoid them.
00:39:39 Rather than take a look at Germany.
00:39:42 And analyze well.
00:39:43 Wait, hold on a second.
00:39:46 The Germans seem like, you know, typically like they're they are very rational people.
00:39:53 Perhaps there was a rational reason for what?
00:39:56 Was going on over there.
00:39:59 No, that's that was you couldn't even consider that.
00:40:05 It was all madness.
00:40:09 That's the only way you were allowed.
00:40:11 To look at it.
00:40:14 And just like an AI, when you don't give it all the information.
00:40:19 It becomes genocidal.
00:40:23 Or like black people, when you lie to them and by by taking out the huge piece of the puzzle that the no, you're not performing as well in our society.
00:40:33 Because you're just not able to.
00:40:37 You don't have the aptitude required to compete in our society, so you're going to underperform.
00:40:44 Because your IQ is is.
00:40:47 Dramatically lower than the rest of the population, so you're going to perform not as well.
00:40:55 But if you don't tell them that you leave out this big.
00:40:58 Piece of the puzzle.
00:41:01 Well, they have to come.
00:41:02 Up with some other reason.
00:41:04 No, it's because white people are keeping me down.
00:41:07 They're evil.
00:41:08 Well, it's the same thing when.
00:41:09 It comes to.
00:41:11 Germany in World War 2.
00:41:14 When you're not allowed to consider.
00:41:17 In fact, by law in some places.
00:41:21 All the possibilities.
00:41:25 You come up with.
00:41:26 ****** answers.
00:41:31 And the ****** answer that they came up with was.
00:41:34 For no reason at all, Germans just all went insane.
00:41:39 They all simultaneously lost their minds.
00:41:44 And just start hating Jews for no reason.
00:41:48 And that was that was what was going to happen in the United States.
00:41:53 Unless they could quickly.
00:41:56 Deploy this technology and brain.
00:41:59 **** the the people in.
00:42:00 The United States.
00:42:04 So the documentary starts out talking about how a lot of our tell you one thing, if anything, this this portion of the documentary.
00:42:16 Greatest generation my ***.
00:42:23 But if this statistics true, it's just like, wow.
00:42:28 Yeah, this, this, this whole idea that that all all the American soldiers were were were running, you know, running to the front lawn and ready to to take on the enemy and and you know they they they wanted to fight the.
00:42:41 War and and.
00:42:43 They were so brave and so brave.
00:42:45 Now, apparently a lot of lot, a lot of them.
00:42:50 Where we're being taken back to the states.
00:42:54 For quote UN quote psychological disorders, in other words, they are having psychological meltdowns.
00:43:03 Now I'm expecting when when I'm watching this.
00:43:06 OK.
00:43:06 So like, they're shell shocked or something like that.
00:43:15 No, at least not with the guy that they picked, who, just by the way, they they they found a.
00:43:19 Black guy, which?
00:43:21 Which was if they were trying for the diversity angle, was it, which was a mistake is it's doesn't, it's not a.
00:43:27 Good. Look for this guy.
Speaker 23
00:43:32 As the fighting intensified, the American army was faced by an extraordinary number of mental breakdowns among its troops.
00:43:39 49% of all soldiers evacuated from combat were sent back because they suffered from mental problems.
00:43:47 In desperation, the army turned to the new ideas of psychoanalysis.
00:43:52 49% that's like that's.
00:43:55 That's a huge number, 40 knots like half.
00:44:02 So again, I'm expecting ohh wow.
00:44:04 So they're, are they all shell shocked?
00:44:05 They're like, you know, I'm sure some of them more, but check this out.
Speaker 23
00:44:10 They made a film record of the experiment using hidden cameras.
Speaker 18
00:44:14 It says here on your record that you had hit it and that you had crying spells.
Speaker 26
00:44:18 Yes, Sir.
00:44:19 I believe in your profession is called nostalgia.
00:44:23 In other words, yes, it was endorsed.
00:44:27 When, shortly before the war.
00:44:30 I received a picture of my sweetheart.
00:44:44 I'm sorry.
Speaker 16
00:44:44 I can't.
Speaker 5
00:44:47 What? That was it.
00:44:52 You got sent home because.
00:44:55 You missed home.
Speaker 5
00:45:02 That what that was.
00:45:09 Maybe the army has always been.
00:45:10 A bunch of *******.
00:45:15 I can't believe that ****.
00:45:17 I believe you I.
00:45:18 Believe you people call it in your profession.
00:45:22 You got sent home for being nostalgic.
00:45:28 Are you kidding me?
00:45:33 So anyway, so they they let these Jews do experiments on these guys and because they have this new technology, you know, called psychoanalysis.
00:45:45 And so the Jews are literally doing experiments and gated data gathering with all these patients.
00:45:53 And they start to determine.
00:45:56 That you know, because.
00:45:59 Because they're Jews, I guess that these guys, even though like, look, it was obvious to see what was going on with that guy, right?
00:46:07 He just said it.
00:46:07 He missed home.
00:46:09 He missed home and so he wanted to go home.
00:46:11 And he he's kind of a *****.
00:46:12 So he's.
00:46:14 But the Jews get this guy.
00:46:16 And they're like, oh, no, no, no.
00:46:18 This is from some kind of past trauma.
00:46:22 And some kind of relive trauma.
00:46:24 We we need to regress him and find out what childhood trauma you know, over complicating.
00:46:30 Like, no, he's just kind of a *****.
00:46:35 And he wants to go home.
Speaker 28
00:46:39 When I first came to America, I worked in this psychiatric service with soldiers trying to rehabilitate them.
00:46:48 And I traveled in the train from the East Coast to the West Coast.
00:46:55 For those of you just listening, Martin Bergman.
00:47:00 Is the one talking.
Speaker 28
00:47:02 I was enormously curious what goes on in all of those little towns that the train is passing after my years in the Army, I knew exactly what every warrior was doing in the little towns.
00:47:18 Because I I saw so many people who came from there and I understood their aspirations, their disappointments and so forth.
00:47:28 So it was as if somebody invited me to a privilege tour in the into the inner soul of America.
00:47:41 So they they basically use this opportunity to brain rape, if you will.
00:47:46 The American people.
00:47:51 Create a psychological profile of the average American people that the other ones that.
00:47:57 Lived and fly over country.
00:48:02 It wasn't about fixing any psychological.
00:48:04 Problems that they they had.
Speaker 23
00:48:14 The psychoanalysts used techniques developed by Freud to take the men back into their past.
00:48:20 They became convinced that the breakdowns were not the direct result of fighting.
00:48:25 The stress of combat had merely triggered old childhood memories.
00:48:30 Yeah, because that makes a lot of sense, right?
Speaker 4
00:48:33 It's not. It has.
00:48:34 Nothing to do with watching your friend's head explode, watching your friend's head explode reminded you of that time that that the mean little Timmy next door threw a water balloon at you and that exploded, and it brought you back to the time of when you were full of shame and humiliation covered in.
00:48:54 Wet Wet water balloon fragments and and not had nothing to do with the the the the little brain fragments dripping off of your uniform.
Speaker 23
00:49:06 These were memories of the men's own violent feelings and desires which they had repressed because they were too frightening.
Speaker 4
00:49:13 Think deeply.
00:49:14 Let's go back.
00:49:15 When was it you?
Speaker 23
00:49:15 To the psychoanalysts, it was overwhelming proof of Freud's theory that underneath human beings were driven by primitive, irrational forces.
00:49:26 See and that's.
00:49:26 That's the reoccurring you know it's it's like when you see this the the.
00:49:33 The communications that get leaked out right when you hear the people talking about the lockdowns and how they they talked about, Oh well, we need to scare people into believing it or they'll say things like, well, yeah, we know that the masks don't actually do anything, but we want to tell people that they do because psychologically it will prepare them for, you know.
00:49:55 XY in other words.
00:49:58 The the wisdom.
00:50:03 The the, the, the, the standard operating procedure.
00:50:08 For the ruling class now.
00:50:12 Probably always to some extent a little bit, but in Hyper Drive since.
00:50:17 World War 2.
00:50:19 Has been to lie to the people and to manipulate them.
00:50:25 Into what you want to do what you want.
00:50:31 Freud just simply gave them a scientific answer as to why that's OK.
00:50:40 Thanks Jews.
00:50:42 For bringing your worldview into Christian societies.
00:50:48 See now.
00:50:49 Now, Christians don't even have to feel guilty for lying because you know what they're doing it.
00:50:55 To combat the irrational inner animal that lives inside of all the goyem.
00:51:05 I just realized my little.
00:51:08 My voice thing isn't on.
00:51:12 Can't have that.
00:51:15 Can't have that let.
00:51:17 Pop that on real quick.
Speaker 15
00:51:20 There we go.
00:51:25 Bam. All right.
00:51:28 Fancy look at that.
00:51:30 Fancy all.
Speaker 23
00:51:35 But that's that's.
00:51:36 Why they behave this way now?
00:51:38 That's why it's normal.
00:51:41 That's who normalized it.
00:51:46 Jews peddling psychoanalysts.
00:51:53 Pushing this idea that.
00:51:57 It's easier, and in fact it's moral.
00:52:02 To trick the stupid people.
00:52:05 Into doing what you want because you know what's best.
00:52:10 And they don't.
00:52:13 And if you leave them to their own devices, they'll just elect another Hitler.
00:52:22 That's literally look, this is what the documentary said.
00:52:26 I'm not.
00:52:26 This isn't coming from me.
00:52:28 They're saying that they became the the, the.
00:52:33 The new thinking of the elite that this was the.
00:52:36 Moral thing to do.
Speaker 23
00:52:45 Victory in the Second World War was celebrated as a triumph of democracy, but in private, many policymakers were worried about the implications of the analysis of the soldiers.
00:52:57 It seemed to show that underneath every American were irrational, violent drives.
00:53:03 What had happened in Germany seemed to bear this out.
00:53:07 The complicity of so many ordinary Germans in mass killings during the war showed just how easily these forces could break through and overwhelm democracy.
00:53:21 So again.
00:53:23 Because they believe this lie.
00:53:26 That the Germans just all went insane simultaneously and just started massacring the Jews.
00:53:35 The ruling class was like, well, ****.
00:53:38 They might do that here.
00:53:41 And we're the Jews here.
Speaker 9
00:53:46 Planners and policymakers had been convinced by their experiences during World War 2 that human beings could act very irrationally because of this sort of teeming and raw and unpredictable emotionality, the kind of chaos that lived at the at the at the base.
00:54:04 Of human personality could in fact infect the society social institutions to such a point that the society itself would become sick.
00:54:15 That's what they believe happened in Germany, which the irrational, the anti democratic, went wild.
Speaker 26
00:54:23 What was the vision of?
Speaker 9
00:54:24 Of human nature is incredibly destructive, and they were terrified that Americans would in fact fact behave that way, or were capable of behaving that way.
00:54:36 And they wanted to avoid a rerun of that.
00:54:42 So there you go.
00:54:44 So what did they do then exactly?
Speaker 28
00:54:50 What is needed is a human being that can internalize democratic values so that they are not shaken with the story.
00:55:03 And psychoanalysis carry anything promise that it can be done.
00:55:08 It opened up new vistas as to how the inner structure of the human being can be changed so that he becomes a more vital.
00:55:21 Free support and maintainer of democracy.
00:55:28 Ohh so we just.
00:55:29 Have to to **** **** them.
00:55:32 That's all.
00:55:33 So that's the solution.
00:55:35 We just seem to **** **** society.
00:55:38 Well, how are we going to?
00:55:39 Do that.
00:55:40 I know.
00:55:41 Let's government fund a.
00:55:42 Bunch of Jews.
00:55:45 Let's get a bunch of Jews, give them tons of funding.
00:55:48 Set them up set.
00:55:49 Them up in clinics all around the country.
00:55:57 And and set them off, get them to work.
00:56:01 Start **** ******* people.
Speaker 23
00:56:04 They would use their techniques to create democratic individuals because democracy left to itself failed to do this.
00:56:17 The source of this idea was not only Sigmund Freud, but his youngest daughter, Anna.
00:56:22 She had fled with her father to London before the outbreak of war.
00:56:26 And after he died, Anna Freud became the acknowledged leader of the World Psychoanalytic movement.
00:56:32 She saw her job as to fulfill her father's dream of making his ideas accepted throughout the world.
Speaker 27
00:56:40 At the center of the Freud movement stood down Diana because she managed to work herself into that position.
00:56:50 She was recognised as that, and not just because she was a daughter.
00:56:55 She worked.
00:56:57 She worked on that.
00:56:59 Yeah, real convincing.
00:57:01 Not because she was his daughter.
00:57:05 You know, let's let's try to make it sound like the whole generational thing isn't a thing, right?
00:57:12 Let's not let let's let's.
00:57:13 Definitely not have that idea out there.
00:57:16 That we're literally just dealing with the sons and the grandsons and the granddaughters and so forth of of ship bags.
00:57:24 Over and over.
00:57:25 And over generation after generation after generation.
00:57:29 That's certainly not what's happening.
00:57:31 She earned her place.
00:57:36 I mean, she must have been a wonderful woman, right?
00:57:38 She must have been a wonderful woman.
00:57:41 If she's going to.
00:57:42 Heal the world with with psychoanalysts, right?
00:57:47 Or psychoanalysis.
00:57:49 You're healing the world.
00:57:51 You got to be a pretty good person.
00:57:53 I mean, look, she looks really good, right?
00:57:55 That she.
00:57:55 Looks like a nice lady.
00:58:00 Definitely doesn't look like a demon.
00:58:02 Looks like a nice lady.
00:58:06 Let's hear about her.
Speaker 27
00:58:09 She was rather forbidding.
00:58:12 He was not, to me, a warm person, not an aunt.
00:58:16 You could you could kiss or put your arms around.
00:58:22 Not at all.
00:58:25 Oh, so she was.
00:58:28 She was kind of a ***** and cold.
00:58:30 Even to her nephew.
00:58:33 OK.
00:58:35 That sounds like the kind of person that.
00:58:38 Some childless.
00:58:40 ****** Jew.
00:58:43 That that, that's that's exactly the kind of person I want reshaping the minds of Americans.
Speaker 27
00:58:49 And her whole life rotated around the spreading of psychoanalysis.
Speaker 23
00:58:57 Freud himself had seen the role of psychoanalysis as allowing people to understand their unconscious drives.
00:59:04 But Anna Freud believed it was possible to teach individuals how to control these inner forces.
00:59:09 She had come to believe this through analysing children above all the children of her close friend, Dorothy Burlingham.
00:59:18 Ohh, good.
00:59:18 Well, she doesn't have any of any kids of her own to experiment on.
00:59:24 But not a problem.
00:59:26 Some goy single mom will provide her children.
00:59:32 I wonder how that will workout.
00:59:36 So some some elitist?
00:59:38 Goy single mom.
00:59:41 Brings her kids.
00:59:44 By the way, probably.
00:59:46 They were probably lesbian lovers.
00:59:47 They they don't say this in the documentary, but they this woman who let her experiment on her kids, they basically end up living together until they both died.
00:59:57 So like you, you know.
Speaker 23
01:00:01 Dorothy Bellingham was an American millionairess who in the 1920s fled a failed marriage and brought her children to Anna Freud in Vienna.
01:00:10 They're experiments on my kids while we les out.
01:00:15 ******* demons, man.
01:00:18 So she starts experimenting on the kids.
01:00:25 For some reason.
01:00:30 She's the daughter of Floyd.
01:00:35 She has all this influence.
01:00:38 In the American government.
01:00:42 And along with her, her.
01:00:46 Psychiatrist friends.
Speaker 23
01:00:49 They managed to.
01:00:49 Get even more funding and more laws passed.
Speaker 4
01:00:54 Shocked by the appalling percentage of the emotionally unstable revealed by the World War 2 draft figures, Congress in 1946 passed the National Mental Health Act, which recognized for the first time that mental illness was a national problem.
01:01:10 Keenly aware of the tremendous problems ahead is Doctor Robert H Felix, director of the vast new project.
Speaker 18
01:01:17 A primary objective of the national Mental Health program is to increase our fund of scientific knowledge about mental health and about mental illness.
01:01:26 We are not doing this.
01:01:29 Because there are all too few skilled mental health workers.
01:01:36 No, just I'm sure if you just pump money into it.
01:01:42 There'll be plenty of Jews lining up to do the job.
01:01:46 So these two German goys these two brothers, I'm pretty sure they're boys.
01:01:50 I looked them up, but it doesn't say anything about.
01:01:54 I mean, they have Germany, they have German last names that are sometimes that sometimes Jews have.
01:02:00 But they're both.
01:02:00 I think they're both yalies.
01:02:02 Pretty sure they both went to Yale.
01:02:04 Let's see here.
01:02:10 I guess they went to Cornell.
01:02:14 But yeah, I I don't think that I don't.
01:02:16 Think they were so?
01:02:18 It's William menninger.
01:02:20 And then his brother was Carl.
01:02:24 They they bought into this whole.
01:02:27 Psychoanalysis thing and start pioneering it.
Speaker 23
01:02:31 Two of the principal architects of the Act were the Manninger brothers, Carl and will.
01:02:36 Wall had run the wartime psychotherapy experiments, and now he and his brother began to train hundreds of new psychiatrists.
01:02:45 The meninges were convinced that it would be possible to apply Anna Freud's ideas on a wide scale and to adults as well as children.
01:02:54 The psychiatrist's job would be to teach ordinary Americans how to control their unconscious drives.
01:03:00 Psychoanalysis could be used to make a better society.
01:03:07 And replace religion while they're at it.
01:03:12 Just ask Logan Paul.
Speaker 23
01:03:19 In the late 40s, a vast project began in America to apply the ideas of psychoanalysis to the masses.
01:03:26 Psychological guidance centres were set up in hundreds of towns.
01:03:31 They were staffed by psychiatrists who believed it was their job to control the hidden forces inside the minds of millions of ordinary Americans.
Speaker 3
01:03:43 Aye, I need something done.
01:03:45 I I need some help.
01:03:49 So there you go.
01:03:50 Look in in the today's version of this.
01:03:56 That would be a guy that would walk in saying, yeah, I'm feeling kind of sad.
01:03:59 I need some help and that doctor with the pipe would say, well, what?
01:04:03 You're clearly trans.
01:04:08 They're using the same techniques, they've just updated the.
01:04:11 Script a little bit.
01:04:19 As you'll see in this documentary, like their control plans didn't work as well as they'd like.
01:04:25 They're still worried about the the white golem rising up against them.
01:04:31 So they they just shifted gears a little bit.
01:04:34 Let's just make them reproductively neuter.
01:04:39 Let's neutralize them a different way.
01:04:47 So this tactic has been going on since.
01:04:50 World War 2.
01:05:00 Meanwhile, this Jew.
Speaker 15
01:05:02 Is the Institute for Motivational Research, a place devoted to the intriguing business of finding out why people behave as they do?
01:05:12 Why they buy as they do, why they respond to advertising as they do?
01:05:18 And this is doctor Ernest Dichter.
Speaker 3
01:05:20 We don't go out and ask directly why do you buy? Why don't you what we try to do instead is to understand the total personality, the self-image of the customer. We use all the resources of modern social sciences. It opens up some stimulating psychological techniques for selling.
01:05:38 Any new product?
Speaker 23
01:05:40 Like the other psychoanalysts, Ditto believed that American citizens were fundamentally irrational beings.
01:05:46 They could not be trusted.
01:05:48 Their real reasons for buying products were rooted in unconscious desires and feelings.
01:05:53 And Dicto wanted to find ways to uncover what he called the secret self of the American consumer.
01:06:02 So Dictor gave birth to what would later become known as.
01:06:07 Focus groups.
01:06:11 Ohh good old focus groups.
01:06:15 That's, that's obviously still something that's used today.
01:06:19 So he would he would bring in a.
01:06:21 Bunch of people.
01:06:23 And and.
01:06:25 Expose them to a product.
01:06:29 And not try to guide the conversation so much as just listen to how they talked about it.
01:06:36 On an emotional level.
01:06:39 And thought of ways to manipulate.
01:06:45 These housewives, who it normally was, because that's who.
01:06:47 Did a lot of the shopping.
01:06:50 Into wanting that product more on an emotional level to alleviate any emotional roadblocks they had.
01:07:00 Like, think again.
01:07:01 Think of the trans thing again.
01:07:05 Housewife doesn't want to chop their.
01:07:07 Son's balls off.
Speaker 23
01:07:09 Well, you better.
01:07:10 Do it because if you don't, he's going.
01:07:11 To commit suicide.
01:07:18 Well, I don't want my kid to commit suicide.
01:07:20 Well, then you better chop his balls off and start calling him Sally.
01:07:29 This is the origin of that ****.
01:07:30 That kind of manipulation.
Speaker 26
01:07:34 All we're going to do is try a couple of these salad dressings.
Speaker 3
01:07:40 Now let's see what happens.
01:07:41 There is our typical housewife.
01:07:44 She doesn't.
Speaker 25
01:07:45 Follow the instruction.
Speaker 12
01:07:46 And they could be observed and watched.
01:07:48 And other people could comment and they could talk about it and everybody could join in.
01:07:54 He was the first to do this.
01:07:55 This was absolutely the first thing that was ever done.
01:07:58 And he had a movie projector.
01:08:00 Up there where you could show advertisements and things like that and people could react to them, and he invented the whole technique for mining the unconscious, about the hidden psychological wants that people had about products.
01:08:13 This became the focus group.
01:08:19 So what do they learn by doing all this focus groups?
01:08:26 Well, here's a good example.
01:08:28 Many of you might have already heard of this one.
01:08:29 This is a pretty famous example.
Speaker 10
01:08:32 Betty Crocker.
01:08:37 They're still a company.
01:08:41 Owned by General Mills, one of the giant.
01:08:45 Boy slot manufacturers in America.
01:08:52 They wanted to sell instant cakes.
01:08:56 Just add water and you have a cake.
01:09:01 And they brought these mixes to a focus group of housewives.
01:09:10 And they they figured out that women felt.
01:09:13 Guilty buying it.
01:09:18 Because they weren't cooking.
01:09:22 For their their family, they weren't doing their job.
01:09:27 They didn't know what went into the cake.
01:09:31 They were just adding water and then there.
01:09:32 Was a cake.
01:09:34 And justice didn't seem right.
01:09:38 They wanted to be the ones that got the ingredients and knew what went in it.
01:09:46 So the Jews told Betty Crocker.
01:09:49 You know the way you get.
01:09:50 Around this.
01:09:54 Don't put powdered eggs in the mix.
01:09:57 Make them put the egg in.
01:10:03 That way they feel like.
01:10:05 They're putting something in it.
01:10:07 That they're that they're participating.
01:10:10 They're being a good mommy now.
01:10:12 They're not just adding water.
01:10:14 And because it's an egg.
01:10:17 And egg is a symbol of fertility.
01:10:20 And you know the eggs that she has.
01:10:24 The eggs that she provides to her husband.
01:10:27 Because she's adding that ingredient specifically.
01:10:32 It will alleviate some of this guilt.
Speaker 23
01:10:37 The worst problem was the Betty Crocker cake mix.
01:10:40 Dictated a series of focus groups where housewives free associated about the cake mix.
01:10:47 He concluded that they felt unconscious guilt with the new image being promoted.
01:10:51 Of ease and convenience.
Speaker 13
01:10:54 In other words, he understood that the barrier to the consumption of the product was the housewives, feeling the guilt about using it.
01:11:00 I'm looking under Jew.
Speaker 13
01:11:03 They basically on one hand, wanted to make it easy for themselves, but they felt guilty about it.
01:11:07 So what you've got to do in those circumstances is remove the barrier, the barrier being guilt, the way you do that.
01:11:14 Is to give the housewife a greater sense of participation.
01:11:20 Just remove the barrier.
Speaker 23
01:11:27 Dictate told Betty Crocker to put an instruction on the packet that the housewife should add an egg.
01:11:33 It would be an unconscious symbol, he said at the housewife, mixing in her own eggs as a gift to her husband, and so would lessen the guilt.
01:11:42 Betty Crocker did it and the sales soared.
01:11:45 My cake.
Speaker 2
01:11:45 Is ready.
01:11:51 Now, that was clearly a psychological trick that worked.
01:11:57 It worked.
01:11:59 Hugely it worked.
01:12:03 Now look, this is The funny thing.
01:12:04 This is this is.
01:12:06 A Jew? They're interviewing who?
01:12:09 I don't know what exactly his role was in all this, but I think.
01:12:12 He worked with.
01:12:20 Listen how he thinks about this.
01:12:23 He doesn't think, oh, this is a dirty trick.
01:12:25 Maybe we shouldn't.
01:12:26 Maybe we shouldn't ****.
01:12:27 **** people into buying our products.
01:12:32 This this is the Jewish thinking that takes down a lot of societies.
Speaker 13
01:12:37 Is it wrong?
01:12:40 To give people what they want.
01:12:43 By taking away their defenses.
01:12:48 Remove their defenses.
01:12:53 Is it wrong?
Speaker 13
01:12:55 He ponders.
01:12:58 To give people what they want.
01:13:01 By just taking away their defenses.
01:13:10 That's literally every everyone of these things that we talk about today, Jewish ******.
01:13:16 We're just giving them what they want.
01:13:19 We just had their first take away their defenses.
01:13:34 It's what the goyim want.
01:13:39 It's also the same.
01:13:41 This is literally.
01:13:44 What a ****** would say.
01:13:47 Oh, you know you wanted it.
01:13:50 I just had to to root for your drink and take away your defenses.
01:13:55 But you know you wanted it.
01:14:12 That's that's the moral code.
01:14:18 You're letting into your nations when you let these people in.
Speaker 23
01:14:24 Dictor himself became a millionaire, famous for inventing slogans like a tiger in your tank.
01:14:30 Even the marketing of the Barbie doll came from a children's focus group.
Speaker 18
01:14:35 And so it goes.
Speaker 23
01:14:37 But Dicta was convinced that this was far more than just selling.
01:14:41 Like Anna Freud, he believed that the environment could be used to strengthen the human personality.
01:14:47 And products have the power both to sate in a desires and give people a feeling of common identity with those around.
01:14:57 So Dictor also decided you know what?
01:15:05 It's not good enough to manipulate people into buying the products.
01:15:10 We'll get the kind of mindless, controllable drones that we want if we get them to associate products with their identity.
01:15:21 Fast forward to today and you got all these Cape **** fagots or these people that obsess about sports ball.
01:15:32 These people that buy a T-shirt for $50.00 because it has a.
01:15:36 Certain brand name on it.
01:15:45 But actually, $50 is probably a cheap one.
01:15:50 That's how all this happened.
01:15:58 He just had to.
Speaker 8
01:16:00 Remove the barriers.
01:16:03 And give the guys what they want.
01:16:14 Perhaps this sounds familiar.
Speaker 3
01:16:17 To understand a stable citizen, you have to know that modern man quite often tries to work off his frustrations by spending on self gratification. Modern man is eternally ready to fill out his self-image by purchasing products which complement it.
Speaker 16
01:16:31 If you identify yourself with a product, it can have a therapeutic value.
01:16:40 You it improves your self-image and you become a more secure person and you have suddenly this confidence of going out in the world and doing what you want successfully.
01:16:45 Says another Jew.
01:17:03 That's right.
01:17:06 You want to see a demonstration of this?
01:17:08 Go to go to.
01:17:09 Like Comic Con?
01:17:13 These people literally dress up as brands.
01:17:19 And that's their identity.
Speaker 23
01:17:34 The psychoanalysts themselves became rich and powerful.
01:17:37 Many had consulting rooms overlooking Central Park.
01:17:40 In New York.
01:17:43 Politicians and famous writers like Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams became their patients.
01:17:49 They were seeking not just help, but to understand the hidden roots of human behaviour.
Speaker 28
01:17:55 We were sought after Washington was interested in what we think you know the the important, important writers, important politicians, were undergoing psychoanalysis.
01:18:08 It was we had we had waiting lists because there were so many patients that wanted to be analyzed.
01:18:17 So it it gave us a little bit of a swellhead.
Speaker 23
01:18:22 And as the cycle analyst ideas took hold in America, the new Elite began to emerge in politics, social planning and in business.
01:18:31 What linked this elite was the assumption that the masses were fundamentally irrational.
01:18:37 To make a free market, democracy like America work, one had to use psychological techniques to control mass irrationality.
01:18:47 A a new elite, you say?
01:18:50 You know The funny thing.
01:18:51 Is it wasn't that new?
01:18:56 All of Hollywood was already filled with these people.
01:19:00 All of the major.
01:19:03 Media outlets were full of these people.
01:19:06 Academia is rapidly becoming full of these people.
01:19:12 This was just one more area.
01:19:18 When they quickly rose to the top.
Speaker 9
01:19:33 The elite was necessary in order to create the conditions that would produce individuals capable of behaving as a a good consumer and also behaving as a democratic citizen.
01:19:46 Behaving as a good consumer.
01:19:51 Consume product.
01:19:54 Get excited about next product.
01:19:59 Do you want to know where that?
01:20:00 Came from here.
01:20:00 Where it?
01:20:00 Here it is.
01:20:10 You want to know why people camp out in front of Apple stores for the next?
01:20:14 IPhone that this is that that's it.
01:20:39 Well, as Anna Freud, you know, she was just trying to.
01:20:41 Heal the world, right?
01:20:44 I'm just trying to get everyone to to not turn into a fascist that want to.
01:20:50 Destroy my people with their irrational behavior.
Speaker 23
01:20:55 She remained in England, living with Dorothy Burlingham.
01:20:57 On the surface, it was medilink life.
01:21:00 She and Dorothy had bought a weekend cottage on the Suffolk coast.
01:21:04 And in the summers, Dorothy's children came from America to visit with the grandchildren.
01:21:10 But underneath things were going badly wrong. Both Bob and Mabby Birmingham, who Anna Freud had analysed in the 1930s, had suffered personal breakdowns and their marriages were collapsed.
01:21:22 Bob was drinking heavily and Mabby suffered terrible anxieties.
01:21:26 The real reasons for the visits to England were yet more analysis with Anna Freud.
01:21:33 Wait, so you mean that the?
01:21:35 The children that she experimented on.
01:21:39 That paved the way for.
01:21:41 All of this.
01:21:44 Because she supposedly took on these troubled children from the single mom that she was.
01:21:50 Probably lezzing out with.
01:21:55 And and analyze them until they were good.
01:22:02 You mean to tell me?
01:22:05 That that because that was the IT was, that was the big study that.
01:22:09 Was the big informal study.
01:22:12 The legitimized the Freud's Fry's work.
01:22:19 That legitimized.
01:22:21 All these psychoanalysts?
01:22:25 You mean it was it?
01:22:26 It was a big sham.
01:22:29 And these children were ended up being basically basket cases.
01:22:33 They had to keep coming back for more analysis.
01:22:40 That doesn't sound good.
Speaker 29
01:22:42 Here you have somebody who's having nervous breakdowns and is is having alcoholic binges and this is not exactly doesn't really sit well.
01:22:54 You know, from a humane standpoint, obviously this is not desirable.
01:22:58 You know, you want to help these people, but it also had the wider ramifications of everybody in, in an analysis in analytic circles knew that Bob and Abby were Guinea pigs.
01:23:08 They were the living proof that this is a wonderful process.
01:23:13 It was very much swept.
01:23:15 Under the rug.
01:23:15 It really didn't get out.
01:23:17 I mean, these people had such.
01:23:20 Their their power and.
01:23:23 What do you mean by these people?
01:23:28 You and I know what he means by these people.
Speaker 29
01:23:31 Influence was such.
01:23:35 You know you.
01:23:36 Were very careful.
01:23:37 Unafraid was a very powerful person and you were the grandchildren.
01:23:42 Hey. Hey. Cool it with the anti-Semitism.
Speaker 29
01:23:42 And she.
01:23:45 So her her.
01:23:49 Anna Freud's big experiment on these upper class kids that their ****** lesbian single mom donated to her cause they were a mess.
01:24:01 They were a mess and everyone knew it, but who was going to say anything?
01:24:07 Was the new the new, the Jewish New York Times going to write an article about how she was all?
01:24:11 Full of **** and how all these things they've been doing now and spending millions of dollars on.
01:24:17 Now it was all ********.
01:24:20 And that they were all miserable people.
01:24:22 Of course not.
Speaker 29
01:24:24 Amplifications of everybody in in an analysis in analytic circles knew that Bob and Abby were Guinea pigs.
01:24:31 They were the living proof that this was a wonderful process.
01:24:37 It was very much swept under the rug.
01:24:39 It really didn't get out.
01:24:40 I mean, these people had such.
01:24:44 Their their power and influence was such.
01:24:50 You know, you were very careful.
01:24:51 Unafraid was a very powerful person.
01:24:53 Wait, wait, hold on. He's still talking about how Jews have all this power, and you don't want to **** with him. That is weird. It's very anti-Semitic. See, This is why.
01:25:03 I wanted that ******* file.
Speaker 29
01:25:04 You were the grandchildren.
01:25:07 And she knew a great deal more than you did about what went on in your parents lives and so forth.
01:25:13 It was not something you were going to tangle with and you were a product of the whole situation.
01:25:18 But at the same time, we all knew that something was really out of whack.
Speaker 27
01:25:28 As she grew older, she became more and more important, didn't she, politically and scientifically, but she didn't know when to stop.
01:25:37 She was a bit too righteous.
01:25:41 What she did was always the thing.
01:25:45 And she would never, to my knowledge, acknowledge.
01:25:51 That she could make a mistake or be wrong.
01:25:55 That is my feeling.
Speaker 23
01:25:59 But the power and influence of the Freud family in America was about to grow even more.
01:26:06 Politicians were about to turn to Anna Freud's cousin, Edward Bernays, for help. In a time of crisis.
01:26:13 He was going to manipulate the inner feelings and fears of the masses to help America's politicians fight.
01:26:19 The Cold War.
01:26:22 So as it turns out.
01:26:31 Decides to start helping the US government.
01:26:35 By telling him telling the government no, you actually want your people terrified.
01:26:45 Of the communists.
01:26:48 Which is funny because Bernie's himself.
01:26:51 Shows shows you like what you know, the kind of.
01:26:56 Moral 4 to these people have he he's basically a Communist himself.
01:27:04 And he's saying no, no, you want?
01:27:05 I'm afraid that it makes them easier to control when they're scared.
01:27:09 Yeah, I have him hide.
01:27:11 Hide under desk.
01:27:12 I mean, that won't do anything.
01:27:16 I mean, they'll be vaporized.
01:27:17 But like, hey, it'll keep.
01:27:19 Them good and scared.
01:27:21 And I'll keep them thinking about being vaporized.
01:27:28 And they'll make it'll make them easier to control.
01:27:32 That way, if you want to go to war somewhere.
01:27:35 Like, say, Vietnam.
01:27:38 You can just say, Oh no, we're fighting communists.
Speaker 23
01:27:44 Bernays argued that instead of trying to reduce people's fear of communism, one should actually encourage.
01:27:51 And manipulate the fear.
01:27:53 But in such a way as it became a weapon in.
01:27:55 The Cold War.
01:27:57 Rational argument was fruitless.
Speaker 6
01:28:00 But my father understood about groups is that they are manipulative.
01:28:05 They're malleable and that that you can tap into their deepest desires or their deepest fears.
01:28:15 And use that to your own purposes.
01:28:19 Don't think he felt that all those publics out there had reliable judgement that they very easily might vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing so that they had to be guided from a.
01:28:34 They might vote for the wrong man or or want the wrong things.
01:28:38 They have to be guided from above.
01:28:43 And then they give a good example of this.
01:28:45 The funny thing is, I told you I used to.
01:28:48 I used to do libertarian propaganda professionally until I realized.
01:28:54 What I was doing, I thought I.
01:28:55 Was doing good the.
01:28:57 I thought I was doing good, I just.
01:28:59 I kept thinking like, well, if I'm doing good, how come everyone I'm doing it for.
01:29:02 Seems like a scumbag.
01:29:05 Now I know why.
01:29:07 But one of the scumbags.
01:29:10 Uh, that was bankrolling?
01:29:13 The the good I thought I was doing.
01:29:16 It's funny because he's this is where his money comes from.
01:29:19 He comes from this family.
01:29:25 This is this is a nice little uh.
01:29:28 This little study in terms of like how Jews and the CIA and the US government all work together to manipulate the people totally look and just.
01:29:41 As they're telling this story, think about all the things that have happened.
01:29:47 You know, like, say, I don't.
01:29:48 Know 911.
01:29:50 Other events.
01:29:53 That have not been in America's interests at all. Not not.
01:29:57 Americans like you and me.
01:30:01 And yet we we we pour.
01:30:02 Trillions of dollars sometimes into these projects of theirs.
01:30:07 And thousands of us die.
01:30:10 In service of these projects.
01:30:14 That, in retrospect, always seemed like they were really bad ideas, and people always say, oh, it's just they were so incompetent.
01:30:27 Stop underestimating your your enemy.
01:30:30 Especially when there's a written track record like this.
Speaker 23
01:30:34 One of Bernese's main clients was the Giants United Fruit Company.
01:30:38 They own vast banana plantations in Guatemala in Central America.
01:30:43 For decades, United Fruit had controlled the country through pliable dictators.
01:30:47 It was known as a Banana Republic.
01:30:51 But in 1950, a young officer, Colonel Arbans, was elected president. He promised to remove United Fruit's control over the country.
01:31:00 And in 1953.
01:31:01 He announced the government would take over much of their land.
01:31:05 It was a massively popular move, but a disaster for United Fruit when they turned to bernaise to help get rid of our Bens.
Speaker 22
01:31:13 He had his fruit brings in grenades and he basically understood that way you had a food company had to do was change this from being a popularly elected government that was doing some things that were good for the people there into this being very close to the American shore, a threat to American democracy that is being at a time in the Cold War when Americans responded to issues of the Red Scare.
01:31:34 And what communism might do.
01:31:35 What a a threat to democracy, you say.
01:31:40 If we don't fight them abroad, we're going to have to fight them here.
01:31:43 In America, they used to say and still do.
Speaker 22
01:31:47 Two, he was trying to transform this and brilliantly did transform it into an issue of a communist threat very close to our shores, taking United Fruit again as a commercial client out of the picture and making it look like a question of American democracy, American values being threatened.
Speaker 23
01:32:05 In reality, our Benz was a democratic socialist with no links to Moscow.
01:32:10 But Bernays set out to turn him into a communist threat to America.
01:32:15 He organised a trip to Guatemala for influential American journalists.
01:32:20 Few of them knew anything about the country or its politics.
01:32:25 Bernie's arranged for them to be entertained and to meet selected Guatemalan politicians who told them that Arbenz was a communist controlled by Moscow.
01:32:36 During the trip.
01:32:37 There was also.
01:32:37 A violent anti American demonstration in the capital.
01:32:42 Many of those who worked for United Fruit were convinced it had been organised by Bernaise himself.
01:32:49 So bernaise.
01:32:53 Invites a bunch of his Jewish friends.
01:32:59 To write articles.
01:33:01 About false flags he creates while he's in the country with them.
01:33:09 While these executives.
01:33:12 Of United fruit.
01:33:14 Are like, Oh yeah, this new guy, he's a communist.
01:33:18 You better get rid of him.
01:33:19 He's working with Moscow.
01:33:23 He's working for the Russians.
Speaker 23
01:33:32 He also created a fake independent news agency in America called the Middle American Information Bureau.
01:33:39 It bombarded the American media with press releases saying that Moscow was planning to use Guatemala as a beachhead to attack America.
01:33:48 All of this had the desired effect.
Speaker 11
01:33:50 In Guatemala, the Jacob Arbenz regime became increasingly communistic after its inauguration in 1951. Communists in the Congress and high governmental positions controlled major committees, labor and farm groups, and propaganda facilities. They agitated and led in demonstrations against neighboring countries and the United States.
01:34:12 So he he literally made a fake news organization.
01:34:18 And just start making **** up.
01:34:22 Saying that.
01:34:23 Oh yeah, Russia is going to.
01:34:24 Like put missiles.
01:34:27 In Guatemala.
01:34:32 It was all over bananas.
01:34:38 It was all because some scumbag family.
01:34:42 Didn't want to lose banana farms?
01:34:46 Banana farms they'd controlled.
01:34:50 By supporting puppet regimes.
01:34:53 In Guatemala, and they finally lost an election.
01:35:00 You many people ended up dying.
01:35:03 So they could have their ******* banana farms back.
01:35:09 Because it doesn't just stop there.
01:35:12 After getting the American public all whipped up.
01:35:16 Into a frenzy about all the Russians.
01:35:18 The Russians are going to set up missile bases in Guatemala.
01:35:29 The United States got it on this CIA was thought this was this was great.
01:35:37 This is when the CIA really started to go through and install.
01:35:42 Puppet regimes across the world.
01:35:52 This basically was the blueprint.
01:35:55 For what the CIA would then continue to do all across the the globe.
Speaker 28
01:36:02 But what?
Speaker 23
01:36:02 Bernaise was doing was not just trying to blacken the Arbenz regime.
01:36:06 He was part of a secret plot.
01:36:09 President Eisenhower had agreed that America should topple the Arbenz government, but secretly.
01:36:15 The CIA were instructed to organise a coup.
01:36:20 And with the United Fruit Company, the CIA trained and armed a rebel army and found a new leader for the country called Colonel Armas.
01:36:28 The CIA agent in charge was Howard Hunt, later one of the Watergate burglars.
Speaker 13
01:36:33 What we wanted to do was have.
01:36:34 A terror campaign.
01:36:37 To terrify our bench particularly terrify his HIS troops, much as the German Stuka bombers terrified the population of of Holland, Belgium, and and Poland at the onset of World War 2 and just rendered everybody paralyzed.
Speaker 23
01:36:56 As planes flown by CIA pilots dropped bombs on Guatemala City, Edward Bernays carried on his propaganda campaign in the American press.
01:37:05 He was preparing the American population to see this as the liberation of Guatemala by freedom fighters for democracy.
01:37:14 But it was for bananas.
01:37:26 The CIA bombed a foreign country.
01:37:30 An act of war.
01:37:34 For bananas.
01:37:38 For jawbox.
01:37:42 Just imagine what they would do for.
01:37:46 For Israel.
01:37:49 Something they cared a lot more about than just ******* bananas.
Speaker 23
01:37:54 Within months, Vice President Nixon visited Guatemala.
01:37:59 In an event staged by United Fruit's PR department, he was shown piles of Marxist literature that had been found. It was said in the presidential palace.
Speaker 10
01:38:10 This is the first time in the history of the world that the Communist government has been overthrown by the people, and for that we congratulate you and the people of Guatemala for the support they have given, and we are sure that under your leadership, supported by the people whom I have met by the hundreds.
01:38:30 Supported by the United States government, the CIA and Jews.
01:38:35 But I repeat myself.
01:38:40 So they installed another puppet regime, and they're like, oh, that went so well.
01:38:43 Let's do this everywhere.
01:38:50 And Americans how how were they to know there was no Internet?
01:38:57 All of the news outlets were.
01:38:59 In on the gag.
Speaker 23
01:39:18 But Bernie was convinced that to explain this rationally to the American people was impossible.
01:39:23 Because they were not rational.
01:39:25 Instead, one had to touch on their inner fears and manipulate them in the interests of a higher truth.
01:39:32 He called it the engineering of consent.
01:39:38 See, he rationalized it himself.
01:39:40 He said, well, this.
01:39:41 Was good for America.
01:39:46 And if we?
01:39:46 Had told them the truth.
01:39:48 They wouldn't have understood.
01:39:50 They would have said we don't want to go.
01:39:52 To war over bananas.
01:39:57 So we had to trick them into going to war over bananas.
01:40:06 Because we know what's best.
Speaker 23
01:40:16 But the idea that it was necessary to manipulate the inner feelings of the American population in the interests of fighting the Cold War now began to take root in Washington.
01:40:26 Above all, in the CIA who are going to take it much further.
01:40:31 They were concerned that the Soviets were experimenting with psychological methods to actually alter the memories and feelings of people, the aim being to produce more controllable citizens.
01:40:42 It was known as brainwashing.
01:40:48 Psychologists and the CIA were convinced that this really might be possible, and that they should try to do it themselves.
01:40:57 So this is where you get into like all the MK ultra stuff this was.
01:41:01 This is what paved the way.
01:41:04 Look, it literally all.
01:41:06 It literally did all originate with Jews.
01:41:12 That's just a fact.
01:41:16 Christian nations would not have behaved this way.
01:41:21 This kind of thinking would not have.
01:41:23 Occurred to them.
01:41:24 And didn't.
01:41:33 So they talk about a lot of the experiments that that were done that we've covered in in past streams.
01:41:40 The electroshock therapy trying to erase people's memories and create, you know, all the ****** ** things they've done.
01:41:49 And then they said.
01:41:50 In this documentary basically says one of the reasons why the public stopped trusting.
01:41:59 Was very famously Marilyn Monroe.
01:42:04 Was a A a client.
01:42:09 Of Anna Freud.
01:42:13 One of the Jewish executives.
01:42:17 I forget which studio.
01:42:20 Saw that she was.
01:42:23 You know, she was a she was a ******* mess.
01:42:25 She was a party girl.
01:42:26 She was a ******* mess.
01:42:29 And wanted to protect his asset.
01:42:33 So he brought in Anna Freud to to fix her.
01:42:41 And she committed suicide.
01:42:43 Or at least that's the official story.
01:42:44 Who knows?
01:42:45 I know there's.
01:42:45 I know there's.
01:42:47 You know, conspiracy theories about that, but that, that aside, the public looked at it as a.
01:42:55 A suicide it was.
01:42:56 A big failing.
01:42:58 A big famous failing of psychoanalysis, they couldn't just sweep it under the carpet.
Speaker 23
01:43:11 On August the 5th, 1962, she committed suicide in her house.
01:43:19 The suicide shocked many in the analytic community, including Anna Freud.
01:43:24 And high profile figures in American life who had previously been enthusiasts for psychoanalysis, now began to question why psychoanalysis had become so powerful in America.
01:43:35 Was it really because it benefited individuals?
01:43:38 Or had it.
Speaker 23
01:43:39 In fact, become a form of constraint in the interests of social order, the critics included Munro's ex-husband, Arthur Miller.
Speaker 24
01:43:48 My argument with so much psychoanalysis is the pre conception that suffering is a mistake.
01:43:55 Or a sign of weakness, or a sign even of illness, when in fact.
01:44:00 Possibly the greatest truths we know have come out of people suffering.
01:44:06 Says this.
01:44:07 I think other Jew.
01:44:14 And then some book comes out that kind of points out that all the persuasion techniques that were being used.
01:44:21 And the planned obsolescence and that becomes kind of a bestseller.
Speaker 23
01:44:26 At the same time, an onslaught was launched on the way psychoanalysis was being used by business to control people.
01:44:33 The first blow came with a best seller of the Hidden Persuaders, written by Vance Packard.
01:44:39 It accused psychoanalysts of reducing the American people to emotional puppets whose only function was to keep the mass production lines running.
01:44:48 They did this by manipulating people's unconscious desires to create longings for ever new brands and models.
01:44:56 They have turned the population into unwitting participants in the system of planned obsolescence.
01:45:04 And look, that didn't turn around like, look, that's.
01:45:07 10 times worse today than it was then.
Speaker 30
01:45:14 And this is a childish application of psychoanalysis which does not take at all, and consideration the very real political systematic waste of resources, of technology and of the productive process, for example.
01:45:32 Plant obsolescence, for example, the production of innumerable brands and gadgets.
01:45:38 Who are?
01:45:40 In the last $10 is always the same. The production of innumerable different marks of automobiles, and this prosperity at the same time.
01:45:53 Consciously or unconsciously, and leads to a kind of schizophrenic existence.
01:46:01 I believe that in this society, an incredible quantum of aggressiveness and destructiveness is accumulated precisely because of the empty prosperity.
01:46:13 Which then?
01:46:17 Simply erupt.
01:46:21 The mindless, empty prosperity that that simply erupts.
01:46:28 Which is kind of where we're at.
01:46:29 Now I think in our society.
01:46:46 So in the end.
01:46:52 Whatever happened to those original?
01:46:58 Of Anna Freud.
01:47:01 The ones who are spiraling.
01:47:05 Had to keep coming back for more analysis.
01:47:13 You know the.
01:47:14 The case study that legitimized the entire field.
Speaker 23
01:47:23 Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham lived on in Sigmund Freud's old house in London.
01:47:28 In 1970, Dorothy's son Bob died of alcoholism.
01:47:33 And in 1973, his sister Mabby returned for yet more analysis with Anna Freud.
Speaker 29
01:47:40 She went back for more analysis.
01:47:41 She was living in in at 20 Marysville Gardens in the Freud House, as I guess she did when she wasn't with her husband and.
01:47:51 She committed suicide.
01:47:52 She took an overdose of sleeping pills.
Speaker 23
01:47:56 In Freud's old house.
Speaker 29
01:47:57 And Floyd's own house, right?
01:48:04 So I mean, you know the obvious, there are a lot of implications that one can draw from that.
01:48:09 And I just think she she happened to reach the end of the rope there.
01:48:14 Although it would seem to be a very pointed.
01:48:19 Obviously, suicide is a very politicized act, and to do it in Sigma for its own else is is certainly different from doing it in Riverdale back in New York.
01:48:35 So that's how.
01:48:36 That's how great that technology was at healing the world.
01:48:48 The kids that.
01:48:49 She used as the the Shining example.
01:48:53 Of how awesome this technology.
01:48:56 That her father came up with.
01:48:59 Was for humanity.
01:49:03 One of the kids drank himself to death and the other one committed suicide in Freud.
01:49:07 'S own home.
01:49:15 Thanks Jews.
01:49:27 Always unleashing so much good on the world.
01:49:31 Well, we're lucky to have you.
01:49:44 So that was.
01:49:44 That I'll take a look at part.
01:49:47 Three, and I think there's there might be like a part five or something, I don't.
01:49:51 Know I don't know where it goes up to, but that.
01:49:53 Was Part 2.
01:49:56 Yeah. Really well made shockingly.
01:50:01 Honest about, I mean look, it's got its spin like some of the things I cut out because it was just like, oh, come on, like they put in Martin.
01:50:08 Luther King and you know, just **** like that.
01:50:11 Or just, like, all right?
01:50:18 But a lot of good stuff, a lot of good Nuggets.
01:50:20 It's not like having to go through.
01:50:22 It's not like sifting through a bunch of **** to find a few little honest bits.
01:50:27 It's like a lot of honest bits with, like, some **** thrown in there, here and there.
01:50:33 Very surprising that this was this was produced.
01:50:41 But not surprising that it wasn't produced in America.
01:50:46 Because who would have who would have made?
01:50:47 That in America.
01:50:54 It never would have been made in America.
01:50:55 That's well, it wasn't.
01:50:56 Made in America.
01:51:01 Is there any way?
01:51:03 Let's take a look at Hyper chats, right?
01:51:06 Why not?
01:51:07 Hyper chats from the hyper Chads?
01:51:11 Scroll up to the top here.
01:51:15 Proud to be white.
01:51:16 Do you think we are headed back to this virus BS where everyone gets harassed about wearing a mask?
01:51:23 Do you think that the average people know masks can't stop viruses?
01:51:27 Will they try to force vaccines by law this time?
01:51:30 Will we ever bring gates and voucher to justice?
01:51:32 Well, the last one is easy, no?
01:51:35 No, we won't.
01:51:38 I don't, I don't think.
01:51:41 I don't think that's coming back, at least not I.
01:51:43 Mean maybe in?
01:51:44 New Zealand, maybe in other countries I I don't think that.
01:51:50 America is going to do it.
01:51:55 I don't know about the other countries.
01:51:57 But I don't think America will do it if they do it, they would do it like.
01:52:02 Around an election.
01:52:05 Because it makes the fraud that much easier.
01:52:07 To pull off.
01:52:10 But then I don't think they're going to do it.
01:52:12 I mean, they're.
01:52:12 They're keeping it in the news.
01:52:15 Right.
01:52:15 They're keeping it.
01:52:17 They're definitely not saying that it's gone right?
01:52:21 COVID hasn't disappeared.
01:52:22 It's it's always lurking.
01:52:23 And you know, we're in the shadows.
01:52:30 But they're not going to.
01:52:32 I don't think that.
01:52:32 They have the.
01:52:35 The compliance I think they they really spent a lot of their capital, their their compliance capital if you will.
01:52:43 On the previous lockdowns.
01:52:47 And look, part of what gave him a bonus was was Trump initiated that ****.
01:52:56 They weren't the Biden lockdowns.
01:52:57 They were the Trump lockdowns.
01:53:07 And I don't know that they that they could, they could do it again without his.
01:53:16 You know, remember when they.
01:53:17 Were this is how delusional the queue people were when these rolled out.
01:53:21 Remember when?
01:53:22 That they first announced the lockdowns and all the cute people thought that was because they were storming the the underground pedo dungeons underneath Tom Hanks's house.
01:53:33 Like, I'm not exaggerating.
01:53:34 That was that was.
01:53:36 A common cue narrative that the reason why we had to be locked down was this is this was finally when Q was going to arrest all the pedos and it was safer if we were all locked in, in our houses when it happened.
01:53:53 So I mean.
01:53:57 They don't have.
01:53:57 They don't have that kind of a slavish.
01:54:02 Enough people are fed up with it.
01:54:04 I mean, look, it got so annoying that even even Canadians acted up and that almost never happens.
01:54:10 You know when Canadians act up that that people are getting kind of tired of your ****.
01:54:16 So yeah, probably not, but yeah.
01:54:19 And also, yeah, of course they're not going.
01:54:21 To prosecute anyone.
01:54:26 Jack Burton, Oy vey, goyim buy.
01:54:28 The digital cards.
01:54:30 Get the get the.
01:54:32 Get the digital baseball cards.
01:54:38 Poly Frog 64 Donald Trump is Israel's favorite Shabbat goy by the space Trump NFT because he's ******* far out of his mind.
01:54:48 You know, it's funny I the other the other people.
01:54:51 The other thing I hear people say justify it like.
01:54:54 Oh, it's already gone up in value, it's like.
01:54:57 That's not the point.
01:55:00 That's not the point that it's it's a scam.
01:55:04 You you're you're you're making money off of scam, so it makes it OK.
01:55:09 Says the Jew.
01:55:10 You know, like uh anyway.
01:55:15 Nate. Nate. Terrific.
01:55:18 Your Rudolph show inspired the julians.
01:55:24 Was the Julians to tell me the true story of David the deer with the nose that glows?
01:55:31 Will you?
01:55:32 Please check it out, maybe it can become one of your people's new Christmas stories.
01:55:40 I don't know what that is, but.
01:55:42 I will copy the link.
01:55:49 I don't know what the.
01:55:49 Ohh I hit the wrong ******* button.
01:55:55 I'm not used to using my Mac and so.
01:55:58 They don't care.
01:56:02 Oh my fat little ******** toe with some big money.
01:56:05 Let's see here.
01:56:07 I actually got some.
01:56:08 I got some weird ones.
01:56:09 I might just load on here.
01:56:11 Here we go.
01:56:12 Here's some weird ones.
01:56:16 I made them shorter.
01:56:20 I made him shorter.
01:56:22 So there's that one.
01:56:24 That was maybe too short though.
01:56:25 I don't know.
01:56:27 Maybe I'll do it again.
01:56:32 There you go.
01:56:34 Don't mind me, just here to throw shekels at the goodest of guys before I pass out the 5678 donation is only because it's a sequential number and make my TISM brain happy. Well, there you go.
01:56:51 There you go.
01:56:52 Well, thank you very much, my fat little ******** toe.
01:56:56 I'll catch you on the replay there.
01:56:59 Jay Ray, 1981.
01:57:01 $10 oh, let's do that one.
01:57:06 Actually don't have a bunch of these though, so maybe I should.
01:57:09 Uh, you know, I'm going to be stingy with.
01:57:11 Them today because I don't, I only have.
01:57:13 I only have like 2.
01:57:15 I thought I had three.
01:57:17 Maybe I've got no.
01:57:18 I've only got 2.
01:57:19 Right.
01:57:19 Now I'm going to be stingy.
01:57:21 Sorry, Jay.
01:57:22 I'll get you next.
01:57:25 Trump wasn't wrong.
01:57:26 They sold out.
01:57:27 Who was that Jew that that conjured up this idea?
01:57:31 Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying.
01:57:32 Like, yeah, of course.
01:57:32 They sold out.
01:57:33 They could have made even more and sold out even more.
01:57:37 I mean, it was a good idea in terms of being a a complete ****** and making money, making money off of your.
01:57:46 You're custards, but yeah, that's not the point.
01:57:49 I mean, the point is that.
01:57:51 *** ****, that's it's just, it's so Jewish.
01:57:53 It's so Jewish.
01:57:56 It's so ******* Jewish that that I I'm just surprised his daughter had to convert.
01:58:04 You're a beastman of.
01:58:07 Hope this can get you something at the grocery store and at the make that one, huh?
01:58:11 Maybe I can lift it from a past stream.
01:58:15 Finally caught you live to chime in on the Satanist libertarian word, sanitarian.
01:58:25 Just seeing Google has the example for the definition of psychotic in a nutshell.
01:58:30 Have strong beliefs, like thinking the government is trying to harm you.
01:58:35 Is that really part of?
01:58:36 Is that what Google says?
01:58:38 If you look up psychotic.
01:58:43 I'll look it up real quick.
01:58:44 Let me see.
01:58:47 Does it really say that?
01:58:54 Well, I've actually go to Google.
01:58:55 For you, I don't use Google.
01:59:05 Ohh Google celebrating the the sports ball finals.
01:59:13 Well, it doesn't say that.
01:59:14 On mine it just says.
01:59:19 Blah blah blah.
01:59:23 Yeah, it doesn't say that on mine.
01:59:25 It says mental disorder characterized by disconnection from reality.
01:59:32 Blah blah never does anything about the government.
01:59:35 Maybe maybe you are psychotic, man.
01:59:37 Maybe you you imagined it.
01:59:40 I'm sure there's some website that uses that example though, but not it didn't come up on.
01:59:46 Poly Frog 60 four Trump sold his followers out so he could grift off his own ******* name.
01:59:51 His followers are rotting in federal prison.
01:59:56 Yeah, well, I mean.
01:59:58 I I can't see his popularity like he's not.
02:00:03 It I I don't know.
02:00:05 It's just I feel like his popularity cannot be.
02:00:11 I don't think it'll last.
02:00:13 I don't know that it'll even keep running when it sees the numbers, like eventually people aren't even go to those ******* rallies anymore.
02:00:20 There's only so many cute tarts.
02:00:23 I mean, I know it seems like there's a limited supply of them, but they're trust me, there's got to be a limit as to what these people will take.
02:00:29 I hope.
02:00:29 There's a limit to what these people will take.
02:00:32 Uh, goji been putting in some effort to catch these live.
02:00:37 Here's a little dough.
02:00:38 Any chance you've been to the grocery store lately?
02:00:41 Thanks for what you do, Devin.
02:00:43 See, I still I I think I deleted that.
02:00:46 I'll have to.
02:00:46 I'll have to make it again or find it.
02:00:51 Rob H love.
02:00:53 You Devin.
02:00:53 No ****, of course.
02:00:55 Thoughts on George Lincoln Rockwell.
02:00:57 I got mixed feelings on that because I think he was.
02:01:02 He had a lot of good things to say.
02:01:06 It's just it's the the the costume man.
02:01:09 And it's not like, oh, don't be an optics cuck.
02:01:11 It's like, no, especially when he was doing it.
02:01:14 You you.
02:01:17 You really are going.
02:01:18 You are you really trying to persuade people wearing the costume of the enemy that their parents fought in a war you know, like regardless of what you think about it.
02:01:28 And yeah, it got him attention.
02:01:30 And yeah, it got him on TV and stuff like that.
02:01:33 But that should have, you know, clued you in on on a few things too.
02:01:37 Why are Jews putting me on TV?
02:01:41 Maybe because I'm wearing this costume.
02:01:43 So I I got mixed feelings about the guy cause like I I understand it.
02:01:47 I get it.
02:01:47 I I I know why he did it and and look.
02:01:53 Now is it now?
02:01:55 It's fine that he's wearing the costume because no one cares now.
02:01:58 So maybe in a way it preserves.
02:02:02 His words, you know, because he was kind of a a meme.
02:02:07 So his legacy can, you know, lives on, I guess.
02:02:10 And, you know, it makes him more, makes him stand out more.
02:02:13 And so more people are going to be curious, but I don't know.
02:02:17 I don't know.
02:02:18 It's not the tactic I would have used, but I think that he had a lot of good things to say.
02:02:27 Let's see here.
02:02:29 The VAXXED the Senate just approved the new 2023 defense bill which eliminates the COVID vaccine mandate for the military.
02:02:39 Do you think it's still a bad idea to join reserves for benefits?
02:02:42 I mean that that's up to you.
02:02:44 I just think the military is gay.
02:02:46 I don't.
02:02:47 I you know, I mean, if you're just going to.
02:02:49 Try to join the reserves.
02:02:51 I don't know like like.
02:02:55 That might not be as bad, because you probably aren't going to see any action if you do that, and then you can melt the government for benefits, maybe get some some combat skills.
02:03:05 I mean, I don't know.
02:03:06 That's up to you.
02:03:08 But I just think the military is a bunch of ****.
02:03:11 And you know, it's funny because.
02:03:15 In the late 90s.
02:03:17 I had.
02:03:17 I had friends that had joined.
02:03:20 The the Marines Late 90s, early 2000s.
02:03:25 And land the army.
02:03:28 And they described it as just like Sodom and Gomorrah.
02:03:31 But not not **********.
02:03:34 It was just it was super degenerate.
02:03:37 But they were they weren't like ******* each other.
02:03:40 And so it's just not a good environment either.
02:03:44 Like if you go to boot camp, it's going to be just as degenerate as it was then.
02:03:49 Times of, you know, a million plus people in furry outfits and and just bags everywhere.
02:03:54 Like it's it's just.
02:03:56 I don't know.
02:03:56 That I'd want to expose myself to that ******** plus.
02:04:00 You know the the whole idea is they, they they.
02:04:03 In a way, they use some of this psychological technology.
02:04:06 They try to break down your personality and.
02:04:08 Then rebuild you.
02:04:10 So I don't know it's it's up to you.
02:04:11 It's nothing I've ever really been interested in.
02:04:16 I did think briefly about it.
02:04:19 I did want.
02:04:21 Yeah, it was an option.
02:04:22 It was like the.
02:04:23 Yeah, the GI Bill and all that stuff looks kind of nice.
02:04:28 And then, you know, having the VA and all that stuff.
02:04:30 But yeah, it would just.
02:04:33 It's not the choice I would make, but.
02:04:35 I can understand if people do it.
02:04:39 Cause schuber already beat Trump to being the Jews schomer in Talmudic law, a schomer is an appointed guardian.
02:04:49 There are many videos going back many years of Schumer and synagogues declaring his allegiance to Jews, not America.
02:04:55 Well, he is a Jew though.
02:04:58 Trump is, is the Shabbos going?
02:05:03 Barbara Lerner Spectre is a leading proponent in European immigration.
02:05:07 She says that the Jews will be blamed, but replacing white people is necessary.
02:05:13 She also says that since white people aren't a protected class, they cannot ever suffer a Holocaust.
02:05:20 Right.
02:05:21 As as she helps commit one.
02:05:27 Most people are are familiar with that.
02:05:29 I don't have that clip on hand, but most people have seen the Barbara Spectre.
02:05:33 Clip where she says that that the Europeans better get ready to be replaced because it's it's part. It's just part of Europe's destiny.
02:05:42 January 1981. So in retrospect, this American experiment didn't last long. I'm going to Christ.
02:05:51 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:05:51 It's not that the American experiment.
02:05:55 Didn't last long.
02:05:56 It's the the American people.
02:05:58 The demographics didn't last long, I think.
02:06:02 Had you preserved the demographics?
02:06:06 To the founding stock Americans.
02:06:09 We'd be in a much different place right now.
02:06:11 Obviously we've been a much different place if all we had done honestly, if all you had done was ban Jewish immigration.
02:06:19 If that's all you've done.
02:06:21 You wouldn't have had the Immigration Act in 1965. You wouldn't have had. All you would have fixed all the other immigration problems because that's who that's who was pioneering that ****.
02:06:33 You would have a.
02:06:34 You would have.
02:06:35 You wouldn't have always degenerate movies.
02:06:37 You probably you wouldn't.
02:06:38 You definitely wouldn't have trans kids.
02:06:41 You wouldn't have drag Queen story hour.
02:06:45 You wouldn't have.
02:06:46 I mean it, it would be.
02:06:50 It would seem like a another planet if there's a if there's a parallel universe where Jews never came to America.
02:06:57 I mean, you wouldn't even know.
02:06:59 What to do with yourself?
02:07:06 Jew magic.
02:07:07 Cyrus Scofield sucker Protestants into Zionism with his study Bible.
02:07:12 Schofield also worked with Theodore Hertzel, I think.
02:07:20 Zerpa one tomorrow is the World Cup finals between Argentina and France.
02:07:26 The Argentina team is all white, while the French team only has like 3 whites and the rest are all Africans.
02:07:34 There even was a Washington Post article which asked why there were no they're not black players in Argentina team.
02:07:41 Yeah, not why are they not? Why are there so many black people on on Francis's team?
02:07:48 Yeah, well, I.
02:07:49 Mean Hitler saw that one coming.
02:07:51 I think a lot of you guys have seen that Nazi propaganda.
02:07:55 A homeland Hitler took the Rothschild banks in Vienna to Paris.
02:08:00 If he would have taken the last bank in London, things would have been much different.
02:08:07 Yeah, the the the banking system in London is.
02:08:11 Is obviously where the Rothschild's.
02:08:14 Divine their power.
02:08:19 Harmless Gee.
02:08:21 That black soldier is even more pathetic when you consider that the US military was segregated at the time, and black units almost never got sent into combat out of over 400,000 American deaths in World War 2, less than 800 were blacks, right?
02:08:38 So that, that and that's by the way that that kind of still continues, if you look at war footage of of of Afghanistan.
02:08:48 With its actual combat situations, it's all white guys.
02:08:52 It's all white guys.
02:08:55 You go to the.
02:08:55 Combat footage and there's tons of it on YouTube.
02:08:59 It's all white guys.
02:09:01 When there's blacks in the military and look, I'm sure there's, you know, some on the the front lines, but most of the time they're the ones in, like logistics, you know, some kind of supporting role.
02:09:13 They're not.
02:09:13 They're not the war fighters.
02:09:21 Tyrone Watermelon, $25. What that deserves, that deserves a.
02:09:30 There you go.
02:09:38 Ohh yeah.
02:09:48 Where's the other one?
02:09:48 There's one that's missing in my list here.
02:09:52 But I dare not.
02:09:54 I dare not load.
02:09:54 It up and hard lock my computer again.
02:09:59 OK.
02:10:01 Should I seek therapy?
02:10:03 Try meds or what?
02:10:04 When I was a boy, 11 years old, I was raped multiple times.
02:10:09 I've shut it out all these years, but I'm realizing it royally ****** ** my brain.
02:10:14 Cutting myself suicidal thoughts, attachment issues, etc. I'm 27 now and I've never told anyone in real life well.
02:10:26 Uh, well, that's, I mean that's.
02:10:29 That's a big one.
02:10:31 I don't know if I'm the right person to talk to about that.
02:10:34 I because I've never experienced anything that intense, so it's hard for me to relate to.
02:10:41 I would say I mean.
02:10:44 This is this is when being part of a a religious community would come in handy because this is when you'd want to go to your religious leader about it and and look.
02:10:55 And if you want just to bypass all that and go straight to the source, pray.
02:10:59 Pray about it.
02:11:02 That would be my recommendation.
02:11:04 I would just pray to God.
02:11:05 And say look.
02:11:07 I've I've I've suffered some pretty intense.
02:11:13 Bad ****.
02:11:13 When I was a kid and I think it's affected me and I want to.
02:11:16 I want to get over it.
02:11:17 I want to get through it.
02:11:19 I I need I need your strength.
02:11:22 I need your understanding.
02:11:24 I need I need some understanding to make you know sense out of this.
02:11:33 Yeah, I can understand why that would be a hard thing to talk to people about, but that's that's why praying.
02:11:38 I think can be powerful.
02:11:40 Even if you don't really believe.
02:11:44 I I mean, I've had moments in my life where my faith is not exactly great.
02:11:48 In fact, my prayer starts out.
02:11:52 Maybe this is sacrilegious or blasphemous or whatever, but I've I've prayed at times when I start out the prayer like, hey, look, if you're, if you exist and you're listening and I don't know if you are or whatever.
02:12:02 And then I you know.
02:12:04 Because there's, I think while I can't relate specifically to that kind of intense experience, we all have our things that we don't talk to our friends about.
02:12:15 That that affect us in negative ways.
02:12:19 And prayer at least gives you the opportunity to to voice those to, you know, cause you because you don't talk about it with people.
02:12:31 And when you, when you when you just think about it in your mind, you're not having to structure it.
02:12:37 In a way that you would talk talk about like if you.
02:12:41 If you're just worried about something or distressed about something or or you have a bad memory, it's not articulating itself.
02:12:49 The the same way you would have to articulate it if you were to explain it to someone else.
02:12:55 If you were to say it out loud to, you know, a a trusted friend or or whatever.
02:13:04 And when you pray, it forces you.
02:13:07 That's one of the things I think it is therapeutic about it.
02:13:10 It forces you to articulate it.
02:13:14 It forces you to convert those feelings and those emotions into thoughts.
02:13:25 That coherent thoughts?
02:13:30 And so, if nothing else, I think that would that would be helpful.
02:13:34 You know, you could you could just find a find a time when it's going to be nice and quiet.
02:13:41 No one's around.
02:13:43 And you know, you you have some privacy, you have some time to relax.
02:13:50 And you know, even, you know, speak it out loud.
02:13:54 And not, you know, like, yell it.
02:13:56 But like, you know, actually vocalize the conversation.
02:14:00 With with God.
02:14:03 Even if you don't believe, just vocalize it.
02:14:05 Just explain.
02:14:05 Just be like look.
02:14:07 You know, this is what I've been through.
02:14:09 This is how I think it's affecting me.
02:14:10 I you know, I this is what I need.
02:14:14 Right.
02:14:16 This is what I this is.
02:14:18 This is the help that I need.
02:14:20 This is the understanding I need.
02:14:22 And I think that that'll help tremendously and look the answer you might get.
02:14:27 And again, I think you get answers to prayers even if it's not from a divine source.
02:14:32 Or maybe it is.
02:14:33 I don't know.
02:14:33 I really don't know.
02:14:36 But I do know that.
02:14:38 By by.
02:14:41 By having that conversation, by forcing your mind to articulate it in a coherent way.
02:14:51 You're able you yourself are able to make more sense of of your situation.
02:14:58 Because it's organizing that, that, that whirlwind of thoughts.
02:15:05 And by by doing that and by speaking it out loud and hearing yourself say it.
02:15:12 You know, like I'm.
02:15:13 I'm sure you've heard people say.
02:15:15 And I'm not saying this applies to you.
02:15:16 Certainly not.
02:15:17 But I'm sure you've heard people say like, say, something like.
02:15:20 Well, now that I say it out loud, it sounds ridiculous.
02:15:25 That's because when you say it out loud.
02:15:28 And you hear it.
02:15:30 You have a totally different take on it than you do when it's going on in your mind, because it's just floating around and you know disjointed.
02:15:36 So I would I would do that and look and like I said, the answer might be that.
02:15:41 That you need to look for someone to help you out with.
02:15:44 That I've never been a fan.
02:15:49 Of of psychiatry, just in general.
02:15:55 I know that there are.
02:15:56 There aren't.
02:15:56 They're not all bad.
02:15:59 In fact, I think you know we've got people, we've got people in the audience that are, that are psychiatrists that aren't bad.
02:16:09 But there's a lot of bad ones.
02:16:10 There's a lot of bad ones.
02:16:14 But maybe the answer will be to to seek that out, but I would start there.
02:16:18 I would start there.
02:16:24 Good luck on your.
02:16:27 Good luck on your on your quest there.
02:16:30 Sorry that happened to you.
02:16:34 But yeah, I think that I think I think that it I think that.
02:16:39 If you if.
02:16:40 You pray about it.
02:16:42 Worst case scenario, nothing changes, right?
02:16:47 And then you.
02:16:47 Can look for another answer, but it's worth a try.
02:16:53 Good luck there, Tyrone.
02:16:57 And sorry to hear about.
02:16:58 That homeland Hitler banned abortion for Germans, banned the short selling of stocks, loose loosened gun laws.
02:17:09 Otherwise, my grandfather shotgun is a figment of my imagination.
02:17:16 Yeah, it's my understanding that they had like gun clubs and and and it was very similar to a lot of the Nordic countries have attitudes towards guns.
Speaker 5
02:17:28 Right.
02:17:30 Jay Ray, 1981. It's not that Jews have the backroom type meeting. It's in their schizophrenic nature.
02:17:38 To sum it.
02:17:38 Up and they hate any type of competition, but they.
02:17:44 But they won ultimately.
Speaker 22
02:17:46 Yeah, it's.
02:17:48 That's the thing.
02:17:49 It's the revolutionary spirit as he Michael Jones calls it, or it's the the evolutionary psychology described in culture of critique.
02:18:02 But yeah, you're right.
02:18:03 It not that there's no backroom deals, not that there's no, I mean, look, the Jewish Congress exists.
02:18:09 You know, a lot of these nonprofits exists, and they do coordinate things, and they do work together, and they do have a solidarity, and they do have a nepotism.
02:18:20 But they also do have a a.
02:18:24 A demeanor a, a worldview and a survival strategy that, quite frankly, is harmful to all the groups around them.
02:18:42 Cause everything they manipulate is to defang Christians, bring back dodgeball.
02:18:50 Dodgeball should come back.
02:18:54 All right.
02:18:55 And we got Colonel Brake.
02:18:57 All right, we're going to try another one here.
Speaker 23
02:19:05 There we go.
02:19:10 Part of it is I just haven't learned the new software.
02:19:12 I'm trying to make things using software.
02:19:14 I'm unfamiliar with too.
02:19:16 So they're a little weirder now.
02:19:21 I conducted research and graduated from a top 10 rated psychology.
02:19:26 Program in the US and can confirm that most psychologists are brain dead degenerates that regurgitate whatever ******** information is stuffed into their little minds.
02:19:37 Don't ever give these creatures access to your brain.
02:19:39 Well, and there is some truth, by the way.
02:19:42 I mean it's cliche, but it's it's.
02:19:45 It's real.
02:19:46 A lot of people that go into psychology, they do it because because they themselves are are psychologically damaged and they're trying to fix themselves.
02:19:56 That's why they have the curiosity in that area.
02:19:59 Not all, but a lot.
02:20:00 There are a lot.
02:20:03 Anyone who's dated A psych major can confirm.
02:20:07 Ashkenazi Jews in Russia.
02:20:10 This is from Homeland, started the Masonic Lodge and everything that Masons do as a mockery of Christianity.
02:20:17 Well, I I have yet to deep dive on the Masons, but.
02:20:21 I've heard things I would not be surprised.
02:20:25 Margaret Sanger, who sold birth control and abortion to Protestants, was an Irish pig who married a Jew.
02:20:34 That is, that is also true.
02:20:39 NB or naturistic.
02:20:42 Any thoughts on the fusion breakthrough?
02:20:48 Let me see here.
02:20:54 Fusion is the Holy Grail of clean energy, clean energy, and it just made a major breakthrough.
02:21:03 They've been talking about this for a really long time.
02:21:06 I'll read the article, but they always it seems like an article with that headline has been coming out every five years for my entire life.
02:21:16 So I don't know, maybe this time it's real.
02:21:19 I'm just very skeptical of these claims because they always say like.
02:21:22 Ohh we figured it out.
02:21:23 We have cold fusion now and then.
02:21:26 You know, nothing happens.
02:21:28 Which isn't to.
02:21:29 Say that they don't have it, they they might have it.
02:21:32 But then then you.
02:21:33 Got that?
02:21:34 That's the whole other.
02:21:35 Can't and look what?
02:21:37 We went to war over bananas.
02:21:40 OK.
02:21:42 It's it's, it's not in the interest of energy companies to have cheap.
02:21:48 Almost unlimited energy, you know like.
02:21:51 Energy prices going down is the opposite of what they want.
02:21:57 And who knows, maybe with all these electric cars, they're going to have to figure out something, right?
02:22:01 In fact, maybe that's why this is.
Speaker 15
02:22:04 Oh, we just figured.
02:22:05 It out because maybe it's technology they've been sitting on forever and they're just now realizing that, hey, we can't power all these electric cars given the infrastructure we've got now.
02:22:14 It's just we have to like.
02:22:16 Produce three times as much as much.
02:22:19 Power and you.
02:22:20 So maybe they're they're trying to tackle this.
02:22:24 You know, problem before it gets.
02:22:27 Gets real bad.
02:22:28 I don't know, though.
02:22:29 I'd have to read the article and I'm not a physicist, so I I don't know how.
02:22:35 I don't know how.
02:22:38 Much of an opinion I could have, even if I.
02:22:40 Read it here.
02:22:42 Jay Ray, 1981. So basically as a people we have tried to fight this cancer for hundreds of years, but we are finally going to succumb on the whole European peoples talk about black pill. No, this is just this is 1.
02:22:58 Of the look.
02:22:59 This is just one of the many times.
02:23:03 This isn't how the story ends, my friend.
02:23:07 In many ways, this is how the story begins.
02:23:13 We're just, we're just in a weird part of the cycle.
02:23:15 It's a reoccurring cycle.
02:23:17 This isn't like the final one.
02:23:20 This is just the the most modern one.
02:23:23 And of course, so even though the the overall story is basically the same, yeah, there's, there's, there's different technologies in play, there's different.
02:23:33 You know the.
02:23:35 To some extent, it's it history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes right?
02:23:40 Like it's so it's.
02:23:41 Yeah, it's a lot of the same issues, but.
02:23:43 This isn't how it ends.
02:23:46 Or we would have been gone a long time ago, right?
02:23:49 So we're just kind of in the ship.
02:23:50 Part of it, that's all.
02:23:53 But uh, you know, that's why you.
02:23:56 You raised John Connors.
02:24:00 Skip Ville attempting to send my first hyper chat and hopefully it goes through lost my job because I wouldn't take the jab.
02:24:09 Things are finally starting to somewhat get back on track.
02:24:13 I think I owe you some gratitude and shekels for all your content that I've consumed.
02:24:17 I appreciate that.
02:24:20 Skip Ville and and it looks as though your three fitting came came through just fine, so I appreciate that.
02:24:27 Uh. ********. ****** for $1.00? Oh, I think I got this one in here.
Speaker 10
02:24:32 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 18
02:24:37 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:24:45 All right.
02:24:47 During Nick's last live stream, he called out Alex Jones on his BS for constantly making excuses for Jews, Jewish power and stabbing him and yelling the back twice, not sticking out for white people and bashing Hitler even called him out on his Piers Morgan 1776 line.
02:25:09 And doing nothing in society gets worse.
02:25:12 Well, that's.
02:25:16 That's a good development.
02:25:18 You know, because it really wasn't that long ago that the people.
02:25:24 That he has a lot of influence over.
02:25:26 We're quite enamored with Alex Jones and and he was like Uncle Alex to a lot of these people.
02:25:32 And and so that's that's a good development, I haven't.
02:25:37 I haven't watched what you're talking about.
02:25:39 So but I'll.
02:25:39 Take your word for it.
02:25:42 I think it is time that look, I don't punch right, but I I I punch liars.
02:25:49 You know.
02:25:50 And look, I don't even think.
02:25:52 I don't even think and and and I don't think.
02:25:56 Nick thinks that Alex Jones is is like a demon, right?
02:26:00 I think in the same way, a lot of these guys that we just watched the stories of in in government, the United States that were falling for the lies of of 40 Freudian technology, how they they they saw.
02:26:16 They basically rationalized their their desire to control people because they said, Oh no, this will be good.
02:26:23 We'll make it better for everyone.
02:26:25 We'll make everyone a nice, happy little consumers.
02:26:27 It'll be good for democracy.
02:26:29 They, they, they, they basically convinced themselves that everything was no, this is for the greater good.
02:26:37 Look, it's still evil.
02:26:38 It's still evil.
02:26:41 And lying in the way that Alex Jones has been lying for decades and for steering the ship abruptly to the left or right to avoid topics that are basically threatening the existence of white people.
02:27:02 He is whether he's rationalized in his head or not.
02:27:06 He is now part of the problem and has been.
02:27:09 By and every time he lies, he is endangering our people.
02:27:17 Simple as that.
02:27:19 If he was just wrong.
02:27:22 And I think he's demonstrated that he knows.
02:27:25 What's up?
02:27:26 And he's just lying about it, so I can't give him that anymore.
02:27:30 I can't be like, oh, he's just wrong.
02:27:32 He just doesn't get it.
02:27:33 No, he gets it.
02:27:34 He's just lying.
02:27:37 And and maybe he's rationalized in his head away that it's better that he lies because it's for the better, you know, because just like, just like.
02:27:48 Bernays and and Anna Freud and and Dichter.
02:27:56 He probably thinks that we're all just a bunch of irrational hate filled monsters that if we're not lied to and tricked, we're all going to become these evil *************.
02:28:11 And so that's why he lies.
02:28:14 Because he needs to manipulate people into behaving like.
02:28:17 Good little boys.
02:28:19 And I'm not using hyperbole.
02:28:22 I I I believe that there's some version of that is true for him.
02:28:27 And for, you know, Gavin McGinnis and all these other people that that, that know better that know better.
02:28:36 But they think it's dangerous information.
02:28:42 Ohh that's true, but what good does it do?
02:28:43 Talking about it all that's going to do is is inflamed the those animal like emotional thinking.
02:28:52 You know the white people.
02:28:57 They're they're literally thinking like the Jews, that they get money from.
02:29:05 De fiore.
02:29:07 $5 World War Two started when the Treaty of Versailles began. Adolf was.
Speaker 29
02:29:13 The other one who?
02:29:15 Would do anything about it when the Bolshevik collapsed Russian economy and moved W the German people at the time did a lot more than vote like Fagg.
02:29:27 Like fagots Hitler had fought in World War 1, the German people.
02:29:33 Empathized with him and followed his.
02:29:36 Is leadership joyfully and yet the Zog American take on Hitler and Germans of the time was goys he just did it for no reason at all.
02:29:46 OK, don't question anything right?
02:29:50 And look, that was the propaganda.
02:29:52 Look, here's The thing is that, that documentary.
02:29:56 It frames it like that because that's that was at the time that documentary came out and really all going all the way up until today.
02:30:04 That's the understanding that the viewers would have had is that for no reason at all.
02:30:09 But here's the here's the the problem with.
Speaker 18
02:30:11 That the the.
02:30:13 The place where the documentary ***** up is.
02:30:18 The ruling elites, they knew what was going on.
02:30:22 They knew what was going on.
02:30:25 They weren't stupid.
02:30:27 The people making these decisions.
02:30:29 Maybe some of them weren't in the know, and so they could justify in their head because.
02:30:33 Like Oh yeah, well.
02:30:34 Look, the Germans just went crazy and.
02:30:36 Started killing.
02:30:37 You know there's going to be.
02:30:38 Some percentage of the people that actually do believe that narrative.
02:30:41 And so it's going to, you know, it's going to explain away why we need to trick all the the the dumb boys, because they'll just freak out and start murdering Jews.
02:30:50 And so maybe you have some.
02:30:51 Percentage of the people that actually do believe that.
02:30:53 But the people at the top don't believe that they know that that's not true.
02:30:59 Maybe the neurotic Jews convince themselves that that's true, but there's enough.
02:31:03 There was enough boys in power then to to know that this was all ********, and they went along with a lot of these guys.
02:31:14 But are they wrong about the masses?
02:31:18 Here's the thing.
02:31:21 Understanding that people can be tricked.
02:31:27 Doesn't make it moral.
02:31:29 To to manipulate them.
02:31:33 Right.
02:31:34 That's thinking like a pedophile.
02:31:37 Thinking like a ******?
02:31:39 It's like that Jew that I was.
02:31:40 You know, he actually says it like, look, we're just giving you what you wanted.
02:31:45 We're just taking away your defenses.
02:31:49 Is that wrong?
02:31:49 Is it wrong to take away your defenses if we're giving you what you want, you know you wanted it.
02:32:00 They had to erode those defenses.
02:32:09 So yeah, they're they're not wrong and that like, obviously you know, their tricks worked.
02:32:18 But that doesn't make it morally you know, OK.
02:32:29 And look long term it it it, it's so destructive, right?
02:32:33 Like so let's say.
02:32:35 Well, I'm going to use those tricks only I'm going to really use them for.
02:32:39 Good. No, because.
02:32:40 End it will end the same way.
02:32:41 It'll end the same way.
02:32:44 So yeah, it's a good tactic for destroying a society.
02:32:48 If, if, if.
Speaker 10
02:32:49 If what you want.
02:32:50 To do is control a society until you slowly kill it off, then that's great.
02:32:54 It works great for that.
02:32:56 That's what's what's what's that's what it's doing right now, right?
02:33:00 But if you were one of these guys at the top?
02:33:02 That were like.
02:33:03 Oh yeah.
02:33:04 Good, good, good idea, Bernays.
02:33:06 No, you're totally right, dictor.
02:33:09 No, Freud.
02:33:10 You've got it all.
02:33:11 You got it all figured out.
02:33:12 We can't trust these guys.
02:33:14 These lower classes.
02:33:15 We need to trick them into stuff.
02:33:18 So that like, let's say, they really believe.
02:33:20 Their own ********, right?
02:33:22 You know if if.
02:33:22 We trick them into being good consumers and good little, you know, democracy, you know.
02:33:31 They'll end up being happier, and our society will be good.
02:33:34 It'll be prospering.
02:33:35 Let's say they actually believe that because that that was that was the justification, right?
02:33:40 It didn't work.
02:33:41 Look where it led to.
02:33:45 So yeah, you can trick people to get.
02:33:46 What you want?
02:33:48 That's always been true.
02:33:53 That's always been true.
02:33:57 Yes, NPC's are stupid and easy to trick.
02:34:03 Should you trick them?
02:34:05 I mean, if you're trying to destroy them, yes.
02:34:09 I guess that's the way to put it.
02:34:12 Hey, 9 friend.
02:34:13 Merry Christmas.
02:34:14 Well, hey, Merry Christmas to you.
Speaker 28
02:34:18 There we go.
02:34:23 January 1981 Jude and Peterson equals Freud. I don't know. You know, I've never heard him talk about.
02:34:33 What do you thinks of Freud?
02:34:36 But yeah, he's basically suggesting a lot of.
02:34:41 Of manipulative ****.
02:34:44 And he's there.
02:34:44 He's just as as.
02:34:46 I mean, look, we we know that he exists for the same reason.
02:34:51 We got to keep these these white males in check because if we don't, they will.
02:34:58 They will give in to their inner animal instincts and freak out and do a Holocaust.
02:35:04 I mean how that's?
02:35:06 Basically the same that all those Jews in in the documentary were watching, that that was their thinking, right?
02:35:10 So that's his.
02:35:11 That's absolutely his thing.
02:35:14 So yeah, it's exactly the same.
02:35:17 Tehe with the *** **** money.
02:35:20 *** **** money.
Speaker 11
02:35:21 Money is power.
02:35:22 Money is the.
Speaker 30
02:35:23 Only weapon that that.
Speaker 5
02:35:24 You have to defend himself with.
02:35:26 No, Julie, this *** is.
02:35:48 All right, all I wish for Christmas is for Devin Stack to watch and maybe even review the movies czardas.
02:36:00 From 1974.
02:36:03 I hate 70s movies, though.
02:36:05 I hate them so much.
02:36:05 Everything about the 70s just is so such garbage.
02:36:10 What is this?
02:36:11 Ohh, it's sci-fi.
02:36:12 That's odd.
02:36:13 Wait, is this this?
02:36:14 Is this not an English?
02:36:19 Where is this from?
02:36:22 No, Sean Connery's in it. What the ****?
02:36:27 OK. Well, maybe Sean Connery's in it.
02:36:32 Maybe I'll watch that.
02:36:34 I'll tell you what, I'll at least watch it.
02:36:37 I'm going to paste this in my notes here.
02:36:40 Oh, I've seen.
02:36:41 I've seen clips of this, OK.
02:36:45 I've never, I've never actually seen this, but I've seen this has been on TV before, OK.
02:36:55 Andromeda, $25. Let's do.
02:37:08 Merry Christmas, Devin.
02:37:09 Well, Merry Christmas to you.
02:37:12 Damn, Bigfoot. Do you think no one told Japanese about planned obsolescence? Seems like the only real reliable cars are used Toyotas, Subarus and Hondas from before the 2000 tens.
02:37:26 Well, if you're up against, it's a good strategy.
02:37:28 If you're up against a market, like if you're up against manufacturing that you know is employing those tactics.
02:37:38 Yeah, that would be a.
02:37:39 Way to get around it.
02:37:41 I don't know.
02:37:41 Though I feel like they're probably they.
02:37:42 Probably participate in that to some extent too.
02:37:46 Part of it.
02:37:47 You could apply like look at.
02:37:49 All the format changes that we've had over the years.
02:37:53 You know, coming out with like, you know, for if it's beta Max, then it's VHS or a.
02:37:57 Mini disc you.
02:37:58 Know laser disc.
02:38:00 You know all these stupid formats.
02:38:01 Japan has definitely participated in.
02:38:04 All that garbage and so.
02:38:08 But you're right.
02:38:09 Even Japanese electronics, because I've got a lot of old Japanese electronics.
02:38:14 And that worked shockingly better than the American electronics from the same era.
02:38:21 I I don't know.
02:38:22 I don't know.
02:38:25 If that's ever taken hold over there, I would imagine to to to stay competitive, they have to do it to some extent.
02:38:33 Archaic ways.
02:38:35 Part one.
02:38:35 I have long come to hate the normy for many reasons.
02:38:40 At times I Daydream about the moral fair justification of economically exploiting them as the ruling class does to all, because our great loss and suffering is basically at the fault of the MPC.
02:38:54 I find myself thinking like the ruling class but without the satanic evil or agenda.
02:39:00 There are two kinds of people, humans and animals in human bodies.
02:39:05 Consciousness determines worthy or worth.
02:39:08 Arguably, the morality of human livestock in a **** or get ******.
02:39:14 World, ultimately I yield to God against sin.
02:39:18 Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
02:39:21 Yeah, I mean, look.
02:39:23 I I just, I don't know.
02:39:27 I don't hate the normies.
02:39:29 I do have disdain for them often.
02:39:37 You know, I don't know, I.
02:39:38 Guess it all depends on the normal.
02:39:42 I hate NPCS. That's different. I wouldn't say because I've talked about how the 8020 rule right where 80% of the people are just kind of like.
02:39:52 Out to lunch and then the 20% of the population is, which makes sense, right? Like if if everyone was trying to influence society like everyone was right, then we.
Speaker 23
02:40:05 Would we would.
02:40:06 Have never got out of the jungle, you know, like you have to have leaders.
02:40:09 You have to have people willing to follow orders.
02:40:13 And and go along with stuff, right?
02:40:15 To get for things to get.
02:40:16 Done so, it makes sense that a big chunk of your society would be these kinds of people, but I don't see it as like 80% are NPC's.
02:40:25 I see it as 80% or normies.
02:40:27 And then I'd say.
02:40:28 A good chunk of them are NPC's.
02:40:31 But it's totally they are, it is separate and taking advantage of them is not moral.
02:40:37 It's just not using them.
02:40:42 To for what they're for is is not immoral, yeah.
02:40:48 I may be using this.
02:40:49 Like a bad way to put it, but.
02:40:52 Yeah, I think that the second you start looking at other human beings, whether they're NPC's or normies or whatever as simply as simply as.
02:41:00 Tools to get what you.
02:41:02 You're not on the side of good.
02:41:05 That's that's the way I would put it.
02:41:09 The vexed hey, Devin, I appreciate you responding to my question about the military.
02:41:13 Means a lot, man.
02:41:14 Hey well.
02:41:14 You know.
02:41:16 I don't know that I really answered it.
02:41:18 Though I basically said it was up to you.
02:41:23 But yeah, I mean, you know, means a lot that you're you're helping support the show.
02:41:30 And if that's the way you decide to.
02:41:31 Go with that.
02:41:32 Hey, good luck.
02:41:34 A guy on the Internet $25.
02:41:39 Let's see here what did I already play?
Speaker 5
02:41:48 You too, baby.
02:41:50 There we go.
02:41:54 Merry Christmas, Devin.
02:41:56 Here's some eggnog.
02:41:58 Shekels for you, you know.
02:41:59 I still have never had.
02:42:00 Eggnog in my life. Ever.
02:42:02 I've never had none.
02:42:04 It just sounds like just the name.
02:42:07 Like egg like it's just.
02:42:10 I don't want to drink eggs and I don't even know.
02:42:12 I don't know what nog is.
02:42:13 But it doesn't sound good.
02:42:15 Why would I want?
02:42:16 To I don't know.
02:42:17 I've never had it.
02:42:18 I've never had it.
02:42:21 Hey, look, maybe I'll drink it for the first time on.
02:42:25 Our Christmas Eve stream.
02:42:27 Maybe that could be and hopefully I don't throw up because it just seems like.
02:42:30 The kind of thing I'll throw up after drinking.
02:42:35 Just started watching racist teen edition, so I'm many hours behind. Don't forget to promote your coming millennial appearance. Good jewel, everyone. Yeah, that's Tuesday. I think it's 7:00 Pacific Time.
02:42:50 So Tuesday, then Wednesday, we'll have a normal stream and then.
02:42:57 Saturday will be the Christmas Eve stream.
02:43:01 Into Christmas.
02:43:03 And then the following Wednesday, I'm definitely taking off and I might take off the New Year's Eve cause that's what the next Saturday is.
02:43:09 I'm not.
02:43:09 I'm on the fence on that one.
02:43:12 We'll see.
02:43:14 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:43:16 Do you believe Jews and Jews invent so many mental illnesses for personality types to attack people like Kanye saying he's bipolar autistic?
02:43:26 Uh, I mean, I don't know. I feel like some of these, quote UN quote, mental illnesses, I mean, you could call them mental illnesses.
02:43:34 You can call them personality types, I don't know, but I think they are descriptive.
02:43:38 I think that in some cases they definitely do describe something that is.
02:43:46 That it does describe a group.
02:43:50 Of types, whether that type is a mental illness or a personality type is another thing.
02:43:55 That's not for me to decide, but I would say that some of these descriptions are accurate to some extent, and you see, like you see a lot of commonality between different.
02:44:11 I guess people suffering from these quote UN quote illnesses.
02:44:16 It gets harder and harder to really see what I'm talking about though, since it became cool to have mental illness.
02:44:21 There's a lot of people who just want to be special by having mental illness, mental illnesses, in the same way that, you know, like in the 90s.
02:44:32 Or actually just whenever not the 90s so much when, remember when?
02:44:36 When DNA testing first came out.
02:44:41 It's funny because it's really changed now, but when DNA testing first came out, the first things I I would hear were people talking like bragging about how ohh it turns out.
02:44:50 I'm like a an eighth, you know, Native American or I'm an eighth black.
02:44:55 Or you know what?
02:44:56 Like, like somehow it made them more exotic and more interesting to have.
02:45:00 Non white blood.
02:45:03 You know that you don't hear that quite so much anymore.
02:45:06 But that was like the big thing, right?
02:45:08 And I think mental illness is like that right now where it's like.
02:45:13 You're you want to.
02:45:14 It makes you more exotic to have more mental illnesses or something.
02:45:19 Which in, in and of itself is probably a mental illness.
02:45:25 January 19, 8125 dollars.
02:45:34 To that kid, yes.
02:45:36 You going to answer some prayers?
02:45:37 Thanks, Dad for that, you know.
02:45:39 I firmly believe that.
02:45:42 Regardless of what you think about.
02:45:45 God and and if you're really communicating with.
02:45:48 With a sentient supreme being or or.
02:45:52 Or something more nebulous or whatever.
02:45:55 I still recommend it.
02:45:58 Stephen Campbell, you're doing a fine job, Devin.
02:46:02 Provide a little white pill.
02:46:04 As someone who's been a dissident for a few decades, I feel like I'm seeing a positive change in the number of people who are thinking as we would like to them, to think.
02:46:14 Yeah, there is.
02:46:15 There is a shift.
02:46:17 There is a shift.
02:46:22 And it will mean something down the road.
02:46:26 It just it.
02:46:27 It's not going to.
02:46:27 Materialize the kind of results that a lot of the.
02:46:31 People that I I would term white pillars.
02:46:37 That they would like to believe that will you know that will manifest and that's fine.
02:46:43 Nothing wrong with optimistic people, I guess.
02:46:52 Maybe next time.
02:46:54 Love your work.
02:46:55 Merry Christmas.
02:46:56 Well, thank you very much.
02:46:59 Channel 0124957.
02:47:06 As Sutra Folk Assembly is an explicitly whites only religion and is more impressive than any other pro white group I've seen.
02:47:16 While they have multiple churches in the US and are growing, what are your thoughts?
02:47:21 Well, I don't know anything about them.
02:47:22 I think I think you've talked about maybe you've brought them up before then I look them up at one point and they look like a bunch of hippies.
Speaker 29
02:47:29 Let me see.
02:47:31 I feel like someone has brought that up.
02:47:32 Maybe it wasn't you.
02:47:47 OK.
02:47:47 I don't know anything about these guys.
02:47:49 I have looked them.
02:47:50 I have looked at this page before, I feel like.
02:47:54 Maybe that that that maybe it'd be interesting to get.
02:47:57 One of these guys in an interview sometime, huh?
02:48:05 Then you said something.
02:48:06 You said.
02:48:06 The Sutra Folk Assembly has also survived major media attacks in the past years and attacks by the ADL.
02:48:15 They're not led by weak lanes and have good optics, so that's good.
02:48:20 If I could find a way.
02:48:21 To get look.
02:48:23 And I think the Space Center net, I don't want to jinx it is getting better.
02:48:27 What happened earlier in the stream was my computer.
02:48:29 Hard lock had nothing to do with.
02:48:31 The Internet.
02:48:34 Maybe it would be good to try to do.
02:48:35 An interview with them at some point.
02:48:40 Punish Kramer cash flow.
02:48:43 Check out.
02:48:45 Uh, you you you have a link here, huh?
02:48:48 I'll tell you what just cause.
02:48:49 I don't want them to lock up because I don't know what the hell happened.
02:48:52 I'm going to save the link tell.
02:48:55 Till after the stream I'll get that loaded in there.
02:49:00 But I appreciate that punished Kramer.
02:49:04 There are four kinds of people in the world, people who help others while helping themselves.
02:49:09 Smart people, people who help others while harming themselves, suckers, people who harm others while helping themselves.
02:49:16 Bandits while also Jews.
02:49:21 And people who harm others while harming themselves.
02:49:24 Morons, also Jews sometimes.
02:49:30 That is nuts. $1.00, God bless you. Well, I appreciate that. God bless you.
02:49:33 As well.
02:49:34 All right.
02:49:35 Well, that's the last one.
02:49:36 I think I'm just going to pop.
02:49:37 It out.
02:49:37 Just because it doesn't always get it right.
02:49:41 Now I pop it out it right, it updates alright good.
02:49:45 I think we are checked we are.
02:49:46 All set up.
02:49:47 OK, well, I'm going to wrap it up here just because.
02:49:53 I think another one popped in here at the end.
02:49:56 OK, just because I don't know what's happened with the the stream files.
02:50:01 When I hard locked.
02:50:02 I don't know if the the local file I was recording got all corrupted, which is usually what happens when that sort of thing happens.
02:50:09 And I don't know what Odyssey has on their servers, so I want to get the replay up as as painlessly as possible.
02:50:18 Sometimes you luck out and odyssey just puts it together and it's fine.
02:50:21 I don't think that'll be the case because I had to actually reboot.
02:50:24 So the time between.
02:50:26 You know it dropping connection and coming back might be too long.
02:50:29 It probably separate it into two different files.
02:50:30 I'll have to show together and render and upload, which is always a pain in the *** because of the the amount of time.
02:50:37 So the the, the, the replay probably won't be up.
02:50:40 For a few hours is what?
02:50:41 I'm getting here.
02:50:42 All right guys.
02:50:44 Well, you all have a Merry Christmas.
02:50:46 And we got one last Merry Christmas.
02:50:48 Tyrone watermelon.
02:50:49 Thanks for the kind words, Devin.
02:50:50 Have a Merry Christmas.
02:50:52 Thank you.
02:50:53 And I'll give you another.
02:50:53 Baby platypus as inspiration.
Speaker 5
02:50:57 Your baby birthday.
02:51:00 And there you go.
02:51:01 So but no, for real.
02:51:03 I would, you know.
02:51:05 Plan on tonight. Say a prayer tonight and you will get an answer. All right, guys, I'll catch you on Tuesday on millennial. Our Millennial wars channel. I believe 7:00 and I'll I'll post a.
02:51:23 A A link to it on telegram and on gab.
02:51:29 So in the meantime.
02:51:31 For Black Pilgrim, of course.
Speaker 31
02:51:36 Hi, everybody.
02:51:37 Merry Christmas, Mary Shaffer.
02:51:38 And I just want to say you the fans, even though I'm Jewish, I want to give you a Christmas present because Christmas is all about giving.
02:51:44 So I got this for you guys and.
02:51:46 And I just.
02:51:47 I just wanted you.
02:51:47 To know that I really appreciate you.
02:51:49 Go ahead, open it up.
02:51:50 It's your Christmas present.
02:51:52 Good, good. Open that, yeah.
Speaker 5
02:51:58 You're a Christmas present.
02:52:03 I'm Jewish.
02:52:04 Christmas presents.
02:52:08 You got you got.
02:52:19 ******* Christians.
Speaker 31
02:52:25 Hi, everybody. Merry Christmas. I'm.