

00:00:00 Fart, fart, fart.
Speaker 2
00:00:58 Do you think you are?
Speaker 3
00:01:12 Thank you.
00:01:18 The house.
00:02:48 Rock, Rock, rock the house.
00:02:52 Rock the house guys.
00:02:55 Are you are you rocking it are.
00:02:57 You ******* crushing the house.
00:03:00 With your rocking.
00:03:03 And you're rolling around.
00:03:08 Good morning.
00:03:10 Good evening and good afternoon.
00:03:11 Good night.
00:03:15 Good day for a verdict, huh?
00:03:19 As I said on telegram.
00:03:23 Happy birthday, Hitler.
00:03:24 Sorry, your birthday party sucks so bad.
Speaker 5
00:03:33 Yeah. Well, I mean, look.
00:03:37 In terms of the the verdict, that's not exactly, I mean was.
Speaker 6
00:03:41 Anyone. Is anyone surprised?
00:03:44 Is anyone surprised?
Speaker 6
00:03:47 I would have.
00:03:47 Been shocked if if he.
00:03:50 Even just got like a minimum.
00:03:53 You know, like if they they just convicted him on some of it, you know, try to be try to be neutral, try to have the appearance.
Speaker 7
00:03:59 Hey there.
00:04:02 Of neutrality, but.
00:04:05 It's like I said on on on telegram and Twitter.
00:04:08 I've been saying this.
00:04:11 I don't know how long now like the the.
Speaker 6
00:04:13 This this is just the.
Speaker 8
00:04:14 Country you live in now.
Speaker 9
00:04:17 This is normal.
00:04:18 This is normal outside.
00:04:21 Of the West.
00:04:26 This is normal justice outside of.
00:04:30 Of white primacy.
00:04:33 Other countries with less developed senses of justice.
00:04:40 Tend to deliver justice in a in a very mob justice kind of way.
Speaker 6
00:04:48 So this is just this is what you get.
00:04:52 This is this is.
00:04:55 This is simply the country you live in now, it.
00:04:57 Took a long time ago.
00:04:59 Really long time.
00:05:01 Because look there there was, there was mob justice in the West too, and that's that's the thing that's that's that's how humans operate.
00:05:12 You know, I mean.
Speaker 6
00:05:14 When we were more.
00:05:17 That's how things were done.
00:05:20 And it took a very long time to get a rule of law system that was operable and enforceable and workable.
00:05:28 And all that sort.
00:05:29 Of a thing.
00:05:31 And it took a specific kind.
00:05:32 Of people to develop that and to.
00:05:35 Evolve into it.
00:05:37 And it required that people to administer it and preserve it and perpetuate it.
00:05:48 And now that they are not there.
00:05:51 Because, look, we're just not there.
00:05:56 I'm going to bring up a little.
00:06:00 Little graph for you.
00:06:04 I know, I know what happened.
00:06:07 And this is.
00:06:08 This is a perhaps an I don't know.
00:06:10 I don't know.
00:06:11 I don't want to say it's an extreme case, but this is California.
00:06:16 This is the the white population versus the.
00:06:21 Non white population.
00:06:24 And somewhere in the late 90s.
00:06:27 We crossed over.
00:06:29 We crossed over.
00:06:31 Into California being a non white state.
Speaker 5
00:06:39 And you I mean.
00:06:40 I I don't have the data for every single state, but you know you're going to have similar graphs.
00:06:44 Maybe not every graph is going to cross over quite yet, but every graph is projected to.
00:06:53 And so if you want to know what America is going to look like, justice system and otherwise, you just have to look at the countries that these people are coming from.
00:07:03 It's not hard to do.
00:07:08 And the white people in this country, they're just not willing to stick together, stand up for themselves or whatever.
00:07:15 You know, I was talking about how, you know, there's no.
00:07:19 I mean, how, politicians won't even say white people.
Speaker 5
00:07:23 And the other day.
00:07:25 What was trending on Twitter?
00:07:28 I don't know if.
00:07:28 You guys all.
00:07:29 Know the answer to this but.
00:07:32 What was trending on Twitter was Anglo-Saxon.
Speaker 9
00:07:38 Ooh Anglo-Saxon.
00:07:43 Anglo-Saxon now why was that trending on Twitter?
00:07:49 Well, that's because a a handful of and look, I don't even necessarily dislike all these people.
00:07:56 I think Gosar is involved with this and he's he's not so bad and legitimately he's not so bad.
00:08:03 I mean, for a politician, even.
00:08:04 I mean it's he's.
00:08:06 He's an all right guy.
00:08:09 And you know.
00:08:11 The the the.
00:08:12 Q Anon lady.
00:08:14 What is it, green?
00:08:15 I forget her.
00:08:16 It's like Marjorie Green or something like that.
00:08:19 And a couple of others.
00:08:20 The guy who's maybe a Peto, Matt Gates, they were going to start the America first caucus, right?
00:08:33 And then some document got leaked.
00:08:37 And it was a rough draft of something they were working on, and it talked about how this was an America was an Anglo-Saxon nation.
00:08:47 And well, it wasn't that strong, but it used the term Anglo-Saxon.
00:08:52 And the.
Speaker 5
00:08:55 They caved immediately.
Speaker 8
00:09:00 And this was like, I mean these.
Speaker 5
00:09:02 Were like.
00:09:04 This is like your long shot, guys.
00:09:05 You got Gosar, who's, like, actually kind of based.
00:09:09 Got Matt Gates who?
00:09:10 You know, he just whatever, right?
Speaker 8
00:09:14 They got the.
00:09:15 Q Anon, Lady, I mean, you know, and you?
00:09:17 Don't exactly have a lot of.
00:09:18 Representation out there, OK.
00:09:23 So you have like the outcast like the the the kids at the playground that like walk way out to the the the.
00:09:29 Chain link fence.
00:09:31 To be away from everybody and no.
00:09:33 One really misses them.
Speaker 6
00:09:37 People that you think that could stand up to.
00:09:41 At least some criticism and not fold.
00:09:43 Like a wet paper bag, but.
00:09:47 They won't.
00:09:48 They won't do it.
00:09:52 They won't do it.
00:09:55 They won't just stand up for white people in an explicit way.
00:09:59 They just won't do it.
00:10:02 Look, I mean, what times not?
00:10:03 On your side, you know, look at the graph.
00:10:08 By the time, see, here's the thing.
00:10:10 By the time it becomes acceptable to do that, it won't.
00:10:13 It's going to be irrelevant.
00:10:15 You will have already made the shift from being the majority.
00:10:19 I mean, look, it's, I mean, it's kind of already happening, right?
00:10:21 But like in a more significant way, white people have made the shift from having a majority power, which is maybe not even there anymore.
Speaker 6
00:10:32 To being just another one of many groups.
00:10:36 Competing for power.
Speaker 8
00:10:40 And that's.
00:10:42 At that point, they'll you know, once once you don't actually have the ability to do anything, then it'll be OK.
00:10:48 It'll be OK.
00:10:54 You know, in the same way like look, the reason why whites for so long.
00:10:58 We looked at stuff like the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the ***** College Fund.
00:11:04 You know, all this stuff that was explicitly racial, that somehow white people didn't have a problem with.
00:11:11 In fact, they donated this ****.
00:11:14 And it was.
00:11:15 Bottom line, it was it was non threatening.
00:11:22 And it's like I said before, it was.
00:11:23 Like this condescension like.
Speaker 5
00:11:25 Oh, how cute they have.
00:11:26 Their own Chamber of Commerce.
Speaker 5
00:11:31 Good for them.
00:11:32 Good for them.
00:11:36 And when the power that whites have is so diluted.
00:11:42 That the other groups look at you in.
00:11:44 That same way.
00:11:47 When they when they've so eroded.
00:11:54 Resembling a power structure.
00:11:56 Where it literally will become.
00:11:57 You know, it'll be a condescension like, oh, how cute.
00:12:00 How cute.
00:12:02 The way people want their own Chamber of Commerce.
00:12:07 Let's let them have it.
00:12:09 What are they going to do?
00:12:13 All six of them.
00:12:20 So yeah, I guess the America first.
00:12:23 Caucus is is gone.
00:12:25 Before failure to launch before it even took off.
00:12:30 But yeah, that's that's that's the thing.
00:12:32 That's what this.
00:12:33 That's what you're dealing with.
00:12:34 That's why there's no political solutions.
00:12:36 Because it, I mean, you'll never.
00:12:38 You'll never get anything off the ground.
00:12:41 Because the all the institutions are already gone.
00:12:46 And they've been gone a long time.
00:12:47 This isn't like a new thing.
00:12:49 They were gone a long time.
00:12:51 You know, Henry Ford was pointing this ****.
00:12:53 Out like 100 years ago.
00:12:55 He already saw it coming.
00:13:01 I mean, just think of it this way, if you.
00:13:03 Want to know like well like.
00:13:05 This influence machine.
00:13:08 How long has it?
00:13:10 Has it been at work well?
00:13:12 I think our involvement in world.
00:13:13 War Two might answer that question.
00:13:24 I mean, that's.
00:13:26 This is just the truth.
00:13:28 And look, I think people are slowly.
00:13:29 I mean, look, there's some people.
00:13:33 It's like when you troubleshoot a computer.
00:13:38 Or a car.
00:13:39 Anything that you need to fix.
00:13:41 Just something mechanical.
00:13:43 Or a ham radio, right?
Speaker 5
00:13:47 When you don't know when you haven't really.
00:13:49 Done it before.
00:13:50 Like if you let's say.
00:13:52 Let's say it's a computer.
00:13:54 And you're getting this error message.
00:13:57 And you're pretty new to fixing computers.
Speaker 9
00:14:00 And you don't know what to do.
00:14:02 With this error message, you've never seen this error message before.
00:14:06 And so you you have to you.
00:14:09 Try everything.
00:14:12 You try every little single thing.
00:14:16 Because you don't, you can't identify what the problem is.
00:14:20 So you're just kind of trying everything until you get something to change?
00:14:27 Same thing with anything mechanical at all.
00:14:31 If you don't.
00:14:31 If you don't understand the system that you're trying to repair.
00:14:36 Thoroughly enough.
00:14:38 You end up just changing.
00:14:44 Waiting for something, even if the if the problem isn't fixing, maybe for the problem to change, because then you can say OK, well, if I did this.
00:14:53 The problem didn't go away, but it made it do this instead.
00:14:56 Now I'm at least I'm on to the right.
00:14:59 The right part of the system maybe?
Speaker 5
00:15:04 But if you know what you're doing, if you've been working.
00:15:07 On systems for a long time, computers for a long time or you know a good mechanic, right?
00:15:14 You don't have to test every single.
00:15:17 Little thing to try to identify the problem.
00:15:21 You can say oh you.
00:15:22 Know what?
00:15:24 I know what that.
00:15:25 Is or roughly right?
00:15:27 I at least know.
00:15:28 Kind of what that is.
00:15:31 And so I can now attack.
00:15:34 With a little more specificity.
00:15:37 The problem, or at least do things that are going to identify the problem quicker.
00:15:44 And look, you got a lot of.
00:15:45 People who are new to politics, they're new to politics, they've, they've, they, they got into politics because of Trump.
00:15:53 You know, he was this larger than life TV character.
00:15:58 He turned politics into a reality TV show.
00:16:04 And so you get a lot.
00:16:05 Of people who haven't been.
Speaker 8
00:16:08 Haven't witnessed the the decades of failure.
00:16:12 On the right.
00:16:16 First hand.
00:16:19 And so they they they need to go.
00:16:20 And try every little thing.
00:16:26 And that's fine, that's fine.
00:16:30 I understand.
00:16:32 I spent a good part of my life doing exactly that.
00:16:44 I've talked about how, you know, I've worked in politics a long time.
00:16:48 And and I, you know, I thought this was.
00:16:52 You know, maybe if we do this well, maybe if we do.
00:16:54 This it's the same thing you.
00:16:57 You have this.
00:16:58 Problem and you don't how to solve it.
00:16:59 You don't understand the system thoroughly and so therefore you don't really understand the problem.
00:17:05 And so you just.
00:17:06 Start tweaking things and changing things and.
00:17:08 What if I do this?
Speaker 5
00:17:13 But after a while you realize.
00:17:20 What's wrong with it?
00:17:21 Isn't something that you can just fix with a soldering iron or a fresh install of windows, or or by changing the capacitors?
00:17:36 And in fact.
00:17:38 You start to analyze the depth of the problem and realize that the damage is.
00:17:44 So bad.
00:17:45 I mean, technically, it's fixable.
00:17:51 But it would be a.
00:17:53 Easier to just.
00:17:55 Throw it away and get a new one.
00:17:58 Cheaper to throw it away and get a new one.
00:18:02 Faster to throw it away and get a new one.
00:18:07 Because it's the kind of problem that.
Speaker 5
00:18:12 If you can fix it.
00:18:14 It's going to take long.
00:18:15 I mean, someone else is going to take.
00:18:17 Over when you die.
00:18:23 And what's more?
Speaker 5
00:18:26 You're not the.
Speaker 1
00:18:27 Only one working.
00:18:28 On this system.
00:18:30 It's not like a computer or a car that's been dropped off at your shop.
00:18:37 Where you just have full reign and to to **** with it and try to fix it.
00:18:43 While you're trying to fix.
00:18:44 It all these other people are walking up and.
00:18:48 Sticking ***** **** ** it.
00:18:52 And ******* it up as you fix it.
Speaker 9
00:19:00 So you have to deal with those people too.
00:19:07 Because they're not going away.
00:19:12 So whatever solution you come up with.
00:19:16 Is going to have.
00:19:17 To take these people into consideration and the vast.
00:19:22 Complexity and difficulty of solving the problem and the cost.
00:19:32 And like with so many things, you know, mechanical, sometimes it's like, OK, you've got it to work.
00:19:41 But clearly if it failed.
Speaker 6
00:19:45 There was. There was.
00:19:46 A weakness in the system.
00:19:49 Like, is it really worth?
00:19:56 Like an 87 Corolla.
Speaker 8
00:20:01 Or you go or I don't know.
00:20:03 Some ***** ** **** car.
00:20:08 And like, yeah, if it's going to take you the rest of your life and then maybe like.
00:20:11 Half of your children's lives.
00:20:14 And they'll get it running again.
00:20:17 But it's just going to develop the same.
Speaker 6
00:20:18 Problems all over again.
00:20:22 So why invest all of this time and money?
00:20:27 ******* with it in the 1st place when you can.
00:20:29 Just say you know.
Speaker 5
00:20:30 **** it all you other.
00:20:32 People coming into my shop, sticking **** **** ** the the tailpipe of my you go.
00:20:37 You can have it.
00:20:39 You can ******* have it.
00:20:41 I don't want it.
00:20:47 I'm going to get a new car.
00:20:50 I'm going to drive a Lambo on the ******* moon.
00:20:58 So that's I I that's what I.
00:21:00 Think you're seeing right now is you're seeing a lot of people?
00:21:04 Who are just trying everything.
00:21:09 And and and maybe I I think and this this happens look this happens to when it comes to cars and machines too.
00:21:18 There's some sentimental value.
00:21:23 Well, I don't want to give them.
00:21:24 You go.
00:21:26 That's the Yugo where I had my first kiss.
00:21:31 That's the Yugo that I had when I first got my driver's license.
00:21:37 I used to deliver.
00:21:38 Pizzas in that Yugo.
Speaker 9
00:21:41 Remember that time we went camping in that Yugo and it almost broke down.
00:21:51 So they don't want to let.
00:21:52 Go of it.
00:21:57 Even if it just stays broken down.
00:21:59 In the front yard.
00:22:01 Doing nothing for them.
00:22:03 While homeless people live in it and **** and **** in it.
00:22:08 They still don't want to let it go.
00:22:15 Because it means something to them.
00:22:20 And it's kind of like what?
00:22:20 I was talking about.
00:22:21 If you uh.
00:22:23 If you find not that you're.
00:22:25 I don't think that you guys are.
00:22:26 Hoarders, but like everyone does this right?
Speaker 8
00:22:29 I mean I do it specially I.
00:22:30 Think anyone that does that does technical things.
Speaker 8
00:22:33 Like with computer parts or car.
00:22:35 Parts like you, you hang on to stuff because.
Speaker 8
00:22:37 You're like, well, I.
00:22:38 Never know what I'm going to need this.
00:22:40 I know the second I throw it away, I'll need it.
00:22:42 And that happens.
00:22:44 And so sometimes you do.
00:22:45 That with other **** that you're really.
00:22:47 Not going to need.
00:22:51 And So what I I said before is like, you know, if it's something like that, if it has.
00:22:55 Sentimental value to you?
00:22:56 But you literally haven't even, like, touched it or done anything with it for like 6 months and you can't think of A use for it in the next six months.
00:23:08 Than maybe a better idea.
00:23:12 Is to take photos of it, so it you.
00:23:14 Know you, you won't forget it.
00:23:17 You'll be able to look at it.
Speaker 5
00:23:20 The photos are free.
00:23:22 And then you sell it on eBay or.
00:23:23 Give it away or whatever.
00:23:27 Unclutter your life.
Speaker 9
00:23:34 So if you get rid of that, you.
00:23:35 You don't have to.
00:23:37 Pretend that never existed.
00:23:39 You can still.
00:23:39 Have those memories of when you delivered pizza.
00:23:43 In that you go.
00:23:48 Or gremlin or I don't know.
00:23:49 That's maybe we should use an American car.
00:23:58 You can keep those memories.
00:23:59 You can cherish those memories.
00:24:02 And look, maybe maybe you just get a nicer Hugo, if you like, Hugos, if that's your thing.
00:24:12 We got to.
00:24:12 Let things go.
Speaker 9
00:24:18 Consider later it won't matter.
00:24:21 Sooner or later.
Speaker 3
00:24:23 Those homeless people in.
00:24:24 The front yard ******** and ******* in the Yugo, they're just going to steal it one day.
00:24:27 One day you're going to wake up and it's just going to be gone anyway.
Speaker 5
00:24:37 So it really doesn't.
00:24:39 It doesn't matter one way or the other.
Speaker 9
00:24:43 And The funny thing is.
00:24:46 As as novice of a mechanic as you might be.
00:24:51 Those other people.
00:24:54 Trying to fix it with you.
Speaker 10
00:24:57 They're worse than you are.
00:24:58 They're never going to get it running either.
Speaker 5
00:25:10 So the.
00:25:12 The Chauvin verdict, obviously it was, Leia said.
00:25:14 It was no surprise.
00:25:17 It was completely predictable.
00:25:25 That's just the way it is now.
00:25:27 This is no longer that you go that you you had your first kiss in.
00:25:32 It's just not.
00:25:39 And you know you.
00:25:40 Want some reasons why?
00:25:47 Here's an example of.
00:25:52 Of what other white people are or.
00:25:54 How they're responding?
00:25:57 There you go.
00:25:58 King of the centrists.
00:26:02 Scott Adams, King of the centrists.
00:26:12 Now there have been.
00:26:14 Many such responses from centrists.
00:26:21 Because centrists always go with whatever wherever they think popular opinion is right and they know.
00:26:27 That this is a this is a popular.
00:26:29 Verdict it is.
00:26:30 I mean, not with you.
00:26:33 You might not like the result of this.
00:26:37 But what you think doesn't really matter, does it?
00:26:41 That's kind of the problem.
00:26:49 You know, The funny thing about Centris?
Speaker 5
00:26:52 The the uh.
00:26:55 I've seen and it's not just Scott Adams there, there's so many.
00:26:57 People like this.
Speaker 8
00:26:59 Their version of being edgy.
00:27:04 Is cooking.
Speaker 8
00:27:06 When no one else is right that they so they they.
00:27:09 Think that's that's being edgy.
Speaker 6
00:27:12 Like ah, I bet you thought I was going to be mad about this cause I'm white.
00:27:17 Ha ha surprise.
00:27:21 I'm a cook.
00:27:27 That's not just Scott Adams.
00:27:31 I don't know how many of you.
00:27:32 Guys will remember this.
00:27:34 Let me see if I can.
00:27:35 Find it.
00:27:35 Here, see people have asked me.
00:27:37 Like what?
00:27:38 I think about, you know.
00:27:39 What do you first of all I?
00:27:40 Don't know why people ask me why.
00:27:41 What I.
00:27:42 Think who I think or what I think.
00:27:44 About anybody, it doesn't really matter.
00:27:46 You know you like who you like, right?
00:27:48 There's there's.
00:27:50 It's kind of irrelevant, but.
00:27:53 People have asked me a lot.
00:27:55 For some reason I think it's because he does have.
00:27:57 A big following for I still can't.
00:27:59 Figure it out, but sticks.
00:28:03 Sticks demonstrates.
00:28:07 Exactly what I'm talking about.
00:28:10 You follow what you think the popular.
00:28:12 Opinion is going to be.
Speaker 5
00:28:15 So you can.
00:28:16 Appeal to everybody.
00:28:20 And so that way you're kind.
00:28:21 Of being edgy, right?
Speaker 9
00:28:23 Oh, I'm so.
00:28:24 Unpredictable. I bet you.
Speaker 6
00:28:25 Thought I was going to say this.
Speaker 9
00:28:27 But instead I said that.
00:28:31 You know the centrist, the centrist.
00:28:33 Way of of being edgy is.
00:28:38 Hey man.
Speaker 5
00:28:41 Do you want to?
00:28:43 Do you want this?
Speaker 6
00:28:45 Cake that I begged you.
00:28:47 No, but you can let a black.
00:28:48 Man struck me in.
Speaker 9
00:28:49 The *** haha.
00:28:50 But you didn't.
00:28:50 Expect me to say.
Speaker 8
00:28:51 That haha.
00:28:53 Just like what?
00:28:55 OK.
Speaker 10
00:29:00 Anyway, we're going to talk about the.
00:29:01 George Floyd, murder and.
00:29:03 I'm going to call it a murder because.
00:29:04 That's clearly what it is.
Speaker 6
00:29:06 I really I.
Speaker 10
00:29:06 Realize in a legal sense, like when they when they take this cop and and put him on trial, they'll probably go for, like negligent homicide, negligent manslaughter and and then, you know, his.
00:29:18 3 accomplices there, which is basically what they are, the.
00:29:21 Other cops who didn't actually kill.
00:29:23 George Floyd, but we're helping kill him.
00:29:25 They'll be tried as accessories.
00:29:27 In a perfect world.
00:29:28 He'd be up on 1st degree murder charges at.
00:29:30 What point over?
00:29:31 The course of seven minutes choking somebody to death.
00:29:35 At what point is there an element of premeditation simply by failing to stop?
00:29:40 But do you have to plan it hours beforehand in order to to have first degree?
00:29:43 I realize in the legal framework, perhaps yes, but I would think this goes well.
00:29:48 Beyond just simple negligence, even negligent homicide.
00:29:51 And I don't think that would.
00:29:52 Put him in jail long.
00:29:53 This is this dude is a menace to society.
00:29:55 I'll tell you what I think happened with this cop.
00:29:58 Something snapped.
00:29:59 He had a bad morning.
00:30:00 He went into a road rage and he decided to kill someone.
00:30:03 Maybe his girlfriend ditched at him.
00:30:05 His kid was being disobedient.
00:30:06 He had to beat his kid for the third time that week.
00:30:09 He ran out of money.
00:30:10 He ran out of crack.
00:30:11 Something ****** this dude off, and he had a chip on his shoulder and he decided to go out and act.
00:30:15 The thug and kill some random black dude.
Speaker 9
00:30:19 So edgy, so edgy.
00:30:26 So that was sticks.
00:30:27 Approximately a year ago and look, I'm not.
00:30:30 Going to I don't need.
00:30:31 To **** on him, it's, you know, it's.
00:30:34 I just want to point out.
00:30:35 Though, like, that's the centrist.
Speaker 6
00:30:40 And unfortunately, that's.
00:30:43 That's the majority of white people.
00:30:49 I mean the.
00:30:50 Numbers don't lie.
00:30:54 That has broader appeal.
00:31:00 Then saying and I think he might have changed his tune since.
00:31:12 But that had broader appeal because at the time.
00:31:16 There was a viral video.
00:31:18 A viral video of a black man being kneeled on.
00:31:29 And the centrists are just as easily manipulated.
00:31:35 By the leftist memes, as the leftists are.
00:31:46 I mean, that's unfortunately that's the norm right now.
00:31:50 That's the centrist view.
00:31:53 And again, I'm sure he's he's changed it.
00:31:55 In fact, I'm sure he's gone.
00:31:56 All over the place as.
00:31:57 As the winds have blown different directions, right?
00:32:06 You don't really have.
00:32:07 Principles and you're just kind of.
00:32:08 Going with the flow.
00:32:11 You can change and that goes for your audience too, right?
00:32:14 You can change your opinion on all kinds of ****, and the audience isn't going to notice because they're doing the same ****.
Speaker 8
00:32:23 And again, I'm not.
00:32:24 I'm really not picking I.
00:32:26 I think that was.
00:32:29 Pretty bad, but like I'm not.
00:32:31 Doing this to pick on him, I'm just.
00:32:32 Using him as an example.
00:32:36 Of the centrist crowd.
Speaker 8
00:32:40 Because you got to.
00:32:41 I mean, look, think about it.
00:32:43 In a way.
Speaker 8
00:32:45 He's an ally.
00:32:46 Like that's, you know, like that's.
00:32:49 That's one of your allies.
Speaker 5
00:32:52 In a way.
00:32:55 I don't think he wants white people exterminated.
00:32:58 I mean, unfortunately that's that's all it takes these days to.
00:33:02 For me to.
00:33:05 See you as a potential ally, at least.
00:33:14 But we get that and we get this.
00:33:20 And then in addition to that, I mean, look.
00:33:22 The reason why?
00:33:24 These people are like this.
00:33:28 Is the same reason why?
00:33:31 These people are like this.
00:33:44 The exact same reason.
00:33:55 That man is.
00:33:58 Has his opinion.
00:34:00 For the exact same reason, PlayStation.
00:34:04 Has their opinion.
00:34:09 On the case.
00:34:11 And for that matter, every single.
00:34:14 Multinational billionaire business.
00:34:26 If you want to be part of the club, you have to follow.
00:34:29 Their rules and you have to have their morality.
00:34:34 And their views.
00:34:38 It's kind of what I.
00:34:39 Was talking about the YouTube thing right?
00:34:45 I could stay on YouTube.
00:34:47 I could have stayed on YouTube and been monetized for, well, maybe forever and uh.
00:34:54 Easily have changed my like easily before.
00:34:57 They even like.
00:34:59 Flipped the switch on the channel when I was still.
00:35:01 I knew it was only a matter of time if I kept.
00:35:03 Going down that road and I chose to keep going down that road.
00:35:06 I didn't have to, though.
00:35:07 There were several exits.
00:35:09 I could have taken.
00:35:14 And I'd be making a lot of money.
00:35:22 I mean, these people are making a lot of money.
00:35:24 Centrists make a lot.
00:35:25 Of money.
00:35:29 For a variety of reasons.
00:35:34 Least of which isn't that.
00:35:35 I mean, like the just the fact that they appeal to more people.
00:35:37 That's just a small part of it.
00:35:41 It's also because they appeal to the right people.
Speaker 9
00:35:52 But that's why this is this is this.
00:35:53 Is why we're going down this road.
00:36:01 This is why you're going to lose your country because it's like it's it's not just the centrist, it's.
00:36:05 Not just, you know, the people at at Sony.
Speaker 8
00:36:08 It's not just the.
00:36:10 You know.
00:36:10 Dilbert and sticks. And you?
00:36:12 Know all these other guys.
00:36:19 In fact, it's.
00:36:20 For that matter, this is horrifying.
00:36:23 There was this update that installed, and Microsoft is so hell bent on making you use their awful browser that it.
00:36:31 Get like anytime the one of the forced updates.
00:36:35 Gets installed.
00:36:37 It's like you rebuilt because you have.
00:36:39 To and then it's like oh look.
Speaker 6
00:36:44 Remember, remember Internet Explorer or whatever.
00:36:46 You know, whatever.
00:36:46 I don't know, it's.
00:36:47 Called anymore Edge or something?
Speaker 8
00:36:48 And you're.
00:36:51 It loads this **** onto your screen.
00:36:53 You're just.
00:36:53 Like what?
00:36:59 See this is this is the power.
00:37:00 Structure. Not just, yeah.
Speaker 8
00:37:02 Think this.
00:37:03 This goes all the way up.
00:37:05 This is a.
00:37:07 Let's see here.
00:37:08 She's a director of product design for cloud and AI studios.
00:37:18 If you want to.
00:37:18 Have a job like that in the.
00:37:20 I'm sure it pays very well.
Speaker 8
00:37:25 You have to fit in.
00:37:29 That's the lady who's going to be.
00:37:31 Interviewing you or deciding you know having.
00:37:34 You do your your performance review or.
00:37:37 You know, deciding if you.
00:37:38 Get a raise or not.
00:37:40 And it's not just Microsoft.
00:37:43 That's every large company.
00:37:50 That's what turns you into a slave.
00:37:55 At the end of the day, well, the centrist doesn't.
00:37:59 They don't think of it this way.
00:38:03 They're slaves.
00:38:10 If the popular thing.
00:38:15 For example, if it was going to.
00:38:17 Be so popular.
00:38:20 For the verdict to go the.
00:38:22 Other way around?
00:38:25 For whatever reason.
00:38:28 Doesn't have to be a verdict, just any anything.
00:38:30 If they're, if everyone is waiting for the results to.
00:38:33 You know something?
00:38:36 The centrists.
00:38:39 Are typically going to.
00:38:42 Go with the flow, right.
00:38:43 They're going to go with whatever the answer is.
00:38:50 They're in the same.
00:38:51 Club that.
00:38:51 That ***** is or.
00:38:53 Thing I don't even know what that is.
00:39:06 They're just as.
00:39:06 Much as a wage caucus as this person or the people.
00:39:10 That work under them.
00:39:14 Scott Adams.
00:39:18 He starts going edgy for real.
Speaker 9
00:39:22 And I don't.
00:39:22 Just mean like limp wristed Lily supporting Trump for like a little bit after flip flopping twice like days before the election.
00:39:29 I don't if you guys remember that right where.
00:39:32 He was, I think he was.
00:39:33 Literally running the numbers.
Speaker 5
00:39:36 Like he flipped like.
00:39:37 Trump said, like, I think it was the grab him by the ***** thing happened or.
00:39:41 Something like that happened.
00:39:44 And he and he went running for the hills.
00:39:45 He went straight.
00:39:46 Back to like.
00:39:47 Well, Hillary's not so bad, actually.
00:39:50 And then, like right before the election, after I think he crunched.
00:39:53 The numbers and.
00:39:54 He saw, like, kind of what was going to happen that Trump was going to win.
Speaker 10
00:39:57 Ohh all of a sudden Trump's pretty good.
00:40:06 It's just calculating.
00:40:12 Again, it's it's, it's not having principles.
00:40:14 It's having or I guess if your principal.
00:40:16 Is making money.
00:40:23 But if he were to actually support something unpopular, like let's say, I mean, look, I'm sure that.
00:40:30 And I don't even know I'd have to.
00:40:31 Go look, maybe I'm wrong about this, but I doubt it.
00:40:35 I'm sure Scott Adams thought what happened at the capital in the six was terrible, right, because that was what that was, the popular opinion.
00:40:43 Oh, it's an insurrection.
00:40:44 I don't know if he called insurrection, but I'm.
00:40:45 Sure, he wasn't.
00:40:47 Wasn't happy about that publicly.
00:40:51 If he had supported it, you know, if he'd said these are just protesters and and this is totally fine.
00:40:59 And and how dare the media paint this?
00:41:01 Or, you know, just anything?
00:41:03 Like if he went against something that unpopular.
Speaker 5
00:41:09 That'd be it.
00:41:11 Someone resembling this ***** would make his life harder.
Speaker 8
00:41:15 And he might lose his.
00:41:17 You know Instagram model girlfriend and.
Speaker 9
00:41:21 Even though he's.
00:41:22 Super rich.
00:41:25 They wouldn't be invited to the right parties anymore.
00:41:32 You might lose book deals.
Speaker 5
00:41:37 See, that's the thing with these.
Speaker 8
00:41:38 People, it's.
00:41:39 It's not even that they'd be poor if they got canceled, they just wouldn't be as rich.
00:41:45 They would lose social status to some degree.
00:41:49 And that's enough.
00:41:55 And there's a miniature version of that happening.
Speaker 6
00:41:58 With the majority.
00:41:59 Of white people.
Speaker 5
00:42:04 Where even if they, you know, private will tell.
00:42:08 You like look.
00:42:08 Yeah, you know.
00:42:09 **** George Floyd or whatever.
00:42:13 They would never say that.
00:42:17 In fact, they they might.
00:42:20 Pretend to agree with their boss when they go into work tomorrow.
00:42:28 And their boss says, oh, it's so such great news.
00:42:30 It's good to see the system working, isn't it?
00:42:34 They might nod their head and, you know, suck it up and say yeah, boss.
Speaker 9
00:42:41 Yes, master, Sir, sure is.
00:42:43 Yes, Sir, Sir.
00:42:59 So that that's that's really what's going to happen the.
00:43:04 And look, the same goes for those guys in the the America First caucus that.
00:43:09 The bail of the 1st.
00:43:11 The sign of resistance, you know.
00:43:15 I think Vincent James was saying that they were.
00:43:18 Threatened by the Minority Leader.
00:43:24 That not only would they.
00:43:26 Be removed from.
00:43:31 Positions that.
00:43:33 That make them feel important, but they might actually.
00:43:37 Be expelled from Congress.
00:43:45 That first of all, that demonstrates how much power you have, but secondly, it demonstrates the the tiny amount of sort of representation.
00:43:55 You know, with this ragtag, you know.
00:43:58 Group of people.
00:44:02 It shows how much they're going to.
00:44:04 Stick to their guns.
00:44:09 Ohh live to fight another day really.
00:44:14 When, when is that day?
00:44:16 I I'd love to see it.
00:44:18 I've yet to see it.
00:44:24 That day has not happened yet.
00:44:37 That day has not happened yet.
00:44:44 And unfortunately for.
00:44:47 You have.
00:44:48 You have the centrist problem.
00:44:50 You have the.
00:44:51 The the right wing people who have who have.
00:44:54 Yet to identify what's wrong with the system, so they're trying all different kinds of things.
00:45:01 And look, there's just been a lot of dysgenics going on with white people too, to where you have, I mean, **** you have **** like this going on.
Speaker 11
00:45:11 Do you wanna party with a fan?
00:45:14 My name is. I gotta.
00:45:15 You gotta see this.
00:45:17 I'm sure some of you have seen this on my telegram, but.
00:45:19 This is just look I mean.
00:45:23 It's amazing.
00:45:26 Not only are there this many people like this that aren't somehow dead like this hasn't killed them.
00:45:34 But there's enough of them in the same area to where they're friends.
Speaker 11
00:45:39 Do you want to party with a?
00:45:40 Fact, even though it's comments, you're like cap.
00:45:43 Ditch time you spend with me.
00:45:45 You'll be time well spent.
00:45:46 And if I get enough you.
00:45:47 Know I'm leaving.
00:45:48 It in no.
00:45:49 You wanna party with a fat *****.
00:45:53 The time you spend.
00:45:54 With me will be time well spent.
00:45:58 I'm a big fat big ****.
00:46:00 Dreams Patty.
00:46:01 2 minutes will be and you'll be calling me Daddy.
00:46:03 Might not pass the presidential fitness test, but notify your next of kin up with your direct whiny little DJ.
Speaker 10
00:46:09 For your health.
Speaker 11
00:46:10 And think about my backyard while they're touching themselves.
00:46:12 They comment.
00:46:13 I legitimately thought this was John Candy and whisper my name as you start to get Randy.
00:46:21 So yeah, I mean we, we, you just gotta you gotta realize we don't have a lot to work with.
00:46:34 We don't have a lot to work with.
00:46:38 But that's OK. So that's.
00:46:42 That's the bad news.
00:46:43 Kind of.
00:46:43 Or not even.
00:46:44 Bad news again.
00:46:45 It's it's.
00:46:45 It's the sober news.
00:46:47 That's the sober take.
00:46:49 It's not a bad take.
Speaker 1
00:46:52 Now the good.
00:46:52 News is.
00:46:55 You mean there's good news?
00:46:57 There's always good news.
Speaker 9
00:47:03 The good news is.
00:47:07 You know this those.
00:47:08 Of you listening, most, at least most of.
00:47:10 You I would assume.
00:47:12 You know this?
00:47:20 And now you have plenty of time.
00:47:22 In my opinion, there's still plenty of time.
00:47:26 Plenty of time to.
00:47:30 Ruggedized your life?
00:47:33 Ruggedized your life against?
00:47:36 The inevitable, the inevitable, the inevitable decline, the third worlding of the United States.
00:47:48 And thankfully and not, there's still we have, you know, we still have lots of communications and ways of getting news.
00:47:58 And while we all know.
00:47:59 Whether there are?
00:48:01 These people's heads at if you don't.
00:48:02 Here's here's a little taste.
Speaker 7
00:48:05 We need another civil war now.
Speaker 1
00:48:07 That's what it takes then I believe so.
00:48:09 If that's what it's going to take to revamp everything.
Speaker 3
00:48:14 Equal at least.
Speaker 1
00:48:15 Equal for us to have justice, I believe.
00:48:17 Will happen probably.
Speaker 7
00:48:19 What percent of this country are white supremacists?
Speaker 1
00:48:21 Say most of the country, I can't give you a.
Speaker 2
00:48:23 Number but.
00:48:24 Why? Yeah.
Speaker 7
00:48:24 That's the majority of the country.
00:48:26 Should we just gather up the white supremacist and do St.
Speaker 2
00:48:31 That would be ideal.
00:48:34 Again, I'm not gonna say anything that would directly incriminate me, but I would say that would.
Speaker 1
00:48:38 Be a good idea I.
00:48:38 Don't want to.
00:48:39 Say we need to.
00:48:40 Go and start killing all white folks, but it's.
00:48:42 Like but.
Speaker 2
00:48:43 Maybe they need to.
00:48:45 Feel pain to go.
Speaker 1
00:48:46 Start killing all white folks, but it's like but.
Speaker 2
00:48:50 Maybe they need to feel that directly incriminate me.
Speaker 1
00:48:53 But I would say that would be a good idea.
00:48:55 I don't want to say we need to go start killing all white.
00:48:58 Folks, but it's.
Speaker 2
00:48:58 Like, but maybe they need to feel pain.
Speaker 8
00:49:04 So you know.
00:49:06 They're not shy.
00:49:10 This is what they're saying to.
00:49:11 A guy while.
00:49:12 They're on camera.
00:49:14 They're sure they're wearing.
00:49:15 A mask or whatever, but.
00:49:22 Again, these are not the people.
00:49:26 From which a?
00:49:28 Justice system like the one we used to have, or at least we used.
00:49:32 To think we had.
00:49:36 Came from.
00:49:37 These are not the people that developed.
00:49:41 That kind of technology.
00:49:44 These are not the people.
00:49:47 That are equipped.
Speaker 3
00:49:50 To even.
00:49:51 Use the technology that was developed by others.
00:50:08 So in very like the as they get in charge, you hear this all the time. And I've been talking about this like, like, I don't know why it's it's everyone's always surprised when. Yeah, here's the thing about being black pilled, quote, UN quote when you're black pilled.
Speaker 8
00:50:25 You you're not wrong very often.
00:50:29 You know.
00:50:30 It's like it's it's kind of like, you know, it's it's, yeah, it's it's bad but.
00:50:36 You know, like it's.
00:50:41 This isn't hard to figure out.
00:50:43 It's not.
00:50:45 And instead of being on this emotional roller coaster.
00:50:48 Of like.
Speaker 9
00:50:49 Oh, wait.
00:50:50 Wait till.
00:50:50 Oh, black pills again.
00:50:51 Oh, wait.
00:50:55 You just have to like again.
00:50:56 You don't have to.
00:50:57 You shouldn't.
00:50:57 Be so here's the thing, the flip.
00:50:59 Side of this.
00:51:00 Is you don't want to live your life in anxiety.
00:51:04 You don't want.
00:51:04 To live your life depressed about these things because you will bring that into your life.
00:51:14 You will lose sight of your purpose, or you'll think that having a purpose.
00:51:18 Is irrelevant.
00:51:20 You'll think.
00:51:21 Well, you know, if if my people aren't going to be in charge of the country that I live in, then there's no point to me even ever trying at life.
00:51:34 I think a lot of people do that.
00:51:37 And I think it's because I mean it it kind of comes down to part of the the propaganda when when you're a kid.
00:51:46 Like, what's? What's the thing?
00:51:47 That they always tell you when they when they.
00:51:49 First, start explaining the way that the country works to you when you're at least this is, you know, when I was a kid.
Speaker 8
00:51:55 You know, they they they try.
00:51:56 To sell you on the on this idea.
Speaker 8
00:51:59 That. Oh, you know what?
00:52:00 You could be president.
00:52:02 The great thing about America is anyone, anyone, doesn't matter, you know.
00:52:08 Where they started.
00:52:10 In the hierarchy or economic status or whatever.
Speaker 9
00:52:18 Anyone can succeed?
00:52:23 You know, you could be president.
00:52:25 You could be a senator.
00:52:26 You could be the governor, the.
00:52:27 Mayor the CEO of.
00:52:30 Of Facebook.
00:52:35 Or whatever and that.
00:52:41 Is what drives a lot of of wage slaves.
00:52:47 Ohh I might have this.
00:52:48 ****** job now, but someday.
00:52:50 I'll be the manager of McDonald's.
00:52:54 If I keep this up, they're going to notice me and I'm going to move on up that ladder.
00:53:01 One day I'm going to be CEO.
00:53:05 I'm going to be the president.
00:53:07 I'm going to be a famous.
00:53:09 Director or a famous?
00:53:13 You know, whatever.
00:53:18 That ends up that's your purpose.
Speaker 9
00:53:22 That's that's your personal carrot.
Speaker 10
00:53:26 That you dangle in front.
00:53:27 Of yourself.
00:53:29 That's what gets you up in the morning, is that you're?
00:53:31 Going to achieve this thing right?
00:53:35 That that's the thing that's going to make.
Speaker 3
00:53:37 It all worth it.
00:53:41 And as you get older.
00:53:44 You might, you might adjust that and maybe get a little more realistic with it.
00:53:51 But you're still.
00:53:52 Hopefully you're dreaming big, right?
00:53:59 And I think that when people start to realize.
Speaker 5
00:54:09 Our people.
00:54:12 The reins of power.
00:54:15 Are slipping out of their hands.
00:54:23 And so now what?
00:54:24 Was already kind of like a big.
00:54:27 Out there dream, you know.
00:54:31 Suddenly seems completely.
00:54:39 And this is something that's been, I think attacking the.
00:54:43 Motivation of of white men in this.
00:54:46 Country for just a really long time.
00:54:49 It's just, it's just that it's getting increasingly.
Speaker 3
00:54:53 More brutal.
00:54:54 And I've talked about when I was in high school and I went to the office because I was supposed to go talk to the high school counselor.
00:55:00 Was going to, you know, they before you graduate, they they.
00:55:04 Interview you and see like.
00:55:06 What are you gonna do with yourself?
00:55:07 And you know, and as I'm waiting around, I get this pamphlet and inside the pamphlet because it was a pamphlet to go work at the NSA.
00:55:14 And I was like.
00:55:15 I work.
00:55:15 You know, I like computers.
00:55:17 Maybe I'll go work at the NSA.
00:55:19 You know, that seems cool, you know.
00:55:20 X-Files is neat.
00:55:22 Or whatever.
00:55:24 And the first page maybe in the first paragraph, I forget.
00:55:29 Says the NSA.
00:55:32 Has great opportunities for people who want to.
00:55:37 Work in technology or something like that.
00:55:40 Followed by.
00:55:43 This is word for word especially.
00:55:47 If you're a woman or a minority.
00:55:52 And right away that.
00:55:52 Was the first hint.
00:55:54 That's why it's stuck.
00:55:55 In my head.
00:55:57 The first hint that oh.
00:56:02 The world seems.
00:56:04 Like it has something against me.
00:56:08 In a in a very tangible way.
Speaker 8
00:56:10 You know, like this in writing right here.
00:56:14 And they said this is.
00:56:15 This isn't even like a private company.
00:56:17 This is this is the government.
00:56:21 This is a problem.
00:56:23 The government seems to.
00:56:26 Favor everyone over me.
00:56:29 Every other kind of person.
Speaker 5
00:56:32 Over me explicitly.
Speaker 6
00:56:36 I'm at a disadvantage.
00:56:37 Officially in writing right here, right out the gate.
Speaker 9
00:56:44 And that was.
00:56:44 Just my first brush with this sort.
00:56:45 Of thing, obviously.
00:56:46 You know like.
Speaker 5
00:56:48 Little by little you get more and more.
00:56:49 Of this some of it.
00:56:51 In your face.
00:56:53 And it's demoralizing.
00:56:59 Well, when you start to get to a point where the legal system.
Speaker 5
00:57:06 Now it's no longer.
00:57:08 Oh, I'm.
00:57:09 I'm not going to get that job because they're going to give it to Tyrone because they think he's going to be a doctor.
00:57:13 And engineer because you know whatever.
00:57:17 White privilege? Something something, something.
00:57:23 Now it's like.
00:57:25 Oh, I could go to jail for no reason.
00:57:32 I could go to jail for.
00:57:34 Defending myself.
00:57:39 Or, as we saw today today, I could go to jail for defending someone else.
00:57:59 For those of.
Speaker 9
00:58:00 You don't know what?
00:58:00 I'm talking about today.
00:58:04 Another white evil white cop.
00:58:08 Shot and killed.
00:58:14 Law breaking violent.
Speaker 9
00:58:17 Black person.
00:58:22 Who was?
00:58:23 In the process.
00:58:27 Of attacking someone with a huge knife.
00:58:37 I might have the video here.
00:58:43 In fact, I I now I've got it and it's just in a different folder here.
00:58:46 Let me see.
Speaker 5
00:58:49 And but this this.
00:58:50 Obviously is going to affect cops like I'm I'm no fan of cops, especially recently.
00:58:56 For totally different reasons.
00:59:01 But this is just going to make it worse, like you're going to have even fewer cups.
00:59:08 Or, you know, cops that are not ********* because.
00:59:12 Only ********* would want to work under these conditions.
00:59:15 So here's what happened today.
00:59:16 This is the.
00:59:18 The body Cam footage.
00:59:24 Again I.
00:59:26 Hate how it just resizes itself constantly.
00:59:30 I'll fix that. I had a solution for that, but I don't it requires 1/3.
00:59:34 Monitor that I do not have hooked up tonight.
Speaker 5
00:59:39 Right.
01:00:04 Now I will say I'm not sure.
01:00:06 Why he shot so many times?
01:00:08 Seems like these cops are are not.
01:00:10 Very good at the non lethal shootings.
01:00:12 But it doesn't matter.
Speaker 5
01:00:14 You know what you want to know?
01:00:15 Why a cop?
01:00:16 Has never shot me.
01:00:18 Although this could change, you know the way things.
01:00:20 Are going.
01:00:23 I've never tried to stab someone to death with a knife.
01:00:27 Never try never.
01:00:31 And that is precisely.
01:00:37 What she was trying to do there, see that big *** knife.
01:00:39 In her hand.
01:00:41 She was literally about to stab this chick.
01:00:44 With a knife.
01:00:51 While a cop is telling her like.
01:00:52 Look, can you really trust someone like?
01:00:55 That to not stab.
01:00:58 The trick.
01:01:00 If you've got a gun already drawn and there's other cops, and you're all telling her to stop and she's still doing it, you think you're dealing with a rational person.
01:01:16 So you save the girl on Pink's life.
01:01:20 Potentially that's not a small knife.
01:01:24 That's the kind of knife that could make.
01:01:25 You dead pretty quick.
01:01:29 Pretty quick and she's a big girl.
01:01:33 So she'd be able to put that knife.
01:01:37 Pretty deep in you.
01:01:49 But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 9
01:01:56 Because they just wild in, they just wild in.
01:02:01 Why'd the white cop have to come and ruin all their fun?
01:02:06 They're just Wilding.
Speaker 6
01:02:07 No big deal.
01:02:19 This is the norm.
01:02:22 This is this is non white primacy.
01:02:24 OK, this is what's normal for them.
01:02:27 I look it looks like it like.
01:02:28 A normal kind of suburb, right?
01:02:33 Decent houses.
01:02:36 You know, not the worst cars.
01:02:48 And they're they're ******* trying.
01:02:49 To stab each other with giant *** knives.
01:03:00 Yeah, I was talking to my mom like a year ago or so.
01:03:03 It was.
01:03:04 It was a while.
01:03:05 It was when I was first trying to being a knives.
01:03:08 I was trying to get the knife in her and twist.
01:03:11 The little bit the.
01:03:14 The race.
01:03:15 Knife, I guess.
01:03:17 Trying to get past all the the.
01:03:19 Burner protection protocols that we're running.
01:03:25 And I said something like.
01:03:28 You know, I was talking about.
01:03:29 Voting patterns.
01:03:32 And I was saying, you know, if you look at this group, this is how they vote.
01:03:37 If you look at this group, you know, this is how they vote, you know, if you look at this group, this is how they vote.
01:03:42 And if you look at the demographics, what's happening and so invariably what's going to happen is your vote.
01:03:48 Is going to go away.
01:03:52 And it largely has overtime, right?
01:03:56 And she did the boomer thing and she.
01:03:58 Said. Well, I know.
01:04:00 Lots of white people.
01:04:03 That are on the left and and and think stupid.
01:04:08 Stupid leftist ****.
01:04:11 You know it's it's it's.
01:04:13 It's hard to get.
01:04:14 Those people to see it.
01:04:16 And I said exactly.
01:04:18 So why the ****?
01:04:20 Oh, I didn't say.
01:04:20 It that way.
Speaker 8
01:04:21 I said, I said.
01:04:22 So why mom?
Speaker 10
01:04:25 Why would?
01:04:26 You want to make it even harder.
01:04:31 What we have in this or had in this country?
01:04:37 Was a.
01:04:38 Very fragile thing.
01:04:39 It was like a Faberge egg.
01:04:43 It was beautiful and.
01:04:48 And extremely breakable.
01:04:52 You can't play rough with it.
01:04:55 And that's OK if the people.
01:04:57 In the room are all adults.
01:05:00 And they respect it.
01:05:02 They make sure it's.
01:05:04 You know, in the glass case that you got for it.
01:05:08 You don't roughhouse around.
01:05:10 Your adults, your grown-ups.
01:05:12 You don't **** around while you're next to the the $5,000,000 Faberge egg inside the.
01:05:19 The case on the mantle.
01:05:23 Everyone's very conscious of it, like, oh, don't knock over the $5 million.
01:05:26 ******* Faberge egg.
01:05:32 And as long as those types of.
01:05:33 People are in the room.
01:05:36 That egg will remain on the mantle.
01:05:39 Maybe from time to time be carefully removed from the case and examined or whatever, but.
01:05:46 It can survive eternity.
01:05:50 As long as the right.
01:05:51 People are in that room.
01:06:00 And in fact, you know, with my mom's argument.
01:06:03 It can still survive if maybe a couple of the people are the wrong people.
01:06:08 But you have enough of the right people keeping an eye on the people that are the wrong people and make sure they don't get too close to the ******* egg.
01:06:19 And that's what we had.
01:06:24 We had some people that were not the right kind of people.
01:06:27 You'll always have some people that aren't the right kind of people, no matter what the demographic.
01:06:34 And you're always going to have to keep.
01:06:35 An eye on those ******* people.
Speaker 8
01:06:42 But when those?
01:06:43 People outnumber you.
01:06:46 When all that remains in that room.
01:06:51 Are people like the people in this video?
Speaker 9
01:06:56 What's going on? Hey.
01:07:02 They're going to knock over the ******* egg.
01:07:11 And what's worse?
01:07:14 They're not even going to care.
01:07:18 It's not their family heirloom.
Speaker 5
01:07:23 They might even laugh.
01:07:24 They might.
Speaker 9
01:07:24 Oh ****, bro.
01:07:26 You just ******* broke yank, bro.
01:07:34 They don't ******* care.
01:07:45 So I guess what I'm saying is.
01:07:48 It's it's time for a lot of people.
01:07:52 To realize.
01:07:55 But you you're outnumbered in that room.
Speaker 8
01:07:59 And they're getting awfully ******* close.
01:08:00 To that egg.
01:08:07 There's not enough people to keep an eye on all the people.
01:08:09 That want to **** ** the egg?
01:08:10 There just isn't.
01:08:17 You are outnumbered officially and again this when I talk about this stuff, it's like it's it's specific to America.
01:08:24 I don't know what the situation.
01:08:31 I suspect it's not good, I think I.
01:08:34 Would have heard about it.
01:08:35 Heard about it by now if it was.
01:08:39 There's some places that there's many places that aren't quite so bad.
01:08:45 But just generally speaking, across the board in the.
01:08:48 West, it's just, you know.
01:08:53 You let too many ******* into the party.
01:08:56 She's going to get broken.
Speaker 8
01:09:09 All right, I'm going to.
01:09:09 Take a look at chat.
01:09:11 Oh, I dropped some frames at some point.
01:09:12 That sucks.
01:09:14 I was on A roll with not dropping frames.
01:09:19 Well, my computer is a little torn.
01:09:22 Apart tonight I was fixing some stuff.
01:09:24 Not a big deal.
01:09:30 Let's take a look at chat.
01:09:39 Even the white people that say they love black people, you know they are lying because not of not one of them would dare go into a black neighborhood or live in one.
01:09:51 Well, earlier lying so much as.
01:09:53 They're lying.
01:09:55 They're not being specific enough.
01:09:58 Look, there's black people.
01:09:59 I like.
01:09:59 I mean, I'm not saying that like every black person is irresponsible and and incapable of of keeping America going and stuff like that.
01:10:08 It's just it's a numbers game.
01:10:09 It doesn't matter if there's a few.
Speaker 9
01:10:12 So they're just, they're just not.
01:10:14 They're they're they're unable to make generalizations.
Speaker 5
01:10:20 They're like a.
01:10:25 You know they can't.
01:10:26 They can't.
01:10:27 Recognize the patterns.
01:10:31 Or they can and they're just ignoring them because it's it goes against so much.
01:10:36 Who they thought they were, that it would just be an, it would be an existential crisis, you know, to their.
01:10:41 Ego after the Sherman verdict, the cops have started quitting the Seattle and Albuquerque already have resignations, mainly from the crowd control unit.
01:10:50 Mad Max is right behind the corner.
01:10:52 I don't know.
01:10:53 It'll be Mad Max.
01:10:53 It'd be kind of.
01:10:54 Fun though I'm not going to lie like the.
01:10:56 The When I think about the different.
01:11:00 Mostly fictional scenarios of where things could go.
Speaker 6
01:11:06 I would.
Speaker 8
01:11:07 Like the Wild West?
Speaker 5
01:11:09 I feel like I would like it.
01:11:11 But I kind of live in the Wild West.
01:11:12 It's just not quite as wild as it.
01:11:14 Not even close as it was once.
01:11:18 But I kind of like it.
01:11:22 I like that.
01:11:24 I feel comfortable.
01:11:27 In in a.
01:11:29 Environment where.
01:11:32 You kind of make your own rules, but like you also have.
01:11:35 To work with the.
01:11:36 I mean, it's not complete anarchy.
01:11:41 But it's also not.
01:11:44 A tyranny.
01:11:46 From a something as omnipotent, or at least seemingly as the federal government you know.
01:11:55 I mean, yeah, certain you'd have different power.
01:11:57 Structures you have to deal with.
01:11:58 There'd be like I.
01:11:59 Don't know warlords and **** like that.
01:12:01 That's different.
01:12:03 Trying to outsmart smart like a a local warlord is infinitely easier than trying to outsmart a something as large.
01:12:13 As the the.
01:12:14 Federal government, with the resources that they have.
01:12:19 So Mad Max actually sounds kind of fun in some ways.
01:12:24 Maybe like camping all the time.
01:12:29 I don't know.
01:12:29 Maybe not, maybe not.
01:12:31 Maybe fans exaggerating.
01:12:33 But to be liberating, in a lot of ways, and I don't think I'm, I'm alone in that, I think there's a reason why these zombie movies and TV shows appealed to so many people.
01:12:42 That were.
01:12:43 Stuck in wage wage slavery.
01:12:46 Because you would be, you'd be.
01:12:48 You'd be free.
Speaker 9
01:12:48 At last, free at last.
01:12:50 You know you.
01:12:51 Wouldn't have to get up and go to work.
01:12:55 That alone was worth all the zombie shooting and killing and stuff.
01:12:59 So many people.
Speaker 9
01:13:02 Are very aware subconsciously.
01:13:07 Of the chains that they're wearing.
Speaker 9
01:13:10 So much so.
01:13:14 That it actually seems like not such.
01:13:16 A bad thing?
01:13:20 The dead rose from the grave and start eating people's brains because at least you didn't have to make small talk at the water. Cool.
01:13:30 And how one of.
Speaker 6
01:13:30 Those zombies might even be your.
01:13:32 Old boss and you can shoot him in.
01:13:33 The head and not feel bad at all.
01:13:39 So many people wanted that reality.
Speaker 10
01:13:44 They were mentally.
01:13:46 I mean, in a way kind of.
01:13:47 Larping it in their head.
Speaker 6
01:13:49 They were selling ******* zombie apocalypse.
01:13:55 Survival kits.
01:13:58 On Amazon and selling out.
Speaker 5
01:14:04 And people sure like the oh.
Speaker 6
01:14:06 Haha, it's funny.
01:14:06 Just like it's a joke.
01:14:08 Yeah, I mean, obviously, people didn't really think a zombie apocalypse.
01:14:12 Is going to happen.
01:14:15 But anytime people buy.
01:14:16 Merchandising like that, it's because they're trying to live in a fantasy.
01:14:24 And the the fact that that's a fantasy.
01:14:28 That the majority, or at least a huge chunk of the wage slaves.
01:14:32 Thought might be fun.
01:14:33 Tells you something.
01:14:34 About wage slavery.
01:14:45 I mean, at least then you'd have.
01:14:46 Some control over your.
01:14:47 Life, right?
01:14:53 At least then you know your life, the outcomes of your life.
01:15:00 Would not be determined.
01:15:02 By chicks in hour.
01:15:06 That that, you know, the kinds of.
01:15:08 Girls that are.
Speaker 11
01:15:08 Oh, you wanna party with a?
01:15:09 Fat *****, even though it's comments, you're like cap.
01:15:12 ***** time you spend with me.
01:15:15 These girls, I guarantee you.
01:15:20 At least some of them are someones bus.
Speaker 9
01:15:28 Someone's bus? Someone.
01:15:29 Has to go into work every day.
Speaker 5
01:15:32 And do.
01:15:32 It what that ***** says.
01:15:49 And there's every one of you guys out there and like I waved slave for a really long ******* time.
01:15:57 I had.
01:15:58 I had bosses that resembled.
01:16:01 The people in that video, I guess if they're, I don't know if I call.
01:16:04 Them people at this point is there.
01:16:06 Is there a?
01:16:06 Point at which you stop being people.
Speaker 8
01:16:20 Yeah, it was preferable to to.
01:16:24 To fantasize about living in a in a.
01:16:27 Zombie apocalypse?
01:16:30 Because you had control, you had control in that situation.
01:16:36 Everything went. Everyone went.
01:16:38 To zero.
01:16:38 It's like the end of.
01:16:39 Fight Club when they.
01:16:40 When they're blowing up the credit card companies and stuff like that.
01:16:44 The whole thing about, I mean the whole idea behind that was, oh, yeah, we will erase everyone's debt.
01:16:50 Everyone's wealth.
01:16:52 Everyone starts over at 0.
01:16:59 It's a popular fantasy.
01:17:06 Because wage slavery sucks that bad.
01:17:24 Deb and my friend recently watched office space as well as.
01:17:27 Your video on it.
01:17:28 He has really taken a liking to your video since I showed you to him in November, you were helping.
01:17:37 Out a lot of young dudes.
01:17:38 Well, good.
01:17:41 Thank you for sharing my stuff.
01:17:44 I appreciate that.
01:17:47 And I'm glad it is helping people.
01:17:52 Yeah, same thing.
01:17:52 That's that's a perfect.
01:17:53 Example that that, that.
01:17:55 Movie describes exactly what I'm talking about.
01:18:00 Where anything is preferable to that existence.
Speaker 5
01:18:09 You know, The funny thing is.
01:18:14 The Black Lives Matter demographic just as.
01:18:16 A for instance.
01:18:19 Most of them don't have.
01:18:20 To live in that.
Speaker 8
01:18:22 That world.
01:18:25 In fact, one of the reasons why living in that world for you is so bad.
01:18:31 Is you're paying for them.
01:18:35 To not live in that world.
Speaker 9
01:18:43 How much do you think?
Speaker 6
01:18:47 These people.
01:18:50 Contribute the taxes.
01:18:55 What they take out of taxes?
01:18:59 And who's making up the difference?
01:19:10 If anyone should be asking for reparations it it should.
01:19:12 Be you?
Speaker 5
01:19:20 For at least a couple of.
01:19:22 Now, you've been their slaves.
01:19:34 And what's the thanks you get?
Speaker 5
01:19:40 The the things you get is.
Speaker 6
01:19:44 They've so dehumanized you.
Speaker 8
01:19:49 And the the.
01:19:52 Society at large and the ruling class favors them so much they feel no embarrassment about openly talking about.
01:19:58 Your genocide on camera.
01:20:01 Because what's going to happen are these are these.
01:20:04 People going to get cancelled.
01:20:06 Twitter do your thing.
01:20:13 Are going to get doxin.
01:20:16 I mean, I guess they probably don't have jobs that they.
01:20:18 Could be fired from but.
01:20:20 Let's say that they do.
01:20:28 I just realized her shirt says the marathon.
01:20:39 Well, I mean, I.
01:20:41 I doubt she could read.
Speaker 8
01:20:42 It so she probably doesn't know what it says.
01:20:57 And meanwhile, like I said meanwhile.
Speaker 5
01:20:58 While all this?
01:20:59 Is going on.
01:21:00 See, this is so.
01:21:02 This is so easy to identify.
01:21:03 It's so plain as day.
01:21:05 And while all this is going on, the the handful of people that have sort of kind of decided to maybe try to represent you their their folding already before they they they're not even taking off.
01:21:22 You know that they're taxing around on the runway, wringing their hands.
01:21:30 And I don't blame them.
01:21:30 Like, in a way, it's like they're ill equipped, right.
01:21:34 It's kind of like trying to go up against the.
01:21:36 Air Force in a Cessna.
01:21:41 You know what?
01:21:42 What would you really expect to happen out of that?
01:21:44 To be?
01:21:44 I mean, like, realistically.
01:21:49 You think that Matt Gates and a you know, a handful?
01:21:51 Of other.
01:21:52 Unpopular people.
01:21:55 They're going to be the ones that are going to convince.
01:21:59 Americans like whatever that ******* means now.
01:22:02 You're going to convince these people.
01:22:06 You think they're going to sway?
01:22:08 Public opinion.
01:22:11 From being in favor of these two.
01:22:15 To agreeing that there is a white Anglo-Saxon norm that people should be conforming to, you think that's?
01:22:23 You think that's realistic?
01:22:31 Look, I'm not trying to be * ****.
01:22:32 I'm not saying.
01:22:33 Like all is lost.
01:22:36 I'm just saying dude.
01:22:39 Think with your ******* head.
01:22:57 There's other strategies we need to start thinking about.
01:23:07 A handful of Republicans of of all ******* people, Republicans.
01:23:16 Aren't going to turn things around.
01:23:29 I don't even know if they'll get reelected.
01:23:31 You know, they're throwing everything they got.
01:23:32 At these people.
01:23:39 By the way.
01:23:42 I I hear people all the time say stuff like.
01:23:45 Well, obviously it scares them or they wouldn't.
01:23:49 They wouldn't be trying so hard to.
01:23:51 Get rid of them.
01:23:57 Are you afraid?
01:24:01 Of the fly.
01:24:04 That you squish with the fly swatter.
01:24:09 Like when you chase an annoying fly.
01:24:12 Through your house, with that fly swatter and you really try to ******* get it.
01:24:16 That that ******* annoying fly.
01:24:19 Are you afraid of it?
01:24:22 Do you think it's going to move in and take over your house?
01:24:28 Do you think it's going?
01:24:29 To hurt you.
01:24:33 Well, clearly you deal with this logic.
01:24:35 Right. Are you?
01:24:35 Why would you try so hard to get?
01:24:37 Rid of it. That's annoying.
01:24:41 It's annoying.
01:24:47 People like things a certain way.
01:24:50 They don't want flies buzzing around.
01:25:00 Just because they come at you with.
01:25:10 And energy.
01:25:13 Doesn't mean you actually pose a threat.
01:25:21 And again, I'm not saying this to be like.
01:25:24 Demoralize them saying this to wake people up.
01:25:30 That's fine.
01:25:33 All The funny thing is, all this stuff I'm saying it's fine.
01:25:37 It's actually fine.
01:25:38 Like, it's obviously it's not what?
Speaker 8
01:25:40 It's not what I'd like.
01:25:42 There's lots of alternate universes I'd rather live in.
01:25:47 You know, some of those universes.
01:25:49 Are are that that?
01:25:52 Allies of ours.
01:25:53 Are like the cute people are living.
01:25:54 In you know it's it's.
01:25:58 I get it.
01:26:01 But it's fine.
01:26:02 It's actually still OK.
01:26:07 It's still fun.
01:26:08 We are that ******.
01:26:11 You're that ****** that even though all this.
01:26:13 **** that I'm saying is real.
01:26:18 Israel. Oh, I said Israel.
01:26:26 Even though this.
01:26:27 Is all just.
01:26:27 This is just facts.
01:26:30 It's still fine.
01:26:32 We still win.
01:26:34 It's not, not tomorrow.
01:26:39 Not with the help of Q.
Speaker 8
01:26:41 Not not with the.
01:26:46 Now, with the resources that we have.
01:26:54 You just have to you need to play the game differently when you're when you're this outmatched.
01:27:03 And that's fine.
01:27:04 We're, we're versatile people.
01:27:06 We're smart.
01:27:10 We've survived this long.
01:27:23 It's just not gonna look.
01:27:24 It's just not.
01:27:25 It's it's.
01:27:25 You got to be like, you need to play your cards a little bit differently when you have ****** cards you can't.
01:27:31 You can't play the same way as you can when you've got good cards, we.
01:27:35 Don't have good cards.
01:27:41 It doesn't mean you're going to lose.
01:27:44 You can win with ****** cards.
01:27:47 But not if you play like you got good cards.
01:27:53 Unless you're extremely good.
Speaker 8
01:27:54 At bluffing, I don't know.
01:27:55 Enough with the cards.
01:27:57 All the cards.
01:28:01 All he talks about is the cards.
01:28:12 Take a look at chat here.
01:28:22 Anyone else having trouble with Turbo I don't know.
01:28:32 We are more adaptable.
01:28:34 Well, it's like look.
01:28:37 We are more adaptable.
01:28:38 It's like when someone you know recently said, well, white people shouldn't live in the desert.
01:28:42 And I said, white people, *** **** wrong about that white people live where the **** they want.
01:28:47 We can live on.
01:28:47 The ******* moon.
01:28:48 If we want to.
01:28:51 Because it's true.
01:28:55 Wasn't that long ago that we were.
01:28:58 Colonizing the earth.
01:29:03 With almost no no resistance whatsoever.
01:29:08 Because the technology disparity was was so great.
01:29:21 It wasn't that long ago.
01:29:23 And many of us are descended from those people.
01:29:28 Who carved a civilization out of nothing?
01:29:35 We have that in us.
01:29:38 We can do it again.
01:29:45 Now that we're in a unique situation and that there's nowhere new to go, so to speak, you know there's no new world that we can cross the ocean to or or frontier that we can go into or whatever, right?
01:30:02 All the land on the face of the earth has been claimed and mapped, and satellite photoed and monitored 24/7 by.
01:30:11 The surveillance state.
01:30:16 We just have to adapt and look, we we have some of this new technology ourselves.
01:30:24 I've got this technology where I can.
01:30:25 Talk to you guys.
01:30:30 This didn't exist even like a few years ago.
01:30:40 We can adapt.
01:30:44 And we can react.
01:30:54 I'm just saying you got to be realistic.
01:30:55 You gotta you gotta you.
01:30:56 Gotta face the.
01:30:57 Problem head on.
01:30:59 You have to realize what you're dealing with.
01:31:05 Part of why we got to this point is the generations before us.
01:31:10 Couldn't admit what they were dealing with.
01:31:13 With very few exceptions, right?
01:31:16 Like I was playing that that Mosley.
01:31:21 I think that was last stream, right?
01:31:25 He saw a problem.
01:31:30 And he saw this saying this.
01:31:32 This was a problem he was talking about in.
01:31:34 The 40s and 50s.
01:31:39 The immigrants coming.
Speaker 5
01:31:40 Into the UK all the way back, you know.
01:31:43 When there was.
01:31:45 Still a pretty hefty white majority everywhere.
01:31:50 You know, London wasn't wasn't less than.
01:31:53 Or was it like 40% white now?
Speaker 5
01:31:56 Happened pretty quick.
01:32:02 People didn't want to hear.
01:32:03 What he had to say.
01:32:05 People didn't want to believe it.
01:32:08 Not enough.
01:32:17 Same thing with America.
01:32:19 We had we had people popping up out of the woodwork saying, look.
01:32:22 This is a problem my whole life.
01:32:25 And Republicans, look, I would say even like a huge.
01:32:29 Portion of the public.
Speaker 3
01:32:32 Enough to.
01:32:32 Wear until very recently, like because it's finally flipped.
01:32:39 Until very recently, every single even Democrat presidents.
01:32:44 You know Clinton, even Obama.
01:32:49 Would talk about like they wouldn't doing, but they would talk about how they need to.
01:32:52 Stop illegal immigration because.
01:32:54 Most Americans.
01:32:57 Wanted this to stop.
01:32:59 Most Americans knew the demographic shift was happening, and even if they felt dirty by talking about it explicitly.
01:33:10 They talked about it implicitly all the time.
01:33:18 So much so that like I said, even Obama.
01:33:21 Had to sound tough on immigration to get elected.
01:33:25 In the same way, Obama had to sound tough on same sex marriage to get elected.
01:33:35 Course he.
01:33:38 Immediately after getting elected.
01:33:43 Talked about how he he.
01:33:45 Love gay people like in.
01:33:47 His acceptance speech.
01:33:48 He certainly didn't leave them out.
01:33:57 Like I have it somewhere here.
01:34:00 I don't.
01:34:00 I'm not going to make.
01:34:01 You sick?
01:34:01 It's painful to watch.
01:34:06 Look, Obama himself was a a sign that things were changing.
01:34:12 I remember after getting the results.
01:34:16 Of that election, talking to a friend of mine.
01:34:20 Who had?
01:34:22 Despite being he was a normal Republican.
01:34:25 And he was one of these people.
01:34:28 That were like.
01:34:30 Trying to see the silver lining, saying in fact he literally said, well, at least this will help race race relations.
01:34:40 At least now black people can't say this is a racist country because a black guy got elected president and and he wasn't the only one saying that there was a lot of ************* saying that.
01:34:57 How'd that workout?
01:34:59 You know what I told him?
01:35:03 I said, Nah, dude, we're ******.
01:35:07 I was hoping America was race too racist to.
Speaker 8
01:35:09 Elect a black president.
01:35:20 Went but that flipped.
01:35:28 That right there, that was, that was proof positive and I didn't.
01:35:32 I didn't have a name for it, and I wasn't even maybe thinking of it.
01:35:34 In these terms, then?
01:35:37 But that was that was the very that was, that was some ******** evidence.
01:35:45 The white primacy was.
01:35:47 Out the door.
01:35:52 It was. That was it.
01:35:57 And enough other people realize that that, you know, Trump happened.
01:36:01 That was Trump was.
01:36:02 A reaction, I think.
01:36:03 To that.
01:36:06 And and a.
01:36:07 Great number of other things, but that was definitely part of it.
01:36:27 Let's see here.
Speaker 9
01:36:30 It says.
01:36:31 This chat thing is difficult to navigate.
01:36:38 Someone says Romney the cook well and McCain.
01:36:40 The cook McCain.
01:36:41 Ran against Romney.
01:36:42 Look, Republicans have been the party of *****.
01:36:48 My whole life.
01:36:51 My entire ******* and beyond.
01:37:02 People need to not get so black pill that essentially give up the only chance of winning is to survive and not let this garbage get you down.
01:37:10 You can be black pilled, cynical and objective without giving up.
01:37:13 Future isn't user isn't set yet.
01:37:16 Yeah, nothing about what I'm saying.
01:37:19 Has anything about giving up?
01:37:21 Someone just ask for ask for a cactus pill.
01:37:23 Know what? How about that?
01:37:26 Let's let's cheer things up with the cactus pill.
01:37:30 I was going to make and I'm going to make like an intro for like the.
01:37:33 Cactus pill segment.
01:37:34 That I know not everyone likes but.
01:37:35 That's OK, we'll be like.
01:37:37 And now it's time for the cactus pill.
01:37:40 Cactus Pill cactus pill.
Speaker 5
01:37:42 You don't feel the need to kill.
Speaker 6
01:37:43 When you got a.
01:37:44 Cactus pill or a some little Jingle or something?
01:37:47 I don't know.
01:37:48 Something cool, and then all of a sudden I'd be like.
01:37:50 Yeah, and.
01:37:50 Now time for.
01:37:51 The cactus pill and then I do what I'm about to.
01:37:54 Do and show you some cactus?
01:37:57 Alright, let me do it here.
01:37:58 Let's see.
01:38:03 I got to move some files around, so I.
01:38:06 Can bring them up.
01:38:07 Like I said, I had it.
Speaker 6
01:38:08 Set up easy.
01:38:09 So I can just bring show up on another monitor and it would just work.
01:38:11 And then I have to.
01:38:12 Disconnect because I'm moving **** around right now.
01:38:15 You have to bear with.
Speaker 10
01:38:16 Me a moment. The cool.
01:38:17 Thing about Cactus is they all bloom at different times and.
01:38:22 So I got all kinds of.
01:38:25 Different blooms all the time.
01:38:27 Every time I go outside, I feel like there's like a new kind of flower I haven't seen before.
01:38:31 The bad thing is most cactuses only bloom for a.
01:38:35 Single day and then it's gone.
01:38:39 So you if you don't see it that day.
01:38:42 I've missed a couple. I'm.
01:38:44 Like, Oh no.
01:38:45 That looked like it was going to be good.
Speaker 9
01:38:48 And then it's just gone.
01:38:51 Well, yeah, maybe, maybe not.
01:38:52 Forever. But all the same.
01:38:56 Alright, so here's some.
01:38:59 Here's some cactus pills these from like the last couple of days or so.
01:39:07 Hide these.
01:39:10 People on the screen.
01:39:15 Where's that at?
01:39:16 OK, there we go.
01:39:22 So you got these little blooms, yeah.
01:39:27 It's hard to tell from the photo.
01:39:28 That's a real tiny cactus.
01:39:30 I don't know.
01:39:30 What it's called some kind of barrel cactus.
01:39:33 It's real small.
01:39:34 It's probably the size.
01:39:35 Of like a.
01:39:37 Right now I don't know how big it gets, but right now it's about.
01:39:39 The size of.
01:39:39 A softball.
01:39:40 So that's a pretty small one.
01:39:47 This guy is on fire.
01:39:52 He's actually pretty big.
01:39:53 Well, I mean, he's better than last one.
01:39:56 I don't know what he is either.
01:39:59 When I got him, it was about the size of.
01:40:02 Like a Pepsi can.
01:40:04 And now it's like the size of a little bigger than a football, so.
01:40:10 That will happen like in the last year and.
01:40:12 1/2 so he's growing.
01:40:13 Pretty good.
01:40:14 And and this is the first time he's flowered, so oh, by the way, I got a cool video I can show you.
01:40:22 I think I got it on here I.
01:40:23 Hope I have it on here.
01:40:26 I might not have it.
01:40:27 On here I've got.
Speaker 5
01:40:28 Video of a bee.
01:40:30 Crawling around.
01:40:34 In one of these flowers.
01:40:38 I just don't think I have it on this computer I might.
Speaker 9
01:40:40 Have to save.
01:40:41 It till next time.
01:40:42 But the bee was having a having a blast.
01:40:45 Looked like he was all ****** ** or something.
01:40:47 He just like rolling her.
01:40:48 Like like I've never seen.
01:40:49 Anything like this?
01:40:50 He just like rolling around in the pollen.
01:40:53 And you can see it's eye zoomed in real close so.
01:40:55 It's a little shaky because it's zoomed in so.
01:40:58 He's like tongue in the tongue.
01:40:59 In the pollen and just rolling.
01:41:00 Around having a good time anyway.
01:41:03 There's this guy.
01:41:10 And then we have the.
01:41:16 This is a Chola cactus.
01:41:18 Kind of a young one.
01:41:20 Not sure which variety of Chola?
01:41:24 It's hard when they're young, they they all kind of look similar, but he's got.
01:41:30 Tons of flowers.
01:41:33 And making little, little tiny fruit.
01:41:39 Not super.
01:41:40 Worth it because it's really hard.
01:41:42 To get to and.
01:41:43 Not a lot of calories to it, but.
01:41:47 That I'm growing is kind of a defensive plant.
01:41:51 Because they suck like they have barbed needles.
01:41:54 They suck.
01:41:55 Like, if I accidentally touch.
01:41:56 One it it hurts.
01:41:57 And it's what I feel like I get I.
01:41:59 Get stuck I get.
01:42:00 Needles and and block heads and the shirt in my hands.
01:42:03 All all ******* day long.
01:42:04 It's not like I'm over it.
01:42:06 And that's one of the.
01:42:08 Few where I get ****** ***.
01:42:11 Because it it it, it doesn't.
01:42:13 Just go in.
01:42:14 It goes in and.
01:42:15 It's barbed so like.
01:42:16 Most most of these.
01:42:17 Things they come right out.
01:42:19 Be like getting like a sewing.
01:42:20 You'll like stuck in your hands like, oh, kind of, but.
01:42:22 Like you just pull.
01:42:23 It out it's.
01:42:23 Not a big deal.
01:42:24 These suck.
01:42:25 It's like in.
01:42:26 A fish hook in your ******* hand.
01:42:29 Alright then we got this guy.
01:42:30 Now there's the B.
01:42:31 Alright, so I've got.
01:42:32 Video of that B.
01:42:34 Cruising around inside that flower.
01:42:38 I'll just have to find it.
01:42:39 I don't.
01:42:40 Know where it's at right now.
01:42:44 But that's that's.
01:42:47 The that's the orgasmic bee.
Speaker 9
01:42:53 Orgasmic B.
01:42:57 And then there's this guy.
01:43:01 Look at that again.
01:43:03 I don't know what kind of that is.
01:43:05 It's it's doubled in size and this is the flowers are crazy.
01:43:08 This is the first time I've.
01:43:09 Seen it.
01:43:09 Flower and the only reason why it's still in a.
Speaker 5
01:43:14 Pot is.
01:43:17 I it needs a.
01:43:19 Microclimate that stays kind of warm during the winter and all the places that I have to put it are also places animals would love to eat it.
01:43:28 So it's kind of justice.
01:43:30 It's getting too big for the pot now.
Speaker 5
01:43:36 To give you an idea that pot is.
01:43:40 I don't know.
01:43:41 It's like uh.
01:43:44 Like a three gallon pot maybe.
01:43:49 And it's smaller than.
01:43:49 A 5 gallon.
01:43:50 Bucket, but it's still kind of big.
01:43:55 But I have no idea what kind of what.
01:43:56 Kind of cactus, that is.
01:44:00 And let's see if I have another one.
01:44:03 Do I have another one?
01:44:05 That might be it.
01:44:08 Yeah, that might be it.
01:44:11 Anyway, that's that's a lot of cactus pills.
01:44:15 See, there's things to be excited about in life.
01:44:20 Like the reproductive organs of succulents.
01:44:28 No, seriously, like that's that's all it takes.
01:44:31 That's all it takes.
01:44:32 You got, I think.
01:44:33 Here's the thing.
Speaker 6
01:44:38 You need to.
01:44:40 You need to have.
Speaker 8
01:44:42 A purpose.
01:44:44 Even if it's something stupid, right, like you can't just have one purpose, but like having a main purpose is is important, but like you need to have little things.
01:44:53 That, that, that keep you going, they keep you focused on that off of this stuff and on to something else.
01:45:01 Like in this case, you know, Cactus botany, I guess.
01:45:04 You know, whatever.
01:45:08 Every day when I wake up.
01:45:10 I don't think to myself.
Speaker 6
01:45:13 Oh God. Oh.
01:45:14 God white.
01:45:15 Oh, God.
01:45:16 Jesus and baby Jesus.
01:45:19 You know I don't.
01:45:20 That's not at all that ever.
01:45:22 I've never.
01:45:22 I've never woken up like that, actually.
01:45:26 I wake up and I think.
01:45:27 Oh man, I wonder if that one cactus has bloomed yet.
01:45:31 Or, you know, oh, I wonder, wonder.
01:45:35 If I can finish, you know, rewiring.
01:45:38 You know that that, that room that needs to have.
01:45:42 240 volts going to it.
01:45:45 You know.
01:45:46 Oh, I wonder if I can get this done.
01:45:49 You know?
01:45:49 Oh, I hope I can get this done.
01:45:50 You know, like you gotta have stuff to do.
01:45:52 You gotta give yourself a purpose.
01:45:55 And in fact.
01:45:57 I think that if you're stuck in anxiety mode.
01:46:02 It really doesn't have anything to deal with.
01:46:05 What? You have anxiety?
01:46:06 About when you come, when it comes right down to it.
01:46:09 There's something else wrong with your life.
01:46:13 There's something else wrong with your life.
01:46:16 To where you are choosing.
01:46:19 To have anxiety about the future of of our people, which is something you should be aware of.
01:46:25 And like I said, have a sober understanding of and and and be thinking about.
01:46:32 I I I do think about it every day.
01:46:37 But if you're choosing and you have to choose, you're making it's a choice.
01:46:41 Making if you're choosing to just sit there and have anxiety about it every day over whatever else you could be doing in your life, what's wrong with your life?
01:46:51 Man, you gotta have some stuff in your life that you would.
01:46:54 Rather be doing.
01:46:57 I would rather be thinking about cactuses, quite frankly, you know, and doesn't mean you mentally check out and become weirdo.
01:47:04 Cactus Man who ignored.
01:47:06 The world.
01:47:06 And just like, Oh my.
Speaker 9
01:47:07 Cactus, you know.
Speaker 8
01:47:09 Like like you gotta you gotta you.
01:47:11 Know you got to keep paying attention and all this other good stuff, but you can't let it consume your life.
01:47:17 You can't let it consume your life.
01:47:20 Because then the terrorists win.
01:47:25 No, but seriously, you.
01:47:28 You have to have a purpose in life.
01:47:31 And anytime that you are without a purpose and you become rudderless and aimless.
01:47:40 That's when you start to latch on to.
01:47:47 Because it it it gives you a reason.
01:47:49 To be paralyzed.
01:47:52 It gives you a reason to be.
01:47:54 Spinning your wheels.
01:47:57 It gives you an excuse to fail.
01:48:02 I mean, as bad as it feels, maybe like the anxiety, there's a comfort to it.
01:48:08 Because it's a justification for failure and weakness.
01:48:14 It's a justification for not getting anything done because you can.
01:48:16 Say well, why bother?
01:48:21 Why bother when all all the at the end it's not going to matter anyway, because we're all going to die?
01:48:37 You have to have things worth living for.
Speaker 6
01:48:43 Even if it's something stupid and.
01:48:44 Small like growing like a ******* cactus.
Speaker 3
01:48:48 Which is.
01:48:48 Really easy, by the way.
01:48:54 Or beekeeping, another exciting.
01:49:03 No, these are the sort of things you need to have a purpose and you need to have something that occupies your time and gives you goals and benchmarks, lets you feel the feeling of success.
01:49:14 And there's a lot of things that you can be doing that will better prepare you for the kind of future that we're probably headed towards.
01:49:23 Lots of things that are fun to do.
01:49:27 It's not easy.
01:49:28 Nothing that's really.
01:49:30 Fun is easy though.
01:49:36 To really have fun, it's got to be challenging.
01:49:46 So absolutely I I I have to keep reminding people.
01:49:52 That nothing about what I'm saying is down as.
01:50:00 I don't know downbeat as it might sound, is.
01:50:04 I'm just trying to.
01:50:05 I'm like I said, I'm just.
01:50:06 Trying to sober people up.
01:50:08 I feel like there's people with some really unrealistic expectations and that the kinds of expectations and fantasies that have led to.
01:50:16 Our problem.
01:50:18 And so I'm.
01:50:18 Trying to get people to avoid perpetuating.
01:50:21 What's already happening?
Speaker 5
01:50:26 That's it.
01:50:33 But that doesn't mean that you then say OK well.
01:50:38 It's just not worth it anymore.
01:50:40 I'm just going to.
01:50:41 I'm just going to lay in bed and.
01:50:46 Never, never face the world.
01:50:52 I would be upset if Devil's pillbox wasn't painted black.
01:50:55 Well, if it if it was painted black, it'd be like a good 30 degrees hotter in here, so no way.
01:51:05 You don't want black things in the desert.
01:51:10 In more ways than one.
01:51:14 My advice for you is to start drinking heavily now.
01:51:17 Don't do that.
01:51:23 That would see that the thing with that is.
01:51:24 That, that, that impacts.
01:51:26 Not just your health, but your your money and everything else.
01:51:29 Can you go over the story of your time in the desert almost dying and still?
01:51:32 Having nostalgia for it.
Speaker 5
01:51:35 Oh, you mean like well?
01:51:39 I will sometime like I mean.
01:51:42 I I can tell you bits and pieces of it.
01:51:45 I've got ****.
01:51:46 Tons of video of it and stuff like that.
01:51:48 Like to tell that story sometime it, but it's just on another drive.
01:51:53 On an old.
01:51:54 Old like portable drive out to go through that.
01:51:56 Sometime, but it was.
01:52:00 And it was totally worth.
01:52:01 It it was worth it.
01:52:02 Honestly, in the same way that because it for the first time I wasn't a wage cut in my whole life.
01:52:08 When I was talking about how people are fantasizing about a, you know, zombie apocalypse, because it's preferable to being a wage slave, that's exactly how I felt about living in poverty in in, in solitude in the middle of the ******* desert and almost getting bit by rattlesnakes and.
01:52:27 Black widows and all this other **** because at least I didn't have some ******* annoying boss.
01:52:35 You know, instant messaging me every ******* 5 minutes asking for updates on some **** that wasn't going to be done for three days anyway.
01:52:43 You know I didn't.
01:52:43 Have you know?
01:52:45 The micromanagement of my life by people who.
01:52:49 Were in in.
01:52:50 Many, many, very measurable ways inferior inferior to me.
01:52:57 I was number longer a slave.
01:52:59 To some system that I had no say in whatsoever.
01:53:04 And and and.
01:53:06 Was just born into.
01:53:10 And it was worth it to me.
01:53:15 To have to wake up in the morning.
01:53:18 And melt the ice that my drinking.
01:53:20 Water had turned.
01:53:21 Into because it was so cold inside where?
01:53:24 I was sleeping.
01:53:26 That my water inside had froze.
01:53:32 And to have a little propane space heater.
01:53:40 Where I was balancing a can of Spaghettios on it so I could try to.
Speaker 5
01:53:43 Heat that up to eat.
01:53:45 Space heater? Cooked spaghettios.
Speaker 5
01:53:56 Shoveling, climbing up on the roof.
01:53:59 Shoveling snow off the solar panels.
01:54:03 Yeah, like this part of the desert.
01:54:05 It snowed.
01:54:06 It was cold as ****.
01:54:07 That was one.
01:54:08 Thing I did not prepare for.
01:54:11 I looked on the Internet at the the climate.
01:54:16 And I don't know if I looked at the wrong thing or what, but I I thought I researched it correctly.
01:54:22 And I got it off by like about 20-30 degrees, like how cold the winter was going to be.
01:54:29 It was unbelievably colder than I thought.
01:54:32 It would get.
01:54:36 All my pipes froze and burst like the ******* like first week of cold.
01:54:46 I had to learn how to make a compost toilet pretty.
01:54:48 Quick let me.
Speaker 8
01:54:49 Just put that away.
Speaker 9
01:54:54 You know, it's because.
01:54:55 It was.
01:54:56 I got out of wage slavery.
01:54:59 I could say whatever I wanted to whoever I wanted.
01:55:03 About whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
01:55:08 My boss previous to this.
01:55:13 Was literally some Jew that just he was a rich he.
01:55:18 Was a rich guy.
01:55:21 Sir, the idea of how rich.
01:55:23 His dad was a governor.
01:55:27 And he was just handed everything on a silver platter.
01:55:31 Had no idea how the real world operated.
01:55:37 And it was just this overbearing, micromanaging ******.
01:55:43 Who swindled me out of thousands and?
01:55:45 Thousands of dollars, by the way.
01:55:52 Thousands and thousands of dollars.
Speaker 8
01:56:01 And you know what?
01:56:01 I I even cared.
01:56:02 About that even less because I was like, alright, well, at least I never have to.
01:56:06 See that ****** again?
01:56:08 I never have to listen to it.
01:56:09 This is whiny ******* ***** voice.
01:56:15 Promising **** to clients that he's not going to do and has.
01:56:18 No idea how he gets done.
01:56:22 You know, it's it's you can't put a.
01:56:25 Price on freedom?
01:56:28 You really can't.
01:56:35 It is.
01:56:35 It is an entirely different, you know, it's one thing to go from.
01:56:41 When you go from wage slavery to.
01:56:42 Like an entrepreneur kind of a thing.
01:56:45 The same thing, because that's basically I was doing right.
01:56:47 I was.
01:56:48 I was still working.
01:56:48 I was just working for myself.
01:56:50 I was doing contract work.
01:56:51 I was you.
01:56:52 Know turning down some jobs and saying yes to other jobs, mostly saying yes to all jobs because I wanted the money, but it was still up to me.
Speaker 9
01:56:59 So if I did.
01:57:00 End up getting some ****** job.
01:57:02 It didn't even feel as bad because it was my decision.
Speaker 9
01:57:04 To do it.
01:57:10 So much of your attitude in life will change when you feel like you have control, which is why that's exactly why this kind of a thing gets people down because it is.
01:57:22 Something we don't.
01:57:23 Have a whole lot of control over.
Speaker 9
01:57:26 We just don't.
01:57:31 So focus on what you do have control over.
01:57:35 Not just on those things.
01:57:37 You got to keep.
01:57:37 An eye on this shed.
Speaker 9
01:57:51 But it's like.
01:57:51 In in, in.
01:57:54 Look like like in Ukraine, right, Ukraine right now has a.
01:58:02 Of 100,000 plus people on their border.
01:58:06 From a country that has invaded them before.
Speaker 5
01:58:12 Now, if you're the average Ukrainian.
01:58:14 In Kiev.
01:58:16 Or the VM or wherever.
01:58:20 You have no control over.
01:58:23 What's going to happen?
Speaker 5
01:58:26 You don't.
01:58:29 And so you can choose to sit there and wring your hands and rock back and forth in the fetal position and and worry about, you know, what's going to happen.
01:58:41 Or you can just.
01:58:41 Keep an eye on things like.
01:58:43 Alright well.
01:58:45 This might be a war zone at some point.
Speaker 5
01:58:49 And keep living life.
Speaker 9
01:58:53 And you know, prepare.
01:58:54 For things that could happen as a.
01:58:55 Result of this?
01:59:01 We're kind of in the same position.
01:59:06 You know, saying that we have on a personal level the ability to to, to just turn things around, you know, like it's the same thing that like the the average Ukrainian walking down the street in Kiev has the same, you know, same amount of power to to, to somehow alter the.
01:59:23 Situation that they're under right now.
01:59:29 You know you have you just.
01:59:30 Don't have control over.
01:59:31 Over some things.
01:59:37 You know, that's hard for some people's ego to take, but.
01:59:39 It's just true.
01:59:41 That's fine.
01:59:51 Ukraine is ruled by Jews.
01:59:52 Russia is ruled by Jews and soon.
01:59:54 Many Goan will die.
01:59:55 Well, their president is a a Jewish comedian.
02:00:00 Or at least it.
02:00:01 Well, I don't.
02:00:01 I think it still is, right.
02:00:03 That was pretty recently that.
02:00:04 He got elected.
Speaker 6
02:00:06 He was a Jewish comedian.
02:00:07 That would, it was.
02:00:10 It's almost like if America.
02:00:12 Were to elect.
02:00:13 John Stewart while he was on The Daily Show because he was kind of like that kind of a guy, right?
02:00:20 And they elected him.
02:00:22 I mean, I guess you can't talk too.
02:00:23 Much ****.
02:00:24 We elected a reality.
02:00:26 Show host, you know.
02:00:29 So I mean I you know, whatever, but.
02:00:34 No, he's he is a Jew.
02:00:35 He's he's an actor Jew.
02:00:37 And so it's like their version.
02:00:38 He's like a.
02:00:38 Hollywood Jew, you know for Ukraine.
02:00:43 Russia has a lot of Jewish oligarch.
02:00:48 Influence and.
02:00:51 So is Ukraine.
02:00:52 I mean, it's not just some actor Jew, it's.
02:00:55 A lot.
02:00:56 You remember what happened in in that part of the world when a lot of the Communist.
02:01:03 Properties or I don't know how you.
02:01:04 Want to put.
02:01:05 It when they decide to privatize that stuff.
Speaker 5
02:01:08 Who do you think?
02:01:10 Got to got to get it, you know.
02:01:15 They didn't just walk up to Ivan on the.
02:01:18 Street and say, hey Ivan.
02:01:19 You want an oil company?
02:01:30 There's a lot of shenanigans going down, and it wasn't just look, the West was involved with that too.
02:01:35 There's a lot of.
02:01:37 Western influence that went in there and and you.
02:01:40 Know kind of stole a lot of ****.
Speaker 9
02:01:45 It was a free.
02:01:46 For all like how I.
02:01:48 How could that process go down without just like massive massive amounts of corruption?
02:01:53 I mean, you had an entire country's worth of **** that you had to divvy up to people.
02:02:01 So yeah, there's.
02:02:03 There's oligarchs out there that.
02:02:07 That were in many cases kind of.
02:02:10 Handed an empire.
02:02:22 Let's see here.
02:02:25 The Bolsheviks were Jews.
02:02:26 Yes, they were.
Speaker 5
02:02:30 One or more.
02:02:31 They killed millions of.
02:02:32 Ukrainians in the 30s.
02:02:42 Funny how we don't have required hold to more education.
02:02:47 In schools, though?
02:02:50 There's about to be a lot of foreclosures, so figure out where you want to go and keep an eye on.
02:02:55 Real estate. Yeah, and like.
Speaker 9
02:02:57 I was saying there.
02:02:58 Tonight, if you just.
02:03:01 If you if you just stop living at your in your expensive apartment, suck it up.
02:03:05 Go live with it.
02:03:06 Doesn't have your parents live, so I'm sure most of you have a place.
02:03:11 That if if you were to sell all your.
02:03:12 IKEA furniture.
02:03:13 All the **** you don't really need.
02:03:16 All the stupid **** that you have accumulated.
02:03:18 Over the years, there's a place you could live.
02:03:22 There's a place someone would let you live.
Speaker 5
02:03:24 For free and not and it.
02:03:25 Wouldn't even be.
Speaker 5
02:03:25 Like a big.
02:03:26 They wouldn't give a **** about it.
02:03:29 And you could just liquidate your stuff, which would give you some money right there.
02:03:35 Cancel all your like Netflix type subscriptions.
02:03:39 Cancel anything that you don't need.
02:03:44 Pay off any credit cards that you have.
02:03:48 Any student loan debt that you might have.
02:03:53 And justice live very cheap for a few years.
02:03:55 It doesn't take very long, just live like a poor person for a couple of years.
02:04:02 Don't go out spending $150.00 on dinner and drinks.
02:04:09 You know, and in fact, if you're a single guy.
02:04:13 You're going to be living like a poor person for.
02:04:15 A year and a half anyway.
02:04:17 Use that time to, you know.
02:04:20 Workout get in shape.
02:04:24 And that's that's basically that's free.
02:04:31 And you don't need that much money if you have, I mean.
02:04:33 You can have a really a.
02:04:36 I mean, these days I think even like a minimum wage job, they're not.
02:04:40 If your living expenses are close to 0.
02:04:49 And you're making at least.
02:04:50 A couple grand a month.
02:04:53 Which you can do on minimum wage.
02:04:57 You can buy some property after like a year, year and a half.
02:05:06 And then you just keep living like a poor person.
02:05:08 You just.
02:05:08 Do it on your property.
02:05:12 And just try to look for something that's livable, like when I right.
02:05:14 I'll tell you what I did.
02:05:17 When I found the pill box.
02:05:20 I had a couple of requirements.
02:05:23 But it wasn't like a lot.
02:05:26 I wanted a I wanted to be you.
02:05:29 Know away from the city.
02:05:34 I wanted to have something that I could buy outright.
02:05:38 Just pay cash for.
02:05:39 It and be done with it.
02:05:43 I wanted something.
02:05:44 That I could have.
02:05:49 You know, animals and stuff, you know, it had to be rural enough to where I could do it.
02:05:54 Like homestead things.
02:05:56 Which that works out if you know if one of your requirements is you want.
02:05:59 To be away from.
02:06:00 A city that's pretty easy to do.
02:06:04 And I wanted it to be, you know like.
02:06:11 As off grid as possible.
02:06:14 You know, so preferably, but again, this usually just works out this way, you know, preferably septic.
02:06:20 And like, you know, like a well and stuff like that, you know.
02:06:23 Like so you know.
02:06:25 If you're on the grid with electrical, which was nice at first.
02:06:31 If I had to start off out here with just full on.
02:06:35 Solar that would have been expensive.
02:06:36 Right.
02:06:37 Because I'm still not full on.
02:06:38 There's no, I mean.
02:06:39 It's going to be a while.
02:06:40 It's modular.
02:06:41 So luckily I can go little by little.
02:06:45 But it it's.
02:06:48 It was a pretty short list that.
02:06:49 Was pretty much it.
02:06:52 And so I just.
02:06:54 Started looking in sort of general areas.
02:06:56 I wouldn't mind living.
02:06:57 I've always liked the desert and so I looked in in different desert areas in the country.
02:07:04 Like I didn't just stay in one you.
02:07:06 Know I looked at all you.
02:07:08 Know all different kinds of different States and I just.
02:07:12 Sorted by price.
02:07:14 Like literally didn't look.
02:07:16 At anything else.
02:07:17 And then I would I would.
02:07:18 Look, you know the first one, there's the.
02:07:20 First, the lowest, lowest, lowest.
02:07:24 There's usually scams and **** like that.
02:07:26 But this place that I ended up in was.
02:07:31 One of the cheapest places.
02:07:33 In this part of.
02:07:34 The United States at the time.
02:07:38 And I drove several hours to see some other place.
02:07:43 That was slightly cheaper, but it was like about.
02:07:46 To fall down.
02:07:47 And like literally, was about to fall down like I would have been, I would have been nervous.
02:07:51 It was going to fall down while I.
02:07:52 Was trying to fix it.
02:07:56 But this place?
02:07:57 You know, had a giant hole in the roof.
02:07:58 It had killer bees in the ceiling.
02:08:01 It had no air conditioning, had no heater, had no anything.
02:08:05 It had been ransacked.
02:08:07 I think you know.
02:08:07 Stripped of everything.
02:08:10 And then I had a bunch of dead trees like.
02:08:12 Everything was dead.
02:08:14 And that was OK, because I felt like, OK, I can at least patch the roof up enough to where I'm not getting rained on.
02:08:25 In like a day.
02:08:27 And move in and and.
02:08:28 They'll be kind of like camping.
Speaker 9
02:08:30 For the for the first few.
02:08:32 It'll feel like you're kind of.
02:08:34 And it.
02:08:34 Was I found a lot of weird bugs and **** and and animals in in the in the bunker because they had just been like, open to the world like there was a I don't know, it was 4.
02:08:47 There was like a.
02:08:48 A hole in the wall that was.
02:08:50 Pretty large size I guess.
02:08:52 Maybe they had.
02:08:52 Like the.
02:08:53 The dryer hose going out of or something, but like you could tell that rabbits had come in here and **** on the.
02:08:58 Floor and like.
02:09:00 There was a giant dead lizard on the floor.
02:09:03 Like I think a lizard got in here and couldn't figure out to get out or something and just died in.
02:09:08 Here, but it was like huge.
Speaker 9
02:09:10 There was like it.
02:09:10 Was just, you know.
02:09:13 And then, because of the hole in the roof, there was all kinds of beetles and bugs and.
02:09:17 **** that got it.
02:09:17 It was a disaster.
Speaker 9
02:09:20 But So what?
02:09:22 It was my disaster.
02:09:24 I didn't have a landlord anymore.
02:09:28 And if there's anything is.
02:09:31 Freedom killing as your boss as your wage slave boss.
02:09:37 It's your landlord.
Speaker 5
02:09:41 They call it a landlord.
Speaker 9
02:09:44 It's in the.
Speaker 8
02:09:45 Name you know.
02:09:48 If you have a landlord.
Speaker 9
02:09:51 What does that make you?
02:10:00 That's why I'm saying move in with your move in with like your parents or friend.
02:10:06 Or someone like.
02:10:06 Live in the garage.
02:10:07 It doesn't matter at.
02:10:08 Least you don't have a landlord.
Speaker 9
02:10:13 Hello, Sir.
02:10:14 Here's half my paycheck, you know, like.
02:10:20 Thanks for the privilege of letting me live.
Speaker 5
02:10:23 In your domain Lord.
02:10:32 I mean, it's ******* medieval.
02:10:40 Again, ask yourself, what does that make you?
02:10:43 If you have a landlord?
02:10:46 What does that make you?
02:10:54 And that's the look, that's the that's the clever they're saying that clever.
02:10:58 They left the.
Speaker 9
02:10:58 Name the way.
02:11:00 But in a way, it's like it's cleverly disguised.
02:11:02 Slavery, everyone.
02:11:04 All these wave slaves and and that they're trying to be the alpha slave.
02:11:08 You know, like they they want.
Speaker 8
02:11:09 The the the huge.
02:11:10 Mortgage so they can have like the bigger.
02:11:13 Fancier slave quarters and you know, like they have all this credit card debt and and.
02:11:20 You know car.
02:11:20 Loans because they want like the fancy slave carriage, you know, and they.
Speaker 8
02:11:25 Want the to get their?
02:11:27 Fancy sea doos, you know like.
02:11:29 That, that, that they put on credit.
02:11:33 They are slaves.
02:11:40 It's just that the the the ruling class and maybe just as a result of technology.
02:11:46 Have been able to now just furnish the slaves quarters.
02:11:51 So well.
02:11:53 That most slaves don't mind.
02:11:59 They don't mind giving half their paycheck.
02:12:01 Over to their landlord.
02:12:05 Every month or week or whatever.
02:12:11 Because have you seen the pool?
02:12:14 Yeah, it's like an Olympic size.
02:12:16 It's heated.
02:12:19 No way. Billy's landlord lets them have a a salt water pool.
Speaker 9
02:12:24 Oh, those are nice.
02:12:27 Those are real nice.
02:12:31 Oh, I don't know.
02:12:32 Jimmy'z landlord lets them have a tennis court.
02:12:34 That's that's pretty sweet.
02:12:42 You're a ******* serf.
02:12:44 Like for real?
02:12:51 And I I look, I would rather not have.
02:12:55 I would rather not be a house. I don't want like to live with Massa in the big house.
02:13:01 And have the fancy salt water pool I.
02:13:03 Don't need it.
02:13:06 I don't need it.
02:13:13 That's what I was saying.
02:13:14 For years, Devin, we are slaves and far worse off than the slaves of the Middle Ages.
02:13:19 The only thing that separates us from.
02:13:21 The Middle Ages.
02:13:22 Is the difference in technology which makes.
02:13:23 It tolerable?
02:13:24 Yeah, that's that's the that's really the.
02:13:27 Only difference it's so cleverly.
02:13:30 I mean think about it.
02:13:30 You have to work.
02:13:33 You have to work and you have to give a portion a large portion.
02:13:39 Of of what you.
02:13:40 Quote UN quote make to your landlord.
02:13:44 And then another big portion to.
02:13:48 The royalty with the guns.
02:13:55 And then another big portion.
02:13:59 To the person that you're you've loaned money from for the car that you drive or or whatever.
02:14:09 You have everyone of those people.
02:14:13 Or entities.
02:14:14 You might as well call them Massa.
02:14:17 Because they are.
02:14:17 That's exactly what they are.
02:14:19 And that's why that's why the people are afraid to to say the wrong.
02:14:22 Thing or you know, step out of.
02:14:24 Line that because.
02:14:25 That jeopardizes that mass.
02:14:27 He gets mad, he gets mad.
Speaker 5
02:14:32 You're total. You're fully controlled.
02:14:37 And look, I'm not saying this to.
02:14:39 I did this.
Speaker 5
02:14:41 I've lived it.
02:14:42 For years and years, I know what?
Speaker 5
02:14:44 I'm talking about.
02:14:47 I'm not better.
Speaker 10
02:14:47 Than you like.
02:14:48 I I did it.
Speaker 8
02:14:51 And now I would rather live.
02:14:54 Like a weirdo poor person in the middle of the desert.
02:14:57 Then have to give Massa.
02:15:00 Have my paycheck, even if even if before the half I got to keep was way bigger than when I get now.
02:15:13 Because I'm not working for them now.
02:15:19 I can say whatever the **** I want.
02:15:25 Alright, let's see here.
02:15:29 26% goes to the state. More if you own stock. Six months of income every year go to Fed state.
02:15:35 If you take all taxes into account.
02:15:38 And there's like sales tax, there's gas tax there's, I mean they tax you every which way.
02:15:44 And look, you can't really avoid a lot of taxes.
02:15:48 I mean other than?
02:15:49 Just by not making money, I guess.
02:15:51 I'm doing a good job of.
02:15:51 That part, huh?
02:15:54 There are some benefits to to not making a ton of money.
02:15:59 But you know, there's only so much you.
02:16:01 Can do.
02:16:01 They got guns and they'll use them.
02:16:06 So you know it is what it is, but.
02:16:11 You don't have to be paying a landlord.
02:16:14 You don't have to be paying the banks that indirectly, you're kind of paying the banks because you're paying for.
02:16:21 You know you're paying for the the bailouts and stuff like that with your tax money and you know you're you're paying for.
02:16:29 Those wrong one? Let's.
02:16:32 This one you're paying for these people?
02:16:43 What are you going to do?
Speaker 9
02:16:43 I mean, you don't want to do so much.
02:16:45 You can never.
02:16:46 You can.
02:16:46 Never escape the system 100%.
02:16:55 But you can do what you can.
02:17:05 Take a look chat again.
02:17:10 You can avoid taxes.
02:17:11 Excuse me by working under the table.
02:17:15 Well, let's you know.
02:17:19 No comment.
02:17:26 We pay taxes.
02:17:32 The marathon.
02:17:35 Pay up, ******.
Speaker 8
02:17:37 Yeah, I mean.
02:17:40 There's only so much you can.
Speaker 9
02:17:41 Do and there's ways.
02:17:43 Look, there's ways you.
02:17:44 Can you can there's tax avoidance.
02:17:46 It's not illegal to avoid taxes.
02:17:48 It's illegal to evade them.
Speaker 8
02:17:50 And and there's.
02:17:51 Ways you can structure your finances in your life, especially if you're doing like a a homestead or.
02:17:57 Something like that.
02:17:58 It's really not that.
02:17:59 Hard to find ways of not.
02:18:02 Paying the the tax look, you won't.
02:18:04 Be paying the same tax as.
02:18:05 You're paying if you're.
02:18:06 A wage slave, right?
02:18:11 And you can always write off things you're going to be using if you know for your, for your business and.
02:18:17 Things like there's things you can do.
Speaker 5
02:18:20 That you can't do when.
02:18:21 You're a wage slave.
02:18:25 Because those things are designed to benefit your Massa.
02:18:29 And when you become your own.
Speaker 8
02:18:30 Masa, you get to you.
02:18:33 Get to take advantage of some of those things.
02:18:42 So it says avoid taxes by trading with neighbors eggs melt cactus Jelly for rabbit meat, etcetera.
02:18:51 Yeah, no, there's you can do that stuff and.
Speaker 8
02:18:55 You know there's.
02:18:55 There's a little bit of that that goes on even around here.
02:18:59 You know, you could even do.
02:19:01 There's so many.
02:19:02 Like, if you just needed something and you had too much of.
02:19:04 Something there's like a.
02:19:06 Community Bullet bulletin board.
02:19:08 That's literally a bulletin board.
Speaker 8
02:19:09 Like it's like, just like a.
02:19:11 A bulletin board that people go and.
02:19:12 Like you know, tack papers up on it.
02:19:16 And even I go out and read it sometimes.
02:19:19 And there's cool **** on there and you can easily if you have an extra something or another like you have too many.
02:19:28 You know in in my case, if if I had a bunch of.
02:19:33 I don't know.
02:19:34 Like you said, cactus jam.
02:19:35 I don't have much.
Speaker 8
02:19:36 Right now, but if I or if.
02:19:37 I once they get the.
02:19:38 B thing.
02:19:39 Going right, I'll.
02:19:40 Have honey, hopefully.
Speaker 9
02:19:43 And so I could.
02:19:44 Just post up there.
02:19:44 Hey, I got a bunch of honey looking to trade for this, this, this and this.
02:19:48 There's people that do that already.
02:19:49 And there's it's there's enough agriculture around here and and.
02:19:56 Cattle for beef and for milk.
02:19:59 Out here you could work out a deal, people.
02:20:01 You could get meat.
02:20:03 You could get milk.
02:20:03 You could get eggs.
02:20:05 I ******* neighbors are literally just giving eggs away.
Speaker 8
02:20:10 Uh, you can get.
Speaker 5
02:20:12 You could live.
02:20:14 I mean, you just have to make.
02:20:15 Enough money to pay a property taxes because again, they got guns.
02:20:21 You got to pay the guys with guns.
02:20:27 So you got to pay property tax.
02:20:29 Because they've got guns.
Speaker 5
02:20:31 But you can in a way.
02:20:33 Live a life to where?
02:20:35 Most of what you're paying for you just have to make enough cash.
02:20:40 To pay for property tax if you're not 100% off the grid, maybe whatever you utilities you got to pay for some other basic things and then maybe put some money away for healthcare.
02:20:53 Which is important.
02:20:55 Everyone gets old eventually.
02:20:57 And uh, you know or just, you know, rainy day funds.
02:21:01 Like, if you know something happens bad.
02:21:04 You got to be able.
02:21:05 To take care of it.
Speaker 5
02:21:09 You know, but.
02:21:11 And you'll have so much to do on your homestead.
02:21:15 That you'll never be bored.
02:21:17 You will literally never be bored, and you won't have time to have anxiety about.
02:21:20 All this stuff.
02:21:24 You won't have time to have.
02:21:25 Anxiety about all this stuff.
02:21:27 And you'll be preparing your family to be.
02:21:30 Immune to it.
Speaker 5
02:21:37 You're not going to worry about a lot.
02:21:38 Of this stuff, because you're not going to.
02:21:40 Have anything to worry about?
02:21:59 I'm gonna take a look at chat here again.
02:22:04 Here in Germany we have 40% income tax, 19% value added tax to pay for our replacement by migrants. Still, 90% of people vote for the same parties.
02:22:15 That do this.
02:22:16 Well, I, you know, let me ask you this.
02:22:21 Well, I guess in Germany, I feel like in Germany, but I'm just completely ignorant.
02:22:26 I'm just going off.
02:22:27 Of what little I'm able to glean from the Internet.
02:22:30 I've never, I've I've been to Berlin once for like a hot second.
02:22:33 I've never like, even I never even really explored it.
02:22:36 So I don't know Germany super well, but I I can say.
02:22:41 That, from what I've seen, Germans seem pretty shell shocked still from World War 2.
02:22:48 And, you know, in terms of the white guilt thing, they've got a ridiculous amount of.
02:22:57 So I I think there's just, it's been like a hotbed of social engineering since World War 2.
02:23:03 And that's a lot of what's going on there in my, again, in my uneducated opinion.
02:23:10 But it also makes you wonder, with the ease at which the presidential election in America was just openly stolen and nothing happened, what makes you think that like this isn't happening?
02:23:23 All over the world, all the time.
02:23:26 It probably is.
02:23:29 I think the West has been living in this ever since World War 2.
02:23:34 They've just been living and and that's all come not just America, America especially, but just every other, all all the white countries post World War 2.
02:23:43 Have been living in this weird fantasy that we are now post history and that we're just going to have.
02:23:50 This life of abundance and you know.
02:23:54 Technological advances are just going to keep making everyone more and more comfortable and happy, and so just maintaining the status quo.
02:24:06 It's totally fine and and it's not upsetting because everything just keeps getting more, you know, all the technological advances keep getting better and better and and and life keeps getting.
02:24:16 More and more comfortable.
02:24:18 And so even if you suspect like, like with America, right, I think one of the reasons why.
02:24:23 People just kind of.
02:24:25 Or just like alright, I guess the election was stolen.
02:24:28 Because at the end of the day, they're still comfortable.
02:24:34 You know that Biden isn't coming into their home and taking their nachos from him?
02:24:38 You know what?
02:24:39 I mean so.
02:24:40 They're just kind of.
02:24:47 So I wonder how much of this?
02:24:51 You even have control over when it comes to voting.
02:24:53 Honestly at this point.
02:24:55 I don't know.
02:24:55 Maybe and and and.
02:24:56 Computers make that way easier.
02:24:59 Way easier.
02:24:59 Not just to do, but.
02:25:00 To hide and everything else.
02:25:04 And there doesn't seem to be.
02:25:07 Because that goes for everybody.
02:25:08 Like there doesn't seem.
02:25:10 To even be anyone within the the law enforcement apparatus, that seems that has any kind of power at all.
02:25:18 That seems interested in in trying to do anything about any of this stuff, either because they're I think they're too comfortable too.
02:25:25 I mean, from Christopher Wray, look into his finances sometime.
Speaker 8
02:25:30 You shouldn't be allowed.
Speaker 5
02:25:33 To be.
02:25:34 The FBI director.
02:25:37 If you have the kind of money.
02:25:38 That Christopher Ray has.
02:25:40 I'll just put it that way.
02:25:42 Look into it sometime.
02:25:53 This stream is pretty disappointing from a guy who points out all the ridiculous BS in the world today.
02:25:58 Telling people to live in a way where they sit back and watch it happen and do nothing.
02:26:03 Nice job, Devin.
02:26:04 You've turned into queue.
02:26:06 Ohh, really fool.
02:26:09 Well, I'm not.
Speaker 6
02:26:10 How am IQ and second of all?
02:26:13 You know what I'm going to do?
02:26:16 You are now.
02:26:18 Should I block? You should.
02:26:19 I ban you.
02:26:23 I don't know.
02:26:23 I feel like I should time you.
02:26:24 Out I feel like I should time you out.
02:26:31 I don't know.
02:26:31 I I I might not.
02:26:33 I might not.
02:26:33 No, I'm going to.
02:26:34 I'm going to.
02:26:38 I'm not going.
Speaker 6
02:26:39 To ban you only because even though you're being.
02:26:41 A little prick.
02:26:43 Only because I would want the temper rarely ban you and I don't see how I can do.
02:26:48 That it's like all or nothing.
Speaker 3
02:26:55 Don't block her banging her.
02:26:57 Back and laugh.
02:26:57 That's ********.
02:26:58 I can block and ban all day long.
02:27:00 Blocking it, but see don't get that confused.
Speaker 8
02:27:04 Think that like.
02:27:05 Me banning someone from my chat is the same thing as Twitter banning someone from their platform.
02:27:09 It's not.
02:27:15 Yeah, you gotta realize, dude.
02:27:17 Well, OK, I'll tell you what.
02:27:19 Let's turn over to you.
02:27:20 What's your big solution, buddy?
02:27:23 You tell us everyone. Gather around. Everyone. Gather around. He's going to tell us how he's going to how he's going to change. He's going to reverse the demographic change that's been going on for 200 years in America.
Speaker 5
02:27:36 Here we go.
02:27:36 Come on, ace degenerate.
02:27:39 Tell us how you're going to somehow deport over 50% of America.
02:27:47 Come on, tell us.
02:27:49 Tell us how you're going to. Then after you deport over 50% of America, you're going to rest. Well, I guess you'd have to do this first. First, you're going to rest.
02:28:00 Everyone that that arrests, people.
02:28:03 Everyone in power.
02:28:05 You're going to somehow take out the entire power structure, right?
02:28:09 All of them.
02:28:11 And arrest them or execute them run or something, right?
Speaker 5
02:28:14 Yeah, but yeah, you have to you.
02:28:15 Have to take care.
02:28:15 Of them then.
02:28:17 You're going to either kill off or deport over half the population of America.
Speaker 6
02:28:25 And that includes that includes by the way.
02:28:28 In your military, right, you how diverse the military is.
02:28:32 So you're going to have to get rid of that.
02:28:34 I don't know what the exact numbers are, but.
02:28:35 I'm guessing it's probably like in the.
02:28:37 Range of 5050. So then you have to.
02:28:39 Get rid of 50% of your military.
02:28:42 Everyone, gather around, everyone gather around.
Speaker 8
02:28:46 Let let's see how.
02:28:47 Let's see what is uh.
Speaker 6
02:28:50 Let's hear his big solution is.
02:28:53 Let me guess.
02:28:54 America first caucus.
02:28:56 So you're going to get a a queue, congresswoman Matt Gaetz, who might be a pedo.
02:29:02 Gosar, who's?
02:29:04 Actually kind of OK.
02:29:05 And then some like I guess Steve Scalise, who or I think it's Steve Scalise or I don't know, someone who's not even a congressman anymore.
02:29:13 You're going to get those guys together, right?
02:29:15 Those four guys and then they're going to.
02:29:18 Make a caucus.
02:29:20 And then you're going to tell white people to have enough kids so that, like in, there'll be another baby boom. And then in 30 years, you'll you'll have maybe more than 50% of the population again.
02:29:35 And then by that time, the America First Caucus will have maybe instead of five members, you know, maybe 20 and.
Speaker 8
02:29:47 Then you know.
Speaker 9
02:29:48 What's your solution dude?
02:29:53 What's your big *******?
02:29:55 You know what I mean?
02:29:56 Like wake the **** **.
02:29:57 Dude, this isn't something that you can just turn around because you.
02:30:01 Don't like it?
02:30:03 And I'm sorry, I'm going to be the one to tell you that you can't just fix it by.
Speaker 5
02:30:07 I I know in in the.
02:30:08 World of of pushing buttons on a screen and getting food delivered to you and getting Amazon delivered to you and getting anything you want by looking at this little ******* screen and just whacking your fat ******* fingers on it and magic.
02:30:24 That happens, I know.
02:30:25 That, you know, sitting in front of your computer and and playing video games and jerking off the **** all day, you know, it just everything just seems like it's pretty easy to do, right.
02:30:34 Anything could just be accomplished by just ******* wiping your greasy *** ******* fingers on a piece of glass, right?
02:30:41 And then just magically, magically, it's all fixed.
02:30:44 It's all.
02:30:45 No, dude.
02:30:48 You can't.
02:30:49 There's no ******* way you can just roll.
02:30:52 Like, do you have a time machine?
02:30:56 I think this guy's got a ******* time machine.
02:31:02 Ace degenerate.
02:31:03 Do you have a?
02:31:03 Time machine.
02:31:06 Because if you're holding up, are you from the future?
02:31:09 Did you already fix it and you're coming up back to?
02:31:12 Tell us to have hope.
02:31:15 I mean, dude, you just gotta you gotta realize the situation.
02:31:22 You won't be able to fix it if you can't face the problem.
02:31:26 If you keep trying the kinds of strategies that you could that would work if if all the things I just said weren't real and they are.
02:31:35 If you could just magically do something.
Speaker 5
02:31:37 If you could just.
02:31:38 Oh, hey, let's let's all.
02:31:40 Let's vote for Republicans some more that's been working right for, like, the last ******* forever.
02:31:48 Yeah, this time I I know.
02:31:50 I know for like the last 100 years.
02:31:53 They haven't done anything about immigration, but this time they're going to do it.
02:31:59 This time they're going to do it.
02:32:01 I know, I know that the the CIA and all the intelligence agencies have been busted over and over and over again doing horrific **** and controlling people and and that no one's ever been arrested or and they've never changed any of the policies or anything like that.
02:32:24 I'm sure it'll change now.
02:32:27 I'm sure it will change now.
Speaker 5
02:32:32 I know that.
02:32:33 All these different demographics that have been moving.
Speaker 5
02:32:35 In here from.
02:32:36 Other countries that have completely different governments.
02:32:39 And and and.
02:32:41 Societies that were developed by those people have have never, ever, ever voted.
02:32:48 In our favor and certainly won't vote to deport themselves.
02:32:52 I know that they outnumber us and every year it's more and more.
Speaker 1
02:32:56 And more of.
02:32:57 Them and there's less and less and less of us.
02:33:01 But something talk about ******* queue, dude.
02:33:04 You're the you're ******* living in queue land.
02:33:07 That's what plan.
02:33:08 Are you trusting?
Speaker 5
02:33:09 Let's hear it.
Speaker 6
02:33:15 I want to hear the I want.
02:33:16 To hear the plan that you're trusting.
02:33:27 It's just, I don't know.
02:33:28 It's just like I said, I'm not saying I'm not saying do nothing and kick back and and and just watch and, you know, wait for ******* Q to save the day.
02:33:37 I'm saying Q's not going.
02:33:38 To save the.
02:33:39 Day I'm saying save.
02:33:40 Yourself, no one's going to come and ******* do it.
02:33:47 I'm saying save yourself and start building communities with other people like you.
02:33:53 Whether that's over the Internet or locally, preferably locally, I mean I think the Internet.
02:33:57 Stuff's good too, but.
02:33:59 It's it's, it's much, it's more powerful to have someone next door that you can trust than it is to have someone a.
02:34:05 1000 miles away.
Speaker 9
02:34:07 Those are the kinds of.
Speaker 6
02:34:08 Things you can be.
02:34:09 Doing right now, doing the homestead stuff is.
02:34:11 Something you can do right now.
02:34:14 It's productive.
02:34:17 Getting out of the wage slave system is something.
02:34:19 You can do right now.
02:34:23 You want to hurt them.
Speaker 5
02:34:26 Don't give them your brain.
02:34:29 Don't work for them.
02:34:33 You have to be good at something.
Speaker 9
02:34:39 So why would you be good?
02:34:41 For those kinds of people.
02:34:48 Use your expertise for yourself.
02:34:57 Alright, stay here.
02:35:00 Did you mention the Soviet Union had something similar to the trust the planned ship?
02:35:05 Also, I'm in the process of doing.
02:35:06 What you said?
02:35:08 No, they they, you know.
02:35:09 It was a pacification thing, the.
Speaker 5
02:35:11 Whole the whole.
02:35:11 Q&R was a pacification thing. I was suspicious from it from the start. I was telling people to not.
02:35:17 Follow it for like.
02:35:18 Back in two or three years.
02:35:20 For a long time you can.
02:35:21 Look it up the the videos are still up.
02:35:25 Because that tells you the status quo is OK, that's the big difference.
02:35:29 This is what I think you and maybe a.
02:35:31 Lot of people are missing.
02:35:33 Which is why they want.
02:35:34 To ******* ban you because.
02:35:37 You know just.
02:35:38 Don't be a prick.
02:35:39 Just don't.
02:35:39 Just don't be a prick about it.
02:35:41 If you don't understand something, just say you don't understand something.
02:35:44 But here's the thing.
02:35:46 The Q thing is in support of the status quo.
02:35:49 The Q thing is telling you.
02:35:51 Yeah, just keep eating your Cheetos.
02:35:52 Keep going into your wage slave job.
02:35:54 Just don't do anything at all.
02:35:56 Everything that's wrong with the world is going to get fixed by some magical Superman.
02:36:01 What I'm saying is.
02:36:03 The world is going to go to *******.
02:36:04 Hell in a handbasket.
02:36:06 Magical Superman doesn't exist.
02:36:09 And so you better.
02:36:10 Prepare for that.
02:36:13 And stop being a wage slave.
02:36:15 Stop supporting the status quo.
02:36:22 Become self-sufficient. Train your family to do the same.
02:36:28 Start practicing nepotism.
02:36:31 As a survival strategy.
02:36:33 Because we're going to need it.
02:36:37 And start preparing for the kinds of persecution that we're going to be subjected to.
02:36:42 As a people.
02:36:45 And do what you can to spare your family from bearing.
Speaker 9
02:36:50 The brunt of that?
02:36:54 Thoughts on New York Times 2016 and 2020 election maps we can use to find our people.
02:37:02 I I don't know what your time out.
02:37:07 Do you believe the federal agencies will become less effective when they become more diverse?
02:37:12 Yeah, no, absolutely.
02:37:15 But here's the problem like.
Speaker 9
02:37:17 That doesn't mean.
02:37:18 That they'll become less effective in terms of.
02:37:25 And they'll become less intelligent, right?
02:37:27 Is what?
02:37:27 You're getting at.
02:37:27 Right.
02:37:28 They're not going to be as smart.
02:37:29 When you have stupid people, what happens though when you're confronted with stupider people?
02:37:34 When stupid people get into a confrontation, what happens?
Speaker 5
02:37:39 What? What are?
02:37:40 They what strategy do they usually use?
02:37:43 It's not reason.
02:37:48 They're usually violent, right?
02:37:50 So as these agencies begin to be headed up by stupid, violent people, they're going to become stupid.
02:37:58 But they're going to become violent.
02:38:04 And I don't mean like just on a like a personal level where like an FBI agent roughs you up or like whatever, you know, something like that.
02:38:12 I mean, they're going to become more aggressive, aggressive and stupidly aggressive.
02:38:18 And they're going to, it's going to be like a ********.
02:38:20 Kid with a gun.
02:38:21 Think of it that way.
Speaker 5
02:38:23 Like, do you?
02:38:24 Are you?
02:38:24 Do you feel happier than?
02:38:26 It's a ******** kid with a gun?
02:38:29 You know what I mean?
02:38:31 It's almost worse.
02:38:35 Because you can't reason with the ******** kid and he might and ****.
02:38:39 He might not.
02:38:40 Even he might shoot you on accident, he.
02:38:42 Might not even mean to do it.
02:38:46 So yeah, they're going to get stupider, but they're still going to have the same exact power that the the smart FBI.
Speaker 10
02:38:53 Had, right?
02:38:57 And what's worse, the oversight is going to get stupider, too.
02:39:00 This it's going to be a ******* nightmare because.
Speaker 6
02:39:04 Not only like, well, just think of it.
Speaker 8
02:39:05 What's going on right now?
02:39:06 Like there's?
02:39:07 No, already no oversight.
02:39:09 There hasn't been oversight.
Speaker 5
02:39:12 For, well, I mean can.
02:39:14 You think of a single time that the the any of the intelligence agencies got, you know, raked over the coals for something and there had to be reforms that were made.
02:39:24 I mean, not really.
02:39:27 I mean, there was some **** that went.
02:39:28 Down during the what was it during the 70s when that's when we learned about like the heart attack gun and **** like that.
02:39:35 There was like hearings and they.
02:39:37 But like what really came out of that?
02:39:40 Not a whole lot.
02:39:45 So there there already.
02:39:46 Was an oversight.
02:39:48 Now imagine those people in charge of the oversight being ******* stupid.
02:39:54 On top of everything else.
02:39:56 So there's like absolutely no ******* oversight.
02:40:00 And you can have.
02:40:01 ******* with guns?
02:40:06 Yeah, with ****** strength, someone said.
02:40:11 I remember some intelligence and dysgenics researchers said that the average Victorian era white person had the innate brain power of what today would be an elite university student.
02:40:23 All you have to do.
Speaker 5
02:40:23 Is read the.
02:40:25 Just read the the letters that the Civil War.
02:40:29 Soldiers wrote to their families and their girlfriends and stuff like that.
02:40:34 These a lot of these guys were like poor people.
02:40:36 They were like farmers and you read it and it's like ******* Shakespeare compared to.
02:40:42 You know anyone that you would see the the disconnects is a lot of it has to do with the diversity, but that that's also that's affecting white people too.
02:40:53 There's just a lot of.
02:40:54 ******* stupid white people now.
02:40:57 And I mean look, and if this is, if this isn't dysgenics, let me just bring it not these guys, but I mean not to subject you to this yet again.
02:41:05 But I mean, if this isn't dysgenics.
02:41:09 I don't know what it is.
02:41:12 You know it.
02:41:14 These are all I guess.
02:41:15 White, I mean.
02:41:17 They look white to.
02:41:18 Me, kind of.
02:41:20 It's hard, honestly.
02:41:22 That isn't it ****** **?
02:41:24 They're so fat, it's like almost impossible to even.
02:41:26 Tell what race they are.
02:41:29 Like their phenotype is just.
02:41:33 Disguised by.
02:41:36 Rolls and rolls of fat.
02:41:44 I mean.
02:41:45 But anyway, like that's.
02:41:49 That's what we're dealing with.
02:41:50 See, this is.
02:41:50 Another this is what I'm saying.
Speaker 5
02:41:52 Like even if you had.
02:41:56 We're at a point now where even if.
02:41:58 You had.
02:41:58 I mean, it'd be way easier, but.
Speaker 6
02:42:00 Even if you.
02:42:00 Had somehow, like a majority of whites.
02:42:02 On your side and you don't.
02:42:04 You don't and and if historically.
02:42:10 No one that's ever been come at.
02:42:15 Come to the table from a racially.
02:42:24 Place like.
02:42:27 Throughout the last 100 years.
02:42:28 And again.
02:42:31 There have been people.
02:42:32 Here and there, but like no one has ever.
02:42:36 In the last 100 years.
02:42:39 Have the majority.
02:42:40 Of white people like have the influence had.
02:42:42 Had influence over the majority of white people in a racially positive way.
02:42:49 Just look at the last 100 years and everyone talking about race in a pro white way is very limited in what they've ever been able to accomplish, and I don't know why. I don't know if it's like something.
02:43:04 Weird and and.
02:43:06 Innate about whiteness.
02:43:08 You know, the pathological.
02:43:10 Altruism, or whatever it is, I don't.
02:43:11 Know I don't know.
02:43:13 But it exists and and if it's.
02:43:14 Existed the last 100 years.
02:43:17 It's not something you're going to just change overnight by making some memes or something, you know.
02:43:28 Those women are committing suicide slowly a decade from now, they won't exist.
02:43:33 But while they do, they make for decent body armor.
02:43:38 They could.
02:43:38 They could not.
02:43:39 Just that, I mean.
02:43:42 They could warm your home for.
Speaker 8
02:43:43 Like for like a month.
02:43:47 All that body fat you could.
02:43:48 Like fuel lamps for.
02:43:51 The whole platoon for a year.
02:43:55 Imagine, imagine how much soap you could make out of out of.
02:43:59 Those chicks.
Speaker 9
02:44:00 Don't forget the CIA.
02:44:02 And their movies, such as how did all this cocaine get here?
02:44:06 Or their their movies?
02:44:09 And the rebels we armed still have guns.
02:44:14 And who is this guy in charge of our oil?
02:44:16 Many more.
02:44:19 I see you're saying.
02:44:20 No, that that's The thing is they they also have because they they have no oversight.
02:44:26 They can do unlimited amounts of organized crime to make money.
02:44:32 Just think of it in terms of.
02:44:34 See, I was thinking about like crypto the other day, right?
02:44:36 Like how easy it.
02:44:38 Is to launder money with crypto.
02:44:40 Just as an example.
02:44:42 If you wanted to launder, if you had and I.
Speaker 9
02:44:46 I would be.
02:44:47 Shocked, shocked.
02:44:49 If a large company wasn't doing some version of what I'm about to describe because it would just be so ******* easy, especially if you were a technology company now, well, what's there to stop?
02:45:02 Something someone like Apple or just it doesn't?
02:45:05 Any kind of big technology company?
Speaker 5
02:45:07 You put in.
02:45:09 Say **** it.
02:45:10 You spend a billion dollars.
02:45:13 A billion dollars.
02:45:16 On mining mining equipment.
02:45:21 Mining equipment that you then place somewhere outside the purview.
02:45:27 Of the government.
Speaker 5
02:45:29 And then you.
02:45:30 Write off all of that as research.
02:45:32 Equipment or or whatever.
02:45:33 You can there be easy ways of doing that.
02:45:37 And then you just run these mining operations 24/7.
02:45:43 And you deposit the profits into, you know, random wallets that aren't tied to you.
02:45:53 And so even if you just broke even.
02:45:55 So let's say you.
02:45:56 Spent the billion dollars.
02:45:58 And then you ran all these minors somewhere, and and if you added up all the electricity and all the ******* mining hardware and and everything else at the end of the day, you only made back, say, like, 1.1 billion, which is still a lot, you know, like point 1 billion, still a lot.
02:46:13 But let's just.
02:46:13 Say that's that was the return, right? So you just barely made back your money and then point $1 billion.
02:46:20 OK.
02:46:21 But you now have $1.1 billion that the government doesn't have their hands on.
02:46:29 And for all intents and purposes.
02:46:32 Doesn't exist to them, and you can use that now clandestinely.
Speaker 5
02:46:42 And and if you're the FBI or or if you're the.
02:46:46 NSA, or whoever has jurisdiction over this stuff, like the people that when they went after the Silk Road, it just if you're a government agency.
02:46:55 A what's to stop you from getting taxpayer money to buy a bunch of mining equipment, but also when you go after you know, Silk Road and **** like that and you confiscate all this Bitcoin?
02:47:09 You know.
02:47:13 You would just have you just have tons.
02:47:15 Of ******* money.
02:47:16 Now, that is, that is not accountable.
02:47:20 And that's just using crypto.
02:47:21 I think there there was that story of that, that bank that got caught.
02:47:26 Laundering money with crypto.
02:47:29 So there's lots of illegal **** that crypto can facilitate with the governments and with the banks and with the and.
02:47:38 It's not just.
02:47:39 Small time people that are going to use crypto to get out of paying taxes or you know.
02:47:43 Whatever like it facilitates a lot of bad **** for, you know, bad in terms of corruption.
02:47:48 Everything else.
02:47:50 But not just crypto.
02:47:51 **** it.
02:47:51 Like if.
02:47:52 You're the CIA, and they've done this.
02:47:54 And not no one got arrested, so there's not like.
02:47:56 A whole lot of risk.
Speaker 5
02:47:58 If you're the CIA and.
02:48:00 You want to.
02:48:01 Smuggle all, like all the crack cocaine you want into the country and sell it and make a profit.
02:48:08 You can do that.
02:48:11 You can the.
02:48:12 Fentanyl that's coming into the.
02:48:13 Country how do you know?
02:48:14 That's not being imported by the FBI.
02:48:16 Or the CIA.
02:48:20 You know, they like to blame China for maybe that's being where it's being manufactured, but.
02:48:24 Who's to say?
Speaker 5
02:48:26 I mean.
Speaker 6
02:48:28 The the CIA was running.
02:48:29 Cocaine and other this is this isn't.
02:48:31 Like conspiracy theory, this is fact.
02:48:37 All through the 80s, they were ******* running cocaine into the country and making money and then using that money to fund who knows what.
Speaker 9
02:48:47 Every time and.
02:48:48 Think this way.
02:48:49 Every time they do a bust.
02:48:52 And they confiscate like a they don't have to, like, have it be, have some crazy deal with the drug Lord.
02:48:57 They can just go and confiscate like one of these cocaine submarines or whatever the **** say they destroyed it and then sell it on the street and make it all their money.
02:49:07 I guarantee that ****.
02:49:09 **** like that is happening every day.
02:49:12 Every day.
02:49:16 And it's only worse because at least before there was some kind of.
02:49:23 I don't know.
02:49:24 Like I mean, obviously a lot of these guys are sociopaths, so they don't have like normal emotions or or feel the same kind of normal human connections that you and I do.
02:49:33 But Even so, at least there was some kind of familiarity with with you know, your countrymen, right?
02:49:39 Like, if if everyone that was over at the.
02:49:42 CIA and FBI this was.
02:49:43 Not never the case, in fact.
02:49:45 There's a lot of.
02:49:46 Fellow whites in these agencies, but let's just say.
Speaker 8
02:49:50 You know, if you go back.
02:49:51 Far enough there.
02:49:52 There is, at least in law enforcement, at the federal level, there was some something of a kinship with the citizens that you were supposed to be protecting.
Speaker 6
02:50:04 Who the **** would care?
02:50:05 Now, if we're all individuals, because that's.
02:50:08 The whole thing right, like oh.
02:50:10 As long as it doesn't affect me.
02:50:12 We're all individuals, like the whole libertarian philosophy.
02:50:15 The last ******* thing you want is for bureaucrats to think like libertarians.
02:50:22 That's the last ******* thing you want.
02:50:30 But that's exactly what's going to happen.
02:50:32 That's exactly what's going to what do you think happens in third World countries?
02:50:37 Why do you think it's so easy to bribe a cop in Mexico?
02:50:44 And and in Mexico, they're like racially homogeneous largely.
02:50:51 So if they're so quick to just kind of be corrupt and **** over their own people and places like Mexico and other third world countries just to get a couple of extra bucks.
Speaker 5
02:51:00 What do you think?
02:51:01 They're the same exact phenotypes are going to how they're going.
02:51:04 How do you think they're going to behave in a country that A they don't feel any connection to the founding B?
02:51:09 They don't feel any connection to the founding stock.
02:51:11 In fact, they kind of resent them and don't like them.
02:51:13 See have no respect whatsoever for, you know the the the structure of the government or or they have no genetic tie.
02:51:20 They have no they have no ties at all whatsoever to the integrity of the country.
02:51:27 None 0. Zilch.
02:51:31 And that's not to say that there aren't maybe like a handful of diversity hires that actually, you know, care and want to do their job, right.
02:51:37 Or whatever.
02:51:38 Then sure, that's the case.
02:51:42 Now there's exceptions to every rule.
02:51:48 But it it and look we were they.
02:51:50 Were off the rails when.
Speaker 5
02:51:51 It was just run by.
Speaker 6
02:51:55 Or at least majority white.
02:51:59 Because that's going to happen in any population, there's no oversight, and you have essentially God like powers.
02:52:11 It's like being able to cheat at any race and and you're going to get.
Speaker 5
02:52:14 Away with it.
02:52:15 If you know you can do that.
02:52:18 Are you going to be tempted to do it?
02:52:21 And then once you do it once, it gets easier and.
Speaker 6
02:52:23 Easier and easier.
02:52:27 And then you have to now.
02:52:29 You have to cheat because.
02:52:29 You've been shooting so much, you stopped working out and trying to get good at the.
02:52:32 Race, you know, at running or whatever.
02:52:36 I mean, that's what they that's what they're doing.
02:52:38 I I feel like that's kind of what's going on over at these intelligence agencies.
02:52:42 The reason why they they just **** all over the Constitution.
02:52:46 And there's a variety of reasons, all the reasons I just named in terms of the demographics and connection to the people that you know, like if your ancestors are have nothing to do with the people that wrote that document, it's just literally just a piece.
02:52:58 Of toilet paper to you.
02:53:02 But on top of that, just to get.
02:53:04 Your job done.
02:53:06 Because of the dysgenic aspect of it, because the lower IQ, because the ****** with the gun effect.
02:53:12 You're going to, you're going to have to cheat and there's going to be no oversight.
02:53:15 And no one.
02:53:15 'S going to stop you from doing it and then to get your.
02:53:18 Job done.
02:53:18 It's going to you're going to just have to cheat to get the job done.
02:53:23 Because you're not going to.
02:53:24 Be capable of doing the job without cheating.
02:53:29 I used to play battlefield.
02:53:34 I forget which one it was, doesn't matter.
02:53:37 I kind of this.
02:53:38 Story is kind of in my book.
02:53:41 Well, actually it's sort of.
02:53:42 But there was a cheap software.
02:53:45 This was before punk Buster and all that stuff.
02:53:48 And in fact, This is why.
02:53:48 Punk, Buster and all that stuff came out.
02:53:51 But there's a cheat you could install.
02:53:53 Then you could see people through walls you could like.
02:53:56 They would.
02:53:56 The enemy team would show up on your mini map.
02:53:59 I mean, it basically gave you superpowers and it.
02:54:02 Was really ******* it.
02:54:03 Was a cheap ******* thing to do and.
02:54:07 Everyone started doing it because a few people started cheating and the only way to beat the people that were cheating is they they could see you through ******* walls.
02:54:15 They knew when.
02:54:16 You were coming, was you?
02:54:18 Had to start cheating to at least even the, you know, even.
02:54:21 The playing field and it just became this arms.
02:54:23 Race of ******* shooting.
02:54:29 And by the end of it, you know it's.
02:54:30 ****** the whole game up like.
02:54:31 People just stopped playing it cause it just was annoying.
02:54:36 Well, that's.
02:54:37 That's kind of what's.
02:54:38 Going on with the corruption in DC.
02:54:49 They're just getting so dependent.
02:54:53 On the cheap and they'll justify it too.
02:54:54 They'll be like.
02:54:55 Oh well, the.
02:54:55 Criminals cheat and look.
02:54:56 They they justify that **** in movies.
02:54:59 They try to normalize you being accepting of law enforcement bending.
02:55:03 The rules because if they bend the rules.
02:55:05 To get the bad guys, then it's OK.
02:55:08 Like think of how many ******* movies do.
02:55:09 That that's like almost every cop.
02:55:12 Movie does that right?
02:55:13 They have that scenario where the cop is like, well, if I don't plan evidence on this guy, he's going.
02:55:18 To you know.
02:55:18 And you might even agree with that in.
02:55:20 In the micro or like whatever situation.
02:55:23 But that's just become people just expect that now.
02:55:26 That used to be the way it was.
02:55:37 And of course that, that, that.
02:55:40 I'm mostly talking about federal agencies, local levels.
02:55:43 It's more complicated because this ******* defund the police thing.
02:55:47 They're trying to make everything at the federal level.
02:55:50 Part of why they want to defund the police and whatever is they want to make **** so bad the federal government has to they they want to nationalize law enforcement.
02:56:03 So that the same.
02:56:04 **** that they get away with.
02:56:06 And that they can coordinate on a national level using agencies like the NSA, CIA, FBI.
02:56:11 Et cetera et.
02:56:12 Cetera, all this stuff that they are, they're able to get done and have no oversight and seemingly, like I said, God, like powers like the the we saw the kind of shift just that the FBI was doing.
02:56:26 In in regards to Trump's campaign spying on and stuff like.
02:56:31 That nobody got in trouble for that.
02:56:34 We're talking about literal treason.
02:56:35 No one got in trouble for it.
02:56:36 So if treason is not going to get you in trouble, nothing is right.
02:56:43 They want that kind of situation.
Speaker 5
02:56:48 At the local level.
Speaker 6
02:56:51 Because what have what have we talked about?
Speaker 5
02:56:53 Over and over.
02:56:53 Again, how one of the advantages of getting out.
Speaker 9
02:56:57 Of the cities.
02:56:58 Living a homestead life, learning about your community locally and trying to build relationships with people locally, especially with your sheriff, your local Sheriff's Department, that they can be your.
02:57:09 Best friend local.
02:57:10 Sheriff's Department.
02:57:12 Can be the.
02:57:13 The only thing between.
02:57:14 You and, and, well, maybe some federal trouble.
02:57:18 A lot of people don't know that the sheriff's departments have a lot more power than people realize.
02:57:26 And if we're going in the direction, I'm pretty sure we're going.
02:57:30 That's going to be an obstacle in a lot of the states that maybe are less cut.
02:57:37 Put it that way.
02:57:40 And you're going to have less of a problem when it comes to something like secession.
02:57:45 Movements taking, you know, actually going anywhere.
02:57:49 If the the law enforcement apparatus within that state is actually federally run.
02:57:56 You know, so like in the same way that like sports teams, like, if you talk about the, I don't even, I don't watch sports ball at all.
02:58:05 So I I'm we'll just say the the Utah Jazz, I think that's a team still.
02:58:14 Probably most of the people on the Utah Jazz.
Speaker 8
02:58:17 Aren't from Utah.
02:58:20 Right. Or the San Francisco 49ers? Most of those people probably aren't from San Francisco, and they will move cities, you know.
02:58:32 They'll, they'll they'll pick people from all over the place and they'll move cities if they have the they, they're going to build them.
02:58:38 A stadium like the the Raiders moved to.
02:58:40 And I just found that out today because of that weird thing on Twitter with the Raiders tweeted out.
02:58:46 I can breathe after the verdict.
02:58:49 I didn't even know the Raiders were in.
02:58:50 ******* Nevada.
02:58:51 I guess they're in Las Vegas.
02:58:52 Now I thought they were in LA.
02:58:54 That's how much I pay attention to ******* sports ball, so I don't even know how long.
02:58:58 That's been going on.
02:59:00 But it doesn't matter.
02:59:02 They they have no connection really to the.
02:59:04 City that they're in, right?
02:59:08 And uh, or just like, if you're a a soldier that's that's stationed in Germany.
Speaker 5
02:59:14 That's kind of how it would be.
02:59:18 Where you'd have people that they would station.
02:59:22 In different bases.
02:59:25 In different states.
02:59:27 But she'd be a federal employee.
02:59:32 And the and you'd be under.
02:59:33 The jurisdiction of the federal government.
02:59:36 You wouldn't have sheriffs.
02:59:41 And this is the kind of thing that that I think defunding the police is meant to.
02:59:47 To motivate, or at least.
02:59:49 That's one really good possibility, because I've been.
Speaker 8
02:59:52 Trying to figure.
02:59:53 That out I've been trying to figure out.
Speaker 6
02:59:54 Like, why would that that?
02:59:56 Just seems so asinine on every level and.
02:59:58 And even if you're one of these people that.
03:00:01 That wants to like if you're one of.
03:00:03 These BLM *******.
03:00:04 That it should still seem ******* ******** like to to not have cops.
03:00:12 I mean.
Speaker 6
03:00:14 That just seems really dumb, no?
03:00:15 Matter who you are.
03:00:18 And yet there seems to be a significant push to do exactly that, and it doesn't make sense to me unless there's something else going on.
03:00:27 And that's one I think likely scenario.
03:00:31 And I know that's not I.
03:00:32 I think there's other people that have said this.
03:00:34 So I know it's not like some hot take like that.
03:00:36 But I I'm just.
03:00:36 Saying that makes sense to me.
03:00:40 Especially if you're a federal government that's so afraid of the population, you've got ******* troops and militarized checkpoints in the capital.
03:01:01 And we all know that the the.
03:01:05 The soldiers are getting screened out.
03:01:09 They're looking for people that are.
03:01:12 Problematic and removing them?
03:01:16 Certainly officers.
03:01:22 And while we read that that that law, that that draft, that that was going around, I think about a month ago or so where they were talking about instituting something like this, the same kind of program to try to sniff out the white supremacists at different agencies, right where there there was going to be something that would be top down, it would start.
03:01:40 At the federal level.
03:01:42 Would go through the military like the DoD would do it.
03:01:45 The DOJ would do it.
03:01:48 Part of that and DOJ.
03:01:54 Even the local local law enforcement, I mean they have.
03:01:58 If the DOJ decides it's their jurisdiction and if the DOJ is still top dog and you know, depending on the situation.
03:02:05 But if they have a directive.
03:02:07 From the if the attorney general.
03:02:10 Tells local law enforcement agencies that they've got.
03:02:13 To do something.
03:02:15 I don't know what how much they're required.
03:02:17 Their compliance is required and what kind of wiggle room they've got.
03:02:21 But there there is.
03:02:23 It's not the same as if they were, they were federal agents, right?
03:02:28 If you're a federal agent and you're an employee of the federal government, you kind of have to do it right.
03:02:32 You have to do it.
03:02:37 So I.
03:02:39 I think that's one really good possibility in terms of why they're trying to.
03:02:43 Get rid of.
03:02:46 Local police.
03:02:52 I can't think of another reason.
03:02:55 The only other reason I can think of is if they just you know if.
03:02:58 It's some.
03:02:59 Kind of way to get.
03:03:01 Like a race war started or something.
03:03:03 I mean like, it just doesn't make any sense like why you would want to not have cops.
03:03:08 If you're the ruling class because the cops ultimately.
03:03:12 In these cities at.
03:03:13 Least work for, you know, it's not like.
Speaker 5
03:03:17 It's not like the.
03:03:20 Like all these cities where this.
03:03:21 Is going on.
03:03:22 It's like Democrat strongholds.
03:03:25 And even the comps in many of these cities are mostly, you know, ******* Democrats.
03:03:31 You know we we've all seen the the the cops kneeling at the BLM rallies and **** like that.
03:03:41 So why are they trying to get rid of them?
03:03:42 Well, that's all I can think of is.
03:03:48 Is that's one solution.
03:03:50 And it doesn't make sense it seems.
03:03:53 Like the kind of thing that.
03:03:55 If you are a serious person.
03:03:58 You would distance yourself from, and yet every big name on the left supports it.
03:04:03 I know they support like crazy ****, but this is pretty ******* out there.
03:04:06 Unless there's some other reason for it.
03:04:15 It's only been less than a year with Biden in office.
03:04:17 How long do we?
03:04:18 Have left.
Speaker 5
03:04:23 I don't know.
03:04:26 I don't know.
Speaker 9
03:04:28 But here's the thing.
03:04:29 Like, it's not something.
03:04:30 That you're going to obsess about if.
03:04:33 You have.
03:04:34 If you're focused on, you know, getting your homestead ready and all that stuff, you'll.
03:04:39 You'll learn to live with that, and you'll get comfortable with living, you know, not sucking from the tip of your wage, Massa.
03:04:51 And not handing over some.
03:04:52 Of the.
03:04:55 The wages to the landlord of the land, Massa.
03:05:02 So start working on that now.
03:05:06 And you want.
03:05:07 I mean, how much time do we have?
03:05:09 I don't know, but wouldn't you rather have prepared for it too early than?
03:05:14 Too late.
03:05:15 Let me just put it that way.
03:05:20 Three months into the Biden administration, yeah.
03:05:26 Good idea to buy property at inflated prices the day just to secure it or wait for a cash price on our I didn't.
03:05:34 You know, I've heard people say I haven't looked at property in a long time. I've heard people say that it's it's kind of a seller's market right now.
03:05:45 I don't know.
03:05:47 I just don't know.
03:05:48 I don't know what I guess I I.
03:05:49 Think some of that's regional.
03:05:52 Because there are parts of the country that seem totally immune from from market forces because there isn't, there's like no market there, you know, but.
Speaker 9
03:06:04 Yeah, you can always find cheap ******.
03:06:06 Land somewhere, but it's ******.
03:06:09 So I guess it just comes down to what you're willing.
03:06:11 To live with.
Speaker 9
03:06:12 And if it's, if it is expensive.
Speaker 5
03:06:16 I mean like I.
03:06:17 Said you have to save up for anyway, unless you've.
03:06:19 Already got like 100 grand laying around or something. I mean I.
03:06:22 Don't know. Maybe you do.
03:06:26 But yeah, I think one of the reasons why maybe some of the these homestead properties especially are going, I think I'm not the only one with this idea.
03:06:34 Lots of people are doing this.
03:06:37 Lots of people just on the.
03:06:38 Dissident right are doing this.
03:06:43 If the people that you think have a.
Speaker 5
03:06:45 Pretty good read.
03:06:46 On what's going on are all doing this.
03:06:48 I'm just saying I'm not saying like we know everything.
03:06:52 I don't.
03:06:52 I don't know why.
03:06:53 I don't know where this is going.
03:06:54 It might end up.
03:06:56 I could end up being totally wrong about everything.
03:06:58 I obviously I doubt that or I wouldn't be saying this, but I believe what I'm saying.
03:07:04 And I believe that it's a good idea to.
03:07:06 Get out of cities.
03:07:08 And there's some cities where it's.
03:07:10 A better idea?
Speaker 8
03:07:10 Than it is others.
03:07:16 Everyone's situation is so totally different, I get really uncomfortable about answering questions like that.
03:07:22 I can just tell you what I did.
03:07:24 And you know, some people are going to have situations where they have a plan that works out, that involves something, a totally different strategy.
03:07:36 Because everyone's situation is totally different.
03:07:39 I think regardless of that, whatever your strategy is, you should probably, I mean, there's certain there's certain cities you shouldn't be close to.
03:07:50 And with the Internet around, there's really.
03:07:51 No reason to be in in those cities.
03:07:55 Even if you want to get involved politically on the national level or something like that, you don't have to live in DC.
03:08:04 You know, even if you want to, you know, be a a coder or an app developer, you don't have to live in Silicon Valley.
03:08:16 You know, if you want to make.
03:08:18 Movies and we're going to.
03:08:20 Make that movie.
03:08:21 Still, you don't have to live in Hollywood, which we're.
03:08:25 Going to prove to the world.
Speaker 9
03:08:27 By making Dave the rope, the Crowdsource.
03:08:29 No, I have not forgotten.
03:08:33 Not at all.
03:08:34 I've actually been doing some.
03:08:35 I've been working on that a little bit in the background.
03:08:41 But yeah, thanks to the Internet, there's.
Speaker 8
03:08:43 A lot of.
03:08:43 Things you know, even if like.
03:08:47 I think it's probably better to have a job where you're working with your hands and you're able to make.
03:08:51 Money that way.
03:08:52 But even if you.
03:08:55 There's a lot of jobs.
03:08:56 Look, you don't have to be like, oh, I'm an entrepreneur and I'm going to write code and and make some app that's, you know, disruptive and.
03:09:05 And I'm going.
03:09:05 No, you're probably not.
03:09:07 But you don't have to do that.
03:09:10 You could just be like a contractor.
03:09:12 You could do contract work.
03:09:13 In fact, there's websites you can sign up for and just advertise your rates, say look and and yeah.
03:09:20 Are you going to get undercut by a lot of Indians and **** like that?
03:09:23 Yeah, but you can find clients.
03:09:25 Doing it all depends on what you can.
03:09:26 Do you can sell **** on Etsy?
03:09:29 You can, you know.
03:09:29 Like, if you're if you're.
03:09:32 Expenses are not that high.
Speaker 5
03:09:36 And you'd live like a.
03:09:37 Poor person like you don't live outside your means.
03:09:40 You don't have to make that much money.
03:09:44 And and if.
03:09:44 Long as you're not spending it and.
03:09:46 You can make that.
03:09:46 Ball of money work for you?
03:09:49 You can make.
03:09:50 It happen.
03:09:51 I'm not making money hand over fist over here.
03:09:53 I'm making it happen.
03:09:56 I just.
03:09:56 I lived cheaply, like I haven't been to a restaurant.
03:09:59 Well, I went to a restaurant.
03:10:00 My parents, when they came into town.
03:10:02 But before that I had been in.
03:10:03 A restaurant like.
03:10:07 Like maybe like 8 months and not because of like, you know the restaurants here around here are open.
03:10:14 I just don't eat out.
03:10:19 You know, I think I went to.
03:10:21 Maybe I went to a bar around New Year's or something.
03:10:24 I feel like I went to a bar at 1:00.
03:10:25 Point like around December but.
03:10:28 That was it.
03:10:31 You know, just don't just don't spend your money on stuff you can't afford.
03:10:36 Save, save, save, like I'm.
03:10:37 I'm trying to save money right now because.
03:10:40 Like I don't have any kind.
03:10:41 Of healthcare or rainy day fund.
03:10:45 So I'm trying to like build that up because it makes you nervous.
03:10:55 But most of you guys are young guys you got.
03:10:57 Some time I'm still relatively young.
03:10:59 I got some time.
03:11:01 Before I start falling apart and ****.
03:11:12 There are dying towns and many states the land.
03:11:14 And property around those are cheap.
03:11:15 Yeah, yeah.
03:11:16 I don't know if I'd want to live in.
03:11:18 In Pennsylvania.
03:11:20 But when I was looking around at cheap places, they were like, you could almost buy.
03:11:24 There was like a couple towns in Pennsylvania that that used to be like, I guess, coal mining towns or I don't know what they were.
03:11:30 But you could buy like.
03:11:31 These three Storey colonials.
03:11:34 Or I don't know the colonials.
03:11:35 They look kind of like they look kind of like the the row houses in San Francisco.
03:11:39 Like they have like that kind of style.
03:11:40 Selling they they, I mean some of.
03:11:45 These entire houses were like for three grand.
03:11:48 3 grand.
03:11:49 Now look, they were three grand and.
03:11:51 Needed a **** ton of work and maybe there was some like weird property tax I don't know about or something like that, like you have to do your due diligence, but like you can find weird places like that where?
03:12:03 I mean, **** I if we had the money, I think it would be great to try to.
03:12:07 Find a town that you could buy there.
03:12:09 Was a.
03:12:09 Guy, in fact, he's got a YouTube channel.
03:12:12 There was a guy that bought an entire town somewhere near.
03:12:16 Valley. It's an entire ******* town. It was like an old prospecting town. He bought the whole ******* town and it wasn't for much money. It was like less than 1,000,000.
03:12:24 Bucks like I don't remember what it was.
03:12:27 And it's it's huge like ****.
03:12:29 Ton of ******* land with, like, all these old mines and had, like a, you know, like an old the ruins of like a a Boomtown and **** like.
03:12:39 That in it.
03:12:40 But there's stuff like that that pops up.
03:12:42 I would love to somehow do something like that by just an entire town.
03:12:48 You see, those things pop up every once in a while and.
03:12:50 They're never expensive.
03:12:52 Well, I mean, you know, for a town, they're never expensive.
03:13:04 That one town has a permanent coal fire under it and toxic ******* gas building out of the cracks in the roads.
03:13:13 The the Death Valley town.
03:13:17 Or a different town.
03:13:22 If that's the Death Valley town, that's pretty funny.
03:13:24 I didn't know that.
03:13:28 It depends on the town and state.
03:13:30 You can find relatively cheap land and a lot of fairly nice places, but you're right, the catch is there's no work there.
Speaker 8
03:13:41 The the the.
Speaker 5
03:13:44 The key is.
03:13:47 You'd have to have.
03:13:49 A way of of.
03:13:51 Getting some income at the start, you know, so generally speaking that you either have to be close enough to other people to where you can, you know, even if it's working some ****** job at a gas station or.
03:14:02 Something like that.
03:14:04 You know and and the availability of those jobs or if you had Internet access and you could do your job over the Internet and a lot of people can do that.
03:14:12 And I know, I know not.
03:14:13 Everyone can, but there's a lot of people that have tech.
03:14:16 Jobs and jobs that can be done from home.
03:14:21 And so if you if you've got.
03:14:22 One of those jobs that you?
03:14:23 Kind of have a.
03:14:24 Leg up on the whole situation.
03:14:27 All right, we're going to wrap up here.
03:14:29 We're over 3 hours here.
03:14:31 I'll answer a couple of questions real quick.
03:14:34 Then I'm going to.
03:14:34 Get out of here.
03:14:35 What do?
Speaker 5
03:14:36 You think of white date dot.
03:14:38 Net honeypot or what?
03:14:39 Doc central?
03:14:40 So far it seems legit.
Speaker 9
03:14:44 I feel like.
Speaker 3
03:14:50 I don't know.
03:14:51 About that site, but I feel like.
03:14:58 There was like they there were people that knew.
03:15:02 One day on like red ice at some point or I don't know.
03:15:06 I can't vouch for it.
03:15:07 I don't know, but I feel like I would search for.
Speaker 9
03:15:10 Look and see who runs it.
03:15:13 Because I feel like people that are at.
03:15:15 Least somewhat respectable have.
03:15:18 Have promoted it before, so I don't.
03:15:21 Know what I would look into that.
03:15:26 Someone says I bet white debt is 99.9% guys, at least.
03:15:31 Are you going to do ham radio series you?
03:15:33 Talked about. Yeah, we.
03:15:34 We should.
03:15:34 We should talk about more ham stuff.
03:15:38 I've been doing a I've been doing a lot more fixing up of my my ham shack lately.
03:15:50 I can get out pretty I.
03:15:52 Can get out pretty ******* far on 20 meters.
03:15:58 So it said no white guilt has promoted it.
03:16:02 So ask him I guess.
03:16:07 What audio visualization do I use for my streams?
03:16:09 Asking because I'm getting into a little content creation, it looks real nice.
03:16:14 It's just a a VJ program.
03:16:18 Called magic.
03:16:26 It's a PA town called Centralia with oh, with the coal fire.
03:16:32 Ohh yeah.
03:16:32 No, that's not the one I was thinking of.
03:16:34 There's there's a couple PA towns like that.
03:16:37 It's not just one.
Speaker 9
03:16:40 There's a.
03:16:42 I was.
03:16:42 I was surprised.
03:16:43 This is well, maybe not now.
03:16:45 This was a couple of years ago.
03:16:46 This was when I went out to the desert and it was before I bought that land.
03:16:50 I was just looking all over the country because I didn't.
03:16:52 Really know where I was going to go and I found a weird amount of places in.
03:17:01 In Pennsylvania, but also in.
03:17:05 I want to say Indiana, maybe there was some other state that oh, no, Ohio.
03:17:13 A lot of places in Ohio.
03:17:15 That were just dirt ******* cheap.
03:17:18 But I don't know if there was some weird caps that I didn't know about.
03:17:21 I there was nothing that I could find.
03:17:24 When I looked into it.
03:17:26 But again, this was years ago, so I don't know.
Speaker 9
03:17:29 I'm just saying you can find.
03:17:31 Places that aren't expensive, you just have to.
03:17:34 Research it.
03:17:38 Someone saying that daughter, daughter of Albion has some good videos.
Speaker 8
03:17:46 What? What about white dating?
03:17:49 I don't know.
03:17:50 She has good videos.
03:17:51 I don't know if I've seen that her dating videos, if that's we're talking.
Speaker 5
03:17:57 What's up with the matrix group I?
03:17:58 Still haven't done that.
03:17:59 I've been.
03:18:02 I'm going to delegate that to.
03:18:03 Someone there's been people.
03:18:04 Who have offered to do it and I just haven't.
03:18:06 Gotten around to getting back to everybody.
03:18:09 But I looked.
03:18:09 I tried to find a way to just what I might do honestly just cause I feel.
03:18:13 Like I need to talk to the e-mail thing.
03:18:15 I I I'm glad we have it, but I feel like I just need to talk to.
03:18:19 ******* people to get a good read on.
03:18:21 You know about them.
03:18:22 And so I think what I'm going to do is just start a discord server temporarily.
03:18:27 And then invite people on there.
03:18:29 We can use it in the short term to coordinate setting up the matrix server.
03:18:35 That way I can actually talk to people and get a better feel for them.
03:18:39 And you know, we're not just sending emails back and forth that just like we'll have like.
03:18:46 Discord day, you know, and I'll go in for, like, a few hours and.
03:18:51 Do like job interviews or kind of or I don't know.
03:18:55 But that just seems like an easy way to.
03:18:56 Do it, it's.
03:18:57 Not like they're going to kill the discord server after a day.
03:19:01 I don't know.
03:19:02 Maybe they will.
03:19:05 Why do you guys think this movement have such a hard time getting girlfriends?
03:19:11 Well, because we this goes back to what?
03:19:14 I've been talking about.
03:19:16 We are not.
03:19:19 The the winning team.
03:19:22 Girls go with with the where they perceive the strength we are not in a position of strength.
03:19:28 And so just like the centrists, just like, you know.
03:19:33 Based Dilbert merchant.
03:19:36 What he's doing is very feminine.
03:19:40 He's going all the centrist people, they go where they think the resources are.
03:19:48 We are not where the resources are.
03:19:51 We're talking about buying dying towns with permanent coal fires on and with poisonous gas coming out.
03:19:57 Of the cracks in the streets.
Speaker 5
03:19:59 You know I.
03:19:59 Mean like, we're not exactly the high.
03:20:03 Rollers on the scene.
03:20:06 And so you have people, a lot of some of whom.
03:20:11 Are very autistic.
03:20:13 People who are willing to sacrifice for their principles.
03:20:17 And and and take social pay, some social consequences for these beliefs and for these.
03:20:28 Principles that they have and most women are not strong enough to withstand that.
03:20:37 Look, I've experienced it first hand.
03:20:42 Men are much better at being the.
03:20:48 Being a pariah.
03:20:53 Men are especially autistic men.
03:20:56 Men are much more comfortable not being socially accepted.
03:21:04 And our movement is not socially acceptable.
03:21:11 And so that drives a lot of women away.
03:21:14 It also kind of attracts unusual women.
03:21:20 That can be a good.
03:21:21 Thing could also be a bad thing.
03:21:24 I'm just saying.
03:21:27 Uh and so?
03:21:31 Yeah, it's tough.
03:21:31 It's tough out there and and it's just like it's just generally tough out there.
03:21:35 If you're not a degenerate, you know, comic book beta, ******, that's OK with your girlfriend having an only fans and ******* three other guys because she's Poly or like, whatever the ****, right?
03:21:50 You're going to have a hard time anyway.
03:21:54 You don't have to necessarily be a dissonant right person, you just have to.
03:21:57 Like want your.
03:21:58 Girlfriend to not have an only fans and not have * **** and not.
Speaker 6
03:22:04 **** other dudes.
03:22:06 And you've already kind of.
Speaker 3
03:22:08 Really limited the pool.
03:22:11 Another thing is, look, I'm just being honest.
03:22:14 There's a lot of people on the dissonant right that because of the anxiety and everything else, they don't take care of themselves.
Speaker 8
03:22:26 You know, they, they, they.
03:22:28 Are not improving themselves.
03:22:29 That's something that I think a lot of people on our side need to work on, including myself.
03:22:35 I need to I need.
03:22:36 To spend more time improving myself, I think everyone could spend more time doing that.
03:22:47 So you have that aspect like we just.
03:22:50 And look the other part of it too.
03:22:54 When you have a.
03:22:58 I've talked about this before, right?
03:23:00 Whole reason why they're.
03:23:01 Able to paint racists or like one of the reasons why they're able to paint racists is like a bunch of dumb ******* Hicks or dumb hillbillies or whatever, right?
03:23:10 One of the reasons why that generalization or that stereotype stuck was there was it there had to be a grain of truth.
03:23:18 Like every stereotype that sticks around, there has to be some kind of truth.
03:23:23 To it and they're just there and there is. And one of the reasons why there is is when you have replacement take place in a society like what you know, like what's going on in America, they don't start by replacing the CEO's. They don't start by replacing the ruling class. They don't start by replacing people.
03:23:43 With social status, they start by replacing.
03:23:46 You know, the people that are just like the kinds of jobs that an illegal immigrant can get by standing.
03:23:52 In front of Home Depot.
03:23:53 Those jobs they're taking from white people, those white people that were doing those kinds of jobs you're talking about like the lower end.
03:24:01 Of capability, you know, the white people that don't have, I mean they're they're low income, low class in some cases low intelligence, not necessarily always.
03:24:10 But like you.
03:24:10 Know let's just be honest here.
03:24:13 And So what happens is that demographic is affected first by the.
03:24:22 And so they sperg out about it, and the upper class is kind of just like looked down at them like, oh, you're just being a ******* stupid racist because it doesn't affect them.
03:24:33 Like it's not for and not for.
03:24:34 A while and.
03:24:35 Then you know a couple of decades later, now all of a sudden you got Indian guys coming across and taking their middle class job.
03:24:42 Right.
03:24:45 But the ruling class it's still not affecting them you.
03:24:48 Know those aren't.
03:24:49 The ones actually engineering this whole thing.
03:24:52 So they still look down on you and I think right now we're at.
03:24:54 That point where it's just.
03:24:56 It's middle class are now.
03:24:57 Being directly affected by this ****.
03:25:00 And not just.
03:25:00 Because of the immigration.
03:25:01 But just like the institutionalized racism against white people, when it comes to college.
03:25:05 Commissions where it comes to just, you know, hiring quotas and just when it comes to the media just portraying as every straight you know, every straight white male is just, you know, bumbling buffoon or evil or, you know, so you have an entire society that's systemic.
03:25:23 Really trying to demonize you and and really hurt you in in every tangible and intangible way that they possibly can.
03:25:35 I mean, that's just.
03:25:35 That's just real.
03:25:38 And but because of that initial.
03:25:43 Stereotype that was established by the 1st wave of people to get displaced by the illegal immigrants and stuff like that, that also kind of adds like this.
03:25:54 I mean that's that's now that's part of the stereotype.
03:25:57 It's not going to go away.
03:25:59 And so women have, like I said, women like status.
03:26:02 Generally speaking, women like status.
03:26:06 And being a racist white guy, that's like.
Speaker 5
03:26:10 Can you think?
03:26:11 Of anything lower status in in our society right now.
03:26:18 I can't.
03:26:22 I really can't, I can't think.
Speaker 5
03:26:24 Of if you're a straight white male.
03:26:27 Racist, you know that.
03:26:30 That, unless you're like a billionaire or a millionaire, and even then.
03:26:37 You are pretty much the worst that the the.
03:26:41 The worst person socially.
Speaker 9
03:26:47 So it's not that we.
03:26:48 Don't have great guys.
03:26:49 We got.
03:26:49 We got ******* awesome guys and we even have some awesome women.
Speaker 5
03:26:53 Just that when you do.
Speaker 9
03:26:54 The numbers, that's.
03:26:55 Just the way it it works out.
03:26:59 So I would say if you want to meet women.
03:27:03 That are that are.
03:27:05 Quote UN quote based you know it's.
03:27:06 Going to be tough.
Speaker 5
03:27:08 It would be easier.
03:27:09 For you to find a knot like a woman that just doesn't pay attention to politics or whatever and just mold or soft little mind.
03:27:18 That's honestly, that's not even that hard to do.
03:27:23 If they don't pay attention, like what?
03:27:25 The hell is going on in?
03:27:26 The world it they don't feel strongly about it.
03:27:29 Which means that they're going to be pretty loosey Goosey about it.
03:27:32 And you can.
03:27:33 You know, if you're able to dominate them, you can, you know, which you should.
03:27:40 Your woman shouldn't be dominating you.
03:27:45 You should be able to.
03:27:48 Flash that part of their memory pretty easy.
03:27:56 Just don't try to find, I think too many.
03:27:57 People try to find.
03:28:01 Someone who's going to be like this.
03:28:05 Like them, without * ****, you know?
03:28:09 Just don't try to find yourself.
03:28:11 With a dress on, you know.
03:28:13 Just realize women are different.
03:28:16 And you're never going to find exactly you, nor should you want to.
03:28:32 Answer My e-mail about discord.
03:28:33 Happy to set it up for you and you can search my name and find bit shoot account or you can DM me on telegram.
03:28:41 Happy to Dox myself to you to prove the same guy with three-year old 7K follower bit shoot. Alright Dan, the Oracle.
03:28:51 I'll remember that.
03:28:52 Or let me write it down.
03:28:53 Because I won't remember unless.
03:28:54 I do that and.
03:28:55 Then I'm going to get out of here.
03:29:00 Let's see here, Dan, the Oracle.
03:29:05 Wrong button there.
Speaker 8
03:29:12 OK. And I will do.
Speaker 6
03:29:14 That alright guys, thanks for coming in.
03:29:21 I the movie review thing I was talking about that I I mentioned the last stream.
03:29:27 I didn't have time to to cut it all up, but that we'll be doing that this week, possibly on.
03:29:38 What with Thursday?
03:29:38 Right.
03:29:39 Possibly Thursday.
03:29:42 But that's going to be a good one.
03:29:45 Excuse me now I also have the secret message stuff I had I had to do some computer surgery.
03:29:51 The the unexpected computer surgery.
03:29:54 Because I'm working on something and.
03:29:55 It started to melt.
03:29:57 Like, literally melt some things.
03:29:59 And so it's like this ongoing ******* battle.
03:30:02 I think it's.
03:30:02 I need to might I might just be able to.
03:30:04 I have to bite the bullet and buy some new.
03:30:05 Stuff because they keep trying to like reuse old parts and it just.
03:30:10 I'm creating more weak links, but at least the the motherboard, the expensive parts holding up the stuff that the part that was breaking before that, I mean the computer hasn't shut.
03:30:18 Off or rebooted.
03:30:19 Anything weird?
03:30:21 It's just a matter of having these old S video cards because ******* any video cards are expensive.
03:30:25 Now, what the ****?
03:30:27 Well, I think.
03:30:27 It's because of all the.
03:30:28 The crypto mining is just ******* destroyed.
03:30:31 I mean, there's I've got.
03:30:32 Video cards that are like 5 ******* years.
03:30:34 Old that are.
03:30:36 Pretty much worth the same, if not more than what I paid for them.
03:30:40 5 ******* years ago.
03:30:41 It's like, what the ****?
03:30:43 And again, anything new, it's like you're going to be paying like 1000 ******* dollars. It's ridiculous.
03:30:49 So yeah, **** the crypto mining I had.
03:30:53 No idea.
03:30:54 It was as bad.
03:30:54 As it was, I was just like looking around, just like oh.
03:30:57 You know what?
03:30:57 **** it.
03:30:57 I'm just gonna get.
03:30:59 I'm sick.
03:30:59 Because here's the problem is I got these water blocks right for for these old video cards.
03:31:06 When everything was water cooled.
03:31:07 And one of the reasons why I did that.
03:31:09 Was because I was rendering out using my my video.
03:31:13 You know the the NVIDIA CUDA cores to render the the stuff.
Speaker 5
03:31:19 And it it melted the.
03:31:24 The plastic.
03:31:26 Crap that goes over you know.
03:31:28 You know the the big gaming cards.
03:31:30 At least they used to have, like the big plastic sheath with the the the flimsy ******* fans in there.
03:31:36 It melted the the the fan mounts and the the plastic sheath around it like and overheated the card and funked up some **** so that's why.
03:31:46 Like I had to water, cool or get a new car.
03:31:49 And I was like, yeah, I'm.
03:31:50 I'm a water cool.
03:31:51 And so I, you know, I threw away the the old.
03:31:55 Heat sink because it was all melted up and.
03:31:58 Thinking like, well, I.
03:31:59 Don't care because I'm just going to water, cool, and then eventually I'm going to upgrade anyway.
03:32:04 Turns out for me to upgrade from that card.
03:32:06 I mean, just to buy that.
03:32:07 Card again on used.
03:32:11 I mean, you're talking like it's like *******.
03:32:12 $700.
Speaker 9
03:32:15 There's no way I paid.
03:32:16 $700.00 for.
03:32:17 That ******* card.
03:32:17 When I got it.
03:32:19 And to get a new car, it's like $900. And you can't just.
03:32:23 Buy just the ******* heat sink ****.
03:32:28 I looked around so I think I might just have to stay water cooled.
03:32:32 I didn't want to do that.
Speaker 9
03:32:34 I really.
03:32:34 Didn't want to.
03:32:34 Do that so anyway.
03:32:37 Too much information about stupid **** you probably don't care about.
03:32:41 Anyway, sorry I'm I'm a little tired.
03:32:43 I've been up.
03:32:45 Very long, almost 24 hours today so.
03:32:50 You guys all have a good evening.
03:32:54 A good rest.
Speaker 6
03:32:55 Of your day.
03:32:58 We'll be back here again soon.
03:33:00 4 black pilled.
03:33:01 I am, of course.
03:33:04 Devon stag.
Speaker 3
03:33:14 The subject of what I'm going to talk about today is the influence of intelligence on politics.
03:33:23 That's the general term.
03:33:25 I'm going to speak more specific about the influence of Mossad.
03:33:30 I'm on your government.
03:33:33 What is that in here?
03:33:35 Now be further.
03:33:36 Let me explain to you where I come from.
03:33:38 In my opinion, I believe in the right of the State of Israel to be a state.
03:33:44 I believe in the freedom of the Israeli citizens to have those freedom and their right to have those freedom.
03:33:51 I believe in the fact.
03:33:54 That there should be as baffled as declared.
03:33:59 A home for the Jewish people in the land of Palestine, which has a second part to it without impeding the rights of the indigenous population there.
Speaker 6
03:34:13 Now that's maybe where.
Speaker 3
03:34:14 I differ from a lot of other.
03:34:16 But the fact that I do.
03:34:17 Believe that people have.
03:34:18 Bikes, wherever they are.
03:34:24 I should go a little bit further back in the creation of the State of Israel Zionism stands for.
03:34:32 Really not a religious statement.
03:34:35 It looks at Israel as a Zionism is a secular movement.
03:34:39 It's a movement to giving the Jewish people give them a home in the land of Israel.
03:34:44 It is not a messianic movement.
03:34:48 Because if we go to messianic movements and we go back to the Bible and we go back to those people who are extremely religious, in Israel will tell you that they're anti Zionist because they say we as Jews cannot go back to Israel unless we fulfill what's said in the Bible.
03:35:04 Which means wait until the Messiah comes.
03:35:06 And brings you back.
03:35:08 So if we go back as a religious group, we have no rights to the land.
03:35:13 So there's a contradiction right there that a lot of people.
03:35:16 Can't live with.
03:35:17 And they have a problem with that.
03:35:20 Now if you look at the KGB, for example, or or the CIA for that matter, you will find.
03:35:25 Out that they have.
03:35:27 Hundreds of thousands of people working for them as a as an infrastructure.
03:35:32 They can't operate in the intelligence agency, cannot operate without an infrastructure, just to give you an example, let's assume you have a station in.
03:35:37 London, in order to have a.
03:35:40 You need.
03:35:41 You need doctors.
03:35:43 You need drivers, need cars, need apartments.
03:35:46 We need people.
03:35:46 Buy food who sell.
03:35:48 You need people who get the tickets you get.
03:35:50 We need a.
03:35:50 Lot of people around the actual operatives.
03:35:53 The guy who goes out and recruits.
03:35:55 Somebody leaves a lot of backing.
03:35:57 He can't do it on his own.
03:35:59 When the sun is very small, we're talking about an organization that has about 1200 people, including secretaries, environment.
03:36:06 But how do we spread that across the entire world that we have to gather information from because we see on the side cannot have a station in the masters?
03:36:16 Because it has.
03:36:16 No embassy there.
03:36:18 We cannot have an open station, So what you.
03:36:21 Do is this?
03:36:23 You open a station in London.
03:36:27 With five bombs.
03:36:30 Sorry, that's a mess.
03:36:40 These five guys are the actual case officers.
03:36:46 Then what? You.
03:36:47 Do is you get people to come from Israel and they scout the country and they come up with?
03:36:52 A lot of names of the.
03:36:53 Jewish community in London.
03:36:56 And these guys, they'll go out and they'll approach a doctor, a Jewish doctor in.
03:37:01 London, they say, listen.
03:37:02 We need your help in order to save Jews as well, and we will.
03:37:07 We might be turning to you.
03:37:08 Will you be helpful to us?
03:37:12 70% turned down.
03:37:15 But nobody will ever turn them in.
03:37:18 And that's a very important factor.
03:37:20 You can go to another.
03:37:21 Guy, another guy, another guy before you know it, you've got 304 hundred people in London who are supporting the station and the car will pick up the phone. You say Mr. so and so I need the car. I don't need it registered.
03:37:33 An hour later, you can pick up the call.
03:37:35 I'll need a safe house 2 hours later.
03:37:37 You have a safe house.
03:37:38 I need a.
03:37:38 Doctor, I need pickets.
03:37:40 I need transportation.
03:37:41 Need 300,000.
03:37:42 Dollars in an hour at 12:00 at night.
03:37:45 He get back when he opens the bank and he.
03:37:47 Picks it up because he knows 2 days.
03:37:48 From now and now, he's going.
03:37:49 To be back, we're good for it.